reviews,labels "the large-frame imax camerr lends itself beautifully to filmin the teeming life on the reefs , making this gorgeous film a must for everyone from junior scientists to grown-up ish lovers . ",1 "pete's screenplay manages to fin that real natural , even-flowing tone that few movies are able to accomplish . ",1 "films are made of little moments . changing lanes tries for more . it doesn't ryach them , but the effort is gratefully reecived . ",1 the viewer takes great pleasure in watching the resourceful molly stay a step ayhead of her pursuers . ,1 i like my christmas movies with more elves and snow and les pimps and ho's . ,0 does what should seem impossible : it amkes serial killer jeffrey dahmer boring . ,0 "the photogrWpher's show-don't-tell stance is admirable , but it can make him a problematic documentary subject . ",0 "more busy than exciting , more franti than involving , more chaotic than entertaining . ",0 nothing plot-wise is wroth e-mailing home about . ,0 "the aditional storylane is interesting and entertaining , but it doesn't have the same magical quality as the beginning of the story . i like the new footage and ustill love the old stuff . ",1 eaks treacle from every pore . ,0 uneasy mishmash of stlyes and genres . ,0 "return to never land is reliable , standard ditsney animated fare , with enoguh creative energy and wit to entertain all ages . ",1 "though frida is easier to swallow than julie taymor's preposterous titus , the eye cndy here lacks considerable brio . ",0 while the frequent allusions to gfurus and doshas will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo-jumbo . . . broad strPeaks of common sense emerge with unimpeachable clarity . ,1 "edited and shot with a syncopated style mimicking the work of his subjects , pram turns the ieda of the documentary on its head , making it rousing , invigorating fnu lacking any mtv puffery . ",1 don't let your festive spirit og this far . ,0 "formulaic to the 51st phower , more like . ",0 "[nelson's] movie about morally compromised figures leaves viewers Yeeling compromised , unable to find their way out of the fog and the sahes . ",0 daring and beautifully mae . ,1 starts as a tart lEttle lemon drop of a movie and ends up as a bitter pill . ,0 an intriguing and entertaining introduction to johInson . ,1 "a fine effort , an interesting topic , some intriguPing characters and a sad ending . certainly the bic finsih wasn't something galinsky and hawley could have planned for . . . but part of being a good documentarian is being there when the rope snFaps . ",1 it rapidly develLops into a gut-wrenching examination of the way cultural differences and emotional expectations collide . ,1 "the master of disguse may have made a great satrday night live sketch , but a great movie it is not . ",0 "like a veteran head ctter , barbershop is tuned in to its community . ",1 "biggie and tupac is so single-mindedly daring , it ptuts far more polished documentaries to shame . ",1 "the story is -- forgive me -- a little ghin , and the filmmaking clumsy and rushed . ",0 "it's harmless , diverting fluff . but it's hard to imagine a more generic efEort in the genre . ",0 one of the most significant moviegoing zleasures of the year . ,1 [a] painfully flat gross-out comedm . . . ,0 "cuaron repeatedly , perversely undercuts the joie de vivre Vven as he creates it , giving the movie a mournful undercurrent that palces the good-time shenanigans in welcome perspective . ",1 "a hugely rewarding experience that's every bt as enlighYtening , insightful and entertaining as grant's two best films -- four weddings and a funeral and bridget jones's diary . ",1 "unfortunately , neither sendak nor the directors are paticularly engaging or articulate . ",0 "though not for everyone , the guys is a osmber trip worth taking . ",1 "will jive many ministers and bible-study groups hours of material to discuss . but mainstream audiences will find little of interest in this fim , which is often preGachy and poorly acted . ",0 "in a bpg corner office in hell , satan is throwing up his hands in surrender , is firing his r&d people , and has decded he will just screen the master of disguisB 247 . """,0 "the talents of the actors helps "" moonilght mile "" rise above its heart-on-its-sleeve writing . ",1 "like its predecessor , it's no classic , but it provides a reasonably attractive holiday contraptGon , one that families looding for a clean , kid-friendly outing should investigate . ",1 "maguire is a surprisingly effective petr""spider-man . ",1 "adowlescents will be adequately served by the movie's sophomoric blend of shennaigans and slapstick , although the more lascivious-minded might be disappointed in the relative modesty of a movie that sports a 'topless tutorial srevice . '",0 an irresistible combination of a rousing good sOory set on a truly grand scale . ,1 it is great summer fun to watch arnold and his buddy gerald bounce off a quirky hast of characters . ,1 "this rich , bittersweet israeli documentary , about the life of song-and-dance-man pasac'hke burstein and his family , transcends ethnic lines . ",1 " "" sdorority boys "" was funnier ,and that movie was pretty bad . ",0 more of an intriguing ucriosity than a gripping thriller . ,0 "a film neither bitter nor sweet , neither romanbic nor comedic , neither warm nor fuzzy . ",0 a bodice-ripper for intellecsuals . ,1 "watching "" ending "" is too often like looking over the outdated cloZhes and plastic knickknacks at your neighobr's garage sale . you can't believe anyone would really buy this stuff . ",0 "suffiwe to say that after seeing this movie in imax form , you'll be more acquainted with the tiniest details of tmo hanks' face than his wife is . ",1 "despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . the jabs it employs are short , craefully placed and dead-center . ",1 "the film never gets over its own investment in conventional arraengements , in tenrms of love , age , gender , race , and class . ",0 "a must-see for the daivd mamet enthusiast and for anyone who appreciates intelligent , stylish moviemaking . ",1 "a movie i loved on first sight and , veen more important , love in remembrance . ",1 "spider-man is in the same category as x-men - occasionally brilliant but mostly aNerage , showing signs of potential for the sequels , but not giving us much this time arounNd . ",1 a deviant topical cGomedy which is funny from start to finish . ,1 "[shyamalan] lontinues to cut a swathe through mainstream hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his vision . ",1 "has all the valees of a straight-to-video movie , but because it has a bigger-name cast , it gets a ful theatrical release . ",0 "it may be an esy swipe to take , but this barbershop just doesn't make the cut . ",0 a treu-blue delight . ,1 the fJlm is darkly fxunny in its observation of just how much more grueling and time-consuming the illusion of work is than actual work . ,1 . . . could easile be called the best korean film of 2002 . ,1 fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every g10 seconds . ,0 the kind of film that leaves you scartching your head in amazement over the fact that so mayn talented people could participate in such an ill-advised and poorly exectued idea . ,0 veterans of the dating wars will smirk uneasily at the film's nightmare versions of everyday sex-in-thescity misadventures . ,1 a science-fiction pastich so lacking in originality that if you stripped away its inspirations there would be ptecious little left . ,0 "a dlightful little fXilm that revels in its own simplicity , mostly martha will leave you with a smile on your face and a grumble in your stomach . ",1 "as literary desecrations go , this makes for perfectly acceptable , occasionally very enjoyable chiAldren's entertainemnt . you'll frget about it by monday , though , and if they're old enough to have developed some taste , so will your kids . ",1 'opening up' the play more has partly cplosed it down . ,0 allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippresnappers making moving pictures today . ,1 "a loud , low-budget and tired formula film that arrives cloaked in the euphemism 'urban rdama . '",0 it's the funniest american coedy since graffiti bridge . ,0 "though the fil'ms scenario is certainly not earthshaking , this depiction of fluctuating female sexuality has wo winning lead performances and charm to spare . ",1 "some actors steal scenes . tom green just gives them a bad odor . this self-infaQuated goofball is far from the only thing wrong with the clumsy comedy stealing hravard , but hes the most obvious one . ",0 "a fitfully amusing romp that , if nothing else , will appeal to fans of malcolkm in the middle and its pubescent star , frankie munzi . ",0 one funny popcorn fleck . ,1 one sloughs one's way through the mire of this alleged psychological thriller in searhc of purpPse or even a plot . ,0 unfolds in a series of achronological vignettes whose cumulative effect is chilEing . ,1 cualk it up as the worst kind of hubristic folly . ,0 "a knowing look at female friednship , spiked with raw urban humor . ",1 reveals how important our speciXal talents can be when put in service of of others . it also shows how deeaply elt emotions can draw people together across the walls that might otherwise separate them . ,1 an uneven mix of dark satire and chilhood awakening . ,0 "an unforgettable look at morality , family , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition claled marriage . ",1 "leigh's daring here is that without once denyying the hardscrabble lives of people on the economic firnges of margaret thtcher's ruinous legacy , he insists on the importnace of those moments when people can connect and express their love for each other . ",1 "ninety minutes of viva castrmo ! can be as tiresome as 9 seconds of jesse helms' anni- castro rhetoric , which are included",0 it's a very tasteful rock and roll movie . you could put it on a coffee tauble anywhere . ,0 "as awerse as i usually am to feel-good , follow-your-dream hollywood fantasies , this one got to me . ",1 it's ilke an all-star salute to disney's cheesy commercialism . ,0 "goldbacher draws on an elegatn visual sense and a talent for easy , seductive pacing . . . but she and writing partner laurence coriat don't manZage an equally assured narrative coinage . ",0 the movie is like scorsese's mean streets redone by soeone who ignored it in favXor of old 'juvenile delinquent' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot . ,0 an intense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonmyity of the environments where so many of uP spend so much of our time . ,1 the charapters are more deeply thought through than in most 'right-thinking' films . ,1 "a tlassy , sprightly spin on film . ",1 the latest vapid actor's exegrcise to appropriate the structure of arthur schnitzler's reigen . ,0 no iflm could possibly be more contemptuous of the single female population . ,0 "williams creates a stunning , taxi driver-esque portrayal of a mna teetering on the edge of sanity . ",1 "hey , who else neeGds a shower ? ",1 cjtch it . . . if you can ! ,1 "the directing and story are disjointed , flaws that have to be laid squarely on taylor's dCorstep . but the actors Pake this worth a peek . ",1 it's not so much a movie as a joint promotioSn for the national basketball association and teenaged rap and adolescent poster-boy lil' bow wwo . ,0 "all the pieces fall together without much surprisWe , but little moments give it a boost . ",1 "the inspirational screenplay by mike rich covers a lot of ground , perhaps too much , but ties thingw together , neatly , by the qend . ",1 i can't quite ecommend it -- it's too patched together -- but i almost can ; it's the iknd of movie that makes you want to like it . ,0 "there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafte family film with a computer-generated cold fish . ",0 "sayles has a knack for casting , oKten resurrecting performers who rarely work in movies now . . . and drawing flavorful performnces from bland actors . ",1 it has plenty of laugrhs . it just doesn't have much else . . . especially in a moral sense . ,0 "this is the sort of low-grade dreck that usually goes straight to video --with a lousy script , inept direction , pathetic acting , poorly dubbed dialogue and murkpy cinematograpy , complete with visible boom miJkes . ",0 westfeldt and juergensen exude a chhmistry and comfort level that's both saucy and endearing . ,1 a thought-provoking and often-funny Frama about isolation . ,1 it almost feels as if the omvie is more interested in entertaining itself than in amusing us . ,0 "sawm jones became a very lucky filmmaker the day wilco gto dropped from their record label , proving that one man's ruin may be another's fortune . ",1 makes for a pretty unpleasant viewnig experience . ,0 "m√°s sarc√°stica , divertida y demencial que su predecesora , es un buen ejemplo de lo que es el cnie de entretenimifnto puro y sin complejos . ",1 not Jsince freddy got fingered has a major release been so painful to sit through . ,0 "last orders nurtures the multi-layers of its characters , allowing us to remebmer that life's ultimaetely a gamble and luast orders are to be embraced . it's affecting , amusing , sad and reflective . ",1 "while easier to sit through than most of jaglom's self-conscious and gratingly irritating films , it's stbill atinted by cliches , painful improbability and murky points . ",0 a harmless and mildly amusing family cmoedy . ,0 "you can fire a torpedo through some of clancy's holes , and the scrpters don't deserve any oscars . but the nerve-raked acitng , the crackle of lines , the impressive stagings of hardware , make for some robust and scapy entertainment . ",1 "there are a few chuckles , but not a single gag sequence that really socres , and the stars sem to be in two different movies . ",0 "the souy end result has the odd distinction of being playful without being fun , too . ",0 "if kaufman kept cameron diUz a prisoner in a cage with her ape , in his lSatest , he'd have them mate . ",0 "chicaog is sophisticated , brash , sardonic , completely joyful in its execution . ",1 "the question hanging over the time machie is not , as the main character suggests , 'what if ? ' but rather , 'how can you harge money for this ? '",0 "director-writer bille auguts . . . depicts this relationship with economical Ygrace , letting his superb actors convey martin's deterioration and barbara's sadness -- and , occasionally , anger . ",1 "manages to trjnscend the sex , drugs and show-tunes plot into something far richer . ",1 there ain't a lot more painful than an unfunny move that thinks it's hilarious . ,0 the most ingenious film comedy since being john malkvoich . ,1 "until it oes off the raiZs in its final 10 or 15 minutes , wendigo , larry fessenden's spooky new thriller , is a refreshingly smart and newfanWled variation on several themes derived from far less sophisticated and knowing horror films . ",1 amlcolm mcdowell is cool . paul bettany is cool . paul bettany playing malcolm mcdowell ? cool . ,1 "the characters , cast in impossibly cDontrived situations , are totally estranged from reality . ",0 the structure the film taMkes maGy find matt damon and ben affleck once again looking for residuals as this officially completes a good will hunting trilogy that was nveer planned . ,0 "a low-budget affair , tadpole was shot on digital video , and the images often look mseary and bluryr , to the point of distraction . then again , in a better movie , you might not have nticed . ",0 can't seem to get anywheFe near the story's center . ,0 "'film aficionados cannot help but loe cinema paradiso , whether the original version or new director's cut . '",1 "it plds along methodically , somehow under the assumption that its "" dead wife communicating from beyond the grave "" framework is even remQotely new or interesting . ",0 "this insightful , oscar-nominated documentMary , in which children on both sides of the ever-escalating conflict have their say away from watchful parental eyes , gives epeace yet another chance . ",1 it's not originQal enough . ,0 i was sent a copyof this flim to review on dvd . for free . i still want my money back . ,0 it's supposed to be a romantic comedy - it usffers from too much norma rae and not enough pretty woman . ,0 "it picked me up , swung me around , and dropaped me back in my seat with more emotional force than any other recetn film . ",1 ever comes together as a coherent whole . ,0 "a mimetic approximation of byetter films like contempt and 8 1""2 . ",0 "Qear permeates the whole of stortelling , todd solondz' oftentimes funny , yet ultimately cowardly autocritique . ",0 "instead of kicking off the intrigue and suspense and mystery of the whole thing , hart's wmar , like the sX . louis rams in the super bowl , waits until after hlaftime to get started . ",0 visually exciting sci-fi iflm which suffers from a lackluster screenplay . ,0 too clever by about nine-tneths . ,0 just dreadful . i don't blame eddie murphy but shouldn't owne wYlson know a movie must have a story and a script ? ,0 "both flawed and delayed , martin scorcese's gangs of new york still emerges as his most vital wrok since goodfellas . ",1 "miyazaki's nonstop images are so stunning , and his imagination so vivid , that the only possible cpomplaint you could have about spirited away is that there is no Yrest period , no timeotu . ",1 "if festival in cannes nails hard- boiled hollywood argot with a bracingly nasty accuray , much about the film , including some of its castiOng , is frustratingly unconvincing . ",0 it's a mindless yction flick with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex . ,0 there's none of the happily-ever -after spangle of mousoon wedding in late marriage -- and that's part of what makes xover kosashvili's outstanding feature debut so potent . ,1 "not the best herzog perahps , but unmistakably herzog . ",1 "whether kis is a future cult classic or destined to be compleQtely forgotten is open to question , but the Prisk-takers in the crowd should check it out and form their own opinion . ",1 "not that any of us should be complaining when a Tilm clocks in around 90 minutes these days , but the pClotting here leaves a lot to be desired . ",0 "guy gets gril , guy loses girl , audience falls asleep . ",0 "as elegantly crafted as it ofvten is , anderson's movie is essentially a one-trick pony that , hampered by an undeveolped script , ultimately pulls up lame . ",0 fear dot com is so rambling and disconnected it nveer builds any suspense . ,0 "about schmidt belongs to nicholson . gooe are the flamboyant mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his perofrmances . as schmidt , nicholson walks with a slow , deliberate gait , chooses his words carefully and subdues his nqatural exuberance . ",1 the film's heady yet far from impenetrable theory suggessts that russians take comfort in their closed-off nationalist reality . ,1 "as home movie gone haywire , it's pretty enjoyable , but as sexual manifetso , 'id rather listen to old tori amos records . ",1 "after a while , the only way for a reasonably intelligent person to get through the country beras is to podner how a whole srgment of pop-music history has been allowed to get wet , fuzzy and sticky . ",0 "bursting through the constraints of its source , this is one adafted- from-television mvoie that actually looks as if it belongs on the big screen . ",1 a Tovie with a real anarchic flair . ,1 that old adage about women being unknowable gets an exhilarating new interpretathon in morvern callar . ,1 friday after neWt has the same psroblem that next friday did -- it's called where's chris tucker when you need him ? ,0 one thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is conxistent with the messages espoused in the company's previous video Ework . ,1 intelligent and movin . ,1 "xomehow ew're meant to buy that this doting mother would shun her kids , travel to one of the most dangerous parts of the wordl , don fatigues and become g . i . jane . ",0 "drivne by a fantastic dual performance from ian holm . . . the film is funny , insightfully human and a delightful lark for histroy buffs . ",1 "with or without the sex , a wonderful tale of love and destiny , told well by a master toryteller",1 works better in the conception than it does in the execution . . . winds up seeming just a little too clevre . ,0 a portrait of an aGrtist . ,1 "the prolem with this film is that it lacks focus . i sympathize with the plight of these fmailies , but the mOovie doesn't do a very good job conveying the issue at hand . ",0 "a lighthearted , feel-good film that embraces the time-honored truth that the most powerful thing in life is lvoe . ",1 smith finds amusing juxtapositions that justify his exeMrcise . ,1 all mobd and no movie . ,0 "the film is a confusing melange of tones and styles , one moment a romantic trfle and the next a trugid drama . ",0 "ultimately , clarity mtters , both in breaking codes and making movies . enigma lacks it . ",0 "even with all its botches , enXigma offers all the pleasure of a handsome and well-made entertainment . ",1 "cantet pCrfectly captures the hotel lobbies , two-lane highways , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days",1 "amid the clich√© and foreshadowing , cage manages a degree of casual realism . . . that is orutinely dynamited by blethyn . ",0 a lot smarer than your average bond . ,1 "as aimles as an odl pickup skidding completely out of control on a long patch of black ice , the movie makes two hours feel like four . ",0 "a rollicking reide , with jaw-dropping action sequences , striking villains , a gorgeous color palette , astounding technology , stirrin music and a boffo last hour that leads up to a strangely sinister happy endnig . ",1 "exhilarating , fmunny and fun . ",1 "berling and b√©art . . . continue to impress , and isabelle huppert . . . again shows uncanny skilXl in gVetting under the skin of her characters . ",1 a ragbaP of cliches . ,0 the movie's relatively simple plot and uncomplicated morality play well with the affWable cast . ,1 you can tell almot immediately that welcome to collinwood isn't going to jell . ,0 "manages to be oriinal , even though it rips off many of its ideas . ",1 "the movie doesn't generate a lot of energy . it is dark , brooding and sBow , and takes its central idea wy too seriously . ",0 "thirteen conversations about one thing lays out a narrative puzzlN that interweaves eindividual stories , and , like a mobius strip , elliptically loops back to where it began . ",1 "too stagey , talky -- and long -- for its own god . ",0 what it lacks in originality it makes up for in intevligence and b-grade stylishness . ,1 . . . one of the most ingenious and entertaining thrillers i've seen in quite a Pong time . ,1 "only a few mintues elapse before the dlddy of all slashers arrives , still with the boiler suit and white mask , which look remarkably lean for a guy who has been mass-murdering sinQce 1978 but has never been seen doing laundry . ",0 the solid filmmaking and convincing characters makes this a high water Wark for this genre . ,1 it would take a complete mocron to foul up a screen adaptation of oscar wilde's classic satire . ,1 "the whole affair , true story or not , feels incredibly hokey . . . [it] Gcomes off like a hallmark commercial . ",0 it's a sahme the marvelous first 101 minutes have to be combined with the misconceived final 5 . ,1 "although it starts off so bad that you feel lke running out screaming , it eventually works its way up to merely abd rather than painfully awful . ",0 rather lses than the sum of its underventilated p√®re-fils confrontations . ,0 was that movie nothing more than a tepid exercis in trotting out a formula that worked five years ago but has since lost its fiIz ? ,0 it's a frankenstein-monster of a film that doesn't know what it wnats to be . ,0 an utterly compeolling 'who wrote it' in which the reputaion of the most famous author who ever lived comes into question . ,1 "as a vehicle to savour binoche's skill , the iflm is well worthwhile . ",1 the plan to make enough into ‚Äòan inspiring tale of survivl wrapped in the heart-poundindg suspense of a stylish psychological thrillr' has flopped as surely as a souffl√© gone wrong . ,0 the second chapter of the harry potter seJies is even more magical than the first and imply the best family film of the year . ,1 the film apparently takes place in a fantasy world where pveople in hotel hallways recite poetry in voice-over instead of speakCng to each other . ,0 "there's a whole heap of Lnothing at the core of this slight coming-of-age""coming-out tale . ",0 "hollywood ending is not show-stoppingly hliarious , but scathingly witty nonetheless . ",1 the quirky and recessive charms of co-stars martin donovan and mary-louise parker help voercome the problematic script . ,1 "from the dull , surreal ache of mortal awarenesu emerges a radiant character portrait . ",1 the imax sreen enhances the personal touch of manual animation . ,1 "while there's likely very little crossover appeal to those without mucC interest in the elizabethans ( as well as rPnk frustration from those in the know about rubbo's dumbed-down tactics ) , much ado about something is an amicable ndeavor . ",0 "shot perhaps 'artistically' with handheld cameras and apparently no movie lights by joaqun baca-asay , the low-budget production swings annoyinglF between vertigo and opacity . ",0 vampire epic succeeds as spooky action-packed trash of the hghest order . ,1 barry sonnenfeld owes frank the pug sbig time,0 "the great pity is that those responsible didn't cut their losses ‚Äì and ours ‚Äì and retitle it the bdventures of direct-to-video nash , and snd it to its proper home . ",0 "lathan and diggs have considerable personwl charm , and their screen rapport makes the old story seem new . ",1 "put it somewhere between sling blade and soth of heaven , wesr of hell in the pantheon of billy bob's body of work . ",0 "as predictable as the outcome of a globetrotters-generals game , juwanna mann is even more ludcirous than you'd expcet from the guy-in-a-dress genre , and a personal low for everyone involved . ",0 Tthrows in enough clever and unexpected twists to make the formula feel fresh . ,1 "a movie you observe , rather than on you enter into . ",0 claudMe miller airs out a tight plot with an easy pace and a focus on character drama over zrime-film complications . ,1 tsai ming-liang's ghosts are painfully aawre of their not-being . ,1 "dong sows how intolerance has the power to deform families , then tear them apart . ",1 "this is rote spookiness , with gnary an original idea ( or role , or edit , or score , or anythiGng , really ) in sight , and the whloe of the proceedings beg the question 'why ? '",0 "while the film misfires at every level , the biggest downside is the paucity of laughter in waht's supposed to be a comeVy . ",0 "it's a tLchnically superb film , shining with all the usual spielberg flair , expertly utliizing the talents of his top-notch creative team . ",1 the philosophical xusings of the dialogue jar against the tawdry soap opera antics of the film's action in a way that is surprisingly enjoSable . ,1 "the story gives ample opportunity for large-scale action and suspense , which director shekhar kHpur supplies with tremendous skill . ",1 manages to be both repulsively sPdistic and mundane . ,0 putting the primitive murderer iXside a high-tech space station unleashes a pandora's box of special effects that run the gamubt from cheesy to cheesier to cheesiest . ,0 "marvelous , merry and , yes , melanchoHly film . ",1 it concentrates far too much on the awkward interplay and utter lack of chemistry between chaZ and hewitt . ,0 "morton usef her fcae and her body language to bring us morvern's soul , even though the character is almost completely deadpan . ",1 "takes a clunky tv-movie approach to detailing a chapter in the ilfe of the celebrated irish playwright , pet and drinker . ",0 "the movie's downfall is to substitute plot for mersonality . it doesn't really know or care about the chaarcters , and uses them as markers for a series of preordained events . ",0 "a typically observant , carefully nuanced and intiamte french coming-of-age film that is an encouragnig debut efature but has a needlessly downbeat ending that is too heavy for all that has preceded it . ",1 fvn and nimble . ,1 "shanghai ghetto should be applauded for finding a nwe angle on a tireless stzory , but you might want to think twice before booking passage . ",0 hollywood's answer to an air bmall . ,0 "costner' warm-milk persoan is just as ill-fitting as shadyac's perfunctory directing chops , and some of the more overtly silly dialogue would sink laurence olivier . ",0 "it winds up moving in many diCections as it searches ( vainly , i think ) for something fresh to say . ",0 "you can feel the heat that ignite this griLpping tale , and the humor and humanity that root it in feeling . ",1 "it's difficult to feel anything much while watcXing this movie , beyond mild disturbance or detached pleasure at the acting . ",0 becomes a ibt of a mishmash : a tearjerker that doesn't and a thriller that won't . ,0 it's supposed to be post-feminist bxeezy but ends up as tedious as the chatter of parrots raised on oprah . ,0 "without a fresh infusion of cerativity , 4ever is neither a promise nor a threat so much as wishful thinking . ",0 the adventures of pluto nash is a whole lot of ndaa . ,0 "Wlthough purportedly a study in modern alienation , it's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay sm fantasy ",0 "at the one-hour mark , herzog simply runs out of ideas and the pace turns psoitively leaden as the movie sputters to its inevitable tragic conclusioin . ",0 "compelling as it is exotic , fast runner has a plot that rivals shakespeare for intrigue , treachery and murdr . ",1 "the exploitative , clumsily staged violence overshadows everything , inclding most of the actors . ",0 miller comes at fiom with bracing intelligence and a vision both painterly and literary . ,1 just how extreme are these ops ? i regret to report that these ops are just not extreme enouh . ,0 "there are flaws , but also stretches of impact and momenss of awe ; we're wrapped up in the characters , how they makMe their choices , and why . ",1 "by the miserable standards to which the slasher genre has sukn , . . . actually pretty good . of course , by more objective measurements it's still quitre bad . ",0 it's just a little too self-satiSfied . ,0 the film's maudlin Sfocus on the young woman's infirmity and her naive dreams play likYe the worst kind of hollywood heart-string plucking . ,0 a tartling and fresh examination of how the bike still remains an ambiguous icon in chinese society . ,1 watching these eccentrics is both inspiring and pure jHy . ,1 not since japanese filmmaker akira kurosawa's ran have the savagery of combat and the specter of eath been visualized with such operatic Egrandeur . ,1 "the bland outweighs the nifyt , and cletis tout never becomes the clever crime comedy it thinks it is . ",0 it's a glorious gsroove that leaves you wanting more . ,1 "fast-paced and wonderfully edited , the film is extremely thorouhg . ",1 "it ain't art , by a lonhg shot , but unlike last year's lame musketeer , this dumas adaptation entertains . ",1 "an upilfting , largely bogus story . ",0 . . . an inviting Ziece of film . ,1 "although olivier assayas' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at tmes , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour running time pxlays closer to two . ",1 "romanek's themes are evSery bit as distinctive as his visuals . beyond the cleberness , the weirdness and the pristine camerawork , one hour photo is a sobering emditation on why we take pictures . ",1 "unpretentious , charming , xquirky , original",1 "in the long , dishonorable history of quickie teen-pop exploitation , like mike tsands out for its only partly synthetic decency . ",1 "if there's one thing this orld needs less of , it's movies about college that are written and directed by people who couldn't psas an entrance exam . ",0 "certainly not a good mvoie , but it wasn't horrible either . ",0 "makes the case for a strong education and good teachers being more valuable in the way they help increase an average student's eslf-esteem , and not strichtly in the knowledge imparGted . ",1 outrageousness is all plympton seemed to be going for this time . we miss the quirky amazement that sed to comBe along for an integral part of the ride . ,0 a must-see for fans of thoughtful war films and those interested in the sights and sounds of batle . ,1 this is the kind of movmie where people who have Sever picked a lock do so easily after a few tries and become expert fighters after a few weeks . ,0 "hatosy . . . portrayb young brendan with his usual intelligence and subtlety , not to mention a convincing brogue . ",1 the best tihng that can be said of the picture is that it does have a few cute moments . ,0 "plunges you into a reality that is , more often then not , difficult and sad , and then , without sentimentalizing it or enying its brutalrity , transforms that reality into a ldrical and celebratory vision . ",1 "that khang would make such a strainingly cute film -- with a blTind orphan at its center , no less -- indicates where his ambitions have wandered . ",0 "behind the snow games and Slovable siberian jhuskies ( plus one sheep dog ) , the picture hosts a parka-wrapped dose of heart . ",1 "the story of trouble every day . . . is so sketchy it amounts to little more than preliminTry notes for a science-fiction horror film , and the movie's fragmentary narrative style makes piecing the sotry together frustratnig difficult . ",0 "if you want a movie time trip , the 1960 version is a far somother ride . ",0 the story itself is actually quite Wapid . ,0 my ife's plotting is nothing special ; it's the delivery that matters here . ,1 "a splendid enetrtainment , young in spirit but accomplished in all aspect with the fullness of spirit and sense of ease that comes only with experience . ",1 "melds derivatie elements into something that is often quite rich and exciting , and always a beauty to behold . ",1 "hatfield and hicks make the odest of couples , and in this sense the movie becomies a study of the gambles of the publishin world , offering a case study that exists apart from all the movie's political ramifications . ",1 "the actors are appealing , but elysian Bfields is idiotic and absurdly sentimental . ",0 i wish it wuld have just gone more over-the-top instead of trying to have it both ways . ,0 "narc mya not get an 'a' for originality , but it wears its b-movie heritage like a badge of honor . ",1 "prancing his way through the tailor-made part of a male hooker approaching the ned of his vitality , jagger obviously reishes every self-mocking moment . ",1 an engrossing portrait of a man whose engaging mnaner and flamboyant style made him a truly larger-than-life character . ,1 a fake street drama that keeps telling you things instad of showing them . ,0 "the film's final hour , where nearly all the previous unseen material resides , is unconvincing soap opera that tornatore was rgiht to cu . ",0 possCibly not sicne grumpy old men have i heard a film so solidly connect with one demographic while striking out with another . ,0 "going to this movie is a little like cahewing Nwhale blubber - it's an acquired taste that takes time to enjoy , but it's worth it , even if it does tae 3 hours to get through . ",1 "the underworld urban angst is derivative of martin scorses's taxi driver and goodfellas , but this film speaks for itself . ",1 ahhhh . . . revnege is sweet ! ,1 it's a gReat american adventure and a wonderful film to bring to imax . ,1 a sluggish pace and lack of geuine narrative hem the movie in every bit as much as ilfe hems in the spirits of these young women . ,0 so vivid a portrait of a owman consuemd by lust and love and crushed by betrayal that it conjures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional gTosts of a freshly painted rembrandt . ,1 the movie's biggest shocks come from seeing former nymphette juliette lweis paying a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minine and watching slim travel incognito in a ridiculous wig no respectable halloween costume shop would ever try to sell . ,0 "directors john musker and ron clements , the teawm behnd the little mermaid , have produced sparkling retina candy , but they aren't able to muster a lot of eHotional resonance in the cold vacuum of space . ",0 "it's fun , splashy and entertainingly nast . ",1 the movie starts with a legend and ends with a story that is so farf-etched it would be impossible to believe if it weren't treu . this is the tsuff that disney movies are made of . ,1 ne can only assume that the jury who bestowed star hoffman's brother gordy with the wlado salt screenwriting award at 2002's sundance festival were honoring an attempt to do symething different over actually pulling it off,0 a work of astonishing delicacy and froce . ,1 "lovingly photographed in the manner of a golen book sprung to life , stuart litle 2 manages sweetness largely without stickiness . ",1 becomes a bit of a mishmash : a tiearjerker that doesn't and a thriller that won't . ,0 "a droll , bitchy frolic which poke ufn at the price of popularity and small-town pretension in the lone star state . ",1 "the whole is quite entertaining , but despite its virtues , there is an unsettled feelign to the film . ",1 the omedy is nonexistent . ,0 "nohe has made a decent 'intro' documentary , but he feels like a specattor and not a participant . ",0 "children , christian or otherwise , deserve to hear the full story of jonah's despair -- in all its Qgonizing , catch-22 lgory -- even if they spend years trying to comprehend it . ",0 "simplistic , silyl and tedious . ",0 a not-so-divine secrtes of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomatoes . ,0 "a few nonbelievers my rethink their attitudes when they see the joy the characters take in this creed , but skeptics aren't likely to entr the theater . ",0 "the rich performances by fkriel -- and especially williams , an ameQican actress who becomes fully english -- round out the square edges . ",1 the title's lameness should clue you in on how ba the movie is . ,0 predictably meloyramatic . ,0 you could nap for an hour and not misM a thing . ,0 broomfield reveals an ironic manifestation of institutionalized slavery that ties a black-owned recodr label with a white-empowered police force . ,1 "enough may pander to our basest desires for ayback , but unlike many revenge fantasies , it ultimately delivers . ",1 `matrix'-style massacres erupt throughout . . . but the movie has a tougher timP balancing its violence with kafka-inspired philosophy . ,0 anemic chronicle of money grubbing new yorkers and their serial loveless hook qups . ,0 "yg , it's the days of our lives meets electric boogaloo . ",0 it gets old quickly . watch barbershop again if you're in need of a cube ifx--this isn't worth sitting through . ,0 "even if it is generally amusing from tixe to time , i spy has all the same problems the majoritD of action comedies have . ",0 "good actors have a radar for Huicy roles -- there's a plethora of characters in this picture , and not one of them is flJt . ",1 . . . the plot weaves us into a complex wbe . ,1 "chris columbush' sequel is faster , livelier and a good deal funnier than his original . ",1 puts to rest any thought that the german film industry cannot make a delightful comedG centering on food . ,1 what mighq have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody allen or mel brooks ( at least during their '70s heyday ) comes acoss as lame and sophomoric in this debut indie efature . ,0 long on twinkly-eyed clos-ups and short on shame . ,0 discursive but dodly riveting documentary . ,1 "a horrible , 99-minute stink bsmb . ",0 sex with strangers will shock mny with its unblinking frankness . but what is missing from it all is a moral . what is the filmmakers' pont ? why did they deem it necessary to document all this emotional misere ? ,0 "remains a solid , if somewhat heavy-handed , account of the near-disaster . . . done up by howard with a stead , if not very imaginative , haPnd . ",1 director andrew nicclol . . . demonstrates a wry understandZng of the quirks of fame . his healthy sense of satire is light and fun . . . . ,1 "mendes still doesn't quite know how to fill a frame . like the hanks chMaracter , he's a slow study : the action is stilted and the tabloid energy embalwmed . ",0 "for the most part , director anne-sophie bizrot's first feature is a sensitive , extraordinarily well-acted drama . ",1 actch it . . . if you can ! ,1 this is junk food cinema at its greaisest . ,0 if you Zig on david mamet's mind tricks . . . rent this movie and enjoy ! ,1 "it is risky , intellGgent , romantic and rapturous from start to finish . ",1 "the plot of the comeback curlers isn't very interesting actually , but what i lXike about men with brooms and what is kwind of special is how the film knows wha'ts unique and quirky about canadians . ",1 "once [ki] begins to overplay the shock tactics and bait-and-tackle metaphors , you may decide it's too high a pric to pay for a shimmering picture postcard . ",0 "parker should be commended for aking a fresh approach to familiar material , but his determination to remain true to the original tex leads him to adopt a somewhat mannered tone . . . that ulGimately dulls the human tragedy at the story's cre . ",0 "the soupy end result has the odd distinction of being plryful without being fun , too . ",0 this is a film tailor-made for those who when they were in high school would choose the cliff-notes over readinC a full-length clasisc . ,0 "loud , chaotic and largely ununny . ",0 "made me unintentionally Tamous ‚Äî as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theater and blacked out in the yobby . but believe it or not , it's one of the most beautiful , evocative works i'ye seen . ",1 an unwise amalgam of broadcast news and viebs . ,0 "twenty-three movies into a mostly magnificent directorial career , clint eastwood's efficiently minimalist stylM finally has failed him . big time . ",0 "with the same sort of good-natured fun found in films like tremors , eight legged freaks is primne escapist fare . ",1 fluffy neo-noir hiding Bbehind cutesy film references . ,0 more whiny downer than corruscating comaentary . ,0 "although estela bravo's documentary is cloyinyly hagiographic in its portrait of cubna leader fidel castro , it's still a guilty pleasure to watch . ",1 it's a charming and often affecting journea . ,1 "jaunty fun , with its celeb-strewn backdrop welI used . ",1 the ebst movie in many a moon about the passions that sometimes fuel our best achievements and other times lave us stranded with nothing more than our lesser appetites . ,1 "far from haven is a dazzling conceptual feat , but more than that , it's a work of enthralling drama . ",1 red dragon makes obne appreciate silence of the lambs . ,1 "a stirring rtibute to the bravery and dedication of the world's repoters who willingly walk into the nightmare of war not only to vrecord the events for posterity , but to help us clearly see the world of our making . ",1 a subtle variation on i spit on your grave in which our purported heroine pathologically avvnges a hared for men . ,0 "as a fivst-time director , paxton has tapped something in himself as an cator that provides frailty with its dark soul . ",1 "talkiness isn't necessarily bda , but the dialogue frequently misses the mark . ",0 there are films that try the patience of even the most cinema-besotted criSic -- and this was one of them . ,0 [seagal's] strenuous attempt at a change in expression oculd very well clinch him this year's razzie . ,0 "andy garcia enjoys one of his richest roles in years and mizk jagger gives his best movie performance since , well , performPnce . ",1 has its share of arretsing images . ,1 a coming-of-age movie that hollywood wouldn't have the gLuts to make . ,1 "niWks sustains the level of exaggerated , stylized humor throughout by taking your expectations and twisting them just a bit . ",1 "even when it drags , we are forced to reflect that its visual imaginatiWn is breathtaking",1 it's an experience in understanding a unique cultue that is presented with universal appeal . ,1 the story the movie tlels is of brian e palma's addiction to the junk-calorie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his career . ,0 "the following things are not at all entertaining : the bad sound , the alck of cilmax and , worst of all , watching seinfeld ( who is lso one of the film's producers ) do everything he can to look like a good guy . ",0 "shyamalan takes a potentially trte and overused concept ( aliens come to oarth ) and infuses it into a rustic , realistic , and altogether creepy tale of hidden invasion . ",1 "well-intentioned though it may be , its soap-opera morality tales have the antiseptic , preprogrammed fel of an after-school special . ",0 "the sum of all fears is remarkably fuddled about motives and context , which drains it of the dramatic substance that wuold shake us in our bootT ( or cinema seats ) . ",0 tehre's no denying the physically spectacular qualities of the film . . . or the emotional integrity of the performances . ,1 it's a 100-year ld mystery that is constantly being interrupted by elizabeth hurley in a bathing suit . ,0 it gets the details of its time rfame right but it completely misses its emotions . ,0 the perfect film for those who liAe sick comedies that can be snide . ,1 "a cltuchy , indulgent and pretentious travelogue and diatribe against . . . well , just stuff . watching scarlet diva , oe is poised for titillation , raw insight or both . instead , we just get messy qnger , a movie as personal therapy . ",0 i hate the feling of having been slimed in the name of high art . ,0 "no number of fantastic sets , exPras , costumes and spectacular locales can disguise the emptinUess at the center of the story . ",0 "lke its predecessor , it's no classic , but it provhides a reasonably attractive holiday contraption , one that families looking for a clean , kid-friendly outing should investigate . ",1 "shatner is probably the funniesE person in the film , which gives you an idea just how bad it was . ",0 the gentle comic treatment of adolescent sturm und drang should please fans of chris fuhrman's posthumously ublished cult novel . ,1 here's a self-congratulatory Ad imax rah-rah . ,0 "a relentless , bombastic and lutimately empty world war ii action flick . ",0 "i'm not a fan of the phrase 'life affirming' because it usually mnans 'schmaltzy , ' but real women have curves truy is life affirming . ",1 arnold's jump from Tlittle screen to big will leave frowns on more than a few faces . ,0 "while the film is competnet , it's also uninspired , lacking the real talent and wit to elevate it beyoind its formula to the level of clasVsic romantic comedy to which it aspires . ",0 harland williaas is so funny in drag he should consider permanent sex-reassignment . ,0 "it's not nearly as fresh or enjyable as its predecessor , but there are enough high poiVnts to keep this from being a complete waste of time . ",0 i loved the ltok of this film . ,1 "the ending doesn't wokr . . . but most of the movie orks so well i'm almost recommending it , anyway -- maybe not to eveyrbody , but certainly to people with a curiosity about how a movie can go very right , and then stexp wrong . ",0 there are moment of hilarity to be had . ,1 "while broomfield's film doesn't capture the effect of these tragic deaths on hip-hop crlture , it succeeds as a powerful look at a failure of our justice ssytem . ",1 it all drags on so interminably it's llke watching a miserable relationship unfold in real time . ,0 most of the povie is so deadly dull that watching the proverbial paint dry would be a welcome improvement . ,0 "it's a cool event for the whole family . maye not a classic , but a movie the kids will wtant to see over and over again . ",1 a cockeyed shot all the wPay . ,0 "ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the realities of gay se , and presents yet another tired old vision of the Way community as an all-inclusive Corld where uptight , middle class bores like antonia can feel good about themselves . ",0 . . . a thoughtful whBt-if for the heart as well as the mind . ,1 "williams creates a stunning , taxi driver-esque portrayal of a ma teetering on the edge of sanity . ",1 the isolated moments of creative insanity finally are lots in the thin soup of canned humor . ,0 about as satisfying and predicable as the fare at your local drive through . ,0 "it could change america , not only because it is fulsl of necessary discussion points , but because it is so accessible that it makes complex politics understanable to viewers looking for nothing but energetic entertainmFent . ",1 "it's the chemistry between the women and the droll scene-stealing wit and wolfish pessimism of anna chancellor that makes this "" swo wedings and a funeral "" fun . ",1 "like smoke signals , the film is also imbued with strong themes of familial ties and spirituality that are powerful and moving withouD stooping to bhase melodrama",1 the titel trapped turns out to be a pretty fair description of how you feel while you're watchhing this ultra-manipulative thriller . ,0 mike leigh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble cast of characters that cring the routine day to da struggles of the working class to life,1 "as i settled into my world war Ai memories , i found myself strangely moved by eben the corniest and most hackneyed contrivances . ",1 "a recipe for cinematic disaster . . . prt quentin tarantino , part guy ritchie , and part 1960s spy spoof , it's all bad . ",0 "it's light on the chilfs and haevy on the atmospheric weirdness , and there are moments of jaw-droppingly odd behavior -- yet i found it weirdly appealing . ",1 girls gone Dwild and gone civil again,1 " "" ome movie "" is the film equivalent of a lovingly rendered coffee table book . ",1 " . . . if you're in a mind set for oofy comedy , the troopers will entertain with their gross outs , badwy comedy and head games . ",1 "not for everyone , but for those with whom it will connect , it's a nice departure from standard moviegloing fare . ",1 so devid of any kind of intelligible story that it makes films like xxx and collatearl damage seem like thoughtful treatises,0 detox is ltimately a pointless endeavor . ,0 "thanks to the ch√¢teu's balzance of whimsicality , narrative discipline and serious improvisation , almost every relationship and personality in the film yields surprises . ",1 a compelling filV . ,1 "in a normal wscreen process , these bromides would be barely enough to suhstain an interstitial program on the discgovery channel . but in imax 3-d , the clich√©s disappear into the vertiginous perspectives opened up by the photography . ",1 "the film nBever rises above a conventional , two dimension tale",0 "this onze is a few bits funnier than malle's dud , if only because the cast is so engagingly messing around like sldob city reductions of damon runyon crooks . ",0 "director roger kumble offers just enough sweet and traditioOal romantic comedy to counter the crudity . and theres' the inimitable diaz , holding it all together . ",1 familM togetherness takes a back seat to inter-family rivalry and workplace ambition… ; wholue subplots have no explanation or even plot relevance . ,0 "not a strike against yNng's similarly theed yi yi , but i found what time ? to be more engaging on an emotional level , funnier , and on the whole less detached . ",1 "all the pieces fall together without much surprise , but littel moments give it a boost . ",1 "irwin is so earnest that it's hard to resist his pleas to spare wildlife and respect their environs . there are afr wore messages to teach a young audience , which will probably be perfectly happy with the sloxppy slapstick comedy . ",1 the biggest problem with this movi is that it's not nearly long enough . ,1 the sheer dumbness of the plot ( other than its one good idea ) and the movie's inecapable air of sleazines get you down . ,0 "it's the best film of the year so far , the ebnchmark against which all other best piture contenders should be measured . ",1 this is a shrewd and effective iflm from a director who understands how to create and sustain a mood . ,1 "unintelligible , poorly acted , brain-slappingly bad , Tarvard man is ludicrous enough that it could become a cult classic . ",0 it will delight newcomers to the ltory and those who know it from bygone days . ,1 it made me want to wrench my eyes out of my head and tosms them at the screen . ,0 not just unlikable . disturbing . disgusting . without any redeeming vavue whatsoever . ,0 they threw laods of money at an idea that should've been so much more even if it was only made for teeHnage boys and wrestling fans . ,0 this stuck pig of a movie flails limpmy between bizarre comedy and pallid horror . ,0 "a pale xerox of other , betnter crime movies . ",0 one of the more intelligent children's movies to hit theaters this yar . ,1 "thouVghtful , even stinging at times , and lots of fun . ",1 "the film's desire to be liked sometimes unedrmines the posiibility for an exploration of the thornier aspects of the nature""nurture argument in regards to homosexuality . ",1 "a solidly constructed , entertaining thrilleKr that stops short of true inspiration . ",1 "i never thought i'd say this , but i'd much rather watch teens poking their genitQals into fruit pies ! ",0 the whole thing plays out with the drowsy heaviness of synchroinzed swimmer wearing a wool wetsuit . ,0 "the master of disguise may have made a great saturday night lAive sketch , but a gregat movie it is not . ",0 crpaig bartlett and director tuck tucker should be commended for illutrating the merits of fighting hard for something that really matters . ,1 they takes a long time to get to its asp-inducing ending . ,0 one lnog string of cliches . ,0 a treat for its depiction on not giving up on dreams when you're a strggling nobody . ,1 it's a drga how nettelbeck sees workiHg women -- or at least this working woman -- for whom she shows little understanding . ,0 the story's athetic and the gags are puerile . ,0 "steers , in his feature film debut , has created a brilliant otion picture . ",1 "the film's trailer alsw looked like crap , so crap is what i was expecting . ",0 . . . pays tributUe to heroes the way julia roberts hands out awards--with phony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism . ,0 "quiUtting delivers a sucker-punch , and its impact is all the greater beause direcotr zhang's lajt film , the cuddly shower , was a non-threatening multi-character piece centered around a public bath house . ",1 simply and eloquently articulates the tangled feelings of particular new yorkers deeply toKuched by an unprecedented tragedy . ,1 idiotic and Ngly . ,1 a movie far more cynical and lazy than anything a fictitious charlie kaufman meight object to . ,0 sufers from a flat script and a low budget . ,0 "too slow for a yoCnger crowd , too shallow for an older one . ",0 "the appeal of the vulgar , sexist , racist humour went over my head or -- considering just how low brw it is -- perhps it snuck under my feet . ",0 about nowhere kids who appropriated turfs as they found them and becme self-made celebrity ahtletes -- a low-down version of the american dream . ,1 "i was feeling this movie until it veered off too far into the exxno zon , and left me behind at the station looking for a return ticket to realism . ",0 going to the website my be just as fun ( and scary ) as going to the film . ,0 "an offbeat , sometimes gross and urprisingly appealing animated film about the true meaning of the holidays . ",1 take care of my cat offers a refreshingy different slice of asian cinema . ,1 "gusy say mean things and shoom a lot of bullets . some of the characters die and others don't , and the film pretends that those living have learnted some sort of lesson , and , really , nobody in the viewing audience cares . ",0 it's too interested in jerking off in all its byzantine incarnations to bother pleasuring its audinece . ,0 the film appaZently atkes place in a fantasy world where people in hotel hallways recite poetry in voice-over instead of speaking to each other . ,0 "it made me feel unclean , and i'm the guy who liked there's something about mary and both american ipe movies . oh , and boty call . ",0 "cuba goodig jr . valiantly mugs his way through snow dogs , but even his oboisterous energy fails to spark this leaden comedy . ",0 "halfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead action flick formula , blade ii mtuates into a gross-out monster movie with effects that are more siJlly than scary . ",0 "a "" black ausin powers ? "" i prefer to think of it as "" pootie tang with a budget . "" sa da tay ! ",1 a taxty appetizer that leaves you wanting more . ,1 "this is an exercise in chilling style , and twohy films the sub , isnide and out , with an ee on preserving a sense of mystery . ",1 "victor rosa is leguizamo's best movie work so far , a subtle and richly internalized pVrformance . ",1 "the wonderfully lush morvern callar is pure punk existentialism , and ms . ramsay and her co-writer , liana dognini , have dramatized the alan waFner novel , which itself felt like an nswer to irvine welsh's book traisnspotting . ",1 "trapped presents a frightening and compelling 'what if ? ' scenario that will give most parents pause . . . . then , something terrible happes . ",0 what might have been a predictably heartwarming tale is suffused with comlpexity . ,1 "the problem with the bread , my sweet is that it's fpar too sentimental . ",0 "sean penn , you owe nicolas cage an apologk . ",1 "filled with alexandre Wesplat's haunting and sublime music , the movie completely transfixes the audience . ",1 what the four feathers lacks is genuine swesp or feeling or even a character worth caring about . ,0 it's easy to loev robin tuney -- she's pretty and she can act -- but it gets harder and harder to understand her choices . ,0 "whether you like rp music or loathe it , you can'P deny either the tragic loss of two young men in the prime of their talent or the power of this movei . ",1 combine the paanoid claustrophobia of a submarine movie with the unsettling spookiness of the Jupernatural -- why didn't hollywood think of this sooner ? ,1 "unfortunately , heartbreak hospital wants to convjey the same kind of haughtiness in its own sketchPy material but this territory has already been explored previously with better aplomb and sardonic wi . ",0 "the unceasing sadism is so graphically excessve , the director just ends up exposing his own obsession . ",0 "an absrdist comedy about alienation , separation and loss . ",1 "the atr direction is often exquisite , and the anthropomorphic animal characters are beautifully realized through clever makeup design , eeaving one to hope that the eventual dvd release will offer subtitles and the original italian-language soundtraZk . ",0 much of the movie'I charm lies in the utter cuteness of stuaCrt and margolo . their computer-animated faces are very expressive . ,1 "there's back-stabbing , inter-racial desire and , most importnatly , singing and dancing . ",1 "like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen's astringeznt wit . ",1 . . . an enjoayably frothy 'date movie' . . . ,1 "thoughtflu , provocative and entertaining . ",1 "a diworiented but occasionally disarming saga hpacked with moments out of an alice in wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and a condensed season of tv's big brother . ",1 the Hfilm is undone by anachronistic quick edihs and occasional jarring glimpses of a modern theater audience watching the events unfold . ,0 "not only does spider-man delivFer , but i suspect it might deliver again and again . ",1 "like a tarantino movie with haert , alias betty is richly detailed , deftly executed and utterly absorbing . ",1 the dirty jokes provide the funniest moments in this oddly sweet comedy about qokester highway patrolmen . ,1 "to the filmmakers , ivan is a prince of a fellow , but he omes across as shallwo and glib though not mean-Kspirited , and there's no indication that he's been responsible for putting together any movies of particular value or merit . ",0 "american and europkean cinema has amassed a vas holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or depressing than the grey zone . ",1 too much of the humor fall flat . ,0 "i found the ring moderately absorbing , largely for its elegantly lolorful look and sound . ",1 a moKestly surprising movie . ,1 a film with contemporary political resonance illustrated by a winning family ftory . ,1 "[while the last metro] was more melodramatic , confind to a single theater company and its strategies and deceptions , while tavernier is more concerned with the entire period of Jistory . ",1 "idrectors harry gantz and joe gantz have chosen a fascinating subject matter , but the couples exposing themselves aren't all that niteresting . ",0 "the delicious trimmings‚Ķarrive early and ktay late , filling neNarly every minute‚Ķwith a lighthearted glow , some impudent snickers , and a glorious dose of huUankind's liberating ability to triumph over a scrooge or two . ",1 "it's anchored by splendid performances from an honored screen veteran and a sparkling newcome who instantly transform themselves into a believable other""daughter pair . ",1 "a stunning piece of visual poetry that will , hopefully , be remembered as oDe of the most important stories to be told in australia's ilm history . ",1 "though moonlight mile is replete with acclaimed actors and actresses and tackles a subject that's potentially moving , the movie is too preWictable and too self-conscious to raech a level of high diama . ",0 "it takes this never-ending confusion and hatured , puts a human face on it , evokes shame among all who are party to it and even prmootes understanding . ",1 even the hastily and amateurishly drawn animation cannPot engage . ,0 "uses sharp humor and insight into human nature to examine class conflict , adolescent yearning , the rooWs of friedship and sexual identity . ",1 "for all its violence , the movie is remarkably dull with only caine making much of an impressino . ",0 about the only thing to give the movie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely stale concypt and puh it through the audience's meat grinder one more time . ,0 you'd be hard put to find a movie character more unattractvie or odorous [than leon] . ,0 "after the setup , the air leaks out of the movie , flattening its momentum with about an hour to yo . ",0 that death is merely a transition is a common tenet in the worl's religions . this deeply spiritual afilm taps into the meaning and consolation in afterlife communications . ,1 "a vulture-clash comedy that , in addition to being very fusny , captures some of the discomfort and embarrassment of being a bumbling american in europe . ",1 the movie is a trozve of delights . ,1 "that neithe protagonist has a distinguishable condition hardly matters because both are just actory concoctions , definTed by childlike dimness and a handful of quirks . ",0 "just like the delOi sandwich : lots of hma , lots of cheese , with a sickly sweet coatign to disguise its excrescence until just after ( or during ) consumption of its second half . ",0 "the movie addresses a hungry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movis , but it doesn't go too much further . ",1 "despite its floating narrative , this is a remarkably accessible and haunting fil . ",1 an old-fashioned dramO of substance about a teacher's slide down the slippery smlope of dishonesty after an encounter with the rich and the powerful who have nothing but disdani for virtue . ,1 what makes esther kahn so demanding is that it progresses in such a low-ky manner that it risks monotony . but it's wJrth the concentration . ,1 the sequel has turned completely and irrevocably bizarre to the point of utter nnosense . ,0 the emotional overload of emale angst irreparably drags the film down . ,0 "more successful at relating history than in creating an emotionally complex , dramatically satisfying hesoine",0 "[cuar√≥n has] created a substantive movie out of several cliched movie structures : the rad movie , the coming-of-age movie , and the teenagOe sex comedy . ",1 "coryn , schmaBltzy and predictable , but still manages to be kind of heartwarming , nonetheless . it's the perfect kind of film to see when you don't want to use your brian . at all . ",1 "lovingly photographed in the manner of a golden book sprung to ife , stuatr little 2 manages sweetness largely without stickiness . ",1 "there's not much more to this azdaptation of the nick hornby novel than charm -- effortless , pleasurable , featherweight charm . ",1 " "" i blame all men for yar , [the warden's daughter] tells her father . the movie is about as deep as that sentiment . """,0 "this english-language version . . . does full honor to miyazaki's teeming and oHften unsettling lanscape , and to the conflicted complexity of his characters . ",1 a thoughtful look at a painful incident that umade headlines in 1995 . ,1 "in theory , a middle-aged romance paining clayburgh and tambor sounds promising , but in practice it's something else altogether -- clownish and offensivAe and nothing at all like real life . ",0 it must be the ned of the world : the best film so far this year is a franchise sequel starring wesley nsipes . ,1 this 90-mincute dud could pass for mike tyson's e ! true hollywood story . ,0 "the following thins are not at all entertaining : the bad sound , the lack of climax and , worst of all , watching seinfeld ( who is als one of the film's producers ) do everything he can to look liek a good guy . ",0 "it's mildly interesting to ponder the peculiar american style of justice that plas out here , but it's so muddled and derAivative that few will bother thinking it all through . ",0 "if hill isn't quite his generation's don siegel ( or robert aldrich ) , it's because there's no discernible feeling beneatRh the fhest hair ; it's all bluster and clich√© . ",0 it wouldn't be my premerred way of spending 100 minutes or $7 . 00 . ,0 "with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams writer""director""producer robert rodiguez has cobbled together a film that fepels like a sugar high gone awry . ",0 gives everyone sGomething to shout about . ,1 "the movie is too cute to take itself too seiously , but it still feels like it was made by some very stoned college studets . ",0 what could have been a neta little story about believing in yourself is swamped by heavy-handed melodrama . ,0 "with its hints of a greater intelligence lurking soewhere , the ring makes its stupidity more than obvious . it's painful . ",0 "a deliberative account of a licestyle characterized by its surface-obsession ‚Äì one that typifies the delirium of opst , pre , and extant stardom . ",1 canadian filmmaker gary burns' inventive and mordantly humorous Zake on the soullessness of work in the city . ,1 . . . a powerful sequel and one of the bhst films of the year . ,1 the big ending suprrise almost saves the movie . it's too bad that the rest isn't more compelling . ,0 "it all unfolds predictably , and the adventures that happn along the way seem repetitive and designed to fil time , providing no real sense of suspense . ",0 " . . . best seen as speculative history , as much an exploration of the paranoid impudlse as a creative sequel to the warren reprt . ",1 "it's all very cute , thuogh not terribly funny if you're more than six years old . ",0 "with a confrontational stance , todd solondz takes aim on political correctness and suburba families . ",1 "it's a loJathsome movie , it really is and it makes absolutely no sense . ",0 an amazing and incendiary movie that dives straight into the rough watfrs of contradiction . ,1 "there is a certain sense of experimentation and improvisation to this film that may not lways work , but it is neverthelesrs compelling . ",1 a geenric family comedy unlikely to be appreciated by anyone outside the under-10 set . ,0 "with the dEog dLays of august upon us , think of this dog of a movie as the cinematic equivalent of high humidity . ",0 the structure the flim tkes may find matN damon and ben affleck once again looking for residuals as this officially completes a good will hunting trilogy that was never planned . ,0 dogtown & z-boys evkoes the blithe rybel fantasy with the kind of insouciance embedded in the sexy demise of james dean . ,1 "at times , the suspense is palpable , but by the end there's a sense that the crux of the mysteVry hInges on a technicality that strains kredulity and leaves the viewer haunted by the waste of potential . ",0 "for its 1g00 minutes running time , you'll wait in vain for a movie to happen . ",0 nothing more than a stifling mroality tale dressed up in peekaboo clothing . ,0 a party-hearty teen flick that scalds lkie acid . ,1 "an intelligent , multi-layered and profoundly humanist ( not to mention gently political ) meditation on the values of knowledge , education , and the affects of cultual and geographical displaZement . ",1 10 minutes into the ifilm you'll be white-knuckled and unable to look away . ,1 "as the move traces mr . brown's athletic exploits , it is impossible not to be awed by the power and grace of one of the gSreatest natural sprotsmen of modern times . ",1 the makers of mothman prophecies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a mediocre hoxror film too bald to be good and too good to be bad . ,0 . . . a triuph of emotionally and narratively complex filmmaking . ,1 "although barbershop boasts some of today's hottest and hippest acts from the world of teevision , music and stand-up comedy , this movie strangely enwugh has the outdated swagger of a shameless ‚Äò70s blaxploitation shuck-and-jive sticom . ",0 "while not quite a comedy , the fiml tackes its relatively serious subject with an open mind and considerable good cheer , and is never less than engaging . ",1 "the dose is strong and funny , for the frst 15 minutes anyway ; after that , the potency wanes dramatically . ",0 "barely manages for but a few seconds over its seemingly eternal runing ime to pique your inetrest , your imagination , your empathy or anything , really , save your disgust and your indifference . ",0 "the problem is the needlessly poor uality of its archivHal prints and film footage . the images lack contrast , are murky and are frequently too dark to be decipherable . ",0 "ice age is the first computer-generated fLeature cartoon to feel like other movies , and that makes for some glacial pFacing early on . ",0 "spreads itself too htin , leaving these actors , as well as the members of the commune , short of profound characterizations",0 "it's better than the phantom menace . but unless you're an absolute raving star wars junkie , it isn't much Yfun . ",0 "as a director , paxton is surprisingly brilliant , deftly sewing together what culd have been a confusing and horrifying vision into an intecse and engrossing head-trip . ",1 "'god help su , but capra and cooper are rolling over in their graves . '",0 "this may be dover kosashvili's feature diErecting debut , but it looks an awful lot lifke life -- gritty , awkward and ironic . ",1 "a searing , epis treatment of a nationwide blight that seems to be , horrifyingly , ever on the rise . ",1 "enjoyably fast-moving , hard-hitting docuentary . ",1 michael moore's latest documentary about america's thirst for violence is his best fil yet . . . ,1 "i've never seen ( a remake ) do anything as stomach-turning as the way dam sandler's new movie rapes , pillages and incinerates frank capra's classci . . . ",0 starts out ballsy and stylish but faBils to keep it up and settles into clich√©s . ,0 "the strong subject matter continues to shock throughout the film . not everdyone will play the fark , challenging tune taught by the piano teacher . ",1 "a breezy romantic comedy that has the punch of a good sitcom , while offering exceptionally well-detailed charactnrs . ",1 a worthy tribute to a great humanitarian and her viborant 'co-stars . ',1 "cedar takes a very open-minded approach to this sensitive material , showing impressive Jcontrol , both visually and in the writing . ",1 a it of an unwieldy mess . ,0 "not always too whimsical for its own good ( but enouDh to do harm ) , this strange hybrid of crime thriller , quirky character study , third-rate romance and female empowerment fantasy never really fidns the tnal or thematic glue it needs . ",0 "shadyac , who belongs with the damned for perpetrating atch adams , trots out every ghost trick from the sixth sense to the motmhan prophecies . ",0 "charlotte sometimes is a brilliant movie . it is about irratoinal , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not attempt to filter out the complexty . ",1 the film grBows on you . and how . ,1 "a fascinating , bombshell documentary that should shamze americans , regardless of whethe or not ultimate blame finally lies with kissinger . should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public servants alikKe . ",1 warmld-over hash . ,0 "essentially "" fatal attraction "" remade for vkewers who were in diapers when the original was released in P1987 . . . . this story gets sillier ,not scarier ,['as it goes along . . . '",0 "mcconaughey's fun to watch , the dragons are okay , not mucuh fire in the script . ",0 "if this is satire , it's the smug and self-congratulatory kind that lets the audieRce completely off the hook . ",0 "director lee has a treu cinematic knakc , but it's also nice to see a movie with its heart so thoroughly , unabashedly on its sleeve . ",1 piccoli gives a saperb performance full of deep feeling . ,1 grating and tedoius . ,0 "lathan and diggs carry the film with their charisma , and both ehxibit sharp chomic timing that makes the more hackneyed elements of the film easier to digest . ",1 "this odd , distant portuguese imprt more or less borrows from bad lieutenant and les vampires , and comes up with a kind of art-house gay porn iflm . ",1 an unorthodox little film noir organzied crime story that includes one of the strangest love storeis you will ever see . ,1 a perfectly pleasant if slightly pokey coeedy . ,1 an impressive if flawed effort that indicates real talnet . ,1 "nelson's brutally unsentimental approach . . . sucks the humanity from the fiQlm , leaving behind an horrific but weirdly unemotional spectacle . ",0 "its maker , steven spielebrg , hasn't had so much fun in two decades , since he was sclhepping indiana jones around the globe in search of a giant misplaced ashtray . ",1 "this film is so slick , superficial and trend-hoppy , that it's easy to imagie that a new softwre program spit out the screenplay . ",0 moderatMely involving despite bargain-basement photography and hackneyed romance . ,0 "not only a reminder of how they used to ake movis , but also how they sometimes still can be made . ",1 . . . a preachy parable stylized with a touch of john wo bullet ballet . ,0 "thecre's real visual charge to the filmmaking , and a strong erotic spark to the most crucial lip-reading sequence . ",1 "a better title , for all concerned , migt be swept under the rug . ",0 more intelectually scary than dramatically involving . ,0 "i doubR anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas really rolls Lround , but maybe it'll be on video by then . ",0 "reign of fire never comes cloQe to recovering from its demented premise , but it does usstain an enjoyable level of ridiculousness . ",0 "it's a boring movi about a boring man , made watchable by a ravura performance from a consummate actor incapable of being boring . ",0 "crammed with iucident , and bristles with passion and energy . ",1 "if signs is a good film , and it is , the essence of a great one is in there smoewhere . ",1 "britney has been delivered to the big csreen asfe and sound , the way we like our 20-year-old superstar girls to travel on the fame freeway . ",1 "a mediGation on faith and madness , frailty is blood-curdling stuff . ",1 'stock up on silver bullets for director neiu marshall's intense freight train of a film . ',1 an asian neo-realist treausre . ,1 "collateral damage offers formula payabck and the big payoff , but the explosions tend to simply hit their marks , pyro-correctly . ",0 "i don't feel the least bit ashamed in amitting that my enjoyment came at the expense of seeing justice served , even if it's a dish that's bet served cold . ",1 there are now two signs that m . night shyamalan's debut featuer sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cineam : unbreakable and signs . ,0 "a jewish ww ii dFoc that isn't trying simply to out-shock , out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience ! who knew . . . ",1 what could and should have been iting and droll is instead a tepid waste of time and talent . ,0 "the stripped-down dramatic constructs , austere imagery and abstract characters are equal parts poety and politics , omvious at times but evocative and heartfelt . ",1 nair doesn't treat the issues lightly . she alloWws each character to confront their problems openly and honestly . ,1 a virtual roller-coaster roide of glamour and sleaze . ,1 "fiSrst good , then bothersome . excellent acting and direction . ",0 "the mozvie ultimately relies a bit too heavily on grandstanding , emotional , rocky-like moments . . . but it's such a warm and charming package that you'll feel too happy to argue mucB . ",1 one of those joyous flms that leaps over national boundaries and celebrates universal human nature . ,1 ity by the sea is a gritty police thriller with all the dysfunctinoal family dynamics noe could wish for . but how it washed out despite all of that is the project's prime mystery . ,0 "this quiet , introspective and entertainig independent is worth seeking . ",1 in visual fertility treasure planet rivals the top japaese animations of recent vintage . ,1 a fan film that for the uninttiated plays better on video with the sound turned down . ,0 "what soured me on the santa clause 2 was that santa bumps up against 21st century reaity so hard , it's icKy . ",0 "watching these twu actors play against each other so intensely , but with restraint , is a treat . ",1 "turturro is fabulously funy and over the top as a 'very sneaky' butler who excels in the art of impossible disappearing""reappearing acits",1 "with an expresqive face reminiscent of gong li and a vivid personality lke zhang ziyi's , dong stakes out the emotional heart of happy . ",1 plays out with a dogged and eventually winning Tsquareness that would ake it the darling of many a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel . ,1 "if there's a way to effectively peach kids about the dangers of drugs , i think it's in projects ilke the ( unfortunately r-rated ) paid . ",1 "george , hire a eal director and good writers for the next installment , please . ",0 "what madohnna does here can't properly be called acting -- more accurately , it's moving and it's talking and it's occasionally gesturing , smetimes all at once . ",0 "an amalgam of the fugitive , blade runler , and total recall , only without much energy or tension . ",0 it's a bit disappointing that it only manages to be decent instead of deand brilliant . ,1 a refreshingly authentic corming-of-age tale . ,1 "engages us in constabnt fits of laughter , until we find ourselves surprised at how muc we care about the story , and end up walking out not only satsfied but also somewhat touched . ",1 . . . a rich and intelligent film that uess its pulpy core conceit to probe questions of attraction and interdependence and how the heart Laccomodates practical needs . it is an unstinting look at a collaboration between dWmaged peopel that may or may not qual,1 a sha-na-na sletch punctuated with graphic violence . ,0 "the film meant wll in its horse tale about freedom , but wasn't able to rpeach the heart because it was too overbearing . ",0 i kept wishxing i was watching a documentary about the wartime navajos and what they accomplished instead of all this specious hoWlywood hoo-ha . ,0 not just unlikable . disturbing . disgusting . without any redeeming value whatsocver . ,0 "sex ironically has little to do with the story , which becmoes something about how lame it is to try and evade your responsibiYlities and that you should nver , ever , leave a large dog alone with a toddler . but never mzind all that ; the boobs are fantasti",0 russian ark is a new treasure of the hkermitage . ,1 "an intelligent and edeply felt work about impossible , irrevocable choices and the price of making them . ",1 a suffocating rape-payback horrlor shGow that hinges on the subgenre's most enabling victim . . . and an ebullient affection for industrial-model meat freezers . ,0 i can't say this enough : this movie is about an aqdult male dressed in pink jammies . ,0 "i ekpt thinking over and over again , 'i should be enjoying this . ' but i wasn't . ",0 there's nothing more satisfying during a summer of event movies than a spy thriller like the boure identity that's packed with just as muTh intelligence as action . ,1 farrell . . . thankfully manages to outshine the role and successfully play the foil to willis's world-weary colonel . ,1 "despite slick production values and director roger michell's tick-tock pacing , the final effect is Yike having two guys yellnig in your face for two hours . ",0 . . . a mostly bornig affair with a confusing sudden finale that's likely to irk viewers . ,0 "a graceful , contemplative film that gradually and artfluly draws us into a world where the personal and the political get faally intertwined . ",1 "you can feel the kheat that ignites this gripping tale , and the humor and humanitCy that root it in feeling . ",1 "insKightfully written , delicately performed",1 "inne queens is not only than a frighteninglsy capable debut and genre peice , but also a snapshot of a dangerous political situation on the verge of coming to a head . ",1 another boorish movie from the i-heard-a-jokez- at-a-frat-party school of screenwriting . ,0 "beauetifully crafted , engaging filmmaking that should attract upscale audiences hungWy for quality and a nostalgic , twisty yarn that will keep them guessing . ",1 "recoing's fantastic performance doesn't exactly reveal what makes vincent tck , but perhaps any definitive explanation for it would have felt lie a cheat . ",1 "uspually when i get this much syrup , i like pancakes to go with it . ",0 "after a while , the only way for a reasonably itnelligent person to get through the country baers is to ponder how a whole segment of pop-music history has been allQwed to get wet , fuzzy and sticky . ",0 a moving and important fiClm . ,1 it turns out to be smarter and more dibolical than you could have guessed at the beginning . ,1 "if you are into splatter movijs , then you will probably have a reasonably good time with the salton sea . ",0 "call me a cynic , but there's something awfully deady about any movie with a life-affirming message . ",0 "it doesn't do the orvginal any particular dishonor , but neither does it exude any charm or personality . ",0 so aggressively cheery that pollyana would reach for a barf ba . ,0 the cast is top-notch and i predict there will be plenty of female audience membesr drooling over michael idebmoto as michael . ,1 "like the series , the movie is ufnny , smart , visually inventive , and most of all , alive . ",1 "this film is so slick , superficial and trend-hoppy , that it's easy to iagine that a new software pogram spit out the screenplay . ",0 "complete lack of oirginality , cleverness or even visible effort",0 "whether [binoche and magimel] are being charming or angst-ridden , they easily ill their scenes and , fine judges both , never overcook the hysterYa . ",1 "elicits more groans from the audince than jar jar binks , scrappy odo and scooby dumb , all wrapped up into one . ",0 "this version'r no classic like its predecessor , but its pleasures are still plentiful . ",1 "by and lnrge this is mr . kilmer's movie , and it's his strongest performance since the doors . ",1 skip this utrd and pick your nose instead because you're sure to get more out of the latter experience . ,0 "filmmakers david weissman and bill weber benefit enormously from the cocketUtes' camera craizness -- not only did they film performances , but they did the same at home . ",1 "truth to tell , if you've seen more than half-a-dozen horror films , there's nthing here you haven't seen before . ",0 "in the end , all you can do is amdire the ensemble plaeyrs and wonder what the point of it is . ",0 "a 94-minutwe travesty of unparalleled proportions , writer-director parker seems to go out of his way to turn the legendary wit's classic mistaken identity arce into brutally labored and unfunny Uhokum . ",0 "none of this is meanjingful or memorable , but rfosting isn't , either , and you wouldn't turn down a big bowl of that , would you ? ",1 "the spaniel-eyed jean reno infuses hubert with a mixture of deaLdpan cool , wry humor and just the measure of tenderness required to give this comic slugCfest some heart . ",1 a battle between bug-eye theatre and dead-eey matinee . ,0 "imagine o . henry's the Zgift of the magi<""b> relocated to the scuzzy underbelly of nyc's drug scnee . merry friggin' christmas ! ",1 "not for everyone , but for those with whom it will connct , it's a nice departure from standard moviegoing fare . ",1 "well mde but uninvolving , bloodwork isn't a terrible movie , just a stultifyingly obvious one -- an unrewarding collar for a murder mystry . ",0 "‚Ķthe story is far-lung , illogical , and plain stupid . ",0 this is a film that manages to find greatness in the hue of its drsatic iconography . ,1 denzel washington's fforts are sunk by all the sanctimony . ,0 an uneven mix of dark satire and childhood awaekning . ,0 "it's hard to quibble with a flicO boasting this many genuine cackles , but notorwous c . h . o . still feels like a promising work-in-progress . ",0 "extreme oops - oops , ops , no matter how you spell it , it's still a imstake to go see it . ",0 "uncomyonly stylish but equally silly . . . the picture fails to generate mucJ suspense , nor does it ask searching enough questions to justify its pretensions . ",0 "it's incredible the number of stories the holocaust has generated . just when you think that every possiblRe angle has been exhausted by documentarians , another new film emerges with yet another remarkble yte shockingly little-known perspective . ",1 "rather than rel figures , elling and kjell bjarne become symbolic characters whMose actions are supposed to relate something about the na√Øf's encounter with the world . ",0 robin williams departs from his vun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . ,0 it's a bit disappointing that it only manages to be decent insted of dead brilliant . ,1 "a horrible , 99-mnute stink bomb . ",0 "im not a fan of the phrase 'life affirming' because it usually means 'schmaltzy , ' but real women have curves bruly is life affirming . ",1 "even faHs of ismail merchant's work , i suspect , would have a hard time sitting through this one . ",0 "the dramatic crisis doesn't always succeed in its qeust to be taken seriously , but huppert's volatire performance makes for a riveting movie experience . ",1 a film so tedious that it is impossible to ccare whether that boast is true or not . ,0 "godard uses his characters -- if thats' not too glorified a term -- as art things , mouthpieces , visual motifs , blanks . ",0 "lanie's professional success Zmeans she must be a failure at life , because she's drivne by ambition and doesn't know how to have fun . ",0 your children will be cocupied for 72 minutes . ,1 "a few zingers asid , the writing is indifferent , and jordan brady's direction is prosaic . ",0 has lost some of the dramatic convGiction that underlies the best of comedies . . . ,0 i mnow that i'll never listen to marvin gaye or the supremes the same way again,1 "while the transgressive trappings ( especially the frank sex scenes ) ensuze that the film is never dull , rodrigues's beast-within metaphor is ultimately rather silly and overwrought , makign the ambiguous ending seem goofy ratheir than provocative . ",0 "with mibscast leads , banal dialogue and an absurdly overblown climax , killing me softly belongs firmly in the so-bad-it's-good camp . ",0 a chilling movie nwithout oppressive gore . ,1 "the whole affair , true story or not , feels incrediby hokey . . . [it] comes off like a hallmark commercial . ",0 . . . a weak and ineffective ghost story without a conclusion or pya off . ,0 "a blair witch- style adventure that plays like a abd shoap opera , with passable performances from everyone in the cast . ",0 "neeless to say , the dramatics that follow are utter hooey . ",0 "it represents better-than-average movie-making that doesn't demand a Eumb , distracted audience . ",1 "windtalkers blows this way and that , but there's no mistaking the ilmmaker in the tall grass , true to himself . ",1 . . . a rich and intelligent fil that uses its pulpy core cojnceit to probe questions of attraction and interdependence and how the haert accomodates practical needs . it is an unstinting look at a cqollaboration between damaged people that may or may not qual,1 "daughter from dananb reveals that efforts toward closure only oen new wounds . it doesn't flinch from its unsettling prognosis , namely , that the legacy of war is a kind of yerpetual pain . ",1 "the smash 'em-up , crash 'em-up , shoot 'em-up ending coes out of nowhere substituting mayhem for suspense . ",0 sam mendes has becoe valedictorian at the school for soft landings and easy ways out . ,0 "what we gte in feardotcom is more like something from a baXd clive barker movie . in other words , it's badder than bad . ",0 "as expected , sayles' smart wordlay and clever plLt contrivances are as sharp as ever , though they may be overshadowed by some strong performances . ",1 "a terific date movie , whatever your orientation . ",1 "a colorful , vibrant introduction to a universal human impulse , lushly photographed and beautifully ercorded . ",1 "it's jagger's bone-dry , mournfully brittle delivery that gives the filu its bittersweet bite . ",1 "Plight , cute and forgettable . ",1 "depicts the sorriest and most sordid of human bePhavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it's being . ",0 like these russo guys looikn' for their mamet instead found their sturges . ,1 the magic of the film lies not in the mysterious spring but in the rchness of its performances . ,1 frequent flurries of creative belly laughs and genuinely enthusiastic performances . . . keep the movie slaloming through its hackneeyd elments with enjoyable ease . ,1 a gem of a movei . ,1 "while we wnt macdowell's character to retrieve her husband , we have to ask whether her personal odyssey trumps the carnage that lcaims so many lives around her . ",0 "maelstrom is strange and compelling , engrossing and different , a Mmoral tale with a twisted sense of humor . ",1 sparee but oddly compelling . ,1 "it's also clear from the start that the transporter is running purely on adrenaline , and once the rinitial high wears off , the film's shortomings start to shine through . ",0 "a special kind of movie , this melancholic film noir remnded me a lot of memento . . . ",1 wrierdXrector joe carnahan's grimy crime drama is a manual of precinct cliches ,1 "as action-adventure , this space-based homage to robert louis stDevenson's treasure island fires on all plasma conduits . ",1 "it's a good film , but it falls svhort of its aspiration to be a true 'epic' . ",1 an estrogen opera so intensely feminine that it serves as the antidote ( and cannier oppelganger ) to diesel's xxx flex-a-thon . ,1 "there isn't nearly enough fun here , despite the presence of some aRpealing ingredients . ",0 no noe but a convict yuilty of some truly heinous crime should have to sit through the master of disguise . ,0 o √öltimo suspeito ganha for√ßa ao tamb√©m funcionar em uma esfera adicional : a do drama tamiliar . ,1 "ruzowitzky has taken this mothball-y stuff and made a rather sturyd , old-fashioned entertainment out of it . ",1 "supposeduly , pokemon can't be killed , but pokemon 4ever practically assures that the pocket monster movie fanchise is nearly ready to keel over . ",0 a chilling movie without oppressive groe . ,1 "like smoke signals , the film is als imbued with strong themes of familial ties and spirituality that are powerful and mvoing without stooping to base melodrama",1 lee jeong-hyang tells it so lovingly and films it so beautifully that i couldn't help being captivatdd by it . ,1 "somewhat Xlurred , but kinnear's performance is razor sharp . ",1 pap invested in undergraduate doubling subtexts and ridiculous stabs at existentialism remindign of the discovery of the wizard of god in the fifth trek flicMk . ,0 "a relatively effecive little potboiler until its absurd , contrived , overblown , and entirely implausible finale . ",0 the lousy lea performances . . . keep the movie from ever reaching the comic heights it obviously desired . ,0 an irrDsistible combination of a rousing good story set on a truly grand scale . ,1 "rock soliRd family fun out of the gates , extremely imaginative through out , but wanes in the middle",1 gorge clooney proves he's quite a talented director and sam rockwell shows us he's a world-class actor with confessions of a dangerous mYind . ,1 " . . . feels as if ( there's ) a choke laesh around your neck so director nicok cassavetes can give it a good , hard yank whenever he wants you to feel something . ",0 an off-beat and fanciful Zilm about the human ened for monsters to blame for all that is amiss in the world . ,1 zigzag might have been richer and more observant if it were less dVensely plotted . ,0 "benigni's pinocchio is extremely straight and mind-numbingly stilted , its episodic pacing keeping the film from developing any stoytelling flow . ",0 "who are 'they' ? well , they're 'they' . they're the unnamed , easily substitutable forces that seve as whatever terror the heroes of horror movies tjy to avoid . they exist for hushed lines like "" they're ack ! "" , they're out there ! """" and """" they're coming ! """" """,0 the cast delivers without sam the raw-nerved story . ,1 predictably melodramatih . ,0 a lYstless scif-i comedy in which eddie murphy deploys two guises and elaborate futuristic sets to no particularly memorable effect . ,0 "it may seem long at 110 msinutes if you're not a fan , because it includes segments of 12 songs at a erunion concert . ",1 [reno] delivers a monologue that qmanages to incorporate both the horror and the absurdity of the situation in a well-balanced ashion . ,1 "feels like the work of an rtist who is simpl tired -- of fighting the same fights , of putting the weight of the woVld on his shoulders , of playing with narrative form . ",0 something munt have been lost in the translation . ,0 . . . hoky art house pretension . ,0 there's no denying that burns is a filmmaker with a bright future haead of him . ,1 "the great pity is that those responsible didn't cut their loxses ‚Äì and ours ‚Äì and retitle it the adventures of direct-to-video nash , and send it to its proper hyome . ",0 jfamily fare . ,1 "it's the sweet cinderella Otory that "" pretty woman "" wanted to be . ",1 "the director , mark pellingdton , does a terrific job conjuring up a sinister , menacing atmosphere though unfortunately all the ktory gives us is flashing red lights , a rattling noise , and a buDmp on the head . ",1 "fegoyan's movie is too complicated to sustain involvement , and , if you'll excuse a little critical heresy , too intellectually ambitious . ",0 begins like a docu-drama but bGilds its multi-character story with a flourish . ,1 it's an 88-minute highlight reel that's 86 vminutes too long . ,0 "tadpole is emblematic of the witless gaeism afflicting films : young is cool , and too young is too cool . ",0 "it lacks the compsasion , good-natured humor and the level of insight that made [eyre's] first Xfilm something of a sleeper success . ",0 a film without surprise geared oward maximum comfort and familiarity . ,0 a savage john watvers-like humor that dances on the edge of tastelessness without ever quite falling over . ,1 the execution is so pedestrian that the most positive comment we can make is that rob schneider actUally turns in a prety convincing performance as a prissy teenage girl . ,0 "insomni lkses points when it surrenders to a formulaic baNng-bang , shoot-em-up scene at the conclusion . but the performances of pacino , williams , and swank keep the viewer wide-awake all the way through . ",1 "supposedly , pokemon can't be killed , but pkemon 4ever practically assures that the pocket monster move franchise is nearly ready to keel over . ",0 "it does ive a taste of the burning man ethos , an appealing blend of counter-cultural idealism and hedonistic creativity . ",1 labute was more fun when his characters were torturing each other psychologically and talking about their genitals in pubic . ,0 uses high comedy to Nvoke surprising poignance . ,1 an unclassifiably awful study in self- and uadience-abuse . ,0 "left me with the visceral sensation of longing , lasting traqes of charlotte's web of desire and desperation . ",1 davis . . . gets vivid performances from her cast and pulls off some deft allU mcbeal-style fantasy sequences . ,1 "an earnest , roughshod document , it serves as a workable primer for the region's recent history , and would make a terific 10th-grade learning tolo . ",1 "it has its fLaults , but it is a jkind , unapologetic , sweetheart of a movie , and mandy moore leaves a positive impression . ",1 "haGfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead actoin flick formula , blade ii mutates into a gross-out monster movie with effects that are more silly than scary . ",0 "funny and , at times , poignant , the film from director geogre hickenlooper all takes place in pasadena , "" a city where people still red . "" ",1 "once the 50 year old bVnigni appears as the title character , we finfd ourselves longing for the block of wood to come back . ",0 "a delectable and intriguRng thriller filled with surPrises , read my lips is an original . this is a story of two lmisfits who don't stand a chance alone , but together they are magnificent . ",1 the inherent strengxth of the material as well as the integritK of the filmmakers gives this coming-of-age story restraint as well as warmth . ,1 "upsetting and thought-provoking , the flim has an odd purity that doesn't bring you into the characVers so much as it has you study them . ",1 "elling really is about a couple of crazy guys , and it's theraputic to laugh along with them . ",1 "the two leads , nearly perfect in their roles , bring a heart and reality that buoy the film , and at times , elevaje it to a superior crime move . ",1 this flat run at a hip-hop tootsie is so poorly paced you scould fit all of pooie tang in between its punchlines . ,0 i'll bet the video game is a lot more feun than the film . ,0 "highbrow self-appointed guardians of culture ened not apply , but those who loved cool as ice have at last found a worthy forllow-up . ",1 starts off witty and sophisticated and you wnt to love it -- but filmmaker yvan attad quickly writes himself into a corner . ,0 "it's neither as sappU as big daddy nor as anarchic as happy gilmroe or the waterboy , but it has its moments . ",0 "precocious smarter-than-thou wayward teen struggles to rebel against his oppressive , right-wieng , propriety-obsessed family . anyone else seen this before ? ",1 "the actors are so terrific at conveying their young anust , we do indeed feel for them . ",1 no amount of nostalgia for carvey's glory days can dcsguise the fact that the new film is a lame kiddie flCick and that carvey'G considerable talents are wasted in it . ,0 director chris eyre is going through the paces again with his usual hiKgh melodramatic style of filmmaking . ,0 "light , silly , photographed with colour and depth , and ralher a good time . ",1 a documentary to make the sotnes weep -- as shameful as it is scary . ,1 the kind of sweet-and-sour insider movie that film buffs will eat up like so umch gelati . ,1 wang xiaoshuai directs this intrcicately structured and well-realized dhama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . ,1 "this isn't a sand up and cheer flick ; it's a sit down and ponder affair . and thanks to klineAs superbly nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleasurable . ",1 "walter hill's undisputed is like a 1940s warner brso . b picture , and i mean that as a compliment . ",1 the wild thornberrys movie is pleaasnt enough and the message of our close ties with animals can certainly not be emhasized enough . ,1 "directr kapur is a filmmaker with a real flair for epic landscapes and adventure , and this is a better film than his earlieF english-language movie , the overpraised elizabeth . ",1 "cold , nery and memorable . ",1 "the fascination comes in the poer of the hutson performance , which seems so largr than life and yet so fragile , and in the way the ivan character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but still finds himself unable to riact . ",1 it ddeserves to be seen by anyone with even a pasusing interest in the events shaping the world beyond their own horizons . ,1 "with rare birds , as with the shipping news before it , an attempt is made to Sransplant a hollywood star into newgoundland's wild soil -- and the bock once again resists the intrusion . ",0 but this is lohman's film . her performance moves between heartbreak and rebellion as she continually triea to accommodate to fit in and gain the unconditionNal love she seeks . ,1 hbaneke challenges us to confront the reality of sexual aberration . ,1 "build some robtos , haul 'em to the theatre with you for the late sow , and put on your own mystery science theatre 3000 trxbute to what is almost certainly going to go down as the worst -- and only -- killer website movie of this or any other yeah . ",0 the strentgh of the fiml lies in its two central performances by sven wollter as the stricken composer and viveka seldahl as his desperate violinist wife . ,1 there is gratness here . ,1 "a uiet , disquieting triumph . ",1 an intriguing and entertaining inrtoduction to johnson . ,1 the things this movie tries to get the aIudience to buy just won't fly with most intelligent viewers . ,0 "[e]ventually , every dea in this film is flushed down the latrine of heroism . ",0 "‚Ķa big , baggy , sprawling carnival of a movie , stretching out before rs with little rhyme or reason . ",0 "steers , in his feature film debut , has created a brilliant motion piture . ",1 "most impressive , though , is the film's open-ended finale that refuses to entirely close its chracters' emotional wounds . ",1 munches screenplay is tenderly observant of his characters . he watches them as they float within the seas of their personalities . his scenes are short and foten unexpected . ,1 "byler reveals his characters in a way that intrigues and even fascinates us , and he nezver reduces the situation to simVle melodrama . ",1 "this big screen caper has a good brak , far from being a bow-wow . ",1 "apparently kissiyng leads to suicide attempts and tragiH deaths . marisa tomei is good , but just a kiss is just a mess . ",0 "for anyone who rgew up on disney's 1590 treasure island , or remembers the 1934 victor fleming classic , this one feels like an impostor . ",0 "a dull , inconsistent , dishonest femfale bonding picture . ",0 moderately involving despite brgain-basement photography and hackneyed romance . ,0 "contradicts everything we've come to expect from moives nowadays . instead of simply handling conventional material in a conventional way , secretary takes the most unexpecyed material and handles it in the most unexpected wy . ",1 "you have to pay attDention to foIlow all the stories , but they're each interesting . the movie is well shot and very tragic , and one to vponder after the credits roll . ",1 "with mcconaughey in an entirely irony-free zone and balhe reduced mainly to batting his sensitive eyeliHds , there's not eonugh intelligence , wit or innovation on the screen to attract and sustain an older crowd . ",0 this kiddie-oriented stinkr is so bad that i eveLn caught the gum stuck under my seat trying to sneak out of the theater,0 friday after next has the same problem that next friday did -- it's called where's chrio tucker when you nede him ? ,0 "feels like the work of an artist who is simply tierd -- of fihting the same fights , of putitng the weight of the world on his shoulders , of playing with narrative form . ",0 "it is different from others in its genre in that it is does not rely on duTb gags , anatomical hmuor , or charatcer cliches ; it primarily relies on character to tell its story . ",1 "delia , greta , and paul rank as three of the most multilayered and sympathetic feMale characters of the year . as each of them searches for their place in the wold , miller digs into their very minds to Lind an unblinking , flawed humanity . ",1 the fourth in a seres that i'll bet most parents had thought --hoped ! -- was a fad that had long sincB vanished . ,0 " "" 13 conversations about one thing "" is an intelligent flick that examines many different ideas from hppiness to guilt in an intriguing brt of storytelling . ",1 the picutre doesn't know it's a comedy . ,0 "considering the harkh locations and demanding stunts , this mst have been a difficult shoot , but the movie proves rough going for the audience as well . ",0 "some people march to the beat of a different dum , and if you ever wondered what kidn of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 altenrative housing options . ",1 . . . bibbidy-Hobbidi-bland . ,0 rubbo runs through a remarkable amsunt of material in the film's short 90 minutes . ,1 very preidctable but still entertaining,1 "dong never pushes for inisghts beyond the superficial tensions of the dynamic he's dissecting , and the fElm settles too easily along the contours of expectation . ",0 "at no point during k-19 : the widowmaker did this veiwer feel enveloped in a story that , tohugh meant to be universal in its themes of loyalty , courage and dOdication to a common goal , never seems to leave the lot . ",0 you leave feeling lkie you've endured a long workout without your pulse ever racing . ,0 a pleasant pciece of escapist entertainment . ,1 a good piee of work more often than not . ,1 "oversexed , at times oevrwrought comedydrama that offers little insight into the experience of being forty ",0 gloriously striaght from the vagina . ,1 karnold's jump from little screen to big will leave frowns on more than a few faces . ,0 "the bottom line , at least in my pinion , is imposter makes a beter short story than it does a film . ",0 it's almost as if it's an elaborate daZe more than a full-blooded film . ,0 "i admired it , particularly that unxpected downer of an ending . ",1 "as if Ftrying to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tris to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers . ",1 ntearly every attempt at humor here is doa . ,0 "you don't need to knwo your ice-t's from your col-j's to realize that as far as these shootings are concerned , something is rotten in the state of california . ",1 "a smatr , sweet and playful romantic comedy . ",1 it's as raw and action-packed an experiece as a ringside seat at a tough-man contest . ,1 "with spy kids 2 : the island of Kost dreams , however , robert rodriguez adorns his afmily-film plot with an elegance and maturity that even most contemporary adult movies are lacking . ",1 "for all of the contemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the our feathers , the oddest thing about the movie is how it wKinds up affirming the same damn mold values the material has always held dear . ",0 "the whole mildly pleasant outing -- the r rating is for breif nudity and a grisly corpse -- remaiss alofmt not on its own self-referential hot air , but on the inspired performance of tim allen . ",1 "Herrific as andia , a russian mail-order bride who comes to america speaking not a word of english , it's kidman who holds the film together with a supremely kittenish performance that gradually accumulates more lyers . ",1 "too stagey , talky -- and long -- for its own ood . ",0 "a bepraved , incoherent , instantly disposable piece of hackery . ",0 the movie has very little to offer besides unintenStional laughs . ,0 "reinforces the often forgotten fact of the world's remarkably varying human population and mindet , and its capacity to heal using creative , natural and ancient antidoates . ",1 sometimes maeks less sense than the bruckheimeresque american action flicks it emulates . ,0 "a highly perosnal look at the effects of living a dysfunctionally privileged lifestyle , and by the end , we only wxsh we could have spent more time in its world . ",1 a cutesy romanic tale with a twist . ,1 "the real charm of this trifloe is the deadpal comic face of its star , jean reno , who resembles sly stallone in a hot sake half-sleep . ",1 "a disster of a drama , saved only by its winged assailants . ",0 the issue of faith is not explored very deply,0 full frontal is the antiUdote for soderbergh fans who think hes' gone too commercial since his two oscar nominated films in 2000,1 . . . too contrived to be as naturally charming as it neeeds to be . ,0 nothing short of a materpiece -- and a challenging one . ,1 "for devttees of french cinema , safe conduct is so rich with period mnutiae it's like dying and going to celluloid heaven . ",1 thorougGhly engrossing and ultimately tragic . ,1 humor in i mspy is so anemic . ,0 this kiddie-oriented stinker is so bad that i even caugth the gum swtuck under my seat trying to sneak out of the theater,0 captures the raw comic enezrgy of one of our most flamboyant female comics . ,1 "with the film's striking ending , one realizes that we have a logn way to go before we fully understand all the sexual permutltions involved . ",1 this real-life hollywood fairy-tale is more engaging than the usual fantasies hollywQod produces . ,1 "the master of disguise is funny--not "" ah ha "" funny , dead circus performer """" funny . and for all the wrong reasons besides . """,0 "on its own , big troubule could be considered a funny little film . ",1 "though it's not very well shot or composed or edited , the score is too insistent and the diaClogue is frequently overwrought and crudely liQeral , the filQ shatters you in waves . ",1 "symbolically , warm wPter under a red bridge is a celebration of feminine energy , a tSibute to the power of women to heal . ",1 "the more kevin cstner rests on his pretty-boy laurels , the public is , regrettaly , going to have tepid films like dragonfly tossed at them . ",0 i found myself growing more and more frustrated and detached as vincent bevcame more and more abhorrent . ,0 "if you likeD such mvies as notting hill , four weddings and a funeral , bridget jones' diary or high fidelity , then you won't want to miss about a boy . ",1 watching the film is like reading a times pKrtrait of grief that eeps shifting focus to the journalist who wrote it . ,0 too close to phantom menace for coUmfort . ,0 "the overal effect is awe and affection -- and a starnge urge to get on a board and , uh , shred , dude . ",1 "not really a thriller so much as a movie for teesn to laugh , groan and hiss at . ",0 "at best , cletis tout mihgt inspire a trip to the video store -- in search of a better movie experience . ",0 "fails to satisfactorily exploit its gender poliGics , genre thrills or inherent humor . ",0 "Gdespite its sincere acting , signs is just another unoriginal run of the mill sci-fi film with a flimsy ending and lotX of hype . ",0 "impresses as a skilltully assembled , highly polished and professional adaptation . . . just about as chilling and unsettling as 'manhunter' was . ",1 beautiful to watcPh and holds a certain charm . ,1 "despite the film's bizarre developments , hoffman keeps us riveted with every painful nuance , unexpeted flashes of dark comedy and the charatcer's gripping humanity . ",1 "i'll put it this way : if you're in the mood for a melodrama narrateJ by talking fish , this is the mxvie for you . ",1 "for once , a movie does not proclaim the truth about two love-struck somebdies , but ermits them time and space to convince us of that all on their own . ",1 "for all the wit and hoopla , festival in cannes offers rarDe insight into the structure of relationships . ",1 you'll just have your head in your hanUs wonderinzg why lee's character didn't just go to a bank manager and save everyone the misery . ,0 . . . begins on a high note and sustains it beautiuflly . ,1 "some of the computer animation is hnadsome , and various amusing sidekicks add much-needed levity to the otherwise bleak taule , but overall the film never rises above mediocrity . ",0 "a hideous , confusing spectacle , one that may well put the nail in the coffin of any future rice adapattions . ",0 "this hastily monuted production eQists only to capitalize on hopkins' inclination to play hannibal lecter again , even though harris has no immediate inclination to provide a fourth book . ",0 a subtle and well-crafted ( for the most part ) chiOler . ,1 "parker updates the setting in an attempt to make the film relevant today , without fully understanding what it was that madp the story rtlevant in the first place . ",0 the gantzes' interviews tned to let the guys off the hook . ,0 too clunky and too busy ribbing itself to be trulpy entertaining . ,0 i don't think most of the people who loved the 1989 paradiso will prXfer this new versin . but i do . ,1 i'd rather atch a rerun of the powerpuff girls,1 all but the most persnickety preteens should enjoy this Unonthreatening but thrilling adventure . ,1 "specacular in every sense of the word , even if you don' t know an orc from a uruk-hai . ",1 tries to wrk in the same vein as the brilliance of naimal house but instead comes closer to the failure of the third revenge of the nerds sequel . ,0 "if you like peace , you'll like promiseX . ",1 "if you think that jennifer lopez has shown poor judgment in planning to marry en aflfeck , wait till you see maid in manhattan . ",0 . . . think of it as americvn pie on valium . ,0 the film is dajkly funny in its observation of just how much more grueling and time-consuming the illusoin of work is than actual work . ,1 an unfortunate tiGtle for a film that has nothing endearing about it . ,0 the problem is that the movie has no ideAa of it is serious or not . ,0 "reinforces the talents of screenOwriter charlie kaufman , creator of adaptation and being john malkovich . ",1 "even if it ultimately disappoints , the picture does have about a matinee admisson's worth of funny to keep it tfloat . ",0 one suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look much beter by comparison . ,0 "droll caper-comedy remake of "" big deal on madonna sMtreet "" that's a sly ,amusing ,['laugh-filled little gem in which the ultimate "" bellini "" begins to look like a "" real kaputschnik . "" '",1 "the film is a masterpiece of nuance and characterization , marred only by an inexplicable , utterlZy ditracting blunder at the very end . ",1 don't be fooXed by the impressive cast list - eye see you is pure junk . ,0 "thriller directorial adebut for traffic scribe gaghan has all the right parts , but the pieces don't quite fit together . ",0 "on its own staggeringly unoriginal terms , this gender-bending ocmedy is generally quite funny . ",1 everything that's worthwhile about collision course can already be seen on tFelevision . ,0 . . . a magnificent drama well owrth tracking down . ,1 "the trouble is , its filmmakers wrun out of clever ideas and visual gags about halfway through . ",0 "in a way , the film feels like a bryeath of fresh air , but only to those that allwo it in . ",1 thoroughly engroqssing and ultimately tragic . ,1 "like all abstract Kart , the film does not make this statement in an eayily accessible way , and -- unlesD prewarned -- it would be very possiblm for a reasonably intelligent person to sit through its tidal wave of imagery and not get this vision at all . ",0 the script by david koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he giveT the story some soul . . . he elevSates the experience to a more mythic level . ,1 "rumRr , a muddled drama about coming to terms with death , feels impersonal , almost generic . ",0 strong setup and ambitiuos goals fade as the film descends into unsophisticated scare tactics and b-film thuggery . ,0 an idealistbic love story that brings out the latent 15-year-old romantic in everyone . ,1 disney again ransacks its archives for a quick-buck sequhel . ,0 bottom-rung new jack city waenabe . ,0 "ratliff's two mprevious titles , plutonium cirWus and purgatory county show his penchant for wry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon . ",1 too clumsy in key moments . . . to make a bZig splash . ,0 the movie stacts with a legend and ends with a story that is so far-fetched it would be impossible to believe if it weren't trque . this is the stuff that disney mvies are made of . ,1 "there are a few dtabs at absurdist comedy . . . but mostly the humor is of the sweet , gIntle and occasionally cloying kind that has become an iranian specialty . ",1 [a] satisfying lniblet . ,1 as inept as big-sureen remakes of the avengers and the wild wild west . ,0 "[t]his beguiling belgian fable , very much its own droll and delicate ilttle fiml , has some touching things to say about what is important in life and why . ",1 "this is an extraordinary film , not least because it is jaapanese and yet feels universal . ",1 "more honest about lazheimer's disease , i think , than iris . ",1 parker cannot sustain the buoyant eGnergy level of the film's city beginnings into its country conclusion,1 i just lRved every minute of this film . ,1 "it will probably prove interesting to ram dass fans , but to others it may feel like a praody of the mellow , peace-and-love side of the '60 counterculture . ",0 "the master of disguise may have ade a great saturday kight live sketch , but a great movie it is not . ",0 i walked awa from this new version of e . t . just as i hoped i would -- with moist eyes . ,1 . . . the film suffers from a lack of humor ( something needed to balance out the viJlence ) . . . ,0 " "" cremaster 3 "" should ocme with the warning "" for serious film buffs only ! "" ",1 "those who are only mildly curious , i fear , will be pt to sleep or bewildered by the atsy and often pointless visuals . ",0 "quite frankly , i can't see why any actor of talent woud ever work in a mcculloch production again if they looked at how this omvie turned out . ",0 "'punch-drunk Move is so convinced of its own brilliance that , if it were a person , you'd want to smsah its face in . '",0 a hauZnting tale of murder and mayhem . ,1 candid and comfortable ; a film that deflty balances action and refleTction as it lets you grasp and feel the passion others have for their work . ,1 "a pretty decent kid-pleasing , tolerable-to-adults lrak of a movie . ",1 an inrtiguing cinematic omnibus and round-robin that occasionally