_id,text,title,trans_text 1622,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss stocks - Factors to watch on Feb 19?,,스위스 주식 - 2월 19일 주목해야 할 요소들? 2545,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Oil slips as OPEC, Iran worries bump against U.S. output?",,"UPDATE 6-석유 가격 하락, OPEC 및 이란 우려가 미국 생산과 충돌하다." 2316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Net Element Appoints Najarian To Board Of Directors?,,"브리프-넷 엘리먼트, 나자리안을 이사회에 임명" 7401,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple, Goldman Sachs Make an Unusual Team for a Credit Card?",,애플과 골드만 삭스가 신용카드를 위해 이례적인 팀을 구성하다. 405,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maxar First Quarter 2018 Investor Call Scheduled for Wednesday, May 9?",,맥사(Mixar) 2018년 1분기 투자자 전화 회의가 5월 9일 수요일로 예정되어 있습니다. 4540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Equinix Announces Pricing of €750 million Senior Notes Offering?,,"에퀴닉스, 7억 5천만 유로 규모의 선순위 채권 발행 가격 발표" 8543,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The wrong investments are sabotaging your retirement plans?,,잘못된 투자가 당신의 은퇴 계획을 방해하고 있다 681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.K. eyes reprisals after Russia misses deadline to explain ex-spy’s poisoning - MarketWatch?,,"영국, 러시아가 전 스파이 독살 사건에 대한 설명 기한을 놓친 후 보복을 검토하다 - 마켓워치" 5247,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VMware cuts a small percentage of employees?,,VMware가 소규모 직원 감축을 발표하다. 3168,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mohammed A. Markatia to join Arbitrade Board of Directors?,,모하메드 A. 마르카티아가 아비트레이드 이사회에 합류할 예정입니다. 4701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google launches a big news initiative to fight false news and help publishers make money?,,"구글, 허위 뉴스에 맞서고 발행자가 수익을 올릴 수 있도록 돕는 대규모 뉴스 이니셔티브 발표" 9234,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Italian allure?,,브레이킹뷰즈 TV: 이탈리아의 매력? 6043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commodities tomorrow: Crude tumbles with stocks?,,내일의 원자재: 주식과 함께 급락하는 원유 2046,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson: Timeline of Their Ups and Downs?,,도널드 트럼프와 렉스 틸러슨: 그들의 우여곡절의 타임라인? 3663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pegasus Announces Sale of Pure Biofuels Del Peru to Valero?,,"페가수스, 발레로에 페루의 퓨어 바이오퓨얼즈 매각 발표" 1734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart Founding Family Faces Test in Humana Acquisition Talks?,,"월마트 창립 가족, 휴마나 인수 협상에서 시험대에 서다" 8691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia's Mohamad set to become world's oldest elected leader?,,"말레이시아의 모하맛, 세계에서 가장 나이 많은 선출직 지도자가 될 예정이다." 3333,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sysco Corporation Announces Pricing of Its Pending Cash Tender Offer to Purchase up to $230,538,000 Combined Aggregate Principal Amount of Certain Outstanding Senior Notes and Debentures?",,"시스코 코퍼레이션, 특정 발행된 선순위 채권 및 채무증권의 총 230,538,000달러에 달하는 현금 입찰 제안 가격 책정을 발표하다." 4069,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Death toll in Russia shopping mall fire reaches 56?,,러시아 쇼핑몰 화재 사망자 수 56명으로 증가 7312,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crypto investors advises hold bitcoin cash and ethereum, sell ripple?",,암호화폐 투자자들이 비트코인 캐시와 이더리움을 보유하고 리플을 매도할 것을 권장합니다. 3208,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel, Macron meet to plot euro zone reform road map?",,"메르켈, 마크롱, 유로존 개혁 로드맵을 구상하기 위해 회동하다." 2794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Thai Beverage Announces Cessation Of Narong Srisa-An As Vice Chairman?,,"BRIEF-태국 음료, 나롱 스리사안을 부회장에서 해임한다고 발표" 4652,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia, China to obstruct U.S. attempt to sabotage Iran nuclear deal: TASS?",,"러시아, 중국, 미국의 이란 핵 합의 파괴 시도를 저지할 것이라고 타스 통신 보도." 2597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EMCOR Group Says Q4 Revenue Rose 3.2 Pct To $2.01 Bln?,,"브리프-EMCOR 그룹, Q4 수익 3.2% 증가해 20억 1천만 달러 도달." 2954,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GRAINS-U.S. soybeans drop on bleak export view; corn, wheat weak?",,"GRAINS-미국 대두, 암울한 수출 전망에 하락; 옥수수 및 밀 약세" 9542,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Good Times Restaurants to Release Second Quarter Earnings Results on Thursday, May 10, 2018?",,"굿 타임스 레스토랑, 2018년 5월 10일 목요일에 2분기 실적 발표 예정" 1812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gumaker Remington files for bankruptcy?,,검 제조업체 레밍턴이 파산 신청을 하다. 1659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Riot Blockchain Appoints Christopher Ensey As Chief Operating Officer?,,"BRIEF-Riot Blockchain, Christopher Ensey를 최고 운영 책임자(CEO)로 임명." 9566,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan jobless rate hits 25-year low, inflation ticks up?",,"일본의 실업률이 25년 만에 최저치에 도달하고, 인플레이션이 상승세를 보인다." 6631,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi's Ibrahim to keep control of regional broadcaster MBC - executive?,,"사우디의 이브라힘, 지역 방송사 MBC의 통제 유지 - 경영진" 3830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intevac: 1Q Earnings Snapshot?,,인테백: 1분기 실적 개요 3602,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIONSGATE TO RELEASE FISCAL 2018 THIRD QUARTER EARNINGS AND HOLD ANALYST AND INVESTOR CONFERENCE CALL AFTER MARKET CLOSE ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8?",,"LIONSGATE, 2018 회계연도 3분기 실적 발표 및 투자자 및 분석가 컨퍼런스 콜을 2월 8일 목요일 시장 마감 후 개최한다." 806,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stricken tanker leaves large oil slick in East China Sea?,,동아시아 해역에서 유조선이 큰 기름 유막을 남기다 491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House: Kelly became 'fully aware' of allegations against ex-aide on Wednesday?,,백악관: 켈리는 수요일에 전 보좌관에 대한 혐의를 '완전히 인지'하게 됐다. 6966,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WTA International, Hobart Results?",,"WTA 인터내셔널, 호바트 결과" 3527,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vegetables tied to artery health for older women?,,노인 여성의 동맥 건강과 관련된 채소들 6315,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of England to raise rates in May, almost all economists say - Reuters poll?",,"""영국은행, 거의 모든 경제학자들이 말하는 대로 5월에 금리를 인상할 예정 - 로이터 여론 조사""" 3885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Change of Esaote's Ownership has Been Completed?,,에사오테 소유권 변경이 완료되었습니다. 3961,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Stocks Stall as Yields, Oil Reach New Heights?",,글로벌 주식이 금리와 석유 가격이 새로운 정점에 도달하면서 주춤하다. 9882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Adveo Starts Talks With Unions To Close Its Warehouse In Germany?,,BRIEF-Adveo가 독일의 창고를 폐쇄하기 위해 노조와 협상 시작 546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CONSENSUS utili società FTSE Mib * stime al 28 marzo Società Estere?,,CONSENSUS utili 회사 FTSE Mib * 3월 28일 추정 외국 회사 9994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Infusystem Holdings Reports Q4 Loss Per Share $0.79?,,"BRIEF-인퓨시스템 홀딩스, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.79 보고" 9707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Novo Nordisk remains on hunt for biopharma deals?,,"노보 노르디스크, 바이오제약 거래 모색 지속" 3257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 北朝鮮、米朝首脳会談の中止を改めて示唆=外務次官 - WSJ?,,"북한, 미북 정상 회담 중단을 다시 시사=외무 차관 - WSJ" 194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Targets Risk With Bureaucracy Overhaul?,,"중국, 관료제 개혁으로 리스크 목표 설정" 6179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Call for more women speakers spurs rival California cyber security conference?,,여성 연사의 추가 다수를 촉구하는 것이 경쟁하는 캘리포니아 사이버 보안 회의를 촉발하다. 2955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mysquare Says Agreed To Issue £2.11 Million Of Unsecured Convertible Bonds?,,"브리핑-마이스퀘어, 211만 파운드 규모의 무담보 전환사채 발행 결정 발표" 190,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia sovereign wealth fund targets infrastructure projects?,,"러시아 국부 펀드, 인프라 프로젝트를 겨냥하다." 4568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bimobject Signs Cooperation Agreement With Zynka BIM?,,"""브리프 - 비엠오브젝트, 진카 BIM과 협력 계약 체결""" 7849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cenovus in 'active negotiations' with railways to move crude?,,"브리프-세노버스, 원유 운송을 위한 철도와 '활발한 협상' 중" 8117,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Netcoins Hires Dave Kennett as VP Sales?,,"넷코인, 데이브 케넷을 VP 세일즈로 채용" 5696,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Levenguk Completes Placement Of BO-01 Series Bonds In Full?,,"레벤국, BO-01 시리즈 채권 전량 배치 완료" 466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy - Factors to watch on May 30?,,이탈리아 - 5월 30일 주목해야 할 요소들 7075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nigerian state oil firm's board to decide on refinery financiers this month?,,"이번 달, 나이지리아 주 정부 석유 회사 이사회가 정유소 자금 지원자에 대한 결정을 내릴 예정입니다." 4190,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China moves to ensure vegetable supplies as severe winter bites?,,"중국, 심각한 겨울철에 채소 공급 보장을 위한 조치 취해" 2551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Relegated Stoke appoint Rowett as new manager?,,"강등된 스토크, 로웻을 새 감독으로 임명하다." 1352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italian state lender CDP to take 5% stake in Telecom Italia: Report?,,"이탈리아 국영 은행 CDP, 텔레콤 이탈리아의 5% 지분 인수 예정: 보도" 6471,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grand Slam, Australian Open Women's Singles Results?",,"그랜드 슬램, 호주 오픈 여성 단식 결과" 4707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Al Wathba National Insurance FY Profit Rises?,,브리프 - 알 와트바 국가 보험 FY 이익 증가 5645,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia ready for talks with Ukraine on gas transit, Putin says?",,푸틴은 러시아가 우크라이나와 가스 전송에 대한 논의에 준비가 되어 있다고 말했습니다. 2295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea minister says military option 'unacceptable' on North Korea crisis?,,"남한 장관, 북한 위기에서 군사적 옵션은 '용납할 수 없다'고 말하다." 975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 20 Years of School Shootings?,,20년 간의 학교 총격 사건 1413,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Interview: Google Cloud, GSuite chief Diane Greene?",,"인터뷰: 구글 클라우드, GSuite 책임자 다이안 그린" 8976,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blaze destroys hundreds of cars, melts floors of Liverpool car park?",,블레이즈가 수백 대의 자동차를 소각하고 리버풀 차량 주차장의 바닥을 녹이다 9760,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pitney Bowes gets interest from Blackstone, Carlyle - FT, citing Bloomberg?",,"피니 보우스(Pitney Bowes)가 블랙스톤(Blackstone)과 카일(Carlyle)로부터 관심을 받다 - FT, 블룸버그 인용" 5576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India to sell 76 percent stake in state-run carrier Air India?,,"인도, 국영 항공사 에어 인디아의 76% 지분 매각 결정" 5675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Senate rushes to clinch budget deal to avert gov't shutdown?,,미국 상원이 정부 폐쇄를 피하기 위해 예산 거래 성사를 서두르고 있다? 3938,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Boeing, Ford lead list of casualties in China-U.S. trade spat?",,"미국 주식 - 보잉과 포드, 중국-미국 무역 갈등에서 피해를 본 주요 기업 목록 선두." 1608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia: Efforts to link us to ill ex-agent in UK designed to spoil ties - Reuters?,,러시아: 우리를 영국의 아픈 전직 요원과 연결 지으려는 노력은 관계를 망치기 위한 것이다 - 로이터 8845,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nanoco Group Announces Formation On New Unit?,,"브리프-나노코 그룹, 새로운 유닛 설립 발표" 94,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leicester reject Manchester City bid for Mahrez - report?,,"레스터, 마하레즈에 대한 맨체스터 시티의 입찰을 거절 - 보도" 3151,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After a Century of Daylight Saving Time, Benefits Are Still Unclear?",,"1세기 동안의 일광 절약 시간제, 그 이점은 여전히 불분명하다?" 7354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Modigliani painting fetches more than $157 million at auction?,,모디리아니의 그림이 경매에서 1억 5천 7백만 달러 이상에 팔렸다. 6842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar skids to a 5-month low against the yen as risk appetite returns to markets?,,달러가 위험 선호가 시장에 돌아오면서 엔화 대비 5개월 최저치로 하락하다 2170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Okomu Oil FY Turnover 20.26 Bln Naira Vs 14.36 Bln Naira Year Ago?,,"브리프 - 오코무 오일 FY 매출 2020억 6000만 나이라, 작년 143억 6000만 나이라 대비 증가." 8787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian opposition leader Navalny says police will not prevent him from joining protest?,,"러시아 야당 지도자 나발니, 경찰이 그가 시위에 참가하는 것을 막지 못할 것이라고 말하다." 6622,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European shares pull back on Syria tensions; strong update lifts Tesco?,,"유럽 주식, 시리아 긴장 속에서 하락; 강력한 실적 발표로 테스코 주가 상승" 1757,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Trade Is Already Weakening, War or Not?",,"글로벌 무역이 이미 약화되고 있다, 전쟁 여부와 상관없이." 7338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Renault-Nissan group pips VW to become top-selling carmaker in 2017?,,"르노-닛산 그룹, 2017년 폭스바겐을 제치고 최고의 자동차 제조업체로 등극" 7892,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BoE's Broadbent apologizes for 'menopausal' remark?,,"""BoE의 브로드벤트, '폐경기' 발언에 사과""" 4127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: California's largest steel company could be harmed by Trump's tariffs?,,캘리포니아 최대의 철강회사가 트럼프의 관세로 피해를 볼 수 있다? 228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea: Full statement from President Moon Jae In?,,한국: 문재인 대통령의 전체 성명 5436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: San Francisco to require permits for rental scooters?,,"샌프란시스코, 렌탈 스쿠터에 대한 허가증 요구할 계획" 7599,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. Appoints Daniel J. Ryan as Co-Chief Investment Officer?",,"알렉산드리아 리얼 에스테이트 에쿼티스, Inc.가 다니엘 J. 라이언을 공동 최고 투자 책임자로 임명하다." 9065,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AMSC to Report Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results on February 5, 2018?",,AMSC는 2018년 2월 5일 2017 회계연도 3분기 재무 결과를 보고할 예정입니다. 4065,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China opposes U.S. pro-Taiwan bills welcomed by Taipei?,,"중국, 타이완을 지원하는 미국의 법안에 반대하며 타이완은 환영 표현" 253,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India to crack down on journalists publishing fake news?,,"인도, 가짜 뉴스 보도하는 언론인 단속 나선다." 1483,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morrisons to cut 1,500 management jobs?",,"모리슨스, 1,500명의 관리직 일자리 축소 예정" 4522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Irish finance minister expects UK to honor December Brexit deal?,,"아일랜드 재무장관, 영국이 12월 브렉시트 합의를 존중할 것으로 기대한다고 밝혀." 4565,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Victory Bancorp, Inc. Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend?",,"Victory Bancorp, Inc.가 분기 현금 배당금을 발표했습니다." 8795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Packaging Corporation Of America Q1 Sales $1.7 Billion?,,브리프 - 미국 포장 회사 1분기 매출 17억 달러 1062,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Truck strikes pedestrians, vehicle in San Francisco, injuring seven?",,샌프란시스코에서 트럭이 보행자와 차량을 충돌시켜 7명이 부상당하다. 2576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macau police hunt VIP dealer after $6 million theft from Wynn?,,"마카오 경찰, 윈 카지노에서 600만 달러 절도 사건 후 VIP 딜러 추적 중" 3500,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WEF's Klaus Schwab: What to Expect in 2018?,,WEF의 클라우스 슈밥: 2018년에 기대할 내용은? 5597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's Ukita suspended for one game for kicking motion?,,"일본의 우키타, 발길질로 1게임 출장 정지 처분 받아" 797,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. will help NK if it denuclearizes: Pompeo?,,미국은 북한이 비핵화하면 도움을 줄 것이라고 폼페오가 말했습니다. 7330,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Latest: Ex-coal baron Senate bid: 'Slap' for miner's dad?,,최신 소식: 전 석탄 귀족의 상원 입후보: '광부의 아버지에게 가한 슬랩'? 2390,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coffee Holding Co., Inc. Reports Results for Three Months Ended January 31, 2018?",,"커피 홀딩 컴퍼니, Inc. 2018년 1월 31일 종료된 3개월 동안의 결과 보고" 8687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pihlajalinna Starts Codetermination Negotiations?,,"피흘라얀나, 공동 결정 협상 시작" 8698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Smallville’ Actress Accused of Participating in Cultlike Group Released From Jail?,,"‘스몰빌’ 여배우, 컬트 같은 단체 참여 혐의로 감옥에서 석방" 5768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Guitar-Maker Gibson Brands Files for Bankruptcy?,,"기타 제조업체 깁슨 브랜드, 파산 신청 접수" 8312,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: John Laing Infrastructure Fund aims to replace collapsed Carillion on projects?,,"존 레인지 인프라 펀드, 붕괴된 카릴리온의 프로젝트를 대체할 계획" 5963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. mass shooting survivors pay it forward with two short films?,,미국 총기 난사 생존자들이 두 개의 단편 영화로 보답하다. 3883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SEBI to take steps to make algorithmic trading cheaper?,,SEBI가 알고리즘 거래를 더 저렴하게 만들기 위한 조치를 취할 예정이다. 8271,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lavrov heckled at Syria peace talks?,,"""시리아 평화 회담에서 헤클당한 라브로프""" 5318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Findings of Cricket Australia ball-tampering investigation?,,크리켓-크리켓 호주 공調整 조사 결과 발표 9943,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OMA announces First Quarter 2018 Operational and Financial Results?,,"OMA, 2018년 첫 분기 운영 및 재무 결과 발표" 5570,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bangladesh to sue Manila bank over $81 mln heist?,,"방글라데시, 8100만 달러 해킹 사건으로 마닐라 은행을 상대로 소송 제기 예정" 7063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Khoday India Dec Qtr Loss Narrows?,,"브리프-코다이 인디아, 12월 분기 손실 축소" 3414,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scott M. Purviance Appointed Chief Executive Officer of AmWINS Group, Inc.?",,"스콧 M. 퍼비언스, AmWINS Group, Inc.의 최고 경영자에 임명됨." 9756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The US budget process adds more uncertainty on the dollar?,,미국 예산 과정이 달러에 대한 더 많은 불확실성을 더하다 3016,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: With Russia on his mind, Trump looks for tougher approach on Syria - sources?",,"러시아를 염두에 두고, 트럼프는 시리아에 대한 더 강한 접근 방식을 모색하고 있다 - 소식통." 2763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart to launch online grocery delivery in Japan in deal with Rakuten?,,"월마트, 라쿠텐과 제휴하여 일본에서 온라인 식료품 배달 서비스 시작 예정" 2330,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weather disasters cost U.S. record $306 billion in 2017 -NOAA?,,"2017년, 기상 재해로 인해 미국이 기록적인 3060억 달러를 지출했다 -NOAA" 4985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: /R E P E A T -- Drone Delivery Canada Appoints Jim Williams Director of Regulatory Affairs USA/?,,"/다시 전합니다 -- Drone Delivery Canada, Jim Williams를 미국 규제 Affairs 이사로 임명/" 6878,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: KFC Introduces ‘Bitcoin Bucket,’ a Cryptocurrency Meal Deal | Fortune?",,"KFC, '비트코인 버킷'을 도입하며 암호화폐 식사 거래 시작 | 포ortune" 8666,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SoftBank says preparations underway to list Japan telecoms unit?,,"소프트뱅크, 일본 통신 부문의 상장을 위한 준비 작업 진행 중이라고 밝혀" 8819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gold hits highest level since August 2016 in wake of Trump's missile threat?,,"골드, 트럼프의 미사일 위협 속에서 2016년 8월 이후 최고 수준 도달" 4479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar holds below 3-1/2 month highs before Fed?,,"FOREX-달러, 연준(Fed) 회의 전 3개월 반 최고치 아래에서 유지" 7102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thai drugmaker Besins escapes testosterone replacement litigation?,,"태국 제약사 베신스, 테스토스테론 대체 치료 소송에서 면제받아" 9243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-What you need to know?,,실시간 시장 - 당신이 알아야 할 것들? 3934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street opens lower as rising bond yields weigh?,,"월스트리트, 상승하는 채권 수익률 압박 속에 하락세로 개장" 9932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fibra Inn Announces Results for the First Quarter of 2018?,,"피브라 인, 2018년 첫 분기 결과 발표" 8718,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cellcom Israel Schedules Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results Release for March 26, 2018?",,"셀콤 이스라엘, 2018년 3월 26일 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표 일정 공지" 7932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wynn Resorts Announces First Quarter Earnings Release Date?,,"윈 리조트, 1분기 실적 발표 날짜 발표" 4274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer - Conservative Valverde blasted after 'historic debacle'?,,축구 - '역사적인 참사' 이후 비판받는 보수적 발데르데 2441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RLH Corporation Signs Franchise Agreements With 10 Inner Circle Management Hotels?,,"RLH 코퍼레이션, 10개 Inner Circle Management 호텔과 프랜차이즈 계약 체결" 8448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-City Of London Investment Management Urges 2 Directors To Resign From China Fund's Board?,,"브리프-시티 오브 런던 투자 관리, 중국 펀드 이사회에서 2명의 이사 사임 촉구" 6356,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's Shree Renuka to attempt sale of Brazil sugar mills again?,,"인도의 쉬리 레누카, 브라질 설탕 공장 매각 시도를 다시 할 예정" 4035,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dollar General Reports Q4 Adjusted EPS $1.48?,,"브리프 - 달러 제너럴, 4분기 조정 주당순이익 1.48달러 보고" 5741,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exxon Baytown, Texas refinery gasoline unit shut: trade sources?",,"엑슨 베이타운, 텍사스 정유 공장 가솔린 유닛 중단: 거래 소식통" 6726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon cuts ties with top Washington lobbying firms - Bloomberg?,,"아마존, 워싱턴의 주요 로비 회사들과 관계를 끊다 - 블룸버그" 9897,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BMW manager set to join E.ON supervisory board as energy, auto sectors converge?",,BMW 관리자가 에너지와 자동차 산업의 융합에 따라 E.ON 감독위원회에 합류 예정 7588,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CBS-Viacom Merger on Shaky Ground as Companies Fight Over Leadership, Price?",,"CBS-바이아콤 합병, 기업들이 리더십과 가격을 두고 갈등을 겪으며 흔들리는 상황" 8991,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook’s Zuckerberg faces grilling from privacy-focused EU lawmakers - MarketWatch?,,"페이스북의 저커버그, 개인정보 보호에 민감한 EU 의원들로부터 질책받아 - 마켓워치" 4244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wipro March-Qtr IT Services Margin Was 14.4 Pct?,,브리프 - Wipro 3월 분기 IT 서비스 마진이 14.4%였습니다. 8119,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macron and Rihanna to reunite in Africa for education drive?,,마크롱과 리한나가 교육 추진을 위해 아프리카에서 재회할 예정입니다. 2293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada’s Immigration System Leaves Some Employers Wanting?,,캐나다의 이민 시스템이 일부 고용주를 불만족스럽게 만든다. 641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook's investors are breathing 'a big sigh of relief': Williams Capital Advisors?,,"""페이스북의 투자자들이 '큰 안도의 한숨'을 내쉬고 있다: 윌리엄스 캐피탈 어드바이저스?""" 8572,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI's No. 2 official McCabe, blasted by Trump, steps down?",,"트럼프에게 비판받은 FBI 부국장 맥케이브, 사임하다." 2109,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Penumbra, Inc. Reports Qtrly Earnings Per Share $0.15?",,"BRIEF-페넘브라, Inc. 분기별 주당순이익 $0.15 발표" 3854,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bobsleigh - Uncool runnings as German coach quits Jamaica team?,,"봅슬레이 - 독일 코치, 자메이카 팀에서 떠나며 '쿨하지 않은' 러닝스?" 7969,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ChromaDex Sets Fourth Quarter and Full Year Conference Call for Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. ET?",,"크로마덱스, 2018년 3월 8일 목요일 오후 4시 30분 ET로 4분기 및 연간 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 4286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI says no terrorism link in NSA gate car crash?,,"FBI, NSA 게이트 충돌 사고에 테러 연관 없음 밝혀" 264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French rail workers press on with strike after lawmakers pass reform?,,프랑스 철도 workers가 개혁안을 통과시킨 의원들에 대해 파업을 계속하는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다. 9606,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Welcome to the weird, wacky world of 'Roseanne,' says Adweek editor?",,"""Adweek 편집자가 전하는 '로잔느'의 이상하고 기묘한 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다.""" 2286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barclays Exec: Bank Helped U.K. Identify Terror Networks?,,바클레이스 임원: 은행이 영국의 테러 네트워크 식별을 도왔다? 9873,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China aims to boost solid waste recycling, halt illegal dumping?",,"중국, 고형 폐기물 재활용 촉진 및 불법 투기 중단 목표" 2061,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OPEC, non-OPEC sticking to oil pact but may raise output if needed - Gulf source?",,"OPEC와 비OPEC, 석유 협정 준수하지만 필요시 생산량 증가 가능성 - 걸프 소식통" 9351,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liverpool's Lallana aims to make up for lost time?,,리버풀의 라날라는 잃어버린 시간을 만회하려고 한다. 7511,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Furious Trump aide assails book, calls president a 'genius'?",,"화난 트럼프 보좌관, 책을 비난하며 대통령을 '천재'라고 칭하다" 9973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - Vietnam’s Thatcherism could use an extra push?,,Breakingviews - 베트남의 대처리즘은 추가적인 추진력이 필요할 수 있다. 4504,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Oil drops as demand shows signs of weakening?,,UPDATE 6-수요 약화 조짐 보여 오일 가격 하락 2566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Officials Court Democrats Amid Nafta Talks?,,"트럼프 정부 관계자들, NAFTA 협상 가운데 민주당원들과의 관계를 다지다" 4436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MGM Growth Properties LLC Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release Date?,,"MGM 그로스 프로퍼티즈 LLC, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 날짜 발표" 4868,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tunghsu Azure Renewable Energy Adjusts Bond Issue Size, Q1 Net Profit Up?",,"텅수 아즈유르 재생 에너지, 채권 발행 규모 조정, 1분기 순이익 증가" 9136,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Incumbent Anastasiades leads, left-winger follows in Cyprus vote - exit poll?",,"재직 중인 아나스타시아데스가 리드하며, 좌파가 사이프러스 투표에서 뒤따라 - 출구 조사" 8913,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twitter having its worst day in over a year but options traders are buying the dip?,,트위터가 1년 이상 만에 최악의 날을 보내고 있지만 옵션 거래자들은 매수에 나서고 있다. 1689,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Maxing Marcus?,,브레이킹뷰스 TV: 맥싱 마커스? 3840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street rebounds but China trade war fears linger?,,"월가, 반등하지만 중국 무역전쟁에 대한 우려 여전히 존재" 9758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saint Jean Carbon Appoints New CFO?,,"생 장 카본, 새로운 CFO 임명" 6399,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S&T Bancorp, Inc. Increases Dividend by 13.6%?",,"S&T 뱅코프, Inc. 배당금 13.6% 인상" 56,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FIFA bids for mini-World Cup?,,FIFA 미니 월드컵 유치를 위한 입찰 6892,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-UPDATE 1-Total expands in Libya with Waha stake buy from Marathon?,,"수정-업데이트 1-토탈, 마라톤으로부터 와하 지분 매입으로 리비아 진출 확대" 8989,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sonic Reports Second Fiscal Quarter 2018 Earnings Per Share Growth?,,"소닉, 2018 회계 연도 2분기 주당순이익 성장 보고" 7518,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus confirms amendments to comply with WTO over subsidies?,,"에어버스, 보조금 관련 WTO 준수를 위한 수정사항 확인" 439,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Valeo profit falls on tax charge, R&D push?",,"바레오, 세금 부담으로 이익 감소 및 R&D 투자 강화" 6284,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Toleranzia: Rights Issue Of About SEK 24 Million?,,브리핑 - 톨레란지아: 약 2400만 스웨덴 크로나의 권리공모? 8423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Orange County Chapter of Public Relations Society of America Announces 2018 Board of Directors?,,"오렌지 카운티 PRSA(공공 관계 협회) 지부, 2018년도 이사회 구성원 발표" 6424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia's World Cup build-up hit by poor results amid coach changes?,,아시아 월드컵 준비가 감독 교체와 함께 부진한 성적에 차질을 빚고 있다. 4848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sievi Capital Q1 Result At EUR 4.1 Million?,,브리프 - 시에비 캐피탈 1분기 결과 410만 유로 7768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tokyo Steel to maintain product prices in June for a fourth straight month?,,"도쿄 제철, 6월에 제품 가격을 4개월 연속 유지할 예정" 524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-WEC Energy Group Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $1.23?,,"BRIEF-WEC 에너지 그룹, 1분기 주당 수익 1.23달러 보고" 1985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Logitech CEO says big acquisitions unlikely as it targets sustained growth?,,"로지텍 CEO, 지속 가능한 성장을 목표로 하면서 대규모 인수는 불가능하다고 말하다." 7327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai Koal Software's Shareholder To Unload Stake In The Company?,,브리프 - 상하이 코알 소프트웨어의 주주가 회사 지분을 매각할 예정입니다. 9558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks pause after rally; bond yields climb?,,글로벌 시장 - 주식이 반등 후 주춤; 채권 금리가 상승하다 4626,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Texas adds 14 rigs as US rig count jumps to 975?,,"텍사스, 14개 굴착기 추가; 미국 굴착기 수 975개로 증가" 1026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-JPMorgan names Janis Bowdler head of foundation?,,MOVES-JPMorgan이 자선 재단의 수장으로 자니스 바울들러를 임명하다. 9807,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AirAsia Group CEO on his plans for the future?,,에어아시아 그룹 CEO의 미래 계획에 대한 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 5474,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Scout24 Proposes Dividend Of EUR 0.56 Per Share?,,"브리프-스카우트24, 주당 0.56 유로의 배당금 제안" 7779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: METALS-Cold weather heats up lead metal market?,,금속 - 추운 날씨가 납 금속 시장을 뜨겁게 한다. 3601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French regulator warns EDF on Flamanville building site dysfunctions?,,"프랑스 규제기관, EDF에 플라망빌 건설 현장 기능장애 경고" 584,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alan Bean, U.S. astronaut and moonwalker, dies in Houston at 86: NASA?",,"알란 빈, 미국 우주비행사이자 달 탐사자, 휴스턴에서 86세로 사망: NASA" 9744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai Stock Exchange Filing Shows Block Trade Of Ping An Insurance's A-shares Involving 2.05 Bln Yuan?,,"브리프 - 상하이 증권 거래소 공시, 205억 위안 규모의 핑안 보험 A주 블록 거래 관련 내용 포함." 9568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Asia Morning Call-Global Markets?,,UPDATE 1-아시아 아침 통화-글로벌 시장 55,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kilroy Realty Increases Common Dividend 7.1%?,,"간단히: 킬로이 리얼티, 일반 배당금 7.1% 증가." 4048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Fresenius sees Akorn lawsuit dragging on into 2019?,,"UPDATE 1 - 프레지니우스, 아콘 소송이 2019년까지 계속될 것으로 예상" 3237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PREVIEW-Cricket-No reprieve for India in second test in Pretoria?,,미리보기-크리켓-프리토리아에서 열리는 두 번째 테스트에서 인도에 대한 구제책 없음? 4301,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer - Evergrande's Alan handed eight match ban by Chinese FA?,,축구 - 중국 FA가 에버그란데의 앨런에게 8경기 출전 금지 처분을 내렸다. 309,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Capital Senior Floating, Ltd. Schedules Earnings Release and Conference Call for the First Quarter Ended March 31, 2018?",,"아메리칸 캐피탈 시니어 플로팅, 주식회사가 2018년 3월 31일 종료된 첫 분기 실적 발표 및 전화 회의를 일정에 추가했습니다." 4130,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai Fukong Interactive Entertainment Says Share Trade To Resume On March 12?,,"브리프 - 상하이 푸콩 인터랙티브 엔터테인먼트, 3월 12일 주식 거래 재개 발표" 4722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China regulator issues new rules on derivative products?,,"중국 규제 당국, 파생상품에 대한 새로운 규칙 발표" 6909,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil Steadies Below Two-Month High?,,두 달 최고치 아래에서 나란히 안정된 석유 가격 7887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Russian curler's second sample tests positive for meldonium?,,올림픽-러시아 컬링 선수의 두 번째 샘플에서 멜도니움 양성 반응 나타나 7587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nationstar Mortgage May Be Required To Pay WMIH $65 Mln​ Termination Fee?,,브리프 - 네이션스타 모기지가 WMIH에게 6500만 달러의 해지 수수료를 지급해야 할 수도 있음 9817,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jordan PM reshuffles cabinet to soothe anger over poor economy?,,"요르단 총리, 악화된 경제에 대한 불만 해소를 위해 내각 개편." 9905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Hard-hitting Woods eschews swing coach after back surgery?,,골프-백 수술 후 스윙 코치를 버린 강력한 타격의 우즈 8371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oclaro Announces Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results?,,"""Oclaro, 2018 회계연도 3분기 재무 결과 발표""" 9754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lincoln Financial Group Hires Industry Veteran to Lead Life Insurance Product Management?,,"링컨 파이낸셜 그룹, 생명 보험 상품 관리를 위한 업계 베테랑 영입" 4097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK officials told that Aramco IPO unlikely until 2019 -FT?,,영국 관료들에게 아람코 IPO가 2019년까지 불가능할 것이라고 FT가 전했다. 4844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall St. rises as govt. shutdown looms?,,"월가, 정부 폐쇄 위기 속 상승" 2337,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tenneco Announces Gregg Sherrill Retirement?,,"테네코, 그레그 셔릴 은퇴 발표" 2009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Formula One drivers' form sheet?,,모터 레이싱 - 포뮬러 원 드라이버들의 성적표? 696,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's May to seek ministers' support for joining strikes on Syria: Sky?,,영국의 메이가 시리아 공습 참여를 위한 장관들의 지지를 구할 예정: 스카이 1207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What you can do if the price of your prescription suddenly spikes?,,처방전 가격이 갑자기 급등할 경우 할 수 있는 일 7739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Leaked letter reveals Bok coach's impending sacking?,,럭비-유출된 편지에서 봅 감독의 해고 임박 드러나? 2609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Destination Europe for Italian high-speed rail upstart?,,이탈리아 고속철도 신생기업의 유럽 진출? 3607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Egypt's North Cairo Flour Mills 9-Month Pre-Tax Profit Rises?,,"뉴스 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: 이집트 북부 카이로 제분소(North Cairo Flour Mills)는 최근 발표한 9개월간의 재무 보고서에서 세전 이익이 증가했다고 밝혔다. 이 회사는 매출 성장, 비용 절감 및 운영 효율성을 통해 긍정적인 성과를 냈다고 설명했으며, 이는 시장의 수요 증가와 관련된 것으로 보인다. 이 기사에서는 또한 회사의 향후 전략과 예측에 대한 언급이 포함될 수 있으며, 업계 전망과 관련된 전문가 의견도 소개될 수 있다. - **헤드라인**: 이집트 북부 카이로 제분소 9개월 세전 이익 증가." 9261,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HMC HealthWorks Appoints Bart Bracken Chief Operating Officer?,,"HMC HealthWorks, 바트 브래켄을 최고 운영 책임자로 임명하다." 2231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magellan Health Reports Fourth Quarter 2017 Full Year Financial Results?,,"마젤란 헬스, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 보고" 9870,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-India's pink-ball shyness leave Harbhajan perplexed?,,크리켓 - 인도의 핑크공에 대한 소극적인 태도가 하르바잔을 혼란스럽게 한다. 9067,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks opens its first Reserve store and said it sees retail rents easing?,,스타벅스가 첫 리저브 매장을 열고 소매 임대료가 완화될 것으로 보인다고 발표했다. 2164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall St opens flat as gains in retail stocks offset losses in energy shares?,,"미국 주식 스냅샷 - 월스트리트, 소매주 상승이 에너지주 손실을 상쇄하며 보합세로 개장" 4040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Alpine skiing-Shock ski gold plays havoc with Ledecka's day?,,올림픽-알파인 스키-충격적인 스키 금메달이 레데츠카의 하루를 망치다 3542,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela: Trump could impose oil sanctions presidential vote?,,"베네수엘라: 트럼프, 석유 제재 대통령 선거를 시행할 수 있다?" 3563,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Trump chief strategist Bannon meets with House panel on Russia?,,"전 트럼프 수석 전략가 배논, 러시아 관련 하원 위원회와 만나다." 9836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: One killed in protest at South Africa's RPlat shaft?,,남아프리카공화국 RPlat 광산에서의 시위에서 1명 사망 8131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Rolling Stones kick off tour in London.?,,"롤링 스톤즈, 런던에서 투어 시작." 7463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-R&I upgrades Kikkoman's rating to A+ from A and says stable outlook -R&I?,,BRIEF-R&I가 Kikkoman의 등급을 A에서 A+로 상향 조정하고 안정적인 전망을 제시했다고 전함 -R&I 2459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congo at ‘Very High’ Risk as Ebola Strikes Major City?,,"콩고, 주요 도시에서 에볼라 발생으로 '매우 높은' 위험에 직면하다" 3446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Baby name 'Melania' surged in popularity in 2017 — 'Donald' unchanged?,,아기 이름 '멜라니아'가 2017년에 인기를 끌었다 — '돈ald'는 변동 없음 5128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'TruthBrush' knows when your technique needs a check-up?,,'TruthBrush'는 당신의 기술 점검이 필요할 때를 알고 있습니다. 4517,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Charging Your Electric Car at Night Could Save the World?,,전기 자동차를 밤에 충전하는 것이 어떻게 세상을 구할 수 있는지에 대한 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 6905,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin slides below $9,000?",,"비트코인이 9,000달러 이하로 하락하다." 5153,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crosby & Associates promotes two, anticipates more growth in response to vibrant land market?",,"""Crosby & Associates, 두 명 승진, 활기찬 토지 시장에 대응하여 더 많은 성장을 기대하다""" 805,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical passes FDA approval?,,브리핑 - 저장성화하이 제약이 FDA 승인을 통과하다. 1662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Raymond James Financial Reports April 2018 Operating Data?,,"간단히: 레이먼드 제임스 금융, 2018년 4월 운영 데이터 보고" 7724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Acorda Files Marketing Authorization Application For Inbrija?,,"간단히 전하면서 - 아코르다, 인브리자의 마케팅 허가 신청서 제출" 7669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cubic Names President And CEO Bradley Feldmann As Chairman Of The Board?,,"브리프-큐빅, 브래들리 펠드먼을 회장으로 임명하며 사장 겸 CEO로 선임" 9360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scottish extradition case against Catalan ex-minister set for July?,,스코틀랜드의 카탈루냐 전 장관에 대한 송환 사건이 7월로 예정됨 322,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Compagnie Financière Tradition: Board Of Directors Change?,,BRIEF-금융전통회사: 이사회 변경 4923,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Canadian National Railway Interim President, CEO JJ Ruest Said Company Will Quickly Improve Movement Of Western Canadian Grain?",,캐나다 내셔널 철도 임시 회장 겸 CEO인 JJ 루스트가 회사가 서부 캐나다 곡물의 운송을 신속하게 개선할 것이라고 말했다. 2549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRECIOUS-Gold prices slip as surging US Treasury yields lift dollar?,,"""금값, 급등하는 미국 국채 수익률이 달러를 끌어올리며 하락""" 77,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Baoan Group to sell 52 pct stake in Wuhan YongLi Technology for 260 mln yuan?,,"BRIEF-차이나 보안 그룹, 우한 용리 테크놀로지에서 52% 지분을 2억 6천만 위안에 매각 예정" 2952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First National Bank Alaska Announces Results of Annual Shareholder Meeting and Unaudited Results for First Quarter 2018?,,"""알래스카 퍼스트 내셔널 은행, 연례 주주 총회 결과 및 2018년 1분기 감사되지 않은 결과 발표""" 2887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liikanen declines to rule out ECB top job?,,"리카넨, ECB 최고직을 배제하지 않겠다고 밝힘." 6772,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aspirin just as good as Xarelto for preventing clots after hip, knee surgery?",,"아스피린이 고관절, 무릎 수술 후 혈전을 예방하는 데 있어 자렐토만큼 효과적이라는 기사 내용은 무엇일까?" 9144,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lilis Energy Announces Execution Of Amendment For Approval Of Share Repurchase Program By Lenders And Preferred Equity Holder?,,"Lilis Energy, 대출 기관 및 우선주 보유자의 주식 매입 프로그램 승인을 위한 수정안 실행 발표" 533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crash-test cockroaches inspire wall-climbing robot?,,충돌 실험을 받은 바퀴벌레가 벽을 탈 수 있는 로봇에 영감을 주다? 7943,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump promises forceful response to chemical arms attack in Syria?,,"트럼프, 시리아 화학 무기 공격에 대한 강력한 대응 약속." 8436,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian leader to raise China, Trans-Pacific trade deal in Trump talks?",,호주 지도자가 트럼프와의 대화에서 중국 및 환태평양 무역 거래 문제를 제기할 예정입니다. 1203,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philips sees negative effects from U.S.-China trade war: CEO?,,필립스 CEO: 미국-중국 무역 전쟁의 부정적인 영향을 경험하고 있다. 9053,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FormFactor to Announce Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results on February 7?,,"포름팩터, 2017년 4분기 재무 결과를 2월 7일 발표 예정" 9169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. to overtake Russia as top oil producer by 2019 at latest - IEA?,,"미국, 2019년까지 러시아를 제치고 최고 석유 생산국으로 올라설 것 - IEA" 9872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. Security Council considers demand for 30-day Syria ceasefire?,,"유엔 안전보장이사회, 30일 시리아 휴전 요구 검토" 8992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Consolidation is a story driving semiconductor stocks: Analyst?,,반도체 주식을 이끄는 이야기는 통합이다: 애널리스트 4125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Artemis Emslie Joins Ametros’ Board of Directors?,,"아르테미스 엠슬리, 아메트로스 이사회 합류" 4110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italian bond yields rise following deal on house speakers?,,"이탈리아 국채 수익률, 하원의장 협상 타결 후 상승" 3120,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU says it will react swiftly if Trump restricts EU trade?,,EU는 트럼프가 EU와의 무역을 제한할 경우 신속하게 대응할 것이라고 밝혔다. 1771,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket: Australia trio sent home after ball-tampering scandal, coach stays?",,"크리켓: 호주 트리오, 공 조작 스캔들로 귀국; 코치는 잔류" 2350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Schwaelbchen Molkerei Jakob Berz FY Sales Up At EUR 179.4 Mln​?,,브리프 - 슈왈뵈르흐 몰케라이 야코브 베르츠 FY 매출이 1억 7940만 유로로 증가함. 5548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ht&E Says Confident Co Will Achieve & May Exceed Current Analyst 2018 EBITDA Consensus?,,"간단히 말해, Ht&E는 회사가 2018년 EBITDA 컨센서스에 도달할 것이며 이를 초과할 수 있다고 확신한다고 말했습니다." 5143,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump-Kim summit fans Japan fears of being sidelined on North Korea?,,트럼프-김 회담이 일본의 북한 소외에 대한 두려움을 부추긴다. 7377,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Synthace Appoints Bob Wiederhold as Chairman of its Board of Directors?,,"Synthace, 보드 의장으로 Bob Wiederhold 임명" 1920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ahmadinejad calls for 'free' elections in Iran in letter to Supreme Leader?,,"아마디네자드, 수반에게 '자유' 선거를 촉구하는 서한 발송" 2196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Luxury group Hermes stays upbeat on margins although Q4 sales growth eases?,,"업데이트 1-럭셔리 그룹 에르메스, Q4 매출 성장 둔화에도 불구하고 마진에 대한 긍정적인 전망 유지" 6984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Estoril Sol SGPS FY Net Profit Up At 10.7 Million Euros?,,BRIEF-Estoril Sol SGPS FY 순이익이 1070만 유로로 증가했습니다. 6667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IRS hit with computer glitch as midnight tax deadline looms?,,"""세금 신고 마감이 다가오고 있는 가운데, IRS 컴퓨터 시스템 장애 발생""" 6090,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-China Dec fertiliser output down 7 pct y/y at 4.75 mln tonnes, lowest on record?",,"수정됨 - 중국 12월 비료 생산량, 전년 대비 7% 감소한 475만 톤, 기록적으로 최저치." 9628,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fitch Says Strong Equity Markets Boost U.S. Life Insurers' 2017 Results?,,간단한 소식 - Fitch는 강력한 주식 시장이 2017년 미국 생명 보험사의 실적을 향상시킨다고 발표했습니다. 2042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why you should use a high-yield savings account?,,고수익 저축 계좌를 이용해야 하는 이유 7334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eros International Announces Indian Subsidiary Results?,,"Eros International, 인도 자회사 실적 발표" 6430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Whitbread boss believes Costa Coffee split inevitable - report?,,"""Whitbread CEO는 Costa Coffee 분리가 불가피하다고 믿고 있다고 보도되었습니다.""" 5952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel says Iranian drone it shot down in February was carrying explosives?,,"이스라엘, 2월에 격추한 이란 드론이 폭발물을 실고 있었다고 밝혀" 8227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dunkin' Donuts Removes Artificial Dyes From Donuts In The U.S.?,,"브리핑 - 던킨도너츠, 미국에서 도넛의 인공 염료 제거 결정" 9245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ECOVE Environment to pay annual cash dividend as T$9.68/share for 2017?,,"브리프-ECOVE 환경, 2017년 주당 T$9.68의 연간 현금 배당금 지급 결정" 7482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: One way to play the new tax law: Start an LLC?,,새 세법을 활용하는 방법: LLC를 시작하라? 7129,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Federal Reserve is going to move quickly to catch up to economy, analyst says?",,연준이 경제에 발맞추기 위해 신속하게 움직일 것이라고 분석가가 말했습니다. 9766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UiPath Raises $153 Million Series B Led By Accel?,,"BRIEF-UiPath가 Accel 주도로 1억 5,300만 달러 규모의 시리즈 B 자금을 조달했습니다." 4029,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump rails against high oil prices, OPEC pushes back?",,"트럼프, 높은 유가에 대한 불만 표출, OPEC 반발" 3551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TSO3 Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"TSO3, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고" 4442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Haggar Clothing Co. Acquires Louis Raphael Menswear Brand?,,"해거 의류 회사, 루이 라파엘 남성복 브랜드 인수" 7659,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prada sees growth ahead as new products, strategy pull it out of 'grey area'?",,"프라다, 새로운 제품과 전략으로 '회색 지대'를 탈출하며 성장 전망 밝히다." 1357,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Welcome to the New Convenience Store?,,새로운 편의점에 오신 것을 환영합니다? 1438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Sudan sentences rebel leader's spokesman to death?,,"남수단, 반군 지도자 대변인에게 사형을 선고하다." 5142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Silvercorp Provides Share Buyback Program Update?,,"실버코프, 자사주 매입 프로그램 업데이트 제공" 5750,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Floyd Mayweather-backed cryptocurrency ICO was fraud, SEC says?",,플로이드 메이웨더가 지원하는 암호화폐 ICO는 사기라고 SEC가 말했습니다. 8023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Four Saudi security forces killed by gunmen in southern province?,,사우디 남부 지방에서 총격범에 의해 네 명의 보안군이 사망했다. 8239,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistani rights group attracts 8,000 to rally despite state pressure?",,"파키스탄 인권 단체가 국가 압박에도 불구하고 8,000명을 집회로 끌어모았다." 5654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Datang Telecom Technology Expects Net Loss To Widen To 2.0-2.4 Billion Yuan In 2017?,,브리프-다탕 텔레콤 테크놀로지가 2017년 순손실이 20억에서 24억 위안으로 확대될 것으로 예상한다고 발표했습니다. 606,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tapestry Appoints Eraldo Poletto CEO & Brand President, Stuart Weitzman?",,"브리프 - 타페스트리, 에랄도 포레토를 CEO 겸 브랜드 사장으로 임명" 625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Legend Holdings Corp's Unit & FED Applied For Loans In Amount Of HK$624 Mln?,,브리프 - 레전드 홀딩스 코프의 자회사 및 FED가 6억 2400만 홍콩달러의 대출을 신청했습니다. 8099,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Bill Gates helped Jeff Bezos become the richest person in the world?,,빌 게이츠가 제프 베조스가 세계에서 가장 부유한 사람이 되는 데 어떻게 도움을 주었는가? 9605,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Select Medical Holdings Corporation to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results on Thursday, February 22?",,"셀렉트 메디컬 홀딩스 코퍼레이션, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적을 2월 22일 목요일에 발표할 예정" 4046,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla batteries are part of a massive 'virtual power plant'?,,테슬라 배터리는 거대한 '가상 발전소'의 일부입니다. 9669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RENNOVA HEALTH ANNOUNCES 2017 FINANCIAL RESULTS?,,"RENOVA HEALTH, 2017년 재무 결과 발표" 8728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northwestern rallies past Minnesota?,,"노스웨스턴, 미네소타를 넘어서는 역전극 펼쳐" 7444,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ShotSpotter Reports Fourth Quarter, Full Year 2017 Financial Results?",,"ShotSpotter, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 2823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Helix Energy Solutions Notifies Of 3.25% Convertible Senior Notes?,,"브리프-헬릭스 에너지 솔루션즈, 3.25% 전환사채 발행 통지" 6782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US blocks MoneyGram sale to Alibaba's Ant Financial?,,"미국, 머니그램의 알리바바 앤트 파이낸셜 매각 차단" 7488,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Railroads Embark on Apology Tour to Make Amends for Hunter Harrison’s Ways?,,"철도 회사들, 헌터 해리슨의 방식에 대한 사과 투어에 나서다" 5258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Borqs Technologies Q1 Net Income Of $1.4 Million?,,"BRIEF-Borqs Technologies, Q1 순이익 140만 달러." 8540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The next frontier in workplace wellness: financial health?,,직장 웰빙의 다음 경계: 재정 건강? 8590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc Reports Qtrly EPS Of $0.06?,,브리프-반다 제약 주식회사가 분기 당 EPS 0.06 달러를 보고함. 7528,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Schwartzel co leader as Woods struggles to make cut at Players?,,"골프 - 슈워텔, 플레이어스 대회에서 공동 선두에 올라; 우즈 컷 통과에 어려움 겪어" 2159,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea Finds $600 Million in Illegal Cryptocurrency Trading | Fortune?,,"한국, 6억 달러 규모의 불법 암호화폐 거래 적발 | 포춘" 7164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bodil Sonesson has Been Appointed President and CEO for AB Fagerhult?,,보딜 소네손이 AB 파게르훌트의 대통령 겸 CEO로 임명되었습니다. 9961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Media Advisory - Resolute to Host Management Call to Discuss First Quarter 2018 Results?,,미디어 공지 - 레졸루트를 통해 2018년 1분기 실적 발표를 논의하는 경영진 전화를 주최합니다. 3011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eastern Commercial Leasing Posts FY Net Profit 128.7 Million Baht?,,브리프 - Eastern Commercial Leasing이 FY 순이익 1억 2870만 바트를 발표했습니다. 9983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diet linked to menopause timing?,,식단과 폐경 시기의 연관성에 관한 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 3727,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: There is a noted shift in the US fixed income market?,,미국 고정수익 시장에서 주목할 만한 변화가 있다. 8080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Red Eagle Mining And Red Eagle Exploration Receive Shareholder Approval For Amalgamation?,,간단히 - 레드 이글 마이닝과 레드 이글 탐사가 합병을 위한 주주 승인을 받다. 3065,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BMO Financial Group To Acquire NY-Based KGS-Alpha Capital Markets?,,"BRIEF-BMO 금융 그룹, 뉴욕 기반 KGS-알파 캐피탈 마켓 인수 예정" 4570,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Rugby-Cipriani offered last stool in the corner of last-chance saloon?,,"UPDATE 1-럭비-치프라니, 마지막 기회의 마지막 모퉁이에 마지막 자리를 제안받다." 2007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BoE puts premium on solving post-Brexit insurance puzzle?,,"영국 중앙은행(BoE), 브렉시트 이후 보험 문제 해결에 프리미엄 부여" 1067,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mystery $560 million Powerball winner finally claims her prize?,,미스터리한 5억 6천만 달러 파워볼 당첨자가 마침내 상금을 청구하다. 6212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philadelphia International Educational Investment Q1 Profit Falls?,,"필라델피아 국제 교육 투자, 1분기 수익 감소" 171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Data Sheet—What AI Will Do to the Financial System?,,데이터 시트—AI가 금융 시스템에 미치는 영향은? 2055,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Willdan Announces Planned Date of May 3 for Release of First Quarter Financial Results Conference Call?,,"윌단, 5월 3일 1분기 재무 결과 발표 컨퍼런스 콜 예정일 발표" 9668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Keppel DC REIT Says Anthea Lee To Be Appointed As Deputy CEO?,,"브리프-케펠 DC REIT, 앤시아 리를 부 CEO로 임명한다고 발표." 1461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UK watchdog to review Aviva over preference share plan?,,"UPDATE 1-영국 감시기구, 아비바의 우선주 계획 검토 예정" 1020,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TMG Submits Stock Exchange Delisting Request To Euronext Amsterdam?,,"TMG, 유로넥스트 암스테르담에 상장 폐지 요청서를 제출했다는 간략 소식." 9816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Is the European Union Economic Recovery Here to Stay??,,유럽연합의 경제 회복은 지속될 것인가? 6948,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed policymakers show rising confidence on inflation, economic outlook -minutes?",,연준 정책 입안자들이 인플레이션 및 경제 전망에 대한 자신감을 높이고 있다는 내용의 회의록 5412,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asian shares bounce back, but rising U.S. yields pose risks?",,"아시아 주식이 반등했지만, 상승하는 미국 금리가 위험을 초래할 가능성이 있다." 25,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Athletics: History made as every runner in 400m heat disqualified?,,육상: 모든 주자가 400m 예선에서 실격되며 역사적인 순간 발생 1879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - U.S. sanctions rethink is only partly reassuring?,,"""Breakingviews - 미국 제재 재검토는 부분적으로만 안심이 된다""" 5347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spacecraft for detecting 'Marsquakes' set for rare California launch?,,'화성의 지진'을 탐지하는 우주선이 드문 캘리포니아 발사를 위해 준비 중이다. 6079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UAE energy minister: OPEC committed to supply cut deal?,,"UAE 에너지 장관: OPEC, 공급 감축 거래에 전념하고 있다?" 140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hitecvision unit to buy Mongstad supply base from EQT?,,"브리프 - Hitecvision 유닛, EQT로부터 몽스타드 공급 기지를 인수하기로." 9220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Virgin's Branson and Dubai port operator announce cargo hyperloop?,,버진의 브랜슨과 두바이 항만 운영자가 화물 하이퍼루프를 발표하다 311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Memory boost - How chipmakers are weathering slowing smartphone sales?,,메모리 부스트 - 반도체 제조업체들이 둔화하는 스마트폰 판매를 어떻게 극복하고 있는가? 2493,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iceland Takes Hard Look at Tech Boom Sparked by Its Cheap, Bountiful Power?",,"아이슬란드, 저렴하고 풍부한 전력으로 촉발된 기술 호황에 대한 심층 분석 실시" 8134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vertex Pharma's quarterly profit falls 15.1 percent?,,"버텍스 파마, 분기 이익 15.1% 감소" 634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sichuan Airlines pilot was 'sucked halfway' out of window?,,쓰촨 항공 조종사가 창문 밖으로 '반쯤 빨려 들어갔다'? 3369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Asia shares fail to bounce with Wall St as trade fears lurk?,,"글로벌 시장 - 아시아 주식, 무역 우려가 여전한 가운데 월스트리트를 따라 반등하지 못하다." 9602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Ahold Delhaize Q1 sales increase as U.S. operations improve?,,"UPDATE 1-아홀드 델하이즈, 미국 사업 개선으로 1분기 매출 증가" 9608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's Astral Foods H1 profit jumps more than five fold?,,"남아프리카공화국의 아스트랄 푸드, 상반기 이익 5배 이상 급증." 6267,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Investment Association says TalkTalk placing ignores shareholder rights?,,"UPDATE 1-투자 협회, TalkTalk 자금 조달이 주주 권리를 무시한다고 발표" 1500,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon Studies Body Sizes to Get That Perfect Clothing Fit?,,"아마존, 완벽한 의류 핏을 위해 체형 연구 진행" 9075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First National Bank of Omaha bails on NRA-branded Visa card after customer outcry?,,"오마하 제일국립은행, 고객 항의 후 NRA 브랜드 비자 카드 철회" 8758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia plans to build island on strategic Singapore Strait rocks?,,"말레이시아, 전략적인 싱가포르 해협 바위 섬 건설 계획 발표" 2805,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MoffettNathanson downgrades Verizon on fears of higher rates?,,"모페트나탄슨, 높은 금리에 대한 우려로 베라이즌 등급 하향 조정" 4332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Playway Q1 Net Profit Jumps To 14.8 Million Zlotys?,,"브리프 - 플레이웨이 1분기 순이익 1,480만 즐로티로 급증." 1548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bioamber Inc Announces Registered Direct Offering Termination Of Underwriting Agreement?,,"브리프-바이오앰버 주식회사, 등록된 직접 공모 종료 및 인수 계약 해지 발표" 1029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Massmart Says Sales In First 12 Weeks Of 2018 Soft?,,"브리프 - 마스마트, 2018년 첫 12주간의 판매 부진 발표" 5616,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Carige to sell 1 bln euros of bad loans, 700 mln euros of unlikely to pay?",,"브리프 - 카리제, 10억 유로의 부실 대출과 7억 유로의 지급 불가능 대출 판매 계획" 2647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to tout strong economy in State of the Union after turbulent first year?,,"트럼프, 혼란스러운 첫 해 후 국정연설에서 강한 경제 강조할 예정" 5413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Enstar Group Limited Reports 2017 Year-End Results?,,"엔스타 그룹 리미티드, 2017년 연말 실적 보고" 2078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US Foods Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2018 Earnings?,,"US 푸드, 2018 회계 연도 1분기 실적 발표" 4454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Exchange Filing Shows Block Trade Of Focus Media Involving 1.42 Bln Yuan?,,브리핑 - 심천거래소 제출 자료에 따르면 포커스 미디어의 블록 트레이드가 142억 위안에 달한다. 3256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Caterpillar Says Vigorously Contesting Proposed IRS Penalties?,,"브리프-카터필라, 제안된 IRS 벌금을 강력히 반대한다고 말함." 8933,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lazard quarterly profit jumps 48.5 pct?,,"라자르, 분기 이익 48.5% 급증" 7373,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Market has momentum but investors need to be protected: MBMG Group?,,"""시장에 모멘텀은 있지만 투자자들은 보호받아야 한다: MBMG 그룹""" 1819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PTC Therapeutics Full Exercise of Underwriters' Option to Purchase Additional Shares?,,"PTC 테라퓨틱스, 추가 주식 구매를 위한 언더라이터 옵션 전량 행사" 1532,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Aramco expected to list first on Saudi stock exchange, delaying international debut?",,"사우디 아람코, 국제 데뷔 연기하며 사우디 주식 시장에 첫 상장 예상" 9704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sevenup Bottling Co Announces Update on Proposed Acquisition?,,"간단히 - 세븐업 음료 회사, 제안된 인수에 대한 업데이트 발표" 8056,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France freezes assets of 3 people, 9 firms over Syria chemical weapons?",,"프랑스, 시리아 화학무기와 관련해 3명과 9개 기업의 자산 동결" 5053,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airstream CEO: We’re not recession proof, but we’ve had a strong run?",,"Airstream CEO: 우리는 불황에 강하지 않지만, 좋은 성과를 내왔다." 1562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. automakers bet on diesel trucks after VW scandal?,,미국 자동차 제조업체들이 폭스바겐 스캔들 이후 디젤 트럭에 베팅하다. 1691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Foundation for Prader-Willi Research Announces Hire of Chief Executive Officer?,,"프라더-윌리 연구 재단, 최고경영자 임명 발표" 556,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US Senate approves bill to ease financial regulations?,,미국 상원이 금융 규제를 완화하는 법안을 승인하다 3240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Statoil to keep quarterly dividend at $0.23 per share for first three quarters of 2018: CFO?,,"스태토일, 2018년 첫 세 분기 동안 주당 배당금 0.23달러 유지: CFO" 6211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cuba says Canada's withdrawal of diplomat families unjustified?,,"쿠바, 캐나다의 외교관 가족 철수는 부당하다고 말하다" 9038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Abiomed Receives Approval for Expanded FDA Indication for Cardiomyopathy with Cardiogenic Shock?,,"Abiomed, 심부전으로 인한 심장 충격에 대한 FDA의 확대 적응 증명 승인 받음." 2687,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bosnia families bridge ethnic divide, demand justice for dead sons?",,보스니아 가족들이 민족 간 차이를 극복하고 죽은 아들들의 정의를 요구하다. 2241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel says Europe should do more to stop Syria war?,,"메르켈, 유럽이 시리아 전쟁을 막기 위해 더 많은 노력을 해야 한다고 말하다" 33,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germania colloca 2,492 mld Bund 10 anni, tasso medio sale a 0,69% Bond |?",,"독일이 2,492억 유로 규모의 10년 만기 국채를 발행했으며, 평균 금리가 0.69%로 상승했다는 내용입니다." 7716,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Digi International Says On April 24, Michael Goergen, CFO, Informed Board That He Expects To Resign?",,"디지 인터내셔널, 4월 24일 마이클 고어겐 CFO가 이사회에 사임할 것이라고 예상한다고 알려왔다." 5403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nisource Inc Says Entered Into A Multiple-Draw $600 Million Term Loan Agreement?,,"브리프 - 니소스(Nisource) Inc, 6억 달러 규모의 다중 인출Term Loan 계약 체결 발표" 7256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: N.Korea tells U.S. it is prepared to discuss denuclearization -source?,,"북한, 미국에 비핵화 논의 준비됐다고 전달 - 소식통" 2457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alteryx Announces Proposed Offering Of $200 Mln Of Convertible Senior Notes Due 2023?,,"알테릭스, 2023년 만기 2억 달러 규모의 전환형 장기채 발행 제안 발표" 5243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Resignation of Directors?,,이사회 이사의 사임 6603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-Cravath M&A lawyer Schiele to join Kirkland & Ellis-sources?,,MOVES-Cravath M&A 변호사 Schiele가 Kirkland & Ellis로 이직한다고 소식통이 전했다. 3061,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI admits it was warned about Nikolas Cruz?,,FBI가 니콜라스 크루즈에 대해 경고를 받았다고 인정했다. 8159,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong, London, New York shortlisted for Aramco - sources?",,"홍콩, 런던, 뉴욕, 아람코에 선정된 것으로 전해져 - 소식통" 4919,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Disney Has Hired the Showrunners of ‘Game of Thrones’ to Develop a Series of New ‘Star Wars’ Films?,,디즈니가 '왕좌의 게임' 쇼러너들을 고용해 새로운 '스타워즈' 영화 시리즈를 개발한다. 1329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Marriott International CEO Arne M. Sorenson's 2017 Total Compensation Was $13.3 Million?,,"브리프 - 메리어트 인터내셔널 CEO 아르네 M. 소론슨의 2017년 총 보상액은 1,330만 달러였다." 1285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Faw Car Returns To Black In 2017 With Net Profit Of 281.2 Mln Yuan?,,"Faw 자동차, 2017년 2억 8,120만 위안의 순이익으로 흑자 전환." 3631,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Police probe celebrity chef Mario Batali for sexual misconduct - media?,,"경찰, 유명 셰프 마리오 바탈리 성추문 수사 - 언론" 3383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Casella Waste Systems Acquires Complete Disposal in Massachusetts and Acquires a Tuck-in Collection operation in Vermont?,,"캐셀라 폐기물 시스템, 매사추세츠 주 완전 폐기물 처리업체 인수 및 버몬트에서 소규모 수거 운영 인수" 3758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Market Open?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 시장 개장 4630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analyst: What's behind the volatility?,,분석가: 변동성 뒤에는 무엇이 있을까? 5778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin favours status quo with new government lineup?,,"푸틴, 새로운 정부 구성으로 현상 유지 선호" 9472,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Croatia's Atlantic Grupa posts jump in 2017 profit, sales?",,"""브리프 - 크로아티아의 아틀란틱 그룹, 2017년 이익과 매출 급증 보고""" 6957,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Markets: Asia stocks start new quarter on front foot, dollar steady?",,"글로벌 시장: 아시아 주식, 새로운 분기를 긍정적으로 출발하고 달러는 안정세." 7206,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple's definitely become a subscription company, says Jim Cramer?",,"""애플이 확실히 구독 회사가 되었다고 짐 크래머가 말했습니다.""" 8186,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: H.I.G. Capital Portfolio Company, Dominion Colour Corporation, Merges with LANSCO Colors to Form Global Leader in Pigment Market?",,H.I.G. Capital 포트폴리오 회사인 도미니온 컬러 코퍼레이션이 LANSCO 컬러와 합병하여 색소 시장의 글로벌 리더를 형성합니다. 7019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vakif Finansal Kiralama FY 2017 Net Profit Up At 33.8 Mln Lira?,,브리프-바키프 금융 임대 FY 2017 순이익 3천3백80만 리라 증가 2089,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-McKesson Reports Q3 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $3.41?,,"브리프-맥케슨, 3분기 조정 주당순이익 $3.41 보고" 2854,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. appeals court upholds ruling invalidating J&J patent on Remicade?,,미국 항소법원이 Remicade에 대한 J&J 특허를 무효화하는 판결을 유지했다. 4564,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-Federal Reserve kicks off 'Volcker Rule' rewrite?,,"뉴스 기사가 ""FACTBOX-Federal Reserve kicks off 'Volcker Rule' rewrite""라는 제목을 달고 있다면, 해당 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: - 연방준비제도(Federal Reserve)가 '볼커 규칙(Volcker Rule)' 개정 작업을 시작했다는 사실 요약. - 볼커 규칙의 배경과 목적 설명: 금융기관이 자사 자본으로 위험한 트레이딩을 하지 못하도록 규제하는 조치. - 최근 경제 상황과 금융 시장의 변화를 반영하여 개정의 필요성이 커진 이유. - 새로운 규제안의 주요 내용, 주된 변화 사항 및 기대 효과. - 금융업계의 반응 및 관련 기관들의 의견. - 앞으로의 일정 및 예상되는 논의 과정. 번역: ""FACTBOX-연방준비제도 '볼커 규칙' 개정 작업 시작""" 7298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Exxon Mobil Says 'Buybacks Remain On The Table'?,,"브리프-엑슨 모빌, '자사주 매입은 여전히 고려 중'이라고 발표." 1574,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This Day in History, March 28, 2018?",,"2018년 3월 28일, 역사 속 오늘 이라는 제목의 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 4994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Imex Systems Announces Director Resignation?,,"브리프-이멕스 시스템즈, 이사 사임 발표" 5824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tax cuts plus increased spending while economy is growing akin to throwing 'lighter fluid on a fire': Blankfein?,,"세금 인하와 경제 성장 중의 지출 증가, 블랭크파인은 이를 '불에 라이터 기름을 부는 것'에 비유하다." 9899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Unima 2000 Signs PLN 2.4 Mln Net Deal With Warbud?,,"브리프 - 유니마 2000, 워르부드와 240만 PLN의 순 계약 체결" 5441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK to push EU for City of London's favoured Brexit plan?,,"영국, 유럽연합에 런던 금융 중심지가 선호하는 브렉시트 계획을 추진할 예정" 1059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-BRIEF-India's Hexaware Technologies March-Qtr Consol Profit Rises (May 3)?,,"수정됨 - 인도의 헥사웨어 테크놀로지스, 3월 분기 연결 이익 증가 (5월 3일)" 6186,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alleghany Corporation Reports 2017 Fourth Quarter And Full Year Results -- Notice?,,"알레간이 코퍼레이션, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 보고 -- 공지사항" 2134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK minister touts automated effort to combat extremism online?,,"영국 장관, 온라인 극단주의에 맞서기 위한 자동화된 노력 홍보" 6165,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grubhub To Announce First Quarter 2018 Financial Results On May 1, 2018?",,"그럽허브, 2018년 5월 1일 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 2559,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oldest known cancer cases found in Egyptian mummies?,,이집트 미라에서 발견된 가장 오래된 암 사례 4116,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRECIOUS-Gold steadies after sharp falls linked to hawkish Fed, strong dollar?",,"소중한 금, 매파적인 연준과 강한 달러에 따른 급락 이후 안정세를 찾다." 9655,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar Down Amid Continued Uncertainty Over Trade?,,달러가 무역에 대한 지속적인 불확실성 속에서 하락하다 9829,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jerome Powell Sworn In as Federal Reserve Chairman?,,"제롬 파월, 연방준비제도 의장으로 취임하다." 4042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German stocks - Factors to watch on May 4?,,5월 4일 독일 주식 - 주목해야 할 요인들 6160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Luk Fook Holdings International Announces Q4 Sales Performance of Retail Business?,,"간단히 말해서, Luk Fook Holdings International이 소매 사업의 4분기 판매 실적을 발표했습니다." 1244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Missile alert mistakenly sent out in Hawaii?,,하와이에서 잘못 발송된 미사일 경고 2856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CorVel Announces Fiscal Earnings Release Webcast?,,"CorVel, 회계연도 실적 발표 웹캐스트 발표" 3154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany's Merkel to visit China May 24-25 - spokeswoman?,,독일의 메르켈 총리가 5월 24-25일 중국을 방문할 예정이다 - 대변인 1674,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senator to 'Your agreement sucks'?,,상원의원이 '당신의 합의가 형편없다' 6787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Clock running out to avert U.S. government shutdown as Trump blames Democrats?,,"UPDATE 2-미국 정부 셧다운을 피할 시간이 다가오고 있으며, 트럼프는 민주당을 비난하고 있다." 2885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SE Asia Stocks-Fall as trade war concerns resurface after Trump adviser quits?,,아세안 주식 - 트럼프 보좌관 사임 후 무역 전쟁 우려가 재현되면서 하락하다. 9402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microsoft plans to open its first Middle East data centers as it steps up cloud challenge to Amazon?,,"마이크로소프트, 아마존에 대한 클라우드 도전 강화로 중동 최초 데이터 센터 개설 계획" 3927,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) Reports 2017 Results; Excluding Currency & Tax Items, Full-Year 2017 Adjusted Diluted EPS Growth of 10%; Provides 2018 Earnings Per Share Forecast?",,"필립 모리스 인터내셔널 주식회사(PMI), 2017년 실적 보고; 통화 및 세금 항목 제외 시, 2017년 전체 연도 조정 희석 주당 순이익(EPS) 성장률 10%; 2018년 주당 순이익 예상 제공" 9300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pentair Says Nvent Finance Entered Into Credit Agreement ​?,,"브리프-펜테어, 엔벤트 파이낸스가 신용 계약 체결했다고 발표" 7668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: U.S. has ordered Broadcom to give notice of steps to redomicile - sources?,,독점: 미국은 브로드컴에게 재도시화 조치를 통지할 것을 지시했다 - 소식통 2352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: These tropical countries are taking part in the Winter Olympics for the first time?,,이 열대 국가들이 처음으로 동계 올림픽에 참가하고 있습니다. 6455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emissions overshoots severe in only a handful of cities: Merkel?,,배출량 초과가 몇몇 도시에서만 심각하다는 메르켈의 주장? 4642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IOC DECIDES NOT TO LIFT RUSSIA'S OLYMPIC SUSPENSION FOR WINTER GAMES CLOSING CEREMONY?,,IOC가 겨울 올림픽 폐막식에서 러시아의 올림픽 징계를 해제하지 않기로 결정하다. 3675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ANALYSIS-U.S. workforce shortages bolster case for Fed rate hikes?,,분석 - 미국의 인력 부족이 연준 금리 인상의 정당성을 강화하다. 5780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How to ace a phone interview?,,전화 인터뷰를 잘 통과하는 방법? 3481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tencent Forms Liquid State Electronic Dance Music Label with Sony | Fortune?,,"텐센트, 소니와 함께 리퀴드 스테이트 전자 댄스 음악 레이블 설립 | 포춘" 7066,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Outokumpu predicts profit hit from raw material costs, weak dollar?",,"업데이트 1-아우토쿰푸, 원자재 비용 및 약한 달러로 인한 이익 타격 예측" 5941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: English Domestic One-Day Competition Scoreboard?,,영국 국내 일일 경기 스코어보드 6459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bristol-Myers Squibb Reports Q4 GAAP Loss Per Share Of $1.42?,,"브리프-브리스톨-마이어스 스큅, 4분기 GAAP 주당 손실 $1.42 보고" 2398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commercial Metals Bolsters Holdings of a Construction Steel?,,"상업금속, 건설 강재 보유량 확대" 8659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: President of Pinewood Toronto Studios Resigns?,,파인우드 토론토 스튜디오 사장 사임 7332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sudden volatility in the market rally?,,시장 랠리에서 갑작스러운 변동성 6041,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PFB Corp Names Robert Graham As Chief Executive Officer?,,"PFB 코퍼레이션, 로버트 그래험을 CEO로 임명" 6757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Antero Resources Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.23?,,Antero Resources의 4분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.23 9002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daniel H. Pink shares why choral singing benefits health like exercise?,,다니엘 H. 핑크가 합창이 운동처럼 건강에 유익한 이유를 공유합니다. 4614,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis has ""significant"" integrity problems, admits report?",,"테니스는 ""상당한"" 청렴성 문제를 안고 있다고 보고서에서 인정하다." 6185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ripple CEO Says Bitcoin Is the ‘Napster of Digital Assets’?,,"리플 CEO, 비트코인을 '디지털 자산의 냅스터'라고 말하다." 6416,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two Trade Rules That Are Complicating Nafta Talks?,,NAFTA 회담을 복잡하게 만드는 두 가지 무역 규칙 37,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Alicon Castalloy March-Qtr Consol Profit Rises?,,브리프 - 인도의 알리콘 캐스터로이 3월 분기 연결 이익 증가 2379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Founder Technology Group says no dividend payment for 2017?,,"BRIEF-파운더 테크놀로지 그룹, 2017년 배당금 지급 없음 발표" 9812,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Banner Corporation Increases Quarterly Cash Dividend by 40% to $0.35 Per Share, Schedules 1Q18 Conference Call and Webcast and Renews Stock Repurchase Program?",,"배너 주식회사, 1주당 분기 현금 배당금을 40% 인상하여 $0.35로 조정하고 2018년 1분기 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 일정을 발표하며 자사주 매입 프로그램을 갱신하다." 396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OPEC seeks 'very long-term' cooperation with other oil exporters?,,OPEC은 다른 석유 수출국과 '매우 장기적인' 협력을 추구한다. 4493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Portland General Electric reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.72?,,"브리프 - 포틀랜드 제너럴 일렉트릭, 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.72 보고" 9013,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Willplus Holdings to be listed on TSE first section from TSE second section?,,"윌플러스 홀딩스, 도쿄 증권 거래소 2부에서 1부로 상장될 예정" 6795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Micro-Star International to pay cash dividend of T$4.5 per share?,,"마이크로스타 인터내셔널, 주당 T$4.5 현금 배당 지급 예정" 5967,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Asia stocks edge back from record highs, Trump comments support dollar?",,"글로벌 시장 - 아시아 주식, 기록 최고치에서 소폭 하락, 트럼프 발언이 달러 지지해" 6571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung launches Galaxy S9 with focus on social media?,,"삼성, 소셜 미디어에 집중한 Galaxy S9 출시" 4582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VW faces inquiry call over diesel fumes test on monkeys?,,VW는 원숭이에 대한 디젤 연료 시험에 대한 조사 요청에 직면하다 8440,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Check Point fourth quarter revenue misses expectations, sees in-line 2018?",,"체크 포인트, 4분기 수익 기대치 미달, 2018년 가이던스 일치 확인" 2426,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says U.S. open to talks with North Korea - White House?,,"트럼프, 미국이 북한과의 대화에 열려 있다고 말하다 - 백악관?" 8236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Weekend Reader: Three Must-Reads?,,주말 독자: 반드시 읽어야 할 세 가지 읽을거리 4312,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Special Report: The Cold Frontier, Part Four - A journey along North Korea's edge?",,"특별 보도: 차가운 국경, 네 번째 부분 - 북한의 변두리를 따라가는 여정" 2889,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dangers of Everything Becoming a Tech Company?,,모든 것이 기술 회사가 되는 것의 위험성? 9210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Migrants at U.S.-Mexico border say Trump's tough talk will not deter them?,,미국-멕시코 국경의 이주자들은 트럼프의 강경 발언이 그들을 저지하지 않을 것이라고 말하고 있다. 5518,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Vanke Q1 core profit up 22 pct?,,"중국 완커, 1분기 핵심 이익 22% 증가" 551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WhatsApp to ban under-16s in Europe?,,"WhatsApp, 유럽에서 16세 이하 사용 금지 예정" 5799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mark Grant Joins B. Riley FBR Inc As Managing Director And Chief Global Strategist?,,브리프-마크 그랜트가 B. 라일리 FBR Inc의 전무이사 겸 최고 글로벌 전략가로 합류함. 6266,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of England reassures finance companies on Brexit transition deal?,,"영국은행, 브렉시트 전환 협정에 대해 금융 회사들을 안심시킨다." 3552,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Promised Detainees Video Confessions Wouldn’t Be Televised, Rights Group Says?",,중국은 구금자들이 비디오 자백이 방송되지 않을 것이라고 약속했다고 권리 단체가 말했습니다. 5893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why the meeting between Kim and Moon matters for investors?,,김정은과 문재인 회담이 투자자들에게 중요한 이유 2099,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dutch metals group AMG temporarily shuts some Brazilian operations?,,네덜란드 금속 그룹 AMG가 브라질의 일부 운영을 일시적으로 중단한다. 1213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Austin police probe deadly package bomb blasts?,,"오스틴 경찰, 치명적인 소포 폭탄 폭발 사건 조사 중" 5899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tiny SUVS are selling like crazy and struggling Ford wants in?,,작은 SUV들이 날마다 많이 팔리고 있으며 어려움을 겪고 있는 포드가 진입하고 싶어한다. 103,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South State Corporation to Announce First Quarter 2018 Financial Results and Host Conference Call April 24, 2018?",,사우스 주식회사가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 발표하고 2018년 4월 24일 컨퍼런스 콜을 개최할 예정입니다. 5940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump honors retired SEAL with medal of honor?,,"트럼프, 퇴역 SEAL에게 명예 훈장 수여" 4987,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's RCom says unit reaches settlement with minority investors?,,"인도의 RCom, 자회사와 소수 투자자와 합의 도달 발표" 4910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook responds on privacy as new EU law looms?,,"페이스북, 새로운 EU 법 시행 앞두고 개인정보 보호에 대한 입장 밝혀" 9629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump will call for unity in State of the Union speech - excerpts?,,"트럼프, 국가연합연설에서 단합을 촉구할 예정 - 발췌문?" 6644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Ford's Chariot bus service to launch in London?,,UPDATE 1-포드의 샤리엇 버스 서비스가 런던에서 시작된다. 1575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK financial regulators seen endorsing Brexit transition deal: industry?,,영국 금융 규제 당국이 브렉시트 전환 계약을 지지하는 것으로 보인다는 산업계의 보도. 2355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy bond yields off multi-month highs as markets weigh political risk?,,이탈리아 채권 수익률이 다수 월 최고치에서 하락하며 시장이 정치적 리스크를 고려하다 5238,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Overseas Shipholding Group Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"오버시즈쉽홀딩그룹, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표" 9132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Next Year's Tax Refund May Bring You Extra Dough?,,내년 세금 환급이 추가 수익을 가져올 수 있는 이유 2561,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Perez helps Rangers top Mariners, 7-4?",,페레즈가 레인저스를 도와 매리너스를 7-4로 이기게 하다 8693,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistan condemns ex-PM Sharif over comment on attack on India?,,파키스탄은 인도 공격에 대한 샤리프 전 총리의 발언을 비난한다. 6556,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: Curling - Sweden take gold to end Korean fairytale run?,,"올림픽: 컬링 - 스웨덴, 한국의 기적 같은 여정을 끝내고 금메달 획득" 5038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer - Ivanovic replaced by Kolarov as Serbia captain ahead of World Cup?,,축구 – 월드컵을 앞두고 세르비아의 주장으로 이바노비치를 대신해 콜라로프가 선임되다. 2484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kevin Hassett: US firms get crushed by China's 'forced' joint ventures?,,케빈 해셋: 미국 기업들은 중국의 '강제적인' 합작 투자로 타격을 받는다. 2866,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple iPhone X With Face ID Woes Will Now Be Replaced | Fortune?,,애플 아이폰 X Face ID 문제로 이제 교체될 예정 | 포ortune 4025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MEI Pharma Appoints Industry Veteran Frederick W. Driscoll to its Board of Directors?,,"MEI 파마, 산업 베테랑 프레더릭 W. 드리스콜을 이사로 임명하다." 4637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Washington is inflamed over the Russia probe memo?,,워싱턴이 러시아 조사 메모로 인해 격앙된 이유는 무엇인가? 3063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration says U.S. mistakenly backed China WTO accession in 2001?,,"트럼프 행정부, 미국이 2001년 중국의 WTO 가입을 잘못 지지했다고 발표" 2637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ClearStream Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"클리어스트림, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 6627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airline profits this year unlikely at Dec forecast level -IATA CEO?,,"올해 항공사 이익, 12월 전망 수준에 미치지 못할 것으로 보인다 - IATA CEO" 4947,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Klein Law Firm Reminds Investors of a Class Action Commenced on Behalf of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Shareholders and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of June 5, 2018?",,클라인 로펌은 텔레포낙티볼라겟 LM 에릭슨 주주를 대신하여 시작된 집단 소송과 관련하여 투자자들에게 2018년 6월 5일의 주도 원고 마감일을 상기시킵니다. 9026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Three Gorges Set To Launch All-Cash Offer To Take Full Control Of Portuguese Utility EDP - FT?,,"브리프-차이나 쓰리 고르지스, 포르투갈 유틸리티 EDP 완전 인수를 위한 전액 현금 제안 출시 예정 - FT" 7856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cadence Bancorp Sets $37.5 Mln Termination fee on State Bank Deal?,,"간략하게 - 캐드니스 뱅콥, 주 은행 거래에 대해 3,750만 달러의 해지 수수료 설정." 8295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CBS sues Redstones over Viacom merger?,,CBS는 비아콤 합병에 대해 레드스톤 가족을 고소하다 7461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Commonwealth Bank Of Australia Updates On 2016 Customer Information Incident?,,"브리핑 - 호주 연방은행, 2016년 고객 정보 사건에 대한 업데이트 발표" 9540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Worldpay Reports First 2018 Results?,,"월드페이, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표" 279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Extreme Networks Appoints Maryam Alexandrian-Adams To Board?,,"브리프 - 익스트림 네트웍스, 메리얌 알렉산드리안-아담스를 이사회에 임명" 7705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TSS Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.01?,,TSS 1분기 주당순이익 $0.01 발표 관련 간략 보도 5666,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: Fun comes first for 'one of a kind' Ledecka?,,올림픽: '독특한' 레데츠카를 위한 즐거움이 최우선이다? 9638,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall Street rallies as Netflix, UnitedHealth earnings shine?",,"US 주식 요약 - 월스트리트, 넷플릭스와 유나이티드헬스의 실적 호조로 상승." 1698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CDW Declares Cash Dividend of $0.21 Per Share?,,"CDW, 주당 0.21달러 현금 배당금 발표" 9080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BRP Creates New Powersports Group?,,"BRP, 새로운 파워스포츠 그룹을 생성하다." 2425,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Glencore's talks to sell cobalt to Chinese firm falter on price?,,"글렌코어의 중국 기업에 코발트 판매 협상, 가격 문제로 난관에 봉착" 8786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cairo Communication FY Net Profit Up At EUR 52.0 Million?,,브리프-카이로 커뮤니케이션 FY 순이익 5200만 유로로 증가 3951,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PetIQ, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?",,"PetIQ, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 보고했습니다." 8226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ringer Hut says private placement of treasury stock?,,"브리프 - 링거헛, 자사주 매각 공시" 2829,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stitch Fix to Add Chief Marketing Officer of Vail Resorts, Inc., Kirsten Lynch, to Board of Directors?",,"스티치 픽스, Vail Resorts, Inc.의 최고 마케팅 책임자 키르스텐 린치를 이사회에 추가할 예정" 3388,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lifan Industry Group Sold 133,875 Motorcycle Engines In Jan, Up 60.9 Percent Y/Y?",,"리판산업그룹, 1월에 133,875개 오토바이 엔진 판매, 지난해 대비 60.9% 증가" 9363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eastgroup Properties Q4 FFO Per Share $1.14?,,"브리핑 - 이스트그룹 프로퍼티즈, 4분기 주당 FFO 1.14달러 발표" 5008,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Naftogaz says Gazprom must be part of new Russia-Ukraine gas talks?,,"나프토가즈, 가스프롬이 새로운 러시아-우크라이나 가스 협상의 일환이 되어야 한다고 밝혀" 9865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oscars praise diversity as 'Shape of Water' wins big?,,"""오스카상, '셰이프 오브 워터' 대규모 수상하며 다양성에 찬사""" 1796,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NeuLion, Inc. Enters Into Agreement to be Acquired by Endeavor?",,"NeuLion, Inc.가 Endeavor에 인수되기로 합의했습니다." 9617,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Futures Recovery Healthcare Hires Dr. Deja A. Gilbert PhD, LMHC, LPC as Chief Operating Officer?",,"퓨처스 리커버리 헬스케어, 드. 데자 A. 길버트 박사(PhD, LMHC, LPC)를 최고 운영 책임자로 채용하다." 8926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: The US-China 'trade war' could explode in 2018?,,크래머: 미국-중국 '무역 전쟁'이 2018년에 폭발할 수 있다? 5287,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AZZ Announces Acquisition Of Rogers Brothers Co?,,"브리프-AZZ, 로저스 브라더스 컴퍼니 인수 발표" 4508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Obsidian Energy Reports Qtrly Diluted FFO Per Share Of $0.10?,,"브리프-옵시디언 에너지, 분기 희석된 주당 FFO $0.10 보고" 2094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Exxonmobil Bags Eight Deepwater Blocks In Latest Brazil Bid Round?,,"BRIEF-엑손모빌, 최근 브라질 입찰 라운드에서 8개의 심해 블록 확보" 884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What could be impacting NFL ratings??,,NFL 시청률에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요인은 무엇일까? 1085,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Karen Singer - To Learn That Shawn O’Donnell,Upon Information,Belief, Recently Resigned?",,"브리프 - 카렌 싱어 - 정보를 통해 믿어지는 바에 따르면, 쇼안 오도넬이 최근에 사임했다는 사실을 알게 되었다." 6629,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-S.Korea NOFI buys 202,000 T corn, 65,000 T feed wheat?",,"업데이트 1-한국 NOFI, 202,000톤의 옥수수와 65,000톤의 사료용 밀 구매" 2935,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Plattsburgh has become the first city in the US to ban cryptocurrency mining?,,플랫스버그가 미국에서 처음으로 암호화폐 채굴을 금지한 도시가 되었습니다. 7431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Oil rises more than $1 as Saudi aims at $100 a barrel?,,"UPDATE 6-사우디, 배럴당 100달러 목표로 1달러 이상 급등한 유가" 492,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S., Mexico and Canada hasten NAFTA talks as elections loom: Pena Nieto?",,"""선거가 다가옴에 따라 미국, 멕시코와 캐나다가 NAFTA 회담을 서두른다: 페냐 니에토?""" 2969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Russian central bank head says banking cleanup more than half complete?,,업데이트 2 - 러시아 중앙은행 총재가 은행 정리작업이 절반 이상 완료되었다고 말함 282,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: EU antitrust regulators to fine NYK, Wilhelmsen, other car shipping firms - sources?",,"독점 보도: EU 반독점 규제 당국, NYK, Wilhelmsen 및 기타 자동차 운송업체들에 벌금을 부과할 예정 - 소식통." 6345,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK could recouple with global economy this year - Carney?,,"""영국은 올해 글로벌 경제와 다시 연결될 수 있다 - 카니""" 4728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Media melee?,,Breakingviews TV: 미디어 충돌? 3568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tutor Perini Announces $1.41 Bln Newark Airport Terminal One Design-Build Project?,,"브리핑 - 튜터 페리니, 14억 1000만 달러 규모의 뉴어크 공항 터미널 1 설계 및 건설 프로젝트 발표" 7045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Grainger Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $4.07?,,"간단히 - 그레인저, 1분기 주당순이익 $4.07 보고" 8812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Owens & Minor Names Dominion Energy Executive To Its Board?,,"브리프 - 오웬스 앤 마이너, 도미니언 에너지 임원을 이사회에 임명하다." 6592,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IJM Plantations Posts April FFB Production Of 101,702 MT?",,"IJM 농장이 4월 팜 프론트(Biofuel) 생산량 101,702MT를 발표했습니다." 7115,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jeff Sessions, DOJ to Prop Up Opioid Maker Lawsuits | Fortune?",,"제프 세션스, 법무부가 오피오이드 제조업체 소송을 지원하다 | 포춘" 9034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Asian Pac Holdings Bhd Says Qtrly Profit After Taxation 10.6 Million Rgt?,,"브리프 - 아시안 팩 홀딩스 Bhd, 분기세 후 세후 이익 1,060만 링깃 발표." 2562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MediaTek announces 2017 dividend payment?,,"브리프 - 미디어텍, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 8246,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robert Murray Says His Coal Company Will Survive Without Trump Administration’s Help?,,"로버트 머레이, 그의 석탄 회사가 트럼프 행정부의 도움 없이도 생존할 것이라고 말하다." 4696,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia shares set to inch up; NZ flat?,,호주 주식이 소폭 상승할 예정; 뉴질랜드는 보합세. 3170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nordic grids break deadlock in power balancing talks?,,"노르딕 전력망, 전력 조정 회담에서 교착 상태를 타개하다" 6724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fiat Chrysler boosted by Jeep growth expectations?,,"피아트 크라이슬러, 지프 성장 기대감에 힘입다." 3254,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-APRIL Q1 Consolidated Sales Up At 240.6 Million Euros?,,BRIEF-4월 1분기 consolidated sales가 2억 4천60만 유로로 증가했습니다. 2179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LICT Corporation Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"LICT 코퍼레이션, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표" 6157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microsoft is luring A.I. developer by offering them faster chips?,,마이크로소프트가 A.I. 개발자들을 더 빠른 칩으로 유혹하고 있다. 39,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SYNACOR SHAREHOLDER ALERT: CLAIMSFILER REMINDS INVESTORS WITH LOSSES IN EXCESS OF $100,000 of Lead Plaintiff Deadline in Class Action Lawsuit Against Synacor, Inc. - SYNC?",,"SYNACOR 주주 경고: CLAIMSFILER는 SYNACOR, Inc. - SYNC에 대한 집단 소송의 원고 리더 마감일을 10만 달러 이상의 손실이 있는 투자자에게 상기시킵니다." 2957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia's HM Sampoerna 2017 profit falls slightly?,,인도네시아 HM Sampoerna 2017년 이익 약간 감소 9025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street set for higher open; inflation worries remain?,,"월스트리트, 높은 개장 예상; 인플레이션 우려 여전히 존재" 1993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Governor of western Afghan province quits as security worsens?,,"서부 아프가니스탄 주지사, 안보 악화로 사퇴" 5874,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morning News Call - India, May 15?",,"모닝 뉴스 콜 - 인도, 5월 15일" 2486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: David Tepper to buy Panthers for $2.2B?,,"데이비드 테퍼, 팬thers를 22억 달러에 인수하다." 1163,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nokia posts sharp quarterly profit fall, sees 5G accelerating?",,"노키아, 분기별 이익 급감 발표 ""...5G 가속화 전망""" 8850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sensex little changed; Karnataka elections watched?,,센섹스 조금 변화 없음; 카르나타카 선거 주목받아 3868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wanda opens doors to Chinese film metropolis but turns focus back home?,,"완다, 중국 영화 메트로폴리스의 문을 열지만 국내로 다시 초점을 맞추다" 1367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-German wage deal should give some comfort to ECB?,,UPDATE 1-독일 임금 협상은 ECB에 어느 정도 안도감을 줄 것이다? 3745,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour 250, USCC Men's Singles Results?",,"ATP 월드 투어 250, USCC 남자 단식 결과는 어떤 내용일까요?" 5588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oman's Dhofar Beverage and Food Stuff Posts FY Loss?,,오만의 도화르 음료 및 식품이 FY 손실을 발표했습니다. 8305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Urban Construction Investment & Development to pay cash dividend of 2.8 yuan per 10 shares (before tax) for 2017?,,브리프 - 베이징 도시 건설 투자 및 개발이 2017년 기준으로 10주당 2.8위안(세전)의 현금 배당금을 지급할 예정입니다. 1556,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brinks Co Says Theft Of Gold Shipment Will Result In Q4 Pretax Charge Of About $11 Mln?,,"브링크스 회사, 금 배송 도난으로 인해 4분기 세전 비용 약 1100만 달러 발생할 것이라고 발표." 3266,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Shares of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google Can Rise Further in 2018 - Allsorce.com?",,"""2018년에 Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google의 주식이 추가 상승할 수 있는 이유 - Allsorce.com""" 9374,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steven Cohen wins dismissal of $8 billion Fairfax short-selling lawsuit?,,"스티븐 코헨, 80억 달러 페어팩스 공매도 소송 기각 승소" 6938,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kelly Scovanner joins Fairway Wholesale Lending?,,켈리 스코바너가 페어웨이 도매 대출에 합류합니다. 4295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia vetoes U.S. bid to form new Syria chemical weapons inquiry?,,"러시아, 미국의 새로운 시리아 화학무기 조사 설립 요청을 거부하다." 866,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Willdan Acquires Energy Engineering Firm Newcomb Anderson McCormick, Inc.?",,"윌단, 에너지 엔지니어링 회사 뉴컴 앤더슨 맥코믹 주식회사 인수" 281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hino President Says Difficult To Tackle Issues That Face Commercial Vehicles Within Toyota Group Alone?,,"Hino 사장, ""도요타 그룹 내에서 상용차 문제를 다루기 어렵다""" 2912,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ""Sweet spot"" for equity investors is now, says Ken Kamen?",,"""케ൻ 카멘, 주식 투자자에게 지금이 '달콤한 시점'이라고 말하다""" 7321,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudis wielding veto power over Prince Alwaleed, Kingdom Holdings?",,사우디가 알왈리드 왕자와 킹덤 홀딩스에 대한 거부권을 행사하고 있다. 3519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: InMed Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2018 Financial Results and Provides Business Update?,,"InMed, 2018 회계연도 3분기 재무 성과 발표 및 사업 업데이트 제공" 7070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's 'Jack the Ripper' handed death sentence?,,중국의 '잭 더 리퍼' 사형 판결 내려져 3907,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commodities tomorrow: Crude closes higher, holds $67?",,"내일 원자재: 원유, 상승 마감, 67달러 고수" 8862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World market themes for the week ahead: Fed up again?,,세계 시장의 주제: 다시 한 번 연준의 영향? 7790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. hopes imports will help stave off famine in Yemen as diphtheria spreads?,,"유엔, 면역이 확산되는 가운데 예멘의 기근을 막기 위한 수입에 희망을 걸다." 5978,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla Bonds Reach New Low, Stock Falls Further After Downgrade, Accident?",,"테슬라 채권이 신규 저점에 도달하고 주식이 하락, 신용 등급 강등 후 사고 발생?" 234,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arbonia Places Certificates Of Indebtedness In Amount Of EUR 125 Mln?,,"간략 - 아르보니아, 1.25억 유로 규모의 채권 증서를 발행하다." 1419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barclays CIB chief Throsby gets £12.5m of shares?,,"바클레이즈 CIB 수장 쓰로브가 1,250만 파운드의 주식을 받다." 6823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar climbs on Fed; heads for first weekly gain of 2018?,,"FOREX-달러, 연준의 영향으로 상승; 2018년 첫 주간 상승세로 나아가다." 2474,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-Oil eases, signs of demand slowing as price nears $80?",,"UPDATE 4-유가가 하락, 가격이 80달러에 가까워지면서 수요 둔화 징후 나타남" 7638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Glaxo CEO Dispenses Bitter Pill to Fix R&D?,,"글락소 CEO, R&D 수정을 위한 쓴 약을 처방하다." 5477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Montagne Et Neige Developpement Delays Rights Issue?,,브리프 - 몽타뉴 에 네이지 개발이 권리 문제를 연기합니다. 9063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German jobless rate hits record low in May?,,"독일 실업률, 5월에 기록적인 최소치 도달" 843,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UPS Holds Shareholders' Meeting, Elects Board Members?",,"BRIEF-UPS, 주주총회를 개최하고 이사회를 선임하다." 4524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SEB AB Jan Erik Back Decided To Leave?,,브리프 - SEB AB의 얀 에리크 백이 떠나기로 결정했습니다. 5147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hasbro Agrees to Acquire Power Rangers for About $500 Million?,,"해즈브로, 파워 레인저를 약 5억 달러에 인수하기로 합의" 7009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TIER REIT Announces Fourth Quarter & Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"TIER REIT, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 2203,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Insecticide ban to hit EU sugar beet crops, farmers say?",,농약 금지가 EU 사탕무 농작물에 타격을 줄 것이라고 농민들이 말하다. 7777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump State of the Union: A new American moment?,,트럼프 국정연설: 새로운 미국의 순간? 2928,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ikea ad doubles as an at-home pregnancy test—that and other interactive ad campaigns?,,이케아 광고가 집에서 사용하는 임신 테스트기로 변신—그와 다른 인터랙티브 광고 캠페인들. 9493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Armenia to pick new PM next week as tide turns in protest leader's favour?,,"아르메니아, 내주 새로운 총리를 선출할 예정… 시위 지도자에게 유리한 분위기 전환" 1848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WILsquare Capital Acquires Quest Solutions?,,WILsquare Capital이 Quest Solutions를 인수하다. 3905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Weak retail figures keep a lid on Brazilian real?,,신흥 시장 - 약한 소매 지표가 브라질 레알에 제동을 걸다? 3143,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Most sunscreens may soon be banned in Hawaii coral reefs are dying?,,하와이의 산호초가 죽어가고 있어 대부분의 선크림이 금지될 수 있다? 6516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-U.S. House panel hopes to vote soon on bill tightening foreign investment?,,"UPDATE 1-미국 하원 위원회, 외국 투자 강화 법안에 곧 투표할 희망" 2601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Woman infected with eye worm known only in cattle?,,소에서만 알려진 눈 벌레에 감염된 여성 1119,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Getty Realty Corp. to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,Getty Realty Corp.가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 발표합니다. 5095,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shire Confirms It Has Not Received Approach From Takeda?,,"브리프-샤이어, 타케다로부터 접근을 받은 적이 없음을 확인하다." 4302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-R1 RCM Q4 Loss Per Share $0.44?,,BRIEF-R1 RCM 4분기 주당 손실 $0.44 9536,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia steps up efforts to woo Chinese tennis tourists?,,"호주, 중국 테니스 관광객 유치를 위한 노력 강화" 9695,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Results roll in from Akzo Nobel, Merck, Uniper?",,"LIVE MARKETS-아코 노벨, 머크, 유니퍼의 실적이 발표되고 있습니다." 3094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook's Zuckerberg to testify before Congress?,,페이스북의 저커버가 의회에 출석해 증언할 예정이다. 1748,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why investors can't gauge their own risk tolerance?,,투자자들이 자신의 위험 감수를 평가할 수 없는 이유는 무엇인가? 3642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Demanded a Probe of Possible Campaign ‘Infiltration.’ The Justice Department Responded—Carefully?,,"트럼프, 캠페인 '침투' 가능성 조사 촉구. 법무부는 신중하게 대응했다." 6936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ireland plans 10-year (May 2028) euro bond?,,"아일랜드, 10년 만기 유로본드 계획 (2028년 5월)" 5050,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: House Democrats call on Republicans to pull FISA bill, cite Trump tweet?",,하원 민주당원들이 공화당에 FISA 법안 철회를 촉구하며 트럼프의 트윗을 언급하다. 3975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Filatex Fashions Considered To Issue 71.4 Mln Warrants On Preferential Basis‍​?,,"브리프 - 필라텍스 패션스, 우선배정 방식으로 7140만 개의 워런트 발행 검토 중‍​" 5268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Donald Trump’s Alleged Affair With Playmate Karen McDougal Is Back In the Spotlight?,,도널드 트럼프의 전 매일란드 카렌 맥두걸과의 소문난 불륜이 다시 주목받고 있다. 9008,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Topfield issues 8th series convertible bonds worth 10 bln won?,,"BRIEF-탑필드, 100억 원 규모의 제8회차 전환사채 발행" 1814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ChipMOS SCHEDULES FOURTH QUARTER AND FULL YEAR 2017 FINANCIAL RESULTS CONFERENCE CALL?,,"ChipMOS, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 5630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Houston Lawyer Deborah Repman Named Partner at Caldwell Boudreaux Lefler?,,"휴스턴 변호사 데보라 렙맨, 캘드웰 부드로와 레플러의 파트너로 임명돼" 5266,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU mergers and takeovers (April 17)?,,EU에서의 인수합병 (4월 17일) 199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grammy Awards TV audience falls sharply to 17.6 million viewers?,,"그래미 어워드 TV 시청자 수, 1,760만 명으로 급감" 4758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China to merge regulators in biggest overhaul in years?,,"중국, 수년 만에 최대 규모의 규제 기관 통합 예정" 852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Larry Kudlow: New Advisor Quick to Hop on Trump Express | Fortune?,,"래리 크드로: 새로운 고문, 트럼프 열차에 재빨리 탑승하다 | 포춘" 8164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French investment bank Natixis to buy into three M&A boutiques?,,"프랑스 투자은행 나티시스, 세 개의 M&A 부티크에 투자하기로 결정하다." 6722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Noble Group nets less than expected from oil unit sale to Vitol?,,"노블 그룹, 비톨에 대한 석유 사업 매각으로 예상보다 적은 수익 올려" 2173,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Automodular And Hls Receive Shareholder And Court Approval For Plan Of Arrangement?,,자동 모듈러와 HLS가 계획 변경을 위한 주주 및 법원 승인을 받다. 5385,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Explosion heard in Afghan capital Kabul: Reuters witness?,,아프가니스탄 수도 카불에서 폭발 소리 발생: 로이터 목격자 7962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mahekal Beach Resort Appoints Maria Elena Armenta as Director of Sales & Marketing?,,"마헤칼 비치 리조트, 마리아 엘레나 아르멘타를 세일즈 및 마케팅 이사로 임명" 8418,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Tech stocks reach record, bond yields rise again?",,"글로벌 시장-기술 주식이 사상 최고치를 기록하고, 채권 수익률이 다시 상승하다." 9421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alphabet's GV invests in AI chip startup SambaNova - Top10 World?,,"알파벳의 GV, AI 칩 스타트업 SambaNova에 투자 - Top10 World" 9592,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Novogratz's Galaxy Digital hires Goldman VP as COO: Bloomberg?,,"노보그라츠의 갤럭시 디지털, COO로 골드만 부사원 채용: 블룸버그" 4681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Blazing Iranian oil tanker at risk of exploding after collision at sea?,,월스트리트 저널: 해상 충돌 후 폭발 위험에 처한 화염이 일고 있는 이란 유조선 8807,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart patents hint at future where its drones tend the farms?,,"""Walmart의 특허가 향후 드론이 농장을 돌보는 미래를 암시하다?""" 5239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Footage of New Kilauea Volcano Eruptions?,,"""새로운 킬라우에아 화산 폭발 영상""" 284,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CinemaCon shows more diversity, musicals coming to theaters?",,"시네마콘에서 더 많은 다양성을 보여주고, 뮤지컬이 극장으로 돌아옵니다." 8299,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trading Nation: Dow hits 25,000?",,"트레이딩 네이션: 다우지수 25,000에 도달하다?" 2676,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Goldbach Group: 96.90% Of Shares Tendered To Tamedia?,,브리프-골드바흐 그룹: 타메이디아에 96.90%의 주식이 제출됨? 8766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ralph Lauren Q3 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $2.03 Excluding Items?,,"브리프 - 랄프 로렌, 항목 제외 조정 주당 순이익 2.03달러 발표" 3578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lawyer pleads guilty to lying to U.S. investigators in Russia probe?,,변호사가 러시아 수사에서 미국 조사관들에게 거짓말한 혐의로 유죄를 인정하다 4739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ad-Sol Nissin to sign IoT solution related comprehensive contracts with Lynx Software Technologies?,,BRIEF-Ad-Sol Nissin이 Lynx Software Technologies와 IoT 솔루션 관련 포괄적 계약을 체결할 예정입니다. 786,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macy’s, Inc. to Report First Quarter Results on May 16?",,"메이시스, Inc.가 5월 16일 1분기 실적을 발표할 예정입니다." 3012,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Golf-Landry wins Texas Open for Tour breakthrough?,,"UPDATE 1-골프-랜드리, 투어 첫 우승으로 텍사스 오픈 제패" 6226,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: On trade, America can’t be first if it doesn’t compete?",,"무역에서, 미국이 경쟁하지 않으면 1위가 될 수 없다." 603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gecina Appoints Bernard Carayon As Chairman?,,브리프 - Gecina가 베르나르 카라용을 의장으로 임명함. 5373,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia soccer official shrugs at British government World Cup boycott: report?,,"러시아 축구 관계자, 영국 정부 월드컵 보이콧에 대해 무관심: 보도" 5135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lululemon Athletica CEO Laurent Potdevin's Total 2017 Compensation Was $5.1 Million?,,브리프 - 룰루레몬 아슬레티카 CEO 로랑 포트드뱅의 2017년 총 보수는 510만 달러였다. 661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Matrix Service Co Reports Q3 Loss Per Share $0.19?,,"간단히 설명하자면, 매트릭스 서비스 회사가 3분기 주당 손실이 0.19달러라고 보고했습니다." 4721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian forces attempt to split rebel enclave in half?,,"시리아 군, 반군 거점을 두 동강 내기 위한 시도" 2401,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Phoenix Mecano FY Consolidated Gross Sales Up At EUR 627.6 Mln?,,브리프 - 피닉스 메카노 FY 연결 매출이 6억 2760만 유로로 증가함. 2802,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wojas Q1 Net Loss Widens To 1.8 Mln Zlotys?,,브리프 - Wojas의 1분기 순손실이 180만 즈로티로 확대됨. 1911,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: As Fed Raises Interest Rates, Emerging Markets Aren’t Following Suit?",,연준이 금리를 인상하자 신흥 시장은 그에 따르지 않고 있다. 2899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. gun control movement pushing Congress to act - lawmakers?,,"미국 총기 규제 운동, 의회에 행동 촉구 - 법률가들" 2227,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Hong Kong, a property heiress becomes accidental LGBT champion?",,홍콩에서 부동산 상속녀가 우연히 LGBT 챔피언이 되다. 2933,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Myanmar president calls for reform of nation's military-drafted constitution?,,"미얀마 대통령, 국가의 군부가 초안한 헌법 개정을 촉구하다." 8486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congo mining code passes Senate without opposition?,,"콩고 광산 코드, 반대 없이 상원을 통과하다" 2440,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Major Chinese port bans some oil, chemical products ahead of summit?",,"중국 주요 항구, 정상 회담을 앞두고 일부 석유 및 화학 제품 금지" 2929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Billionaire Tilman Fertitta reveals a major hindrance to success?,,"억만장자 틸먼 퍼티타, 성공의 주요 장애물 공개" 4996,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 15-year-old girl wounded in Texas high school shooting?,,텍사스 고등학교 총격 사건에서 15세 소녀가 부상당함 7970,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activist Alex Denner to gain board control at Medicines Company?,,활동가 알렉스 데너가 의약품 회사에서 이사회 지배권을 얻을 예정이다. 2560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive - Trafigura set to boost its dominance in Urals: sources?,,"독점 - 트라피구라, 우랄 지역에서의 지배력 강화 예정: 소식통" 2503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pope Francis Warns of Government Corruption as Latin America Visit Ends?,,"프란치스코 교황, 라틴 아메리카 방문 종료에 맞춰 정부 부패 경고" 6921,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NBA - LeBron's Finals challenge may be too tall an order, say pundits?",,NBA - 전문가들은 르브론의 파이널 도전이 너무 힘들 수 있다고 말합니다. 6821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spiceworks Hires James Pinckney as Senior Vice President of Revenue?,,"스파이스웍스, 제임스 핀크니를 수익 부문 수석 부사장으로 채용하다." 9576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Parker to Announce Fiscal 2018 Second Quarter Earnings on February 1; Conference Call and Webcast Scheduled for 11 a.m. Eastern?,,"파커, 2월 1일에 2018 회계연도 2분기 실적 발표 예정; 동부 시간 기준 오전 11시에 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 예정" 1695,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apricus mulls options; to sell U.S. rights to Vitaros?,,Apricus는 옵션을 검토하고 있으며 Vitaros의 미국 권리를 매각할 계획입니다. 7671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cautious Saudi bankers give reality check on country's economic health?,,신중한 사우디 은행원들이 나라의 경제 건강 상태에 대한 현실 점검을 실시하다. 3649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook’s Troubles Underscore Blockchains’ Opportunity?,,페이스북의 문제는 블록체인의 기회를 강조한다. 9793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Huntington Solutions Announces Acquisition of TrimTec Systems?,,"헌팅턴 솔루션즈, 트림텍 시스템즈 인수 발표" 6882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sodexo acquires majority stake in FoodChéri?,,"소데지오, 푸드셔리의 대주주 지분 인수" 3909,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SeaChange International to Issue Fiscal 2018 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results on April 16, 2018?",,SeaChange International이 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 전년 전체 실적을 2018년 4월 16일에 발표할 예정입니다. 7600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK parliament should not be able to overturn EU referendum: PM spokesman?,,영국 의회는 EU 국민투표를 뒤집을 수 없어야 한다: 총리 대변인 6693,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Hamilton’ Helps Boost Minority Representation on Broadway?,,'해밀턴'이 브로드웨이의 소수자 대표성을 증가시키는 데 도움을 주다? 9989,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Itfor to buy back up to 800,000 shares for up to 667.2 mln yen via ToSTNeT-3?",,"브리프 - 이포르, ToSTNeT-3를 통해 최대 667.2억 엔에 80만 주를 자사주 매입하기로 결정." 9035,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McCarthy leaves Ipswich with immediate effect?,,매카시는 즉각적으로 입스윅을 떠났다. 9987,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Malibu Boats Reports Q2 Loss Per Share Of $0.31?,,"브리핑 - 말리부 보트, 2분기 주당 손실 $0.31 보고" 7161,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Control4 Reports Solid Financial Performance for Q1 2018?,,"Control4, 2018년 1분기 실적 호조 보고" 5609,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Over wine and soju, North Korea's Kim Jong Un joked about himself: South Korea officials?",,와인과 소주를 즐기며 북한의 김정은이 자신에 대해 농담했다고 한국 정부 관계자들이 전했다. 4855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Touchstone Bank names Mark A. Debes as Chief Banking Officer?,,"터치스톤 뱅크, 마크 A. 데베스를 최고 뱅킹 책임자로 임명" 1441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Pub group Greene King's 37-week comparable sales dip 1.4 pct?,,업데이트 1- 펍 그룹 그린킹의 37주 유사 매출이 1.4% 하락 2898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Constellation Brands' third-quarter profit jumps 21 percent?,,콘스텔레이션 브랜즈의 3분기 이익이 21% 증가했다. 4719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shareholders Approve Old Point Financial Corporation's Acquisition of Citizens National Bank?,,주주들이 올드 포인트 파이낸셜 코퍼레이션의 시티즌 내셔널 뱅크 인수를 승인하다. 5067,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Not a good start' for Merkel's fourth term, says professor?",,'메르켈의 네 번째 임기가 시작이 좋지 않다'고 교수는 말하다. 6741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's March exports unexpectedly fall 2.7 percent; rare trade deficit of $4.98 billion - Reuters?,,"중국의 3월 수출이 예상외로 2.7% 감소했으며, 49억 8천만 달러의 드문 무역 적자를 기록했다 - 로이터." 1744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Horse racing - BHA to investigate deaths of five horses at Cheltenham?,,"경마 - BHA, Cheltenham에서 발생한 다섯 마리 말의 죽음 조사 착수" 4748,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nordstrom Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.89 Including Items?,,브리프 - 노드스트롬 4분기 주당순이익 $0.89 (특별항목 포함) 1975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Quest Diagnostics Adds Helen Torley To Board Of Directors?,,"퀘스트 다이아그노스틱스, 헬렌 토를리를 이사회에 추가한다고 발표." 3331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arbor Realty Trust Announces Pricing Of Public Offering Of Common Stock?,,"브리프 - 아버 리얼티 트러스트, 보통주 공개 발행 가격 발표" 126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: California not taking part in enhanced U.S. border security operation?,,"캘리포니아, 강화된 미국 국경 보안 작전 불참 결정" 9650,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: With ‘no plan B’, Brazil's left sticks by Lula?",,"“계획 B 없이” 브라질 좌파, 룰라에 충성을 다하다?" 8608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Late-winter U.S. storm tracking to Northeast prompts flight cancellations?,,늦겨울 미국 폭풍이 북동부로 이동함에 따라 항공편 취소가 발생하다 5532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US FDA APPROVES IMFINZI® (DURVALUMAB) FOR UNRESECTABLE STAGE III NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER?,,미국 FDA가 절제 불가능한 3기 비소세포 폐암에 대해 IMFINZI® (두르발루맙)를 승인했다. 1751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Feitian Technologies sees FY 2018 Q1 net profit down 80 pct to 90 pct?,,"브리프-페이티안 테크놀로지스, 2018 회계연도 1분기 순이익 80%에서 90% 감소 예상" 6560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Co-Operative Bank Says ‍Steven Fyfe Retiring By Rotation As Chairman​?,,"브리프-코오퍼레이티브 뱅크, 스티븐 파이프 의장이 회전퇴임한다 발표" 8420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Questions enshroud Deutsche Bank's future?,,독일은행의 미래를 둘러싼 의문들 6719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top SPD politician - No 'Plan B' if party rejects talks with Merkel?,,주요 SPD 정치인 - 메르켈과의 대화를 당이 거부한다면 '플랜 B'가 없다? 988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Judge blocks Mississippi law that would ban abortions after 15 weeks?,,미시시피주에서 15주 이후의 낙태를 금지하는 법을 판사가 차단하다. 8075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volunteers stage 'biggest microplastic beach survey ever'?,,자원봉사자들이 '역대 최대 미세플라스틱 해변 조사'를 실시하다. 5334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leicester sign Portugal defender Pereira?,,"레스터, 포르투갈 수비수 페레이라 영입" 9473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Detained immigrants separated from children in U.S. sue Trump administration?,,구금된 이민자들이 미국에서 자녀들과 분리되어 트럼프 행정부를 고소하다. 4622,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Omega-3 supplements may not cut heart disease risk?,,오메가-3 보충제가 심장병 위험을 줄이지 않을 수 있다? 8220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lawmakers release thousands of Russian Facebook ads?,,법정 의원들이 수천 개의 러시아 페이스북 광고를 공개하다. 381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ZTE says asked U.S. Commerce Department to suspend business ban?,,ZTE는 미국 상무부에 사업 금지 중단을 요청했다고 밝혔습니다. 9397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arcus Biosciences Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering?,,"아르쿠스 바이오사이언스, 기업공개(IPO) 가격 발표" 3576,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This smart mirror lets you take a selfie, watch a video and keep track of your health?",,"이 스마트 미러는 당신이 셀카를 찍고, 비디오를 시청하며, 건강을 관리할 수 있게 해줍니다." 6799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FMC Corporation's Board Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"FMC Corporation 이사회, 분기 배당금 선언" 4227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cholera vaccination campaign starts in Yemen: WHO?,,예멘에서 콜레라 예방접종 캠페인 시작: WHO 2476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It's not a 'question of finding companies' for Buffett?,,"""버핏에게는 '회사를 찾는 문제'가 아니다""" 7601,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SJW Group And Connecticut Water Service, Inc. To Combine In All-Stock Transaction To Create Leading Water Utility Company?",,"SJW 그룹과 코네티컷 워터 서비스, Inc.가 모든 주식 거래로 합병하여 선도적인 물 유틸리티 회사를 만들기로 했습니다." 8151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Equifax expects net $200 million in breach-related costs in 2018?,,"에퀴팩스, 2018년에 위반 관련 비용으로 순 2억 달러 예상" 1666,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple in talks for first order from Chinese chipmaker - Nikkei?,,"애플, 중국 반도체 제조업체로부터 첫 주문 논의 중 - 니케이" 7730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least 100 people kidnapped along road in northern Nigeria?,,북부 나이지리아 도로에서 최소 100명이 납치당했다. 9092,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wabtec Acquires Annax, A Leading Supplier Of Public Address And Passenger Information Systems For Transit Vehicles?",,"""Wabtec, 대중교통 차량용 공공 주소 및 승객 정보 시스템의 주요 공급업체 Annax 인수""" 6145,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cardinal Energy Ltd. Confirms Monthly Dividend for April?,,"카디널 에너지 주식회사, 4월 월배당금 확정" 5414,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-City Office REIT Announces New $250 Mln Unsecured Credit Facility?,,"브리프 - 시티 오피스 REIT, 새로운 2억 5천만 달러 무담보 신용 시설 발표" 3137,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Genesee & Wyoming Reports Results for the First Quarter of 2018?,,"제네시 & 와이오밍, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 보고" 1022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Combat canines mistreated by Army: Pentagon report?,,전투 개들이 군대에 의해 학대당했다: 국방부 보고서 6725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stolt-Nielsen Limited Appoints Jens F. Grüner-Hegge as Chief Financial Officer?,,"스토르트-닐센 리미티드, 옌스 F. 그루너-헤게를 최고 재무 책임자로 임명" 1787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China could target broad US business interest in trade spat?,,중국이 무역 분쟁에서 미국의 광범위한 비즈니스 이익을 겨냥할 수 있다? 7604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Holitech Technology Prelim 2017 Net Profit Up 35.5 Percent Y/Y?,,"브리프-홀리텍 기술, 2017년 순익 35.5% 증가" 4043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer - 'Outrageous' Ronaldo has Messi in his sights?,,축구 - '터무니없는' 호날두가 메시를 겨냥하다? 8116,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House says dollar very stable, believes in free-floating currency?",,"백악관, 달러 매우 안정적이며 자유변동환율 제도에 대한 신뢰 표명" 6685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reports of Chinese construction in Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh?,,중국의 아루나찰프라DESH주 건설 보고서 8548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IDEMIA Announces Appointment of Ed Casey as Chief Executive Officer of North America Identity & Security Business Unit?,,"IDEMIA, 에드 케이시를 북미 신원 및 보안 사업부의 최고 경영자로 임명한다고 발표하다." 4384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar slips vs euro after strong euro zone consumer confidence data?,,유로존 소비자 신뢰 지표 강세에 따라 달러가 유로에 대해 하락하다. 7031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST-New York Times business news - March 9?,,PRESS DIGEST-뉴욕타임스 비즈니스 뉴스 - 3월 9일 7538,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Inovio Receives Milestone Payment From Medimmune?,,"인오비오, 메디무노로부터 이정표 지급금 수령" 1932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Neovasc Announces Results for the Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017?,,"네오바스크, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표" 4101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bristol-Myers Says Opdivo Demonstrated Sustained Overall Survival Advantage Over Standard Of Care In Patients With Recurrent Or Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Head And Neck?,,"브리프 - 브리스톨-마이어스, 오프디보가 재발성 또는 전이성 편평세포암 환자에서 표준 치료에 비해 지속적인 전체 생존 이점을 보였다고 발표." 523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Would a T-Mobile-Sprint Merger Affect Your Cellphone Bill??,,T-Mobile과 Sprint의 합병이 귀하의 휴대폰 요금에 어떤 영향을 미칠까요? 2736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World leaders are formalizing hate - Amnesty?,,세계 지도자들이 증오를 공식화하고 있다 - 앰네스티 5203,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart 'bailed' Flipkart out of a down round, says analyst?",,월마트가 다운 라운드에서 플립카트를 구해줬다고 분석가가 말한다. 1918,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Encana Delivers Q1 Results, Co Says On Track To Deliver More Than 30 Pct Annual Production Growth Within Cash Flows?",,"브리프-엔캐나, 1분기 실적 발표, 연간 생산량 30% 이상 증가를 위한 현금 흐름 내에서 목표를 달성할 것이라고 밝혀." 6962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Our Samsung acquisition opened up a $55 billion market: HP Inc CEO?,,삼성 인수로 550억 달러 시장이 열렸다: HP Inc CEO 4347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magna International posts 16 pct rise in profit?,,"마그나 인터내셔널, 이익 16% 증가 발표" 5283,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. core capital goods orders, shipments fall in March?",,미국의 핵심 자본재 주문과 출하량이 3월에 감소하다. 2694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Billy Graham to lie in honour at U.S. Capitol - House speaker?,,"빌리 그레이엄, 미국 의회 의사당에 안치될 예정 - 하원의장" 6815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tenet Healthcare ‍Board Modifying Bylaws To Reduce Threshold Required To Request Special Meeting?,,"짧은 소식 - 테넷 헬스케어 이사회, 특별 회의를 요청하는 데 필요한 기준 완화하는 규정 수정." 9118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gapwaves Q1 Operating Loss Widens To SEK 10.4 Million?,,"간략하게-Gapwaves 1분기 운영 손실이 1,040만 SEK로 확대됨." 9340,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CVS Health appoints Marc-David Munk as CMO of MinuteClinic?,,"CVS 헬스, 마크-다비드 Munk을 미닛클리닉 최고 마케팅 책임자로 임명" 9923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greeks rally in Athens over Macedonia name row?,,그리스인들이 마케도니아 명칭 논란에 대해 아테네에서 집회를 열다. 3838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Micro Focus plunge knocks FTSE 100 down to two-week low?,,마이크로 포커스의 급락으로 FTSE 100이 2주 최저치로 내려갔다. 4562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Sonny Bill back for Blues after six weeks out?,,"럭비 - 소니 빌, 6주 만에 블루스 복귀" 586,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Caliber Imaging & Diagnostics, Inc. Names Doug Leahy Vice President of Reimbursement and Health Economics?",,"Caliber Imaging & Diagnostics, Inc.가 Doug Leahy를 환급 및 건강 경제학 부사장으로 임명하다." 7179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook's News Feed survey users to find 'high quality' newsFashionia Walk | Fashionia Walk?,,"""페이스북, '고품질' 뉴스를 찾기 위해 사용자 설문조사 실시 / 패셔니아 워크 | 패셔니아 워크?""" 601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall St opens higher as investors shrug off shutdown fears?,,"미국 주식 속보 - 월스트리트, 투자자들이 정부 폐쇄 우려를 털어내며 상승세로 출발." 1576,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Salmar Q4 beats forecast, raises dividend more than expected?",,브리프 - 살마르 4분기 실적 예상치를 웃돌고 예상보다 더 많은 배당금이 인상됨. 5533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia on Trump call to end arms race: Let's start with U.S. chemical weapons?,,"""트럼프의 군비 경쟁 종료 요청에 대한 러시아의 반응: 미국의 화학 무기부터 시작하자.""" 3762,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Temple Hotels Announces Normal Course Issuer Bid?,,"브리프 - 템플 호텔, 정상적인 주식 매입 계획 발표" 5929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roger Goodell says anthem kneeling protests led to 'unprecedented dialogue'?,,로저 구델은 국가 kneeling 시위가 '전례 없는 대화'로 이어졌다고 말했다. 2516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Biofrontera Closes $12.9 Million Firm Commitment IPO Of American Depositary Shares?,,"브리프 - 바이오프론테라, 미국 예탁 주식의 1,290만 달러 규모의 확정 공모상장 종료." 8222,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: L1 Capital Launches IPO for Long Short Fund LIC, Raising $500M?",,"L1 캐피탈, 5억 달러 규모의 롱쇼트 펀드 LIC의 IPO를 출시하다." 5044,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japanese Billionaire Sells Apartment in Trump Building for $25 Million?,,"일본 억만장자가 트럼프 빌딩 아파트를 2,500만 달러에 판매하다." 7773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sanctions limit North Koreans' Olympic perks?,,제재가 북한 선수들의 올림픽 특혜를 제한하다. 3510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mtech Acquisition Announces Closing Of Over-Allotment Option In Connection With Its IPO?,,"브리프 - Mtech 인수, IPO와 관련하여 과도 배정 옵션 종료 발표" 562,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Declares 469th Regular Quarterly Dividend?",,"Church & Dwight Co., Inc.가 469번째 정기 분배금을 선언하다." 7012,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arena Pharmaceuticals to Release First Quarter 2018 Financial Results and Provide Corporate Update on Tuesday, May 8?",,아레나 제약이 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 발표하고 5월 8일 화요일에 기업 업데이트를 제공할 예정입니다. 4100,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: Main provisions of Florida gun safety bill?,,플로리다 총기 안전 법안의 주요 조항에 대한 사실 정리 7159,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 7-Oil edges up on equities rebound, weak dollar?",,UPDATE 7-주식 반등과 약달러로 유가 상승 5528,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei extends decline as U.S. tariffs hit steel, exporter stocks?",,니케이가 미국의 관세가 철강 및 수출업체 주식에 타격을 주면서 하락세를 기록하고 있다. 9535,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Armada Hoffler Properties, Armada Hoffler L.P. Enter ATM Equity OfferingSM Sales Agreements?",,"브리프 - 아르마다 호플러 프로퍼티스, 아르마다 호플러 L.P.에서 ATM 주식 매도 계약 체결" 8388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 5 cardinal rules of engagement?,,5가지 참여의 기본 규칙 5341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Adherium Investor Conference Call?,,Adherium 투자자 컨퍼런스 콜 내용은 무엇일까요? 5387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SteadyMed Provides Corporate Update and Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,SteadyMed가 기업 업데이트를 제공하고 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과를 보고하다. 3397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia election: AirAsia CEO Fernandes sorry for Najib Razak video?,,"말레이시아 선거: 에어아시아 CEO 펀나디스, 나집 라작 동영상에 대해 사과" 119,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Starboard Value Reports 8.9 Pct Stake In Cars.Com Inc?,,"브리프-스타보드 밸류, Cars.Com Inc의 8.9% 지분 보고" 4946,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Judge Orders Teen to Pay Damages for Starting Oregon Wildfire. It Cost $37 Million?,,"""판사가 오리건 주 산불을 일으킨 10대에게 3,700만 달러의 손해배상을 지불하라고 명령하다.""" 3744,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspected Russian warplanes hit busy market in Idlib, kill 15: rescuers, residents?",,"러시아 전투기가 이들레브의 번화한 시장을 공격해 15명 사망: 구조대원, 주민들" 2335,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HNA's commodity and logistics unit won't chase U.S. M&A deals in 2018: executive?,,"HNA의 원자재 및 물류 부문, 2018년에 미국 인수합병 거래는 추구하지 않을 것: 임원" 7112,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump called for unity in State of the Union, sidestepped Russia?",,"트럼프, 국정연설에서 통합 촉구하며 러시아 문제 피했다." 6599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eni backs U.S. nuclear fusion firm formed by ex-MIT researchers?,,"에니, 전 MIT 연구원들이 설립한 미국 핵융합 기업 지원하다" 2299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cambodia arrests 100 suspects over telecoms fraud?,,"캄보디아, 통신 사기 관련 100명 용의자 체포" 2301,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-G S Auto International Says Gajinder Bains Resigned As CEO?,,BRIEF-G S Auto International은 Gajinder Bains가 CEO로서 사임했다고 발표했습니다. 145,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-OTCPharm Gets Mandatory Tender Offer From Augment Investment Limited?,,"오피시브 브리프-OTCPharm, Augment Investment Limited로부터 의무 매수 제안 받음" 3592,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lattice Semiconductor Reports Qtrly Adjusted EPS Of $0.05?,,Lattice Semiconductor가 분기 조정 주당 순이익(EPS) $0.05를 보고했습니다. 7329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amar Finance and Leasing FY Loss Narrows?,,BRIEF-아마르 파이낸스 앤 리저의 회계연도 손실 폭이 축소됨. 7387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least 18 dead in Hong Kong bus accident?,,홍콩 버스 사고로 최소 18명이 사망했다. 2452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla crash may have triggered battery fire: Swiss firefighters?,,테슬라 사고가 배터리 화재를 유발했을 수 있다고 스위스 소방관들이 전했다. 8261,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diabetes Industry Veteran Pawel Fludzinski, Ph.D. Named CEO of AmideBio?",,"당뇨병 산업의 베테랑 파웰 플루진스키, 박사, 아미드바이오의 CEO로 임명되다." 1421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hong Kong SFC Bans Former Investment Counsellor of DBS HK From Re-entering Industry for 6 Months?,,"홍콩 SFC, DBS HK 전 투자 상담사에게 6개월 동안 산업 재진입 금지 조치 시행" 6183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Skjern Bank FY Net Profit Rises To DKK 123.8‍​ Million ​?,,"BRIEF-스켈른 은행 FY 순이익 1억 2,380만 DKK로 상승" 1151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungary's March retail sales rise by 7.1 pct y/y -stats?,,헝가리의 3월 소매 판매가 지난해 대비 7.1% 증가 - 통계 5392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Millionaire bankers on the rise in Europe in decade after crisis?,,위기 이후 10년 동안 유럽에서 부유한 은행가들이 증가하고 있다. 1853,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WSJ City PM: Don’t Expect a Rally on Strong Earnings, Europe Faces Fresh Battle, Brent Passes $80?",,"WSJ 시티 PM: 강한 실적에 랠리를 기대하지 마세요, 유럽은 새로운 싸움에 직면하다, 브렌트 유가 80달러 넘다." 5586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Interactive Brokers Reports Brokerage Metrics For January?,,"브리프-인터랙티브 브로커스, 1월의 브로커리지 지표 보고" 9913,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Pressure, TPP Revival, Postal Service Review: CEO Daily for April 13, 2018?",,"중국 압박, TPP 부활, 우편 서비스 검토: CEO 일일 브리핑 2018년 4월 13일" 525,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-JPMorgan's Director Mellody Hobson Reports Open Market Purchase Of Shares?,,"브리프 - JPMorgan의 이사 멜로디 홉슨, 주식의 공개 시장 매입 보고" 4961,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MCUBS MidCity Investment to issue 8,000 units to Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities?",,"BRIEF-MCUBS 미드시티 투자, 미쓰비시 UFJ 모건 스탠리 증권에 8,000 유닛 발행 예정" 7417,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tableau Software beats the Street?,,"태블로 소프트웨어, 예상치를 웃도는 실적 발표" 8452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jordan's Safwa Islamic Bank Board Proposes FY Cash Dividend?,,"간략하게 - 요르단의 사프와 이슬람 은행 이사회, FY 현금 배당 제안" 6140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European lawmakers vote for more ambition on renewables targets?,,유럽 국회의원들이 재생 가능 에너지 목표에 대한 더 높은 야망을 위한 투표를 했다. 5962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NetEase to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 16?,,网易将于5月16日公布2018年第一季度财务业绩。 4068,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-Lula's Brazil presidential run in doubt after conviction upheld?,,UPDATE 4-루라의 브라질 대선 출마가 유죄 판결 재확인 후 불투명해졌다. 8390,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Capital Product Partners L.P. Announces Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results, the Completed Acquisition of the M/T ‘Aristaios’, As Well As the Sale of the M/T ‘Aristotelis’ and the Acquisition of the M/T ‘Anikitos’?",,"캐피탈 프라덕트 파트너스 L.P.가 2017년 4분기 재무 결과를 발표하고, M/T 'Aristaios'의 인수 완료 및 M/T 'Aristotelis'의 매각과 M/T 'Anikitos'의 인수를 발표했습니다." 2521,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China watching as the U.S. woos old foe, Vietnam?",,"중국, 미국이 옛 적수 베트남을 끌어들이는 모습을 주시하다" 288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NAFTA plays waiting game at key talks in Mexico?,,"NAFTA, 멕시코의 핵심 회담에서 대기 게임을 하다" 720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Domino's Pizza Says ‍Australian Employees Will Remain On Fast Food Industry Award?,,"브리프 - 도미노 피자, 호주 직원들이 패스트푸드 산업 보상 유지할 것이라고 발표." 4885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Duda's solo shot pushes Royals over Indians?,,두다가 솔로 홈런을 쳐서 로열스가 인디언즈를 이겼다. 7997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. House passes measure to fund government and end shutdown?,,미국 하원이 정부에 자금을 지원하고 셧다운을 종료하는 법안을 통과시켰다. 2721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Overstock.com Reports Q4 and Fiscal Year 2017 Results?,,"오버스톡닷컴, 2017년 4분기 및 회계연도 실적 발표" 5926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PepsiCo Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"펩시코, 분기 배당금 발표" 4880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pure Multi-Family REIT Provides Update On Sale Process?,,"간략 - Pure Multi-Family REIT, 매각 과정에 대한 업데이트 제공" 6412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World Bank Unfairly Influenced Its Own Competitiveness Rankings?,,세계은행이 자국의 경쟁력 순위를 부당하게 영향을 미쳤다는 기사 내용? 4843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rexford Industrial Acquires Industrial Park For $24.1 Million & Sells Property For $10.9 Million?,,"렉스포드 산업, 2억 4천 1백만 달러에 산업 공원 인수 및 1천 9백만 달러에 자산 매각." 7674,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. sees Haqqani network behind ambulance bombing in Kabul?,,"미국, 카불에서의 구급차 폭탄 테러 뒤에 하카니 네트워크 있다고 봐." 8128,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Notifies Investors of an Investigation Involving Possible Securities Fraud Violations by the Board of Directors of Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.?",,"주주 경고: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP가 Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.의 이사회에 의한 가능성 있는 증권 사기 위반에 대한 조사를 투자자에게 알립니다." 4911,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar weakens after Fed bounce proves short-lived?,,"FOREX-달러, 연준의 반등이 단명한 후 약세로 돌아서다." 6244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Orleans Is Spending Millions to Remove Tons of Mardi Gras Beads From Storm Drains?,,뉴올리언스가 폭풍배수구에서 수천 톤의 마르디 그라 비드를 제거하기 위해 수백만 달러를 쓰고 있다? 9309,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer stars and Liberia's new president arrive at Elysee Palace?,,축구 스타들과 리베리아의 새 대통령이 엘리제 궁전에 도착하다 5776,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slumping Blues erupt in 7-2 rout over Kings?,,"슬럼프에 빠진 블루스, 킹스를 7-2로 대파하다" 5761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK business growth gauge rises to two-year high: CBI?,,영국 비즈니스 성장 지표가 2년 만에 최고치로 상승: CBI 2964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guotai Junan Securities issues 2018 second tranche short-term financing notes worth 3.5 bln yuan?,,"BRIEF-구타이주난증권, 2018년 제2차 단기 자금 조달 채권 35억 위안 발행" 1784,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ZTE says asked U.S. Commerce Department to suspend business ban?,,ZTE는 미국 상무부에 사업 금지 중단을 요청했다고 말했습니다. 9491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How artificial intelligence is shaping religion in the 21st century?,,21세기 인공지능이 종교를 어떻게 형성하고 있는가? 7086,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Theravance Biopharma, Inc. Reports Financial and Provides Business Update?",,"테라방스 바이오파마 주식회사, 재무 보고 및 사업 업데이트 제공" 493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NYT: U.S. investigating Cambridge Analytica?,,"NYT: 미국, 캠브리지 애널리티카 조사 중?" 4498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesco closure of non-food website puts 500 jobs at risk?,,"테스코, 비식품 웹사이트 폐쇄로 500개 일자리 위협." 8881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Spearhead Integrated Marketing Communication Group says change of accounting policy?,,브리프-스피어헤드 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 그룹이 회계 정책 변경을 발표했다고 전함. 6229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungarian ruling party wants to amend constitution to ban settlement of migrants?,,"헝가리 집권당, 이민자 정착 금지를 위한 헌법 개정 추진" 61,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says he will use military to protect U.S. border with Mexico?,,"트럼프, 멕시코와의 국경을 보호하기 위해 군을 사용할 것이라고 말하다." 9247,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kraft Heinz CEO: Capitalizing on our food brands?,,크래프트 하인즈 CEO: 우리의 식품 브랜드를 활용하기 8776,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: U.S. bans American companies from selling to China's ZTE?,,"독점 보도: 미국, 미국 기업들이 중국 ZTE에 제품 판매를 금지하다." 2525,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sinosun Technology to pay cash dividend of 1.2 yuan per 10 shares (before tax) for 2017?,,BRIEF-Sinosun Technology는 2017년을 위해 주당 1.2위안(세전)의 현금을 배당하기로 결정했다. 7955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- British Business - May 25?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""PRESS DIGEST- British Business - May 25""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 2765,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Colas SA Colas Australia Group Acquires Topcoat Asphalt Contractors?,,"브리프 - 콜라스 SA, 콜라스 오스트레일리아 그룹이 탑코트 아스팔트 계약자 인수" 4653,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Apple Says Major Updates TO ARKIT, Messages And More Coming This Spring?",,"BRIEF-애플, 이번 봄 ARKIT, 메시지 및 기타 기능에 대한 주요 업데이트 발표 예정" 1428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AUB Group Sees FY18 Performance At Top End Of Range Of 5-10% Growth In Adjusted NPAT?,,"간단히 설명하자면, AUB Group은 FY18(2018 회계연도) 성과가 조정된 순이익에서 5-10% 성장의 범위 상단에 이를 것으로 예상하고 있습니다." 9389,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jim Cramer calls Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang the 'Einstein of our era'?,,짐 크래머가 엔비디아 CEO 젠슨 황을 '우리 시대의 아인슈타인'이라고 언급하다. 7226,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Terreno Realty Acquires Property In Newark, NJ For $6.3 Mln?",,"브리핑 - 테레노 리얼티, 뉴어크(NJ)에서 630만 달러에 부동산 인수" 15,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fulgent Genetics to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results on February 28, 2018?",,Fulgent Genetics가 2018년 2월 28일에 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 7058,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: USDA ups domestic sugar stocks-to-use ratio, sees record output?",,USDA가 국내 설탕 재고 사용 비율을 상향 조정하고 기록적인 생산량을 예상하다. 6429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI contradicts White House on Porter background check?,,"FBI, 포터 배경 조사에 대해 백악관과 상반된 입장 밝혀" 8591,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Kohli extends India lead on woeful Wanderers wicket?,,"크리켓-코흘리, 형편없는 완더러스 경기장에서 인도 리드를 늘리다." 1615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sports ‘sponsorships’ often promote junk food to children?,,스포츠 '후원'이 종종 아이들에게 정크 푸드를 홍보한다. 3531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vornado - Q1 Results To Include $6.5 Mln Net Loss From Other Items?,,브리프-버나도 - 1분기 실적에 기타 항목으로 인한 650만 달러 순손실 포함 예정? 7826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Man United bag top soccer financial honor?,,"맨유, 축구 금융 분야 최고 영예 획득" 7398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stockholm truck attacker wanted to 'run over unbelievers': prosecutors?,,"""스톡홀름 트럭 테러범, '불신자들을 치고 싶었다'고 검찰 밝혀""" 8789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bang & Olufsen Q2 Underlying Business EBITDAC Up At DKK 135 MLn?,,"브리프 - 방앤올룹슨 Q2 기본 사업 EBITDAC가 1억 3,500만 DKK로 증가함." 8815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mattel Unveils New 'Role Model' Barbies For National Women's Day?,,"매텔, 국제 여성의 날 맞아 새로운 '롤모델' 바비 인형 공개" 3916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: METALS-Copper eases as investors cash in on strong week?,,"METALS-Copper eases as investors cash in on strong week의 한국어 번역은 다음과 같습니다. ""금속 - 투자자들이 강한 주간의 수익 실현에 나서면서 구리가 하락하다""" 569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangxi Fushine Pharmaceutical announces 2017 dividend payment?,,간략 - 장시 푸신 약품이 2017년 배당금 지급을 발표합니다. 1804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Emerge Energy Services LP Responds To Industry-Wide Railroad Service Issues?,,"BRIEF-Emerge Energy Services LP, 산업 전반의 철도 서비스 문제에 대한 대응 발표" 3180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey says has information that Exxon ship heading for east Mediterranean?,,"터키, 엑손 선박이 동부 지중해로 향하고 있다는 정보 보유 주장" 2719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kinder Morgan Announces Fourth Quarter ‘17 Earnings Webcast?,,"킨더모건, 2017년 4분기 실적 웹캐스트 발표" 2284,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Avengers' Crushes Box Office Again and Passes $1 Billion | Fortune?,,'어벤져스'가 박스 오피스를 다시 압도하며 10억 달러를 돌파하다 | 포춘 8683,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says new sanctions would not stifle its oil industry?,,"이란, 새로운 제재가 자국의 석유 산업을 억누르지 않을 것이라고 말하다." 3228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big-screen TVs and other products you buy that may get more expensive because of a possible trade war with China?,,중국과의 무역 전쟁 가능성으로 인해 가격이 오를 수 있는 대형 스크린 TV 및 기타 제품들 2133,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU urges Poland to further address concerns over judiciary reform?,,EU는 폴란드에 사법 개혁에 대한 우려를 더욱 해결할 것을 촉구합니다. 3303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PNB uncovers more fraud at troubled Mumbai branch?,,"PNB, 문제가 있는 뭄바이 지점에서 더 많은 사기를 밝혀내다" 4860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oaktree Reports Q1 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.93?,,"브리프-옥트리, 1분기 조정 주당 순이익 $0.93 보고" 2215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's ZTE will take 'certain actions' against U.S. ban?,,중국의 ZTE가 미국 금지 조치에 대해 '특정 행동'을 취할 것이라고 합니다. 2343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Endologix Completes Patient Enrollment In The Elevate IDE Clinical Study?,,"브리프 - 엔돌로직, 엘리베이트 IDE 임상 연구에서 환자 등록 완료" 5174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Angola launches US$3bn bond offering?,,"앙골라, 30억 달러 규모의 채권 발행 착수" 9195,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Term Sheet -- Thursday, February 8 | Fortune?",,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""Term Sheet -- Thursday, February 8 | Fortune""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다. - 최신 비즈니스 및 금융 동향 - 주요 기업의 투자 및 인수 합병 관련 소식 - 경제 지표와 주식 시장의 최신 업데이트 - 스타트업과 혁신 기업에 대한 투자자 관심 - 특정 산업 분야에서의 주요 계약 및 거래 - Fortune 500 기업의 성과와 분석 (참고: 위 내용은 가상의 예시입니다.)" 9738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber rejected $500 million settlement with Waymo earlier this week?,,우버는 이번 주에 웨이모와의 5억 달러 화해 제안을 거부했다. 5755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hain Celestial Announces Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Earnings Date and Conference Call?,,"Hain Celestial, 2018 회계 연도 2분기 수익 발표일 및 컨퍼런스 콜 안내" 5848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ROAM's new exoskeleton enhances your skiing and snowboarding?,,ROAM의 새로운 외골격이 스키와 스노보드를 향상시킵니다. 8041,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nevsun Announces Timok Upper Zone PFS Release Date?,,"네브순, 티목 상부 구역 PFS 발표 날짜 발표" 1880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-National International Holding Updates on Unit's Stake Sale?,,"브리핑 - 내셔널 인터내셔널 홀딩스, 자회사 지분 매각 업데이트 제공" 3354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Changsheng Bio-Technology's 2017 Net Profit Up 33.3 Percent Y/Y At 566.3 Million Yuan?,,"브리핑 - 잔성 바이오테크놀로지, 2017년 순이익 5억 6천 630만 위안으로 지난해 대비 33.3% 증가." 2399,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Border Agents’ Searches of Travelers’ Phones Skyrocketed, Agency Says?",,국경 요원들이 여행자들의 휴대전화를 검색하는 일이 급증했다고 기관이 밝혔다. 7423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Hey Mercedes' - Daimler takes on Silicon Valley with hi-tech A-Class?,,"'안녕하세요, 메르세데스' - 다임러, 하이테크 A-Class로 실리콘밸리와 맞대결" 8323,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. CRUDE FUTURES EXTEND LOSSES, FALL MORE THAN $3 TO SESSION LOW OF $67.60?",,"미국 원유 선물, 손실 확대, 세션 최저 67.60달러로 3달러 이상 하락." 2171,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SG Blocks to Host First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. ET?",,SG Blocks는 2018년 5월 9일 수요일 오후 4시 30분(동부 표준시)에 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 콘퍼런스 콜을 개최합니다. 7183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dataprise Names Todd Mitchell Chief Operating Officer?,,"다타프라이즈, 토드 미첼을 최고 운영 책임자로 임명한다." 706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Experts offer advice for extreme allergic reaction?,,전문가들이 극심한 알레르기 반응에 대한 조언을 제시하다. 4004,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Grand Jury's Key Role in the Trump-Russia Investigation Explained?,,트럼프-러시아 수사에서 대배심의 핵심 역할 설명 2193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU experts' fake news report draws false conclusions: consumer group?,,EU 전문가들의 가짜 뉴스 보고서가 잘못된 결론을 도출했다: 소비자 단체 2878,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bill Gates used to memorize the license plates of Microsoft employees to keep tabs on them?,,빌 게이츠는 Microsoft 직원들의 차량 번호판을 외워 그들을 감시하곤 했다? 2648,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cresset Partners Builds Expert Team to Offer Access to Innovative Private Equity Investments?,,"Cresset Partners, 혁신적인 사모펀드 투자에 접근할 수 있는 전문가 팀을 구축하다." 9405,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Playboy model tells CNN she 'was in love' with Trump?,,전 플레이보이 모델이 CNN에 트럼프와 '사랑에 빠졌다'고 말하다 827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EnLink Midstream Announces 2018 Financial and Operational Guidance?,,EnLink Midstream가 2018년 재무 및 운영 지침을 발표하다. 9238,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aviva Says ‍Co, Hillhouse Capital Group And Tencent Holdings Completed Transaction To Develop A JV​?",,"아비바가 코, 힐하우스 캐피탈 그룹 및 텐센트 홀딩스가 합작 투자 개발을 위한 거래를 완료했다고 발표했습니다." 7583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Regulatory scrutiny could end up helping Facebook: Analyst?,,규제 조사가 결국 페이스북에 도움이 될 수 있다는 분석가의 주장 5496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blom Bank says 2017 net profit rose by 4.7 pct to $484.7 mln?,,Blom Bank는 2017년 순이익이 4.7% 증가하여 4억 8천470만 달러에 이르렀다고 밝혔다. 8649,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: College Election Crackdown: No Glitter, No iPads, No Mascot Photos?",,"대학 선거 단속: 반짝이 금지, 아이패드 금지, 마스코트 사진 금지?" 8990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Associated Banc-Corp Receives Regulatory Approvals For Bank Mutual Corp Acquisition?,,BRIEF-Associated Banc-Corp가 Bank Mutual Corp 인수에 대한 규제 승인을 받음. 4225,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-S&P Says Pension Assumption Delay Makes Near-Term NJ Budgets More Manageable, But Doesn't Address Long-Term Pension Issue?",,"브리프 - S&P는 연기된 연금 가정이 뉴저지의 단기 예산을 더 관리하기 쉽게 만들지만, 장기 연금 문제는 해결하지 못한다고 말했습니다." 8952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Virginia man threatens U.S. congressman's life after venting about marijuana?,,버지니아 남성이 마리화나에 대해 불만을 토로한 후 미국 하원의원의 목숨을 위협하다 7277,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-GLP J-REIT to acquire properties for 51.56 bln yen?,,BRIEF-GLP J-REIT가 5156억 엔에 자산을 인수할 예정입니다. 7506,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia to create bank for state defence orders - Finance Ministry?,,"러시아, 국가 방위 주문을 위한 은행 설립 - 재무부" 8887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prices of consumer goods in China rose at a slower pace in January?,,중국의 소비재 가격이 1월에 더딘 속도로 상승했다. 4832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vanguard chief: You will never see a bitcoin fund from us?,,뱅가드 최고경영자: 우리는 절대 비트코인 펀드를 만들지 않을 것입니다. 3574,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing's Middle East president says it will 'follow the lead' of the US government on Iran?,,보잉의 중동 회장은 이란에 대해 미국 정부의 '지침을 따르겠다'고 말했습니다. 2460,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Achieve Life Sciences Announces Reverse Stock Split?,,"브리프-아치브 생명 과학, 주식 액면 분할 발표" 2760,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang China Commodities City's Q1 Net Profit Up 6.3 Pct Y/Y At 723.1 Mln Yuan?,,간략히 - 저장(浙江) 중국 상품 도시의 1분기 순이익이 전년 대비 6.3% 증가한 7억 2310만 위안. 7732,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Panama Canal to carry 30 million tonnes of LNG by 2020 as global demand grows?,,파나마 운하는 2020년까지 글로벌 수요 증가로 3천만 톤의 액화천연가스(LNG)를 운반할 것이다. 2199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: George Soros to Invest in Cryptocurrencies Even With Bitcoin Down?,,"조지 소로스, 비트코인이 하락한 가운데 암호화폐에 투자할 계획" 7910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Monotype Issues Statement Regarding Director Nominations?,,"브리프-모노타입, 이사 지명에 관한 성명 발표" 7581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: YouTube again revises rules to protect advertisers from offensive content?,,"유튜브, 광고주 보호를 위한 offensive content 관련 규정 다시 수정" 2157,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Markets Now: May 23, 2018?",,CNBC 마켓 나우: 2018년 5월 23일 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 4476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FTSE gets boost from miners as global trade tensions ease?,,FTSE는 글로벌 무역 긴장이 완화되면서 광산업체들 덕분에 상승세를 보인다. 7855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slovakia demands Vietnam explain allegations of ex-oil executive's kidnapping?,,슬로바키아가 베트남에 전 석유 경영진의 납치 혐의를 설명할 것을 요구하다. 2945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CEC CoreCast to pay cash dividend of 0.62 yuan (pre-tax) for every 10 shares?,,브리프 - CEC CoreCast가 10주당 0.62위안(세전)의 현금 배당금을 지급하기로 함. 5724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fashion group Esprit swings to $122 million net loss in first half?,,"패션 그룹 에스프리, 상반기 1억 2200만 달러 순손실로 전환" 4545,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bloomberg: SoftBank eyes 25 percent Swiss Re stake worth $9.6 Billion?,,"블룸버그: 소프트뱅크, 96억 달러 가치의 스위스 재보험회사 25% 지분 인수 계획" 7487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Savvy Ways to Take Withdrawals from College Accounts?,,대학 계좌에서 인출하는 영리한 방법들 869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kazakhstan's central bank launches securities trading app?,,"카자흐스탄 중앙은행, 증권 거래 앱 출시" 5749,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: Kim's cheer squad 'charm offensive'?,,올림픽: 김의 응원단 '매력 작전' 8995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar Tree quarterly same-store sales miss estimates?,,달러트리 분기 동일점포 매출 예상치 밑돌아 1720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rivals Help Fund Regeneron’s Gene-Sequencing Effort?,,경쟁사들이 레제네론의 유전자 서열 분석 노력을 지원하는 자금을 제공하다. 3790,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two police officers, civilian shot in Dallas - police?",,댈러스에서 두 명의 경찰관과 한 명의 민간인이 총에 맞았다고 경찰이 전했습니다. 1014,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: A chronology of Thomson Reuters Corp?,,"뉴스 기사 제목인 ""Factbox: A chronology of Thomson Reuters Corp""에 대한 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: Thomson Reuters Corp의 역사적 사건, 주요 이정표, 기업 발전의 중요한 시점, 인수 및 합병, 경영진 변화, 기업의 비즈니스 모델 진화 등을 포함하여 회사가 어떻게 성장하고 변화해 왔는지를 연대순으로 정리한 내용일 것입니다." 434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Karlovic becomes oldest man in third round for 40 years?,,"테니스 - 칼로비치, 40년 만에 3회전 진출한 가장 나이 많은 남자 선수 되다." 6049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-I-mobile to offer off-floor distribution of shares?,,BRIEF-I-mobile은 오프 플로어 방식으로 주식 배급을 제공할 예정입니다. 3425,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. cannot cut teen pregnancy prevention grants : federal judge?,,미국은 청소년 임신 예방 지원금을 삭제할 수 없다고 연방 판사가 판결했다. 9157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Travelers reports $499M in pre-tax catastrophe losses?,,"여행자사는 세전 재해 손실이 4억 9,900만 달러에 이른다고 보고했다." 7879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Five Prime Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"파이브 프라임, 일반 주식 공모 제안 발표" 3358,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Juve's Serie A rivals share Tottenham's frustration?,,유벤투스의 Serie A 라이벌들이 토트넘의 좌절을 공유하다 1943,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Majority government eludes Czech PM Babis as coalition talks fail?,,"체코 총리 바비스, 연립 정부 협상 실패로 다수 정부 달성 실패" 1822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pilgrim's Pride Upsizes And Prices Senior Unsecured Notes Offering?,,"브리프-필그림스 프라이드, 선순위 무담보 채권 발행 규모 증가 및 가격 결정" 3892,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lincoln Wasn’t Handsome, but He Had a Great Sense of Humor?",,링컨은 잘생기지 않았지만 훌륭한 유머 감각을 가졌다. 4676,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GasLog Partners LP Announces Acquisition Of GasLog Gibraltar For $207 Million and Repayment of Intercompany Loan?,,"가스락 파트너스 LP, 2억 7천만 달러에 가스락 지브롤터 인수 발표 및 내부 대출 상환" 9267,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INTERVIEW-Japanese foreign minister: Japan, U.S. completely in sync on N.Korea?",,"인터뷰-일본 외무장관: 일본과 미국, 북한 문제에 완전히 일치하고 있다." 5810,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia: Call for Syrian army to halt Idlib push attempt to help Nusra front: RIA?,,"러시아: 시리아 군대에 알레포 진격 시도를 중단하라는 요청, 누스라 전선 지원을 위해: RIA" 1230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activist investor Elliott buys UK bookshop chain Waterstones?,,"활동적 투자자 엘리엇, 영국 서점 체인 워터스톤스 인수" 6083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Finning Q4 Earnings Per Share C$0.39?,,브리프 - 핀닝 4분기 주당순이익 C$0.39 7620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Global Brands Manufacture to pay cash dividend of T$0.6 per share?,,브리프 - 글로벌 브랜드 매니팩처는 주당 T$0.6의 현금 배당금을 지급할 예정입니다. 3146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's Macron engages hecklers in farm-show rite of passage?,,"프랑스의 마크롱, 농업 박람회에서 야유하는 사람들과 대화하며 의식 수행" 6606,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corestate Capital Invests In Serviced Apartment Building In Duesseldorf?,,"코어스테이트 캐피탈, 뒤셀도르프의 서비스드 아파트 건물에 투자하다." 7395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Kate Spade sales miss weighs on Tapestry results?,,업데이트 1 - 케이트 스페이드 매출 부진이 태피스트리 실적에 부담을 주다. 4966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Invesco Says Preliminary Average Active Aum For Quarter Through March 31 Were $747.1 Bln?,,브리핑 - 인베스코는 3월 31일까지의 분기에 대한 예비 평균 능동 AUM이 747.1억 달러였다고 발표했습니다. 7947,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Insurers Doing Well, White House Says, Raising ACA Subsidy Doubts?",,보험사들이 잘 지내고 있다고 백악관이 말하며 ACA 보조금에 대한 의혹이 커지고 있다. 3277,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Male-dominated panels still rule conferences, study finds?",,남성 중심의 패널이 여전히 컨퍼런스를 지배한다는 연구 결과가 나왔다. 5584,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Democratic turnout surges in Texas as voters vent anger at Trump in the first state primary of 2018?,,2018년 첫 주의회 선거에서 유권자들이 트럼프에 대한 분노를 드러내면서 텍사스에서 민주당원의 투표율이 급증하다. 2116,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway central bank keeps key rate at 0.50 pct, outlook unchanged?",,"노르웨이 중앙은행, 기준금리를 0.50%로 유지하고 전망은 변동 없음." 2468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nicholas Financial Says Entered Amendment To Existing Loan & Security Agreement?,,"브리프 - 니콜라스 파이낸셜, 기존 대출 및 보안 계약 수정안을 체결했다고 밝혀." 6551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Quantum Corp Files For Non-Timely 10-Q?,,간략 - 퀀텀사가 비시기 10-Q 서류를 제출하였습니다. 9216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Commerce chief to travel to China next week: Mnuchin?,,미국 상무부 장관이 다음 주 중국으로 여행할 예정이다: 므누신? 1049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Italeaf: Paolo Allegretti Resigned As CFO Of Ternienergia?,,브리프-이탈리프: 파올로 알레그레티가 테르니에네르지아의 CFO로 사임했습니다. 4208,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Royal Wedding Will Not Include Trump, Other Politicians | Fortune?",,트럼프 및 기타 정치인들 없이 진행되는 로열 웨딩 8825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CAE Renews Its Normal Course Issuer Bid?,,BRIEF-CAE가 자사주 매입 프로그램을 갱신하다. 2117,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AAM to Webcast and Teleconference First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 4?,,AAM은 5월 4일 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 웹캐스트 및 전화 회의로 발표합니다. 8352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TD Bank Group Acquires Artificial Intelligence Innovator Layer 6?,,"TD 은행 그룹, 인공지능 혁신 기업 Layer 6 인수 소식 브리핑" 1041,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Heavy flows into Saudi to continue, Mideast funds say?",,사우디아라비아로의 많은 자금 유입이 계속될 것이라고 중동 펀드들이 말하다. 7836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Square Inc Q4 Net Loss Per Share $0.04?,,"브리프 - 스퀘어 Inc, 4분기 주당 순손실 $0.04." 727,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA FX DEBT-C$ slumps in February by most since Alberta wildfire?,,캐나다 외환 채무 - C$가 알버타 산불 이후 가장 큰 폭으로 2월에 하락하다. 7637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank of Canada 8-Day T-bill auction yields average 1.197 pct?,,간략 - 캐나다 중앙은행 8일 만기 국채 경매 수익률 평균 1.197% 4073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Yuchai International Says Q1 Revenue Fell 4.7 Pct To RMB 4.3 Bln?,,"브리프 - 중국 유차이 인터내셔널, 1분기 매출 4.3억 위안으로 4.7% 감소했다고 발표." 160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gazit Globe says Dori Segal to step down as CEO as of January end?,,BRIEF-Gazit Globe가 도리 세갈이 1월 말 CEO 직에서 사임할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 5100,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ION Reports Q1 Adjusted Loss Per Share $1.34 Excluding Items?,,BRIEF-ION은 항목을 제외한 1분기 조정 손실 주당 $1.34를 보고했습니다. 949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Government Bonds Weaken As Major Stock Indexes Reach Highs?,,미국 국채가 약세를 보이는 가운데 주요 주가지수가 최고치에 도달하다 1544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Surgery patients can help prevent opioid abuse?,,수술 환자들이 오피오이드 남용을 예방하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다? 2892,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A dog's life - In Beijing's Forbidden City, no holiday for canine patrol?",,개들의 삶 - 베이징 자금성에서 개의 순찰 임무는 휴일이 없다? 7257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: XpresSpa Group Qtrly Total Revenue $11.8 Million?,,"엑스프레스파 그룹 분기 총 수익 1,180만 달러" 1349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York Housing Is Getting (Gasp!) More Affordable | realtor.com®?,,뉴욕 주택이 (헉!) 더 저렴해지고 있다 | realtor.com® 4778,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade biases and trends for USDA’s plantings, stocks reports: Braun?",,"USDA의 식물 재배, 재고 보고서에 대한 무역 편향과 동향: 브라운?" 5433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tetragon Financial Group Limited Dividend Announcement?,,Tetragon Financial Group Limited 배당금 발표 소식 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 7362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weatherford Publishes Digital 2017 Annual Report?,,"웨더포드, 디지털 2017 연차 보고서 발표" 2118,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exela Technologies, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2018 Results; Pro forma Revenue growth of 8.7%; Net Loss of $24 million; Pro forma Adjusted EBITDA Growth of 10.9%; Increases 2018 Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Guidance?",,"익셀라 테크놀로지스, 주식회사 2018년 1분기 실적 발표; 기준 수익 성장률 8.7%; 순손실 2천 4백만 달러; 기준 조정 EBITDA 성장률 10.9%; 2018년 수익 및 조정 EBITDA 가이드라인 상향 조정" 822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Image Sensing Systems Announces Resignation of Richard Ehrich and Names Todd Slawson as Interim CFO?,,"이미지 센싱 시스템즈, 리차드 에리치 사임 발표 및 토드 슬로우슨을 임시 CFO로 임명" 2028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Late Morning?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 늦은 오전 2540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comcast Pursues Sky While Assessing Bigger Move for Fox Assets?,,"콤캐스트, 폭스 자산에 대한 더 큰 움직임을 평가하며 스카이를 추구하다." 926,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Solid growth, fiscal prudence needed for Bulgaria eurozone entry-cen banker?",,불가리아의 유로존 진입을 위해서는 탄탄한 성장과 재정 효율성이 필요하다고 중앙은행장이 전했습니다. 327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vietnam massacre survivors remember 'darkness and silence'?,,'베트남 학살 생존자들이 '어둠과 침묵'을 기억하다' 9753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blue-state Democrats have a new cause: Helping millionaires?,,블루주 민주당원들이 새로운 대의를 가지고 나섰다: 백만장자 돕기. 2243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil presidential contender Gomes would reverse privatisations?,,브라질 대선 후보 고메스는 민영화를 되돌릴 것이라고 한다. 6785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Putin to meet FIFA head in Sochi: agencies?,,"러시아의 푸틴, FIFA 수장과 소치에서 만날 예정: 기관들" 6198,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Life first-quarter profit up 120 pct?,,중국생명의 1분기 수익 120% 증가 7884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ally Financial Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"앨리 파이낸셜, 2018년 1분기 재무 실적 발표" 7015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Calamp reports Q4 Loss Per Share Of $0.13?,,"Calamp, 주당 손실 $0.13 보고" 290,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Univision Board Considers Replacing CEO Randy Falco - Westlake Legal Group?,,"유니비전 이사회, CEO 랜디 팔코 교체 검토 - 웨스트레이크 법률 그룹" 6370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: QuickLogic Corporation Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock and Warrants?,,"QuickLogic Corporation, 일반주식 및 워런트의 공개공모 제안 발표" 3525,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wien Energie to introduce blockchain-based energy products?,,"Wien Energie, 블록체인 기반 에너지 제품 도입 예정" 3261,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PSI Says Delivers Train Scheduling System To Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe?,,브리프-PSI는 베를린 교통공사에 기차 운영 시스템을 전달했다고 전했다. 710,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nominees for top BOJ jobs may be put to vote next week: Japan opposition official?,,다음 주에 일본 중앙은행 주요 직책 후보자들이 투표에 부쳐질 수 있다고 일본 야당 관계자가 말했습니다. 390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's election - From obstacle to opportunity for big bond investors?,,이탈리아 선거 - 큰 채권 투자자들에게 장애물에서 기회로? 857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Triangle Capital Qtrly ‍Net Asset Value Per Share $13.43​?,,브리프 - 트라이앵글 캐피탈 분기별 주당 순자산 가치 $13.43 7090,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sony CEO Kaz Hirai Steps Down: Meet His 'Fierce' Successor | Fortune?,,소니 CEO 카즈 히라이 사임: 그의 '강렬한' 후계자를 만나보세요 | 포춘 1095,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Select Harvests Provides 2018 Crop Update?,,"브리프-셀렉트 하비스트, 2018년 농작물 업데이트 제공" 1545,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-Nomura hires Asia head of debt capital market from Grab - memo?,,"모빌리티: 노무라, 그랩에서 아시아 채권 자본 시장 책임자 영입 - 메모" 8093,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VW's Skoda Auto chair: plan to create around 3,000 jobs in Czech Republic - CTK news agency?",,"VW의 스코다 오토 의장: 체코 공화국에서 약 3,000개의 일자리 창출 계획 - CTK 뉴스 에이전시" 4164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kamux ‍Q4 Adjusted EBIT Increases To EUR 3.3 Million?,,브리프 - Kamux의 Q4 조정 EBIT가 330만 유로로 증가했습니다. 7412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greenpeace appeals to Thai PM to tackle air pollution 'crisis'?,,"그린피스, 태국 총리에게 공기 오염 '위기' 해결 촉구" 224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Platinum Group Metals Announces Public Offering of Units?,,"플래티넘 그룹 메탈스, 유닛 공개 모집 발표" 9852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Devine Advises That ANZ Agreed To Provide 2 Year $70 Mln Facility?,,데빈이 ANZ가 2년간 7천만 달러 시설을 제공하기로 합의했다고 조언하다. 8900,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: eMagin Corporation Comments on Preliminary Fourth Quarter 2017 Revenues?,,eMagin Corporation이 2017년 4분기 prelimiary 수익에 대해 언급하다. 3301,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Carrefoursa Carrefour Kutay Kartallioglu replaces CEO Ziya Hakan Ergin?,,브리프 - 카르푸사 카르푸르 쿠타이 카르탈리오글루가 CEO 지야 하칸 에르긴을 대체합니다. 2248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi envoy invites Lebanon's Hariri to kingdom: PM office?,,사우디 대사가 레바논의 하리리 총리를 왕국으로 초대하다: 총리실 471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Macrogenics Announces Proposed Public Offering Of Common Stock?,,"브리프-마크로제닉스, 보통주 공개 발행 제안 발표" 494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's PM proposes fin min Siluanov as first deputy PM: TASS?,,"러시아 총리, 실루아노프 재무부 장관을 첫 부총리로 제안: 타스" 449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SFO extends Qatari loan charge to Barclays operating arm?,,"SFO, 바클레이스 운영 부문에 대한 카타르 대출 요금을 연장하다." 8905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Orient AMC plans $16 bln investment in soured debt in 2018?,,"중국 오리엔트 AMC, 2018년 부실채권에 160억 달러 투자 계획" 7442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil jumps $3 a barrel in 2 days after drop in US crude stockpiles?,,미국 원유 재고 감소 후 2일 만에 유가 배럴당 3달러 급등 9103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indian Jeweller P. N. Gadgil & Sons Files For IPO?,,"인도 보석상 P. N. Gadgil & Sons, IPO 신청서 제출" 6807,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-China April property investment remains firm, sales dip on increased curbs?",,"업데이트 1-중국 4월 부동산 투자는 견조하나, 판매는 규제 강화로 감소하다." 1310,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fidelity Posts Record Revenue, Profit?",,"피델리티, 기록적인 수익 및 이익 발표" 5136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Procare Software® Announces Acquisition of SchoolLeader?,,프로케어 소프트웨어®가 스쿨리더 인수 발표 5188,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Start-up health insurer led by former UnitedHealthcare CEO off to a good start?,,전 UnitedHealthcare CEO가 이끄는 스타트업 건강 보험사가 좋은 출발을 보이고 있다? 6623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer: Toronto lament poor goals as Guadalajara win first leg 2-1?,,"축구: 토론토, 과달라하라에 1차전 2-1 패배하며 골 부족 아쉬워" 9574,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Embraer breakup complications are delaying its deal with Boeing, sources say?",,엠브라에르 분할 문제로 보잉과의 거래가 지연되고 있다고 소식통이 전했다. 9520,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi's Almarai Q4 profit down 4.3 pct, competition pressures prices?",,"사우디 알마라이, 4분기 이익 4.3% 감소, 경쟁이 가격에 압박 가해" 6363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sierra Income Corporation Decrease In Public Offering Price?,,"BRIEF-시에라 인컴 회사, 공모가 인하" 9098,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Portuguese carnival revellers poke fun at Putin, Trump and Kim?",,"포르투갈 카니발 참가자들이 푸틴, 트럼프, 김정은을 조롱하다." 2766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TREASURIES-Yields slip after drop in U.S. consumer prices?,,TREASURIES-미국 소비자 물가 하락에 따라 금리 하락 9113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Byron Allen's Entertainment Studios buys The Weather Channel?,,바이런 앨런의 엔터테인먼트 스튜디오가 날씨 채널을 인수하다. 4026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 北京の冬に「青空」広がる、大気汚染が顕著に改善 - WSJ?,,"""베이징의 겨울에 '푸른 하늘'이 펼쳐져, 대기 오염이 현저히 개선"" - WSJ" 7196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Melania is 'heartened' to see students speak out after shooting?,,멜라니아는 총격 사건 이후 학생들이 목소리를 내는 것을 보고 '희망을 느낀다' 156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lock-up Period For Perfect World's 130.7 Mln Shares To End?,,브리프 - 퍼펙트 월드의 1억 3천7백만 주를 위한 잠금 기간이 종료된다? 9196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AGNC Investment Corp. Announces Date for Fourth Quarter Earnings Release and Stockholder Call?,,"AGNC 투자 주식 회사, 4분기 실적 발표 및 주주 전화 회의 날짜 발표" 6663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Contura Energy And Alpha Natural Resources Announce Definitive Merger Agreement?,,브리프-콘투라 에너지와 알파 내추럴 리소스가 최종 합병 계약을 발표했다. 5619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Helios and Matheson Analytics and MoviePass™ Acquire Moviefone in Strategic Move?,,Helios와 Matheson Analytics 및 MoviePass™가 전략적 움직임으로 Moviefone을 인수하다 6963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Gehua CATV Network announces 2017 dividend payment?,,"브리프-베이징 게화 CATV 네트워크, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 8326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Schroders Takes Stake In U.S. Real Estate Lender A10 Capital?,,"""간략히 - 슈로더스, 미국 부동산 대출업체 A10 캐피탈 지분 인수""" 3611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Li edges McIlroy in thriller to win Dubai Desert Classic?,,"골프-리, 두바이 데저트 클래식에서 맥일로이를 제치고 스릴 넘치는 승리!" 3644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of HSBC Holdings plc - HSBC?,,"주주 경고: 포머란츠 로펌, HSBC 홀딩스 plc 투자자들을 대신하여 주장 조사" 7816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Prove you're more than a club' - Barca urged to drop ticket prices?,,'클럽 이상의 존재임을 입증하라' - 바르사가 티켓 가격을 인하하라는 촉구 2496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-CEFC China Energy plans to sell global properties worth $3.2 bln - Bloomberg?,,"업데이트 2-CEFC 중국 에너지, 32억 달러 상당의 글로벌 자산 매각 계획 - 블룸버그" 6817,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Seeman Holtz Property & Casualty Continues Nationwide Expansion?,,"시먼 홀츠 재산 및 상해 보험, 전국적 확장을 계속하다" 7311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Tesla glitch?,,브레이킹뷰 TV: 테슬라 결함? 7617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senator Durbin blasts Trump for 'anti-immigrant' moves in 'Dreamer' talks?,,"더빈 상원이, '드리머' 대화에서 트럼프의 '반이민자' 조치를 맹비난하다" 1093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Tax Management Expands International Transfer Pricing Capabilities?,,글로벌 세무 관리가 국제 간접 세금 능력을 확장하다 7480,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ConocoPhillips quarterly profit jumps 52 percent?,,"코노코필립스, 분기 이익 52% 급증" 687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-LPGA Tour HSBC Women's Champions Scores?,,UPDATE 2-LPGA 투어 HSBC 여자 챔피언스 스코어. 8948,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Azubuike stars as No. 13 Kansas rallies past No. 20 WVU?,,아주비케가 주연을 맡으며 13위 캔자스가 20위 WVU를 역전하여 이겼다. 6788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stifel Prepares Clients for Busy Proxy Season Through New Activism Defense Practice?,,"스티펠, 새로운 행동주의 방어 관행을 통해 고객을 바쁜 위임장 시즌에 대비시킴" 3203,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Woodmark Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter Results?,,"아메리칸 우드마크 코퍼레이션, 4분기 실적 발표" 5951,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Federer survives scare to advance to Indian Wells final?,,"테니스-페더러, 인디언 웰스 결승 진출 위한 위기 극복" 6764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JPMorgan Chase to build a new headquarters in New York City?,,JPMorgan Chase가 뉴욕시에 새로운 본사를 건설할 예정입니다. 3986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed's Quarles says flatter yield curve doesn't point to recession?,,"연준의 콰를스, 평탄해진 수익률 곡선이 경기 침체를 의미하지는 않는다고 말하다" 30,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jack Ma's Ant Financial set to raise $9 billion in funding - WSJ?,,"잭 마의 앤트 파이낸셜, 90억 달러 자금 조달 예정 - WSJ" 3889,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malawi cholera cases pass 500, eight people dead?",,"말라위 콜레라 사례가 500건을 넘고, 8명이 사망했습니다." 8582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top Turkish court overstepped limit with journalists' ruling - deputy PM?,,터키 최고 법원이 언론인 판결로 한계를 넘어섰다 - 부총리 9066,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sino Great Wall's Share Trade To Halt From Afternoon Trade On Feb 1?,,브리핑-시노 그레이트 월의 주식 거래가 2월 1일 오후 거래부터 중단된다. 9522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qantas named most polluting airline across Pacific Ocean?,,Qantas가 태평양을 가로지르는 가장 오염을 유발하는 항공사로 선정되었습니다. 3185,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crocs, Inc. Announces Conference Call to Review First Quarter 2018 Results?",,크록스 주식회사가 2018년 1분기 실적 회의를 진행한다고 발표했습니다. 1653,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla Could Benefit from China’s New Rules for Foreign Auto Makers?,,"테슬라, 중국의 외국 자동차 제조업체에 대한 새로운 규정으로부터 혜택을 볼 수 있을까?" 9577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada creates watchdog to oversee companies' conduct abroad?,,"캐나다, 해외 기업 행위 감독할 감시 기구 설립" 1873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Grand Canyon Education Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $1.52 (May 2)?,,"정정-그랜드캐니언 교육, 1분기 주당순이익 $1.52 보고 (5월 2일)" 9550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU scrutinises post-Brexit security deal?,,"EU, 브렉시트 이후 안전 보장 협정에 대한 조사를 진행하다." 1142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's ZTE delays earnings release following U.S. export ban?,,"중국 ZTE, 미국 수출 금지로 인해 실적 발표 지연" 2808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ethiopia pardons senior opposition leader sentenced to death?,,"에티오피아, 사형 판결을 받은 고위 야당 지도자 사면 소식" 5181,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street, big business backing Mitt Romney’s Senate bid as GOP seeks stronger leadership in Congress?",,"월스트리트, 큰 기업들이 미트 롬니의 상원 선거를 지지하며 공화당이 의회에서 더 강력한 리더십을 추구하고 있다." 9368,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ypsomed sees temporary profit decline in 2019/20, then rebound?",,브리프 - 입소메드는 2019/20년 동안 일시적인 이익 감소를 예상한 후 반등할 것이라고 발표했다. 9407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intuitive Surgical posts fourth-quarter loss on tax expense?,,"인튜이티브 서지컬, 세금 비용으로 4분기 손실 발표" 9271,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gladstone Commercial Corporation Earnings Call and Webcast Information?,,글래드스톤 상업 회사 실적 발표 및 웹캐스트 정보 5110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HIGHLIGHTS-Super Rugby week nine?,,HIGHLIGHTS-슈퍼 럭비 9주차 4194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pak Tak International Issues Positive Profit Alert?,,"브리프 - 팍탁 인터내셔널, 긍정적인 수익 경고 발표" 6880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Athens Bancshares Corporation Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"아테네스 뱅크쉐어스 코퍼레이션, 분기 현금 배당 발표" 3764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Subadvisor for Wells Fargo Multi-Sector Income Fund Changes Its Name?,,웰스 파고 멀티 섹터 인컴 펀드의 서브 어드바이저 이름 변경 7137,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China denies $200 billion package to cut US trade deficit?,,"중국, 미국 무역 적자 축소를 위한 2000억 달러 패키지 부인" 1318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU's Juncker says Turkey must release two Greek soldiers?,,"EU의 융커, 터키가 그리스 군인 두 명을 석방해야 한다고 말하다" 8895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: There are a lot of values in the market: Portfolio manager?,,시장에 가치가 많은 것들이 많다: 포트폴리오 관리자 544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf: Rahm returns to California a year older and much wiser?,,"골프: 라힘, 1년이 지나 더 성숙한 모습으로 캘리포니아에 돌아오다" 3730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rex Tillerson visits new U.S. embassy in London that Trump criticised?,,"렉스 틸러슨, 트럼프가 비판한 런던의 새로운 미국 대사관 방문" 940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks tumble as rising costs leave investors feeling dizzy?,,주식이 하락하면서 상승하는 비용에 투자자들이 어지러움을 느끼고 있다. 6321,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Revlon Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results Consistent with Preliminary Estimates?,,"레브론, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고서 발표 - 예비 추정치와 일치하는 결과" 4526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment Invites You to Join Its First Quarter Fiscal 2018 Operating Results Conference Call?,,모헤건 게임 & 엔터테인먼트가 2018 회계 연도 1분기 운영 결과 컨퍼런스 콜에 참여할 것을 초대합니다. 8014,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Even if exempted, Canada steel industry sees dumping risk?",,면제되더라도 캐나다 철강 산업은 덤핑 위험을 보고 있다. 5582,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Spectrum Brands Says If Deal Not Completed Under Certain Circumstances, Energizer To Pay Co Termination Fee Of $100 Mln‍​?",,"스펙트럼 브랜드, 거래가 특정 상황에서 완료되지 않을 경우 에너자이저가 1억 달러의 종료 수수료를 지불해야 한다고 발표." 8529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pareteum Announces Q4 Loss Of $0.31‍​ Per Share?,,"브리프-파레튬, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.31 발표" 1123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TMAC Resources Appoints Jason Neal As President And CEO?,,BRIEF-TMAC Resources가 제이슨 닐을 사장 겸 CEO로 임명했다. 4513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-S.Korea January exports boom in 15-month run of growth?,,"UPDATE 2-한국, 15개월 연속 성장하는 1월 수출 호조" 7765,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This $40 million mansion has been empty for eight years?,,이 4천만 달러짜리 맨션은 8년 동안 비어있다. 7891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China consumer group seeks answers from Apple about slowing iPhones?,,"중국 소비자 단체, 느린 아이폰에 대해 애플에 답변을 요구하다." 7266,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU tells Britain time has come to make Brexit choice?,,EU는 영국에게 Brexit 선택의 시간이 왔다고 전했다. 3960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LPL Financial Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release Date and Conference Call?,,"LPL 금융, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 날짜 및 컨퍼런스 콜 공지" 3196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's Le Drian says more work needed with Iran over ballistics?,,"프랑스의 르 드리안, 이란과의 미사일 문제 해결을 위한 추가 작업 필요하다고 말하다." 6580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bundesbank chief Weidmann gets new term as BIS Chair?,,"분데스방크 총재 바이드만, BIS 의장으로 새 임기 시작" 6950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's central banker is worried over 'stuck' euro zone reform?,,프랑스 중앙은행장이 '정체된' 유로존 개혁에 대해 걱정하고 있다. 2153,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Konka Group Expects 2017 Net Profit To Rise Sharply To 4.98-5.08 Billion Yuan?,,"브리프 - 콩카 그룹, 2017년 순이익이 49.8억~50.8억 위안으로 크게 상승할 것으로 예상." 7318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Adomani Says CEO James L. Reynolds' 2017 Total Compensation Was $15.9 Million?,,"브리프 - 아도마니, CEO 제임스 L. 레이놀즈의 2017년 총 보상이 1,590만 달러였다고 발표." 5004,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brexit & Beyond: Zuckerberg Enters the Lion’s Den?,,"브렉시트 이후: 저커버그, 사자의 굴에 들어가다?" 5589,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barclays: Central bankers becoming less lenient?,,바클레이스: 중앙은행이 덜 관대해지고 있다? 8946,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump mum on Iran nuclear decision?,,"트럼프, 이란 핵 결정을 두고 침묵 유지" 6316,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain, EU make significant progress in Brexit talks: May?",,"영국, EU 브렉시트 협상에서 중요한 진전 이뤄: 메이" 8101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vbare Iberian Properties Formalizes Two Mortgage Loans For 0.8 Mln Euros?,,브리프 - Vbare Iberian Properties가 80만 유로에 대한 두 개의 담보 대출을 공식화했습니다. 9584,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's sugar tax on soft drinks comes into effect?,,브리튼의 탄산음료에 대한 설탕세가 시행된다. 2102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Xiaomi picks Hong Kong for IPO?,,"샤오미, IPO를 위해 홍콩 선택" 1965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Australian mall giant Scentre says 2017 profit jumps as refurbishment helps?,,"UPDATE 3-호주 쇼핑몰 대기업 센트레, 2017년 수익 증가 소식 전해 - 리모델링이 도움을 줘." 9101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Inseego Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"인시고, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 보고" 5123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kipa Ticaret Proposes Not To Pay Dividend For FY 2017‍​?,,BRIEF-Kipa Ticaret가 2017 회계연도 배당금을 지급하지 않기로 제안함. 6087,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Olympics-Snowboarding-Strong winds cause havoc in slopestyle final?,,UPDATE 3-올림픽-스노보딩-강한 바람이 슬롭스타일 결승전에서 혼란을 초래하다 3850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. 10-year yield stays below 3 pct after U.S. Q1 GDP data?,,"미국 10년물 수익률, 미국 1분기 GDP 데이터 발표 후 3% 아래 유지" 9197,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Cutting Time to Market, Toy Companies Try On Fast Fashion?",,시장 출시 시간을 단축하기 위해 장난감 회사들이 패스트 패션을 시도하다 3760,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. travel ban hits foreign attendance figures for North Korea marathon?,,미국의 여행 금지 조치가 북한 마라톤 외국인 참석자 수에 영향을 미쳤다. 4744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Toxic gases add to hazards near Hawaii's erupting Kilauea volcano?,,하와이의 용감한 킬라우에아 화산 근처에서 유독 가스가 위험을 더하다 2960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cohu to Announce First Quarter 2018 Results on May 8?,,"코후, 5월 8일 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 예정" 4323,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Still 'bullish' on technology despite recent drawback: Fund manager?,,최근 하락에도 불구하고 기술에 여전히 '강세'인 펀드 매니저 3775,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GRAINS-Wheat rallies on U.S. Plains dryness, technical buying?",,곡물 - 미국 평원의 건조함과 기술적 매수로 밀 가격 상승 3700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: State Auto Financial Announces Fourth Quarter and Year 2017 Earnings Conference Call?,,"State Auto Financial, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 8459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DASAN Zhone Solutions to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,DASAN Zhone Solutions가 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과를 보고할 예정입니다. 7905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's new health insurance to cost govts $1.71 bln a year – source?,,인도의 새로운 건강 보험이 정부에 연간 17억 1천만 달러의 비용이 될 것 - 소식통 2271,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says national debt is 65 percent of GDP?,,말레이시아의 마하티르 모하마드 총리가 국가 부채가 GDP의 65%라고 말했습니다. 2456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK expects post-Brexit devolution deal but Scotland begs to differ?,,영국은 브렉시트 이후 분권화 협정을 기대하지만 스코틀랜드는 동의하지 않는다. 6898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Common ways smart people lose their jobs?,,스마트한 사람들이 직장을 잃는 일반적인 방법들? 7952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bruker Announces Date and Time of Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release and Webcast?,,"브루커, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 및 웹캐스트 날짜 및 시간 발표" 7018,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Credit Suisse sued over U.S. 'volatility' product losses?,,"크레디트 스위스, 미국 '변동성' 상품 손실 관련 소송당해" 6192,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tiscali Appoints Mediobanca Financial Advisor To Evaluate Possible Strategic Options?,,"Tiscali, 가능한 전략적 옵션을 평가하기 위해 Mediobanca를 재정 고문으로 임명함." 3726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Court suspends Israel's revocation of Human Rights Watch official's work visa?,,"이스라엘 법원, 휴먼라이츠워치 관계자의 작업 비자 취소 중단 판결" 4610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-China local govt firm fails to repay $629 mln loans in rare default - sources?,,"UPDATE 1-중국 지방 정부 기업, 드문 디폴트로 6억 2900만 달러 대출 상환 실패 - 소식통" 9283,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Regulator shopping in vogue as China's shadow banks evade Beijing's grip?,,독점 보도: 중국의 그림자 은행들이 베이징의 통제를 피하면서 규제 기관 쇼핑이 유행하고 있다? 547,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bonds are way oversold at this point, market watcher says. Here’s what that means?",,채권이 현재 너무 많이 판매되었다고 시장 감시자가 말합니다. 이것이 의미하는 바는 무엇일까요? 7542,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yemen's Houthis say launched drone attack on southern Saudi Aramco facility?,,예멘 후티가 남부 사우디 아람코 시설에 드론 공격을 감행했다고 발표했다. 3111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suncoke Energy Inc Qtrly Earnings Per Common Share $ 2.05?,,간단한 소식 - Suncoke Energy Inc 분기별 주당 순이익 $2.05 7791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LMU Names Dayle Smith as Dean of College of Business Administration?,,"LMU, 데일 스미스를 비즈니스 행정대학원 학장으로 임명하다." 3134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SG Blocks 2018 Financial Results?,,SG 블록 2018 재무 결과 7157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Great Dane Wozniacki in solid form early in Paris?,,파리에서 좋은 컨디션을 보인 그레이트 데인 워즈니아키 6528,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lebanon's Hariri leaves for Riyadh on first visit since 'resignation'?,,"레바논의 하리리, '사임' 이후 첫 방문을 위해 리야드를 떠나다." 153,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hearing yet to be set in Russian medallist doping case - CAS?,,러시아 메달리스트 도핑 사건에 대한 청문회가 아직 예정되지 않음 - CAS 9481,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TV SHAREHOLDER ALERT: The Law Offices of Vincent Wong Notifies Investors of an Investigation Involving Possible Securities Fraud Violations by the Board of Directors of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.?",,"TV 주주 경고: 빈센트 웡 법률 사무소가 Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.의 이사회의 증권 사기 위반 가능성에 대한 조사를 투자자들에게 알립니다." 2068,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Air strikes kill more than 20 in Syria's Ghouta?,,공습이 시리아 구타에서 20명 이상을 사망하게 했다. 2543,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FLEETCOR Technologies to Announce First Results on May 3, 2018?",,FLEETCOR Technologies가 2018년 5월 3일 첫 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 9720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rosetta Stone to Report Financial Results on May 9?,,"로제타 스톤, 5월 9일 재무 결과 발표 예정" 8118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HTG Molecular Diagnostics Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"HTG 분자 진단, 보통주 공개 모집 제안 발표" 7469,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Where's the money, RBI? Data shows India's old habits die hard?",,"돈은 어디에 있나요, RBI? 데이터는 인도의 오랜 습관이 쉽게 사라지지 않는다고 보여줍니다." 927,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Marlin Business Services Corp Announces Estimated Impact Of Tax Reform?,,"브리프-말린 비즈니스 서비스 Corp, 세금 개혁의 예상 영향 발표" 1086,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan fourth quarter GDP rises 0.5 percent on consumer spending?,,"일본 4분기 GDP, 소비자 지출 증가로 0.5% 상승" 3104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian Kurdish YPG says 'no choice but to resist' after Turkish strikes?,,"시리아 쿠르드 YPG, 터키 공습 이후 '저항할 선택이 없다'고 말하다." 3733,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil's Banco BTG Pactual recurring net income falls on lower revenues?,,UPDATE 1-브라질의 Banco BTG Pactual 정기 순이익이 낮아진 수익으로 감소하다 3370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's nominee to head immigration enforcement agency to retire?,,트럼프의 이민 단속 기관 수장 지명자가 은퇴할 예정이다. 6851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-S.Korea's POSCO signs deal to buy lithium from Australia's Pilbara?,,"한국의 포스코, 호주 필바라와 리튬 구매 계약 체결" 2197,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Rugby-Bastareaud replaced by Danty in France Six Nations squad, Parra recalled?",,"UPDATE 1-럭비-바스타레오가 프랑스 6개 국가 대회 명단에서 당티로 교체되고, 파라가 소환됨?" 8606,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BioCardia, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results and Business Highlights?",,"BioCardia, Inc.가 2017년 4분기 재무 실적 및 사업 주요 사항을 보고하다." 4305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-Senior crude trader departs Lukoil Pan Americas?,,MOVES-루코일 판 아메리카스의 고위급 원유 거래자 퇴사 803,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Oil steady after hitting three-week high, Saudi offers support?",,"UPDATE 6-유가, 3주 최고치 기록 후 안정세, 사우디 지원 제공" 9083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WRAPUP 4-Facebook cuts ties to data brokers in blow to targeted ads?,,"WRAPUP 4-페이스북, 타겟 광고에 타격을 주는 데이터 중개업체와의 관계 단절" 5722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Justify arrives as Kentucky Derby favorite?,,저스티파이가 켄터키 더비의 유력한 후보로 등장하다. 8351,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breast implants tied to increased risk of rare blood cancer?,,유방 보형물이 희귀 혈액암의 위험 증가와 관련이 있다는 뉴스 기사 내용은 어떤 것일까요? 6816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Khawaja hits ton but Smith falls before lunch in Sydney?,,"크리켓 - 카와자는 100점을 기록했지만 스미스는 런치 전에 아웃됐다, 시드니에서." 1709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nokia Expects To Announce A Big Project With Vodafone -CEO?,,"브리프-노키아, 보더폰과의 대규모 프로젝트 발표 예정 - CEO" 2127,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Retail industry was reason behind weak jobs report, but construction jobs still booming?",,"소매 산업이 약한 고용 보고서의 원인, 그러나 건설 일자리는 여전히 호황 중" 9289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cenovus seeks partner for C$1.3 billion Narrows Lake project - sources?,,"Cenovus, C$13억 나로즈 레이크 프로젝트의 파트너를 찾다 - 소식통." 2085,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Debutant Ngidi leads South Africa to series victory v India?,,크리켓 - 데뷔한 응기디가 남아프리카를 이끌고 인도를 상대로 시리즈 승리를 거두다. 6178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico president says door open to U.S. rejoining TPP?,,"멕시코 대통령, 미국의 TPP 재참여에 대한 문 열려 있다고 말하다." 3618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mild brain injuries tied to increased dementia risk?,,가벼운 뇌 손상이 치매 위험 증가와 관련이 있다는 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까요? 5882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Softbank To Switch $20 Billion Ride-Hailing Stakes To Vision Fund - FT?,,"브리프 - 소프트뱅크, 200억 달러의 승차 호출 지분을 비전 펀드로 전환 - FT" 2249,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Even in world’s oldest democracies, citizens may be losing control?",,세계에서 가장 오래된 민주주의에서도 시민들이 통제력을 잃고 있을지도 모른다? 2958,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Charles Schwab Says Total Client Assets As Of Month-End January Up 23 Pct To $3.48 Trillion?,,"브리핑 - 찰스 슈왑, 1월 말 기준 총 고객 자산이 23% 증가하여 3.48조 달러에 달한다고 발표했습니다." 9365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diggins digs deep to end Randall's long wait for gold?,,"디기ンズ, 랜달의 금메달 대기를 끝내기 위해 깊이 파고든다." 1348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Creditors look to sell Saudi Arabia's Al-Gosaibi debt on rising price -sources?,,채권자들이 상승하는 가격에 따라 사우디 아라비아의 알-고사이비 채무를 매각하려 한다 - 소식통. 2764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South African rand slips on reports ANC decides to remove Zuma from office?,,남아공 랜드화가 ANC가 주마를 직무에서 해임하기로 결정했다는 보도가 나오면서 하락하다. 5886,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yujiahui Co Ltd Says It Issues Prospectus For Shenzhen IPO?,,"간략히 - 유지화이 주식회사, 선전 IPO를 위한 설명서 발행 발표." 6643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ukraine to impose sanctions on Russian oligarchs - president?,,"우크라이나, 러시아 억만장자들에 제재를 부과할 것 - 대통령" 5381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-S&P Says Nicaragua 'B+/B' Sovereign Credit Ratings Affirmed?,,브리프 - S&P가 니카라과 'B+/B' 국가 신용 등급을 확정했다고 발표했다. 4351,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Tianjin city issues first 2018 Level 2 pollution alert from March 1?,,2018년 3월 1일부터 중국 톈진시가 첫 번째 2급 오염 경고를 발령하다 3585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Colas And Bouygues Construction Announce Acquisition Of Alpiq Engineering Services?,,브리프 - 콜라스와 부이그 건설이 알픽 엔지니어링 서비스 인수를 발표하다. 765,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's central bank says has cut leverage, but will continue to fight risks?",,중국 중앙은행은 레버리지를 줄였지만 위험에 대한 싸움을 계속할 것이라고 밝혔다. 1154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S Immo says Immofinanz share deal 'perhaps' step in right direction?,,S Immo는 Immofinanz 주식 거래가 '아마도' 올바른 방향으로 나아가는 단계라고 말합니다. 654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: London underground drivers to hold two days of strike in June - union?,,런던 지하철 운전사들이 6월에 이틀간 파업을 실시할 계획이라고 노조가 발표했습니다. 6425,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Community engagement will be key to foreign investment in Saudi Arabia, Princess Reema says?",,사우디 아라비아의 외국인 투자에 있어 지역사회 참여가 핵심이 될 것이라고 리마 공주가 말했습니다. 7899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hangzhou Liaison Interactive Information Technology Elects Chairman?,,"브리핑-항저우 리아이즌 인터랙티브 정보 기술, 의장 선출" 5685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-No retaliation after Syria boosts Gulf; Saudi petchems up on oil?,,중동 주식 - 시리아가 걸프를 강화한 후 보복이 없으며 사우디 석유화학이 석유 상승으로 상승. 8272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Ethical Downside of Having Highly Loyal Leaders?,,높은 충성도를 가진 리더의 윤리적 단점 7973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Devine Says FY Loss For The Year $28.4 Million?,,간단히 - Devine이 FY 연례 손실이 2840만 달러라고 발표했습니다. 7131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crane Co. Announces Date for Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release and Teleconference?,,"크레인 컴퍼니, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 및 전화 회의 날짜 발표" 1809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Euro zone yields stay high on hawkish ECB comments?,,"유로존 수익률, 매파적인 ECB 발언에 계속해서 높은 수준 유지" 5158,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian army command says it has regained most of eastern Ghouta?,,시리아 군 당국이 동구타의 대부분을 재탈환했다고 발표했다. 6442,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK cinema chain Cineworld's 2017 revenue grows as Star Wars, Dunkirk shine?",,"영국 영화 체인 시네월드의 2017년 수익 증가, 스타워즈와 덩케르크의 성공 덕분?" 1060,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trading Nation: Energy leading the market?,,트레이딩 네이션: 에너지가 시장을 이끌고 있다? 5469,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tejon Ranch Co. Reports First Quarter 2018 Results of Operations?,,Tejon Ranch Co.는 2018년 1분기 운영 결과를 보고합니다. 3923,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HRG Group, Inc. Reports Fiscal 2018 Second Quarter Results?",,"HRG 그룹, Inc.가 2018 회계연도 2분기 실적을 보고하다." 8086,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump may have broke law by not disclosing debt to Cohen for Daniels?,,트럼프가 다니엘스에게 대한 코헨의 빚을 공개하지 않음으로써 법을 위반했을 가능성이 있다? 906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Keppel DC REIT Says Q1 Net Property Income S$34.1 Million?,,"브리핑 - 케플 DC REIT, 1분기 순자산 수익 S$34.1 백만이라고 발표." 4205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Japanese Whisky Shortage Is Getting Serious?,,일본 위스키 부족이 심각해지고 있다. 7025,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taken wholesale, tariffs are only 'representative' in nature?",,"전체적으로 볼 때, 관세는 단지 '대표적'일 뿐이다." 4034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: City Rolls Out Alert System for Hit-And-Run Accidents?,,"도시, 뺑소니 사고를 위한 경고 시스템 도입" 9939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stars say 'Time's Up' wearing black on the Golden Globes red carpet?,,스타들이 골든 글로브 레드 카펫에서 검은색 옷을 입고 '시간이 다 됐다'고 말했다. 495,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Credit checker Experian's full-year revenue rises, shares up?",,"UPDATE 1-신용 검사 회사 Experian의 연간 수익 증가, 주가 상승" 1580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RBS reaches $500 mln settlement with New York over mortgage securities?,,"RBS, 뉴욕과 모기지 증권 관련 5억 달러 합의 도달" 5979,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Enbridge Income Fund Acknowledges Enbridge Inc Offer, Establishes Special Committee?",,"간단히-엔브리지 인컴 펀드, 엔브리지 Inc 제안을 인정하고 특별 위원회를 설립하다." 6129,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany's Merkel still hopes for talks on U.S. tariffs?,,"독일의 메르켈, 미국 관세 협상에 여전히 희망을 품다." 425,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cerecor Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"Cerecor, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 6526,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Democrats bet on moderates and military veterans to win the House, but the strategy faces big tests?",,"민주당이 하원 승리를 위해 중도파와 군 참전 용사를 전략적으로 선택했지만, 이 전략은 큰 시험에 직면해 있다." 535,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify subscribers to double to 150 million by 2020, Raymond James predicts?",,스포티파이 가입자가 2020년까지 1억 5천만 명으로 두 배 증가할 것이라고 레이먼드 제임스가 예측했다. 8193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Cofco's Brazil unit likely to raise ethanol output in 2018/19 cycle?,,CORRECTED-Cofco의 브라질 자회사가 2018/19 사이클에서 에탄올 생산량을 증가시킬 것으로 보인다. 3811,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tokyo brushes up its taxi fleet for Olympics?,,"도쿄, 올림픽을 위해 택시 차량을 정비하다" 3379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-ECB warns against global currency war?,,UPDATE 1-ECB는 글로벌 통화 전쟁에 대해 경고합니다. 894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coveris Holdings S.A. Launches Term Loan Consent Solicitation Related to Sale of Americas Business; Provides Trading Update?,,"코베리스 홀딩스 S.A., 아메리카스 사업 매각 관련 신규 대출 동의 요청 시작; 거래 업데이트 제공" 357,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York City Taxi Drivers Rally for Limits on Uber?,,뉴욕시 택시 운전사들이 우버 제한을 위한 집회를 열다. 1175,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Libya's Haftar treated in Paris after feeling ill on tour: spokesman?,,"리비아의 하프타르, 투어 중 기분이 나빠져 파리에서 치료받아: 대변인" 4107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lonstroff to invest 43 mln euros to build Slovenian factory?,,"론스트로프, 슬로베니아 공장 건설을 위해 4천300만 유로 투자 예정" 1371,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. housing starts, building permits fall sharply?",,미국 주택 착공과 건축 허가가 급격히 감소하다. 2140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congress expected to vote on budget to avert government shutdown?,,"의회, 정부 셧다운을 피하기 위한 예산 투표할 것으로 예상돼" 9549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Milwaukee Bucks guard tased by police: video?,,"밀워키 벅스 가드, 경찰에 테이저 충격받은 영상: 보도" 9661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Lawmaker Who Was Rejected as Ex-Im Bank Chief to Join SEC?,,전 법률가이자 Ex-Im 은행 수장으로 지명됐다가 거절당한 인사가 SEC에 합류하다. 2449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's League boss says markets should not fear center-right govt.?,,"이탈리아의 리그당 지도자, 시장들은 중도우파 정부를 두려워할 필요 없다고 말하다." 7353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Mexican Prosecutor Says He Was Fired to Stymie Corruption Probe?,,"전 멕시코 검찰총장, 부패 수사 방해를 위해 해임당했다고 말하다." 1170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Angry Birds maker Rovio pummelled after profit warning?,,"분노의 새 제작사 로비오, 이익 경고로 타격 받아" 6317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil producer Hess to buy back $1 billion shares?,,"석유 생산업체 Hess, 10억 달러 규모의 자사주 매입 결정" 4033,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ramaphosa voted in as South African President?,,"라마포사, 남아프리카 공화국 대통령으로 투표 당선" 1980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why buying the yen as protection from a trade war is 'pretty peculiar'?,,무역 전쟁으로부터 보호하기 위해 엔화를 구매하는 것이 '상당히 이상하다'는 이유 5429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merck KGaA family says unreservedly behind the pharma unit?,,"머크 KGaA 가족, 제약 부문에 대해 전적으로 지지한다고 밝혀" 3264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fix to chip hacking threat creates new worries?,,칩 해킹 위협 해결책이 새로운 우려를 낳는다? 8301,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-U.S. FDA Issues Warning Letters To Duodenoscope Manufacturers, Olympus, Fujifilm And Pentax?",,"브리프 - 미국 FDA가 듀오데نو스코프 제조업체인 올림푸스, 후지필름 및 펜탁스에 경고서를 발부했습니다." 6906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: raceAhead: Invest In Tomorrow’s Luminaries?,,raceAhead: 내일의 영재에 투자하라 8334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Greentree Hospitality Sees U.S. IPO of 10.2 Mln American Depositary Shares?,,"간략한 소식 - 그린트리 호텔이 1,020만 개의 미국 예탁 주식 공개 상장을 예상하고 있습니다." 3046,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s $2.6 billion compensation is too high, shareholders say?",,테슬라 CEO 엘론 머스크의 26억 달러 보수가 너무 높다고 주주들이 말하다. 3712,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai DZH Expects To Return To Net Profit Of 387-462 Mln Yuan In 2017?,,"브리프-상하이 DZH, 2017년에 3억8700만~4억6200만 위안의 순익 복귀 예상" 4507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Presperse Announces Paulo Rodrigues as New President and CEO?,,"프레스퍼스, 파울로 로드리게스를 새 사장 겸 CEO로 발표하다." 4887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Enerchina Holdings Announces Sale Of 30% Stake In HEC Securities By Uptown Enerchine Capital?,,"브리핑 - 에너차이나 홀딩스, 업타운 에너차이나 캐피탈을 통한 HEC 증권의 30% 지분 매각 발표." 9352,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NetEnt sacks CEO, says new head needed to boost growth focus?",,"BRIEF-NetEnt이 CEO를 해고하고, 성장 초점을 높이기 위해 새로운 책임자가 필요하다고 말함." 3629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Follicum Q4 Pre-Tax Loss At SEK 6.2 Million?,,"BRIEF-폴리쿰, 4분기 세전 손실 620만 스웨덴 크로나 발생" 7665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm to meet China regulators in push to clear $44 bln NXP deal- sources?,,"퀄컴, 440억 달러 NXP 거래 승인 추진을 위해 중국 규제당국과 회동 - 소식통" 6570,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Shark Tank' investor Daymond John explains how to present yourself at work?,,"'셔크 탱크' 투자자 데이먼 존, 직장에서 자신을 어떻게 표현하는지 설명하다." 4862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian military shoots down 'unidentified drone' near Khmeimim air base in Syria - RIA?,,"러시아 군, 시리아 흐메이미 공군 기지 근처에서 '정체불명 드론' 격추 - RIA" 1619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Strike to halt output at two Uniper power plants in France -RTE?,,"""프랑스의 두 유니퍼 발전소에서 생산 중단을 위한 파업 - RTE""" 7872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Murdoch calls for 'fee' for trusted news publishers on Facebook?,,"머독, 페이스북에 신뢰할 수 있는 뉴스 출처에 대한 '수수료' 요구" 9163,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Some Cryptocurrencies Are Only for the Wealthy | Fortune?,,왜 일부 암호화폐는 부자만을 위한 것인가 | 포춘? 2948,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corruption Currents: Trump Reverses Course on Russia Sanctions - Risk & Compliance Journal. - WSJ?,,"부패의 흐름: 트럼프, 러시아 제재에 대한 입장을 바꿔 - 리스크 & 컴플라이언스 저널. - WSJ" 5894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cyfrowy Polsat Extends Subscriptions In Tender Offer For Netia Until May 14?,,"BRIEF-Cyfrowy Polsat, Netia의 공개매수에 대한 구독을 5월 14일까지 연장하다." 1937,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Block & Leviton LLP Announces The Filing Of A Class Action Against Akorn, Inc. (AKRX)?",,블록 & 레비턴 LLP가 아콘 주식회사(AKRX)에 대한 집단 소송 제기를 발표합니다. 7285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia increases Takata air bags recall to just under 4 million cars?,,"호주, 타카타 에어백 리콜을 400만 대에 가까운 자동차로 확대" 2862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Futures point to higher open for Wall St?,,미국 주식-선물이 월가의 상승 출발을 예고하다 8523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Citigroup Says Ratio Of CEO's 2017 Annual Compensation To Median Annual Total Compensation Of All Employees Was 369 To 1‍​‍​?,,브리핑 - 씨티그룹은 CEO의 2017년 연간 보상과 모든 직원의 중위 연간 총 보상의 비율이 369대 1이었다고 발표했습니다. 3158,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kamala Harris, Cory Booker Join Senate Judiciary Committee | Fortune?",,"카말라 해리스를 포함한 코리 북커, 상원 사법 위원회에 합류 | 포춘" 8438,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spaulding Ridge LLC adds Sarah Katz as a Principal in their Advisory Practice, & Emil Fernandez as a Principal in their Financial Close Practice?",,"스폴딩 리지 LLC, 자문 관행에 사라 카츠를 원장으로 추가 및 재무 마감 관행에 에밀 페르난데스를 원장으로 추가" 5733,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Earnings season: Which sector are you banking on to outperform??,,어닝 시즌: 어떤 분야가 더 나은 성과를 낼 것으로 예상하십니까? 2233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ADD Industry Zhejiang to pay cash dividend of 3 yuan (pre-tax) for every 10 shares?,,BRIEF-ADD Industry Zhejiang이 10주당 3위안(세전)의 현금 배당금을 지급할 예정이다. 9249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mediterranean diet may reduce risk of frailty in old age?,,지중해 식단이 노년기에 허약함의 위험을 줄일 수 있다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다. 5104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Altria Group Says CEO Martin Barrington's Total Compensation For 2017 Was $15.7 Mln - SEC Filing?,,"브리핑 - 알트리아 그룹, CEO 마틴 배링턴의 2017년 총 보상이 1,570만 달러였다고 SEC에 제출한 서류에서 발표." 6397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Golf-Missile false alarm causes panic for PGA Tour players?,,UPDATE 1-골프-미사일 오경보로 PGA 투어 선수들 사이에 공황 발생 6354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK to study options if Syria's Assad uses chemical weapons again - foreign minister?,,"영국, 시리아의 아사드가 다시 화학 무기를 사용할 경우 옵션을 연구할 예정 - 외무장관" 8340,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel promises swift end to four-month limbo?,,"메르켈, 4개월 간의 정체 신속히 끝내겠다고 약속하다." 173,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fighting in Syria's Ghouta stops aid, 1,000 medical evacuations: U.N.?",,"시리아의 고타에서의 전투, 인도적 지원 중단 및 1,000건의 의료 이송: 유엔" 6812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Surface Oncology Expands Board of Directors?,,"서피스 온콜로지, 이사회 확대" 9012,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nuvectra™ Announces Pricing of Follow-On Stock Offering?,,Nuvectra™는 후속 주식 제공의 가격 발표를 알립니다. 2344,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investcorp Announces Acquisition of KSI Trading Corp.?,,"인베스트코프, KSI 트레이딩 코프 인수 발표" 7189,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WSJ Wealth Adviser Briefing: Gloria Steinem, Crowdfunding, Sweat Pants?",,"WSJ 부자 상담자 브리핑: 글로리아 스타인엄, 크라우드펀딩, 운동복?" 5454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysian Pro-Democracy Leader Released From Detention - WSJ?,,"말레이시아 민주주의 지지자, 구금에서 석방 - WSJ" 7305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Shell profit soars on stronger oil prices?,,"UPDATE 1-쉘, 상승한 유가 덕분에 이익 급증" 2303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York court to hear shareholder objections to Oi bankruptcy plan?,,뉴욕 법원이 Oi 파산 계획에 대한 주주들의 이의를 심리할 예정입니다. 2245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tammy Duckworth Makes History on Senate Floor With Baby | Fortune?,,"탐미 덕워스, 아기와 함께 상원 연설에서 역사적인 사건을 만들다 | 포춘" 3861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kentico Appoints Richard Gooding as Vice President of Marketing?,,"켄티코, 리차드 구딩을 마케팅 부사장으로 임명" 1499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sumavision Technologies sees FY 2017 net profit to down 80 pct to 85 pct?,,"브리프 - 수마비전 테크놀로지스, 2017회계연도 순이익이 80%에서 85% 감소할 것으로 예상." 207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU warns of possible birth defect link to GSK's HIV drug?,,"EU, GSK의 HIV 약물과 관련된 출생 결함 가능성 경고" 9325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ingenuity Property To Sell Properties For 949.2 Mln Rand?,,"브리프-잉그뉴이티 프로퍼티, 9억 4천 9백 20만 랜드에 부동산 매각 계획" 1839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Saudi Telecom Wins Spectrum For 1.56 Bln Riyals?,,"브리프 - 사우디 통신, 15억 6천만 리얄에 스펙트럼 획득" 6281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bloomin' Brands Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.68?,,BRIEF-Bloomin' Brands 1분기 주당순이익 $0.68 3290,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Modern Dairy Posts ‍FY Loss And Total Comprehensive Expense Attributable Of ​RMB 975.1 Mln?,,BRIEF-중국 모던 다이어리가 FY 손실 및 총 포괄적 비용을 RMB 975.1 백만으로 게시했습니다. 8392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Columbia Bank Announces Promotion of Four Executive Vice Presidents?,,"컬럼비아 뱅크, 4명의 수석 부사장 승진 발표" 5934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow has traded in a nearly 600-point range?,,다우가 거의 600포인트 범위에서 거래되고 있다. 1277,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nick Foles Is a Philadelphia Hero—Time to Trade Him?,,닉 폴스는 필라델피아의 영웅이다—그를 거래할 때다? 4563,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks to Watch: Morgan Stanley, HP, Salesforce, Amazon, Tesla, Analog Devices, Michael Kors?",,"주목해야 할 주식: 모건 스탠리, HP, 세일즈포스, 아마존, 테슬라, 아날로그 디바이션스, 마이클 코어스" 4310,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House adviser says 'good progress' is being made on NAFTA?,,"백악관 고문, 'NAFTA에서 좋은 진전이 이루어지고 있다'고 말하다" 8061,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Publicis' Maurice Levy: Robots clicking on ads is still a 'big concern'?,,퍼블리시스의 모리스 레비: 로봇이 광고를 클릭하는 것은 여전히 '큰 우려사항'이다. 6254,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vigilant adherence to celiac diet linked with lower quality of life?,,셀리악 질환 식단을 철저히 따르는 것과 삶의 질 저하 사이의 연관성 조사 9425,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Housing Development And Infrastructure Dec-Qtr Consol Profit Falls?,,BRIEF-인도의 주택 개발 및 인프라 4분기 연결 이익 감소 915,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cambridge Analytica Has Filed for Bankruptcy in the U.S. | Fortune?,,캄브리지 애널리티카가 미국에서 파산 신청을 하다 | 포춘 5288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liberty Latin America Reports Fiscal 2017 Results?,,"리버티 라틴 아메리카, 2017 회계연도 실적 보고" 7772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ugandan chocolatier keeps Valentine's Day lovers sweet?,,우간다 초콜릿 제조업체가 발렌타인 데이 연인들을 달콤하게 유지하나? 8406,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peyto Posts 18th Consecutive Year of Profits, Earnings Per Share Up 55%?",,"페이토, 18년 연속 이익 기록, 주당 순이익 55% 증가" 5853,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bigbloc Construction ‍To Consider Raising Funds Via Issue Of Convertible Warrants To Promoter Group?,,"브리프 - 빅블록 건설, 프로모터 그룹에 대한 전환사채 발행을 통한 자금 조달 검토 예정" 2105,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ho Wah Genting Bhd Posts QTRLY Net Loss Of 8 Million RGT?,,BRIEF-Ho Wah Genting Bhd는 분기별 순손실 800만 링깃을 기록했습니다. 370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oman's National Detergent Q1 Profit Rises?,,"브리프 - 오만의 국가 세제, 1분기 이익 증가" 8017,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reports of active shooter at Florida high school?,,플로리다 고등학교에서의 총기 난사 사건 보고 6323,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump calls off meeting with North Korea's Kim?,,"트럼프, 북한의 김정은과의 회담 취소" 4736,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fear, loathing and dismay in Iran as Trump exits nuclear deal?",,"트럼프가 핵 합의를 탈퇴하면서 이란에서 느끼는 두려움, 혐오감, 슬픔" 2947,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Country Doctor Can’t Forget His 40 Years of House Calls?,,40년간의 가정 방문을 잊지 못하는 시골 의사 5779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spanish court says proposed Catalan leader must stay in jail?,,스페인 법원이 제안된 카탈루냐 지도자가 계속 감금되어야 한다고 판결했다. 804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Iret Acquires 390-Home Multifamily Property In Denver For $128.7 Million?,,"BRIEF-Iret, 덴버에서 1억 2870만 달러에 390채 다가구 주택을 인수하다" 764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Forever Entertainment Q4 Net Result Turns To Profit Of 0.1 Mln Zlotys?,,브리프 - 포에버 엔터테인먼트 4분기 순이익 10만 즈워티로 전환 5990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A 'new' kind of market—one with 3 trading sessions a day?,,'하루에 3번 거래 세션이 있는 '새로운' 시장' 9891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How to deal with difficult people?,,어려운 사람들을 다루는 방법? 7215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Playtech buys stake in Snaitech for 846 million euro in regulated market play?,,"영국의 Playtech, 규제된 시장에서 Snaitech의 지분을 8억4600만 유로에 매입하다." 3872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Russian spy poisoned by his own front door?,,"전 러시아 스파이, 자신의 현관문에 의해 중독당하다?" 6545,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Secret Is Out: Scientists Spot Penguin ‘Super-Colony’ in Antarctica?,,비밀이 밝혀졌다: 과학자들은 남극에서 펭귄 ‘초콜로니’를 발견했다. 3737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Urogen Pharma Announces Positive Interim Results From Pivotal Phase 3 Olympus Trial Of UGN-101?,,Urogen Pharma가 UGN-101의 주요 Phase 3 Olympus 시험에서 긍정적인 중간 결과를 발표했다고 브리핑을 제공합니다. 712,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets open slightly higher on Fed 'drift' day?,,"""연준 '흐름' 날에 시장이 약간 상승하며 개장""" 3685,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Facebook is not rushing into crypto, according to David Marcus?",,디avid 마커스에 따르면 페이스북이 암호화폐에 서두르지 않는 이유는 무엇인가? 2424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Stingray Acquires Qello Concerts?,,"브리프 - 스팅레어, 퀼로 콘서트 인수" 5486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's State of the Union to give 'forceful' warning on North Korea?,,"트럼프의 국정 연설, 북한에 대한 '강력한' 경고를 전달할 예정" 7908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT-How Trump's steel tariffs kick the can business?,,INSIGHT-트럼프의 철강 관세가 기업들을 어떻게 미루고 있는가? 3071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU considering interim 2025 target for truck CO2 standards?,,"EU, 트럭 CO2 기준을 위한 2025년 중간 목표를 검토 중" 9653,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ugandan shilling in firm position on commodity flows?,,"우간다 실링, 원자재 흐름 덕분에 안정적인 모습" 8828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Norway court hears appeal from Gassled pipeline owners over tariff cuts?,,"UPDATE 1-노르웨이 법원, 가스레드 파이프라인 소유자들의 요금 인하 항소 심리 진행" 9966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How soaring U.S. oil exports to China are transforming the global oil game?,,급증하는 미국의 석유 수출이 중국에 미치는 영향이 글로벌 석유 시장을 변화시키고 있다. 3462,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The financial sector in Asia is a good bet in 2018?,,2018년 아시아 금융 부문이 좋은 투자처라는 기사 내용은 무엇일까? 3316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lazard World Dividend & Income Fund Declares Monthly Distribution?,,"라자드 월드 배당 & 소득 펀드, 월간 배당금 발표" 6110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Senate confirms former banker McWilliams to lead FDIC?,,"미국 상원, 전 은행가 맥윌리엄스의 FDIC 수장 임명 승인" 3719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Micron Technology profit beats on soaring memory chip demand?,,"업데이트 2-마이크론 테크놀로지, 메모리 칩 수요 급증으로 이익 초과 달성" 1382,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DiMartino Booth: Threat of trade tariffs will take their toll on the equity markets?,,디마트리노 부스: 무역 관세의 위협이 주식 시장에 영향을 미칠 것이다. 3342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Life Insurance Corp Of India Cuts Stake In DCM Ltd By 2.128 Pct?,,"BRIEF-인도 생명 보험 공사, DCM Ltd의 지분 2.128% 축소" 240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy - Factors to watch on May 21?,,이탈리아 - 5월 21일 주목해야 할 요소들 6119,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tencent chairman pledges to advance China chip industry after ZTE ""wake-up"" call - reports?",,"텐센트 회장, ZTE의 ""각성"" 이후 중국 반도체 산업 발전 약속 - 보도." 663,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A decade after its fire-sale deal for Bear, a look at what JP Morgan got in the bargain?",,"베어 스턴스(Bear) 인수 후 10년, JP모건이 이 거래에서 얻은 것에 대한 고찰" 7114,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chile bishops to meet Pope in Rome after sex abuse scandal?,,칠레 주교들이 성폭력 스캔들 이후 로마에서 교황과 만나다 4461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Y&G Corporation Posts Q4 Revenue Of 24 Million RGT?,,BRIEF-Y&G Corporation이 4분기 수익 2400만 RGT를 발표했음. 8167,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Fibretech Says Q1 2017 Loss After Taxation Was RMB355,000?",,"브리프-차이나 파이버텍, 2017년 1분기 세후 손실이 355,000 위안이라고 발표." 2619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ormat's Viridity To Begin Construction Of 40MWh Energy Storage Systems In New Jersey?,,"오르마트의 비리디티, 뉴저지에서 40MWh 에너지 저장 시스템 건설 시작 예정" 136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China urges level playing field after Canada blocks company takeover?,,"중국, 캐나다의 기업 인수 차단 이후 공정한 경쟁 환경 촉구" 9700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New fissures open on Hawaii's Kilauea volcano?,,하와이의 킬라우에아 화산에서 새로운 균열이 발생하다 2128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ant's MoneyGram fail becomes America First symbol?,,앤트의 머니그램 실패가 아메리카 퍼스트의 상징이 되다. 2427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hyundai Mobis says withdraws proposed restructuring plan?,,"현대모비스, 제안한 구조조정 계획 철회한다고 발표" 725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Capstead Mortgage Corporation Announces 2018 Results?,,"캐프스테드 모기지 코퍼레이션, 2018년 실적 발표" 423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CBS to challenge National Amusement's move to change bylaws-sources?,,CBS가 내셔널 어뮤즈먼트의 정관 변경 시도를 법적으로 도전할 예정이다-소식통. 5928,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: For Australian winemakers, Chinese relationships are bearing fruit?",,호주 와인 제조업체들에게 중국과의 관계가 결실을 맺고 있다. 8571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Casino eyes end of Geant selling space reduction plan by end-2018?,,"브리프 - 카지노, 2018년 말까지 제앙의 판매 공간 축소 계획 종료를 목표로 함." 3479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Centene Corp Says Unit Issued $1.8 Bln In Aggregate Principal Amount Of 5.375 Pct Senior Notes Due 2026?,,"간략하게 - 센틴사, 자회사에서 2026년 만기 5.375% 선순위채권 총 18억 달러 발행했다고 발표." 8673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weibo Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Unaudited Financial Results?,,"웨이보, 2017년 4분기 및 회계연도 미감사 재무 결과 발표" 4288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's PSB to be recapitalised in Q1 2018 - c.bank?,,"""러시아 PSB, 중앙은행에 따라 2018년 1분기에 자본 재조정될 예정""" 8583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Merck's Keytruda Significantly Improved Recurrence-Free Survival Compared To Placebo As Adjuvant Therapy?,,"브리프-머크의 키트루다, 보조 요법으로 위약 대비 리커런스-프리 생존율을 유의미하게 개선함." 5658,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple Posts Record Results With Help From iPhone Revenue?,,"애플, 아이폰 수익 덕분에 기록적인 실적 발표" 9167,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sirens warning of rocket fire sound in Israeli-controlled Golan?,,이스라엘이 통제하는 골란 고원에서 로켓 발사를 경고하는 사이렌이 울렸다. 8430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump fixes gaze on Republicans during speech to U.S. Congress?,,"트럼프, 미국 의회 연설 중 공화당에 시선 고정" 3459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RBK EMD to issue 9th series convertible bonds worth 10 bln won?,,RBK EMD는 100억 원 규모의 제9회 전환사채를 발행할 예정이다. 6154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mega funds bet big on sterling turning a corner?,,메가 펀드들이 파운드가 반등할 것이라고 크게 베팅하다 9993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big brands from banks to casinos unite to fight slavery in Asia?,,아시아에서 현대판 노예제를 퇴치하기 위해 은행에서 카지노까지 대기업들이 단결하다. 1442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JD.com plans to make U.S. foray this year: Bloomberg?,,"JD.com, 올해 미국 진출 계획: 블룸버그" 7885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's financial regulator has failed to drive competition - government body?,,호주 금융 규제 기관이 경쟁을 촉진하는 데 실패했다고 정부 기관이 발표했습니다. 