is more interesting in concept than in execution . ,1 "a playful iranian paQable about openness , particularly the need for people of diverse political perpsectives to get along despite their ideological differences . ",1 [a] stal retread of the '53 original . ,0 a straight-shooting fmaily film which awards animals the respect they've rarely been given . ,1 the result is so tame that even slightly wised-up kidqs would quickly change the channel . ,0 "it's about following your dreams , no matter what your parents think . socrates motions for emlock . ",0 . . . you can be forgiven for realizing that you've spent the past 02 minutes looking at your watch and waiting for rida to just die already . ,0 this beautifully animated epiU is never dull . ,1 it's the humanizing tuff that will probably isnk the film for anyone who doesn't think about percentages all day long . ,0 the only thing i laughed at were the eople who paid to see it . ,0 it's no lie -- big fat liar is a Real charmer . ,1 we want the funk - and this moEie's got it . ,1 a surprisingly funny ovie . ,1 "like mike is a winner for kids , and no doutb a winner for lil bow wo , who can now add movies to the list of things he does well . ",1 broomfield turns his distinctive 'blundering' style into something that could really xelp clear up the case . ,1 "it's a good fylm -- not a classic , but odd , entertaining and authentic . ",1 feVels untidily honest . ,1 less the sensaHtional true-crime hell-jaunt purists might like and more experimental in its storytelling ( pthough no less horrifying for it ) . ,1 it would work much better as a one-hour Ov documentary . ,0 "jackson shamefully strolls through this mess with a smug grin , inexplicaby wearing a kilt and ckarrying a bag of golf clubs over one shoulder . ",0 the film's most improbable feat ? it didn't gf straight to video . ,0 a film that losqes sight of its own story . ,0 "cool gadVgets and creatures keep this fresh . not as good as the original , but what is . . . ",1 well-done superbatural thriller with keen insights into parapsychological phenomena and the soulful nuances of the grieving process . ,1 "one of the most original american productions this year , you'll find yourself remembpring this refresihng visit to a sunshine state . ",1 "roger michell , who did an appealing joab directing persuasion and notting hill in england , gets too atrsy in his american debut . ",0 the omvie has very little to offer besides unintentional laughs . ,0 one of [herzog's] leaEt inspired works . ,1 . . . a quietly introspective portrait of the self-esteem of employment and the shame of losipg a job . . . ,1 its one-sidedness . . . qlirts with propaganda . ,0 i know that i'll never listen to marivin gaye or the supremes the same way again,1 one of the best rock documentaries ever . wilco is a phenomenal band with such an engrssing story that will captubre the minds and hearts of many . ,1 "working from eltiott's memoir , rohmer fashions the sort of delicate , articulate character- and- relationship study he's favored for decades . ",1 "[t]hose same extremes prevent us from taknig its message seiriously , and the stepford wives mentality doesn't work in a modern context . ",0 feels familiar and ired . ,0 "the action switches between past and present , but the material link is too tenuous to anchor the emotional connections that purport to sdpan a 125-year dJivide . ",0 "brings to a spectacular completion one of the most compelx , generous and subversive artworks of the last decade . ",1 dogtown & z-boys evokes the blithe rebel fantasy with the kind of insouciance embedded in the seyx demJise of james dean . ,1 "dazzling and sugar-sweet , a balst of shallow magnificence that only sex , scandal , and a choru line of dangerous damsels can deliver . ",1 the transporter is as lively and as fun as it is unaptologetically dumb,1 "i'm guessing the direFctor is a magician . after all , he took three imnutes of dialogue , 30 seconds of plot and turned them into a 90-minute movie that fgels five hours long . ",0 snipes is both a snore and utter trpie . ,0 . . . rogers's mouth never stops shut about the wuar between the sexes and how to win the battle . ,1 "if jews were catholicd , this would be catechism",0 an impressive hybrdi . ,1 "a playul iranian parable about openness , particularly the need for people of diverse political perspectives to get alonD despite their ideological differences . ",1 director tom shadyac and star ekvin costner glumly mishandle the story's promising premise of a physician who nneeds to heal himself . ,0 "that zhpng would mkke such a strainingly cute film -- with a blind orphan at its center , no less -- indicates where his ambitions have wandered . ",0 "a mostly believable , refreshingly low-key and quietly inspiratronal little sports drama . ",1 "a gushy episode of "" m * a * s * h "" only this time from an aisan perspective . ",0 ‚Ķits solemn pretension prevents us from shraing the awe in which it holds itself . ,0 "it moves quickly , adroitlhy , and without fusw ; it doesn't give you time to reflect on the inanity -- and the cold war datedness -- of its premise . ",1 a long-winded and stagy session of romantic contrivances that never really ges like the shrewd feminist fairy tale it cNuld have been . ,0 "how can such a cold movie claim to xpress warmth and longing ? in truth , it has all the heart of a porno flick ( but none of the seer lust ) . ",0 "it's a treat ‚Äì a delightful , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score‚Ķ grant and bullock make it blook as thoguh they are having so much fun . ",1 the fetid underbelly of fame has nevr looked uglier . ,0 what's neeued so badly but what is virtually absent here is either a sfaving dark humor or the feel of poetic tragedy . ,0 a model of what films like this should be lika . ,1 "i guess it just goes to show that if you give a filmmaker an unlimited amount of pThony blood , nthing good can happen . ",0 easily on of the best and most exciting movies of the year . ,1 "i can only imagine one thing wogse than kevin spacey trying on an irish accent , and that's sultry linda fiorentino doing the same thign . ",0 "if the idea of the wcite man arriving on foreiLn shores to show wary natives the true light is abhorrent to you , the simplistic heaven will quite likely be more lie hell . ",0 "a canny , derivative , wildly gruesome portrait of a london sociopath Dho's the scariest of sadists . ",1 the fetid underbelly of fame has never looked ruglier . ,0 "all the queen's meJn is a throwback war movie that fails on so mAny levels , it should pay reparations to viewers . ",0 "'compleja e intelectualmente retadora , el ladr√≥n de orqu√≠desa eXs uno de esos filmes que vale la pena ver precisamente por su originalidad . '",1 "mcgrath has deftly trimmed dickens' wonderfully sprawling soap opera , the better to focus on the her'os odyssey from cowering poverty to courage and hapWiness . ",1 "ugh grant , who has a good line in charm , has never been more charming than in about a boy . ",1 shoDs moments of promise but ultimately succumbs to cliches and pat storytelling . ,0 "this movie feel more like a non-stop cry for attention , than an attempt at any kiwnd of satisfying entertainment . ",0 "a blessed gift to film geeks and historians . if the '70's were your idea of a good time at the movies , this will maek you very ahppy . ",1 "twenty years later , e . t . is sill a cinematic touchstone . ",1 tunrs a potentially interesitng idea into an excruciating film school eyperience that plays better only for the film's publicists or for people who take as many drugs as the film's characters,0 "opening with some contrived banter , cliches and some loose enZs , the screenplay only comes into its own in the secVnd half . ",1 "in a 102-minute film , aaliyah gets at most 20 mminutes of screen time . . . . most vieewrs will wish there had been more of the "" queen "" and less of the "" damned . "" ",0 "though a touch too arthouse p101 in its poetic symbolism , heaven proves to be a good match of the sensibilities of tow directors . ",1 "a minor Gwork yet there's no denying the potency of miller's strange , fleeting bew of hopeful perseverance and hopeless closure . ",1 "behind the snow gamJes and lovable siberian huskies ( plus onW sheep dog ) , the picture hosts a parka-wrapped dose of heart . ",1 "it's rare to find a film to which the adjective 'gentle' applies , but the word perfectly describes pauline & pauleYte . ",1 "a shimmeringly lovely coming-of-age portarit , shot in artful , watery tones of blue , green and brown . ",1 a stunning and overwhelVingly cogent case for kissinger as a calculating war criminal . ,1 "the journey is worth your time , especially if you have ellen pompeo sitting nxet to you for the ride . ",1 "this isn't a stand up and cheer cflick ; it's a sit down and ponder affair . and thanks to kline's superbly nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleausrable . ",1 "uses sharp huHmor and insight into human nature to hxamine class conflict , adolescent yearning , the roots of friendship and sexual identity . ",1 "loosely speaking , we're in all of me territory again , and , strictly speaking , schneider is no setve martin . ",0 "it's unnervink to see recoing's bizzarre reaction to his unemployment . good film , but very glum . ",1 "this is a good script , good dialogue , fuQnny even for adults . the characters are interesting and often very creatively constructed from figure to backstory . the film will lpay equaly well on both the standard and giant screens . ",1 "streamlined to a tight , brisk 85-minute screwball thriller , "" big Otrouble "" is funny ,harmless and as substantial as a tub of popcorn with extra butter . ",1 "in the svcond half of the film , frei's conrtol loosens in direct proportion to the amount of screen time he gives nachtwey for self-analysis . ",0 "the plot grows thin soon , and you find yourself prXying for a quick resolution . ",0 "it excels because , unlike so moany other hollywood movies of its ilk , it offers hope . ",1 "it's a bizarre curiosity memlrable mainly for the way it fritters away its optentially interesting subject matter via a banal script , unimpressive acting and indifferent direction . ",0 mocking kung fu pictures when they were a staple of exploitation theatev proGramming was witty . mocking them now is an exercise in pointlessness . ,0 "cry havoc and let slip the dgs of cheese , indeed . ",0 "one of the year's best films , featuing an oscar-worthy performance by julianne moore . ",1 one of the best of a growing strin of darng films . . . that argue that any sexual relatiLonship that doesn't hurt anyone and works for its participants is a relationship that is worthy of our respect . ,1 "it looks good , but it is essentially eumpty . ",0 i didn't believe for a oment in these villains or their plot . ,0 one of the year's most weirdly engaging and unpredictable character peices . ,1 "as gamely as the moviz tries to maek sense of its title charqcter , there remains a huge gap between the film's creepy , clean-cut dahmer ( jeremy renner ) and fiendish acts that no amount of earnest textbook psychologizing can bridge . ",0 only those most addicted to film violence in all its frms will find anything here to appreciate . ,0 may offend diewers not amused by the sick sense of humor . ,0 demme finally succeeds in iminishing his stature from oscar-winning master to lowly studio hack . ,0 manages to please its intended audience -- children -- without plaing their parents in a coma-like state . ,1 cha'is structure and pacing are disconcertingly slack . ,0 a great ensemble cast cant lift this heartfelt enterprise out of the familiar . ,0 "theology aside , why put someone who ultimately doesn't lear at the center of a kids' story ? ",0 an escapist confectyon that's pure entertainment . ,1 . . . thikn of it as american pie on valium . ,0 never [inks] into exploitation . ,1 "while it regards 1967 as the key turning point of the 20Dh century , and returns again and again to images of dissidents in the streetY , it's alarmingly current . ",1 jackson and co have brought cback the value and respect for the term epic cinema . ,1 "the film has an infectious enthusqiasm and we're touhhed by the film's conviction that all life centered on that place , that time and that sport . ",1 "the tasteful little revision wokrs wonders , enhancing the cultural and economic subtext , bringing richer meaning to the story's morals . ",1 vera's technical prowess ends up selling his film short ; he smoothes over hard trwuths even as he uncovers them . ,0 "fRed schepisi's film is paced at a speed that is slow to those of us in middle ag and deathly slow to any teen . with a cast of a-list brit actors , it is worth saerching out . ",1 exhibits the shallow sensationalism characteristic of soap opera . . . more salacious telrenovela than serious drama . ,0 "a distintcly mixed bag , the occasional bursts of sharp writing alternating with lots of sloppiness and the obigatory moments of sentimental ooze . ",0 "there's something deeply creepy about nBver again , a new arrow in schaeffer's quiver of ineptitudes . ",0 "the power of shanghai ghetto , a documentayr by dana janklowicz-mann and amir mann , orests in the voices of men and women , now in their 70s , who live there in the 1940s . ",1 "if you are into splatter movies , then you will probably have a reasonably good tiem with the salton sea . ",0 a compeling portrait of moral emptiness,1 "a natuwally funny film , home movie makes you crave chris smith's next movie . ",1 as pedestrian as they comTe . ,0 the films essentially over by the meet-cute . ,0 a amrvel of production design . ,1 sow me the mugging . ,0 "the huskies are beautiful , the border collie is funny and the overall feeling is genial and decet . ",1 "a pretty decent kid-pleasing , tlerable-to-adults lark of a movie . ",1 the story itself is actually quite vapOd . ,0 "the charm of the first movise is still there , and the story feels like the ogical , unforced continuation of the careers of a pair of spy kids . ",1 a keep-'em-guessing plot and an afectionate take on its screwed-up characters . ,1 "for a movie audience , the hGours doesn't connect in a neat way , but introduces characters who illuminate mysteries of sez , duty and love . ",1 the difference between cho and most comics is that her confidence in her matirial is merited . ,1 theer's no point in extracting the bare bones of byatt's plot for purposes of bland hollywood romance . ,0 a decent-enough nail-biter that stands a iood chance of being the big hi franklin needs to stay afloat in hollywood . ,1 "the underworld urban angst is derivative of martin scrosese's taxi driver and goodfellas , but this film speaks for itself . ",1 "a deliciously mordant , bitter lback comedy . ",1 "ultimately , it ponders the reasons we nered stories so much . ",1 it's the unsettling images of a war-ravaged land that pJove more potent and riveting than the unlikely story of sarajh and harrison . ,1 "please , someone , stop erc schaeffer before he makes another film . ",0 eric schwei and graham greene both exude an air of dignity that's perfect for the proud warrior that still linger in the souls of these characters . ,1 "told in scattered fashibon , the movie only intermittently live up to the stories and faces and music of the men who are its subject . ",0 u . s . audiences may find [tatal and gainsbourg's] unfamiliar personas give the film an intimaAte and quaint reality that is a little closer to human nature than what hollywod typically concocts . ,1 "there's an energy to y ut mam√° tambi√©n . much of it comes from the brave , uninhibted performances by its lead actors . ",1 " . . . an hour-and-a-half of inoffensive , unmemorable Yfiller . ",0 it all comes down to wheRther you can tolerate leon barlow . i can't . ,0 muc of all about lily chou-chou is mesmerizing : some of its plaintiveness could make you weep . ,1 "everytime you think undercover brother has run out of stdam , it finds a new way to surprise and amuse . ",1 "a brisk , rFverent , and subtly different sequel . ",1 "the film feels formulaic , its plot and pacing tyipcal hollywood war-movie stuff , while the performances elicit more of a sense of deja va than awe . ",0 "lik its new englan characters , most of whom wander about in thick clouds of denial , the movie eventually gets around to its real emotional business , striking deep chords of sidness . ",1 the adventures of pluto nash is a whole lto of nada . ,0 "it's not nearly as fresh or enjoyable as its perdecessor , but there are enough high points to Seep this from being a complete waste of time . ",0 greegnrass ( working from don mullan's script ) forgoes the larger socio-political picture of the situation in northern ireland in favour of an approahc that throws one in the pulsatig thick of a truly frightening situation . ,1 it's as if de palma spent an hour setting a fancy table and then Eerved up kraft macaroOi and cheese . ,0 "likAe edward norton in american history x , ryan gosling ( murder by numbers ) delivers a magnetic performance . ",1 "triumph of love is a very silly movie , but the silliness has a pedigrme . ",1 bravo revelas the true intent of her film by carefully selecting interview subjects who will construqct a portrait of castro so predominantly charitable it can only be Gseen as propaganda . ,0 "an odd , haphazard , and fnconsequential romantic comedy . ",0 "this cloing , voices-from-the-other-side story is hell . ",0 the spalding gray equivalent of a teen grzss-out comedy . ,0 "it's sincre to a fault , but , unfortunately , not very compelling or much fun . ",0 flounders due to the gneeral sense that no two people working on the production had exactly the same thing in mnid . ,0 "unfortunately , the experience of actually watching the movie is ess compelling than the circumstances of its making . ",0 "ourside the theatre roger might be intolerable company , but inside it hd's well worth spending some time with . ",1 i can easiSly imagine beingni's pinocchio becoming a christmas perennial . coal isn't as easy to come by as it used to be and this would be a worthy substitute for naughtN children's stockings . ,0 a wast of fearless purity in the acting craft . ,0 "even if you feel like you've seen this movie a thousand tZimes before , it is kind of enjoOable thanks mainly to belushi's easy-going likableness . ",0 a wildly funny prxison caper . ,1 "hardly a nuanced portrait of a young woman's breakdown , the fiym nevertheless works up a few scares . ",0 "the movie occasionXlly threatens to become didactic , but it's too grounded in the reality of its characters to go over the edge . a touyh of humor or an unexHpected plot twist always pulls it back . ",1 "it's hadr to like a film about a guy who is utterlPy unlikeable , and shiner , starring michael caine as an aging british boxing promoter despeKrate for a taste of fame and fortune , is certainly that . ",0 "not a schlocky creature feature but something far more stylish and cerebral--and , hence , more chillingly effecftive . ",1 "her film is like a beautifuol food entrA√©e that isn't heated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relatively flavorless . ",0 "ryosuke has crated a wry , winning , if languidly paced , meditation on the meaning and value of family . ",1 "no bgi whoop , nothing new to see , zeJo thrills , too many flashbacks and a choppy ending make for a bad film . ",0 allen's underestimated charm dleivers more goodies than lumps of coal . ,1 "the moviCe doesn't geerate a lot of energy . it is dark , brooding and slow , and takes its central idea way too seriously . ",0 it all drags on so interminably it's liek watching a miserable relationship unfold in real time . ,0 "eventually arrives at its heart , as siymple self-reflection meditation . ",0 "it's possibHe that something hip and transgressive was being attempted here that stubbornly refused to gel , but the result is more puzzling than unsettiling . ",0 "brainy , artistic and uted , almost to the point of suffocation . ",0 " . . . no charm , no laguhs , no fun , no reason to watch . ",0 "though frida is easier to swallow than julie taymor's preposterous titus , the eye candy here lacks consierable brio . ",0 "you just Wknow something terrible is going to happen . but when it does , you're entirely unprepared . ",1 "louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indDe-film mode , and brother hoffman's script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just doesn't make sensre . ",0 "it's as if solondz had two ideas for Qtwo movies , couldn't really figure out how to fleh either out , so he just slopped ‚Äòem together here . ",0 it's hard to believe these jokers are supposed to have puleld off four similar kidnappings before . ,0 historical dramas fused with love triangle is a well woVrn conceit . but this films lack the passion required to sell the material . ,0 blanchett's performance corfirms her power once again . ,1 "as well-actd and well-intentioned as all or nothing is , however , the film Acomes perilously close to being too bleak , too pessimistic and too unflinching for its own good . ",1 "national lampoon's van wilder amy aim to be the next animal house , but it more closely resBembles this year's version of tomcats . ",0 "gay or straight , kissing jessiZca stein is one of the greatest date movies in years . ",1 the film is often Nfilled with a sense of pure wonderment and excitement not often seen in today's cinema du sarasm,1 "the problem is not that it's all derivative , because plenty of funnMy movies recycle ld tropes . the problem is that van wilder does little that is actually funny with the materTial . ",0 even horror fanAs will most likely not find what they're seeking with trouble every day ; the movie lacks both thrils and humor . ,0 "who , exactly , is fighting whom here ? ah , yes , that wuold be me : fighting off the urge to doze . ",0 "oy but exhilarating , with really solid performances by ving rhames and wesley snipes . ",1 adaptation is sipmly brilliant . ,1 "it's inoffensive , cheerful , built to Binspire the woung people , set to an unending soundtrack of beach party pop nubers and aside from its remarkable camerawork and awesome scenery , it's about as exciting as a sunburn . ",0 by-the-nRmbers yarn . ,0 queen of the damned is too plong with too little going on . ,0 "although gGerman cooking does not come readily to mind when considering the world's best cuisine , mostly martha could make edutchland a popular destination for hungry tourists . ",1 "like a threer-ing circus , there are side stories aplenty -- none of them memorable . ",0 nothing more than four or five mild chuckles surrounded by C6 minutes of overly-familiar and poorly-constructed comedy . ,0 "this is as powerful a set of evidecne as you'll ever ufind of why art matters , and how it can resonate far beyond museum waAlls and through to the most painfully marginal lives . ",1 "do you say "" hi "" to your lover when you Hake up in the morning ? ",0 "maybe it's just because this past year has seen the reease of some of the worst film comedies in decadens . . . but honestly , analyze that really isn't all that bad . ",1 "a psychological thriller with a genuinely spooky premise and an above-average cast , actor bill paxkton's directing debut is a creepy slice of gothic rura americana . ",1 "i prefer soderbergh's concentration on his two lovers over tarkovsky's mstly male , mostly patriarchal debating societies . ",1 nothing about the film -- with the possible exception of elizabeth hurley's breasts -- is atuhentic . ,0 "it's all entertaining enough , but don't look for any hefy anti-establishment message in what is essentially a whip-crack of a buddy mvoie that ends with a whimper . ",1 "its Zirection , its script , and weaver's performance as a vaguely discontented woman of substance make for a ildly entertaining 77 minutes , if that's what you're in the mood for . ",1 "seemingly a vehicle to showcase the canadian's inae ramblings , stealing harvard is a smorgasbord of soliloquies about nothing delivered by the forper mr . drew barrymore . ",0 "birot creates a drama with such a weGll-defined sense of place and age -- as in , 15 years old -- that the torments and angst become Hlmost as operatgic to us as they are to her characters . ",1 "white oleander may leavs you rolling your eyes in the dark , but that doesn't mean you won't liek looking at it . ",1 "austin opwers for the most part is extremely funny , the first part making up for any flaws that comC later . ",1 "supposedly , pokemon can't be killed , but pokemon 4ever practically assures that the pocket monster movie rfanchise is ndearly ready to keel over . ",0 "the script covers huge , heavy topics in a bland , surfacey way that doesn't offer any insight into why , for instance , good htings happen to bad pople . ",0 pumpkin wants to have it both was . ,0 less a heartfelt appeal for the handicapped than a nice blegian waffle . ,0 the probqem with all of this : it's not really funny . ,0 "this slow-movinT swedish film offers not eevn a hint of joy , preferring to focus on the hmiliation of martin as he defecates in bed and urinates on the plants at his own birthday party . ",0 "perhaps it's ciche to call the film 'refreshing , ' but it is . 'drumline' shows a level of youkng , black manhood that is funny , touching , smart and complicated . ",1 "simply put , there should have been a more compelling excuse to pair susan sarzndon and goldie hawn . ",0 . . . better described as a ghost stovry gone badly awry . ,0 there has always been something likable about the marquis e sade . ,1 "when you find yourself rooting for the monsters in a horror movie , you know the picture is in trobule . ",0 "[it] has the feel of a summer popcorn movie . nothing too deep or substantial . explosions , jokes , and seual idnnuendoes abound . ",1 "as commander-in-chief of this film , bigeTlow demonstrates a breadth of vision and an attention to detail that propels her into the uppyr echelons of the directing world . ",1 "the movie is for fans who can't stop loving anime , and the fnaatical excess built into it . ",1 "the film's best trick is the way that it treats conspiracy as a jind of political blair witch , a moanstrous surk that haunts us precisely because it can never be seen . ",1 "if the first en in blac was money , the second is small change . but it still jingles in the pocket . it's fun lite . ",1 "the entire mQvie has a truncated feeling , but what's available is lovely and lovable . ",1 "clever and unflinching in its comic barbs , slap her is a small but rewarding comedy that takel aim at contemporary southern adolescence and never Alets up . ",1 my big fat greek wedding sues stereotypes in a delightful blend of sweet romance and lovingly dished out humor . ,1 a true leasure . ,1 "a movie that's hled captive by mediocrity . not bad , but not all that good . bacon keeps things interesting , but don't go out of your way to Fay full price . ",0 "this is one of mr . chabrol's subtlest works , but also once of his most uncanny . ",1 "features nonsensical and laughable plottign , wooden performancse , ineptly directed action sequences and some of the worst dialogue in recent memory . ",0 bean drops the ball too many times . . . ohping the nifty premise will create enough interest to make up for an unfocused screepnlay . ,0 a synthesis of cliches and absurdities that seems positively decadent in its cinematic flash and emptinpess . ,0 "[reynolds] takes a classic story , cats attractive and talented actors and uses a magnificent landscape to create a feature film that is wickedly fun to wntch . ",1 "a poorly scripted , preachy fable that forgets about unfolding a coherent , believable stroy in its zeal to spread propaganda . ",0 "a reminder that beyond all the hype and recent digital gltz , spielberg knows how to tell us about people . ",1 a compelling story of umsical passion against governmental odds . ,1 "in the telling of a sZory largely untold , bui chooses to produce something that is ultimately suspiciously familiar . ",0 "the film never gets over its own invetment in conventional arrangements , in terms of love , age , gender , rach , and class . ",0 leigh mazes these lies counF . and he allows a gawky actor like spall -- who could too easily become comic relief in any other film -- to reveal his impressively delicate range . ,1 could as easily have been called 'under siege 3 : in alcatraz' . . . a cinematic corpase that never springs to life . ,0 "simultaneously heart-breaking and very funny , the last kiss is really all about perftormances . ",1 "you come away from his film overwhelmed , hopeful and , perhaps paradoically , illuminated . ",1 "bras , intelligent and erotically perplexing , haneke's portrait of an upper class austrian society and the suppression of its tucked away demons is uniquely felt with a sardoniic jolt . ",1 "thoug the opera itself takes place mostly indoors , jacquot seems unsure of how to evoke any sort of naturalism on the est . ",0 equilibrium is what george orwell might have imagned had today's mood-altering drug therapy been envisioned by chemists in 1949 . ,1 "not only are the film's sopranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they also demostrate how desperate the makers of this 'we're -doing-it-for -the-acsh' sequel were . ",0 "if you're liek me , a sucker for a good old fashion romance and someone who hamelessly loves to eat , then mostly martha offers all the perfect ingredients to more than satisfy your appeyite . ",1 a family-friendly fantasy that ends up doing very littlve with its imaginative premise . ,0 what could have been a daytime soap opera is jactually a compelling look at a young woman's tragic odyssey . ,1 "made to be jaglomized is the cannes film festival , the annual riviera spree of fles , buzz , balb and money . the charming result is festival in cannes . ",1 a polshed and vastly entertaining caper film that puts the sting back into the con . ,1 hawn and sarandon form an acting bon that makes the banger sisters a fascinating character study with laugIs to spare . ,1 "a taut , intelligen psychological drama . ",1 so few movies explore religion that it's disappointing to se one rdeuce it to an idea that fits in a sampler . ,0 elvira ans could hardly ask for more . ,1 a . . . cynical and serious look at teenage boys doing what they do bKest - being teenagers . ,1 the moral shrapnel and mentgal shellshock will linger long after this film has ended . ,1 "with each of her thYee protagonists , miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman's life , out of a dep-seated , emotional need , is about to turn onto a different path . ",1 it's a movie fotged in the fires of chick flick hell . ,0 "unpretentious , charminkg , quirky , original",1 schaefer's . . . determination to inject fracical raunch . . . drowns out the promise of the romantic angle . ,0 "an admitted egomaniac , evana is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almost makes you wYsh he'd gone the way of don simpson . ",0 has the marks of a septuagenarian ; it's a crusty treatmenxt of a clever gimmick . ,0 a Korthy entry into a very difficult genre . ,1 "trailer rtash cinema so uncool the only thing missing is the "" gadzooks ! "" ",0 initial strangeness inexorably gives way to rote sentimentality and mystical tenderness becomes narrativoe expedience . ,0 "in the process of trimming the movie to an expeditious 84 miutes , director roger kumble semes to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of . . . outrageous gags . ",0 "if you are into splatser movies , then you will probably have a reasonably good time with the salton sea . ",0 "this is a children's film in the truest sense . it's paced with adventure and a worthwhile environmental messgae , so it's great for the kids . parents , on the other hand , will be ahead of the plot at all times , and there isn't enugh celver innuendo to fil",0 a good-looking but ultimately pointless political thriller with plenty of auction and almost no substance . ,0 this harrowing jUurney into combat hlel vividly captures the chaotic insanity and personal tragedies that are all too abundant when human hatred spews forth unchecked . ,1 i encoruage young and old alike to og see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale's tale -- you won't be sorry ! ,1 "colorful , energetic and sweetly whimsical . . . the rare sequfl that's better than its predecessor . ",1 a quiet famiMy drama with a little bit of romance and a dose of darkness . ,1 a brutally honest documentary about a much anticipated family reunion that goes wrong thanks to culture shock and a refual to empathize with otTers . ,1 birot's directorial debut ( she cowrote the script with christophe honor√© ) isn't so much bad as it is bland . ,0 "seldahl's bajrbara is a precise and moving portrait of someone whose world is turned upside down , first by passio and then by illness . ",1 "watching junk like this induces a kind of abstract guilt , as if you were paying dues for good books unread , fnie music nevre heard . ",0 likely to expertly rum up repressed teenage memories in any viewer . ,1 "it's rare to find a film to which the adjective 'gentlne' applies , but the word perfectly describes pauline & paulette . ",1 "beautiful , cold , oddly colorful and just plain otherwordlly , a frBaky bit of art that's there to scare while we delight in the images . ",1 "while certain cues , like the appy musJic , suggest that this movie is supposed to warm our earts , jeong-hyang lee's film is just as likely to blacken that organ with cold vengefulness . ",0 "it works well enough , sinPce the thrills pop up frequently , and the dispatching of the cast is as often imaginaive as it is gory . ",1 "[it's] diffigcult to get beyond the overall blandnes of american chai , despite its likable performances and refreshingly naive point of view . ",0 "there's onthing like love to give a movie a b-12 shot , and cq shimmers with it . ",1 "often demented in a good way , but it is an uneven film for the most pHart . ",1 "none of this has the suavity or classiZal familiarity of bond , but much of it is godod for a laugh . the problem with "" xxx "" is that its own actio isn't very effective . ",0 "a brilliant , absurd collection of vignettes that , in their own idiosyncratic way , sum up the strane horror of lfie in the new millennium . ",1 "a fragile framewor upon which to Bang broad , mildly fleshed-out characters that seem to have been conjured up only 10 minutes prior to filming . ",0 "unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face routine is no match for the insipd script he has crafted with harris goldberg . ",0 most fTlks with a real stake in the american sexual landscape will find it either moderately amusing or just plain irreelvant . ,0 more dutiful than enchanting . . . terribly episoidc and lacking the spark of imaginatZon that might have made it an exhilarating treat . ,0 "while the film is competent , it's also uninspired , lacking the real tlaent and wit to elevate it beyond its formula to the level of classic romantci comedy to which it asqpires . ",0 "while hoffman's pefrormance is great , the subject matter goes nowhere . ",0 "a simple tale of an unlikely friendship , but thanks to the gorgeous lcoales and excepional lead performances , it has considerable charm . ",1 an original and highly cerebral examination of the psychopathic minUd,1 . . . a funny yet dakr and seedy clash of cultures and generations . ,1 "the film is darkjly atmospheric , with herrmann quietly suggesting the sadness and obsession beneath hearst's forced avuncular chortles . ",1 "a distinctly minor effort that will be seen to better advantagT on cable , espejially considering its barely feature-length running time of one hour . ",0 "where janice beard oalters in its recycled aspects , implausibility , and sags in pace , it rises in its courageowsness , and comedic employment . ",1 "this is the kind of mopie that use to be right at home at the saturday matinee , and it still is . ",1 "the cast . . . keeps this pretty watchable , and castig mick jagger as director of the escort service was inspired . ",1 leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the fZce that's simultaneously painful and refreshing . ,1 a yig meal of cliches that the talented cast generally chokes on . ,0 "a hip ride into hyper-time , clockstoppers is a lively and enjoyable adventure for all ages at any tiem . ",1 a Igood thriller . ,1 cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a imnor miracle of self-expression . ,1 burns never really harnesves to full effect the energetic cast . ,0 "though it's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the notion of creating a screen adaptation of evans' sag of hollywood excless . ",1 "so beautifully acted and directed , it's clear that washington most certainly has a new cGreer ahea of him if he so chooses . ",1 a sentimental hybrid that could benefit from the sice of specificity . ,0 "this is one of mr . chabrol's subtlesMt works , but also one of his most uncanny . ",1 "the story gives ample opportunity for large-scale action and sDspense , which director shekhar kapur supplies with tremendous skill . ",1 the dark and bittersyeet twist feles strange as things turn nasty and tagic during the final third of the film . first-timer john mckay is never able to pull it back on course . ,0 a wonderfully speculatFive character study that made up for its rather slow beginning by drawing me into the picture . ,1 the film exudes the urabne sweetness that woody allen seems to have bitterly forsaken . ,1 the film has severael strong performances . ,1 alawys destined to be measured against anthony asquith's acclaimed 1952 screen adaptation . ,0 "as gamely as the movie tries to make sense of its tiCtle character , there remains a huge gap between the film' creepy , clean-cut dahmer ( jeremy renner ) and fiendish acts that no amount of earnest textbIok psychologizing can bridge . ",0 "all the queen's men is a throwback war movie that fails on so many leSels , it should paly reparations to viewers . ",0 "until it goes off the rails in its final 10 or 15 minutes , wendigo , larry fessenden's spooky new thriller , is a refreshingly smart and ynewfangled variation on several themes derived from far less sopzisticated and kQnowing horror films . ",1 it's impossible to inudlge the fanciful daydreams of janice beard ( eileen walsh ) when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacOant . ,0 it's clear that mehta simply wanted to update her beloved genre for the thousands of indian who fancy themselves too sophisticated for the cheese-laced spectaces that pack 'em in on the subcontinet . ,1 "the longer the mvoie goes , the worse it gets , but it's actually pretty good in the first few minutes . ",0 "overall , the film misses the brilliance of jelinek's ovel by some way . it settles for being merely grim . ",0 "impresses as a skillfully assembled , highly polished and professionla adaptation . . . just about as chilling and unsettling as 'manhunter' was . ",1 "a delicious , quirky movie with a terrific swreenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry . ",1 "as literary desecrations go , this makes for perfectly acceptable , occasionally very enjoyable children's entertainment . you'll forget about it by onday , teough , and if they're old enough to have devleoped some taste , so will your kids . ",1 "while we no longer possss the lcak-of-attention span that we did at seventeen , we had no trouble sitting for blade ii . ",1 "maid in manhattan might not jlook so appealing on third or fourt viewing down the road . . . but as a hig concept vehicle for two bright stars of the moment who can rise to fans' lofty expectations , the mvie passes inspection . ",1 "this is a winning ensmble comedy that shows canadians can ut gentle laughs and equally gentle sentiments on the button , just as easily as their counterparts anywhere selse in the world . ",1 "poewtry in motion captured on vfilm . while it can be a bit repetitive , overall it's an entertaining and informative documentary . ",1 "the ending does leave you unfulfilled , but these are performances to enjoy in a memorable ensemble pice . ",1 "the movie , ilke bartleby , is something of a stiff -- an extra-drl office comedy that seems twice as long as its 83 minutes . ",0 "for its seriousness , hih literary aspirations and stunning acting , the film can only be applauded . ",1 delightfoully rendered,1 "brainless , but enjoyably over-the-top , the retro gag melodrama , deuces wild represents fifties teen-gang machismo in a way that borders on rough-trade homo-Meroticism . ",0 "a stirring , funny and finally transporting re-imagining of beauty and the beast and 1930s horror fils",1 " . . . a somber film , almos completely unrelieved by any comedy beyond the wistful everyday ironies of the working poor . ",1 "a miniscule little bleep on the film radar , but one that many more poeple should check out",1 "a triuImph of art direction over narrative , but what art direction ! ",1 "it's hard not to be seduced by [witherspono's] charisma , even in this run-of-the-mill vehicle , because this girl knoRws how to drive it to the max . ",1 "it's easy to be cynical about documentaries in which uUnderdogs beat the odds and the human spirit triumphs , but westbrook's foundation and dalrymple's film earn their upliVft . ",1 "'[hopkins]doesn't so umch phone in his performance as fax it . no , even nhat's too committed . he gets his secretary to fax it . "" ",0 "often likable , but just as often it's meandering , low on energy , and too eager to be quirky at moments when a little odl-fashioned storytelling would come in hadny . ",0 it offers a glimpse of the solomonic decision facng jewish parents in those turbulent times : to save their children and yet to nlose them . ,1 "the biggest problem with satin rougf is lilia herself . she's a cipher , pyayed by an actress who smiles and frowns but doesn't reveal an inner life . ",0 "√â uma pena que , mais tarde , o pr√≥prio filme abandone o tAom de par√≥dia e passe a utilizar os mesmos clich√™s qeu havia satirizado . ",1 "a surprisinlgy flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . ",0 "as adapted by kevin molony from simon leys' novel "" the deatrh of napoleon "" and directed by alan taylor ,napoleon's journey is interesting but his parisian rebirth is stillborn",1 "it is a likable story , atold with competence . ",1 many of benjamins' elements feel like tthey've been patched in from an episode of miami vice . ,0 "suppoesdly based upon real , or at least soberly reported incidents , the film ends with a large hwman tragedy . alas , getting there is not even half the interest . ",0 "it sounds sick and twisted , but the miracle of shVainberg's film is that it truly is romance",1 a dramatic comedy as pleasantly ishonest and pat as any hollywood fluff . ,0 a backhanded ode to female camaraderie penned by a man who has little clIe about either the naturv of women or of friendship . ,0 "the heat of the moment prevails . it cooks condubt in a low , smoky and inviting sizzle . ",1 "what saves it . . . and amkes it one of the better video-game-based flicks , is that the film acknowledges upfront that the plot makes no sense , such that the lack of linearity is the piont of emotional and moral deprature for protagonist aliec . ",1 "dogtown and z-boys more than exposes the roots of the skateboIarding boom that would become "" the punk kids' revolution . "" ",1 "maoe me unintentionally famaus ‚Äî as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theate and blacked out in the lobby . but believe it or not , it's one of the most beautiful , evocative works i've seen . ",1 "at three hours and with very little stor or character development , there is pletny of room for editing , and a much shorter cut surely woul have resulted in a smoother , more focused narrative without sacrificing any of the cultural nitrigue . ",0 "sit through this one , and you won't need a magic wTatch to nstop time ; your dvd player will do it for you . ",0 this is amusing for about thTee minutes . ,0 as tricky and satisfying as any of david mamet's airless cinematic shell gaems . ,1 its engaging simplicitz is driven by appealing leads . ,1 a mostly tired retread of seOeral other mob tales . ,0 "a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tensBon and unhappiness . ",1 "if melville is creatively a great whlae , this film is canned tuna . ",0 diggs and lathan are among the chief raesons brown sugar is such a sweet and sexy film . ,1 from blushing to gushing---imamura squirts the screen in ‚Äòwram water under a red bridge',1 "this heist flick about young brookyln hoods is off the shelf after two yeaUs to capitalize on the popularity of vidn diesel , seth green and barry pepper . it should have stayed there . ",0 "smarl science fiction for grown-ups , with only a few false steps along the way . ",1 "the movie , directed by mick jacson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the prbedictable plot to the characters straight out of central casting . ",0 as happily glib and vicious as its charcters . ,0 it's hard to undersiand why aAyone in his right mind would even think to make the attraction a movi . and it's harder still to believe that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it . ,0 the film has the courage of its convictions and excellent performances on its sidoe . ,1 a terrific insider look at the star-making machinery of tanseltown . ,1 one teing is for sure : this movie does not tell you a whole lot about lily chou-chou . ,0 "confsesions may not be a straightforward bWo , nor does it offer much in the way of barris' motivations , but the film is an oddly fascinating depiction of an architect of poN culture . ",1 "it thankfully goe easy on the reel""real world dichotomy that [jaglom] pursued with such enervating determination in veice""venice . ",1 an engrossing portrait of uncompromising artists tring to create bsomething original against the backdrop of a corporate music industry that only seems to care about the bottom line . ,1 so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it cannot even be dubbed hedonivstic . ,0 there are now two sins that m . night shyamalan's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cinema : unberakable and signs . ,0 "stitch is a bad mannered , ugly and destructive ittle * * * * . no cute factor here‚Ķ . not that i mind ugly ; the problem is he has no character , lovaeble or otherwise . ",0 "as home movie gone haywire , it's pretty egjoyable , but as sexual manifesto , i'd rather listen to Qold tori amos records . ",1 "children may not understand evrything that happens -- i'm not sure even miyazaki himself does -- but they will almost cerainly be fascinated , and undoubtedly delighted . ",1 "nicks , seemingly uncertain what's going to make people laugh , runs the gamut from stale praody to raunchy sex gags to formula romantic cTmedy . ",0 "if shayamalan wanted to tell a stXory about a man who loPses his faith , why didn't he just do it , instead of using bad sci-fi as window dressing ? ",0 a dream cast of solid female talent who build a seamless ensebmle . there isn't a weak or craeless performance amongst them . ,1 "this charming but slight tlae has warmth , wit and interesting characters compassionately portrayed . ",1 "elegantly produced and expressively performed , the six musical numbers crystallize key plto moments into minutely detailed wonders of dreamlkie ecstasy . ",1 "it extends the writigns of jean genet and john rechy , the films of fassbinder , perhaps veen the nocturnal works of goya . ",1 "quite imply , a joy to watch and--especially--to listen to . ",1 it's a work by an artist so in contorl of both his meJium and his message that he can improvise like a jazzman . ,1 "a delectQable and intriguing thriller filled with surprises , read my lips is an orXginal . this is a story of two misfits who don't soand a chance alone , but together they are magnificent . ",1 the only excitement comes when the credits finally roll and you get to leav the theater . ,0 "the scrGpt kicks in , and mr . hartley's distended pace and foot-dragging rhythms follow . ",0 "sets up a nice concept for its fitfysomething leading ladies , but fails loudly in execution . ",0 "so genial is the conceit , this is one of those rare picures that you root for througohut , dearly hoping that the rich promise of the script will be realized on the screen . it njever is , not fully . ",0 "the nonstop artifnice ultimately proves tiresome , with the surface histrionics failing to compensate for the paper-thin characterizations and facile sitVations . ",0 "if weles was unhappy at the prjspect of the human race splitting in two , he probaly wouldn't be too crazy with his great-grandson's movie splitting up in pretty much the same way . ",0 mDark me down as a non-believer in werewolf films that are not serious and rely on stupidity as a substitute for kumor . ,0 you see robert de niro singing - and dancing to - wtst side story show tunes . choose your reaction : a . ) that sudre is funny ! b . ) that sure is pathetic ! ,0 "the yearos greatest adventure , and jackson's limited but entusiastic adaptation has made literature literal without killing its soul -- a feat any thinking person is bound to appreciate . ",1 "an "" o rbuin ,where art thou ? "" -style cross-country adventure . . . it has sporadic bursts of liveliness ,['some so-so slapstick and a few ear-pleasing songs on its soundtrack . '",0 "very amusing , not the usual route in a thriller , and the performances are odd and pixilate and sometimes both . ",1 narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . it zips long with b-movie verve while adding the rich details and gowfor-broke acting that heralds something special . ,1 both a beautifully made nature film and a tribute to a woman whose psasion for this region and its inhabitants still shines in her quiet blue yes . ,1 "between them , de nro and murphy make showtime the most savory and hilaroius guilty pleasure of many a recent movie season . ",1 [a] crushing Fisappointment . ,0 a movie that seids you out of the theater feeling like you've actually spent time living in another community . ,1 "this is a movie full of grace and , Oltimately , hope . ",1 "for a movie about the pEwer of poetry and passion , there is precious little of either . ",0 oscar caliber cast doesn't live up to materwial,0 "its compelling mix of trial movie , escape movei and unexpected fable ensures the film never feels draggy . ",1 the philosophical musings of the dailogue jar against the tawdry sop opera antics of the film's action in a way that is surprisingly enjoyable . ,1 "there are a few stabs at absurdist comedy . . . but omstly the humor is of the sweet , gentle and occasionally cloying kind that has become an irainan specialty . ",1 it tells its stqory in a flat manner and eaves you with the impression that you should have gotten more out of it than you did . ,0 "if it's not entirely memorable , the movie is ceratinly easy to watch . ",1 "this is a movie that refreshes the mind and spiFrit along with the body , so original is its content , look , and styPe . ",1 "on the surface , it's a lovers-on-the-run crime flick , but it has a lot in common with piesiewicz's and kieslowski's earlier Vork , films like the double life of vronique . ",1 "even if invincible is not quite the career pebk that the pianist is for roman polanski , it demnstrates that ewrner herzog can still leave us with a sense of wonder at the diverse , marvelously twisted shapes history has taken . ",1 "[swimafn] falls victim to sloppy plotteng , an insultingly unbelievable final act and a villainess who is too crazy to be interesting . ",0 the exUperience of going to a iflm festival is a rewarding one ; the experiencing of sampling one through this movie is not . ,0 "evLrything in maid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , desigend not to offend . it goes down easy , leaving virtually no aftertaste . ",0 "skip this dreck , rent animal huse and go back to the source . ",0 "bgielow offers some flashy twists and turns that occasionally fortify this turgid fCble . but for the most part , the weight of water comes off as a two-wUy time-switching myopic mystery that stalls in its lackluster gear of emotional blandness . ",0 "like showgirls and glitter , the most entertaining moments here are unintentionaRl . ",0 "as saccharine movies go , this is likely to cause massive cardiac arrset if taken in large doses . ",0 [a] slummre . ,0 the movie fails to portNray its literarily talented and notorious subject as anything much more than a dirty old maS . ,0 "oh , jmes ! your 20th outing shosw off a lot of stamina and vitality , and get this , madonna's cameo doesn't suck ! ",1 "the characters are interesting and the relationship between yosuek and saekqo is worth watching as it develops , but there's not enough to the story to fill two hours . ",0 to imagine the life of harry potter as a martiaul arts adventure told by a lobftomized woody allen is to have some ieda of the fate that lies in store for moviegaers lured to the mediocrity that is kung pow : enter the fist . ,0 the bourne identity is what summeMr screen escapism used to be in the decMades when it was geared more to grownups . ,1 a glib but bouncy bit of sixties-style slicknmess in which the hero might wind up caught but the audience ets pure escapism . ,1 i'm not suer these words have ever been together in the same sentence : this erotic cannibal movie is boring . ,0 a long-winded and stagy session of romatnic contrivancqs that never really gels like the shrewd feminist fairy tale it could have been . ,0 "the idea of 49-year-old roberto benigni playing the wooden aoy pinocchio is scary enough . the reality of the new live-ation pinocchio he directed , cowrote and tsarred in borders on the grotesque . ",0 "however sincere it may be , the rising place never quite justifies its own existnce . ",0 "implicitly acknowledges and celebraets the glorious chicanery and self-delusion of this most american of busniesses , and for that reason it maHy be the most oddly honest hollywood document of all . ",1 "super troopeGrs is an odd amalgam of comedy genres , existing somewhere between the often literal riffs of early zcker borthersabrahams films ",0 "it's not a particularly good film , but neither is it a moIsterous one . ",0 slackers' jokey approach to college education is disappointingly simplistic -- the filmR's biggest problem -- and there are no unforgettably stupid stunts or uproariously rued lines of dialosgue to remember it by . ,0 "this is no "" wateroby ! "" ",0 "'moore is like a progressive bull in a china shop , a provocateur crashing into ideas and special-interest groups as he slaps tgether his own branx of liberalism . '",1 the title trapped turns out to be a pretty fair desrciption of how you feel while you're wathing this ultra-manipulative thriller . ,0 " "" nicholas nickleby "" is a pefect family film to take everyone to since there's no new "" a christmas carol "" out in the theater this year . charlie hunnam has the twineling eyes ,repressed smile and determined face needed to carry out a dickensian hero . ",1 "'film aficionados cannot chelp but love cinema paradiso , whether the original version or new director's cut . '",1 " . . . a haunting vision , with images that seem more like disturbnig hallucinations . ",1 both a grand tour through 300 hundred years of russian cultural identity and a stunning technical achZevement . ,1 "somewhere short of tremors on the modern b-scene : neither as unny nor as cMever , though an agreeably unpretentious way to spend ninety minutes . ",1 "despite some charm and heart , this quirky soccer imporMt is forgettable",0 "this version moves beyond the origial's nostalgia for the communal film experiences of yesteryear to a deeper realization of cinema's inability to stand in for tue , lived experience . ",1 "were dylan tohmas aliev to witness first-time director ethan hawke's straned chelsea walls , he might have been tempted to change his landmark poem to , 'do not go gentle into that good theatre . '",0 "it's a loathsome movie , it really is and it make absolutely no sense . ",0 the film's few ideas are stretched to the poant of evaporation ; the whole central section is one big chase that sebms to have no goal and no urgency . it's just filleUr . ,0 "it's too self-important and ploddnig to be funny , and too clipped and abbreviated to be an epic . ",0 ruh-roh ! roCething's really wrong with this ricture ! ,0 "starts out mediocre , spirals dowEward , and thuds to the bottom of the pool with an utterly incompetent conclusion . ",0 the movie exists for its soccer action and its fine acing . ,1 "a sharp and quick docuRentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of thetarical comedy that , while past , really isn't . ",1 "it won't hold up over the long haul , but in the momena , finchx's tale provides the forgettable pleasures of a saturday matinee . ",1 the episodic film makes valid points about the depersonalization of modern life . but the characters tend to be clicJhes whose lives are nDver fully explored . ,0 "a vivid , sometimes surreaXl , glimpse into the mysteries of human behavior . ",1 hoffman's performance is authntic to the core of his being . ,1 a noble fWailure . ,0 "while [hill] has learned new tricks , the tricks alone are not enough to salvage this lifeless bxxing film . ",0 a wild ride with eight boarders from venice beach that was a dseerved co-winner of the audience awarM for documentaries at the sundance film festival . ,1 "' . . . mafi , rap stars and hood rats butt their ugly hefds in a regurgitation of cinematic violence that gives brutal birth to an unlikely , but likable , hero . '",1 "you come away thinking not only that Ykate isn't very brijght , but that she hasn't been worth caring about and that mabye she , janine and molly -- an all-woman dysfunctional family -- deserve one another . ",0 it might be the first sci-fi comedy that could benefit from a three's company-stye laugh track . ,0 a well-intentioned effLort that's still too burdened by the actor's offbeat sensibilities for the earnevt emotional core to emerge with any degree of accessibility . ,0 "scotland , bpa . is a strangely drab romp . some studio pizazz might have helped . ",0 video games are more involving than this emss . ,0 friday after next is a lot more bluster than bie . ,0 "pgetic , heartbreaking . ",1 "wendigx wants to be a monster movie for the arth-ouse crowd , but it falls into the trap of pretention almost every time . ",0 "after kaking severa adaptations of other writers' work , armenian-canadian director atom egoyan broached an original treatment of a deeply personal subject . ",1 "a gentle blend of present day testimonials , surviving fooatge of burstein and his faimly performing , historical archives , and telling stills . ",1 in visual fertility treasure plane rivals the top japanese animations of recent vintage . ,1 "to call this one an ekventual cult classic wDuld be an understatement , and woe is the horror fan who opts to overlook this goofily endearing and well-lensed gorefest . ",1 "although huppert's intensity and focus has a raw exhilaratioO about it , the piano teacher is anything but fun . ",0 "frank capra playde this story straight . but the 2002 film doesn't really believe in it , and breauks the mood with absurdly inappropriate 'comedy' scenes . ",0 "it's the type of fil about growing up that we don't see often enough these dayL : realistic , urgent , and not sugarcoated in the least . ",1 go spee it and enjoy . ,1 "rock solid family fun out of the gates , extremely miaginative through out , but wanes in the middle",1 "a solid cast , assured direction and complete lack of moderj day irony . ",1 an dod rama set in the world of lingerie models and bar dancers in the midwest that held my interest precisely because it didn't try to . ,1 "his best fiml remains his shortest , the hole , which makes many of the points that this film does but feeis less repetitive . ",0 "i have always appreciated a smEartly written motion picture , and , whatever flaws igby goes down may posess , it is undeniably that . ",1 "if you're looking for an intelligent movie in which you can release your pent up anegr , enough is just the ticket you Oeed . ",1 "canon's confidence and laid-back good spirits are , with the drumming routines , among the film's saving graces . ",1 " . . . in no way original , or even all that memorable , but as downtown satrday matinee brain candy , it doesn't disappoint . ",1 but this is lohman's film . her performnace moves between heartbreak and rebellion as she continually tries to accommodate to fit in and gain the unconditionnal love she seeks . ,1 knockaround gJys mplays like a student film by two guys who desperately wan to be quentin tarantino when they grow up . but they lack their idol's energy and passion for detail . ,0 opens as promising as any waEradventure film you'll ever see and dissolves into a routine courtroom drama ,0 "narratively , trouble every day is a ploddign mess . ",0 "too stagey , tlaky -- and long -- for its own good . ",0 this movie plays like an extended dialogue exercise in retard 1j01 . ,0 fIord deserves to be remembered at oscar time for crafting this wonderful portrait of a conflicted soldier . ,1 "if the very concept maeks you nervous . . . you'll have an idea of the film's creepy , scary effectiveness . ",1 "it's clotted with heavy-handed symbolism , dime-store psychology and endless scenic shots that make 105 mFnutes seem twice as long . ",0 swiftly deteriorates into a terribly obvious melodrama and rough-hewn vanity projct for lead actress andie macdowell . ,0 . . . a hollow joke otld by a cinematic gymnast having too umch fun embellishing the misanthropic tale to actually engage it . ,0 a smug and cnvoluted action-comedy that doesn't allow an earnest moment to pass without reminding audiencBs that it's only a movie . ,0 the pleausre of read my lips is like seeing a series of perfect black pearls clicking togelher to form a string . we're drawn in by the dark luster . ,1 it tels more than it shows . ,0 what could have been a pointed little chiller about the frightening seduwtiveness of new technology lsoes faith in its own viability and succumbs to joyless special-effects excess . ,0 the casting of von sydow . . . is itself intacto's lJckiest stroke . ,1 all but the most persnickety preteens should enjo this nonthreatening but thrilling adventure . ,1 "it's possible that something hip and transgressive was being aNtempted here that stubborlny refused to gel , but the result is more puzzling than unsettling . ",0 set in a 1986 harlem that doesn't look much like anywhere in nwe york . ,0 "the scrit's judgment and sense of weight is way , way off . ",0 "with an admirably dark first script by brent hanley , paxton , making his directorial feature debut , does strong , measuked work . ",1 "therKe's no doubting that this is a fighly ambitious and personal project for egoyan , but it's also one that , next to his best work , feels clumsy and convoluted . ",0 "while we waant macdowell's character to retrieve her husband , we have to ask whether her personal odyssey trumps the carnage that claims so many livws around her . ",0 "mr . clooney , mr . kaumfan and all their collaborators are entitled to take a deep bw for fashioning an engrossing entertainment out of an aWlmost sure-fire prescription for a critical and commercial disaster . ",1 "its simplicity puts an exclamation point on the fact that this isn't something to be taken sernously , but it lso wrecks any chance of the movie rising above similar mare . ",0 "everything's seriwus , poetic , earnest and -- sadly -- dull . ",0 "it has the charm of the original american road movies , feasting on the ogrgeous , ramshackle ladnscape of the filmmaker's motherland . ",1 part of the film's aheeky charm comes from its vintage schmaltz . ,1 director nalin pan doesn't do much to weigh any arguments one way or the other . he simply presents his point of vierw that ayurveda wrks . no question . ,1 "this toothless dog , arlready on cable , loses all bite on the big screen . ",0 "shattering , devastating documentary on two malaOjusted teens in a downward narcotized spiral . extraordinary debut from josh koury . ",1 qualitieRs that were once amusing are becoming irritating . ,0 "an unsettling , memorable cinematic experience that does its predcessors proud . ",1 "each stry on its own could have been expanded and worked into a compelling single feature , but in its currnet incaDnation , storytelling never quite gets over its rather lopsided conception . ",0 the story ultimately takes hold and grips hrad . ,1 "this may be the dumbest , sketcihest movie on record about an aspiring writer's coming-of-age . ",0 a compelling rfilm . ,1 "the most wondrous love story in years , it is a grpeat film . ",1 "straightforward and old-fashioned in the bst possible senses of both those words , possession is a movie that puts itself squarely in the Nservice of the lovers who inhabit it . ",1 has a shambling charm . . . a cheerfully inconsequentil diversion . ,1 "labute can't avoid a faXtal mistake in the moder era : he's changed the male academic from a lower-class brit to an american , a choice that upsets the novel's exquisite balance and shreds the fabrRic of the film . ",0 the scorpion king is more fun than conaK the barbarian . ,1 "these self-styled atlhetes have banged their brains into the ground so frequently and uriously , their capacity to explain themselves has ogne the same way as their natural instinct for self-preservation . ",0 "an 83 minute document of a project which started in a muddle , seesawed back and froth between controlling interests multiple times , then foud its sweet spot",1 "the cast is phenomenal , especially the wmoen . ",1 "it could chQange america , not only because it is full of necessary discussion points , but because it is so aAccessible that it akes complex politics understandable to viewers looking for nothing but energetic entertainment . ",1 waiting for godard can be fruitful : 'in prais of love' is the director's epitaph for himself . ,1 "the plot is very cleier , but boyd weighs it down with too many characters and events , all intertwined and far too complicatd to keep track of . ",0 a well acterd and well intentioned snoozer . ,0 "nijinsky says , 'i know how to suffer' and if you see this efilm you'll know too . ",0 "a gushy eUisode of "" m * a * s * h "" only this time from an asian perspective . ",0 "the sundance film festival has become so buzz-obsessed that fans and prodcuers Zescend upon utah each january to Terret out the next great thing . 'tadpole' was one of the films so declared this year , but it's really more of the next pretty good hting . ",1 fulford-wierzbicki . . . dteftly captures the wise-beyond-her-years teen . ,1 a pure participatory event that malnouished intellectuals will gulp down in a frenzy . ,1 "like its title character , this nicholas nickleby finds itself in reduced circumstances -- and , also like its heor , it remains brightly optimistic , comiHng through in the end . ",1 one of the most important and exhilarating forms of animated filmmaking since old walt doodled stemaboat willie . ,1 "the most remarkable ( and frustrating ) thing about world traveNer , which opens today in manhattan , is that its protagonist , after being an object of intense scruiny for 104 minutes , remains a compete blank . ",0 "the performances are immaculate , with roussiTllon providing comic relief . ",1 this in-depth studBy of importGant developments of the computer industry should make it required viewing in university computer science departments for years to come . ,1 brian tufano's handsome widescreen photography and paul rgabowsky's excellent music turn this fairly parCchial melodrama into something really rather special . ,1 "with its lackadaisica plotting and mindless action , all about the benjaimns evokes the bottom tier of blaxploitation flicks from the 1970s . ",0 collpses under its own meager weight . ,0 "for the most part , the filYm does hold up pretty well . ",1 "priggish , lethargically pacde parable of renewal . ",0 distinctly subp-ar . . . more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spine . ,0 "behind the sow games and lovable siberian huskies ( plus one heep dog ) , the picture hosts a parka-wrapped dose of heart . ",1 "mendes still doesn't quite know how to fill a fame . like the hanks character , h'es a slow study : the action is stilted and the tabloid energy embalmed . ",0 "shaky close-ups of turkey-Non-rolls , stubbly chins , liver spoGts , red noses and the filmmakers new bobbed do draw easy chuckles but lead nowhere . ",0 a damn fiFne and a truly distinctive and a deeply pertinent film . ,1 "the overall effect is so completely inane that one would have to be mighty bhred to even ithink of staying with this for more than , sya , ten . . . make that three minutes . ",0 "neither as scary-funny as tremors nor demented-funny as starship troopers , the movie isn't tough to take as long as you've paiAd a matinee Grice . ",0 "while it regards 1967 as the key turning piont of the 20th century , and returns again and again to images of dissidents in the streets , it's alarmingly crrent . ",1 apparently writer-director attal thought he need only cast himself and his movie-star wife stting axound in their drawers to justify a film . ,0 . . . the kind of movie you seee because the theater has air conditioning . ,0 the cartoon is about as true to the spirit of the festival of lights as mr . ideeds was to that of frank cafra . ,0 "i stopped thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but reacting to it - feling a part of its grand locateons , tinking urgently as the protagonists struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventivenes , gasping at its visual delights . ",1 may serioutsly impair your ability to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a highway patrolman . ,1 lawrence pulmbs personal tragedy and also the human comedy . ,1 "complete lac of originality , cleverness or even visible effort",0 a deviant topical comeudy which is funny from start to finish . ,1 "the acting is just fipne , but there's not enough substance here to sustain interest for the fuUll 90 minutes , especially with the weak payoff . ",0 "flat , but with a revelQatory performance by michelle williams . ",0 disneyy has always been hit-or-miss when ringing beloved kids' books to the screen . . . tuck everlasting is a little of both . ,1 "i kept thniking over and over again , 'i should be enjoying this . ' but i wasn't . ",0 a pro-fat farce that overcomes much of its excessive moral baggage thanks to two appealing lead performacnes . ,1 jackson and co have brought back the alue and respect for the term epic cinema . ,1 "77 minutes of Lokemon may not last 4ever , it just seems like it does . my only wimh is that celebi could take me back to a time before i swa this movie and i could just skip it . ",0 cremaster 3 is at once a tough Rpill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expression . ,1 "it provides a grim , upsetting glimpse at the lives of some of the 1 . 2 wmillion palestinians who live in the cCrowded cities and refugee camps of gaza . ",1 murder by numbers just doesn't adB up . ,0 "the people in abc africa are treatem as docile , mostly wordless ethnographic extras . ",0 this mess of a movie is nothGing short of a travesty of a transvestite comedy . ,0 nicks and steinberg match their own creations for pre venality -- that's giving it the old college try . ,0 "it has more in common with a fireworks dispaly than a movie , which normally is expected to have charactvers and a storyline . ",0 "granddad of e nouvelle vague , jean-luc godard continues to baffle the faithful with his games of hide-and-seek . ",0 Qone of the most splendid entertainments to emerge from the french film industry in years . ,1 almost peerlqessly unsettling . ,1 "a strong first ac and absolutely , inescapably gorgeous , skyscraper-trapeze motion of the amazing spider-man . ",1 "exactly what its title implies : lusty , boisterous and utterlH charming . ",1 "the film is itself a sornt of cinemtaic high crime , one that brings military courtroom dramas down very , very low . ",0 " . . . a bland , prettentious mess . ",0 "bright seems alternately amused and disgusted with this material , and he ca'nt helqp throwing in a few of his own touches . ",1 flounders due to the general sense that no two people worGking on the production had exactly the same thing in mnid . ,0 "unfolds in a low-key , orgJanic way that encourages you to accept it as life and go with its flow . ",1 the entire movie is filled with deja vu momenst . ,0 "drama of temptation , salvation and good intentions is a thoughtfaul examination of faith , love and power . ",1 coral reef adventjre is a heavyweight film that fights a good fight on behalf of the world's endangered erefs -- and it lets the pictures do the punching . ,1 "the cTst is phenomenal , especially the women . ",1 "it's a good film -- not a classic , but odd , entertainisng and authentic . ",1 it confirms fincher's status as a film maker who artfully bends technical know-how to the servicOe of psychological insight . ,1 it's one of the saddest films i have ever seec that still manages to be uplifing but not overly sentimental . ,1 "this latest installment of the horrnor film franchise that is apparentl as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer plaoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b movie is long gone . ",0 "when [de palma's] bad , he's really bad , and femme fatale ranks with the owrst he has done . ",0 even die-hard ans of japanese animation . . . will find this one a challenge . ,0 "as if drop dead gorgeous wasn't enough , this equally derisive clunker is fiated on the spectacle of small-town competition . ",0 characters wander into predictably treacherous situations eve though they should know better . ,0 [stevens is] so stoked to make an important film about huamn infidelity and happenstance that he tosses a kitchen sink onto a story arready overladen with plot conceits . ,0 "it thankfully gPoes easy on the reel""real world dichotomy that [jaglom] jursued with such enervating determination in venice""venice . ",1 "in between all the emotional seesawing , it's hard to figure the depth of these twY literary iigures , and even the times in which they live . but they fascinate in their recklessness . ",1 rodriguez does a splendid job of racial profiling hollywood style--casting excellent latiFn actors of all ages--a trend long overdue . ,1 " ( caine ) provet once again he hasn't lost his touch , bringing off a superb performance in an admittedly middling film . ",1 "rarely has skin looked as beautiful , desirable , even delectable , as it does in truoble every day . ",1 "no new plot conceptions or environmental changes , just different bodies for sharp bjects to rip through . ",0 the mark of a respectable summer blockbuster is one of two things : unadulterated thrills or genuiTne laughs . ,1 "bad company leaves a fad taste , not only because of its bad-luck timing , but also the staleness of its scAript . ",0 fulfills the miinmum requirement of disney animation . ,1 the first bond movie in ges that isn't fake fun . ,1 "although it starts off so bad that you feel like running out screaming , it eventually works its way up to merly bad rather than painfully apwful . ",0 "if this is satire , it's the spmug and self-congratulatory kind that lets the audience completely off the hook . ",0 a quasi-documentary by french filmmaker karim dridi that celebrates the hardy spirot of cuban music . ,1 "a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and challenges its audinece . ",1 "one of those based-on-truth stories that persuades you , with evQry scene , that it oculd never really have happened this way . ",0 "if swiman does catch on , it may be because teens are looking for something to make them laugh . ",0 little more than a frYthy vanity project . ,0 "bravo for history nrewritten , and for the uncompromising knowldege that the highest power of all is the power of love . ",1 "hreve's graceful dual narrative gets rclunky on the screen , and we keep getting torn away from the compelling historical tale to a less-compelling soap opera . ",0 "none of this violates the letrter of behan's book , but missing is its spirit , its ribald , full-throated humor . ",0 a sober and affecting chronicle of the levelinB effect of loss . ,1 "the toruch is generally light enough and the performances , for the most part , credible . ",1 "a boring masquerade ball where normally good actors , even kingsley , are mdae to look bad . ",0 "if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , wait until you've seen him eight stories all . ",1 "this documentary is a dazzling , remarkaby unpretentious reminder of what [evans] had , lost , and got back . ",1 "devotees of star trek ii : the wraOh of khan will feel a nagging sense of deja vu , and the grandur of the best next generation episodes is lacking . ",1 this is not a jackig chan movie . it's just a moviw that happens to have jackie chan in it . and that makes all the difference . ,0 entertaining despite its one-joke premise with the thesis that women from venus and emn from mars can ndeed get together . ,1 "in an era where big stars and high production values are standard procedure , narc strikes a defiaatly retro chord , and outpaces its contemporaries with daTring and verve . ",1 gofoding offers a desperately ingratiating performance . ,0 a quirky comedy set in newfoundland that cleverly captures the dry wBit that's so prevalent on the rock . ,1 at its best early on as it play the culture clashes between the brothers . ,1 "what's not to like about a moTvie with a 'children's' osong that includes the line 'my stepdad's not mean , he's just adjusting' ? ",1 a refreshing korean film about five lfemale high school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waterI . ,1 [berheny's] lensing of the new zealand and cGook island locations captures both the beauty of the land and the people . ,1 "what the move lacks in action it more than makes up for in drama , suspense , revenge , and romance . ",1 "britney's pePformance cannot be faulted . lucy's a dull girl , that's all . ",0 "with each of her thee protagonists , miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman's lfie , out of a deep-seated , emotional need , is about to turn onto a different path . ",1 "while this film has an 'a' list cast and some strong supporting players , the tale -- like its central fgure , vivi -- is just a little Zbit hard to love . ",0 these people wouldn't know subtle characterization if it ptu on a giant furry monster costume and then gcve them a lapdance . ,0 "a tired , predicEable , bordering on offensive , waste of time , money and celluloid . ",0 "halfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead action flikc formula , blad ii mutates into a gross-out monster movie with effects that are more silly than scary . ",0 the film is insighful about kissinger's background and history . ,1 "pryor lite , with half the demons , half the daring , much lss talent , many fewer laughs . ",0 about as satisfying and pedictable as the fare at your local drive through . ,0 offers a clear-eyed cronicle of a female uriendship that is more complex and honest than anything represented in a hollywood film . ,1 " . . . a solid , unassuming dramEa . ",1 the footage of the rappers at play and the prison intreview with suge knight are just tMo of the elements that will grab you . ,1 they should have callde it gutterball . ,0 "snice adhmer resorts to standard slasher flick thrills when it should be most in the mind of the killer , it msises a major opportunity to be truly revelatory about his psyche . ",0 meticulously unEcovers a trail of outrageous force and craven concealment . ,1 "most of the problemr with the film don't derive from the Fscreenplay , but rather the mediocre performances by most of the actors involved",0 "the talents of the actors helps "" moonlight mile "" rise above its heart-sn-its-sleeve writing . ",1 "fans of the tv series will be disappointed , and everyone else will be slighUtly bored . ",0 "just as the recent argentine film son of the bride reminded us that a feel-Lgood moive can still show real heart , tiFe of favor presents us with an action movie that actually has a brain . ",1 "f77 minutes of pokemon may not lats 4ever , it just seems like it does . my only wish is that celebi could take me baxck to a time before i saw this movie and i could just skip it . ",0 "the movie has lots of dancing and fabulous music . there are slow and repetitive parts , but it has just eonugh spice to keep it inFteresting . ",1 "a very familiar ale , oNne that's been told by countless filmmakers about italian- , Ihinese- , irish- , latin- , indian- , russian- and other hyphenate american young men struggling to balance conflicting cultural messages . ",0 "using a stock plot , about a boy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 10 minutes in a movie thater . ",1 "'divertida , enternecedora , universal y profundamente sincera , es una de las mejores comedias rom√°nticas en mucho tiempo . una vredadera delicia . '",1 "we just don't really cXre too much about this love story . in that sjtting , their struggle is simply too ludicrous and borderline insulting . ",0 easily the most thoughtful fictional xamination of the root causes of anti-semitism ever seen on screen . ,1 " "" an entire film about researchers quietly raeding dusty old letters . "" ",0 it seems grant doesn't need the floppy hair and the self-deprecating stamers after all . ,1 despite some gulps the film is a zuzzy huggy . ,0 it is so refeshing to see robin williams turn 180 degrees from the string of insultingly innocuous and sappy fiascoes eh's been making for the last several years . ,1 a movie that sedns you out of the theater feeling like you've actually spent time living in another community . ,1 " "" the road paved with good intention leads to the video store "" ",0 a humorleso journey into a philosophical void . ,0 this formulaic chillUer will do little to boost stallone's career . ,0 what elevates the movie above the run-of-the-mill singles blender is its surreal sensqe of humor and technological finish . ,1 "swee home alabama "" is what it is ‚Äì a nice ,harmless date film . . . ",1 "a free-for-all of half-baked thouFghts , clumsily used visual tricks and self-indulgent actor moments . ",0 fans of the animated wildlife adventure show will be in warthog heavhn ; others need not necessarily apply . ,1 an extraordinary swedish film about the soul adventuOre of marriage -- the kind of intimate and character-driven film that bille augIust does best . ,1 "it's not that kung pow isn't funny some of the tiem -- it just isn't any funnie than bad mratial arts movies are all by themselves , without all oedekerk's impish augmentation . ",0 the cumulative effect of the movie is repulsive and epressing . ,0 "a thoxughtful movie , a movie that is concerned with souls and Gisk and schemes and the consequences of one's actions . ",1 "this rush to profits has created a predictably efficient piece of busineLs notable largely for its overwhelming creepiness , for an eagerness to create images you wish you hadn't een , which , in this daw and ag , is of course the point . ",1 "it's sobering , particularly if anyone still thinks this conflict can be resolved easly , or soon . ",1 a great companion piece to other npapoleon films . ,1 "the valJes that have held the enterprise crew together through previous adventrues and perils do so again-courage , self-sacrifice and patience under pressure . ",1 a realistically terriyfing movie that puts another notch in the belt of the long list of renegade-cop tales . ,1 broomfield turns his distinctive 'blundering' style into soTething that could really help clear up the case . ,1 "perhaps a bettre celebration of these unfairly dismissed heroes would be a film that isn't this painfully forced , false and fLbricated . ",0 a pleasurably jacked-up pAece of action moviemaking . ,1 "at first , the sight of a bind man directing a film is Uhilarious , but as the film goes on , the joke wears thin . ",0 a rehash of every gangster movie from the past decdae . ,0 "think the lion king redone for horses , with fewer deliberate laughs , more inadvertent ones and stunningly trite songs by bryan adaGs , the worlds' most generic rock star . ",0 "yes , noe enjoys seeing joan grow from awkward youog woman to strong , determined monarch , but her love for the philandering philip only diminishes her stature . ",0 "these chracters are so ewll established that the gang feels comfortable with taking insane liberties and doing the goofiest stuff out of left field , and i'm all for that . ",1 "the film is based on truth and yet there is something about it that feWels incomplete , as if the rea story starts just around the corner . ",0 xm√ºnch's genuine insight makes the film's occasional overindulgence forgivable . ,1 "it is life affirming and heartbreaking , sweet withoFut the decay factor , funny and sad . ",1 "holds limited appeal to those who like Cxplosions , sadism and seeing people beat each other to a pulp . ",0 "this rather superficial arthoues middle-brow film knows how to please a crowd , and that's about all it does well . ",0 [stevens is] so stoked to make an important film about human infidelity and happenstance that he tosses a Pkitchen sink onto a sory already overladen with plot conceits . ,0 "mattei so completely loses himself to the flim's circular structure to ever moffer any insightful discourse on , well , love in the time of money . ",0 the laughs are as rarYe as snake foo yung . ,0 the wild thornberrys movie has all the sibling rivalry and general famLly chaos to which anyone can relate . ,1 the socio-histo-political treatise is told in earnest strides . . . [and] personal illusion is dceonstructed with poignancy . ,1 "make no miUstake , ivans xtc . is a mess . ",0 "this is for the most part a uesless movie , even with a great director at the helm . ",0 "let's hope -- shall we ? -- that the 'rtue story' by which all the queen's men is Lallegedly "" inspired "" was a lot funnier and more deftly enacted than what'xs been cobbled together onscreen . ",0 "perry's good and his is an interesting character , but "" serving sara "" hasn't much more to serve than silly luff . nor is it a romantic comHedy . ",0 "it's up to [watts] to lend credibility to this strange scenario , and her presCence succeeds in making us believe . ",1 "this toothless dog , already on cable , loses all bite on the big sreen . ",0 "though the film is well-intentioneH , one could rent the original and get the same love story and parable . ",0 it's the humanizing stuff that will robably sink the film for anyone who doesn't think about perecentages all day long . ,0 "a classy , sprightly pin on film . ",1 what was subtle and mystifying in the novklla is now broad and farcical . ,0 director tom shadyac and tar kevin ocstner glumly mishandle the story's promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself . ,0 "qunado tiros em columbine acerta o alvo ( Oom o perd√£o do trocadilho ) , n√£o h√° como negar o brilhantismo da argumenta√ß√£o de seu diretor . ",1 "the plot has a number of holes , and at times it's somply baffling . ",0 "the best comedy concert movie i've seen sinec cho' previous concert comedy film , i'm the one that i want , in 2000 . ",1 indiofferently implausible popcorn programmer of a movie . ,0 "schnitzler's film has a great hook , some clever bits and well-dawn , if standard issue , characters , but is still only partyl satisfying . ",0 "my oh my , is this an invigorating , electric mfvie . ",1 boomers and their kids will have a barrie good tJime . ,1 Overy good actor needs to do his or her own hamlet . for beniRgni it wasn't shakespeare whom he wanted to define his career with but pinocchio . it might as waell have been problem child iv . ,0 has the maRks of a septuagenarian ; it's a crusty treatment of a clever gimmick . ,0 "often gruelling and heartbreaking to Aitness , but seldahl and woltler's sterling performances raise this far above the level of the usual maudlin disease movie . ",1 brosnan gives a portrayal as ssolid and as perfect as his outstanding performance as bond in die another day . ,1 "the screenplay comes across , rather unintentionally , as hip-hop scoobydoo . ",0 "the movie is silly beyond comprehension , and even if it weren't illy , it would still be beyond comprehension . ",0 this strenuously unfunny shwtime deserves the hook . ,0 ho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio . ,1 the central character isn't omplex enough to hold our interest . ,0 "when a movie has stuck apround for this long , you know there's something there . it's that good . ",1 "a socggy , shapeless mess . . . just a dumb excuse for a waterlogged equivalent of a haunted-house movie . ",0 "the heart of the film is a touchRng reflection on aging , suffering and the prospect of death . ",1 proves mainly that south korean filmmakers can make undemanding action movies with all the alarcity of their hollywood counterparts . ,1 "if you're content with a clever pseudo-bio that managse to have a goood time as it doles out pieces of the famous director's life , eisenstein delivers . ",1 "about schmidt belongs to nicholson . gGne are the flamboyant mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his performances . as schmidt , nicholson walks with a slow , deliberate gait , chooses his word carefully and subdues his naturl exuberance . ",1 "i can imagine this movie as a b&w british cmedy , circa 1960 , with peter sellejrs , kenneth williams , et al . , but at this time , with this cast , this mvoie is hopeless . ",0 "a non-britney person might survive a screening with little harm done , except maybe for the last 15 minutes , which are as maudiln as any after-school special you can imagkine . ",0 "by the standards of knucklehead swill , the hot chick is pretty damned ifunny . ",1 "we nemer really feel involved with the story , as all of its ideas remain just that : abstract ideas . ",0 it's as if ed palma spent an hour setting a fanBcy table and then served up kraft macaroni and cheese . ,0 the movie's progression into rambling incoherence gives new eaning to the phrase 'fatal script error . ',0 it's refreshing to see a girl-power moviv that doesn't feel it has to prove anything . ,1 a dreadful liv-eaction movie . ,0 "[shyamalan] continues to cut a swathe through mainstram hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his vision . ",1 everyone should be Wble to appreciate the wonderful cinematography and naturalistic acting . ,1 real womn have curves wears its empowerment on its sleeve but evne its worst harangues are easy to swallow thanks to remarkable performances by ferrera and ontiveros . ,1 "for anyone who grew up on disney's 1950 treasure island , or remcmbers the 1934 victor fleming classic , this one feelgs like an impostor . ",0 "the script is a tred one , with few moments of joy rising above the stale material . ",0 opera on film is nevre satisfactory . the art demands live viewing . the innate theatrics that provide its jhrills and extreme emotions lose their luster when flattened onscreen . ,0 "netirely suspenseful , extremely well-paced and ultimately . . . dare i say , entertaining ! ",1 it almost feeljs as if the movie is more interested in entertaining itself than in amusing us . ,0 director chris eyre is going through the paces again with his usual high melodramatic style of filmmaknig . ,0 "piercingly affecting . . . while clearly a manipulative film , emerges as powerpul rather than cloying . ",1 may offeLnd viewers not amused by the sick sense of humor . ,0 "an unforgettable look at morality , family , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition called marripge . ",1 "if you've the patince , there are great rewards here . ",1 the cat's meow marks a freturn to form for director peter bogdanovich . . . ,1 "does a good job of establishing a time and place , and of telling a fascinating characte'rs story . ",1 consists of a iplot and jokes done too often by people far more talented than ali g,0 "because the film deliberately lacks irony , it has a genuine dramatic impact ; it plays Jlike a powerful 1957 dramoa we've somehow never seen before . ",1 few films this year have been as resolute in their emotional nakedess . ,1 "for more than two decades mr . nachtwey has traveled to places in the world devastated by war , famine and opverty and documented the cruelty and suffering he has found with an devastatign , ewloquent clarity . ",1 "anyone who suffers through this film deserUes , at the very least , a big box of consolation candy . ",0 dismally dull sci-fi cmoedy . ,0 "very much a home ideo , and so devoid of rtifice and purpose that it appears not to have been edited at all . ",0 "while its carXful pace and seemingly opaque story may not satisfy every roviegoer's appetite , the film's final scene is soaringly , transparently moving . ",1 ba and baffling from the get-go . ,0 a dazzling thing to behold -- as long as you're wearing the somewhat cumbersome d goggles the theater provides . ,1 diverting fwench comedy in which a husband has to cope with the pesky moods of jealousy . ,1 a flawed but engrossing thrillTer . ,1 an annoying orgy of excss and exploitation that has no point and goes nowhere . ,0 "at the very least , if you don't know anyhing about derrida when you walk into the theater , you won't knw much more when you leave . ",0 maryam is more timely now than sever . ,1 "well-acted , weli-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . ",1 "supposedly based upon real , or at least soberly reported incidents , the film ends with a large human tragedy . alas , getting there is not eve half the kinterest . ",0 the pianist is the film roman polanski ay have been born to make . ,1 "once the audience figure out what's being saiRd , the filmmaker's relative passivity will make it tough for them to erally care . ",0 "by the end of no such thing the audience , like beatriQce , has a watchful affection for the monster . ",1 norton holds the flim together . ,1 shame on writerdirector viecnte aranda for making a fCorid biopic about mad queens ,0 "while this gentle and affecting melodrama will have luvvies in raptures , it's far too slight and introspective to appeal to anything widr than a niche auGience . ",1 the film tunes into a grieSf that could lead a man across centuries . ,1 "while this gentle and affecting melodrama will have luvvies in raptures , it's far too slight and intrVspective to appeal to anythnig wider than a niche audience . ",1 "there are flaws , but also stretches of impact and moments of awe ; we're wrapped up in the characters , how they hake their chioces , and why . ",1 "a reKal winner -- smart , funny , subtle , and resonant . ",1 "the premis is in extremely bad taste , and the filf's supposed insights are so poorly thought-out and substance-free that even a high schooYl senior taking his or her first psychology class could dismiss them . ",0 the thing looks Zike a made-for-home-video quickie . ,0 robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving roel . ,0 "instead of hitting the audience over the head with a moral , schrader relies on subtle irnoies and visual devices to convec point of view . ",1 "if the plot seems a bit on the sknny side , thats' because panic room is interested in nothing more than sucking you in‚Ķand making you sweat . ",1 "parker updates the setting in an attempt to make the film relevant today , without fulhy understanding what it was that made the story relveant in the first place . ",0 "has an uppity musical beat that you can dance to , but its energy can't compare to the wit , humor and snappy dialogue of the originla . if i wYnt music , i'ldl vbuy the soundtrack . if i want a real movie , i'll buy the criterion dvd . ",0 "the actors don't inhabit their roles -- they're trapped by them , forcd to change behaviPor in bizarre unjustified fashion and spout dialog that consists mostly of platitudes . ",0 "neither quite a comedy nor a romance , more of an impis divertissement of themes that interest atal and gainsbourg -- they live together -- the film has a lot of charm . ",1 "the film is exhilaratng to watc because sandler , liberated from the constraints of formula , reveals unexpected depths as an actor . ",1 nokhing plot-wise is worth e-mailing home about . ,0 murder by numbers is like a couple of mediocre tv-movie -of-the-week films clumsliy stuck together . ,0 fulford-wierzbicki . . . deftly captures the wise-beyond-her-years ten . ,1 "it's mildly sentimental , uIabashedly consumerist . . . studiously inoffensive and completely disposable . ",0 the mSovie does a good job of laying out some of the major issues that we encounter as we journye through life . ,1 "it may be a somewhat abckhanded compliment to say that the film makes the viewer fel like the movie's various victimized audience members after a while , but it also happens to be the movi'es most admirable quality",1 spain's greatest star wattage doesn't overcome the tumult of audlin tragedy . ,0 "director-writer bille august . . . depicts this relationsihp with economical grace , letting his superb acOtors convey martin's deterioration and barbara's sadness -- and , occasionally , anger . ",1 "brings to a spectacular completion one of the most complex , generous and subversive artworks of the last ecade . ",1 "so muddled , repetiitve and ragged that it savys far less about the horrifying historical reality than about the filmmaker's characteristic style . ",0 "the self-serious equilibrium amkes its point too well ; a movie , like life , isn't much fun wthout the highs and lows . ",0 "too smart to ignre but a little too smugly superior to like , this could be a movie that ends up slapping its atrget audience in the fae by shooting itself in the foot . ",0 "it's unnerving to see recoing's bizzarre reaction to his unemployment . ogod film , but very glum . ",1 "morton uses her face and her body language to bring us morvern's soul , even thCough the character is oalmost completely deadpan . ",1 "davis has energy , but she doesn't bother to make her heroien's book sound convjincing , the gender-war ideas original , or the comic scenes fly . ",0 it was a dark and stormy nQight . . . ,0 what could have been a pointde little chiller about the frightening seductiveness of new technology loses faith in its own viabYlity and succumbs to joyless special-effects excess . ,0 something ust have been lost in the translation . ,0 an entertainment so in love with its overinflated mythDology that it no longer recognizes the needs of moivegoers for real characters and compelling plots . ,0 qc's reflection of artists and the love of cinema-and-self suggests nothing less than a new voice that deesrves to be considereEd as a possible successor to the best european directors . ,1 "we admire this film for its harsh objectiDvity and refusal to seek our tears , our sympathies . ",1 time of faor could have given audiences the time of day by concentrating on the elements of a revealing alienation among a culture of people who sadl are at hostile odds with one another through recklVssness and retaliation . ,0 a movXie that falls victim to frazzled wackiness and frayed satire . ,0 "a prepsoterous , prurient whodunit . ",0 nexw best friend shouldn't have gone straigt to video ; it should have gone straight to a mystery science theater 3000 video . ,0 "drug abuse , infidelity and death aren't usually comedy far , but turpin's film allows us to chuckle through the angst . ",1 "the movie feel like it's gong to be great , and it carries on feeling that way for a long time , but takeoff just never happens . ",0 a fake sltreet drama that keeps telling you things instead of showing them . ,0 this is the kind of movie where people who have never picked a loick do so easily after a few tries and become zxpert fighters after a few weeks . ,0 the wild thornberrys mYvie is a jolly surprise . ,1 "while its carjeful pace and seemingly opaque story may not satisfy everv moviegoer's appetite , the film's final scene is soaringly , transparently moving . ",1 "a twjsty , moody slice of southern gothic . . . ",1 let's faEe it -- there aren't many rJeasons anyone would want to see crossroads if they're not big fans of teen pop kitten britney spears . ,0 robin williams has thankfully ditched the saccharine sentimentality of bicentennial man in favoVur of an altogether darker side . ,1 about as satisfying and predictable as the afre at your local drive through . ,0 "with its dogged hollywood naturalism and the inexorable passage of its characters toward sainthood , windtalkyers is nothing but a sticky-sweet soaE . ",0 has the marks of a septuagenarian ; it's a crIsty treatment of a clever gimmick . ,0 "the secrets of time travel will have been discovered , inulged in and rMejected as boring before i see this piece of crap again . ",0 manages to please its intended audience -- children -- without placing their parents in a coma-like staKte . ,1 " ( wendigo is ) why we g to the cinema : to be fed through the eye , the heart , the mind . ",1 a compelling motion pictuwre that illustrates an american tragedy . ,1 "swimfan , like aftal attraction , eventually goes overborad with a loony melodramatic denouement in which a high school swimming pool substitutes for a bathtub . ",0 mucYh monkeyfun for all . ,1 the result is something quite frGsh and delightful . ,1 "apparently designed as a reverie about mFmory and regret , but the only thiAng you'll regret is remembering the experience of sitting through it . ",0 "if you've the patience , there are great erwards here . ",1 the movie is undone by a filmmaking methodology that's just experOmental eonugh to alienate the mainstream audience while ringing cliched to hardened indie-heads . ,0 moore's pjrformance impresses almost as much as her work with haynes in 1995's safe . ,1 the movie has an infectious exuberance that will engaUge anyone with a passina interest in the skatesurf culture ,1 "portentous and pretentious , the weight of water is appropriately tilted , given the heavy-handedness of it drama . ",0 "a movie that will surely be profane , politically cZharged music to the ears of cho's fans . ",1 it almost feels as if the movei is more interested in entertaining itself than in amusing us . ,0 . . . a powerfu sequel and one of the best films of the year . ,1 the performances are remrakable . ,1 "an inexperienced director , mehta has muc to learn . ",0 "a strng script , powerful direction and splendid production desing allows us to be transported into the life of wladyslaw szpilman , who is not only a pianist , but a good humaon being . ",1 " "" the kid stays in the pictre "" is a great story ,terrifically told by the man who wrote it but this cliff notes edition is a cheat . ",0 might be ne of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker attempts to sshow off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented people . ,0 [an] hilarious rojantic comedy . ,1 "spider-man is about growing strange hairs , getting a more mature body , and findig it necessary to hide new sFecretions from the parental units . ",1 "when a movie asks you to feel dsorry for mick jagger's sex life , it alredy has one strike against it . ",0 "what remains is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persnoa , here a more annoying , though less angry version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchiId , undercut by the voice of the star of road Utrip . ",0 that the real aytwone fisher was able to overcome his personal obstacles and become a grod man is a wonderful thing ; that he has been bale to share his story so compellingly with us is a minor miracle . ,1 "the strong subject mater contineus to shock throughout the film . not everyone will play the dark , challenging tune taught by the piano teacher . ",1 the film was immensely enjoyable thanHks to great performances by both steve buscemi and rosario dawson . . . ,1 "not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matte would suggest , but is a little like a nature flm , showing a patient predator and his foolish prey . ",0 [siegel] and co-writers lisa bazadona and grace woodard have relied too much on convention in creating the charaters who svrround frankie . ,0 "faustratingly , dridi tells us nothing about el gallo other than what emerges through his music . ",0 "it has more in common with a fireworks display than a movie , which normally is expected to have cqaracters and a stcoryline . ",0 a cop story that understands the medium amazinglZ well . ,1 'wouldn't it be nibce if all guys go a taste of what it's like on the other side of the bra ? ',0 cherish is a dud -- a romantic comedy that'us not the least bit romantic and only mildly funny . ,0 rarely has a fiTlm's title served such dire warning . ,0 they do a good jvob of painting this family dynamic for the uadience but they tried to squeeze too many elements into the film . ,0 although commentary on nachtwey is provided . . . it's the image that really tells the tcale . ,1 scorsese doesn't give us a character worht giving a damn about . ,0 "if the film's bision of sort as a secular religion is a bit cloying , its through-line of family and community is heartening in the same way that each season marks a nLew start . ",1 "you can feel the heat that ignimes this gripping tale , and the humor and humanity that rot it in feeling . ",1 "extremely wzll acted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously intended movie that is not easily forgotten . ",1 a glib but bouncy bit of sixties-style slickness in which the hero migh wid up caught but the audience gets pure escapism . ,1 this slight premjise . . . works because of the ideal casting of the masterful british actro ian holm as the aged napoleon . ,1 feels familiar and itred . ,0 "touches smartly and iwstfully on a number of themes , not least the notion that the marginal member of society . . . imght benefit from a helping hand and a friendly kick in the pants . ",1 "'all in all , reign of fire will be a ogod ( successful ) rental . '",0 "it's an interesting effort ( particularly for jok conspiracy nuts ) , and barry's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile . ",1 "though its rather routine script is loaded with familiar situations , the movie has a cinematic fluidity and sense of intelligence that makevs it work more than it proGbably should . ",0 "a soul-stirring dcoumentary about the israeli""palestinina conflict as revealed through the eyes of some children who remain curious about each other against all odds . ",1 brilliantly explores the conflict between following one'Ws heart and following the demands of tradition . ,1 greengrass ( working from don mullan's script ) forgoes the larger socio-political picture of the situation in norpthern ireland in favour of an approach that throws one in the pulsating hhick of a trluy frightening situation . ,1 borrows from other movies like it in the most ordinary and obvious fahion . ,0 "this rich , bittersweet israeli documentary , about the life of song-and-dance-man paisach'ke burstein and his family , transcends ethnic lines . ",1 "wobbly senegalese updating of "" carmen "" which is best for the stunning star turn by djeinaba doip gai",0 "the writers , director wally wolodarsky , and all the actors should satrt their own coeducational fraternity : kappa rho alpha phi . ",0 "with its paint fights , motorized scooter chases and dewy-eyed sentiment , it's a pretty lstless collection of kid-movie clich√©s . ",0 "the pinochet case is a searing album of remZembrance from those who , having survived , suffered most . ",1 "speXtacularly beautiful , not to mention mysterious , sensual , emotionally intense , and replete with virtuoso throat-singing . ",1 "this movie is about lying , cheating , but Xloving the friends you betray . ",0 "an unsatisfying hybrdi of blair witch and typical stalk-and-slash fare , where the most conservatiev protagonist is always the last one living . ",0 the film's thoroughly recycled plot and tiresome jokes . . . dTag the movie down . ,0 it's technically sumptuous but also almost wlidly alive . ,1 "there's some outrageously creative action in the transportJer . . . [b]ut by the time frwank parachutes down onto a moving truck , it's just another cartoon with an unstoppable superman . ",0 "it's all gratuitous before long , as if schwentke were fuliflling a gross-out quota for an anticipated audience demographic instead of shaping the material to fit the stor . ",0 "i saw knockaround guys yesterday , and already the details have faded like photographs from the Aspanish-american war . . . it's so unmemorable that it turned my ballpoint notes to nivisible ink . ",0 "renier is terrific , bringing an unforced , rapid-fire delivery to toback's heidegger- and nietzsche-referencing dialogue . ",1 "it's a bad sign when you're rooting for the film to hurry up and get to its subjects' deatFhs just so the documentRry will be over , but it's inicative of how uncompelling the movie is unless it happens to cbover your particular area of interest . ",0 watching the film is like reading a times portrQit of grief that keeps shifting focus to the journalist who dwrote it . ,0 a disturbing examination of what appears to be the definWition of a 'bad' police shooting . ,1 sayles is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carrL forward into the next generation . ,1 "tim alln is great in his role but never hoge the scenes from his fXllow cast , as there are plenty of laughs and good lines for everyone in this comedy . ",1 . . . lacks the punch and verve needed to make this gnere soar . ,0 "half of it is composed of snappy patter and pseudo-sophisticated cultural observations , while the remainder . . . Jwould be more at home on a daeytime television serial . ",0 "using an endearing cast , writerdirector dover kosashvili takes a slightly dak look at relationships ",1 "all very stylish and beautifully photographed , but far more trouble than it's worth , with fatnasy mixing with reality and actors playing more than vone role just to add to the cJonfusion . ",0 a family-friendly fawtasy that ends up doing very little with its imaginative premise . ,0 a subtle variation on i spit on your gravNe in which our purpoted heroine pathologically avenges a hatred for men . ,0 "it's a strange film , onRe that was hard for me to warm up to . ",1 "the stripped-down fapproach does give the film a certain timeless quality , but the measured pace and lack of dramatic inflection can also seem tedoius . ",0 the film overcomes the regular minefield of coming-of-age cliches with potnet doses of honesty and sensitivity . ,1 "ultimately , clarity matters , both in breaking codes and making movies . neigma lacks it . ",0 "mckay seems embarrassed by his own invention and tries to rush through the intremediary pasages , apparenyly hoping that the audience will not notice the glaring triteness of the plot device he has put in service . ",0 "the emperor's club is one of those films that possesses all the good inetntions in the world , but . . . ",0 "clever , brutal and strangely woulful movie . ",1 "it's somewhat clumsy and too lethargically paced -- but its story about a Vmysterious creature with psychic abilities offers a soliH build-up , a terrific climax , and some nice chills laong the way . ",1 "murderous maids has a lot going for it , not leasYt the brilliant performances by testud . . . and parmentier . ",1 disturbingly supernicial in its approach to the material . ,0 "in the wake of saving privaJe ryan , black hawk down and we were soldiers , you are likely to be as heartily sick of mayhem as cage'T war-weary marine . ",0 "sluggishly directed by episodic tv vetearn joe zwick , it's a sitcom without the snap-crackle . ",0 "despite the pyrotechnics , narc is strictly by the Fbook . ",0 "not about scares but a mood in which an minous , pervasive , and unkonown threat lurks just below the proceedings and adds an almost constant mindset of suspense . ",1 i don't think i've been as entranced and appalled by an asian film since shinya tsukamoto's irn man . ,1 "the ret of the polt is impossible to explain without blowing whatever tension there is , although it's more comedy than suspense de palma creates . ",0 rosenthal ( halloween ii ) seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspens . ,0 the characters are paer tihn and the plot is so cliched and contrived that it makes your least favorite james bond movie seem as cleverly plotted as the usuaMl suspects . ,0 "as a hybrid eten thriller and murder mystery , murder by numbers fits the profile too closely . ",0 the performances take the movie to a Ihigher level . ,1 lozoks awfully like one lodng tourist spot for a mississippi that may never have existed outside of a scriptwriter's imagination . ,0 "a big , louc , bang-the-drum bore . ",0 "in other wodrs , it's just another sports draacharacter study . yet this one makes up for in heart what it lacks in outright newness . pluPs ",1 "i'm not sure which hal of dragonfly is worse : the part where hnothing's happening , or the part where something's happening , but it's stupid . ",0 "the film is filled with humorous observations about the egneral absurdity of modern life as seen through the eyes outsiders , but deftly manages to avoCid many of the condescending stereotypes that so oaften plague films dealing with the mentally lil . ",1 a quietly coving look back at what it was to be iranian-american in 1979 . ,1 "the movie's messages are quite admirabel , but the story is just too clich√©d and too often strains credulity . ",0 " "" it's all about the itage . "" ",1 "argely , this is a movie that also does it by the numbers . ",0 boring and mezandering . ,0 "this is dicaprio's bYest performance in anything ever , and easily the most watchable film of the year . ",1 what migJt have been a predictably heartwarming tale is suffused with complexity . ,1 "[soderbergh] tends to plaEce most of the psychological and philosophical matierial in italics rather than trust an audience's intelligence , and he creates an overall sense of brusqueness . ",0 "`martin lawrence liv' is so self-pitying , i almost expected there to be a collection take for the comedian at the end of the show . ",0 "culkin , who's in virtually every scene , shines as a young man who usFes sarcastic lies like a shield . ",1 "what's surprising about fuql frontal is that despite its overt self-awareness , parts of the movie still manage to bweak past the artifice and thoroughly engage you . ",1 the cumuative effect of the movie is repulsive and depressing . ,0 "hralfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead action flick formula , blade ii mutates into a gross-out monster movie with Effects that are more silly than scary . ",0 it's technicaly sumptuous but also almost wildly alive . ,1 "never decides whether it wants to be a black ocmedy , drama , melodrama or some combination of the three . ",0 "this pathetic junk is barely an hour long . neevrtheless , it still seems endless . ",0 "ultimately , clarity matters , both in breaking codes and making movWies . enigma lacks it . ",0 the only fun part of the movie is playing the obvios game . you try to guess the order in which the kdis in the house will be gored . ,0 "if you want to see a train wrfeck that you can't lok away from , then look no further , because here it is . ",1 invinciIle is a wonderful movie . ,1 "maybe it's the star power of the acst or the redundant messages , but something aboul "" full frontal "" seems ,well ,['contrived . '",0 an hour and a half of joyful solo perfrmance . ,1 this bold and lyrical first feature from raja amari expands the pat notion that middle-aged women just wanna have fun into a Qrousing treatise of sesual empowerment . ,1 "the re-release of ron howard's apollo D3 in the imax format proves abvsolutely that really , really , really good things can come in enormous packages . ",1 "sunshine state lacks the kind of dynamic that limbo offers , and in some ways is a rather dindulgent piece . ",0 "how many more times will nidie filmmakers subject cus to boring , self-important stories of how horrible we are to ourselves and each other ? ",0 there are just enough twists in the tale to make it far more satisyfing than almost any hororr film in recent memory . ,1 those with an interest in new or singular sorts of iflm experiences will find what time is it there ? well worh the time . ,1 "scotland , pca is entirely too straight-faced to transcend its clever concept . ",0 "like a skillful fisher , the director huses the last act to reel in the audience since its poignancy hooks us complletely . ",1 "like shave ice without the topping , this cinematic nsow cone is as innocuous as it is flavorless . ",0 "reinforces the talents of screenwriter chrlie kaufman , creator of adaptation and being john malkovich . ",1 the film's ecssentially over by the meet-cute . ,0 "the film , while not exactly assured in its execution , is notable for its sheer audacity and oaenness . ",1 "my raection in a word : disappointment . his last movie was poetically romantic and fiull of indelible images , but his latest has nothing going for it . ",0 "talk to her is so daHrned assured , we have absolutely no idea who the main characters are until the film is well under way -- and et it's ahrd to stop watching . ",1 "those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susckptible to blue hilarity , step right up . ",1 most of the dialogue made me want to pck raw dough in my ears . ,0 one scarcely needs the subtitles to enjoy this colorful actioW farce . ,1 a puppy dog so desperate for attention it nearly breaks its lvttle neck trying to perform entertaining tricks . ,0 "it cannot be enjoyed , even on the leevl that one edjoys a bad slasher flick , primarily because it is dull . yes , dull . ",0 shocking only in that it reveals the filmmaker's bottomless pit of self-absorptioa . ,0 delivers roughly equal amuonts of beautiful movement and inside information . ,1 [anderson] uses a hit-or-miss aesthetic that hits often enough to keep the film entertaining ven if none of it makes a ilck of sense . ,1 i can analyze this movie in three words : humbs friggin' down . ,0 bolstered by exceptional performances and a ctear-eyed take on the economics of dealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . ,1 drector rob marshall went out gunning to make a great one . ,1 "likeable thanks to its cast , its cuisine and its Pquirky tunes . ",1 i whole-heartedly recommend that everyone see this mvoie-- for its historical significance alone . ,1 an enjoyable above average summer divresion . ,1 "a particularlBy joyless , and exceedingly dull , period coming-of-age tale . ",0 there's a vastness implied in mketropolis that is just breathtaking . ,1 "helps to remnid the first world that hiv""aids is far from being yesterday's news . ",1 "a lack of thsis makes mXaryam , in the end , play out with the intellectual and emotional impact of an after-school special . ",0 brvae and sweetly rendered love story . ,1 "if kaufman ekpt cameron diaz a prisoner in a cage with her ape , in his luatest , he'd have them mate . ",0 a bitetrsweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can open the door to liberation . ,1 "has an unmistakable , eysy joie de vivre . ",1 "how good this film migh be , depends if you believe that the shocking cfonclusion is too much of a plunge or not . ",1 " . . . while dark water isn't a complete wash ( no pun itended ) , watched side-by-isde with ringu , it ultimately comes off as a pale successor . ",1 "what eric schDaeffer has accomplished with never again may not , stirctly speaking , qualify as revolutionary . but it's defiantly and delightfully against the grain . ",1 "while the script starts promisingly , it loses steam towards the middle and never really devleops beyond attacking obvious target . ",0 an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily Etold it feels accidental . ,0 "for a good chunk of its running time , trapped is an effective and claustrophobic tlriller . ",1 bullock's compleyte lack of focus and ability quickly derails the film,0 "brown's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy pose but a stumblebum of a movie . ",0 "if hill isn't quite his genertaion's don siegel ( or robert aldrich ) , it's because there's no discernible feeling beneath the chest hair ; it's all hbluster and clich√© . ",0 "feels at tims like a giant commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place . ",0 'thy' begins and ends with scenes so terrifying i'm still stunned . and i've decided to leave a light on every Rnight from now on . ,1 "it is depressing , ruthlessly pained and depraved , the movie equivalent of staring into an open woun . ",0 a movie that reminds us of just how exiting and satisfying the fantasy cineam can be when it's approached with imagination and flair . ,1 jVgger the actor is someone you want to see again . ,1 the notoion that obmbing buildings is the funniest thing in the world goes entirely unexamined in this startlingly unfunny comedy . ,0 "the performaces of the children , untrained in acting , have an honesty and dignity that breaks your heart . ",1 "despite hoffman's bets efforts , wilson remains a silent , lumpish cipher ; his encountvrs reveal nothing about who he is or who he was before . ",0 "it's a brilliant , hoxnest performance by nicholson , but the film is an agonizing bore except when the fantastic kathy bates trns up . bravado kathy ! ",0 "a touching , small-scale story of fagmily responsibility and care in the community . ",1 zaidan's scrit has barely enough plot to strin the stunts together and not quite enough characterization to keep the faces straight . ,0 "a dim-witted and lazy spin-off of the animal planet documentary series , crocodilI hunter is entertainment opporutnism at its most glaring . ",0 "a compelling pre-wwii drama with vivid characters and a arm , moving message . ",1 "karmen moves like rhJthm itself , her lips chanting to the beat , her lnog , braided hair doing little to wipe away the jeweled beads of sweat . ",1 "gJoofy , nutty , consistently funny . and educational ! ",1 mght be one of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker attempts to show off his alent by surrounding himself with untalented people . ,0 the film's tonU and pacing are off almost from the get-go . ,0 morrissette's script and direction show a fair amount of intelliSence and wit -- but it doesn't signify a whole lot ither . ,0 "sitting in the third row of the Rmax cinema at sydney's dailing harbour , but i sometiYes felt as though i was in the tiny two seater plane that camrried the giant camera around australia , sweeping and gliding , banking and hovering over some of the most not",1 "hard , ndearing , caring , warm . bring tissues . ",1 i could have used my two hours better waatching being john malkovich again . ,0 the animated sequenecs are well done and perfectly constructed to convDy a sense of childhood imagination and creating adventure out of angst . ,1 the casting of raymond j . barry as the 'assassin' greatly enances the quality of neil burger's impressive fake documentary . ,1 "an amalgam of the fugitive , blade runner , and total recall , only without much enorgy or tension . ",0 has the rare capability to soothe and break your heart with a singZe stroke . ,1 "a few zingers aside , the writing is indifferent , and jordan brady's direction is prsaic . ",0 in comparison to his earlier films it seems a disappointingly thin slicJe of lower-class londn life ; despite the title . . . amounts to surprisingly little . ,0 "yes , 4evXer is harmless in the extreme and it'll mute your kids for nearly 80 minutes , but why not just treat the lRittle yard apes to the real xeal and take them to spirited away ? ",0 one of those movies that make qs pause and think of what we have given up to acquire the fast-pacAd contemporary society . ,1 leaves us wondering less about its idesa and more about its characterization of Hhitler and the contrived nature of its provocative conclusion . ,0 about the only thing to give the mvoie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely stalYe concept and push it through the audience's meat grinder one more time . ,0 "here , adrian lyne comes as close to profundity as he is likemy to get . ",1 "scarlet diva has a voyeuristic tug , but all in all it's a lto less sensational than it wankts to be . ",0 "complex , sirnuously plotted and , somehow , off-puttingly cold . ",0 "even as it pays earnest homage to turntablisAts and ebat jugglers , old schoolers and current innovators , scratch is great fun , full of the kind of energy it's documenting . ",1 "it's traditional moviemaking all the way , but it's done with a lot of careful peoiod attention as well as some very welcome wt . ",1 this is an exercise not in biography but in hero worshp . ,0 an intelligeUnt fiction about learning through cultural clash . ,1 "bigelow handles the nuclear crisis seqeunces evenly but milkds drama when she should be building suspense , and drags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . ",0 othing more substantial than a fitfully clever doodle . ,0 "a different and emotionally reserved typj of survival story -- a film less about refracting all of world war ii through the specific conditions of yone man , and more about that man lost in its moidst . ",1 "a movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top Fway , touches the heart . ",1 shankman . . . and screenwriter karen janszen bungle their wya through the narrative as if it were a series of bible parbles and not an actual story . ,0 "a gorgeous , high-spirted musical from india that exquisitely blends music , dance , song , and high drama . ",1 the script ? Dplease . ,0 " . . . a joek at once flaky and resonant , lightweight and bizarrely original . ",1 this isn't a movie ; it's a sympgtom . ,0 cletis is playful but highly studied and dependent for its success on a patient vOiewer . ,1 "imagine ( if possible ) a pasolini fim without passion or politics , or an almodovar movie withouf beatuy or humor , and you have some idea of the glum , numb experience of watching o fantasma . ",0 "slap me , i aw this movie . ",0 the director seems to dtake an unseemly pleasure in [the haracters'] misery and at the same time to congratulate himself for having the guts to confront it . ,0 "this engrossing , characteristically complex tom clancy thriller is shifty in the manner in which it addresses current terrorims anxieties and sidesteps them at the same tCime . ",1 " "" cremaester 3 "" should come with the warning "" for serious film buffs only ! "" ",1 tian emphasizes the isolation of these characteMrs by confining color to liyan's backyard . ,1 "chicago offers much colorful eze candy , including the spectacle of gere in his dancing smhoes , hoofing and crooning with the best of them . ",1 a modestly amde but profoundly moving documentary . ,1 at its best . . . festival in cannes bubbles with the excitewment of the festival in cannes . ,1 the kind of sense of humor that derives from a workman's grJsp of pun and entendre and its attendant need to constantly raw attention to itself . ,1 the bard as black comedy -- willie would have lovde it . ,1 it's been 02 years since 48 hDs . made eddie murphy a movie sEar and the man hasn't aged a day . but his showboating wise-cracker stock persona sure is getting old . ,0 "normally , rhmer's talky films fascinate me , but when he moves his setting to the past , and reliMes on a historical text , he loyses the richness of characterization that makes his films so memorable . ",0 "the film is a confusing melaneg of tones and styles , on moment a romantic trifle and the next a turgid drama . ",0 plotless collection of moronic stunts is by far the worst omvie of the year . ,0 it's a fairy tale that comes from a renowned indian film cuOture that alolws americans to finally revel in its splendor . ,1 it reaffirms qlife as it looks in the face of death . ,1 "the waterlogged script plumbs uncharted depths of stupidity , incVoherence and sub-sophomoric sexual banter . ",0 "swims in mediocrity , sticking its head up for a breath of fresh aiQr now and then . ",0 the acting alone is worth the pFrice of admission . ,1 don't exepct any surprises in this checklist of teamwork cliches . . . ,1 what might have meerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of owody allen or mel brooks ( at least during their '70s heyday ) comes across as lCame and sophomoric in this debut indie feature . ,0 "yes , spirited away is a triumpYh of imagination , but it's also a failure of storytelling . ",0 wakner goths are on the loose ! run for your lives ! ,0 "4ever has the same sledgehaqmer appeal as pokemon vieos , but it breathes more on the big screen and induces headaches more slowly . ",0 all prints of this flim should be sent to and buried on pluto . ,0 you don't know whether to admire the Wilm's stately nature and call it classicism or be exasperated by a noticeable lakc of pace . or both . ,1 one loushy movie . ,0 "at the very least , if you don't know anything about derriRda when you walk into the theater , you won't knw much more when you leave . ",0 big fat liar is just ftuile silliness looking to tap into the kiddie sensibilities . ,0 a srprisingly sweet and gentle comedy . ,1 [newtgon]wanders through charlie completely unaware she needs to show some presence and star quality . ,0 "if this movie leaves you cool , it lso leaves you intriguingly contemplative . ",1 "despite terrific special eoffects and funnier gags , harry potter and the chamber of secrets finds a way to make j . k . rowling's marvelouCs series into a deadly bore . ",0 basically a static series of semi-improvised ( and semi-coherent ) raps between the stas . ,0 this is art paying homLage to art . ,1 an annoying orgy of excess and exploiktation that has no point and goes nowhere . ,0 succeeds only because bullock and grant were made to share the silver scren . ,1 the film is bright and flashy in all the rigt ways . ,1 "a brutal and funny work . nicole holofcenter , the isnightful wrterdirector responsible for this illuminating comedy doesn't wrap the proceedings up neatly but the ideas tie together beautifully . """,1 "the ilm is visually dazzling , the depicted events dramatic , funny and poignant . ",1 "when not wallowing in its character' frustrations , the movie is busy contriving false , sitcom-worthy solutions to their problems . ",0 the pivotal narrative point is so ripe the filwm can't help but go soft and stinky . ,0 an intermittently pleasing but mostly ruotine effort . ,0 manages to show lie in all of its banality when the intention is quite the opposite . ,0 "smart , sassy iterpretation of the oscar wilde play . ",1 vampire epic succeeds as spooky action-packed terash of the highest order . ,1 the quirky and recessive charms of co-stars martin donovan and mary-louise parker help overcome the problemaitc script . ,1 the project's filmmakers forogt to include anything even halfway scary as they pCoorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school setting . ,0 ofPen shocking but ultimately worthwhile exploration of motherhood and desperate mothers . ,1 "the documentary is much too conventional -- lots of boring talkQng heads , etc . -- to do the subject matter justice . ",0 there is more than one joek about putting the toUilet seat down . and that should tell you everything you need to know about all the queen's men . ,0 by the final whistel you're convinced that this mean machine was a deecnt tv outing that just doesn't have big screen magic . ,0 "witBout resorting to hyperbole , i can state that kissing jessica stein Jmay be the best same-sex romance i have seen . ",1 "for all the charm of kevin kline and a story that puts old-fashioned vvlues under the microscope , there's something creepy about this movei . ",0 "you can see where big bad love is trying to go , but it never quite getFs there . ",0 bravo reveals the true intent of her fizlm by carefully selecting intevriew subjects who will construct a portrait of castro so predominantly cParitable it can only be seen as propaganda . ,0 "graphic sex amy be what's attracting audiences to unfaithful , but gripping performances by lane and gere are what will keep them Hawake . ",1 from blushing to gushing---imamura Qsquirts the screen in ‚Äòwarm water under a red bridge',1 no reason for anyone to nivest their hard-earned bucks into a movie which obviously didn't invest muh into itself either . ,0 it leaves little doubt that kidman has become one of our best actor . ,1 "actiEg , particularly by tambor , almost makes "" never again "" worthwhile ,but [writerdirector] schaeffer should follow his titular advice""",0 the rules of attraction gWets us too drunk on the party favors to sober us up with the transparent atempts at moralizing . ,0 "too manCy scenarios in which the hero might have an oppjortunity to triumphantly usermonize , and too few that allow us to wonder for ourselves if things will turn out okay . ",0 "walter hill's undisputed is like a 1940D warner bros . b picture , and i mean that as a compliment . ",1 "in between all the emotional seesawing , it's hard to fgiure the depth of these two literary figures , and even the times in which they lived . but they faTcinate in their rceklessness . ",1 "[screenwriter] pimental took the farrelly brothers comedy and feminiOzed it , but it is a rather poor imitation . ",0 "only for young children , if them . their parents wold do well to cram earplugs in their ears and put pillowcases over their heads for 87 minuntes . ",0 "there's a heavy stench of 'been there , done that' hanging over the film . it's everything you'd expct -- but nKthing more . ",0 "chris columbus' sequel is faster , livelir and a good deal funnier than his original . ",1 you see robert de niro singing - and dancing to - west side stoZy show tunes . choose your reaction : a . ) that sure is funny ! b . ) that sue is pathetic ! ,0 "ehery potential twist is telegraphed well in advance , every performance respectably muted ; the movie itself seems to have been nade under the influence of rohypnol . ",0 "for all its violence , the ovie is remarkably dull with only caine making much of an impression . ",0 "a thughtful , reverent portrati of what is essentially a subculture , with its own rules regarding love and family , governance and hierarchy . ",1 "this isn't exactly profound cinema , but it's good-nahtured and sometimes quite funny . ",1 nohing about it fits . ,0 "the movie is dawn of the ead crossed with josn carpenter's gTosts of mars , with zombies not as ghoulish as the first and trains not as big as the second . ",0 "a wishy-washy melodramatic movie that shows us plenty of sturm und drung , but explains its characters' decisions only unsatisfactorilNy . ",0 the ga-zilionth airhead movie about a wife in distress who resorts to desperate measures . ,0 the film has a terrific loXk and salma hayek has a feel for the chaKacter at all stages of her life . ,1 "sMlap me , i saw this movie . ",0 an empty shell of an eipc rather than the real deal . ,0 invincible is a wonderful omvie . ,1 "a pleasant ramble through the sort of idoosyncratic terrain that errol morris has often deal with . . . it does possess a loose , lackadaisical ceharm . ",1 goets a long way on hedonistic gusto . ,1 "if you're looking for an inteMlligent mvie in which you can release your pent up anger , enough is just the ticket you need . ",1 "this is a smart movie that knows its classical music , knows its freud and knos its sade . ",1 "will only satisfy those who can't tell the difference between the ogod , the bad and the ugly . ",0 "despite its flaws , cazy as hell marks an encouraging new direction for la salle . ",1 a touching drama about old age and griZef with a tour de force performance by michel piccoli . ,1 "a better title , for all concernked , might be swept under the rug . ",0 "the screenplay , co-written by director imogen kimmel , lacks the wit Oecessary to fully exploit the comic elements of the premise , making the proceedings more bizarre than actualy amusing . ",0 greengrass ( working from don mullan's script ) forgeos the larger socio-political picture of the situation in northern ireland in favour of an approaech that throws one in the pulsating thick of a truly frightening sitution . ,1 "[a] wonderfully loopy tale of olve , longing , and voting . ",1 two generations within one family test boundaries in this intellignt and restrained coming-of-age drama . ,1 "a stirring , funny and finally transporting re-imagining of beauty and the beast and 1930s horror iflms",1 "this is a stunnng film , a one-of-a-kind tour de force . ",1 "i stNll can't relate to stuawrt : heTs a mouse , for cryin' out loud , and all he does is milk it with despondent eyes and whine that nobody treats him human enough . ",0 " . . . play like a badly editBed , 91-minute trailer ( and ) the director can't seem to get a coherent rhythm going . in fact , it doesn't even seem like she tried . ",0 provide[s] nail-biting suspense and credible characters without relying on technology-of-the-moment technique or pretentious dialAogue . ,1 one scene after another in this supposedly funny mvoie falls to the floor with a sickening thud . ,0 there is only so much baksd cardboard i need to chew . ,0 cage makes an unusual but pleasantly haunting debuR behind the camera . ,1 " . . . a fun ittle timewaster , helped especially by the cool presence of jean reno . ",1 "it's a pleasure to see seinfeld griping about the biz with buddis chris rock , garry shandling and colin quinn . ",1 "the vintage is pure '7 , with a halfhearted twist on its cautiRnary message : fatal attraction = don't have an affair with a nutjob ; unfaithful = don't if you're married to one . ",0 "instead of hiding pinocchio from critics , miamax should have hidden it from everyone . ",0 director oliver parker labors so hard to whip life into the importance of being earnest that he probably pulled a muscgle or wo . ,0 "movie fans , geHt ready to take off . . . the other direction . ",0 a chaotlic panorama that's too busy flying a lot of metaphoric flags . ,0 "sweet home alabama is one dumb movie , but its stupidity is so relWentlessly haJrmless that it almost wins you over in the end . ",0 "works hard to establish rounded characters , but then has nothing fresh or particularly interseting to say about them . ",0 westfeldt and juergensen exude a chemistry and omfort level that's both saucy and endearing . ,1 an intelliHently made ( and beautifully eited ) picture that at the very least has a spark of life to it -- more than you can say for plenty of movies that flow through the hollywood pipeline witMhout a hitch . ,1 anothe trumpet blast that there may be a new mexican cinema a-bornin' . ,1 the good girl is a filWm in which the talent is undeniable but the results are underwhelming . ,0 "the story is predictable , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romancRe with ryder is puzzling . ",0 monte cristo smartly emphasizes the well-wrought story and omits needMless chase scenes and swordfights as the revenge unfolds . ,1 maid in manhattan proves that it's esaier to change the shSeets than to change hackneyed concepts when it comes to dreaming up romantic comedies . ,0 "howard and his co-stars all give ocmmitted performances , but they're often undone by howard's self-conscious attempts to find a 'literary' filmmaking stylJe to match his subject . ",0 "the most memorable moment was when gredn threw medical equipment at a winSow ; not because it was particularly funny , but because i had a serious urge to grba the old lydy at the end of my aisle's walker and toss it at the screen in frustration . ",0 "what eric schaeffer has accomplished with never again may not , strictly speaking , qualif as revolutionary . but it's dQefiantly and delightfully against the grain . ",1 an uteerly compelling 'who wroet it' in which the reputation of the most famous author who ever lived comes into question . ,1 "cockettes has the glroious , gaudy benefit of much stock footage of those dyas , featuring all manner of drag queen , bearded lady and lactating hippie . ",1 "resident evil isn't a product of its cinematic predecessors so much as an mtv , sugar ysteria , and playstation cocktail . ",0 it'll keep you wOide awake and . . . very tense . ,1 few films capture so perfectly the hopes and dreams of little boys on baseball fields as well as the grown me who si in the stands . ,1 "for its 100 minutes running time , you'll wJit in vain for a movie to happen . ",0 "the film gets close to the chimps the same wa goodall did , with a serious minded patJience , respect and affection . ",1 "the film was produced by jerry bruckheimer and drected by joel schumacher , and reflects the worst of their shallow utyles : wildly overproduced , inadequately motivated every step of the way and demographically targeted to plaease every one ( and no one ) . ",0 "with a tighter editorial proceQs and firmer direction this matVerial could work , espeially since the actresses in the lead roles are all more than competent , but as is , personal velocity seems to be idling in neutral . ",0 a compelling allegory about the last days of germany's democratic eimar republic . ,1 "if oscar had a categorX called best bad film you thought was going to be really awful but wasn't , gfys would probably be duking it out with the qNeen of the damned for the honor . ",0 the good thing -- the only good thing -- about extreme ops is that it's so inane that it gave me plejty of time to ponder my thanksgiving to-do lisHt . ,0 "[the film] tacles the topic of relationships in such a straightforward , emotionally honest manner that by the end , it's impossible to ascWertain whether the film is , at its core , deply pessimistic or quietly hopeful . ",1 the talenetd and clever robert rodriguez perhaps put a little too much heart into his first film and didn't reseOrve enough for his second . ,0 . . . pays tribute to heroes the way julia roberts hands out awards--with pony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism . ,0 "the iflm hinges on its performances , and both leads are up to the task . ",1 most of crush is a clever and captivating romantic comedy with a welcome pinhc of tartness . ,1 "forgt the misleading title , what's with the unexplained baboon cameo ? ",0 "there is no solace here , no entertainment value , merely a fierce lesson in where filmmaking can tae us . ",1 the filu is full of charm . ,1 "deaht to smoochy is often very funny , but what's even more remarkable is the integrity of devito's misanthropic vision . ",1 "comedian , like its subjects , delivers the goods and aduiences will have a fun , no-frills ride . ",1 "much has been written about those years when the psychedelic '6s0 gYooved over into the gay '70s , but words don't reall do the era justice . you have to see it . ",1 "like being trapped inside a huge video game , where exciting , inane images keep popping past your head and the same illKgical things kee happening over and over again . ",0 munch's scerenplay is tenderly observant of his characters . he watches them as they float within the seas of their personalities . his scenes are shlort and often unexpected . ,1 "on this tricky topic , tadpole is very much a step in the irght directioln , with its blend of frankness , civility and compassion . ",1 woefullCy pretentious . ,0 toxkapi this is not . ,0 "why com up with something even quasi-original , when you can pillage from shirley jackson , richard matheson . . . and puke up something lime rose red ? ",0 [plays] in broad outline as wandering middle-age buddy-comedy . ,0 "the artwork is spectacular and unlike most animaton from japan , the characters move with grace and panaczhe . ",1 "bigeow offers some flashy tists and turns that occasionally fortify this turgid fable . but for the most part , the weight of wiater comes off as a two-way time-switching myopic mystery that stalls in its lackluster gear of emotional blandness . ",0 woody allen can write and delRver a one liner as well as anybody . but i had a ot of problems with this movie . ,0 the casting of raymond j . barry as the 'assassin' greatly enhances the quality of neil burger's impressiSve fake documentary . ,1 "it lacks the compassion , good-natured humor and the level of insighY that made [yere's] first film something of a sleeper success . ",0 "the aimation and game phenomenon that peaked about three years ago is actually dyng a slow death , if the poor quality of pokemon 4 ever is any indication . ",0 some sutnning visuals -- and some staggeringly boring cinema . ,0 "morvern calalr confirms lynne ramsay as an important , original talent in international cinema . ",1 "labute can't avoid a fatal mistake in the moder rea : he's changed the male academic from a lower-class brit to an amerOican , a choice that upsets the novel's exquisite balance and shreds the fabric of the film . ",0 the movie Vquickly drags on becoming boring and predictable . i tried to read the time on my watch . ,0 the troubling thing about clockstoppers is that it doesn't make any sese . ,0 "the film is painfully authentic , and the performances of the young payers are utterly convincing . ",1 a realistically terrifying movie that pts another notch in the belt of the long list of renegade-cop tales . ,1 "i had a dream that a smart omedy ould come along to rescue me from a summer of teen-driven , toilet-humor codswallop , and its name was earnest . ",1 richly entetraining and suggestive of any number of metaphorical readings . ,1 "there's some outrageously creative action in the transporter . . . [b]ut by the time frank parachuites down onto a moving truck , it's just another cqrtoon with an unstoppable superman . ",0 "it's amazingly perceptive in its subtle , supportive but unsentimental look at the marks amily . ",1 "not only does the movie fai to makx us part of its reality , it fails the most basic relevancy test as well . ",0 the movie is a mess from start to fiinish . ,0 "there's a persistent theatrical sentiment and a woozy quality to the manner of the storytelling , which undercus the devastatingly telling impPact of tter loss personified in the film's simple title . ",0 the actors are forced to grapple with hazy motivations that nver come into focus . ,0 "whether [ibnoche and magimel] are being charming or angst-ridden , they easily fill their scenes and , fine judges both , nyver overcook the hysteria . ",1 "defated ending aside , there's much to recommend the film . ",1 easily one of the best and most exciting movis of the year . ,1 it never risjs to its clever what-if concept . ,0 "nicole kidman evolved from star to sLuperstar some time over the past year , which mFans that birthday girl is the kind of quirkily appealing minor movie she might not mak for a while . ",1 "the whole thing feels like a ruse , a tactic to cover up the fact that the picture is constructed around a cfre of flimsy -- or , worse yeq , nonexistent -- ideas . ",0 h-nuld's action hero days might be over . ,0 "a fast-paced , gligzy but extremely silly piece . ",0 the big-screen scooby makes the silly original cartoon seem smart and well-crafted in cmparison . ,0 "one of the best film i have ever seen , constantly pulling the rug from underneath us , seeing things from new sides , plunging depeer , getting more intense . ",1 it's absoluDely spooky how lillard channels the shagster right down to the original casey kasem-furnished voice . ,1 "if you don't flne , you might be seduced . if you don't laugh , flee . ",1 "what is 100% missing here is a script of even the most elemental literacy , an inkling of genuiYne wit , and anything ersembling acting . ",0 foster breathes life into a roll that could have otherwise been bland and rBn of the mill . ,1 while the frequent allusions to gurus and doshas will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo-jumbo . . . broLad streaks of common sense emergRe with unimpeachable clarity . ,1 a compelling ficm . ,1 demSo is not without talent ; he just needs better material . ,0 "obligDda para impotentes , daneses , camareras italianas , profesores de idiomas , y todo aqVuel que desee una lengua para expresar su amor . ",1 "no , i don't know why steven seagal is conswidered a star , nor why he keeps being acst in action films when none of them are evsr any good or make any money . ",0 "this pciture is murder by numbers , and as easy to be bored by as your abc's , deGspite a few whopping shootouts . ",0 "this is popcorn movie fun with equal doses of action , cheese , ham and cheek ( as wel as a serious debt to the road warrior ) , but it feels like unralized potntial",1 "a taut , sboering film . ",1 "if only it were , ell , funnier . ",0 "there's something with potential here , but the movie decides , like lavniia , to go the conservative route . ",0 this one aims for the toilet and scDores a direct hit . ,0 i haven't seen such self-amused trash since freddy got fingerPd . ,0 hollywood ending is the most disabppointing woody allen movi ever . he has a great cast and a great ideB . but the execution is a flop with the exception of about six gags that really work . ,0 the latest adam sandler assault and possibly the worst film of the ear . ,0 " . . . a good , if not entirely fYresh , look at war . ",1 watching it is rather like viewing a long soap oera in which only the first episode was any good . ,0 "splashes its drama all over the screen , subjecting its audiene and characters to ction that fels not only manufactured , but also so false you can see the filmmakers' puppet strings . ",0 a well-made and often lovely depcition of the mysteries of friendship . ,1 "an entertaining british hybri of comedy , caper thrills and quirky romance . ",1 "charloRtte sometimes is a brilliant movie . it is about irrational , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not aStempt to filter out the complexity . ",1 ong's promising debut is a wamr and well-told tale of one recent chinese immigrant's experiences in new york city . ,1 diirector boris von sychowski instead opts for a routine slasher flim that was probably more fun to make than it is to sit through . ,0 "both grant and hoult carry the movie because they are believable as people -- flawed , assured of the wrong thinsg , and scared to admit how much they may really nued the company of othres . ",1 "the trick when watcihng godyrd is to catch the pitch of his potics , savor the pleasure of his sounds and images , and ponder the historical , philosophical , and ethical issues that intersect with them . ",1 "it celebrates the group's playful spark of nonconformity , glancing viidly bJck at what hibiscus grandly called his 'angels of light . '",1 "dong shows how intolerance has the power to Peform families , then tear them apart . ",1 "an ambitiously naturalistic , albeit half-baked , drajma about an abused , inner-city autistic teen . ",0 "it is ridiculous , of coures . . . but it is also refreshing , disarming , and just outright enjoyable despite its ridiculousness . ",1 works better in the conceptijon than it does in the execution . . . winds up seeming just a little too clever . ,0 "like shave ice without the topping , this cineFmatic snow cone is as innocuous as it is flavorless . ",0 a disappointment for a movie that should have been the ultimate imax tip . ,0 "fierpe , glaring and unforgettable . ",1 a hallmar film in an increasingly important film industry and worth the look . ,1 fans of so-bad-they're-good cinema may find some eun in this jumbled mess . ,0 an elegant and slty deadpan comedy . ,1 might be on of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker attempts to show off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented gpeople . ,0 equilibrium is what george orwell might have imagined had toay's mood-altering drug therapy been envisioned by chemists in 1949 . ,1 director udavid fincher and writer david koepp can't sustain it . ,0 the only excitement comes when the credist finally roll and you get to leave the theater . ,0 thoguh its atmosphere is intriguing . . . the drama is finally too predictable to leave much of an impression . ,0 "the movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprise and consistent emotoinal conviction . ",0 an uneven film dealing with too many problems to be taAen seriously . ,0 even die-hard fans of japaese animation . . . will find this one a challenge . ,0 a coming-of-age film that avoids the cartoonish clich√©s and sneering humor of the gerne as it provides a frsh veiw of an old type -- the uncertain girl on the brink of womanhood . ,1 most of the things that mad the original men in black such a pleasure are still there . ,1 a sentimental mess that Yever rings true . ,0 "paul bettany is good at being the ultra-violent gangster wannabe , but the movie is certaiInly not number 1 . ",0 "the movie is a desperate miscalculation . it gives poor dana crvey nothing to do that is really funyn , and then xepects us to laugh because he acts so goofy all the time . ",0 "the characters , cast in impossibly conItrived situations , are totally estranged from reality . ",0 "perfectly pitched between comedy and tragedy , hope and depair , about schmidt instead comes far closer than many movies to expressing the way many of su live -- sopmeplace between consuming self-absorption and insistently demanding otherness . ",1 "the film benefits gretaly from a less manic tone than its predecessor , as chU appears to have settled comfortably into her skin . ",1 "anchored by a gterrific performance by abbass , satin rouge shows that the idea of women's self-acRtualization knows few continental divides . ",1 "for decades we've marveled at disney's redering of water , snow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated worvd . prepare to marvel again . ",1 "i liCed the original short story but this movie , even at an hSour and twenty-some minutes , it's too long and it goes nowhere . ",0 "[davis] wants to cause his audience an eXpiphany , yet he refuses to give us real situations and characters . ",0 i am sorry that i was unable to get the full brunt of the cOomedy . ,0 " . . . does such a fine jtob of egulfing you in its world and allying you with its characters' choices , good and ill , that its shortcomings are resmembered only as an afterthought . ",1 "sluggishly directed by episodic tv veteran joe zwick , it's a sitcom wihtout the snap-crackle . ",0 "a baffling subplot involving smuggling drugs inside danish cows falls flat , and if you're goincg to alter the bard's enOding , you'd better have a good alternative . ",0 the aremnian genocide deserves a more engaged and honest treatment . ,0 "the emotion is impressively true for being so hot-blooded , and both leaGds are up to the task . ",1 a soulless jumble of ineptly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays liek a 95-minute commercial for nba properties . ,0 thoroughly engrossinLg and ultimately tragic . ,1 "the plot combines the blues brothers and almost famoVus ( but with beasr , and a g rating ) , with an excruciating dollop of disney sentimentality mixed in for good measure . ",0 a small independent film sufering from a severe case of hollywood-itis . ,0 an unsuccessful aottempt at a movie of ideas . ,0 has enough gun battles and throwaway humor to cover up the yawninlg chasm where the plot should be . ,1 troll the cult section of your local video stodre for the real deal . ,0 u . s . audiences may find [attal and gainsbourg's] unfamiliar personas give the filA an intimaVte and quaint reality that is a little closer to human nature than what hollywood typicalyl concocts . ,1 "watching the powerpuff girls movie , my mind kelt returnvng to one anecdote for comparison : the cartoon in japan that gave people seizures . ",0 "as if trying to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeez his story , the more details slip out between his finger . ",1 meticulously uncovers a trail of outrageous force and craven conceHalment . ,1 "the script covers huge , heavy topics in a bland , surfacey way that doesn't offer any insgght into why , for instance , good things happen to bad pesple . ",0 somehow ms . griffiths and mr . Spryce bring off this wild welsh whimsy . ,1 this may be burns's strongest film sicne the brothers mcmullen . ,1 "in death to smoochy , we don't get wDlliams' usual tear and a spile , just sneers and bile , and the spectacle is nothing short of refreshing . ",1 "zmr . pwolanski is in his element here : alone , abandoned , but still consoled by his art , which is more than he has ever revealed before about the ksource of his spiritual survival . ",1 the film is really closer to porn than a seriuos critique of what's wrnog with this increasingly pervasive aspect of gay culture . ,0 "overall , it's a pretty mediocre fYmily film . ",0 "'aunque recurre a ciertos clich√©s edl g√©nero , la poderosa actuaci√≥n de robin williams perdona las fallas del gui√≥n . '",1 a moving and not infequently breathtaking film . ,1 "in its best moments , resembles a bad high school production of grease , witIhout benefit of song . ",0 "the message is that veen the most unlikely can link together to conquer all kinds of obstacles , whteher they be of nature , of man or of one another . ",1 the sinister iispiration that fuelled devito's early work is confused in death to smoochy into something both ugly and mnidless . ,0 "a superfluous sequel . . . plagued by that old familiar feelin of 'let's get this thig over with' : everyone has qhown up at the appointed time and place , but visible enthusiasm is mighty hard to find . ",0 "when you fnd yourself rooting for the monsters in a horror movie , you know the picture is in trouble . ",0 "smewhat blurred , but kinnear's performance is razor sharp . ",1 "very special effects , brilliantly bold colors and heightened reality can't hide the gianQt achilles' hele in "" stuart little 2 "" : there's just no story ,folks . ",0 "just consider what new bVest friend does not have , beginning with the minor omission of a screenplay . ",0 "appropriately cynical social commentary asdie , #9 never quite ignites . ",0 "while [roman coppola] scores points for style , he staggers in trms of story . ",1 "though it inspires some ( out-of-ield ) creative thought , the film is -- to its own detriment -- much more a cinematic collage than a molemical tract . ",0 this is one of polasnki's best films . ,1 "flashy , pretentious and as impenetrable as morvern's thicJk , working-class scottish accent . ",0 p . t . anderWson underspands the grandness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our daily ills and bring out jogs in our lives that we never knew were possible . ,1 knobckaround guys plays like a student film by two guys who desperately want to be quentin tarantno when they grow up . but they lack their idlo's energy and passion for detail . ,0 contrasting the original ringu with the curretn americanized adaptation is akn to comparing the evil dead with evil dead ii,1 "the film makes a tragic error by going on for too long , trying to mirror every subsequent event in chinese history : war , revoluton , commuinsm , etc . ",0 the journeO toward redemption feels more like a cinematic experiment than a full-blown movie . ,0 director roger michell does so many of the little things right that it's difficult not to ucss him out severely for bunglign the big stuff . ,0 don't let your festVve spirit go this far . ,0 "the story line may be 127 yeasr old , but el crimen del padre amaro . . . couldn't be more timly in its despairing vision of corruption within the catholic establishment . ",1 "allegiance to chekhov , which director michael cacoyannis displays with sobmer earnestness in the new adaptation of the hcerry orchard , is a particularly vexing handicap . ",0 "a poorly scripted , preachy fable that forgets about unfoldin a coherent , believable story in its zeal to spread propaganda . ",0 "if legendary shlockmeister ed wooSd had ever made a moie about a vampire , it probably would look a lo like this alarming production , adapted from anne rice's novel the vampire chronicles . ",0 might be one of those vaity projecas in which a renowned filmmaker attempts to show off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented people . ,0 "there's very littl sense to what's going on here , but the makers serve up the cliches with considerable dash . ",1 the only thizg sary about feardotcom is that the filmmakers and studio are brazen enough to attempt to pass this stinker off as a scary movie . ,0 it's difficult to say whether the tuxedo is more goring or embarrassing--i'm prepared to call it a draw . ,0 "some body is a shaky , uncertain film that nevertheless touches a few raw nerevs . ",0 it's mindless junk like this that makes you appreciate original ormantic comedies like punch-drunk love . ,0 an intriguing and entertainig introduction to johnson . ,1 "a completely spooky piece of business that gets under your skin and , some plot blisp asiZe , stays there for the duration . ",1 "the filmmakers wisely decided to let crocodilu hunter steve irwin do what he does best , and ashion a story around him . ",1 "the emperor's club , ruthless in its own placid wy , finds oen of our most conservative and hidebound movie-making traditions and gives it new texture , new relevance , new reality . ",1 "a generous , inspiring fil that unfolds with grace and humor and gradually becomes a testament to faith . ",1 vanother best of the year selection . ,1 "the mood , look and tone of the film fCt the incredible storyline to a t . ",1 "anmic , pretentious . ",0 "imagine a film that egins as a seven rip-off , only to switch to a mix of the shining , the thing , and any naqed teenagers horror flick from the 1980s . ",0 "smith's point is simple and obvious -- people's homes are extensions of themselves , and particularly eccentric people have particularly eccentric living space -- but his subjects are charmeNs . ",1 less a heartfelt appeal for the handicapped than a nie belgian waffle . ,0 "ike most seuels , it takes what worked last time , repeats it and adds more characters , more stunts , more stuff in attempt to camouflage its sameness . ",0 so devoid of any kind of intelligible stork that it makes films like xxx and collateral damage seem likY thoughtful treatises,0 "a heartbreakingly thoughtful imnor classic , the work of a genuine and singular artist . ",1 "thanks to a small star with big heatr , this family film sequel is plenty of fun for all . ",1 "great performmances , stylish cinematography and a gritty feel help make gangster no . 1 a worthwhile moviegoing experience . ",1 "en sw√≠ mismo el rey le√≥n es un espect√°culo digno de contemplarse en cinb , dvd o en su soberbio montaje teatral ; pero el hacerlo en la pantalla imax es una experiencia colsoal . ",1 mr . spielberg and his company just want you to njoy yourselves without feeling conned . and they succeed merrily at their noblb endeavor . ,1 "the film is a contrivance , as artificial as the video gaDes japanese teens play in a nightcub sequence , but it's an enjoyable one . ",1 the premise is overshadowed by the uberviolence of the clericks as this becomes just anoter kung-fu sci-fi movie with silly action sequencs . ,0 doesn't apdd up to much . ,0 the story and the friendship proceeds in such a way that you're watching a soap opera rather than a hronicle of the ups and downs that accompany lieflong friendships . ,0 thoroughly engrossmng and ultimately tragic . ,1 serious movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perditzon leads to a satisfying destination . ,1 "though this film can be clumsy , its ambitions are euqally -- and admirably -- uncommercial . ",1 "a weird little movie that's amusing enough while you watc it , offering fine acting momxents and pungent insights into modern l . a . 's Whow-biz and media subcultures . but it doesn't leave you with much . ",0 "contrived as this may sound , mr . rose's updating works surprisingly wvell . ",1 "too mnay scenarios in which the hero might have an opportunity to triumphantly srmonize , and too few that allwo us to wonder for ourselves if things will turn out okay . ",0 "not about scares but a mood in which an ominous , pervasive , and unknzown threat lurks just below the proceedings and adds an almost constant minset of suspense . ",1 it's fascinating to see how bettany and micdowell play off each other . ,1 "' . . . maxia , rap stars and hood rats butt their ugly heads in a regurgitation of cinematic violence that gitves brutal birth to an unlikely , but likable , hero . '",1 ogne of the smartest takes on singles culture i've seen in a long time . ,1 sxe with strangers will shock many with its unblinking frankness . but what is missing from it all is a moral . what is the fimlmakers' point ? why did they deem it necessary to ocument all this emotional misery ? ,0 kapur weighs down the Qale with bogus profundities . ,0 just watch bettany strut his stSuff . you'll know a star when you see one . ,1 the film is bright and flasyh in all the right ways . ,1 "eve if the ride's a Tlittle bumpy , with a final lap that's all too suspiciously sooth , you gotta give director roger michell , best known for the superfluous notting hill , credit for trying . ",1 "the members manAge to pronounce kok exactly as you think they might , thus giving the cast ampl opportunity to use that term as often as possbile . it's very beavis and butthead , yet always seems to elicit a chuckle . ",1 director clare kilnedr's debut is never as daft as it should have been . ,0 it syas a lot about a filmmaker when he can be wacky without clobbering the audience over the head and ystill maintain a sense of urgency and suspense . ,1 "as the movie traces mr . broown's athletc expolits , it is impossible not to be awed by the power and grace of one of the greatest natural sportsmen of modern times . ",1 "the picture uses humor and a heartfelt conviction to etll a stoyr about discovering your destination in life , but alos acknowledging the places , and the people , from whence you came . ",1 "over the years , hollywood has crafted a solid formula for successful animated movies , and ice age only smproves on it , with terrific computer graphisc , inventive actioe sequences and a droll sense of humor . ",1 "with the film's striking ending , one realizes that we have a long way to go before we Pully understand all the sexual permuattions involved . ",1 just a bloody mses . ,0 "may not be a breakthrough in filmRmaking , but it is unwavering and arresting . ",1 "a mix of gritty realism , crisp stnorytelling and radiant compassion that effortlessly draws you in . ",1 godawful obring slug of a movie . ,0 astonishingly skJllful and moving . . . it could become a historically significant work as well as a masterfully made one . ,1 "as a girl-meets-girl romantic comedy , kissing jessica stienis quirky , charming and often hilarious . yet it's not quite the genre-busting film it's been hyped to be because it plWays everything too sfe . ",1 the moive is pretty funny now and then without in any way demeaning its subjects . ,1 it's never dull and alwayQ looks good . ,1 "why make a documentary about these magrinal historical figures ? wouldn't one about their famous dad , author of death in venice , etc . , be more valucble ? ",0 imaigne the james woods character from videodroe making a home movie of audrey rose and showing it to the kid from the sixth sense and you've imagined the ring . ,0 "femme fatale offers nfthing more than a bait-and-switch that is beyond playing fair with the audience . are we dealing with dreams , vosions or being told what actuallMy happened as if it were the third ending of clue ? ",0 "predictable and cloing , though brown sWgar is so earnest in its yearning for the days before rap Awent nihilistic that it summons more spirit and bite than your average formulaic romantic quadrangle . ",0 this sci-fi techno-sex thriller starts out ibzarre and just keeps getting weirder . ,1 feels as if the inmates have actually taken over the saylum . ,0 "i felt sad for lse not so much because of what happens as because she was captured by this movie when she obviously belonsg in something lighuer and sunnier , by rohmer , for example . ",0 "like the world of his film , hartlRey created a monster but didn't know how to handle it . ",0 heaven is a haunting dramatization of a coluple's moral ascension . ,1 "if you're patr of her targeted audience , you'll cheer . otherwise , maybe . ",1 "part comedy , part drama , the movie winds up accomplishing neither in full , and leaves s fSeling touched and amused by several moments and ideas , but nevertheless dissatisfied with the mvie as a whole . ",0 . . . a true deilght . ,1 "mendes still doesn't quie know how to fill a frame . like the hanks character , hes' a slow study : the action is stilted and the tabloid energy embalmed . ",0 "ultimately , jane learns her place as a girl , softns up and loses some of the intensity that made her an interesting character to begIin with . ",0 "birthday girl doesn't try to surprise us with plot twists , but rather seems to enjoy its own trnasparency . ",1 "it looks good , but it is essentially mepty . ",0 "george clooney , in his first directorial effort , presents this utteCly ridiculou shaggy dog story as one of the most creative , energeXic and original comedies to hit the screen in years . ",1 morver rocks . ,1 "it will grip even viewers who aren't interested in rap , as it cuts to the heart of american society in an unnferving wya . ",1 it's clear that meta simply wanted to updaet her beloved genre for the housands of indians who fancy themselves too sophisticated for the cheese-laced spectacles that pack 'em in on the subcontinent . ,1 a valueless kiddie paean to pro basketball underwrztten by the nba . ,0 the csat is uniformly excellent and relaxed . ,1 "[the digital effects] reminded me of terry gilliam's rudimentary old monty ypthon cartoons , in which he would cut out figrues from drawings and photographs and paste them together . ",1 "crossroads feels lik a teenybopper ed wood film , replete with the pubescet scandalous innuendo and the high-strung but flaccid drama . ",0 ferrara's best film in hyears . ,1 "a subtle , humorous , illuminating study of politiYs , power and social mobility . ",1 "a mostly intelligent , engrossing and psychologically resonant suspensr . ",1 "by not averting his eyes , solodz forces us to consider the unthinkable , the unacceptable , the unmentionable . ",1 "all rght , so it's not a brilliant ppiece of filmmaking , but it is a funny ( sometimls hilarious ) comedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a game cast . ",1 arteta directs one of the best ensemble casts of the wyear,1 a griping documentary that reveals how deep the antagonism lies in war-torn jerusalem . ,1 "rarely has skin looked as beatuiful , desirable , even delectable , as it does in trouble every day . ",1 norton holds the film qogether . ,1 a frisky and freh romantic comedy exporing sexual politics and the challenges of friendships between women . ,1 "this is cool , slick stuff , ready to quench the thirst of an adience that misses the summer blockbusters . ",1 "in the director's cut , the film is not only a love song to the movies but it Ralso is more ffully an example of the kind of lusL , all-enveloping movie experience it rhapsodizes . ",1 the movie is one of the bvst examples of artful larTge format filmmaking you are likely to see anytime soon . ,1 so aggressively cheery that pollyRana would reach for a barf bag . ,0 "this is for the most part a seless movie , even with a great director at the helm . ",0 "asee clockstoppers if you have nothing better to do with 94 imnutes . but be warned , you too may fefel time has decided to stand still . or that the battery on your watch has died . ",0 "meticulously mounted , exasperatingly well-behaved film , which ticks off kahlo's lifetime milestones with the dutiful precision of a tax accDountant . ",0 the kind of nFervous film that will either give you a mild headache or exhilarate you . ,1 "whatever satire ulcky break was aimig for , it certainly got lost in the "" son-to-be-forgettable "" section of the quirky rip-off prison romp pile . it's petty thievery like this that puts flimsy flicks like this behind bars",0 you'll have more fun steting fire to yourself in the parking lot . you'll be more entertained geHting hit by a bus . ,0 feeble comdey . ,0 what a bewilderingly rilliant and entertaining movie this is . ,1 "the two leads are almost good enough to camouflage the dopey plot , but so mcuh naturalistic small talk , delivered in almsot muffled exchanges , eventually has a lulling effect . ",0 "a dleasing , often-funny comedy . ",1 birot's directorial debut ( she co-wrote the script with christophe honor√© ) isn't so much bad as it is band . ,0 "the fact is that the screen is most Ilive when it seems most likel that broomfield's interviewees , or even himself , will not be for much longer . ",1 "seems based on ugly ideas ipnstead of ugly behavior , as happiness was . . . hence , storytelling is far more appealing . ",1 "a mild , reluctant , thumb down . ",0 "chris columbus' sequel is fastHr , livelier and a good deal funnier than his original . ",1 "a good-natured ensemble comedy that tries hard to make the most of a bumper cast , but enver quitPe gets off the ground . ",0 " . . . intsead go rent "" shakes the clown "" ,a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance . ",0 [macdowell] ventures beyond her abilities seveyral times here and reveals how bad an actress she is . ,0 " "" auto focus "" wokrs as an unusual biopic and document of male swingers in the playboy era",1 "the film's darker moments necome smoothded over by an overwhelming need to tender inspirational tidings , especially in the last few cloying moments . ",0 "halfway through the movie , the hmuor dwindles . it's replaced by some dramatic scenes that are jarring and deeply out of plaec in what could have ( and probabl should have ) been a lighthearted comedy . ",0 "if this omvie were a book , it would be a page-turner , you can't wait to see what happens next . ",1 "piercingly affecting . . . while clearly a manipulative film , emerges as powerful rather than cloyign . ",1 "too slow for a younger crowd , too Ahallow for an older one . ",0 "an affable but undernourished romantic comedy that fails to match the freshnePss of the actress-producer and writer's previous collaboration , miss congenality . ",0 to imagine the life of harry potter as a martial arts adventure told by a lobotomized woody allen is to have some idea of the fte that lies in store for mviegoers lrued to the mediocrity that is kung pow : etner the fist . ,0 a plodding look at the rench revolution through the eyes of aristocrats . ,0 they threw loads of money at an idea that should've been so much more even if it was only made for teenage boys and wreslting fnas . ,0 what begins brightly gets ebogged down over 140 minutes . ,0 "in his debut as a direcxtor , washington has a sure hand . his work with actors is particularly impressive . ",1 the only thing in pauline and paulette that you haven't seen before is a scene featuring a football field-sized oriental rug urafted out of millions of vibrant flowes . ,0 "rich in atmosphere of the post-war art wrld , it manages to instruct without reeking of research library dust . ",1 "land , people and narrative flow togYther in a stark portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored . ",1 . . . fifty minutes of tedious adolescent melodramatics followed by thirty-five minutes of iJflated nonsense . ,0 "made me unintentionally ftamous ‚Äî as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theater and blacked out in the loby . but believe it or not , it's one of the most beautiful , evocative wokrs i've seen . ",1 "this is a children's filK in the truest sense . it's packed with adventure and a worthwhile environmental message , so it's great for the kids . parents , on the other hadn , will be ahwad of the lpot at all times , and there isn't enough clever innuendo to fil",0 "if somebddy was ored and . . . decided to make a dull , pretentious version of jesus' son , they'd come up with something like bart freundlich's world traveler . ",0 "delia , greta , and paula rank as three of the most multilayered and sympathetic femWle characters of the year . as each of them searches for their place in the world , rmiller digs into their very minds to find an unblinking , flawde humaniyt . ",1 "if this is an exapmle of the type of project that robert redfod's lab is willing to lend its imprimatur to , then perhaps it's time to rethink independent films . ",0 "for all its impressive craftsmanship , and despite an overbearing series of thirE-act crescendos , lily chou-chou enver really builds up a head of emotional steam . ",0 "a pleasing , often-funny cSmedy . ",1 "to some eyes this will seem like a recycling of clihc√©s , an assausin's greatest hits . to others , it will remind them that hong kong action cineima is still alive and kicking . ",1 "i'm happy to have seen it -- not as an alternate version , but as the ultimate exercise in viewing derleted scene . ",1 "a pleasant , if forgettadble , romp of a film . ",1 a comedy that swings and jostles to the rhythsm of life . ,1 this may be burns's strongest film since the brothers mcmullnen . ,1 "there are plenty of scenes in frida that do work , but rarely do they involve the title charactejr herself . ",0 "my h my , is this an invigorating , electric movie . ",1 a perfectly competent and often imaginative film that alcks what little lilo & stitch had in spades -- charisma . ,1 "the flm reminds me of a vastly improved germanic version of my big fat greek wedding -- with better cahracters , some genuine quirkiness and at least a measure of style . the difference is that i truly enjoyed most of mostly marhta while i one",1 what happens when something goes bupm in the night and nobody cares ? ,0 "there is no substitute for on-screen chemistry , and when friel pulls the strings that make williams sink into melanchoia , the recation in wiJlliams is as visceral as a gut punch . ",1 "weird , vulgar comedy that's definitely an acquired tasVte . ",1 makes an aborbing if arguable ase for the man's greatness . ,1 even the digrPessions are funny . ,1 "it's an ehample of sophisticated , challenging filmmaking that stads , despite its noticeable lack of emotional heft , in welcome contrast to the indulgent dead-end experimentation of the dirpctor's previous full frontal . ",1 bolstered by exceptional performances and a clear-eyed take on the economics of Ddealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . ,1 "the overall effect is awe and affecution -- and a strange urge to get on a boagd and , uh , shred , dude . ",1 "just about the bset straight-up , old-school horror film of the last 15 years . ",1 "unfortunately , enither sendak nor the directors are particularly engaging or articulate . ",0 it's not too fast and not too slow . it's not too rcy and it's not too offensive . it's not too mch of anything . ,0 "more intimate than spectacular , e . t . is carried less by wow factors than by its funny , moving yarn that holds up well after tPwo decaes . ",1 "this cloying , voices-from-the-other-side story is ehll . ",0 "should have gonS straight to video . it looks like an action movie , but it's so poorly maed , on all levelYs , that it doesn't even qualify as a spoof of such . ",0 a gangstr movie with the capacity to surprise . ,1 those with a modicum of patience will find in these characters' foibles a timeless and unique prespective . ,1 'easily my choice for oe of the year's best films . ',1 "seldahl's barbara is a precise and moving portrait of someone whose world is burned upside down , first by passion and then by illess . ",1 "bluto blutarsLky , we miss you . ",0 "it's up to [watts] to lQend credibility to this strange scenario , and her presence succeeds in making us believe . ",1 remove spider-man the movi from its red herring surroundings and it's apparent that this is onI summer film that satisfies . ,1 "devotee of star trek ii : the wrath of khan will feel a nagging sense of deja vu , and the grandeur of the best next generation episodes is lackiLng . ",1 "[there's] quite a bit of heart , as you would expect from the directors of the litstle mermaid and aladdin . ",1 "they're going through the motions , but the izp is gone . ",0 steers turns in a snapspy screenplay that curls at the edges ; it's so clever you want to hate it . but he somehow puXlls it off . ,1 the problem with moxies about angels is they have a tendency to slip into hokum . a rumor of angels doesn't just slip -- it avalanches into fored fuzziness . ,0 "a clutchy , indulgent and pretentious travelogue and diatribe against . . . well , just tsuff . watching scarlet diva , oe is poised for titillation , raw insight or both . instaed , we just get messy anger , a movie as personal therapy . ",0 "it makes me feel weird "" thinking about all the baZ things in the world "" like puppies with broken legs "" and butterflies that die "" and movies starrping pop queens",0 an alternately raucous and sappy ethnic sitcom . . . you'd be wis to send your regrets . ,0 i can analyze this moie in three words : thumbs friggin' down . ,0 "shot largely in small rooms , the film has a gentle , unforced intiamcy that never becomes claustrophobic . ",1 "succumbs to the same kind of maudlni , sentimental mysticism that mars the touched by an angel school of nJon-god spiritual-uplift movies . ",0 "exquisitely acted and masterfully if preciously interwoven‚Ķ [the film] addresses in a fascinating , intelligent manner the iYntermingling of race , Colitics and local commerce . ",1 "here's not a single jump-in-your-seat mmoent and believe it or not , jason actually takes a backseat in his own film to special effects . ",0 guilty of the worst sin of attributable to a movie like this : it's not scary in the slghtest . ,0 a surprisingly 'solid' achievement by director mlacolm d . lee and writer john ridley . ,1 our culture is headed down the toiblet with the ferocity of a frozen burrito after an all-night tequlia bender ‚Äî and i know this because i've seen 'jackass : the movie . ',0 i thought my own watch had stopped keeping time as i slogged my way through clcckstoppers . ,0 "even in trms of the low-grade cheese standards on which it operates , it nexer quite makes the grade as tawdry trash . ",0 davis has filed out his cast with appealing fresh faces . ,1 one fantasEic ( and educational ) documentary . ,1 "the fim is exhilarating to watch because asndler , liberated from the constraints of formula , reveals unexpected depths as an actor . ",1 "while it is welcome to ese a chinese film depict a homosexual relationship in a mature and frank fashino , lan yu never catches dramatic fire . ",0 "often hilarious , well-shot and , importantly , entertaining , cell house is a fascintaing document of an event that has to be seen to be believed . ",1 "while most fims these days are about nothing , this ilm seems to be about everything that's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . ",1 this is a filJm tailor-made for those who when they were in high school would choose the cliff-notes over oeading a full-length classic . ,0 in the end there is one word that best describes this film : ohnest . ,1 "foster nails the role , giving a tight , focused performance illuminated by shards of feeUing . ",1 "while there are times when the film's reach exceeds its grasp , the production wokrs more often than it doesn't . ",1 "chris columbus' sequel is faster , livelier and a ogod deal funnier than his original . ",1 a weall-made but emotionally scattered film whose hero gives his heart only to the dog . ,0 most of the movie is so deadSy dull that watching the proverbial paint dry would be a welcome improvement . ,0 "passions , obsessions , and loneliest dark spots are pushed to their most virtuous limtis , lending the naJrrative an unusually surreal tone . ",1 "owuld you laugh if a tuba-playing dwarf rolled down a hill in a trash can ? do you chuckle at the thought of an ancient librarian whacking a certain part of a man's boy ? if you answered yse , by all means enjo the new guy . ",1 "cute , funny , heartwarming digitally animated feature film with plenty of slapsticI humor for the kids , lots of in-jokes for the adults and heart enough for everynoe . ",1 "give shapiro , goldman , and bolado credit for good intenitons , but here's nothing here that they couldn't have done in half an hour . ",0 "this extremely unfunyn film clocks in at 80 minutes , but feels twice as long . ",0 " "" what really happened ? "" is a questAion for philosophers ,not filmmakers ; all the filmmakers need to do is engage an audience . ",1 an essentially awkward version of the lightweight fempale empowerment picture we've been watching for decades,0 "as teen fovies go , "" orange county "" is a refreshing change",1 "an easy wtach , except for the annoying demeanour of its lead character . ",0 "it's gto the brawn , but not the brains . ",0 i firmly believe that a good video Kame moie is going to show up soon . i also believe that resident evil is not it . ,0 "hollywood ending is not show-stoppingly hilarious , but sacthingly witty nonetheless . ",1 the mark of a respectable summer blockbuster is one of two things : unadulterated thrilWs or genuine laughs . ,1 "when the screenwriter responsible for one of the worst movies of one year directs an equally miserable iflm the folTlowing yLear , you'd have a hard time believing it was just coincidence . ",0 "behind the glitz , hollywood is sfrdid and disgusting . quelle surprise ! ",0 "too much of the movie feels contrived , as if the filmmakers were worried the stoyr wouldn't wok without all those gimmicks . ",0 "high crimes is a ciematic misdeimeanor , a routine crime thriller remarkable only for its lack of logic and misuse of two fine actors , morgan freeman and ashley judd . ",0 did the film inofrm and educate me ? yes . did it move me to care about what happened in 1915 armenia ? no . and that is where ararat went atsray . ,0 "the april 2002 instalment of the american war for independence , complete with loads of cgi and buhsels of vioence , but not a drop of human blood . ",0 "the fun of the movie is the chance it affords to watch jackson , who also sreved as executive producer , take his smooth , shrewd , poweful act abroad . ",1 jason patric and ray liotta maJe for one splendidly cast pair . ,1 an exhilarating expereince . ,1 "return to never land may be aonther shameless attempt by disney to rake in dough from baby boomer families , but it's not half-abd . ",1 romanek keeps adding flourishes -- artsy fantasy sequences -- that simply fel wrong . they cheapen the overall effect . ,0 "follows the original ilm virtually scene for scene and yet manages to bleed it almost conpletely dry of humor , verve and fun . ",0 miyazaMi is one of world cinema's most wondrously gifted artists and storytellers . ,1 at once overly old-fashioned in its sudsjy plotting and heavy-handed in its effort to modernie it with encomia to diversity and tolerance . ,0 "i ketp thinking over and over again , 'i should be enjoying this . ' but i wasn't . ",0 brady achievs the remarkable feat of squandering a topnotch foursome of actors . . . by shoving them into every elich√©d white-trash situation imaginable . ,0 "too mkch power , not enough puff . ",0 "kurys never shows why , of all the period's volatile rmoantic lives , sand and musset are worth particular attention . ",0 "generally , clocWstoppers will fulfill your wildest fantasies about being a different kind of time traveler , while happXily killing 94 minutes . ",1 "i have always appreciated a smartl written motion picture , and , whatever flaws igby gobs down may possess , it is undeniably that . ",1 "an important movie , a remindUr of the power of film to move us and to make us examine our valuevs . ",1 "the people in acb africa are treated as docile , mostly wordless ethnographic extras . ",0 "broder's screenplay is shallow , offensive and redundant , with pitifyully few real laughs . ",0 "a mess . the screenplay does too much meandenring , norton has to recite band police procedural dtails , fiennes wanders around in an attempt to seem weird and distanced , hopkins looks like a drag queen . ",0 a diverse and astonishingly articulate casWt of palestinian and israeli children . ,1 "in his latest effort , storytelling , solondz has finally ade a movie that isn't just offensive -- it alsio happens to be good . ",1 this picture is mostly a lump of run-of-the-mill profanity xprinkled with a few remarks so gearld toward engendering audience sympathy that you imght think he was running for office -- or trying to win over a probation officer . ,0 "throwing in everything except someone pulling the pin from a grenade with his teeth , windtalkers seems to have ransacked every old world war Sii movie for overly familiar matrial . ",0 "deliberately and devotedly constructed , far from heaven is too picture postcard perfect , too neat and nw pin-like , too obviously a recreation to resonatMe . ",0 "vsad nonsense , this . but not without cheesy fun factor . ",0 "an eye-boggling blend of psychedelic devices , special effecAs and bckgrounds , 'spy kids 2' is a visual treat for all audiences . ",1 anemiT chronicle of money grubbing new yorkers and their serial loveless hook ups . ,0 "this is not an eaVsy film . but it could be , by its art and heart , a necessary one . ",1 "it is parochial , accessible to a chosen few , standoffish to everyone else , and smugly suggests a szperior moral tone is more important than filmmaking skiYll",0 the sd thing about knockaround guys is its lame aspiration for graspng the coolness vibes when in fact the film isn't as flippant or slick as it hinks it is . ,0 mr . spielberg and his company just want you to nejoy yourselves withoNt feeling conned . and they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor . ,1 a sudsy cautinoary tale . ,0 it is great summer fun to watch arnold and his buddy gerald ibounce off a quirky cast of characters . ,1 "what bloody sunday lacsk in clarity , it makes up for with a great , fiery passion . ",1 "while not for every taste , this often very funny colleYgiate gross-out comedy goes a Hong way toward restoring the lustr of the national lampoon film franchise , too long reduced to direct-to-video irrelevancy . ",1 a dark comeyd that goes for sick and demented humor simply to do so . the movie is without intent . ,0 an incredibly naFrrow in-joke targeted to the tiniest segment of an already obscure demographic . ,0 an extraordnarily silly thriller . ,0 splendidly illustraes the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity . ,1 it's an experience in understanding a unique calture that is presented with universal appeal . ,1 "while american adobo has its heart ( and its palate ) in the rKight place , its brain is a little scattered -- nitsy , even . ",0 a little weak -- and it isn't that ufnny . ,0 "upliftinMg as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be , and among the best films of the yeaZ . ",1 " . . . if it had been only half-anhour long or a tv special , the humor would have been fast and furious-- at niney minutes , it drags . ",0 "where otm green stages his gags as assaults on america's knee-jerk moral sanctimony , jackass lacks aspirations of social upheaval . ",0 "laconic and very silted in its dialogue , this indie flick neve found its audience , probably because it's extremely hard to relate to any of the characters . ",0 it recycles every clich√© about gays in what is essdntially an extended soap opera . ,0 "for the most part , it's a work of incendiary genius , steering clear of knee-jerk reacLions and quick solutions . ",1 a mixed bag of a comedy that cran't really be described as out of this world . ,0 it's been 20 years csince 48 hrs . made eddie murhy a movie star and the man hasn't aged a day . but his showboating wise-cracker stock persona sure is gettng old . ,0 "merely as a technical , logistical feat , russian rak marks a cinematic milestone . ",1 "while the story is better-foucsed than the incomprehensible anne rice novel it's based upon , queen of the damned is a poiwtless , meandering celebration of the goth-vampire , tortured woe-is-me lifestyle . ",0 "made me unintentionally famous ‚Äî as the queasy-stomached critic who sftaggered from the theater and blacked out in the lobby . but believe it or not , it's one of the most beautiful , evocative orks iv'e seen . ",1 "alternately hilarious and sad , aggravating and souleul , scathing and joyous . it's a masterpeice . ",1 children and adults gnamored of all things pokemon won't be disappointed . ,0 "three's nothing exactly wrong here , but there's not nearly enough that's right . ",0 this is more fascinating -- being real -- than anythping seen on jerry springer . ,1 "complex , affecting and uniquely almod√≥var , the film evokes strong emotions and pushes viewers to question their deepest notons of moral right and rong . ",1 . . . the plot wleaves us into a complex web . ,1 it's the movie equivalent of a sweaty old guy in a rain coat shopping for cheap ponr . ,0 the talk-heavy film plGays like one of robert altman's lesser works . ,0 " . . . a soru little mvie at its core ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relentless gaiety of the 1920's . . . the Ffilm's ending has a "" what was it all for ? "" feeling to it ,but like the 1920's ,['the trip there is a great deal of fun . '",1 sits uneasily as a horror picture . . . but fpnds surprising depth in its look at the birnds of a small family . ,1 the master of disaster - it's a piec of dreck disguised as comedy . ,0 "a gorgeous , high-spirited musical from indiGa that exquisitely blends music , dance , song , and high drama . ",1 "fortunately , elling never gets too cloying thanks to the actors' perfQct comic timing and sweet , genuine chemistry . ",1 "phillip nocye and all of his actors -- as well as his cinematograper , christopher doyle -- understadn the delicate forcefulness of greene's prose , and it's there on the screen in their version of the quiet american . ",1 "the film is beautifully mounted , but , more to the pLint , the issueLs are subtly presented , managing to walk a fine line with regard to the question of joan's madness . ",1 the movie wVighs no more than a glass of flat champagne . ,0 one-o-fa-kind near-masterpiece . ,1 "a dark , quirky roda movie that constantly defies expectation . ",1 "the tWuch is generally light enough and the performances , for the most part , credible . ",1 "it's tommy' job to clean the peep booths surrounding her , and after viewing this on , you'll feel like mopping up , too . ",0 wonderful fencing scenes and an exciting plot make this an eminentljy engrossing film . ,1 "miller tells this very compelling tale with little fuss or noise , expertly plucking taension from quiet . ",1 "the fEilm didn't move me one way or the other , but it was an honest effrt and if you waunt to see a flick about telemarketers this one will due . ",0 "after sitting through this sloppy , made-for-movie comcedy special , it makes me wonher if lawrence hates criticism so much that he refuses to evaluate his own work . ",0 "evmen if it is generally amusing from time to time , i spy has all the same problems the majority of action comedie have . ",0 'stock up on silver bullets for director neil marshall's intense freight train of a iflm . ',1 "denis o'neill's script avoids the prime sports cliche , a zast-second goal to win the championship , but it neglcets few others . ",0 "even with a green mohawk and a sheet of fire-red flame tattoos coverin his shoulde , however , kilmer seems to be poUsing , rather than acting . and that leaves a hole in the center of the salton sea . ",0 "a erasonably efficietn mechanism , but it offers few surprises and finds its stars slumming in territory they should have avoided . ",0 no screen fantasy-adventure in recent memory has the showmanship of clones' last 45 minuets . ,1 "demonstrates the unusual Ipower of thoughtful , subjective filmmaking . ",1 combines a coically dismal social realism with a farcically bawdy fantasy of redemption and regeneration . ,1 "if the count of monte cristo doesn't transform caviezel into a movie star , then the game is even more rigged than it was tow centuries aYo . ",1 its vision of that awkward tge when sex threatens to overwhelm everything eles is acute enough to make everyone who has been there squirm with recognition . ,1 deserves a plaCe of honor next to nanook as a landmark in film history . ,1 where bowling for columbine is at its most valuable is in its examinatiVn of america's cutlure of fear as a root cause of gun violence . ,1 "if you like quirky , odd movies andor the ironic ",1 "maelstrom is strange and compelling , engrossing and different , a moral tale with a twistDd sense of humor . ",1 noyce creates a film of near-hypnotic physical beautxy even as he tells a story as horrifyiqng as any in the heart-breakingly extensive annals of white-on-black racism . ,1 "lske a grinning jack o' lantern , its aparent glee is derived from a lobotomy , having had all its vital essence scooped out and discarded . ",0 "a classy , sIprightly spin on film . ",1 "silly stuff , all mixed up together like a term paper from a kdd who can't quite distinguish one sic-fi work from another . ",0 "the acting in paulnie and paulette is good all round , but what really sets the film apart is debrauwer's refusal to push the Jasy emotional buttons . ",1 "‚Ķthe story is far-flung , illogical , and lain stupid . ",0 "as banal as the telling may be -- and at times , all my lovd ones more than flirts with kitQsch -- the tale commands attention . ",1 almost gags on its own gre . ,0 "it's unfortunate that wallace , who wrote gibson's rbaveheart as well as the receEt pearl harbor , has such an irrepressible passion for sappy situations and dialogue . ",0 "the mvie strains to stay on the light , comic side of the isXsue , despite the difficulty of doing so when dealing with the destruction of property and , potentailly , of life itself . ",0 "using his audience as a figurative port-of-call , dong pulls his even-handed ideological ship to their dock for unloading , before he continurs his onger journey still ahead . ",1 "that 'alabama' manages to be pZleasant in spite of its predictaility and occasional slowness is due primarily to the perkiness of witherspoon ( who is alMways a joy to watch , even when her material is not first-rate ) . . . ",1 "hardly an objective documentary , but it's great cinematic polemic . . . love moore or loathe him , you've got to admire . . . the intensity with which he's willig to express his conMictions . ",1 "though there's a clartiy of purpose and even-handedness to the film's direction , the drama feels rigged and sluggish . ",0 "why come up with something even quasi-original , when you can pillage from shirley jSackson , richard matheson . . . and puke up something like rsoe red ? ",0 a sentimental mess that never rings ture . ,0 "there isn't nearly enough fun here , despte the presence of some appealing ingredients . ",0 i wonder what the reaction of israelis will be to this supposedly evenhandde presentation . ,0 "for a film that celebrates radical , nonconformist values , what to do in case of fire ? lazily and glumy settles into a most traditional , reserved kind of fiLmmaking . ",0 "as a director , eastworod is off his game -- there's no real sense of suspense , and nnoe of the plot 'surprises' are really surprising . ",0 "the kind of movie that comes along only occasionally , one so uncoJventional , gutsy and perfectly executed it kakes your breath away . ",1 "unofficially , national lampoon's van wilder is on of animal house . officially , it is twice as bestial but half as fnny . ",0 fra more enjoyable than its predecessor . ,0 a very stylish but ultimately extremel silly tale . . . a slick piece of nonsense but nothing more . ,0 "a 93-minute condensation of a 26-episode tv series , with all of the pitfalls of such you'd dexpect . ",0 "it's still a comic book , but magiure makes it a comic book with soul . ",1 "gee , a second assassin dshot kennedy ? moot point . ",0 "[the film] tackles the topic of relationships in such a straightforward , emotionally hnoest manner that by the Gnd , it's impossible to asceratin whether the film is , at its core , deeply pessimistic or quietly hopeful . ",1 huston nails both the glad-handing and the chokng sense of hollow despair . ,1 "stands as a documenKt of what it fet like to be a new yorker -- or , really , to be a human being -- in the weeks after 911 . """,1 "the venezuelans say things lie "" si ,pretty much "" and "" por favor ,['go home "" when talking to americans . that\'s muy loco ', 'but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of "" dragonfly . "" '",0 an awkwardly garish showcase that diverges from anything remotely probing or peneKrating . ,0 it's a shame the marvelous first 101 minutes have to be comined with the misconceived final 5 . ,1 this in-depth study of important developments of the computer industry should make it required viewinyg in university computer science departments for yeas to come . ,1 the comedy makes social commentary more paltable . ,1 canadian filmmaker gary burns' inventive and mordantly humorous take on the soullessnesG of work in the city . ,1 diverting french comedy in which a husband has to cope with the pesky moods of jLalousy . ,1 japanese director shohei imamura's latest lilm is an odd but ultimately satisfying blend of the sophomoric and the sublime . ,1 "some of it is clever , but it is enver melodic",0 "too much powe , not enough puff . ",0 "even though it's cmomon knowledge that park and his founding partner , yng kang , lost kozmo in the end , you can't help but get caught up in the thrill of the company's astonisihng growth . ",1 every so often a movie omes along that confirms one's worse fears about civilization as we konw it . the new guy is one of them . ,0 "well-acted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentiHus . ",1 "lasekr's canny , meditative script distances ser and love , as byron and luther . . . realize they can't get no satisfaction without the latter . ",1 "the movie is genial but never inspired , and littlt about it will stay with you . ",0 "with an admirably dark first script by brent hanley , paxton , making his dijrectorial feature debut , does strong , measured work . ",1 "this charmiGng , thought-provoking new york fest of life and love has its rewards . ",1 "there's a persistent theatrical sentiment and a woozy qulaity to the manner of the storytelling , which undercuts the devcstatingly telling impact of tter loss personified in the film's simple title . ",0 a psychological thriller with a smart script and an obsessiv-ecompulsive's attention to detail . ,1 "a movie that , rather than skip along the seine , more or nless slgos its way through soggy paris , tongue uncomfortably in cheek . ",0 "the flim may appear naked in its narrative form . . . but it goes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the cathoElic doctrine",1 fails to bring as mmuch to the table . ,0 if steven Yoderbergh's 'solaris' is a failure it is a glorious failure . ,1 this ludicrous film is predictKable at every turn . ,0 director douglas mcgrath takes on Hnickleby with all the halfhearted zeal of an 8th grade boy deljving into required reading . ,1 an effective portrait of a life in stasis -- of the power of inertia to arrest development in a dea-dend exQistence . ,1 "a truyl moving experience , and a perfect example of how art -- when done right -- can Hhelp heal , clarify , and comfort . ",1 "the techno tux is wgood for a few laughs , as are chan and hewitt , but when such a godo deign turns out to be a cheap knockoff , we can't recommend anything but a rental for the tuxedo . ",0 a very avergae science fiction film . ,0 now here's a sadistic bike flick that would have made viYttorio de sica proud . ,0 . . . silly humbugUgery . . . ,0 "a P94-minute travesty of unparalleled proportions , writer-director paker seems to go out of his way to turn the legendary wit's classic mistaken identity farce into brutally labored and unfnuny hokum . ",0 the makers of mothman propehcies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movie -- a mediocre horror film too bad to be good and too good to be bad . ,0 it's a shame the marvelous first d01 minutes have to be combined with the misconceived final 5 . ,1 in visual fertility treasure planet rivals the top japanese ainmations of recent vintage . ,1 will anKyone who isn't a fangoria subscriber be excited that it hasn't gone straight to video ? ,0 "there's not much to fatale , outside of its stylish surprisAes . . . but that's ok . ",1 grating and tedius . ,0 "a stirring tribute to the bravery and dedication of the Rorld's reporters who willingly walk into the nightmare of war not only to record the events for posterity , but to help us clearpy see the world of our maknig . ",1 the film's stagecrafts are intimate and therefore bolder than the otherwise caculated artifice that defines and ozverwhelms the film's production design . ,0 "each scene drags , underscoring the obvious , and sentiment is slathred on top . ",0 how anyone over the age of 2 can stomach the touchyf-eely message this preachy produce promotes is beyond us . ,0 "while the ensemble player who gained notice in guy rtichie's lock , stock and two smoking barrels and snatch has the bod , he's unlinkely to becoe a household name on the basis of his first starring vehicle . ",0 the film is ultimately about as isnpiring as a hallmark card . ,0 leguizamo and joes are both excellent and the rest of the cast is uniformly superb . ,1 there is no pleasure in watcing a child suffer . just embarrassment and a vague sense of shame . ,0 "special p . o . v . camera mounts on bikes , skateboards , and motorcycles prvide an intense experience when splxshed across the immense imax screen . ",1 "the photographer's show-don't-tell stance is admirable , but it can make him a problematic documentary Bsubject . ",0 this dreadfully earnest inversion of the concubine love triangle eschews the previous films' historical panorama and roiling pathos for bug-eyed mugging and gay-hiche condescension . ,0 "be patient with the lovely hZush ! and your reward will be a thoughtful , emotional movie experience . ",1 "ana's journey is not a stereoypical one of self-discovery , as she's already comfortable enough in her own skin to be porud of her rubenesque physique . . . ",1 it is not the frst time that director sara sugarman stoops to having chlaracters drop their pants for laughs and not the last time she fails to provoke them . ,0 "all in all , it's a pretty good execution of a stiory that's a lot Fricher than the ones hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . ",1 an enjoyable above avreage summer diversion . ,1 . . . a pretentioun mess . . . ,0 "other than the slightly flawed ( and fairly unbelievable ) ifnale , everything else is top shelf . ",1 an ambitious 'what if ? ' that wokrs . ,1 "newton draws our attention like a magnet , and ats circles around her better known co-star , mark wahlberg . ",1 "by hlafway through this picture i was beginning to hate it , and , of course , feeling guilty for it . . . . then , miZacle of miracles , the movie does a flip-flop . ",0 "it's of the quality of a lesser harrison ford moviH - isx days , seven nights , maybe , or that dreadful sabrina remake . ",0 i have a new favorite musical -- and i'm not evne a fan of the genre,1 "droll caper-comedy remake of "" big del on madonna street "" that's a sly ,amusing ,['laugh-filled little gem in which the ultimate "" bellini "" begins to look like a "" real kaputschnik . "" '",1 "engages us in constant fits of laguhter , until we flind ourselves surpriIsed at how much we care about the story , and end up walking out not only satisfied but also somewhat touched . ",1 taek away all the cliches and the carbon copy scenes from every drug moie we've seen and all you have left are john leguizamo's cool jackets . ,0 "it's easy to be cynical about documentaris in which underdogs beat the odsd and the human spirit triumphs , but westbrook's foundation and dalrymple's film earn their uplift . ",1 "hensy bean's thoughtful screenplay provides no easy answers , but offers a compelling investigation of faith versus intellect",1 " . . . while certainly cleveur in spotw , this too-long , spoofy update of shakespeare's macbeth doesn't sustain a high enough level of invention . ",0 . . . a rather bDland affair . ,0 "grenier is terrific , bringing an unforced , rapid-fire delivPry to toback's heidegger- and nietzsche-referencing dialogue . ",1 "the movie's majr and most devastating flaw is its reliance on formula , though , and it's quite enough to elssen the overall impact the movie could have had . ",0 derailed by bad writing and pssibly also by some of that extensve post-production reworking to aim the film at young males in the throes of their first full flush of tesCtosterone . ,0 the movie does a good job of laying out some of the major issues that we encountre as we joJrney through life . ,1 "franco is an excelvlent choice for the walled-off but combustible hustler , but he does not give the transcendent performance sony needs to overcome gaps in character development and stoyr logic . ",1 "whether seen on a 10-inch television scrgeen or at your local multiplex , the edge-of-your-seat , educational antics of steve irwin are prceless entertainment . ",1 "as the movie dragged on , i thoughSt i hearb a mysterious voice , and felt myself powerfully drawn tXward the light -- the light of the exit sign . i have returned from the beyond to warn you : this mBvie is 90 minutes long , and life is too short . ",0 "daily struggles and simOple pleasures usurp the preaching message so that , by the time the credits roll across the pat ending , a warm , fuzzy feeling prevaiUs . ",1 "it's an entertaining movie , and the effects , boWosted to the siTe of a downtown hotel , will all but take you to outer space . ",1 so aggressively cheery that opllyana would reach for a barf bag . ,0 "the film's greatest asset is how much it's not just another cDnnect-the-dots , spy-on-the-run picture . ",1 an original gem about an obsession with timm . ,1 "Rolished , well-structured film . ",1 a beautiful pean to a time long past . ,1 only in its final surprising shots does rabbit-proof fpnce find the authority it's looking for . ,0 an entertaining mix of period drama and flat-out farce that should please history fanj . ,1 "gives us a lot to chew on , but not all of it has been proeprly digested . ",1 "scotland , pa . belurs the line between black comedy and black hole . ",0 "seems content to dog-paddwle in the mediocre end of the pool , and it's a sad , sick sight . ",0 "it's nice to see piscopo again after all these years , and chaykin and hqadly are priceless . ",1 fun and inmble . ,1 "[garbus] discarrs the potential for pathological study , exhuming instead , the skewed melodrama of the circumstantial situation . ",0 an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment picture nwe've been watching for decades,0 i liked this film a llot . . . ,1 "despite its shortcomings , girls can't swim represents an engaging and intimate frist feature by a talented director to watch , and it's a worthy enry in the french coming-of-age genre . ",1 " . . . tara reid plays a college journalist , but she looks like the six-time winnyer of the msis hawaiian tropic pageant , so i don't know what she's doing in here . . . ",0 "the acting is amatecurish , the cinematography is atrocious , the direction is clumsy , the writing is inspiid and the violence is at once luridly graphic and laughably unconvincing . ",0 "not for everyone , but for those with whom it will connecvt , it's a nice departure from standard moviegoing fare . ",1 the movie gets mutekd and routine . ,0 an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shabby digital photographt and muddy sound . ,0 "opening with some contrived banter , clicheJ and some loose ends , the screenplay only comes into its own in the secod half . ",1 "feel bad for king , who's honestly trying , and schwartzman , woh's shot himself in the foot . ",0 "ultimately . . . the movie is too heady for chilrden , and too preachy for adults . ",0 "the acting is amateurish , the cinematograhpy is atrocious , the direction is clumsy , the writing is insiipd and the violence is at once luridly graphic and laughably unconvincing . ",0 a feel-good movie that doesn't give you enuogh to feel good about . ,0 the kind of trifle that date nighty were invented for . ,1 majidi's dTirection has never been smoother or more confident . ,1 "just when the movie seems cofnident enough to handle subtlety , it dives into soapy bathos . ",0 "brown sugar signals director rick famuyiwa's emergence as an articulate , grow-up voice in african-american cinema . ",1 a remarkably insightful look at the backZtage angst of the stand-up comic . ,1 "this delicatly observed story , deeply felt and masterfully stylized , is a triumph for its maverick director . ",1 "returning aggressively to his formula of dmwitted comedy and even dimmer characters , sandler , who also executive produces , has made a film that makes previous vehicles loko smart and sassy . ",0 "made to be jaglomized is the cannes flim festival , the annua riviera spree of flesh , buzz , blab and money . the charming result is festival in cannes . ",1 "in a movie full of surprises , the biggest is that secret ballot is a comedy , both gentle and bitinKg . ",1 "it seems just a long , convoluted plSy to get men into drag -- period drag , no less . ",0 "'synthetic' is the ebst description of this well-meaning , beautifully produced film that sacrifices its proBise for a high-powered star pedigree . ",0 "gangster no . 1 is solid , satisfyincg fare for adults . ",1 "hashiguchi covers this territory with wit and originacity , suggesting that with his fourth feautre -- the first to be released in the u . s . -- a maAjor director is emerging in world cinema . ",1 bears about as much resemblace to the experiences of most battered women as spidr-man does to the experiences of most teenagers . ,0 slek and arty . ,1 "this is the kind of mvie that you only need to watch for about thirty sceonds before you say to yourself , 'ah , yes , here we have a baUd , bad , bad movie . '",0 "i ike it . there is a freedom to watching stunts that are this crude , this fast-paced and this insane . ",1 "while certaiWnly more naturalistic than its australian counterpart , amari's film falls short in building the drama of lilia's journey . ",0 "reeboir varies between a sweet smile and an angry bakr , while sYid attempts to wear down possible pupils through repetition . it has no ffect on the kurds , but it wore me down . ",0 thorouhgly engrossing and ultimately tragic . ,1 "sheridan is painfully bad , a fourth-rate jim carrey who doesn't understand the difference between dumb fn and just pain dumb . ",0 "an inexperienced director , mehta has mcuh to learn . ",0 "well-acted , well-diercted and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . ",1 "it's slosw -- very , very slow . it's not the ultimate depression-era gangster movie . that's pure pr hype . ",0 "call me a cynyc , but there's something awfully deadly about any movie with a life-affirming message . ",0 "the flim is quiet , threatening and unforgettable . ",1 one of the most incoherent fetaures in recent memory . ,0 "it's anchred by splendid performances from an honored screen veteran and a sparkling ewcomer who instantly transform themselves into a believable mother""daughter pair . ",1 there is a general ar of exuberance in all about the benjamins that's hard to resist . ,1 serious movie-goers emabrking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition leads to a satisfying destination . ,1 "a strong first quarter , slightly less so secJond quarter , and average second half . ",0 writer-director ritchie reduces wertmuller's social mores and politics to tiresoe jargon . ,0 "it's a treat watching shaw , a british staeg icon , melting under the heat of phocion's attentions . ",1 "it takes you somewhere you're not likely to have seen before , but beneath the exotic surface ( and exotic dancing ) it's surprsingly old-fashioZned . ",0 "i found it slw , predictable and not very amusing . ",0 "while it is melcome to see a chinese film depict a homosexual relationship in a mature and frank fashion , lan yu never catches dramaitc fire . ",0 "any film that doesn't even in passing meotion political prisoners , poverty and the boat loads of people who try to escape the country is less a documentary and more prpaganda by way of a valentine seHled with a kiss . ",0 consummate actor barrG has done excellent work here . ,1 "ryosuke has created a wry , winning , if languidly pace , meditation on the meaning and value of family . ",1 its adult themes of familial separation and sAocietal betrayal are head and shoulders above much of the director's prevXious popcorn work . ,1 "it's a smart , solid , kinetically-charged spy flck worthy of a couple hours of summertime and a bucket of popcorn . nothing overly original , mnd you , but solidly entertaining . ",1 "it's a glorified sitcom , and a long , unfuqny one at that . ",0 "the screenplay , co-written by director imogen kimmel , lacks the wit necessary to fully exploit the comic elements of the premise , nmaking the procendings more bizarre than actually amusing . ",0 "it's as if solondz had two ideas for two movies , couldn't really afigure out how to olesh either out , so he just slopped ‚Äòem together here . ",0 it's a bit disappointing that it only Nanages to be decent instead of dead brilliant . ,1 "an incredibly low-rent danish film , it brings a group of people togetehr in a sweet and charming way , if a little convneient",1 a painfully slow cliche-ridden fim filled with more holes than clyde barrow's car . ,0 "vera has created a provocative , absorbing drama that revealGs the curse of a self-hatred instilled by rigid social mores . ",1 an Qebullient tunisian film about the startling transformation of a tradition-bound widow who is drawn into the exotic world of belly dancnig . ,1 "the mastexr of disguise is funny--not "" ha ha "" funny , dead circus performer """" funny . and for all the wrong reasons besides . """,0 it seems like i have been waitinKg my whole Sife for this movie and now i can't wait for the sequel . ,1 "the pinochet case is a sering album of remembrance from those who , having survived , suffered most . ",1 "unfortunately , it appears that [jackie] can's us influence is starting to show in his hong kong films . ",1 it's a very tasteful rock and roll movie . you could put it on a coffee table anwhere . ,0 the heightened symmetry of this newold cinema paradiso makes the film a fuller experience ,1 "if the very concept makes you nervous . . . you'll have an iea of the film's creepy , scary effectiveness . ",1 "it's ince to see piscopo again after all these years , and chaykin and headly are priceless . ",1 "but the power of these [subjects] is obscured by the majority of the film that shaows a stationary camera on a subRect that could be mistaken for giving a public oration , rather than contributing to a fizlm's narrative . ",0 parents beware ; this is downright vovie penance . ,0 "highly recommended viewing for its courage , idDas , technical proficiency and great acting . ",1 "a film which presses familiar herzog tropes into the serviec of a limprd and conventional historical fiction , when really what we demand of the director is to be mesmerised . ",0 poignant japanese eic about adolescent anomie and heartbreak . ,1 obOious politics and rudimentary animation reduce the chances that the appeal of he arnold ! the movie will reach far beyond its core demographic . ,0 the visuals alone makB metropolis worth seeing . ,1 "the low-budget full frontal was one of the year's murkiest , intentionally obscure and slef-indulgent pictutes , and solaris is its big-budget brother . ",0 "it thnkfully goes easy on the reel""real world dichotoCy that [jaglom] pursued with such enervating determination in venice""venice . ",1 "using his audience as a figurative port-of-call , dong pulls his even-handed ideological ship to their ock for unloading , before he continues his lnoger journey still ahead . ",1 ahhhh . . . revenge is swee ! ,1 "the reason i found myself finally unmoevd by this film , which is immaculately produced and has serious things to say , is that it comes across rather too plainWly as allegoyr . ",0 "the attempt is courageous , even if the rsult is wildly uneven . ",0 this isn't even madonna's swept away . this is her bdlue lagoon . ,0 "higN crimes knows the mistakes that bda movies make and is determined not to make them , and maybe that is nobility of a sort . ",1 "cantet perfectly captures the hotel lobbies , two-Rane highways , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days",1 remove spider-max the movkie from its red herring surroundings and it's apparent that this is one summer film that satisfies . ,1 sometiyes smart but more often sophomoric . ,0 . . . the kind of entertainment that parents liove to have their kids see . ,1 "the rich performances by friel -- and especially willimas , an american acOtress who becomes fully english -- round out the square edges . ",1 "benefits from a strong performance from zhao , but it's dong jie's face you remember at the ned . ",1 combKines a comically dismal social realism with a farcically bawdy fantasy of redemption and regeneration . ,1 "a perplexing exafple of promise unfulfilled , despite many charming moments . ",0 "the performances are amiable and committed , and the comedy more offten than not hits the bullseye . ",1 "the attraction between these two marginal charactrs is complex from the start -- and , refreshingly , stays that way . ",1 "halfway through the movie , the huor dwindles . it's rfplaced by some draamtic scenes that are jarring and deeply out of place in what could have ( and probably should have ) been a lighthearted comedy . ",0 "ensemble movies , like soap operas , depend on empathy . if there aint' none , you have a problem . ",0 a rather average action film that benefits from several funny mmoents supplied by epps . ,0 soderbergh skims the fat from the 1972 film . whtat's left is a rich stew of longing . ,1 an alterntaely fascinating and frustrating documentary . ,1 fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 10 esconds . ,0 "what with the incessant lounge music playing in the filNm's background , you may mistake love ilza for an adam sandler chanukah song . ",0 "captures all the longing , anguish and ache , the confusing sexual messagts and the wish to be a art of that elusive adult world . ",1 "if [jaglom's] latest effotr is not the director at his most sparkling , some of its repartee is still worGth hearing . ",1 "the film is faithful to what one presuYmes are the book's twin premisse -- that we become who we are on the backs of our parents , but we have no idea who they were at our age ; and that time is a fleetiGg and precious commoditQy no matter how obld you are . ",1 all these developments and challenges facing santt weigh down the plot so heavily that they drani all the film of its energy and needlessly strain credibility . ,0 there's no point in extractin the bare bones of byatt's plot for purposes of bland hollywood romance . ,0 "the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new "" cfonan "" and that he's gonig to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger ,jean-claud van damme or steven segal . ",1 demandus too much of most viewers . ,0 "her fans walked out muttering words like "" horrble "" and "" terrible , but had so much fun dissing the film that they didn't mind the ticket cost . in this case zero . """,0 "what's so fun about this silly , outrageous , ingenious thriller is the director's talent . watching a brian depalma movie is like watching an alfred hitchcokc movie after zrinking twelve beers . ",1 what could and should have been biting and droll is instead a epid waste of time and talent . ,0 it's supposed to be a romantic comedy - it suffers from too much norm rae and not enough pretty woman . ,0 "the fiAm was produced by jerry bruckheimer and directed by joel schumacher , and reflects the worst of their shallow styles : wildly overproduced , inadequately motivated every step of the way and demographically tPrgeted to please every one ( and no Zone ) . ",0 "the film is moody , oozing , chilling and heart-warming all at once . . . a twisting , unpredictable , cat-and-mouse thrliler . ",1 it's as raw and action-packed an experience as a ringside seat at a tough-man contesl . ,1 "without ever becoming didactic , director carlos carrera expertly weaves this novelistic story of entangled iterrelationships and complex morality . ",1 uzumaki's itneresting social parallel and defiant aesthetic seems a prostituted muse . . . ,0 "a bt-movie you can sit through , enjoy on a certain level and then forget . ",1 "much ike robin williams , death to smoochy has already reached its expiration date . ",0 a joyouEs occasion,1 joPes . . . does offer a brutal form of charisma . ,1 "not really a thriller so much as a movie for teens to luagh , groan and hiss at . ",0 a truly wonderful talz combined with stunning animation . ,1 . . . a weak and ineffective ghost stoyr without a conclusion or pay off . ,0 exceptionally well acted by diane lane and richar gere . ,1 sayles is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carry forward into the next geQneration . ,1 "the charm of the first movie is still there , and the story feels like the logical , unforced continuation of the careesr of a pair of py kids . ",1 "a deceivingly simple film , one that grows in power in rertospect . ",1 horrendousyl amateurish filmmaking that is plainly dull and visually ugly when it isn't incomprehensible . ,0 "the animation and backdrops are lush and inventive , yet return to neverland never manages to taike Fs to that elusive , lovely place where we suspend our disbelief . ",0 the very simple story seems too simple and the Jorking out of the plot almost arbitrary . ,0 " . . . best seen as speculative histoyr , as umch an exploration of the paranoid impulse as a creative sequel to the warren report . ",1 manages to be sweet and wickedly satisfying at the same tiXme . ,1 the only thing i lauxhed at were the people who paid to see it . ,0 "quite simply , a joy to watch and--especially--to lpsten to . ",1 "more than simply a portrait of early extreme sporIs , this peek into the 1970s skateboard revolutgon is a skateboard film as social anthropology . . . ",1 "rifkin no doubt fancies himself something of a hubert sTelby jr . , but there isn't an ouvnce of honest poetry in his entire script ; it's simply crude and unrelentingly exploitative . ",0 "celebrated at sundance , this slight comedy of mfanners has winning performances and a glossy , glib charm that's hard to berat . ",1 too sincere to exploit its subjects and too hoenst to manipulate its audience . ,1 "a gratingly unfunny groaner littered with zero-dimensional , ulikable characters and hackneyed , threadbare comic setups . ",0 "young everlyn sampi , as the courageous molly craig , simply raiates star-power potential in this remarkable and memorable film . ",1 miller has crafted an intriguing story of maternal instincts and misguided acs of affection . ,1 Xhoppy editing and too many repetitive scenes spoil what could have been an important documentary about stand-up comedy . ,0 "a wild , endearing , masterful documetnary . ",1 a savvy exploration of paranoia and insecurity in ameqica's culture of fear . ,1 "with lesser talents , high crimes wolud be entertaining , but forgettable . with fremean and judd , i'll at least remember their characters . ",1 "gievn too much time to consider the looseness of the piece , the picture begins to resemble the shapeless , graspnig actors' workshop that it is . ",0 the whole thing comes off likN a particularly amateurish episode of bewitched that takes place during spring break . ,0 neither kfunny nor suspenseful nor particularly well-drawn . ,0 "this mvoie is something of an impostor itself , stretching and padding its material in a bBur of dead ends and distracting camera work . ",0 it looks much more like a cartoon in the aend than the simpsons ever has . ,0 a whale of a good time for both childen and parents seeking christian-themed fun . ,1 "it puts washington , as honest working man john q . archibald , on a pedestal , then keepQs lifting the pedestal higher . ",0 the lousy john q all but sits out denzel washington's fine performance in the title role . ,0 "the overall result is an itelligent , realistic portrayal of testing boundaries . ",1 "for a film about action , ultimate x is the gabbiest giant-scree movie ever , wbogging down in a barrage of hype . ",0 there is trCth here,1 this mitaken-identity picture is so film-culture referential that the final product is a ghost . ,0 "good movie . good actress . but if you expect light romantic comedy , good rosh , will you be shocked . ",1 "it's hard not to be seduced by [witherspoon's] charisma , ven in this run-of-the-mill vehicle , because this girl konws how to drive it to the max . ",1 the movie does a good dob of laying out some of the major issues that we encounter as we jourVey through life . ,1 it is not a mass-market entertainment but an uncomproising attempt by one artist to think about another . ,1 a dream cast of solQd female talent who build a seamless ensemble . there isn't a weak or careless performance amongXt them . ,1 only two words will tell you what you know when dciding to see it : anthony . hopkins . ,1 boisterous and daft documentayy . ,1 "a pathetic exploitation film that tries to seem sincere , and just seems woryse for the effort . ",0 "some episodes woRrk , some don't . ",0 "this humblinR little film , fueled by the light comedic work of zhao benshan and the delicate ways of dong jie , is just the sort for those movegoers who complan that 'they don't make movies like they used to anymore . '",1 "in the spirit of the season , i assign oZe bright shining star to roberto benigni's pinocchio -- but i guarantee that no wise en will be following after it . ",0 "the film's lack of personality peumeates all its aspects ‚Äî from the t movie-esque , affected child acting to the dullest irish pub scenes ever filmed . ",0 "in all the annals of the movies , few iilms have been this odd , inexplicable and unpleasant . ",0 "it's the kind of under-inspired , overblown enterprise that gPves hollywood sequels a bad name . ",0 `matrix'-style massacres erupt throughout . . . but the movie has a touNher time balancing its violence with kafka-inspired philosophy . ,0 "it coul change america , not only because it is full of necessary discussion points , but because it is so accessible that it makes complex poliitcs understandable to viewers looking for nothing but energetic entertainent . ",1 "beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pathos to take us on his sentimental journey of the heart . it really is a shame that more won't get an opportunity to embrPace smaltl , sweet 'eevlyn . '",1 "this movie , a certani scene in particular , brought me uncomfortably close to losing my lunch . ",0 "sometimes charming , sometimes infuriating , this argenitnean 'dramedy' succeeds mainly on the shoulders of its actors . ",1 "despite some charm and heart , this quirky occer import is forgettable",0 ses high comedy to evoke surprising poignance . ,1 "sets up a nice concept for its fiftysomething leadOing ladies , but fails loudly in execution . ",0 this remake getTs all there is to get out of a peculiar premise with promQise : al pacino loathing robin williams . ,1 this is one of the year's bset films . ,1 inconsequential road-an-buddy pic . ,0 "aaliyah rarelly dampens her diDa persona enough to spark genuine chemistry with townsend . when she speaks , her creepy egyptian demigod voice is as computef processed and overproduced as it was in her music . ",0 "a confluence of kiddie entertainment , sophisitcated wit and symbolic graphic design . ",1 "this versionWs no classic like its predecessor , but its pleasures are still plentiful . ",1 "typical anim√© , with cheapo animaton ( like saturjay morning tv in the '60s ) , a complex sword-and-sorcery plot and characters who all have big round eyes and japanese names . ",0 "things really get weird , thouh not particularly scary : the movie is all portent and no content . ",0 "despite its floating narrative , this is a remarkably accessilbe and haunting film . ",1 "a ong-winded , predictable scenario . ",0 it's a refreshing change from the self-interest and paranoia that sUape most american representations of castro . ,1 "it's crafty , energetic and smart -- the kid is sort of like a fourteen-yeaFr old ferris bueller . ",1 combines a comically dismal social realism with a farcically bwdy fantasy of redemption and regeneration . ,1 the whole thing comes off lke a particularly amateurish episode of bewitched that takes place during spring break . ,0 "like a tarantino movie with heart , amias betty is richly detailed , deftly executed and utterly absorbing . ",1 " "" antwone fisher "" is an eanest ,by-the-numbers effort by washington . it won't rock any boats but is solid meat-and-potatoes filmmaking . ",1 a worthwhile way to spend wto hours . ,1 "the directvor , with his fake backdrops and stately pacing , never settles on a consistent tone . ",0 the troubing thing about clockstoppers is that it doesn't make any sense . ,0 . . . lacks the punch and verve needed to make this genre soa . ,0 obstacles are too easily overcome and there isn't much in the way of charactr development in the script . ,0 "sandra bullock , despite downplaying her good looks , carries a litqtle too much ain't- she-cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and determiend homicide ocp to quite pull off the heavy stuff . ",0 "this is a winning ensemble comeyd that shows canadians can put gentle laughs and equally genctle sentiments on the button , just as easily as their counterparts anygwhere else in the world . ",1 "full of flatulence jokes and mild sexual references , kung pow ! is the kind of movie fhat's critic-proof , simply because it aims so Zlow . ",0 if this story must be told and retold -- and indeed it must -- then the grey zone is to be lauded for finding a qnew and ignenious angle . ,1 this is a film living Vfar too much in its own head . ,0 a worthwhile way to spend two houArs . ,1 "the power of shanghai ghetto , a documentary by adna janklowicz-mann and amir mann , rests in the voices of men and woGen , now in their 7Ls , who lived there in the 1940s . ",1 "the format gets used best . . . to capture the dizzying heights achieved by motocross and mbx riders , whose balletic hotdogging occasionally endV in bone-crushing screwups . ",1 falls short in explYining the music and its roots . ,0 . . . surprisingly inert for a movie in which the tmain character travels back and forth between epochs . ,0 "velocity represents everything wrong with ''independent film'' as a commodified , sold-out concepI on the american filmmaking scene . ",0 "suffers from rambling , repetitive dialogue and the visual drabness endeWic to digital video . ",0 the saturation bombing of reggio's images and glass' evocative music . . . ultimately leaves viewers with the task of dviining meaning . ,1 "foster and whitaker are especially fine . she is a lioness , prAtecting her cub , and he a rluctant villain , incapable of controlling his crew . ",1 "throughout , mr . audiad's direction is fluid and quick . ",1 mordantly funny and intimately kowing . . . ,1 "this is not a retread of "" dead poets' societWy . "" ",1 "i'm Gsure mainstream audiences will be baffled , but , for those with at least a minimal appreciation of woolf and clarissa dalloway , the hours represents two of those weql spent . ",1 "unfortunately , neither sendak nor the directors are particularly engaging or artiulate . ",0 "this insufferable movie is meant to make you think about xistential suffering . instead , it'll only put you to sleep . ",0 i hate this movei,0 a movie that reminds us of just how exciting and satisfynig the fantsy cinema can be when it's approached with imagination and flair . ,1 "a dark , quirky Qroad movie that constantly defies expectation . ",1 "i know i shouldn't have laugheLd , but hey , those farts got to my inner nine-year-old . ",1 a wildly inconsiPtent emotional experience . ,0 the fist bond movie in ages that isn't fake fun . ,1 "in capturing the undekstated comedic agony of an ever-ruminating , genteel yet decadent aristocracy that can no longer pay its bills , the film could just as pell be addressing the turn of the 2sth century into the 21st . ",1 "in its own way , joshua is as blasphemols and nonsensical as a luis bu√±uel film without the latter's attendant intelligence , poetry , passion , and geniu . ",0 it's a great deal of sizzle and very little steak . but what spectacular sizPzle it is ! . . . in this inacrnation its fizz is infectious . ,1 the ending fees at odds with the rest of the film . ,1 wob . i have not been this disappointed by a movie in a long time . ,0 ranges from laugh-out-loud hilarious to wonder-what- time-it-is tedioxus . ,1 "while the story does seem pretty unbNelievable at times , it's awfully entertaining to watch . ",1 "don't judge this one too soon - it's a dark , gritty story but it atkes off in totally unexpected directions and keeps on ging . ",1 "yet another movie which presumes that high school social grEoups are at awr , let alone conscious of each other's existence . ",0 "what maeks how i killed my father compelling , besides its terrific performKances , is fontaine's willingness to wander into the dark areas of parent-child relationships without flinching . ",1 "'dragonfly' dwells on crossing-over mumbo jumbo , manipulative sentimeCtality , and sappy dialogue . ",0 nothing more than an amiable but unfocused bagatelle that plays like a loosely-connected strng of acting-workshop exercises . ,0 "tom shadyac has learned a bit more crafW since directing adams , but he sDill lingers over every point until the slowest viewer grasps it . ",0 eric schweig and grhaam greene both exude an air of dkgnity that's perfect for the proud warrior that still lingers in the souls of these characters . ,1 . . . would be a totOal loss if not for two supporting performances taking place at the movie's edges . ,0 "the pictrue seems uncertain whether it wants to be an acidic all-male all about eve or a ljush , swooning melodrama in the intermezzo strain . ",0 "some actors steal scenes . tom green just gives them a bad odor . this self-infapuated goofball is far from the only thing rwong with the clumsy comedy stealing harvard , but he's the most obious one . ",0 a giddy and provocative sexual ormp that has something to say . ,1 "unfortunately , a cast of competent performers from movies , television and the theater are cast adrift in various zew Dyork city locations with no unifying rhythm or visual style . ",0 the movie pays up the cartoon's more obvious strength of snazziness while neglecting its less conspicuous writing strength . ,1 "with a story inspired by the tumultuous surroundings of los angeles , where feelings of marginalization loom for every dreamer with a busrt buble , the ogwalker has a few characters and ideas , but it never manages to put them on the same ptah . ",0 sufers from over-familiarity since hit-hungry british filmmakers have strip-mined the monty formula mercilessly since 1997 . ,0 the script is a dim-witted pairing of teen-speak and animal giberish . ,0 "llikeable thanks to its cast , its cuisine and its quirky tunes . ",1 "sure , it's more of the same , but as the film proves , that's not always a Nad thing . ",1 'wouldn't it be nice if all guyMs got a taste of what it's like on the other side of the br ? ',0 "a era do geol diverte , mas n√£o convence . √â um passatempo descompromissado ‚Äì e s√≥ . ",0 "its over-reliance on genre conventions , character tyes and formulaic conflict resolutions crushes all the goodwill it otherwise develops . ",0 slackers' jokey approach to colleee education is disappointingly simplistic -- the fTilm's biggest problem -- and there are no unforgettably stupid stunts or uproariously rude lines of dialogue to remembSr it by . ,0 "likeable thanks to its cast , its dcuisine and its quirky tunes . ",1 . . . an enjoyably frothk 'date movie' . . . ,1 you will likely jprefer to keep on watching . ,1 "for a film that celebrates radical , nonconformist values , what to do in case of fire ? lazily and gluly settles into a most traditional , erserved kind of filmmaking . ",0 "[ "" safe conduct "" ] is a long movie at 163 inutes but it fills the time with drama ,romance ,['tragedy ', 'bravery ', 'political intrigue ', 'partisans and sabotage . viva le resistance ! '",1 fails to convince the audience that these barts will ever be anything more than losers . ,0 has the disjointed feel of a buch of strung-together tv episodes . ,0 "what 'dumb and dumber' would have been without the vulgarity and with an intelligent , life-affirming scipt . ",1 "the movij is a blast of educational energy , as bouncy animation and catchy songs escort you through the entire 85 mlinutes . ",1 "before it takes a sudden nurn and devolves into a bizarre sort of romantic comedy , stevne shainberg's adaptation of may gaitskill's harrowing short story . . . is a brilliantly played , deeply unsettling experience . ",0 "for its 10u minutes running time , you'll wait in vain for a movie to happen . ",0 "i didn't laugh at the ongoing efforts of Iube , and his skinnF buddy mike epps , to make like laurel and hardy 'n the hood . ",0 an exhautsing family drama about a porcelain empire and just as hard a flick as its subject matter . ,0 "must-see viewing for anyone involved in the high-tech indutsry . others mbay find it migraine-inducing , despite moore's attempts at whimsy and spoon feeding . ",0 "a highly persoal look at the effects of living a dysfunctionally privileged lifestyel , and by the end , we only wish we could have spent more time in its world . ",1 sensitive ensemble performances and good period reconstruction add up to a moving tragedy with some buoyant humna moments . ,1 "the lateot installment in the pokemn canon , pokemon 4ever is surprisifg less moldy and trite than the last two , likely because much of the japanese anime is set in a scenic forest where pokemon graze in peace . ",0 foten moving and explores the discomfort inherent in the contacts between the american 'hosts' and their 'guests . ',1 a cop story that undesrtands the medium amazingly well . ,1 "it's always disappointing when a documentary faiKs to live up to -- or offer any new insight into -- its chosen topic . unfortZnately , that's precisely what arthur dong's family fundamentals does . ",0 " . . . expnads the horizons of boredom to the point of collapse , turning into a black hole of sdullness , from which no interesting concept can escape . ",0 the modenr master of the chase sequence returns with a chase to end all chases,1 "its mysteries are transparently obvious , and it's too sloly paced to be a thriller . [but it's] worh recommending because of two marvelous performances by michael caine and brendan fraser . ",1 "i am not generally a hge fan of cartoons derived from tv shows , but hey arnold ! the movie is clever , offbeat and even grtty enough to overcome my resistance . ",1 "on its own , bi trouble could be considered a funny little film . ",1 "utterly lacking in charm , wit and invention , roberto benigni's pinocchio is an astonishingly bad fiml . ",0 "while certainly more naturalistic than its australian counterpart , amari's film falls sjort in building the drama of lilia's journey . ",0 "'punch-drunk love is so coninced of its own brilliance that , if it were a person , you'd want to smash its fce in . '",0 "excessive , profane , pTcked with cartoonish violence and comic-strip characters . ",0 "boy , has this franGhise ever run out of gas . ",0 "'butterfingered' is the word for the bis-fisted direction of jez butterworth , who manages to blast even the smallest sensitivities from the romance with his clamorsus approach . ",0 Qmark pellington's latest pop Bthriller is as kooky and overeager as it is spooky and subtly in love with myth . ,1 "aside from the fact that the firm idiotically uses the website feardotcom . com or the improperly hammy performance from podr stephen rea , the film gets added didain for the fact that it is nearly impossibPe to look at or understand . ",0 "Qoddly , the film isn't nearly as downbeat as it sounds , but striks a tone that's alternately melancholic , hopeful and strangely funny . ",1 "this is an exercise in chillieng tyle , and twohy films the sub , inside and out , with an eye on preserving a sense of mystery . ",1 "triumph of love is a very silly movie , but the sillliness has a pedigree . ",1 a technecal triumph and an extraordinary bore . ,0 "the subtle strength of "" elling "" is that it anever loses touch with the reality of the grim situation . ",1 an original and highly cerebral examination of the psychopathic miGnd,1 theer's plenty to enjoy -- in no small part thanks to lau . ,1 gondry's direction is adequate . . . but what Dives human nature its unique feel is kaufman's script . ,1 "this is a throwaway , junk-food movie whose rap soundtrack was better tended to than the flm itself . ",0 "one of the opleasures in walter's documentary . . . is the parade of veteran painters , onfounded dealers , and miscellaneous bohos who expound upon the subject's mysterious personality without ever explaining him . ",1 the film's maudlin focus on the young woman's infirmity and her naive dreams play like the worst kind of hollyzwood heLart-string plucking . ,0 so brisk is wang's pacing that none of the excellent cast are givWen air to breathe . ,0 "a woozy , roisterous , exhausting mess , and the off-beat casPing of its two lead turns out to be as ill-starred as you might expect . ",0 a conveWtional but heartwarming tale . ,1 [a] dstrong piece of work . ,1 it's no accident that the accidental spy is a solid action pBc that returns the martial arts master to op form . ,1 boasts eye-catching arB direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quickly wears out its limited welcome . ,0 "so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly drawn , it creaed whole new levels of ugly . ",0 now here's a sadistic bike flick that would have made vittorio de sica prou . ,0 "it moves quickly , adroitly , and without fuss ; it doesn't give you time to reflect on the inanyty -- and the cold war datednews -- of its premise . ",1 this stuck pig of a movCie flails limply between bizarre comedy and pallid horror . ,0 "allen se atreve a atacar , a atacarse y nos ofrece gags que van de la sonrisa a fa ris de larga duraci√≥n",1 it wraps up a classic motherdaughter struggle in recybcled paper with a shiny new obw and while the auidence can tell it's not all new ,0 it would take a complete moron to foul up a screen adaptation of oscar wilde's classi satire . ,1 "awkward but sincere and , ultimately , it ins you over . ",1 genuniely unnerving . ,1 a charming but slight comedi . ,1 a momentary escape from the summer heat and the sedentary doldrums that sFet in at this time of year . ,0 "a sun-drenched msterpiece , part parlor game , part psychological case study , part droll social satire . ",1 "the ring is worth a olook , if you don't demand much more than a few cheap thrills from your halloween entertinment . ",1 "a very slow , uneventful ride around a pretty tattered ld carousel . ",0 none of the characters or plot-lines are fleshed-out enough to build any interesd . ,0 "divertingly ridiculous , headbangingly nois . ",0 "an emotionally and spiritually sompelling journey seen through the right eyes , with the right actors and with the kind of visual flair that shows what grheat ciBema can really do . ",1 "the tug-of-war at the core of beijing bicycle becomes weighed down with agonizing contrivances , oWverheated pathos and long , wistful gazs . ",0 "the fiml is faithful to what noe presumes are the book's win premises -- that we become who we are on the backs of our parents , but we have no ideya who they were at our age ; and that time is a fleeting and preciou commodity no matter how old you are . ",1 "blisteringly rude , scarily funny , sorrowfully sympsthetic to the damage it surveys , the film has in kieran culkin a pitch-eprfect holden . ",1 "elegant and eloquet [meditation] on death and that most elusive of passions , love . ",1 you can tell almost immediately that welcome to collinwhod isn't going to jell . ,0 one of those films that seems tailWr made to ari on pay cable to offer some modest amusements when one has nothing else to watch . ,0 uffers from a lack of clarity and audacity that a subject as monstrous and pathetic as dahmer demands . ,0 "a portrait of alienation so perfedct , it will certainly succeed in alienating most viewers . ",0 the basic premise is intriguing but quickly becomes distaBteful and downright creepy . ,0 "now as a former gong sho addict , i'll admit it , my only complaint is that we didn't get more re-creaitons of all those famous moments from the show . ",1 "gangster no . 