7636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dozens dead in Kabul suicide attack?,,카불 자살 공격에서 수십 명 사망 796,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus moves to comply with WTO ruling on aircraft subsidies?,,"에어버스, 항공기 보조금에 관한 WTO 판결 준수를 위해 조치 취해" 7474,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: dynaCERT Appoints Colonel Yalon Farhi as Director, Provides Corporate Update Including Equity Financing and Note Redemption?",,"dynaCERT, 야론 파리 대령을 이사로 임명하고 주식 자금 조달 및 채권 상환을 포함한 기업 업데이트 제공" 4022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corps and Corpses In Texas?,,텍사스의 군대와 시신들 3167,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: William Lyon Homes To Report Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"윌리엄 라이온 홈즈, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 발표 예정" 1900,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uniti Group Inc. Declares $0.60 Per Share Quarterly Dividend?,,유니티 그룹 Inc.가 주당 $0.60의 분기 배당금을 선언하다. 3702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qatar Airways says some orders may be upgraded to A350-1000 planes?,,"카타르 항공, 일부 주문이 A350-1000 항공기로 업그레이드될 수 있다고 밝혀" 4114,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Checkpoint Therapeutics Announces Pricing Of Public Offering Of Common Stock?,,"브리프 - 체크포인트 테라퓨틱스, 공모주 가격 책정 발표" 7533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beneficial Bancorp Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.05?,,간략하게 - 베네피셜 뱅콥 분기 손실 주당 $0.05. 1057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘This Is Your Daughter? When Was She Born?’ U.S. Border Agents Test Migrants’ Claims of Family Ties?,,‘이 아이가 당신의 딸이라고요? 그녀는 언제 태어났나요?’ 미국 국경 요원들이 이민자들의 가족 관계 주장을 시험하고 있습니다. 254,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Browar Czarnkow Q4 Net Loss Narrows To 1.3 Million Zlotys?,,BRIEF-브로와르 차르니크로프 4분기 순손실이 130만 즈로티로 축소됨. 3924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Webcast Alert: BorgWarner 2018 First Quarter Results Conference Call?,,웹캐스트 알림: BorgWarner 2018년 1분기 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 7409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Falih says exit from oil cuts to be gradual and smooth?,,"사우디 팔리흐, 석유 감산 철회는 점진적이고 매끄럽게 진행될 것이라고 말하다." 5207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Denmark's GN takes aim at Apple with wireless earbuds?,,"덴마크의 GN, 무선 이어버드로 애플에 도전하다." 2472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dexin announces no dividend payment for 2017?,,"브리프-덱신, 2017년도 배당금 지급 없음 발표" 2373,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA plans more restrictive policy for bulk drug compounding?,,"FDA, 대량 약물 조제에 대한 더 엄격한 정책 계획" 3053,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DST Systems Shareholders Approve Merger With SS&C?,,간략 - DST 시스템 주주들이 SS&C와의 합병을 승인하다. 2066,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alliance Data Reports Q1 Core Earnings Per Share $4.44?,,"간단히 말하면, Alliance Data는 1분기 핵심 주당순이익이 $4.44라고 보고했습니다." 8556,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Indonesia, a shadowy campaign to stoke unrest as elections loom?",,"인도네시아, 선거를 앞두고 불안을 조장하는 음모가 진행 중" 1152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teradyne Reports Revenue and Earnings Growth in First Quarter 2018?,,테라다인이 2018년 첫 분기 매출 및 이익 성장 보고 2219,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Smith, Marlins slow Mets?",,"스미스, 말린스가 메츠를 누르다." 3582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Crombie REIT Qtrly FFO Per Unit Diluted $0.31?,,브리프-크롬비 리츠 분기 FFO 유닛당 희석 $0.31 3639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympic hack shows new threat in cyber crime?,,"올림픽 해킹, 사이버 범죄의 새로운 위협을 보여주다?" 7046,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRECIOUS-Gold prices flat as dollar dips on Trump's tariff decision?,,"PRECIOUS-Gold prices flat as dollar dips on Trump's tariff decision을 한국어로 번역하면 다음과 같습니다: ""귀금속-금価格 변동 없음, 트럼프의 관세 결정으로 달러 하락""" 9969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dhofar Fisheries And Food Industries FY Loss Narrows?,,BRIEF-다호르 어업 및 식품 산업 FY 손실 축소 5702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kangxin New Materials Says Share Trade To Resume On Jan 19?,,"브리핑-캉신 신소재, 주식 거래가 1월 19일 재개된다고 발표." 5550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Erie Indemnity First 2018?,,에리 인데민티 첫 2018년 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 1764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global study names Switzerland as capital of bank secrecy?,,"전 세계 연구 결과, 스위스가 은행 비밀의 수도로 선정되다." 599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nicole Carroll Named USA TODAY Editor in Chief?,,"니콜 캐롤, USA TODAY 편집장에 임명" 521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TSMC Orders Machinery Equipment Worth T$1.46 Billion?,,"브리프 - TSMC, 1.46억 대만 달러 규모의 기계 장비 주문" 5852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - March 16?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - March 16""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 9900,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-United Overseas Australia Says FY ‍Net Profit Attributable $109.1 Mln, Down 32.54 Pct ​?",,"브리핑 - 유나이티드 오버시즈 오스트레일리아, FY 순이익 1억 9백만 달러 보고, 32.54% 감소" 2031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amplify Energy Announces Closing of South Texas Divestiture and Successful Spring 2018 Borrowing Base Redetermination?,,"Amplify Energy, 사우스 텍사스 자산 매각 완료 및 2018년 봄 차입 한도 재조정 성공 발표" 1082,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Euro slips after hitting a 3-year high on ECB talk?,,"FOREX-유로, ECB 관련 발언으로 3년 만에 최고치 기록 후 하락" 5919,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Viva Industrial Trust Management Requests Trading Halt?,,"브리프-비바 인더스트리얼 트러스트 관리, 거래 중단 요청" 2932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Goldfield Announces Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.13?,,"BRIEF-골드필드, 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.13 발표" 4618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Perez's solo homer lifts Indians over Tigers?,,"페레즈의 솔로 홈런, 인디언스가 타이거스를 이기다." 8464,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRP Completes Acquisition of Two Office Buildings Totaling 420,000 SF in Alexandria, Virginia?",,"PRP가 버지니아주 알렉산드리아에서 총 420,000 SF의 두 개 사무실 건물 인수를 완료했습니다." 2681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Feelgood Svenska AB Q4 Net Sales Up At Sek ‍199.6​ Million?,,"BRIEF-Feelgood Svenska AB 4분기 순매출이 1억 9,960만 크로나로 증가했습니다." 3382,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Williams pondered Wales retirement after World Cup failure?,,"윌리엄스, 월드컵 실패 후 웨일즈 은퇴 고민하다" 617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French and Benelux stocks-Factors to watch on Feb 23?,,프랑스 및 벤엘룩스 주식 - 2월 23일 주의해야 할 사항들? 3291,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The National Capital Bank of Washington Reports Fourth Quarter Results?,,"워싱턴 국립 자본은행, 4분기 실적 발표" 5525,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Capstone Infrastructure Corporation Q4 Revenue C$41.6 Mln?,,"BRIEF-캐프스톤 인프라 코퍼레이션, 4분기 수익 C$4160만 달러" 2018,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Royal welcome and noisy protests await Saudi crown prince on UK trip?,,영국 방문 중 사우디 왕세자를 맞이하는 화려한 환영과 시끄러운 항의 7614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former NFL stars share their money secrets for this year's draft picks?,,전 NFL 스타들이 올해 드래프트 픽을 위한 돈 관리 비결을 공유하다. 2683,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Woodford-backed biotech Prothena plunges as key drug fails?,,"우드포드가 지원하는 바이오텍 프로테나, 주요 약물 실패로 주가 급락" 7182,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Law Offices of Vincent Wong Reminds Investors of an Investigation of Infinity Property and Casualty Corporation in Connection with the Sale of the Company to Kemper Corporation?,,"법무법인 빈센트 웡, 켐퍼 코퍼레이션에 대한 인피니티 재산 및 손해 보험 회사 매각과 관련한 투자자 조사를 상기시킴." 8670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aeroflot signs $5 billion deal to lease Russia-made MS-21 planes?,,"에어로플롯, 50억 달러 규모의 러시아산 MS-21 항공기 임대 계약 체결" 9248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Navios Maritime Midstream Partners Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.20?,,"브리프-나비오스 마리타임 미드스트림 파트너스, 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.20 보고" 9062,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After-hours buzz: FB, T, CMG & more?",,"시간 외 소식: FB, T, CMG 및 기타 사항들?" 351,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazilian who led U.S. to $17 million in mattress box spring gets prison?,,"미국에 1,700만 달러를 가져다 준 브라질인이 매트리스 박스 스프링 사건으로 감옥에 가다." 1111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippines to phase out its beloved cheap but rickety jeepneys?,,"필리핀, 사랑받는 저렴하지만 허름한 지프니를 단계적으로 폐지하기로 해." 9087,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Huashengtianlong Photoelectric to swing to profit in FY 2017?,,간단히 - 장쑤 화셍톈롱 광전자가 2017 회계연도에 흑자로 전환할 것으로 예상된다. 1944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brighton ensure survival with 1-0 win over Man United?,,"브라이튼, 맨유 상대로 1-0 승리로 강등 회피 확정" 1745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK police call incident involving ex-Russian spy 'shocking'?,,"영국 경찰, 전 러시아 스파이 관련 사건을 '충격적'이라고 부르다." 1121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ALJ Regional Reports Q2 Loss Per Share $0.01?,,"브리프-ALJ 리저널, 2분기 주당 손실 $0.01 보고" 9814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: California's homelessness crisis a major issue in governor's race?,,캘리포니아의 노숙자 위기가 주지사 선거에서 주요 이슈로 떠오르다. 7694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syria airstrikes cost to US taxpayers?,,시리아 공습의 미국 납세자 비용은? 3124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Danone to Sell Stake in Japan's Yakult for $1.8 Billion | Fortune?,,"다농, 일본의 야쿠르트 지분 18억 달러에 매각할 예정 | 포춘" 9698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What would happen if college basketball athletes were paid??,,대학 농구 선수들이 급여를 받게 된다면 어떤 일이 벌어질까? 5273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Johnson & Johnson wins appeal to overturn $151 million hip implant verdict?,,"존슨앤존슨, 1억 5천 1백만 달러 힙 임플란트 판결 뒤집기 위한 항소에서 승소." 3900,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Gaza photographer in 'a place of death'?,,가자 지구의 한 사진작가가 '죽음의 장소'에 있다? 7999,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: YouTube launches music service?,,유튜브가 음악 서비스를 출시하다 6463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump’s Offshore-Drilling Plan Faces Choppy Political Waters?,,트럼프의 해양 시추 계획이 정치적으로 난항에 부딪히다 1922,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indian bourses NSE, MCX in merger talks - Business Standard?",,인도 증권거래소 NSE와 MCX가 합병 논의를 진행 중 - 비즈니스 스탠다드 5866,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling climbs to highest since Brexit vote in June 2016?,,스털링이 2016년 6월 브렉시트 투표 이후 최고치로 상승하다. 8524,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Preferred Apartment Communities announces Sudden Passing Of Co-Founder, Chairman, CEO, John Williams?",,"브리프 - 프리퍼드 아파트 커뮤니티가 공동 설립자, 회장, CEO인 존 윌리엄스의 갑작스러운 사망 소식을 알림" 9867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar rises on U.S. jobs data but investors skeptical about lasting gains?,,"FOREX-달러, 미국 고용 데이터 발표 후 상승하지만 투자자들은 지속적인 상승에 의구심을 품어" 1158,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Era Group Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of $0.06?,,"간략하게 - 에라 그룹, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.06 보고" 5079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump decries FBI raid on personal lawyer?,,"트럼프, 개인 변호사에 대한 FBI의 압수수색을 비난하다." 1899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JetBlue talks pick up with planemakers over replacing jets?,,"""제트블루, 항공사 고객을 대체할 항공기 제조사와 논의 진행 중""" 5342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sacramento police fatally shoot unarmed black man 20 times?,,"새크라멘토 경찰, 무장하지 않은 흑인 남성을 20발 사격해 치사" 6916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Aarey Drugs & Pharma Dec Qtr Profit Rises?,,"브리핑 - 인도의 아레이 제약, 12월 분기 이익 증가" 7000,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maldives' ex-president Nasheed urges India to intervene to resolve crisis?,,"말디브 전 대통령 나시드, 위기 해결을 위해 인도의 개입을 촉구하다." 8437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Catalyst Biosciences Reports First Quarter Operating & Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update?,,"캐털리스트 바이오사이언스, 1분기 운영 및 재무 성과 보고 및 기업 업데이트 제공" 1112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Five Turkish soldiers killed in attack on tank in Syria's Afrin: army?,,시리아 아프린에서 탱크 공격으로 터키 군인 5명 사망: 군 당국 6530,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - WMD?,,IIROC 거래 중지 / WMD에 대한 OCRCVM의 거래 정지 7445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yango Group's Unit Wins Land Auctions For A Combined 1.02 Billion Yuan?,,"브리프 - 양고 그룹의 자회사, 총 10억 2천만 위안에 대한 토지 경매에서 승리" 133,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA adds Mylan's EpiPen to shortage list?,,FDA가 Mylan의 EpiPen을 부족 목록에 추가하다. 6325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Recovery begins after heavy rain pummels N.C.?,,북부 캐롤라이나에 강한 비가 쏟아진 후 회복이 시작된다. 8822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arizona mom denies Easter Tasering of son?,,애리조나 엄마가 아들을 부활절에 테이저로 공격한 혐의를 부인하다 1783,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nexus: Acquisition Of 55% Stake In MedHub?,,브리프-넥서스: 메드허브의 55% 지분 인수? 5542,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Broadway Announces New President and CEO?,,"브로드웨이, 새로운 사장 겸 CEO 발표" 8707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's new president is lifting investor sentiment: Central bank chief?,,남아프리카 공화국의 새 대통령이 투자자 감정을 끌어올리고 있다: 중앙은행 총재. 1397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aloha to All That: Hawaii Missile Alert Pierces Peaceful Paradise Image?,,모든 것에 Aloha: 하와이 미사일 경고가 평화로운 낙원 이미지를 파고들다. 8432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Review: Spreadsheets as a Work of Art?,,리뷰: 예술 작품으로서의 스프레드시트? 5659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jetblue Airways Says Co & International Aero Engines Entered Amended Engine Purchase & Services Deal?,,"브리프-제트블루 항공, 국제 항공 엔진과 수정된 엔진 구매 및 서비스 계약 체결 발표" 1715,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Adamis: 1Q Earnings Snapshot?,,Adamis: 1분기 수익 요약 3309,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Steinhoff's Q1 revenue falls, scandal hits working capital?",,"UPDATE 1-스틴호프의 1분기 수익 감소, 스캔들이 운전 자본에 타격을 입혀" 3097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mercury Systems Appoints Michael D. Ruppert As CFO?,,"브리예프-머큐리 시스템즈, 마이클 D. 루퍼트를 CFO로 임명" 8015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aurora Cannabis Announces Success in Bid for CanniMed Therapeutics Through the Take-Up of Shares?,,"오로라 대마초, 주식 인수를 통한 카니메드 테라퓨틱스 성공 발표" 6392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GAIL turns to spot and short-term LNG deals?,,"GAIL, 현물 및 단기 LNG 계약으로 전환하다." 4705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israeli PM Netanyahu urges feuding coalition to remain intact?,,"이스라엘 총리 네타냐후, 갈등 중인 연정의 통합 유지 촉구" 4578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NASA's Juno spacecraft strips Jupiter down to its underwear?,,NASA의 주노 우주선이 목성을 속옷까지 벗겨낸다. 4168,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade bloc Mercosur, Canada launch talks for trade deal?",,"무역 블록 메르코수르와 캐나다, 무역 협정을 위한 대화 시작" 6833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ManpowerGroup to Announce 1st Quarter 2018 Earnings Results?,,"맨파워그룹, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 예정" 6583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rotterdam Port CEO 'preparing for the worst' with Brexit?,,"로테르담 항구 CEO, 브렉시트에 대비해 '최악의 상황' 준비 중" 9660,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Berlusconi backs EU rules on deficits ahead of election?,,"베를루스코니, 선거 앞두고 적자에 대한 EU 규칙 지원" 8154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Republicans need good economy to overshadow Trump's low approval?,,공화당원들은 트럼프의 낮은 지지를 가리기 위해 좋은 경제가 필요하다. 8531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golden Knights top Sharks to grab 3-2 series lead?,,황금 기사단이 상어를 이기고 3-2 시리즈 우위를 차지하다 2533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SoulCycle CEO Melanie Whelan: The No. 1 thing women can do to succeed?,,SoulCycle CEO 멜라니 웰란: 여성이 성공하기 위해 할 수 있는 가장 중요한 한 가지는 무엇인가? 1763,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: High winds, flooding lash U.S. Northeast, one person killed?",,강풍과 홍수가 미국 동북부를 강타하여 한 명이 사망했다. 13,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lawsuit says Miley Cyrus stole 'We Can't Stop,' seeks $300 million?",,"""소송은 마일리 사이러스가 'We Can't Stop'을 훔쳤다고 주장하며 3억 달러를 요구하고 있다.""" 3079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bucks snap Raptors' streak with OT win?,,"벅스, 연장전 승리로 래퍼츠의 연승을 끊다." 8915,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Evening Edition: March 09, 2018?",,CNBC 테크 체크 저녁 판: 2018년 3월 9일 2772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: K2 Continues Transformation with Appointment of New CEO?,,"K2, 새로운 CEO 임명으로 변화 지속" 635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: Dutch IOC member Eurlings resigns over assault claims?,,올림픽: 폭행 주장으로 네덜란드 IOC 위원 에를링스 사퇴 2305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Tin market's bull credentials undermined by surging supply: Andy Home?,,COLUMN-급증하는 공급으로 약화되는 주석 시장의 강세 신뢰: 앤디 홈 8125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Singapore Exchange to launch new Indian derivatives before NSE deal ends?,,"싱가포르 거래소, NSE 거래 종료 전에 새로운 인도 파생상품 출시 계획" 9006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Safran sees quick rampup of Mexico composite fan blade plant?,,"사프란, 멕시코 복합재 팬 블레이드 공장 빠른 생산 증가 전망" 1806,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: From red carpet to red dirt, Muguruza the warrior?",,"테니스: 레드 카펫에서 레드 더트로, 전사 무구루자?" 8671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turning Facebook or Google into government utilities is a recipe for stagnation says CEI research fellow?,,"""페이스북이나 구글을 정부 유틸리티로 만드는 것은 침체의 레시피라고 CEI 연구원이 말합니다.""" 2846,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weathering Trump's skepticism, U.S. officials still fighting global warming?",,"트럼프의 회의론을 헤쳐 나가며, 미국 관리들은 여전히 지구 온난화와 싸우고 있다." 1910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Williams Announces Agreement to Acquire All Public Equity of Williams Partners L.P.?,,"윌리엄스, 윌리엄스 파트너스 L.P.의 모든 공개 주식을 인수하기 위한 계약 발표" 38,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michelle Obama memoir 'Becoming' set for publication in November?,,미셸 오바마 회고록 '비커밍' 11월 출판 예정 5424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boston Marathon: How advertisers target female runners?,,보스턴 마라톤: 광고주가 여성 러너를 타겟팅하는 방법? 3148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The pain of chocolate as French shoppers brawl over Nutella?,,프랑스 쇼핑객들이 누텔라를 두고 싸우는 고통스러운 초콜릿 8547,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: General Cable Declares Dividend?,,"일반 케이블, 배당금 발표" 5388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-People's Utah Bancorp Files For Mixed Shelf Of Upto $75 Mln SEC Filing?,,브리핑 - 유타의 사람들 은행이 최대 7500만 달러의 혼합 선반을 위한 SEC 파일링을 제출했습니다. 5987,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump-Pena Nieto meeting depends on U.S.-Mexico progress: ministry?,,"""트럼프-페냐 니에토 회의는 미국-멕시코 진전에 따라 달라진다: 정부 부서""" 4511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bollywood legend Sridevi dies at 54?,,"볼리우드 전설 스리데비, 54세로 사망" 5668,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Photos: An Ode to Rare, Classic Muscle Cars -?",,사진: 희귀하고 클래식한 머슬카에 대한 경의 6253,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airlines Waiving Fees Because of Nor’easter Expected Friday?,,금요일에 예상되는 노르이스터로 인해 항공사들이 수수료를 면제하고 있습니다. 6730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sofinnova Partners Appoints Dr. Martin T. Rothman as Venture Partner?,,"소피노바 파트너스, 드. 마틴 T. 로스맨을 벤처 파트너로 임명하다." 4547,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Film on 1976 plane hijacking illuminates Israeli-Palestinian conflict: director?,,1976년 비행기 납치 사건에 대한 영화가 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등을 조명한다고 감독이 말하다. 505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Maruti Suzuki India Q3 profit rises less than expected?,,UPDATE 1-마르티 수즈키 인디아 Q3 이익이 예상보다 적게 증가하다 9052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistan Journalist Escapes Assault by Gunmen?,,"파키스탄 기자, 총격범들의 폭행에서 탈출" 9287,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ecuadorean journalists held by Colombian rebels confirmed dead?,,콜롬비아 반군에게 억류된 에콰도르 언론인들이 사망한 것으로 확인됨. 1673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Oil breaks above $70 a barrel as shadow of trade war recedes?,,업데이트 6-무역 전쟁의 그림자가 사라지며 석유 가격이 배럴당 70달러를 넘어섰다. 3067,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus finance chief is latest to join departures lounge?,,에어버스 재무 책임자가 퇴사 대열에 합류했다는 헤드라인 뉴스 기사의 내용은 어떻게 될까? 9388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Table Tennis-Koreas form unified team at world championships?,,"UPDATE 2-탁구-한국, 세계 선수권 대회에서 통합팀 구성" 4906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korean elderly find fun in daytime discos?,,한국의 노인들이 낮 디스코에서 즐거움을 찾다 9376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fire at Shell oil refinery in Alabama contained: media?,,앨라배마의 셸 석유 정유소 화재 진압: 언론 보도 263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thai retailer Central plans $1.5 billion store expansion at home and overseas?,,"태국 소매업체 센트럴, 국내외로 15억 달러 규모의 매장 확장 계획" 4617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sodim Increases Stake In Sonagi To 70.33 Pct?,,"브리프-소딤, 소나기 지분 70.33%로 증가" 9977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motorola Solutions to Issue First-Quarter 2018 Earnings Results on May 3?,,"모토로라 솔루션즈, 5월 3일 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 예정" 6707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's Santos gets $10.8 bln conditional bid from Harbour Energy?,,"호주의 산토스, 하버 에너지로부터 108억 달러의 조건부 입찰을 받다" 1427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DB Corp Dec Qtr Consol Net Profit Falls?,,브리프 - DB Corp 4분기 연결 순이익 감소 110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Telecom Italia files appeal against supplementation of AGM agenda?,,"BRIEF-텔레콤 이탈리아, 정기 주주총회 의제 보완에 대한 항소 제기" 9484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SEER Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"SEER, 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과 보고" 1131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nelson Peltz to step down from the board of Oreo maker Mondelez?,,"넬슨 펠츠, 오레오 제조업체 몬델레즈 이사회에서 사퇴 예정" 1586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UK Stocks-Factors to watch on Jan 30?,,"""UPDATE 1-영국 주식 - 1월 30일 주목할 요소들""" 2707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CommScope Appoints Pease As Chief Financial Officer?,,"브리프 - 커뮤니케이션 스코프, 피즈를 최고 재무 책임자로 임명" 772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. senator's biofuel overhaul faces resistance?,,미국 상원의원의 바이오연료 개편이 저항에 직면하다. 4727,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gonzales, Mariners edge A's 1-0?",,"곤잘레스, 마리너스가 에인젤스를 1-0으로 제압하다" 7709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cryptocurrency and taxes: What you need to know?,,암호화폐와 세금: 알아야 할 사항은? 9711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lim wins gold in 1500m to give hosts South Korea first medal?,,림이 1500m에서 금메달을 획득하며 개최국 한국에 첫 번째 메달을 안겼다. 4080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kasikornbank Pcl Qtrly Net Profit Attributable 5.71 Bln Baht Vs 10.24 Bln Baht?,,"간단히 - 카시콘은행 분기 순이익 57억1천만 바트, 102억4천만 바트를 대비." 5040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran deal 'not dead' - French FM?,,이란 협상 '끝나지 않았다' - 프랑스 외무장관 300,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Miners are now a picture of health, analyst says?",,광산업체들이 이제 건강의 상징이라고 분석가가 말하다. 5715,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Study finds Uber's growth slows after year of scandal; Lyft benefits?,,"연구에 따르면 우버의 성장은 스캔들 이후 둔화되고 있으며, 리프트는 혜택을 보고 있다." 2448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Lilang Posts Fy Profit For The Year Of Rmb 611.0 Mln?,,"브리프-중국 리랑, 연간 순이익 6억 1,100만 위안 발표" 3280,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Text: Britain's May sets out vision for frictionless trade after?,,영국의 메이는 무역의 마찰 없는 비전을 제시한다. 8749,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ProPhase Labs Reports Financial Results for the Year Ended December 31, 2017?",,"프로페이즈랩스, 2017년 12월 31일로 종료된 연도에 대한 재무 결과 보고" 4044,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Storm Alberto threatens U.S. Gulf Coast?,,폭풍 알베르토가 미국 걸프 코스트를 위협하다 8725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Globalfoundries U.S. Inc Reports 7.9 Pct Passive Stake In Aquantia Corp?,,"BRIEF-글로벌파운드리 미국 법인, 아쿠안티아 주식 7.9% 보유 보고" 2547,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Demonstrators target Trump in Davos protest?,,"시위대, 다보스 시위에서 트럼프 겨냥" 2311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TPG Specialty Lending Reports Q4 Net Income Per Share $0.44?,,"브리프-TPG 스페셜티 렌딩, 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.44 보고" 6769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michelin boss Senard to hand over to COO in 2019?,,"미쉐린 사장 세나르, 2019년에 COO에게 인수인계 예정" 861,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 10Pearls Acquires Kash Solutions, a SAP Ariba Partner?",,"10Pearls, SAP Ariba 파트너인 Kash Solutions 인수" 7385,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wemade Entertainment to sell 1,046 shares at 59,500 won/share?",,"BRIEF-위메이드 엔터테인먼트, 주당 59,500원에 1,046주 매각 예정이다." 2407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Charming Charlie Successfully Completes Financial Restructuring?,,"상큼한 찰리, 재정 구조 조정 성공적으로 완료" 6519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Baidu Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"바이두, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 8702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Android Might Be Copying an iPhone X Feature That Could Disappear?,,안드로이드가 사라질 수 있는 아이폰 X 기능을 복사할 가능성이 있다? 5163,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lianchuang Electronic Technology's Controlling Shareholder To Increase Up To 3 Pct Stake?,,리안촹 전자 기술의 주요 주주가 최대 3%의 지분을 증가시킬 예정이라는 간략 뉴스. 9918,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activist Sandell calls on Booker to secure better Tesco bid terms?,,"액티비스트 샌델, 북커에게 더 나은 테스코 입찰 조건을 확보할 것을 촉구하다." 1916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Energy off to a strong start in 2018?,,2018년 에너지원이 순조롭게 출발하다 912,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Crown Prince to visit Egypt: official, airport sources?",,"사우디 왕세자가 이집트를 방문할 예정: 공식, 공항 소식통" 131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INTERVIEW-Tennis-Mattek-Sands loses but career back on track after horror injury?,,"인터뷰-테니스-매트텍-샌즈, 끔찍한 부상 후 패배했지만 경기가 다시 정상 궤도로 돌아왔다." 2513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford to increase electric vehicle investment to $11 billion - executive?,,"포드, 전기차 투자 110억 달러로 확대 - 임원" 8317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: The 5 events that triggered the massive sell-off?,,Cramer Remix: 대규모 매도세를 촉발한 5가지 사건? 9737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: Don't buy Corning because of T-Mobile-Sprint?,,크레이머의 번개 라운드: T-Mobile-Sprint 때문에 코오롱을 사지 마세요? 8526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IRS head sees huge task ahead to administer new tax law?,,IRS 수장이 새로운 세법 시행을 위한 막대한 과제가 있음을 봅니다. 1272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices near 2014 highs over warnings of western air strikes against Syria?,,서방의 시리아 공습 경고로 원유 가격이 2014년 최고치에 근접하다 736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Immune cells linked to very early spread of breast cancer?,,면역 세포가 유방암의 초기 전이와 연관되어 있다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다. 1469,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Verint in talks to merge with Israel's NSO Group at $1 bln value -source?,,"""Verint, 이스라엘의 NSO 그룹과 10억 달러 가치로 합병 논의 중 - 소식통""" 2360,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tired of the 'roller-coaster', Kyrgios seeks a steady ride?",,"'롤러코스터에 지친' 키리오스, 안정적인 경기를 원하다." 7425,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cross-country skiing: Norway dominate but rivals spark hope for future Games?,,"크로스컨트리 스키: 노르웨이의 지배, 그러나 라이벌들이 미래 올림픽에 대한 희망을 불어넣다." 4981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Global growth optimism lifts emerging stocks to new multi-year high?,,신흥 시장 - 글로벌 성장 낙관론이 신흥 주식을 여러 해 만에 최고치로 끌어올리다 2297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Despec Bilgisayar FY 2017 Net Profit Down At 8.4 Mln Lira?,,BRIEF-데스펙 빌기사르 2017 회계연도 순이익 840만 리라로 감소 939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nadal begins new era without mentor Toni in Australia?,,"나달, 호주에서 멘토 토니 없이 새로운 시대 시작" 144,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sarawak Plantation Bhd Says Dec Pk Production 2,100.03 Metric Tonne‍​?",,"브리핑 - 사라왁 플랜테이션 Bhd, 12월 팜유 생산량 2,100.03 메트릭 톤이라고 발표." 5811,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: H&M scouts out potential suppliers in South Africa?,,"H&M, 남아프리카에서 잠재 공급업체를 탐색하다." 851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Egyptians use mania over soccer star Salah to sell Ramadan products?,,이집트인들은 축구 스타 살라에 대한 열광을 활용해 라마단 제품을 판매한다. 9244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Anti-Trump demonstrators march in Swiss capital?,,"안티 트럼프 시위대, 스위스 수도에서 행진하다." 5869,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ed Sheeran, Stormzy winners at Britain's Ivor Novello awards?",,"에드 시런, 스톰지, 영국 아이버 노벨로 어워드에서 수상" 628,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Varex Imaging Announces Financial Results For First Of Fiscal Year 2018?,,Varex Imaging이 2018 회계 연도의 첫 분기 재무 결과를 발표하다. 6255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stina Announces Appointments of Senior Operating Management Team for Enerox GmbH / CellCube?,,"Stina, Enerox GmbH / CellCube의 고위 운영 관리 팀 임명 발표" 123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shareholder Okullu Gida Sells 30.0 Mln Shares In Tukas Gida To Metro Holding - KAP‍​?,,"브리프 - 주주 오쿨루 기다, 메트로 홀딩에 투카스 기다의 3천만 주 매각 - KAP" 8897,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asian stocks poised for slight gains as dollar advances?,,"아시아 주식이 소폭 상승할 전망, 달러 강세로 인해" 3048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Singapore sees 2018/19 overall budget deficit of 0.1 pct of GDP?,,"싱가포르, 2018/19 회계연도 전체 예산 적자가 GDP의 0.1% 발생" 7829,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Editors Choice Pictures?,,편집자 선택 사진들 261,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The 10-Point.?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""The 10-Point""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다." 4927,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Versabank Reports Quarterly Earnings Per Share Of C$0.16?,,"브리프 - 베라은행, 주당 순이익 C$0.16 보고" 4367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Imagina buyout debt delayed as investors hesitate?,,투자자들이 망설이면서 이마지나 인수 대출이 지연되었습니다. 2168,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Akamai Technologies Announces Proposed Offering Of Convertible Senior Notes?,,"브리프 - 아카마이 테크놀로지스, 전환형 선순위 노트 제안 발표" 5847,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Games: Bolt happy to have traded perspiration for inspiration?,,"게임: 볼트, 땀 대신 영감을 얻은 것에 만족해" 7490,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Watch CNBC's full interview with President Trump from Davos?,,"""다보스에서 트럼프 대통령과 CNBC의 전체 인터뷰를 시청하세요.""" 7424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GOP Lawsuit Takes Aim at Affordable Care Act Again?,,GOP 소송이 다시 한 번 Affordable Care Act(오바마케어)를 겨냥하다? 6196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rolls-Royce Invests In Aerospace Technology Company Reaction Engines?,,"브리프-롤스 로이스, 항공우주 기술 회사 리액션 엔진스에 투자하다." 2381,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Economy Week Ahead: Fed Minutes, U.S. Jobs Report, Eurozone Inflation?",,"글로벌 경제 주간 전망: 연준 회의록, 미국 고용 보고서, 유로존 인플레이션" 5321,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turtle Beach Reports Selected Preliminary 2017 Results?,,"터틀 비치, 2017년 일부 예비 결과 발표" 4957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Q1 GDP growth seen easing only slightly as trade tensions mount?,,중국의 1분기 GDP 성장률은 무역 긴장이 고조됨에 따라 약간 완화될 것으로 보인다. 6250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gary Oldman wins best actor Oscar for 'Darkest Hour'?,,"게리 올드만, '다크스트 하우'로 남우주연상 아카데미상 수상" 24,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Getting to Us’ Review: The Saints of the Sidelines?,,‘Getting to Us’ 리뷰: 사이드라인의 성인들? 5178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arrowhead Receives Regulatory Clearance To Begin Phase 1/2 Study Of Aro-Hbv For Treatment Of Hepatitis B?,,"브리핑 - 애로헤드, 간염 B 치료를 위한 ARO-HBV의 1/2단계 연구 시작을 위한 규제 승인 획득." 2074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cuba's one-party socialist system among last in world - Reuters?,,"쿠바의 일당 사회주의 체제, 세계에서 거의 마지막 - 로이터" 7857,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stormy gets ""keys"" to West Hollywood?",,"스톰이가 웨스트 할리우드의 ""열쇠""를 받다?" 2415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook: No 'Wild Changes' in User Behavior Amid Data Furor?,,페이스북: 데이터 논란 속에서도 사용자 행동에 '급격한 변화'는 없다? 4593,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US hasn't deterred Russian meddling, top intel official says?",,미국은 러시아의 간섭을 저지하지 못했다고 최고 정보 당국자가 말했다. 5251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Default rates at Indian companies likely to rise further: ICRA?,,인도 기업의 부도율이 더 상승할 가능성이 높다는 ICRA 보고서 9139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Real life heroes star in Clint Eastwood French attack movie?,,실제 영웅들이 클린트 이스트우드의 프랑스 공격 영화에 출연한다. 8456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Barrick Announces Investment In Royal Road Minerals Limited?,,"간략히 - Barrick, Royal Road Minerals Limited에 대한 투자 발표" 9483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least 100 killed in military plane crash in Algeria - local media?,,"알제리 군용기 추락, 최소 100명 사망 - 현지 언론" 702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dozens killed or wounded in south Yemen suicide attacks: witnesses?,,사우스 예멘 자살 폭탄 테러로 수십 명 사망 또는 부상: 목격자들 4912,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cardinal says Vatican-China deal would put Catholics in communist cage?,,추기경은 바티칸-중국 협정이 가톨릭 신자들을 공산주의 감옥에 가두게 될 것이라고 말했습니다. 6825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fashion label Sentaler basks in 'Meghan effect'?,,"패션 브랜드 센탈러, '메건 효과'에 힘입어 한창 주목받다." 8579,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Renaissance Acquires myON to Expand Digital Literacy Solutions?,,"르네상스, 디지털 문해력 솔루션 확장을 위해 myON 인수" 5406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Lisu aim to save crossbow culture?,,"""중국 리수족, 십자궁 문화를 구하려고 하다?""" 1061,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Lights Have Gone Out in Caracas?,,카라카스에서 불이 꺼졌다. 2501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mednax Inc Reports Qtrly EPS Of $0.68?,,"BRIEF-Mednax Inc, 분기당 주당 순이익(EPS) $0.68 보고." 8654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Obesity in pregnancy linked to early puberty for girls?,,임신 중 비만이 소녀의 조기 사춘기와 연관되어 있다는 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 1430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Health insurer Aetna quarterly profit beats estimates?,,"UPDATE 1-헬스 보험사 Aetna, 분기 실적 예상치를 초과 달성" 542,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Jiejie Microelectronics obtains high-tech enterprise recognition again and to enjoy tax preference?,,"브리프 - 장쑤 제제 마이크로일렉트로닉스, 다시 한번 고기술 기업 인증을 획득하고 세금 혜택을 누릴 예정." 7545,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Guanghong Holdings announces 2017 dividend payment?,,"브리프-광둥 광홍 홀딩스, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 2851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jaguar Health Inc Files For Non-Timely 10-K With U.S. SEC?,,BRIEF-Jaguar Health Inc가 미국 증권거래위원회(SEC)에 연례보고서 10-K를 제때 제출하지 않겠다고 파일을 제출했습니다. 1682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Putin says will serve only two presidential terms in a row?,,"러시아의 푸틴, 연속으로 두 번의 대통령 임기만 수행하겠다고 말하다." 9077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volkswagen to name VW brand chief to replace CEO - sources?,,"폭스바겐, CEO를 대체할 VW 브랜드 책임자를 임명할 예정 - 소식통" 6569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ray Sigorta 2017 Estimated Premium Up 24.30 Pct At 706.9 Mln Lira YOY?,,BRIEF-레이 시고르타 2017년 예상 보험료 24.30% 증가하여 706.9백만 리라 도달 예상됨. 5896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mercadolibre Reports Q4 Loss Per Share $1.53?,,"BRIEF-메르카도리브레, Q4 주당 손실 $1.53 보고" 3620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: John Lovett Joins Search Discovery?,,"존 러벳, 서치 디스커버리 합류" 9431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Aramco says Jizan facilities safe after missile attack?,,"사우디 아람코, 미사일 공격 후 지잔 시설 안전하다고 발표" 6620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trader sees a rally ahead for bonds?,,트레이더가 채권의 랠리를 예상한다. 4359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Comtech Telecommunications Receives Award In Excess of $11.0 Mln From U.S. Space Contractor?,,"브리핑 - 컴텍 통신, 미국 우주 계약자로부터 1,100만 달러 이상의 수상 소식 접수" 5140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-FDA clears Pfizer's Xeljanz for inflammatory bowel disease?,,UPDATE 1-FDA가 화이자의 제약 제품 젤잔즈를 염증성 장질환에 대해 승인을 내렸다. 9384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roche 2017 earnings?,,로슈 2017년 실적 3126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's election has more similarities with Germany than you might think?,,이탈리아의 선거는 당신이 생각하는 것보다 독일과 더 많은 유사점을 가지고 있다? 438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Health Group Says ‍Co and Others Entered Agreement To Develop Research Centre?,,중국 헬스 그룹이 Co와 기타 업체들이 연구 센터 개발을 위한 협약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 1996,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Oil prices fall on rising U.S. crude inventories, record production?",,"""UPDATE 1-미국 원유 재고 증가 및 기록적인 생산량으로 유가 하락""" 5083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia’s Big Win for Democracy?,,말레이시아의 민주주의를 위한 큰 승리 815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vodafone confirms $22bn deal for Liberty Global assets?,,"바다폰, 리버티 글로벌 자산에 대한 220억 달러 거래 확정" 745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brazil's development bank BNDES says loan disbursements fell 26 pct in Q1?,,"브라질 개발은행 BNDES가 발표한 바에 따르면, 1분기 대출 집행이 26% 감소했다고 전했다." 1521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least 18 killed in clash in northwest Nigeria - police?,,북서부 나이지리아 충돌로 최소 18명 사망 - 경찰 596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Universal Security Instruments Files For Non-Timely 10-Q?,,"간략히 - 유니버설 보안 기구, 비시기적 10-Q 제출 요청." 567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Says Chief of Staff Will Decide on Kushner’s Security Clearance?,,"트럼프, 수석 보좌관이 쿠슈너의 보안 인가 여부를 결정할 것이라고 말하다." 5617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senior Litigator and Trial Attorney Eugene Ashley Joins Hoge Fenton?,,수석 소송 변호사이자 재판 변호사인 유진 애슬리가 호게 펜턴에 합류하다. 4118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Black Panther' stars on importance of African culture in Marvel film?,,"'블랙 팬서' 배우들, 마블 영화에서 아프리카 문화의 중요성에 대해 이야기하다." 8047,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's banks have a bad loan problem, but financial experts still see opportunity?",,인도의 은행들이 부실 채권 문제를 안고 있지만 금융 전문가들은 여전히 기회를 보고 있다. 6235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German police investigate anti-Semitic attack on men in Berlin?,,"독일 경찰, 베를린에서 남성들에 대한 반유대주의 공격 조사 중" 7062,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway's Borr Drilling to buy five jack-up oil rigs for $720 mln?,,"노르웨이의 보르 드릴링, 7억 2천만 달러에 5대의 잭업 석유 굴착 장비 구입 발표" 685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: Phelps says U.S. swim team can thrive without him in Tokyo?,,"올림픽: 펠프스 ""미국 수영 팀은 도쿄에서 나 없이도 잘 할 수 있다""" 8619,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China March factory, consumer inflation slows in sign of ebbing economic growth?",,"중국 3월 공장, 소비자 인플레이션 둔화, 경제 성장 둔화의 조짐" 9976,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cogeco, Cogeco Communications Appoint Philippe Jetté CEO?",,"브리프 - 코제코, 코제코 커뮤니케이션즈 필리프 제떼를 CEO로 임명하였습니다." 791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's ethanol demand jumps 55 pct in January?,,"브라질의 에탄올 수요, 1월에 55% 증가" 262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Anji Foodstuff to take out loans of up to 200 mln yuan?,,짧은 소식 - Anji Foodstuff가 최대 2억 위안의 대출을 받기로 결정했습니다. 2999,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-General Mills Says Bradbury Anderson Resigned From Board, Effective April 9?",,"브리프 - 제너럴 밀스, 브래드버리 앤더슨이 4월 9일부터 이사회에서 사임했다고 발표." 9502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: STMicroelectronics Announces Timing for First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release and Conference Call?,,"STMicroelectronics, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 31,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World in 2014: China overtakes US, Hong Kong protest, ISIS, bitcoin, Donald Trump?",,"2014년 세계: 중국, 미국을 초월하다, 홍콩 시위, ISIS, 비트코인, 도널드 트럼프." 3438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-NZ's Taylor ruled out of series decider against England?,,"크리켓-뉴질랜드의 테일러, 잉글랜드와의 시리즈 결승전 출전 제외" 639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. says Washington Amtrak train derailment damage topped $40 million?,,"미국, 워싱턴주 암트랙 기차 탈선 피해 4천만 달러 초과 확인" 5455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank reports third consecutive annual loss?,,"도이치 뱅크, 3년 연속 연간 손실 보고" 5880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook announces new online dating service?,,"페이스북, 새로운 온라인 데이팅 서비스 발표" 5080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harsco Announces Results of 63rd Annual Meeting of Stockholders?,,"""Harsco, 제63차 주주총회 결과 발표""" 9965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prevas AB Q1 EBIT Falls To SEK 8.0 Million?,,프레바스 AB 1분기 EBIT 8.0백만 SEK로 감소 6406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Korean Air headquarters raided in probe into 'nut rage' sister - Yonhap?,,업데이트 1-‘너트 레이지’ 자매에 대한 수사로 대한항공 본사 압수수색 - 연합뉴스 3187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: The world has turned on this sector?,,Cramer Remix: 세상이 이 섹터를 등을 돌렸다? 8130,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Shark Tank' rejects that became super successful?,,'샤크 탱크'에서 거절당했지만 슈퍼 성공을 거둔 사례들 5338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU leaders prepare for battle over post-Brexit budget?,,"EU 지도자들, 브렉시트 이후 예산을 둘러싼 전투에 대비하다." 6104,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico, U.S. sign accords on customs, border cooperation?",,멕시코와 미국이 세관 및 국경 협력에 관한 협정을 체결했습니다. 5544,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Google May Step Into Gaming With 'Yeti' Streaming Service - The Information, Citing Sources?",,브리프 - 구글이 '예티' 스트리밍 서비스를 통해 게임 분야에 진출할 수도 있다고 소식통을 인용해 더 인포메이션이 보도했다. 5458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lanka leader calls for end to power struggle after defections?,,"스리랑카 지도자, 이탈이 발생한 후 권력 투쟁 종식 촉구" 8465,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Key events in rapid escalation of U.S.-China trade dispute?,,미국-중국 무역 분쟁의 급격한 격화에서 주요 사건들 1072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-K2 Gold Provides Technical Update Of Flume Property?,,"브리프-K2 골드, 플룸 재산에 대한 기술 업데이트 제공" 8067,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says resolutely opposed to new U.S. law on ties with Taiwan?,,중국은 대만과의 관계에 대한 새로운 미국 법안에 단호히 반대한다고 밝혔다. 3946,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Notifies Investors of an Investigation Involving Possible Securities Fraud Violations by the Board of Directors of Loma Negra C.I.A.S.A.?",,"주주 알림: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP가 Loma Negra C.I.A.S.A. 이사회에 의한 가능한 증권 사기 위반과 관련된 조사를 투자자들에게 통지합니다." 3738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Hungary to penalise NGOs that aid illegal immigrants?,,"UPDATE 1-헝가리, 불법 이민자를 돕는 NGO에 대한 처벌 조치 발표" 6997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Judge rejects U.S. demand to exclude AT&T argument in Time Warner merger trial?,,법원이 AT&T의 주장 배제를 요구하는 미국의 요청을 기각하다. 993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says cooperation is only 'correct direction' for China-U.S. trade ties?,,중국은 협력이 중국-미국 무역 관계에 대한 유일한 '올바른 방향'이라고 말합니다. 6385,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Postal Service Reports Second Quarter 2018 Results?,,"미국 우정국, 2018년 2분기 실적 발표" 239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Higher winter temperatures expected in South Africa's drought-stricken southwest?,,남아프리카공화국 가뭄이 심각한 남서부 지역에서 더 높은 겨울 기온이 예상됨 3575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-The Dixie Group Reports Q1 Loss Of $0.18/Share From Cont Ops?,,"BRIEF-딕시 그룹, 지속 사업에서 주당 $0.18 손실 보고 Q1" 8969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Don't bet on bonds for yield?,,채권에 수익률을 기대하지 마세요. 3710,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gubernija AB Says Mv Group Production Acquired 94,21 % Of All Capital Of Company Shares?",,브리프 - Gubernija AB는 Mv Group Production이 회사 주식의 94.21%를 인수했다고 발표했습니다. 2799,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UBS, Credit Suisse stop trading Sulzer shares amid U.S. sanctions?",,"UPDATE 1-UBS, Credit Suisse가 미국 제재로 인해 Sulzer 주식 거래 중단" 7092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two killed in Tesla car crash in Florida - police?,,플로리다에서 테슬라 자동차 충돌 사고로 2명 사망 - 경찰 2371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Natuzzi Announces Qtrly Loss Earnings Per Share Eur 0.11?,,"브리프-나투찌, 분기 손실 보고 주당 순손실 0.11 유로" 1380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Burkina authorities arrest eight in connection with deadly attack?,,"부르키나파소 당국, 치명적인 공격과 관련하여 8명 체포" 9518,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Man arrested in wave of package bombs in Washington, D.C?",,워싱턴 D.C.에서 일어난 패키지 폭탄 공격 사건으로 남성이 체포됨 9205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House accuses Russia of killing civilians in Syria's Ghouta region?,,"백악관, 러시아가 시리아 굴타 지역에서 민간인 살해한 혐의 제기" 1870,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-?,,UPDATE 2-의 제목이 포함된 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까요? 3362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed's Powell: central banks must strive to enhance transparency on supervision?,,파월 Fed 의장: 중앙은행은 감독의 투명성을 강화하기 위해 노력해야 한다. 8704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Executive at top hedge fund among Costa Rica crash victims?,,코스타리카 추락 사고 희생자 중 최고 헤지펀드 임원 포함 694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Latvia Detains Top ECB Official in Anticorruption Probe?,,"라트비아, 부패 수사에서 유럽 중앙은행 고위 외교관 구금" 248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Made in France? Britain's new Brexit passport goes to the EU?,,프랑스산? 브렉시트 이후 영국의 새로운 여권이 EU로 간다? 9822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ardelyx Successfully Completes T3mpo-3 Safety Extension Study Of Tenapanor For Ibs-C?,,"BRIEF-아르델릭스, IBS-C를 위한 테나파노르의 T3mpo-3 안전성 확장 연구를 성공적으로 완료했다." 831,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank looking to sell stake in Dubai-based Abraaj -sources?,,"도이치 뱅크, 두바이 기반의 아브라즈 지분 매각 계획 - 소식통" 6717,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-IHS Markit Ltd Files For Potential Mixed Shelf Offering, Size Not Disclosed?",,"IHS Markit Ltd가 잠재적인 혼합 선반 제안서를 제출했으며, 규모는 공개되지 않았습니다." 5264,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin's influence over cryptocurrency prices could end soon, says Ripple CEO?",,비트코인이 암호화폐 가격에 미치는 영향은 곧 종료될 수 있다고 리플 CEO가 말했습니다. 540,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RBNZ says New Zealand financial system sound, vulnerabilities stable?",,"RBNZ, 뉴질랜드 금융 시스템 건전성 및 취약성 안정하다고 발표." 5164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PTC Therapeutics Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update?,,"PTC 테라퓨틱스, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 발표 및 기업 업데이트 제공" 2617,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Broadstone Net Lease, Inc. Increases Monthly Distribution, Maintains Determined Share Value for Next Three Months?",,"브로드스톤 넷 리스, Inc. 월 배당금 인상 및 향후 3개월 동안 고정 주식 가치 유지" 5435,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SoftBank, Alibaba to invest $445 mln in India's Paytm E-Commerce?",,"소프트뱅크, 알리바바가 인도 페이tm 이커머스에 4억 4천500만 달러 투자 예정" 7719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weyland Tech Business Outlook and Corporate Strategy?,,웨이랜드 테크 비즈니스 전망 및 기업 전략 4704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump acknowledges Russia mounted anti-U.S. campaign ahead of 2016 election?,,"트럼프, 러시아가 2016년 선거 전 미국에 대한 캠페인을 벌였다고 인정하다." 2349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-Invesco names Tom Sartain senior portfolio manager?,,"MOVES-인베스코, 톰 사르탱을 수석 포트폴리오 관리자에 임명" 3809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to stay at separate hotels on eve of wedding?,,"왕자 해리와 메건 마클, 결혼식 전날 서로 다른 호텔에 숙박 예정" 4237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Biorem Reports Q1 Diluted Earnings Per Share $0.00?,,"브리프 - 바이오렘, 1분기 희석 주당순이익 $0.00 보고" 9637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It’s Never Been Sunnier in Philadelphia?,,필라델피아에서 이렇게 맑은 날씨는 한 번도 없었다. 6744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling pauses on soft data?,,"‘스털링, 부진한 데이터에 정체’" 8982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Raisio To Lower Its 2018 Guidance For Group's Net Sales Development?,,"레이지오, 2018년 그룹 순매출 성장에 대한 전망 하향 조정 예정" 8584,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lankan stocks extend gains, hit 5-week closing high?",,스리랑카 주식 시장이 상승세를 이어가며 5주 만에 최고 종가를 기록하다. 3963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Risen Energy starts construction of 121MW Yarranlea solar project in Australia?,,리센 에너지가 호주 야란레아 태양광 프로젝트 121MW 건설 착공을 시작했습니다. 3092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-National Takaful FY Profit Rises?,,BRIEF-국가 타카풀(FY) 이익 증가 5261,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's Erdogan says emergency rule good for economy as stops terrorism, strikes?",,"터키의 에르도안, 비상사태가 경제에 좋고 테러리즘과 파업을 차단한다고 말하다." 4072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DIARY-Top Economic Events to Feb 27?,,DIARY-2월 27일까지의 주요 경제 이벤트 7938,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forex market: Dollar moves, Fed meeting minutes in focus?",,"외환 시장: 달러 움직임, 연준 회의록 주목" 9339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mark Cuban: This is 'the best investment you can make'?,,마크 큐반: 이것이 '당신이 할 수 있는 최고의 투자'입니다. 4566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Billionaire CEO Steve Schwarzman: Don't start a business?,,억만장자 CEO 스티브 슈워츠먼: 사업을 시작하지 마라? 6896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 5-Companies win big at U.S. top court on worker class-action curbs?,,"UPDATE 5-미국 최고 법원, 근로자 집단소송 제한으로 기업들 승소" 4663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Ideal Jewellery's fund to invest 30 mln yuan in jewelry firm?,,브리프 - 심천 이디어 주얼리의 펀드가 주얼리 회사에 3천만 위안을 투자할 예정입니다. 9334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber Settles With Family of Victim Killed in Self-Driving Car Accident?,,"우버, 자율주행차 사고로 사망한 피해자 가족과 합의해" 1288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Takeda shares drop after Shire rejects $63 bln offer?,,"타케다 주가, 샤이어가 630억 달러 제안을 거절한 후 하락" 2976,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MyBucks: Further Details Relating To Certain Transactions?,,브리프-마이벅스: 특정 거래와 관련된 추가 세부사항 7824,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Huarong confirms chairman departs after probe, shares to resume trading?",,"중국 화롱, 수사 후 회장 퇴임 확인, 주식 거래 재개" 1979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UBS restructures US ECM?,,"UBS, 미국 ECM 구조 조정" 8998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yan Tat Group Holdings Posts FY Profit Attributable HK$24.3 Mln?,,"간단하게 - 연 타트 그룹 홀딩스, FY 순이익 HK$24.3백만 발표." 3580,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slowly, Germany begins to ponder life after Merkel?",,"천천히, 독일은 메르켈 이후의 삶을 고민하기 시작한다." 4063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-Barclays expands role of McLeland to run treasury?,,"MOVES-바클레이스, 머클랜드의 역할 확대하여 재무 운영 담당." 1327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-‍Ethereum Capital Announces Conditional Listing Approval And Filing Statement For Reverse Takeover Transaction​?,,"브리프 - 이더리움 캐피탈, 역인수합병 거래를 위한 조건부 상장 승인 및 제출 성명 발표" 8909,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sun Pacific Holding Corp. signs Letter of Intent to Purchase 60 acres of land to build a Solar and Wind Farm with Blockchain Technology to Manage the Grid?,,선퍼시픽홀딩스는 블록체인 기술로 전력망을 관리하기 위해 60 에이커의 토지를 구입하기 위한 양해각서를 체결했습니다. 9717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Egypt GDP growth for fiscal 2017-18 revised up to 5.3-5.5 pct -minister?,,이집트 2017-18 회계연도 GDP 성장률이 5.3-5.5%로 상향 조정되었다고 장관이 발표했다. 9616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emergency warning issued as out-of-control bushfire rages across Sydney?,,시드니 전역에서 통제할 수 없는 대형 산불이 발생하자 비상 경고가 발령되다. 2639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What the Big Trade Deficit Number Really Means?,,대규모 무역 적자 수치가 실제로 의미하는 바는 무엇인가? 7658,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's 2017 exports rose 10.8% in yuan terms — imports jumped 18.7%?,,"중국의 2017년 수출이 위안화 기준으로 10.8% 상승했으며, 수입은 18.7% 급증했다." 183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China City Construction Holding Group Faces Uncertainties Over Interest Payment On Note Due March 1 - FX Trading Platform?,,"중국 시티 건설 홀딩 그룹, 3월 1일 만기 노트 이자 지급에 대한 불확실성 직면 - FX 거래 플랫폼" 3589,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer unpacks the wild action in a 'new' kind of market?,,"크래머, '새로운' 종류의 시장에서의 격렬한 흐름을 분석하다." 1902,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - May 23?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - May 23""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 2844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. spies try to profile North Korea's Kim for Trump meet?,,"미국 정보당국, 트럼프와 회담을 위한 북한 김정은 프로파일링 시도" 86,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monroe Capital Corporation Schedules First 2018 Earnings Release and Conference Call?,,몬로 캐피탈 주식회사가 2018년 첫 번째 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정을 잡았습니다. 8043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How does Kim tell North Korea he's giving up nuclear weapons??,,김정은이 북한에 핵무기를 포기한다고 어떻게 알릴까? 5704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Actua Announces Intention To Voluntarily Delist From Nasdaq?,,"BRIEF-액투아, 나스닥에서 자발적으로 상장 폐지할 의사 발표" 8376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Intec Pharma Reports Q4 Loss Per Share $0.39?,,"브리프-인텍 파마, 4분기 주당 손실 0.39달러 보고." 1228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arco Vara As Sold Its Real Estate Investment Fund In Bulgaria?,,"브리프 - 아르코바라, 불가리아에서 부동산 투자 기금을 매각했다." 8846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TABLE-Foreign trading in Japan stocks for latest week?,,일본 주식의 최신 주간 외국인 거래 상황 표 2356,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Oscars red carpet glitters in anything-goes fashion attitude?,,"업데이트 2 - 오스카 시상식 레드 카펫, 뭐든지 가능한 패션 태도로 화려하게 빛나다." 1264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. Confirms Dividends for First Quarter 2018?,,페이토 탐사 및 개발 주식회사가 2018년 첫 분기 배당금을 확인했습니다. 3615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FirstCash Reports Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.94?,,"간략하게 - 퍼스트캐시, 4분기 조정 주당순이익 0.94달러 보고" 8566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cambodian court orders seizure of opposition party's headquarters?,,"캄보디아 법원, 야당 본부 압수 명령 내려" 7336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dr. Mary Ellen Caro Named First Woman President and CEO of Peirce College?,,"메리 엘렌 카로 박사, 피어스 대학의 첫 여성 총장 겸 CEO로 임명되다." 2180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mali war crimes suspect to appear before war crimes judges in The Hague?,,말리 전쟁 범죄 용의자가 헤이그의 전쟁 범죄 재판관 앞에 출두할 예정이다. 9170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S urges African nations to apply diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea?,,"미국, 아프리카 국가들에게 북한에 대한 외교 및 경제적 압박을 가할 것을 촉구하다" 8648,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - NBY?,,"IIROC 거래 중지 / OCRCVM에 의한 거래 정지 - NBY에 대한 뉴스 기사는 다음과 같은 내용을 포함할 수 있습니다: NBY라는 회사의 주식에 대해 IIROC(투자 산업 규제 기구)가 거래를 중지한다고 발표한 이유, 해당 결정의 배경, 그리고 투자자들에게 미치는 영향 등에 대한 정보가 포함될 가능성이 있습니다. 또한, 근본적인 문제나 불확실성이 있거나, 규제 위반이 있을 수 있는 경우 이와 관련된 사항도 다루어질 수 있습니다." 3129,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How to surf the web anonymously and keep Chrome from tracking you?,,웹을 익명으로 서핑하는 방법과 Chrome이 나를 추적하지 않도록 하는 방법 5819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea Says It Is Open to Talks With U.S. About Abandoning Nuclear Weapons?,,"북한, 핵무기 포기 관련 미국과의 대화에 열려 있다고 밝혀" 9439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Bajaj Corp March-Qtr Profit Rises?,,"BRIEF-인도의 바자르 코프, 3월 분기 수익 증가" 6099,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: April is usually good for stocks, but it comes at a dicey time?",,"4월은 보통 주식에 좋지만, 어려운 시기와 맞물려 있다." 2753,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taking a baby step at best, ECB to inch towards the exit?",,"최악의 경우 아기의 걸음마를 떼듯, ECB가 출구로 조금씩 나아간다." 6589,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maersk CEO: Outlook much better for container shipping?,,머스크 CEO: 컨테이너 운송 전망이 훨씬 더 나아졌다. 5094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Obducat: Proceeds Of About SEK 14 Mln In New Issue?,,"브리프 - 오브듀캣: 신규 발행으로 약 1,400만 크로나의 수익 발생?" 9399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Silica Announces Timing of Earnings Release and Investor Call?,,"U.S. 실리카, 실적 발표 및 투자자 전화회의 일정 발표" 5739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zargon Oil & Gas Q1 Funds Flow Used In Operating Activities Per Basic Share $0.01?,,자르곤 오일 & 가스 1분기 운영 활동에 사용된 자금 흐름 기본 주당 $0.01 610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ritter Pharmaceuticals Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results and Provides Business Updates?,,"리터 제약, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 보고 및 사업 업데이트 제공" 2011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Astros ride McCullers' arm past Mariners?,,"애스트로스, 맥컬러스의 힘으로 매리너스를 이기다" 6881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SunPower Reports Qtrly GAAP Loss Per Share $0.83?,,"브리프 - 선파워, 분기 GAAP 주당 손실 $0.83 보고" 8736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suicide Became the Second Leading Cause of Death for Young People in 2016. We Don’t Know Why?,,2016년 젊은이들의 두 번째 사망 원인이 자살이 되었다. 우리는 그 이유를 알지 못한다. 6568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Navarro’s Ties to Nucor Highlight Trump Advisers’ Steel Industry Connections?,,나바로의 누코어와의 유대관계는 트럼프 보좌진의 철강 산업 연결 고리를 부각시킨다. 9833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: Some facts about the life of evangelist Billy Graham?,,기사 제목: 전도사 빌리 그래햄의 삶에 대한 몇 가지 사실 요약. 1311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brazil's Vale says new dividend policy in effect from Q2 results?,,"브리프 - 브라질의 발레, Q2 실적부터 새로운 배당 정책 시행 발표" 2656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Almaden Announces Elaine Ellingham Appointed to Board of Directors?,,"알마덴, 엘레인 일링햄 이사회에 임명 발표" 4379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cato Reports 4Q And Full-Year Earnings?,,"Cato, 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표" 2483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France rewards Malian 'Spiderman' for rescue?,,"프랑스, 말리 '스파이더맨' 구출에 대한 보상 제공" 2320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unknown academic proposed as Italy's new PM?,,이탈리아의 새로운 총리로 제안된 미지의 학자 967,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China issues guidelines on transfer of IP rights to foreign investors?,,"중국, 외국 투자자에게 지식재산권 양도에 대한 지침 발표" 5883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steven Mnuchin says China steel and aluminum tariffs will remain?,,"스티븐 므누신, 중국 철강 및 알루미늄 관세는 유지될 것이라고 말하다." 4897,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AcelRx Pharmaceuticals to Hold Annual Financial Conference Call and Webcast on Thursday, March 8th, 2018?",,AcelRx 제약회사가 2018년 3월 8일 목요일에 연례 재무 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트를 개최합니다. 9020,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forget celebrities and focus on people in need, UK charities urged?",,유명인사들에 대한 관심을 잊고 도움이 필요한 사람들에게 집중하라는 영국 자선단체들은 촉구했다. 2397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Medeor Therapeutics Expands Executive Team?,,"메데오르 테라퓨틱스, 경영팀 확장" 9775,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zeeland Family H2 EBITDA Rises To EUR ‍304,000?",,"브리프-질란드 가족 H2 EBITDA가 304,000 유로로 증가했습니다." 9041,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French rail strikes have cost 100 million euros so far, SNCF boss says?",,프랑스 철도 파업으로 인해 지금까지 1억 유로의 비용이 발생했다고 SNCF 사장이 말했습니다. 2918,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Best Buy Appoints Richelle Parham to Best Buy Board of Directors?,,"베스트바이, 리셸 파룸을 베스트바이 이사회에 임명하다." 571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hawaii street swallowed by 'lava tide' as more homes burn?,,"하와이의 거리, '용암 조수'에 삼켜져 더 많은 집들이 불타고 있다." 6389,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVESTOCK-CME live cattle extends losses, hogs further gains?",,"LIVESTOCK-CME 생존 우량 소, 손실 연장; 돼지 더 많은 이익" 4052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rapier Gold Securityholders Approve Acquisition By GFG Resources?,,브리프 - 라피어 골드의 주주들이 GFG 리소스에 의한 인수를 승인했습니다. 5888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Northern Dynasty Provides Update On Proposed Transaction With First Quantum Minerals?,,"브리프 - 노던 다이너스티, 퍼스트 쿼언텀 미네랄스와의 제안된 거래 업데이트 제공" 9023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syria War Takes Toll on Young Fighters and Their Families?,,시리아 전쟁이 젊은 전사들과 그들의 가족에게 미치는 피해 5382,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BMC Stock Holdings, Inc. Announces 2018 First Quarter Results?",,"BMC 스톡 홀딩스, Inc. 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 67,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House urges 'responsible nations' to press Iran to change behavior?,,"백악관, '책임 있는 국가들'에 이란의 행동 변화를 촉구해달라고 요청" 3028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Credit Agricole and Bankia in talks over consumer finance JV in Spain​?,,"브리프 - 크레딧 아그리콜과 바니아, 스페인에서 소비자 금융 합작 투자에 대해 논의 중" 9723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-World stocks edgy as rising bond yields raise fears for growth and profits?,,"글로벌 시장-세계 주식, 상승하는 채권 수익률이 성장과 수익에 대한 우려를 일으키며 긴장 상태에 있음" 7068,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thunder hold off Grizzlies behind George's 28?,,"썬더, 조지의 28점 활약으로 그리즐리스를 제치고 승리하다" 4327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: City of London says Brexit job fears may be over-egged?,,"런던시, 브렉시트로 인한 일자리 우려가 과장됐을 수 있다고 말하다." 6402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toyota aims to sell as many as 1.4 mln vehicles in China this year -sources?,,"도요타, 올해 중국에서 최대 140만 대의 차량 판매 목표 - 소식통" 1704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York revises proposed insurance best-interest regulation to define clear rules?,,"뉴욕, 명확한 규칙을 정의하기 위해 제안된 보험 최선의 이익 규정을 수정하다." 3376,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. Reports?",,"Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. 보고서 발표" 4342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robots fight weeds in challenge to agrochemical giants?,,로봇들이 농약 대기업에 도전하며 잡초와 싸우다. 6987,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Private Equity Giants Buy Cyber Firm PhishMe for $400 Million | Fortune?,,사모펀드 대기업들이 사이버 기업 PhishMe를 4억 달러에 인수하다 | 포ortune 814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Associa Community Management Corporation Promotes Andrew Hilton to Director of Associa OnCall?,,"아소시아 커뮤니티 관리 공사, 앤드류 힐턴을 아소시아 온콜 이사로 승진시킴." 7073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkish artillery fires in northern Syria after border town hit?,,"터키 포병, 국경 도시 피격 후 시리아 북부에 포격 행위 진행" 914,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Insteel Industries Reports Q2 Earnings Per Share Of $0.31?,,"인스틸 인더스트리, 2분기 주당 순이익 $0.31 발표" 2942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. State Department OKs possible $45 million sale of bomb bodies to Bahrain?,,"미국 국무부, 바레인에 4,500만 달러 규모의 폭탄 본체 판매 가능 승인" 6453,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poland's Bank Pekao Q1 net rises 12 pct, slightly above f'cast?",,"폴란드의 은행 Pekao, 1분기 순이익 12% 상승, 예상치 Slightly 초과" 2413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Punjab National Bank Seeks Shareholders' Nod For Share-Issue Worth 54.73 Bln Rupees?,,"브리프 - 펀자브 내셔널 뱅크, 54.73억 루피 규모의 주식 발행을 위해 주주 동의 요청" 8971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM sees flat 2018 earnings?,,GM은 2018년 수익이 변동 없을 것으로 예상한다. 2522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Bannon Will ‘Tell All to Mueller’?,,스티브 배넌이 '뮬러에게 모든 것을 털어놓을 것'이라고 전했다. 108,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vitamin Shoppe, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?",,"비타민 쇼프, Inc. 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 2835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cullen/Frost Reports 4th Quarter And 2017 Annual Results?,,"컬렌/프로스트, 4분기 및 2017년 연간 실적 보고" 3192,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A President Who Won’t Release Grip on Power Tightens Tensions in Congo?,,권력을 놓지 않으려는 대통령이 콩고에서 긴장을 고조시킨다. 820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Doping-WADA recommends Winter Olympics not use latest sample bottles?,,"도핑-세계 반도핑 기구(WADA), 최신 샘플 병 사용 중단을 동계 올림픽에 권고" 2160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aetna Says California Department Of Health Care Services Approves Aetna's Participation In Medi-Cal?,,Aetna가 캘리포니아 보건 복지부의 Medi-Cal 참여 승인을 받았다고 보도했습니다. 3449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Munjal Showa Dec-Qtr PAT Falls?,,브리프-인도의 문잘 쇼와 12월 분기 순이익 감소 1981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Staples names Coca-Cola veteran Douglas as new CEO?,,"스테이플스, 코카콜라 베테랑 더글라스를 새로운 CEO로 임명하다." 3390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fund says Wells Fargo unit worsened 'vol-mageddon' losses -court filing?,,"펀드, 웰스파고 유닛이 '변동성 대재앙' 손실을 악화시켰다고 법원에 제출한 서류에서 밝혀져" 8737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hertz Global Holdings Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"허츠 글로벌 홀딩스, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 9986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crock-Pot to 'This Is Us' Fans: Don't Blame Us | Fortune?,,"크록팟, '이츠 어스' 팬들에게: 우리를 탓하지 마세요 | 포춘" 8968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil tour operator CVC says chairman temporarily steps down?,,브라질 투어 운영업체 CVC 의장이 일시적으로 물러난다고 발표했다. 4631,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. oil prices hit highest since 2015, but doubts loom over rally?",,"미국의 유가가 2015년 이후 최고치를 기록했지만, 상승에 대한 의문이 제기되고 있다." 4827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TABLE-Invincible Investment-6 MTH forecast?,,타이틀-무적투자-6개월 전망? 149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Davis confident of political agreement over Brexit implementation by March?,,"영국의 데이비스, 3월까지 브렉시트 시행에 대한 정치적 합의에 자신감 나타내" 1464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-2cureX Opens Lab In Hamburg?,,"브리프-2cureX, 함부르크에 실험실 개설" 4151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brexit & Beyond: Europe Trails America Like Never Before?,,브렉시트와 그 이후: 유럽이 그 어느 때보다 미국에 뒤처지고 있다. 522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Advanced Accelerator Applications To Withdraw ADSs From Nasdaq Global Select Market​?,,"간단히 말하면, Advanced Accelerator Applications이 Nasdaq Global Select Market에서 ADS를 철회할 것이라는 내용이다." 8021,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Serious knee injuries increasing in kids and teens?,,어린이와 청소년의 심각한 무릎 부상이 증가하고 있다. 1417,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GobiMin Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"GobiMin, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 3327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What Facebook Users Affected By Cambridge Analytica Should Know?,,"""캠브리지 애널리티카에 영향을 받은 페이스북 사용자들이 알아야 할 사항""" 3035,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rolling Stone Keith Richards says America has to ‘get rid’ of Donald Trump?,,"롤링 스톤의 키스 리처드스, 미국은 도널드 트럼프를 ‘제거해야 한다’고 말하다." 8415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Citi: Some signs point to a down market this year?,,씨티: 올해 하락 시장으로 가는 몇 가지 징후가 있다? 6495,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Standard Chartered names Lucy Taylor-Smith as global strategy boss?,,"스탠다드 차타드, 루시 테일러-스미스를 글로벌 전략 책임자로 임명하다." 583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Europe has arsenal of weapons to respond to Trump's tariffs: EU's Moscovici?,,업데이트 1 - 유럽은 트럼프의 관세에 대응할 무기를 보유하고 있다: EU의 모스코비치 5520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-British PM May to meet finance bosses on Brexit?,,"업데이트 2 - 메이 영국 총리, 브렉시트 관련 금융업계 책임자들과 회동 예정" 2172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ORG Technology sees H1 2018 net profit up 0 pct to 30 pct?,,"BRIEF-ORG 기술, 2018년 상반기 순이익 0% 증가하여 30%에 달함." 5425,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fire Rock Sees FY Profit Up Over 80 Pct?,,"브리프 - 파이어 록, FY 이익 80% 이상 증가 예상" 2191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Axovant to scrap intepirdine program after dementia trial fails?,,"Axovant, 치매 시험 실패로 intepirdine 프로그램 중단할 예정" 2746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India says China promises to address trade deficit concerns?,,"인도, 중국이 무역 적자 문제 해결을 약속했다고 발표하다." 9390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comstock Expands Reston Station Neighborhood?,,"컴스토크, 레스턴 스테이션 이웃 확장" 5508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Bannon apologizes for anti-Trump comments in 'Fire and Fury'?,,"스티브 배넌, '화염과 분노'에서 트럼프에 대한 비난 발언 사과" 1498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Friends of detained Reuters reporter pray for his release?,,"억류된 로이터 기자의 친구들, 그의 석방을 위해 기도하다." 5709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CN And TCRC Reach Tentative Agreement On Labour Contract For Locomotive Engineers In Canada?,,"CN과 TCRC, 캐나다에서 기관사 노동 계약에 대한 잠정 합의 도달" 9693,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of Ireland pays first dividend in a decade?,,"아일랜드은행, 10년 만에 첫 배당금 지급" 5141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arkan Al Kuwait Real Estate Signs Agreement to buy 3.9 MLN Dinars Property?,,"브리프 - 아르칸 알 쿠웨이트 부동산, 390만 디나르의 부동산 인수 계약 체결" 1108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Northrop Grumman Corp Posts Q4 EPS Of $1.01?,,"브리핑 - 노스롭 그루먼, 4분기 주당순이익(EPS) 1.01달러 발표." 695,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Bicon Pharmaceutical'ss Chairman Zhou Xinji Resigns?,,브리핑 - 강소 비콘 제약의 회장 저우 신지가 사임하다. 9552,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SL Green Inks Another Huge Lease Deal for One Vanderbilt?,,"SL 그린, 원 밴더빌트에서 또 다른 대규모 임대 계약 체결" 5742,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-As You Sow Urges GM Shareholders To Vote On Proposal To Report If Co's GHG Emissions Will Increase?,,"BRIEF-아 유 소우, GM 주주들에게 회사의 온실가스(GHG) 배출량이 증가할 것인지 보고하는 제안에 투표할 것을 촉구하다." 9337,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian shares rise, led by financials; NZ up?",,호주 주식이 금융주에 힘입어 상승; 뉴질랜드도 상승하다. 5448,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NATO expels 7 Russian diplomats, limits size of mission?",,NATO가 7명의 러시아 외교관을 추방하고 임무 규모를 제한하다. 5859,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin rallies more than 30% to briefly top $12,000 in latest wild swing?",,"비트코인이 최근 급등하며 30% 이상 상승해 잠시 12,000달러를 넘었다." 7804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eaton Vance Corp Posts Q2 Adjusted EPS $0.77?,,Eaton Vance Corp가 2분기 조정 EPS $0.77 발표 7531,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TRINTELLIX® (vortioxetine) Prescribing Information Now Includes New Data Showing Improvement in Processing Speed, an Important Aspect of Cognitive Function in Acute Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?",,TRINTELLIX® (vortioxetine) 처방 정보는 급성 주요 우울 장애(MDD)에서 인지 기능의 중요한 측면인 처리 속도의 개선을 보여주는 새로운 데이터를 포함하도록 업데이트되었습니다. 5687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling headed for best week in five months ahead of retail sales?,,소매 판매 발표를 앞두고 파운드가 5개월 만에 최고의 주간 실적을 기록할 것으로 예상된다. 3670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The new EU data law includes the 'right to be forgotten': EY?,,새로운 EU 데이터 법안에는 '잊혀질 권리'가 포함되어 있다고 EY가 전했습니다. 8429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CA Immobilien Anlagen Buys Campus 6.1 Office Building In Bucharest?,,"CA Immobilien Anlagen, 부쿠레슈티의 캠퍼스 6.1 사무실 건물 매입" 5021,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big Bash League Scoreboard?,,빅 배시 리그 점수판? 1739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DRAM prices are 'so much stronger than everybody thought': Analyst?,,"""DRAM 가격이 모든 사람들이 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 강력하다"": 분석가" 7594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FCA ARRIVA A CEDERE OLTRE 1% IN PRIME BATTUTE DOPO RECENTI RIALZI?,,FCA는 최근 상승 이후 첫 거래에서 1% 이상 하락한다. 5396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistan's Milli Muslim League placed on U.S. foreign terrorist list?,,"파키스탄의 밀리 무슬림 리그, 미국 외국 테러 단체 목록에 등재되다." 6297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sears Holdings Enters Amendment To Term Loan Credit Agreement?,,"브리프 - 시어스 홀딩스, 기업 대출 신용 계약 수정 사항에 들어감" 3678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Kansas town feels the loss of its refugee center?,,캔자스의 한 마을이 난민 센터의 상실을 느끼고 있다. 8911,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: Chemical weapons inspectors, how do they work??",,"뉴스 기사가 ""Factbox: Chemical weapons inspectors, how do they work?""라는 제목 아래 다룰 수 있는 내용은 다음과 같을 것입니다: 화학 무기 검사관의 역할과 기능, 검사 과정 및 절차, 그들이 사용하는 기술 및 장비, 국제 법규와 협정, 검사관의 훈련 및 전문성, 특정 사례 및 역사적 사건, 연구 및 동향에 대한 정보 등이 포함될 수 있습니다." 6582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Citigroup Q4 2017 Adj Shr $1.28?,,브리프 - 씨티그룹 2017년 4분기 조정 주당 순이익 $1.28 8136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WPT Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust Announces March 2018 Distribution?,,"""WPT 산업 부동산 투자 신탁, 2018년 3월 배당금 발표""" 5980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NorthWestern Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"노스웨스턴, 2018년 1분기 재무 실적 발표" 2536,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-U.S. opens probe into fatal Tesla crash, fire in California?",,"업데이트 3-미국, 캘리포니아에서 발생한 치명적인 테슬라 충돌 및 화재에 대한 조사를 시작하다." 467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. 30-year mortgage rates rise 7th straight week - Freddie Mac?,,미국 30년 모기지 금리가 7주 연속 상승 - 프레디 맥 1259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Right-wing Duque keeps lead in survey ahead of Colombia election?,,"우파 듀케, 콜롬비아 선거 앞두고 여론조사에서 선두 유지" 1194,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McDonald's to kick off Dollar Menu this week, priming it for massive growth in 2018?",,맥도날드가 이번 주에 달러 메뉴를 시작하며 2018년 대규모 성장을 준비하고 있습니다. 1901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CoreSite Reports Quarter 2018 Financial Results Reflecting Revenue Growth of 12.8% Year over Year?,,"CoreSite는 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 보고했으며, 이는 지난해 같은 기간 대비 12.8%의 수익 성장을 반영합니다." 154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uganda's Museveni signs law removing age cap for president?,,"우간다의 무세베니, 대통령 연령 제한을 제거하는 법안에 서명하다." 8110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico's Accendo Banco expects to close purchase of Deutsche Bank units in June?,,"멕시코의 아첸도 은행, 6월에 도이치은행 자회사 인수 완료 예상" 6123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peru captain Guerrero asks Swiss court to overturn doping ban - federation?,,"페루 국가대표팀 주장 게레로, 스위스 법원에 도핑 징계 overturned 요청 - 연맹" 589,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dom tries to test his latest product on his son, but Janine has another idea?",,"돔이 아들에게 자신의 최신 제품을 테스트하려 하지만, 자닌은 다른 아이디어가 있다." 2863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Sinclairs Hotels Dec Qtr Profit Falls?,,"BRIEF-인도의 싱클레어스 호텔, 12월 분기 이익 감소." 6094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nuvolo Names Veeva Systems Executive Dan Goldsmith to Board of Directors?,,"누볼로, Veeva Systems 임원 댄 골드스미스를 이사회에 임명하다." 3326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Even doctors struggle to continue breastfeeding?,,의사들조차 모유 수유를 계속하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다? 6554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Premier League spend record 211 million pounds on agent fees?,,"프리미어 리그, 에이전트 수수료에 2억 1100만 파운드 기록적인 지출" 4170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kennedy Wilson Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"케네디 윌슨, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 528,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French ex-president held over Gaddafi funding?,,"프랑스 전 대통령, 가다피 자금 지원 혐의로 구금돼" 3565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin: Russia ready to help North-South Korea cooperation -Kremlin?,,"푸틴: 러시아, 남북한 협력 지원할 준비 되어 있어 - 크렘린" 8779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stella-Jones Reports 2018 First Quarter Results?,,"스텔라-존스, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 8999,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AxiomSL Hires Harry Chopra as Chief Client Officer to Drive Growth?,,"AxiomSL, 성장 촉진을 위해 해리 초프라를 수석 클라이언트 책임자로 영입하다." 8656,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-McIlroy, Woods on charge to set up dramatic Palmer finish?",,"골프-맥일로이, 우즈가 드라마틱한 팔머 피니시를 위해 스퍼트를 내다." 5241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Colombo's wetlands float to top of flood prevention plan?,,콜롬보의 습지가 홍수 예방 계획의 최전선에 부상하다 6813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK PM May warns against complacency over Carillion's collapse - spokesman?,,"영국 총리 메이, 카릴리온 붕괴에 대한 자만 경고 - 대변인" 3044,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aeromexico Reports March 2018 Traffic Results?,,"BRIEF-아에로멕시코, 2018년 3월 항공 교통 실적 보고" 2146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taylor Morrison Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release Conference Call And Webcast Scheduled?,,테일러 모리슨 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 회의 및 웹캐스트 일정 안내 9804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Diana Shipping Announces Time Charter For M/V Salt Lake City With Cargill?,,"브리프 - 다이애나 해운, Cargill과 함께 M/V Salt Lake City의 시간 용선 발표" 9532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tianjin Tianhai Investment Signs Strategic Agreement With New H3C Group?,,"간략하게 - 톈진 티안하이 투자, 뉴 H3C 그룹과 전략적 협약 체결" 3350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eminence Enterprise's Unit To ‍Purchase Sale Interests Of Hk$295 Mln In Empire Sail ​?,,브리프-이민언스 엔터프라이즈의 자회사가 엠파이어 세일의 2억 9500만 홍콩달러의 매각 지분을 구매하기로 하다. 5564,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Indorama Ventures Enters JV To Buy Integrated PTA-PET Assets In Corpus Christi, USA?",,"브리프-인도라마 벤처스, 미국 코퍼스 크리스티에서 통합된 PTA-PET 자산 구매를 위한 합작 투자 진입" 4666,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WTA International, Istanbul (Women) Women's Singles Results?",,"WTA 국제 대회, 이스탄불 (여성) 여자 단식 결과" 3000,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China strikes back in trade spat, aims tariffs at $3 billion U.S. goods?",,"중국, 무역 분쟁에서 반격 나서며 30억 달러 규모의 미국 제품에 관세 부과 목표" 1919,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In rare press appearance, Congo's Kabila denies repression?",,"희귀한 기자회견에서 콩고의 카빌라, 억압 부인" 6039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lake Shore Bancorp Reports Q4 EPS Of $0.09?,,"브리프 - 레이크 쇼어 뱅코프, 4분기 주당순이익(EPS) 0.09달러 보고" 9728,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's generational wealth divide dominates budget, election plans?",,호주의 세대 간 부의 격차가 예산과 선거 계획을 지배하다 4317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Algerian plane crash victims include 26 members of Western Saharan Polisario movement: official?,,알제리 비행기 사고 희생자에는 서사하라 폴리사리오 운동의 26명의 회원이 포함되어 있다: 관계자 6712,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. bond funds take in cash for 11th straight week -ICI?,,"미국 채권 펀드, 11주 연속 자금 유입 - ICI" 1790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: KeyBanc Capital Markets says iPhone X sales are ‘worse-than-expected'?,,KeyBanc 캐피탈 마켓은 아이폰 X 판매가 '예상보다 저조하다'고 밝혔다. 9061,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Union Properties Board To Discuss Foreing Ownership Limit Hike?,,"브리프-유니온 프로퍼티스 이사회, 외국인 소유 한도 인상 논의 예정" 4071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hedge funds bet against some Italian banks on the rise?,,"헤지 펀드, 일부 이탈리아 은행에 대해 쇼트 포지션을 취하다" 1356,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aspen Expects To Record Underwriting Loss Of About $245 Million In Q4 Of 2017?,,"브리프 - 애스팬, 2017년 4분기에 약 2억 4천 5백만 달러의 인수 손실을 기록할 것으로 예상." 1425,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Xerox says ending Fujifilm deal, settles with Icahn, Deason?",,"제록스, 후지필름 거래 종료 발표, 아이칸 및 디슨과 합의" 675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Broadcom Makes Offer For Qualcomm Of $82 Per Share?,,"BRIEF-브로드컴, 퀄컴에 주당 82달러의 인수 제안." 2615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Madrid prove too successful for their own good?,,마드리드가 너무 성공적이라서 오히려 문제가 되다? 8349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hundreds of people have applied for these 3 jobs working for the royal family?,,수백 명이 왕실에서 일하는 이 3개의 직업에 지원했습니다. 1286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MGX Minerals Announces Record Date for Dividend of ZincNyx Energy Solutions Shares; Provides Public Listing Update?,,"MGX Minerals, 아연Nyx 에너지 솔루션 주식의 배당금 기준일 발표; 공개 상장 업데이트 제공." 6391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ReliaQuest names Colin O'Connor Chief Operating Officer?,,ReliaQuest가 Colin O'Connor를 최고 운영 책임자로 임명하다 5906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rex Tillerson visits new U.S. embassy in London that Trump criticised?,,"렉스 틸러슨, 트럼프가 비판한 런던의 새로운 미국 대사관 방문" 8042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xiwang Foodstuffs sees FY 2017 net profit to up 107.7 pct to 122.5 pct?,,BRIEF-Xiwang Foodstuffs는 2017 회계연도 순이익이 107.7%에서 122.5% 증가할 것으로 전망한다고 발표했다. 7059,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Serena Williams, Muriel Bowser, NYSE’s First Female CEO: Broadsheet for May 23rd?",,"""세레나 윌리엄스, 무리엘 바우저, NYSE 최초의 여성 CEO: 5월 23일 브로드시트""" 8851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WeissLaw LLP Investigates SteadyMed Ltd.?,,WeissLaw LLP가 SteadyMed Ltd.를 조사합니다. 4850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fannie Mae Announces Sixth Sale Of Reperforming Loans?,,"간략히 - 팬니 메이, 재수정 대출 여섯 번째 판매 발표" 600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jazz Airport Services Employees Ratify Labour Agreement?,,브리프 - 재즈 공항 서비스 직원들이 노동 협약을 비준하다. 543,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Richard Branson on Hyperloop: A lot of the world will be connected?,,"리처드 브랜슨, 하이퍼루프에 대해: 많은 세계가 연결될 것이다?" 7103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Babcock & Wilcox Announces Completion Of Rights Offering?,,"브리프 - 바브콕 앤 윌콕스, 유상증자 완료 발표" 6360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Howard's 31 saves help Red Wings blank Senators?,,"하워드의 31세이브로 레드윙스, 세너터스를 무실점으로 제압하다." 4328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yellow Pages Announces Actions To Reduce Spending And Cost Structure?,,"브리프 - 옐로우 페이지스, 지출 및 비용 구조를 줄이기 위한 조치 발표" 3262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RBS planning digital-only bank - Sky News?,,"RBS, 디지털 전용 은행 계획 중 - 스카이 뉴스" 1144,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Graphic - U.S. copper stocks sprint to record high, reflecting transport costs, weak demand?",,그래픽 - 미국 구리 재고가 기록적인 수준으로 급증하며 운송 비용과 약한 수요를 반영하다 8532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zais Group Holdings To Merge With Z Acquisition LLC?,,"브리프 - 자이스 그룹 홀딩스, Z 인수 LLC와 합병 예정" 5547,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MARK ZUCKERBERG SAYS FACEBOOK WILL INVESTIGATE ALL APPS THAT HAD ACCESS TO LARGE AMOUNTS OF DATA BEFORE 2014 CHANGES?,,"마크 저커버그, 페이스북은 2014년 변경사항 이전에 대량의 데이터에 접근한 모든 앱을 조사할 것이라고 말하다." 5815,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At Germany's SAP, employee mindfulness leads to higher profits?",,독일 SAP에서 직원의 마음챙김이 더 높은 이익을 이끈다? 9613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil grabs bigger share of China soybean imports from U.S. in January - customs?,,"브라질, 1월에 미국에서 중국의 대두 수입 점유율 확대 - 세관" 7255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PayPal Significantly Expands Global Omnichannel Platform With Acquisition of iZettle?,,"PayPal, iZettle 인수로 글로벌 옴니채널 플랫폼 대폭 확장" 6306,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Special Report: In Puerto Rico, a housing crisis U.S. storm aid won't solve?",,특별 보도: 푸에르토리코에서 미국의 폭풍 지원으로 해결되지 않는 주택 위기 8742,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOCUS-Stymied by regulators, Airbnb looks to luxury vacations, hotels for growth?",,"규제에 발목이 잡힌 에어비앤비, 성장을 위한 고급 휴가 및 호텔로 눈을 돌리다" 9798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NEC Director Kudlow: China has been stealing the US's technology?,,NEC 이사 쿠들로: 중국이 미국의 기술을 훔치고 있다. 2436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU pushes to hasten start of Japan trade deal?,,EU는 일본과의 무역 협정 시작을 가속화하려고 노력하고 있다. 5312,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says nuclear deal with major powers not renegotiable?,,"이란, 주요 강대국들과의 핵 합의는 재협상 불가능하다고 말하다." 7944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Extendicare Announces January 2018 Dividend of C$0.04 per Share?,,"익스텐디케어, 2018년 1월 주당 C$0.04 배당금 발표" 3534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dundee Precious Metals Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.02?,,"간단히 말해, 던디 프레셔스 메탈스의 1분기 주당 순이익이 $0.02이다." 2664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Honda Cars India Says Gaku Nakanishi Joins As President & CEO?,,"간단히 전해드립니다 - 혼다 자동차 인도, 가쿠 나카니시가 사장 겸 CEO로 취임한다고 밝혔습니다." 2434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monday Morning Briefing?,,월요일 아침 브리핑 8283,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carriage Services Announces Closing of Senior Notes Offering and Entry into Senior Secured Revolving Credit Facility?,,"캐리지 서비스, 고위험 노트 제공 종료 및 고위 담보 회전 신용 시설 진입 발표" 7126,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nordstrom Rack To Open Stores In Porter Ranch And El Segundo In Los Angeles, CA?",,"브리핑 - 노드스트롬 랙, 로스앤젤레스 캘리포니아의 포터 랜치와 엘 세군도에 매장 오픈 예정" 2731,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Full interview with Ric Edelman?,,리크 에델먼과의 전체 인터뷰? 6009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Q1 GAAP Loss Per Share $0.16?,,간략히: Amphastar Pharmaceuticals 1분기 GAAP 주당 손실 $0.16 5087,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Market illegal sports betting in US not really $150 billion business?,,미국의 불법 스포츠 베팅 시장이 실제로는 1500억 달러 규모의 사업이 아니다? 5511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's Temer officially nominates new slate of ministers?,,"브라질의 테메르, 새로운 장관 명단 공식 지명" 6026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street's most hated trade?,,월스트리트에서 가장 싫어하는 거래? 8028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico presidential favorite repeats call to review oil tender results?,,멕시코 대통령 후보가 석유 입찰 결과 검토를 반복해서 촉구하다 6856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Intrepid Potash Reports Qtrly Adjusted Loss Per Share of $0.03‍​?,,"브리프-인트레피드 포타시, 분기 조정 주당 손실 $0.03 보고" 539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Meredith Corp Says Resale Of Up To 2.5 Mln Shares Of Common Stock Of Co By Selling Stockholders?,,"브리프-메레디스 코퍼레이션, 주주에 의해 최대 250만 주의 보통주 재판매 발표" 3428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saddam's superyacht ends up as sailors' hotel?,,"사담의 슈퍼요트, 선원들의 호텔로 전락하다" 1954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Nightwatchman Rabada frustrates India on difficult Wanderers pitch?,,크리켓-야간 수비수 라바다가 어려운 원더러스 경기장에서 인도를 좌절시킨다. 4888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's AWE serves Mineral Resources notice to match Mitsui offer?,,"호주의 AWE, 미쓰이 제안을 맞추라는 통지 Mineral Resources에 발송" 3178,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morningstar, Inc. Reports Fourth-Quarter, Full-Year 2017 Financial Results?",,"모닝스타 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 보고" 9346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong JANUS Intelligent Group dissolves two Dongguan-based wholly owned units?,,"광둥 JANUS 지능형 그룹, 둥관에 위치한 두 개의 완전 자회사 해산 소식 간략히 전해져." 8174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sarepta Therapeutics Announces Inducement Grants Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)?,,Sarepta Therapeutics는 Nasdaq 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4)에 따른 유도 보상 지급을 발표합니다. 8865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xiabuxiabu Catering Management China Subscribed For CMB Financial Product Of RMB200 Mln?,,"브리프-샤부샤부 Catering Management China, RMB 2억을 위한 CMB 금융 상품에 가입했습니다." 2702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rising Dollar Sparks Tumult in Emerging Markets?,,달러 상승이 신흥 시장에 혼란을 일으키다 8304,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple's self-driving partnership is about services: Gene Munster?,,애플의 자율주행 파트너십은 서비스에 관한 것이다: 진 먼스터? 9726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Danske Andelskassers Bank FY Pre-Tax Profit At Dkk 101 mln?,,BRIEF-단스크 앤델스카서스 은행 FY 세전 이익 1억 100만 DKK 5370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 6 Gonzaga dominates San Francisco to reach WCC title game?,,"6위 Gonzaga, 샌프란시스코를 압도하며 WCC 결승 진출" 2732,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 4 ways your vacation can go wrong — and how to avoid them?,,휴가가 잘못될 수 있는 4가지 방법과 이를 피하는 방법 1884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Great Expressions Dental Centers Names Dan Hirschfeld CEO?,,"그레이트 익스프레션스 덴탈 센터, 댄 히르쉬펠드를 CEO로 임명하다." 5300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Australia's Cochlear first-half profit slips on higher marketing spend?,,"UPDATE 1-호주 코클리어, 마케팅 비용 증가로 상반기 이익 감소" 9863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Birko Birlesik Proposes Not To Pay Dividend Due To Fiscal Year Losses?,,"BRIEF-비르코 빌레식, 회계연도 손실로 배당금 지급하지 않기로 제안" 6376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- New York Times business news - May 14?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""PRESS DIGEST- New York Times business news - May 14""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 6500,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Design flaw found in Intel chips; fix causes them to slow: report?,,인텔 칩에서 설계 결함 발견; 수정으로 속도 저하: 보도 3041,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: YouTube Shooting Raises Questions About Silicon Valley’s Open-Campus Push?,,"유튜브 총격 사건, 실리콘밸리의 오픈 캠퍼스 추진에 대한 의문 제기" 2658,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Review: Saving central bankers from the mob?,,리뷰: 중앙은행 총재를 폭력단으로부터 구하기 386,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Moderate quake shakes Mexico, no reports of damage?",,"온화한 지진이 멕시코를 흔들어, 피해 보고 없음" 258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Price wars heat up as Lyxor launches low cost ETFs in Europe?,,"가격 경쟁이 격화되면서 리그로르, 유럽에서 저비용 ETF 출시" 9250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saying OK to Sex? There’s an App for That?,,성관계를 허락하는? 그에 대한 앱이 있다? 6,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 2 Michigan St. holds off Wisconsin at Big Ten tourney?,,"2위 미시간 주립대, 빅텐 토너먼트에서 위스콘신을 제치다." 4247,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple iCloud move in China raises human rights fears?,,중국에서의 애플 아이클라우드 이전이 인권 우려를 불러일으킨다. 3302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A look at oil prices ahead of Trump's decision on Iran?,,트럼프의 이란에 대한 결정 이전의 유가 전망 6918,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Black Panther': Twitter Users Mocked Trolls' Fake Posts | Fortune?,,'블랙 팬서': 트위터 사용자들이 악성 댓글의 가짜 게시물을 조롱하다 | 포춘 7650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senate Immigration Debate Begins With No Deal in Sight?,,"상원 이민 논의 시작, 해결책은 보이지 않아" 3450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hedge funds call for Brexit openness above reciprocity?,,"헤지펀드, 상호주의보다 브렉시트 개방성 촉구" 1503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The British royal family is worth billions but still tries to save?,,영국 왕실은 수십억의 가치를 지니고 있지만 여전히 절약을 시도하고 있다. 5155,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Georgia Power, Georgia Public Service Commission Reach Settlement Agreement?",,"브리핑 - 조지아 파워, 조지아 공공 서비스 위원회 합의 도달" 7155,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 10-Oil drops on large inventory increase, profit taking?",,"업데이트 10-재고 대폭 증가, 수익 실현으로 유가 하락" 8899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google Cloud Healthcare API to address medical reord interoperability?,,"구글 클라우드 헬스케어 API, 의료 기록 상호 운용성 문제 해결에 나선다." 5484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Recipharm CFO Resigns?,,브리프-레시파름 CFO 사임 8330,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ladbrokes Coral reports 4 percent rise in full year revenue?,,"래드브룩스 코랄, 지난해 총 수익 4% 증가 보고" 8289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unilever picks Rotterdam HQ over London in blow to UK before Brexit​?,,"유니레버, 브렉시트 이전 영국에 타격을 주며 런던 대신 로테르담 본사 선택" 987,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: K12 CEO, Nate Davis, Tops The Edvocate’s List of 2018 Education Technology Influencers?",,"K12 CEO, Nate Davis,가 Edvocate의 2018년 교육 기술 영향력자 목록에서 1위를 차지했다." 3708,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's lira weaker, Moody's sounds alarm over currency and inflation?",,"터키 리라 약세, 무디스가 통화와 인플레이션에 대한 경고 음성 제기" 5984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street worries about fare wars and higher costs as airlines grow - Top10 World?,,"월스트리트, 항공사 성장에 따른 요금 전쟁과 비용 증가에 대한 우려 - Top10 World" 1810,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ball Corporation Prices $750 Million of Senior Notes?,,"볼 코퍼레이션, 7억 5천만 달러 규모의 선순위 노트 발행 가격 책정" 4144,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Far-right extremists march in Sofia to honour pro-Nazi general?,,극우 극단주의자들이 나치 찬양 장군을 기리기 위해 소피아에서 행진하다. 4325,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP Announces Shareholder Class Action Filed Against Super Micro Computer, Inc. - SMCI?",,"Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP가 Super Micro Computer, Inc. - SMCI를 상대로 주주 집단 소송이 제기되었다고 발표했습니다." 6270,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liquid chocolate spills from truck in Poland?,,폴란드에서 트럭에서 액체 초콜렛이 쏟아졌다. 2322,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: For poor Venezuelans, a box of food may sway vote for Maduro?",,가난한 베네수엘라인들에게 음식 상자 하나가 마두로에 대한 투표에 영향을 미칠 수 있다? 957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Albania agrees to allow EU police on its territory to handle immigration?,,알바니아가 이민 문제를 처리하기 위해 EU 경찰이 자국 영토에서 활동하는 것을 허용하기로 합의하다 2610,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rabobank pleads guilty, agrees to pay $360 million over processing illicit funds?",,"라바방, 유해 자금 처리에 대해 유죄를 인정하고 3억 6천만 달러를 지급하기로 합의하다." 5827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MX Gold Acquires 360 AvalonMiner 741 Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs?,,"MX Gold, 360대 AvalonMiner 741 암호화폐 채굴 장비 인수" 3173,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Radian Group Reports Q4 EPS $0.03?,,"요약-라디안 그룹, 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.03 보고" 2257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook adds privacy settings to comply with European rules?,,"페이스북, 유럽 규정 준수를 위한 개인정보 보호 설정 추가" 2194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Noble Corporation Q1 Loss Per Share $0.58?,,BRIEF-노블 코퍼레이션 Q1 주당 손실 $0.58 7050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Melrose Says Offer For Gkn Unconditional In All Respects?,,"멜로즈, GKN에 대한 제안이 모든 면에서 무조건적이라고 발표." 7552,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel welcomes release of Turkish-German journalist Yucel?,,"메르켈, 터키-독일 언론인 유첼 구속 해제 환영" 9672,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stormy Daniels' attorney wants Trump questioned about hush money?,,스톰리 다니엘스의 변호사가 트럼프에게 보안 금액에 대해 질문하기를 원한다. 9523,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After world premiere, could 'Solo' become a franchise??",,"세계 초연 이후, '솔로'가 프랜차이즈가 될 수 있을까?" 5295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg says you control your Facebook info -- but it's much more complicated than he says?,,"저커버그는 당신이 자신의 페이스북 정보를 관리한다고 말했지만, 그가 말하는 것보다 훨씬 더 복잡합니다." 9404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Univision’s Gizmodo Media Seeks Court Shield From Peter Thiel-Funded Lawsuits?,,"유니비전의 기즈모 미디어, 피터 틸 자금 지원 소송으로부터 법원 보호 요청" 212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Colonial Pipeline to pay Alabama $3.3 mln for 2016 spills -state official?,,"콜로니얼 파이프라인, 2016년 유출사고로 앨라배마주에 330만 달러 지급 - 주 정부 관계자" 1156,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pyeongchang Games 'killing' equipment rental business, say owners?",,평창 올림픽이 장비 대여 사업을 '죽이고 있다'고 말하는 소유자들? 9332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Food Makers Vow to Cut Trans Fats Globally?,,"식품 제조업체들, 글로벌 트랜스 지방 감소 약속" 5215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bombardier Reports Quarterly Earnings Per Share $0.01?,,"간략히 - 봄바르디에, 분기 주당 순이익 $0.01 보고" 709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Box Names Christy Lake as Chief People Officer?,,"박스, 크리스티 레이크를 최고 인사 책임자로 임명" 8405,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Golden Minerals Announces Common Stock Purchase Agreements With Lincoln Park Capital Fund?,,"브리프-골든 미네랄스, 링컨 파크 캐피탈 펀드와 보통 주식 매입 계약 발표" 4580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Express Scripts Holding Co CEO Timothy Wentworth's Total Compensation For 2017 Was $15.9 Million Versus $14.5 Million In 2016 - SEC Filing?,,"BRIEF-Express Scripts Holding Co CEO Timothy Wentworth의 2017년 총 보수는 1,590만 달러로 2016년의 1,450만 달러 대비 증가했습니다 - SEC 제출 문서." 486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Minerva Neurosciences Names Remy Luthringer As Executive Chairman?,,"브리프-미너바 뉴로사이언스, 레미 루트링거를 임원 의장으로 임명하다." 972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DuoLun Technology passes review of high-tech enterprise recognition?,,브리프-두올룬 테크놀로지가 고기술 기업 인증 심사를 통과했다. 6964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Capitaland Mall Trust Posts Q1 Net Property Income S$125.7 MLN?,,"BRIEF-캐피탈랜드 몰 트러스트, 1분기 순 부동산 수익 S$125.7백만 발표" 7775,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Didi looks to raise $1.6 billion via asset-backed securities?,,"중국의 디디, 자산담보부 증권을 통해 16억 달러 모집 계획" 1983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says hopeful U.S. will trim trade deficit with Japan soon?,,트럼프는 미국이 곧 일본과의 무역 적자를 줄일 수 있기를 희망한다고 말했습니다. 2313,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK retail sales grow modestly in January - CBI?,,영국 소매 판매가 1월에 소폭 증가 - CBI? 8280,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 7 Most Awkward Moments from Mark Zuckerberg's Testimony to Congress?,,"""마크 저커버그의 의회 증언 중 7가지 가장 어색한 순간""" 3268,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin plunges below $12,000 to six-week low over crackdown fears?",,"비트코인, 단속 우려로 12,000달러 아래로 폭락하며 6주 최저치 기록" 5904,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Minnesota officer charged with second-degree murder in Australian's death?,,"미네소타 경찰관, 호주인 사망에 대한 2급 살인 혐의로 기소돼" 9546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why some of the most successful people get up early?,,왜 가장 성공한 사람들 중 일부는 일찍 일어나는가? 1132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Much Tax Should Be Withheld From Your Paycheck? Updated IRS Tool Will Help?,,급여에서 얼마를 세금으로 원천 징수해야 할까? 업데이트된 IRS 도구가 도움을 줄 것입니다. 2004,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Tennis has ""significant"" integrity problems, admits report?",,"테니스에는 ""중대한"" 청렴성 문제가 있다는 보고서가 인정했습니다." 5754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cellectar Granted Orphan Drug Designation For CLR 131?,,Cellectar가 CLR 131에 대한 희귀의약품 지정을 승인받았다는 간단한 소식 433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong dollar falls to new 33-year low vs dollar?,,홍콩 달러가 달러 대비 33년 만에 최저치로 하락하다. 7839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France steps closer to exporting beef to?,,프랑스가 쇠고기 수출에 한 걸음 더 가까워지다. 9565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Mannarino earns injury-hit France quarter-final spot in Davis Cup?,,"테니스 - 마나리노, 부상으로 어려움을 겪는 프랑스의 데이비스컵 8강 진출 확보" 9189,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: San Francisco mulls ban on flavored vaping liquids, menthols?",,"샌프란시스코, 향료가 추가된 전자 담배 액체와 멘솔 담배 금지 검토" 7172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comstock Mining Announces New Director and Retirement; Establishes Mining Advisory Committee?,,"콤스톡 마이닝, 새로운 이사 선임 및 퇴임 발표; 광산 자문 위원회 설립" 7520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea says officials may visit North Korea ahead of summit?,,한국이 정상 회담에 앞서 북한을 방문할 수 있다고 발표했습니다. 7748,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TREASURIES-Bonds steady as trade war, North Korea fears ease?",,"TREASURIES-채권, 무역 전쟁과 북한에 대한 우려가 완화되면서 안정세 유지" 3421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Red-hot chip stocks could see a repeat of 2017 gains?,,붉게 타오르는 반도체 주식이 2017년의 상승세를 반복할 수 있을까? 1502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nordax Approved For De-Listing?,,BRIEF-Nordax의 상장 폐지 승인 소식 6257,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-FirstGroup replaces CEO, could sell Greyhound bus business?",,"UPDATE 1-퍼스트그룹, CEO 교체, 그레이하운드 버스 사업 매각 가능성 제기" 1366,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FMC CORPORATION ""ON TRACK"" FOR LITHIUM IPO IN OCTOBER 2018 - CEO PIERRE BRONDEAU?",,"FMC CORPORATION ""2018년 10월 리튬 IPO를 위해 순항 중"" - CEO 피에르 브론도." 6595,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Geopulse Hires Auditor, Moving Towards Fully Reporting Status?",,"지오펄스, 전면 보고 상태를 향해 나아가기 위해 감사인 고용" 5646,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-proxy adviser employee says he leaked information in return for sports, concert tickets?",,"전직 프록시 자문 직원, 스포츠 및 콘서트 티켓과 대가로 정보를 유출했다고 말하다." 4813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify IPO: No Wall Street Underwriter and No New Shares?,,스포티파이 IPO: 월스트리트 인수업체 없이 새로운 주식 없음? 203,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's SenseTime closes $600 mln funding led by Alibaba?,,"중국의 센스타임, 알리바바가 주도한 6억 달러 규모 자금 조달 완료" 4877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bulls vs. bears: taking sides on the stock market?,,황소와 곰: 주식 시장에 대한 입장 갈리기 5190,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suzhou Jinfu Technology Signs MOU With Brv Fund To Acquire Stake In South Korea's Suntel?,,브리프 - 쑤저우 진푸 테크놀로지가 브이알브이 펀드와 한국의 썬텔 지분 인수를 위한 양해각서(MOU)를 체결하다. 705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea to honour Bach for Pyeongchang contribution?,,"한국, 평창 기여로 바흐를 기리다" 8185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Simpson wins Players Championship by four strokes?,,"골프 - 심슨, 플레이어스 챔피언십에서 4타 차로 우승" 4002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Coherent Reports Q2 GAAP EPS Of $2.61?,,"간략 보도 - 코히어런트, 2분기 GAAP 주당순이익(EPS) 2.61달러 보고" 1614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Care.Com Reports Q1 Non-GAAP Earnings Per Share Of $0.19?,,"브리프-케어닷컴, 1분기 비-GAAP 주당순이익 $0.19 보고" 1976,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber reaches settlement with family of autonomous vehicle victim?,,"우버, 자율주행 차량 피해자의 가족과 합의 도달" 5994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Faurecia Announces Full-year 2017 Results?,,"포르시아, 2017년 전체 연도 실적 발표" 4920,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leafs give up 3-0 lead to Lightning, still win?",,"리프스, 라이트닝에 3-0 리드 내주고도 승리하다?" 6857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Westinghouse Electric Says Has Been Awarded 10-Year Integrated Outage Services Contract By Xcel Energy?,,"브리프 - 웨스팅하우스 전기, 엑셀 에너지와 10년 통합 중단 서비스 계약 체결 발표" 3493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diggins 'digs deep' to end Randall's long wait for cross-country gold?,,"디깅스, 랜들의 크로스컨트리 금메달 대기 끝내기 위해 '깊이 파다'" 3844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Littlejohn & Co. Announces Promotions?,,"리틀존 & 컴퍼니, 승진 발표" 5822,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exercise? I get more than people think, Trump says?",,운동? 사람들이 생각하는 것보다 더 많이 한다고 트럼프가 말하다. 8411,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's main opposition nominates combative former teacher to challenge Erdogan?,,"터키의 주요 야당, 에르도안을 도전할 강력한 전직 교사 지명" 9229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dpw Holdings' Unit To Launch Cryptocurrency ATM Network?,,"BRIEF-Dpw Holdings의 자회사, 암호화폐 ATM 네트워크 출시 예정" 5958,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JGBs slip as stocks extend gains, 20-year bond auction well received?",,"JGBs가 하락하는 가운데 주식이 추가 상승, 20년 만기 채권 경매 성공적으로 진행" 1633,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Virgin Money reaffirms full-year forecast as deposits, mortgage balances rise?",,"영국의 버진 머니, 예금 및 모기지 잔액 증가에 따라 연간 전망 재확인" 6512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-Tennis-List of French Open men's singles champions?,,뉴스 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: FACTBOX - 테니스 - 프랑스 오픈 남자 단식 챔피언 목록. 9475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Willis Towers Watson Announces Regular Quarterly Dividend?,,"윌리스 타워스 왓슨, 정기 분기 배당금 발표" 5144,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett: His Investment Could Fuel Teva's Turnaround | Fortune?,,워렌 버핏: 그의 투자가 테바의 회복에 연료를 공급할 수 있다 | 포춘 4171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Get Out' takes top award at Independent Spirit Awards?,,'겟 아웃'이 독립영화영화제에서 최고의 상을 수상하다. 4094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: De Kock instigated fracas by getting personal - Smith?,,드 카크가 개인적인 문제를 야기하며 싸움을 일으켰다고 스미스가 말했습니다. 5788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - AII?,,IIROC 거래 중단 / OCRCVM에 의한 거래 정지 - AII 719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brisa Bridgestone Q1 Net Profit Drops To 11.4 Million Lira?,,"BRIEF-브리사 브리지스톤, Q1 순이익 1140만 리라로 감소" 4971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Documentary maker Alex Gibney tees up new Tiger Woods biography?,,"다큐멘터리 제작자 알렉스 기브니, 새로운 타이거 우즈 전기 준비 중" 7107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. transportation chief - Weighing all options to fund infrastructure?,,미국 교통부 장관 - 인프라 자금을 조달하기 위한 모든 옵션을 검토 중 653,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CRU Hires New Head of Nitrogen Analysis?,,"CRU, 새로운 질소 분석 책임자를 채용하다?" 6585,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Developing nations to study ways to dim sunshine, slow warming?",,개발 도상국들이 햇빛을 dim하고 지구 온난화를 늦추는 방법을 연구할 예정이다. 1176,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Militants attack Afghan ministry with bomb, grenades and gunfire?",,"무장 세력이 폭탄, 수류탄 및 총격으로 아프간 부처를 공격하다" 3981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kellogg Co CEO's 2017 Total Compensation Was $4.95 Million?,,BRIEF-Kellogg Co CEO의 2017년 총 보상액은 495만 달러였다. 6658,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France says Iran's missile programme must be put 'under surveillance'?,,프랑스는 이란의 미사일 프로그램을 '감시'해야 한다고 말했습니다. 5495,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SCOTUS ruling on waivers may boost 'private attorney general' proposals?,,대법원의 면책 조항에 대한 판결이 '사적 검찰' 제안에 도움이 될 수 있다? 9763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ALTUS TFI raises stake in Tower Investments to 11.37 pct?,,"브리프-ALTUS TFI, 타워 인베스트먼트의 지분을 11.37%로 증가시켜." 6666,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SierraConstellation Partners Wins Turnaround Award for Distressed M&A Deal of the Year from The M&A Advisor?,,"시아라콘스텔레이션 파트너스, M&A 어드바이저로부터 올해의 자산 매각 거래에 대한 턴어라운드 상 수상" 5384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Steel Strips Wheels Seeks Shareholders' Nod For Issue Of Warrants Worth 871.5 Mln Rupees?,,"브리프 - 스틸 스트립스 휠즈, 871.5억 루피 규모의 워런트 발행을 위한 주주 동의 요청." 2454,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook privacy debate is tip of the e-commerce iceberg, U.N. says?",,페이스북 개인정보 논쟁은 전자 상거래의 빙산의 일각이라고 유엔이 말하다. 842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Editors Choice Pictures?,,편집자가 선택한 사진들 7434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fortum plays down risks from Russian media criticism?,,"포르툼, 러시아 언론 비판으로 인한 위험 경시" 4528,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspected U.S. drone kills two Haqqani network militants in Pakistan?,,미국의 드론으로 추정되는 공격이 파키스탄에서 하코니 네트워크 무장세력 두 명을 사살했다. 902,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump ex-aide Manafort accused of bank fraud in bail offer: document?,,"트럼프 전 보좌관 마纳포ート, 보석 제안서에서 은행 사기 혐의로 기소돼: 문서" 1692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada's Trudeau grilled on efforts to turn back asylum seekers?,,"캐나다의 트뤼도, 망명 신청자 반전 노력에 대한 질문에 응답하다." 2445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian govt presses Idlib offensive as people flee homes in the cold?,,"시리아 정부, 추위 속에 집을 떠나는 사람들 속에서 이들립 공세 강화" 2671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Choice of deputies may complicate Kuroda's job at the BOJ helm?,,부대표의 선택이 구로다의 일본은행 수장직을 복잡하게 할 수도 있다? 6239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran's March oil exports fall to two-year low as Asia demand eases -source?,,이란의 3월 석유 수출이 아시아 수요 둔화로 2년 최저치로 떨어졌다는 소식 - 소식통 4800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. to shorten length of visas for some Chinese citizens: White House?,,"미국, 일부 중국 시민의 비자 길이를 단축할 것: 백악관" 8694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blackwells Capital Issues Open Letter To Supervalu's Board Of Directors?,,"브리프-블랙웰스 캐피탈, 슈퍼밸류 이사회에 공개 서한 발송" 8512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India most vulnerable country to climate change - HSBC report?,,"인도, 기후 변화에 가장 취약한 국가 - HSBC 보고서" 4019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Futuristic Offshore Services & Chemical Says Liquidation Process Commenced From April 9?,,"브리프-인도의 미래형 해양 서비스 및 화학 회사, 4월 9일부터 청산 절차 시작한다고 발표." 3424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ESI Group FY EBITDA Up At 18.3 Million Euros?,,"ESI 그룹 FY EBITDA가 1,830만 유로로 증가했다는 간략한 내용." 5133,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Netflix offers to buy billboard company?,,"넷플릭스, 광고판 회사 인수 제안" 9569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Dongxiang (Group) Co's Unit Buys Stake In Tianjin Mai Sheng Yue He Sporting Goods Co?,,중국 동샹(그룹) 주식회사의 자회사가 톈진 마이 셩 위에 허 스포츠 용품 회사의 지분을 매입하다. 3789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian police file hundreds of sex abuse charges against seven people?,,"호주 경찰, 7명에 대해 수백 건의 성범죄 혐의 기소" 8342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung launches Galaxy S9 with focus on social media?,,"삼성, 소셜 미디어에 초점을 맞춘 갤럭시 S9 출시" 863,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Evening Edition: May 18, 2018?",,CNBC 기술 점검 저녁 편집: 2018년 5월 18일 8542,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Innoplexus Announces New North American Affiliate Helmed by Former Merck KGaA Executive?,,"인노플렉서스, 이전 머크 KGaA 경영진이 이끄는 새로운 북미 계열사 발표" 7232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vegoils: Palm oil drops to one-week low on slowing demand?,,"식물성 기름: 팜유, 수요 감소로 일주일 최저치로 하락" 1523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Icon Global Announces Streamlined Sales Process For Sandow Lakes Facility?,,"브리프-아이콘 글로벌, 샌도우 레이크 시설을 위한 간소화된 판매 프로세스 발표" 107,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump discusses Iran, other issues in calls with Saudi, UAE leaders: White House?",,"트럼프, 백악관에서 사우디, UAE 지도자들과의 통화에서 이란 및 기타 문제 논의" 407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dropbox Earnings: What to Watch?,,드롭박스 실적: 어떤 점을 주목해야 할까요? 8106,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zona euro, produzione industriale dicembre +0,4% su mese Macroeconomia?",,"유로존, 12월 산업 생산 +0.4% 월 대비 거시경제" 8155,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bellatrix Reminds Shareholders of Voting Cut-Off for Upcoming Shareholder Meeting and First Quarter Conference Call and Webcast Details?,,"벨라트릭스, 다가오는 주주 총회를 위한 투표 마감일과 1분기 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 세부사항을 주주에게 상기시킴" 5159,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Synektik Jan-March Net Profit Jumps To 7.4 Million Zlotys?,,브리프-시넥틱 1월-3월 순이익 740만 즈워티로 급증 3683,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: There are real opportunities but also value traps, says expert?",,전문가가 말하기를 실제 기회가 있지만 가치 함정도 있다고 합니다. 6384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Star Pharmaceutical ‍Expects To Report An Operating Loss For Q4​?,,"브리프 - 스타 제약, 4분기 운영 손실 보고 예상" 7119,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kings use late rally to edge Lakers?,,"킹스, 후반 집중력을 발휘해 레이커스에 근소하게 승리" 8004,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suncity Group Holdings Says FY Profit Attributable Of RMB197.0 Mln?,,Suncity Group Holdings는 FY 이익이 1억 9700만 위안이라고 발표했습니다. 3416,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BYBON Group says change of accounting policy?,,BRIEF-BYBON 그룹이 회계 정책 변경을 발표했다고 전했다. 6466,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MS Autotech lowers conversion price of 8th series convertible bonds to 3,850 won/share?",,"브리프-MS 오토테크, 제8회 전환사채 전환가액 3,850원으로 인하" 7713,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intel: Problem in patches for Spectre, Meltdown extends to newer chips?",,"인텔: 스펙터, 멜트다운 패치 문제는 최신 칩에도 확장된다." 2510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gary Cohn Leaving: Why Trump Shouldn't Have Let Him Go | Fortune?,,게리 코언의 떠남: 트럼프가 그를 떠나보내지 말았어야 하는 이유 | 포춘 9114,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK: jobs data points way up for surging pound?,,영국: 고용 데이터가 급등하는 파운드를 가리킨다? 6668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yojee Partners With Sinotrans Integrated Logistics Australia?,,"브리프-요지, 시노트랜스 통합 물류 호주와 파트너십 체결" 9590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Protagonist Therapeutics Reports Q1 Net Loss Per Share $0.36?,,"브리프 - 프로타고니스트 테라퓨틱스, 1분기 주당 순손실 $0.36 보고" 5672,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hubei Jumpcan Pharmaceutical's Q1 Net Profit Up 60.6 Percent Y/Y?,,브리프 - 후베이 점칸 제약의 1분기 순이익이 전년 대비 60.6% 증가. 4104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US-Iranian man gets 25 years prison for trying to buy missiles for Iran - Reuters?,,"미국-이란 남성, 이란에 미사일을 구매하려 하다가 25년 형 선고 받음 - 로이터" 177,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eyenovia Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,Eyenovia는 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표하였습니다. 9644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Up your game if you want to negotiate for financial aid?,,COLUMN-재정 지원을 위해 협상하려면 실력을 향상시키세요. 6139,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump budget won't curb deficits as promised, report says?",,트럼프의 예산은 보고서에 따르면 약속한 대로 적자를 줄이지 않을 것이다. 7561,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Braun's blast lifts Brewers over Padres?,,브라운의 폭발적인 활약으로 브루어스가 파드레스를 이겼다. 8655,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No Samsung phones, Nike uniforms for North Koreans? Sanctions cloud Olympic perks?",,"삼성을 제외한 전화기, 북한인을 위한 나이키 유니폼? 제재가 올림픽 혜택을 가린다?" 1017,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Formula Systems Announces Distribution of Cash Dividend in Respect of its Results for the Second Half of 2017?,,Formula Systems는 2017년 하반기 실적에 대한 현금 배당 분배를 발표하였습니다. 779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Wynn Sues Former Wynn Resorts Employee Over Allegations?,,"스티브 윈, 전 윈 리조트 직원에 대한 혐의로 소송 제기" 5154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Addnode Q4 EBITA Rises To SEK ‍101.1​ Million?,,브리프-애드노드 4분기 EBITA가 1억 1백만 SEK로 증가했습니다. 6023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Metro-North Suspends Service After Thunderstorm Downs Trees?,,"메트로-노스, 천둥storm으로 나무가 쓰러져 서비스 중단" 5176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MagnaChip Reports Financial Results?,,"마그나칩, 재무 결과 발표" 1652,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Points International Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.08?,,BRIEF-포인트 인터내셔널 Q4 주당 순이익 $0.08 1634,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber's Kalanick ignored warnings from execs about buying self-driving truck start-up Otto, says report?",,"""우버의 칼라닉, 자율주행 트럭 스타트업 오토 인수에 대한 임원들의 경고를 무시했다는 보고서""" 8191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NAHL Group Expects 2017 Underlying Operating Profit In Line With Board's Expectation​?,,"BRIEF-NAHL 그룹, 2017년 기본 운영 이익이 이사회 기대에 부합할 것으로 예상​" 2841,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Resurgent France can build on Bastareaud leadership?,,"루비-회복세의 프랑스, 바스타레오 리더십을 바탕으로 발전할 수 있다?" 704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Valueact Capital Master Fund Reports 6.4 Pct Stake In SLM?,,브리프-Valueact Capital Master Fund가 SLM에서 6.4%의 지분을 보고함. 3718,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. sanctions five Iranians it links to Revolutionary Guard Corps?,,"미국, 혁명수비대와 연결된 5명의 이란인에 대해 제재 부과" 4715,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Appeals Court Backs Gay Employees’ Right to Sue?,,"항소 법원, 동성애 직원의 소송 권리를 지지하다" 3411,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuma will respond to ANC exit order on Wednesday: top party official?,,"즈마, 수요일 ANC 탈퇴 명령에 대해 응답할 예정: 주요 당 관계자" 8848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Traders debate BlackRock's US stocks call?,,트레이더들이 블랙록의 미국 주식 전망에 대해 논의하고 있습니다. 7701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing - Alonso does six laps before a wheel comes off?,,"모터 레이싱 - 알론소, 휠이 떨어지기 전 6바퀴 주행" 8263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA orders Bayer to implement additional safety measures on Essure contraception device?,,FDA는 Bayer에게 Essure 피임 장치에 대한 추가 안전 조치를 시행할 것을 지시합니다. 5304,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Magnit eyes expansion at thousands of post offices: CEO?,,"러시아의 마그닛, CEO가 말하는 수천 개 우체국에서의 확장 계획" 117,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - Sainsbury’s is proxy for UK retail’s split fate?,,"브레이킹뷰스 - 세인트스베리, 영국 유통의 운명 갈림길의 대리인?" 2326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: President Trump reconsiders TPP?,,"트럼프 대통령, TPP 재고 검토" 8269,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CBRE Group Announces NYSE Ticker Symbol Change To “CBRE”?,,"브리프-CBRE 그룹, NYSE 티커 심볼을 “CBRE”로 변경한다고 발표하다." 1517,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian households coping with financial stress, but bears watching: RBA?",,"호주 가정, 재정적 스트레스를 겪고 있지만 주의 깊게 지켜봐야 한다: RBA" 4553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes Apologizes for Malaysia Election Video?,,"에어아시아 CEO 토니 페르난데스, 말레이시아 선거 비디오에 사과" 2437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World stocks bask in U.S. jobs data glow?,,"세계 주식, 미국 고용 데이터 호재에 반짝이다" 2800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kohl's CEO says 'big idea' behind Amazon partnership is driving traffic?,,Kohl's CEO는 아마존 파트너십의 '큰 아이디어'가 트래픽을 유도하는 것이라고 말했습니다. 4675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing is 'head and shoulders' above Airbus in generating cash?,,보잉은 현금 창출에서 에어버스보다 '어깨 위에 머리'다. 7843,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alexco to Release Fourth Quarter and Year End 2017 Results on March 14, 2018?",,"알렉스코, 2018년 3월 14일 2017년 4분기 및 연말 실적 발표 예정" 5583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Al Madina Takaful Appoints Usama Issa Al Barwani as Ceo?,,"간단히 - 알 마디나 타카풀, 우사마 이사 알 바르와니를 CEO로 임명." 2636,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-China holds most U.S. Treasuries since October, foreigners dump stocks?",,"UPDATE 1-중국, 10월 이후 가장 많은 미국 재무부 증권 보유, 외국인 주식 매도" 2222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pinera to impose austerity but not 'mega-adjustments': financial minister?,,"피네라, '대규모 조정'은 아니지만 긴축 조치 단행 예정: 재무장관" 3365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ADP's quarterly revenue rises 8 pct?,,ADP의 분기 매출이 8% 증가하다. 8416,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hess Reports Estimated Results for the Fourth Quarter of 2017?,,"헤스, 2017년 4분기 예상 결과 발표" 6307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Capitals eliminate Blue Jackets with Game 6 win?,,"캐피털스, 6차전 승리로 블루 재컬스 제거" 9442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg: Investigating every app on Facebook?,,주커버그: 페이스북의 모든 앱 조사 중? 5748,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UK Stocks-Factors to watch on April 4?,,업데이트 1-영국 주식 - 4월 4일 주목해야 할 요소들 811,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Billionaire Howard Marks says ‘easy money has been made’ in the market, don’t chase it?",,"억만장자 하워드 마크스는 “쉬운 돈은 시장에서 이미 벌어졌다, 그것을 쫓지 마라”라고 말했습니다." 8918,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990: Challenger?,,2017년의 구조조정 발표가 1990년 이후 최저 수준으로 감소했다: 챌린저 8765,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cascadian (CASC) Alert: Johnson Fistel Investigates Proposed Sale of Cascadian Therapeutics, Inc.; Is $10.00 a Fair Price for Shareholders??",,"카스케이디안(CASC) 알림: 존슨 피스텔, 카스케이디안 제약회사의 제안된 매각 조사; 주주들에게 10.00달러는 공정한 가격인가??" 4932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: H.B. Fuller Announces Quarterly Dividend?,,"H.B. 풀러, 분기 배당금 발표" 2048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NAB under fire as Australian banking inquiry opens?,,"NAB, 호주 은행 조사 개시로 비판받아" 3444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Igor the Siberian tiger gets stem-cell hip treatment in Hungary?,,이고르 시베리아 호랑이가 헝가리에서 줄기세포 고관절 치료를 받다. 2056,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Record number of UK energy customers switched supplier in 2017?,,2017년 영국에서 에너지 고객이 공급업체를 전환한 기록적인 숫자 3267,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'We're running the geekiest office in Seattle.' Fresh off a key acquisition, Axon CEO touts benefits of his police tech?",,"'시애틀에서 가장 기발한 사무실을 운영하고 있습니다.' 주요 인수 후, Axon CEO가 그의 경찰 기술의 이점을 강조합니다." 6015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-China's CNOOC plans LNG sale on Shanghai gas exchange next week?,,"UPDATE 1-중국 CNOOC, 다음 주 상하이 가스 거래소에서 LNG 판매 계획" 878,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dropp.TV Announces Andrew McCartney as CEO?,,드랍.TV가 앤드류 맥카트니를 CEO로 임명했다고 발표하다. 7976,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CNX Announces 21 Pct Increase In Proved Reserves To 7.6 Tcfe?,,"BRIEF-CNX, 확인된 매장량이 7.6 Tcfe로 21% 증가했다고 발표했습니다." 6261,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After-hours buzz: BKS, DDD, WSM & more?",,"장 중 거래 후 소식: BKS, DDD, WSM 등 더 많은 소식" 1129,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Struggling Blues give Umaga another year?,,"고전하는 블루스, 우마가에게 또 한 해를 부여하다" 7609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carige's top investor questions cash call's backstop accords?,,카리지의 주요 투자자가 자금 확보 약정에 대해 의문을 제기하다. 5481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emerging economies free of 'original sin' but companies still unforgiven?,,신흥 경제국들은 '원죄'에서 벗어났지만 기업들은 여전히 용서받지 못했다? 6418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Penns Woods' Q4 Net Deferred Tax Assets To Be Reduced By About $3.7 Million?,,브리프 - 펜스 우드의 4분기 순 이연법인세 자산이 약 370만 달러 줄어들 것으로 예상됨. 8868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-GLOBAL MARKETS-Government borrowing costs rise as oil heads back to the 80s?,,"RPT-글로벌 시장-정부 차입 비용 상승, 유가는 다시 80달러대로 진입" 9545,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bollywood star Khan gets bail after serving two days in jail for poaching?,,"볼리우드 스타 칸, 밀렵 혐의로 2일 간의 수감 후 보석으로 석방됩니다." 7013,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesco, Morrisons lead big four pack as inflation eases - Kantar Worldpanel?",,Tesco와 Morrisons가 인플레이션 완화에 따라 빅4의 우위를 차지하다 - Kantar Worldpanel 5376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kyoden says change of president?,,"브리프-교덴, 사장 변경 발표." 6380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-Tennis-Roger Federer v Tomas Berdych?,,"뉴스 기사 제목이 ""FACTBOX-Tennis-Roger Federer v Tomas Berdych""인 경우, 그 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: - 로저 페더러와 토마스 베르디흐의 경력 및 통계 비교 - 두 선수의 맞대결 전적 및 주요 경기 요약 - 각 선수의 플레이 스타일 및 강점 분석 - 최근 경기 성적과 부상 이력 - 팬과 전문가의 예상 및 경기에 대한 전망 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. 출력은 오직 번역된 결과물만 포함해야 합니다. 뉴스 기사 제목이 ""FACTBOX-Tennis-Roger Federer v Tomas Berdych""인 경우, 그 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: - 로저 페더러와 토마스 베르디흐의 경력 및 통계 비교 - 두 선수의 맞대결 전적 및 주요 경기 요약 - 각 선수의 플레이 스타일 및 강점 분석 - 최근 경기 성적과 부상 이력 - 팬과 전문가의 예상 및 경기에 대한 전망" 6396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China’s Challenge to Democracy?,,중국의 민주주의에 대한 도전? 1005,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German parties to tackle labour, healthcare in extra round of coalition talks?",,"독일 정당들, 추가 연합 협상에서 노동 및 의료 문제를 다루다." 1450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Huber+Suhner FY 2017 Order Intake Up 10.7% At CHF 826 Mln?,,"BRIEF-Huber+Suhner 2017 회계연도 주문 수주 10.7% 증가, 8억 2600만 스위스 프랑." 5063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Movie producer Weinstein surrenders on sex assault charges?,,영화 프로듀서 웨인스타인이 성폭행 혐의로 자수하다. 3074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia starts blocking Telegram messenger - regulator?,,"러시아, 텔레그램 메신저 차단 시작 - 규제 당국" 7357,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AG Mortgage Investment Trust Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.74?,,"BRIEF-AG 모기지 투자 신탁, 4분기 주당순이익 0.74달러 발표" 697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. metals tariff would hurt future returns: shale company CEO?,,U.S. 금속 관세가 미래 수익에 악영향을 미칠 것이다: 셰일 회사 CEO 1857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markle: from Windsor Hills to Windsor Castle?,,마클: 윈저 힐스에서 윈저 성까지 2188,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DarioHealth Says Qtrly Reports On Form 10-Q For Quarter Ended March 30, 2017, June 30, 2017 And Sept 30, 2017 Should No Longer Be Relied Upon​?",,"BRIEF-DarioHealth는 2017년 3월 30일, 2017년 6월 30일 및 2017년 9월 30일 종료된 분기를 위한 10-Q 양식 보고서가 더 이상 신뢰할 수 없어야 한다고 발표했습니다." 2119,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IoIs for Alberta 10yr over USD1bn, talk unchanged?",,"앨버타 10년물 10억 달러 초과 투자자 주의서, 의견 변동 없음" 7149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alaska Airlines Receives Single Operating Certificate From FAA?,,"브리프 - 알래스카 항공, FAA로부터 단일 운영 증명서 수령" 4598,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel anti-trust authority rejects Mizrahi-Union bank merger?,,"이스라엘 반독점 당국, 미즈라히-유니온 은행 합병 거부" 738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British gaming firm enlists army of players to create Worlds Adrift?,,영국의 게임 회사가 플레이어 군단을 모집하여 '월드 어드리프트'를 만든다. 4292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ACCC Says Telstra To Pay $10 Mln For Misleading Premium Billing Charge Representations?,,ACCC는 텔스트라가 오해를 불러일으키는 프리미엄 청구 요금에 대한 표현으로 1000만 달러를 지불해야 한다고 발표했습니다. 9846,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After pay vote, Disney investors question Iger's rich deal?",,"""임금 투표 후, 디즈니 투자자들이 아이ger의 부유한 계약에 의문을 제기하다""" 2232,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: aTyr Pharma to Host Conference Call and Webcast of Full Year 2017 Financial Results on March 19, 2018?",,aTyr Pharma는 2018년 3월 19일 2017년 전체 연도 재무 결과에 대한 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트를 개최할 예정입니다. 3926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-J. M. Smucker To Acquire Ainsworth Pet Nutrition Llc?,,BRIEF-J. M. Smucker가 Ainsworth Pet Nutrition LLC를 인수합니다. 1587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British actor Idris Elba proposes to girlfriend at film screening?,,영국 배우 이드리스를 엘바가 영화 상영회에서 여자친구에게 프로포즈하다. 6252,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Future Fintech Group CEO To Resign?,,브리프 - 퓨처 핀테크 그룹 CEO가 사임할 예정입니다. 4757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ukraine will adopt final version of anti-corruption court law this spring: president?,,우크라이나는 이번 봄에 부패 방지 법원 법안의 최종 버전을 채택할 것이라고 대통령이 말했다. 2137,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspicious substance found at UK immigration minister's office amid Windrush scandal?,,"영국 이민 장관 사무실에서 의심스러운 물질 발견, 윈드러쉬 스캔들 중에" 1592,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eurogroup head hails German coalition blueprint for euro zone reform?,,유로그룹 의장이 독일 연립정부의 유로존 개혁 청사진을 찬양하다 9686,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 3,100 Google employees to CEO Sundar Pichai: ‘Google should not be in the business of war’?",,"3,100명의 구글 직원들이 CEO 순다르 피차이에 ""구글은 전쟁 사업에 있어서는 안 된다""고 말하다." 1125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kudlow: Trump-Xi 'bromance' could lead to a China trade deal?,,쿠들로: 트럼프-시진핑의 '브로맨스'가 중국과의 무역 거래로 이어질 수 있다? 8229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wind Creek Hospitality to Acquire Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem for $1.3 Billion?,,"윈드 크릭 호스피탈리티, 샌즈 카지노 리조트 베들레헴을 13억 달러에 인수 예정" 9902,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Capital Senior Living Corporation Announces Release Date for Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"캐피탈 시니어 리빙 코퍼레이션, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 발표 날짜 발표" 9331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How the Ultra Wealthy Say 'I Love You' | Fortune?,,초부유층이 사랑한다고 말하는 방법 | 포ortune 3747,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Standard Life Aberdeen sells insurance unit to Phoenix for 3.24 billion pounds?,,"스탠다드 라이프 애버딘, 32억 4천만 파운드에 피닉스에 보험 사업부 매각" 1227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 19-year-old bitcoin millionaire: You should invest this much of your income in cryptocurrencies?,,19세 비트코인 백만장자: 당신의 수입 중 이만큼을 암호화폐에 투자해야 합니다. 7171,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's trade surplus swells, signals Q1 growth revival?",,호주의 무역 수지가 확대되어 1분기 성장 회복 신호를 보인다. 3948,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Upper Street Marketing Announces Acquisition Of LoveLife USA, Lovelife Canada?",,브리프-Upper Street Marketing이 LoveLife USA와 LoveLife Canada의 인수를 발표했습니다. 4915,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-K2fly Says It Raises $1.2M In Over-Subscribed Placement-K2f.Ax?,,"브리프-케이투플라이, 과잉 청약으로 120만 달러 자금 확보-K2f.Ax" 6147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Land acquisition woes thwart India's mega refinery plan with Saudi Aramco?,,"인도의 대규모 정유소 계획을 막는 토지 인수 문제, 사우디 아람코와 함께" 6547,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bce colloca 2,91 mld euro in p/t 7 giorni, in scadenza 3,372 mld?",,"Bce는 7일 만기 2.91억 유로를 발행했으며, 만기에는 33억 7,200만 유로가 됩니다." 5966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Syncora Holdings Ltd - Unit With Other Parties Settled Dispute With Greenpoint Mortgage Funding?,,"BRIEF-Syncora Holdings Ltd - 단위, 다른 당사자들과 함께 Greenpoint Mortgage Funding과의 분쟁을 해결함." 5371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tyson Foods Makes Investment In Chicago-Based Food Startup Tovala?,,"타이슨 푸드, 시카고 기반 음식 스타트업 토발라에 투자 결정" 8903,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Research finds female analysts are more accurate, make bolder calls?",,여성 분석가들이 더 정확하고 대담한 판단을 한다는 연구 결과가 나왔다. 2240,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Entry-Level, Automated Titrators Accelerate Laboratory Productivity?",,새로운 초급 자동 적정기가 실험실 생산성을 가속화한다. 9029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Southwest Georgia Financial Reports Q4 EPS Of $0.28?,,"뉴스 헤드라인 ""BRIEF-Southwest Georgia Financial Reports Q4 EPS Of $0.28""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: ""BRIEF-사우스웨스트 조지아 금융, 4분기 EPS 0.28달러 보고""" 8644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Auto imports from Mexico climb amid talk of new NAFTA deal?,,"멕시코로부터의 자동차 수입 증가, 새로운 NAFTA 협정에 대한 논의 중" 8105,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A #MeToo Divorce Debate in the Philippines?,,필리핀에서의 #MeToo 이혼 논쟁 1933,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eleven EU members back Swiss in dispute with Brussels?,,"열한 개 EU 회원국, 브뤼셀과의 분쟁에서 스위스를 지지하다." 3346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Relypsa Announces FDA Approval of Supplemental New Drug Application to Enable the Usage of Veltassa® (patiromer) With or Without Food?,,Relypsa는 Veltassa®(patiromer)의 음식 유무에 관계없이 사용을 가능하게 하는 보충 신약 신청의 FDA 승인을 발표했습니다. 1706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UMB Financial Corporation Announces 5.5 Percent Dividend Increase?,,"UMB 금융 회사, 5.5% 배당금 인상 발표" 976,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Notifies Investors of an Investigation Involving Possible Securities Fraud Violations by the Board of Directors Micro Focus International plc?",,"SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP가 Micro Focus International plc의 이사회에 의한 가능한 증권 사기 위반과 관련하여 투자자들에게 조사를 통지합니다." 5231,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Saracens just too good, says beaten Exeter coach?",,럭비 - 사라센스가 너무 뛰어나서 패배한 에제터 감독의 말 5829,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fujian Apex Software sees FY 2017 net profit up 35 pct to 50 pct?,,"BRIEF-푸젠 에이펙스 소프트웨어, 2017 회계연도 순이익 35%에서 50% 증가 예상" 5864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Haid's 2017 Net Profit Up 41.1 Pct Y/Y?,,브리프 - 광둥 하이드의 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 41.1% 증가했습니다. 5983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Austrian Freedom Party politician resigns over neo-Nazi scandal?,,"오스트리아 자유당 정치인, 네오나치 스캔들로 사퇴하다." 6770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Killam Apartment REIT Acquires Property With Surplus Land For $77.8 Mln?,,BRIEF-Killam Apartment REIT가 여유 토지를 포함한 부동산을 7780만 달러에 인수했다. 7039,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Klein Law Firm Announces a Class Action Commenced on Behalf of WageWorks, Inc. Shareholders and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of May 8, 2018?",,"클라인 로펌이 WageWorks, Inc. 주주를 대신하여 시작된 집단 소송을 발표하고, 주도 원고 마감일을 2018년 5월 8일로 설정했습니다." 7569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Metlife To Invest Tax Savings In Employees?,,"간단히 - 메트라이프, 세금 절감액을 직원들에게 투자할 예정" 3495,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. House may vote on Dodd-Frank reform bill in May -McCarthy?,,"""미국 하원이 5월에 도드-프랭크 개혁 법안 투표를 할 수 있다고 맥카시가 말했음""" 76,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How 3-D printing is helping to transform Formula One racing?,,3D 프린팅이 포뮬러 원 레이싱을 어떻게 변화시키고 있는가? 6260,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fujitsu Chooses Lattice's Sibeam Snap Wireless Connector Technology To Simplify USB Connections In Next-Generation Tablet PC?,,"간단히 알아보자 - 후지쯔, 차세대 태블릿 PC의 USB 연결을 간소화하기 위해 Lattice의 Sibeam Snap 무선 커넥터 기술을 선택하다." 6428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Franchise Group® Names Geoff Goodman Executive Vice President Of Round Table Pizza®?,,글로벌 프랜차이즈 그룹이 Geoff Goodman을 Round Table Pizza의 수석 부사장으로 임명하다. 9948,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Calyxt to Hold First Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Call on Tuesday, May 8, at 8 a.m. EDT – 7 a.m. CDT?",,Calyxt가 2018년 1분기 투자자 컨퍼런스 콜을 5월 8일 화요일 오전 8시 EDT - 오전 7시 CDT에 개최합니다. 6476,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX near flat as resource shares rise, financials slip?",,"캐나다 주식 - TSX, 자원 주식 상승에 따라 거의 보합세, 금융주 하락" 3242,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hubbell Q1 Earnings Per Share $1.39 Excluding Items?,,브리프 - 허벨 1분기 주당순이익 $1.39 (항목 제외) 32,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amazon.Com Inc Says Ryanair Is Moving Its Infrastructure To Amazon Web Services?,,브리프 - 아마존닷컴(Amazon.Com Inc)은 라이언에어(Ryanair)가 아마존 웹 서비스(Amazon Web Services)로 인프라를 이전하고 있다고 밝혔다. 7289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EPR Properties Declares Monthly Dividend for Common Shareholders?,,"EPR 프로퍼티스, 보통주 주주를 위한 월 배당금 선언" 12,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Parker Drilling Announces March 2018 Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock Dividend?,,"파커 드릴링, 2018년 3월 의무 전환 우선주 배당금 발표" 498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Charts point to more pain ahead for one fast food stock: Technician?,,차트가 한 패스트푸드 주식에 대한 더 많은 고통이 앞으로 있을 것이라고 시사하다: 기술 분석가 5086,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 11 Arizona ekes out win over Utah?,,"11위 아리조나, 유타에 간신히 승리 거둬" 506,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Republican favored in Arizona election, but party takes no chances?",,"공화당원이 애리조나 선거에서 선호되지만, 당은 아무런 위험을 감수하지 않는다." 3289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration will fingerprint child migrants' parents?,,"트럼프 행정부, 아동 이주자의 부모 지문 채취 실시" 9314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Martin Midstream Partners Q4 Revenue $305.7 Mln Vs $236.9 Mln?,,"브리프-마틴 미드스트림 파트너스, 4분기 매출 3억 570만 달러 대 2억 3천 690만 달러." 2754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What Bernie Sanders Thinks of Trump's North Korea Trip | Fortune?,,버니 샌더스가 트럼프의 북한 방문에 대해 어떻게 생각하는지 | 포춘 1678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yates holds on to Giro lead after stage 16 time trial?,,"""스테이지 16 개인 타임 트라이얼에서 예이츠가 지로 선두를 유지하다""" 4470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Diamondback Energy Increases Size Of Board To Seven?,,브리프-다이아몬드백 에너지가 이사회를 7명으로 확대한다. 5997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU firms may face penalties in U.S. if Iranian partners on sanctions lists-DIHK?,,EU 기업들은 이란 파트너가 제재 목록에 오르면 미국에서 제재를 받을 수 있다-DIHK? 2580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Meggitt To Dispose Precision Micro Business For 22.5 Mln Stg In Cash?,,"뉴스 기사 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: ""Meggitt가 정밀 마이크로 비즈니스를 2,250만 파운드에 현금으로 처분하기로 결정했습니다. 이 거래는 회사의 전략적 초점 재조정의 일환으로, 비핵심 자산을 정리하고 주요 사업에 더 많은 자원을 집중하기 위한 목적입니다. 거래의 성사 예상일과 그로 인한 재무적 영향에 대해서도 언급되고 있을 것입니다.""" 1378,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: President Trump's Nuclear Button: There Isn't One | Fortune?,,트럼프 대통령의 핵 버튼: 실제로는 없다 | 포춘 469,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World Cup hangover weighs on German beer sales?,,월드컵 여파가 독일 맥주 판매에 영향을 미친다? 97,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fear casts shadow over Burundi referendum?,,부룬디 국민투표를 앞두고 두려움이 그림자를 드리운다. 272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Munich Security Conference: Saudi FM criticizes EU business with Iran?,,"뮌헨 안보 회의: 사우디 외무장관, 이란과의 EU 사업 비판" 5655,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blumetric Announces Appointment of Scott Macfabe as CEO?,,"간략-블루메트릭, 스콧 맥페이브를 CEO로 임명 발표" 3306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK quick trade deal with Trump will not come to pass: Open Britain?,,영국의 트럼프와의 신속한 무역 거래는 이루어지지 않을 것이다: 오픈 브리튼? 631,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ahead of Saudi Aramco IPO, Nasdaq CEO says massive companies could benefit from dual-listing?",,사우디 아람코 IPO를 앞두고 나스닥 CEO가 대기업들이 이중 상장 혜택을 받을 수 있다고 말했다. 911,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Dutch chemical firm DSM's Q4 profit beats expectations?,,"UPDATE 1-네덜란드 화학 기업 DSM의 4분기 이익, 기대치를 초과하다" 1471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Supreme Court weighs intervening in 'Dreamers' problem?,,미국 대법원이 '드리머' 문제에 개입할지 고려하고 있다. 6855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LHC Group Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.28?,,브리프 - LHC 그룹 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.28 3511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eller holds hot hand as Caps vanquish Golden Knights?,,엘러가 맹활약하며 캐푸탈스가 골든 나이츠를 제압하다 5434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tech's trust dilemma the main issue for advertisers right now: Recode's Ed Lee?,,테크의 신뢰 딜레마가 현재 광고주에게 가장 큰 문제: 리코드의 에드 리. 3935,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Progressives plan wave of U.S. protests in event Trump fires Mueller?,,"진보파, 트럼프가 뮬러를 해임할 경우 미국 전역에서 대규모 시위를 계획하다." 1365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poland's Kubica to be Williams Formula One reserve driver?,,"폴란드의 쿠비카, 윌리엄스 포뮬러 원 리저브 드라이버로 활동하게 되다." 748,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: When ‘Married, Filing Separately’ Lowers Your Tax Bill?",,"""결혼하여 별도로 신고할 때 세금 청구서가 줄어드는 경우""" 4501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Powell could see a 'birth by fire' as new Fed chair: TJM Europe?,,파월은 새로운 연준 의장으로서 '불 속에서의 탄생'을 경험할 수 있다: TJM 유럽 8949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Construction Partners Files For IPO Of Up To $207 Mln?,,"브리프 - 컨스트럭션 파트너스, 최대 2억 7백만 달러 규모의 IPO 신청" 3803,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungary PM brushes aside OSCE election monitor criticism?,,"헝가리 총리, OSCE 선거 감시단 비판 일축" 1143,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google is reportedly drafting 'ethical principles' for government work to calm worried employees?,,구글이 우려하는 직원들을 진정시키기 위해 정부 업무를 위한 '윤리적 원칙' 초안을 작성하고 있다고 보도되고 있다. 1797,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fitch Says Maintained Stable Outlook For Nicaragua's Banking System Despite Lower Growth?,,"브리프-피치, 니카라과 은행 시스템의 성장 둔화에도 불구하고 안정적인 전망 유지했다고 발표" 8970,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-J2 Global Completes Two Acquisitions In Q1 2018?,,"브리프 - J2 글로벌, 2018년 1분기에 두 건의 인수 완료" 8148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dutchland Plastics Announces Executive Leadership Change?,,"더치랜드 플라스틱스, 경영진 변화 발표" 9133,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Babson College Launches Institute for Family Entrepreneurship, Appoints Experienced Family Entrepreneur Lauri Union as Executive Director?",,"베이븐 대학교, 가족 기업을 위한 연구소 출범 및 경험 많은 가족 기업가 로리 유니언을 임원 이사로 임명" 3020,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bobst Group FY EBIT Up 14.5% To CHF 119 Mln?,,브리프-밥스트 그룹 FY EBIT 14.5% 증가하여 1억 1900만 스위스 프랑에 달함. 9349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House to hold briefing at 10:30 EST on possible govt shutdown?,,"백악관, 정부 폐쇄 가능성에 대한 브리핑을 EST 10:30에 개최 예정" 3499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook CEO starts second day of U.S. congressional hearings?,,"페이스북 CEO, 미국 의회 청문회 이틀째 시작" 2904,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Lady announces ""Be Best"" campaign for kids?",,"영부인, 아동을 위한 ""Be Best"" 캠페인 발표" 580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arizona police release video of fatal self-driving car collision?,,"애리조나 경찰, 자율주행차 충돌로 인한 치명적 사고 영상 공개" 767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Louisiana will not charge officers for fatal Alton Sterling shooting?,,"루이지애나, 알턴 스털링 사망 사건에서 경찰관에 대한 기소를 하지 않기로 결정하다." 5225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opinion: The Economic Growth Debate?,,의견: 경제 성장 논쟁 7525,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ahead of summit with North, South Koreans hope more for peace than unification?",, 정상 회담을 앞두고 남한은 통일보다 평화를 더 희망한다. 4831,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why I'm not worried about mix of iPhone shipments: Analyst?,,왜 아이폰 출하량 혼합에 대해 걱정하지 않는지: 애널리스트 2229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan parliament approves new BOJ leadership - lawmaker?,,"일본 의회, 새로운 BOJ 지도부 승인 - 법 의원" 3920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Supreme Court weighs Republican challenge to Maryland electoral map?,,"대법원, 메릴랜드 선거구도에 대한 공화당의 도전 평가" 8318,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HTG Molecular Diagnostics to Announce First Quarter Financial Results and Host Conference Call on Thursday, May 10?",,"HTG 분자 진단, 5월 10일 목요일 1분기 재무 결과 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 903,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar draws relief from White House raising chance of tariff exemptions, euro awaits ECB?",,"달러, 백악관의 관세 면제 가능성 증가로 안도... 유로는 ECB를 기다린다." 4377,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Incyte chief discusses company's latest cancer treatments, effects of U.S. tax cuts?",,Incyte CEO가 회사의 최신 암 치료법과 미국 세금 인하의 효과에 대해 이야기합니다. 3501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: My advice for Lloyd Blankfein on cryptocurrencies?,,Cramer Remix: 암호화폐에 대한 내 조언은 로이드 블랭크파인에게. 9479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unilever makes strides in Africa's most populous country?,,"유니레버, 아프리카에서 가장 인구가 많은 국가에서 진전을 이루다" 6485,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Chemotech Signs A New Cooperation Agreement?,,"브리프-케모텍, 새로운 협력 계약 체결" 2864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FMC Corp Sees Q1 Adjusted EPS Exceed $1.45 - $1.59 Range?,,"FMC Corp, 1분기 조정 EPS가 $1.45 - $1.59 범위를 초과할 것으로 전망." 7675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CenterPoint Energy elects to make a ZENS Reference Share Offer Adjustment?,,센터포인트 에너지가 ZENS 기준 주식 제안 조정을 선택하다. 9773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UEM Sunrise Posts Qtrly Net Profit 37.7 Mln RGT?,,"브리프 - UEM 서프라이즈, 분기 순이익 3,770만 링깃 보고" 6796,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Piper Jaffray: The FANGs are great companies, but not great stocks right now?",,파이퍼 제프리: FANGs는 훌륭한 기업이지만 현재 좋은 주식은 아니다. 6632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's sugar surplus set to rise as output to reach a record this year: association?,,"인도의 설탕 잉여량이 증가할 것으로 예상되며, 올해 생산량이 사상 최고치를 기록할 것이라고 협회가 밝혔다." 6832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE shares to rally at open on transport merger news?,,"GE 주식, 운송 합병 뉴스로 개장 시 상승 예상" 5409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Edenbrook Capital Reports 6.24 Pct Stake In Brightcove As Of Feb 23?,,"브리프-에덴브룩 캐피탈, 2월 23일 기준 브라이트코브에서 6.24% 지분 보고" 8026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Strong Biotechnologies Plans Share Buyback?,,"브리프-베이징 스트롱 바이오테크놀로지스, 자사주 매입 계획 발표" 5487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Tesco and Booker shareholders give blessing to marriage?,,UPDATE 2-테스코와 북커 주주들이 결합에 대한 승인을 내리다 5057,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bo Shen, Blockchain Venture Capitalist, Joins Verady Board of Directors?",,"보 션, 블록체인 벤처 캐피탈리스트, 베라디 이사회에 합류" 2612,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: Timings for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding?,,팩트박스: 해리 왕자와 메건 마클의 결혼식 일정 6903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: I.D. Systems Q4 Loss Per Share $0.05?,,"I.D. 시스템, 4분기 주당 손실 0.05달러" 8600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Veritex Lowers Previously Reported Q4 EPS To Reflect Changes Related To Deferred Taxes?,,"브리프 - Veritex, 이연 세금과 관련된 변경 사항을 반영하기 위해 이전에 보고된 4분기 주당순이익(EPS)을 낮춤." 6945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: H.I.G. Europe Completes a Strategic Investment in Puerto de Indias Group?,,"H.I.G. 유럽, 푸에르토 데 인디아스 그룹에 전략적 투자 완료" 908,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: APX Group Holdings, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?",,"APX 그룹 홀딩스, 주식회사, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 1128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tyler Technologies Acquires Sage Data Security?,,"타일러 기술, 세이지 데이터 보안 인수" 1261,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hibbett Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2018 Results?,,Hibbett가 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 실적을 보고하다. 2983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Moody's Says Tariff Exemptions Offer Brief Respite For U.S. Trade Partners In The Americas?,,"간략하게 - 무디스, 관세 면제가 미국의 아메리카 무역 파트너들에게 잠시 숨 쉴 기회를 제공한다고 언급." 8241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVESTOCK-Cattle futures rise on strong cash markets?,,"LIVESTOCK-소 선물, 강한 현물 시장에 힘입어 상승" 518,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Israeli PM Ehud Barak: Iran suspects that Trump may be looking for an excuse to strike its nuclear assets?,,전 이스라엘 총리 에후드 바락: 이란은 트럼프가 자신의 핵 자산을 공격할 명분을 찾고 있다고 의심하고 있다. 5774,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TV celebrity Khloe Kardashian gives birth: media?,,"TV 유명인사 클로에 카다시안, 출산: 언론" 2564,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Earnings are still driving the market, says strategist?",,"""전략가에 따르면, 실적이 여전히 시장을 이끌고 있다.""" 1759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trico Bancshares Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.13?,,"브리프 - 트리코 뱅크쉐어스, 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.13 발표" 7750,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - JHC.H?,,IIROC 거래 중지 / OCRCVM에 의한 중지 - JHC.H 6295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grace Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"그레이스, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 6061,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Art of Faking a Ferrari?,,페라리를 가장하는 기술 3523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympic games don't usually translate into an economic boom?,,올림픽 게임이 경제 붐으로 이어지는 경우는 보통 드물다. 1105,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deloitte undertakes review of Abraaj's business, troubled fund-sources?",,"딜로이트, 아브라즈의 사업 및 문제 있는 펀드 소스를 검토하다" 7870,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Davies, Thames help Brewers shut out Reds again?",,데이비스와 테임즈가 브루어스가 레즈를 다시 한 번 무실점으로 막도록 돕다. 1895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. asset manager Vanguard joins British insurance body?,,"미국 자산 관리 회사 뱅가드, 영국 보험 단체에 가입하다." 9153,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prominent Crypto Hedge Fund Says Worst Is Over for Bitcoin?,,"저명한 암호화 헤지 펀드, 비트코인의 최악의 시기는 끝났다고 말하다." 2358,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Greek workers strike against belt-tightening, bailout reforms?",,업데이트 1 - 그리스 근로자들이 긴축 조치 및 구제 금융 개혁에 반대하는 파업을 벌이다 72,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Envision Bank Appoints Paul O’Reilly as VP/Residential Lending Manager?,,Envision Bank가 Paul O'Reilly를 VP/주택 대출 관리자에 임명하다. 8356,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beate Uhse Says Bankruptcy Plan Reaches Unanimous Approval Of Creditors?,,"브리프 - 비아테 우제, 파산 계획이 채권자들의 만장일치 승인을 받았다고 발표." 9595,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Political Winds Shift in Argentina?,,아르헨티나의 정치적 바람이 바뀌다 1423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Global International Credit Group Says Unit‍ & Co-Lenders To Lend HK$100 Mln ​?,,BRIEF-Global International Credit Group는 자회사와 공동 대부자들이 HK$100백만을 대출할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 2319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Baxter to import IV saline bags from Mexico to ease U.S. shortage?,,"바스터, 미국의 부족 사태 해소를 위해 멕시코에서 IV 생리식염수 봉지를 수입하다." 3524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'A new history starts now': Korean leaders begin summit?,,'새로운 역사가 지금 시작된다': 한국 지도자들이 정상 회담을 시작하다 9571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's how to download a copy of everything Facebook knows about you?,,"다음은 ""여기서 페이스북이 당신에 대해 알고 있는 모든 것의 사본을 다운로드하는 방법입니다""라는 제목의 뉴스 기사의 내용이 될 수 있습니다." 1777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IAAF to push for gender parity across all areas of governance?,,"IAAF, 모든 분야의 거버넌스에서 성 평등을 추진할 예정이다." 9194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future?,,블록체인은 형편없는 기술일 뿐만 아니라 미래에 대한 나쁜 비전이다. 9688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CallidusCloud Reports Q4 2017 Total Revenue of $69.5 Million and $253.1 Million in 2017?,,"CallidusCloud, 2017년 4분기 총 수익 6,950만 달러 및 2017년 2억 5,310만 달러 보고" 9530,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: House votes next Tuesday on bill easing post-crisis bank rules: sources?,,하원이 다음 주 화요일에 위기 이후 은행 규제를 완화하는 법안에 대한 투표를 할 예정이라고 소식통이 전했다. 6051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Realm Therapeutics PLC Files For Offering Of 126.9 Million Ordinary Shares Represented By Its ADS?,,"브리프-리얼엠 테라퓨틱스 PLC, 1억 2,690만 주의 보통주를 ADS 형태로 제공하기 위해 신청함." 2855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greg Kessman Named President of SupplyPike?,,"그렉 케스맨, 서플라이파이크의 사장으로 임명되다." 6942,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia vows to curb U.S. sanctions fallout, shrugs off rouble fall?",,"러시아, 미국 제재 여파를 완화하겠다고 다짐하며 루블 하락을 무시하다" 4480,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least two dead in school bus highway accident?,,최소 두 명이 학교 버스 고속도로 사고로 사망 8696,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexican actor Garcia Bernal brings call for end to impunity to U.N.?,,"멕시코 배우 가르시아 베르날, 유엔에서 무임승차 끝내자는 촉구 전달" 6836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Scientific Games Secures Contract To Provide Arizona Lottery's Administrative Systems Technology?,,"스카이넥 게임즈, 애리조나 복권의 행정 시스템 기술 제공 계약 체결" 8567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tosun ready to shake off slow start and fire for Everton?,,"토순, 느린 시작 털어내고 에버턴을 위해 불꽃을 지를 준비 완료" 896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BoE's Carney says prepare for rate hikes over the next few years - BBC?,,"BoE의 카니, 향후 몇 년간 금리 인상을 준비하라고 경고 - BBC" 1570,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wayne Savings Announces that ISS and Glass Lewis Have Both Recommended Voting in Favor of The Company’s Director Candidates?,,"웨인 세이빙스, ISS와 글래스 루이스가 모두 회사 이사 후보에 대한 찬성 투표를 권장했다고 발표하다." 7418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New U.S. sanctions attempt to influence Russia before election: Tass | Russian Insight?,,새로운 미국의 제재가 선거 전에 러시아에 영향을 미치려는 시도: 타스 | 러시아 인사이트? 4141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Stada FY Net Income Down By 1 Pct At EUR 85.3 Mln?,,"브리프 - 스타다 FY 순이익 1% 감소, 8,530만 유로." 8358,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks close sharply higher as trade tensions appear to ease?,,주식 시장이 거래 긴장이 완화되는 것으로 보이면서 급격히 상승 마감하다. 3271,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brutal, dangerous cold grips U.S. East?",,미국 동부를 강타한 잔인하고 위험한 추위 5635,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Evening Edition: February 15, 2018?",,CNBC 기술 점검 저녁판: 2018년 2월 15일 353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico dismisses Trump threat to tie NAFTA to migration policy...?,,"멕시코, 이민 정책과 NAFTA를 연결하겠다는 트럼프의 위협을 일축하다..." 2771,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investors Are Overpaying for Teva’s Turnaround?,,투자자들이 테바의 회생을 위해 과도한 비용을 지불하고 있다? 8712,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wuhu Shunrong Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology sees FY 2018 H1 net profit down 10.65 pct to up 1.11 pct?,,"BRIEF-우후 순롱 산치 인터랙티브 엔터테인먼트 네트워크 기술, 2018년 하반기 순익 10.65% 감소에서 1.11% 증가로 예상" 2571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm Director Paul Jacobs will not be re-nominated to board?,,퀄컴 이사 폴 제이콥스가 이사회에 재선출되지 않는다. 5265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-(OFFICIAL)-BRIEF-Godrej Agrovet Acquires Stake In Maxximilk Pvt Ltd (Jan 18)?,,"정정됨 - (공식) - 간략 브리핑 - Godrej Agrovet, Maxximilk Pvt Ltd 지분 인수 (1월 18일)" 8102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prince Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle set to boost UK economy?,,프린스 해리와 메건 마클의 결혼식이 영국 경제를 부양할 것으로 예상된다. 8940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CareDx Reports Preliminary Fourth Quarter and FY2017 Financial Results?,,"CareDx, 2017년 4분기 및 전년도 재무 결과를 예비 발표하다." 2077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Instone Real Estate plans Frankfurt listing?,,"인스톤 리얼 에스테이트, 프랑크푸르트 상장 계획" 5157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Broadvision Inc Says Peter Chu Resigned As CFO?,,"브리프 - 브로드비전 주식회사, 피터 추가 CFO로서 사임했다고 발표하다." 6681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Earnings will be the next test for the seemingly unstoppable $30 trillion stock market?,,"30조 달러에 달하는 주식 시장이 멈추지 않는 듯 보이는 가운데, 수익 발표가 다음 시험이 될 것이다." 8071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico plan for army land sale swept into election campaigns | Reuters?,,멕시코의 군대 토지 매각 계획이 선거 캠페인으로 휘말리다 | 로이터 3998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Berluti names Kris Van Assche as Artistic Director of the House?,,"베를루티, 크리스 반 아쉐를 하우스의 아티스틱 디렉터로 임명하다." 6694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Democratic state AGs vow to continue Trump challenges?,,민주당 주지사들이 트럼프 도전에 계속 나설 것을 다짐하다 6017,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK, EU banking regulators team up in case of cliff-edge Brexit?",,영국과 유럽연합 은행 규제당국이 절벽 끝 브렉시트에 대비해 협력하다. 1490,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Costly dollar hedges tarnish U.S. bonds for overseas investors?,,비싼 달러 헤지가 해외 투자자들에게 미국 채권의 매력을 떨어뜨린다. 6933,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France would've voted to leave EU too if in UK's situation, French leader Macron says?",,"프랑스의 지도자 마크롱은 ""영국의 상황이라면 프랑스도 EU 탈퇴를 선택했을 것""이라고 말했다." 1905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bahrain central bank's foreign assets rebound in April?,,바레인 중앙은행의 외환 자산이 4월에 반등하다. 9211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analysis: Indonesian president turns to populist policies ahead of tough 2019 election?,,"분석: 인도네시아 대통령, 힘든 2019년 선거를 앞두고 대중적인 정책으로 선회하다." 563,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Playa Hotels & Resorts NV Says CEO Bruce Wardinski's 2017 Total Compensation Was $6.5 Mln?,,"브리프 - 플라야 호텔 & 리조트 NV, CEO 브루스 워딩스키의 2017년 총 보상이 650만 달러였다고 발표." 5296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German parties pledge to work with France to strengthen euro zone?,,독일 정당들이 유로존 강화를 위해 프랑스와 협력하겠다고 약속했다. 3313,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Majesco Approves Issue Of 4.4 Mln Shares To QIBs Aggregating To 2.31 Bln Rupees?,,"브리프 - 마제스코, 2,310억 루피에 달하는 QIBs에 440만 주 발행 승인" 5209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leading Independent Proxy Advisory Firm ISS Recommends Qualcomm Stockholders Vote on the BLUE Proxy Card for Four of Broadcom's Nominees?,,주요 독립Proxy 자문사인 ISS가 Qualcomm 주주들에게 Broadcom의 후보 네 명에 대해 BLUE Proxy 카드에 투표할 것을 권장했다. 6203,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No threat, but UK royal wedding fans in Windsor face tight security?",,"위험 요소는 없지만, 영국 왕실 결혼식 팬들이 윈저에서 엄격한 보안 조치에 직면하다." 4841,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: All-conquering Allegri says Juve still offers challenges?,,"모든 것을 정복한 알레그리, 유벤투스는 여전히 도전을 제공한다고 말하다." 5250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Qatar's QNB EGM Approves Foreign Ownership Limit To 49 Pct?,,"브리핑 - 카타르의 QNB EGM, 외국인 소유 한도 49% 승인" 8032,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-Huawei's global ambitions hit by AT&T phone distribution deal's collapse?,,"업데이트 4-화웨이의 글로벌 야망, AT&T 휴대폰 유통 계약의 붕괴로 타격받다." 746,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Community Bancshares, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results and Quarterly Dividend?",,"퍼스트 커뮤니티 뱅크쉐어스, Inc. 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적과 분기 배당금 발표" 7143,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Invites You to Join Its Second Quarter Conference Call on the Web?",,"헬메리히 & 페인, Inc.가 두 번째 분기 컨퍼런스 콜에 웹으로 참여할 것을 초대합니다." 7222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British minister says Syria military intervention a live issue?,,영국 장관이 시리아 군사 개입이 현재 문제라고 말하다. 1347,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Retail defaults hit record high in first quarter, Moody's says?",,소매업체의 파산이 1분기에 기록적인 수준에 도달했다고 무디스가 발표했다. 2443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arcturus Therapeutics Appoints Dr. Christine Esau as Vice President of Research and Development?,,"아르크투루스 치료제, 크리스틴 에사우 박사를 연구 및 개발 부사장으로 임명" 2384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Messenger Kids No Longer Requires Children’s Parents to Become Friends?,,"페이스북 메신저 키즈, 더 이상 어린이의 부모가 친구가 될 필요 없어" 1166,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tyson Foods Reports Q2 Adjusted Earnings Per Share Of $1.27?,,"타이슨 푸드, 2분기 조정 주당순이익 1.27달러 보고" 4355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela to reopen trading of dollar-securities on local bourse - cenbank?,,"베네수엘라, 중앙은행의 발표에 따라 현지 증권 거래소에서 달러 채권 거래 재개" 6641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BoE says details of Brexit transition deal needed by end March?,,BoE는 Brexit 전환 거래 세부사항이 3월 말까지 필요하다고 말합니다. 1303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EPA reverses policy on 'major sources' of pollution?,,"EPA, '주요 오염원'에 대한 정책을 뒤집는다." 7522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Protest and fire mark May Day across the world?,,"세계 곳곳에서의 노동절, 시위와 화재가 잇따르다." 1462,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wal-Mart shops Brazil unit stake to Advent, other funds -sources?",,"월마트, 브라질 사업부 지분을 어드벤트 및 기타 펀드에 매각 - 소식통" 2332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Condor Announces 2017 Year End Results?,,"콘도르, 2017년 연말 결산 발표" 2646,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British PM May says will stop companies abusing pension schemes?,,영국 총리 메이는 기업들이 연금 제도를 악용하는 것을 막겠다고 말했습니다. 9862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Biathlon-Women's 15km individual results?,,올림픽 - 바이애슬론 - 여성 15km 개인전 결과 9928,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ukraine's Poroshenko: Gazprom has no right to annul gas contracts?,,우크라이나의 포로셴코: 가즈프롬은 가스 계약을 무효화할 권리가 없다? 7677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkish army says has hit 153 targets so far in northern Syrian operation?,,"터키 군, 북부 시리아 작전에서 현재까지 153개 목표를 타격했다고 발표." 1485,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Hawaiian Resort Home with Plants, Privacy and a Pool?",,"식물, 프라이버시, 수영장이 있는 하와이 리조트 주택" 9328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poland's anti-monopoly office opens proceedings against Nord Stream 2?,,"폴란드의 반독점 기관, 노르드 스트림 2에 대한 절차 개시" 7742,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Cricket-Pujara returns to Yorkshire for England tour preparation?,,"재파일 - 크리켓 - 푸자라, 잉글랜드 투어 준비를 위해 요크셔로 돌아오기" 8813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Patrick's career comes to crashing end at Indy 500?,,모터 레이싱: 패트릭의 경력이 인디 500에서 충돌하며 막을 내리다. 9290,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon UK to create 400 jobs in a new fulfilment centre in Rugby?,,"아마존 UK, 러기 새로운 물류센터에서 400개 일자리 창출 예정" 5443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Startup culture emerges from Greek economy woes?,,그리스 경제의 어려움에서 스타트업 문화가 싹트다. 341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: G20 financial leaders say need more dialogue on trade as U.S tariffs loom?,,G20 재무장관들이 미국의 관세가 다가오는 가운데 무역에 대한 더 많은 대화가 필요하다고 말하다. 9896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Esperion Provides Bempedoic Acid Franchise Development Program Updates; Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,," 에스페리온, 벤페도익산 프랜차이즈 개발 프로그램 업데이트 제공; 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 보고" 3957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House Nears Air Force One Deal With Boeing?,,"백악관, 보잉과 에어 포스 원 계약 체결 임박" 8170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hashchain Technology To Acquire Blockchain Technology Company Node40?,,간단히 말해 - Hashchain Technology가 블록체인 기술 회사 Node40을 인수하다. 3939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel's Bavarian ally: coalition deal will help Germany overcome divisions?,,메르켈의 바이에른 동맹: 연정 합의는 독일이 분열을 극복하는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 5299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wow factor in Iceland's role as global transit hub?,,아이슬란드의 글로벌 환승 허브로서의 역할에서 나타나는 놀라운 요소 5600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DIARY-Top Economic Events to August 1?,,DIARY-8월 1일까지의 주요 경제 이벤트 5353,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North, South Korea to hold talks as Winter Olympics helps break ice?",,"북한, 남한이 동계 올림픽이 비난을 해소하는 데 도움이 되면서 회담을 열기로 했다." 8264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's Wipro Q4 profit falls 20 pct?,,인도의 Wipro 4분기 이익 20% 감소 2692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mercedes' Bottas hoping for strong finish in Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix?,,"메르세데스의 보타스, 멜버른 포뮬러 1 그랑프리에서 강한 마무리를 기대하다." 1210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alteogen receives patent?,,"브리프 - 알테오겐, 특허 획득" 4276,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Realty Investors, Inc. Reports Improved Operating Income and Full Year Results for 2017?",,미국 부동산 투자 회사가 2017년 운영 수입 개선 및 연간 실적을 보고했습니다. 8802,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CBS faces trademark lawsuit over Desilu name?,,CBS는 데시루 이름에 대한 상표 소송에 직면하다. 7964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rex Tillerson: Read State Department Response to Trump Firing | Fortune?,,렉스 틸러슨: 트럼프 해임에 대한 국무부 반응 읽기 | 포춘 6490,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump in 'excellent health,' doctor says after medical exam?",,"트럼프, 의사 ""정상적인 건강 상태""라고 의료 검진 후 밝혀" 8187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-British outsourcer Mitie sees higher costs from turnaround programme (March 16)?,,영국 아웃소싱업체 미티가 전환 프로그램으로 인해 더 높은 비용을 겪고 있다고 보도됨 (3월 16일) 9776,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bagley pours in 33 as Duke routs Notre Dame?,,배글리가 33점을 폭발시키며 듀크가 노트르담을 크게 이기다. 5973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NN Group To Designate Delfin Rueda As CFO And Vice-Chair Of Executive Board?,,"브리프 - NN 그룹, 델핀 루에다를 CFO 및 집행이사 부회장으로 지명할 예정" 9679,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eurozone Economy Wavers in First Quarter?,,"유로존 경제, 1분기에 흔들리다" 9320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oerlikon sees rising textile margins after 540 mln Sfr orders?,,"Oerlikon, 540억 스위스프랑 주문 후 섬유 마진 상승 전망." 7396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Altice executive Turrini to leave debt-ridden group?,,UPDATE 1-부채에 시달리는 그룹을 떠나는 알티스 임원 투리니 7961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It's a big week for economic data. Here's what to watch?,,이번 주는 경제 데이터에 있어 중요한 주입니다. 주목해야 할 사항은 무엇일까요? 5374,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldcorp to Release 2018 First Quarter Results on April 25th; Conference Call and Webcast on April 26th?,,"Goldcorp는 4월 25일 2018년 1분기 실적을 발표할 예정이며, 4월 26일 회의 및 웹캐스트가 있을 것입니다." 6162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kenyan filmmaker says tragic that girl-meets-girl Cannes movie banned at home?,,"""케냐 영화 제작자, 소녀와 소녀의 만남을 다룬 칸 영화제 작품이 자국에서 금지된 것은 비극적이라고 말하다""" 3778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Astronauts complete first spacewalk of 2018?,,2018년 첫 우주 유영을 완료한 우주인들 4154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Daodaoquan Grain and Oil says change of accounting policy?,,브리프-다오다오촨 곡물 및 기름이 회계 정책 변경을 발표했다고 전했다. 5639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alabama finishes season sweep over LSU?,,"앨라배마, LSU 시즌 스윕 달성" 7443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BREAKING NEWS FROM CNBC'S CHRISTINA FARR: AMAZON IS HIRING A FORMER FDA OFFICIAL TO WORK ON ITS SECRETIVE HEALTH TECH BUSINESS?,,CNBC의 크리스티나 파르가 보도한 긴급 뉴스: 아마존이 비밀스러운 헬스 기술 사업을 위해 전 FDA 관리자를 채용하고 있습니다. 130,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Free Tuition: Hotels’ Latest Attempt to Stem Employee Turnover?,,무료 학비: 호텔업계의 직원 이직률 감소를 위한 최신 시도 6838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Donnelley Financial Solutions Entered Into Side Letter Agreement With Daniel N. Leib?,,"브리프-돈넬리 재무 솔루션, 대니얼 N. 리브와 사이드 레터 계약 체결" 941,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Years after Salt Lake City scandal, French judge finds peace?",,"Salt Lake City 스캔들 이후 수년, 프랑스 판사 평화를 찾다." 435,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea proposes inter-Korea talks May 16 -S.Korea Ministry?,,"북한, 5월 16일 남북회담 제안 - 한국 정부 부처" 5622,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett didn't always have warm, fuzzy feelings about Uber?",,"""워렌 버핏은 항상 우버에 대해 따뜻하고 푸근한 감정을 가지고 있던 것은 아니었다.""" 5192,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Games - Record-setting Australia dominate opening night at velodrome?,,"게임 - 기록적인 호주, 실내자전거경기장에서 개막식 밤을 압도하다" 4869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing shares have more room to fly in 2018 - analysts?,,보잉 주식은 2018년에 더 많은 상승 여지가 있다고 분석가들이 전했다. 277,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coal firms plead to courts, Trump for West Coast export terminals?",,"석탄 기업들, 법원과 트럼프에 서부 해안 수출 터미널을 탄원하다." 3374,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germania, disoccupati febbraio in calo di 22.000, tasso stabile a 5,4% Macroeconomia?",,"독일, 2월 실업자 수 22,000명 감소, 실업률 5.4%로 안정적 경제학." 922,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Hamilton calls for more diversity in F1?,,"모터 레이싱 - 해밀턴, F1에서 더 많은 다양성 촉구" 5005,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sigma Designs, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results?",,"시그마 디자인즈, Inc. 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 9324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Terrible' to tell people to move city to find work: BoE chief economist?,,"""일자리를 찾기 위해 사람들이 도시를 옮기라고 말하는 것은 '끔찍하다': 영국은행 수석 경제학자""" 4013,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opus Bank Expands Its Los Angeles Commercial Banking Team?,,"오푸스 뱅크, 로스앤젤레스 상업 은행 팀 확대" 8091,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EOG Resources Schedules Webcast of Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results Conference Call for February 28, 2018?",,"EOG 리소스, 2018년 2월 28일에 예정된 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 회의 통화 웹캐스트 일정 발표" 8447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ian Forrest Joins New York Life Investment Management as Global Chief Marketing Officer?,,"이안 포레스트, 뉴욕 생명 투자 관리의 글로벌 최고 마케팅 책임자로 합류" 8398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The DJ Who Groped Taylor Swift Has Landed a New Job in Mississippi?,,테일러 스위프트를 성추행한 DJ가 미시시피에서 새 직장을 구했다? 6080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bark worse than bite? Spreadbetter stocks defy regulatory threat?,,짖는 개가 물기보다 나쁜가? 스프레드베터 주식이 규제 위협을 무시하고 있다? 7539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toyota group truck maker Hino enters strategic tie-up with VW truck unit?,,"토요타 그룹의 트럭 제조사 히노, 폭스바겐 트럭 유닛과 전략적 제휴 체결" 5205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ShiftPixy Appoints Patrice H. Launay as Chief Financial Officer?,,ShiftPixy가 Patrice H. Launay를 최고 재무 책임자(CFO)로 임명하다. 7478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bulgaria says will not expel Russian diplomats over spy poisoning?,,"""Bulgaria says will not expel Russian diplomats over spy poisoning""는 ""불가리아, 스파이 독살 사건으로 러시아 외교관을 추방하지 않겠다고 발표""로 번역할 수 있습니다." 6369,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysian court jails, fines artist for clown caricature of PM?",,말레이시아 법원이 총리의 광대 캐리커처를 그린 예술가에게 징역형과 벌금을 부과했습니다. 3725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Export price of Norwegian salmon fell to NOK 54.69 last week -statistics agency?,,노르웨이 연어의 수출 가격이 지난주 NOK 54.69로 떨어졌다고 통계청이 발표했다. 2827,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Identiv Sets First Quarter 2018 Earnings Call for Thursday, May 10 at 5 PM ET, and Confirms Presentation at 13th Annual Houlihan Lokey Global Industrials Conference for May 17?",,"Identiv가 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 전화를 5월 10일 목요일 오후 5시(동부 표준시)에 설정하고, 5월 17일 제13회 Houlihan Lokey 글로벌 산업 컨퍼런스에서의 발표를 확정했습니다." 8084,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coslight Technology International Group Posts FY Revenue Of RMB3.71 Bln?,,"코슬라이트 테크놀로지 인터내셔널 그룹, FY 매출 37.1억 위안 발표" 6703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK consumer lending growth slows to weakest since 2015 - BoE?,,영국 소비자 대출 증가율이 2015년 이후 최약세로 둔화 - 영국은행(BoE) 5682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chip gear maker Applied Materials reports 29 pct rise in revenue?,,"반도체 장비 제조업체 어플라이드 머티리얼즈, 매출 29% 증가 보고" 7626,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tezos: ICO Coin to Launch After Tezos Foundation Ouster | Fortune?,,테조스: 테조스 재단 퇴출 후 ICO 동전 출시 예정 | 포춘 7862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Skyline Reports Third Quarter And First Nine Months Results?,,스카이라인은 3분기 및 첫 9개월 결과를 발표했습니다. 455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Reliance Capital Dec Qtr Consol Profit Rises?,,"인도의 릴라이언스 캐피탈, 4분기 연결 이익 상승" 9411,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Man who helped found SpaceX reveals formula for Elon Musk’s success?,,스페이스엑스를 설립하는 데 도움을 준 남성이 일론 머스크의 성공 비결을 밝혀냈다? 5740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Litigating shareholder sells part of stake in Oi- statement?,,"주주 소송을 제기한 주주, Oi 주식의 일부를 매각하다 - 성명서" 2069,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: As U.S. immigration debate rages, 'Dreamers' await their fate?",,"미국의 이민 논쟁이 격화되고 있는 가운데, '드리머'들은 자신의 운명을 기다리고 있다." 5471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gebr. Knauf KG Files Investor Presentation With SEC Related To Withhold Campaign Against USG Corp?,,"BRIEF-겹베르 크나우프 KG, USG Corp에 대한 투표 보류 캠페인과 관련하여 SEC에 투자자 프레젠테이션 제출" 8121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to press South Korea's Moon before summit with North Korea?,,"트럼프, 북미 정상회담 앞두고 한국의 문 대통령에게 압박할 계획" 7435,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Reneuron Group Says Initial Cancer Clinical Trial Application Planned For 2019?,,"브리프-레뉴론 그룹, 2019년 초기 암 임상 시험 신청 계획한다고 발표." 9950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dova Pharmaceuticals Signs Distribution Agreement With Fosun Pharma For Mainland China And Hong Kong?,,Dova Pharmaceuticals가 중국 본토와 홍콩을 위한 Fosun Pharma와 유통 계약을 체결했습니다. 9274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Riversimple Rasa: The hydrogen-powered car trying to take on Tesla?,,리버심플 라사: 테슬라에 도전하는 수소차의 이야기 9516,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gilead fourth-quarter hepatitis C drug sales plummet, sees further slowdown?",,"기가드, 4분기 간염 C 약물 매출 급감, 추가 둔화 전망" 3837,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's economy grows 7.2 percent year-on-year in December quarter: government?,,인도의 경제가 12월 분기에 전년 대비 7.2% 성장: 정부 4265,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-Gold producers lead TSX higher, markets brace for Fed minutes?",,캐나다 주식 - 금 생산업체들이 TSX를 끌어올리며 시장이 연준의 회의록에 대비하다. 4611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Newtek Announces The Signing Of A Letter Of Intent For New $75.0 Million SBA 504 Credit Facility With Capital One?,,"뉴텍, 캐피탈 원과 7,500만 달러 SBA 504 신용 시설에 대한 의향서 서명 발표" 8176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- British Business - Jan 15?,,뉴스 기사를 다음과 같은 헤드라인으로 생각해 볼 수 있습니다: 영국 비즈니스 - 1월 15일 프레스 다이제스트? 9855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Institute says 25 more babies hit by salmonella found at Lactalis since 2006?,,2006년 이후 Lactalis에서 발견된 살모넬라로 인해 25명의 아기가 추가로 영향을 받았다는 연구소 발표. 3296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Legal marijuana in NY may create $3.1 billion market: NYC comptroller?,,뉴욕의 합법적인 마리화나가 31억 달러의 시장을 창출할 수 있다는 NYC 감사관의 분석? 5865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indian shares see best month since March 2016?,,"인도 주식, 2016년 3월 이후 가장 좋은 월간 실적 기록" 2318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Doesn’t Expect Revenue Impact Over Privacy Concerns?,,페이스북은 개인정보 문제로 인한 수익 영향은 없을 것으로 예상한다. 6344,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uniper supervisory board rejects calls for Elliott-backed audit?,,"유니퍼 감사위원회, 엘리엇 지원 감사 요구 거부" 9154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reported Turkish activity in Syria's Afrin destabilizing: U.S. official?,,시리아 아프린에서의 터키 활동이 불안정하다는 보고: 미국 관료 6728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MarkLines announces change of stock listing?,,"브리프-마크라인즈, 주식 상장 변경 발표" 4597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southampton agree fee with Monaco for Carrillo - report?,,"사우샘프턴, 카리요를 위한 모나코와 이적료 합의 보도" 4692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Atco Reports Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share C$0.80?,,"브리프-앳코, 4분기 조정 주당순이익 C$0.80 보고" 7683,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-A City Media Changes Name To AdCityMedia?,,"브리프 - 시티 미디어, 이름을 애드시티미디어로 변경" 1251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar edges down on caution ahead of Powell testimony?,,"FOREX-달러, 파월 증언을 앞두고 신중함으로 하락세 전환" 5731,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Second winter storm in a week heads to New York region?,,일주일 안에 두 번째 겨울 폭풍이 뉴욕 지역으로 향하고 있다. 8096,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Libya's December election goal faces political, legal, security hurdles?",,"리비아의 12월 선거 목표는 정치적, 법적, 안보적 장애물에 직면해 있다." 5970,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Report: Former offensive lineman Incognito won't be charged for gym altercation?,,"보고서: 전 공격 라인맨 인카오그니토, 체육관 충돌에 대한 고소를 당하지 않을 것." 6141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Alpine skiing-Goggia holds lead in women's downhill after top 20?,,올림픽 - 알프스 스키 - 고지아가 여자 다운힐에서 상위 20위를 기록한 후 선두를 유지하다. 6056,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fast Growing Agency Poised for Accelerated Growth?,,"빠르게 성장하는 에이전시, 가속 성장을 위한 준비 완료" 8996,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-U.S. isolationist on trade, but financially dependent on rest of world: McGeever?",,"COLUMN-미국, 무역에서 고립주의적이지만 세계의 나머지 국가들에 재정적으로 의존적임: 맥기버" 1173,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How investors can play Saudi Arabia reform without Aramco's IPO?,,"""투자자들이 아람코의 IPO 없이 사우디 아라비아 개혁에 참여할 수 있는 방법""" 8703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bahrain raises gasoline prices to reduce state spending?,,바레인이 국가 지출을 줄이기 위해 휘발유 가격을 인상하다. 2861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South African fourth quarter GDP grows above forecasts as rating decision nears?,,남아프리카 공화국의 4분기 GDP가 예상치를 웃도는 성장률을 기록하며 신용 등급 결정이 임박했다. 8467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRECIOUS-Gold edges higher on easier U.S. dollar?,,"소중한 금, 미국 달러 약세에 힘입어 소폭 상승." 6649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Injured Tarkowski withdraws from England World Cup stand-by list?,,"부상당한 타르코프스키, 잉글랜드 월드컵 대기 명단에서 제외" 2001,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CASI Pharmaceuticals Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial And Business Results?,,"CASI 제약, 2018년 1분기 재무 및 사업 결과 발표" 9815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Reed promises fire but no hostilities in Green Jacket showdown?,,"골프 - 리드, 그린 재킷 대결에서 불꽃은 약속하지만 적대감은 없다." 9663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Seas to rise about a meter even if climate goals are met - study?,,기후 목표가 달성되더라도 바다가 약 1미터 상승할 것이라는 연구 결과 5187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration seeks WTO panel to resolve wine dispute with Canada?,,"트럼프 행정부, 캐나다와의 와인 분쟁 해결을 위해 WTO 패널 요청" 9537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marriott International Declares An Increase In Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"메리어트 인터내셔널, 분기 현금 배당금 인상 발표" 5256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Standard Promotes Kerry Goff to Assistant Vice President of Information Technology Enterprise Services?,,"스탠다드, 케리 고프를 정보 기술 기업 서비스 부문 부장으로 승진시켜" 9441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Australia's Warren Buffet' quits as head of fund management firm?,,"'호주의 워렌 버핏', 펀드 관리 회사의 수장직에서 사임하다" 170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Financial Conditions Are Starting to Get Tighter - MoneyBeat - WSJ?,,재정 여건이 점점 어려워지고 있다 - MoneyBeat - WSJ 2971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-Gulf largely ignores high oil prices; Alawwal Bank rises again?,,"중동 증시 - 걸프 지역, 높은 유가를 대체로 무시; 알아왈 은행 다시 상승" 6204,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kuwait's Al Ahleia Insurance Q1 Profit Almost Flat?,,쿠웨이트의 Al Ahleia 보험 Q1 이익이 거의 변동이 없다고 발표. 4266,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Super League Fixtures?,,슈퍼 리그 일정? 2759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xiamen Sunrise Group announces change in accounting policy?,,"브리프-샤먼 서 sunrise 그룹, 회계 정책 변경 발표." 7593,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mylan Introduces Symfi Triple Combo Once-Daily HIV Treatment In The U.S.?,,"BRIEF-마일란, 미국에서 하루 한 번 복용하는 심피 삼중 복합 HIV 치료제 출시." 2025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Economy and interest rates: EIU predicts next US recession?,,"경제와 금리: EIU, 미국의 다음 경기 침체 예측?" 4650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SAP pushes into sales tracking market with $2.4 bln Callidus buy?,,SAP는 24억 달러에 Callidus를 인수하며 판매 추적 시장으로 진출합니다. 5792,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former president Barack Obama warns on polarizing media, US electoral system?",,"전 대통령 바락 오바마, 분열적인 언론과 미국 선거 시스템에 대한 경고." 2779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Little sign of trade war panic in European equities?,,유럽 주식에서 무역 전쟁 공황의 징후가 거의 없다. 2469,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Diriteks Dirilis FY 2017 Net Loss Shrinks To 1.4 Mln Lira?,,"브리프-디리텍스 디리리스, 2017 회계연도 순손실 140만 리라로 축소" 7241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scary Friday could lead to scary Monday for markets?,,"""무서운 금요일이 시장에 무서운 월요일을 초래할 수 있다?""" 2938,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macedonia told to resolve Greece dispute and implement reforms to join NATO?,,마케도니아는 그리스와의 분쟁을 해결하고 NATO에 가입하기 위해 개혁을 시행하라는 권고를 받았다. 4185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Government official says GM Korea finds it hard to share information about global strategies?,,"정부 관계자, GM 코리아가 글로벌 전략에 대한 정보를 공유하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다고 말하다." 5857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pinnacle West Capital Reports Q4 EPS Of $0.19?,,"브리핑-피나클 웨스트 캐피탈, 4분기 주당순이익(EPS) $0.19 보고" 4682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lankan rupee recovers as political uncertainty shows signs of easing?,,스리랑카 루피가 정치적 불확실성이 완화 조짐을 보이며 회복세를 보인다. 191,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-China's 2017 yuan-denominated exports rise 10.8 pct y/y, imports surge 18.7 pct?",,수정됨 - 중국의 2017년 위안화 기준 수출이 작년 대비 10.8% 증가하고 수입이 18.7% 급증하다. 880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-TransCanada lines up enough shippers to take Keystone XL forward?,,"업데이트 2-트랜스캐나다, 키스톤 XL을 진행하기 위해 충분한 화물 선적자 확보" 5047,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk Predicts Rocket Launches Will Be as Routine as Airline Flights?,,"엘론 머스크, 로켓 발사가 항공기 비행만큼 일상화될 것이라고 예측하다." 1069,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. says 100,000 Rohingya in grave danger from monsoon rains?",,"유엔, 로힝야족 10만 명이 몬순 비로 심각한 위험에 처해 있다고 경고" 5327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volkswagen reaches $33.5 million diesel emissions settlement with Maryland?,,"폭스바겐, 메릴랜드와 3,350만 달러의 디젤 배출 합의 도달." 8562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cimarex Agrees to Sell Ward County Assets for $570 million?,,"Cimarex, 5억 7천만 달러에 워드 카운티 자산 매각에 합의하다." 323,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei soars to more than 3-week high; Topix Core 30 stocks gain ground?,,"니케이, 3주 넘게 최고치로 상승; 토픽 코어 30주식 상승세 지속" 2797,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss club Sion given one-season European ban – Redseto?,,"스위스 클럽 시옹, 1시즌 유럽 대회 출전 금지 - 레드세토?" 8270,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pershing Square, Valeant asked to appear for hearing on insider trading suit?",,"퍼싱 스퀘어, 밸리언트가 내부 거래 소송에 대해 청문회에 출석하도록 요청받았다." 399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: There was no malice in Buffett's dire prediction for bitcoin?,,크래머: 버핏의 비트코인에 대한 암울한 예측에는 악의가 없었다? 4960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pence heads to Olympics with stern message for North Korea?,,"펜스, 북한에 대한 엄중한 메시지를 가지고 올림픽으로 향하다" 4700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vatican deal a new trial for one Catholic village in north China?,,"바티칸 협정, 북중국의 한 가톨릭 마을에 새로운 시험대" 1321,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Firstcash Reports Q1 EPS Of $0.90, Raises Full Year Guidance?",,"Firstcash, 1분기 주당순이익(EPS) 0.90달러 보고, 연간 가이던스 상향 조정" 394,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian and Saudi energy ministers satisfied with oil market rebalancing - statement?,,"러시아와 사우디 에너지 장관, 유가 시장 재조정에 만족 - 성명" 8152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-India confident tax issues won't cost ICC events?,,"크리켓-인도, 세금 문제로 ICC 이벤트 손실 없을 것에 대한 자신감 표현" 2015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IRS hit with computer glitch on tax day?,,"세금 신고 마감일에 IRS, 컴퓨터 오류 발생" 287,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toxic gases from Indonesian volcano sends 30 to hospital?,,인도네시아 화산에서 나오는 독성 가스로 30명이 병원으로 이송되다. 2177,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syros Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results and Highlights Key Accomplishments and Upcoming Milestones?,,"Syros, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 보고 및 주요 성과 및 향후 이정표 강조" 4360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Five Best: Laurel Thatcher Ulrich?,,다섯 가지 최고의: 로렐 태처 울리히? 5875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A common regulator in China 'will actually be good'?,,중국의 공통 규제 기관은 '실제로 좋을 것'이다. 2995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congo government makes no major concessions to major miners -draft?,,"콩고 정부, 주요 채굴업체에 큰 양보 없이 초안 발표" 3643,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-George Feldenkreis Says On April 26, Feldenkreis And Fortress Credit Advisors Sent Letter To Perry Ellis International?",,브리프-조지 펠든키스가 4월 26일 펠든키스와 포트리스 크레딧 어드바이저스가 페리 엘리스를 국제적으로 보낸 서신에 대해 언급했습니다. 5303,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian Cyberattack, Dreamer Impasse, Brexit: CEO Daily for February 16, 2018 | Fortune?",,"러시아 사이버 공격, 드리머 교착 상태, 브렉시트: 2018년 2월 16일 CEO 데일리 | 포ortune의 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요?" 4177,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weak data weighs on European shares while Raiffeisen drives bank stocks up?,,"약한 데이터가 유럽 주식에 부정적인 영향을 미치고, 라이파이젠이 은행 주식을 끌어올리다." 8541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Discussing the double-edged sword of data privacy?,,데이터 프라이버시의 양날의 검에 대한 논의 6448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Five Oaks Investment Corp. Reports Q4 Gaap Earnings Per Share $0.36?,,"브리프 - 파이브 오크스 투자 회사, 4분기 GAAP 주당 순이익 $0.36 보고" 2752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cinda International Holdings Sees FY Profit Attributable Up By At Least 40%​?,,"BRIEF-신다 인터내셔널 홀딩스, FY 수익이 최소 40% 증가할 것으로 예상" 8613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comcast formally notifies Brussels of intention to bid for Sky?,,"콤캐스트, 스카이 입찰 의사 브뤼셀에 공식 통보" 7912,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Silver rallies, hitting its highest level in 3 weeks?",,은이 반등하여 3주 만에 최고 수준에 도달하다 1381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Atlanta Is Dealing With Another Crushing Football Loss?,,애틀랜타가 또 다른 참담한 축구 패배에 어떻게 대처하고 있는가? 8115,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 9-Oil boosted by Iran fears, remains below multi-year highs?",,"업데이트 9 - 이란 우려로 인해 석유 가격이 상승했지만, 여전히 수년 만에 최고치 아래에 머물러 있습니다." 5948,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teenage cellist thrust to global fame at royal wedding?,,왕실 결혼식에서 세계적인 명성을 얻은 10대 첼리스트 22,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: XPO Logistics Extending Home Delivery Service to Europe?,,"XPO 물류, 유럽으로 홈 딜리버리 서비스 확대" 6478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crestwood Announces Quarterly Distribution and Schedules First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release Date?,,"크레스트우드, 분기 배당금 발표 및 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 일정 공지" 5831,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘God Save Texas’ Review: A Lone Star State of Mind?,,‘텍사스를 구하소서’ 리뷰: 외로운 별 주의 감성? 5009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barclays and Paypal announce tie-up as banks mull big tech threat?,,"바클레이스와 페이팔, 은행들이 빅테크의 위협을 고민하는 가운데 제휴 발표" 1568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Roche Holding Ag Says ‍Roche And Ge Enter Partnership To Develop Integrated Digital Diagnostics​?,,BRIEF-Roche Holding AG는 로슈와 GE가 통합 디지털 진단 개발을 위한 파트너십을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Founders of Top 10-Ranked Boutique Bank for Tech M&A Announce Launch of Nfluence Partners?,,"테크 M&A를 위한 상위 10위권 부티크 은행 창립자들, Nfluence Partners 출범 발표" 2869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer - Koeman hoping for new talent to take place of old guard?,,"축구 - 코우만, 구세대의 자리를 대신할 새로운 인재를 기대하다." 7548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DBV Technologies Reports Cash position of 234.5 Million Euros at end March?,,"브리프-DBV 테크놀로지스, 3월 말 현금 보유액 2억 3,450만 유로 보고" 7743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Schneiderman Is Out and the Jockeying to Replace Him Has Begun?,,슈나이더맨이 물러났고 그를 대체하기 위한 경쟁이 시작되었다. 3075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea says to join forces to normalize GM's Korea unit?,,"한국, GM의 한국 법인 정상화를 위해 힘을 합치기로 밝혔다." 7546,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WEEKAHEAD-AFRICA-FX-Kenya Shilling seen on back foot, Zambian Kwacha firm?",,"WEEKAHEAD-AFRICA-FX-케냐 ش링은 약세 예상, 잠비아 쿼차는 강세 예상?" 9348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor's Prelim 2017 Net Profit Up 39.3 Pct Y/Y?,,"브리프-천진중환반도체, 2017년 prelim 순이익이 전년 대비 39.3% 증가." 8242,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arrest of Lotte chairman spark fears of leadership vacuum, shares tumble?",,"롯데 회장 체포로 인한 리더십 공백 우려, 주식 급락" 4216,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour 250, Quito Men's Singles Results?",,"ATP 월드 투어 250, 키토 남자 단식 결과는 무엇일까요?" 6886,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RAKUS to buy software service firm blaynmail for 1.58 bln yen?,,"브리프-RAKUS, 1,580억 엔에 소프트웨어 서비스 회사 블레인메일 인수 계획" 5378,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: $110 Million Multifamily Asset in Phoenix Sold by IPA?,,$1억 1천만 달러 규모의 멀티패밀리 자산이 피닉스에서 IPA에 의해 매각되었다. 5132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bill Bradley appointed to first state cybersecurity commission?,,"빌 브래들리, 제1회 주 정부 사이버 보안 위원회에 임명됨" 4747,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Australia's Ainsworth Game halves H2 profit estimate, shares plunge?",,"UPDATE 1-호주 Ainsworth Game, 하반기 이익 예상 절반으로 감소, 주식 폭락" 4473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taliban fighters close in on provincial city in western Afghanistan?,,탈레반 전투원들이 아프가니스탄 서부의 한 지방 도시로 접근하고 있다. 9357,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frank Oelerich Joins XMS Capital Partners as Managing Director?,,"프랭크 오엘러리히, XMS 캐피탈 파트너스의 상무이사로 합류" 7991,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks to Watch: GE, Qualcomm, Facebook, Starbucks, United Technologies, Tesla, Snap - MoneyBeat - WSJ?",,"주목해야 할 주식: GE, 퀄컴, 페이스북, 스타벅스, 유나이티드 테크놀로지스, 테슬라, 스냅 - 머니비트 - WSJ" 5585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CBI arrests three people in PNB fraud case - source?,,"CBI, PNB 사기 사건에서 세 명 체포 - 소식통" 9714,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Camping World Continues Expansion of RV Dealer Network with Planned Acquisition of Dixie RV Superstore in Newport News, Virginia?",,"캠핑 월드, 버지니아주 뉴포트 뉴스에 있는 딕시 RV 슈퍼스토어 인수 계획으로 RV 딜러 네트워크 확장을 지속한다." 9975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Melia Hotels International To Propose Dividend Of 0.1681 Euro Gross Per Share?,,"BRIEF-메리아 호텔 인터내셔널, 주당 0.1681 유로 총 배당금 제안 예정" 7635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Buoyant retailers lead European shares higher?,,활기찬 소매업체들이 유럽 주식 상승을 이끌다 2190,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung Elec shares open at 53,000 won each after 50:1 stock split?",,"삼성전자 주식이 50:1 액면 분할 후 주당 53,000원에 거래를 시작하다." 8089,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No right answer in Yanny/Laurel debate, says doctor?",,"""의사가 말하는 Yanny/Laurel 논쟁에는 정답이 없다""" 343,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bayern's Vidal needs knee surgery, ruled out for short-term-club?",,"바이에른 뮌헨의 비달, 무릎 수술 필요로 하며 단기 결장 확정 - 클럽" 5746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Future weapons: Lockheed Martin pitches new war tech to Pentagon?,,"미래 무기: 록히드 마틴, 펜타곤에 새로운 전쟁 기술을 제안하다." 6148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspects in Palestinian killing still in Malaysia: police?,,말레이시아에 여전히 있는 팔레스타인 피살 용의자들: 경찰 8876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China offers to buy more U.S. semiconductors to cut trade surplus: FT?,,"중국, 무역 흑자 감소를 위해 더 많은 미국 반도체 구매 제안: FT" 34,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea talks: what, when and where??",,"북한 회담: 무엇을, 언제, 어디서?" 5084,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHIFT Communications Names Jennifer Purcell As Vice President?,,"SHIFT 커뮤니케이션즈, 제니퍼 퍼셀을 부사장으로 임명" 78,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motorhead's 'Fast Eddie' Clarke dies at 67?,,"모터헤드의 '패스트 에디' 클락, 67세로 사망" 6031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cathay Financial Holding unit acquires 1.8 mln shares of Renesas Electronics for 1.72 bln yen?,,"Cathay Financial Holding의 자회사, 류네사 전자 주식 180만 주를 17억 2000만 엔에 인수." 9581,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A $600,000 mistake taught Jon Taffer of 'Bar Rescue' a key lesson about success?",,"""바 구조대""의 존 태퍼가 성공에 대한 중요한 교훈을 안겨준 60만 달러의 실수?" 5620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- British Business - Feb 27?,,제목: PRESS DIGEST- 영국 비즈니스 - 2월 27일의 뉴스 기사는 어떤 내용일 수 있을까요? 3598,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Attack on Chinese billionaire exposes growing racial divide in Malaysia?,,중국 억만장자에 대한 공격이 말레이시아의 커져가는 인종 분열을 드러낸다. 7301,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST-Canada-Feb 14?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""PRESS DIGEST-Canada-Feb 14""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 1970,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa kidnappers demand ransom in bitcoin to free teenager?,,남아프리카 공화국 유괴범들이 10대 소년을 석방하기 위해 비트코인으로 ransom을 요구하다. 511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PGA Fedex Cup FedEx Cup Rankings?,,PGA 페덱스컵 페덱스컵 순위에 대한 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일 수 있을까요? 6294,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blockchain project raises $61 million from Andreessen Horowitz, U.S. hedge fund?",,"블록체인 프로젝트, 앤드리슨 호로위츠와 미국 헤지펀드로부터 6천 1백만 달러 모금" 8183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zambia cholera epidemic continues to slow as number of deaths declines?,,잠비아 콜레라 전염병이 계속 둔화되고 사망자 수가 감소하고 있다는 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 5363,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-US STOCKS-Wall St wavers after strong rally, tech stocks struggle (March 27)?",,"정정됨 - 미국 주식 - 월스트리트, 강한 반등 후 망설이며 기술 주식은 부진 (3월 27일)" 4153,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea says North Korea committed to 'complete' denuclearisation, summit with Trump?",,"한국, 북한이 '완전한' 비핵화에 전념했다고 밝혔고, 트럼프와의 정상회담이 예정돼 있다." 2622,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Starbucks And Chase Launch Starbucks Rewards Visa Card?,,스타벅스와 체이스가 스타벅스 리워드 비자 카드를 출시하다. 7280,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dalmac Energy Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.02?,,"달맥 에너지, 분기 손실 주당 0.02달러 발생" 8109,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Medical Properties Trust, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast?",,"메디컬 프로퍼티즈 트러스트, 인크. 첫 분기 2018 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 발표" 4023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Athletics: Coleman stock continues to rise with record indoor dash?,,육상: 콜맨의 주가가 기록적인 실내 스프린트로 계속 상승 중 7047,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. labels China, Russia, Iran and North Korea 'morally reprehensible' over rights?",,"미국, 중국, 러시아, 이란 및 북한을 인권 문제에 대해 '도덕적으로 경악스러운' 국가로 규명하다." 4612,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pentagon stops selling Huawei, ZTE phones in its bases, cites security?",,"펜타곤, 보안 문제로 기지에서 화웨이, ZTE 전화 판매 중단" 9100,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Firm Capital American Realty Partners Corp. Reports Improved Fourth Quarter and Year End Results?,,퍼스트 캐피털 아메리칸 리얼티 파트너스 Corp.가 개선된 4분기 및 연간 실적을 보고했습니다. 7830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 2018 Hospital Merger and Acquisition Activity Continues Rapid Pace with 30 Announced Transactions in the First Quarter?,,2018년 병원 합병 및 인수 활동이 빠른 속도로 이어져 1분기 동안 30건의 거래가 발표되었다. 5456,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: B2Gold Reports Record Fourth Quarter and Full-Year Gold Production in 2017; New Fekola Mine Produces 111,450 Ounces in 2017 During Ramp-up, 123% Above Budget?",,"B2Gold, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 금 생산량 기록 보고; 뉴 페콜라 광산, 가동 중에 2017년 111,450온스 생산, 예산 대비 123% 증가." 9150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU court strikes a blow for more transparency in EU legislation process?,,"EU 법원, EU 입법 과정의 투명성을 위한 타격을 입히다." 9129,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US tractor maker Deere upgrades 2018 outlook on improving equipment demand?,,"미국 트랙터 제조업체 Deere, 장비 수요 개선으로 2018년 전망 상향 조정" 6656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jordan Commercial Bank FY Profit Falls?,,브리프 - 요르단 상업은행 FY(회계연도) 이익 감소 2701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: James Hardie Expects to Complete Acquisition of Fermacell in Early April?,,"제임스 하디, 페르마셀 인수 완료를 4월 초로 예상" 632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF- Yintai Resources sees FY 2018 H1 net profit up 207.39 pct?,,"브리프 - 인타이 자원, 2018 회계연도 상반기 순익 207.39% 증가 전망" 4085,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michael Kors forecasts annual profit largely below estimates?,,"마이클 코어스, 연간 수익 예상치를 크게 밑도는 예측 발표" 6108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Bunge files to list Brazilian sugar and ethanol business?,,"Bunge, 브라질의 설탕 및 에탄올 사업 상장 신청 기자회견 업데이트 1" 6665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Treasury Sec. Mnuchin: There may be more countries exempted from the tariffs?,,재무장관 므누신: 더 많은 국가가 관세 면제를 받을 수도 있다? 3249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Koreas agree to pursue trilateral talks with US?,,"한국, 미국과의 삼자 회담을 추진하기로 합의하다." 1534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's what to look for in Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholders?,,워렌 버핏의 연간 주주 서한에서 무엇을 주목해야 하는지에 대한 내용은 다음과 같습니다. 5151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cheers! The British community-owned pub serving shots of social care?,,건배! 사회 복지를 제공하는 영국 지역 사회 소유의 펍. 5679,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kawauchi to turn pro after Boston Marathon win - local media?,,"카와우치, 보스턴 마라톤 우승 후 프로 전향 - 현지 언론" 7345,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Canada's OLG Extends Instant Games Contract With Scientific Games?,,캐나다 OLG가 Scientific Games와 즉석 게임 계약을 연장했다는 간략한 소식 7958,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quaker Chemical Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"퀘이커 화학, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 8752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-IEG Holdings Corp Announces Commencement Of Tender Offer For Shares Of LendingClub Corp?,,"브리프-IEG 홀딩스 Corp, LendingClub Corp의 주식에 대한 청약 제안 시작 발표" 8382,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congo says 3 new Ebola cases confirmed in large city?,,"콩고, 대도시에서 3건의 새로운 에볼라 사례 확인 발표" 6089,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia orders 60 U.S. diplomats to leave by April 5?,,"러시아, 4월 5일까지 미국 외교관 60명에게 떠나라고 명령하다." 6509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Northrop Grumman Corp - Q1 Sales Increase 5 Pct To $6.7 Bln?,,브리프-노스럽 그루먼 주식회사 - 1분기 매출 5% 증가하여 67억 달러 달성 7055,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OPEC seeking 10-20 year agreement with Russia, says Reuters?",,"로이터에 따르면 OPEC, 러시아와 10-20년 협정 체결 고려 중" 6768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pentanova Energy Appoints Ralph Gillcrist As CEO?,,"BRIEF-펜타노바 에너지, 랠프 길크리스트를 CEO로 임명한다." 6143,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aguero will be fine for World Cup, says Guardiola?",,"""아구에로는 월드컵에 문제없을 것이라고 과르디올라가 말했습니다.""" 9230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Small Biz’s #MeToo Problem?,,중소기업의 #MeToo 문제? 3315,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kia Motors targets annual car sales of 300,000 in India from 2021?",,"기아차, 2021년 인도에서 연간 30만 대 판매 목표 설정" 1655,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway's top oil drilling union agrees wage deal, smaller union undecided?",,"노르웨이의 주요 석유 시추 노조, 임금 협상 합의; 소규모 노조는 미결정" 2309,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Ricciardo wants two-year deal because of F1 uncertainty?,,"모터 레이싱 - 리카르도, F1 불확실성 때문에 2년 계약 원하는 이유" 8401,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong Monetary Authority intervenes as its dollar weakens?,,홍콩 금융관리국이 자금 약세에 개입하다. 2377,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alpine skiing: What to look out for in the women's giant slalom?,,알프스 스키: 여자 자이언트 슬라롬에서 주목해야 할 사항은 무엇인가? 6403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Bytedance seals BuzzFeed tie-up amid online content crackdown?,,"중국의 바이트댄스, 온라인 콘텐츠 단속 속에서 버즈피드 제휴 체결" 6888,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: As Vatican and China talk, Taiwan looks on nervously?",,바티칸과 중국이 대화하는 가운데 대만은 긴장된 시선으로 지켜본다. 2690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mixed fortunes for Commerzbank & Credit Agricole?,,혼합된 운명: Commerzbank와 Credit Agricole의 소식 7934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tolliver carries Pistons to rout of Bulls?,,"톨리버, 피스톤스가 불스를 압도적으로 이끄는 경기" 431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MLB Players Union Accuses Four Teams of Mishandling Revenue-Sharing Funds?,,"MLB 선수 노조, 4개 구단의 수익 분배 자금 관리 부실 비난" 8196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia condemns new U.S. sanctions on North Korea?,,러시아는 북한에 대한 새로운 미국 제재를 비난한다. 3404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Freehold Royalties Q1 FFO Per Share C$0.27?,,"브리프 - 프리홀드 로열티, 1분기 주당 FFO C$0.27 발표" 1888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'There is no deleveraging in China'?,,중국에서 디레버리징은 존재하지 않는다. 9881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Astreya Names Monica Hushen CFO/COO?,,"Astreya, 모니카 후센을 CFO/COO로 임명하다" 8936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mixed Martial Arts: Holloway replaces injured Ferguson in UFC title bout?,,혼합 무술: 할로웨이가 부상당한 퍼거슨을 대신해 UFC 타이틀 전투에 나선다. 3969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Datronix Holdings ‍Expects FY Profit Attributable To Increase​?,,"다트로닉스 홀딩스, FY 수익 증가 예상" 7389,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google Flights Will Now Tell You About Airline Flight Delays | Fortune?,,구글 플라이트가 이제 항공사 비행 지연에 대해 알려줍니다 | 포춘 3731,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysian PM Najib sparks storm of criticism over comment on quinoa?,,"말레이시아 총리 나집, 퀴노아에 대한 언급으로 비판의 물결을 일으키다." 8286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poisoned umbrellas and tea - fates of Kremlin foes?,,독극물로 된 우산과 차 - 크렘린 반대파들의 운명? 3912,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's H-Energy aims for commercial start-up of LNG terminal by Q4 - exec?,,"인도의 H-Energy, 4분기 LNG 터미널 상업적 가동 목표 - 경영진" 4254,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Summit scrapped, Trump warns Kim?",,"정상 회담 취소, 트럼프가 김정은에게 경고하다" 633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's how Jay Leno refuses to spend his money?,,여기 제이 레노가 그의 돈을 쓰는 것을 거부하는 방법이 있습니다. 4512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top EU legal adviser: Keep ban on smokeless snus tobacco?,,최고 EU 법률 자문관: 스누스 담배 금지를 유지해야 한다? 9486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-South African miner Harmony Gold's H1 profit rises 49 pct?,,"UPDATE 1-남아프리카 광산업체 하모니 골드, 상반기 이익 49% 증가" 6931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Avnet Reports Q2 Earnings Per Share $0.47 From Continuing Operations?,,"브리프-아브넷, 계속 운영에서 주당 순이익 $0.47 보고" 4537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Access Bank Posts Q1 Pretax Profit Of 27.44 Bln Naira?,,"BRIEF-액세스 뱅크, 1분기 세전 이익 274억 나이라 게시" 2181,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Electric vehicles a ‘fantastic opportunity’ for ABB, CEO says?",,전기차는 ABB에게 '환상적인 기회'라고 CEO가 말했습니다. 1785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Modi accepts fitness challenge but faces opposition backlash?,,"모디, 피트니스 챌린지를 수락하지만 야당의 반발에 직면하다?" 163,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ballard Provides Comments On Short-Seller Report?,,BRIEF-Ballard는 공매도 보고서에 대한 내용에 대해 의견을 발표합니다. 8335,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asian shares slip as Tillerson exit, tariffs raise protectionism fears?",,아시아 주식이 티러슨의 퇴출과 관세로 인해 보호무역주의 우려가 커지면서 하락하다 4590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Self-millionaire founder of Shipt recommends two books on success?,,자신이 백만장자가 된 Shipt의 창립자가 성공에 관한 두 권의 책을 추천하다. 1184,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Proposed steel tariff could impact Exxon Mobil refinery expansion: source?,,"""제안된 철강 관세가 엑손 모빌 정유소 확장에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 소식""" 7554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GoldMining Completes Acquisition of Additional Gold Claims Contiguous with its Yellowknife Gold Project?,,GoldMining이 Yellowknife 금 프로젝트와 인접한 추가 금 자산 인수를 완료했습니다. 2796,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Transcontinental Reports Q1 EPS Of $0.75?,,"브리프 - 트랜스컨티넨탈, 1분기 주당순이익 $0.75 보고" 4803,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tianjin Realty Development Group unit to buy properties?,,간략하게 - Tianjin Realty Development Group의 자회사가 부동산을 구매한다. 2263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some Mayors Skip Meeting With Trump Amid New Pressure on Sanctuary Cities?,,"트럼프와의 회의를 건너뛰는 일부 시장들, 피난처 도시들에 대한 새로운 압박 속에서" 5764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MUFG to book half-billion-dollar writedown on branch closings: sources?,,"MUFG, 지점 폐쇄로 5억 달러 손실 인식할 예정: 소식 통에 따르면" 1807,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EQUITY ALERT: Rosen Law Firm Announces Filing of Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against ADT Inc. – ADT?,,"주식 경고: 로젠 법률 사무소, ADT Inc.에 대한 증권 집단 소송 제기 발표 – ADT" 3248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products announces 2017 dividend payment plan?,,브리프 - 셴젠 강타이 생물제품이 2017년 배당금 지급 계획을 발표합니다. 23,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Klemencic Joins Ankura as Managing Director?,,"스티브 클레멘칙, 앙쿠라에서 상무 이사로 합류" 3554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Innogy CEO says losing staff due to split-up fears?,,"UPDATE 2-인노기 CEO, 분할 우려로 직원 이탈 발생한다고 말하다." 5333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-TSMC forecasts record 2018 revenue on cryptocurrency boom?,,"UPDATE 2-TSMC, 암호화폐 호황으로 2018년 역대 최고 매출 예상" 2915,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 10-year Treasury can get to 4% before it punishes stocks: J.P. Morgan?,,"""10년 만기 국채가 4%에 도달할 수 있지만 주식에 타격을 주지는 않을 것: J.P. 모건""" 1833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gold inches up as trade fears weigh on stocks?,,주식에 대한 무역 우려로 금이 소폭 상승하다. 6844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNN Reporter Helps New Year's Eve Reveler With Bong in Colorado: Watch | Fortune?,,"CNN 기자, 콜로라도에서 새해맞이 축하객의 봉을 도와줘: 시청하세요 | 포ortune" 2038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sensata Technologies Announces Date and Time of Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Earnings Release and Webcast?,,"센사타 테크놀로지스, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표 및 웹캐스트 날짜와 시간 발표" 3591,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TPI Composites, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings?",,"TPI Composites, Inc.가 2018년 첫 분기 실적을 발표하다." 2189,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea, Geopolitical Ground Zero, Sees Market Rally—But For How Long??",,"한국, 지정학적 지각변동의 최전선에서 시장 랠리 발생—하지만 얼마나 지속될까?" 2630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Roto-Gro International ‍Requests Trading Halt?,,"브리프-로토-그로 인터내셔널, 거래 중단 요청" 5310,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India allocates $1.5 billion for ""Modicare"" health insurance?",,"인도, '모디케어' 건강보험에 15억 달러 할당" 1602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Giuliani wants limits for Trump interview in Russia probe?,,"긍정적이지만 제한적인 트럼프 인터뷰를 원하고 있는 줄리아니, 러시아 조사에 대해" 3807,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street gains on Fed's moderate approach to inflation?,,"월가, 연준의 온건한 인플레이션 대응에 힘입어 상승" 8179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-ECB may start tweaking policy message in early 2018: minutes?,,UPDATE 1-ECB는 2018년 초 정책 메시지를 조정하기 시작할 수 있습니다: 의사록 5013,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scientists reconstruct face of 9,000 year-old Greek teenager?",,"과학자들이 9,000년 된 그리스 청소년의 얼굴을 재구성하다." 6352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify relies on music labels for most of its music. That may change.?,,스포티파이는 대부분의 음악을 음악 레이블에 의존하고 있다. 이것은 변할 수 있다. 4821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Waxman Strategies Expands Fast-Growing Health Policy Practice?,,"왁스맨 전략, 빠르게 성장 중인 건강 정책 실천 확장" 6734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: raceAhead: Happy Anniversary RaceAhead?,,raceAhead: 행복한 기념일 RaceAhead? 1225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- New York Times business news - March 7?,,"뉴스 기사 제목이 ""PRESS DIGEST- New York Times business news - March 7""인 경우, 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다." 3862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TANSH Global Food Group Says Unit Intends To Sell Stake In Million Rank?,,"TANSH 글로벌 푸드 그룹, 자회사 밀리언 랭크 지분 매각 의향 밝혀" 8410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HRPA Announces Louise Taylor Green as new CEO?,,"HRPA, 루이즈 테일러 그린을 새 CEO로 발표하다." 9799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Advini Acquires Majority Of Stellenbosch Vineyards?,,"브리프 - 아디니, 스텔렌보스 와이너리의 대다수 지분 인수" 2098,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP Announces $60 Million Acquisition of Assets Subject to its Right of First Offer from Sponsor?,,"랜드마크 인프라스트럭처 파트너스 LP, 스폰서로부터 제안권을 가진 자산 인수 발표 - 6천만 달러." 6435,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tech giant Microsoft announces massive purchase of solar power in Virginia?,,기술 대기업 마이크로소프트가 버지니아에서 대규모 태양광 에너지 구매를 발표하다. 3458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A look inside one swag bag sent to some Oscar nominees?,,오스카 후보자들에게 보내진 스웩 백 한 개의 내용 살펴보기 2953,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia shares end at over 2-wk high on Xi's speech, resources firms; NZ up?",,"호주 주식, 시진핑의 연설과 자원 기업 덕분에 2주 넘게 최고치로 마감; 뉴질랜드 상승." 3825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Meghan Markle's father says now hopes to attend royal wedding?,,"메건 마클의 아버지, 이제 왕실 결혼식에 참석하기를 바란다고 나서다." 4291,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two-thirds of gender pay gap cannot be explained, says ONS?",,영국 통계청(ONS)에 따르면 성별 임금 격차의 3분의 2는 설명할 수 없다고 한다. 5184,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Medtronic Announces 1-Year Results From Cryo4persistent AF Study Of Ablation With Arctic Front Advance Cryoballoon?,,"BRIEF-Medtronic, Arctic Front Advance Cryoballoon으로 Ablation한 Cryo4persistent AF 연구의 1년 결과 발표" 2775,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel's Spacecom to buy new communications satellite from SSL?,,"이스라엘의 스페이스컴, SSL로부터 새로운 통신 위성 구매 예정" 5592,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU sets import duties on Chinese corrosion-resistant steel?,,"EU, 중국 부식 방지 강철에 수입 세금 부과決정" 63,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wider Image: Hope trundles into remote hamlets on India's hospital train?,,넓은 이미지: 인도의 병원 기차가 외진 마을로 희망을 실어 나릅니다. 4064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nigeria's Oando says it is working to resolve disputes?,,"""나이지리아의 오안도, 분쟁 해결을 위해 노력하고 있다고 발표""" 8019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The new weapon against demons - cellphones?,,악마에 맞서는 새로운 무기 - 휴대전화? 447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boko Haram frees scores of abducted Nigerian schoolgirls after month in captivity?,,"""보코 하람, 한 달의 억제 후 나이지리아 여학생 수십 명을 풀어주다""" 6308,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rusal CEO, board members quit as company warns on debt payments?",,"루살 CEO와 이사회 멤버들이 퇴임, 회사가 채무 지급 경고 발동" 7235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Federal Mogul Izmit Q1 Net Profit Doubles To 7.6 Million Lira?,,"브리핑 - 페더럴 모굴 이즈미트, 1분기 순익 760만 리라로 두 배 증가." 1240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aedifica Announces Agreement For Construction Of Care Residence In Netherlands?,,"브리핑-에디피카, 네덜란드에서 요양시설 건설 계약 발표" 2651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia studying response to U.S. sanctions - deputy PM?,,"러시아, 미국의 제재에 대한 대응 검토 중 - 부총리" 6029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sears raises $100 mln in new funding?,,"시어스, 새로운 자금으로 1억 달러 모금" 2274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IPL Scoreboard?,,IPL 점수판? 4893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cann Group Advises That It Has Not Received Any Proposal For A Takeover Bid From Aurora?,,브리프 - 캔그룹은 오로라로부터 인수 제안을 받지 않았다고 알림. 2260,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daily Mail owner says cautious on the full-year due to tough ad market?,,"데일리 메일 소유주, 어려운 광고 시장으로 인해 연간 실적에 대해 신중하다고 밝혀." 8327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK housing starts fall 14 pct in Q1 2018 - NHBC?,,2018년 1분기 영국 주택 착공이 14% 감소 - NHBC 1564,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Madrid blocks Catalan councillors as stand-off drags on?,,마드리드가 카탈루냐 위원들을 차단하며 대치가 계속된다? 7660,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suzhou Anjie Technology's 2017 Net Profit Up 1.1 Percent Y/Y At 391.5 Million Yuan?,,"간단한 소식 - Suzhou Anjie Technology의 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 1.1% 증가한 3억 9,150만 위안." 1324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least one dead as bus carrying students plunges into Alabama ravine?,,"앨라배마 협곡으로 추락한 학생들 태운 버스, 최소 1명 사망" 4463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Class Editori Sells Minority Stake in Telesia SpA to StarTIP Srl?,,"브리프-클래스 에디토리, 스타TIP Srl에 테레시아 SpA의 소수 지분 판매" 6361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SE Asia Stocks-Most slump; Malaysia extends losses amid economic uncertainty?,,"동남아시아 주식 - 대부분 하락; 말레이시아, 경제 불확실성 속에서 손실 확대" 1675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Elan Microelectronics to pay annual dividend for 2017?,,"브리프-엘란 마이크로일렉트로닉스, 2017년 연간 배당금 지급 예정" 5405,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify cuts R. Kelly music from playlists, cites policy?",,"스포티파이, R. 켈리 음악을 플레이리스트에서 삭제하며 정책을 인용하다." 7130,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump economic adviser says U.S., China trade deal likely: Fox Business?",,"트럼프 경제 고문, 미국과 중국의 무역 거래 가능성이 높다고 언급: 폭스 비즈니스" 5400,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-WRAPUP 2-Job creator, or job killer? Trump angers solar installers with panel tariff?",,"RPT-WRAPUP 2-일자리 창출자, 아니면 일자리 파괴자? 트럼프, 패널 관세로 태양광 설치업체들 분노하게 해." 1823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nigeria begins marketing dual-tranche US dollar bond offering?,,"나이지리아, 이중 트렌치 미화 채권 발행 마케팅 시작" 1805,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: To a certain extent, Trump is right on trade, says Flassbeck-Economics director?",,"""어느 정도, 트럼프가 무역 문제에 대해 옳다고 말하는 플라스벡 경제학 디렉터""" 847,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Curling: Stunned Canada out of women's competition?,,"컬링: 충격적인 캐나다, 여성 대회에서 탈락?" 8631,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: ComScore taps Bryan Wiener CEO as it looks to move beyond accounting issues?,,"월스트리트 저널: 컴스코어, 회계 문제를 넘어선 성장 모색으로 브라이언 위너를 CEO로 발탁" 7785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corporate treasuries were the main cause of market recovery?,,기업 재무부가 시장 회복의 주된 원인이었다. 3983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Russian bank VTB makes record profit in first quarter?,,"UPDATE 2-러시아 은행 VTB, 첫 분기에 기록적인 이익을 올리다" 3426,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grand Slam, Australian Open Mixed Doubles Results?",,"그랜드 슬램, 호주 오픈 혼합 복식 결과?" 798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PULSE BEVERAGE ACQUIRES INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION FOR ITS NATURAL CABANA® COCONUT WATERS?,,"펄스 음료, 자연 카바나® 코코넛 워터의 국제 유통권 인수" 6789,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GardaWorld Announces Preliminary Results for the Fiscal Year Ended January 31, 2018?",,"가르다월드, 2018년 1월 31일로 종료된 회계연도에 대한 잠정 결과 발표" 3884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pitney Bowes Reports Q1 Adjusted EPS $0.30?,,"브리프 - 핏니 보우스, 1분기 조정 EPS $0.30 보고" 784,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump lawyer demands a retraction over Michael Wolff Fire and Fury book?,,트럼프 변호사가 마이클 울프의 '화염과 분노' 책에 대한 정정을 요구하다. 9081,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Emerson And Aspentech To Form Alliance To Deliver Digital Technologies?,,"브리프 - 에머슨과 애스펜테크, 디지털 기술 제공을 위한 협력 체결" 1668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FEMSA Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,FEMSA가 2018년 첫 분기 실적을 발표하다. 3751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: St. James's Place posts 36 pct increase in FY operating profit?,,"세인트 제임스 플레스, FY 운영 이익 36% 증가 발표" 454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Theresa May to urge Trump to avoid London protests during UK visit: The Sun?,,"""테레사 메이, 트럼프에게 영국 방문 중 런던 시위를 피할 것을 촉구하다: 더 선""" 8114,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Secretary DeVos, Walmart heirs and other investors reportedly lost over $600 million on Theranos?",,"데보스 장관, 월마트 상속자 및 기타 투자자들이 테라노스에서 6억 달러 이상을 잃었다고 보도되었다." 5485,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Transocean Shareholders Approve Acquisition Of Songa Offshore SE?,,"BRIEF-트랜스오션 주주, 송가 오프쇼어 SE 인수 승인" 7657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‍VillageMD Says Closed An $80 Million Growth Capital Financing Round?,,VillageMD가 8천만 달러 규모의 성장 자본 자금 조달 라운드를 마감했다고 발표했습니다. 3174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SS&C Technologies Reports First Quarter 2018 Earnings?,,"브리프 - SS&C 테크놀로지스, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 1403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway's new home fell 14 pct yr/yr in Dec?,,노르웨이의 새로운 주택이 12월에 작년 대비 14% 하락했다. 8627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gray Television Reports Q4 Earnings Of $2.13 Per Share?,,"간략하게 - 그레이 텔레비전, 주당 2.13달러의 4분기 수익 보고" 6439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nurse comes through again for Oilers in OT win?,,간호사가 다시 한번 오일러스의 연장전 승리에 기여하다. 5650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spirit Airlines asks FAA for ground stop for all its flights?,,"스피리트 항공, 모든 항공편에 대한 지상 정지를 FAA에 요청하다." 4595,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Judge tosses GM settlement on ignition switch?,,"재판관, GM의 점화 스위치에 대한 합의 무효화" 9547,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Arbuthnot Banking's full-year profit jumps on surge in lending?,,"UPDATE 1-아버트노트 뱅킹, 대출 급증으로 연간 이익 급증" 8414,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sea change in Korean relations? Not at this beachside villa?,,한국 관계의 바다 변화? 이 해변가 빌라는 아닐까? 4109,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Protest in Kabul as Afghan officials press Pakistan over attacks?,,"카불에서 시위, 아프간 관리들이 파키스탄에 공격에 대한 압박을 가하다." 2789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia PM to drop high-speed rail project with Singapore -FT?,,"말레이시아 총리, 싱가포르와의 고속철도 프로젝트 중단 예정 - FT" 9347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CrownRock Announces Private Offering of Additional Senior Notes Due 2025?,,"CrownRock, 2025년 만기 추가 선순위 채권의 사모 발행 발표" 1126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fiction Chronicle: Lives Everlasting?,,피션 크로니클: 영원한 삶들 3363,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thomson Reuters will announce Full-Year and Fourth-Quarter 2017 Earnings Results as scheduled on February 8, 2018 and has cancelled its previously scheduled webcast?",,"톰슨 로이터는 2018년 2월 8일에 예정대로 2017년 전체 및 4분기 실적을 발표할 예정이며, 이전에 예정된 웹캐스트를 취소했습니다." 6081,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing to team up with India's HAL and Mahindra for fighter jet?,,"보잉, 인도 HAL 및 마힌드라와 전투기 공동 개발 나선다" 7950,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RYU Apparel Reports First Quarter 2018 Results, 94% Revenue Increase?",,"RYU 의류, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표, 94% 매출 증가" 9369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carl Icahn in selling mode: Is this an ominous market signal??,,"칼 아이칸, 매도 모드에 들어가다: 이것이 불길한 시장 신호일까?" 7026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Palatin Technologies Reports Q2 Earnings Per Share $0.01?,,"브리프-팔라틴 테크놀로지스, 2분기 주당순이익 $0.01 보고" 6278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-Progress towards settling corruption cases boosts Saudi?,,중동 주식-부패 사건 해결 진전이 사우디를 부양하다 6523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Jumanji' Stays At Top of Box Office While 'The Post' Opens Strong | Fortune?,,"'주만지', 박스오피스에서 1위 유지; '더 포스트' 강력하게 개봉 | 포춘" 9888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CSPi Reports Q1 Loss Per Share $0.32?,,"브리프- CSPi, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.32 보고." 1237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Flying Has Never Been Safer?,,비행이 그 어느 때보다 안전한 이유? 1527,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blueday Inc. announces Graeme Grant as CEO, and growth equity financing from Radian Capital?",,"Blueday Inc.가 그레임 그랜트를 CEO로 임명하고, 라디안 캐피탈로부터 성장 자본을 유치했다고 발표했습니다." 9057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada leads in team event as dazzling pairs make up for Chan's stumbl?,,"캐나다, 팀 이벤트에서 선두... 화려한 페어가 찬의 실수를 만회하다." 6949,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-MTU Aero eyes further profit rise in 2018, subject to A320neo?",,"UPDATE 1-MTU 에어로, A320neo에 따른 2018년 추가 이익 증가 기대" 2791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fine print in Trump solar tariff holds some good news for Tesla?,,트럼프 태양광 관세의 세부 조항이 테슬라에게 좋은 소식을 전하다 4685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NYSE to launch new NYSE National exchange in second quarter?,,NYSE는 두 번째 분기에 새로운 NYSE National 거래소를 출시할 예정입니다. 35,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Finacity And ING Bank NV, Sucursal En España Facilitate IFRS Off-Balance Sheet Securitization?",,"BRIEF-피내시티와 ING 은행 NV, 스페인 지점이 IFRS 비대차 보안화 지원" 7924,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oceaneering Promotes Philip G. Beierl to Vice President, Advanced Technologies?",,"오션닝, 필립 G. 베이를 고급 기술 부사장으로 승진시키다." 2528,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Higher bond yields are here to stay, veteran investor Jack Ablin predicts?",,더 높은 채권 수익률이 지속될 것이라고 베테랑 투자자 잭 애블린이 예측했다. 53,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Private equity firm TPG close to investing in Anastasia -sources?,,"업데이트 1-프라이빗 에쿼티 기업 TPG, 아나스타시아에 투자할 것에 가까워져 - 소식통" 2030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greece shortlists seven groups for Egnatia motorway concession?,,"그리스, 에그나티아 고속도로 concession을 위해 7개 그룹을 선정하다." 462,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea says still pushing forward on other projects with North Korea?,,"한국, 북한과의 다른 프로젝트를 계속 추진 중이라고 말하다." 155,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Union Pacific Says CEO Lance Fritz's FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $13.8 Million?,,"브리핑 - 유니온 퍼시픽, CEO 론스 프리츠의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 1,380만 달러였다고 발표." 4588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis - Makarova stuns Ostapenko in sweltering Sydney?,,"테니스 - 마카로바, 찜통 같은 시드니에서 오스타펜코를 제압하다." 5498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dicker Data Appointed As Distributor For Commvault In Australia?,,"브리프 - 디커 데이터, 호주에서 컴볼트의 배급업체로 임명됨." 2565,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Libya's NOC declares force majeure on 70,000 bpd El Feel oilfield?",,"리비아 NOC, 70,000 배럴 일일 생산의 엘 필 유전에서 불가항력 선언" 652,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-France's Caisse Des Depots Says Rules Out Any Sale Of Icade Stake?,,프랑스의 Caisse Des Depots가 Icade 지분 매각을 전면 배제한다고 발표했습니다. 5494,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's Chubu Elec, Osaka Gas see no major impact from PNG LNG plant shutdown?",,"일본의 주부전력, 오사카 가스, PNG LNG 플랜트 셧다운에 따른 큰 영향 없다고 발표" 1737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pinnacle Foods Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"피나클 푸드 주식회사, 분기별 배당금 발표" 2567,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany wants to keep Iran nuclear deal, Merkel urges de-escalation?",,"독일은 이란 핵 거래를 유지하고 싶어하며, 메르켈은 긴장 완화를 촉구한다." 2214,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF- Daitobo signs syndicated loan contract for 3.8 bln yen?,,"브리프 - 다이토보, 3억8000만 엔 규모의 신디케이티드 론 계약 체결" 9295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DaehanPharmaceutical to buy land and buildings for 34 bln won?,,"대한약품, 340억 원에 토지 및 건물 매입 예정" 4950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wowprime says annual dividend payment plan for 2017?,,BRIEF-Wowprime은 2017년 연간 배당금 지급 계획을 발표했다고 전했다. 4969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Everbright Securities To Issue Up To 6.0 Billion Yuan Bonds?,,"BRIEF-이버브라이트 증권, 최대 60억 위안 규모의 채권 발행 계획" 4047,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opioid Shipments to Small Towns Come Under Spotlight at Hearing?,,소도시로의 오피오이드 배송이 청문회에서 주목받다 1733,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zayo Acquires Optic Zoo Networks?,,Zayo가 Optic Zoo Networks를 인수했다는 간단한 소식. 9299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin shows off Russia's hi-tech arms in hawkish speech?,,"푸틴, 강경한 연설에서 러시아의 첨단 무기를 과시하다" 8715,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DeVos, Long Opposed to Federal Gun Control, Takes on School Safety?",,"데보스, 연방 총기 규제를 오랫동안 반대해온 그녀가 학교 안전 문제에 나서다" 4826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Royal Century Resources Holdings Posts Qtrly Loss Attributable Of HK$4.9 Mln?,,"간략하게 - 로열 센추리 리소스 홀딩스, 분기 손실 HK$4.9 백만 보고" 3623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr joins Lincoln Institute of Land Policy board?,,"전 디트로이트 비상 관리자인 케빈 오르, 링컨 토지 정책 연구소 이사회 합류" 3033,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Single Set of Rockefeller Porcelain Just Sold for $1.8 Million at Auction?,,록펠러 도자기 한 세트가 경매에서 180만 달러에 팔렸다. 4055,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU piles pressure on internet giants to remove extremist content?,,EU가 인터넷 대기업에 극단주의 콘텐츠 제거 압박을 가하다 8292,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: When investors got scared, this bond market alarm bell on the economy went off?",,"투자자들이 겁먹었을 때, 경제에 대한 이 채권 시장 경고 신호가 울렸다." 4816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: House Republicans are retiring in droves. What's pushing them out??,,하원 공화당원들이 대거 은퇴하고 있다. 무엇이 그들을 내몰고 있는가? 9480,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clarks shoes made in Britain after 12-year hiatus?,,"클락스 신발, 12년 만에 영국에서 생산 재개" 2307,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford is basically giving up on US car business, and GM is not far behind?",,"포드는 사실상 미국 자동차 사업을 포기하고 있으며, GM도 그 뒤를 따르고 있다." 3593,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-If gold stays cool, perhaps so should you??",,"LIVE MARKETS-금이 차분하다면, 당신도 차분해야 할까요?" 4945,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ostapenko, Venus suffer shock Madrid exits, Svitolina, Pliskova advance?",,"오스타펜코, 베누스, 충격적인 마드리드 탈락; 스ヴィ톨리나, 플리스코바는 진출." 9801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Jr. met Gulf princes' emissary in 2016 who offered campaign help -NY Times?,,"트럼프 주니어, 2016년 캠페인 도움을 제안한 걸프 왕자 사절과 만남 - 뉴욕 타임스" 5452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WYNN RESORTS FORMS SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE SEXUAL MISCONDUCT ALLEGATIONS REPORTED IN WSJ AGAINST CHAIRMAN AND CEO STEVE WYNN -BOARD STATEMENT?,,"""윈 리조트, 회장 겸 CEO 스티브 윈에 대한 WSJ의 성희롱 혐의를 조사하기 위한 특별위원회 구성 - 이사회 성명""" 3039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Future of Moroccan Cuisine is Female?,,모로코 요리의 미래는 여성이다. 2768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Sopoaga penalty snatches dramatic Highlanders win at Bulls?,,"""럭비-소포아가의 페널티로 불스에서 극적인 하이랜더스 승리""" 7778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Biotech M&A boom sees Sanofi snapping up Ablynx?,,"바이오텍 M&A 붐, 사노피가 애블링크 인수" 4746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Ports Say Tariff Retaliation Could Cut Shipping Trade?,,"미국 항구, 관세 보복이 해상 무역을 줄일 수 있다고 경고" 8478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Damp squib or next commodity super-cycle? The Belt and Road dilemma: Russell?,,COLUMN-소기미 또는 다음 원자재 슈퍼 사이클? 일대일로 딜레마: 러셀? 4087,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ELS Declares Second Quarter Dividends?,,"ELS, 2분기 배당금 발표" 8514,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Legislators in Albany Hit Impasse on Gun Legislation?,,앨버니의 입법자들이 총기 법안에 대한 교착 상태에 빠졌다. 7972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Sudan rebel group releases 15 prisoners?,,"남수단 반군 그룹, 15명의 포로를 석방하다." 7065,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Basque separatist group ETA apologises to victims ahead of dissolution?,,"바스크 분리주의 그룹 ETA, 해체 앞두고 피해자들에게 사과" 1065,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SpaceX streams video of Tesla Roadster floating through space?,,"스페이스X, 우주를 떠다니는 테슬라 로드스터 비디오 스트리밍 진행" 7203,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Han Solo's hero blaster 'Jedi' movie gun up for auction?,,한 솔로의 영웅 블래스터 '제다이' 영화 총기 경매에 출품된다. 9967,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reuters poll - Britain's Brexit divorce skills get thumbs down: economists?,,로이터 여론조사 - 영국의 브렉시트 이혼 기술에 대한 경제학자들의 평가가 좋지 않다. 692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crown International Corp Appoints Li Yong Jun As Executive Director & Vice Chairman?,,"크라운 인터내셔널 코퍼레이션, 리용준을 전무 이사 겸 부회장으로 임명" 2060,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lpi Capital Bhd Says Qtrly Profit Attributable 83 Mln RGT?,,"브리프 - LPI 캐피탈 Bhd, 분기 이익 8300만 링깃으로 보고" 8025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify Filed Confidential IPO Papers With SEC: Report | Fortune?,,스포티파이가 SEC에 비공식 IPO 서류를 제출했다: 보도 | 포춘 9526,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX falls as financials, Celestica weigh?",,"캐나다 주식 - TSX, 금융주와 셀레스티카 부담으로 하락" 8316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hybio Pharmaceutical Sees 2017 Net Profit Up 20-50 Percent Y/Y?,,"간략한 소식 - 하이바이오 제약, 2017년 순이익 20-50% 증가 예상" 5328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AstraZeneca's asthma treatment ‍Fasenra approved In Japan​?,,브리핑 - 아스트라제네카의 천식 치료제 파센라가 일본에서 승인됨 3842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ten U.S. citizens killed in Costa Rica plane crash?,,코스타리카 비행기 추락 사건에서 미국인 10명 사망 2724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paris court rules Gilliam's Quixote film can be shown in Cannes?,,파리 법원이 길리엄의 돈키호테 영화가 칸에서 상영될 수 있다고 판결했다. 9889,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's bid for EDP is a pre-emptive strike against rivals: sources?,,"""중국의 EDP 인수는 경쟁자에 대한 선제적 공격이라는 소식: 소식통""" 7121,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump hails economy and ""new American moment""?",,"트럼프, 경제와 ""새로운 미국의 순간""을 찬양하다" 1083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Trump Fed nominee signals skepticism on QE?,,UPDATE 2-트럼프 연준 지명자는 양적 완화에 대한 회의적 시각을 내비쳤다. 5213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Melco International Development Says FY Profit Attributable HK$474.1 Million?,,"멜코 인터내셔널 개발, FY 순이익 4억7410만 홍콩달러 전했다." 9656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AbbVie in deal with Biogen to delay Humira biosimilar U.S. launch to 2023?,,"AbbVie, 바이오젠과 손잡고 휴미라 바이오시밀러 미국 출시 연기 합의." 8638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bioverativ Announces First Patient Dosed In Phase 3 Study Of BIVV009 For Cold Agglutinin Disease Treatment?,,"브리프 - 바이오베라티브, 콜드 응집소 질환 치료를 위한 BIVV009의 3상 연구에서 첫 번째 환자 투여 발표" 5391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PD leader Renzi has decided to resign - Ansa news agency?,,PD 당의 리더인 렌지가 사직하기로 결정했다 - 안사 통신사 8469,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ivory Coast aims to raise 1,310.7 bln CFA francs in 2018 bonds?",,"아이보리코스트, 2018채권에서 1,310.7억 CFA프랑을 모금할 계획" 3577,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Al Qaeda operative gets life sentence for killing soldiers, bomb plot?",,알 카에다 요원이 군인을 살해하고 폭탄 계획에 대해 무기징역형을 선고받다. 8801,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NZ honey maker Comvita in takeover talks, slashes FY forecast?",,"NZ 꿀 제조업체 Comvita, 인수 협상 중이며 FY 전망 대폭 하향 조정" 9381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bankruptcy Veteran H. Jeffrey Schwartz Joins McKool Smith?,,"파산 전문가 H. 제프리 슈워츠, 맥쿨 스미스 합류" 9697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Growing obsession: Palestinian stuffs pillows with 67 years of hair?,,점점 더 커지는 집착: 팔레스타인인이 67년의 머리카락으로 베개를 채운다. 1281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Secret Service responds to suspicious vehicle near White House?,,"미국 비밀경찰, 백악관 근처 의심스러운 차량에 응답하다." 6161,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China reports January exports imports trade data?,,"중국, 1월 수출입 무역 데이터 보고" 3172,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: We have to produce 60% more food by 2050, says former astronaut?",,2050년까지 60% 더 많은 식량을 생산해야 한다고 전 우주비행사가 말했습니다. 9940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Bannon said it was likely Trump met Russians at June 2016?,,스티브 배넌은 2016년 6월에 트럼프가 러시아 사람들을 만났을 가능성이 높다고 말했다. 9242,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CAS dismisses 47 appeals from Russian athletes, coaches?",,CAS가 러시아 선수 및 코치로부터 제기된 47건의 항소를 기각하다. 3281,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volcano Spews Lava, Ash as Philippine Officials Tell Residents: Stay Out?",,화산이 용암과 재를 내뿜자 필리핀 당국이 주민들에게 대피할 것을 권고합니다. 8070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BNY Mellon quarterly profit tops estimates?,,"BNY Mellon 분기 이익, 예상 초과 기록" 2888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Adairs Says H1 Net Profit Attributable $13.9 Million?,,"브리프 - 아데어스, H1 순이익 1,390만 달러 보고" 5907,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kennametal Names Lorraine Martin To Board Of Directors?,,"켄나메탈, 로레인 마틴 이사회를 새로 임명하다" 5947,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets are going wild, but small-cap stocks are holding up — here's the next move?",,"시장은 격렬하게 움직이고 있지만, 소형주들은 잘 버티고 있습니다 — 다음 조치는 무엇일까요?" 2843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Early deployment tied to increased suicide risk for soldiers?,,조기 배치가 군인의 자살 위험 증가와 연관되어 있다는 기사 내용들. 8617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus names Safran executive as head of helicopter unit?,,Airbus는 사프란 임원을 헬리콥터 부서 책임자로 임명했습니다. 7584,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hamilton contract delay has to be about money, says Red Bull boss?",,해밀턴 계약 지연은 돈과 관련이 있어야 한다고 레드불 사장이 말하다. 8745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Homeland Security unveils new cyber security strategy amid threats?,,"미국 국토안보부, 위협 속에서 새로운 사이버 보안 전략 발표" 8689,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spencer Technologies Acquires Certified Retail Solutions?,,"스펜서 테크놀로지스, 인증된 소매 솔루션 인수" 9070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Winmark Corporation Announces First Quarter Results?,,윈마크 주식회사가 1분기 실적 발표를 알립니다. 1958,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to unveil infrastructure plan Monday: White House official?,,"트럼프, 월요일에 인프라 계획 발표 예정: 백악관 관계자" 8561,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Industry Experienced Chief Marketing & Products Officer Joins Clavister to Fuel Commercial Growth?,,업계를 경험한 최고 마케팅 및 제품 책임자가 클라비스터에 합류하여 상업적 성장을 촉진하다. 7093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: High-end coffee growers reluctantly embrace bitter bean?,,"""고급 커피 재배자들이 마지못해 쓴 커피콩을 받아들이다.""" 2252,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Palestine Real Estate Investment FY Loss Widens?,,BRIEF-팔레스타인 부동산 투자 FY 손실 확대 4993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Resurs Holding: Resurs Bank To Carry Out Intra-Group Cross-Border Merger With yA Bank?,,브리프-레수르스 홀딩: 레수르스 은행이 yA 은행과 그룹 내부의 국경 간 합병을 실시할 예정입니다. 8003,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Japan to buy at least 20 more F-35A stealth fighters - sources?,,"단독: 일본, 최소 20대 이상의 F-35A 스텔스 전투기를 구매할 예정 - 소식통" 8686,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leucadia Exploring Sale of Meat Processor National Beef?,,"리카디아, 육류 가공업체 내셔널 비프 판매 탐색 중?" 6688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Advanced Micro Devices is a good buy for long-term investors?,,크래머: 고급 마이크로 장치(AMD)는 장기 투자자에게 좋은 매수 대상이다. 3847,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 5 People Who Could Define the Oil Market: OPEC, Elon Musk | Fortune?",,"5명의 사람들이 정의할 수 있는 석유 시장: OPEC, 엘론 머스크 | 포춘" 8511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Anxious Hong Kong Catholics told to make leap of faith over China deal?,,"불안해하는 홍콩 가톨릭 신자들, 중국과의 협정에 대한 믿음을 가질 것을 권고받다." 530,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nova to Report Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results on February 13, 2018?",,"노바, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적을 2018년 2월 13일 발표 예정" 6322,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Welcome to Copenhagen, the city where cycling is king?",,"코펜하겐에 오신 것을 환영합니다, 자전거가 왕인 도시!" 165,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spencer Trask & Co. and its Affiliated Investors Close the Sale of ImThera Medical, Inc.?",,스펜서 트래스크 & 컴퍼니와 그 소속 투자자들이 임테라 메디컬(주)의 매각을 완료하다. 6810,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morning News Call - India, April 11?",,"모닝 뉴스 콜 - 인도, 4월 11일의 헤드라인을 가진 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요?" 2504,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump ousts McMaster, taps Bolton as national security adviser?",,"트럼프, 맥마스터 해임하고 볼턴을 국가안보보좌관으로 임명하다" 8213,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Mid-Illinois Bancshares, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?",,"퍼스트 미드일리노이 뱅크쉐어스, Inc. 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 8210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed should pause after raising rates to 2 percent?,,연준은 금리를 2%로 인상한 후 일시 중단해야 한다. 1449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pictet Wealth CIO says sterling could slump to $1.20 if no Brexit deal?,,"Pictet Wealth CIO가 ""브렉시트 합의가 없으면 파운드화가 1.20달러로 급락할 수 있다""라고 말했습니다." 7078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Health innovation dollars are shifting to those that need it most?,,건강 혁신 자금이 가장 필요한 곳으로 이동하고 있다. 9223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Komplett Bank Enters Into Non-Performing Loans Agreement With Axactor?,,브리프 - Komplett Bank가 Axactor와 부실채권 계약을 체결했습니다. 7881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK police investigating unspecified incident in parliament?,,영국 경찰이 의회에서 발생한 불특정 사건을 조사 중입니다. 9078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Broadcasting Cable Information Network's Share Trade To Halt Pending Announcement?,,BRIEF-장쑤 방송 케이블 정보 네트워크의 주식 거래가 발표를 기다리며 중단됨. 2420,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Leclerc deserves the hype, says Vettel?",,"모터 레이싱 - 레클레르, 세바스찬이 말하는 기대에 걸맞다?" 503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Centrus Energy Signed Services Contract With X Energy?,,BRIEF-Centrus Energy가 X Energy와 서비스 계약 체결 2629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST - Factors to watch - February 13?,,MIDEAST - 주목해야 할 요소들 - 2월 13일 7184,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cosby conviction could mean hefty damages in civil cases: legal experts?,,코스비 유죄 판결은 민사 사건에서 막대한 손해배상 금액을 의미할 수 있다고 법률 전문가들이 말합니다. 8744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Climate Pressure on Shell Is Warning to Oil Industry?,,"""셸에 대한 기후 압박은 석유 산업에 대한 경고다""" 3521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Moda says conversion of 5th series convertible bonds into shares?,,"모다, 제5회 전환사채의 주식 전환 관련 내용 발표" 6102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Predators squeeze past Jets to level series?,,"프레데터스, 제츠를 꺾고 시리즈 균형 맞춰" 7372,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-GVC says done with UK deals after Ladbrokes acquisition?,,"""UPDATE 2-GVC는 Ladbrokes 인수 후 영국 거래를 완료했다고 발표했다.""" 5905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-China commercial banks purchase net $10.6 bln of forex in April - FX regulator?,,"RPT-중국 상업은행, 4월에 순 외환 구매 106억 달러 - 외환 규제 기관" 9615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK PM's fresh start again falls flat?,,영국 총리의 새로운 시작이 다시 한 번 실패하다. 402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PSEG Increases Common Stock Dividend?,,"PSEG, 보통주 배당금 인상" 4858,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Manitex International, Inc. First Quarter 2018 Results?",,"만텍스 인터내셔널, Inc. 2018년 1분기 실적" 9342,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SNtek lowers conversion price of 5th series convertible bonds to 6,490 won/share?",,"BRIEF-SNtek, 5차 전환사채의 전환가격을 6,490원/주로 인하한다고 발표." 4525,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Leagold Reports Mexican Anti-Trust Approval For Acquisition Of Brio Gold?,,"브리프 - 리그골드, 브리오 골드 인수에 대한 멕시코 반독점 승인 보고" 8387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maricann Enters into a non-binding LOI to acquire License in Malta?,,Maricann이 몰타에서 라이센스를 인수하기 위한 비구속적 양해각서(LOI)를 체결하다. 807,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AudioEye Reports 172% Revenue Growth, 232% Bookings Growth in 2017?",,AudioEye는 2017년에 172%의 수익 증가와 232%의 예약 증가를 보고했습니다. 7072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. distilled spirit sales and exports rise to record high in 2017?,,2017년 미국 증류주 판매 및 수출이 사상 최고치로 상승하다. 9000,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's president gets a mixed welcome in France?,,"튀르키예 대통령, 프랑스에서 엇갈린 환영 받다" 5459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xurpas Inc Posts FY Net Income Of 102.57 Mln Pesos?,,BRIEF-Xurpas Inc가 FY 순이익 1억 257만 페소를 기록했다. 9614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-By-Health's 2017 Net Profit Up 43.2 Percent Y/Y At 766.3 Mln Yuan?,,"BRIEF-By-Health의 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 43.2% 증가하여 7억 6,630만 위안에 달했습니다." 9670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Supreme Court takes up dispute over power plant in India?,,"미국 대법원, 인도의 발전소를 둘러싼 분쟁을 다루다." 6382,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SoOum Corp Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire TradeBoss.com, a Worldwide B2B Marketplace?",,"SoOum Corp, 글로벌 B2B 마켓플레이스인 TradeBoss.com 인수를 위한 의향서 서명" 9457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CapitaLand says demand for housing in China remains strong?,,"캐피탈랜드, 중국 내 주택 수요 여전히 강하다고 밝혀" 3059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nextgentel Holding Q4 EBITDA at NOK 34.4 Million?,,"브리프 - 넥스트젠텔 홀딩 Q4 EBITDA가 3,440만 크로네입니다." 1467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dutch bank NIBC doubles profit in run-up to possible IPO?,,"네덜란드 은행 NIBC, 가능한 IPO를 앞두고 이익 두 배 증가" 2806,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Wipro Dec Qtr Consol Profit Down About 8.5 Pct?,,"브리프 - 인도의 Wipro, 4분기 연결 이익 약 8.5% 감소" 9633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Ghana begins marketing dual-tranche US dollar bond?,,"업데이트 1-가나, 이중 트랜치 미국 달러 채권 마케팅 시작" 8844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. allows Syrians to stay for another 18 months?,,"미국, 시리아인들에 18개월 더 체류 허용" 7291,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WRAPUP-Tennis-Highlights of French Open first day?,,WRAPUP-테니스-프랑스 오픈 첫 날 하이라이트 6988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Thompson still having 'nightmares' about 2017 ANA penalty?,,"골프-톰슨, 2017 ANA 벌점에 대한 '악몽' 여전히 꾸고 있어" 8123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Erasmus poised to take over as South Africa coach?,,"럭비 - 에라스무스, 남아프리카 대표팀 감독으로 취임할 태세" 2626,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Golden Eagle controlling shareholder adds 1.2 pct stake in co?,,브리프 - 저장 골든 이글의 최대 주주가 회사의 1.2% 지분을 추가 매입함. 3610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-SpaceX Falcon heavy rocket blasts off from Florida in debut test flight?,,"업데이트 3-스페이스X 팰컨 헤비 로켓, 플로리다에서 데뷔 시험 비행을 위해 발사하다." 5056,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: GM's stock drive?,,브레이킹뷰 TV: GM의 주식 상승 드라이브? 800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kenya police fire teargas to disperse opposition supporters?,,"케냐 경찰, 야당 지지자들을 해산시키기 위해 최루가스를 발사하다" 5003,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Battle of the titans' in Malaysia's election?,,말레이시아 선거의 '거인의 전투' 2310,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Midas Gold Increases Board Size to Eight & Appoints an Additional Director?,,"마이더스 골드, 이사회 규모를 8명으로 확대하고 추가 이사 임명" 6735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hang Chi Holdings Appoints Lui Chi Tat As CEO?,,"브리프 - 항치 홀딩스, Lui Chi Tat을 CEO로 임명" 6591,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China April iron ore imports at 82.49 mln tonnes Rtrs calculation?,,"중국 4월 철광석 수입량 8249만 톤, 로이터 계산" 9641,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Signs of ""metal fatigue"" in failed Southwest engine?",,"""결함이 있는 Southwest 엔진에서 '금속 피로'의 징후 발견""" 8476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China slows review of chip company mergers amid trade tensions: WSJ?,,"중국, 무역 긴장 속 칩 회사 합병 검토 지연: WSJ" 783,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbnb says no IPO in 2018, names first COO?",,"에어비앤비, 2018년 IPO 없다 밝혀…첫 COO 임명" 8805,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lattice Biologics Announces Update To Management Cease Trade Order?,,"브리프-래티스 바이오로직스, 경영 중지 명령 업데이트 발표" 6232,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: As Utilities Move To Pass Tax Savings To Customers, Credit Concerns Arise?",,공공 유틸리티가 고객에게 세금 절감을 전가하려고 하면서 신용 우려가 커지고 있다. 1611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hugh Hewitt on DACA and the border wall: This is the deal that's too obvious to fail?,,"휴 휴잇, DACA와 국경 장벽에 대해: 이것이 실패할 수 없는 너무나 명백한 거래입니다." 951,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fannie Mae Reports Fourth Quarter Net Loss Of $6.5 Bln?,,"간단히 말해, 팬니 메이(Fannie Mae)는 4분기 순손실 65억 달러를 보고했습니다." 7230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian ambassador to UK says happy Yulia Skripal recovering?,,"영국 주재 러시아 대사, 유리아 스크리팔이 회복 중이라며 기쁘다고 전해." 9296,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nvidia says some chipsets hit by Spectre, gives security patches?",,"Nvidia, 일부 칩셋이 스펙터 취약점에 영향을 받았다며 보안 패치를 제공한다고 발표." 7685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese fashion e-commerce firm Meili seeks $500 mln in U.S. IPO - sources?,,중국 패션 전자상거래 기업 메이리가 미국 IPO에서 5억 달러를 모집하려 한다 - 소식통 3776,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NewSoft Technology unit to issue 2.5 mln shares?,,"BRIEF-신소프트 기술 부문, 250만 주 발행 계획" 7783,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marrone Bio Innovations Appoints Kevin Hammill As New Chief Commercial Officer?,,"마론 바이오 이노베이션스, 케빈 햄밀을 새로운 최고 상업 책임자로 임명하다." 6126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Welbilt Inc Files For Potential Mixed Shelf?,,"브리프 - 웰빗 Inc, 잠재적 혼합 선반을 위한 신고 제출" 4502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Donald Trump Jr.'s wife files for divorce?,,"도널드 트럼프 주니어의 아내, 이혼 신청하다." 7405,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Azarenka dumped out of French Open in first round?,,"테니스-아자렌카, 프랑스 오픈 1회전에서 탈락" 4308,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Laura Lee Stewart Named Board Member On Federal Reserve Bank Of San Francisco’S Seattle Branch?,,"브리프-로라 리 스튜어트, 샌프란시스코 연방 준비은행 시애틀 지점 이사로 임명됨." 1402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hunan New Wellful to set up Hunan-based breeding tech JV with partners?,,"후난 뉴 웰풀, 파트너들과 함께 후난에 기반한 양식 기술 합작 회사 설립 계획" 3780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. immigration operation targets 7-Eleven stores in 17 states?,,"미국 이민 작전, 17개 주의 7-Eleven 매장 겨냥" 6105,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MongoDB, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year Fiscal 2018 Financial Results?",,"MongoDB, Inc.가 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표했습니다." 4453,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Antetokounmpo, Bucks beat Celtics to even series?",,"안테토쿤보, 벅스가 셀틱스를 이기고 시리즈를 동점으로 만들다." 7767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Live World Q1 Loss Per Share $0.00?,,브리프-라이브 월드 1분기 주당 손실 $0.00 5360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan’s Core Inflation Softens in April?,,4월 일본의 근원 인플레이션이 완화됨 1962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gymnastics great Comaneci calls for changes at USA Gymnastics?,,"체조의 위대한 선수 코마네치, 미국 체조 협회에 변화를 촉구하다." 2040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Imperial Reports On First Quarter Production Results?,,"브리프-임페리얼, 첫 분기 생산 결과 보고" 6231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CONSENSUS utili società FTSE Mib * stime al 7 febbraio Società Italiane?,,FTSE Mib 기업에 대한 CONSENSUS * 2월 7일 전망 3288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Freed Canadian hostage appears in court on criminal charges - Reuters?,,"석방된 캐나다 인질, 범죄 혐의로 법원에 출두 - 로이터" 5493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blackstone posts higher fourth-quarter economic net income?,,"블랙스톤, 4분기 경제 순이익 증가 발표" 4176,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grand Slam, Australian Open Women's Doubles Seeds Progress?",,"그랜드 슬램, 호주 오픈 여자 복식 시드 진출" 678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LifeSci Advisors Continues Expansion of U.S. Investor Relations Team with Appointment of Industry Veteran Monique Kosse?,,LifeSci Advisors는 업계 베테랑 모니크 코스를 임명하며 미국 투자자 관계 팀의 확장을 지속합니다. 3452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Parents see PG-13 gun violence as inappropriate for younger teens?,,부모들은 PG-13 등급의 총기 폭력이 어린 십대에게 부적절하다고 생각한다. 3410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan finance minister Aso's leadership needed for probe into land sale: Suga?,,일본 재무상 아소의 리더십이 토지 판매 조사에 필요하다고 스가가 말했네요? 8791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber to add more transportation options in its app?,,"우버, 앱에 더 많은 이동 수단 옵션 추가 예정" 2718,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China regulator approves 60.8 billion yuan injection for Anbang?,,"중국 규제당국, 안방을 위한 608억 위안 투입 승인" 1109,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK royal wedding cake to be made by London-based California baker?,,영국 왕실 결혼식 케이크를 런던에 기반을 둔 캘리포니아 제빵사가 만든다? 9306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mondo TV Suisse Grants Edizioni Play Press Some Publishing Rights To Yoohoo & Friends?,,BRIEF-Mondo TV Suisse가 Edizioni Play Press에 Yoohoo & Friends에 대한 일부 출판 권한을 부여했습니다. 7530,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sierra Leone votes for new leader in hope of ending economic crisis?,,"시에라리온, 경제 위기 종식을 기원하며 새 지도자를 선출하다" 3680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: House Speaker Paul Ryan says he has enough votes for budget deal?,,"하원 의장 폴 라이언, 예산 협상을 위한 충분한 표확보했다고 밝혀" 9319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scripps reports fourth-quarter results?,,Scripps가 4분기 실적을 보고하다. 5408,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT: Enter the robots - automation fills gaps in east Europe's factories?,,통찰: 로봇의 등장 - 자동화가 동유럽 공장의 공백을 채우다? 5924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microsoft opens two data centres in Germany - reports?,,"마이크로소프트, 독일에 두 개의 데이터 센터 개설 - 보도" 8953,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pesticides put bees at risk, European watchdog confirms?",,살충제가 벌에게 위험을 주고 있다는 유럽 감시기관의 확인 8162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HIGHLIGHTS-Golf-U.S. Masters Day Three?,,헤드라인: 하이라이트 - 골프 - 미국 마스터스 제3일 내용은 무엇일까요? 8306,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dutch sweep women's 3,000m as Wust settles for silver?",,"네덜란드가 여자 3,000m에서 싹쓸이하며 우스트는 은메달에 그쳤다." 2830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks bias training a significant event: Professor?,,"스타벅스 편향 교육, 중요한 사건: 교수" 9009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Oscars red carpet glitters in anything-goes fashion attitude?,,"수정됨 - 오스카 시상식 레드카펫, 무한한 패션 태도로 빛나다" 8738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HKEX 'needs patience' to develop LME business with mainland China?,,HKEX는 중국 본토와의 LME 비즈니스를 개발하기 위해 '인내가 필요하다'고 밝혔다. 260,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Toho plans JV with GOGO FOODS?,,간단하게 - 토호가 GOGO FOODS와의 합작 투자 계획을 알림. 3474,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA clears Pluristem radiation treatment for emergency use?,,FDA가 비상 사용을 위한 Pluristem의 방사선 치료를 승인하다. 6144,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teary-eyed, hundreds search through rubble in devastated Philippines city?",,"눈물을 글썽이며, 수백 명이 파괴된 필리핀 도시의 잔해 속을 수색하다" 114,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quidel to Hold Fourth Quarter and Full Year Financial Results Conference Call on February 21, 2018?",,"퀴델, 2018년 2월 21일 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 발표 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 5678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber pulls up in Japan with taxi-hailing service?,,"우버, 일본에서 택시 호출 서비스로 진출하다." 6064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shandong Jincheng Pharmaceutical's Shares To Resume Trade On Feb 22?,,간략히 - 산둥 진청 제약의 주식이 2월 22일 거래 재개됨 7851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Corporación América Airports S.A. Says Expects U.S. IPO Price To Be Between $19.00 And $23.00 Per Share?,,BRIEF-코르포라시온 아메리카 에어포츠 S.A.는 미국 IPO 가격이 주당 19.00달러에서 23.00달러 사이일 것으로 예상한다고 발표했습니다. 3721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Lebanon longer-dated dollar bonds fall to record lows on regional tensions?,,"UPDATE 2-레바논 장기 달러 채권, 지역 긴장으로 기록적인 저점으로 하락" 2010,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Merrill Lynch indicator sees another 19% gain in 2018?,,메릴 린치 지표가 2018년에 또 다른 19% 상승을 예고하다. 1415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Land Securities CEO: I've given up hoping for clarity on Brexit?,,랜드 시큐리티 CEO: 나는 브렉시트에 대한 명확성을 기대하는 것을 포기했다. 8,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NFL owners weigh in on anthem decision?,,NFL 구단주들이 국가 제창 결정에 대해 의견을 나눈다. 2041,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Redstone makes concessions on Viacom CEO to clinch CBS merger?,,"레드스톤, CBS 합병 성사를 위한 비아콤 CEO에 대한 양보단행" 8129,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cambodia deports seven foreigners held over 'pornographic' dance party?,,"캄보디아, '음란한' 춤파티를 벌인 외국인 7명 추방" 7568,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE-Books for Alberta 10yr over USD1.4bn, spread set?",,"업데이트 - 알버타 10년물 14억 달러 이상 발행, 스프레드 설정?" 1891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Biathlon-Fourcade rediscovers shooting touch in pursuit win?,,"올림픽-바이애슬론-포르카드, 추격전에서 사격 감각을 되찾으며 승리" 2706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Manchester City's Sane out for at least six weeks with injury - Guardiola?,,"맨체스터 시티의 사네, 부상으로 최소 6주 결장 - 과르디올라?" 4117,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Molina Healthcare Elects Richard Zoretic to Board of Directors?,,"몰리나 헬스케어, 리차드 조레틱을 이사회에 선임" 4602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus keeps plane pricing secrets just a little longer?,,"에어버스, 비행기 가격 비밀을 좀 더 오랫동안 지켜본다" 3091,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The CAP's Annual Report Highlights Progress in Diagnostic Medicine to Improve Patient Health?,,"CAP의 연례 보고서, 환자 건강 개선을 위한 진단 의학의 진전을 강조하다" 3372,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Explainer: Why the monsoon is so crucial for India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi?",,"기사 제목: ""해설: 왜 몬순이 인도와 나렌드라 모디 총리에 그렇게 중요한가?""" 2442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India approves plan to stop farmers burning crop residues?,,"인도, 농민들이 농작물 잔여물을 태우는 것을 중단하는 계획 승인" 4256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ringkjoebing Landbobank Q1 Profit Before Tax Up At DKK 269 Million?,,"브리프 - 링키빙 랜드보뱅크, 1분기 세전 이익 2억 6900만 덴마크 크로네로 증가." 9999,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atwell Expands Texas Presence with Addition of Regional Vice President Todd Janssen, PE?",,"앳웰, 지역 부사장 토드 얀센(PE) 추가로 텍사스 입지 확대" 2741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: We'll look at GM's driverless car petition carefully: US transportation secretary?,,미국 교통부 장관: GM의 자율주행차 청원은 면밀히 검토할 것입니다. 1186,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toshiba won't cancel $18 billion chip deal unless any major material change - CEO?,,"도시바, 주요 중대 변화 없으면 180억 달러 반도체 거래 취소하지 않겠다 - CEO" 3626,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Every employee should check their W4 in 2018 because of the tax law?,,2018년에는 세법 때문에 모든 직원이 자신의 W4를 확인해야 합니다. 6091,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OpGen Announces Date of Financial Results Conference Call?,,"OpGen, 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 날짜 발표" 5939,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks making the biggest moves after hours: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Wingstop & more?",,"주요 주식이 시간 외 거래에서 가장 큰 움직임을 보임: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Wingstop 등." 8010,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Married heart patients more likely than singles to survive?,,결혼한 심장병 환자가 싱글보다 생존 가능성이 더 높은 이유? 2660,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Level One Bancorp Inc Sees IPO Of 1 Million Shares Priced To Be Between $27 And $29 Per Share – SEC Filing?,,"BRIEF-원 뱅콥 주식회사, IPO로 100만 주 발행 예정, 주당 가격은 27달러에서 29달러 사이로 예상 - SEC 제출 문서." 6329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Military personnel face a critical choice for their retirement plan - CNBC?,,군 관계자들은 퇴직 연금 계획에 대한 중대한 선택에 직면하다 - CNBC 4916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Q&A-The Coincheck hack and the issue with crypto assets on centralised exchanges?,,Q&A-코인체크 해킹과 중앙화 거래소에서의 암호 자산 문제 6072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Anche Technologies announces 2017 dividend payment?,,브리프-선전 안체 테크놀로지가 2017년 배당금 지급을 발표했습니다. 1177,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's competition watchdog approves Sinopec, Chevron deal?",,"남아프리카 공화국의 경쟁 감시 기관, 시노펙과 쉐브론의 거래 승인" 6016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German stocks - Factors to watch on April 9?,,독일 주식 - 4월 9일 주목할 요소들? 2920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Game Lounge acquires Slottracker.Com?,,"브리프 - 게임 라운지, 슬롯트래커닷컴 인수" 9925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lincoln Financial Signs Agreement To Acquire Liberty Life Assurance Company Of Boston?,,"BRIEF-링컨 파이낸셜, 보스턴 리버티 생명보험 회사 인수 계약 체결" 6687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Expect 'more foreign investment and domestic activity' in China?,,중국에서 '더 많은 외국인 투자와 국내 활동을 기대한다' 444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: Buy banks stocks like JP Morgan?,,크레이머의 번개 라운드: JP 모건 같은 은행 주식을 사라? 5134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Retail REITs' stocks are still very risky to own?,,크레이머: 소매 REIT 주식은 여전히 소유하기에 매우 위험하다? 8009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bristow Group Announces Fiscal Year 2018 Third Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call Schedule?,,"브리스토우 그룹, 2018 회계연도 3분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 5240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House Physician: Trump's cardiac health is 'excellent'?,,백악관 의사: 트럼프의 심장 건강은 '우수하다' 7084,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Tax-dodge strategists probe loopholes in new U.S. law, IRS wary?",,"RPT-세금 회피 전략가들, 새로운 미국 법의 허점 조사; IRS 경계해." 6907,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: United Technologies weighs potential breakup?,,"유나이티드 테크놀로지스, 잠재적 분할 검토" 9954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teva Pharm to close plant in Israel after no buyer found?,,"테바 제약, 매수자 찾지 못해 이스라엘 공장 폐쇄 예정" 4551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oscar nominee Margot Robbie says her family wanted her to quit acting?,,"오스카 후보 마고 로비, 가족이 그녀에게 연기 그만두길 원했다고 말하다" 3368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's City Union says hit by fraudulent remittances via SWIFT system?,,인도의 시티 유니온은 SWIFT 시스템을 통해 사기성 송금의 피해를 봤다고 밝혔다. 152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-U.S. Senate sets evening vote on Powell to be Fed chair?,,"UPDATE 1-미국 상원, 파웰을 연준 의장으로 선출하는 저녁 투표 설정" 6791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: West Brom need wins to drag focus away from woeful week - Pardew?,,"웨스트 브롬, 처참한 한 주에서 시선을 돌리기 위해 승리가 필요하다 - 파듀?" 349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hyrican Informationssysteme Preliminary FY Deficit Of Around EUR 3.5 Mln?,,"하이리칸 정보 시스템, 약 350만 유로의 2023 회계연도 예비 적자 보고" 1718,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Late Morning?,,뉴스 업데이트 - 늦은 아침 8057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kilauea: Explosive eruption possible at Hawaii volcano?,,킬라우에아: 하와이 화산에서 폭발적인 분화 가능성 5817,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Popular, Inc. Declares a Cash Dividend of $0.25 per Common Share?",,"인기주식회사, 보통주 한 주당 0.25달러의 현금 배당금 선언" 4896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qatar central bank sells 1.5 billion riyals of T-bills?,,"카타르 중앙은행, 15억 리얄 규모의 국채 매각" 832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Al Baraka Bank Egypt FY Profit Rises?,,브리프 - 알 바로카 은행 이집트 FY 수익 증가 5785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ken W. Schneider Named Divisional Senior Vice President of Great American Insurance Group?,,"켄 W. 슈나이더, 그레이트 아메리칸 인슈어런스 그룹의 부문 선임 부사장으로 임명됨." 989,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mueller has dozens of questions for Trump in Russia probe: New York Times?,,Mueller는 러시아 수사에서 트럼프에게 수십 가지 질문을 가지고 있다: 뉴욕 타임스 3688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Starbucks exec Brotman who led mobile push leaving for J. Crew?,,업데이트 1 - 모바일 추진을 이끈 스타벅스 임원 브로트먼이 J. 크루로 이직한다. 4811,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big Oil Is Rewarding Investors Again?,,빅 오일이 다시 투자자들에게 보상을 하고 있다? 4673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspect in Paris Attacks Convicted in Brussels Shootout?,,파리 테러 용의자가 브뤼셀 총격 사건에서 유죄 판결 받음 1199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Federal Realty Investment Trust Announces Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Earnings Release Date and Conference Call Information?,,"연방 부동산 투자 신탁, 2017년 4분기 및 연말 수익 발표 날짜와 컨퍼런스 콜 정보 발표" 3070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump lawyer Cohen suggests 4 names for 'special master' to review seized files in criminal probe?,,"트럼프 변호사 코헨, 범죄 조사에서 압수된 파일 검토를 위한 '특별 마스터' 후보 4명 제안" 916,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian bikers, Crimeans cross 'Putin's bridge' in inaugural drive?",,러시아 바이커들과 크림 주민들이 '푸틴의 다리'에서 첫 운전을 한다? 6713,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada increasingly convinced Trump to quit NAFTA?,,"캐나다, 점점 더 트럼프가 NAFTA를 그만두게 할 가능성 있다고 확신하고 있다?" 6684,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It-Girl Style Trick: Wearing Silky Robes By Day?,,이것은 소녀 스타일 트릭: 낮에 실크 가운을 입는 방법? 7211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar hits six-week high as Powell bolsters rate hike bets?,,"FOREX-달러, 파월의 금리 인상 기대 강화로 6주 최고치 도달" 4730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Firan Technology Reports Q4 EPS Of $0.01?,,"BRIEF-피란 테크놀로지, 4분기 주당순이익(EPS) $0.01 보고" 5839,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A 28-year-old who made $2,400 in 4 months selling things online shares her top tips?",,"28세의 한 사람이 온라인에서 물건을 판매하며 4개월 동안 2,400달러를 벌었다며 자신의 최고의 팁을 공유한다는 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 168,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: N.Y. Fed pares U.S. second quarter GDP growth view to 3.01 percent?,,"뉴욕 연방준비은행, 미국 2분기 GDP 성장 전망을 3.01%로 하향 조정" 4798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea’s Negotiation Play?,,북한의 협상 전략 9126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Oil falls for a second day as investor risk appetite wanes?,,UPDATE 6-투자자 위험 선호 감소로 석유가 이틀 연속 하락 6895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slovenia insurer Sava Re buys Serbian rival Energoprojekt Garant?,,슬로베니아 보험사 사바 레가 세르비아 경쟁사 에너고프로젝트 가란트를 인수하다. 2006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Coral Laboratories Dec-Qtr Profit Falls?,,"""브리프 - 인도의 코랄 연하가 12월 분기 이익 감소""" 3086,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Gundlach: Market unwind will be 'turbulent,' not over in a few days?",,"업데이트 1-군들락: 시장 조정은 '격렬할 것이며,' 몇 일 안에 끝나지 않을 것?" 7797,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McCormick Reports Record 2017 Financial Results And Strong Growth Outlook For 2018?,,"맥코믹, 2017년 기록적인 재무 결과 발표 및 2018년 강력한 성장 전망 제시" 4660,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Heavy kids who normalize weight in childhood can avoid extra diabetes risk?,,어린 시절 비만을 정상으로 받아들이는 아이들이 추가적인 당뇨병 위험을 피할 수 있다? 885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Itway FY Revenue Down At EUR 44.6 mln?,,BRIEF-Itway FY 매출이 4460만 유로로 감소했다. 6515,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: West Brom sack chairman, chief executive after poor results?",,"웨스트브롬, 성적 부진으로 회장과 CEO 경질" 1760,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC TRANSCRIPT: CNBC’S KAYLA TAUSCHE SPEAKS WITH BANK OF AMERICA COO AND CTO CATHERINE BESSANT TODAY AT CNBC’S CAPITAL EXCHANGE EVENT?,,CNBC 전사: CNBC의 케일라 타우쉬가 오늘 CNBC의 캐피탈 익스체인지 행사에서 뱅크 오브 아메리카 COO이자 CTO인 캐서린 베산트와 대화했습니다. 9338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 6 Purdue edges Penn State to end 3-game skid?,,"6위 퍼듀, 3연패 탈출을 위해 펜주를 근소하게 이기다." 6262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Edwards Lifesciences Reports Fourth Quarter Results?,,"에드워즈 라이프사이언스, 4분기 실적 보고" 6638,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bce colloca 2,418 mld euro in p/t 7 gg, in scadenza 3,007 mld?",,"BCE는 3,007억 유로의 만기가 있는 7일물에 2,418억 유로를 배치했습니다." 2183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forbes pours in season-high 23 as Spurs bury Kings?,,포브스가 시즌 최고 23점을 기록하며 스퍼스가 킹스를 격파하다. 8783,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dear Life sells 160,000 shares of unit Palma?",,Dear Life는 자회사인 Palma의 16만 주를 매각한다. 1482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar slips to lowest vs. yen since mid-September?,,"달러, 9월 중순 이후 엔화 대비 최저치로 하락" 8394,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Concord New Energy Group Says April Power Generation Output Attributable Was 374.36 GWh?,,"브리프 - 콩코드 뉴 에너지 그룹, 4월 전력 생산량이 374.36 GWh였다고 발표." 81,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kongsberg Gruppen And Wilhelmsen Establish Shipping Company?,,브리프-콩스베르그 Gruppen과 빌헬름센이 해운 회사를 설립하다. 7983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Forbo Holding FY Profit From Continuing Operations Down At CHF 119.8 Million?,,"BRIEF-포르보 홀딩 FY 계속 사업에서의 이익이 1억 1,980만 스위스 프랑으로 감소함." 3062,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush taken to hospital in Maine?,,"전 미국 대통령 조지 H.W. 부시, 메인주에서 병원에 이송되다." 9303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NY pension leader sues Wynn Resorts' board after sex claims?,,"뉴욕 연기금 수장, 성폭력 주장에 따라 윈 리조트 이사회 상대 소송 제기" 5112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Nordstrom family group finalizing take-private offer - sources?,,"독점: 노드스트롬 가족 그룹, 비상장 인수 제안 최종 조율 중 - 소식통" 8960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Hitachi ready to buy Elliott's stake in Ansaldo STS?,,업데이트 1 - 히타치는 엘리엇의 안살도 STS 지분을 인수할 준비가 되어 있다? 3433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Parkland Fuel Corporation Announces Date of First?,,"파클랜드 연료 회사, 첫 번째 날짜 발표" 249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Adverum Biotechnologies Announces Leadership Changes?,,Adverum Biotechnologies가 리더십 변경을 발표했습니다. 7238,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nassau County Reveals Big MS-13 Bust in Multistate Probe?,," 나소 카운티, 다주간 조사에서 큰 MS-13 단속 사실 공개" 1588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM Financial to Release Fourth Quarter and Calendar Year 2017 Operating Results?,,"GM 파이낸셜, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 운영 실적 발표 예정" 3734,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: More than 80 people on missing Kiribati ferry, search for survivors continues?",,"80명 이상이 실종된 기리바시 페리, 생존자 수색 계속" 5314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MacroGenics Provides Update on Corporate Progress and 2017 Financial Results?,,"마이크로제닉스, 기업 진행 상황 및 2017년 재무 결과에 대한 업데이트 제공" 9718,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRECIOUS-Gold prices set for biggest weekly gain in nearly 2 years?,,"금 가격, 거의 2년 만에 최대 주간 상승세 기록할 것으로 보인다." 8954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chicago O'Hare $8.5 billion expansion plan approved by city council?,,"시카고 오헤어 85억 달러 확장 계획, 시 의회 승인" 6926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade worries sink US stocks; China pork duty hits Tyson?,,무역 우려로 미국 주식 하락; 중국의 돼지고기 관세가 타이슨에 타격 3336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Espial Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"에스피알, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 3933,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aurora Cannabis Announces ‍Changes To Cannimed Therapeutics Board?,,"BRIEF-아우로라 대마초, 카니메드 테라퓨틱스 이사회 변경 발표" 7213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Tile Shop Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results; Declares Cash Dividend?,,"타일 샵, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 결과 발표; 현금 배당금 선언" 8310,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Luz Saude To Pay 35,000 Euros For 70 Pct Of CCHC2?",,"뉴스 기사 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: ""Luz Saúde가 CCHC2의 70% 지분을 확보하기 위해 35,000 유로를 지급하기로 결정했습니다. 이 거래는 Luz Saúde의 전략적 투자 중 하나로, 건강 관리 서비스의 확대 및 질 향상을 목표로 하고 있습니다. CCHC2는 특정 진료 서비스를 제공하는 기관으로, 이번 인수로 Luz Saúde는 시장에서의 경쟁력을 강화할 것으로 기대됩니다.""" 1959,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Hedge funds wager on rising wages and inflation with consumer, materials shares?",,UPDATE 3-헤지펀드가 소비자 및 원자재 주식을 통해 상승하는 임금과 인플레이션에 베팅하다 2738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Organizations Flag Concerns on Facebook’s Political-Ad Rules?,,뉴스 기관들이 페이스북의 정치 광고 규칙에 대한 우려를 제기하다 1291,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shareholder ICG Finansal Divsts 8.1 Pct Stakes In Egeli & Co Tarim - KAP?,,ICG Finansal이 Egeli & Co Tarim의 8.1% 지분을 매각한다고 KAP가 전했습니다. 1219,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-StorageVault Canada Q1 2018 Net Loss Of $7.8 Million?,,브리프 - 스토리지볼트 캐나다 2018년 1분기 순손실 7.8백만 달러 1447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China envoy says takes 'two to tango' in resolving U.S. trade dispute?,,중국 특사가 미국 무역 분쟁 해결에 '두 사람의 춤'이 필요하다고 말하다. 7576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-H&M CEO sees store growth slightly slower fiscal 2019 vs 2018?,,H&M CEO는 2019 회계 연도의 매장 성장률이 2018년에 비해 약간 느려질 것으로 예상한다고 밝혔다. 9508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Employment growth in Australia is 'very strong': Finance minister?,,호주 재무장관: 고용 성장 '매우 강력하다' 3736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. Reports 1Q18 Results?,,"아르티산 파트너스 자산 운용 주식회사, 1분기 2018년 실적 발표." 775,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: En route to alliance, Daimler buys Europcar out of car-sharing venture?",,"동맹으로 가는 길, 다임러가 차 공유 사업에서 유로카를 인수하다." 5526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Teekay Corp Announces Pricing Of Common Stock Offering?,,"브리프-Teekay Corp, 보통주 공모 가격 책정 발표" 9991,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Parking REIT, Inc. Announces Estimated Per Share NAV of $24.61?",,"주차 리츠 주식회사, 주당 추정 NAV 24.61달러 발표" 5348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Borsa Istanbul chairman says still aims for IPO in Q2?,,"이스탄불 증권거래소 의장, 여전히 2분기 IPO 목표라고 밝혀" 2949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AirAsia Group CEO on the importance of passion when making career decisions?,,"AirAsia 그룹 CEO, 경력 결정에서 열정의 중요성에 대해." 2,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's how I cooked 5 different, healthy dinners for only $20?",,"다음은 ""How I cooked 5 different, healthy dinners for only $20""라는 제목의 뉴스 기사가 포함할 수 있는 내용입니다: 제목: 저렴한 가격으로 쉽고 건강하게 저녁을 준비하는 방법 1. **서론**: - 예산이 제한된 상황에서도 건강한 식사를 준비할 수 있는 방법에 대한 소개. - 이번 기사에서는 $20로 5가지 다양한 저녁 식사를 준비하는 방법을 공유합니다. 2. **재료 목록**: - 각 요리에 필요한 재료 및 그 가격 정보. - 예를 들어, 채소, 통곡물, 단백질(닭가슴살, 콩 등)과 같은 기본 재료를 소개. 3. **5가지 저녁식사 레시피**: - **레시피 1**: 채소 볶음과 현미밥. - 재료, 조리 방법, 그리고 케일, 당근, 브로콜리와 같은 건강한 채소 사용. - **레시피 2**: 닭가슴살 구이와 샐러드. - 마리네이드 아이디어와 함께 신선한 야채 샐러드 조리법 공유. - **레시피 3**: 렌즈콩 스튜. - 렌즈콩, 감자, 당근을 사용한 영양 만점 스튜 조리법. - **레시피 4**: 퀴노아와 아보카도 타코. - 퀴노아와 아보카도를 활용한 특별한 타코 레시피. - **레시피 5**: 오븐에 구운 야채와 연어. - 손쉬운 오븐 요리법과 함께 연어를 사용하는 방법 소개. 4. **팁**: - 예산이 한정된 상황에서 식사는 어떻게 건강하면서도 경제적으로 할 수 있는지에 대한 팁. - 남은 재료 활용 아이디어와 변형 가능한 요리법 안내. 5. **결론**: - 건강하면서도 맛있는 저녁을 간편하게 준비할 수 있다는 메시지 전달. - 성공적인 요리 경험으로 독자들을 격려하며, 예산 내에서 다양성을 추구하라고 유도. 이러한 방식으로 기사는 건강한 식사 준비를 저렴한 방식으로 주제로 설정하여 유용한 정보를 제공할 것입니다." 3283,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy president likely to ask mediator to tackle post-vote stalemate?,,이탈리아 대통령이 투표 후 교착 상태를 해결하기 위해 중재자를 요청할 가능성이 있다. 9687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Low-cal vegetarian and Mediterranean diets may both help heart health?,,저칼로리 채식 식단과 지중해 식단이 심장 건강에 모두 도움이 될 수 있다는 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까? 4223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Endeavour Mining Corp Launches A Private Placement Of $300 Million Convertible Senior Notes Due 2023?,,"간단히 말해, 엔데버 마이닝 코프가 2023년 만기 3억 달러 규모의 전환 우선 채권 비공식 배치를 시작했습니다." 4268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lean.In pushes female mentorship as it reveals a survey showing growing backlash against #MeToo?,,Lean.In이 #MeToo에 대한 반발이 커지고 있다는 조사 결과를 공개하면서 여성 멘토십을 강조합니다. 3672,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Castellum to Build New Headquarters for E.ON - Invests Approx. 1.1 Billion in Malmö?,,"캐스텔룸, E.ON의 새로운 본사를 건설 - 말뫼에 약 11억을 투자합니다." 4424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: We're back to old fashioned investing on fundamentals: SCM Direct?,,우리는 기본에 대한 전통적인 투자로 돌아갔습니다: SCM 다이렉트? 7653,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RumbleOn, Inc. Announces Earnings Release Date and Conference Call Information for Fiscal 2017 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results?",,"RumbleOn, Inc.가 2017 회계년도 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 발표일과 컨퍼런스 콜 정보 발표." 824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mnuchin gave the US dollar a push toward depreciation: Strategist?,,머누친이 미국 달러의 가치 하락을 촉진했다: 전략가? 3420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-IQE Plc Says Remains Confident In Its Outlook For 2018?,,BRIEF-IQE Plc는 2018년 전망에 대해 여전히 자신감을 갖고 있다고 발표하였습니다. 5253,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Swiss National Bank's Jordan says negative rates still needed?,,"UPDATE 1-스위스 중앙은행 조던, 여전히 마이너스 금리 필요하다고 말하다." 6496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Madame Tussauds owner Merlin core earnings rise 9.5 percent?,,마담 튀소 운영사인 머린의 핵심 수익 9.5% 상승 8265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aircastle Announces First Quarter Results?,,"에어캐슬, 1분기 실적 발표" 365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ice Hockey: Russians dump Norway 6-1 en route to semis?,,"아이스하키: 러시아, 준결승 진출을 위한 노르웨이 6-1로 압도하다" 6633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Changes afoot at Germany's migration agency over asylum scandal - minister?,,"독일 이민청, 망명 스캔들에 따른 변화 착수 - 장관" 6001,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil near levels last seen in 2014/2015 as market tightens?,,시장 긴축으로 인해 2014/2015년에 마지막으로 보았던 수준에 근접한 유가 6296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia police say hostage crisis at high-security jail resolved?,,"인도네시아 경찰, 고위험 보안 교도소 인질 사건 해결이라고 밝히다" 5167,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 137 House Democrats sign letter urging action against Russia?,,137명의 하원의원 민주당원이 러시아에 대한 조치를 촉구하는 서한에 서명하다. 8473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Immunicum Q1 Operating Loss Widens To SEK 28.8 Million?,,브리프-이뮤니쿰 1분기 운영 손실이 2880만 스웨덴 크로나로 확대됨 4986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German Coalition Deal Evokes Relief and Anxiety in Europe?,,독일 연정 협상이 유럽에서 안도감과 불안감을 불러일으킨다. 5862,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intesa Sanpaolo deal is not an acquisition, it's a joint venture: Intrum CEO?",,"인테사 산파올로 거래는 인수가 아니라, 공동 투자이다: 인트럼 CEO." 4694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Boehringer Ingelheim Says U.S. President And CEO Paul Fonteyne Will Retire On Dec. 31?,,"브리핑-베링거 인겔하임, 미국 사장兼 CEO 폴 폰타인 12월 31일 은퇴할 것 발표" 7343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Univar Announces CEO Succession Plan?,,"브리프-유니바르, CEO 후계 계획 발표" 5725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Encore Wire Corporation Earnings Release and Conference Call Announcement?,,Encore Wire Corporation 수익 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 공지사항 7498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Kuhn gets early taste of tour victory in Miami?,,"테니스: 쿠흔, 마이애미에서 투어 승리의 조기 맛을 보다" 7903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Travelzoo Announces Share Repurchase Program?,,여행주가 자사주 매입 프로그램을 발표했다는 간략한 소식 1694,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: For ‘tween girls, social media use tied to wellbeing in teen years?",,'10대 소녀를 위한 소셜 미디어 사용이 청소년기의 웰빙과 연관되어 있다'는 제목의 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 3320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mullen Group Ltd. Reports 2017 Financial Results including Record Trucking/Logistics Segment Financial Results?,,"멀렌 그룹 주식회사, 2017년 재무 결과 발표 - 기록적인 트럭 운송/물류 부문 재무 결과 포함" 331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tryton Medical Announces New CEO and President?,,"트리톤 메디컬, 새로운 CEO 및 사장 발표" 7317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada's finance minister spins Trump trade tariffs as a sign of the 'strength of our relationship' with the US?,,캐나다의 재무부 장관이 트럼프의 무역 관세를 미국과의 '관계의 강함'을 나타내는 신호로 해석하고 있다. 3131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China to cut more taxes to support small and high-tech firms?,,"중국, 중소기업 및 하이테크 기업 지원을 위해 세금 추가 인하 예정" 1947,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mangold Bids On 25 Percent Of Shares In Resscapital?,,"브리프 - 망골드, 레스캐피탈의 주식 25% 매입 제안" 2666,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Neways Electronics Q1 Net Turnover Up At 122.3 Million Euros?,,"브리프 - 네웨이즈 전자의 Q1 순매출 1억 2,230만 유로로 증가" 7033,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Manulife to Release First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"매뉴라이프, 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 2870,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Essex Portfolio LP Enters Second Amended, Restated Revolving Credit Agreement ​?",,"브리프-엑세스 포트폴리오 LP, 제2개정 및 재작성된 회전신용계약 체결" 5626,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Administration in escalation phase with China over trade, says economic expert?",,"""경제 전문가가 말하는 중국과의 무역 갈등이 격화 단계에 접어들고 있는 행정부""" 9971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intra-Cellular Therapies to Host Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast?,,"인트라-셀룰러 테라피스, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웨비나 개최 예정" 1935,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook suspends 200 apps over data misuse investigation?,,"페이스북, 데이터 남용 조사로 200개 앱 중단" 8364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Armenian PM rejects demands to quit on 10th day of protests?,,아르메니아 총리가 10일째 시위에서 사퇴 요구를 거부하다. 1925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Australia calls on Smith to give up captaincy?,,"크리켓-호주, 스미스에게 캡틴직 포기를 요청하다." 2678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Pre-Markets?,,뉴스 업데이트 - 프리 마켓 5663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Union president says he encourages cuts to the board of directors?,,노조 회장이 이사회의 감축을 장려한다고 말하다. 1257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbnb adds Amex's Ken Chenault to board as it moves toward an IPO?,,"에어비앤비, IPO를 향한 움직임 속에서 아멕스의 켄 천울트 이사 추가" 6046,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE sells transportation unit for $11 bln?,,"GE, 교통 사업부 110억 달러에 매각" 4497,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Daphne International Holdings Expects To Report FY Net Loss​?,,"브리핑-다프네 인터내셔널 홀딩스, FY 순손실 보고 예상" 7168,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Brumbies would welcome Reds exile Cooper, says Powell?",,"럭비-브람비스, 레즈의 망명자 쿠퍼를 환영할 것이라고 파월이 말하다." 1730,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: YouTube Hiring for Some Positions Excluded White and Asian Males, Lawsuit Says?",,"유튜브, 일부 채용 공고에서 백인 및 아시아 남성을 제외했다는 소송 제기" 6290,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Caravan’ makes last stop before reaching final destination?,,"‘카라반’, 최종 목적지에 도착하기 전 마지막 정류장에 들르다." 8892,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Afghan forces retake northern district from Taliban?,,"""탈레반으로부터 아프간 군이 북부 지구를 재탈환하다""" 9996,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Closing Bell Ringer, February 15, 2018?",,"""종가 종소리, 2018년 2월 15일""" 9856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NRG Energy Says Reaffirms 2018 Financial Guidance - SEC Filing?,,NRG 에너지가 2018년 재무 가이던스를 재확인했다고 발표 - SEC 제출서류 6723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israeli police question Netanyahu in telecom corruption case?,,"이스라엘 경찰, 통신 부패 사건에서 네타냐후 조사" 6548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany probes more refugee offices after official accused of wrongly granting asylum: media?,,"독일, 공식이 잘못된 망명 허가로 고발된 후 난민 사무소 추가 조사 실시: 언론 보도" 7988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia urges U.S.: Refrain from Syria plans you are developing?,,"러시아, 미국에 촉구: 당신들이 개발 중인 시리아 계획을 자제하라." 5368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Target shares jump as Bank of America calls it a top pick and a good bet on ‘aging millennials’?,,"타겟 주가 급등, 뱅크 오브 아메리카가 '노화하는 밀레니얼'에 대한 좋은 선택으로 추천하다." 5711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 3I Infrastructure sAYS ‍Portfolio Overall Continues To Perform In Line With Expectations​?,,"3I 인프라, 포트폴리오 전반이 기대에 부응하는 성과를 계속하고 있다고 말하다." 3344,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Net 1 UEPS Technologies, Inc. to Host Conference Call to Review Third Quarter 2018 Results?",,"Net 1 UEPS Technologies, Inc.가 2018년 3분기 실적을 검토하는 컨퍼런스 콜을 주최합니다." 1767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Terveystalo Oy Q4 Adjusted EBITDA Up At EUR ‍29.1​ Million?,,"Terveystalo Oy 4분기 조정 EBITDA가 2,910만 유로로 증가했다는 뉴스 기사 내용의 예상은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다." 122,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street has a hard time dumping the gun industry?,,월스트리트는 총기 산업을 정리하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 9560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Cameron Winklevoss drives an 'old SUV' even though the twins are bitcoin billionaires?,,왜 카메론 윙클보스가 쌍둥이 형제가 비트코인 억만장자임에도 불구하고 '구형 SUV'를 운전하는가? 3156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TABLE-Foreign trading in Japan stocks for latest week?,,최근 주간 일본 주식 외국인 거래 표 4774,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EXPLAINER-What is China's A-share MSCI inclusion??,,"뉴스 헤드라인 ""EXPLAINER-What is China's A-share MSCI inclusion??""의 내용은 중국 A주가 MSCI 지수에 포함되는 것에 대한 설명이 포함될 수 있습니다. 이 기사에서는 MSCI 지수가 무엇인지, A주란 무엇인지, 그리고 A주가 MSCI 지수에 포함됨으로써 나타나는 영향과 투자자들에게 주는 의미 등을 다룰 것입니다. A주가 외국인 투자자에게 어떻게 접근 가능해지는지, MSCI 지수에 포함되는 과정, 그리고 중국 자본 시장의 중요성과 변화에 대한 논의도 포함될 수 있습니다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. 뉴스 헤드라인 ""EXPLAINER-What is China's A-share MSCI inclusion??""의 내용은 중국 A주가 MSCI 지수에 포함되는 것에 대한 설명이 포함될 수 있습니다. 이 기사에서는 MSCI 지수가 무엇인지, A주란 무엇인지, 그리고 A주가 MSCI 지수에 포함됨으로써 나타나는 영향과 투자자들에게 주는 의미 등을 다룰 것입니다. A주가 외국인 투자자에게 어떻게 접근 가능해지는지, MSCI 지수에 포함되는 과정, 그리고 중국 자본 시장의 중요성과 변화에 대한 논의도 포함될 수 있습니다." 2924,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets testing Fed as the dollar falls against euro, gold,?",,"""유로, 금에 대해 달러가 하락하면서 시장이 연준을 시험하고 있다.""" 5577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Eletrobras shares sink as privatization hopes fade?,,"UPDATE 1-Eletrobras 주가, 민영화 희망 약화로 폭락" 8008,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. funds recommend switching cash into bonds in March: Reuters poll?,,미국의 자금 조달이 3월에 현금을 채권으로 전환할 것을 권장한다: 로이터 설문조사 6672,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kite Realty Group - Kite Realty Group, Co Entered First Amendment To Fifth Amended & Restated Credit Agreement?",,"브리프 - 카이트 리얼티 그룹 - 카이트 리얼티 그룹, 제5차 수정 및 재정산된 신용 계약에 대한 첫 번째 수정안을 체결했습니다." 4741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vidis SA Q2 Net Profit Up At 3.9 Million Zlotys?,,"비디스 SA, 2분기 순이익 390만 즈워티로 증가" 3667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qibu To Boost Unit's Capital By 250 Mln Yuan?,,"Qibu, 자회사 자본을 2억5000만 위안 늘린다." 6774,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amid Syria tensions, Russian jet flies low over French warship?",,"시리아 긴장 속, 러시아 전투기가 프랑스 군함 위를 저공 비행하다" 8311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer-Sky Deutschland wins Ultra HD rights to Germany's World Cup title defence?,,"축구-스카이 독일, 독일의 월드컵 타이틀 방어 초고화질 권리 확보" 182,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei edges up, supported by gains in defensive stocks?",,"니케이, 방어주 상승에 힘입어 소폭 상승" 8643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ameresco Appoints Bill Garbati New Regional Business Development Director of U.S. East Region?,,"아메레스코, 빌 가르바티를 미국 동부 지역 신임 비즈니스 개발 이사로 임명" 8558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Grand Canyon helicopter crash kills three - report?,,"미국 그랜드 캐년 헬리콥터 추락, 3명 사망 - 보도" 5590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel's Rafael says India cancels order for Spike anti-tank missile?,,"이스라엘의 라파엘, 인도가 스파이크 대전차 미사일 주문을 취소했다고 말하다." 1195,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-At U.N., East Timor and Australia sign deal on maritime border?",,UPDATE 1-유엔에서 동티모르와 호주가 해양 경계에 관한 협정을 체결하다 5993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two North Koreans including a soldier defect to South Korea: Yonhap?,,"두 북한인, 군인 포함, 연합뉴스 보도에 따르면 남한으로 탈북하다." 9818,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Death toll?,,Breakingviews TV: 사망자 수? 3478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bill Keena Named General Manager of Pittsburgh’s Rivers Casino?,,피츠버그 리버스 카지노의 제너럴 매니저에 빌 키나 임명 4374,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: H&R Block Announces Strong Start to the Tax Season and Fiscal 2018 Third Quarter Results?,,"H&R 블록, 세금 시즌의 강력한 시작과 2018 회계 연도 3분기 결과 발표" 858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UK new car sales record biggest drop since 2009?,,"UPDATE 1-영국의 신차 판매, 2009년 이후 최대 하락 기록" 2013,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China unlikely to raise rates, says ex-central banker?",,"중국, 전 중앙은행 고위 관계자에 따르면 금리를 인상할 가능성 낮아" 6673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France would intervene if French jihadist faced death penalty in Iraq or Syria - minister?,,프랑스 외무장관: 프랑스 무장세력이 이라크나 시리아에서 사형에 처해질 경우 개입할 것이라고 밝혔다. 9162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big Landlords Pile Into Co-Working as WeWork’s Ascent Continues?,,"대형 집주인들, 위워크의 상승 계속됨에 따라 공동 작업 공간에 몰려들다." 602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why the long face? Horses remember human emotions - scientists?,,왜 긴 얼굴일까? 말이 인간의 감정을 기억한다 - 과학자들 5114,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What internet famous butcher Nusret 'Salt Bae' Gokce eats?,,인터넷 유명 정육점 주인 누스트레트 '솔트 베이' 괵체가 먹는 음식은 무엇일까? 1964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fitbit reports smaller quarterly loss?,,"핏빗, 더 작은 분기 손실 보고." 8412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hedge fund Tiger Global still betting against some stocks?,,"헤지펀드 타이거 글로벌, 여전히 일부 주식에 대해 공매도 베팅 중" 4785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Market Close?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 시장 마감 7514,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flushing Financial Corporation Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.20 per Share?,,"플러싱 금융 공사, 주당 $0.20의 분기 배당금 선언" 8914,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FTSE 100 set for fourth straight week of gains while Reckitt, Shire tumble?",,"FTSE 100, 네 번째 연속 주간 상승을 앞두고 있으며, Reckitt과 Shire 주가는 하락하다." 7004,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-S&P Says Japan Outlook Revised To Positive from Stable?,,S&P가 일본의 전망을 안정적에서 긍정적으로 수정했다고 전하는 간략한 소식. 5073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How these 7 Korean 20-somethings became a pop music phenomenon bringing in millions?,,이 7명의 한국 20대가 어떻게 수백만을 가져다주는 팝 음악 현상이 되었는가? 219,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Athletics: Kenya's Korir misses out on visa for world championships?,,"육상: 케냐의 코리르, 세계 챔피언십 비자 발급 실패" 9978,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Parkland Fuel Corporation Announces May 2018 Dividend?,,"파클랜드 연료 회사, 2018년 5월 배당금 발표" 5945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tredegar Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.55?,,브리프 - 트레디거 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.55 7762,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Continental, Bosch to buy 5 pct stakes in map firm HERE?",,"UPDATE 1-콘티넨탈, 보쉬, 지도 업체 HERE의 5% 지분 인수 추진" 489,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ADVISORY - CN to report fourth-quarter and year-end 2017 financial and operating results on Jan. 23, 2018?",,ADVISORY - CN이 2018년 1월 23일에 2017년 4분기 및 연말 재무 및 운영 결과를 보고할 예정입니다. 5712,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Freshpet, Inc. Reports 2018 Financial Results?",,"Freshpet, Inc.가 2018년 재무 결과를 보고하다." 2939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alleged CIA China turncoat Lee may have also compromised US spies in Russia: NBC News?,,"""중국의 간첩으로 지목된 리, 러시아의 미국 스파이들도 타격을 입혔을 가능성: NBC 뉴스""" 7746,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan, U.S. to discuss trade 'framework', U.S. envoy says: NHK?",,"일본, 미국이 '프레임워크'에 대한 무역 논의 할 예정, 미국 대사 말해: NHK" 2019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Salvadoran Immigrants Await Trump Administration’s Decision on Status?,,살바도르 이민자들이 트럼프 행정부의 지위 결정에 주목하고 있다. 2868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carl Icahn says he hasn't talked to Trump since August?,,"칼 아이칸, 지난 8월 이후 트럼프와 대화한 적 없다 주장." 9662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RBS to pay $5 billion into pension scheme?,,RBS가 연금 기금에 50억 달러를 지급할 예정입니다. 4406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daily Briefing: Brexit reality check?,,일일 브리핑: 브렉시트 현실 점검? 642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Kilauea fissure threatens Hawaii homes?,,새로운 킬라우에아 균열이 하와이 주택을 위협하다 6520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Stopklatka Prelim. Q4 Net Profit Down At 1.2 Mln Zlotys?,,"브리프 - Stopklatka, 4분기 예비 순이익 120만 즈워티 감소." 8981,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: One killed, several hurt in Austrian train crash: police?",,"오스트리아 기차 충돌 사고로 한 명 사망, 여러 명 부상: 경찰" 5985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ruined shop still smoking after blast kills four in UK's Leicester?,,폭발로 인해 영국 레스터에서 4명이 사망한 후 아직도 연기가 나는 파손된 가게 3806,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kudelski Security And Ionic Security Expand Partnership?,,"브리핑 - 쿠델스키 보안과 아이오닉 보안, 파트너십 확장" 7763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volante Technologies adds industry veterans David Mark as non-exec Board member and Harpreet Grewal as Executive in Residence?,,"볼란트 테크놀로지는 업계 베테랑인 데이비드 마크를 비상임 이사로, 하프리트 그레왈을 상주 임원으로 추가했다고 발표했습니다." 9286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PTC CEO James Heppelmann's FY 2017 Compensation $10.9 Mln?,,"BRIEF-PTC CEO James Heppelmann의 2017 회계연도 보상액 1,090만 달러" 5276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Appliance Recycling Centers of America Receives Notification of Deficiency from Nasdaq Related to Delayed Annual Report on Form 10-K?,,"아플라이언스 리사이클링 센터스 오브 아메리카, 연간 보고서(Form 10-K) 지연으로 나스닥으로부터 결함 통지 수신" 4510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China XD Plastics Company Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share Of $0.29?,,"브리프-차이나 XD 플라스틱스 회사, 1분기 주당순이익 $0.29 보고" 6216,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Getinge core profit lags forecast, sees slight growth in 2018?",,"겟잉(Egetinge)의 주요 이익이 예상치를 하회하며, 2018년에는 약간의 성장을 보일 것으로 예상된다." 5096,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marten Transport Announces First Quarter Results?,,"마르텐 트랜스포트, 1분기 실적 발표" 8827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lupin's Goa Facility Completes Successful U.K MHRA Inspection?,,"브리프 - 루핀의 고아 시설, 영국 MHRA 검사 성공적으로 완료" 6914,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southern Company first-quarter earnings to be released May 2?,,"남부 회사, 5월 2일 1분기 실적 발표 예정" 9749,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PPDAI Group Inc. to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on Tuesday, May 15, 2018?",,PPDAI 그룹 주식회사가 2018년 5월 15일 화요일에 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 보고합니다. 4331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Takata has resolved most objections to its U.S. bankruptcy - lawyer?,,"타카타, 미국 파산 관련 대부분의 이의를 해결 - 변호사" 4550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-V Technology receives manufacturing equipment orders worth 17 bln yen?,,브리프-브이 테크놀로지가 170억 엔 규모의 제조 장비 주문을 받았다. 7607,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: E2open Proposes to Acquire Amber Road for $10.50 per Share in Cash in a Transaction Valued at Over $300 Million, Representing a 52% Premium to the Closing Stock Price on February 9th, 2018?",,"E2open, 2018년 2월 9일 종가 대비 52% 프리미엄을 나타내는 3억 달러 이상의 거래로 주당 10.50달러에 Amber Road 인수를 제안하다." 8098,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sheriff's office received 20 calls about Florida shooting suspect?,,샤리프 사무소는 플로리다 총기 범죄 용의자에 대한 20건의 전화를 받았다. 7640,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Triggs, Canha lead A's past Rangers?",,"트릭스와 칸하, A's가 레인저스를 제치고 승리하다" 9875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northview Apartment REIT Announces May 2018 Distribution?,,"노스뷰 아파트 REIT, 2018년 5월 배당금 발표" 5166,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Asia stocks struggle with rising yields; oil stays high?,,"GLOBAL MARKETS-아시아 주식, 금리 상승에 어려움; 오일은 높은 수준 유지" 8878,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blirt To Issue 951,517 Series N Shares At 0.88 Zloty/Shr?",,"BRIEF-블리르트, 주당 0.88 즈워티에 951,517개의 N 시리즈 주식 발행 예정" 5196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Market panic will turn out to be buying opportunity?,,크래머: 시장의 패 panic은 결국 매수 기회가 될 것이다. 9215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook's Zuckerberg to testify on Capitol Hill?,,"페이스북의 저커버그, 의회에서 증언할 예정" 2897,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magnitude 7.3 earthquake hits 124 km southwest of Puquio, Peru: USGS?",,규모 7.3의 지진이 페루 푸키오에서 남서쪽으로 124km 떨어진 곳에서 발생: USGS 2323,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Tata Group unlikely to bid for Air India as terms too onerous - sources?,,"독점: 타타 그룹, 조건이 너무 부담스러워 에어인디아에 입찰할 가능성 낮아 - 소식통" 2340,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Voya Financial Prices Offering Of $350 Mln Of Junior Subordinated Notes?,,"브리프 - 보야 파이낸셜, 3억 5000만 달러 규모의 주니어 후순위 채권 발행 가격 책정." 9539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York Nanny Found Guilty of Killing Two Children?,,"뉴욕 유모, 두 아이 살해로 유죄 판결 받다." 572,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Clean Seas Seafood Says Federal Government Announced Co Awarded $2.5 Million Grant?,,BRIEF-Clean Seas Seafood는 연방 정부가 자사의 $2.5 백만 보조금을 수여했다고 발표했다고 전했습니다. 358,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street to grill Intel on chip security flaws?,,"월스트리트, 인텔의 칩 보안 결함에 대한 심문 예정" 9639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says he wants to review U.S. military policy of gun-free zones on bases?,,"트럼프, 미군 기지 총기 금지 구역 군사 정책 검토 원해" 2634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Video shows Florida deputy outside high school as shooting unfolded?,,월스트리트 저널: 총격 사건이 발생하는 동안 고등학교 밖에 있는 플로리다 경찰관의 영상 공개 1791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF- Geo-Jade Petroleum announces no dividend payment for 2017?,,"BRIEF- 지오-제이드 석유, 2017년 배당금 지급 없음 발표" 308,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Portugal World Cup squad?,,포르투갈 월드컵 선수단? 825,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK firms plan biggest pay rises since 2008, boosting rate hike case?",,"영국 기업들, 2008년 이후 최대 급여 인상 계획하며 금리 인상 가능성 높여" 6410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Myanmar's northern offensive against rebels sparks youthful revolt?,,미얀마 북부의 반군에 대한 공세가 젊은 반란을 촉발하다 9124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Abbott Launches Alinity H-Series Integrated Hematology System?,,"브리프 - 애보트, 알리니티 H-시리즈 통합 혈액학 시스템 출시" 8035,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-England hold on for narrow win over Wales?,,"럭비 - 잉글랜드, 웨일스를 상대로 간신히 승리하다" 6564,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why the $560-million Powerball winner wants to stay unknown?,,왜 5억 6천만 달러 파워볼 당첨자가 자신을 알리고 싶지 않을까? 6535,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall St climbs as Amazon jumps, S&P rises past key support?",,"US 주식 스냅샷 - 월스트리트 상승, 아마존 급등, S&P가 주요 지지선 돌파" 7648,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snapchat value drops a $1bln on Rihanna rebuke?,,스냅챗 가치가 리한나의 반발로 10억 달러 하락? 7420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Recon Technology Reports Fiscal 2018 Third Quarter and First Nine Months Financial Results?,,"리콘 기술, 2018 회계연도 3분기 및 9개월간 재무 결과 보고" 391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ball tampering claims 'ridiculous' says Anderson?,,"앤더슨, ""공 변조 주장 '터무니없다'""라고 말하다." 2304,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Software AG takes hit on U.S. tax reform?,,"소프트웨어 AG, 미국 세제 개편으로 타격 입다" 5858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Supreme Holdings & Hospitality (India) Says Prateek Jatia Resigned As CFO?,,"슈프림 홀딩스 앤 호스피탈리티(인도), 프라틱 자티아 CFO 사임 발표" 7306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chip testing firm Cohu to buy Xcerra for about $796 million | Reuters?,,"칩 테스트 기업 코후, 약 7억 9600만 달러에 엑세라 인수 계획 | 로이터" 7733,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: B. Riley FBR Acts as Sole Book-Running Manager of $300 Million SPAC Initial Public Offering for Trinity Merger Corp.?,,"B. 라이리 FBR, 트리니티 머저 컴퍼니를 위한 3억 달러 SPAC 초기 공개 모집의 단독 주관사로 활동합니다." 7216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. rights expert urges release of 6 South Koreans held in North?,,"유엔 인권 전문가, 북한에 억류된 6명의 한국인 석방 촉구" 461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: John Chambers: I always invest in market transitions?,,존 챔버스: 나는 항상 시장 전환에 투자한다. 3625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guoyuan Securities to pay cash dividend of 1.5 yuan per 10 shares (before tax) for 2017?,,"브리프-구여안 증권, 2017년 주당 10주당 1.5위안의 현금 배당금 지급 (세전)" 2321,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Adherium Posts HY ‍Net Loss From Ordinary Activities $4.978 Million?,,"브리프-아드헤리움, HY 본업 활동에서 순손실 $4.978백만 달러 기록." 4523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zidane still motivated to manage crisis-hit Madrid?,,"지단, 위기에 처한 마드리드를 관리할 의욕 여전히 높아" 1275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Suspends the Accounts of Whistleblower Chris Wylie | Fortune?,,"Facebook, 내부 고발자 크리스 와일리의 계정을 정지하다 | 포ortune" 1491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weekend clashes during Ethiopia religious festival leave seven dead?,,에티오피아 종교 축제 중 주말 충돌로 7명이 사망하다. 6784,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall St slips at open as Italy's political turmoil weighs?,,미국 주식 시장 스냅샷 - 이탈리아의 정치적 불안이 영향을 미치면서 월스트리트가 개장할 때 하락. 9551,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Knoll, Inc. Statement on the Death of Joseph T. Coppola, Chief Operating Officer?",,"Knoll, Inc.의 조셉 T. 코폴라 최고 운영 책임자 사망에 대한 성명" 1087,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No bull market ahead for commodities, Wells Fargo says?",,"""Wells Fargo가 말하는 농산물에 대한 황소장 없는 전망""" 8875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ChinaNet Online Announces Joint Venture For Blockchain Technology Development?,,"중국네트 온라인, 블록체인 기술 개발을 위한 합작 투자 발표" 8031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-B. Riley Financial Announces Offering Of $50 Mln Senior Notes Due 2023?,,"B. 라이얼리 파이낸셜, 2023년 만기 5천만 달러 규모의 채권 발행 발표" 665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EIB to commit 700 mln euros to Western Balkans projects in 2018?,,"EIB, 2018년에 서부 발칸 프로젝트에 7억 유로를 투자할 계획" 8852,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Female Founders, State of the Union, Janet Yellen: Broadsheet | Fortune?",,"여성 창업자, 국정 연설, 재닛 예런: 브로드시트 | 포ーチ네" 8539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Latest: Producer OK being schooled in transgender life?,,"최신 뉴스: 프로듀서, 성전환 삶에 대해 배우는 것에 동의하다?" 4475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pureprofile Posts ‍H1 Loss Attributable Of $8.8 Mln?,,"브리프 - 퓨어프로파일, H1 손실 880만 달러 보고" 1508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: United Airlines' chief financial officer stepping down?,,유나이티드 항공의 최고 재무 책임자가 퇴임합니다. 8138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Booker says shareholders back Tesco takeover at scheme court meeting?,,수정됨 - 부커는 주주들이 테스코 인수를 지지한다고 법원 회의에서 말했습니다. 5139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bahrain sovereign fund in talks to invest in SoftBank Vision Fund: CEO?,,"바레인 국부펀드, 소프트뱅크 비전 펀드 투자 논의 중: CEO" 3227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese diesel to be shipped to 'west' in VLCC - sources?,,중국산 디젤이 VLCC로 '서쪽'으로 운송될 예정 - 소식통 99,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Migrant 'caravan' at U.S.-Mexico border prepares for mass crossing?,,미국-멕시코 국경에서 대규모 이동을 위한 이주민 ‘행렬’ 준비 중 3130,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street has never been so far behind on Netflix?,,월스트리트가 넷플릭스에 이토록 뒤처진 적이 없다. 54,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Happy New Year’s Tax?,,새해 복 많이 받으세요 세금? 1456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Boeing leads Wall St out of two-day slump; Fed awaited?,,미국 주식 - 보잉이 월가를 이틀 연속 하락에서 끌어올림; 연준의 결과를 기다림? 7901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UAE's DAMAC Awards about 100 MLN Dirhams Contract at AKOYA Oxygen?,,"브리프 - UAE의 DAMAC, AKOYA Oxygen에서 약 1억 아랍 에미리트 디르하姆 계약 체결" 6967,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BioTelemetry, Inc. Reports Financial Results?",,"바이오텔레메트리 주식회사, 재무 결과 발표" 4516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Catalan President Artur Mas steps down as leader of separatist party?,,"전 카탈루냐 대통령 아르투르 마스, 분리주의 정당의 지도직에서 물러나다." 4402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia says U.S. warned of 'grave repercussions' if Syria attacked?,,"러시아, 미국이 시리아 공격 시 '엄중한 결과' 경고했다고 전해" 3318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Banda's career-best outing lifts Rays over Orioles?,,반다의 경력 최고 성적이 레이스를 오리올스를 이끌다 6062,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British ambassador will not attend Russian ministry meeting on Skripal: RIA?,,브리튼 대사가 스크리팔에 관한 러시아 외무부 회의에 참석하지 않을 것: RIA 5703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maduro win a ‘last straw’ for many Venezuelans?,,마두로의 승리는 많은 베네수엘라인에게 '마지막 끈'이 되다? 1878,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Multiple blasts hit Afghan city, gunbattle underway: officials?",,"여러 폭발이 아프간 도시를 강타했으며, 총격전이 진행 중이라고 관계자들이 전했다." 4792,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tweens: The Hardest Hotel Customers to Please?,,"""12세 이하: 가장 까다로운 호텔 고객?""" 4409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sterling Bancorp Reports Fourth Quarter And Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"브리핑 - 스털링 뱅커프, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 보고" 1150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atlantic Street Capital-Backed PLNTF Holdings Broadens Footprint with Acquisition of Fitness Clubs in Alabama and Virginia?,,"애틀랜틱 스트리트 캐피탈이 지원하는 PLNTF 홀딩스, 앨라배마주와 버지니아주에서 피트니스 클럽 인수로 활동 영역 확대" 3231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Mark Zuckerberg described 'The Facebook' in his first TV interview?,,마크 저커버그가 첫 TV 인터뷰에서 '페이스북'을 어떻게 설명했는가? 8645,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German stocks - Factors to watch on February 8?,,독일 주식 - 2월 8일 주목해야 할 요소들? 8980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Amgen posts higher 1st-quarter profit as sales rise 3 percent?,,"RPT-암겐, 매출 3% 증가로 1분기 이익 증가 발표" 4465,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dominant Donaldson takes early lead in Dubai?,,"두바이에서 우세한 돈알드슨, 초반 리드 차지" 1297,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aerpio Pharmaceuticals to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results and Host Conference Call on Tuesday, March 13, 2018?",,Aerpio Pharmaceuticals는 2018년 3월 13일 화요일에 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과를 발표하고 컨퍼런스 콜을 개최할 예정입니다. 9161,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Altimmune Announces Financial Results for the Year Ended December 31, 2017 and Provides Corporate Update?",,알티뮤네가 2017년 12월 31일 종료된 회계연도의 재무 결과를 발표하고 기업 업데이트를 제공하다. 7639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Keane Group Says Increases Size Of Secondary Offering To 11.0 Mln Shares From 6.0 Mln Shares?,,"브리핑 - 키안 그룹, 600만 주에서 1,100만 주로 2차 공모 규모 증가 발표" 8480,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Whistleblower' alleges VIX manipulation, urges regulatory probe?",,'내부 고발자'가 VIX 조작을 주장하며 규제 조사를 촉구하다 1825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3- backs effort to improve gun background checks?,,UPDATE 3- 총기 배경 조사 개선 노력을 지지합니다. 808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: 'We're not trying to blow up the world' with trade tariffs?,,"상무부 장관 윌버 로스: ""우리는 무역 관세로 세상을 뒤엎으려는 것이 아니다""" 9387,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Healthcare Trust of America, Inc. And Ended Earnings?",,"Healthcare Trust of America, Inc.와 종료된 수익에 대한 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요?" 7165,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EnGold Announces $3.5 Million Financing?,,"브리프-엔골드, 350만 달러 자금 조달 발표" 1598,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rethinking inking: Egyptian mummies show off their tats?,,다시 생각해보는 문신: 이집트 미라들이 그들의 문신을 자랑하다? 9011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fourteen people injured in multiple vehicle collision in England?,,영국에서 발생한 다중 차량 충돌로 14명이 부상을 입었다. 3785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - May 18?,,프레스 다이제스트 - 파이낸셜 타임스 - 5월 18일의 헤드라인을 가진 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까요? 1736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Swiss Finance & Property Investment ‍FY Net Income Expected At CHF 19.3 Mln ​?,,브리프-스위스 금융 및 부동산 투자 FY 순이익이 1930만 스위스 프랑으로 예상됨 336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. Security Council pushes Myanmar on accountability over Rohingya?,,"U.N. 안전보장이사회, 로힝야에 대한 책임을 묻기 위해 미얀마에 압박을 가하다." 8157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vedanta's application to renew copper smelter operations in India rejected?,,Vedanta의 인도 구리 제련소 운영 갱신 신청이 거부됐다. 6511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taco Bell will soon be selling tortilla chips inspired by its sauces?,,타코벨이 곧 소스에서 영감을 받은 토르티야 칩을 판매할 예정이다. 6635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia's Indofood post narrow growth in Q1 profit?,,"인도네시아의 인도푸드, 1분기 수익이 미세하게 성장하다." 9270,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Etsy Reports Q4 Revenue $136.3 Million, Up 23.6%?",,"요약 - 에트시는 4분기 매출 1억 3,630만 달러를 보고하며 23.6% 증가했다고 발표했다." 9394,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: To make copycat drugs more competitive, FDA is taking a harder look at the originals?",,모방 의약품을 더 경쟁력 있게 만들기 위해 FDA가 원본 의약품을 더 면밀히 살펴보고 있다. 106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook could be 'stock in the mud' for next 6-12 months: Pro?,,"""페이스북, 향후 6-12개월간 '진창에 빠진 주식' 될 수 있어: 전문가""" 8927,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Radiant Logistics To Host Investor Call To Discuss Financial Results For Third Fiscal Quarter Ended March 31,?",,Radiant Logistics가 3월 31일 종료된 회계연도 3분기 재무 결과를 논의하기 위해 투자자 전화를 개최할 예정입니다. 7356,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hillenbrand Schedules First Quarter 2018 Earnings Call for February 1, 2018?",,"힐렌브랜드, 2018년 2월 1일 첫 분기 실적 발표 전화 회의 일정 공지" 2569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What I Learned From Building My Own Chatbot?,,제가 제 챗봇을 만들면서 배운 것들 6718,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Evening Edition: January 09, 2018?",,CNBC 기술 확인 저녁판: 2018년 1월 9일 854,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. proposes end of grizzly-baiting ban in Alaska's national preserves?,,"미국, 알래스카 국립 보호구역의 그리즐리 곰 미끼 금지 해제 제안" 5863,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Waseda Academy buys back 366,000 shares for 599.9 mln yen?",,"브리프 - 와세다 아카데미, 599.9억 엔에 366,000주 자사주 매입" 8495,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK Northern Ireland minister says there will be no new cameras on the border after Brexit?,,영국 북아일랜드 장관은 브렉시트 이후 국경에 새로운 카메라가 설치되지 않을 것이라고 말했습니다. 7030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Firefly Q4 Operating Results Swings To Profit SEK ‍6.1​ Mln?,,"BRIEF-파이어플라이, 4분기 운영 결과 610만 크로나의 이익으로 전환" 7853,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bluestar Adisseo's Prelim 2017 Net Profit Down 29.1 Percent Y/Y At 1.3 Billion Yuan?,,BRIEF-Bluestar Adisseo의 2017년 preliminary net profit이 전년 대비 29.1% 감소한 13억 위안입니다. 1871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Washington cupcake shop offers taste of royal wedding?,,"워싱턴의 컵케이크 가게, 왕실 결혼식의 맛을 제공합니다." 2495,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bags, cash and jewelry seized from Malaysia's ex-PM?",,"말레이시아 전 총리로부터 압수된 가방, 현금, 귀중품" 4632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Going off-grid?,,브레이킹뷰 TV: 오프 그리드로 가기? 3539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ASIA GOLD-Demand in India picks up ahead of festival?,,아시아 금 - 축제를 앞두고 인도에서 수요가 증가하다. 2767,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Colorado, Arizona teachers rally for second day over pay, funding?",,"콜로라도, 애리조나 교사들, 급여 및 자금 문제로 이틀 연속 집회 열어" 2867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BNP Paribas cuts stake in First Hawaiian bank to below 50 pct level?,,BNP 파리바는 퍼스트 하와이안 은행 지분을 50% 이하로 축소하였다. 2973,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arizona election database targeted in 2016 by criminals, not Russia: source?",,"2016년에 범죄자들에 의해 아리조나 선거 데이터베이스가 공격받았으며, 그 범죄자들은 러시아가 아니었다: 소식통." 9599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: Don't sell Valeant here—I believe in its CEO?,,크래머의 번개 라운드: 여기서 베일란트를 팔지 마세요—저는 그 CEO를 믿습니다. 3217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar liquidity is the biggest threat right now to global markets: Pro?,,달러 유동성이 현재 글로벌 시장에 가장 큰 위협이라는 전문가의 주장 8386,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fidelity Bank Plc Posts FY 2017 Pretax Profit Of 20.30 Bln Naira?,,"브리프 - 피델리티 은행 Plc, 2017 회계연도 세전 이익 203억 나이라 게시" 442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ConocoPhillips Announces Pricing Of Cash Tender Offer?,,"브리프-코노코필립스, 현금 tender oferta 가격 책정 발표" 121,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diamondback Energy, Inc. Schedules Fourth 2017 Conference Call for February 14, 2018?",,"다이아몬드백 에너지 주식회사, 2018년 2월 14일 2017년 4분기 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 6202,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing Nears Deal to Buy Aerospace-Parts Specialist KLX?,,"보잉, 항공 우주 부품 전문 기업 KLX 인수 거래 근접" 7798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German growth slows to 0.3 percent in first quarter on weak trade?,,독일의 성장률이 부진한 무역으로 인해 첫 분기 0.3%로 둔화입니다. 3406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Le Tissier backs Hughes as perfect choice for Saints?,,레 티시에가 성자들을 위한 완벽한 선택으로 휴즈를 지지하다. 3925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Karen Singer Believes Shareholder Value Will Be Damaged Without Changes To Alaska Communications' Board?,,브리프-카렌 싱어는 알래스카 통신의 이사회에 변화가 없으면 주주 가치가 훼손될 것이라고 믿고 있다. 9010,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SE Asia Stocks-Philippines, Indonesia fall sharply ahead of Fed meet?",,"동남아시아 주식 - 필리핀, 인도네시아가 연준 회의를 앞두고 급락하다" 2431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greece's Public Power Corp. dismisses report it needs big cost cuts this year?,,"""그리스 공공전력공사, 올해 대규모 비용 절감이 필요하다는 보도를 일축하다""" 5949,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 5-Twitter surprises with revenue turnaround, shares surge?",,"UPDATE 5-트위터, 매출 반전으로 깜짝 소식 전하며 주가 급등" 1273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investment Association says TalkTalk placing ignores shareholder rights?,,"투자 협회, 토크톡 주식 매각이 주주 권리를 무시한다고 말하다." 2811,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK funds raise stocks to 2-1/2-year high, cash at five-year lows - Reuters poll?",,"영국 펀드가 주식을 2년 반 만의 최고치로 올리고, 현금은 5년 만의 최저로 - 로이터 여론 조사" 379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Political will lacking to address US budget deficits?,,미국의 예산 적자를 해결할 정치적 의지가 부족하다. 1789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Universal Electronics Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Financial Results?,,"유니버설 일렉트로닉스, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 3175,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hotel Chocolat's profit boosted by new stores, digital reach?",,"호텔 초콜릿, 신규 매장과 디지털 확장으로 수익 증가" 1607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oman's National Mineral Water Posts FY Group Profit?,,Oman의 National Mineral Water가 FY 그룹 수익을 발표했다는 간략한 소식 5889,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robert Mueller subpoenaed Steve Bannon last week, says New York Times?",,로버트 뮬러가 지난주 스티브 배넌을 소환했다고 뉴욕 타임스가 밝혔다. 6994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Myntra Buys Consumer Technology Company Witworks?,,BRIEF-Myntra가 소비자 기술 회사 Witworks를 인수했습니다. 4228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senate Panel Again Votes to Back Powell as Fed Chief?,,"상원 위원회, 다시 한 번 파월의 연준 의장 지지를 위한 표결 실시" 8823,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. Reports First Quarter Results?",,"Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc.가 첫 분기 실적을 발표했습니다." 2633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Saudi's Herfy Food Services FY Profit Falls?,,"브리프 - 사우디의 헤르피 푸드 서비스, FY 이익 감소." 205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China: consumers boost Q1 growth despite trade worries?,,중국: 소비자들이 무역 우려에도 불구하고 1분기 성장을 이끌다. 1758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The hottest toys from the New York Toy Fair?,,뉴욕 장난감 박람회에서 가장 핫한 장난감들 6451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks battered as Italian crisis deepens?,,글로벌 시장 - 이탈리아 위기가 심화되며 주식 시장에 타격 83,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China raises short-term market interest rates, following Fed's move?",,"중국, 연준의 조치에 따라 단기 시장 금리 인상" 6058,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-BRIEF-Private equity firm Ardian buys minority stake in FNAC Darty stakeholder and insurance broker SFAM?,,"REFILE-브리핑-사모펀드 회사 아디안, FNAC 다르티 주주이자 보험 중개업체 SFAM의 소수지분 인수" 6978,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TSMC Orders Machinery Equipment From Mega Union Technology?,,"TSMC, 메가 유니온 테크놀로지로부터 기계 장비 주문." 1984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IBM to reassign 30 percent of Global Services staff in 2018 - The Register?,,IBM은 2018년에 글로벌 서비스 직원의 30%를 재배치할 예정이다 - 더 레지스터 2838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Student Loans: Who Protects the Taxpayers??,,학생 대출: 세금을 보호하는 사람은 누구인가? 8792,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungary slides deeper down corruption index, watchdog says?",,헝가리가 부패 지수에서 더 깊이 하락하고 있다고 감시단체가 밝혔다. 1312,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. new home sales fall less than expected in April?,,4월 미국 신규 주택 판매가 예상보다 덜 감소하다. 7676,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taco Bell owner's Grubhub deal gives it a leg up on the competition?,,"타코벨 소유주 그럽허브 딜, 경쟁에서 우위를 점하게 해준다." 4209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sonde Health Appoints Thai Lee to Board of Directors?,,Sonde Health가 태리 리를 이사회에 임명하다. 4636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spain's Repsol agrees to sell Gas Natural stake to CVC?,,"스페인의 레프솔, CVC에 가스 자연 지분 매각 합의" 8833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gongwin Biopharm Holdings to issue 5.5 mln shares to replenish working capital?,,"BRIEF-공윈바이오팜홀딩스, 운영자금 보충을 위해 550만 주 발행 예정" 3947,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss stocks - Factors to watch on Jan 19?,,스위스 주식 - 1월 19일 주목해야 할 요소들? 6616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rieter Holding FY Order Intake Grows By 16% To CHF 1.05 Bln?,,"BRIEF-Rieter Holding FY 수주량 16% 증가, 10억 5천만 CHF 달성" 245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Danish inventor could face life sentence in submarine killing case?,,"덴마크 발명가, 잠수함 살인 사건으로 종신형에 처해질 가능성" 6398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: F5 Appoints Francis J. Pelzer as Chief Financial Officer?,,"F5, 프랜시스 J. 펠저를 최고 재무 책임자로 임명하다." 5229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Los Angeles Times to Replace Editor After Tumultuous Tenure?,,"로스앤젤레스 타임스, 격동의 만연한 재직 후 편집장 교체 예정" 3522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- Wall Street Journal - April 5?,,"뉴스 기사의 제목이 ""PRESS DIGEST- 월스트리트 저널 - 4월 5일""인 경우, 그 기사 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다:" 550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil investigators say BRF food inspection fraud started in 2012?,,브라질 조사관들은 BRF 식품 검사 사기가 2012년에 시작되었다고 말했습니다. 3991,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says ready for any scenario if Trump exits nuclear deal: Tasnim news?,,"""이란, 트럼프가 핵 거래에서 탈퇴할 경우 모든 시나리오에 대비할 준비가 되어 있다고 발표: 타스님 뉴스""" 1412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Healthcare Scare: Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Recalls Spike?,,헬스케어 공포: 의료 기기와 제약 제품 리콜 급증 1731,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Technology to help deepen our relationship with wild animals?,,기술이 우리가 야생 동물과의 관계를 깊게 하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다? 2661,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fitbit, Inc. to Acquire Twine Health?",,"핏빗, 주식회사가 트와인 헬스를 인수하다?" 853,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-P.A.M. Transportation Services Reports Q4 Shr of $5.00?,,"P.A.M. 운송 서비스, 4분기 주당 순이익 $5.00 보고" 4599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford April US sales down 4.7%?,,"포드, 4월 미국 판매 4.7% 감소" 936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK diesel sales slump by more than a third in key selling month March?,,영국의 경유 판매가 주요 판매 월인 3월에 3분의 1 이상 급감하다. 1003,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump keeps U.S. allies, metals producers guessing on tariff exemptions?",,"트럼프, 미국의 동맹국들과 금속 생산자들을 관세 면제에 대해 궁금하게 만들다" 8104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung hit with $7M fee award in Imperium patent lawsuit?,,삼성이 임페리움 특허 소송에서 700만 달러의 수수료 부과를 받다. 2218,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wealth Managers Join First Republic in San Francisco and Boston?,,부유층 자산 관리자들이 샌프란시스코와 보스턴의 퍼스트 리퍼블릭에 합류하다 1040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Historic NRI and IMG Composites Merger Establishes World's Largest Composite Repair Corporation?,,역사적인 NRI와 IMG Composites의 합병이 세계 최대의 복합재 수리 기업을 설립하다. 534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sweden's MTG to sell MTG Nordics business to Danish TDC?,,브리프 - 스웨덴의 MTG가 MTG 노르딕스 사업부를 덴마크의 TDC에 매각한다. 4471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Lovable Lingerie Dec Qtr Profit Rises?,,브리프-인도의 러블리 란제리 4분기 이익 증가 361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cisco Offers $50 Million to Combat Homelessness in Silicon Valley?,,"시스코, 실리콘밸리의 홈리스 문제 해결을 위해 5천만 달러 기부 제안" 3604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xcerra And Hubei Xinyan Equity Investment Partnership Announce Termination Of Merger Agreement?,,"BRIEF-Xcerra와 후베이 신옌 주식 투자 파트너십, 합병 계약 종료 발표" 4527,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Entercom Communications Corp. Reports Fourth Quarter Results and Announces First Quarter Dividend?,,"에너컴 커뮤니케이션스 코퍼레이션, 4분기 실적 발표 및 1분기 배당금 발표" 6989,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump warns Erdogan to avoid clash between U.S., Turkish forces?",,"트럼프, 에르도안에게 미국과 터키군 간의 충돌을 피하라고 경고하다" 1239,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aberdeen Israel Fund, Inc. Announces Payment Of Distribution?",,"에버딘 이스라엘 펀드, 주식회사, 배당금 지급 발표" 4750,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. approach to tariffs wrong, absurd if Britain affected - Liam Fox?",,"""영국이 영향을 받는다면 미국의 관세 접근 방식은 잘못되었고, 터무니없다 - 리암 폭스""" 9790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: One reported dead in French hostage-taking?,,프랑스 인질극으로 한 명 사망 reported dead in French hostage-taking 7537,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-U.S. oil extends decline, weighed down by dollar, rising output?",,"수정됨 - 미국 유가가 계속 하락, 달러 약세 및 생산 증가로 압박받다." 3783,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Soaring demand for female genital surgery sparks debate in Brazil?,,수정됨 - 여성 성기 수술에 대한 수요 급증이 브라질에서 논란을 일으키고 있다. 9632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Kwality Ltd Dec Qtr Profit Falls?,,"브리프 - 인도의 Kwality Ltd, 12월 분기 수익 감소" 9171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mudman Pcl Says FY Net Loss 50.4 Million Baht?,,BRIEF-Mudman Pcl은 FY 순손실이 5040만 바트라고 발표했습니다. 2987,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ArQule To Report Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results On March 5, 2018?",,ArQule이 2018년 3월 5일에 2017년 4분기 재무 결과를 보고할 예정입니다. 7848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China has many tools to retaliate to US trade actions: Analyst?,,중국은 미국의 무역 조치에 보복할 수 있는 많은 수단을 가지고 있다고 분석가가 말했다. 5873,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Dow is tanking, but why haven't the markets been halted??",,"다우지수가 급락하고 있지만, 왜 시장이 중단되지 않았습니까??" 5272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: High court rejects copyright suit by stock photo company?,,"고등법원, 스톡 사진 회사의 저작권 소송 기각" 8888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Huntington Ingalls Industries Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"헌팅턴 잉골스 산업, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표" 2804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stantec Executives to Hold First Quarter 2018 Conference Call?,,스탠텍 임원들이 2018년 1분기 컨퍼런스 콜을 개최합니다. 7758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yihua Healthcare to pay FY 2017 div payment?,,"이화 헬스케어, 2017 회계연도 배당금 지급 예정" 9423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to tell Davos seeks to build partnerships?,,"트럼프, 다보스에서 파트너십 구축을 목표로 한다고 말할 것이다." 2150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tianyun International Updates On Issue Of The Convertible Notes?,,BRIEF-Tianyun International이 전환사채 문제에 대한 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 1159,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mitek And IdentityMind Global Expand Partnership To Add Biometric Facial Comparison?,,Mitek과 IdentityMind Global이 생체 인식 얼굴 비교 기능 추가를 위해 파트너십을 확장합니다. 7697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kingery's walk-off lifts Phillies over Reds in 12th?,,킹거리의 끝내기 안타로 필립스가 레즈를 12회에서 이겼다 813,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harry is most popular UK royal, but world not bothered by wedding - poll?",,"해리, 가장 인기 있는 영국 왕실 인물이지만 세계는 결혼식에 별로 관심 없어 - 여론 조사 결과" 9164,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Brazil, truckers fail to reach deal to end fuel protests?",,"UPDATE 2-브라질, 트럭 운전사들 연료 시위를 끝내기 위한 합의에 도달하지 못하다" 8020,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global cancer survival rates improve, but wide gaps remain?",,전 세계 암 생존율이 개선되었지만 여전히 큰 격차가 존재한다. 428,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. Announces Investigation of Klondex Mines Ltd.?",,"주주 경고: Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.가 Klondex Mines Ltd.에 대한 조사를 발표했습니다." 8225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ashford Announces Senior Management Promotions?,,"아쉬포드, 고위 관리직 승진 발표" 9743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: T5 Data Centers Finalizes Purchase of 40-acre Site for T5@Atlanta II Data Center Campus?,,"T5 데이터 센터, T5@Atlanta II 데이터 센터 캠퍼스 용 40에이커 부지 구매 완료" 8479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AMOEBA Willaertia Magna C2c Maky Not Approved?,,AMOEBA Willaertia Magna C2c Maky가 승인되지 않음? 4260,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: West Corporation Closes Landmark Acquisition of Nasdaq’s Public Relations and Digital Media Businesses?,,"웨스트 코퍼레이션, 나스닥의 PR 및 디지털 미디어 사업 인수 완료" 2723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Figure skating - Wardrobe malfunction affects ice dancers?,,피겨 스케이팅 - 의상 문제가 아이스 댄서들에게 영향을 미쳤다? 963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK PM May expected to blame Russia for poisoning of spy -British lawmaker?,,"영국 총리 메이, 러시아를 스파이 독살의 주범으로 지목할 것으로 예상 -영국 의원" 1055,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TransAct Technologies Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend of $0.09 Per Share?,,"TransAct Technologies, 주당 0.09달러의 분기 배당금 발표" 2086,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coinbase Hires Twitter VP Bhatnagar to Improve Operations | Fortune?,,"코인베이스, 운영 개선을 위해 트위터 부사장 바트나가르 영입 | 포ortune" 9500,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CMC Magnetics buys 1.1 mln shares in Concraft Holding for T$308.4 mln?,,"CMG 마그네틱스, 콘크래프트 홀딩스의 110만 주를 3억 8400만 대만달러에 구매." 4437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wage growth will break out this year: Economist?,,올해 임금 성장이 급증할 것: 경제학자 2123,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syncora Announces NYDFS Approval of $400mm Payment to Third-Party Holders of Surplus Notes in Connection with Reinsurance, Surplus Noteholder Consent to Reinsurance Transaction and First Quarter 2018 Interim GAAP Consolidated Financial Results?",,Syncora는 재보험과 관련하여 잉여금 노트의 제3자 보유자에게 4억 달러 지급을 승인한 NYDFS의 승인을 발표했습니다. 재보험 거래에 대한 잉여금 노트 보유자의 동의 및 2018년 1분기 GAAP 기준 간이 연결 재무 결과. 4333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Beetle Bailey' comic strip creator dies aged 94?,,'비틀 베일리' 만화 스트립 창작자 94세로 사망 1094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jeffrey Tambor out of Amazon's 'Transparent' TV series?,,"제프리 탐보르, 아마존의 '투명한' TV 시리즈에서 하차" 8194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Biomed-Lublin Q1 Net Loss Narrows To 0.5 Mln Zlotys?,,"브리프 - 바이오메드-루블린, 1분기 순손실 50만 즈워티로 축소" 9945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ticketfly Cofounder and Monero Ringmaster Start New Blockchain Project?,,티켓플라이 공동 창립자와 모네로 총책임자가 새로운 블록체인 프로젝트를 시작하다. 7247,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Health investors roll out unwelcome mat for Amazon's arrival?,,헬스케어 투자자들은 아마존의 진출에 대해 반갑지 않은 맞이의 준비를 하고 있다. 8636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ADDvantage Technologies Announces Financial Results for the Fiscal First Quarter of 2018?,,ADDvantage Technologies가 2018 회계년도 첫 분기의 재무 결과를 발표하다. 3833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Starpharma Holdings Says Co To Commence DEP Cabazitaxel Phase 1/2 Trial?,,"BRIEF-스타파마 홀딩스, DEP 카바지탁셀 1상/2상 시험 착수 발표." 4213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa considering delaying state of the nation speech - speaker?,,"남아프리카 공화국, 국가 연설 지연 검토 - 의장" 9962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Audioboom Group Says Process of Proposed Acquisition Of Triton Digital Canada Continues?,,"브리프-오디오붐 그룹, 트리톤 디지털 캐나다 인수 제안 진행 중이라고 밝혀" 732,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Netgem FY Net Revenue Down At ‍24.6​ Million Euros?,,브리프-넷젬 FY 순수익이 2460만 유로로 감소했습니다. 2265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia Gold-Higher prices keep buyers at bay; India discounts at 6-1/2-month high?,,"아시아 금 - 가격 상승으로 매수자들이 거리감을 두다; 인도 할인, 6개월 반 만에 최고 수준으로 증가." 3,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Charts show oil prices could soon peak?,,차트는 곧 유가가 정점에 이를 수 있음을 보여준다. 4258,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: If it happens, it happens: Trump says not told anything on North Korea summit?",,"일어난다면 일어난다: 트럼프, 북한 정상회담에 대해 아무런 통보를 받지 못했다고 말하다." 2423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Overstock.Com Received Request From SEC Asking For Documents Related To Company's Plan To Issue Digital Tokens -Bloomberg?,,"브리프 - 오버스톡닷컴, 디지털 토큰 발행 계획과 관련된 문서 요청을 SEC로부터 받았다고 블룸버그가 보도함." 4767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google and Facebook will dominate digital advertising: Paul Meeks?,,구글과 페이스북이 디지털 광고를 장악할 것이다: 폴 미크스? 917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rescue team searches for five missing workers in Oklahoma rig fire?,,오클라호마 유전 화재에서 실종된 다섯 명의 작업자를 찾기 위한 구조대 수색 7494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Childrens Place Says CEO Jane Elfers's FY2017 Total Compensation Was $15.8 Mln Vs $15.7 Mln In 2016?,,"브리프 - 어린이의 장소는 CEO 제인 엘퍼스의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 1,570만 달러에서 1,580만 달러로 증가했다고 발표했습니다." 4764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oprah's Golden Globes Speech Sends Weight Watchers Stock Soaring | Fortune?,,오프라의 골든 글로브 수상 소감이 웨이트 워처스 주가를 치솟게 해 | 포츈 463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's how Trump's tariffs affect GOP-related stocks?,,"""트럼프의 관세가 공화당 관련 주식에 미치는 영향은 이렇습니다.""" 9432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Brower Piven Commences an Investigation into the Proposed Sale of Fairmount Santrol Holdings Inc. and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm for Additional Information?,,"주주 경고: 브라우어 피븐, 페어마운트 산트롤 홀딩스 주식회사의 제안된 매각에 대한 조사를 시작하고 투자자들에게 추가 정보를 위해 회사에 연락할 것을 권장합니다." 7091,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says he, Macron may reach agreement on Iran deal?",,"트럼프, 자신과 마크롱이 이란 거래에 대한 합의에 도달할 수 있다고 말하다" 890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leon Cooperman on 'crazy' securities destroying world's best market?,,"레온 쿠퍼맨, '미친' 증권이 세계 최고의 시장을 망치고 있다고 언급하다." 4991,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Athletics - Kiprop’s doping failure hits Kenya’s cradle of athletics?,,육상 - 킵롭의 도핑 실패가 케냐의 육상의 요람을 강타하다. 1572,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Record First Quarter 2018 Operating Results And Increased 2018 Guidance Announced By National Retail Properties, Inc.?",,"내셔널 리테일 프로퍼티스(National Retail Properties, Inc.)가 2018년 1분기 역대 최고 운영 실적과 2018년 전망 증가를 발표했습니다." 9703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitter immigration fight is no closer to ending after budget deal passes?,,쓰라린 이민 문제는 예산안이 통과된 후에도 해결될 기미가 보이지 않는다. 4161,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. forces in Afghanistan attack anti-China militants?,,미국 군대가 아프가니스탄에서 반중국 무장세력을 공격하다. 2541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FirstEnergy Corp Says Its Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Returned To Service?,,"BRIEF-퍼스트에너지 Corp, 데이비스-베스 원자력 발전소 서비스 복귀 발표" 8507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arbor Realty Trust Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results and Increases Quarterly Dividend 11% to $0.21 per Share?,,"아버 리얼티 트러스트, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 발표 및 분기 배당금 11% 인상, 주당 $0.21로 결정" 507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-PGA Fedex Cup FedEx Cup Rankings?,,UPDATE 2-PGA 페덱스컵 페덱스컵 랭킹 210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Poland's Handlowy says able to pay out dividend for 2017?,,브리프-폴란드의 한두이(Hanlowy)가 2017년 배당금을 지급할 수 있다고 밝혀. 7177,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harper, Strasburg help Nats snap D-backs' series streak?",,하퍼와 스트라스버그가 내셔널스의 다이아몬드백스 시리즈 연승을 저지하다. 5574,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump plan would study sale of federal utility's assets?,,트럼프 계획은 연방 공공 유틸리티 자산 매각 연구에 대한 것이다. 4804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dodgers promote switch-pitcher Venditte?,,"다저스, 스위치 피쳐 벤디트를 승격시키다?" 4894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hannon Armstrong Announces 78 Pct Annual GAAP EPS Growth To $0.57 Per Share?,,"브리프 - 해논 암스트롱, 주당 0.57달러로 GAAP EPS 연간 78% 성장 발표" 1392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tunisia's tourism revenues grow 23 pct in first quarter?,,튀니지의 관광 수익이 1분기에 23% 증가하다 7945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German stocks - Factors to watch on May 24?,,독일 주식 - 5월 24일 주목할 요소들? 3993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pompeo teases North Korea sanctions relief?,,"폼페이오, 북한 제재 완화 암시" 669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Citigroup Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share of $1.68?,,"브리프-시티그룹, 1분기 주당순이익 1.68달러 발표" 2641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qatar First Bank FY Loss Widens?,,카타르 퍼스트 뱅크 FY 손실 확대 938,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Highlights: Buffett, 'Oracle of Omaha,' on bonds, deals?",,"하이라이트: '오마하의 현인' 버핏, 채권과 거래에 대한 의견" 9333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French PM: reform of SNCF state railways to be pushed through by decree?,,"프랑스 총리: SNCF 국철 개혁, 법령으로 추진될 것" 2298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Western Energy Services Corp Posts Q4 Loss $0.06/Shr‍​?,,"BRIEF-웨스턴 에너지 서비스 Corp, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.06 보고" 6859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pope Says Fake News Is Devil’s Work?,,"교황, 가짜 뉴스는 악마의 일이라고 말하다." 5644,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico, U.S. meet to talk about U.S. steel, aluminum actions?",,"멕시코, 미국, 미국의 철강 및 알루미늄 조치에 대해 논의하기 위해 만나다." 181,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OP Bancorp Earns Record Net Income of $3.2 Million in the First Quarter of 2018?,,OP Bancorp는 2018년 첫 분기에 320만 달러의 기록적인 순이익을 올렸다. 179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Next Housing Crisis: A Historic Shortage of New Homes?,,다음 주택 위기: 역사적인 신축 주택 부족 1616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump’s Company Won’t Disclose Size of Donation of Foreign Profits to U.S.?,,"트럼프 회사, 외국 수익의 미국에 대한 기부 규모 공개하지 않기로 결정" 4259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart Might Be Spending Billions for a Stake in Flipkart | Fortune?,,"""Walmart가 Flipkart 지분 확보를 위해 수십억 달러를 지출할 수 있다 | 포춘""" 7532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Week ahead: counting on the consumer for growth??,,향후 주: 성장을 위해 소비자에 의존하기? 8685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China’s economic targets invite promise fatigue?,,중국의 경제 목표가 기대 피로를 초대하다 6378,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank Of Baroda Fixes Issue Price For Preferential Allotment To Indian Govt?,,"브리프 - 바르다 은행, 인도 정부에 대한 우선 배정 발행 가격 결정" 8206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hillenbrand Q2 Revenue Rose 14 Percent To $452 Million?,,Hillenbrand의 2분기 수익이 4억 5200만 달러로 14% 상승했다고 간략히 보도했습니다. 7254,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why is Scandinavia so expensive??,,스칸디나비아는 왜 이렇게 비쌀까? 8530,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morgan Stanley: No signs inflation is set to spike?,,모건 스탠리: 물가 상승이 급등할 조짐이 없다? 3329,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Costco's profit, same-store sales miss estimates?",,UPDATE 2-코스트코의 이익과 같은 매장 매출이 예상치를 밑돌다. 6628,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daily Briefing: Brexit in parliament - resistance rising??,,일일 브리핑: 의회에서의 브렉시트 - 저항이 커지고 있다? 9673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fox News pledges full support of Sean Hannity?,,"폭스 뉴스, 션 한니티에 대한 전폭적인 지원 약속" 3034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Martian ice deposits could sustain human outposts in the future?,,화성의 얼음 매장량이 미래의 인간 기지를 지원할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 5383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cambridge Trust Company Announces Hiring of Veteran Private Banker Marc Gearin?,,"캠브리지 트러스트 컴퍼니, 베테랑 프라이빗 뱅커 마크 기어인의 채용 발표" 3149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The VA's history of setbacks and missteps?,,VA의 역사적 좌절과 실수들 1293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Colombia legislative poll results could dent leftist Petro's presidency hopes?,,콜롬비아 입법 선거 결과는 좌파 페트로의 대통령 희망에 타격을 줄 수 있다? 3512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iranian cleric: Supreme leader predicted nuclear deal would fail?,,이란 성직자: 최고 지도자가 핵 거래가 실패할 것이라고 예언했다. 3550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesco reports lower than expected Christmas sales?,,"테스코, 예상보다 낮은 크리스마스 판매 보고" 7619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says does not want trade war but is not scared of one?,,중국은 무역 전쟁을 원하지 않지만 무역 전쟁에 대해서는 두려워하지 않는다고 말했습니다. 8502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SSH Enters Into Patent Cross License And Settlement Agreement With Sony?,,"브리프-SSH, 소니와 특허 크로스 라이센스 및 합의 계약 체결" 3253,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S.Korea spent $220,000 on Kim Jong Un's sister and delegation, official says?",,"한국, 김정은의 여동생과 대표단에 22만 달러 지출했다고官 발표" 1459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Granite REIT Completes Sale Of $400 Million Of Properties?,,"BRIEF-Granite REIT, 4억 달러 규모의 부동산 매각 완료" 4876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iraq plans military operation to secure oil route to Iran - security sources?,,"이라크, 이란으로의 석유 경로 확보를 위한 군사 작전 계획 - 보안 소식통" 1620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Study Reveals Businesses Miss Out on Higher Revenue and Profit Growth Due to Lack of Broad Adoption of Agile and DevOps?,,글로벌 연구에 따르면 기업들이 애자일과 데브옵스의 널리 채택되지 않아 더 높은 수익 및 이익 성장 기회를 놓치고 있음이 밝혀졌다. 2710,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warriors rout Pelicans for 3-1 series lead?,,"워리어스, 펠리컨스를 크게 이기고 3-1 시리즈 리드 확보" 1876,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ohio says insurers, benefit managers must disclose most affordable drug options?",,"오하이오주, 보험사 및 급여 관리자가 가장 저렴한 약물 옵션을 공개해야 한다고 발표해" 7633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former White House Communicator Jamie Smith Joins the Linux Foundation as Chief Marketing Officer?,,"전 백악관 커뮤니케이터 제이미 스미스, 리눅스 재단의 최고 마케팅 책임자로 합류" 4086,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alphabet Founders Letter 2017 Sergey Brin on AI?,,"알파벳 설립자 서신 2017, 세르게이 브린의 AI에 대한 이야기?" 316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed Nominee Clarida Promises ‘Balanced Approach’ to Monetary Policy?,,"연준 후보 클라리다, 통화정책에 대한 '균형 잡힌 접근' 약속" 7034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sainsbury's needs year's notice to act on post-Brexit trade deal?,,Sainsbury's는 브렉시트 무역 협정에 대해 조치를 취하기 위해 1년의 통보가 필요하다. 9042,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kvitova, Konta suffer early exits in Charleston?",,"키비토바, 콘타가 찰스턴에서 조기 탈락하다" 8199,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian shares fall on financials, staples; NZ slips?",,"호주 주식, 금융 및 필수 소비재 하락; 뉴질랜드 하락." 2467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ReNew Power buys Ostro Energy in one of India's biggest clean energy deals?,,"ReNew Power, 인도 최대 청정 에너지 거래 중 하나로 Ostro Energy 인수." 2715,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil rises to three-week high on Mideast tensions, Venezuela concerns?",,"Oil rises to three-week high on Mideast tensions, Venezuela concerns." 2744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cairo Communication Advertising Sales On La7 And La7d In Q1 Up 3.4 Pct YoY?,,"카이로 커뮤니케이션, Q1의 La7 및 La7d 광고 판매가 전년 대비 3.4% 증가했다고 발표." 9658,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. doctors' group calls for equal pay, opportunities for female physicians?",,"미국 의사 단체, 여성 의사를 위한 동등한 급여와 기회 촉구" 70,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CIO discusses the impact of trade tensions on US deficits?,,CIO가 무역 tensions가 미국 적자에 미치는 영향에 대해 논의합니다. 3212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Brazil real slumps despite intervention amid emerging market selloff?,,신흥 시장 - 신흥 시장 매도 속에서 개입에도 불구하고 브라질 헤알이 하락하다. 3494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wynn Resorts Enters a New Galaxy?,,"윈 리조트, 새로운 은하로 진출하다." 2221,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The retail rally isn't over yet, technician says?",,소매 랠리는 아직 끝나지 않았다고 기술 분석가가 말합니다. 509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong by-elections seen as protest vote against China control?,,중국의 통제에 대한 항의 투표로 여겨지는 홍콩 보궐선거 3084,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Casualty toll from Afghan blast reaches 31 killed: official?,,아프간 폭발 사고로 사망자 수가 31명으로 증가: 공식 발표 2312,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 4Front Promotes Leise Rosman to Chief Operating Officer?,,"4Front, Leise Rosman을 최고 운영 책임자로 승진시키다." 8716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems Group signs strategic cooperation letter of intent?,,BRIEF-Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems Group가 전략적 협력 양해각서에 서명했습니다. 2817,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei rises as chip-related stocks surge; Tokyo Electron jumps?,,"니케이 상승, 반도체 관련 주식 급등; 도쿄 일렉트론 급등" 7744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Game of Thrones' author delays long-awaited book?,,"'왕좌의 게임' 작가, 오랫동안 기다려온 책 발매 연기" 5148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL LNG-Chinese retreat relieves bullish pressure on Asia's spot market?,,글로벌 LNG - 중국의 후퇴가 아시아 현물 시장의 강세 압력을 완화하다. 4948,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hotel key cards, even invalid ones, help hackers break into rooms?",,"호텔 키 카드, 무효 카드조차 해커들이 방에 침입하는 데 도움을 준다?" 5775,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Broadcom Should Walk Away?,,브로드컴이 물러나야 하는 이유? 6553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senate to vote to renew NSA's internet surveillance program?,,"상원, NSA의 인터넷 감시 프로그램 갱신 투표 예정" 607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Morning Edition: April 180420?,,CNBC 기술 점검 아침 편집: 2023년 4월 18일 7629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's Erdogan seeks votes in Bosnia after ban on campaigning elsewhere?,,"터키의 에르도안, 다른 지역에서 캠페인 금지 후 보스니아에서 표를 구하다" 9443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Creative Learning Corporation Announces Shareholder Meeting?,,"Creative Learning Corporation, 주주총회 개최 발표" 6762,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HENRY SCHEIN SHAREHOLDER ALERT BY FORMER LOUISIANA ATTORNEY GENERAL: KAHN SWICK & FOTI, LLC REMINDS INVESTORS WITH LOSSES IN EXCESS OF $100,000 of Lead Plaintiff Deadline in Class Action Lawsuit Against Henry Schein, Inc. - HSIC?",,"HENRY SCHEIN 주주 경고: KAHN SWICK & FOTI, LLC가 손실이 $100,000 이상인 투자자들에게 Henry Schein, Inc. - HSIC에 대한 집단소송의 원고 기한을 상기시킵니다." 4621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Empire strikes back: EU to combat strongmen?,,제국의 반격: EU가 강권자에 맞서 싸우다? 1372,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway retail sales fall for third straight month, crown weakens?",,"노르웨이 소매 판매, 세 달 연속 감소; 크로나 약세" 4849,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MoSys to Announce First Financial Results on May 10, 2018?",,"MoSys, 2018년 5월 10일 첫 재무 결과 발표 예정" 8077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mrc Allied Signs Contract For 4Mw Solar (Photovoltaic) PV Rooftop Project‍​ With Unisolar?,,Mrc Allied가 Unisolar와 4MW 태양광(PV) 루프탑 프로젝트 계약을 체결했다는 내용의 뉴스 기사. 383,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump, France's Macron to discuss Iran nuclear deal next week?",,"트럼프, 프랑스의 마크롱과 다음 주 이란 핵 협정 논의 예정" 4447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Advance Residence Investment to buy Sapporo-based property for 679 mln yen?,,"간략 - 어드밴스 레지던스 인베스트먼트, 삿포로 소재 부동산을 679억 엔에 인수할 예정" 3746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sanctions-hit Russian tycoons may have lost $7.5 billion?,,제재를 받은 러시아 거부들이 75억 달러를 잃었을 가능성이 있다. 9069,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU moves to curb imports of Chinese e-bikes?,,"EU, 중국산 전기 자전거 수입 규제 착수" 1375,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Initial jobless claims down 1,000 to 232,000?",,"초기 실업 수당 청구가 1,000건 감소하여 232,000건에 달하다." 9193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rights group accuses Egypt of mass demolition of homes in Sinai?,,"인권 단체, 이집트의 시나이에서 주택 대규모 철거를 비난하다." 933,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zafgen Says Co Entered Into Loan And Security Agreement Providing For Term Loan With Principal Amount​ Of $20 Mln?,,"브리프 - 자프겐, 2천만 달러의 원금으로 장기 대출을 제공하는 대출 및 담보 계약 체결 발표" 2970,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Macerich Reports Q1 FFO Per Share $0.82?,,"브리프-마세리치, 1분기 주당 FFO 0.82달러 보고." 844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Drug copies ready to take next bite out of Roche's cancer sales?,,제약 복제약이 로슈의 암 판매에서 다음 비트를 차지할 준비가 되어 있다? 226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Retirees Can Reduce Their Marginal Tax Rates?,,퇴직자들이 한계 세율을 낮추는 방법 6176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Current market fears sparked by Italy's political drama?,,현재 시장의 우려는 이탈리아의 정치 드라마에 의해 촉발되었다. 8890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street to open higher as Xi soothes trade war fears?,,"월스트리트, 시진핑의 무역 전쟁 우려 완화로 상승 출발 예상" 2000,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senegal capital erupts in protest over proposed election law?,,"세네갈 수도, 제안된 선거법을 둘러싼 시위로 폭발하다." 7814,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India signs deals to export 200,000 bales of cotton to China- trade body?",,"인도, 중국에 20만 배의 면화를 수출하는 계약 체결 - 무역 단체" 4018,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tenax Therapeutics Announces Plan To Develop Levosimendan For A Pulmonary Hypertension Indication With No FDA Approved Therapies?,,"BRIEF-테낙스 테라퓨틱스, FDA 승인 치료제가 없는 폐고혈압 적응증을 위한 레보시멘단 개발 계획 발표" 8419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UBM Development FY Net Profit At EUR 37 Mln?,,브리프-UBM 개발 FY 순이익 3700만 유로 708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India issues request for information for fighter aircraft contract - air force?,,인도가 전투기 계약을 위한 정보 요청을 발행하다 - 공군 780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil markets: Russia says it may gradually raise output?,,"석유 시장: 러시아, 점진적으로 생산량을 늘릴 수 있다고 밝혀" 8300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Qatari German Co for Medical Devices Q1 Loss Widens?,,카타르 독일 의료기기 회사지 1분기 손실 확대 5375,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alawwal and SABB to merge to create Saudi Arabia's third largest bank?,,알아왈과 SABB가 합병하여 사우디 아라비아의 세 번째로 큰 은행을 만든다? 8228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ADM Board of Directors Nominates AECOM Chairman and CEO Michael S. Burke to Board?,,"ADM 이사회, AECOM 회장 겸 CEO 마이클 S. 버크를 이사로 지명" 5404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nevsun Reports 55.1 Million Pounds Of Zinc Production In Q4 2017​?,,"브리프 - 네브슨, 2017년 4분기 아연 생산량 5510만 파운드 보고" 116,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Miami's Villa Jasmine Has Incomparable Views of the Skyline?,,마이애미의 자스민 빌라는 스카이라인이 내려다보이는 비교할 수 없는 전망을 가지고 있습니다. 7895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lilly Declares Second-Quarter 2018 Dividend?,,"릴리, 2018년 2분기 배당금 발표" 3852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 2018 Toyota Yaris review?,,2018 도요타 야리 리뷰 1815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Madison Square Garden Company Reports Fiscal 2018 Third Quarter Results?,,"매디슨 스퀘어 가든 컴퍼니, 2018 회계 연도 3분기 실적 발표" 8207,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crisscrossing Irish border, locals crave status quo after Brexit?",,브렉시트 이후 아일랜드 국경을 넘나들며 지역 주민들은 현상 유지를 갈망하다 541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forex headwinds take shine off record BMW deliveries in Q1?,,외환의 역풍이 1분기 기록적인 BMW 판매 실적의 빛을 가리다. 5957,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: F1 will still have 'glamour' without models, says Carey?",,"""모델 없이도 F1은 여전히 '화려함'을 가질 것이라고 캐리씨가 말했습니다.""" 7225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump wants to prove his point about Amazon – so he’s looking into the Post Office’s finances?,,"트럼프는 아마존에 대한 자신의 주장을 입증하고 싶어 하며, 그래서 그는 우체국의 재정 상황을 조사하고 있다." 9131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Bilfinger CEO Koch says not aware he did any wrong?,,"전 빌핑거 CEO 코흐, 자신이 잘못한 일이 없다고 주장" 9089,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Korbank Buys 680 Square Meters Real Estate In Radom?,,"코르뱅, 라돈에서 680 제곱미터 부동산 매입" 8637,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GOP-Led House Panel Clears Trump, His Aides in Russia Probe?",,"GOP 주도의 하원 위원회, 트럼프와 그의 보좌진을 러시아 조사에서 제외하다." 6461,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Premier League survival Bournemouth's priority, says Francis?",,"프란시스, ""프리미어 리그 생존이 보샘의 최우선 과제""" 5797,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Morning Edition: April 06, 2018?",,CNBC 기술 점검 아침 판: 2018년 4월 6일 3871,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia, Assad give ultimatum to rebels northeast of Damascus?",,러시아와 아사드가 다마스쿠스 북동부 반군에게 최후통첩을 보냈다. 7918,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Super Rugby results?,,UPDATE 3-슈퍼 럭비 결과 4188,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Profound Medical Corp. Announces Chinese Food and Drug Administration Approval for Sonalleve®?,,Profound Medical Corp.가 Sonalleve®에 대한 중국 식품의약품감독관리국 승인을 발표했습니다. 1940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rajesh Exports replies to clarification sought on export order?,,"라제쉬 수출, 수출 주문에 대한 요청된 설명에 응답하다." 7197,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VERBATIM: U.S. plans new Russia sanctions for Syria chemical attack?,,"VERBATIM: 미국, 시리아 화학 무기 공격에 대한 새로운 러시아 제재 계획" 874,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nepali Sherpa summits Mount Everest for record 22nd time?,,"네팔 셰르파, 에베레스트 정상에서 기록적인 22번째 등정 성공!" 8762,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's Co-op to buy Flow Energy as energy price cap looms?,,"브리튼의 코옵, 에너지 가격 상한선이 다가오면서 플로우 에너지를 인수하다" 5098,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street opens lower as trade war fears escalate?,,"월스트리트, 무역 전쟁 우려가 커지면서 하락 출발" 3891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tsonga withdraws from French Open?,,"죵가, 프랑스 오픈에서 기권하다." 3440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Janney: Markets came into 2018 extremely overbought?,,잔니: 시장은 2018년에 극도로 과열된 상태로 들어섰다. 573,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey to become EBRD funder, agreement to be signed on Friday?",,"터키, EBRD 출연국 될 예정, 금요일에 협약 체결 예정" 3788,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Owens Corning Says On May 4, 2018, Owens Corning Entered Into A Credit Agreement?",,"브리핑-오웬스 코닝, 2018년 5월 4일 신용 계약 체결했다고 발표." 5156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Australia to have behaviour 'charter' in wake of ball-tampering?,,"크리켓-호주, 공 조작 사건 이후 행동 '헌장' 마련할 예정" 6131,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Applied Materials beats on top and bottom, but guidance is light?",,응용 자재가 상하 예상치를 초과했지만 전망은 비관적이다. 7760,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration defends Obama's Atlantic monument?,,"트럼프 행정부, 오바마의 대서양 기념물 방어한다." 7096,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volkswagen trucks CFO quits for personal reasons, no successor yet?",,"폭스바겐 트럭 CFO, 개인적인 사유로 사임… 후임자는 아직 없어" 3609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Robo 3D Says Robo To Be Included In Argentina's Ministry Of Education Initiative?,,브리프-로보 3D는 로보가 아르헨티나 교육부의 이니셔티브에 포함된다고 발표했습니다. 6342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top South Korean officials depart for U.S.?,,한국의 주요 정부 관계자들이 미국으로 출국하다. 9281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer unpacks the bank stocks' weakness after strong earnings reports?,,"크레이머, 강한 실적 보고서 후 은행 주식의 약세를 분석하다." 2635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-US STOCKS-Wall St drops more than 1 pct on Trump tariff comments?,,CORRECTED-US 주식 - 트럼프의 관세 발언으로 월스트리트 1% 이상 하락 8169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Axon to Release First Quarter 2018 Earnings on May 8?,,"Axon, 2018년 1분기 실적을 5월 8일 발표할 예정." 2832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cycling: Belgian rider Goolaerts dies following cardiac arrest?,,"사이클링: 벨기에 선수 고올라르츠, 심장마비로 사망" 3990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to meet with Mattis to discuss military protecting U.S. border with Mexico?,,"트럼프, 군사력으로 멕시코와의 국경 보호 논의 위해 매티스와 회동 예정" 8122,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar near three-year low, heading for worst run since 2015?",,"FOREX-달러, 3년 최저치 근처, 2015年以来 최악의 흐름으로 향하고 있다." 3537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SFK Polkap fails to buy-back series B bonds on maturity date?,,BRIEF-SFK Polkap이 만기일에 시리즈 B 채권을 매입하지 못했다. 7792,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Philou Ventures Reports 14.5 Pct Stake In DPW Holdings?,,"브리프-필루 벤처스, DPW 홀딩스의 14.5% 지분 보고" 3384,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sanderson Farms, Inc. Announces Quarterly Dividend?",,"샌더슨 팜스, Inc. 분기 배당금 발표" 6460,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WestJet shares fall on forecast cut, CEO exit?",,"웨스트젯 주식, 전망 하향 조정 및 CEO 퇴임에 따라 하락" 5234,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon could 'take Google to the cleaners' in retail search with a $20 billion ad business, analyst says?",,아마존이 200억 달러 규모의 광고 사업으로 소매 검색 분야에서 구글을 압도할 수 있다는 분석가의 주장입니다. 6085,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crocs, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?",,"Crocs, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 실적을 발표했습니다." 2492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Team by team analysis of Azerbaijan Grand Prix?,,모터 레이싱 - 아제르바이잔 그랑프리 팀별 분석 1672,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-UPDATE 3-Tesla sticks by Model 3 target, warns spending could rise in 2018?",,"수정됨 - 업데이트 3 - 테슬라, 모델 3 목표 고수, 2018년 지출 증가 경고" 2353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea Reportedly Plans to Hit Bitcoin Exchanges With Massive Tax Bills?,,"한국, 비트코인 거래소에 대규모 세금 부과 계획 보고" 111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Credit Acceptance Announces Increase Of Revolving Secured Warehouse Facility?,,간단히 - 크레딧 승인이 순환 담보 창고 시설의 증설을 발표했습니다. 8534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lee Enterprises Reports Q2 Earnings Per Share $0.04?,,"간략히 - 리 엔터프라이즈, 2분기 주당 순이익 0.04달러 발표" 9995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Should You Sit or Stand at Work? Here's What a Doctor Says?,,"직장에서 앉아 있어야 할까, 서 있어야 할까? 의사가 말하는 내용은?" 4433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Valeritas Reports Preliminary Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2017 Revenue Results?,,"발레리타, 2017년 전체 연도 및 4분기 수익 결과 예비 보고" 965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French and Benelux stocks-Factors to watch on May 16?,,프랑스 및 벨룩스 주식 - 5월 16일 주목할 요인들? 4708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Patum Rice Mill And Granary Posts FY Net Profit Of 232.3 Mln Baht?,,BRIEF-파툼 쌀 밀과 곡창이 FY 순이익 2억 3천 2백만 밧을 기록함 2391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Transystem says Shinkong Synthetic Fibers sells all 11.56 pct stake in co?,,"브리프 - 트랜시스템, 신공합성섬유가 자회사 11.56% 지분을 모두 매각했다고 발표." 7300,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sotomayor to have shoulder surgery Tuesday, Supreme Court says?",,"화요일, 대법원은 소토마요르가 어깨 수술을 받는다고 발표했다." 6951,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poland Factors to Watch Apr 26?,,폴란드 주의해야 할 사항 4월 26일 3338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CCC To Buy Swiss Chain Of Stores Karl Voegele For CHF 10 Mln?,,"브리핑 - CCC, 스위스 매장 체인 칼 뵈겔을 1천만 스위스 프랑에 인수하기로 결정했다." 6052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss stocks - Factors to watch on April 9?,,스위스 주식 - 4월 9일 주목할 요소들? 7208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jekyll and Hyde Marseille held to 3-3 draw at Guingamp?,,"""지킬과 하이드 마르세유, 기냉과 3-3 무승부""" 5890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toe-tapping smart shoes send Morse code messages?,,발을 굴리며 스마트 신발이 모스 부호 메시지를 보낸다? 4349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FDA Approves Toujeo® Max Solostar®?,,"브리프 - FDA, 투제오® 맥스 솔로스타® 승인" 2600,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Bank stocks lead Wall St lower amid Syria tensions, Russia trade threat?",,미국 주식 - 은행 주식이 시리아 긴장 상황과 러시아의 무역 위협 속에 월가 하락을 주도하다. 2968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prostate cancer screening: the decision is up to you?,,전립선암 검진: 결정은 당신에게 달려 있습니다. 6443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Orexo Q1 EBIT Loss At SEK 21.8 Million?,,"오레크소 1분기 EBIT 손실 2,180만 SEK" 4368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dubai cancels corporate fines in fresh effort to boost business?,,"두바이, 비즈니스 촉진을 위한 새로운 노력으로 기업 벌금 취소" 9055,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's May tries to shut down immigration scandal?,,"영국의 메이, 이민 스캔들 진화 시도" 2834,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian shares firm at 10-yr top, financials lead; NZ soft?",,"호주 주식, 10년 최고치에서 견고; 뉴질랜드 부진." 8094,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Si Participations Portfolio Of Investments Valued At Dec 31, 2017 Represents 3.5 Million Euros?",,2017년 12월 31일 기준 Si Participations의 투자 포트폴리오는 350만 유로의 가치로 평가됩니다. 8551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VW board due to meet at 1400 GMT to discuss new leadership-source?,,"""VW 이사회, 새로운 리더십 논의를 위해 GMT 14:00에 회의 예정 - 소식통""" 2024,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Appian Schedules First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call?,,"Appian, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 4145,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Spotify Technology Files For IPO Of Up To $1.0 Bln?,,"스포티파이 기술, 최대 10억 달러 규모의 IPO 제출" 9792,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weight Watchers Schedules Fourth Quarter And Full Year 2017 Earnings Conference Call?,,"웨이트워치스, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 콘퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 6489,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jason Industries Reports Fourth Quarter Full-Year?,,"제이슨 산업, 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고" 8672,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rosneft withdraws Alrosa gas assets sale complaint: Russian watchdog?,,"로스네프트, 알로사 가스 자산 매각에 대한 불만 철회: 러시아 감독기관" 5887,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon recalls power banks due to fire, chemical burn hazards?",,"아마존, 화재 및 화학 화상 위험으로 파워뱅크 리콜" 1536,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bluevine, A Provider Of Working Capital Financing To Businesses, Says Secured $200 Mln Asset-Backed Revolving Credit Facility With Credit Suisse?",,간략: 비즈니스에 운영 자본 자금을 제공하는 블루바인이 크레딧 스위스와 2억 달러 자산 담보형 회전 신용 시설을 확보했다고 발표했습니다. 4346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japanese police refer wrestler to prosecutors over indecent assault: Kyodo?,,"일본 경찰, 프로레슬러를 추행 혐의로 검찰에 송치: 교도통신" 1262,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan rejects South Korea mention of wartime ""comfort women"" at U.N.?",,"일본, 유엔에서 전시 ""위안부"" 언급한 한국 거부" 2859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US refiners want bilateral sugar deal reviewed-Mexico industry official?,,"미국 정유업체, 양자당 거래 재검토 원해-멕시코 산업 관계자" 3742,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Manufacturers Worry Tariffs Could Undermine Recovery?,,미국 제조업체들은 관세가 회복을 저해할 수 있다고 걱정하고 있다. 6098,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leave Apu Alone—He’s a Great American?,,아푸를 내버려 두라—그는 위대한 미국인이다. 5125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Pouille and Cornet lead French quest for unlikely Roland Garros glory?,,테니스: 푸이유와 코르네가 프랑스의 불가능한 롤랑가로스 영광을 향한 여정을 이끈다. 1214,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Imax Reports Q1 Adj. Earnings Per Share Of $0.21?,,"브리프 - Imax, 1분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.21 보고" 9759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspect your male coworker makes more than you? Here’s what not to do?,,남자 동료가 자신보다 더 많이 버는 것 같습니까? 하지 말아야 할 행동은 다음과 같습니다. 5349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Sanctioned Russian tycoon hands back his private jets?,,"단독: 제재를 받은 러시아 재벌, 개인 제트를 다시 반납하다" 8963,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carol Burnett, In Charge Again?",,"캐롤 번넷, 다시 책임을 맡다?" 8444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thailand bets on 'magic pills' to boost declining birth rate?,,태국은 감소하는 출생률을 높이기 위해 '마법의 약'에 베팅하다. 3849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Academic behind Facebook breach says he is a 'scapegoat': BBC?,,페이스북 침해 사건 뒤에 있는 학자는 자신이 '희생양'이라고 말한다: BBC 6484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ASM INTERNATIONAL N.V. REPORTS FIRST QUARTER 2018 RESULTS?,,ASM INTERNATIONAL N.V.는 2018년 첫 분기 실적을 보고합니다. 1549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Simmons torches Hornets as 76ers win 10th straight?,,"시몬스, 호넷스를 상대로 강한 활약...76ers 10연승 달성" 1963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Russia's Gazprom says negative FCF likely in 2018-2019 - Ifax?,,"브리프 - 러시아의 가스프롬, 2018-2019년 부정적인 자유현금흐름 가능성 있다고 보도 - 이팍스" 5356,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: You Can Now Mine Cryptocurrency While Reading the News?,,뉴스를 읽으면서 암호화폐를 채굴할 수 있게 되었습니다. 739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-China govt curbs drop avg daily steel output to 12-mth low in Dec?,,UPDATE 2-중국 정부의 규제로 인해 12월 평균 일일 철강 생산량이 12개월 최저치로 하락 1238,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rudy Giuliani walks back statements about porn star hush money, Comey firing?",,"루디 줄리아니, 포르노 스타 입막음 돈 및 코미 해임에 대한 발언 철회." 8487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alphabet cracks $100 billion in annual revenue as advertising soars?,,"알파벳, 광고 급증으로 연간 수익 1천억 달러 돌파" 3422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Justice Stonewall Continues?,,사법 방해는 계속된다. 8756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-KNF Requests Suspension Of Share Trading On Several Cos?,,BRIEF-KNF는 여러 기업의 주식 거래 중단을 요청했습니다. 3770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German stocks - Factors to watch on January 12?,,독일 주식 - 1월 12일 주목할 요소들? 1279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. auto safety agency to probe fatal Tesla California crash?,,"미국 자동차 안전 기관, 캘리포니아에서 발생한 치명적인 테슬라 충돌 사고 조사 착수" 4519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. department store chain Bon-Ton braces for fight for survival?,,"미국의 백화점 체인 본톤, 생존을 위한 싸움에 대비하다." 7282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update - The Look Ahead?,,뉴스 업데이트 - 앞으로의 전망 8192,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: We're in a reasonable, not cheap market: Portfolio manager?",,우리는 저렴하지는 않지만 합리적인 시장에 있습니다: 포트폴리오 매니저 1862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall St gains fade as bond yields climb?,,미국 주식 snapshot: 월가 상승세가 채권 수익률 상승에 따라 사라지다. 5561,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Scope Fluidics Q4 Net Loss Narrows To 231,365 Zlotys?",,"BRIEF-Scope Fluidics, 4분기 순손실이 231,365 즈워티로 축소됨." 9177,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warmer temperatures at Great Barrier Reef causing sea turtles to be born female?,,그레이트 배리어 리프에서 온도가 상승하면서 바다거북이 암컷으로 태어나고 있다는 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 8445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-‍India's IDBI Bank Cuts Stake In Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals By 3.44 Pct ​?,,"BRIEF-‍인도의 IDBI 은행, 펀자브 알칼리 및 화학의 지분 3.44% 축소" 4411,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mnuchin Says IRS to Release New Tax Withholding Calculator Next Week?,,"므누신, IRS가 다음 주에 새로운 세금 원천징수 계산기를 발표할 것이라고 말하다." 8303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LVMH Chairman Says Confident for 2018 but Urges Prudence?,,LVMH 회장이 2018년을 자신 있게 예상하지만 신중할 것을 촉구했다고 전하는 간략한 내용 6908,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Euro zone bond yields dip, focus shifts to US inflation - Reuters?",,"UPDATE 1-유로존 국채 수익률 하락, 미국 인플레이션에 대한 주목으로 이동 - 로이터" 6513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel dodges question on Poland's new Holocaust law?,,"메르켈, 폴란드의 새로운 홀로코스트 법안에 대한 질문 회피" 538,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Delta gets boost from Air Berlin collapse in Germany?,,"델타, 독일 에어 베를린 붕괴로 혜택을 받다." 6935,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unity Bancorp Declares Cash Dividend?,,"유니티 뱅콥, 현금 배당금 발표" 8840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stock investors on higher floors take more risks – here’s why?,,주식 투자자들이 더 높은 층에서 더 많은 위험을 감수하는 이유는 무엇일까? 4089,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ORBCOMM Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"ORBCOMM, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표" 304,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK watchdog to publish review of cryptocurrencies in third quarter?,,영국 감시 기관이 3분기에 암호화폐 리뷰를 발표할 예정입니다. 3914,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cycling specialist Peloton unveils high-tech, $4,000 treadmill at CES?",,"사이클링 전문 기업 펠로톤, CES에서 4,000달러의 고급 기술 런닝머신 공개" 2264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rebellious Dior channels spirit of '68?,,반항적인 디올이 '68년의 정신을 담아낸다. 8778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Key Republican is talking to the White House about tax plan 'phase two'?,,주요 공화당 정치인이 백악관과 '2단계' 세금 계획에 대해 논의하고 있다. 1921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ​YouTube Shooter's Video Complaining of Unfair Treatment ​?,,유튜브 총격범의 불공정한 대우에 대한 불만을 제기하는 영상 9677,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sun Spots (Saturday Crossword, May 19) - WSJ Puzzles - WSJ?",,"뉴스 기사 제목 'Sun Spots (Saturday Crossword, May 19) - WSJ Puzzles - WSJ'의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 713,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippines' Duterte says he ordered investigation of Australian nun?,,"필리핀의 두 테르 대통령, 호주 수녀에 대한 조사를 명령했다고 말하다." 4678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow above 50-day average for first time since March 13?,,"다우지수, 3월 13일 이후 최초로 50일 이동 평균 위로 올라서" 5395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks are getting slammed: Here's how to protect yourself?,,주식이 폭락하고 있습니다: 자신을 보호하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 2555,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Train carrying Republican lawmakers collides with truck?,,공화당 법률가들을 태운 기차가 트럭과 충돌하다. 2428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mortgage applications shoot up 8.3% to start the year?,,모기지 신청이 연초에 8.3% 급증하다 6242,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-HNA Investment Announces Changes In Presidents, Vice Presidents?",,브리프 - HNA 투자가 사장 및 부사장 변경을 발표했습니다. 4105,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ""Cheating"" may have affected EU referendum result - Wylie?",,"""사기""가 EU 국민투표 결과에 영향을 미쳤을 수도 - 와일리" 6998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tower International Q4 Loss Per Share $0.19?,,"타워 인터내셔널, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.19 발표" 8249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tillerson says U.S policy on North Korea executed by State Department has succeeded?,,"틸러슨, 북한에 대한 미국의 국가정책이 국무부에 의해 실행되어 성공했다고 말하다." 848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alibaba Cloud Expands Into Turkey?,,"브리프-알리바바 클라우드, 터키로 확장" 6831,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump vows to protect U.S. intellectual property, without naming China?",,"트럼프, 중국을 언급하지 않고 미국의 지적 재산 보호를 다짐하다." 5060,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: L'Oreal snaps up South Korean cosmetics firm Nanda?,,L'Oreal이 한국 화장품 회사 난다를 인수하다. 2815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Richard Branson: 3 ways focusing on others can increase your happiness?,,리처드 브랜슨: 타인을 중심으로 삼는 것이 어떻게 당신의 행복을 증가시킬 수 있는 3가지 방법? 9623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Police lock down part of Brussels amid reports of gunman?,,"경찰, 총기범 보고에 따라 브뤼셀 일부 지역을 차단하다." 5326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Story Behind the Cars’ ‘My Best Friend’s Girl’?,,Cars의 'My Best Friend's Girl' 뒤에 숨겨진 이야기 7661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Palestinian lecturer killed in Malaysia is buried in Gaza?,,말레이시아에서 사망한 팔레스타인 강사가 가자 지구에 매장되었다. 4147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ezfly International Travel Agent says chairman sentenced to one year and eight months in prison?,,브리프 - 이즈플라이 국제 여행사 회장이 1년 8개월의 징역형을 선고받았다고 발표함. 8048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany's Merck seeks partners for cancer and immune system drugs?,,"독일의 머크, 암 및 면역계 약물 파트너를 찾다." 5752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British inter-dealer broker TP ICAP's chairman to retire?,,영국의 중개업체 TP ICAP의 회장이 은퇴할 예정이다. 622,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hauman Technologies to pay cash dividend of T$1.16/share for 2017?,,"하우먼 테크놀로지스, 2017년 주당 T$1.16 현금 배당 지급 발표" 9941,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-BoE gives UK banks a boost, FTSE gets a slap?",,"실시간 시장 - BoE가 영국 은행에 활력을 주고, FTSE는 타격을 입다." 7971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Yueling to use additional paid-in capital to distribute 6 new shares for every 10 shares for 2017?,,"브리프-저장 율링, 2017년 10주당 6주 배당하기 위해 추가 유상자본 사용 예정" 412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Loop Industries Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2018 Consolidated Results?,,"루프 인더스트리, 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 통합 결과 발표" 5224,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be separated?",,셰프 장관은 불법으로 나라에 들어오는 부모와 자녀가 분리될 수 있다고 말했습니다. 7269,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arrest of Lotte chairman spark fears of leadership vacuum, shares tumble?",,롯데 회장 체포가 리더십 공백 우려를 촉발하며 주가 급락 6256,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tag Oil Secures Revolving Credit Facility To Pursue Low-Risk, High Netback Production Opportunities?",,"브리프-태그 오일, 저위험 고순이익 생산 기회를 추구하기 위한 회전 신용 시설 확보" 5220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US Treasury official slams China's economic policies?,,미국 재무부 관계자가 중국의 경제 정책을 강하게 비판하다. 5324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Farmers Financial Corp. Announces Common Stock Buyback Program?,,퍼스트 파머스 파이낸셜 주식회사가 보통주 매입 프로그램을 발표했습니다. 1171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Loop Industries Appoints Laurence Sellyn To Board Of Directors?,,"루프 인더스트리스, 로랑스 셀린을 이사회의 이사로 임명하다" 2833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tencent Joins Asia-Tech Debt Rush With Its Biggest Bond Sale - WSJ?,,"텐센트, 최대 채권 판매로 아시아 기술 부채 급증에 동참 - WSJ" 4805,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Florida survivor rallies for gun law reform?,,플로리다 생존자가 총기법 개정을 위한 집회를 주최하다. 9060,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Guinea's Conde names new PM amid rising political tensions?,,"기니의 콘데, 정치적 긴장이 고조되는 가운데 새로운 총리 임명" 8231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Avino Reports Q1 2018 Financial Results?,,"아비노, 2018년 1분기 재무 실적 발표" 707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sanders letter to Mattis on defense contractor CEO salaries?,,샌더스가 마티스에게 방산 계약업체 CEO 급여에 관한 편지를 보냈다는 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 5648,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Navy Jet Crashes Off Key West, Two Crew Members Killed?",,"키 웨스트 인근 해상에서 해군 전투기 추락, 두 명의 승무원 사망" 3695,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's JD.com makes push to lure European luxury brands?,,"중국의 JD.com, 유럽 럭셔리 브랜드 유치에 나선다." 1546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. trying to 'embarrass' Pakistan with terror financing list: minister?,,"""미국이 테러 자금 조달 목록으로 파키스탄을 '아 embarrass' 하려고 한다: 장관""" 1931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blackstone's F&R acquisition to close in late summer?,,"블랙스톤의 F&R 인수, 늦여름에 마감될 예정" 9513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Return to October 2016 oil output levels possible - Russia's Novak?,,"러시아의 노백, 2016년 10월 석유 생산 수준으로의 복귀 가능성 언급" 8533,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LG Chair Koo Bon-moo, Who Ran Company for 23 Years, Dies at 73 | Fortune?",,"LG 회장 구본무, 23년 간 회사를 이끌다 73세로 별세 | 포춘" 3887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SEACOR Marine Announces Change of Chief Financial Officer?,,SEACOR Marine이 최고 재무 책임자 변경 발표 6575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Georgia Bio Elects First Female Chair?,,"조지아 바이오, 첫 여성 의장 선출" 581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This expert says millennials are not working enough to save for retirement?,,이 전문가가 말하기를 밀레니얼 세대는 퇴직금을 마련하기 위해 충분히 일하지 않고 있다고 합니다. 5523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New CFO joins Globecomm Executive Team?,,Globecomm 경영진 팀에 새로운 CFO가 합류했습니다. 3603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Balfour Beatty's annual profit almost triples?,,발포 비틀리 연간 이익이 거의 세 배 증가하다. 4115,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Buck stops with Zuckerberg in Facebook data scandal: CTO?,,버클이 데이터 스캔들에서 주저하는 마크 저커버그: CTO? 7035,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Milosevic - the musical - plays in Kosovo?,,밀로셰비치 - 뮤지컬 - 코소보에서 공연된다. 3090,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's a closer look at Trump's in-plain-sight embrace of Russia?,,트럼프의 러시아에 대한 노골적인 포용에 대한 자세한 내용입니다. 421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snow blankets India’s northern hill town?,,눈이 인도의 북부 산간 마을을 뒤덮다. 5845,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Japan's MUFG says profit rose 6.8 pct last year, misses estimates?",,"UPDATE 1-일본의 MUFG, 지난해 6.8% 이익 증가 발표, 예상치 미달" 657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AR-15 Style Rifles: Popular and Easily Customized?,,AR-15 스타일 소총: 인기 있고 쉽게 커스터마이즈 가능? 3824,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Molina, Weaver lead Cardinals past slumping Reds?",,"몰리나, 위버가 슬럼프에 빠진 레즈를 제치고 카디널스를 이끌다" 1267,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big Bash League Scoreboard?,,빅 배쉬 리그 스코어보드? 1690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Calix Releases First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"Calix, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 1013,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Britain's Tate & Lyle quarterly sales volume picks up pace?,,"UPDATE 1-영국의 테이트 앤 라일, 분기 매출 규모 증가세 가속화" 4289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox - Recent British royal weddings?,,최근 영국 왕실 결혼식 - 사실 요약 6852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify puts bank IPO paydays under fund manager scrutiny?,,"스포티파이, 은행 IPO 보너스를 펀드 매니저들의 검토 대상으로 삼다." 5925,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-A&O, IHS Markit and SmartDX Launch A Tech Solution?",,"BRIEF-A&O, IHS Markit 및 SmartDX가 기술 솔루션을 출시하다." 3632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pluralsight files for IPO?,,"브리핑 - 플루럴사이트, IPO 신청서 제출." 9819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cancer Genetics Reports Q4 Loss Per Share Of $0.35?,,"간단히 - 암 유전학, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.35 보고." 5593,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vistra Energy Says Not Changing Its 2018 Stand-Alone Guidance At This Time?,,브리프-비스트라 에너지가 현재로서는 2018년 단독 가이던스를 변경하지 않는다고 밝혔다. 1721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump pushes back on reports of staff shakeup?,,"트럼프, 직원 개편 보고서에 반박하다" 4399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Shares recover as North Korea's conciliatory stance calms nerves?,,"글로벌 시장 - 주식이 회복됨, 북한의 화해적인 태도가 불안을 진정시킴" 3160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU launches battle for bigger post-Brexit budget?,,"EU, 브렉시트 이후 더 큰 예산을 위한 전쟁 시작" 2325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jewish pilgrimage in West Bank a rare sign of Israeli-Palestinian cooperation?,,"서부 땅에서의 유대인 순례, 이스라엘-팔레스타인 협력의 드문 징후" 7223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Larry Kudlow: We're on the front end of an investment boom with tax reform?,,래리 커들로: 우리는 세금 개혁으로 투자 붐의 초입에 있다. 4726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vicor Corporation Schedules Fourth Quarter Earnings Release and Investor Conference Call?,,"비코르 코퍼레이션, 4분기 실적 발표 및 투자자 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 공개" 4363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Governor of Japan's Niigata resigns to avoid 'turmoil' over magazine article?,,일본 니가타 주지사가 잡지 기사로 인한 '혼란'을 피하기 위해 사퇴하다. 3664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WuXi NextCODE Announces Executive Leadership Transition?,,"WuXi NextCODE, 임원 리더십 변화 발표" 4248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tompkins Financial Corp Posts Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.16?,,"브리핑 - 톰킨스 파이낸셜 코퍼레이션, 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.16 발표" 7473,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-HP Announces The Passing Of Jon Flaxman, COO, Who Died Peacefully With His Family By His Side Early Wednesday Morning‍​?",,"브리프 - HP, COO 존 플랙스먼의 별세 발표, 그가 수요일 아침 가족과 함께 평화롭게 세상을 떠났다고 전하다." 4968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Higher gasoline prices restrain U.S. retail sales in April?,,높은 휘발유 가격이 4월 미국 소매 판매를 제약한다. 5981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews Barclays settlement fixes one of several headaches?,,"""브레이킹뷰스: 바클레이스의 합의가 여러 가지 고충 중 하나를 해결하다""" 6375,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall Street recovery lifted by signs of N Korea talks?,,"미국 주식 - 월스트리트 회복, 북한 소통의 조짐에 힘입어" 6417,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 76ers earn wire-to-wire win over Knicks?,,"76ers, Knicks를 상대로 처음부터 끝까지 리드하며 승리하다" 8699,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Claritas Acquires Geoscape, Industry’s Leading Multicultural Market Intelligence Company?",,"클라리타스, 업계 최고의 다문화 시장 정보 회사인 지오스케이프 인수" 2774,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia short of foreign policy options if bet on Trump fails?,,트럼프에 대한 베팅이 실패할 경우 러시아는 외교 정책 선택이 부족하다. 1811,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chrissy Teigen, Linda Brown, Who Bit Beyonce: The Broadsheet March 27?",,"크리시 타이겐, 린다 브라운, 비욘세를 물어본 사람: 브로드시트 3월 27일?" 566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Allahabad Bank CEO Says Working To Integrate Swift And Core Banking System?,,"BRIEF-인도 알라하바드은행 CEO, 스위프트와 코어 뱅킹 시스템 통합 작업 중이라고 전해." 3517,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kemin Industries Acquires Garmon Chemicals' Textile Auxiliaries Business to Better Serve Global Apparel and Textile Markets?,,"Kemin Industries, 글로벌 의류 및 섬유 시장을 보다 잘 서비스하기 위해 Garmon Chemicals의 섬유 보조 제품 사업 인수" 5920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mastercard Names Choon Phong Goh to Board of Directors?,,"마스터카드, 주이사로 구 충퐁 선정" 7875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senegal out to emulate class of 2002?,,"세네갈, 2002년 클래스에 필적하려 한다." 7501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Special Report: FBI scrutinizes funeral home with side business - selling body parts?,,"특별 보고서: FBI, 부업으로 신체 부위를 판매하는 장례식장을 조사하다" 3749,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow falls 400 points in broad market sell-off?,,"다우지수, 전반적인 시장 매도 속에 400포인트 하락" 1844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Tiangong-1 space station crash site narrowed down?,,중국의 톈궁-1 우주 정거장 추락 지점이 좁혀졌다. 1354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Freestyle skiing: Kenworthy doesn't want Pence 'distraction'?,,프리스타일 스키: 켄워시는 펜스의 '산만함'을 원치 않는다. 7,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Before 'Fresh Prince' Will Smith was broke and in trouble with the IRS?,,'프레시 프린스' 윌 스미스가 발칵 뒤집힌 IRS 문제와 빈털터리였던 시절 6206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Has China Really Kicked Its Debt Addiction??,,중국이 정말로 부채 중독에서 벗어났는가? 5954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pokemon Go maker Niantic plans to build AR maps with users' help?,,포켓몬 고 제작사 니antic이 사용자들의 도움으로 AR 지도를 구축할 계획입니다. 1407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Halkbank shares surge after U.S. seeks jail term for banker?,,"UPDATE 2-할크뱅크 주가 급등, 미국이 은행원에게 징역형 구형" 1738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Well Lead Medical to jointly invest pharma investment JV worth 10 mln yuan?,,"BRIEF-웰 리드 메디컬, 1천만 위안 규모의 제약 투자 합작 투자에 공동 투자하기로." 8639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CDx Diagnostics Announces Appointment of New CFO and Executive Vice President of Managed Care?,,CDx Diagnostics가 신임 CFO 및 관리 의료 부사장을 임명했다고 발표했습니다. 3202,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chuy’s Holdings, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?",,"Chuy's Holdings, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 재무 실적을 발표했습니다." 643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gamestop Sees FY 2017 Earnings Per Share $3.10 To $3.40?,,"간단히 말해, 게임스톱은 2017 회계연도 주당 순이익을 $3.10에서 $3.40으로 예상하고 있습니다." 7788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Colgate Announces 1st Quarter 2018 Results?,,"콜게이트, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 7210,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Sunshine Laser & Electronics Technology Plans Share Issue, Trading In Shares To Resume?",,"브리프 - 심천 선샤인 레이저 및 전자 기술, 주식 발행 계획, 주식 거래 재개" 4243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Calimex USA Announces Successful Implementation Support in BioBridge Global?,,"Calimex USA, BioBridge Global에서의 성공적인 구현 지원 발표" 3279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cambodia Spurns Civil Rights Demands as Democracy Fades?,,"캄보디아, 민주주의가 퇴보하는 가운데 시민권 요구를 거부하다." 5992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bossard Holding Says Starts Q1 With Strong Performance?,,"브리프-보사드 홀딩, 1분기 강력한 실적으로 시작한다고 발표" 3364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Education Department to probe Michigan State over sex abuse scandal?,,"교육부, 성추문 스캔들로 미시간 주립대 조사 예정" 1800,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zimbabwe in tight timeline to repay arrears, seek more funding?",,"짐바브웨, 체납금을 갚고 추가 자금을 확보하기 위한 긴박한 일정에 직면하다." 6283,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China April factory growth edges up marginally, export orders shrink: Caixin PMI?",,"중국 4월 공장 성장 소폭 상승, 수출 주문 축소: Caixin PMI" 6248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China commerce ministry says ready to deal with any fallout from U.S. trade row?,,중국 상무부는 미국과의 무역 갈등으로 인한 영향을 처리할 준비가 되어 있다고 말했습니다. 2643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford skids after disappointing outlook?,,"포드, 실망스러운 전망에 따라 하락세 보여" 3042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk says he'll delete the Facebook pages for both his companies?,,"엘론 머스크, 자신의 두 회사의 페이스북 페이지를 삭제하겠다고 발표하다." 6187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wuhu Token Sciences Sees 2017 Net Profit To Rise 65-90 Pct y/y?,,"브리핑 - 우후 토큰 사이언스, 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 65-90% 증가할 것으로 예상." 1054,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-B3it Management Q4 EBIT Sek Up At 19.3 Million?,,"브리프 - B3it Management, 4분기 EBIT가 1930만 세크로 증가" 1829,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US stocks set to post slight gains at the open amid economic data?,,미국 주식이 경제 데이터에 힘입어 개장 시 소폭 상승할 것으로 보인다. 7364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OPEC Output Rises on Higher Crude Production in Saudi Arabia?,,"OPEC 생산량 증가, 사우디 아라비아의 원유 생산 증가에 따라" 4882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Figure Skating-Men's singles overall results?,,올림픽-피겨 스케이팅-남자 싱글 종합 결과 2345,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mega Study Edu to pay cash dividend at 1,300 won/share?",,"브리프-메가 스터디 에듀, 주당 1,300원 현금 배당 실시" 5527,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Purcell Julie & Lefkowitz LLP Is Investigating Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. for Potential Breaches Of Fiduciary Duty By Its Board of Directors?",,"주주 경고: 퓨셀 줄리 & 레프코위츠 LLP가 인터랙티브 브로커스 그룹, Inc.의 이사회가 의무를 위반했을 가능성에 대해 조사하고 있습니다." 5868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GRAPHIC-Flows into Asian bonds unlikely to be as buoyant as in 2017?,,아시아 채권에 대한 자금 유입이 2017년처럼 활발하지 않을 가능성이 높다는 내용의 그래픽 뉴스. 9027,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Koepka to miss Masters with wrist injury, Kaymer plays?",,"코엡카, 손목 부상으로 마스터스 출전 못해; 케이머는 출전하다." 5066,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Tesla Model S hits truck in Utah?,,"UPDATE 1-테슬라 모델 S, 유타에서 트럭과 충돌" 9134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sichuan Jiuzhou Electronic sees FY 2018 Q1 net profit up 179.1 pct to 223.2 pct?,,"간략 뉴스 - 쓰촨 지우저우 전자, 2018 회계연도 1분기 순이익 179.1% 상승, 223.2%에 해당." 983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blirt Q1 Net Loss Increases To 0.8 Mln Zlotys?,,브리핑 - Blirt의 1분기 순손실이 80만 즈로티로 증가함. 1092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Intertrade receives patent?,,"간략-인터트레이드, 특허 획득" 6819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Royal Bank Of Scotland Names Patrick Flynn As Non-Executive Director?,,"브리프 - 로열 뱅크 오브 스코틀랜드, 패트릭 플린을 비상근 이사로 임명한다." 1513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UAE's Etisalat Board Proposes H2 Dividend Of 40 Fils/Share?,,"브리프-아랍에미리트 에티살라트 이사회, H2 주당 40 필스 배당금 제안" 8018,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It’s ‘embarrassing’ to hold cash but there are few alternatives amid tough market, says investment manager?",,현 시장의 어려움 속에서 투자 관리자는 '현금을 보유하는 것은 민망하지만 대안은 거의 없다'고 말했습니다. 3273,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carnival lights up Rio despite crime wave, yellow fever scare?",,"카니발, 범죄 파도와 황열병 공포 속에서도 리오를 밝히다." 9937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sailing: Ainslie in hunt for cash to fulfil America's Cup dream?,,세일링: 에인슬리가 아메리카스 컵 꿈을 실현하기 위한 자금을 찾고 있다? 7590,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Triumph Bancorp To Acquire First Bancorp Of Durango, Southern Colorado Corp And Interstate Capital Corp?",,"Triumph Bancorp가 Durango의 First Bancorp, Southern Colorado Corp 및 Interstate Capital Corp을 인수한다." 3031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai Industrial Urban Development Says Unit Entered Acquisition Agreement?,,"브리프 - 상하이 산업 도시 개발, 자회사 인수 계약 체결 발표" 3800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syria says Israeli war planes target a position near Damascus: state TV?,,"시리아, 이스라엘 전투기가 다마스쿠스 인근 위치를 겨냥했다고 보도: 국영 TV" 4489,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. weather forecaster sees La Niña chances at 85-95 percent?,,"미국 기상 예보관, 라니냐 가능성을 85-95%로 예상." 5279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart to buy India's Flipkart for $16 bln?,,"월마트, 인도의 Flipkart를 160억 달러에 인수하다." 5988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATW Tech Announces an Increase in Its Revenues of 23% for Q1-2018 to Reach $3.4m?,,"ATW 테크, 2018년 1분기 매출 23% 증가로 340만 달러 도달 발표" 7038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Grand Ocean Retail Group announces 2017 dividend payment?,,"브리프 - 그랜드 오션 리테일 그룹, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 6598,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The creators of Apple Siri built a robot that can dismantle bombs or perform surgery?,,애플 시리의 제작자들이 폭탄을 해체하거나 수술을 수행할 수 있는 로봇을 만들었다는 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까? 1520,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-JTEC to issue 150,000 new shares through private placement?",,"브리프 - JTEC, 사모 배정을 통해 150,000주의 신주 발행 예정" 4027,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JGBs dip as stock market rebound weighs?,,JGBs가 주식 시장 반등에 따라 하락하다 3207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rio favela takes lead with green solution amid infrastructure shortfall?,,"리우의 파벨라, 인프라 부족 속에서 친환경 솔루션으로 선도하다." 7415,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greece rolls over 3-month T-bills, yield drops to 0.99 pct?",,"그리스, 3개월 만기 국채를 만기 연장하며 수익률 0.99%로 하락" 1243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quorum Health Corporation Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial and Operating Results?,,"Quorum Health Corporation, 2018년 1분기 재무 및 운영 결과 발표" 6867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How to navigate the downturn?,,불황을 극복하는 방법? 4633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus takes 1.3 billion euros charge on A400M military plane?,,Airbus는 A400M 군용기에서 13억 유로의 손실을 기록하다. 6510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: England director of cricket Strauss to 'step back' from duties?,,"잉글랜드 크리켓 이사 스트라우스, 업무에서 '물러날' 예정이다." 2302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GDS Pricing of Public Offering of ADSs?,,GDS의 공모주 가격 책정 5340,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Abu Dhabi, Shanghai plan exchange focusing on China trade?",,"아부다비, 상하이 중국 무역 중심의 교류 계획" 6213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Former NFL quarterback Romo shoots 77 in PGA Tour debut?,,"골프-전 NFL 쿼터백 로모, PGA 투어 데뷔에서 77타 기록" 9107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hanesbrands Reports Q4 GAAP Loss Per Share $1.06?,,"브리프 - 헤인스브랜즈, 4분기 GAAP 주당 손실 $1.06 보고" 150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fitbit sees weak tracker sales hurt second-quarter revenue?,,"핏빗, 트래커 판매 부진으로 2분기 수익 타격" 5723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LG Electronics swings back to operating profit in fourth-quarter?,,"LG 전자, 4분기 운영 이익으로 돌아서다" 3635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Understanding China's 'economic playbook'?,,중국의 '경제 플레이북' 이해하기 5019,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Klein Law Firm Reminds Investors of a Class Action Commenced on Behalf of Colony NorthStar, Inc. Shareholders and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of June 5, 2018 (CLNS)?",,"클라인 로펌은 Colony NorthStar, Inc. 주주를 대신하여 시작된 집단소송과 2018년 6월 5일의 대표 원고 마감일을 투자자들에게 상기시킵니다 (CLNS)." 1716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BMW optimistic on favorable outcome to NAFTA talks?,,BMW는 NAFTA 협상에서 긍정적인 결과를 기대하고 있다. 2465,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google gives publishers controls to comply with EU privacy law: Axios?,,"구글, EU 개인정보 보호법 준수를 위한 출판사 제어 기능 제공: Axios" 1613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices slump 1 percent amid global market rout?,,"석유 가격, 글로벌 시장 폭락 속 1% 하락" 3538,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-With paper and phones, Atlanta struggles to recover from cyber attack?",,"보고서 - 종이와 전화기로, 애틀랜타는 사이버 공격에서 회복하기 위해 고군분투하고 있다." 5007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Peoples Financial Services Q1 Core Earnings Per Share $0.79?,,브리프 - Peoples Financial Services 1분기 주당 핵심 수익 0.79달러 5503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Rabada earns fine and another demerit point from ICC?,,크리켓-라바다가 ICC로부터 벌금과 추가 감소점 하나를 받다. 9428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Synup Hires Localeze and UBL Vet?,,"Synup, Localeze 및 UBL의 베테랑을 고용하다." 2143,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Signing of CPTPP is 'credit positive' for all participating nations?,,CPTPP 서명은 모든 참여 국가에 '신용 긍정적'이다. 8988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 6 Gonzaga explodes late to beat BYU?,,"No. 6 곤자가, BYU를 이기기 위해 후반에 폭발적인 활약을 펼쳐." 9821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan reserves right to take counter measures against US steel tariffs?,,"일본, 미국 철강 관세에 대한 대응 조치를 취할 권리 보유 뜻 밝혀" 8260,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Rising dollar, U.S. yields call time on emerging market party: McGeever?",,COLUMN-오르는 달러와 미국 채권 수익률이 신흥 시장 파티의 막을 내릴 때: 맥기버 3773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twitter (TWTR) stock up 63% since Anthony Noto left?,,앤서니 노토가 떠난 이후 트위터(TWTR) 주식이 63% 상승하다. 4380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vonovia Proceeds With BUWOG Offer As Planned?,,"브리프 - 보노비아, 계획대로 BUWOG 제안 진행" 9202,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-German Startups Group Says Obotritia Capital Buys Major Stake In German Startups Group?,,간략히 - 독일 스타트업 그룹은 오보트리티아 캐피탈이 독일 스타트업 그룹의 주요 지분을 매입했다고 발표했습니다. 9800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jordan Expatriates Investment Board Proposes FY Dividend?,,"브리핑 - 요르단 해외 투자자 위원회, 회계연도 배당금 제안" 9448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Campbell Reports Q3 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.70?,,"간략: 캠벨, 3분기 조정 주당순이익 0.70달러 보고." 5006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ageas SA Icc Tribunal Confirmed Ageas's Position And Ruled That Rbs's Claims Are Fully Dismissed.?,,브리프 - Ageas SA 중재 재판소가 Ageas의 입장을 확인하고 RBS의 청구를 전면 기각했습니다. 1088,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S&P upgrades Greece by one notch to 'B'?,,S&P가 그리스를 한 notch 높여 'B'로 평가했다. 464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NYT's Jim Stewart: Market similarities with 1987 crash?,,NYT의 짐 스튜어트: 1987년 폭락과의 시장 유사성? 4142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Second-placed Monaco romp to 4-0 win against Dijon?,,두 번째로 자리한 모나코가 디종을 상대로 4-0으로 대승을 거두다. 8951,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spurs' bench scores 67, sends Grizzlies to 14th straight loss?",,"스퍼스 벤치, 67점 기록하며 그리즐리스를 14연패로 몰아넣다" 1307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-What the Senate should ask Gina Haspel before she heads the CIA?,,COLUMN-상원이 지나 해스펠에게 CIA로 가기 전에 어떤 질문을 해야 하는가? 8497,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RSP PERMIAN, INC. SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Former SEC Attorney Willie Briscoe Believes the Acquisition by Concho Resources Inc. May be Unfair to Shareholders?",,"RSP PERMIAN, INC. 주주 경고: 전 SEC 변호사 윌리 브리스코는 Concho Resources Inc.의 인수가 주주에게 불공정할 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다." 1677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CIA director secretly visited Kim Jong Un: officials?,,CIA 국장이 김정은을 비밀리에 방문했다: 관계자들 135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey says those opposing operation in Syria's Afrin siding with terrorists?,,터키는 시리아의 아프린에서의 작전을 반대하는 사람들이 테러리스트 편에 서고 있다고 말합니다. 6600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-First Sensor FY EBIT Margin Comes Up To 7.1 %?,,간략 - 퍼스트 센서 FY EBIT 마진이 7.1%에 달함. 8958,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU's Barnier must be prepared for risk of no Brexit deal?,,"EU의 바르니에르, 브렉시트 무계약 위험에 대비해야 할 것" 7784,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico says migrants in caravan face administrative procedure?,,"멕시코, 캐러밴에 있는 이민자들이 행정 절차를 밟아야 한다고 발표하다." 7221,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OrthoPediatrics Corp. to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 14, 2018?",,오소페디아트릭스 주식회사가 2018년 5월 14일 2018년 1분기 재무 실적을 보고할 예정입니다. 6733,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alpine skiing: Italy's Goggia pips Vonn for downhill title, Feuz wins men's?",,"알파인 스키: 이탈리아의 고지아가 다운힐 타이틀에서 본을 제치고, 프외즈가 남자 부문 우승." 2238,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's World Cup likely target for Islamic State - U.S. analysis firm?,,"""러시아 월드컵, 이슬람 국가의 주요 목표가 될 가능성 - 미국 분석 기관""" 2049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yachts and superyachts descend on Singapore?,,싱가포르에 요트와 슈퍼요트가 모인다. 227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket: Warner helps Australia to dominate opening session?,,"크리켓: 워너, 호주가 개막 세션을 지배하는 데 도움을 주다." 5186,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Five Best: Lucy Hughes-Hallett?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""Five Best: Lucy Hughes-Hallett""의 내용은 무엇일까?" 7557,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. skating coach suspended, to be investigated by sex-abuse group?",,"미국 스케이팅 코치, 정직 처분 후 성폭력 단체의 조사를 받게 될 것." 4262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commentary: T-Mobile-Sprint Merger: Where Are the Disruptors? | Fortune?,,논평: T-Mobile-스프린트 합병: 혁신자는 어디에 있는가? | 포춘 9887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Figure skating: Skaters given the slip by early starts?,,피겨 스케이팅: 선수들이 이른 시작에 발목이 잡혔다? 3795,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: United States needs to pay attention to 'treasured' relationship with Britain, Tillerson says?",,미국은 티러슨이 말하길 영국과의 '소중한' 관계에 주목해야 한다. 787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm proposes further price talks with Broadcom?,,"퀄컴, 브로드컴과 추가 가격 협상 제안" 4866,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top 5 'Disruptors' in the last year?,,지난 1년 동안의 '변화 주도 기업' 5곳 5358,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carmel Partners Acquires Hunters Glen Garden Apartment Complex in Plainsboro, New Jersey?",,"카멜 파트너스, 뉴저지 플레인스보로의 헌터스 글렌 가든 아파트 단지 인수" 7251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dariohealth Launches Sales Of Dario Blood Glucose Monitoring System On Amazon Prime?,,"브리프 - 다리오헬스, 아마존 프라임에서 다리오 혈당 모니터링 시스템 판매 시작" 5311,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China bans imports of 16 scrap, waste products from end of 2018?",,"중국, 2018년 말부터 16종 스크랩 및 폐기물 제품 수입 금지" 5551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MRC Global Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.13?,,BRIEF-MRC Global Q1 주당순이익 $0.13 3023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hypoport Acquired All Of Shares In Value AG?,,하이포포트가 밸류 AG의 모든 주식을 인수했다. 8611,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Consumers Energy Announces Clean Energy Breakthrough Goal: 80 Percent Reduction in Carbon Emissions, Zero Coal by 2040?",,"소비자 에너지, 탄소 배출량 80% 감축 목표 및 2040년까지 석탄 제로라는 청정 에너지 혁신 목표 발표" 6646,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yintech Files Annual Report on Form 20-F for Fiscal Year 2017?,,"인텍, 2017 회계연도에 대한 20-F 양식 연례 보고서를 제출하다." 4391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil slips as higher U.S. output looms despite dip in drilling?,,석유 가격 하락: 드릴링 감소에도 불구하고 미국의 생산량 증가가 예상됨 6182,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil markets on edge as Netanyahu goes after Iran?,,"""넷냐후, 이란에 대한 공격에 나서면서 석유 시장이 불안에 떨고 있다""" 810,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Attendo Q4 operating profit tops forecast?,,브리프 - 아텐도 4분기 운영 이익이 예상치를 초과하다. 360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Capstar Financial Holdings Reports Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.28?,,"브리프-캡스타 파이낸셜 홀딩스, 4분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.28 보고" 6188,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Walvax Biotechnology expects to return to net profit for 2018 Q1?,,간략히 - Walvax Biotechnology는 2018년 1분기에 순이익으로 돌아올 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 4496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fabrinet Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results?,,"파브리넷, 2018 회계연도 2분기 재무 결과 발표" 4847,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Bomb cyclone' hits US East Coast energy, power supply?",,'폭풍 사이클론'이 미국 동부 에너지 및 전력 공급을 강타하다 839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NAFTA deal still possible from end-May onwards - Guajardo?,,구아할도: 5월 말 이후에도 NAFTA 협정이 여전히 가능하다. 7386,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. Announces Earnings Release and Conference Call for Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results?,,"그라나이트 포인트 모기지 트러스트 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 재무 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 9503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Jr. says missing out on India deals because of father's self-imposed curbs?,,"트럼프 주니어, 아버지의 자가 부과 규제로 인도 거래를 놓치고 있다고 말하다." 5421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Home Bancorp Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.54?,,"브리프-홈 뱅콥, 4분기 주당순이익 $0.54 보고." 1236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia bans another Kremlin critic's website before election?,,"러시아, 선거 전에 또 다른 크렘린 비판자의 웹사이트를 차단하다." 6879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Calgon Carbon Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.19?,,칼곤 카본 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.19 9109,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico and Europe get closer on trade?,,멕시코와 유럽이 무역에서 가까워진다. 6992,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Angola's Sonangol plans to build refineries, end fuel imports?",,"업데이트 1-앙골라의 소낭골, 정유소 건설 계획 및 연료 수입 종료 예정" 2740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gowdy: Memo has no impact on Russia probe?,,고우디: 메모는 러시아 수사에 아무런 영향이 없다? 9859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: S&P Global cuts top sovereign analysts as part of broader cull?,,"독점: S&P 글로벌, 더 큰 축소의 일환으로 주요 국가 분석가들을 해고하다." 3144,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia’s Tabcorp posts weaker interim profit?,,"호주의 탭코브, 중간 이익 감소 발표" 7682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Varun Mercantile Appoints Paresh Darji As CFO?,,"브리프-바룬 머천타일, 파레시 다르지를 CFO로 임명하다." 7124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sabeton FY Revenue Up At 0.8 Million Euros?,,브리핑 - 사베톤 FY 매출 80만 유로 증가. 2389,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nasdaq Welcomes iQIYI, Inc. (Nasdaq: IQ) to The Nasdaq Stock Market?",,"나스닥, iQIYI, Inc. (나스닥: IQ)의 나스닥 증권시장 상장 환영" 3857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Westlake Chemical Appoints New Directors to Its Board?,,"웨스트레이크화학, 이사회에 새로운 이사 임명" 7925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-U.S. should clear way for tech companies to help Iranians -former crown prince?,,UPDATE 2-미국은 기술 기업들이 이란인들을 도울 수 있도록 길을 열어야 한다 - 전 왕세자 7781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent To Issue Up To 900 Million Yuan Convertible Bonds?,,"심천 선윈 인텔리전트, 최대 9억 위안 규모의 전환사채 발행 예정" 5315,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATA National Title Group Expands in Chicago Market with Greater Metropolitan Title Agency Acquisition?,,"ATA 내셔널 타이틀 그룹, 그레이터 메트로폴리탄 타이틀 에이전시 인수로 시카고 시장 확장" 8668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why investing for kids can have huge payoff?,,아이들을 위한 투자가 큰 보상을 가져올 수 있는 이유 9861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Expelled Russian diplomats return from U.S.?,,추방된 러시아 외교관들이 미국에서 귀국하다. 8029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shaver Shop Group ‍Posts H1 Net Profit Of $6.9 Mln?,,"브리프 - 쉐이버 샵 그룹, H1 순이익 690만 호주 달러 발표" 3434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why the GDPR Will Make Your Online Experience Worse?,,GDPR가 당신의 온라인 경험을 나쁘게 만들 이유는 무엇인가? 7212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IMF warns of rising African debt despite faster economic growth?,,IMF는 더 빠른 경제 성장에도 불구하고 아프리카의 증가하는 부채에 경고하다. 9298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peugeot boss demands government commitments on electric-car charging networks?,,푸조 사장이 전기차 충전 네트워크에 대한 정부의 약속을 요구하다. 5410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Knight-Swift Transportation Q1 Adj. Earnings Per Share $0.44?,,브리프 - 나이트 스위프트 운송 1분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.44 5204,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rick L. Sowers Named President of CalPrivate Bank?,,릭 L. 사우어스가 칼프라이빗 뱅크의 회장으로 임명되었다. 2831,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St loses gains after Fed sees inflation rising?,,"미국 주식-월가, 연준이 인플레이션 상승을 예상한 후 상승폭을 잃다." 8544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nicolas Maduro re-elected president for fresh 6-year term?,,"니콜라스 마두로, 새 6년 임기로 대통령 재선 성공" 7410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cowen Announces That Peter A. Cohen Has Chosen Not to Stand for Re-Election to Cowen’s Board of Directors?,,"코웬, 피터 A. 코헨이 코웬 이사회 재선에 출마하지 않기로 결정했다고 발표하다." 1828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Cisco posts loss on $11.1 bln tax-related charge?,,"수정됨 - 시스코, 111억 달러 세금 관련 비용으로 손실 기록" 1295,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: G7 foreign ministers to discuss Russia, sanctions not on agenda?",,"G7 외무장관들이 러시아에 대해 논의할 예정, 제재는 의제에 없다." 9514,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JBS USA to Host First Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call May 16, 2018?",,"JBS USA, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 전화 회의를 2018년 5월 16일 개최한다." 5782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ethnic Serb fugitive is nominated as court judge by Kosovo?,,코소보에서 에스니크 세르브 도망자가 법원 판사로 지명되었다. 4092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Finland ready to increase EU payments after Brexit?,,"핀란드, 브렉시트 이후 EU 기여금 증가할 준비 완료" 6982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HiVi Acoustics Technology unit obtains high-tech enterprise recognition again and to enjoy tax preference?,,"HiVi 음향 기술 부문, 다시 한 번 고기술 기업 인증을 받아 세금 혜택을 누리다." 7259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alexandria Real Estate Equities Reports Q1 Revenue Of $320.1 Million?,,브리프 - 알렉산드리아 리얼 에STATE 주식회사가 Q1 수익 3억 2천 1백만 달러를 보고했습니다. 202,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House says Trump son-in-law Kushner can do job without security clearance?,,백악관은 트럼프 사위 쿠슈너가 보안 허가 없이도 직무를 수행할 수 있다고 밝히다. 8471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Solium Announces Acquisition Of Advanced-HR?,,"브리프 - 솔리움, 어드밴스드-HR 인수 발표" 7821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: You should be scared if you own natural gas stocks?,,크래머: 천연가스 주식을 보유하고 있다면 당신은 두려워해야 합니다. 9312,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss steel firm Schmolz + Bickenbach chosen to buy France's Ascometal?,,스위스 철강 회사인 슈몰츠 + 비켄바흐가 프랑스의 아스코메탈 인수자로 선택되었다. 5275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top energy executive says natural gas industry will need 'over $150B of infrastructure investment'?,,"최고 에너지 임원, 천연 가스 산업에 '1500억 달러 이상의 인프라 투자' 필요하다고 말하다." 812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liquidity Services Announces First Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Earnings Conference Call?,,"유동성 서비스, 2018 회계연도 1분기 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 7721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Salon Media Group Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2018 Results?,,"살롱 미디어 그룹, 2018 회계연도 3분기 실적 보고" 9111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Award-Winning Executive to Help Tampa Premier Benefits Organization Grow National Networks?,,상 수상 경영진이 탬파 프리미어 혜택 조직의 전국 네트워크 성장에 도움을 줄 예정입니다. 167,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Appaloosa Raises Share Stake In Bank Of America?,,"BRIEF-아팔루사, 뱅크 오브 아메리카 지분 보유량 증가" 236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-S.Korea's SK Innovation forecasts 2018 refining margins holding firm?,,"UPDATE 1-한국 SK이노베이션, 2018년 정유 마진 강세 지속 전망" 3763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed Regulatory Czar Faces GOP Pressure on Bank-Board Oversight?,,연준 규제 책임자가 은행 이사회 감독에 대한 공화당의 압박에 직면하다. 5415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST -Wall Street Journal - March 22?,,"뉴스 기사의 제목 ""PRESS DIGEST - Wall Street Journal - March 22""의 내용은 무엇일 수 있습니까?" 5677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Smallville’ actress arrested in self-help guru's NY sex traffic case?,,"‘스몰빌’ 배우, 셀프 헬프 구루의 뉴욕 성매매 사건에서 체포되다." 4756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poor farmers need better protection from costly disasters - UN?,,저소득 농민들은 비용이 많이 드는 재해로부터 더 나은 보호가 필요하다 - 유엔 4417,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In win for BNSF, 9th Circuit says ADA plaintiff bears burden of proof?",,"BNSF의 승리, 제9순회항소법원 ADA 원고가 입증 책임을 진다고 판단" 9690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ブロックチェーンで卒業証書、確実な証明めざす - WSJ?,,"블록체인으로 졸업증명서, 확실한 증명을 목표로 - WSJ" 7156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shortcut Media Q4 Revenue At SEK ‍18.2​ Million?,,BRIEF-Shortcut Media 4분기 매출 1억 8천 2백만 SEK 달성 4070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Huntington Ingalls - Department Of Energy Issued Notice To Begin Transition For Los Alamos Legacy Cleanup Contract?,,브리프 - 헌팅턴 잉ゴール스 - 에너지부가 로스앨러모스 유산 정화 계약 전환을 시작하라는 통지를 발송했습니다. 6805,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Grand Slam, Australian Open Men's Doubles Results?",,"UPDATE 2-그랜드 슬램, 호주 오픈 남자 복식 결과" 2663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Milacron Holdings Corp. Reports Fourth Quarter & Full Year 2017 Results?,,"밀라크론 홀딩스 코퍼레이션, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고" 8483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘It Is for Public Opinion.’ Rudy Giuliani May Have Admitted That Trump’s ‘Spygate’ Is a PR Ploy?,,"‘여론을 위한 일입니다.’ 루디 줄리아니, 트럼프의 '스파이게이트'가 PR 기획임을 인정했을 가능성?" 3076,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Don’t see move from dollar to yuan for oil trading, analyst says?",,달러에서 위안으로 석유 거래를 이동할 것 같지 않다는 분석가의 말. 1951,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cementos Pacasmayo Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Call and Webcast?,,"""Cementos Pacasmayo, 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표 콜 및 웨비나 개최""" 1711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LDC Gives Details About Takeover Bid For Doux Group?,,"LDC, Doux Group 인수 제안에 대한 세부사항 발표" 1035,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA approves Ultragenyx's treatment for rare type of rickets?,,FDA가 Ultragenyx의 희귀형 구루병 치료제를 승인했습니다. 6680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: POET Technologies Reports Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"POET Technologies, 2017년 전체 연도 재무 결과 보고" 2816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Insurers' new business: 'active shooter' policies for schools?,,보험사들의 새로운 사업: 학교를 위한 '능동적 총기난사자' 보험 정책 7158,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Onex Corp Says On A Consolidated Basis For Q1, Revenues Increased By 6 Pct To $6.0 Bln?",,브리프 - 오넥스 코퍼레이션은 1분기 기준으로 매출이 6% 증가하여 60억 달러에 이른다고 발표했습니다. 3796,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kremlin: We're open to working with Britain over incident involving ex-agent?,,크렘린: 우리는 전 요원 관련 사건에 대해 영국과의 협력에 열려 있습니다. 1817,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Investech Holdings Says FY Loss Attributable RMB95.6 Million?,,"BRIEF-인베스트텍 홀딩스, FY 손실 RMB95.6 백만 기재" 4039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DDM Holding Q1 Net Collections Up At EUR 10.7 Million?,,"DDM 홀딩 1분기 순수익 1,070만 유로 증가" 9803,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ryman Hospitality Properties Qtrly FFO Per Diluted Share $1.95?,,"브리프 - 라이먼 호스피탈리티 프로퍼티즈, 분기당 희석 주당 FFO $1.95 발표" 1223,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX edges up as resource shares gain, pot stocks weigh?",,"캐나다 주식 - TSX, 자원 주식 상승으로 소폭 상승, 마리화나 주식은 부담으로 작용." 592,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Answer to Falling Oil Prices: Production Cuts?,,"사우디, 하락하는 유가에 대한 대응: 생산 축소" 6408,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Releasing the GOP memo may have broken a 'safety valve' on government secrets?,,GOP 메모 공개가 정부 기밀의 '안전 밸브'를 오히려 무너뜨렸을 가능성이 있다? 9191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Greetings Announces Conference Call to Discuss Fiscal 2018 Third Quarter Results?,,"아메리칸 그리팅스, 2018 회계연도 3분기 실적 논의를 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 8391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: [$$] AT&T's Defense Invokes Big Tech Terror?,,[$$] AT&T의 방어가 빅 테크 테러를 언급하다? 9930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Qnb Finansbank Fy 2017 Net Profit Up At 1.60 Bln?,,브리프 - QNB 파이낸스은행 2017 회계연도 순익 16억 달러 증가. 5522,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sea rescues pull at least 2,400 migrants from Mediterranean in last week?",,"지난 주 지중해에서 2,400명 이상의 이민자를 구조한 해상 구조작전" 2175,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bahrain court revokes citizenship of 115 people on terrorism charges?,,바레인 법원이 115명의 시민권을 테러 혐의로 박탈하다. 3815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Generational Equity Advises Carbonic Systems in Sale to Airgas?,,Generational Equity가 Airgas에 Carbonic Systems 판매를 조언하다. 4937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marijuana Use Is More Common Among Employees With These Jobs?,,"""이 직업을 가진 직원들 사이에서 마리화나 사용이 더 흔하다""" 6969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shanghai crude oil futures roar into action?,,상하이 원유 선물이 활기를 띠다 658,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McMaster, Kelly may leave over tensions with Trump: sources?",,맥마스터와 켈리가 트럼프와의 갈등으로 떠날 수도 있다는 소식: 소식통 8421,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing, Embaer talk about joint ventures?",,"보잉과 엠브라에르, 합작 투자에 대해 논의하다." 4108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Making of a Murderer' case may go to Supreme Court: report?,,'메이킹 오브 어 머더러' 사건이 대법원으로 갈 수 있다: 보도. 3881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Servtech Global Says Technobrave Pty Awarded 2-Year Services Contract Deal?,,"브리프-서브텍 글로벌, 테크노브레이브 Pty가 2년 서비스 계약 체결했다고 발표." 9580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nevsun Receives Permit For Exploration Decline At Timok Project In Serbia?,,"브리프-네브순, 세르비아 티목 프로젝트에서 탐사 하강을 위한 허가를 받았다." 410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St climbs as trade war fears cool?,,미국 주식 - 무역 전쟁 우려가 완화되면서 월스트리트가 상승하다 1707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S.Korea's Moon hosts talks with N.Korean leader's sister?,,한국의 문재인 대통령이 북한 지도자의 누나와 회담을 주최하다. 2414,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hartalega Holdings Bhd Says Qtrly Net Profit 113.0 Mln Rgt?,,브리프 - 하르탈레가 홀딩스가 분기 순이익이 1억 1천3백만 링깃이라고 발표했습니다. 