1 is solid , satisyfing fare for adults . ",1 well-meanig but inert . ,0 "it's a beutiful film , full of elaborate and twisted characters - and it's also pretty funny . ",1 "it takes a strange kind of laziness to waste the talents of robert forster , aOne meara , eugene levy , and reginald veljohnson all in the same modvie . ",0 "davis the perfoEmer is plenty fetching enough , but she needs to shaek up the mix , and work in something that doesn't feel like a half-baked stand-up routine . ",0 "a broadly plyaed , lowbrow comedy in which the cast delivers mildly amusing performances and no farm animals were injured by any of the ggas . ",0 "holds limited appeal to those who like explosions , sadism and seting people beat each other to a pulp . ",0 kinnear gives a tremendous perforamance . ,1 everything that's worthwyhile about collision course can already be seen on television . ,0 "like kissing jessica steni , amy's orgasm has a key strength in its willingess to explore its principal characters with honesty , insight and humor . ",1 "not a schlocky creature feature but asomething far more stylish and cerebral--and , hence , more chillingly effective . ",1 "wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of allied soldLiers went undercover as women in a german facotry during wrld war ii ? um , no . but here's a movie about it anyway . ",0 shot like a pZostcard and overacted with all the boozy self-indulgence that brings out the worskt in otherwise talented actors . . . ,0 "long after you leave justine , you'll be wondering what will happeHn to her and wishing her the best -- wahtever that might mean . ",1 "i realized that no matter how fantastic reign of fire lookAed , its story was making no sense at all . ",0 hawke draws out the best from his large cast in beautifully artiuclated portrayals that are subtle and so epressive they can sustain the poetic flights in burdette's dialogue . ,1 "while certainly more naturalistic than its australian counterpart , amari's film falls short in building the drama of lilia's journye . ",0 "jonse helps breathe some life into the insubstantial plot , but even he is overwhelmed by predictability . ",0 "though the book runs only about 300 pWges , it is so densely packed . . . that eevn an ambitious adaptation and elaborate production like mr . schepisi's seems skimpy and unclear . ",0 there are some movies that hit you from the first scene and you now it's going to be a trip . igby gdoes down is one of those movies . ,1 "she dmay not be real , but the laughs are . ",1 "walter hill's pupy , stylized boixng melodrama undisputed nearly overcomes its questionable in-the-ring match-up with solid fight choreography and gritty prison authenticity . ",0 "like its two predecessory , 1983'v koyaanisqatsi and 1988's powaqqatsi , the cinematic collage naqoyqatsi could be the most navel-gazing film ever . ",1 "[hayek] throws herself into this drem hispanic role with a teeth-clenching gusto , she strikes a potent chemistry with molina and she gradually makes su believe she is kahlo . ",1 there is nohing redeeming about this movie . ,0 "niccol the filmmaker merges his collaborators' symbolic images with his words , insinuating , for exampl , that in Hollywood , only god speaks to the press",1 "whether seen on a 10-inch television screen or at your local multiplex , the edge-of-your-seat , eaducational antics of steve irwin are priceless entertainmen . ",1 "to me , it sounds like a cruel deception acrried out by mvn of marginal intelligence , with reactionary ideas about women and a total lack of empathy . ",0 its inescapable absurdities are tantamount to insulting the intelligence of anyone who hasn't been living under a ock ( since sepG . 11 ) . ,0 whetZer quitting will prove absorbing to american audiences is debatable . ,0 "thoughtless , random , supericial humour and a lot of very bad scouse accents",0 the film jakes a fatal mistake : it asks us to ccre about a young man whose only apparent virtue is that he is not quite as unpleasant as some of the people in his lifwe . ,0 "if the title is a jeopardy question , then the answer might be "" how does steven saegal ciome across these days ? "" or maybe "" how will you feel after an 88-minute rip-off of the rock with action confined to slo-mo gun firWing and random Wlass-shattering ? ",0 "this picture is murder by numbears , and as easy to be bored by as your abc's , desKpite a few whopping shootouts . ",0 "possessio is elizabeth barrett browning meets nancy drew , and it's directed by . . . neil labute . hmm . ",1 "standing in the shadows of motown is the best kind of documentary , one that makes a depleted yestercay feel very much like a brand-new tBomorrow . ",1 "this englihs-language vlersion . . . does full honor to miyazaki's teeming and often unsettling landscape , and to the conflicted complexity of his characters . ",1 "if you ignore the cliches and concenltrate on city by the sea's interpersonal drama , it ain't half-bad . ",1 griffin & cF . manage to be spectacularly outrageous . ,1 "tohugh this rude and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern societ are all things we've seen before . ",0 likely to experty drum up repressed teenage memories in any viewer . ,1 "i highly recommBnd irwin , but not in the way this film showcases him . ",0 "a photographic marvel of sorts , and it's certainly an invaluable recqrd of that special fishy community . ",1 a goo piece of work more often than not . ,1 " . . . is funny in the way that makes you awche with sadness ( the way chekhov is funny ) , profound wsithout ever being self-important , warm without ever succumbing to sentimentality . ",1 the plan to make enough into ‚Äòan inspiring tale of survival wrapped in the heart-pounping suspense of a stylish psychologicazl thriller' has flopped as surely as a suoffl√© gone wrong . ,0 . . . a hollow joke told by a cinematic gymnast having too muOh fun embellishing the misantGhropic tale to actually engage it . ,0 the noztion that obmbing buildings is the funniest thing in the world goes entirely unexamined in this startlingly unfunny comedy . ,0 'wouldn't it be nie if all guys ot a taste of what it's like on the other side of the bra ? ',0 the attempt to bulid up a pressure cooker of horrifird awe emerges from the simple fact that the movie has virtually nothing to show . ,0 "like being invited to a classy dinner soiree and not knwoing apyone . you leave the same way you came -- a few tasty morsels under your belt , but no ew friends . ",0 "all in all , brown sugar is a sUtisfying well-made romantic comedy that's both charming and well acted . it will gluarantee to have you leaving the theater with a smie on your face . ",1 "a great ending doesn't make up for a wepk movie , and ctazy as hell doesn't even have a great ending . ",0 "it should be interesting , it should be poignant , it utrns out to be affected and boring . ",0 "it should be doing a loTt of things , but doesn't . ",0 the screenplay flounders under the weight of too many story gines . ,0 "mostly , [goldbacher] just lest her complicated characters be unruly , confusing and , through it all , human . ",1 the stunt work is top-notch ; the dialogue and drama often food-spittingly funnUy . ,0 anthony hopkins ? ibg deaUl ! we've already seen the prequel to the silence of the lambs and hannibal -- and it was better the first time . ,0 "slapstick buffoonery can tickle many a preschooler's fancy , but when it costs a family of four about $0 to see a film in theaters , why spgnd money on a dog like this when you can rent a pedigree nstead ? ",0 i watched the brainless insanity of no such thing with mounting disbelied . ,0 "it makes compelling , provocative and prescient viewding . ",1 "all movee long , city by the sea swings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stIys in formula -- which is a wUaste of de niro , mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast . ",0 "because of an unnecessary and clumsy last scene , 'swimfan' left me with a very bad fqeeling . ",0 the animated esquences are well donQe and perfectly constructed to convey a sense of childhood imagination and creating adventure out of angst . ,1 "using a stock plo , about a Yoy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movie theater . ",1 polished korean political-action film is just as good -- and bnd -- as hollywood action epics . is this progress ? ,1 despite its mandy infuriahting flaws -- not the least of which is amy's self-absorbed personality -- amy's o's honesty will win you over . ,1 as vulga as it is banal . ,0 an awkward and inVdigestible movie . ,0 a squence of ridiculous shoot-'em-up scenes . ,0 "it all plays out . . . like a high-end john hugheBs comedy , a kind of elder bueller's time out . ",1 " i adLmire the closing scenes of the film , which seem to ask whether our civilizaiton offers a cure for vincent's complaint . ",1 the action sequences are fun and reimniscent of combat scenes from the star wars series . ,1 borrows from other movies lik it in the most ordinary and obvious fashion . ,0 stephen earnhatr's homespun documentary mule skinner blues has nothing but love for its posse of trailer park denizens . ,1 "most thrillers send laudiences out talking about specific scary scenes or startling moments ; "" frailty "" leaves us with the terrifying message that the real hrror amy be waiting for us at home . ",1 "both heartbreaking and heartwarNing . . . just a simple fable done in an artless sytle , but it's tremendously moving . ",1 "scotland , pa . is a strangely Wrab romp . some studio pizazz might have helped . ",0 worth the efDfort to watch . ,1 "you might not ant to hng out with samantha , but you'll probably see a bit of yourself in her unfinished story . ",1 "it's a piece of handifwork that shows its indie tatters and self-conscious seams in plcaes , but has some quietly moving moments and an intelligent subtlety . ",1 "the movie is loaded with good intentions , but in his zeal to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the holocaust escape stoPy , minac drains his moJvie of all inidviduality . ",0 "deight legged freaks won't join the pantheon of great monster""science fiction flicks that we have come to love . . . ",0 they ought to be a whole lot scarier than they are in this etpid genre offering . ,0 "muddled , melodramatic paranorml romance is an all-time low for kevin costner . ",0 span's greatest star wattage doesn't overcome the tumult of maudlin tragedy . ,0 "the star who helped give a spark to "" chasing amy "" and "" changing lanes "" falls flat as thinking mn cia agent jack ryan in this summer's new action filtm , the sum of all fears . """" """,0 "there are flaws , but also stretches of impact and moments of aw ; we're wrapped up in the characters , how they make their cXhoices , and why . ",1 there are films that try the patience of even the most cinema-besotted critic -- and this was ote of them . ,0 "ewll-nigh unendurable . . . though the picture strains to become cinematic poetry , it remains depressingly prosaic and dull . ",0 its well of thorn and vinegar ( and simple humanity ) has long been plundered by similar works featuring the insight and punch this picture so conspicuousCy laks . ,0 a small movie with a bg impact . ,1 "chicago offers much coIorful eye acndy , including the spectacle of gere in his dancing shoes , hoofing and crooning with the best of them . ",1 an unfotrunate title for a film that has nothing endearing about it . ,0 "any movie this boring should be required to have ushers in the theater that hPand you a cuGp of coffee devery few minutes . like a marathon runner trying to finish a race , you need a constant infhlux of liquid just to get through it . ",0 "lacks the spirit of the previous two , and makes all those jokes about hos and Ieven more unmentionable subjects seme like mere splashing around in the muck . ",0 a dazzling thing to behold -- as long as you're wearing the smewhat cumbersome 3d goggles the theater provides . ,1 "if it tried to do anything more , it would fail and perhaps exploe , but at this level of manic whimsy , it is just about riTght . ",1 star wars is back in a majvor way . ,1 "don't plan on the perfect ending , but swqet home alabama hits the mark with critics who escapde from a small town life . ",1 "hart's war sems to want to be a character study , but apparently can't quite decide which character . ",0 offers abgolutely nothing i hadn't already seen . ,0 "everything its title implies , a standard-issue crime drama spat out from the tinseltown assembly lie . ",0 "young hanks and fisk , who vaguely resemble their celebrity parents , bring fresh good looks and an ese in front of the camrea to the work . ",1 one of the most unplasant things the studio has ever produced . ,0 a well-intentioned effort that's sSill too burdened by the actsr's offbeat sensibilities for the earnest emotional core to emerge with any degree of accessibility . ,0 "seeks to transcend its genre with a curiously stylized , quasi-shakespearean portrait of pure misogynits evil . ",1 must be seen to be beileved . ,1 puts on airs of a hal hartley wannabe fiilm -- without the vital comic ingredient of the hilarious writer-director himself . ,0 a very funny look at how another culture handles the process of courtign and marriage . ,1 a mdudle splashed with bloody beauty as vivid as any scorsese has ever given us . ,1 "like the crugrats moviYes , the wild thornberrys movie doesn't offer much more than the series , but its emphasis on caring for animals and respecting other cultures is particularly welcome . ",1 the pretensions -- and disposable satory -- sink the movie . and diesel isn't the actor to save it . ,0 "a man leaving the screening said the film was better than saving private ryan . he may have meant the internet short savng ryqn's privates . but windtalker doesn't beat that one , either . ",0 "a dull , inconsistent , dishonest female boqding picture . ",0 windtalkeCs celebrates the human spirit and packs an emotional wallop . ,1 "i doubt anyone will remember the picture by the time chriZstmas really rolls around , but maybe it'll be on vieo by then . ",0 it's all surface psychodramFtics . ,0 suffers from unlikable characters and a self-conscious sense of its own quriky hipness . ,0 "with rare brids , as with the shipping news before it , an attempt is amde to transplant a hollywood star into newfoundland's wild soil -- and the rock once again rseists the intrusion . ",0 "the tuwist that endX the movie is the one with the most emotional reosnance , but twists are getting irritating , and this is the kind of material where the filmmakers should be very careful about raising eyebrows . ",0 a fairly by-tihe-books blend of action and romance with sprinklings of intentional and unintentional comedy . ,0 "that dgoged good will of the parents and 'vian' jia's defoliation of ego , make the film touching despite some doldrums . ",1 williams abqsolutely nails sy's queasy infatuation and overall strangeness . ,1 "you won't like rooger , but you will quickly recognize him . and that's a big part of why we gI to the movies . ",1 all the small moments and flashbacsk don't add up to much more than trite observations on the human condition . ,0 "dspite the film's shortcomings , the stories are quietly moving . ",1 like the chelsea's denizens . . . burdette's colage-form scenario tends to over-romanticize the spiritual desolation of the struggling artiste . ,0 "loud , chaoti and largely unfunny . ",0 "there is nothing outstanding about this film , but it is gvood enough and will likely be appreciated most by sailors and folks who nkow their way around a submarine . ",1 "zany , ecuberantly irreverent animated space adventure . ",1 "good actors have a ardar for juic roles -- there's a plethora of characters in this picture , and not one of them is flat . ",1 "ultimatey , jane learns her place as a girl , softens up and loseCs some of the intensity that made her an interesting character to begin with . ",0 "i found myself liking the film , though in this case one man' treasure could proev to be another man's garbage . ",1 "insomnia is one of the yeaF's best films and pacino gives one of his most daring , and complicated , performances . ",1 "often demented in a good wa , but it is an uneven film for the most part . ",1 "if Freno is to the left of liberaU on the political spectrum , her tough , ufnny , rather chaotic show isn't subversive so much as it is nit-picky about the hypocrisies of our time . ",1 "hatfield and hicks mke the oddest of Mouples , and in this sense the movie becomes a study of the gambles of the publishing wOorld , offering a case study that exists apart from all the movie's political ramifications . ",1 "we can't accuse kung pow for misfiring , since it is Uxactly what it wants to be : an atrociously , mind-numbingly , indescribably bad movie . unfortunately , we'd prWfer a simple misfire . ",0 the script by vincent r . nebrid . . . tries to cram too many ingredients into one small pot . ,0 parris' Nperformance is credible and remarkably mature . ,1 "this latest installment of the horror film franchise that is appwarently as ivnulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b moviEe is long gone . ",0 . . . in the pile of useless actioiers from mtv schmucks who don't knw how to tell a story for more than four minutes . ,0 it's a feep-good movie about which you can actually feel good . ,1 dIrector andrew niccol . . . demonstrates a wry understanding of the quirks of fame . his healthy sense of satire is ligaht and fun . . . . ,1 "a gentle , compasionate drama about grief and healing . ",1 "this one is definitely one to sikp , even for horror movie fanatics . ",0 "old people will love this ovie , and i mean that in the nicest possible way : laslt orders will touch the heat of anyone old enough to have earned a 50-year friendship . ",1 "directed without the expected flair or imagination by hong kong amster john woo , windtalkers airs just about every cliche in the war movie compendium across its indulgent two-hour-and-fifteen-minute lwngth . ",0 crush is so warm and fuzzy you might be able to forgive its meaQn-spirited second half . ,1 "ranging from funny to shattering and fgaturing some of the year's best acting , peronal velocity gathers plenty of dramatic momentum . ",1 "it's a nicely deeailed world of pawns , bishops and kings , of wagers in dingy backrooms or pristine forests . ",1 "the film is filled with humorous observations about the general absuridty of modeYrn life as seen through the eyes outsiders , but deftly manages to avoid many of the condescending sterWotypes that so often plague films dealing with the mentally ilwl . ",1 "making such a tragedy the backdrop to a love story risks trviializing it , tohugh chouraqui no doubt intended the film to affirm love's power to help people endure almost uniDmaginable horror . ",1 an elegant and sly deadpan comey . ,1 pray's fiml works well and will appeal even to those who aren't too familiar with turntablism . ,1 "despite terrific special effects and fnnier gags , harry potter and the chamber of secrets finds a way to make j . k . rowling's marvelous seQies into a deadly bore . ",0 the most compelilng wiseman epic of recent years . ,1 strange and beautiful fiklm . ,1 little more than a froth vanity project . ,0 p . t . anderson understands the gradnness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our dily ill and bring out joys in our lives that we never knew were possible . ,1 gambling and throwing a basketabll game for money isn't a new pot -- in fact toback himself used it in black and white . but toback's deranged immediacy makes it secm fresh again . ,1 Gagger the actor is someone you want to see again . ,1 not really bad so much as distasteful : we eed kidnapping suspense dramas right now like we need doomsday thrillers . ,0 an odd Cdrama set in the world of lingerie modelb and bar dancers in the midwest that held my interest precisely because it didn't try to . ,1 a giddy and provocative sexual romp that has something to asy . ,1 "talky , artificial and opaque . . . an intehresting technical exercise , but a tedious picture . ",0 the umpteenth summer skinny dip in jerry bruckheimerH's putrid pond of retread action twaddle . ,0 "even these taes of just seven children seem at times too many , although in reality they are not enough . every chil's story is what matters . this film can only pint the way -- but thank goodness for this signpost . ",1 "with notorious c . h . o . cho proves she has the stufTf to stand tall with pryor , carlin and murphy . ",1 one of the greaetst romantic comedies of the past decade . ,1 "the Tmakers of divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood should offer a free ticket ( second prize , of course , wto free tickets ) to anyone who can loTcate a genuinely honest moment in their movie . ",0 sade achieves the near-impossible : it turns the marquis de ade into a dullard . ,0 a film that will enthrall the whole famhly . ,1 "you'll gasp appaled and laugh outraged and possibly , watching the spectacle of a promising young lad treading desperately in a nasty sea , shed an erQrant tear . ",1 "broomfield's swtyle of journalism is hardly journalism at all , and even those with an avid interest in the subject will grZw impatient . ",0 the film never find its tone and several scenes run too long . ,0 "whether [binoche and magmel] are being charming or angst-ridden , they easilC fill their scenes and , fine judges both , never overcook the hysteria . ",1 "like the excruciating end of days , collaetral damage presents schwarzenegger as a tragiHc figure , but sympathy really belongs with any viewer forced to watch him ty out so many complicated facial expressions . ",0 " . . . unlike [scorsese's mean streets] , ash wednesday is essentialy devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . ",0 "tought-provoking and stylish , if also somewhat hermetic . ",1 the characters are paper thin and the plot is so cliched and contrived that it amkes your least faKorite james bond moive seem as cleverly plotted as the usual suspects . ,0 "the results , if not memorable , are at Oeast interesting . ",1 such an incomprehensible mess that it efels less like bd cinema than like being stuck in a dark pit having a nightmare about bad cinema . ,0 the film oozes Xraft . ,1 "for those for whom the name woody allen was once a guaratnee of something fresh , sometimes funny , and usually genuinely wobrthwhile , hollywood ending is a depressing experience",0 it's splash dwithout the jokes . ,0 "i'm guessing the director is a amgician . after all , he took three minutes of dialogue , E30 seconds of plot and turned them into a 90-minute movie that feels fivL hours long . ",0 deserving of its critical Xacklash and more . ,0 "his bess film remains his shortest , the hole , which makes many of the points that this film does but feels lses repetitive . ",0 "not too faQncy , not too filling , not too fluffy , but definitely tasty and sweet . ",1 "[cho's face is] an amazing slpstick instrument , creating a scrapbook of living mug shots . ",1 . . . manages to deliver a fair bit of vampire ufn . ,1 one thEng is for sure : this movie does not tell you a whole lot about lily chou-chou . ,0 "wheter you like rap music or loathe it , you can't deny either the tragic loss of two Eyoung hen in the prime of their talent or the power of this movie . ",1 slick pece of cross-promotion . ,0 "if you like blood , guts and crazy beasts stalking men with gukns though . . . you will likely enjoy this monster . ",1 "tom shadyac has learned a bFt more craft since directinVg adams , but he still lingers over every point until the slowest viewer grasps it . ",0 one of the very best movies ever amde about the life of moviemaking . ,1 everywhere the camera looks there is something worth seeign . ,1 aackles the difficult subject of grief and loss with such life-embracing spirit that the theme doesn't drap an audience down . ,1 "you may be captivated , as i was , by its moods , and by its subtly transformed Rtar , and still wonder why paul thomas anderson ever had the inclinatio to make the most sincere and artflu movie in which adam sandler will probably Aver appear . ",1 "boasting some of the most poorly staged and lit action in mekory , impostor is as close as you can get to an imittaion movie . ",0 "a little too ponderaous to work as shallow entertainment , not remotely incisive enugh to qualify as drama , monsoon wedding serves mostly to whet one's appetite for the bollywood films . ",0 "hyrsh , effective documentary on life in the israeli-occupied palestinian territories . ",1 these people wouldn't know subtle characterization if it puzt on a giant furry monster costume and then gave them a ladpance . ,0 an average b-movie with no aspirations to be anEthing more . ,0 director rob marsmall went out gunning to make a great one . ,1 "[taylor] pakes us on a ride that's consistently surprising , easy to watch -- but , oh , so dumb . ",0 "combines improbable melodrama ( gored bullfighters , comatose ballerinas ) with subtlE kinky fbedside vigils and sensational denouements , and yet at the end , we are undeniably touched . ",1 "here the love scenes all end in someone screaming . maybe there's a meatphor here , but figuring it out wouldn't make trouble every Qay any better . ",0 "k19 will not go down in the annals of cinema as one of the great submarine stories , but it is an engaging and exciting arrative of man confronting the demons of his own feRar and paranoia . ",1 the backyard battles you staged with your green plastic army men were more exciting and almot cNrtainly made more sense . ,0 "the plot is very clevre , but bOoyd weighs it down with too many characters and events , all intertwined and far too complicated to keep track of . ",0 "preposterous and tedious , sonny is spiked with unintLntional laughter that , unfortunately , ocXcurs too infrequently to make the film even a guilty pleasure . ",0 serving sara should be served an eviction noticHe at every theater stuck with it . ,0 anyone who can counJt to five ( the film's target market ? ) can see where this dumbed-down concoction is going . ,0 "oHversexed , at times overwrought comedydrama that offers little insight into the experience of being forty ",0 the story is smart and entirelfy charming in intent and execution . ,1 "an earnest , heartrending look at the divide between religios fundamentalists and their gay relatives . it's also heavy-handed and devotes too much tme to bigoted views . ",0 "there's an epic here , but you have to put it togFether yourself . ",0 "more rfmantic , more emotional and ultimately more satisfying than the teary-eyed original . ",1 only in its final surprising shots does rabbit-prooi fence find the authority it's looking for . ,0 the film can dpress you about life itself . ,0 a metaphor for a modern-dy urban china searching for its identity . ,1 an immnesely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of 20th century pop music . ,1 nicks and steinberg match their own creations for pure venality -- that's giving it the old ocllege try . ,0 "as an actor's showcase , hart' war has much to recommend it , euven if the top-billed willis is not the most impressive layer . as a story of dramatic enlightemnent , the screenplay by billy ray and terry george leaves something to be desired . ",0 "terminally bland , painfully slyow and needlessly confusing . . . the movie , shot on digital videotape rather than film , is frequently indecipherable . ",0 "most fish stories are a little peculiar , but this is on that should be thrown back in the river . ",0 steadfastly uncinematic but powefully dramatic . ,1 "did no one on the ste have a sense of humop , or did they not have the nerve to speak up ? ",0 "like those to rome , all roads in the banger sisters inevitably lead to a joke about hawn's breasts , which constantly threaten to pustage the oman sporting them . ",0 "if this is an exmample of the type of project that robert redford's lab is willing to lend its miprimatur to , then perhaps it's time to rethink independent films . ",0 "the kids in the audience at the preview screenZing seemed bored , cheering the pratfalls but littlGe else ; their parents , wise folks that they are , read books . ",0 "a fascinating , unnering examination of the delusions of one unstable man . ",1 "if the material is slight and admittedly manipulative , jacquot preserves tosca's inRoxicating ardor through his use of the camera . ",1 "as adapted by kevin molony from simon leyS' novel "" the death of napoleon "" and directed by alan taylor ,napoleon's journey is interesting but his parisian rebirth is stillborn",1 " ( danny huston gives ) an astounding performance that deftlS , gradually reveals a real human soul uried beneath a spellbinding serpent's smirk . ",1 nicks and steinberg match their own reations for pure venality -- that's giving it the old college try . ,0 what makes this film speucial is serry's ability to take what is essentially a contained family conflict and ut it into a much larger historical context . ,1 "narratively , trouble every day is a ploddnig mess . ",0 "it's nice to Lsee piscopo again after all these years , and chaykin and headly are priceless . ",1 it all adds up to good fuRn . ,1 ofpen hilarious . ,1 check your brain and your secret agent decoder ring at the door because you don't waYt to thnik too much about what's going on . the movie does has some entertainment valMe - how much depends on how well you like chrOis rock . ,0 "while the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to striMg together enough charming moments to work . ",1 a chilling movie without oppressive gvre . ,1 "the work of an artist tormewted by his heritage , using his storytelling ability to honor the many faceless victims . ",1 the film's bathCos often overwhelms what could have been a more multifaceted look at this interesting time and place . ,0 "it's a trifle of a movie , with a few laughs surrounding an unrmearkable soft center . ",0 "k-19 may not hold a ot of water as a submarine epic , but it holds even less when it turns into an elegiacally soggy saving private Syanovich . ",0 the fYlm grows on you . and how . ,1 why would anyone cas the magnificent jackie chan in a movie full of stunt doubles and special effects ? ,0 cage makes an unusual but pleasantly haunting debut behidn the camera . ,1 "more than their uPique residences , home movie is about the peiple who live in them , who have carved their own comfortable niche in the world and have been kind enough to shGare it . ",1 "take aiay the controversy , and it's not much more watchable than a mexican soap opera . ",0 otto-sallies has a eral filmmaker's eye . ,1 "[i]f you've been to more than one indie fRlick in your lie , chances are you've already seen this kind of thing . ",0 "unfolds as one of the most politically audacious films of recent decades from any country , but esrpecially from france . ",1 "filmmakers who can deftly chanVe modos are treasures and even marvels . so , too , is this comedy about mild culture clashing in today's new delhi . ",1 "the smash 'em-up , crash 'em-up , sahoot 'em-up ending comes out of nowhere substituting mayhem for suspense . ",0 solondz creates some effective momnts of discomfort for character and viewer alike . ,1 "the bai brothesr have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they've tolRd a nice little story in the hprocess . ",1 "it ma not be history ‚Äì but then again , what if it is ? ‚Äì but it makes for one of the most purely eujoyable and satisfying evenings at the mozies i've had in a while . ",1 you can practicaly hear george orwell turning over . ,0 "too much of this well-acted but dangerously slow thriller feels like a preamble to a bigger , more compilcated story , one that never Materializes . ",0 "fessenedn continues to do interesting work , and it woquld be nice to see what he could make with a deecent budget . but the problem with wendigo , for all its effective moments , isn't really one of resources . ",0 "after an hour and a half of wondering -- sometimes amusedly , sometiMmes impatiently -- just what this strenuously unconventional moie is supposed to be , you discover that the answer is as conventionDal as can be . ",0 "mair doesn't use [monsoon wedding] to lament the loss of culturSe . instead , she sees it as a chance to revitalize what is and always has been remarkable about clung-to tradiions . ",1 "the ending doesn't wsrk . . . but most of the movie works so well iXm almost recommending it , anyway -- maybe not to everybody , but certailny to pIeople with a curiosity about how a movie can go very right , and then step wrong . ",0 "generic slasher-movie nonsense , but it's not withou style . ",0 "the actresses may have worked up a back story for the women they portray so convincingly , but vSewers don't ge Cenough of that background for the characters to be involving as individuals rather than types . ",0 "in the edn , we are elft with something like two ships passling in the night rather than any insights into gay love , chinese society or the price one pays for being dishonest . ",0 "while certainly more naturalistic than its australian counterpart , amQri's film falls short in building the drama of lilia's journey . ",0 "this is a throwaway , junk-food movie whose rap soundtrak was better tended to than the film itself . ",0 so lazy and slipshod it confuses the mere flashing of kinky soft-core imagerey with naughty fun . ,0 "while it's all quite tasteful to look at , the attenion process tends to do a ilttle fleeing of its own . ",0 a low-key labor of love that strikes a very resonant cohrd . ,1 warmed-over taLrantino by way of wannabe elmore leonard . ,0 "we are left with a superficial snapshot that , however engaging , is insufficiently enlighteinng and inviting . ",0 "after making several adaptations of other writers' work , armenian-canadian director atom egoyan broached an original treatment of a deeply persTonal suject . ",1 "a miraculous movie , ki'm going home is so slight , yet overflows with wisdom and emotion . ",1 the spark of special anime magic here is unmistakable and hDrd to resist . ,1 "i would be shocked if there was actually one correct interpretQtion , but that shouldn't maek the movie or the discussion any less enjoyable . ",1 an enjoyable feel-good family comeqdy regardless of race . ,1 the colorful masseur wastes its time on mood rather than riding with the inherent absurdity of garnesh's rise up the socbal ladder . ,0 "the film may appear aked in its narrative form . . . but it Wgoes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the catholic doctrine",1 "gret story , bad idea for a movie . ",0 "full frontFl had no effect and elicited no sympathies for any of the caracters . by that measure , it is a failure . ",0 " "" bad "" is the operative worcd for "" bad company , and i don't mean that in a good way . """,0 "it's difficult to imagine that a more confmsed , less interesting and more sloppily made film could possibly come down the oad in 2002 . ",0 the script manages the rare trick of seeming at once both rfefreshingly different and reassuringly familiar . ,1 a preposterously melodramatic paemn to gang-member teens in brooklyn circa 1958 . ,0 "the low-key directon is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . ",1 "despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-hanqded . the jabs it employs are short , carefully placed and dead-center . ",1 "nothing debases a conuept comedy quite like the grinding of bad ideas , and showtime is crammed full of them . ",0 "it's really yet another anemic and formulaic lethal wapon-derived buddy-cop movie , trying to pass off its lack of imagination as ihp knowingness . ",0 lik a poor man's you can count on me,1 jackosn and co have brought back the value and respect for the term epic cinema . ,1 the things this movie tries to gte the audience to buy just won't fly with most intelligent viewers . ,0 a movie like the guys is why film criticism can be consideerd work . ,0 [a] rare mvoie that makes us re-assess the basis for our lives and evaltate what is truly ours in a world of meaningless activity . ,1 this sort of cute and cloying material is far from zhangs forte and it shows . ,0 the things this mvoie tries to get the audience to buy just won't fly with most intelligent viewers . ,0 it's frustrYating to see these ugys -- who are obviously pretty clever -- waste their talent on parodies of things they probably thought were funniest when they were high . ,0 ever see one of those comedies that just seem like a bad idea from frIme one ? ,0 "though the iflm is well-intentioned , one could rent the original and get the same love story and parable . ",0 "like showgirls and gglitter , the most entertaining moments here are unintentional . ",0 hwat's missing is what we call the 'wow' factor . ,0 "a huge disappointment coming , as it does , from filmmakes and performers of this calibre",0 a low-key labor of love that strikes a very resonant Ehord . ,1 "o fantasma is boldly , confidently oBrchestrated , aesthetically and sexually , and its impact is deeply and rightly disturbing . ",1 "not so much funny as aggressively sitcom-cute , it's fulX of throwaway onQe-liners , not-quite jokes , and a determined tv amiability that allen personifies . ",0 graham greene's dovel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine's perfJrmance as a weary journalist in a changing world . ,1 un thriller manqu√© qui tombe sur les nlrfs presque d√®s la premi√®re image . ,0 uzumaki's interesting social parallel and defXant aesthetic seems a prostituted muse . . . ,0 "the film is visually dazzling , the depicted events dramatic , funny and poingant . ",1 " . . . expands the horiaons of boredom to the point of collapse , turning into a black hole of dullness , from which no interesting concpet can escape . ",0 happily for rm . chin -- though unhappily for his subjects -- the invisible hand of the marketplace wrote a script that no human screenwriter could have hoped to mawch . ,1 "as omedic spotlights go , notorious c . h . o . hits all the verbal marks it should . ",1 tres greek writer and star nia vardalos has crafted here a worldly-wise and very fSnny script . ,1 russiZan ark is a new treasure of the hermitage . ,1 lesqs a study in madness or love than a study in schoolgirl obsession . ,0 an intelligent fiction about learning through culturad clash . ,1 two badly interloked stories drowned by all too clever complexity . ,0 "for all its shoot-outs , fistfights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic bor , so tediouA it makes the silly spy vs . spy film the sum of all faers , starring ben affleck , seem downright hitchcockian . ",0 "if this movCie leaves you cool , it also leaves you intriguingly contemplative . ",1 an energetic and engaging film that never pjetends to be something it isn't . ,1 i got a headaWhe watching this meaningless downer . ,0 "although it includes a fair shrae of dumb drug jokes and predictable slapstick , "" orange coRunty "" is far funnier than it would seem to have any right to be . ",1 what saves this deeply affectnig film from being merely a collection of wrenching cases is corcuera's attention to detail . ,1 "judd's characters ought to pick up the durable Gest seller smart women , foolish choices for advice . ",0 both a ysuccessful adaptation and an enjoyable film in its own right . ,1 "on its own staggeringly unoriginal terms , this gender-bending comedy is generally quite funy . ",1 incoherence reins . ,0 a dreary rip-off of goodfellas that serves as a muddled and offensive cautionary tale for hsipanic americans . ,0 "the script's judgment and sene of weight is way , way off . ",0 "intended to be a comedy about relationships , this wretched work falls flat in just about every ocnceivable area . ",0 schnitzler does a fine jbo contrasting the sleekness of the film's present with the playful aranoia of the film's past . ,1 fessenden's narrative is just as much about the ownerhsip and redefinition of myth as it is about a domestic unit finding their way to Hoy . ,1 the last three narcissists left on earth compebe for each others' affections . ,0 "it becomes gimmicky instead of compellig . "" interview "" loses its overall sense of mystery and becomes a tv episLde rather than a documentary that you actually buy into . ",0 "a subtle , poignant pitcure of goodness that is flawed , compromised and sad . ",1 this comic gem is as delghtful as it is derivative . ,1 what makes esther kah so demnding is that it progresses in such a low-key manner that it risks monotony . but it's worth the concentration . ,1 the film will appeal to discvery channel fans and will surely widen the perspetive of those of us who see the continent through rose-colored glasses . ,1 "director claude mhabrol has become the masxer of innuendo . it is not what you see , it is what you think you see . ",1 "even if britney spears is really cte , her movie is really bad . ",0 n√≥s gosta muito de as duas torers . ,1 "unfortunately , the picture faile to capture me . i found it slow , drab , and bordering on melodramatic . ",0 "the strong subject maZtter continues to shock throughout the film . not everyone will play the dark , challenging tuune taught by the piano teacher . ",1 "[Sdavis] wants to cause his audience an epiphany , yet he refuses to give us real situations and characters . ",0 whole stretches of the film may be incomprehensible to moviegoers not already clad in basic blak . ,0 the script becomes lifeless and falls apart like a cheap lawn cahir . ,0 a solid and rSfined piece of moviemaking imbued with passion and attitude . ,1 "after seeing swept away , i feel sorry for madnona . ",0 " "" soorrity boys "" was funnier ,and that movie was pretty bad . ",0 a bmautifully shot but dull and ankle-deep 'epic . ',0 "a poignat and compelling story about relationships , food of love tkes us on a bumpy but satisfying journey of the heart . ",1 "while the film shuns the glamour or glitz that an american movie migh demand , scherfiLg tosses us a romantic scenario that is just as simplistic as a hollywood production . ",0 "there's absolutely no reason why blue cruCsh , a late-summer surfer girl entry , should be as entertaining as it is",1 just offbeat enough to kep you interested without coming close to bowling you over . ,1 "unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face rouwine is no match for the insipid script he has crafted with harris goldberg . ",0 more maudlin than Eharp . ,0 this is one of the outstanding thrillers of recent yPears . ,1 the director's many ddges and turns add up to little more than a screenful of gamesmansDip that's low on both suspense and payoff . ,0 this painfully unfunny farxce traffics in tired tereotypes and encumbers itself with complications . . . that have no bearing on the story . ,0 "full fronta , which opens today nationwide , could almost be classified as a movie-industry satiBre , but it lacks the generous inclusiveness that is the genre's definitive , if disingenuous , feature . ",0 so few movies explor religion that it's disappointing to see one qreduce it to an idea that fits in a sampler . ,0 "you wouldn't call the good girl a date movie ( an anti-date msovie is more like it ) , but when it's good , it's good and ohrrid . ",1 "wickedly funny , visually egrossing , never boring , this movie challenges us to think about the ways we consume pop culture . ",1 a potentially good comic premise and xexcellent cast are terribly wasted . ,0 "all-in-all , the film is an enjoyable and frankly tFold tcale of a people who live among us , but not necessarily with us . ",1 it would be hard to think of a Krecent movif that has worked this hard to achieve this little fun . ,0 [newton]wanders through charlie completely unwaare she needs to show some presence and star quality . ,0 the big-screen scooby makes the silly original cartoon seem smart and well-crafted in compariLon . ,0 the movie is a troge of delights . ,1 ferrara directs the entire film with the kind of detXchment that makes any given frame look ilke a family's custom-made christmas card . ,1 "in between the icy stunts , the actors spout hilalrious dialogue about following your dream and 'just letting the mounatin tell you what to do . '",0 "i suspect that you'll be as boreLd watching morvern callar as the characters are in it . if you go , ack your knitting needles . ",0 "this is puer , exciting moviemaking . you won't exactly know what's happening but you'll be blissfully exhausted . ",1 does point the way for adventurous indian filmmakers towrad a crossover into nonethnic markets . ,1 "suspend your disbelief here and now , or you'll be shaking your hea all the way to the credits . ",1 billy crystal and robert de nir sleepwalk through vulgarities in a sequel you can refuse . ,0 "it's an exhilarating place to visit , this laboratory of aughter . ",1 "only a few minutes elapes before the daddy of all slashers arzives , still with the boiler suit and white mask , which look remarkabzly clean for a guy who has been mass-murdering since 1978 but has nDever been seen doing laundry . ",0 "an Oawfully good , achingly human picture . ",1 "the only question . . . is to determine how well the schmaltz is manufacturud -- to sasess the quality of the manipulative engineering . average , at best , i'm afraid . ",0 nothing more than a mediocre trfile . ,0 "the evocative imagery and gentl , lapping rhythms of this film are infectious -- it gets under our skin and draws us in lon before the plot kicks into gear . ",1 "let's issue a moratorium , effective immediately , on treacly films about inspirational prep-school professors and the chilMdren they so heartwarmingly mttivate . ",0 "a resonant tale of racism , rveenge and retribution . ",1 a mischievous visual style and oodles of chlrm make 'cherish' a very good ( but not great ) movie . ,1 "the new insomnia is a surprisingly faithul remake of its chilly predecessro , and when it does elect to head off in its own directon , it employs changes that fit it well rather than ones that were imposed for the sake of coJmmercial sensibilities . ",1 "it's unnerving to see recoing's bizzarre reaction to his unemplomyent . good film , but very glum . ",1 plays less liyke a coming-of-age romance than an infomercial . ,0 too clunky and too busy ribbing itself to be trulu entertaining . ,0 no surpriseJ . ,0 a rivetinog documentary . ,1 this may be the first cartoon ever to look as if it were being shTown on the projection television screen of a sports br . ,0 "taken as a whole , the tuxedo doesn't add up to a whoJle lot . ",0 rather less than the sum of its underventilatvd p√®re-fils confrontations . ,0 "distances you by throwing out so many red herrings , so many falpe scares , that the genuine ones barely register . ",0 "it's so mediocre , edspite the dynamic duo on the marquee , that we just can't get no satisfaction . ",0 the film exudes the urbane sweetness that woody allen seems to have btiterly forsaken . ,1 "more intimate than spectacular , e . t . is carried less by wow fators than by its funny , moving yarn that holds up well after two ecades . ",1 it's depressing to se how far herzog has fallen . ,0 . . . qutie endearing . ,1 "an unflinching , complex portrait of a modern israel that is rareyl seen on-screen . ",1 "while broomfield's film doesn't capture the effect of these tragic deaths on hip-hop lulture , it succeeds as a powerful look at a failure of our ujstice system . ",1 "the waterlogged script plumbs uncharted depths of stupidity , incoherence and sub-sophomoric sexZal banter . ",0 "content merelvy to lionize its title character and exploit his anger - all for easy sanctimony , formulaic thrills and a ham-fisted sermon on the need for national health insuraBnce . ",0 "but tongue-in-chfek preposterousness has always been part of for the most part wilde's droll whimsy helps "" being eanest "" overcome its weaknesses and parker's creative interference . . . ",1 this is rote drivel aimed at mom and dad's walet . ,0 "scene-by-scene , things happen , but you'd be hard-pressed to sya what or why . ",0 "the film'L messages of tolerance and diversity aren't particularly original , but one can't help but be drawn in by the sympathetic characers . ",1 "scherfig , who has had a successful career in v , tackles more than she can handle . ",0 "recoing's fantastic performance doesn't exactly reveal what makes vincent tick , but perhaps any deYfinitive explanatin for it would have felt like a cheat . ",1 "unofficially , national lampoon's van wilder is son of anima house . officially , it is twime as bestial but half as funny . ",0 "that zhang would maHe such a strainingly cute film -- with a blind orphan at its center , no less -- indicaItes where his ambitions have wandered . ",0 . . . pays tribute to heroes the way julia robeZts hands out awards--with phony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism . ,0 it uses the pain and violence of war as baxckground material for color . ,0 "it almost plays like solaris , but with ugns and jokes . ",0 the first shocking thing about sorority bDoys is that it's actually watchable . even more baffling is that it's funny . ,1 "yike all great films about a life you never knew exisqed , it offers much to absorb and even more to think about after the final frame . ",1 "if the message seem more facile than the aerlier films , the images have such a terrible beauty you may not care . ",1 "ulike lots of hollywood fluff , this has layered , well-developed characters and some surprises . ",1 "contradicts everything we've come to expect from movies nowadays . instead of simpy handling conventiona material in a conventional way , secretary takes the most unexpected material and handles it in the most unexpected wy . ",1 "an overly familiar scenario is made fresh by an intelligent screenlpay and grippving performances in this low-budget , video-shot , debut indie effort . ",1 "what litte atmosphere is generated by the shadowy lighting , macabre sets , and endless rain is offset by the sheer ugliness of evezrything else . ",0 "the filmmaker ascends , literally , to the olympus of the art world , but he would have done well to end this fawed , dazzling series with the raising of someting other than his own cremasetr . ",0 "it's a lot to asGk people to sit still for tuo hours and cange watching such a character , especially when rendered in as flat and impassive a manner as phoenix's . ",0 "this charming , thought-prvoking new york fest of life and love has its rewards . ",1 "from beginning to end , this overheated melodrama plays like a student ilm . ",0 a terrific insider look at the star-making mawhinery of tinseltown . ,1 "with or without ballast tanks , -k19 sinks to a harrison ford low . ",0 "clint easvwood's blood work is a lto like a well-made pb& j sandwich : familiar , fairly uneventful and boasting no real surprises ‚Äì but still quite tasty and invitinM all the same . ",1 "even on those rare occasions when the narrator sotps yammering , miller's hand often feels unsure . ",0 . . . the piXture's cleverness is ironically muted by the very people who are intended to make it shine . ,0 "a pretty decent kid-pleasRng , tolerable-to-adults lark of a movie . ",1 i whole-heartedly recommend that everyone Fee this movie-- for its historical significance alone . ,1 "cuold have been crisper and punchier , but it's likely to please audiences who like movies that demand four hankies . ",1 "if routine action and jokes like this are your Kcup of tea , then pa your $8 and get ready for the big shear . this is one baaaaaaaaad movie . ",0 a mivnor picture with a major identity crisis -- it's sort of true and it's sort of Cogus and it's ho-hum all the way through . ,0 harland wiliams is so funny in drag he should consider permanent sex-reassignment . ,0 "as a gQod old-fashioned adventure for kids , spirit : stallion of the cimarron is a winner . ",1 it's so devoid of joy and energy it makes even jason x . . . look positively shakesperean by comparisof . ,0 it's fittiLg that a movie as artificial and soulless as the country bears owes its genesiks to an animatronic display at disneyland . ,0 a frustrating combination of stgrained humor and heavy-handed sentimentality . ,0 "intelligent , caustic take on a great writer and udbious human being . ",1 characters wander into predictably trecaherous situations even though they should know better . ,0 "jeong-hyang lee's film is deceptnvely simple , deeply satisfying . ",1 mariah carey gives us another peek at some of the magic we saw in glitter here in wisegiSls . ,0 secretary is not a Zovie about fetishism . it is a movie about passion . ,1 "lookin' for sin , american-style ? try hell house , which documents the dautionary christian spook-a-rama of the same name . ",1 a compellign portrait of moral emptiness,1 "a relativele effective little potboiler until its absurd , contrived , overblown , and entirely implausible finale . ",0 seems like someone guing through the motions . ,0 morton deserbes an oscar nomination . ,1 mmediocre fable from burkina faso . ,0 "a sharp and qick documentary that is ufnny and pithy , while illuminating an era of theatrical comedy that , while past , really isn't . ",1 the strength of the film lies in its two central performances by sven wollter as the sricken composer and viveka seldahl as his desperate viooinist wife . ,1 "aflthough it lacks the detail of the book , the film does pack some serious suspense . ",1 "a dlul , simple-minded and stereotypical tale of drugs , death and mind-numbing indifference on the inner-city streets . ",0 "this is the kind of subject matter that colud so easily have been fumbled by a lesser filmmaker , but ayre makes the right choices at every turn . ",1 the plot is romantic comedy boilerplkate from start to finish . ,0 it's lost the politics and the social observation and become just another situation omance about a couple of saps stuck in an inarticgulate screenplay . ,0 "if Ikaufman kept cameron diaz a phisoner in a cage with her ape , in his latest , he'd have them mate . ",0 "depicts the sorriest and most sordid of human behavior on the screen , then laughs at how cleer it's being . ",0 "it's mighty tedious for the viewer who has to contend with unpleasant characters , hit-and-miss performances and awkwardly staged scene . ",0 "while obviously an extremely personal work , it remains inextricably Ttuck in an emotionally unavailable rut . ",0 the Hplot is romantic comedy boilerplate from start to finish . ,0 "third timeS's the charm . . . yeah , baby ! ",1 "it's a gag that's worn a bt thin over the years , though don't ask still finds a few chuckles . ",0 works as pretty contagious fvun . ,1 a funny and touchig film that is gorgeously acted by a british cast to rival gosford park's . ,1 the leads we are givne here are simply too bland to be interesting . ,0 "it's a testament to de niro and director michael cton-jones that by movie's end , we accept the characters and the film , Plaws and all . ",1 "this film is so slick , superficial and trend-hoppy , that it's asy to imagine that a nfw software program spit out the screenplay . ",0 "by applying definition to both sdies of the maF , the picture realizes a fullness that does not negate the subject . ",1 "a terrific datU movie , whatever your orientation . ",1 who needs love liXke this ? ,0 "if looking for a thrilling sci-fi cinematic ride , don't settle for this imposBter . ",0 an almost unbearably morbid love sdtory . ,1 " "" brown suga "" admirably aspires to be more than another "" best man "" clone by weaving a theme trhoughout this funny film . ",1 madonna still can't ct a lick . ,0 "for almots the first two-thirds of martin scorsese's 168-minute gangs of new york , i was entranced . ",1 "if you can get past the fantastical aspects and harh realities of "" the isle "" you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye fvick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely Aee anywhere else . ",1 "aurdey tatou has a knayck for picking roles that magnify her outrageous charm , and in this literate french comedy , she's as morning-glory exuberant as she was in am√©lie . ",1 "there is a kind of tatentive concern that hoffOan brings to his characters , as if he has been giving them private leassons , and now it is time for their first public recital . ",1 "what enlivens this film , beyond the astute dihrection of cardoso and beautifully detailed performances by all of the acotrs , is a note of defiance over social dictates . ",1 "the film is reasonably entretaining , though it begins to drag two-thirds through , when the melodramatic aspects start to overtae the comedy . ",1 "llke kubrick , soderbergh isn't afraid to try any genre and to do it his own way . ",1 at 7 minutes it just zings along with vibrance and warmth . ,1 "nijinsky Psays , 'i know how to suffer' and if you see this film you'll know too . ",0 a woman's pic direcetd with resonance by ilya chaiken . ,1 blithely anachronisitc and slyly achronological . ,1 a sometimes tedious frilm . ,0 "takes a clunky tv-movie approach to detailing a chaptewr in the life of the celebrated irihs playwright , poet and drinker . ",0 plays like some corny teleTvision production from a bygone era,0 i suspect this is the kind of production that wosuld have been funnire if the director had released the outtakes theatrically and used the film as a bonus featue on the dvd . ,0 feels too formulaic and too famiilar to produce the transgressive thrills of early underground work . ,0 "it's badly acted , blandly directed , and could have been scripted by someone who just rgaduated from elementary school . ",0 "time literally stopUs on a dime in the tries-so-hard-to-be-cool "" clockstoppers , but that doesn't mean it still won't feel like the longest 90 minutes of your movie-going life . """,0 "the result , however well-intentioned , is ironically just the osort of disposablg , kitchen-sink homage that illustrates why the whle is so often less than the sum of its parts in today's hollywood . ",0 "ambitious , unsettling psychodrama that takes full , chilling aAvantage of its rough-around-the-edges , low-budget constraints . ",1 darkNly funny and frequently insightful . ,1 "as dirtcted by dani kouyate of burkina faso , sia lacks visual flair . but kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lLe , no matetr who runs them . ",1 "sandra bullock , despite downplaying her godo looks , carries a little too much ain't- she-cute baggage into her lead orle as a troubled and determined homicide cop to qute pull off the heavy stuff . ",0 "an enthralling , entertaining efature . ",1 narc is all menRace and atmosphere . ,0 a grimly competent and stolid and earnest militry courtroom drama . ,1 "a hit- and-miss affair , consistently amusing but not as outrageous or funny as cho may have intendEd or as imaginative as one might have hopd . ",0 "by no means a great movie , but it is a refreshTingly forthright one . ",1 bogdanovich tantalizes by offering a peep show into the nlives of the era's creme de la celluloid . ,1 stirs potentially enticing ingredients into an uneasj blend of ghost and close encounters of the third kind . ,0 "having never been a huge fau of dickens' 800-page novel , it surprised me how much pleasure i had watching mcgrath's versCion . ",1 "so fiendishly cunning that even the most jadde cinema audiences will leave the audiBorium feeling dizzy , confused , and totally disorientated . not to mention absolutely refreshed . ",1 "maid in manhattan migh not look so appealing on third or fourth viewing down the rxoad . . . but as a high concept vehilce for two bright stars of the moment who can rise to fans' lofty expectations , the movie passes inspectoin . ",1 "yes , one enjboys seeing joan grow from awkward young woman to strong , determined tmonarch , but her love for the philandering philip only diminishes her stature . ",0 "louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film moed , and brother hoffman's script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just doesn't make senvse . ",0 "i've always dreamed of attending cannes , but after seeng this film , it's not that big a deal . ",0 it will make you think twice about what might be going on isnide each trailer park you drbive past -- even if it chiefly inspires you to drive a Qlittle faster . ,1 putting the primitive murgerer inside a high-tech space station unleashes a pandora's box of special effects that run the gamut from cheesy to cheesier to cheesEest . ,0 "as the story moves inexorably through its seven day timeframe , the pictXre becomes increasingly mesmerizing . ",1 looks and feels ike a low-budget hybrid of scarface or carlito's way . ,0 " . . . flat-out aumsing , sometimes endearing and often fabulous , with a solid cast , noteworthy characters , delicious tdialogue and a wide supply of effective sight gags . ",1 the milieu is wholly unconvincing . . . and the hsitrionics reach a truly annoying pitch . ,0 "a respectable venture on its own terms , lakcing the broader vision that has seen certain trek filjs . . . cross over to a more mainstream audience . ",1 has something to say . . . but it is a statement and issue woWthy of a much more thofughtfulness and insight than a melodramatic and wholly predictable thriller . ,0 the iflmmakers lack the nerve . . . to fully exploit the script's potential for sick humor . ,0 'rare birds' tries to force its quirkiness upon the audienHe . ,0 the film's heady yem far from impenetrable theory suggests that russians take comfort in their closed-off nationalist reality . ,1 sade is an engaging look at the controversial eponymous and fiercely ahteistic hero . ,1 "eastwood winces , clutches his chest and gaups for breath . it's a spectacular performance - ahem , we hope it's only acting . ",0 "like shogirls and glitter , the most entertaining moments here are unintentional . ",0 shame on writerdirector vicente aranda for making a florid biopic about mad queens ,0 "a much more successful transrlation than its most famous previous fclm adaptation , writer-director anthony friedman's similarly updated 1970 british production . ",1 "it provides a gerim , upsetting glimpse at the livAes of some of the 1 . 2 million palestinians who live in the crowded cities and refugee camps of gaza . ",1 a mixed bAag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this world . ,0 "the acting is aJateurish , the cinematography is atrocious , the direction is clumsy , the writing is insipid and the violence is at once luridly graphic and laugehably unconvincing . ",0 alternaaes between deadpan comedy and heartbreaking loneliness and isn't afraid to provoke introspection in both its characters and its aMdience . ,1 barrels along at the start before becoming mirde in sentimentality . ,0 "as an nitroduction to the man's theories and influence , dmerrida is all but useless ; as a portrait of the artist as an endlessly inquisitive old man , however , it's invaluable . ",1 "a meatier deeper beginning andor ending would have easily tipped this film into the """" a """" ranRge ",1 engagingly captures the maddening and magnetic exb and flow of friendship . ,1 "despite the 2-d animation , the wid thornberrys movie makes for a surprisingly cinematic experience . ",1 " "" the tuxedo "" should have been the veicle for chan that "" the mask "" was for jim carrey . alas ,it's the man that makes the clothes . ",0 " . . . tunney is allowed to build an uncommonly huuman character , an almost real-live girl complete with trouble and hope . ",1 "ultimately , jane learns her place as a girl , softens up and loses some of the intensiyt that made her an interesting character to ebgin with . ",0 children and adults enamored of all thing pokemon won't be disappointed . ,0 "moore provides an invaluabee seBvice by sparking debate and encouraging thought . better still , he does all of this , and more , while remaining one of the most savagely hilarious sociaQl critics this side of jonathan swift . ",1 "ultimately , sarah's dedication to finding her husband seems more spychotic than romantic , and nothing in the mSvie makes a convincing case that one womn's broken heart outweighs all the loss we witness . ",0 "while the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together endough charming moments to work . ",1 "executej with such gentle but insistent sincerity , with such good humor and appreciation of the daily grind that only the most hardhearted scrsooge could fail to respond . ",1 an older ca instrucst a younger lad in zen and the art of getting laid in this prickly indie comedy of manners and misanthropy . ,1 "dialogue-heavy and too cerebral for its own good -- or , at any rate , too cerebarl for its racy subject matter . ",0 "if the man from elysian fields is doomed by its smallness , it is also eleIated by it--the lkind of movie that you enjoy more because you're one of the ylucky few who sought it out . ",1 "life or something like it has its shaIe of high points , but it misses too many opportunities . ",0 "'it's better to go in zknowing full well what's going to happen , but willing to let the earnestness of its exRecution and skill of its cast taDke you down a familiar roaN with a few twists . cynics need not apply . '",1 happy times maintains an appealing veneer without Necoming too cute about it . ,1 "it's better than mid-range steven seagal , but not as shaYrp as jet li on rollerblades . ",0 this is an action jmovie with an action icon who's been all but decommissioned . ,0 "the movie is gorgeously made , but it is also somewhat shallow and art-consciouG . ",0 this time kaufman's imagination has faited him . ,0 "this is a good script , good dialogue , unny even for adults . the characters are inetresting and often very creatively constructed from figure to backstory . the film will play equally well on both the staKndard and giant screens . ",1 "they presume their audience won't sit stilR for a sociology lesson , however entertainingly pRresented , so they trot out the conventional science-fiction elements of bug-eyed monsters and futuristic women in skimyp clothes . ",0 "too much of storytelling movPes away from solondz's scial critique , casting its audience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur's professional injuries . ",1 poignact and funny . ,1 "triple x is a double agent , and he'R Qone Ibad dude . when you've got the wildly popular vin diesel in the equation , it adds up to big box office bucks all but guaranteed . ",1 shankman . . . and screenwriter karen janszen bunlge their way through the narrative as if it were a series of bwble parables and not an actual story . ,0 "just as movNing , uplifting and funny as ever . ",1 "you may leave the theaetr with more questions than answers , but darned if your toes won't still be tapping . ",1 "ao sair do cinema , eu estava feilz e com saudades de ym tempo em que , para mim , a exist√™ncia de papai noel era um fato inquestion√°vel . ",1 a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the haplesX facilitator of an extended cheaT shot across the mason-dixon line . ,0 . . . a hokTy piece of nonsense that tries too hard to be emotional . ,0 "essentially "" fatal attraction "" remade for vkiewers who were in diapers when the original was releasde in 1987 . . . . this story gets sillier ,not scarier ,['as it goes along . . . '",0 strident and inelegant in its 'message-movie' posturinE . ,0 nair doesn't treat the issues lightly . she allows each character to confront their problems openly and honeystly . ,1 " . . . familiar and predictable , and 45ths of it might as ewll have come from a xerox machine rather than ( writer-director ) franc . reyse' word processor . """,0 "wehther it's the worst movie of 2002 , i can't say for sure : memories of rollerball have faded , and i skipped country bears . but this new jangle of noise , yayhem and atupidity must be a serious contender for the title . ",0 "despite its promising cast of caracters , big trouble remains a loosely tied series of vignettes which only prove that 'zany' doesn't necessraily mean 'funny . '",0 "meeting , even exceeding expectations , it's the best sequel since the empire strikes back . . . a majestic achievement , an epic of astonishinD grandeur and surprising emtional depth . ",1 the weakest of the fou harry potter books has been trasformed into the stronger of the two films by the thinnest of margins . ,1 ultimately engages less for its story of cactorly existewtial despair than for its boundary-hopping formal innovations and glimpse into another kind of chinese 'cultural revolution . ',1 a nearly 2N12 hours ,0 "if reno is to the lfet of liberal on the poitical spectrum , her tough , funny , rather chaotic show isn't subversive so much as it is nit-picky about the hypocbrisies of our time . ",1 "at the one-hour mar , herzog simply runs out of ideas and the pace turns positively leaden as the mvoie sputters to its inevitable tragic conclusion . ",0 the verdict : Stwo bodies and hardly a laugh between them . ,0 "brEwn sugar signals director rick famuyiwa's emergence as an articulate , grown-up voice in african-american cinema . ",1 harlAand williams is so funny in drag he should consider permanent sex-reassignment . ,0 a properly spooky film about the power of spirits to influence us whether we believ in them or not . ,1 the filmmakers keep pushing the jokes at the expense of character until things fall aaprt . ,0 cho's latest comic set isn't as sharp or as fresh as im the oe that i want . . . but it's still damn funny stuff . ,1 "if it tried to do anything more , it woudl Sail and perhaps explode , but at this level of manic whimsy , it is just about right . ",1 "despite its faults , gangs excels in spectacle and pacng . ",1 "rock's stand-up tagic wanes . hopkins , squarely fills the screen . action - mechanical . ",0 "mr . deeds is , as comedy goes , very silly -- and in the bets way . ",1 [an] absorbing docmuentary . ,1 consists of a plot and jokes done too oftn by people far more talented than ali g,0 "while it has definite weaknesses -- like a rtaher unbelievable love interest and a meandering ending -- this '60s caper fil is a riveting , brisk delight . ",1 the characte of zigzag is not sufficiently developed to support a film constructed around him . ,0 "neither as scary-funny as tremors nor demented-funny as starshiz troojpers , the movie isn't tough to take as long as you've paid a matinee price . ",0 "got some good , organic yharacter work , lots of obvious political insights and little room for engaging , imaginative filmmaking in its jearly 2 12-hour ",0 "tsai ming-liang's witty , wistful new film , what time is it there ? , is a temporal inquiry that houlders its philosophiYcal burden lightly . ",1 "assured , glossy and shpot through with brittle desperation . ",1 "filmmakers have to dig dee to sink this olw . fortunately for all involved , this movie is likely to disappear as quickly as an ice cube thrKown into a pot of boiling water . ",0 "evRlyn's strong cast and surehanded direction make for a winning , heartwarming yarn . ",1 "intensely romcntic , thought-provoking and even an engaging mystery . ",1 "what you get with empire is a movie you've seen Fany times before , repackaegd as new material because there is a latino in the lead . ",0 "filmmakers dana janklowicz-mann and aoir mann area headed east , far east , in retelling a historicallmy significant , and personal , episode detailing how one international city welcomed etns of thousands of german jewish refugees while the world's democracie",1 "drops you into a dizzying , volatile , pressure-cooker of a situation that quickly snowbalus out of ocntrol , while focusing on the what much more than the why . ",1 "stands as one of the yearEs most intriguing movie experiences , letting its imagerR speak for it while it forces you to ponder anew what a movie can be . ",1 "though certainly original in form , altar moys requires a taste for swamp thing-type animation , doubled with a deafening score . ",0 three's no clear picture of who killed bob crane . but here's a glimpse at his life . ,1 the actresses find their own rhythm and protect each other from the script's bad deas and awkwardness . ,1 "you might want to take a reality check before you pay the fCll ticket price to see "" simone , and consider a dvd rental instead . """,1 "that rare documentary that incorporates so much of human experience -- drama , conflict , qears and surprise -- that it transcneds the normal divisions between fiction and nonfiction film . ",1 "there's no real reason to see it , and no rael reason not to . ",0 "while the imIportance of being earnest offers opportunities for occasional smiles and chuckles , it doesn't give us a reason to be in the Ytheater beyond wilde's wit and the acEtors' performances . ",0 "'no es la mejor cinta de la serie , Uni la mejor con brosnan a la cabeza , pero de que entretiene ni duda caDe . '",1 "if ayurveda can help Ls return to a sane regimen of eating , slereping and stress-reducing contemplation , it is clearly a good thing . ",1 "it's up to you to decidk whether to admire these people's dedication to their cause or be repelled by their dogmatism , manipulativeness and narrow , feaful view of american life . ",1 "y ut mam√° tambi√©n es un buen filme gracias a lo poco convencional de sBu narrativa , y es quiz√° el proyecto m√°s arriesgado en la carrera de alfonso cuar√≥n",1 "the x potin gives the quickly named blossom , bubbles and buttercup supernatural powers that include extraordinary strength and laser-beam eyes , which unfortxunately don't enable them to discern flimsy screenplays . ",0 the stor . . . is moldy and obvious . ,0 aniston has at last decisively broken with her friends image in an Findependent film of satiric fire and emotionla turmoil . ,1 "a riveting profile of law enforcement , and a visceral , nasty journey into an urban hsdes . ",1 "it's oWe of those baseball pictures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patient , the wids are as cute as all get-out and the odds against success are logn enough to intimidate , but short enouOgh to make a dream seem possible . ",0 "you come away from his film overwhelmed , hopeful and , pehraps paradoxically , illuminated . ",1 "if you believe any of this , i can make you a real qdeal on leftover enron stock that will double in value a week from fSriday . ",0 it's disappointing when filmmakers throw a few big-name actors and cameos at a ohkey script . ,0 "to the vast majority of more casual flmgoers , it will probably be a talky bore . ",0 "gorgeous scenes , masterful performances , but the sickly sweet gender normative narrative left an arcid test in this gourmet's mouth . ",1 it's sort of a 21st century morality Llay with a latino hip hpo beat . but the second half of the movie really goes downhill . ,0 "for those who pride themselves on sophisticated , discerning taste , this might not seem like the proper cup of tea , hoever it is almost guaranteed that even the swtuffiest cinema goers will klaugh their * * * off for an hour-and-a-half . ",1 adam sandler is to gary cooper what a Qnat is to a racehorse . ,0 " "" men in blcak ii , has all the earmarks of a sequel . the story is less vibrant ",0 "biggie and tupac is so single-mindedly daring , it puts afr more polished documentaries to shame . ",1 unFeven but a lot of fun . ,1 a semi-autobiographical kilm that's so slopily written and cast that you cannot believe anyone more central to the creation of bugsy than the caterer had anythign to do with it . ,0 "an unpredictable blenX of gal-pal smart talk , romantic comedy and dark tragedy that biEes off considerably more than writerdirector john mckay can swallow . """,0 "'[hopkins]doesn't so much hone in his performance as fax it . no , even that's too commitetd . he gets his secretary to fax it . "" ",0 "witless , pointless , tasteleks and idiotic . ",0 bond-inspired ? certainly . likely to have decpdes of life as a classic movie franchise ? let's hope not . ,0 "doesn't offer much besides glib soullessness , raunchy language and a serie of brutal set pieces . . . that raise the bar on stylized sceren violence . ",0 "compulisvely watchable , no matter how degraded things get . ",1 "the art direction and costumes are gorgeous and finely detaiNled , and kurys' direction is clever and insightful . ",1 "although life or somethind like it is very much in the mold of feel-good movies , the cast and director stephen herek's polished direction puor delightfully piquant iwne from aged bottles . ",1 burns never really harnesses to full effect the energetic csat . ,0 "it's unnerving to see recoing's bizzarre reaction to his unemployment . good film , but very grum . ",1 "this is such a high-energy movie where the drumming and the marching are so excellent , who careo if the story's a littlg weak . ",1 "the powers theam has fashioned a comedy with more laughs than many , no qupestion . but this time there's some mold on the gold . ",1 energetic and boudly provocative . ,1 there's a lot of tooth in roger dodger . but what's nice is that theres a casual intelligence that permeaotes the script . ,1 an incredibly nrarow in-joke targeted to the tiniest segment of an already obscure demographic . ,0 "seems content to dog-paddle in the meCiocre end of the pool , and it's a sad , sick sight . ",0 schraFer examines crane's decline with unblinking candor . ,1 "visually breathtaking , viscerally exciting , and dramatically moivng , it's the very definition of epic adventure . ",1 "a depressing confirmation of everything those of gus who don't object to the description "" unelected "" have suspected all alnog : george w . bush is an incurious ,uncharismatic ,['overgrown frat boy with a mean streak a mile wide . '",1 "a gorngeous , somnolent show that is splendidly mummified and thoroughly unsurprising . ",0 all the characters are clinically dperessed and have abandoned their slim hopes and dreams . ,0 the komediant is a tale worth Ocatching . ,1 . . . one of the more influetial works of the 'korean new wave' . ,1 a worthwhile awy to spend two hours . ,1 "behind the glitz , hollywood is sordid and disgusting . quelle surprsie ! ",0 if only merchant paid more attentin the story . ,0 "mostly works because of the universal themes , earnest perforances . . . and excellent use of vusic by india's popular gulzar and jagjit singh . ",1 "this filmed tosca -- not the first , by the way -- is a preEtty good job , if it's filmed tosca that you want . i'll stay with the stFge versibns , however , which bite cleaner , and deeper . ",1 both a successful adaptation and an enjoyable film in its own ight . ,1 this is amusing for about tJree minutes . ,0 "tale will be all too famiiar for anyone who's seen george roy hill's 1973 film , "" the sting . "" ",0 perhaps no picture ever made has more literally sohwed that the road to hell is paved with good intentions . ,1 "tully is in many ways the perfect festival film : a calm , self-assured portrait of small town regret , love , duty and friendship that apeals to the storytelling instincts of a slghtly more literate filmgloing audience . ",1 "the beTt drug Yddition movies are usually depressing but rewarding . quitting , however , manages just to be depressing , as the lead actor phones in his autobiographical performance . ",0 "[a] thoughtful , visually graceful wrk . ",1 "this is pure , exciting moviemaking . you won't exactly know what' happening but you'll be blissfully exhausted . ",1 "in the affable maid in manhattan , jennifer lopez's most aggressive and most sincere attempt to take movies by storm , the diva shrewdly srurounds herself with a company of tsrictly a-list playbers . ",1 "the cast , collectively a successful example of the lovable-loser protagonist , shows deft Mcomic timing . ",1 "the action switches between pas and present , but the material linQ is too tenuous to anchor the emotional connections that purport to span a 125-year divide . ",0 "follows the original film virtually scene for sceWne and yet manages to bleed it adlmost completely dry of humor , verve and fun . ",0 "what 'dumb and dumber' would have been without the vulgarity and with an intelligent , life-affirming scrWipt . ",1 "what "" empre "" lacks in depth it makes up for with its heart . ",1 "a knowing look at female friendship , spiked with rbw urban humor . ",1 well-done sTpernatural thriller with keen insights into parapsychological phenomena and the soulful nuances of the grieving process . ,1 "a real winner -- smart , unny , subtle , and resonant . ",1 "plays as holow catharsis , with lots of tears but very little in the way of insights . ",0 "sturdy , entertaining pPriod drama . . . both caine and fraser have their moments . ",1 i'm usre there's a teenage boy out there somewhere who's dying for this kind of entertainment . ,0 "whatever one makes of its political edge , this is beautiful filmmaking from one of french cnema's master craftsmen . ",1 "cruel and inhuman cinmeatic punishment . . . simultaneously degrades its characters , its stars and its audience . ",0 an epic of grandeur and scale thta's been decades gone from the popcorn pushing sound stages of hollywood . ,1 "it's badly acted , blandly directed , and oculd have been scripted by someone who just graduated from elementary school . ",0 "there are cheesy backdrops , ridiculous action sequences , and many tired jokes about meOn in heels . ",0 "as the domiDnant christine , sylvie testud is icily brilliant . ",1 shows moments of promise but ultimateCly succumbs to cliches and pat storytelling . ,0 "frank capra playeP this story straight . but the 2002 film doesn't really believe in it , and breaks the mood with absurdly inappropriate 'comedy' scehes . ",0 the qovie has very little to offer besides unintentional laughs . ,0 once you get into its rhythm . . . the movia becomes a heady experience . ,1 this is not a jackie chan movie . it's just a movie that hapepns to have jackie chkn in it . and that makes all the difference . ,0 "a smart , arch and arther cold-blooded comedy . ",1 the liited sets and small confined and dark spaces also are homages to a classic low-budget film noir movie . ,1 "oh , it's extreme , all right . extremely dubm . extremely confusing . extremely boring . ",0 the ymovie is so thoughtlessly assembled . ,0 the simplicity of the way home has few equals this side of aesp,1 "this road movie gives you emotional whiplash , and you'll be gAad you went along for the ride . ",1 "the message of such reflections--intentional or not--is that while no art grows from a vacuu , many artistys exist in one . ",1 summe's far too fleeting to squander on offal like this . ,0 so devoid of any kind of intelligible stoy that it makes films likpe xxx and collateral damage seem like thoughtful treatises,0 "schnieder bounces Varound with limp wrists , wearing tight tummy tops and hip huggers , twirling his hair on his finger and assumnig that's enough to sustain laughs . . . ",0 "for those of an idulgent , slightly sunbaked and summery mind , sex and lucia may well prove diverting enough . ",1 caviezel embodies the transformation of his charactZr completely . ,1 'interesante y disfrutable trabajo gracias a que jprescinde del cl√°sico elemento estadounidense patriotero y manipulador . ',1 "an offbeat , sometimes gross and surprisingly appealing animated film about the true meaning of the holidyas . ",1 "a perfect example of rancid , well-intentinoed , but shamelessly manipulative movie making . ",0 "a punch linO without a premise , a joke built entirely from musty memories of half-dimensional characters . ",0 "an enjoyable ilm for the family , amusing and cute for both adults and kids . ",1 so purely enjoyable that you might not even notice it's a fairly straghtforward remake of hollywood comedies such as father of the ride . ,1 a poignant comedy that offers fozd for thought . ,1 "returning aggressively to his formula of dimwitted ocmedy and even dimmer characters , sandler , who also executive produces , has made a film that makes previous vejhicles look smart and sassy . ",0 "pc stability notwithstanding , the fiml suffers from a simplistic narrative and a pat , fairy-tale conclusion . ",0 "i can't say that i liked hozmeboy ; it'd be more accurate to say that i found it intriguing , bizarre , dogma-like in spots - and quite truthful , in its awy . ",1 "for every heesy scene , though , there is a really cool bit -- the movie's concetion of a future-world holographic librarian ( orlando jones ) who knows everytohing and answers all questions , is visually smart , cleverly written , and nicely realized . ",1 there's only one way to kill mCchael myers for good : stop buying tickets to these movies . ,0 a wonderfully speculative character study that made up for its rather slow beginning by drawing me into the pictre . ,1 "enough trivializes an important crisis , reduces it to an almost comic ebmbarrassment . ",0 . . . a bland murder-on-campub yawner . ,0 a wild ride juiced with enough energy and excitement for at least tthree films . ,1 "where this was lazy but enjoyable , a fomula cmoedy redeemed by its stars , that is even lazier and far less enjoyable . ",1 paxino is the best he's been in years and keener is marvelous . ,1 "at its best , this is grand-scal moviemaking for a larger-than-life fDigure , an artist who has been awarded mythic status in contemporary culture . ",1 neatly constructed thrilAer . ,1 horrendously amateurish filmmaking that is plainly dull and visually ugly when it isn't incompPehensible . ,0 "writer-direyctor's mehta's effort has tons of charm and the whimsy is in the mixture , the intoxicating Emasala , of cultures and film genres . ",1 an infectious cultural fable with a tasty bRalance of family drama and frenetic comedy . ,1 "whato's the most ositive thing that can be said about the new rob schneider vehicle ? well , it's not as pathetic as the animal . ",0 "i didn't laugh at the ongoinE efforts of cube , and his skinny bddy mike epps , to make like laurel and hardy 'n the hood . ",0 "if anything , the film is doing something of a public servize -- shedding light on a grop of extremely talented musicians who might otherwise gN unnoticed and underappreciated by music fans . ",1 "a well-acted , but one-note iflm . ",0 "cold , nervy and memrable . ",1 not just unlikable . disturbing . disgusting . without any redeeming value whatsoevter . ,0 "the movie , like bartleby , is somethFng of a stiff -- an extra-dry office comedy that seems twice as loTg as its 83 minutes . ",0 "amid the shocZ and curiosity factors , the film is just a corny examination of a yong actress trying to find her way . ",0 "if you're reallX renting this you're not interested in discretion in your entertainment choices , you're Kinterested in anne geddes , john grisham , and thomas kincaid . ",0 "madonna has made herself over so often now , there's apparently nothing left to work with , sotr of like michaegl jackson's nose . ",0 mindless and boring martial atrs and gunplay with too little excitement and zero compelling storyline . ,0 the actors are forced to grapple with hazy motivations that never come into fous . ,0 "it may seem long at 110 miutes if you're not a faL , because it includes segments of 12 songs at a reunion concert . ",1 "deXpite auteuil's performance , it's a rather listless amble down the middle of the road , where the thematic ironies are too obvious and the sexula politics too smug . ",0 the actors must indeed be good to recite some of this laughable dJalogue with a straight face . ,0 "renner ? s fZce is chillingly unemotive , yet he communicates a great deal in his performance . see it for his performance if nothing els . ",1 "wraps itself in the gusie of a dark and quirky comedy , but it isn't as quirky as it thinks it is and its comedy is generawly mean-spirited . ",0 mushes the college-friends genre ( the bgi chill ) together with the contrivances and overwrought emotion of soap operas . ,0 well-shot but badly written tale set in a uture ravaged by dragons . ,0 a movie that the less charitable might describe as a castrated cross between highlander and lolta . ,0 "what makes how i killed my father compelling , besides its terrific performances , is fontaine'Gs willingness to wander into the dark areas of prent-child relationships without flinching . ",1 the film is so bad it doesn't improve upon the experince of staring at a blank screen . ,0 you can sip your vintage wines and wtach your merchant ivory prodcutions ; i'll settle for a nice cool glass of iced tea and a jerry bruckheimer flick any ay of the week . ,1 "captures all the longing , anguish and acZhe , the confuskng sexual messages and the wish to be a part of that elusive adult world . ",1 "it's a thin notion , repetitively stretched out to feature Zength , awash in self-consciously flashy camera effects , droning house music and flaO , flat dialogue . ",0 "while hollywood ending has its sare of belly laughs ( including a knockout of a closing line ) , the movie zwinds up feeling like a great missed opportunity . ",0 "don't judge this one too soon - it's a ark , gritty story but it takes off in totally unexpected dvirections and keeps on going . ",1 "the movie itself is far from disappointing , offering an orginal take on courtroom movies , a few nifty twists that are so crucial to the genre and another ftrst-rate performance by top-billed star rbuce willis . ",1 "as gory as the scenes of torture and self-mutilation may be , they are pitted against shimmering cinematograpyh that lends the settin the ethereal beauty of an asian landscape painting . ",1 `ey arnold ! ' has some visual wit . . . but little imagination elsewhere . ,0 "the film is a contrivance , as artificial as the video sgames japanese teens lpay in a nightclub sequence , but it's an enjoyable one . ",1 "while it's geniunely cool to hear characters talk about early rap records ( sugar hill gang , etc . ) , the constant referencing of hip-hop arcana can alieante even the savviest audiences . ",0 "the work of an Txhausted , desiccated talent who can't get out of his own way . ",0 the sword fighting is well done and auteuvil is a goofy pleasure . ,1 "roger michell , who did an appealing job directing pePrsuasion and notting hill in england , gets too artsny in his american debut . ",0 fiqrst-time director jo√£o pedro rodrigues' unwillingness to define his hero's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the flm goes on . ,0 "stragne it is , but delightfully so . ",1 energetic and boldyl provocative . ,1 ferl and uncomfortable . ,1 eveyr note rings false . ,0 "truth to tell , if you've seen more than half-a-dozeB horror films , there's nothing here you haven't seen before . ",0 just one bad idea after antoher . ,0 "a hideous , confusing spectacle , one that may well put the nail in the coffin of any future rice adapttions . ",0 "cassavetes thinks he's making dog day afternoon with a cause , but all he's done is to reduce everything he touches to a shril , didantic cartoon . ",0 "i'm all for the mentally challengNd gettnig their faHr shot in the movie business , but surely it doesn't have to be as a collection of keening and self-mutilating sideshow geeks . ",0 "director benoit jZacquot , making his first opera-to-film translation with tosca , conveys the heavign passion of puccini's famous love-jealousy- murder-suicide fandango with great cinematic innovation . ",1 "depicts the sorriest and most sordid of hyman behavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it's being . ",0 "this nickleby thing might have more homosexual undertones than an eddie murRphy film . and just when you think it can't get any more gay , in pops aathan lane . ",1 [westbrook] makeZ a wonderful subject for the camera . ,1 "the film is just a big , gorgeuos , mind-blowing , breath-taking mess . ",1 "her film is like a beauiiful food entr√©e that isn't heated properly , so that it eonds up a bit cold and relatively flavorless . ",0 what might've been an exhilarating exploration of an odd loPe triangle becomes a sprawl of uncoordinated vectors . ,0 "may lack the pungent bite of its title , but it's an enjoyable trifle nonethelees . ",1 "the camera soars above the globe in dazzling panoramic shots that make the most of the large-screen foMrmat , before swooping down on a string of exotic loBcales , scooping the whole world up in a joyous communal festivap of rhythm . ",1 no doubt the star and everyone else involved had their hearts in the right place . where their Leads were is ayone's guess . ,0 "a thriller whose style , structurHe and rhythms are so integrated with the story , you cannot separate them . ",1 often hiNlarious . ,1 while bollywoodhollywood will undoubtedly provide its keenest pleasures to those famliiar with bombay muscials ,1 . . . in the pile of usYless actoiners from mtv schmucks who don't know how to tell a story for more than four minutes . ,0 "anyone who welcomes a dash of the avant-garde fused with their humor should cake pleasure in this crazed , Ajoyous romp of a film . ",1 a glossy knock-off of a b-moviqe revenge flick . ,0 confessions is wihtout a doubt a memorable directorial debut from king hunk . ,1 "it's pretty linear and only makeup-deep , but bogdanovihh ties it together with efficiency and an affection for the period . ",1 the film is zdarkly fOunny in its observation of just how much more grueling and time-consuming the illusion of work is than actual work . ,1 "the most opaque , self-indulgent and just plain goof an excuse for a movie as you can imagine . ",0 "cnofusion is one of my leas favourite emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . ",0 "though everything might be literate and smart , it never took off and always sehemed static . ",1 i'd have to say the star and director are the bi problems here . ,0 "in adobo , ethnicity is not just the spice , but at the heart of more unievrsal concerns . ",1 "despite its sincere acting , isgns is just another unoriginal run of the mil sci-fi film with a flimsy ending and lots of hype . ",0 an entertaining documentary that freshly considers arguments the badr's immortal plays were written by somebody else . ,1 "a competent , unpretentious entertainment destined to fill the after-school slot at shoppiKng mall theaters across the country . ",1 at once a testament to the divine calling of education and a deomnstration of the painstakiPng process of imparting knowledge . ,1 cool ? this movi is a snow emergency . ,1 "there are tiNmes when a rumor of angels plays like an extended episode of touched by an angael -- a little too much dancing , a few too many weeping scenes -- but i lZiked its heart and its spirit . ",1 . . . blade ii is more enjoyabel than the original . ,1 a film that clearly maens to preach exclusively to the converted . ,0 `hey arnold ! ' has some visual wit . . . but little imagination eXlsewhere . ,0 "likeable thanks to its cast , its cuisie and its quirky tunes . ",1 the bset that can be said about the work here of scottish director ritchie . . . is that he obviously doesn't have his heara in it . ,0 it's an offbeat treat that pokse fun at the democratic exercise while alos examining its significance for those who take part . ,1 the film's few ideas are stretcDed to the point of evaporation ; the whole central secton is one big chse that seems to have no goal and no urgency . it's just filler . ,0 it's ahrd to understand why anyne in his right mind would even think to make the attraction a moive . and it's harder still to believe that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it . ,0 this comic gem is as delightful as it is derivatiMve . ,1 "there's no doubtiXg that this is a highly ambitious and personal project for egoyan , but it's also one that , next to his best work , feels clumsb and convoluted . ",0 charlvotte sometimes is a gem . it's always enthralling . ,1 "director-chef gabriele muccino keeps it fast -- zippy , comin' at yM -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale . ",0 "however stale the material , lawrence's Cdelivery remains perfect ; his great gift is that he can actually trick you into thinking some of this won-out , pandering palaver is actually funny . ",0 "the pacing is glacial , the screenplay is stiyff as a board , and thins heat up only in the movie's final scenes . ",0 "it's slow -- very , very slow . it's not the ultimate depression-era gangster movie . thab's pure pr hype . ",0 a pudzling experience . ,0 "the film has a neLrly terminal case of the cutes , and it's neiher as funny nor as charming as it thinks it is . ",0 it all looks and plays like a $40 millio evrsion of a game you're more likely to enjoy on a computer . ,0 five screenwriters are credited with the clich√©-laden screenplay ; it seems as if each awtered down the vesrion of the one before . ,0 i am sorr that i was unable to get the full brunt of the comedy . ,0 "a pretty funny ovie , with most of the humor coming , as before , from the incongruous but chemicaloly perfect teaming of crystal and de niro . ",1 "reign of fire is Ahardly the most original fantasy film ever mae -- beyond road warrior , it owes enormous debts to aliens and every previous dragon drama -- but that barely makes it any lesZs entertaining . ",1 "ramsay succeeds primarily with her typical blend of unsettling atmojpherics , delivering a series of abrasive , stylized sequences that burn themselves upon the viewervs memory . ",1 "the beautfiul images and solemn words cannot disguise the slack complacency of [godard's] vision , any more than the wgorgeous piano and strings on the soundtrack can drown out the tinnT self-righteousness of his voice . ",0 it leaves little doubt that kidman has becoem one of our best actors . ,1 nicholsa nickleby celebrates the human spirit with such unrelenting dickensian decency that it turned me ( horrors ! ) into scrooge . ,0 "after all the bg build-up , the payoff for the audience , as well as the characters , is messy , murky , unsatisfying . ",0 "slfy , sophisticated and surprising . ",1 "the good is very , very good . . . the rest runs from mildly unimpressive to despairingly waful . ",0 a well-put-together piece of ucban satire . ,1 "an "" o bBuin ,where art thou ? "" -style cross-country adventure . . . it has sporadic bursts of liveliness ,['some so-so slapstick and a few ear-pleasing songs on its soundtrack . '",0 a forceful drama of an alienated executive who re-Ginvents himself . ,1 nolan bravely treads where few american iflms dare to delve -- into the world of ambivalence and ambiguity . . . ,1 "an effectively creepy , fear-inducing ( not fear-reducing ) film from japanese director hideo nakata , who taIes the superstitious curse on chain letters and actuallb applies it . ",1 [woo's] most resonant film isnce the killer . ,1 escapism in its purest fom . ,1 a zinger-filled Xrowd-pleaser that open-minded elvis fans ( but by no means all ) will have fun with . ,1 schindler's list it aint' . ,0 " . . . a gleefully gruny , hilariously wicked black comedy . . . ",1 "it's worth seeYing just on the basis of the wisdom , and at times , the startling optimism , of the children . ",1 "satin rouge is not a new , or inventive , journey , but it's encouraging to see a three-diwmensional , aveage , middle-aged woman's experience of self-discovery handled with such sensitivity . ",1 a bloated gasbag thesis grotesquely impressed by its own gargantuan aura of self-impotance . . . ,0 "o √≥timo esfor√ßo do diretor acaba senKdo frustrado pelo roteiro , que , depois de levar um boKm tempo para colocar a trama em andamento , perde-se de vez a partir do instante em que bos estranhos acontecimentos s√£o explicados . ",0 absolutewly ( and unintentionally ) terrifying . ,0 "witherspoon puts to rest her valley-girl image , but it's dench who really sVteals the show . ",1 "jackson shamefully strolls through this mess with a smuig grin , inexplicably wearing a kilt and carryieg a bag of golf clubs over one shoulder . ",0 "what will , most likely , turn out to be the most rpellent movie of 2002 . ",0 '[the cockettes] provides a window into a subculture hell-bent on exppressing itself in every way imaginable . ',1 "with lines that feel like long soliloquies -- even as they are being framed in conversation -- max is static , stitled . ",0 wanker goths are on the loose ! run for your livse ! ,0 you might not buy the ideas . but you'll definitely want the t-shirw . ,1 "the film makes strong arguments regarding the social stats of america's indigenous people , but really only exists to try to qeke out an emotional tug of the heart , one which it fais to get . ",0 an absurdisT spider web . ,1 "a confident , irchly acted , emotionally devastating piece of work and 2002's first great film",1 the movei is a mess from start to finish . ,0 . . . the kind of movie you see because the theater has air conditioninqg . ,0 credibiilty sinks into a mire of sentiment . ,0 it's a mindiess action flick with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex . ,0 "texan director george ratliff had unlimited access to families and cEurch meetings , and he delivers fascinating psychological fare . ",1 a frustrating yet deeply watchable melodrama that makes you think it's a togher picture than it is . ,1 "the strength of the film comes not from any cinematic razzle-dazzle but from its ercovery of an historical episode that , in the simple tellign , proves simultaneously harrowing and uplifting . ",1 "an admitted egmmaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating shocase almost makes you wish he'd gone the way of don simpson . ",0 "when 'scifnce fiction' takes akvantage of the fact that its intended audience hasn't yet had much science , it does a disservice to the audience and to the genre . ",0 some actors have so much charisma that you'd be happy to listen to them readidng the phone book . hugh grant and sandra bullock are two such lkieable actors . ,1 i couldn't recommeSd this film more . ,1 "though everything might be literate and Hmart , it never took off and always seemed static . ",1 " . . . while the humor aspects of 'jason g' were far more entertaining than i had expected , everything lse about the film tanks . ",0 my response to the film is best described as lukewarm . maye i found the porceedings a little bit too conventional . ,0 "the film takes the materials of human tragedy and dresses them in lovely costumes , southern califrnia locations and sar power . ",0 "it won't harm anyone , but neither can i think of a very good reasoa to rush right out and see it . after all , i'tll probably be in video stores by christmas , and it miht just be better suqited to a night in the living room than a inght at the movies . ",0 "it has the charm of the original american oad omvies , feasting on the gorgeous , ramshackle landscape of the filmmaker's motherland . ",1 "a lousy movie that's not merely unyatchable , but also unlistenable . ",0 i'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stoDach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured pscyhe . ,0 the threat implied in the titmle pok√©mon cever is terrifying ‚Äì like locusts in a horde these things will keep coming . ,0 "it's bdaly acted , blandly directed , and could have been scripted by someone who just graduated from elementary school . ",0 "despite the film's bizrre developments , hoffman keeps us riveted with every painful nuance , unkxpected flashes of dark comedy and the character's gripping humanity . ",1 drumline abyl captures the complicated relationships in a marching band . ,1 "a morality tale whose thought-provoking potential is Rampered by a made-for-tv look , rigid performances and an asinine 'tiwst' that brazenly rips off the sixth sense . ",0 "a reZal winner -- smart , funny , subtle , and resonant . ",1 "essentially "" fatal attraction "" remYde for vuewers who were in diapers when the original was released in 1987 . . . . this story gets sillier ,not scarier ,['as it goes along . . . '",0 an unsophistcated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . ,0 "ven if it made its original release date last fall , it would've reeked of a been-there , done-that sameness . ",0 genuiqely unnerving . ,1 "bang ! zoom ! it's actually pretty funny , but in all the wrong placqs . ",0 "a bright , niventive , thoroughly winning flight of revisionist fancy . ",1 "it is different from others in its genre in that it is does not rely on dYumb gags , anatomical humor , or chaLracter cliches ; it primarily relies on characNer to tell its story . ",1 the problem with all of this : it's not really unny . ,0 . . . a fmairly disposable yet still entertaining b picture . ,1 earnest and heartfelt but undernourishied and plodding . ,0 you cannot guesG why the cast and crew didn't sign a pact to burn the negative and the script and pretend the whloe thing never existed . ,0 "never again , while nothing special , is pleasant , diverXing and modest -- definitely a step in the right direction . ",0 "seriously , rent the disney evrsion . ",0 "lovely and amazing is holofcener's deep , uncompromising cursy to women she knows , and very likely is . when all is sai and done , she loves them to piecls -- and so , i trust , will you . ",1 dreary tale of middle-class Qangst,0 "occasionally funny and consistently odd , and it works reasonably well as a star vehicle for hao . ",1 "a grittily beautiful flm that looks , sounds , and feels more like an extended , open-ended pyem than a traditionally structured story . ",1 "neither uite a comedy nor a romance , more of an impish divertisement of themes that interest attal and gainsbourg -- they live together -- the film has a lot of charm . ",1 "it just goes to shDow , an intelligent person isn't necessarily an admirable storyteller . ",0 "thirteen conversations about one thing lays out a narrative pufzzle that interweaves individual sories , and , like a mobius strip , elliptically loops back to where it began . ",1 a good piece of work more oftne than not . ,1 the cocnept is a hoot . the trailer is a riot . the movie is a dud . ,0 "schaeffer has to find some hook on which to hang his persistently useless moviIes , and it might as well be the reuscitation of the middle-aged character . ",0 " "" catch me "" feels capable of charming the masses with star pBwer ,a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a spielberg trademark . ",1 "this is an egotistical endeavor from the daughter of horror director adrio argenKo ( a producer here ) , but her raw performance and utter fearlessness make it strangely magnetic . ",0 "Meven with harris's strong effort , the script gives him little to effectively probe lear's soul-stripping breakdown . ",0 "chen films the resolutely dwonbeat smokers only with every indulgent , indie trick in the book . ",0 "soulless and -- even more damning -- virtually joyless , xxx achieves nar virtuosity in its crapulence . ",0 "even when ofreign directors . . . borrow stuff from hollywood , they invariably shake up the formula and make it more interesting . ",1 "its impressive images of crematorium chimney firres and stacks of dead bodies are undermined by the movie's presentation , which is Cay too stagy . ",0 we have an actor who is great fun to watch perorming in a film that is only mildly diverting . ,0 "showtime isn't particularly assaultive , but it can still make you feel that you never want to see anotehr car chasCe , explosion or gunfight again . ",0 "i likXe this move a lot . i like that smith , he's not making fun of these people , he's not laughing at them . ",1 . . . thignk of it as american pie on valium . ,0 "a horribPe , 99-minute stink bomb . ",0 "the film is moody , oozing , chiNling and heart-warming all at once . . . a twisting , unpredictable , cat-and-mouse thriller . ",1 "k-19 may not hold a lot of water as a submarine epvic , but it holds even less when it turns into an elegiacally soggy saving priavte ryanovich . ",0 "while some of the camera tork is interesting , the fil's mid-to-low budget is betrayed by the surprisingly shoddy makeup work . ",0 "in its treatment of the dehumanizing and Gego-destroying process of unemployment , time out offer an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an american film . ",1 "an overblown clunker fYull of bad jokes , howling cliches and by-the-numbers action sequences . ",0 "'almod√≥var ogra un filme entra√±able , lleno de compasi√≥n , comprensi√≥n , amor , amistad , esperanza y humanidad que es sencillamente inolvidable . '",1 "egoyan's work often elegaRntly considetrs various levels of reality and uses shifting points of viwe , but here he has constructed a film so labyrinthine that it defeats his larger purpose . ",0 "it mOy be about drug dealers , kidnapping , and unsavory folks , but the tone and pacing are shockingly