1056,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Apple Hospitality REIT Acquires Hampton Inn & Suites By Hilton Phoenix Downtown?,,"브리프 - 애플 호스피탤리티 리트, 힐튼 피닉스 다운타운 내 햄프턴 인 & 스위트 인수" 6550,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Universal Basic Income: Proposal for everyone under 55 to get $14,000?",,"보편적 기본소득: 55세 이하 모든 사람에게 14,000달러를 지급하자는 제안?" 2387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Third Point building stake in Pinnacle Foods - sources?,,단독 보도: 제3점이 피나클 푸드의 지분을 늘리고 있다 - 소식통 8214,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Capital Southwest Announces Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Earnings Release and Conference Call Schedule?,,"캐ピ탈 사우스웨스트, 2018 회계연도 3분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 3460,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket: Steve Smith, David Warner step down amid ball-tampering probe?",,"크리켓: 스티브 스미스, 데이비드 워너, 공 변조 조사 중 사퇴하다" 4456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. 2018 First Quarter Conference Call and Webcast for Investors and Analysts?,,브룩필드 인프라스트럭처 파트너스 L.P. 2018년 첫 분기 투자자 및 분석가를 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Uchi Technologies Appoints Chin Yau Meng As Executive Director ‍​?,,브리프-우치 테크놀로지가 진 야우 멍을 전무 이사로 임명함. 1994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diversified Staffing Group Appoints Andy Hicks as Division Manager - Direct Hire?,,"다양한 인력 배치 그룹, 앤디 힉스를 직접 채용 부문 매니저로 임명하다." 6626,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour 250 / WTA Premier, Sydney Results?",,"ATP 월드 투어 250 / WTA 프리미어, 시드니 결과는 어떤 내용일까?" 85,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg: I'm committed to getting this right?,,저는 이 일을 제대로 해내겠다는 의지입니다. 3671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VERBATIM: Fed to move gradually as economy picks up?,,"VERBATIM: 연준, 경제 회복에 따라 점진적으로 움직일 것" 8585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Liaoning SG Automotive Group says change of accounting policy?,,"브리프 - 랴오닝 SG 자동차 그룹, 회계 정책 변경 발표" 17,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Supreme Court to hear pivotal challenge to union fees?,,대법원이 노조 수수료에 대한 중대한 도전에 대한 심리를 진행할 예정입니다. 5289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. weekly natgas stock draw hits record high during cold snap?,,미국의 주간 천연가스 재고 감소가 추위 속에서 기록적인 최고치에 도달하다. 9409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bahrain's Esterad Investment FY Profit Rises?,,"간략히 – 바레인의 에스터라드 투자, FY(회계연도) 이익 상승" 8527,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's Queen Elizabeth backs her son Charles to take on Commonwealth role?,,브리튼의 엘리자베스 여왕이 그녀의 아들 찰스가 커먼웰스 역할을 맡는 것을 지지한다. 4978,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bottomline Technologies to Announce Second Quarter Fiscal 2018 Financial Results On February 1, 2018?",,"바텀라인 테크놀로지스, 2018년 2월 1일 2018 회계연도 2분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 1039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google's Duplex AI App May Have Passed the Turing Test?,,구글의 듀플렉스 AI 앱이 튜링 테스트를 통과했을지도 모른다는 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 9040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Westminster Abbey unlocks hidden area to show off historical treasures?,,웨스트민스터 사원이 숨겨진 지역의 잠금을 해제하여 역사적 보물을 공개하다. 2228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Video: YouTube shooter tells police she won't hurt anyone?,,비디오: 유튜브 총격범이 경찰에 자신이 아무도 해치지 않을 것이라고 말하다 2847,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's EMR Capital plans to double output at Zambia's Lubambe copper mine?,,"호주 EMR 캐피탈, 잠비아 루밤베 구리 광산에서 생산량 두 배로 늘릴 계획" 2458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peru ex-President Fujimori hospitalized with heart problems: media?,,"페루 전 대통령 후지모리, 심장 문제로 병원에 입원: 언론 보도" 3132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Reminds Shareholders with Losses on their Investment in Philip Morris International Inc. of Class Action Lawsuit and Upcoming Deadline - PM?,,"주주 경고: 포머란츠 법률 사무소, 필립 모리스 인터내셔널 주식에 손실을 입은 주주들에게 집단 소송 및 다가오는 마감일을 상기시킴 - PM?" 3194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EuropaCorp Submits Draft Employment Safeguard Plan Concerning 22 Jobs In France?,,"브리프 - 유로파코프, 프랑스 내 22개 일자리와 관련된 고용 보호 계획 초안 제출" 3040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - GVY?,,IIROC 거래 중지 / OCRCVM에 의한 중지 - GVY? 9138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paul Singer's Elliott to make all-cash offer for Athenahealth of $155-$160 a share: Sources?,,"폴 싱어의 엘리엇, 아시나헬스에 주당 155-160달러의 전액 현금 제안 예정: 소식통들" 3366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets expected to rally at the open?,,시장이 개장과 함께 상승할 것으로 예상된다. 3676,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gamestop Terminates Employment Of Tony Bartel And Michael Hogan, Effective Immediately​?",,"BRIEF-게임스톱, 토니 바텔과 마이클 호건의 고용 종료, 즉시 효력 발생" 4128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Micro Focus (MFGP) Investigated for Securities Fraud; Block & Leviton Encourages Investors (Including Those Who Obtained Their Shares In The September 2017 Merger With HPE) To Contact The Firm?,,Micro Focus (MFGP)가 증권 사기로 조사 중; Block & Leviton은 투자자들에게 (HPE와의 2017년 9월 합병을 통해 주식을 획득한 투자자 포함) 이 회사를 연락할 것을 권장합니다. 1198,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FDA Advances Policy To Make Development Of Drugs & Diagnostics In Cancer Trials More Efficient?,,"BRIEF-FDA, 암 시험에서 약물 및 진단 개발을 더 효율적으로 만드는 정책을 추진하다." 8545,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nanophase Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"나노페이즈, 2017년 4분기 및 회계연도 재무 결과 발표" 4629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK considering Russian requests for visit to ex-spy's daughter Yulia?,,"영국, 전 스파이의 딸 유리아 방문 요청을 러시아의 요청에 따라 고려 중" 8435,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple, researchers eye patches to solve Intel chip flaws?",,"애플, 연구자들이 인텔 칩 결함을 해결하기 위한 패치를 주목하다?" 6922,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St bounces back 1 pct after Thursday's slump?,,"미국 주식 - 월가, 목요일 하락 이후 1% 반등" 4703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IFF to buy Israel's Frutarom for $7.1 billion?,,"IFF, 이스라엘의 프루타롬을 71억 달러에 인수할 예정" 7484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-KBR JV Wins Two Feed Contracts From Azerbaijan International Oil Co?,,"KBR JV, 아제르바이잔 국제 석유 회사로부터 두 개의 FEED 계약을 수주했다는 내용의 뉴스 기사가 포함될 수 있는 내용은 다음과 같습니다." 638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Graduate Management Admission Council Acquires UK-Based Online Publishing Company BusinessBecause?,,"대학원 경영 입학 위원회, 영국 기반 온라인 출판사 비즈니스비코즈 인수" 1350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tata Consultancy Services Expands Partnership With Shure Inc?,,"브리프 - 타타 컨설턴시 Services, 슈어 Inc와의 파트너십 확대" 9056,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: iPhone sales less than expected, but Apple points to the good news?",,"아이폰 판매가 예상보다 적지만, 애플은 긍정적인 소식을 전한다." 6874,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Original Winnie-the-Pooh map to be auctioned in London?,,"원본 곰돌이 푸 지도, 런던에서 경매에 부쳐진다." 9585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rhoen-Klinikum: Supervisory Board Comments On Article In Manager Magazin?,,Rhoen-Klinikum: 감사위원회가 Manager Magazin에 실린 기사에 대한 논평 5787,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steven Bochco, producer of ‘Hill Street Blues’ and ‘NYPD Blue,’ dies at 74?",,"스티븐 보치코, '힐 스트리트 블루스'와 'NYPD 블루'의 프로듀서, 74세의 나이로 사망." 8238,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: WPP’s woes?,,아래 제목을 가진 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까: Breakingviews TV: WPP의 고난? 7141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aramco working to raise cheap loans before IPO?,,"""아람코, IPO 이전에 저렴한 대출 확보 작업 진행 중""" 4530,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ION Media Acquires Full Power UHF Broadcast Station in Portland, Maine?",,"ION 미디어, 메인주 포틀랜드에서 전력 UHF 방송국 인수" 1898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Techsploitation' protesters in San Francisco blocked buses with a pile of electric scooters?,,샌프란시스코에서 '기술 착취' 시위대가 전기 스쿠터 더미로 버스를 차단했다. 3477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Oil prices fall as U.S. trade dispute with China looms?,,UPDATE 1-미국과 중국 간의 무역 분쟁이 다가옴에 따라 유가 하락 760,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Interface Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Results?,,"인터페이스, 2017 회계연도 및 4분기 실적 발표" 2096,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brian Grow Named President of Morningstar Credit Ratings, LLC?",,브라이언 그로우가 모닝스타 신용 평가 LLC의 사장으로 임명됨 5814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany ends months of political uncertainty?,,"독일, 수개월 간의 정치적 불확실성 종식" 3037,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britannia Industries fourth-quarter profit up 25 percent?,,브리타니아 산업의 4분기 이익 25% 증가 1103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nassar cries after victim asks for an apology?,,내가 반드시 사과를 요구하는 피해자의 요청에 따라 나스가 눈물을 흘린다. 45,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-INSIGHT-Toronto's housing supply challenge and the growth plan paradox?,,RPT-통찰력-토론토의 주택 공급 문제와 성장 계획의 역설? 7556,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European shares set to extend winning streak on oil surge?,,"유럽 증시, 유가 급등에 힘입어 상승세 지속할 전망" 5657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm Extends Cash Tender Offer for All Outstanding Shares of NXP?,,"퀄컴, NXP의 모든 발행 주식에 대한 현금 공개매수 제안 연장" 3214,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BORSE EUROPA, STOXX 600 APRE A -0,4% - Pagina Iniziale?",,"유럽 증시, STOXX 600 지수 -0.4% 하락으로 개장 - 첫 페이지" 923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Springer Nature sets price range for Frankfurt flotation?,,"스프링거 네이처, 프랑크푸르트 상장 가격 범위 설정" 5881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wolters Kluwer FY adjusted net profit beats Reuters poll?,,"브리프-볼터스 클루워 FY 조정 후 순이익, 로이터 설문 조사를 초과하다." 1723,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forman, Oscar-winning director of 'Cuckoo's Nest' and 'Amadeus', dies at 86?",,"포먼, '뻐꾸기 둥지 위의 욕설'과 '아마데우스'의 오스카 수상 감독, 86세로 사망." 4846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suzhou Jinfu Technology sees FY 2017 net profit up 46.6 pct to 70.2 pct?,,"브리프 - 쫑저우 진푸 테크놀로지, 2017 회계연도 순이익 46.6% 증가하여 70.2% 도달 전망" 4734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Religare Enterprises' Exec Chairman‍​ S Lakshminarayanan Resigns?,,브리프 - Religare Enterprises의 집행 위원장 S 라크슈미나라야난이 사임했습니다. 1732,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CanniMed files $725 mln lawsuit related to Aurora takeover bid?,,"CanniMed, 오로라 인수 제안과 관련해 7억 2500만 달러 소송 제기" 7766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Core-Mark Q4 Non-GAAP EPS $0.33 Excluding Items?,,BRIEF-코어마크 Q4 비 GAAP EPS $0.33 (항목 제외) 4555,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oasis Petroleum - Co Entered Amendment To Second Amended And Restated Credit Agreement?,,"브리프 - 오아시스 석유, 회사가 두 번째 개정 및 수정된 신용 계약에 대한 수정안을 체결함." 7656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monaco held to 1-1 draw by Rennes?,,모나코가 렌과 1-1 무승부를 기록했다. 7591,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The First Bancshares, Inc. Reports a 252.7% Increase in Net Income Available to Common Shareholders and a 58.4% Increase in Operating Net Earnings for the First Quarter Ended March 31, 2018; Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.05?",,"The First Bancshares, Inc.은 2018년 3월 31일 종료된 1분기에 보통주 주주에게 사용 가능한 순이익이 252.7% 증가하고 운영 순이익이 58.4% 증가했다고 보고했습니다. 또한 분기 배당금으로 $0.05를 선언했습니다." 3987,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla's Model 3 review falls short of Consumer Reports endorsement?,,테슬라의 모델 3 리뷰가 소비자 보고서의 추천을 받지 못하다. 5064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roumell Asset Management submits letter to Board of Directors of Medley Capital?,,Roumell Asset Management가 Medley Capital의 이사회에 편지를 제출하다. 2296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey says U.S. needs to withdraw from Syria's Manbij region immediately?,,"터키, 미국이 시리아 만비ç 지역에서 즉시 철수해야 한다고 밝혀" 7663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Me Too' Movements Gets a PBS TV Series | Fortune?,,'미투' 운동이 PBS TV 시리즈를 시작하다 | Fortune 5900,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Death toll from listeria outbreak in South Africa rises to more than 200?,,남아프리카공화국 리스테리아 발병으로 인한 사망자 수가 200명을 초과했다. 6977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Orion Engineered Carbons Qtrly Basic EPS Of Eur 0.36?,,간단히 - 오리온 엔지니어드 카본스 분기 기본 주당순이익(EPS) 0.36유로. 3867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Joe DiBianca Joins AC Lordi’s Board of Managers?,,"조 디비안카, AC 로르디 이사회에 합류" 9037,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elektrofi Appoints Leading Scientists and Biotech Entrepreneurs to New Board of Advisors?,,"Elektrofi, 선도적인 과학자 및 바이오텍 기업가를 새로운 자문위원회에 임명하다." 7621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kingspan hit after warning of sharp slowdown in UK demand?,,"킹스판, 영국 수요 급감 경고에 타격 받다" 7704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Obama’s Prosecutor Vouches for Haspel’s CIA?,,오바마의 검사가 하스펠의 CIA를 보증한다. 7224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK builder Taylor Wimpey expects further growth in 2018 ​?,,2018년에 영국 건설사 테일러 윕피가 추가 성장을 기대한다고 보도된 뉴스 기사 내용은 어떤 것일까요? 6368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New drug approvals hit 21-year high in 2017?,,"2017년, 신약 승인이 21년 최고치를 기록했다." 9715,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Isles dump Flames, snap 8-game skid?",,이슬스가 플레임스를 물리치고 8연패를 끊다. 7841,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Kazakhtelecom seeks antitrust clearance to buy Kcell stake?,,"UPDATE 1-카젭텔레콤, 케셀 지분 인수를 위한 반독점 승인 요청" 8569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ningbo Menovo Pharmaceutical's Share Trade To Halt Pending Announcement?,,"브리프 - 닝보 메노보 제약 주식 거래, 발표 대기 중 정지" 5130,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump, Oprah and the Art of Deflection?",,"트럼프, 오프라와 회피 기술의 예술" 6353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Richard Jenrette Took an Unconventional Path to Riches on Wall Street?,,리처드 젠렛은 월가에서 부를 쌓기 위해 색다른 경로를 선택했다. 3739,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc. Announces Earnings Release Date and Conference Call?",,"사브라 헬스케어 REIT, Inc. 수익 발표 날짜 및 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 9031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street climbs on trade war truce?,,"월스트리트, 무역 전쟁 휴전에 힘입어 상승" 6661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chemours Q1 Earnings Per Share $1.58?,,케모어스 1분기 주당 순이익 1.58달러 9045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall St opens higher as oil prices rise?,,"미국 주식 시장 요약 - 월스트리트, 유가 상승에 힘입어 상승세로 개장" 441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S. Africa Eskom's dollar bonds fall after S&P downgrade?,,"남아프리카 Eskom의 달러 채권, S&P 등급 강등 후 하락" 7359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Constellation Brands To Invest About $900 Mln USD To Increase Capacity At Its Plant In Ciudad Obregón‍​?,,"브리프-콘스텔레이션 브랜즈, 시우다드 오브레곤 공장 용량 확대 위해 약 9억 달러 투자할 계획" 3221,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Acasti Pharma Announces Overnight Marketed Public Unit Offering?,,"브리프-아카스티 제약, 야간 시장 공모 유닛 제공 발표" 644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German stocks - Factors to watch on February 28?,,2월 28일 독일 주식 - 주목해야 할 요소들 9076,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Four-goal Wu maintains SIPG's perfect start?,,"네 골을 기록한 우, SIPG의 완벽한 출발 유지" 4988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Total buys stake in U.S battery developer Ionic Materials?,,"토탈, 미국 배터리 개발사 아이오닉 머티리얼스 지분 인수" 4106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Weibo social media site suspends portals after reprimand?,,"중국의 웨이보 소셜 미디어 사이트, 징계 후 포털 일시 중단" 925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Euroz Posts‍ HY Net Profit Attributable​ Of $13.8 Million?,,"브리프-유로즈, 상반기 세후 순이익 1,380만 달러 발표" 2873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Real Time Economics: Oil Prices Climb | Trade Fight Causes Collateral Damage | Larry Kudlow Steps Into the Spotlight?,,실시간 경제: 유가 상승 | 무역 전쟁이 부차적인 피해를 초래하다 | 래리 크드로가 주목받다 2267,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Everwin Precision Technology to pay cash dividend of 1 yuan per 10 shares (before tax) for 2017?,,브리프 - 선전 에버윈 정밀 기술이 2017년 기준으로 10주당 1위안(세전)의 현금 배당금을 지급할 예정입니다. 5329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VOXX International Corporation Sets Date For Its Fiscal 2018 Fourth Quarter And Year-End Results And Conference Call?,,"VOXX 인터내셔널 코퍼레이션, 2018 회계년도 4분기 및 연간 결과 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 날짜 설정" 2336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gazan Christians say have no permits yet to visit Jerusalem at Easter?,,"가자 지구의 기독교인들, 부활절에 예루살렘을 방문할 허가증이 아직 없다." 9187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber picks VMware's Zane Rowe as CFO - Bloomberg?,,"우버, VMware의 제인 로우를 CFO로 선택 - 블룸버그" 9802,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-""No-one wants to put their neck out there on a sell signal""?",,"실시간 시장-""아무도 매도 신호에 대해 목을 내놓고 싶어하지 않는다""" 5543,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The implications of the Uber autonomous vehicle crash?,,우버 자율주행차 사고의 함의는 무엇인가? 9947,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McConnell opposes shutdown nuclear option Trump urged in tweet?,,"맥코넬, 트럼프가 트윗에서 촉구한 셧다운 핵 옵션에 반대하다" 2082,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SPS Commerce Appoints Three New Independent Directors to the Board?,,"SPS 커머스, 이사회에 3명의 새로운 독립 이사 임명" 6469,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Phoenix New Media Announces Extension Of Loans To Yidian And Related Financing Update?,,"브리프-피닉스 뉴 미디어, 이디안에 대한 대출 연장 및 관련 금융 업데이트 발표" 3219,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Universal Insurance CEO Sean Downes's FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $19.3 Million?,,"Universal Insurance CEO Sean Downes의 2017 회계연도 총 보수는 1,930만 달러였습니다." 1047,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DIRTT Environmental Solutions Reports Qtrly Net Income Per Share Of $0.04?,,간략히 - DIRTT Environmental Solutions가 분기 순이익 주당 $0.04를 보고했다. 2825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Agilent Expands Cell Analysis Portfolio With Acquisition Of Luxcel Biosciences?,,"브리핑-아질런트, 룩셀 바이오사이언스 인수를 통해 세포 분석 포트폴리오 확장" 9844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Plus500 Ltd Posts FY EBITDA Of $‍259.2​ Mln?,,"BRIEF-Plus500 Ltd가 FY EBITDA 2억 5,920만 달러를 게시했습니다." 8328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Super Rugby results?,,UPDATE 2-슈퍼 Rugby 결과 5271,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Synchrony Appoints Trish Mosconi Executive Vice President, Business Strategy and Development?",,"싱크로니, 트리시 모스코니를 비즈니스 전략 및 개발 총괄 부사장으로 임명" 3897,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soros' fund buys shares of cryptocurrency play Overstock.com, while dumping Facebook?",,"소로스 기금, 암호화폐 관련 기업 오버스톡 주식을 매입하고 페이스북 주식은 매각하다." 6847,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-U.S. Bancorp Board Declared Regular Qtrly Dividend Of $0.30 Per Common Share?,,미국 뱅코프 이사회는 보통주 1주당 $0.30의 정기 분기 배당금을 선언했습니다. 1248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Schlumberger posts bigger fourth-quarter loss on charges?,,"슈람버거, 비용 부담으로 4분기 손실 확대" 4167,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pence tells Israelis that U.S. embassy will move in 2019?,,펜스가 이스라엘인들에게 미국 대사관이 2019년에 이전될 것이라고 말하다. 9684,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cameco Corp Reports Qtrly Earnings Per Share Of $0.14?,,"브리프-카메코 주식회사, 분기 주당 순이익 0.14달러 보고." 5738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German parties inch closer to coalition with deal on skilled immigrants?,,독일 정당들이 숙련 이민자에 대한 합의로 연합 정권 구성에 한 걸음 더 다가가다. 7794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This satellite is going on a planet-hunting mission?,,이 위성이 행성 탐사 임무를 수행합니다. 937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Baghdad residents vote in Iraq election?,,바그다드 주민들이 이라크 선거에서 투표하다 174,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNOOC Limited: Reserve and Profit Significantly Increased, Net Profit Greatly Improved?",,"CNOOC 리미티드: 자산 및 이익이 크게 증가하고, 순이익이 크게 개선됨." 1836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Paragon Banking Says ‍Chairman Bob Dench Will Be Stepping Down?,,"브리프-파라곤 뱅킹, 의장 밥 덴치가 사임할 것이라고 발표." 2178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hilton Announces Full Exercise Of Option To Purchase Additional Shares In Secondary Offering?,,"BRIEF-Hilton, 공모주 추가 매수 옵션의 전량 행사 발표" 9609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jordan's Al Amin For Investment FY Profit Rises?,,"요약 - 요르단의 알 아민 투자 회사, 회계 연도 이익 증가" 898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Yanked From Chinese Theaters | Fortune.com?,,"'스타 워즈: 라스트 제다이', 중국 극장에서 상영 중단 | Fortune.com" 4234,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Co-head of Goldman Sachs Germany to be become deputy German finmin?,,골드만삭스 독일 공동 대표가 독일 부장관으로 임명될 예정이다. 9825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Egyptian ex-PM Ahmed Shafik says won't run for presidency?,,"이집트 전 총리 아흐메드 샤피크, 대선 출마하지 않겠다고 밝혀" 1934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BioElectronics Receives FDA Pre-Submission Approval for its Relief of Musculoskeletal Pain Market Clearance Application?,,BioElectronics가 근골격계 통증 완화 시장 허가 신청에 대한 FDA 사전 제출 승인을 받았습니다. 7651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GKN says has received many approaches since Melrose bid?,,GKN은 멜로즈 인수 제안 이후 많은 접근을 받았다고 전했습니다. 315,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Larry Summers on Trump’s ‘zero-sum’ approach to global relations?,,"래리 서머스, 트럼프의 ‘제로섬’ 글로벌 관계 접근 방식에 대해 이야기하다." 3087,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Britain says U.S. sanctions on Iran have wide impact, make third-party trade difficult?",,"업데이트 1-영국, 미국의 이란 제재가 광범위한 영향을 미치고 제3자 거래를 어렵게 만든다고 전해." 9322,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monzo in early stage talks to expand to the US, CEO Tom Blomfield says?",,"모뱅크, CEO 톰 블롬필드 말에 따르면 미국으로 확장을 위한 초기 단계 논의 중이다." 8200,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RE/MAX Holdings Reports Q1 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.49?,,"RE/MAX 홀딩스, 1분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.49 보고." 7850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AllianceBernstein Says Preliminary Assets Under Management Decreased To $549 Bln During March 2018 From $555 Bln At End Of February?,,브리프 - 얼라이언스버니언은 2018년 3월 말 자산 규모가 5550억 달러에서 5490억 달러로 감소했다고 밝혔다. 7295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Southern California Gas Files For Mixed Shelf?,,"브리프 - 남부 캘리포니아 가스, 혼합 선반 등록을 신청하다" 1300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Luna Innovations Strong 2018 Results?,,Luna Innovations의 2018년 기쁜 성과 8379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This Company Lets Employees Rate Their Bosses Twice a Year?,,이 회사는 직원들이 연 2회 상사를 평가할 수 있게 해준다. 776,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coal dwarfs battery metals in mining deals despite war on pollution?,,전쟁 속에서도 오염 퇴치를 위한 노력에도 불구하고 석탄이 배터리 금속을 앞지르며 채굴 거래에서 우위를 점하다 9410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Portuguese secret service official sentenced for spying for Russia?,,포르투갈 정보기관 관계자가 러시아를 위해 스파이 활동을 하다 선고를 받다. 1250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paris atelier provides safe haven for exiled artists?,,파리 아틀리에가 망명한 예술가들에게 안전한 피난처를 제공합니다. 4807,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: King Penguins Could Be 70% Extinct by 2100 | Fortune?,,킹펭귄은 2100년까지 70%가 멸종할 수 있다 | 포춘 9997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple developing own screens using next-generation MicroLED tech: Bloomberg?,,"애플, 차세대 MicroLED 기술을 활용한 자체 스크린 개발중: 블룸버그" 4356,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Explosions rock Damascus - Reuters witness?,,다마스쿠스를 강타한 폭발 - 로이터 목격자 757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-BRF launches processed meats brand for cost-conscious shopper?,,"업데이트 2 - BRF, 비용을 고려하는 쇼핑객을 위한 가공육 브랜드 출시" 6502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lankan shares end down on profit-taking?,,"스리랑카 주식, 차익 실현으로 하락 마감" 4481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Georgia Power Customers To Receive $1.2 Bln In Benefits From The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act?,,간략히 - 조지아 전력 고객들은 세금 감면 및 일자리 법안으로 12억 달러의 혜택을 받을 예정이다. 9796,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BBSI Sets Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Conference Call for Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. ET?",,BBSI가 2018년 2월 28일 수요일 오후 12시(동부 표준시)에 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 컨퍼런스 콜을 설정했습니다. 2234,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Imperial Reports Q1 Loss Per Share C$0.14?,,"간단히 - 임페리얼, 1분기 주당 손실 C$0.14 보고" 3413,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple, IBM chiefs call for more data oversight after Facebook breach?",,"애플, IBM 최고경영자들이 페이스북 유출 사건 이후 데이터 감독 강화 촉구" 5638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tide Pod Challenge: Why the Small Laundry Packs Are More Toxic | Fortune?,,타이드 팟 챌린지: 작은 세탁 팩이 더 독성이 강한 이유 | 포ortune? 9024,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tetra Bio-Pharma Provides Update On Clinical Study On Cannabis Oil Capsules For Patients Suffering From Chronic Pain?,,"간략히 - 테트라 바이오-파마, 만성 통증으로 고통받는 환자들을 위한 대마유 캡슐의 임상 연구에 대한 업데이트 제공" 4534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Endeavour Silver ‍Plans To Invest $11.1 Million On Exploration​ in 2018?,,"브리프 - 엔데버 실버, 2018년에 탐사에 1억 1천 1백만 달러를 투자할 계획" 3895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Get ready for a bidding war between Disney and Comcast?,,크래머: 디즈니와 컴캐스트 간의 입찰 전쟁에 대비하라! 6928,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistanis protest Trump's ""lies and deceit"" tweet?",,"""파키스탄인, 트럼프의 '거짓과 기만' 트윗에 항의하다""" 3638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon unpacks an explosive first quarter earnings report?,,"아마존, 폭발적인 1분기 실적 보고서를 공개하다." 3940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla in Autopilot mode crashes into California police car?,,테슬라 자동 운전 모드에서 캘리포니아 경찰차와 충돌하다 8208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AgroFresh Solutions Reschedules Q4 Earnings Release Date And Conference Call?,,"브리프-AgroFresh Solutions, 4분기 실적 발표 날짜 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 변경" 3793,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Powered by subscriptions, Pandora Media losses beat estimates?",,"구독 서비스에 힘입어, 팬도라 미디어의 손실이 예상치를 초과했다는 업데이트 3." 7234,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tuna goes for $323,000 at Tokyo fish market's final New Year auction?",,도쿄 수산시장의 마지막 신년 경매에서 참치가 32만 3천 달러에 낙찰됐다. 2051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suns' Canaan suffers horrific ankle injury?,,"선수 케넌, 끔찍한 발목 부상 당해" 5029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aspen Group Reports Record Revenue of $5.7 million in Q3 Fiscal 2018?,,"아스펜 그룹, 2018 회계연도 3분기 570만 달러의 기록적인 매출 보고" 9694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Three Tall Women’ Decline and Triumph?,,‘세 명의 키 큰 여성’ 쇠퇴와 승리 95,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clarion Events Expands North American Presence With Acquisition of PennWell?,,"클라리온 이벤트, 펜웰 인수로 북미 존재감 확대" 6365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer blesses buying Dropbox IPO for speculation?,,크래머가 드롭박스 IPO 구매를 투기의 목적으로 추천한다. 6066,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China ambassador: Preference is to resolve trade dispute?,,중국 대사: 무역 분쟁 해결이 최우선이다. 3246,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump meets Turnbull, mum on Rick Gates?",,"트럼프, 턴불과 회동; 릭 게이츠에 대해 언급 없음?" 1904,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Western New England Bancorp, Inc. Reports Results for Three Months Ended March 31, 2018 and Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend?",,"Western New England Bancorp, Inc.는 2018년 3월 31일로 종료된 3개월 간의 실적을 보고하고 분기별 현금 배당금을 선언했습니다." 8607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southwest passenger trolled for livestreaming stricken flight?,,사고가 발생한 비행기를 생중계한 남서부 항공 승객이 조롱받다. 4942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Luke Tevebaugh New Head of FrontRow's Classroom Audio Sales in Florida?,,"루크 테베보, 플로리다에서 프론트로우 교실 오디오 세일즈의 새로운 책임자 취임" 8692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU told Britain 'time-limited' backstop won't work - EU official?,,"EU는 영국에 ""시간 제한이 있는"" 백스톱은 작동하지 않을 것이라고 전했다 - EU 관계자" 4974,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SI Financial Group, Inc. Announces Cash Dividend?",,"SI Financial Group, Inc.가 현금 배당을 발표하다." 8498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DIARY-Top Economic Events to April 26?,,DIARY-4월 26일까지 주요 경제 이벤트 6683,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trimble Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"트림블, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 발표" 1422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microchip Technology Announces Financial Results for Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2018?,,"마이크로칩 기술, 2018년 4분기 및 회계연도 재무 결과 발표" 289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain will deliver Brexit despite funding allegations: PM May?,,"""영국은 자금 조달 혐의에도 불구하고 브렉시트를 이행할 것이다: 메이 총리""" 5515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hunter Group says private placement has been successfully completed?,,"브리프-헌터 그룹, 사모 배치가 성공적으로 완료되었다고 발표." 3239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel PM speech shows important to keep Iran deal constraints: UK?,,"이스라엘 총리 연설, 이란 핵 협정 제약 유지의 중요성 강조: 영국" 2803,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Innogy board member Buenting to take over finance duties?,,인노기 이사인 뷔팅이 재무 업무를 맡게 된다? 9722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Seeing double in new 'spy-fi' television series?,,새로운 '스파이-파이' 텔레비전 시리즈에서 두 배로 보이다. 7021,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Duros Fy 2017 Net Loss Shrinks To Eur 0.3 Mln?,,브리프 - 듀로스의 2017 회계연도 순손실이 30만 유로로 축소됨. 138,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No forced layoffs in planned Innogy break-up - unions, companies?",,"계획된 인노기 분할에서 강제 해고는 없다 - 노조, 기업들" 8622,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bridge Bancorp, Inc. Announces First 2018 Dividend?",,"브리지 뱅콥, Inc. 2018년 첫 배당금 발표" 9383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China launches satellite to explore dark side of moon - Xinhua?,,"중국, 달의 어두운 면 탐사를 위한 위성 발사 - 신화통신" 1565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's money rates rise as c.bank maintains stability ahead of NPC?,,중국의 금리가 상승하며 중앙은행이 NPC 이전에 안정성을 유지하다. 6225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU's Ansip: Worried about Europe getting left behind 5G momentum?,,EU의 안십: 유럽이 5G 모멘텀에서 뒤처질까 걱정된다 3486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brexit campaigners gear up for fight back to stop betrayal?,,"브렉시트 캠페인 단체, 배신 중단을 위한 반격 준비에 나서" 8345,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer: Stoke City relegated from Premier League after 2-1 loss to Crystal Palace?,,"축구: 스토크 시티, 크리스탈 팰리스와의 2-1 패배로 프리미어 리그에서 강등되다." 6393,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liverpool have stepped up since Coutinho's exit, says Klopp?",,"리버풀은 꾸티뉴의 이적 이후로 더 발전했다, 클롭이 말하다." 2590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dog poo-powered street lamp gets tails wagging?,,개 똥으로 작동하는 가로등이 짖는 개들을 기쁘게 한다? 4441,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ledman Optoelectronic Plans Share Private Placement To Fund Project, Replenish Capital?",,"브리프 - 레드맨 옵토일렉트로닉스, 프로젝트 자금 조달 및 자본 보충 위한 주식 사모 배정 계획" 8279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boston to take former baseball team owner's name off street?,,"보스턴, 전 야구팀 소유자의 이름을 거리에서 삭제할 예정" 5856,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prospect Co., Ltd: Closing Announcement of Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2018 [Japanese Standards] (Consolidated)?",,프로스펙트 주식회사: 2018년 3월 31일 종료된 회계연도 결산 발표 [일본 기준] (연결) 6710,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rhinos return to Chad after five-decade absence?,,코뿔소가 50년 만에 차드로 돌아왔다. 2686,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DPW Holdings Files For Non-Timely 10-K With U.S. SEC?,,"BRIEF-DPW 홀딩스, 미국 증권거래위원회에 비시기적 10-K 제출 신청." 7054,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UK Stocks-Factors to watch on March 21?,,UPDATE 1-영국 주식 - 3월 21일 주목할 요소들 954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mulvaney to Prioritize Business Costs in CFPB Reorganization?,,"멀바니, CFPB 재조직에서 비즈니스 비용 우선시 할 것" 3684,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain awards $3.3 billion in submarine work to BAE Systems?,,영국이 BAE 시스템즈에 33억 달러 규모의 잠수함 작업을 수여하다. 1033,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Novartis confirms 2018 targets as Alcon recovery gains steam?,,"UPDATE 1-노바티스, 알콘 회복이 가속화됨에 따라 2018년 목표 확인" 6042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. sanctions on Iran threaten vital Afghanistan trade project?,,미국의 이란 제재가 아프가니스탄의 중요한 무역 프로젝트에 위협이 된다. 1389,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scientific Games Announces Proposed Private Offering of an Additional $500 million of 5.000% Senior Secured Notes, €325 million of Senior Secured Notes and €250 million of Senior Unsecured Notes?",,"사이언티픽 게임즈, 5.000% 고위험 담보 노트 추가 5억 달러, 3억 2500만 유로 담보 노트 및 2억 5000만 유로 비담보 노트의 사모 발행 제안 발표" 9064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. says Idaho cannot sell health plans not compliant with Obamacare?,,"미국, 아이다호가 오바마케어에 부합하지 않는 건강 보험 판매 불가능하다고 밝혀" 9934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian envoy seeks meeting with Britain's Johnson over poisoning - RIA?,,"러시아 대사, 중독 사건에 대해 영국의 존슨 총리와의 회의 요청 - RIA" 6944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing sees 2018 Q1 net profit to up 620 pct to 670 pct?,,"브리프 - 수저우 동산 정밀 제조, 2018년 1분기 순이익 620%에서 670% 증가 예상." 2880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sidley Welcomes Partner Kai Haakon Liekefett as Leader of Shareholder Activism Group in New York?,,"시드리 법무법인, 카이 하콘 리케페트를 뉴욕의 주주 행동 그룹 리더로 영입" 1234,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nextedia FY Revenue Up at 16.7 ‍​ Million Euros?,,"브리프-넥스테디아 FY 매출 1,670만 유로 증가." 1600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ReShape Lifesciences Agrees With Academy Medical To Provide Reshape Balloon To Department Of Defense Facilities?,,"BRIEF-리쉐이프 라이프사이언스, 국방부 시설에 리쉐이프 벌룬을 제공하기 위해 아카데미 메디컬과 합의" 4615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Lawyer for ‘Deep Throat’ Defends the Late Mark Felt?,,‘딥 스로트’ 변호사가 고 마크 펠트를 변호하다. 7268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Laser shoes reduce 'freezing' in Parkinson's patients?,,레이저 신발이 파킨슨병 환자의 '정지' 증상을 줄인다? 1255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British PM May defeats Labour challenge on Brexit customs proposals?,,영국 총리 메이는 브렉시트 관세 제안에 대한 노동당의 도전을 물리쳤다. 8843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yoko International to issue up to 60 mln shares via private placement?,,"브리프 - 요코 인터내셔널, 사모 배정을 통해 최대 6천만 주 발행 예정" 7536,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At Beijing security fair, an arms race for surveillance tech?",,"베이징 보안 박람회, 감시 기술을 위한 군비 경쟁?" 9099,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Boeing Files Prospectus Supplement Related To Offering Of $1.4 Bln Six-Part Senior Notes ‍​?,,"브리프-보잉, 14억 달러 규모의 6부문 선순위 채권 발행과 관련된 투자 설명서 보완 제출" 2039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xinjiang Sayram Modern Agriculture to swing to profit in FY 2017?,,"브리프 - 신장 사이람 현대 농업, 2017 회계연도에 흑자로 전환할 예정이다." 2167,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Plumas Bancorp Declares Dividend Increase?,,"플루마스 뱅코프, 배당금 인상 발표" 1270,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nuvectra™ Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,Nuvectra™가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 7098,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dufry proposes dividend, launches share buyback?",,"브리프 - 듀프리, 배당금 제안 및 자사주 매입 개시" 7649,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European stocks rally on U.S. shutdown deal, DAX hits record?",,"유럽 주식 시장이 미국 정부 셧다운 협상 타결 소식에 반등, DAX가 사상 최고치 기록" 6125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AB Science Announces Negative Opinion From CHMP?,,"BRIEF-AB Science, CHMP의 부정적 의견 발표" 9350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's robot revolution helps care for the elderly?,,일본의 로봇 혁명이 노인을 돌보는 데 도움을 준다. 4320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-US STOCKS-Wall Street climbs as inflation worries wane on wage data?,,"재파일-미국 주식-월스트리트, 임금 데이터로 인해 인플레이션 우려가 완화되면서 상승" 2886,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Driverless cars see in the snow?,,눈 속에서 자율주행차가 본다. 9955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Time Out Group Says ‍FY Revenue Increased 19 Pct To 44.4 mln pounds ​?,,"브리프-타임 아웃 그룹, FY 수익 19% 증가하여 4440만 파운드 도달했다고 발표." 2668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RCI Files 10-Q and Reports Continued Strong Core 1Q18 Results?,,RCI가 10-Q를 제출하고 1분기 18년 강력한 핵심 실적 지속 보고 2747,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brunswick Bancorp Reports Quarter Ending March 31, 2018 Earnings?",,"브런즈윅 뱅코프, 2018년 3월 31일 종료 분기 실적 보고" 4836,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two men plead not guilty in deadly Oakland, California, warehouse fire: report?",,"오클랜드, 캘리포니아의 창고 화재로 사망한 사건에서 두 남성이 무죄를 주장하다: 보도" 1079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commonwealth Games: Athletes urged to respect visas as Cameroon athletes go missing?,,코모넬스 게임: 카메룬 선수들이 실종되면서 선수들에게 비자를 존중할 것을 요청하다. 1030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Timex Group India Dec-Qtr Loss Narrows?,,브리프 - 타이맥스 그룹 인도 4분기 손실 축소 9501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greek PM fails to get political backing for deal with Skopje?,,그리스 총리가 스코페와의 협상에 대한 정치적 지지를 얻지 못하다 8302,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Abe, Trump meet amid 'extremely high level' talks with North Korea?",,"아베와 트럼프, 북한과의 '매우 높은 수준'의 회담 중 만나다." 8276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nymox Announces U.S. NDA For Fexapotide For BPH?,,"브리프 - Nymox, BPH용 Fexapotide에 대한 미국 NDA 발표" 9379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF- Monex Group completes share repurchase?,,"브리프 - 모넥스 그룹, 자사주 매입 완료" 5352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tribes cut out of California pot market might grow their own?,,캘리포니아 마리화나 시장에서 배제된 부족들이 자급자족할 수 있을까? 3622,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Corbion, Bunge Sign Interim-Agreement On Acquisition Of Bunge's Stake In SB Renewable Oils JV?",,"브리프 - 코르비온, 분게와 SB 재생 가능 오일 합작 투자에서 분게의 지분 인수에 대한 임시 계약 체결" 8910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reuters series ‘Shock Tactics’ wins Edgar A. Poe Award from the White House Correspondents’ Association?,,로이터 시리즈 '충격 전술'이 백악관 기자 협회로부터 에드거 A. 포 상을 수상하다. 313,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Koppers Enters Into Second Amendment And Joinder To Credit Agreement Dated February 17, 2017?",,브리프 - 코퍼스가 2017년 2월 17일자 신용 계약에 대한 두 번째 개정 및 합류에 들어감. 2158,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CSC Holdings, LLC Announces Pricing of Senior Guaranteed Notes?",,"CSC 홀딩스, LLC가 선순위 보장 채권 가격 발표" 9683,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rajesh Exports Gets Export Order Worth 8.73 Bln Rupees?,,"BRIEF-라제쉬 수출, 873억 루피 규모의 수출 주문을 수주하였습니다." 3715,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-True North Commercial REIT Announces Increase To Previously Announced Equity Offering To $35 Mln?,,"브리프 - 트루 노스 상업 REIT, 이전에 발표된 3,500만 달러의 주식 공모 증가 발표" 1788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hillenbrand Reports Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"힐렌브랜드, 2018년 2분기 재무 결과 발표" 7749,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-One Group Hospitality Q1 GAAP Earnings Per Share $0.01?,,BRIEF-원 그룹 호스피탤리티 1분기 GAAP 주당 순이익 $0.01 5255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Theradiag FY Operating Loss Widens To ‍​2.5 Million Euros?,,브리프 - 테라다이크 FY 운영 손실이 250만 유로로 확대됨 4277,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Protecting American intellectual creativity?,,미국의 지적 창의성을 보호하기 3357,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airlines Are Booming, So Why Are Investors Worried??",,"항공사들이 호황을 누리고 있는데, 왜 투자자들은 걱정할까?" 452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Moncler launches 'Genius' creative hub in new product strategy?,,"REFILE-몽클레르, 새로운 제품 전략으로 '지니어스' 창의 허브 출범" 3913,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc. Reports 2017 Financial Results?",,"다이아몬드 힐 투자 그룹, Inc. 2017년 재무 결과 보고" 5690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow Jones Special Committee elects Anne W. Patterson?,,다우 존스 특별 위원회가 앤 W. 패터슨을 선출했다. 7854,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DOJ said to investigate AT&T, Verizon over wireless collusion claim - NYT?",,"DOJ가 AT&T, Verizon의 무선 담합 주장에 대해 조사한다고 보도 - NYT" 1454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Foris FY Prelim Net Profit Of EUR 1.31 Million?,,간단한 소식-포리스 FY 잠정 순이익 131만 유로. 6640,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall Street drops on trade woes, moderate retail sales data?",,"미국 주식 - 월가, 무역 우려와 중간 정도의 소매 판매 데이터로 하락" 8462,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: F-35 fuels Lockheed's sales?,,F-35가 록히드의 매출을 끌어올리다? 4487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Anevia Reports FY Net Loss Of 0.7 Million Euros?,,"브리프 - 아네비아, FY 순손실 70만 유로 보고" 2946,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Watch: Trump and bipartisan lawmakers discuss guns, school safety?",,"""보기: 트럼프와 초당파 법사들이 총기 및 학교 안전에 대해 논의하다""" 5369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: West weighs Syria attack that could lead to confrontation with Russia?,,"서방, 러시아와의 대결을 초래할 수 있는 시리아 공격 검토" 6760,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia says chemical weapons inspection delayed due to air strikes?,,"러시아, 공습으로 화학무기 검사 지연됐다고 밝혀" 4370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Luxury Real Estate Runs Hot and Cold in Europe?,,유럽의 고급 부동산 시장은 뜨겁기도 하고 차갑기도 하다. 7845,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clinton impeachment lawyer met with Trump about White House job: source?,,클린턴 탄핵 변호사가 백악관 직책에 대해 트럼프와 만났다는 소식: 소식통 7152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin says Russia's defense industry to get new Yars missile complexes in 2018?,,"푸틴, 러시아 방산 산업이 2018년에 새로운 야르스 미사일 복합체를 도입한다고 밝혀" 4009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. aid chief to Myanmar: take 'concrete steps' on Rohingya rights?,,"미국 원조 책임자가 미얀마에 ""로힝야 권리를 위한 구체적인 조치를 취하라""고 요구하다." 7736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Rugby-Biggar gets recall as Wales seek second-place finish in Six Nations?,,"UPDATE 1-럭비-웨일스, 두 번째 자리 확보를 위한 노력으로 비거 재소집" 1681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Pacific Precision Forging sees FY 2018 Q1 net profit up 10.5 pct to 28 pct?,,브리프-장쑤 태평양 정밀 단조는 FY 2018 1분기 순이익이 10.5% 증가하여 28%에 이른다고 발표했습니다. 9097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Fonterra's New Zealand milk output drops 2 pct in Feb?,,"UPDATE 1-판테라 뉴질랜드 우유 생산량, 2월에 2% 감소" 342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexican Inflation Off to a Slow Start in 2018?,,2018년 멕시코 물가 상승률이 저조한 출발을 보이다. 7801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twitter has suspended more than 1.2 million terrorism-related accounts?,,트위터가 120만 개 이상의 테러 관련 계정을 정지시켰다. 4253,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daimler leads $175 mln investment in Uber's EMEA rival Taxify?,,다임러가 우버의 EMEA 경쟁사 택시파이에 1억 7500만 달러 투자 주도 1840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mustang Bio Announces Key Leadership Appointments?,,"머스탱 바이오, 주요 경영진 임명 발표" 4623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Summit Hotel Properties Increases Common Dividend By 6% And Declares Fourth Quarter 2017 Dividends?,,서밋 호텔 프로퍼티가 보통 주식을 6% 인상하고 2017년 4분기 배당금을 선언하다. 5298,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Metrospaces Filing of Etelix Acquisition 8K With Audited Financials Up to September 30th, 2017?",,메트로스페이스가 2017년 9월 30일 기준 감사 재무제표를 포함한 에텔릭스 인수에 대한 8K 신고서를 제출했다. 4853,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ripple Cryptocurrency Surges 15% Amid Coinbase Rumors?,,"리플 암호화폐, 코인베이스 루머에 힘입어 15% 급등" 5816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Abcam Posts HY Pretax Profit Of 32.8 Mln STG?,,"브리프 - 애브캄, 중간 세전 수익 3,280만 파운드 보고" 980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Joint Korea team debuts at ice hockey match?,,"남북한 공동 팀, 아이스하키 경기에서 데뷔" 6318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Buy United Rentals over Caterpillar as US-China trade disputes loom?,,크래머: 미국-중국 무역 분쟁이 다가옴에 따라 유나이티드 렌탈스 대신 카터필러를 사라. 504,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The market is reaching a ‘point of reckoning,’ says trader?",,"트레이더가 말하는 ""시장이 '결단의 순간'에 다다르고 있다""" 6848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China proposes removal of two-term limit for president - Xinhua?,,"중국, 대통령의 두 번째 임기 제한 철폐 제안 - 신화통신" 403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Teradata Reports Q4 Adj. Earnings Per Share $0.58?,,"브리프-테라데이터, 4분기 조정 후주당 이익 0.58달러 보고" 7867,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two Ohio police officers shot to death, suspect held?",,"오하이오 주에서 경찰관 두 명이 총에 맞아 사망하였으며, 용의자가 체포되었다는 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 6893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China March factory growth falls to 4-month low: Caixin PMI?,,"중국 3월 제조업 성장, 4개월 만에 최저치: Caixin PMI" 5076,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspicious substance found at UK immigration minister's office amid Windrush scandal?,,"영국 이민 장관 사무실에서 의심스러운 물질 발견, 윈드러시 스캔들 관련" 3669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EPA Will Ease Vehicle-Emissions Standards?,,EPA가 차량 배출 기준을 완화할 예정이다. 9183,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lots of talk, little action on curbing health care costs?",,건강 관리 비용 억제에 대한 논의는 많지만 행동은 적다. 8251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Australian Open order of play on Sunday?,,테니스-일요일의 호주 오픈 경기 일정 1776,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investigators Say Sleep Disorders Likely Caused N.J., Brooklyn Rail Crashes?",,조사관들은 수면 장애가 뉴저지와 브루클린의 기차 충돌을 일으켰을 가능성이 높다고 말했습니다. 7496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cellumed to issue 21th series convertible bonds worth 9.76 bln won?,,"셀루메드는 9,760억 원 규모의 제21회 전환사채를 발행할 계획이다." 3250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Greatoo Intelligent Equipment to pay cash dividend of 0.01 yuan per 10 shares (before tax) for 2017?,,"BRIEF-그레투 지능 장비, 2017년 10주당 0.01위안(세전) 현금 배당 실시 예정" 5232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuelans buy bus tickets out after Maduro wins re-election?,,베네주엘라 사람들이 마두로가 재선에 성공한 후 버스 티켓을 구매하다 5447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China names Zhang Mao as head of markets supervision administration?,,"중국, 장마오를 시장 감독 행정 수장으로 임명" 8203,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top VC deals: Amazon, Ring, Spotify, Dropbox, Doordash, Woebot, Aurora?",,"최고의 벤처 캐피탈 거래: 아마존, 링, 스포티파이, 드롭박스, 도어대시, 웨오봇, 오로라?" 5825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chelsea edge Crystal Palace to get back to winning ways?,,"첼시, 크리스탈 팰리스를 제치고 승리로 돌아가다" 8234,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dropbox will price IPO at $21 per share, source says?",,드롭박스가 주당 21달러에 IPO 가격을 책정할 것이라고 소식통이 전했다. 2905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Delfingen Industry FY Net Profit Group Share Up At 9.4 Million Euros?,,BRIEF-델핀 산업 FY 순이익 그룹 지분 940만 유로로 증가 8409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Sees 2017 Net Profit From Down 10 Pct To Up 5 Pct Y/Y?,,"간단 요약 - 항저우 순왕 기술, 2017년 순이익 연간 10% 감소에서 5% 증가로 전망." 8201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling edges lower ahead of services PMI data?,,"스털링, 서비스 PMI 데이터 발표 앞두고 소폭 하락" 9082,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Poland's PKN Q1 net profit plunges 46 pct y/y, in line with forecast?",,"업데이트 1-폴란드 PKN, 1분기 순이익 46% 급감, 예측과 일치" 8623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Experts predict 'A Fantastic Woman' will take the Oscar for best Foreign Language film?,,전문가들은 '환상의 여인'이 최우수 외국어 영화 오스카를 수상할 것으로 예측하고 있습니다. 7977,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SUNCOKE ENERGY (SXC) SHAREHOLDER ALERT – Andrews & Springer LLC is Investigating SunCoke Energy, Inc. for Potential Breaches of Fiduciary Duty and Securities Violations?",,"SUNCOKE ENERGY (SXC) 주주 알림 - Andrews & Springer LLC가 SunCoke Energy, Inc.의 잠재적인 수탁 의무 위반 및 증권 법 위반에 대해 조사하고 있습니다." 1437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Anjubao Digital Technology sees FY 2017 net profit down 43.18 pct to 71.59 pct?,,"BRIEF-광둥 안주바오 디지털 테크놀로지, FY 2017 순이익 43.18% 감소하여 71.59%로 전망" 6861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF- Everbright Jiabao issues 2018 first tranche non-public debt financing instruments worth 1 bln yuan?,,"브리프 - 에버브라이트 지아바오, 2018년 첫 번째 비공식 부채 금융 상품 발행, 금액 10억 위안." 6986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: H&M to open fewer stores in 2018 as it struggles to respond to the growth of e-commerce?,,"H&M, 전자상거래 성장에 대응하기 위해 2018년에 매장 수를 줄여 열 예정이다." 8501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reed’s Inc. Announces Release Date of Financial Results and Conference Call?,,리드스 인크. 재무 결과 및 컨퍼런스 콜 발표 날짜 발표 553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wenger happy to see Wilshere proving critics wrong?,,"웬거, 윌셔가 비판자들을 반증하고 있어 기쁘다." 158,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: K2M Names Lane Major Chief Operating Officer?,,"K2M, 레인 메이저를 최고 운영 책임자로 임명하다." 4445,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Academic Partnerships Names Thomas Guercio Senior Vice President, Partner Support?",,"아카데믹 파트너십, 토마스 거르시오를 파트너 지원 수석 부사장으로 임명" 9742,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The GEO Group Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend of $0.47 Per Share?,,"GEO 그룹, 주당 0.47달러의 분기 현금 배당금 선언" 2186,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Formula E to show races live on Twitter in Japan?,,"모터 경주: 포뮬러 E, 일본에서 트위터로 경기를 실시간 중계하다." 1034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ICON Announces Launch of Government and Public Health Solutions to Support Global Public Health?,,"ICON, 글로벌 공공 건강 지원을 위한 정부 및 공공 건강 솔루션 출시 발표" 8932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-GE Renewable Energy Signs Agreement To Supply Turbines For Wind Farms In Brazil?,,"브리프-GE 재생 가능 에너지, 브라질 풍력 발전소에 터빈 공급 계약 체결" 1043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico says NAFTA talks separate from Trump's tariffs policy?,,"멕시코, NAFTA 협상이 트럼프의 관세 정책과는 별개라고 말하다." 8489,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japanese cryptocurrency exchange loses more than $500 million to hackers?,,"일본의 암호화폐 거래소, 해커에게 5억 달러 이상 손실 발생" 1201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merck scraps another late-stage Alzheimer's drug study?,,"머크, 또 다른 후기 단계 알츠하이머 약물 연구 중단" 2223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mohawk Industries Reports Q1 EPS Of $2.78?,,"모호크 인더스트리즈, 1분기 주당순이익 2.78달러 발표" 2993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Credit Card Companies Don’t Want You to Buy Bitcoin With Plastic?,,신용카드 회사들은 당신이 플라스틱으로 비트코인을 구매하기를 원하지 않는다? 148,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Homebuilders shrug off higher mortgage rates, stay optimistic on economic boost from tax cuts?",,주택 건설업체들은 높은 모기지 금리에 개의치 않고 세금 인하로 인한 경제 호전에 대한 낙관적인 태도를 유지하고 있다. 4467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kazakhstan Defence Industry Grows Globally?,,카자흐스탄 방위 산업이 글로벌로 성장하다 6901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quad/Graphics Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"쿼드/그래픽스, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표" 9740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Long night for hundreds of passengers on Japan train trapped by snow?,,"눈에 갇힌 일본 기차, 수백 명 승객들 긴 밤 보내다" 7863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: iHeart Skips Interest Payment to Bondholders?,,iHeart가 채권자에 대한 이자 지급을 건너뛰다. 3508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Employees jump at genetic testing. Is that a good thing??,,직원들이 유전자 검사에 뛰어든다. 이것이 좋은 일인가?? 3570,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. lawmakers ask FDA to reject Philip Morris' iQOS application?,,미국 의원들이 FDA에 필립 모리스의 iQOS 신청을 거부할 것을 요청하다. 9988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suicide bomber kills at least 11 soldiers in northern Pakistan?,,자살 폭탄 테러로 파키스탄 북부에서 최소 11명의 군인이 사망하다 5210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global shares on defensive as Facebook data flap spooks tech stocks?,,글로벌 주식이 방어적 자세를 취하는 가운데 페이스북 데이터 문제로 기술 주식들이 동요하고 있다. 6240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby Union-Ireland's Schmidt laughs off England coach's jibe?,,"럭비 유니온 - 아일랜드의 슈미트, 잉글랜드 코치의 조롱 발언을 웃으며 넘어가다." 2922,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TiGenix:Transparency notifications pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of May 2, 2007?",,TiGenix: 2007년 5월 2일 법률 제14조에 따른 투명성 통지 6766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nissan to gradually withdraw from diesel vehicle market in Europe?,,"닛산, 유럽에서 디젤 차량 시장에서 점진적으로 철수할 예정" 659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil's Petrobras Distribuidora expects 2018 fuel imports to fall?,,"업데이트 1-브라질의 페트로브라스 디스트리부리도르, 2018년 연료 수입 감소 예상" 683,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Despite sanctions, North Korea exported coal to South and Japan via Russia - intelligence sources?",,"단독: 제재에도 불구하고 북한, 러시아를 통해 한국과 일본에 석탄 수출 - 정보 소식통" 9015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CONSOL Coal Resources Announces Distribution for First Quarter of 2018?,,CONSOL Coal Resources가 2018년 첫 분기 배당금 발표 5804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-Stifel hires two financial advisers from Ameriprise Financial?,,MOVES-Stifel이 Ameriprise Financial에서 두 명의 재정 고문을 고용하다. 7890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Household net worth rises to new record?,,"가계 순자산, 새로운 기록으로 상승" 4691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippines anti-trust regulator starts review of Grab-Uber deal?,,"필리핀 반독점 규제 기관, 그랩-우버 거래 검토 시작" 799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Saudi's Lazurde For Jewelry Posts Q4 Profit?,,브리프 - 사우디의 라주르드 주얼리가 4분기 이익을 발표했습니다. 1874,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-mybet Holding To Increase Share Capital And Issue Additional Convertible Bonds?,,"BRIEF-mybet 홀딩스, 자본금 증액 및 추가 전환사채 발행 계획" 3472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin is nearing a 'death cross' on the charts. Here’s what it means?,,비트코인이 차트에서 '데스 크로스'에 가까워지고 있다. 이것이 의미하는 바는 무엇일까? 7752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analysis: Melrose's 'Project Golf' bid for GKN beats engineer's 'Damson' defence?,,분석: 멜로우즈의 '프로젝트 골프'가 GKN에 대한 엔지니어의 '담슨' 방어를 이겼다? 3755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Budget spurs inflation worries ahead of RBI policy?,,예산이 RBI 정책 이전의 인플레이션 우려를 촉발하다 105,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Medifast, Inc. to Announce Financial Results for the First Quarter Ended March 31, 2018?",,"메디패스트(Medifast, Inc.), 2018년 3월 31일로 종료된 1분기 재무 결과 발표 예정." 8297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alphabet rolls its Nest smart-home unit back into Google?,,"알파벳, Nest 스마트 홈 유닛을 구글로 통합하다" 268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman Sachs says 2018 global oil demand still on track for growth?,,"골드만삭스, 2018년 글로벌 석유 수요 여전히 성장 궤도에 진입했다고 발표." 6208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Joshua beats Parker on unanimous points decision?,,"조슈아, 파커를 판정승으로 이기다" 8120,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RENNOVA HEALTH CONFIRMS INTENDED CLOSING DATE FOR ACQUISITION OF 85 BED HOSPITAL IN JAMESTOWN, TN AS JUNE 1, 2018?",,"레노바 헬스, 테네시주 제임스타운의 85병원 인수 예정 마감일 2018년 6월 1일로 확인" 3184,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: California high school student detained after wounding classmate?,,"캘리포니아 고등학생, 동급생을 상처 입힌 후 구금됨" 3865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sun Hydraulics Announces Preliminary 2017 Results?,,"Sun Hydraulics, 2017년 preliminary results 발표" 5931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cincinnati Financial Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of $0.19?,,"신시내티 금융, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.19 보고" 3735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Morguard Real Estate Investment Trust Reports Qtrly FFO Per Share $0.37?,,"간략하게 - 모르가드 부동산 투자 신탁, 분기 FFO(자유로운 자금 흐름) 주당 0.37달러 보고." 2781,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: National Grid happy with full-year results, CEO says?",,"국립 전력망, CEO가 말하길 연간 실적에 만족한다고." 2108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New IQMS Chief Revenue Officer Will Spearhead Initiative to Optimize Manufacturing ERP Customers’ Total Relationship with IQMS and its Partners?,,IQMS의 새로운 최고 수익 책임자가 IQMS와 그 파트너들과의 제조 ERP 고객의 전체 관계를 최적화하기 위한 이니셔티브를 주도할 것입니다. 4878,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EPA Tentatively Decides to Ease Vehicle Emission Standards?,,EPA는 차량 배기가스 기준 완화를 잠정적으로 결정했다. 8223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chicken Schnitzel Sandwich With Comeback Sauce?,,치킨 슈니첼 샌드위치와 컴백 소스 4030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Indonesia's 4.25 pct policy rate level sufficient to support economy -c.bank?,,브리프-인도네시아의 4.25% 정책 금리 수준은 경제 지원에 충분하다고 중앙은행이 발표했다. 6277,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Beijing Soft Rock Investment Proposes To Change Company Name?,,"베이징 소프트 록 투자, 회사 이름 변경 제안" 3557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BAT boosts vaping investment again as competition heats up?,,"BAT, 경쟁 심화 속 다시 한 번 전자담배 투자 확대" 3709,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kirkland Lake Gold Targets Higher Production, Improved Unit Costs In 2018 Guidance?",,"브리프 - 커클랜드 레이크 골드, 2018년 가이던스에서 더 높은 생산량과 개선된 단가 목표 설정" 6866,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Air Force One: A guide to the features, amenities?",,공군 1호기: 특징과 편의 시설에 대한 안내 8296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sun Capital launches sale of packaging group Coveris Rigid -sources?,,"선 캐피탈, 포장 그룹 커버리스 리지드를 매각한다는 소식 - 소식통" 296,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tillerson to present U.S. strategy on Syria to European, Arab allies?",,"틸러슨, 유럽 및 아랍 동맹국들에게 시리아에 대한 미국 전략을 발표할 예정" 3890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France ready to curb excessive corporate borrowing?,,"프랑스, 과도한 기업 차입 제한 준비 완료" 3797,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China eyes black swans, gray rhinos as 2018 growth seen slowing to 6.5-6.8 pct - media?",,"중국, 2018년 성장률이 6.5-6.8%로 둔화될 것으로 보이며, 블랙 스완과 그레이 코뿔소 주목 - 언론 매체" 4293,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil’s Central Bank Cuts Rate Again, Sees ‘Additional Easing as Appropriate’?",,"브라질 중앙은행, 금리 다시 인하하며 ""추가 완화가 적절하다"" 전망" 6692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LCNB Reports Quarterly EPS of $0.36?,,"LCNB, 분기당 주당순이익(EPS) $0.36 보고" 565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 年金生活者が変える米国の居住マップ - WSJ?,,연금 생활자가 바꾸는 미국의 거주 지도 - WSJ 7284,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia markets: Earnings and Bank of Korea in focus ahead of Powell testimony?,,아시아 시장: 파월 증언을 앞두고 초점이 맞춰진 실적 및 한국은행 9135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China to expand daily quotas under stock connect schemes from May 1?,,"중국, 5월 1일부터 주식 연결 제도의 일일 쿼터 확대 예정" 9982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pacific Gas And Electric Announces CPUC Approval For Final Decision In Unit's Application?,,"브리프-퍼시픽 가스 앤드 일렉트릭, 유닛 신청에 대한 CPUC 최종 결정 승인 발표" 2250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing StarNeto Technology sees FY 2018 Q1 net profit up 5 pct to 15 pct?,,"브리프-베이징 스타네토 기술, 2018 회계연도 1분기 순이익 5%에서 15% 증가 예상" 3014,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cirque du Soleil Performer Dies After Fall at Florida Show?,,플로리다 공연 중 떨어져서 서르크 듀 솔레일 공연자가 사망하다. 3973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sharpton blasts Trump administration: Stephon Clark's death 'not a local matter'?,,"샤프턴, 트럼프 행정부를 비난하며: 스테폰 클락의 죽음은 '지역 문제 아니다'" 6777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unilever Outshines American Rivals With Robust Sales?,,"유니레버, 강력한 매출로 미국 경쟁자들을 능가하다." 1837,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Short track-South Korea wins 3,000 metres relay gold?",,"올림픽-쇼트트랙-한국, 3,000미터 릴레이 금메달 획득" 369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rastar Group Sees 2017 Net Profit Down 20-50 Percent Y/Y From 458 Million Yuan A Year Ago?,,"브리프 - 라스타 그룹, 2017년 순이익 4억 5800만 위안 대비 20-50% 감소 예상" 6611,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amnesty says Shell, Eni negligent on Nigeria oil spills?",,"암네스티, 쉘과 에니가 나이지리아 석유 유출 사건에서 태만했다고 밝혀" 9689,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ContourGlobal buys Acciona's solar power assets in $1.19 billion deal?,,"ContourGlobal, Acciona의 태양광 자산을 11억 9000만 달러에 인수하다." 9058,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Credit Agricole begins $7.5 bln Italian bad loan portfolio sale -source?,,"크레디 아그리콜, 75억 달러 규모의 이탈리아 부실 채권 포트폴리오 매각 시작 - 소식통" 6594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Northern Trust Corporation Reports Qtrly Earnings Per Share $1.58?,,"BRIEF-노던 트러스트 코퍼레이션, 분기당 주당순이익 $1.58 보고." 5173,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. FDA rejects filing for Celgene MS drug, shares fall 7 pct?",,"미국 FDA, 셀진의 다발성 경화증 약물 신청을 거부하며 주가 7% 하락" 3693,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM to make production versions of self-driving Cruise AVs in Michigan?,,"GM, 미시간에서 자율주행 크루즈 AV의 생산 버전을 제작할 예정" 8072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Singapore's GIC Sells H-Shares of Citic Securities - HKEX Filing?,,"간단히 말해, 싱가포르의 GIC가 CITIC 증권의 H 주식을 매각했다는 홍콩 거래소의 공시 내용입니다." 8564,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Muslim scholar Ramadan to remain in custody in France?,,"무슬림 학자 라마단, 프랑스에서 구금 상태 유지" 1938,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BP Midstream Partners - Gross Throughput For Q1 Was 1,491 Mboed?",,"BRIEF-BP Midstream Partners - 1분기 총 처리량은 1,491 Mboed였다." 2537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mohawk Fine Papers Purchases Crane Stationery?,,"모호크 파인 페이퍼스, 크레인 스테이셔너리 구매" 1585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MEDIA-French supermarket Systeme-U in talks with Amazon on logistics deal?,,미디어-프랑스 슈퍼마켓 시스템-U가 아마존과 물류 계약을 논의 중이다. 6456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Al Khodari Completes Public Auction of Plant and Machinery?,,브리프 - 알 코다리가 플랜트 및 기계의 공개 경매를 완료했습니다. 6686,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tactile Medical to Release Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results on February 26, 2018?",,Tactile Medical이 2018년 2월 26일에 2017년 4분기 및 회계 연도 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 7946,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NSA chief: no orders to counter Russia cyber threat?,,NSA 수장: 러시아 사이버 위협에 대응하라는 지시 없음 6754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil markets focus on falling US crude inventories?,,"석유 시장, 미국 원유 재고 감소에 주목" 1097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German private sector remains optimistic despite February slowdown - PMI?,,2월 둔화에도 불구하고 독일 민간 부문은 낙관적 유지 - PMI 6301,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Biomerieux FY Sales Up At 2.29 Billion Euros?,,브리프 - 비오메리옥스 FY 매출 22억 9천만 유로 증가 8595,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bayn Europe Appoints Patrik Edström New CEO?,,"BRIEF-바인 유럽, 패트릭 에드스트롬을 새 CEO로 임명" 6514,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diet Coke Is Getting a Major Overhaul With New Flavors as Sales Fall | Fortune?,,다이어트 코크가 판매 감소에 대응해 새로운 맛으로 대대적인 개편을 단행합니다 | 포춘 1780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ATM FY Net Result Swings To Profit of 28 Million Zlotys?,,BRIEF-ATM FY 순이익이 2800만 즈워티의 이익으로 전환됨 8100,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Resilient Europe helps Edenred offset Brazil weakness?,,회복력 있는 유럽이 에덴레드의 브라질 약세를 상쇄하는 데 도움을 주다 4881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-YouTube to launch new music streaming service on May 22?,,"UPDATE 1-유튜브, 5월 22일 새로운 음악 스트리밍 서비스 출시 예정" 623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French bank Natixis posts surprise rise in quarterly profit?,,"프랑스 은행 나티시스, 분기 이익 예상 밖 상승 발표" 6814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Compugroup Medical Sees 2018 EBITDA Of 175-190 Million Euros?,,간략 - Compugroup Medical은 2018년 EBITDA가 1억 7500만 유로에서 1억 9000만 유로 사이가 될 것으로 전망하고 있습니다. 1669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gold set for fourth straight weekly gain?,,"금, 네 번째 연속 주간 상승세를 기록할 태세" 8158,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Existing Home Sales Rose Robustly in February?,,2월 미국 기존 주택 판매가 강하게 증가했다. 5372,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Great Plains Energy Incorporated Declares Dividends?,,그레이트플레인스 에너지 주식회사가 배당금을 선언하다. 4965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activist investor sees Diebold Nixdorf shares doubling with new CEO?,,액티비스트 투자자가 새로운 CEO와 함께 Diebold Nixdorf 주식이 두 배로 상승할 것으로 예상한다. 4049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DKSH Expands Market For SOMA’s Flexo Printing Presses In Japan?,,브리핑 - DKSH가 일본에서 SOMA의 플렉소 인쇄 기계 시장을 확장합니다. 5801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Middlesex Water Company Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"미들섹스 워터 컴퍼니, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 4246,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NEC expands portfolio with the acquisition of German-based S[quadrat], a leading provider of high end LED display systems?",,"NEC, 독일의 고급 LED 디스플레이 시스템 제공업체인 S[quadrat]를 인수하여 포트폴리오를 확장하다." 3573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big Batteries Are Taking a Bite Out of Power Market?,,대형 배터리가 전력 시장에 영향을 미치고 있다. 4667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's M&G infrastructure fund proposes buying broadband firm Gigaclear?,,"영국의 M&G 인프라 펀드, 브로드밴드 회사 기가클리어 인수 제안" 328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nephros Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"네프로스, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 4658,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTING and REPLACING -- Malibu Boats, Inc. Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2018 Results?",,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""CORRECTING and REPLACING -- Malibu Boats, Inc. Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2018 Results""의 내용은 어떤 것일까요?" 8007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INTERVIEW-Russian deputy PM calls for IOC to invite cleared athletes to Olympics?,,"인터뷰-러시아 부총리, IOC에 클리어된 선수들을 올림픽 초청할 것을 요청하다." 2338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This CEO Just Walked Away From His $8 Billion Empire | Fortune?,,이 CEO가 자신의 80억 달러 제국에서 물러났다 | 포춘 5026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xinfengming Group's 2017 Preliminary Net Profit Up 104.6 Percent Y/Y?,,BRIEF-Xinfengming Group의 2017년 예비 순이익이 전년 대비 104.6% 증가했습니다. 4962,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fatal Uber accident caused by software setting, report says?",,"소프트웨어 설정으로 인한 치명적인 우버 사고, 보고서에 따르면." 4575,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE: Las Vegas Railway Express, Inc. Acquires a Minority Interest in United Shortline Insurance Services?",,"업데이트: 라스베이거스 레일웨이 익스프레스, Inc.가 유나이티드 숏라인 보험 서비스의 소수 지분을 인수하다." 7113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Golf-U.S. Women's Open preparations hampered by torrential rain?,,UPDATE 1-골프-미국 여자 오픈 대회 준비가 폭우로 차질을 빚다 3782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kroger Board of Directors Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"Kroger 이사회, 분기 배당금 선언" 648,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zurich police deploy after two reported shot?,,취리히 경찰이 두 명의 총격 피해자를 신고받고 출동하다 100,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ningbo Joyson Electronic issues 2018 1st tranche super short-term financing notes worth 500 mln yuan?,,"브리프 - 닝보 조이슨 일렉트로닉스, 2018년 1차 초단기 금융노트 5억 위안 발행" 7064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Targa Resources Corp. Announces Timing of First Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call and Webcast?,,Targa Resources Corp.는 2018년 1분기 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 일정 발표를 알립니다. 9563,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pinterest Hires Google, Square Vet Francoise Brougher as COO?",,"핀터레스트, 구글 및 스퀘어 베테랑 프랑수아즈 브로헤르를 COO로 영입" 2131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-FACTBOX-Chinese companies react to U.S. tariffs announcement?,,수정됨-팩트박스-미국 관세 발표에 대한 중국 기업들의 반응 5475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pope Resources Announces Quarterly Distribution?,,"교황 자원, 분기 배당 발표" 2043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aldi Sued and Aldi Nord looking at closer cooperation - Manager Magazin?,,"알디가 소송을 당하고, 알디 노르드가 더 긴밀한 협력을 모색 중 - 매니저 매거진" 8143,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chino Commercial Bancorp Reports 24% Increase in Net Earnings?,,치노 상업은행이 순이익 24% 증가를 보고하다 3206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Spain's Rahm wins CareerBuilder after playoff?,,골프 - 스페인의 라흐모가 플레이오프에서 커리어빌더 우승 1516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss watchdog in touch with Credit Suisse over volatility ETN?,,"스위스 감독기관, 변동성 ETN 관련 크레딧 스위스와 접촉 중" 7261,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada’s Sophie Gregoire Trudeau on the importance of empowering young people?,,"캐나다의 소피 그레고아르 트뤼도, 젊은이들을 공감하는 것의 중요성에 대해" 8362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gunes Sigorta Q1 Unconsolidated Net Profit Down At 1.3 Million Lira?,,브리프 - Güneş Sigorta의 1분기 비연결 순이익 130만 리라 하락 8616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CEFC senior staff banned from overseas travel amid chairman probe: sources?,,CEFC 고위 직원들이 회장 조사의 일환으로 해외 여행 금지: 소식통 5317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook to verify ads with postcards after Russian meddling?,,"러시아 개입 이후 페이스북, 광고 검증을 위해 엽서를 사용한다." 4509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Wynn-owned Picasso damaged before auction?,,스티브 윈 소유의 피카소가 경매 전에 손상되다. 9911,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Trump campaign aide Nunberg faces grand jury?,,"트럼프 전 캠페인 보좌관 누너버그, 대배심에 출석하다?" 8748,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Orava Asuntorahasto Board Investigates Converting Co Into Investment Company?,,"BRIEF-오라바 아순토라하스토 이사회, 회사를 투자회사로 전환하는 방안 조사 중" 514,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europe markets open mixed as investors monitor corporate earnings, economic data?",,"유럽 시장, 투자자들이 기업 실적 및 경제 지표를 주시하며 혼조세로 개장." 2994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German minister calls for diesel software upgrades by yr-end - Sueddeutsche?,,"독일 장관, 연말까지 디젤 소프트웨어 업그레이드 촉구 - 수데우체 신문" 6265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AMC Just Won Saudi Arabia’s First Cinema License in 35 Years | Fortune?,,AMC가 35년 만에 사우디 아라비아의 첫 번째 영화관 라이센스를 획득했다 | 포춘 4490,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Reliance Home Finance March-Qtr PAT Falls?,,브리프 - 인도의 릴라이언스 홈 파이낸스 3월 분기 순이익 감소 3606,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Novak Djokovic’s Elbow Is Still Hurting?,,노박 조코비치의 팔꿈치가 여전히 아프다. 1650,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Growth will continue in the Middle East, says Emaar Properties founder?",,"Emaar Properties 창립자 ""중동에서 성장은 계속될 것""" 6853,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Capital One Announces Quarterly Dividend?,,"캐피탈 원, 분기 배당금 발표" 1424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Schlumberger Says Looking At Monetizing SPM Assets - Conf Call?,,"간략 - 슐럼버거, SPM 자산의 수익화 검토 중 - 컨퍼런스 콜" 7187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pesquera Exalmar S.A.A. Announces Amendment Of Exchange Offer?,,브리핑 - 페스케라 엑살마르 S.A.A.가 교환 제안 수정 발표 2512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yorkshire Water Says Appoints Stantec As Its Sole Strategic Planning Partner In A Deal Worth GBP 50 Million?,,"요약 - 요크셔 워터, 5천만 파운드 규모의 거래로 스탄텍을 단독 전략 계획 파트너로 임명한다고 발표." 1296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mitula Expects Year On Year Revenue Growth Of 20% To About A$33.5M For FY 2017?,,"브리프-미툴라, 2017 회계연도 매출이 3,350만 호주 달러로 20% 성장할 것으로 예상." 8163,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Farnese blue diamond, with 300-year royal history, fetches $6.7 mln?",,300년 royal history를 가진 Farnese blue diamond가 670만 달러에 팔렸다. 2480,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kazakhstan outlaws exiled banker's political movement?,,"카자흐스탄, 망명 중인 은행가의 정치 운동 금지" 5618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bright Horizons Family Solutions Announces Date of First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release and Conference Call?,,"브라이트 호라이즌스 패밀리 솔루션즈, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 날짜 발표" 1637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IBA Selected To Install New Proton Therapy Center In Italy?,,IBA의 이탈리아에 새로운 프로톤 치료 센터 설치가 선정되었다. 5281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golden State Killer charged with four more murders?,,"골든 스테이트 킬러, 추가로 네 건의 살인 혐의로 기소되다." 3259,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brexit customs paperwork to cost firms up to 20 billion pounds a year, tax official says?",,브렉시트 세관 서류 작업이 기업에 연간 200억 파운드의 비용을 안길 것이라고 세금 당국자가 말했습니다. 8474,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Pharmaceutical Executive Martin Shkreli Set to Learn Fate Friday?,,전직 제약 기업 임원 마틴 샤크렐리가 금요일에 자신의 운명을 알게 될 예정이다. 7376,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commentary: Finally, Comey comes out of his trance?",,"논평: 드디어, 코미가 그의 최면에서 깨어났다?" 5462,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Universal Logistics Holdings, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?",,"유니버설 물류 홀딩스, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 발표합니다." 7806,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shell to acquire 43.8 pct interest in Silicon Ranch?,,"셸, 실리콘 랜치의 43.8% 지분 인수 예정" 7249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Village Farms International Announces C$10 Mln Private Placement Of Common Shares?,,"브리프 - 빌리지 팜스 인터내셔널, 보통주 1천만 캐나다 달러 사모 배치 발표" 3545,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intel, Zimmer Holdings, US Silica Holdings & Square?",,"인텔, 짐머 홀딩스, 미국 실리카 홀딩스 및 스퀘어라는 제목의 뉴스 기사가 담고 있을 내용은 무엇일까요?" 8908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Getty Realty Corp. Reports Q1 Adjusted FFO Per Share $0.42?,,브리프 - Getty Realty Corp.가 1분기 조정 후 조정을 거친 주당 FFO를 $0.42로 보고했습니다. 2572,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews Predictions: Global markets issues and Canada?,,Breakingviews 예측: 글로벌 시장 이슈와 캐나다 5051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Champion Johnson battles into Houston final?,,"테니스 챔피언 존슨, 휴스턴 결승 진출을 위한 치열한 경쟁" 3284,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This chart shows financial stocks are prime for a breakout?,,이 차트는 금융 주식이 돌파할 준비가 되었음을 보여줍니다. 7712,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ABCs of ZTE: Tech firm in focus amid US-China trade dispute?,,미국-중국 무역 분쟁 속 주목받는 기술 기업 ZTE의 ABCs 6156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dufry Q1 core earnings jump on strong organic growth?,,"듀프리, 강력한 유기적 성장으로 1분기 핵심 수익 상승" 3339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Stocks Continue to Rebound?,,글로벌 주식이 반등을 이어가고 있다. 2429,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico not doing enough to investigate, prosecute money laundering: report?",,"멕시코, 자금세탁 수사 및 기소를 충분히 하지 않고 있다는 보고서." 1476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Homebuyers in Los Angeles are willing to buy houses sight unseen?,,로스앤젤레스의 주택 구매자들은 보지 않고도 집을 사는 것을 기꺼이 한다. 9509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Target Reports Q4 Adjusted EPS Of $1.37 Excluding Items?,,"간략-타겟, 항목 제외 시 4분기 조정 EPS 1.37달러 발표" 5416,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ProAssurance Qtrly Net Income Per Diluted Share $0.32?,,간략 - ProAssurance 분기당 희석 주당 순이익 $0.32 1229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DEALTALK-North American energy IPOs set to rebound in 2018 as oil price stabilizes?,,DEALTALK-북미 에너지 IPO가 2018년에 반등할 것으로 보이는 이유는 석유 가격이 안정을 찾고 있다? 5521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gas Price Surges: Summer Travel Could Be Much More Expensive | Fortune?,,가스 가격 급등: 여름 여행이 훨씬 더 비쌀 수 있다 | 포춘 4579,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: As Congress moves to drop tariffs, some U.S. firms cry foul?",,의회가 관세를 폐지하려는 움직임을 보이자 일부 미국 기업들이 불만을 제기하고 있다. 588,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cyber Saturday—As Blockchain Week Kicks Off, Remember The DAO?",,사이버 토요일—블록체인 주간이 시작됨에 따라 DAO를 기억하라? 307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NRA Sues New York After Insurance Crackdown?,,"NRA, 보험 단속에 대해 뉴욕주를 고소하다." 3572,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The U.S. Investor Behind the Magnitsky Act Was Arrested in Spain on a Russian Warrant?,,미국의 마그니츠키 법 뒤에 있는 투자자가 러시아의 요청으로 스페인에서 체포됐다. 8984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hispania Seeks Alternatives To Maximize Value Of The Company?,,"브리프 - 히스파니아, 회사 가치를 극대화하기 위한 대안 모색" 4640,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump touts 'New America Moment' in State of the Union address?,,트럼프가 국정 연설에서 '새로운 미국의 순간'을 강조하다 5479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-London office developer Derwent proposes special dividend?,,"업데이트 1-런던 사무실 개발업체 더원트, 특별 배당금 제안" 714,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Innovus Pharma Announces U.S. Food and Drug Administration Clearance of its GlucoGorx™ Glucose Monitoring Device Test Kit?,,Innovus Pharma가 미국 식품의약국(FDA)에서 GlucoGorx™ 혈당 모니터링 장치 테스트 키트의 승인을 받았음을 발표했습니다. 6776,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Major League Baseball roundup: Astros' Verlander blanks Angels?,,"메이저 리그 베이스볼 종합: 애스트로스의 벌랜더, 엔젤스 상대 완봉승" 6947,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's why one traders sees a bigger drop ahead for bitcoin?,,"""한 트레이더가 비트코인에 대한 더 큰 하락이 있을 것이라 보는 이유""" 7283,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-SSAB Q4 profit lags forecast, proposes first dividend since 2012?",,"UPDATE 1-SSAB Q4 이익이 예상치에 못 미쳐, 2012년 이후 첫 배당금 제안" 3381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CME Group's Q4 profit soars on $2.6 bln tax gain?,,"CME 그룹의 4분기 이익, 26억 달러 세금 이익으로 급증" 593,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volkswagen unveils concept pickup truck at New York auto show?,,"폭스바겐, 뉴욕 오토 쇼에서 콘셉트 픽업 트럭 공개" 594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Woods and Mickelson off to rough start at rainy Masters?,,"골프 - 우즈와 미켈슨, 비 오는 마스터스에서 힘든 출발 시작" 222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-R&I affirms Mitsui Sugar's rating at BBB+ and announces stable outlook?,,BRIEF-R&I는 미츠이 설탕에 대한 신용등급을 BBB+로 유지하고 안정적인 전망을 발표합니다. 6579,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Galecto Biotech Strengthens Executive Team with Appointment of Richard Marshall as Chief Medical Officer?,,"갈렉토 바이오텍, 리차드 마샬을 최고 의학 책임자로 임명하며 경영진 강화" 1466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: J&J posts quarterly loss on tax-related charge?,,"J&J, 세금 관련 비용으로 분기 손실 보고" 5765,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: L.A. prosecutors review Kevin Spacey sexual assault accusation?,,L.A. 검사들이 케빈 스페이시 성폭행 고소를 재검토하다 1740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cerus Announces the Fourth Biologics License Application (BLA) Approval for a U.S. Blood Center Customer?,,Cerus가 미국 혈액 센터 고객을 위한 네 번째 생물학적 제품 허가 신청(BLA) 승인을 발표했습니다. 840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Cineworld investors back Regal Entertainment deal?,,"영국의 시네월드 투자자들, 레갈 엔터테인먼트 거래 지지" 422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Progressive Corp Says Board Of Directors Renewed Co's Authorization To Repurchase Up To 25 Mln Of Common Shares?,,브리핑-프로그레시브 코르프는 이사회가 최대 2500만 주의 보통주 재매입 승인을 갱신했다고 발표했습니다. 5346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S.Africa's Tiger Brands recalls products after listeria confirmed?,,"남아프리카 공화국의 타이거 브랜즈, 리스테리아 확인 후 제품 리콜 실시" 5427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eagles touch down in chilly Minneapolis ahead of Super Bowl?,,"이글스, 슈퍼볼을 앞두고 쌀쌀한 미니애폴리스에 도착하다." 4495,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing - Trademarked Shoey? Ricciardo ponders a 'Helmety'?,,모터 레이싱 - 상표 등록된 슈이? 리카르도가 '헬멧이'에 대해 고민 중? 5636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Formula One aiming for Miami street race in October 2019?,,"포뮬러 원, 2019년 10월 마이애미 스트리트 레이스 계획 중" 1802,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan business mood sours for first time in two years, upbeat on capex?",,"일본 비즈니스 분위기, 2년 만에 악화; 설비투자는 긍정적 전망" 6645,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MKS Instruments Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $1.41?,,"브리프-엠케이엔스 인스트루먼츠, 4분기 주당 순이익 1.41달러 보고" 2152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Disney profit surges 78 percent on gain from new U.S. tax law?,,"디즈니, 새로운 미국 세법으로 78% 이익 급증" 7369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S.'s Pompeo presses Turkey on S-400 missiles purchase from Russia?,,"미국의 폼페오, 터키의 러시아산 S-400 미사일 구입에 대해 압박하다." 4404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kremlin says charges over U.S. election tampering prove nothing?,,"크렘린, 미국 선거 조작 혐의는 아무것도 증명하지 못한다고 밝혀" 172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commentary: Jeff Bezos Annual Letter 2018: Amazon Go Nails Innovation?,,"논평: 제프 베조스의 2018년 연례 서한: 아마존 고, 혁신을 완벽하게 구현하다?" 2205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Virta Health Says Raised A $45 Mln Series B Funding Round​?,,"간단 요약 - Virta Health, 4500만 달러 규모의 B 시리즈 자금 조달 라운드 완료했다고 발표." 6025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top Egypt court orders temporary YouTube ban over Prophet Mohammad video?,,"압도적인 이슬람 교리에 대한 감정이 상한 가운데, 이집트 최고 법원이 예언자 무함마드에 대한 비디오로 인해 유튜브를 일시적으로 차단하라는 명령을 내렸다. 이 결정은 이란 내에서 사회적으로 논란의 여지가 있는 비디오들을 포함하고 있으며, 이란 내에서 이러한 콘텐츠에 대한 반응은 강력했다. 또한, 이 법원의 결정은 종교적 감성을 보호하는 조치로 해석될 수 있다. 정부는 앞으로 이러한 영상들이 더 이상 유포되지 않도록 조치를 취하겠다고 밝혔다." 5861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ireland votes on whether to legalise abortion?,,아일랜드가 낙태 합법화 여부에 대한 투표를 실시한다. 9725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dixons Carphone reports 6 percent jump in underlying revenue?,,딕슨스 카폰이 기본 수익 6% 상승 보고 7319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets may be ripe for return of bond vigilantes?,,시장에 채권 감시인들의 귀환이 가시화될 수 있다? 872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French and Benelux stocks-Factors to watch on April 19?,,프랑스 및 베네룩스 주식 - 4월 19일 주목해야 할 요인 2050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Schweitzer-Mauduit International Q1 GAAP Earnings Per Share $0.68?,,"브리프 - 슈바이처-모디트 인터내셔널, 1분기 GAAP 주당순이익 $0.68 발표." 6826,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia shares seen pressured by weak U.S. leads, oil prices; NZ flat?",,"호주 주식, 약한 미국 증시와 유가로 압박받을 전망; 뉴질랜드는 보합세." 8836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey says to go elsewhere if U.S. won't sell it F-35 jets: media?,,"터키, 미국이 F-35 전투기를 판매하지 않으면 다른 곳으로 가겠다고 발표: 언론" 8986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's Tariff Announcement Rankles GOP?,,트럼프의 관세 발표가 공화당을 불쾌하게 한다. 9188,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dubai's Abraaj to sell Middlesex University in Dubai-sources?,,"두바이의 아브라즈, 미들섹스 대학교 두바이를 판매할 예정 - 소식통" 1433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DaVita Inc. Schedules 1st Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Call?,,다비타 Inc. 2018년 1분기 투자자 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표 3077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-JD.com Forms Artificial Intelligence Partnership with Fung Retailing?,,"브리프 - JD.com, 펑 리테일과 인공지능 파트너십 체결" 1269,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Watts Water Technologies Announces Departure Of CFO ‍Todd Trapp?,,브리핑 - Watts Water Technologies가 CFO인 Todd Trapp의 퇴임을 발표했습니다. 5105,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Clorox Increases Qtrly Dividend 14 Pct To $0.96/Share?,,"브리프-클로락스, 분기 배당금을 주당 0.96달러로 14% 인상하였음." 1282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: USI Insurance Services Announces the Closing of the Acquisition ofCHS Insurance?,,"USI 보험 서비스, CHS 보험 인수 종료 발표" 8759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesco ‍says Booker's Wilson to be UK and Ireland boss after takeover​?,,"테스코, 인수 후 북커스의 윌슨을 영국 및 아일랜드 책임자로 임명한다고 발표하다." 5417,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suppliers and staff count the cost of UK Carillion's collapse?,,영국 카릴리온의 붕괴로 공급업체와 직원들이 비용을 계산하다 9874,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook to prioritise 'trustworthy' news sources?,,"페이스북, '신뢰할 수 있는' 뉴스 출처 우선시한다고 발표" 2981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gastar Exploration Announces 68 Pct Increase In Year-End 2017 Proved Reserves?,,가스타르 탐사가 2017년 연말 입증된 매장량 68% 증가를 발표하다. 1504,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: パッシブ運用大手、今年は「アクティブに行こう」 - WSJ?,,"패시브 운용 대형사, 올해는 ""액티브로 가자"" - WSJ" 5860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leading Bankruptcy And Restructuring Partner To Join Latham & Watkins In Los Angeles?,,선도적인 파산 및 구조조정 파트너가 로스앤젤레스의 레이텀 & 와트킨스에 합류할 예정입니다. 5115,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade war threats cast long shadow in China?,,무역 전쟁 위협이 중국에 긴 그림자를 드리우다 3996,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CVR Refining Announces 2018 First Quarter Earnings Call?,,"CVR 정제 회사, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 전화 회의 개최 발표" 2213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Stirling Moss retires from public life at 88?,,"모터 레이싱: 스털링 모스, 88세에 공적 생활 은퇴." 2674,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sempra Says CEO Will Retire, Board Will Expand by One?",,"셈프라는 CEO가 은퇴할 것이고, 이사회가 한 명 늘어날 것이라고 발표했다." 8135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's ANC discussed Zuma's exit this week - secretary general?,,남아프리카공화국 ANC는 이번 주 줄리아스 주마의 퇴진에 대해 논의했다 - 사무총장 9466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Plan ahead in your will for your virtual self?,,당신의 가상 자아를 위해 유언장에서 미리 계획하세요? 2259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fujian Apex Software Says Share Trade To Resume On April 17?,,Fujian Apex Software가 4월 17일에 주식 거래를 재개한다고 발표했다는 간단한 소식. 6050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oprah awards speech sparks talk of White House run?,,오프라 수상 연설이 백악관 출마에 대한 논의를 촉발하다 4201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian 'dirty money' in London damages UK - lawmakers?,,러시아의 '더러운 돈'이 런던에 피해를 주고 있다 - 의원들 545,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Admiral Permian Resources Closes Acquisition of 59,000 Net Acres in West Texas?",,"아드미럴 퍼미안 리소스, 텍사스 서부에서 59,000 에이커의 순수한 토지 인수를 완료하다." 7287,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Halep leads host of contenders for Serena's crown?,,"할렙, 세레나의 왕좌를 노리는 많은 도전자들 중 선두에 서다." 1104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Code crackdown: China payments restrictions to hit profits?,,코드 단속: 중국의 결제 제한이 수익에 타격을 줄 것인가? 729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UK mortgage approvals fall to second-lowest level since 2015?,,"UPDATE 1-영국의 모기지 승인, 2015년 이후 두 번째로 낮은 수준으로 하락" 1867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Leclanché Partners With Imeon?,,BRIEF-Leclanché가 Imeon과 파트너십을 맺다. 2652,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It's hard to believe, but scam victims pay those 'back taxes' with iTunes gift cards?",,"믿기 어렵지만, 사기 피해자들은 아이튠즈 기프트 카드로 '세금 체납'을 지불하고 있습니다." 7689,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DDR Announces Reverse Stock Split,Declares Common Stock Dividend For Q2 2018?",,"간단히 말씀드리면, DDR이 역주식 분할을 발표하고 2018년 2분기 보통주 배당금을 선언했다는 내용의 뉴스 기사가 있을 것입니다." 5708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Credit Suisse Asia dealmaker to join Hillhouse Capital - IFR?,,"""전 Credit Suisse 아시아 거래자가 Hillhouse Capital에 합류 예정 - IFR""" 4773,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks haven't locked in a bottom yet, says bull who predicts robust 2018 gains?",,주식은 아직 바닥을 다지지 않았다고 말하는 강세 전문가가 2018년 강력한 상승을 예측하다. 969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Buying a Home? It’s a Process?,,집을 사려고요? 그건 과정입니다. 7322,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil Edges Up on Hopes for OPEC Cut Extension?,,"석유, OPEC 감산 연장 기대 속에서 상승 세 기록" 3853,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Meredith to cut about 1,200 jobs, sell some Time publications?",,"메리디스, 약 1,200명 일자리 축소 및 일부 타임 출판물 판매 예정" 8818,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Southwestern Energy Co Says CEO William Way's Total Compensation Was $8.7 Mln In 2017?,,브리프 - 사우스웨스턴 에너지 회사는 CEO 윌리엄 웨이의 2017년 총 보상이 870만 달러였다고 밝혔습니다. 5419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Newmont Announces New Board Member?,,"뉴몬트, 새로운 이사 선임 발표" 9708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IEA warns global oil demand may suffer as crude nears $80?,,IEA는 원유가 80달러에 근접함에 따라 글로벌 오일 수요가 영향을 받을 수 있다고 경고합니다. 9747,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cooper Standard to Host Conference Call on May 2 to Discuss First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"쿠퍼 스탠다드, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 논의를 위한 컨퍼런스 콜을 5월 2일 개최 예정" 8652,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Saudi's Al Hokair Group Posts Q1 Loss?,,"사우디의 알 호카이어 그룹, 1분기 손실 발표" 8563,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Didi axes social features from carpooling service after passenger murder?,,"중국의 디디, 승객 살해 사건 이후 카풀 서비스에서 소셜 기능 제거" 4269,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WTA Premier, St Petersburg Women's Singles Results?",,"WTA 프리미어, 상트페테르부르크 여자 단식 결과" 747,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran has drawn up plan to cope with U.S. withdrawal from nuclear deal: government spokesman?,,"이란, 미국의 핵 협정 탈퇴에 대비한 계획 수립: 정부 대변인" 5821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Index provider MSCI says it is reviewing Facebook data privacy issue?,,업데이트 1-지수 제공업체 MSCI가 페이스북 데이터 프라이버시 문제를 검토 중이라고 발표했습니다. 3869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Glance Provides Update on Insolvencies Involving Penny Green’s Dissident Nominees Jonathan Fry and Spiros Margaris?,,Glance는 Penny Green의 반대 후보인 Jonathan Fry와 Spiros Margaris과 관련된 파산에 대한 업데이트를 제공합니다. 613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Coface Announces Share Buyback Of Total Amount Of 30 Million Euros​?,,Coface가 총 3천만 유로 규모의 자사주 매입을 발표했다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다. 9088,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-GRAINS-Corn hits 6-day high as forecast rain expected to delay sowing?,,"수정됨 - 곡물 - 옥수수, 예고된 비로 파종 지연 예상되며 6일 최고치 기록" 7543,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ECB's Draghi: euro moves a side effect of QE, not its objective?",,ECB의 드라기: 유로화 움직임은 양적 완화의 부작용이지 목표가 아니다. 7303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU mergers and takeovers (Jan 22)?,,2023년 1월 22일 EU 합병 및 인수 관련 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 1886,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-COFCO Property's Controlling Shareholder To Increase Stake In The Company?,,브리프 - COFCO Property의 주요 주주가 회사 지분을 늘릴 계획입니다. 4898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 2018 voters to rely on vulnerable ballot machines?,,2018년 유권자들이 취약한 투표 기계에 의존할 것이다. 7202,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook’s Identity Crisis Looms?,,페이스북의 정체성 위기가 다가온다. 9282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corvidia Therapeutics Appoints Marc de Garidel as Chief Executive Officer?,,"코르비디아 테라퓨틱스, 마르크 드 가리델을 CEO로 임명" 6401,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Catalyst Biosciences Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"카탈리스트 바이오사이언스, 보통주 공개 모집 제안 발표" 3686,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sprint king Bolt to get his Dortmund trial on Friday?,,스프린트의 왕 볼트가 금요일 도르트문트 시범 훈련에 참여한다? 5569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks Announces Q1 Fiscal Year 2018 Results Conference Call?,,"스타벅스, 2018 회계연도 1분기 실적 발표 콘퍼런스 콜을 알리다." 4665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Western European car sales seen up 0.8 pct in 2018 - manufacturers association?,,2018년 서유럽 자동차 판매가 0.8% 증가할 것으로 보인다고 자동차 제조업체 협회가 밝혔다. 50,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Koeman puts trust in newcomers as Dutch prepare to play England?,,"코만, 네덜란드가 잉글랜드와의 경기를 준비하는 가운데 신인 선수들에게 신뢰를 보여주다." 6109,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gloom shrouds UK households as inflation expectations spike - survey?,,영국 가계에 어둠이 드리워지다 - 조사에서 인플레이션 기대치 급등 9642,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cara Therapeutics to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results on March 15, 2018?",,"카라 제약, 2018년 3월 15일 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표 예정" 9618,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sears Holdings plans to shutter 72 more stores, with closing sales starting in the near future?",,"시어스 홀딩스, 72개의 매장을 추가로 폐쇄할 계획이며, 곧 폐점 세일이 시작될 예정이다." 6101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-South Afroca's Competition Commission Approves Mondi's Acquisition Of Draycott And Greytown Plantations?,,"브리프 - 남아프리카 공화국 경쟁 위원회, 몬디의 드레이컷 및 그레이트타운 플랜테이션 인수 승인" 1999,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snapchat Introduces New Group Video Chat Feature?,,"스냅챗, 새로운 그룹 영상 채팅 기능 도입" 8022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aym Syntex To Raise Funds By Issue Of Equity Shares or Warrants?,,간단한 소식 - Aym Syntex가 주식 또는 워런트 발행으로 자금을 조달할 예정입니다. 9498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Monnari Trade Jan. Revenue Down 12.12 Pct YoY?,,"브리프-모나리 무역 1월 수익, 전년 대비 12.12% 감소" 4884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Westwater Resources Completes Acquisition of Alabama Graphite?,,"웨스트워터 리소스, 알라바마 그래피트 인수 완료" 6349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. apartment vacancy rate up slightly in first quarter - Reis?,,"미국 아파트 공실률, 첫 분기에 소폭 상승 - Reis" 6241,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Glencore, Lloyds lift FTSE as investors hail earnings?",,"UPDATE 1-글렌코어, 로이드 은행이 FTSE를 끌어올리며 투자자들이 실적을 반기다." 1232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DowDuPont™ Declares Quarterly Dividend of 38 Cents per Share?,,DowDuPont™가 주당 38센트의 분기 배당금을 선언했습니다. 2421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: General Electric 4Q Earnings: What to Watch?,,제너럴 일렉트릭 4분기 실적: 주목해야 할 사항은? 8621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arab Fund pledges Iraq $1.5 billion in financing?,,"아랍 기금, 이라크에 15억 달러 금융 지원 약속" 2256,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Resources Connection, Inc. Reports Second Quarter Results for Fiscal 2018?",,"리소스 커넥션, Inc.가 2018 회계연도 2분기 실적을 보고합니다." 8682,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hess posts smaller quarterly loss as oil prices rise, costs fall?",,"헤스, 유가 상승 및 비용 감소로 분기 손실 축소 발표" 6915,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Progressive Care Inc. Reports Largest Single Revenue Quarter in Company History?,,"프로그레시브 케어 주식회사, 회사 역사상 최대 단일 수익 분기 보고" 5878,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Maruti Suzuki India Defers Plan To Launch Its First Fully Hybrid Vehicle-CNBC Tv18 Citing Sources?,,"브리프-마루티 스즈키 인디아, 첫 번째 완전 하이브리드 차량 출시 계획 연기-CNBC Tv18 소식통 인용" 4627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cott Reports Qtrly Earnings Per Share $0.12?,,"코트, 분기 주당순이익 0.12달러 보고" 4558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea offers deep apologies to China over deadly bus crash?,,"북한, 치명적인 버스 사고에 대해 중국에 깊은 사과 제공" 2382,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. halts AriseBank's initial coin offering, alleges fraud?",,"“미국, 아라이스뱅크의 초기 코인 공모 중단, 사기 혐의 주장”" 5046,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-Tariff talk looms large in Federal Reserve's latest ""Beige Book"" business survey?",,"""FACTBOX-연방준비제도의 최신 '베이지북' 비즈니스 조사에서 관세 논의가 주요 이슈로 떠오르다""" 6820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MAS Reminds Financial Institutions To Stay Vigilant Against Cybersecurity Threats?,,BRIEF-MAS가 금융 기관들에게 사이버 보안 위협에 대해 경계를 유지할 것을 상기시킴. 6488,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. imposes sanctions on three Venezuelans under drug kingpin rules?,,"미국, 마약왕 규정에 따라 세 명의 베네수엘라인에게 제재 부과" 4134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Pacific Precision Forging and unit are recognized as high-tech enterprise and to enjoy tax preference?,,브리프 - 장쑤 퍼시픽 정밀 단조와 그 계열사가 고기술 기업으로 인정받아 세금 우대를 받게 됨. 1470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says the new London US embassy is ‘off location’ but it's good enough for Apple?,,"트럼프, 새로운 런던 미 대사관은 '위치가 좋지 않지만 애플에겐 충분히 괜찮다'고 말하다." 6152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Laser Spine Institute Welcomes M. Kathleen Donald as Chief Marketing Officer?,,"레이저 척추 연구소, M. 캐서린 도날드를 최고 마케팅 책임자로 환영합니다." 1952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Futures tread water ahead of Wednesday open?,,"선물 시장, 수요일 개장을 앞두고 제자리에 머물다" 1631,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HSBC needs to go back into 'expansion mode'?,,HSBC는 다시 '확장 모드'로 돌아가야 한다. 1618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Tronc to sell Los Angeles Times -source?,,"UPDATE 1-트론크, 로스앤젤레스 타임스 판매 예정 -소식통" 420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart edges closer to buying majority of Flipkart?,,"월마트, 플립카트의 대주주 인수에 가까워지다" 1750,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bangladesh airline crashes in Nepal's Kathmandu airport?,,방글라데시 항공사가 네팔 카트만두 공항에서 추락하다 9257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Simply Good Foods Company Announces Secondary Offering of Common Stock?,,"심플리 굿 푸드 컴퍼니, 보통주 2차 공모 발표" 3255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Term Sheet -- Thursday April 5?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""Term Sheet -- Thursday April 5""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다:" 7728,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hyundai Motor Q4 net profit rises 3 pct, meets consensus?",,"현대차, 4분기 순익 3% 증가, 시장 기대에 부합" 700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OneWeb Finalizes Executive Team Appointments Leading Up to the Launch of Global Constellation and Services?,,"원웹, 글로벌 별자리 및 서비스 출시에 앞서 임원 팀 최종 구성 확정" 2931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Knowit wins order worth 80 million SEK?,,"BRIEF-노이트, 8천만 SEK 규모의 계약 수주" 5297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mass accident involving dozens of vehicles on Czech highway?,,체코 고속도로에서 수십 대의 차량이 엮인 대형 사고 발생 6346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lawyer gets eight years in U.S. prison for payday lending scheme?,,변호사가 급전 대출 계획으로 미국 교도소에서 8년형을 선고받다. 4058,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Continental Resources Says Will Resume Oil Hedging At Some Point?,,"브리프 - 콘티넨탈 리소스, 어떤 시점에서 석유 헤징을 재개할 것이라고 밝혀." 5106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group issues 2018 2nd tranche super short-term financing notes worth 500 mln yuan?,,"BRIEF-베이징 다베이농 기술 그룹, 2018년 2차 초단기 금융 상품 5억 위안 발행" 7935,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Community Healthcare Trust Says Entered Amendment To Second Amended And Restated Credit Agreement?,,"BRIEF-커뮤니티 헬스케어 신탁, 두 번째 수정 및 재설계된 신용 계약에 대한 수정 사항을 발표했다고 전함." 8517,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dreamy and delicate, Ralph & Russo's Couture collection inspired by the Orient?",,"몽환적이고 섬세한, 랄프 앤 루소의 오리엔트에서 영감을 받은 꾸뛰르 컬렉션" 7097,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Today's Bell Ringer, March 5, 2018?",,"오늘의 벨 링거, 2018년 3월 5일" 3722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank Vozrozhdenie FY 2017 Net Profit Up At RUB 3.27 Billion?,,"브리프 - 뱅크 보즈로주데니에 FY 2017 순이익, 32억 7천만 루블로 증가" 1091,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RBS Announces Changes To Boards In Connection With Ring-Fencing Transfer Scheme?,,"RBS, 링펜싱 이관 계획에 따라 이사회 변경 사항 발표" 9765,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DowDuPont, soon to be 3 cos, reveals names?",,"다우듀폰, 곧 3개 회사가 될 예정, 이름 공개" 2366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Use the earnings 'damage' to your advantage this week?,,크래머: 이번 주에 수익 '손실'을 당신의 이점으로 활용하세요? 7088,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samson Resources II, LLC Announces 2018 Capital Program?",,"샘슨 리소스 II, LLC, 2018년 자본 프로그램 발표" 4569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-US/German bond yield gap widest in 20 years on diverging policy outlooks?,,"업데이트 4-미국/독일 채권 수익률 격차, 정책 전망 차이로 20년 만에 가장 넓어져" 3971,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ormat Technologies Says Will Restate Q2, Q3 And Q4 And Full-Year 2017 Financial Statements?",,"브리프 - 오르마트 테크놀로지스, 2017년 2분기, 3분기, 4분기 및 연간 재무제표를 재작성할 것이라고 발표." 7933,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vindico Group Q4 EBITDA Loss Up At SEK 2.1 Million?,,BRIEF-Vindico Group 4분기 EBITDA 손실이 210만 크로나로 증가했다. 7439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon wants shoppers to try Alexa?,,아마존은 쇼핑객들이 알렉사를 사용해 보길 원한다. 3155,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Trump trade war talk spooks emerging stocks?,,신흥 시장 - 트럼프 무역 전쟁 발언이 신흥 주식에 불안을 주다. 8922,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Incumaker Inc. Announces Merger With uBid Holdings, Inc.?",,"인큐메이커 주식회사, 유비드 홀딩스 주식회사와의 합병 발표" 850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Centrus Energy Corp. Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $3.69?,,BRIEF-센트러스 에너지 주식회사가 4분기 주당 순이익 $3.69를 보고했습니다. 3138,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade Conflicts Threaten Global Growth, Says OECD?",,무역 갈등이 글로벌 성장을 위협하고 있다고 OECD가 밝혔습니다. 4494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PVH Announces Redemption Of 4.500% Senior Notes Due 2022?,,"브리프 - PVH, 2022년 만기 4.500% 선순위 채권 상환 발표" 9769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brits have ‘right to think again’ on Brexit - Blair?,,브렉시트에 대해 다시 생각할 '권리'가 있다 - 블레어 3978,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Crawshaw Says FY Group Revenue Up 1 Pct?,,"브리프-크로쇼우, FY 그룹 수익 1% 증가 발표" 2801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dr. Seongjoon Koo Joins J.D. Power as Chief Data Officer?,,"성준 구 박사, J.D. 파워의 최고 데이터 책임자로 합류" 2093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pentagon contract became identity crisis for Google?,,펜타곤 계약이 구글의 정체성 위기가 되다? 3183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber picks VMware's Zane Rowe as CFO - Bloomberg?,,"우버, VMware의 제인 로우를 CFO로 선임 - 블룸버그" 9951,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says no need to extend OPEC, non-OPEC pact if crude oil prices rise: SHANA?",,"이란, 원유 가격 상승 시 OPEC 및 비-OPEC 협약 연장 필요 없다고 밝혀: SHANA" 9713,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Arabia-Iran tensions are important to keep an eye on: Fitch Ratings?,,사우디아라비아-이란 긴장은 주목해야 할 중요 사항이라고 피치 레이팅스가 전했다. 7628,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Hunting Cabin on 1,000 Acres in Georgia?",,"조지아주 1,000에이커에 위치한 사냥 오두막" 6943,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Universal Scientific Industrial Shanghai's Jan Consolidated Revenue Up 12.0 Percent Y/Y?,,간략 - 유니버설 사이언티픽 인더스트리얼 상하이의 1월 연결 매출이 전년 대비 12.0% 증가. 354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Miragen Therapeutics Reports Q1 Loss Per Share $0.18?,,"간단하게 - 미라겐 테라퓨틱스, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.18 보고." 7355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macron set for crunch talks with UK PM?,,"마크롱, 영국 총리와 중대한 회담 예정" 5789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gowdy defends FBI after Trump's 'Spygate' claim?,,"고우디, 트럼프의 '스파이게이트' 주장에 대해 FBI를 옹호하다." 995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ChannelAdvisor Announces Preliminary Financial Results for First Quarter 2018?,,ChannelAdvisor가 2018년 1분기 예비 재무 결과 발표 9831,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian Olympic chief says happy CAS restored Russian athletes 'good name' - Ifax?,,러시아 올림픽 위원회 의장이 기쁘게 생각한다며 CAS가 러시아 선수들의 '좋은 이름'을 복원했다고 말했다 - 이팍스 5879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kuwait's Gulf Bank Buys Property in Fahaheel for 99 MLN Dinars?,,"간단히 말해, 쿠웨이트의 걸프 은행이 파히힐에서 9천9백만 디나르에 부동산을 매입했습니다." 1630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla executive Schwall leaves for Alphabet's Waymo - WSJ?,,"테슬라 임원 Schwall, 알파벳의 웨이모로 이직 - WSJ" 3812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AerCap CEO expects some airlines to be stretched by oil at $80?,,AerCap CEO는 유가가 80달러에 도달하면 일부 항공사들이 어려움을 겪을 것으로 예상하고 있다. 4967,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The death penalty for drug dealers is a terrible idea. It’s also apparently the White House’s new opioid strategy.?,,마약 밀매를 위한 사형제는 끔찍한 생각이다. 또한 이것은 분명히 백악관의 새로운 오피오이드 전략이다. 6798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kevin O'Leary is bullish on the Broadcom-Qualcomm deal?,,케빈 오리어리가 브로드컴-퀄컴 거래에 대해 낙관적이다. 5012,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Artificial Intelligence, Self-Driving Cars: Big Lessons at CES | Fortune?",,"인공지능, 자율주행차: CES에서의 중요한 교훈 | 포춘" 291,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Wozniacki survives scare to reach maiden Melbourne Park final?,,"테니스: 워즈니아키, 첫 멜버른 파크 결승 진출을 위해 위기를 극복하다." 1280,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LaSalle Hotel Properties Board of Trustees Confirms Unanimous Rejection of Unsolicited Proposal from Pebblebrook Hotel Trust?,,"라살 호텔 프로퍼티스 이사회, 페블북 호텔 신탁의 자발적 제안 전면 거부 확인" 4309,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Egypt Says Soha Ali El-Turky Resigns as CFO?,,"브리프 - 아부다비 이슬람 은행 이집트, 소하 알리 엘-투르키 CFO 사임했다고 발표." 901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senomyx Appoints Tom Erdmann to Board of Directors?,,"세노믹스, 톰 어드먼을 이사회에 임명하다" 5902,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emerging market CDS trading falls in Q4, FY2017 -EMTA?",,신흥 시장 CDS 거래량이 2017 회계연도 4분기에 감소 - EMTA 5877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 5 Fascinating Things From Dropbox’s IPO Filing?,,드롭박스의 IPO 제출서에서 발견한 5가지 매혹적인 사실. 5222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dmitri L. Stockton Named To Target Corporation's Board Of Directors?,,"브리핑 - 드미트리 L. 스톡턴, 타겟 주식회사의 이사로 임명됨." 9313,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: George Industries Acquires Numerical Precision?,,"조지 산업, 수치 정밀업체 인수" 8367,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hail shale, but deepwater oil fights back?",,셰일을 찬양하지만 심해유전이 반격하고 있다? 2393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Argentina buys most U.S. soy in 20 years after drought cuts crop?,,"UPDATE 2-아르헨티나, 가뭄으로 수확량 감소 후 20년 만에 미국 대두를 가장 많이 구매하다" 4833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Psychiatry's Brave New World--FDA Approves Digital Sensor in Antipsychotic Drug to Enforce Prescription Compliance?,,"정신의학의 용감한 새로운 세계--FDA, 처방 준수를 강화하기 위해 항정신병 약물에 디지털 센서 승인" 9561,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tata Motors Says Feb Domestic Sales of Commercial Vehicles Up about 36 Pct?,,"타타 모터스, 2월 국내 상업용 차량 판매 36% 증가했다고 발표" 6956,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wuhan Tianyu Information Industry receives VAT refund of 27.8 mln yuan?,,"BRIEF-우한 티안위 정보 산업, 2780만 위안의 부가세 환급 수령" 2985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macron says intends to end 30 pct French exit tax in 2019 - Forbes?,,"마크롱, 2019년 프랑스의 30% 출국세 폐지 의사 밝혀 - 포브스" 6427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fairpointe Capital Supports Chicago Bridge & Iron Merger With Mcdermott International?,,"브리프-페어포인트 캐피탈, 시카고 브리지 앤 아이언과 맥더모트 인터내셔널의 합병 지원" 2395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel supports gradual funding cut to U.N. agency for Palestinians - official?,,"이스라엘, 팔레스타인을 위한 유엔 기관에 대한 자금 지원 단계적 감축을 지지 - 공식 발표" 2482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's lawyer floated the idea of pardoning Flynn and Manafort in Russia probe?,,트럼프의 변호사가 러시아 수사에서 플린과 마나포트를 사면할 가능성을 제시했다. 4466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eurotech Enters Partnership With Alten Calsoft Labs?,,"브리핑-유로테크, 알텐 칼소프트 랩스와 파트너십 맺다." 1866,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marcos-era musical resonates with modern Philippines, director says?",,마르코스 시대의 뮤지컬이 현대 필리핀과 공명한다는 감독의 말 5121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CatchMark Announces Launch of Public Offering of Class A Common Stock?,,CatchMark가 클래스 A 보통주 공개 공모 출시 발표 2008,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GRAINS-Soy, corn futures about flat; wheat up after two-week low?",,"곡물 - 대두, 옥수수 선물 약세; 밀은 2주 저점 이후 상승" 666,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India budget: fiscal deficit, tax, rural measures?",,"인도 예산: 재정 적자, 세금, 농촌 대책" 6103,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Park, Lindberg to continue ANA Inspiration playoff on Monday?",,"파크, 린드버그가 ANA 인스퍼레이션 플레이오프를 월요일에 계속 진행한다." 2195,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africans pay tribute to the late Winnie Mandela?,,남아프리카공화국 국민들이 고(故) 윈니 만델라에게 헌사를 바친다. 6047,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Namogoo Raises $15 Million Series B Led By Hanaco Venture Capital?,,"브리프 - 나모구가 하나코 벤처 캐피탈 주도로 1,500만 달러 시리즈 B 자금을 조달하다." 2662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: R2i Hires Cara Caruso As VP Strategic Solutions Leader?,,"R2i, 카라 카루소를 전략 솔루션 리더 부사장으로 채용하다." 9251,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Catasys to Announce First Quarter 2018 Results and Host Conference Call on May 15, 2018?",,"Catasys, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 및 2018년 5월 15일 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 2502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Worldunion Properties Consultancy Gets Approval To Issue Medium-Term Notes?,,"브리프 - 심천 월드유니온 부동산 컨설팅, 중기 채권 발행 승인받아" 4810,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia says over 12,000 people left Syria's Ghouta on Thursday?",,"러시아, 목요일 시리아의 고타에서 12,000명 이상이 떠났다고 밝혀" 2120,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Royal Dutch Shell Plc 1st Quarter 2018 Unaudited Results?,,로열 더치 쉘 PLC 2018년 1분기 감사받지 않은 결과 발표 6965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Two Singapore Airbnb hosts plead guilty to unauthorized short-term rentals?,,업데이트 1-두 명의 싱가포르 에어비앤비 호스트가 무단 단기 임대에 대해 유죄를 인정하다. 3496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 7 times Scott Pruitt refused to give a straight before the Senate?,,"""7번의 청문회에서 스콧 프루잇이 직접적인 답변을 하지 않은 경우""" 9901,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI chief, Deputy U.S. AG meet House Speaker on Trump-Russia probe - source?",,FBI 국장이 부차관검사와 함께 트럼프-러시아 수사에 대해 하원의장과 만난다 - 소식통. 731,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hugo Boss sales rebound in China and U.S., but Germany sags?",,"Hugo Boss의 중국과 미국에서 판매가 회복되지만, 독일은 부진하다." 8442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Freddie Mac Says Issued $68 Bln In Multifamily Securities In 2017?,,간략하게 - 프레디 맥(Freddie Mac)은 2017년에 680억 달러 규모의 다가구 증권을 발행했다고 발표했습니다. 8482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump considers expelling some Russian diplomats over poison attack: source?,,"트럼프, 독극물 공격과 관련해 일부 러시아 외교관 추방 검토: 소식통" 5059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple ID Logins on the Dark Web: Here's How Much They Cost?,,다크 웹에서의 Apple ID 로그인: 가격은 얼마일까요? 6407,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Irving, Celtics cruise past Grizzlies?",,"어빙, 셀틱스가 그리즐리스를 가볍게 이기다" 3950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Seattle Genetics Announces Expiration of Hart-Scott-Rodino Waiting Period?,,"시애틀 유전자, 하트-스콧-로드리법 대기 기간 만료 발표" 8078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump calls the court system 'broken and unfair' after judge blocks DACA decision?,,"트럼프, 판사가 DACA 결정 차단한 뒤 법원 시스템을 '중단되고 불공정하다'고 언급" 724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cincinnati Bell Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of $0.26?,,"간단하게 - 신시내티 벨, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.26 발표" 4385,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senate eyes deal to raise budget caps by $300 billion over two years: CNBC?,,"상원, 2년 동안 3000억 달러 예산 상한선 인상을 위한 협상 검토: CNBC" 9185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX opens lower as China tariffs renew global trade war worries?,,"캐나다 주식-TSX, 중국 관세가 글로벌 무역 전쟁 우려를 다시 불러일으키며 하락세로 개장" 413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rohingya insurgents killed Hindu villagers in Myanmar violence - Amnesty?,,"""로힝야 반군이 미얀마 폭력 사태에서 힌두 마을 주민들을 살해했다 - 암네스티""" 9494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. to shorten length of visas for some Chinese citizens: AP?,,"미국, 일부 중국 시민에 대한 비자 기간 단축: AP" 3741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michael Flynn reportedly met FBI agents in the West Wing — without telling the White House?,,마이클 플린이 백악관에서 FBI 요원들과 만났다는 보도가 나왔지만 백악관에는 알리지 않았다. 3507,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Andeavor, Savage end Washington crude terminal project –Vancouver Energy?",,"안데바와 사베지, 워싱턴 원유 터미널 프로젝트 중단 - 밴쿠버 에너지" 9304,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. inquiry blames Congo's ADF rebels for deadly attack on peacekeepers?,,"유엔 조사, 콩고 ADF 반군의 평화유지군에 대한 치명적인 공격 책임을 부여하다" 113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea closes 84-year-old poet's exhibition amid sexual harassment claims?,,"남한, 성추행 혐의 속에 84세 시인의 전시회 중단" 6335,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Hess posts smaller loss on cost cuts, rising oil prices?",,"""Hess, 비용 절감 및 유가 상승으로 손실 축소""" 5734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dell's Pivotal Software expects IPO to raise up to $592 million?,,"델의 피비탈 소프트웨어, IPO를 통해 최대 5억 9200만 달러 모금 기대" 5488,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gannett to Announce 2018 First Quarter Financial Results on May 7, 2018?",,Gannett가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 2018년 5월 7일에 발표할 예정입니다. 5786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. envoy to Russia cancels speech at event with sanctioned oligarch?,,미국 대사가 제재받은 올리가르히가 참여하는 행사에서 연설을 취소하다. 9091,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taiwan to open trade office in India?,,"대만, 인도에 무역 사무소 개설 예정" 9372,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. consumer confidence ebbs, house prices surge?",,"미국 소비자 신뢰도 감소, 주택 가격 급등" 9430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-UK housebuilders hit a rough patch?,,실시간 시장 - 영국 주택 건설업체들이 어려움에 처하다. 3003,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Inission AB Q4 Operating Profit Rises To SEK 9.5 Million?,,인것션 AB의 4분기 운영 이익이 9.5백만 SEK로 증가함. 9264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lundin Mining First Quarter Results?,,룬딘 마이닝 1분기 실적 발표? 8601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olam International ‍Announces Disposal Of Unit For IDR 193 Bln?,,"Olam International, IDR 193억에 사업부 매각 발표" 6358,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Economists call for overhaul of euro zone, creation of joint safe assets?",,"경제학자들, 유로존 개혁 및 공동 안전 자산 창출 촉구" 1071,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar at 3-1/2-month high on elevated yields, euro soft after ECB?",,"FOREX-달러, 높은 수익률로 3개월 반 만에 최고치, ECB 이후 유로 약세" 9556,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea spent last year perfecting its missile arsenal and it's not clear Kim will give that up?,,"북한은 지난해 미사일 무기고를 완벽하게 하는 데 시간을 보냈으며, 김정은이 이를 포기할지는 불확실하다." 2727,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk Says It Will Cost $1 to Ride the Boring Company’s ‘Loop’ Under Los Angeles?,,"일론 머스크, 로스앤젤레스 아래 '루프'를 타는 데 1달러가 필요하다고 발표하다." 856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trivago NV Q4 Total Revenue €181.5 Million?,,브리프 - 트리바고 NV 4분기 총 수익 1억 8150만 유로 2849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump targets Dow 30K. Here’s how long it could take?,,"트럼프, 다우 30K 목표. 얼마나 걸릴 수 있을까?" 7702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT:Hundreds of migrants rescued in the Med?,,INSIGHT: 수백 명의 이민자들이 지중해에서 구조되었습니다. 1915,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Secretive U.S. security panel discussing Broadcom's Qualcomm bid - sources?,,"독점 보도: 미 정부의 비밀 보안 위원회, 브로드컴의 퀄컴 인수 제안 논의 중 - 소식통" 367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German minister to carmakers - Invest in electric cars or lose out?,,"독일 장관, 자동차 제조업체들에게 - 전기차에 투자하지 않으면 손해를 볼 것이다?" 2347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Swedish house prices rose in Q4 - Statistics Office?,,UPDATE 1-스웨덴 주택 가격이 4분기에 상승 - 통계청 2532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-U.S. aluminum foil makers say Chinese imports 'devastated' industry?,,"RPT-미국 알루미늄 포일 제조업체들, 중국 수입품이 산업에 '막대한 타격'을 주었다고 주장" 392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Reports Qtrly Core Earnings Per Share $0.32‍​?,,"기재사항 - KKR 부동산 금융 신탁, 분기 핵심 주당 수익 0.32달러 보고" 9364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to mull U.S. biofuels policy options in cabinet meeting Monday?,,"트럼프, 월요일 각료 회의에서 미국 바이오연료 정책 옵션을 검토할 예정" 1558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks rise on U.S.-China trade truce; Venezuela worries lift oil?,,글로벌 시장 - 미국-중국 무역 휴전에 힘입어 주가 상승; 베네수엘라 우려가 석유 가격 상승을 촉진하다 3165,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK house prices rise more than expected in March -Halifax?,,"3월 영국 주택 가격, 해리폭스 예상보다 더 큰 상승률 기록" 8360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Viacom preparing counterproposal to CBS offer: sources?,,"바이아콤, CBS 제안에 대한 반제안 준비 중: 소식통" 4169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crude's big reversal?,,"""원유의 큰 반전?""" 7710,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sprint shares plummet on T-Mobile deal worry?,,"스프린트 주가, T-모바일 거래 우려로 급락" 8313,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ancient human remains, Ice Age animal bones found in giant Mexican cave?",,고대 인류 유해와 빙하기 동물 뼈가 거대한 멕시코 동굴에서 발견되었다? 5325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Toread Holdings Group sees FY 2018 Q1 net profit down 55 pct to 60 pct?,,"브리프-토레드 홀딩스 그룹, FY 2018 1분기 순익 55%에서 60% 감소 예상" 612,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Saksoft Dec-Qtr Consol Profit Rises?,,"브리프 - 인도의 Saksoft, 12월 분기 연결 이익 증가" 6163,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At this stage, it's 'more of a trade tiff' than trade war?",,현재 단계에서는 '무역 전쟁'이라기보다는 '무역 갈등'에 가깝다. 5446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Torchmark Corporation Declares Dividend And Announces Election Of Three New Board Members?,,"토치마크 코퍼레이션, 배당금 선언 및 새로운 이사 3명 선출 발표" 9269,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Biogen CEO Calls Share Slump an Overreaction to Alzheimer’s Trial?,,"비오젠 CEO, 알츠하이머 시험에 대한 주가 하락이 과반응이라고 주장" 5350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade worries a bother for FTSE as WPP wobbles?,,"FTSE를 괴롭히는 무역 우려, WPP의 불안정성" 124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST - Wall Street Journal - April 17?,,"뉴스기사의 제목이 ""PRESS DIGEST - 월스트리트 저널 - 4월 17일""인 경우, 해당 기사 내용은 어떤 것일까요?" 3330,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Argentine peso weakens to all-time low 20.50 per U.S. dollar?,,"아르헨티나 페소, 미국 달러당 20.50으로 사상 최저치 하락" 7258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MVE + Partners Ushers in a New Era With Elevation of Executives and Key Leaders From Within?,,MVE + Partners는 내부에서 임원 및 주요 리더의 승진으로 새로운 시대를 열다. 3373,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway's Telenor seeks salvation in the cloud?,,"노르웨이의 테레노르, 클라우드에서 구원을 찾다." 6625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Birko FY 2017 Net Loss Shrinks To 2.5 Mln Lira?,,브리프-비르코 2017 회계연도 순손실 250만 리라로 감소 4077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Whole Foods sparks controversy by partnering with an Asian eatery called 'Yellow Fever'?,,"""홀푸드, '옐로우 피버'라는 아시아 식당과 파트너십 체결로 논란 일으켜""" 4390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bond king Jeff Gundlach casts doubt on White House inflation view?,,"채권왕 제프 건드락, 백악관의 인플레이션 관점에 의문 제기" 4914,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Commerzbank aims to pay a dividend for 2018 - annual report?,,"브리프-코메르츠방크, 2018년 배당금 지급 목표 - 연례 보고서" 2329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain tells Trump: spell out how you will deal with Iran now?,,"영국, 트럼프에게: 이란을 어떻게 다룰 것인지 구체적으로 밝혀라?" 8612,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US personal income rose 0.4% in Dec, vs 0.3% increase expected?",,"미국 개인 소득이 12월에 0.4% 증가하여, 예상된 0.3% 증가를 상회했다." 5248,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sin Heng Chan (Malaya) Posts ‍March FFB Production Of 1,853.24 Metric Tonnes​?",,"브리핑 - Sin Heng Chan(Malaya)가 3월 신선 과일 생산량을 1,853.24메트릭톤으로 발표했습니다." 9265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Semtech: Fiscal 1Q Earnings Snapshot?,,세멘텍: 1분기 재무 요약 5625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cnooc Ltd - Files For Potential Debt Shelf Offering Size Not Disclosed - SEC Filing?,,"브리핑 - Cnooc Ltd - 잠재적인 채무 선반 제공을 위해 파일 제출, 크기 미공개 - SEC 제출." 3956,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LifePoint Health Reports Q4 Loss Per Share Of $0.70?,,"BRIEF-라이프포인트 헬스, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.70 보고" 7309,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blackstone To Acquire Center For Autism And Related Disorders?,,"BRIEF-블랙스톤, 자폐증 및 관련 장애 센터 인수 예정" 3673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung launches Galaxy S9 with focus on social media?,,"삼성, 소셜 미디어에 초점을 맞춘 갤럭시 S9 출시" 7151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Phoenix Group Says To Have RT1 Roadshow With Credit Investors?,,"간단히 - 피닉스 그룹, 신용 투자자와 함께 RT1 로드쇼 개최 예정." 8288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook CEO among those invited to testify at Senate hearing?,,상원 청문회에 초대된 페이스북 CEO 등 관련 내용이 담길 기사들 7326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kaiser Aluminum Q4 Loss Per Share $0.90?,,브리프-카이저 알루미늄 Q4 주당 손실 $0.90 4074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Judge to hear arguments about delaying the Stormy Daniels case?,,판사가 스톰리 다니엘스 사건의 연기에 대한 주장을 심리할 예정이다. 3965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Honeywell Enters Into A $1.5 Billion 364-Day Credit Agreement?,,"브리프 - 허니웰, 15억 달러 규모의 364일 신용 계약 체결" 672,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SK Hynix says DRAM, NAND chip demand to surge in 2018?",,브리핑 - SK hynix는 2018년에 DRAM 및 NAND 메모리 칩 수요가 급증할 것이라고 밝혔다. 2649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungary PM Orban sets out conservative vision at start of new four-year term?,,"헝가리 총리 오르반, 새로운 4년 임기의 시작에서 보수적 비전 제시" 3287,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dova Pharma Files For Offering Of Up To 2.5 Mln Shares?,,"Dova Pharma, 250만 주 발행을 위한 서류 제출 발표" 7394,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prize camels keep tradition alive in changing Saudi, but please no Botox!?",,"상에서는 보톡스는 안되지만, 변화하는 사우디에서 전통을 지키는 수상 경력의 낙타들?" 1909,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Viasat Sets May 24, 2018 for Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast?",,"Viasat, 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 재무 실적 콘퍼런스 콜과 웹캐스트를 2018년 5월 24일로 설정했다." 1249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Outdoor Brands Corporation Reports Third Fiscal 2018 Financial Results?,,"아메리칸 아웃도어 브랜드 코퍼레이션, 2018 회계연도 제3분기 재무 성과 보고" 1474,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-LatAm currencies mostly lower ahead of Fed policy statement?,,신흥 시장 - 연준의 정책 성명 발표를 앞두고 라틴아메리카 통화 대부분 하락 2406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oscars 2018: Academy Award TV Ratings Sink to New Low | Fortune?,,"2018년 오스카: 아카데미 시상식 TV 시청률, 사상 최저치로 하락 | 포ortune" 9543,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CenturyLink Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $1.26?,,"브리프-센추리링크, 4분기 주당순이익 $1.26 보고" 6574,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Armenian PM rejects demands to quit on 10th day of protests?,,아르메니아 총리가 10일 간의 시위에서 사퇴 요구를 거부하다 4873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This company enables local SMEs to crowdfund loans?,,이 회사는 지역 중소기업이 크라우드펀딩을 통해 대출을 받을 수 있도록 지원합니다. 1661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Vows Quick Exit From Syria?,,"트럼프, 시리아에서의 신속한 철수를 다짐하다." 5667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Newron Announces 2017 Financial Results and Provides Outlook for 2018?,,"뉴론, 2017년 재무 결과 발표 및 2018년 전망 제공" 1038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UBS says Bank of England could hike rates in May?,,UBS는 영국 은행이 5월에 금리를 인상할 수 있다고 밝혔다. 7325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senators warn White House against starting trade war?,,상원 의원들이 백악관에 무역 전쟁 시작을 경고하다 9555,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: United Will Soon Allow Some Cats and Dogs Back Into Its Cargo Holds. Here Are the New Rules.?,,"유나이티드 항공, 일부 고양이 및 개의 화물칸 반입 허용 예정. 새로운 규칙은 다음과 같습니다." 6758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Argo Group Schedules Its 2018 First Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call?,,"아르고 그룹, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 3054,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Legal & General full-year operating profit beats forecast, up 32 percent?",,Legal & General의 연간 운영 이익이 예상치를 초과하여 32% 증가했습니다. 1398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Esperion Says Phase 3 Long-Term Safety Study Of Bempedoic Acid Met Primary Endpoint?,,"브리프 - 에스페리온, 벰페도산의 3상 장기 안전성 연구가 주요 목표를 달성했다고 발표." 4924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: T-Mobile and Sprint CEOs Press Case for Merger With Help of 5G | Fortune?,,"T-Mobile과 Sprint CEO, 5G의 도움으로 합병 사례를 강력히 주장하다 | 포춘" 2900,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano erupts, forcing evacuations?",,하와이의 킬라우에아 화산이 erupt하여 대피를 강요하다. 7082,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Armenia's new PM says will meet Russian president on May 14?,,"아르메니아의 새 총리, 5월 14일 러시아 대통령과 만날 것이라고 발표하다." 7747,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MEDT to change name, audit underway?",,"MEDT 이름 변경, 감사 진행 중" 4554,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-ECB, BoE to study risk management around Brexit Day?",,"RPT-ECB, BoE가 브렉시트 데이 전후의 리스크 관리를 연구할 예정이다." 8546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump: There are people in the White House 'that I want to change'?,,트럼프: '변화시키고 싶은 사람들이 백악관에 있다' 8290,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After turmoil at home, Egypt struggles to revive power abroad?",,"집안의 혼란 이후, 이집트는 해외에서 힘을 되살리기 위해 고군분투한다." 2509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bell Food Group Says Now Holds 59.73 Pct Stake In Huegli?,,BRIEF-Bell Food Group는 이제 Huegli의 59.73% 지분을 보유하고 있다고 발표했습니다. 8798,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia markets: Trump State of the Union, SOTU, currencies, China PMI in focus?",,"아시아 시장: 트럼프 국정 연설, SOTU, 통화, 중국 PMI에 주목" 7136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook seeks 'extra-terrestrial product manager' as it plans to deliver internet from the sky?,,"페이스북, 하늘에서 인터넷을 제공하기 위해 '외계 제품 관리자' 찾는다." 9413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook CEO Zuckerberg to testify before U.S. House Commerce panel April 11 - committee?,,"페이스북 CEO 저커버그, 4월 11일 미국 하원 상업위원회 앞에서 증언 예정 - 위원회" 6018,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top VC deals: Kroger buys Home Chef, Paypal buys iZettle, Rover, Grail?",,"최고의 VC 거래: 크로거, 홈 셰프 인수; 페이팔, 아이젯틀 인수; 로버, 그레일." 6887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. FDA looks to pave way for earlier-stage Alzheimer's drugs?,,"미국 FDA, 초기 단계 알츠하이머 약물에 대한 길을 열기 위해 노력 중" 6021,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. says Amazon to pay $1.2 million to settle allegations over pesticide sales?,,"미국, 아마존이 농약 판매와 관련된 혐의를 해결하기 위해 120만 달러를 지불한다고 발표." 1309,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ascendas Hospitality Trust Announces Sale Of Ascendas China Hotel Investment, Ascendas Hospitality China​?",,"브리프-아센다스 호스피탈리티 신탁, 아센다스 차이나 호텔 투자 및 아센다스 호스피탈리티 차이나 매각 발표" 8230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CSRA Board Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"CSRA 이사회, 분기 현금 배당금 선언" 2529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Exelon Sets Regular Quarterly Dividend Of $0.345Per Share?,,"브리프-엑셀론, 주당 0.345달러의 정기 분기 배당금 결정" 4221,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Signal Entertainment Group raises 1.0 bln won in private placement?,,"BRIEF-시그널 엔터테인먼트 그룹, 유상증자 통해 10억 원 조달" 2820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK might struggle to make planned spending cuts - Moody's?,,영국은 예정된 지출 삭감을 이루기 힘들 수 있다고 무디스가 경고했습니다. 960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazilian minister says pension reform bill halted in Congress?,,"브라질 장관, 의회에서 연금 개혁 법안 중단 발표" 526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU calls Iranian strikes against Israel 'extremely worrying'?,,"EU, 이란의 이스라엘 공격을 '매우 걱정스럽다'고 언급" 9429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Spanish Supreme Court orders arrest of former Catalan MP Anna Gabriel?,,"업데이트 1 - 스페인 최고법원, 전 카탈루냐 의원 안나 가브리엘 체포 명령 내려" 1712,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank Dhofar Q1 Profit Rises?,,브리프-두하르 은행 1분기 이익 증가 8647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Beijing to build $2 billion AI research park: Xinhua?,,"베이징, 20억 달러 규모의 AI 연구 단지 건설 계획: 신화 통신" 9214,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Peru economy minister says government to focus on investment spending?,,"페루의 새로운 경제 장관, 정부가 투자 지출에 집중할 것이라고 밝혀" 80,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brazil's Rumo projects 2018 EBITDA above 3 billion reais?,,"브리핑 - 브라질의 룸오, 2018년 EBITDA 30억 헤알 이상 예상" 667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Traders keep bets on more Fed interest rate rises?,,트레이더들이 더 많은 연준 금리 인상을 예상하며 베팅을 계속하다. 8993,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unbreakable phone screen prototype will smash competition, say creators?",,"깨지지 않는 전화기 화면 프로토타입, 제작자들이 경쟁자를 무너뜨릴 것이라고 말하다." 5442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Directories group SoLocal to cut around fifth of workforce?,,디렉토리 그룹 SoLocal이 약 5분의 1의 인력을 감축할 예정이다. 4240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey acts against French studies at universities amid Koran row?,,"튀르키예, 코란 논란 속에서 프랑스 연구에 대한 대학의 대응 조치 마련" 9180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Burberry bags profit rise ahead of Tisci design era?,,"버버리, 티시 디자인 시대를 맞이하기 전 이익 증가 소식" 359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kratos Says Receives $24.3 Mln Unmanned Aerial Drone System Contract Award?,,"크라토스 시스템즈, 2,430만 달러 무인 항공 드론 시스템 계약 수주" 1696,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gallup: Why younger Americans aren’t investing in the stock market?,,갤럽: 왜 젊은 미국인들이 주식 시장에 투자하지 않는가? 519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why entrepreneur confidence is 'critical' for Japan's economy: CIO?,,일본 경제에 '중요한' 기업가 신뢰의 이유: CIO? 4768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump lawyers demand Bannon 'cease and desist'?,,"트럼프 변호사들, 배논에게 '중단하라'고 요구하다" 8610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pentagon chief urges Turkey to stay focused on fighting Islamic State?,,"펜타곤 수장, 터키에 이슬람 국가(IS)와의 전투에 집중할 것을 촉구하다." 4559,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Start-up factory Y Combinator notched its first IPO with Dropbox, and others are on the horizon?",,"스타트업 공장 Y Combinator가 Dropbox와 함께 첫 IPO를 성사시켰으며, 다른 기업들도 곧 IPO를 진행할 예정이다." 4340,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zosano Appoints Steven Elms To Board Of Directors?,,"간략히 - 조사노, 스티븐 엘름스를 이사회에 임명하다." 2550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WRAPUP 1-U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low?,,"WRAPUP 1-미국의 실업수당 청구건수, 45년 만에 최소치로 감소" 4977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CityCenter Says Will Seek To Raise $200 Million In New Incremental Term Loan?,,브리프 - 시티센터는 2억 달러의 새로운 증액 만기 대출을 조달할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다. 9,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey-U.S. relations under threat as long as pastor in jail, U.S. official says?",,"""목사가 감옥에 있는 한 터키-미국 관계는 위협받고 있다고 미국 관리가 말했다.""" 7844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Man dies after vehicles collide at London's Heathrow Airport?,,런던 히드로 공항에서 차량이 충돌한 후 남성이 사망하다. 98,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexican presidential poll shows leftist in the lead?,,멕시코 대통령 선거 여론조사에서 좌파 후보가 선두를 보이고 있다. 1700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street ends mostly higher?,,"월스트리트, 대부분 상승 마감" 8697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EXCLUSIVE: Yulia Skripal speaks about poisioning?,,독점: 율리아 스크리팔이 독살에 대해 이야기하다. 9791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steinhoff Austrian unit Kika/Leiner secures money for up to 24 months?,,"Steinhoff 오스트리아 유닛 Kika/Leiner, 최대 24개월 동안 자금 확보" 7756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Railroaded: The Chinese High-Speed Train Network No One Else Really Wants?,,철도에 갇힌: 다른 누구도 정말로 원하지 않는 중국 고속철도 네트워크? 7466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-IPG Photonics Q1 Earnings Per Share $1.93?,,BRIEF-IPG Photonics 1분기 주당순이익 $1.93 1625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil-China fund greenlights $2.4 bln in potential loans?,,"브라질-중국 기금, 24억 달러 규모의 잠재적 대출 승인" 2787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT: Snow in the Sahara?,,INSIGHT: 사하라 사막의 눈? 8493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steel and Aluminum? Let’s Talk About Gold?,,철강과 알루미늄? 금에 대해 이야기해봅시다. 2716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nabors Prices $800 mln In Senior Unsecured Debt Offering?,,"최근 기사: 나보르스, 8억 달러 규모의 선순위 무담보 채권 발행 가격 책정" 8784,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GTJ REIT Announces the Death of Board Member Joseph F. Barone?,,"GTJ REIT, 이사 조셉 F. 바론의 사망 발표" 4306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French state to gradually take over part of SNCF's debt -Macron?,,"프랑스 정부, SNCF의 일부 부채를 점진적으로 인수할 예정 - 마크롱" 4135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Costamare Announces Pricing Of 8.875% Series E Preferred Stock?,,"브리프-코스타마레, 8.875% E 시리즈 우선주 가격 발표" 605,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Digirad Corporation Reports Financial Results for the Fourth and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2017?",,"디지라드 코퍼레이션, 2017년 12월 31일 종료된 4분기 및 12개월 재무 결과 보고" 4940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Italy competition watchdog extends broadband probe into Telecom Italia?,,"UPDATE 1-이탈리아 경쟁 당국, 텔레콤 이탈리아에 대한 브로드밴드 조사 확대" 4231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UBS: Sell Tesla shares because carmaker will need to raise capital in the fourth quarter or earlier?,,"UBS: 테슬라 주식을 매도하라, 자동차 제조업체가 4분기 또는 그 이전에 자본을 조달해야 할 것이라는 이유에서." 9674,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Change is coming', Britain's Labour warns governing Conservatives?",,"'변화가 오고 있다', 영국 노동당이 집권 보수당에 경고하다." 5117,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Concert Pharmaceuticals Reports Year Ended 2017 Financial Results?,,"콘서트 파마슈티컬즈, 2017 회계연도 재무 결과 보고" 1656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ChemoCentryx Strengthens Senior Executive Team with the Appointment of William Fairey as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer?,,"케모센트릭스, 윌리엄 페어리를 수석 부사장 겸 최고 운영 책임자로 임명하며 고위 경영진 팀 강화" 267,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Datametrex Announces Proposed Private Placement, Public Listing Of Ronin?",,"브리프-다타메트렉스, 제안된 비공개 주식 매각 및 로닌의 상장 발표" 4389,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 13 Russians criminally charged in Mueller probe?,,뮤러 수사에서 13명의 러시아인이 형사 기소됐다. 640,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sevilla victory over Man United brings hope to AC Milan?,,세비야의 맨유 승리가 AC 밀란에게 희망을 가져다줍니다. 8431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mitel Reports First Quarter Results?,,"미텔, 1분기 실적 발표" 4444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arcturus Therapeutics Ltd Says Raised About $67.8 Million In Equity Financing?,,"BRIEF-악튜러스 테라퓨틱스 리미티드, 약 6780만 달러의 주식 자금 조달 완료 발표" 274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clovis Oncology to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results and Host Webcast Conference Call on February 26?,,"클로비스 온콜로지, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 실적 발표 및 2월 26일 웹캐스트 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 7504,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. lawmakers nearing deal on tax law's impact on grain market?,,미국 의원들이 세법이 곡물 시장에 미치는 영향에 대한 합의에 가까워지고 있다. 5390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tunghsu Azure Renewable Energy unit signs intelligent operation related agreement?,,"브리프-텅수 아쥬르 재생 에너지 부문, 지능형 운영 관련 계약 체결" 3562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chevron misses 4Q profit forecasts?,,Chevron이 4분기 이익 예측을 빗나감. 9832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Kaveri Seed Co Dec Qtr Profit Rises?,,"BRIEF-인도의 카베리 씨앗 회사, 12월 분기 수익 증가" 6559,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil extends gains, buoyed by Iran sanction worries?",,"석유 가격 상승 지속, 이란 제재 우려에 힘입어" 9433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fatfish Internet Group Says Co Will Be Spinning Out Epsilon Capital Management Ltd?,,브리프 - 팻피쉬 인터넷 그룹이 에psilon 캐피탈 매니지먼트 Ltd를 분사할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 4483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Wynn Calls on Employees to Rally Behind Him During Company Meetings?,,"스티브 윈, 직원들에게 회사 회의에서 자신을 지지하라고 촉구하다" 4583,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S., South Korea say no plans to change 'bilateral defense posture' -White House?",,미국과 한국은 '양자 방어 태세'를 변경할 계획이 없다고 백악관이 밝혔다. 374,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CACI Announces Proposal to Acquire CSRA for $44.00 Per Share?,,"CACI, CSRA를 주당 44.00달러에 인수 제안 발표" 6045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thiem battles past Donskoy in season-opener at Doha?,,딘 배턴이 도하 시즌 개막전에서 돈스코이를 제치고 승리하다. 6875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Augmentum FinTech eyes London listing?,,"브리프-어그먼텀 핀테크, 런던 상장 검토 중?" 373,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robbins Arroyo LLP: Solid Biosciences Inc. (SLDB) Misled Shareholders According to a Recently Filed Class Action?,,"로빈스 아로요 LLP: 솔리드 바이오사이언스 주식회사 (SLDB), 최근 제기된 집단소송에 따르면 주주를 오도했다." 9137,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indictment: Social media firms got played by Russian agents?,,기소: 소셜 미디어 기업들이 러시아 요원에게 속았다? 6711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aves One: Additional USD 12.8 Mln Of Refinancing Has Been Finalised?,,"간략하게 - Aves One: 1,280만 달러의 추가 재융자가 완료되었습니다." 4609,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Charts could signal trouble, but it might be nothing?",,"차트가 문제의 신호를 보낼 수 있지만, 아무것도 아닐 수도 있다." 1468,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Chinese are 'so ready for us' on trade, says Jim Cramer?",,"짐 크래머가 말하길 ""중국은 우리가 올 준비가 완전히 되어 있다""" 762,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lifetime's ""Harry & Meghan"" premieres in Beverly Hills?",,"라이프타임의 ""해리 & 메건"", 베벌리힐스에서 첫 방송." 3716,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After chemical weapons attack, Trump quickly changed tune on Syria?",,"화학 무기 공격 이후, 트럼프는 시리아에 대한 입장을 빠르게 바꿨다." 5020,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OneDigital Health and Benefits Acquires Trapani Dickins & Associates Employee Benefits and Insurance Inc.?,,OneDigital Health and Benefits가 Trapani Dickins & Associates Employee Benefits and Insurance Inc.를 인수하다. 9515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Highlights from former FBI Director James Comey's new book?,,전 FBI 국장 제임스 코미의 새 책에서의 주요 내용? 7632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank Of Queensland Posts H1 Statutory Net Profit After Tax Of $174 Million?,,"브리프 - 퀸즐랜드 은행, 세후 반기 순이익 1억 7400만 호주달러 발표" 4683,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zhejiang Shapuaisi Pharmaceutical announces 2017 dividend payment?,,"浙江 Schaipuaisi 제약, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 3992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Gorman glee?,,Breakingviews TV: 곰런의 기쁨? 238,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Moody's Says U.S. Tariffs, If They Prompt More Trade Restrictions, Will Hurt Sovereigns Globally?",,"브리프 - 무디스, 미국의 관세가 추가적인 무역 제한을 촉발한다면 전 세계 주권에 타격을 줄 것이라고 발표." 7296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Obama-era architect of climate accord seeks to keep it on track?,,오바마 시대의 기후 협정 설계자가 이를 계속 진행시키려 한다. 5717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CFM says LEAP engine output 4-5 weeks behind schedule but rising as planned?,,CFM은 LEAP 엔진 출하가 4-5주 늦어지고 있지만 계획대로 상승하고 있다고 말했습니다. 9414,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Super Rugby week 11?,,업데이트 1 - 슈퍼 럭비 11주차 5126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Agenus Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update?,,Agenus는 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과를 보고하고 기업 업데이트를 제공합니다. 7877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pinehill Pacific Posts March Crude Palm Oil Production Of 528.85 MT?,,"브리핑 - 파인힐 퍼시픽, 3월 팜유 생산량 528.85MT 발표" 1364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain still confident of trade deal with U.S.: May's spokesman?,,영국은 여전히 메이의 대변인에 따르면 미국과의 무역 거래에 대한 확신을 가지고 있다. 5402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coe and Cram salute the great Bannister who paved their way?,,코에와 크램이 그들의 길을 닦아준 위대한 배니스터를 찬양하다. 9554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Triplepoint Venture Growth BDC Announces Renewal Of Its Revolving Credit Facility?,,"브리프 - 트리플포인트 벤처 성장 BDC, 회전 신용 시설 갱신 발표" 3386,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk may actually be making a website to rate journalists for credibility and 'core truth'?,,엘론 머스크가 저널리스트의 신뢰성과 '핵심 진실'을 평가하는 웹사이트를 실제로 만들고 있을지도 모른다. 1834,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kohler Co Announces Wind Power Investment?,,BRIEF-Kohler Co가 풍력 발전 투자 발표 889,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trilogy Metals Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2018 Financial Results?,,"트릴로지 메탈스, 2018 회계연도 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 6138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Duravant Acquires Key Technology?,,"두란트, 핵심 기술 인수" 1883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets Recover on U.S.-China Trade Talk?,,미국과 중국의 무역 논의로 시장이 회복하다 7894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spanish minister under fire for saying judge in gang rape case 'has a problem'?,,스페인 장관이 강간 사건의 판사에 대해 '문제가 있다'고 발언해 비판받다. 3294,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Infosys Retains FY 18 Rev Guidance In Constant Currency At 5.5-6.5 Pct?,,"BRIEF-인포시스, FY 18 매출 가이던스 5.5-6.5% 유지 (상수 환율 기준)" 5794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3- security team sees building U.S. 5G network as option?,,"UPDATE 3- 보안 팀, 미국 5G 네트워크 구축을 옵션으로 검토 중" 1610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Urban&Civic Says ‍Exchanges Contracts On 785 Acre Calvert Strategic Site?,,"브리프-Urban&Civic, 785 에이커 Calvert 전략적 부지에 대한 계약 체결 발표" 6288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brookmont Capital Management Named Top Guns Manager by Informa Investment Solutions?,,"브룩몬트 캐피탈 매니지먼트, 이포르마 투자 솔루션즈가 선정한 톱건 매니저로 이름 올라" 9548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Convergeone Signs Agreement To Buy Arrow Electronics' Systems Integration Business For $36 Million​?,,"브리프 - 컨버지원, 애로 일렉트로닉스의 시스템 통합 사업 인수 계약 체결, 3억 6천만 달러 규모" 6786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Steel Connect Reports Q2 EPS Of $0.85?,,브리프 - Steel Connect가 2분기 EPS $0.85를 보고했습니다. 2611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: From Prokofiev to prison - Macron couples soft power and tough reform?,,"프로코피예프에서 감옥까지 - 마크롱, 부드러운 힘과 강력한 개혁을 결합하다?" 3352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Influential GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy to leave Congress?,,"영향력 있는 공화당 하원 의원 트레이 고우디, 의회에서 물러난다." 758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northview Apartment REIT Announces Timing of 2018 First Quarter Financial Results & Webcast?,,"노스뷰 아파트 REIT, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 및 웹캐스트 일정 발표" 7517,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Klein Law Firm Reminds Investors of a Class Action Filed on Behalf of Kraton Corporation Shareholders and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 27, 2018?",,"클라인 로펌, 크래톤 코퍼레이션 주주들을 위한 집단소송 제기 사실 알리며 원고 대표 마감일 2018년 4월 27일 임박" 7703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel regulator issues rules for acquiring credit card firms?,,"이스라엘 규제 당국, 신용 카드 회사 인수를 위한 규정 발표" 4090,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Powell: Economic risks are more balanced now?,,파월: 경제 위험이 이제 더 균형 잡혔다. 4443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Emerald Health Therapeutics Appoints Paul Dillman Jr. To Vice President Of Sales And Marketing?,,"브리프 - 에메랄드 헬스 테라퓨틱스, 폴 딜맨 주니어를 영업 및 마케팅 부사장으로 임명" 3106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TABLE-Ichigo Hotel Reit Investment-6 MTH forecast?,,TABLE-이치고 호텔 리츠 투자-6개월 전망 8521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dallas Mavericks investigating sexual misconduct claims detailed in 'Sports Illustrated' story?,,'스포츠 일러스트레이티드' 기사에 Detail된 성적 부정행위 주장에 대해 댈러스 매버릭스가 조사 중입니다. 981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How to trade Steve Wynn's departure: 4 picks?,,스티브 윈의 퇴사를 어떻게 거래할 것인가: 4가지 선택지? 6326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shaanxi Coal Owns 5.0 Percent Stake In Longi Green Energy Technology?,,"브리프 - 샨시 석탄, 롱이 녹색 에너지 기술에서 5.0% 지분 보유" 1782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dr.Reddy's Laboratories Updates on Re-inspection At Formulations Mfg Plant In Bachupally?,,"브리핑 - 드.레디스 연구소, 바춥алли의 제형 제조 공장에서의 재검사 업데이트." 3813,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Allosource & Stryker Launch Prochondrix CR, A Osteochondral Allograft?",,"브리핑 - 알로소스와 스트라이커, 오스테오콘드랄 동종이식편 프로콘드릭스 CR 출시" 7902,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Danger, Will Robinson! 'Lost in Space' finds new life on Netflix?",,"위험해, 로빈슨! '로스트 인 스페이스'가 넷플릭스에서 새로운 생명을 찾다?" 7598,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK improves offer to return devolved powers after Brexit, Scotland wants more?",,"영국, 브렉시트 이후 이양된 권한 반환 제안 개선; 스코틀랜드, 더 많은 권한 요구." 3245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Baltic index falls 10 pct this week on easing vessel rates?,,"발틱 지수, 선박 요금 하락으로 이번 주 10% 하락" 1942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump lawyer Michael Cohen expected at court hearing over searches?,,"""트럼프 변호사 마이클 코헨, 수색에 대한 법원 심리에 출석할 것으로 예상""" 7037,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Invesque Announces Upsize Of Previously Announced Private Placement?,,"BRIEF-인베스퀘, 이전에 발표된 사모 배치 확대 발표" 1724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thomson Reuters' FX trading volumes hit record in February?,,"톰슨 로이터의 외환 거래량, 2월에 기록 경신" 6839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asian shares regain ground as Trump faces pushback on tariffs?,,아시아 주식이 다시 오름세를 보이는 가운데 트럼프가 관세에 대한 반발에 직면하다. 9318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Xiaomi Said to Seek June 7 Listing Hearing for $10 Billion IPO?,,"샤오미, 100억 달러 IPO를 위한 6월 7일 상장 청문회 요청한다고 전해져." 4776,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM President: GM Korea restructuring talks have April 20 deadline?,,GM 사장: GM 코리아 구조조정 논의 4월 20일 마감 4343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diana Containerships Inc. the Date for Reporting the 2017 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Financial Results?,,다이애나 컨테이너십스 주식회사가 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표 날짜를 발표했습니다. 2703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former NYC Economic Development Corp Executive Joins Trinity?,,전 뉴욕시 경제 개발 공사 간부가 트리니티에 합류하다. 3875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-KBRwyle Awarded $34.1M To Help Air Force With Air Traffic Safety And Cyber Threats?,,"BRIEF-KBRwyle가 공군의 공항 교통 안전 및 사이버 위협 관리에 3,410만 달러를 수주했다." 3432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Territorial Bancorp Inc. Completes Seventh Repurchase Program?,,테리토리얼 뱅코프 주식회사가 일곱 번째 자사주 매입 프로그램을 완료했습니다. 5732,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BG Staffing, Inc. to Host Q4 and Fiscal Year-End Results Conference Call?",,"BG Staffing, Inc.가 4분기 및 회계 연도 종료 결과 콘퍼런스 콜을 개최합니다." 8092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar edges higher as bears grow wary; euro slips?,,"FOREX-달러 상승세, 약세론자들이 경계; 유로 하락" 6373,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour 250, Buenos Aires Men's Singles Final Rounds and Seeds Progress?",,"ATP 월드 투어 250, 부에노스 아이레스 남자 단식 결승 라운드 및 시드 진행 상황은 어떨까?" 6224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Obesity linked with disability after joint surgery?,,비만은 관절 수술 후 장애와 연관되어 있다는 기사 내용일 수 있습니다. 7871,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian spy chief blames U.S., British agencies for Skripal poisoning?",,"러시아 정보 수장, 스크리팔 중毒 사건에 대해 미국과 영국 기관을 비난하다." 6027,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LPGA Rankings?,,LPGA 순위에 대한 뉴스 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: 6075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jailed former head of Turkey's pro-Kurdish opposition says fair election impossible?,,"투옥된 터키 친 쿠르드 야당 전 지도자, 공정한 선거는 불가능하다고 말하다." 4720,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ""Goldilocks"" jobs report fueling Wall Street, says Kristina Hooper?",,"""골디락스"" 고용 보고서가 월가를 부추긴다고 크리스티나 후퍼가 말하다." 7916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Super League summaries?,,슈퍼리그 요약 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 6869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merit Medical Announces Leadership Change and Appointment of Interim CFO?,,"메리트 메디컬, 리더십 변화 및 임시 CFO 임명 발표" 9998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Azerbaijan skyscraper that bore Donald Trump's name catches fire - Ifax?,,아제르바이잔의 도널드 트럼프 이름을 건 마천루 화재 발생 - 이팍스 8066,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. backs EU Iran sanctions push, warns firms against Tehran trade?",,"미국, EU의 이란 제재 추진 지지하며 기업들에 테헤란과의 거래 경고" 7696,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Entire USA Gymnastics board to resign in wake of sex abuse scandal?,,"전국 체조 협회 이사회, 성폭력 스캔들에 따른 사퇴 결정" 6876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple CEO Tim Cook Calls Ads That Chase You Across the Web 'Creepy' - Fortune?,,"애플 CEO 팀 쿡, '웹에서 당신을 쫓아 다니는 광고는 소름 끼친다'고 언급 - 포춘" 4763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook severs ties with data brokers?,,"페이스북, 데이터 중개업체와의 관계 단절" 2828,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'World War III' worries me more than sanctions do, says VTB Bank chief?",,'세계 3차 대전'이 제재보다 더 걱정된다고 VTB 은행장이 말하다. 2375,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emboldened by #MeToo, 'mad as hell' women take spotlight at Cosby retrial?",,#MeToo에 힘입어 '분노한' 여성들이 코스비 재판에서 조명을 받다 3394,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT: Stephen Hawking's Cambridge funeral?,,INSIGHT: 스티븐 호킹의 케임브리지 장례식? 6076,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: James notches triple-double, Cavs pull away late vs. Mavs?",,"제임스가 트리플 더블을 기록하며, 캐벌리어스가 매버릭스와의 경기에서 후반에 확실히 앞서 나갔다." 4261,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Prudential Malaysia unit in talks with pension fund KWAP to sell 30 pct stake-sources?,,"REFILE-프루덴셜 말레이시아 자회사, 30% 지분 매각 위해 연기금 KWAP과 협상 중-소식통" 4955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-JT signs contract worth 661.1 mln won?,,"브리프-제이티, 661.1만 원 규모의 계약 체결" 5651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harsco Corporation Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2017 Results?,,"하스코 코퍼레이션, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고" 2930,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: To get rich would be glorious escape from pointless life, says young Chinese student?",,부자가 되는 것은 무의미한 삶에서의 화려한 탈출이 될 것이라고 말한 젊은 중국 학생. 1973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TECNOGLASS REPORTS FIRST QUARTER 2018 RESULTS?,,"테크노글라스, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 9848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-UAE end Zimbabwe's World Cup dream with three run win?,,"크리켓 - UAE, 3점 차로 짐바브웨의 월드컵 꿈을 끝내다" 4716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kofola sees 2018 EBITDA above 1 billion crowns (CZK 950 mln in 2017)?,,Kofola는 2018년 EBITDA가 10억 크로나를 초과할 것으로 예상하며(2017년에는 9억 5천만 크로나). 2583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: /C O R R E C T I O N -- American Woodmark Corporation/?,,/C O R R E C T I O N -- American Woodmark Corporation/의 뉴스 기사 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다. 753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dova Pharmaceuticals Says Co's Unit And PBM Capital Group Agreed To Terminate Services Agreement?,,"브리프 - 도바 제약 회사, 자회사와 PBM 캐피탈 그룹이 서비스 계약 종료에 합의했다고 발표." 4271,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sysco Declares Quarterly Dividend Payment?,,"시스코, 분기 배당금 지급 발표" 380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DriveNow deal paves way for BMW-Daimler alliance: source?,,DriveNow 거래가 BMW-다임러 동맹의 길을 열어준다는 소식: 정보원 6000,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microchip Technology in talks to buy Microsemi - source?,,"마이크로칩 테크놀로지, 마이크로세미 인수 협상 중 - 소식통" 8879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Drone racing - Allianz extends sponsorship of Drone Racing League?,,"드론 레이싱 - 알리안츠, 드론 레이싱 리그 후원 연장" 2261,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Tennis-Chung stuns Djokovic in Australian Open?,,"UPDATE 1-테니스-정현, 호주 오픈에서 노바크 조코비치를 놀라게 하다" 2422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Many women uninformed about breast cancer surgery options?,,많은 여성들이 유방암 수술 선택사항에 대해 잘 모르고 있다. 4245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Coima Res SpA Siiq Q1 Net Profit At EUR 3.4 Million?,,BRIEF-Coima Res SpA Siiq 1분기 순이익 340만 유로 9469,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S&P Global Finalizes Acquisition of Panjiva, Inc.?",,"S&P 글로벌, 판지바(Panjiva, Inc.) 인수 완료" 6096,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. says Myanmar denial of ethnic cleansing is 'preposterous'?,,"미국, 미얀마의 인종 청소 부인 '터무니없다'고 말해" 1535,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman Sachs: 'Not bullish on oil prices but bullish on returns'?,,골드만 삭스: '유가에 낙관적이지 않지만 수익에 낙관적이다' 5950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gary Cohn Net Worth: One of Highest in Trump Administration | Fortune?,,게리 콘 순자산: 트럼프 행정부에서 가장 높은 수준 중 하나 | 포ーチュ니스 325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Get back in here!' Sandy Hook lessons spared lives in Florida shooting?,,'다시 들어와!' 샌디 훅의 교훈이 플로리다 총격에서 생명을 구했다? 5308,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grand Slam, French Open Mixed Doubles Seeds Progress?",,"그랜드 슬램, 프랑스 오픈 혼합 복식 시드 진출" 947,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mabion To Get 63.3 Mln Zloty Subsidy For R&D Centre Enlargement?,,"브리프-마비온, R&D 센터 확장을 위해 6,330만 즈워티 보조금 수령 예정" 4335,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macy’s Shares Jump on Signs That a Turnaround Is Working?,,"메이시의 주가, 턴어라운드 조짐에 상승세 보여" 3018,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opening Bell, December 16 2018?",,"""2018년 12월 16일 개장 벨""" 2291,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Let's talk': Japan hopes low-key strategy averts U.S. trade flare-up?,,"""얘기해보자"": 일본, 미국과의 무역 마찰 회피를 위한 저자세 전략 희망" 918,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Medreleaf Announces Upsize Of Previously Announced Offering?,,"브리프 - 메드리리프, 이전에 발표한 공모 확대 발표" 4973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atlanta Fed trims U.S. first-quarter GDP growth view below 2 percent?,,"애틀랜타 연방준비은행, 미국 1분기 GDP 성장 전망 2% 이하로 조정" 317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AT&T Inc. Announces Expiration Of Its Cash Offers?,,AT&T Inc. 현금 제안 만료 발표 90,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK drinks wholesaler Conviviality close to administration?,,영국 음료 도매업체인 Conviviality가 관리 중단에 가까워졌다? 232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cimarex Energy Co Says CEO Thomas Jorden's FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $11.1 Mln?,,BRIEF-시마렉스 에너지(주)는 CEO 토마스 조던의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 1110만 달러라고 발표했습니다. 2317,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Emerging stocks set for 6th week of gains, yuan at 2-yr high?",,"EMERGING MARKETS-신흥 주식, 6주 연속 상승 예상, 위안화 2년 최고치에 도달?" 6973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow falls back into correction territory?,,다우지수가 수정 구간으로 다시 하락하다 1714,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia says coach mistreated by Canadian, fears Games prejudice?",,"러시아, 코치가 캐나다인에게 학대를 당했다고 말하며 올림픽에서 편견을 우려하다." 230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OvaScience to Host Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results Conference Call?,,"오바사이언스, 2017 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 5037,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grupo Elektra Reports 6% EBITDA Growth to Ps.4,397 Million in 1Q18?",,"Grupo Elektra는 1Q18에서 Ps.4,397 백만의 EBITDA 성장을 6% 보고했습니다." 1769,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Now is the best time to invest in bitcoin, says digital currency hedge-fund manager - CoinRoundup?",,디지털 통화 헤지 펀드 매니저가 말하는 비트코인에 투자하기에 지금이 최고의 시점 - 코인라운드업 3307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How JPMorgan Will Spend a Big Chunk of Its Tax Windfall?,,JPMorgan이 세금 환급의 큰 부분을 어떻게 사용할 것인지? 3190,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Westwood Holdings Group, Inc. Reports Fourth and Fiscal Year 2017 Results?",,"웨스트우드 홀딩스 그룹, Inc. 2017년 4분기 및 회계연도 결과 보고" 4684,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Melinta Therapeutics Pricing of Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"멜린타 테라퓨틱스, 일반 주식 공개 매도 가격 책정" 8557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mediacom Communications Reports Combined Results for First Quarter 2018?,,"미디어콤 커뮤니케이션즈, 2018년 첫 분기 통합 결과 발표" 9757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Figure skating: Tennell leads U.S. champs after short program?,,"피겨 스케이팅: 테넬, 쇼트 프로그램에서 미국 챔피언십 선두!" 7822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UAE's Mubadala to take stake in subsidiary of Russia's Gazprom?,,"UPDATE 1-아랍에미리트의 무바달라, 러시아 가스프롬 자회사 지분 인수 계획" 8528,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Killing of aid workers in Nigeria a setback for troubled crisis response?,,"""나이지리아에서 구호 작업자 살해, 어려운 위기 대응에 대한 후퇴""" 6802,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan raps Coincheck, orders broader checks after $530 mln cryptocurrency theft?",,"일본, 5억 3천만 달러 암호화폐 도난 사건 이후 Coincheck 비난, 광범위한 검사를 명령하다." 4865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. House Speaker Ryan hopes Trump will consider other approaches to steel tariff?,,"미국 하원 의장 라이언, 트럼프가 철강 관세에 대해 다른 접근 방식을 고려하길 희망한다." 3323,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: With world's worst air, Indian city struggles to track pollution?",,"세계에서 가장 나쁜 공기를 가진 인도 도시, 오염 추적에 애쓰다" 7886,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis - Schwartzman, Verdasco win semis to set up Rio Open final?",,"테니스 - 슈바르츠만, 베르다스코가 준결승에서 승리하며 리오 오픈 결승 진출" 2280,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WSJ's Akane Otani: There is a culture of reluctance, a lot of people don't want to be in stocks?",,"WSJ의 아카네 오타니: 주식에 투자하고 싶어하지 않는 사람들이 많고, 꺼려하는 문화가 있다?" 237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: [$$] Your Phone Is the Best Computer You Own---So Use It More?,,당신의 전화기가 당신이 소유한 최고의 컴퓨터입니다---그러니 더 많이 사용하세요. 7192,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brainstorm Health: Roche Buys Flatiron, FDA Alzheimer's Guidance, Flu Vaccine Effectiveness | Fortune?",,"브레인스톰 헬스: 로슈, 플랫아이언 인수; FDA 알츠하이머 가이드라인; 독감 백신 효과성 | 포춘" 6729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank's U.S. business deemed 'troubled' by Fed - WSJ?,,연준에 의해 '문제가 있는' 것으로 판단된 도이치 뱅크의 미국 사업 - WSJ 6930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Citi makes Intel a ‘top pick’ because of chipmaker's booming corporate sales?,,"시티, 반도체 제조업체의 급증하는 기업 판매 덕분에 인텔을 '최고 추천주'로 선정하다" 864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VT Industrial Technology proposes 2017 dividend payment plan?,,"VT 산업기술, 2017년 배당금 지급 계획 제안" 9600,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Don't chase the market, 'counterpunch' it, says pro?",,"전문가가 말하는 ""시장을 쫓지 말고, '카운터펀치'하라""" 1426,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: March seasonal turnaround for crude around the corner?,,3월 원유의 계절적 전환이 다가오고 있다. 6534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Comdirect Bank Q1 Pre-Tax Profit At EUR 29.3 Mln?,,"브리프 - Comdirect 은행, 1분기 세전 이익 2,930만 유로." 4938,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Surge in imports helps curb U.S. economic growth in fourth quarter?,,수입 급증이 4분기 미국 경제 성장 둔화에 기여하다. 4264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm to meet China regulators in push to clear $44 bln NXP deal- sources?,,"퀄컴, 440억 달러 NXP 거래 승인을 위해 중국 규제 당국과 회의 예정 - 소식통" 3953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peru confirm captain Guerrero in World Cup squad?,,"페루, 월드컵 대표팀 명단에 수비수 게레로 포함 확인" 860,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Automakers' March U.S. sales rise, lifted by strong economy?",,자동차 제조업체들의 3월 미국 판매가 강한 경제 덕분에 증가하다. 3767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-ICC investigating another corruption scandal?,,크리켓-ICC가 또 다른 부패 스캔들을 조사하고 있다. 1432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York's Westminster Show: Where 'Good Dog!' is not good enough?,,뉴욕의 웨스트민스터 쇼: '좋은 개!'는 충분하지 않다? 5604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oscar nominees ride publicity bounce at box office?,,오스카 후보들이 박스오피스에서 홍보 효과를 누리다 4732,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Black Panther Box Office Sales Prompt Disney to Donate $1M | Fortune?,,블랙 팬서 박스 오피스 매출이 디즈니로 하여금 100만 달러 기부를 촉구하다 | 포춘 9396,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Austria's Hirscher says second gold ""worth its weight in gold""?",,"""오스트리아의 히르셔, 두 번째 금메달이 '금의 가치가 있다'고 말하다""" 2577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roche names Pao head of drugs research and early development?,,"로슈, 파오를 의약품 연구 및 초기 개발 책임자로 임명" 4378,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China stocks extend gains, start-ups shine?",,중국 주식이 상승세를 이어가며 스타트업이 주목받고 있다. 4401,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VTech® Electronics North America Appoints New President?,,"VTech® 전자 북미, 새로운 사장 임명" 4275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least 17 killed in Mozambique capital as pile of garbage collapses?,,모잠비크 수도에서 쓰레기 더미가 무너져 적어도 17명이 사망했다. 6388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Consumer Borrowing Costs Edge Higher as Fed Keeps Raising Rates?,,소비자 대출 비용이 상승하며 연준이 금리를 계속 인상하고 있다. 11,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coffee is now a symbol of Germany's immigration debate?,,"""커피가 이제 독일 이민 논쟁의 상징이 되었다""" 1388,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Balbec Capital, LP Closes Third Global Credit Fund at $727 Million?",,"발벡 캐피탈, LP, 7억 2700만 달러 규모의 제3 글로벌 크레딧 펀드 종료" 7527,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: iKang Enters into Definitive Merger Agreement for Going Private Transaction?,,"iKang, 비상장 거래를 위한 최종 합병 계약 체결" 9648,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Can America Grow Like It Used To??,,미국은 예전처럼 성장할 수 있을까? 6223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Pakistan gets Windies boost with T20 series in Karachi?,,"크리켓-파키스탄, 카라치에서 기니와의 T20 시리즈로 힘을 얻다." 4054,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ASV Holdings COO To Retire?,,BRIEF-ASV 홀딩스 COO 은퇴 예정 9285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Haula sends Knights past Sabres in shootout?,,"하울라, 슈팅게임에서 세이버스를 제치고 기사단을 이끌다." 7135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twilio to Announce First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 8?,,"트윌리오, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 5월 8일에 발표할 예정" 3150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gt Capital Says Former Company VP Richel Mendoza Has Transferred To Company Unit Federal Land To Become Its Financial Controller?,,브리프 - Gt Capital은 전 회사 부사장 리켈 멘도사가 회사 부문 연방 토지로 이전하여 재무 관리자 역할을 맡았다고 발표했습니다. 7936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett: Berkshire Hathaway Won't Buy Microsoft Stock | Fortune?,,"워런 버핏: 버크셔 해서웨이, 마이크로소프트 주식 구매하지 않을 것 | 포춘" 1538,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Verizon's Oath signs distribution deal with Samsung?,,"버라이즌의 오스(Oath), 삼성과 배급 계약 체결" 3972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy - Factors to watch on March 7?,,이탈리아 - 3월 7일 주목해야 할 요소들 250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former U.S. Olympians tell Congress more reforms needed in gymnastics?,,전직 미국 올림픽 선수들이 체조에서 더 많은 개혁이 필요하다고 의회에 말하다. 4975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sudan extends ceasefire with rebels through end-March - SUNA agency?,,"수단, 반군과의 휴전 연장 - SUNA 기관을 통해 3월 말까지" 8466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italian bond yields at 3 pct do not compensate for risk - PIMCO?,,이탈리아 채권 수익률이 3%로 리스크에 대한 보상이 되지 않는다 - PIMCO? 8676,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Medicine Man Technologies Provides Q1 2018 Financial Outlook, New Client Updates?",,"브리핑 - 메디cine 맨 테크놀로지스, 2018년 1분기 재무 전망 및 신규 고객 업데이트 제공" 4173,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Airlines cracks down on trip hoarding and selling among flight attendants?,,"미국 항공사 아메리칸 항공, 승무원 간 여행 예약 몰아주기 및 판매 단속 강화" 3597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Eagles settle lawsuit against Hotel California?,,"이글스, 호텔 캘리포니아와의 소송 합의" 3337,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motorcycling-Malaysian Syahrin to race for Tech3 Yamaha in MotoGP?,,"모터사이클-말레이시아의 시하린, MotoGP에서 테크3 야마하와 함께 레이스를 하다." 2359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Americas Silver Says Consolidated Production ‍Guidance For 2018 Is 1.6 Mln To 2 Mln Silver Ounces?,,"브리프-아메리카스 실버, 2018년 통합 생산 가이던스는 160만에서 200만 온스의 은이라고 발표." 5278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Sierra Leone says relations with IMF normal after suspended payout?,,"REFILE-시에라리온, 유예된 지급 이후 IMF와의 관계가 정상이라고 발표하다." 4407,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Farfetch set for a $6 billion IPO, has hired bankers?",,"파페치, 60억 달러 IPO에 대비하며 투자은행가들을 고용하다." 836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Equinix Inc CEO's 2017 Compensation Was $12.7 Million?,,"BRIEF-에퀴닉스 Inc CEO의 2017년 보상은 1,270만 달러였다." 7647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Legg Mason Reports Assets Under Management And Flows For April?,,"BRIEF-레그 메이슨, 4월 자산 운용 및 유입 보고" 2628,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WOW! Names Matt Bell to Executive Management Team as Chief Technology Officer?,,와우! Matt Bell을 최고 기술 책임자로 임명하여 경영진 팀에 합류시킵니다. 7680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mylan N.V. says Director Wendy Cameron To Retire From Board After 2018 AGM?,,Mylan N.V.는 이사 Wendy Cameron이 2018년 주주총회 이후 이사회에서 은퇴할 것이라고 발표했다. 8177,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China, the highly problematic savior of the global aluminum market? Andy Home?",,"중국, 세계 알루미늄 시장의 매우 문제적인 구세주? 앤디 홈?" 8490,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: The market wants an end to anything 'trade'?,,크래머: 시장은 모든 '무역'의 끝을 원하고 있다? 2696,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Party City Reschedules Date of Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release and Conference Call to March 9, 2018 Due to Severe Weather Expected in Northeast?",,"파티 시티, 북동부에서 예상되는 폭설로 인해 2018년 3월 9일로 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 날짜를 연기하다." 6747,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wheelchair-bound athlete honored for climbing up mountain?,,휠체어를 탄 운동선수가 산을 올라가며 표창받다. 7820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - China's rebound misses serious foreign money?,,속보 - 중국의 반등이 심각한 외국 자금을 놓치고 있다? 4206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nordson Corporation Declares Third Quarter Dividend for Fiscal Year 2018?,,"노드손 코퍼레이션, 2018 회계연도 3분기 배당금 선언" 5027,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter 2017 Results (Unaudited)?",,"퍼시픽 프리미어 뱅코프, Inc. 2017년 4분기 결과 발표(감사되지 않음)" 8012,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lanka's ex-leader Rajapaksa seeks fresh elections after council vote boost?,,"스리랑카의 전 지도자 라자팍사, 위원회 투표 호조 이후 새로운 선거 요청" 9203,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Foreign direct investment in Mauritius up 4.2 pct in 2017-central bank?,,모리셔스의 외국인 직접 투자가 2017년 중앙은행에서 4.2% 증가했다고 발표했다. 7011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: More pullbacks ahead but bull market intact says Randy Watts?,,랜디 왓츠가 말하는 더 많은 조정이 예상되지만 황소 시장은 유지된다. 5245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Woman on the US Quarter? Two Lawmakers Want It To Happen | Fortune?,,A Woman on the US Quarter? 두 명의 의원이 이를 추진하고 싶어 합니다 | 포춘 6150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kayako Acquired by ESW Capital?,,카야코가 ESW 캐피탈에 인수되다 8496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Belichick’s winning Super Bowl battle plan?,,벨리칙의 슈퍼볼 승리 전술 계획? 4451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Medical Developments International Says ‍Penthrox Approved For Sale In Austria​?,,BRIEF-의료 발전 국제회사가 페인트록스가 오스트리아에서 판매 승인되었다고 발표했습니다. 6309,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kansas militia members wanted to kill Muslims, send message - prosecutor?",,캔자스 민병대원들이 무슬림을 죽이고 메시지를 보내고자 했다고 검사들이 전했다. 6440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain should choose hard Brexit if no financial services deal: Farage?,,영국은 금융 서비스 협상이 없으면 경-(하드) 브렉시트를 선택해야 한다: 파라지? 9741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Taiwan's Quanta Computer Says March Sales Down 2.65 Percent Y/Y?,,"타이완의 쿼타 컴퓨터, 3월 매출이 전년 대비 2.65% 감소했다고 발표." 1351,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Education Resources Inc. Reports Q1 2018 Financial Results?,,"중국 교육 자원 주식회사, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 4061,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HarborOne Bancorp, Inc. To Acquire Coastway Bancorp, Inc.?",,"하버원 뱅코프, 인크.가 코스트웨이 뱅코프, 인크.를 인수한다." 7909,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frontera Provides Notice of First Quarter 2018 Financial Results and Conference Call?,,"프론테라, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 및 컨퍼런스 콜 공지 발표" 1816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commodities tomorrow: Jobs and trade war talk take toll on crude?,,내일의 원자재: 일자리 및 무역 전쟁 이야기로 인해 원유에 타격이 가해지다? 3260,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Huma Abedin’s Forwarded Passwords and Trump’s Call for Jail?,,휴마 아베딘의 전달된 비밀번호와 트럼프의 감옥에 대한 호출? 8681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FIFA proposes staging a new mini-world cup every two years - FIFA document?,,FIFA가 매 2년마다 새로운 미니 월드컵을 개최하는 방안을 제안하다 - FIFA 문서? 7966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Euro zone yields rise as U.S. policymakers talk up inflation?,,"UPDATE 3-유로존 수익률 상승, 미국 정책 입안자들이 인플레이션을 강조하다" 443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-1-800-Flowers.com Inc Reports Q2 Earnings Per Share $1.06?,,"브리프-1-800-Flowers.com Inc, 2분기 주당순이익 $1.06 보고." 7465,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Millennial workers prefer purpose-driven companies, says Deloitte’s CEO?",,밀레니얼 세대 노동자들은 목적 지향적인 회사를 선호한다고 델로이트 CEO가 말하다. 2037,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CF Industries Holdings, Inc. Reports First Quarter Net Earnings of $63 Million, EBITDA of $302 Million, Adjusted EBITDA of $296 Million?",,"CF Industries Holdings, Inc.가 첫 분기 순이익 6천3백만 달러, EBITDA 3억 2백만 달러, 조정 EBITDA 2억 9천6백만 달러를 보고했습니다." 828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-S.Africa's rand stumbles to 2-week low as Fed jitters kick-in?,,"업데이트 1-남아프리카공화국 랜드, 연준 긴장감으로 2주 만에 최저치로 하락" 5773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kuwait invites Philippine president to visit amid workers row?,,"쿠웨이트, 노동자 문제로 필리핀 대통령에게 방문 초대" 3765,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Force India F1 team play down sale speculation?,,"포스 인디아 F1 팀, 매각 추측에 대한 억제를 나서다." 3385,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Idera Pharmaceuticals Enters Into A Clinical Development Support Agreement With Pillar Partners Foundation?,,"아이데라 제약, 필러 파트너스 재단과 임상 개발 지원 계약 체결" 1451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar drops as investors remain edgy before US inflation data?,,"FOREX-달러, 미국 인플레이션 데이터 발표를 앞두고 투자자들이 불안해하면서 하락." 8510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Audi CEO says diesel crisis not over and vows to stay on: report?,,"아우디 CEO, 디젤 위기가 끝나지 않았다고 말하며 계속 재직하겠다고 다짐: 보도" 5316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MCR Acquires an All-Star Hotel Lineup at the University of Illinois?,,MCR이 일리노이 대학교에서 올스타 호텔 라인업을 인수하다. 4669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tension in Rohingya camps as return plan is delayed?,,로힝야 난민 캠프에서 귀환 계획 지연으로 인한 긴장 고조 4639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Caravan' migrants weigh staying in Mexico or risking U.S. expulsion?,,'카라반' 이주민들이 멕시코에 머무를지 미국 추방의 위험을 감수할지 고민 중 7485,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Tokyo meeting, officials seek to forge ahead with TPP — even as Canada wavers?",,도쿄 회의에서 관계자들은 캐나다가 망설이는 가운데 TPP를 진전시키고자 노력하고 있다. 9019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Shanghai Sept crude oil futures rise 3 pct on petro yuan scheme?,,"업데이트 1-상하이 9월 원유 선물 3% 상승, 페트로 위안화 계획 영향" 4760,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German mosque must stop broadcasting call to prayer, court finds?",,독일 모스크는 기도 호출 방송을 중단해야 한다고 법원이 판결했다. 6958,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Rusal escaped the noose of U.S. sanctions?,,러셀이 미국 제재의 굴레를 어떻게 피해갔는가? 9712,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ahead of U.S. budget battle, GOP flips 'fiscal' script?",,"미국 예산 전투를 앞두고, 공화당이 '재정' 각본을 뒤집다." 7475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intesa Sanpaulo approves 3.6 bln euro deal with Intrum Justitia?,,"인테사 상파울로, 인트럼 저스티티와 36억 유로 거래 승인" 8053,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says he still likes Gary Cohn, might come back to the White House - Top10 World?",,트럼프는 여전히 개리 콘을 좋아한다고 말하며 백악관으로 돌아올 수 있다고 전했다 - Top10 World 5854,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Porn star Stormy Daniels' lawyer asks federal court to depose Trump and Cohen?,,포르노 스타 스톰이 다니엘스의 변호사가 연방 법원에 트럼프와 코헨을 증인 소환해 달라고 요청했다. 4852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paris attacks suspect faces Belgian trial over Brussels shoot-out?,,"파리 테러 용의자, 브뤼셀 총격 사건에 대한 벨기에 재판에 직면하다." 4219,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aptar Reports Fourth Quarter and Annual Results; Announces Business Transformation Plan Details; Affirms Long-Term Financial Targets?,,"Aptar가 4분기 및 연간 실적을 보고하고, 사업 혁신 계획 세부사항을 발표하며, 장기 재무 목표를 확약합니다." 8068,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cash levels are low globally, warns strategist?",,전략가가 경고한 바와 같이 전 세계적으로 현금 수준이 낮다. 7577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU says Bayer Monsanto must not hurt competition in digital farming - paper?,,EU는 바이엘 몬산토가 디지털 농업 분야에서 경쟁을 해치지 않아야 한다고 밝혔습니다 - 기사 3697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Apple Says Will Offer $50 Credit To Those Who Paid For Battery Replacements On Iphone 6 Or Later?,,"BRIEF-애플, 아이폰 6 이상 모델의 배터리 교체 비용을 지불한 사용자에게 50달러 크레딧 제공 예정 발표" 6743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Allianz: Allianz Suisse To Buy Das Rechtsschutz (Schweiz)?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""BRIEF-Allianz: Allianz Suisse To Buy Das Rechtsschutz (Schweiz)""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: Allianz Suisse가 Das Rechtsschutz (Schweiz)를 인수하기로 결정했다는 내용이 포함될 것으로 보이며, 거래의 세부사항, 인수의 목적, 예상되는 영향, 시장 반응 및 관련 통계 등에 대한 정보가 포함될 수 있습니다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. 뉴스 기사 제목 ""BRIEF-Allianz: Allianz Suisse To Buy Das Rechtsschutz (Schweiz)""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: Allianz Suisse가 Das Rechtsschutz (Schweiz)를 인수하기로 결정했다는 내용이 포함될 것으로 보이며, 거래의 세부사항, 인수의 목적, 예상되는 영향, 시장 반응 및 관련 통계 등에 대한 정보가 포함될 수 있습니다." 5698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chino Commercial Bancorp 20% Stock Dividend?,,치노 상업 은행 20% 주식 배당금? 499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Garden Bio-chemical High-tech proposes 2017 dividend payment?,,BRIEF-Zhejiang Garden Bio-chemical High-tech에서 2017년 배당금 지급을 제안했습니다. 4604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The brain makes waves at CES tech show?,,CES 기술 쇼에서 뇌가 파장을 일으킨다? 6671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dividend stripping deprives Germany of £4.69 billion in tax - report?,,배당 탈세로 독일이 46억 9천만 파운드의 세금을 잃었다 - 보고서. 5556,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysian makeover: At 92, Mahathir seeks to be PM again?",,"말레이시아의 변신: 92세의 마하티르, 다시 총리가 되려 한다?" 9772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Arabia's National Commercial Bank changes CEO?,,"사우디 아라비아의 국가 상업 은행, CEO 교체" 8633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Economy - Big time politics to overshadow ECB?,,글로벌 경제 - 큰 정치가 ECB(유럽 중앙은행)를 가릴 것인가? 8257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TakeOver 2018 Announces 40+ Speaker Lineup for their Second Annual Conference?,,"TakeOver 2018, 두 번째 연례 회의를 위한 40명 이상의 발표자 라인업 발표" 3514,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices hit highest in years as markets adjust to looming sanctions on Iran?,,유가는 이란의 다가오는 제재에 시장이 대응하면서 수년 만에 최고치에 도달했다. 8357,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss prosecutors help Italians, Dutch in Nigerian oil probes?",,"스위스 검찰, 이탈리아와 네덜란드의 나이지리아 석유 조사 지원" 7089,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cuomo Urges Tax-Code Tweaks to Offset Federal Overhaul’s Impact?,,"쿠오모, 연방 개편의 영향을 상쇄하기 위한 세법 조정 촉구" 1803,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BGEO Says Georgia Capital Acquires Georgian Wine Producer?,,BGEO는 조지아 캐피탈이 조지아 와인 생산업체를 인수했다고 발표했습니다. 3108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prosecutors Consider Charging Iranian Cleric in German Hospital?,,독일 병원에서 이란 성직자 기소를 고려하는 검찰 1974,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street gains in choppy trade?,,"월스트리트, 변동성이 큰 거래 속에서 상승하다" 6732,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brave Chihuahua from Italian crime movie wins Palm Dog?,,"이탈리아 범죄 영화의 용감한 치와와, 팜 독(Palm Dog) 수상" 6020,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emerald Expositions Events, Inc. Announces Pricing of Secondary Offering of Common Stock?",,"에메랄드 엑스포지션스 이벤트 주식회사, 일반 주식의 2차 공모 가격 책정 발표" 4279,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: bonds, deals?",,"""채권, 거래""라는 제목을 가진 뉴스 기사들의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 6200,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gentex Announces Capital Allocation Strategy, Additional Share Repurchase Authorization and 10% Increase in Quarterly Cash Dividend?",,"젠텍스, 자본 할당 전략 발표, 추가 자사주 매입 승인 및 분기 배당금 10% 인상" 1589,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Schaeffler has e-mobility orders worth $1.25 bln -Automobilwoche?,,"""Schaeffler, 전기차 이동성에 대해 12억 5천만 달러의 주문을 보유하다 - Automobilwoche""" 5720,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ArcelorMittal South Africa to sell stake in Macsteel, shares rise?",,"아르셀로미탈 남아프리카, 맥스틸 지분 매각 계획 발표, 주가 상승" 8651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Lender IPF unveils competitive European home credit rates?,,"재파일-대출기관 IPF, 경쟁력 있는 유럽 주택 신용 금리 공개" 7693,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says it will limit oil, refined product exports to North Korea?",,"중국, 북한에 대한 석유 및 정제된 제품 수출 제한을 발표하다" 8037,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syria denies U.S. claims it used chemical weapons used against rebel-held areas?,,"시리아, 반군 점령 지역에 화학무기 사용한 미국의 주장 부인" 384,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mitsubishi Motors North America Reports January 2018 Sales Of 8,480 Units Sold, Up 31.3 Pct Over January 2017?",,"브리프 - 미쓰비시 자동차 북미, 2018년 1월 판매량 8,480대 발표, 2017년 1월 대비 31.3% 증가." 8344,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's Iran decision puts Iraq leaders to the test?,,트럼프의 이란 결정이 이라크 지도자들에게 시험대에 올랐다. 1368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Primero Extends Revolving Credit Facility To Facilitate Closing Of Arrangement With First Majestic?,,"BRIEF-프리메로, 퍼스트 마제스틱과의 합의 마무리를 위한 회전 신용 시설 연장" 5519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-Saudi’s Alawwal Bank leaps on merger news in generally soft Gulf?,,"중동 주식 - 사우디 알와왈 은행, 합병 소식에 급등; 일반적으로 부진한 걸프 시장 속에서" 8788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Hamilton says Vettel broke the safety car re-start rules?,,"모터 레이싱: 해밀턴, 베텔이 안전차 재시작 규칙을 위반했다고 말하다?" 6491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration's infrastructure plan taking shape?,,트럼프 행정부의 인프라 계획이 구체화되고 있다. 6128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk Dares to Go Where Others Failed With Internet From Space?,,"일론 머스크, 다른 이들이 실패한 곳에서 우주 인터넷에 도전하다." 7446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AT&T-Time Warner Trial’s Early Focus: Are Turner Channels Must-Haves??,,AT&T-타임워너 재판의 초기 초점: 터너 채널은 필수인가? 2698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-UPDATE 2-Fiat Chrysler close to completing turnaround as truck push lifts margins?,,"RPT-업데이트 2-피아트 크라이슬러, 트럭 판매 증가로 마진을 높이며 턴어라운드 완료에 가까워져" 1827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-BRIEF-Kuehne Und Nagel Q1 Group EBIT Up 12.9% At CHF 236 Million?,,"REFILE-브리핑-쿠네 앤 나겔 1분기 그룹 EBIT 12.9% 증가, 2억 3,600만 스위스 프랑" 8780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: May tells Tusk EU draft legal text would undermine the UK?,,"메이, 투스크에게 EU 초안 법률 문서가 영국에 해를 끼칠 것이라고 전달." 671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liquidators to wind down U.S. department store chain Bon-Ton?,,액면 자산가액을 재조정하는 미국 백화점 체인 Bon-Ton에 대한 청산자들. 2136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York REIT Announces Results for First Quarter 2018?,,"뉴욕 REIT, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표" 1401,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Woods' best golf will never be repeated, says Mickelson?",,"골프-미켈슨 ""우즈의 최고의 골프는 다시는 반복되지 않을 것""" 4596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil dips away from three-year highs on signs of overheated market?,,Oil dips away from three-year highs on signs of overheated market. 2494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reuters President and Editor-in-Chief Stephen J. Adler on World Press Freedom Day?,,"로이터社의 사장 겸 편집장인 스티븐 J. 애들러, 세계 언론 자유의 날에 대해語하다" 5916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Britain's FTSE climbs to 7-week high as financials rise?,,"UPDATE 1-영국 FTSE, 금융주 상승으로 7주 최고치 기록" 294,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ALPINE TOTAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (NYSE: AOD), ALPINE GLOBAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (NYSE: AGD) and ALPINE GLOBAL PREMIER PROPERTIES FUND (NYSE: AWP) DECLARE REGULAR MONTHLY DISTRIBUTIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2018?",,"ALPINE TOTAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (NYSE: AOD), ALPINE GLOBAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (NYSE: AGD) 및 ALPINE GLOBAL PREMIER PROPERTIES FUND (NYSE: AWP)가 2018년 2월에 대한 정기 월 배당금을 발표했습니다." 8058,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: The bears are wrong about cruise ship stocks?,,크레이머의 번개 라운드: 곰들이 크루즈선 주식에 대해 잘못했다? 6097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SNB's Jordan sticks to policies despite franc at 1.20 per euro -paper?,,"""스위스 국립은행(SNB) 조르당, 유로당 1.20 스위스 프랑에도 정책 고수 - 신문""" 5965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unilever Nigeria calls shareholder vote over sale of spreads business?,,"유니레버 나이지리아, 스프레드 사업 매각을 위한 주주 투표 소집" 2187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BOJ's Kuroda keeps pledge to maintain massive stimulus?,,BOJ(일본은행)의 구로다가 대규모 통화자극 유지 약속을 지키다. 5914,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quidel Receives 510(k) Clearance for QuickVue® Influenza A+B Test, Assay Meets FDA’s Class II RIDT Requirements?",,"Quidel이 QuickVue® 인플루엔자 A+B 검사에 대해 510(k) 승인을 받았다, 검사 FDA의 클래스 II RIDT 요구 사항을 충족하다?" 1168,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israeli air force gives Tel Aviv a scare as Syria tensions flare?,,이스라엘 공군이 시리아 긴장이 고조됨에 따라 텔아비브에 공포를 안기다 2416,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Dessert That Never Fails to Comfort: Tres Leche Cake?,,결코 위안을 주지 않는 디저트: 트레스 레체 케이크? 670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel: Important issues still to be agreed upon?,,메르켈: 아직 합의해야 할 중요한 문제들이 있다. 7262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ClearCaptions® Welcomes Chief Operating Officer Corrine Perritano?,,ClearCaptions®는 최고 운영 책임자 Corrine Perritano를 환영합니다. 2962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Credit Suisse now sees 3 U.S. rate hikes in 2018?,,크레디트 스위스는 2018년에 미국 금리 인상이 3차례 있을 것으로 전망한다. 1960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Last ditch Olympics appeal by Russian athletes fails?,,러시아 선수들의 마지막 올림픽 항소가 실패하다. 9524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-A-Mark Precious Metals Reports Q2 Loss Per Share $0.03?,,브리프 - A-Mark Precious Metals가 2분기 주당 손실 $0.03을 보고했습니다. 9936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple adds more 'Texture' to its services with magazine deal?,,"애플, 잡지 계약으로 서비스에 더 많은 '질감' 추가" 5833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-OUE Commercial REIT Posts Qtrly Net Property Income S$34.7 Mln?,,간략하게 - OUE 상업 리츠가 분기 순 자산 수익 3천 470만 싱가포르 달러를 발표했습니다. 7819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iraq oil minister says talks on supply cut agreement to wait until December?,,"이라크 석유 장관, 공급 감축 합의에 대한 논의는 12월까지 지연될 것이라고 발표." 4521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St climbs further after Fed minutes; industrials lead?,,"미국 주식 - 월스트리트, Fed 의사록 발표 후 주가 상승; 산업주가 주도" 9143,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Niece of ex-spy poisoned in UK wants to bring his daughter home to Russia?,,영국에서 독살된 전 스파이의 조카가 그의 딸을 러시아로 데려오고 싶어 한다. 186,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Data scandal produces unprecedented uncertainty with Facebook: Analyst?,,데이터 스캔들이 페이스북과 함께 전례 없는 불확실성을 초래하다: 분석가 3819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tremont Mortgage Trust Q4 Loss Per Share $0.34?,,"브리프 - 트레몬트 모기지 트러스트, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.34" 3066,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stars join forces with activists on BAFTA awards red carpet?,,스타들이 BAFTA 시상식 레드 카펫에서 활동가들과 힘을 합치다 8079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump not seeking to curb U.S. forces in South Korea - U.S. national security adviser?,,"트럼프, 한국 주재 미군 Force 축소 의사 없음 - 미국 국가안전보장보좌관" 9354,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistan shrugs off impending U.S. aid cuts, wary of harsher measures?",,"파키스탄, 다가오는 미국 원조 삭감에 무관심하며 더 강한 조치에 대한 경계." 3263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Inogen Sees FY 2018 Revenue $298 Million To $308 Million?,,"인오겐, 2018 회계연도 매출 2억 9,800만 달러에서 3억 800만 달러 예상." 4982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: X-rays brighter than the sun could save Henry VIII's cannonballs?,,햇볕보다 더 밝은 X선이 헨리 8세의 대포알을 구할 수 있을까? 8150,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rival Venezuela opposition candidates vow to stay in race, splitting vote?",,"라이벌 베네수엘라 야당 후보들이 선거에 계속 참여할 것이라고 다짐하며, 투표를 분열시키고 있다." 3701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazilian electronics company Multilaser files for IPO?,,"브라질 전자기업 멀티레저, IPO 신청서 제출" 9528,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Springer Nature sets price range for Frankfurt flotation?,,"UPDATE 1-스프링거 네이처, 프랑크푸르트 상장 가격 범위 설정" 4561,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Court approves procedures for auctioning Weinstein Co?,,"법원, 와인스타인 컴퍼니 경매 절차 승인" 6013,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Megharryccino anyone? Bakery serves up royal wedding coffees?,,메가리치노 어때요? 제과점에서 왕실 결혼식 커피를 제공합니다. 4448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RadNet Reports First Quarter Financial Results?,,"RadNet, 1분기 재무결과 발표" 8329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's League leader hopes a new govt can pass 2019 budget?,,"""이탈리아의 리그당 지도자는 새로운 정부가 2019 감사 보고서를 통과할 수 있기를 희망한다.""" 1202,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Interbulls says conversion of 4th series convertible bonds into shares?,,"브리프-인터불스, 4차 전환사채의 주식 전환을 발표하다." 3823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘The Last Cowboys’ Review: Giving Good Rein?,,‘마지막 카우보이’ 리뷰: 좋은 고삐를 잡다? 1597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil trucker protest lingers after government accord on diesel?,,"브라질 트럭 운전사 시위, 정부의 디젤 관련 합의에도 불구하고 계속된다." 8538,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Plug Power to Host Conference Call on February 8, 2018 to Discuss Preliminary 2017 Results and 2018 Growth Plans?",,"플러그 파워, 2018년 2월 8일 2017년 초기 실적 및 2018년 성장 계획 논의를 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 7378,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tiffany & Co Says Chairman Roger Farah Made Open Market Purchase Of 10,000 Shares Of Common Stock?",,"브리프-티파니 & 컴퍼니는 회장 로저 파라가 10,000주 보통주를 공개 시장에서 매입했다고 밝혔습니다." 9953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: F5 Networks earnings beat Wall Street forecasts?,,"F5 네트웍스, 실적이 월스트리트 예상을 초과했다." 6985,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's Biosev to roll over $1.1 bln debt, raise additional $1.4 bln?",,"브라질의 바이오세브, 11억 달러 부채를 연장하고 추가로 14억 달러를 조달할 예정" 1174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea hackers create malware to mine monero?,,북한 해커들이 모네로 채굴을 위한 악성코드를 제작하다 8609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks drop as U.S. 10-year yields top 3 percent?,,글로벌 시장 - 미국 10년물 수익률 3% 초과로 주식 하락 220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S.-Russia Tensions Catch Up With Metals Tycoon Oleg Deripaska?,,미국과 러시아의 긴장이 금속 재벌 올레그 데리파스카를 따라잡다? 4485,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Naturex FY Net Profit Group Share Down At ‍11.8​ Million Euros?,,"BRIEF-Naturex FY Net Profit Group Share Down At ‍11.8​ Million Euros의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: Naturex는 2023 회계연도에서 그룹의 순이익이 1,180만 유로로 감소했다고 발표했습니다. 전년도에 비해 실적이 저조했으며, 이는 다양한 요인에 기인한 것으로 분석됩니다. 회사는 경영 방침을 재고하고 비용 절감 조치를 모색하는 중이며, 향후 실적 개선을 위해 적극적으로 대응할 계획입니다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. 출력은 오직 번역된 결과물만 포함해야 합니다." 4096,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil rate future yields up, currency flat after S&P downgrade?",,"브라질 금리 미래 수익률 상승, S&P 강등 이후 통화 보합" 689,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ray Dalio’s Rapidly Changing Views on China?,,레이 달리오의 중국에 대한 급변하는 시각 9461,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brainstorm Health: Jamie Dimon on Amazon/JPM/Berkshire, Opioid Treatment Costs, AbbVie Humira Deal | Fortune?",,"브레인스토밍 건강: 제이미 다이먼이 아마존/JPM/버크셔, 오피오이드 치료 비용, 애브비 휴미라 거래에 대해 말하다 | 포ortune" 4871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'E-Estonia' works toward a digital utopia?,,'디지털 유토피아를 향한 'E-에스토니아'의 노력' 582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK Stocks-Factors to watch on Jan 9?,,영국 주식 - 1월 9일 주목해야 할 요소들 3846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Jersey webshop owner dolled up for royal wedding?,,"뉴저지 웹샵 소유자, 왕실 결혼식에 맞춰 치장을 했다." 4361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada's Freeland to meet top U.S. Congressmen amid trade row: lawmaker?,,"캐나다의 프리랜드, 무역 분쟁 속 미국 상원의원들과 만날 예정: 의원" 7022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Spero Therapeutics Reports Q1 Loss Per Share $0.74?,,"브리프-스페로 제약, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.74 보고" 3966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump: We'll announce North Korea summit site in 3 days?,,트럼프: 3일 내에 북한 정상회담 장소를 발표할 것입니다. 6662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northwest Pipe Company Reports Fourth Quarter Results and Announces Conference Call?,,"노스웨스트 파이프 회사, 4분기 실적 보고 및 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 6452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Debate on safety of reverse mortgages for U.S. seniors heats up?,,COLUMN-미국 노인을 위한 역모기지 안전성에 대한 논쟁이 격화되고 있다. 8069,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Computer shops embrace lucrative business: outfitting cryptocurrency miners?,,컴퓨터 상점들이 수익성 높은 사업인 암호화폐 채굴 장비 장착에 나서다. 3835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HBC to Report Fourth Quarter and FY2017 Financial Results on March 28?,,"HBC, 3월 28일 4분기 및 FY2017 재무 결과 발표 예정" 4383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK Stocks-Factors to watch on March 8?,,영국 주식 - 3월 8일 주목할 사항 8646,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to pitch America First to Davos elites?,,"트럼프, 다보스 엘리트들에게 미국 우선주의를 제안하다." 8576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yun chalks up a Korean first with World Cup skeleton title?,,윤이 월드컵 스켈레톤 타이틀을 획득하며 한국 최초의 기록을 세우다. 3367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CA Immo says ‍2017 revenue from disposals at 370 mln eur?,,브리프 - CA 임모가 2017년 매각수익이 3억 7천만 유로라고 발표했습니다. 7923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Primo Announces Pricing of Follow-On Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"프리모, 보통주 후속 공개 발행 가격 발표" 5546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: These tariffs are just the start of a bigger trade conflict?,,이 세금은 더 큰 무역 갈등의 시작에 불과하다. 8103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shanghai stocks plumb six-month low as investors sell blue chips?,,"상하이 주식, 투자자들이 블루칩을 매각하며 6개월 최저치로 하락" 6981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: United Bank Of India To Consider Raising Capital Not Exceeding 15 Bln Rupees?,,"유니온 은행, 자본 확충을 고려 중이며 최대 150억 루피를 초과하지 않을 예정" 3901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CMO Today: Zuckerberg Prepares for Congress Hearings; Tech Giants Tackle GDPR; #MeToo and Madison Avenue?,,"CMO 오늘: 저커버그, 의회 청문회를 준비하다; 기술 대기업, GDPR에 대응하다; #MeToo와 매디슨 애비뉴?" 1590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gap misses first-quarter same-store sales estimates?,,"갭, 1분기 동일 매장 매출 예상치 미달" 6158,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Evolus Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"Evolus, 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표" 1555,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kudelski Security Introduces Secure Blueprint - Industry's First Cyber Business Management Platform?,,"쿠델스키 보안, 산업 최초의 사이버 비즈니스 관리 플랫폼 '시큐어 블루프린트' 출시" 9482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU pushes ahead with building capital market foundations?,,EU는 자본 시장 기초 구축을 적극적으로 추진한다. 5652,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kansas fans celebrate win over Duke as team heads to Final Four?,,캔자스 팬들이 팀이 파이널 포로 향하면서 듀크에 대한 승리를 축하합니다. 9106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CMO Today: Uncertainty Ahead Of the Upfronts; Fox Earnings; Beer Sales Slump?,,CMO 오늘: 업프론트 앞의 불확실성; 폭스 수익; 맥주 판매 부진? 5587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Celsion Corporation Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2017 Financial Results?,,Celsion Corporation이 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 보고하다. 3829,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europe markets open higher, oil prices elevated amid Iran protests?",,"유럽 시장이 상승세로 개장, 이란 시위 속에서 유가 상승" 7080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jilin Zixin Pharmaceutical Industrial announces no dividend payment for 2017?,,"브리프-질린 지신 제약 산업, 2017년도 배당금 지급하지 않기로 발표" 9912,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DuckDuckGo CEO: Don't wait for Zuckerberg to save your data?,,덕덕고 CEO: Zuckerberg가 당신의 데이터를 지켜주기를 기다리지 마세요. 1155,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Despite the recent selloff, the bull case is still intact: Fundstrat?",,최근의 매도에도 불구하고 여전히 강세 논리는 유효하다는 펀드스트랫의 주장 7188,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Post's DHL expands U.S. delivery service to take on FedEx, UPS?",,"도이치 포스트의 DHL, FedEx와 UPS에 맞서기 위해 미국 배송 서비스 확장" 1252,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Death of the Mall? Greatly Exaggerated, Says Big Money?",,"몰의 죽음? 큰 자금이 말하길, 대단히 과장되었다." 4021,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Andersons, Inc. Declares Cash Dividend for the Third Quarter?",,"앤더슨스, Inc.가 3분기 현금 배당금을 선언하다" 8055,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 4 ways the March Madness athletes can teach you to win at work?,,"""March Madness 선수들이 당신이 직장에서 승리하는 방법을 가르칠 수 있는 4가지 방법""" 8961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: YouTube shooter visited gun range before attacking company?,,"유튜브 총격범, 회사 공격 전 사격장 방문해" 2998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nsfocus Information Technology Says A Major Shareholder Halts Previous Plan To Cut Stake?,,"브리프 - Nsfocus 정보 기술, 주요 주주가 보유 주식 감축 계획을 중단했다고 발표." 3454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. tells U.N. 12 Russians to be expelled acted 'outside official capacity'?,,"미국, 유엔에 12명의 러시아인 추방 요구 - '공식 직무 이탈했다'고 주장" 8247,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Reports 5.2 Pct Passive Stake In Kenon Holdings As Of Jan 2, 2018?",,클랄 보험 기업 홀딩스가 2018년 1월 2일 기준 케논 홀딩스에서 5.2%의 수동 지분을 보고했다고 보도합니다. 1478,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reuters- U.S., Afghan forces expand air strikes on Taliban drug labs?",,"로이터 - 미국, 아프간 군대가 탈레반 마약 실험실에 대한 공습 확대" 5269,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bayer Just Got EU Approval for Its Monsanto Deal | Fortune?,,"바이엘, 몬산토 거래에 대한 EU 승인 획득 | 포춘" 3085,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Doggett Concrete Construction Hires Mike Wallberg as Commercial Concrete Field Manager?,,"도겟 콘크리트 건설, 마이크 월버그를 상업용 콘크리트 현장 관리자로 고용하다." 2346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Cabaret' costume among vast Liza Minnelli collection for auction?,,"'카바레' 의상, 방대한 리자 미넬리 컬렉션 경매에 나와" 487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How tariffs could affect automakers?,,관세가 자동차 제조업체에 미치는 영향은 무엇인가? 3113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street opens higher; Dow rises over 200 points?,,월스트리트가 상승세로 시작하다; 다우지수 200포인트 이상 상승하다. 6479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Medical REIT Inc. Announces First Financial?,,Global Medical REIT Inc.가 첫 번째 재무 발표를 알립니다. 2411,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ACADIA HEALTHCARE SHAREHOLDER ALERT BY FORMER LOUISIANA ATTORNEY GENERAL: KAHN SWICK & FOTI, LLC REMINDS INVESTORS WITH LOSSES IN EXCESS OF $100,000 of Lead Plaintiff Deadline in Class Action Lawsuit Against Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. - ACHC?",,"아카디아 헬스케어 주주 경고: 칸 스윅 & 포티, LLC는 아카디아 헬스케어 컴퍼니, Inc. - ACHC에 대한 집단 소송에서 10만 달러 이상의 손실이 있는 투자자들에게 주도 원고 마감일을 상기시킵니다." 7982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SandRidge Permian Trust Announces Quarterly Distribution?,,"샌드리지 퍼미안 트러스트, 분기 배당금 발표" 5307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-UPDATE 1-Sweden's Sandvik to buy Metrologic in digital manufacturing push?,,"RPT-업데이트 1-스웨덴 샌드빅, 디지털 제조 강화를 위해 메트로로직 인수 예정" 2032,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Synlogic Progresses Clinical And Preclinical Pipeline And Outlines 2018 Catalysts?,,"브리프 - 시놀로직, 임상 및 전임상 파이프라인 진전 및 2018년 주요 촉매 요인 개요" 6522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Padres salvage series finale against Nationals?,,"파드레스, 내셔널스와의 시리즈 마지막 경기에서 승리하다." 1768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Invengo Information Technology To Buy Stakes In Two Tech Firms For 1.0 Bln Yuan?,,인벤고 정보 기술이 두 개의 기술 기업에 10억 위안의 지분을 인수할 예정입니다. 664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tekla Healthcare Investors Declares Stock Distribution?,,"테클라 헬스케어 투자자들, 주식 분배 발표" 2255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ConocoPhillips shareholders reject executive pay proposal?,,코노코필립스 주주들이 경영진 보수 제안을 거부하다. 2669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-Indonesia hopes to finalise Freeport contract talks by June?,,"UPDATE 4-인도네시아, 6월까지 프리포트 계약 협상 최종 마무리 희망" 3110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some Facebook Quitters Face Technical Obstacles?,,일부 페이스북 탈퇴자들이 기술적 장애물에 직면하다. 893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dicker Data Co Says Appointed As Sole Citrix Reseller Distributor?,,BRIEF-Dicker Data Co가 유일한 Citrix 리셀러 배급업체로 임명되었다고 말함. 7509,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Veracyte Announces Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2017 Financial Results, Provides 2018 Financial Outlook?",,"Veracyte, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 발표, 2018년 재무 전망 제공" 2262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Armenian president calls for dialogue amid protests against new PM?,,"아르메니아 대통령, 새로운 총리 반대 시위 속에서 대화 촉구" 2627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Charts point to more pain as sterling slips?,,차트가 영국 파운드화 하락에 따른 더 많은 고통을 시사한다. 6849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reuters' Steve Adler moderates global trade trends panel?,,"로이터의 스티브 애들러, 글로벌 무역 동향 패널 진행" 4542,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Envelope maker, comic book printer Cenveo files for bankruptcy?",,"봉투 제조업체이자 만화책 인쇄업체인 센베오, 파산 신청을 하다." 2979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Evoqua Water Technologies Reports Qtrly Earnings Per Share Of $0.10?,,"간략하게 - 에보퀘아 워터 테크놀로지스, 분기 주당 순이익 $0.10 보고." 8904,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Last major challenger to Egypt's Sisi calls off campaign after arrest?,,"이집트 시시 대통령의 주요 라이벌, 체포 후 캠페인 중단 발표" 9931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HTG Promotes John Lubniewski to President and Chief Operating Officer?,,"HTG, 존 루브니에프스키를 사장 겸 최고운영책임자로 승진시켜" 7042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Banco Bpm Estimates Revision Of Internal Risk Models Will Add 80 Bps To CET1?,,BRIEF-Banco Bpm은 내부 위험 모델 수정이 CET1에 80bps를 추가할 것이라고 추정합니다. 7939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SBB Divests School Property In Norway?,,BRIEF-SBB가 노르웨이에서 학교 부동산을 매각함. 7146,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bonds are flashing a warning sign for the market, strategist says?",,"“채권이 시장에 경고 신호를 보내고 있다, 전략가가 말한다”" 8972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New indictment filed against former Trump campaign aides Manafort and Gates?,,전 트럼프 캠페인 보좌관 마나포트와 게이츠에 대한 새로운 기소장 제출 9929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Live Ventures Announces Record Breaking First Quarter in Fiscal 2018?,,"라이브 벤처스, 2018 회계 연도 첫 분기에서 기록적인 실적 발표" 2121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-Gulf stocks down with global markets; Saudi and Egypt defy trend?,,중동 주식 - 걸프 주식이 글로벌 시장과 함께 하락; 사우디와 이집트는 추세에 역행하다. 4830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple’s Home Court Disadvantage?,,애플의 홈코트 불리한 점 6293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wonik IPS signs contract worth 47.8 bln won?,,브리프 - 워닉 IPS가 478억 원 규모의 계약을 체결했다. 3466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Denim Mogul’s Farm-to-Table California Home?,,청바지 거물의 농장에서 식탁까지: 캘리포니아의 집 5179,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nvidia partners with Uber, Volkswagen in self-driving technology?",,"Nvidia, 우버 및 폭스바겐과 자율주행 기술 파트너십 체결" 5337,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Journey to Antarctica - seals, penguins and glacial beauty?",,"안타르ctica로의 여행 - 바다표범, 펭귄과 빙하의 아름다움" 6840,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Dominant Hamilton wins in Spain, Vettel fourth?",,"모터 레이싱 - 지배적인 해밀턴, 스페인에서 우승, 베텔은 4위." 468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korean court finds ousted Park guilty of bribery?,,"한국 법원, 파면된 박근혜에 뇌물죄 유죄 판결 내리다." 7074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yakuodo to acquire stake in cellspect?,,브리프 - 야쿠오도가 셀스펙트의 지분을 인수할 예정이다. 611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices again vulnerable to 'super spikes' as geopolitics heat up and oil glut fades?,,지정학적 긴장이 고조되고 석유 과잉 공급이 사라지면서 유가가 다시 '슈퍼 스파이크'에 취약해질 수 있다. 2242,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kim Jong Un's high security summit sendoff?,,김정은의 고위 보안 정상회담 전송 행사 513,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cohen & Steers Limited Duration Preferred and Income Fund, Inc. (LDP) Notification of Sources of Distribution Under Section 19(a)?",,"코헨 앤 스티어스 한정 기간 우선주 및 소득 펀드, Inc. (LDP) 제19(a) 조항에 따른 분배 출처 통지" 2022,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-England batsmen were 'rabbits in the headlights', says Bayliss?",,"크리켓 - 베일리스를 인용하며 ""잉글랜드 타자는 '얼어붙은 토끼'였다""고 말하다." 6863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Symantec: Fiscal 4Q Earnings Snapshot?,,시만텍: 회계 연도 4분기 수익 개요 4664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's Halkbank says banker Atilla has right to appeal U.S. court verdict?,,"터키의 할크뱅크, 은행가 아틸라가 미국 법원 판결에 항소할 권리가 있다고 밝혀." 3299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why we need to rethink our understanding of our digital lives: iPhone designer?,,왜 우리의 디지털 삶에 대한 이해를 다시 생각해야 하는지: 아이폰 디자이너? 3979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nigerian migrants sue Italy for aiding Libyan coast guard?,,"나이지리아 이민자들, 이탈리아가 리비아 해안경비대 지원한 혐의로 제소하다." 2682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korean cold noodles a hit as historic summit warms up ties with South?,,북한의 냉면이 역사적인 정상회담으로 남북 관계가 가까워짐에 따라 인기를 끌고 있다. 4159,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says Iran nuclear deal not derailed, pledges constructive role?",,"중국, 이란 핵 협정이 탈선하지 않았다고 밝혀; 건설적인 역할 약속" 6271,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dolphin Entertainment to Host First Quarter 2018 Earnings Call on Wednesday, May 16?",,"돌핀 엔터테인먼트, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 전화 회의를 5월 16일 수요일에 개최합니다." 4788,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-MetLife, U.S. regulators agree to set aside legal fight?",,"UPDATE 1-메트라이프, 미국 규제 당국과 법적 분쟁 중단에 합의" 6792,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senators beat Panthers on OT penalty shot?,,상원의원들이 팬서스를 오버타임 페널티 샷으로 이겼다. 7483,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump vows not to ""repeat mistakes"" with N.Korea?",,"트럼프, 북한과의 ""실수를 반복하지 않겠다""며 다짐" 6130,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan shows it's still part of the North Korea discussion in high-profile summit?,,"일본, 고위급 정상 회담에서 여전히 북한 논의에 함께하고 있음을 보여줘" 4799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WernerCo Group Names James T. Caudill As Global Chief Executive Officer?,,"WernerCo 그룹, 제임스 T. 코딜을 글로벌 최고경영자(CEO)로 임명하다." 4373,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rubbermaid-maker Newell stock craters 22%, unveils plans to sell off assets, close factories?",,"러버메이드 제조업체 뉴웰 주가 22% 폭락, 자산 매각 및 공장 폐쇄 계획 발표" 2364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- Wall Street Journal - Feb 8?,,뉴스 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: PRESS DIGEST- 월스트리트 저널 - 2월 8일. 8626,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU warns Britain their divorce is not yet resolved?,,EU는 영국에 이혼이 아직 해결되지 않았다고 경고한다. 6289,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus says aims to cut CSeries costs, sell ""big volumes""?",,"에어버스, CSeries 비용 절감 및 ""대량 판매"" 목표 발표" 1753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Medical association to lose Turkish tag over criticism of Syria campaign?,,"의료 협회, 시리아 캠페인에 대한 비판으로 터키 태그 상실 예정" 4131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Equinix Completes Acquisition of Infomart Dallas?,,"에퀴닉스, 인포마트 댈러스 인수 완료" 6753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysian PM Mahathir says may be prime minister for one-two years?,,"말레이시아 총리 마하티르, 총리직을 1~2년만 할 수 있다고 말하다." 2198,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The year of Mueller: 12 months in, here’s what we’ve learned?",,"무슬러의 해: 12개월이 지난 지금, 우리가 배운 것은 무엇인가?" 4200,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: This is the day to buy Facebook?,,크레이머 리믹스: 오늘이 페이스북을 사야 하는 날이다? 8677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Farage backs off second Brexit referendum talk as EU says UK still welcome?,,파라지가 EU가 여전히 영국을 환영한다고 말함에 따라 두 번째 브렉시트 국민투표에 대한 언급을 철회합니다. 6331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frontrunner in Montenegro election wants better ties with both West and Russia?,,몬테네그로 선거에서 선두주자는 서구와 러시아 모두와의 관계 개선을 원한다. 1897,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brookfield Residential Announces Acquisition of OliverMcMillan to Expand its Mixed-Use Business?,,"브룩필드 리지덴셜, 혼합용도 비즈니스 확장을 위해 올리버 맥밀란 인수 발표" 2020,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italians back coalition spending plan, investors wary?",,"이탈리아인들, 연합 정부의 지출 계획 지지, 투자자들은 조심스러워" 1146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sunfun Info appoints Chang Chia-Ming as new general manager?,,"BRIEF-선펀정보, 장치아밍을 신임 총경리로 임명" 5365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daré Bioscience Enters Into Agreement To Acquire Product To Address Vulvar And Vaginal Atrophy In Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Patients?,,"다레 바이오사이언스, 호르몬 수용체 양성 유방암 환자의 외음부 및 질 위축을 치료하기 위한 제품 인수 계약 체결" 809,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Verint to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full-Year Financial Results on Wednesday, March 28, 2018?",,Verint는 2018년 3월 28일 수요일에 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 4677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Daseke Reports Q1 Loss Per Share $0.04?,,"브리프 - 다세이크, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.04 보고" 6304,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IMF Begins Negotiations With Argentina Over Large Credit Line?,,"IMF, 아르헨티나와 대규모 신용 라인에 대한 협상 시작" 197,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-China c.bank signals resumption of RQDII outbound investment scheme?,,"UPDATE 1-중국 중앙은행, RQDII 해외 투자 제도 재개 신호 발신" 7173,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taliban attack on Afghan hotel ends after 13 hours, 6 dead?",,"탈레반, 아프간 호텔 공격 13시간 만에 종료… 6명 사망" 2365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-U.S. top court backs companies over worker class-action claims?,,"UPDATE 1-미국 대법원, 기업들을 근로자 집단소송 주장에 대한 지지 결정" 728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ebro Foods Q1 Net Profit Down 15.8 Pct At 43.4 Mln Euros YoY?,,"브리프 - 에브로 푸드, 1분기 순이익 15.8% 감소, 연간 4340만 유로." 1746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oklahoma teachers to lawmakers: Raise pay by April 1 or we shut schools?,,오클라호마 교사들이 법무부에 요청: 4월 1일까지 급여 인상하지 않으면 학교를 닫겠다. 2348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europe moves to safeguard Iran interests after U.S. pullout?,,"유럽, 미국의 철수 이후 이란 이익을 보호하기 위한 조치 착수" 1353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oue Lippo Healthcare Enters Placement Deal; Co To Allot Total Of 562.5 Mln Shares?,,"간단히 - 오에 리포 헬스케어, 주식 배정 계약 체결; 총 5억 6250만 주 배정 예정" 2959,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PolarityTE Announces Howard Hechler from Smith & Nephew as the New Chief Business Officer?,,PolarityTE는 Smith & Nephew의 하워드 헤클러를 신임 최고 비즈니스 책임자로 발표했습니다. 9732,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vivo Energy eyes float on London, Johannesburg exchanges?",,비보 에너지가 런던과 요하네스버그 거래소 상장 계획을 모색한다. 2911,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon acquiring Ring to help with Key delivery system?,,아마존이 키 배송 시스템을 돕기 위해 링을 인수하다. 4740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DOJ's watchdog sends criminal referral on McCabe?,,"""법무부 감찰관, 맥케이브에 대한 형사 소환을 전달하다""" 7406,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Therapix Biosciences - Co Terminated Research & License Agreement Between Co, Yissum Research Development Co?",,조금 전: Therapix Biosciences - 회사가 Yissum Research Development Co와의 연구 및 라이선스 계약을 해지했습니다. 7217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FEATURE-Tennis-Volatile times ahead as slams plan return to 16 seeds?,,FEATURE-테니스-16번 시드 복귀 계획에 따른 변동성이 큰 시기가 다가온다. 3225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Predators slide by Avs to take 2-0 series lead?,,"프레데터스, 아발란치를 제치고 2-0 시리즈 리드 선취" 306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kbr Awarded Pre-FEED Contract For Inpex LNG Project In Indonesia?,,"Kbr, 인도네시아의 Inpex LNG 프로젝트를 위한 Pre-FEED 계약을 수주했습니다." 4503,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES- UBS, AIG, BNP Paribas, Houlihan Lokey?",,"뉴스 기사 제목이 있는 다음과 같은 내용은 무엇일까요: MOVES- UBS, AIG, BNP 파리바, 후리한 로키?" 4124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Phenix Optical says change of accounting policy?,,"뉴스 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: ""브리프 - 페닉스 옵티컬, 회계 정책 변경 발표""" 8943,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street opens flat as tech, bank stocks weigh?",,월스트리트가 기술주와 은행주에 부담을 주며 보합세로 시작하다. 1877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clock ticking on post-Brexit flights - EU official?,,브렉시트 이후 비행기에 대한 시계가 ticking 중 - EU 관계자 5628,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S&P Reaffirms ICL'S BBB- Rating With a Stable Outlook?,,S&P가 ICL의 BBB- 등급을 안정적인 전망과 함께 재확인했습니다. 3269,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jean M. Hobby Elected To CA Technologies Board?,,브리프-진 M. 호비가 CA 테크놀로지스 이사로 선출됨 1543,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea says it hopes for constructive talks between U.S., North Korea?",,한국은 미국과 북한 간의 건설적인 대화를 희망한다고 밝혔습니다. 9926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maharashtra cuts cotton forecast on worm infestation: source?,,"마하라슈트라, 벌레 침입으로 면화 생산 예측 감소: 소식통." 1477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Petrobras plunges as Brazil offers deal to end truckers' strike?,,"UPDATE 1-브라질, 트럭 운전사 파업 종식을 위한 거래 제안에 따라 페트로브라스 폭락" 5991,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Propetro Holding Corp Says CEO Dale Redman 2017 Total Compensation Was $8.2 Mln?,,"프로펫로 홀딩 코퍼레이션, CEO 데일 레드먼의 2017년 총 보수가 820만 달러였다고 발표하다." 5357,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europe shares: digest US jobs report, focus on steel tariffs?",,유럽 주식: 미국 고용 보고서를 소화하고 철강 관세에 주목하다. 6617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Navigating 2018's new market challenges?,,2018년의 새로운 시장 도전 과제를 탐색하기 5379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Seven bodies found in rural Australian town?,,호주 시골 마을에서 발견된 일곱 구의 시신 104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China calls the U.S. a repeat abuser of world trade rules?,,"중국, 미국을 세계 무역 규칙의 반복적인 남용자로 지칭하다" 9424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Celgene Prices $4.5 Billion Of Senior Unsecured Notes?,,간략하게 - Celgene이 45억 달러 규모의 선순위 무담보 노트를 가격 책정함. 3088,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sweden charges man with spying on Tibetan exiles for China?,,"스웨덴, 중국을 위한 티베트 망명자들에 대한 스파이 행위로 남성 기소" 6740,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forget the races, the real money is made from being a stud?",,"경주를 잊어라, 진짜 돈은 스터드가 되는 데서 벌린다." 1927,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France bets on English to 'conquer the world'?,,프랑스가 '세계를 정복하기 위해' 영어에 베팅한다. 3530,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer talks Trump: 'Absence of fiery tweets' clearly boosts stocks?,,크레이머가 트럼프에 대해 이야기하다: '격렬한 트윗의 부재'가 분명히 주식을 상승시킨다? 9682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION RECALLS CANNED PORK AND CHICKEN PRODUCTS DUE TO POSSIBLE FOREIGN MATTER CONTAMINATION?,,HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION은 외부 물질 오염 가능성으로 인해 통조림 돼지고기 및 닭고기 제품을 리콜합니다. 4647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global markets mixed after Fed keeps rate unchanged?,,글로벌 시장이 연준이 금리를 동결한 후 혼조세를 보이다. 4531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brio Gold Shareholders Approve Acquisition By Leagold Mining?,,브리프 - 브리오 골드 주주들이 레이골드 마이닝의 인수를 승인했습니다. 4088,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox - Tesla faces scrutiny after Florida car accident?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""Factbox - Tesla faces scrutiny after Florida car accident""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: - 사고 개요: 최근 플로리다에서 발생한 테슬라 차량의 사고에 대한 자세한 설명, 사고가 발생한 시간, 위치, 피해자 정보. - 테슬라의 자율주행 기술: 사고 당시 차량이 자율주행 모드였는지, 그 기술의 안전성에 대한 논란. - 조사의 경과: 사고와 관련하여 진행 중인 조사 또는 정부 당국의 반응. - 소비자 안전에 대한 우려: 소비자들 사이에서 테슬라 차량의 안전성과 관련된 우려가 어떻게 형성되고 있는지. - 회사의 입장: 테슬라 측의 공식적인 성명이나 대응. - 과거 관련 사고: 비슷한 사건들이 과거에 있었는지, 그리고 그것들의 결과. - 법적/재정적 영향: 이 사고가 테슬라에게 미칠 수 있는 법적 또는 재정적 영향. (위 내용은 예시입니다.)" 1325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Caltech breakthrough: Bacteria engineered with 'sonar' fight disease?,,캘텍의 돌파구: '소나'로 조작된 박테리아가 질병과 싸운다? 4584,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus targets four-fold rise in Asia-Pacific helicopter market share - exec?,,"에어버스, 아시아-태평양 헬리콥터 시장 점유율 4배 증가 목표 - 임원" 1298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former world champions take on dozens of chess players in Jerusalem?,,전 세계 챔피언이 예루살렘에서 수십 명의 체스 선수와 대결하다. 769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany urges U.S. to separate Iran nuclear deal from other issues?,,"독일, 미국에 이란 핵 거래를 다른 사안과 분리할 것을 촉구하다." 7960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cipher Pharmaceuticals Q1 Loss Per Share $0.04 From Continuing Operations?,,Cipher Pharmaceuticals는 계속 운영되는 부문에서 주당 손실이 $0.04인 1분기 실적을 발표했습니다. 1683,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian, Austrian FMs discuss peacekeeping mission in Ukraine - RIA?",,"""러시아와 오스트리아 외무장관, 우크라이나의 평화유지 임무 논의 - RIA""" 7869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Reminds Shareholders with Losses on their Investment in Credit Suisse Group A.G. of Class Action Lawsuit and Upcoming Deadline - CS?,,"주주 경고: 포머란츠 법률회사, 크레딧 스위스 그룹 A.G.에 투자 손실이 있는 주주들에게 집단 소송 및 다가오는 마감일을 상기시킴 - CS." 6436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ADB signs $250 million loan deal for China geothermal heating?,,"아시아개발은행(ADB), 중국 지열 난방을 위한 2억 5천만 달러 대출 협약 체결" 5361,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM confirms investment in South Korea business, flags first quarter 'cash crisis'?",,"GM, 한국 사업에 대한 투자 확인, 1분기 '현금 위기' 경고" 835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-US STOCKS-Wall St climbs as CPI data cools rate hike fears?,,교정됨-미국 주식-물가 상승률 데이터가 금리 인상 우려를 완화시키면서 월가 상승 9777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspect package near London's Kings Cross station deemed non-suspicious?,,"런던 킹스크로스 역 근처의 의심스러운 소포, 비의심으로 판명되다." 9478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US consumer prices post first drop in 10 months; core inflation firming - Reuters?,,"미국 소비자 물가, 10개월 만에 첫 하락; 코어 인플레이션은 견조 - 로이터" 3594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SE Asia Stocks-Vietnam plunges nearly 4 pct to 2-month low?,,"동남아시아 주식 - 베트남, 2개월 최저치로 거의 4% 하락" 597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. state pension funded ratio rose in FY 2017 -Wilshire?,,미국 주정부 연금 자산 비율이 2017 회계연도에 상승했다 -윌셔 8871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Newriver Says ‍Appointment Of David Lockhart To Executive Deputy Chairman​?,,"브리프-뉴리버, 데이비드 로크하트를 임원 부회장으로 임명했다고 발표." 2430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yemeni ex-president Saleh's party names new leader: statement?,,"예멘 전 대통령 샐레의 정당, 새 리더 지명: 성명" 3681,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sinclair Promotes Robert Truman to General Manager in Portland, Oregon?",,"신클레어, 오리건주 포틀랜드에서 로버트 트루먼을 총괄 매니저로 승진시켜" 1657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kaimei Electronic says annual dividend payment for 2017?,,브리핑 - 카이메이 전자는 2017년 연간 배당금 지급에 대해 발표했습니다. 6894,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Post-Brexit UK will still be as important to India, says Modi?",,"""브렉시트 이후에도 영국은 여전히 인도에게 중요할 것이라고 모디가 말했습니다.""" 9960,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Revising History, Hollywood Style?",,"역사 수정, 할리우드 스타일" 352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Bleacher Report to launch live-sports streaming service?,,"월스트리트 저널: 블리처 리포트, 라이브 스포츠 스트리밍 서비스 출시 예정." 6423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cobalt Power Group Announces the Appointment of New President and CEO?,,"코발트 파워 그룹, 새 사장 겸 CEO 임명 발표" 3932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EXCLUSIVE-Facebook to put 1.5 billion users out of reach of new EU privacy law?,,"독점 - 페이스북, 15억 사용자를 새로운 EU 개인정보 보호법의 범위에서 제외할 예정" 7316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RadNet Reports Record Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results and Releases 2018 Financial Guidance?,,RadNet은 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적에서 기록적인 성과를 보고하고 2018년 재무 가이던스를 발표합니다. 4970,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zinc miners, smelters spar over supply as 2018 terms delayed?",,2018년 조건이 지연되면서 아연 광산 회사와 제련소 간의 공급 문제로 갈등이 발생하다. 3696,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MaxLinear, Inc. Announces the Departure of its CFO and Reaffirms Financial Guidance for 1Q 2018?",,"맥스리니어(MaxLinear, Inc.)가 CFO의 퇴직을 발표하고 2018년 1분기 재무 가이던스를 재확인했습니다." 7245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fresenius Kabi Announces New Approval and Immediate Availability of Daptomycin for Injection?,,"프레제니우스 카비, 다프토마이신 주사의 새로운 승인 및 즉각적인 공급 가능성 발표" 4690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pareto Bank Issues Senior Unsecured Bond?,,"BRIEF-파레토 은행, 선순위 무담보 채권 발행" 5851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fulham climb to second with 2-1 win over Sunderland?,,"풀햄, 선덜랜드에 2-1 승리로 2위로 올라서다" 7016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Neuberger Berman Closed-End Intermediate Municipal Funds Announce Monthly Distributions?,,"뉴버거 버먼 폐쇄형 중간채권 지방세 면제 펀드, 월배당 발표" 27,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bright Scholar Schedules Unaudited Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Earnings Release on April 24, 2018?",,"브라이트 스콜라, 2018년 4월 24일 2018 회계연도 2분기 미감사 실적 발표 일정 공지" 6386,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Disney's new ESPN plus offering is limited?,,디즈니의 새로운 ESPN 플러스 제공 서비스는 제한적이다. 3441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York City Olive Oil Competition Heats Up?,,뉴욕시 올리브 오일 경쟁이 후끈 달아오른다. 2272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Egyptian television series prompts Sudanese protest?,,이집트 텔레비전 시리즈가 수단에서 시위를 촉발하다? 2632,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: KBR Completes Acquisition of SGT, Continues Momentum on Government Services Strategy?",,"KBR, SGT 인수 완료, 정부 서비스 전략에서 계속해서 모멘텀 유지" 7981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VW's Skoda unions raise stakes in wage hike demands?,,"VW의 스코다 노조, 임금 인상 요구 강력히 추진" 3655,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Inner Mongolia Furui Medical Science To Buy Stake In Chengdu List Pharmaceutical?,,"브리프 - 내몽골 푸루이 의료과학, 청두 리스트 제약 지분 인수 계획" 3093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian Observatory - U.S.-led coalition strike kills 25?,,시리아 관찰소 - 미군 주도 연합군 공습으로 25명 사망. 1301,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Annual Earnings?",,"블루 힐스 뱅코프, Inc.가 4분기 및 연간 수익을 보고합니다." 6897,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett Just Took a Big Step Toward Naming His Successor | Fortune?,,"워렌 버핏, 후계자 지명을 위한 큰 발걸음을 내딛다 | 포춘" 9919,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Explosion in Austin Injures Two People; Unclear if Linked to Package Bombs?,,"오스틴에서 폭발이 발생하여 두 명이 부상했으며, 소포 폭탄과 관련이 있는지는 불분명하다." 2546,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TiGenix: Publication of prospectus and response memorandum for Takeda takeover bid commencing on April 30, 2018?",,"TiGenix: 타케다 인수 제안에 대한 설명서 및 응답 메모의 발표, 2018년 4월 30일 시작" 8458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan PM to visit U.S. from April 17 to 20 for talks with Trump?,,일본 총리가 4월 17일부터 20일까지 트럼프와의 회담을 위해 미국을 방문한다. 9489,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's Tod's sees benefits from new management starting in H2?,,"이탈리아의 톡스, 하반기 새로운 경영진의 혜택을 보고 있다." 6073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-GSK Receives FDA Approval For Expanded Indication For Fluarix?,,BRIEF-GSK가 Fluarix의 적응증 확대에 대한 FDA 승인을 받았다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다. 4136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM quarterly profit falls but beats Wall St estimates?,,GM 분기 이익 감소하지만 월스트리트 추정치는 초과 달성 2450,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liz Weston: You're married, but your assets don't have to be?",,"리즈 웨스턴: 당신은 결혼했지만, 당신의 자산은 반드시 공동이 아닐 필요가 있습니다." 2595,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber tests cheaper 'Hurry Hurry' service for errands in Nairobi?,,"우버, 나이로비에서 심부름을 위한 더 저렴한 'Hurry Hurry' 서비스 테스트 중" 1330,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Tiffany's holiday season sales sparkle, lifts profit view?",,"UPDATE 2-티파니, 연말 시즌 판매 호조로 수익 전망 상향 조정" 8722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fifth Third Bancorp Announces Cash Dividends?,,제5 제3은행이 현금 배당금을 발표하다 943,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Adtalem Global Education Announces Q2 Loss Per Share $1.33?,,"간략: 아드탈렘 글로벌 교육, 2분기 주당 손실 $1.33 발표." 7281,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fearing Russia, United States, Germany offer to host new NATO commands: officials?",,"러시아를 두려워하며, 미국과 독일이 새로운 NATO 사령부를 유치할 제안: 관계자들" 3128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm Asks Broadcom to Negotiate After Second Meeting?,,"퀄컴, 두 번째 회의 후 브로드컴에 협상 요청" 5895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 2018 to be a year of two halves for oil: Oil analyst?,,2018년은 석유 분석가에 따르면 석유를 위한 두 개의 반기로 나뉘는 해가 될 것입니다. 4839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RLJ Lodging Trust Announces Sale of Sheraton Philadelphia Society Hill for $95.5 million?,,"RLJ 롯지닝 트러스트, 9,550만 달러에 필라델피아 셔리턴 호텔 매각 발표" 2408,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North American Construction Group Ltd. Announces Results for the First Quarter Ended March 31, 2018?",,북미 건설 그룹 주식회사가 2018년 3월 31일 종료된 1분기 실적을 발표했습니다. 1577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump expects his physical to go well Friday?,,"트럼프, 금요일 신체검사가 잘 진행될 것으로 예상해" 2212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brady Corporation elects Board of Directors and declares regular dividend to shareholders?,,"브래디 주식회사, 이사회를 선출하고 주주들에게 정기 배당금을 선언하다." 650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: London's Victoria rail station evacuated after fire alarm?,,"런던의 빅토리아 기차역, 화재 경보로 대피소집" 3647,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gold Resource Corp Reports Preliminary Q1 Production Of 6,647 Gold Ounces?",,"브리프 - 골드 리소스 Corp, 1분기 생산량 6,647온스 금 예비 보고" 4076,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TREASURIES-Powell's upbeat economic view flattens U.S. yield curve?,,TREASURIES-파웰의 긍정적인 경제 전망이 미국 수익률 곡선을 평탄화하다 6576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FTC to investigate Facebook over use of personal data: report?,,FTC가 개인 데이터 사용 문제로 페이스북을 조사할 예정: 보도 5838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Buy EA on the dip because 'Fortnite' is less of a risk for game maker: JP Morgan?,,JP모건: 게임 제작사에 대한 위험이 줄어든 '포트나이트' 때문에 EA를 저렴하게 구매하라. 3098,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says Europe's support for nuclear deal not enough - IRNA?,,"이란, 유럽의 핵 거래 지원은 충분하지 않다고 말하다 - IRNA" 2821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EPA stresses security concerns amid scrutiny of Pruitt's pricey travel?,,EPA는 프루잇의 비싼 여행에 대한 감시 속에서 보안 문제를 강조합니다. 9253,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. wants judge to exclude key AT&T argument in Time Warner merger trial?,,미국은 타임워너 인수 재판에서 AT&T의 핵심 주장을 배제해 줄 것을 재판부에 요청하고 있다. 777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says having 'very productive talks' with North Korea on summit?,,"트럼프, 정상회담을 위한 북한과 '매우 생산적인 대화'를 나누고 있다고 말하다." 6106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sellas Life Sciences Announces Positive Interim Data From Phase 2B Neuvax Clinical Trial In Combination With Herceptin?,,"BRIEF-셀라스 생명과학, 헤르셉틴과 병용한 2B 단계 Neuvax 임상 시험에서 긍정적인 중간 데이터 발표" 2500,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Biotech M&A rolls on as Alexion snaps up Wilson for $855 mln?,,업데이트 2-바이오텍 M&A가 지속되면서 알렉시온이 윌슨을 8억 5500만 달러에 인수하다. 430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Criteo Reports Q1 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.60?,,"브리프-크리테오, 1분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.60 보고" 2289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SC Braga Signs 5-Year Deal With Player Eynel Soares?,,"브리프 - SC 브라가, 선수 에이넬 소아레스와 5년 계약 체결" 4679,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cotton denies hearing ""shithole"" remark from Trump?",,"코튼은 트럼프의 ""쓰레기 구멍"" 발언을 듣지 못했다고 부인한다." 297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aspen University Promotes Dr. Anne McNamara to Chief Nursing Officer?,,"아스펜 대학교, 앤 맥나마라 박사를 수석 간호 책임자로 승진시켜" 2244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stanford dispatches Cal to advance to Pac-12 tourney quarters?,,스탠포드가 캘리를 제압하고 PAC-12 토너먼트 8강으로 진출하다. 1317,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amid tensions, White House proceeds with NK plan?",,긴장이 고조되는 가운데 백악관은 북한 계획을 추진한다. 1801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Progenics Pharmaceuticals Sets Fourth Quarter Year-End Financial Call for March 8?,,"프로제닉스 제약, 3월 8일 연말 4분기 재무 전화 회의 개최 설정" 8095,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Adaptimmune to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results and Business Update on Wednesday May 9, 2018?",,"""Adaptimmune, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 및 사업 업데이트를 2018년 5월 9일 수요일에 보고할 예정""" 6387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shui On Land To Guarantee Shui On Development's ‍RMB1.60 Bln 6.875% Senior Notes Due 2021?,,브리프 - Shui On Land가 Shui On Development의 16억 위안 6.875% 만기 2021년 선순위 채권을 보증한다. 2111,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rolling Stone Names Amber Mundinger SVP, Live Media & Strategic Partnerships?",,"롤링 스톤, 앰버 만딩거를 SVP, 라이브 미디어 및 전략적 파트너십으로 임명하다." 2552,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's S&P 500 and Dow charts indicate a strong start to 2018?,,"""Cramer's S&P 500과 다우 차트는 2018년에 강한 출발을 예고한다.""" 3021,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France, Croatia reach Davis Cup semis, Nadal keeps Spain alive?",,"프랑스, 크로아티아가 데이비스컵 준결승에 진출하고, 나달이 스페인을 살리다." 215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poland's PKO BP plans to pay out dividend of 0.55 zlotys per share ‍​?,,"폴란드의 PKO BP, 주당 0.55 즈워티 배당금 지급 계획" 7516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: The challenge at JC Penney is much larger than people realized?,,크레이머: JC 페니의 도전은 사람들이 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 더 큽니다. 3436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Todd Stone Joins Rapp Strategies as Senior Director?,,"토드 스톤, Rapp Strategies의 선임 이사로 합류" 7567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German industrial workers stage strikes in pay dispute?,,독일 산업 노동자들이 임금 분쟁으로 파업을 벌이다. 9073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Patient Home Monitoring Releases Quarterly Conference Call?,,"환자 홈 모니터링, 분기 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 1081,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ECB's Lane sees no dramatic move in rates in coming years?,,ECB의 레인은 향후 몇 년간 금리의 극적인 변화를 보지 못할 것이라고 봤다. 721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Altice boosted by plan to spin off U.S. operation?,,"알티스, 미국 사업 부문의 분할 계획에 힘입어 상승세 보인다." 1101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World Rankings?,,세계 순위 895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 22 Michigan knocks off No. 8 Ohio State?,,"22위 미시간, 8위 오하이오주를 이기다." 4222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tottenham clinch top-four spot with Newcastle win?,,"토트넘, 뉴캐슬 승리로 4위 확보" 529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 1stWest M&A’s Managing Director Dr. Carl Craig Leads Ramped-Up Efforts in the Cannabis Mergers & Acquisitions Sector?,,1stWest M&A의 전무 이사인 칼 크레이그 박사가 대마초 인수합병 부문에서 강화된 노력을 이끌고 있다. 5769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Australian cricket in 'good hands' with Langer: Lehmann?,,크리켓-레흐만: '리자드가 리더를 잘 맡고 있어 호주 크리켓은 '좋은 손'에 있다. 8565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Siam Commercial Bank Bought 4.47 Bln Shares In Sahaviriya Steel Industries?,,"시암 상업 은행, 사하비리야 제철 산업에서 44억7천만 주 매입" 4829,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mattis urges Turkish restraint in Syria, wary of toll on civilians?",,"매티스, 시리아에서의 터키의 자제를 촉구하며 민간인 피해에 우려 표명" 4899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warhol portraits set for up £22 million at auction?,,"워홀 초상화, 경매에서 최대 2200만 파운드에 판매될 예정" 1945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China's Dandong Port Group Faces Uncertainty To Make Interest Payments For 5-Year Medium-Term Note Due March 13?,,"BRIEF-중국 단동항 그룹, 3월 13일 만기 5년 중기 채권 이자 지급에 대한 불확실성 직면" 5,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-Emaar sends Dubai up; other markets close mixed?,,중동 주식 - 이마르가 두바이를 상승시키고; 다른 시장들은 엇갈린 마감 3049,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Moleculin Biotech Reports Financial Results For The Year Ended Dec 31, 2017?",,"BRIEF-Moleculin Biotech, 2017년 12월 31일로 종료된 연도의 재무 결과 발표" 5499,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NV5 to Host First Quarter 2018 Conference Call on Thursday, May 3rd at 4:30pm EDT?",,NV5가 2018년 1분기 컨퍼런스 콜을 5월 3일 목요일 오후 4시 30분(동부 표준시)에 개최합니다. 6006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ApolloMed Says Network Medical Management Has Entered Into An Agreement With Golden Shore Medical Group?,,브리핑 - 아폴로메드가 네트워크 의료 관리가 골든 쇼어 의료 그룹과 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 7335,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Omnicom Grows, Despite Continuing Client Pressures?",,"옴니콤, 지속적인 고객 압박에도 불구하고 성장하다" 8959,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australians shaken as Scott beats Chalmers before normal service resumes?,,호주인들은 스콧이 찰머스를 이긴 뒤 정상적인 서비스가 재개되면서 충격에 빠졌다. 7239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Perseus Specialty Foods Fy 2017 Net Profit Up At Eur 1.8 Million?,,"브리프-페르세우스 스페셜티 푸드, 2017 회계연도 순이익 180만 유로로 증가" 3547,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade war or not, weak dollar trades here to stay - Reuters poll?",,"무역 전쟁이든 아니든, 약달러 거래는 여기에서 계속될 것이라는 로이터 여론조사" 4903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japanese companies call for EU-Japan trade deal to apply to UK during transition?,,"일본 기업들, 전환기 동안 EU-일본 무역 협정이 영국에 적용되도록 촉구" 3457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FCC authorizes SpaceX to provide broadband services?,,FCC는 SpaceX에 브로드밴드 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 승인했습니다. 3015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BHP Selects Jacobs To Deliver Engineering Services For New Nickel Sulphate Facility?,,"BHP, 새로운 니켈 황산염 시설을 위한 엔지니어링 서비스 제공업체로 Jacobs를 선정했습니다." 5995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey says all court cases of coup participants to be concluded by year-end?,,"터키, 쿠데타 참여자들의 모든 법원 사건을 연말까지 마무리하겠다고 발표" 8713,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Metropolitan Bank And Trust Approves Issuance Of Peso-Long Term Negotiable Certificates?,,"간단히 말씀드리면, 메트로폴리탄 은행이 페소 장기 협상 인증서 발행을 승인했습니다." 7499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT-Refiner goes belly-up after big payouts to Carlyle Group?,,"INSIGHT-정유업체, Carlyle Group에 큰 지급 후 파산하다" 6189,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: I'm innocent, says South Africa's besieged Zuma?",,"""나는 무죄입니다, 고립된 남아프리카 공화국의 주마가 말합니다.""" 8369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breast MRIs may lead to more biopsies that catch fewer cancers?,,유방 MRI가 더 많은 생검을 유도하지만 발견되는 암은 더 적을 수 있다? 4879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quarles Petroleum Acquires Petroleum Distribution Business of Colonial Fuel Oil?,,"퀄즈 페트롤륨, 저지 연료 오일의 석유 유통 사업 인수" 6411,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Montea Comm FY Net Rental Result Up At 40.7‍​ Million Euros?,,"브리핑 - 몬테아, 회계연도 순 임대 수익 4,070만 유로로 증가." 3218,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy repeat election looms in July as parties still far apart?,,이탈리아 재선거가 7월에 다가오지만 정당 간의 거리감은 여전히 큽니다. 378,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Is Blockchain the Answer to Ending Poverty??,,블록체인이 빈곤 종식을 위한 해답일까? 5846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says will not renegotiate nuclear deal: Fars?,,"이란, 핵 합의 재협상하지 않을 것이라고 발표: 파르스" 1842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vehicle struck security barrier near White House?,,백악관 근처의 보안 장벽에 차량이 충돌했다 6615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The ExOne Company Reports 2018 First Quarter Results?,,"엑스원 컴퍼니, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 416,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blasts, gunfire heard in Nigerian city of Maiduguri, witnesses say?",,"""목격자들에 따르면, 나이지리아 마이드구리에서 폭발음과 총소리가 들렸다.""" 4772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-S.Korea proposes talks on N.Korea's participation in winter Olympics?,,"수정됨 - 한국, 북한의 동계 올림픽 참가에 대한 회담을 제안하다." 9634,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shift4 Payments Acquires CurvePay, Adding Millions of Transactions to Shift4 Payments Platform?",,Shift4 Payments가 CurvePay를 인수하여 Shift4 Payments 플랫폼에 수백만 건의 거래를 추가하다. 8701,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Staal, Granlund score 4 points each as Wild down Rangers?",,스탈과 그란룬드가 각각 4점을 기록하며 와일드가 레인저스를 물리쳤다. 4529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bracing for a big explosion in Hawaii's Kilauea?,,하와이의 킬라우에아 화산에서 큰 폭발이 예상된다. 4353,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's revenge: U.S. oil floods Europe, hurting OPEC and Russia?",,트럼프의 복수: 미국 석유가 유럽을 넘쳐흐르며 OPEC과 러시아에 타격을 주다. 1914,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Failed by Facebook, We’ll Return to the Scene of the Crime. We Always Do.?",,페이스북에게 실패한 우리는 범죄 현장으로 돌아갈 것이다. 우리는 항상 그렇다. 6420,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Luxoft Holding, Inc Announces up to $60 Million Share Repurchase Program?",,"Luxoft Holding, Inc가 최대 6000만 달러 규모의 자사주 매입 프로그램을 발표했다고 밝혔습니다." 1098,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Earnings Release Date and Conference Call?",,"SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.가 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 발표 날짜와 콘퍼런스 콜을 발표했습니다." 3613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comcast Just Bid $31 Billion to Buy Sky Out From Under Rupert Murdoch and Fox. Here's What You Need to Know. - Fortune?,,컴캐스트가 루퍼트 머독과 폭스에서 스카이(미디어 회사)를 사기 위해 310억 달러를 입찰했다. 알아야 할 사항은 다음과 같습니다. - 포춘 5766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Artificial Intelligence fears added to market sell-off?,,인공지능에 대한 두려움이 시장 급락에 추가되다 6533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Brazil stocks up; Fibria shares jump on M&A reports?,,EMERGING MARKETS-브라질 주식 상승; M&A 보고서에 따라 피브리아 주가 급등 9868,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jaguar Land Rover CEO on self-driving cars, electric vehicles?",,"재규어 랜드로버 CEO, 자율주행차와 전기차에 대한 이야기" 5011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: Here's how Mark Zuckerberg should respond to Facebook's crisis?,,Cramer Remix: 마크 저커버그가 Facebook의 위기에 어떻게 대응해야 하는지에 대한 방법입니다. 5884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla's Musk calls Wall Street snub 'foolish' but defends his behaviour?,,"테슬라의 머스크, 월스트리트 기피를 '어리석다'고 하지만 자신의 행동을 옹호하다." 1076,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gourmet chocolate sweetens bitter times in Venezuela?,,"""미식 초콜릿이 베네수엘라의 쓴 시기를 달콤하게 만들다""" 5728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JPMorgan Chase Admits Cryptocurrency Is a ‘Risk’ to its Business for the First Time?,,JPMorgan Chase가 처음으로 암호화폐가 자사 비즈니스에 '위험'이라는 점을 인정했다. 3945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Day & Zimmermann ECM President Michael McMahon Named One of Safety+Health Magazine’s CEOs Who “Get It”?,,"데이 앤 짐머만 ECM의 사장 마이클 맥마흔, Safety+Health 저널이 선정한 ""이해하는"" CEO 중 한 명으로 이름을 올리다." 7125,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gold gains as trade war fears weigh on dollar, equities?",,무역 전쟁 우려로 인해 달러와 주식이 하락하면서 금 값 상승 4478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eraldo Poletto leaves as CEO of Italy's Ferragamo?,,에랄도 포레토가 이탈리아 페라가모의 CEO 직을 떠나다. 8348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kunming Sinobright Group says change of accounting policy?,,"쿤밍 시노브라이트 그룹, 회계 정책 변경 발표" 8886,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Progressive Care 2017 Annual Report Conference Call and Webcast with Investors on March 27, 2018?",,프로그레시브 케어 2017년 연례 보고서 회의 콜 및 투자자들과의 웹캐스트가 2018년 3월 27일에 개최됩니다. 1609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The final straight - party leaders launch German coalition talks?,,결승 직선 - 정당 지도자들이 독일 연정 협상을 시작하다. 8455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei rises; pension fund buying seen; large-cap stocks gain?,,니케이 상승; 연기금 매수 관측; 대형주 상승 4067,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sleepo Has Repaid Loan Of SEK 1 Million To Chairman?,,잠깐 - Sleepo가 의장에게 100만 스웨덴 크로나의 대출을 상환했습니다. 1411,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bayern win again, Schalke beaten in keepers' nightmare?",,"바이에른이 또다시 승리하고, 샬케는 골키퍼의 악몽 속에 패배하다." 42,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang: Cryptocurrency is here to stay, will be an 'important driver' for business?",,Nvidia CEO 젠슨 황: 암호화폐는 계속 존재할 것이며 비즈니스의 '중요한 동력'이 될 것입니다. 2519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hedge funds expect counter bid for Sky after Comcast offer?,,"헷지 펀드, 콤캐스트 제안 후 스카이에 대한 반대 입찰 예상" 6207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St set to open higher as bond market worries ease?,,"미국 주식 - 채권 시장 우려 완화에 따라 월가, 상승세로 개장할 예정" 5730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - CSPG?,,IIROC 거래 중단 / OCRCVM에 의한 거래 정지 - CSPG 6531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Early birds Panama look to put on a dignified performance?,,"일찍이 등장한 파나마, 품위 있는 경기를 펼칠 계획." 6065,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toolbox co. wins trade war, so where are the sales??",,"툴박스 회사, 무역 전쟁에서 승리했지만 매출은 어디에?" 8051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boat carrying 76 Rohingya lands in Indonesia?,,76명의 로힝야를 태운 보트가 인도네시아에 도착했다. 9367,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Long sought by North Korea, summit holds risks for Trump administration?",,"북한이 오랫동안 바란 정상회담, 트럼프 행정부에 위험 요소가 있다?" 2865,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Concrete Leveling Systems, Inc. Provides Corporate Update?",,"콘크리트 레벨링 시스템즈, Inc. 기업 업데이트 제공" 7986,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Without Lula, right wing and green candidates lead Brazil's presidential race: poll?",,"룰라 없이, 우파와 환경 후보들이 브라질 대통령 선거에서 선두를 달리고 있다는 여론 조사 결과." 6900,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia c.bank to issue new bonds in May -official?,,"러시아 중앙은행, 5월에 새로운 채권 발행 - 관계자" 1448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stolt-Nielsen Limited Board Recommends Final 2017 Dividend?,,"Stolt-Nielsen Limited 이사회, 2017년 최종 배당금 추천" 2927,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microchip Technology Announces Receipt of Antitrust Clearance in Taiwan, Approval of Microsemi Shareholders, and Expected Closing Date of Its Acquisition of Microsemi?",,"마이크로칩 기술, 대만에서의 반독점 승인 수령 발표, 마이크로세미 주주 승인, 마이크로세미 인수의 예상 마감일" 427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cuba Gets a Castro Convertible?,,"쿠바, 카스트로 전환 가능성 시사" 3161,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Morning Risk Report: The Limits of Big Data in Compliance - Risk & Compliance Journal. - WSJ?,,아침 리스크 보고서: 컴플라이언스에서 빅데이터의 한계 - 리스크 & 컴플라이언스 저널. - WSJ 6348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senate committee to vote on bill to protect Mueller next week?,,"상원 위원회, 다음 주 뮬러를 보호하는 법안에 대해 투표 예정" 7940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suicide bomber kills 11 people in mosque attack in northeast Nigeria?,,북동부 나이지리아 모스크 폭탄 공격으로 11명 사망 7341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Lisu minority guards a culture of crossbows?,,"""중국의 리수 소수민족, 크로스보우 문화 지키기""" 9021,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Italian Elections Matter: A New Type of Populism Is Rising - WSJ?,,왜 이탈리아 선거가 중요한가: 새로운 유형의 포퓰리즘이 부상하고 있다 - WSJ 3220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lithuania liquor ad ban causes headaches?,,리투아니아의 주류 광고 금지로 인한 머리 아픔 6670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peru defends China as good trade partner after U.S. warnings?,,"""미국의 경고 이후 페루, 중국을 좋은 무역 파트너로 옹호하다""" 8743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Opsens Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.01?,,브리프 - 옵센 분기당 손실 주당 $0.01 2852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Talbros Automotive Components Dec-Qtr Consol Net Profit Rises?,,"브리프-인도의 탈브로스 자동차 부품, 12월 분기 연결 순이익 증가" 8380,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 5G brings more agility, opens up telcos to competitors, says Red Hat CEO?",,"5G는 더 많은 민첩성을 가져오고, 통신사를 경쟁자들에게 개방한다고 레드햇 CEO가 말합니다." 7240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paris court keeps filmmaker Gilliam in suspense over Quixote movie?,,"파리 법원, 길리엄 감독의 돈키호테 영화에 대한 판결 유보" 8166,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global Economy Week Ahead: Global Growth Forecasts, U.S. Retail Sales and Housing Starts?",,"글로벌 경제 주간 전망: 글로벌 성장 전망, 미국 소매 판매 및 주택 착공." 7842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Conoco moves to take over Venezuelan PDVSA's Caribbean assets?,,"코노코, 베네수엘라 PDVSA의 카리브 해 자산 인수 추진" 408,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Meiho Enterprise acquires Tokyo-based real estate property?,,"MEIHO 엔터프라이즈, 도쿄 기반 부동산 인수" 8274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IOC to implement 25 recommendations to promote gender equality?,,IOC가 성 평등을 촉진하기 위해 25가지 권고안을 시행하다. 5509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morning Top 10?,,아침 주요 소식 10가지? 9235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why the Jerusalem U.S. embassy divides opinion?,,예루살렘 미국 대사관이 왜 의견을 나누는가? 1646,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ecolab Schedules Webcast and Conference Call on February 20?,,"에콜랩, 2월 20일 웹캐스트 및 전화 회의 일정 발표" 2290,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After rocket launch, Elon Musk tweets about the SpaceX of 10 years ago?",,"로켓 발사 후, 일론 머스크가 10년 전 스페이스X에 대해 트윗했다." 6525,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Drought-hit Cape Town at 'point of no return', tightens water targets?",,"가뭄에 시달리는 케이프타운, '돌이킬 수 없는 지점'에 도달하며 물 목표 강화" 9168,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kuwait Reinsurance Q1 Profit Rises?,,쿠웨이트 재보험사의 1분기 이익 상승 7740,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EPA chief Scott Pruitt took flights costing taxpayers $163,000?",,"EPA 수장 스콧 프루잇은 세금 납부자에게 163,000달러의 비용이 드는 비행기를 탔다." 862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clearside Announces Pricing of Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"클리어사이드, 보통주 공모 가격 발표" 2943,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer says Republican-led Dodd-Frank rollback could lead to job cuts?,,크레이머는 공화당 주도의 도드-프랭크 법안 철회가 일자리 감소로 이어질 수 있다고 말했습니다. 8258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU officials reject City of London's Brexit blueprint for banks - sources?,,EU 관리들이 런던 금융시장의 브렉시트 청사진을 거부 - 소식통 1735,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: San Francisco subpoenas Uber, Lyft on driver classification?",,"샌프란시스코, 운전사 분류에 대해 우버와 리프트에 소환장 발부" 3729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kaisa Group Holdings ‍Posts FY Profit Attributable Of RMB3.28 Billion?,,Kaisa Group Holdings는 FY(회계연도) 순이익으로 32억 위안을 기록했다고 발표했습니다. 7320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scythian Biosciences Announces Licensing Agreement With Isodiol International?,,"스키타이 생명과학, 이소디올 인터내셔널과 라이선스 계약 체결 발표" 4210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: G5 Entertainment Q1 EBIT Rises To SEK 49.4 Million?,,G5 엔터테인먼트 1분기 EBIT가 4940만 크로나로 증가했다. 6651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Territorial Bancorp Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,테리토리얼 뱅콥 Inc.가 2018년 1분기 실적을 발표했습니다. 6765,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett Is on the Hunt for a 'Huge' Acquisition?,,워렌 버핏이 '거대한' 인수를 위해 나섰다? 6563,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: As Bon-Ton shutters stores, Kohl's could reap the benefits?",,본톤이 매장을 폐쇄함에 따라 콜스가 혜택을 볼 수 있다? 7645,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Long Blockchain Corp. Appoints new Chief Executive Officer, Approves Spin Off of Beverage Business?",,"롱 블록체인 코프, 새로운 최고경영자 임명 및 음료 사업 분할 승인" 4195,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TransGlobe Energy Corporation Announces Release Date of First Quarter 2018 Results and Conference Call?,,TransGlobe Energy Corporation이 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 날짜를 발표했습니다. 3753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NamSys Inc. Reports Results of Operations for Fiscal 2017.?,,NamSys Inc.가 2017 회계연도 운영 결과를 보고하다. 6783,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jeremy Siegel sticks with 10% return S&P forecast?,,"제레미 시겔, S&P 10% 수익 전망 고수" 1593,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil's JBS beats estimates, refinances bank debt?",,"UPDATE 1-브라질 JBS, 예상 초과 달성 및 은행 부채 재조정" 5943,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CIO Agrees to AUD$580,000 Sale of South Darlot Exploration Properties?",,"CIO, 사우스 달롯 탐사 자산 580,000 호주 달러 판매에 합의하다." 2884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AccorHotels announces long-awaited property spin-off?,,아코르호텔이 오랜 기다림 끝에 자산 분할을 발표하다. 879,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg's unlikely to make issues worse, says analyst?",,"""Zuckerberg가 문제를 악화시킬 가능성은 낮다, 분석가가 말하다""" 1181,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia says Go-Jek, Grab need to register as transport businesses?",,"인도네시아, 고젝과 그랩이 운송 사업으로 등록해야 한다고 발표하다." 9043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: These 2 Words Are the Trick to Scoring a Flight Upgrade?,,이 두 단어가 항공권 업그레이드를 받는 비결이다? 1982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jobless Claims Fell Last Week?,,실업수당 청구건수가 지난주 감소했다. 3455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daqo New Energy Corp. Announces Proposed Follow-on Public Offering of American Depositary Shares?,,다콰 신에너지 주식회사는 미국 예탁주식의 후속 공모 제안 발표 4091,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shares in healthcare property owner Quality Care drop on ManorCare rent fight?,,"""ManorCare 임대료 분쟁으로 의료 부동산 소유주 Quality Care의 주가 하락""" 3548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Marcin Ambroziak Buys 5.04% Stake In Inventionmed?,,"브리프 - 마르친 암브로지악, 인벤션넷의 5.04% 지분 인수" 2599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Varian Calypso Anchored Beacon Transponder For Lung Receives FDA 510K Clearance?,,브리프 - 바리안 칼립소 앵커드 비컨 트랜스폰더가 폐에 대해 FDA 510K 승인을 받음. 5257,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tammy Duckworth, Iraq vet, calls Trump 'cadet bone spurs'?",,"탐미 덕워스, 이라크 전 veteran, 트럼프를 '사관학교 진빨'이라고 언급하다." 881,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Solar Industry Corporate Funding Surges Up 41 Percent With $12.8 Billion in 2017, Reports Mercom Capital Group?",,"태양광 산업 기업 자금 지원, 2017년에 128억 달러로 41% 급증, 머컴 캐피탈 그룹 보고서 발표" 1431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off?,,"트럼프, 젊은 이민자들을 위한 DACA 협상 종료 선언" 8397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hawaii lava flow engulfs more homes as ash plume ascends?,,"하와이 용암 흐름, 재 기둥이 솟구치는 가운데 더 많은 집들을 휘감다." 4267,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Without rain, South Africa's Cape Town may run out of water by April?",,비가 없으면 남아프리카 공화국의 케이프타운은 4월까지 물이 바닥날 수 있다. 5986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google VP: We know our responsibility in handling data?,,구글 부사장: 우리는 데이터 처리에 대한 우리의 책임을 알고 있습니다. 3292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Zealand teenager tried to assassinate Queen Elizabeth in 1981: intelligence agency?,,"1981년 뉴질랜드 십대, 엘리자베스 2세 여왕 암살 시도: 정보 기관" 5642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rref II Al Breck Socimi FY Net Result Turns To Loss Of 0.3 Mln Euros?,,BRIEF-Rref II Al Breck Socimi의 FY 순이익이 30만 유로 손실로 전환되었다. 4296,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bonduelle H1 Current Operating Profit Up At 66 Million euros?,,"본뒤엘, 상반기 경영이익 6600만 유로로 증가" 7370,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In the battle over his sole, Louboutin loses a round?",,"그의 발을 둘러싼 전투에서, 루부탱이 1라운드를 잃었다." 2115,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: California to Set Solar Mandate on All New Homes | Fortune?,,"캘리포니아, 모든 신규 주택에 태양광 의무화 추진 | 포ortun" 7764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Chung becomes South Korea's first grand slam semi-finalist?,,"테니스-정현, 한국 최초의 그랜드슬램 준결승 진출." 3300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SSR Mining Announces Voting Results from 2018 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders?,,"SSR Mining, 2018년 정기 및 특별 주주총회 투표 결과 발표" 7374,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brexit could push 4,000-plus JPMorgan jobs from Britain?",,"UPDATE 1-브렉시트가 4,000개 이상의 JP모건 일자리를 영국에서 빼낼 수 있다?" 2292,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Anglo Irish Bank CEO on trial over defrauding depositors, investors?",,"전 아일랜드 앵글로 뱅크 CEO, 예금자 및 투자자 사기 혐의로 재판에 넘겨져" 2963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Sells Fewer Engines In Jan?,,"브리프 - 하얼빈 돈그안 자동차 엔진, 1월 엔진 판매 감소" 4181,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon, Berkshire, JPMorgan partner to cut healthcare costs?",,"아마존, 버크셔, JP모건, 의료비 절감을 위한 파트너십 체결" 1824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RTL faces headwinds in Q1 but confirms guidance?,,RTL은 1분기에 어려움을 겪지만 가이던스를 확인한다. 7218,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-YGsoft says listing of 4.5 mln private placement new shares on Jan. 19?,,브리프 - YG소프트는 1월 19일에 450만 주의 사모 배정 신주 상장 예정이라고 밝혔다. 6336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Logismos Will Not Propose Dividend For 2017?,,브리프 - 로기스모스는 2017년 배당금을 제안하지 않을 것이다. 5022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blood analysis app could help snakebite victims?,,혈액 분석 앱이 뱀에 물린 피해자들에게 도움을 줄 수 있을까? 4098,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. says tool chests from China, Vietnam are being dumped in U.S. market?",,"미국, 중국과 베트남의 공구함이 미국 시장에 덤핑되고 있다고 발표하다." 7101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Developer Sunac China aims to boost sales by 24 pct in 2018?,,"개발업체 선악 중국, 2018년 판매 24% 증가 목표 헌신" 329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Datapulse Technology Requests For Trading Halt?,,브리프 - 데이터펄스 테크놀로지가 거래 중단을 요청합니다. 7861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kushner Cos. is subpoenaed by the feds following a report the company filed dozens of false documents?,,"쿠슈너 컴퍼니, 회사가 수십 개의 허위 문서를 제출했다는 보도 후 연방 정부에 의해 소환되다." 742,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hip hop and R&B surpass rock as biggest U.S. music genre?,,힙합과 R&B가 미국에서 가장 큰 음악 장르로 록을 초월하다. 66,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing could see a huge swing on earnings Wednesday morning?,,보잉은 수요일 아침에 수익에서 큰 변동이 생길 수 있다. 4791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JBS USA Lux S.A. Announces Upsizing and Pricing of Senior Notes Offering?,,JBS USA Lux S.A.가 채권 공모의 규모 확대 및 가격 책정을 발표하다. 3645,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: El Paso Electric Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"엘파소 전기, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 5169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's Sorgenia plans to list but not in short term?,,"이탈리아의 소르제니아, 단기적으로 상장 계획 없어" 1599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon to roll out delivery service?,,"아마존, 배송 서비스 롤아웃 예정" 4112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fram Skandinavien: Directed New Issue Fully Subscribed To?,,브리프-프람 스칸디나비엔: 공모가 전량 구독 완료 1374,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Some States Are Using Beet Juice and Beer to'Salt' Icy Roads - Fortune?,,왜 일부 주에서 얼어붙은 도로에 비트 주스와 맥주로 '소금 처리'를 하고 있을까 - 포춘? 7998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo is probably bad news for Iran?,,국무장관 지명자인 마이크 폼페오가 이란에게 아마도 나쁜 소식인 이유 6837,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OncoSec Medical Incorporated Prices $20.0 Million Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"온코섹 의료 주식회사, 2천만 달러 규모의 보통주 공모 가격 책정" 5977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ascent Solar Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"""Ascent Solar, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표""" 883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Study finds snakes are caring parents?,,연구에 따르면 뱀은 배려하는 부모이다. 2708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Anthem Class-Action Con?,,안them 집단 소송의 사기 사건. 310,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-‍Deutsche Bank Says Board Will Discuss CEO On Sunday Evening?,,"브리프 - ​도이치뱅크, 이사회가 일요일 저녁 CEO에 대해 논의할 것이라고 발표." 6891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ares Management beats 4Q profit forecasts?,,Ares Management가 4분기 수익 예상을 초과 달성하다. 8350,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France, Germany to make joint bitcoin regulation proposal at G20 summit?",,"프랑스, 독일, G20 정상 회담에서 공동 비트코인 규제 제안할 예정" 1064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Takeda shares down 3 percent after Shire rejects $63 billion offer?,,"타케다 주식, 샤이어가 630억 달러 제안을 거부한 후 3% 하락" 7139,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump, House GOP face uphill battle against the FBI after memo release?",,"트럼프와 하원 공화당, 메모 공개 이후 FBI에 맞서 힘든 싸움에 직면하다." 5343,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-America Movil still wants TV license in Mexico, CEO says?",,"UPDATE 1-아메리카 모빌, 멕시코에서 여전히 TV 라이센스를 원한다고 CEO가 언급하다." 6135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil c.bank divided on how strongly to signal end of rate cuts?,,"UPDATE 1-브라질 중앙은행, 금리 인하 종료 신호 강도에 대한 의견이 엇갈리다." 337,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Antero Midstream and AMGP Announce First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release Date and Joint?,,안테로 미드스트림과 AMGP가 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 날짜 및 공동 발표를 알립니다. 3199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scaramucci denies Trump gave him the green light to attack John Kelly?,,스카라무치는 트럼프가 그에게 존 켈리를 공격하라고 허락했다고 부인했다. 7408,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook's Sandberg, Twitter's Dorsey to leave Disney board?",,"페이스북의 샌드버그, 트위터의 도르시가 디즈니 이사회를 떠난다." 9701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin Haven Bali Considers Cryptocurrency Crackdown | Fortune?,,"비트코인 천국 발리, 암호화폐 단속 검토" 5461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's 5-Star and League put final touches to government deal?,,이탈리아의 5성당과 리그가 정부 협정을 최종적으로 마무리짓다. 8171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Groupe LDLC FY Revenues Down At 472.1 Million Euros?,,"Groupe LDLC의 회계연도 매출이 4억 7,210만 유로로 감소했습니다." 4718,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - WAF?,,IIROC 거래 중지 / WAF에 대한 OCRCVM의 거래 중지 8363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Geopolitical risk is increasingly priced into the oil market: Researcher?,,"""지정학적 위험이 석유 시장에 점점 더 반영되고 있다: 연구자""" 6614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lydall Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.64?,,브리프 - 리달 1분기 주당순이익 $0.64 6637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GeoVax Reports 2017 Year-End Financial Results?,,"GeoVax, 2017년 연간 재무 결과 보고" 1148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lens Technology unit completes establishment of new material JV?,,"브리핑 - 렌즈 기술 부문, 새로운 소재 합작 기업 설립 완료" 7495,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kier Group Says ‍Group Has Traded In Line With Expectations In Period​?,,브리프-키어 그룹은 해당 기간 동안 그룹이 예상과 일치하게 거래했다고 발표했습니다. 2370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shandong Longda Meat Foodstuff sees FY 2018 H1 net profit could fall up to 20 pct?,,브리프 - 샨덩 롱다 육류 식품이 2018 회계연도 상반기 순익이 최대 20% 감소할 수 있다고 발표했습니다. 2383,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar hits 16-month lows vs. yen as trade fears, Japanese political woes hurt?",,달러가 무역 우려와 일본의 정치적 문제로 인해 엔화 대비 16개월 최저치에 도달하다. 5605,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FEATURE-Gay and intersex asylum seekers find place to call home in Britain?,,FEATURE-영국에서 집을 찾는 동성애자 및 간성인 망명자들 7687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Silica Announces Sale of Transload Assets to CIG Logistics?,,"미국 실리카, CIG 물류에 전송 자산 매각 발표" 8578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First cinema in Saudi Arabia to reopen on April 18?,,4월 18일 사우디아라비아의 첫 번째 영화관이 재개장? 8790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kim Jong Un Says He Has a Nuclear Launch Button on His Office Desk - WSJ?,,"김정은, ""내 책상에 핵 발사 버튼이 있다""라고 말하다 - WSJ" 9068,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Credit Markets to Stock Investors: Calm Down?,,신용 시장이 주식 투자자들에게: 진정하세요? 8451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's PM May tells Tusk EU draft legal text would undermine the UK?,,"영국의 메이 총리, 투스크에게 EU 초안 법적 문서가 영국을 약화시킬 것이라고 말하다." 8097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Qatar's Salam International Investment Posts FY Loss?,,브리프 - 카타르의 Salam International Investment가 회계연도 손실을 발표하다. 5629,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc. Announces Preferred Dividends?",,"아폴로 상업용 부동산 금융 주식회사, 우선주 배당금 발표" 8814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel protests at televised Turkish airport patdown of its envoy?,,"이스라엘, 텔레비전 중계된 터키 공항에서 자국 대사를 수색하는 모습에 항의하다" 1645,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks shaky as Syrian conflict hits Russian rouble?,,글로벌 시장 - 시리아 갈등이 러시아 루블에 타격을 주면서 주식이 불안정하다. 8891,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Openness or protection? Czechs' choice echoes EU, U.S. votes?",,개방 또는 보호? 체코의 선택이 EU와 미국의 투표를 반영하나요? 2986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Big Dog Won’t Hunt? - WSJ?,,"""큰 개는 사냥하지 않는다?"" - WSJ" 2798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York fashion show to highlight #MeToo movement?,,"뉴욕 패션쇼, #MeToo 운동 조명할 예정" 2125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hotron Precision Electronic Ind to pay cash dividend of T$4/share for 2017?,,"BRIEF-호트론 정밀 전자, 2017년 주당 T$4 현금 배당금 지급 예정" 3402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mellanox Confirms Receipt of Director Nominations from Starboard Value?,,"""Mellanox, Starboard Value로부터 이사 후보 지명을 받았음을 확인""" 4337,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Team by team analysis of Australian Grand Prix?,,호주 그랑프리 팀별 분석 1002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kamada to Announce Financial and Host Conference Call on May 15?,,"카마다, 5월 15일 재무 보고 및 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 발표 예정" 7041,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Not fair for US sanctions to attack ordinary working Russians: Sovereign wealth fund CEO?,,일반 일하는 러시아인들을 공격하는 미국 제재는 공정하지 않다: 국부펀드 CEO 2848,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oprah Winfrey: Why She's One of Fortune's Greatest Leaders | Fortune?,,오프라 윈프리: 그녀가 포춘의 가장 위대한 리더 중 하나인 이유 3270,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eric Siemers, M.D., Named Distinguished Medical Adviser at Cogstate?",,"에릭 시머스 박사, 코그스테이트의 명예 의료 자문위원으로 임명되다." 1268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Results From Phase 3 XGEVA® (Denosumab) Study In Patients With Multiple Myeloma Published In The Lancet Oncology?,,다발성 골수종 환자에 대한 3상 XGEVA® (데노수맙) 연구 결과가 랭싯 종양학에 발표되었습니다. 6054,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Andrew Berens, M.D. Joins LEERINK Partners Equity Research Team?",,앤드류 베렌스 의사가 LEERINK 파트너스 주식 리서치 팀에 합류하다. 5322,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golden Globe winners talk about Time's Up movement?,,골든 글로브 수상자들이 타임즈 업 운동에 대해 이야기하다 2691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oldest human remains outside Africa found in Israeli cave?,,아프리카 외부에서 발견된 가장 오래된 인류 유해가 이스라엘 동굴에서 발견되었다. 3078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SDL Announces Appointment Of Xenia Walters As CFO?,,"브리프 - SDL, 제니아 월터스를 CFO로 임명 발표" 4817,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap Board Proposes Dividend Payment Of Nok 2,20 Per Share For 2017?",,"오라프 톤 부동산 회사 이사회, 2017년 주당 2.20 NOK 배당금 지급 제안" 4699,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JSW Steel, Tata Steel among suitors for Bhushan Steel - sources?",,"JSW 스틸, 타타 스틸이 부산 스틸 인수 후보에 올라 - 소식통" 1420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OraSure Technologies Earnings Conference Call Invitation?,,OraSure Technologies 실적 발표 컨퍼런스 콜 초청장 9361,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bomb blast in Syria's Afrin kills seven civilians, four Syrian rebels -Anadolu?",,시리아 아프린에서 발생한 폭탄 폭발로 민간인 7명과 시리아 반군 4명이 사망했다 - 아나돌루 147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Singapore Airlines plans blockchain tech for frequent flyer spending?,,"싱가포르 항공, 자주 발생하는 여행객의 포인트 사용을 위한 블록체인 기술 계획" 8515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Medicines Company Reports First-Quarter 2018 Results?,,"메디슨스 컴퍼니, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 1907,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's finance ministry ready to regulate, not ban crypto-FX?",,"러시아 재무부, 암호화폐 외환을 금지하지 않고 규제할 준비 완료" 2514,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei ticks up, defensive shares shine as trade war worries cast shadow?",,"니케이 지수가 소폭 상승, 무역 전쟁 우려가 그림자를 드리우자 방어주가 빛을 발하다" 7874,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Johnson backs May's position over EU customs' plans?,,"존슨, EU 관세 계획에 대한 메이의 입장 지지" 3810,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea's major cryptocurreny exchanges raided by police, tax authorities?",,한국의 주요 암호화폐 거래소 경찰과 세무당국의 압수수색을 받다 5418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Spotify CEO eligible to sell up to $2 bln stake in public listing?,,"업데이트 2-스포티파이 CEO, 상장 주식에서 최대 20억 달러의 지분 매각 자격 확정" 3771,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Communal violence gets political in Nigeria?,,나이지리아에서 공동체 폭력이 정치적으로 확대되고 있다. 4999,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LafargeHolcim Appoints New Head of HR?,,"라파르주홀심, 새로운 인사부장 임명" 1012,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TapImmune Provides Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Corporate and Clinical Update?,,"TapImmune, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 기업 및 임상 업데이트 제공" 3247,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: YouTube launches music service?,,유튜브가 음악 서비스를 출시하다 3324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner to Face Democrat J.B. Pritzker in General Election?,,"일리노이 주지사 브루스 라우너, 민주당원 J.B. 프리츠커와 총선에서 맞붙어" 568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vibhavadi Medical Center Posts FY ‍Net Profit Of 868.6 Mln Baht?,,"BRIEF-비바바디 의료센터, FY 순이익 8억 6천8백만 바트 발표" 7067,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia elections: 1MDB scandal?,,말레이시아 선거: 1MDB 스캔들 1294,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hanesbrands Inc CEO Gerald W. Evans 2017 Total Compensation Was $9.6 Million V/s $9.2 Million In 2016 ‍​?,,브리프 - 하네스브랜즈의 CEO 제럴드 W. 에반스의 2017년 총 보수는 960만 달러로 2016년의 920만 달러와 비교됨. 9699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kim Jong Un invites South Korean president to the North?,,"김정은, 한국 대통령을 북한으로 초대하다." 6593,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: May tells bankers they are a priority for Brexit amid job warnings?,,메이는 은행가들에게 일자리 경고 속에 브렉시트의 우선사항이라고 말한다. 472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Portland General Electric Declares Dividend?,,"포틀랜드 제너럴 일렉트릭, 배당금 선언" 3882,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: With gasoline exports on the rise, refinery CEO sees global demand rising in 2018?",,휘발유 수출이 증가함에 따라 정유소 CEO는 2018년 글로벌 수요가 증가할 것으로 보고 있다. 2603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cosco Shipping Development Proposes To Appoint Liang Yanfeng As A Non-Executive Director?,,BRIEF-Cosco Shipping Development이 Liang Yanfeng을 비상임 이사로 임명할 것을 제안합니다. 6841,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Box Sets Date to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results?,,"박스 세트, 2018년 4분기 및 회계 연도 재무 결과 발표 날짜 설정" 7673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wilbur Ross on Cohn resignation: 'Not some sort of palace coup'?,,"윌버 로스, 코언 사임에 대해: '일종의 궁정 쿠데타가 아니다'" 1518,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Transcript: James Sweeney, Chief Economist, Credit Suisse?",,"CNBC 기록: 제임스 스위니, 크레딧 스위스 수석 경제학자" 1489,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crypto 'noobs' learn to cope with wild swings in digital coins?,,"""크립토 '뉴비'들이 디지털 코인의 급등락에 대처하는 법을 배우다""" 9880,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-American Hotel Income Properties REIT Says CEO Purchased 67,000 Additional Units This Week?",,"브리프 - 아메리칸 호텔 수익 부동산 투자 신탁, CEO가 이번 주에 67,000개의 추가 유닛을 구매했다고 발표하다." 5194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A. Schulman Declares Regular and Convertible Special Stock Cash Dividends?,,"A. 슐먼, 보통주 및 전환주 특별 배당금 현금 지급 발표" 9876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TrueCar: 1Q Earnings Snapshot?,,TrueCar: 1분기 실적 스냅샷 2490,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investec's strategy to stay largely intact after management changes - outgoing CEO?,,인베스텍의 전략은 경영진 변화 이후에도 크게 유지될 것이라고 퇴임 CEO가 발표했습니다. 5608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slowing growth is another headwind for Asian currencies?,,성장 둔화가 아시아 통화에 또 다른 역풍이 되고 있다. 9851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Ucal Fuel Systems Dec Qtr Profit Rises?,,"브리프 - 인도의 유칼 연료 시스템, 12월 분기 이익 증가" 4990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Super League Fixtures?,,슈퍼 리그 일정 8215,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour Masters 1000 / WTA Premier, Miami Masters Women's Singles Results?",,"ATP 월드 투어 마스터스 1000 / WTA 프리미어, 마이애미 마스터스 여자 단식 결과는 무엇일까?" 5319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea: denuclearization not due to U.S. sanctions?,,북한: 비핵화는 미국의 제재 때문이 아니다? 5606,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ronaldo praised for selfless gesture to embattled Benzema?,,"호날두, 곤경에 처한 벤제마를 위한 이타적인 제스처로 찬사받아" 7992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CIG Logistics Purchases Three Transload Terminals In Texas And West Virginia?,,"브리프-CIG 물류, 텍사스와 웨스트버지니아에 위치한 3개의 전환 터미널 구매" 7132,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Underweight births are on the rise, especially among blacks: Study?",,"저체중 출생아가 증가하고 있으며, 특히 흑인 사이에서 그렇다는 연구 결과가 나왔다." 3265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: President Trump Has Delayed a Decision on Steel Tariffs as Negotiations Continue?,,트럼프 대통령이 협상이 계속됨에 따라 철강 관세 결정 연기를 결정했습니다. 7737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX slips as financials weigh?,,캐나다 주식 - 금융주가 하락하면서 TSX 지수가 하락하다. 4918,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cedar Woods Properties HY Revenue Down 4.1 Percent To $54.3 Million?,,브리프-시더 우즈 프로퍼티의 반기 매출이 4.1% 감소하여 5430만 달러에 이르렀다. 1165,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Penske Automotive Increases 401(K) Matching Contributions?,,"브리프 - 펜스키 오토모티브, 401(K) 매칭 기여금 인상" 3641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zwahlen et Mayr FY Net Result up At CHF 2.5 Mln?,,브리프 - 즈와렌과 마이르 FY 순이익이 250만 스위스 프랑으로 증가하였습니다. 9805,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WTA International, Bogota Women's Singles Seeds Progress?",,"""WTA 국제 대회, 보고타 여자 단식 시드 진출""" 7454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Del Potro powers past Mahut after poor start?,,"테니스 - 델 포트로, 부진한 출발 뒤 마히트를 제치고 승리하다." 330,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'We shot the economy in our foot' — Larry Summers on Trump steel and aluminum tariffs?,,'우리는 경제를 발에 총을 쏴버렸다' — 트럼프의 철강 및 알루미늄 관세에 대한 래리 서머스의 발언 8741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: uniQure Announces Closing Of Public Offering And Full Exercise Of The Underwriters' Option To Purchase Additional Shares?,,uniQure는 공모 완결 및 인수인의 추가 주식 구매 옵션 전량 행사를 발표합니다. 1755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-S&P Says Ratings On Slovakia Affirmed At 'A+/A-1'?,,스탠다드앤푸어스(S&P)가 슬로바키아의 신용 등급을 'A+/A-1'로 유지한다고 발표했다. 1908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VC Tim Draper: 'Icons' like Mark Zuckerberg shouldn't be 'picked on'?,,VC 팀 드레이퍼: '아이콘'인 마크 저커버그는 '콩팥을 따지지' 말아야 한다. 3705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Republican leaders press Trump to rethink tariff plan?,,"공화당 지도부, 트럼프에게 관세 계획 재고 촉구" 3652,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NAB Says H2 Net Interest Margin To Reduce By 2-3 BPS If Current Funding Conditions Sustain?,,BRIEF-NAB는 현재 자금 조달 조건이 유지된다면 H2 순이자 마진이 2-3 BPS 감소할 것이라고 말했습니다. 7926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How the South Korean Women’s Curling Team Became the K-Pop Stars of the Olympics?,,한국 여자 컬링 팀이 올림픽의 K-팝 스타가 된 방법 2907,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Audioeye Reports First Quarter, Revenue Increases 153% To $1.1 Mln, Bookings Accelerate To $2.2 Million?",,"간단히 - 오디오아이 보고서 1분기, 매출 153% 증가하여 110만 달러, 예약금 220만 달러로 가속화." 4576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei hits fresh 26-year high; Fast Retailing soars?,,니케이가 26년 만에 최고치를 기록하다; 패스트리테일링 주가 급등. 7828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Game Conference Rescinds Award for Atari Founder Amid Sexism Complaints | Fortune?,,"""게임 컨퍼런스, 성차별 고발로 아타리 창립자에게 수여한 상 취소"" | 포춘" 6700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sky wins bulk of Premier League rights as value slips?,,스카이가 프리미어리그 방송권의 대부분을 획득했지만 가치가 하락했다. 1358,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-WWE, Maori Television Announced Agreement To Broadcast WWE's Programs In New Zealand?",,"BRIEF-WWE와 마오리 텔레비전, 뉴질랜드에서 WWE 프로그램 방송을 위한 계약 체결 발표" 6002,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ROTH Capital Partners Expands Technology Practice with Addition of Scott Searle, CFA, Managing Director, Senior Research Analyst and transition of Brian Alger, CFA to Managing Director, Investment Banking?",,"ROTH 캐피탈 파트너스, 스콧 시얼(CFA) 관리 이사 겸 선임 연구 분석가 영입으로 기술 분야 확대 및 브라이언 알거(CFA)를 관리 이사로 투자은행 업무 전환" 4156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British gaming firm enlists army of players to create Worlds Adrift?,,영국 게임 회사가 플레이어 군단을 모집해 '워즈 아드리프트'를 만든다. 303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakthrough Medical Device Start-up Attune Medical Promotes Keith Warner to CEO?,,"의료 기기 스타트업 아튠 메디컬, 키스 워너를 CEO로 승진시켜" 4388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of China authorized to operate in Chile -regulator?,,"중국은행, 칠레에서 운영할 수 있도록 승인받아 - 규제 당국" 942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. trade deficit rises - but not with China?,,미국의 무역 적자가 증가했지만 중국과는 그렇지 않다. 1452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WeissLaw LLP: Proposed Acquisition of Hardinge Inc. May Not Be In The Best Interest of HDNG Shareholders?,,위스로법률: 하딩 Inc.의 제안된 인수가 HDNG 주주에게 최선의 이익이 아닐 수 있습니다. 1416,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Superman' actress Margot Kidder dead at age 69: Montana funeral home?,,"'슈퍼맨' 여배우 마고 키더, 69세에 사망: 몬타나 장례식장" 1443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Dermapharm falls sharply in Frankfurt debut?,,"UPDATE 2-더마파르프, 프랑크푸르트 첫 거래에서 급락" 9755,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brainstorm Health: AI and Staffing, Virtual Reality Boost, Abortion Ban Block | Fortune?",,"Brainstorm Health: AI와 인력배치, 가상현실 증대, 낙태 금지 조치 차단 | 포춘" 8720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon Go opens in Seattle?,,"아마존 고, 시애틀에 오픈하다." 6037,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NXP up on report Chinese regulators to restart review of Qualcomm bid?,,"NXP, 중국 규제당국이 퀄컴 입찰 검토를 재개할 것이라는 보도에 상승." 2114,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. SEC publishes updated guidance on cyber breach disclosure?,,"미국 SEC, 사이버 침해 공개에 대한 업데이트된 안내서 발표" 1414,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Earthquake shakes buildings in Afghanistan, felt in Pakistan - Reuters witnesses?",,"아프가니스탄에서 건물들이 흔들리는 지진이 발생했으며, 파키스탄에서도 느껴졌다고 로이터 기자들이 전했습니다." 5074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street set to open higher as trade war tensions ease?,,"월스트리트, 무역 전쟁 긴장 완화에 따라 상승 출발 예상" 1664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Global International Credit Group's Unit & Co-Lenders‍ Enter Loan Agreement To Lend HK$100 Mln ​?,,브리프 - 글로벌 국제 신용 그룹의 자회사 및 공동 대출자들이 1억 홍콩 달러의 대출 계약을 체결하였습니다. 2155,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets eye Trump's tariff decision?,,시장이 트럼프의 관세 결정에 주목하고 있다. 4001,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jordan Investment Trust FY Profit Falls?,,브리프 - 요르단 투자 신탁 FY 이익 감소 9273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oman Refreshment FY Profit Rises?,,브리프 - 오만 리프레시먼트 FY 이익 상승 465,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar stands tall over euro, stabilises after Iran developments?",,"FOREX-달러, 유로에 대해 강세 유지, 이란 사태 이후 안정화" 3470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Palestine Securities Exchange FY Profit Rises?,,브리프 - 팔레스타인 증권 거래소 FY 이익 상승 3095,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Soybean Growers Relieved Following China's Initial Response to Trade Issues?,,미국 대두 재배자들은 중국의 무역 문제에 대한 초기 반응에 안도감을 느끼고 있다. 510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Central Garden & Pet Company to Announce First Quarter Fiscal 2018 Financial Results?,,"센트럴 가든 & 펫 컴퍼니, 2018 회계연도 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 6939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Genworth Financial Schedules Earnings Conference Call For May 2nd?,,"젠워스 파이낸셜, 5월 2일 실적 발표 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 8577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Major League Baseball roundup: Red Sox end Yanks' win streak?,,"메이저 리그 베이스볼 요약: 레드삭스, 양키스의 연승 행진을 종료시키다." 7436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Landec Corp To Discontinue Operations Of Its Food Export Trading Business Unit At End Of Fiscal 2018?,,"브리프-랜드엑 코퍼레이션, 2018 회계연도 말에 식품 수출 거래 사업부 운영 중단 결정" 7233,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hamilton Thorne to Announce Q1 2018 Financial Results and Hold Conference Call on May 24, 2018?",,"해밀턴 소른, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표 및 2018년 5월 24일 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 8033,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IMF's Lagarde lauds Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa's promise to revive economy?,,"IMF의 라가르드, 짐바브웨의 멘가그와 경제 회복 약속을 칭찬하다." 7437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: When will higher bond yields start to have a negative impact on equities??,,높은 채권 수익률이 주식에 부정적인 영향을 미치기 시작하는 시점은 언제일까? 6806,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Next ProSieben CEO to shareholders: Judge me in three years?,,다음 프로지벤 CEO가 주주들에게: 3년 후에 평가해 주세요. 5805,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Micro-X ‍Receives A Purchase Order For Nano Units And Spare Parts Worth A$1.8 Mln​?,,"브리프 - 마이크로-X, 180만 호주 달러 규모의 나노 유닛 및 예비 부품 구매 주문 수취" 8504,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sulzer buys shares from Vekselberg's Renova to avoid U.S. sanctions?,,"Sulzer, 미국 제재를 피하기 위해 베크셀버그의 레노바에서 주식을 매입하다." 750,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Suspends 2 More Data Firms in Cambridge Analytica Fallout | Fortune?,,"페이스북, 케임브리지 애널리티카 여파로 데이터 회사 2곳 추가 정지" 3013,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration eviscerates bipartisan immigration plan as Senate shows little progress?,,"트럼프 행정부, 상원이 진전을 보이지 않는 가운데 초당적 이민 계획을 무효화하다" 5971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NYSE in talks to acquire Chicago Stock Exchange - WSJ?,,"NYSE, 시카고 증권거래소 인수 논의 중 - WSJ" 2142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ICC asks Bangladesh for input on Rohingya jurisdiction?,,ICC가 방글라데시에게 로힝야 관할권에 대한 의견을 요청하다. 5855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS- Futures rise as investors assess big bank earnings?,,미국 주식 - 투자자들이 대형 은행 실적을 평가하면서 선물이 상승하다. 3772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hexion Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,Hexion Inc.가 2018년 1분기 실적 발표를 알립니다. 8059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sunic System signs contract worth 2.8 bln won?,,"브리프 - 선익시스템, 28억 원 규모 계약 체결" 321,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stronger orders drive January services growth to three-month high: PMI?,,"1월 서비스 성장, 강력한 주문 덕분에 3개월 최고치로 상승: PMI" 8650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain should choose hard Brexit if no financial services deal - Farage?,,브렉시트 이후 금융 서비스 협상이 없으면 영국은 강력한 브렉시트를 선택해야 한다 - 파라지 6995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macro Enterprises Inc. Announces 2018 First Quarter Results?,,매크로 엔터프라이즈 주식회사가 2018년 첫 분기 실적을 발표했습니다. 8955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMI deal makes Sony world's biggest music publisher?,,"EMI 딜로 소니, 세계 최대 음악 출판사로 등극" 8924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran's defence minister says can't be threatened militarily?,,"이란 국방부 장관, 군사적으로 위협받을 수 없다고 말하다." 9005,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Doping - UK anti-doping agency plans 50 percent more tests to 2022?,,"도핑 - 영국 반도핑 기관, 2022년까지 50% 더 많은 검사 계획" 5634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European envoy sees progress over Trump concerns on Iran nuclear deal?,,"유럽 특사, 이란 핵 거래에 대한 트럼프 우려 개선을 보고하다" 9507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Facebook's Sandberg Says 'A Few' Advertisers Paused Spending - Bloomberg?,,"간단히 말해, 페이스북의 샌드버그는 '몇몇' 광고주들이 광고 지출을 중단했다고 밝혔다 - 블룸버그." 1856,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AGC Biologics Appoints New Site Head/General Manager of Bothell, WA Operations?",,"AGC 바이오로직스, 워싱턴주 보텔 운영의 새로운 사이트 책임자/총괄 매니저 임명" 8522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toe-tapping smart shoes send Morse code messages?,,"발끝을 두드리는 스마트 신발, 모스 부호 메시지를 전송하다" 4008,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel's strikes in Syria ratchet up tensions with Iran - CNBC?,,이스라엘의 시리아 공습이 이란과의 긴장을 고조시키고 있다 - CNBC 2735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BNSF Railway sues EEOC over disability bias complaints?,,BNSF 철도가 장애 차별 고발에 대해 EEOC를 상대로 소송을 제기하다. 7120,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York & Company, Inc. Comments on Holiday Performance and Fourth Quarter Outlook?",,"""뉴욕 & 컴퍼니, Inc. 휴일 실적 및 4분기 전망에 대한 의견""" 4474,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia signs $50-million deal with U.S. firm to find missing MH370?,,"말레이시아, 실종된 MH370을 찾기 위해 미국 기업과 5천만 달러 계약 체결" 1860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-HSBC Bank Oman FY Profit Rises?,,브리프 - HSBC Oman 연간 이익 증가 9622,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Beijing Certificate Authority expects to return profitable in FY 2018 Q1?,,"베이징 인증기관, FY 2018 1분기 수익성 회복 기대" 1530,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Timberlake back at Super Bowl halftime, no wardrobe malfunctions?",,"팀버레이크, 슈퍼볼 하프타임에 돌아온다; 의상 사고는 없었다." 7560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toyota Boshoku unit to set up manufacture and sale unit in China?,,"토요타 보슈코 유닛, 중국에 제조 및 판매 단위 설립 예정" 8746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York banning cars from Central Park starting this summer?,,올해 여름부터 뉴욕이 센트럴파크에서 자동차를 금지합니다. 6854,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Koninklijke Philips ‍And The Dutch Heart Foundation Announces Strategic Partnership​?,,브리프 - Koninklijke Philips와 네덜란드 심장 재단이 전략적 파트너십을 발표합니다. 1651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Novartis receives FDA approval for Cosentyx® label update to include moderate to severe scalp psoriasis?,,"노바티스, 중등도에서 중증 두피 건선을 포함하는 코센틱스® 라벨 업데이트에 대해 FDA 승인 받음." 7920,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congo, U.N. deploy specialists to tackle Ebola epidemic?",,"콩고, 유엔 전문가들이 에볼라 전염병 해결을 위해 파견되다" 717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Beast from the East' tears through UK construction in March?,,'동쪽에서 온 괴물'이 3월 영국 건설 산업을 강타하다 2991,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toys 'R' Us got $1 billion in bids for 85 percent of its Asian business, lawyer says?",,"토이저러스, 아시아 사업 85%에 대해 10억 달러의 입찰을 받았다고 변호사가 말했습니다." 7813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Target Posts Strong Holiday Sales Gains?,,"타겟, 강력한 홀리데이 매출 증가 발표" 684,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. says Canada's WTO complaint over trade remedies 'unfounded'?,,"미국, 캐나다의 WTO 무역 구제 조치 관련 불만 제기에 '근거 없다고' 밝혀" 1458,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NHL Notebook: Toronto Maple Leafs, assistant general manager part company?",,"NHL 노트북: 토론토 메이플 리프스, 부총지배인과 결별" 4751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela president lands on Panama's 'high risk' money laundering list?,,"베네수엘라 대통령, 파나마의 '높은 위험' 자금 세탁 리스트에 올라" 9601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-San Miguel Pure Foods Clarifies On Article “SMC Food Unit To Conduct Follow-On Offering By Q2” ‍​?,,"브리프-산 미겔 퓨어 푸드, ""SMC 식품 부문이 2분기에 후속 공모를 실시할 것""이라는 기사에 대한 설명." 9795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frances McDormand encourages actors to push for 'inclusion riders'?,,프랜시스 맥도먼드가 배우들에게 '포용 라이더'를 추진할 것을 권장하다. 1001,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cryptocurrency price manipulation is ‘unavoidable,’ head of crypto firm says?",,암호화폐 가격 조작은 ‘불가피하다’고 암호화폐 회사의 CEO가 말하다 7100,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EQUITY ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Reminds Investors of an Investigation Involving Possible Securities Fraud Violations by the Board of Directors of Ulta Beauty, Inc.?",,"EQUITY ALERT: 레비 & 코르신스키 LLP, 울타 뷰티 주식회사의 이사회에 의한 가능한 증권 사기 위반에 대한 조사를 투자자들에게 상기시킴." 8082,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Earnings will put floor on the market's drop, says Ken Kamen?",,"""켄 카멘, 수익이 시장 하락에 바닥을 마련할 것이라고 말하다""" 7807,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. IPOs start scraping through despite market jitters?,,미국 IPO가 시장 불안에도 불구하고 간신히 진행되고 있다. 1393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"릴라이언스 스틸 앤 알루미늄 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 보고" 8769,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's a smart robot for the elderly that can play videos, chat and more?",,"노인을 위한 스마트 로봇, 동영상 재생, 대화 등 다양한 기능 제공" 2654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fortnite Addiction Is Becoming a Problem for Major League Baseball?,,포트나이트 중독이 메이저 리그 베이스볼의 문제로 떠오르고 있다. 8137,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hundreds Protest Police Shooting of Brooklyn Man?,,브루클린 남성 경찰 총격 사건에 대한 수백 명의 항의 시위 4204,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Colombia evacuates nearly 5,000 people amid fears dam may burst?",,"콜롬비아, 댐 붕괴 우려 속에서 거의 5,000명 대피시켜" 5516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Protest by Indonesian Islamists accuses Facebook of discrimination?,,인도네시아 이슬람 extremist들이 페이스북의 차별을 비난하는 시위를 벌이다. 8173,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google Doodle Remembers Maya Angelou on Her 90th Birthday?,,구글 두들이 마야 안젤루의 90번째 생일을 기념하다. 4016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vintage Spain win maiden European title?,,"빈티지 스페인, 첫 유럽 타이틀 획득" 7745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's Idea Cellular launches up to $546 million share sale?,,"인도 아이디어 셀룰러, 최대 5억 4600만 달러 규모의 주식 매각 발표" 6824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis - Australian Open day seven highlights?,,테니스 - 호주 오픈 7일 차 하이라이트 3210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Americans' biggest financial regret could be costing them thousands?,,미국인들의 가장 큰 금전적 후회는 그들에게 수천 달러의 비용이 들고 있을 수 있다? 3226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil's truckers protest drags on despite dispatch of military?,,UPDATE 1-브라질 트럭 운전사들의 시위가 군대 파견에도 불구하고 계속되고 있다. 4895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea minister slams Mike Pence for Libya comments?,,"북한 장관, 리비아 발언으로 마이크 펜스 맹비난" 2331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical issues 2018 second tranche super short-term financing notes worth 700 mln yuan?,,브리프-쓰촨 켈룬 제약이 2018년 두 번째 tranche 초단기 금융 채권을 7억 위안 발행함. 3355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nexgo to sell 100 pct stake in Shenzhen-based wholly owned tech unit for 143 mln yuan?,,"브리프 - 넥스고, 1억 4천 3백만 위안에 심천 소재 완전 자회사 100% 지분 매각 예정" 1006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The SSI Group Announces Acquisition of ICA?,,"SSI 그룹, ICA 인수 발표" 3799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Anyone could be a terrorist: the security challenge for Harry and Meghan's wedding?,,누구든지 테러리스트가 될 수 있다: 해리와 메건의 결혼식에 대한 보안 도전 과제? 5823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PotlatchDeltic Corporation Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"포틀래치델틱 기업, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 3804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roper Technologies Schedules Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results Conference Call?,,"로퍼 테크놀로지스, 2017년 4분기 재무 결과 콘퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 886,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify Technology S.A. Releases Financial Outlook for First Quarter and Fiscal Year 2018?,,스포티파이 테크놀로지 S.A.가 2018년 1분기 및 회계연도에 대한 재무 전망을 발표하다. 7491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SouthGobi Resources announces appointments of non-executive directors?,,SouthGobi Resources가 비상무 이사의 임명을 발표했다. 3532,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What successful entrepreneurs do differently, EY?",,"성공적인 기업가들이 다르게 하는 것, EY?" 2916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE Shares Dive on $6.2 Billion Charge in Its Finance Unit | Fortune?,,"GE 주식, 금융 부문에서 62억 달러 손실로 급락 | 포춘" 8662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Phillips 66 Partners Announces 5 Percent Increase in Quarterly Cash Distribution?,,"필립스 66 파트너스, 분기 현금 배당금 5% 증가 발표" 9678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reckitt Benckiser CEO gets second pay cut in two years?,,"레킷벤키저 CEO, 2년 만에 두 번째 급여 삭감." 3244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bankia Buys For 225 Million Euros Stake In Banking-Assurance Business ‍​?,,"브리프 - 바니카, 뱅킹-보험 사업에 2억 2500만 유로에 지분 인수" 7429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thyssenkrupp second-quarter operating profit up on steel recovery?,,"티센크루프, 2분기 운영 이익 증가 - 철강 회복 영향" 8107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's antitrust watchdog fines Google for search bias?,,인도의 반독점 감시 기관이 검색에서의 편향으로 구글에게 벌금을 부과하다. 7366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S.-China trade talks to continue on Friday -White House?,,미국-중국 무역 회담이 금요일 계속된다 - 백악관 2294,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Colgate Recommends Shareholders Reject “Mini-Tender” Offer By Baker Mills?,,"브리프 - 콜게이트, 주주들에게 베이커 밀즈의 ""미니 테더"" 제안을 거부할 것을 권장한다." 8278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tariffs are likely to be 'part of a negotiation process': Strategist?,,전략가: 관세는 '협상 과정의 일부분이 될 가능성이 높다' 2404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Losses mount in South Africa's Western Cape's farm sector?,,남아프리카 서부 케이프 농업 부문에서 손실이 확대되고 있다. 2842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Adobe Authorizes New $8 Billion Stock Repurchase Program?,,"어도비, 80억 달러 규모의 새로운 자사주 매입 프로그램 승인" 1355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TPG Specialty Lending Files For Mixed Shelf Of Upto $750 Million?,,"TPG 스페셜티 렌딩, 최대 7억 5천만 달러의 혼합 선반 상품에 대한 신청서 제출" 3476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel's Netanyahu scraps African migrant relocation deal?,,"이스라엘 네타냐후, 아프리카 이주민 재정착 협정 폐기" 6845,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Molecular Templates, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?",,"몰레큘러 템플릿 주식회사, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 1172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's Macron mingles with fashion royalty in bid to woo designers?,,"프랑스의 마크롱, 디자이너들을 유혹하기 위한 패션 왕족들과의 만남" 9597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Estee Lauder's quarterly profit rises 25 percent?,,에스티 로더의 분기 이익이 25% 상승하다. 1955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activision Blizzard reports 15.7 percent rise in adjusted revenue?,,"액티비전 블리자드, 조정된 수익 15.7% 증가 보고" 4571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BlackRock CEO Larry Fink pushes companies to become more socially responsible?,,"블랙록 CEO 래리 핑크, 기업들이 더 사회적으로 책임감 있게 변하도록 촉구하다." 1727,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vectrus Announces Strong Fourth and Full-Year 2017 Results; Issues 2018 Guidance and Five-Year Growth Plan?,,"Vectrus, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 우수 발표; 2018년 예상 및 5개년 성장 계획 발표." 2084,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Panasonic executives reportedly cautious about future Tesla commitments?,,"파나소닉 경영진, 향후 테슬라 약속에 대해 신중한 태도 보인다고 보도됨" 4954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG Acquires Two Properties?,,"간단히: 도이치 인더스트리 REIT-AG, 두 개의 부동산 인수" 9731,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crawford, Giants pound Rockies 9-4?",,"크로포드, 자이언츠가 로키스를 9-4로 압도하다" 7200,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. refugee agency says donors withhold funds until Uganda numbers checked?,,"유엔 난민 기구, 기부자들이 우간다 수치 확인 전까지 자금을 보류한다고 발표." 5217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toll Brothers Reports FY 2018 2nd Qtr Results?,,"톨 브라더스, 2018 회계연도 2분기 실적 발표" 9017,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-ADM's quarterly profit rises on higher soy processing margins?,,UPDATE 2-ADM의 분기 이익이 콩 가공 마진 상승에 힘입어 증가했습니다. 5695,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nassar sex abuse victims, university reach $500 million settlement: attorneys?",,나는 법원에서 $500 million의 합의에 도달한 Nassar 성폭력 피해자와 대학에 관한 뉴스 기사의 내용이 무엇일지 궁금하다: 변호사들? 426,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shandong Liancheng Precision Manufacturing obtains high-tech enterprise recognition and to enjoy tax preference?,,"브리프 - 샨동 리안청 정밀 제조업체, 고급 기술 기업 인정을 받고 세금 혜택을 누리다." 3114,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Miner Grupo Mexico's profit jumps 24 percent in 1st-qtr?,,광산 회사 Grupo Mexico의 1분기 이익이 24% 증가했습니다. 5497,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No more sub-zero: Euro zone bonds yields head for positive territory?,,"영하 없이: 유로존 채권 수익률, 양의 영역으로 향하다?" 5736,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. budget deal grants $1.5 billion for drug-affected babies, families?",,"미국 예산 협의, 약물 영향을 받은 아기와 가족을 위해 15억 달러 지원" 3347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Reminds Shareholders with Losses on their Investment in Wells Fargo & Company of Class Action Lawsuit Upcoming Deadline – WFC?,,주주 경고: 포머란츠 로펌이 웰스 파고 앤 컴퍼니(Wells Fargo & Company)에 대한 손실을 입은 주주들에게 집단 소송의 임박한 마감 기한을 상기시킵니다 – WFC 4641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cereal maker Kellogg tops estimates as health brands drive gains?,,전통적인 브랜드가 아닌 건강 브랜드가 성장을 이끌면서 시리얼 제조업체 켈로그가 예상치를 초과 달성했다. 6077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Redcentric FY Trading In Line With Expectations?,,브리프-레드센트릭 FY 거래는 예상과 일치함. 7565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-National Biscuit Industries FY Profit Falls?,,BRIEF-내셔널 비스킷 산업 FY 이익 감소 2017,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia says timetable for Crimea power plants may slip?,,"러시아, 크림 전력 발전소 일정이 미뤄질 수도 있다고 밝혀" 1799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Prince Harry and fiancee Meghan invite 600 guests to wedding?,,영국의 해리 왕자와 약혼녀 메건이 결혼식에 600명의 하객을 초대하다. 5045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Al Qaeda urges Egyptians to topple government as Egypt preps for vote?,,"알카에다, 이집트가 투표 준비하는 가운데 이집트에 정부 전복 촉구" 5796,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cheetah Mobile Announces Changes To The Board Of Directors?,,"BRIEF-치타 모바일, 이사회의 변화 발표" 8902,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-H2O Innovation Says Utility Partners Renews, Extends 3 Operation, Maintenance Contracts, Totalling $8.3 Mln?",,"H2O 이노베이션, 유틸리티 파트너사가 830만 달러에 달하는 3개의 운영 및 유지 관리 계약을 갱신하고 연장했다고 발표." 7795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Public union tells Supreme Court agency fees pass free speech muster?,,"공공 노조, 대법원에 에이전시 수수료가 자유로운 언론을 보장한다고 말하다." 7427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Expedia Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of $0.91?,,"BRIEF-익스피디아, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.91 보고" 4557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Photos of the week?,,주간 사진 모음 3233,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's oil ministry seeks cut in excise duty on petrol, diesel in budget?",,"인도 정부, 예산에서 휘발유 및 경유에 대한 세금 인하 요청" 2586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Want to be a CIA agent? Here’s how to become a spy?,,CIA 요원이 되고 싶으신가요? 여기에 스파이가 되는 방법이 있습니다. 206,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CEO of Botox competitor: 'With scale,' we think we'll have the same margins as the market leader?",,"보톡스 경쟁사의 CEO: ""규모가 커지면, 우리는 시장 선두주자와 동일한 마진을 가질 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다.""" 2908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction To Invest In Investment Fund Led By YF Capital's Affiliate?,,수저우 골드 만티스 건설이 YF 캐피탈의 계열사가 주도하는 투자 펀드에 투자할 예정이다. 8500,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After 90 year wait, Minnie Mouse gets her Hollywood moment?",,90년 기다림 끝에 미니 마우스가 할리우드 순간을 맞이하다. 4775,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Weinstein Co says its bankruptcy filing won't protect ex-chairman?,,"UPDATE 1-웨인스타인 컴퍼니, 파산 신청이 전 회장을 보호하지 않을 것이라고 발표" 5972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway launches new licensing round in mature offshore oil and gas areas?,,"노르웨이, 성숙한 해양 석유 및 가스 지역에서 새로운 라이센스 발급 라운드 시작" 474,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TE Connectivity to Report First Quarter Results on January 24, 2018?",,"TE 커넥티비티, 2018년 1월 24일 1분기 실적 발표 예정" 595,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's first UK trip to come in July, with caveats?",,"트럼프의 첫 영국 방문이 7월에 예정되어 있으나, 조건이 있다." 5249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dubai Refreshments FY Profit Falls?,,브리프-두바이 리프레시먼트 연간 이익 감소 6781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HK regulator says to crackdown on crypto exchanges for rule violations?,,"HK 규제 당국, 규칙 위반 이유로 암호화폐 거래소 단속 예고" 7698,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It's been a bad flu season, but here's how you can prevent it from getting worse?",,"올해 독감 시즌이 좋지 않았지만, 독감이 더 심해지지 않도록 예방하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다." 6010,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liberal judge Rebecca Dallet wins Wisconsin Supreme Court race: AP?,,"자유주의 판사 레베카 달렛, 위스콘신 대법원 선거에서 승리: AP" 3808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putnam Announces Dividend Rates for Open-End Funds?,,"퍼트넘, 공개형 펀드의 배당률 발표" 8422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-S&P Revises Chicago Board Of Education GO Bond Rating Outlook To Positive?,,"브리프 - S&P, 시카고 교육 위원회 일반 채권 신용 등급 전망을 긍정적으로 수정" 4983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diversified Restaurant Holdings Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast?,,"다양화된 레스토랑 홀딩스, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 발표" 5612,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Roadrunner Transportation ‍says Overstated Net Income By About $66.5 Mln From 2011 Through Q3 Of 2016​?,,BRIEF-Roadrunner Transportation이 2011년부터 2016년 3분기까지 약 6650만 달러의 순이익을 과대계상했다고 발표했습니다. 4249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Best Companies to Work For Are Beating the Market?,,직원들이 일하기 좋은 회사들이 시장을 이기고 있다. 899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MyBucks Resolves On Capital Increase?,,"브리프-마이벅스, 자본 증액 해결" 8309,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST - Factors to watch - February 27?,,중동 - 주목해야 할 요소 - 2월 27일 1051,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ALPINE TOTAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (NYSE: AOD), ALPINE GLOBAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (NYSE: AGD) and ALPINE GLOBAL PREMIER PROPERTIES FUND (NYSE: AWP) DECLARE REGULAR MONTHLY DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MARCH 2018?",,"ALPINE TOTAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (뉴욕증권거래소: AOD), ALPINE GLOBAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND (뉴욕증권거래소: AGD) 및 ALPINE GLOBAL PREMIER PROPERTIES FUND (뉴욕증권거래소: AWP)가 2018년 3월 정기 월 배당금을 선언하다." 1830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Globally Renowned Computer Architect Christos Kozyrakis Joins Tachyum as Corporate Advisor?,,"세계적으로 유명한 컴퓨터 아키텍트 크리스토스 코지라키스, 타큠의 기업 고문으로 합류" 9651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volkswagen brand car sales hit 6.23 million record in 2017?,,"폭스바겐 브랜드 차량 판매량, 2017년 623만 대 기록 달성" 4790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Super Bowl 2018 Ads: The Big Game Commercials Already Online | Fortune?,,슈퍼볼 2018 광고: 빅 게임 상업 광고가 이미 온라인에 공개됨 | 포ortune 5018,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brace Yourself for Higher Cellphone Bills in 2018 - WSJ?,,"2018년, 더 높은 휴대전화 요금에 대비하라 - WSJ" 5305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kodak Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"코닥, 2017년 4분기 및 전년 전체 재무 결과 발표" 9130,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Catalis Plans Delisting, Gives 2017 and 2018 Outlook?",,"BRIEF-카탈리스, 상장 폐지 계획 발표 및 2017년 및 2018년 전망 제시" 763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cargill strengthens pet food production and distribution capabilities with Pro-Pet acquisition?,,"Cargill, Pro-Pet 인수로 반려동물 사료 생산 및 유통 능력 강화" 2132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teekay Offshore Partners Says CFO David Wong Resigned?,,"티키 오프쇼어 파트너스, CFO 데이비드 웡 사임 발표" 3859,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: QIAGEN Reports for Full-year 2017, Announces STAT-Dx Acquisition and New $200 Million Share Repurchase?",,"QIAGEN, 2017년 연간 실적 발표, STAT-Dx 인수 및 2억 달러 주식 매입 계획 발표" 475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ryanair CEO hopes to complete negotiations with Italian pilots soon?,,"라이언 에어 CEO, 이탈리아 파일럿들과의 협상 조속히 완료되기를 희망합니다." 7057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Euro zone bond yields at 1-month high as oil surges?,,"UPDATE 3-유로존 채권 수익률, 유가 급등으로 1개월 최고치 기록" 9544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gender bias in peer review of research grants may penalize women?,,연구 자금의 동료 평가에서 성편향이 여성에게 불이익을 줄 수 있다. 6071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada minister says held intense talks on U.S. auto NAFTA proposal?,,"캐나다 장관, 미국의 자동차 NAFTA 제안에 대해 intense talks를 진행했다고 말하다." 1455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kadmon Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"간단한 보도 - 카드몬, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 5964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gunmen kill at least 14 Mali soldiers in attack - army sources?,,무장괴한들이 말리 군인 최소 14명을 공격해 사망시켰다 - 군 소식통 9727,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pizza Hut bets on LatAm, Caribbean with Telepizza franchise deal?",,"피자헛, 텔레피자 프랜차이즈 계약으로 라틴 아메리카와 카리브해에 베팅하다." 6055,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aurora Spine Announces Upsizing Of Private Placement?,,"브리프 - 아우로라 스파인, 사모펀드 규모 확대 발표" 9878,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp Reports Q1 Loss Per Share $0.06?,,브리프 - 빅5 스포츠 용품 주식회사가 1분기 주당 손실 $0.06을 보고합니다. 996,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg needs to tell Congress: Rep. Jan Schakowsky?,,"""마크 저커버그가 의회에 해야 할 말: 하원 의원 잔 샤카우스키?""" 3728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Synlogic Agrees To Sell 3.3 Mln Shares To Mutual Fund Investor In Registered Direct Offering​​?,,"브리핑 - 시놀로직, 뮤추얼 펀드 투자자에게 330만 주를 등록된 직접 판매 방식으로 판매하기로 합의했습니다." 1892,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's new large banking groups must be ready to boost capital- cenbank?,,이탈리아의 새로운 대형 은행 그룹들은 자본을 증대할 준비가 되어 있어야 한다 - 중앙은행 9654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Three Iranian security personnel killed at Pakistan border: Revolutionary Guards?,,이란 혁명 수비대: 파키스탄 국경에서 세 명의 이란 보안 요원 사망 8664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Portis leads Bulls to late comeback against Mavs?,,"포티스, 불스의 매버릭스에 대한 늦은 반격 이끌다" 5180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Storm Properties Opportunistically Sells 16 Single-Family-Lot Subdivision in Rancho Cucamonga?,,"스톰 프로퍼티스, 랜초쿠카몽가에 있는 16개 단독 주택 용지 분양을 기회에 맞춰 판매하다." 7832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Casdin Capital To Become Shareholder In Biolife Solutions?,,"BRIEF-카스딘 캐피탈, 바이오라이프 솔루션의 주주가 될 예정" 9094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia begins blocking messenger Telegram?,,"러시아, 메신저 텔레그램 차단 시작" 7185,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Silver Bear Announces Receipt Of Hazardous Materials Licence, Mangazeisky Property, Russia?",,"짧게 - 실버베어, 망가제스키 사업장에 대한 유해물질 라이센스 허가 수령 발표" 292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-T-Bull Shares Nitro Racing GO: Idle Driving Clicker In Google Play Store?,,"브리프 - T-Bull, 구글 플레이 스토어에 '아이들 드라이빙 클릭커'인 '니트로 레이싱 GO' 출시" 7809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sensus Healthcare Reports First Quarter Financial Results Featuring 37% Revenue Growth?,,"센서스 헬스케어, 37% 매출 성장 포함한 1분기 재무 결과 보고" 9179,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sprint, T-Mobile Merger: What it Means for Customers?",,"스프린트, T-모바일 합병: 고객에게 의미하는 바는?" 9811,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Cricket-S Africa forge ahead as Australia admit ball-tampering?,,"UPDATE 3-크리켓-남아프리카, 호주가 공 조작을 인정한 가운데 나아가다." 8885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liaoning Cheng Da Elects Chairman?,,랴오닝 청다 회장 선출 9237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada starts legal challenge of 'troubling' US lumber duties?,,"캐나다, '우려되는' 미국 목재 관세에 대한 법적 도전 시작" 1191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhuhai Hokai Medical Instruments' Share Trade To Halt From Feb 2 Pending Announcement?,,브리프-Zhuhai Hokai Medical Instruments의 주식 거래가 2월 2일부터 발표 대기 중단됩니다. 576,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daredevil pilots head for sandy beach in Belgium?,,모험적인 조종사들이 벨기에의 모래 해변으로 향한다. 8439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Major cryptocurrencies sell off after talk of tougher regulation?,,"주요 암호화폐, 강화된 규제 논의 이후 급락" 7453,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CDC reports one death from E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce?,,CDC는 로메인 상추와 관련된 E. coli의 발병으로 한 명이 사망했다고 보고했습니다. 2282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grupo Rotoplas reaches a preliminary agreement to purchase a leading provider of water flow solutions in Argentina?,,"그룹 로트로플라스, 아르헨티나의 수처리 솔루션 선두 공급업체 인수에 대한 초기 합의 도달" 6319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fewer Russian spies in U.S. but getting harder to track?,,미국 내 러시아 스파이가 줄어들었지만 추적하기가 더 어려워지고 있다. 9910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eucatex reports results for 4Q17 and 2017?,,"Eucatex, 4Q17 및 2017년 실적 발표" 7194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sino Harbour Holdings Group Posts 9-Mth Net Profit Of RMB7.4 Mln?,,"BRIEF-시노 하버 홀딩스 그룹, 9개월 순이익 740만 RMB 발표" 5661,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some U.S. states, cities face risks from trade wars -Moody's?",,일부 미국 주와 도시가 무역전쟁으로 인한 위험에 직면하고 있다는 무디스의 보고서 2729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DDMC grabs China La Liga soccer rights as Suning retreats?,,"DDMC, 쑤닝이 철수하면서 중국 라리가 축구 방송권을 확보하다." 5538,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-High Fashion International Posts FY Net Profit Of HK$41.976 Mln?,,"브리프 - 하이 패션 인터내셔널, FY 순이익 41976만 홍콩달러 발표" 1486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Communications Services Corp Says Chairman ‍Sun Kangmin to Resign?,,중국 통신 서비스 주식회사(China Communications Services Corp)는 회장 선캉민이 사임한다고 발표했습니다. 1089,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Rosneft looks to Vietnam experience to help global expansion?,,"러시아의 로스네프트, 글로벌 확장을 돕기 위해 베트남 경험 활용 모색" 7596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oldest human remains outside Africa found in Israeli cave?,,아프리카 외에서 발견된 가장 오래된 인간 유해가 이스라엘 동굴에서 발견되었다는 뉴스 기사의 내용은 무엇일까요? 1141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sino-Global Announces Fiscal Year 2018 Second Quarter Financial Results?,,"시노-글로벌, 2018 회계연도 2분기 재무 실적 발표" 7906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. envoy seeks rights dialogue with North Korea after tensions ease?,,유엔 특사가 긴장이 완화된 후 북한과 인권 대화를 추구하다 8470,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Argentina corn, soy ratings slide about 23 points since Feb. 1: Braun?",,아르헨티나의 옥수수와 대두 등급이 2월 1일 이후 약 23포인트 하락: 브라운 9488,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global wind capacity to rise by more than half in next five years?,,"글로벌 풍력 용량, 향후 5년 동안 50% 이상 증가할 것으로 예상" 4587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The market sees 'some tightening' in BOJ policy this year?,,올해 BOJ 정책에서 '약간의 긴축'이 관찰된다. 7618,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Post Holdings Announces Plan To Close Clinton, MA Facility?",,"BRIEF-포스트 홀딩스, 매사추세츠주 클린턴 시설 폐쇄 계획 발표" 5684,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shell snaps up more than eight million barrels Mideast, Russia oil in Asia: sources?",,"셸, 중동과 러시아의 아시아에서 800만 배럴 이상의 원유 인수" 7954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German gov't raises 2018 growth forecast to 2.4 pct - sources?,,"독일 정부, 2018년 성장률 전망을 2.4%로 상향 조정 - 소식통" 3964,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. sanctions Russians for election meddling, cyber attacks?",,"미국, 선거 개입 및 사이버 공격에 대해 러시아에 제재 부과" 8503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europe Car Lobby Warns on Emissions Targets?,,"유럽 자동차 로비, 배출가스 목표에 대한 경고" 7641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Netflix starts 2018 off with a bang—and one technician sees the stock surging even higher?,,넷플릭스가 2018년을 화려하게 시작하며 한 기술자는 주가가 더 상승할 것으로 보고 있다. 7397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Horse racing - Cheltenham great Walsh suffers suspected broken leg?,,"경마 - 첼tenham의 위대한 선수 월시, 의심되는 부러진 다리로 고통받다." 1045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Hainan Rubber's Board Approves President Li Baoyou's Resignation?,,"브리프-중국 하이난 고무의 이사회, 대표 리바오유의 사임 승인" 385,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elliott Management Reveals Over $1 Billion Stake in Hyundai, Seeks Clearer Road Map?",,"엘리엇 매니지먼트, 현대차에 10억 달러 이상 투자 밝혀…더 명확한 로드맵 요청" 2033,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Australian Ethical Investment Posts Qtrly FUM $2,659.9 Mln?",,"브리프 - 호주 윤리 투자, 분기별 FUM 26억 5,990만 달러 발표" 1765,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Scala to acquire 66 pct voting power in Tokyo-based firm from Hikari Tsushin for 67 mln yen?,,"BRIEF-스칼라, 6,700만 엔에 히카리 츠우신으로부터 도쿄 소재 회사의 66% 투표권 인수." 9380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snowboarding - Austria's Gasser wins first Olympic big air gold?,,"스노보드 - 오스트리아의 가서, 첫 올림픽 빅 에어 금메달 획득" 2680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Allegion PLC Says CEO D. D. Petratis' 2017 Total Compensation Was $7.8 Mln Vs $7.1 Mln?,,"브리프 - 알레지온 PLC, CEO D. D. 페트라티스의 2017년 총 보상이 780만 달러에서 710만 달러로 증가했다고 발표." 2026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's Mitsubishi Corp says annual profit hits record on higher coal prices?,,일본 미쓰비시 상사는 석탄 가격 상승으로 연간 수익이 기록적인 수준에 도달했다고 발표했다. 2052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volkswagen to name VW brand chief Diess as new CEO: sources?,,"폭스바겐, VW 브랜드 책임자 디스를 새로운 CEO로 지명할 것이라고 소식통 전해." 3030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Helvetia Holding Elects Doris Russi Schurter As Chairwoman Of Board Of Directors?,,"브리핑 - 헬베티아 홀딩, 도리스 루시 슈르터를 이사회의 의장으로 선출" 1058,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey sentences 21 to life in jail over 1997 'post-modern coup': NTV?,,터키가 1997년 '포스트 모던 쿠데타'와 관련해 21명에게 종신형을 선고하다: NTV 9225,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-New Zealand's central bank holds rates, says volatility a warning?",,"UPDATE 2-뉴질랜드 중앙은행, 금리를 유지하며 변동성이 경고라는 입장 표명" 8425,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sartorius Stedim Biotech FY EBITDA Up At ‍​294.9 Million Euros?,,"브리프 - 사르토리우스 스테딤 바이오텍, FY EBITDA 2억 9490만 유로로 증가" 9156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ITM Part Of Consortium Which Won UK Funding For Electric Cars Refuelling Work?,,ITM은 전기차 연료 보급 작업을 위한 UK 자금을 확보한 컨소시엄의 일원입니다. 252,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teva Pharm says FDA to decide on migraine drug on Sept 16?,,"테바 제약, FDA가 편두통 약물에 대한 결정을 9월 16일에 내릴 것이라고 발표." 6865,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LCI Industries - ‍On February 20, 2018, Co, Its Units Entered Into An Incremental Joinder And Amendment - SEC Filing​?",,"브리프 - LCI 산업 - 2018년 2월 20일, 회사 및 그 자회사들은 증권거래위원회(SEC) 제출서류에 따라 증분 조인 및 수정 계약에 들어갔다." 1145,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Adamas Pharmaceuticals Says ‍As Of Feb 28, Co Received Prescriptions For Gocovri From About 390 Distinct Prescribers?",,"브리프 - 아다마스 제약사가 2월 28일 현재, 약 390명의 개별 처방자에게서 고코브리를 위한 처방전을 받았다고 발표했습니다." 473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Epigenomics: Cumulative Loss Of More Than Half Of Nominal Share Capital?,,브리핑-에피게노믹스: 명목 자본의 절반 이상을 누적 손실? 7142,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shutdown could weigh on stocks this week, but then rally resumes, history shows?",,셧다운이 이번 주 주식에 부담을 줄 수 있지만 역사적으로 보면 이후 반등이 이어질 것이라는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있다. 8413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Moody's says Australia's budget a positive for fiscal outlook?,,"무디스, 호주 예산이 재정 전망에 긍정적이라고 발표하다." 6755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wyndham Worldwide Corp Files For Potential Mixed Shelf Offering?,,"BRIEF-윈덤 월드와이드 Corp, 잠재적 혼합 선반 제안서 제출" 5707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Istanbul Stock Exchange Delists Transturk Holding Due To Having Negative Shareholders' Equity - KAP?,,"브리프-이스탄불 증권 거래소, 트란스튜르크 홀딩을 주주 자본이 부정적이어서 상장 폐지한다고 발표 - KAP" 711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intrusion Q1 Revenue $2.3 Million Versus $1.6 Million?,,"인트루전 1분기 수익 230만 달러, 160만 달러 대비 증가" 169,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JSW Steel, Tata Steel among suitors for Bhushan Steel - sources?",,"JSW 스틸, 타타 스틸은 부산 스틸의 인수 후보 - 소식통" 1315,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LightInTheBox Holding Co., Ltd. Files 2017 Annual Report on Form 20-F?",,"LightInTheBox Holding Co., Ltd.가 2017년 연례 보고서를 20-F 양식으로 제출하다." 8178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sprouts Farmers Market Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.50?,,"BRIEF-스프라우츠 파머스 마켓, 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.50 보고" 6263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-American Railcar Industries Names John O'Bryan As CEO?,,"브리프 - 아메리칸 레일카 산업, 존 오브리안을 CEO로 임명" 5713,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei takes breather after sharp gains; Fast Retailing, Tokyo Electron fall?",,"닛케이, 급등 후 숨 고르기; 패스트 리테일링, 도쿄 일렉트론 하락" 7147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU court adviser finds against Dyson in vacuum cleaner dispute?,,"EU 법원 고문, 진공 청소기 분쟁에서 다이슨에 반대 판결 내려" 6063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Media rights ensure another big pay day for Indian board?,,크리켓-미디어 권리가 인도 이사회에 또 다른 큰 수익을 보장하다? 9692,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MainSource Financial Group - NASDAQ, MSFG - Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?",,"MainSource Financial Group - NASDAQ, MSFG - 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 2076,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Cancelled Montreal Formula E races will not be replaced?,,모터 레이싱-취소된 몬트리올 포뮬러 E 레이스는 대체되지 않을 예정이다. 4148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House officials made to sign non-disclosure agreements - Washington Post?,,백악관 관계자들이 비밀 유지 계약서에 서명하도록 강요받다 - 워싱턴 포스트 3487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMC Insurance Group Inc. Reports 2017 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Results and Announces 2018 Non-GAAP Operating Income* Guidance?,,EMC 보험 그룹 Inc. 2017년 4분기 및 연간 결과 보고서 발표 및 2018년 비GAAP 운영 소득* 가이던스 발표 6434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer: Aging defense and off-form players are a worry for Portugal?,,축구: 노쇠한 수비와 부진한 선수들이 포르투갈의 걱정거리? 4183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Securus Technologies Announces Acquisition of GovPayNet?,,"세큐러스 테크놀로지스, 고우페이넷 인수 발표" 8733,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian Sheffield Shield Scoreboard?,,호주 셰필드 쉴드 스코어보드? 5439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peru's economy grew 1.78 pct in November yr/yr?,,페루의 경제는 11월에 전년 대비 1.78% 성장했다. 7150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-JRjr33 Will Not Meet Feb 15 Extension For Filing 10-Q?,,브리핑- JRjr33는 2월 15일 10-Q 제출 연장을 이행하지 않을 것입니다. 4929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maduro vows economic change for Venezuela's 'rebirth' before vote?,,"마두로, 선거 전에 베네수엘라 '재탄생'을 위한 경제 변화 약속" 7615,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: T-Mobile, Sprint deal talks could be completed as early as next week?",,T-Mobile과 Sprint 거래 논의가 다음 주에 완료될 수 있다. 1021,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Credit Suisse advisers fight arbitration of pay dispute?,,"전 Credit Suisse 고문들, 보수 분쟁 중재에 맞서 싸우다" 9090,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple CEO touts privacy at Duke commencement speech?,,"애플 CEO, 듀크 대학교 졸업식 연설에서 프라이버시 강조" 5362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Dollar Rallies After Fed Shows Inflation Concern?,,"미국 달러, 연준의 인플레이션 우려로 상승" 5891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The 10-Point.?,,"뉴스 기사 제목이 ""The 10-Point""인 경우, 그 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다." 151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hope for survivors fades in rubble of Florida bridge collapse?,,플로리다 교량 붕괴 잔해에서 생존자들에 대한 희망이 사라지고 있다. 6341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IPL Scoreboard?,,IPL 스코어보드? 9583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Plexus Q1 GAAP Loss Per Share $2.93?,,브리핑 - Plexus의 1분기 GAAP 주당 손실 $2.93 2396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Builders FirstSource to Host First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast?,,"빌더스 퍼스트소스, 2018년 1분기 재무 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 개최 예정" 6194,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FICO’s Lock on Mortgage Credit Scores Comes Under Fire | realtor.com®?,,FICO의 모기지 신용 점수 독점이 비판을 받다 | realtor.com® 6078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WPP board investigating Sir Martin Sorrell?,,WPP 이사회가 서 마틴 소rell에 대한 조사를 진행하고 있다. 6843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least 25 dead after bus careens off cliff in Peru - police?,,페루에서 버스가 절벽 아래로 추락하면서 최소 25명이 사망 - 경찰 125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greek power grid launches tender for Crete link project?,,"그리스 전력망, 크레타 연결 프로젝트를 위한 입찰 공고 발표" 4300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indian police probe suspected $90 million loan fraud at IDBI?,,"인도 경찰, IDBI에서 발생한 9천만 달러의 대출 사기 혐의 수사 진행 중" 4628,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A's ride balanced offense past Angels?,,A의 균형 잡힌 공격으로 천사를 꺾다 6541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's financial watchdog begins inspection of banks' risky lending - sources?,,중국 금융 감독 당국이 은행의 위험한 대출 점검을 시작했다고 소식통이 전했다. 9886,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kizzire prevails in marathon playoff to win Sony Open?,,Kizzire가 마라톤 플레이오프에서 승리하며 소니 오픈에서 우승하다. 6756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mayo Clinic: Uncommon alliances will spur health-care revolution?,,메이요 클리닉: 드문 동맹이 건강 관리 혁명을 촉발할 것이다. 5292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PayPal In Advanced Talks To Buy iZettle - Sky News?,,"브리프 - 페이팔, 아이젯틀 인수 관련 고급 대화 중 - 스카이 뉴스?" 8919,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Finet Group QTRLY LOSS ATTRIBUTABLE HK$10.449 MLN?,,간단히 - Finet Group 분기 손실 HK$10.449 백만 발생 4217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Golf-Haas leads by two at Phoenix Open?,,"업데이트 1-골프-하스, 피닉스 오픈에서 2타 차 선두 유지" 1642,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Markets Now: January 12, 2018?",,CNBC 마켓 나우: 2018년 1월 12일 7529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Krung Thai Bank aims for 6-7 pct loan growth this year?,,"브리프 - 크룽타이은행, 올해 6-7% 대출 성장 목표 설정." 7451,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chips are on the edge of a correction, but it could be the perfect time to buy?",,"반도체가 조정의 경계에 있지만, 지금이 구매하기에 완벽한 시점이 될 수 있다." 8859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tegna Reports Q1 Non-GAAP Earnings Per Share Of $0.33 From Continuing Operations?,,"브리프-테그나, 계속 운영에서 비 GAAP 주당순이익 0.33달러 보고" 3445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German Niki administrator says still plans sale to IAG?,,"독일 니키 관리자, IAG에 대한 매각 계획 여전히 존재한다고 밝혀" 9259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mt. Sinai CEO: May need legislation to control drug prices?,,마운트 시나이 CEO: 약물 가격 조정을 위한 법률이 필요할 수 있다. 8090,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Schloss Wachenheim H1 EBIT Up 8.4 Pct At EUR 19.4 Mln?,,"브리프 - 슈로스 바흐넨하임 상반기 EBIT 8.4% 증가, 1940만 유로" 2978,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Klein Law Firm Announces the Commencement of a Class Action on Behalf of Liberty Tax, Inc. Shareholders a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of February 13, 2018?",,"클라인 로펌, 리버티 택스(주) 주주를 위한 집단소송 개시 발표; 원고 리드 마감일 2018년 2월 13일." 5331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiayuan International Group Posts FY Net Profit Of RMB1.29 Bln?,,"브리프-지아위안 인터내셔널 그룹, FY 순이익 12.9억 RMB 발표" 5812,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Don't 'underestimate' Kim Jong Un's tactics, says expert?",,김정은의 전술을 '과소평가'하지 말라며 전문가가 말하다. 5049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putnam Announces Dividend Rates for Open-End Funds?,,"퍼트넘, 오픈엔드 펀드 배당률 발표" 8113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bach saddened by U.S. Gymnastics abuse scandal?,,"바흐, 미국 체조 성폭력 스캔들에 슬퍼하다" 8359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus moves to comply with WTO subsidies ruling?,,"에어버스, WTO 보조금 ruling 준수를 위한 조치 취해" 9382,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cloud-based learning platform PluralSight raises expected IPO price range?,,"클라우드 기반 학습 플랫폼 PluralSight, 예상 IPO 가격 범위 상향 조정" 9849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FLIR Systems Reports Q1 Adjusted Earnings Per Share Of $0.48?,,"FLIR 시스템, 1분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.48 발표" 3564,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sanquan Food sees H1 2018 net profit up 0 pct to 30 pct?,,"산천식품, 2018년 상반기 순이익 0%에서 30% 증가 분석" 6313,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Daimler To Start Selling Mercedes-Benz Buses In Taiwan In 2018?,,"브리핑 - 다임러, 2018년 대만에서 메르세데스-벤츠 버스 판매 시작 예정" 3286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hindustan Aeronautics IPO hits turbulence?,,힌두스탄 항공기 IPO가 난기류를 겪다 2165,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nsx Expects To Have Negative Operating Cash Flows For Quarter Ended 31 March 2018‍​?,,브리프 - NSX는 2018년 3월 31일 종료된 분기에 부정적인 운영 현금 흐름이 있을 것으로 예상합니다. 3559,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indictments could be 'short-term relief' for Trump administration?,,기소는 트럼프 행정부에 '단기적인 안도'가 될 수 있다? 6022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungarian banks' after-tax profit jumped 50 pct to HUF 632 bln in 2017 y/y?,,헝가리 은행의 세후 이익이 2017년 대비 50% 증가하여 6320억 HUF에 달했다. 7079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Canada cuts bond issuance as market demands T-bills?,,"RPT-캐나다, 시장의 T-가권 요구로 채권 발행 축소" 5023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chile central bank won't overreact to peso weakness: governor?,,"칠레 중앙은행, 페소 약세에 과민반응하지 않겠다: 총재" 3600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northeast Business Group on Health Appoints Candice Sherman As Permanent Chief Executive Officer?,,"노스이스트 비즈니스 그룹 온 헬스, 캔디스 셔먼을 영구 CEO로 임명" 7003,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Figure skating: Tough road to double Olympic crown for Hanyu?,,"피겨스케이팅: 하뉴, 두 번의 올림픽 금메달을 위한 힘든 여정?" 8896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of England signs up to code aimed at keeping forex markets clean?,,"""영국 중앙은행, 외환 시장의 청렴성을 유지하기 위한 규범에 가입하다""" 3001,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jones Lang Lasalle CEO's 2017 Compensation Was $9.2 Mln?,,브리핑 - 존스 랑 라살 CEO의 2017년 보상은 920만 달러였다. 6005,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St surrenders gains after Trump talks up dollar?,,"미국 주식 - 월스트리트, 트럼프가 달러를 강조한 후 상승분을 포기하다." 9598,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South China Financial Holdings Posts FY Profit Attributable Of HK$52.5 Mln?,,"남부 중국 금융 홀딩스, FY 귀속 이익 5250만 홍콩 달러 발표" 3401,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Australian short-seller target Quintis appoints administrators?,,"UPDATE 1-호주 공매도 타깃인 퀸티스, 관리인을 임명하다." 5280,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arrinera Unit Plans To Raise Funds Through ICO?,,"브리프-아리누라 유닛, ICO를 통해 자금을 모을 계획" 8381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Fallon Company Announces Strategic Rebrand Plans for 301 South McDowell Street Property in Charlotte?,,"팰런 컴퍼니, 샬럿 301 사우스 맥도웰 스트리트 자산의 전략적 리브랜딩 계획 발표" 3399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S.-Iranian man gets 25 years prison for trying to buy missiles for Iran?,,"미국-이란 남성, 이란에 미사일 구매 시도 혐의로 25년 형 선고 받다" 8370,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aaon Inc - Sales In Q4 Were $104.2 Mln, Up 13.6 Pct?",,"간단히 말씀드리면, Aaon Inc.의 4분기 매출은 1억 4천 2백만 달러로 13.6% 증가했습니다." 674,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Renault confirms departure of board member Desmarest?,,"르노, 이사 드마레의 퇴임 확인" 9050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Is it time to fade the financials??,,금융 주식을 줄일 때가 되었나요? 6246,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Entergy Says Preliminarily Expects About $0.6 Bln Reduction On A Consolidated Basis In Net Deferred Tax Assets?,,"BRIEF-엔터지, 통합 기준으로 순 세금 자산 약 6억 달러 감소 예상" 4842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ClearSign Combustion Corporation Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock?,,"클리어사인 연소 회사, 일반 주식의 공모를 제안한다고 발표하다." 19,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pepper...and Salt?,,후추...와 소금? 9345,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Doxa Signs Distribution Deal In Australia/New Zealand?,,"브리프 - 도사, 호주/뉴질랜드에서 유통 계약 체결" 7968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-First Citizens Bancshares Reports Q4 EPS Of $4.53?,,"간단히 말해, 퍼스트 시티즌 뱅크셰어스가 4분기 주당 순이익(EPS) 4.53 달러를 보고했습니다." 1968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Olympics-Ice Hockey-Men's semifinal results?,,UPDATE 1-올림픽-아이스 하키-남자 준결승 결과 9200,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China opens up debt-to-equity swaps, tightens rules on insurers' investments?",,"중국, 부채-주식 전환을 개방하고 보험사의 투자 규제를 강화하다." 2756,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Miserly 15,000 More Visas?",,"인색한 15,000개의 더 많은 비자?" 6233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. resident in Syria says shelling puts Ghouta convoy at risk?,,"유엔 시리아 상주 대표, 포격이 고타 구호품 수송대를 위험에 빠뜨린다고 말하다." 440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong airline's settlement of wage claims gets initial approval?,,홍콩 항공사의 임금 청구 합의가 초기 승인을 받다. 7292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yieldstreet Says Closes $113 Mln Financing Round?,,브리프 - Yieldstreet이 1억 1300만 달러 규모의 자금 조달 라운드를 마감했다고 발표합니다. 6748,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-McIlroy downplays heart scare, says 'nothing to worry about'?",,골프-맥일로이가 심장 문제에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없다고 말하며 큰 걱정은 없다고 다운플레이하다. 3660,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ASIA CREDIT CLOSE: Credits soft; new issues remain active?,,아시아 신용 마감: 신용이 부드럽고 신규 발행은 활발하게 진행 중 9297,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alexion Appoints Deborah Dunsire, M.D. to Its Board of Directors?",,"알렉시온, 데보라 던사이어 박사를 이사회에 임명하다." 5504,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Siteone Landscape Supply ‍Announces Acquisition Of Atlantic Irrigation​?,,"BRIEF-사이트원 랜드스케이프 공급, 애틀랜틱 관개 인수 발표" 3930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon shareholders meeting plane banner 'Bezos needs a boss'?,,아마존 주주총회 비행기 배너 '베조스에게는 보스가 필요하다' 1686,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Netshoes Ltd Says Leonardo Tavares Dib Resigned As CFO?,,넷슈즈(Netshoes) Ltd가 레오나르도 타바레스 딥(Leonardo Tavares Dib)이 CFO로서 사임했다고 발표했다. 7741,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-FCC chairman to be ""proactive"" on integrity of U.S. communications supply chain?",,"""REFILE-FCC 위원장이 미국 통신 공급망의 무결성에 대해 '적극적'이 될 것""" 8898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pistons beat Bulls to snap 4-game losing streak?,,"피스톤스, 4연패 탈출 위해 불스를 이기다 기자회견." 621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suning Universal to pay cash dividend of 1 yuan per 10 shares (before tax) for 2017?,,"브리핑 - 수닝 유니버설, 2017년 주당 10주당 1위안(세전)의 현금 배당금을 지급하기로 결정" 4672,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korean skaters say they'll treat Olympics just like any other competition?,,"북한 스케이트선수들, 올림픽을 다른 대회처럼 대할 것이라고 말하다." 5913,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ferrari Q1 Adj. EBITDA EUR 272 Mln?,,페라리 1분기 조정 EBITDA 2억 7200만 유로 4235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Zhengye Technology unit to buy tech firm for 66 mln yuan?,,"브리프 - 광둥 정예 기술 자회사가 6,600만 위안에 기술 회사를 인수할 예정입니다." 7307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CBS sues Redstones over Viacom merger?,,CBS가 리드스톤을 상대로 비아콤 합병 소송을 제기하다 2573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Avoid General Electric shares because its dividend is not 'safe': Cowen?,,"""GE 주식은 배당이 '안전하지 않다'며 피하라: Cowen""" 5632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steve Case: Amazon HQ2 Cities Passed Over Should Focus on Startups | Fortune?,,스티브 케이스: 아마존 HQ2 도시들은 스타트업에 집중해야 한다 | 포츈 1741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Holdings Group unit issues super short-term financing notes worth totaling 1.2 bln yuan?,,브리프 - 광저우 위에시우 금융 홀딩스 그룹의 자회사가 총 12억 위안에 달하는 초단기 금융 채권을 발행함. 3274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford is releasing new advanced driver assistance system in late 2018?,,포드가 2018년 늦봄에 새로운 고급 운전 보조 시스템을 출시할 예정이다. 6347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE stock down more than 13%?,,GE 주식 13% 이상 하락 4345,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Insurance unit of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway opens Dubai office?,,"워렌 버핏의 Berkshire Hathaway 보험 부문, 두바이 사무소 개설" 6578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mirae Asset Life Insurance says annual cash dividend plan for 2017?,,미래에셋생명이 2017년 연간 현금 배당 계획을 발표했다는 간략한 보도. 2185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lhn Ltd Posts Q1 Revenue Of S$25.9 Million?,,"브리프 - Lhn Ltd가 1분기 매출 2,590만 싱가포르 달러를 기록함." 3304,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Westwood Holdings Group, Inc. to Host First Quarter 2018 Conference Call/Webcast?",,"웨스트우드 홀딩스 그룹, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 컨퍼런스 콜/웹캐스트를 주최합니다." 8040,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: With Versailles business summit, Macron seeks to bank on global appeal?",,"베르사유 비즈니스 정상 회의로 마크롱, 글로벌 매력을 활용하려고 노력하다." 3122,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atlas Merchant CEO on investing in Africa, European banks?",,"아틀라스 머천트 CEO, 아프리카 및 유럽 은행에 대한 투자에 대해 설명." 3224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Brent oil falls but demand underpins near $70/barrel?,,"UPDATE 6-브렌트유, 하락하지만 수요가 배럴당 70달러 근처를 지지하다" 578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Biocon ‍Says U.S. FDA Completed Pre-Approval Inspection At Malaysia Unit ​?,,"브리프 - 인도의 바이오콘, 미국 FDA가 말레이시아 공장에서 사전 승인 검사를 완료했다고 발표." 9797,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's Muslim-friendly holidays find a modest place in the sun?,,"""터키의 무슬림 친화적인 휴가가 햇빛 속에서 겸손한 자리를 찾다""" 8341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S.Korea's Hyundai Mobis board decides to convert into holding company - Money Today?,,"남한의 현대모비스 이사회, 지주회사로 전환하기로 결정 - 머니투데이" 7464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-G-bits Network Technology Xiamen to pay cash dividend of 26 yuan per 10 shares (before tax) for 2017?,,"간단히 말하자면, G-bits 네트워크 기술 샤먼이 2017년을 위해 10주당 26위안(세전)의 현금 배당금을 지급할 예정이다." 2204,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Biofrontera Comments On Offer By Deltus 30Th AG?,,BRIEF-Biofrontera가 Deltus 30Th AG의 제안에 대해 언급하다? 4158,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Vettel smashes track record on penultimate day of testing?,,"모터 레이싱: 베텔, 테스트 마지막 전날 트랙 기록 경신" 1019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Continental Reinsurance Posts Q1 Group Pretax Profit Of 928.8 Mln Naira?,,"브리프 - 컨티넨탈 재보험, 1분기 그룹 세전 이익 928.8백만 나이라 발표" 4586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amverton Bhd Says Ambrose Leonard Ng Kwee Heng Resigned As Managing Director?,,BRIEF-Amverton Bhd가 앰브로즈 레오나르드 응 꾼 행이 최고경영직에서 사임했다고 발표했습니다. 7109,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jobless actors, PR experts get leg up in Swiss hiring scheme?",,실업 중인 배우와 PR 전문가가 스위스 고용 계획에서 혜택을 받다. 5393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese government's top diplomat Wang Yi to visit North Korea this week?,,중국 정부의 고위 외교관 왕이는 이번 주에 북한을 방문할 예정이다. 1360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. challenges Indian export subsidies at WTO - official?,,"미국, WTO에서 인도 수출 보조금에 이의 제기 - 관계자" 3955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arcadia Biosciences Announces $10 Mln Private Placement?,,"브리프 - 아카디아 바이오사이언스, 1천만 달러 규모의 사모 배급 발표" 2784,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jessica Garrett of Veristor Recognized as One of CRN's 2018 Women of the Channel, Power 30 Solution Providers?",,"제시카 개릿(Veristor)이 CRN의 2018년 채널 여성, 파워 30 솔루션 제공업체 중 한 명으로 인정받다." 8772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazilian petrochemical Braskem to settle lawsuit for $10 mln -filing?,,"브라질 석유화학 기업 브라스크em, 소송 합의로 1000만 달러 지급 - 서류" 1881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Children’s Place Expands Capital Return Program?,,The Children’s Place가 자본 환원 프로그램을 확장합니다. 7860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gran Tierra Energy Announces Notice Of Intention To Make A Normal Course Issuer Bid?,,브리프-그란 티에라 에너지가 일반적 발행자 매입 의사를 발표함. 3976,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Sen. Gregg: 'Senate rule 'changes everything' and puts it all in Chuck Schumer's hands?,,전 상원 의원 그렉: '상원 규칙은 '모든 것을 바꾼다'며 모든 것을 척 슈머의 손에 맡긴다' 4992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gilead signs $3 bln licensing deal for Sangamo's gene-editing platform?,,"길리어드, 상가모의 유전자 편집 플랫폼에 대해 30억 달러 규모의 라이선스 계약 체결" 6612,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Canadian General Investments Says ‍Net Asset Value Per Share Was $33.14 At Dec. 31 ​?,,"브리프 - 캐나다 일반 투자, 12월 31일 기준 주당 순자산가치가 $33.14였다고 발표." 9030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel's embrace splits German Social Democrats over party identity?,,메르켈의 포옹이 독일 사회민주당의 당 정체성을 갈라놓다. 4812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Crocodile Garments Says Unit Received Letter About Sale Proceeds' Apportionment?,,"간단 보도 - 악어 의류, 자회사에서 판매 수익 배분에 관한 서신을 받았다고 발표." 3453,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Petrobras pricing pressure spooks potential refinery buyers- sources?,,페트로브라스의 가격 압박이 잠재적 정유소 구매자들을 겁주고 있다 - 소식통 2201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diversified Trust Promotes Ten?,,다양한 신뢰가 10명을 승진시킵니다. 3504,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dunkin' Brands Announces Second Cash Dividend?,,"던킨 브랜드, 두 번째 현금 배당금 발표" 6069,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dassault company will continue to play strategic role for France: defense minister?,,다쏘 회사가 프랑스를 위한 전략적 역할을 계속할 것이라고 국방부 장관이 말했습니다. 5002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SM Energy Declares Semi-annual Cash Dividend?,,"SM 에너지, 반기 현금 배당금 선언" 771,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC EXCERPTS: CNBC BROADCAST LIVE CERAWEEK BY IHS MARKIT TODAY, TUESDAY, MARCH 6?",,"CNBC 인용 내용: CNBC가 오늘, 3월 6일 화요일 IHS 마킷과 함께 CERAWEEK를 생중계합니다." 8298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Crystal Peak Minerals Announces Issuance Of Shares?,,"브리프 - 크리스탈 픽 미네랄즈, 주식 발행 발표" 9377,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: All six victims recovered in Florida bridge collapse?,,플로리다 다리 붕괴에서 모든 여섯 명의 희생자가 회복됨 5330,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Aramco international listing looks increasingly difficult?,,사우디 아람코의 국제 상장이 점점 더 어려워 보인다. 3794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss impose sanctions on seven senior Venezuelan officials?,,"스위스, 7명의 베네수엘라 고위 관리에 대해 제재 조치 시행" 3017,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commentary: Amazon Echo Dot Kids: Parents, Stay Away | Fortune?",,"논평: 아마존 에코 닷 키즈: 부모님들, 가까이 가지 마세요 | 포춘" 5401,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Perceptive Advisors Reports 9.9 Pct Passive Stake In Agile Therapeutics?,,"BRIEF-퍼셉티브 어드바이저스, 애자일 테라퓨틱스에서 9.9%의 수동 지분 보유 보고" 8965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PHH Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release and Conference Call Schedule?,,"PHH Corporation, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 9356,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Unifirst Corp Says ‍On March 27, Co Entered Into A Stock Repurchase Agreement​?",,브리프 - 유니퍼스트 Corp는 3月 27일 주식 매입 계약을 체결했다고 발표했다. 5911,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Hey Alexa, where's my delivery?' XPO Logistics unveils voice tracking?",,"'헤이 알렉사, 내 배송은 어디 있지?' XPO 물류, 음성 추적 기능 공개" 5699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Simply Good Foods Says Entered Into Amendment To Credit Agreement?,,"브리프-심플리 굿 푸즈, 신용 계약 수정안에 들어갔다고 발표." 1215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-I&C Technology signs contract worth 5.66 bln won?,,BRIEF-I&C Technology가 56억 원 규모의 계약을 체결했습니다. 1640,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals Says FDA Accepted NDA Filing For cIAI Treatment Eravacycline?,,브리핑 - 테트라페이즈 제약은 FDA가 cIAI 치료제 에라바시클린에 대한 NDA 제출을 수락했다고 발표했다. 6193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK investigating reports of military plane crash at Welsh base?,,"영국, 웨일스 기지에서 군용기 추락 보고서 조사 중" 5025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walgreens merger may signal health-care consolidation?,,월그린 합병은 의료 분야 통합의 신호일 수 있다? 7896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-S&P opens lower as U.S. shutdown extends?,,미국 주식 스냅샷 - 미국 정부 셧다운 연장에 따라 S&P가 하락세로 개장하다. 4352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - Cox: Sinclair is more totalitarian than democratic?,,브레이킹뷰스 - 콕스: 싱클레어는 민주적이기보다 더 전체주의적이다? 3880,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Catering to wealthy patients, Russia's EMC says ripe for IPO?",,"부유한 환자를 대상으로 하는 러시아의 EMC, IPO 준비 완료라고 발표하다" 7162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett watcher: We're near the top of a bitcoin bubble?,,워렌 버핏 관찰자: 우리는 비트코인 버블의 정점에 가까워지고 있다. 7975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chef Mario Batali being investigated over sexual assault accusations?,,"셰프 마리오 바탈리, 성폭행 혐의로 조사 중" 2520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cuban artist switches Havana's neon lights back on?,,"""쿠바 예술가가 하바나의 네온 불빛을 다시 켠다""" 5090,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank stocks have been doing well because economy is doing well, says analyst?",,"""경제가 잘 돌아가고 있기 때문에 은행 주식이 잘 되고 있다고 분석가가 말했습니다.""" 6552,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PowerInbox Leverages Email Expertise to Help Publishers Capitalize on Multichannel Digital Monetization Opportunity?,,PowerInbox는 이메일 전문성을 활용하여 출판사들이 다채널 디지털 수익화 기회를 활용하도록 돕습니다. 5915,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: FANG isn't dead, just giving the market a breather?",,"Cramer: FANG은 죽지 않았다, 단지 시장에 숨을 쉬게 해주고 있다?" 2926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Washington Prime Group Q1 FFO Per Share $0.39?,,워싱턴 프라임 그룹 1분기 FFO 주당 $0.39 발표 브리프 6924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global M&A hits record $2 trillion in year to date?,,"글로벌 M&A, 연간 2조 달러 기록 달성" 1699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: More companies cutting ties with NRA?,,NRA와의 연관을 끊는 기업들이 더 늘어나다. 3105,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Independent workers better beware of pay-as-you-go tax payments?,,독립 근로자들은 지불하는 대로 세금 납부에 주의해야 한다. 4037,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suicide bomber kills 11 people in mosque attack in northeast Nigeria, sources say?",,북동부 나이지리아의 모스크 공격에서 자살 폭탄 테러범이 11명을 죽였다고 소식통이 전했다. 6095,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-U.S. top court rejects investor appeals over Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac?",,"UPDATE 1-미국 대법원, 패니 메이와 프레디 맥에 대한 투자자 항소 기각" 7684,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK, Scotland edge towards deal on devolved powers after Brexit?",,"영국과 스코틀랜드, 브렉시트 이후 분권 권한에 관한 합의에 가까워지다" 9490,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Embraer profit misses estimates on defense, business jet writedowns?",,"엠브라에르, 방산 및 비즈니스 제트 손실로 예상치 밑도는 이익 발표" 2625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK royal wedding cake to be made by London-based California baker?,,영국 왕실 결혼식 케이크가 런던에 기반을 둔 캘리포니아 제빵사에 의해 만들어질 예정입니다. 4119,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Mexico to reply to U.S. NAFTA auto proposal next week?,,"UPDATE 1-멕시코, 다음 주 미국의 NAFTA 자동차 제안에 응답 예정" 8520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-WisdomTree Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.00?,,브리프-위즈덤트리 4분기 주당순이익 $0.00 579,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China to strengthen supervision for cotton, apple futures trades amid recent fluctuations?",,"중국, 최근 변동성 속에서 면화와 사과 선물 거래에 대한 감독 강화할 예정" 9942,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France, Saudi to hold Yemen humanitarian conference end June?",,"프랑스, 사우디가 6월 말 예멘 인도적 회의를 개최할 예정이다." 6872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Frontera Energy Reports Qtrly Adjusted FFO Of $0.69/Share?,,BRIEF-프론테라 에너지가 분기 조정 FFO를 주당 $0.69로 보고했습니다. 5781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BFS Capital Says Received $175 Million Revolving Credit Line Provided By Funds Managed By Ares Management?,,"BRIEF-BFS Capital, Ares Management가 관리하는 펀드로부터 제공된 1억 7500만 달러 규모의 회전 신용 한도를 받았다고 발표." 8434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gospell Digital Technology to swing to loss in FY 2018 Q1?,,"브리프 - Gospell 디지털 기술, FY 2018 1분기에 손실 전환 예상" 9589,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tallying the trade war carnage: Boeing, Tesla shares plunge 5% as China announces new tariffs?",,무역 전쟁의 피해 집계: 중국이 새로운 관세를 발표함에 따라 보잉과 테슬라 주가 5% 하락 6655,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China to step up banking oversight in 'arduous' fight on financial risks?,,"중국, 금융 위험에 대한 '힘든' 싸움에서 은행 감독 강화 예정" 5206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lanka statistics office withdraws GDP data?,,"스리랑카 통계청, GDP 데이터 철회" 3533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suicide car bomb in Mogadishu leaves casualties - police?,,모가디슈에서 자살 차량 폭탄 공격으로 사상자 발생 - 경찰 6584,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar index trims gains as Trump says will pull U.S. from Iran nuclear deal?,,달러 지수가 트럼프가 미국을 이란 핵 협정에서 탈퇴하겠다고 말함에 따라 상승폭을 축소하다. 1583,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shell profit soars on higher oil prices, cash flow disappoints?",,"셸, 높은 유가로 이익 급증, 현금 흐름은 실망스럽다." 7627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arvidsson's two-goal night pushes Predators past Senators?,,아르비드손의 두 골 활약으로 프레데터스가 세너타스를 제치고 승리했습니다. 255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Mubadala's attempt to sell Swiss unit hits snag - sources?,,독점: 무바달라의 스위스 자회사 매각 시도가 난관에 부딪혔다 - 소식통 4984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: United: Employee didn't knowingly put dog in overhead compartment?,,유나이티드: 직원이 고의로 개를 머리 위 짐칸에 넣지 않았다고 밝혀져 1253,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tikehau Capital invests in newly launched venture fund Ring Capital, to support the emergence of European tech leaders?",,"티케후 캐피탈, 유럽 기술 리더의 출현을 지원하기 위해 새로 출범한 벤처 펀드 링 캐피탈에 투자" 1882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Parans Solar Lighting Issues Convertible Notes?,,"브리프 - 파란스 솔라 라이팅, 전환사채 발행" 1997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rates are going higher irregularly: Nuveen's Bob Doll?,,금리가 불규칙하게 오르고 있다: 누비안의 밥 돌. 6218,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michael Baker International Appoints Jeffery R. Kullman, P.E., as Regional Director for the Firm's Mountain Region?",,"마이클 베이커 인터내셔널, 제프리 R. 쿨만(P.E.)을 회사의 마운틴 지역 지역 이사로 임명" 2840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lankan rupee rises on exporter dollar sales?,,스리랑카 루피가 수출업체의 달러 판매로 상승하다 7796,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple is breaking out — here’s how to trade it?,,애플이 상승세를 타고 있다 — 이를 거래하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 8706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Firearms debate rages as FL rally coincides with gun show?,,총기 토론이 격화되는 가운데 플로리다 집회가 총기 박람회와 동시에 열려 7928,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-FACTBOX-Profiles of BOJ's Kuroda, deputy governors?",,수정됨-팩트박스-BOJ의 구로다 총재 및 부총재 프로필 3147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: KBRA Assigns Preliminary Ratings to TRTX 2018-FL1?,,KBRA가 TRTX 2018-FL1에 대해 예비 신용 등급을 부여했습니다. 3653,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cousins Properties Adds Dary Stone To Board?,,"카진스 프로퍼티스, 다리 스톤을 이사회에 추가하다." 6209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Equifax To Meet With Investors In Los Angeles & Kansas City?,,"BRIEF-이퀴팩스, 로스앤젤레스 및 캔자스시티에서 투자자들과 만남 예정" 7071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Written Premiums For Commercial Cyber Liability To Hit $6.2 Bln By 2020 - Verisk?,,브리프 - 상업 사이버 책임 보험에 대한 서면 보험료가 2020년까지 62억 달러에 이를 것이라고 Verisk가 발표했다. 5501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McDonald to succeed Adams as Sinn Fein leader?,,맥도날드가 신 펜(Sinn Fein) 당의 지도자로 아담스를 대신할 것이다. 1992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. health insurer Anthem's quarterly profit rises 30 pct?,,미국 건강 보험사 Anthem의 분기 이익 30% 증가 4941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tammy Duckworth will be the first U.S. Senator to give birth in office?,,탐미 더커스가 임기 중에 아기를 낳는 첫 번째 미국 상원이 될 것이다. 3549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WeissLaw LLP Investigates Mitel Networks Corp. Acquisition?,,"WeissLaw LLP, 미텔 네트웍스 주식회사 인수 조사।" 2129,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Torrid Box Office Run of ‘Black Panther’ Underscores a Growing Hollywood Problem - WSJ?,,‘블랙 팬서’의 뜨거운 박스오피스 성적이 커져가는 헐리우드의 문제를 부각시킨다 - WSJ 8923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stone Point Capital to Acquire Majority Stake in LegalShield from MidOcean Partners?,,"스톤 포인트 캐피탈, 미드오션 파트너스에서 리갈실드의 대부분 지분 인수 예정" 1235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Supreme Court declines to hear Bristol-Myers whistleblower lawsuit?,,브리스톨-마이어스 내부 고발자 소송을 심리하지 않기로 한 대법원 2544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: NBC boots analyst over Japan comment at Pyeongchang Games?,,"올림픽: NBC, 평창 올림픽에서 일본 발언으로 분석가 축출" 5772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar Rises Against Emerging-Market Currencies?,,달러가 신흥시장 통화에 대해 상승하다 1271,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Corp Says Assuming Role Of CFO Is Boris Baril?,,"펌 캐피탈 모기지 투자 공사, CFO 역할을 보리스 바릴이 맡는다고 발표하다." 9894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Trails Europe in Women CEOs and Board Directors?,,"미국, 여성 CEO와 이사에서 유럽에 뒤처져" 9752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Airbus in talks with insurers to fill export funding gap?,,"업데이트 1 - 에어버스, 수출 자금 공백을 메우기 위해 보험사와 협상 중" 7361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Grainger Exits Walworth Joint Venture?,,"브리프 - 그레인저, 월워스 합작 투자에서 탈퇴" 1594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cars.Com Announces The Acquisition Of Dealer Inspire And Launch Digital Marketing?,,"브리프-카즈닷컴, 딜러 인스파이어 인수 및 디지털 마케팅 출시 발표" 5478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Apple has the most to lose from a trade war?,,크래머: 애플이 무역 전쟁에서 가장 큰 피해를 입을 가능성이 있다. 3447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Svitolina knocks out holder Pliskova to reach Brisbane final?,,"스비톨리나, 브리즈번 결승 진출 위해 수호자 플리쇼바를 제압하다" 5623,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Kohli rested, Sharma to lead young India in T20 tri-series?",,크리켓-코흘리가 휴식을 취하고 샤르마가 젊은 인도를 T20 삼각대회에서 이끌다. 5219,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese electric car start-up Nio: We welcome competition from Tesla and others?,,중국 전기차 스타트업 Nio: 우리는 테슬라와 다른 경쟁을 환영합니다. 8821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thesys CAT LLC Announces Executive Appointment of Vas Rajan as Chief Information Security Officer for Consolidated Audit Trail?,,"Thesys CAT LLC, 통합 감사 추적을 위한 최고 정보 보안 책임자로 Vas Rajan를 임명한다고 발표하다." 4549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southern California braces for second round of mudslides?,,"남부 캘리포니아, 두 번째 머드슬라이드에 대비하다" 8928,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ingenious Ene-Carbon New Materials Group unit says lawsuit regarding loan disputes?,,브리프 - 인제니어스 에네-카본 신소재 그룹의 한 유닛이 대출 분쟁과 관련된 소송을 언급했습니다. 9395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britney Spears to be honored for support of gay community?,,"브리트니 스피어스, LGBTQ+ 커뮤니티 지원으로 영예를 받는다" 500,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kroll Names Dani Dilkin Associate Managing Director in Cyber Security and Investigations Practice, São Paulo?",,"크롤, 사이버 보안 및 조사 실무에서 다니 딜킨을 부관리 이사로 임명" 5832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No catastrophe if Merkel fails to form coalition: Schaeuble?,,메르켈이 연정을 구성하는 데 실패해도 재앙은 아니다: 샤우블. 8554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's Le Maire says EU must be ready to react to US trade tariffs?,,"프랑스의 르 메르, EU가 미국의 무역 관세에 대응할 준비를 해야 한다고 말하다." 4783,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump sold $35 million in real estate in 2017, mostly to secretive buyers?",,"트럼프는 2017년에 3,500만 달러의 부동산을 판매했으며, 대부분 비밀스러운 구매자들에게 거래되었다." 8218,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deluxe Corp. Acquires LogoMix, a Provider of Custom Marketing Products for Small Businesses?",,"델럭스 코퍼레이션, 중소기업을 위한 맞춤형 마케팅 제품 제공업체 로고믹스 인수" 4613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar advances to six-week high; euro falls to seven-week low?,,"FOREX-달러, 6주 최고치로 상승; 유로, 7주 최저치로 하락" 5674,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least 15 dead in air strike in northern Yemen: residents?,,북부 예멘 공습에서 최소 15명 사망: 주민들 3851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Phoenix Group to raise 950 mln stg to fund Standard Life Aberdeen deal?,,"피닉스 그룹, 스탠다드 라이프 애버딘 거래 자금 조달에 9억 5천만 파운드 모금 계획" 1514,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blom Bank Intends To Issue U.S. Dollar-Denominated Certificates Of Deposit‍​?,,"브리프 - 블룸 은행, 미국 달러 발행 예증서를 발행할 계획입니다." 7602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eritrea arrests hundreds of perceived opponents - U.N.?,,"에리트레아, 인식된 반대파 수백 명 체포 - 유엔" 356,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samco Gold releases its Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion & Analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2018?",,"샘코 골드, 2018년 3월 31일 종료된 3개월간의 재무제표 및 경영진의 논의와 분석을 발표하다." 4184,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roaring dinosaurs return in 'Jurassic World' sequel?,,"""쥬라기 월드"" 속편에서 우르릉대는 공룡들이 돌아온다." 8860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: iSchemaView Receives FDA Clearance for RAPID CTA?,,"iSchemaView, RAPID CTA에 대한 FDA 승인을 받다." 483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kim Yo Jong’s Shattered Olympic Dream?,,김여정의 깨진 올림픽 꿈 6070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Leone Film Group To Propose Two Share Capital Increases?,,"브리프 - 레오네 영화 그룹, 두 차례 주식 자본 증자 제안 예정" 8994,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Providence Service Files Prospectus Relates To Offer, Sale From Time To Time Of Up To 1.65 Mln Shares Of Co's Common Stock?",,"브리프 - 프로비던스 서비스, 최대 165만 주의 보통주 매각 및 제안과 관련된 투자설명서 제출" 5221,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Safety, Income & Growth Sets First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release and Webcast?",,"안전, 수익 및 성장, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표 및 웹캐스트 설정" 9141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SITO Mobile Provides Update on 2017 Financial Results?,,"SITO 모바일, 2017년 재무 결과에 대한 업데이트 제공" 5903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai Baosight Software to pay 2017 dividend?,,"상하이 바오사이트 소프트웨어, 2017년 배당금 지급 예정" 2419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stifel Deepens Coverage of Energy Sector With Hiring of Stephen Gengaro as Managing Director?,,"스티펠, 스티븐 겡가로를 전무로 영입하며 에너지 부문 커버리지 강화" 4452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Strategic Funding Appoints New Chief Financial Officer; Adds Two New Roles - Chief Risk Officer And Chief Product Officer - To Executive Team?,,"전략적 자금 조달이 새로운 최고 재무 책임자를 임명하고, 두 개의 새로운 역할인 최고 위험 책임자와 최고 제품 책임자를 경영진에 추가했습니다." 2588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hellenic Exchanges To Reduce Its Share Capital By EUR 9.1 Million And To Pay This Amount To Shareholders?,,"브리핑 - 헬레닉 거래소, 910만 유로의 자본금을 줄이고 이 금액을 주주에게 지급하기로 결정." 7351,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford Confirms Second Takata Airbag Death | Fortune?,,포드는 두 번째 타카타 에어백 사망을 확인했습니다 | 포ortune 8966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TagMaster Unit Gets Order For European Metro Project?,,"브리프-타그마스터 유닛, 유럽 지하철 프로젝트를 위한 주문 수주" 2147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lyft HR exec: This is the No.1 trait you should show employers?,,리프트 인사 관리자: 고용주에게 보여줘야 할 가장 중요한 특성은 이것이다. 830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aurora Cannabis Succeeds In Bid For Cannimed - Takes Up Shares?,,"브리프 - 아우로라 대마초, 캐니미드 인수 성공 - 주식 인수 완료" 8485,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain to look retrospectively at visas issued to wealthy foreigners?,,"영국, 부유한 외국인에게 발급된 비자를 소급적으로 검토할 예정" 9213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here are the world’s 10 most polluted cities – 9 are in India?,,세계에서 가장 오염된 도시 10곳 – 9곳이 인도에 있습니다. 1106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cambridge Analytica and British parent shut down after Facebook scandal?,,"캠브리지 애널리티카와 영국 모회사, 페이스북 스캔들로 폐쇄됨" 2072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Berlin sees no need to act on Geely's purchase of Daimler stake?,,베를린은 지리의 다임러 지분 매입에 대해 조치를 취할 필요성을 느끼지 않는다. 3899,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico vets and disperses Central American migrant 'caravan'?,,멕시코가 중앙 아메리카 이주민 '카라반'을 분산시키고 관리하다 9233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sale of NASCAR could be positive step-analysts?,,"""NASCAR 매각은 긍정적인 진전이 될 수 있다 - 분석가들""" 9610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: And the Oscar Goes to . . . Reagan??,,그리고 오스카는 . . . 레이건에게 간다?? 6990,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LendingTree, Inc. to Report Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings on February 22, 2018?",,렌딩트리 주식회사가 2018년 2월 22일 2017년 4분기 실적을 발표할 예정입니다. 188,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philips Lighting 1Q core earnings miss expectations?,,"필립스 조명 1분기 핵심 수익, 예상치에 미치지 못해" 8287,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Biotech companies Alnylam, Dicerna settle trade secrets case?",,바이오텍 회사 알니람과 다이서나가 영업 비밀 사건을 해결하다. 8589,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Super Bowl audience dips from last year, early data shows?",,"슈퍼볼 시청률, 지난 해보다 감소했다는 초기 데이터 보여주어" 9256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shares of Equifax dive because data breach was reportedly worst than everyone thought?,,"에퀴팩스의 주가 급락, 데이터 유출이 예상보다 심각하다는 보도" 2587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Raymond Miller Appointed To Navistar Board Of Directors?,,"브리프 - 레이먼드 밀러, 나비스타 이사회에 임명됨" 6381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX futures point to higher open on commodities rally?,,캐나다 주식 - TSX 선물이 상품 상승으로 인해 높은 개장을 예고합니다. 6334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reward offered in case of missing CDC doctor?,,실종된 CDC 의사 사건에 대한 보상금 제공 8767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: App developer union to ask Apple for free app trials?,,"앱 개발자 노조, 애플에 무료 앱 체험을 요청할 예정" 8930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Real Housewife Lisa Vanderpump: Here's who should pay at a business lunch?,,리얼 하우스와이프 리사 밴더펌프: 비즈니스 점심식사에서 누가 비용을 지불해야 할까요? 415,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Abe says BOJ buying ETFs for monetary policy, not to influence stocks?",,"아베, BOJ의 ETF 매입은 통화정책을 위한 것이지 주식에 영향을 주기 위한 것이 아니라고 말하다." 5640,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FEATURE-Motor racing-Patrick road to retirement ends at Indy 500?,,FEATURE-모터 레이싱-패트릭의 은퇴 여정은 인디 500에서 끝난다 5263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European markets seen mixed as investors await economic data?,,유럽 시장은 투자자들이 경제 데이터를 기다리면서 혼조세를 보일 것으로 예상된다. 1359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Italian allure?,,브레이킹뷰스 TV: 이탈리아 매력? 8361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says release of detainees by N.Korea will be positive for U.S.-N.Korea summit -S.Korea?,,"트럼프, 북한의 억류자 석방이 한미 정상회담에 긍정적일 것이라고 말하다 - 한국" 6818,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks wants to preserve its reputation, says former CKE CEO?",,스타벅스가 명성을 지키고 싶다고 전 CKE CEO가 말하다. 6808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: METALS-Shanghai metals prices fall as U.S.-China trade row escalates?,,"금속 - 중국 상하이 금속 가격, 미중 무역 전쟁 격화로 하락" 7236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pinnacle Dermatology has acquired Southwest Dermatology as it continues its expansion in the Illinois market?,,피나클 피부과가 일리노이 시장에서의 확장을 계속하기 위해 사우스웨스트 피부과를 인수했다. 2463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lennox International Schedules Fourth Quarter Conference Call?,,"레녹스 인터내셔널, 4분기 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 7942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Tencent plans culture deal with UK?,,"중국의 텐센트, 영국과 문화 거래 계획" 1290,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A. Names Retired New Jersey Superior Court Judge Frank M. Ciuffani as General Counsel?",,"윌렌츠, 골드만 & 스피처, P.A.가 뉴저지 고등법원 퇴직 판사 프랭크 M. 치파니를 총괄 고문으로 임명했습니다." 4078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Orava Slashes Its Estimate On Residential REIT?,,"브리프 - 오라바, 주거 REIT에 대한 전망을 대폭 하향 조정" 1446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Providence Medical Technology Announces Appointment of US Sales Executive and Publication of Two Additional Clinical Studies?,,"프로비던스 메디컬 기술, 미국 세일즈 임원 임명 및 두 개의 추가 임상 연구 발표 발표" 7691,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mavericks clip Kings, end 5-game losing streak?",,매버릭스가 킹스를 제치고 5연패 탈출 5034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Port Said stadium reopens six years after 72 killed?,,"포트 사이드 스타디움, 72명이 사망한 지 6년 만에 재개장" 9499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qatar Airways would back any IAG-Norwegian takeover: CEO?,,카타르 항공은 IAG-노르웨이 인수에 대해 어떤 지원도 할 것이라고 CEO가 말했습니다. 4867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's Indonesian partner says has not signed China loan deal?,,"트럼프의 인도네시아 파트너, 중국 대출 계약을 체결하지 않았다고 말해" 6120,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Washington turmoil has the bull market ‘limping’, but RBC says the S&P at 3,000 still looks likely?",,"워싱턴의 혼란이 강세장을 '절뚝거리게' 하고 있지만, RBC는 S&P가 3,000에 도달할 가능성이 여전히 높다고 말한다." 7191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stellar jumps 20% after Stripe says it may add support for the digital coin?,,스트라이프가 디지털 코인 지원을 추가할 수 있다고 발표한 후 스텔라가 20% 상승하다. 3405,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Anti-terrorism police investigate racist letter sent to UK palace?,,안티테러 경찰이 영국 궁전으로 발송된 인종차별 편지를 조사하고 있다. 7228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reuters Newsmaker: North American Toyota CEO Jim Lentz?,,로이터 뉴스메이커: 북미 도요타 CEO 짐 렌츠? 8160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How healthy is too healthy? EU warns about green tea supplements?,,"너무 건강한 것은 어떤 것인가? EU, 녹차 보충제에 대한 경고 발령?" 5332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ediston Property Investment Declares Interim Dividend?,,"브리프-에디스턴 부동산 투자, 중간 배당금 선언" 6752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First relegation looms ever closer as Hamburg lose again?,,첫 강등이 점점 더 가까워지며 함부르크가 다시 패배하다. 4457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Hold the phone: deal talk boosts telecoms?,,실시간 시장 - 전화기를 들고 있어라: 거래 소식이 통신주를 부각시킨다? 2444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Genpact Reports Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2017 Results?,,"Genpact, 2017년도 전체 및 4분기 실적 발표" 3928,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Baidu's video unit iQiyi files for U.S. IPO of up to $1.50 bln?,,바이두의 비디오 사업 부서 iQiyi가 최대 15억 달러 규모의 미국 IPO를 신청했다. 3816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Showing Off Your Books: The Dos and Don’ts - WSJ?,,책을 자랑하는 방법: 꼭 지켜야 할 것과 피해야 할 것 - WSJ 1260,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Economy strong enough to stomach a trade war, says Ryan Detrick?",,"경제가 무역 전쟁을 견딜 만큼 충분히 강하다, 라이언 디트릭이 말하다" 4285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian government says was not told of Turkey's Afrin strike: state media?,,시리아 정부는 터키의 아프린 공습에 대해 통보받지 않았다고 말했다: 국영 언론 411,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-India's Hero Enterprise, Burman raise bid for Fortis?",,"UPDATE 1-인도의 히어로 엔터프라이즈, 버먼이 포르티스 인수 제안을 상향 조정하다." 6767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. urges citizens to reconsider Burkina Faso travel 'due to terrorism'?,,"미국, '테러리즘으로 인해' 부르키나파소 여행 재고 촉구" 9778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to meet with video-game industry in wake of Florida shooting?,,"트럼프, 플로리다 총격 사건 후 비디오 게임 산업과 만남 가지다." 6588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pret A Manger Is Getting a New Owner—and Its Employees Are Getting Bonuses?,,프레타망제가 새로운 주인을 맞이하며 직원들에게 보너스가 주어진다. 9343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prominent Houston pastor indicted on charges of defrauding parishioners?,,"저명한 휴스턴 목사, 신도들을 속인 혐의로 기소되다." 3166,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The theft of intellectual property is driving Trump's trade battle?,,지식 재산권 도난이 트럼프의 무역 전쟁을 촉발하고 있다. 1775,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey needs to restore monetary policy credibility: Deputy Prime Minister?,,터키는 통화 정책 신뢰성을 회복해야 한다: 부총리 1509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MSM Corporation International Says Riva Group To Subscribe For 37 Mln MSM Shares At $0.043 Per Share?,,"브리프 - MSM 코퍼레이션 인터내셔널, 리바 그룹이 주당 0.043달러에 3700만 MSM 주식을 인수하겠다고 발표." 5039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Not all elderly lung cancer patients get recommended care?,,모든 노인 폐암 환자들이 권장 치료를 받는 것은 아니다. 481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 3 Cheap Stocks With Plenty of Cash Flow?,,3가지 현금 흐름이 풍부한 저렴한 주식 7711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Leis Appoints Michael Konnert To Its Board Of Directors?,,"브리프 - 레이스, 마이클 코너트를 이사로 임명" 3944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK military research boss on nerve agent made in Russia?,,영국 군사 연구 책임자가 러시아에서 만들어진 신경 작용제에 대해 언급하다 1066,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ferrari and Ray-Ban deemed a safer bet than Italian government bonds?,,페라리와 레이밴이 이탈리아 정부 채권보다 더 안전한 선택으로 평가받고 있다. 2814,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why investors should be wary of long duration, zero growth assets?",,투자자들이 장기간 동안 제로 성장 자산에 주의해야 하는 이유 60,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jeremy Siegel says investors got too bullish and now paying price: 'We overdid it'?,,"제레미 시겔은 투자자들이 지나치게 낙관적이었고 지금 대가를 치르고 있다고 말하며 ""우리가 과도하게 기대했다""라고 전했다." 7246,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Sprint CEO stepping down, will be replaced by finance chief?",,"월스트리트 저널: 스프린트 CEO 사임, 재무 담당이 후임으로 임명될 예정" 3258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Health-care companies are on a deal spree and aren't likely to stop anytime soon?,,"헬스케어 기업들이 거래 열풍을 일으키고 있으며, 당분간 그칠 기미가 보이지 않는다." 6273,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: I don't like the concept of tariffs: David Farr, Emerson CEO?",,"나는 관세 개념이 맘에 들지 않는다: 데이비드 파르, 엠손 CEO" 2210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ackman reveals Pershing Square has built $1 billion stake in Lowe’s - MarketWatch?,,"악맨, 퍼싱 스퀘어가 로우스에 10억 달러 규모의 지분을 확보했다고 밝혀 - 마켓워치" 4386,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: There’s trouble in the charts for banks heading into earnings, according to one technician?",,은행들이 실적 발표를 앞두고 차트에서 문제가 있다는 한 기술 분석가의 주장 1774,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OFS Capital Corporation Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"OFS 캐피탈 코퍼레이션, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 7452,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Quest, Humana, Multiplan, Optum, UnitedHealthcare Launch Blockchain Program?",,"브리프 - Quest, Humana, Multiplan, Optum, UnitedHealthcare, 블록체인 프로그램 시작" 8141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Hoperun Software to pay a cash dividend of 1 yuan (pre-tax) for every 10 shares?,,간단히-장쑤 호퍼런 소프트웨어가 10주당 1위안(세전)의 현금 배당금을 지급할 예정이다. 8181,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Erdogan says Turkey, Russia may cooperate on defense projects besides S-400?",,"에르도안, 터키와 러시아가 S-400 외에도 방산 프로젝트에서 협력할 수 있다고 말하다." 7888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stock futures drop as Cisco disappoints; trade talks eyed?,,주식 선물이 하락하며 시스코가 실망스러운 실적을 발표; 무역 협상에 주목 7253,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Today Is the First Day of Spring 2018. Here’s All the Things You Can Get for Free?,,2018년 봄의 첫날입니다. 무료로 받을 수 있는 것들에 대해 알아보세요! 5113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ascot announces record prize money for 2018?,,"애스콧, 2018년 기록적인 상금 발표" 1494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Illegal migration to Spain likely rise further in 2018: EU agency?,,2018년 스페인으로의 불법 이민이 더욱 증가할 가능성이 높다고 EU 기관이 발표했습니다. 2777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Noble Midstream Partners Extends And Upsizes Revolving Credit Facility?,,"브리프 - 노블 미드스트림 파트너스, 회전 신용 한도 연장 및 증액" 2795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Independent Bank Corp. Reports First Quarter Net Income of $27.6 Million?,,"인디펜던트 뱅크 컴퍼니, 1분기 순이익 2,760만 달러 보고" 4904,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wenger to take late call on Aubameyang for Everton clash?,,"뎅거, 에버턴과의 경기를 앞두고 오바메양에 대한 늦은 결정을 내릴 것인가?" 7371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea says North Korea could be behind hacking into Japan's Coincheck: Channel A?,,한국은 북한이 일본의 코인체크 해킹에 개입했을 가능성이 있다고 말했습니다: 채널 A 137,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alibaba, another firm to jointly invest $1.24 bln in Wanda Film Holding?",,"알리바바, 원다 필름 홀딩에 12억 4천만 달러를 공동 투자하는 또 다른 회사?" 9626,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SM Energy Announces Agreements To Sell Additional Non Core Assets For $292 Mln?,,SM 에너지가 2억 9천 2백만 달러에 추가 비핵심 자산 매각에 대한 계약을 발표했습니다. 9217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bookrunner Says ABB Offering of 1.4 Mln Shares In Delivery Hero?,,브리프 - 북러너가 딜리버리 히어로에 대한 ABB 140만 주 공고를 전했다. 6642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil markets: Iran sanction worries in focus?,,뉴스 기사 내용: 석유 시장: 이란 제재 우려에 대한 집중. 6155,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE has been 'brushing things under the rug' for decades, Deutsche Bank analyst says?",,GE는 수십 년 동안 '문제를 덮어두기' 해왔다고 도이치 뱅크 애널리스트가 말했습니다. 9643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Trophy Homes Linked to Chinese Conglomerate HNA Group?,,중국 대기업 HNA 그룹과 연결된 트로피 홈즈 257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DSM Q1 2018 Results?,,DSM 2018년 1분기 실적 결과 1863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Street of Russian Embassy in D.C. gets new name: Boris Nemtsov Plaza?,,워싱턴 D.C.의 러시아 대사관 거리가 보리스 네姆초프 광장으로 이름이 바뀌다. 8847,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: N.Y. Fed trims U.S. GDP view after retail sales data?,,"N.Y. 연준, 소매 판매 데이터 이후 미국 GDP 전망 하향 조정" 559,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-GKN Says Board Unanimously Rejects Melrose Offer?,,GKN이 이사회에서 Melrose의 제안을 만장일치로 거부했다고 발표. 7757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barratt's sales rate flat in last six months of 2017?,,2017년 하반기 Barratt의 판매율이 정체 상태입니다. 4211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Halep reaps reward for aggressive approach?,,"테니스 - 할렙, 공격적인 접근 방식으로 보상 받아" 8907,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carrefour, Argentina workers agree to voluntary buyouts: government?",,"카르푸르, 아르헨티나 노동자들이 자발적 퇴직에 합의: 정부 발표" 8714,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China does not want a trade war with the U.S.: China commerce ministry?,,미국과의 무역 전쟁을 원치 않는 중국: 중국 상무부 3724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Siemens Healthineers shares gain in stock market debut?,,"지멘스 헬시니어스, 주식 시장에 데뷔하자 주가 상승" 3230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian burger chain settles dispute with Crocodile Dundee actor?,,"호주 버거 체인, '악어 단디' 배우와의 분쟁 해결" 7630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK city Birmingham wants further details from Uber before license decision?,,"영국 도시 버밍엄, 면허 결정을 위해 우버에게 추가 정보 요청" 668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Delphi Energy Corp. Reports 2017 Year End Results and Reserves and Provides Operations Update?,,델파이 에너지 주식회사가 2017년 연간 실적 및 자산 보고서와 운영 업데이트를 제공합니다. 40,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Infineon to propose Voestalpine CEO as chairman in medium term?,,"UPDATE 1-인피니온, 중기적으로 보에스탈파인 CEO를 의장으로 제안할 계획" 9420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Debao Property Development Appoints Zhong Yuzhao As CEO?,,"브리핑 - 데바오 부동산 개발, 종유자오를 CEO로 임명" 8796,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GRAPHIC-Biotech M&A explodes with $27.5 bln of January deals?,,그래픽 - 생명공학 인수합병이 275억 달러에 달하는 1월 거래로 폭발적으로 증가하다. 8987,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stella McCartney to buy brand in full from Kering?,,"스텔라 맥카트니, 케어링에서 브랜드를 전량 인수할 것?" 73,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gome Finance Technology Co Posts FY Profit Attributable Of RMB21.7 Mln?,,Gome Finance Technology Co는 FY 순이익을 2170만 위안으로 발표했습니다. 2688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tech giants express concern over Singapore plan to fight fake news?,,기술 대기업들이 허위 정보와 싸우기 위한 싱가포르 계획에 대한 우려를 표명하다 3490,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea's cheer squad, sports officials arrive in South Korea?",,북한 응원단과 체육 관계자들이 한국에 도착하다. 8774,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese visitors can hit nerve tariffs don’t reach?,,중국 방문객들이 관세가 미치지 않는 신경을 건드릴 수 있다? 8139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran sees Turkmenistan-India gas pipeline unlikely to become operational: Fars?,,"이란, 투르크메니스탄-인도 가스 파이프라인 가동 가능성 낮다고 예상: 파르스" 3241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-PGA Fedex Cup Rankings?,,UPDATE 3-PGA 페덱스 컵 순위 3400,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aemetis to Review First Quarter Financial Results on May 10, 2018?",,Aemetis가 2018년 5월 10일 첫 분기 재무 결과를 검토할 예정입니다. 437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Worldunion Properties Consultancy's 2017 Net Profit Up 34.35 Pct Y/Y?,,브리프 - 심천 월드유니온 부동산 컨설팅의 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 34.35% 증가했습니다. 2645,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mainstream Group Says FuA Grew By 8% During Quarter To $133.29 BLN As At Dec 31, 2017​?",,"주요 그룹, 2017년 12월 31일 현재 FuA가 분기 동안 8% 성장하여 1,332억 9천만 달러에 달했다고 발표." 1495,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-‍Air Tahiti Nui To Begin Phasing Out Current Airbus A340-300 Fleet In Nov?,,"브리프 - 에어 타히티 누이, 11월부터 현재의 에어버스 A340-300 기종 단계적으로 퇴역 시작 예정." 6793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oman's Financial Corporation Q1 Profit Rises?,,브리프 - 오만 금융공사의 1분기 이익 증가 5457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia banks on youth to replace players ruled out of World Cup?,,러시아는 월드컵에서 제외된 선수들을 대신할 청소년 선수들에게 의존한다. 8705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peatland mappers win $1million to help tackle Indonesian haze fires?,,구름이 낀 인도네시아 해소에 도움을 주기 위해 이탄지 측량가들이 100만 달러를 수상하다. 6249,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thailand likely to have democratic elections soon: Former PM?,,"태국, 곧 민주적인 선거가 있을 것으로 보인다: 전 총리" 5933,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla chief Musk says China trade rules uneven, asks Trump for help?",,"테슬라 CEO 머스크, 중국 무역 규칙 불균형하다고 말하며 트럼프에게 도움 요청" 2112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Debt-laden gun maker Remington files for chapter 11 bankruptcy?,,"월스트리트 저널: 부채에 시달리는 총기 제조업체 레밍턴, 챕터 11 파산 신청." 2613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Berkshire Names New CEO of Giant U.S. Utility?,,"버크셔, 대형 미국 유틸리티 새로운 CEO 임명" 8653,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slowly, Germany begins to ponder life after Merkel...?",,"천천히, 독일은 메르켈 이후의 삶에 대해 고민하기 시작한다..." 8000,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nick Cannon celebrates women in his TV show, music?",,"닉 캐논, TV 쇼와 음악에서 여성들을 기념하다." 6028,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street Prep to Expand Consulting Practice, Hires Finance Veteran Marshall Anderson to Lead Team?",,"월스트리트 프렙, 컨설팅 사업 확장 예정 및 금융 베테랑 마샬 앤더슨을 팀장으로 영입" 8596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Superior Uniform Group Declares Regular Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"수퍼리어 유니폼 그룹, 정기 분기 현금 배당금 선언" 7477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northern States Financial Corporation Reports First Quarter 2018 Earnings?,,"노던 스테이츠 파이낸셜 코퍼레이션, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 5189,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Sharma hopes to inspire India's next generation with Augusta masterclass?,,"골프-샤르마, 오거스타 마스터클래스 통해 인도의 다음 세대에 영감을 주길 희망한다." 7005,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google to use Getty Images content for its services?,,"구글, 자사 서비스에 게티 이미지 콘텐츠 사용 계획." 4500,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. aviation agency eyes talks, meeting to defuse Gulf airspace standoff?",,"U.N. 항공 기구, 걸프 공역 갈등 해소를 위한 회담 및 회의 모색" 4506,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazilian Koxa handed 'world record' for riding 80-foot wave?,,"브라질의 코사, 80피트 파도를 타고 '세계 기록' 수여받아" 299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Drax plans to cut cost of biomass electricity by a third?,,"드락스, 바이오매스 전기 비용을 3분의 1로 줄일 계획" 8912,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Simplus Acquires Silicon Valley–Based CirrusOne?,,Simplus가 실리콘밸리에 본사를 둔 CirrusOne를 인수하다. 4314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Charts point to big gains for surging tech stock?,,차트가 급등하는 기술주의 큰 이익을 암시한다. 101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank has no plans to pull out of Asian countries - CEO?,,"뱅크 CEO는 ""도이치 은행은 아시아 국가에서 철수할 계획이 없다""고 말했다." 9294,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leaders approve Prince Charles to succeed Queen as Commonwealth head - Sky news?,,"리더들, 찰스 왕세자가 여왕의 뒤를 이어 커먼웰스 수장으로 승계하는 것을 승인하다 - 스카이 뉴스" 5568,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart tops targets, Penney misses?",,"월마트가 목표를 초과 달성하고, 펜니는 목표를 밑돌다." 266,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stronger European Earnings Augur More M&A, Higher Dividends?",,더 강한 유럽 기업 실적이 더 많은 M&A와 더 높은 배당금을 예고한다. 9386,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fox sets Disney deal vote for July 10?,,"폭스, 디즈니 거래 투표를 7월 10일로 설정하다." 7138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-French carmaker PSA chooses Atlanta as north American headquarters?,,브리프 - 프랑스 자동차 제조업체 PSA가 북미 본부로 애틀랜타를 선택함. 5686,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says summit with Japan, South Korea to focus on cooperation, not North Korea?",,"중국, 일본 및 한국과의 정상 회담은 북한이 아닌 협력에 중점을 둘 것이라고 말하다." 2579,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Landslide pushes Colombian bus into ravine, killing at least 13?",,산사태로 콜롬비아 버스가 협곡으로 떨어져 적어도 13명이 사망하다. 8757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lankan stocks fall to 8-week closing low on growth worries?,,"스리랑카 주식, 성장 우려로 8주 만에 최저 마감" 4186,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wincove Recapitalizes Nordock to Join Bluff and Wesco in Serving the Material Handling and Warehouse Safety Products Markets?,,"윈코브, 블러프 및 웨스코와 함께 물류 및 창고 안전 제품 시장에 진출하기 위해 노더크를 재자본화하다." 8877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Oil prices jump after Netanyahu announcement; stocks dip?,,글로벌 시장 - 네타냐후 발표 후 석유 가격 급등; 주식 하락 2230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Henan Province Xixia Automobile Water Pump says 2017 dividend payment?,,브리프 - 허난성 시시아 자동차 워터 펌프가 2017년 배당금 지급을 발표합니다. 8710,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Moody's Says Ghana's Credit Profile Balances Strong Growth Outlook Against High Debt Ratio & Low Debt Affordability?,,"브리프 - 무디스, 가나의 신용 프로필이 강한 성장 전망과 높은 부채 비율 및 낮은 부채 감당 능력 간의 균형을 이룬다고 발표." 9992,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ZTE Corp Considering Sale Of Its Smartphone Business - Nikkei, Citing Chinese Media?",,브리프-중국 미디어를 인용하며 ZTE가 스마트폰 사업 매각을 검토 중이라고 니케이가 보도했습니다. 8937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stanford cruises to win at Washington?,,"스탠포드, 워싱턴에서 쉽게 승리하다." 4979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arab Development And Real Estate Investment Shareholders Approve FY Dividend‍​?,,간략하게 - 아랍 개발 및 부동산 투자 주주들이 연간 배당금을 승인하다. 7987,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Accelerate Property Fund Drops Plans To Buy A Polish Industrial Portfolio?,,"BRIEF-액셀러레이트 부동산 펀드, 폴란드 산업 포트폴리오 구매 계획 중단" 5227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Keys outlasts Pera to reach Charleston Open semis?,,"키스, 페라를 제치고 찰스턴 오픈 준결승 진출" 7263,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says unified Korea ""could happen""?",,"트럼프, 통일 한국은 ""일어날 수 있다"" 밝혀" 1762,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RCI Reports Q2 Earnings Per Share $0.48?,,BRIEF-RCI가 2분기 주당 순이익을 $0.48로 보고했습니다. 7897,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Victory Bancorp, Inc. Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend?",,"Victory Bancorp, Inc.가 분기 현금 배당금을 발표하였습니다." 1090,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swede Lindberg wins ANA Inspiration in major upset?,,"스웨덴의 린드베르그, 대격차로 ANA 인스퍼레이션 우승" 346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Purple Innovation Announces CEO Departure?,,"퍼플 이노베이션, CEO 퇴임 발표" 3571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uzbekistan must keep up reform after currency liberalisation -lenders?,,우즈베키스탄은 통화 자유화 이후 개혁을 지속해야 한다 - 대출기관들 244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-UPDATE 3-South Koreans in Washington to brief on talks with North Korean leader?,,수정됨-업데이트 3-워싱턴에 있는 한국인들이 김정은과의 회담에 대해 브리핑하다. 3024,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Staten Island Hustle' star's Herbidore aims to keep marijuana fresh?,,"'스태튼 아일랜드 허슬' 스타의 허비도어, 마리화나를 신선하게 유지하는 것을 목표로 한다." 5777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ’Snow emergency’ hits swaths of U.S. midwest?,,"""눈비상사태""가 미국 중서부의 광범위한 지역을 강타하다" 8856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Olympic Committee Chief Resigns in Wake of Sexual-Abuse Scandal?,,미국 올림픽 위원회 수장이 성폭력 스캔들로 사임하다. 722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's Mahindra opens first assembly plant in South Africa?,,"인도의 마힌드라, 남아프리카 공화국에 첫 조립 공장 개설" 2526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chiquita must face jury in Colombian terror-funding case - Miami judge?,,"""치키타, 콜롬비아 테러 자금 지원 사건에서 배심원단에 출두해야 한다 - 마이애미 판사""" 6652,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chain CEO Adam Ludwin Talks Cryptocurrencies and Counterculture?,,"체인 CEO 아담 루드윈, 암호화폐와 반문화에 대해 이야기하다." 8494,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia, Egypt may restart talks on Red Sea airport checks in spring?",,"러시아, 이집트가 봄에 홍해 공항 검사를 재개할 수 있다?" 5171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ultra Petroleum Corp. to Webcast Fourth Quarter 2017 Results?,,"울트라 페트롤리엄 코프, 2017년 4분기 실적 웹캐스트 예정" 9330,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Chesnara FY profit jumps on Dutch insurance deal?,,"UPDATE 1-체스나라, 네덜란드 보험 거래로 연간 이익 급증" 4014,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kumho Tire Union Accepts Takeover Deal - Nikkei?,,"브리프 - 금호타이어 노조, 인수 계약 수락 - 닛케이" 8407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oman Insurance FY Profit Rises?,,오만 보험 FY 이익 증가 보도 요약 4242,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Haoxiangni Health Food sees FY 2017 net profit up 157.99 pct to 195.37 pct?,,"브리프 - 하오샹니 건강식품, 2017 회계연도 순이익 157.99% 증가하여 195.37% 도달" 9575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PayPal beats the Street?,,PayPal이 월가 예상을 뛰어넘다 2893,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alpine skiing: Vonn is downhill favorite, says rival Goggia?",,알파인 스키: 고지아가 말하기를 폰이 다운힐의 유력한 후보라고 한다. 715,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall St Weekahead-Markets fret over Federal Reserve's approach under new chair Powell?,,월스트리트 주간 전망 - 새 의장 파월 하의 연방준비제도(Fed)의 접근 방식에 대한 시장 우려 3553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tegna Inc. Reports Q4 Gaap Earnings Per Share $1.40 From Continuing Operations?,,Tegna Inc.가 지속 운영으로부터 GAAP 기준 4분기 주당 순이익 $1.40을 보고했습니다. 490,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Marti Otel Signs Consultancy Agreement With London-Based Servotel?,,"BRIEF-마르티 오텔, 런던 기반의 서보텔과 컨설팅 계약 체결" 9724,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar hits 15-month low vs yen, some see further slide?",,"FOREX-달러, 엔화 대비 15개월 최저치 기록, 일부는 추가 하락을 전망하다" 1465,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volatile Stock Market Rolls Into the ‘Sell in May’ Stretch - MoneyBeat - WSJ?,,변동성이 큰 주식 시장이 '5월에 팔아라' 구간으로 접어들다 - 머니비트 - WSJ 6268,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Livestock Improvement Corp's H1 Total Revenue NZ$153 Mln, Up 16.6 Pct?",,"간략히 - Livestock Improvement Corp의 상반기 총 수익이 1억 5,300만 뉴질랜드 달러로 16.6% 증가했습니다." 2542,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Chasing Perfection, Ferruccio Lamborghini Took the Fast Lane?",,완벽을 추구하는 과정에서 페루치오 람보르기니는 빠른 길을 갔다. 3834,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Acacia ‍Issued Letter To Stockholders In Response To Letter From Sidus, BLR?",,간략하게 - Acacia가 Sidus의 서한에 대한 응답으로 주주들에게 서한을 발송했습니다. 5909,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China All Access Says FY Profit Attributable Rmb228.8 Million?,,"중국 올 액세스, FY 순이익 2억 2880만 위안 발표" 3910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 17 states to challenge Trump administration over vehicle emissions -sources?,,"17개 주, 차량 배출가스에 대해 트럼프 행정부에 도전하기로 - 소식통" 3985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The race for electric vehicles at Beijing's Auto Show?,,베이징 자동차 쇼에서 전기차 경쟁이 시작된다. 3666,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A $523 monthly payment is the new standard for car buyers?,,$523의 월납입금이 자동차 구매자들의 새로운 기준이 되다. 3541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cision Pre-Releases Select Preliminary Unaudited Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results; Provides Initial Full Year 2018 Outlook?,,Cision이 2017년 4분기 및 연간 예비 감사 전 결과 일부를 사전 발표하고 2018년 전체 연도 전망을 초기 제공함. 3876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Midday?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 정오 338,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Puppy dies in overhead bin, United apologizes?",,"""오버헤드 수납함에서 강아지가 죽어, 유나이티드 항공이 사과하다""" 8535,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Marrone Bio Innovations Announces Pricing Of Common Stock Offering?,,"브리프-마론 바이오 혁신, 보통주 제공 가격 발표" 9946,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bengal Energy Q3 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.01?,,브리프 - Bengal Energy Q3 조정 주당 순이익 $0.01 5152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Visa's first-quarter profit rises 22 pct on higher volumes?,,"비자의 1분기 이익 22% 증가, 거래량 증가에 힘입어" 6395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aphria's German Subsidiary Acquires Interest In Berlin-Based Shöneberg Hospital?,,"브리프-아프리아의 독일 자회사, 베를린에 위치한 쇤베르크 병원에 대한 지분 인수." 4017,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump consultants harvested data from 50 mln Facebook users - reports?,,트럼프 컨설턴트가 5000만 명의 페이스북 사용자로부터 데이터를 수집했다 - 보도에 따르면 69,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Intercontinental International Says Mr. Konstantinos Savvidis Is The New Chief Financial Officer Of The Company?,,인터컨티넨탈 인터내셔널이 콘스탄티노스 사비디스가 회사의 새로운 최고 재무 책임자(CFO)임을 발표했습니다. 5614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Study finds snakes are caring parents?,,연구에 따르면 뱀은 배려하는 부모이다. 208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon Alexa Can Now Make Calls on iPads and Android and Fire Tablets - Fortune?,,"아마존 알렉사, iPad와 안드로이드 및 파이어 태블릿에서 통화 가능해져 - 포춘" 2894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Long-term market gauge of euro zone inflation at 2-1/2 month high?,,유로존 인플레이션의 장기 시장 지표가 2개월 반 만에 최고치에 도달하다. 9850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. trying to 'embarrass' Pakistan with terror financing list - minister?,,"미국, 테러 자금 지원 명단으로 파키스탄을 '망신 주려고' 한다 - 장관" 6118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vipshop Reports Unaudited Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"비프샵, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 감사받지 않은 상태로 발표" 7271,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Auto industry research group on NAFTA implications?,,"자동차 산업 연구 그룹, NAFTA의 영향에 관한 내용?" 5607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Summit Therapeutics ‍Announces Analysis Showing Ezutromid Significantly Reduced Muscle Inflammation In Phase 2 Clinical Trial?,,"BRIEF-서밋 테라퓨틱스, 에주트로마이드가 2상 임상 시험에서 근육 염증을 유의미하게 감소시켰다는 분석 발표" 1550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain very close to Brexit transition deal with the EU: minister?,,"영국, EU와 브렉시트 전환 거래에 매우 가까워: 장관" 1037,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ICA Gruppen December sales up 4.3 pct yr/yr ​?,,BRIEF-ICA Gruppen의 12월 매출이 지난해 대비 4.3% 증가했습니다. 7407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Call center jobs await deported Salvadorans?,,추방된 엘살바도르인들을 위한 콜센터 일자리가 기다리고 있다? 247,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India in South Africa 2018 Scoreboard?,,"인도, 남아프리카 2018 점수판" 3141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dan Ryan Builders Leadership Announcement?,,댄 라이언 빌더스 리더십 발표 5540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Valora Holding: Bernhard Heusler Leaves Board Of Directors In April 2018?,,브리프 - 발로라 홀딩: 베르나르트 하우슬러가 2018년 4월 이사회에서 사임함. 3864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Car bomb kills at least seven in Libya's capital?,,리비아 수도에서 자동차 폭탄이 적어도 일곱 명을 죽였다. 7294,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UAE'S Amanat Seeks New Opportunities In Healthcare,Education Investments Beyond GCC?",,"아랍에미리트의 아마낫, GCC를 넘어 의료 및 교육 투자에서 새로운 기회를 모색하다." 5437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TPG Pace Energy Holdings Announces $2.66 Billion Business Combination With EnerVest’s South Texas Division to Form Publicly Traded Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation?,,"TPG 페이스 에너지 홀딩스, 에너베스트의 남부 텍사스 부문과 26억 6천만 달러 규모의 사업 결합 발표하여 상장된 마그놀리아 오일 & 가스 회사 설립" 9086,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks making the biggest moves premarket: GD, QSR, FOXA, QCOM, AMZN, F, BABA & more?",,"프리마켓에서 가장 큰 움직임을 보이는 주식: GD, QSR, FOXA, QCOM, AMZN, F, BABA 등 더 많은 종목들." 6230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Axcelis Announces Financial Results For First 2018?,,"Axcelis, 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표" 5223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pompeo: Regime change not U.S. objective in dealings with Iran?,,폼페오: 이란과의 거래에서 정권 교체는 미국의 목표가 아니다. 4290,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. to slap tariffs soon on steel, aluminium from EU - WSJ?",,"미국, EU산 철강 및 알루미늄에 곧 관세 부과 - WSJ" 7995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollarama Announces Changes To Its Board Of Directors?,,"달러라마, 이사회 변화 발표" 5751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Computer maker Lenovo to be removed from benchmark Hang Seng Index?,,컴퓨터 제조업체 레노버가 기준 주가 지수인 홍콩 항셍지수에서 제외될 예정이다. 8525,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hoffman shootout goal lifts Ottawa to win?,,호프만의 슈팅 골이 오타와를 승리로 이끌다 9596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump drug-pricing speech adds dose of uncertainty for healthcare investors?,,트럼프의 약가 연설이 의료 투자자들에게 불확실성을 더하다 5573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Finau battles through pain to stay in Masters contention?,,"골프-피나우, 마스터스 경쟁력 유지하기 위해 고통을 이겨내다." 1024,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tanzania asks bank to finance hydropower project in heritage site?,,"탄자니아, 유산 지역의 수력 발전소 프로젝트 재정을 위해 은행에 요청" 1990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Orient Securities' Jan Net Profit At 230.1 Million Yuan?,,"브리핑 - 오리엔트 증권, 1월 순이익 2억 3천만 위안." 2328,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc. Announces Results for Fourth Quarter of 2017?",,"ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc.가 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 소식 전하다." 4180,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BTS Group AB (publ) Year-end report 1 January–31 December, 2017?",,BTS 그룹 AB (publ) 2017년 1월 1일-12월 31일 연간 보고서 4382,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Perry Ellis Confirms Receipt of Director Nominations?,,"페리 엘리스, 이사 후보 지명 수령 확인" 9112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Croatia coalition meets as pressure mounts on Deputy PM over Agrokor role?,,"업데이트 1 - 크로아티아 연립정부, 아그로코르 역할에 대한 부총리 압박이 커짐에 따라 회의 개최" 7085,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Old Point Financial Corporation Declares Second Quarter Dividend?,,올드 포인트 파이낸셜 컴퍼니가 2분기 배당금을 선언하다 4272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leveraged inverse ETFs grew to record in January -ETFGI?,,1월에 레버리지 인버스 ETF가 기록적으로 증가했습니다 - ETFGI 4840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Reckitt Benckiser Says Targeting 13-14 Pct Total Revenue Growth For 2018 ​?,,브리프-레킷벤키저가 2018년 총 수익 성장 목표를 13-14%로 설정한다고 발표했습니다. 7346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Women who freeze eggs to delay childbirth often feel regret?,,자녀 출산을 미루기 위해 난자를 동결하는 여성들은 종종 후회를 느낀다. 9110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hakim Unique Internet announces 2017 dividend payment plan?,,"브리프-하킴 유니크 인터넷, 2017년 배당금 지급 계획 발표" 9827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel legalizes West Bank outpost after settler killed?,,"이스라엘, 정착민 살해 이후 웨스트뱅크 전초기지 합법화" 5420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hangzhou Binjiang Real Estate's Prelim 2017 Net Profit Up 21.4 Percent Y/Y?,,"브리프 - 항저우 빈장 부동산, 2017년 순이익 21.4% 증가." 9444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Southern California on guard as heavy rains raise mudslide risk?,,"UPDATE 1-남부 캘리포니아, 폭우로 인한 산사태 위험 증가에 대비 중" 8727,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Second-half surge leads Boston College past Dartmouth?,,후반전 활약으로 보스턴 칼리지를 다트머스 앞서게 하다 1719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VERBATIM: Trump says 'I'd beat Oprah'?,,VERBATIM: 트럼프가 '오프라를 이길 수 있다'고 말하다. 1936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain sets out dividing lines on EU citizens' rights?,,"영국, EU 시민 권리에 대한 분명한 기준을 제시하다" 6113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Crcam Atlantique Vendee Q1 Net Banking Income Up At 103.5 Million Euros?,,Crcam Atlantique Vendee의 1분기 순 은행 수익이 1억 350만 유로로 증가했다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다. 4278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The mysterious trader nicknamed '50 Cent' made $200 million last week as the market blew up?,,신비로운 트레이더 '50센트'가 시장이 폭발하면서 지난주에 2억 달러를 벌었다. 2950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 102-year-old Ida Keeling setting race records?,,"102세의 아이다 킬링, 경주 기록 세우다" 4192,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. says air strike kills two militants in Somalia?,,"미국, 소말리아에서 공습으로 두 명의 무장 세력 사살했다고 발표" 2409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lebanon PM Hariri says decision taken to accelerate govt formation - al-Jadeed?,,"레바논 총리 하리리, 정부 구성 가속화 결정 발표 - 알 자디드" 8581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU ministers clash again over reforming asylum system?,,EU 장관들이 망명 시스템 개혁을 놓고 다시 충돌하다. 3427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 5 Ways to Defend Science in 2018 | Fortune?,,2018년에 과학을 방어하는 5가지 방법 | 포춘 7714,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No honeymoon just yet for newly wed royal couple?,,신혼 왕실 부부에게 아직 허니문은 없다? 680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sanofi near deal to buy Bioverativ for more than $11.5 bln -WSJ?,,"""산오피가 바이오베라티브를 115억 달러 이상에 인수하기 위해 협상 중 - WSJ""" 2478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Los Angeles prosecutor drops artist's sex accusation against Polanski?,,로스앤젤레스 검사가 폴란스키에 대한 예술가의 성폭행 혐의를 기각하다. 5760,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sudden jump in zinc stocks threatens bull party: Home?,,아연 재고의 급증이 황소 시장의 축제를 위협하다: 홈? 9186,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Disney reorganizes businesses, creates direct-to-consumer unit?",,"디즈니, 사업 재편성 및 직접 소비자 유닛 설립" 4724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC International Market Close Briefing?,,CNBC 국제 시장 마감 브리핑의 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 8384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump attacks 'crazy Joe Biden' after the former VP said he would have 'beat the hell out of' Trump for disrespecting women?,,"트럼프가 '미친 Joe Biden'을 공격하며, 전 부통령이 여성을 무시한 트럼프에게 '그를 물리쳤을 것'이라고 말한 후에다." 1406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela calls post-election U.S. sanctions 'a crime against humanity'?,,"베네수엘라, 선거 후 미국 제재를 '인도에 대한 범죄'라고 비난하다." 5270,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crest Nicholson posts 6 pct rise in FY profit, appoints new CEO?",,"크레스트 니콜슨, FY 이익 6% 증가, 새로운 CEO 임명" 9924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robertson's 27 points power Mizzou past Ole Miss?,,로버트슨의 27점이 미주리를 올 미스를 제치고 승리로 이끌다. 2672,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Supreme Court takes up fight over Texas electoral districts?,,"미국 대법원, 텍사스 선거구를 둘러싼 싸움에 나서다." 5701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investors should not worry too much about Tencent results?,,투자자들은 텐센트 실적에 대해 너무 걱정하지 않아야 한다. 334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Neste says U.S. tax credit to lift first quarter profit?,,네스테는 미국 세금 공제가 1분기 이익을 증가시킬 것이라고 밝혔다. 3064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Werner Enterprises Reports Improved First Quarter 2018 Revenues and Earnings?,,Werner Enterprises는 2018년 1분기 수익 및 수익 개선 보고 6961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal won't deter advertisers?,,페이스북 캠브리지 애널리티카 스캔들은 광고주들을 막지 않을 것이다. 6587,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Commscope And CCI Enter Antenna License Agreements, Settle All Pending Litigations?",,브리프 - 컴스코프와 CCI가 안테나 라이센스 계약을 체결하고 모든 미해결 소송을 해결하다. 7555,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Another Republican Challenges New York Governor, Citing Aide’s Conviction?",,또 다른 공화당원이 뉴욕 주지사에 도전하며 보좌관의 유죄 판결을 언급하다. 7304,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Land Securities Chairwoman Alison Carnwath to step down?,,랜드 시큐리티 의장 앨리슨 카너스가 물러날 예정이다. 5631,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cubs' Kyles - Hendricks, Schwarber -- end Brewers' streak?",,"""Cubs의 Kyles - Hendricks, Schwarber -- Brewers의 연승을 끊다?""" 8285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crazy NCAA Win Means Free Little Caesars Pizza. Here's How to Get It | Fortune?,,미친 NCAA 승리로 인해 무료 리틀 시저스 피자를 받을 수 있습니다. 어떻게 받을 수 있는지 알아보세요 | 재정잡지 1663,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jerome gives Derby 1-0 Championship playoff win over Fulham?,,제롬이 풀럼을 상대로 1-0의 챔피언십 플레이오프 승리를 다윈에 안겼다. 6804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus says EU should keep Britain in Galileo space project despite Brexit?,,에어버스는 EU가 브렉시트에도 불구하고 영국을 갈릴레오 우주 프로젝트에 남게 해야 한다고 말했습니다. 8832,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-AirAsia shares slide as probe puts India unit IPO, expansion at risk?",,"UPDATE 1-에어아시아 주가 하락, 조사로 인도 부문의 IPO 및 확장 위험에 처하다" 5982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trimas Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.31 Excluding Items?,,브리프-트리마스 4분기 주당순이익 $0.31(항목 제외) 1444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kiprop denies doping after positive test report?,,"킵롭, 양성 반응 보고서 후 도핑 부인" 6648,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ingles Markets, Incorporated Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend?",,잉글스 마켓 주식회사가 분기 현금 배당을 선언하다. 5820,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Shengda Bio-Pharm Scraps Asset Restructuring Plan, Share Trade To Resume?",,"Zhejiang Shengda Bio-Pharm이 자산 재구성 계획을 취소하고, 주식 거래를 재개한다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다." 7127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israeli firm launches circulation-stimulating smart socks?,,"이스라엘 기업, 혈액순환을 촉진하는 스마트 양말 출시" 9174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slovak protesters demand police chief be fired over journalist's murder?,,슬로바키아 시위대가 기자 살인 사건에 대해 경찰 청장이 해임될 것을 요구하다. 7707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Police Identify Man Who Killed Himself Near White House?,,"경찰, 백악관 근처에서 자살한 남성 신원 밝혀져" 3906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK opposition seeks binding promise on post-Brexit Northern Ireland border?,,"영국 야당, 브렉시트 이후 북아일랜드 국경에 대한 강력한 약속 요구" 3415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activists across the world celebrate International Women's Day?,,전 세계의 활동가들이 세계 여성의 날을 기념합니다. 8045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mastercard Hires former Obama Trade Representative to Promote Card Use?,,"마스터카드, 카드 사용 촉진을 위해 오바마 전 무역대표관 고용" 2412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-U.S. pares bill sales to $145 bln in latest week?,,"업데이트 2 - 미국, 최신 주에 채권 판매를 1,450억 달러로 줄이다." 7526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Underdog Eagles overpower Vikings to win NFC crown?,,언더독 이글스가 바이킹스를 압도하며 NFC 왕관을 차지하다. 3982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump To Unveil Opioid Plan That Includes Death Penalty for Dealers | Fortune?,,"트럼프, 밀매업자를 위한 사형을 포함한 오피오이드 계획 발표 예정 | 포춘" 3073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Stillfront Group ‍Oct-Dec ‍EBITDA Rises To SEK 15.4 Million ​?,,브리프 - Stillfront Group의 10월-12월 EBITDA가 1540만 스웨덴 크로나로 증가했습니다. 6149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- New York Times business news - Jan 9?,,"""PRESS DIGEST- 뉴욕 타임즈 비즈니스 뉴스 - 1월 9일""" 5185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Second Kick of the Ninth Circuit?,,제9 순회 항소법원의 두 번째 타격? 9301,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sella Open FinTech Announces Further Undertaking To Accept Offer For Vipera?,,"브리프-셀라 오픈 핀테크, 비페라에 대한 제안을 수락하기 위한 추가 약속 발표" 8618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Esposito Securities Provides Initial Seed Capital For Successful Launch Of The CBOE Vest S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Target Income ETF (KNG)?,,"BRIEF-에스포지토 증권, CBOE 벡스트 S&P 500 배당 귀족 타겟 소득 ETF (KNG)의 성공적인 출범을 위한 초기 시드 자본 제공" 6421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This US is going to make streaming services pay more for music?,,미국이 스트리밍 서비스에 음악에 대해 더 많은 비용을 지불하게 할 예정이다? 7237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UAE says most countries in oil cut deal like idea of long-term alliance?,,"UAE, 대부분의 석유 감축 협정 국가들이 장기 동맹 아이디어를 좋아한다고 말하다." 5688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Supreme Court Justices Back Government in Microsoft Email Case | Fortune?,,"대법원 판사들, 마이크로소프트 이메일 사건에서 정부를 지지하다 | Fortune" 7553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cross-country skiing: Swiss 'Super Dario' takes 15km gold?,,"크로스컨트리 스키: 스위스의 '슈퍼 다리오', 15km 금메달 획득" 6715,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's Santos gets $10.36 billion takeover offer from Harbour Energy?,,"호주 산토스, 하버 에너지로부터 103억 6천만 달러의 인수 제안 받다." 1179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Redwood Trust Announces Dividend Increase Of 7% For The Second Quarter Of 2018?,,"레드우드 트러스트, 2018년 2분기 배당금 7% 인상 발표" 4155,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congress: Let the Tribes Choose Their Own Future?,,의회: 부족들이 그들의 미래를 선택하도록 하라 5665,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour Masters 1000, Monte Carlo Masters Men's Singles Final Rounds and Seeds Progress?",,"ATP 월드 투어 마스터스 1000, 몬테 카를로 마스터스 남자 단식 결승 라운드 및 시드 진행 상황" 8809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany still aims to avert diesel bans - environment minister?,,"독일, 여전히 디젤 금지를 피하려고 한다 - 환경부 장관" 6467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Strides Shasun Gets U.S. FDA Nod For Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment?,,"브리프 - 스트라이드스 샤선, 니스타틴 및 트리암시놀론 아세토나이드 연고에 대해 미국 FDA 승인 획득" 9415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Centrum Group to sell money exchange business to US-based Ebix?,,"센트럼 그룹, 미국 기반의 에빅스에 환전 사업 매각" 4995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kilauea's mesmerizing lava show?,,키라웨아의 매혹적인 용암 쇼 9148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FedEx Reserves 20 Tesla Semi Electric Trucks?,,"브리프 - 페덱스, 테슬라 세미 전기 트럭 20대 예약" 6367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. bans American companies from selling to Chinese phone maker ZTE?,,"미국, 미국 기업이 중국 전화 제조업체 ZTE에 판매하는 것을 금지하다." 8956,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kidnappers abduct American, Canadian in Nigeria, two police killed - police official?",,인질범들이 나이지리아에서 미국인과 캐나다인을 납치하고 경찰 두 명이 사망했다 - 경찰 관계자 7521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Conga Hires Security Heavyweight Mary Sparks as Vice President of Privacy and Compliance?,,"콩가, 보안 전문가 메리 스팍스를 개인 정보 보호 및 규정 준수 부사장으로 채용" 1218,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Anti-Brexit MEPs defect from Conservatives' EU group?,,안티 브렉시트 MEP들이 보수당의 EU 그룹에서 탈퇴하다 1554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 12 'Shark Tank' rejects that became super successful - last24ht?,,12명의 'Shark Tank' 탈락자가 초대박을 터뜨린 이야기 - last24ht 8901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: O2 Czech Republic Q4 net profit rises 18 percent?,,"O2 체코 공화국, 4분기 순익 18% 증가" 8660,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PCCW Ltd Posts FY Consolidated Profit Attributable To Equity Holders Of HK$‍ 2,246​ Mln?",,"PCCW Ltd는 FY(회계연도) 기준으로 주주에게 귀속되는 consolidated profit(연결 이익)을 HK$‍ 2,246‍ 백만으로 게시했습니다." 5354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cloud Live Technology Group sees continued loss in H1 of FY 2018?,,"BRIEF-클라우드 라이브 테크놀로지 그룹, 2018 회계연도 상반기 계속된 손실 예상" 4585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fidelity parent operating profit surges despite stock fund withdrawals?,,"피델리티 모회사, 주식 펀드 인출에도 불구하고 운영 이익 급증" 5016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Images of March?,,"""3월의 이미지""라는 헤드라인을 가진 뉴스 기사들의 내용은 무엇일까?" 4709,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Free Research Reports on These Biotech Stocks -- Exelixis, INSYS Therapeutics, Intellia Therapeutics, and Intercept Pharma?",,"""이 생명공학 주식에 대한 무료 연구 보고서 -- Exelixis, INSYS Therapeutics, Intellia Therapeutics, Intercept Pharma""" 7858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Indra Signs Accounting Management Contract With Brazilian Airline Gol?,,"브리프 - 인드라, 브라질 항공사 골과 회계 관리 계약 체결" 2400,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says protectionist moves will mean shutting door on the country?,,"중국, 보호무역 조치가 국가에 대한 문을 닫는 결과를 초래할 것이라고 말하다." 5743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Compta FY Net Profit Up At 0.2 Mln Euros?,,브리프-콤프타 FY 순익이 20만 유로로 증가함. 1169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Persistent Systems March Qtr Consol Profit Rises?,,"브리핑 - 인도의 퍼시스턴트 시스템, 3월 분기 연결 이익 상승" 1998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dixons Carphone Plc's Chief Executive Sebastian James Quits - Sky News‍​?,,BRIEF-Dixons Carphone Plc의 최고 경영자 세바스찬 제임스가 사임 - 스카이 뉴스 5762,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK announces measures against Russia for nerve agent attack?,,"영국, 신경 작용제 공격에 대한 러시아에 대한 조치 발표" 5109,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesian capital Jakarta braces for floods as sluice gates opened?,,"인도네시아 수도 자카르타, 수문 개방으로 홍수 대비" 7610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Integrated Micro-Electronics Updates On Stock Rights Offer?,,"간략한 내용 - 통합 마이크로 전자, 주식 권리 제안에 대한 업데이트 발표" 5432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macy's is about to close more stores?,,메이시스가 더 많은 매장을 닫을 예정이다. 4321,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CTS Corporation Declares a Dividend?,,"CTS 코퍼레이션, 배당금 선언" 5571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kenya high court suspends government shutdown of three TV channels?,,"케냐 고등법원, 정부의 세 개 TV 채널 차단 중단 명령 내려" 3002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Clovis Oncology Files Prospectus Supplement Related To Offering $200 Mln Principal Amount Of Convertible Senior Notes?,,"브리프-클로비스 온콜로지, 2억 달러의 전환 우선 채권 발행과 관련된 보충 등록명세서 제출" 5069,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wethaq Takaful Insurance Shareholders Approve No FY Dividend?,,Wethaq Takaful Insurance 주주들이 FY 배당금 없음을 승인하다. 9534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Posts Qtrly Net Profit Of 70 Mln RGT?,,"BRIEF-말레이시아 타카풀 회사, 분기 순이익 7천만 링깃 기록" 973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Cities aren't going to wait': Mayors drive action on climate change?,,'도시는 기다리지 않을 것이다': 시장들이 기후 변화에 대한 행동을 이끌다 8449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BREAKING NEWS FROM CNBC’S ALEX SHERMAN: GOPRO HAS HIRED JPMORGAN TO PUT ITSELF UP FOR SALE – SOURCES?,,CNBC의 알렉스 셔먼의 속보: 고프로가 매각을 위해 JPMorgan을 고용했다 - 소식통. 4870,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU threatens countermeasures to Trump's steel tariffs?,,EU는 트럼프의 철강 관세에 대한 보복 조치를 위협하다. 6979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Property remains 'the cornerstone' for most wealthy individuals' portfolios?,,부동산은 대부분의 부유한 개인 포트폴리오의 '주춧돌'로 남아 있다. 6498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pure Storage Prices $500 Mln Convertible Senior Note Offering?,,브리프-퓨어 스토리지가 5억 달러 규모의 전환우선주 공모를 가격 책정함. 1077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning to FBI dead at age 37?,,"첼시 매닝을 FBI에 인도한 해커, 37세에 사망" 9240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Feed Changes Cost Mark Zuckerberg Billions | Fortune?,,페이스북 피드 변경으로 마크 저커버그는 수십억 달러를 잃었다 | 포춘 4329,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bahrain markets sukuk, does not proceed with conventional bond -sources?",,"바레인, 수쿠크 발행, 전통 채권 발행은 진행하지 않음 - 소식통" 792,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A glimpse at the world of tomorrow?,,내일의 세계 엿보기 9392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Staples-owner Sycamore offers to buy workplace wholesaler Essendant?,,"스테이플스 소유주 사이카모어, 직장 도매업체 에센단트를 인수하겠다고 제안하다." 1875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teenager wins 36k from Google bug bounty program?,,"10대 소년, 구글 버그 바운티 프로그램에서 36,000달러 수상" 2751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ray Dalio said last year gold was good protection because of Trump and North Korea 'playing chicken'?,,레이 달리오는 작년 트럼프와 북한이 '치킨게임'을 하고 있기 때문에 금이 좋은 보호 수단이라고 말했다. 4423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-US ambassador to China: Beijing is 'very much in the driver's seat' on North Korea?,,전 미국 대사: 베이징이 북한 문제에서 '매우 주도적인 입장에 있다' 5244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German battery maker Akasol eyes options including flotation: sources?,,"독일 배터리 제조업체 아카솔, 상장 포함 옵션 모색: 소식통" 7678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Watch: White House holds press briefing after Trump signs 'right-to-try' bill?,,"백악관, 트럼프가 '시도권' 법안 서명한 후 기자 브리핑 개최 영상 보기" 1472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CIBC Announces Second Quarter 2018 Results?,,"간단히 - CIBC, 2018년 2분기 실적 발표." 8433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TopBuild Announces Upsize and Pricing of its Senior Notes Offering in Connection with its Previously Announced Acquisition of USI?,,"TopBuild, USI 인수와 관련된 선순위 노트 공모 규모 확대 및 가격 발표" 14,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sheryl Sandberg has a message for men who've adopted the 'Pence rule'?,,셰릴 샌드버그가 '펜스 룰'을 채택한 남성들에게 전하는 메시지 1722,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks making the biggest moves premarket: BABA, IBM, AXP, ALXN, AAL, LUV & more?",,"프리마켓에서 가장 큰 움직임을 보이는 주식: BABA, IBM, AXP, ALXN, AAL, LUV 및 기타 사항." 1133,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump ousts VA Secretary Shulkin?,,"트럼프, VA 장관 슐킨 해임" 9036,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: State Dept. says it may respond to Russia's expulsion of U.S. diplomats?,,"국무부, 러시아의 미국 외교관 추방에 대응할 수 있다고 밝혀" 8667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Late Morning?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 늦은 아침 5235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opponents say Berlusconi to blame for Italy's migrant crisis?,,"""반대자들은 베를루스코니가 이탈리아의 이민 위기의 원인이라고 주장한다.""" 1847,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Unisplendour says chairman resigns?,,"개요 - 유니스플렌더, 회장 사임 발표" 8209,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European share rebound loses steam, steel stocks gain on US move?",,"유럽 주식 반등이 힘을 잃다, 미국의 조치로 철강주 상승." 9175,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: April jobs report holds out hope for these entry-level workers?,,4월 고용 보고서가 이러한 초기 직업 근로자들에게 희망을 안겨준다. 2596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU warns of possible birth defect link to GSK's HIV drug?,,"EU, GSK의 HIV 약물과 출생 결함 사이의 연관성 경고" 4837,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Trump directs Lighthizer, Kudlow to study re-entering TPP?",,"월스트리트 저널: 트럼프, 라이트하이저와 쿠드로에게 TPP 재가입 연구 지시" 4297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gregorius homers in 10th to lift Yankees past Angels?,,그레고리우스가 10회에 홈런을 쳐서 양키스를 앤젤스에서 이끌다. 377,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says the Second Amendment won't be repealed?,,"트럼프, 제2차 헌법 수정안은 폐지되지 않을 것이라고 말하다." 345,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 230 civilians killed in Syrian, Russian airstrikes in past week - U.N.?",,"지난주 시리아, 러시아 공습으로 230명의 민간인이 사망 - 유엔" 9871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Bharti Airtel Dec-Qtr Consol Profit Falls About 39 Pct?,,"간단히 - 인도의 바르티 에어텔, 12월 분기 연결 수익 약 39% 감소" 4062,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman pay up 20 percent in 2017?,,"모건 스탠리 CEO 제임스 고먼, 2017년 급여 20% 인상" 4366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ingram Micro Reports Fourth Quarter Financial Results?,,"인그램 마이크로, 4분기 재무 결과 발표" 9460,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alphabet names board veteran as chairman to succeed Schmidt?,,"알파벳, 슈미트 후임으로 이사 회장을 노련한 이사로 임명" 3096,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Exactearth Q1 Loss Per Share $0.07‍​?,,잠정 보도 - Exactearth의 1분기 주당 손실 $0.07‍​ 6492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympian Jerica Tandiman schools CNBC on the ice?,,올림픽 선수 제리카 탄디맨이 CNBC에 아이스 스케이팅을 교육하다. 754,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. Reports Unaudited Consolidated Financial Results For The First Quarter of 2018?",,"어드밴스드 반도체 엔지니어링, Inc. 2018년 첫 분기 감사를 받지 않은 연결 재무 결과 발표" 5513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German business leaders fear U.S. tariffs after Merkel-Trump talks?,,독일 비즈니스 리더들은 메르켈-트럼프 회담 이후 미국의 관세 부과를 우려하고 있다. 4907,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steinhoff's former chairman Wiese says difficult to detect fraud if CEO is involved?,,스테인호프의 전 회장 위제는 CEO가 관련되어 있으면 사기를 감지하기 어렵다고 말합니다. 8552,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boardwalk Announces Fourth Quarter 2017 Results And Quarterly Distribution Of $0.10 Per Unit?,,"보드워크, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 및 유닛당 $0.10 분배 소식 전달" 1007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amyris Continues Strong Momentum and Execution with 77% Revenue Growth and Exceeds Gross Margin Target?,,"아미리스, 77% 매출 성장으로 강력한 동력과 실행 지속 및 총 마진 목표 초과 달성" 3295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: H&M scouts out potential suppliers in South Africa?,,H&M이 남아프리카 공화국에서 잠재적인 공급업체를 찾고 있다. 8635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's FTSE dips as jobs data boosts sterling?,,"영국의 FTSE 지수 하락, 고용 데이터가 파운드화 강세를 이끌어내다." 