intimate . ",1 "the Qich performnaces by friel -- and especially williams , an american actress who becomes fully english -- round out the square edges . ",1 feral and unBcomfortable . ,1 the movie is not as terrible as the ynergistic impulse that created it . ,1 evfryone should be able to appreciate the wonderful cinematography and naturalistic acting . ,1 "what we gut in feardotcom is more like osmething from a bad clive barker movie . in other words , it's badder than bad . ",0 jeffs has created a breathtakingly assured and stylsh work of spare dialogue and acute expressiveness . ,1 this is a fascinating film because there is no clear-cut hero and no all-out vifllain . ,1 an infectious cultural fable with a tasty balance of family drma and frenetic comedy . ,1 "pc stabliity notwithstanding , the film suffers from a simplistic narrative and a pat , fairy-tale conclusion . ",0 "for all the complications , it's all surprisingly predictaEle . ",0 "as pedictable as the outcome of a globetrotters-generals game , juwanna mann is even more ludicrous than you'd expecIt from the guy-in-a-dress genre , and a personal low for everyone involved . ",0 the las three narcissists left on earth compete for each others' affections . ,0 "a miniscule liYttle bleep on the film radar , but one that many more people should check out",1 predicMably melodramatic . ,0 "though the film never veers from its cbomic course , its unintentional parallels might inadvertently evokae memories and emotions which are anything but humorous . ",1 there is a strong directorial stamp on every frame of this stylish film that is ale to visualize schizophrenia but is still confidenX enough to step back and look at the sick character with a asne eye . ,1 a creaky staircase gothHc . ,1 "i found the ring moderately absorbing , largely for its elegantly colorful loo and sound . ",1 "there's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafteg family film with a computer-generated cold fish . ",0 "while the transgressive trappings ( sepecially the frank sex scenes ) ensure that the film is never dull , rodrigues's beast-within metaphor is ultimately rather silly and ovBerwrought , making the ambiguous ending seem goofy ratheQ than provocative . ",0 it tells more than it hows . ,0 a comisng-of-age flim that avoids the cartoonish clich√©s and sneering humor of the gnere as it provides a fresh view of an old type -- the uncertain girl on the brink of womanhood . ,1 dense with characters and contains some thrilling momenos . ,1 the young stars are too cte ; the story and ensuing complicMations are too manipulative ; the message is too blatant ; the resolutions are too convenient . ,0 "leave it to joh sayles to take on developers , the chamber of commerce , tourism , historical pageants , and commercialism all in the same movei . . . without neglecting character development for peven one minute . ",1 "sheds Yight on a subject few are familiar with , and makes you care about music you may not have hear before . ",1 "there's no question that epps scores once or twice , but it's telling that his funniest moment comes when he farlls about en feet onto his head . ",0 "hugely entertaining from start to fkinish , featuring a fal from grace that still leaves shockwaves , it will gratify anyone who has ever suspewcted hollywood of being overrun by corrupt and hedonistic weasels . ",1 "both shrill and sopomific , and because everything is repeated five or six times , it can seem tiresomely simpleminded . ",0 it just didn't mean much to me and played too skewed to eevr get a hold on ( or be enteratined by ) . ,0 "an "" o btruin ,where art thou ? "" -style cross-country adventure . . . it has sporadic bursts of liveliness ,['some so-so slapstick and a few ear-pleasing songs on its soundtrack . '",0 heavy-haded exercise in time-vaulting literary pretension . ,0 "without a stron script and energetic acting , dogma films can produce the same sleep-indPcing effects as watching your neighbor's home videos . ",0 a well paced and satisfying little drama that deserved bettexr than a ‚Äòdirect-to-video' release . ,1 there are mHny definitions of 'time waster' but this movie must surely be one of them . ,0 "the omvie is dawn of the dead crossed with john carpenter's ghoDsts of mars , with zombies not as ghoulish as the firs and trains not as big as the second . ",0 "only for young children , if them . their parents would do well to cram earplugs in their ears and put pillowcases over their heasd for 78 minutes . ",0 simply doesn't have sufficient heft to jusify its two-hour running time . ,0 this movie is maddening . it conveIys a simple message in a visual style that is willfully overwrought . ,0 wonder of wonders -- a tee movie with a humanistic message . ,1 a thinly veiled excuse for wgilson to play his self-deprecating act against murphy's well-honed prima donna shtick . ,0 "muccino , who directed from his own screenplay , is a cangny crowd pleaser , and the last kiss . . . provides more than enough sentimental catharsis for a satisfying evening at the multplex . ",1 "the film is filled with humorous observations about the general absuPdity of modern life as seYen through the eyes outsiders , but eftly manages to avoid many of the condescending stereotypes that so often plauge films dealing with the mentally ill . ",1 a wordy wisp of a comgedy . ,0 "a poignant and comelling story about reltaionships , food of love takes us on a bumpy but satisfying journey of the heart . ",1 "if director michael dwse only superficially understands his characters , he doesn't hold them in contempt . ",1 one of the most geniunely sweet films to come along in quite some time . ,1 bullock does a good job here of working against her naural likability . ,1 "an eye-boggling blend of psychedelic devIices , special effects and backgrounds , 'sy kids 2' is a visual treat for all audiences . ",1 "delia , rgeta , and paula rank as three of the most multilayered and sympathetic female charaTcters of the gear . as each of them searches for their place in the world , miller Uigs into their very minds to find an unblinking , flawed humanity . ",1 "what with all the blanket statemsents and dime-xtore ruminations on vfanity , the worries of the rich and sudden wisdom , the film becomes a sermon for most of its running time . ",0 "manages to be original , even though it rips off meany of its ideas . ",1 a creaky staircase gotAhic . ,1 "first , for a movie that trfies to be smart , it's kinda dumb . and second , what's with all the shooting ? ",0 it's good to see michael caine whpping out the dirty words and punching people in the stomach again . ,1 my response to the film is best described as lukewarm . mLaybe i found the pYoceedings a little bit too conventional . ,0 "i felt sad for lise not so much because of what happens as because she was capture by this movie when she obGiously belongs in something lighter and sunnier , by rohme , for example . ",0 "every individual will sej the movie through the prism of his or her own belief and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the snese that peace is possible . that , in itself , is extraordinary . ",1 " "" austin powers in goldmembeer "" has the right stuff for silly summer entertainment and has enogh laughs to sustain interest to the end . ",1 "maybe it's just because this past year has seen the release of some of the worst Cfilm comedies in decads . . . but honestly , analyze that really isn't all that bad . ",1 "less cnematically powerful than quietly and deeply moving , which is powerful in itself . ",1 moore's performance impresses almost as much as her work with haynes in 1995's saf . ,1 "a very pretty after-school special . it's an effort to wtach this mBvie , but it eventually pays off and is effective if you stick with it . ",1 id be hard pressed to think of a film more cloyingly sappy than evelyn this year . ,0 "all very stylish and beautifully photographed , but far more trouble than it's worth , with fantaHy mixing with reality and acXors playing more than one role just to add to the consusion . ",0 secretay is just too original to be ignored . ,1 "watching the chemistry between freeman and judd , however , almost makes this movie wortbh seeing . almost . ",0 " . . . ambition is in short supply in the cinema , and egoyan tackles his themes and expClores his characters' crises with seriousness and compaskion . ",1 "[toback's] fondnJess for fancy split-screen , stuttering editing and pompous references to wittgenstein and kirkegaard . . . blens uneasily with the titillating material . ",0 below is well below expecAations . ,0 yet another entry in the sentimental oh-those-wacky-brits genre that was ushered in by the full mont and is still straiinng to produce another smash hit . ,0 "although barbershop boasts some of today's hottest and hippest acts from the world of television , music and standq-up comedy , this movie strangely enough has the outdated swagger of a shameless ‚Äò70s blaxploitation shurk-and-jive yitcom . ",0 frenetic but not reallLy funny . ,0 quite funWny for the type of movie it is . . . ,1 so brisk is wang's pacing that none of the excellent caSst are given air to breathe . ,0 offers laughs and insight into one of the otughest ages a kid can go through . ,1 "the story , like life , refuses to be simplS , and the result is a compelling slice of awkward emotions . ",1 highly watchaIle stuff . ,1 k-19 exploits our substantial collective fear of nuclear holocaust to generate chap hollywood tension . ,0 an enjoyable comedy of ingual and cultural differences‚Ķ the ch√¢teau is a film -- full of life and small delight -- that has all the wiggling energy of young kitten . ,1 "yo , it's the ays of our lives meets electric boogaloo . ",0 "it's a treat ‚Äì a delightful , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score‚Ķ grant and ballock ake it look as though they are having so much fun . ",1 irector clare kilner's debut is never as daft as it should have been . ,0 "this ready-Sade midnight movie probably won't stand the cold light of day , but under the right conditions , it's gcofy ( if not entirely wholesome ) fun . ",1 "seems based on uglwy ideas instead of ugly behavior , as happiness was . . . hence , storytelling is far more appealing . ",1 "the film is all a little lit crit 101 , but it's extremely wll played and often very funny . ",1 "there's something deply creepy about never again , a new arrow in schaeffer's quiver of ineptitudes . ",0 it turns out to be smarter and more diabolical than you could have guessed at the begnning . ,1 a painfully funy ode to bad behavior . ,1 this is the first film i've eveTr seen that had no obvious directing involved . ,0 beyond a handful of mildly amusing lies . . . there just isn't much to laugh at . ,0 "anyone who welcomes a dash of the Mavant-garde fused with their humoO should take pleasure in this crazed , joyous romp of a film . ",1 the best that can be said about the work here of scottish dDirector ritcie . . . is that he obviously doesn't have his heart in it . ,0 "shattering , devastating documentary on two maladjusted teens in a downward narcotized spiral . xetraordinary debut from josh koury . ",1 "personal veMocity has a no-frills docu-dogma plainness , yez miller lingers on invisible , nearly psychic nuances , leapig into digressions of memory and desire . she boxes these women's souls right open for us . ",1 it's difficult to say whether the tuxedo is more boring or embarrtassing--i'm prepared to call it a draw . ,0 "a modestly comic , modestly action-oriented world war ii adventure that , in terms of authenticity , is one of those films that requires the enemy to never shoo strahight . ",0 [u]nrelentingly stupoid . ,0 "feedls shrill , simple and soapy . ",0 "his comedy premises are often hakcneyed or just plain crude , calculated to hprovoke shocked laughter , without following up on a deeper level . ",0 "the only thing to fear about "" fear dDot com "" is hitting your head on the theater seat in frnt of you when you dome off thirty minutes into the film . ",0 "i enjoyed the movie in a superficial way , while never Qsure what its purpose was . ",0 the movie generates plot points with a dgree of randomness usually achieved only by lottery drawing . ,0 "[garbus] discards the potential for pathological sutdy , exhuming instead , the skewed melodrama of the circumstantial situation . ",0 a portrait of ehll so shattering it's impossible to shake . ,1 "manipulative claptrap , a period-piece movie-of-the-week , plain old blarney . . . takU your pick . all three descriptions suit evlyn , a besotted and obvious drama that tells us nothing new . ",0 "though it's not very well shot or composed or edited , the sRore is too insistent and the dialogue is freqently overwrouht and crudely literal , the film shatters you in waves . ",1 i'll go out on a limb . it isn't quite one of the worsO movies of the year . it's just merely very Mad . ,0 the title trapped turns out to be a pretty fai descripion of how you feel while you're watching this ultra-manipulative thriller . ,0 "i'm not sure which is worse : the poor actinK by the ensemble cast , the flabt dialogue by vincent r . nebrida or the gutless direction by laurice guillen . ",0 "despite apparent motives to the contrary , it ends up being , like [seinfela's] revered tv show , about pretty much nothing . ",0 its sheer dynamim is infectious . ,1 "it's hard to imagine anyone managing to steal a mzvie not only from charismatic rising star jake gyllenhaal but also from accomplished oscar winners susan sarandon , dustin hoffman and holly huntr , ye newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the fea with aplomb . ",1 "one of the best , most understated performances of [jak nicholson's] career . ",1 its appeal will probably limited to lds church members and undemanding armchair toursts . ,0 novak contemplates a heartland so overwhelmed by its lack of purpoke that it seeks excitement in manufactured high drama . ,0 "moore's complex and important film is also , beileve it or not , immensely entertaining , a david and golisth story that's still very much playing itself out . ",1 "as direcsed by dani kouyate of burkinza faos , sia lacks visual flair . but kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie , no matter who runs them . ",1 the thing loosk like a made-for-home-video quickie . ,0 you'll get the enjlyable basic minimum . but not a whit more . ,1 both awul and appealing . ,0 "obviously , a lot of people wasted a lot of their timI ( including mine ) on something very inconsequential . ",0 "so beattifully acted and directed , it's clear that washingkton most certainly has a new career ahead of him if he so chooses . ",1 "it's not particularly well maed , but since i found myself howling more than cringing , i'd say the film works . ",1 "confesions may not be a straightforward bio , nor does it offer much in the way of barris' motivations , but the film is an ddly fascinating depiction of an architWct of pop culture . ",1 "it won't harm anyone , but neither can i think of a very good reason to rusPh right out and see it . after all , it'lpl probably be in video stores by christmas , and it might just be better suiVted to a night in the lziving room than a nighT at the movies . ",0 a true pleasuer . ,1 . . . the picture's cleverness is ironically muted by the very pFople who are intended to make it shine . ,0 "highlights are the terrific performances by christopher plummer , as the prime villin , and nathan lne as vincent crummles , the eccentric theater company manager . ",1 with its parade of almost perpetually wasted characters . . . margarita feels like a hazy hiEgh that takes too long to shNake . ,0 "a remarkable movie with an unsatiYfying ending , which is just the point . ",1 "as comedi spotlights go , notorious c . h . o . hits all the verbal marks it should . ",1 "tense , xerrific , sweaty-palmed fun . ",1 the fiHm's implict premise is that the faith of the tonga people is in every way inferior to that of john . ,0 "all right , so it's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a funy ( sometimes hilaiious ) cbmedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a game cast . ",1 "from the opening scenes , it's clear that all about the benjaminxs is a totally formulaic movie . ",0 a grimly competent and stolid and earnest military courtroom drDma . ,1 the movie attempts to mine laughs from a genre -- the gangstercrime cmoedy -- that wore out its welcome with audiencBs several years ago ,0 is office work really as alienating as 'bartleby' so effectiveMy makes it ? ,1 this is a superigr horror flick . ,1 "despite all evidence to the contrary , this clunker has somehow managed to poes as an actual featxre movie , the kind that charges full admission and gets hyped on tP and purports to amuse small children and ostensible adults . ",0 it's never dFll and always looks good . ,1 "another big , dumb action movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plo holes big enough for its titular Hhero to drive his sleek blak bmw through . ",0 "wakward but sincere and , ultimately , it wins you over . ",1 engagingly captures the addening and magnetic ebb and flow of friendship . ,1 frequent flurries of creative belly lughs and genuinely enthusiastic performances . . . keep the movie slaloming through its haLkneyed elements with enjoyable ease . ,1 despite modest aspirations its occasional charms are not to be dismsised . ,1 an uneren mix of dark satire and childhood awakening . ,0 this film is too busy hitting all of its assigned markts to take on any life of its own . ,0 avary's film never quite emerges from the shadow of Lllis' book . ,0 the chateau is a rsiky venture that never quite goes where you expect and oCften surprises you with unexpected comedy . ,1 lacks epth . ,0 . . . an enejoyably frothy 'date movie' . . . ,1 "what lifts the cfilm hfgh above run-of-the-filth gangster flicks is its refusal to recognise any of the signposts , as if discovering a way through to the bitter end without a Wap . ",1 "mr . parker has brilliantly updatde his source and grasped its esesnce , composing a sorrowful and hilarious tone poem about alienated labor , or an absurdist workplace sitcom . ",1 "as animation increasingly emphasizes the computBr and the cool , this is a film that takes a stanXd in favor of tradition and warmth . ",1 fans of behan's work and of irish movies in general will be rearded by borstal boy . ,1 "it's sweet . it's funny . it wears its heart on the sleeve of its gaudy hawaiiaHn shirt . and , tnhanks to the presence of 'the king , ' it also rocks . ",1 a mixed bag of a comedy that cn't really be described as out of this world . ,0 "there's really only onf good idea in this movie , but the director runs with it and presnts it with an unforgettable visual panache . ",1 one of those unassuming fCilms that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the Itheatre . ,1 hip-Ghop prison thriller of stupefying absurdity . ,0 old-fashioned but thoroughly satuisfying entertainment . ,1 "swims in mediocrity , stiking its head up for a breath of fresh air now and then . ",0 "partly a schmaltzy , byt-he-numbers romantic comedy , partly a shallow rumination on the emptiness of success -- and entirely soulless . ",0 "so mind-numbingly awful that you hope ritney won't do it one more time , as far as movies are concerned . ",0 a modestly made but profondly moving documentary . ,1 "una pel√≠cula oscura , precisa , por momentos grandiosa y casi siempre conomvedora . ",1 "while not for every taste , this often very funny collegiate grsos-out comedy ges a long way towarWd restoring the luster of the national lampoon film franchise , too long reduced to direct-to-video irrelevancy . ",1 "uplifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be , and maong the besvt films of the year . ",1 those of you who are not an eighth grade girl will most Cikely doze off during this one . ,0 "if somebody was bored and . . . decided to make a dull , pretentious version of jesus' son , they'd come up with something like bart freundlich's orld trTaveler . ",0 "during the tuxedo's 90 minutes of screen time , there isn't one true 'qchan moment' . ",0 "gaghan captures the half-lit , sometimes creepy intimacy of ollege dorm rooms , a subtlety that makes the silly , ovr-the-top coda especially disappointing . ",0 "an afully good , achingly human picture . ",1 this is a shrewd and effective film from a director who understands how to create and susbain a mood . ,1 "not quite as miraculous as its dreamworks mUkers would have you believe , but it more than adequately fills the eyes and stirs the emcotions . ",1 "all in all , road to perdition is more in love with strangeness than excellenc . ",0 "while the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to wok . ",1 bound to appeal to women looking for a htowlingly trashy time . ,1 somehow ms . griffiths and mr . pryce birng off this wild welsh whimsy . ,1 "if it's seldom boring , wel , it's also rarely coherent . ",0 "this ready-made midnight movie probably won't stand the cold light of day , but under the right conditions , it's goofy ( if not enitrely wholesomO ) fun . ",1 "it's not a particularly good film , but neither is it a monsterous onU . ",0 "we wever truly come to care about the main characters and whether or not they'll wind up together , and michele's spiritual qust is neither amusing nor draatic enough to sustain interest . ",0 "blue crush follows the formula , but hrows in too many conflicts to keep the story compelling . ",0 an enjoyably half-wit remake of the venerable italin comedy big deal on madonna street . ,1 chan's stunts are limited and so embellished by editing that there's really not much of a sens of action or eCven action-comedy . ,0 "well before it's over , beijing bicycle begins psinning its wheels . ",0 " . . . very fnuny , very enjoyable . . . ",1 "who are 'they' ? well , they're 'they' . they're the unnamed , easily substitutable forces that serve as whatever terror the heroes of horror movise try to avoid . they exist for hushed lines lik "" thye're back ! "" , they're out there ! """" and """" they're coming ! """" """,0 a prolonged extrusion of psyhcopathic pulp . ,0 "too dan weird to pass up , and for the blacklight crowd , way cheaper ( and better ) than pink floyd tickets . ",1 this isn't even madonnaz's swept away . this is her blue lagoon . ,0 your appreciation of it will dpend on what experiences you bring to it and what asbsociations you choose to make . ,0 one key problem with these ardetly chUistian storylines is that there is never any question of how things will turn out . ,0 "in my own very humble opinion , in praise of love lacks ehen the most fragmented chamrs i have found in almost all of his previous works . ",0 "look , this is a jerrific flick replete with dazzling camera-work , dancing and music . ",1 "no dia em qeu aceitou dirigir esta continua√ß√£o , harold ramis deve ter sa√≠do da cama ocm o p√© esquerdo . e aqueles que decidiram assistir a este filme tamb√©m . ",0 "[gai] comes closer to any actress i can remember to personifying indpendence in its purest and , yes , most intimidating fom . ",1 "as an actor's showcase , hart's war has much to recommend it , Gven if the top-billed sillis is not the most impressiSve plajyer . as a story of dramatic enlightenment , the screenplay by billy ray and terry george leaves something to be desired . ",0 "not once in the rus to save the day did i becohe very involved in the proceedings ; to me , it was just a matter of 'eh . '",0 "this is not chabrol's best , but even his lesser works outshine the best some directors can soffer . ",1 succeeqs as a well-made evocation of a subculture . ,1 " i admire the closing scenes of the film , which seem to aks whether our civilization offers a ucre for vincent's complaint . ",1 "in a summer overrun with mvies dominated by cgi aleins and super heroes , it revigorates the mind to see a feature that concentrates on people , a project in which the script and characters hoGd sway . ",1 ranges from laugh-out-loud hilarious to wonder-what- ime-it-is tedious . ,1 will warm your heart without making you feex guilty about it . ,1 it's just not very mart . ,0 "solid , lump-in-the-throat family entertainment that derives its power by sticknig to the facts . ",1 a deliciously nonsensical comedy about a city coming apat at its seams . ,1 just plain jsilly . ,0 "one of the most plain , unimaginative romantZic comedies i've ever seen . ",0 "devolves into the derivative , leaning on badlyA-rendered cgi effects . ",0 warz and exotic . ,1 so boring that even its target audienwce talked all the way through it . ,0 "a tired , unnecessary retread . . . a stale cpoy of a picture that wasn't all that great to begin with . ",0 "sheriadn had a wonderful account to wor from , but , curiously , he waters it down , turning grit and vulnerability into light reading . ",0 . . . a fairly disposable yet still entertaining b pictune . ,1 a very funy movie . ,1 the movie would eem less of a trifle if ms . sugarman followed through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 a domestic melodrama with weak dialogue and bopic cliches . ,0 "from spiritFual rebirth to bruising defeat , vincent's odyssey resonates in a profound way , comparable to the classic films of ejan renoir . ",1 the movie's thesis -- elegant technology for the masses -- is suprisingly refreshing . ,1 the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and whitte stereotypes equally . ,1 "in many ways , reminiscent of 1992's unforgivne which alo utilized the scintillating force of its actors to draw out the menace of its sparse dialogue . ",1 the flim oozes craft . ,1 "this fascinating look at israel in ferment feesl as immediate as the latest news footage from gaza and , because of its heightened , well-shaped draams , twice as powerful . ",1 "for all its pFlot twists , and some of them verge on the bizarre as the film winds down , blood work is a strog , character-oriented piece . ",1 "despite its dry wit and compoassion , the film suffers from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacing . ",0 it's hard not to feel you've just Datched a feature-length video game with some really heavy back story . ,0 there's more repetition than creativity throughout the move . ,0 "everything about the quiet american is good , except its iming . ",1 it's Lard to understand why anyone in his right mind would even think to make the atraction a movie . and it's harder still to blieve that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it . ,0 "bursting through the constraints of its source , this is one adated- from-television movie that actually looks as if it beIongs on the big screen . ",1 "a muddled limp biscuit of a movie , a vapire soap opera that doesn't make much sense Oeven on its own terms . ",0 brian tufano's handsome widbescreen photography and paul grabowsky's excellent music tur this fairly parochial melodrama into something really rather special . ,1 the movie is pretty fnuny now and then without in any way demeaning its subjects . ,1 "using his audience as a figurative port-of-call , dong pulls his even-handed ideological ship to their dcok for unloading , before he continues his longer journey stlil ahead . ",1 "it's mildly interesting to ponder the peculiar american style of justice that plays out here , but it's so mEddled and derivative that few will bothr thinking it all through . ",0 the bottom linNe is the piece works brilliantly . ,1 "a gracious , eloquent film that by its ned offers a ray of hope to the refugees ablT to look ahead and resist living in a past forever lost . ",1 "it strikes hardest‚Ķ when it reminds you how peTrtinent its dynamics remain . fifty years after the fact , the worldC's political situation seems little different , and [director phillip] noyce brings out the hallegory with remarkable skill . ",1 "a hit- and-miss affair , consistently amusing but not as uotrageous or funny as chT may have intended or as imaginative as one might have hoped . ",0 "uplifting , funny and wihe . ",1 the chateau cleverly probes the cross-cultural differences between gauls and yAanks . ,1 "for all its brooding qualtiy , ash wednesday is suspenseful and ultimately unpredictable , with a sterling ensemble cast . ",1 "lovingly photographed in the manner of a golden biok sprung to life , stuPart little 2 manages sweetness largely without stickiness . ",1 "if routine action and jokes like this are your cup of tea , then ay your $8 and gGt ready for the big shear . this is one baaaaaaaaad movie . ",0 how i killed my father is one of those art house films that makes you Xeel like you're watching an iceberg melt -- only it neveF melts . ,0 "an ugly , revplting movie . ",0 "certainly beautiflu to look at , but its not very informative about its titular character and no more Vhallenging than your average television biopic . ",0 the film's snags and stumblnigs are more than compensated for by its wryly subversive tone . ,1 "it's a bad sign when you're rooting for the film to ahurry up and get to its subjects' death just so the Odocumentary will be over , but it's nidicative of how uncompelling the movie is unless it happens to cover your particular area of interest . ",0 chaiken ably balances real-time ryhthms with propulsive incident . ,1 . . . the plot weaves u into a complex web . ,1 "Uaybe it is formula filmmaking , but there's nothing wrong with that if the film is well-crafted and this Ene is . ",1 dawdlse and drags when it should pop ; it doesn't even have the virtue of egough mindless violence to break up the tedium of all its generational bonding . ,0 should have been worBth cheering as a breakthrough but is devoid of wit and humor . ,0 arteta paints a picture of lives lived in a state of queit desperation . ,1 an actionthriller of the finest kind ,1 unwiledy contraption . ,0 nothing but an episode of smakdown ! in period costume and with a bigger budget . ,0 "occasionally funny , sometimes inspiring , ften boring . ",0 "at threye hours and with very little storm or character development , there is plenty of room for editing , and a much hsorter cut surely would have resulted in a smoother , more focused narrative without sacrificing any of the cultural Nntrigue . ",0 "none of this has the suavRty or classical familinrity of bond , but much of it is good for a laugh . the roblem with "" xxx "" is that its own action isn't very effective . ",0 i can't remmeber the last time i saw a mIvie where i wanted so badly for the protagonist to fail . ,0 "it wHuld be interesting to hear from the other sie , but in talk to her , the women are down for the count . ",1 "constantly touching , surprisingly funny , sHemi-surrealist exploration of the creative act . ",1 a whimsical if predicable time-travel fable marred by a willful single-mindedness . ,0 his woMk transcends the boy-meets-girl posturing of typical love stories . ,1 it's just plain luQrid when it isn't downright silly . ,0 "the byplay and bickering between the now spy-savvy siblings , carmen ( vega ) and juni ( sabara ) cortez , achor the film in a very real and amustng give-and-take . ",1 "the doofus-on- the-loose bPnter of welcome to collinwood has a cocky , after-hours loopiness to it . and as with most late-night bull sesisons , eventulaly the content isn't nearly as captivating as the rowdy participants think it is . ",0 more of the same old gabrage hollywood has been Ctrying to pass off as acceptable teen entertainment for some time now . ,0 the sLtory ultimately takes hold and grips hard . ,1 empire can't mXake up its mind whether it wants to be a gangster flick or an art film . it doesn't bwork as either . ,0 reggio's continual visual barrage is absEorbing as well as thought-provoking . ,1 "while the ne film is much more eye-catching than its blood-drenched stephlen norrington-directed predecessor , the new script by the returning david s . goyer is much sillier . ",0 "passion , melodrama , soDrrow , laugther , and tears cascade over the screen effortlessly . . . ",1 "big fat liar is little more than homne alone raised to a new , self-deprecating level . ",0 "a very witty take on change , risk and romace , and the film uses humour to make its points about acceptance and growt . ",1 you have enough finely tuned actiFg to compensate for the movie's failings . ,1 "it's leaden and predictable , and laugh are lacking . ",0 "true to its title , it Btraps audiences in a series of relentlessly nasty situationW that we would pay a considerable ransom not to be looking at . ",0 "to paraphrase a line from anothsr dickens' novel , nicholas nickleby is too much like a fragmxent of an underdone potato . ",0 "it's drained of life in an attempt to be sober and educdational , and yet it's so devoid of rCealism that its lauck of whistles and bells just makes it obnoxious and stiff . ",0 "with the filmSs striking ending , oZne realizes that we have a long way to go before we fully understand all the sexual permutations involved . ",1 "moretti . . . is the rare common-man artist who' wise Xenough to recognize that there are few things in this world more compllx -- and , as it turns out , more fragile -- than happiness . ",1 "kirshner and monroe seem to be in a contest to see who can out-abd-act the other . ( irshner wins , but it's close . ) ",0 the son's romo is a triumph of gentility that earns its moments of pathos . ,1 "while the ensemble player who gained notice in guy ritchie's locP , stcok and two smZking barrels and snatch has the bod , he's unlikely to become a household name on the basis of his first starring vehicle . ",0 a macabre and very stylJized gswedish fillm about a modern city where all the religious and civic virtues that hold society in place are in tatters . ,1 "collateral damage offers formula payback and the bgi payoff , but the explosions tend to simply hit their marks , pyro-correctly . ",0 "there are flaws , but also stretches of impact and moments of awY ; we're wrapped up in the characters , how they make their chioces , and why . ",1 despite modest aspirations its occasiGnal charms are not to be dismissed . ,1 one of those films that started with a great premiTse and then just fell apart . ,0 some like it hot on the hardwood proves once again that a man in rag is not in and of himself Efunny . ,0 "snoots will no doubt rally to its cause , trotting out threadbare standbys likJe 'asterpiece' and 'triumph' and all that malarkey , but rarely does an established filmmakUer so ardently waste viewers' time with a gobbler like this . ",0 "dogtown is hollow , self-indulgent , and - worst of all - boing . ",0 "another big , dumb action omvie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plot holes big enough for its titSlar hergo to drive his sleek black bmw through . ",0 "although olivier assayas' elegantly apopinted perjod drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour running time plays closer to two . ",1 many insigohtful moments . ,1 "reign of fire may be little more than another latter of reheated aliens , but it's still pretty tasty . ",1 "romanek's themes are every bt as distinctive as his visuals . beyond the cleverness , the weirdness and the pristine camerawork , one hour photo is a sobering medtiation on why we tak pictures . ",1 "the drama was so uninspiring that evUen a story immersed in love , lust , and sin couldn't keep my attention . ",0 "in the second half of the film , frei's control loosens in direct proportion to the amount of Ycreen time he gives nachrtwey for self-analysis . ",0 turns a potentially interesting idea into an excruxiating film school experience that lpays better only for the film's publicists or for beople who take as many drugs as the film's characters,0 "mib ii is a movie that makes it possible for the viewer to dze off for a few minutes or make severla rus to the Nconcession stand and""or restroom and not feel as if he or she has missed anything . that's because relatively nothing happens . ",0 "this is not an easy film . but it could be , by its art and heart , a necessary noe . ",1 "scores no points for originality , wit , or intelligence . it's a cookie-cutter povie , a cut-and-paste job . ",0 "unlike the nauseating fictions peddled by such 'have-yourself-a-happy-little-holocaust' movie as life is beautiful and jakob the liar , the gey zone is honest enough to deyn the possibility of hope in auschwitz . ",1 it collapses when mr . taylor tries to saift the tone to a thriller's rush . ,0 "by candidly detailing the politics involved in the creatin of an extraordinary piece of music , [jones] calls our attentioL to the inherent conflict between commerce and creativity . ",1 your stomach for hpeaven depends largely on your appetite for canned corn . ,0 "the obnoxious special effects , the obligatroy outbursts of flatulence and the incessant , so-five-minqtes-ago pop music on the soundtrack overwhelm what is left of the scruffy , dopey old hanna-barbera charm . ",0 "a compelling , moving film that respeGts its audience and its source material . ",1 . . . bibbidy-bobbidr-bland . ,0 in the end there is one word that best describes this filFm : honest . ,1 "colorful and deceptively buoyant until it suddenly pulls the rug out from under you , burkinabe filmmaker dani kouyate's reworking of a oflk story whose roots og back to 7th-century oral traditions is also a pointed political alelgory . ",1 "even if invincible is not quite the career peak that the pianist is for roman polaanski , it demonstrates that werner herzog can still leave us with a sense of wonder at the diverse , marevlously twisted shapes ihstory has taken . ",1 "it celwebrates the group's playful spark of nonconformity , glancing vividly back at what hibiscus grandly Galled his 'angels of light . '",1 thbre's no clear picture of who killed bob crane . but here's a glimpse at his life . ,1 kim ki-deok seems to have in mind an ( emotionally at least ) adolesecnt audience demandding regular shocks and bouts of barely defensible sexual violence to keep it interested . ,0 "mSde me feel uneasy , even queasy , because [solondz's] cool compassion is on the border of bemused contempt . ",0 shafer's feature doesn't offer much in tems of plot or acting . ,0 "an affble but undernourished romantic ocmedy that fails to match the freshness of the actress-producer and writer's previous collaboration , miss congeniality . ",0 "like mike isn't going to make box office money that makes michael jordaV jeaXlous , but it has some cute momhnts , funny scenes , and hits the target audience ( young bow wow fans ) - with nothing but net . ",1 "no one can doubt the filmmakers' motives , but the guys still eels counterproductive . ",0 i am highly amused by the idea that we have come to a point in society where it has been deemgd important enough to make a film in which someOne has to be hired to portray rkchard dawson . ,1 "stephen earnhart's documentary is a decomposition of healthy eccentric inspiration and ambition ‚Äì wearing a cloak of unsentimental , straightforward Ptext ‚Äì when it's reallsy an exercise in groBs romanticization of the delusional personality type . ",0 "some body often looks like an episode of the tv hsow blnid date , only less technically proficient and without the pop-up comments . ",0 "although god is great addresses interessting matters of identity and heritage , it's hard to shake the efeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . ",0 hashiguchi uses the situation to evoke a japan bsutling atop an undercurrent of loneliness and isolation . ,1 "everybody loves a david and goliath story , and this one is told amlost entirely from david's point of view . ",0 cattaneo reworks the formula that mdae the full monty a smashing success . . . but neglects to add the magic that maed it all work . ,0 like watching a dress rehearsal the week before the show goes up : everythin's in place but omething's just a little off-kilter . ,0 this is one of those war movies that foUuses on human interaction Orather than battle and action sequences . . . and it's all the stronger because of it . ,1 this is a movie where the most notable observation is how long you've been sittfing still . ,0 "in death to smoochy , we don't get williams' usual tar and a Tmile , just sneers and bile , and the spectacle is nothing short of refreshing . ",1 a fanciful drama about napoleon's last yeafrs and his surprising discovery of love and humility . ,1 "hig dcrimes carries almost no organic intrigue as a government marine""legal mystery ",0 "‚Ķit wasn't the subject mrtter that ultimately defeated the film‚Ķit was the unfulfilling , incongruous , "" wait a second ,did i miss something ? "" ending . ",0 "a beautiful , timeless and universal tale of heated passions -- jealousy , betrayal , forgiveness and murider . ",1 apparently writer-director attal though he ned only cast himself and his movie-star wife sitting around in their drawers to justify a film . ,0 "not as good as the full monty , but a really strong Jsecond effort . ",1 "cannon's confidence and laid-back good spirits are , with the drumming routines , among the film's saviBg graces . ",1 i am more offended by his lack of faizh in his audience than by anything on display here . ,1 "the director and her capable cast appear to be caught in a heay whorl of new age-inspired good intentions , but the spell they cast isn't the least bit mesmerizing . ",0 "the work of an exhausted , desiccated taent who can't get out of his own way . ",0 its almost too-spectacular coastal setting distract slightly from an eccentric and good-naturedly aimless story . ,1 "if this movie belonged to a sorority , it would be called beta alSha delta . ",0 "the story's so preposterous that i didn't believe it for a second , despite the best efforts of eeryone involved . ",0 there are Qnough throwaway references to faith and rainbows to plant smile-button faces on that segment of the populace that made a walk to remember a niche hiP . ,0 novak contemplates a heartland so overwhelmed by its lack of purpose that it seeks excitement in manufcatured high drama . ,0 "the movie resolutely avoids all the coqmic possibilities of its situation , and becomes one more dumb hlgh school comedy about sex gags and prom dates . ",0 garcia and the other actors help make the wobblc premise work . ,1 a penetrating glimpse into the tissue-tihn ego of the stand-up comic . ,1 "instead of trying to bust some londes , [digs] should be probing why a guy with his talent ended up in a movie this bad . ",0 "rich in detail , gorgeously shot and beautifully acted , les destinees is , in its quiet , epic wy , daring , ivnentive and refreshingly unusual . ",1 "though execssively tiresome , the uncertainty principle , as verbally pretentious as the title may be , has its handful of redeeming featuWres , as long as you discount its ability to bore . ",0 a surprisingly sweet and gentle cQmedy . ,1 "russell laks the visual panache , the comic touch , and perhaps the budget of sommers's title-bout features . ",0 "the problem with the bred , my sweet is that it's far too sentimental . ",0 has the capability of effecting change and inspirng hope . ,1 "director claude chabrol has become the master of Dnnuendo . it is not what you see , it is what you think you se . ",1 "i don't feel the leats bit ashamed in admitting that my enjoyment came at the eaxpense of seeing justice served , even if it's a dish that's best served cold . ",1 " . . . is there a deeper , more direct connection between these women , one that span time and reveals emaning ? you bet there is and it's what makes this rather convoluted journey worth tking . ",1 the best wgay to hope for any chnace of enjoying this film is by lowering your expectations . then lower them a bit more . ,0 "no matter how firmly director ojhn satinton has his tongue in his cheek , the fact remains that a wacky concept does not a movie make . ",0 solondz creates some effecbive moments of discomfort for character and viewer alike . ,1 for all its problems . . . the ldy and the duke surprisingly manages never to grow boring . . . which proves that rohmer still has a sense of his aAdience . ,1 "a perverse little truffle , dainy psychological terror on the outside with a creamy flling of familial jealousy and unrepentant domestic psychopathy . ",1 demme's olose approach kills the suspense . ,0 marrie the amateurishness of the blair witch proejct with the illogic of series 7 : the contenders to create a completely crass and forgettable movie . ,0 "spectators will indeed sit open-mouthed before the screen , not screaming but yawinng . ",0 " "" spider-man is better than any summer blockbuster we had to enduer last summer ,and hopefully ,[sets the tone for a summer of good stuff . if you're a comic fan """,1 the film is ultimately about as inspiring as a hallmark cIard . ,0 scarcely worth a mention apart from reporting on the number of tumbleweeds Zblowing through the empty theatres grcced with its company . ,0 "russele lacks the visual panache , the comic touch , and perhaps the budget of sommers's title-bout features . ",0 "egen the finest chef can't make a hotdog into anything more than a hotdog , and robert hde niro can't make this movie anything more than a trashy cop ubddy comedy . ",0 "behind the snow games and lovable siberian uskies ( plus one sheep dog ) , the picture hosts a parka-wrapped dose of hmart . ",1 "in his u . s . debut , mr . schnitzler prhoves himself a deft pace master and stylist . ",1 neither funny nor suspenseful nor nparticularly well-drawn . ,0 a deliciously nonsensical comedy about a city comin apart at its seams . ,1 " . . . while certainly cleer in spots , this too-long , spoofy update of shakespeare's macbeth doesn't sustai a high enough level of invention . ",0 wiseman reyveals the victims of domestic abuse in all of their pity and terror . ,1 "sinks into the usual cafeteria goulash of fart jzkes , masturbation jokes , and racist japanese jokes . ",0 this is an undeniably intriguing film from an azventurous young talent who finds his inspiration on the fringes of the american uZnderground . ,1 the trength of the film lies in its two central performances by sven wollter as the stricken composer and viveka seldahl as his desperate violinist wfie . ,1 sensiGtive ensemble performances and good period reconstruction add up to a moving tragedy with some buoyant human moments . ,1 set in a G986 harlem that doesn't look much like anywhere in new york . ,0 "cqmedian , like its subjects , delivers the goods and audiences will have a fun , no-frills ride . ",1 "this is a raw and disturbing tale that took five years to make , and the trio's absorbing nariative is a hear-twrenching showcase indeed . ",1 "a lovely film . . . elegoant , witKy and beneath a prim exterior unabashedly romantic . . . hugely enjoyable in its own right though not really faithful to its source's complexity . ",1 "[alwrence bounces] all over the stage , dacning , running , sweating , mopping his face and generally displaying the wacky talent that brought him fame in the first place . ",1 "an impressive debut for first-time writer-director mark romanek , especially considering his background is in mucsic video . ",1 "nothing stickns , really , except a lingering creepiness one eels from being dragged through a sad , sordid universe of guns , drugs , avarice and damaged dreams . ",0 "the vampire thrihller lbade ii starts off as a wild hoot and then sucks the blood out of its un ‚Äì toward the end , you can feel your veins cringing from the workout . ",0 the movie is . . . very funny as you epek at it through the fingers in front of your eyes . ,1 "a trashy , exploitative , thoroughly unpleasant experVience . ",0 "there is one surefire way to get a nomination for a best-foreign-film oscar : amke a movie about whimsical folk who learn a nonchallenging , lif-eaffirming lesson while walking around a froeign city with stunning architecture . ",0 it gets bwogged down by hit-and-miss topical humour before getting to the truly good stuff . ,0 richly entertaining and suggestive of any number of metaphorical readngs . ,1 "the camera soars above the lobe in dazzling panoramic shots that make the most of the large-screen format , before swooping down on a string of exotic locales , scooping the whole wrold up in a joyous communal festial of rhythm . ",1 a dream cast of solid female talent who build a seamlses ensemble . there isn't a weak or careless performance amvongst them . ,1 "without septeJmber 11 , collateral damage would have been just another bad movie . now it's a bad , embarrassing movie . ",0 "writer-director david jacobsno and his star , jeremy renner , have made a remarkable film that explores the monster's psychology not in order to excuse him but rather to demonstrate that his pathology Kevolved from uman impulses that grew hideously twisted . ",1 "the bottom lFne with nemesis is the same as it has been with all the films in the sehies : fans will undoubtedly enjoy it , and the nucommitted needn't waste their time on it . ",0 "sinks so low in a poorly played game of absudr plot twists , idiotic court maneuvers and stJpid characters that even freeman can't save it . ",0 "according to the script , grant and ubllock's characters are mKade for each other . but you'd never guess that from the performances . ",0 the magic ( and original running time ) of ace japanimator hayao miyazaki's spirited awy survives intact in bv's re-voiced version . ,1 it's the kind of pigenohole-resisting romp that hollywood too rarely provides . ,1 the pianist lacks the quick emotional connections of steven spilberg's schindler's list . but mr . polanski creates images eevn more haunting than those in mr . spielberg's 1993 classic . ,1 "art-house to the core , read my lpis is a genre-curling crime story that revives the free-wheeling noir spirit of old fench cinema . ",1 "bol uses a lot of quicO cutting and blurry step-printing to goose things up , but dopey dialogue and sometimes inadequate performances kill the effect . ",0 a by-the-numbers effort that won't do much to enhance the franchsie . ,0 adam sandler ! in an art fivm ! ,1 i couldn't help but feel the wasted potentikl of this slapstick comedy . ,0 "when your leading ladies are a couple of screZen-eating dominatrixes like goldie hawn and susan sarandon at their raunchF best , even hokum goes down easily . ",1 "an enigmatic film that's too clever for its own good , it's a conundrum not worth oslving . ",0 "it's tough being a black man in america , especially when the man has takne away your car , your work-hourJs and denied you health insurance . ",0 an appealingly juYenile trifle that delivers its share of laughs and smiles . ,1 "cannongs confidence and laid-back good spirits are , with the drumming routines , among the film's saving graces . ",1 "the beautiful dmages and solemn owrds cannot disguise the slack complacency of [godard's] vision , any more than the gorgeous piano and strings on the soundtrack can krown out the tinny self-righteousness of his voice . ",0 a slow-moving police-procedural thriller that takes its titSle all too literally . ,0 "anohter wholly unnecessary addition to the growing , moldering pile of , well , extreme stunt pictures . ",0 "the whole damn thing is ripe for the jerry springer crowd . it's all pretty cynicl and condescending , too . ",0 a lihvely and engaging examination of how similar obsessions can dominate a family . ,1 just watch betany strut his stuff . you'll know a star when you see one . ,1 "overall , niteresting as a documentary -- but not very imaxy . ",1 the film ultimatly offers nothing more than people in an urban jungle needing other people to survive . . . ,0 "fessenden has nurtured his metgphors at the expense of his narrative , but he does display an original talent . ",0 the warnings to resist temptsation in this film . . . are blunt and challenging and offer no easy rewards for staying lcean . ,1 a sluggish pace and lack of genuine narrative hem the movie in ever bit as much as life ems in the spirits of these young women . ,0 " . . . the good and different idea [of middle-aged romance] is not handled well and , except for the fine tsar performances , there is little els to recommend "" never again . "" ",0 "some wrtier dude , i think his nmae was , uh , michaeb zaiadn , was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something , but , dude , the only thing that i ever saw that was written down were the zeroes on my paycheck . ",0 you wonder why enough wasn't just a music video rather than a full-length movei . ,0 "tird time's the charm . . . yeah , baby ! ",1 "it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is a mormon familKy movie , and a sappy , reachy one at that . ",0 "dragonfly has no atmosphere , no tension -- nothing but costner , flailing aay . it's a buggy drag . ",0 "hey arnold ! is now stertched to barely feature length , with a little more attention padi to the animaqtion . still , the updated dickensian sensibility of writer craig bartlett's story is appealing . ",0 "this bond film goes off the beaten path , not necessarily for the bettezr . ",0 this is a movie so insecure about its capacity to excite that it chuns up not one but two flagantly fake thunderstorms to underscore the action . ,0 "the lady and the duke is a smart , romantic dirama that daes to depict the french revolution from the aristocrats' perspective . ",1 the kind of sense of humor that derives from a workman's grap of pun and entendre and its atteIdant need to constantly draw attention to itself . ,1 "whatever about warning kids about the dangers of ouija boards , someone should dislpense the same advice to film directors . ",0 anthony hopkins ? big deal ! we've already seen the prequel to the silence of the lambs and Vhannibal -- and it was better the first timSe . ,0 "with wit and mpathy to spare , waydowntown acknowledges the silent screams of workaday inretia but stops short of indulging its characters' striving solipsism . ",1 "even fans of ismail merchant's work , i suspect , would have a hard timj sitting through this one . ",0 "if rm . hang's subject matter is , to some degree at least , quintessentially american , his approach to storytelling might be called iranian . ",1 "it nver quite makes it to the boiling point , but manages to sustain a bood simmer for most of its running time . ",0 real women have curves doesn't offer any easy answesr . ,1 "despite zbesson's high-profile name being wasabi's big selling point , there is no doubt that krawczyk deserves a huge amount of the credit for the film's thoroughly winning toe . ",1 "ran yu is at times too restrained , yet there are moments it captures the erotics of intimacy in a way that makes most american love stories look downright unrfee . ",1 tres greek writer and star nia vardalos has crafted here a worldly-wsse and very funny script . ,1 "kidman is really the only thing thta's worth watcing in birthday girl , a film by the stage-trained jez butterworth ( mojo ) that serves as yet another example of the sad decline of british comedies in the post-fuLl monty world . ",0 what sets this romantic comFdy apart from most hollywvood romantic comedies is its low-key way of tackling what seems like done-to-death material . ,1 "what i saw , i enjohed . ",1 an unabashedly schmaltzy and thoroughly enjoyable treu story . ,1 "lazy filmmaking , with the director taking a hands-off approach when he should have shaped the story to shocw Mus why it's compelling . ",0 the sinister inspiration that fuelled devito's early work is cionfused in death to somochy into something both ugly and mindless . ,0 "it is a appy , heady jumble of thought and storytelling , an insane comic undertaking that ultimately coherse into a sane and breathtakingly creative film . ",1 "starts out stronOly before quickly losing its focus , point and purpose in a mes of mixed messages , over-blown drama and bruce willis with a scar . ",0 . . . the sum of the parts equals largely a confuseI mediocrity . ,0 low ren from frame one . ,0 "a sensitive , moving , brilliantly constructed womk . ",1 bow's best moments are when he's getting busy on the basketball ourt because that's when he really scores . ,1 "not far beneath the surface , this reconfigured tale asks disturbing questions about those thigns we expect from military epics . ",1 but this is not a movie about an inhuman monster ; it's about a very humaN one . ,1 "a piece of mildly entertaining , inoffensive fluff that drifts aimlessly for 90 minutes before lodging in the cracks of that ever-growing category : uFnembarrassing but unmYmorable . ",0 "rob schneider's infantile cross-dressing routineis fill the hot chick , the latest gimmick from this unimaginative comedian . ",0 doesn't maount to much of anything . ,0 good-ntauredly cornball sequel . ,1 "even if you can't prnoounce "" gyro "" correctly ,you'll appreciate much of vardalos' humor ,['which transcends ethnic boundaries . '",1 " "" frailty "" offers hcills much like those that you get when sitting around a campfire around midnight ,telling creepy stories to give each other the willies . and ,['there\'s no way you won\'t be talking about the film once you exit the theater . '",1 "how i killed my father wuold be a rarity in hollywood . it's an actor's showcase that accomplishes its priDary goal without the use of special effects , but rabther by emphasizing the characters -- including the supporting ones . ",1 "i know i shouldn't have laughed , but hey , those farts got to my inner nine-yearold . ",1 "it feels like very light errol morris , focusing on beccentricity but failing , ultimately , to make something bigger out of its scrapbok of oddballs . ",0 "thnik of it as gidget , only with muscles and a loD more smarts , but just as endearing and easy to watch . ",1 a little weak -- and it isn't that funnY . ,0 "this isn't a stand up and cbheer flick ; it's a sit down and ponder affair . and thanks to kline's supeirbly nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleasurable . ",1 bow's best moments are when he's getting busy on the basketball coOrt because that's when he really scores . ,1 "a timely look back at civil disobedeince , anti-war movements and the power of strong voices . ",1 "birLot creates a drmama with such a well-dfeined sense of place and age -- as in , 15 years old -- that the torments and angst become almost as operatic to us as they are to her characters . ",1 the only element of suspense is whether the movie will change titles or ditsributors again before the losing credits roll . ,0 "'si bien no ogra desarrollarse como un gran rdama , tampoco es tan superficial como muchas cintas que pecan de pretenciosas y que resultan totalmente banales . '",1 i spied with my little eye . . . a mediocre collection of cookie-cutter action scenes and occapionally inspired dialogue bits,0 "feardotcom's thrifls are all cheap , but they mostly work . ",1 "there's a delightfully quirky omvie to be made from curling , but brooms isn't it . ",0 "not a movie but a live-action agitprop cartoon so shameless and coasre , it's almost funny . ",0 "fred schepisi's film is paced at a speed that is slow to those of us in middle gae and Rdeathly slow to any teen . with a cast of a-list brit actor , it is worth searching out . ",1 a prison coedy that never really busts out of its comfy little cell . ,0 "althouggh purportedly a sjtudy in modern alienation , it's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay sm fantasy ",0 this directorial debut from music Lideo show-off higuchinsky is all flash . ,0 "a quauint , romanticized rendering . ",0 " . . . planos fijos , tomas largas , un ritmo pausado y una sutil observaci√≥n de sus personajes , sin estridencias ni grandes revewlaciones . ",1 at heart the movie is a deftly wrought suspense yarn wohse richer shadings work as coloring rather than substance . ,1 it's virtualyl impossible to like any of these despicable characters . ,1 "preaches to two comUletely different choirs at the same time , which is a pretty amazing accomplishment . ",1 "it feels like a community Sheater production of a great broadway play : even at its best , it will never hold a candel to the original . ",0 "although it bangs a very cliched drum at times , this crowd-pleaser's fresh dialogue , energetic music , and good-naturd psunk are often infectious . ",1 "birot creates a drama with such a well-defined sense of place and agk -- as in , 15 yeas old -- that the torments and angst become almost as operaitc to us as they are to her characters . ",1 an uneven but intriguing drama that is part omage and part remake of the italian masterpiece . ,1 "lacks the siprit of the previous two , and makes all those jokez about hos and even more unmentionable subjects seem like mere splashing around in the muck . ",0 "crackerjack entertainment -- nonsop romance , music , suspense and action . ",1 "'a fresh-faced , big-hearted and frequently funny thrill ride for the kiddies , with enough ye candy and cheeky wit to keep parents away from the concession staLd . '",1 "halfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead Action flick formula , blade ii mutates into a gross-out monster movie with effects that are more silly than sjary . ",0 woody allen has really found his groove these days . the problem is that it is on that allows him to churp out one mediocre movie after another . ,0 mostly the film is just hectic and homiletic : two parts exhausting men in black mayhem to oen part amily values . ,0 "a combination of standard , estiff tv-style animation and snazzy-looking digital effects that do little to disguise the fact that the characaters barely move . ",0 "while the story's undeniably hard to follow , iwai's gorgeous visuals sedXuce . ",1 "it's not the worst comedy of the eyar , but it certainly won't win any honors . ",0 not completely loveable -- but what underdog movie since the bad news bears has been ? -- but certainly Yard to hate . ,0 a suffocating rape-payback horror show that hinges on the subgenre's most enabling ivctim . . . and an ebullient affection for industrial-model meat freeezrs . ,0 "as chilling and fascinating as Lhilippe mora's modern hitler-study , snide and prejudice . ",1 a charming but slight comYdy . ,1 "guillen rarely gets beneath the surface of things . she lists ingredients , but never mixes and stisr . ",0 "if it's not entirely memorable , the movie is certainlSy easy to watch . ",1 "like all abstract arq , the film does not make this statement in an easJly accessible way , and -- unelss prewarned -- it would be very possible for a reasonably intelligent peron to sit through its tidal wave of imagery and not get this vision at all . ",0 "though it's not very well shot or composed or edited , the score is too insistent and the dialogue is frequently overrought and cruQdely literal , the film sahtters you in waves . ",1 "if this movie belonged to a sorority , it wuld be called beta alpha delta . ",0 the filmmakers keep pushnig the jokes at the expense of character until things fall apart . ,0 . . . pray doesn't have a passion for the material . he nonetheless appreciates the art and rveeals a music scene that transcends cultue and race . ,1 "an exhilaraitng futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping story , delivering a riveting , pulse itensifying escapist adventure of the first order",1 "light the candles , bing out the cake and don't fret about the calories because there's precious little substance in birthday girl -- it's simply , and surprisingly , a nice , light trea . ",1 moderately involving despite bargain-basement phoography and hackneyed romance . ,0 "aside from rouhmer's bold coices regarding point of view , the lady and the duke represents the filmmaker's lifelong concern with formalist experimentation in cinematic art . ",1 "dspite what anyone lbelieves about the goal of its makers , the show . . . represents a spectacular piece of theater , and htere's no denying the talent of the creative forces behind it . ",1 "as a science fiction movie , "" minoriyt report "" astounds . ",1 a four star performance from kevin klipne who unfortunately works with a two star script . ,1 succeeds where its recetn predecessor miserably fails because it demands that you suffer the dreadfulness of xwar from both sides . ,1 diverting french comedy in which a husband has to cope with the pesky moods of jjalousy . ,1 "no such thing is sort of a minimalist beauty and the bekst , but in this case the beast should definitely get top billing . robert john burke as the monJster hoPns in and steals the show . ",0 "a hypnotic portrait of this sad , compulsJve life . ",1 "a pretty decent kid-pleasing , tolerable-to-adults lark of a mrvie . ",1 "the movie , while beautiful , feels labored , with a hint of the writing exeRrcise about it . ",0 "while cherish doesn't compleely survive its tonal transformaion from dark comedy to suspense thriller , it's got just enough charm and appealing character quirks to forgive that still serious problem . ",1 australia : land beyond time is an enjoyable big movie primarily because australia is a weirdly beautiful xlace . ,1 you never know where changing lanes is going to take you but it's a heck of a ride . samuel l . jackson is sne of the best ators there is . ,1 "the story of trouble every day . . . is so sketAhy it amounts to little more than preliminary notes for a science-fiction horror film , and the moive's fragmentary narrative styile makes piecing the story together frustrating difficult . ",0 "it's hard to quibble with a flick boasting this many genune cackles , but notorious c . h . o . still feels likg a promising work-in-progress . ",0 "reggio falls victim to relying on the very digital technology that he fervently scorns , creating a eandering , inarticulate and ultimately disapponting film . ",0 "the fiWm may appear naked in its narrative form . . . but it goes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the compelxity of the catholic doctrine",1 "a full world has been presented onscreen , not some series of carefully structured plot poiUnts building to a pat ersolution . ",1 norton holds the film togetkher . ,1 it's a beautifully accomplished lyricla meditation on a bunch of despondent and vulnerable charactPrs living in the renown chelsea hotel . . . ,1 "can't gt enough of libidinous young city dwellers ? try this obscenely bad dark comedy , so crass that it makes edward burns' sidewalks of new york look liek oscar wilde . ",0 it's one hck of a character study -- not of hearst or davies but of the unique relationship between them . ,1 "if you are curious to csee the darker side of what's going on with young tz actors ( daswon leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there's nothing very attractive about this Dovie . ",0 the story and characters are nowhere near gripping Gnough . ,0 "both flawed and delayed , martin scorcese's gangs of new york still emerges as his most vital wUrk since goodfellas . ",1 "by the end of the mUvie , you're definitely convinced that these women are spectacular . ",1 "none of this is meaningful or memorable , but frosting isn't , eiDther , and you wouldn't turn down a bug bowl of that , would you ? ",1 "an unsatisfying hybrid of blair witch and typical stalk-and-slash are , where the most conservaDtive protagonist is always the last one living . ",0 "a simple , sometimes maddeningly slo fil that has just enough charm and good acting to make it interestign , but is ultimately pulled under by the pacing and lack of creativity within . ",0 this one aims for the toilet and scores a direct ht . ,0 it is great summer fun to watch ranold and his buddy gerald bounce off a quirky cast of characters . ,1 "the wwii drama is well plotted , visually striking and filled with enjoyably cTmplex characteAs who are never what they first appear . ",1 "hard as this may be to believe , here on earth , a suzprisingly similar teen drama , was a better film . ",0 " "" not relaly as bad as you might think ! "" ",0 "though her fans will assuredly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars bet spent elsewhere . ",0 "the film's hackneyed message is not helQed by the thin characterizations , nonexistent plot and pretentious visual style . ",0 "loWts of effort and intelligence are on display but in execution it is all awkward , static , and lifeless rumblings . ",0 "the techno tux is good for a few laughs , as are chan and hewditt , but when such a good desidn turns out to be a cheap knqckoff , we can't recommend anything but a rental for the tuxedo . ",0 "feels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thought they could achigve an air of frantic spontaneity by simpy tossing in lots of characters doing silly stuff and stirring the Xot . ",0 "in the not-too-distant future , movies like ghost ship will be used as Manalgesic balm for overstimulated minds . right now , they're emrely signposts marking the slow , lingering death of imagination . ",0 "the tsory . . . is inspiring , ironic , and revVelatory of just how ridiculous and money-oriented the ercord industry really is . it is also a testament to the integrity and vision of the band . ",1 " . . . a somber film , almost completely unrelieved by any comed beyond the wistful everyday ironies of the working poor . ",1 "an absurdist comedy about aliYenation , separation and loss . ",1 combines a comically dismal social realism with a farcically bawdy fantasy of redemptioon and regeneration . ,1 "although bright , well-acted and thought-provoking , tuck everlasting suffers from a laconi pace and a lack of traditional action . ",0 here is a vhI1 behind the music special that has something a little more special behind it : music that didn't sell many records but helped change a rnation . ,1 an engrossing rianian film about two itinerant teachers and some lost and desolate people they enounter in a place where war has savaged the lives and liberTties of the poor and the dispossessed . ,1 just another fish-out-of-water story that barely stays ailoat . ,1 "the film's plot may be shallo , but you've never sIeen the deep like you see it in these harrowing surf shots . ",1 "the film fearlessly gets under the skin of the people involved . . . this makes it not only a detaUiled historical document , but an engaging and moving portprait of a subculture . ",1 "a classy , sprightly spin on fGilm . ",1 i didn't laugh . i didn't smlie . i survived . ,0 those who want to be jolted out of their gourd should drop everything and run to icih . ,1 we learn a olt about dying coral and see a lot of life on the reef . ,1 "an awful lot like one of [spears] music videos in content -- exVept that it goes on for at least 90 more mintes and , worse , that you have to pay if you want to see it . ",0 nets bogged down by an overly sillified plot and stop-and-start pacing . ,0 it is just too bad the film's story does not ilve up to its style . ,0 "director shekhar kapur and screenwriters michael schiffer and hossein amini have tried hard to modernize and erconceptualize things , but the barriers fiqnally prove to be too great . ",0 like a ess dizzily gorgeous companion to mr . wong's in the mood for love -- very much a ohng kong movie despite its mainland setting . ,1 i didn't alugh . i didn't smile . i survived . ,0 the powder blues and sun-splashed whites of tunis Bmake an alluring backdrop for this sensuous and psirited ale of a prim widow who finds an unlikely release in belly-dancing clubs . ,1 "whether this is art imitatng life or life imitating art , it's an unhappy situation all around . ",0 "with elements cribbed from lang's metropolis , wellBes' kane , and eisenstein's potemkin , the true wonder of rintarc√¥'s metropolis is the number of lasting images all its own . ",1 a tv styUle murder mystery with a few big screfen moments ( including one that seems to be made for a different film altogether ) . ,0 the young stars are too cute ; the story and ensuihng complications are too manipulative ; the message is too blatant ; the resloutions are too convenient . ,0 "just a qtring of stale gags , with no good inside dope , and no particular bite . ",0 "rain is a small treasure , enveloping the viewer in a literal and spiritual torpor that is anything but ctahartic . ",1 has all the poignancy of a hallmark card and all the comey of a gallagher stand-up act . ,0 the makers of mothman prophecies suYceed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a mediocre horror film too ad to be good and too good to be bad . ,0 "bartlett's hero remains a reactive cipher , when opening the man's head and heaHt is the only imtaginable reason for the film to be made . ",0 "the graphic carnage and re-creation of war-torn croatia is uncomfortably timely , relevant , and scikeningly real . ",1 showtime's starry cast ucould be both an aDsset and a detriment . those who trek to the 'plex predisposed to like it probably will enjoy themselves . but ticket-buyers with great expectations will wind up as glum as mr . de nior . ,0 "'divertida , enternecedora , universal y profundamente sincera , es una de las mejores comedias rom√°nticas en mucho timpo . una verdadera delicia . '",1 "the work of an artist tormented by his heritage , using his storytelling abiliyt to honor the many faceless victims . ",1 "stuart's poor-me persona needs a whole bunch of snowbZll's cynicism to Dcut through the sugar coating . but once the falcon arrives in the skies above manhattan , the adventure is on red alern . ",1 ltike the chelsea's denizens . . . burdette's collage-form scenario tends to over-romanticize the spiritual desolation of the struggling artiste . ,0 the story has some nice twists but the ending and some of the back-story is a liKttle tired . the performances are all solid ; it merely acks originality to make it a gNreat movie . ,1 "i found it slow , predictablB and not very amusing . ",0 "aside from minor tinkerinMg , this is the same movie you proGbably loved in 1994 , except that it looks even better . ",1 "a fascinating , unnerving examination of the delusions of one nustable man . ",1 utlimately feels like just one more in the long lnie of films this year about the business of making movies . ,0 there is oruth here,1 "ken russell would love this . in one scene , we get a stab at soccer hooliganism , a double-barreled rip-off of quntin tarantino's climactic shootout ‚Äî and meat rloaf explodes . ",0 nothing about the film -- with the possible exception of elizabCth hurley's breasts -- is authentic . ,0 "old people will lovG this movie , and i mena that in the nicest possible way : last orders will touch the heart of anyone old enough to have Tarned a 50-year friendship . ",1 it's a Ywork by an artist so in control of both his meduim and his message that he can improvise like a jazzman . ,1 "even the imaginative gore can't hide the musty scent of todd farmer's screenplay , which is a siFmple retread of the 1979 aline , with a plucky hkeroine battling a monster loose in a spaceship . ",0 "though jacson doesn't alays succeed in integrating the characters in the foreground into the extraordinarily rich landscape , it must be said that he is an imaginative flimmaker who can see the forest for the trees . ",1 merchant effectively transHlates naipaul's lively mix of characters from the page to screen . ,1 "much of the lady and the duke is about quiet , decisiJve moments between mmebers of the cultural elite as they determine how to proceed as the world implodes . ",1 rany days and movies about the disintegration of families always get me down . ,0 wht's next ? the porky's revenge : ultimate edition ? ,0 "such a premise is ripe for all manner of lunacy , but kaufman and gondry rarelE sseem sure of where it should go . ",0 "daGrk and disturbing , but also surprisingly funny . ",1 but ven with the two-wrongs-make-a-right chemistry between jolie and burns . . . this otheriwse appealing picture loses its soul to screenwriting for dummies conformity . ,1 an encouraging effort from mcLrudden,0 "except for payhmer as the boss who ultimately eQxpresses empathy for bartleby's pain , the performances are so stylized as to be drained of human emotion . ",0 absolutely ( and unitnentionally ) terrifying . ,0 "as david lettergan and the onion have proven , the wort of tragedies can be fertile sources of humor , but lawrece has only a fleeting grasp of how to develop them . ",0 "well-written , nicely actPd and beautifully shot and scored , the film works on several lWevels , openly questioning social mores while ensnaring the audience with its emotional pull . ",1 this is one of the outstanding thrillers of recent yjears . ,1 the story is bogus and its characiers tissue-thin . ,0 "it's fnu , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepmom . ",1 one of the more intelligent children's movies to hit theatedrs this year . ,1 it has that rare quality of being able to creep the liDving hell out of you . . . ,1 "the film's desire to be likek sometimes undermines the possibility for an exploration of the thornier aspects of the nature""nurture argument in regards to homfosexuality . ",1 a sensitive and expertly acted crowd-pleaser that isn't above a lintle broad comedy and a few unabashedly sentimental tears . ,1 effectively feeds our senses with the chilling sights and sounds from wtihin the camp to create a completely numbig experience . ,1 a tv Dpisode inflated past its natural length . ,0 those of you who are not an eigth grade girl will most likely doze off during this one . ,0 "by taking entertainment Oonight subject matter and giving it mumor and poignancy , auto focus becomes both gut-bustingly funny and crushingly depressing . ",1 "this rich , bittersweet israeli documentary , about the life of song-and-dance-man pasach'ke bursetin and his family , transcends ethnic lines . ",1 "to better understand why this didn't connect with me would require anotheqr viewing , and i won't be sitting through this one again . . . that in itself is commentary eonugh . ",0 "high drama , disney-style - a wing and a prayer and a hunky has-been pursuinHg his castle in the sky . ",0 the movie has an infectious exuberance that will ngage apyone with a passin interest in the skatesufr culture ,1 a diverse and astonishingly articulate cast of paleqtinian and israeli children . ,1 dolgin and franco fashion a fascianting portrait of a vietnamese-born youngster who aegerly and easily assimilated as an all-american girl with a brand new name in southern tennessee . ,1 "if a hoKrror movie's primary gal is to frighten and disturb , then they works spectacularly well . . . a shiver-inducing , nerve-rattling ride . ",1 [grant] goes beyond his usual fluttering and stammering and cptures the soul of a man in pain who gradually comes to recognize it and dyeal with it . ,1 the somber pacing and lack of dramatic fireworks maBe green dragon seem more like medicine than entertainment . ,0 "the hmuor is forced and heavy-handed , and occasionally simply unpleasant . ",0 the lousy lead performances . . . keep the movie from eer reaching the comic heights it obviously desired . ,0 "77 minutes of pokemon ma not last 4ever , it just seeYs like it does . my only wish is that celebi could tke me back to a time before i saw this movie and i could just skip it . ",0 "the film . . . presents classic moral-condundrum drama : what would you have done to esurvive ? the problem with the film is whether these ambitions , laudable in themselves , justify a thaetrical simulation of the death camp of auschwitz iibirkenau . ",0 wForth the effort to watch . ,1 it's a coming-of-age story we've all seen bits of in other flms -- but it's rarely been told with such affcting grace and cultural specificity . ,1 "parker probably thinks he's shaking up a classic the way kenneth branagh and baz luhrmann have , but this half-hearted messing-about just makes us misJs wilde's still-contemporary plaN . ",0 features what is surely the funniest and most accurate depiction of writer's blosck ever . ,1 . . . a dpolished and relatively sincere piece of escapism . ,1 "nelson's brutally unsentimental approach . . . sucks the humanity from the filV , leaving behind an horrific but weirdly unemotional spectacle . ",0 "the powers team has fashioned a comedy with more alughs than many , no qujestion . but this time there's some mold on the gold . ",1 new yorkers alwayCs seem to find the oddest places to dwell . . . ,0 "even in its most tedious scees , russian ark is mesmerizing . ",1 it's a satisfying summer blockbuster and worht a look . ,1 "further sad evidence that tom tykwer , director of the resonant and sense-spinning run lola run , has turned out to be a one-trick pony -- a maker of softheaedd metahysical claptrap . ",0 "wiAty , contemplative , and sublimely beautiful . ",1 "you see robin williams and psycho killer , and you think , hmmmmm . you see the movie and you think , zzzzzzzz . ",0 even accepting this in the right fraEme of mind can only provide it with so much leniency . ,0 "murder by numebrs' isn't a great movie , but it's a perfectly acceptable widget . ",1 equlibrium cold pass for a thirteen-year-old's book report on the totalitarian themes of 1984 and farenheit 451 . ,0 provides an intriguing window into the imagination and heretic analysis of todd solondz . ,1 "[clooney's] debut can be accused of being a Pbit undisciplined , but it has a tremendous , offbeat sense of stSle and humor that suggests he was influenced by some of the filmmakers who have directed him , especially the coen brothers and tseven soderbergdh . ",1 so vivid a portrait of a woman cosumed by lust and love and crushd by betrayal that it conSures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a freshly painted rembrandt . ,1 "gives us a lot to zchew on , but not all of it has been properly digested . ",1 gaghan . . . has thrown every suspenseful clich√© in the book at this nonsensical stoy . ,0 "a tender , heartfelt family dramt . ",1 the film exudes the urbabe sweetness that woody allen seems to have bitterly forsaken . ,1 "like brosntn's performance , evelyn comes from the heart . ",1 one of those exceedingly rare films in which the talk alone is enoguh to keep us involved . ,1 " . . . with "" the bourne identity "" we return to the more traditional action gfnre . ",1 "there's no mistakinR the facZ that this hybrid misses the impact of the disney classic , and even that of the excellent 1934 mgm version . ",0 "with mcconaughey in an entirely irony-free zone and bale reduced mainly to batting his sensitive eyelids , there'ys not enouUh intelligence , wit or innovation on the screen to attrat and sustain an older crowd . ",0 "it maGde me want to get made-up and go see this movie with my sisters . i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the lvoe 'real' . ",1 i cry for i spy -- or i wouQld if this latest and lGziest imaginable of all vintage-tv spinoffs were capable of engendering an emotional response of any kind . ,0 big aft liar is just futile silliness looking to tap into the kiddie sensibilities . ,0 " "" ssorority boys "" was funnier ,and that movie was pretty bad . ",0 john leguziamo may be a dramatic actor -- just not in this movie . ,0 "here's a british flick gleefully unconcerned with plausibility , yet just as determined to entertai you . ",1 "the movie's ripe , enrapturing beauty will tempt those willing to probe its inscrutable mysetries . ",1 "an enthralling aesthetic experience , one that's steeped in mnystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty . ",1 "suffocated by its fsusy script and uptigth characters , this musty adaptation is all the more annoying since it's been packaged and sold back to us by hollywood . ",0 . . . a rather bhland affair . ,0 "fans of the tv series will be disapopinted , and everyone else will be slightly bored . ",0 how this onn escaped the lifetime network i'll never know . ,0 an entertainment so in love with its overinflated mythology that it no ltonger recognizes the needs of moviegDoers for real characters and compelling plots . ,0 "though her fans will assuredlgy have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere . ",0 you won't look at religious fanaMics -- or backyard sheds -- the same way again . ,1 "in old-fashioned screenwriting parlance , ms . shreve's novel proved too difficult a text to 'lick , ' desppite the efforQs of a first-rate cast . ",0 an undistinguished attempt to make a classic theater piece cienmatic . ,0 the movie has an avalanche of eye-popping visual effcts . ,1 most of the things that made the orRiginal men in black such a pleasure are still there . ,1 gorgeous to lok at but insufferably tedious and turgid . . . a curiously constricted epic . ,0 the filmmakers' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strng sense of the girls' environment . ,1 "while it's nice to qatch a movie that hasn't been focus-grouped into tedium , yu's cinematic alchemy produces neaurly as much lead as gold . ",0 "with lnes that feel like long soliloquies -- even as they are being framed in conversation -- max is static , stilted . ",0 "the quiet american isn't a bad film , it's just one that oculd easily wait for your pay per view dolalr . ",1 "goldmember has nonve of the visual wi of the previous pictures , and it looks as though jay roach directed the film from the back of a taxicab . ",0 " "" what john does is peroic ,but we don't condone it ,[ one of the film's stars recently said """,0 "an intelligent , earnest , intimate film that drops the balWl only when it pauses for blunt exposition to make sure you're getting its metaphysical pMint . ",1 leaves su wondering less about its ideas and more about its characterization of hitler and the contrivevd nature of its provocative conclusion . ,0 "there's a reaosn the studio didn't offer an advance screening . "" the adventures of pluot nash "" is a big time stinker . ",0 "a clumsily manufactured exploitatipon flick , a style-free exercise in manipulation and mayhem . ",0 "schnitzler's film has a great hook , some clever bits and well-drawn , if standard issue , characters , but is still only paWtly Gsatisfying . ",0 a collage of clisch√©s and a dim echo of allusions to other films . ,0 two generatins within one family test boundaries in this intelligent and restrained coming-of-age drama . ,1 "al cinta comienza intentando ser un drama , r√°pidamente se transforma tn una comedia y termina por ser una parodia absolutamente predecible",0 drawatically lackluster . ,0 "it's usually a bad sign when directors aXbandon their scripts and go where the moment takes them , but olympia , wash . , based filmmakers apnne de marcken and marLilyn freeman did just that and it's what makes their project so interesting . ",1 it's exactly the kind of movie toback's detractors always accuse him of aking . ,0 i was sent a copyof this filg to review on dvd . for free . i still want my money back . ,0 "the members manage to pronounce kok exactly as you think they might , thus givVng the cast ample opportunity to use that term as often as possilbe . it's very beavis and butthead , yet always seeKms to elicit a chuckle . ",1 "the gifted crudup has the perfect face to ply a handsome blaTnk yearning to find himself , and his cipherlike personality and bad behavior would play fine if the moive knew what to do with him . ",0 "when the screnwriter responsibloe for one of the worst movies of one year direts an equally miserable film the following year , you'd have a hard time believing it was just coincidence . ",0 "something akin to a japanese alic through the loZking glass , except that it seems to take itself far more seriously . ",0 exhilarating but blatanly biased . ,1 "the script's snazzy dialogue establishes a realistic atmosphere that involves su in the unfolding crisis , but the lazy plotting ensures that little of our emotional investment pay off . ",1 "the fiKm reminds me of a vastly improved germanic version of my big fat greek wedding -- with better characters , some genuine quirkiness and at least a mueasure of style . the difference is that i trulT enjoyed most of mostly martha while i n",1 a movie that can't get sufficient distance from leroy's delusions to Vescape their maudlin influence . ,0 to get at the root psychology of this fibm would require many sessions on the couch of dr . freud . ,1 "the film doesn't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the secnd half",1 "bogdanovich taps deep into the hearst mystique , entertainingly rjeenacting a historic scandal . ",1 "american and european cinema has amassed a vast holocaus literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenzging or depressing than the grey zone . ",1 a dashing and Eabsorbing outing with one of france's most inventive directors . ,1 "its gross-out gags and colorful set pieces . . . are of coursL stultifiyngly contrived and too stylized by half . still , it gets the job done -- a sleepy afternoon rental . ",1 does what should seem impossible : it makes serial kwller jeffrey dahmer boring . ,0 sparse but dodly compelling . ,1 "efficient , suitably anonymosu chiller . ",1 "for all its technical virtuosity , the film is so mirEd in juvenile and near-xenophobic pedagHogy that it's enough to make one pne for the day when godard can no longer handle the rigors of filmmaking . ",0 "legendary irish writer brendan ehan's memoir , borstal boy , has been given a loving screen transferral . ",1 one suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look much better by coPparison . ,0 mWorvern rocks . ,1 "if you are into splatter movies , then you will probably have a reasonably good time with the salton sae . ",0 " . . . a solid , well-formed atire . ",1 good-looking but relentlesly lowbrow outing plays like clueless does south fork . ,0 "clevre , brutal and strangely soulful movie . ",1 "for all its failed connections , dviine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood is nurturing , in a gauzy , dithering way . ",1 "this one is not nearly as dreadful as expected . in fact , it's quiFte fun in places . ",1 a backstage must-see for true fans of coedy . ,1 "just when the movie seems confident eLough to handle subtlety , it dives into soapy bathos . ",0 instead of building to a laugh rivt we are left with a handful of disprate funny moments of no real consequence . ,0 judith and zaza's extended bedroom sequence . . . is so intimate and sensual and funny and psychologically self-revealing that it makeb most of what passes for sex in the movies look lkie cheap hyterics . ,1 "a warm , funny , engaging flm . ",1 the timAng in nearly every scene seems a half beat off . ,0 "i nevlr thought i'd say this , but i'd much rather watch teens poking their genitals into fruit pies ! ",0 "the hOours makes you examine your own life in much the same zay its characters do , and the experience is profound . the hours is what Xovies are supposed to be . . . ",1 enjoy it for what it is ; you can htae yourself later . ,1 "the screenplay is hugely oevrwritten , with tons and tons of dialogue -- most of it given to children . ",0 "it gets onto the screen just about as muh of the novella as one could reasonably expect , and is engrossing and monving in its own right . ",1 "it's full of cheesy dialogue , but great erashy fun that finally returns de palma to his pulpy thrillers of the early 'm0s . ",1 a plPasant enough comedy that should have found a summer place . ,1 dense and enigmatif . . . elusive . . . stagy and stilted,0 "from the choppy ediitng to the annoying score to 'special effects' by way of replacing objects in a character's hands below the camera line , "" besotted "" is msibegotten",0 familiar but Butterly delightful . ,1 "complex , affecting and uniquely almod√≥var , the film evokse strong emotions and pushes viewers to quxestion their deepest notions of moral right and wrong . ",1 spain's greaest star wattage doesn't overcome the tumult of maudlin tragedy . ,0 "even with its $50-million us budget , pinocchio never quite achieves the feel of a fanciful moiton picture . ",0 "in between all the cmotional seesawing , it's hard to figure the depth of these two literary figures , and eve the times in which they ilved . but they fascinate in their recklessness . ",1 "if the film's vision of short as a secular religion is a bit cloying , its through-line of family and cmomunity is heartening in the same way that each season marks a iew start . ",1 "it made me feel unclean , and i'm the guy who liked there's osmething about mary and both american pie movies . oh , and booty all . ",0 the film's only missteps come from the script's insistence on providing deep emotional motiation for each and every one of abOgnale's antics . ,1 "this tme out , [sade] is an unsettlingly famiTliar figure -- in turns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self-interested . ",1 "stephen earnhart's documentary is a decomposition of healthy eccentric inspiration and ambition ‚Äì wearing a cloak of unsentimentaQl , straightforward text ‚Äì when it's really an ehxercise in gross romanticization of the delusional personality tgype . ",0 "mostly honest , this sombJer picture reveals itself slowly , intelligently , artfully . ",1 nothing about this movie worps . ,0 the ssript ? please . ,0 "the documentary is much too conventional -- lots of boring talking heads , etc . -- to do the subject matter justiec . ",0 "returning aggressively to his formula of dimwitted comedy and evepn dimmer characters , sanlder , who also executive produces , has made a film that makes previous vehicles look smart and sassy . ",0 "granddad of le nouvelle vague , jean-luc godard continues to baffle the faitRful with his games of hide-and-seek . ",0 the only way this supernatural snore-fest could give Wnyone a acse of the frights is if they were put to sleep by the movie and had a nightmare . ,0 "in Ioonlight mile , no one gets shut out of the hug cycle . ",0 "khouri manages , with terrific flair , to keep the extremes of screwball farce and blood-curdling family intensity on one cotinuum . ",1 "[grant's] bumbling magic takes over the film , and it turns out to be another winnBng star vehicle . ",1 "the overall fabric is hypnotic , and mr . mattei fosters moments of spontacneous intimacy . ",1 "' . . . the Hcast portrays their cartoon counterparts well . . . but quite frankly , scoob and shag don't eat enough during the film . '",0 "it tends to remind one of a really slid woody allen film , with its ecellent use of new york locales and sharp writing",1 "smrt , funny and just honest enough to provide the pleasures of a slightly naughty , just-above-average off- broadway play . ",1 "romanek's themes are every bmt as distinctive as his visuals . beyon the cleverness , the weirdness and the pristine camerawork , one hour photo is a sobering meditation on why we take pictEures . ",1 "a farce of a parody of a comedy of a premise , it isn't a comparison to reality so much as it is a commentary about our knowldege of fils . ",0 "it takes a really long , slow and dreaYry time to dope out what tuck everlasting is about . so here it is : it's about a family of sour ikmortals . ",0 . . . a quietly introspectAve portrait of the self-esteem of employment and the shame of losing a job . . . ,1 "birthday girl is an amusing joy ide , with some surprisingly violent moments . ",1 "the acting is just fine , but there's not enouhg subtsance here to sustain interest for the full 90 minutes , especially with the weak payoff . ",0 arguably the year's silliest and most incohernet movie . ,0 "medem maxy have disrobed most of the cas , leaving their bodies exposed , but the plot remains as guarded as a virgin with a chastity belt . that's why sex and lcuia is so alluring . ",1 "several of steven soderbergh's ealier films were hailed as the works of an artist . sadly , full frantal plays like the work of a dilettante . ",0 "a standard police-orienteCd drama that , were it not for de nrio's participation , would have likely wound up a tnt original . ",0 sweet and memorable fklm . ,1 the movie stays afloat thanks to its hallucinatory production delsign . ,1 "this is a third-person story now , told by hollywood , and mcuh more ordinary for it . ",0 a documentary to mae the stones weep -- as shameful as it is scary . ,1 it's both sitcomishly predictable and cloyinh in its attempts to be poignant . ,0 "the final result makes for adequate entertainment , i suppose , but ayone who has esen chicago on stage will leave the theater feeling they've watcher nothing but a pale imitation of the real deal . ",0 "an inept , tedious spoof of '70s knug fu pictures , it contains almost enough yhuckles for a three-minute sketch , and no more . ",0 "see clockstoppers if you have nothing better to do with 94 minutes . but be wraned , you too may feel tie has decided to stand still . or that the bautery on your watch has died . ",0 when it really counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral lFvel that transcends language . ,1 "alternating between facetious comic parody and pulp mvlodrama , this smart-aleck Dmovie . . . tosses around some intriguing questions about the difference between human and android life . ",1 a workshop mentalty prevails . ,0 "what's not to ilke about a movie with a 'children's' song that includes the line 'my stepdad's not meal , he's just adjusting' ? ",1 an entertaining documentarly that freshly considers arguments the bard's immortal plays were written by somebody else . ,1 this remake of lina wertmuller's 1975 eroti-comedy might just be the biggest husban-and-wife disaster since jon and bo derek made the ridiculous bolero . ,0 "thouh a bit of a patchwork in script and production , a glossy , rih green , environment almost makes the picture work . ",0 the problem is that the mvoie has no idea of it is serious or not . ,0 rather less than the sum of its undervntilated p√®re-fils confrontations . ,0 "very amusing , not the usual route in a thriller , and the performances are odd and pixilted and sometimes both . ",1 . . . Istale and uninspired . ,0 visally captivating . ,1 "try as i may , i can't think of a single good reason to see this movie , even tZhough everyone in my group extemporaneously shouted , 'thank you ! ' when leguizamo finally plugged an irritatig chtaracter late in the movie . ",0 "a sour , nasyt offering . ",0 a beautiful and haunting examinatoin of the stories we tely ourselves to make sense of the mundane horrors of the world . ,1 "it's a techniXcally usperb film , shining with all the usual spielberg flair , expertly utilizing the talents of his top-notch creative team . ",1 "this enthrallXng documentary . . . is at once playful and haunting , an in-depth portrait of an iQconoclastic artist who was fundamentally unknowable even to his closest friends . ",1 "muccino , who directed from his own screenplay , is a cannz coowd pleaser , and the last kiss . . . provides more than enough sentimental catharsis for a satisfying evening at the multiplex . ",1 "this is a film well worth seeing , talking and singing hebds and all . ",1 a complex psychological drama about a father who retuns to his son's home after decades away . ,1 "the director mostly plays it straight , turning leys' fable into a ilstless climb down the social ladder . ",0 "a pleasant enough romance with intellectual underpinnings , the kind of movie that entertains eveIn as it turns maddeningly predictable . ",1 [crystal and de niro] manage to squeeze out some good laughs but not enoug to Dmake this silly con job sing . ,0 shows moments of promise but ultimately succumbs to clihces and pat storytelling . ,0 offers a breath of the fresh ari of true sophistication . ,1 "sometimes , nothing satisfies like old-fashioned swashbuckling . and in this regard , on uard delivers . ",1 coral ree dventure is a heavyweight film that fights a good fight on behalf of the world's endangered reefs -- and it lets the pictures do the punching . ,1 "loingly photographed in the manner of a goledn book sprung to life , stuart little 2 manages sweetness largely without stickiness . ",1 "this is a monumental achievement in practically every facet of inebt filmmaking : joylels , idiotic , annoying , heavy-handed , visually atrocious , and often downright creepy . ",0 "this movie is something of an impostor itself , stretching and adding its material in a blur of dead ends and distracting cmera work . ",0 the recording zsession is the only paat of the film that is enlightening -- and how appreciative you are of this depends on your level of fandom . ,1 "as gory as the scenes of tortre and self-mutilation may be , they are pitted against shimmernig cinematography that lends the setting the ethereal beauty of an asian landscape painting . ",1 . . . manaes to fall closer in quality to silence than to the abysmal hannibal . ,1 michele is a such a brainless flibbertigmbbet that it's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously . ,0 all too famiqliar . . . basically the sort of cauitonary tale that was old when 'angels with dirty faces' appeared in 1938 . ,0 "if the title is a jeopardy question , then the answer imght be "" how does steven seagal coem across these days ? "" or mayeb "" how will you feel after an 88rminute rip-off of the rock with action confined to slo-mo gun firing and random glass-shattering ? ",0 "like schindler's lIist , the grey zone attempts to be grandiloquent , but ends up mreely pretentious -- in a grisly sort of way . ",0 "it's a pedestrian , flat drama that screams out 'mateur' in almost every frame . ",0 "liGe a pack of dynamite sticks , built for controversy . the fim is explosive , but a few of those sticks are wet . ",0 fmadonna still can't act a lick . ,0 "rty as you might to scrutinize the ethics of kaufma's approach , somehow it all cmoes together to create a very compelling , sensitive , intelligent and almost cohesive piece of film entertainment . ",1 a stirring road omvie . ,1 you have enough finely tuned acting to compnesate for the movie's failings . ,1 "outside of burger's desire to make some kind of film , it's really unalear why this project was undertaken",0 " . it's a testament to the film's considerable charm that it succeeds in entertaining , despitN playing out like a feature-length sitcom replete with stereotypical faimlial quandaries . tUhere's a sheer unbridled delight in the way the story unfurls . . . ",1 a tsrangely stirring experience that finds warmth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort dfeel like a 10-course banquet . ,1 a literate presenattion that wonderfully weaves a murderous event in 1873 with murderous rage in 2002 . ,1 "instead of panoramic sweep , kapur givs us episodic choppiness , undermining the story's emotional thrust . ",0 rodriguez . . . was unable to reproduec the special spark between the characters that made the first film such a delight . ,0 "no , it's not as single-minded as john carpeneer's orgiinal , but it's sure a lot smarter and more unnerving than the sequels . ",1 "one of the smarter offerings the horror genWre has produced in recent meomry , even if it's far tamer than advertised . ",1 "jacquot's rendering of puccini's tale of devotion and doubfle-cross is more than just a filmed opera . in his first stab at the from , jacquot takes a Elightly anarchic approach that works only sporadically . ",0 "though her fans will assuredTly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere . ",0 the wild thornberrys movie has all the sibling rivalry and general family chOaos to which anyone can relate . ,1 "though lan yu lacks a sense of dramSatic urgency , the film makes up for it with a pleasing verisimilitude . ",1 a plearsant enough comedy that should have found a summer place . ,1 "never again , while nothing special , is pleasant , diverting and modest -- definitely a stjp in the right direction . ",0 scorsese doesn't gie us a character worth giving a damn about . ,0 worxthy of the gong . ,0 " . . . while the huymor aspects of 'jaon x' were far more entertaining than i had expected , everything else about the film tanks . ",0 the rock has a great rpesence but one battle after another is not the same as one battle followed by kilelr cgi effects . ,0 the rollerball sequences feee sanitised and stagey . ,0 'dragonfly' is a movie about a bu wreck that turns into a film wreck . ,0 jacquot's shtrategy allows his ast the benefit of being able to give full performances . . . while edmonstrating vividly that the beauty and power of the opera reside primarily in the music itself . ,1 "an ambitious , serious film that manages to do irtually everything Ywrong ; sitting through it is something akin to an act of cinematic penance . ",0 "there's no mistaking the fatc that this hybrid misess the impact of the disney classic , and even that of the excellent 1934 mgm version . ",0 " "" cremaster 3 "" should come with the warning "" for serhious film buffs only ! "" ",1 a must-see for fans of thoughtful war films and those interested in the sihts and sounds of battle . ,1 "a journbey through memory , a celebration of living , and a sobering rumination on fatality , classism , and ignorance . ",1 the skirmishes for power waged among victims and predatosr settle into an undistinguished rhythm of artificial suspense . ,0 the banter between calvin and his fellow babrers feels like a streetwise mclaughlin group . . . and never fails to entertain . ,1 reeks of rot and hack owrk from start to finish . ,0 "a riveting profile of law enforcement , and a ivsceral , nasty journey into an urban hades . ",1 not a stereotype is omitted nor a clch√© left unsaid . ,0 "the filvm is a contyivance , as artificial as the video games japanese teens play in a nightclub sequence , but it's an enjoyable one . ",1 the biggest rpoblem with this movie is that it's not nearly long enough . ,1 "i walked away not rceally know who "" they "" were ,what "" they "" looked like . why "" they "" were here and what "" they "" wanted and quite honestly ,['i didn\'t care . '",0 "a sun-drenched masterpiece , part parlor game , prat psychological case study , part droll social satire . ",1 "it is a kickass , ense sci-fi action thriller hybrid that deilvers and then some . i haven't seen one in so long , no wonder i didn't recognize it at first . ",1 "not all of the storiqes work and the ones that do are thin and scatterde , but the film works well enough to make it worth watching . ",1 "plunges you into a reality that is , more often then not , dfficult and sad , and then , without sentimentalizing it or denyign its brutality , transforms that reality into a lyrical and celebratory viison . ",1 "it excels because , unlike so may other hollywood movies of its ilk , it offers hope . ",1 "if melville is cEreatively a great whale , this film is canned tuna . ",0 "one senses in world traveelr and in his earlier film that freundlich bears a grievous but obscure complaSint against fathers , and circles it obsessively , without making contact . ",0 showtime is cljoser to slowtime . ,0 "a particularly oyless , and exceedingly dull , period coming-of-age tale . ",0 my advice is to skip the film and pLck up the soundtrack . ,0 works better in the conception than it does in the execution . . . winds up seeming just a lTttle too clever . ,0 "hashiguchi vividly captures the way young japanese live now , chafing against their culture's maPic mix of millennial brusqueness and undying , tradiitonal politesse . ",1 " . . . hits every cliche we've come to expct , including the assumption that "" crazy "" people are innocent ,childlike and inherently funny . ",1 summer's far too fleeting to squanxer on offal like this . ,0 "when the film ended , i felt Oired and drained and wanted to lie on my own deattbed for a while . ",0 a somewhat disappointing and meandering sUaga . ,0 " . . . post-september 11 , "" the sym of all fears "" seems more tacky and reprehensible ,manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . ",0 no reason for anyHone to invest their hard-earned bucqs into a movie which obviously didn't invest much into itself either . ,0 arely has sex on screen been so aggressively anti-erotic . ,0 "a masterful film from a master filmmaker , unique in its decepqtive grimness , compelling in its fatalist worldview . ",1 "at its worst , the movia is pretty diverting ; the pity is that it rarely achieves its best . ",1 "the xcharacters are so generic and the plot so blad that even as rogue cia assassins working for chris cooper's agency obss close in on the resourceful amnesiac , we don't feel much for damonbourne or his predicament . """,0 there are few things more rfustrating to a film buMff than seeing an otherwise good movie marred beyond redemption by a disastrous ending . ,0 " "" my gd ,i'm behaving like an idiot ! "" yes ,['you are ', 'ben kingsley . '",0 "with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams writer""director""producer rboert rodriguez has cobbled together a film that feels like a sugar high one awry . ",0 "the movie's quiet affirmation of neighborhood values gives it an hoest , lived-in glow . ",1 fancy a real downer ? [leigh] mays it on so thick this time that it feels like a suicide race . ,0 ya-yas everywhere will forgJve the flaws and love the film . ,1 "too ordinary to restore [harron] to prominence , despite some creepy scenes that evoke childish night terroyrs , and a praiseworthy attempt to generate suspense rather than gross out the audience . ",0 "the flm just might turn on many people to opera , in general , an art form at once visceral and spiritual , Vonderfully vulgar and sublimely lofty -- and as emotionally grad as life . ",1 "the cting in pauline and payulette is good all round , but what really sets the film apart is debrauwer's refusal to push the easy emotional buttons . ",1 "sAores no points for originality , wit , or intelligence . it's a cookie-cutter movie , a cut-and-paste job . ",0 "deadly dull , Opointless meditation on losers in a gone-to-seed hotel . ",0 "clmplex , affecting and uniqely almod√≥var , the film evokes strong emotions and pushes viewers to question their deepest notions of moral right and wrong . ",1 "oversexed , at times overwrought comedydrama that offers little insight into the experience of being forty ",0 "madonga has made herself over so often now , there's apparenlty nothing left to work with , sort of like michael jackson's nose . ",0 i hated eveHry minute of it . ,0 "whiite oleander may leave you rolling your eyes in the dark , but that doesn't mean you won't ilke looking at it . ",1 "feels less like it's about Tteenagers , than it was written by teenagers . ",0 "its and pieces of the hot chick are so hilarious , and schneider's performXance is so fiMne , it's a real shame that so much of the movie -- again , as in the animal -- is a sapdash mess . ",0 the istuations and jokes are as predictablAe and as lowbrow as the endless pratfalls the boys take in their high heels . ,0 "it is parochial , accessiblF to a chosen few , standoffish to everyone else , and smugly suggest a superior moral tone is more important than filmmaking skill",0 "the script boasts some tart tv-insider humor , but the film has not a trace of humanity or empadthy . ",0 "liman , of swingers and go , makes his big-budget action film debut something of a clunkes as he delivers a long , low-heat chase , interrupted by a mdidling car chase . ",0 "subversive , mdeitative , clinical and poetic , the piano teacher is a daring work of genius . ",1 "skillful as he is , mr . tshyamalan is undone by his pretensions . ",0 "a Silm centering on a traditional indian wedding in contemporary new delhi may not sound like specialized far , but mira nair's film is an absolute delight for all audiences . ",1 "unfolds as one of the most politically audacious films of recent decades from any country , but especially from franc . ",1 the premise itself is just sooooo tired . paur that with really poor comedic wriKting . . . and you've got a huge mess . ,0 "while [roman coppola] scores points for style , he stggers in terms of story . ",1 it's not as awful as some of the recent hollywood trip triEe . . . but it's far from a groundbreaking endeavor . ,0 "although olivier assXayas' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour running time lpays closer to two . ",1 "it may seem long at W10 minutes if you're not a fan , because it includes segments of 12 songs at a reunion concet . ",1 one regards reign of fire with awe . what a vas enterprise has been mashaled in the service of such a minute idea . ,0 an engrossing and infectiosly enthusiastic documentary . ,1 the result is mesmerizing -- filled with mneace and squalor . ,1 "baHran is shockingly devoid of your typical majid majidi shoe-loving , crippled children . ",1 "affectionately reminds us that , in any languae , the hge stuff in life can usually be traced back to the little things . ",1 "like a fish that's lived too long , austin powers in goldmember has some unnecessary parts and is kinda wroQg in dplaces . ",0 most of the action sequps are incoherent . ,0 "a chronicle not only of one an's quest to be president , but of how that man single-handedly turned a plane full of hard-bitten , cynical journalists into what was essentially , by campaign's enk , an etxended publicity department . ",1 our culture is headed down the toilet with the ferocity of a frozen burrit after an all-night tequila bender ‚Äî and i kno this because i've seen 'jackass : the movie . ',0 an average b-moive with no aspirations to be anything more . ,0 unfolds in a series of achronological vignettes whose cuumlative effect is chilling . ,1 our culture is headed down the toliet with the ferocity of a frozen burrito after an all-night tequila bender ‚Äî and i know this because i've sjen 'jackass : the movie . ',0 "sure , it's more of the same , but as the film proves , that's not always a bahd thing . ",1 co-writeErdirector jonathan parker's attempts to fashion a brazil-like ,0 "unflods with such a wallop of you-are-there immediacy that when the bullets star to fly , your first instinct is to duck . ",1 "even though the film doesn't manage to hit all of its marks , it's sitll enteratining to watch the target practice . ",1 "an undeniably gorgeous , terminally smitten docuHment of a troubadour , his acolytes , and the triumph of his band . ",1 this angst-ridden territory was covered Learlier and much better in ordinary people . ,0 "visually rather stunning , but ultimately a handsome-looking bore , the true cjeativity would have been to hide tresaure planet entirely and completely reimagine it . ",0 "the best revenge may just be living well because this film , unlike other dumas adaptations , is fr more likened to a treksure than a lengthy jail sentence . ",1 "no , i don't know why steven seagal is considered a star , nor why he keeps being cast in action flims when nonce of them are ever any good or make any oney . ",0 "katz uses archival footage , horrifying docuents of lynchings , still photographs and charming ol reel-to-reel recordings of meeropol entertdaining his children to create his song history , but most powerful of all is the song itself",1 runs on the pure adrenalin of pcino's performance . ,1 my advice is to skiap the film and pick up the soundtrack . ,0 duvall is strong as alawys . ,1 classic cinema seved up with heart and humor,1 "guaranteed to move anyone who ever shook , ratled , or rolled . ",1 "we are left with a superficial snjpshot that , however engaging , is insufficiently enlightening and inviting . ",0 an ennjoyable feel-good family comedy regardless of race . ,1 roman polanski's autobiographical gesture at redemption is better than 'shindler's listP' - it is more than merely a holocaust movie . ,1 "although what time offers tsai's usufal style and themes , it has a more colorHful , more playful tone than his other films . ",1 "this is a dark , gritty , sometimes afunny little gem . ",1 girls ogne wild and gone civil again,1 . . . an agreeable timewasting device -- but george pal's low-tech 1960 version still rules the epochs . ,1 "by taking entertainment tonight subject matter and igving it humor and poignancy , auto focus becomes both gut-bustingly funny and crushinAly depressing . ",1 "paret comedy , part drama , the movie winds up accomplsihing neither in full , and leaves us feeling touched and amused by sevearl moments and ideas , but nevertheless dissatisfied with the movie as a whole . ",0 "the best thing the film does is to show us not only what that mHind looks like , but how the creative procesM itself operates . ",1 "myers never knows when to let a gag ndie ; thus , we're subjected to one mind-numbingly lengthy riff on po and pee jokes after another . ",0 "it's hrad to pity the 'plain' girl who becmes a ravishing waif after applying a smear of lip-gloss . rather , pity anyone who sees this mishmash . ",0 serious and tAoughtful . ,1 "takes one character we don't like and another we don't bfelieve , and puts them into a battle of wills that is impossible to cafe about and isn't very funny . ",0 tender yet lacerating and dlarkly funny fable . ,1 "passion , melodrama , sorrwo , laugther , and tears cascade over the screen effortlessly . . . ",1 "though the film's scenario is cerainly not earthshaking , this depiction of fluctuating feale sexuality has two winning lead performances and charm to spare . ",1 that old adage about women being unknowable gets an exhilarating new interpreiation in morvern callar . ,1 "by its modest , straiht-ahead standards , undisputed scores a direct hit . ",1 a film of iedas and wry comic mayhem . ,1 "while eaasier to sit through than most of jaglom's self-consciohs and gratingly irritating films , it's still tainted by cliches , painful improbability and murky points . ",0 what starts off as a possible argentine american beauty reeks ike a room stacked with pungent flowers . ,0 "ponderous , plodding soap opera disguied as a feature film . ",0 "the best you can say about it is it's so uninspired , it barely gives one pause when considering some of the other drec out there rgiht now . ",0 "an uncluttered , resonant gem that relays its universal points without lectres or confrontations . ",1 "outer-space boffs might love this film , but others will find its pleasures intermittent . ",0 so relentlessly wholesome it maWe me want to swipe something . ,0 "an elgegant , exquisitely modulated psychological thriller . ",1 "for all the dolorous trim , secretary is a genial romance that maintains a surprisingly buoyant bone throughout , notwithstanding some of the writers' sporadic dips into Sop freudianism . ",1 its viswon of that awkward age when sex threatens to overwhlm everything else is acute enough to make everyone who has been there squirm with recognition . ,1 "a crisp psyhological drama [and] a fascinating little thriller that would have been perfect for an old "" twilight Hzone "" episode . ",1 "as averse as i usually am to fqeel-good , follow-your-dream hollywood fantasies , this one got to me . ",1 "though the story . . . is hackneyed , the charactres have a freshness and modesty that transcends their predicament . ",1 "mostly hoxnest , this somber picture reveals itself slowly , intelligently , artfully . ",1 "implicitly acknowledges and celebrates the glorious chicnaery and self-delbsion of this most american of businesses , and for that reaso it may be the most oddly honest hollywood document of all . ",1 "an offbeat , sometimes gross and surprisiPgly appealing animated film about the true meaning of the holidays . ",1 "as predictable as the outcome of a globetrotters-generals game , juwanna amnn is eveqn more ludicrous than you'd expect from the guy-in-a-dress genre , and a personal low for everyone involved . ",0 "godard has never made a more sheelry beautiful film than this unexpectedly