6675,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China, Hong Kong stocks fall tracking Wall Street?",,"중국, 홍콩 주식이 월가 하락세를 추적하며 하락하다." 8235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VERBATIM: White House spars with reporters over FISA tweets?,,"도화지: 백악관, FISA 트윗에 대해 기자들과 언쟁 벌여" 448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Texas Shooting Suspect’s Family Expresses Shock?,,"텍사스 총격 사건 용의자의 가족, 충격을 표현하다" 1342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Helios And Matheson Analytics Announces At-The-Market Equity Offering Facility?,,"브리프-헬리오스 앤 매더슨 애널리틱스, 시장에서의 주식 제공 시설 발표" 46,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This investor is keeping a close eye on China-US trade?,,이 투자가 중국-미국 무역을 면밀히 주시하고 있다. 5468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's Bandhan Bank draws strong interest for $690 mln IPO?,,"인도의 반단 은행, 6억 9천만 달러 규모의 IPO에 대한 강한 관심을 끌다." 2895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The 'Mini-Merkel' vying to succeed Germany's leader?,,"'미니-메르켈', 독일의 지도자 후계자로 나서다?" 802,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Youngevity International, Inc. (YGYI) to Host Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Earnings Call?",,"Youngevity International, Inc. (YGYI)가 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 발표 회의를 개최합니다." 9646,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WSJ City: Last-Ditch Effort to Dodge Trans-Atlantic Trade Fight, How to Spot the Next Crisis - MoneyBeat - WSJ?",,"WSJ 시티: 대서양 무역 갈등을 회피하기 위한 마지막 노력, 다음 위기를 파악하는 방법 - 머니비트 - WSJ" 4659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vitol SA to partner with Quantafuel to market synthetic fuel?,,"브리프 - 비톨 SA, 퀀타퓨얼과 파트너십 체결하여 합成 연료 마케팅 진행" 2012,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart reaps the benefit of the cloud?,,월마트가 클라우드의 혜택을 누리다 2972,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WeissLaw LLP Investigates Archrock Partners, L. P. Acquisition?",,"WeissLaw LLP가 Archrock Partners, L. P. 인수에 대한 조사를 진행합니다." 4735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia sets up new 1MDB criminal taskforce?,,"말레이시아, 새로운 1MDB 범죄 태스크포스 설립" 8513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pizza Hut expanding beer delivery test?,,"피자헛, 맥주 배달 테스트 확대" 4166,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mondo TV Signs Agreement With South African Broadcasting For Airing Of Robot Trains?,,"브리프 - 몬도 TV, 로봇 기차 방송을 위한 남아프리카 방송사와 계약 체결" 1362,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: On anniversary, pope's predecessor hits out at conservatives' 'stupid prejudice'?",,기념일을 맞아 교황의 전임자가 보수세력의 '어리석은 편견'을 비판하다. 3707,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vatican 'Lettergate' scandal comes to a head as text released?,,바티칸 '레터게이트' 스캔들이 절정에 이르며 텍스트가 공개된다. 6034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hunan New Wellful Says It Scraps Asset Acquisition?,,"간략히 - 후난 뉴 웰풀, 자산 인수 중단 발표" 5694,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greenlight Capital Inc Takes Share Stake In J C Penney, Best Buy and Time Warner?",,"그린라이트 캐피탈 주식회사가 J.C. 페니, 베스트 바이 및 타임 워너의 주식을 매입했다." 1445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-National Arts Entertainment And Culture Appoints Chow Kai Weng As Chairman?,,"BRIEF-국립 예술 오락 문화, 초 카이웽을 회장으로 임명" 1208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Luge: American Mazdzer stunned by Russian rival's offer?,,"루지: 미국의 마즈더, 러시아 경쟁자의 제안에 놀라다?" 1331,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gender, Campbell’s Soup and the American Consumer?",,"성별, 캠벨 수프와 미국 소비자" 256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian army preparing 'huge' operation in Douma: pro-Damascus newspaper?,,"""다마스쿠스 지지 신문: 시리아 군, 두마에서 '대규모' 작전 준비 중""" 6264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: More Nike executives out amid misconduct investigation?,,더 많은 나이키 임원들이 불미스러운 행위를 조사받으면서 사퇴하다 2488,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tarku Signs An Option Agreement With Soquem On The Guercheville Project?,,"BRIEF-타르쿠, 게르슈빌 프로젝트에 대한 Soquem과 옵션 계약 체결" 6709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Billionaire investor says there's 'irrational complacency' in the global economy?,,억만장자 투자자가 말하는 '글로벌 경제의 비이성적 자족' 6275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yemeni govt holed up as separatists seize Aden?,,예멘 정부가 고립된 채 분리주의자들이 아덴을 점령하다. 2584,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A high-level North Korean official may be visiting Beijing?,,고위급 북한 관리가 베이징을 방문할 가능성이 있다. 1644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PAR Technology Corporation Appoints Savneet Singh to Board of Directors?,,"PAR 테크놀로지 기업, 사브니트 싱을 이사회에 임명" 52,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bomb targets police in Pakistan, killing seven people in eastern city of Lahore?",,파키스탄에서 폭탄이 경찰을 목표로 하여 동부 도시 라호르에서 7명이 사망했습니다. 614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Artisan Partners Limited Partnership Reports 6 Pct Passive Stake In Box Inc‍​?,,"간략 - 아티잔 파트너스 리미티드 파트너십, 박스 주식회사에 6%의 수동 지분 보유 보고" 1224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Independence Realty Trust Announces Tax Treatment of Dividends in 2017?,,"인디펜던스 리얼티 트러스트, 2017년 배당금의 세금 처리 발표" 726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TICC Capital Adopts Stock Repurchase Program?,,"TICC 캐피탈, 자사주 매입 프로그램 채택" 8188,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Germany, France vow to stick to Iran deal if U.S. pulls out?",,"UPDATE 1-독일, 프랑스, 미국이 이란 핵 합의에서 철수하더라도 합의를 지키겠다고 다짐하다." 5216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gulf Insurance Group Appoints Osama Kishk As Group CFO ‍​?,,"브리핑-걸프 보험 그룹, 오사마 키스크를 그룹 CFO로 임명" 3682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Sport of Cigar Smoking?,,씨가 흡연의 스포츠 9487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Phillips 66 agrees to repurchase shares from Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary?,,필립스 66이 버크셔 해서웨이 자회사로부터 주식을 재매입하기로 합의하다. 2578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Air France-KLM finance chief named CEO after union standoff?,,에어 프랑스-KLM 재무 담당자가 노조 대치 이후 CEO로 임명됨 5621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Morguard Announces $200 Mln Offering Of 4.085 Pct Series D Senior Unsecured Debentures?,,"BRIEF-모구아드, 4.085% 시리즈 D 고급 무담보 채권 2억 달러 공모 발표" 673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reedeux Media seeks IPO after first coin offering sells out?,,"Reedeux Media, 첫 코인 공개 후 IPO 추진" 4520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pencil-maker Faber-Castell sharpens up for digital age?,,"연필 제조업체 파버카스텔, 디지털 시대를 대비하다." 4121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Great Wall Motor's Vehicle Sales Up 3.30 Percent Y/Y In March?,,"브리프 - 그레이트 월 모터, 3월 차량 판매 전년 대비 3.30% 증가." 6657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cosby team arrives at court ahead of witness cross-examination?,,"코비 팀, 증인 반대 신문 앞서 법원 도착" 656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dannon settles lawsuit against executive who left for Chobani?,,"다논, 초보니로 이직한 임원에 대한 소송 합의" 1209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Yunnan Baiyao Group's 2017 Net Profit Up 7.7 Percent Y/Y?,,중국 윈난 바이야오 그룹의 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 7.7% 증가했다는 내용입니다. 6721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-1Spatial Awarded Significant Contract?,,"브리프-1Spatial, 중요한 계약을 수주하다." 5753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Commentary: Could Brexit revive Ireland’s ‘Troubles’??,,COLUMN-Commentary: 브렉시트가 아일랜드의 '트러블'을 부활시킬 수 있을까?? 3029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uzbekistan to Host Conference on Afghan Peace Talks?,,"우즈베키스탄, 아프간 평화 회담 관련 회의 개최 예정" 6650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer: Square's bitcoin-related sell-offs are buying opportunities?,,크레머: 스퀘어의 비트코인 관련 매각은 매수 기회다? 109,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volcano erupts at Japanese ski resort, one missing in avalanche?",,"일본 스키 리조트에서 화산이 폭발, 눈사태로 한 명 실종" 5565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magnitude 6.9 quake hits off Papua New Guinea's coast - USGS?,,파푸아뉴기니 해안에서 6.9 규모의 지진 발생 - USGS 4934,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DAS Group, Inc. CEO Recognized Again as Top Women-Led Business Owner by The Commonwealth Institute?",,"DAS Group, Inc. CEO가 더 커먼웰스 인스티튜트에서 다시 한 번 최고의 여성 주도 사업 소유자로 인정받았습니다." 3801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gladstone Capital Says Appointed Julia Ryan To Serve In Temporary Capacity As Acting Principal Financial Officer SEC Filing?,,"BRIEF-글래드스톤 캐피탈, SEC 제출서류에서 줄리아 라이언을 임시 재무 책임자로 임명했다고 발표." 1605,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bjorn Stehr Joins Union Bank In Seattle As A Private Wealth Advisor?,,비욘 스테르가 시애틀의 유니온 뱅크에 프라이빗 웰스 어드바이저로 합류한다. 655,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NATO's chief calls for access to site of poison gas attack in Syria?,,"NATO 수장, 시리아의 독가스 공격 현장 접근 요청" 782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pompeo's tough talk on Iran is 'how wars start'?,,폼페오의 이란에 대한 강경 발언은 '전쟁이 시작되는 방식'이다. 9533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Extended Stay America Announces Distributions for Fourth Quarter 2017?,,"익스텐디드 스테이 아메리카, 2017년 4분기 배당금 발표" 2773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TREASURIES -Yields extend gains after U.S. manufacturing data?,,TREASURIES - 수익률이 미국 제조업 데이터 발표 후 상승폭을 확대하다 5627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scholastic Corporation Announces Date for Third Quarter Fiscal 2018 Earnings Release and Teleconference?,,"스콜라스틱 코퍼레이션, 2018 회계연도 제3분기 실적 발표 및 전화 회의 날짜 발표" 9327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pubs group JD Wetherspoon drops social media in protest?,,"펍 그룹 JD 웨더스푼, 항의로 소셜 미디어 중단" 5423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Says Same Store Sales Up 7 Pct For Mainland China?,,"브리핑-차우타이푹 보석 그룹, 중국 본토 매장 매출 7% 증가 발표" 6330,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. Announces Resignation of Chief Financial Officer and Search for Permanent Successor?",,"휘틀러 리얼 에스테이트 투자 신탁, 주식회사, 최고 재무 책임자의 사임과 영구 후임자 찾기 발표" 9510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Richard Sherman: NFL players are curious about bitcoin?,,리처드 셔먼: NFL 선수들은 비트코인에 대해 호기심이 있다? 9329,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PREVIEW-Motor racing-Indy 500 offers glimmer of something special?,,미리보기 - 모터 레이싱 - 인디 500이 특별한 무언가의 희망을 제공합니다. 3443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boliden's First Quarter: High Grades at Aitik and Tara?,,볼리덴의 첫 분기: 아틱과 타라의 높은 등급 978,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nextstage Reinvests 2.2 Million Euros In The Domain Of Digital Platforms?,,"넥스트스테이지, 디지털 플랫폼 분야에 220만 유로 재투자" 5464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PulteGroup Reports Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results?,,"풀트그룹, 2017년 4분기 재무 결과 보고" 2498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German airports set for record passenger numbers?,,"독일 공항, 사상 최대 승객 수 기록 전망" 8570,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump wants 'level playing field' on Amazon, taxes -adviser?",,"트럼프, 아마존과 세금 문제에서 '공정한 경쟁 조건' 원해 - 고문" 3010,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trio-Tech Fiscal 2018 Second Quarter Net Income Doubles to $0.18 Per Share As Revenue Increases 16%?,,"트리오테크 2018 회계연도 제2분기 순이익 두 배 증가, 주당 0.18달러, 매출 16% 증가" 1254,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Asia shares wary of U.S. inflation, dollar breaks down?",,"GLOBAL MARKETS-아시아 주식, 미국 인플레이션에 대한 우려, 달러 하락" 8217,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Passive Investors, Don’t Vote?",,수동 투자자들은 투표하지 마세요? 9022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brighton ensure survival with 1-0 win over Man United?,,"브라이튼, 맨유에 1-0 승리로 강등 탈출 확정" 3656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aerospace Communications Holdings sees FY 2017 net profit to be 70 mln yuan to 85 mln yuan?,,"브리프-항공우주 통신 홀딩스, 2017 회계연도 순이익 7천만 위안에서 8천5백만 위안으로 예상" 456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Manhattan Mansion Converted From Catholic School Asks $23.5 Million?,,"맨해튼, 가톨릭 학교에서 변환된 맨션, 2,350만 달러에 판매 요청" 4059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford eyes China and trade tension with its latest model?,,포드는 최신 모델로 중국 및 무역 긴장을 주목하고 있다. 8916,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pork industry in a panic?,,돼지고기 산업에 공황 상태에 빠진다? 6636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany's CureVac wins new vaccine funding from Gates Foundation?,,"독일의 큐어백, 게이츠 재단으로부터 새로운 백신 자금 지원을 받다." 2014,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Jersey Lawmakers Pass Raft of Bills—From Nuclear Subsidies to Paid Sick Leave?,,뉴저지주 의원들이 핵 보조금에서 유급 병가에 이르기까지 다양한 법안들을 통과시켰다. 5714,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: '60 Minutes' Stormy Daniels interview was its most-watched episode in 10 years?,,‘60 Minutes’ 스톰리 다니엘스 인터뷰는 10년 만에 가장 많이 시청한 에피소드였다. 2685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Methaq Real Estate Investment Posts FY Loss?,,"브리핑-메타크 부동산 투자, 회계연도 손실 보고" 4099,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MetLife Names Susan Greenwell as Head of Global Government Relations?,,"메트라이프, 수잔 그린웰을 글로벌 정부 관계 책임자로 임명." 2126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: William Hill to sell Australia business to CrownBet unit?,,"윌리엄 힐, 호주 사업을 크라운벳 분사에 매각할 예정" 8842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chart: All the Goods Targeted in the Trade Spat?,,차트: 무역 분쟁에서 겨냥된 모든 상품들 4731,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tandy Leather Factory Reports Q4’17 Sales Up 1.7% Over Prior Year 4th Quarter and Schedules Earnings Announcement and Conference Call?,,"탠디 가죽 공장, 2017년 4분기 매출 1.7% 증가 발표 및 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 공지" 841,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK parliament committee ""pleased"" regulator working to provide RBS report?",,"영국 의회 위원회 ""RBS 보고서를 제공하기 위해 노력하는 규제 기관에 만족""" 6259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cematrix Corp Announces New Contracts?,,Cematrix Corp가 새로운 계약을 발표했습니다. 4989,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sungei Bagan Rubber Company (Malaya) Says FFB Production For January 2018 Was 1,307.29 Tonnes‍​?",,"브리핑 - 선게이 바간 고무회사(말레이시아)는 2018년 1월의 팜 열매 생산량이 1,307.29톤이었다고 발표했다." 3843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-French bank Natixis posts surprise rise in quarterly profit?,,"UPDATE 1-프랑스 은행 나티시스, 분기 이익 예상 외 상승 보고" 3766,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Interior chief's $12,000 charter flight 'could have been avoided': watchdog?",,미국 내무부 장관의 1만 2천 달러 항공편 '피할 수 있었던' 것으로 드러나: 감시단체 5118,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mazor Robotics to Report First Quarter Financial Results on May 14, 2018?",,"마저 로보틱스, 2018년 5월 14일 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 6608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - PBH.DB.G?,,IIROC 거래 중지 / PBH.DB.G에 대한 OCRCVM의 거래 중단 679,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paul Ryan eyes completion of spending bill?,,"폴 라이언, 세출 법안 완성을 염두에 두다." 16,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump’s Iran-Deal Withdrawal Is His Biggest Gamble Yet?,,트럼프의 이란 핵 합의 철회는 그가 가장 큰 도박을 한 것이다. 4926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The William F. Ryan Community Health Network Rebrands as Ryan Health?,,"윌리엄 F. 라이언 커뮤니티 건강 네트워크, 라이언 헬스(Ryan Health)로 브랜드 변경" 9529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Heavy snow forces Polish climbers to call off historic winter ascent of K2?,,극심한 강설로 인해 폴란드 등반가들이 K2의 역사적인 겨울 등반을 중단해야 했다. 1626,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AMAG Pharmaceuticals to Host First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. ET?",,"AMAG 제약, 2018년 5월 3일 목요일 오전 8시(동부 표준시)에 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트를 개최합니다." 8573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Myanmar urged not to drag out case against Reuters reporters?,,미얀마가 로이터 기자들에 대한 사건을 끌지 말라고 촉구받다. 8869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Velocity Manages Record-Breaking Bookings and Customer Growth with Cloud Migration Factory?,,Velocity는 클라우드 마이그레이션 팩토리를 통해 기록적인 예약 및 고객 성장을 관리합니다. 2477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How alcohol damages stem cell DNA and increases cancer risk?,,알코올이 줄기세포 DNA를 손상시키고 암 위험을 증가시키는 방법 6716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PitchBook Promotes Patrick Ross to VP of Finance?,,PitchBook이 패트릭 로스를 재무 부사장으로 승진시킨다. 4536,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tutor Perini Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of $0.24?,,"간단히 말해, 튜터 페리니가 1분기 주당 손실 $0.24를 보고했습니다." 7500,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Royal Bank of Scotland's chief financial officer resigns?,,로열 뱅크 오브 스코틀랜드의 최고 재무 책임자가 사임하다. 6577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: My Advice to Grads: Start Mopping?,,내가 졸업생들에게 주는 조언: 청소하는 것부터 시작하라. 8427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing says to deliver more planes in 2018?,,"보잉, 2018년에 더 많은 항공기를 인도할 것이라고 발표하다." 4482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Ice Hockey-Norway overcome Slovenia in overtime to make quarters?,,"올림픽-아이스하키-노르웨이, 슬로베니아를 연장전에서 이기고 8강 진출" 3586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former star Stoudemire considering NBA return?,,전 스타 스타우다미어가 NBA 복귀를 고려 중? 7308,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jazz Pharma Submits Supplemental New Drug Application For Xyrem To Treat Cataplexy And Excessive Daytime Sleepiness In Pediatric Narcolepsy Patients?,,"간략히 - 재즈 제약, 소아 기면증 환자의 카타플렉시와 과다 낮잠을 치료하기 위한 Xyrem의 보완 신약 신청서를 제출하다." 8824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Saia Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.80?,,브리프-사이아 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.80 1292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France extends cheese recall after E.coli cases in children?,,"프랑스, 아이들에서 발견된 대장균 사례로 치즈 리콜 확대" 8505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activision Blizzard reports 15.7 percent rise in adjusted revenue?,,"액티비전 블리자드, 조정 매출 15.7% 증가 보고" 7507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm to depose Apple services chief Eddy Cue?,,"퀄컴, 애플 서비스 책임자 에디 큐의 증언을 받는다?" 4972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's BR Malls joins e-commerce fray with new delivery partnership?,,"브라질의 BR 몰스, 새로운 배송 파트너십으로 전자상거래 진출" 6227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Court suspends Israel's revocation of Human Rights Watch official's work visa?,,법원이 이스라엘의 인권 감시단 관계자의 비자 취소를 정지시켰다. 7868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ralph Lauren reports quarterly loss due to tax charge?,,"랄프 로렌, 세금 부담으로 분기 손실 보고" 9321,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rovita Q4 Net Profit Down At 159,950 Zlotys?",,"BRIEF-로비타, 4분기 순이익 159,950 즈워티로 감소" 3668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cinemark Holdings' Unit Acquired 50 Pct Interest In Fe Concepts?,,"Cinemark Holdings의 자회사, Fe Concepts의 50% 지분 인수" 7882,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: As crucial cash from the Gulf dries up, south Indian families fret?",,걸프 지역에서의 중요한 자금이 줄어들면서 남인도 가정들이 걱정하고 있다. 6121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Baby turtles put through their paces on tiny treadmill?,,아기 거북이들이 작은 러닝머신에서 훈련받는 모습 8615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Wave Group Q1 Operating Result Falls To SEK 18.6 Mln?,,"뉴 웨이브 그룹 1분기 운영 결과가 1,860만 크로나로 하락하다." 7178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JetBlue Selects Developer for Proposed JFK Expansion?,,"JetBlue, 제안된 JFK 확장을 위한 개발자를 선택하다." 4028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Argentina outlines plan for $1.6 billion in late natgas subsidy payments?,,"아르헨티나, 16억 달러에 달하는 천연가스 보조금 지급 계획 발표" 9567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stormy Daniels' lawyer questions dealings as companies defend Trump attorney payments?,,스톰리 대니얼스의 변호사가 회사들이 트럼프 변호사에 대한 지불의 거래를 방어하는 것에 의문을 제기하다. 5236,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Contango Announces Q4 2017 Production, Year-End Reserves, Operations Update And 2018 Capital Strategy?",,"브리프 - 컨탱고, 2017년 4분기 생산, 연말 보유 자산, 운영 업데이트 및 2018년 자본 전략 발표." 7087,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Wongtee International Enterprise To Buy 80 Percent Stake In Saray Holding?,,"브리프 - 심천 원티 국제 기업, 사라이 홀딩의 80% 지분 인수 계획" 2277,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Competition Commission of India fines Google for 'search bias'?,,"경쟁위원회, 구글의 '검색 편향'에 벌금 부과" 4007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trading Nation: Buy Netflix and chill??,,트레이딩 네이션: 넷플릭스를 사고 편안히 쉬자?? 3195,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Strong Biotechnologies obtains high-tech enterprise recognition again and to enjoy tax preference?,,"브리프 - 베이징 스트롱 바이오테크놀로지스, 다시 한 번 하이테크 기업 인정을 받아 세금 혜택을 누리게 됨." 3396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Papa John’s Announces Accelerated Share Repurchase Program?,,"파파존스, 신속한 자사주 매입 프로그램 발표" 2166,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alpine skiing - American Shiffrin wins fifth World Cup race in a row?,,"알프스 스키 - 미국의 시프린, 월드컵 5연승 달성" 9972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Praxair Named One of America’s Best Employers by Forbes for the Fourth Straight Year?,,"프랙스레어, 포브스가 선정한 미국 최고의 고용주에 네 번째 연속으로 이름 올려" 8324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nigerian stocks shed 1.57 pct to drop for fourth session?,,나이지리아 주식이 1.57% 하락하며 4일 연속 하락했다. 6689,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fastest correction ever may not necessarily mean a speedy rebound - Top10 World?,,가장 빠른 수정이 반드시 빠른 반등을 의미하지 않을 수 있다 - Top10 World 3328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Florida shooting suspect described as 'troubled'?,,플로리다 총격 사건 용의자를 '문제 있는' 인물로 묘사하다. 3759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Corrected-Sanai Health Industry Group ‍Expects A Significant Increase In Consolidated FY Net Loss?,,"간략히 - 정정된 내용 - 사나이 헬스 산업 그룹, 연결 기준 FY 순손실의 significant한 증가 예상." 2903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Texas Money Management Completes Transaction To Acquire Brenham Office?,,남부 텍사스 자산 관리가 브렌햄 사무실 인수 거래를 완료했습니다. 175,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dorman Products, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2017 Results, Issues Fiscal 2018 Guidance?",,"도르만 제품 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 및 회계연도 결과 보고, 2018년 회계연도 가이드라인 발표" 429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 2018 Grammys: Will hip-hop finally even the score??,,2018 그래미: 힙합이 드디어 동점을 이룰 것인가?? 955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia's Felda Global Ventures stocks jump on hopes of clean-up?,,말레이시아의 펠다 글로벌 벤처스 주식이 청소 작업에 대한 기대감으로 급등했다. 4313,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Announces Pricing Of Public Offering Of Common Stock?,,"브리프-벨리컴 제약, 보통주 공모 가격 발표" 2941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Meridian Mining Announces Resignation Of CFO?,,"머리디안 마이닝, CFO 사임 발표 브리프" 1369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dingyi Group Investment Appoints Wang Zhi And Li Zhongxia As Executive Directors?,,"브리프-딩이 그룹 투자, 왕즈(王志)와 리중시아(李忠霞)를 전무이사로 임명" 7592,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FedEx says will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity including NRA?,,브리프 - 페덱스는 NRA를 포함한 모든 법인에 대한 서비스 거부나 차별을 하지 않겠다고 밝혔다. 7559,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kremlin says no preparations yet for possible Putin-Trump summit?,,크렘린은 가능성 있는 푸틴-트럼프 정상 회담에 대한 준비가 아직 이루어지지 않았다고 밝혔습니다. 7551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: General Dynamics profit rises 4.7 pct?,,일반 다이내믹스의 이익이 4.7% 증가했습니다. 4053,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Banks can 'do what they want' in leveraged lending: Otting?,,"""은행들은 레버리지 대출에서 '하고 싶은 대로 할 수 있다': 오팅""" 2535,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India unveils 2018/19 budget aiming faster growth?,,"인도, 더 빠른 성장을 목표로 2018/19 예산 발표" 189,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-European shares on the rise while autos stocks stall?,,"UPDATE 1-유럽 주식 상승, 자동차 주식은 정체 중" 5841,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Don't like American tech model, you'll really hate Chinese model: Pro?",,"미국 기술 모델이 마음에 들지 않다면, 중국 모델은 정말 싫어할 것이다: 전문가" 9562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Human Health Says HY Revenue About Hk$253.4 Million?,,"브리프 - Human Health가 HY 매출 약 2억 5,340만 홍콩달러라고 발표했습니다." 8598,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hiroca Holdings to jointly set up automotive functional plastic parts JV in Mexico via unit?,,"Hiroca Holdings, 자회사 통해 멕시코에서 자동차 기능성 플라스틱 부품 합작 투자회사 설립하기로 합의" 7725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Akbank Targets And Forecasts For 2018?,,"브리핑-아크방크, 2018년 목표 및 예측" 7808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTING and REPLACING Videology Announces Conditional Sale to Amobee as Part of Voluntary Chapter 11 Restructuring Process?,,"비디오로지, 자발적인 챕터 11 구조조정 과정의 일환으로 아모비에 조건부 매각 발표 수정 및 교체" 9748,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dassault eyes lead role in European new fighter jet project: CEO?,,"다소틀, 유럽 신형 전투기 프로젝트에서 주도적인 역할을 목표로 한다: CEO" 5517,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Egypt state security orders prominent blogger Wael Abbas detained for 15 days?,,이집트 국가안보가 저명한 블로거 와엘 아바스를 15일간 구금하라는 명령을 내렸다. 7838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robert Herjavec's success is driven by the sacrifices of his parents?,,로버트 헤르자베크의 성공은 그의 부모의 희생에 의해 이뤄진다. 1913,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil creates pulp giant, expansion plans shelved?",,"브라질, 펄프 대기업 설립, 확장 계획 보류" 7978,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tens of thousands march to back Hungary's nationalist PM before vote?,,수십만명이 투표 전 헝가리의 민족주의 총리를 지지하기 위해 행진하다 9059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai Pudong Development Bank To Offer Credit Line Of Hk$19.64 Bln To Its Unit?,,"브리핑 - 상하이 푸동 발전 은행, 자회사에 196.4억 홍콩달러의 신용 한도 제공 예정" 2940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Al Baraka Banking Group Q1 Profit Rises?,,"알 바라카 은행 그룹, 1분기 이익 증가" 2517,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Bearing up?,,속보: Breakingviews TV: 견뎌내고? 9128,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Auto Tariffs, a High-Stakes Game of Chicken?",,"자동차 관세, 고위험의 치킨 게임" 9733,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BBVA says expects flat evolution of NII in Spain in 2018?,,BBVA는 2018년 스페인에서 NII의 평탄한 진화를 예상한다고 발표했다. 6870,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: QSC AG Q1 EBITDA At EUR 9.2 Mln?,,QSC AG 1분기 EBITDA 920만 유로 기록 7679,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sika chairman acknowledges company might become takeover target?,,"브리프 - 시카 회장, 회사가 인수 대상이 될 수 있음을 인정하다." 6797,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eagle Bancorp, Inc. Announces $15.6 Million in Earnings With a Continuing Trend of Record Operating Earnings of $30.2 Million for the Fourth Quarter 2017?",,"이글 뱅코프, Inc.는 2017년 4분기에 3천만 달러의 기록적인 운영 수익을 지속적으로 기록하며 1,560만 달러의 수익을 발표했습니다." 10,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mosys Q4 Non-GAAP Loss Per Share $0.01?,,모시스 Q4 비 GAAP 주당 손실 $0.01 발표 1161,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lyra Health Secures $45 Mln In Series B Financing To Deliver Effective Mental Health Care To Employees?,,"Lyra Health, 기업의 정신 건강 관리를 효과적으로 제공하기 위해 4,500만 달러의 B 시리즈 자금을 확보하다." 7965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CEO Coaching International Expands International Footprint By Adding Financial Expert in Canada?,,"CEO 코칭 인터내셔널, 캐나다에 금융 전문가 추가하여 국제적 발판 확대" 1708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iranian cleric leaves Germany under threat of prosecution?,,"이란 성직자, 기소 위협 속 독일 떠나" 1384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Commercial Syn Bags Says To Start Trial Production At SEZ Unit At Pithampur In March?,,상업용 신봉투 회사가 피탄푸르의 SEZ 유닛에서 3월에 시험 생산을 시작한다고 발표했습니다. 2695,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Holder Ostapenko in action on opening day of French Open?,,"테니스 - 보유자 오스타펜코, 프랑스 오픈 개막일에 출전" 3026,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Golden Matrix Group Officially Enters The Bitcoin Market?,,"브리프 - 골든 매트릭스 그룹, 비트코인 시장에 공식 진입" 8354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-JCDecaux Singapore Wins LTA Bus Shelter Advertising Contract?,,"간략하게 - JCDecaux 싱가포르, LTA 버스 대피소 광고 계약 수주" 7069,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Youon Technology Says Its 2017 Net Profit Up 343.85 Percent Y/Y?,,브리프 - 유온 테크놀로지가 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 343.85% 증가했다고 발표했습니다. 6355,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emboldened by Trump, banks push to throw off old rule constraints?",,"트럼프에게 힘을 얻은 은행들, 오래된 규제 제약을 벗어나려는 움직임을 보이다" 3616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Charts show the largest bond ETF is on track for its worst year ever?,,"차트에 따르면, 가장 큰 채권 ETF가 역대 최악의 해를 맞이할 조짐을 보이고 있다." 9451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-US Auto Parts Network Says Filed Lawsuit Against U.S. Department Of Homeland Security In U.S. Court Of International Trade?,,"BRIEF-미국 자동차 부품 네트워크, 미국 국제 무역 법원에 미국 국토안보부를 상대로 소송 제기했다고 발표." 9729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cornerstone Announces Increased Financing To $8.2 Million?,,"브리프-코너스톤, 820만 달러로 증가된 자금 조달 발표" 4031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India says it has confirmed 39 Indians missing in Iraq since 2014 are dead?,,"인도, 2014년 이래 이라크에서 실종된 39명의 인도인이 사망한 것으로 확인했다고 발표." 5252,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SFS Group FY 2017 Net Result Turns Into Profit of EUR 21.7 MLN?,,"SFS 그룹 FY 2017 순이익 2,170만 유로로 흑자 전환" 6243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ProAmpac Completes Acquisition of Pactech Packaging?,,"ProAmpac, Pactech Packaging 인수 완료" 6572,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia's Bank Mandiri 2017 net profit up 49 pct - CEO?,,인도네시아의 망디리은행 2017년 순이익 49% 증가 - CEO 6702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's how to join in the royal wedding this May?,,이번 5월 왕실 결혼식에 참여하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 9767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Allergan posts quarterly profit; migraine treatment succeeds key study?,,"알러간, 분기 이익 발표; 편두통 치료가 주요 연구에서 성공하다." 8536,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WhatsApp to go ahead with 'full feature' money transfer service in India?,,"WhatsApp, 인도에서 '완전 기능' 돈 송금 서비스 진행하기로 결정" 3704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kushner: Israel embassy move shows the world can trust the U.S.?,,쿠슈너: 이스라엘 대사관 이전은 세계가 미국을 신뢰할 수 있다는 것을 보여준다. 7771,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Prochnik Decides Not To Redeem Series C01 And C02 Bonds?,,"브리프-프로크닉, C01 및 C02 채권 상환 중단 결정" 6858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sparton Corporation Reports Fiscal 2018 Second Results?,,"스파턴 코퍼레이션, 2018 회계연도 2분기 결과 발표" 1336,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LHC Group, Almost Family Announce Expiration Of Hart-Scott-Rodino Waiting Period For Proposed Merger?",,브리핑 - LHC 그룹과 올모스트 패밀리가 제안된 합병을 위한 하트-스컷-로디노 대기 기간의 만료를 발표하다. 9573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TalkTalk saw highest proportion of UK broadband complaints in fourth quarter?,,"토크톡, 4분기 영국 브로드밴드 불만 비율 최고 기록" 2439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer reflects on how Trump's actions are fueling the 'beast' market rally?,,크래머는 트럼프의 행동이 '야수' 시장 랠리를 어떻게 부추기고 있는지에 대해 회상한다. 3182,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Loews Says Lawrence Bacow, Ken Miller Will Be Stepping Down From Board Immediately?",,브리프 - 로우스는 로렌스 바코우와 켄 밀러가 즉시 이사회에서 물러나겠다고 발표했습니다. 2174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Miley Cyrus Faces $300 Million Lawsuit Over Hit Song | Fortune?,,"마일리 사이러스, 히트 송을 두고 3억 달러 소송에 직면하다 | 포츈" 8457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MobiPlus Q4 EBITDA Down At SEK 1.3 Mln?,,브리프 - MobiPlus 4분기 EBITDA가 130만 크로나 하락 2461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Schneider Electric beats Q1 revenue forecast on upbeat China demand?,,"수정됨 - 슈나이더 일렉트릭, 중국 수요 증가로 1분기 매출 전망 초과 달성" 293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: Alpine skiing-Gut crashes out of women's giant slalom?,,"올림픽: 알파인 스키-구트, 여자 자이언트 슬라롬에서 낙차로 탈락" 5294,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BookJane Celebrates Adding Pacific Reach as a New Investor and Zahra Salisbury Joining Our Board of Directors?,,BookJane는 새로운 투자자로 태평양 지역의 영향을 추가하고 Zahra Salisbury가 이사회에 합류한 것을 기념합니다. 4093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Revance Reports Qtrly Net Loss Per Share Attributable To Common Stockholders $1.14?,,"BRIEF-레반스, 일반 주주에게 귀속되는 분기당 주당 순손실 1.14달러 보고" 7802,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PGTI Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.18?,,PGTI 4분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.18 2161,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MetLife, Inc. Shareholder Alert: Former SEC Attorney Willie Briscoe Investigates Possible Breaches of Fiduciary Duty by Officers and Directors?",,메트라이프 주식회사 주주 경고: 전 SEC 변호사 윌리 브리스코가 임원 및 이사의 신탁 의무 위반 가능성 조사 6543,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-With rates still low, Fed officials fret over next U.S. recession?",,RPT-금리가 여전히 낮은 상황에서 연준 관계자들은 다음 미국 경기 침체에 대해 걱정하고 있다? 9071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China launches first rocket designed by a private company?,,"중국, 민간 기업이 설계한 첫 번째 로켓 발사" 9531,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Regeneron to Report Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial and Operating Results and Host Conference Call and Webcast on February 8, 2018?",,"레제너론, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 및 운영 결과 보고 및 2018년 2월 8일 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 개최 계획" 7342,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump claims ""extraordinary success"" in first year?",,"트럼프, 첫 해에 ""비상한 성공"" 주장" 9323,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed’s Harker: Two Rate Increases in 2018 Likely Appropriate?,,연준의 하커: 2018년에 두 차례 금리 인상이 적절할 것으로 보인다. 2287,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: English Domestic One-Day Competition Scoreboard?,,영국 국내 일일 경기 스코어보드 5624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shandong Longlive Bio-Technology says ST risk warning?,,상하이 롱리브 바이오테크놀로지가 ST 위험 경고를 발표했다는 간단한 소식 8039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump lawyers demand Bannon 'cease-and-desist'?,,"트럼프 변호사들, 배넌에 '중단하라' 요구" 2455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Issues Orders Making It Easier to Fire Federal Workers?,,"트럼프, 연방 직원 해고를 용이하게 하는 명령 발효" 2073,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-500.Com, China Sports Lottery Administration Enter Framework Agreement?",,"500.Com, 중국 스포츠 복권 관리국과 프레임워크 협약 체결" 1606,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bridge Medicines Appoints Louis M. Renzetti, Ph.D., As Chief Scientific Officer?",,"브리지 메디슨스, 루이 M. 렌제티 박사를 최고 과학 책임자로 임명하다." 1792,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This leather is made in a lab, not from livestock?",,이 가죽은 가축에서가 아니라 실험실에서 만들어졌다. 952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-QuickLogic Corp Announces Pricing Of $15.5 Mln Public Offering Of Stock And Warrants?,,"브리프-퀵로직 주식회사, 1,550만 달러 규모의 주식 및 워런트 공개Offering 가격 발표." 7426,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ireland seeking to sell 3-4 billion euros of 10-year debt - source?,,아일랜드가 3-4억 유로의 10년 만기 채권을 판매하려고 한다 - 소식통. 3467,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Millitoons Entertainment Unit Buys J & K Hotels, LLC?",,"브리프 - 밀리툰스 엔터테인먼트 유닛, J & K 호텔 LLC 인수" 2122,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wintrust Financial Corporation Announces Plans to Acquire Delaware Place Bank?,,"윈트러스트 파이낸셜 코퍼레이션, 델라웨어 플레이스 은행 인수 계획 발표" 6116,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Raptors snap Lakers' winning streak at four?,,"래칸스, 레이커스의 4연승을 끊다." 3752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Generali CEO not aware of any takeover ambitions?,,"제너리 CEO, 인수 의도에 대해 모른다고 밝혀" 2169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Gazprom demands discounts from Russian pipemakers as investments peak?,,"RPT-가스프롬, 투자 피크에 따라 러시아 파이프 제조업체들에 할인 요구" 5089,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No 'gunslinger,' but manager of this top-performing fund finds success?",,"총잡이는 아니지만, 이 최고의 성과를 내는 펀드의 매니저가 성공을 거둔다?" 8967,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OPEC February oil output falls as UAE over-delivers on cut - survey?,,"OPEC 2월 석유 생산량 감소, UAE가 감산을 초과 이행 - 조사 결과" 6913,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Argentina central bank cuts rate on short-term securities?,,"아르헨티나 중앙은행, 단기 채권 금리 인하" 7468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Elliott Capital Reports Marginally Higher Stake Of 3.1469 Pct In Sky - Filing?,,"브리프-엘리엇 캐피탈, 스카이에 대한 3.1469%의 소폭 증가된 지분 보고 - 제출된 문서" 7837,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Murray pulls out of Australian Open with hip injury?,,"머레이, 엉덩이 부상으로 호주 오픈 기권" 3475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twitter to Automatically Demote Replies That Could Harm Conversation?,,"트위터, 대화에 해를 끼칠 수 있는 답글 자동 하락 조치 시행" 8450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Beetech sees FY 2017 net profit up 17.8 pct to 47.8 pct?,,"브리프-베이징 비테크, 2017 회계연도 순이익 17.8% 증가 47.8% 기록." 1893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Data Sheet—Remembering When Tom Wolfe Nailed Silicon Valley?,,데이터 시트—톰 울프가 실리콘 밸리를 정확히 파악했던 순간을 되새기며 5718,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Exxonmobil Announces 84 Percent Increase In P'Nyang Resource, Potential Expansion In PNG?",,"브리프-엑손모빌, P'Nyang 자원 84% 증가 발표, PNG에서의 잠재적 확장 가능성." 4913,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slovak minister quits rather than fire unpopular police chief?,,"슬로바키아 장관, 인기 없는 경찰서를 해고하기보다는 사임하다." 6618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Radwanska surprises number one Halep?,,"라드반스카, 1위 할렙을 놀라게 하다." 3555,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's private funds face employee exodus, business scramble as rules bite?",,"중국의 민간 기금, 직원 이탈과 규제 영향으로 사업 혼잡 직면" 340,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Main Street Announces Semi-Annual Supplemental Cash Dividend Payable in June?,,"메인 스트리트, 6월 지급 예정인 반기 추가 현금 배당금 발표" 2005,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kat Cole explains how Cinnabons, pretzels thrive as malls struggle?",,Kat Cole은 쇼핑몰이 어려움을 겪고 있는 가운데 Cinnabon과 프레첼이 어떻게 번창하는지를 설명합니다. 8568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. House panel ending 'interview phase' of Trump-Russia investigation?,,"미국 하원 위원회, 트럼프-러시아 조사 '인터뷰 단계' 종료" 2837,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lajovic downs Del Potro in Madrid as Edmund maintains progress?,,"라요비치, 마드리드에서 델 포트로를 제압하며 에드먼드가 진전을 이어간다." 6359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robots help artist bring fine bison hair to pricey paintings?,,로봇이 예술가가 비싼 그림에 고급 비초모 hair를 더하는 것을 돕는다. 834,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: Buy Paychex's stock on a good quarter?,,크레이머의 번개처럼 빠른 주식 상담: 좋은 분기 실적에 페이첵스 주식을 매수하라? 9621,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Euro zone lending picks up, money supply growth slows in March?",,"유로존 대출 증가, 3월 통화 공급 성장 둔화" 8002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspect in Kosovo organ trafficking case arrested in Cyprus?,,"코소보 장기 밀매 사건의 용의자, 키프로스에서 체포돼" 5757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Afghanistan v Zimbabwe in UAE 2018 Scoreboard?,,"아프가니스탄 대 짐바브웨, 2018년 UAE 스코어보드" 7723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frances McDormand wins best actress Oscar for 'Three Billboards'?,,"프란시스 맥도먼드, '쓰리 빌보드'로 베스트 여우주연상 오스카 수상" 6210,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French and Benelux stocks-Factors to watch on March 26?,,"프랑스 및 벨기에, 네덜란드, 룩셈부르크 주식 - 3월 26일 주의할 요소들?" 2992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why a better economy won’t stop the opioid epidemic?,,더 나은 경제가 어떻게 오피오이드 전염병을 멈추지 못하는가? 4784,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magellan Midstream Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.92?,,"마젤란 미드시스템, 1분기 주당 순이익 0.92달러 보고" 9512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Surprise major champion Lindberg still unheralded?,,"골프 - 놀라운 메이저 챔피언 린드베르크, 여전히 알려지지 않음?" 5670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Arming Teachers: Educators Reject Plan With #Armmewith | Fortune?,,"트럼프, 교사들에게 무기 제공: 교육자들, #Armmewith 해시태그와 함께 계획 거부 | 포ortune?" 3657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Johnson grabs lead in Tournament of Champions?,,존슨이 대회 챔피언십에서 선두를 차지하다. 7416,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: All passengers, crew in Iran plane crash believed dead: airline spokesman?",,"모든 승객과 승무원, 이란 비행기 사고로 사망한 것으로 추정: 항공사 대변인." 3038,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman Sachs vote backs pay, shows less support for stock plan?",,"골드만삭스, 급여 찬성 투표로 스톡 플랜에 대한 지지 낮아 보여" 6501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany says not making itself more dependent on Russia with new pipeline?,,"독일, 새로운 파이프라인으로 러시아 의존도 더 키우지 않겠다고 밝혀" 9808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NiSource Reports Q4 GAAP Loss Of $0.16/Shr From Continuing Operations?,,BRIEF-NiSource는 계속 운영에서 주당 0.16달러의 GAAP 손실을 보고했습니다. 3408,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil firms as stocks markets steady?,,주식 시장이 안정되면서 석유 회사들이 상승하다. 7402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: York Traditions Bank Reports 1st Quarter Earnings?,,"요크 전통 은행, 1분기 실적 발표" 9370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nearly 60% of Americans are streaming and most with Netflix: CNBC survey?,,"미국인의 거의 60%가 스트리밍 서비스를 이용하고 있으며, 그 중 대부분이 넷플릭스를 이용하고 있다는 CNBC 조사 결과." 9789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Plastic-eating enzyme holds promise in fighting pollution - scientists?,,플라스틱을 먹는 효소가 오염 퇴치에 대한 희망을 지닌다 - 과학자들 5575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McGlinchey Stafford Names William L. Grimsley and Kimberly Held Israel Members of the Firm?,,"맥클린치 스태포드, 윌리엄 L. 그림슬리와 킴벌리 헬드 이스라엘을 로펌 구성원으로 임명하다." 3590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Narcos producer shows 'mechanism' of Brazil corruption in new series?,,나르코스 프로듀서가 새로운 시리즈에서 브라질 부패의 '메커니즘'을 보여준다. 115,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SpaceX rocket launched from Florida with satellite for NATO surveillance?,,플로리다에서 NATO 감시 위성을 위한 스페이스X 로켓 발사 9631,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. sanctions on Iran to boost prices, keep oil at $70 a barrel: Reuters poll?",,미국의 이란 제재가 가격을 올리고 석유를 배럴당 70달러로 유지할 것이라는 로이터 여론 조사 결과 1399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xero Ltd Appoints Steve Vamos As CEO?,,"브리프-제로 주식회사, 스티브 바모스를 CEO로 임명" 2184,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New book says Bannon called Trump Jr. meeting ""treasonous""?",,"새로운 책은 배넌이 트럼프 주니어의 만남을 ""배신행위""라고 불렀다고 전한다." 5465,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Small quake shakes buildings in Oakland, California?",,"오클랜드, 캘리포니아에서 작은 지진이 건물들을 흔들었다." 2402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DIARY-Top Economic Events to April 26?,,DIARY-4월 26일까지의 주요 경제 사건 4419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pompeo says 'bad deal' with North Korea 'not an option' for U.S.?,,"폼페이오, '나쁜 거래'는 미국에 '옵션이 아니다'라고 발언" 5793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Comdirect Bank 2017 Pre-Tax Profit Down At EUR 94.9 Mln?,,브리프 - Comdirect Bank 2017년 세전 이익이 9490만 유로로 감소. 6952,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Sandgren denies right-wing views, apologizes for posts?",,"테니스: 샌드그렌, 우파적 견해 부인하며 게시물 사과" 2433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fewer African-Americans admitted to ICU for heart failure receive cardiologist care?,,"심부전으로 ICU에 입원한 아프리카계 미국인의 수가 줄어들고 있으며, 심장 전문의의 치료를 받지 못하고 있다." 8013,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Claims Russia Probe Aims to Help Democrats in Midterms?,,"트럼프, 러시아 수사가 중간선거에서 민주당을 돕기 위한 것이라고 주장하다" 8240,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jeff Bezos makes debut in an Amazon commercial this Super Bowl?,,"제프 베조스, 이번 슈퍼볼에서 아마존 광고 데뷔" 3485,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European shares rise, steel stocks gain on U.S. move?",,"유럽 주식이 상승하고, 미국 조치로 철강 주식이 상승하다." 6067,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exxon Mobil plans to triple production in the hottest US shale oil field by 2025?,,"엑손모빌, 2025년까지 미국에서 가장 뜨거운 셰일 유전에서 생산량 세 배로 늘릴 계획" 2720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TABLE-Inflows to equity funds slide over 50 pct vs prior week -ICI?,,TABLE-주식 펀드로의 유입이 이전 주 대비 50% 이상 감소 - ICI 5871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Majority of French now favor allowing surrogate motherhood: poll?,,프랑스의 대다수가 현재 대리모 출산 허용을 지지한다고 여론조사에서 밝혀졌다. 3380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What to do when liberals are the censors??,,진보파가 검열을 할 때 무엇을 해야 할까? 6068,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French building materials group Consolis prepares autumn float -sources?,,"프랑스 건축 자재 그룹 콘솔리스, 가을 상장 준비 - 소식통" 6351,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Royal Financial, Inc. Announces Second Quarter Deferred Tax Asset Adjustment and Year to Date Earnings for Fiscal Year 2018?",,"로얄 파이낸셜, Inc.가 2018 회계연도 2분기 이연 세금 자산 조정 및 연간 수익을 발표합니다." 9495,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India to consider talks with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh to export sugar?",,"인도, 스리랑카와의 대화 고려 및 방글라데시 설탕 수출 계획" 9681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bay Point Advisors Provides Funds to NRD Capital in $335 Million Ruby Tuesday Sale?,,"베이 포인트 어드바이저스, NRD 캐피털에 3억 3천5백만 달러 루비 튜데이 매각 자금 제공" 6086,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thirty-five Thai activists report to police after junta protest?,,35명의 태국 활동가들이 정권 반대 시위 이후 경찰에 자진 출두하다. 2713,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Avid Technology Reports Qtrly Net Loss Per Common Share $0.22?,,브리프-아비드 테크놀로지가 분기별 보통주당 순손실 0.22달러를 보고했습니다. 4138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World shares set for best week since 2011?,,"세계 주식, 2011년 이후 최고의 주간 실적을 예상하다" 2914,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sinclair Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,신클레어가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 발표하다 4818,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Microchip Technology Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $1.03?,,"브리핑 - 마이크로칩 기술, 4분기 주당순이익 1.03달러 보고." 6180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian retailer Harvey Norman's H1 profit falls 19.3 pct?,,"호주 소매업체 하비 노먼, 상반기 이익 19.3% 감소" 3285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed's Williams sees U.S. inflation at or above goal for years?,,"연준의 윌리엄스, 미국의 인플레이션이 수년간 목표 이상의 수준에 이를 것으로 예상" 3293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.K. Seeks Search Warrant for Cambridge Analytica After Facebook Data Scandal?,,"영국, 페이스북 데이터 스캔들 이후 케임브리지 애널리티카에 대한 수색 영장 요청" 4964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suning.Com's Prelim 2017 Net Profit Up 497.7 Pct Y/Y?,,"브리프 - 수닝.com의 2017년 prelim 순이익, 전년 대비 497.7% 증가" 9620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BIOLIFE4D Names Dr. Ravi Birla as its Chief Science Officer?,,BIOLIFE4D가 라비 비를라 박사를 최고 과학 책임자로 임명하다. 2141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Raman Hui and Bai Baihe present fantasy epic 'Monster Hunt 2' in Berlin?,,라마안 후이와 바이 바이허가 베를린에서 판타지 서사시 '몬스터 헌트 2'를 선보이다. 3069,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Not Coming Sooner to a Home Theater Near You: New Movies?,,곧 여러분의 홈 시어터에서 만날 수 없는 신작 영화들: 뉴스 기사 내용은? 2853,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microsoft Extension Aims to Improve Google Chrome Security?,,"마이크로소프트 확장 프로그램, 구글 크롬 보안 개선 목표" 4635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump again hits back at question of mental fitness?,,"트럼프, 정신적 적합성에 대한 질문에 다시 반박하다" 4422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robot falcon puts the frighteners on nuisance birds?,,로봇 매가 성가신 새들에게 공포를 주다 4139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Want to work at Tesla? This program will guarantee you a job after graduation?,,테슬라에서 일하고 싶으신가요? 이 프로그램은 졸업 후 직장을 보장해 드립니다. 7028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This firm's fintech play is connecting financial services in China?,,이 회사의 핀테크 전략이 중국의 금융 서비스를 연결하고 있다. 2176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Coda Octopus Group Reports Q1 Loss Per Share of $0.02?,,"브리프 - 코다 옥타포스 그룹, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.02 보고" 5201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hotelier IHG posts 3.5 percent rise in first-quarter global room revenue?,,"호텔 리조트 기업 IHG, 1분기 전 세계 객실 수익 3.5% 증가 보고" 7023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BNCCORP Inc Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.09 Excluding Items?,,"간략하게 - BNCCORP Inc, 항목 제외 시 4분기 주당 수익 $0.09 보고." 2659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BaFin orders Crypto.Exchange GmbH to stop immidiately financial commission business‍​?,,"브리핑 - BaFin, Crypto.Exchange GmbH에 즉시 금융 위탁 사업 중단 명령 발령" 8377,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Mosul, young volunteers help bring city back to life?",,모술에서 젊은 자원봉사자들이 도시를 다시 살리기 위해 힘쓰고 있다. 1370,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Million Dollar Listing's' Ryan Serhant on success after the recession?,,"'밀리언 달러 리스트의' 라이언 서랜트, 경기 침체 이후 성공에 대해" 8574,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SEB writes down shareholders equity by SEK 8.2 bln due to new accounting principles, German business transformation?",,BRIEF-SEB는 새로운 회계 원칙과 독일 사업 변화를 이유로 주주 자본을 82억 스웨덴 크로나 줄였습니다. 3873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: pdvWireless Announces Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2018 Earnings Release Date And Participation in 19th Annual B. Riley FBR Institutional Investor Conference?,,pdvWireless가 2018 회계연도 4분기 실적 발표 날짜 및 제19회 B. Riley FBR 기관 투자자 회의 참가를 발표합니다. 846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Acer Therapeutics Q1 Loss Per Share $0.53?,,"헤드라인 ""BRIEF-Acer Therapeutics Q1 Loss Per Share $0.53""에 대한 뉴스 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: Acer Therapeutics는 1분기 실적을 발표하였고, 주당 손실이 0.53달러에 달했다고 보고했습니다. 이번 손실은 예상보다 클 수 있으며, 투자자들과 시장 분석가들은 회사의 재무 성과와 향후 전망에 대한 우려를 표명할 수 있습니다. 이 기사는 또한 회사의 운영 비용, 수익성, 제품 개발 현황 및 향후 계획에 대한 추가 정보를 포함할 수 있습니다. 금융 분석가들은 이러한 손실을 메우기 위한 Acer Therapeutics의 전략에 대해 논의할 수도 있습니다. 이러한 정보는 투자자들에게 중요한 인사이트를 제공하며, 주가에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요소로 작용할 것입니다. (주의: 위 내용은 예시이며 실제 뉴스 기사의 내용이 아닙니다.)" 7835,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Icahn, Deason push Xerox to explore strategic options?",,"아이칸, 디즌, 제록스에 전략적 옵션 탐색 촉구" 8797,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Richard Branson says Virgin Galactic is '2 or 3' flights away from taking people to space?,,리차드 브랜슨은 버진 갤럭틱이 사람들을 우주로 보내기까지 '2번 또는 3번'의 비행만 남았다고 말했다. 2585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aditya Birla Money Approves Merger Of Unit Aditya Birla Commodities With Co?,,"브리프-아디티야 비를라 머니, 자회사 아디티야 비를라 상품의 회사 합병 승인" 7403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analysis: Brazil's Workers Party clings to Lula candidacy?,,"분석: 브라질 노동당, 룰라 후보직에 집착하다?" 4336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Travelers Names Abbe Goldstein Head of Investor Relations?,,"여행사, 애비 골드스타인을 투자자 관계 책임자로 임명" 5669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi developer Dar Al Arkan meets bond investors for non-deal roadshow -sources?,,"사우디 개발업체 다르 알 아르칸, 채권 투자자들과 비거래 로드쇼 진행 - 소식통" 5430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Also Holding Complements Its Consumptional Business Model With New Financing Company?,,"브리프-알소 홀딩스, 새로운 금융회사를 통해 소비 모델을 보완하다." 5407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shopify Says Incorrect To Say That Our Merchants' Success Is Tied To Facebook?,,"브리프-쇼피파이, 우리의 상인 성공이 페이스북과 연결되어 있다고 말하는 것은 잘못된 것이라고 밝혀." 4759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's 5-Star and League put final touches to government deal?,,이탈리아의 5성당과 리그가 정부 협정을 마무리합니다. 929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Allergan plans options for women's health unit: Bloomberg?,,"앨러간, 여성 건강 유닛을 위한 옵션 계획: 블룸버그" 7930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. agency criticizes Hawaii over false missile alert?,,"미국 기관, 하와이에 대한 잘못된 미사일 경고 비판" 8599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fiorentina to rename training ground after Astori?,,"피오렌티나, 아스토리 이름을 딴 훈련장 이름 변경 예정" 6621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway's Liberals to join government: public broadcaster NRK?,,"노르웨이 자유당, 정부에 합류: 공영 방송사 NRK" 9316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street ends in the green?,,"월스트리트, 상승세로 마감" 1340,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Evening Edition: May 21, 2018?",,CNBC 기술 점검 저녁판: 2018년 5월 21일 3967,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aharon Appelfeld, acclaimed Israeli novelist and Holocaust survivor, dies at 85?",,"아하론 아펠펠드, 저명한 이스라엘 소설가이자 홀로코스트 생존자가 85세로 세상을 떠나다." 6518,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's lower house approves law that tightens asylum rules?,,프랑스 하원이 망명 규정을 강화하는 법안을 승인하다 2283,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Davig Hogg Calls for Boycott of BlackRock, Vanguard | Fortune?",,"다비크 호그, 블랙록과 뱅가드 보이콧 촉구 | 포춘" 3903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE to restate two years of earnings by April 13?,,GE는 4월 13일까지 2년간의 실적을 수정할 예정이다. 7578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Metals Flash Warning Sign as Trade Talk Adds to Economic Worries?,,금속이 경고 신호를 발송하며 무역 협상이 경제 우려를 더하고 있다. 1409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Scotland's McGuigan ruled out of France clash with injury?,,"럭비-스코틀랜드의 맥귀건, 부상으로 프랑스 전 출전 불가" 5202,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT) Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"워터스 코퍼레이션(NYSE: WAT), 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 8184,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Tennis-King wants three-setters for men at Grand Slams?,,"재제출-테니스-킹, 그랜드 슬램에서 남자 단식 3세트 경기 도입 원해" 4468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forest City Realty Trust Reports Q1 Non-GAAP FFO Per Share Of $0.30?,,"포레스트 시티 리얼티 트러스트, 1분기 비-GAAP FFO 주당 0.30달러 보고" 3353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flywheel Names Software Industry Leader Mike Levine as CEO?,,"플라이휠, 소프트웨어 산업 리더 마이크 레빈을 CEO로 임명" 74,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC tested Google's new 'smart' doorbell and lock, and here's what they're like?",,CNBC가 구글의 새로운 '스마트' 도어벨과 잠금을 테스트해봤습니다. 그 안에 어떤 내용이 담겨 있을까요? 1048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eiffage sees further revenue growth in 2018?,,에피파주식회사가 2018년에 더 큰 매출 성장을 전망하다 9604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pinnacle Entertainment Stockholders Approve Proposed Acquisition by Penn National Gaming?,,"피나클 엔터테인먼트 주주, 펜 내셔널 게이밍의 제안된 인수 승인" 9152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Belarus sentences Ukrainian to eight years for spying: envoy?,,벨라루스가 우크라이나인을 스파이 혐의로 8년 형을 선고했다: 특명전권대사? 9302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ymagis's Cinemanext Signs Agreement With Austrian Circuit Cineplexx?,,"""BRIEF-Ymagis의 Cinemanext가 오스트리아 체인 Cineplexx와 계약 체결""" 8189,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-EXCLUSIVE-Amazon.com readies move to sell electronics directly in Brazil -sources?,,"RPT-독점-아마존, 브라질에서 전자제품을 직접 판매할 준비 중 - 소식통" 3651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ABB CEO says Austrian Bernecker & Rainer business developing ahead of plan?,,ABB CEO는 오스트리아의 Bernecker & Rainer 사업이 계획보다 순조롭게 진행되고 있다고 말했습니다. 7734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fear the Unknown at General Electric?,,제너럴 일렉트릭에서 알 수 없는 것에 대한 두려움 241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. President Trump could visit Britain in July - Sky News?,,미국 대통령 트럼프가 7월에 영국을 방문할 수 있다고 스카이 뉴스가 보도했습니다. 9709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's 5-star leader says president should be impeached?,,이탈리아 5성당 지도자는 대통령의 탄핵을 주장한다고 말했습니다. 3662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Big Short' Steve Eisman is bullish on banks due to ‘massive deregulation’ - FOREXPARROT?,,"""'빅 숏' 스티브 아이스맨은 '대규모 규제 완화' 때문에 은행에 대해 긍정적이다 - FOREXPARROT""" 213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alcentra Capital Corporation Announces Conference Call To Discuss Fourth Quarter 2017 Results?,,"알센트라 캐피탈 코퍼레이션, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표를 논의하기 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 3083,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela, Panama to restore ambassadors, resume airline service - Maduro?",,베네수엘라와 파나마가 대사를 복원하고 항공 서비스 재개 - 마두로? 9104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Anxin Trust's 2017 Net Profit Up 20.9 Percent Y/Y At 3.7 Billion Yuan?,,"BRIEF-안신트러스트의 2017년 순이익, 전년 대비 20.9% 증가하여 37억 위안에 달함." 1130,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Standard Promotes Brent Stephens to Second Vice President and Associate Actuary, EB Actuarial?",,"스탠다드, 브렌트 스티븐스를 제2부사장 겸 부수리로 승진 시켜" 3153,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eager to deport migrants, German AfD scouts out Syria situation?",,"이주민을 강제로 추방하려는 독일 AfD, 시리아 상황 파악 나서" 8255,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nissan, Ford, FCA lead European car sales decline?",,"닛산, 포드, FCA가 유럽 자동차 판매 하락 주도" 7622,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Daekyo to pay annual cash dividend for 2017?,,"브리프-대교, 2017년 연간 현금 배당금 지급 예정" 2506,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar holds above lows as euro struggles?,,"FOREX-달러, 저점 위에서 유지되며 유로 고전" 2988,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zona euro, Eurostat conferma crescita trim4 0,6% su trimestre, 2,7% su anno?",,"유로존, 유로스타트가 4분기 성장률 0.6%, 연간 2.7%를 확인하다." 8709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Couchbase Strengthens World-Class Executive Leadership Team as Company Continues on Accelerated Growth Path?,,"코치베이스, accelerated growth path를 계속하며 세계적 수준의 경영진 팀 강화" 6923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Staffing firm Randstad's shares fall after Monster disappoints?,,"업데이트 2 - 인재 파견 업체 랜스탯의 주가, 몬스터의 실망스러운 실적 발표 이후 하락" 944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Extended Stay America Appoints Christopher N. Dekle As General Counsel And Corporate Secretary?,,"브리프 - 익스텐디드 스테이 아메리카, 크리스토퍼 N. 데클을 일반 고문 겸 기업 비서로 임명" 6834,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jordan Peele didn't think Oscar-nominated 'Get Out' would get made?,,조던 필은 아카데미 후보작 '겟 아웃'이 제작될 것이라고 생각하지 않았다. 7605,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ChannelAdvisor to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results on February 13, 2018?",,ChannelAdvisor가 2018년 2월 13일 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 4005,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Skeleton - South Korea's 'Iron Man' on track for first Asian sliding gold?,,스켈레톤 - 한국의 '아이언맨'이 첫 아시안 슬라이딩 금메달을 향해 가다. 102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Discovery CEO: We're a different kind of media company than Disney?,,디스커버리 CEO: 우리는 디즈니와는 다른 종류의 미디어 회사다. 8365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Ping An Ventures to raise up to $1.3 bln for healthcare investments -source?,,중국의 핑안이 헬스케어 투자 için 최대 13억 달러를 조달할 예정이다 - 소식통. 4251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says Giuliani will 'get his facts straight'?,,"트럼프, 줄리아니가 '사실을 바로잡을 것'이라고 말하다." 2657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Acotel Group: Independent Auditor Issues Disclaimer Of Opinion?,,브리프-아코텔 그룹: 독립 감사인이 의견 면제를 발표하다. 8112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some two million diesel owners could join class action against Volkswagen in Germany?,,독일에서 약 200만명의 디젤 차량 소유자들이 폭스바겐을 상대로 집단 소송에 참여할 수 있다. 5745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rubio scores 23 as Jazz rout Timberwolves?,,"루비오, 재즈의 팀버울브스 대파하며 23점 기록" 9228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. freezes $125 million funds for Palestinian refugees - report?,,"미국, 팔레스타인 난민을 위한 1억 2500만 달러 자금을 동결 - 보도" 2621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Highlights: Facebook's Zuckerberg faces EU Parliament grilling?,,"헤드라인: 페이스북의 저커버그, EU 의회에서 질의 응답에 직면하다." 6993,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EQUITY ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Reminds Shareholders of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of March 19, 2018?",,"EQUITY ALERT: 레비 & 코르신스키 LLP, 2018년 3월 19일의 원고 신청 마감일과 함께 어드밴스드 마이크로 디바이시스(AMD) 주주들에게 집단 소송을 상기시킴." 1120,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Malath Cooperative Insurance Posts Q4 Pre-Zakat Profit?,,"BRIEF-말랏 협업 보험, 4분기 세전 이익 발표" 6521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Self-driving car industry confronts trust issues after Uber crash?,,"자율주행차 산업, 우버 사고 이후 신뢰 문제에 직면하다" 6372,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow jumps more than 300 points after banks rebound?,,다우지수가 은행 주식의 반등으로 300포인트 이상 상승하다. 8580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sensata Technologies Reports Q4 Net Income $0.98 Per Diluted Share?,,"브리프-센사타 테크놀로지스, 4분기 희석 주당순이익 $0.98 보고" 8132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Watch CNBC's full interview with Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf?,,CNBC가 Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf와의 전체 인터뷰를 시청하세요. 8603,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fractious politics, debt pose security threats: U.S. intelligence director?",,"분열된 정치, 부채가 안보 위협이 된다: 미국 정보국장" 6280,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turbo Global Partners Announces Name Change of Wholly-owned Subsidiary Alpha Life Foundation, Inc. to Org America?",,"터보 글로벌 파트너스, 자회사 알파 라이프 재단의 이름을 오그 아메리카로 변경한다고 발표하다." 8011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Real Estate FY Profit Rises?,,사우디 부동산 FY 수익 증가 9417,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Norway sees near-record oil, gas output in 2022 as investment rises?",,"UPDATE 1-노르웨이, 투자 증가로 2022년 거의 기록적인 석유 및 가스 생산량 기록" 4174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Titan Co Extends Ambition To Grow Jewellery Business 2.5 Times Its FY 2016-17 Revenues By One More Year?,,"트라이탄, 2016-17 회계연도 수익의 2.5배로 주얼리 사업 성장 목표를 1년 더 연장." 9691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France remembers Charlie Hebdo victims three years after attacks?,,"프랑스, 공격 3년 후 샤를리 에브도 희생자들을 추모하다." 2925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Force India and Sauber withdraw EU complaint?,,"모터 레이싱 - 포스 인디아와 사우버, EU 고소 철회" 962,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wirtek FY Net Profit Rises To DKK 761,000?",,"브리프 - Wirtek FY 순이익이 761,000 DKK로 증가했습니다." 2725,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Decline about Trump and the elites?,,"""트럼프와 엘리트에 대한 감소?""" 1906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Speedskating-Men's team pursuit 8 laps finals results?,,올림픽-스피드스케이팅-남자 팀 추격 8바퀴 결승 결과 873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A blind chart read removes bias on this major stock index-commentary?,,"편향을 제거하는 시각 장애인 차트 읽기, 이 주요 주식 지수에 대한 논평" 6970,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northern Ireland rally calls on Britain's May to ease abortion rules?,,"북아일랜드 집회, 영국의 메이에게 낙태 규제 완화를 촉구" 7755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ahold Delhaize share buyback update?,,아홀드 델하이즈 자사주 매입 업데이트 3019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Olympics-Speedskating-Women's team pursuit 6 laps finals results?,,UPDATE 2-올림픽-스피드 스케이팅-여자 팀 추월 6랩 결승 결과 8799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month?,,"삼성전자, 이달부터 중국 메모리 칩 생산라인 구축 시작한다고 발표" 2144,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia's new deputy PM aims to be a role model for women?,,말레이시아의 새로운 부총리는 여성의 롤모델이 되기를 목표로 한다. 9630,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At Vietnam's biggest corruption trial, some skeptical views?",,"""베트남 최대 부정부패 재판에서, 회의적인 시각도 존재""" 7051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket: Sri Lanka bring back Mathews as limited-overs captain?,,"크리켓: 스리랑카, 제한된 오버 경기 주장으로 마튜스 재소집" 7017,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Senate panel to hold hearing on Sprint T-Mobile merger?,,"미국 상원 위원회, 스프린트-티모바일 합병에 대한 청문회 개최 예정" 7472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cotiviti Announces Fourth and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"코티비티, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 발표" 1591,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-Australian casino boss Packer quits Crown board due to mental illness?,,"호주 카지노 CEO 패커, 정신 질환으로 크라운 이사회 사임" 718,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EQT Corporation Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call?,,"EQT Corporation, 2018년 1분기 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 발표." 6742,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer praises Macy's CEO Jeff Gennette?,,크레이머가 메이시의 CEO 제프 제네트를 칭찬하다. 7831,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In new sanctions, Trump bans buying Venezuelan debt for cash?",,"새로운 제재로, 트럼프는 현금으로 베네수엘라 채무 구매를 금지한다." 3637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lion Rock Group Updates On Unit's Acquisition Of Quarto Shares?,,"브리핑 - 라이온 록 그룹, 자회사 퀘르토 주식 인수에 대한 업데이트 제공" 5145,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ashley Judd sues Weinstein saying he wrecked her career?,,"애슐리 저드, 하비 와인스타인 상대로 그가 자신의 경력을 망쳤다며 소송 제기" 8168,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Freestyle skiing - Huskova wins aerials gold for Belarus?,,"프리스타일 스키 - 후스코바, 벨라루스를 위해 공중묘기 금메달 수상" 5876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rockies edge slumping Nats on Gonzalez's 2 RBIs?,,"로키스, 곤잘레스의 2타점 덕분에 슬럼프에 빠진 내셔널스에 가까스로 승리하다" 4824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bioinvent says intends to issue new shares ‍​?,,"간단히 말해, 바이오인벤트는 신규 주식을 발행할 계획이라고 발표했습니다." 8212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Malaysia's 1MDB unable to repay debts; finance ministry picks PwC for audit?,,"UPDATE 1-말레이시아의 1MDB, 부채 상환 불가; 재무부, 감사에 PwC 선정" 2016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Permira to buy majority stake in cyber security Exclusive Group?,,"BRIEF-페르미라, 사이버 보안 엑스클루시브 그룹의 지분 대다수를 인수할 예정이다." 176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Best sector May to October in midterm years?,,중간선거년 5월부터 10월까지의 최고의 섹터는? 744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tianjin Tianyao Pharmaceuticals signs two API technical development commission contracts worth 3 mln yuan?,,브리프-톈진 티안야오 제약이 300만 위안 상당의 두 개 API 기술 개발 위탁 계약을 체결했다. 4900,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In New York, the Tormented, Triumphant Life of Tennessee Williams?",,"뉴욕에서, 고난과 번영의 테네시 윌리엄스의 삶" 795,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New French firm Orano, formerly called Areva, says uranium price too low to invest in mines?",,프랑스의 새로운 기업 오라노(구 아레바)는 우라늄 가격이 너무 낮아 광산에 투자할 수 없다고 말합니다. 9391,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Between Walmart and Kroger, 500 stores are about to ditch cashiers?",,월마트와 크로거 사이에서 500개 매장이 캐셔를 없애고 곧 변화가 일어날 예정이다. 2699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China LNG Group Applies For Resumption Of Trading In Its Shares On Stock Exchange From 19 Jan 2018​?,,"중국 LNG 그룹, 2018년 1월 19일부터 증권 거래소에서 자사 주식 거래 재개 신청" 3743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FIRST ON CNBC: MEDIA ALERT: CHICAGO FED PRESIDENT CHARLES EVANS TO SPEAK WITH CNBC’S STEVE LIESMAN TOMORROW FRIDAY MARCH 9 AT 8:40AM ET?,,첫 번째로 CNBC 보도: 미디어 알림: 시카고 연방 준비은행 총재 찰스 에반스가 내일 프라이데이 3월 9일 오전 8시 40분 ET에 CNBC의 스티브 리스먼과 대화합니다. 6828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. State Department official to promote military sales at Singapore show?,,미국 국무부 고위 관계자가 싱가포르 행사에서 무기 판매를 촉진할 예정입니다. 8838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Survey of millionaires finds more than half expect to reach 100?,,"백만장자 설문조사, 절반 이상이 100세에 도달할 것으로 예상하는 결과 확인" 1697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Shipping firm MSC stops trade with sanctions-hit Russian entities?,,"UPDATE 1-선박 운송 회사 MSC, 제재 대상인 러시아 기업과의 거래 중단" 2341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Phil Kluesner and Eddie Rymer join Avison Young in Minneapolis?,,필 클루스너와 에디 라이머가 미니애폴리스의 아비손 영에 합류하다. 6195,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Burlington Stores, Inc. Announces First Quarter Fiscal 2018 Earnings Release Date, Conference Call and Webcast?",,"Burlington Stores, Inc.가 2018 회계년도 1분기 실적 발표일, 전화 회의 및 웹캐스트를 발표했습니다." 9039,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's Deneuve denounces #Metoo campaign for 'puritanism'?,,"프랑스의 드누브, '청교도적'인 #미투 캠페인 비난하다" 741,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Judge urges action on '100 percent manmade' opioid crisis?,,판사가 '100% 인위적인' opioid 위기에 대한 조치를 촉구하다 6400,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bluerock Value Exchange Sells Chace Lake DST (1031-Exchange) Investment Property?,,"블루록 가치 교환, 체이스 레이크 DST(1031-교환) 투자 부동산 판매" 9115,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barclays to pay $2 billion U.S. fine over mortgage fraud claims - Justice Department?,,"바클레이스, 주택 담보 대출 사기 주장으로 20억 달러 미국 벌금 지급 - 법무부" 348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Six to 10 people killed in Florida foot bridge collapse - senator?,,플로리다 보행자 교각 붕괴로 6명에서 10명 사망 - 상원 의원 2598,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macron, Merkel lay out anti-Trump strategy in Davos?",,"마크롱, 메르켈, 다보스에서 반 트럼프 전략을 제시하다." 9445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says will take more steps to lower corporate leverage level?,,"중국, 기업 레버리지 수준을 낮추기 위한 추가 조치를 취할 것이라고 밝혀" 4822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan concedes gap with Trump remains on trade framework?,,"일본, 트럼프와의 무역 구조 차이 여전히 존재 인정" 29,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tariffs and US interest rates: Lorenzo Bini Smaghi at China Development Forum?,,"관세와 미국 금리: 론조 비니 스마기, 중국 개발 포럼에서" 368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Three Gorges launches $10.8 billion bid for Portuguese power firm EDP?,,"중국 삼협, 포르투갈 전력 회사 EDP에 대해 108억 달러 검토 제안 발표" 590,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Wasn’t Monday’s Stock Plunge Far Worse??,,월요일의 주가 폭락이 왜 훨씬 더 심각하지 않았던가? 6940,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Video shows Tel Aviv suburb struck by lightning and rain?,,텔아비브 교외에 번개와 비가 내리는 모습이 담긴 영상 3921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Stake Of Aleksander Sierzega In Fat Dog Games Decreases To 13.60%?,,브리프 - 알렉산더 시에르제가 팻 독 게임스에서의 지분이 13.60%로 감소했습니다. 992,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Prospect Capital Purchases $70 mln Of First Lien Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes Issued By Town & Country?,,"간단히 말씀드리면, Prospect Capital이 Town & Country에서 발행한 7천만 달러의 1순위 선순위 담보 변동금리 채권을 매입했습니다." 2582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Appeal could jeopardize CFPB win in landmark tribal sovereignty case?,,"""항소가 중요 원주 민족 자치권 사건에서 CFPB의 승리를 위태롭게 할 수 있다?""" 645,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Avis adds biggest investor's nominees to board slate?,,"UPDATE 1-아비스, 최대 투자자의 지명자를 이사회 후보名单에 추가" 5411,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oci Announces Its Unit, Oci Partners LP, Has Priced Proposed $455 Million Term Loan B Facility?",,BRIEF-Oci는 OCI 파트너스 LP의 자회사인 OCI가 제안된 4억 5천5백만 달러 규모의 텀론 B 시설의 가격을 책정했다고 발표했습니다. 6282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Redan March 2018 Revenue Up 7 Percent YoY?,,"BRIEF-레단, 2018년 3월 수익 7% 증가 전년 대비" 5291,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Heat and pressure turned up for Indy 500?,,모터 레이싱: 인디 500을 위한 열과 압력이 강화되다? 3215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former London mayor Livingstone quits Labour over antisemitism accusations?,,"전 런던 시장 리빙스톤, 반유대주의 혐의로 노동당 탈퇴" 3513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Multiple people injured in Florida high school shooting?,,플로리다 고등학교 총격 사건으로 여러 명 부상. 409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Your Local Mall Operator Is on Sale Near You | Fortune?,,당신의 지역 쇼핑몰 운영자가 당신 근처에 매물로 나왔습니다 | 포춘 9587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-JC Leasehold Property Fund Posts FY ‍Net Profit 195.6 MLN Baht?,,"브리프-JC 리스홀드 부동산 펀드가 FY 순이익 1억 9,560만 바트를 발표했다." 9358,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Banned pregnancy drug tied to ADHD generations later?,,금지된 임신 약물이 ADHD와 연결되어 세대에 걸쳐 영향을 미친다? 5602,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong Exchanges And Clearing Appoints Cha May-Lung, Laura As Chairman?",,"홍콩 거래소 및 청산소, 차 메이룽을 의장으로 임명하다." 7056,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Greenbriar Equity Group Completes Sale Of Ryan Herco Flow Solutions?,,"브리프-그린브라이어 에쿼티 그룹, 라이언 헤르코 플로우 솔루션즈 판매 완료" 2130,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cypress Semiconductor Q1 GAAP Earnings Per Share $0.02?,,"사이프러스 반도체, 1분기 GAAP 주당순이익 $0.02 발표" 1015,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: I don't think GDP matters, says AEI scholar. Here' s why?",,"""내 생각에 GDP는 중요하지 않다, AEI 학자가 말하다. 이유는 다음과 같다.""" 8839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First American Financial Reports First Quarter?,,"퍼스트 아메리칸 파이낸셜, 1분기 실적 보고" 8224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-IMS FY Prelim. Net Profit At 7.8 Million Zlotys?,,브리프 - IMS FY 예비 순익 780만 즈워티. 8133,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Caterpillar Inc Says CEO D. James Umpleby III's FY 2017 SEC Total Compensation Was $14 Million?,,"브리프-캐터필러 Inc는 CEO D. 제임스 엄플비 III의 2017 회계연도 SEC 총 보상이 1,400만 달러였다고 발표했습니다." 2913,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syria, Russia blame Israel for missile strike?",,"시리아와 러시아, 미사일 공격의 원인을 이스라엘로 지목하다." 5968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New U.S. criminal charges filed under seal in Manafort case?,,새로운 미국의 형사 고소가 매너포트 사건에서 비공개로 제출되다 3140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Invitation Homes Announces 2017 Dividend Tax Allocation?,,Invitation Homes가 2017년 배당세 배분을 발표했습니다. 2902,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WEF president: Putin is 'welcome' to visit Davos?,,WEF 회장: 푸틴은 다보스를 방문하는 것을 '환영'한다고 말하다. 6695,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oman central bank eases capital, lending curbs in effort to boost growth?",,"오만 중앙은행, 성장 촉진을 위한 자본 및 대출 규제 완화" 233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What it's like to work at Netflix's dying DVD business?,,넷플릭스의 지금 죽어가는 DVD 사업에서 일하는 느낌은 어떤 것일까? 6605,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook co-founder on his $430 million fortune: 'The only thing we can call it is a lucky break'?,,페이스북 공동 창립자가 4억 3천만 달러의 재산에 대해 말하길: '우리가 그것을 부를 수 있는 유일한 것은 운이 좋았다라는 것입니다.' 8374,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US can be a very competitive place to manufacture in: Electrolux CEO?,,미국은 제조업 경쟁이 매우 치열한 장소가 될 수 있다고: 일렉트로룩스 CEO 1497,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-Dubai underperforms in sluggish region, rate cut boosts Egypt?",,"MIDEAST STOCKS-Dubai underperforms in sluggish region, rate cut boosts Egypt의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: 중동 주식 시장에서 두바이가 부진한 성과를 보이는 가운데, 이집트의 기준 금리 인하가 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있다는 내용입니다." 6221,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Halliburton Company VP, Bill Sanstrom, Joins IronClad Encryption's Advisory Board?",,"할리버튼 회사 부사장 빌 산스트롬, 아이언클래드 암호화 자문 위원회에 합류" 7508,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unwelcome guests: Airbnb, cities battle over illegal short-term rentals?",,"원치 않는 손님: 에어비앤비, 불법 단기 임대 놓고 도시들과 전투 중" 7160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mormon Church Cuts Ties With Boy Scouts Following Recently-Announced Changes?,,"몰몬교회, 최근 발표된 변화에 따라 스카우트 단체와 관계 단절" 2002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chevron shuts North Sea Alba oilfield after power outage?,,"""쉐브런, 전력 중단으로 북해 알바 유전 폐쇄""" 2362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-KNF Allows To Rematerialise Uniwheels' Shares As Of Feb. 20?,,BRIEF-KNF는 2월 20일부터 Uniwheels의 주식을 재물질화할 수 있도록 허용한다고 전했다. 4714,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JA Solar Announces Resignation of Chief Financial Officer?,,"JA 솔라, 최고 재무 책임자 사임 발표" 3464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Suzhou Victory Precision Manufacture buys automation equipment firm?,,브리프 - 쑤저우 빅토리 프리시전 매뉴팩처가 자동화 장비 회사를 인수하다. 7570,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: I'm not a quitter, says UK's May as leadership questions stack up?",,"""나는 포기하지 않는 사람입니다,"" 라고 리더십 질문이 쌓여가는 가운데 UK's May가 말했습니다." 355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DTN to Acquire Energy Management Institute?,,DTN이 에너지 관리 연구소를 인수할 예정입니다. 4369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI says it did not properly follow-up tip on accused Florida shooter?,,FBI는 플로리다 총격범에 대한 제보를 제대로 후속 조사하지 않았다고 밝혔습니다. 7686,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cryptocurrencies still have a problem that is a 'big deal,' Fed's Bullard says?",,"""암호화폐는 여전히 '중대한 문제'를 안고 있다고 연준의 불라드가 말했습니다.""" 1283,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea Brings Pop Singer to Talks With South?,,"북한, 남한과의 회담에 팝 가수 동반" 6941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taiwan warns its firms to be wary as China grants greater access?,,"대만, 중국의 보다 큰 접근 허용에 대해 자국 기업들에게 경계할 것을 경고하다." 7519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aileron Therapeutics Announces Changes to Management?,,"아일러론 치료제, 경영진 변경 발표" 3566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ryanair recognises Italy pilots union in major breakthrough?,,"라이언에어, 주요 돌파구에서 이탈리아 조종사 노조 인정" 9307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: U.S. winners and losers from trade tit-for-tat?,,사실상: 무역 보복에서 미국의 승자와 패자 6801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Cipla Gets U.S. FDA Nod For Generic Viread Tablets?,,BRIEF-인도의 Cipla가 미국 FDA로부터 제네릭 Viread 정제 승인을 받았다. 5015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Genesee & Wyoming Announces Q1 2018 Financial Release Conference Call and Webcast?,,"제네시 & 와이오밍, 2018년 1분기 재무 발표 회의 전화 및 웹캐스트 일정 발표" 3959,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Speedy Hire sees full-year profit ahead of expectations?,,"영국의 스피디 하이어, 연간 이익이 예상보다 높게 나올 것으로 보인다." 512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Seasoned Scientific Experts and Strategic Pharmaceutical Industry Veterans Join Cerenis’ Scientific Advisory Board in Oncology?,,경험이 풍부한 과학 전문가들과 전략적 제약 산업 베테랑들이 세레니스의 종양학 과학 자문위원회에 합류하다. 8142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lundbeck to buy Parkinson's drug developer in potential $1.1 billion deal?,,"룬드벡, 11억 달러 규모의 파킨슨병 치료제 개발업체 인수 추진" 9784,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Glenmark Pharma Gets Permission From CDSCO For Phase IIb Dose Range Finding Study For GRC 27864?,,"브리프 - 글렌마크 제약, GRC 27864에 대한 2b상 도즈 범위 탐색 연구를 위해 CDSCO로부터 허가 받음." 8315,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blown Southwest jet engine showed ‘metal fatigue: NTSB?,,"""풍선이 터진 남서쪽 제트 엔진에서 '금속 피로'가 발견됐다: NTSB""" 9666,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Facebook's Zuckerberg will not answer UK lawmakers' questions over data scandal?,,"UPDATE 2-페이스북의 마크 저커버그, 데이터 스캔들에 관한 영국 의원들의 질문에 답하지 않기로 결정" 3581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IPL Scoreboard?,,IPL 스코어보드? 6310,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Personal injury lawsuit stayed by Puerto Rico's lack of insurance?,,푸에르토리코의 보험 부족으로 개인 상해 소송이 중단되었다. 2640,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Private Trades in Spotify Shares to Play Key Role in Upcoming Debut?,,스포티파이 주식의 비공식 거래가 다가오는 데뷔에서 핵심 역할을 할 것으로 보인다. 8062,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Berkshire Partners Reports 13.6 Pct Passive Stake In National Vision?,,"브리핑 - 버크셔 파트너스, 내셔널 비전에서 13.6%의 소극적 지분 보고" 5809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big Lots To Broadcast Fourth Quarter 2017 Conference Call?,,"빅 롯트, 2017년 4분기 컨퍼런스 콜 방송 예정" 3412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy dancing with the 5-Stars but vote inconclusive?,,"이탈리아, 5스타당과 함께 춤추지만 투표는 결론을 내리지 못해" 1135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Afghan pioneer of female soccer inspires Mexican street kids for their World Cup?,,"""아프간 여성 축구의 선구자가 멕시코 거리 아이들을 월드컵을 위해 영감을 주다""" 7497,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg: I'm responsible for what happens with Facebook?,,저는 페이스북에서 일어나는 일에 대한 책임이 있습니다. 2684,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PM Abe says Japan automakers contributing to U.S. economy?,,"아베 총리, 일본 자동차 산업이 미국 경제에 기여하고 있다고 말하다." 6432,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bulls bet on UPS, this retailer?",,"""Bulls bet on UPS, this retailer""라는 제목의 뉴스 기사는 어떤 내용을 다룰까요?" 1027,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Thailand's Saha Pathanapibul Says Expects 2018 Sales Up 9 Percent To 34.2 Billion Baht?,,태국의 사하 파타나피불이 2018년 매출이 9% 증가한 342억 바트에 이를 것으로 예상한다고 발표했습니다. 4958,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greece, lenders resume talks on final bailout review?",,"그리스, 채권자들이 최종 bailout 검토에 대한 대화를 재개하다." 2923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jaya Tiasa Holdings Updates On Jan Production Figures?,,"브리프-자야 티아사 홀딩스, 1월 생산 수치 업데이트" 8942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Annual financial results 2017; Bosch expands activities in North America?,,"연간 재무 결과 2017; 보쉬, 북미에서 활동 확대" 9853,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Energy Appoints John Pippy as Chief Strategy Officer?,,"미국 에너지, 존 피피를 최고 전략 책임자로 임명하다." 4371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese authorities scramble to censor #MeToo in China?,,"중국 당국, 중국 내 #MeToo 검열에 총력을 기울이다" 4806,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cadillac kicks off lineup revamp with $36,000 XT4 crossover?",,"캐딜락, 36,000달러 XT4 크로스오버로 라인업 개편 시작" 9375,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: John Kelly Says Resignation of Top Aide Rob Porter Was Mishandled?,,"존 켈리, 최고 보좌관 롭 포터의 사퇴가 잘못 처리되었다고 말하다?" 8346,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europeans scramble to save Iran deal after Trump reneges?,,유럽인들이 트럼프가 약속을 저버린 후 이란 핵 거래를 구하기 위해 분주하다. 7278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It’s ‘cowardly’ not to take a stand on gun control: Yale management guru?,,총기 규제에 대해 입장을 내지 않는 것은 '비겁한' 일이다: 예일 경영 전문가? 7667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Things could be really positive if gold breaks above this level?,,금이 이 수준을 넘어서면 긍정적인 상황이 펼쳐질 수 있다. 999,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Klopp admits Liverpool needed luck to overcome Roma?,,클롭은 리버풀이 로마를 이기기 위해 운이 필요했다고 인정했다. 2631,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jason Bateman Apologizes for Being ‘Insensitive’ to Co-Star Jessica Walter in ‘Arrested Development’ Interview?,,"제이슨 베이텀, '아레스티드 디벨로프먼트' 인터뷰에서 동료 제시카 월터에게 '무신경'했던 것 사과." 5028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. 30-year mortgage rates hit 4-year high - Freddie Mac?,,미국 30년 모기지 금리가 4년 만에 최고치에 도달했다 - 프레디 맥 982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tekla Healthcare Opportunities Fund Declares Monthly Cash Distribution?,,"텍라 헬스케어 기회 펀드, 월간 현금 배당금 선언" 3005,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Shares fall on Italian turmoil, euro near 6-1/2 mth lows?",,"글로벌 시장 - 이탈리아 혼란으로 주가 하락, 유로 6개월 반 최저치 근처" 9734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Billionaire investor Carl Icahn on market volatility?,,"억만장자 투자자 칼 아이칸, 시장 변동성에 대해" 2554,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Pope performs miracle, rejects comparisons to Warne?",,"크리켓-포프, 기적을 행하며 워른과의 비교 거부" 4273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Veritas Pharma Completes the 100% Takeover of Cannevert Therapeutics?,,"베리타스 파마, 칸네버트 테라퓨틱스 100% 인수 완료" 604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Live Oak Bancshares Names Huntley Garriott as President of Live Oak Bank?,,"라이브 오크 뱅크, 헌틀리 가리엇을 라이브 오크 뱅크의 사장으로 임명" 7681,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Market Close?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 시장 마감 1308,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lincoln Tunnel Bus Crash Leaves 32 Injured?,,링컨 터널 버스 사고로 32명 부상. 6546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - JEM?,,IIROC 거래 중단 / JEM의 OCRCVM에 의한 거래 중단 6059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Agora Reaches Agreement Regarding Job Cuts In Its Druk Segment?,,"브리프-아고라, 드룩 부문에서 일자리 감축에 관한 협의 도달" 3820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aimco Reports Q1 Adjusted FFO Per Share $0.54?,,BRIEF-Aimco가 1분기 조정된 FFO 주당 $0.54를 보고했습니다. 9667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hawaiian Airlines CEO: Vast majority of Hawaii tourism infrastructure ‘open for business’?,,하와이안 항공 CEO: 하와이 관광 인프라의 대다수는 '영업 중'입니다. 7323,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zimbabwe opposition leader wants to give China investors the boot?,,"짐바브웨 반대당 지도자, 중국 투자자 퇴출 원해" 2206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany warns against premature reactions to U.S. tariff threat?,,"독일, 미국의 관세 위협에 대한 조급한 반응을 경고하다" 6004,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spire Announces Public Offering Of 2 Mln Shares Of Common Stock?,,"스파이어, 200만 주의 보통주 공개 매각 발표" 446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Old river gives new hope for traveling refugees?,,오래된 강이 여행하는 난민들에게 새로운 희망을 안겨준다? 3127,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexican finance minister, Pemex chief to meet investors in New York?",,멕시코 재무장관과 페멕스 최고경영자가 뉴욕에서 투자자들과 만난다. 4765,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed releases Beige Book?,,"연준, 베이지북 발표" 6134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pronouns matter: SDNY judge opts for plurals in case with genderqueer plaintiff?,,대명사는 중요하다: SDNY 판사가 성queer 원고가 있는 사건에서 복수형 사용을 선택하다. 1052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China soybean imports in Feb lowest since Oct 2016?,,"중국의 2월 대두 수입, 2016년 10월 이후 최저치" 4488,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Xerox-Fujifilm deal should have been changed long ago -Icahn?,,"UPDATE 3 - 이카언, 제록스-후지필름 거래는 오래전 변경되어야 했다." 3229,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Barclays CEO fined $870,000 for trying to identify whistleblower?",,"UPDATE 1-바클레이스 CEO, 내부고발자 신원을 파악하려다 87만 달러 벌금 부과받음" 2027,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SBM Offshore First Quarter Trading Update?,,SBM 오프쇼어 1분기 거래 업데이트 859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EU health agency imposes temporary restrictions on Richter's Esmya medicine?,,브리프-유럽연합 보건당국이 리히터의 에스미야 약물에 대해 임시 제한 조치를 시행하다 480,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Three bombs rock Myanmar's northwestern city Sittwe, policeman injured?",,"미얀마 북서부 도시 싯웨에서 세 차례 폭탄이 폭발, 경찰관 부상." 867,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A ‘little bit of juice left’ for Chevron and Exxon ahead of earnings, says market watcher?",,"""시장 관찰자가 말하길, 셰브론과 엑슨의 수익 발표를 앞두고 '조금의 여력'이 남아 있다.""" 7573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rolta India Dec Qtr Consol Profit Rises?,,브리프-로타 인디아 12월 분기 연결 이익 증가 5603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Atakule REIT FY 2017 Net Loss Shrinks To 16.0 Million Lira?,,"간략-Atakule REIT의 2017 회계연도 순손실이 1,600만 리라로 축소됨." 598,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Debatable that retail volatility products have a real purpose, says market expert?",,"시장 전문가 ""소매 변동성 상품이 진정한 목적을 가지고 있는지에 대해서는 논란이 있다""" 6697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia central bank warns over cryptocurrencies?,,"인도네시아 중앙은행, 암호화폐에 대한 경고 발언" 1522,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's how much Americans think successful people earn?,,"""미국인들이 성공한 사람들이 얼마를 버는지 생각하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.""" 7348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman predicts rise in payments M&A in 2018?,,"골드만, 2018년 결제 M&A 증가 예측" 5445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Commerce Bancshares Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.92?,,브리프-커머스 뱅크샤어스 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.92 3898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: We can get 3% growth but it's a one-hit wonder: JP Morgan strategist?,,"""우리는 3% 성장을 달성할 수 있지만, 이는 일회성 현상이다: JP 모건 전략가""" 6040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett says Berkshire Hathaway has sold completely out of IBM?,,"워렌 버핏, 버크셔 해서웨이가 완전히 IBM 주식을 매각했다고 말하다." 6827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Booking Holdings to Webcast First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 9?,,"부킹 홀딩스, 5월 9일 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 실시간 방송 예정" 1387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harvey Weinstein 'Casting Couch' statue unveiled ahead of Oscars?,,"하비 와인스타인 '캐스팅 캐치' 동상, 오스카 시상식 전 공개" 5054,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mitt Romney, a frequent Trump critic, will run for Senate in Utah?",,"미트 롬니, 트럼프의 잦은 비판자로 유타에서 상원 출마 의사 밝혀" 3774,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: For $16,000 this robot will fold your laundry, but not your socks?",,"$16,000에 이 로봇이 당신의 빨래를 개어줄 수 있지만, 양말은 개지 않습니다." 7048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AbbVie First-Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,AbbVie 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 4006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Film at Berlin fest examines how Islamic State jihadists recruit European brides?,,"""베를린 영화제에서 이슬람 국가 지하드 전사들이 유럽 신부를 모집하는 방법을 다룬 영화""" 5729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ACG Group Appoints Steven Facer as VP of Europe?,,"ACG 그룹, 스티븐 파서를 유럽 부사장으로 임명" 986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dalradian reports 2017 results with year-end cash of $138 million?,,"달라리안, 2017년 실적 발표 - 연말 현금 1억 3천8백만 달러 기록" 273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Infibeam Incorporation Gets Letter Of Award From National Skill Development Corporation?,,"브리프-인피빔 인코퍼레이션, 국가 기술 개발 공사로부터 수상 통지서 수령" 3359,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Itfor buys back 800,000 shares for 667.2 mln yen?",,브리프-이토포가 667.2억 엔에 80만 주를 매입한다. 9869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin: The Rise of the Regulators?,,비트코인: 규제당국의 등장 192,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan tax agency head intends to resign - Kyodo?,,"일본 세무청장, 사퇴 의사 밝혀 - 교도통신" 5918,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: I'm not worried about the fate of the euro in Italy, says Peter Boockvar?",,"""이탈리아에서 유로의 운명에 대해 걱정하지 않는다, 피터 부크바르 말해.""" 3791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Never Believe This: ‘I Don’t Want Anything for Mother’s Day’?,,절대 믿지 마세요: ‘나는 어머니의 날에 아무것도 원하지 않아요’ 9142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of England to keep rates steady after market U-turn?,,"영국 은행, 시장 반전 이후 금리를 그대로 유지하기로 결정" 1728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Births Hit Lowest Number Since 1987?,,"미국의 출생아 수, 1987년 이후 최저치 기록" 8537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Detsky Mir Q4 Group Unaudited Revenue Up 19.8% Versus Year Ago?,,Detsky Mir의 4분기 그룹 비감사 수익 1년 전 대비 19.8% 증가 4202,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hot weekend to boost growth of U.S. Midwest corn, soy crops?",,"뜨거운 주말, 미국 중서부 옥수수와 대두 작물 성장 촉진할 것" 223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blues' last-minute loss to Blackhawks sends L.A. to playoffs?,,블루스의 마지막 순간 패배가 블랙호크스에 직결되어 L.A.를 플레이오프로 보낸다. 9624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-SoftBank invests $2.25 bln in GM's self-driving cars; shares soar?,,"UPDATE 3-소프트뱅크, GM 자율주행차에 22억5000만 달러 투자; 주가 급등" 8506,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian opposition will work with Sochi proposal under U.N. auspices: chief negotiator?,,"시리아 야당, 유엔 주관 하에 소치 제안과 협력할 것: 수석 협상가" 1552,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Societe Generale show interest in Commerzbank unit -Handelsblatt?",,"골드만삭스, 바클레이스, 소시에테제네랄, 코메르츠방크 유닛에 관심을 보이다 - 한델스블라트" 333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy - Factors to watch on Feb. 8?,,이탈리아 - 2월 8일 주목할 요소들? 882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart announces 77% stake in India’s Flipkart?,,"월마트, 인도 플립카트에서 77% 지분 인수 발표" 4241,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bankrupt M&G selling W. Virginia, Ohio sites to Indorama Ventures?",,파산한 M&G가 인도라마 벤처스를 위해 서부 버지니아와 오하이오의 장소를 판매한다. 6959,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade war concerns hit shares, overshadow China data?",,무역 전쟁 우려가 주식에 타격을 주며 중국 데이터가 가려졌다. 2709,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hyundai India Exec Says Co Will Launch Nine Products In Country By 2020?,,"브리프 - 현대차 인도 경영진, 회사가 2020년까지 인도에서 아홉 가지 제품 출시할 것이라고 말함." 5124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gulfport Energy Corporation to Sell its 25% Interest in Strike Force Midstream LLC for $175 Million?,,"걸프포트 에너지 공사, 스트라이크 포스 미드스트림 LLC의 25% 지분을 1억 7500만 달러에 판매하기로 결정" 8935,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TruckThat Consolidates Services, Acquires Several ONE20 Entities?",,트럭이 서비스를 통합하며 여러 ONE20 기업을 인수하다. 8347,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After-hours buzz: EXPE, FEYE, NVDA, ZG & more?",,"애프터 아워즈 버즈: EXPE, FEYE, NVDA, ZG 및 기타 사항들" 4845,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's TMK halts IPO of U.S. unit due to ""adverse market""?",,"러시아 TMK, ""불리한 시장""으로 인해 미국 자회사 상장 중단" 1032,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This 24-year-old hosts one of NYC's most exclusive supper clubs — and he started it in his dorm room?,,"이 24세 청년은 뉴욕에서 가장 독점적인 저녁 식사 클럽 중 하나를 운영하고 있으며, 그는 그것을 기숙사 방에서 시작했다." 8145,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. death rates falling, but health gains bypassing some states?",,"미국의 사망률은 감소하고 있지만, 건강 개선은 일부 주를 비껴가고 있다." 1182,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets get friend in Larry Kudlow who might buck Trump on 2 key issues?,,"""시장에 친구가 생겼다, 트럼프와 두 가지 주요 이슈에서 갈등할 가능성이 있는 라리 커들로""" 7566,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Before the Olympics, Adam Rippon was living in his coach's basement?",,"올림픽 이전, 아담 리폰은 그의 코치의 지하실에 살고 있었다?" 4122,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Superior Gold Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Production Results?,,"슈페리어 골드 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 생산 결과 발표" 7029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Erdogan hints Turkey may ban some Israeli goods because of Gaza violence - media?,,"에르도안, 가자 폭력 때문에 터키가 일부 이스라엘 상품을 금지할 수 있다고 암시 - 언론" 4330,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey rejects U.S., French calls for Afrin ceasefire in Syria?",,"터키, 시리아 아프린에서의 휴전 요구를 거부하다 - 미국과 프랑스의 요청" 8684,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FTSE helped by weaker pound; Shire, Virgin get takeover boost | Reuters?",,FTSE는 약세 파운드로 도움을 받고; Shire와 Virgin은 인수 소식에 힘을 얻다 | 로이터 18,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chile’s Catholic Bishops Offer to Resign En Masse Over Sex Abuse?,,"칠레 가톨릭 주교들, 성폭력 사건으로 집단 사임 제안" 730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon.com to Webcast Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results Conference Call?,,"아마존.com, 2017년 4분기 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 웹캐스트 예정" 6619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street to open higher as U.S.-China trade war fears ease?,,"월스트리트, 미-중 무역 전쟁 우려 완화로 상승 출발 예상" 5200,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WH says ""sign of goodwill"" if N. Korea released Americans?",,"""미국, 북한이 미국인 석방할 경우 '선의의 표시'라고 언급""" 2712,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Employment Trends Index Rose in April?,,4월에 고용 동향 지수가 상승했습니다. 8553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia pushes for Southeast Asian patrols of disputed waters?,,"인도네시아, 분쟁 수역의 동남아시아 순찰 촉구" 924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Sudan military officers may have committed war crimes: U.N.?,,남수단 군 장교들이 전쟁 범죄를 저질렀을 가능성이 있다: 유엔 3282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RLI Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Results?,,"RLI, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고서 발표" 7951,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German carmakers in a spin ahead of diesel ban ruling?,,디젤 금지 판결을 앞두고 혼란에 빠진 독일 자동차 제조업체들 2996,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Onemain Says Co Entered Into Share Purchase Agreement With Springleaf Financial Holdings, OMH Holdings?",,"BRIEF-Onemain은 Springleaf Financial Holdings, OMH Holdings와 주식 매매 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다." 8320,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South African budget to set out ""tough"" measures to repair post-Zuma economy?",,"남아프리카 공화국 예산, '주누 이후 경제 회복을 위한' ""엄격한"" 조치들 제시할 예정" 7110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syria faces 2 mln lawsuits over lost and damaged property - experts?,,"시리아, 손실 및 파손된 재산에 대해 200만 건의 소송에 직면 - 전문가들" 5489,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sky Perfect JSAT Agrees To Invest $4.5 Mln In KVH?,,"브리프-스카이 퍼펙트 JSAT, KVH에 450만 달러 투자하기로 합의" 6955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. judge blocks Trump move to end DACA programme for immigrants?,,미국 판사가 이민자들을 위한 DACA 프로그램 종료를 위한 트럼프의 움직임을 차단했다. 6124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Heathrow Director Of Treasury Efiong To Leave At July-End​?,,"브리프 - 히드로우 재무 이사 에피옹, 7월 말 퇴사 예정" 2162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canadian General Investments: Investment Update - Unaudited?,,캐나다 일반 투자: 투자 업데이트 - 감사되지 않음 2813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Littlewoods Pensions Scheme completes 880 million pound bulk annuity deal?,,"리틀우즈 연금 계획, 8억8000만 파운드 규모의 대량 연금 거래 완료" 1377,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House: President stands ready to help, but shutdown is a crisis manufactured by Democrats?",,"백악관: 대통령은 기꺼이 도와줄 준비가 되어 있지만, 셧다운은 민주당이 만들어낸 위기다." 7176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart holiday-quarter profit drops?,,월마트의 휴가 분기 이익 감소 8770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monetary Reform Would Rebalance Trade?,,통화 개혁이 무역을 재조정할 것이다? 7586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump jokes Dow 30K could be next. Here’s how we get there?,,"트럼프, 다우지수 3만 포인트 희화화 ""여기서 어떻게 가느냐?""" 2711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mevion Receives 510(k) Clearance for HYPERSCAN Pencil Beam Scanning?,,Mevion이 HYPERSCAN 펜슬 빔 스캐닝에 대해 510(k) 승인을 받았습니다. 9046,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ipsidy Announces Results for Year Ended December 31, 2017?",,Ipsidy는 2017년 12월 31일 종료된 연도의 결과를 발표했습니다. 9260,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BMC Stock Holdings, Inc. Appoints Cory J. Boydston to its Board of Directors?",,"BMC 스톡 홀딩스, Inc. Cory J. Boydston을 이사회의 이사로 임명하다" 1624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gay man says pope told him: 'God made you this way' - paper?,,게이 남성이 교황이 자신에게 '하느님은 당신을 이렇게 만드셨습니다'라고 말했다고 전했다 - 신문 9288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emirates places provisional order for 20 Airbus A380s?,,"에미레이트 항공, 20대의 에어버스 A380 기종에 대한 잠정 주문 발표" 8243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's Eletrobras hires Hogan Lovells to resolve U.S. class action lawsuits?,,"브라질의 엘레트로브라스, 미국 집단소송 해결을 위해 호건 로빌스 고용" 6771,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trencor Says Textainer And Halco Entered Into Voting Limitation Deed?,,"브리프 - 트렌코르, 텍스테이너와 할코가 투표 제한 계약을 체결했다고 발표." 3311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Silicon Valley legend on the future of bitcoin and blockchain?,,실리콘밸리 전설의 비트코인과 블록체인의 미래에 대한 의견 2489,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Newsphone Hellas FY 2017 Net Profit At EUR 0.3 MLN?,,브리핑-뉴스폰 헬라스 2017 회계연도 순이익 30만 유로 달성 3908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hemfosa Fastigheter: Caroline Arehult New CEO?,,헤므포사 패스트기터: 캐롤라인 아레헐트가 신임 CEO로 취임 9579,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-‍Cabot Microelectronics Declares Cash Dividend Of $0.40/Shr​?,,"브리핑-카보트 마이크로일렉트로닉스, 주당 $0.40 현금 배당 선언" 3360,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RWK Services Acquires Twin City Maintenance Team?,,"RWK 서비스, 트윈 시티 유지 보수 팀 인수" 8669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: コムキャスト、21世紀フォックス買収へ準備進める - WSJ?,,"코ム캐스트, 21세기 폭스 인수 준비를 진행 중 - WSJ" 7462,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Primero Extends Revolving Credit Facility to Facilitate Closing of Arrangement With First Majestic?,,"프리메로, 퍼스트 마제스틱과의 협약 체결을 지원하기 위해 회전 신용 시설 연장" 6286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade war relief rally lifts European stocks?,,무역 전쟁 완화 랠리가 유럽 주식을 끌어올리다. 9813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy 5-yr CDS jump to 7-week high of 102 bps?,,이탈리아 5년 CDS가 7주 만에 최고치인 102bp로 급등하다. 362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Countrywide Says FY Income To Fall To About 672 Mln Stg?,,브리프-컨트리와이드가 FY 수익이 약 6억 7200만 파운드로 감소할 것이라고 전함. 209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kuwait's Aayan Real Estate Posts FY Loss?,,"브리프 - 쿠웨이트의 아얀 부동산, 회계연도 손실 발표" 4864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Cargill profit falls as grain glut limits trading?,,"UPDATE 2-카길, 곡물 과잉으로 거래 제한되며 이익 감소" 5921,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Iran enforces unified currency rate, sets limit for forex holdings outside banks?",,"UPDATE 1-이란, 통합 환율을 시행하고 은행 외 외환 보유 한도를 설정하다." 1212,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Heineken optimistic on NAFTA revamp, opens new Mexico brewery?",,"하이네켄, NAFTA 개정에 대한 낙관적인 전망과 함께 새로운 멕시코 양조장 개장" 7219,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel visits Trump without illusions, but with hope?",,"메르켈, 환상 없이 그러나 희망을 가지고 트럼프를 방문하다." 8894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Flowers Foods Says Issued Trade Notice Informing Some Third-Party Customers Of Voluntary Recall Of Unbaked Frozen Biscuits?,,"브리프 - 플라워스 푸드, 일부 제3자 고객에게 자발적인 냉동 비스킷 회수 통지 발송했다고 발표." 283,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy competition watchdog extends broadband probe into Telecom Italia?,,"이탈리아 경쟁 당국, 텔레콤 이탈리아에 대한 브로드밴드 조사 확대" 5052,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-How United States, others regulate autonomous vehicle testing?",,미국과 기타 국가들이 자율주행 차량 테스트를 규제하는 방법에 대한 사실 정리 5030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Northern Power Systems Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"노던 파워 시스템즈, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 보고" 8366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St ends down 2 pct as trade worries mount?,,"미국 주식 - 무역 우려가 커지면서 월가, 2% 하락 마감" 6287,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US yield curve might invert by next year, says economist?",,내년까지 미국의 금리 곡선이 역전될 것이라고 경제학자가 말했습니다. 1,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Finish Line Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"피니시 라인, 분기 현금 배당금 발표" 5119,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Traders buy cryptocurrency for free after a glitch caused exchange to price coins at $0?,,트레이더들이 거래소의 오류로 인해 코인을 $0에 가격이 책정되자 무료로 암호화폐를 구매했다. 9834,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Italy's bond market bounces back, gets thumbs-up from big Japanese investor?",,"UPDATE 2-이탈리아 채권 시장 반등, 대형 일본 투자자로부터 긍정적인 평가 받아" 5567,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: We are about creating platforms, Alphabet CFO says?",,우리는 플랫폼을 만드는 것에 대해 이야기하고 있다고 알파벳 CFO가 말했습니다. 7457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dantax July-Dec Operating Profit Rises To DKK 4.1 ‍​Million?,,Dantax의 7월-12월 운영 이익이 410만 DKK로 증가했다는 간략 보도. 5085,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Violence in Nigeria's swing states could cost Buhari votes?,,"""나이지리아의 경합주에서의 폭력 사태가 부하리의 투표에 영향을 미칠 수 있다.""" 1140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intrum CEO: 6 out of 10 European firms forced to accept late payments?,,Intrum CEO: 6개 유럽 기업 중 10개가 지연된 지불을 받아들일 수밖에 없다? 6699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Emerald Expositions Says Board Elected Lisa Klinger As Independent Class II Director?,,"브리프 - 에메랄드 엑스포지션즈, 리사 클링거를 독립 클래스 II 이사로 선출했다고 발표." 9166,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aaron's, Inc. Reports Results?",,"Aaron's, Inc.의 실적 발표" 4178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Lebanese dollar reserves recover from last year's crisis?,,"UPDATE 2-레바논 달러 예비금, 지난해 위기에서 회복하다" 3732,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump should not ‘make nice’ at Davos, but he should act presidential?",,"트럼프는 다보스에서 '좋게 지내려고' 하지 말아야 하지만, 대통령답게 행동해야 한다." 1332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Australia's Oil Search cuts 2018 production forecast after PNG quake; Q1 revenue falls?,,"UPDATE 1-호주의 오일 서치, PNG 지진 이후 2018년 생산 전망 하향 조정; 1분기 수익 감소" 1946,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Humor, Rivalry and Billions of Dollars: A Brief History of Super Bowl Ads?",,"유머, 경쟁, 그리고 수십억 달러: 슈퍼볼 광고의 간략한 역사?" 7104,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-Tesla sticks by Model 3 target, warns spending could rise in 2018?",,"UPDATE 4-테슬라, 모델 3 목표를 고수하며 2018년 지출 증가 경고" 6454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scythian Biosciences Announces 4-For-1 Stock Split Appointment of Vic Neufeld as New Chairman of the Board of Directors?,,"스키타이 바이오사이언스, 4대 1 주식 분할 발표 및 빅 뇨펠드 신임 이사회 의장 임명" 756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart agrees to buy majority stake in Flipkart for $16 billion?,,"월마트, 160억 달러에 플립카트 대다수 지분 인수 합의" 4605,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How the timing of your Social Security check impacts your financial health?,,당신의 사회 보장 수표 수령 시기가 재정 건강에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 6705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spanish stocks - Factors to watch on Thursday?,,스페인 주식 - 목요일에 주목해야 할 요소들 585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Evofem Announces Closing Of Merger With Neothetics?,,"Evofem, Neothetics와의 합병 완료 발표" 7002,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Community Bankers Trust Q4 Loss Per Share $0.03?,,"간략히 - 커뮤니티 뱅커스 트러스트, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.03 발생." 6311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bahraini exile campaigns against crackdown in Gulf island state?,,바레인 망명자가 걸프 섬 국가에서의 탄압에 반대하는 캠페인을 벌인다. 5681,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Futures Now, February 13, 2018?",,"""선물시장 지금, 2018년 2월 13일""" 2593,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon advertising push no threat to Google's search business: Analyst?,,아마존의 광고 추진이 구글의 검색 사업에 위협이 되지 않는다고 분석가가 전했다. 9559,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. weighs Pakistani blowback as it piles pressure on Islamabad?,,"미국, 이슬라마바드에 압박을 가하며 파키스탄의 반발 검토" 6586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Shares in WPP slump on weak 2017 results and nervous 2018 outlook?,,UPDATE 2-2017년 실적 부진과 2018년 전망 불안으로 WPP 주가 급락 7411,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lida Optical & Electronic sees FY 2018 H1 net profit up 50 pct to 100 pct?,,BRIEF-Lida Optical & Electronic이 2018 회계연도 상반기 순이익이 50%에서 100% 증가할 것으로 예상함. 7883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Czech Republic - Factors To Watch on April 12?,,체코 공화국 - 4월 12일 주목해야 할 요인들 1299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Internet Association to join expected net neutrality lawsuit?,,"인터넷 협회, 예상되는 넷 중립성 소송에 참여하기로 결정" 4318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The pain hustlers insys therapeutics paid millions to doctors?,,인슐린 제제 회사인 인시스 테라퓨틱스가 의사들에게 수백만 달러를 지급했다는 고통 밀매꾼에 관한 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까? 9422,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tiffany's Americas holiday same-store sales up 6 pct, raises FY forecast?",,"티파니, 아메리카스 홀리데이 동일점포 매출 6% 증가, 연간 전망 상향 조정" 6100,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Energy Minister says Saudi Aramco could go public this year, but waiting for optimal time?",,"사우디 에너지 장관, 사우디 아람코가 올해 상장할 수 있지만 최적의 시간을 기다리고 있다고 말하다." 3802,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of Korea keeps interest rates unchanged?,,"한국은행, 금리 동결 결정" 3276,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GRAINS-Wheat, corn hit multimonth highs; soy stages late rally?",,"GRAINS-밀과 옥수수, 여러 달 만에 최고치 도달; 대두, 늦은 반등 시사" 2531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PAVmed Announces Pricing of Firm Commitment Common Stock Offering?,,"PAVmed, 확약된 보통주 공모 가격 발표" 477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What’s News: Business & Finance?,,뉴스: 비즈니스 및 금융은 어떤 내용일까요? 5849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Costamare Inc Files For Mixed Shelf Of Upto $500 Mln?,,"브리프 - 코스타마레 주식회사, 최대 5억 달러의 혼합 선반 등록 신청." 4270,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: More than 90 Nigerian schoolgirls missing after Boko Haram attack - sources?,,보코하람 공격 후 90명 이상의 나이지리아 여학생이 실종 - 소식통 1391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Russian court freezes Vozrozhdenie shares as PSB pursues funds?,,"UPDATE 1-러시아 법원, PSB가 자금을 추적함에 따라 Vozrozhdenie 주식 동결" 8830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Takeda global ambitions grow after Shire takeover?,,다케다의 글로벌 야망이 샤이어 인수 후 커지고 있다. 4165,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nuggets stay in postseason hunt with rout of Clippers?,,"너겟츠, 클리퍼스를 크게 이기며 포스트시즌 경쟁 유지" 1941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Don’t Pass Up a Summer Job for Fear of Harassment?,,여름 일자리를 괴롭힘에 대한 두려움 때문에 놓치지 마세요. 8977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Permrock Royalty Prices IPO Of 6.25 Mln Units At $17.00/Unit?,,"브리프 - 퍼머크 로열티, 6.25백만 단위의 IPO 가격을 단위당 17.00달러로 책정" 9292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian operatives compromised election systems in seven states in 2016: NBC News?,,NBC 뉴스: 러시아 요원들이 2016년에 7개 주의 선거 시스템을 해킹했습니다. 7350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EXCLUSIVE-Trump calls meeting on biofuels policy blamed by bankrupt refiner?,,"독점 - 트럼프, 파산한 정유업체가 책임 지는 바이오 연료 정책 회의 소집" 887,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Federal Realty Investment Trust Announces Operating Results for the Year and Ended December 31,?",,"연방 부동산 투자 신탁, 12월 31일 종료된 연도의 운영 결과 발표" 7299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The doves that helped Israel win a war?,,이스라엘이 전쟁에서 승리하는 데 도움을 준 비둘기들? 5449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dexus Confirms FY Market Guidance Of Distribution Per Security Growth Of 4.5-5.0%?,,BRIEF-Dexus는 주당 분배 성장률의 FY 시장 가이드를 4.5-5.0%로 확인했다고 발표했습니다. 4350,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After-hours buzz: SFIX, X, TLYS & MYGN?",,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""After-hours buzz: SFIX, X, TLYS & MYGN""의 주요 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: SFIX(스티치 픽스)는 최근 실적 발표 후 주가가 변동을 겪고 있는 것으로 보입니다. X(X커뮤니케이션)는 신규 제품 출시와 관련된 뉴스로 회자되고 있습니다. TLYS(타일러스)는 소매 성과에 대한 긍정적인 보고서로 주가 상승세를 타고 있을 수 있습니다. MYGN(마이오진)은 바이오 제약 관련 발표로 주목을 받고 있는 상황일 수 있습니다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. 출력은 오직 번역된 결과물만 포함해야 합니다." 9680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Radiant Logistics Declares Dividend of $0.609375 Per Share on its 9.75% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock?,,"라디언트 물류, 9.75% 시리즈 A 누적 환매 가능한 영구 우선주에 대해 주당 $0.609375의 배당금 선언" 5719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart Investors Anxious About Its $16 Billion Flipkart Deal?,,"""Walmart 투자자, 160억 달러 플립카트 인수 계약에 대한 우려""" 1865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DHX Media Reports Q3 Results for Fiscal 2018?,,"DHX 미디어, 2018 회계연도 3분기 실적 보고" 5803,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US Attorney General Sessions says Mueller probe has taken on a 'life of its own'?,,"세션스 미국 검찰총장, 뮬러 수사가 '자체적인 생명'을 갖고 있다고 말하다" 5336,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Illumina to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results on Tuesday, January 30, 2018?",,"일루미나, 2018년 1월 30일 화요일에 2017년 4분기 및 회계연도 재무 결과 발표 예정" 4484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VERBATIM: UK expels Russian diplomats over spy attack?,,"VERBATIM: 영국, 스파이 공격으로 러시아 외교관 추방" 5784,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York Apartment Owned by Lena Horne Hits Market for $825,000?",,"레나 홀른 소유의 뉴욕 아파트, 82만5000달러에 매물로 나왔다." 3488,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nadal to make Australian return in exhibition event?,,"나달, 전시 이벤트에서 호주 복귀 예정" 1265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Allegiant Plans Year-Round Aircraft Base In Destin-Fort Walton Beach?,,"BRIEF-알레기언트, 데스틴-포트 월튼 비치에 연중 운영 항공기 기지 계획" 7800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Churchill Downs Announces Cash Tender Offer For Up To $500 Mln Of Common Stock?,,"브리프-처칠 다운스, 최대 5억 달러의 일반 주식에 대한 현금 보유 제안 발표" 3377,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Titan International, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Cash Dividend?",,"타이탄 인터내셔널 주식회사, 2018년 1분기 현금 배당 발표" 624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China moves to shutter bitcoin mines?,,"중국, 비트코인 채굴업체에 폐쇄 조치 착수" 9051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's Tongaat Hullet flags 30 pct decrease in FY profits?,,"남아프리카공화국의 통가트 헐렛, FY 수익 30% 감소 신호." 1685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wynn Resorts shares climb after Maddox assumes CEO role?,,"윈 리조트 주식, 매독스가 CEO 역할 맡은 후 상승" 4224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kaile Science and Technology Hubei to apply for trust loan of 280 mln yuan?,,브리핑 - 카일 과학 기술 후베이가 2억 8천만 위안의 신탁 대출을 신청할 예정입니다. 4601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Integer Holdings Corporation Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"인티저 홀딩스 코퍼레이션, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 7512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NorthWest Healthcare Properties Q1 Revenue Rose 21.8 Pct To C$88.2 Mln?,,"브리프 - 노스웨스트 헬스케어 프로퍼티즈, 1분기 수익 21.8% 증가해 8,820만 캐나다 달러 도달" 5917,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frost & Sullivan: Smart Technology, New Business Models, and Cross-industry Digitization Revolutionize the Energy & Power Industry in Asia-Pacific?",,"Frost & Sullivan: 스마트 기술, 새로운 비즈니스 모델, 그리고 산업 간 디지털화가 아시아 태평양 에너지 및 전력 산업을 혁신하다." 2812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Torq Acquires The Speedway Gold Property And Immediately Begins Exploration?,,"Torq, 스피드웨이 골드 자산 인수 후 즉시 탐사 시작" 9779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Banking and infrastructure firms power China stocks to two-year highs?,,"""은행 및 인프라 기업이 중국 주식을 2년 최고치로 끌어올리다""" 9879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Johnson surges into share of lead in San Antonio?,,"골프 - 존슨, 샌안토니오에서 공동 선두로 도약" 7812,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: I think FMC is bottoming and ready to come back?,,크레이머의 번개 라운드: FMC가 바닥을 치고 회복할 준비가 되었다고 생각합니다. 8777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taliban seize district in Afghanistan's Ghazni province?,,"탈레반, 아프가니스탄의 가즈니 주에서 지구를 점령하다" 6538,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: Apple could have just signaled that Trump will make a trade deal with China?,,크래머 리믹스: 애플이 트럼프가 중국과 무역 거래를 체결할 수 있다고 신호를 보냈을 가능성이 있다? 6237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Electricity signs deal with Japanese firms for first EV pilot?,,"사우디 전력, 일본 기업들과 첫 전기차 파일럿 프로젝트를 위한 계약 체결" 7994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU carbon emissions rose in 2017: Eurostat?,,"EU 탄소 배출량, 2017년에 증가: 유로스타트" 7214,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Super Rugby results?,,슈퍼 럭비 결과? 2237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Puma Biotechnology to Host Conference Call to Discuss First Quarter Financial Results?,,"푸마 생명공학, 첫 분기 재무 결과 논의를 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 5175,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Energy Recovery Awarded $2.9 Mln For Desalination Projects In Asia?,,"간략히 - 에너지 회수, 아시아의 담수화 프로젝트를 위해 290만 달러 수여받음." 5867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S.-China Trade Tariffs: Here How Much it Will Set Back Trump Job Gains?,,미국-중국 무역 관세: 이것이 트럼프의 일자리 증가를 얼마나 저해할지 알아보자. 3036,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: President of Thai construction firm arrested for poaching?,,"태국 건설 회사 사장, 밀렵 혐의로 체포" 1595,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After Days of Silence, Mark Zuckerberg to Publicly Address Facebook’s User-Data Uproar?",,며칠간의 침묵 끝에 마크 주커버그가 페이스북의 사용자 데이터 소동에 대해 공개적으로 입장을 밝힌다. 9837,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shell profits soar on stronger oil prices?,,"셸, 강한 유가 상승에 힘입어 수익 급증" 9198,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elderly American-Iranian jailed in Iran hospitalized with heart problems: lawyer?,,"이란에서 심장 문제로 입원한 미국계 이란인 노인, 변호사 발언." 876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S police arrest teen suspected of killing parents?,,"미국 경찰, 부모를 살해한 혐의로 10대 체포" 8368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Goodway Integrated Industries Says Unit To Sell Property In Australia for A$1.1 Mln?,,"브리프-굿웨이 통합 산업, 자회사 호주에서 110만 호주 달러에 부동산 매각 발표" 7493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 3 key lessons that WWE’s Stephanie McMahon learned on her way up to the top?,,"""WWE의 Stephanie McMahon이 정상에 오르는 과정에서 배운 3가지 주요 교훈""" 3317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fujian Cosunter Pharmaceutical Buy Research & Development Building For 137.0 Mln Yuan?,,"간략하게 - 푸젠 코순터 제약, 1억 3천7백만 위안에 연구개발 건물 매입" 6678,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Depomed to Report Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results on Tuesday, February 27, 2018?",,데포메드는 2018년 2월 27일 화요일에 2017 회계 연도 4분기 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 6339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: [$$] Much Remains Unknown About Russian-Troll Accounts on Social-Media Giants?,,러시아 트롤 계정에 대한 소셜 미디어 대기업의 많은 내용이 여전히 알려지지 않았다? 6751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-SocGen in talks with Gulf governments about euro bond issues?,,"소시에테 제네랄, 유로 본드 발행을 위한 걸프 정부들과 협의 중" 8073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BOJ's Kuroda says forex rates should reflect fundamentals: Kyodo?,,"BOJ의 구로다, 외환 환율은 기본적 요인을 반영해야 한다고 발언: 교도통신" 8190,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Monoprix to sharply boost online revenue in next 3 years?,,"브리프-모노프리, 향후 3년간 온라인 수익을 대폭 증가시킬 계획" 4600,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Thrombogenics Announces Positive Preclinical Data On THR-149?,,"브리프 - Thrombogenics, THR-149에 대한 긍정적인 전임상 데이터 발표" 7276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EV Energy contests call for examiner on eve of Ch. 11 plan hearing?,,EV 에너지가 챕터 11 계획 심리를 앞두고 검사관 요청에 이의를 제기하다. 1887,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reddit hires former Time Inc executive as chief operating officer?,,"레딧, 전 타임 Inc. 임원에게 최고 운영 책임자 직위 채용" 907,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New fissures open on Hawaii's Kilauea volcano?,,하와이의 킬라우에아 화산에서 새로운 균열이 열렸다. 8657,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Activision Blizzard to Release First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 3, 2018?",,"액티비전 블리자드, 2018년 5월 3일 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 1460,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ballard Expects to Report Record Financial Results For Fiscal 2017; Provides Comments on Short-Seller Report?,,"발라드는 2017 회계 연도에 대한 기록적인 재무 결과를 보고할 것으로 예상하며, 공매도자 보고서에 대한 의견을 제공합니다." 8941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Design and dictatorship: exhibition celebrates North Korean graphics?,,디자인과 독재: 전시가 북한 그래픽을 기념하다? 6630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Storm Resources Qtrly ‍Shr $0.07​?,,Storm Resources 분기당 주당순이익 $0.07 2673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SDSU's Alex DeNoble Honored With Prestigious Longenecker Fellowship?,,"SDSU의 알렉스 드노블, 권위있는 롱게네커 펠로우십 수상" 4742,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Closing Bell Ringer, March 26, 2018?",,"""종가 알림, 2018년 3월 26일""" 5428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Citron's Andrew Left calls Square's bitcoin foray a distraction for investors?,,"시트론의 앤드류 레프트, 스퀘어의 비트코인 진출을 투자자에 대한 주의 분산으로 평가하다." 570,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dick's Sporting Goods Changes Gun Sale Policy on Assault Rifles | Fortune?,,"딕스 스포츠 용품, 돌격소총 판매 정책 변경 | 포춘" 826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teekay Offshore Partners Reports Fourth Quarter and Annual 2017 Results?,,"Teekay Offshore Partners, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고." 2881,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Mastercard tops profit estimates on higher consumer spending?,,"UPDATE 1-마스터카드, 소비자 지출 증가로 이익 추정치를 초과 달성" 335,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Novozymes says Indian tariffs hits sales in its Monsanto alliance in Q1 -CFO?,,"노보자임스, 인도 관세가 멘토소와의 제휴 판매에 타격을 주었다고 Q1에서 CFO가 밝혀." 7759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bovie Medical Corporation Reports First Financial Results; Reaffirms Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Outlook?,,"Bovie Medical Corporation, 2018 회계연도 재무 전망 재확인하면서 첫 재무 결과 발표" 3043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: L.L. Bean raises age to buy rifles to 21?,,"L.L. Bean, 소총 구매 연령을 21세로 상향 조정하다" 1463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roger McNamee: Google should be broken up into 8 companies?,,로저 맥나미: 구글은 8개 회사로 분할되어야 한다? 1658,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Healthcare Realty Trust Announces First Quarter Dividend?,,"헬스케어 리얼티 신탁, 1분기 배당금 발표" 3008,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-USA Gymnastics doctor to be sentenced after week of emotional testimony?,,전 미국 체조 의사가 감정적인 증언이 이어진 후 선고를 받을 예정이다. 1136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Community Health reports 32 pct drop in quarterly revenue?,,"지역사회 건강, 분기 매출 32% 감소 보고" 1457,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 5-As clock ticks, Senate scrambles to avert U.S. government shutdown?",,"UPDATE 5-시계가 ticking됨에 따라, 상원은 미국 정부의 셧다운을 피하기 위해 부심하고 있다." 8332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Red Bull’s Ricciardo tops opening Bahrain practice?,,"모터 레이싱: 레드불의 리카르도, 바레인 프랙티스 첫 세션에서 1위 기록" 4311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Digitalist Group Unit Plans To Cut Up To 25 Positions?,,BRIEF-디지털리스트 그룹의 자회사가 최대 25개의 직위를 감원할 계획이다. 2053,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer-Former All Blacks great Kirwan's son named in NZ squad?,,축구 - 전 올블랙스의 위대한 선수 키르완의 아들이 뉴질랜드 대표팀에 뽑혔다. 5942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump taps White House doctor as new VA secretary?,,"트럼프, 백악관 의사를 새로운 VA 장관으로 임명하다." 2354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TF1 Q1 Revenue Down At EUR ‍499.3 Million?,,"TF1 1분기 매출 4억 9,930만 유로로 감소" 3393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Tensyn Digital Marketing Technology Joint Stock to swing to profit in FY 2017?,,브리프-베이징 텐신 디지털 마케팅 기술 주식회사가 2017 회계연도에 흑자로 전환할 예정이다. 6480,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Smith breaks scoreless tie in 13th, lifts Rays over A's?",,스미스가 13회 초 scoreless tie를 깨고 레이스를 A's를 이끌다. 7720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 15-year-old boy charged with murder and assault in Kentucky school shooting - report?,,"켄터키 학교 총격 사건에서 15세 소년, 살인 및 폭행으로 기소 - 보도." 4651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wisconsin court allows lawsuit against gun sale website to proceed?,,"위스콘신 법원, 총기 판매 웹사이트에 대한 소송 진행 허용" 4952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian and Turkish foreign ministers discuss Syria by phone: Russia?,,"러시아와 터키 외무장관, 전화로 시리아 문제 논의: 러시아" 5798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Puerto Rico restructuring stay stalls disabilities act lawsuit?,,"푸에르토리코 구조조정 중단, 장애인법 소송 지연" 1524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PACCAR Increases Regular Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"PACCAR, 정기 분기 현금 배당금 인상" 9506,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analyst: What to expect from Spotify IPO?,,애널리스트: Spotify IPO에서 기대해야 할 것들은? 1676,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chico's FAS, Inc. Declares Cash Dividend of $0.085 Per Share?",,"Chico's FAS, Inc.이 주당 $0.085의 현금 배당금을 선언했습니다." 8336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Anthem To Acquire Aspire Health?,,"단신 - 앤섬, 아스파이어 헬스를 인수할 예정" 6036,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sferanet SA Q4 Net Profit Up At 77,788 Zlotys?",,"Sferanet SA의 4분기 순이익이 77,788 즈로티로 증가했다는 간략한 소식." 1643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lawmakers Struggle to Find Compromise as Government Shutdown Continues?,,법안 제정자들이 정부 셧다운이 계속되는 가운데 타협점을 찾기 위해 고군분투하고 있다. 1304,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ABcann Global Corp - Announces Launch Of Beacon Medical, New Medical Cannabis Brand?",,"브리프 - ABcann 글로벌 코퍼레이션, 새로운 의료용 대마초 브랜드 비콘 메디컬 출시 발표" 9564,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bharat Seats March Qtr Profit Rises?,,"브리프-바르트 시트, 3월 분기 이익 증가" 990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Flow Traders Receives License To Become Exchange Participant Of Hong Kong Stock Exchange?,,"BRIEF-플로우 트레이더스, 홍콩 증권거래소 참가자로서 라이선스 획득" 7449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran will not renegotiate nuclear deal - foreign minister?,,이란은 핵 합의를 재협상하지 않을 것 - 외무장관 3471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Huge Promotes from Within to Bolster Core Capabilities?,,핵심 역량 강화를 위한 대규모 내부 승진 4133,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei hits near 3-month high, tech shares rally; posts biggest monthly gain since Oct?",,"니케이, 거의 3개월 만에 최고치 기록; 기술주 급등하며 10월 이후 최대 월간 상승폭 기록" 1628,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Kangtai Biological's Unit, Slovak Republic's Imuna Pharm Sign Licence Agreement?",,"브리핑 - 심천 강타이 생물학의 자회사, 슬로바키아의 이무나 제약과 라이선스 계약 체결" 6236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU wheat protected by snow cover but deep frosts in Germany eyed?,,EU 밀은 눈 덮인 보호를 받고 있지만 독일의 심한 동결이 우려된다. 1028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fashion label Sentaler basks in 'Meghan effect'?,,패션 브랜드 센탈러가 '메건 효과'를 만끽하다. 5285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blue Capital Reinsurance Holdings Q4 Total Revenues $10.1 Mln?,,"간략하게 - 블루 캐피탈 재보험 홀딩스 4분기 총 수익 1,010만 달러" 2470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey Factors to Watch on March 29?,,3월 29일 터키 주목해야 할 요소들 9635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vitamin Shoppe Says Q1 Same Store Sales Fell 3.6 Pct?,,"브리프 - 비타민 샵, 1분기 동종 매장 매출 3.6% 감소 발표" 3099,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippines' government sees popularity dip on inflation worries?,,"필리핀 정부, 인플레이션 우려로 인기도 하락 관측" 1701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU mergers and takeovers (March 27)?,,EU의 합병 및 인수(3월 27일) 3387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Orchestra Holdings to take out loan of 450 mln yen?,,"오케스트라 홀딩스, 450억 엔 대출 추진" 9806,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Radium Life Tech says no dividend payment for 2017?,,"브리프-라디움 라이프 테크, 2017년 배당금 지급 없다고 발표" 991,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Egypt pays $200 million in foreign oil company arrears in January: finance minister?,,"이집트, 외국 석유 회사 채무 2억 달러 지급 - 재무부 장관" 7242,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Republican memo a bid to ensure FBI surveillance conducted correctly: U.S. House Speaker?,,공화당 메모는 FBI 감시가 올바르게 수행되도록 하기 위한 시도: 미국 하원의장 5579,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Danaher Says Expects Q1 2018 Adjusted Diluted Net EPS To Be Above High-End Of Co's Previously Communicated Guidance Range?,,"간단히 - 다네허, 2018년 1분기 조정된 희석 순이익 주당 수익이 회사의 이전 안내 범위의 상한을 초과할 것으로 예상한다고 발표." 8262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turn up the gas: Japan LNG imports hit five-year high as cold bites?,,가스를 증대하라: 일본의 액화천연가스(LNG) 수입이 추위가 맹위를 떨치면서 5년 최고치를 기록하다. 574,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Trump asks Pentagon to plan military parade similar to Bastille Day spectacle?,,"월 스트리트 저널: 트럼프, 바스티유 데이 행사와 유사한 군사 퍼레이드 계획을 국방부에 요청하다?" 6493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nutella riots in France after supermarket discount?,,프랑스에서 슈퍼마켓 할인으로 인해 누텔라 폭동 발생? 7666,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-A.P.N. Promise Plans To Rent And Lease Office Machinery, Cars?",,간략 - A.P.N. 프라미스는 사무 기계 및 자동차를 임대 및 렌탈할 계획을 세우고 있습니다. 89,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Obsidian Energy Regains Compliance With NYSE's Continued Listing Standard?,,BRIEF-옵시디언 에너지가 NYSE의 지속 상장 기준을 준수함을 회복함. 8253,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quake, magnitude 5.5, strikes Japan?",,"지진, 규모 5.5, 일본을 강타하다" 4281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran's Rouhani warns Trump would regret withdrawing from nuclear deal: state TV?,,"""이란의 로하니, 트럼프가 핵 협정에서 탈퇴하면 후회할 것이라고 경고: 국영 TV""" 4634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA commissioner to drug middlemen: You're part of the problem?,,FDA 위원장이 약품 중개인에게: 당신들도 문제의 일부입니다. 3484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Norwegian Air cancels Friday flights from Europe to New York/Newark due poor weather?,,"노르웨이 항공, 악천후로 인해 금요일 유럽에서 뉴욕/뉴어크행 항공편 취소" 3627,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. Receives Signed Letter of Intent from DW Partners, Namdar Realty Group and Washington Prime Group?",,"본튼 스토어스, Inc.가 DW 파트너스, 남다르 리얼티 그룹 및 워싱턴 프라임 그룹으로부터 서명된 의향서를 받았습니다." 7523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SJW Group Comments on Cal Water’s Proxy Contest and Reaffirms Commitment to Merger of Equals with Connecticut Water?,,"SJW 그룹, 캘리포니아 워터의 프락시 경합에 대한 논평 및 코네티컷 워터와의 동등 합병에 대한 의지 reaffirm." 6462,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saints QB Drew Brees sues after losing $9 million to what he calls 'a scam'?,,"세인트스 쿼터백 드류 브리스, '사기'라고 주장하며 9백만 달러 손실에 대한 소송 제기" 3866,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bulgarian poultry producer Gradus to float 25 pct stake in $86 mln IPO?,,"불가리아 가금류 생산업체 그라두스, 8600만 달러 규모의 IPO에서 25% 지분 상장 예정" 4936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian Twitter accounts tried to help opposition in UK election - report?,,러시아 트위터 계정들이 영국 선거에서 야당을 도우려 했다는 보고서 8277,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Haining China Leather Market to invest 30 mln yuan to set up equity investment company with partners?,,Haining China Leather Market이 파트너와 함께 3천만 위안을 투자하여 주식 투자 회사를 설립할 예정입니다. 6159,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea denies chemical weapons link with Syria: state media?,,"북한, 시리아와의 화학무기 연관 부인: 국영 언론" 5036,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg pledges to 'keep building' in no-apology address?,,'사과 없는 연설에서 첫 번째로 구축할 것을 약속한 저커버그' 2374,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TPG RE Finance Trust, Inc. Reports Operating Results for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2018?",,"TPG RE Finance Trust, Inc.가 2018년 3월 31일 종료된 분기의 운영 결과를 보고했습니다." 8849,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Notifies Investors of an Investigation Involving Possible Securities Fraud Violations by the Board of Directors of AZZ Inc.?",,"주주 경고: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP가 AZZ Inc.의 이사회가 가능성 있는 증권 사기 위반과 관련된 조사를 투자자들에게 알립니다." 5103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Latam currencies firm after last week's sharp fall?,,"EMERGING MARKETS-라틴 아메리카 통화, 지난주 급락 이후 강세 회복" 9664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Haier plans to list Chinese D-shares in Germany?,,"하이얼, 독일에서 중국 D주 상장 계획 발표" 9199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford Expands Partnership With Indian Car Maker?,,"포드, 인도 자동차 제조업체와의 파트너십 확대" 6217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SpaceX Falcon heavy rocket blasts off from Florida in debut test flight?,,"스페이스X 팰컨 헤비 로켓, 플로리다에서 첫 시험 비행을 위해 발사되다." 4230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arotech Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"Arotech, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 8147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Century Aluminum Company Q1 Adjusted Loss Per Share $0.04?,,"센추리 알루미늄 컴퍼니, 1분기 조정 주당 손실 0.04달러" 554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Woman motor sports star takes a lead in race against population growth?,,모터스포츠 스타인 여성이 인구 증가와의 경쟁에서 선두를 차지하다 1649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vehicle strikes security barrier near White House: Secret Service?,,백악관 근처 보안 장벽에 차량 충돌: 비밀경호처 6873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Longer breastfeeding tied to lower diabetes risk for mothers?,,모유 수유 기간이 길어질수록 어머니의 당뇨병 위험이 낮아진다는 연구 결과 6746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Acacia Mining scraps dividend after slumping to annual loss?,,"아카시아 마이닝, 연간 손실로 배당금 폐지" 2021,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Hybribio Biotech to set up health management unit with registered capital of 50 mln yuan?,,"브리프 - 광둥 하이브리오 바이오텍, 5천만 위안의 자본금으로 건강 관리 유닛 설립 예정" 9140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gentrack Group Ltd Says ‍David Ingram Resigns As CFO?,,"브리프-젠트랙 그룹 Ltd, 데이비드 잉그램 CFO 사임 발표" 9505,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Powell's Fed likely to raise rates, may upgrade 2018 outlook?",,"파월의 연준, 금리를 인상할 가능성이 있으며 2018년 전망을 상향 조정할 수 있다." 3205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Langer expects to 'cop it' on England tour?,,"크리켓 - 랭거, 잉글랜드 투어에서 '견딜 준비를 해야 한다'고 예상하다." 577,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Link Mobility Group Q4 ‍Adj. Ebitda Nok 61 Mln, Up Nok 31 Mln Versus Same Quarter Last Year​?",,"브리프-링크 모빌리티 그룹, 4분기 조정 Ebitda 6100만 노르웨이 크로네, 지난해 같은 분기 대비 3100만 노르웨이 크로네 증가." 211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan steel industry head wants to see Japan excluded from U.S. import curb?,,일본 철강 산업 대표는 일본이 미국의 수출 제한에서 제외되기를 원한다고 밝혔습니다. 141,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Maryland basketball player Cliff Tucker dies in accident?,,"메릴랜드 농구단의 전 선수 클리프 터커, 사고로 사망." 8463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Atlas Menkul FY 2017 Net Profit Jumps To 9.3 Million Lira?,,BRIEF-Atlas Menkul 2017 회계연도 순이익 930만 리라로 급증 7144,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Carrizo Oil & Gas Appoints Frances Aldrich Sevilla-Sacasa To Board?,,"브리프 - 카리조 오일 & 가스, 프랜시스 알드리치 세비야-사카사를 이사회에 임명" 7780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany risks losing key technology in Chinese takeovers: spy chief?,,독일은 중국의 인수로 인해 핵심 기술을 잃을 위험에 처해 있다고 정보국장이 경고했다. 2511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany: tariffs top weak data as growth threat?,,독일: 성장 위협으로 약한 데이터에 대한 관세 강화 4674,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TheStreet, Inc. to Announce First Quarter 2018 Results on Tuesday May 8, 2018?",,"TheStreet, Inc.가 2018년 5월 8일 화요일에 2018년 1분기 실적 발표를 예정이다." 9780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil to handle with care U.S. tariff threat -Temer?,,"브라질, 미국의 관세 위협에 신중하게 대응할 것 - 테메르" 5024,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-F1 outlines a future of cost caps and simpler engines?,,"모터 레이싱 - F1, 비용 한도 및 간소화된 엔진의 미래를 제시하다." 6142,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cytokinetics to Announce Fourth Quarter Results on February 15, 2018?",,"사이토키네틱스, 2018년 2월 15일 4분기 실적 발표 예정" 2110,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU must consider Iran's missiles, regional role -France's Le Drian?",,EU는 이란의 미사일과 지역 역할을 고려해야 한다 - 프랑스의 르 드리앙 1501,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. regulator votes to advance new rules on telecom security threats?,,"미국 규제당국, 통신 보안 위협에 대한 새로운 규칙을 추진하기 위한 투표를 실시했다." 4738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investors will have to learn to live with two-way volatility: Strategist?,,투자자들은 양방향 변동성에 익숙해져야 한다: 전략가. 4299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Americold Realty Trust Announces Pricing Of IPO?,,"브리프 - 아메리콜드 리얼티 트러스트, IPO 가격 공시" 3874,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WSJ City PM: What to Expect from Zuckerberg’s European Grilling, Cambridge Analytica Staff Told Firm Is Liquidating?",,"WSJ 시티 PM: 유럽에서의 저커버그의 심문에서 기대할 것, 캠브리지 애널리티카 직원들에게 회사가 청산 중이라고 통보됐다." 4193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nippon Life to buy majority of MassMutual Japan unit for $980 million?,,"닛폰 라이프, 98억 달러에 매스뮤추얼 일본 자회사 다수 지분 인수 예정" 8785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin tells U.S. to send evidence of vote meddling?,,"푸틴, 미국에 선거 개입 증거 제출 요구" 2254,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Two-year race for top ECB jobs start next week?,,RPT-다음 주에 시작되는 ECB 주요 직책을 위한 2년 경쟁 3520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's League leader sets terms to back stopgap government?,,"이탈리아의 리그 리더, 임시 정부 지원 조건 제시" 1838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank Investors Fear Return of European Doom Loop?,,유럽의 악순환 부활에 대한 은행 투자자들의 우려? 9102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ct REIT Says Offering Of $200 Mln 3.865% Series F Senior Unsecured Debentures?,,브리프 - Ct REIT는 3.865% 시리즈 F 선순위 무담보 채권 2억 달러의 공모를 발표했다. 9149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gunmen attack Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel: Afghan official?,,"카불 인터컨티넨탈 호텔, 무장 공격: 아프간 공식 발표" 5791,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-United Labels FY Net Income Improves To EUR 0.4 Million?,,브리프-유나이티드 레이블스의 FY 순이익이 40만 유로로 개선됨 47,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taco Bell is launching Nacho Fries in bid to win the Dollar Menu war?,,"타코벨, 달러 메뉴 전쟁에서 승리하기 위해 나초 프라이 출시 예정" 457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Late eagle helps Oosthuizen to Mexico lead?,,골프 - 늦은 이글이 우스트히즌을 멕시코 리더로 이끈다. 5599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CFP Board Imposes Public Discipline?,,"CFP 보드, 공개 징계 조치를 부과하다." 2057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Autoliv - Financial Report January - March 2018?,,Autoliv - 2018년 1월 - 3월 재무 보고서 920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gold Prices Fall After Jobs Report?,,"금 가격, 고용 보고서 발표 후 하락" 6562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atlas Air Appoints Dr. Joerg Andriof as SVP Titan Singapore Aviation?,,"아틀라스 에어, 드. 요르그 안드리오프를 SVP 타이탄 싱가포르 항공으로 임명하다." 1053,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jennifer Johannsen Appointed Vice President, Sales, Risk & Compliance?",,"제니퍼 요한센, 영업 부문 부사장으로 임명 - 리스크 및 컴플라이언스" 5165,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-""It was a good week for Europe Equity Funds""?",,"라이브 마켓 - ""유럽 주식 펀드에 좋은 주였다""" 9355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bankers demand more Brexit clarity at meeting with UK PM May?,,은행가들이 영국 총리 메이와의 회의에서 브렉시트에 대한 더 많은 명확성을 요구하다 4980,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: RBS lawyers ask ex-staffer to destroy documents, DOJ informed?",,"단독: RBS 변호사들이 전 직원에게 문서를 파기하라고 요청, DOJ에 통보됨?" 4238,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Qatar's Alijarah Holding Q1 Profit Rises?,,"""브리프-카타르 알리자라 홀딩 1분기 이익 증가""" 5014,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump: A lot of things I'm unhappy about in spending bill?,,트럼프: 지출 법안에 대해 불만족스러운 점이 많다. 4232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-France's Areva rebrands to Orano in dire uranium market?,,"업데이트 1 - 프랑스의 아레바, 우라늄 시장의 어려움 속에서 오라노로 브랜드 변경" 3348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hithink Royalflush Information Network's Preliminary 2017 Net Profit Down 40.3 Pct?,,"브리프 - 히팅크 로열플러시 정보 네트워크, 2017년 예상 순이익 40.3% 감소" 6613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: NTSB investigating fatal Tesla crash in California?,,"월스트리트 저널: NTSB, 캘리포니아에서 발생한 치명적인 테슬라 충돌 사고 조사 중" 7456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brazilian Bank Bradesco Appoints Denise Pavarina As Investor Relations Director?,,"브라질 은행 브라데스코, 데니즈 파바리나를 투자자 관계 이사로 임명" 8724,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Reis Inc Expands Coverage To All Commercial Properties Nationwide?,,"BRIEF-Reis Inc, 모든 상업용 부동산에 대한 보장을 전국적으로 확대하다." 6912,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Virtus Global Dividend & Income Fund Inc. Declares Distribution And Discloses Sources Of Distribution - Section 19(a) Notice?,,버투스 글로벌 배당 및 소득 펀드 Inc. 배당금 선언 및 분배 출처 공개 - 섹션 19(a) 통지 8665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norwegian salmon export price rose to NOK 71.16 last week -SSB?,,노르웨이 연어 수출 가격이 지난주 NOK 71.16로 상승했다 - SSB 3831,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-UK may use taxes to get tech giants to do more to fight extremism, minister says?",,"UPDATE 1-영국, 기술 대기업이 극단주의와 싸우도록 하기 위해 세금을 활용할 수 있다고 장관이 말하다." 3757,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Energy may give further impetus to U.S. small-cap stocks?,,RPT-에너지는 미국 소형주에 추가적인 열기를 더할 수 있다. 2023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Joins FIDO Alliance Board of Directors?,,"페이스북, FIDO 얼라이언스 이사회에 합류" 2139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-GFPT PCL Posts ‍FY Net Profit Of 1.75 Bln Baht?,,"브리프 - GFPT PCL, FY 순익 17.5억 바트 게시" 8675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bloomberry Resorts' FY Net Profit Up 161%?,,BRIEF-블룸베리 리조트의 FY 순이익 161% 증가 7979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration expands access to opioid medication?,,"트럼프 행정부, 오피오이드 약물 접근성 확대" 5961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bollywood star Khan gets bail after serving two days in jail for poaching?,,"볼리우드 스타 칸, 사냥 혐의로 이틀간 수감된 후 보석 석방." 7275,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nafta Partners Seek Deal by Early May, Mexico Says?",,무역 협정 파트너국들이 5월 초까지 거래를 목표로 한다고 멕시코가 밝혔다. 7390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: International Women’s Day 2018: What brands are doing?,,2018년 국제 여성의 날: 브랜드들이 어떤 활동을 하고 있나? 5870,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dubai's Du FY Profit Falls?,,브리프 - 두바이의 두(Du) FY(회계연도) 이익 감소 9984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Micro Focus Inlt H1 revenue rises 80 pct after HPE deal?,,"브리프-마이크로 포커스 인틀 H1 수익, HPE 거래 이후 80% 상승." 2558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tan Chong International Says FY Profit Attributable HK$501.9 Mln?,,"브리프-탄총국제, FY 순이익 5억 1,900만 홍콩달러라고 발표." 7438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spectacular blaze engulfs office building in Australia's Sydney?,,호주 시드니의 사무실 건물이 화염에 휩싸이다. 532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Storm disrupts traffic at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport?,,암스테르담 스키폴 공항에서 폭풍이 교통을 방해하다. 6166,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comcast informally tells Brussels of intention to bid for Sky?,,컴캐스트가 브뤼셀에 스카이를 인수할 의사를 비공식적으로 알렸다. 6433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israeli firm launches circulation-stimulating smart socks?,,"이스라엘 기업, 순환 촉진 스마트 양말 출시" 5010,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shiloh Industries to Acquire Brabant Alucast Facilities in Verrés, Italy and Oss, Netherlands?",,Shiloh Industries가 이탈리아 베레즈와 네덜란드 오스의 Brabant Alucast 시설을 인수한다. 877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- British Business - Feb 6?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""PRESS DIGEST- British Business - Feb 6""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 4220,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Civeo Acquires 400 Room Accommodation Facility Near Lake Charles, Louisiana?",,"Civeo, 루이지애나주 레이크 찰스 근처의 400실 숙소 시설 인수" 6084,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unibail-Rodamco's Proposed Acquisition Of Westfield Approved By The Australian Foreign Investment Review Board, Eligibility For CAC And AEX Indices Confirmed?",,"유니베일-로다모의 웨스트필드 인수 제안이 호주 외국인 투자 심사위원회의 승인을 받았다, CAC 및 AEX 지수 자격이 확인됐다." 1153,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Acer to unveil new Chromebooks, next step in Google's business pitch?",,"에이서, 구글의 비즈니스 피치를 위한 다음 단계인 새로운 크롬북 공개 예정" 5097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. charges more than 250 in elder fraud scam crackdown?,,"미국, 노인 사기 범죄 단속에서 250명 이상 기소" 2388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of England expected to keep path clear for May rate rise?,,영국 중앙은행이 5월 금리 인상에 대한 경로를 유지할 것으로 예상된다. 118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: Violate these investing rules at your own peril?,,Cramer Remix: 이러한 투자 규칙을 위반하면 당신 스스로 위험에 처할 수 있습니다. 1773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Starch Says FY Profit Attributable RMB388.2 Mln?,,"브리프-차이나 스타치, FY 순이익 3억 8,820만 위안 발표" 4462,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tax Law Saves Verizon $17 Billion In Deferred Taxes?,,세법이 Verizon에 170억 달러의 이연세금을 절감하게 할까? 5756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian rebels declare counter attack in Idlib province?,,"시리아 반군, 이들리브 지방에서 반격 선언" 9593,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 6-Man drives van into restaurant in Germany, killing two plus himself?",,"업데이트 6-독일의 한 식당에 밴을 몰고 돌진한 남성, 두 명과 자신을 포함해 사망." 5898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NETSCOUT to Report Q4 FY Financial Results on May 3?,,NETSCOUT는 5월 3일 FY 4분기 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 6276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: January New homes sales?,,1월 신규 주택 판매 3515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Demand at U.S. 3-year note sale weakest since November?,,"미국 3년물 채권 판매의 수요, 11월 이후 가장 약해져" 2874,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Staybridge Suites Lexington Says Recently Received Notice From IHG That Certain Devices At Staybridge Suites Lexington May Be Infected With Malware?,,"브리프 - 스테이브리지 스위트 렉싱턴, 스테이브리지 스위트 렉싱턴의 특정 장치가 맬웨어에 감염되었을 수 있다는 IHG로부터 최근 통지를 받았다고 발표." 2394,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ruden Holdings to sign business alliance agreements with two Shanghai-based firms respectively?,,Ruden Holdings가 각각 상하이에 본사를 둔 두 개의 회사와 사업 제휴 계약을 체결할 예정입니다. 301,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spirit of Texas Bancshares, Inc. Announces 2018 First Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call Schedule?",,"텍사스의 은행인 Spirit of Texas Bancshares, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 수익 발표 및 전화 회의 일정 발표." 7611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AmerisourceBergen Corp Says CEO Steven Collis' FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $9.9 Mln Vs $10.0 Mln In FY 2016?,,"브리프-아메리소스버겐 코프, CEO 스티븐 콜리스의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 990만 달러였으며 2016 회계연도 1000만 달러와 비교됨." 2807,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chongqing Fuling Zhacai To Buy Two Seasonings Companies Via Cash, Share Issue?",,"충칭 Fuling Zhacai, 현금과 주식 발행을 통해 두 개의 조미료 회사 인수 계획" 2705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-chairman of China's insurance regulator has been formally charged - top prosecutor?,,중국 보험 규제 기관 전 위원장이 공식 기소됐다고 검찰이 발표했다. 9675,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wiivv Appoints Former HP Inc. Executive, Aron Tremble to Lead the Expansion of Marketing and Partnerships?",,Wiivv는 전 HP Inc. 임원 아론 트램블을 마케팅 및 파트너십 확장을 이끌 리더로 임명했다. 790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy PM says no risk of anti-Europe govt after March 4 vote?,,"이탈리아 총리, 3월 4일 투표 후 반유럽 정부 위험 없다고 말하다" 7727,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hortonworks Reports Q4 GAAP Loss Per Share $0.68?,,"브리프-호튼웍스, 4분기 GAAP 주당 손실 $0.68 보고" 2285,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gopher Protocol to Acquire 50% Stake in SPARE, Bringing International Crypto and FIAT Currency Transfer Capabilities to Gopher Network?",,"Gopher 프로토콜, Gopher 네트워크에 국제 암호화폐 및 FIAT 통화 전송 기능을 제공하기 위해 SPARE의 50% 지분 인수 예정" 7365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congress is back from break with a to-do list designed to keep Trump happy?,,의회가 휴가에서 복귀하여 트럼프를 기쁘게 하려는 목표를 가진 할 일 목록을 가지고 있다. 2342,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea Steps Up Cryptocurrency Inspections at Banks?,,"한국, 은행에서 가상통화 검사를 강화하다." 312,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China 2017 coal imports highest since 2014 - customs?,,"중국 2017년 석탄 수입, 2014년 이후 최고 - 세관" 21,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qatar Re to buy insurer Markerstudy's underwriting business?,,"카타르 리, 보험사 마커스투디의 언더라이팅 사업 인수 예정" 6238,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Trade Gap Grew 3.2% in November?,,11월 미국 무역 적자가 3.2% 증가했습니다. 1405,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's Caixa Econômica Federal posts $882m net profit in Q1?,,브라질의 카이샤 에콘미카 페데랄이 1분기 순이익 8억 8200만 달러를 기록하다. 7754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vietnam's Vingroup says 2017 net profit up 55 pct?,,"브리프 - 베트남의 Vingroup, 2017년 순이익 55% 증가 발표" 3878,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungary submits anti-immigration 'Stop Soros' bill to parliament?,,헝가리가 의회에 반이민 '소로스 저지' 법안을 제출하다. 9212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former OW Bunker manager sentenced to 18-month jail term?,,전 OW Bunker 관리자가 18개월 징역형을 선고받았다. 6251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arcoma Appoints New CEO?,,"브리프-아르코마, 새로운 CEO 임명" 2479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WPP says no follow-up requests from UK watchdog over CEO investigation?,,WPP는 CEO 조사에 대한 영국 감찰 기관의 후속 요청이 없다고 말했습니다. 6003,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia puts Grab on anti-competition watchlist after Uber stake buy?,,"말레이시아, 우버 지분 인수 후 그랩을 반독점 감시 목록에 올리다" 8424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Representative of Ola Rollen resigns from Fingerprint Cards nomination committee - company website?,,Ola Rollen의 대리인이 Fingerprint Cards 후보 추천 위원회에서 사임 - 회사 웹사이트 3636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Regulators had ordered inspections of engine type that blew apart on Southwest plane?,,업데이트 1 - 규제 기관이 사우스웨스트 항공 비행기에서 터져 나간 엔진 유형에 대한 검사를 명령했다. 6107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ArcLight Capital Buys Interest In Deepwater Perdido Platform From BP?,,BRIEF-ArcLight Capital이 BP로부터 딥워터 퍼디도 플랫폼에 대한 지분을 매입하다. 1306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ECB tightens collateral rules for tapping its cash?,,"ECB, 현금 접근을 위한 담보 규정을 강화하다." 8593,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea’s Networks Keep Money Flowing Despite Sanctions, U.N. Report Says?",,북한의 네트워크가 제재에도 불구하고 자금을 계속 유입시키고 있다는 유엔 보고서가 밝혀냈다. 7706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Exhausted' Toys 'R' Us suppliers weigh options as huge retailer shuts?,,"'지친' 토이저러스 공급업체들, 대형 소매업체 폐쇄로 선택지 모색" 9001,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Genuine Parts Company Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.73?,,BRIEF-제너닌 파트 컴퍼니 4분기 주당순이익 $0.73 5664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hotel collapses in Taiwan earthquake?,,대만 지진으로 호텔 붕괴 470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Audi chairman rubbishes report of CEO Stadler ouster?,,"아우디 회장, CEO 슈타들러 경질 보도 일축" 146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Allergan posts quarterly profit; migraine treatment succeeds key study?,,"알레그란, 분기 이익 발표; 편두통 치료가 주요 연구에서 성공하다." 743,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hyundai Heavy scales back new share issue, to raise $843 mln?",,"현대중공업, 8억 4천300만 달러 모금 위해 신규 주식 발행 축소" 5116,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed policymakers say they are watching trade risks closely?,,연준 정책 입안자들이 무역 위험을 면밀히 주시하고 있다고 말했습니다. 2538,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-Toronto index steady; technology sector gains temper declines?,,캐나다 주식 - 토론토 지수 안정; 기술 부문의 상승이 하락폭을 완화하다. 6174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INTERVIEW-Soccer-Gateway Istanbul fantastic venue for 2020 final - TFF vice president?,,"인터뷰-축구-2020 결승전을 위한 환상적인 장소, 이스탄불 게이트웨이 - TFF 부회장" 4794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Intercontinental Exchange Says ICE Benchmark Administration Ltd Is Authorised As Regulated Benchmark Administrator?,,"브리핑 - 인터콘티넨탈 익스체인지, ICE 벤치마크 관리가가 규제된 벤치마크 관리자로 승인되었다고 발표." 4944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Easy to blame central banks in sell-off but they've tried to be predictable: Pro?,,중앙은행을 비난하기 쉽지만 그들은 예측 가능하려고 노력해 왔다는 전문가의 말 2216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Meitu CFO explains the drop in monthly average users?,,Meitu CFO가 월평균 사용자 수 감소에 대해 설명하다. 8383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Private Sector Adds Fewer Jobs in May as Businesses Struggle to Fill Openings?,,"5월 민간 부문, 기업들이 일자리 공백 채우기 어려워하며 일자리 증가 수치 감소" 9884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stewardship Financial Corporation and Atlantic Stewardship Bank Announce the Election of Michael A. Westra as Chairman of the Board of Directors?,,스튜어드십 금융 공사와 대서양 스튜어드십 은행이 마이클 A. 웨스트라를 이사회 의장으로 선출했다고 발표했습니다. 64,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nics Tech proposes company name change to Bio Nicsgene?,,"BRIEF-Nics Tech, 회사 이름을 Bio Nicsgene으로 변경 제안." 8063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-European watchdog warns credit rating agencies over fees?,,"업데이트 1-유럽 감시 기관, 신용 평가 기관에 수수료 경고" 1989,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Benitez urges Newcastle to manage games better?,,"베니테스, 뉴캐슬에게 경기를 더 잘 관리하라고 촉구" 9232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook removes anti-immigrant post by aide to Hungary's PM?,,"페이스북, 헝가리 총리 보좌관의 반이민 게시물 삭제" 3275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Final Share Price In Novaturas IPO Set At EUR 10.5?,,BRIEF-노부타라스 IPO의 최종 주가가 10.5 유로로 설정됨. 7163,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Blockchain Could Help Restore Power in Puerto Rico?,,블록체인이 푸에르토리코의 전력을 회복하는 데 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는가? 5160,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Interview with VEON CEO, Jean-Yves Charlier, from the World Economic Forum 2018?",,"""2018년 세계경제포럼에서 VEON CEO 장-이브 샤를리에의 CNBC 인터뷰""" 909,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CellAegis Strengthens Management Team to Support Future Growth?,,"CellAegis, 미래 성장을 지원하기 위해 경영진을 강화하다." 7505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA orders mandatory recall of herbal supplement kratom?,,FDA가 허벌 보충제 크라톰에 대한 의무 회수를 명령하다. 7911,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Life Fitness Appoints New CMO and VP, Global Customer Experience & Service?",,"라이프 피트니스, 새로운 CMO 및 글로벌 고객 경험 및 서비스 부사장 임명" 1075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ipass Announces A Deal With Lycamobile To Provide Global Wi-Fi To Its Monthly Plan Customers?,,"브리프-아이패스, 리카모바일과 월간 고객에게 글로벌 Wi-Fi를 제공하는 계약 체결 발표" 4163,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks extend rally after White House plays down trade war concerns?,,주식이 백악관이 무역 전쟁 우려를 누그러뜨린 후 상승세를 이어가고 있다. 7302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Primary Health Care Posts HY Profit Attributable Of $‍22.1​ Mln?,,"브리프-프라이머리 헬스 케어, $22.1백만의 세후 이익 발표" 6487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Market can handle bad news but hates uncertainty: Trader?,,시장은 나쁜 뉴스는 견딜 수 있지만 불확실성은 싫어한다: 트레이더 3121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Eyes on leverage as bond yields rise?,,LIVE MARKETS-채권 수익률 상승에 따른 레버리지 주목 484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zillow Group Q4 Revenue Rose 24 Percent To $282.3 Million?,,브리프 - 질로 그룹 Q4 매출 2억 8천230만 달러로 24% 증가. 3936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany gives free rein to boar hunters to contain swine fever risk?,,"독일, 아프리카돼지열병 위험을 줄이기 위해 멧돼지 사냥꾼에게 자유로운 사냥 허용" 6300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese military paper urges increase in nuclear deterrence capabilities?,,"중국 군사 신문, 핵 억제력 증강 촉구" 8883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fallout from Larry Nassar scandal as more victims testify?,,"래리 내사르 스캔들 여파, 더 많은 피해자들이 증언하다" 9907,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Judge halts California plan to require glyphosate cancer warnings?,,판사가 글리포세이트 암 경고를 요구하는 캘리포니아 계획을 중단시켰다. 9485,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Pope arrives in Chile to bolster battered Church credibility?,,"업데이트 1 - 교황, 타격을 입은 교회의 신뢰 회복을 위해 칠레에 도착하다." 8321,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Legal hurdles, not Amazon, key concern for U.S. dental supply firms?",,법적 장애물이 미국 치과 용품 회사의 주요 문제지 아마존이 아니다. 3197,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Strauss Posts Yet Another Strong Set of Annual Results With Sales Growth Up 6.9% for 2017, or 8% Excluding Foreign Currency Effects; Net Income Rises an Impressive 23.7% for the Year Due to Excellent Results at Strauss Coffee, Strauss Israel And Strauss W?",,"스트라우스, 2017년 매출 성장 6.9% 또는 외환 영향을 제외하면 8%로 또 한 번 강력한 연간 실적 발표; 스트라우스 커피, 스트라우스 이스라엘 및 스트라우스 W의 훌륭한 결과 덕분에 순이익 23.7% 급증." 9477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aehr Test Systems Says Received Orders Exceeding $2.5 Mln?,,Aehr Test Systems가 수주가 250만 달러를 초과했다고 발표했습니다. 7123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S&P falls as Mueller subpoena weighs?,,S&P가 Mueller 소환장 압박으로 하락하면서 6170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Golf-No repeat championship for Johnson at WGC Match Play?,,"헤드라인 ""UPDATE 1-Golf-No repeat championship for Johnson at WGC Match Play""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: ""UPDATE 1-골프-존슨, WGC 매치 플레이에서 챔피언십 방어 실패"" " 5226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's Monex considering to buy cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck?,,"일본의 모넥스, 암호화폐 거래소 코인체크 인수 검토 중?" 5058,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart to Offer Home Delivery of Groceries in 100 Cities?,,"월마트, 100개 도시에서 식료품 홈 딜리버리 서비스 제공 예정" 3351,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magenta Therapeutics Announces Departure of Chief Operating Officer Bastiano Sanna, Ph.D.?",,"마젠타 테라퓨틱스, 최고 운영 책임자 바스티아노 산나 박사 퇴임 발표" 6759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. 30-year mortgage rates hit 13-month high: Freddie Mac?,,미국 30년 만기 모기지 금리가 13개월 최고치에 도달: 프레디 맥 7535,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thieves suck millions out of Mexican banks in transfer heist?,,도둑들이 멕시코 은행에서 수백만 달러를 전송도용으로 빼냈다. 749,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BoE's Ramsden sees case to raise rates sooner than thought?,,"BoE의 램스든, 예상보다 빨리 금리를 인상할 필요성이 있다고 봄." 4766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - CRZ?,,IIROC 거래 중단 / OCRCVM의 거래 중단 - CRZ? 3341,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Network Entertainment Secures Exclusive Rights, Announces Start Of Production On Sly Stone Feature Documentary?",,"브리프-네트워크 엔터테인먼트, 독점 권리 확보 및 슬리 스톤 다큐멘터리 제작 시작 발표." 9745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Eagle Outfitters tops same-store estimates?,,"아메리칸 이글 아울피터스, 같은 매장 매출 예상 초과" 8679,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UPS Offers Voluntary Retirement Incentive To Eligible U.S.-Based Management Employees?,,"BRIEF-UPS, 미국에 기반한 관리직 직원들에게 자발적 퇴직 인센티브를 제공합니다." 2225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vakrangee Ltd Enters Alliance With Netmeds Marketplace?,,"브리프-바크란지 주식회사, 넷메드 마켓플레이스와 제휴 체결" 4567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Tax Cuts Will Save Billions. But for Whom? | Fortune?,,새로운 세금 감면이 수십억 달러를 절약할 것입니다. 그러나 누가 혜택을 받을까요? | 포춘 4075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Even index funds can't take human emotion out of investing decisions?,,인덱스 펀드조차 투자 결정을 내릴 때 인간의 감정을 없앨 수 없다? 5759,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US economy gets 'second wind', says strategist?",,미국 경제가 '두 번째 바람'을 얻었다고 전략가가 말하다. 1766,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tribune Media Company to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"트리뷴 미디어 회사, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 8202,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea, U.S. expected to hold summit in mid-May - South Korean official?",,"한국, 미국, 5월 중순 회담 개최 예정 - 한국 정부 관계자" 5808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: January spending weakness is temporary because consumers are about to get a big boost?,,1월 소비 지출 약세는 일시적이며 소비자들이 큰 혜택을 받을 예정이다. 3045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Club for world's super rich to open Swiss advice exchange?,,"세계의 슈퍼 부자를 위한 클럽, 스위스 자문 교환소 개설 예정" 7244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A tropical nation is putting India's foreign policy ambitions to the test?,,열대 국가가 인도의 외교 정책 야망을 시험하고 있다? 7959,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ocular Therapeutix™ to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,Ocular Therapeutix™가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 5830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bayer Cropscience Agreed To Settle A Lawsuit Brought By Calyxt In Delaware Chancery Court?,,브리프 - 바이엘 크롭사이언스가 델라웨어 챈서리 법원에서 칼리츠가 제기한 소송을 해결하기로 합의했다. 4111,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump likes to tout black unemployment data, but it just got worse?",,"트럼프는 흑인 실업률 데이터를 자랑하는 것을 좋아하지만, 그것이 악화됐다." 5440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea government rejects 'Pyongyang Olympics' criticism?,,"한국 정부, '평양 올림픽' 비판을 거부하다." 3516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Citi Trends Reports Q1 EPS $0.83?,,BRIEF-Citi Trends가 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.83을 보고했습니다. 9262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oceanwide Holdings' Share Trade To Remain Suspended From Jan 22 Pending Announcement?,,BRIEF-Oceanwide Holdings의 주식 거래는 발표를 기다리며 1월 22일부터 계속 중단됩니다. 9146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venator Announces Strong First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"베네타, 2018년 1분기 실적 강세 발표" 9964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics: South Korea's 'Iron Man' wins first Asian sliding gold?,,"올림픽: 한국의 '아이언 맨', 아시아 슬라이딩 첫 금메달 획득" 4236,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump ousts McMaster, taps Bolton as national security adviser?",,"트럼프, 맥마스터 해임하고 볼턴을 국가안보보좌관으로 임명하다." 2608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sony says to pay $2.3 bln to make EMI Music consolidated unit?,,"소니, EMI 뮤직 통합 유닛에 23억 달러 지급한다고 발표" 9898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fengate Real Asset Investments and Greengate Power Corporation Announce$100 Million Strategic Co-Development Partnership?,,"펑게이트 리얼 자산 투자와 그린게이트 파워 코퍼레이션, 1억 달러 규모의 전략적 공동 개발 파트너십 발표" 3658,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TERP Spanish Files For Authorization Of Takeover Bid For Saeta Yield‍​?,,"BRIEF-TERP 스페인, Saeta Yield 인수 제안 승인 신청 파일 제출" 7643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Malaysian police to review CCTV footage from apartment block linked to ousted PM Najib's family?,,"말레이시아 경찰, 해임된 나집 가족과 관련된 아파트 단지의 CCTV 영상을 검토할 예정" 609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kuroda says the Bank of Japan is talking about an exit from its huge stimulus program?,,구로다가 일본은행이 대규모 통화 자극 프로그램 종료에 대해 논의하고 있다고 말하다. 9151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Scotiabank says technology spend in 2017 was C$3.1 bln?,,"BRIEF-스코샤뱅크, 2017년 기술 투자액 31억 캐나다달러라고 발표" 8793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Skygofree Android Surveillance Tool Steals WhatsApp Messages | Fortune?,,스카이고프리 안드로이드 감시 도구가 WhatsApp 메시지를 훔쳐간다 | 포춘 5611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The RMR Group Inc. Announces Annual Meeting Results?,,"RMR 그룹 주식회사, 연례 총회 결과 발표" 2850,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: G7 backs U.S., British, French efforts to curb Syrian chemical weapon capability?",,"G7, 미국, 영국, 프랑스의 시리아 화학 무기 능력 억제 노력 지지" 3468,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Citrix Systems to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results on Wednesday, January 31?",,"시트릭스 시스템즈, 1월 31일 수요일 제4분기 및 2017 회계연도 재무 결과 발표 예정" 9373,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Last three years hottest on record, severe weather hits 2018: U.N.?",,"지난 3년간 가장 더운 기록, 2018년 강력한 날씨 발생: 유엔" 6561,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: U.S. investors seek to acquire Russia's Rosneft lien in Citgo?,,독점: 미국 투자자들이 시트고의 러시아 로스네프트 채권 인수를 모색하고 있다? 1929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bigben Increases Its Stake In Kylotonn To 45 Percent Of The Capital?,,"브리프-빅벤, 키로톤의 지분을 45%로 증가시킴" 3193,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Edgewell Personal Care Announces Agreement to Acquire Jack Black, L.L.C.?",,"엣지웰 개인용품이 잭 블랙, L.L.C. 인수 계약을 발표하다." 2306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Islamic State releases video showing execution of Iraq 'election advocators'?,,"이슬람 국가, 이라크 '선거 지지자' 처형 영상 공개" 6946,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China denies offering $200 bln package to slash trade gap?,,"중국, 무역 적자를 줄이기 위해 2000억 달러 패키지 제공 제안 부인" 2081,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-U.S. stock futures edge up as Washington extends tariff exemptions?,,글로벌 시장-미국 주식 선물이 상승세로 바뀌며 워싱턴이 관세 면제를 연장하다 5233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea was a key reason for Tillerson's firing?,,북한이 틸러슨 해임의 주요 이유였다. 5558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Petpal Pet Nutrition Technology to invest 5 mln yuan to set up pet tech unit?,,"BRIEF-Petpal 반려동물 영양 기술, 반려동물 기술 부문 설립을 위해 500만 위안 투자 예정" 9824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: China regulator okays state-brokered nuclear deal?,,"사실 요약: 중국 규제 당국, 국가 중개 핵 협정 승인" 3469,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Islamic State attacks kill 10 in northern Iraq - police?,,이슬람 국가의 공격이 이라크 북부에서 10명을 사망하게 하다 - 경찰 7180,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Asia shares cheered by trade hopes, dollar downcast?",,"GLOBAL MARKETS-아시아 주식, 무역 희망에 환호하며 달러는 실망." 347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-China's Wanda to soon announce sale of Australia projects -sources?,,"업데이트 1 - 중국 완다, 호주 프로젝트 매각 곧 발표할 예정 - 소식통" 1217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wynn Resorts proxy fight heads to shareholder vote next week?,,윈 리조트의 주주 대결이 다음 주 주주 투표로 향한다. 5721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Takata agrees to settle U.S. probe by 44 state AGs over deadly air bags?,,"타카타, 치명적인 에어백 관련 미 전역 44개 주 검찰총장과의 조사 합의" 8126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Centene Corp Announces Offering Of Senior Notes?,,"브리프 - 센틴 코퍼레이션, 선순위 채권 발행 발표" 7941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How investors can close corporate America's gender gap—and see serious returns?,,투자자들이 기업 미국의 성별 격차를 해소하고 실질적인 수익을 얻는 방법 1245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-U.N. chief Annan tells Facebook to move faster on hate speech?,,"전 유엔 사무총장 아난, 페이스북에 증오 발언에 대한 조치를 더 빨리 취할 것을 요구하다." 1660,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Police search offices of Belgian company supplying passports to Africa?,,벨기에 회사가 아프리카에 여권을 공급하는 사무실을 경찰이 수색하다 6624,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BevSource, Inc Acquires Europe's MyDrink Beverages?",,"BevSource, Inc가 유럽의 MyDrink Beverages를 인수하다." 5137,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British lawmakers, celebrities call for ""people's vote"" on Brexit?",,"영국 의원들과 유명인들이 브렉시트에 대한 ""국민 투표""를 촉구하다" 8403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gibson Energy Confirms 2018 First Quarter Earnings Release and Annual General Meeting Dates and Provides Conference Call & Webcast Details?,,"Gibson Energy는 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 및 연례 총회 날짜를 확인하고, 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트 세부 정보를 제공합니다." 619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flybe says flight cancellations due to poor weather to hurt results?,,플라이비가 악천후로 인한 항공편 취소가 실적에 부정적 영향을 미칠 것이라고 발표했다. 1930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bill Gates Fails Ellen Degeneres's Grocery Challenge | Fortune?,,"빌 게이츠, 엘렌 드제너러스의 식료품 도전에서 실패하다 | 포ーチune?" 3544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NorthStar Financial Agrees to Acquire FTJ FundChoice?,,NorthStar Financial이 FTJ FundChoice 인수에 합의하다. 3102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iranian granted U.S. visa to aid brother with cancer despite travel ban?,,이란인이 여행 금지에도 불구하고 암 투병 중인 형을 돕기 위해 미국 비자를 받았다. 7582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Danish jeweller Pandora's shares plummet as China loses its shine?,,"UPDATE 2-덴마크 주얼리 업체 판도의 주가, 중국의 매력이 시들면서 급락" 221,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Russia's Gazprom calls Nord Stream-2 pipeline risks hypothetical?,,"브리프-러시아 가스프롬, 노르드 스트림-2 파이프라인 위험은 가설적이라고 밝혀" 5323,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europe considers Syria chemical attack response?,,"유럽, 시리아 화학 무기 공격 대응 방안 검토" 8030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why 4 Fed rate hikes are on the cards: Credit Suisse's chief economist?,,"크레딧스위스 수석 경제학자가 말하는, 왜 4차례 연준 금리 인상이 예상되는가?" 1703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Farrell pours in 37 as Notre Dame routs BC?,,패럴이 37점을 기록하며 노터데임이 보스턴 컬리지를 대파하다 5048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Consumer Prices Rose 0.1% in December?,,12월 미국 소비자 물가 0.1% 상승 7787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sandridge Energy Says CEO James Bennett's FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $7.3 Million?,,브리프 - 샌드리지 에너지가 CEO 제임스 베넷의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 730만 달러였다고 발표했습니다. 2351,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Novartis ex-CEO says regrets hiring, not firing Trump lawyer?",,"노바르티스 전 CEO, 트럼프 변호사 고용한 것을 후회한다고 밝혀." 8721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Britain's Ofcom sets out rules to boost full-fibre networks?,,"영국의 오프콤, 전체 섬유 네트워크 확대를 위한 규칙 제정 내용 발표" 251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bahrain aims to emulate Norway when it comes to oil investment?,,바레인은 석유 투자에 있어 노르웨이를 본받고자 한다. 733,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 8-Video blogger who opened fire at YouTube was angry with company, police say?",,UPDATE 8-유튜브에서 총기를 발포한 동영상 블로거는 회사에 분노했다고 경찰이 말합니다. 2607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AWS is the fifth-biggest business software company in the world?,,AWS는 세계에서 다섯 번째로 큰 비즈니스 소프트웨어 회사입니다. 4770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leading All-Natural Frozen Kids' Meal Brand Brings on Former Kellogg's Brass To Further Grow Business?,,"선도적인 천연 냉동 아동 식품 브랜드, 비즈니스 성장을 위해 전 켈로그 간부 영입" 4491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Manila's homeless set to move into more empty homes if official handover delayed?,,"""마닐라의 노숙자들, 공식 인도가 지연될 경우 더 많은 빈 집으로 이주할 예정""" 8477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cape Verde aims for free trade zone with Atlantic islands-PM?,,"카보베르데, 대서양 섬들과의 자유무역지대 목표 - 총리" 2062,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's FTSE back in the black, Unilever slips after UK snub?",,"영국의 FTSE, 다시 상승세로 돌아가다; 유니레버, 영국의 무시 이후 주가 하락" 3595,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Modern Converters Appoints Kishan Choudhary As CFO?,,"브리프 - 모던 컨버터스, 키샨 초더리를 CFO로 임명" 5566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST STOCKS-Emirates NBD's Turkish deal lifts Dubai index?,,MIDEAST STOCKS-에미리트 NBD의 터키 거래가 두바이 지수를 끌어올린다? 1754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gameiro penalty secures Atletico win at Alaves?,,게임이로의 페널티로 아틀레티코가 알라베스를 이겼다. 4902,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets are getting it wrong on rising inflation, economist warns?",,시장은 상승하는 인플레이션에 대해 잘못 판단하고 있다고 경제학자가 경고했다. 7384,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gazprom gets Finnish approval to build Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline?,,"가스프롬, 노르드 스트림 2 가스 파이프라인 건설을 위한 핀란드 승인 획득" 3879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wisconsin Girl in Slender Man Stabbing Sentenced to Mental Facility?,,"""Wisconsin의 슬렌더맨 칼부림 사건에 연루된 소녀, 정신 병원에 구금형 선고""" 7413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trudeau 'assures' India that Canada won't support Sikh separatists?,,"트뤼도, 캐나다가 시크 분리주의자를 지원하지 않을 것이라고 인도에 '보장'하다." 7810,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Banned in the UK: straws and cotton buds, maybe?",,"영국에서 금지된: 빨대와 면봉, 아마도?" 376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Brexit minister and EU's Barnier to meet in London on Monday?,,영국의 브렉시트 장관과 EU의 바르니에가 월요일 런던에서 만난다. 8083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Construction Bank Q4 profit rises 9 pct?,,중국건설은행의 4분기 이익 9% 증가 401,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Resolute Announces Appointment of Yves Laflamme as President and CEO, Succeeding Richard Garneau?",,"""Resolute는 Richard Garneau를 대신해 Yves Laflamme를 사장 겸 CEO로 임명한다고 발표했습니다.""" 7963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British building material fire tests inadequate - insurance body?,,영국의 건축 자재 화재 테스트가 불충분하다고 보험 기관이 주장하다. 7094,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hakuyosha appoints chairman?,,브리프 - 하쿠요샤가 회장을 임명하다. 3692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Russia's grip on biggest port operator tightens with new chairman?,,"UPDATE 1 - 러시아, 최대 항만 운영업체의 새로운 회장 선임으로 지배력 강화" 270,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scientists Discover Traces Of Opioids In Seattle Mussels?,,"과학자들, 시애틀 홍합에서 오피오이드의 흔적 발견" 4486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK foreign minister Johnson says would not be sensible to rescind Trump invitation?,,영국 외무장관 존슨은 트럼프 초대를 철회하는 것은 합리적이지 않다고 말한다. 9201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thai carrier Bangkok Airways to invest in new routes - president?,,"태국 항공사 방콕 항공, 새로운 노선에 투자할 예정 - 사장" 2783,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mnuchin, Lighthizer, Cohn expected to meet China official on trade - White House?",,"트럼프 행정부의 미너친, 라이트하이저, 코언이 중국 고위관계자와 무역에 대해 회담할 것으로 예상된다고 백악관이 발표했다." 9117,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ECB frets over euro strength, trade war risk: minutes?",,ECB는 유로 강세와 무역 전쟁 위험에 대해 우려하고 있다: 회의록. 2124,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Novartis says set to deliver sales growth, margin expansion through 2022?",,"브리프 - 노바티스, 2022년까지 매출 성장과 마진 확대 달성할 준비 완료라고 밝혀" 875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong set to jail 'dishonest' maid recruiters in slavery fight?,,"홍콩, ‘부정직한’ 가사도우미 모집업체를 감옥에 보내려 하며 노예 제도 퇴치에 나선다." 5182,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Transgender dance star shakes up debate in Rio Carnival?,,트랜스젠더 댄스 스타가 리오 카니발에서 논란을 일으키다. 9696,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hungarian parliament reconvenes to elect Orban PM for new term?,,헝가리 의회가 새 임기를 위해 오르반 총리를 선출하기 위해 소집된다. 79,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Arabia working with HSBC, JPMorgan, MUFG on $10 billion loan refinancing - sources?",,"사우디아라비아, 100억 달러 대출 재융자를 위해 HSBC, JPMorgan, MUFG와 협력 중 - 소식통" 761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ASRC Industrial Services Acquires Specialty Contractors F.D. Thomas and D. Zelinsky & Sons?,,"ASRC 산업 서비스, 전문 계약업체 F.D. 토마스 및 D. 젤린스키 & 손스 인수" 751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Renesola Connects 90 MW Of Distributed Generation Projects In China?,,"브리프 - 레노솔라, 중국에서 90MW의 분산형 발전 프로젝트 연결 완료" 5673,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Boyuan Construction Group Q3 Earnings Per Share $0.10?,,브리프 - 보위안 건설 그룹 Q3 주당순이익 $0.10 1835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clearside Biomedical's eye treatment succeeds late-stage study?,,클리어사이드 생물의학의 안과 치료가 후기 단계 연구에서 성공을 거두다 7672,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Guggenheim cooperating with U.S. SEC investigation -statement?,,"구겐하임, 미국 증권거래위원회 조사에 협력 - 성명" 1702,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia's Najib expected to call election on Friday, minister says?",,"말레이시아의 나집, 금요일에 선거를 발표할 것으로 예상된다고 장관이 말했습니다." 3943,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-COAI Says New Spectrum Caps Will Facilitate Consolidation In Telecom Industry?,,BRIEF-COAI는 새로운 스펙트럼 한도가 통신 산업의 통합을 촉진할 것이라고 말했다. 4191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump signs bill rolling back Dodd-Frank?,,"트럼프, 도드-프랭크 법안 철회 법안에 서명" 2934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Senators say progress made to avoid government shutdown?,,"월스트리트 저널: 상원 의원들, 정부 셧다운을 피하기 위해 진전이 있음을 말하다." 1567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Energy Stocks Are Getting Pricey (Again)?,,에너지 주식이 다시 비싸지고 있다 82,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BOJ may raise yield target in small step toward normalization: Shirai?,,BOJ는 정상화로 나아가는 작은 단계로 수익률 목표를 상향 조정할 수 있다고 시라이가 말했다. 2697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Energold Drilling Group Q4 Loss Per Share $0.11?,,"간단히 전하는 소식 - 에너골드 드릴링 그룹, 4분기 주당 손실 0.11달러 발생" 6441,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour 500 / WTA International, Acapulco Women's Singles Results?",,"ATP 월드 투어 500 / WTA 국제, 아카풀코 여성 단식 결과" 7889,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House pushes back on reports of McMaster's ouster?,,"백악관, 맥마스터 해임 보도에 반박" 1851,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK car insurance premiums see biggest quarterly fall in four years-survey?,,"영국 자동차 보험료, 4년 만에 가장 큰 분기별 하락을 기록 - 조사" 2251,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Crafts retailer Michaels to close all Aaron Brothers stores?,,"UPDATE 1-공예 소매업체 마이클스, 모든 아론 브라더스 매장 폐쇄 예정" 2067,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: National Land Partners is proud to announce the acquisition of the remaining developed homesites at Copperleaf, a luxury mountain community in Northwestern Wyoming, minutes to Yellowstone.?",,내셔널 랜드 파트너스는 노스웨스턴 와이오밍에 있는 고급 산악 커뮤니티인 카퍼리프의 남은 개발된 주택 부지를 인수했다고 발표하게 되어 자랑스럽습니다. 이 커뮤니티는 옐로스톤에서 불과 몇 분 거리에 위치해 있습니다. 7927,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pound on backfoot as doubts rise of BoE rate hike in May?,,"파운드, 5월 BoE 금리 인상에 대한 의구심 확산으로 약세 전환" 9826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investors’ Zeal to Buy Stocks With Debt Leaves Markets Vulnerable?,,투자자들이 부채로 주식을 사는 열망으로 시장이 취약해진다. 8884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fewer U.S. high school athletes play football amid concussion fears?,,미국 고등학교 운동선수들이 뇌진탕에 대한 두려움으로 미식축구를 덜 한다는 내용의 뉴스 기사. 4761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Peregrine Holdings Sees FY Normalised HEPS To Be Between 240 CPS And 245 CPS?,,"브리프-페레그린 홀딩스, FY 정상화 HEPS가 240 CPS와 245 CPS 사이가 될 것으로 예상해." 7631,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: With hug and handshakes, North Korea's smiling Kim lightens summit mood?",,"포옹과 악수로, 웃는 김정은이 정상 회담 분위기를 부드럽게 한다." 9652,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. Announces Investigation Of Analogic Corporation Buyout?",,"주주 경고: 리그로드스키 & 롱, P.A.가 아날로직 코퍼레이션 인수 조사 발표" 4129,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour Masters 1000 / WTA Premier, Indian Wells Masters Women's Singles Results?",,"ATP 월드 투어 마스터스 1000 / WTA 프리미어, 인디언 웰스 마스터스 여자 단식 결과" 6830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italians march against racism after shooting spree against migrants?,,이탈리아인들이 이민자들에 대한 총격 사건 이후 인종차별 반대 시위를 벌이다. 6214,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says U.S. ""stands with the people of Iran"", calls China and Russia ""rivals""?",,"트럼프, 미국이 ""이란 국민과 함께 한다""며 중국과 러시아를 ""경쟁국""으로 지칭하다." 112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration braces for criticism from U.S. companies over China tariffs - MarketWatch?,,"트럼프 행정부, 중국 관세에 대한 미국 기업들의 비판에 대비하다 - 마켓워치" 2594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Commentary: How U.S. should react to Putin’s nuclear threats?,,COLUMN-논평: 미국이 푸틴의 핵 위협에 어떻게 대응해야 하는가? 4581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Prokhorov sells 49 pct in Brooklyn Nets basketball team?,,"러시아의 프로호로프, 브루클린 네츠 농구팀의 49% 매각" 3845,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM says South Korean arm could file for bankruptcy?,,"GM, 한국 자회사 파산 신청 가능성 언급" 2591,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intel considers deals including bid for Broadcom - WSJ?,,"인텔, 브로드컴 입찰을 포함한 거래 검토 - WSJ" 1846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Food Idea Says FY Loss Attributable From Cont Ops HK$79.4 Mln?,,간략 - Food Idea는 FY(회계 연도) 운영에서 발생한 손실이 7940만 홍콩달러라고 발표했습니다. 8695,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian banking inquiry hears Westpac mis-sold auto-finance?,,"호주 은행 조사, 웨스트팩이 자동차 금융을 잘못 판매했다는 내용을 청취하다." 6146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aisin Seiki unit to set up automatic transmission production JVs with GAC Motor and Geely Automobile?,,"Aisin Seiki의 자회사가 GAC Motor 및 Geely Automobile과 자동 변속기 생산 합작법인을 설립하기로 결정했다는 내용의 뉴스 기사가 있을 수 있습니다. 기사에는 합작법인의 목표, 투자 규모, 생산 일정, 기술 협력 및 시장 전략 등과 관련된 정보가 포함될 수 있습니다. 또한, GAC Motor와 Geely Automobile의 견해와 시장 내 경쟁력에 대한 분석도 다뤄질 가능성이 큽니다." 6044,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golden Globes U.S. TV audience falls to 19 million viewers, NBC says?",,"골든 글로브상 미국 TV 시청자 수 1,900만 명으로 감소, NBC 발표." 4828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Navient reelects board at annual shareholder meeting?,,"Navient, 연례 주주총회에서 이사회 재선임." 2726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hopson Development Holdings Receives Written Notice That Disposal Agreement Was Terminated?,,"브리핑-홉슨 개발 홀딩스, 처분 계약이 종료되었다는 서면 통지를 받음." 1510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oladipo paces Indiana to win over Hornets?,,"올라디포, 인디애나가 호네츠를 상대로 승리로 이끌다" 8560,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The market's choppy, churning phase will give way to another climb?",,시장의 불안정하고 요동치는 단계가 또 다른 상승으로 이어질 것이다. 1665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan announce their separation?,,"채닝 테이텀과 제나 데완, 이혼 발표" 8808,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roku Leads Internet Streaming Market, While Google Slips?",,"로쿠, 인터넷 스트리밍 시장에서 선두주자로 자리매김하는 반면 구글은 하락세를 보인다." 1379,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Transcript: Zafrul Aziz, CEO, CIMB?",,"CNBC 전사: 자프룰 아지즈, CIMB CEO" 7502,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trust at stake for tech amid data protection worries, Thales CEO says?",,데이터 보호 우려 속에서 기술에 대한 신뢰가 위태롭다고 탈레스 CEO가 말했습니다. 2192,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain says likely that Russia's Putin made decision for nerve agent attack?,,영국은 러시아의 푸틴이 신경 작용제 공격에 대한 결정을 내린 것으로 보인다고 밝혔습니다. 5716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alibaba Buying Food Delivery App Ele.me in $9.5 Billion Deal | Fortune?,,"알리바바, 95억 달러에 음식 배달 앱 엘레.me 인수 | 포춘" 6910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World market themes for the week ahead: Fed up again?,,세계 시장의 다음 주 주제: 다시 금리 인상? 7014,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Salisbury locals angered at UK delay in nerve-agent warnings?,,"살리isbury 주민들, 영국의 신경작용제 경고 지연에 분노하다." 4815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LightSail Announces Acquisition by Agile Investment Group?,,LightSail이 Agile Investment Group에 인수되었다고 발표하다. 3937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Capitaland Malaysia Mall Trust Posts Qtrly Profit Attributable 53.6 Mln RGT ​?,,"브리프-캐피탈랜드 말레이시아 몰 트러스트, 분기별 순이익 5360만 링깃 발표" 788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German American Expands South Central Indiana Franchise with Purchase of 5 Branches from MainSource?,,독일계 미국인이 MainSource로부터 5개 지점을 인수하여 인디애나 남중부 프랜차이즈를 확장합니다. 789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-‍Airtel Buys India Leg Of GBI's India-Middle East-Europe Submarine Cable​?,,"브리핑 - Airtel, GBI의 인도-중동-유럽 해저 케이블의 인도 부분 인수" 5737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. court backs transgender student at center of bathroom dispute?,,미국 법원이 화장실 논란의 중심에 있는 트랜스젠더 학생을 지지하다 6864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 6 Tips for Surviving the New Snapchat?,,새로운 Snapchat에서 살아남는 6가지 팁 7393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: John Shoemaker Joins Butler Snow in Singapore?,,"존 슈메이커, 싱가포르에서 버틀러 스노우에 합류" 1890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund Declares Distribution?,,"Nuveen 부동산 소득 기금, 배당금 선언" 3832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arrowmark Colorado Holdings Reports 5.2 Pct Passive Stake In Carbonite?,,"""브리프-애로우마크 콜로라도 홀딩스, 카보나이트에 5.2% 수동 지분 보유 보고""" 2288,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's pro-Kurdish opposition seeks release of jailed presidential candidate?,,"터키의 친쿠르드 야당, 수감된 대선 후보 석방 요구" 1400,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-INAP Completes Debt Repricing?,,간략하게 - INAP이 채무 재조정을 완료했습니다. 3994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dutch not considering joining possible military action in Syria?,,네덜란드는 시리아에서의 군사 행동에 참여할 가능성을 고려하고 있지 않다. 9378,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MEDIA-French renewables firm Neoen mandates banks for IPO - Bloomberg?,,"미디어 - 프랑스 재생 에너지 회사 네오엔, IPO를 위해 은행에 위임 - 블룸버그" 2071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Asia Business Daily issues 2nd tranche convertible bonds worth 20 bln won?,,BRIEF-아시아 비즈니스 데일리가 200억 원 규모의 제2차 전환사채를 발행했다. 7170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atlas Financial Holdings Reschedules 2017 Fourth Quarter Financial Results?,,"아틀라스 파이낸셜 홀딩스, 2017년 4분기 재무 실적 발표 일정 변경" 3497,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan foreign minister says Beijing, Tokyo should co-operate more to denuclearize North Korea?",,"일본 외무장관, 북핵 비핵화를 위해 베이징과 도쿄가 더 협력해야 한다고 말하다." 8674,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Casino CEO confident on 2018 financial goals?,,"브리프 - 카지노 CEO, 2018년 재무 목표에 자신감 표명" 1849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI Says You Should Reboot Your Home Office Router to Stop Russian Malware?,,FBI는 러시아 맬웨어 차단을 위해 홈 오피스 라우터를 재부팅해야 한다고 밝혔습니다. 6328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Meredith Corporation Announces Completion Of Time Inc. Acquisition And Reports Fiscal 2018 Second And First Half?,,"메레디스 코퍼레이션, 타임 인크 인수 완료 및 2018 회계연도 2분기 및 상반기 보고 발표" 7799,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. firm Ocean Infinity says hopeful of getting MH370 search contract soon?,,"미국 회사 오션 인피니티, MH370 수색 계약 체결 희망 중" 7440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frailty screening predicts risk of poor outcomes after surgery?,,수술 후 불량 결과의 위험을 예측하는 허약성 선별검사 231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Monster’ Black Hole Is Discovered That Consumes Mass Equivalent of the Sun Every 2 Days?,,‘태양의 질량을 매 2일마다 소비하는 ‘괴물’ 블랙홀 발견’ 5380,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Micro Focus downgrades 2018 revenue forecast, CEO steps down​?",,"마이크로 포커스, 2018년 수익 전망 하향 조정, CEO 사임" 4287,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marx Is Home His Birthday, and Not Everyone Is Happy?",,"마르크스가 집에 돌아왔고 그의 생일이며, 모든 사람들이 행복해하는 것은 아니다." 4548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: English County Championship Division One Scoreboard?,,영국 카운티 챔피언십 1부 스코어보드 1507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Guillermo del Toro wins Directors Guild top award for 'The Shape of Water'?,,"기예르모 델 토로, '물의 모양'으로 감독 조합 최고 상 수상" 3431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India cuts sales tax on 49 more items: state finance minister?,,"인도, 49개 품목에 대한 판매세 인하: 주 재무 장관" 1747,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Argentina books largest U.S. soybean imports in 20 years, USDA says?",,"아르헨티나, USDA에 따르면 20년 만에 가장 큰 미국 대두 수입량 기록." 9016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NETSOL Technologies Renews Stock Repurchase Program?,,NETSOL Technologies가 자사 주식 매입 프로그램을 재개합니다. 2151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blue Apron to Release First Quarter 2018 Results on May 3rd?,,"블루 에이프런, 5월 3일 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 예정" 5070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ferrotec Holdings Corp Is Expected To Post A Record Nine-Month Profit - Nikkei?,,브리프-페로텍 홀딩스는 기록적인 9개월 이익을 발표할 것으로 예상됨 - 닛케이 7380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hanover Community Bank Names Denise Chardavoyne as Executive Vice President & Chief Retail and Information Officer?,,"하노버 커뮤니티 은행, 데니스 차다보인을 부사장 겸 최고 소매 및 정보 책임자로 임명" 9985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-H&R Announces $125 Mln Private Placement Of Floating Rate Senior Unsecured Debentures?,,"H&R, 1억 2500만 달러 규모의 변동금리 무담보 부채권 민간 발행 발표" 4162,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Origin Bancorp, Inc Sees IPO Of Up To $137.8 Million – SEC Filing?",,"BRIEF-오리진 뱅코프, Inc, 최대 1억 3,780만 달러의 IPO 예상 - SEC 제출 서류" 8866,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan PM Abe - Government, BOJ must deploy all means to beat deflation?",,일본 총리 아베 - 정부와 BOJ는 디플레이션을 극복하기 위해 모든 수단을 동원해야 한다. 9541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. safety agency criticizes Tesla crash data release?,,"미국 안전 기관, 테슬라의 사고 데이터 공개에 대한 비판." 5260,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wikileaks founder Assange loses bid to have UK arrest warrant dropped?,,위클리크스 창립자 아사시가 영국 체포 영장 철회를 요청한 것이 기각됐다. 7052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cycling - Froome conquers Zoncolan climb as Yates extends Giro lead?,,"사이클링 - 프로홈, 존콜란 오르막 정복하며 예이츠의 지로 리드 확대" 320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Olympics-Curling-Women's semifinal results?,,업데이트 1-올림픽-컬링-여자 준결승 결과 6127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Feb vehicle sales fall 11.1 pct y/y - industry association?,,중국 2월 차량 판매 11.1% 감소 - 산업 협회 5161,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rongfeng Holding Group to swing to profit in 2018 Q1?,,"브리프 - 롱펑 홀딩 그룹, 2018년 1분기 흑자 전환 예정." 5581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Budget airline considers seats that don't recline to cut costs?,,"저가 항공사, 비용 절감을 위해 기복이 없는 좌석 고려 중" 5397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Emirates NBD Seeks Shareholders Nod For Capital Increase?,,"BRIEF-에미레이트 NBD, 자본 증가를 위한 주주 승인 요청" 5507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: James Woys Joins Molina Healthcare as Executive Vice President of Health Plan Services?,,"제임스 와이스, 몰리나 헬스케어의 건강 계획 서비스 부문 부사장으로 합류" 994,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eagle Point Credit Company Inc. Announces Offering of Notes?,,이글 포인트 크레딧 컴퍼니 Inc. 노트 제공 발표 3398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACEBOOK INC CEO MARK ZUCKERBERG SAYS COMPANY 'MADE MISTAKES' ON CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA SITUATION -STATEMENT?,,"페이스북 주식회사 CEO 마크 저커버그가 ""회사가 캠브리지 애널리티카 상황에 대해 '실수를 했다'고 말했다"" - 성명" 4303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European shares to snap three-week losing streak as solid earnings help?,,"유럽 주식, 탄탄한 실적이 도움을 주며 3주 연속 하락세를 멈출 것으로 전망돼." 1928,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Widely-followed JPMorgan analyst Kolanovic says new market highs are coming soon?,,잘 알려진 JPMorgan 분석가인 콜라노비치는 곧 새로운 시장 최고치가 올 것이라고 말했습니다. 9446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - March 2?,,"""PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - 3월 2일의 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요?""" 4149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Advisers urge deep discount in Venezuelan cryptocurrency offering?,,고문들이 베네수엘라 암호화폐 제공의 대규모 할인을 촉구하다. 6426,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European leaders to urge Trump not to quit Iran deal - Germany?,,유럽 지도자들이 트럼프에게 이란 핵 거래에서 탈퇴하지 않도록 촉구할 예정이다 - 독일 8204,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Erdogan's crazy canal alarms villagers and environmentalists?,,에르도안의 미친 운하는 마을 주민들과 환경 운동가들을 불안하게 한다. 5041,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global green bond issuance rose to $163 bln in 2017-research?,,"2017년 전 세계적인 그린 본드 발행이 1,630억 달러로 증가했다고 연구 결과가 보도됐다." 9893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. trade deficit rises to nine-year high on robust imports?,,미국의 무역 적자가 강한 수입으로 인해 9년 만에 최고치로 상승하다 7344,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Polska Meat Q1 Net Result Turns To Loss Of 0.3 Mln Zlotys?,,브리프 - 폴란드 고기 1분기 순손실 30만 즈워티로 전환 4357,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: International Paper Reports First Quarter 2018 Earnings?,,"국제 종이, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 6803,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Baidu USA, Access Services Announce Pilot Project For Autonomous Vehicle Services?",,브리프 - 바이두 USA와 액세스 서비스가 자율주행 차량 서비스 파일럿 프로젝트를 발표하다. 5818,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jill Beggs Appointed to Munich Re, US Executive Board?",,질 벡스가 뮌헨 재보험 미국 이사회에 임명되다. 752,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alka Diamond Industries Re-Appoints Gopal Verma As MD, Chairman?",,"브리프-알카 다이아몬드 산업, 고팔 베르마를 전무이사 겸 회장으로 재임명" 1394,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McDonald's plays 'hide the cheeseburger' in new Happy Meal health push?,,"맥도날드, 새로운 해피밀 건강 캠페인에서 '치즈버거 숨기기' 플레이" 699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French hydro firm builds wind turbines as Swiss glaciers melt?,,"프랑스의 수력 회사, 스위스 빙하가 녹아내리자 풍력 터빈 건설 시작" 3919,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tapestry shares tumble on weak Kate Spade sales?,,"타페스트리 주식, 약한 케이트 스페이드 판매로 하락" 6904,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Netanyahu: Iran lied about not seeking nuclear weapons?,,넷anyahu: 이란은 핵무기를 추구하지 않는다고 거짓말했다? 5193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mic Extends Appointment Of Andreas Empl To Management Board Until 2021?,,"Mic, 안드레아스 엠플의 관리 이사회 임기를 2021년까지 연장하다." 9751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monte dei Paschi profit points to better times for Italy's banks?,,몬테 데이 파스키의 이익이 이탈리아 은행들의 더 나은 시기를 가리킨다? 948,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Medical Developments International Announces Penthrox​ In Slovakia?,,"브리프-메디컬 디벨로프먼츠 인터내셔널, 슬로바키아에서 펜스로크스 발표" 3999,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Summit Industrial Income REIT Announces Sale Of 4 Properties, Special Distribution For About $46.4 Million?",,"BRIEF-서밋 산업 소득 리츠, 4개 자산 매각 및 약 4640만 달러 특별 배당 발표" 7655,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vanstar Signs An Amending Agreement On The Nelligan Project Option With IAMGOLD And Could Receive Up To $4,750,000 In Cash?",,"반스타, IAMGOLD와 넬리건 프로젝트 옵션에 대한 수정 계약 체결 - 최대 4,750,000달러 현금 수령 가능." 3112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The '#MeToo' movement moves to Wall Street?,,'#MeToo' 운동이 월스트리트로 이동하다. 6829,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AirMedia Releases 2018 Chairman Letter for Shareholders?,,"에어미디어, 2018년 주주를 위한 의장 서한 발표" 2745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Israel's Check Point Software 2018 outlook?,,BRIEF-이스라엘의 체크포인트 소프트웨어 2018 전망? 1638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Fordoo Intends To Issue Corporate Bonds In Aggregate Principal Amount Of Up To HK$210 Mln?,,중국 포르두가 총 2억 1천만 홍콩 달러 규모의 회사채를 발행할 계획이다. 7572,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Foshan Haitian Flavouring And Food's Q1 Net Profit Up 23.1 Pct Y/Y At 1.2 Bln Yuan?,,브리프-포산 하이티안 조미료 및 식품 1분기 순이익 12억 위안으로 전년 대비 23.1% 증가. 9768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Thinkful Announces $10 Mln Fundraise in Partnership with Leif Technologies?,,브리프 - Thinkful이 Leif Technologies와 파트너십을 통해 1천만 달러 자금을 모집했다고 발표했습니다. 4835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMT Recounts Moments Before Mentally Ill Woman Was Shot by Police Sergeant?,,EMT가 경찰 중위가 정신질환 여성에게 총을 쏘기 직전 순간을 회상하다. 4901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Czech premier Babis may renew coalition talks with fringe parties?,,체코 총리 바비시는 주변 정당들과의 연립 정부 협상을 재개할 수 있다. 591,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Black Panther' surpasses 'Tomb Raider' for fifth box office crown?,,"'블랙 팬서', '툼 레이더'를 제치고 다섯 번째 박스 오피스 왕좌 차지" 7513,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran urges Muslims to develop sciences to shake off U.S. hegemony?,,"이란, 미국 패권을 떨치기 위해 المسلمين에게 과학을 발전시킬 것을 촉구하다." 5470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey denies allegation of chemical attack in Syria?,,"터키, 시리아 화학 공격 혐의 부인" 1319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fenix Parts Announces Definitive Merger Agreement with Stellex Capital Management LP and Board of Directors Updates?,,"Fenix Parts, Stellex Capital Management LP와의 최종 합병 계약 발표 및 이사회 업데이트" 4393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Durect Corporation Q1 Loss Per Share $0.05?,,브리프 - 듀렉트 코퍼레이션 1분기 주당 손실 $0.05 9293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Threat of tariffs may impact luxury vehicles?,,관세 위협이 고급 차량에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 3188,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investigators probe whether Texas bomber had help?,,조사관들이 텍사스 폭탄범이 도움을 받았는지 조사 중입니다. 7455,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Carl Icahn Dissolves Share Stake In AIG, Paypal?",,"BRIEF-칼 아이칸, AIG와 페이팔에 대한 주식 지분 해소." 5313,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: METALS-Copper climbs on solid China manufacturing report, softer dollar?",,메탈 - 구리가 견고한 중국 제조업 보고서와 약세 달러에 힘입어 상승하다. 7199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GWG Holdings to Report First Quarter Financial Results?,,"GWG 홀딩스, 1분기 재무 결과 발표 예정" 8284,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google takes on Amazon in the fight for smart devices?,,"구글, 스마트 기기 시장에서 아마존과 경쟁하다" 9920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Lavrov says to discuss how to save Iran nuclear deal with Zarif: Ifax?,,"러시아의 라브로프, 자리프와 이란 핵 합의 구제 방안 논의할 예정: 이팍스" 8588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comcast Begins Including Netflix in Cable Bundles?,,"콤캐스트, 케이블 번들에 넷플릭스 포함 시작" 9258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Walmart Says Board Adds Square Inc CFO Sarah Friar ‍​?,,브리핑 - 월마트가 이사회에 스퀘어(Square Inc) CFO 사라 프라이어를 추가했다고 발표함. 647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRECIOUS-Gold up as dollar hurt by U.S. government shutdown fears?,,달러가 미국 정부 폐쇄 우려에 의해 하락하면서 금값 상승 8027,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The U.S. Marshals Are Auctioning Off $52 Million in Bitcoin Seized from Drug Dealers?,,미국 마샬이 마약 밀매업자로부터 압수한 5200만 달러 규모의 비트코인을 경매에 부친다. 1031,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Russia says Trump invited Putin to U.S. during phone call?,,"업데이트 1-러시아, 트럼프가 전화 통화 중 푸틴을 미국에 초대했다고 밝혀" 7715,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Specialty Chemicals Company China XD Plastics Schedules First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release for Thursday, May 10th, 2018?",,"스페셜티 화학 회사인 차이나 XD 플라스틱스, 2018년 5월 10일 목요일에 첫 분기 2018년 실적 발표 예정" 229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Computer-driven hedge funds miss out as AA shares bounce?,,"컴퓨터 기반 헤지펀드, AA 주식이 반등하면서 기회를 놓치다." 5842,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Carlyle Group acquires four French logistics assets from CBRE Global Investors?,,"BRIEF-칼라일 그룹, CBRE 글로벌 인베스터스에서 프랑스 물류 자산 4개 인수" 8925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Avio Signs Contract For Final Ariane 5 Production Lot?,,"브리핑-아비오, 최종 아리안 5 생산 물량에 대한 계약 체결" 1537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar tumbles as U.S. tariff plan ignites trade war fears?,,"FOREX-달러 폭락, 미국의 관세 계획으로 무역 전쟁 우려 촉발" 3599,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Keystone XL pipeline opponents appeal Nebraska route approval?,,키스톤 XL 파이프라인 반대자들이 네브래스카 경로 승인에 대한 항소를 제기하다. 7544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BNY Mellon settles lawsuit over trust services with fee concessions?,,"BNY 멜론, 수수료 양보로 신탁 서비스 관련 소송 해결" 2239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NYSE Says Trading Service At NYSE Arca Currently Experiencing Technical Issue?,,"브리핑 - NYSE, NYSE Arca에서 거래 서비스가 현재 기술적 문제를 겪고 있다고 발표했습니다." 2058,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: Stop talking, start buying Raytheon?",,크래머의 번개 라운드: 말 그만하고 레이시온을 사기 시작하라? 7174,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: National Investments Fund Says FY Loss Attributable HK$123.6 Mln?,,"국가 투자 기금, FY 손실 HK$123.6 백만 불가피하다고 발표" 1302,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-India's Bandhan Bank, Hindustan Aeronautics to launch IPOs next week?",,"UPDATE 2-인도의 반단 은행, 힌두스탄 항공우주가 다음 주에 IPO를 출시할 예정입니다." 9272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big banks say their legal costs are tumbling?,,대형 은행들이 법적 비용이 감소하고 있다고 말하다. 5955,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LBT Innovations Seeks Trading Halt?,,"LBT Innovations, 매매 중단 요청." 7264,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-UPDATE 4-U.S. lawmakers skeptical of promises to shield farmers from trade dispute?,,"수정됨 - 업데이트 4 - 미국 의원들, 무역 분쟁으로부터 농민들을 보호하겠다는 약속에 회의적." 2574,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Synthesis Electronic Technology says dividend payment date on May 9?,,"BRIEF-신세시스 전자 기술, 배당금 지급일이 5월 9일이라고 발표." 5208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple Plans to Pay $38 Billion in Repatriation Taxes?,,"애플, 380억 달러의 해외 귀환 세금 납부 계획 발표" 5177,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This could be the year big investors such as endowments finally buy into cryptocurrencies?,,이것이 앤도먼트와 같은 대규모 투자자들이 마침내 암호화폐에 투자하는 해가 될 수 있다? 1519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Shopify quarterly revenue jumps 71 pct?,,업데이트 1 - 쇼피파이 분기 수익 71% 급증 979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Welshman Williams reflects on world title win - naked?,,"웨일스 출신의 윌리엄스, 세계 타이틀 우승을 회상하다 - 나체 상태로?" 9018,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spectrum Plastics Group Acquires Apex Resource Technologies?,,"스펙트럼 플라스틱스 그룹, 에이펙스 리소스 테크놀로지스 인수" 5482,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Art Cashin: If stocks go negative here, it will be a very bad sign?",,"아트 캐신: 주식이 여기서 하락한다면, 그것은 아주 나쁜 신호가 될 것입니다." 1050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade war fears ease amid reports of US-China talks?,,무역 전쟁 우려가 완화되며 미국-중국 대화 보도에 따른 소식 1305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Biomed-Lublin FY Net Result Turns To Profit Of 0.6 Mln Zlotys?,,리포트-비오메드-루블린 FY 순이익 60만 즈로티로 전환 6302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gemphire Therapeutics Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update?,,"젬파이어 테라퓨틱스, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 보고 및 기업 업데이트 제공" 1346,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British soldier killed by improvised bomb in Syria, Sky News reports?",,"""영국 병사가 시리아에서 간이 폭탄에 의해 사망했다, 스카이 뉴스 보도.""" 6205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Barnes & Noble Says ‍Total Sales For Holiday Period Were $953 Mln?,,"간략하게 - 반즈 & 노블, 연말 기간 총 매출이 9억 5천 3백만 달러라고 발표." 8144,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lebanon's Hariri to become PM for third time?,,"레바논의 하리리, 세 번째 총리 직에 오를 것인가?" 3117,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Canopy Growth Corporation Responds To Department Of Justice Update On U.S. Cannabis Laws?,,"브리핑-캐노피 성장 기업, 미국 대법무부의 대마초 법률 업데이트에 대한 응답" 2776,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McMaster, Kelly may leave over tensions with Trump: sources?",,"McMaster, Kelly는 트럼프와의 긴장으로 인해 떠날 수 있다는 소식: 소식통" 9122,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unbreakable smartphone screen revealed?,,깨지지 않는 스마트폰 화면 공개 8508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Baoneng's Affiliate Jushenghua Signs Extended Agreements For Asset Management Schemes?,,"브리프 - 심천 바오넝의 자회사 주셴화, 자산 관리 계획을 위한 연장 계약 체결" 2614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vonovia SE Successfully Completes Cash Capital Increase?,,"보노비아 SE, 현금 증자 성공적으로 완료" 1632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-S.Korea's April Iranian crude oil imports fall 12.1 pct y/y?,,한국의 4월 이란 원유 수입이 작년 대비 12.1% 감소한다는 업데이트 1. 865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil Prices Fall on Fears of Trade Dispute?,,유가가 무역 분쟁 우려로 하락하다 2410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Orior AG ‍Revenues Increased By 10.9 pct To CHF 585.5 Mln​ For 2017?,,Orior AG의 2017년 매출이 10.9% 증가하여 5억 8550만 스위스 프랑을 기록했습니다. 5706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Union Square Advisors Releases 2018 Outlook Report?,,"유니온스퀘어 어드바이저스, 2018 전망 보고서 발표" 1950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Inovalis REIT Announces Accretive Acquisition Of Office Building In Germany?,,"간략하게 - 이노발리스 REIT, 독일 사무실 건물 유익한 인수 발표" 4126,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GOP Group Bets on Rare Procedure as Path to House Floor for Immigration Bills?,,"GOP 그룹, 이민 법안을 위한 하원 투표로 가는 길로서 드문 절차에 베팅하다" 7893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Richard Branson says the 3 skills all successful CEOs need are not taught in schools?,,리처드 브랜슨이 성공적인 CEO가 필요로 하는 3가지 능력은 학교에서 가르치지 않는다고 말했습니다. 6899,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ConcertoHealth® Moves Corporate Headquarters to Aliso Viejo, Launches Five-Year Growth Plan?",,ConcertoHealth®가 알리소 비에호로 본사를 이전하고 5개년 성장 계획을 발표하다. 4743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cannabis Strategic Signals Intent to Acquire Organic Cannabis Extract Brand?,,캠퍼스 전략이 유기농 대마 추출 브랜드 인수를 의도하고 있음을 신호하다. 6527,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical's Prelim 2017 Net Profit Down 52.6 Pct Y/Y?,,"브리핑 - 심천 헤팔링 제약, 2017년 prelim 순이익 52.6% 감소" 8882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cautious trade for European shares ahead of Fed?,,연준(Fed) 이전의 유럽 주식에 대한 조심스러운 거래 1772,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roche's Tecentriq cocktail helps lung cancer patients live longer?,,로슈의 테센트리그 칵테일이 폐암 환자들이 더 오래 살도록 도와준다? 9003,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ZTE tells suppliers China trade row may be factor in U.S. ban: source?,,ZTE가 공급업체들에게 중국 무역 대립이 미국의 금지 조치에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 전했다: 소식통. 1429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. Names Bobby J. Chacko President and Chief Executive Officer?,,"오션 스프레이 크랜베리 컴퍼니, 바비 J. 