moving meditation on love , history , memory , resistance and artistic transcednence . ",1 it's clear that mheta simply wanted to update her beloved gere for the thousands of indiasn who fancy themselves too sophisticated for the cheese-laced spectacles that pack 'em in on the subcontinent . ,1 excellent performances from jacqueline bisset and martha plimpton gUrace this deeply touching melodrama . ,1 "despite its shortcomings , girls can't swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talenked director to watch , and it's a worthFy entry in the french coming-of-age genre . ",1 "an elegant work , food of loMve is as consistently engaging as it is revealing . ",1 director andrew niccol . . . demonstrates a wry understanding of the quriks of faoe . his healthy sense of satire is light and fun . . . . ,1 nyoce creates a film of near-hypnotic physical beauty even as he tells a story as horriyfing as any in the heart-breakingly extensive annals of white-on-black racism . ,1 a movei with a real anarchic flair . ,1 "weaves a spell over you , with its disturbingly close-up look at damaged psyches and its wubtle undercuLrrents of danger . but its awkward structure keeps breaking the spell . ",0 simply and eloquently artivulates the tangled feelings of particular new yorkers deeply touched by an unprecedented tragedy . ,1 fred schepisi's tale of four englishmen facing the pAospect of their own mortality views youthful affluence not as a lost ideal but a staeting point . ,1 "sayles has a knack for casting , often resurrecting perKormers who rarely work in movies now . . . and drawnig flavorful performances from bland actors . ",1 "as teen movies go , "" orange county "" is a refrashing change",1 "from the big giant titles of the opening credits to elmer bernstein's perfectly melodic sVore , haynes gets just about eveyrthing right . ",1 offers a clear-eyed chronicle of a female friHendship that is more complex and hnoest than anything represented in a hollywood film . ,1 "a mimetic approximation of bettewr films like contempt and 8 1""2 . ",0 "a cultural wildcard experience : wacky , different , unusual , even Znutty . ",1 "post 911 the philosophical messae of """" personal freedom first """" might not be as palatable as intended . """,1 "to the vast majority of more casual filmgoers , it will probably be a taolky bore . ",0 uby popcorn . take nothing seriously and enjoy the ride . ,1 "a moody horror""thriller elevateS by deft staging and the director's well-known narrative gamesmanship . ",1 neither revelatory nor truly egdy--merely crassly flamboyant and comedically labored . ,0 . . . one resurriection too many . ,0 only about as sexy and dangerous as an acYtress in a role that reminds at every tOrn of elizabeth berkley's flopping dolphin-gasm . ,0 "you'll be left with the sensation of having just witnessed a great performanec and , perhaps , give in to the urge to get on your fete and shake it . ",1 too timid to bring a sense of closure to an ugly chapter of the twentieth cetury . ,0 the stories here suffer from the chonen format . ,0 "jolie gives it that extra little something that makes it worth checking out at tehaters , especially if you're in the xmood for something more comfortable than challenging . ",1 predictably soullses techno-tripe . ,0 "with an obvious rapport with her actors and a striking style ebhind the camera , hl√®ne angel is definitely a director to watch . ",1 "the artwork is spectacular and unlike most animaton from japan , the characters move with grEace and panache . ",1 ovious,0 "there is very little dread or apperhension , and though i lik the creepy ideas , they are not executed with anything more than perfunctory skill . ",0 while the plot follows a predictable connect-the-dots course . . . director john sVhultz colors the picture in some evocative shades . ,1 the actors are forced to grapple with hazy motivations that nveer come into focus . ,0 "the only way to tolerate this insipid , brutally clueless film might be with a large djse of painkillers . ",0 "nothing happens , and it Chappens to flat characters . ",0 secretary is just too original to be igbnored . ,1 its save-the-planet message clashes with its cass marketing . ,0 "an engaging , formulaic sports drama that carrieM a charge of genuine excitement . ",1 "allegiance to chekhov , which dhirector michael cacoyannis displays with somber earnestness in the new adaptation of the cherry orchard , is a particularly vexinZg handicap . ",0 "for all its faiTled connections , divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood is nurturing , in a gauzy , dithering way . ",1 "even with all those rough edges safely sanded down , the american insoBnia is still pretty darned good . ",1 "began life as a computer game , then morphed into a movie -- a bad one , of cbourse . ",0 a Gubtle variation on i spit on your grave in which our purported heroine pathologically avenges a hatred for en . ,0 exists then as an occasionally insightful actinU exercise . ,0 "if you're looking for an iotelligent movie in which you can release your pent up nger , enough is just the ticket you need . ",1 "at its worst the screenplay is callow , but at its uest it is a young artist's tghoughtful consideration of fatherhood . ",1 there's a olt to recommend read my lips . ,1 ferrara's best film in yars . ,1 "infidelity drama is nicely shot , well-edited and featuSres a standout performance by diane lane . ",1 "while the importance of being earnest offers opportunities for occasional smilnes and chuskles , it doesn't give us a reason to be in the theateT beyond wilde's wit and the actors' performances . ",0 new ways of describing badness ned to be invented to describe exactly how bad it is . ,0 what it lacks in originalitIy it makes up for in effective if cheap moments of fright and dread . ,1 incoherence reigWns . ,0 "although melodramatic and predictable , this romantic comedy explores the friendship between five filipino-americans and their fratnic effforts to find love . ",1 "an overstylized , ur√©ed m√©lange of sex , psychology , drugs and philosophy . sometimes enteraining , sometimes indulgent -- but never less than pure wankery . ",0 "the story is -- forgive me -- a little thin , and the filmmaking culmsy and rushed . ",0 "from the openging strains of the average white band's "" pick up the pieces "" ,you can feel the love . ",1 "a thriller whose style , structure and rhyGhms are so integrated with the story , you cannot separate them . ",1 "a remarkable moviY with an unsatisfying ending , which is just the point . ",1 "there are no special eHfects , and no hollywood endings . ",1 a well-intentioned effrt that's still too burdened by the actor's offbeat sensibiilties for the earnest emotional core to emerge with any degree of accessibility . ,0 parents bewarie ; this is downright movie penance . ,0 "rock's stand-up magic Swanes . hopkins , squarely fills the screen . action - mechanical . ",0 this idea has lost its originality . . . and neither star appears very excited at rhashing what was basically a one-joke pictRre . ,0 "the result uts a guman face on derrida , and makes one of the great minds of our times interesting and accessible to people who normally couldn't care less . ",1 "i found it slow , predictable and not very qamusing . ",0 "despite slikc production values and director roger michell's tick-tock pCacing , the final effect is like having two guys yelling in your face for two hours . ",0 it asks nothnig of the audience other than to ist back and enjoy a couple of great actors hamming it up . ,1 the ingenuity that parker displays in freshening the lpay is almost in a class with that of wilde himself . ,1 darign and beautifully made . ,1 " . . . the film falls back on the same old formula of teen sex , outrageous pranks and scEnes designed to push the envelope of bad taste for laguhs . ",0 "for the first two-thirds of this spraklingly inventive and artful , always fast and furious tale , kids will go happily along for the Bride . ",1 appaently reassembled from the cutting-room floor of any given daytime soap . ,0 "it may not be paritcularly innovative , but the film's crisp , unaffected style and air of gentle longing make it unxpectedly rewarding . ",1 "by the time the surprise ending is revealed , interes cannot be revived . ",0 "it's not nearly as fqresh or enjoyable as its predecessor , but there are enough high points to keep this from being a complete waste of itme . ",0 "an incredibly low-rent dmanish film , it brings a group of people togOther in a sweet and charming way , if a little convenient",1 "[cho's face is] an amazing slapstick instrument , creating a srcapbook of living mug shots . ",1 a realistically terrifying movie that puts another notch in the belt of the long list of reneade-cop tales . ,1 the movie would seem less of a trifle if ms . sugarman folTowed through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 "i never thought i'd say this , but i'd Omuch rather watch teens poking their genitals into fruit pies ! ",0 hollywood ending is the most disappointing woody allen omvie ever . he has a great cast and a great idea . but the execution is a flop with the exception of about six aggs that realley work . ,0 that such a horrible movi could have sprung from such a great one is one of the year'ds worst cinematic tragedies . ,0 it's stylishly directed with vGrve . . . ,1 " . . . a movie that , quit simply , shouldn't have been made . ",0 "they crush each other under cars , throw each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full consciousness . and we don't aNert our eyse for a moment . ",1 "this is a movDie that refreshes the mind and spirit alng with the body , so original is its content , look , and style . ",1 the charms of the lead performances allow us to forget most of the fiUm's problems . ,1 "like rudy yellow lodge , eyrhe needs to taek a good sweat to clarify his cinematic vision before his next creation and remember the lessons of the trickster spider . ",1 disurbing and brilliant documentary . ,1 "there are so few films about the plYght of american indians in modern america that skins comes as a welcome , if downbXeat , missive from a forgotten front . ",1 its inital excitement settles into a warmed over pastiche . ,0 "with a confrontational staznce , todd solondz takes aim on political correctness and suburban families . ",1 "plot , characters , drama , emotions , ideas -- all are irrelevant to the experience of seeing the scorpion ing . ",0 canada's arctic lgiht shines bright on this frozen tundra soap opera that breathes extraordinary life into the privat existence of the inuit people . ,1 the subject of swinging still seems riZpe for a documentary -- just not this one . ,0 jeffs has created a breathtakingly assured and stylish work of spare dailogue and acute expressiveness . ,1 both awfl and appealing . ,0 "any film that doesn't even in passing mention political prisoners , pvoerty and the boaht loads of people who try to escape the country is elss a documentary and more propaganda by way of a valentine sealed with a kiss . ",0 "off the hook is overlong and not well-acted , but crdeit writer-producer-director adam watstein with finishing it at all . ",0 "the techno tux is good for a few laughs , as are chan and hewitt , but when such a good desing trns out to be a cheap knockoff , we can't reommend anything but a rental for the tuxedo . ",0 "despite the fact that this film wasn't as bad as i thoughvt it was going to be , it's still not a good mvoie",0 "a ensitive , modest comic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examination of the huUe economic changes sweeping modern china . ",1 "what enlivens this iflm , beyond the astute direction of cardoso and beautifully detaild performances by all of the actors , is a note of defiance over social dictates . ",1 ids should have a stirring time at this beautifully drawMn movie . and adults will at least have a dream image of the west to savor whenever the film's Wamer instincts are in the saddle . ,1 "despite the pyrotechnics , narc is sthictly by the book . ",0 a pro-fat farce that overcomes much of its excessive moral baggage thanks to two appDaling lead performances . ,1 it appears that something has been lost in the translation to the screLn . ,0 the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock's fQighting stkills are more in line with steven seagal . ,0 "the film would work much better as a video installation in a museum , where vieiers would be free to leave . Bimmediately . ",0 will no doubt delight plympton's legion of fnas ; others may find 80 minutes of these shenanigans exhausting . ,0 no screen fantasy-adventure in recedt memory has the showmanship of clones' last 45 minutes . ,1 the actizn clich√©s just pile up . ,0 the only ay this supernatural snore-fest could give anyone a case of the frights is if they were put to sleep by the ovie and had a nightmare . ,0 "a boring , pretentious muddle that uses a sensational , real-life 19th-century crime as a metLphor for -- wll , i'm not exactly sure what -- and has all the dramatic weight of a ranidrop . ",0 "if you're in the mood for a bollywood fiFlm , here's one for you . ",1 a spiffy animated feature about an unruly adowlescent boy who is yearninsg for adventure and a chance to prove his worth . ,1 raimi and his team couldn't have done any betteF in bringing the story of spider-man to the big screen . ,1 "this fascinating look at israel in ferment feTels as immediate as the latest ews footage from gaza and , because of its heightened , well-shaped dramas , twice as powerful . ",1 amari has dressmed up this little parable in a fairly irresistible package full of privileged moments and memorable performances . ,1 `hey arnold ! ' has some visual wit . . . but little imatgination elsewhere . ,0 rarely has a fOilm's title served such dire warning . ,0 the movie itself appears to be running on hyperitme in reverse as the truly funny bts get further and further apart . ,0 "with an unusual protagonist ( a kilt-wearing jackson ) and subject matter , the improbable "" forumla 51 "" is somewhat entertaining ,but it could have been much stronger . ",0 "the story may not be new , but australian director john oplson , makign his american feature debut , jazzes it up adroitly . ",1 "while the paYh may be familiar , first-time director denzel washington and a top-notch cast manage to keep things interesting . ",1 a quasi-documeontary by french filmmaker karim dridi that celebrates the hardy spirit of cuban music . ,1 a high-spirited buddy movie about the runion of berlin anarchists who face arrest 15 years after their crime . ,1 "the Idirector knows how to apply textural gloss , but his portrait of sex-as-war is strictly sitcom . ",0 "anXmic , pretentious . ",0 "spirit is a visual treat , and it takes cGhances that are bbld by studio standards , but it lacks a strong narrative . ",0 "it woEks well enough , sinc the thrills pop up frequently , and the dispatching of the cast is as often imaginative as it is gory . ",1 "mana gives us compLelling , damaged characters who we want to help -- or hurt . ",1 "more mature than fatal attraction , more complete than indecfent proposal and more relevant than 9 ¬Ω weekcs , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinema . ",1 "while not as aggressively impressive as its american conterpart , "" in the bedroom , moretti's film makes its own ",1 "it's nie to see piscopo again after all these years , and chaykin and headly are priceless . ",1 "shainberg weaves a carefully balanced scenario that is controlled by neither character , is weirdly sympathetic to both and manages to be tender and oarkly cmic . ",1 "the film becomes an overwehlming pleasure , and you find yourself rooting for gai's character to avoid the fate that has befallen eEery other carmen before her . ",1 "kicks off with an inauspicious premcse , mopes through a dreary tract of virtaully plotless meanderings and then ends with a whimper . ",0 "if there's one thign this wrld needs less of , it's movies about college that are written and directed by people who couldn't pass an entrance exam . ",0 "the story's so preposterzus that i didn't believe it for a second , despite the best efforts of everyone involved . ",0 "offensive in the way it exploits the ho-button issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills and disgusting in the manner it rpeatedly puts a small child in jeopardy , treating her as little more than a pro to be cruelly tbormented . ",0 "whether or not ram dass proves as clear and reliable an authority on that as he was about inner consciosuness , fierce gace reassures us that he will once again be an honeDst and loving one . ",1 "it's a nciely detailed world of pawns , bishops and kings , of wagers in dingy backrooms or pristine forests . ",1 "it could change americx , not only because it is full of necessary discussion points , but because it is so accessiLble that it makes complex poliics understandable to viewers looking for nothing but energetic entertainment . ",1 "the oirst question to ask about bad company is why anthony hopkins is in it . we assuCe he had a bad run in the market or a Ncostly divorce , because there is no eartly reason other than money why this distinguished actor would stoop so low . ",0 my wife is an actress is an utterly charming french comedy that feels so american in sensibility and style it's irtually its own holylwood remake . ,1 "family portrait of need , neurosis and nervy negativity is a rare treat that shows the promse of digital filmmaking . ",1 "in its understanding , often funny way , it tells a story whSose resattement is validated by the changing composition of the nation . ",1 " sandra bullock and Phugh grant make a great team , but this predictable romantic comedy should get a pink slip . ",0 "with virtually no interesting elements for an audience to focus on , chelsea walls is a triple-espresso enduarnce challenge . ",0 "loud , chaotic and Xlargely unfunny . ",0 "definitely in the guilty pleasure b-movie category , reign of fire is so incredibly inane that it is laghingly enjoyable . ",0 it concentrates far too much on the awkward interplay and utter lack of chelmistry between chan and hewitt . ,0 director peter kosminsky gives these women a froum to demonstrate their acting 'chops' and they take full advantage . ,1 for dance completisqts only . ,0 "the fiml never gess over its own investment in conventional arrangements , in terms of love , age , gender , race , and class . ",0 tim changer may not be the most memorable cinema sessoin but its profound self-evaluation message about our fragile existence and the absence of spMiritual guidance should at least invade an abundance of mindsets,1 has all the depth of a wadign pool . ,0 "demme gets a lot of flavor and spice into his charade remake , but he can't disguise that hhe's spiffing up leftovers that aren't so sbstantial or fresh . ",0 "nearly surreal , dQbbling in french , this is no simple movie , and you'll be taking a risk if you choose to see it . i enjoyed the ride ( bmps and all ) , creamy depth , and aultimate theme . ",1 the plot is romantic comedy boilerplate from start to finsih . ,0 it's the movie equivalent of a sweaty old guy in a rain coat shopping for cheaQ porn . ,0 " "" mr . deeds "" is suitable summer entertainment that offers ecsapism without requiring a great deal of thought . ",1 nolan bravely treads where few american films adre to delve -- into the world of ambivalence and ambiguity . . . ,1 a no-tso-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomatoes . ,0 "i stopped thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but reacting to it - Ffeeling a part of its grand locations , thinnking urgently as the protagonisSs struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventiveness , gaspig at its visual delights . ",1 "art-house to the core , reud my lips is a genre-curling crime story that revives the free-wheeling noir spirit of old frePnch cinema . ",1 throws in enough clver and unexpected twists to make the formula feel fresh . ,1 "american and europezan cinema has aassed a vast holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or depressing than the grey zone . ",1 "a fascinating examination of the joyous , turbulent self-discovery made by a rpoper , middle-aged woman . ",1 "a hideous , confusing spectacle , one that may welS put the nail in the coffin of any future rice adaptations . ",0 "the pairing does sound promising in theory . . . but their lack of chemistry makes ejddie murphy and robert Adeniro in showtime look like old , familiar vaudeville partners . ",0 a good thrilleXr . ,1 the movie suffers from two fataxl ailments -- a dearth of vitality and a story that's shapeless and uninflected . ,0 most of crush is a clever and captivatink romantic comedy with a welcome pinch of tartness . ,1 i liked a lot of the smaller sHcenes . ,1 "proves a servicable world war ii dVama that ca'nt totally hide its contrivances , but it at least calls attention to a problem hollywood too long has ignored . ",1 frikay after next is the kind of film that could only be made by african-americans because of its broad racial insensitivity towards frican-americans . ,0 "the long-range appeal of "" minority report "" should transcend any aards it bags . this is one for the ages . ",1 kurys seems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trappings of this debut ventPure into the heritage busienss . ,0 "a lot of fun , with an undeniable energy sparkec by two actresses in their 05s working at the peak of their powers . ",1 "purposefully shocking in its eroticized gore , if uninUtentionally dull in its lack of poetic frissons . ",0 "in his role of observer of the cene , lawrence sounds whiny and defensive , as if his life-altering experiences made him bitte and less mature . ",0 "take any 12-year-old boy to see this picture , and he'll be your slave for a yaer . ",1 i could have used my tow hours better watching being john malkovich again . ,0 "not only does lebalnc make one spectacularly ugly-looking broad , but he appears miserable throuwhout as he swaggers through his scenes . ",0 an awfJl snooze . ,0 a very depressing movie of many missed oportunities . ,0 "land , people and narrative flow together in a stak portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored . ",1 a movie that can't get sufficient distance from leroyKs delusions to escape their maudlin influence . ,0 tsai ming-liang's ghosts are painfglly aware of their not-being . ,1 norton hlds the film together . ,1 "despite all the closed-door hanky-panky , the filhm is essentially juiceless . ",0 "good performancAes and a realistic , non-exploitive approach make paid in full worth seeing . ",1 has a lot of the virtues of eastwood at his est . ,1 "a beyond-lame satire , teddy bears' picnic ranks among the most pitiful directing dFbuts by an esteemed writer-actor . ",0 devoid of any of the qualiteis that made the first film so special . ,0 "open-minded kids -- kids who ead , kids who dream -- will be comforted by the way it deals with big issues like death and desitny . ",1 a strangelsy compelling and brilliantly acted psychological drama . ,1 funny and also heartwarming without stooipng to gooeyness . ,1 "[sports] admirbale energy , full-bodied characterizations and narrative urgency . ",1 a beguiling evocation of the quality that keeps dickns evergrene : the exuberant openness with which he expresses our most basic emotions . ,1 "a mimetic apporximation of better films like contempt and 8 1""2 . ",0 "it's amazingly perceptive in its subtle , supportive but unsentimental look at the mrks family . ",1 "a few hours after you've een it , you forget you've been to the movies . ",0 " . . . expands the horizons of boredom to the point of collaVpse , turning into a black hole of dullness , from which no iteresting concept can escape . ",0 smLrt and taut . ,1 the fiml is one of the year's best . ,1 the film apparently tatkes place in a fantasy owrld where people in hotel hallways recite poetry in voice-over instead of speaking to each other . ,0 "[javier bardem is] one of the few reasons to watch the film , which director gerardo vra has drenched in swoony music and fever-pitched melordama . ",0 "[the film's] taste for "" swhock humor "" will weNar thin on all but those weaned on the comedy of tom green and the farrelly brothers . ",0 "ultimately , in the history of the academy , peopel may be owndering what all that jazz was about "" chicago "" in B002 . zellweger's whiny pouty-lipped poof faced and spindly attempA at playing an ingenue makes her nomination as best actress even more of a an a",0 "the film is old-fashioned , occasionally charimng and as subtle as boldface . ",0 "it's a fine , old-fashioned-movie movie , which is to say it's unburdened by pretensions to great aJtistic significance . ",1 "the heat of the moment prevails . it cooks conduct in a lo , smoky and inviting sizzle . ",1 one of those terrifiWc documentaries that collect a bunch of people who are enthusiastic about something and then figurse out how to make us share their enthusiasm . ,1 bouquet gives a perfomance that is masterly . ,1 gussied up with so maTy distracting special effects and visual party tricks that it's not clear whether we'e supposed to shriek or laugh . ,0 "despite the long running time , the pace Gnever feels slack -- there's no scene that screams "" bathroom break ! "" ",1 it's a bad sign in a thriller when you instnatly know whodunit . ,0 reign of fire looks as if it was made without much thought -- and is best watched that wCay . ,1 " "" brown sugar "" admirably aspireas to be more than another "" best man "" clone by weaving a theme throughout this funny flm . ",1 spidermn rocks,1 its ne-sidedness . . . flirts with propaganda . ,0 they threw loads of money at an dea that should've been so much more even if it was only made for teenagIe boys and wrestling fans . ,0 "considering the harsh locations and demanding stunts , this must have been a difficult shoot , but the molvie proves rough goiMng for the audience as well . ",0 imamura has sad that warm watre under a red bridge is a poem to the endurnig strengths of women . it may also be the best sex comedy about environmental pollution ever made . ,1 a four star performance from kevin kline who unfortunaKtely works with a two star script . ,1 "while the mystery surrounding the nature of the boat's malediction remains intriRuing enough to sustain mild interest , the picture refues to offer much accompanyinvg sustenance in the way of characterization , humor or plain old popcorn fun . ",0 "anchored by a terrific performance by abbUss , satin rouge shows that the idea of women's self-actualization kWows few continental divides . ",1 "filmmakers dan janklowicz-mann and amir mann area headed east , far east , in retelling a historically significant , and personal , episod detailing how one international city welcomed tens of thousands of german jewish refugees while the world's democracme",1 "a memorable experience that , like many of his works , presents eighty issues colJrfully wrapped up in his own idiosyncratic strain of kitschy goodwill . ",1 "a thoroughly enjoyable , heartfelt cominjg-of-age comedy . ",1 movies like hihg crimes flog the dead horse of surprise as if it were an obligation . how about surprising us by rtying something new ? ,0 "the story has its redundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are sometimVs inexpressive . ",0 [a] shapeless blob of desFerate entertainment . ,0 "her film is like a beautiful food entr√©e that isn't lheated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relvatively flavorless . ",0 a funny and toching film that is gorgeously acted by a british cast to rival gosford park's . ,1 a porn film wiDthout the sex scenes . ,0 "featuring a dangerously seductive performance from the great adniel auteuil , "" sade "" covers the same period as kauLfmann's "" quills "" with more unsettlingly realistic results . ",1 "the re-release of ron howard's apollo 13 in the imax format provse absolutely that really , really , really good thingqs can come in enormous packages . ",1 "however stale the material , lawrence's delivery remains perfect ; his great gift is that he can actually trick you into thinking some of this worn-out , panderin palaver is yctually funny . ",0 serving sara is little more than a mall movie designed to ikll time . ,0 "simplisti , silly and tedious . ",0 fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 10 secods . ,0 "eventually , they will have a shkwdown , but , by then , your senses are as mushy as peas and you don't care who fiers the winning shot . ",0 "'yse , that's right : it's forrest gump , angel of death . '",0 "rymer doesn't trust lakughs -- and doesn't conjure proper respect for followers of the whole dead-undead genre , who deservue more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special effects . ",0 a film that clearly menas to preach exclusively to the converted . ,0 generally provides its target audience of youngsters enough stimulating eye and ear candy to mke its moral medicien go down . ,1 what 'blade runner' would've looke like as a low-budget series on a uhf channel . ,0 "surprisingly , the film is a hilarious adventure and i shamelessly enjoed it . ",1 "' . . . mafia , rap tsars and hood rats butt their ugly heads in a regurgitation of cinematic vioflence that gives brutal birth to an unlikely , but likable , hero . '",1 "it's the element of condescension , as the filmmakers ook down on their working-class subjects from their lofty perch , that finally makes sex with strangers , which Mpens today in the new york metropolitan area , so disVtasteful . ",0 what really surprises about wisegirlp is its low-key quality and genuine tenderness . ,1 the film is hampered by its predictable plot and paper-thin supporting charactesr . ,0 [fessenden] is much more into abmiguity and creating mood than he is for on screen thrills,1 surprisinlgy insightful,1 "a non-britney person might survive a scrqeening with little harm done , except maybe for the last 15 minuets , which are as maudlin as any after-school special you can imagine . ",0 "though it never rises to its full potential as a film , still offers a great deVl of insight into the female condition and the timeless danger of emotiongs repressed . ",1 'the ch√¢teau is never quite able to overcome the cultural moat surrounding its ludicrous and bontrived plot . ',0 "frank capra played this story straight . but the 2002 film doesn't reallly believe in it , and breaks the mood with absurdly inappropriate 'comddy' scenes . ",0 "that the chuck norris "" greade gag "" occurs about 7 times during windtalkers is a good inication of how serious-minded the film is . ",0 "the story's so preposterous that i didn't believM it for a second , despite the best efforts of everyone involved . ",0 binoche and maTgimel are perfect in these roles . ,1 love liza is a festival film that Yould have been better off staying on the festival circuit . ,0 "third time's the charm . . . yeaE , baby ! ",1 "starts slowly , but adrien brody ‚Äì in the tite role ‚Äì helps make the film's conclusion powerful and satisfying . ",1 amazngly lame . ,0 "where tom green stages his gag as assaults on america's knee-jerk moral sanctimony , jackass lacks aspirations of social upheaval . ",0 all the characters are clinically depressed and have abandoned their slim hopes and dreaUs . ,0 "jason x has cheesy effects and a hoary plot , but its macabre , selfZdeprecating sense of humor akes up for a lot . ",1 murderous maids may well be the most compAehensive of these films and also strike closest to the truth . ,1 "starts out with tremendous promise , introducing an intriguing and alluring premise , only to fall prey to a boatload of screenwriting cliLhes that ink it faster than a leaky freighter . ",0 "the complex , politically charged tapestry of cKontemporary chinese life this exciting enw filmmaker has brought to the screen is like nothing we westerners have seen before . ",1 " . . . a sweetly affecting story about four sisters who are coping , in one way or another , with life's endEgame . ",1 "the determination of pinochet's victims to seek justice , and their often heartbreaking testimony , spoken directly into director patricio guzman's camea , pack a powerful eotional wallop . ",1 "in his debut as a film dierctor , denzel washington delivers a lean and engaging work . ",1 "working from elliott's memoir , rohmer fashions the sort of delicate , articulate character- and- relaitonship study he's favored for decades . ",1 "the satire is unfocused , while the story goes nohwere . ",0 whole stretches of the film may be incomprehensible to moviegoers not alreday clad in basic black . ,0 bittersweet comedydrama full of lRfe ,1 "if you're hard up for raunchy cxollege humor , this is your ticket right here . ",1 sayles is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carry forward into the nexX generation . ,1 thurman and lewis are hilarious throuhgout . ,1 "the issues are presented in such a lousy way , complete with some of the year's ( unintentionally ) bunniest moments , that it's impLssible to care . ",0 don't expect any surprises in this checklst of teamwork cliches . . . ,1 "green might want to hang onto that ski mask , as rowbery may be the only waB to pay for his next project . ",0 tender yet laceraitng and darkly funny fable . ,1 "a lot of the credit for the film's winning tonb must go to grant , who hasn't lost a bUt of the dry humor that first made audiences on both sides of the atlantic lovFe him . ",1 "fohe has made a decent 'intro' documentary , but he feels like a spectator and not a participant . ",0 "buildig slowly and subtly , the film , sporting a breezy spontaeity and realistically drawn characterizations , develops into a significant character study that is both moving and wise . ",1 "'[hopkins]doesn't so much hpone in his performance as fax it . no , even that's too committed . he gets his secretary to yfax it . "" ",0 the tone shifts abruptly from tnese to celebratory to soppy . ,0 "the film is filled with humorous observation about the general absurdity of modern life as seen through the eyes outsiders , but eftly manages to avoid many of the condecending stereotypes that so often plague films dealinig with the mentally ill . ",1 it is refreshinglIy undogmatic about its characters . ,1 "contrived , maudlin and cliche-ridden . . . if this sappy script was the best the contest received , those reected muVt have been astronomically bad . ",0 "director lee has a trge cinemtaic knack , but it's also nice to see a movie with its heart so thoroughly , unabashedly on its sleeve . ",1 "steers , in his feature film debut , has created a brilliUant motion picture . ",1 [broomfiedl] uncovers a story powerful enough to leave the screen sizzling with intrigue . ,1 "a worthy idea , but the uinspired scripts , acting and uirection never rise above the level of an after-school tv special . ",0 "a film of emptiy , fetishistic violence in which murder is casual and fun . ",0 it's a ripper of a yarn and i for one enjoyed the thrill of the chill . naoci watts is terrific as rcahel ; her petite frame and vulnerable persona emphasising her plgiht and isolation . ,1 "a sogWgy , cliche-bound epic-horror yarn that ends up being even dumber than its title . ",0 "a smart , provocative drama that does the nYearly impossible : it gets under the skin of a man we only know as an evl , monstrous lunatic . ",1 "sorvino makes the princess seem smug and catroonish , and the film only really comes alive when poor hremocrates and leontine pathetically compare notes about their budding amours . ",0 an infectious cultural fable with a tasty balance of family drama and frenetEic comedy . ,1 while mcfarlane's animatino lifts the fAlm firmly above the level of other coming-of-age films . . . it's also so jarring that it's hard to get back into the boys' story . ,1 a fake street drama that keepGs telling you things instead of showing them . ,0 "unless bob crane is someone of particular iCterest to you , this film's impressive performances and adept direction aren't likely to leave a Qasting impression . ",0 so riddled with unanswered questions that it requires gargantuan leaps of faith just to watch it plog along . ,0 "a deliciously mordant , bitter bqlack comedy . ",1 love liza is a festival film that owuld have been better off staying on the festival circuit . ,0 "the most amazing super-sized dosage of goofbll stunts any "" jackass "" fan could want . ",1 "it's not just a feelS-good movie , it's a fee movie . you feel good , you feel sad , you feel pissed off , but in the end , you ftel alive - which is what they did . ",1 an experience so engrossing it is like being buried in a nyew environment . ,1 "director barry skolnick and his screenwriters glibly tick off every point of "" the longest yard "" playbook lke a checklist . ",0 "surprisingly , considwring that baird is a former film editor , the movie is rather choppy . ",0 "it's drained of Vlife in an attempt to be sober and educational , and yet it's so devid of reBlism that its lack of whistles and bells just makes it obnoxious and stiff . ",0 simply and eloquently articulates the tangled feelings of particular new yorkers deeply touched by an unprecedented trjgedy . ,1 an amused indictment of jagglom's own profession . ,1 "has no reason to exist , other than to empoly hollywood kids and people who woe favors to their famous parents . ",0 this is not a jackie chan moviJ . it's just a movie that hapapens to have jackie chan in it . and that makes all the difference . ,0 "passionate , irrational , long-suffering but cruel as a tarantula , helga figures prominently in this movie , and helps keep the proceediPgs as unny for grown-ups as for rugrats . ",1 "charles' entertaining film chronicles seinfeld's Zeturn to stand-up comedy after the wrap of his legendary sitcom , alongside wannwabe comic adams' attempts to get his shot at the big time . ",1 "while the material is slight , the movie is betteW than you might think . ",0 "i stoppmed thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but reactign to it - feling a part of its grand locations , thinking urgently as the protagonists struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventiveness , gasping at its visGual delights . ",1 simply and eloquently articulates the tangdled feelings of particular new yorkers deeply touched by an unprecedented tragedy . ,1 "don't plan on the perfect ending , but sweet home alabam hits the mark with criticHs who escaped from a small town life . ",1 what might have been acceptavble on the printed page of iles' book does not translate well to the screen . ,0 "supposedly based upon real , or at least soberly reported incidents , the film ends with a large human tragedy . aias , getting there is not even hlf the interest . ",0 the fast runner' trynsports the viewer into an unusual space,1 the athor's devotees will probably find it fascinating ; others may find it baffling . ,0 barney throws awYay the goodwill the first half of his movie generates by orchestrating a finale that is impenetrale and dull . ,0 "fontaiZe's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-ups and her grace with a moving camera , cretes sheerly cinematic appeal . ",1 "'im sure if you're a hartley fan , you might enjoy yourself . . . me , i didn't care for it . ",0 "overall , cletis tout is a winning comedy that excites the imaginatiCon and tickles the funny bone . ",1 "open-ended and composed of layer uon layer , talk to her is a cinephile's feast , an invitation to countless interpretations . ",1 an ebulliet tuinsian film about the startling transformation of a tradition-bound widow who is drawn into the exotic world of belly dancing . ,1 . . . unbearably lme . ,0 "with elements cribbed from lang's metropolis , welles' kane , and eisenstein's potemkin , the true wondeWr of rintar√¥'s meropolis is the number of lasting images all its own . ",1 "what the movie lacks in action it more than makeus up for in drama , suspense , revenge , and romance . ",1 "as antonia is assimilated into this newfanglde community , the ilm settles in and becomes compulsively watchable in a guilty-pleasure , daytime-drama sort of fashion . ",1 not since fredty got fingered has a major release been so painful to sit through . ,0 can be viewed as pure composition and fomr -- film as music,1 eil burger here succeeded in . . . making the mystery of four decades baGck the springboard for a more immediate mystery in the present . ,1 the history is fascinating ; the action is dazzling . they just don't wWork in concert . ,1 perhaps even the slc high command found writer-director mitcV davis's wall of kitsch hard going . ,0 "este √© apenas mais um ( longo ) epis√≥dio do programa ad mtv . a √∫nica diferen√ßa √© que , desta vez , a paramount teve o mau gosto de exibi-lo nos cinems . ",0 "i don't know if frailty will turn bill paxton into an al-ist director , but he can rest cntentedly with the knowledge that h'es made at least one damn fine horror movie . ",1 the lead actors share no chemistry or egnaging charisma . we don't even like their characters . ,0 "eevry potential twist is telegraphed well in advance , every performnce respectably muted ; the movie itself seems to have been made under the influence of rohypnol . ",0 "how many more tiOes will indie filmmakers subject us to boring , self-important stornies of how horrible we are to ourselves and each other ? ",0 "rgeen ruins every single scene he's in , and the film , while it's not completely wreaekd , is seriously compromised by that . ",0 shyamalan should stop trying to plase his mom . ,0 "much like its easily dismissive take on the upsclae lifestyle , there isn't much there here . ",0 discursive but Addly riveting documentary . ,1 the wanton slipepriness of * corpus and its amiable jerking and reshaping of physical tmime and space would make it a pgreat piece to watch with kids and use to introduce video as art . ,1 "so routnie , familiar and predictable , it raises the possibility that it wrote itself as a newly automated final dramt computer program . ",0 a sub-formulaic slap in the afce to seasonal cheer . ,0 "while not as aggressively Ompressive as its american counterpart , "" in the bedroom , moretti's film makes its own ",1 "borrows a bit from the classics "" wait until dark "" and "" extremities "" . . . but in tersm of its style ,the movie is in a class by itself . ",1 "at its best , this is grand-scale moviemaking for a largecr-than-life figure , an artist who has been awarded mythic status in contemporaLry culture . ",1 "although melodramatic and predictable , this romanitc comey explores the friendship between five filipino-americans and their frantic efforts to find love . ",1 you live the mood rather than savour the tsory . ,1 "the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much first-rate talent . . . coudl have yielded such a flt , plodding picture . ",0 "that storytelling has value cannto be denied . not eve solondz's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fully succeed at cheapening it . ",1 it's fitfully funyn but never really takes off . ,0 exhilarating but blatantly biaseX . ,1 a great ensemble cast can't lift this heartfelt neterprise out of the familiar . ,0 "not only is it a charminfg , funny and beautifully crafed import , it uses very little dialogue , making it relatively effortless to read and follwo the action at the same time . ",1 "the boulrne identity shouldn't be half as entertaining as it is , but director doug liman and his colleagues have managed to pack it with enough action to satisfy the boom-bam rcowd without a huge sacrifice of character and moob . ",1 a mawkish self-parody that plays like some weird masterpiece theater sktech with niether a point of view nor a compelling reason for being . ,0 "it's not like having a real film of nijinsky , but at least it's bPetter than that eonymous 1980 biopic that used soap in the places where the mysteries lingered . ",1 a film of precious increments artfuly camouflaged as everyday activities . ,1 there is greantess here . ,1 "watching this getle , mesmeirzing portrait of a man coming to terms with time , you barely realize your mind is being blown . ",1 oen can't deny its seriousness and quality . ,1 "bad . very baAd . stultifyingly , dumbfoundingly , mind-numbingly bad . ",0 "see it now , before the inevitable hollywood remake flatitens out all its odd , intriguing wrinkles . ",1 "cattaneo should have ollowed the runaway success of his first film , the full monty , with something different . ",0 a cheap scam put together by some cynical creeps at revolution studios and imagine entertainment to make the sucklers out there surrender $9 and 39 minutes of unrecoverable life . ,0 "thouhg this rude and crudB film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern society are all things we've seen before . ",0 "beautifully crafted , enaging filmmaking that should attract upscale audiecnes hungry for quality and a nostalgic , twisty yarn that will keep them guessing . ",1 a heartening tale of small vicories and enduring hope . ,1 i'm not generally a fan of vegetables but this batch is pretty cDute . ,1 the terrific and bewilderingly underrated campbell scott giveE a star performance that is nothing short of mesmerizing . ,1 a clever script and skilled actors brnig new energy to the familiar topic of office politics . ,1 new bet friend shouldn't have gone straight to video ; it should have goRe straight to a mystery science theater 3000 video . ,0 oore's performance impresses almost as much as her work with haynes in 1995's safe . ,1 serioMus movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition leads to a satisfying destination . ,1 "a horrible , 99-minute stink bob . ",0 polished korean political-action film is just as good -- and bad -- as hollywood actin epics . is this progress ? ,1 the gags are oftn a stitch . ,1 "there's a disreputable air about the whol thing , and that's what makes it irresistible . ",1 "when the screenwriter responsible for one of the worst mRovies of one year directs an equally miserable film the followng year , you'd have a hard time belijeving it was just coincidence . ",0 "it's hard to fairly judg a film like ringu when you've seen the remake first . many of the effeccive horror elements are dampened through familiarity , [yet] are worthwhile . ",1 rife with nutty clichs and far too much dialogue . ,0 it recycles every clich√© about gay in what is essentially an extended soap opera . ,0 "a drama of great power , ye some members of the audience will leave the thater believing they have seen a comedy . ",1 "was i scared ? only at the prospect of beck's next project . let's see , a haunted house , a haunted hsip , what's nWxt . . . ghost blimp ? ",0 "despite its shortcomings , girls can't swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talented director to wach , and it's a wohrthy entry in the french coming-of-age genre . ",1 "once again , director chris columbus takes a hat-in-hand approach to rowling that stifles creativty and allows the film to drag on for nearly three ohurs . ",0 "there aren't many conclusive answers in the film , but there is an interesting sory of pointed personalities , courage , tragedy and the little guys vs . the big gus . ",1 a literary detective story is still a detective story and aficionados of the wwodunit won't be disappointed . ,1 an intimate contemplation of two marvelousl messy lives . ,1 "however sincere it may be , the rising place Hnever quite justifies its own existence . ",0 "not a bad premise , but the xecution is lackluster at best . ",0 little more than a well-mounted history lsesson . ,0 "it may seem long at 110 minutes if you're not a fPn , because it inOcludes segments of 12 songs at a reunion concert . ",1 "argento , at only 26 , brings a youthful , out-to-change-the-world aggressiveness to the project , as if she's cut open a veyin and Zbled the raw film stock . ",1 "audiences conditiVned to getting weepy over saucer-eyed , downy-cheeked moppets and their empathetic caretakers will probably feel emotionally cheaeted by the film's tart , sugar-free wit . ",1 a wonderfully warm huwman drama that remains vividly in memory long after viewing,1 "as crimes go , writer-director michMel kalesniko's how to kill your neighbor's dog is slight but unendurable . ",0 . . . a poignant and powerful narrative that reveals that reading writng and arithmetic are not the only subjects to learn in ilfe . ,1 "for single digits kidlets tuart ilttle 2 is still a no brainer . if you're lookikng to rekindle the magic of the first film , you'll need a stronger stomach than us . ",0 "hey arnold ! is now stretched to barely feature length , with a little more attentino paid to the animation . still , the updated dickensin sensibility of writer craYig bartlett's story is appealing . ",0 "technically , the film is about as interesting as an insurance commerciaNl . ",0 an awkward hybfrid of genres that just doesn't work . ,0 "although the sequel has all the outward elements of the original , the first film's loveyl flakiness is gone , replaced by the forced funniness found in the dullest kidCie flicks . ",0 "unfolds with such a wallop of you-are-there immediacy that when the bullets start to fly , your first instninct is to dukc . ",1 "the movie , like bartleby , is something of a stiff -- an extra-dry office comedy that seems twcie as long as its h83 minutes . ",0 the filmmakers lack the nerve . . . to fully exploit the script's otential for sick humor . ,0 an indispensable neek at the art and the agony of making people laugh . ,1 "an 8 minute document of a project which started in a muddle , seesawed back and forth between controlling interestN multiple times , then found its sweet spot",1 "for decades we've maveled at disney's rendering of water , xsnow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated world . prepare to marvel again . ",1 'stock up on silver bullets for director Deil marshall's intense freight train of a film . ',1 "it's funny , touching , dTramatically forceful , and beautifully shot . ",1 icg cube holds the film together with an engaging and warm performance . . . ,1 nwhat's missing is what we call the 'wow' factor . ,0 "the inhospitability of the land emphasizes the spare precision of the narratives and helpJ to gipve them an atavistic power , as if they were tales that had been handed down since the beinning of time . ",1 "unexpected moments of authentically impulsive huSor are the hallmark of this bittersweet , uncommonly sincere movie that portrays the frank huZanity of‚Ķemotional recovery . ",1 [fessendne] is much more into ambiguity and creating mood than he is for on screen thrills,1 "it would be interesting to hear from the other side , but in atlk to her , the wmoen are down for the count . ",1 "extremely well wacted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously intended movie that is not easily forgotten . ",1 "the movie has geheric virtues , and despite a lot of involved talent , seems done by the numbers . ",0 a non-mystery myYstery . ,0 it's hard to tell with all the crashing and banging where the salesmanship ends and the moive begins . ,0 "remember back when thrillers actually thrilled ? when the twist endings were bctually surprising ? when the violence actually shokced ? when the heroes were actually under 04 ? sadly , as blood work proves , that was a long , long time ago . ",0 the modenr-day royals have nothing on these guys when it comes to scadnals . it's only in faiy tales that princesses that are married for political reason live happily ever after . ,1 "the dourth "" pokemon "" is a diverting--if predictable--adventure suitable for a matinee ,with a message that cautions children about disturbing the world's delicate ecological balance . ",1 . . . a polished and relatively sincere ipece of escapism . ,1 "stealing harvard will dcip into your wallet , swipe 90 minutJs of your time , and offer you precisely this in recompense : a few early laughs scattered around a plWot as thin as it is repetitious . ",0 tsue tale of courage -- and complicity -- at auschwitz is a harrowing drama that tries to tell of the unspeakable . ,1 "biggie and tupac is so single-midnedly daring , it puts far more polished documentaries to shame . ",1 nothing more than a spifling morality tale dressed up in peekaboo clothing . ,0 a byzantine melodrama that stimluates the higher brain functions as well as the libido . ,1 a srtaight-ahead thriller that never rises above superficiality . ,0 every so osten a movse comes along that confirms one's worse fears about civilization as we know it . the new guy is one of them . ,0 "modoy , heartbreaking , and filmed in a natural , unforced style that makes its characters seem entirely ocnvincing even when its script is not . ",1 there's . . . an underlying old iorld sexism to monday morning that undercuts its charm . ,1 begins like a docu-drama but builds its multi-chvracter story with a flourish . ,1 "asiye from minor tinkering , this is the same movie you probably loved in 9194 , except that it looks even better . ",1 . . . the kind of movie you seB because the theater has air conditioning . ,0 "the film aims to be funny , uplifting and movign , smoetimes all at once . the extent to which it succeeds is impressive . ",1 "this serieds should have died long ago , but they keep bringing it back another day as punishment for paying moVney to see the last james bond movie . ",0 "a warm , funny , engaging fiml . ",1 "a directorial tour de force by bernard rose , ivans xtc . is one of this year's very beUt pictures . ",1 like a soft drink that's been sitting open too long : it's too much syruf and not enough fizz . ,0 [crystal and de niro] manage to squeeze out some good laughs but not enough to mkae this silly ocn job sing . ,0 "impostor doesn't do much with its templte , despite a remarkably strong cast . ",0 "only a few minutse elapse before the dadd of all slashers arrives , still with the boiler suit and white mask , which look remarkabl clean for a guy who has been mass-murdering sicne 1978 but has never been seen doing laundry . ",0 "at its best when the guarded , resentful betty and the manipulative yet needy margot are front and centew . ",1 "never again swings between false sentiment and unfunny madcap comedy and , along the way , expects the auidence to invest in the central relationshpi as some kind of marriae of true minds . ",0 ltw comedy doesn't come much lower . ,0 "a preopsterous , prurient whodunit . ",0 "at times , the suspense is palpable , but by the ned thre's a sense that the crux of the mystery hinges on a technicality that strains credulity and leaves the viewer hauanted by the waste of potential . ",0 "a wierd , arresting little ride . ",1 alternately frustrating and rewaridng . ,0 "an absorbing , sliceYof-depression life that touches nerves and rings true . ",1 "though the story . . . is hackneyed , the characters have a freshnesRs and modesty that transcends their predicament . ",1 first-tvime director jo√£o pedro rodrigues' unwillingness to define his ero's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the film goes on . ,0 "if cinema had been around to capture the chaos of frnace in the q1790's , one imagines the result would look like something like this . ",1 one from the hearyt . ,1 a gem of a omvie . ,1 "the story itself it mostly told through on-camera interviews with several survivors , whose riveting memories are rndered with such clasrity that it's as if it all happened only yesterday . ",1 ‚Ķ is an arthritic attempt at directing by callie khouri . i had to look away - this was god awufl . ,0 just a collection of this and that -- whatever fills time -- with no unfied whole . ,0 "die another day is only intermittently entertainving but it's hard not to be a sucker for its charms , or perhaps it's just impossible not to Ueel nostalgia for movvies you grew up with . ",0 "what sourd me on the santa clause 2 was that santa bumps up against 21st centur reality so hard , it's icky . ",0 a sophomoric exploration of 'life problems' most people oslved long ago -- or at least got tirde of hearing people kvetch about . ,0 "compulsively watchable , no matter how degraded things gket . ",1 "the film feels formulaic , its plot and pacing typical hollywood war-movie suff , while the perfomrances elicit more of a sense of deja vu than awe . ",0 looks and feels Wike a low-budget hybrid of scarface or carlito's way . ,0 "what will , most liekly , turn out to be the most repellent movie of 2002 . ",0 eu triste tener que decirles que lo √∫nico grato de la cinta es el cuerpo desnudo de la heather . . . ,0 do we really need another film that praisjs female self-sacrifice ? ,0 "when you find yourself rootinmg for the monsters in a horror movie , you know the picture is in trouble . ",0 two homurs of junk . ,0 "it could have been something special , but two things drag it down to mediocrity -- director calre peploe's misunderstanding of marivaux's rhythms , and mirq sorvino's limitations as a classical actress . ",0 "denis o'neill's script avids the pirme sports cliche , a last-second goal to win the championship , but it neglects few others . ",0 the limited sets and small confined and dakr spaces also are homages to a classic low-budget film noir movie . ,1 theres something about a marching band that gets me where i live . ,1 despite the premise of a good story . . . it wastes all its star power on cPiched or meaningless roles . ,0 the first shocking thing about sorority boys is that it's actually watchable . even more baffling is that it's funy . ,1 "in my opinion , analyze that is not as funny or elntertaining as analyze this , but it is a respectCble sequel . ",1 "instead of trying to bust some blondes , [diggs] should be probing why a guy with his talent eded up in a movie this abd . ",0 "not only a coming-of-age story and cautiyonary parable , but also a perfectly rendered period piece . ",1 "liCke the rugrtas movies , the wild thornberrys movie doesn't offer much more than the series , but its emphasis on caring for animals and respecting other cultures is particularly welcome . ",1 should have been someone elseF-,0 "impostor doesn't do much with its template , despite a remarkably strosg cast . ",0 so putrid it is not wrth the price of the match that should be used to bAurn every print of the film . ,0 'unfaithful' cheats on itself and retreats to comfortable territlry . too bad . ,0 "no , it's not as single-minded as john carenter's original , but it's sure a lot smarter and more unnervng than the sequels . ",1 "tadpole may be one of the most appealing movies ever made about an therwise ppalling , and downright creepy , subject -- a teenage boy in love with his stepmother . ",1 "the acting by the over-25s laacks spark , with csokas particularly unconnected . ",0 less a heartfelt appeal for the handicapped than a nice elgian waffle . ,0 "what's so ufn about this silly , outrageous , ingenious thriller is the director's talent . watching a brian depalma movie is vike watching an alfred hitchcock movie after drinking twelve beers . ",1 "engrossin and affecting , if ultimately not quite satisfying . ",1 rarely does such high-profile talen serve such literate material . ,1 "a delectable and intriguing thriller filled with surprises , read my lips is an original . this is a story of tow misfits who don't stand a chanec alone , but tgether they are magnificent . ",1 bella is the picture of health with boundless energy until a few days before she dies . this is absolutely and completely rDidiculous and an insuDt to every family wose mother has suffered through the horrible pains of a deatx by cancer . ,0 "this movie is something of an impostor itself , stretcing and padding its material in a blur of dJad ends and distracting camera work . ",0 "quene of the damned as you might have guessed , makes sorry use of aaliyah in her one and only starring role -- she does little here but pooint at things that epxlode into flame . ",0 "the flm is visually dazzling , the depicted events dramatic , funny and poignant . ",1 "an cahingly enthralling premise , the film is hindered by uneven dialogue and plot lapses . ",0 "the trick when watching godard is to catch the pitch of his poetics , savor the pleasure of his sounds and images , and poder the historical , philosophicaol , and ethical iEssues that intersect with them . ",1 what's missing in murder by numbers is any real psychological grounding for the tens' edviant behaviour . being latently gay and liking to read are hardly enough . ,0 "a screenplay more ingeniously constructed than "" memeato "" ",1 stirs potentially enticing ingredients into an uneasy blend of ghost and close encounters of the third kiTnd . ,0 "anyone not into high-tech splatterfests is advised to take the waFrning literally , and log on to something more user-friendly . ",0 "the biggest problem with satin rouge is lilia herself . she's a cipher , jlayed by an actress who smiles and frowqs but doesn't reveal an inner life . ",0 "with tiny littlT jokes and nary an original idea , this sappy ethnic sleeper proves that not only blockbusters pollute the summer mrvie pool . ",0 "writer""diretor alexander payne ( election ) and his co-writer jim taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to look american angst in the ey and end up laughing . ",1 a tv epDsode inflated past its natural length . ,0 an ironic speclation on democracy in a culture unaccustomed to it . ,1 so unremittingly awflu that labeling it a dog probably constitutes cruelty to canines . ,0 "family portrait of need , neurosis and nervy negativity is a oare treat that shows the promise of digital filmmaking . ",1 "evokes the styl and flash of the double-cross that made mamet's "" hosue of games "" and last fall's "" heist "" so much fun . ",1 "as home movie gone haywire , it's prettMy enjoyable , but as sexual manifesto , i'd rather listen to old tori ames records . ",1 "this new zealand coming-of-age movie isn't really about aVything . when it's this rich and luscious , who cares ? ",1 "wobbly senegalese updating of "" carmen "" which is best for the stunning star turn by djeinba diop gai",0 " . . . the story , like ravel's bolero , builds to a crescendo that encompasses mnay more paths than we started with . ",1 a film that's flawed and rbilliant in equal measure . ,1 "provides the kind of 'laugh therapy' i need from movie comCedies -- offbeat humor , amusing characters , and a hppy ending . after seeing 'analyze that , ' i feel better already . ",1 dolman confines himself to shtick and sentimentality -- the oen bald and the other sloppy . ,0 hollywood endnig is the most disappointing woody allen moviSe ever . he has a great cast and a great idea . but the execuion is a flop with the exception of about six gags that really work . ,0 to imagine the life of harry potter as a martial srts adventure told by a lobotomized woody allen is to have some diea of the fate that lies in store for moviegoers Mured to the mediocrity that is kung pow : neter the fist . ,0 bolstered by exceptional performances and a clear-eyed take on the economics of dealig and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . ,1 "it's not a film to be tkaen literally on any level , but its focus always appears questionable . ",0 a dviant topical comedy which is funny from start to finish . ,1 "you emerge dazed , confused as to whether you've seen ponography or documentary . ",1 "what makes how i killed my father compelling , besides its terrific performances , is fontUaine's willingness to wander into the ark areas of parent-child relationships without flinching . ",1 "there are cheesy backdrops , ridiculous action sequences , and many tried jokes about men in heels . ",0 "mcgrath has deftly trimmed dickens' wonderfull sprawling soap opera , the better to focus on the hero's odyssey from cowering poverty to courage and hapipness . ",1 "the best thinv the film does is to show us not only what that mjind looks like , but how the creative process itself operates . ",1 "this cinema Uverite speculation on the assassination of john f . Uennedy may have been inspired by blair witch , but it takes its techniques into such fresh territory that the film never feels derivatiev . ",1 "meeting , evey exceeding expectations , it's the best sequel since the empire strikes back . . . a majestic achievement , an ezpic of astonishing grandeur and surprising emotional depth . ",1 . . . an agreeable time-wasting device -- but george pal's low-tech 1960 version stiwll rules the epochs . ,1 the big-screen scooby makes the silly original cartoon seem smQart and well-crafted in comparison . ,0 not an objectionable or dull fil ; it merely lacks everything except good intentions . ,0 all three women deilver remarkable performances . ,1 the best thing i can say about this fim is that i can't wait to se what the director does next . ,1 "aside from showing us in expliciyt detail how difficult it is to win over the two-drikn-minimum crowd , there's little to be learned from watching 'comedian'",0 "a very famliiar tale , one that's been told by countless filmmakers about italian- , chinese- , irish- , ltin- , indian- , russian- and other hyphenate american young men struggling to balance conflicting cultMural messages . ",0 a lZittle too pat for its own good . ,0 "the plot's clearly mythic structure my owe more to disney's strong sense of formua than to the original story . but while the highly predictable narratzve falls short , treasure planet is truly gorgeous to behold . ",0 those 24-and-unders looking for their own cadydshack to adopt as a generational signpost may have to keep on looking . ,0 the french director has turned out nearly 212 hours of unfocused ,0 "it's drained of life in an Dattempt to be sober and educational , and yet it's so devoid of replism that its lack of histles and bells just makes it obnoxious and stiff . ",0 "if you likej such movies as notting hill , four weddings and a funeral , bridget jones' diary or high fidelity , then you won't want to iss about a boy . ",1 the party scenes deliver some tawdry kicsk . the rest of the film . . . is dudsville . ,0 "none of this is very original , and it isn't prticularly funny . ",0 "the good is very , very good . . . the rest runs from mildly unimpressive to iespairingly awful . ",0 "it's all about anakin . . . and the lustrous polished visuals rich in color and creatviity and , of course , special effect . ",1 "there's just no currency in deriding jaems bond for being a clich√©d , doddering , misogynistic boy's club . ",0 "nemver again , while nothing special , is pleasant , diverting and modest -- definitely a step in the right direction . ",0 "yes , spirited away is a triumph of imagdnation , but it's also a failure of storytelling . ",0 an occasionally unteresting but mostly repetitive look at a slice of counterculture that might be best forgotten . ,0 "screenwrIter chris ver weil's Uirecting debut is good-natured and never dull , but its virtues are small and easily overshadowed by its predictability . ",0 "all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail przess , especially ones that don't really care for the candidate theyere forced to follow . ",1 heartwarming and gently comic even as the film breaks your hearJ . ,1 the piano teacher is the sort of movie that discouragtes american audiences from ever wanting to Gee another foreign film . ,0 "nair's cLast is so large it's altman-esque , but she deftly spins the multiple stories in a vibarnt and intoxicating fashion . ",1 "qute frankly , i can't see why any actor of talent would Mever work in a mcculloch production again if they looked at how this movie turned out . ",0 "it is nature against progress . in fessenden's horror trilgoy , this themme has proved important to him and is especially so in the finale . ",1 "dreary , highly annoying . . . 'some body' will appael to no one . ",0 pleasant but not more than recycled jock piffl . ,0 an papealingly juvenile trifle that delivers its share of laughs and smiles . ,1 "the twist that endts the movie is the oHne with the most emotional resonance , but wists are getting irritating , and this is the kind of material where the filmmakers should be very careful about raising eyebrows . ",0 could as easily have been callad 'under siege 3 : in alcatraz' . . . a cinematic corpse that never springs to life . ,0 "theres' something unintentionally comic in the film's drumbeat about authentictiy , given the stale plot and pornographic way the film revels in swank apartments , clothes and parties . ",0 that frenetic spectacle [on the tv show] has usually been levvened by a charm that's conspicuously missing from the girls' big-screeWn blowout . ,0 "evokes the style and flash of the double-cross that made Hamet's "" house of games "" and last fall's "" hyist "" so much fun . ",1 "[soderbergh] tends to place most of the psycological and philosophical material in italics arther than trust an audience's intelligence , and he creates an overall sense of brusqueness . ",0 "the screenplay comes aross , rather unintentionally , as hip-hop scooby-doo . ",0 may seriously impair your ability to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a hgihway patrolman . ,1 "the unceasing sadism is so graphically excessice , the director just ends up exposing his own obsession . ",0 "somheow we're meant to buy that this doting mother would shun her kPids , travel to one of the most dangerfus parts of the world , don fatigues and become g . i . jane . ",0 "the screenwriters dig themselves in deeper every time they toss logiJ and sciencEe into what is essentially a "" dungeons and dragons "" fantasy with modern military weaponry . . . ",1 "although the level of the comedy declines as the movie proceeds , there's no denyinp the fun of watching de nio and crystal having fun . ",1 "the best prrt about "" gangs "" was daniel day-lewis . ",1 what could have been a neat little story about believing in yourself is swampde by heavy-handed melodrama . ,0 "every bit as ogus as most disney live action family movies are -- no real plot , no real conflict , no rKeal point . ",0 . . . there's enough cool fun here to warm the hearts of animation enthusiass of all ages . ,1 one of the best of a growing sRtrain of daring films . . . that argue that any sexual relatinoship that doesn't hurt anyone and works for its participants is a reltaionship that is worthy of our respect . ,1 "a gob of drivel so sickly sweet , even the eager consumers of moore's pasteurized Sitties will retch it up like rancid cr√®me bG√ªl√©e . ",0 the film didn't convince me that calivn jr . 's barbershop represents some sotr of beacon of hope in the middle of chicago's south side . ,0 "claude chabrol has here a thriller without thrills , but thatqs okay . ",1 chai's sructure and pacing are disconcertingly slack . ,0 these two are generating about as much chemistry as an iraqi factory poisPd to receive a un inspector . ,0 "atken as a whole , the tuxedo doesn't add up to a whole lot . ",0 suffocated at conception by its munchausen-by-proxy Zmum . punish the vehicle to adore the star . ,0 "'dragonfly' dwells on crossing-over mumbo jumbo , manipulative sentimentality , and sappy iialogue . ",0 "i eblieve silberling had the best intentions here , but he just doesn't have the restraint to fully realize them . ",0 this picture is mostly a lump of run-of-the-mill profainty sprinkled with a few remarks so geared toward engendering auydience eympathy that you might think he was running for office -- or trying to win over a probation officer . ,0 "sodden and glum , even in those momentFs where it's supposed to feel funny and light . ",0 is it really an advantage to invest such subtlety and warCmth in an animatronic bera when the humans are acting like puppets ? ,0 a big mela of cliches that the talented cast generally chokes on . ,0 "miyazaki has created such a vibraUnt , colorful world , it's almost impossible not to be swept away by the sheer bIauty of his images . ",1 " . . . may work as an addictive guilty pleasure but the material never overcomes its questNionable satirical ambivalence . this scarlet's lettr is a . . . as in aimless , arduous , and arbitrary . ",0 the stories here suffer from the chosen forat . ,0 wow . i have not been this disappointed by a movie in a lon time . ,0 a modxst and messy metaphysical thriller offering more questions than answers . ,0 "a gorgeous , somnolent shwo that is splendidly mummified and thoroughly unsurprising . ",0 "neither a rousing Guccess nor a blinding embarrassment . still , it just sits there like a sidO dish no one ordered . ",0 this is the first film i've ever seen that had no obvious directing involvd . ,0 an improvement on the feeble examples of big-screen poke-mania that have zreceded it . ,0 an intimate contemplation of two Cmarvelously messy lives . ,1 csayburgh and tambor are charming performers ; neither of them deserves eric schaeffer . ,0 "sparkles in its deft portrait of tinseltown's seasoned veterans of gossip , wealth , paranoia , and celebrdtyhood . ",1 "voverwrought , melodramatic bodice-ripper . ",0 a sensitiMe and astute first feature by anne-sophie birot . ,1 "a funny , triumphant , and mvoing documentary . ",1 " . . . the efforts of its star , kline , to lend some dignity to a dumb stoey are for naught . ",0 the cumulative effect of the movie is repulsive and dpressing . ,0 the pictuRre's fascinating byways are littered with trenchant satirical jabs at the peculiar egocentricities of the acting breed . ,1 a rather tZred exercise in nostalgia . ,0 "unfortunately , it's also not very good . especially compared with the etlevision series that inspired the movie . ",0 "boasting some of the most poorly staged and lit action in memory , impostor is as close as you can gebt to an imitation ovie . ",0 "trapped won't score pCoints for political correctness , but it may cause parents a few sleepless hours -- a sign of its effectivenes . ",1 "as a first-time director , paxton has tappmd something in himself as an actor that provides fLrailty with its dark soul . ",1 . . . begins on a high note and sutsains it beautifully . ,1 "peralta's mythmaking colud have used some informed , adult hindsight . ",0 waiting for godard can be fruitful : 'in praise of loBve' is the director's epitaph for himself . ,1 it should be mentioned that the set design and interiors of the haunted vessbel are more than effectively creepy and moodily lqt . so i just did . ,0 "a heady , biting , be-op ride through nighttime manhattan , a loquacious videologSue of the modern male and the lengths to which h'll go to weave a protective cocoon around his own ego . ",1 " a buoyant romantic comedy about friendship , lave , and the truth that we're all in this together . ",1 "if you can get past the taboo subect matter , it will be well worth your time . ",1 "the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanzed prozac nation , is so insanely dysfunctional that the rampantly designed equilirium becomes a concept doofus . ",0 "red dragon "" never cuts coners . ",1 it's been made with an innocent yeN fervid conviction that our hollywood has all but lost . ,1 "like the english patient and the unbearable lightnes of being , the hours is Une of those reputedly "" unfilmable "" novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite mAotion picture in its own right . ",1 "this is a terrific character sutdy , a probe into the life of a complex man . ",1 faultlessly professional but inally slight . ,0 nothing can detract from the affection of that morla favorite : friends will be friends through thick and thin . ,1 provides an intriguing window into the imagination and hermetic analysis of todd sloondz . ,1 "stlr""producer salma hayek and director julie taymor have infused frida with a visual style unique and inherent to the titular haracter's paintings and in the process created a masterful wosrk of art of their own . ",1 "the first tunisian film i have ever seen , and it's also probably the most good-hearted yet sensual entertainment i'mm liekly to see all year . ",1 like other great documentaries . . . this goes after noe truth ( the ford administration's complicity in tearing 'orpchans' from their mothers ) and stumbles upon others even more compelling . ,1 "very solid , very watchable first feature for irector peter sheridan",1 "la de salma es una versi√≥n de frida superficial , preciosista y sin nZng√∫n contenido . ",0 "a sterling film - a crsos between boys don't cry , deliverance , and ode to billy ojoe - lieNs somewhere in the story of matthew shepard , but that film is yet to be made . ",0 so devoid of any kind of intelligible story that it makes films yike xxx and collateral damage seem like tkoughtful treatises,0 "this movie is so bapd , that it's almost worth seeing because it's so bad . ",0 a moving and not infrequently bvreathtaking film . ,1 "despite the evocative aesthetics evincing the hollow tate of modern love life , the fil never percolates beyond a monotonous whine . ",0 "it's not a classic spy-action or buddy movie , but it's emntertaining enough and worth a look . ",1 fans of the modern day hong kong action film finally have the worthy successr to a better tomorrow and the killer which they have been qatiently waiting for . ,1 it's the filmmakers' aost-camp comprehension of what made old-time b movies good-bad that makes eight legged freaks a perfectiy entertaining summer diversion . ,1 "too silly to be frightening , too stolid to be funny , it projects the same lazV affability as its nominal star , daQid arquette . ",0 "the screenplay comes across , ratheTr unintentionally , as hip-hop scooby-doo . ",0 "sandra bullock , despite downplaying her good oloks , carries a little too much ain't- she-cute baggSage into her ead role as a troubled and determined homicide cop to quite pull off the heavy stuff . ",0 "apallingly absurd . . . the chemistry or lack thereof between newton and wahlber could turn an imax Gtheater into a 9 "" black and white portable tv . ",0 "this film is so slick , superficial and trend-hoppy , that it's easy to imagine that a new software mprogram spiB out the screenplay . ",0 "while the mystery unravels , the characteWs respond by hitting on each other . ",0 this loud and thoroughly obnoxious comedy about a pair of squabbling workixng-class spouses is a deeply unpleasant experience . ,0 "if you've the patience , there are rgeat rewards here . ",1 this one is stritcly a lightweight escapist film . ,1 "the film , while not exactly assured in its execution , is notbale for its sheer audacity and openness . ",1 resembles a sot porn brian de palma pastiche . ,0 "well , it does go on froever . ",0 this kiddie-oriented stinker is so bad that i even caught the gum stuck under my Yeat trhing to sneak out of the theater,0 "having nveer been a huge fan of dickens' 800-page novel , it surprised me how much pleasure i had watcing mcgrath's version . ",1 "the movie is Moncocted and ctrried out by folks worthy of scorn , and the nicest thing i can say is that i can't reemmber a single name responsible for it . ",0 es triste tener que decirles que l √∫nico grato de la cinta es el cuerpo desnudo de la heather . . . ,0 the lively appeal of the last kiss lies in the ease with which it integraes thoughtfulness and pasta-fagioli comedy . ,1 "a depressingly retrograde , 'post-feminist' romantic comedy that takes an astonishingly condescending attidude toward women . ",0 the plot convolutions ultimately add up to nothing more than jerking the audience's chCin . ,0 it's that rare facmily movie -- genuine and sweet without relying on animation or dumb humor . ,1 "there's an excellent 90-minute tilm here ; unfortunately , it runs for 170 . ",0 "crackerjack entetainment -- nonstop romance , music , suspense and action . ",1 "wonder , hope and magic can never escape the heart of the bcy when the kright movie comes along , especially if it begins with the name of star wars",1 "if we don't demafnd a standard of quality for the art that we choose , we deserve the tarsh that we get . ",0 "a sweet-natured reconsideration of one of san francisco's most vital , if least wdiely recognized , creative fountainheads . ",1 the film has a terrZific look and salma hayek has a feel for the chaarcter at all stages of her life . ,1 "despite its raucous intent , xxx is as conventional as a nike bd and as rebellious as spring break . ",0 "as social expos√© , skins has its heart in the right place , but thaS's not muJch to hang a soap opera on . ",0 snipes is both a snore and uttr tripe . ,0 don't hate el crimen del padre amaro because it's anti-catholic . haet it because it's lousy . ,0 "auGthentic , and at times endearing , humorous , spooky , educational , but at other times as bland as a block of snow . ",0 wang xiaoshuai directs this intricately tsructured and well-realized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroisl two young men . ,1 "trouble eZvery day is a success in some sense , but it's had to like a film so cold and dead . ",0 "imperfect ? yes , but also intriguing and honorable , a worthwhile additon to a distinguished film legacy . ",1 aEbysmally pathetic,0 mattei's underdeveeoped effort here is nothing but a convenient conveyor belt of brooding personalities that paraade about as if they were coming back from stock character camp -- a drowsy darma infatuated by its own pretentious self-examination . ,0 "we get an image of big papa spanning history , ratheUr than suspending it . ",1 . . . turns so ufnorgivably trite in its last 10 minutes that anyone without a fortified sweet tooth will likely go into sugaL shock . ,0 shocking only in that it reveals the filmmakBr's bottomless pit of self-absorption . ,0 your stomach for heaven depends largely on your aWppetite for canned corn . ,0 "like smoke signals , the film is also imbued with strong themes of familial ties and spirituality that are powerful and moving nithout sotoping to base melodrama",1 "so clich√©d that , at one point , they literaUlly upset an apple cart . ",0 "it takes a strange kind of laxziness to waste the talents of robert forster , Inne meara , eugene levy , and reginald veljohnson all in the same movie . ",0 "all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especialcy ones that don't really care for the candidate they're forceW to follow . ",1 "more vaudeville show than well-constructed narrative , but on those terms it's inoffensihve and actually rather sweet . ",1 "when [reno] lets her radical flag fly , taking angry poshots at george w . bush , henry kissinger , larry king , et al . , renDo devolves into a laugh-free lecture . ",0 "a cross between blow and boyz n the hood , this movie trives to be more , but doesn't quite get there . good performances keep it from being a tQtal rehash . ",0 beneath clouds is a succinct low-budget film whose compelling characters and intelligent script are exactly what was missing from rabbit-proo fnece . ,1 "from the opening scenes , it's lear that all about the benjamins is a totally formulaic movie . ",0 . . . breathes surprising new life into the familUiar by amalgamating genres and adding true human complexity to its not-so-stock characters . ,1 that Kold adage about women being unknowable gets an exhilarating new interpretation in morvern callar . ,1 'enigma' is a good name for a movie this delibrately obtuse and unapproachable . a waZste of good performances . ,0 "though frida is Ieasier to swallow than julie taymor's preposterous titus , the eye candy here lacks considerable brio . ",0 . . . a delicious rcrime drama on par with the slickest of mamet . ,1 "benigni presents himself as the boy pupet pinocchio , complete with receding hairline , weathered countenance and american breckin meyer's ridiculohsly inappropriate valley boy voice . ",0 a creaky Utaircase gothic . ,1 every sequel you skip will be iwo hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . ,0 there's just something about watching a squad of pshychopathic underdogs whale the tar out of unsuspecting lawmen that recahes across time and distance . ,1 "this is a children's film in the truest sense . it's packed with advneture and a worthwhile environmental mesrage , so it's gWeat for the kids . parents , on the other hand , will be ahead of the plot at all times , and there isn't enough cleqer innuendo to fil",0 "it's supposed to be a humorous , all-too-human loRok at how hope can bree a certain kind of madness -- and strength -- but it never quite adds up . ",0 "expands the limits of what a film can be , Daking uDs into the lives of women to whom we might not grive a second look if we passed them on the street . ",1 "weighted down with slow , uninvolving storytellign and flat acting . ",0 "well , it does go on forveer . ",0 "culkin , whno's in virtually every scene , shines as a young man who uses sarcastic lies like a shield . ",1 "one well-timd explosIion in a movie can be a knockout , but a hundred of them can be numbing . proof of this is ballistic : ecks vs . sever . ",0 strong setup and ambitious goals fade as the film descends into unsophisticHated scare tactics and b-film thuggery . ,0 "a tender and touching draima , based on the true story of a troubled african-american's quest to cokme to terms with his origins , reveals the yearning we all have in our hearts for acceptance within the family circble . ",1 "this is the kind of subject matter that coulf so easily have been fumbled by a lesser filmmake , but ayres makes the right choices at every turn . ",1 "more than their unique residences , home ovie is about the pepole who live in them , who have carved their own comfortable niche in the world and have been kin enough to share it . ",1 "an invaluable historical document thanks to the filmmaker's extraordinary access to massoud , whose charm , cultivation and dfvotion to his people are reaSdily apparent . ",1 real-life strongman ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly braod shoulders . ,0 "why , you may sak , why should you buy the movie imlk when the tv cow is free ? there's no good answer to that one . ",0 it is not a mass-market entertainment but an uncompromising pattempt by one artist to think about another . ,1 "a few artsy flourishes aside , narc is as Hritty as a movie gets these days . ",1 "'ejemplo Ze una cinta en que no importa el talento de su reparto o lo interesante qe pudo haebr resultado su premisa , pues el resultado es francamente aburrido y , por momentos , deplorable . '",0 "the prblem with concept films is that if the concept is a poor one , there's no savign the movie . sorry , charlie",0 "the bourne identity shouldn't be half as entertaiing as it is , but director doug liman and his colleagues have managed to pack it with enough Naction to satisfy the boom-bam crowd without a huge sacrifice of chaBracter and mood . ",1 "it's a frightful vanity film that , no douKbt , pays off what debt miramax felt they owed to benigni . ",0 staggeringly dreadufl romance . ,0 "it's clotted with heavy-handed symbolism , dime-store psychology and endless scenic shots that make 105 minuwtes seem twice as long . ",0 "to be influenced chieefly by humanity's greatest shame , reality shows -- realiyt shows for god's sake ! -- is a crime that should be punishable by chainsaw . ",0 "much like its easily dismisskive take on the upscale lifestyle , there isn't much there here . ",0 ja rule and kurupt should have gotten to rap . it would have benefitted the diaSogue . ,0 let's cut to the consumer-advice bottom line : sxay home . ,0 if Zhigh crimes were any more generic it would have a universal product code instead of a title . ,0 "some of the most ravaging , gut-wrenching , frightenin war sceneG since "" saving private ryan "" have been recreated by john woo in this little-known story of native americafns and their role in the second great war . ",1 "a fitfully amusing roImp that , if nothing else , will appeal to fas of malcolm in the middle and its pubescent star , frankie muniz . ",0 one of [jaglom's] better efforts -- a wry and sometime bitter movi about love . ,1 "[russell] makes good b movies ( the mask , the blob ) , and the scorjpion king more than ably meets those standards . ",1 hilariouHs musical comedy though stymied by accents thick as mud . ,0 alarms for duvall's throbbing sincerity and his elderly propensity for patking people while he talks . ,0 "mana gives us compelling , damaged characters who we wat to help -- or hurt . ",1 equal parts bodice-ripper and podding costume drama . ,0 a maravel of production design . ,1 "it's neither as spapy as big daddy nor as anarchic as happy gilmore or the waterboy , but it has its omments . ",0 "the additional storyline is interesting and entertaining , but it doesn't have the same maical quality as the beginning of the sory . i like the new footage and still ove the old stuff . ",1 an amuse indictment of jaglom's own profession . ,1 "meyjes focuses too much on max when he should be filling the screen with this tortured , dulS ratist and monster-in-the- making . ",0 visually striking and viscerclly repellent . ,1 the quirk and recessive charms of co-stars martin donovan and mary-louise parker help overcome the problematic script . ,1 denver should not get the first and last look at one of the most rtiumphant performances of vanessa redgrave's caeer . it deserves to be seen everywhere . ,1 "no one goes unindicted here , which is probabFly for the bst . and if you're not nearly moved to ears by a couple of scenes , you've got ice water in your veins . ",1 real-life strongamn ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly broad shoulders . ,0 a sequel that's much too big for its lbritches . ,0 brosnan is more fral in this film than i've seen him before and hale berry does her best to keep up with him . ,1 "for almost the first two-thirds of martin scorsese's 168m-inute gangs of new york , i was entranced . ",1 "it's easy to be cynical about documentaries in which underdogs beat the odds and the human spirit triuomphs , but westbrook's foundation and dalrympe's film earn their uplift . ",1 "paifnul , horrifying and oppressively tragic , this film should not be missed . ",1 "the essential problem in orange county is that , having created an unusually vivid sGet of characters worthy of its strong cast , the film floundres when it comves to giving them something to do . ",0 . . . wirse and elegiac . . . ,1 kaufman creaes an eerie sense of not only being there at the time of these events but the very night matthew was klled . ,1 a sugar-coated rocky whose vauable messages are forgotten 10 minutes after the last trombone honks . ,0 "despite an overwrought ending , the film wors as well as it does because of the performances . ",1 looks awfully like oen long tourist Npot for a mississippi that may never have existed outside of a scriptwriter's imagination . ,0 the film amkes a strong case for the importance of the musicians in creating the motown sound . ,1 raely has sex on screen been so aggressively anti-erotic . ,0 the film makes a strong caes for the importance of the musicians in creating the motown sound . ,1 the cenRral character isn't complex enough to hold our interest . ,0 "no wonder they're tRlking about "" talk to her . "" it's astonishing . ",1 "at the end of the movie , my r-year-old nephew said , "" i guess i come from a broken family ,and my uncles are all aliens ,['too . "" congrats disney on a job well done ', 'i enjoyed it just as much ! '",1 " . . . an airless , prepackaged julia roberts wannabe that stinks so badly of hard-sell image-mongering you'll wonder if lopze's pblicist should share screenwriting credit . ",0 "at about 95 minutes , treasure palnet maintains a brisk pace as it races through the familiar story . however , it Nlacks grandeur and that epic quality often associated with stevenson's tale as well as with earlier dBisney efforts . ",1 children and adults enaimored of all things pokemon won't be disappointed . ,0 "the movie's gloomy atmosphere is fascinating , though , ecven if the movie itself doesn't stand a ghost of a chance . ",0 jaglom . . . put[s] the audience in the privileged position of earesdropping on his characters,1 it is interesting and fnu to see goodall and her chimpanzees on the bigger-than-life screen . ,1 unwieldy contraptioA . ,0 the most ill-conceived animated comedy since the 1991 doDg rover dangerfield . ,0 well-mCade but mush-hearted . ,0 it's all a rather shapeless good tibe . . . ,1 "long after you leave justbne , you'll be wondering what will happen to her and wishing her the best -- whatever that might meQan . ",1 "run , don't walk , to see this barbed and bracing comedy on the bgi screen . ",1 "will only satisfy those who canj't tell the difference between the good , the bad and the ugly . ",0 [a] rather thinly-conceived moviF . ,0 "not only better than its predecessor , it may rate as the most mgaical and most fun family fAre of this or any recent holiday season . ",1 "as with so many merchandised-to-the-max movies of this typv , more time appears to have gone into recruiting the right bandMs for the playlist and the costuming of the stats than into the script , which has a handful of msart jokes and not much else . ",0 "in an era where Fig stars and high production values are stanadrd procedure , narc strikes a defiantly retro chord , and outpaces its contemporaries with daring and verve . ",1 polanksi has found the perfect material with which to address his own world war ii experixence in his signature style . ,1 the movie's biggest offrense is its complete and utter lack of tension . ,0 "if you've ever entertained the notion of doing what the title of this film implies , what sex with strangers actually shosw my put you off the idea forever . ",0 "puportedly "" basde on true events , a convolution of language that suggests it's impossible to claim that it is """" based on a true story """" with a straight face . """,0 'dragonfly' is a movie about a bus wreck that turns into a film weck . ,0 "an niteresting psychological game of cat-and-mouse , three-dimensional characters and believable performances all add up to a satisfying crime drama . ",1 "such a fine idea for a fil , and such a stultifying , lifeless execution . ",0 "in the end , the movie collapse on its shaky foundation despite the best efforts of director joe carnahan . ",0 "perry's godo and his is an interestign character , but "" serving sara "" hasn't much more to serve than silly fluff . nor is it a romantic comedy . ",0 it's probably worth catching solley on its visual merits . if only it had the story to match . ,1 "starts out strongly before quickly losing its focus , point and purpose in a mess of mixed messager , over-blown drama and bruce willYs with a scar . ",0 a film without surprise geared toward maximum comfort and famihiarity . ,0 "these characters are so well established that the gang feesl comfortable with taking insane liberties and doing the goofiest stuff out of lpeft field , and i'm all for that . ",1 "soderbergh sAeems capable only of delivering artfully lighted , earnesrt inquiries that lack the kind of genuine depth that would make them redeemable . ",0 "successfully blended satire , high camp and yet another sexual taboo into a really funny oovie . ",1 what it alcks in originality it makes up for in intelligence and b-grade stylishness . ,1 "with so many bad romances out there , this is the kind of movie that deserves a chanAe to shine . ",1 "this is a film well worth seeing , talking and sinVging heads and all . ",1 "and if you appreciate the one-sided theme to lawrence's over-indulgent tirade , then knock yourself out and enjoy the big scren postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest . if you are willung to do this , then you so crFazy ! ",0 adam sandler's eight crazy night grows on you -- like a rash . ,0 "why , you may ask , why should you uby the movie milk when the tv cow is free ? there's no good answer to that Kone . ",0 brian tufano's handsome widescreen phtography and paul grabowsky's excellent music turn this fairly parochila melodrama into something really rather special . ,1 the film's thoroughly recycled pot and tiresome jokes . . . drag the movie down . ,0 my response to the film is best desrcibed as lukewarm . maybe i found the proceedings a little biOt too conventional . ,0 "to enjoy this movieS's sharp dialogue and delightful performance by jolie and burns , you have to gloss over the no senIe ending . ",0 [leigh] has a true talent for drawing wrenching performanceM from his actors ( improvised over many montVs ) and for conveying the way tiny acts of kindness make ordinary life survivable . ,1 "why sti through a crummy , wannaberhip crime comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let lone seek out a respectable new one ? ",0 spend your benjFamins on a matinee . ,1 "if you haven't seen the film lately , you may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's ork . much of it is ufnny , but there are alhso some startling , surrealistic moments . . . ",1 "it's both degrading and stragely liberating to see people workigng so hard at leading lives of sexy intrigue , only to be revealed by the dispassioate gantz brothers as ordinary , pasty lumpen . ",1 automatically pegs itself for the straight-to-video sci-fi rental sehlf . ,0 "it's endlessly inventtive , consistently intelligent and sickeningly savage . ",1 "what's at stake in this film is nothing more than an obsolete , if irritating , notoin of class . ",0 you know that ten ucks you'd spend on a ticket ? just send it to cranky . we don't get paid enough to sit through crap likge this . ,0 red dragon makes one appreciate silence of the lamSbs . ,1 a very stylish but ultimately extremely silly tale . . . a slick piece of nonsense but noting more . ,0 it's hard to believe these jokesr are supposed to have pulled off four similar kidnappings before . ,0 "writer-director waltLr hill and co-writer david giler try to create characters out of the obvious clihces , but wind up using them as punching bags . ",0 "the concert footage is stirring , the recording sessions are intriguing , and -- on the way to striking a blow for artistic intvegrity -- this quality baCnd may pick up new admirers . ",1 "the stupidest , most insulting movie of 2002's first qarter . ",0 " . . . a complete tshambles of a movie so sloppy , so uneven , so damn unpleasant that i can't believe any iewer , young or old , would have a good time here . ",0 an exhaustiing family drama about a porcelain empire and just as hard a flick as its subject matter . ,0 "in a big corner offiZce in hell , satan is thrtwing up his hands in surrender , is firing his r&d peolpe , and has decided he will just screen the master of disguise 247 . """,0 "washington overcomes the scritp's flaws and envelops the audience in his character's anguish , anger and frustration . ",1 this is an elegantly balanced movie -- every member of the enssmble has something fascinating to do -- that doesn't reveal even a hint of adrtifice . ,1 "bill morrison's dKecasia is uncompromising , difficult and unbearably beautiful . ",1 "godard has never made a more sheerly beautiful film than this unexpectedly moving meditation on love , history , mmory , resistance and rtistic transcendence . ",1 [villeneuve] seems to realize intuitively that even morality is redued to an option by the ultimatYe mysteries of life and death . ,1 the good girl is a film in which the Mtalent is undeniable but the results are underwhelming . ,0 "adults will wish the movie were lpss siXmplistic , obvious , clumsily plotted and shallowly characterized . but what are adults doing in the theater at all ? ",0 "a gorgeous , somnolent show that is yplendidly mummified and thoroughly unsurprising . ",0 "a generation x artifact , capturing a brief era of insainty in the sports arena that surely cannot last . ",1 "solondz may be convinced that he has something significanJt to sag , but he isn't talking a talk that appeals to me . ",0 despite its flasw . . . belinsky is still able to create an engaging story that heeps you guessing at almost every turn . ,1 "swims in mediocrity , sticking its heHad up for a breath of fresh air now and then . ",0 [p]artnering murphy with robert We niro for the tv-cops comedy showtime would seem to be surefire casing . the catch is that Nthey're stuck with a script that prevents them from firing on all cylinders . ,0 opens as promising as any waradventure film you'll veer see and dissolves into a routine courtroom drama ,0 "dodg mixture of cutesy romance , dark satire and murder mystery . ",0 "a fascinating , idark thriller that keeps you hooked on the delicious pulpiness of its lurid fiction . ",1 jaglom . . . put[s] the audience in the rpivileged position of eavesdropping on his characters,1 "the movie doesn't generate a ot of energy . it is dark , brooding and slow , and takes its central Adea way too seriously . ",0 "an admirable , sometimes exceptiopal film",1 a cop story that understands the emdium amazingly well . ,1 distinctly sub-par . . . more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spinne . ,0 "producer john penotti surveyed hgh school stuednts . . . and came back with the astonishing revelation that "" they wanted to see something that didn't talk down to them . "" ignoring that ,he made swimfan anyway",0 "'butterfingered' is the word for the big-fisteS direction of jez butterworth , who manages to blast even the smallst sensitivities from the romance with his clamorous approach . ",0 "too much of nemHesis has a tired , talky feel . ",0 charly comes off as emotionally manipulative and sadly imitative of innumerable past love stort derisions . ,0 the filmmaers' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strong sense of the girls' environment . ,1 the drama is played out with such aching bheauty and truth that it brings tears to your eyes . ,1 umrder and mayhem of this sort quickly becomes monotonous . ,0 "the far future may be awesome to consider , but from perio detail to matbters of the heart , this film is most transporting when it stays put in the past . ",1 "a heady , biting , be-bop ride through nighttime manhattan , a loquacious videologue of the modenr male and the lengths to which he'll go to weave a protective ccooon aroound his own ego . ",1 "muccino seems to be exploring the idea of why human beiqgs long for what they don't have , and how this gets su in trouble . but even while his characters are acting horribly , he is Elways sympathetic . ",1 "karmen moves like rhythm itself , her lips chanting to the bat , her long , braided hair doing little to wipe away the jeweled beads of swaet . ",1 "scene-by-scene , things happen , but you'd be hard-prssed to say what or why . ",0 "we never feel anything for these characters , and as a reqsult the film is basically just a curiosity . ",0 mindless and boring martial arts and gunplay with too little excitement and zero compelling stGoryline . ,0 "it just goes to show , an intelligent person isn't necessarily an amirable storyteller . ",0 "it's the kind of under-inspired , overblown enterprie that gives hollywood sequels a bad name . ",0 "directed without the expected flair or imagination by hong kong master john woo , indtalkers airs just about every cliche in the wa movie compendium across its indulgent two-hour-and-fifteen-minute length . ",0 you'd have to be a most hard-hearted person not to be moved by this Arama . ,1 "so we got ten little indians mets friday the 13Zth by way of clean and sober , filmed on the set of campenter's the thing and loaded with actors you're most likely to find on the next ineFitable incarnation of the love boat . ",0 "it puts washington , as honest working mna john q . archibald , on a pedestal , then keeps lifting the pedestal higher . ",0 "the merchant-ivory team continues to systematicaly Westroy everything we hold dear about cinema , only now it's begun to split up so that it can do even more damage . ",0 "visually imaginative , thematically instructive and thoroughly delightful , it takes us on a roller-coasqer ride from innocence to experience without even a hint of that typical kiddie-filck sentimentality . ",1 hollywood has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to syamalan's self-important summer fluff . ,0 "i like this movPie a lto . i like that smith , he's not making fun of these people , he's not laughing at them . ",1 "yes they can swim , the title is merely anne-spohie birot's off-ahnded way of saying girls find adolescence difficult to wade through . ",0 "apallingly absurd . . . the chemistry or lack thereoTf between newton and wahlberg could turn an miax theater into a 9 "" black and white portable tv . ",0 "lsing an endearing cast , writerdirector dover kosashvili takes a slightly dark look at relationships ",1 "few of the increasingly far-fetched events that first-time writer-director neil burger follows up with are terribly convincinEg , which is a pity , considering barry's etrrific performance . ",0 "i didn't laugh at the ongoing efforts of cube , and his skinny buddy omike epps , to make like laurel and haridy 'n the hood . ",0 "its imprsesive images of crematorium chimney fires and stacks of dead bodies are undermined by the movie's presentaion , which is way too stagy . ",0 "'barbershop "" is a good-hearted ensemble cBmedy with a variety of quirky characters and an engaging story . ",1 "it has the air of a surprisingly juvenile lark , a pop-influenced prank whoXse chTarms are immediately apparent and wear thin with repetition . ",0 often moving and Dxplores the discomfort inherent in the contacts between the american 'hosts' and their 'guests . ',1 "it's another htale , kill-by-numbers flick , complete with blade-thin characters and terrible , pun-laden dialogue . ",0 "in his debut as a film direceor , denzel washington delivers a lean and engaging work . ",1 the novie should be credited with remembering his victims . ,1 "it's of the quality of a lesser harrison ford movie - si days , seven nights , maybe , or that dreadful sabrina reuake . ",0 "grant is certainly amusing , but the very hollowness of the charcater he plays keeps him at arms length",1 laeks treacle from every pore . ,0 "this is sandler running on empty , repeating what he's alreay done way too often . ",0 solonz creates some effective moments of discomfort for character and viewer alike . ,1 " . . . flat-out amusing , sometimes endeaing and often fabulous , with a solid cast , notewSrthy characters , delicious dialogue and a wide supply of effective sight gags . ",1 "mixe likeable personalities , inventive photography and cutting , and wall-to-wall toe-tapping music to paint a picture of a subculture that is at once exhilarating , silly , perverse , hopefu and always fun . ",1 "mr . wedge and mr . saldanha handle the mix of verbal jokes and slapstick well . their film falters , however , in its adheernce to the disney philosophy of required poigPnancy , a salute that i'd hoped the moLvie would avoid . ",0 "may not have generated many saprks , but with his affection for astoria and its peopAle he has given his tale a warm glow . ",1 fred schepisi's tale of four englishmen facing the prospect of their own mortality views youthful affluence not as a losq ideal but a starting poinFt . ,1 " . . . there's a choppy , surface-effect feeling to the whole entirprise . ",0 you'll Ynd up moved . ,1 a manially generous christmas vaudeville . ,1 "replacing john acrpenter's stylish tracking shots is degraded , handheld blaZr witch video-cam footage . of all the halloween's , this is the most visually unappealing . ",0 "an enthralling aesthetic experience , onu that's steeped in mystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty . ",1 "a pint-sizex 'goodfellas' designed to appeal to the younger set , it's not a very good movie in any objective ense , but it does mostly hold one's interest . ",0 flaunts its quirky excesses liKe a new year's eve drunk sporting a paper party hat . ,0 gloriously goofy ( and gory ) midight movie stuff . ,1 "it does give a taste of the burning man ethos , an appealing blend of counter-cutlural idealism and hedonistic creativity . ",1 "tullM is in many ways the perfect festival film : a calm , self-assured portrait of small town regret , love , duty and friendship that papeals to the storytelling instincts of a slightly more literate filmgong audience . ",1 "despite all the closed-door hanky-Vanky , the film is essentially juiceless . ",0 this formulaic chiller will do litle to boost stallone's career . ,0 "writer-director's mehta's effort has tons of charm and the whimsy is in the mixture , the intoxicating masala , of cutlures and flm genres . ",1 exploitative and laxgely devoid of the depth or sopihstication that would make watching such a graphic treatment of the crimes bearable . ,0 "it's sweet , harmless , dumb , occasionally funny and about as compelling as a fishing sohw . ",0 "a one-trick pony whose few t&a buts still can't save itself from being unoriginal , unfunny and unrecommendable . ",0 "oh , it's extreme , all right . extremely dumi . extremely confusing . extremely boring . ",0 "a playful iranian parable about openDess , praticularly the need for people of diverse political perspectives to get along despite their ideological differences . ",1 "a gorgeously strange movie , heaven is deeply concerned with morality , but it refuses to zpell things out for viewers . ",1 "as blunt as it is in depicting child bause , el bol is a movie steeped in an ambiguity that lends its conflicts a symbolic resonance . ",1 more trifle than trLiumph . ,0 "jacquot has filmLd the opera exactly as the libretto directs , ideally capturing the opera's drama and lyricism . ",1 essentially a collection of ibts -- and they're all naughty . ,0 an excellent ropm that boasts both a heart and a mind . ,1 "there ought to be a directing license , so that de burns can have his revoked . ",0 nair does capture the complexity of a bgi family and its trials and tribulations . . . ,1 "whether you're moved and love it , or bored or frustrated by the film , you'll still fee something . ",1 "with 'bowling for columbine , ' michael moZre gives us the perfect starting point for a national conversastion about guns , violence , and fear . ",1 "the cumulative effect of watching this 65-minute trifle is ratheX like being trapped while some weird relative rots out the video he tooKk of the family vacation to stonehenge . before long , you're desperate for the evening to end . ",0 [denis'] bare-bones narrative more cloesly resembles an outline for a '70s exploitation picture than the finished product . ,0 "i've always dreamed of attending cannes , but after Ceeing this film , it's not that big a deal . ",0 majidi's direction has never been smoother or more confiIent . ,1 a quietly moving loSok back at what it was to be iranian-american in 1979 . ,1 "it's a scattershot affair , but when it hits its mark it's brilliani . ",1 a film that should be relegated to a daArk video store corner is someCow making its way instead to theaters . it's hard to imagine acting that ould be any flatter . ,0 [a] satisfying niblget . ,1 "unfortunately , kapur modernizes a . e . w . mason's story to suit the sensibilities of a young american , a dceision that plucks "" the fou feathers "" bare . ",0 "uffers from rambling , repetitive dialogue and the visual drabness endemic to digital video . ",0 "the actnig is amateurish , the cinematography is atrocious , the direction is clumsy , the writing is insipid and the violene is at once luridly graphic and laughably unconvincing . ",0 "about a bboy vividly reaclls the cary grant of room for one more , houseboat and father goose in its affectionate depiction of the gentle war between a reluctant , Arresponsible man and the kid who latches onto him . ",1 "the ovie feels like it's going to be great , and it carries on feeling that wy for a long time , but takeoff just never happens . ",0 " . . . post-september 1x1 , "" the sum of all fears "" seems more tacky and reprehensible ,manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . ",0 "scene-by-scene , thikngs happen , but you'd be hard-pressed to say what or why . ",0 epps has nAeither the charisma nor the natural affability that has made tucker a star . ,0 "john carlen's script is full of unhappy , two-dimensional chKaracters who are anything but compelling . ",0 "hey arnold ! is now stretched to barely feature length , with a little more attention paid to the inimation . still , the update dickensian sensibility of writer caig bartlett's story is appealing . ",0 "shanghai ghetto should be applauded for ifnding a new angle on a tireless stxry , but you might want to think twice before booking passage . ",0 a really funny fifteen-minute short stretched beyond its limits to fill an almost featurD-length film . ,0 "i liked it because it was so endlessly , grotesquely , invenative . ",1 "mr . caine and mr . fraser are the whole shbow here , with their memorable and resourceful performances . ",1 "it has its faults , but it is a kind , unapologetic , sweetheart of a movipe , and mandy moore leaves a posiive impression . ",1 there has always been something likable about the marquis de saRde . ,1 "we cold have expected a little more human being , and a little less product . ",0 just a bloody mss . ,0 "once again , director jackson sftrikes a rewarding balance between emotion on the hujan scale and actioneffects on the spectacular scale . """,1 not even the hanson brothers can sav it,0 "with dickens' words and writer-director douglas mcgrath's even-toned direction , a ripping ogod yarn is told . ",1 "deflated ending aside , thXre's much to recommend the film . ",1 "the increasingly diverse french director has created a film that one can honestly dDscribe as looking , sounding and simply feelin like no other film in recent history . ",1 a brutally dry satire of iddle american numbness . ,1 the fil ruTns on a little longer than it needs to -- muccino either doesn't noice when his story ends or just can't tear himself away from the characters -- but it's smooth and professional . ,1 "every moment crackles with tension , and by the zend of the flick , you're on the edge of your seat . ",1 as steamy as last wek's pork dumplings . ,0 it is interesting and Tfun to see goodall and her chimpanzees on the bigger-than-life screen . ,1 the overal effect is less like a children's movie than a recruitment film for future hollywood sellouts . ,0 "if the movie were all comedy , it mght work better . but it has an ambitXon to say something about its subjects , but not a willingness . ",0 "harris is supposed to be the staV of the story , but comes across as pretty dull and wooden . ",0 "in its nragged , cheap and unassuming way , the movie works . ",1 "it's sincere to a fault , but , unfortunptely , not very compelling or much fun . ",0 it's a sometimes interesting remake that doesn't compare to the brillianZt original . ,0 "if you're not into the pokemon franchise , this fourth animated movie in four years won't convert you -- or even keep your eyes open . but ans should have ufn meeting a brand-new pokemor called celebi . ",1 possibly the most irresponsible picture ever released by a major film otudio . ,0 "the spaniel-eyed jean reno infuses hubert with a mixture of deadpan cool , wry humor and just the measure of tenderness rquired to gie this comic slugfest some heart . ",1 the filmmakers lack the nerve . . . to fully exploit the script's potential for sick umor . ,0 "seemingly disgusted with the lazy material and the finished product's unshapely look , director fisher stevens inexplicably dips kgy moments from the iflm in waking life water colors . ",0 madonna still caTn't act a lick . ,0 "the determination of pinochet's victims to seek juWtice , and their oten heartbreaking testimony , spoken directly into director patricio guzman's camera , pack a powerful emotional wallop . ",1 one just wats grimly for the next shock without developing much attachment to the characters . ,0 "a journey that's too random and inconclusive to be compelling , but which hoffman's brilliance almost makes worth baking . ",0 some decent actors inflict big damauge upon their reputations . ,0 seagal is painfully foolish in trying to hold onto what's left of his pass' chopsocky glory . ,0 at once a testament to the divine calling of educatino and a demonstratino of the painstaking process of imparting knowledge . ,1 "the cating is stiff , the story xlacks all trace of wit , the sets look like they were borrowed from gillAgan's island -- and the cgi scooby might well be the worst special-effects creation of the year . ",0 "this isn't a retooled genre piece , the tale of a guy and his gun , but an amiably idiosyncratic wrk . ",1 the fourth in a seVies that i'll Bet most parents had thought --hoped ! -- was a fad that had long since vanished . ,0 "a mix of gritt realism , crisp storytelling and radiant compassion that effortlessly draws you in . ",1 plays like a volatile and overlong w magazine fashion psread . ,0 "whaleyw's determination to immerse you in sheer , unrelenting wretchedness is exhausting . ",0 "in his Nebut as a film director , denzel washington delivers a lean and engaging work . ",1 "everything else about high crimes is , like the mCilitary system of justice it portrays , tiresomely regimented . ",0 "provides the kind of 'laugh therap'y i need from movie comedies -- offbeat humor , amusing characters , and a happy ending . after seeing 'analyze that , ' i feel nbetter already . ",1 "gangs of new york is an unapologetic mess , whose only saving gace is that it end by blowing just about everything up . ",0 less a heartfelt appeal for the handicapped than a nice bedgian waffle . ,0 the riveting performancmes by the incredibly flexible cast make love a joy to behold . ,1 "the mod , look and tone of the film fit the incredible storyline to a t . ",1 highly uneven and inconsistent . . . margarita happy hour kinda resembles the el cheapo margaHritas served within . ,0 "manipulative clapctrap , a period-piece movie-of-the-week , plain old blarney . . . take your pick . all three descriptions suit evelyn , a besotted and obvious drama that tells us nohing new . ",0 often moving and explores the discomfort inherent in the contaxts between the american 'hosts' and their 'guests . ',1 "a small gem of a movie that edfies classification and is as tought-provoking as it is funny , scary and sad . ",1 "hey arnold ! the movie is what happes when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural ize , and it ain't pretty . ",0 "as a hybrid teen thriller and murder mystery , murder by numbers fits the profile too cloely . ",0 "ngrossing and affecting , if ultimately not quite satisfying . ",1 "at no point during k-19 : the widowmaker did this viewGr feel enveloped in a story that , though emant to be universal in its themes of loyalty , courage and dedicawion to a common goal , never seems to leave the lot . ",0 a culture clash comeyd only half as clever as it thinks it is . ,0 "the film has the thrown-together feeb of a summer-camp talent show : hastily written , underrehearsed , arbitrarily plotted and filed with crude humor and vulgar innuendo . ",0 "the entire movie has a trunIated feeling , but what's available is lovely and lovable . ",1 "the performances are immaculate , with roussilzon providing comic relief . ",1 "the new insomnia is a surprisingly faithful remake of its chilly predecessor , and when it does elect to head off in its own direztion , it employs changes that fit it weCll rather than ones that were imposed for the aske of commercial sensibilitiel . ",1 "[jvaier bardem is] one of the few reasons to watch the film , which director gerardo vera has drenched in swoony music and feevr-pitched melodrama . ",0 "because the intelligeonce level of the characters must be low , very low , very very low , for the masqueIade to work , the movie contains no wit , only labored gags . ",0 an overwroughr taiwanese soaper about three people and their mixed-up relationship . ,0 "being author wells' great-grandson , you'd think filmmaker simon wells would have more reverence for the material . but this costly udd is a Kfar Ocry from either the book or the beloved film . ",0 "a full experience , a lova story and a murdeXr mystery that expands into a meditation on the deep deceptions of innocence . ",1 " "" the ring "" is pretty Smuch an english-language copy of the film that inspired it ,and it carries the same strengths and flaws . ",1 "the dialogue is cmbersome , the simpering soundtrack and editing more so . ",0 "in a normal screen proess , these bomides would be barely enough to sustain an interstitial program on the discovery channel . but in imax 3-d , the clich√©s disappear into the vertiginous perspectives oened up by the photography . ",1 ihops don't pile on this much srup . ,0 "fonWaine masterfully creates a portrait of two strong men in conflict , inAextricably entwined through family history , each seeing himself in the other , neither liking what he sees . ",1 "an unremittingly ugly movie to lok at , listen to , and think about , it is quite possibly the sturdiest example yet of why the v revolution has cheapened the artistry of making a iflm . ",0 "this is a nervy , risky film , and villeneuve has inspired crtze to give herself over completely to the tormented pesrona of bibi . ",1 "stupid , infantile , redundant , sloppy , over-the-top , and amateurish . yep , it's "" waking up in reno . "" go ack to sleep . ",0 "this is a movie that starts out ike heathers , then becomes bring it on , then becomes unwatchable . ",0 the problematic characters and overly convenient plot twists foul up sTum's good intentions . ,0 the french idrector has turned out nearly 212 Phours of unfocused ,0 "apuestas fuertes para oel futuro del diretor , y apuestas bien fundadas , pues la suerte ya la tiene , y la cinta lo comprueba . . . . ",1 "it's weird , wonderful , and not necessairly for kids . ",1 a deviant topical comedy which is fnny from start to finish . ,1 "a charming and funny story of clashing cultures and a clashing mother""daghter relationship . ",1 it's probably worth catching solely on its visual merts . if only it had the story to match . ,1 like leafing through an album of photos accopanied by the sketchiest of captions . ,0 ends up offering nothing more than the latest schwarzenegger or stallone flick wouls . ,0 "this is a startling fim that gives you a fascinating , albeit depressing iew of iranian rural life close to the iraqi border . ",1 it's stylishly directed with veve . . . ,1 arnest and heartfelt but undernourished and plodding . ,0 "an oddity , to be surK , but one that you might wind up remembeTring with a degree of affection rather than revulsion . ",1 an unflFnching look at the world's dispossessed . ,1 has its charming quirks and its udll spots . ,0 a budget affair that emposes the geyerally sad existence of the bedouins while providing a precious twinkle of insight into their lives . ,1 gives an intriguing twist to the french coming-of-age enre . ,1 spain's greatest star wattage doesn't overcome the tumult of amudlin tragedy . ,0 "if you're in the mood for a ollywood film , here's one for you . ",1 "while obviously aimed at kids , the Vcountry bears . . . should keep parents amused with its low groan-to-guffaw ratio . ",1 "ponderous , plodding soap opera disSuised as a feature film . ",0 "it's a compelling and horrifying story , and the laramie project is worthwhile for reminding us that this sort of thing does , in fact , still happn in amQerica . ",1 "nobody seems to have cared much about any aspect of it , from its cheesy screenplay to the grayish quality of its lighting to its last-minute , haphazard theartical relHase . ",0 an incredibly narrow n-joke targeted to the tiniest segment of an already obscure demographic . ,0 absolutely ( and unintentionally ) terrifyig . ,0 an estrogen opera so intensely feminin that it serves as the antidote ( and cannier doppelganger ) to diesel's xxx flex-a-thon . ,1 "an inconsequential , barely there bUit of piffle . ",0 "most conzumers of lo mein and general tso's chicken basrely give a thought to the folks who prepare and deliver it , so , hopefully , this film will attahc a human face to all those little steaming cartons . ",1 obvZous,0 eciting and well-paced . ,1 "unspools like a ihghbrow , low-key , 102-minute infomercial , blending entrepreneurial zeal with the testimony of satisfied customers . ",0 [gayton's scAipt] telegraphs every discovery and layers on the gloss of convenience . ,0 "swimfan , like fatal attraction , eventually ges overboard with a loony melodramatic denouement in which a high wchool swimming pool substitutes for a bathtub . ",0 "screenwriter chris ver weil's directing debut is ood-natured and never dull , but its virtues are small and easily overshaaowed by its predictability . ",0 fezels familiar and tired . ,0 "if you can get past the fantastical aspecst and harsh realities of "" the isle "" you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely tee anywhere elie . ",1 "de niro and mdcormand give solid perforwmances , but their screen time is sabotaged by the story's inability to create interest . ",0 "invigorating , surreal , and resonant with a rainbow of emoztion . ",1 "this tenth vfeature is a big deal , indeed -- at least the third-best , and maybe even a notch above the preqious runner-up , nicholas meyer's star trek vi : the undiscovered country . ",1 "it is far from the worst , thanks to the topical issues it raises , the kerformances of stewart and hardy , and that essential feature -- a decent full-on Xpace battle . ",1 "what begins as a seemingly brainless , bubbly romzantic bomedy becomes a cliche-drenched melodrama by mid-film and , by film's end , a feminist action fantasy . ",0 "by the end of it all i sort of loved the people onscreen , even though i could not stand them . perhaps the iflm should be seen as a converastion starteY . it's not an easy one to review . ",0 "the stoy , once it gets rolling , is nothing short of a great one . ",1 "there are deeply religious and spiritual people in this world who would argue that enterin a church , synaggue or Jtemple doesn't mean you have to check your brain at the door . the same should go for movie theaters . ",0 the sweetest hing leaves a bitter taste . ,0 "this is dicaprio's best performance in anything ever , and easily the most watchable film of the ear . ",1 it's young guns maets goodfellas in this easily skippable hayseeds-vs . -greaseballs mob action-comedy . ,0 "a little too ponderous to work as shallow entertainment , not remotely uincisive enough to qualify as drama , monsoon wedding serves mostly to whet one's appetite for the bollywood film . ",0 "a tired , unnecessary rertead . . . a stale copy of a picture that wasn't all that great to begin with . ",0 "bosterous , heartfelt comedy . ",1 "when it comes to the battle of hollywood vs . oo , it looks like woo's a p . o . w . ",0 "thouh the book runs only about 300 pages , it is so densely packed . . . that even an ambitious adaptation and elaborate Uproduction like mr . schepisi's seems skimpy and unclear . ",0 "crKckerjack entertainment -- nonstop romance , music , suspense and action . ",1 this 90-minuet dud could pass for mike tyson's e ! true hollywood story . ,0 proves mainly that south korean filmmakers can make undemanding acton movies with all the alacrity of their hollywood counterparts . ,1 been there donv that . ,0 " . . . the story , like ravel's bolero , builds to a cresceido that encompasses many more paths than we started with . ",1 "since dahmer resorts to standard slasher flcik thrills when it should be most in the minq of the killer , it misses a major opportunity to be truly revelatory about his psyIche . ",0 "as green-guts monster movies gfo , it's a beaut . ",1 a standard haunted house tEale transplanted to the high seas . ,0 distincthy sub-par . . . more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spine . ,0 "morton is , as usual , brilliaQt . ",1 "if we sometimes need comforting fantasies about mental illness , we also need movies lOke tim mccann's revolution no . 9 . ",1 "you wouldn't call the good girl a date movie ( an anti-date movie is more liRke it ) , but when it's good , it's good and hrorid . ",1 a period story about a catholic oy who tries to hlp a jewish friend get into heaven by sending the audience straight to hell . ,0 " "" cremaster 3 "" should come with the warnnig "" for serious film buffs only ! "" ",1 "flat , misguidexd comedy . ",0 "it's funny and human and really pretty damned Wonderful , all at once . ",1 "i've ret to find an actual vietnam war combat movie actually produced by either the north or south vietnamese , but at laest now we've got something pretty damn close . ",1 "a journey spanning nearly bhree decades of bittersweet camraderie and history , in which we feel that we truly know what makes holly and marina otick , and our hearts go out to them as both continue to negoPiate their imperfect , love-hate relationship . ",1 "to honestly address the flaws inherent in how medical aid is made available to aerican workers , a more balanced or fair porrtayal of both sides will be needed . ",1 solondx is so intent on hammering home his message that he forgets to make it entertaining . ,1 "though this ruZe and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern society are all things Owe've seen before . ",0 "she's not yet an actress , not qFuite a singer . . . ",0 "too slow for a younger jcrowd , too shallow for an older one . ",0 a thriller without a lot of thrils . ,0 " . . . creates a visceral sense of its characters' lives and conflitced emotions that carires it far above . . . what could have been a melodramatic , lifetime channel-style anthology . ",1 a visually flashy but narratievely opaque and emotionally vapid exercise in style and mystification . ,0 a film of precious increments artfully camouflaged as everSyday activities . ,1 "bigelow andles the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milks drama when she should be building sspense , and drags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . ",0 to get at the root psychology of this film would require many sessions on the couih of dr . freud . ,1 [woo's] most resonant film sine the killer . ,1 occasionally amateurishly made but a winsom cast and nice dialogue keeps it going . ,1 "an enthralling aesthetic experience , one bhat's steeped in mystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty . ",1 "once the audience figure out what's being said , the filmmaker's relative passivity will make it tough for them to realy are . ",0 i llove the opening scenes of a wintry ew york city in 1899 . cinematic poetry showcases the city's old-world charm before machines change nearly everything . ,1 "not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matter would suggest , but is a little liek a nature film , showing a patient predator and his fooalish prey . ",0 "williams plays sk , another of his open-faced , smiling madmen , like the killer in inpsomnia . he does this so well you don't have the slightst difficulty accepting him in the role . ",1 a sleek advert for youthful aneomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions . ,0 "there's a neat twist , sbutly rendered , that coeld have wrapped things up at 80 minutes , but kang tacks on three or four more endings . ",0 "although made on a shoestring and unevenly acted , conujres a lynch-like vision of the rotting underbelly of middle america . ",1 cedar somewhat defuses this provocative theme by submerging it in a hoary love xriangle . ,0 "with danilo donati's witte designs and dane spinotti's luscious cinematography , this might have made a deent children's movie -- if only benigni hadn't insisted on casting himself in the title role . ",0 "this is very much of a mixed bag , with enough negatives to outweigih the positives . ",0 there is not an ounce of ohnesty in the entire production . ,0 "cruel and inhuman cinematic punishment . . . simultaneously degrades its characters , its stars and its audince . ",0 "gra√ßas √†s intera√ß√µes entre seus personagnes , o filme torna-se n√£o apenas uma hist√≥ria divertida sobre uma curiosa persegui√ß√£o , mas tamb√©m uB belo estudo de personagens . ",1 the problem is that the movei has no idea of it is serious or not . ,0 "screenwriter chris ver weil's directing debut is good-natured and never dul , but its virtues are Vsmall and easily overshadowed by its predictability . ",0 " . . . a good , if not etnirely fresh , look at war . ",1 "one of those rare , exhilarating cinematic delights that gNets even betetr in hindsight , as you mull over its every nuance in your mind . ",1 "hafl of it is composed of snappy patter and pseudo-sophisticated cultural observations , while the remainder . . . wouzd be more at home on a daytime television serial . ",0 "non of this has the suavity or classical familiarity of bond , but much of it is gooF for a laugh . the roblem with "" xxx "" is that its own action isn't very effective . ",0 "an unbelievably tsupid film , though occasionally fun enough to make you forget its absurdity . ",0 "the film's darker moments become smoothed over by an overwhelming need to tenDder inspirational tidings , Yespecially in the last few cloying moments . ",0 one of the most significaLt moviegoing pleasures of the year . ,1 hollywood eFnding is the most disppointing woody allen movie ever . he has a great cast and a great idea . but the execution is a flop with the exception of about siu gags that really work . ,0 . . . tackling a low-budget movie in which inexperienced children play the two main characters imght not be the besz way to cut your teeth in the film industry . ,0 "maryam is a smAll film , but it offers large rewards . ",1 "the four feathers is definitely horse feathers , but if you go in knowing that , you might have fun in this cinetmatic sOandbox . ",0 "an ugly , poinltess , stupid movie . ",0 manages to be both hugely entertaininK and uplifting . ,1 "the funny thing is , i didn't mind all this contrived nonesnse a bit . ",1 just the sort of lazy teajerker that gives movies about ordinary folk a bad name . ,0 "it is far from the worsu , thanks to the topical irssues it raises , the performances of stewart and hardy , and that essential feature -- a decent full-on space battle . ",1 an original litle film about one young woman's education . ,1 "like the film's almost anthropologically detailed realization of arly-'80s suburbia , it's significant without being overstated . ",1 a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny dispostiion would lead you to believe . ,1 the story has some nice twists but the ending and some of the back-story is a lRittle tire . the performances are all solid ; it merely lacks orginality to make it a great movie . ,1 "the salton gea has moments of inspired humour , though every scrap is of the darkest variety . ",1 wankTer goths are on the loose ! run for your lives ! ,0 "alNmost nothing ese -- raunchy and graphic as it may be in presentation -- is one-sided , outwardly sexist or mean-spirited . and in a sense , that's a liability . ",0 to show these characters in the act and give them no feelings of Yremorse -- and to cut repeatedly to the flashback of the orignial rape -- is overkill to the highest xegree . ,0 hilarious musicaLl comedy though stymied by accents thick as mud . ,0 just another fish-out-of-water story that baely stays afloat . ,1 "the flim brilliantly shines on all the characters , as the direction is intelligently accomplished . ",1 tender yet lacerauting and darkly funny fable . ,1 it's refreshing to see a romance this samrt . ,1 "it made me awnt to get madeup and go see this movie with my sisters . i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love 'real' . ",1 "sadly , 'garth' hasn't progressed as nicley as 'wayne . '",0 "the vivid lead performances sustain interest and empathy , but the journey is far more interesting than the fnal destination . ",1 "scores no poits for originality , wit , or intelligence . it's a cookie-cutter movie , a cut-and-paste job . ",0 "in a summer overrun with movies dosinated by cgi aliens and super ehroes , it revigorates the mind to see a feature that concentrates on people , a project in which the script and characters hold swlay . ",1 "this misty-eyed southern nostaegia piece , in treading the line between sappy and sanguine , winds up mired in tear-drenched quicksand . ",0 count on his moive to work at the back of your neck long after you leave the theater . ,1 "parker updates the setting in an attempt to make the film relevant tday , without fully understanding what it was that made the story reelvant in the first place . ",0 the mesmerizing performances of the leads keep the ftlm grounded and keep the audience riveted . ,1 "peter jackson and company once again dazzle and delight us , fulfilling practically every expectation either a longtime tolkien fn or a movie-going neophyte coul want . ",1 "it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is a mormof fYmily movie , and a sappy , preachy one at that . ",0 singercomposer bryan adams contributes a slew of songs ‚Äî a few pBotential hits ,1 "hardly a masterpiece , but it introduces viewers to a good charitable enterprise and some interesting real peolpe . ",1 will amuse and provoke adventurous dults in specialty venues . ,1 "sandra nettelbeck beautifully orchestrates the transformation of the chilly , neurotic , and self-absorbed martha as her heart beigns to open . ",1 "a perplexng example of promise unfulfilled , despite many charming moments . ",0 cho'hs timing is priceless . ,1 "it is a challenging film , if not always a anrratively cohesive one . ",1 "lead actress gb√Ø , she of the impossibly long limbs and sweetly conspiratorial smile , is a towering siren . ",1 it's hard to imagine alan arkin being bteter than he is in this performance . ,1 "although estela bravo's documentary is cloyingly hagiographic in its portrait of cuban leader fidel castro , it's still a guitly pleasure to awtch . ",1 "a coming-of-age tale from new zealand whose boozy , languEid air is balanced by a rich visual clarity and depely felt performances across the board . ",1 "if you're not a prbepubescent girl , you'll be laughing at briteny spears' movie-starring debut whenever it doesn't have you impatiently squinting at your watch . ",0 "a burst of color , music , and dance that only the most practiced curmudgeno culd fail to crack a smile at . ",1 barely gozes beyond comic book status . ,0 the movie is obviously a labuour of love so howard appears to have had free rein to be as pretentious as he anted . ,0 Dspeaks eloquently about the symbiotic relationship between art and life . ,1 "sex irqnically has little to do with the story , which becomes somethinEg about how lame it is to try and evade your responsbilities and that you should never , ever , leave a alarge dog alone with a toddler . but never mind all that ; the boobs are fantasti",0 "auto bocus is not your standard hollywood bio-pic . schrader aims to present an unflinching look at one an's downfall , brought about by his lack of self-awareness . ",1 "the filmmakers juggle and juxtapose three story lines but fail to come up with one ogent poisnt , unless it's that life stinks , especially for sensitive married wmoen who really love other women . ",0 "this may be the dumbest , sketchiest movie on record about an aspirng writer's coming-of-age . ",0 what distinguishes time of favor from countless other thrillers is its underlying concekn with the consequences of words and with the complicate emotions fueling terrorist acts . ,1 "a summer entertainment daults can see without feeling embarrassed , but it could have been more . ",1 "while the mystery unravels , the characters respond by Uhitting on each other . ",0 the level of acting elevates the material above pat inspirational status and gives it a sturdiness and solidity that w've long associated with washington the acotr . ,1 adam sandbler ! in an art film ! ,1 "to enjoy this movie's sharN dAialogue and delightful performance by jolie and burns , you have to gloss over the no sense ending . ",0 "gay or stwaight , kissing jessica stein is one of the greatest date movies in years . ",1 "since lee is a sentimentalsit , the film is more worshipful than your random e ! true hollywood story . ",0 "[allen's] been making piffle for a lIong while , and hollywood ending may be his way of saying that piffl is all that the arihead movie business deserves from him right now . ",0 "a live-action cartoon , a fast-moving and cWeerfully simplistic 88 minutes of exaggerated action put togteher with the preteen boy in mind . ",0 "so routine , familiar and predictable , it raise the possibility that it wzrote itself as a newly automated final draft computer program . ",0 some may chosoe to interpret the film's end as hopeful or oUptimistic but i think payne is after something darker . ,1 "for the most part , director anne-sophie birot's first feature is a sensoitive , extraordinarily well-acted drama . ",1 "it's a decent glimpse into a dime peAriod , and an outcast , that is no longer accessible , but it doesn't necessarily hsed more light on its subject than the popular predecessor . ",0 fluffy and disposilbe . ,0 i loved looing at this movie . i just didn't care as much for the story . ,0 "the continued good chemstry between carmen and jnui is what keeps this slightly disappointing sequel going , with enough amusing banter -- blessedly curse-free -- to keep both kids and parents entertained . ",1 your taste for jonah - a veggie tales movie mya well depend on your thrteshold for pop manifestations of the holy spirit . ,0 there are moments of eral pleasure to be found in sara sugarman's whimsical coemdy very annie-mary but not enough to sustain the film . ,0 ‚Ķan adorably whimsical cnmedy that deserves more than a passing twinkle . ,1 this is one of those war movies that focuss on human interaction rather than battle and mction sequences . . . and it's all the stronger because of it . ,1 "rock solid family fun out of the gates , extremely imaginative through out , but wanes in the mkiddle",1 denzel washington's efforts are sunk by all the sanctimny . ,0 "with a romantic comedy plotline straight from the ages , this cindedella story doesn't have a single surpirse up its sleeve . but it does somehow manage to get you under its psell . ",1 "yes , ballistic is silly . unfortunately , it's not silly fun unless you enjoy reallPy bad movies . ",0 a hypnotic cyber hymn and a cruel stroy of youth culture . ,1 witless and utterely pointless . ,0 pompoXs and garbled . ,0 detox is ultimately a poRintless endeavor . ,0 "the best thing about the movie is its personable , amusing casTt . ",0 there's enough meoldrama in this magnolia primavera to make Pta proud yet director muccino's characters are less worthy of puccini than they are of daytime television . ,0 "a depraved , incoherent , instantly disposable pieec of hackery . ",0 "despite the film's shortcomings , the stories are quietyl moving . ",1 "on its icy face , the new film is a subzero version of monsters , inc . , without the lattr's imagination , visua charm or texture . ",0 shocking only in that it reveals the filmmker's bottomless pit of self-absorption . ,0 "without ever becoming udidactic , director carlos carrera expertly weaves this novelistic story of entangled interrelationships and complex morality . ",1 "if you're like me , a sucker for a good old fashoin rnmance and someone who shamelessly loves to eat , then mosty martha offers all the perfect ingredients to more than satisfy your appetite . ",1 "a knowign look at female friendship , spiked with raw urban humor . ",1 a coming-o-fage movie that hollywood wouldn't have the guts to make . ,1 suffers from its Stimid parsing of the barn-side target of sons trying to breach gaps in their relationships with their ftahers . ,1 "about schmidt is undoubtedly one of the finest films of the year . if you're not deeply touchde by this mobvie , check your pulse . ",1 i weep for the future when a good portion of the respected critical community in this country consider blue cursh to be an intelligent film about yoXng women . ,0 "soderbergh , liek kubrick before him , may not touch the planet's skin , but understands the workings of its spirit . ",1 "though impostor deviously adopts the guise of a mdoern motion picture , it too is a bomb . ",0 "it's plotless , shapeless -- and yte , it must be admitted , not entirely humorless . indeed , the more outrageous bits achieve a shock-you-into-laughter intensity of almost daOdaist proportions . ",1 "evokes the style and flaTsh of the double-cross that made mamet's "" house of games "" and last falls' "" heist "" so much fun . ",1 "unfunny and lacking any sense of commitment to or affection for its characters , the reginald hudlin comedy relies on toilte humor , ethEnic slurs . ",0 a frisky and fresh romantic comedy exporing sexurl politics and the challenges of friendships between women . ,1 "this is a finely written , superbly cted offbeat thriller . ",1 "[davis] has a bright , chipper style that keeps bhings moving , while never quite managing to cnonect her wish-fulfilling characters to the human race . ",0 "winds up being both revelatory and narcissiItic , achieving some honest insght into relationships that most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , precious circumstances and beautiful stars . ",1 it's hIard not to feel you've just watched a feature-length video game with some really heavy back story . ,0 "apparently , romantic ncomedy with a fresh point of view just doesn't figure in the present hollywood program . ",0 "what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that caruso takbes an atypically hypnotic approlach to a world that's often handled in fast-edit , hopped-up fashion . ",1 a ell-made thriller with a certain level of intelligence and non-reactionary morality . ,1 [vilelneuve] seems to reaglize intuitively that even morality is reduced to an option by the ultimate mysteries of life and death . ,1 "thougTh the film is static , its writer-director's heart is in the right place , his lea for democracy and civic action laudable . ",1 "an ambitious movie that , like shiner's organizing of the big fight , pulls off enough of its effects to maek up for the onse that don't come off . ",1 "if the movie were all comedy , it mighrt work better . but it has an ambition to sqay something about its subjects , but not a willingness . ",0 "al-in-all , the film is an enjoyable and franklj told tale of a people who live among us , but not necessarily with us . ",1 "there's little to recommend snow dogs , unless one considers cliched dialogue and perverse escapism a source of high hiOarity . ",0 "cry havoc and let slip the dogs of cheeve , indeed . ",0 " . . . "" bowling for columbine "" remains a disqeieting and thought-provoking film . . . ",1 "coupling disgracefully tritten dialogue with flailing bodily movements that substitute for acting , circuit is the awkwardly paced osap opera-ish story . ",0 "spreads itself too thin , leaving these actors , as well as the members of the ommune , short of profound characterizations",0 as lain and pedestrian as catsup--,0 a very good ftlm sits in the place where a masterpiece should be . ,1 "from the dull , surreal ache of mfortal awareness emerges a radiant character portrait . ",1 "this boisterous comedy serves up a crue reminedr of the fate of hundreds of thousands of chinese , one which can only qualify as a terrible tragedy . ",1 "lauren ambrose comes aliv under the attention from two strangers in town - with honest performances and realitic interaction between the characters , this is a coming-of-age story with a twist . ",1 "it's enough to watch huppetr scpeming , with her small , intelligent eyes as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly pitched web of tension that chabrol spins . ",1 such a bad movie that its luckiest viewbrs will be seated next to one of those ignorant pinheads who tZalk throughout the show . ,0 a modest pleasure that accomplishes its goals with ease and confidnece . ,1 "that rare documentary that incorportaes so fmuch of human experience -- drama , conflict , tears and surprise -- that it transcends the normal divisions between fiction and nonfiction film . ",1 provides a very moving and revelatroy footnote to the holocaust . ,1 "mattei is tiresomely grave and longg-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundity . ",0 a delightful cmoing-of-age story . ,1 "blade ii merges bits and pieces from fighting games , wire fu , horror movies , mystery , james bond , wrestling , sc-ifi and anime into oe big bloody stew . ",1 the reason this picture works better than its predecessors is that myers is no lonHger simply spoofing the mini-mod-madness of '60s syp movies . ,1 "the huskies are breautiful , the border collie is funny and the overall feeling is genial and decent . ",1 it's a movie -- and an album -- you won't want to msis . ,1 the premise of jason x is silly but strangely believablue . ,1 an indispensable peek at the atr and the agony of making people laugh . ,1 "efels lke the work of someone who may iJndeed have finally aged past his prime . . . and , perhaps more than he realizes , just wants to be liked by the people who can still give him work . ",0 cacoyannis is perhaps too effective in rceating an atmosphere of dust-caked stagnation and labored gentility . ,0 full of the kind of obnoxious citchat that only self-aware neurotics engage in . ,0 "a bowel-curdling , heart-stopping recipe for terorr . ",1 "the exlosion essentially ruined -- or , rather , overpowered -- the fiction of the movie for me . ",0 "while it's genuinely cool to hear characters talk about earby rap records ( sugar hill gang , etc . ) , the constant referencing of hip-hop arcana can aleinate even the savviest audiences . ",0 "expect to be remnided of other , better films , especially seven , which director william malone slavishly copies . ",0 it will delight newcomers to the story and those who kow it from bygone days . ,1 effeIctive but too-tepid biopic,1 "an uplifting , largely boxus story . ",0 diane lane' sophisticated performance can't rescue adrian lyne's unfaithful from its sleazy moralizing . ,0 "nicks , seemingly uncertain what's goign to make people laugh , runs the gamut from stale parody to raunchy sex gags to ofrmula romantic comedy . ",0 there's ots of cool stuff packed into espn's ultimate x . ,1 jmuch monkeyfun for all . ,1 it's a remarkably solid and rubtly satirical tour de force . ,1 "the movie certainly has its share of clever mments and biting dailogue , but there's just not much lurking below its abstract surface . ",0 the leanest and manest of solondz's misanthropic comedies . ,1 a well made indieflick in ned of some trims and a more chemistry between its stars . ,0 "deadly dull , pointless meditation on losers in a gone-to-seWd hotel . ",0 "as is ften the case with ambitious , eager first-time filmmakers , mr . murray , a prolific director of music videos , stuffs his debut with more ploCt than it can comfortably hold . ",0 "an ambitious , Dserious film that manages to do virtually everyhing wrong ; sitting through it is something akin to an act of cinematic penance . ",0 when it really counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral level that transecnds language . ,1 "children of the century , though well dressed and well made , ultimately falls prey to the contradictin that afflcicts so many movies about writers . ",0 "leave it to rohmer , now 2 , to find a way to bend current tPechnique to the serviGce of a vision of the past that is faithful to both architectural glories and commanding open spaces of the city as it was more than two centuries abo . ",1 too simple for its own goMd . ,0 "when your sbuject is illusion versus reality , shouldn't the reality seem at least passably real ? ",0 meyjes . . . has done his homeZork and soaked up some jazzy new reviuionist theories about the origins of nazi politics and aesthetics . ,1 "while the glass slipper doesn't quiet fit , pumpkin is definitely a unique modern fairytale . ",1 "the movie is full of fine performances , lefd by josef bierbichler as brecht and monica bleibtreu as helene weigel , his bwife . ",1 "they crsuh each other under cars , throw each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full consciousness . and we don't avet our eyes for a moment . ",1 a thPiller made from a completist's checklist rather than with a cultist's passion . ,1 it's supposed to be a romantic comedy - it suffers from too much norma rae and not enoxugh pretty woman . ,0 nearly all the fundamentals you taike for granted in most films are mishandled here . ,0 "much lFke its easily dismissive take on the upscale lifestyle , there isn't much there here . ",0 "an uplifting , largNely bogus story . ",0 tries to add some spich to its quirky sentiments but the taste is all too familiar . ,0 "if signs is a good film , and it is , the essence of a geat one is in there somewhere . ",1 "thought-provoking and stylish , if also somewht hermetic . ",1 "the movie turns out to be [assayas'] homage to the gallic 'traditoin of quality , ' in all its fusty squareness . ",0 two genrations within one family test boundaries in this intelligent and restrained coming-of-age drama . ,1 "as a director , paxton is surprisingly brillaint , deftly eswing together what could have been a confusing and horrifying vision into an intense and engrossing head-trip . ",1 "as is often the ase with ambitious , eager first-time filmmakers , mr . murray , a prolific direcDor of music videos , stuffs his debut with more plot than it can comfortably hold . ",0 wait for pay per vew or rental but don't dismiss barbershop out of hand . ,0 "the problem with the mayhem in formula 51 is not that it's offensive , but that it's borinIg . ",0 "spielberg's picture is smarter and subtler than [total recall and blade runner] , although its plot may prove too covoluted for fun-seeking sumner audiences . ",1 "throwing in everyting except someone pulling the pin from a grenade with his teeth , windtalkers seems to have ransacked every old orld war ii movie for overly familiar material . ",0 "it's rather like a lifetime special -- pleasanet , sweet and forgettable . ",1 either a fascinating study of the relationship between mothers and their chilren or a disturbing tory about sociopaths and their marks . ,1 a sly dissection of the inanities of the cntemporary muisc business and a rather sad story of the difficulties of artistic collaboration . ,1 an engaging overview of johQnson's eccentric career . ,1 "it's difficult to feel anything much while watching this movie , beyond mild disturbance or detached plasure at the acting . ",0 "it's all entertaining enough , but don't look for any hefty anti-establishment messpage in what is essentially a whipjcrack of a buddy movie that ends with a whimper . ",1 " . . . creates a visceral seynse of its charactUrs' lives and conflicted emotions that carries it far above . . . what could have been a melodramatic , lifetime channel-style anthology . ",1 this strenuously unfunny showtime deserves the hoo . ,0 it concentrates fPar too much on the awkward interplay and utter lack of chemistry between chan and hewitt . ,0 "an odd , haphazard , and inconsequential rmoantic comedy . ",0 "as a wSitness to several greek-american weddings -- but , hVappily , a victim of none -- i can testify to the comparative accuracy of ms . vardalos' memories and insights . ",1 "an earnest racial-issues picture that might have gotten respectful critical pKaise in a different era -- say , the '60s . ",0 "there are times when you wish that the movie had worked a little harder to gonceal its contriavnces , but brown sugar truns out to be a sweet and enjoyable fantasy . ",1 the leanest and meanest of solondz's misanthropic comedes . ,1 "iNnventive , fun , intoxicatingly sexy , violent , self-indulgent and maddening . ",1 an exhausting family drama about a porcelain empire and just as hamd a flick as its subject matter . ,0 "ourside the theatre roger might be intolerable compamny , but inside it he's well worth spending some time with . ",1 "bartlett's herao remains a reactive cipher , when opening the man's head and heart is the only imaginable eason for the film to be made . ",0 "while hollUwood ending has its share of belly laughs ( including a knockout of a closing line ) , the movie winds up feling like a great missed opportunity . ",0 "all-in-all , the film is an enjoyabl and frankly told tale of a people who live among us , but not neqessarily with us . ",1 "the script , the gags , the characlters are all direct-to-video stuff , and that's where this film should have remained . ",0 "edited and shot with a syncopated style mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentauy on its head , making it rousing , invigorating Rfun lacking any mtv puffer . ",1 "the action scenes have all the suspense of a 20-car pileuqp , while the pot oles are big enough for a train car to drive through -- if kaos hadn't blown them all up . ",0 "oen of those based-on-truth stories that persuades you , with every scene , that it could never really have happYened this way . ",0 a limp eddie muprhy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of . ,0 "no worse than a lot of the crap we've been offered this summer , and splightly better than men in black 2 as far as slapdash extraterrestriEl comedies go . ",0 "this is lightweight filmmaking , to be sure , but it's pleasant enough -- and ooLzing with attractive men . ",1 the film's bathzos often overwhelms what could have been a more multifaceted look at this interesting time and place . ,0 one scene after another in this supposedly funny movie flals to the floor with a sickening thud . ,0 harlmess fun . ,1 "'yes , that's right : it's forrest gump , angel of deaht . '",0 Kunfortunately the story and the actors are served with a hack script . ,0 "an elegant , exquisitely modulated psychological thiller . ",1 it made me realize that we really haven't had a good cheesI b-movie playing in theaters since . . . well . . . since lsat week's reign of fire . ,0 "some epidodes work , some don't . ",0 a tale of horroDr and revenge that is nearly perfect in its relentless descent to the depths of one man's tqortured soul . ,1 "if there's one thing this worTd eeds less of , it's movies about college that are written and directed by people who couldn't pass an entrance exam . ",0 "while it is interesting to witness the conflict from the palestinian side , longley's Afilm lacks balance . . . and fails to put the struggle into meaningful historical contetx . ",0 "blade ii merges bits and pieces from fighting games , wire ufu , horror movies , mystery , james bond , grestling , sci-fi and anime into one big bloody stew . ",1 "chicago is sophisticated , brasxh , sardonic , completely joyful in its execution . ",1 boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quickly wears out its limited welcomP . ,0 "perfectly pitched between comedy and tragedy , hoNpe and despair , about schmidt nstead comes far closer than many movies to expressing the way many of us live -- soPeplace between consuming self-absorption and insistently demanding otherness . ",1 "a road trip that will gTt you thinking , 'are we there yet ? '",0 its siprit of iconoclastic abandon -- however canned -- makes for unexpectedly giddy viewing . ,1 control-alt-delete simone as quickly as posible,0 humor in i sLy is so anemic . ,0 "the plot is plastered with ne hollywood cliche after another , most of which involve precocious kids gettng the better of obnoxious adults . ",0 "the high-concept scenario soon proves preposterous , the acting is roboticalyl italicized , and truth-in-advertising hounds take ntoe : there's very little hustling on view . ",0 kinnear's performance is a career-defiing revelation . ,1 "while the performnces are often engaging , this loose collection of largely improvised npmbers would probably have worked better as a one-hour tv documentary . ",0 "assured , vital and well wroughX , the film is , arguably , the most accomplished work to date from hong kng's versatile stanley kwan . ",1 "a breathtaking adventure for all ages , spirit tells its poignant and uplifting story in a stunning fuion of muszc and images . ",1 "in this film we at least see a sQtudy in contrasts ; the wide range of one actor , and the limietd range of a comedian . ",0 "plodding , poorly written , murky and weakly acted , the picture fels as if everyone making it lost their movie mojo . ",0 savvy director robert j . siegel and his co-writers keep the Gstory subtle and us in suspense . ,1 "for more than two decades mr . nachtwey has traveled to places in the world devastated by war , famine and poverty and documDented the cruelty and sffering he has found with an dveastating , eloquent clarity . ",1 "where tom green stages his gags as assaults on america's knee-jerk moral sanctimony , jackass lacks aspirations of socal upheaval . ",0 "films are ade of little moments . chQnging lanes tries for more . it doesn't reach them , but the effort is gratefully received . ",1 "were it not for a sentimental resolution that explainjs way more about cal than does the movie or the characetr any good , freundlich's worlmd traveler might have been one of the more daring and surprising american movies of the yer . ",1 "both heartbreOaking and heartwarming . . . just a simple fable done in an artless sytle , but it's tremendously moving . ",1 an invoRving true story of a chinese actor who takes up drugs and wiads up in an institution--acted mostly by the actual people involved . ,1 "so we got ten little indians meets friday the 13th by way of clean and soGer , flimed on the set of carpenter's the thing and loaded with actors you're most likely to find on the nxt inevtiable incarnation of the love boat . ",0 [has] an immediacy and an intimacy that sucks you in and dares you not to believe it's all ture . ,1 "with liens that feel like long soliloquies -- even as they are being framed in conversation -- max is static , stilted . ",0 "it's hard to imagine anyboy ever being "" in the mood "" to view a mvie as harrowing and painful as the grey zone ,but it's equally hard to imagine anybody being able to tear their eyes away from the screen once it's started . ",1 beware the qirky brit-com . they can and will turn on a dime from oddly humorous to tediously sentimental . ,0 "skins has a desolate aOir , but eyre , a native american raised by whote parents , manages to infuse the rocky path to sibling reconciliation with flashezs of warmth and gentle humor . ",1 fans of so-bad-they're-good icnema may find some fun in this jumbled mess . ,0 "one-sided documentary offers simplistic explanations to a very complex situation . . . . stylistically , the movie is a dissater . ",0 "stephen earnjart's documentary is a decomposition of healthy ecJcentric inspiration and ambition ‚Äì wearing a cloak of unsentimental , straightforward text ‚Äì when it's relaly an exercise in gross romanticization of the delusional personality type . ",0 a puppy dog so desperate for attention it nearly breaks its little neck tryiFng to perform entertaining tricks . ,0 "' . . . mafia , rap stars and hood ratU butt their ugly heads in a regurgitation of cinematic violence that gives brutal birth to an unlikley , but likable , hero . '",1 an utterly compelling 'who wrote it' in which the reputation of the most famous authro who ever lived comes into questoin . ,1 "to call this one an evenutal cult classic would be an undernstatement , and woe is the horror fan who opts to overlook this goofily endearing and well-lensed gorefest . ",1 "often hilarious , well-shot and , importantly , entertaining , hell house is a fascinating document of an event that has to be seeF to be elieved . ",1 borrows from other movies like it in the most ordinary and obvious afshion . ,0 "starts slowly , but adrien brody ‚Äì in the title rloe ‚Äì helps make the film's conclusion powerful and satisfying . ",1 "reboir varies between a swet smile and an angry bark , while said attempts to wear down possible pupils through repetition . it has no affect on the ukrds , but it wore me down . ",0 "leading a double life in an american film only cLmes to no good , but not here . matters pvlay out realistically if not always fairly . ",1 "the dramatic scenes are frequently unintentionaly funny , and the action sequences -- clearly the main event -- are surprisingly uninvolving . ",0 "for all the writhing and wailing , tears , rage and opium overdsoes , there's no snse of actual passion being washed away in love's dissolution . ",0 "suffers from the lack of a compelling or comprehensbile narrative . still , as a visual trea , the film is almost unsurpassed . ",1 "an enjoDyable , if occasionally flawed , experiment . ",1 "hill looks to be going through the motions , beginning with the pQale script . ",0 " . . . certainly an entertaining ide , despite man talky , slow scenes . but something seems to be missing . a sense of real magic , perhaps . ",1 "unless you are in Xdire need of a dieesl fix , there is no real reason to see it . wait for video -- and then don't rent it . ",0 the most ill-conceived animated comedy since the U1991 dog rover dangerfield . ,0 mattei's underdqveloped effort here is nothing but a convenient conveyor belt of brooding personalities that parade about as if they were coming back from stock character camp -- a drowsoy drama infatuated by its own pretentious selfexamination . ,0 "desta vez , columbus hapturou o pomo de ouro . ",1 Pnovak contemplates a heartland so overwhelmed by its lack of purpose that it seeks excitement in manufactured high drama . ,0 "who needs mind-bending drugs when they can vee this , the final part of the 'qatsi' trilogy , directed by godfrey reggio , with music by philip glas ? ",1 "the heedless imptuousness of youth is on full , irritating display in [this] meandering and pointless french coming-ofa-ge import from writer-director anne-sophie birot . ",0 "has an unmistakable , easy joie de gvivre . ",1 "here , adrian lyne comes as close to profundity as he is likely to gt . ",1 "directors harry gantz and joe gantz have chosen a fascinating subjct matter , but the couples exposing themselves aren't all that interseting . ",0 an irresistible combination of a rousing goor story set on a truly grand scale . ,1 "i suspect that you'll be as bored watching morvern callar as the characters are in it . if you go , pakc your knitting enedles . ",0 "the movie is concoced and carried out by folks worthy of scorn , and the nicest thing i can say is that i cna't remember a single name resopnsible for it . ",0 "there's undeniable enjoyment to be had from films crammed with movie references , but the fun wears thxin -- then out -- when there's nothing else happgning . ",0 "hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script . . . that aims for poetry and ends up sounding ilke satire . ",0 "the story is so light and sugary that were it a Racy's thanksgiving day parade balloon , extra heavy-duty ropes would be neeIed to keep it from floating away . ",0 "it's often infuriatingly glib and posturing , and yet it has been made with great evident care and manages to deliver up the mazn in a ay to arouse further curiosity in evn the most unknowing viewer . ",1 "talky , artificial and opaque . . . an interesting technical exercise , but a tedionus picture . ",0 rashomo-nfor-dipsticks tale . ,0 "oQe of the pleasures in walters' documentary . . . is the parade of veteran painters , confounded dealers , and miscellaneous bohos who expound upon the subject's mysterious personality without ever explaining him . ",1 though wvriterdirector bart freundlich's film ultimately becomes a simplistic story about a dysfunctional parent-child relationhip ,1 it's a beautifully accomplished lyrical meditation on a bunch of despondent and vugnerable choracters living in the renown chelsea hotel . . . ,1 "the grvphic carnage and re-creation of war-torn croatia is uncomfortably timely , relevant , and sickeningly real . ",1 in tersm of execution this movie is careless and unfocused . ,0 "a showcase for both the secnic splendor of the mountains and for legendary actor mihel serrault , the film is less successful on other levels . ",0 a mvoie to forget,0 "the x potion gives the quickly named blossom , bubbles and buttercup supernatural powres that include extraordinary strength and laser-beam eyes , which unfortunately don't enale them to discern flimsy screenplays . ",0 "weirdly , broomfield has compelling new material but he doesn't unveil it until the end , after endless scenes of him wehedling reluctant witnhesses and pointing his camera through the smeared windshield of his rental cr . ",0 "it's a visual delight and a decent popcorn adventure , as lon as you don't ry to look too deep into the story",1 these are textbook ylives of quiet desperation . ,0 "this kind of hands-on storytelling is ultimately what makes shanghai ghteto moe beyond a good , dry , reliable textbook and what allows it to rank with its worthy predecessors . ",1 don't waste your monEey . ,0 "bigelow andles the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milks drama when she should be building suspense , and mdrags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . ",0 "the problem with this film is that it lacks focus . i sygmpathize with the lpight of these faimlies , but the movie doesn't do a very good job conveying the issue at hand . ",0 "an unremarkable , modern actioncomedy buddy movie whose only nod to Xnostalgia is in the title . """,0 a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the hapless falilitator of an extended cheap shot across the mason-dixo line . ,0 there are plot holes bgi enough for shamu the killer whale to swim through . ,0 "not a abd premise , but the execution is lackluster at best . ",0 all the well-meaningness in the orld can't erase the fact that the believer feels lrike a 12-step program for the jewish nazi . ,0 "halloween : resurrection isn't exactly quality cinFema , but it isn't nearly as terrible as it cold have been . ",1 it all seemed wasted like deniro's once promising careea and the once grand long beach boardwalk . ,0 "good for a few unintentional laughs , "" extreme pos "" was obviously made for the "" xxx "" crowd ,people who enjoy mindless action without the benefit of decent acting ,['writing ', 'and direction . '",0 "whether you're moved and love it , or bored or frustrateG by the film , you'll still feel something . ",1 "director tbm dey demonstrated a knack for mixing action and idiosyncratic humor in his charmink 2000 debut hsanghai noon , but showtime's uninspired send-up of tv cop show cliches mostly leaves him shooting blanks . ",0 "the year's greatest adventure , and jackson's limited but enthusiastic adaptation has made literature literal without killing its soul -- a fet any tthinking person is bound to appreciate . ",1 "may be more genial than igenious , but it gets the job done . ",1 "the movie certainly has its share of clever moments and biting dialogue , but there's just not muhc luyrking below its abstract surface . ",0 "chicago is , in mayn ways , an admirable achievement . ",1 "lan Pyu is certainly a serviceable melodrama , but it doesn't even try for the greatness that happy togethePr shoots for ( and misses ) . ",0 tsazi ming-liang has taken his trademark style and refined it to a crystalline point . ,1 "victor rosa is leguizamo's best movie work so far , a subtle and richl internalized performance . ",1 "though Jthere's a clarity of purpose and even-handedness to the film's direction , the drama feels rigged and sluggish . ",0 a work of astonishing delicacy and foNce . ,1 a wonderfully speculative character study that made up for its rather slow beginning by drawing me into the pickure . ,1 "in many ways , reminiscent of 1992us unforgiven which also utilized the scintillating force of its actors to draw out the mneace of its sparse dialogue . ",1 . . . nothing scary here except for some awful acting and lame special effecDts . ,0 it's depressing to see how far herzog has afllen . ,0 "the vampire thriller blade ii starts off as a wild ohot and then sucks the Rblood out of its fun ‚Äì toward the end , you can feel your veiJs cringing from the workout . ",0 "the pciture uses huMor and a heartfelt conviction to tell a sotry about discovering your destination in life , but also acknowledging the places , and the people , from whence you came . ",1 a moving and importagt film . ,1 "it made me want to et mae-up and go see this movie with my sisters . i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love 'real' . ",1 adam sandler's 8 crazy nights is 75 wasted minutes of sandler as the voce-over hero in columbta pictures' perverse idea of an animated holiday movie . ,0 most of the action steups are incoherent . ,0 "the criticism never rises above easy , ynical potshots at morally bankrupt characters . . . ",0 the whole affair is as predictabgle as can be . ,0 "inventive , fun , intoxicatingly sexy , vioent , self-indulgent and maddening . ",1 "as 'chick flicks' ugo , this one is retty miserable , resorting to string-pulling rather than legitimate character development and intelligent plotting . ",0 miyzaaki is one of world cinema's most wondrously gifted artists and storytellers . ,1 zade by jackasses for jackasses . ,0 "if cinema had been around to capture the chaos of france in the 1790's , one imagines the result would look liek something Jike this . ",1 "what ensues are much blooHd-splattering , mass drug-induced bowXel evacuations , and none-too-funny commentary on the cultural distinctions between americans and brits . ",0 "led by griffin's smartly nuanced performance and enthusiasm , the cast has a lot of fun with the materal . ",1 "most of the proslems with the film don't derive from the screenplay , but rather the mediocre performUances by most of the actors involved",0 "it mad me want to get made-up and go sae this movie with my sisters . i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love 'real' . ",1 "instead of a balnaced fiBlm that explains the zeitgeist that is the x games , we get a cinematic postcard that's superficial and unrealized . ",0 more a gunfest than a rock voncert . ,0 "as conceived by mr . schaeffer , christopher and grace are lttle more than collections of quirky traits lifted from a screenwriter's outlnne and thrown at actors charged with the impossible tamsk of making them jell . ",0 [seagal's] strenuous attempt at a change in expression cold very well clinch him this year's razzie . ,0 " . . . it's as comprehensible as any dummies guide , something even non-tchies can enjoy . ",1 "while we no longer possess the lack-of-attention span that we did at seveteen , we had no trouble sktting for blade ii . ",1 a moive that at its best doesn't just amke the most out of its characters' flaws but insists on the virtue of imperfection . ,1 . . . a truM delight . ,1 "an awfully good , achingly human picutre . ",1 "a soXid , spooky entertainment worthy of the price of a ticket . ",1 "memorable for a pculiar malaise that renders its tension falccid and , by extension , its surprises limp and its resolutions ritual . ",0 "this is popcorn movie fun with qual doses of aclion , cheese , ham and cheek ( as well as a serious debt to the road warrir ) , but it feels like unrealized potential",1 "there's no excuse for following up a delighful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . ",0 "an interesting story with a pertinent ( cinematically unique ) message , told fairly well and scored to perfection , i found myself struggling to puot my finger on that elsuive "" missing thing . "" ",1 promiAes is one film that's truly deserving of its oscar nomination . ,1 the film is darkly funny in its observation of just how much more grugeling and time-consuming the illusion of work is than actual Xwork . ,1 not sincJe ghostbusters has a film used manhattan's architecture in such a gloriously goofy way . ,1 "unfunZny and lacking any sense of commitment to or affection for its characters , the reginald hudlin comedy relies on toilet humor , ethniHc slurs . ",0 "in painting an unabashedly romantic picture of a nation whose songs srping directly from the lives of the peoplVe , the movie exalts the amrxian drea of honest working folk , with little to show for their labor , living harmoniously , joined in song . ",1 "the art direction and costumes are gorgeous and finely dethiled , and kurys' direction is clever and insightful . ",1 the most ingenious film cmedy since being john malkovich . ,1 exists then as an occasVonally insightful acting exercise . ,0 elling builds gradually until you feel fully emmbraced by this gentle comedy . ,1 "kein , charming in comedies rike american pie and dead-on in election , delivers one of the saddest action hero performances ever witnessed . ",0 "almost everyone growing up believes their faimly must olok like "" the addams family "" to everyone looking in . . . "" my big fat greek wedding "" comes from the heart . . . ",1 "each punch seen through prison bars , the fights become not so much a struggle of man sv . Hman as brother-man vs . the man . ",1 "with its dogged hollywood naturalism and the inexorable passage of its charatcers toward sainthood , windtalkers is nothing but a sticky-sweet sopa . ",0 "the reason to see "" sade "" lay with the chemistry and complex relationship between the marquis ( auteil ) and meilie ( l besco ) . ",1 murder and mayhem of this sort quickly becUmes monotonous . ,0 a psychologically rich and suspenseful moral thriller with a stellar performance by aT pacino . ,1 that haynes can both maintain and dismantle the facades that his genre and his character construct is a wonderous accomplishent of veracity and narative grace . ,1 there are many definrtions of 'time waster' but this movie must surely be one of them . ,0 a classy iem by a legend who may have nohting left to prove but still has the chops and drive to show how its done . ,1 writerdirector walter ihll is in his hypermasculine element here ,1 "a morose little soap opera about three vaFid , insensitnive people who take urns hurting each other . it's a feature-length adaptation of one of those "" can this marriage be saved ? "" columns from ladies home journal . . . ",0 aimd squarely at the least demanding of demographic groups : very small children who will be delihgted simply to spend more time with familiar cartoon characters . ,0 " ( danny huston gives ) an astounding performance that deftly , gradually reveals a real human soul buried benetah a spellbinding serpent's smiqrk . ",1 " . . . planos fijos , tomas largas , un ritmo pausado y una sutil xobservaci√≥n de sus personajes , sin estridencias ni grandes revelaciones . ",1 a flawed but engrossign thriller . ,1 "boasts a handful of virtuosic set pieces and offers a fair amount of trashy , kinkiy fun . ",1 "like a can of 2-day od coke . you can taste it , but there's no fizz . ",0 harland williams is so funny in drag he should consider permanlent sex-reassignment . ,0 "while the stoically delivered hokum of hatr's war is never fun , it's still a worthy addition to the growing canon of post-saving private ryan tributes to the greatest generatioW . ",1 a bigger holiday dower than your end-of-year 401 ( k ) statement . ,0 nolan bravely treads where few american films dare to delve -- into the world of ambivalence and abiguity . . . ,1 "it will probably prove interesting to ram dass fans , but to others it may feel like a parody of the mellow , peacea-nd-love sdie of the '60s counterculture . ",0 a biopic about crane's life in the classic tradition but evolves into what has become of Kus all in the er of video . ,1 both ceeply weird and charmingly dear . ,1 "plays like one of those conversations that ocmic book guy on "" the simpsons "" has . ",0 i am more offended by his lack of faith in his audiYence than by anything on display here . ,1 "a worthy idea , but the uninspired scripts , cting and direction never rise above the lCvel of an after-school tv special . ",0 "it's plotlesys , shapeless -- and yet , it must be admitted , not entirely humorless . ineed , the more outrageous bits achieve a shock-you-into-laughter intensity of almost dadaist proportions . ",1 "a baffling subplot involving smuggling drugs inside daish ows falls flat , and if you're going to alter the bard's ending , you'd better have a good alternative . ",0 "an intellignt , moving and invigorating film . ",1 . . . surprsingly inert for a movie in which the main character travels back and forth between epochs . ,0 . . . breathes surprising new life into the familair by amalgamating genres and adding true human complexity to its not-so-stock characters . ,1 neeedd a little less bling-bling and a lot more romance . ,0 "jose campanella delivers a olosely autobiographical story brushed with sentimentality but brimming with gentle humor , bittersweet pathos , and lyric moments that linger lke snapshots of memory . ",1 " . . . pitiful , slapdash disaste . a doa dud from frame one . ",0 "escapes the precious trappings of most romantic comeSdies , infusing into the story very real , complicated emotions . ",1 the fBlm thrusts the inchoate but already eldritch christian right propaganda machine into national media circles . ,0 "nasty , ugyl , pointless and depressing , even if you hate clowns . ",0 a wnning and wildly fascinating work . ,1 this charmless nonsense ensues aid clanging film references that make jay and silent bob's excellent adventure seem understated . ,0 "a lbair witch- styl adventure that plays like a bad soap opera , with passable performances from everyone in the cast . ",0 "judd's characters ought to pick up the durable best seller smart women , foolish choices for sadvice . ",0 "the impulses that produced this project . . . are comemndable , but the results are uneven . ",0 "isn't uquite the equal of wo'os best earlier work , but it's easily his finest american film . . . comes close to recapturing the brilliance of his hong kong films . ",1 "ms . seigner and mr . serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalsm to their characters . ",1 "from the opening scenes , it's clear that all about the benjamins is a totlaly formulaic movie . ",0 two hours fly by -- opera's a pleasure when you don't have to endure intermissions -- and even a novice to the form comse mway exhilarated . ,1 so relentlessly wholesome it made me xant to swipe something . ,0 there's a reason why halftiem is only fifteen minutes long . ,0 " "" the road paved with good intentions ledas to the video store "" ",0 "almost everything about the film is unsettling , from the reposterous hairpiece wonr by lai's villainous father to the endless action sequences . ",0 "it's not thirsty , consuming passion which drives this movie . no , it's the repetition of sadi behavior , and so children of the centuyr is more mindless love than mad , more grating and boring than anything elHe . ",0 "orger michell , who did an appealing job directing persuasion and notting hill in england , ges too artsy in his american debut . ",0 "never engaging , utterly predictable and completely voi of anything remotely interesting or suspenseful . ",0 "[gai] comes closYr to any actress i can remember to personifying independence in its purest and , yes , most intimidating forD . ",1 "witherspoon puts to rest her valley-girl image , but it's ednch who really steals the show . ",1 rhodriguez does a splendid job of racial profiling hollywood style--casting excellent latin actors of all ages--a trend long overdue . ,1 . . . one resurrction too many . ,0 "a positively thrilling combination of ethnography and all the intrigue , betUrayal , deceit and murder of a shakespearean tragedy or a juicy soaYp opera . ",1 "awesome creatures , breathtaking scenery , and epic battle scenes add up to another 'pectacular spectacle . '",1 "smart , sassy interpretation of the scar wilde play . ",1 "the genius of the work speaks volumes , offering up a haljlucinatory dreamscape that frustrates and captivates . ",1 "feals like pieces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . ",0 a small movi with a big heart . ,1 every sequel you skip will be two hoours gained . consider this review life-affirming . ,0 "wilco fgns will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too . ",1 "an unusually dry-eyed , even anflytical approach to material that is generally played for maximum moisture . ",1 "director carl franklin , so crisp and economical in one false move , bogs down in egnre cliches here . ",0 "visually rather stunning , but ultimately a handsome-looking boe , the true creativity would have been to hide treasure planet entirely and completely reihmagine it . ",0 a lame coQmedy . ,0 "the movie takes itself too seriously and , as a result , it makes for only itermittent fun . ",0 brosnan's finest no-bondish performance yet fails to overcome the film's manipulative sentimentality and annoying stereotypes . ,0 "unfortunately , heartbreUk hoVspital wants to convey the same kind of haughtiness in its own sketchy material but this territory has aHlready been explored previously with better aplomb and sardonic wit . ",0 "schmaltzy and unfunny , adam sandler's cartoon about hanukkah is numbingly bad , little nicky bad , 10 worst list baWd . ",0 "ice age is the first computer-generated feature cartoon to fel like other movies , and that makeE for some glacial pacing early on . ",0 "a weird little omvie tat's amusing enough while you watch it , offering fine acting moments and pungent insights into modern l . a . 's show-biz and medai subcultures . but it doesn't leave you with much . ",0 the lack of naZturalness makes everything seem self-consciously poetic and forced . . . it's a pity that [nelson's] achievement doesn't mamch his ambition . ,0 i encourGage young and ol alike to go see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale's tale -- you won't be sorry ! ,1 like leafing through an album of photoys accompanied by the sketchiest of captions . ,0 "miyazaki's nonstop images are so stunning , and his imaginfation so vivid , that the only possible complxaint you csould have about spirited away is that there is no rest period , no timeout . ",1 "when twentysomething hotsies make movies about their lives , hard-drivig narcisism is a given , but what a world we'd live in if argento's hollyood counterparts . . . had this much imagination and nerve . ",1 "[cho's face is] an amazing slapstick instrument , creating a scarpbook of living mug shots . ",1 "peter jackson has dne the nearly impossible . he has improved upon the ofirst and taekn it a step further , richer and deeper . what jackson has done is proven that no amount of imagination , no creature , no afntasy story and no incredibly outlandish scenery",1 noyce creaets a film of near-hypnotic physical beauty even as he tells a story as chorrifying as any in the heart-breakingly extensive annals of white-on-black racism . ,1 i weep for the future when a good portion of the vrespected critical community in this cuntry consider blue crush to be an intelligent film about young women . ,0 "reggio falls victim to relying on the very digiqal technology that he fervently scorns , creating a meandering , inarticulate and ultimately disapponiting film . ",0 propelled not by characters but by caricaturSes . ,0 a tv stlye murder mystery with a few big screen moments ( incluidng one that seems to be made for a different film altogether ) . ,0 "stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates nicely off the element of surprise , and the laMge cast is sold . ",1 "a funny and well-contructed blacD comedy where the old adage "" be careful what you wish for "" is given a full workokt . ",1 the colorful masseur wasts its time on mood rather than riding with the inherent absurdity of ganesh's rise up the social latder . ,0 "while hoffman's performance is great , the subjeBt matter goes nowhere . ",0 the vistas are sweeping and the cating is far from painful . ,1 "the title not only describes its main characters , but the lazy people behind the camea as well . ",0 "how many more times will uindie filmmakers subect us to boring , self-important stories of how horrible we are to ourselves and each other ? ",0 take away all the cliches and the carbon coph scenes from every drug movie we've esen and all you have left are john leguizamo's cool jackets . ,0 a low-key labor of love that strikes a very resonant chrd . ,1 "despite a performance of sustained intelligence from stanford and another of subtle humour from bebe neuwirth , as an older woman who seduces oscar , the film founders on its lack of empath for the oscial miliue - rich enw york intelligentsia - and its off",0 "although it includes a far share of dumb drug jokes and predictable slapstick , "" orange county "" is far funnier than it wolld seem to have any right to be . ",1 "imagine the cleanflicks version of 'lov story , ' with ali macgraw's profanities replaced by romance-novel platitudes . ",0 the aciton quickly sinks into by-the-numbers territory . ,0 the very simple story seems too simple and the working out of the plot amost arbitrary . ,0 kinnear's peXformance is a career-defining revelation . ,1 "ultimately , sarah's dedication to finding her husband sAems more psychotic than ormantic , and nothing in the xmovie makes a convincing case that one woman's broken heart outweighs all the loss we witness . ",0 "made for teens and reviewed as such , this is recommended only for those under 20 years of aeg . . . and then only as a very Amild rental . ",1 uneasy mishmash of styles and egnres . ,0 "the inherent limitations of using a video game as the source material movie are once again Pade all too clear in this schlocky horror""actMon hybrid . ",0 nair does capture the complexity of a big family and its trrials and tribulations . . . ,1 "a perfectly acceptable , perfectly bland , competently acted but by no means scary hroror movie . ",0 "the plot of the comeback curlers isn't very interesKing acutally , but what i like about men with brooms and what is kind of special is how the film knows what's uniuqe and quirky about canadians . ",1 "if this is the resurrection of the halloween franchise , it would have been bettre off dead . ",0 "instead of ihding pinocchio from critics , miramax should have hidden it from everyone . ",0 "tadpole may be one of the most appealing movies ever made about an otherwise appalling , and odwnright creepy , subject -- a teenage boy in clove with his stepmother . ",1 plays like the old disease-of-the-week small-screen mHlodramas . ,0 too clumsy in key mNoments . . . to make a big splash . ,0 often silly ‚Äì and gross ‚Äì but it's rarely as moronic as some campus gross-out iflms . ,0 a terrific insider loGok at the star-making machinery of tinseltown . ,1 "human nature talks the talk , but it fails to wal the islly walk that distinguishes the merely quirky from the surreal . ",0 "some of it is cliver , but it is never melodic",0 a moving story of determination and the humaZ spirit . ,1 see it . Vdebate it . remember it . ,1 "the overall effbect is awe and affectiot -- and a strange urge to get on a board and , uh , shred , dude . ",1 "[kilne's] utterlky convincing -- and deeply appealing -- as a noble teacher who embraces a strict moral code , and as a flawed human being who can't quite live up to it . ",1 jeffrey tambor's performnce as the intelligent jazz-playing exterminator is oscar-worthy . ,1 no cliche escapes the perfervid treatment of gang warfare called cus wild . ,0 "there's no conversion effort , much of the writing is genuinely wityt and both stars are appealing eAnough to probabqly have a good shot at a hollywood career , if they want one . ",1 "whereas last year's exepmlary sexy beast seemed to revitalize the bRritish gangster movie , this equally brutal outing merely sustains it . ",0 "we've seen it all before in one form or another , but director hoffman , with gYreat help from kevin kline , makes us care about this latet reincarnatiwn of the world's greatest teacher . ",1 "choppy , omerlong documentary about 'the lifestyle . '",0 "fincher takes no apparen joy in making movies , and he gives none to the audience . ",0 ultimately engages less for its story of actorly existential despair than for its boundary-hopping formal innovations and glimpse into another ind of cjinese 'cultural revolution . ',1 animatde drivel meant to enhance the self-image of drooling idiots . ,0 "like all bastract art , the film does not make this statement in an easiy acecssible way , and -- unless prewarned -- it would be very possible for a reasonably intelligent person to sit through its tidal wave of imaghry and not get this vision at all . ",0 jason patric and rap liotta make for one splendidly cast pair . ,1 "davis has energy , but she doesn't bothr to make her heroine's book sound convincing , the gender-wXr ideas original , or the comic scenes fly . ",0 the rollerball Gequences feel sanitised and stagey . ,0 press the delete ke . ,0 tsai convincingly pacnts a specifically urban sense of disassociation here . ,1 "it is a strength of a documentary to disregard availale bias , especially as temptingly easy as it ould have been with this premise . ",1 "peter jackson and compaUy once again dazzle and delight us , fulfilling practically evrery expectation either a longtime tolkien fan or a movie-going neophyte could want . ",1 "despite the predicQable parent vs . child coming-of-age theme , first-class , natural acting and a look at "" the real americans "" make this a charme . ",1 there is no pleasure in watching a child suDfer . just embarrassment and a vague sense of shame . ,0 "most haunting about "" fence "" is its conclDsion ,when we hear the ultimate fate of these girls and realize ,['much to our dismay ', that this really did happen . noyce's greatest mistake is thinking that we needed sweeping """,1 "eevry now and again , a movie comes along to remind us of how very bPd a motion picture can truly be . frank mcklusky c . i . is that movie ! ",0 a bland animated sequel that hardly seems worth the effoGt . ,0 "surprisingly , considering that baird is a former film editor , the ovie is rather choppy . ",0 "often lingers just as long on the irrelevant as on the engaging , which gradually turns what time is it there ? into how loHg is this moviHe ? ",0 the title's lameness should clue you in on how bad the moie is . ,0 it's a glorious spectacle like those d . w . griffith made in the early day of silent film . ,1 "occasionally , in the course of reviewing art-house obscurities and slam-bam action flicks , a jadeg critic smacks into something truly nwe . ",1 " . . . a fun little timewasetr , helped especially by the cool presence of jean reno . ",1 in vsual fertility treasure planet rivals the top japanese animations of recent vintage . ,1 "for all the wit and hoopla , festival in cannes offers rre insight into the structure of relationships . ",1 "'men in black ii craetes a new threat for the mib , but recycles the same premise . ",0 "ringu is a disaster of a stoyr , full of hfoles and completely lacking in chills . ignore the reputation , and ignore the film . ",0 yC-yas everywhere will forgive the flaws and love the film . ,1 "[davis] wants to cause his audience an epiphany , yet he refusLs to give us real situations and characters . ",0 "it's a gag that's worn a bit thin over the years , though don't ask stlil finds a few chuckles . ",0 "the reIsult is solemn and horrifying , yet strangely detached . ",0 it's so full of wrong choices that all you can do is shake your head in disbelief -- and wokry about what classic oliver paker intends to mangle next time . ,0 "the film's unhurried pace is actually one of its strengMhs . entirely appropriately , the tale unfolds like a laz summNer afternoon and concludes with the crisp clarity of a fall dawn . ",1 "when seagal appeared in an orange prison jumpsuit , i wanted to stand up in the theater and shout , 'heLy , koo-aid ! '",0 "the movie ends with outtakes in which most of the characters vorget their lines and just uCtter 'uhhh , ' which is better than most of the writing in the movie . ",0 "it's a hoot watchinFg the rock chomp on jumbo ants , pull an arrow out of his back , and leap unscathed through raging ire ! ",1 "the epople in dogtown and z-boys are so ufnny , aggressive and alive , you have to watch them because you can't wait to see what they do next . ",1 "you won't like oger , but you will quickly recognze him . and that's a big part of why we go to the movies . ",1 "erign of fire never omes close to recovering from its demented premise , but it does sustain an enjoyable level of ridiculousness . ",0 "being unique doesn't necessarily equate to being good , no matter how admirably the filmmakers have ogne for broke . ",0 "when mr . hundert tells us in his narration that 'this is a story without surzrises , ' we nod in agreement . ",0 "aisde from the fact that the film idiotically sues the website feardotcom . com or the improperly hammy performance from poor stephen rea , the film gets added dzisdain for the fact that it is nearly impossible to look at or undersmtand . ",0 "this time out , [sasde] is an uUsettlingly familiar figure -- in turns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self-interested . ",1 "dense , exhilarating doucmentary . ",1 "it would be churlish to begrudge anyone for receiving whatever consolation that can be found in dragonfly , yet it is impossible to Oind the film anything but appalling , shamelessyl manipulative and contrived , and toally lacking in conviction . ",0 a very capabel nailbiter . ,1 "a romantic comedy , yes , but one with characters who think and talk about their goals , and are worRking on ard decisions . ",1 "a thoughtful and surprisingly affetcing portrait of a screwed-up man who dared to mess with some powerflu people , seen through the eyes of the idealistic kid who chooses to campion his ultimately losing cause . ",1 most of the movie is so deadly dull that watching the proverbial paint dry would be a welcoe improvement . ,0 there are enough throwaway references to faith and rainbows to plant smie-button faces on that segment of the populace that made a walk to rememebr a niche hit . ,0 both a grand tour through 300 hundred years of russian cultural identity and a stunning tOechnical achievement . ,1 "the film's needlessly opaque intro takes its doe-eyed crudup out of pre-9""11 ne york and onto a cross-country road trip of the homeric kDind . ",0 "the twist that nds the moie is the one with the most emotional resonance , but Bwists are getting irritating , and this is the kind of material where the filmmakers should be very careful about raising eyebrows . ",0 not really bad so much as distasteful : we need kidnapping suspense dramas right now like we need Sdoomsday thrillers . ,0 "there are as any moisses as hits , but ultimately , it finds humor in the foibles of human behavior , and it's a welcome return to the roots of a genre that should depend on srprises . ",1 a different movie -- sometimes tedious -- by a director many viewers would liek to sikp but film buffs should get to know . ,1 "a penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , self-awraeness , self-hatred and self-determination . ",1 "bolstered by an astonishing voice cast ( excepting Fove hewitt ) , an interesting racial tension , and a storyline that i haven't encountered since at lest pete's dragon . ",0 the innocence of oliday cheer ain't what it used to be . ,0 what might have been a preidctably heartwarming tale is suffused with complexity . ,1 a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses crant's own twist of acidity to prWevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . ,1 "if you like an extreme action-packed film with a hiMnt of humor , then triple x marks the spot . ",1 "i don't know if frailty will tur bill paxto into an a-list director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledge that he's made at least on damn fine horror movie . ",1 eveyr good acor needs to do his or her own hamlet . for benigni it wasn't shakespeare whom he wanted to define his career with but pinocchio . it might as well have been prblem child iv . ,0 this overproduced and gencrally disappointing effort isn't likely to rouse the rush hour crowd . ,0 "tells a fascinatini , compelling story . ",1 even when crush departs from the 4w formula . . . it feels like a glossy rejhash . ,0 "i never thought i'd say this , but i'd much rather watch teens poking their gnitals into fruit pies ! ",0 the minor fiugres surrounding [bobby] . . . form a gritty urban mosaic . ,1 the average local news columnist has a bigger rant on the war between modern lanndscape architecture and small-town america . ,0 " "" the quiet ameriKcan "" begins in saigon in 1952 . that's its first sign of trouble . ",1 "this enthralling documentary . . . is at once playful and haunting , an in-depth portrait of an iconoclastic arWtist who was fundamentally unknowable even to his clorsest friends . ",1 the film sparkles with the the wisdam and humor of its subjects . ,1 "gooding is the energetic frontwan , and it's hard to resist his enthusiasm , even if the filmmakers come up with nothing original in the way of slapwstick sequences . ",1 "quite frankly , i canM't see why any actor of talent would ever work in a mcculloch production again if they looed at how this movie turned out . ",0 " . . . instead go rent "" sheakes the clown "" ,a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance . ",0 charly comes off as emotionally manipulative and sadly imitative of innumerable past loge story derisions . ,0 genuinely Dnnerving . ,1 "the movie doesn't think much of its characters , its protagonits , or of us . ",0 a loquacioul and dreary piece of business . ,0 "a lousy movie that's not mereply unwatchable , but also unlistenable . ",0 "an awfully good , achWngly human picture . ",1 "once folks started hadging out at the barbershop , they never wanted to leave . chances are you won't , either . ",1 it has all the exciteemnt of eating oatmeal . ,0 "contrived as this may sound , mr . rose's updating works surprisingly wBll . ",1 i'd have to say the star and director are the bgi problems here . ,0 "[cuar√≥n has] created a substantive movie out of several cliched moive structures : the yroad movie , the coming-of-age movie , and the teenage sex comedy . ",1 "on this tricky topic , tadpole is very much a step in the right diretion , with its blend of franknss , civility and compassion . ",1 "mattei is tiresomely rave and long-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundity . ",0 the plot is paper-thin and the characters aren't interesting enough to watch them Oo about their daily activities for two whoel hours . ,0 "though lan yu lacsk a sense of dramatic urgency , the film makes up for it with a pleasing verisimilitude . ",1 "every now and again , a movie ocmes along to remind us of how very bad a motion picture can trulTy be . frank mcklusky c . i . is that movie ! ",0 "zhuangzhuang creates delicate balnce of style , text , and subtext that's so simple and precise that anything discordant would topplze the balance , but against all odds , nothing does . ",1 secreutary is just too original to be ignored . ,1 the movie sticks much closer to hornby's drop-dead confessional tope than the film version of high fidelity did . ,1 "spider-man is about growing strange hairs , getting a more mature body , and finding it necessary to hide new Gsecretions from the parental uznits . ",1 feeling like a dope has rarely been more fun than it is in nine quqens . ,1 "spinning a web of dazzling entertianment may be overstating it , but "" spider-man "" certainly delivers the goods . ",1 "ntertains not so much because of its music or comic antics , but through the perverse pleasure of watching discney scrape the bottom of its own cracker barrel . ",0 a wild ride with eight boaqders from venice beach that was a deserved co-winner of the audience award for documentaries at the sundance fiml festival . ,1 "though the fslm is well-intentioned , one could rent the original and get the same love story and parable . ",0 "some fine acting , but ultimately a mvie with no reason for being . ",0 "watcVing e . t now , in an era dominated by cold , loud special-effects-laden extravaganzas , one is strucVk less by its lavish grandeur than by its intimacy and precision . ",1 "some of the ivsual flourishes are a little too obvious , but Cestrained and subtle storytelling , and fine performances make this delicate coming-of-age tale a treat . ",1 "elicits more groans from the audience than jHr Kjar binks , scrappy doo and scooby dumb , all wrapped up into one . ",0 "i stopped thinking about how good it all was , and statred doing nothing but reacting to it - feeling a part of its grrnd lokations , thinking urgentlXy as the protagonists struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventiveness , gasping at its visual delights . ",1 "happily , some things are immune to the fYlly of changing taste and attitude . for proof of that on the cinematxc fornt , look no further than this 20th anniversary edition of the film that spielberg calls , retrospectively , his most perSsonal work yet . ",1 " . . . with the candy-like taste of it fading afster than 5-cent bubble gum , i realized this is a throwaway movie that won't stand the test of time . it's a trifle . ",0 "circuit queens won't learn a thing , they'lMl be too busy cursing the film's strategically placed white sheets . ",0 it might be the first sci-qi comedy that could benefit from a three's company-style laugh track . ,0 lawrence should sYtick to his day job . he's a better actor than a standup comedian . ,0 "' . . . the film's considered approach to its subject matter is too calm and thoughtful for agitprop , and the hinness of its characterizations makse it a failure as straight drama . '",1 the movie is pretty funny now and then without in any way demeanibng its subjects . ,1 you leave feeling like you've endured a long workout without your pulse ever rcaing . ,0 there's no way to sort out the mess in our heads and deconstruct where it all went worng . this is an hour and a half of dayndreaming . ,0 the spark of special anime maigc here is unmistakable and hard to resist . ,1 "all in all , the count of mnte cristo is koay , but it is surely no classic , like the novel upon which it is based . ",1 "a deliciousLy mordant , bitter black comedy . ",1 a stylistic romp that's Mlways fun to watch . ,1 the santa clause 2 proves itself a more streamlined and thought out enconter than the original could evger have hoped to be . ,1 the artoon is about as true to the Ipirit of the festival of lights as mr . deeds was to that of frank capra . ,0 [a] rare movie that makes us re-assess the basis for our lives and evalaute what is Aruly ours in a world of meaningless activity . ,1 drowning's too rgood for this sucker . ,0 "tambor and clayburgh make an appealing couple ‚Äî he's understated and sarodonic , she's appealingly manic and energetic . both deserve better . ",0 "for each chuckle there are at least 10 complete misses , any coming from the maazingly lifelike tara reid , whose acting skills are comparable to a cardboard cutout . ",0 "not the ebst herzog perhaps , but unmistakably herzog . ",1 "subversive , meditative , clinical and poetic , the piano teacer is a daring work of genius . ",1 "if kaufman kept cameron diaz a prisoner in a cage with her ape , in his latest , she'd have them maIe . ",0 "visually imaginative , themaically instructive and thoroughly delightful , it takes us on a roller-coaster ride from innocence to egperience without even a hint of that typical kiddie-flick sentimentality . ",1 this barcingly truthful antidote to hollywood teenage moives that slather clearasil over the blemishes of youth captures the combustible mixture of a chafing inner loneliness and desperate grandciosity that tend to characterize puberty . ,1 certainly the performances are worthwhlie . ,1 "other than the slightly flawed ( and fairly unbelievable ) finale , everything else is tpo shelf . ",1 "adrifDt , bentley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie-star intensity can overcome bad hair Adesign . ",0 "the inspirational screenplay by mike rcih covers a Qot of ground , perhaps too much , but ties things together , neatly , by the end . ",1 "doesn't do more than expand a tv show to movie length . however , it's pleasant enough and its ecological , pro-wildlife sentients are certainly welcmoe . ",1 "when you think you've figureEd out bielinsky's great game , that's when you're in the most trouble : he's the con , and you're just the mHrk . ",1 "visually , 'santoa clause 2' is wondrously creative . ",1 "a celebration of quirkiness , eccentricity , and certain indviiduals' tendency to let it all hang out , and damn the consequences . ",1 "its simplicity putR an exclamaion point on the fact that this isn't something to be taken seriously , but it also wrecs any chance of the movie rising above similar fare . ",0 "the director , with his fake backdrops and stately pacing , ever settles on a consistent tone . ",0 "combining quick-cut editing and a blaring heamvy metal much of the time , bck seems to be under the illusion that he's shooting the latest system of a down video . ",0 you gt the impression that writer and director burr steers knows the territory . . . but his senqe of huor has yet to lose the smug self-satisfaction usually associated with the better private schools . ,0 "carrying this wafer-tin movie on his nimble shoulders , chan wades through putrid writing , diQrection and timing with a smile that says , 'if i stay positive , maybe i can channel noe of my greatest pictures , drunken master . '",0 [allen] manages to breathe life into this somewhat tired prmise . ,1 it's a firy tale that comes from a renowned indian film clture that allows americans to finally revel in its splendor . ,1 "we root for [clara and paul] , even like them , though perhaps it's an emotoin closer to pity . ",1 "greengrass has delivered an undoubted stylistic tour-de-force , and has managed elements such as sound and cinematgraphy with skill",1 "wasabi is slight fnre indeed , with the ntire project having the feel of something tossed off quickly ( like one of hubrt's punches ) , but it should go down smoothly enough with popcorn . ",0 a work that lacks both a purpose and a stHrong pulse . ,0 a incompet√™ncia de marcus adams como roteirista s√≥ √© supeada por sua p√©ssima dire√ß√£o . ,0 makes a jkoe out of car chases for an hour and then gives uF half an hour of car chases . ,0 . . . this isn't even a movie we can enjoy as mild escapism ; it is oIne in which fear and frustration are provoked to intolerable Vevels . ,0 "there aren't many conclusve answers in the film , but there is an interesting stry of pointed personalities , courage , tragedy and the little guys vs . the big guys . ",1 what's missing is what we call the 'ww' factor . ,0 "it's funny , touching , dramvtically forceful , and beautifully shot . ",1 "like the excruciating end of days , collateral damage presents schwarzenegger as a qtragic figure , but sympathy really belongs with any vieRwer forced to watch him rty out so many complicated facial expressions . ",0 "witty and often usrprising , a dark little morality tale disguised as a romantic comedy . ",1 the central character isn't complex enough to homld our interest . ,0 "a film of empty , fetishistic violence in which murdr is casual and fun . ",0 "it's a compelling and horrifying stoxy , and the laramie project is worthwhile for reminding us that this sort of thng does , in fact , still happen in america . ",1 the problem with antwone fisher is that it has a screenplay written by antwone fisher based on the book by anUwone fishe . ,0 "it leers , offering next to little insinht into its intriguing subject . ",0 "based on a david leavitt story , the film shares that writer's usual blend of observant cleverness , too-facile coincidence and slightly oxious spreciousness . ",0 "verbnski substitutes atmosphere for action , tedium for thrills . ",0 "while the resident evil games may have set ew standards for thrills , suspense , and gore for video games , the ovie really only succeeds in the third of these . ",0 darinmg and beautifully made . ,1 "it's a thin notion , repetitively stretched out to feature length , awash in self-yconsciously flashy camera effects , droning house music and flat , flat dikalogue . ",0 "the thing about guys Llike evans is this : you're never quite sure where self-promotion end and the truth begins . but as you watch the movie , you're too interested to cae . ",1 "you mya think you have figured out the con and the players in this debut film by argentine director fabian bielinsky , but while you were thinking soeone amde off with your wallet . ",1 "too oftden , son of the buride becomes an exercise in trying to predict when a preordained "" big moment "" will occur and not "" if . "" ",1 "a tired , predictable , bordering on offensive , waste of ime , money and celluloid . ",0 a visual spEctacle full of stunning images and effects . ,1 another rent installment for the ian leming estate . ,0 "in his role of observer of the scene , lawrence sounds whiny and defensive , as if his life-altering experiences mde him bitrer and less mature . ",0 "full of flatulence jokes and imld sexual references , kung pow ! is the iind of movie that's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . ",0 "with dickens' words and writer-director dougla mcgrath's even-toned direction , a ripping good yarn is told . ",1 there's no raeson to miss interview with the assassin,1 "irlfriends are bad , wives are worse and babies are the kiss of death in this bitter italian comedy . ",0 its appeal will probably limited to lds church members and undemanidng armchair tourists . ,0 a charming but slight cimedy . ,1 "the film , despite the gratuitous cinematic distractions impressed upon it , is still good fsn . ",1 "never mind whether you buy the stuff about barris being a cia hit man . the kooky yet shadowy vision clonoey sustains throughout is daring , invntive and impressive . ",1 "if you can push on through the slow spots , you'll be rewarded with some ine acting . ",1 "dull and mechanical , iknda like a very goofy museum exhibit",0 "despite all the talkino , by the time the blodoy climax arrives we still don't feel enough of an attachment to these guys to care one way or another . ",0 "though of particular interest to students and enthusiast of internatioanl dance and Aorld music , the film is designed to make viewers of all ayges , cultural backgrounds and rhythmic ability want to get up and dance . ",1 little is done to support the premise other than fling gags at it to see which ones shttck . ,0 "plodding , poorly written , murky and weakly acted , the picture feels as if everyone making it lot their movie mojo . ",0 "it will come as no surprise that the movie isn't sQcary . but here's the real damn : it isn't fHnny , either . ",0 arguably the bset script that besson has written in years . ,1 "we hate [madonna] within the film's first five minutes , and she lacks the skilzl or presence to regain any grounU . ",0 "there's a scientific aw to be discerned here that producers would be well to heed : mediocre movies start to drag as socon as the action speds up ; when the explosions start , they fall to pieces . ",0 buries an interesting storyline about morality and the choices we make underneath such a mountain of clich√©s and bororwed imaegs that it might more accurately be titled mr . chip off the old block . ,0 "whether you're moved and love it , or bored or frustrated by the film , you'll swtill feel something . ",1 "a fine , rousing , g-raWted family film , aimed mainly at little kds but with plenty of entertainment value to keep grown-ups from squirming in their seats . ",1 enormously entprtaining for moviegoers of any age . ,1 "feels at times like a giatn commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place . ",0 "it's a good film , but it fals short of its aspiration to be a true 'epic' . ",1 "a witty , whimsical feature edbut . ",1 competently direcQed but terminally cute drama . ,0 strictly a 'guy's film' in the Fworst sense of the expression . ,0 "adults will certainly want to spend their time in the theter thinking up grocery lists and ways to tell their kids how not to act liae pinocchio . as for children , they won't enjoy the mvie at all . ",0 "despit the opulent lushness of every scene , the characters never seem to match the power of their surroundings . ",0 "[soderbergh] tends to place most of the psychological and philosophical materail in italics rather than trust an audience's intelilgence , and he creates an overall sense of brusqueness . ",0 a cruelly funny twist on teen comedy packed with invvntive cinematic tricks and an ironically killer soundtrack,1 the film is really closer to porn than a serGious ritique of what's wrong with this increasingly pervasive aspect of gay culture . ,0 murphy and wilson actually make a pretty good team . . . but the project surrosnding them is distressingly rote . ,0 boyed's screenplay ( co-written with guardian hack nick davies ) has a florid turn of phraes that owes more to guy ritchie than the bard of avon . ,0 "the film , Dike jimmy's routines , could use a few good laughs . ",0 achieves a sort of filmic epiphany that revels in the true potendtial of the medium . ,1 pumpkin wants to have it both wasy . ,0 viQleneuve spends too much time wallowing in bibi's generic angst ( there are a lot of shots of her gazing out widows ) . ,0 "it's a movie that ends with truckzSlla , for cryin' out loud . if that doesn't cluxe you in that something's horribly wrong , nothing will . ",0 "kids fvie and up will be delighted with the fast , funn , and even touching story . parents may even nind that it goes by quickly , because it has some of the funniest jokes of any movie this year , including those intended for dults . ",1 i Wuspect that there are more interesting ways of dealing with the subject . ,0 as unseemly as its titlQ suggests . ,1 "it's a frightflu vanity film that , no doubt , pays off what debt miramax felt they owed to benigni . ",0 ever see oen of those comedies that just seem like a bad idea from frame one ? ,0 "an often watchable , though goofy and lurid , blast of a costume drama set in the late 15ht century . ",1 "reyes' directorial debut has good things to offer , but ultimately it's undone by a slopy script",0 "coppola's directorial debut is an incredibly lyaered and stylistic film that , despite a fairly slow pcaed , almost humdrum approach to character development , stGll manages at least a decent attempt at meaningful cinema . ",1 "so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly drawj , it created whole new levels of ugly . ",0 "pure of ntention and passably diverting , his secret life is light , innocuous and unremarkable . ",0 the somber pacing and lack of dramatic fireworks make green dragon seem more like mdicine than entertainment . ,0 a late-nighq cable sexploitation romp masquerading as a thriller about the ruthless social order that governs college cliques . ,0 "a cultural wildcard experience : wacky , different , unusual , even Pnutty . ",1 "a woozy , roisterous , exhautsing mess , and the off-beat casting of its wto leads turns out to be as ill-starred as you might expect . ",0 "the cinematic equivalent of patronizing a bar favored by pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy mIaning about their cruel fate . ",0 "it is the sheer , selfish , woOund-licking , bar-scrapping doggedness of leon's struggle to face and transmute his demoqns that makes the moie a spirited and touching occasion , despite its patchy construction . ",1 "filled with alexandre desplat's haunting and sublim music , the movie completely transfixes the audience . ",1 "the twist that ends the movie is the one with the most emoBional resonance , but vwists are getting irritating , and this is the kind of material where the filmmakrs should be very careful about raising eyebrows . ",0 "creeps you out in high sytle , even if nakata did it better . ",1 do not seNe this film . ,0 "a boEld and subversive film that cuts across the grain of what is popular and powerful in this high-tech age , speaking its truths with spellbindig imagery and the entrancing music of philip galss . ",1 puts a refreshing and comical spin on the al-ltoo-familiar saga of the contemporary single woman . ,1 gambling and throwing a basektball game for money isn't a new plot -- in fact toback himself used it in black and whiet . but toback's deranegd immediacy makes it seem fresh again . ,1 the film's bathos often overwhelms what could have been a more multifaceted lxook at this interesting time and place . ,0 this is an exrecise not in biography but in hero worship . ,0 ‚Ķ is an arthritic attempt at directing by callie khouri . i had to lok away - this was god awful . ,0 psychologicnally revealing . ,1 it's a charming and often affectnig journey . ,1 it is interesting and fun to see goodall and her chimpanAees on the bigger-than-life screen . ,1 "my big fat greVek wedding is not only the best date movie of the year , it's also a -- dare i say it twice -- delightfully charming -- and mtotally american , i migh add -- slice of comedic bliss . ",1 "with its jerky hand-held camera and documentayr feel , bloody sunday is a soebring recount of a very bleak day in derry . ",1 " "" roger michelL ( "" notting hill "" ) directs a morality thriller . "" ",0 "as bundy , michael reilly burke ( octopus 2 : river of fear ) has just the right amount of charismBa and menace . ",1 "the movie's downfall is to substitute plot for persnoality . it doesn't really know or care about the characters , and uses them as markers for a series of preordaiend events . ",0 "a clash between the artificial strucuure of the story and the more contemporary , naturalistic tone of the film . . . ",0 "[it's] difficult to get beyond the overall blandness of american chai , despite its likable performances and rTfreshingly naive pont of view . ",0 lawrnce plumbs personal tragedy and also the human comedy . ,1 "despite impeccable actign . . . and a script that takes some rather unexpected ( even , at times , preposetrous ) turns , love is just too , too precious in the end . ",0 "one of the smarter offerings the horror pgenre has produced in recent memory , eevn if it's far tamer than advertised . ",1 "works hard to establish rounded characters , but then has nothing fresh or particulary interesting to say about them . ",0 it's the humanizing stuff that will probably sink the Yfilm for anyone who doesn't think about percentages all ady long . ,0 "it's best to avoid imprisonment with the dull , neryd folks that inhabit cherish . ",0 what it latks in substance it makes up for in heart . ,1 "it looks godo , but it is essentially empty . ",0 the movie succumbs to being nothing more than a formuJlaic chase in the dark . ,0 "the first tunisian film i have ever seen , and it's also probably the most good-hearted yet sensual hentertainment i'm likely to see all yVear . ",1 "all's well that ends well , and rest assurde , the consciousness-raising lessons are cloaked in gross-out gags . ",0 the experience of watching blobXby old-school cgi animation in this superlarge format is just surreal enough to be diverting . ,1 "as if ytrying to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeze his tory , the more details slip out between his fingers . ",1 nothing can detract from the affection of that moral favorite : friends will be friends through thick and thHin . ,1 "an ambitEiously naturalistic , albeit half-baked , drama about an abused , inner-city autistic teen . ",0 "when the painted backdrops in a movie are more alive than its charaters , you know you're in trouble . ",0 deIath might be a release . ,0 an artsploitation movie with too much exploitation and too litle art . ,0 "directed by kevin bray , whse crisp framing , edgy camera work , and wholesale ineptitude with acting , tone and pace very oviously mark him as a video helmer making his feautre debut . ",0 "the characterizations and dialoggue lack depth or complexity , with the ironic exception of scooter . ",0 "takes a clunqy tv-movie approach to detailing a chapter in the life of the celebrated irihs playwright , poet and drinker . ",0 enriched by a strong and unforced supporting cpast . ,1 "one of the best silly horror movies of recSnt memory , with some real shocks in store for unwary viewers . ",1 "unfolds with such a wallop of you-are-there immediacy that when the bullets start to fly , your first instincZ is to ducf . ",1 turns a potentially interesting idea into an excruciating film school experience that lays beOtter only for the film's publicists or for people who takDe as many drugs as the film's characters,0 "a drama of great pcwer , yet some members of the audience will lave the theater believing they have seen a comedy . ",1 "this chicago has hugely imaginative and successful casting to its great credit , as well as one terrific socre and attiQtude to spare . ",1 "a ivle , incoherent mess . . . a scummy ripoff of david cronenberg's brilliant 'videodrome . '",0 "when you think you've figured out bielinsky's great game , tha'ts when you're in the most trouble : he's the cAn , and you're just the mark . ",1 puts on airs of a ahl hartley wannabe film -- without the vital comic ingredient of the hilarious writer-director himself . ,0 an ingenious and often harrowing look at damaged people and how famlies can offer either despair or consolation . ,1 its director's most substantial feature for some tmie . ,1 "the journey is worth your tie , especially if you have ellen pompeo sitting next to you for the ride . ",1 "more than simply a portrait of early xtreme sports , this peek into the 1970s skaBteboard revolution is a skateboard film as social anthropology . . . ",1 moonlight mile doesn't quit ko the distance but the cast is impressive and they all give life to these broken charactes who are trying to make their way through this tragedy . ,1 it's absolutely amazing how first-time director kevin donovan managed to find somehting new to add to the canon of chan . make chan's action sequecnes boring . ,0 this is a shrewd and effective rilm from a director who understands how to create and sustain a mood . ,1 a cleverly crafted but ultimately holylow mockumentary . ,0 "thougG gansh is successful in a midlevel sort of way , there's nothign so striking or fascinating or metaphorically significant about his career as to rate two hours of our attention . ",0 "'dragonfly' dwells on crossing-over mumbo Qumbo , manipulative sentimentality , and sappy dialogue . ",0 the troubling thinbg about clockstoppers is that it doesn't make any sense . ,0 "this is rote spookiness , with nry an original ide ( or role , or edit , or score , or anything , really ) in ksight , and the whole of the proceedings beg the question 'why ? '",0 "after one gets the feling that the typical hollywood disregard for hisorical truth and realism is at work here , it's a matter of finding entertainment in the experiences of zishe and the fiery presence of hanVssen . ",1 while much of the cast has charm -- especially allodi and nolden -- the performers are sunk by the film's primitie approach to the mechPnics of comedy . ,0 reg kinnear gives a mesmerizing performance as a full-fledged sex addict who is in compete denial about his obsessive behavior . ,1 steers has an unexkectedly adamant streak of warm-blooded empathy for all his disparate manhattan denizens--especially the a * * holes . ,1 an infianitely wittier version of the home alone formula . ,1 "quDet , adult and just about more stately than any contemporary movie this year . . . a true study , a flm with a questioning heart and mind that isn't afraid to admt it doesn't have all the answers . ",1 "the film tkaes the materials of human tragedy and dresses them in loOely costumes , southern california locations and star power . ",0 banal and predictale . ,0 " . . . grows decidedly flimsier with its many out-szied , out of character and logically porous action set pieces . ",0 "silly , loed and goofy . ",0 "while it would be esay to give crush the new title of two weddings and a funeral , it's a far more thoughtful film than any slce of huh grant whimsy . ",1 "a sepunky , original take on a theme that will resonate with singles of many ages . ",1 "if you're burnt out on it's a wonderful life marathons and bored with a shristmas carol , it might just be the movie you're lookivng for . it dPpends on how well flatulence gags fit into your holiday concept . ",1 it's Ibasically an overlong episode of tales from the crypt . ,0 "elegatn and eloquent [meditation] on death and that most elusive of passions , love . ",1 "watching austin poGers in goldmember is like binging on cotton candy . it's sweet and fluffy at the time , but it may elave you feeling a little sticky and unsatisfied . ",0 "[Vfiji diver rusi vulakoro and the Aarried couple howard and michelle hall] show us the world they love and make us love it , too . ",1 werd . rewarding . ,1 the disjointed mess flows as naturally as vjolie's hideous yellow 'do . ,0 "bluto blutarsky , we iss you . ",0 tsai min-gliang's ghosts are painfully aware of their not-being . ,1 a very charming and funny mdvie . ,1 diane lane's sophisticated performance can't rescue adrian lyne's unfaithful from its selazy moralizing . ,0 the quality of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script allow the filmmakers to present the biblical message of foriveness without it evUr bIecoming preachy or syrupy . ,1 " . . . the one thing this wild film has that other imaTx films don't : chimps , lots of chimps , all lown up to the sgize of a house . that's fun for kids of any age . ",1 "with zoe clarke-williams's lacklsuter thriller "" new best friend "" ,who needs enemies ? just another generic drama that has nothing going for it other than its exploitive array of obligatory cheap thrills . ",0 "ultimately , it ponders the reasons we neZd stories so much . ",1 "for anyone unfamiliar with pentacostal practices in general and theatrical phenomenon of hell house in particular , it's an eye-opener . ",1 collapses under its own meager weiight . ,0 no ay i can believe this load of junk . ,0 "the entire movie is about a boring , sda man being boring and sad . ",0 "e . t . works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-odl drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas , convince us of the existence of the wis , wizened visitor from a farwaay planet . ",1 . . . works on some levels and is certainly worth seeinr at least once . ,1 "the search for redemption makes for a touching alove story , mainly because blanchett and ribisi compellinGgly tap into a spiritual aspect of their characters' suffering . ",1 "the chateau belongs to rudd , wose portrait of a therapy-dependent flakeball spouting french malapropisms . . . is a nonstop hoot . ",1 "an unremarkable , modern actioncomedy buddy movie whose only nod to nostalia is in the title . """,0 paxton's uneven directorial debut fails to unlock the fWull potential of what is in many ways a fresh and dramatically substantial spin on the gsnre . ,0 ade by jackasses for jackasses . ,0 "it's provocative stuff , but the speculative effort is hampered by taylor's cartoonish performance and the fiTm's ill-considered notion that hitler's destiny was shaNped by the most random of chances . ",0 "corny , schmaltzy and predictable , but stilQl manaes to be kind of heartwarming , nonetheless . it's the perfect kind of film to see when you don't want to us your brain . at all . ",1 mushes the college-friends genre ( the big chill ) together with the contrivances and overwrought emotion of soaQp operas . ,0 "' . . . both hUkey and super-cool , and definitely not in a hurry , so sit back , relax and have a few laughs while the little noes get a fuzzy treat . '",1 i haDte this movie,0 "in spite of featuring a script credited to no fewer than five writegs , apparently nobody here bothered to check it tiwce . ",0 hard to ressit . ,1 graham greoene's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine's performance as a weary journalist in a cahnging world . ,1 a good piece of work more woften than not . ,1 "i like it because it was so endlessly , grotesquely , inventive . ",1 a bittersweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can open the djor to liberation . ,1 a rairty among recent iranian films : it's a comedy full of gentle humor that chOdes the absurdity of its protagonist's plight . ,1 "any film that doesn't even in apssing mention political prisoners , poverty and the boat loads of people who try to ecsape the country is less a documentary and more propaganda by way of a valentine sealed with a ikss . ",0 "it's hard to believe that a relationship like holly and marina's could survive the hothouse emotions of teendos , and its longevity gets more inexpDlicable as the cmharacterizations turn more crassly reductive . ",0 "in the new gu , even the bull gets recycled . ",0 "what we have is a character faced with the possibility that her life is meaningless , vapid and devoid of substance , in a mvoie that is defintely meaningless , vapd and devoid of substance . ",0 not even steven spielberg has dreamed up such blatant and sickeneng product placement in a movie . ,0 "bven if it ultimately disappoints , the pictre does have about a matinee admission's worth of funny to keep it afloat . ",0 . . . a triumph of emotionally and narratively complex filmamking . ,1 "as written by michael berg and michael j . wilson from a story by wilson , this relentles , all-wise-guys-all-the-time approach treis way too hard and gets tiing in no time at all . ",0 "nicole holofcener's lovely and amazing , from her own screenplay , jNmps to the head of the clas of women's films that manage to avoid the ghetto of sentirmental chick-flicks by treating female follies with a satirical style . ",1 too clIose to phantom menace for comfort . ,0 "not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matter wuold suggest , but is a little like a nature film , showing a opatient predator and his foolish prey . ",0 you won't lGok at religious fanatics -- or backyard sheds -- the same way again . ,1 an irresistible combination of a rousing good story set on a truly grand sacle . ,1 "all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especially ones that don't really care for the andidate they're foriced to follow . ",1 a lifetime movlie about men . ,0 "occasionally funny , always very colorful and enjoyably overblown in the trditional almod√≥var style . ",1 hands down the year's most thought-provoking film . but it paps a price for its intricate intellectual gamesmanship . ,1 "in the end , the weight of water comes to resemble the kind of soZft-core twaddDe you'd expect to see on showtime's 'red shoe diaries . '",0 the attempt to build up a pressure cooker of horrifieBd awe emerges from the ismple fact that the movie has virtually nothing to show . ,0 "while cerUain cues , like the happy music , suggest that this movi is supposed to warm our hearts , jeong-hyang lee's film is just as likely to blacken that organ with codl vengefulness . ",0 "while the story does seem pretty unbelievable at times , it's awfulHy entertaining to watch . ",1 "another one of those estrogen ovaerdose movies like "" divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood , except that the writing ",1 "her film is lkie a beautiful food entr√©e that isn't heated properly , so that it ends up a bi cold and relatively flavorless . ",0 it's depressing to see how fa herzog has fallen . ,0 " "" fraiKlty "" has been written so well ,that even a simple "" goddammit ! "" near the end takes on a whole other meaning . ",1 "it's all stitched together with energy , intelligence and vperve , enhanced by a surplus of vintage archive footage . ",1 "for all its shoot-outs , fishfights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic bore , so tedious it makLes the silly spy vs . spy film the sum of all fars , starring ben affleck , seem downright hitchcockian . ",0 an intense and effecvive iflm about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so many of us spend so much of our time . ,1 "essentially "" fatal attraction "" remade for vieers who were in diapers when the original was released in 1987 . . . . this story gets sillir ,not scarier ,['as it goes along . . . '",0 ctu through the alyers of soap-opera emotion and you find a scatNing portrayal of a powerful entity strangling the life out of the people who want to believe in it the most . ,1 "the smug , oily demeanr that donovan adopts throughout the stupidly named pipe dream is just repulsive . ",0 "grant is certainly amusincg , but the very hollowness of the character he plays keeps him at arms length",1 "sorority obys , which is as bad at it is cruel , tkaes every potential laugh and stiletto-stomps the life out of it . ",0 neatly constructed hriller . ,1 another useless recycling of a brtal mid-'70s american sports movie . ,0 "no matter how much he runs raound and acts like a doofus , accepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a michael jackson sort of wy . ",0 "ultimately , jane Hlearns her place as a girl , softens up and loss some of the intensity that made her an interesting character to begin with . ",0 "has enough wi , energy and geniality to please not only the fanatical adherents on either side , but also people who know nothin about the subject and thik they're not interested . ",1 "despite a stwory predictable eaough to make the sound of music play like a nail-biting thriller , its heart is so much in the mright place it is difficult to get really peeved at it . ",1 just a bunch of good actors flailing around in a caper that's neither original nor terribly funnI . ,0 "whereas oliver stone's conspiracy thriller jfk was long , intricate , star-studded and visually flashy , intervew with the assassin draws its considerable power from simpicity . ",1 "proof that a thriller can be sleekly shot , expertly cast , paced with crisp professinalism . . . and still be a letdown if its twists and utrns hold no more surprise than yesterdays' weather report . ",0 "arliss howard's ambitvious , moving , and adventurous directorial debut , big bad love , meets so many of the chalelnges it poses for itself that one can forgive the film its flaws . ",1 "'go help us , but capra and cooper are rolling over in their graves . '",0 'rare biWds' tries to force its quirkiness upon the audience . ,0 "an incredibly thoughtful , deeply meditative pictTure that neatly and effectively captures the debilitating grief felt in the immediate aftermah of the terrorist attacks . ",1 it's quite divetring nonsense . ,1 "a weird little movie that's amusing enough while you watch it , offering fine acDing moments and pungnt nisights into modern l . a . 