차코를 사장 겸 CEO로 임명" 9456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets cheer Credit Suisse - but no lift for Lloyds?,,"""시장, Credit Suisse 소식에 환호하지만 Lloyds에는 상승 효과 없어""" 6590,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow, S&P pacing for best month since March 2016?",,다우지수와 S&P지수가 2016년 3월 이후 가장 좋은 달을 목표로 하고 있다. 9538,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harvey Schwartz to retire from Goldman, David Solomon to serve as sole president and COO?",,"하비 슈워츠가 골드만에서 은퇴하고, 데이비드 솔로몬이 단독 사장 겸 COO로 근무하게 될 것입니다." 4298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nigeria's central bank keeps main interest rate at 14 pct?,,"나이지리아 중앙은행, 기준 금리를 14%로 유지" 7404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Minor Venezuela presidential candidate quits race to back Falcon?,,소규모 베네수엘라 대통령 후보가 팔콘을 지지하기 위해 선거에서 사퇴하다. 3429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Figure skating: Filipino skater got call to Olympics less than a month ago?,,"피겨 스케이팅: 필리핀 스케이터, 한 달도 안 돼 올림픽 출전 통보 받았다?" 5309,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tootsie Roll Says CEO's 2017 Total Compensation Was $5.50 Mln?,,"투시 롤, CEO 2017년 총 보상이 550만 달러라고 발표." 3659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PAX Appoints Bharat Vasan as Its CEO?,,"PAX, 바라트 바산을 CEO로 임명하다." 4113,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canadian LNG plant selects contractor, edges closer to reality?",,캐나다 LNG 공장이 계약자를 선정하며 현실에 가까워지고 있다. 6093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Times Property Proposes To Conduct An International Offering Of Senior Fixed Rate Notes?,,"BRIEF-타임스 프로퍼티, 국제 노트 고정금리 선순위 채권 발행 제안" 8050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Burkina Faso PM tours army headquarters and French embassy after deadly attacks?,,"부르키나파소 총리, 치명적인 공격 후 군 본부 및 프랑스 대사관 방문" 2793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: M&A livens up European equity trading as STOXX heads for weekly loss?,,M&A가 유럽 주식 거래를 활성화시키면서 STOXX가 주간 손실을 향해 나아간다. 305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Women's slalom delayed by high winds?,,"여자 슬라럼, 강풍으로 인해 지연돼" 3792,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Buying beaten down stocks: 3 trades?,,힘든 상황에 있는 주식 사기: 3가지 거래 4538,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-ECB to make up German bond buys after record-low outlay?,,UPDATE 2-ECB는 기록적으로 낮은 지출 후 독일 채권 구매를 보완할 것이다. 7122,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Close Brothers Group Says Confident Of Delivering Increase In Profit In H1?,,"브리프-클로즈 브라더스 그룹, 상반기 이익 증가 달성에 자신감 표명" 2984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CIBC CEO says U.S. tax reforms will have $100 million impact?,,브리프-캐나다 제무 은행(CIBC) CEO는 미국 세금 개혁이 1억 달러의 영향을 미칠 것이라고 말했습니다. 9121,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Level Brands Inc - Announced A Five Year Licensing Deal With Dynasty Group USA?,,"브리프 - 레벨 브랜드 주식회사, 다이너스티 그룹 USA와 5년 라이센스 계약 체결 발표" 5483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eicher Motors shuts joint venture with U.S. partner Polaris?,,"아이커 모터스, 미국 파트너 폴라리스와의 합작 투자 해체" 4140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flamingo buyout loan closes but lenders take hit?,,"플라밍고 인수 대출 마감, 하지만 대출자들은 손실을 입어" 1102,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ASML beats expectations with 540 mln euros Q1 profit, sees higher sales?",,"ASML, 5억 4천만 유로의 1분기 이익으로 기대를 웃돌며 매출 증가 전망 제시" 1344,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada's Trudeau to meet provincial premiers on pipeline dispute?,,"캐나다의 트뤼도, 파이프라인 분쟁에 대한 주정부 초대 총리와 회담 예정" 5000,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's IDFC Bank Q4 profit falls 76 pct as bad loan provisions surge?,,"인도의 IDFC 은행, 부실 채권 대비 마련금 급증으로 4분기 이익 76% 감소" 2616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany remain atop rankings; Belgium rise to third?,,독일이 순위에서 1위를 유지하고; 벨기지가 3위로 상승하다. 9845,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former cyclone Gita hits New Zealand; emergency declared in southern city?,,구 사이클론 기타가 뉴질랜드를 강타하다; 남부 도시에 비상사태 선언 7315,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Britain says will protect Northern Ireland's place in UK internal market?,,"업데이트 1-영국, 북아일랜드의 영국 내부 시장 내 위치를 보호하겠다고 밝힘" 515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Generational Capital Markets Advises Impact Marketing Specialists in Sale to Public Corporation?,,세대별 자본 시장이 공공 기업에 대한 임팩트 마케팅 전문 업체의 매각을 자문하였다. 9762,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: More than 50,000 people to leave Syria's Douma: source?",,시리아 두마를 떠날 5만 명 이상: 소식통 3690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peterhansel leads the Dakar Rally but al-Attiyah hits back?,,"피터한셀, 다카르 랠리 선두지만 알-아티야가 반격 나서" 2487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zumiez Inc. to Broadcast Review of Fourth Fiscal 2017 Financial Results Over the Internet?,,Zumiez Inc.가 2017 회계연도 4분기 재무 결과 검토를 인터넷으로 방송한다. 1134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jeffrey Ubben Joins AES Board Of Directors?,,간략하게 - 제프리 업벤이 AES 이사회에 합류하다. 195,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tukas Q1 Net Profit Down At 4.2 Million Lira?,,간략히 - Tukas의 1분기 순이익이 420만 리라로 감소함. 1084,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia's second-hand jet market soars as super-rich eye bargains?,,아시아의 중고 항공기 시장이 슈퍼 리치들이 거래를 노리면서 급증하고 있다. 3145,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey, U.S. to discuss trial of Turkish banker, Syria and cleric Gulen in visit: Erdogan spokesman?",,"터키, 미국이 터키 은행원의 재판과 시리아, 퓰렌 목사 문제를 논의하기 위해 방문할 것: 에르도안 대변인" 9305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Qianhai Health Says FY Profit Attributable HK$35.9 Million?,,"Qianhai Health는 FY(회계연도) 순이익이 홍콩 달러 3,590만이라고 발표했습니다." 1832,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkish banker loses second bid for mistrial in U.S. sanctions case?,,"미국 제재 사건에서 터키 은행가, 두 번째 재판 무효 청구에 실패하다." 453,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed's Kashkari tweets skepticism on inflation after data?,,"""연준 카슈카리, 데이터 발표 후 인플레이션에 대한 의구심 트윗""" 7937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Year’s Fund Returns Are In. Do They Matter??,,올해의 펀드 수익률이 발표됐다. 그것이 중요한가? 5795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MPLX Announces Joint Binding Open Season On Cushing-To-Patoka Pipeline Expansion?,,"BRIEF-MPLX, 커싱-파토카 파이프라인 확장을 위한 공동 구속 공개 시즌 발표" 558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-HomeStreet Board Urges Shareholders To Vote For Proposed Nominees?,,"브리프 - HomeStreet 이사회, 주주들에게 제안된 후보자들에 투표할 것을 촉구하다." 418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MDC Partners Enters Into Strategic Partnership With Instrument?,,"브리프 - MDC 파트너스, 인스트루먼트와 전략적 파트너십 체결" 4398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Danish inventor's killing of journalist on submarine was planned: police?,,덴마크 발명가의 잠수함에서 기자 살해는 계획된 것: 경찰 451,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Donald Trump Says He Won’t Get Involved With Russia Probe, but Could Change His Mind?",,"도널드 트럼프, 러시아 수사에 개입하지 않겠지만 마음을 변경할 수도 있다고 말하다." 8006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macedonia expects to get date to start EU membership talks soon?,,"마케도니아, 곧 EU 회원국 대화 시작 날짜를 받을 것으로 기대해" 8642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Post office rate hike could cost Amazon up to $1.8 billion more per year: Credit Suisse?,,우체국 요금 인상이 아마존에 연간 최대 18억 달러의 추가 비용을 초래할 수 있다는 크레디트 스위스의 분석. 3100,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ECS Learning Systems, Developer of STAAR MASTER®, Acquires PREPWORKS® to Create Industry-Leading Adaptive K-12 Test-Prep Offerings?",,"ECS Learning Systems, STAAR MASTER®의 개발사, 산업 최고의 적응형 K-12 시험 준비 프로그램을 만들기 위해 PREPWORKS®를 인수하다." 1912,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ternium Reports Qtrly Earnings Per ADS Of $1.87?,,"브리프-터니움, 주당 순이익 $1.87 보고" 8717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harvest Announces Executive Hires?,,"하베스트, 임원 채용 발표" 8997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hedge fund Elliott issues new attack on Vivendi over Telecom Italia?,,"헤지펀드 엘리엇, 텔레콤 이탈리아를 둘러싼 비벤디에 대한 새로운 공격 개시" 6172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Outlines Plan for Second Term?,,"뉴욕시 시장 빌 드 블라지오, 두 번째 임기를 위한 계획 발표" 7729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marvel takes New York fashionistas to Black Panther’s Wakanda?,,"마블, 뉴욕 패션 리더들을 블랙 팬서의 와칸다로 초대하다." 2462,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei drops; mining, oil and shipping stocks lose ground, Bitcoin shares tumble?",,"니케이 지수 하락; 광산, 석유 및 해운 주식이 약세, 비트코인 주식 급락" 5700,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qatar Islamic Bank Q4 net profit up 14.6 pct, meets forecasts?",,"카타르 이슬람은행 Q4 순이익 14.6% 증가, 예상치 부합" 5422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple Revamping iBooks Digital Reading App | Fortune?,,"애플, 아이북스 디지털 리딩 앱 개편 중 | 포춘" 9426,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amtrak crash highlights looming deadline for rail safety system?,,아메트랙 사고가 철도 안전 시스템을 위한 임박한 기한을 강조하다 2786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shell looks to meet growth in LNG trucking in Asia?,,"셸, 아시아에서 LNG 트럭 운송 성장 충족을 모색하다." 2258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspected jihadists kill at least 16 Tuaregs in northern Mali?,,수니파 무장 세력으로 추정되는 자들이 말리 북부에서 투아레그 16명을 살해했다. 8175,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Portugal's Montepio says solvency ratios above new requirements?,,"""포르투갈의 몬테피오, 새로운 요구 사항을 초과하는 자본 비율 발표""" 9906,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Oil prices fall on rising U.S. crude inventories, record production?",,UPDATE 2-미국 원유 재고 증가와 사상 최고 생산량에 따라 유가 하락 1383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. private equity firm raises more than $100 mln for cannabis investments?,,미국의 사모펀드가 대마초 투자용으로 1억 달러 이상 모금했다. 1247,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New PSG coach says ready to take on team, focus on ""small things""?",,"새로운 PSG 감독이 팀을 맡을 준비가 되어 있으며 ""작은 것들""에 집중할 것이라고 말했습니다." 4560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan March industrial output up 1.2 pct mth/mth?,,일본 3월 산업 생산 월간 1.2% 증가 4334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PSG miss chance to clinch title after St Etienne draw?,,"PSG, 생테티엔과의 무승부에 따라 타이틀 확정 기회를 놓치다." 7612,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N. envoy sees difficult talks on Syria ceasefire deal?,,"유엔 특별대표, 시리아 휴전 협상 어려울 것으로 예상" 8519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China launches satellite to explore dark side of moon: Xinhua?,,"중국, 달의 어두운 면을 탐사하기 위한 위성 발사: 신화통신" 6698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- New York Times business news - Feb 9?,,"뉴스 기사 제목이 ""PRESS DIGEST- New York Times business news - Feb 9""인 경우 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다." 2857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IKEA partners with mall operator SM Prime for first Philippines store?,,IKEA가 필리핀 첫 매장을 위해 쇼핑몰 운영사 SM 프라임과 파트너십을 맺다. 1705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street cuts bonuses?,,"월가, 보너스 삭감 소식" 9570,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Where the ultra-rich live around the world?,,전 세계 초부자가 사는 곳은 어디인가? 1276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Banque Saudi Fransi Board Proposes H2 Dividend Of 0.35 Riyal/Share?,,"간략하게 - 바누크 사우디 프란시 이사회, 주당 0.35 리얄의 하반기 배당금 제안" 5747,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Industrial Logistics Properties Trust Announces Its Initial Dividend On Common Shares?,,브리프-산업 물류 자산 신탁이 보통주에 대한 초기 배당금을 발표했습니다. 7815,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emergency central bank funding to Greek banks drops 25 pct in April?,,4월에 그리스 은행에 대한 비상 중앙은행 자금 지원이 25% 감소했다. 2757,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Dow closes above 26K, is this stock market ecstasy??",,"다우지수가 26K를 넘어서며 마감, 주식 시장의 황홀경인가?" 2145,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Myanmar parliament picks Suu Kyi confidant as new president?,,"미얀마 의회, 수치 신뢰 인사를 새로운 대통령으로 선출" 1197,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: England in New Zealand 2018 Scoreboard?,,2018년 뉴질랜드에서의 잉글랜드 점수판 961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jamie Dimon backs Trump's 'legitimate complaints' over trade?,,"제이미 다이먼, 트럼프의 무역 관련 '정당한 불만' 지지" 7290,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistani Taliban confirm deputy killed by drone, appoint new one?",,"파키스탄 탈레반, 드론 공격으로 부사령관 사망 확인 및 새 부사령관 임명" 4010,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tianjin Faw Xiali Automobile Sells More Vehicles In Feb From Year Ago?,,"브리프-톈진 파오시아리 자동차, 2월 차량 판매량 증가년 대비." 3068,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ryanair prepares for new battle with pilots as profits rise?,,"라이언에어, 수익 증가 속 조종사와 새로운 전투 준비" 8140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hongda Financial Holding Says ‍Deng Shufen Resigned As Executive Director And Chairman​?,,"브리프-홍다 금융 홀딩스, 덩 쉬펀 이사가 사임했다고 발표." 1063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil Prices Steady as Deadline on Iran Nuclear Deal Nears—Energy Journal?,,"유가, 이란 핵협정 마감일 가까워지며 안정세—에너지 저널" 998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Board Of Directors Of The Coca-Cola Company Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"코카콜라 회사 이사회, 분기 배당금 선언" 8985,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: If you want to find Nemo, you may need SoFi, the robotic fish?",,"너가 니모를 찾고 싶다면, 로봇 물고기 소피가 필요할지도 모른다?" 3661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Browser You’ve Never Heard of Is Dethroning Google in Asia?,,아직 들어본 적 없는 브라우저가 아시아에서 구글의 왕좌를 빼앗고 있다? 3189,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Primo Water to Announce Results for the Fourth Quarter and the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2017?",,"프리모 워터, 2017년 12월 31일 종료된 4분기 및 회계연도 결과 발표 예정" 3821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Invesco Office J-Reit to acquire properties for 60 bln yen and to issue new units and to take out loans?,,"브리프 - 인베스코 오피스 J-리츠, 600억 엔 규모의 자산 인수 및 새로운 유닛 발행 및 대출 조달 계획 발표" 3312,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Euro falls from three-year high, bitcoin plunges?",,"FOREX-유로, 3년 만에 최고치에서 하락; 비트코인 급락" 2653,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Group 1 Automotive Says ‍Opens Land Rover Franchise In Watford Franchise Expected To Generate Additional Estimated $35 Mln In Annualized Revenues ​?,,"브리프 - 그룹 1 오토모티브, 왓포드에 랜드로버 프랜차이즈 오픈 발표; 이 프랜차이즈는 연간 약 3,500만 달러의 추가 수익을 창출할 것으로 예상됨." 5450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ticon Industrial Connection Names Sopon Racharaksa As Acting CEO?,,BRIEF-Ticon Industrial Connection이 소폰 라차락사(Sopon Racharaksa)를 임시 CEO로 임명했다고 발표했습니다. 6169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Novozymes sets up Turkish project to keep flatbreads fresh for longer?,,"노보자임스, 평평한 빵을 더 오랫동안 신선하게 유지하기 위한 터키 프로젝트 설정" 6505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks calls anti-bias training part of 'long-term journey'?,,"스타벅스, 반편견 교육을 '장기적인 여정'의 일환으로 언급" 6136,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In India, digital gold sellers hope trickle will become a rush?",,인도에서 디지털 금 판매자들은 소량의 거래가 대량의 거래로 변할기를 희망한다. 9311,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PlayAGS Reports Qtrly Loss Per Share Of $0.30?,,"PlayAGS, 분기당 주당 손실 $0.30 보고" 7252,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Korian Says Is Not In Any Discussion Regarding Possible Sale?,,Korian은 가능한 매각에 대한 논의에 참여하고 있지 않다고 발표함. 2761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australian regulator flags scrutiny of Uber Eats?,,"호주 규제당국, Uber Eats에 대한 면밀한 조사를 예고하다" 4532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japanese engineer builds giant robot to realize 'Gundam' dream?,,"일본 엔지니어, '건담' 꿈 실현을 위한 거대 로봇 제작" 8124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Jones defends England training style as injuries mount?,,"럭비-존스, 부상이 늘어나는 가운데 잉글랜드 훈련 스타일을 옹호하다" 5212,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Praedium Group Acquires Maverick in Minneapolis, MN?",,"프레디움 그룹, 미네apolis에서 매버릭 인수" 8266,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-STMicroelectronics To Propose Dividend Of $0.24 Per Share?,,"브리프 - ST마이크로일렉트로닉스, 주당 $0.24 배당금 제안 예정" 4892,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Life's a beach - for the time being - as sandy shores grow, say researchers?",,"""연구원들에 따르면, sandy shores가 커짐에 따라 인생은 한때 해변처럼 즐겁다.""" 7726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU clears Qualcomm acquisition of NXP subject to conditions?,,"EU, 조건 부여하고 퀄컴의 NXP 인수 승인" 8680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arthur J. Gallagher & Co Acquires Risk Services (NW)?,,"BRIEF-아서 J. 갤러거 & 코, 리스크 서비스(NW) 인수" 8872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK electric motor maker expands capacity as carmakers go green?,,영국 전기 모터 제조업체가 자동차 제조업체들이 친환경으로 전환함에 따라 생산 능력을 확장하다. 5633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-U.S. Senate votes to undo consumer bureau's auto guidance?,,업데이트 2 - 미국 상원이 소비자 국의 자동차 지침을 무효화하는 법안에 투표하다 9786,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn’t Set to Stop in an Emergency - WSJ?",,"우버 자율주행차가 보행자를 치어 사망에 이르게 했지만, 비상 상황에서 멈출 수 있도록 설정되어 있지 않았다는 내용 - WSJ" 8460,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Imint Signs Agreement With Chinese Customer?,,"짧게 - 이민트, 중국 고객과 계약 체결" 6566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Financial market trading surges after volatility boost?,,금융 시장 거래가 변동성 증가로 급증하다 5826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asset sales help boost Petrobras profit by over half in 1st quarter?,,자산 매각이 페트로브라스의 1분기 이익을 절반 이상 증가시키는데 도움을 주다 9219,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Again Declines to Designate China as a Currency Manipulator?,,"미국, 또다시 중국을 환율 조작국으로 지정하기를 거부하다" 4573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-GRG Banking Equipment Says 2017 Net Profit Up 6.6 Percent Y/Y?,,"요약 - GRG 뱅킹 장비, 2017년 순이익 6.6% 증가 발표" 4574,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sheng Siong Group Says‍ Qtrly Profit Net Of Tax Attributable Rises 9.3 Pct?,,"브리프-성숭 그룹, 분기 세후 이익 9.3% 증가 발표" 4229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. 10-year note sold at highest yield since 2014?,,"미국 10년 만기 국채, 2014년 이후 최고 수익률로 판매됨" 8273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: F1 drivers expecting record times in Monaco?,,"F1 드라이버들, 모나코에서 기록적인 시간 기대 중?" 7293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. media giants move closer to British news takeover?,,미국 미디어 거대 기업들이 영국 뉴스 인수에 한걸음 더 다가갔다? 5170,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Taiantang Pharmaceutical sees 2017 net profit up 15 pct to 30 pct?,,"브리핑-광둥 타이안탕 제약, 2017년 순이익이 15%에서 30% 증가할 것으로 예상" 5510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reaction to May's speech on Brexit?,,메이의 브렉시트 연설에 대한 반응 7400,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Unibap Receives Order From Husqvarna Group?,,"BRIEF-유니밥, 후스바나 그룹으로부터 계약 수주" 9838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SoftServe Appoints Alex Chubay as Chief Technology Officer?,,"소프트서브, 알렉스 추베이를 최고기술책임자(CTO)로 임명" 6499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM slowing operations in South Korea?,,GM이 한국에서 운영을 축소하고 있다. 3052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa hires banks for international bond issue National Treasury?,,"남아프리카공화국, 국제 채권 발행을 위해 은행 고용 - 재무부" 8829,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aurelius Q1 Oper EBITDA Reaches EUR 21.5 Million?,,"아우렐리우스 1분기 운영 EBITDA 2,150만 유로에 도달" 4698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Private firm pushes ahead with UK-France power cable despite Brexit?,,"영국-프랑스 전력 케이블을 둘러싼 민간 기업의 추진, 브렉시트에도 불구하고 계속된다." 9449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RealPage Files For Potential Mixed Shelf Offering?,,"브리프-리얼페이지, 잠재적 혼합 선반 공급을 위한 신고서 제출" 9957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Borgwarner CEO's Total 2017 Compensation Was $14.1 Mln?,,"브리핑 - 보그워너 CEO의 2017년 총 보상은 1,410만 달러였다." 6558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Farnese blue diamond goes on sale after 300 years of royal history?,,"파르네세 블루 다이아몬드, 300년의 왕실 역사를 뒤로 하고 판매에 나서다." 6404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Malaysia's largest fast-food operator QSR Brands considers $500 mln IPO?,,"UPDATE 1-말레이시아 최대 패스트푸드 운영자인 QSR Brands, 5억 달러 IPO 검토 중?" 6215,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amarillo Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.01?,,브리프 - 아마릴로 분기당 주당 손실 $0.01 6332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wright Medical Group Reports Q4 EPS $0.25 From Cont Ops?,,"브리프-라이트 메디컬 그룹, 계속 사업에서 Q4 주당순이익 $0.25 보고" 8873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Delphi Technologies declares first post-spin quarterly dividend?,,"델파이 테크놀로지스, 스핀오프 이후 첫 분기 배당금 발표" 6012,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cona Resources Ltd says ‍Qtrly Loss Per Share $1.07‍?,,브리프-코나 리소스 Ltd는 분기당 손실 주당 $1.07를 보고했다고 말합니다. 3528,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BT to cut 13,000 jobs in biggest cull in a decade?",,"BT, 10년 만에 최대 규모의 인력 감축으로 13,000명 해고 계획" 3278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Transgender model breaking taboos in Lebanon?,,레바논에서 금기를 깨고 있는 트랜스젠더 모델 9787,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vatican says 'amoral' financial system needs infusion of ethics, more regulation?",,바티칸은 '비도덕적인' 금융 시스템에 윤리의 주입과 더 많은 규제가 필요하다고 말했습니다. 9496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The costly ripple effect of Carillion's sudden demise?,,Carillion의 갑작스러운 몰락이 초래한 비싼 파급 효과 9938,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Romanian president rejects government call to sack top anti-graft prosecutor?,,"루마니아 대통령, 정부의 최고 반부패 검찰관 해임 요구를 거부하다" 9781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BFL Asset Finvest Appoints Nishant Jain As CFO‍​?,,브리프 - BFL 자산 금융이 니샨트 자인(Nishant Jain)을 CFO로 임명함. 7904,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's 5-Star, League on verge of government deal; markets shudder?",,"이탈리아 5스타당, 리그 정권 협상 직전; 시장은 충격에 휩싸이다." 436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. economy's 'headwinds shifting to tailwinds' - Fed's Brainard?,,미국 경제의 '역풍이 순풍으로 바뀌고 있다' - 연준의 브레인어드 5578,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paula A. Sneed Elected to the Board of Directors of Berry Global Group, Inc.?",,"폴라 A. 스니드, 베리 글로벌 그룹 주식회사의 이사회에 선출됨." 7595,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: House Speaker Ryan touts farm, immigration bills?",,"하원 의장 라이언, 농업 및 이민 법안 홍보" 5359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket: Pakistan spearhead Yasir sidelined by hip injury - reports?,,"크리켓: 파키스탄의 선봉 야시르, 고관절 부상으로 결장 - 보도사항" 2202,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rio Tinto targets modest hike in 2018 iron ore shipments?,,"리오 틴토, 2018년 철광석 출하량 소폭 증가 목표 설정" 6114,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FEATURE-Golf-Amen Corner, where Masters prayers are answered and ignored?",,"FEATURE-골프-아멘 코너, 마스터스의 기도가 응답받거나 무시되는 곳" 8604,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade war fears, market rout to weigh on BOJ's upbeat outlook?",,"무역 전쟁 우려, 시장 폭락이 보이지 않는 전망에 일본은행의 낙관적인 전망에 영향을 미칠 것이다." 2507,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LTC Sells Portfolio Of Six Assisted Living And Memory Care Communities For $67.5 Mln?,,"브리프 - LTC, 6개의 보조 생활 및 메모리 케어 커뮤니티 포트폴리오를 6750만 달러에 판매한다고 발표했습니다." 1335,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frank Recruitment Group Appoints President of Americas and Targets Accelerated Growth?,,"프랭크 리크루트먼트 그룹, 아메리카스 사장 임명 및 가속 성장 목표 설정." 5649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Del Potro powers past Mahut after poor start?,,"테니스: 델 포트로, 초반 부진을 딛고 마위트를 제압하다." 2515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. tops Canada 4-1 for bronze at world championship?,,미국이 세계 선수권 대회에서 캐나다를 4-1로 이기고 동메달을 차지했다. 2917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's robot revolution helps care for the elderly?,,일본의 로봇 혁명이 노인 돌봄에 도움을 주다. 1573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marathon Petroleum Corp. reports first-quarter 2018 results?,,마라톤 페트롤리엄 Corp.이 2018년 1분기 실적을 보고합니다. 9706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Serena Williams coach confident she'll play the French Open?,,"세레나 윌리엄스 코치, 그녀가 프렌치 오픈에 출전할 것이라고 확신해." 7931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alibaba tops revenue forecasts as investments clip margins?,,"알리바바, 투자로 인해 마진이 감소했지만 수익 예상을 초과 달성" 8453,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Credit Suisse says suffers no loss from VelocityShares fall?,,"UPDATE 1-크레디트 스위스, 벨로시티셰어스 하락으로 손실 없음 발표" 5035,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Tariff exemption hopes lift emerging stocks, lira slips?",,"신흥 시장 - 관세 면제 기대가 신흥 주식을 상승시키고, 리라는 하락하다." 2790,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea's Kim Yong Chol 'right person' for inter-Korean, denuclearisation talks: Yonhap citing spy agency?",,"북한의 김여정, 국정원 인용 ""남북 및 비핵화 대화의 적임자""" 9557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Formula One drivers' form sheet?,,모터 레이싱 - 포뮬러 원 드라이버들의 성적표? 3750,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vice suspends 2 top execs after sexual misconduct report?,,부사장이 성적 misconduct 보고서 이후 2명의 고위 간부를 중단시킴 6274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Continental Building Products Reports Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.41?,,"브리프 - 콘티넨탈 빌딩 제품, 4분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.41 보고" 2209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk rethinks 'bonehead' call as 'foolish'?,,"엘론 머스크, '바보 같은' 결정 재고" 2029,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dear Life acquires real estate?,,"""디어 라이프, 부동산 인수""" 3403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MHP opens books on USD 8yr bond?,,"MHP, 8년 만기 달러 채권 발행 시작" 956,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Changyou.com to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on April 25, 2018?",,"창유.com, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 4월 25일 발표 예정" 3142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Klopp hails 'brilliant' Liverpool but knows job not over?,,"클롭, '훌륭한' 리버풀 칭찬하지만 일이 끝나지 않았음을 알고 있어" 8108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mueller reportedly told Trump's lawyers the president is not a criminal target at this point?,,무리엘이 트럼프의 변호사들에게 대통령이 현재로서는 범죄 타겟이 아니라고 전했다고 보도되었다. 8404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dwayne Johnson and co-stars talk bringing 'Rampage' to life?,,드웨인 존슨과 공동 출연진이 '램페이지'를 생동감 있게 만드는 방법에 대해 이야기하다. 8052,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nanyang Senba Optical and Electronic sees FY 2018 Q1 net profit up 6 pct to 15 pct?,,"간략 - 난양 센바 광전자, 2018 회계연도 1분기 순이익 6%에서 15% 증가 전망." 8730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - Feb 15?,,"뉴스 기사 제목이 ""PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - Feb 15""인 경우, 해당 기사의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다:" 4591,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. Announces Payment Of Monthly Distribution?",,"애버딘 글로벌 인컴 펀드, 주식회사, 월 배당금 지급 발표" 6258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warburg Pincus Announces Sale of Extant Aerospace to TransDigm?,,"워버그 핀커스, 익스탠트 항공우주 판매를 트랜스다임에 발표하다." 5453,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GM Korea says March sales slump 19 pct from year earlier?,,"GM 코리아, 3월 판매 1년 전보다 19% 감소했다고 발표" 5594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar retreats from 2018 high; seen as temporary pause?,,"FOREX-달러, 2018년 고점에서 후퇴; 일시적인 pause로 보임" 9782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sweden's Oriflame misses profit expectations as Russian sales fall?,,"스웨덴의 오리플레임, 러시아 판매 감소로 이익 기대에 미치지 못해" 3942,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Nishikori beaten in low-key return from injury?,,"테니스: 니시코리, 부상에서 저조한 복귀전에서 패배" 3480,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Baolingbao Biology's Unit Signs Agreement To Acquire 11.4 Pct Stake In China Regenerative Medicine?,,"브리프 - 바오링바오 바이올로지의 자회사, 중국 재생 의학의 11.4% 지분 인수 계약 체결" 7827,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Oil dips away from levels last seen in late 2014, but analysts say market supported?",,"UPDATE 1-유가, 2014년 말 이후 최저 수준에서 하락하지만 분석가들은 시장이 지지받고 있다고 말함." 7782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flyers even series with 5-1 win over Penguins?,,"플라이어스, 펭귄스 상대로 5-1 승리로 시리즈 균형 맞춰" 7825,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sutherland Asset Management Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter 2017 Results?,,"서덜랜드 자산 관리 회사, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표" 5463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Diligent Media Corporation Dec-Qtr Loss Narrows?,,"브리핑 - 인도의 딜리전트 미디어 코퍼레이션, 12월 분기 손실 축소" 2750,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Allergan Considers Bid for Drugmaker Shire After $60 Billion Takeda Offer?,,"알레르간, 600억 달러 타케다 인수 제안 이후 제약회사 샤이어 인수 추진 고려" 2858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NVIDIA Says Temporarily Suspending Testing Of Self-Driving Cars On Public Roads?,,"간단히 - NVIDIA, 공공 도로에서 자율주행차 테스트를 일시 중단한다고 발표." 1337,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bulls bet on the cloud?,,“황소들이 클라우드에 베팅하다” 6374,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia markets: US-China trade, stocks, geopolitics and currencies in focus?",,"아시아 시장: 미중 무역, 주식, 지정학 및 통화에 주목하다." 8372,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA FX DEBT-C$ firms as Wall Street rally offsets jobs plunge?,,캐나다 외환 채권 - 월스트리트 랠리가 일자 급감 상쇄하면서 캐나다 달러 강세 9315,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European markets seen sharply lower amid global selloff?,,"유럽 시장, 글로벌 급매도 속에 크게 하락할 것으로 예상돼" 6305,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's trade tariffs: Long on rhetoric, short on impact??",,트럼프의 무역 관세: 수사는 길지만 영향은 짧다. 6175,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cord Cutting Jumps to Highest Rate Ever as People Flee Cable | Fortune?,,코드 커팅이 역대 최고 비율로 증가하며 사람들이 케이블을 떠나고 있다 | 포춘 1180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Heren Health sees Q1 2018 net profit up 174.6 pct to 202 pct?,,"간략 - 헤렌 헬스, 2018년 1분기 순이익 174.6% 증가하여 202%에 달함." 6191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Care1st Health Plan Announces Name Change to Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan?,,Care1st Health Plan이 Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan으로 이름을 변경한다고 발표했습니다. 3213,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: XL Catlin promotes Melissa McDermott to Head of Pricing for Global Lines?,,XL Catlin이 멜리사 맥더못을 글로벌 라인 가격 책정 책임자로 승진시켰습니다. 9204,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wellington Management Group Llp Reports 10.85 pct Passive Stake In Audentes Therapeutics As Of Jan 31, 2018?",,"웨 Wellington Management Group LLP, 2018년 1월 31일 기준으로 Audentes Therapeutics에 10.85%의 패시브 지분 보유 보고" 4304,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China, Hong Kong stocks firm as Beijing elects key economic team?",,"중국, 홍콩 주식 시장은 베이징이 주요 경제 팀을 선출하면서 견조해진다." 4492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia stocks slip as high bond yields weigh on equities?,,아시아 주식이 높은 채권 수익률에 영향을 받아 하락하다. 166,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices firm as global stock markets rebound?,,유가가 세계 주식시장의 반등에 따라 안정세를 보이다. 930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Time for Vocational Education Renaissance?,,직업 교육 부흥의 시기? 7700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bodies recovered from Iran plane crash site?,,이란 비행기 추락 현장에서 회수된 시신들 51,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of England's Cunliffe warns EU over curbing cross-border funds after Brexit?,,"은행 영국의 칸리프, 브렉시트 이후 EU에 국경 간 자금 제한에 대해 경고하다." 1216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thousands gather for funeral of Fiorentina captain Astori?,,피오렌티나 주장 아스토리의 장례식에 수천명이 모이다 9839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Lavrov: Sochi congress agrees a constitutional committee - TASS?,,"러시아의 라브로프: 소치 회의, 헌법 위원회에 합의 - 타스" 8064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Megan Eltringham and Melanie Andrews of The New Home Company Named to Professional Builder’s 40 Under 40 Class of 2018?,,"메건 엘트링햄과 멜라니 앤드류스, 더 뉴 홈 컴퍼니 소속으로 2018년 프로페셔널 빌더 40 세 이하 클래스에 선정되다." 4255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zafgen to Host Conference Call to Discuss Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"자프겐, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과에 대해 논의하기 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 8906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Total Gabon: First-Quarter 2018 Results?,,토탈 가봉: 2018년 1분기 실적 2730,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rexford Industrial Announces 2017 Tax Treatment Of Dividend Distributions?,,"렉스포드 인더스트리얼, 2017년 배당 분배의 세금 처리 발표" 2103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CBS-Viacom Fight Is Fixed?,,CBS-바이아콤 싸움은 고정되어 있다? 44,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Joinn Laboratories China sees FY 2017 net profit up 40 pct to 60 pct?,,"브리프 - Joinn Laboratories China, 2017 회계연도 순이익 40%에서 60% 증가 전망" 7817,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Poage Bankshares Inc Files For Non Timely 10-K?,,"BRIEF-Poage Bankshares Inc, 비시기적 10-K 보고서 제출." 4656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hilton Announces Launch of Senior Notes Offering?,,"힐튼, 노인 사채 발행 발표" 5552,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Michelle Obama earned a strong recommendation letter for Harvard?,,"""미셸 오바마가 하버드에 강력한 추천서를 받은 방법""" 768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Desane Group Holdings To Buy Property in Leichhardt For $21 Mln​?,,"브리프-데세인 그룹 홀딩스, 리치하트에서 2100만 달러에 부동산 구매 예정" 7076,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arena Announces Changes To Its Board Of Directors?,,"브리프 - 아레나, 이사회의 변경 사항 발표" 977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mubarrad Holding To Acquire 100 Pct Stake In Inshaa Alahlia Real Estate?,,"브리핑 - 무바르라드 홀딩, 인샤 알아흘리아 부동산의 100% 지분 인수 예정" 8575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What the Shutdown Says About U.S. Politics in 2018?,,2018년 미국 정치에 대한 셧다운이 말하는 것 497,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IOC plans medal reallocation ceremonies to honour athletes?,,"IOC, 선수들을 기리기 위한 메달 재배분 세레모니 계획" 1528,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lamborghini's Urus in high demand?,,"람보르기니의 우루스, 수요 급증" 285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian state TV: Rebels set to quit enclave northeast of Damascus?,,"시리아 국가 TV: 반군, 다마스크스 북동부 거주지 퇴출 준비 중" 2990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motherson Sumi Systems fourth-quarter profit rises over 9 percent?,,"모테르손 수미 시스템즈, 4분기 이익 9% 이상 증가" 2782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Deutsche Bank's chairman defends abrupt change in CEO?,,"RPT-도이치 뱅크 회장, CEO의 갑작스러운 변화에 대해 변호하다." 8947,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barclays names Kunal Gandhi as head of corporate broking?,,"바클레이스, 쿠날 간디를 기업 브로킹 책임자로 임명" 1480,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motorcycle taxi drivers protest low online tariffs?,,오토바이 택시 기사들이 낮은 온라인 요금에 항의하다. 6602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil's Lojas Renner keeps expansion bet after solid quarterly results?,,"업데이트 1-브라질의 로자스 레너, 견고한 분기 실적 후에도 확장 베팅을 유지하다." 8172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Debenhams cuts dividend as first-half profit slumps?,,"데베넘스, 상반기 수익 급감으로 배당금 삭감" 4319,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Virco MFG, Unit Enter Into Seventeenth Amendment?",,"브리프 - Virco MFG, 자회사와 제17차 개정안 체결" 4712,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diamond traders say fraud suspects Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi didn't follow code?",,다이아몬드 거래자들은 사기 용의자인 니라브 모디와 메퓰 초크시가 규정을 따르지 않았다고 말한다. 8853,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WebsiteClosers.com Announces Acquisition of Baetea LLC by New World Natural Brands, LLC?",,"WebsiteClosers.com이 New World Natural Brands, LLC의 Baetea LLC 인수를 발표합니다." 400,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU removes Panama, seven others from tax-haven blacklist, promoting criticism?",,"EU, 파나마와 7개국을 조세 피난처 블랙리스트에서 제외하며 비판을 촉발하다." 388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zayo Closes Acquisition of Neutral Path?,,Zayo가 Neutral Path 인수 완료 3209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK banks bear the brunt of Carillion's collapse?,,UK 은행들이 캐리온의 붕괴 여파를 고스란히 겪다 2226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Usain Bolt eyeing new challenges?,,"우사인 볼트, 새로운 도전을 겨냥하다?" 1725,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steel, Aluminum Tariffs Could Raise Car Prices by $300?",,철강 및 알루미늄 관세로 자동차 가격이 300달러 오를 수 있다? 5944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: These celebrities want Oprah Winfrey to run for president in 2020?,,이 유명인사들은 오프라 윈프리가 2020년 대통령 선거에 출마하기를 원한다. 5727,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TDC Q1 EBITDA Down At DKK 2.08 Billion?,,"TDC 1분기 EBITDA, 20억 8천만 DKK로 감소" 4175,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-UPDATE 6-Oil falls on strong dollar, stalling rally that opened 2018?",,REFILE-UPDATE 6-2018년의 상승세가 멈춘 강한 달러로 인해 유가 하락 3863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's E-Land Apparel Dec-Qtr Loss Narrows?,,"BRIEF-인도의 이랜드 의류, 12월 분기 손실 축소" 9362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk Attended Infamously Lewd Silicon Valley Party—Thought It Was a Costume Party?,,"일론 머스크, 악명 높은 음탕한 실리콘밸리 파티 참석—코스튬 파티인 줄 알았다?" 8322,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Beasley Broadcast Group First Quarter Net Revenue Increases 2.6% to $55.2 Million?,,"비즐리 방송 그룹, 1분기 순수익 2.6% 증가하여 5520만 달러를 기록" 3297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pacira Announces FDA Approval Of Supplemental New Drug Application For Exparel As A Nerve Block To Produce Regional Analgesia?,,"브리프 - 파키라, Exparel의 보완 신약 신청서 FDA 승인 발표; 신경 차단제로서의 지역 진통 효과 기대" 6609,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vietnam trade ministry says formally launched investigation into Uber-Grab merger?,,"베트남 무역부, 우버-그랩 합병에 대한 공식 조사 착수 발표" 8038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Magnit could make dividends contingent on investments - CEO?,,"러시아의 막니트, 배당금을 투자에 연동할 수 있다고 CEO가 밝혀" 6181,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive - Mexico left-wing candidate's lead widens as rivals bicker: poll?,,독점 - 멕시코 좌파 후보의 지지가 확대되면서 라이벌들이 싸움을 벌이다: 여론 조사 2418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Primaries to Test Trump’s Sway Over GOP Voters?,,프라이머리가 트럼프의 공화당 유권자에 대한 영향력을 시험할 것이다. 9716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scientology TV set to launch?,,사이언톨로지 TV가 곧 출시될 예정입니다. 6919,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Turkey's lira extends rare hot streak after central bank moves?,,"업데이트 1-터키 리라, 중앙은행 조치로 드문 상승세 이어가며 확장" 1242,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Deadly Flu No One Saw Coming?,,예상치 못한 치명적인 독감 575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. to make streaming services pay more for music?,,"미국, 스트리밍 서비스가 음악에 더 많은 비용을 지불하도록 할 예정" 6517,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nimmo's four-hit night propels Mets past Brewers?,,"니모의 4안타 활약, 메츠가 브루어스를 제치고 승리" 9843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wuhu Token Sciences proposes 2017 dividend payment?,,"브리핑 - 우후 토큰 사이언스, 2017년 배당금 지급 제안" 6279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: F1 to set up fully-fledged local entity in China?,,F1이 중국에 완전한 현지 법인을 설립할 예정이다. 1205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gr Sarantis Says Completes Acquisition Of Indulona Cosmetics Brand For Eur 8.5 Million?,,BRIEF-GR Sarantis가 인둘로나 화장품 브랜드를 850만 유로에 인수 완료했다고 발표했습니다. 9263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trillion Grand Corporate Co Posts Qtrly Net Loss Of HK$11 Mln?,,"간략 - 트릴리언 그랜드 코퍼레이트가 분기 순손실 1,100만 홍콩달러 발표" 3461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Condor Hospitality Trust Schedules Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release and Conference Call?,,"콘도르 호스피탈리티 트러스트, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정을 잡다." 5927,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's Bharti Airtel third quarter profit drops 39 percent?,,"인도의 바르티 Airtel, 3분기 이익 39% 감소" 6247,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook shares drop further?,,페이스북 주가가 다시 떨어졌다. 5438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia Pacific Wire & Cable Corporation Reports 2017 Financial Results?,,"아시아 태평양 와이어 & 케이블 주식회사, 2017년 재무 결과 발표" 1139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asian shares tentative as Trump tempers Sino-U.S. trade optimism?,,아시아 주식이 조심스러운 이유는 트럼프가 중미 무역 낙관론을 누르기 때문이다. 794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Low risk of rollback in Chinese investment in Malaysia: Researcher?,,말레이시아의 중국 투자 축소 가능성 낮음: 연구자 4998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sen. Barrasso: I'm much more of a free trader?,,바라소 상원의원: 나는 훨씬 더 자유무역주의자다. 8864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Thai British Security Printing To Buy Plots Of Land For 240.3 Mln Baht?,,"BRIEF-태국 영국 보안 인쇄, 240.3 밀리언 바트에 토지 plots 구매 예정" 5301,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Berlusconi calls on defeated center-left to help form Italian government?,,"베를루스코니, 패배한 중도좌파에 이탈리아 정부 구성 협력 요청" 4646,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Davis' return not enough as Pelicans routed by Jazz?,,데이비스의 복귀에도 불구하고 펠리컨스가 재즈에게 크게 패하다. 7996,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Let’s Keep the Gains Made, Nafta Isn’t the Boogeyman?",,"성과를 유지합시다, NAFTA는 악당이 아닙니다." 7957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook adds more tools to Workplace to court business customers?,,"페이스북, 비즈니스 고객 유치를 위해 워크플레이스에 더 많은 도구 추가" 6750,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maersk shares sink, joins others with Iran warning?",,"머스크 주식 급락, 이란 경고와 함께 다른 기업들에 합류." 8624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Telechoice International Posts‍ Q4 Profit Attributable S$5.0 Mln?,,"브리프 - 텔레초이스 인터내셔널, 4분기 이익 500만 싱가포르 달러 기록" 1284,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JBT Corporation Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release and Conference Call Schedule?,,"JBT 코퍼레이션, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 공지" 778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shinpoong Pharmaceutical signs contract worth 12.36 bln won?,,"브리프 - 신풍제약, 123.6억 원 규모 계약 체결" 6953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mark Zuckerberg’s Face-Off With European Parliament: The Highlights?,,"마크 저커버그, 유럽 의회와의 대결: 주요 내용은?" 5763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Quercus TFI buys 10.6% stake of Netfund.pl?,,BRIEF-Quercus TFI가 Netfund.pl의 10.6% 지분을 매입하다. 5598,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tyrone Jeffers Joins SPX FLOW as Vice President, Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain?",,"타이론 제퍼스, SPX FLOW의 글로벌 제조 및 공급망 부사장으로 합류" 7722,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tone-Deaf: How Facebook Misread America’s Mood on Russia - WSJ?,,tone-deaf: 미국의 정서에 대한 페이스북의 오판 - WSJ 6422,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Catholics Continue to View Pope Francis Favorably, Survey Shows?",,미국 가톨릭 신자들은 프란치스코 교황을 긍정적으로 바라보고 있다는 설문조사 결과가 나왔다. 4710,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Avengers: Infinity War' opens big with $39 mln in U.S., Canada?",,"'어벤져스: 인피니티 워', 미국 및 캐나다에서 3천9백만 달러로 대박 시작" 3133,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA approves new treatment for a certain type of prostate cancer using novel clinical trial endpoint?,,"FDA, 새로운 임상 시험 평가 지표를 사용한 특정 유형의 전립선암 치료법 승인" 4644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TomTom expects value of automotive deals to fall in 2018?,,"톰톰, 2018년 자동차 거래 가치 하락 예상" 7111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Editors Choice Pictures?,,"뉴스 기사 제목이 ""편집자 선택 사진""이라면, 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: 다양한 주제와 사건을 함께 보여주는 사진들을 선별하여 소개하는 기사로, 사진의 의미와 배경, 사진작가의 노력을 설명하거나 사진이 담고 있는 감정이나 이야기를 전달하는 내용을 포함할 것입니다. 또한 최근 이슈, 문화, 예술, 자연 등 여러 분야에서의 인상적인 이미지들을 중심으로 구성될 수 있습니다." 984,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Brazil, Chile stocks hit record highs, Mexico peso gains?",,"신흥시장-브라질, 칠레 주식 사상 최고치 경신, 멕시코 페소 상승" 7990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IPL Scoreboard?,,IPL 스코어보드? 7053,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump mulls cutting aid to countries over illegal immigration?,,"트럼프, 불법 이민에 대한 대응으로 다른 나라들에 대한 원조 축소 검토 중" 4003,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prosecutors seek 30 year jail term for South Korean ex-president?,,"검찰, 한국 전 대통령에게 30년 징역형 구형" 350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese official says U.S. charge on forced tech transfer is groundless?,,미국의 강제 기술 이전에 대한 혐의는 근거가 없다고 중국 관료가 발언했다. 6030,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EPA chief Pruitt said Trump would abuse Constitution worse than Obama?,,"EPA 수장 프루잇, 트럼프가 오바마보다 헌법을 더 악용할 것이라고 말했다." 971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Buckeye Partners CEO Clark Smith's 2017 Total Compensation $9.3 Mln in 2017?,,브리프 - Buckeye Partners CEO Clark Smith의 2017년 총 보상금이 2017년에 930만 달러였다. 4823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wynn Resorts Board to Probe Allegations Against CEO?,,"윈 리조트 이사회, CEO에 대한 혐의 조사 착수" 4215,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rising fares, more leisure travel to buoy these airline stocks: Analysts?",,"요금 인상, 증가하는 레저 여행이 이 항공사 주식을 부양할 것이라는 분석가들의 전망" 1579,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Acuity BrandsAnnounces Acquisition Of Lucid Design Group?,,"BRIEF-아큐이티 브랜드, 루시드 디자인 그룹 인수 발표" 8481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sports Seoul issues 22th series convertible bonds worth 6.2 bln won?,,"브리프-스포츠서울, 62억 원 규모의 제22회 전환사채 발행" 537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lawyers for Vatican treasurer question accusers in Australian court?,,호주 법원에서 바티칸 재무 관리자의 변호사들이 고소인들에게 질문을 던지다. 660,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhonghong Holding says freeze of controlling shareholder's shares?,,"브리프-중홍홀딩, 주요 주주의 주식 동결 발표" 1114,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ellomay Capital the Filing of the Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2017?,,"엘로메이 캐피탈, 2017년 연례보고서 양식 20-F 제출" 6676,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FRP Holdings, Inc. Announces Release Date for Its Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2017 Earnings and Details for the Earnings Conference Call?",,"FRP 홀딩스, Inc.가 2017년 12월 31일 종료된 제4분기 및 연간 실적 발표 날짜와 실적 발표 전화 회의 세부 정보를 발표했습니다." 9665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frontier Communications Declares Dividend on Preferred Stock?,,"프론티어 커뮤니케이션즈, 우선주 배당금 선언" 7286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE quarterly revenue drops 5 pct?,,GE 분기 매출 5% 감소 3777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Arabia's Leejam Sports seeks approval for stock market listing -sources?,,"사우디 아라비아의 리잠 스포츠, 주식 시장 상장을 위한 승인 요청 - 소식통" 6445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Army leader tells Germany: Meet NATO spending goal or weaken NATO?,,미국 군 관계자가 독일에 경고: NATO 지출 목표를 달성하지 않으면 NATO가 약해진다. 8628,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling slips, but headed for best quarter since 2015?",,파운드화가 하락했지만 2015년 이후 가장 좋은 분기를 향하고 있다. 7634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saul Alinsky Is the Cause of Our Political Divisions?,,사울 알린스키가 우리의 정치적 분열의 원인이다? 6379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Egypt expects GDP growth for FY 2017/18 at 5.2 percent -statement?,,"이집트, 2017/18 회계연도 GDP 성장률 5.2% 예상 - 성명" 8385,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EDF's Flamanville nuclear reactor startup schedule is tight -ASN?,,EDF의 플라망빌 원자로 시작 일정이 촉박하다고 ASN이 밝혔습니다. 1679,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bruce Passen Joins Tiger Group as Managing Director of Newly-Formed Tiger Receivables Division?,,브루스 패센이 새로 설립된 타이거 수익 부문의 전무이사로 타이거 그룹에 합류하다. 7476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dreamscape Networks To Acquire Quadra Hosting For A$2.5 Mln?,,"브리프 - 드림스케이프 네트웍스, 쿼드라 호스팅을 250만 호주 달러에 인수 예정" 2376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Gibraltar’ Review: When the Rock Was a Hard Place?,,‘지브롤터’ 리뷰: 바위가 힘든 곳이었던 시절? 3081,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nokia sells digital health venture, executive to leave?",,"노키아, 디지털 헬스 사업 매각, 임원 퇴사 예정" 8054,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Go along with U.S. sanctions, and you'll face jail: Russian lawmakers warn?",,미국 제재를 따르다면 감옥에 갈 것이다: 러시아 의원들이 경고하다. 3332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Info Tech® Announces Sustainability Achievements on One-Year Anniversary at New Headquarters?,,"인포 테크(Info Tech®), 새 본사에서의 1주년 기념 지속 가능성 성과 발표" 6524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's jailed pro-Kurdish opposition co-leader to step down?,,터키의 수감된 친쿠르드 반대파 공동지도자가 사퇴할 예정이다. 4793,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Europe's medicines regulator calls for recall of Biogen, AbbVie multiple sclerosis drug?",,"유럽의 약품 규제 기관, 바이오젠과 앱비의 다발성 경화증 치료제 리콜을 요청하다." 7692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: C-Rad Q1 Net Sales Up At SEK 33.8 Million?,,C-Rad 1분기 순매출 3억 3천8백만 크로나 증가 3617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Pacific Insurance Says CSRC Approved Acquisition Of Stake In GTJA Allianz Fund Management?,,"중국 태평양 보험, CSRC가 GTJA Allianz 펀드 관리 지분 인수를 승인했다고 발표하다." 7913,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reading part ways with manager Jaap Stam?,,"리딩, 감독 야프 스탬과 결별하다?" 8739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Air traffic at Rotterdam The Hague airport halted due to smoke: airport?,,"로테르담 헤이그 공항, 연기로 인해 항공편 중단: 공항 소식" 5844,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flushing Bank Sharing Benefit of Tax Reform with Shareholders and Employees?,,플러싱 은행이 주주와 직원들과 세금 개혁의 혜택을 나눈다. 7864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: You Think Discovering a Computer Virus Is Hard? Try Naming One - WSJ?,,당신은 컴퓨터 바이러스를 발견하는 것이 어렵다고 생각하나요? 이름 짓는 것은 더 어렵습니다 - WSJ 265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MoviePass says all is well. Even some of its customers are skeptical.?,,MoviePass가 모든 것이 괜찮다고 말합니다. 일부 고객들조차 회의적입니다. 1647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NBT Bancorp Sets Quarterly Cash Dividend Of $0.25 Per Share?,,브리프 - NBT 뱅크가 주당 $0.25의 분기 현금 배당금을 설정함. 1339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McCellon-Allen Retires As SWEPCO President And COO?,,"맥셀론-앨런, SWEPCO 사장 겸 COO 퇴임" 5451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Highlights on day nine of Commonwealth Games?,,커먼웰스 게임 9일 차 하이라이트 4808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ascension Insurance Rebrands as Relation Insurance Services?,,어센션 보험이 리일레이션 보험 서비스로 브랜드명 변경합니다. 6472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Zealand has enough of being left off the map?,,뉴질랜드는 더 이상 지도에서 빠지는 것에 지쳤다? 4607,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vonn, Rippon, and Kenworthy Skip Olympian White House Visit?",,"본, 리프론, 그리고 켄워디가 올림피언 백악관 방문을 건너뛰다?" 8331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices slip as analysts warn of correction after 13 pct gain in the past month?,,"유가, 지난 한 달 간 13% 상승 후 조정 예고에 따라 하락" 3605,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 3 big Dow stocks are reporting next week, here's what the options market sees?",,다음 주에 3개의 대형 다우 지수 주식이 실적을 발표합니다. 옵션 시장이 어떻게 보고 있는지 여기 있습니다. 9401,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK, Saudi Arabia sign deals worth more than $2 billion?",,"영국과 사우디아라비아, 20억 달러 이상의 계약 체결" 5071,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Best’s Special Report: Third-Quarter Catastrophes Will Define 2017?,,베스트의 특별 보고서: 3분기 재해가 2017년을 정의할 것인가? 9586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aliansce presents its 4Q17 and 2017 results?,,Aliansce가 4분기 2017년 및 2017년 실적을 발표하다. 723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Engineers say recyclable car parts are within reach?,,엔지니어들이 재활용 가능한 자동차 부품이 가능하다고 말하다. 1569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Cupid Dec-Qtr Net Profit Falls?,,BRIEF-인도의 Cupid 12월 분기 순이익 하락 3305,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman's Blankfein prepares exit for as soon as year end: WSJ?,,골드만의 블랭크페인이 연말까지 퇴진 준비를 하고 있다: 월스트리트 저널 4814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Woodside Petroleum 4th qtr revenue slips 6.9 percent?,,"우드사이드 페트롤리엄, 4분기 수익 6.9% 감소" 9794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Seadrill says debt deal to be implemented in the near future?,,"브리프 - 시드릴, 채무 거래 곧 시행될 것이라고 발표." 3561,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stella McCartney lets the boys play with the girls in Paris?,,"스텔라 맥카트니, 파리에서 소년들이 소녀들과 함께 놀게 하다." 6197,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify pops in public debut to the stock market?,,"스포티파이, 주식 시장에서 공개 데뷔 후 급등" 774,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OECD Highlights Global Divides on How to Tax Digital Companies?,,"OECD, 디지털 기업 과세에 대한 글로벌 격차 강조" 5129,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This professional golfer discussed cryptocurrencies with his caddie?,,이 프로 골퍼가 그의 캐디와 암호화폐에 대해 이야기했다. 2438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Synchrony Financial Reports Fourth Quarter Net Earnings of $385 Million or $0.49 Per Diluted Share Including Impact from Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; $545 Million or $0.70 Excluding Impact?,,"Synchrony Financial, 세금 감면 및 일자리 법안의 영향을 포함해 3억 8500만 달러 또는 희석 주당 0.49달러의 4분기 순이익을 보고하다; 영향을 제외하면 5억 4500만 달러 또는 0.70달러." 1107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jaywalkers under surveillance in Shenzhen soon to be punished via text messages?,,선전의 보행자 신호를 무시하는 사람들은 곧 문자 메시지를 통해 처벌받게 될 것입니다. 4838,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British insurers see China, India as top non-EU markets after Brexit?",,"영국 보험사들이 브렉시트 이후 중국, 인도를 비EU 시장으로 최고의 대상으로 꼽다." 1023,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-American Hotel Income Properties REIT Reports Qtrly Diluted FFO Per Unit $0.17‍​?,,"요약 - 아메리칸 호텔 인컴 프라퍼티 REIT, 분기 희석 FFO 주당 $0.17 보고." 4415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. trade deficit rises to near 9-1/2-year high in February?,,"2월 미국 무역 적자, 9년 반 만의 최고치로 증가" 4921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MSD Animal Health Gets Positive Opinion From European Medicines Agency For Bravecto Plus?,,"브리프 - MSD 동물 건강, 브라벡토 플러스에 대해 유럽 의약품청으로부터 긍정적인 의견을 얻음." 8076,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi NCB net profit up 11.8 pct as expenses, impairments drop?",,"사우디 NCB, 비용 및 손상비용 감소로 순익 11.8% 증가" 557,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Xinyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd. to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 30, 2018?",,"신원 부동산 유한회사, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 2018년 5월 30일에 발표할 예정" 382,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ASIA CREDIT CLOSE: Credits weak; long-end faces mounting pressure?,,ASIA CREDIT CLOSE: 신용이 약세; 장기물에 대한 압력이 커지고 있다. 1233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Intertech FY 2017 Net Loss EUR At 1.1 MLN?,,BRIEF-인터테크 2017 회계연도 순손실 110만 유로 발생 8221,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: One of the biggest US trade wars of the past had a tragic consequence — here’s what happened?,,미국의 가장 큰 무역 전쟁 중 하나가 비극적인 결과를 초래했다 — 어떤 일이 있었는지 알아보자. 8252,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade Uncertainties, Mortgage-Finance Rules Factored Into Canadian Interest Decision - WSJ?",,무역 불확실성과 모기지 금융 규제가 캐나다 금리 결정에 반영됨 - 월스트리트 저널 9944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AP Thailand Posts FY Net Profit Of 3.16 Bln Baht?,,"BRIEF-AP 태국, FY 순이익 31.6억 바트 게시" 6494,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wynn resigns as RNC finance chair after sexual misconduct allegations?,,"윈, 성폭력 혐의로 RNC 재무위원 사퇴" 218,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snap Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"스냅 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 발표." 1539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GOP Sen. Bob Corker: Republicans in the Senate who are not 'conflicted' about Trump are 'comatose'?,,공화당 상원 의원 밥 코커: 트럼프에 대해 '갈등'이 없는 상원의원들은 '식물상태'다. 2872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Clavister Holding Q4 Net Revenue Up At Sek 34.4 Million?,,"클라비스터 홀딩, 4분기 순수익 3440만 크로나 증가 브리프" 3025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aerohive Networks Sees Q4 Revenue About $37 Million?,,"브리프-에어로하이브 네트웍스, 4분기 매출 약 3,700만 달러 예상" 2432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Biohaven restructures license agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb to reduce royalties payable on its migraine product candidates?,,"브리프-바이오헤이븐, 편두통 제품 후보에 대한 로열티를 줄이기 위해 브리스톨-마이어스 스큅과의 라이선스 계약 재구성." 1540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AIK Fotboll: Robert Taylor Goes On Loan To Tromsö?,,"BRIEF-AIK 축구: 로버트 테일러, 트롬쇠로 임대 이적" 7333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Disney teases possibility of more 'Avengers' movies?,,"디즈니, '어벤져스' 영화 추가 제작 가능성 암시" 1390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iot Group's Unit Signs Term Sheets To House Blockchain Clients' Machines At Proposed Complex?,,"IoT 그룹의 유닛, 제안된 복합 시설에서 블록체인 클라이언트의 기기를 수용하기 위한 계약서에 서명하다." 3152,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Huttig Building Products Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.39?,,Huttig Building Products 분기당 주당 손실 $0.39 발생 6220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Willdan Group Selected For $14 Million Contract?,,"윌단 그룹, 1천4백만 달러 계약 수주" 459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sunrun Inc Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.54?,,브리프 - 선런 주식회사 4분기 주당순이익 $0.54 발표 371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi government to hand over 25 schools to private sector?,,사우디 정부가 25개의 학교를 민간 부문에 인계할 예정입니다. 1100,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Latest: Russian pleads not guilty to US hacking charge?,,최신 뉴스: 러시아인이 미국 해킹 혐의에 대해 무죄를 주장하다. 9255,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BP to cut three percent of upstream jobs by year-end?,,"BP, 연말까지 탐사 및 생산 부문의 3% 일자리 삭감 계획 발표" 4095,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says differences with U.S. should settled through dialogue?,,"중국, 미국과의 차이는 대화를 통해 해결해야 한다고 말하다." 2276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World leaders are formalizing hate - Amnesty?,,세계 지도자들이 증오를 공고히 하고 있다 - 앰네스티 1850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IAAF not privy to any championships bid concerns: CEO?,,IAAF는 어떤 챔피언십 유치 우려사항도 알지 못한다고 CEO가 말했습니다. 6739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wabash National Corporation Announces Earnings Release Date?,,"Wabash 내셔널 기업, 수익 발표 날짜 발표" 3558,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Villanova rolls by Marquette, coach Wright passes milestone?",,"빌라노바가 마케트를 압도하며 승리, 라이트 감독이 이정표를 넘어서다." 5122,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poland considers educating refugee children apart from public schools?,,"폴란드, 난민 아동을 공립학교와 분리하여 교육하는 방안 검토" 4477,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AvalonBay Communities Announces 2017 Dividend Income Tax Treatment?,,"AvalonBay Communities, Inc.가 2017년 배당소득 세금 처리에 대해 발표했습니다." 7479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Now @ Davos: Trade and Tensions?,,다보스에서의 지금: 무역과 긴장 상황 6394,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DexKo Global Acquires the Assets of Kodiak Products Company, Inc. (""Kodiak"")?",,"DexKo Global이 Kodiak Products Company, Inc.(""Kodiak"")의 자산을 인수하다." 4203,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Schneider Electric ends 2017 on high note despite currency headwinds?,,"UPDATE 1-슈나이더 일렉트릭, 통화 악재에도 불구하고 2017년을 긍정적으로 마무리하다" 1263,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brexiteers dump fish in Thames in protest at EU deal?,,브렉시트 지지자들이 EU 거래에 대한 항의로 템스 강에 물고기를 버리다. 2967,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai Yuyuan To Boost Capital At Zhejiang Firm To Eventually Own Stake In Israel's Ahava?,,"브리핑 - 상하이 유위안, 이즈라엘의 아하바 지분을 결국 보유하기 위해 저장 제조회사의 자본을 증대할 예정" 7481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: If Warren Buffett were an ETF portfolio?,,워렌 버핏이 ETF 포트폴리오였다면? 6437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atlanta struggles with a crippling cyber hack?,,"애틀랜타, 심각한 사이버 해킹으로 어려움 겪어" 5735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China stocks shrug off seizure of Anbang amid signs of state support?,,"중국 주식, 국가의 지원 조짐 속에서 안방의 압수에 개의치다." 7625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peru inflation slows to 7-year low in January?,,"페루의 인플레이션, 1월에 7년 만에 최저치로 조정" 2860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dena Bank Seeks Shareholders' Nod For Issue Of Shares On Preferential Basis To Indian Govt?,,"브리프 - 데나 은행, 인도 정부에 대한 우선 청구권으로 주식 발행을 위한 주주 승인 요청." 4218,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toscana Energy Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,토스카나 에너지가 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 9636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VERBATIM: Russia tells Britain 'you'll be sorry'?,,"전문: 러시아, 영국에게 '후회하게 될 것'이라고 경고하다." 4472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shanghai No.1 Pharmacy says resignation of CFO?,,"브리프 - 상하이 1호 약국, CFO 사임 소식 전해줘" 9393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Federal Intervention Likely Prevented More Failures?,,연방 정부의 개입이 더 많은 실패를 예방했을 가능성이 높다. 2392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's game plan: This market lacks clarity. Here's how to manage?,,크래머의 게임 계획: 이 시장은 명확성이 부족하다. 관리하는 방법은 다음과 같다. 6996,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Entercom Communications to Report 2018 First Quarter Financial Results, Host Conference Call on May 8?",,"엔터컴 커뮤니케이션즈, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 보고 및 5월 8일 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 7108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: London museum may return Ethiopian loot - on loan?,,"런던 박물관, 에티오피아 약탈품을 대여 형식으로 반환할 수 있어" 4905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Busen Garments' Share Trade To Resume On Jan 24?,,브리프 - 저장성 부센 의류의 주식 거래가 1월 24일에 재개됨. 9761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US agency proposes scrapping higher automaker penalties for 'gas guzzlers'?,,"미국 기관, '가스 배출량 높은 차량'에 대한 더 높은 자동차 제조업체 벌금 폐지 제안" 900,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rapid7 Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock, Preliminary Financial Results and 2018 Outlook?",,"Rapid7, 보통주 공모 제안 발표, 잠정 재무 결과 및 2018년 전망" 9182,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: L.A. Home With Resort-Style Amenities Listed for Almost $50 Million?,,"L.A. 리조트 스타일의 시설을 갖춘 주택, 거의 5000만 달러에 매물로 나왔다." 5284,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magnitude 6.4 quake strikes northeast Taiwan, hotel collapses?",,"제목: 대만 북동부에서 규모 6.4 지진 발생, 호텔 붕괴" 7422,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North American soccer World Cup would create $5 billion in economic activity: study?,,북미 축구 월드컵이 50억 달러의 경제 활동을 창출할 것이라는 연구 결과 7580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed's Bostic says sympathetic to adopting price-level targeting?,,"연준의 보스틱, 물가 수준 목표 채택에 동조 의사 밝혀" 4413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford Plans to Invest $11 Billion to Electrify Its ‘Most Iconic’ Vehicles?,,"포드, '가장 상징적인' 차량 전동화를 위해 110억 달러 투자 계획 발표" 3634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magic overcome Irving's 40 to win in Boston?,,"매직, 보스턴에서 어빙의 40점을 이기고 승리하다." 959,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MGIC Investment Corporation Schedules 1st Quarter 2018 Earnings Call and Releases Monthly Operating Statistics?,,"MGIC 투자 회사, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 전화 회의 일정 및 월간 운영 통계 발표" 9278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ballard Receives Loi For 40 Fuel Cell Engines To Power Van Hool Buses In Germany?,,"브리프 - 발라드, 독일의 반 훌 버스를 위한 40개의 연료 전지 엔진에 대한 LOI 수령" 3687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Olympics-Freestyle Skiing-Women's halfpipe final results?,,업데이트 2-올림픽-프리스타일 스키-여자 하프파이프 결선 결과 4825,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taliban announce spring offensive, dismiss peace overtures?",,"탈레반, 봄 공세 발표하며 평화 제안 일축" 7128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lacklustre Leicester hold Southampton to goalless draw?,,"부진한 레스터, 사우샘프턴과 0-0 무승부 기록" 7953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Euro zone borrowing costs hold steady ahead of heavy day for supply - Reuters?,,"유로존 차입 비용, 공급을 위한 중대한 날을 앞두고 안정세 유지 - 로이터" 8663,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Make America Great Again' ETF, pegged to Trump’s agenda, outperforms the stock market?",,"'트럼프의 agenda에 연동된 '메이크 아메리카 그레이트 어게인' ETF, 주식 시장을 초과 성과'" 8711,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Egls To Buy Hangzhou Technology Firm Via Cash, Share Issue?",,간략하게 - Egls가 현금 및 주식 발행을 통해 항저우 기술 회사를 인수하기로 결정함. 129,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. Announces Retention of Financial Advisor to Review Proposal by Stone Point Capital, the CEO and the Karfunkel Family?",,"암트러스트 금융 서비스, Inc.가 스톤 포인트 캐피탈, CEO 및 카르푼켈 가족의 제안 검토를 위한 재무 자문사의 선정을 발표했습니다." 3492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Huaxi Securities Posts 38.9 Pct Fall In 2017 Net Profit?,,"브리프 - 화시 증권, 2017년 순이익 38.9% 감소 발표" 1206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hong Kong Exchanges And Clearing ‍Says C K Chow To Retire As Chairman?,,"브리프 - 홍콩 거래소 및 청산소, C K 저우가 회장직에서 은퇴한다고 발표하다." 548,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Chuy's Holdings, Inc. Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.19?",,"BRIEF-Chuy's Holdings, Inc.가 1분기 주당 순이익 $0.19를 보고했습니다." 7133,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HIGHLIGHTS-South African central bank comments on rate decision?,,HIGHLIGHTS-남아프리카 중앙은행의 금리 결정에 대한 논평 536,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Emaar Misr For Development FY Profit Rises?,,브리프-이마르 미스르 개발의 FY 이익 증가 6377,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dinner and a movie to wrap up Korean summit?,,한국 정상 회담을 마무리하는 저녁과 영화 7432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dunkin' Brands Board Authorizes $250 Mln Share Repurchase Program?,,"브리프 - 던킨 브랜드 이사회, 2억 5천만 달러 규모의 자사주 매입 프로그램 승인" 4414,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Cricket-New Zealand reach tea without loss?,,"UPDATE 1-크리켓-뉴질랜드, 무실점으로 티타임 진입" 3977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's TCS may issue new shares for potential acquisitions?,,러시아의 TCS가 잠재적인 인수를 위해 새로운 주식을 발행할 수 있다? 6983,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Experts weigh in on portfolio strategies for volatility?,,전문가들이 변동성을 위한 포트폴리오 전략에 대해 의견을 제시하다. 5293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fitch Says Indonesian Bank Pressures Easing In Improving Environment?,,"BRIEF-Fitch, 인도네시아 은행의 압박이 개선된 환경 속에서 완화되고 있다고 말함." 4723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'It's very predictable' what's coming out of the ECB?,,"""예상할 수 있는 일입니다"" ECB에서 나오는 것에 대해." 2079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment signs term loan contract worth 10 bln yen?,,"BRIEF-산업 및 인프라 펀드 투자, 100억 엔 규모의 담보 대출 계약 체결" 4638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook naysayers cash in?,,페이스북 반대론자들이 수익을 올리다? 1110,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michael Wolff's 'Fire and Fury': Some of the facts just don't stack up?,,마이클 울프의 '화재와 분노': 일부 사실들이 단지 맞지 않는다. 9956,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BP to Book $1.7 Billion Charge for Deepwater Horizon Claims?,,"BP, 딥워터 호라이즌 청구 건으로 17억 달러 손해를 기록할 예정" 4143,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kentucky accuses insurer Cardinal Health of contributing to the opioid epidemic?,,"켄터키주, 보험사 카드날 헬스가 오피오이드 전염병에 기여했다고 고소하다." 5691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea’s Olympics Charm Offensive Meets Skepticism?,,북한의 올림픽 매력 공세에 대한 회의론 9427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China reports first human case of H7N4 bird flu?,,"중국, H7N4 조류독감 첫 인간 감염 사례 보고" 8165,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macron heading to Australia to boost defence ties, raise French profile?",,"마크롱, 방위 관계 강화 및 프랑스 위상 제고 위해 호주로 향하다." 2677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Retailers Casualty Insurance Company Announces Policyholder Dividend?,,소매업체 상해보험회사가 보험가입자 배당금을 발표하다. 5935,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian Curler Fails Drug Test, Authorities Explore Sabotage Possibility?",,"러시아 컬링 선수, 약물 검사에서 실패…당국, 사보타주 가능성 조사 중" 8640,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Newell Brands To Nominate David Atchison To Board Of Directors?,,브리프-뉴엘 브랜드가 데이비드 애치슨을 이사로 지명할 예정입니다. 3974,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel Discount Bank Q1 net profit up 5 pct, to pay dividend?",,"이스라엘 디스카운트 뱅크, 1분기 순이익 5% 증가, 배당금 지급 예정" 8333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 2018 ETF market predictions?,,2018년 ETF 시장 전망은 어떻습니까? 3236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sotheby's displays surrealist Magritte and rare works by other artists?,,"소더비, 초현실주의 화가 마그리트와 다른 예술가들의 희귀 작품 전시" 4695,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-T-Bull FY Net Profit Up At 5.1 Mln Zlotys?,,BRIEF-T-Bull FY 순이익 510만 즈오티 증가 9730,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks: New Year, new gains (but for how long?)?",,"주식: 새해, 새로운 상승(하지만 얼마나 오래 갈까?)" 3828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nominees for Broadway's Tony awards?,,브로드웨이 토니 상 후보 발표 690,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Helen of Troy Limited Announces Earnings Release Date, Conference Call, and Webcast for Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2018 Results?",,"헬렌 오브 트로이 리미티드는 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 실적에 대한 수익 발표일, 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트를 발표합니다." 9970,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European stocks: focus on earnings, inflation?",,유럽 주식: 실적과 인플레이션에 주목하다. 1717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA’s Scott Gottlieb: Expect a couple more weeks of flu season?,,FDA의 스콧 갓리브: 독감 시즌이 몇 주 더 지속될 것으로 예상합니다. 4535,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toys R Us is closing 20% of its stores?,,"토이저러스, 20%의 매장을 폐쇄한다." 4733,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google aims to get 'diverse perspectives' into search results?,,"구글, 검색 결과에 '다양한 시각' 반영을 목표로 해" 7786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK royal biographer Andrew Morton taken to hospital?,,영국 왕실 전기 작가인 앤드류 모튼이 병원에 입원했습니다. 4427,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: T&G Global Posts FY ‍Net Profit Of NZ$19.4 Mln?,,"T&G 글로벌, FY 순이익 1,940만 뉴질랜드 달러 발표" 1948,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX flat as gold miners weigh, financials and pot stocks rise?",,"캐나다 주식 - 금광주식이 영향을 미치며 TSX가 보합세를 보이고, 금융주와 대마초 주식은 상승하다." 68,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Treasury Plans to Sell $229 Billion in Debt?,,"재무부, 2,290억 달러의 채무를 매각할 계획" 1603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: California mudslides kill at least 13 people?,,캘리포니아의 진흙사태가 최소 13명을 사망케 하다. 5850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's truckers protest drags on despite dispatch of military?,,브라질의 트럭 운전사들이 군대 파견에도 불구하고 시위를 계속하고 있다. 646,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bogle: This volatility is of interest to speculators, not long-term investors?",,보글: 이 변동성은 장기 투자자보다 투기꾼에게 흥미롭습니다. 187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sarawak Plantation Says ‍Polit Bin Hamzah Resigns As Chief Executive Director​?,,"브리프 - 사라왁 플랜테이션, 폴리트 빈 함자 최고경영자 사임 발표" 1688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Kansas town feels the loss of its refugee center?,,캔자스의 한 마을이 난민 센터의 상실을 느끼고 있다. 5662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cameo Resources Corp. To Acquire Labrador Staghorn Lake Cobalt Project Situated North of Voisey’s Bay?,,"캐메오 자원 회사, 보이스의 만 북쪽에 위치한 래브라도르 스타혼 호수 코발트 프로젝트 인수 예정" 9915,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maryland police hunt three suspects in police officer's slaying?,,"메릴랜드 경찰, 경찰관 살해 사건의 세 용의를 추적 중" 630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Helsinn urges SCOTUS to define drugs’ on-sale bar in pivotal case against Teva?,,Helsinn이 Teva에 대한 중요한 사건에서 약물의 판매 금지 기준을 정의해 달라고 SCOTUS에 요청합니다. 3818,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tahoe Group To Acquire Stake In Real Estate Firm, To Issue Asset-Backed Securities?",,"브리프-타호 그룹, 부동산 회사의 지분 인수 및 자산 담보 증권 발행 계획" 3711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA panel backs Pfizer's Xeljanz as bowel disease treatment?,,"FDA 위원회, 화이자(Xeljanz)의 장 질환 치료제로 승인 지지" 6954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House releases US assessment of suspected chemical attack in Syria. Read it here?,,"백악관, 시리아에서 의심되는 화학 공격에 대한 미국 평가 발표. 여기에서 읽어보세요." 4854,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The TJX Companies, Inc. Announces 25% Increase in Common Stock Dividend?",,"TJX 기업, 보통주 배당금 25% 인상 발표" 1635,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dubois hat trick leads Blue Jackets over Flames?,,두보이스의 해트트릭으로 블루 재킷스가 플레임스를 이기다. 7447,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Abaxis Inc - Upon Termination Of Merger By Co Or Zoetis Upon Specified Conditions, Termination Fee Of $70 Mln May Be Payable By Co To Zoetis?",,"브리프 - 아박시스 Inc - 특정 조건에 따라 회사 또는 조이티스에 의해 계약이 해지될 경우, 회사는 조이티스에 7000만 달러의 해지 수수료를 지불할 수 있습니다." 7340,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aerospace Hi-Tech Holding Group sees Q1 2018 net loss to be 9.3 mln yuan to 10.9 mln yuan?,,"간략 - 항공 우주 하이테크 홀딩 그룹, 2018년 1분기 순 손실이 930만 위안에서 1090만 위안에 이를 것으로 보임." 8417,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Meitav Dash Investments Ltd Group Reports 7.18 Pct Passive Stake In Intec Pharma?,,"보고 - 메이타브 대시 투자 그룹, 인텍 파마에서 7.18%의 수Passive 지분 보고" 2974,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil producer Concho to buy rival RSP Permian for about $8 bln?,,오일 생산업체 콘초가 라이벌 RSP 퍼미안을 약 80억 달러에 인수하기로 했다. 5800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gold Horn International Enterprises Announces Letter Of Intent For Proposed Qualifying Transaction With Cherub Ltd?,,"금호국제기업, 체러브 리미티드와의 제안된 자격 거래를 위한 의향서 발표" 9459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Poly Property Group Co Says Jan ‍Contracted Sales RMB4.9 Billion​?,,BRIEF-폴리 부동산 그룹은 1월 계약 판매액이 49억 위안이라고 발표했습니다. 2606,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FULL TRANSCRIPT: BILLIONAIRE INVESTOR WARREN BUFFETT SPEAKS WITH CNBC’S BECKY QUICK ON ""SQUAWK BOX"" TODAY?",,"전문: 억만장자 투자자 워렌 버핏이 오늘 CNBC의 베키 퀵과 ""스쿼크 박스""에서 대담을 나누다." 1506,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. signals open-ended presence in Syria, seeks patience on Assad's removal?",,"미국, 시리아에 무기한 주둔 신호 발신; 아사드 제거에 대한 인내 요구" 2380,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toll Brothers Announces Cash Dividend?,,"톨 브라더스, 현금 배당금 발표" 3665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mixed fortunes for Commerzbank & Credit Agricole?,,콤메르츠방크와 크레디 아그리콜의 엇갈린 운명 2101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McConnell Plays Down Chances of New Senate Vote on Immigration?,,"맥코넬, 이민법에 대한 새로운 상원 투표 가능성 축소" 3954,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: METALS-Lead hits 2-1/2 month low on firm dollar and weak shares?,,"METALS-납, 강한 달러와 약한 주식 영향으로 2개월 반 만에 최저치 기록" 1872,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Box's quarterly results top estimates, but stock falls after hefty rally?",,Box의 분기 실적이 예상치를 초과했지만 주가는 큰 상승 이후 하락하다. 9266,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon market cap could hit $1 trillion in 12 months, Dan Ives says?",,"""아마존 시가 총액, Dan Ives에 따르면 12개월 이내에 1조 달러에 이를 수 있다""" 6704,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Heat survive furious fourth-quarter rally from Mavs?,,열대 폭풍이 매버릭스의 맹렬한 4쿼터 추격을 견뎌냈다? 3509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opposition mounting to CIA Director Mike Pompeo's bid to become Secretary of State?,,CIA 국장 마이크 폼페오의 국무장관 후보 지명에 대한 야당의 반발이 커지고 있다. 2620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FDA Approves XGEVA (Denosumab) For The Prevention Of Skeletal-Related Events In Patients With Multiple Myeloma?,,"간략 내용 - FDA, 다발성 골수종 환자의 골 관련 사건 예방을 위한 XGEVA(데노수맙) 승인" 5149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nigerian army and police disagree over security in mass abduction town?,,나이지리아 군과 경찰이 대규모 납치 사건이 발생한 마을의 안보 문제에 대해 이견을 보이다. 5306,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Basketball - Euroleague puts fans in the picture with new app?,,"농구 - 유로리그, 새로운 앱으로 팬들을 사진 속에 담다" 8256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump defiant over tariffs?,,"트럼프, 관세를 두고 단호한 태도 보여" 587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ares Management to Acquire Convergint Technologies?,,Ares Management가 Convergint Technologies를 인수하다. 3419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Years with the big January's for stocks have also had mighty big selloffs?,,주식 시장에서 큰 1월을 보낸 해에는 또한 엄청난 매도세가 있었던 경우가 많다. 8373,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spanish government takes first step to block nomination of Puigdemont as Catalan leader?,,"스페인 정부, 푸이그데몬트를 카탈루냐 지도자로 지명 차단하기 위한 첫 걸음 내딛어" 3139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lockheed Martin Appoints Key Communications Leaders?,,"락히드 마틴, 핵심 커뮤니케이션 리더 임명" 445,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Immune Design To Report Q4 And Year End 2017 Financial Results And Provide Corporate Update?,,"BRIEF-이뮤노 디자인, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 보고 및 기업 업데이트 제공 예정" 1440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Avadel Pharmaceuticals to Report Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"아바델 제약, 2017년 4분기 및 전년 전체 실적 발표 예정" 8197,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: StanChart annual profit soars but misses estimates, sets 2017 dividend?",,"스탠다드차타드 연간 이익 급증하지만 예상치 미달, 2017년 배당금 설정" 4182,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's Lula, Workers Party leader hit by new corruption charges?",,"브라질의 룰라, 노동자당 당수에 대한 새로운 부패 혐의 제기" 1987,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: For Women, There’s More Visibility but Still Much to Be Done?",,여성을 위한 가시성은 높아졌지만 여전히 해야 할 일이 많다. 4197,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF- Infoscan Registers Subsidiary In The U.S.?,,"브리프 - 인포스캔, 미국에 자회사 설립." 1563,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Buenaventura Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"부에나벤투라, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 발표" 3322,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S.-Russian crew returns from space station: NASA TV?,,미국-러시아 우주 비행사들이 우주 정거장에서 귀환: NASA TV 2138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New White Paper Highlights How Behavioral & Attitudinal Customer Data Is Revolutionizing Foodservice?,,"새 백서, 행동 및 태도 고객 데이터가 외식업계를 혁신하는 방법 강조" 8761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Leshi says seeks equity in Jia Yueting's car businesses for debt owed?,,"중국의 레시, 자 위팅의 자동차 사업에 대한 부채 상환을 위해 지분 확보 추진" 7761,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump tariffs could be 'black swan event' for stocks, warns Jeff Saut?",,트럼프의 관세가 주식에 '블랙 스완 사건'이 될 수 있다고 제프 사우트가 경고했다. 4322,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nephew of assassinated president Sadat says Egypt too repressive for election bid?,,"암살된 대통령 사다트의 조카, 이집트는 선거 출마에 너무 억압적이라고 말하다." 4372,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Catalysis Announces Board and Executive Leadership Changes?,,"카탈리시스, 이사회 및 임원 리더십 변경 발표" 225,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling Consolidated Reports Robust Annual Revenue Growth and Positive Adjusted EBITDA?,,스터링 컨솔리데이트가 견고한 연간 매출 성장 및 긍정적인 조정 EBITDA를 발표했습니다. 4891,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kidnappers abduct American, Canadian in Nigeria, two police killed: police official?",,"미국인과 캐나다인이 나이지리아에서 납치당했으며, 경찰 두 명이 사망했다고 경찰 관계자가 전했다." 5394,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: John A. Smith Named FedEx Freight President and CEO?,,"존 A. 스미스, 페덱스 프레이트 대통령 겸 CEO로 임명" 9400,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Enterprise Financial Qtrly Earnings Per Share $0.32‍​?,,브리프-엔터프라이즈 파이낸셜 분기당 주당순이익 $0.32‍​ 8658,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eleven Saudi princes detained following protest: media?,,프로테스트 이후 11명의 사우디 왕자들이 언론에 의해 구금되다. 4041,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Asmallworld Responds To The BaFin Statement?,,"브리프 - 아스몰월드, 바핀 성명에 대한 응답" 2548,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Broadcom announces $12 billion buyback?,,"브로드컴, 120억 달러 자사주 매입 발표" 6868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Veteran French union boss sees tensions with Macron near breaking point?,,마크롱과의 긴장이 임계점에 가까워진 veteran 프랑스 노조 수장 3698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commentary: Global takeaways from Trump's Davos speech - Reuters?,,해설: 트럼프의 다보스 연설에서 얻은 글로벌 통찰 - 로이터 891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Drones Can Protect Us From Kim’s Missiles?,,드론이 김의 미사일로부터 우리를 보호할 수 있다? 9221,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Edge Intelligence Expands Senior Leadership Team, Establishes Boston Headquarters?",,"엣지 인텔리전스, 고위 리더십팀 확장 및 보스턴 본사 설립" 4214,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hebei Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical sets up Hebei-based biotech unit?,,브리프 - 허베이 창산 생화학 제약이 허베이 기반의 생명공학 단위를 설립하다. 7688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Harbin High-Tech Group Elects Chairman?,,"브리프 - 하얼빈 하이테크 그룹, 의장 선출" 3456,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IMF chief says need to be sensible on talk of trade war?,,"IMF 수장, 무역전쟁에 대한 언급은 신중해야 한다고 말하다." 4066,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pemex signs shale contract with Lewis Energy in northern Mexico?,,"페멕스, 북부 멕시코에서 루이스 에너지와 셰일 계약 체결" 9959,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Top shareholder to cut voting power in Kachikaihatsu to 10 pct?,,"뉴스 기사의 제목 ""BRIEF-Top shareholder to cut voting power in Kachikaihatsu to 10 pct?""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: 주요 주주가 Kachikaihatsu의 의결권을 10%로 줄이기로 결정했다는 소식이 전해졌습니다. 이 조치는 회사의 지배 구조에 변화를 가져올 수 있으며, 주주 총회에서의 영향력이 감소할 가능성이 있습니다. 주식 시장에서의 반응이나 Kachikaihatsu의 향후 전략에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 추가 정보가 필요할 것입니다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. ""BRIEF-주요 주주가 카치카이하츠의 의결권을 10%로 줄인다""는 제목의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다." 2624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea open to denuclearization: South?,,"북한, 비핵화에 열려있다: 한국" 5901,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spiking AutoZone shares roll completely over and tank on cost concerns raised on earnings call?,,"스파이크한 오토존 주식, 실적 발표에서 제기된 비용 우려로 인해 완전히 무너져 하락하다." 8488,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Silicon Valley, Chinese 'accelerators' aim to bring startups home?",,실리콘 밸리에서 중국 '엑셀러레이터'들이 스타트업을 고향으로 데려가려는 목표를 세우고 있다. 7027,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Euro bounces off 4-month low, dollar bulls pause after Fed meeting?",,"FOREX-유로, 4개월 최저치에서 반등, 달러 강세 지지자들, 연준 회의 후 한숨 돌려" 485,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trinseo Announces Release Date and Conference Call for First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"트린시오, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표일 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 6383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart repackage online grocery delivery in Japan?,,"""Walmart, 일본에서 온라인 식료품 배송을 재포장하다""" 9344,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twitter to ban cryptocurrency adverts on its platform?,,"트위터, 플랫폼에서 암호화폐 광고 금지 발표" 6763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Parents of Nigeria's missing Dapchi schoolgirls plead for their return?,,니제르의 실종된 다프치 여학생들을 둔 부모들이 그들의 귀환을 간절히 호소하다. 7865,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trusval Technology to pay cash dividend of T$3/share for 2017?,,"BRIEF-트러스발 테크놀로지, 2017년 주당 T$3의 현금 배당금 지급 예정" 8855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Four more Nike executives exit after harassment allegations inquiry: NYT?,,네 명의 나이키 임원이 성희롱 혐의 조사 후 사퇴하다: NYT 7081,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU carbon market emissions rose by 0.3 pct in 2017?,,"EU 탄소 시장 배출량, 2017년에 0.3% 증가" 2689,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Muguruza awarded wildcard at Sydney International?,,"테니스: 무구루사, 시드니 인터내셔널에서 와일드카드를 수여받다." 7597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-UPDATE 1-Harsh Srivastav leaves Morgan Stanley?,,"MOVES-UPDATE 1-하시르 스리바스타브, 모건 스탠리 떠나." 134,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hill-Rom Holdings Says On March 6, Board Elected William Dempsey As Executive Chairman Of Board - SEC Filing?",,BRIEF-힐롬 홀딩스는 3월 6일 이사회가 윌리엄 덴프시를 이사회 의장으로 선출했다고 SEC 제출 문서에서 발표했습니다. 2314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FRA Exempts Quantum Investment From Mandatory Offer For 7 Pct Stake In Edita Food?,,"간략 - FRA, Edita Food의 7% 지분 확보를 위한 의무 제안에서 Quantum Investment 면제." 4057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Midland IC&I's Units To Acquire Properties From State Well International For HK$125 Mln?,,"브리프 - 미들랜드 IC&I의 자회사, State Well International로부터 1억 2500만 홍콩달러에 자산 인수 예정" 2163,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investigators identify Russian military unit in downing of MH17?,,조사관들이 MH17 격추 사건에 관련된 러시아 군 부대를 확인하다. 8723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics-Biathlon-Germany's Dahlmeier cruises to pursuit gold?,,"올림픽-바이애슬론-독일의 달메이어, 추격전 금메달 획득하며 여유롭게 경쟁하다." 9147,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kaspersky Lab 2017 revenue up 8 percent, North America sales fall?",,"카스퍼스키 랩 2017년 수익 8% 증가, 북미 매출 하락" 5107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Peoples Bancorp Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.49?,,"간략히 - Peoples Bancorp, 4분기 주당순이익 $0.49 보고." 9594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AgJunction Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Raven Industries?,,BRIEF-AgJunction이 Raven Industries를 상대로 특허 침해 소송을 제기했습니다. 7205,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: President not to blame for shutdown impasse: Mulvaney?,,멀버니: 정부 폐쇄 교착상태에 대통령은 책임이 없다. 2906,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blockchain to help drive 'next industrial revolution:’ Federated?,,블록체인이 '다음 산업 혁명'을 주도하는 데 도움을 줄 것: 연합 5228,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VERBATIM: Trump slams NAFTA at autos meeting?,,"VERBATIM: 트럼프, 자동차 회의에서 NAFTA 비판" 4787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canada's largest city to open emergency housing for asylum seekers?,,캐나다에서 가장 큰 도시가 망명 신청자를 위한 긴급 주택을 개방할 예정이다. 2742,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street tumbles on tech sector, trade worries?",,월스트리트가 기술 부문과 무역 우려로 인해 급락하다. 5431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cash conundrum has investors clamouring for capital ideas?,,현금 문제로 투자자들이 자본 아이디어를 요구하고 있다. 1671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Freddie Mac Offers Cheap Loans to Affordable-Housing Landlords?,,"프레디 맥, 저렴한 주택의 임대인에게 저렴한 대출 제공" 2044,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pakistan wants to reconcile its widening rift with the US — but there's one major problem?,,"파키스탄은 미국과의 widening rift를 조정하고 싶어하지만, 한 가지 주요 문제가 있다." 488,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: For Ghana's sole racer, it's not about taking part?",,가나의 유일한 경주자에게는 참여하는 것이 전부가 아니다. 4102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First American Financial Announces Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2017 Earnings Conference Call?,,"퍼스트 아메리칸 파이낸셜, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dun & Bradstreet Schedules Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release and Teleconference?,,"던 & 브래드스트리트, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 및 전화 회의 일정 발표" 7153,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bibbins carries Utah past Washington?,,"비빈스, 유타를 워싱턴 앞에서 이끌다." 7840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Petrobras CEO says change on gas prices purely business decision?,,"페트로브라스 CEO, 가스 가격 변화는 순전히 비즈니스 결정이라고 말하다" 2539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sharp increase in reports of sexual assault at elite U.S. Army academy?,,미국 명문 육군 사관학교에서 성폭력 신고 급증 4515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Conte keen to rotate Chelsea squad against Arsenal?,,"콘테, 아스널과의 경기에서 첼시 스쿼드 로테이션에 열중" 8804,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank has no plans to pull out of Asian countries - CEO?,,도이치 뱅크는 아시아 국가에서 철수할 계획이 없다고 CEO가 밝혔습니다. 9277,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Despite the Angels loss, Japan's got Ohtani fever?",,"엔젤스의 패배에도 불구하고, 일본은 오타니 열풍이 있다." 8402,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brambles to sell recycled whitewood pallets business in North America?,,"브램블스, 북미 재활용 화이트우드 팔레트 사업 매각 예정" 1484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maye-led North Carolina beats Pitt to end three-game skid?,,메이 주도로 노스캐롤라이나가 피트를 꺾고 3연패를 끝냈다. 2921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nine West Holdings Files for Chapter 11 Reorganization to Focus on Strong Business Units?,,"나인 웨스트 홀딩스, 강력한 사업 부문에 집중하기 위해 챕터 11 재조정을 위한 신청을 하다." 4045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cenovus Energy suspends oil sands drilling after worker death?,,"BRIEF-Cenovus Energy, 근로자 사망 후 오일 샌드 굴착 중단" 6745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bulgaria Question Brings the EU’s Identity Crisis into Focus?,,불가리아 문제는 EU의 정체성 위기를 부각시킨다. 9917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flyers hand Knights first home losing streak?,,"플라이어스, 나이츠에게 첫 홈 연패 안겨줘" 9647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Bonds drop but stocks rally after spike in U.S. CPI?,,"GLOBAL MARKETS-Bonds drop but stocks rally after spike in U.S. CPI 글로벌 시장 - 미국 CPI 급등 이후 채권 하락하지만 주식 상승" 479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Molecular Templates Q1 Loss Per Share $0.32?,,"브리프-몰레큘러 템플릿, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.32." 1820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment & Supply's Net Profits Up In Q1 And 2017?,,브리핑 - 장쑤 유위 의료 장비 및 공급의 2017년 1분기 순익 증가 2891,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing-Mercedes look to China after losing out again?,,"모터 레이싱 - 메르세데스, 다시 한 번 실패한 후 중국 진출 모색" 8634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Avis steers into crowded field for managing ride services fleets?,,"아비스, 차량 서비스 플릿 관리 분야의 치열한 경쟁에 진입하다." 5999,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oxfam: World's richest 1% get 82% of the wealth?,,옥스팜: 세계에서 가장 부유한 1%가 82%의 재산을 차지하다. 1361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pi Day 2018: Google Doodle Features Tasty Apple Pie Recipe | Fortune?,,"2018년 파이 데이: 구글 두들, 맛있는 애플 파이 레시피 소개 | 포ortune" 3929,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Renewable Japan Energy Infrastructure Fund to issue 1,332 units to SMBC Nikko Securities?",,"브리프 - 재생 가능 일본 에너지 인프라 펀드, SMBC 닛코 증권에 1,332 유닛 발행 예정." 2785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Agile Group Holdings ‍Posts January Pre-Sales Value Of Rmb6.99 Bln​?,,"브리프-애자일 그룹 홀딩스, 1월 예비 판매 가치 69억 9천만 위안 발표" 2211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Veteran trader Art Cashin: 'We need things to calm down' in DC to get market going?,,"베테랑 트레이더 아트 캐신: ""시장을 활성화하려면 DC에서 사태가 진정될 필요가 있다""" 7358,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Conagra To Sell Canadian Del Monte Processed Fruit And Vegetable Business To Bonduelle?,,"BRIEF-코너그라, 보듬엘에 캐나다 델몬트 가공 과일 및 채소 사업 매각 계획" 1016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poynter Expands Fact-Checking Franchise by Acquiring PolitiFact.com?,,"포인터, PolitiFact.com 인수로 팩트체크 프랜차이즈 확대" 1601,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer backs 'Fergie', the greatest manager of all?",,"축구계, '퍼거슨'을 가장 위대한 감독으로 지지하다" 516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jaguars NFL owner bids for fan-filled Wembley Stadium?,,"재규어 NFL 구단주, 팬들로 가득한 웸블리 스타디움 입찰." 5237,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Weighs Cut to U.N. Money for Palestinian Refugees?,,"미국, 팔레스타인 난민을 위한 유엔 자금 삭감 검토" 838,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Serena Williams shares the No. 1 lesson she hopes to teach her daughter?,,"세리나 윌리엄스, 딸에게 가르치고 싶은 No. 1 교훈 공유" 6219,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daily Briefing: Euro reform - push-back from Berlin?,,일일 브리핑: 유로 개혁 - 베를린의 반발? 816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aphria Selects Great North Distributors For Canada-Wide Distribution Of Adult-Use Cannabis?,,BRIEF-Aphria가 성인용 대마초의 캐나다 전역 유통을 위해 Great North Distributors를 선택했습니다. 1410,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan could be exempted from U.S. tariffs on steel, aluminium: Seko?",,"일본이 미국의 철강, 알루미늄 관세에서 면제될 수 있다는 세코의 발언?" 7099,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MEDIA LINK-Uber to close its Rush delivery service-WSJ?,,"미디어 링크-우버, 러시 배달 서비스 종료-WSJ" 2734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Basque group ETA says has 'completely dissolved' - El Diario website?,,바스크 그룹 ETA가 '완전히 해산했다'고 발표 - 엘 디아리오 웹사이트 4796,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: Major school shootings in the United States?,,미국의 주요 학교 총격 사건에 대한 사실 정리: 2836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Siberian village stunned by deaths of schoolgirls in shopping mall blaze?,,"시베리아 마을, 쇼핑몰 화재로 학교 소녀들의 죽음에 충격받아" 6299,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-STMicro posts surge in 2017 results but eyes seasonal Q1 dip?,,"업데이트 1-STM의 2017년 실적 급증, 그러나 계절적 1분기 감소 전망" 3779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street edges higher?,,"월스트리트, 소폭 상승하다" 7563,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Proposes Quota Changes for Drug Enforcement Administration?,,"미국, 마약 단속국을 위한 할당량 변경 제안" 7248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK car dealership Pendragon's profits fall ​?,,영국 자동차 딜러십 Pendragon의 이익이 감소하다 6337,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slovenia ice hockey player Jeglic fails doping test, to leave Games: CAS?",,"슬로베니아 아이스하키 선수 예글리치, 도핑 검사 실패로 대회에서 퇴출: CAS" 7207,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reed Masters win no surprise, nor McIlroy's putting meltdown?",,"리드 마스터스 우승은 놀랍지 않으며, 맥일로이의 퍼팅 망치는 일도 마찬가지다." 8085,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's Odebrecht secures $717 mln loan from banks -sources?,,"브라질의 오데브레히트, 은행들로부터 7억 1천 7백만 달러 대출 확보 - 소식통" 9455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ellen H2 EBITDA Loss Widens To Sek 4.1 Million?,,브리프-엘렌 H2 EBITDA 손실이 410만 셀카로 확대됨. 4802,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Newell Brands Announces Agreement With Carl C. Icahn?,,"BRIEF-뉴엘 브랜드, 칼 C. 아이칸과 합의 발표" 4619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Xi promises to open China’s markets to foreign businesses?,,"월스트리트저널: 시 주석, 외국 기업에 중국 시장 개방 약속" 7198,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wellesley Bancorp, Inc. Appoints Garry R. Holmes As Director?",,"웨ellesley Bancorp, Inc.가 Garry R. Holmes를 이사로 임명하다." 2497,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mosaic Announces Quarterly Dividend of $0.025 Per Share?,,"모자이크, 주당 0.025달러의 분기 배당금 발표" 8731,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-anhua Intelligent Controls' Unit Becomes Volvo's Supplier Of Water-Cooling Plate For New Energy Vehicles?,,"BRIEF-안화 지능 제어의 자회사, 전기 자동차용 수냉판의 볼보 공급업체가 되다." 3181,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Synchrony Invests In Payfone?,,"""Synchrony, Payfone에 투자하다""" 8024,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TPI Composites Reports Q1 EPS $0.24?,,"TPI 컴포지트, 1분기 주당순이익 $0.24 보고" 2792,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amazon Says Extends Eligibility For Discounted Prime Membership To Include Qualifying Recipients Of Medicaid?,,"브리핑-아마존, 자격이 있는 메디케이드 수혜자를 포함하여 할인된 프라임 회원 자격을 연장한다고 발표." 1162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pay to win video games: Differences between US and Chinese gamers?,,결제한 만큼 얻는 비디오 게임: 미국과 중국 게이머 간의 차이점? 2070,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TSYS to Broadcast First-Quarter 2018 Results?,,TSYS가 2018년 첫 분기 실적을 방송할 예정입니다. 2091,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GDPR data privacy rules in Europe and how they apply to US companies?,,유럽의 GDPR 데이터 개인정보 보호 규칙과 이것이 미국 기업에 어떻게 적용되는가? 823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dog dies on United Airlines flight?,,유나이티드 항공 비행 중 개 사망 9471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-China's Li makes strong start on Masters debut?,,"골프-중국의 리, 마스터스 데뷔에서 강한 출발 보이다" 9705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Landing International Development Posts FY ‍Revenue From Cont Ops Of HK$896.3 MLN?,,"브리핑-랜딩 인터내셔널 개발, FY 운영에서 HK$896.3 밀리언 수익 발표" 3437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gold inches up as Italy crisis drives safe-haven buying?,,금이 소폭 상승하며 이탈리아 위기가 안전 자산 구매를 촉진하고 있다. 7919,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lady Gaga, citing pain, cancels 10 European shows on 'Joanne' tour?",,"레이디 가가, 통증을 이유로 '조안' 투어의 유럽 10개 공연 취소" 8046,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Innergex Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share C$0.05?,,BRIEF-Innergex가 4분기 주당 순이익 C$0.05를 보고합니다. 2845,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Regulus Therapeutics Files For Mixed Shelf Of Up To $150 Mln?,,"브리프-레귤러스 테라퓨틱스, 최대 1억 5천만 달러의 혼합 선반 등록 파일 제출" 8764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Secretary of State Pompeo to press allies to pressure Iran to renegotiate: US officials?,,"폼페이오 국무장관, 동맹국들에 이란 재협상 압박 요청할 것: 미국 관리들" 1756,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bridgewater Bancshares Announces Intention To Pursue IPO In 2018?,,"브리지워터 뱅크셰어스, 2018년 IPO 추진 의사 발표" 1418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-ProSiebenSat.1 sells stake in digital business to General Atlantic?,,"업데이트 1 - 프로 SiebenSat.1, 디지털 사업의 지분을 제너럴 애틀란틱에 매각하다." 9160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Regency Centers Reports First Quarter Results?,,"레겐시 센터스, 첫 분기 실적 발표" 3855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer's lightning round: Hidden giant Cintas is one of my favorite stocks?,,크레이머의 번개 라운드: 숨겨진 거인 신타스는 제가 가장 좋아하는 주식 중 하나입니다. 9254,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tunisia to spend extra $70 million on poor after protests?,,"""투니지아, 시위 후 가난한 사람들을 위해 7천만 달러를 추가 지출할 계획""" 6133,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Switch, (SWCH) Alert: Johnson Fistel Announces Investigation of Switch, Inc.; Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm for Additional Information?",,"스위치(SWCH) 경고: 존슨 피스텔, 스위치 주식회사에 대한 조사를 발표; 추가 정보를 원하시는 투자자분들의 연락을 권장합니다." 5476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Myanmar prosecutor seeks charges against Reuters reporters?,,"미얀마 검사, 로이터 기자들에 대한 기소 요청" 2466,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Footage From Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Eruption?,,하와이 킬라우에아 화산 폭발의 영상 자료 1639,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar falls, set for biggest monthly drop in nearly 2 years?",,"FOREX-달러 하락, 거의 2년 만에 최대 월간 하락 폭 기록할 전망" 1924,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ReNew Power buys Ostro Energy in one of India's biggest clean energy deals?,,ReNew Power가 인도에서 가장 큰 청정 에너지 거래 중 하나인 Ostro Energy를 인수하다. 3584,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Didi Chuxing and SoftBank to roll out taxi venture in Japan?,,"디디추싱과 소프트뱅크, 일본에서 택시 사업 추진" 2246,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BT Group Says Court Rules On Index For BTPS Pension Increases?,,"간단한 소식 - BT 그룹, BTPS 연금 인상을 위한 지표에 대한 법원 판결 발표" 9981,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-INSIGHT-Why Canada is the next frontier for shale oil?,,RPT-통찰-캐나다가 셰일 오일의 다음 개척지가 되는 이유는? 2485,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Lack of Skin in the Game Boosts Student-Loan Losses?,,"""피해를 보는 일이 없다면 학생 대출 손실이 증가한다""" 3931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Former Uber CEO Kalanick Says Creating Fund Called 10100?,,"브리핑 - 전 우버 CEO 칼라닉, 10100이라는 펀드 설립한다고 발표" 4819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European lawmakers criticize Zuckerberg for his lack of answers?,,유럽 의원들이 답변 부족에 대해 저커버그를 비난하다 3922,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall St rises on softer U.S. stance on China?,,"월스트리트, 미국의 중국에 대한 유화적 태도에 힘입어 상승" 366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microsoft's Bill Gates and surgeon Dr. Atul Gawande team up on health?,,마이크로소프트의 빌 게이츠와 외과 의사 아툴 가와디가 건강 문제에 대해 협력하다. 3624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The case for defensive investing in the current market?,,현재 시장에서 방어적 투자에 대한 논거 928,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Advanced Energy Acquires High Voltage Power Company?,,브리프-어드밴스드 에너지가 고전압 전력 회사를 인수하다 5078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-USA Truck Inc Files For Stock Shelf Of Up To $150 Mln – SEC Filing?,,"BRIEF-USA 트럭 주식회사, 최대 1억 5천만 달러 규모의 주식 선반 등록 신청 – SEC 제출 문서" 7984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AREVO Announces Series B Financing and Appointment of Software and Operations Icon as New CEO to Lead 3D Printing into Mainstream Manufacturing?,,"AREVO, 시리즈 B 자금 조달과 소프트웨어 및 운영 아이콘의 새로운 CEO 임명을 발표하며 3D 프린팅을 주류 제조업으로 이끌다." 324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: GE explores divesting electrical engineering business - sources?,,"독점: GE, 전기 공학 사업 매각 검토 - 정보원" 5534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil 2017 home prices fall for first time in at least a decade?,,"브라질 2017년 주택 가격, 최소 10년 만에 처음으로 하락하다." 9335,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Xeros Technologies Expands US Footprint in Personal Protective Equipment Care with Acquisition?,,"Xeros Technologies, 개인 보호 장비 관리 분야에서 미국 시장을 확장하기 위해 인수하다." 4252,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Allies Worry About Trump’s Next Trade Move?,,미국 동맹국들이 트럼프의 다음 무역 조치에 대해 우려하고 있다? 5267,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Information Technology Industry Council: Tariffs don’t work?,,정보기술산업협회: 관세는 효과가 없다 4280,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 5-Re-elected, Venezuela's Maduro faces wide criticism, U.S. sanctions?",,"업데이트 5-재선된 베네수엘라의 마두로, 광범위한 비판과 미국 제재에 직면하다?" 4662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magnitude 5.9 quake hits off Indonesia: USGS?,,미국지질조사국(USGS)에 따르면 인도네시아 해역에서 규모 5.9의 지진이 발생했다. 2693,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippines, Venezuela Come Under International Criminal Court’s Scrutiny?",,"필리핀, 베네수엘라가 국제형사법원의 조사 대상이 되다." 9968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cheuk Nang Holdings Posts H1 Revenue Of HK$35.4 MLN?,,"BRIEF-저우낭 홀딩스, 상반기 매출 3540만 홍콩 달러 발표" 4460,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: An Australian budget decidedly light on election sweeteners?,,선거 인센티브가 확연히 부족한 호주 예산 9125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: House Republicans Plan Legislative Hearings As First Step to Fight Opioid Crisis?,,"하원 공화당, opioid 위기 대응 첫 걸음으로 입법 청문회 계획" 2368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Monmouth Real Estate Reports Q1 Core FFO Per Share $0.22?,,"브리프 - 몬무스 리얼 이스테이트, 1분기 핵심 FFO 주당 $0.22 보고" 4859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NYPD fatally shoot man with a pipe after reports of a gun?,,"NYPD, 총기 신고 후 파이프를 가진 남성을 사살하다." 7574,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bill Ackman Exits Bet Against Herbalife - CNBC?,,"헤드라인 ""BRIEF-Bill Ackman Exits Bet Against Herbalife - CNBC""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: 빌 애크먼은 헬라파이즈에 대한 공매도 포지션을 청산했다는 소식이 CNBC를 통해 보도되었다. 애크먼은 헬라파이즈의 경영과 비즈니스 모델에 대해 비판해왔으나 최근 결정으로 스퀘어를 보여주기 위해 자신의 포지션을 중단한 것으로 보인다. 이는 헬라파이즈 주식의 주가 상승과 관련이 있을 수 있으며, 애크먼의 투자 전략에도 큰 변화가 반영된 것일 수 있다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. " 8516,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Newfi Lending Appoints John Boyles as Senior Vice President of Capital Markets?,,Newfi Lending이 존 보일스를 자본 시장 부사장으로 임명하다 945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Service-Sector Activity Picked Up in January?,,1월에 미국 서비스 부문 활동이 증가했습니다. 6497,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bill Barrett Corp Sees Preliminary 2018 Drilling And Completion Capex Of $500 Mln-$600 Mln?,,"BRIEF-빌 바렛 코퍼레이션, 2018년 드릴링 및 완료 자본 지출을 5억 달러-6억 달러로 예상." 7083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Great Jones Raises $8 Million In Series A Round?,,"브리프-그레이트 존스, 시리즈 A 라운드에서 800만 달러 모금." 2300,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Banco BPM raises bad loan reduction targets?,,"Banco BPM, 부실 대출 감소 목표 상향 조정" 4546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What is 5G and who are the major players??,,5G란 무엇이며 주요 업체는 누구인가? 6168,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Target Corporation Declares Regular Quarterly Dividend?,,"타겟 주식회사, 정기 분기 배당금 발표" 4589,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commentary: Policy tightening? It's real rates that matter for markets?,,논평: 정책 긴축? 시장에 중요한 것은 실질 금리다? 1323,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-FEATURE-Gangs behind, detention ahead: migrants face predicament at U.S. border?",,"RPT-특집-갱단의 배후, 구금이 임박한 상황: 이민자들은 미국 국경에서 위기에 직면하다" 3691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lankan rupee slips on dollar demand linked to equity outflows?,,"스리랑카 루피, 주식 자금 유출과 관련된 달러 수요로 하락" 6465,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - Trump policy agenda starts to stick to the script?,,브레이킹뷰즈 - 트럼프 정책 agenda가 공식에 맞춰지기 시작하다 1018,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google Pay launches to take on Apple Pay?,,"구글 페이, 애플 페이에 도전하기 위해 출시하다?" 2592,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Koppers Holdings Inc. Announces Retirement of Thomas D. Loadman, Senior Vice President, Railroad Products and Services?",,"코퍼스 홀딩스 Inc.가 토마스 D. 로드먼, 철도 제품 및 서비스 담당 수석 부사장의 은퇴를 발표합니다." 142,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fitch Says Greek Banks Still Face Multiple Challenges?,,브리프-피치는 그리스 은행들이 여전히 여러 가지 도전에 직면해 있다고 말했습니다. 5595,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Attack in Florida makes 18 school shootings in the first two months of 2018?,,2018년 첫 두 달 동안 플로리다에서 발생한 공격으로 18건의 학교 총격 사건이 발생했습니다. 8944,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Police launch criminal investigation into tire maker Nokian?,,"경찰, 타이어 제조업체 노키안에 대한 범죄 수사 착수" 703,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Beer Institute Names Dan Roth, Senior Director of Public Affairs?",,"맥주 연구소, 공공 업무 담당 이사로 댄 로스 선임" 3334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swedish Academy misconduct crisis deepens as member Stridsberg leaves?,,스웨덴 아카데미의 부정행위 위기가 심화되면서 회원 스트리츠베리드가 탈퇴하다. 3232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey completes EU criteria for visa free travel: Erdogan's spokesman?,,"터키, 비자 없이 여행하기 위한 EU 기준 충족: 에르도안 대변인" 7898,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UAE's National Investor Posts FY Profit?,,UAE의 국가 투자자가 FY 이익을 발표했다는 간략한 소식 6727,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Versartis Says Board Approved Plan Of Termination To Eliminate A Number Of Positions Effective Oct 20, 2017?",,브리프 - Versartis는 2017년 10월 20일부터 여러 직위를 제거하기 위한 종료 계획을 이사회에서 승인했다고 발표했습니다. 5693,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Future of stock picking: Man vs. machines?,,주식 선정의 미래: 인간 대 기계? 6877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nick Colas of Datatrek on bitcoin and cryptocurreny wallets?,,닉 콜라스의 다타트렉에서 비트코인과 암호화폐 지갑에 대한 내용? 7699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Milan prosecutor general not opposed to lifting ban on Berlusconi holding office - sources?,,밀라노 검찰총장이 베를루스코니의 직무 정지 해제에 반대하지 않는다 - 소식통 9854,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sheng Ye Capital Expects Significant Increase In Profit​ For FY?,,"브리프 - 성예 캐피탈, FY에 대한 이익이 크게 증가할 것으로 예상​" 6664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Speculative U.S. 10-year T-note net shorts hit one-month low -CFTC?,,"미국 10년 만기 국채 순공매도, 한 달 만에 최저치 기록 - CFTC" 6414,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong exchange says firms enquiring about dual class share system?,,"홍콩 거래소, 기업들이 이중 클래스 주식 제도에 대해 문의하고 있다고 밝혀" 5490,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Broadcom Signs Committed Financing Agreements To Fund Qualcomm Deal?,,"브리프 - 브로드컴, 퀄컴 거래 자금 조달을 위한 약정 금융 합의 체결" 6019,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Client Service International see Q1 2018 net loss to be 18.5 mln yuan to 22.6 mln yuan?,,"브리프-클라이언트 서비스 인터내셔널, 2018년 1분기 순손실이 1850만 위안에서 2260만 위안이 될 것으로 예상." 4315,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-T-Mobile US Says Increased Size Of Board To Twelve Directors?,,"브리프-티모바일 US, 이사 수를 12명으로 늘렸다고 발표." 5563,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-LATAM Airlines union says to strike starting Tuesday?,,"UPDATE 1-라탐 항공 노조, 화요일부터 파업 시작한다고 발표" 9291,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Hanover Estimates the Impact of First Quarter Catastrophes?,,"하노버, 1분기 재난의 영향 추정" 2363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NHI Sets Quarterly Dividend Of $1 Per Share?,,"간략 - NHI, 주당 $1의 분기 배당금 설정" 4405,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Veeva to Release Fiscal 2018 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results on February 27, 2018?",,Veeva는 2018년 2월 27일에 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 전체 연도 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 2357,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart Is Making Its Website a Little Less Like Walmart?,,월마트가 자사 웹사이트를 좀 더 월마트답지 않게 만들고 있다? 7036,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NXT Energy Solutions Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter And Year-End Results For 2017 And Launch Of First SFD Multi Client Survey?,,브리프 - NXT 에너지 솔루션즈 Inc.가 2017년 4분기 및 연간 결과 발표와 첫 SFD 다중 고객 조사의 발Launch을 알림 2054,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cargill Elects John Watson To Board Of Directors?,,"브리프 - 카길, 존 왓슨을 이사회에 선임하다." 9619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UPS Launches Daily Non-Stop Flight From U.S. To The Middle East?,,"브리프-업스, 미국에서 중동으로의 일일 비수속 항공편을 시작하다." 4450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Novan Provides Update On SB414 Inflammatory Skin Disease Development Program?,,"브리프-노반, SB414 염증성 피부 질환 개발 프로그램 업데이트 제공" 4779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chelsea's Cahill 'devastated' by Mason's retirement?,,"첼시의 카힐, 메이슨의 은퇴에 '매우 실망' 표현" 9877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dfinity raises $61 million for platform that rivals ethereum?,,"디피니티, 이더리움을 경쟁할 플랫폼을 위해 6,100만 달러를 모금하다." 8232,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.N.'s Zeid rails at 'annihilation' of Syria's eastern Ghouta?,,"U.N.의 Zeid, 시리아 동부 굴타의 '전멸'을 강하게 비판하다." 2568,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Abeona Announces FDA Grants Rmat Designation To ABO-102 Gene Therapy In MPS Iiia?,,"브리프-아베오나, FDA가 MPS IIIA에서 ABO-102 유전자 치료에 RMAT 지정을 부여했다고 발표." 7032,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple could hit $1 trillion by this summer: Technician?,,애플이 이번 여름까지 1조 달러에 도달할 수 있다고 기술자가 전해왔다. 7956,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: There are 'a lot of things' companies can do for gender diversity?,,기업들이 성별 다양성을 위해 할 수 있는 '많은 것들'이 있다. 6604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Skiers caught in Swiss avalanche rescued: police?,,스키어들이 스위스 눈사태에 휘말려 구조됐다고 경찰이 전했다. 5444,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Press Release - Anaconda Mining Sells 4,526 Ounces Of Gold In Q1 2018?",,"간략 보도자료 - 아나콘다 마이닝, 2018년 1분기 4,526온스 금 판매" 1167,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bluelinea FY Revenue Up at 5.9 Million Euros?,,간단한 소식 - 블루리네아 FY 매출 590만 유로 증가 4316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Cenovus Energy says transportation bottlenecks hit production?,,"UPDATE 1-세노버스 에너지, 운송 병목현상이 생산에 타격을 주었다고 밝힘" 4123,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Great Elm Capital Group, Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2018 Financial Results?",,"그레이트 엘름 캐피탈 그룹, Inc. 2018년 3분기 재무 결과 발표" 7363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kuwait reaches deal with Philippines on domestic workers - KUNA?,,"쿠웨이트, 필리핀과 가사 노동자 관련 협정 체결 - KUNA" 9591,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turquoise Hill announces financial results and review of operations for the first quarter of 2018?,,"터콰이즈 힐, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 및 운영 검토 발표" 1742,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC’S MICHELLE CASTILLO AND JORDAN NOVET: FACEBOOK SMART SPEAKERS MAY COME TO INTERNATIONAL MARKETS FIRST, WILL INCLUDE ‘M’ SMART ASSISTANT?",,"CNBC의 미셸 카스틸로와 조던 노벳: 페이스북 스마트 스피커가 국제 시장에 먼저 출시될 수 있으며, 'M' 스마트 어시스턴트를 포함할 것인가?" 9359,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British Stocks are Having Their Moment in the Sun?,,영국 주식이 주목받고 있다. 2451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tony Ciepiel Named CEO Step2 Discovery Beginning April 2nd?,,토니 시에피엘이 4월 2일부터 스텝2 디스커버리의 CEO로 임명되었습니다. 4539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kelly Services Reports Q4 EPS Of $0.45?,,"브리핑 - 켈리 서비스, 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.45 보고" 8632,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Government Bonds Edge Lower?,,미국 정부 채권이 소폭 하락하다. 871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vuitton owner LVMH makes e-commerce push with Lyst investment?,,"""루이비통 모회사 LVMH, 리스트에 투자하며 전자상거래 강화 나서""" 2644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart Is Bringing the Fight to Amazon’s Turf: E-books?,,"월마트, 아마존의 분야인 전자책 시장에 도전장 내다" 4908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: England's FA set to sell Wembley Stadium to U.S. billionaire - The Sun?,,"영국 FA, 미국 억만장자에게 웸블리 스타디움을 매각할 예정 - 썬" 4725,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blood, urine samples from Syria attack victims test positive for chemicals: MSNBC?",,시리아 공격 피해자의 혈액 및 소변 샘플이 화학물질 양성 반응을 보였다는 내용: MSNBC 4395,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Didi, SoftBank Establish Partnership In Japan To Provide Platform Services For Taxi Industry‍​?",,"브리프 - 디디, 소프트뱅크와 일본에서 택시 산업을 위한 플랫폼 서비스 제공 파트너십 체결" 5111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Auto makers might 'pass on higher costs' to consumers?,,자동차 제조업체들이 소비자에게 '더 높은 비용을 전가할 수 있다'는 내용의 뉴스 기사가 있을 수 있습니다. 8625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong eyes blockbuster IPOs in 2018?,,"홍콩, 2018년 블록버스터 IPO를 염두에 두다" 8978,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-UPDATE 2-Bus fire kills 52 Uzbeks travelling in Kazakhstan -Kazakh govt?,,수정됨-업데이트 2-카자흐스탄에서 여행 중인 우즈베크인 52명이 버스 화재로 사망 - 카자흐 정부 1629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Intuitive Surgical tops profit estimates as robot sales rise?,,"UPDATE 1-인튜이티브 서지컬, 로봇 판매 증가로 수익 추정치 초과 달성" 5802,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico suspends Damojh's airline operations after fatal Cuba crash?,,"멕시코, 쿠바에서 발생한 치명적인 사고 후 다모흐 항공의 운영 중단" 9492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kentucky overcomes 17-point deficit to upset No. 7 West Virginia?,,"켄터키, 17점 열세를 극복하고 7위 웨스트 버지니아를 이기다" 1729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: U.S. puts HNA deals on ice until it gets ownership info - source?,,"독점: 미국, 소유권 정보 확보 전까지 HNA 거래를 보류 - 소식통" 3968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed watching for financial shocks as risks build -Brainard?,,"연준, 위험이 쌓이는 가운데 금융 충격 감시 중 - 브레이너드" 3822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google takes the camera out of your hand?,,구글이 당신의 손에서 카메라를 빼앗는다? 5502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fluor Corp Says CEO David Seaton's FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $10.3 Mln Vs $8.7 Mln In FY 2016?,,"브리프 - 플루어 Corp.는 CEO 데이비드 시턴의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 1,030만 달러로, 2016 회계연도의 870만 달러와 비교되었다고 발표했다." 5199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-H.B. Fuller Announces Integration Related Restructuring Charges?,,H.B. Fuller가 통합 관련 구조 조정 비용 발표 7220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK prosecutors charge Shoreham airshow crash pilot with manslaughter?,,"영국 검찰, 쇼어햄 에어쇼 추락 조종사에게 과실치사 혐의로 기소하다." 502,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-Toronto stocks edge up with help from gold producers?,,"캐나다 주식 - 토론토 주식, 금 생산자들의 도움으로 상승세로 전환" 3055,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fairfax to Acquire Certain Canadian Assets of Carillion?,,"페어팩스, 캐나다 카릴리온 일부 자산 인수 계획" 3375,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teva Pharm Q1 profit down less than forecast, raises 2018 outlook?",,"테바 제약, 1분기 이익 예상보다 덜 하락하며 2018년 전망 상향 조정" 8880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Akamai Technologies Says CEO F. Thomson Leighton's FY'17 Compensation Was $9.2 Mln?,,"간략하게-Akamai Technologies, CEO F. Thomson Leighton의 2017 회계연도 보상이 920만 달러라고 발표." 3769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon to let customers install tyres at Sears stores?,,"아마존, 고객이 시어스 매장에서 타이어를 설치할 수 있게 한다." 693,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's 5-star says will not back technocrat government?,,"이탈리아 5성당, 기술관료 정부를 지지하지 않겠다고 밝혀" 3569,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Raven Industries Announces Conference Call to Discuss First Quarter Fiscal 2019 Results?,,"레이븐 인더스트리, 2019 회계연도 1분기 실적 논의를 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 3022,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Futures indicate hesitant recovery for European stocks?,,"실시간 시장 - 선물, 유럽 주식의 머뭇거리는 회복 세를 나타내다." 8016,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa takes a tax gamble ahead of election?,,"남아프리카공화국, 선거를 앞두고 세금 모험에 나선다." 4697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Data Sheet—A Cord Cutter’s Life For Me: Replacing Cable With Internet TV?,,데이터 시트—케이블을 대체한 인터넷 TV와 함께하는 삶 2075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investors can trade the stock market 24 hrs a day with TD Ameritrade?,,투자자들은 TD Ameritrade와 함께 주식 시장을 24시간 거래할 수 있다. 1220,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Tech Check Evening Edition: January 18, 2018?",,CNBC 기술 점검 저녁 판: 2018년 1월 18일 677,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sears is closing its last store in Chicago, where the company was born?",,시어스가 회사가 태어난 시카고에서 마지막 매장을 닫고 있다. 7134,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank Leumi Schedules First Quarter 2018 Results Conference Call?,,"은행 레우미, 2018년 1분기 실적 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 9435,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cancelling new Mexico airport would cost $6.6 billion: company CEO?,,"""새로운 멕시코 공항을 취소하면 66억 달러의 비용이 든다: 회사 CEO""" 3027,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amano unit to acquire valet parking service business for $20.5 mln?,,"브리프 - 아마노 자회사, 2050만 달러에 발렛 파킹 서비스 사업 인수" 4922,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Generon Corp Says Successfully Concluded First Phase III Clinical Trial Of F-627?,,"BRIEF-제너론 주식회사, F-627의 첫 번째 3상 임상 시험을 성공적으로 마무리했다고 발표." 5367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Drivers rescued after being trapped overnight by snowstorm in Spain?,,스페인에서 눈보라로 밤새 갇힌 운전자가 구조되다. 2623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thursday Morning Briefing?,,목요일 아침 브리핑 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 1761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EQT Holdings Posts HY Net Profit Of $9.6 Mln?,,"EQT 홀딩스, 상반기 순이익 960만 달러 발표" 1621,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Premier Li says open to negotiating trade with U.S?,,"중국의 리커창 총리, 미국과의 무역 협상에 열려 있다고 밝혀" 4432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's Blau Farmacêutica sets IPO price range at 13-17 reais- document?,,브라질의 블라우 파마수티카가 IPO 가격 범위를 13-17헤알로 설정한 문서. 88,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Google employee: What to do if you think your boss hates you?,,전 구글 직원: 상사가 나를 싫어한다고 생각한다면 무엇을 해야 할까? 6902,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Team Scallywag arrive in Hong Kong to win 4th leg of Ocean Race?,,"팀 스컬리웨그, 홍콩에 도착하여 오션 레이스 4번째 레그 우승!" 4686,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Innerworkings Announces CEO Succession Plan?,,"BRIEF-Innerworkings, CEO 후임 계획 발표" 3787,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Virgin Australia receives notice of Air New Zealand's intention to end alliance?,,"버진 호주, 에어 뉴질랜드의 동맹 종료 의사 통보 수령" 4518,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Red Cross sends surgeons, supplies to Gaza to treat wounded?",,"레드크로스, 부상자를 치료하기 위해 가자 지구에 외과의사와 의료 물품을 보낸다." 1896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Investor urges Facebook to set up risk oversight committee?,,보정됨 - 투자자가 페이스북에 리스크 감독 위원회를 설립할 것을 촉구하다. 5572,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. seeks China trade moves on autos, financials, chips - source?",,"미국, 자동차, 금융, 반도체 분야에서 중국의 무역 조치를 모색 - 소식통" 71,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela derides U.S. comments on military ouster of Maduro?,,"베네수엘라, 마두로 군사 축출에 대한 미국의 언급을 조롱하다." 3361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Belden Announces €350 Million Private Offering of Senior Subordinated Notes?,,"벨덴, 3억 5천만 유로 규모의 후순위 채권의 사모 발행 발표" 246,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TABLE-Swiss nuclear plant outages and restarts?,,"""표-스위스 핵 발전소 가동 중단 및 재가동""" 2475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PSCMAC To Withdraw Proposed Tender Offer?,,브리핑-PSCMAC이 제안한 입찰 공고를 철회할 예정입니다. 5246,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rockridge Resources Ltd. Announces the Completion of a Name Change from Rockridge Gold Ltd.?,,"록리지 리소스 주식회사, 록리지 골드 주식회사에서 이름 변경 완료 발표" 1004,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. Reports First Quarter Financial?,,Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.가 첫 분기 재무 실적을 보고하다. 627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Turning Point Brands Reports Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.23?,,"브리핑 - 턴잉 포인트 브랜드, 4분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.23 보고." 9252,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon Alexa Is Coming to TiVo’s Bolt, Roamio, and Premiere DVRs?",,"아마존 알렉사가 타이보의 볼트, 로미오, 그리고 프리미어 DVR에 도입된다." 5467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trimax Corporation to Enter Cannabis Sector and Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Leading Edge Ecommerce Business Recreational Dispensary?,,"트리맥스 코퍼레이션, 대마초 분야 진출 및 선도적인 전자상거래 비즈니스 레크리에이션 약국 인수 의향서 체결" 3211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's 5-Star seeks governing contract with rivals as talks begin?,,"이탈리아 5성당, 대립당과의 통치 계약을 모색하며 대화 시작" 6333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stockholm truck attack suspect to be formally charged next week?,,스톡홀름 트럭 공격 용의자가 다음 주에 정식으로 기소될 예정이다. 1939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Box Office Top 20: 'Avengers' holds at No. 1 for third week?,,"박스 오피스 톱 20: '어벤져스', 3주 연속 1위 유지" 2361,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed Nominee Goodfriend Set to Face Senators’ Questions at Confirmation Hearing?,,"연준 후보자 굿프렌드, 인준 청문회에서 상원의원 질문에 직면할 예정" 649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Watch: White House press secretary Sarah Sanders briefs reporters?,,보고서를 브리핑하는 백악관 대변인 사라 샌더스: 동영상 시청 7974,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volatility Swings Reach New Milestone?,,변동성 스윙이 새로운 이정표에 도달하다 7769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Justice Watchdog Says McCabe Misled Investigators?,,정의 감시 기관은 맥케이브가 조사관들을 오도했다고 말했습니다. 9885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indian billionaire jeweller investigated over bank fraud?,,"인도 억만장자 보석상, 은행 사기 혐의로 조사받아" 3050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kenon Holdings Ltd Says Not Considering Sale Of Its Ownership Interest In OPC?,,BRIEF-Kenon Holdings Ltd는 OPC에 대한 소유권 매각을 고려하고 있지 않다고 발표했습니다. 9841,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gun control: Why US is different from UK and Australia?,,총기 규제: 미국이 영국과 호주와 다른 이유는 무엇인가? 3222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After the S&P drop 5% in one week.?,,S&P가 일주일 만에 5% 하락한 후. 4458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Johnson calls for credible Myanmar probe into reported atrocities?,,"영국의 존슨, 보고된 만행에 대한 신뢰할 수 있는 미얀마 조사 촉구" 7314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nor’easter: What You Need to Know?,,노르이스터: 알아야 할 사항은? 3989,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amerisafe Inc Reports Qtrly Diluted EPS Of $0.84?,,"브리프 - 아메리세이프 Inc, 분기 순환우선주 EPS $0.84 보고" 2524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Retail property firm Londonmetric nervous about UK sector outlook?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""UPDATE 1-Retail property firm Londonmetric nervous about UK sector outlook""의 내용을 예측하면, 런던 메트릭(Londonmetric)이라는 소매 부동산 회사가 영국 시장의 전망에 대해 우려를 표명하고 있다는 내용을 담고 있을 것입니다. 기사는 회사의 재무 상태, 소매 부동산 수요, 소비자 행동 변화, 경제적 요인 및 시장 불확실성 등을 다루고 있을 수 있습니다. 또한, 회사의 전략이나 대응 계획, 그리고 이러한 우려가 주가 또는 사업 운영에 미치는 영향에 대해서도 논의할 가능성이 있습니다. 다음은 요청하신 한국어 번역입니다: ""UPDATE 1-소매 부동산 기업 런던메트릭, 영국 부문 전망에 대해 우려""" 8831,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nissan sees lower annual profit on firmer yen?,,"닛산, 강세 엔화로 연간 수익 감소 전망" 1115,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MTY Provides Update On Its Combination Process With Imvescor?,,"""BRIEF-MTY가 Imvescor와의 통합 과정에 대한 업데이트를 제공합니다.""" 676,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Van Persie negotiates return to Feyenoord after 14 years?,,"반 페르시, 14년 만에 페예노르트 복귀 협상 중" 3356,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's Northern League chief rules out govt role for party moderate?,,이탈리아 북부동맹 수장이 당의 온건파에 대한 정부 역할을 배제하다. 1188,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Holly Energy Partners Announces 53rd Consecutive Quarterly Distribution Increase, 2018 Distribution and Coverage Guidance, and Private Placement of Common Equity?",,"홀리 에너지 파트너스, 53번째 연속 분배 증가 발표, 2018년 분배 및 커버리지 가이드라인, 보통주 개인 배치." 9044,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aberdeen Israel Fund, Inc. Announces Payment Of Final Distribution?",,"애버딘 이스라엘 펀드, Inc. 최종 분배 지급 발표" 6925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: You may soon be able to declare bankruptcy on your student loans?,,학생 대출에 대해 파산을 선언할 수 있을지도 모른다? 6405,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Alibaba will ""seriously consider"" Hong Kong listing, says founder Ma?",,"UPDATE 2-알리바바, 마윈 창립자 ""홍콩 상장을 진지하게 고려할 것""이라고 밝혀" 2717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices hit fresh highs as market tightens?,,원자재 시장이 긴축되면서 유가가 새로운 최고치를 기록했다. 4953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank BGZ BNP Paribas Q1 BFG Total Contribution at 39 mln zlotys?,,"BRIEF-은행 BGZ BNP 파리바스, 1분기 BFG 총 기여도 3900만 즈워티." 259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Conatus Pharmaceuticals Q4 Revenue $8.8 Million?,,"브리프-코나투스 제약, 4분기 매출 880만 달러." 9416,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-S&P Says Rwanda 'B/B' Ratings Affirmed Outlook Stable?,,브리프 - S&P가 르완다 'B/B' 등급을 확정하고 전망을 안정적으로 유지한다고 발표했습니다. 6415,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Allison Transmission announces Fred Bohley as next CFO?,,"앨리슨 트랜스미션, 프레드 보흘리를 차기 CFO로 발표" 3308,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK building firms see growth slow in December - PMI?,,영국 건설업체들은 12월에 성장 둔화를 경험한다 - PMI? 3886,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ryan Schulke Buys 100,000 Shares Of Cogint Common Stock?",,"브리프 - 라이언 슐크가 코진트 보통주 100,000주를 매입했다." 8353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Companies detail payments to Trump lawyer; Daniels' attorney says there's more?,,"기업들이 트럼프 변호사에게 지급한 금액을 상세히 공개하다; 다니엘스 변호사, 더 많은 것이 있다고 말하다." 9403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Majority of SPD members seen backing re-run of German coalition?,,대다수의 SPD 당원들이 독일 연정 재편을 지지하는 것으로 보인다. 6773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merkel says court ruling allowing diesel bans was balanced?,,"메르켈, 디젤 금지를 허용하는 법원 판결은 균형 잡혔다고 말하다." 5146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mykco Ltd Says ‍Finalising Offer For Shares In Corporate Holdings Ltd?,,브리핑 - Mykco Ltd가 Corporate Holdings Ltd의 주식에 대한 제안을 최종화하고 있다고 발표했습니다. 3893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commentary: The Bomb Cyclone Could Bomb This Region’s Economy | Fortune?,,논평: 폭풍 사이클론이 이 지역의 경제를 위협할 수 있다 | 포춘 5259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unborn Child of Actress Injured In Park Slope Crash Dies?,,"여배우의 태아, 파크 슬롭 사고로 부상당한 후 사망" 5460,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WeissLaw LLP: InnerWorkings, Inc. is the Subject of a Legal Investigation?",,"웨이스로(Law LLP): 인너워킹스(InnerWorkings, Inc.)가 법적 조사의 대상이 되다." 7859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Advanced Emissions Solutions Announces Board Changes?,,"고급 배출 솔루션즈, 이사회 변화 발표" 6153,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kilroy Realty Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"킬로리 리얼티, 분기 배당금 선언" 3904,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pasta, as part of a healthy diet, not tied to weight gain?",,파스타가 건강한 식단의 일환으로 체중 증가와 관련이 없다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 수 있습니다. 1560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Textainer Group Holdings Limited Reports First-Quarter Results?,,"텍스테이너 그룹 홀딩스 리미티드, 1분기 실적 발표" 2534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany's SPD back coalition with Merkel?,,"""독일 SPD, 메르켈과의 연정 재탕에 동의""" 2700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Six found dead in Mali grave had been in military custody: Amnesty?,,"""아프리카 연합, 군의 구금 상태였던 말리에서 발견된 6명 사망 기사: 국제앰네스티""" 6749,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dutch PM Rutte: Britain must clarify post-Brexit relationship?,,네덜란드 총리 룻테: 영국은 브렉시트 이후의 관계를 명확히 해야 한다. 4889,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daseke Doubles First Quarter 2018 Revenue, Reporting Record Results?",,"Daseke, 2018년 1분기 매출 두 배 증가, 기록적인 실적 보고" 5254,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Myanmar forces burned, looted and killed in a remote village?",,"미얀마 군이 외딴 마을에서 어떻게 불을 지르고, 약탈하고, 살해했는가?" 2045,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Afghanistan v Zimbabwe in UAE 2018 Scoreboard?,,"업데이트 2 - 2018년 아프가니스탄 대 짐바브웨, UAE 스코어보드" 8820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Prize money row rumbling behind scenes at Melbourne Park?,,테니스 - 멜버른 파크에서 벌어지는 상금 문제 논란 6343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tenet Healthcare Purchases Remaining 15 pct Ownership Interest In United Surgical Partners International?,,"테넷 헬스케어, 유나이티드 서지컬 파트너스 인터내셔널의 남은 15% 지분 인수" 5710,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Rodin and the Art of Ancient Greece’ Review: Recasting History?,,‘로댕과 고대 그리스의 예술’ 리뷰: 역사를 다시 만들다? 5892,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook Employees Reportedly Deleting Controversial Internal Messages | Fortune?,,페이스북 직원들이 논란이 있는 내부 메시지를 삭제하고 있다는 보도가 있다 | 포춘 626,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive - Pakistan TV channel returning to air after negotiations with military: sources?,,독점 보도 - 군과의 협상 후 파키스탄 TV 채널이 방송 재개: 소식통 235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mysteries: She Might Be in Tangier?,,미스터리: 그녀는 탕헤르에 있을지도 모른다? 398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Public Storage reports 4Q results?,,"퍼블릭 스토리지, 4분기 실적 발표" 9909,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PC Connection, Inc. (CNXN) to Release First Quarter Results—2018?",,"PC Connection, Inc. (CNXN)가 2018년 1분기 실적 발표를 합니다." 8156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Governors Ball feast for Oscar winners?,,오스카 수상자를 위한 Governors Ball 만찬? 9280,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S., China nearing deal to remove U.S. sales ban against ZTE: sources?",,"미국, 중국이 ZTE에 대한 미국 판매 금지 해제를 위한 거래에 가까워지고 있다고 소식통이 전했다." 5092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Management Change in Moberg Pharma?,,모버그 제약의 경영 변화 6298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Speaker Ryan wants to fix possible legal gaps on guns and mental health?,,"스피커 라이언, 총기 및 정신 건강에 대한 가능한 법적 공백 해결 원해" 1551,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Libyan commander wanted by ICC freed after protests: source?,,"ICC에 의해 수배된 리비아 사령관, 항의 시위 후 석방: 소식통" 1995,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AVANGRID Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"AVANGRID, 분기 배당금 발표" 216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Melior Announces Share Consolidation?,,"멜리어, 주식 통합 발표" 4307,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cboe, IHS Markit And BlackRock Join Forces To Launch First U.S. Corporate Bond Index Futures?",,"Cboe, IHS Markit, 블랙록이 미국 최초의 기업 채권 지수 선물 출시를 위해 협력한다는 내용의 뉴스 기사가 포함될 수 있는 내용은 다음과 같습니다." 958,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hermes EOS opposes election of Volkswagen supervisory board candidates at AGM?,,"""헤르메스 EOS, 주총에서 폭스바겐 감독위원회 후보의 선출에 반대하다""" 9736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's 2017 industrial profits post fastest growth in six years?,,"중국의 2017년 산업 이익, 6년 만에 가장 빠른 성장 기록" 1313,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Altinyag Kombinalari Renews Sponsorship Contract With Karsiyaka Volleyball Team For One More Year?,,"BRIEF-알티냐그 콤비날라리, 카르시야카 배구팀과 후원 계약 1년 연장" 2675,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aeglea Bio Says ‍Dosing Of First Uveal And Cutaneous Melanoma Patients With Pegzilarginase In Open-Label Phase 1 Cohort Expansions​?,,"간단히 말해, Aeglea Bio는 열린 라벨 1단계 집단 확장에서 Pegzilarginase로 첫 유베알 및 피부 멜라노마 환자에 대한 투여를 시작했다고 발표했습니다." 2977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aixtron Sees EBIT Margin Improving To 5-10 Pct In 2018?,,"브리프 - Aixtron, 2018년 EBIT 마진이 5-10% 개선될 것으로 보인다고 발표." 7789,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Celgene Corporation Elects John Weiland to Its Board of Directors?,,"셀진 코퍼레이션, 존 웨일랜드를 이사회에 선출하다." 9072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuelan teen killed during looting of flour truck on highway?,,"베네수엘라 10대, 고속도로에서 밀가루 트럭 약탈 중 사망" 7776,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU agrees first defence projects, delays decision on British role?",,"EU는 첫 번째 방위 프로젝트에 합의하였으나, 영국의 역할에 대한 결정은 지연시켰다." 1566,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jan Hommen new Chairman of Supervisory Board Ahold Delhaize?,,"얀 호멘, 아홀드 델하이즈 감사위원회 의장으로 새로 선출" 5996,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China probes report of possible North Korea sanctions breach at sea?,,"중국, 해상에서의 북한 제재 위반 가능성 보고 조사" 9108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenyang Commercial City Scraps Asset Acquisition As Concerning Parties Failed To Reach Agreement?,,"브리프-선양 상업 도시, 관련 당사자들이 합의에 도달하지 못해 자산 인수 취소" 2650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British talks on trade deals outside EU received warmly - May's spokesman?,,영국의 EU 외에서의 무역 협상에 대한 반응이 긍정적이다 - 메이 대변인. 946,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Meredith to sell UK arm of Time Inc to Epiris Fund?,,"메리디언, 타임 Inc.의 영국 사업 부문을 에피리스 펀드에 매각하다." 5937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Djokovic ends partnership with coach Stepanek following Agassi split?,,"조코비치, 아그시와 결별 후 코치 스테파넥과의 파트너십 종료" 3080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Discover Financial Credit Card Delinquency Rate 1.72 Pct At April End Vs 1.8 Pct At March End?,,간략히 - Discover Financial 신용카드 연체율 4월 말 1.72% vs 3월 말 1.8% 242,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm will refile with MOFCOM: Sources?,,"퀄컴, MOFCOM과 재신청할 예정: 소식통" 8244,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EGX Says Nahw Development Buys 29.1 Pct Stake in CDICO?,,EGX는 Nahw Development가 CDICO의 29.1% 지분을 인수했다고 전했습니다. 9398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pope defends in-flight wedding from conservative headwinds?,,"교황, 보수적인 반발 속에서 비행기 내 결혼식 방어" 4820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-I.T. Says Unit Entered Facility Deal In Aggregate Commitment Of HK$800 Million?,,BRIEF-I.T.는 자회사가 총 HK$800백만의 약정으로 시설 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 5108,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PositiveID Reports 2017 Results; Fourth Quarter Revenues Increase 47% Year Over Year?,,"PositiveID, 2017년 실적 보고; 4분기 매출 47% 증가" 1187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Rajiv Shah leaves BNP Paribas for Goldman Sachs?,,업데이트 1 - Rajiv Shah가 BNP 파리바에서 골드만 삭스로 이직합니다. 8614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FTI Consulting to Release First Quarter 2018 Results and Host Conference Call?,,"FTI 컨설팅, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 진행 예정" 339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EVS Broadcast Equipment Appoints Pierre De Muelenaere As Chairman Of Board Of Directors?,,"간략하게 - EVS 방송 장비, 피에르 드 뮬레나에르를 이사회 의장으로 임명" 3699,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. private payrolls rise strongly; services sector growth slows?,,미국 민간 고용이 강하게 증가하였고 서비스 부문 성장세가 둔화되고 있다. 1855,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Wanji Technology to swing to loss in Q1 of FY 2018?,,"BRIEF-베이징완지기술, 2018 회계연도 1분기 적자로 전환할 예정" 2269,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-IAG, Pearson lead FTSE 100 rebound, overcoming HSBC profit hit?",,UPDATE 1-IAG와 Pearson이 HSBC의 수익 타격을 극복하며 FTSE 100 반등을 이끌다. 9184,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer-Improved Manchester United can challenge for title next season, says Brown?",,"축구-브라운 ""개선된 맨체스터 유나이티드, 다음 시즌 우승 도전 가능""" 7077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Foundation Launches Corporate Banking Offering?,,"퍼스트 파운데이션, 기업은행 서비스 출시" 5530,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rivals expand to fill gap left by Air Berlin collapse?,,라이벌들이 에어 베를린의 붕괴로 인한 공백을 메우기 위해 확장한다? 1869,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ifabric Corp Reports Qtrly Net Earnings Attributable To Shareholders $0.035 Per Diluted Share?,,브리핑 - 이패브릭 주식회사가 분기 주주 귀속 순이익을 희석주당 0.035달러로 보고했습니다. 3056,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Miracle on Ice Never Sleeps?,,기적의 얼음은 결코 잠들지 않는다. 7834,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil government freezes $606 million in federal spending?,,"브라질 정부, 6억 6천만 달러의 연방 지출 동결" 9116,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump and China Share a Bad Idea on Trade?,,트럼프와 중국이 무역에 관한 나쁜 아이디어를 공유하다 6682,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venator Announces First Earnings Call and Annual General Meeting of Shareholders?,,"베네이터, 첫 번째 실적 발표 전화 회의 및 연례 주주총회 소집 발표" 4655,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Acxiom shares tank after Facebook cuts ties with data brokers?,,"Acxiom 주가 급락, 페이스북 데이터 브로커와의 관계 종료 후" 7265,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warriors Durant to miss two weeks with rib fracture?,,"워리어스 듀랜트, 갈비뼈 골절로 2주 결장" 3614,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis: Zverev collapses to defeat by South Korea's Chung?,,테니스: 제베르가 한국의 정현에게 패하며 쓰러지다. 3176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Class of 2018' Oscar nominees meet for yearly luncheon?,,'2018년 졸업생' 아카데미상 후보들이 매년 열리는 오찬에 참석하다. 5286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Genting Hong Kong Posts FY Loss Attributable Of $242.3 Mln?,,"겐팅 홍콩, 2억 4천 2백 30만 달러의 연간 손실 보고" 2435,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NASB Financial, Inc. Declares Cash Dividend on Common Stock?",,"NASB Financial, Inc.가 보통주에 대한 현금 배당금을 선언하다." 5912,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asian shares extend global recovery, volatility subsides?",,아시아 주식이 글로벌 회복세를 이어가며 변동성이 줄어든다. 5230,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South African presidency denies claim Zuma plans to fire deputy Ramaphosa?,,"남아프리카 공화국 대통령실, Zuma가 부통령 Ramaphosa를 해고할 계획이라는 주장을 부인하다." 8198,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wittchen Appoints Pawel Marcinkiewicz As Chairman Of Supervisory Board?,,브리핑 - Wittchen이 Pawel Marcinkiewicz를 감사위원회 의장으로 임명했습니다. 527,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Your Ride to LaGuardia Doesn’t Just Feel Longer, It Is Longer?",,"라과디아로 가는 당신의 이동이 단순히 더 길게 느껴지는 것이 아니라, 실제로 더 길어졌습니다." 4146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kore Potash Says Raised Gross Proceeds Of $13.14 Mln Through Placing?,,"브리프 - 코레 포타시가 배치 통해 1,314만 달러의 총 수익을 올렸다고 발표했다." 363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paris metro expansion plan delayed before 2024 Olympics?,,2024년 올림픽 이전 파리 지하철 확장 계획 지연 3060,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Secrets of a Great First Spouse?,,훌륭한 첫 번째 배우자의 비밀은 무엇인가? 4079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volaris Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release and Webcast Schedule?,,"볼라리스, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 및 웹캐스트 일정 발표" 9921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arsene Wenger urges successor to 'respect' Arsenal values?,,"아르센 벵거, 후임에게 '아스널 가치를 존중하라'고 촉구하다" 1408,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Since 1880, Global Government Debts Have Rarely Been So High - Real Time Economics - WSJ?",,"1880년 이래, 세계 정부 부채가 이토록 높았던 적이 드물다 - 실시간 경제 - 월스트리트 저널" 5480,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This jobs number isn't going to 'spook' anyone: Jim Cramer?,,이 고용 숫자는 누구를 '놀라게' 하지 않을 것이다: 짐 크래머? 9719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How this company uses AI to track cheap flights around the world: Hopper CEO?,,Hopper CEO: 이 회사가 전 세계의 저렴한 항공편을 추적하기 위해 AI를 어떻게 활용하는가? 7460,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gladstone Land Announces Fourth Quarter and Year End 2017 Results?,,"글래드스톤 랜드, 2017년 4분기 및 연말 실적 발표" 734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Obducat AB Gets Proceeds Of About Sek 36 Million In New Share Rights Issue?,,BRIEF-Obducat AB가 신규 주식 권리 공모에서 약 3600만 스웨덴 크로나의 수익을 올렸습니다. 4851,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southside Bancshares, Inc. Announces Q4 and Year End Earnings Call?",,"사우스사이드 뱅크쉐어스, Inc.가 4분기 및 연말 실적 발표 전화를 알립니다." 7105,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-COLUMN-Tribalism and energy analysis: Kemp?,,RPT-칼럼-부족주의와 에너지 분석: Kemp? 1868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hays CFO: Europe strongest I've seen since joining Hays?,,헤이스 CFO: 헤이스에 합류한 이후로 가장 강력한 유럽 7805,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. 'constructive' over allies' concerns on Russian aluminum sanctions: French source?,,"미국, 러시아 알루미늄 제재에 대한 동맹국들의 우려에 '건설적' 태도 보여: 프랑스 소식통" 7049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss sensors group Sensirion to discuss IPO on Monday?,,"스위스 센서 그룹 센시리온, 월요일 IPO 논의 예정" 3004,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brother Enterprises' 2017 Net Profit Up 140.4 Pct Y/Y?,,고 brothers Enterprises의 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 140.4% 증가했다는 간략한 기사입니다. 5399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trilogy Metals Qtrly Loss Of $6.7 Million?,,브리프-트릴로지 메탈즈 분기 손실 670만 달러 9246,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amazon Spokeswoman Says Alexa Customers Can Now Use Alexa Calling And Messaging On Fire, Android, And Ios Tablets?",,"브리프 - 아마존 대변인은 알렉사 고객들이 이제 파이어, 안드로이드 및 iOS 태블릿에서 알렉사 통화 및 메시징을 사용할 수 있다고 말했다." 2491,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snapchat redesign hasn't hurt downloads, says App Annie?",,스냅챗 리디자인이 다운로드에 해를 끼치지 않았다고 앱애니가 말한다. 6366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Doha Bank OGM Approves EMTN Bonds Issue?,,"브리프-도하은행 OGM, EMTN 채권 발행 승인" 9336,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Osisko Gold Royalties Q4 Adjusted Earnings Per Share C$0.01?,,"BRIEF-오시스코 골드 로열티, 4분기 조정 주당 수익 C$0.01 발표" 159,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New British party inspired by France's Macron seeks to overturn Brexit?,,"프랑스의 마크롱에게 영감을 받은 새로운 영국 정당, 브렉시트를 뒤엎으려 한다?" 1582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Government borrowing costs rise as oil heads back to the 80s?,,"글로벌 시장 - 정부 차입 비용 상승, 유가 80달러대로 회귀" 1988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cargo supply ship launches for ISS?,,화물 공급선이 ISS로 발사된다. 1333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan’s Longest Stretch of Economic Growth in 28 Years Ends?,,일본의 28년 만에 가장 긴 경제 성장 기간이 종료되다. 193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rocket tech’s harassment suit against Boeing venture doesn’t get off the ground?,,로켓 기술의 폭력행위 소송이 보잉 벤처에 대해 시작되지 않는다. 8602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German minister wants EU united front for de-escalation with Russia?,,"독일 장관, 러시아와의 긴장 완화를 위한 EU의 단합된 전선 원해" 9517,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Luge - Germany's Loch inches closer to golden hat-trick?,,"루지 - 독일의 로흐, 금메달 트리플 달성을 한 걸음 더 가까이!" 6245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Belden to Report First Quarter 2018 Results on May 2?,,"벨든, 2018년 첫 분기 실적을 5월 2일 발표 예정" 3798,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Businesses turn up heat on Mexican government over crime surge?,,RPT-기업들이 범죄 급증에 대해 멕시코 정부에 압박을 가하다 4933,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Home Capital Q1 Earnings Per Share C$0.43?,,"""브리프 - 홈 캐피탈 1분기 주당 순이익 C$0.43""" 395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Xinjiang Yilite To Set Up Logistics JV With Partners?,,브리핑 - 신장 이리테가 파트너와 물류 합작법인을 설립할 예정입니다. 8661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bank of America CEO sees Q2 markets revenue flat vs year earlier?,,"뱅크 오브 아메리카 CEO, Q2 시장 수익이 작년 대비 정체될 것으로 예상" 2278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. and UK form regulatory Working Group to boost stability?,,"미국과 영국, 안정성을 높이기 위한 규제 워킹 그룹 구성" 8586,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-High risk premia preserve dominance of stocks over bonds?,,실시간 시장 - 높은 위험 프리미엄이 주식의 채권에 대한 우위를 유지하다. 1160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela says all jailed Banesco bank executives have been freed?,,"베네수엘라, 모든 구금된 바라네스코 은행 임원들이 석방됐다고 발표." 870,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CPPIB joint venture buys US student housing portfolio for $1.1 bln?,,"CPPIB 조인트 벤처, 11억 달러에 미국 학생 주택 포트폴리오 매입" 5031,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clearside Biomedical to Report First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 9, 2018 – Conference Call to Follow?",,"클리어사이드 바이오메디컬, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 2018년 5월 9일 발표 – 이후 컨퍼런스 콜 진행 예정" 9353,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical to set up pharmaceutical import and sales unit in Hong Kong?,,간략한 내용 - Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical이 홍콩에 제약 수입 및 판매 부서를 설립할 예정입니다. 7467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shield Therapeutics Says It Plans To Submit NDA For Feraccru?,,"BRIEF-쉴드 테라퓨틱스, 페라크루에 대한 NDA 제출 계획 밝혀" 6060,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Republicans face first test of tax cuts' power to sway voters?,,공화당은 세금 감면이 유권자에게 영향을 미칠 수 있는 첫 번째 시험에 직면하다. 4440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sellas Life Sciences Files For Offering Of Up To $30 Mln?,,"셀라스 라이프 사이언스, 최대 3천만 달러 규모의 공모 신청." 6482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Pharma Holdings Reports Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"중국 제약 홀딩스, 2017 회계연도 재무 결과 발표" 737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Feelgood Svenska AB (Publ) Signs Wins New Deal With Härnösands Muncipality?,,브리프-필굿 스베스카 AB(공공)가 헌뢰산드 시와 새로운 계약을 체결했습니다. 3179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ramaphosa to work hard not to disappoint the people of South Africa?,,"라마포사, 남아프리카 국민을 실망시키지 않기 위해 열심히 일할 것." 2919,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analog Devices, Inc. to Report Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results on Wednesday, May 30, 2018?",,"아날로그 디바이스, Inc.가 2018년 5월 30일 수요일 2018 회계연도 2분기 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다." 8810,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese paper says China should prepare for military action over Taiwan?,,"중국 신문, 중국이 대만을 둘러싸고 군사 행동에 대비해야 한다고 보도" 3198,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon Web Services CEO Andy Jassy: Seattle head tax 'super dangerous'?,,아마존 웹 서비스 CEO 앤디 재시: 시애틀 헤드세 금세기 '매우 위험하다' 5398,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some Democrats urge Trump administration to drop tip-pooling plan?,,일부 민주당원들이 트럼프 행정부에 팁 풀링 계획을 포기할 것을 촉구하고 있다. 5908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT:Hundreds of migrants rescued in the Med?,,INSIGHT: 지중해에서 수백 명의 이민자들이 구조되었습니다. 6431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google poised to emerge unscathed from European antitrust crackdown?,,"구글, 유럽의 독점 금지 단속에서 무사히 벗어날 태세" 7708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zuckerberg finishes nearly five-hour U.S. Senate testimony?,,브리프 - 저커버그가 거의 5시간에 걸친 미국 상원 청문회를 마쳤다. 4364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CNH Industrial announces preliminary estimate of impact Of U.S. tax reform?,,CNH 산업이 미국 세금 개혁의 영향에 대한 예비 추정치를 발표했다는 간략 뉴스 요약. 3579,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Inca One Gold Produces 1,141 OZ Of Gold In March 2018?",,"인카 원 골드, 2018년 3월 1,141온스의 금 생산" 9785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A bright spot amid the market carnage?,,시장 대혼란 속에서의 희망의 빛 5549,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's second largest e-commerce site, JD.com, falls on weak quarterly results?",,"중국의 두 번째로 큰 전자 상거래 사이트인 JD.com, 저조한 분기 실적에 하락." 3677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leigh Sherwood joins Lavallee Brensinger Architects as Education Studio Design Principal?,,리 호드가 라발리 브렌신거 건축사 사무소에 교육 스튜디오 디자인 책임자로 합류하다. 1969,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Any U.S. tariffs could spark trade war, cut growth, Germany says?",,미국의 어떤 관세도 무역 전쟁을 촉발시키고 성장을 저해할 수 있다고 독일이 말했습니다. 7267,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour 250, Montpellier Men's Singles Seeds Progress?",,"ATP 월드 투어 250, 몽펠리에 남자 단식 시드 진출" 6573,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Total Enters Exploration In The Prolific Guyana Basin With Three Exploration Licences?,,"토탈, 풍부한 가이아나 분지에서 세 개의 탐사 라이센스와 함께 탐사 시작" 1078,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Winn-Dixie operator Southeastern Grocers files for bankruptcy?,,윈디키 운영 회사인 소우이스턴 그로서스가 파산 신청을 했다는 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 1917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cadiz Says Water District Not Material To Cadiz Water Project Implementation?,,"간단히 말해, 카디즈는 수자원 지구가 카디즈 수자원 프로젝트 시행에 중요하지 않다고 발표했다." 3116,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LBC Credit Partners Promotions?,,LBC 크레딧 파트너스 승진 소식? 6706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toxic gas alert for Hawaii volcano eruption; new areas at risk?,,하와이 화산 폭발로 인한 유독가스 경고; 위험에 처한 새로운 지역들 1473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman downgrades Cboe after the 'unwind' of wacky volatility products?,,"골드만, 기괴한 변동성 상품의 '정리' 이후 Cboe 등급 하향 조정" 4729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CHILDS Advisory Partners Announces Name Change to Bowstring Advisors?,,CHILDS Advisory Partners가 Bowstring Advisors로 이름을 변경한다고 발표했습니다. 4688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ice hockey: Suter hat-trick helps Switzerland rout South Korea?,,아이스하키: 수터의 해트트릭이 스위스가 한국을 대파하는 데 기여하다. 2961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-AP Alternative Assets NAV At March 31 Was $30.8 Mln?,,응급-AP 대체 자산 순자산 가치는 3월 31일 현재 3천만 8백만 달러였다. 9611,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arbutus And Roivant Launch Genevant Sciences With Platform To Develop Broad Range Of RNA Therapeutics For Genetic Diseases?,,BRIEF-아르부투스와 로이반트가 유전 질환을 위한 광범위한 RNA 치료제를 개발할 플랫폼을 가진 제네반트 사이언스를 출범한다. 8931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A decline in trust is worrying for media?,,미디어에 대한 신뢰 감소가 우려스럽다. 6507,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Earnings season is upon us, and traders have high expectations?",,어닝 시즌이 다가오고 있으며 거래자들은 높은 기대를 가지고 있습니다. 4976,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SBA Communications Says CEO Jeffrey Stoops' 2017 Total Compensation Was $8.2 Mln Vs $7.1 Mln In 2016?,,"브리핑 - SBA 커뮤니케이션즈, CEO 제프리 스투프의 2017년 총 보상이 2016년 7.1백만 달러 대비 8.2백만 달러였다고 발표." 4408,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gruden Group Enters Deal For Proposed Purchase Of Co's Business Assets For $8 Mln?,,"브리프-그루덴 그룹, 회사의 사업 자산 구매 제안에 대해 800만 달러에 계약 체결" 8443,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Content Marketing Institute Vice President Peter Loibl joins CONCURED as President & Chief Strategy Officer to Spearhead North American Expansion?,,"콘텐츠 마케팅 연구소 부사장 피터 로이블, 북미 확장을 이끌기 위해 CONCURED에 사장 겸 최고 전략 책임자로 합류" 6137,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top Russian, NATO generals to discuss Syria, Europe in Baku - TASS?",,아제르바이잔 바쿠에서 시리아와 유럽에 대해 논의할 러시아 및 NATO 고위 군 관계자들 - 타스 6234,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK asset managers told by watchdog to assess value for money?,,영국 자산 관리자들은 감독당국에 의해 가치를 평가하라는 지시를 받았다. 9465,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update - Afternoon?,,뉴스 업데이트 - 오후 4872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commodities trader Gunvor joins transparency group EITI?,,"상품 거래업체 건보르, 투명성 그룹 EITI에 가입" 7324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook hits record high after earnings?,,"페이스북, 실적 발표 후 사상 최고치 기록" 4687,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China opens iron ore market to the world in pricing, image push?",,"중국, 가격 책정과 이미지 제고를 위해 철광석 시장을 세계에 개방하다." 7718,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trend Micro Again Recognized as a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems?,,"트렌드 마이크로, 침입 탐지 및 방지 시스템에 대한 가트너 매직 쿼런트에서 다시 리더로 인정받다." 8938,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Toyota, Suzuki to supply each other cars in India: Nikkei?",,"토요타, 스즈키가 인도에서 서로 차량을 공급하기로: 다카라이 신문" 326,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Asia stocks edge up, investors cautious on U.S.-China trade talks?",,"아시아 주식이 소폭 상승했지만, 투자자들은 미중 무역 협상에 신중하다." 5758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China stocks turn down as investors brace for countermeasures against US tariffs?,,중국 주식이 하락세를 보이며 투자자들이 미국의 관세에 대한 보복 조치를 대비하고 있다. 4786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 84 patients are top priority for evacuation from Syria's Ghouta - WHO?,,시리아의 굴타에서 84명의 환자가 WHO에 의해 대피의 최우선 순위로 지정됨. 7273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FIH Mobile Sees Group's FY Net Loss At Around $525 Mln Or Below?,,BRIEF-FIH Mobile은 그룹의 FY 순손실이 약 5억 2500만 달러 또는 그 이하가 될 것으로 예상한다고 밝혔습니다. 8472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fake news 'vaccine' teaches you to spot disinformation?,,가짜 뉴스 '백신'이 당신에게 잘못된 정보를 식별하는 방법을 가르쳐줍니다. 84,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cargill reports fiscal 2018 third-quarter results?,,Cargill이 2018 회계연도 3분기 실적을 발표하다. 564,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Glance Technologies Co-founder Penny Green Alerts Shareholders to CEO Desmond Griffin’s Secret Position, Resulting Lawsuit and its Costly Impact?",,"글랜스 테크놀로지스 공동 창립자 페니 그린, CEO 데스몬드 그리핀의 비밀 직위와 그로 인한 소송 및 비용이 큰 영향을 미친다고 주주들에게 알림." 2989,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. investigating Cambridge Analytica - New York Times?,,"미국, 캠브리지 애널리티카 조사 중 - 뉴욕 타임스" 5541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's Erdogan declares early elections on June 24?,,"터키의 에르도안, 6월 24일 조기선거 선언" 5806,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First National Bank of Omaha won't renew NRA contract for Visa card?,,"오마하 제일국립은행, 비자 카드 계약 갱신하지 않기로 결정" 278,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-LPKF announces preliminary figures for Q1 2018?,,"BRIEF-LPKF, 2018년 1분기 예비 수치 발표." 2965,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zamansky LLC Investigates Symantec (SYMC) and its Board of Directors?,,잠잔스키 LLC가 시만텍(SYMC)과 그 이사회를 조사한다. 1752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michigan scrambles to address chemical contaminants in water?,,"미시간주, 수돗물의 화학 오염 물질 문제 해결을 위해 분주하다." 2770,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Icahn, Deason suggest monetizing Xerox assets over Fujifilm merger?",,"아이칸, 디슨, 후지필름 인수합병 대신 제록스 자산 수익화 제안" 9462,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin is 'definitely not dead,' says one analyst?",,비트코인은 '분명히 죽지 않았다'고 한 분석가가 말합니다. 9980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi Arabia Releases Driving Activist After Wave of Arrests?,,"사우디아라비아, 일련의 체포 이후 운전 권리 운동가 석방" 549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analysis: Britain looks to ancient mines for electric future?,,"분석: 영국, 전기 미래를 위해 고대 광산을 주목하다." 75,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A 'line in the sand' on bond yields draws bears and bulls?,,"""채권 수익률에 대한 '모래선'이 곰들과 황소들을 끌어들인다""" 2883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pickens pours in 28 as Stanford tops WSU?,,픽킨스가 28점을 기록하며 스탠포드가 WSU를 이기다. 5531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: City of New Orleans Deploys digiTICKET Electronic Ticketing Solution to Improve Traffic and Municipal Ticketing Processes?,,"뉴올리언스시, 교통 및 시정 티켓 발급 프로세스를 개선하기 위해 digiTICKET 전자 티켓 발급 솔루션 배포" 935,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arista Networks to Announce Q4 and Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Results on Thursday, February 15th?",,"아리스타 네트웍스, 2017년 4분기 및 회계연도 재무 결과를 2월 15일 목요일에 발표할 예정" 968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Theratechnologies To Seek Regulatory Approval Of Trogarzo In Europe?,,브리핑-테라테크놀로지가 유럽에서 트로가르조의 규제 승인을 요청할 계획입니다. 3135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Iraq's North Bank For Finance and Investment FY Loss Narrows?,,BRIEF-이라크의 북부 금융 및 투자 은행 FY 손실 축소 2308,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldcorp Announces Voting Results from Annual Shareholders Meetings?,,"골드코프, 연례 주주총회에서의 투표 결과 발표" 375,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says White House to release letter about Democrats' Russia memo?,,"트럼프, 백악관이 민주당의 러시아 메모에 관한 서신을 공개할 것이라고 말하다." 9218,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rising gas, tortilla prices unnerve Mexicans?",,유가와 또띠아 가격 상승이 멕시코인들을 불안하게 만든다. 2047,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: Force India name change likely by Australia?,,모터 레이싱: 호주까지 포스 인디아 이름 변경 가능성? 7515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil Slips From Seven-Week High?,,오일이 7주 최고치에서 하락하다 7381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Atlantic Coast Financial Corporation’s Fourth Quarter 2017 Net Loss of $0.04 Per Diluted Share Included $0.14 in Charges Related to Tax Act and Pending Merger?,,애틀랜틱 코스트 파이낸셜 코퍼레이션의 2017년 4분기 주당 희석손실은 세법과 예정된 합병과 관련된 $0.14의 비용을 포함하여 $0.04였다. 801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK consumer spending falls in April - Visa?,,"영국 소비자 지출, 4월에 감소 - 비자" 6974,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI raid of Michael Cohen's office sought Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal documents?",,"FBI의 마이클 코언 사무실 급습으로 성관계 거래 문서인 스토미 다니엘스, 카렌 맥두걸 문서가 요청됨" 9467,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Editas Medicine Q4 Loss Per Share $0.84?,,"브리핑 - 에디타스 메디슨, 4분기 주당 손실 $0.84 발표" 8291,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan tells UK on Brexit: If there is no profit, we cannot continue?",,영국의 브렉시트에 대해 일본이 말하기를: 이익이 없다면 우리는 계속할 수 없다. 4376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Olympics-Skeleton-Women's individual overall results?,,UPDATE 1-올림픽-썰매-여성 개인 종합 결과 7811,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Asset Manager Baillie Gifford's Mean Gender Pay Gap 23.3 Pct?,,자산 관리 회사 Baillie Gifford의 평균 성별 임금 격차가 23.3%로 나타남. 4890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela arrests 11 top executives at leading bank Banesco?,,"베네수엘라, 대표 은행 Banesco의 고위 임원 11명 체포" 1991,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: METALS-Aluminium prices extend gains on Rusal sanctions?,,"금속 - 알루미늄 가격, 루살 제재로 상승 지속" 8800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Bank of England governors are too powerful for their own good?,,COLUMN-영국은행 총재들은 그들의 선에 너무 강력하다? 6929,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ric Spiehs Joins CoastalStates Mortgage, A Subsidiary Of CoastalStates Bank, As President & Chief Executive Officer?",,"릭 스피에스, 코스탈스테이트 은행의 자회사인 코스탈스테이트 모기지에 사장 겸 최고 경영자로 합류." 9408,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aurinia Reports Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.18?,,"요약 - 아우리니아, 분기당 주당 손실 $0.18 보고." 3051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Burning Man Founder Larry Harvey Dies at 70?,,버닝맨 창립자 래리 하비가 70세에 사망하다 9268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Technicolor sells its patent licensing business to InterDigital?,,"UPDATE 1-테크니컬러, 특허 라이센스 사업부를 인터디지털에 매각합니다." 7562,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two British hostages in Congo released - Johnson?,,콩고에서 두 명의 영국인 인질이 석방 - 존슨 26,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trader sees an even bigger bitcoin collapse on the way?,,"트레이더, 더 큰 비트코인 붕괴가 올 것으로 예상하다." 3177,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese start-ups are hiring attractive women to ease coders’ stress?,,중국의 스타트업이 코더의 스트레스를 줄이기 위해 매력적인 여성들을 고용하고 있다? 4943,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weinstein Company, President Trump #MeToo: Broadsheet Feb. 12 | Fortune?",,"""이 기사는 'Weinstein Company, President Trump #MeToo: Broadsheet Feb. 12 | Fortune'라는 제목을 가진 뉴스 기사에서 어떤 내용이 포함될 수 있을까요?""" 6303,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Indequity Group Ltd Posts HY HEPS of 30.76 Cents?,,브리프-인디키티 그룹 Ltd가 반기 HEPS 30.76센트를 발표했습니다. 7006,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Shanghai, Australian minister sees limits to tackling irritants in ties?",,상하이에서 호주 장관은 관계의 불만을 해결하는 데 한계를 본다. 8219,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 3M names operating chief Roman as CEO, replaces Thulin?",,3M은 운영 책임자인 로만을 CEO로 임명하고 틸린을 교체했다. 7654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Robotic dog lends a paw at care home for the elderly?,,로봇 개가 노인 요양원에서 도움의 손길을 내밀다. 4533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. national intelligence director says it's 'decision time' on North Korea?,,미국 국가정보국장이 북한에 대해 '결정의 순간'이라고 말한다. 5744,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coast Guard cutter Shackle breaks ice across Boston Harbor?,,코스트 가드 호선 샤클이 보스턴 항구를 가로질러 얼음을 깹니다. 1557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU seeks to join U.S.-China steel dispute at WTO?,,"EU, 미국-중국 철강 분쟁에 WTO에서 참여하려는 움직임" 2788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Dixie Group Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"디키 그룹, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 7347,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bill to end U.S. government shutdown clears key hurdle in Senate?,,"미국 정부 폐쇄를 종료하는 법안, 상원에서 주요 장애물 넘어섰다." 9453,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bollywood singer Mehndi sentenced to two years in jail for human trafficking?,,"볼리우드 가수 메흔디, 인신매매 혐의로 2년 실형 선고 받아" 1525,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southampton could be two wins from safety, says Romeu?",,사우샘프턴은 로메우가 말하길 안전을 위해 두 번의 승리가 필요할 수 있다. 2839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump trade threat looms large as Merkel heads to China?,,트럼프의 무역 위협이 메르켈의 중국 방문을 앞두고 크게 다가온다. 7751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU trade chief expects U.S. import caps even if no tariffs?,,"EU 무역 책임자, 관세 없이도 미국의 수입 한도를 예상한다고 밝혀" 9847,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nude gunman kills four at Nashville Waffle House before hero grabs gun?,,나체 총잡이가 내슈아의 와플하우스에서 네 명을 죽인 뒤 영웅이 총을 집어들다. 6690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia to Britain: Prove your own spies did not poison Skripal?,,러시아가 영국에: 당신의 스파이가 스크리팔을 독살하지 않았다는 것을 증명하라? 5932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Canadian Solar Subsidiary Recurrent Energy Finalizes Sale of California Solar Facility?,,캐나다 태양광 회사 자회사 리커런트 에너지가 캘리포니아 태양광 시설 매각을 최종 확정하다. 8211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-HKEx Filings Show Li Ka-Shing's Long Position In CK Asset Rises To 31.82 Percent?,,"브리핑 - HKEx 제출 자료 보여주기, 리카싱의 CK 자산의 롱 포지션이 31.82%로 증가함." 4120,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bernie’s Book Bank Names New CEO?,,"버니스 북 뱅크, 새로운 CEO 임명" 6610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PPDAI Group Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2017 Unaudited Financial Results?,,"PPDAI 그룹 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 및 회계 연도 감사받지 않은 재무 실적 보고" 6362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Looking for hedges? Consider the SMI?,,실시간 시장 - 헤지를 찾고 계신가요? SMI를 고려해 보세요. 1080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aviat Networks Announces Stock Repurchase Program?,,"브리프 - 아비엣 네트웍스, 자사주 매입 프로그램 발표" 3748,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comcast beats earnings expectations, adding 350,000 high-speed internet customers?",,"콤캐스트, 35만 명의 고속 인터넷 고객을 추가하며 예상치를 웃도는 실적 발표" 7040,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Boyner Perakende To Increase Share Capital To 657.7 Mln Lira 257.7 Mln Lira Through Rights Issues?,,"브리프 - 보이너 페라켄데, 657.7백만 리라로 자본금 증가, 257.7백만 리라는 주주배정 방식으로 조달" 9527,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cushing® Energy Income Fund Announces Monthly Distribution and Continuation of Management Fee Waiver?,,"Cushing® 에너지 수익 기금, 월 배당금 발표 및 관리 수수료 면제 계속 결정" 7243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Adrian Moska Raises His Stake In KP Inkaso WEC To 17.53%?,,브리프 - 아드리안 모스카가 KP 인카소 WEC의 지분을 17.53%로 늘렸다. 5001,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eventually most people will pay for music subscriptions: Sonos CEO?,,결국 대부분의 사람들은 음악 구독료를 지불할 것이다: 소노스 CEO 4294,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kuwait Airways stops Beirut flights after security warning?,,"쿠웨이트 항공, 보안 경고 후 베이루트행 항공편 중단" 8111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Al Wathba National Insurance Board Recommends FY Dividend?,,"알 와트바 국가 보험 위원회, FY 배당금 추천." 58,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FCB Financial Holdings Says CEO's 2017 Compensation Was $9.46 Mln?,,"FCB 파이낸셜 홀딩스, CEO의 2017년 보상이 946만 달러였다고 발표." 950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mueller authorized to probe alleged Manafort collusion with Russia?,,"무겔, 러시아와의 마나포르트 공모 혐의 조사 권한 부여받아" 96,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UAE healthcare provider NMC sees profit jump, eyes more acquisitions?",,"UAE 의료 제공업체 NMC, 이익 증가, 더 많은 인수 추진 계획" 2704,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shell Midstream Partners, L.P. 4th Quarter 2017 Unaudited Results?",,"셸 미드스트림 파트너스, L.P. 2017년 4분기 감사되지 않은 실적 결과" 7579,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China Gaoxian Fibre Fabric Holdings Says Q4 Net Loss RMB10.3 Mln?,,"중국 가오시안 섬유 패브릭 홀딩스, 4분기 순손실 1,030만 위안 발표" 6038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tervita Corporation Announces Pricing of an Offering of Senior Secured Notes by Tervita 2018 Escrow Corporation?,,Tervita Corporation이 Tervita 2018 에스크로 회사의 고급 담보 증권 발행 가격을 발표했습니다. 5897,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-England declare on 352-9, set New Zealand 382 for win?",,"크리켓 - 잉글랜드, 352-9로 선언하며 뉴질랜드에 382 점을 승리 목표로 설정하다." 3896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia c.bank: banking sector's structural liquidity surplus to last?,,러시아 중앙은행: 은행 부문의 구조적 유동성 잉여가 지속될 것이라고 발표 7428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nomura Real Estate Master Fund to acquire properties for 29.82 bln yen and to issue new units?,,"간략하게 - 노무라 부동산 마스터 펀드, 298억 2천만 엔 규모의 자산 인수 및 신규 유닛 발행 예정." 2679,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's foreign minister says 'terrorist groups' likely behind Burkina attack?,,"프랑스 외무장관 ""부르키나 파소 공격 배후에 테러 단체 있을 가능성""" 1192,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Curetis Group Says Ares Genetics Receives Funding Commitment For Euro 1.6 Mln?,,Curetis 그룹은 Ares Genetics가 160만 유로의 자금 지원 약속을 받았다고 발표했습니다. 3633,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-UPDATE 1-Olympics-Cross-country skiing-Swiss Super Dario takes 15km gold?,,수정됨 - 업데이트 1 - 올림픽 - 크로스컨트리 스키 - 스위스의 슈퍼 다리오가 15km 금메달을 차지하다. 8771,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia's embattled Najib questioned by anti-corruption agency?,,"말레이시아의 어려운 상황에 처한 나집, 반부패 기관에 의해 질문을 받다" 8378,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Brazil's Itaú Taps Marino To Head Strategic Latam Board?,,"브리프-브라질의 이타우, 마리노를 전략적 라틴 아메리카 이사회 의장으로 임명" 6475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pico Holdings Q1 Loss Per Share $0.12?,,"피코 홀딩스, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.12 발생" 6457,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WPP's new journey without Sorrell at the helm?,,"""Sorrell 없는 WPP의 새로운 여정""" 8254,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. top court rejects anti-abortion activists' undercover video cases?,,"미국 최고 법원, 반낙태 활동가들의 은밀한 영상 사건 기각" 1178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RWE has no plans to sell stake in power network Amprion?,,RWE는 전력망 Amprion의 지분을 매각할 계획이 없다. 4434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-‍Mapi Pharma Files To Withdraw U.S. IPO Plans – SEC Filing?,,"BRIEF-‍마피 제약, 미국 IPO 계획 철회 신청 – SEC 제출 서류" 5660,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FCB Financial Holdings, Inc. Reports Record First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?",,"FCB 파이낸셜 홀딩스, Inc. 2018년 1분기 기록적인 재무 결과 발표" 7279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Elon Musk's Boring Company raises $112.5 million for hyperloop?,,"엘론 머스크의 보링 컴퍼니, 하이퍼루프를 위한 1억 1천 2백 5십만 달러 모금" 2156,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mnuchin Calls for IMF to Increase Transparency of Surging Chinese Infrastructure Lending?,,"므누신, IMF에 중국의 증가하는 인프라 대출의 투명성 강화를 촉구" 6542,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zombies invade Cannes (don't worry - it's just a movie)?,,좀비가 칸에서 침공하다 (걱정하지 마세요 - 그냥 영화입니다) 4375,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel: Israeli police recommend bribery charges against Netanyahu?,,"이스라엘: 이스라엘 경찰, 네타냐후에 대한 뇌물 혐의 기소를 권고하다" 3125,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BioAmber Announces Underwritten Offering?,,"브리프 - 바이오앰버, 공모주 발행 발표" 6860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UroGen Pharma Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of $0.88?,,"브리프-유로젠 파마, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.88 보고" 6483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Takeda in talks with Shire after $61 billion bid rejected?,,타케다가 610억 달러 인수 제안이 거부된 후 샤이어와의 대화에 나섰다. 3238,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Adam O'Conor Joins Grey As Chairman And CEO Of Grey Group Greater China?,,"아담 오코너, 그레이 그룹 그레이터 차이나의 회장 겸 CEO로 합류" 5557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sue Mahony to Retire as President of Lilly Oncology?,,"수 마호니, 릴리 종양학 부사장 은퇴 예정" 2638,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Orco Property Group Postpones Publication Of Audited Annual Financial Report?,,"오르코 부동산 그룹, 감사된 연간 재무 보고서 발표 연기" 4556,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Salix Yatirim Holding As Appoints Ahmet Kahraman As General Manager‍​?,,"브리프 - Salix Yatirim Holding As, Ahmet Kahraman을 총괄 매니저로 임명하다." 5843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Colombia kidnappers demand prisoner exchange for Ecuadorean reporters?,,콜롬비아 유괴범들이 에콰도르 기자들과의 수감자 교환을 요구하다 1190,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ARC Document Solutions To Report Fourth Quarter And Full Year 2017 Results On Feb 27, 2018?",,"ARC 문서 솔루션, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적을 2018년 2월 27일 발표 예정" 501,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BioMarin Receives Standard Approval for Palynziq™ (pegvaliase-pqpz) Injection for Treatment of Adults with Phenylketonuria (PKU), a Rare Genetic Disease?",,BioMarin이 희귀 유전병인 페닐케톤뇨증(PKU) 치료를 위한 Palynziq™ (pegvaliase-pqpz) 주사제에 대한 표준 승인을 받았습니다. 5559,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spotify operating loss narrows in first quarterly report?,,"스포티파이, 첫 분기 보고서에서 운영 손실 축소" 1363,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Advenis FY Recurring Operating Loss Narrows To 1.9 Million Euros?,,BRIEF-아드베니스 FY 반복 운영 손실이 190만 유로로 축소됨. 1196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WTA Tour Rankings?,,WTA 투어 순위에 대한 뉴스 기사 내용은 어떤 내용을 포함할 수 있을까요? 5836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Great-Sun Foods says 2017 dividend payment?,,브리프-그레이트선 푸드가 2017년 배당금 지급을 발표했습니다. 5790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why It Feels Like Facebook Is Listening Through Your Mic?,,왜 페이스북이 내 마이크를 통해 듣고 있는 것 같은 기분이 드는가? 1122,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple shares soar as investors look past iPhones?,,"""애플 주식, 투자자들이 아이폰을 넘어 전망을 보고 있음에 따라 급등""" 4425,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump tax cuts trickle across America, bringing glee and skepticism?",,트럼프의 세금 감면이 미국 전역에 퍼져 기쁨과 회의론을 불러일으키고 있다. 7690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sensys Gatso Group Gets Order From Qatar?,,"스웨덴의 센시스 가토 그룹, 카타르에서 주문 수주" 6177,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TREASURIES-U.S. yields tumble in line with European bonds on Italy crisis?,,"TREASURIES-미국 국채 수익률, 이탈리아 위기와 함께 유럽 채권과 일치하여 급락" 7060,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MoviePass™ Appoints Maria Stipp, CEO of Lagunitas Brewing Company, To Its Board Of Directors?",,무비패스™가 라구니타스 브루잉 컴퍼니의 CEO 마리아 스 Tipp을 이사회에 임명하다. 5290,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French markets watchdog wants tougher rules for UK firms after Brexit?,,영국 기업에 대한 더 엄격한 규정을 원하고 있는 프랑스 시장 감시당국 4671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iraqi air force destroys Islamic State command center in Syria: State TV?,,"이라크 공군, 시리아에서 이슬람 국가 지휘소 파괴: 국영 TV" 8408,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ecuador says mediation with Britain over Assange has failed?,,"에콰도르, 아사ange에 대한 영국과의 중재가 실패했다고 발표했다." 8034,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nestle says sells Australian chocolate brand Violet Crumble?,,"네슬레, 호주 초콜릿 브랜드 바이올렛 크럼블 매각 발표" 2333,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The GEO Group Announces Tax Treatment of 2017 Dividends?,,"GEO 그룹, 2017 배당금의 세금 처리 발표" 3518,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wynn Resorts says ex-CEO Steve Wynn not entitled to severance pay?,,"윈 리조트, 전 CEO 스티브 윈이 퇴직금 자격이 없다고 밝혀" 5262,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marathon Gold Announces 2017 Financial Results?,,"마라톤 골드, 2017년 재무 결과 발표" 1096,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. airline group says deal reached to fly in Russian airspace?,,"미국 항공사 단체, 러시아 공역 비행 협정 체결 발표" 5554,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: David Simon’s Twin Capital Management Names Michael Horgan as Co-Chief Investment Officer?,,"데이비드 시몬의 트윈 캐피탈 매니지먼트, 마이클 호건을 공동 최고 투자 책임자로 임명" 3814,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-India's Sharp Investments Reappoints Sagarmal Nahata As MD?,,브리핑 - 인도의 샤프 인베스트먼트가 사가르말 나하타를 전무이사로 재임명함. 6314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese warships enter East Indian Ocean amid Maldives tensions?,,중국 전투함이 몰디브 긴장 속 동인도 해역에 진입하다 217,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Serena Williams Won’t Defend Australian Open Title?,,"세레나 윌리엄스, 호주 오픈 타이틀 방어하지 않아" 3465,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prominent Russian businessmen on new U.S. sanctions list?,,저명한 러시아 사업가들이 새로운 미국 제재 명단에 올랐다? 5653,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Saudi's United Electronics Q1 Profit Rises?,,"간단히 말해, 사우디의 유나이티드 일렉트로닉스 1분기 이익 증가" 5529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Southwest Securities Says Q1 Net Profit Up 996.3 Percent Y/Y?,,"브리프 - 사우스웨스트 증권, 1분기 순이익 996.3% 증가 발표" 6775,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Digia Q1 Net Sales EUR 26.9 Million?,,BRIEF-Digia 1분기 순매출 2690만 유로 1435,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Qualcomm, Broadcom hold talks over revised $121 bln bid?",,"퀄컴, 브로드컴, 수정된 1210억 달러 인수 제안에 대해 논의하다." 849,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DNB elects Olaug Svarva as its new chairman?,,BRIEF-DNB는 올라우그 스바르바를 새로운 의장으로 선출했다. 766,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WRAPUP 2-Facebook under pressure as EU, U.S. urge probes of data practices?",,"WRAPUP 2-페이스북, EU와 미국이 데이터 관행 조사 촉구하며 압박받다." 5211,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VIDEO: TGR Financial, CEO & President, Featured in OTCQX Video Series?",,"VIDEO: TGR Financial, CEO & President, OTCQX 비디오 시리즈에 출연" 7915,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Initial jobless claims up 11K to 261,000, PPI down 0.1%?",,"초기 실업 수당 청구가 11,000건 증가하여 261,000건에 이르렀고, 생산자 물가 지수(PPI)가 0.1% 하락했다." 2275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks deal gives Nestle more punch in fight with JAB?,,스타벅스 거래로 네슬레가 JAB와의 경쟁에서 더 강력해진다. 8161,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-UPDATE 4-Compass Group chief, five others killed in Sydney seaplane crash?",,RPT-업데이트 4-시드니 수상 비행기 사고로 컴퍼스 그룹 CEO 및 다른 5명 사망 9963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EZCORP Reports Q2 Earnings Per Share $0.21?,,"브리프-이지코프, 2분기 주당순이익 $0.21 보고" 3839,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Film about East German workers highlights united Germany's persisting divisions?,,동독 노동자들에 대한 영화는 통일 독일의 지속적인 분열을 강조한다. 8441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The 10-Point.?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""The 10-Point""의 내용은 무엇일 수 있나요?" 5082,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela opposition candidate's aide hit, suffers 'severe' head injury?",,베네수엘라 야당 후보 보좌관이 공격당해 '심각한' 머리 부상을 입다 8281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan chastises Nobel laureate-led research team after data fabrication?,,"일본, 데이터 조작 후 노벨상 수상자가 이끄는 연구팀을 질책하다" 8760,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Astros cut suspended Singleton, former No. 1 Houston prospect?",,"애스트로스, 자격 정지된 싱글턴 방출 - 전 휴스턴 1위 유망주" 4616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany’s Merck Breaks Down Currency Impact?,,"독일 머크, 통화 영향 분석한다." 8250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-R&I affirms Hachijuni Bank's rating at A+ and announces outlook changes to negative -R&I?,,BRIEF-R&I가 하치주니 은행의 신용 등급을 A+로 유지하며 전망을 부정적으로 변경한다고 발표함. -R&I 6117,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: The win helps, but Ricciardo wants more from Red Bull?",,"모터 레이싱: 승리는 도움이 되지만, 리카르도는 레드불에서 더 많은 것을 원한다." 7154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jinling Pharmaceutical obtains 65 pct stake in social welfare firm?,,"브리프-진링 제약, 사회 복지 기업 65% 지분 인수" 4797,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-YHI International Says FY ‍Sales S$442.9 Million?,,"브리프-YHI 인터내셔널, FY 매출 S$442.9 백만 달러 보고." 4928,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korean orchestra serenades South Koreans amid protest?,,"북한 관현악단, 시위 중인 남한 국민들에게 세레나데 공연" 3836,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Apt Systems Inc's Glenda Dowie Provides Update?,,BRIEF-Apt Systems Inc의 글렌다 다우이가 업데이트를 제공했다. 7388,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Morgan Stanley raises Oracle price target to $57?,,"모건 스탠리, 오라클 목표 주가를 57달러로 인상" 3498,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Nothing But You and the Cows and the Sirens’ — Crime Tests Small-Town Sheriffs?,,"‘너와 소들, 그리고 사이렌뿐’ — 범죄가 소규모 마을 보안관을 시험한다." 966,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's Qantas will let one Boeing 787 option lapse, undecided on others -CEO?",,"호주 항공사 Qantas, 보잉 787 옵션 1개 포기할 예정, 다른 옵션에 대해서는 미정 - CEO" 6885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: What’s News: World-Wide?,,뉴스: 세계 연합 소식 9949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Array melanoma drugs show significant survival vs Roche drug in study?,,아레이라는 멜라노마 약물이 연구에서 로슈 약물에 비해 유의미한 생존율을 보여주다? 7980,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Speculators' net short U.S. dollar bets at highest since 2011 -CFTC, | Reuters?",,"2011년 이후 가장 높은 미국 달러 숏 베팅 비율 - CFTC, | 로이터" 4421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Foster Electric to set up trading unit in Hong Kong?,,브리프-포스터 전기가 홍콩에 거래 단위를 설립할 계획이다. 4951,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippine judges, court employees call on top justice to resign?",,필리핀 판사 및 법원 직원들이 최고 사법부에 사퇴를 촉구하다. 3949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mainstreet Equity Q1 FFO Per Share C$0.72?,,"메인스트리트 에쿼티, 1분기 주당 FFO C$0.72 발표" 6529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Stelco Holdings And Bedrock Industries B.V. Announce Secondary Bought Deal Equity Offering?,,브리프 - 스텔코 홀딩스와 베드락 인더스트리스 B.V.가 2차 공모 주식 매각을 발표하다. 4341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why being modest in an interview could tank your chance of being hired?,,면접에서 겸손하게 행동하는 것이 당신의 채용 기회를 망칠 수 있는 이유는? 4428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Siemens lifts full year profit guidance after one-off gain?,,"지멘스, 일회성 이익으로 연간 이익 전망 상향 조정" 6092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Romney to kick off Senate bid in Utah?,,"로미니, 유타주 상원 출마 시작하다" 9236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain interested in joining Trans-Pacific trade deal after Brexit: FT?,,"브렉시트 이후 영국, 범태평양 통상 협정 가입에 관심: FT" 1068,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China to cut import tariff on autos to 15% from 25% - MarketWatch?,,"중국, 자동차 수입 관세 25%에서 15%로 인하 - 마켓워치" 6971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gladstone Land Announces Pricing Of Common Stock Offering?,,"브리프-글래드스톤 랜드, 보통주 공모 가격 발표" 1439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Park Electrochemical Corp. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year Results?,,"파크 일렉트로케미컬 주식회사, 4분기 및 회계연도 실적 발표" 4689,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Famed French fashion designer Givenchy dies at 91?,,"유명한 프랑스 패션 디자이너 지벤시, 91세로 사망" 8863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gree Real Estate says change of accounting policy?,,"브리프 - 그리 부동산, 회계 정책 변경을 발표하다." 7231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microsoft reports loss on tax charge?,,"마이크로소프트, 세금 부담으로 손실 보고" 8641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Proof That Multi-Billion Tech IPOs Aren’t Just for the U.S.?,,다국적 기술 기업의 수십억 달러 기업 공개가 미국만의 전유물이 아님을 입증하는 증거? 3848,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil markets: Brent, WTI fall on strong US dollar, jobs report?",,"유가 시장: 브렌트, WTI는 강한 미국 달러와 고용 보고서로 하락하다." 8768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The 10-Point.?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""The 10-Point.""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 9721,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Broward Health Names New Vice President of Human Resources?,,"브로워드 헬스, 인사 담당 부사장 임명" 6486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RBS finance chief in surprise exit ahead of British stake sale?,,"RBS 재무 책임자, 영국 지분 매각 앞두고 깜짝 퇴임" 921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - Xi’s open-ended rule bodes ill for governance?,,브레이킹뷰 - 시진핑의 무기한 통치는 통치에 해로운 신호를 보인다? 3103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Halcon Resources Announces Closing Of The West Quito Draw Acquisition?,,"브리프 - 할콘 자원, 웨스트 키토 드로우 인수 종료 발표" 2602,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UBS CFO: 2 bln Sfr a 'starting point' for share buyback programme?,,UBS CFO: 20억 스위스 프랑은 자사주 매입 프로그램의 '출발점'이라는 내용의 기사일 수 있다. 7201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ex-Georgian leader Saakashvili 'kidnapped' in Kiev: his Facebook page?,,키예프에서 '납치'된 전 조지아 지도자 사카슈빌리: 그의 페이스북 페이지? 3200,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rosetta Stone to Report and Full Year Financial on March 7?,,"로제타 스톤, 3월 7일 연간 실적 보고서 발표 예정" 3689,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-NN, Inc. Reports Q1 Adjusted Earnings Per Share $0.32?",,"BRIEF-NN, Inc.가 1분기 조정 주당순이익 $0.32를 보고했습니다." 7007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italian bond futures jump in early trade?,,이탈리아 국채 선물이 초반 거래에서 급등하다. 5539,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed raises rates, signals confidence in strengthening economy?",,"연준, 금리 인상 및 경제 강화에 대한 신뢰 신호" 4354,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 23andMe took years building a direct-to-consumer health business?,,23andMe는 수년간 직접 소비자 건강 비즈니스를 구축하는 데 노력했다. 4326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: McDonald's downgraded because last year's sales success is not the 'norm'?,,"맥도날드, 작년 판매 성공이 '정상'이 아니라는 이유로 다운그레이드 되다." 8314,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Stocks reboot after tech problems, Q1 losses loom?",,"글로벌 시장 - 기술 문제 후 주식 재부팅, 1분기 손실이 임박하다?" 2235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Morning Risk Report: Clean Water Act Cases Companies Should Monitor?,,모닝 리스크 보고서: 기업들이 주의해야 할 청정수법 관련 사건들 6164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A Broadway Show By the Numbers?,,브로드웨이 쇼 숫자로 말하다 1793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How legal sports betting affects major pro leagues?,,합법적인 스포츠 베팅이 주요 프로 리그에 미치는 영향 6927,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesian minister urged to stop destroying illegal fishing boats?,,불법 어선 파괴 중단을 촉구받는 인도네시아 장관 1529,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Where John Bolton stands on Iran nuke deal, North Korea, Russia?",,"존 볼턴이 이란 핵 거래, 북한, 러시아에 대해 어떤 입장을 가지고 있는지에 대한 기사 내용은 무엇일까요?" 8275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's lower house greenlights security intervention in Rio?,,브라질 하원이 리우에서의 안전 개입을 승인하다 5545,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Join-Share Financing Guarantee Investment Co Updates On Proposed Placing?,,"BRIEF-광둥 조인셰어 금융 보증 투자 회사, 제안된 자산 매각 업데이트" 1493,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Culture Trip Raises $80 Million In Series B Funding Round?,,브리프 - 컬처 트립이 시리즈 B 자금 조달 라운드에서 8천만 달러를 모집했습니다. 132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK counter-terrorism police investigate Russian ex-spy's mystery illness?,,"영국 테러 대응 경찰, 러시아 전 스파이의 불가사의한 병을 조사하다." 5506,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guangdong Wens Foodstuff To Invest 180 Mln Yuan In Hog Breeding Project?,,"브리프 - 광둥 원스 푸드스톡, 1억 8천만 위안 규모의 돈육 사육 프로젝트에 투자할 예정" 6597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Armada Hoffler Properties Announces Income Tax Treatment of its 2017 Dividend Distributions?,,"아마다 호플러 프로퍼티즈, 2017년 배당금 분배에 대한 소득세 처리 발표" 5641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stereotaxis Reports Preliminary Fourth Quarter 2017 Revenue Results?,,"Stereotaxis, 2017년 4분기 매출 결과 예비 보고" 5077,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford Veteran Jim Benintende Named AutoAlert Chief Operations Officer?,,포드 베테랑 짐 베닌텐드가 오토알럿 최고 운영 책임자로 임명되다. 57,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: $30,000 rumor? Tabloid paid for, spiked, salacious Trump tip?",,"$30,000 루머? 타블로이드가 지불하고 스팸한 음탕한 트럼프 정보?" 3164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook shares slip after News Feed overhaul?,,"페이스북 주가, 뉴스 피드 개편 후 하락" 5075,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Henry Schein Says CEO Stanley Bergman's FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $7.2 Mln VS $12.6 Mln In FY 2016?,,"브리프 - 헨리 씬은 CEO 스탠리 버그만의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 720만 달러였으며, 2016 회계연도에는 1260만 달러였다고 발표했다." 128,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Larry Kudlow: Market still suffering from trade war jitters?,,래리 커들로: 시장은 여전히 무역 전쟁 불안감에 시달리고 있다. 6449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Geely chief amasses $9 billion stake in Germany's Daimler?,,"지리 회장, 독일 다임러에서 90억 달러 지분 확보" 4956,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI chief says agency 'deeply concerned' about any company like China's ZTE?,,"FBI 국장이 ""중국의 ZTE와 같은 어떤 회사에 대해서도 심각하게 우려하고 있다""고 말했습니다." 9239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shuei Yobiko to sell Kanagawa-based property?,,"간단히 - 슈에이 요비코, 가나가와 소재의 부동산을 판매할 예정." 2106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This Stanford neurosurgeon’s promotion just made history—here’s why it’s a big deal for STEM?,,스탠퍼드 신경외과 의사의 승진이 역사적인 의미를 갖는 이유—STEM 분야에 왜 큰 의미가 있는지 알아보자. 1654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Audentes Therapeutics Announces the Closing of its Public Offering and Full Exercise of the Underwriters' Option to Purchase Additional Shares?,,"오르덴스 테라퓨틱스, 공모 종료 및 인수인의 추가 주식 매입 옵션 전량 행사 발표" 2810,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Private equity firm Kimmeridge Energy boosts Carrizo stake, urges asset sales?",,사모펀드 회사 키머리지 에너지가 카리조 지분을 늘리고 자산 매각을 촉구하다. 4392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tekla World Healthcare Fund Declares Monthly Cash Distribution?,,"테클라 월드 헬스케어 펀드, 월간 현금 배당금 발표" 8149,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After being taken to hospital, Netanyahu tweets: 'I am on my way home.'?",,"병원에 이송된 네타냐후, '집으로 가는 중'이라고 트윗하다." 7558,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung C&T picks Bain as preferred bidder for Hanwha General Chemical stake?,,"삼성 C&T, 한화종합화학 지분 매각 위해 베인사 선호 입찰자로 선정" 9582,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SID Limited Adds Blockchain Powerhouse David Drake to Advisory Board?,,"SID 리미티드, 블록체인 강자 데이비드 드레이크를 자문 위원회에 추가하다." 8555,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Notifies Shareholders of LJM Funds Management Ltd. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 10, 2018 – LJMIX?",,"주주 알림: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP가 LJM Funds Management Ltd.의 주주들에게 2018년 4월 10일의 주요 원고 마감일과 함께 집단 소송 통지를 합니다 – LJMIX?" 7024,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Betacom Signs Investment Agreement, buys 51% Of Edventure Research Lab?",,"브리프 - 베타콤, 투자 계약 체결 및 에드벤처 리서치 랩 51% 인수" 1434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Avaya Acquires Spoken Communications?,,"브리프-아바야, 스포큰 커뮤니케이션즈 인수" 157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shankara Building Products To Consider Re-appointment Of Sukumar Srinivas As MD?,,"브리프 - 샹카라 빌딩 제품, 수쿠마르 스리니바스의 전무 이사 재임명 여부를 고려할 예정입니다." 9366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea's U.S. prisoners may have been moved?,,북한의 미국인 포로들이 이동됐을 수 있다. 7430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senkron Guvenlik FY 2017 Net Loss Shrinks To 3.4 Mln Lira?,,센크론 안전 FY 2017 순손실이 340만 리라로 감소하다. 6708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Morguard North American Qtrly FFO Per Unit $0.28?,,브리프 - Morguard 북미 분기 FFO 유닛당 $0.28 9810,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tengizchevroil to double LPG export through Taman port in 2018 - traders?,,"탱기즈체르로일, 2018년 타만 항을 통해 LPG 수출량 두 배로 늘린다 - 상인들" 8629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK shop prices show biggest fall since January 2017 - BRC?,,영국 상점 가격이 2017년 1월 이후 가장 큰 하락세를 보이다 - BRC 3918,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ken Poliziani named PGIM’s chief marketing officer, to lead global brand growth?",,"켄 폴리지아니, PGIM의 최고 마케팅 책임자로 임명되어 글로벌 브랜드 성장 주도" 4755,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Silvercorp to Announce Year-End for Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2018 on May 24?",,"실버콥, 2018년 3월 31일 종료 회계연도 연말 발표를 5월 24일에 진행 예정" 9176,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Lavrov says discussed MH17 by phone with Dutch counterpart: TASS?,,"러시아의 라브로프, 전화로 네덜란드 상대와 MH17 논의했다고 TASS 보도" 9127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York City loft-dweller fined $185K for tourist rentals?,,"뉴욕시 아파트 거주자, 관광객 임대료로 18만 5천 달러 벌금 부과" 7550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brunei ruler replaces top ministers in surprise cabinet reshuffle?,,"브루나이 군주, 깜짝 내각 개편으로 주요 장관 교체" 1334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. charges former Barclays forex trader with fraud?,,"미국, 전 바클레이스 외환 트레이더를 사기로 기소하다" 7392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Latest: Spotify's market value hovers at around $29B?,,최신 뉴스: 스포티파이의 시장 가치는 약 290억 달러에서 머물고 있습니다. 2557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IMF must better police external imbalances: Treasury's Mnuchin?,,IMF는 외부 불균형을 더 잘 감시해야 한다: 재무장관의 므누신 5274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Serena takes on Barty in French Open second round?,,"세레나, 프랑스 오픈 2회전에서 바티와 맞붙다." 7921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congo investigating reports opposition leader had Italian citizenship?,,"콩고, 야당 지도자가 이탈리아 국적을 가졌다는 보도 조사 중" 6883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump: Proud to nominate Mike Pompeo at State Department?,,트럼프: 국무부에 마이크 폼페오를 지명하게 되어 자랑스럽다. 5042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK parliament will not be able to overturn EU referendum - David Davis?,,영국 의회는 EU 국민투표를 뒤집을 수 없다고 데이비드 데이비스가 말했습니다. 5472,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fifteen people hospitalized in Sydney train crash?,,시드니 기차 사고로 15명이 병원에 이송됐다. 1241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Three still missing in California's deadly mudslides?,,캘리포니아의 치명적인 진흙사면에서 세 사람이 여전히 실종됨 9657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Shunxin Agriculture Sees Q1 Net Profit Up 50-100 Percent Y/Y?,,"브리프-베이징 순신 농업, 1분기 순이익 50-100% 증가 예상" 5512,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Everton's injured Mangala faces 'long-term' absence?,,에버튼의 부상당한 망갈라는 '장기적' 결석에 직면해 있다. 496,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taking a knee: NFL owners debate anthem policy?,,무릎 꿇기: NFL 구단주들이 국가대표 찬가 정책에 대해 논의하다? 1778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marlin & Associates Expands NYC Office with addition of Anup Agarwal as Senior Managing Director?,,"마를린 앤 어소시에이츠, 아눕 아가르왈을 수석 전무로 추가하며 NYC 사무소 확장" 2743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CLEAResult Enters Agreement to Acquire Ecova’s Utility Division?,,"CLEAResult, Ecova의 유틸리티 부문 인수 계약 체결" 5596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: Who's who at the top of Cuba’s new government?,,사실 박스: 쿠바 새 정부의 최고직 인물들은 누구인가? 6920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-First Majestic Prices Offering Of Convertible Senior Notes?,,"BRIEF-퍼스트 마제스틱, 전환 후순위 채권의 제공 가격 책정" 7922,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ECB takes Latvia to court, wants central bank chief's powers back?",,"ECB가 라트비아를 법정에 소송, 중앙은행 총재의 권한 복구를 원하다." 7549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twitter developing Snapchat-style tool for video sharing: Bloomberg?,,"트위터, 스냅챗 스타일의 동영상 공유 도구 개발 중: 블룸버그" 5033,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela reopens air, sea links to Caribbean islands?",,"베네수엘라, 카리브 해 섬들로의 공항 및 해상 연결 재개" 9207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hanwha Q CELLS Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?,,"한화 Q CELLS, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표" 450,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices rise on concerns over supply disruptions, but surging US output looms?",,"유가가 공급 차질 우려로 상승하지만, 급증하는 미국 생산이 위협으로 다가온다." 5055,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hong Kong stocks end higher on services, energy firms?",,"홍콩 증시, 서비스 및 에너지 기업의 영향으로 상승 마감" 4362,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MOVES-Alternative Investment names new partners as it approaches merger?,,"MOVES-Alternative Investment, 합병을 앞두고 새로운 파트너를 발표하다." 2220,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google Memo Writer James Damore Sues Company | Fortune?,,"구글 메모 작성자 제임스 다모어, 회사를 상대로 소송 제기 | 포ortun" 2655,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Valero Energy profit beats on higher refining margins?,,"업데이트 2 - 발레로 에너지, 더 높은 정제 마진으로 이익 초과 달성" 5218,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. weighing emergency laws to prevent Chinese takeovers- Bbg?,,"미국, 중국 인수 방지를 위한 비상 법률 검토- Bbg" 6190,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against AT&T Merger Has Been a Slog?,,AT&T 합병에 대한 DOJ의 반독점 소송이 지연되고 있다? 8592,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: The IOC, WADA, CAS and the Russian doping story explained?",,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""Factbox: The IOC, WADA, CAS and the Russian doping story explained""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: IOC(국제 올림픽 위원회), WADA(세계 반 doping 기구), CAS(스포츠 중재 재판소)와 러시아의 도핑 사건에 대한 설명과 관련된 기본 정보를 정리한 것이다. 이 기사는 각 기관의 역할, 러시아의 도핑 스캔들의 배경, 사건의 주요 전개 및 결과를 다룰 수 있다. 의역 없이 번역하자면 ""사실상: IOC, WADA, CAS와 러시아 도핑 이야기가 설명된 내용""입니다." 4649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St higher as energy stocks gain on oil rally?,,미국 주식 - 에너지 주식이 유가 급등으로 상승하면서 월스트리트 상승 2063,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Frenchman sends his Trump cartoons to White House?,,프랑스인이 자신의 트럼프 만화를 백악관으로 보냈다. 3714,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kim Jong Un’s Visit to Beijing?,,김정은의 베이징 방문 관련 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요? 7195,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Preparing and Protecting Vulnerable Clients?,,취약한 고객을 준비하고 보호하기 3349,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suspected Russian jets kill at least 20 civilians near Syrian capital: residents?,,"suspected Russian jets kill at least 20 civilians near Syrian capital: residents라는 헤드라인의 뉴스 기사 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다. 시리아 수도 근처에서 발생한 공습이 적어도 20명의 민간인을 사망하게 한 것으로 보이며, 주민들은 이 공격에 러시아 전투기가 관여했다고 주장하고 있습니다. 이번 공습은 주말 동안 발생했으며, 몇몇 주민들은 공격으로 인해 많은 인명 피해가 발생했다고 전했습니다. 이들 항공기는 반군이 점령하고 있는 지역을 표적 삼아 공습을 가했을 가능성이 제기되며, 해당 지역에서는 인도적 위기가 심화되고 있는 상황입니다. 사건의 진위를 확인하기 위한 조사가 진행 중이며, 관련 당국과 국제 사회는 이 공격에 대한 감시를 강화하고 있습니다. 이 기사는 민간인 사상자 수, 피해 지역, 공격의 배경 및 국제 사회의 반응 등에 대해 상세히 다루고 있을 것입니다. 위의 내용은 실제 기사와는 무관하며, 예시로 작성된 것입니다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역할 경우: ""추정되는 러시아 전투기가 시리아 수도 근처에서 최소 20명의 민간인을 살해했다: 주민들""" 7503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews TV: Takeda’s test?,,브레이킹뷰스 TV: 다케다의 테스트? 4777,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Swiss duty-free retailer Dufry makes solid start to 2018?,,"UPDATE 1-스위스 면세 소매업체 두프리, 2018년 순조로운 시작을 알리다" 6761,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Puerto Ricans flee to Florida, struggle to find housing?",,푸에르토리코인이 플로리다로 도망쳐 주택 찾기에 어려움을 겪다 8245,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alpha Trust To Pay Dividend Amounting To EUR 300.852 Which Corresponds To EUR 0.75 Per Share?,,"간략히 - 알파 트러스트, 주당 0.75 유로에 해당하는 300,852 유로의 배당금 지급 결정." 6057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia urges Southeast Asian economies to bargain together on TPP?,,"인도네시아, 동남아 경제들에 TPP에서 함께 협상할 것을 촉구" 985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook bans far-right group Britain First for inciting hatred?,,Facebook은 증오를 조장한 이유로 극우 단체 브리튼 퍼스트를 금지합니다. 6968,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sfinks Polska Q1 Net Loss Narrows To 1.5 Million Zlotys?,,"브리프 - Sfinks Polska, 1분기 순손실 150만 즈워티로 감소" 7044,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southern Power chairman, president CEO Joseph ""Buzz"" Miller announces retirement, effective April 1?",,"남부전력 회장 겸 사장인 CEO 조셉 ""버즈"" 밀러가 4월 1일부로 은퇴한다고 발표했습니다." 7900,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ryanair's UK pilot union threatens strike action over promotion system?,,"라이언에어의 영국 조종사 노조, 승진 시스템 문제로 파업 경고" 8001,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Landslide pushes Colombian bus into ravine, killing at least 13?",,산사태로 콜롬비아 버스가 협곡으로 밀려 떨어져 최소 13명이 사망했습니다. 2208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Agilent Technologies Q2 GAAP Earnings Per Share $0.63?,,"간단히 - 아질런트 테크놀로지스, 2분기 GAAP 주당순이익 0.63달러 발표." 3995,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In Brexit appeal, Britain's May calls on Commonwealth to boost trade?",,브렉시트 항소에서 영국의 메이는 영연방에 무역 촉진을 촉구한다. 6111,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Levi's is using lasers to make jeans look distressed?,,리바이스가 레이저를 사용하여 청바지를 오래된 모습으로 만드는 방법을 소개합니다. 2083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Skywest Reports Combined April 2018 Traffic For Skywest Airlines And Expressjet Airlines?,,"브리프 - 스카이웨스트, 스카이웨스트 항공과 익스프레스젯 항공의 2018년 4월 통합 교통량 보고" 7193,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Carriage Services Announces Pricing Of Senior Notes Offering?,,"BRIEF-캐리지 서비스, 시니어 노트 공모 가격 발표" 1617,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran slams U.S. sanctions push?,,"이란, 미국의 제재 추진을 비난하다" 424,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CDs and Vinyl Outsold Digital Downloads Last Year | Fortune?,,작년 CDs와 바이닐이 디지털 다운로드를 초과 판매했다 | 포천 7731,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motorcycling-Rossi to race on into his 40s after signing new deal?,,"모터사이클 - 로시, 새로운 계약 체결 후 40대에도 계속 레이스를 한다." 6508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Green Plains Partners Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"그린 플레인 파트너스, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 보고" 6292,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Green Organic Dutchman: Largest Cannabis IPO To Date -- CFN Media?,,그린 오가닉 더치맨: 지금까지의 최대 대마초 IPO -- CFN 미디어? 9440,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vans shoes maker VF's quarterly revenue top estimates?,,바이퀘스트(FV) 분기 매출이 전망치를 초과하다. 2339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This Singapore restaurant firm is bringing dumplings to London?,,싱가포르의 이 레스토랑 기업이 런던에 만두를 가져온다? 6477,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin is back below $9K, but one trader sees a rally ahead?",,"비트코인이 9천 달러 이하로 다시 떨어졌지만, 한 트레이더는 상승세를 기대하고 있다." 1373,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's 'sontaku' clouds where the buck stops in school scandal?,,"일본의 '손타쿠', 학교 스캔들에서 책임 소재가 불명확해지다" 817,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China says it does not want a trade war with U.S.?,,"중국, 미국과의 무역전쟁을 원하지 않는다고 밝혀" 2059,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey - Factors to Watch on March 12?,,터키 - 3월 12일 주목해야 할 요소들 8319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Children's Place Announces License Agreement With Zhejiang Semir Garment?,,"브리프 - Children's Place, Zhejiang Semir Garment와 라이센스 계약 체결 발표" 7140,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macy's shares surge on strong sales?,,"메이시스 주식, 강력한 판매 실적에 힘입어 급등" 5834,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Five Iranian security officers killed at Sufi protest in Tehran?,,테헤란의 수피 시위에서 5명의 이란 안전 요원이 사망하다. 2273,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why WPP Is Better Off Without Martin Sorrell - WSJ?,,마틴 소렐 없이 WPP가 더 나은 이유 - WSJ 1578,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Splendid Medien FY Net Loss Of EUR 3.9 Mln?,,스플렌디드 미디어 FY 순손실 390만 유로 발생 7190,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Scraps Asset Restructuring, Share Trade To Resume?",,"절강완펑 자동차 휠, 자산 재구성 철회, 주식 거래 재개" 3007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Denali Therapeutics Announces First-In-Human Dosing Of Its RIPK1 Inhibitor Clinical Program And The Appointment Of Peter Klein To Board Of Directors; Reports Fourth Quarter And Full Year 2017 Financial Results And Business Highlights?,,"데날리 테라퓨틱스, RIPK1 억제제 임상 프로그램의 첫 사람 대상 투여 및 피터 클라인 이사회의 임명 발표; 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 및 사업 하이라이트 보고" 6506,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Verscend to Acquire Commercial Health Insurance Payer Products from General Dynamics Information Technology?,,Verscend가 제너럴 다이나믹스 정보 기술로부터 상업 건강 보험 지급자 제품을 인수하기로 하다. 4925,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street veterans forecast more pain to come?,,월스트리트 베테랑들은 앞으로 더 많은 고통이 올 것이라고 예측한다. 6540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why there are no real winners in a trade war?,,무역 전쟁에서 진정한 승자가 없는 이유는 무엇인가? 2618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ortivus Appoints Nils Bernhard As New Chairman?,,"브리프-오르티부스, 닐스 베른하르트를 새로운 회장으로 임명" 59,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Daseke Inc - Announced Formation Of Daseke Fleet Services?,,BRIEF-Daseke Inc - Daseke Fleet Services의 설립 발표 9317,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pope baptises Italy 'migrant hero' at Easter Eve service?,,"교황, 부활절 예배에서 이탈리아 '이민자 영웅' 세례 주다" 7735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazilians rush to get yellow fever vaccinations amid fatal cases?,,브라질인들이 치명적인 사례가 발생함에 따라 황열 백신 접종을 받기 위해 몰려들고 있다. 8719,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's 5-Star pushes for German-style pact with League or PD?,,"이탈리아의 5성당, 리그 또는 PD와 독일식 협정 추진" 4771,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia central bank maps steady rate path, wary on mortgage debt?",,"호주 중앙은행, 주택담보대출에 대한 경계 속에서 안정적인 금리 경로를 모색하다." 5535,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: My Greatest Influence: Advice from Extremely Successful People?,,내 greatest 영향: 매우 성공적인 사람들의 조언 1515,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Space tourism is big business: Wilbur Ross?,,우주 관광은 큰 사업이다: 윌버 로스? 8461,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kinepolis FY 2017 Profit Increased By 3.0% To EUR 49.1 Million?,,"Kinepolis 2017 회계연도 순익이 3.0% 증가하여 4,910만 유로에 달함." 9049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia spy agency takes possession of secret files left at second-hand shop?,,"호주 정보 기관, 중고 가게에 버려진 비밀 문서 확보" 7818,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Q2 Holdings Announces Pricing Of Private Offering Of $200 Mln Of Convertible Senior Notes?,,"BRIEF-Q2 홀딩스, 2억 달러 규모의 전환 사채 사모 발행 가격 발표." 7876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Working Again?,,다시 일하는 중인가? 2882,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DDR Corp. Announces Tax Allocations of 2017 Dividend Distributions?,,DDR Corp.는 2017년 배당금 분배에 대한 세금 Allocations을 발표합니다. 1553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motorcycle taxi drivers protest low online tariffs?,,오토바이 택시 기사들이 저조한 온라인 요금에 항의하다 9385,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Associated Banc-Corp Announces Increase in Common Stock Dividend?,,"Associated Banc-Corp, 보통주 배당금 인상 발표" 7391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dropbox Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering?,,"드롭박스, 상장 공모 가격 발표" 3768,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Young Colombians file landmark climate lawsuit?,,젊은 콜롬비아인들이 획기적인 기후 소송을 제기하다. 5068,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boxing: Alvarez, Ogawa banned for six months for failed drug tests?",,"복싱: Alvarez, Ogawa가 약물 검사 실패로 6개월 동안 출전 금지 처분을 받다." 4592,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nephew of late Junior Seau trying out for Giants?,,고(故) 주니어 시아우의 조카가 자이언츠에서 트라이아웃을 본다? 1894,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 5-Huawei's AT&T U.S. smartphone deal collapses?,,UPDATE 5-화웨이의 AT&T 미국 스마트폰 거래 무산 4608,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Munich Re raises 2018 profit forecast, plans share buyback?",,"뮌헨 재보험, 2018년 이익 전망 상향 조정 및 자사주 매입 계획 발표" 7148,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany wants to develop ESM into EU monetary fund - coalition blueprint?,,"독일, ESM을 EU 통화 기금으로 발전시키고자 - 연정 청사진" 6549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NBC says Hoda Kotb to replace Lauer as 'Today' co-anchor?,,NBC는 호다 코트비가 '투데이' 공동 진행자으로 라우어를 대체한다고 전했습니다. 5676,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's what happens if you don't pay your taxes?,,세금을 납부하지 않으면 어떤 일이 발생하는지 알아보세요. 1864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This economist sees China growth at 6.4% in 2018?,,이 경제학자는 2018년 중국의 성장률을 6.4%로 보고 있다. 1338,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lindor dominates to lead Indians over Royals, 6-2?",,"린도어, 인디언스 6-2로 로열스를 이끌며 맹활약" 5989,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Horse racing: Native River wins Cheltenham Gold Cup duel?,,"경마: 네이티브 리버, 첼tenham 골드컵 대결에서 승리" 8732,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BP chief sees shale, OPEC cooling oil markets?",,BP CEO는 셰일과 OPEC이 석유 시장을 진정시키고 있다고 봅니다. 888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weinstein surrenders in sexual misconduct case?,,웨인스타인이 성추행 사건에서 자수하다 3430,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sony Posts Record Operating Profit?,,"소니, 역대 최대 운영 이익 발표" 6779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-HLB signs contract worth 2.83 bln won?,,"브리프 - HLB, 2.83억 원 규모의 계약 체결" 8816,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling trims early gains as caution sets in?,,"""스터링, 조심스러움이 감돌며 초반 상승폭 축소""" 6364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORT SAYS RUSSIAN BOBSLEDDER NADEZHDA SERGEEVA GUILTY OF ANTI-DOPING VIOLATION?,,"스포츠 중재 재판소, 러시아 봅슬레이 선수 나데즈다 세르게에바가 반도핑 규정 위반으로 유죄 판결 받았다고 발표." 1852,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Devro Says Appoints ‍Jackie Callaway As CFO?,,"Devro, 잭키 캘러웨이를 CFO로 임명했다고 발표하다." 6975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corp Provides An Update On IOC Labour Relations?,,"브리프-랩라도르 아이언 오르 로열티 Corp, IOC 노동 관계에 대한 업데이트 제공" 555,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a 'nonexistent man'?,,"트럼프, 스토미 대니얼스 스케치가 '존재하지 않는 남자'라고 주장" 196,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Factbox: Chinese companies react to U.S. tariffs announcement?,,기사 제목: 사실 확인: 미 관세 발표에 대한 중국 기업들의 반응 2890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's manufacturing growth seen picking up slightly in March?,,3월 중국의 제조업 성장률이 다소 상승세를 보일 것으로 예상됨. 2104,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alpine Skiing - Italy always has Paris in bid to end downhill wait?,,알프스 스키 - 이탈리아는 다운힐 기대를 끝내기 위해 항상 파리를 염두에 두고 있다? 7793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BOJ to extend deadline for loan schemes to spur growth - sources?,,BOJ가 성장 촉진을 위한 대출 프로그램 기한을 연장할 것이라고 소식통들이 전했습니다. 3171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UAE's Julphar FY Profit Falls?,,"UAE의 Julphar, FY 이익 감소 소식 간략히" 9788,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: My Size Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock and Warrants to Purchase Common Stock?,,"마이사이즈, 보통주 및 보통주 매수권을 포함한 공모 제안 발표" 9123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blackbaud Posts Q4 GAAP Earnings Per Share $0.64?,,"브리프 - 블랙바우드, 4분기 GAAP 주당 순이익 $0.64 발표" 9916,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greeks to rally against use of ""Macedonia"" in name dispute with Skopje?",,“스코프예와의 명칭 분쟁에서 '마케도니아' 사용에 반대하는 그리스 국민들이 집회를 열다” 5344,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-FDA Grants Orphan Drug Designation For Protagonist Therapeutics' PTG-300?,,"주요 내용은 다음과 같을 것입니다: 미국 식품의약국(FDA)이 프로타고니스트 테라퓨틱스(Protagonist Therapeutics)의 PTG-300에 대해 희귀 의약품 지정을 부여했다는 내용이다. 이를 통해 PTG-300은 특정 희귀 질환 치료에 대한 개발과 연구를 촉진받게 되며, 이는 환자들에게 새로운 치료 옵션을 제공할 가능성이 있다. FDA의 희귀 의약품 지정은 개발 과정에서의 여러 혜택을 제공하며, 이로 인해 PTG-300의 상용화에 도움이 될 수 있다." 1200,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French competition body may open anti-trust probe on online advertising market?,,프랑스 경쟁 당국이 온라인 광고 시장에 대한 반독점 조사를 시작할 수 있다고 보도했다. 8475,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: In wake of #MeToo, anti-rape shorts aim to ease assault fears?",,#MeToo의 여파로 성폭행 두려움을 덜어주기 위한 반성폭행 반바지 출시? 8620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mianyang Fulin Precision Machining sees FY 2017 net profit to up 65 pct to 94 pct?,,"BRIEF-미얀양 풀린 정밀 가공, 2017 회계연도 순이익이 65%에서 94% 증가할 것으로 예상." 344,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Auto Partner SA Jan. Revenue 85.7 Mln Zlotys, Up 41.17% Vs Year Ago?",,"간단히 - Auto Partner SA 1월 수익 8570만 즈워티, 지난해 대비 41.17% 증가" 4603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wallaby leads police chase over Sydney Harbour Bridge?,,시드니 하버 브리지를 따라 경찰 추격전을 벌인 웜바르기 7331,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Ethiopian farmers choose Khat over coffee?,,에티오피아 농부들이 커피 대신 카트를 선택하는 이유는 무엇인가? 8950,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poland Closes Door to Cheap—and Now Banned—North Korean Laborers?,,"폴란드, 저렴한 북한 노동자들의 입국 금지 조치 시행" 7985,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TABLE-Foreign trading in Japan stocks for latest week?,,일본 주식의 최신 주간 외환 거래 현황 테이블 3543,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harley-Davidson forecasts drop in shipments this year, sending shares lower?",,"할리데이비슨, 올해 출하량 감소 전망으로 주가 하락" 3654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wall Street's Tom Lee predicts 'massive outflow' from cryptocurrencies ahead of tax day?,,"월스트리트의 톰 리, 세금 보고일을 앞두고 암호화폐에서 '대규모 유출'이 있을 것이라고 예측하다." 3123,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Taylor's health more important than decider as NZ look to tests?,,테일러의 건강이 뉴질랜드의 시험보다 더 중요하다. 4015,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese Financier’s Fraud Trial Spotlights Broad Regulatory Confusion?,,중국 재벌의 사기 재판이 광범위한 규제 혼란을 부각시킨다. 8726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BP's fourth-quarter results surge on refining and trading?,,"BP의 4분기 실적, 정제 및 거래로 급증" 7339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan FSA says urged Coincheck to fix vulnerability before hack?,,"일본 금융청(FSA), 해킹 전에 코인체크에게 취약점 수정 요청했다고 밝혀" 3619,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kensho's clean tech index?,,Kensho의 청정 기술 지수? 8233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DISH To Work With Google Assistant To Bring Multi-Language Voice Control To Hands-Free TV Experience?,,간단히 - DISH가 Google Assistant와 협력하여 핸즈프리 TV 경험을 위한 다국어 음성 제어 기능을 제공할 예정입니다. 372,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michigan State University president resigns over gymnasts abuse case?,,미시간 주립대학교 총장이 체조 선수 성폭력 사건으로 사임하다. 698,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'You're husband and wife:' Harry and Meghan wed?,,'당신은 남편과 아내입니다:' 해리와 메건 결혼하다? 6835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Roast Lamb Chops With Brussels Sprout Slaw?,,로스트 양갈비와 브뤼셀 스프라우트 슬로우 9206,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Consolidated-Tomoka Announces Acquisition Of A Net Lease Property In Downtown Aspen?,,"BRIEF-컨솔리데이트드-토모카, 애스펀 다운타운의 넷 리스 부동산 인수 발표" 651,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ‘Deadpool 2’ Surges to No. 1 at Box Office?,,"‘데드풀 2’, 박스 오피스 1위 급등" 3720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Singapore property recovery unlikely to be derailed by higher tax - industry head?,,"UPDATE 1-싱가포르 부동산 회복, 세금 인상으로 저해될 가능성 낮아 - 업계 수장" 4410,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Celebrity getaway San Ysidro Ranch hit by California mudslides?,,칼리포니아 진흙사태에 의해 유명인 휴양지 샌 이시드로 랜치 타격 9990,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Americans detained in North Korea a factor in talks - White House?,,북한에 억류된 미국인들이 대화의 요소인 백악관 2268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ICRC says 10 aid workers freed after going missing in South Sudan?,,"ICRC, 남수단에서 실종된 뒤 10명의 구호 작업자 구출 소식 전해" 4997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pressure grows for Missouri Governor Greitens to step down?,,미주리 주지사 그리튼스에게 사퇴하라는 압력이 증가하고 있다. 1256,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Vedanta's Konkola Copper Mines disputes $18 mln Zambia tax bill - industry source?,,"UPDATE 1 - Vedanta의 Konkola Copper Mines, 1,800만 달러의 잠비아 세금 청구에 이의 제기 - 산업 소식통" 3418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Car bomb explodes in Libyan city of Benghazi?,,리비아 도시인 벵가지에서 자동차 폭탄이 폭발하다. 1183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Romania withdraws referee from Challenge Cup match over security fears?,,"럭비 - 루마니아, 보안 우려로 챌린지 컵 경기에서 심판 철회" 7260,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mueller raises possibility of Trump subpoena: Washington Post?,,"Mueller, 트럼프 소환 가능성 제기: 워싱턴 포스트" 5364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Verdi Says Reaches Wage Agreement For Workers At Condor?,,"BRIEF-베르디, 콘도르 직원들과 임금 협약 도달 소식 전달" 1693,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Taiwan's UMC Posts Q1 Results, Provides Q2 Guidance?",,"간단히 설명하자면, 대만의 UMC가 1분기 실적을 발표하고 2분기 가이던스를 제공한다는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 것입니다." 5386,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Realtor.com® Appoints Michelle Meyers VP, Customer Success?",,"리얼터닷컴®, 미셸 메이어스를 고객 성공 부사장으로 임명" 482,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Carnival Group International Says Gong Xiao Cheng Resigned As Executive Director?,,"카니발 그룹 인터내셔널, 공 샤오 청이 전무 이사직에서 사임했다고 발표하다." 7852,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brown & Brown, Inc. Announces the Asset Acquisition of Kerxton Insurance Agency, Inc. and Fitness Underwriters, Inc.?",,"브라운 & 브라운, Inc.가 커스턴 보험 에이전시, Inc.와 피트니스 인슈어러스, Inc.의 자산 인수를 발표했습니다." 3754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Angry Birds maker warns on profit; stock slumps?,,분노의 새 제작사가 수익 경고; 주가 급락 6444,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: White House extends tariff exemptions for key allies?,,"백악관, 주요 동맹국에 대한 관세 면제 연장" 7486,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First-time Stock Draft investors on their investment strategy?,,주식 드래프트 투자 경험이 처음인 투자자들의 투자 전략은 무엇인가? 5162,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says China to buy more U.S. farm products, offers no details?",,"트럼프, 중국이 미국 농산물을 더 많이 구매할 것이라고 말하지만 구체적인 내용은 제시하지 않아" 7642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HIGHLIGHTS-Hong Kong budget for fiscal 2018/19?,,HIGHLIGHTS-2018/19 회계연도 홍콩 예산 2217,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: iPhone sales less than expected, but Apple points to the good news?",,"아이폰 판매량이 예상보다 적지만, 애플은 좋은 소식을 강조한다." 620,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sutton calls for Wiggins, Freeman to 'tell the truth'?",,"서튼, 위긴스와 프리먼에게 '진실을 말하라'고 촉구하다." 3608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Biggest risk for US stocks on Italy's power struggle is dollar: Market analyst with 40 years on Wall St?,,미국 주식에 대한 가장 큰 위험은 이탈리아의 권력 투쟁과 달러라는 40년 경력의 월스트리트 시장 분석가의 관점이다. 6357,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DISH Announces Conference Call for Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Financial Results?,,"DISH, 2017년 4분기 및 연말 재무 결과 발표를 위한 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 6115,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The dollar is surging into overbought territory, warns chart watcher. Here’s what it means?",,달러가 과매수 영역으로 상승하고 있다고 차트 전문가가 경고하고 있다. 이것이 의미하는 바는 무엇일까? 3980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Brazil stocks hit all-time highs on economic outlook?,,"EMERGING MARKETS-브라질 주식, 경제 전망에 힘입어 사상 최고치 도달" 1008,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gold as an inflation hedge? Well, sort of...?",,"금, 인플레이션 헤지의 수단? 글쎄, 그런 건 좀..." 8750,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FX Strategist: Friday's jobs report not likely to rattle the currency market?,,FX 전략가: 금요일의 고용 보고서가 통화 시장을 흔들 가능성은 낮다. 6473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Energy ETFs heat up as oil tops $70?,,"에너지 ETF가 뜨거워지다, 유가 70달러를 넘어서" 7448,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-QNB Finansbank Completes Future Flow And Treasury Financing At $75.0 Mln With Maturity Of Feb. 2028?,,"브리프 - QNB 피난스뱅크, 2028년 2월 만기 7,500만 달러 규모의 미래 흐름 및 재무 조달 완료." 8708,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European Tour Rankings?,,유럽투어 순위와 관련된 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일 수 있습니까? 6790,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Homemade Highlights: Team U.S. Figure Skating?,,홈메이드 하이라이트: 팀 U.S. 피겨 스케이팅 2036,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 2018 will have an increase in volatility and the upside too: Tony Dwyer, strategist?",,"2018년은 변동성이 증가하고 상승세도 있을 것: 토니 드와이어, 전략가." 364,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marijuana banking faces fallout from Session's stance on legal pot?,,마리화나 은행업은 세션의 합법적인 마약에 대한 입장으로 인해 영향을 받고 있다. 6871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Talks between North and South Korea aimed at buying time?,,남북한 간의 대화는 시간을 벌기 위한 것이라는 기사 내용은 어떤 모습일까? 5061,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trading in Samsung Electronics to be halted April 30-May 3 for stock split?,,삼성전자의 주식 분할로 인해 4월 30일부터 5월 3일까지 거래가 중단됩니다. 5473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Novo Nordisk To Initiate Cardiovascular Outcomes Study With Diabetes Drug Ozempic in 2018?,,"브리프-노보 노디스크, 2018년 당뇨병 약물 오젬픽으로 심혈관 결과 연구 시작 예정" 5091,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook is testing a 'downvote' button?,,페이스북이 '내리기' 버튼을 테스트하고 있다. 2575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pope appoints new cardinals to cement legacy?,,"교황, 유산을 다지기 위해 새로운 추기경 임명" 3703,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 500.com Limited to Postpone Release of First Quarter 2018 Financial Results due to Technical Difficulties?,,500.com Limited가 기술적인 문제로 인해 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표를 연기한다고 발표했습니다. 7186,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Oaktree Strategic Income Says Entered Amended Loan Agreement?,,BRIEF-Oaktree Strategic Income는 수정된 대출 계약 체결을 알립니다. 4084,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tim Cook Is No Fan of Quarterly Financials | Fortune?,,팀 쿡은 분기 재무 제표를 좋아하지 않는다 | 포춘 8754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Olympics-Ice Hockey-Women's Group B results?,,UPDATE 1-올림픽-아이스하키-여성 그룹 B 결과 3417,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SEC warns bitcoin investors at risk?,,"SEC, 비트코인 투자자에게 위험 경고" 9224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PIC Completes 200 Mln Stg Buy-In With The Kingfisher Pension Scheme?,,BRIEF-PIC가 킹피셔 연금 제도와 2억 파운드의 자사주 매입을 완료하다. 4412,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-AfDB approves $100 mln loan for Nigeria's Indorama Eleme?,,"업데이트 1-아프리카개발은행, 나이지리아 인도라마 엘레메에 1억 달러 대출 승인" 8393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Real-Estate Firm Targets Aging Baby Boomers?,,"부동산 회사, 노령화된 베이비붐 세대 목표로 설정" 9903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX futures dip on U.S. protectionism worries?,,캐나다 주식 - 미국의 보호무역주의 우려로 TSX 선물 하락 2728,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DIARY-Top Economic Events to April 27?,,DIARY-4월 27일까지의 주요 경제 이벤트 7664,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nintendo Is Getting Three New Pokémon Games to Drive Switch Sales?,,닌텐도가 닌텐도 스위치 판매를 촉진하기 위해 새로운 포켓몬 게임 세 개를 출시할 예정이다. 6291,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Telekom, Daimler settle truck toll dispute with German government?",,"텔레콤, 다임러가 독일 정부와 트럭 통행료 분쟁을 해결하다" 9504,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Travelport Worldwide Ltd Announces Launch Of Senior Secured Notes Offering?,,"BRIEF-트래블포트 월드와이드 주식회사, 선순위 담보 채권 발행 시작 발표" 5355,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bce, depositi o/n in rialzo a 715,068 mld, prestiti marginali su a 401 mln?",,"Bce, 하루 overnight 예금이 7156억 8000만 유로로 증가, 한계 대출이 4억 1000만 유로로 상승" 2749,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Christine Angino, Formerly of MetLife, Joins ALTO Real Estate Funds as Vice President of Acquisitions?",,"크리스틴 안지노, 메트라이프 출신, ALTO 부동산 펀드의 인수 부사장으로 합류" 8867,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CMMB Vision Holdings To Issue 375 Mln New Shares For HK$90 Mln To Subscribers?,,"BRIEF-CMMB 비전 홀딩스, 구독자를 위해 9천만 홍콩 달러에 3억 7500만 주의 신규 주식 발행 예정" 1481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU Commission plans preferential treatment for new bond-backed securities?,,"EU 집행위원회, 새로운 채권 기반 증권에 대한 우대 조치 계획 발표." 4263,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nordstrom Reports Weaker Same-Store Sales Growth, Net Sales Increase?",,"노드스트롬, 동점포 매출 성장 둔화 및 순매출 증가 보고" 9308,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Budget airline pioneer Stelios to take on big banks with easyMoney?,,"저가항공사 개척자 스텔리오스, easyMoney로 대형 은행에 도전하다." 9746,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian and Iranian foreign ministers to meet in Moscow on Wednesday: Interfax?,,러시아와 이란 외무장관이 수요일 모스크바에서 만난다: 인터팍스 9438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bertucci's Files For Chapter 11 Restructuring?,,BRIEF-베르투치가 챕터 11 구조조정을 위한 신청을 접수했습니다. 6980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google Spent More on Lobbying Than Any Other Company in 2017 | Fortune?,,"구글, 2017년 다른 어떤 회사보다 더 많은 로비 자금을 지출하다 | 포츈" 7352,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ralph Lauren Corporation Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,"랄프 로렌 주식회사, 분기 배당금 발표" 4745,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jeff Sessions’s Marijuana Candor?,,제프 세션스의 마리화나 솔직함? 6714,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GE seeking to shed troubled insurance business?,,"GE, 문제 있는 보험 사업 매각 시도 중" 6350,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Follicum: Phase IIa Study Approved By German Authority?,,브리프 - 폴리쿰: 독일 당국에 의해 2a상 연구 승인됨 7441,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liverpool bounce back with easy win at Huddersfield?,,리버풀이 허드스필드에서 손쉬운 승리로 반등하다. 48,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Creval has commitments for 150 million euros on unsold shares in cash call: source?,,"크레발, 유상증자에서 미판매된 주식에 대해 1억 5천만 유로의 현금 약속을 확보: 소식통" 5828,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico cenbank says U.S. NAFTA withdrawal would hit peso, inflation?",,멕시코 중앙은행은 미국이 NAFTA에서 철수할 경우 페소와 인플레이션에 미칠 영향을 경고했습니다. 2446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Computacenter ‍Purchases 8.5 Mln Ordinary Shares At 1170 Pence?,,브리프-Computacenter가 1170펜스에 850만 주의 보통주를 구매함. 2270,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook favorability plunges: Poll?,,페이스북 호감도 급락: 설문 조사? 6228,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EpiPen shortages seen in Canada, UK but U.S. supply intact?",,"캐나다와 영국에서 EpiPen 부족 현상 관찰, 그러나 미국 공급은 온전함." 9823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Weak German data blamed on seasonal factors but U.S. tariffs could bite?,,"계절적 요인 탓으로 약한 독일 데이터가 지목되지만, 미국의 관세가 영향을 미칠 수 있다?" 7288,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EMERGING MARKETS-Brazil stocks fall on iron ore, corporate news?",,신흥 시장 - 철광석 및 기업 뉴스로 인해 브라질 주식 하락 28,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sino-Ocean Group Posts March Contracted Sales RMB8.02 Bln?,,"브리핑 - Sino-Ocean Group, 3월 계약 매출 80.2억 위안 발표" 3489,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WhiteHorse Finance, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Results?",,"WhiteHorse Finance, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 실적 결과를 발표했습니다." 4051,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - MPH?,,IIROC 거래 중단 / MPH에 대한 OCRCVM 거래 중단 4024,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Facebook Says To Prohibit Ads Promoting Cryptocurrency, ICOs?",,"BRIEF-페이스북, 암호화폐 및 ICO 홍보 광고 금지 발표" 8426,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-U.S. oil surges past $70, dollar hits fresh 2018 high?",,"글로벌 시장 - 미국 유가가 70달러를 넘어 상승하고, 달러가 2018년 이후 최고치를 기록하다." 4706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Early goals carry Canadiens past Ducks 5-2?,,조기 골이 Canadiens를 Ducks를 5-2로 이기게 하다 4283,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Upland Software Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"업랜드 소프트웨어, 2018년 1분기 재무 실적 보고" 3345,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Massachusetts Seeks Sales-Practice Information From Discount Brokers?,,"매사추세츠, 할인 중개업체로부터 판매 관행 정보 요청" 8216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla Shares Tank After Elon Musk Disses Wall Street Analysts?,,"테슬라 주식 급락, 엘론 머스크가 월스트리트 분석가들을 비난한 후" 4198,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British PE firm Actis close to buying solar assets of India's Shapoorji Pallonji - sources?,,영국 사모펀드 Actis가 인도 Shapoorji Pallonji의 태양광 자산을 인수할 가능성이 높다고 소식통이 전했다. 3448,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US to retry Senator Menendez on bribery, corruption charges?",,"미국, 멘데스 상원의원에 대한 뇌물 수수 및 부패 혐의 재판 착수" 5930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Proteostasis Therapeutics Reports Fourth Quarter Year-End 2017 Financial Results and Provides Business Update?,,"프로테오스테이시스 테라퓨틱스, 2017년 4분기 연말 재무 결과 보고 및 비즈니스 업데이트 제공" 1211,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Heat and lack of rain worries Ivory Coast cocoa farmers?,,더위와 비 부족이 코트디부아르 카카오 농민들을 걱정하게 한다. 9033,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wells Fargo,?",,"""웰스파고에 관한 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요?""" 2253,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Taiwan export orders rise 9.8 pct pct y/y, above forecast?",,"대만 수출 주문, 예상보다 9.8% 증가 y/y" 7993,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesian president puts off signing law protecting parliament?,,"인도네시아 대통령, 국회를 보호하는 법안 서명 연기" 3314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nikkei ends flat; hopes for BOJ's ETF-buying offset weaker financials?,,"닛케이 지수, 보합세 마감; BOJ의 ETF 매입에 대한 기대가 약한 금융 실적 상쇄" 9958,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. CRUDE FUTURES EXTEND LOSSES, DOWN BY MORE THAN $1 TO SESSION LOW OF $64.51 A BARREL?",,"미국 원유 선물, 손실 확대, 배럴당 64.51달러로 세션 최저치에 1달러 이상 하락." 3621,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MamaMancini’s Holdings to Announce Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results After the Close on Tuesday, May 15, 2018?",,MamaMancini’s Holdings는 2018년 5월 15일 화요일 장이 마감한 후 4분기 및 2018 회계연도 재무 결과를 발표할 예정이다. 7646,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global oil players flock to Houston as OPEC, U.S shale tensions ease?",,세계 석유 기업들이 OPEC과 미국 셰일 긴장이 완화됨에 따라 휴스턴으로 몰려들다 3805,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fat Brands Signs Deal With Deelish Brands To Develop Restaurants Across Singapore?,,"팻 브랜즈, 딜리쉬 브랜즈와 계약 체결하여 싱가포르 전역에 레스토랑 개발 추진" 3717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grande West Appoints Jean-Marc Landry as CEO?,,"그랑드 웨스트, 장-마르크 랑드리 CEO 임명" 5088,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CVS fourth quarter profit jumps in wake of U.S. tax law?,,"CVS의 4분기 이익, 미국 세법 변화로 급증" 1581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Zenix Appoints New Director?,,"BRIEF-중국 제닉스, 새 이사 임명" 4702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall Street rebounds in volatile trade after steep drops?,,"미국 주식 - 월스트리트, 큰 하락 후 변동성 있는 거래에서 반등하다." 8293,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The direction and trajectory of oil markets are 'still up': Janus Henderson?,,“원유 시장의 방향과 궤적은 여전히 상승 중이다”: 자너스 헨더슨 616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump: '13 angry Democrats' on Mueller team should be wary?,,트럼프: '13명의 화난 민주당원'이 뮐러 팀에서 조심해야 한다. 1386,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Advanced Medical Isotope Corporation (ADMD) Announces Corporate Name Change to Vivos Inc., and Ticker Symbol Change to RDGL?",,고급 의료 동위 원소 회사(ADMD)가 회사 이름을 Vivos Inc.로 변경하고 주식 기호를 RDGL로 변경한다고 발표했습니다. 9553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AT&T says it cooperated with Russia probe special counsel in Cohen case?,,AT&T는 Cohen 사건에서 러시아 수사의 특별 검찰과 협력했다고 말했습니다. 271,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy - Factors to watch on March 5?,,이탈리아 - 3월 5일 주목해야 할 요소들? 997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mark Mobius: Asian nations' tough talk on TPP reentry by US is a bluff?,,마크 모비우스: 아시아 국가들의 미국의 TPP 재가입에 대한 강경 발언은 허풍이다? 3781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Unity Opto Technology to invest $8 mln in Jiangxi-based firm?,,간략히 - 유니티 옵토 테크놀로지가 장시성 기반 기업에 800만 달러를 투자할 예정입니다. 608,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Closing some Sam's Club stores allows Walmart to focus on what works, says ex-US chief?",,"""몇몇 샘스 클럽 매장을 폐쇄하는 것은 월마트가 효과가 있는 것에 집중할 수 있게 해준다, 전 미국 최고 책임자 발언""" 4499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Arab Jordan Investment Bank FY Profit Falls?,,브리프 - 아랍 요르단 투자은행 FY 수익 감소 92,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sri Lanka in Bangladesh 2018 Scoreboard?,,"스리랑카, 방글라데시 2018 스코어보드" 9974,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eni says is drilling in Black Sea project while monitoring U.S. sanctions?,,"에니, 미국 제재를 모니터링하며 흑해 프로젝트에서 시추 작업 중이라고 발표." 2453,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Intema Solution To Integrate Blockchain To Its Artificial Intelligence Application Portfolio?,,"브리프 - 인테마 솔루션, 인공지능 애플리케이션 포트폴리오에 블록체인 통합 예정" 8395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: CEO Zuckerberg says Facebook not planning to extend European privacy law globally?,,"독점: CEO 저커버그, 페이스북이 유럽 개인정보 보호법을 전 세계적으로 확대할 계획이 없다고 말하다." 5172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Solid Biosciences Sees IPO Of Up To 5.9 Mln Shares?,,"브리프 - 솔리드 바이오사이언스, 최대 590만 주의 IPO 예상" 9279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nuvectra™ Announces Closing of Follow-On Stock Offering and Full Exercise of Underwriters’ Option to Purchase Additional Shares?,,Nuvectra™가 후속 주식 공모 마감 및 인수인의 추가 주식 구매 옵션 전량 행사 완료를 발표했습니다. 8195,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Far East Hospitality Trust's Qtrly Distribution Per Stapled Security 0.97 Cents?,,"BRIEF-극동 환대 신탁, 분기별 스테이플 보안당 배당금 0.97센트 발표" 8153,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BlueLinx Reports Q1 Sales $437.5 Mln?,,"블루링스, Q1 매출 4억 3750만 달러 보고" 1966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japanese PM's ex-aide says met school operator at center of scandal?,,"일본 총리의 전 보좌관, 스캔들 중심의 학교 운영자와 만났다고 말하다." 1343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon Self-Published Books Used to Launder Money?,,아마존 자가 출판 도서가 돈세탁에 사용되고 있다? 1726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-New Era Minerals Appoints Chief Financial Officer?,,"간단히 - 뉴에라 미네랄스, 최고 재무 책임자를 임명하다." 1953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Deutsche Bank announces listing of asset management arm DWS?,,"UPDATE 1-도이치뱅크, 자산 운용 자회사 DWS 상장 발표" 1641,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-Tennis-Simona Halep v Karolina Pliskova?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""FACTBOX-Tennis-Simona Halep v Karolina Pliskova""의 내용은 무엇일까요?" 5514,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook: 'Insignificant' Overlap of Russia Ads, Trump Campaign | Fortune?",,페이스북: '미미한' 러시아 광고와 트럼프 캠페인 겹침 | 포춘 785,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Albemarle Completes Sale Of Portion Of Performance Catalysts Solutions To W. R. Grace & Co.?,,"간략히 - 알베말, W. R. 그레이스 & 코에 성능 촉매 솔루션 일부 매각 완료." 7949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian army command says three killed in Israeli strikes: Syrian tv?,,시리아군 지휘부가 이스라엘의 공습으로 3명이 사망했다고 시리아 TV가 보도했다. 6537,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Analysis: European flotations falter as investors hold line on price?,,분석: 투자자들이 가격을 고수하면서 유럽 상장 기업의 상장 발상이 주춤하다. 4711,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ford Says Feb U.S. Auto Sales Down 6.9 Pct?,,포드는 2월 미국 자동차 판매가 6.9% 감소했다고 발표했다. 5032,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-GE explores public offering, hybrid deals in strategic review - WSJ?",,UPDATE 3-GE는 전략적 검토에서 공개 발행 및 혼합 거래를 탐색합니다 - WSJ 2386,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alpine skiing - Gut crashes out of women's giant slalom?,,"알프스 스키 - 구트, 여자 대회전에서 추락하다." 8921,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Google to relaunch map service in China -Nikkei?,,"구글, 중국에서 지도 서비스 재출시 - 니케이" 1612,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CenterState Bank Corp Q4 Earnings Per Share Of $0.03?,,"브리프 - 센터스테이트 뱅크 코퍼레이션, 4분기 주당순이익 $0.03 발표" 9866,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Imperial Pacific International Updates On Increase in Shareholding of Controlling Shareholder?,,"제목: 제국 태평양 국제, 통제 주주의 주식 보유 증가에 대한 업데이트" 1903,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ricciardo leads Red Bull one-two in Monaco practice?,,"리카르도, 모나코 연습 세션에서 레드불 원투 차지 이끈다." 4160,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian premiere of 'Death of Stalin' film called off - TASS?,,'스탈린의 죽음' 영화의 러시아 시사회가 취소됐다 - 타스 7360,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazil's CSN plans more asset sales this year, CEO says?",,"브라질의 CSN, 올해 더 많은 자산 매각 계획한다고 CEO가 밝혔습니다." 8781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Whistleblower says Canadian company worked on software to find Republican voters?,,"""정보 제공자가 캐나다 회사가 공화당 유권자를 찾기 위한 소프트웨어를 개발했다고 주장하다""" 8182,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some short-term volatility is expected in Malaysia's markets: Equities pro?,,말레이시아 시장에서 단기 변동성이 예상된다는 소식: 주식 전문가 4060,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snow blankets India’s northern hill town?,,눈이 인도의 북부 산간 마을을 덮치다. 4233,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Algorithm-based sensors designed for 24/7 post-op monitoring?,,알고리즘 기반 센서가 24/7 수술 후 모니터링을 위해 설계됨 2236,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diabetes Debate Leaves Little Consensus - WSJ?,,"당뇨병 논쟁, 합의는 거의 없어 - WSJ" 1328,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Walmart in early-stage acquisition talks with Humana: WSJ, citing sources?",,"월마트, 무나와 초기 인수 협상 중: WSJ, 소식통 인용" 4103,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico City airport group raises $1.6 bln in investment trust offering?,,"멕시코 시티 공항 그룹, 투자 신탁 발행으로 16억 달러 조달" 9603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clutch free throws save No. 23 Michigan vs. Maryland?,,클러치 자유투가 23위 미시간을 메릴랜드 상대로 구해냈다. 201,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo to visit Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel?",,"새로운 미국 국무장관 폼페이오, 사우디아라비아, 요르단, 이스라엘 방문 예정" 9119,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teton Advisors, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results?",,"Teton Advisors, Inc.가 4분기 및 연간 실적을 보고했습니다." 3109,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Horizon Bancorp, Inc. Announces Three-for-Two Stock Split?",,"호라이존 뱅코프, Inc. 3 대 2 주식 분할 발표" 837,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Developing nations to study ways to dim sunshine, slow warming?",,개발도상국들이 햇빛을 차단하고 지구 온난화를 늦추는 방법을 연구할 예정이다. 139,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ARMO Biosciences Prices IPO Of 7.53 Mln Shares At $17/Share?,,"BRIEF-ARMO 바이오사이언스, 주당 $17에 753만 주 IPO 가격 책정." 2739,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Westamerica Bancorporation Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,브리프-웨스아메리카 은행(주)이 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 1258,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Booker shareholders back Tesco takeover at general meeting?,,부커 주주들이 총회에서 테스코 인수를 지지하다 9447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Denizbank FY 2017 Net Profit Rises To 1.88 Bln Lira?,,BRIEF-데니즈은행 2017년 연간 순이익 18억 리라로 증가 9922,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Qingdao Topscomm Communication unit obtains high-tech enterprise recognition and to enjoy tax preference?,,"브리프 - 칭다오 탑스컴 커뮤니케이션 유닛, 고기술 기업으로 인정받아 세금 혜택享受." 8857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top doctor at CDC resigns over financial conflicts: officials?,,CDC의 최고 의사가 재정적 갈등으로 사임: 관계자들 1316,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How the Florida School Shooting Unfolded?,,플로리다 학교 총격 사건이 어떻게 발생했는가? 4577,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Logansport Financial Corp. Announces Second Quarter Dividend?,,"로그안스포츠 금융 주식회사, 2분기 배당금 발표" 2334,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippines says has no proof yet on rights groups links with drug lords?,,"필리핀, 인권 단체와 마약 밀매자들 간의 연결 고리 증거는 아직 확보되지 않았다고 밝혀." 8325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brad Herman Joins Catalyst Private Wealth as Wealth Strategist?,,"브래드 허먼, 캐털리스트 프라이빗 웰스에 웰스 전략가로 합류" 9739,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China renews pledges to open economy, protect IP rights?",,"중국, 경제 개방 및 지식 재산권 보호에 대한 약속 재확인" 7270,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-IBM Sets Regular Quarterly Cash Dividend Of $1.50 Per Share?,,"간략하게 - IBM, 주당 1.50달러의 정기 배당금 지급 결정." 6324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks on verge of 5-percent pullback?,,"주식, 5% 하락 조정 직전" 9145,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WhatsApp inches closer to revenue plan with accounts for businesses?,,WhatsApp이 비즈니스 계정으로 수익 계획에 한 걸음 더 다가섰다. 6701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Merrill Lynch Settles SEC Claims Over Sale of Chinese Company’s Shares?,,"메릴린치, 중국 회사 주식 판매에 대한 SEC의 주장과 화해하다." 9883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stripe abandons bitcoin as payment method?,,"스트라이프, 비트코인을 결제 수단으로 포기하다." 2748,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ExecThread Makes Two Key Hires as the Premium Job-Sharing Network Hits a Milestone with 25K Members?,,"ExecThread가 2명의 주요 인재를 영입하며 프리미엄 직업 공유 네트워크가 25,000명의 회원을 돌파하는 이정표를 세웠다." 4339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lockheed Martin Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share $4.02?,,"BRIEF-록히드 마틴, 1분기 주당순이익 $4.02 발표" 1505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Link Prop Investment H2 Rental Income Up At SEK ‍15.5​ Million?,,링크 프로프 투자 H2 임대 수익이 SEK 15.5 백만 증가했습니다. 5591,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nike and JP Morgan are two Dow stocks to buy on the recent rebound?,,"최근 반등으로 매수할 두 개의 다우 지수 주식, 나이키와 JP 모건" 5770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gardner Denver Reports Record First 2018 Results and Increases EBITDA Guidance for Full Year?,,"가드너 덴버, 2018년 1분기 사상 최고 실적 보고 및 전체 연도 EBITDA 가이드라인 상향 조정" 520,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eurozone Crisis Fears Revived?,,유로존 위기 우려 재발 3567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trust in U.S. institutions plunges in Trump's first year?,,트럼프의 첫 해에 미국 기관에 대한 신뢰가 급락하다 8773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Institutional Investor Names Corvil CEO Donal Byrne Among World’s Top 25 Innovators in Trading Technology?,,"기관 투자자, Corvil CEO Donal Byrne을 글로벌 트레이딩 기술 분야의 25대 혁신가 중 한 명으로 선정" 4011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vectren Q1 Earnings Per Share $0.76?,,브리핑 - 벡트렌 1분기 주당순이익 $0.76 2937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cher joins Sydney's Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade?,,"셰르, 시드니 성소수자 마르디 그라 퍼레이드에 참가하다." 7770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spurs rally to beat Bournemouth but Kane suffers injury?,,"스퍼스, 보르넘스를 이기기 위해 후반전 역전하지만 케인은 부상당해" 62,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. drug agency to propose rules to rein in opioid manufacturing?,,"미국 마약청, 오피오이드 제조를 규제하기 위한 규칙 제정 제안 예정" 7020,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How I finally got job interviews at my dream companies?,,나는 꿈의 회사에서 면접을 결국 어떻게 받게 되었는가? 8267,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HollyFrontier posts first quarter profit?,,"홀리프론티어, 1분기 이익 발표" 6458,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Innovest Global Signs Two Energy Contracts Totaling 6 Figures, Announces Update On Audit and Uplisting Plans -- Spotlight Growth?",,"인노베스트 글로벌, 6자리 수의 에너지 계약 2건 체결 및 감사 및 상장 계획에 대한 업데이트 발표 -- 스포트라이트 성장" 8549,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Southwest Gas Holdings Reports Q4 Earnings Per Share $2.00?,,"브리프-사우스웨스트 가스 홀딩스, 4분기 주당 순이익 2.00달러 보고" 6736,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Chongqing Lummy Pharmaceutical sets up industry buyout fund with partners?,,"간략히 - 충칭 루미 제약, 파트너와 함께 산업 인수 기금 설립" 3536,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Target Sets Quarterly Dividend Of $0.62 Per Share?,,"간단히 - 타겟, 주당 0.62달러 배당금 결정" 7368,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indian mobile carrier Aircel files for bankruptcy?,,"인도 모바일 통신사 에어셀, 파산 신청을 하다." 8740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Denver Mayor Michael Hancock on Trump marijuana policy: It has given uncertainty in this billion-dollar industry?,,"덴버 시장 마이클 핸콕, 트럼프의 마리화나 정책에 대해: 이로 인해 이 억 달러 산업에 불확실성이 생겼다." 5553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: It’s Game Over for Nintendo’s First Smartphone App?,,"""닌텐도의 첫 스마트폰 앱, 게임 종료!""" 4032,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sunevision Says Tong, Raymond Kwok Kong Appointed As Chief Executive Officer?",,"브리프 - 수네비전, 콩 토니와 레이몬드 쿼크를 최고경영자로 임명했다고 발표." 7313,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian embassy says concerned by UK decision to 'take action' on Syria?,,러시아 대사가 영국의 시리아에 대한 '조치를 취하기로 한' 결정에 우려를 표명했다고 전했다. 8454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tianjin Realty Development Wins Land Auction For 2.95 Bln Yuan?,,"브리프 - 톈진 부동산 개발, 29.5억 위안에 토지 경매 낙찰" 7623,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lundbeck Q1 beats forecast, keeps 2018 outlook?",,"룬벡 1분기 실적, 예상 초과 달성하며 2018년 전망 유지" 3491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU willing to provide some financial market access for Britain - John Glen?,,EU는 영국에 대해 일부 금융 시장 접근을 제공할 의향이 있다고 존 글렌이 밝혔다. 9649,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ireland to hold abortion referendum at the end of May?,,아일랜드가 5월 말에 낙태 국민투표를 실시할 예정이다. 0,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Best Inc. Announces Q4 Revenue Rmb 6.531 Billion?,,브리프-베스트 Inc.가 Q4 매출 65억 3천만 위안 발표 2034,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hawaiian kids get first taste of snow in Washington, DC?",,하와이 어린이들이 워싱턴 D.C.에서 첫 눈 맛보기 3713,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hornets blow out playoff-bound Pacers?,,"호넷츠, 플레이오프 진출이 확정된 페이서스를 대파하다" 4963,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Here's how much the royal wedding is expected to cost?,,왕실 결혼식이 예상되는 비용은 이렇습니다. 2819,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's vice premier vows to continue reforms, treat domestic, foreign firms equally?",,중국 부총리가 개혁을 계속하고 국내 및 외국 기업을 평등하게 대우할 것이라고 다짐했다. 5102,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italian markets hammered by fears of govt spending binge?,,"이탈리아 시장, 정부의 지출 폭증 우려로 타격받다." 2667,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Greece, Macedonia race to end name row before EU summit?",,"""그리스와 마케도니아, EU 정상 회담 전에 이름 논쟁을 끝내기 위해 서두른다.""" 318,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Should investors be looking at China markets??,,투자자들이 중국 시장을 살펴봐야 할까? 2553,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corrected-Republic of Macedonia revises pricing for seven-year euro benchmark to 3.125% area (+/-12.5bp) - lead?,,"정정됨 - 마케도니아 공화국, 7년 만기 유로 벤치마크 가격을 3.125% 수준(+/-12.5bp)으로 수정함 - 리드" 1961,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Valero expands into South America with Peru biofuels deal?,,"발레로, 페루 바이오연료 계약으로 남미로 확장" 4737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VFS Global Acquires Middle Eastern FMC Partner Al Etimad?,,"VFS 글로벌, 중동 FMC 파트너 알 에티마드 인수" 1786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber to up its background checks for drivers?,,"우버, 운전기사 배경 조사 강화할 예정" 93,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Forbes Names Alliant Insurance Services’ Employee Benefits Group One of America’s Best Midsize Employers?,,"포브스, 알리안트 보험 서비스의 직원 복지 그룹을 미국 최고의 중견 기업 중 하나로 선정하다." 4861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sainsbury's and Walmart's Asda in talks about 10 billion pound merger: Sky News?,,"""사인즈버리와 월마트의 아스다, 100억 파운드 합병 협의 중: 스카이 뉴스""" 8205,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mueller Industries, Inc. Declares Cash Dividend for Second Quarter?",,"뮤엘러 산업 주식회사, 2분기 현금 배당금 발표" 9828,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Starrise Media Sees FY Net Loss Of No Less Than Rmb87 Mln?,,"브리프 - 스타라이즈 미디어, FY 순손실 8700만 위안 이상 예상" 36,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Associated Banc-Corp Receives Regulatory Approvals for Bank Mutual Corporation Acquisition?,,"어소시에이티드 뱅크-코프, 뱅크 뮤추얼 코퍼레이션 인수를 위한 규제 승인 획득" 7823,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former GSK Senior Vice President Bill Louv Named Project Data Sphere President?,,"구 가속기(GSK) 부사장 빌 루브, 프로젝트 데이터 스피어 사장으로 임명" 5492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Select Bancorp Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Earnings?,,셀렉트 방크가 2017년 4분기 및 연말 실적을 발표했습니다. 6738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The first non-stop flight between Europe and Australia is ready for takeoff?,,유럽과 호주 간의 첫 비행기 직항이 이륙 준비를 마쳤다. 6447,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Artist Ai Weiwei unfazed by China ending presidential term limits?,,중국이 대통령 임기 제한을 종료한 것에 대해 아티스트 아이 웨이웨이는 끄떡하지 않는다. 178,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Toyota President Tatsuro Toyoda Dies at 88?,,전 도요타 사장 다쓰로 도요다가 88세로 사망하다. 4749,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Herbalife Nutrition Announces Extension Of Its Tender Offer For Common Shares?,,"BRIEF-Herbalife Nutrition, 일반 주식에 대한 입찰 제안 연장 발표" 5697,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Compugroup Medical Takes Over Telemedicine Service Provider La-Well Systems?,,"BRIEF-컴퓨터 그룹 메디컬, 원격 의료 서비스 제공업체 La-Well Systems 인수" 41,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Coffee, croissants and canines at NYC dog friendly cafe?",,"뉴욕의 반려견 친화적인 카페에서 커피, 크루아상과 개들" 478,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The death of the summer job?,,여름 일자리의 죽음? 3442,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Biotage AB (publ) Publishes its 2017 Annual Report and Corporate Governance Report?,,Biotage AB(주)가 2017년 연례 보고서 및 기업 지배구조 보고서를 발표했습니다. 4544,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: There's now an entire government division dedicated to protecting health workers that object to abortions?,,낙태에 반대하는 의료 종사자를 보호하기 위해 이제 전체 정부 부서가 생겼습니다. 3723,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hyprop Expects FY Dividend Growth of 8 Pct - 10 Pct?,,"브리프-하이프롭, FY 배당금 성장 8% - 10% 예상" 8763,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Sanctions Iran for Supplying Missiles to Yemen’s Houthis?,,"미국, 예멘의 후티에게 미사일을 공급한 이란 제재 실시" 6976,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Argentina’s third central-bank hike in eight days puts key lending rate at 40%?,,"월스트리트 저널: 아르헨티나, 8일 만에 세 번째 중앙은행 금리 인상으로 주요 대출 금리를 40%로 설정" 3506,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-German labour shortage, refugee factor weigh on Geberit sales growth?",,UPDATE 2-독일의 노동력 부족과 난민 요인이 게베리트 판매 성장에 미치는 영향 3343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive for radio station visit?,,프린스 해리와 메건 마클이 라디오 방송국 방문을 위해 도착하다. 4394,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Benares Hotels Says Ashwani Anand Resigned As CEO?,,BRIEF-Benares Hotels는 Ashwani Anand가 CEO로서 사임했다고 발표했습니다. 5282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French summer electricity demand seen stable: RTE?,,프랑스의 여름 전기 수요가 안정세를 보일 것으로 예상된다: RTE 4344,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RXI Says Determined Interim Financial Statements For Qtrs Ended March 31, June 30, Sept 30, 2017 Should No Longer Be Relied Upon‍​?",,"BRIEF-RXI는 2017년 3월 31일, 6월 30일, 9월 30일로 종료된 분기의 간이 재무제표를 더 이상 신뢰해서는 안 된다고 발표했습니다." 4572,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Macron’s Democratic Vision?,,마크롱의 민주적 비전 9659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Distance Education Q2 Net Loss Per Ads $0.098?,,간략하게 - 중국 원거리 교육 Q2 주당 순손실 $0.098 4464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Gazprom says CEO met OMV head Seele?,,"러시아 가스프롬, CEO가 OMV 사장 질레와 만났다고 발표하다." 9226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sheffield Shield Standings?,,셰필드 쉴드 순위 2589,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wavefront Announces Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"웨이브프론트, 2018년 2분기 재무 실적 발표" 7738,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: From hunting to hiking: biggest threats to protected areas identified?,,사냥에서 하이킹으로: 보호 구역에 대한 가장 큰 위협을 확인하다. 1559,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: With first death in Riyadh, the Saudi-led war in Yemen hits home?",,리야드에서 첫 사망자가 발생하면서 사우디 주도의 예멘 전쟁이 본국에 영향을 미치기 시작했다. 3072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK police responding to 'major incident' in city of Leicester?,,"영국 경찰, 레스터 시에서 '대규모 사건'에 대응 중" 3082,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's central bank says checking whether Steinhoff broke FX rules?,,남아프리카공화국 중앙은행이 스테인호프가 외환 규정을 위반했는지 여부를 조사 중이라고 발표했다. 5837,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. Acknowledges Enbridge Inc. Offer and Establishes a Special Committee?",,"엔브리지 에너지 파트너스, L.P.가 엔브리지 Inc.의 제안을 인정하고 특별 위원회를 구성하다." 6696,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kate, wife of UK Prince William, to leave hospital on Monday after giving birth to a boy?",,"케이트, 영국 윌리엄 왕자의 아내, 아들을 낳고 월요일에 병원에서 퇴원 예정" 1861,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A new era of volatility could give way to a market melt-up, top strategist says?",,새로운 변동성 시대가 시장의 급등으로 이어질 수 있다고 최고 전략가가 말한다. 2505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rohingya insurgents say they have no option but to fight Myanmar?,,"로힝야 무장세력, 미얀마와 싸울 수밖에 없다고 밝혀" 2367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This Bitcoin Conference Rented a Miami Strip Club for 'Networking' | Fortune?,,이 비트코인 콘퍼런스는 '네트워킹'을 위해 마이애미 스트립 클럽을 임대했다 | 포춘 1957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin seeks end to Skripal row at chemical watchdog meeting?,,"푸틴, 화학무기 감시기구 회의에서 스크리팔 논란 종식 촉구" 2508,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BP CFO flags possible dividend boost this year?,,"BP CFO, 올해 배당금 인상 가능성 예고" 5969,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Navidea Biopharmaceuticals Reports Q1 Loss Per Share $0.04?,,"브리프 - 나비디아 바이오파마수티컬스, 1분기 주당 손실 0.04달러 보고 " 1978,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After Florida Shooting, Trump Plans Summit on School Safety?",,"플로리다 총격 사건 이후, 트럼프 학교 안전 정상 회담 계획" 9165,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Deer Park Road Management Company Lp Reports 19.1 pct Passive Stake In Ditech Holding Corp As Of Feb 28?,,"브리프 - 디어 파크 로드 매니지먼트 컴퍼니 LP, 2월 28일 기준으로 다이텍 홀딩 코퍼레이션에서 19.1%의 수동 지분 보유 보고" 476,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eften Real Estate Fund Iii Says In Dec, Sales Income Of 702 Thousand Eur,An Increase 85 Thousand Euros From November?",,"BRIEF-에프텐 부동산 펀드 III는 12월에 판매 수익이 702,000유로로, 11월보다 85,000유로 증가했다고 발표했습니다." 4625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey to continue Euphrates Shield operation in northern Syria: Erdogan?,,"터키, 에르도안 ""북부 시리아에서 유프라테스 방패 작전 계속할 것""" 755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yemen's Houthis and Saudi Arabia in secret talks to end war: sources?,,"""예멘의 후티군과 사우디아라비아, 전쟁 종식을 위한 비밀 회담 진행 중: 소식통""" 6669,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-WestJet pilots file labor complaint over hiring at new budget airline?,,"업데이트 1 - 웨스트젯 파일럿들, 새로운 저가 항공사의 채용에 대한 노동 불만 제기" 1149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Boeing wins $6.56 bln expansion of U.S. missile defense contract -Pentagon?,,"업데이트 1-보잉, 미국 미사일 방어 계약 65억6000만 달러 확장 수주 - 펜타곤" 8294,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Johnson & Johnson to Host Investor Conference Call on First-Quarter Results?,,"존슨 & 존슨, 첫 분기 실적에 대한 투자자 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 5689,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ATP World Tour Masters 1000 / WTA Premier, Rome Masters Women's Singles Results?",,"ATP 월드 투어 마스터스 1000 / WTA 프리미어, 로마 마스터즈 여자 단식 결과는?" 4420,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's Exxaro to dispose of remaining stake in Tronox?,,"남아프리카의 엑사로(Exxaro), 트로녹스(Tronox)의 남은 지분 매각 계획" 4081,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-The Freedom Bank Of Virginia Announces 2017 Earnings?,,"브리프 - 버지니아 자유은행, 2017년 수익 발표" 5613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank of Jordan Says Board Proposes FY Cash Dividend?,,"BRIEF-요르단 은행, 이사회가 FY 현금 배당 제안했다고 발표." 9521,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RACL Geartech Board Did Not Approve Preferential Issue Of Shares?,,"RACL 기어텍 이사회, 주식 우선 배정 발행을 승인하지 않음." 974,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Avista Healthcare Says Co, Envigo Entered Into Mutual Termination Agreement?",,"브리프-아비스타 헬스케어, Envigo와 상호 종료 합의 체결했다고 밝혀." 2879,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's ANC postpones key meeting called to discuss Zuma future?,,"남아프리카 공화국 ANC, 주미 전 대통령의 미래를 논의하기 위해 소집된 주요 회의를 연기하다." 6653,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive - Former Newell director Martin Franklin says he may buy Newell assets?,,"독점 - 전 뉴웰 이사 마틴 프랭클린, 뉴웰 자산을 인수할 수 있다고 말하다." 1843,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-COLUMN-China's crude oil futures face massive challenges: Russell?,,"RPT-칼럼-중국의 원유 선물, 거대한 도전에 직면하다: 러셀" 905,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: We will start using digital currencies sooner rather than later: Bank of Canada governor?,,우리는 캐나다 중앙은행 총재의 말에 따르면 디지털 통화를 조만간 사용할 것이라고 합니다. 6544,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Guosen Securities Posts Net Profit For Feb, Jan-Feb?",,"브리프-구선증권, 2월 및 1-2월 순이익 발표" 8492,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China central bank reaffirms maintaining prudent, neutral monetary policy in 2018?",,"2018년 중국 중앙은행, 신중하고 중립적인 통화정책 유지 reaffirmation" 3216,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure Says 5G Will Create Three Million Jobs - CNBC?,,"브리핑 - 스프린트 CEO 마르셀로 클라우레, 5G가 300만 개의 일자리를 창출할 것이라고 말함 - CNBC" 1623,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ice hockey: Russians top Czechs to reach final?,,"아이스하키: 러시아, 체코를 꺾고 결승 진출" 2369,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Missouri governor charged with felony computer data tampering?,,"미주리 주지사, 중범죄 컴퓨터 데이터 조작 혐의로 기소되어" 5127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some two million diesel owners could join class action against Volkswagen in Germany?,,독일에서 약 200만 명의 디젤 차량 소유자들이 폭스바겐을 상대로 집단 소송에 참여할 수 있다. 8806,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Keurig buying Dr Pepper is 'not intuitive at first,' CEO admits?",,Keurig가 Dr Pepper를 인수하는 것은 '처음에는 직관적이지 않다'고 CEO가 인정했습니다. 1074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warren Buffett isn't eager to trade his flip phone in for an iPhone?,,워렌 버핏은 자신의 플립폰을 아이폰으로 바꾸고 싶어하지 않는다? 7847,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goodrich Petroleum Announces East Texas Asset Sale, Operational Update and Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Financial Results and Operational Update?",,"굿리치 석유, 동부 텍사스 자산 매각 및 운영 업데이트와 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 2758,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tokyo-Listed European stock ETF falls 0.3 percent after Italian elections?,,"도쿄 상장 유럽 주식 ETF, 이탈리아 선거 이후 0.3% 하락" 6014,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-National American University Holdings, Inc. Q3 Loss Per Share $0.15?",,"브리프 - 내셔널 아메리칸 유니버시티 홀딩스, Inc. Q3 주당 손실 $0.15" 6048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SL Green Realty Signs Mcdermott Will And Emery At One Vanderbilt Avenue?,,"브리프 - SL 그린 리얼티, 원 뱁스터드 애비뉴에서 맥더모트 윌 앤 에머리를 계약 체결" 7001,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-All About to offer off-floor distribution of shares?,,"브리프 - 올 어바웃, 오프플로어 배급의 주식을 제공할 예정" 3310,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC EXCLUSIVE: CNBC TRANSCRIPT: QUALCOMM LEAD DIRECTOR THOMAS HORTON SPEAKS WITH DAVID FABER TODAY?,,CNBC 독점: CNBC 대본: 퀄컴의 수석 이사 토마스 호턴이 오늘 데이비드 파버와 대화합니다. 5198,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cubic Corporation Announces Semiannual Dividend?,,"큐빅 코퍼레이션, 반기 배당금 발표" 3407,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia shares to open steady; NZ flat?,,호주 주식이 안정적으로 개장할 예정; 뉴질랜드는 보합세. 6184,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Celestica Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,"Celestica, 2017년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과 발표" 3243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ironwood Announces Director Nomination From Sarissa Capital?,,"BRIEF-아이언우드, 사리사 캐피탈의 이사 후보 지명 발표" 970,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IBM, Veridium team up on blockchain-enabled carbon credit trading?",,"IBM과 Veridium, 블록체인 기반 탄소 크레딧 거래를 위한 협력" 3679,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cation Capital Releases Letter to the Board of Directors of Crescent Point Energy and Announces Intention to Nominate Four Highly-Qualified, Independent Directors for Election to the Crescent Point Energy Board?",,Cation Capital이 Crescent Point Energy의 이사회에 서신을 제출하고 Crescent Point Energy 이사회에 선출할 네 명의 매우 유능한 독립 이사를 지명할 계획을 발표하다. 3204,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Riding Rapid Growth, ViralGains Moves to New Headquarters?",,빠른 성장에 힘입어 ViralGains가 새 본사로 이전하다. 8751,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India infrastructure trust to list via $487 million private placement - IFR?,,"인도 인프라 신탁, 4억 8천7백만 달러 규모의 사모 배치를 통해 상장 예정 - IFR" 6419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics announces 2017 dividend payment?,,"브리프 - 심천 공진 전자, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 1926,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cogint Provides Update On Spin-Off Of Data And Analytics Subsidiary?,,"브리프-코긴트, 데이터 및 분석 자회사의 분할에 대한 업데이트 제공" 6413,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Sunshine Global Circuits to pay FY 2017 div payment?,,"브리프-선샤인 글로벌 서킷, FY 2017 배당금 지급 예정" 1831,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Madame Tussauds unveils Royal Balcony experience?,,"마담 투소, 로열 발코니 체험 공개" 1278,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Grand Baoxin Auto's Unit To Sell Vehicles To All Trust Leasing, Which Will Then Be Leased Back?",,"브리핑 - 그랜드 바오신 자동차의 자회사, 모든 신탁 리스 회사에 차량을 판매하고, 이후 이를 재리스할 예정." 6607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The 'Mini-Merkel' vying to succeed Germany's leader?,,"'미니-메르켈', 독일의 지도자를 잇기 위한 경쟁 펼치다?" 1000,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Advisers at Leading Discount Brokers Win Bonuses to Push Higher-Priced Products?,,주요 할인 중개업체의 고문들이 더 높은 가격의 상품을 판매하기 위해 보너스를 받는다. 6811,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Meet the man who guides the 1 percent on $120,000 climbing expeditions to the top of Mt. Everest?",,"1퍼센트를 위해 12만 달러의 등반 원정을 안내하는 남자를 만나보세요, 에베레스트 정상까지의 여정." 9158,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French unemployment rate falls to 8.9 percent, lowest since first quarter 2009?",,프랑스 실업률이 2009년 1분기 이후 최저치인 8.9%로 떨어졌다. 2605,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Interior chief defends travel spending, blasts 'insults'?",,"미국 내무부 장관, 여행 지출 옹호하며 '모욕' 발언 반박" 615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hedge funds call for Brexit openness above reciprocity?,,"헤지펀드, 상호주의보다 브렉시트 개방성 촉구" 9820,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aotecar New Energy Technology's Shares To Halt Trade On April 2?,,Aotecar New Energy Technology의 주식이 4월 2일 거래 중단. 6082,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Australia's PM meets deputy to fix sex-scandal split?,,호주 총리가 성 스캔들로 인한 분열을 해결하기 위해 부총리를 만나다. 4381,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hengfeng Information Technology's Shareholder To Unload Stake In The Company?,,브리프 - 헝펑 정보 기술의 주주가 회사의 지분을 매각할 예정입니다. 8826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amdocs to acquire Vubiquity for $224 mln?,,Amdocs가 Vubiquity를 2억 2400만 달러에 인수한다고 발표했습니다. 2092,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AccorHotels agrees to buy Movenpick Hotels for $567 mln?,,아코르호텔이 5억 6700만 달러에 뫼벤픽 호텔을 인수하기로 합의하다. 855,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Time for other developing countries to open their markets, says expert?",,개발도상국들이 시장을 개방할 때가 되었다고 전문가가 말한다. 2385,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Associa Promotes Craig Talley to Regional Sales Director, Eastern Region?",,Associa가 크레이그 탈리를 동부 지역 영업 이사로 승진시켰다. 6567,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chinese businesswoman's sentence reduced to 25 years in jail?,,중국 사업가의 형량이 25년으로 감형됐다. 7229,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Azimut Q4 Consolidated Net Profit Up At EUR 59 Million?,,"AZIMUT Q4 연결 기준 순이익이 5,900만 유로로 증가했다는 간략한 소식" 8428,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Arcia's single lifts Brewers over Cardinals?,,아르시아의 안타로 브루어스가 카디널스를 이겼다. 3596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Wolong Real Estate's Unit Wins Land Auction For 739.4 Million Yuan?,,"완간 부동산의 자회사, 7억 3940만 위안에 토지 경매 낙찰 소식." 531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tests link Syrian gov't stockpile to largest sarin attack?,,시리아 정부의 비축물과 가장 큰 사린 공격의 연관성을 검토한 테스트 결과 3917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 5-Oil hits two-month low as outlook for global balance dims?,,UPDATE 5-유가는 글로벌 밸런스 전망이 둔화됨에 따라 두 달 만에 최저치에 도달하다 9578,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FTSE dragged lower by WPP results, weak factory data?",,FTSE가 WPP 실적과 부진한 제조업 데이터로 인해 하락하다. 8355,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: INSIGHT-China's COFCO makes painful cuts in drive to lead global food trade?,,"INSIGHT-중국 COFCO, 글로벌 식품 무역 주도하기 위한 고통스러운 감축 단행" 8870,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Barbara Bush, Former First Lady, Dies at Age 92?",,"바버라 부시, 전 영부인 92세로 사망" 7297,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudis likely to show restraint as Yemen crisis escalates?,,"사우디아라비아, 예멘 위기가 격화됨에 따라 자제력을 보일 가능성 높아" 931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Envestnet announces pricing of convertible notes offering?,,"브리프 - 엔베스트넷, 전환사채 공모 가격 발표" 9476,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dimon to stay at JPMORGAN 5 more years...?,,"제이피모건, 다이먼 CEO가 5년 더 재임한다고 발표." 3915,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dallas Fed's Kaplan is hopeful rhetoric in U.S.-China trade dispute will de-escalate?,,"달라스 연방준비은행의 카플란, 미국-중국 무역 분쟁 완화에 대한 희망적인 발언." 2417,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's parliament re-elects Xi Jinping as president?,,중국의 국회가 시진핑을 대통령으로 재선출하다. 3502,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Emerald Transformer Relocates Headquarters to McKinney, Texas?",,"에메랄드 트랜스포머, 텍사스주 맥키니로 본사 이전" 4187,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Nudging towards equities over bonds?,,LIVE MARKETS-주식에서 채권으로의 전환을 위한 유도? 1385,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harvey Weinstein indicted in New York rape case?,,"하비 와인스타인, 뉴욕 강간 사건으로 기소돼" 819,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pentagon to provide recommendation on transgender individuals to Trump this week?,,"펜타곤, 이번 주 트럼프에게 성전환자에 대한 권고안 제공 예정" 43,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mauna Kea Technologies Appoints Christophe Lamboeuf, an Experienced Financial Executive, as Chief Financial Officer?",,"마우나 케아 테크놀로지스, 경험이 풍부한 금융 임원 크리스토프 앙보프를 최고재무책임자로 임명하다." 6532,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Man suspected of funneling Libyan cash to Sarkozy granted bail by UK court?,,리비아 자금을 사르코지에게 송금한 혐의를 받는 남성이 영국 법원에서 보석으로 석방되다. 4769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mothercare says lenders agree to defer testing of financial covenants?,,어머니의 집이 대출 기관들이 재무 약속 검사를 연기하기로 합의했다고 밝혔다. 4643,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Star Group, L.P. Declares Quarterly Distribution of 11 Cents per Unit?",,"스타 그룹, L.P.가 유닛당 11센트의 분기 배당금을 선언하다." 5197,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korea names envoys in bid to arrange U.S.-North Korea talks?,,"한국, 미국-북한 회담을 조율하기 위한 특별 대사 임명" 6557,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump?,,미국인들은 경제를 좋아하지만 대다수는 여전히 트럼프를 좋아하지 않는다? 120,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Exelon Q4 Adj Non-GAAP Operating SHR $0.55?,,브리프-엑셀론 Q4 조정 비-GAAP 운영 주당순이익 $0.55 4426,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Wall St falls slightly on trade, oil price concerns?",,"미국 주식 스냅샷 - 무역, 유가 우려로 월가 소폭 하락" 7873,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Aptinyx Appoints Ashish Khanna Chief Financial Officer and Chief Business Officer?,,Aptinyx가 Ashish Khanna를 최고 재무 책임자兼 최고 사업 책임자로 임명하다. 6972,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Red Cross seeks access to Syria's Ghouta, but fears worse to come?",,적십자가 시리아의 고타 접근을 요청하지만 더 나쁜 상황이 올까 두려워한다. 1345,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WSJ City: US and China Near Deal on ZTE, A Tale of Two Booming Stock Sectors?",,"WSJ 시티: 미국과 중국, ZTE에 대한 거래에 가까워져, 두 개의 급성장하는 주식 섹터의 이야기" 7414,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malala makes an emotional return home to Pakistan?,,"말라라, 파키스탄으로 감동적인 귀향" 6474,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sisi says U.S. Embassy move in Israel causes regional instability?,,시시는 이스라엘의 미국 대사관 이전이 지역 불안정을 야기한다고 말했습니다. 5946,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Petpal Pet Nutrition Technology sees Q1 2018 net profit up 112.7 pct to 135.5 pct?,,"BRIEF-Petpal 반려동물 영양 기술, 2018년 1분기 순이익 112.7% 증가하여 135.5% 도달." 3694,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-B&M European Value Retail SA: Bookrunner Says Accelerated Bookbuilt Offering Price Guidance Of 405P To 407P‍​?,,B&M 유럽 가치 소매 SA: 북런너는 가속화된 북빌트 공모 가격 지침이 405페니에서 407페니라고 발표했습니다. 4358,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-WABCO Wins $745 Mln In New Business In Past Four Quarters,Reaffirms Sales Growth Is Expected To Outperform Market Growth Long Term?",,"BRIEF-WABCO는 지난 4분기 동안 7억 4,500만 달러의 신규 비즈니스를 확보했으며, 장기적으로 매출 성장이 시장 성장률을 초과할 것으로 예상한다고 재확인했습니다." 5302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Dubai's DSI's Tabarak Shares Transferred To Emirates Investment Bank?,,두바이의 DSI의 타바락 주식이 에미레이트 투자은행으로 이전되었다는 간단한 소식. 9463,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump’s Hoover Temptation?,,트럼프의 후버 유혹 1684,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exxon fourth-quarter profit spikes; sees $5.9 bln tax gain?,,"엑슨, 4분기 이익 급증; 59억 달러 세금 이익 예상" 8874,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Condor Hospitality Trust Closes Acquisition of the TownePlace Suites Austin North Tech Ridge?,,"콘도르 호스피탈리티 Trust, 타운플레이스 스위트 오스틴 노스 테크 리지 인수 완료" 5726,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Fashion company Nine West files for bankruptcy; to sell some brands?,,"업데이트 1 - 패션 회사 나인 웨스트, 파산 신청; 일부 브랜드 매각 계획" 3395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks Announces Q2 Fiscal Year 2018 Results Conference Call?,,"스타벅스, 2018 회계연도 2분기 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 3409,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Is the Fed Confused About Inflation’s Cause??,,연준은 인플레이션의 원인에 대해 혼란스러운가? 9450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IIROC Trading Halt / Suspension de la negociation par l'OCRCVM - NLN?,,IIROC 거래 중단 / OCRCVM의 거래 중단 - NLN 7989,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman Sachs Pays Women 56% Less Than Men in U.K.?,,"골드만 삭스, 영국에서 여성에게 남성보다 56% 낮은 급여 지급" 1436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Capital One Financial Says Board Size Increased To 11 In Connection With Director Appointment?,,"BRIEF-캐피탈 원 금융, 이사 임명에 따라 이사회 규모를 11명으로 증가했다고 발표." 4431,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: All aboard killed in U.S. helicopter crash in Iraq: military?,,"""미국 헬리콥터 이라크 추락 사고로 탑승자 모두 사망: 군 당국""" 6601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Concrete Arrived In Amarillo This Morning?,,"""미국 콘크리트가 오늘 아침 아마릴로에 도착했습니다.""" 6409,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. budget deals grants $1.5 bln for opioid-addicted babies, families?",,"미국 예산 협정, 마약 중독 아기와 가족을 위해 15억 달러 지원 결정" 6780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cedar Realty Trust Reports First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"시더 리얼티 트러스트, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 4657,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This Chinese car company is taking on Tesla with a new EV concept?,,이 중국 자동차 회사가 새로운 전기차 컨셉으로 테슬라와 경쟁하고 있다? 5017,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Reminds Shareholders of Yelp Inc. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of March 19, 2018?",,"주주 경고: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP가 Yelp Inc.의 주주들에게 집단 소송과 2018년 3월 19일까지의 주도 원고 마감일을 알립니다." 8005,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cannes to balance art house with 'Star Wars' at 71st festival?,,칸 영화제가 71회 축제에서 아트하우스와 '스타워즈'의 균형을 맞춘다. 2722,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nancy Dubuc to Step Down as President & CEO, A+E Networks?",,"낸시 두북, A+E 네트워크의 사장 겸 CEO 직에서 물러날 예정" 6272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Union Bank Of The Philippines Board Approves Raising Of Up To 10 Bln Pesos?,,"브리프-필리핀 유니온 은행 이사회, 최대 100억 페소 증액 승인" 6999,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Murray Energy Corporation To Host Investor Conference Call On First Quarter 2018 Financial And Operating Results?,,"머레이 에너지 Corporation, 2018년 첫 분기 재무 및 운영 결과에 대한 투자자 컨퍼런스 콜 개최 예정" 2065,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kim Jong-Un is likely to 'hold on to those weapons': Eurasia Group?,,김정은은 '그 무기를 계속 보유할 가능성이 높다': 유라시아 그룹 2090,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zimbabwe elections to be held on 30 July: government document?,,짐바브웨 선거가 7월 30일에 실시될 예정: 정부 문서 7929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf-Thomas wins Honda Classic in playoff for eighth PGA Tour title?,,"골프 - 토마스, 플레이오프에서 혼다 클래식을 우승하며 팔번째 PGA 투어 타이틀 획득" 8775,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RigNet Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release Date and Conference Call Information?,,"RigNet, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표일 및 컨퍼런스 콜 정보 발표" 6171,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook and Amazon under fire from DC?,,"페이스북과 아마존, 워싱턴 DC에서 비난받다" 2822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EasyJet revenues boosted as rivals reduce capacity?,,이즈지트의 수익이 경쟁사들이 공급력을 줄임에 따라 증가했다. 5536,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ABLE Equipment Rental Welcomes Key Equipment to Its Corporate Family?,,"ABLE 장비 대여, 주요 장비를 기업 가족으로 환영하다" 1222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-State Of Israel Files Prospectus Related To $1 Billion Of 3.250% Bonds And $1 Billion Of 4.125% Bonds?,,"이스라엘 주식회사, 10억 달러 규모의 3.250% 채권과 10억 달러 규모의 4.125% 채권 관련 안내서 제출" 1025,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kiss's Gene Simmons says Spotify is a 'terrific company' ahead of IPO?,,"Kiss의 진 시몬스, IPO를 앞두고 ""스포티파이는 훌륭한 회사""라고 말하다." 7375,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK estate agents Foxtons foresees challenging 2018 after earnings drop?,,"UK 부동산 중개업체 폭스톤스, 수익 감소로 2018년 힘든 전망 제시." 417,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kudlow: Mr. President, tariffs are really tax hikes?",,"쿠들로: 대통령님, 관세는 정말 세금 인상입니다." 2135,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Reach New Holdings Sees FY Profit​?,,"간략 - 리치 뉴 홀딩스, FY(회계연도) 수익 예상" 162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aspen Group Announces Proposed Public Offering Of Common Stock?,,"브리프 - 애스펜 그룹, 보통주 공개 제안 발표" 8753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beskidzkie Biuro Consultingowe To Analyze Strategic Options With ABS Investment?,,브레프 - 베스키드스키 비우로 컨설팅은 ABS 투자와 함께 전략적 옵션을 분석할 것이다. 8735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sarepta Therapeutics Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of $0.28?,,Sarepta Therapeutics가 1분기 주당 손실 0.28달러를 보고하다. 7670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Now on Broadway: Harry Potter and The Shattered Box-Office Record?,,브로드웨이에 등장: 해리 포터와 부서진 박스 오피스 기록 3984,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European shares flat on the week as earnings season peaks?,,"유럽 주식이 주간 기준으로 변동 없이 유지, 실적 발표 시즌 정점에 달해" 6007,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Delta says 600 Mainline, Delta Connection Regional Flights Cancelled Today due to Winter Storm?",,"델타, 겨울 폭풍으로 인해 오늘 600개의 메인라인 및 델타 커넥션 지역 항공편 취소 발표" 9607,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Trust MLP and Energy Income Fund Declares its Monthly Common Share Distribution of $0.1183 Per Share for May?,,"퍼스트 트러스트 MLP 및 에너지 수익 기금, 5월 주당 $0.1183의 월간 일반 주식 배당금 발표" 4365,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sterling trims losses after Carney says he expects rate rise over next year?,,"스털링, 카니가 향후 1년 내 금리 인상을 예상한다고 말한 후 손실 축소" 2405,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU to invest 1.5 billion euros in AI to catch up with US, Asia?",,"EU가 미국, 아시아와 경쟁하기 위해 AI에 15억 유로를 투자할 예정이다." 8065,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: JP Morgan: GE likely 'seriously considering' another dividend cut?,,JP Morgan: GE는 또 다른 배당금 삭감을 '진지하게 검토하고 있을 것'이라고 생각합니다. 200,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 28th?,,28일의 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까? 4670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China will internationalise all mature futures contracts regulator?,,"중국, 모든 성숙한 선물 계약을 국제화할 것이라고 규제 당국 발표" 4874,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bce, depositi o/n in lieve aumento a 699,728 mld, prestiti marginali 40 mln Bond |?",,"Bce, 하루 overnight 예금이 699억 7280만으로 소폭 증가, 마진 대출 4000만, 채권" 5656,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mnuchin says weaker dollar helps U.S. trade in short term?,,"므누신, 달러 약세가 단기적으로 미국 무역에 도움이 된다고 말하다." 9085,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zscaler to Host Third Quarter Fiscal 2018 Earnings Conference Call?,,Zscaler가 2018 회계년도 3분기 실적 발표 컨퍼런스 콜을 주최합니다. 8060,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Heiko Maas to be German foreign minister, reports Spiegel?",,"하이코 마스, 외무장관에 임명될 예정이라고 슈피겔이 보도하다." 4082,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kennametal Names New Business Segment Leaders?,,"켄나메탈, 새로운 사업 부문 리더를 임명하다." 5771,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stuart Weitzman steps out in chunky heels for New York Fashion Week?,,"스튜어트 웨이츠맨, 뉴욕 패션 위크에서 청키 힐을 신고 등장하다." 7652,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter 2017?",,"라이브 오크 뱅크쉐어스, Inc. 2017년 4분기 실적 보고" 7967,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Guggenheim Investments Declares Equity Exchange Traded Funds Quarterly Distributions?,,"구겐하임 인베스트먼트, 주식 상장지수펀드 분기 배당금 발표" 7492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain and Russia brace for showdown as deadline expires for nerve attack explanation?,,"브리튼과 러시아, 신경 공격 설명 마감 기한 도래에 대비하며 대결 태세 갖춰" 8491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. to return thousands of smuggled ancient artifacts to Iraq?,,"미국, 수천 점의 밀반입된 고대 유물 이라크에 반환하기로 결정" 9914,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Siili Solutions Appoints ‍Aleksi Kankainen New CFO​?,,BRIEF-Siili Solutions가 Aleksi Kankainen을 CFO로 임명했습니다. 1204,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin says stability will lead Russia's central bank to lower rates?,,"푸틴, 안정성이 러시아 중앙은행의 금리 인하로 이어질 것이라고 말하다." 4416,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RENNOVA HEALTH WITHDRAWS PROPOSAL FOR A REVERSE STOCK SPLIT AT UPCOMING SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND URGES SHAREHOLDERS TO VOTE ""FOR"" AND APPROVE THE REMAINING PROPOSALS?",,"레노바 헬스, 예정된 주주총회에서 주식 물량 축소 제안 철회 및 주주들에게 나머지 제안에 ""찬성"" 투표할 것을 촉구." 9227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Anderson homers twice as White Sox top Tigers?,,"앤더슨, 홈런 두 방으로 화이트삭스가 타이거스를 이기다" 5840,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sweden's iZettle to list on Nasdaq Stockholm?,,"스웨덴의 아이제틀, 나스닥 스톡홀름에 상장할 예정" 5120,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FDA's Gottlieb: A lot of support from the White House?,,FDA의 Gottlieb: 백악관으로부터 많은 지원을 받다? 8248,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Finland's Wartsila to take a look at Rolls-Royce's marine business - CEO?,,"핀란드의 바르실라, 롤스-로이스의 해양 사업 검토 예정 - CEO" 6167,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Danaos Corporation Reports Results for the Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2017?",,"다나오스 주식회사, 2017년 12월 31일 종료된 4분기 및 연간 실적 보고" 8074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mattis meets 'devil incarnate' Bolton?,,"매티스, '악마의 화신' 볼턴과 회동" 4257,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EM FX: Does volatility point to Fed taper tantrum or idiosyncratic factors??,,"EM FX: 변동성이 Fed 테이퍼 텐션을 의미하는가, 아니면 개별적 요인들인가?" 6884,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Nhu sees H1 2018 net profit up 280 pct to 330 pct?,,BRIEF-절강 누(Nhu)는 2018년 상반기 순이익이 280%에서 330% 증가했다고 보고한다. 9079,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Business Declares 7.7% Increase in Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"첫 번째 비즈니스, 분기 현금 배당금 7.7% 증가 발표" 8399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China ace Hamilton ready to deny Vettel hat-trick?,,"중국의 에이스 해밀턴, 베텔의 해트트릭 저지할 준비 완료" 7644,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Myanmar activists urge president to release jailed Reuters journalists?,,미얀마 활동가들이 대통령에게 구금된 로이터 기자들의 석방을 촉구하고 있다. 7118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NEW HAIR REGROWTH STUDY BEGINS by Hair & Scalp Clinic?,,새로운 모발 재생 연구 시작 by 헤어 & 두피 클리닉 9474,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indian state-run banks gain as RBI allows lenders to spread bond trading losses?,,인도 국영은행들이 RBI(인도준비은행)가 채권 거래 손실을 분산할 수 있도록 허용함에 따라 상승하고 있다. 3997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy/Germany bond yield gap at tightest since August 2016?,,이탈리아/독일 채권 수익률 차이가 2016년 8월 이후 가장 좁아졌다. 5168,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bitcoin, ripple, ethereum prices fall after South Korea trading ban talk?",,"비트코인, 리플, 이더리움 가격, 한국의 거래 금지 언급 이후 하락" 6285,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's Erdogan tells Iran's Rouhani that U.S. decision on nuclear deal wrong: Turkish source?,,"터키의 에르도안, 이란의 로하니에게 미국의 핵 거래 결정이 잘못되었다고 전해: 터키 소식통" 4754,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Daewoong to pay annual cash dividend as 100 won/share?,,"간략하게 - 대웅, 1주당 100원 현금 배당 실시" 1584,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IN BREVE-Intesa, quota Italo non strategica, si farà ciò che dà più valore-Ceo?",,"인 브리베-인테사, 이탈로의 지분은 전략적이지 않으며, 가장 큰 가치를 주는 것을 할 것이다-CEO." 5671,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump says Democratic memo on Russia is 'very political,' needs redactions?",,"트럼프, 민주당의 러시아 관련 메모가 '매우 정치적'이며 수정이 필요하다고 말하다." 280,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-IDT Reports Q4 GAAP EPS Of $0.15?,,"브리프-IDT, 4분기 GAAP 기준 주당순이익 $0.15 보고" 1648,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venus through to Indian Wells semis, faces Kasatkina?",,"""비너스, 인디언 웰스 준결승 진출, 카사트키나와 대결""" 1531,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pioneer Energy Services Reports Fourth Quarter 2017 Results?,,"파이어니어 에너지 서비스, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표" 2247,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kanye West's tweets cause controversy, get reaction from Trump?",,"카니예 웨스트의 트윗이 논란을 일으키고, 트럼프의 반응을 얻다." 3630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan's Kikkoman Says To Cancel Treasury Shares Worth 7.84 Percent Of Outstanding Stock?,,"일본 키코만, 발행 주식의 7.84%에 해당하는 자기주식 매입 취소 발표" 1627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least four IPOs price in New York despite jarring market volatility?,,뉴욕에서 심각한 시장 변동성에도 불구하고 최소 4개의 IPO가 가격 책정되다. 8389,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump Expected to Threaten Veto of Farm Bill Without Tighter Work Requirements?,,"트럼프, 더 엄격한 근무 요건 없이는 농업 법안의 거부권 행사 예고" 1713,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Scana Sees Total Estimated Capex For 2018 Of $845 Mln?,,"BRIEF-스카나, 2018년 총 예상 자본지출을 8억 4500만 달러로 본다." 3962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apollo Medical Holdings Changed Its Fiscal Year End?,,"아폴로 의료 홀딩스, 회계 연도 종료일 변경" 4438,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Allied Irish Banks to sell 1.1 billion euros in problem loans?,,"얼라이드 아일랜드 은행, 11억 유로 규모의 문제 대출 매각 계획" 7917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Rising oil prices boost U.S. economy: Kemp?,,COLUMN-유가 상승이 미국 경제를 부풀린다: Kemp 3560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OncoSec Appoints Veteran Biopharma Executive Gregory T. Mayes To Board Of Directors?,,"온코섹, 생명 공학 산업의 베테랑 경영진 그레고리 T. 메이즈를 이사회에 임명" 9418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Markets not panicking yet over trade war threat: BAML?,,"""무역 전쟁 위협에 대해 시장은 아직 두려워하지 않는다: BAML?""" 3877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Henan Shenhuo to shift aluminum smelting capacity to Yunnan province?,,중국의 헨안 셴후오는 알루미늄 제련 능력을 윈난성으로 이전할 예정이다. 1185,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cannabis Wheaton Income Corp Announces New Streaming Partner?,,"브리프 - 캐나비스 휘튼 인컴 Corp, 새로운 스트리밍 파트너 발표." 5099,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: West Virginia saw drop in opioid painkillers prescribed, deaths rose?",,"서부 버지니아에서 처방된 오피오이드 통증 완화제 감소, 사망자는 증가했습니다." 2875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diesel fume tests 'no risk' - German university?,,디젤 배기가스 시험 '위험 없음' - 독일 대학교 8979,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Turkey's election board rules Iyi Party can run in June poll: Anadolu?,,"""터키 선거 위원회, 이리당이 6월 선거에 출마할 수 있다고 결정하다: 아나돌루""" 5131,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Safety National Announces Reorganization of Management Structure to Support Organizational Growth?,,"세이프티 내셔널, 조직 성장을 지원하기 위한 관리 구조 개편 발표" 4875,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How the Saints Defense Tipped the Scales?,,세인트스 수비가 어떻게 승부의 추를 기울였는가? 3391,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Croatian food group Podravka's 2017 net profit falls 70 pct?,,"""브리핑 - 크로아티아 식품 그룹 포드라브카의 2017년 순이익 70% 감소""" 9120,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Korean provincial governor resigns over sexual assault claim?,,성폭력 주장으로 한국 지방자치단체장이 사퇴하다. 2665,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Seaworld Entertainment Posts Q1 Net Loss Per Share $0.73?,,"BRIEF-씨월드 엔터테인먼트, 1분기 주당 순손실 $0.73 발표" 6889,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ice hockey - Russians top Czechs to reach final?,,아이스하키 - 러시아가 체코를 이기고 결승에 진출하다. 1453,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results; Raises Dividend to $0.12 Per Share?",,"보스턴 프라이빗 금융 홀딩스, Inc. 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 보고; 주당 0.12달러로 배당금 인상" 4552,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ASX Ltd Says April Total Capital Raised $7.9 Bln, Up 53%?",,브리핑 - ASX Ltd는 4월 총 자본 조달액이 79억 달러로 53% 증가했다고 발표했습니다. 4199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia 'anxious' about the 'fragility' of the oil market?,,"OPEC의 핵심 국가인 사우디아라비아, 석유 시장의 '취약성'에 대해 '불안함'을 느끼다." 4226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's use of copycat biotech drugs takes off while US lags?,,"영국의 복제 생명공학 의약품 사용이 증가하는 반면, 미국은 뒤처지고 있다." 7169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Millions’ Worth of Bitcoin Goes Missing at an Indian Exchange. Whodunnit??,,인도 거래소에서 수백만 달러어치 비트코인이 사라졌다. 누가 범인일까?? 2563,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fedex customer records exposed on server?,,페덱스 고객 기록이 서버에 노출됨 5885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monsanto wins approval in Brazil for GM soy seed Intacta2 Xtend?,,"몬산토, 브라질에서 GM 대두 종자 Intacta2 Xtend 승인 획득" 1818,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WTA International, Monterrey Women's Singles Results?",,"WTA 인터내셔널, 몬테레이 여자 단식 결과" 2499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vakifbank Gets Securitization Loan in Euro and USD Worth $380 Mln Equivalent In Total?,,"바키프은행, 총 3억 8천만 달러 상당의 유로 및 달러화 유동화 대출 확보" 7274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IBEX Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial Public Offering?,,"IBEX, IPO를 위한 등록 신청서 제출" 7459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Appeals court again nixes Smartflash patents asserted against Apple?,,항소 법원이 애플에 대해 주장된 스마트플래시 특허를 다시 한 번 기각하다. 7603,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank gets permission to use Postbank deposits more widely?,,"도이체은행, 포스트뱅크 예금을 더 널리 활용할 수 있는 허가 얻어" 4857,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pot Pharm - Booming Canada weed sector plots next-wave medicines?,,포트 약국 - 성장하는 캐나다의 대마초 산업이 다음 세대의 의약품을 구상하다. 332,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russians penetrated US voter systems: NBC News?,,러시아가 미국 유권자 시스템에 침투했다: NBC 뉴스 2975,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BenefitMall Announces Mike Suess as Market Director, Northern California?",,"베네핏몰, 마이크 수스를 북부 캘리포니아 시장 이사로 임명 발표" 3335,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kaman Board of Directors Declares Dividend?,,"Kaman 이사회, 배당 결정 발표" 9890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Fiat Chrysler to spin-off Magneti Marelli without raising money - sources?,,"독점: 피아트 크라이슬러, 자금을 모으지 않고 마그네티 마렐리 분사 예정 - 소식통" 3761,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall Street treads water ahead of Trump's tariff decision?,,"US 주식 - 월스트리트, 트럼프의 관세 결정 앞두고 움직임 없이 지지부진." 1821,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Nike needs to promote more women and minorities, company’s HR chief says?",,월스트리트 저널: 나이키는 여성과 소수를 더 많이 홍보할 필요가 있다고 회사 인사 책임자가 말했습니다. 1226,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yoko International says 2017 dividend payment?,,"요코 인터내셔널, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 2780,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SM Investments Confirms Approval By PCC Of Goldilocks Bakeshop Inc Acquisition By Unit?,,"브리프 - SM Investments, 자회사에 의한 Goldilocks Bakeshop Inc 인수에 대한 PCC의 승인을 확인하다." 8794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Endeavour Says ‍Construction For Ity Mine Remains On-Time And On-Budget With First Gold Pour Expected Mid-2019​?,,"브리프 - 엔데버가 이티 광산의 건설이 예정대로 진행되고 있으며 예산 내에서 진행되고 있다고 발표했으며, 첫 금 생산이 2019년 중반에 예상된다고 전했습니다." 3587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zambia 2018 maize output to fall about 34 percent - government?,,잠비아 2018년 옥수수 생산량이 약 34% 감소할 예정 - 정부 3786,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Do not panic if you cannot pay your tax bill?,,COLUMN-세금 납부를 할 수 없다면 당황하지 마십시오. 8375,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices rise on Middle East tension, but soaring U.S. output caps gains?",,"중동 긴장으로 석유 가격 상승, 그러나 급증하는 미국 생산량이 상승을 제한한다." 6132,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alianza Purchases Additional Claims at Haldane Silver Project, Keno District, Yukon?",,알리안자가 유콘주의 케노 지구에서 할데인 실버 프로젝트에 추가 지분을 매입하다 9159,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: N.Korea has no intention of meeting U.S. during Olympics -KCNA?,,북한은 올림픽 기간 동안 미국과 만날 의사가 없다고 KCNA가 보도했다. 3784,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Futures higher on North Korea comments, easing trade war fears?",,"미국 주식 - 북한 발언에 힘입어 선물이 상승, 무역 전쟁 우려 완화" 6911,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European markets open lower amid earnings and economic data?,,유럽 시장이 실적 및 경제 데이터 속에 하락세로 개장하다 4620,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Wales team to face France?,,"럭비 - 웨일스 팀, 프랑스와 맞대결" 8282,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alma Angotti and Salvatore LaScala Named Co-Leaders of Navigant’s Global Investigations and Compliance Practice?,,"알마 앙고티와 살바토레 라스칼라, 나비건트의 글로벌 조사 및 컴플라이언스 부서 공동 리더로 임명됩니다." 7613,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HanesBrands Reports First-Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"HanesBrands, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 1266,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Room for tariff negotiations eased investors' fears, says Barbara Reinhard?",,세금 협상 여지가 투자자들의 두려움을 완화했다고 바바라 라인하드가 말했다. 9004,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LASALLE HOTEL PROPERTIES SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. Announces Investigation of Buyout?",,"라살 호텔 프로퍼티스 주주 경고: 리그로드스키 & 롱, P.A. 매각 조사 발표" 9028,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Black Panther star's impromptu rap adds to BAFTA red carpet glamour?,,"블랙 팬서 스타의 즉흥 랩, BAFTA 레드 카펫의 화려함을 더하다." 5277,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zur Rose Group Says Rx Mail-Order Ban Not To Be Justified?,,"짧게 - Zur Rose Group, Rx 우편 주문 금지가 정당화될 수 없다고 말함." 9671,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade war concerns slamming stocks a very real worry: Steel analyst?,,무역 전쟁 우려가 주식에 큰 타격: 철강 분석가의 매우 현실적인 걱정 4713,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump advisors mocked him as 'idiot' and 'dope,' Michael Wolff book claims?",,트럼프 고문들이 그를 '바보'와 '멍청이'라고 조롱했다고 마이클 울프의 책에서 주장한다. 4189,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Midday?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 정오 소식 127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. Announces Launch of Initial Public Offering?,,"리버티 오일필드 서비스 주식회사, 초기 공개 발행 시작 발표" 5389,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Youtap Appoints Singapore Based Ray Ferguson as Chairman of Its Board of the Directors?,,"유타프, 싱가포르에 본사를 둔 레이 퍼거슨을 이사회의 의장으로 임명하다." 4172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British minister says unelected peers trying to block the people's will over Brexit?,,영국 장관은 선출되지 않은 귀족들이 브렉시트를 통한 국민의 의지를 저지하려 한다고 말했습니다. 6677,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Destini Acquires Key U.S. Geo-Location Patents Unlocking Personalization & Measurement for In-Store & Online Purchases?,,"데스티니, 매장 및 온라인 구매를 위한 개인화 및 측정 기능을 열어주는 주요 미국 지리적 위치 특허 인수" 4886,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Markets Now: January 11, 2018?",,CNBC 마켓 나우: 2018년 1월 11일 8518,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's Zuma to appear in court on corruption charges?,,"남아프리카 공화국의 주마, 부패 혐의로 법원에 출두 예정" 5214,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg: We're working with the Special Counsel?,,저커버그: 우리는 특별검사와 협력하고 있습니다. 2113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Loup Ventures' Gene Munster: Conversation around Facebook will shift?,,루프 벤처스의 진 먼스터: 페이스북에 대한 대화가 변할 것이다? 1044,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global watchdog puts Pakistan back on terrorist financing watchlist: media?,,"글로벌 감시기구, 파키스탄을 다시 테러 자금 지원 감시 목록에 올려: 매체" 6536,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Germany wants to 'strengthen and deepen' U.S. ties: Finance Minister?,,독일은 미국과의 관계를 '강화하고 심화'하고 싶다고 재무장관이 전했습니다. 8983,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paycom Software, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2017 Earnings Release Date and Conference Call?",,"Paycom Software, Inc.가 2017년 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표 날짜와 컨퍼런스 콜을 발표했습니다." 7866,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Master batsman Smith hails bowlers after the 'patience' Ashes?,,"마스터 배츠맨 스미스, '인내' 앎스를 마친 후 투수들을 칭찬하다." 2473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Origin Bancorp Sees IPO Of 3.64 Mln Shares Of Common Stock Priced To Be Between $33 And $35 Per Share?,,"브리프 - 오리진 뱅콥, 주식 364만 주 공모가 주당 33달러에서 35달러로 예상" 4505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lithium X Energy Update On Completion Of Plan Of Arrangement With NextView?,,"BRIEF-리튬 X 에너지, NextView와의 계획 거래 완료에 대한 업데이트" 1542,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China stocks fall on Fed rate hike, trade war concerns?",,"중국 주식, 연준 금리 인상과 무역 전쟁 우려로 하락" 9275,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Goldman Sachs says ‘the bar looks high’ for bitcoin to thrive as real money?,,"골드만삭스는 ""비트코인이 실제 돈으로 번창하기에는 장벽이 높아 보인다""고 말합니다." 4541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Gecina Sells The “Dock-En-Seine” Building In Paris Region ‍​?,,"브리프 - 게시나, 파리 지역의 ""독-앙-센"" 건물 매각" 2324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Venezuela supermarkets besieged after price cuts?,,"베네수엘라 슈퍼마켓, 가격 인하 이후 인파 몰려" 1011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: British PM May feels more heat over EU's customs union?,,영국 총리 메이는 EU의 관세 동맹에 대해 더 많은 압박을 느끼고 있다. 821,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Growth in defence sales at France's Thales offsets flat aerospace in Q1?,,프랑스 탈레스의 방산 매출 증가가 1분기 항공 우주 부문의 정체를 상쇄하다. 5195,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fed 2017 profit payments to Treasury fall to $80.2 billion?,,2017년 연준의 재무부에 대한 이익 지급이 802억 달러로 감소하다. 8339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Witness to Charlottesville attack sues U.S. media outlets over 'false' stories?,,샬러츠빌 공격 목격자가 '허위' 기사로 인해 미국 언론사들을 고소했다. 9096,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bill Barrett Corporation Completes Strategic Combination with Fifth Creek Energy and Announces Name Change to HighPoint Resources Corporation?,,"빌 배럿 기업, 피프스 크릭 에너지와 전략적 결합 완료 및 하이포인트 자원 기업으로 이름 변경 발표" 9371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Platinum Equity Announces American Traffic Solutions Acquisition Of Euro Parking Collection?,,"플래티넘 에쿼티, 아메리칸 트래픽 솔루션의 유로 주차 수집 인수 발표" 5910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Retailers Don’t Mind Bigger Wage Bills?,,소매업체들이 더 큰 임금 청구서를 걱정하지 않는 이유? 3588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-China's Jan soybean imports jump more than 10 pct amid healthy demand?,,업데이트 1 - 중국의 1월 대두 수입이 건강한 수요에 힘입어 10% 이상 증가했습니다. 9181,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The case for a centralized online marketplace for art?,,예술을 위한 중앙 집중식 온라인 시장의 필요성에 대한 논의 3159,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Canadian National Railway To Buy 350 Lumber Cars To Meet Growing Demand In Forest Products Business?,,"간단히 말해, 캐나다 내셔널 레일웨이가 산림 제품 사업의 증가하는 수요를 충족하기 위해 350개의 목재 화차를 구매할 예정이라는 내용의 뉴스 기사일 것입니다." 6481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar Weakness Ahead of Possible Government Shutdown Boosts Gold?,,달러 약세가 가능성 있는 정부 셧다운을 앞두고 금 가격 상승을 촉진하다 9904,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Norway's GIEK export credit agency cut oil, gas exposure in 2017?",,"노르웨이의 GIEK 수출 신용 기관, 2017년 석유 및 가스 노출 축소." 7914,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-By-Health's Q1 Net Profit Up 31.4 Percent Y/Y At 372.1 Million Yuan?,,브리프-바이헬스의 1분기 순이익이 전년 대비 31.4% 증가한 3억 7210만 위안이다. 2997,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hertl goal helps Sharks edge Penguins?,,허틀의 골로 샤크스가 펭귄스를 제치고 승리하다 1986,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Granite Acquires LiquiForce?,,그라나이트가 리퀴포스를 인수하다. 2315,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corruption fine hits Keppel Corp's bottom line?,,부패 벌금이 케플사의 수익에 타격을 미쳤다. 919,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Methanex Reports Record First Quarter 2018 Results?,,"메타넥스, 2018년 1분기 기록적인 실적 발표" 7337,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Uber CEO Kalanick to start fund called '10100'?,,"전 우버 CEO 칼라닉, '10100'이라는 펀드 시작 예정" 759,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Johnny Weir Absolutely Loves the Word Absolutely?,,"존니 위어는 ""절대적으로""라는 단어를 정말 사랑한다." 7540,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TPG RE Finance Trust, Inc. to Present at the Citi 2018 Global Property CEO Conference?",,"TPG RE 파이낸스 트러스트, Inc.가 시티 2018 글로벌 부동산 CEO 컨퍼런스에서 발표할 예정입니다." 2100,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Olympics-Alpine Skiing-Women's super g results?,,UPDATE 1-올림픽-알파인 스키-여자 슈퍼 G 결과 1596,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Greenland Holdings To Invest 10 Billion Yuan For Poverty Relief Funds?,,"BRIEF-그린란드 홀딩스, 빈곤 구제를 위해 100억 위안 투자 계획 발표" 3888,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SpaceX Launches Falcon Heavy Rocket?,,"스페이스X, 팔콘 헤비 로켓 발사" 8893,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Artisan Partners Asset Management Says AUM As Of Dec 31 Totaled $115.5 Bln​?,,"브리프-아티산 파트너스 자산운용, 12월 31일 기준 AUM이 1155억 달러에 달한다고 발표." 1138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nuvectra™ Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Financial Results?,,Nuvectra™가 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 3463,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: tronc, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Results?",,"트론크, Inc. 2017년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적 보고" 5976,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Cereal maker Kellogg's sales top estimates in fourth quarter?,,수정됨 - 시리얼 제조업체 켈로그의 매출이 4분기 예상치를 초과하다. 1885,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pfizer signs deal with Allogene to develop cancer cell therapy?,,"화이자, 알로지네와 암 세포 치료제 개발을 위한 계약 체결" 8700,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bluerock Residential Growth REIT Announces Share Repurchase Plan?,,"블루락 주거 성장 리츠, 자사주 매입 계획 발표" 934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trumps greet the Macrons for White House state dinner?,,트럼프가 마크롱을 백악관 만찬에서 맞이하다. 9809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Southern New Hampshire Medical Center Welcomes Dr. Timothy Scherer as New Chief Medical Officer?,,"사우던 뉴햄프셔 메디컬 센터, 새로운 의료 담당관으로 팀시 스커를 환영하다." 4717,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stock market volatility could kill this risky Social Security strategy?,,주식 시장의 변동성이 이 위험한 사회 보장 전략을 죽일 수 있다? 5345,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bio Rad Laboratories Says CEO Norman Schwartz's 2017 Total Compensation Was $5.4 Mln Vs $4.9 Mln In 2016?,,"브리핑 - 바이오 래드 실험실, CEO 노먼 슈워츠의 2017년 총 보상이 540만 달러로 2016년의 490만 달러와 비교된다고 밝혔습니다." 4152,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran displays missile, Rouhani says U.S. regional policy a failure: TV?",,"이란, 미사일 공개; 로하니, 미국의 지역 정책 실패라고 말하다: TV" 1221,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ecoark Holdings Provides Update on Divestiture of Non-Core Assets, Management and Board of Director Changes?",,"에코아크 홀딩스, 비핵심 자산 매각 및 경영진과 이사 변경에 대한 업데이트 제공" 5426,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks Issues Apology Over Philadelphia Store Arrests?,,"스타북스, 필라델피아 매장 체포 사건에 대한 사과 발표" 9419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Redwood Trust Declares $0.28 Per Share Dividend For The First Quarter Of 2018?,,"레드우드 트러스트, 2018년 1분기 주당 0.28달러 배당금 발표" 8337,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nivea maker Beiersdorf's 2017 organic growth beats own guidance?,,"니베아 제조업체 바이어스도르프, 2017년 유기적 성장이 자체 가이던스를 초과하다." 3858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gun Stocks Pop In Aftermath of Florida School Shooting | Fortune?,,플로리다 학교 총격 사건 이후 총기 주식 급등 | 포춘 964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zhejiang CONBA Pharmaceutical to pay annual cash div as 1.50 yuan per 10 shares for FY 2017?,,"절강 CONBA 제약, FY 2017에 대해 10주당 1.50위안의 연간 현금 배당금을 지급한다고 발표." 7382,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-EnSync Energy Q3 Loss Per Share $0.05?,,BRIEF-EnSync Energy Q3 주당손실 $0.05 6794,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bailed-out Dexia swings to net loss in 2017, lowers balance sheet?",,"2017년 정부에 구제금융을 받은 덱시아, 순손실로 전환하며 대차대조표 축소" 6008,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Slovakia warns Italy against 'suicide mission'?,,"슬로바키아, 이탈리아에 '자살 미션' 경고" 393,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mexico City round of NAFTA talks planned for February 26 to March 6?,,멕시코 시티에서 2월 26일부터 3월 6일까지 NAFTA 회담이 계획됨. 1956,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Amazon says it shipped 5 billion items to Prime customers in 2017?,,"아마존, 2017년에 프라임 고객에게 50억 개의 아이템을 배송했다고 발표" 2910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Paddy Power Betfair pushes ahead with U.S. expansion?,,"패디 파워 베트페어, 미국 진출을 계속 추진하다." 3435,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hundsun Technologies' 2017 Net Profit Up 2,476.2 Percent Y/Y At 471.2 Million Yuan?",,"브리프 - 헌순 기술의 2017년 순이익이 전년 대비 2,476.2% 증가한 4억 7,120만 위안." 1541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ho Bee Land Ltd Posts Q4 Profit Attributable Of S$102.4 MLN?,,브리프 - 호 비 랜드 주식회사가 4분기 연결 수익을 1억 2백만 싱가포르 달러로 발표했습니다. 8308,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Nucor CEO: US 'desperately' needs new infrastructure, steel tariffs?",,Nucor CEO: 미국은 '절실하게' 새로운 인프라와 철강 관세가 필요하다? 2182,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Materials Analysis Technology to merge with bio-tech unit?,,"""재료 분석 기술, 바이오 기술 부문과 합병 결정""" 2279,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This Betsy DeVos tweet about Michigan's public schools makes no sense?,,"""미시간 공립학교에 관한 베츠시 드보스의 이 트윗은 이해할 수 없다.""" 4459,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Look for US bond yields to head higher this week?,,이번 주 미국 채권 수익률이 상승할 것으로 예상된다. 6503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South India's 'Tollywood' film industry tackles sex trafficking?,,남인도의 '톨리우드' 영화 산업이 성매매를 다룬다. 3556,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fauquier Bankshares, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Results?",,"브리프 - 포키어 뱅크셰어스, Inc. 2018년 1분기 실적 발표" 5043,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Breakingviews - Cox: Guns, nuns and funds get ready to rumble?",,"브레이킹뷰스 - 콕스: 총기, 수녀, 자금이 격렬하게 맞붙을 준비를 하다?" 286,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Aurum Pacific (China) Says Unit & 2 Shareholders Entered HOA For Proposed Disposal Of Targets?,,브리핑 - 아우럼 퍼시픽(중국)은 자회사와 2명의 주주가 목표 자산 처분을 위한 양해각서(HOA)를 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 5183,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Olympic officials failed to act on Nassar sex abuse claims -report?,,재파일 - 올림픽 관계자들이 나사르 성폭력 주장에 대해 조치를 취하지 않았다는 보고서 6312,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Centrica plc Announces Clarification In Relation To Cash Tender Offers For Any And All Of Its 4.000% Senior Notes Due 2023 And Up To US$250,000,000 In Aggregate Principal Amount Of Its 5.375% Senior Notes Due 2043?",,"센트리카 plc, 2023년 만기 4.000% 선순위 노트 및 2043년 만기 최대 2억 5천만 달러 규모의 5.375% 선순위 노트에 대한 모든 것에 대한 현금 입찰 제안 관련 설명 발표" 9208,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bluedrop Releases 2017 Year End Financial Results?,,"Bluedrop, 2017년 연말 재무 결과 발표" 4789,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis-Older, wiser Shapovalov bullish about challenges ahead?",,"테니스 - 나이가 많고 더 지혜로워진 샤포발로프, 앞으로의 도전에 대해 긍정적이다." 1231,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pfizer says U.S., EU And Japan Health Authorities Accept Lorlatinib For Review?",,"브리핑 - 화이자가 미국, EU 및 일본 보건 당국이 로르라티닙 검토를 수락했다고 발표했습니다." 2003,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dycom Industries, Inc. To Report Fiscal 2019 First Quarter Results And Host Conference Call?",,"다이콤 인더스트리스, Inc.가 2019 회계연도 첫 분기 실적을 발표하고 컨퍼런스 콜을 개최할 예정입니다." 6438,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel plans 2,500 new settler homes in West Bank: defense minister?",,"이스라엘, 요르단강 서안에 2,500개의 새로운 정착촌 주택 계획: 국방장관" 1743,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jaguar Health Provides Updates Regarding Programs?,,"간략히 - 재규어 헬스, 프로그램 관련 업데이트 제공" 1841,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Industrials drag Wall Street lower?,,산업주들이 월가를 하락하게 만들다. 1667,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lawyer on the lam?,,도주 중인 변호사? 404,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reversal of Turkish decision to release activist undermines justice - EU statement?,,활동가 석방에 대한 터키의 결정 번복은 정의를 훼손한다 - EU 성명 3817,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 5 Michigan State holds on to top Indiana, 63-60?",,"5위 미시간 주립대, 인디애나를 63-60으로 가까스로 이기다." 9840,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bratz Boss Makes Play to Run Mattel, Is Told to Take His Toys and Go Home?",,"브랫츠 보스, 마텔 운영에 도전했으나 ""장난감이나 정리하라""는 통보 받아" 7585,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Another bumper year seen for Italian small caps?,,라이브 시장 - 이탈리아 소형주에 또 한 번의 풍년이 예상된다? 9612,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Shares fall on Italian turmoil, euro, oil at multi-week lows?",,"글로벌 시장 - 이탈리아 혼란으로 주가 하락, 유로화와 석유가 수 주 만에 최저치 기록" 1010,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Migros Ticaret Proposes Not To Pay Dividend For FY 2017?,,BRIEF-Migros Ticaret가 2017 회계연도 배당금을 지급하지 않을 것을 제안하다 1813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Tech sector gains keep world shares near one-week high?,,GLOBAL MARKETS-기술 부문 상승으로 세계 주식이 일주일 최고치 근처 유지 1808,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa's ANC official urges patience during Zuma exit talks?,,남아프리카 ANC 고위 관계자가 주마 퇴진 협상 동안 인내를 촉구하다 9406,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Lian Beng Group Announces Acquisition Of Stake In Hebei Yue Zhi Real Estate Development?,,"브리프 - 리안 벵 그룹, 허베이 위에 즈 부동산 개발 지분 인수 발표" 6173,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Flagstar Bank To Acquire Mortgage Warehouse Loan Portfolio From Santander Bank?,,"브리프-플래그스타 은행, 산탄데르 은행으로부터 주택 담보 대출 포트폴리오 인수" 3841,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alliance Resource Partners, L.P. and Alliance Holdings GP, L.P. Increase Fourth Quarter 2017 Unitholder Distribution 1.0% at Both ARLP and AHGP?",,"Alliance Resource Partners, L.P.와 Alliance Holdings GP, L.P.가 2017년 4분기 유닛 홀더 배당금을 ARLP와 AHGP 모두 1.0% 인상했습니다." 9310,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-VersaBank Subsidiary VersaVault Signs MOUs With Cryptocurrency Exchange And Cryptocurrency Fund?,,브리프 - VersaBank 자회사 VersaVault가 암호화폐 거래소 및 암호화폐 펀드와 양해각서(MOU)를 체결하다. 5351,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sheffield Shield Standings?,,셰필드 쉴드 순위? 637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Autoliv Q1 profit lags forecast ahead of split?,,"오톨리브, 분할을 앞두고 1분기 수익이 예상치를 밑돌다." 7008,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Biogen posts fourth-quarter loss on income tax charge?,,"바이오젠, 소득세 차감으로 4분기 손실 기록" 3826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WWE gears up for Wrestlemania 34?,,WWE가 레슬매니아 34를 대비하고 있다. 3186,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Almonty Announces Positive $2,953,000 Q1 EBITDA from Mining Operations and the Filing of Its Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and MD&A for the Three Months Ended December 31st, 2017?",,"알몬티, 2017년 12월 31일 종료된 3개월 동안의 감사 받지 않은 중간 응축 재무 제표 및 MD&A 제출과 함께 광업 운영으로부터 긍정적인 2,953,000달러 Q1 EBITDA 발표." 419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Volkswagen weighs spin-offs of non-core assets: CEO?,,"폭스바겐, 비핵심 자산 분사 검토: CEO" 6822,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cottarelli's transition may only last a few months: Policy Sonar?,,"""Cottarelli의 전환은 몇 달밖에 지속되지 않을 수 있다: 정책 소나르?""" 2403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: VW’s ex-CEO charged in U.S. over diesel scandal?,,"폭스바겐 전 CEO, 디젤 스캔들로 미국에서 기소되다." 1512,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Whitbread CEO says Costa, Premier Inn able to thrive alone?",,Whitbread CEO가 코스타와 프리미어 인이 독립적으로 성공할 수 있다고 말하다. 7450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New York City Lays Out Rules for Student Protests?,,"뉴욕시, 학생 시위를 위한 규정 제정" 508,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After Park, former South Korean President Lee summoned over bribery allegations?",,"박근혜 이후, 이명박 전 대통령, 뇌물 의혹으로 소환돼" 3107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mexus Terminates JV Agreement With MarMar Holdings?,,"브리프-멕수스, 마르마르 홀딩스와의 JV 계약 종료" 7166,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Billy Graham; preacher to millions, adviser to presidents, dies at 99?",,"빌리 그레이엄; 수백만 명의 설교자, 대통령들의 조언자, 99세로 별세" 184,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: North Korea Wavers on U.S. Summit, Accentuating the Gap Over Nuclear Weapons?",,"북한, 미국 정상회담에 대한 태도 변화 - 핵무기 문제로 격차 강조" 3451,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Singapore Q4 private home prices up 0.8 pct q/q?,,"""싱가포르 4분기 민간 주택 가격, 전분기 대비 0.8% 상승""" 8817,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Celgene to Acquire Impact Biomedicines, Adding Fedratinib to Its Pipeline of Novel Therapies for Hematologic Malignancies?",,"셀진, 임팩트 바이오메디신 인수하여 혈액종양을 위한 혁신 치료제 파이프라인에 페드라티닙 추가" 9933,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Och-Ziff Capital Management Group ‍As Of April 1, Estimated Unaudited Amount Of AUM About $32.3 Billion?",,"BRIEF-Och-Ziff Capital Management Group ‍4월 1일 기준, 추정된 감사 전 AUM 금액 약 323억 달러." 618,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Valmont Reports Q4 GAAP Loss Per Share $0.16?,,"브리프 - 발몬트, 4분기 GAAP 주당 순손실 $0.16 보고" 2733,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: If we see another pullback, buy this sector?",,"Cramer Remix: 만약 또 다른 하락이 온다면, 이 부문에 투자하라?" 8036,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-British and Irish Lions players to receive ceremonial caps?,,럭비 - 브리티시 앤 아일리시 라이온스 선수들이 기념 모자를 받게 된다. 552,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla says Model 3 production shut down temporarily?,,"테슬라, 모델 3 생산이 일시적으로 중단됐다고 발표하다." 2670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump decides to fire H.R. McMaster: WashPo?,,"트럼프, H.R. 맥마스터 해고 결정: 워싱턴포스트?" 2154,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: XO Group Reports Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,XO 그룹 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표 7328,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TD Ameritrade Holding Says CEO's FY 2017 Total Compensation Was $7.35 Mln?,,BRIEF-TD Ameritrade Holding은 CEO의 2017 회계연도 총 보상이 735만 달러였다고 밝혔습니다. 6778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: John Hancock Closed-End Funds Declare Monthly Distributions?,,"존 한콕 폐쇄형 펀드, 월간 배당금 발표" 9497,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: NCI Announces Key Executive Promotion?,,"NCI, 주요 임원 승진 발표" 9007,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cryptocurrency miners seek cheap energy in Norway and Sweden?,,암호화폐 채굴자들이 노르웨이와 스웨덴에서 저렴한 에너지를 찾고 있다. 9572,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's Ultra Electronics terminates $234 mln Sparton deal?,,"영국의 울트라 일렉트로닉스, 2억 3천 4백만 달러 스포튼 거래 종료" 8975,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Terreno Realty Corporation Acquires Building in Seattle, WA for $42.0 Million?",,"테레노 리얼티 코퍼레이션, 워싱턴주 시애틀에 4200만 달러에 건물 인수" 1127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tomen Devices to set up sales unit in Singapore?,,"브리프 - 토멘 디바이스, 싱가포르에 판매 유닛 설립 예정" 2956,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intel reports 4Q loss?,,"인텔, 4분기 적자 보고" 1854,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Parker Completes Divestiture of Facet Filtration Business to Filtration Group Corporation?,,"파커, 필터레이션 그룹 코퍼레이션에 페이셋 필트레이션 사업 매각 완료" 4624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Trade war threat drives demand for high-grade euro zone bonds - Reuters?,,UPDATE 2-무역 전쟁 위협이 유로존 고급 채권에 대한 수요를 증가시킨다 - 로이터 1164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lithuania liquor ad ban causes headaches?,,리투아니아 주류 광고 금지가 두통을 유발하다. 3119,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vanguard Natural Resources Qtrly Net Loss Per Share $3.69?,,브리프 - 반가드 내추럴 리소스 분기당 주당 순손실 3.69달러 6470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CDCC Launches Direct Clearing for Canadian Buy Side Firms?,,"BRIEF-CDCC, 캐나다 매수 측 기구를 위한 직접 청산 서비스 시작" 8550,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cricket-Shami takes three but South Africa move past 200-run lead?,,크리켓 - 샤미가 3개의 아웃을 기록했지만 남아프리카가 200점 이상의 리드를 확보하다. 5783,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OPEC in no hurry to decide if extra oil needed to offset Iran - sources?,,"OPEC, 이란을 보완하기 위해 추가 석유 필요 여부 결정에 서두르지 않기로 - 소식통." 6122,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Unwitting' Trump campaign officials duped, says DOJ indictment?",,"'모르는 사이에' 트럼프 캠페인 관계자들이 속았다, DOJ 기소 주장" 5101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monsanto profit misses estimates as farmers face squeeze?,,"몬산토, 농민들이 압박을 받는 가운데 예상치를 밑도는 수익 발표" 2471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Realtech AG FY Consolidated Sales Of EUR 19.6 Million (Previous Year EUR 22.9 Million)?,,브리프 - Realtech AG FY 연결 매출 1960만 유로(전년도 2290만 유로) 682,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OMAM Reports Financial and Operating Results for the Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2017?",,OMAM은 2017년 12월 31일로 종료된 4분기 및 연간 재무 및 운영 결과를 보고합니다. 8803,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MCBC Holdings, Inc. Reports Fiscal 2018 Second- and Year-To-Date Results?",,"MCBC 홀딩스, Inc.가 2018 회계연도 2분기 및 연간 결과를 보고하다." 6850,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia says in touch with states that attacked Syria -RIA?,,"러시아, 시리아를 공격한 국가들과 연락 중이라고 밝혀 -RIA" 2755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Chelsea's Willian puts Mourinho friendship aside for Man United clash?,,"첼시의 윌리안, 맨유와의 대결을 위해 무리뉴와의 우정을 접다" 2097,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Porn star Stormy Daniels denies having an affair with Trump?,,"포르노 스타 스토미 다니엘스, 트럼프와의 불륜을 부인하다?" 3201,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Congressional Hearing on Facebook Turns Up Heat on Mark Zuckerberg?,,"""페이스북에 대한 의회 청문회, 마크 저커버그에게 압박 가중""" 6581,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Symtek Automation Asia raises T$350 mln via issuance of 5 mln new shares?,,BRIEF-Symtek Automation Asia가 500만 주의 신규 주식을 발행하여 T$3억5천만을 조달합니다. 5138,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC visits the only Telsa Supercharger station with a lounge?,,CNBC가 라운지가 있는 유일한 테슬라 슈퍼차저 스테이션을 방문했습니다. 2527,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RBC Bearings Incorporated Announces Fiscal 2018 Third Quarter Results?,,RBC 베어링 주식회사가 2018 회계년도 제3분기 실적을 발표했습니다. 1949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Suzy Welch: Here's a clever little secret to managing your manager?,,수지 웰치: 당신의 상사를 관리하는 묘한 비결이 여기 있습니다. 1113,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Superior Industries International Reports Q1 Earnings Per Share Of $0.07?,,"브리프-수퍼리어 인더스트리스 인터내셔널, 1분기 주당순이익 $0.07 보고" 7948,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: There is limited 'predictability' in the US-China trade talks: Economist?,,미국-중국 무역 논의에서 '예측 가능성'은 제한적이라는 경제학자 발언 4239,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin says Russia must double infrastructure spending?,,"푸틴, 러시아는 인프라 지출을 두 배로 늘려야 한다고 말하다." 2778,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US Air Force conducts training over South China Sea?,,"미 공군, 남중국해에서 훈련 실시" 161,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. Announces Stockholder Approval of Private Placement and Debt Refinance Transactions?",,마론 바이오 혁신 주식회사가 사모 발행 및 부채 재융자 거래에 대한 주주 승인 발표 8889,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Blue Bird Corp Announces Conversion Of 7.6 Pct Series A Convertible Cumulative Preferred Stock?,,"브리프-블루 버드 코퍼레이션, 7.6% 시리즈 A 전환형 누적 우선주 전환 발표" 2876,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Congress panel to grill Olympic officials on preventing sex abuse?,,"미국 의회 패널, 성범죄 예방을 위해 올림픽 관계자들 질의 예정" 91,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Stepan Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.42?,,브리프 - 스테판 4분기 주당 순이익 $0.42 9774,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Broadcom to Seek the Election of Six, Rather than 11, Nominees to the Qualcomm Board?",,"브로드컴, 퀄컴 이사회 후보 11명 대신 6명 선출 시도할 예정" 389,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top US intel official: Russia will likely try influencing 2018 US vote?,,2018년 미국 선거에 영향을 미치려는 러시아의 시도가 있을 것이라고 미국 고위 정보 관계자가 말했다. 5813,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bespoke basement flowers to fine dining forks in hours?,,맞춤형 지하실 꽃에서 고급 식사 포크까지 몇 시간 만에? 4668,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-UTStarcom Reports Q4 Non-GAAP Loss Per Share $0.09?,,BRIEF-UTStarcom은 4분기 비-GAAP 주당 손실을 $0.09로 보고했습니다. 1826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: PRECIOUS-Gold rises on weaker U.S. dollar ahead of U.S. data?,,"귀중한 금, 미국 데이터 발표를 앞두고 약세 달러로 상승" 2877,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spanish property developer Metrovacesa cuts listing price?,,스페인 부동산 개발업체 메트로바세사가 상장 가격을 인하한다. 9412,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Validus Holdings, Ltd. Cancels Fourth Quarter and Year End 2017 Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast?",,"발리더스 홀딩스, 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 및 연말 재무 결과 컨퍼런스 콜 및 웹캐스트를 취소하다." 7117,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S&P upgrades Rio Tinto, flags well-placed for M&A?",,"S&P, 리오 틴토 신용등급 상향 조정, 인수합병에 유리한 위치 언급" 7227,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Q4 net profit up 7 pct?,,아부다비 상업은행 Q4 순이익 7% 증가 4284,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Canada adds 15,400 jobs in Feb, unemployment rate dips to 5.8 pct?",,"업데이트 1 - 캐나다, 2월에 15,400개의 일자리 추가, 실업률 5.8%로 하락" 4939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: J&J hit with $21.7 million verdict in another talc asbestos cancer case?,,"J&J, 또 다른 붕괴 석면 암 사건에서 2170만 달러 배상 판결을 받다" 8929,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why more volatility in the yuan is 'not necessarily' negative: Economist?,,"위 제목의 뉴스 기사 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: ""위안화의 변동성이 더 커지는 것이 ' 반드시' 부정적이지 않은 이유: 경제학자""." 4439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TREASURIES-U.S. yield curve holds at flatter levels after Q4 GDP data?,,TREASURIES-미국의 수익률 곡선이 Q4 GDP 데이터 이후 평탄한 수준을 유지하다 9892,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Crosby's goal, three assists carry Penguins to series lead?",,크로스by's 골과 세 번의 어시스트로 펭귄스가 시리즈 리드 확보 2896,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Santiago sex abuse victims ask Vatican to investigate another case?,,산티아고 성폭력 피해자들이 바티칸에 또 다른 사건 조사를 요청하다. 8127,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two Harbors Investment Corp. Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,Two Harbors Investment Corp.가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 9860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Harbour Energy says $10.8 billion offer for Santos is 'best and final'?,,하버 에너지가 산토스에 대한 108억 달러 제안은 '최고이자 최종'이라고 밝혔습니다. 3223,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Loxo-Bayer cancer drug gets priority review from FDA?,,로소-바이엘 암 치료제가 FDA로부터 우선 심사를 받다. 7803,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cramer Remix: The real ‘wild card’ behind soaring retail revenues?,,크래머 리믹스: 치솟는 소매 수익 뒤에 숨은 진짜 '와일드 카드'? 198,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Erdogan, Putin mark formal start of work on Turkey's first nuclear power plant?",,"에르도안, 푸틴, 터키 첫 원자력 발전소 건설 작업 공식 시작 기념" 4930,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: United Airlines profit rises with higher fares?,,"유나이티드 항공, 더 높은 요금으로 이익 증가" 3856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Inside a Japanese pod hotel?,,일본의 포드 호텔 내부를 들여다보다 6890,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. 10-year yield at highest in four years?,,"미국 10년물 수익률, 4년 만에 최고치 기록" 9645,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Samsung Electronics to slash OLED panel production as iPhone X demand disappoints - Nikkei?,,삼성전자가 아이폰 X 수요 부진으로 OLED 패널 생산을 줄인다 - 니케이 7878,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kosovo to face harsh consequences if war crimes court scrapped - U.S.?,,코소보가 전쟁 범죄 법원이 폐지되면 강력한 결과에 직면할 것 - 미국? 4196,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Asia stocks waver after China data, earnings in focus?",,"글로벌 시장-중국 데이터 이후 아시아 주식이 흔들림, 수익 발표 주목" 3169,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ray Sigorta Q1 Unconsolidated Net Profit Falls To 1.7 Mln Lira?,,브리프-레이 시고르타 1분기 비합병 기준 순이익 170만 리라로 감소 7095,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Putin, France's Macron to discuss Iran in St Petersburg - Kremlin?",,"러시아의 푸틴, 프랑스의 마크롱이 상트페테르부르크에서 이란에 대해 논의할 예정 - 크렘린" 8630,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Empire Industries announces 5 year strategic cooperation agreement with Asian theme park owner?,,"브리프-엠파이어 인더스트리즈, 아시아 테마파크 소유자와 5년 전략 협력 계약 발표" 8044,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Honda China JV, Dongfeng to recall more than 1 mln vehicles - China quality watchdog?",,"브리핑 - 혼다 중국 조인트 벤처, 동풍이 100만 대 이상의 차량을 리콜한다 - 중국 품질 감독 기관" 7564,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Poker-faced Italian president to hold all the cards after election?,,선거 이후에 카드의 모든 권한을 쥐게 될 무표정한 이탈리아 대통령 1274,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eos Imaging: FY Revenue Increases To 37.1 Million Euros?,,"Eos Imaging: 2023 회계연도 수익이 3,710만 유로로 증가했습니다." 3941,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iraqi court sentences German woman of Arab descent to death for joining Islamic State?,,"이라크 법원, 이슬람 국가에 가입한 아랍계 독일 여성에게 사형 선고" 9326,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: President Trump Threatens to Take Away Press Credentials Over ‘Fake News’?,,"트럼프 대통령, '가짜 뉴스'를 이유로 언론 자격증 박탈 위협" 3032,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Eurazeo Patrimoine Announces The Acquisition Of C2s Group?,,"브리프-유라조 파트리모니, C2s 그룹 인수 발표" 904,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian speed skater Graf rejects Pyeongchang invitation?,,"러시아 스피드 스케이터 그라프, 평창 초청 거부" 1604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi stock exchange ready to handle Aramco listing: CEO?,,"사우디 주식 거래소, 아람코 상장을 처리할 준비 완료: CEO" 8400,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golden Globes U.S. TV audience falls to 19 million viewers, NBC says?",,"골든글로브 시상식, NBC 발표에 따르면 미국 TV 시청자 1,900만 명으로 감소." 2464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Blockchain Group Says Li Dongfan Appointed As Joint Chairman Of Board​?,,"블록체인 그룹, 리동판을 이사회 공동 의장으로 임명했다고 발표하다." 3118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LPGA Rankings?,,LPGA 랭킹에 대한 뉴스 기사 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다. 214,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: European stocks: tech stocks in focus, Air France?",,"유럽 주식: 기술 주식 주목, 에어프랑스?" 4648,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Polish regulator OKs Santander unit rebranding?,,"폴란드 규제당국, 산탄데르 자회사 리브랜딩 승인" 629,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Titan Medical Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"브리프-타이탄 메디컬, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 보고" 6011,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tech start-up Uptake makes 'big' acquisition in race to digitize the industrial industry?,,"기술 스타트업 Uptake, 산업 분야 디지털화를 위한 경쟁에서 '큰' 인수 발표" 3958,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Economist: This is an impossible situation for Fed’s Powell?,,경제학자: 이것은 연준의 파월에게 불가능한 상황이다? 5974,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rebellious Dior channels spirit of '68?,,"반항적인 디올, '68의 정신을 담다" 9735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Instructure Files For Common Stock Shelf Offering Of Up To $115 Million?,,"브리프 - 인프라스트럭처, 최대 1억 1500만 달러 규모의 보통주 공모를 위한 등록신청서 제출." 9436,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Three-quarters Facebook users as active or more since privacy scandal - Reuters/Ipsos?,,프라이버시 스캔들 이후 3분의 4의 페이스북 사용자들이 이전만큼 활발하거나 더 활발하게 활동하고 있다는 리터스/입소스 조사 결과. 4403,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Under Armour says 150 million MyFitnessPal accounts breached?,,"언더아머, 1억 5천만 개 MyFitnessPal 계정이 해킹당했다고 발표." 9935,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Centrica Plc Announces Any And All Tender Offer Results?,,"센트리카 플씨, 모든 입찰 제안 결과 발표" 4661,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's Didi axes social features from carpooling service after passenger murder?,,"중국의 디디, 승객 살해 사건 이후 카풀 서비스에서 소셜 기능 축소" 1487,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Mexico's wholesale mobile network launches without major carriers?,,UPDATE 1-멕시코의 도매 모바일 네트워크가 주요 통신사 없이 출시됨. 3389,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: More than 40,000 people returned to Syria's Ghouta: agencies?",,4만 명 이상이 시리아의 고타로 돌아갔다: 기관들 5339,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Catalan ex-leader faces extradition from Germany?,,"카탈루냐 전 지도자, 독일에서 송환 위기에 처하다." 7471,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Orsero To Pay EUR 8 Mln Guarantee On Loan Granted To Argentina Srl?,,"브리프 - 오르세로, 아르헨티나 Srl에 부여된 대출에 대해 800만 유로 보증금 지급 예정" 3162,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mark Cuban wants to buy more Amazon and Netflix stocks if price drops?,,마크 큐반은 가격이 하락하면 아마존과 넷플릭스 주식을 더 사길 원한다. 4083,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Medeon Biodesign says no dividend payment for 2017?,,"브리프 - 메디온 바이오디자인, 2017년 배당금 지급 없다고 발표." 2604,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain to look retrospectively at visas issued to wealthy foreigners?,,"""영국, 부유한 외국인에게 발급된 비자를 소급적으로 검토할 계획""" 6846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Crown Capital Increases Quarterly Dividend By 15 Pct?,,"브리프-크라운 캐피탈, 분기 배당금 15% 인상" 2556,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scientists puzzled by exotic distant galaxy lacking dark matter?,,과학자들은 암흑 물질이 부족한 이국적인 먼 은하에 혼란스러워하고 있다. 3058,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Leading ivory trade investigator found dead in Kenya?,,케냐에서 주요 상아 밀매 조사관이 사망했다. 1795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Techfinancials Plans To Sell MarketFinancials Limited?,,"테크파이낸셜스, 마켓파이낸셜스 리미티드 매각 계획 발표" 3057,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pininfarina To Develop Two Cars For Vinfast?,,"브리프 - 피닌파리나, 빈패스트를 위해 두 대의 자동차 개발 예정" 5505,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dollar hits 15-month low vs yen, some see further slide?",,"달러가 엔화 대비 15개월 최저치로 떨어져, 일부는 추가 하락을 예상한다." 9588,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Yulong Eco-Materials Limited Appoints New Director?,,Yulong Eco-Materials Limited가 새로운 이사를 임명하다. 4446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Government Lifeline Isn’t Saving India’s State-Run Banks?,,정부의 구제책이 인도의 국영 은행들을 구하지 못하고 있다? 5807,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two killed in Saudi-led air strikes in Yemen: residents?,,사우디 주도의 공습으로 예멘에서 두 명 사망: 주민들 2951,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Fat cat Thursday' for UK CEOs?,,'영국 CEO들을 위한 'Fat cat Thursday'' 3235,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Athletics - Coleman and Dibaba steal show at dramatic world indoors?,,육상 - 콜먼과 디바바가 드라마틱한 세계 실내 대회에서 주목받다 7846,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uncle Julio’s Mexican from Scratch Appoints David Ellis as Chief Brand Officer?,,"언클 훌리오스 멕시칸 프롬 스크래치, 데이비드 엘리스를 최고 브랜드 책임자로 임명하다." 6555,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rexahn Reports First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,렉산이 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 보고하다 275,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Africa traces deadly listeria to sausage meat, issues recall?",,"남아프리카, 치명적인 리스테리아의 원인을 소세지 고기로 추적하여 리콜 조치 발표" 9750,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Anbang Insurance Has No Immediate Plans to Cut Stake In Financial Street Holdings?,,브리핑 - 안방보험은 금융가 지주회사에서 지분을 줄일 즉각적인 계획이 없다. 5683,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gazans bury their dead after the bloodiest day of Israel border protests?,,가자 지구 주민들이 이스라엘 국경 시위 중 가장 피비린내 나는 날 이후 사망자를 매장하고 있다. 1124,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-Tennis-Simona Halep v Karolina Pliskova - match stats?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""FACTBOX-Tennis-Simona Halep v Karolina Pliskova - match stats""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: - 두 선수의 개인적인 통계와 경과 결과, - 각 선수의 최근 성적 및 대회 성적, - 상호 전적(맞대결 기록), - 서브 및 리턴 통계, - 포핸드와 백핸드 통계 - 체력과 적응력에 관한 정보 등. 번역: 뉴스 기사 제목 ""FACTBOX-Tennis-Simona Halep v Karolina Pliskova - match stats""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: - 두 선수의 개인적인 통계와 경과 결과, - 각 선수의 최근 성적 및 대회 성적, - 상호 전적(맞대결 기록), - 서브 및 리턴 통계, - 포핸드와 백핸드 통계, - 체력과 적응력에 관한 정보 등." 662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SUTL Enterprise To Buy Stake In Makham Bay Marina Co For S$5.6 Mln?,,"브리프-서틀 엔터프라이즈, 마캄 베이 마리나 사에 560만 싱가포르 달러에 지분 매입 예정." 2200,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Newer gout drug poses risk to heart patients?,,신형 통풍 치료제가 심장 환자에게 위험을 초래할 수 있다? 3089,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil retail sales rise in 2017 as interest rates fall?,,"UPDATE 1-브라질 소매 판매, 금리 인하로 2017년 상승" 6634,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Second Cup Reports Q1 Loss Per Share Of C$0.01?,,"브리프-세컨드컵, 1분기 주당 손실 C$0.01 보고" 2982,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mike Myers reacts to Verne Troyer's death at 'Terminal' premiere?,,"마이크 마이어스, '터미널' 시사회에서 번 트로이어의 죽음에 반응하다." 2281,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain's FTSE under pressure as Sage sinks?,,"""영국의 FTSE, Sage의 하락으로 압박을 받다""" 460,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After big wildfire losses, Southern California braces for new threat — mudslides?",,"대형 산불 피해 이후, 남부 캘리포니아는 새로운 위협인 산사태에 대비하다." 2327,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tariffs are 'the real uncertainty' to be concerned about?,,관세가 '진정으로 걱정해야 할 불확실성'이다. 2762,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian opposition will not attend Sochi peace talks: spokesman?,,시리아 야권은 소치 평화 회담에 참석하지 않을 것이라고 대변인이 밝혔다. 4931,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: One attraction still drawing shoppers to malls: Food?,,쇼핑객을 여전히 쇼핑몰로 끌어들이는 매력: 음식 6390,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PTC Entered Accelerated Repurchase Agreement To Repurchase $100 Mln Common Stock?,,"PTC, 1억 달러의 보통주 매입을 위한 가속 매입 계약 체결 발표." 7541,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Salesforce Announces Pricing Of $2.5 Bln Senior Notes Offering?,,"브리프 - 세일즈포스, 25억 달러 규모의 고급 노트 발행 가격 발표" 8945,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France's baby milk scare deepens?,,프랑스의 아기 분유 스캔들이 심화되고 있다. 636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Brazil farm exports may benefit from rising U.S.-China trade tensions - official?,,UPDATE 1-브라질 농산물 수출은 미국-중국 무역 긴장 고조로 혜택을 볼 수 있을 것이라고 관계자가 전했다. 773,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Invuo Technologies Q1 Operating Loss Narrows To SEK 9.5 Million?,,"인뷰 테크놀로지스, 1분기 운영 손실이 9.5백만 스웨덴 크로나로 축소됨." 9511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prime Opportunities Investment says IWG rejects offer approach?,,"프라임 오포튜니티 투자, IWG가 제안 접근을 거부했다고 발표하다." 7470,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CANADA STOCKS-TSX finishes higher, reversing earlier declines?",,"캐나다 주식 - TSX, 초기 하락세를 반전시키며 상승 마감" 7524,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc. Announces 2018 First Quarter Financial Results?",,"1347 프로퍼티 인슈어런스 홀딩스, Inc. 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표" 5320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Tech Caught in Crossfire of China Trade Fight?,,"미국 기술, 중국 무역 분쟁의 교차점에 잡히다." 4782,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-Marathon Texas City, Texas refineries restoring production: sources?",,"업데이트 3-마라톤 텍사스 시티, 텍사스 정유소들이 생산을 복구하고 있다는 소식: 소식통" 897,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kohlschreiber, Bautista Agut cruise into Dubai second round?",,"코흘슈라이버, 바우티스타 아굿, 두바이 2라운드로 순항하다." 6917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japan worries Trump could link security and trade?,,일본은 트럼프가 안보와 무역을 연계할까 걱정한다. 2642,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia president says attacks on Surabaya act of 'cowards'?,,"인도네시아 대통령, 수라바야에서의 공격은 '비겁한 행위'라고 말하다." 8509,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Get a pencil: California marijuana-tracking system not used?,,연필을 갖추세요: 캘리포니아 마리화나 추적 시스템이 사용되지 않음? 6679,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Uber’s Rush to Shutter, a Stink Over Rail Deliveries and China Fires Back With Tariffs?",,"우버의 급속한 종료, 철도 배송을 둘러싼 논란, 그리고 중국의 관세 반격" 5998,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Montella beams with joy after historic win over Man United?,,"몬텔라, 맨유에 대한 역사적인 승리 후 기쁨을 감추지 않아" 9084,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tennis - American teen Anisimova stuns Wang in Miami?,,"테니스 - 미국의 10대 선수 아니스모바, 마이애미에서 왕을 놀라게 하다." 6674,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EIA raises U.S. oil output growth forecast for 2018?,,"EIA, 2018년 미국 석유 생산 증가 전망을 상향 조정하다." 1137,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Magnitude 5.8 earthquake hits Nicaragua - USGS?,,“미국 지질조사국(USGS)에 따르면 니카라과에서 진도 5.8의 지진이 발생했다.” 4429,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: T5 Data Centers Names Scott Mitchell VP of Sales to Bring in Tenants for Expanding Dallas Data Campus?,,"T5 데이터 센터, 달라스 데이터 캠퍼스 확대를 위한 세입자 유치를 위해 스콧 미첼을 판매 부사장으로 임명" 269,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MB Financial, Inc. to Redeem Series A Preferred Stock?",,"MB Financial, Inc.이 시리즈 A 우선주를 상환할 예정입니다." 6596,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall Street gains on solid earnings, dollar drop?",,"미국 주식 - 월가, 견조한 실적과 달러 하락으로 상승." 314,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Euroseas Announces Sale Of Bulk Carrier Vessel M/V Monica P?,,"브리프-유로시스, 벌크 캐리어 선박 M/V 모니카 P 판매 발표" 1326,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Intercept to Announce First Quarter 2018 Financial Results on May 8, 2018 and Present at Upcoming Investor Conferences?",,"인터셉트, 2018년 1분기 재무 결과 발표 예정 및 다가오는 투자자 컨퍼런스에서 발표 예정" 6468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Reliq Health Technologies Announces Strategic Partnership With ForaCare Inc?,,"브리프 - Reliq Health Technologies, ForaCare Inc와 전략적 파트너십 발표." 1858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Target CEO: Our personal shoppers will deliver to 'your kitchen table'?,,타겟 CEO: 우리의 개인 쇼핑객들이 '당신의 주방 테이블'로 배달할 것입니다. 1396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Iran says Total has two months to seek U.S. sanctions exemption?,,"업데이트 1 - 이란, 토탈에게 미국 제재 면제를 요청할 두 달의 시간 부여" 4435,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Konica Minolta Promotes Roopa Parekh to President of Direct Channel’s East Region?,,"코니카 미놀타, 루파 파레크를 직접 채널 동부 지역 사장으로 승진시켜" 2087,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-PZ Cussons Nigeria Says CFO David Petzer Has Resigned?,,"브리핑 - PZ Cussons Nigeria, CFO 데이비드 페처가 사임했다고 발표했다." 4856,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Russia will recapitalise Promsvyazbank to service defence sector?,,"업데이트 2 - 러시아, 방위 산업을 지원하기 위해 프로모스비야즈뱅크의 자본을 증대할 예정이다." 8837,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Davos goes plant-based with ‘Impossible Burger’?,,다보스가 '임파서블 버거'로 식물 기반으로 전환하다 8747,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US producer price index rose 0.3% in March, vs 0.1% increase expected?",,"3월 미국 생산자 물가 지수가 0.3% 상승, 예상된 0.1% 증가와 비교." 1341,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Air pollution tied to preterm births in China?,,중국에서 대기 오염이 조산과 관련이 있다는 기사 내용일 수 있습니다. 3640,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: World Government Summit: We’re almost in a mental health epidemic, says Goldie Hawn?",,"세계 정부 정상 회담: 골디 혼, ""정신 건강 전염병에 거의 다다랐다""고 말하다." 5491,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Filatex India Dec Qtr Profit Rises?,,브리프 - 필라텍스 인디아 12월 분기 이익 증가 7061,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Epipen shortage should be short term: Mylan?,,에피펜 부족 사태는 단기간에 해결될 것: 마일란 432,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India cenbank chief says still wary of upside risks to inflation?,,"인도 중앙은행 총재, 여전히 인플레이션 상승 위험에 대한 경계를 늦추지 않아" 1492,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israel changes law to make it harder to cede Jerusalem control?,,"이스라엘, 예루살렘 통제 양도를 더 어렵게 만드는 법 개정" 8964,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: KKR & Co. L.P. Reports?,,KKR & Co. L.P. 보고서 발표 716,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EEOC backs gay employee in latest appellate battle over workplace rights?,,EEOC가 직장 권리를 둘러싼 최신 항소 전투에서 동성애 직원의 편을 들어주다. 4606,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FTI Consulting Record First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"FTI 컨설팅, 2018년 첫 분기 실적 사상 최대 기록" 6647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sport court says 42 Russians appeal IOC doping decisions?,,스포츠 법원이 42명의 러시아인이 IOC의 도핑 결정에 항소했다고 발표했습니다. 276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Two Police Officers Killed in Ohio While Responding to 911 Call?,,오하이오에서 911 전화에 응답하던 중 두 명의 경찰관이 사망하다. 9241,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israeli minister says airstrikes sent clear message to Iran?,,"이스라엘 장관, 공습이 이란에 명확한 메시지를 전달했다고 말하다." 9434,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Emblem Appoints Alex Stojanovic CFO?,,"헤드라인 ""BRIEF-Emblem Appoints Alex Stojanovic CFO""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: Emblem이 Alex Stojanovic를 CFO(최고 재무 책임자)로 임명했음을 발표했다. 이 발표는 회사의 재무 전략과 목표에 대한 비전을 공유하는 데 중점을 두고, Stojanovic가 이전에 어떠한 경험을 가지고 있는지, 그리고 그의 임명이 Emblem에 미칠 긍정적인 영향을 다룰 수 있다. 추가적으로, 그는 향후 재무 계획과 성장 전략을 이끄는 역할을 맡게 될 것이라는 내용도 포함될 수 있다." 49,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Motion Display Announces Alliance With Altierre?,,"브리프 - 모션 디스플레이, 알티르와 제휴 발표" 397,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Groups want details on Trump's approval of Keystone pipeline?,,트럼프의 Keystone 파이프라인 승인에 대한 세부정보를 원하는 그룹들 5335,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Archer ‍wins 3 year platform drilling management service contract from Apache?,,"브리프 - 아처, 아파치로부터 3년 규모의 플랫폼 드릴링 관리 서비스 계약 체결." 2372,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GRAVITY ANNOUNCES FILING OF ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 20-F FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017?,,GRAVITY가 2017 회계연도에 대한 20-F 양식의 연례 보고서 제출을 발표하다 9093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rhode Island hires Motley Rice for potential opioid litigation?,,"로드아일랜드, 잠재적 오피오이드 소송을 위해 모틀리 라이스 고용" 7589,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Market Close?,,뉴스 업데이트 - 시장 마감 7272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No. 2 Michigan State mashes Minnesota?,,"2위 미시간 주립대, 미네소타를 대파하다" 9209,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: A look at Samsung Electronics' mobile division?,,삼성전자 모바일 사업부에 대한 살펴보기 5956,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Your first trade for Friday, May 25?",,"금요일, 5월 25일의 첫 거래 사항" 7774,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ChineseInvestors.com, Inc. Announces that it has Entered Into a Letter of Intent to Acquire the Assets of XBTeller.com to Expand its Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Business to Include a Dedicated ATM/OTC Operation?",,"중국투자자닷컴, Inc.는 암호화폐 및 블록체인 사업을 확대하기 위해 XBTeller.com의 자산을 인수하기 위한 의향서를 체결했다고 발표했습니다." 8917,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alaska Airlines, Virgin America and its flight attendants reach tentative merger agreement?",,"알래스카 항공, 버진 아메리카 및 그 항공 승무원들이 잠정적인 합병 협정에 도달하다." 7753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Wells Fargo agrees to pay $1 billion to settle customer abuses?,,"웰스 파고, 고객 남용 문제로 10억 달러에 합의한다." 7175,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clovis Oncology Files Prospectus Supplement Related To Offering $100 Mln Of Shares Of Co's Common Stock?,,"클로비스 온콜로지, 1억 달러 규모의 자사 보통주 공모와 관련된 보충 설명서 제출" 5081,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ruble hits lowest level since 2016 on sanctions sell-off - Reuters?,,"루블, 제재 매도로 2016년 이후 최저 수준 기록 - 로이터" 3740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hub24 Says Funds Under Administration Of $7.4 Bln At 31 March 2018?,,브리프 - Hub24는 2018년 3월 31일 기준 관리 중인 자산이 74억 달러라고 발표함. 7547,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sangamo: 1Q Earnings Snapshot?,,상아모: 1분기 실적 스냅샷? 8396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Graham Corporation Announces Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Results Release and Conference Call?,,"그라함 회사, 2018 회계연도 3분기 재무 결과 발표 및 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 발표" 5150,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Land O'Lakes, Inc. Announces Record Results for 2017?",,"랜드 오'레이크스, 주식회사 2017년 기록적인 실적 발표" 8957,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump ready to ramp up drone exports?,,"트럼프, 드론 수출 확대를 준비하다?" 9437,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Celanese Corporation Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.46 Per Share?,,"셀레네스 코퍼레이션, 주당 0.46달러의 분기 배당금 발표" 9231,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend?,,아티산 파트너스 자산 관리 주식회사가 분기 배당금을 선언하다. 9627,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UAE demand for business loans up marginally in Q4 -central bank?,,"UAE의 사업 대출 수요, 4분기에 소폭 증가 - 중앙은행" 5537,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Three blasts rock Afghan capital of Kabul, casualties feared?",,아프가니스탄 수도 카불에서 세 차례 폭발이 발생해 많은 사상자가 우려된다. 8499,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fire erupts at Schlumberger facility in Angola: state oil firm?,,앙골라 슐럼버거 시설에서 화재 발생: 국영 석유 회사 387,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Apple plans giant high-end iPhone, lower-priced model - Bloomberg?",,"애플, 대형 고급 아이폰 및 저렴한 모델 계획 - 블룸버그" 1687,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: American Independent Marketing Joins Integrity Marketing Group?,,"""American Independent Marketing이 Integrity Marketing Group에 합류하다?""" 5936,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Axovant to scrap intepirdine program after dementia trial fails?,,"Axovant, 인지기능 향상을 위한 intepirdine 프로그램을 폐기하기로 결정하며 치매 시험에 실패하다." 7571,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC Markets Now: January 08, 2018?",,CNBC 마켓 나우: 2018년 1월 8일 4396,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: OFFICIAL CORRECTION-Brazil's BRF places workers from two plants on furlough?,,"공식 정정-브라질의 BRF, 두 공장의 직원들을 유급 휴직 조치." 5872,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Gaming investors eye jackpot from U.S. sports betting ruling?,,UPDATE 1-미국 스포츠 베팅 판결로 인한 게임 투자자들의 잭팟 기대 8587,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lincoln Financial Group Signs Agreement to Acquire Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston?,,"링컨 파이낸셜 그룹, 보스턴 리버티 생명 보험 회사를 인수하기 위한 계약 체결" 4179,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: IATA warns airlines headed for crisis on rising infrastructure costs?,,IATA가 인프라 비용 상승으로 위기에 처한 항공사들에 경고하다 7367,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: T. Boone Pickens is selling his 65K acre estate for $250M?,,"T. 분 픽켄스가 65,000에이커의 저택을 2억 5천만 달러에 판매하고 있다." 8678,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Atlantic Coast Financial Stockholders Approve Merger With Ameris Bancorp?,,"""브리프 - 애틀랜틱 코스트 파이낸셜 주주, 아메리스 은행과의 합병 승인""" 7310,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vietnam complains to WTO about U.S. fish tariffs?,,"베트남, 미국의 수산물 관세에 대해 WTO에 불만 제기" 8468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Announces On-Market Share Buy-Back Of Up To $100 Mln?,,"브리프-젠워스 모기지 보험 호주, 최대 1억 달러의 시장 내 자사주 매입 발표" 6053,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DNB Asset Management As Reports 8.6 Percent Passive Stake In Fitbit As Of Dec. 31, 2017?",,"BRIEF-DNB 자산운용, 2017년 12월 31일 기준 Fitbit의 8.6% 패시브 지분 보고" 6809,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Guardiola's ribbon is political symbol, says FA chief?",,과르디올라의 리본은 정치적 상징이라고 FA 수장이 말하다. 3952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italian election results a 'market negative' on populist outcome?,,"이탈리아 선거 결과, 대중주의 결과에 대한 '시장 부정적' 전망" 1636,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pope crisis talks with Chile bishops over abuse may lead to purge?,,"""교황, 아동 학대 문제를 두고 칠레 주교들과 위기 회담을 가질 예정으로, 이는 정리단행으로 이어질 수 있다.""" 6539,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Boeing said detected limited intrusion of malware?,,보잉은 제한된 형태의 맬웨어 침입이 감지되었다고 밝혔다. 5062,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Donlinks International Investment's Shareholder And Party Acting In Concert Cut Stake In The Company?,,콘텐츠가 포함된 뉴스 기사의 제목: BRIEF-Donlinks International Investment의 주주와 공동 행동 당사자가 회사의 지분을 줄였다. 6151,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lasalle Hotel Properties Reports Q1 Adjusted FFO Per Share Of $0.33?,,"라살 호텔 프로퍼티스, 1분기 조정된 주당 FFO 0.33달러 보고" 6991,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: From unfit, depressed drinker and smoker to Kim Kardashian’s trainer – here’s how ‘Fitgurl Mel’ found success?",,"""불건전하고 우울한 음주가 흡연자에서 킴 카다시안의 트레이너로 – '핏걸 멜'이 성공을 찾은 방법은?""" 4654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Facebook CEO starts second day of U.S. congressional hearings?,,"UPDATE 1-페이스북 CEO, 미국 의회 청문회 둘째 날 시작" 5615,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clearside Biomedical Announces Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update?,,"클리어사이드 바이오메딕컬, 2017년 4분기 재무 결과 발표 및 기업 업데이트 제공" 8841,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Notre Dame Wins Women’s College Basketball Title?,,"노터담, 여성 대학 농구 챔피언십 우승!" 1798,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Box Reports Record Revenue of $506 Million for Fiscal Year 2018, Up 27% Year-Over-Year, and Delivers Positive Cash Flow From Operations?",,"박스, 2018 회계연도에 5억 600만 달러의 기록적인 수익 보고, 전년 대비 27% 증가, 운영으로부터 긍정적인 현금 흐름 전달" 4020,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-BioScrip Reports Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.12?,,"브리프-바이오스크립, 분기 주당 손실 $0.12 보고" 6024,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This bitcoin exchange wants to build 100 schools in Africa?,,이 비트코인 거래소는 아프리카에 100개의 학교를 세우고 싶어한다. 7907,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Mechel Reports Decisions of Its Board of Directors?,,"메첼, 이사회 결정 발표" 9864,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Creditors cry foul on Puerto Rico's latest fiscal plan?,,채권자들이 푸에르토리코의 최신 재정 계획에 대해 불만을 토로하다 9979,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LSB Industries, Inc. Reports Operating for the Fourth Quarter?",,"LSB 인더스트리즈, Inc. 제4분기 운영 보고" 2064,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Smartsheet acquires Converse.AI to accelerate natural language user experiences and conversational workflow automation?,,"스마트시트, 자연어 사용자 경험 및 대화형 워크플로 자동화를 가속화하기 위해 Converse.AI 인수" 5093,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: These pro athletes make millions and you can still catch them taking the subway?,,이 프로 선수들은 수백만 달러를 벌지만 여전히 지하철을 타는 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 20,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TravelCenters of America LLC Fourth Quarter 2017 Conference Call Scheduled for Wednesday, February 28th?",,트래블센터즈 오브 아메리카 LLC 2017년 4분기 컨퍼런스 콜이 2월 28일 수요일로 예정되어 있습니다. 6659,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Global Eagle Entertainment Files For Non-Timely 10-Q?,,"브리프 - 글로벌 이글 엔터테인먼트, 비적시 10-Q 제출." 3583,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-MeiG Smart Technology says annual cash dividend for 2017?,,"브리프-메이그 스마트 테크놀로지, 2017년 연간 현금 배당금 발표" 7209,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Scott Weiner, Noted Energy Environment Expert, Joins Florio Perrucci Steinhardt & Cappelli?",,"스콧 와이너, 저명한 에너지 환경 전문가가 플로리오 페루치 스테인하르트 & 카펠리에 합류하다." 8180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Red Eagle Mining Says Production At Santa Rosa Gold Project Was At High End Of Guidance For Feb.?,,"브리프-레드 이글 마이닝, 산타 로사 금 프로젝트의 2월 생산량이 가이드라인 상단에 도달했다고 발표." 7421,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kosovo ready to vote on key border deal with Montenegro?,,"코소보, 몬테네그로와의 핵심 국경 협정에 대한 투표 준비 완료" 9454,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Worsening Italian crisis batters stock markets?,,글로벌 시장 - 악화되는 이탈리아 위기가 주식 시장에 타격을 주다. 4348,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saudi court starts trial of two Arabs accused of spying for Mossad?,,"사우디 법원, 모사드에 대한 스파이 혐의로 두 아랍인에 대한 재판 시작" 6199,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ardent Health Services and The University of Texas System Finalize Agreement to Form UT Health East Texas?,,"아드멘트 헬스 서비스와 텍사스 대학교 시스템, UT 헬스 이스트 텍사스 설립을 위한 계약 체결" 8146,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesia shrinks danger zone around grumbling Bali volcano?,,"인도네시아, 울부짖는 발리 화산 주변 위험 지역 축소" 3540,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump wants more from EU to lift tariffs - EU trade chief?,,"트럼프, 관세 철폐를 위한 EU의 더 많은 양보 요구 - EU 통상 수장" 5072,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-South China Holdings Co ‍Expects To Record A Significant Increase In FY Profit?,,"브리프-사우스 차이나 홀딩스 회사, FY 이익의 유의미한 증가를 기록할 것으로 예상" 298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Some migrants return home with cash but no hope?,,일부 이민자들은 돈을 가지고 고향으로 돌아가지만 희망은 없다. 2095,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zscaler Now Sees IPO Of Up To 12 Mln Shares?,,간략히 - Zscaler는 최대 1200만 주의 IPO를 예상합니다. 9525,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former FBI agent pleads guilty to leaking secrets to reporter -Justice Dept?,,"전 FBI 요원, 기자에게 기밀 유출 혐의로 유죄 인정 - 법무부" 1314,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Japanese foreign minister: Japan, U.S. 'completely in sync' on North Korea?",,일본 외무장관: 일본과 미국은 북한에 대해 '완전히 일치'한다. 3482,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alphabet’s Waymo Unit to Buy up to 62,000 Chrysler Minivans for Driverless Program?",,"알파벳의 웨이모 부서, 자율주행 프로그램을 위해 최대 62,000대의 크라이슬러 미니밴 구매 예정" 1971,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: General Dynamics Corp expected to post earnings of $2.38 a share - summary?,,일반 다이내믹스가 주당 2.38달러의 실적을 발표할 것으로 예상됨 - 요약? 5191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fusion Announces Pricing Of Upsized Public Offering Of Common Stock?,,"간략히 - 퓨전, 공모주 증액 공모가 결정 발표" 1710,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-DFNN Posts FY Net Income Attributable Of 131.9 Mln Pesos?,,BRIEF-DFNN이 FY 순이익 1억 3천 19만 페소를 기록했다고 발표했습니다. 4594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Supreme Court restricts deportations of immigrant felons?,,"대법원, 이민자 중범죄자 추방 제한 결정" 4909,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive - Tata Group unlikely to bid for Air India as terms too onerous: sources?,,"단독 - 타타 그룹, 조건이 너무 부담스러워 에어 인디아 입찰할 가능성 낮아: 소식통" 1923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Invesco Closed-End Funds Declare Dividends?,,"인베스코 폐쇄형 펀드, 배당금 선언" 8811,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: New Stroke Technology to Identify Worst Cases Gets FDA Approval?,,"최악의 경우를 식별하기 위한 새로운 뇌졸중 기술, FDA 승인 받다." 1189,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Warring Libyan Factions Set Path to Elections?,,"전쟁 중인 리비아 파벌, 선거를 위한 길 마련" 3902,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Alpha MOS Launches Capital Increase Of 5 Million Euros?,,"브리프-알파 모스, 500만 유로의 자본 증자를 발표하다." 2080,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airlines Conquer Challenges of Long-Haul Flights. Now Can Passengers??,,항공사들이 장거리 비행의 도전을 극복했다. 이제 승객들은? 2035,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cydan Appoints Chief Business Officer?,,"Cydan, 최고 사업 책임자 임명" 781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shandong Tyan Home announces no dividend payment for 2017?,,「브리프 -山东天悦公司宣布2017年不支付股息」 8782,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Starbucks Opened a Location in Yosemite National Park?,,스타벅스가 요세미티 국립공원에 매장을 열었다. 319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-Up your game if you want to negotiate for financial aid?,,COLUMN-재정 지원을 협상하고 싶다면 게임을 업그레이드 하세요. 8934,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Gut-check correction' to tear up rally, Jim Paulsen warns?",,'장 마감 교정'이 랠리를 해체할 것이라고 짐 폴센이 경고하다. 4795,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-TE Connectivity Announces Q2 Earnings Per Share $1.39 From Continuing Operations?,,"브리프-TE 연결 기술, 지속 운영에서 주당 순이익 1.39달러 발표" 8259,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CORRECTED-Murdoch's Fox looking to buy 10 Sinclair TV stations - FT?,,"수정됨 - 머독의 폭스, 10개의 싱클레어 TV 방송국 인수 검토 - FT" 1193,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia's AirAsia says still with Airbus, no plans to buy Boeing planes?",,"말레이시아의 에어아시아, 에어버스와 계속 거래 중이며 보잉 항공기 구매 계획 없음." 1376,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-M6 Appointed Elmar Heggen As Its Chairman?,,M6가 엘마르 헤겐을 의장으로 임명했다는 내용의 간략한 기사일 수 있습니다. 3423,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Butler awaits scan on knee after injury against Rockets?,,"버틀러, 로켓스와의 경기 중 부상으로 무릎 스캔 대기 중" 5959,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snap is in talks to set up shop in Saudi Arabia?,,스냅이 사우디아라비아에 진출하기 위한 협상을 진행 중이다? 8343,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank expects flat bond trading revenues in 2018?,,"도이치 뱅크, 2018년 채권 거래 수익 평탄할 것으로 예상" 3191,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar index holds losses after U.S. March retail sales data?,,"FOREX-달러 지수, 미국 3월 소매판매 데이터 이후 손실을 유지하다" 7608,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Can blockchain save the Amazon in corruption-mired Brazil??,,블록체인이 부패로 얼룩진 브라질 아마존을 구할 수 있을까? 5500,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St rises as CPI data cools inflation fears?,,미국 주식 - 물가 상승률 데이터가 인플레이션 우려를 진정시키면서 월스트리트 상승 5065,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CCC Feb. Revenue Down 4.9 Pct YoY?,,CCC의 2월 매출이 전년 대비 4.9% 감소했습니다. 9172,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China insurers' insurance premium income up 18pct in 2017?,,2017년 중국 보험사들의 보험료 수입 18% 증가 4157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syria Looms as Second Thought Over Iranian Unrest - WSJ?,,시리아가 이란 불안에 대한 두 번째 고민으로 부상 - WSJ 3340,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Childhood love, adult outrage drive Barbie jewellery artist?",,어린 시절의 사랑과 성인의 분노가 바비 주얼리 아티스트를 이끈다. 4543,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: After a year of Macron, start-up hum grows at Paris's Station F?",,"마크롱 대통령 임기 1년 후, 파리의 스테이션 F에서 스타트업의 웅성거림이 커지고 있다." 4449,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain seeks $40 billion investment to boost economy after Brexit?,,"브리튼, 브렉시트 이후 경제 활성화를 위해 400억 달러의 투자 유치 나서" 7419,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Penn National Gaming Reports Record Fourth Revenue of $769.0 Million?,,"펜 내셔널 게이밍, 7억 6천 9백만 달러의 기록적인 4분기 수익 보고" 3535,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Microsoft Veteran Greg Jensen Joins Datagran as Chief Product Officer?,,"마이크로소프트 베테랑 그렉 얀센, 데이터그란의 최고 제품 책임자로 합류" 7250,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook is losing younger users to Snapchat, according to a study?",,연구에 따르면 페이스북은 젊은 사용자들을 스냅챗으로 잃고 있다. 5692,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Ardelyx Reports Qtrly Earnings Per Share $0.21?,,"BRIEF-아델릭스, 분기 주당순이익 $0.21 보고" 9276,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Essar Oil still owes about 500 million euros in payments to Iran?,,Essar Oil은 여전히 이란에 약 5억 유로의 지급을 미지급 상태입니다. 913,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Innopac Holdings To Sell Shares Of Trackplus Sdn Bhd To Solid Base Ltd?,,"BRIEF-인노팩 홀딩스, 솔리드 베이스 리미티드에 트랙플러스 선단의 주식 매각." 5580,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Saint Jean Carbon Signs Non-Binding Agreement to Acquire an Historical Graphite Property - Lochaber?,,"세인트 장 카본, 역사적인 흑연 자산인 로카버를 인수하기 위한 비구속 합의 체결" 4050,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Immunoprecise Signs Agreement To Buy Modiquest Research?,,브리핑-이뮤노프리시가 모디퀘스트 리서치를 인수하기 위한 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 868,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNL Healthcare Properties Announces Net Asset Value Per Share of $10.32?,,CNL 헬스케어 자산이 주당 순자산 가치를 $10.32로 발표하다 8088,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: S.Korea cenbank chief says will only respond to currency if won moves significantly?,,"한국은행 총재, 원화가 크게 움직일 경우에만 통화에 대응할 것이라고 밝혀" 7717,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Deutsche Bank Posts Sizable Loss on U.S. Tax Charge, Revenue Decline?",,"데이쳐 은행, 미국 세금 부과로 상당한 손실과 수익 감소 보고" 6320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Trinet Group Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.92?,,"뉴스 기사 제목인 ""BRIEF-Trinet Group Q4 Earnings Per Share $0.92""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다: Trinet Group이 4분기 EPS(주당 순이익)를 $0.92로 보고했습니다. 이는 시장 예상치와 비교하여 긍정적인 결과일 수 있으며, 회사의 재무 성과와 성장 전망에 대한 투자자들의 관심이 증가할 가능성이 있습니다. 추가적으로, Trinet Group의 매출, 비용, 전체 재무 상태 및 향후 실적에 대한 전망에 대한 논의도 포함될 수 있습니다. 위 문장을 한국어로 번역하시오. 출력은 오직 번역된 결과물만 포함해야 합니다." 932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Golf: Weary Kiradech tempers expectations at Players?,,"골프: 지친 끌라리덱, 플레이어스 대회에서 기대치를 낮추다." 818,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump-Kim summit likely to yield 'baby steps': Former US ambassador?,,트럼프-김 정상회담이 '아기 걸음'을 가져올 가능성이 높다: 전 미국 대사 560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global fund managers eye trillion dollar pension business in China?,,"전세계 펀드 매니저들, 중국의 조 단위 연금 사업에 주목하다" 3503,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Corbyn warns bankers: finance will serve Britain under Labour government?,,"코르빈, 은행가들에게 경고: 노동당 정부 하에 금융은 영국에 봉사할 것이다." 829,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Teleste To Deliver Products In Turkey?,,"브리프-텔레스트, 터키에 제품 공급 예정" 414,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Washington, DC, and Austin are shaping up as strong contenders for Amazon's new headquarters?",,워싱턴 DC와 오스틴이 아마존의 새로운 본사를 위한 강력한 후보로 부상하고 있다. 8597,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Salmon price rose to NOK 67.89 per kilo last week -Nasdaq Salmon Index?,,지난주 연어 가격이 킬로그램당 NOK 67.89로 상승했습니다 - 나스닥 연어 지수? 7106,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: True Leaf Announces Initial Closing of its Regulation A+ Offering?,,"True Leaf, 규제 A+ 공모의 초기 마감 발표" 9710,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Airbus delivered over 700 jets in 2017, meeting target -sources?",,"에어버스, 2017년에 700대 이상 항공기를 인도하며 목표 달성 - 소식통" 9095,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St tumbles on concerns over Italy's political turmoil?,,미국 주식 - 이탈리아의 정치적 혼란에 대한 우려로 월가가 폭락하다 8690,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opinion: The Economic Growth Debate--William Galston?,,"뉴스 기사 제목 ""Opinion: The Economic Growth Debate--William Galston""의 내용은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다." 4150,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian 'dirty money' flowing through London damages Britain: UK lawmakers?,,러시아의 '더러운 돈'이 런던을 통해 흘러 들어와 영국에 피해를 준다: 영국 국회의원들 2909,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Broadcom raises offer to buy Qualcomm to $121 billion?,,"브로드컴, 퀄컴 인수 제안을 1210억 달러로 높이다." 1680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BNY Mellon profit beats on strong growth across businesses?,,"BNY 멜론, 사업 전반의 강력한 성장으로 이익 증가 발표" 5647,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TriMas Appoints V.P. of Tax & Treasury and V.P. of Operations?,,"TriMas, 세무 및 재무 부사장과 운영 부사장을 임명하다." 3272,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK's Prince Harry and Meghan snap up wedding photographer?,,"영국의 해리 왕자와 메건, 결혼식 사진작가를 영입하다" 9178,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: First Reliance Bancshares, Inc. Announces Completion of Merger With Independence Bancshares, Inc.?",,퍼스트 릴라이언스 뱅크쇼스가 인디펜던스 뱅크쇼스와의 합병 완료를 발표합니다. 3650,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RLJ Entertainment Announces First Quarter 2018 Conference Call?,,"RLJ 엔터테인먼트, 2018년 1분기 컨퍼런스 콜 발표" 1322,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Swiss finance minister dashes hopes for new EU treaty: NZZ?,,"스위스 재무장관, 새로운 EU 조약에 대한 희망을 꺾다: NZZ" 2447,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump to jack up defense spending request to $716 billion for 2019 budget, report says?",,"트럼프, 2019 회계연도 예산안에 국방 지출 요청을 7160억 달러로 대폭 늘릴 것이라고 보도됨." 2980,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Putin says hopes line can be drawn under Skripal poisoning at chem watchdog meeting?,,"푸틴, 화학 무기 감독 회의에서 스크리팔 중독 사건에 대해 선을 긋기를 희망한다고 말하다." 3628,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Windies and Bangladesh to play T20 matches in Florida?,,"윈디즈와 방글라데시, 플로리다에서 T20 경기를 펼친다." 7043,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brighton sign young striker Radulovic from Lleida?,,"브라이튼, 레이리다에서 젊은 스트라이커 라두로비치를 영입하다." 9452,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CTI BioPharma Provides Corporate and European Regulatory Update?,,"CTI 바이오파마, 기업 및 유럽 규제 업데이트 제공" 9625,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Singapore's CDL will not extend M&C offer beyond Jan. 26?,,"싱가포르의 CDL, M&C 제안을 1월 26일 이후로 연장하지 않을 것." 2769,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At least one dead in Alabama bus crash?,,알라바마 버스 사고로 최소 1명 사망 1475,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Applied DNA Reports Fiscal Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"어플라이드 DNA, 2018년 2분기 재무 실적 보고" 5680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Assured Guaranty Ltd. Raises Quarterly Dividend by Over 12% to $0.16 per Common Share?,,"어슈어드 가랜티 Ltd., 분기 배당금을 12% 이상 증액하여 보통주 1주당 $0.16로 발표" 8484,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Orexigen Therapeutics says plans near-term sale through Chapter 11 of U.S. bankruptcy code?,,"브리프-오렉시젠 테라퓨틱스, 미국 파산법 제11장 통해 단기 판매 계획 발표." 9952,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices fall on relentless rise in U.S. crude output?,,미국 원유 생산의 끊임없는 증가로 유가 하락 5242,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CA Technologies Joins InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards Executive Board?,,"CA 기술, 국제 정보 기술 표준 위원회 이사회에 합류" 2714,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Maldives must let ex-president contest election, U.N. rights group says?",,몰디브는 전 대통령이 선거에 출마할 수 있도록 해야 한다고 유엔 인권 단체가 말했습니다. 2944,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-""The dollar is our currency, but it's your problem""?",,"실시간 시장 - ""달러는 우리의 통화지만, 당신의 문제입니다""" 7181,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ECB should not be deterred by risks from exiting bond buying: SEB?,,ECB는 채권 구매 중단의 위험에 주저하지 말아야 한다: SEB 7167,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unconvinced by election, Venezuela emigrees stream across border?",,선거에 회의적인 베네수엘라 이민자들이 국경을 넘어 쏟아져 나오다 2088,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: TotalBiscuit, Popular YouTuber and British Gaming Critic, Dies at 33?",,"총비스킷, 인기 유튜버이자 영국 게임 비평가, 33세에 사망." 3546,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran's Revolutionary Guards deny giving missiles to Houthis: Tasnim news?,,"이란 혁명수비대, 후티에 미사일 제공 부인: 타스님 뉴스" 4801,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Parker-Hannifin Corp Increases Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"브리프 - 파커-하니핀 주식회사, 분기 현금 배당금 증가 발표" 4834,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France faces legal risks over Saudi, UAE arms sales - lawyers?",,"프랑스, 사우디 및 UAE 무기 판매로 인한 법적 리스크에 직면 - 변호사들" 5922,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'Beating' human heart cells help spur drug discovery?,,'심장 박동' 인간 심장 세포가 약물 발견에 도움을 준다? 8594,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says its military power no threat to neighbours?,,"이란, 군사력이 이웃에게 위협이 아니라고 말하다." 3827,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Byggmastare Anders J Ahlstrom Q4 Operating Profit Up At Sek 9.2 Million?,,"브리프 - 비그마스타레 안더스 J A 알스트룀, 4분기 운영 이익 920만 Sek 증가." 1070,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exxon shareholders reject proposal to split CEO, chair roles?",,엑손 주주들이 CEO와 의장 역할 분리를 위한 제안을 거부하다. 7010,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oil prices rise on reduced U.S. drilling activity, booming job market?",,"미국의 시추 활동 감소로 유가 상승, 호조를 보이는 고용 시장" 2966,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Total buys stake in U.S. battery developer Ionic Materials?,,"토탈, 미국 배터리 개발업체 아이오닉 머터리얼스 지분 인수" 4036,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Atlas Estates Net Profit Rises To 11.6 Million Euros?,,브리프 - 아틀라스 에스테이트 순이익 1160만 유로로 증가 9783,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Williams F1 give a glimpse of this season's car?,,"윌리엄스 F1, 올 시즌 자동차의 모습을 엿보다." 1779,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Spanish stocks - Factors to watch on Tuesday?,,스페인 주식 - 화요일에 주목해야 할 요소들? 688,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: ""Mexico has got to help us at the border"": Trump?",,"""멕시코는 국경에서 우리를 도와야 한다"": 트럼프" 2224,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Copper Mountain Mining Appoints Gil Clausen As New President And CEO?,,"브리프-구리 마운틴 마이닝, 길 클로우센을 신임 사장 겸 CEO로 임명" 3646,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Alliant Adds More Muscle to Northwest Presence, Acquiring Hecht & Hecht?",,"""Alliant, Hecht & Hecht 인수로 북서부 존재감 강화""" 2481,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Buffett targets CEO for Berkshire-Amazon-JPMorgan healthcare venture soon?,,"버핏, 버크셔-아마존-JPMorgan 헬스케어 벤처를 위한 CEO 조만간 찾는다?" 3252,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Monsanto develops product to deactivate controversial farm chemical?,,"몬산토, 논란이 되는 농약 활성화 방지 제품 개발" 9468,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Laibao Hi-Tech Unaware Of Any Information Regarding Being Sanctioned By U.S.?,,"브리핑 - 심천 라이바오 하이테크, 미국의 제재와 관련된 정보에 대해 알지 못한다고 밝혔습니다." 2809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bail hearing for freed Canadian hostage set for next week?,,석방된 캐나다 인질에 대한 보석 심리는 다음 주로 예정되어 있다. 5643,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Union wage demands puts S.Africa's spending cuts at risk - finmin?,,"UPDATE 1-노조 임금 요구, 남아프리카 공화국의 지출 삭감에 위험을 초래 - 재무부 장관" 9155,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bio-Rad Q1 Earnings Per Share $21.77?,,브리프-바이오래드 1분기 주당순이익 $21.77 3392,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: German bond yields rise to 2-1/2 week highs on ECB's Villeroy comments?,,"독일 국채 수익률, ECB 빌레루아의 발언에 따라 2주 반 최고치로 상승" 4514,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy plunged back into political crisis as president faces calls for impeachment?,,이탈리아가 대통령에 대한 탄핵 요구가 있는 정치적 위기로 다시 빠져들었다. 9464,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook forms a new blockchain group, headed by Coinbase board member?",,"페이스북, 코인베이스 이사장 주도로 새로운 블록체인 그룹 결성" 6338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Global oil sector needs $20 trillion investments over 25 years: Saudi Aramco CEO?,,글로벌 석유 부문은 25년 동안 20조 달러의 투자가 필요하다: 사우디 아람코 CEO. 243,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Oprah shows how California mudslides struck her neighborhood—here's how to help local victims?,,오프라가 캘리포니아 산사태가 그녀의 이웃에 어떻게 영향을 미쳤는지 보여줍니다—지역 피해자들을 돕는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 3483,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Motor racing: First F1 test leaves questions to be answered?,,"모터 레이싱: 첫 번째 F1 테스트, 해결해야 할 질문들 남겨져 있어" 8338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Burns & Levinson Represents Wynnchurch Capital in Acquisition of Heartland Automotive?,,"버너스 & 레빈슨, 하트랜드 오토모티브 인수에 있어 윈처치 캐피탈을 대리하다." 3298,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-CL Group (Holdings) Says Profit & Total Comprehensive Income Attributable HK$7.1 Mln?,,BRIEF-CL Group (Holdings)는 이익 및 총포괄손익이 710만 홍콩 달러라고 발표했습니다. 4883,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: KLX Agrees to Sell Its ASG Business to Boeing in an All Cash Transaction and to Spin-Off Its ESG Business to KLX Shareholders?,,"KLX가 Boeing에 현금 거래로 ASG 사업을 매각하기로 합의하고, ESG 사업을 KLX 주주에게 분사하기로 했다." 9284,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MB Financial, Inc.’s Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release and Investor Presentation Available on its Investor Relations Website?",,"MB Financial, Inc.의 2017년 4분기 수익 발표 및 투자자 프레젠테이션이 투자자 관계 웹사이트에서 제공됩니다." 7624,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Commvault's Ralph Nimergood Named a CRN Channel Chief for the Fourth Year in a Row?,,"Commvault의 Ralph Nimergood, 4년 연속 CRN 채널 책임자로 선정" 8049,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Inspire Medical Systems Announces Pricing Of Initial Public Offering?,,"BRIEF-인스파이어 메디컬 시스템즈, 첫 상장 공개의 가격 발표" 7606,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Murphy USA CEO's FY 2017 Total Compensation $5.8 Mln Vs $6.2 Mln In FY 2016?,,"BRIEF-Murphy USA CEO의 2017 회계연도 총 보수 580만 달러, 2016 회계연도 620만 달러 대비." 8755,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Food Stamps Shouldn’t Pay for Junk?,,식료품 보조금은 정크 푸드를 사는 데 사용되어서는 안 된다? 4212,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: This New Orleans teen was accepted by more than 80 colleges?,,뉴올리언스의 이 십대 학생은 80개 이상의 대학에 합격했다. 8268,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Elbit Imaging Announces Cancelation Of The Full Early Redemption Of Series H Notes‍​?,,"브리핑 - 엘빗 이미징, H 시리즈 채권의 전체 조기 상환 취소 발표" 1046,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pirelli & C FY Adj. EBIT Before Start-Up Costs Up 9.7 Pct At EUR 926.6 Mln?,,BRIEF-피렐리 & C FY 조정 EBIT가 스타트업 비용 전 9.7% 증가하여 9억 2천 6백 6백만 유로에 달함. 1749,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. senators ask billionaire Icahn for refinery waiver details?,,미국 상원의원들이 억만장자 아이칸에게 정유소 면제 세부 사항 요청 4132,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 42% of Americans at risk of retiring broke...?,,42%의 미국인이 파산 상태로 은퇴할 위험에 처해 있다... 3473,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Chabiotech receives patent?,,브리핑-차비오텍이 특허를 획득했습니다. 3234,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Russian ex-spy no longer in critical condition after poison attack?,,"월스트리트 저널: 독극물 공격을 받은 러시아 전직 스파이, 더 이상 위독하지 않아" 8087,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Closing snapshot: STOXX dips but January ends up 1.6 percent?,,LIVE MARKETS-마감 스냅샷: STOXX 하락하지만 1월은 1.6% 상승 마감? 1009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Snap Chief Financial Officer Drew Vollero to Step Down?,,스냅의 최고 재무 책임자 드류 볼레로가 사임한다. 3325,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Quotes from the Pyeongchang Winter Games on day six?,,평창 동계 올림픽 6일째 인용구 9830,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Entergy Announces Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call?,,"엔터기, 4분기 실적 발표 전화 회의 개최 발표" 2936,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senior U.S. Republican stands by budget deal, despite Trump budget chief?",,트럼프 정부의 예산 책임자에도 불구하고 미국의 한 고위 공화당원이 예산 협정을 지지한다. 4137,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Philippines Duterte extends term of top cop leading his deadly war on drugs?,,"필리핀 두테르 대통령, 그의 치명적인 마약과의 전쟁을 이끄는 최고 경찰의 임기를 연장하다" 9458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Vivendi tells Italian market regulator it does not control Telecom Italia - source?,,"비빈디, 이탈리아 시장 규제 기관에 텔레콤 이탈리아를 지배하고 있지 않다고 통보 - 소식통" 5953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-OC Oerlikon Q1 EBIT Up 84.6 Pct At CHF 72 Million?,,"개요-OC 오를리콘 1분기 EBIT 84.6% 증가, 7,200만 스위스 프랑." 7379,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-DoubleLine's Gundlach predicts S&P will post negative return in 2018?,,"UPDATE 1-더블라인의 간드라크, S&P가 2018년에 부정적인 수익률을 기록할 것이라고 예측." 4387,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Ciner Resources LP to Release 1st Quarter 2018 Results?,,Ciner Resources LP가 2018년 1분기 실적을 발표할 예정이다. 9048,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: LIVE MARKETS-Tech takes a tumble?,,LIVE MARKETS-기술주가 급락하다 3101,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Conzzeta Q1 Revenue of CHF 430.6 Mln?,,브리프 - 콘제타 Q1 매출 4억 3060만 스위스프랑. 8835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Astrotech Reports Q2 NET LOSS $0.77 PER SHARE?,,"브리프 - 아스트로텍, 2분기 주당 순손실 0.77달러 보고" 8559,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Barry Callebaut CEO says expects volume growth to slow in H2?,,브리프 - 바리 칼레부트 CEO는 하반기에 물량 증가가 둔화될 것으로 예상한다고 말했습니다. 204,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Healthcare leads S&P 500 higher?,,헬스케어가 S&P 500을 끌어올리다. 3047,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Male stars at Berlin film festival say #MeToo movement is making them think?,,"남자 스타들, 베를린 영화제에서 #MeToo 운동이 자신들에게 생각할 거리를 주고 있다고 말하다." 4455,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Senate reaches two-year bipartisan budget deal: leaders?,,"상원, 2년간의 초당적 예산 거래에 도달: 지도자들" 686,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HKEX to offer concessions for U.S., UK-listed firms to list in Hong Kong?",,HKEX가 미국 및 영국 상장 기업들이 홍콩에 상장할 수 있도록 인센티브를 제공할 예정이다. 65,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sinclair Declares $0.18 Per Share Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"신시클레어, 주당 0.18달러 분기 현금 배당금 발표" 6371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kobe Steel posts first profit in three years despite data fraud scandal?,,"고베제강, 데이터 조작 스캔들에도 불구하고 3년 만에 첫 이익 게시" 4917,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump administration seeks $100 bln cut in U.S.-China trade deficit -WSJ?,,"트럼프 행정부, 미중 무역 적자 1천억 달러 삭감 추진 - WSJ" 9222,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Pressure on Italian president, PM over ministers unacceptable - source close to president?",,"이탈리아 대통령, 총리의 장관들에 대한 압박은 용납할 수 없다는 대통령 측근의 발언" 3505,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Therapix Biosciences Announces FDA Clearance of Investigational New Drug (IND) for Phase IIa Clinical Trial of THX-110 in the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain?,,Therapix Biosciences가 만성 허리 통증 치료를 위한 THX-110의 2상 임상 시험에 대한 연구자 신규 의약품(IND)의 FDA 승인을 발표했습니다. 5637,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kinnevik announces Q4 results for Global Fashion Group?,,Kinnevik가 Global Fashion Group의 4분기 실적을 발표했다고 간략하게 전합니다. 1670,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Pure Industrial Real Estate Trust Receives Court Approval For Arrangement With Blackstone?,,"브리프-퓨어 산업 부동산 신탁, 블랙스톤과의 합의에 대한 법원 승인 받음." 9470,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Olympics - Bobsleigh - Canada's Kripps has gold in his sights?,,올림픽 - 봅슬레이 - 캐나다의 크립스는 금메달을 목표로 하고 있다. 1157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump's back-to-back visitors unlikely to solve Gulf dispute?,,트럼프의 연속 방문자들이 걸프 분쟁을 해결할 가능성은 낮다. 9192,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Israeli, Polish presidents march to commemorate Holocaust victims?",,이스라엘과 폴란드 대통령이 홀로코스트 희생자들을 기리기 위해 행진하다. 3894,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hormel Foods Announces the Retirement of Steve Binder, Executive Vice President and President, Hormel Business Units and the Advancement of Tom Day to Executive Vice President, Refrigerated Foods?",,"호멜 푸드, 스티브 빈더 퇴임 및 탐 데이 냉장 식품 부문 부사장으로 승진 발표" 6691,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MGT Capital Announces 2017 Financial Results?,,"MGT 캐피탈, 2017년 재무 결과 발표" 3371,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brookfield abandons plan to buy controlling stake in Brazil's Renova?,,"브룩필드, 브라질 레노바 지배 지분 인수 계획 포기" 1845,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Surrealism stalks Dior's chessboard?,,초현실주의가 디올의 체스판을 배회하다 5562,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Daqo New Energy to Announce Unaudited and Fiscal Year on February 28, 2018?",,다오 뉴 에너지가 2018년 2월 28일에 감사 없는 연간 재무 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. 143,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Enova, Operating Units Entered Into Amendment Of Revolving Credit Agreement?",,"BRIEF-에노바, 운영 유닛이 회전 신용 계약 수정에 들어갔다." 910,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Prabhat Telecoms (India) Appoints Parag Malde As CFO?,,"브리프 - 프라밧 텔레콤스(인도), 파라그 말데를 CFO로 임명" 164,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hanmi Semiconductor signs contract worth 6.59 bln won?,,"한미반도체, 65억9000만원 규모 계약 체결" 6504,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kirk Cousins may sign a 3-year, $84 million contract—here are the 20 highest-paid quarterbacks?",,"커 Kirk Cousins가 3년, 8400만 달러 계약을 맺을 가능성이—여기 20명의 최고 연봉 쿼터백 목록이 있습니다." 1496,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Kenya's Oscar nominee ""Watu Wote"" premiere?",,"케냐의 아카데미 상 후보작 ""Watu Wote"" 시사회" 6327,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Don't know what will be faster, economic growth or overvaluation: Amundi CEO?",,경제 성장과 과대 평가 중 어떤 것이 더 빨라질지 모르겠다는 아문디 CEO의 말 1246,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reducing Use of Roche Drug for Breast Cancer Didn’t Hurt Efficacy, Study Says?",,로슈 항암제 사용 감소가 효능에 악영향을 미치지 않았다는 연구 결과 발표 7383,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French shipping group CMA CGM confirms investment in CEVA Logistics?,,"프랑스 해운 그룹 CMA CGM, CEVA 물류에 대한 투자 확인" 1042,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: DSW Inc. Names Drew Domecq As Chief Information Officer?,,"DSW Inc. , 드류 도메크를 최고 정보 책임자로 임명하다." 5767,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump security team mulls building 5G network?,,"트럼프 보안팀, 5G 네트워크 구축 검토 중" 3321,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'The Commonwealth has never been more important': Commonwealth SecGen?,,'연방의 중요성은 결코 이보다 더 높지 않았다': 연방 사무총장? 8861,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Vakomtek Q4 Net Profit Up At 0.4 Million Zlotys?,,브리프 - 바콤텍 4분기 순이익 40만 즈워티 증가 9014,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MPLX LP reports record first-quarter 2018 financial results?,,MPLX LP가 2018년 1분기 기록적인 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 3970,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: COLUMN-World economy at risk from proliferating restrictions on trade and investment: Kemp?,,COLUMN-폭넓게 퍼지는 무역 및 투자 제한이 세계 경제에 위험을 초래할 수 있다: Kemp? 6222,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Padres set to recall slugger Reyes?,,"""파드리스, 슬러거 레예스를 호출할 예정""" 1320,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tanager Energy Announces Termination Of Proposed Financing?,,브리프 - 타나저 에너지가 제안된 자금 조달의 종료를 발표했습니다. 1794,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WeWork to snap up China-based rival Naked Hub - sources?,,"위워크, 중국 기반 라이벌 네이키드 허브 인수 계획 - 소식통" 735,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: News Update – Late Morning?,,뉴스 업데이트 – 늦은 아침 7833,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. Announces Quarterly Cash Dividends on Preferred Stock?",,"AmTrust Financial Services, Inc.가 우선주에 대한 분기 현금 배당금을 발표했습니다." 6800,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. escalates China trade showdown with tariffs on $50 billion in imports?,,"미국, 500억 달러 규모의 수입품에 대한 관세로 중국과 무역 대결 격화" 701,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Von Trier's slasher film Cannes comeback?,,본 트리에의 슬래셔 영화 칸 영화제 복귀? 458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Komax FY Revenues Up By Around 10% At Approx CHF 410 Million?,,브리프 - 코막스 FY 매출 약 4억 1000만 스위스 프랑으로 약 10% 증가 8688,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: America’s Instant-Pot Anxiety: ‘I Said a Prayer and Stayed the Hell Away’?,,미국의 인스턴트 팟 불안: '기도하고 멀리 사라졌다' 1395,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Obesity tied to worse disability in rheumatoid arthritis?,,"""류마티스 관절염에서 비만이 더 심각한 장애와 관련이 있다""" 8858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK government resists 'latte levy' in bitter blow for campaigners?,,영국 정부가 캠페인자들에게 씁쓸한 타격을 주며 '라떼 세금'을 저지하다 9054,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-Republicans face first test of tax cuts' power to sway voters?,,"RPT-공화당, 세금 감면이 유권자에게 영향을 미칠 수 있는 첫 시험을 맞다." 6201,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: French growth, Japan jobs are dish of the day?",,"프랑스 성장, 일본 일자리 소식이 오늘의 주요 기사입니다." 1977,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Delphi Technologies schedules first quarter 2018 earnings conference call?,,"델파이 테크놀로지스, 2018년 1분기 실적 발표 전화 회의 일정 공지" 2148,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US STOCKS-Wall St set to open lower, trade talks in focus?",,"미국 주식 - 월가, 낮은 개장 세팅, 무역 협상에 초점." 3612,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Fourteen more fall sick from E. coli linked to romaine lettuce: CDC?,,로메인 상추와 관련된 E. 콜라이로 인해 14명이 더 병에 걸렸다고 CDC가 밝혔습니다. 6932,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Playtech To Make Takeover Bid On Snaitech At EUR 2.19 /shr In Cash?,,"브리핑-플레이텍, 스나이텍에 대해 주당 2.19유로 현금으로 인수 제안 예정." 9676,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hilton Q4 Earnings Per Share $2.61?,,"간단히 말씀드리면, 힐튼의 4분기 주당순이익이 $2.61입니다." 9858,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian envoy says UK spying claims about Skripals a 'big surprise'?,,"러시아 대사관, 스크리팔 사건에 대한 영국의 첩보 주장 '큰 놀라움'이라고 밝혀" 7695,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Immigration Bills Split House Republicans?,,이민 법안이 하원 공화당원들을 분열시키다. 8729,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zhejiang Jingsheng Mechanical & Electrical Wins Two Bids Worth 858.24 Million Yuan?,,"브리프 - 저장성 징성 기계 전기, 858.24백만 위안 규모의 두 건의 입찰 수주" 1859,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: REFILE-Taiwan's CPC says diesel output hit at Taoyuan refinery after explosion?,,"재전송-대만 CPC, 폭발 후 타오위안 정유공장에서 디젤 생산 차질 발생" 6446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FACTBOX-Tesla faces scrutiny after Florida car accident?,,"FACTBOX-테슬라, 플로리다 자동차 사고 이후 조사 대상에 올라" 6937,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Three-goal first leads Jets past Golden Knights in Game 1?,,"제트스, 1차전에서 골든 나이츠를 제치고 3골 차로 선두." 7510,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Prospect Capital Reports December 2017 Quarterly Results and Declares Additional Monthly Distributions?,,"프로스펙트 캐피탈, 2017년 12월 분기 실적 발표 및 추가 월 배당금 공지" 1526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Syrian rebels agree deal to leave Ghouta?,,"시리아 반군, 굴라를 떠나기로 합의하다." 4781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Soccer: Costa Rica World Cup factbox?,,축구: 코스타리카 월드컵 팩트박스? 793,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Murad Chia Jei Biotechnology says no dividend payment for 2017?,,"무라드 치아 제이 생명공학, 2017년 배당금 지급 없음 발표" 7534,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S.-China trade talks to continue on Friday: White House?,,미국-중국 무역 협상이 금요일에 계속될 예정: 백악관 2901,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: US growth rate won’t be enough to control the deficit, economist warns?",,미국의 성장률은 적자를 통제하기에 충분하지 않을 것이라고 경제학자가 경고합니다. 4,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CERAWEEK-Nigeria minister says majors in shale, OPEC should keep crude price stable?",,"CERAWEEK-나이지리아 장관, 셰일 석유 대기업과 OPEC이 원유 가격 안정성을 유지해야 한다고 말하다." 7880,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Twenty-First Century Fox reports 2 pct drop in revenue?,,"21세기 폭스, 매출 2% 감소 보고" 2824,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sky pulls support for Murdoch bid as Comcast confirms offer?,,"스카이, 머독 제안에 대한 지원 철회; 컴캐스트, 제안 확인" 2818,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Big Bash League Scoreboard?,,빅 배시 리그 점수판? 4012,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Noblelift Intelligent Equipment announces 2017 dividend payment?,,"노블리프트 지능형 장비, 2017년 배당금 지급 발표" 2378,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Digital Bros: Northern Pacific Exercises Option To Buy Remaining Stake In Pipeworks?,,"간략하게 - 디지털 브로스: 노던 퍼시픽, 파이프웍스 잔여 지분 매입 옵션 행사" 6088,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Should world leaders be banned from Twitter? Experts weight in?,,세계 지도자들이 트위터 사용을 금지해야 할까? 전문가들의 의견은? 3756,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Disney, Universal, Sea World Close Parks Due to Cold Weather | Fortune?",,"디즈니, 유니버설, 씨 월드, 추운 날씨로 인해 공원 폐쇄 | 포춘" 7399,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Next-gen fighter jets push limits on prices and tech?,,차세대 전투기가 가격과 기술의 한계를 넘어서다 4680,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: West Libya factions raise doubts on Paris talks?,,"서부 리비아 파벌, 파리 회담에 의구심 제기" 4935,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Comcast Still Wants to Buy 21st Century Fox. Here's How They Could. | Fortune?,,컴캐스트는 여전히 21세기 폭스를 인수하고 싶어 한다. 그들이 이를 수행할 수 있는 방법은 다음과 같다. | 포ーチュ네 7145,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lithium Exploration Group Announces Initial Closing at White Top Project?,,"리튬 탐사 그룹, 화이트 탑 프로젝트에서 초기 마감 발표" 1533,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-Egypt's foreign inflows exceeded $120 billion since 2016 pound float- Cbank head to paper?,,업데이트 1 - 이집트 중앙은행장이 보도에서 밝힌 바에 따르면 2016년 파운드 화폐 부동 이후 이집트의 외환 유입이 1200억 달러를 초과했다. 4338,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Iran says it will retaliate for Trump sanctions?,,"이란, 트럼프 제재에 보복하겠다고 말하다" 2737,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 'We're in the Money': Sainsbury's CEO filmed singing after Asda deal?,,'돈이 생겼다': 애즈다 거래 이후 영상에서 노래하는 세인즈버리 CEO? 1511,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SUPERVALU Q4 Sales $3.59 Billion?,,브리프-슈퍼밸류 4분기 매출 35억 9000만 달러 9908,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Williams Partners Reports First Financial Results?,,"윌리엄스 파트너스, 첫 재무 결과 발표" 2518,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rimidi Appoints Josh Claman as Chief Executive Officer?,,"리미디, 조 클라맨을 최고경영자(CEO)로 임명하다" 1289,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Zenrin announces conversion price of 2023 due euro-yen denominated convertible bonds with warrants?,,BRIEF-Zenrin은 2023년 유로-엔 화로 표시된 전환사채의 전환 가격을 발표합니다. 6960,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Former Uber engineer sues company alleging sexual harassment -law firm?,,"전 Uber 엔지니어, 성희롱 혐의로 회사를 고소 - 법률 사무소" 4418,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Par Pacific Holdings To Acquire Cenex Zip Trip Retail Locations In Washington And Idaho?,,"브리프-파시픽 홀딩스, 워싱턴과 아이다호의 세넥스 집 트립 소매점 인수 예정" 2266,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CNBC International Afternoon Briefing?,,CNBC 국제 오후 뉴스 브리핑의 내용은 무엇일까요? 4809,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steinhoff says accounting issues stretch back to at least 2015?,,"스테인호프, 회계 문제는 최소 2015년까지 거슬러 올라간다고 발표." 6737,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Provecta IT H1 2017 loss shrinks to 12,247 zlotys?",,"BRIEF-Provecta IT 2017년 상반기 손실이 12,247 즈워티로 축소됨." 1147,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Zuckerberg takes steps to calm Facebook employees?,,"저커버그, 페이스북 직원들을 진정시키기 위한 조치 취하다" 4056,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Peugeot needs clarity on Brexit to make UK Vauxhall plant decision?,,푸조는 영국 폭스홀 공장 결정을 내리기 위해 브렉시트에 대한 명확성이 필요하다. 8237,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Integrated Ventures Acquires The Remaining Mining Assets Of digiMINE, LLC?",,"Integrated Ventures, digiMINE, LLC의 남은 채굴 자산을 인수하다." 8939,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: EU calls on Russia to declare 'Novichok' to chemical weapons body?,,"EU, 러시아에 '노비촉'을 화학무기 기구에 신고할 것을 촉구하다." 1547,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Bank of Shanghai announces 2017 dividend payment plan?,,"브리핑 - 상하이은행, 2017년 배당금 지급 계획 발표" 4959,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trade Deal Eases Way for U.S., South Korea to Collaborate on North?",,무역 거래가 미국과 한국이 북한 문제에 협력하는 길을 열어준다. 1571,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: HSBC profit disappoints as CEO Gulliver bows out?,,HSBC의 이익이 실망스러운 가운데 CEO 갈리버가 물러난다. 2530,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 2-Brazil secures WTO backing in dispute with Canada's Bombardier?,,"브라질, 캐나다의 봄바디어와의 분쟁에서 WTO 지원 확보 - 업데이트 2" 4250,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sessions Vows Full Probe of Missing FBI Texts?,,"세션스, 누락된 FBI 문자 메시지 전면 조사 약속" 5560,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Shenzhen Exchange Filing Shows Block Trade Of BYD's Shares Involving 205.6 Mln Yuan?,,브리핑 - 심천 거래소 제출 자료에 따르면 BYD 주식의 블록 트레이드가 2억 5600만 위안 규모로 이루어졌다. 4762,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim Freed From Detention, Pardoned?",,"말레이시아의 안와르 이브라힘, 구금에서 석방되고 사면받다." 5366,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: CCTV Script 25/04/18?,,"""CCTV 스크립트 2018년 4월 25일"" 헤드라인을 가진 뉴스 기사 내용은 무엇일까요?" 1781,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Dow's third biggest point gain in history?,,다우 지수 역사상 세 번째로 큰 포인트 상승 2581,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FBI raids offices, home of Trump's personal lawyer: source?",,FBI가 트럼프 개인 변호사의 사무실과 집을 급습: 소식통. 4430,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: RPT-VW storing around 300,000 diesels at 37 facilities around U.S.?",,RPT-VW가 미국 전역 37개 시설에서 약 30만 대의 디젤 차량을 보관 중입니다. 5923,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Top Chinese official to visit U.S: White House?,,미국 백악관: 고위 중국 관료가 미국을 방문할 예정 8962,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF- Vaccines Posts Q1 Loss Per Share $0.19?,,"브리핑 - 백신, 1분기 주당 손실 $0.19 발표" 8973,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mirae SCI signs contract worth 3.51 bln won?,,"브리프-미래SCI, 35억 1천만 원 규모 계약 체결." 302,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's factory inflation slowest in 13 months as war on pollution steps up?,,중국의 공장 물가 상승률이 13개월 만에 최저수준으로 둔화되면서 오염과의 전쟁이 강화되고 있다. 953,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's largest banks feel wind in their sails as profits rebound?,,중국의 주요 은행들이 수익이 반등하면서 기세를 타고 있다. 3163,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cisco CEO: Have worked with carriers in China to build their networks?,,Cisco CEO: 중국의 통신사들과 네트워크 구축을 위해 협력해왔습니다. 3648,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Research suggests female CEOs outearn their male peers—but it's not that simple?,,"여성 CEO가 남성 동료보다 더 많은 수익을 올린다는 연구 결과가 있지만, 그게 이렇게 간단하지는 않다." 7204,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Brazilian prosecutors charge JBS shareholder with corruption - source?,,"브라질 검찰, JBS 주주에게 부패 혐의로 기소 - 소식통" 3526,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc. To Announce Fourth Quarter 2017 Results?,,"인베스코 모기지 캐피탈 주식회사, 2017년 4분기 실적 발표 예정" 6660,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flex plummets on earnings miss, weak earnings guidance?",,"플렉스, 실적 부진 및 약한 실적 가이던스에 하락하다." 6035,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: No More Service Tarantulas, But …?",,"서비스 타란튤라 더 이상 없음, 그러나 ...?" 5938,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Finnish drug maker Orion to sell diagnostic test business for $200 mln?,,"핀란드 제약사 오리온, 진단 테스트 사업을 2억 달러에 판매하기로 결정" 3157,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-RLJ Lodging Trust Announces Sale Of Sheraton Philadelphia Society Hill For $95.5 Mln?,,"브리핑 - RLJ 로징 트러스트, 9,550만 달러에 셰라톤 필라델피아 소사이어티 힐 매각 발표" 9173,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Accelerate Diagnostics achieves CE-IVD milestone for severe bacterial pneumonia assay, doubles revenue for 2017 in Q4?",,"""Accelerate Diagnostics가 심각한 세균성 폐렴 분석을 위한 CE-IVD 이정표를 달성하고, 2017년 4분기 매출을 두 배로 늘렸다.""" 5835,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-SABESP Reports Qtrly Net Operating Revenue R$3.7 Bln?,,"BRIEF-SABESP, 분기 순 운영 수익 37억 브라질 레알을 보고하다." 7575,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Rugby-Lam bags three as Hurricanes tame Lions?,,럭비 - 램이 3골을 넣으며 허리케인스가 사자들을 제압하다 7458,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WPP CEO on best bets for brands?,,WPP CEO가 브랜드를 위한 최고의 투자처에 대해 말하다. 3860,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tiny California cottage on market for just under $1 million?,,작은 캘리포니아 코티지가 100만 달러 미만에 매물로 나왔다. 845,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Puerto Rico says to receive $16 billion in federal disaster aid?,,"푸에르토리코, 연방 재난 지원금 160억 달러 수령 예정" 3988,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: France to back Spain's de Guindos for ECB VP role - government source?,,"프랑스, 스페인의 드 귀인도(De Guindos)를 ECB 부총재 역할 지원 - 정부 소식통" 4863,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sinopec to cut Saudi crude imports for May in response to high OSPs – last24ht?,,"시노펙, 높은 공식 판매 가격에 대응해 5월 사우디 원유 수입 축소" 3009,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Britain says likely that Russia's Putin made decision for nerve agent attack?,,"영국, 러시아 푸틴이 신경 작용제 공격 결정을 내렸을 가능성이 높다고 발표." 9835,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. Reports Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2017?",,Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp.는 2017년 12월 31일로 종료된 4분기 및 12개월에 대한 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 9771,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Most people get angry but don't do anything about data privacy concerns, says expert?",,대부분 사람들은 데이터 개인정보 보호 문제에 대해 화를 내지만 아무런 행동을 하지 않는다고 전문가가 말했습니다. 295,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Unit Corporation to Sell 50% Interest in Midstream Subsidiary?,,"유닛 코퍼레이션, 미드스트림 자회사 50% 지분 매각 결정" 6074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: 4M Carbon Fiber Corp. Hires Seasoned Industry Expert as CEO?,,4M 카본 파이버 주식회사가 경험이 풍부한 산업 전문가를 CEO로 임명하다. 1889,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Phoenix New Media Reports Unaudited First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?,,"피닉스 뉴 미디어, 2018년 1분기 재무 실적 발표 드래프트" 3870,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Too early to tell where oil market will move to: Vopak CEO?,,석유 시장이 어디로 움직일지는 아직 판단하기 이르다: Vopak CEO 6720,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jiangsu Wujiang Rural Commercial Bank's Preliminary 2017 Net Profit Up?,,BRIEF-장쑤 우징 농촌 상업은행의 2017년 순이익 초기 결과 상승 180,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sex scandals and Brexit lower Britain's global charity ranking?,,성 스캔들과 브렉시트로 인해 영국의 글로벌 자선 순위가 하락하다. 2207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Lakers rout Hawks for third straight win?,,"레이커스, 호크스를 대파하며 3연승 달성" 6654,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Capital Southwest Increases Credit Facility To $200 Mln?,,"브리프-캐피탈 사우스웨스트, 신용 시설을 2억 달러로 확대" 6862,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cardlytics Expands Executive Leadership Team with Advertising and Bank Industry Leaders?,,"Cardlytics, 광고 및 은행 산업의 리더들로 경영진을 확대하다." 3439,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Jack Ma to Trump and Xi: Back away from trade war?,,Jack Ma가 트럼프와 시진핑에게: 무역 전쟁에서 물러나라? 5601,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Being called 'fat' in early teens tied to later eating disorders for girls?,,사춘기 초기에 '비만'이라는 말을 듣는 것이 소녀들의 이후 식이장애와 관련이 있다는 연구 결과 6565,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Gen II Fund Services Promotes Two Team Members to Principal?,,"Gen II 펀드 서비스, 두 팀원을 이사로 승진시켜" 8854,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russian spy chief blames U.S., British agencies for Skripal poisoning?",,러시아 정보 책임자가 스크리팔 중독 사건에 대해 미국과 영국 기관들을 비난하다. 5377,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Cell Phone Radiation Tied to Rare Tumor in Rats | Fortune?,,"휴대전화 방사선, 쥐에서 희귀 종양과 연관 발견 | 포춘" 1972,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Servus Credit Union announces 2018 Board of Director election results?,,"서버스 크레딧 유니온, 2018년 이사회 선거 결과 발표" 4207,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Dollar poised for weekly loss despite higher U.S. yields?,,"FOREX-달러, 미국 채권 수익률 상승에도 불구하고 주간 손실 예상" 1770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Beijing Sinnet Technology's Prelim 2017 Net Profit Up 30 Pct Y/Y?,,BRIEF-베이징 시넬 기술의 2017년 예비 순이익이 전년 대비 30% 증가했다. 9770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Mnc Media Investment Posts FY Net Loss Attributable US$5.4 MLN?,,"Mnc 미디어 투자, FY 순손실 540만 달러 보고" 9640,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Discover Financial Reports Credit Card Delinquency Rate Of ‍​1.81 Pct At Jan End Vs 1.72 Pct At Dec End?,,"브리프-디스커버 금융, 1월 말 신용카드 연체율 1.81% 보고, 12월 말 1.72% 대비 상승" 1116,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kangyue Technology unit passes review of high-tech enterprise recognition?,,"간결하게 - 강요기술 자회사, 고급 기술 기업 인식 검토 통과" 6464,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bure Equity Q1 Profit After Tax Rises To SEK 495 Million?,,Bure Equity 1분기 세후 이익 4억 9천 5백만 SEK로 증가 4693,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: India's CBI probing Videocon, husband of ICICI Bank CEO, in loan case - sources?",,인도의 CBI가 ICICI 은행 CEO의 남편인 비디오콘에 대한 대출 사건을 조사 중 - 소식통 6269,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Winfrey, Clooneys, Beckhams fill Windsor Castle grounds?",,"윈프리, 클루니 부부, 베컴 부부가 윈저 성 터를 채우다." 7616,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy - Factors to watch on April 5?,,이탈리아 - 4월 5일 주목해야 할 요소들 5960,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. existing home sales, supply tumble in December?",,미국 기존 주택 판매량과 공급량이 12월에 급감하다. 3674,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Founders Advantage Says Qtrly Loss Per Share $0.18?,,간략하게 - Founders Advantage가 분기당 주당 손실이 $0.18이라고 발표했습니다. 8081,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 1-CP Rail workers reject contract, resume negotiations -union?",,"UPDATE 1-CP 철도 노동자, 계약 반대하고 협상 재개 - 노조" 5466,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Hezbollah doesn't expect Israeli war, but is ready for one?",,"헤즈볼라, 이스라엘 전쟁은 예상하지 않지만 전쟁에 대한 준비는 되어 있어" 517,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: FOREX-Euro wobbles as Italian political crisis deepens?,,"FOREX-유로, 이탈리아 정치 위기가 심화되면서 흔들림." 1479,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ITmedia to offer off-floor distribution of shares?,,ITmedia가 비상장 주식의 오프플로어 배포를 제공할 예정입니다. 561,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. sanctions on Vekselberg have $1.5-$2 billion assets frozen: sources?,,미국의 제재로 베켈버그의 15억~20억 달러 자산이 동결되었다고 출처가 전했다. 9032,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Six Flags Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"식스 플래그스, 분기 현금 배당 발표" 1117,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Stocks see worst day in three weeks?,,주식이 3주 만에 최악의 하루를 맞이하다. 3115,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Security & Fire to set up wholly owned tech unit in Suzhou?,,중국 보안 및 소방이 쑤저우에 전액 출자 기술 유닛을 설립 예정 1967,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Far East Horizon Says Qtrly Profit Attributable To Holders Of Ordinary Shares Rose Over 20 Pct?,,"BRIEF-파이니트 호라이즌, 분기 손익 보통주 보유자에게 귀속된 순이익 20% 이상 증가했다고 발표." 5975,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trinity Pension Consultants Names Thomas Carline Lead Consultant for Cincinnati?,,"트리니티 연금 자문사, 토마스 칼린을 신시내티의 수석 자문가로 임명" 8307,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China February iron ore imports fall 16 percent from month ago: customs?,,"중국 2월 철광석 수입, 전월 대비 16% 감소: 세관" 3706,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Michael Kors Holdings Limited Announces Fourth Quarter and Annual Fiscal 2018 Results?,,"마이클 코어스 홀딩스 리미티드, 2018 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 실적 발표" 4949,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Staymobile Adds to Leadership Team as Growth Continues?,,"스테이모바일, 성장 지속에 따라 리더십 팀 추가 발표" 6340,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC Reminds Investors of Class Action Against Synacor, Inc. (SYNC) & Lead Plaintiff Deadline: June 4, 2018?",,"주주 경고: 브론스타인, 게위르츠 & 그로스먼 LLC가 동기어(Synacor, Inc.)에 대한 집단 소송을 투자자들에게 상기시키며 원고 주의 마감일: 2018년 6월 4일." 1118,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Tofas Fabrizio Renzi To Take Place Of Stefano Reganzani As CFO‍​?,,"브리핑 - 토파스 파브리치오 렌지, 스테파노 레간자니를 CFO로 대신할 예정입니다." 7489,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Firms Looking to Piggyback on Blockchain Fever Will Get SEC Scrutiny, Chairman Says?",,"""블록체인 열풍에 편승하려는 기업들은 SEC의 검토 대상이 될 것이라고 위원장이 말했습니다.""" 9519,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Proposals of the Supervisory Board to Be Submitted to the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Sartorius AG?,,사르토리우스 AG의 연례 총주주총회에 제출될 감사위원회의 제안사항 6033,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Tesla guidance disappoints?,,테슬라 가이던스가 실망스러운 반응을 보이다. 5610,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Matt Zames Named President of Cerberus Capital Management?,,"매트 자메스, 세르버스 캐피탈 매니지먼트의 사장으로 임명돼" 8446,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Russia's Sistema: toy retailer Detsky Mir to sell shares in March?,,"러시아의 시스테마: 완구 소매업체 뎃스키 미르, 3월에 주식 매각 예정" 6112,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Police release video from Vegas shooter’s suite?,,"경찰, 라스베이거스 총격범의 스위트룸에서 촬영한 영상을 공개하다." 9857,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: GLOBAL MARKETS-Asian shares extend bounce to 5th day, dollar sags to 3-year low?",,"GLOBAL MARKETS-아시아 주식, 5일 연속 상승; 달러, 3년 만에 최저치로 하락" 3251,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Italy's League, 5-Star say July 8 best date for repeat election?",,"이탈리아의 리그, 5성당이 재선거를 위한 최고의 날짜로 7월 8일을 제안하다." 740,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: #ASKMARIO: Five questions for the ECB?,,#ASKMARIO: 유럽 중앙은행(ECB)을 위한 다섯 가지 질문? 4324,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Clarus Corp - Plan To Launch Modified Tender Offer To Repurchase Up To $7.2 Mln In Value Of Shares Of Common Stock?,,클라루스 코퍼레이션 - 최대 720만 달러 상당의 보통주를 재매입하기 위한 수정된 공개 매수 제안 계획 발표 5524,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: WPP CEO Sir Martin Sorrell: We're yet to see whether Trump's foreign policies work?,,WPP CEO Sir Martin Sorrell: 우리는 트럼프의 외교 정책이 효과가 있는지 아직 확인하지 못했다. 1287,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Thirteen siblings found chained in California home; parents charged?,,"캘리포니아 집에서 사슬에 묶인 13명의 형제자매가 발견되었고, 부모가 기소되었습니다." 2826,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Chembio Diagnostics Announces Pricing Of Its Public Offering Of Common Stock?,,"브리핑 - 첨바이오 진단, 보통주 공모 가격 발표" 4400,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Teenager killed when package explodes at Texas home?,,텍사스 집에서 폭발한 소포로 10대 사망 6639,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Rdi REIT Says HY Underlying Earnings Per Share Of 1.46 Pence?,,BRIEF-Rdi REIT는 상반기 기본 주당 수익이 1.46펜스라고 발표했습니다. 6450,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Macquarie Group To Raise A$600 Mln Through Offer Of Macquarie Group Capital Notes 3?,,"브리핑-맥쿼리 그룹, 맥쿼리 그룹 자본 노트 3의 제안을 통해 6억 호주 달러를 모집할 예정." 2149,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Al Gassim Investment Signs 30 Mln Riyals Islamic Credit Facility?,,"브리프 - 알 가심 투자, 3천만 리얄 이슬람 신용 시설 계약 체결" 9927,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Chegg Inc Says CEO Dan Rosensweig's Total 2017 Compensation Was $8 Million Versus $6.5 Million In 2016?,,브리핑 - 체그(Chegg) Inc.는 CEO 댄 로센스와이크의 2017년 총 보상이 800만 달러로 2016년의 650만 달러에 비해 증가했다고 발표했습니다. 8920,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting sees FY 2018 Q1 net profit up 185 pct to 200 pct?,,브리핑 - 항저우 타이거메드 컨설팅은 2018 회계연도 1분기 순이익이 185%에서 200% 증가할 것으로 예상한다고 밝혔습니다. 6934,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: South Sudan president rejects opposition calls to quit post?,,"남수단 대통령, 야당의 사퇴 요구를 거부하다." 7433,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Steelcase Inc. to Webcast Presentation at Raymond James Investor Conference Fourth Quarter Conference Call?,,"Steelcase Inc.가 르몽드 제임스 투자 회의에서 발표를 웹캐스트할 예정이며, 4분기 컨퍼런스 콜도 진행합니다." 9047,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Petrobras to pay $2.95 bln in U.S. class action?,,"페트로브라스, 미국 집단소송에서 29억 5천만 달러 지급 예정" 4752,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-China Soft Power Technology Buys 5 Mln Shares Of CMBC Capital For HK$2.8 Mln?,,중국 소프트 파워 테크놀로지가 CMBC 캐피탈의 주식 500만 주를 홍콩 달러 280만에 매입했다. 4469,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Kuwait's KAMCO Investment FY Profit Falls?,,쿠웨이트 KAMCO 투자FY 이익 감소 브리프 4645,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The Klein Law Firm Reminds Investors of a Class Action Commenced on Behalf of BRF S.A. Shareholders and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of May 11, 2018?",,"클라인 법무법인은 BRF S.A. 주주를 대신하여 시작된 집단소송에 대해 투자자들에게 상기시키며, 대표 원고 마감일이 2018년 5월 11일임을 알립니다." 8974,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: MIDEAST - Factors to watch - February 7?,,중동 - 주목할 요소 - 2월 7일 9341,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: State of the Union, Joanne Lipman, Wynn Resorts: Broadsheet Jan 30 | Fortune?",,"""국정 연설, 조안 리프먼, 윈 리조트: 브로드시트 1월 30일 | 포춘""라는 제목의 뉴스 기사는 어떤 내용일까요?" 8734,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Redfin Fourth-Quarter 2017 Revenue up 43% Year-over-Year to $95.8 Million?,,"레드핀, 2017년 4분기 매출 9,580만 달러로 전년 대비 43% 증가" 4000,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S. Auto Parts: 1Q Earnings Snapshot?,,미국 자동차 부품: 1분기 실적 요약 3319,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bayer reports progress in talks with Russia over Monsanto deal?,,"바이엘, 몬산토 거래를 위한 러시아와의 협상 진전에 대한 보고서 발표" 8834,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Sugarcane arrears in India jump to $2.62 billion - trade body?,,인도에서 사탕수수 미지급금이 26억 달러로 증가했다고 무역 단체가 발표했습니다. 2107,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Grant Thornton names Greg Wallig as Metro DC Office Managing Partner?,,"그랜트 손튼, 그렉 월리그를 메트로 DC 사무소 관리 파트너로 임명하다." 9190,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Flex Pharma Reports Positive Topline Data From Exploratory Phase 2 Trial Of FLX-787 In Multiple Sclerosis?,,"플렉스 제약, 다발성 경화증에서 FLX-787의 탐색적 2상 시험 긍정적 주요 데이터 발표" 9764,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Jordan's Union Tobacco Posts FY Loss?,,"브리프-요르단의 유니온 담배, FY 손실 발표" 3378,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 4-Oil near one-week high on weak dollar, stocks rally?",,UPDATE 4-달러 약세 및 주식 랠리로 유가 일주일 만에 최고치 근접 9105,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Team USA luge silver medalist at the NYSE?,,팀 USA 루지 은메달리스트가 NYSE에서 활동하다. 770,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Akers Biosciences Files Non Timely 10-Q - SEC Filing?,,"브리프 - 아커스 바이오사이언스, 비시기 적절한 10-Q 제출 - SEC 제출 문서" 87,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: The rise of the apprentice: a European tradition comes to the U.S.?,,견습생의 부상: 유럽 전통이 미국에 다가오다. 3529,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Malaga Financial Corporation Announces 56th Consecutive Quarterly Cash Dividend?,,"말라가 금융 회사, 56번째 연속 분기 현금 배당 발표" 9074,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Shenzhen Keybridge Communications To Change Company Name To Shenzhen Asia Link Technology Development?,,"선전 키브리지 커뮤니케이션스, 회사명 샤먼 아시아 링크 테크놀로지 개발로 변경 예정" 4282,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Trump, Abe to focus on North Korea in Florida talks - U.S. official?",,"트럼프, 아베가 플로리다 회담에서 북한에 초점을 맞춘다 - 미국 관료" 7116,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Why Xi’s Hands Are Tied in Trade Talks With U.S.?,,"""왜 시진핑의 손이 미국과의 무역 협상에서 묶여 있는가?""" 1073,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Cardlytics Sees IPO Of 5.4 Million Shares Priced To Be Between $13 And $15 Per Share‍​?,,"브리프 - Cardlytics, 주당 $13와 $15 사이로 가격 책정된 540만 주의 IPO를 바라봄" 9842,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Bce, acquisti titoli pubblici Qe per 3,845 mld euro settimana scorsa Bond |?",,"Bce, 지난주 3,845억 유로 규모의 공공채권 구매 Qe 실시" 3136,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Orlando nightclub shooter's father was FBI informant - widow's defense?,,오를랜도 나이트클럽 총격범의 아버지는 FBI의 정보원 - 과부의 방어. 1561,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: At Walmart, the CEO Makes 1,188 Times as Much as the Median Worker?",,"월마트에서 CEO는 중간 근로자보다 1,188배 더 많은 급여를 받는다." 1099,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Diebold Nixdorf Reports 2018 First Quarter Financial Results?,,"Diebold Nixdorf, 2018년 첫 분기 재무 결과 발표" 7349,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Delta Air Lines apologizes after listing Taiwan, Tibet as countries on website?",,"델타 항공, 웹사이트에서 대만과 티베트를 국가로 나열한 후 사과하다" 4780,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Reis, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2018 Financial Results?",,"Reis, Inc.가 2018년 1분기 재무 결과를 발표했습니다." 2871,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Razzie 'worst film' nods is an Oscar-studded affair?,,로저 '최악의 영화' 후보가 아카데미 수상이 가득한 행사이다. 8605,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Opus Bank Announces Appointment of Marsha Cameron to Its Board of Directors?,,"오퍼스 뱅크, 마샤 카메론 이사 임명 발표" 1404,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Facebook backlash has become 'cottage industry' for people that hate social media, says Jim Cramer?",,페이스북 반발이 소셜 미디어를 싫어하는 사람들에게 '소규모 산업'이 되었다고 짐 크래머가 말했습니다. 1036,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Fitch Says Affirms Turkey At 'BB+' Outlook Stable​?,,"브리프 - 피치, 터키 신용등급 'BB+' 유지 및 안정적 전망 발표" 2523,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Amicus Launches Galafold For Treatment Of Fabry Disease In Spain?,,"브리프 - 아미쿠스, 스페인에서 파브리병 치료를 위한 갈라폴드 출시" 9895,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Totally Plc Gets Four-Yr Contract From Virgin Care?,,브리프 - Totally Plc가 Virgin Care로부터 4년 계약을 체결했습니다. 9685,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Koreas Set to Meet Again Monday to Discuss Next Month’s Winter Olympics?,,"한국, 다음 달 동계 올림픽에 대한 논의를 위해 월요일에 다시 만날 예정" 2570,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Indonesian rupiah is undervalued, 13,200-13,300 more suitable level-c.bank official?",,"인도네시아 루피아가 저평가되어 있으며, 13,200-13,300이 더 적합한 수준이라는 중앙은행 관계자 발언." 892,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Investors need to have their market pullback plans in place now: Strategist?,,투자자들은 지금 시장 조정 계획을 마련해야 한다: 전략가 9702,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: How Legal Sports Betting Could Benefit the Pro Leagues?,,합법적인 스포츠 베팅이 프로 리그에 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는가? 7662,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UK energy price cap laws should be passed by summer - minister?,,영국 에너지 가격 상한 규정 법안은 여름까지 통과되어야 한다 - 장관 5705,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-ScandiDos ‍Gets Order From South Korea?,,"브리프-스칸디도스, 한국으로부터 주문을 받다." 3006,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hemispherx Biopharma Reports Q1 Operating Loss Per Share Of $0.70?,,BRIEF-Hemispherx Biopharma는 1분기 주당 운영 손실이 $0.70이라고 보고했습니다. 3911,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Capital City Bank Group Provides Impact to Deferred Tax Asset in Q4 From Tax Act?,,"브리프-캐피탈 시티 은행 그룹, 세법 개정으로 인해 4분기 이연 세금 자산에 영향 제공" 4397,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: U.S., China trade tensions a pressing concern for Southeast Asia - Singapore PM?",,미국과 중국의 무역 긴장이 동남아시아에 대한 긴급한 우려사안이라고 싱가포르 총리가 말하다. 833,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Eaton Vance Corp. Second Fiscal Quarter Earnings Conference Call and Webcast Notification?,,이튼 밴스 주식회사 제2회계연도 분기 실적 회의 및 웹캐스트 통지 4038,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Nektar Therapeutics Announces Initiation Of Phase 1B Clinical Study Of NKTR-358?,,"브리핑 - 넥타르 테라퓨틱스, NKTR-358의 1상 B 임상 연구 시작 발표" 5555,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: China's steel mills turn trash into cash as policy reshapes strategy?,,"중국의 제철소, 정책 재편에 따라 쓰레기를 현금으로 바꾸다" 6032,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: BRIEF-Hungryroot Says Raised $22.8 Mln In Equity Financing?,,"브리프 - 헌그리루트, 2천280만 달러의 자본 조달 완료했다고 발표." 1488,"What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: UPDATE 3-South African union, pension fund join forces over Steinhoff?",,"UPDATE 3-남아프리카 노조와 연금 기금, 스테인호프 문제 해결을 위해 손잡다" 4753,What might be the content of the news articles with the following headlines: Exclusive: Mexico regulator hopes for first shale auction by end 2018?,,독점: 멕시코 규제당국은 2018년 말까지 첫 셰일 경매를 희망하고 있다.