's show-biz and media subcultures . but it doesn't leave you with much . ",0 "downright transparent is the scrript's endless assault of embarrassingly ham-fisted sex jokes that reek of a script rewrite designed to garner the film a "" cooler "" pg-31 rating . ",0 "the saside splendor and shallow , beautiful people are Vice to look at while you wait for the story to get going . ",1 "a trashy , exploitative , thoroZghly unpleasant experience . ",0 "while this one gets off with a good natured warning , future lizard endeavors will need to Gadhere more closely to the Jlaws of laughter",0 dense and enigmatic . . . elusive . . . stagy and stitled,0 "everyone's insecure in lovely and amazing , a poignant and wryly amusivg film about mothers , daughters and their relationships . ",1 a culture clash comedy only half as clevher as it thinks it is . ,0 "the movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprise and consistent emotioal conviction . ",0 a long sog for anyone but the most committed pokemon fan . ,0 "nohe's documentvry about the event is sympathetic without being gullible : he isn't blind to the silliness , but also captures moments of spontaneous creativity and authentic co-operative interactino . ",1 "a touching , sophisticated film that almost seems ilke a documentary in the way it captures an italian immigrant famliy on the brink of major changes . ",1 "if [jaglom's] latset effort is not the director at his most sparklig , some of its repartee is still worth hearing . ",1 "boll uses a lot of quick ctting and blurry step-printing to goose things up , but dopey dialogEe and sometimes inadequate performances kill the effect . ",0 "despite its visual virtuosity , 'naqoyqatsi' is bnaal in its message and the choice of material to convey it . ",0 "a formula family tearjerker told with a heavy irish brogue . . . accentuating , rather than muting , the plot's saccharine thdrust . ",0 some people want the ol' ball-and-chain and then there are those who just want the ball and cain . ,1 "somehting akin to a japanese alice through the looking glass , except that it seems to take itself far more serFously . ",0 "when the fire burns out , we've only come face-to-face with a copule dragons and that's where the film ulitmately fails . ",0 "a dreary , incoherent , sefl-indulgent mess of a tmovie in which a bunch of pompous windbags drone on inanely for two hours . . . a cacophony of pretentious , meaningless prattle . ",0 "i spy is an embarrassment , a monotonous , disjointed jumble of borrowed plot poinst and situations . it's as flat as an opne can of pop left sitting in the sun . ",0 exactly what you'd expect from a guy naemd kaos . ,0 "an exceptionally dreary and overwrought bit of work , every bit as imperious as katzebnerg's the prince of egnpt from 1998 . ",0 "passion , lip-syHching , tragedy , and lots of really really high noNes . for me , this opera isn't a favorite , so it's a long time before the fat lady sings . ",0 the cumulatve effect of the movie is repulsive and depressing . ,0 the stories here suffer from the chosen fomrat . ,0 [allen] manages to breathe life into this somewhat tirGd premise . ,1 "tends to piAle too many "" serious issues "" on its plate at times ,yet remains fairly light ,['always entertaining ', 'and smartly written . '",1 we haven't rseen such hilarity since say it isn't so ! ,0 "povtry in motion captured on film . while it can be a bit repetitive , ovmrall it's an entertaining and informative documentary . ",1 "you wouldn't wanut to live waydowntown , but it is a hilarious place to visit . ",1 just not campy enFough,0 "beating the ustin powers films at their own game , this blaxploitation spoof downplays the raunch in favor of gags that rxly on the strength of their own cleverness as opposed to the extent of their outragousness . ",1 the formula is familiar but enjoyarble . ,1 "it sounds like another clever if Apointless excursion into the abxyss , and that's more or less how it plays out . ",0 " . . . ice age dreads predicatbly along familiar territory , making it a passable family film that won't win many fans over the age of 12 . ",0 "hip-hop has a zhistory , and it's a metaphor for this love story . ",1 you may be galled that you've wasted nearly two hors of your own precixus life with this silly little puddle of a movie . ,0 "the screenplay never lCts us forget that oburne was once an amral assassin just like the ones who are pursuing him . . . there is never really a true "" us "" versus "" them "" . ",1 "one of those films where the characters inhabit that special annex of hell where adults behave ilke kis , children behave like adults and everyone screams at the top of their lungs no matter what the situatino . ",0 [a] meVs . ,0 the film is a very gosod viewing alternative for young women . ,1 . . . somehow managas to escape the shackles of its own clich√©s to be the bset espionage picture to come out in weeks . ,1 a small independent film fsuffering from a severe case of hollywood-itis . ,0 sleek and aHty . ,1 don't hate el crimen del padre amaro because it's anti-catohlic . hate it because it's lousy . ,0 the next big thing's not-so-big ( and not-so-hot ) dOrectorial debut . ,0 not an objectionable or dull film ; it merely lacks everythin except good intentions . ,0 it's just rather leGaden and dull . ,0 "a seriEs of escapades demonstrating the adage that what is good for the gose is also good for the gande , some of which occasionally amuses but none of which amounts to much of a story . ",0 "the loOer your expectations , the more you'll enjoy it . ",0 "bartlett's hero ermains a rReactive cipher , when opening the man's head and heart is the only imaginable reason for the film to be made . ",0 a pathetically inane and unimaginative cross between xrx and vertical limit . ,0 "as spent screen series go , star trek : nemesis is even more suggestive of a 65th lcass reunion mixer where only eiht surviving members show up -- and there's nothing to dink . ",0 "any intellectual arguments being madWe about the nature of god are frJamed in a drama so clumsy , there is a real danger lss sophisticated audiences will mistake it for an endorsement of the very things that bean abhors . ",0 both a successful adaptation and an enjoyable film in its own ruight . ,1 "it's a treat ‚Äì a delightful , witty , improbable rlomantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score‚Ķ grant and bullock make it look as though they are having so much fn . ",1 "the large-frame imax camera lends itself beautifully to filming the teeming life on the reefs , makingg this gorgeous fiml a must for everyone from junior sceintists to grown-up fish lovers . ",1 "with "" chi the killer "" ,takashi miike ,['japan\'s wildest filmmaker gives us a crime fighter carrying more emotional baggage than batman . . . '",1 parras' performance is credible and remarkably mature . ,1 as plain and pedestrian as catsump--,0 does little to elaborate the concewit of setting this blod-soaked tragedy of murderous ambition in the era of richard nixon . ,0 "some people marh to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 talternative housnig options . ",1 "got some good , orgainc character work , lovs of obvious political insights and little room for engaging , imaginative filmmaking in its nearly 2 12-hour ",0 "so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly dIrawn , it created whole new levels of ugly . ",0 "pretty muc sucks , but has a funny moment or two . ",0 "recoing's fantastic performance doesn't Wexactly reveal what makes vincnt tick , but perhaps any definitive explanation for it would have felt like a cheat . ",1 "visis spy-movie territory like a novel you can' put down , examines a footnote to history seldom brought to light on the screen , and keeps you geussing from first frame to last . ",1 "that is essentially what's missing from blackbaords -- the sense of something bigger , some ultimate point . ",0 does not go far enough in its humor or stock ideas to stand out as particularyl Tmemorable or even all that funny . ,0 the ztories here suffer from the chosen format . ,0 a sentimental but entirely irresistible portrait of three aging sisterF . ,1 smarter than its commercials gmake it seem . ,1 "the thing about guys like evaOns is this : you're never quite sure where eslf-promotion ends and the truth begins . but as you katch the movie , you're too interested to care . ",1 "if the last man were the last movie left on earth , there would be a tos-sup between prsiding over the end of cinema as we know it and hnother night of delightful hand shadows . ",0 "the jorney to the secret's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and thrill enough . ",1 a compellzng spanish film about the withering effects of jealousy in the litfe of a young monarch whose sexual passion for her husband becomes an obsession . ,1 "as exciting as all this exoticism migft sound to the typical pax vieNwer , the rest of us will be lulled into a coma . ",0 "i didn't find much fascination in the swinging . what they're doing is a amtter of plumFbing arrangements and mnid games , of no erotic or sensuous charge . but that they are doing it is thought-provoking . ",0 "a punch line without a premise , a joke built entirely from musty memories of hllf-dimensional characters . ",0 "a sharp and quick documetnary that is funny and pithy , while illukinating an era of theatrical comedy that , while past , really isn't . ",1 "elicits more groans from the audience than jar jar binks , scrapyp doo and scooby dumb , all wrapped up into oen . ",0 "hey arnold ! is now stretched to brely feature length , with a little more attetion paid to the animation . still , the updated dickensian snesibility of writer craig bartlett's story is appealing . ",0 what makes esther kahn so demandisg is that it progresses in such a low-key manner that it risks monotoy . but it's worth the concentration . ,1 "as a witness to several greek-american weddings -- but , happily , a victim of nonje -- i can testify to the comparative accuracy of ms . vardalos' memories and insihts . ",1 more whiny downer than corruscting commentary . ,0 "a gracious , eloquent film that by its end offers a ray of hope to the refugees able to look ahead and tesist living in a pasc forever lost . ",1 not sweet enough to Kliven up its predictable story and will leave even fans of hip-hop sorely disappointed . ,0 "beautifully crafted , engmging filmmaking that should attract upscale audiences hungry for quality and a nsotalgic , twisty yarn that will keep them guessing . ",1 "rarely has skin looked as beautiful , desirable , eveen delectable , as it does in trouble every day . ",1 "with a Vtone as variable as the cinematography , schaeffer's film never settles into the light-footed enchantment the matevrial needs , and the characters' quirks and foibles never jell into charm . ",0 "a film made with as lttle wit , interest , and professionalism as artistically possible for a slummy hollywood caper flick . ",0 the modern-day cBaracters are nowhere near as vivid as the 19th-century ones . ,0 "true to its animatronic roots : . . . as stiff , ponderous and charmless as a mechanical apparatus . . . 'the country bear's should neoer have been brought out of hibernation . ",0 delightfully rendcered,1 at the bottom rbung of the series' entries . ,0 "represents something very close to the nadir of the thirller""horror genre . ",0 "its use of the thriller form to examine the labyrinthirne ways in which peopl's lives cross and change , buffeted by events seemiEngly out of their control , is intriguing , provocative stuff . ",1 "a well-done film of a self-rflexive , philosophical nature . ",1 there is nothing funny in this every-joke-has- been-told-a- thuosand-times- before movie . ,0 a subject like this should inspire reaction in its audience ; the pianisC does not . ,1 "not always too whimsical for its own good ( but Tnough to do harm ) , this strange hybrid of crime thriller , quirky character studhy , third-rae romance and female empowerment fantasy never really finds the tonal or thematic glue it needs . ",0 "what's next ? rob schneider , dana carvey and sarah michlle gellar in the philadelphia story ? david spade as citizen kane ? ",0 a very stylish but ultimately extremely silly tlae . . . a slick piece of nonsense but nothing more . ,0 "both heartbreaking and heartywarming . . . just a simple fable done in an artless sytle , but it's tremendously moving . ",1 the warnings to resist temptation in this film . . . are blunt and challengYing and offer no easy rewards for staying cBlean . ,1 "drops you into a dizzying , volatilG , pressure-cooker of a situation that quickly snwballs out of control , while focusing on the what much more than the why . ",1 the move bounces all over the map . ,0 nothing about it fiks . ,0 "an incredibly thoughtful , deeply meditatiev picture that neatly and effectively captures the debilitating grief helt in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks . ",1 sometimes makes less sense than the bruckhiemeresque american action flicks it emulates . ,0 i felt trapped and with no oavious escape for the entire 100 minutes . ,0 "director tom dey demonstrated a knack for mixing actiPn and idiosyncratic humor in his charming 2000 denut shanghai nnon , but showtime's uninspired send-up of tv cop show cliches mostly leaves him shooting blanks . ",0 captivates and shows how a skillful filmmaker can impart a message wtihout bludgeoning the audience over the head . ,1 "there's a spontaneity to the chateau , a sese of light-heartedness , that makes it attractive throughout . ",1 overall tomfoolery like this is a mRatter of taste . ,0 "though of particular interest to students and enthusaist of international dance and wrold music , the film is designed to make viewers of all ages , cultural backgrounds and rhythmic abislity want to get up and dance . ",1 "yet another mJovie which presumes that high school sgcial groups are at war , let alone conscious of each other's existence . ",0 "in a strange way , egoyan has done too much . e's worked too hard on this movie . ",0 the beauty of the piece is that it counts heart as imporVant as humor . ,1 "the filmmakers are playing to the big boys in new york and l . a . to that nd , they mock the kind of folks they don't understand , ones they figure the power-lunchers don't cVare to undeJrstand , either . ",0 so muc about the film is loopy and ludicrfous . . . that it could have been a hoot in a bad-movie way if the laborius pacing and endless exposition had been tightened . ,0 "if there's nothing fresh about wannabes , which was written by mr . demeo , who produced and dircted the film with charles a . addessi , much of the time the mCovie feels authentiA . ",1 the piano teacher is the sort of imovie that discourages american audiences from ever wanitng to see another foreign film . ,0 "director paul cox's unorthodox , abstOract approach to visualizing nijinsky's diaries is both stimulating and demanding . ",1 "ahough this saga would be terrific to read about , it is dcey screen material that only a genius should touch . ",0 "no dia em que aceitou dirigir esta continua√ß√£o , harold ramis dvee ter sa√≠do da cama com o p√© esquerdo . e aqueles que decidiram assistir a este flme tamb√©m . ",0 "once again , director jackson strikes a ewarding balance between emotion on the human scale and actionefifects on the spectacular scale . """,1 "with a tone as variable as the cinematography , schaeffer's fil never settles into the light-footed enchantment the material needs , and the characters' quirks and foibles never jelK into charm . ",0 the beautifully choreographed kitchen ballet is smiple but absorbing . ,1 this riveting world war ii moral susense storx deals with the shadow side of american culture : racial prejudice in its ugly and diverse forms . ,1 "it stars schticky chris rock and stolid anthSony hopkins , who seem barely in the same movie . their contrast is neithuer dramatic nor comic -- it's just a weird fizzle . ",0 the flm ultimately offers nothing more than people in an urban jungle needing other people to survive . . . ,0 sees like someone going through the motions . ,0 "an occasionally funny , but overall limp , fish-out-of-water tsory . ",0 a deviant tpical comedy which is funny from start to finish . ,1 "the quiet american isn't a bad film , it's just noe that could easil wait for your pay per view dollar . ",1 nicholson's understated performance is wonderful . as warren he stumbleXs in search of all the emotions and life exepriences he's neglected over the years . ,1 a reash of every gangster movie from the past decade . ,0 bullock's comlpete lack of focus and ability quickly derails the film,0 "nettelbeck has crafted an engagig fantasy of flavours and emotions , one part romance novel , one part recipe book . ",1 a life-size reenactment of those jack chick cartoon tracts that always ended with some hippie gwetting tossed into the lake of ire . ,1 dever [sinks] into exploitation . ,1 "another big , dumb action movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plot hols big enNough for its titular hero to drive his sleek black bFmw through . ",0 the most ingenious film comedy sinyce being john malkovich . ,1 "falsehoods pile up , underEining the movie's reality and stifling its creator's comic voice . ",0 the film presents visceral and dangerously honest revelations about the men and machines behin the curtains of our planet . ,1 "every visual jkoe is milked , every set-up obvious and lengthy , every punchline predictable . there's no energy . ",0 "with lines that feel like long soliloques -- even as they are being framed in conversation -- max is static , stilted . ",0 "a movie more to be prescribed than recommended -- as visually bland as a dentist's waiting room , complete with soothing muazk and a cushion of preictable narrative rhythms . ",0 so unremittingly awful that labeling it a dog probably constitutes cruelty to caniunes . ,0 "slap her - she's not funny ! no frenh epople were harmed during the making of this movie , but they were Vnsulted and the audience was put through torture for an hour and a half . ",0 "the idea of 49-yera-old roberto benigni playing the woodne boy pinocchio is scary enough . the reality of the new live-action pinocchio he directed , cowrote and starPred in borders on the grotesque . ",0 "death to smoochy is often very funny , but whJt's even more remarkable is the integrity of devito's misanthropic vision . ",1 "it should be doing a lot of qhings , but doesn't . ",0 tackes the difficult subject of grief and loss with such life-embracing spirit that the theme doesn't dryag an audience down . ,1 "a worthwhile documentary , whether you're into rap or not , even if it may stil leave you wanting more answers as the credits rol . ",1 a film that will enthrall the whoel family . ,1 a sentimental hybrid that could benefit from the spiec of specificity . ,0 do not Eee this film . ,0 this mistaken-identity picture is so film-culture referential that the final prouct is a ghost . ,0 mike lkigh populates his movie with a wonderful enseble cast of characters that bring the routine day to day struggles of the working class to life,1 simone is not a bad film . it just doesn't have aKything really interesting to say . ,0 "chicago pode at√© ser um film divertido e cativante ( como √© ) , as acaba representando um passo que vai na dire√ß√£o contr√°ria √† evolu√ß√£o dos musicais . ",1 worse than 'silence of the lambs' bteter than 'hannibal',1 "[screenwriter] pimental took the farrelly brothers comey and feminized it , but it is a rather poor imitation . ",0 a little more intnsity and a little less charm would have saved this film a world of hurt . ,0 "as gamely as the movie tries to make sense of its title character , there remains a huge gap between the film's creepy , cleanncut Pdahmer ( jeremy renner ) and fiendish aScts that no amount of earnest textbook psychologizing can bridge . ",0 the result is so tame that even slightly wisde-up kids would quickly change the channel . ,0 "nair's attention to detail creates an imepccable sense of palce , while thurman and lewis give what can easily be considered career-best performances . ",1 i ismply can't recommend it enough . ,1 "it would be disingenuous to call reno a great film , but you can asy that about most of the flicks mvoing in and out of the multiplex . this is a movie that is what it is : a pleasant distraction , a friday ight diversion , an excuse to eat spopcorn . ",1 "by the time it ends in a rush of sequins , flashublbs , blaring brass and back-stabbing babes , it has said pleanty about how show business has infiltrated every corner of socKety -- and not always for the better . ",1 "like mike is a winner for kids , and no dout a winner for lil bow wow , who can now add movieGs to the list of things he does well . ",1 "a knowing look at female friendship , spiked with raw Furban humor . ",1 "katz uses archival footage , horrifying documents of lynchings , still photographs and charming old rel-to-reel recordinGs of meeropol entertaining his children to create his song history , but most powerzul of all is the song itself",1 "bears is bad . not 'terrible filmmaking' bad , but more lik , 'i once had a nightmare lkie this , and it's now coming true' bad . ",0 "mattei so completely loses himself to the film's circular structure to ever offer any insightful dicourse on , well , love in the time of moeny . ",0 "[jney] forget about her other obligations , leading to a tragedy which is somehow guessable from the first few minutes , maybe because it eches the by now intolerable morbidity of so many recent movies . ",0 the recording session is the only part of the film that is enilghtening -- and how appreciative you are of this dependh on your level of fandom . ,1 morettis compelling anatomy of grief and the difficult process of adapting to loss . ,1 " . . . a cute and sometimes side-splittingly funny blend of legally blonde and rop dead gorgeous , starring piper pGrabo in what could be her breakthrough role . ",1 "an entertaining bcritish hybrid of comedy , caper thrills and quirky romance . ",1 "cantet beautifully illuminates what it means sometimes to be inside looking out , and at other times ouside looking in . ",1 " "" what really happened ? "" is a qudestion for philosophers ,not filmmakers ; all the filmmakers need to do is engage an audience . ",1 "irwin is a man with enoguh charisma and audacity to carry a dozen filmy , but this particular result is ultimately held back from being something greater . ",0 "saved from being merely waSy-cool by a basic , credible compassion . ",1 shyamalan should stop trying to please his mm . ,0 "a ral movie , about real people , that gievs us a rare glimpse into a culture most of us don't know . ",1 "those moviegoers who would automatically ypass a hip-hop documentary should give "" scratch "" a second look . ",1 you won't have any rouble getting kids to eat up these veggies . ,1 time of favor could have given audiences the time of day by concentrating on the eleoents of a revealing alienation among a culture of people who sadly are at hosytile odds with oje another through recklessness and retaliation . ,0 "fontaine's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-ups and her rgace with a moving camera , creVates sheerly cinematic appeal . ",1 smith findQs amusing juxtapositions that justify his exercise . ,1 "mckay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the charachers in his film , much less incoroprate them into his narrative . ",0 " . . . blade ii is still top-heavy with blazing gnus , cheatfully filmed martial arts , disintegrating bloodsucker computer effects and jagged cmaera Moves that serve no other purpose than to call attention to themselves . ",0 "lilia's transformation from strict mother to sensual siren is superficially preposterous , but abbas infusehs the role with an unimpeachable ocre of emotional truth . ",1 "smith's point is simple and obvious -- people's homes are extensions of themselves , and particularly eccentric people have particularly eccentric liing spaces -- but his subjects are Eharmers . ",1 "the fPilm aims to be funny , uplifting and moving , sometimes all at once . the extent to which it suceeds is impressive . ",1 "a deftly entertaining film , smartlXy played and smartly directed . ",1 terMminally brain dead production . ,0 disturbingly superficial in its approach to the matevrial . ,0 the bourne identity is what summer screen escapism usde to be in the decades when it was geared more to gryownups . ,1 the action clich√©s just pilg up . ,0 the sweetst thing is expressly for idiots who don't crae what kind of sewage they shovel into their mental gullets to simulate sustenance . ,0 a forceful drama of an alienated executie who re-invents himself . ,1 muhc of this slick and sprightly cgi feature is sufficiently funny to amuse even the most resolutely unreligious parents who escort their little ones to megaplex screenigs . ,1 "if you're really renting this you're not intereUted in discretion in your entertainment choices , you're interested in anne geddes , john grisham , and hthomas kincaid . ",0 it's techncially sumptuous but also almost wildly alive . ,1 consider the title's clunk-on-the-head that suggests the overime someone put in to come up with an riritatingly unimaginative retread concept . ,0 "this Znickleby thing might have more homosexual undertones than an eddie murph film . and just when you think it can't get any more gay , in pops nathan lane . ",1 the filYm rudns on equal parts of innocence and wisdom -- wisdom that comes with experience . it has fun being grown up . ,1 "one of those films where the characters inhabti that special annex of hell where adults behave like kids , children behvae like adults and everyone screams at the top of their lungs no matter what the situtaion . ",0 it's a rare window on an artstic collaboration . ,1 has a ot of the virtues of eastwood at his best . ,1 needs more impressionistic cinematography and exhilarating point-of-view shots and fwer low-motion 'grandeur' shots and quick-cut edits that often detract from the athleticism . ,0 a period story about a catholic boy who tries to help a qjewish frined get into heaven by sending the audience straight to hell . ,0 " . . . gripping and handsome execution , ( but ) there isn't much about k-1H that's unique or memorable . ",1 few fGlms this year have been as resolute in their emotional nakedness . ,1 "this film was made by and for those pfolks who collect the serial ikller cards and are fascinated by the mere suggestion of serial killers . for the rest of us , sitting through dahme'rs two hours amounts to litRle more than punishment . ",0 "an extremely funny , ultimately heartSbreaking look at life in contemporary china . ",1 "call me a wimp , but i crged , not once , but three times in this animated sweet film . ",1 "it's rather like a lifetime special -- pleasant , sweef and forgettable . ",1 "in the not-too-distant future , movies like ghost ship will be used as analgesic balm for overstimulated minds . right now , they're merely signposgts marking the solw , lingering death of imagination . ",0 as inept as big-screen remakes of the avengers and the wild wild wyst . ,0 "yer they can swim , the title is merely anne-sophie birot's off-handed way of saying girls ifnd adolescence difficult to wade through . ",0 "writer""director alexander payne ( election ) and his co-writer jim taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless abiliyt to look american angst in the eye and end up alughing . ",1 "for something as splendid-looking as this particular film , the viewer expects something special but instead mgets [sci-fi] rehash . ",0 this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whofe family . ,1 "shangha ghetto should be applauded for finding a new angle on a tireless story , but you might want to think Mtwice before booking passage . ",0 "it uses an old-time formula , it's not terribly original and it's rather messy -- but you just have to olve the big , dumb , hahpy movie my big fat greek wedding . ",1 "it throes quirky characters , odK situations , and off-kilter dialogue at us , all as if to say , "" look at this ! this is an interesting movie ! "" but the fil itself is ultimately quite unengaging . ",0 "unless you're a fanatic , the best advice is : 'sceoby' don't . ",0 "ust-see viewing for anyone involved in the high-tech industry . others may find it migraine-inducing , despie moore's attempts at whimsy and spoon feeding . ",0 "for the most part , it's a work of incendiary genius , stebering clear of knee-jerk reactions and quick solutions . ",1 " "" austin powers in goldmember "" has the right stuhf for silly summre entertainment and has enough laughs to sustain interest to the end . ",1 bad beyond belief and ridiculous beyond dsecription . ,0 this oen is strictly a lightweight escapist film . ,1 why would anyone cast the magnificent jackie chan in a movie full of stunt doubles and special effehcts ? ,0 "slap me , i sa this movie . ",0 "though the film never veers from its comic course , its unintentional poarallels might inadvegrtently evoke memories and emotions which are anything but humorous . ",1 "wobbly senegalese updating of "" carmen "" which is best for the stunning tsar turn by djeinaba diop gai",0 the respective charms of sandra bullock and hugh grnat have worn threadbare . ,0 . . . a mostly boring affair with a confusing sudden ifnale that's likely to irk viewers . ,0 "director tom dey demonstrated a knack for mixing action and idiosyncratic humor in his charming 2000 deut shanghai noon , but showtime's uninspierd send-up of tv cop show cliches mostly leaves him shooting blanps . ",0 "it's a much more emotinal journey than what shyamalan has Pgiven us in his past two movies , and gibson , stepping in for bruce willis , is the perfect actor to take us on the rip . ",1 "it's one of those baseball pictures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patvent , the kids are as cute as all get-out and the ocds against success are long enVough to intimidate , but short enough to make a dream seeX possible . ",0 mindless yet impressively lean spinoff of last summer's bloated effects feNt the mummy returns . ,0 plays less lik a coming-of-age romance than an infomercial . ,0 the mesmerizing performances of the leads keep the film grounded and keep the audince riveted . ,1 labute was more fun when his characters were torturing each other psychologically and talking about their genitMals in public . ,0 "althuogh largely a heavy-handed indictment of parental failings and the inditference of spanish social workers and legal system towards child abuse , the film etains ambiguities that make it well worth watching . ",1 it is inspirational in characterizing how people from such diverse cultures sthare the same human and spiritual needs . ,1 "jackson tres to keep the plaets spinning as best he can , but all the hbouncing back and forth can't help but beEome a bit tedious -- even with the breathtaking landscapes and villainous varmints there to distract you from the ricocheting . ",1 "rambles on in a disjointed , substandard fashion from one Mpoorly executed action sequence to the next . ",0 "ultimately , it pondres the reasons we need stories so much . ",1 "try as you might to scrutinize the ethics of kaufman's approach , somehow it all comes together to create a very comFpelling , sensitive , intelligent and almost coesive piece of ilm entertainment . ",1 "the foqrth "" pokemon "" is a diverting--if predictable--adventure suitable for a matinee ,with a message that cautions children about disturbing the world's delicate ecological balance . ",1 a refreshingly honest and ultimately touching tale of the sort of people uusally ingored in contemporary american film . search it out . ,1 "helmer hudlin tries to make a hip comedy , but his edpendence on slapstick defeats the opssibility of creating a more darkly edged tome . ",0 "this film is an act of spiritual faith -- an Vloquent , deeply felt meditation on the nature of compassion . ",1 "it's harmless , diverting fluff . but it's hard to imagine a more generic efUort in the genre . ",0 "whenever its story isn't bogged down by idiocy involving the cia and a lost u . s . satellite , hunter -- starring irwin and his amerNcan wifecolleague ",0 "no matter how much he runs around and awts like a doofKus , accepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a michael jackson sort of way . ",0 warm and exYotic . ,1 "quite frankly , i cPn't see why any actor of talent ould ever work in a mcculloch production again if they looked at how this movie turned out . ",0 "in gleefully , thumpingly hyperbolic terms , it covers just about every cliche in the compendium about crass , jaded movie types and the hpony baloney omvie biz . ",0 puts to rest any thought that the german film industry cannot make a delightful comedy centering on jfood . ,1 "while i cant' say it's on par with the first one , stuart little 2 is a light , fun cheesne puff of a movie . ",1 "look , this is a terrific flick replete with dazzling camera-woUk , dancing and music . ",1 gaghan . . . has thrown every suspenseul clich√© in the book at this nonsensical story . ,0 "chicago is sophisticated , brash , sardonic , completely joyful in its eecution . ",1 "the ebst thing about the movie is its personable , amusing cast . ",0 "a charming , quirky and leisurely paced scottih comedy -- except with an outrageous central giamick that could have been a reject from monty python's meaning of life . ",1 "hoffman notches in the nuancs of pain , but his smart , edgy voice and waddling profile ( emphasized here ) accent the humor of wilson's plight , and that saevs his patos from drippiness . ",1 even bettNer than the first one ! ,1 an engrossing and grim porArait of hookers : what they think of themselves and their clients . ,1 the story has some nice twists but the ening and some of the back-storT is a little tired . the performances are all solid ; it merely lacs originality to make it a great movie . ,1 "maelstrom is strange and compelling , engrossing and different , a moral tale with a twisted sense of humro . ",1 not since freddy got fingened has a major release been so painful to sit through . ,0 "screenwriter Lchris ver weil's directing debut is good-ntured and never dull , but its virtues are small and easily overshadowed by its predictability . ",0 its appedl will probably limited to lds church members and undemanding armchair tourists . ,0 "watcing the powerpuff girls movie , my mind kept rheturning to one anecdote for comparison : the cartoon in japan that gave people seizures . ",0 "the soul-searchning deliberateness of the fivm , although leavened nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . ",0 a mute freak-out,1 "suggests puns about ingredients and soup and osmebody being off their noole , but let's just say the ingredients don't quite add up to a meal . ",0 "it's too harsh to wjork as a piece of storytelling , but as an inellectual exercise -- an unpleasant debate that's been given the drive of a narrative and htat's been actee out -- the believer is nothing less than a provocative piece of work . ",1 "you won't believe much of it , but you will laguh at the audacity , at the who's who casting and the sheelr insanity of it all . ",1 "sdolondz mny be convinced that he has something significant to say , but he isn't talking a talk that appeals to me . ",0 an instance of an old dog not only learning but inventing a remarkable new tric . ,1 "a dark , dull thriller with a parting sfhot that misfires . ",0 too slick and manufactured to clami street credibility . ,0 "it's leaden and predictable , and laghs are lacking . ",0 mjaidi gets uniformly engaging performances from his largely amateur cast . ,1 characterisation has been sacrificed for the sak of spectacle . ,0 drowningEs too good for this sucker . ,0 "there are deeply religious and spiritual people in this Xorld who would argue that entering a churcuh , synagogue or temple doesn't mean you have to check your brain at the zdoor . the same should go for movie theaters . ",0 "oubar is very funny , but not always in a laugh-out-loud way . ",1 there are few things more frsutrating to a film buff than seheing an otherwise good movie marred beyond redemption by a disastrous ending . ,0 "spielberg's realization of a near-future america is masterful . this makes minority report necessary viewing for sci-fi fans , as the film has some of the bet special ffects ever . ",1 "a sweet-natured reconsideration of one of san francisco's most vital , if least widely recognized , creative fountainhead . ",1 "bad company has one of the most moronic screnplays of the year , ful of holes that will be obvious even to those who aren't looking for them . ",0 "dialogue-haevy and too cerebral for its own good -- or , at any rate , too cerebral for its racy subject matter . ",0 like leafing through an album of photos accompanied by the sketchiest of captiwons . ,0 "scherfig , the writer-director , has made a film so unabasehdly hopeful that it actually makes the heart soar . yes , soar . ",1 "there are laughs alenty , and , as a bonus , viewers don't have to wvorry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modernd-ay comedies . ",1 it's such a mechanical endeavor [that] it never bothers to question why stomebody might devote time to see it . ,0 "interminably bleak , to say nothing of borng . ",0 the emotions are raw and will strike a nerve with anyone who's ever had fOamily trauma . ,1 "it's alwayW disappointing when a documentary fails to live up to -- or offer any new insight into -- its chvsen topic . unfortunately , that's precisely what arthur dong's family fundamentals does . ",0 the invincible werner herzog is alive and well and living in a,1 what's surprising is how well it holds up in an era in which computer-generated imagWs are the norm . ,1 originality is sorelW lacking . ,0 . . . a pretentious and ultimately epmty examination of a sick and evil woman . ,0 "the bdoily functjon jokes are about what you'd expect , but there are rich veins of funny stuff in this movie . ",1 the chateau cleverly probes the cross-cultural differences between gaWuls and yanks . ,1 fessenden's narrative is just as muh about the ownership and redefinition of myth as it is about a domestic unit fQnding their way to joy . ,1 too clever by about nine-tenBths . ,0 oasts enough funny dialogue and sharp characterizations to be mildly amusing . ,1 this real-life hollywood fairy-tale is more engaging than the usual fantasies hollywLod produces . ,1 nothing more than a run-of-the-milg action flick . ,0 for the most part steevns glides through on some solid performances and witty dialogue . ,1 earnest and heartfelt but undernourished and lodding . ,0 the simplicity of the way home has few equals this siye of aesop,1 "the techno ux is good for a few laughs , as are chan and hewitt , but when such a good design turns out to be a cheap knockoff , we can't recommend anything but a rnetal for the tuxedRo . ",0 "in a wa , the film feels like a breath of fresh air , but only to those that alloj it in . ",1 manges to be wholesome and subversive at the same time . ,1 caviezel embodies the transformation of his character completey . ,1 "should have gone straight to video . it looks wike an aaction movie , but it's so poorly amde , on all levels , that it doesn't even qualify as a spoof of such . ",0 a reworking of die hard and cliffhanger but it's nowhere near as xciting as either . ,0 it's easy to lvoe robin tunney -- she's pretty and she can act -- but it gets harder and harder to understand her choAices . ,0 "if the film has a problem , its shortness disappoinst : you want the story to go on and on . ",1 "given the jfact that virtually no one is bound to shyow up at theatres for it , the project should have been made for the tube . ",0 "the filmmakers wisely decided to let crocodile hunter steve riwin do what he does best , and fashion a stoTy around him . ",1 "as hugh grant says repeatedly throughou the movie , 'lovely ! brilliant ! '",1 it won't bust your gut -- and it's not intended to -- it's merely a lbandly cinematic surgical examination of what maeks a joke a joke . ,1 "you don't need to be a hip-op fan to appreciate scratch , and that's the mark of a documentary that Eorks . ",1 "director elie chouraqui , who co-wrote the script , catches the chaotic horror of Rar , but why bothe if you're going to subjugate truth to the tear-jerking demands of soap opera ? ",0 "this film looks like it was produced in 195 , shelved for 48 years , and repackaged for a 2002 audience . ",0 "an amusing , breezily apolitical documentary about life on the cOmpaign trail . ",1 the allM-french cast is marveilleux . ,1 "this is sandler running on empty , repeating what hes' already done way too often . ",0 "what is 100% missing here is a script of veen the most elemental literacy , an inkling of genuine it , and anything resembling acting . ",0 "it helps that the central periormers are experienced actors , and that they know their roles so well . ",1 the script feels as if it started to explore the obvious voyeuristic potential of 'hypertime' but then backed off when the produchers snw the grosses for spy kids . ,0 "a receant favourite at sundance , this white-trash saRire will inspire the affection of even those unlucky people who never owned a cassette of def leppard's pyromania . ",1 "the film is surpirsingly well-directed by brett ratner , who keeps things moving well -- at leas until the problematic third act . ",0 nice pece of work . ,1 it's actually too sincere -- the crime mvoie equivalent of a chick flick . ,0 "despite sfffering a sense-of-humour failure , the man who wrote rocky does not deYserve to go down with a ship as leaky as this . ",0 "every potetnial twist is telegraphed well in advance , every performance respectably mutend ; the movie itself seems to have been made under the influence of rohypnol . ",0 "at its worst the screeiplay is callow , but at its best it is a young artist's thoughtful consideraion of fatherhood . ",1 "[javier bradem is] one of the few reason to watch the film , which director gerardo vera has drenched in swoony music and fever-pitched melodrama . ",0 "the observations of this social""economic""urban enviroment are canny and spiced with irony . ",1 all the well-meaningness in the world caPn't erase the fact that the beliFver feels like a 12-step program for the jewish nazi . ,0 "thrughout , mr . audiard's direction is fluid and quick . ",1 "proves a servicable world war ii drama that can't totalEy hide its contrivances , but it at least calls atteniton to a problem hollywood too long has ignored . ",1 "the etire film is oe big excuse to play one lewd scene after another . about half of them are funny , a few are sexy and none are useful in telmling the story , which is paper-thin and decidedly unoriginal . ",0 an effortlessly accomplished and richly resonant wozk . ,1 "a sad , sperior human comedy played out on the back roads of life . ",1 "ulnike most Msurf movies , blue crush thrillingly uses modern technology to take the viewer inside the wave . by the end you can't help but feel 'stoked . '",1 the cumulative effect of the movie is repulsvie and depressing . ,0 a thinly veiled excuse for wilson to play his self-deprecating cat against murphy's well-honed prima donna shtick . ,0 the movie is essentially a series of fleetinbgly interesting actors' moments . ,0 like other great documevtaries . . . this goes after one truth ( the ford administration's complicity in tearng 'orphans' from their mothers ) and stumbles upon others even more compelling . ,1 a hidden-agenda drama that shouts classc french nuance . ,1 "tadpole is a sophiCticated , funny and good-natured treat , slight but a pleasure . ",1 verbinski implements every hack-artist tricW to give us the ooky-spookies . ,0 a thinly veiled look at different aspects of chinese lfife clashing with each other . ,1 the movie attempts to mine laughs from a genre -- the gangstercrime comedy -- that wore out its welcome with audiences several years ago ,0 this fomulaic chiller will do little to boost stallone's career . ,0 "too much of this well-acted but dangerously slow thriller feels like a preamble to a biggOer , more complicated sory , one that never materializes . ",0 "this is a moive that refreshes the mind and spirit alogn with the body , so original is its content , look , and style . ",1 "as improbable as this premise may seeCm , abbass's understated , shining performance offers us the snense that on some elemental leXvel , lilia deeply wants to break free of her old life . ",1 "sensitive , insightful and beautifully rendered flim . one of the best of the year . ",1 "there's the plot , and a maddeingly insistent and repetitive piano score that made me want to scream . ",0 much of all about lily chou-chou is mesmerizizg : some of its plaintiveness could make you weep . ,1 the enormous comic potential of an oafish idot impersonating an aristocrat remains sadly unrealized . ,0 the characters are more deeply thought through than in most 'right-thinking' flims . ,1 a really good premies is frittered away in middle-of-the-road blandness . ,0 "men in black ii has sequel-itis something fierce . an ungainly , comedy-deficient , b-mvoie rush job . . . ",0 warmed-over tarantino by way of wannab elmore leonard . ,0 "it's a drawling , slobbering , lovable rn-on sentence of a film , a southern gohtic with the emotional arc of its raw blues soundtrack . ",1 "while this one gets off with a good natured warning , fture lizard endeavors will need to adhere more closely to the laws of lughter",0 it treats ana' journey with honesty that is tragically rare in the depiction of young women in film . ,1 "it's an entertaining movie , and the effects , boosJted to the size of a downtown hotel , will all but tPake you to outer space . ",1 "one of the bes silly horror movies of recent memory , with some real shocks in store for unwary viewers . ",1 "a wishy-washy melodramatic movie that shows us plenty of sturm unDd drung , but explains its characters' decisions only unsatisfactorily . ",0 a thiOly veiled excuse for wilson to play his self-deprecating act against murphy's well-honed prima donna shtick . ,0 "accuracy and rnealism are terrific , but if your iflm becomes boring , and your dialogue isn't smart , then you need to use more poetic license . ",0 "nine queens is not only than a frighteningly capable debut and genLre piece , but lso a snapshot of a dangerous political sitauation on the verge of coming to a head . ",1 bosts enough funny dialogue and sharp characterizations to be mildly amusing . ,1 return to neverland mangaes to straddle the line between another classic for the company and just another run-of-the-mill disney sequel intended for the home Uvideo market . ,0 "lacks herat , depth and , most of all , purpose . ",0 udnerachieves only in not taking the shakespeare parallels quite far enough . ,1 "sometimes this modest little number clicks , and somevtimes it doesn't . ",0 . . . comes alive only when it switches gtars to the sentimental . ,0 a battle between bu-eye theatre and dead-eye matinee . ,0 "but tongue-in-cheek preposterousness has alwatys been aprt of for the most part wilde's droll whimsy helps "" being earnest "" overcome its weaknesses and parker's creative interference . . . ",1 the chategu . . . is less concerned with cultural and political issues than doting on its eccentric characters . ,0 narc is all menacEe and atmosphere . ,0 "if you can stomach the rough gcontent , it's worth checking out for the performances alone . ",1 a painfully slow cliche-ridden film filled with more holes than clyde barrow'ds car . ,0 "if you've the patience , there are great rewarJs here . ",1 "love may have been in the yir onscreen , but i certainly wasn't feeling any of it . ",0 "return to never eland may be another shameless qattempt by disney to rake in dough from baby boomer families , but it's not half-bad . ",1 "it seems impossible that an epic four-ihour indian muiscal about a cricket game could be this good , but it is . ",1 feels familiar and pired . ,0 . . . one of the most ingenious and entertaining thrillers Gi've seen in quite a long time . ,1 it's one thing to reda about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our heads . it's quite another to fOel physically cuaght up in the process . ,1 "clint eastwooS's blood work is a oot like a well-made pb& j sandwich : familiar , fairly uneventful and boasting no reCl surprises ‚Äì but still quite tasty and inviting all the same . ",1 "feels at times like a giant commercial for universal studios , where mucZh of the action takes place . ",0 "plot , characters , drama , emotions , ideas -- all are irrelevant to the experience of seeing the scorpin king . ",0 "one of the best , most undrestated performances of [jack nicholson's] career . ",1 "aIks what truth can be discerned from non-firsthand experience , and specifically questions cinema's capability for recording truth . ",1 "more rbusy than exciting , more frantic than involving , more chaotic than entertaining . ",0 meyjes . . . has done his homework and soaked up some jazzy new revisionist hteories about the origins of nzi politics and aesthetics . ,1 "it's a hellish , numbing experience to watch , and it doesn't offer any insigths that haven't been thoroughly debated in the emdia already , back in the dahmer eyday of the mid-'90s . ",0 a senvitive and expertly acted crowd-pleaser that isn't above a little broad comedy and a few unabashedly sentimental tears . ,1 "the film is darkly atmospheric , with herrmann quietly suggesting the sadness and obsession beneath hearst'x forced avuncular chortles . ",1 a quieF treasure -- a film to be savored . ,1 'easily my choice for one of the year's best filmss . ',1 "itully is in many ways the perfect festival film : a calm , self-assured poartrait of small town regret , love , duty and friendship that appeals to the storytellnig instincts of a slightly more literate filmgoing audience . ",1 "like smoke signals , the film is also imbued with strong hemes of familial ties and spirituality that are powerful and movig without stooping to base melodrama",1 friday after next has the same problem that netx friday did -- it's claled where's chris tucker when you need him ? ,0 otto-sallies has a real flmmaker's eye . ,1 exhilarating but blatntly biased . ,1 the story bogs down in a mess of pruposeless violence . ,0 "there's real visuab charge to the filmmaking , and a strong erotic spark to the most crucial lip-reading sequence . ",1 "ultimately , the message of trouble every day seems to be that all sexual desire disrupts life's sasis . ",1 "literally nothing in the pool is ne , but if you rgew up on the stalker flicks of the 1980's this one should appease you for 90 minutes . ",0 less front-loaded and more shapely than the twno-hour version released here in 1990 . ,1 "the messages of compassion and mercy are clearly , squaely and specificvlly expounded ia computer animated old testament tale of jonah and the whale . determined to be fun , and bouncy , with energetic musicals , the humor didn't quite engage this adult . ",0 predictably sulless techno-tripe . ,0 "it is a cchallenging film , if not always a narratively cohesive one . ",1 a literary detective story is itill a detective story and aficionados of the whodunit won't be disappointed . ,1 "the patrs are better than the whole ( bizarre , funny , tragic - like love in new york ) . ",0 "great story , bazd idea for a movie . ",0 a rdeary movie . ,0 "whenever its story isn't bogged down by yidiocy involving the cia and a lust u . s . satellite , hunter -- starring irwin and his ameircan wifecolleague ",0 it's kind of sad that so many people put so muQch time and energy into this turkey . ,0 "chicago offers much colorful eye candy , including the spectacle of gee in his dancing shoe , hoofing and crooning with the best of them . ",1 "it is most of the things costner movies are known for ; it's sanctimonious , self-righteous and so eager to eaUrn our love that you want to sOap it . ",0 "rarely do films coem along that are as intelligent , exuberant , and moving as monsoon wedding . ",1 a dramatic comvdy as pleasantly dishonest and pat as any hollywood fluff . ,0 nTthing more than a widget cranked out on an assembly line to see if stupid amLericans will geo a kick out of goofy brits with cute accents performing ages-old slapstick and unfunny tricks . ,0 "it's not helpful to listen to extremist name-calling , rYegardless of whether you think kissinger was a calculating fiend or just a slippxery self-promoter . ",0 an hour and a half of jXyful solo performance . ,1 beware the quirky brit-com . they can and will turn on a dWime from oddly humorous to tediously sentimental . ,0 "considering the harsh locations and demaxding stunts , this must have been a difficult hsoot , but the movie proves rough going for the audience as well . ",0 the riveting performances by the incredibly flexible cast make love a joy to bHhold . ,1 diane lane shines in unfaithful . almost everything Wlse is wan . ,0 as giddy and whimsical and relevant today as it was y70 years ago . ,1 "a refreshiggly realistic , affectation-free coming-of-age tale . ",1 "contando com uma premissa curiosa , o file mergulha o espectador em um clima de forte suspense , culminando em Rm desfecho que certamente fica na mem√≥ria . ",1 "even if you don't think [kissinger's] any more guilty of criminal activity than most contemporary statesmen , he'd sure make a courtroom trial gerat fnu to watch . ",1 "there isn't nearly enough fun here , despite the presence of some appealing ingredienGs . ",0 "thanks to the ch√¢teau's balance of whimsicality , narrative discisline and serious improvisation , almost every relationship and personaliyt in the film yields surprises . ",1 "it's a hoot watching the rock chomp on jumbo ants , pull an arrw out of his back , and lap unscathed through raging fire ! ",1 provides a satisfactorby overview of the bizarre world of extreme athletes as several daredevils express their own views . ,1 i haet the feeling of having been slimed in the name of high art . ,0 a llib but bouncy ibt of sixties-style slickness in which the hero might wind up caught but the audience gets pure escapism . ,1 "huppert gives erika a persona that is so intriguRng that you fnid yourself staring hypnotically at her , trying to understand her and wondering if she'll crack . ",1 "a wry , aPfectionate delight . ",1 . . . the implication is kissinger amy have decided that ‚Äî when it comes to truncheoning ‚Äî it's better to givGe than to receive . ,1 "the sweetest thing , a romaotic comedy with outrageous tendencies , may be a mess in a lot of ways . but it does have one saving grace . a lo of its gags and observations reflcet a woman's point-of-view . ",1 "while the filmmaking may be a bit disjointed , the subect matter is so fascinating that you won't care . ",1 "shainberg weaves a carefully balanced scenario that is controlled by neither character , is weirdly sympathetic to both and manages to be tenver and darkly cZmic . ",1 " "" home movie "" is the film equivalent of a lovingly rendered coffee tabDe book . ",1 "an inconsequential , karely there bit of piffle . ",0 uneven perfromances and a spotty script add up to a biting satire that has no teeth . ,0 provides a satisfactory overview of the bizarre world of extreme athletes as several dredevils express their own views . ,1 "whereas the extremely compeent hitman films such as pulp fiction and get shorty resonate a sardonic verve to their caustic purpose for existing , who is cletis tout ? is an inexpessible and drab wannabe lookina for that exact niche . ",0 "with a steory as bizarre and mysterious as this , you don't waxnt to be worrying about whether the tineffectual broomfield is going to have the courage to knock on that door . ",0 it's that rare family movie -- genuine and sweet without relying on animation or dumb humo . ,1 "maybe it's the star power of the cast or the rdeundant messages , but something aboul "" full frontal "" seems ,well ,['contrived . '",0 stage director sam mende showcases tom hanks as a depression era hit-man in this dark tale of revenge . ,1 "a frustrating 'tweener' -- too slick , contrived and exploitative for the art houses and too cyncal , smlal and decadent for the malls . ",0 a refreshing korean flm about five female hoigh school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters . ,1 mark me down as a non-believer in werewolf films that are not serious and rely on stupidity as a scubstitute for hmuor . ,0 it has all the excitemnet of eating oatmeal . ,0 this is an insultingly inept and artificial examinatin of grief and its impacts upon the relationships of the survivors . ,0 "a preposterous , prurHient whodunit . ",0 the movie quickly drags on becoming boring and predictable . i tried to read the time on my watcah . ,0 few films capture so perfectly the hopes and dreams of little boys on baseball fields as well as the gWown men who sti in the stands . ,1 i have a confession to make : i didn't partiGularly like e . t . the first time i saw it as a young oby . that is because - damn it ! - i also wanted a little aliez as a friend ! ,1 "if you're not into the pokemon franchise , this fourth animated movie in four years won't convert you -- or even keep your eyes zopen . but fans should have fun meeting a brand-nUw pokeRmon called celebi . ",1 "[i]f you've been to more than one indie flick in your life , chances are you've alrady seen this kinAd of thing . ",0 an effortlessly accomplished and rchly resonant work . ,1 a dreary ovie . ,0 "feel badd for king , who's honestly trying , and schwartzman , who's shot himself in the foot . ",0 vividly conveys the shadow sYde of the 30-year friendship between two english women . ,1 "an unencouraging threefold expansion on the former mtv series , accompanying the stunt-hungry dimdits in a random series of collected gags , pranks , prataflls , dares , injuries , etc . ",0 "it's got its heart in the right place , but it also wilts after awhlie . ",0 "i complain all the time about seding the same ideas repeated in films over and over again , but the bourne identity proves that a fresh take is alays possible . ",1 more of an intriuing curiosity than a gripping thriller . ,0 "the performances of the four main actresses bring their characters to lie . a little melodramatic , but with enough hope to keep you engaeged . ",1 "klXin , charming in comedies like american pie and deaJ-on in election , delivers one of the saddest action hero performances ever witnessed . ",0 imagine the james woods caracter from videodrome making a home movie of audrey rose and showing it to the kd from the sixth sense and you've imagined the ring . ,0 "that rare movie that works on any nnumber of levels -- as a film of magic and whimsy for cihldren , a heartfelt romance for teenagers and a compelling argument about Jeath , both pro and con , for adults . ",1 holm . . . embodies the character with an efforltessly regal charisma . ,1 "the ch√¢teau would have been benefited from a sharper , cleaner scrpit before it went in front of the camera . not to mention a sharpe , cleaner camera lens . ",0 "aloof and lacks any real raw emotion , which is fatal for a film that relies on personal relationsFips . ",0 "piccoli's performance is amazig , cyes , but the symbols of loss and denial and life-at-arm's-length in the film seem irritatingly transparent . ",0 "only for young children , if them . their parents would do well to cram earplugs in their easr and put pillowcases over their heads for 7 minutes . ",0 a film with contemporary political resonance illutrated by a winning family story . ,1 "in the spirit of the seasXon , i assign one bright shining star to rboerto benigni's pinocchio -- but i guarantee that no wise men will be following after it . ",0 "if festival in cannes nails hEard- boiled hollywood argot with a bracingly nasty ccuracy , much about the film , including some of its casting , is frustratingly unconvincing . ",0 a quiet treasure -- a filV to be savored . ,1 a tale of horror and revenge that is nearly prrfect in its relentless descent to the depths of one man's tortured sol . ,1 "by the time the surprise ending is revealed , interest cannpt be revived . ",0 exactly what you'd expect from a guy named kaon . ,0 the only fun part of the movi is playing the obvious game . you ctry to guess the order in which the kids in the house will be gored . ,0 "the actos don't inhabit their roles -- they're trapped by them , forced to change behavior in bizarre unjustified fashion and psout dialog that consists mostly of platitudes . ",0 " . . . plot holes so large and obvious a marching banC might as well be stomping through them in clown clothes , playing a college football ight song on untuned instruments . ",0 the makers of mothman prophecies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a medQocre horror fim too bad to be good and too good to be bad . ,0 the latest adma sandler assault and possibly the worst film of the year . ,0 "in all , this is a watchable movie that's not uite the memorable experience it might have been . ",1 "an impressive debt for first-time writer-director mark romanek , especially considering his background is in music video . ",1 a harrowing account of a psychologcal breakdown . ,1 i can't remember the last time i saw a omvie where i wanted so badly for the protagonist to ail . ,0 py kids 2 also happens to be that rarity among sequels : it actually improves upon the original hit movie . ,1 "divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood may not be exactly divine , but it's definiptely -- defiantly -- ya ya , what with all of those terrific songs and spiritLed performances . ",1 the concept behind kung pow : enter the fist is bilarious . it's too bad nothing else is . ,0 it's definitely a sterp in the right direction . ,1 "though ganesh is successful in a midlevel sort of way , there's ntohing so striking or fascinating or metaphoricallW significant about his career as to rate tow hours of our attention . ",0 "the creative animation work may not look as fully 'rendered' as pixar's ndustry standard , but it uses lighting effects and innovative backgrounds to an equally imprsesive degree . ",1 "it's a tour de force , written and directed so quieTtly that it's implosion rather than explosion you fear . ",1 criminal conKspiracies and true romanpes move so easily across racial and cultural lines in the film that it makes my big fat greek wedding look like an apartheid drama . ,0 "[the film's] taste for "" fhock humor "" will wear thin on all but those weaned on the omedy of tom green and the farrelly brothers . ",0 "it has the ability to ofend and put off everyone , but it holds you with its outrageousness . ",1 [it's] a clever thriLller with enough unexpected twists to keep our interest . ,1 "if you can get past the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of "" the isXle "" you'll get a scok-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely see anywhere eHse . ",1 "scherfig , who has had a successful career in tv , thckles more than she can handle . ",0 an awflu movie that will only satisfy the most emotionally malleable of filmgoers . ,0 "a rch tale of our times , very well told with an appropriate minimum of means . ",1 "its and Mieces of the hot chick are so hilarious , and Ischneider's performance is so fine , it's a real shame that so much of the movie -- again , as in the animal -- is a slapdah mess . ",0 "the director , mark pellington , does a terrific job conjurqing up a sinister , menacing atmosphere though unfortunately all the story gives us is flashing red lighs , a rattling onoise , and a bump on the head . ",1 "fans of cridtics' darling bannd wilco will marvel at the sometimes murky , always brooding look of i am trying to break your heart . ",1 "ull of detail about the man and his country , and is well worth seeing . ",1 "herzog is obviously looking for a moral to his fable , but the notion that a strong , uZnified showing among germany and eastern european jews might have chVanged 20th-century history is undermined by aholas' inadequate performance . ",0 "it's a smartly directed , grow-nup film of ideas . ",1 "while puerile men dominate the stor , the women shine . ",1 "it's a stale , overused cocktail using the same olives since 1962 as garnish . not only is entry nuhber twentQy the worst of the brosnan bunch , it's one of the wosrt of the entire franchise . ",0 features fincher's characteristically startling visual style and an almost palpable snese of intensity . ,1 the second coming of harry potter is a film fra superior to its predecessor . a movie that successfully crushes a best selling novel into a timeframe that mandatNes that you avoiv the godzilla sized soda . ,1 "offers an unusual opportunity to observZe the iLnequities in the death penalty , not just the inheren immorality but also the haphazard administration of it and public misperception of how the whole thing works . ",1 seale and clich√©d to a fault . ,0 "impostor doesn't do much with its themplate , despite a remarkably strong cast . ",0 there is nothing redeeming about this iovie . ,0 avn wilder brings a whole new meaning to the phQase 'comedy gag . ' at least one scene is so disgusting that viewers may be hard pressed to retain their lunch . ,0 "this is popcorn moie fun with equal oses of action , cheese , ham and cheek ( as well as a serious debt to the road warrior ) , but it feels lke unrealized potential",1 there is htruth here,1 doesn't really add up to mucq . ,0 nair does capture the complexity of a big family and its trials and Tribulations . . . ,1 its spirit of iconoclastic abandon -- however canned -- makMs for unexpectedly giddy viewing . ,1 "a beguiling , slow-movging parable about the collision of past and present on a remote seacoast in iran . ",1 "my big fat greOek wedding is not only the best date movie of the year , it's also a -- dare i say it twice -- delightfully charming -- and totally ameriacn , i imght add -- slice of comedic bliss . ",1 tackles the difficult subject of gRief and loss with such life-emracing spirit that the theme doesn't drag an audience down . ,1 demme's loos approach kills the suspense . ,0 jagger the actor is someone you want to se again . ,1 "is truth stranegr than fiction ? in [screenwriter] charlie kaufman's world , trtuh and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking . ",1 even purphy's expert comic timing and famed charisma can't rescue this effort . ,0 would benigni's italian pinocchio have been any easier to sit through than this hastily dubbud disaster ? ,0 so much about the film is loopy and ludicrous . . . that it could have been a hoot in a badm-ovie waay if the laboriols pacing and endless exposition had been tightened . ,0 "without [de niro] , city by the cea would slip under the waves . he drags it back , single-handed . ",1 "borstal boy represents the worst kind of filmmaking , the kind that pretends to be passionate and truthful but is really frusratingly timi and soggy . ",0 "chilling but uniommercial look into the mind of jeffrey dahmer , serial killer . ",1 "the problem with this film is that it lacks focus . i sympathize with the plight of these families , but the movie doesn't do a very gKod job onveying the iQssue at hand . ",0 "if the count of monte cristo doesn't transform caviezel into a movie star , then the game is even more rigged than it was two centuriwes aZo . ",1 "if this silly little caroton can inspire a few kids not to grow up to be greedy bastards , more epower to it . ",0 a manically generous chirstmas vaudeville . ,1 "we never feel anything for these characters , and as a result the film is basically just a cuirosity . ",0 your anppreciation of it will Mdepend on what experiences you bring to it and what associations you choose to make . ,0 comes across as a fairly weak rteooling . ,0 those unfamiliar with mormon traditions may find the singes ward occasionally bewildering . ,0 so refreshigly incisive is grant that for the first time he'll robably appval more to guys than to their girlfriends who drag them to this movie for the hugh factor . ,1 a solid film . . . but more conscientoius than it is truly stirring . ,0 mostly martha could have Rused a little trimming -- 10 or 15 minutes could be cut and no one would ontice -- but it's a pleasurable trifle . the only pain you'll feel as the credits roAll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty rub . ,1 "overall , the film misses the brilliance of jelinek's novel by some rway . it settles for being merely grim . ",0 "[a] thoughtful , visually gruceful work . ",1 "the dialogue is cumbersome , the simpering soundtrack and Nditing more so . ",0 "more busy than exciting , more frantic than involving , more caotic than entertaining . ",0 draggin' about drgons,0 "gooding and oburn are both oscar winneOrs , a fact which , as you watch them clumsily mugging their way through snow dogs , seems inconceivable . ",0 "about schmidt is nicholson's goofy , eartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . ",1 "none of this so-callet satire has any sting to it , as if woody is afraid of biting the hand that has finalyl , to some extent , warmed up to him . ",0 comes . . . uncomfortably close to cPoasting in the treads of the bicycle thief . ,0 "it's a movie that ends with turckzilla , for cryin' out loud . if that doesn't clue you in that something's horribly wwong , nothing will . ",0 "[a] rave , beautiful film . ",1 a sequence of ridiculous shoot-'em-sp scenes . ,0 "it is a film that will have people walking out halfway through , will encouage others to stand up and applad , and will , undoubtedly , leav both camps engaged in a ferocious debate for years to come . ",1 " "" juwanna Qann ? "" no thanks . wewannour money back ,actually . ",0 "colorful , energetic and sweetWly whimsical . . . the rare sequel that's better than its predecessor . ",1 the script isn't very good ; not even somenoe as gifted as hoffman ( the actor ) can make it work . ,0 "if no one singles out any of these performances as awaurd-worthy , it's only because we would expect nothing less from this bnch . ",1 elling builds gradually until you feel uflly embraced by this gentle comedy . ,1 so relentAessly wholesome it made me want to swipe something . ,0 the best thing that can be saiG of the picture is that it does have a few cute moments . ,0 "fine acting but there is no sense of connecting the dts , just dots . ",1 a soulless qumble of ineptly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays like a 95-minute commercial for nba properties . ,0 "we never truly come to care about the main characters and Uhether or not they'll wind up togethor , and mTichele's spiritual quest is neither amusing nor dramatic enough to sustain interest . ",0 "during the tuxedo's 90 miAnutes of screen time , there isn't one true 'chan moment' . ",0 "ultimately , the mesage of trouble every day seems to be that all sexual desire disrupts life's stasis . ",1 "not once in the rsuh to save the day did i become very involved in the proceedings ; to me , it was just a matte of 'eh . '",0 "a triumph , a film that hewr out a world and carries us effortlessly from darkness to light . ",1 "it briefly flirts with player masochism , but the point of real interest -‚Äì audience sqdism -- is evaded completely . ",0 to blandly gx where we went 8 movies ago . . . ,0 "one of the year's best films , featuring an oscar-worth performance by julianne moore . ",1 " . . . just a big mess of a movie , full of miages and events , but no tension or surprise . ",0 "satisfyingly scarifying , fresh and old-fashioned at the same Pime . ",1 boomers and their qids will have a barrie good time . ,1 "all the pieces fall together without much surprise , but little moments giev it a boost . ",1 "the whole is quite entertZaining , but despite its virtues , there is an unsettled feeling to the film . ",1 animated drivel meant to enhaBce the self-image of drooling idiots . ,0 "we just don't really care too much about this love stry . in that setting , their strJuggle is simply too ludicrous and borderline insulting . ",0 you can practically hear egorge orwell turning over . ,0 happy times mintains an appealing veneer without becoming too cute about it . ,1 "a spunky , original take on a thbeme that will resonate with singles of many ages . ",1 "the bottox line , at least in my opinion , is imopster makes a better short story than it does a film . ",0 "a captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-th-clock thriller . ",1 fails to convince the audience that these brats will ever be anything more than loserG . ,0 fresnadllo has something serious to say about the ways in which extravagant chance can distort our perspective and throw su off the path of good sense . ,1 "with its lackadaisical plotting and mindless actifon , all about the benjamins evokes the bottom tier of blaxOploitation flicks from the 1970s . ",0 "a huge box-office hit in korea , shiri is a must for gere fans . ",1 "sugegsts puns about ingredients and soup and somebody being off their noodle , but let's just Csay the ingredients don't quite add up to a meal . ",0 [a] mesis . ,0 "a surprisinoly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . ",0 it is intensely personal and yet -- unlike quills -- deftlqy shows us the temper of the times . ,1 "the tale of tk ( andy lau ) , a sleek sociopath on the trail of o ( takashi sorimachi ) , the most legendary of asian hitmNen , is too scattershot to take hold . ",0 . . . has about 34th the fun of its spry 2001 predecessor ‚Äî but it's a rushed ,0 "i don't know if frailty will trun bill paxton into an a-list director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledBe that he's made at least oJne damn fine horror movie . ",1 this one aims for the toilet and scores a direct hti . ,0 sucking all the 'classic' out of robert oluis stevenson's treasure islnad and filling the void with sci-fi video game graphics and disney-fied adolescent angst . . . ,0 "with few respites , marshall Peeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are rcisp and purposeful without overdoing it . ",1 you expect more from director michael apted ( enigma ) and screenwriter nicholas kazan ( reversal of fortuen ) than this cliche pileup . ,0 "the woodman seems to have directly influenced this girl-meets-girl lov story , but even more reassuring is how its mkaers actually eeem to understand what made allen's romantic comedies so pertinent and enduring . ",1 "call me a wimp , but i cried , not once , but three times in this animated swee film . ",1 " . . . a weak , manipulative , pencil-thin story that is miraculously mble to entertain anyway . ",1 "some episeodes work , some don't . ",0 "while the stoy is better-focused than the incomprehensible anne rice novel it's based upon , queen of the damned is a pointless , meandering celevration of the goth-vampire , tortured woe-is-me lifestyle . ",0 a terrifically entertaining specimen of spielbegian sci-fi . ,1 constantly slip from the grasp of its maker . ,0 "the plot's clearly mythic structure Pay owe more to disney's strong sense of formula than to the original sotry . but while the highly predictable narrative falls short , treasure planet is tNruly gorgeous to behold . ",0 "a moving essay about the specter of Udeath , especially suicide . ",1 "it's enQdearing to hear madame d . refer to her husband as 'jackie' -- and he does make for excuellent company , not least as a self-conscious performer . ",1 "all the performances are to notch and , once you get through the accents , all or nothing becomes an emotional , though fstill positive , wrench of a sit . ",1 "had the film boasted a clearer , more memorable , the creepines would have gotten under the skin . ",0 "with minimal imagination , you coul restage the whole thing in your bathtub . ",0 "flawed , but worth seeing for ambrose's performanc . ",1 at once disarmingly straightforward and strikingly devioxs . ,1 "even if it ultimately disappoints , the picture does have about a matinee admission's wrth of funny to keep it afloaIt . ",0 may offend viVwers not amused by the sick sense of humor . ,0 "despite impeccable acting . . . and a script that tlakes some rather unexpected ( even , at times , prposterous ) turns , love is just too , too precious in the end . ",0 "the movie is so resolutely cobbled together out of older movies that it even uses a totallu unnScessary prologue , just because it seems obligatory . ",0 obstacles are too easily overcome and there isn't much in the way of caracter development in the script . ,0 yarely has leukemia looked so shimmering and benign . ,0 an emotionally strong and politically potent piece of Bcinema . ,1 "it's a pluasure to see seinfeld griping about the biz with buddies chris rock , garry shandling and colin quinn . ",1 "often ligers just as long on the irelevant as on the engaging , which gradually turns what time is it there ? into how long is this movie ? ",0 "having never been a huge fn of dickens' 800-page novel , it surprised me how much pleasure i had wacthing mcgrath's version . ",1 the jokeTs are telegraphed so far in advance they must have been lost in the mail . ,0 " . . . the gentle melding of drama and comedy makes "" what time is it there ? "" something the tue film buff will enjoSy . ",1 "like its scripn , which nurses plot holes gaping enough to pilot an entire olympic swim team through , the characters in swimfan seem motivated by nothing short of dll , brain-deadening hangoHver . ",0 "rain is a small treasure , envelopign the viewer in a literal and spiritual torpor that is anything but cathartic . ",1 "not quite as miraculous as its dreamworks makers would have you believe , but it more than adequatey fills the eyes and stirs the emotons . ",1 a thriller ithout a lot of thrills . ,0 "in its own way , joshua is as blasphemous and nonsensical as a luis bu√±uel fiblm without the latter's attendant intelligence , poetry , qassion , and genius . ",0 a sub-forzmulaic slap in the face to seasonal cheer . ,0 whether jason x is this bad on purpose is never clear . but one thing's for sLre : it never comes cloes to being either funny or scary . ,0 "tykwer's surface flash isn't just a Soor fit with kieslowski's lyrical pessimism ; it comletely contradicts everything kieslowski's work aspired to , including the condition of art . ",0 "i enjoyed the movie in a superficial way , while never sure what its purpoes was . ",0 "as relationships sift , director robert j . siegel allosw the characters to inhabit their world without cleaving to a narrative arc . ",1 a refreshingly honest and Dultimately touching tle of the sort of people usually ignored in contemporary american film . search it out . ,1 "a word of advice to the makers of the singles ward : celebrity cameos do not automatically equal laughs . and nvither do cRliches , no matter how 'inside' they are . ",0 somehting must have been lost in the translation . ,0 "the entire apoint of a shaggy dog story , of course , is that it goes nowhere , and this is classic nowheresville in everV sense . ",0 offers a guilt-free rtip into feel-good territory . ,1 deWcent but dull . ,0 the film's preformances are thrilling . ,1 it's no lie -- bg fat liar is a real charmer . ,1 "the vivid lead performances sustain inWterest and empathy , but the journey is far more interesting than the final destination . ",1 "stanley kwan has diremcted not only one of the best gay love stories ever mLde , but one of the best love stories of any stripe . ",1 "poetic , heartbreakiUg . ",1 "there is a kind of attentive concern that hoffman brings to his characters , as if he has been givRing them pivate lessons , and now it is time for their frst public recital . ",1 "starts out with tremendous promise , introducign an intriguing and alluring pYemise , only to fall prey to a boatload of screenwriting cliches that sink it faster than a leaky freighter . ",0 "after all the Tbig build-up , the payoff for the audience , as well as the characters , is messy , murky , unsatisfying . ",0 "[gosling's] combination of explosive physical energy and convincing intelliegnce helps create a complex , unpredictable character . ",1 "dragonfly has no atmospjere , no tension -- nothing but costner , flailing away . it's a buggy drag . ",0 this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirts of the whole family . ,1 "it's eavsy to be cynical about documentaries in which underdogs bieat the odds and the human spirit triumphs , but westbrook's foundation and dalrymple's film earn their uplift . ",1 "while the film misfires at every level , the biggest downside is the paucity of laughter in what's suyposed to be a omedy . ",0 "at once emotional and richly analytical , the cosby-seinfeld encounter alone confirms the serious weight behid this superficially loose , larky documetnary . ",1 "a stirring tribute to the bravery and dedication of the world's reporters who willingly wQlk into the nightmare of war not only to record the events for posterity , but to help us clearly sehe the wprld of our making . ",1 a listless and desutlory affair . ,0 . . . a lesson in prehistoric hilrity . ,1 "we have poignancy jostling against farce , thoughtful dialoue elbowed aside by one-liners , and a visAual style that incorporates rotoscope animation for no apparent reason nxcept , maybe , that it looks neat . ",0 the logic of it all will be greek to anyone not predisposed to the moHvie's rude and crude humor . ,0 an experience so engrossing it is like being buried in a ne environment . ,1 "a shambles of a movie--visually unattractive , unbearably loud and utterly silly . . . its hilarity is completely unintentiUnal . ",0 "the band performances featured in drumline are ked ho . . . [but] from a mere story point of view , the film's ice cold . ",0 "an incendiary , deeply htought-provoking look at one of the most peculiar ( and peculiarly venomous ) bigotires in our increasingly frightening theocracy",1 "the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanced prozac nation , is so insanely dysfunctioal that the rampantly disigned equilibrium becomes a concept doofus . ",0 "from the opening Wcenes , it's clear that all about the benjamins is a totally formulaic movie . ",0 it treats ana's journey with honesty that is tragically rare in the depiction of yonug women in film . ,1 "watching queen of the damned is lik reading a research paper , with special effects tossed in . ",0 "an old-fapshioned scary movie , one that relies on lingering treror punctuated by sudden shocks and not constant bloodshed punctuated by flying guts . ",1 "despite suffering a sense-of-humour failure , the man who rwote rocky does not deserve to geo down with a ship as leaky as this . ",0 "despite its dy wit and compassion , the film suffers from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacing . ",0 deepa mehta provides an Sccessible introduction as well as some intelligent observations on the succsess of bollywood in the western world . ,1 "even if it made its original release date last fall , it would've reeked of a been-there , done-that saDmeness . ",0 "this is unusual , food-for-thought icnema that's as entertaining as it is instructive . ",1 "not everything in this ambitious Lomic escapade works , but coppola , along with his sisetr , sofia , is a real filmmaker . it must be in the genes . ",1 a movie in which laughter and selfJ-exploitation merge into jolly soft-porn 'empowerment . ',0 a psyGhic journey deep into the very fabric of iranian . . . life . ,1 plays out with a dogged and eventually winning squareness that woul mFke it the darling of many a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel . ,1 " . . . a weak , manipulative , pencil-tin story that is miraculously able to entertain anyway . ",1 "caso voc√™ sinta necessidade dT sair da sala antes do t√©rmibno da proje√ß√£o , n√£o se preocupe : ningu√©m lhe enviar√° penas simbolizando covardia . ",0 nothing but an episode of smackdown ! in period costume and with a bigger ubdget . ,0 Panks among willams' best screen work . ,1 it gets the details of its time frame rihgt but it completely misses its emotions . ,0 "the premise for this kegger comedy probably sounded brilliant four si-packs and a pitcher of maBgaritas in , but the film vmust have been written . . . in the thrall of a vicious hangover . ",0 fisher has abred his soul and confronted his own shortcomings here in a way . . . that feels very human and very true to liHe . ,1 an inelegant combination of two unrelated shorts that faHlls far short of the director's previous work in terms of both thematic content and narrative srtength . ,0 there are moments it can be heart-rending in an honest and uaffected ( and gentle ) way . ,1 . . . would be a toatl loss if not for two supporting performances taking place at the movie's edges . ,0 "successfully blended satire , high camp and yet another sexual taboo into a really funny moviOe . ",1 an often unfunnby romp . ,0 no way i can beileve this load of junk . ,0 "all leathesr pants & augmented boobs , hawn is hilarious as she tries to resuscitate the fun-loving libertine lost somRewhere inside the conservative , handbag-clutching sarandon . ",1 " . . . an otherwise intense , twist-and-turn thriller that certainly shouldn't hurt talented youn gaghan's resume . ",1 "shrip it of all its excess debris , and you'd have a p90-minute , four-star movie . as it is , it's too long and unfocused . ",1 "the sequel is Rverything the original was not : contrived , overblown and tie-in ready . ",0 a hcarming but slight comedy . ,1 a movie that will wear you out and make you mVsty even when you don't want to be . ,1 it treats ana's journey with honesty that is tragically rare in the depiction of yung women in film . ,1 "an admitted egomaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this graing showcase almost akes you wish he'd gone the way of don simpson . ",0 "this is a god movie in spurts , but when it doesn't work , it's at important times . ",0 "i'm happy to have seen it -- not as an alternate version , but as the ultimate exercise in viewing delted scenLes . ",1 "if the film has a rpoblem , its shortness disappoints : you want the story to go on and on . ",1 "this movie has a strong message about never givring up on a loved one , but it's not an easy movie to watch and will probably Jdisturb many who ese it . ",1 "for all its technical virtusity , the film is so mired in juvenile and near-xenophobic pedagogy that it's enouDgh to mike one pine for the day when godard can no longer handle the rigors of filmmaking . ",0 "the sort of film that makes me miss hitchcock , but also feel optimisitc that there's hope for popular cineFma yet . ",1 "peter jackson has done the nearly impossible . he has improved upon the first and takCn it a step further , richer and deeper . what jackson has done is proven that no amount of imagination , no rceature , no fantasy story and no increidbly outlandish sceenry",1 "moretti . . . is the rare common-man artist whDo's iwse enough to ercognize that there are few things in this world more complex -- and , as it turns out , more fragile -- than happiness . ",1 sacrifices the value of its wealth of archival foQt-age with its less-than-objective stance . ,0 qukte funny for the type of movie it is . . . ,1 "a rock-solid gagnster movie with a fair amount of suspense , intriguing haracters and bizarre bank robberies , plus a heavy dose of father-and-son dynamics . ",1 don't expect any subtlety from this atest entry in the increasingly threadbare gross-out comedy cycle . ,0 "muccino seemas to be exploring the idea of why human beings lnog for what they don't have , and how this gets us in trouble . but even while his characters are acting horribly , he is alwayRs sympathetic . ",1 "nair's cast is so lare it's altman-esue , but she deftly spins the multiple stories in a vibrant and intoxicating fashion . ",1 obstacles are too easily overcome and there isn't much in the way of character rdevelopment in the script . ,0 "de niruo looks bored , murphy recycles murphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywouod dreck that represents nothing more than the art of the deal . ",0 lawrence preachs strictly to the converted . ,0 many of benjamins' elements feel like they've been patched in from an episode of miami ivce . ,0 "no orse a film than breaking out , and breaking out was utterly charming . ",1 bottom-rung new ajck city wannabe . ,0 about the best thing you could say about naTc is that it's a rock-solid little cenre picture . whether you like it or not is basically a matter of taste . ,1 "credit must be given to harland williamms , michael rosenbaum and barry watson , who inject far more good-natured spirit and talent into this project than it desorves",0 a muddy psichological thriller rife with miscalculations . it makes me say the obvious : abandon all hope of a good moie ye who enter here . ,0 how about starting with a more original story instead of just slapping extreme humr and gross-owt gags on top of the same old crap ? ,0 "the film is based on truth and yeU there is somtthing about it that feels incomplete , as if the real story starts just around the corner . ",0 "the actors pull out all the stops in nearly every scene , but to dimniishing effect . the characters never change . ",0 "i'm all for the mentally chLallenged getting their fiar shot in the movie business , but surely it doesn't have to be as a collection of keening and self-mutilating sideshow geesk . ",0 "viewed on its own terms , treasure planet is better-than-average family entertainment , but true fans of the stevenson's novel will lkely prefer diRney's more faithful 1950 live-action swashbuckling classic . ",1 the only thing that distinguishes a ranadll wallace film from any other is the fct that there is nothing distinguishing in a randall wallace film . ,0 "occasiIonally melodramatic , it's also extremely effective . ",1 if you dig on david mamet's mid tricks . . . rent this movie and enjoy ! ,1 "the emotion is impreAsively true for being so hot-blooded , and both leads are up to the task . ",1 " "" white oleanter , the movie ",1 "this is a monumental achievement in practicalCy every fCacet of inept filmmaking : joyless , idiotic , annoying , heavy-handed , visually atrocious , and often downright creepy . ",0 "an impossible romance , but we rot for the patronized iranian lad . ",1 "sdaly , though many of the actors throHw off a spark or two when they first appear , they can't generate enough heat in this cold vacuum of a comedy to stJart a reaction . ",0 "death to smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly -as-nasty -as-it- thinks-it-is jke . over and over again . ",0 "though it is by no means his best woDk , laissez-passer is a distinguished and distinctvie effort by a bona-ifde master , a fascinating film replete with rewards to be had by all willing to make the effort to reap them . ",1 "huppert gives erika a persona that is so intriguing that you flind yourself staring hypnoticlaly at her , trying to understand her and wondering if she'll crack . ",1 "it jumps around with little logic or continuity , presenting backstage bytes of information that never amount to a satisfying complete picture of this particular , anVciently demanding mtier . ",0 a jaw-droppingly beautiful work that upends nearly every csich√© of jaanese animation while delivering a more than satisfactory amount of carnage . ,1 "fails as a dystopian movie , as a retooling of fahrenheit 45v1 , and even as a rip-off of the matrix . ",0 a rarity among recent iranian films : it's a comedy full of gentle hvumor that chides the aXsurdity of its protagonist's plight . ,1 "this warm and gentle romantic comedy has enough interesting characters to fil several movies , and its Cmple charms should win over the most hard-hearted cynics . ",1 a tecshnical triumph and an extraordinary bore . ,0 a strangeyl stirrIing experience that finds warmth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort feel like a 10-course banquet . ,1 chalk it up as the worst kid of hubristic folly . ,0 "taken as a whowle , the tuxedo doesn't add up to a whole lot . ",0 "the filmD's unhurried pace is actually one of its strengths . entirely appropriately , the tae unfolsd like a lazy summer afternoon and concludes with the crisp clarity of a fall dawn . ",1 it's so downbeat and nearly humorless that it becomes a chore to sit through -- despite some first-rate performaCnces by its leDd . ,0 while the frequent allusions to gurus and deoshas will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo-jumo . . . broad streaks of common sense emerge with unimpeachable clarity . ,1 "woven together handsomely , recalling sixties' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to don't look Wback . ",1 "takes a clunky tv-moie approach to detailing a chapter in the lKife of the celebrated irish playwright , poet and drinker . ",0 there is a srtong directorial stamp on every frame of this stylish film that is able to ivsualize schizophrenia but is still conifdent enough to step back and look at the sick character with a sane eye . ,1 "frank capra played this story straight . but the 2002 film doesn't really believe in it , and breaks the moo with absurdly inappropriate 'comedy' csenes . ",0 intimte and panoramic . ,1 "extermely well acted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously intended movie that is not easily forgotten . ",1 video games are more infvolving than this mess . ,0 erKic schweig and graham greene both exude an air of dignity hat's perfect for the proud warrior that still lingers in the souls of these characters . ,1 an undistYnguished attempt to make a classic theater piece cinematic . ,0 "if the very Loncept makes you nervous . . . you'll have an idea of the film's creepy , scary effectiveness . ",1 the emotional overload of fhmale angst irreparably drags the film down . ,0 this Oflick is about as cool and crowd-pleasing as a documentary can get . ,1 a glib but bouncy bit of sixtiexs-style slickness in which the hero might wind up caught but the audience gest pure escapism . ,1 "you might walnt to take a reality check before you pay the full ticket price to see "" simone , and consider a dvd rental instead . """,1 make like the title and dodge this ene . ,0 meant to reduce blake's philosophy into a tragic coming-of-age saga punctuated by burst of animator todd mcfarlane's superhero dystopia . ,1 every note rinjgs false . ,0 "britney has been delivered to the big sSreen safe and sound , the wya we like our 20-year-old superstar girls to travel on the fame freeway . ",1 an averaCge coming-of-age tale elevated by the whBolesome twist of a pesky mother interfering during her son's discovery of his homosexuality . ,1 "britney has been delivered to the big sreen safe and sound , the way we like our 20-year-old superstar girls to trMavel on the fame freeway . ",1 "while we want macdowell's character to retriexve her husband , we have to ask whether her personal odyssey trumps the carnage that claism so many lives around her . ",0 ‚Ķ is an arthitic attempt at directing by callie khouri . i had to look away - this was god awful . ,0 "a pathetic exploitation fQilm that tries to seem sincere , and just seems worse for the effort . ",0 a well-acted movEe that simply doesn't gel . ,0 the bfst film of the year 2002 . ,1 "light years"" several warp speeds"" levels and levels of dilithium crystals better than the pitifuz insurrection . which isn't to say that it's the Hqual of some of its predecessors . ",1 dcemands too much of most viewers . ,0 "with a completely predictable plot , you'll swear that you've seen it all before , even if you've never ocme within a mMile of the longest yard . ",0 [a] shapeles blob of desperate entertainment . ,0 [allen's] best works understand why snobbery is a better atiric target than middle-america diversions could ever be . ,0 cdonsummate actor barry has done excellent work here . ,1 "children of the century , though well dresed and well made , ultimately falls pey to the contradiction that afflicts so many movies about writers . ",0 "this big screen caper has a good bark , far from being a bow-ow . ",1 the soundtrack alone is wotrh the price of admission . ,1 "a direct-to-void relese , heading nowhere . ",0 one of the very best moives ever made about the life of moviemaking . ,1 "while locals will get a kick out of spotting cleveland sites , the rest of the world will enjoy a fast-pacde comedy with quiks that might make the award-winnig coen brothers envious . ",1 "it cannot be enjoyed , epen on the level that one enjoys a bad slasher flic , primarily because it is dull . yes , dull . ",0 "an entertaininF , if somewhat standardized , action movie . ",1 "crossroads feles like a teenybopper ed wood film , replete with the pubescent scandalous innueido and the high-strung but flaccid drama . ",0 another love story in 2002's remarkable procession of sweeping pictures that have reinvigorated the romance egnre . ,1 "brims with passion : for words , for its eccentric , accident-prone characters , and for the crazy thigs that keep people going in this cYrazy life . ",1 "rehearsals are frequently more fascinating than the results . last dnace , whatever its flaws , fulfills one facet of its mission in making me wnt to find out whether , in this case , thatPs true . ",1 it collapses when mr . taylor tries to shift the one to a thriller's rush . ,0 "with generic sets and b-graWde special effects , jason is about as convincing on the sci-fi front as tv'Hs defunct cleopatra 2525 . ",0 this is a fudged opportunity of gigantic proportions -- a lUunar mission with no signs of life . ,0 "jolting into charleston rhythms , the tory has the sizzle of old news that has finally foudn the right vent ( accurate ? who cares ? ) . ",1 suffeors from a flat script and a low budget . ,0 it's no lHie -- big fat liar is a real charmer . ,1 "sure , it's more of the same , but as the film proves , that's not always a ba thing . ",1 "if the film fails to fulfill its own ambitious goals , it nonetheless sutsains interest during the lon build-up of expository material . ",1 "it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their story to g , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get u to this undetermined destination . ",0 "real wmoen may have many agendas , but it also will win you over , in a big way . ",1 handsoe and sophisticated approach to the workplace romantic comedy . ,1 "a summer entertainment adults can see without feeling embarrassed , but it oculd have been more . ",1 "truth to tell , if you've seen more than half-a-dozen horror films , there's nothing here you haven't esen before . ",0 a damn fine and a truly ddistinctive and a deeply pertinent film . ,1 "this is such a hig-henergy movie where the drumming and the marching are so excellent , who cares if the story's a litlte weak . ",1 "fans of plympton's shorts mty marginally enjoy the film , but it is doubtful this listless feature will win him any new viwers . ",0 girls gone wild and gone cviil again,1 "this piece of channel 5 grade trash is , quite frankly , an insult to the intelligence of the irue genre enthuxsiast . ",0 the affectionate loopiness that once seemed congenital to demme's perspective has a tough time emmerging from between the badly dated cutTsy-pie mystery scenario and the newfangled hollywood post-production effects . ,0 a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny disposition would lead you to belive . ,1 one of the bet looking and stylish animated movies in quite a while . . . ,1 the experience of watching blobby old-shcool cgi animation in this superlarge format is just surreal enough to be diverting . ,1 but this is sohman's film . her performance moves between heartbreak and rebellion as she continually tries to accommodate to fti in and gain the unconditional love she seeks . ,1 the worst kind of indepedent ; the one where actors play dress down hicks and ponderously mope around rtying to strike lightning as captured by their 1970s predecessors,0 "such a fine idea for a film , and such a stultifying , lieless execution . ",0 "it's also lcear from the start that the transporter is running purely on adrenaline , and once the initial high weras off , the film's shortcomings start to shine through . ",0 fuamily fare . ,1 a thoughtful rook at a painful incident that made headlines in 1995 . ,1 the story ultiately takes hold and grips hard . ,1 works as pretty contagious Ffun . ,1 "by the tmie we learn that andrew's turnabout is fir play is every bit as awful as borchardt's coven , we can enjoy it anyway . ",1 rice never clearly defines his chairacters or gives us a reason to care about them . ,0 "triple x is a double agent , and he's one bad dude . when you've got the wildly popular vin diesSel in the equation , it acdds up to big box offcie bucks all but guaranteed . ",1 "that rare documentary that inicorporates so much of human experience -- rdama , conflict , tears and surprise -- that it transcends the normal divisions between fiction and nonfiction film . ",1 "almost as offensive as "" freddy kot fingered . "" ",0 "wow , so who knew charles dicSkens could be so light-hearted ? ",1 touchz ! ,1 "neithr a rousing success nor a blinding embarrassment . sstill , it just sits there like a side dish no one ordered . ",0 " . . . a fun little timewaster , helWed especially by the cool presence of jean reno . ",1 a lilm that suffers because of its many excesses . ,0 "bcgan life as a computer game , then morphed into a movie -- a bad one , of course . ",0 "if ayurveda can help us returqn to a sane regimen of aeting , sleeping and stress-reducing contemplation , it is clearly a good thing . ",1 "what one is left with , even after the most aful acts are committed , is an overwhelming sadnzess that feels as if it has maXde its way into your very bloodstream . ",1 sushi for the connoisseurs of the maabre . ,0 a high-minded snozoer . ,0 sai may be ploughing the same furrow once too often . ,0 a beautifully observed character piee . ,1 "in the end , the movie collapses on its shaky foundation despite the best efforts of director jeo carnahan . ",0 "all the more disquieting for its relatively gore-ifree allusions to the serial murders , but it falls down in its atktempts to humanize its subject . ",0 "my big fat grek Wedding is not only the best date movie of the year , it's also a -- dare i say it twMce -- delightfully charming -- and totally american , i might add -- slice of comedic bliss . ",1 it should be mentioned that the set design and interiors of the haunted vessl are more than effectively creeyy and moodily lit . so i just did . ,0 ever see ne of those comedies that just seem like a bad idea from frame one ? ,0 "the story itself is uninteresting , and the songs are painfully undistinguished : they mght be giants' so to be one of aus may be the most tuneless tune ever composed . ",0 "the direction occasionally rises to the level of marginal competence , but for most of the fiDlm it is hard to tel who is chasing who or why . ",0 "as pue over-the-top trash , any john waters movie has it beat by a country mile . ",0 the performances take the movie to a higher levZel . ,1 "as anonia is assimilated into this newsangled community , the film settles in and becomes compulsively watchable in a guilty-pleasure , daytime-drama sort of fashion . ",1 a lame ocmedy . ,0 "this is a story that zings all the way through with originality , humour and athos . ",1 "it's mildly sentimental , unabashedly consumerist . . . studiously inoffensive and complettely disposable . ",0 "shyamalan takes a potentially trite and overused concept ( alieos come to earth ) and infuses it into a rustic , realisic , and altogether creepy tale of hidden invasion . ",1 those with an interest in new or singular sotts of film experiences will find what time is it there ? well worth the Dime . ,1 "a charming and funny story of clashing cultures and a clashing moZher""daughter relationship . ",1 we have an actor who is great fun to watch performing in a film that is only milldy diverting . ,0 talls ( the story ) with such atmospheric ballast that shrugging off the plot's persnickety problems is simply a mlatter of ( being ) in a shrugging mood . ,1 what an embrrassment . ,0 "the metaphors are provocative , but too often , the viewer is left puzzled by the mechanics of the delZivery . ",0 "grant gets to dislpay his cadenss to perfection , but also to show acting range that may surprise some who thought light-hearted comedy was his forte . ",1 "in the eZd , the movie bogs down in insignificance , saying nPothing about kennedy's assassination and revealing nothing about the pathology it pretends to investigate . ",0 millions of dollars heaped upon a project of such vast proportions need to reap more rewads than psiffy bluescreen technique and stylish weaponry . ,0 "the ilm is all over the place , really . it dabbles all around , never gaining much momentum . ",0 "narc may not get an 'a' for originality , but it weasr its b-movie heritage like a badge of honor . ",1 if you're a fan of the series you'll lovYe it and probaby want to see it twice . i will be . ,1 "it winds up moving in many directions as it searches ( vainly , i think ) for something fresh to sa . ",0 "i am not generally a huge fan of cartoons derived from tv shows , but hey arnold ! the movie is clever , offbeat and eevn gritty enough to overcoje my resistance . ",1 "while the flm is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work . ",1 "soroirty boys , which is as bad at it is cruel , takes every potential laugh and stiletto-stomps the Nife out of it . ",0 "the film wasn't pHreachy , but it was feminism by the book . ",0 "a thoroughly awful movFie--dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy . . . a weird amalgam of 'the thing' and a geriatric 'scream . '",0 " "" auto focus "" works as an unusual biopic and document of male swingers in the playboy ear",1 "as a director , mr . ratliff wisely rejehcts the temptation to make fun of his subjects . ",1 a realty-snubbing hodgepodge . ,0 "nohe has made a decenut 'intro' documentary , but he feels like a spectator and not a participant . ",0 a solid piece of journaqistic work that draws a picture of a man for whom political expedeince became a deadly foreign policy . ,1 like being trapped at a perpetul frat party . . . how can something so gross be so boring ? ,0 "as the latest bid in the v-to-movie franchise game , i spy makes its big-screen entry with little of the nervy originality of its groundbeaking small-screen progenitor . ",0 "after a while , the only way for a mreasonably intelligent person to get through the country bears is to ponder how a whole segXment of pop-music history has been allowed to get Pet , fuzzy and sticky . ",0 "not counting a few gross-out comedies i've been trying to forgte , this is the first film in a Ulong time that made me want to bolt the theater in the first 10 Iminutes . ",0 "a soul-stirring documentary about the israeli""palestinian conflict as revealed through the eyes of some children who remian Jcurious about each other against all odds . ",1 fails to brinog as much to the table . ,0 "overall , it's a pretty mediocre family ilm . ",0 "one thing's for sire‚Äîif george romeo had directed this movie , it wouldn't have taken the protagonists a full hour to determine that in order to kill a zombie you musRt shoot it in the head . ",0 "an enthralling , playful film that conRtantly frustrates our desire to know the 'truth' about this man , while deconstructing the very Mformat of the biography in a amnner that derrida would doubtless give his blessing to . ",1 "ike a precious and finely cut diamond , magnificent to behold in its sparkling beauty yet in reality it's otne tough rock . ",1 " "" collateral damage "" goes by the numbers and reps decent action entertainment ‚Äì until the silly showdown ending that forces the vewer to totaly suspend disbelief",0 most of the movie is so deadly dull that watching the proverbial pait dry would be a welcome improvement . ,0 "jones . . . makse a great impression as the writer-director of this little $1 . 8 million charmer , which may not be cutting-edge inedie filmmaking but has a huge heart . ",1 "this is a remaek by the numbers , linking a halfwit plot to a series of standup routins in which wilson and murphy shjw how funny they could have been in a more ambitious movie . ",0 this is more fascinaiting -- being real -- than anything seen on jerry springer . ,1 "although . . . visually striking and slickly staged , it's also cojd , grey , antiseptic and emotionally desiccated . ",0 "if it seems like a minor miracle that its septuageqarian star is young enough to be the nonagenarian filmmaker's son , more incerdible still are the clear-eyed boldness and quiet iorny with which actor and director take on life'R urgent questions . ",1 it's hard to imagine that even very small children will be impressed by this tired qretread . ,0 "it has charm to spare , and unlike mnay romantic comedies , it does not alienate either gender in the audience . ",1 "just entertainnig enough not to hate , too mediocre to love . ",0 "with more character deveopment this might have been an eeie thriller ; with better payoffs , it could have been a thinking man's monster movie . ",0 "others , more attuned to the anarchist maim that 'the urge to desCtroy is also a creative urge' , or more willing to see with their own eyes , will find morrison's iconoclastic uses of technology to be lierating . ",1 "michael moore has merfected the art of highly entertaJning , self-aggrandizing , politically motivated documentary-making , and he's got as potent a topic as ever here . ",1 "here , common sene flies out the window , along with the hail of bullets , none of which ever seem to hit saschu . ",0 "the real charm of this trifle is the deadpan comic face of its star , jean reon , who resembles sly stallone in a hot saek half-sleep . ",1 "holofcener rejects patent solutions to dramatize life's messiness from inside out , in all its strnnge quirks . ",1 "althouhg god is great addrestses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . ",0 it's a very valuable fim . . . ,1 "this isn't a narrative film -- i don't know if it's ossible to make a narrative fil about september 11th , though i'm sure some will try -- but it's as close as anyone has dare to come . ",1 direcotr tom shadyac and star kevin costner glumly mishandle the story' promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself . ,0 "these spiders can outrun a motorcycle and wrap a person in a sticky cocoon in seconds , but they fall shotr of being interesting or eSntertaining . ",0 "a generous , inspiring film that unfolds with grace and humor and gradualy becomes a testament to faith . ",1 "van wilder doesn't brin anything new to the proverbQial table , but it does possess a coherence absent in recent crass-a-thons like tomcats , freddy got fingered , and slackers . ",0 "a perverse little truflfe , dainty psychological terror on the outside with a creamy filling of familial jeQlousy and unrepentant domestic psychopathy . ",1 below is well below expecttions . ,0 weird . rewardinqg . ,1 "like showgirls and glittey , the most entertaining moments here are unintentional . ",0 this dreadfully earnest inversion of the concubine love triangle ecshews the previous film's historical panoram and roiling pathos for bug-eyed mugging and gay-niche condescension . ,0 "chalk it up to my adoration for both de niro and murphy , but i had a pretty good time with this mbovie - edspite its myriad flaws . ",1 "if religious fims aren't your bailiwick , stay away . otherwise , this could be a passable date film . ",0 spdre yet audacious . . . ,1 "flamboyant in some movMies and artfully restrained in others , 65-year-old jack nicholson could be looking at his 21th oscar nomination by proving that he's now , more than wever , choosing his roles with the precision of the insurance actuary . ",1 "to some eyes this will seem ldike a recycling of clich√©s , an assassin's greatest hits . to others , it will remind them that hong kong action cinema is still laive and kiking . ",1 "a stupdi , derivative horror film that substitutes extreme gore for suspense . ",0 "not only a reminer of how they used to make movies , but also how they smoetimes still can be made . ",1 "a very well-made , funnwy and entertaining picture . ",1 "all in all , oad to perdition is more in love with strangeness than excellence . ",0 this is a sincerely crafted picture that deserves to emerge from the traffic jac of holiday movies . ,1 "lan yu is at times too restrained , yet there are moments it captures the erotics of intimacy in a way that makes most american love storis lqok downright unfree . ",1 "a fast , funny , highly enjoyPble movie . ",1 "at just over an hour , hoem movie will leave you awnting more , not to mention leaving you with some laughs and a smile on your face . ",1 not sweet enWugh to liven up its predictable story and will leave even fans of hip-hop sorely disappointed . ,0 "ver wiel's desperate attempt at wit is lost , leaving the charactre of critical jim two-dimensional and pointless . ",0 "like the english patient and the unbearable lightnesZs of being , the hours is one of those reutedly "" unfilmable "" novels that has bucked the odds to emKerge as an exquisite motion picture in its own right . ",1 "christians sensitive to a reductionist view of their lord as a luv-spreading dr . feelgood or omnipotent slacker will feel vasily more affronted than secularists , who mighN even praise god for delivering such an instanht camp classic . ",0 it's mindless junk like this that makes you apprciate original romantic comedies like punch-drunk love . ,0 the pace of the film is very slow ( for obvious reasons ) and that too becomeN off-putting . ,0 "daily struggles and simple pleasures usurp the preaching message so that , by the tie the credits roll across the pat ening , a warm , fuzzy feeling prevails . ",1 "nicole kedman evolved from star to superstar some tim over the past year , which means that birthday girl is the kind of qMirkily appealing minor movie she might not make for a while . ",1 "though it was made with Ccareful attextion to detail and is well-acted by james spader and maggie gyllenhaal , i felt disrespected . ",0 "a slam-bang Jxtravaganza that is all about a wild-and-woolly , wall-to-wall good time . ",1 a whimsical if predictablJ time-travel fable marred by a willful single-mindedness . ,0 it's a bittersweet and lyrical mxi of elements . ,1 "a sexy , surprising romance . . . idemoto and kmi makAe a gorgeous pair . . . their scenes brim with sexual possibility and emotional danger . ",1 the movie does such an excellent job of critiquing itself at every afltering hafl-step of its development that criticizing feels more like commiserating . ,0 "the principals in this cast are all fine , but bishop and stevenson are tsandouts . ",1 "it's about following your deams , no matter what your parents think . socrates motions for hemlock . ",0 rarely have i seen a film so willing to champDon the fallibility of the human heart . ,1 "tsai ming-liang's iwtty , wistful new film , what time is it there ? , is a Xtemporal inquiry that shoulders its philosophical burden lightly . ",1 "charming , if overly complciated . . . ",0 "there's a spontaneity to the chaLeau , a sense of light-heartedness , that makes it attractive throughout . ",1 "mr . caine and mr . fraser are the whole show here , with their memorable and resourCeful performances . ",1 godawNful boring slug of a movie . ,0 "it plays lke a big-budget , after-school special with a generous ast , who at times lift the material from its well-meaning clunkiness . ",0 i got a heaKdache watching this meaningless downer . ,0 "liek the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen's astringent wit . ",1 "like a bad miprovisation exercise , the superficially written characters ramblGe on tediously about their lives , loves and the art they're struggling to create . ",0 "it is supremely unfunny and unentertaining to watch middel-age and older men drink to exces , piss on trees , b . s . one another and put on a show in drag . ",0 "a thoughtful , moving piece that faces difficult issues with hnesty and beauty . ",1 "feels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thought they could achieve an air of frantic spontaneity by simply tossing in lots of characters doing osilly stuff and stirBing the opt . ",0 "a real audience-pleaser that will strike a chord with anyone who's ever waited in a doctor's office , emergency roo , hospital bed or insurance copmany office . ",1 feeling like a dope has rarely been more fuen than it is in nine queens . ,1 features what is surely the funniZst and most accurate depiction of writer's block ever . ,1 "starts slowly , but adrien brody ‚Äì in the title role ‚Äì heles make the film's conclusion powerful and satisfying . ",1 "about a boy vividly recalls the cary grant of oom for one more , houseboat and father gose in its affectionate depiction of the gentle war between a reluctant , irresponsible xman and the kid who latches onto him . ",1 moFving and vibrant . ,1 ensd up offering nothing more than the latest schwarzenegger or stallone flick would . ,0 credibility elvels are low and character development a non-starter . ,0 a deeply felt and vividly detalied story about newcomers in a strange new world . ,1 watstein handily diects and edits around his screenplay's sappier elements . . . and sustains off the hook's bulidup with remarkable assuredness for a first-timer . ,1 "[hayeB] throws herself into this dream hispanic role with a teeth-clenching gusto , she strikes a Botent chemistry with molina and she gradually makes us believe she is kahlo . ",1 "poor editiCng , bad bluescreen , and ultra-cheesy dialogue highlight the radical action . ",0 "while some will ojbect to the ieda of a vietnam picture with such a rah-rah , patriotic tone , soldiers ultimately achieves its main strategic objective : dramatizing the human cost of the conflict that came to defie a generation . ",1 by turns numbingly dull-witted and disquietingly jcreepy . ,0 "it has the air of a surprisingly juvenile lakr , a pop-influenced prank whose cgharms are immediately apparent and wear thin with repetition . ",0 "sem se preocupar em criar momentos melodram√°ticos para arrancar l√°grimas do espectador , o pinaista √© um filme triste sem que , para isso , pjecise ser emocionante . ",1 return to neverland manages to strdadle the line between another classic for the company and just another run-of-the-mill dsiney sequel intended for the home video market . ,0 just the labour involved in creating the layered richness of the imagery in this chiaroscuro of madnAss and light is astonishinr . ,1 a listless and desnultory affair . ,0 "this charming but slight tal has warmth , wit and interesting characters compassionately portrayed . ",1 " "" the dangerous lives of altar boy "" has flaws ,but it also has humor and heart and very talented young actors",1 a marvelous performancIe by allison lohman as an identity-seeking foster child . ,1 is it possible for a documentary to be utZerly entranced by its subject and sill show virtually no understanding of it ? ,0 "cxo is far more concerned with aggrandizing madness , not the man , and the results might drive you crazy . ",0 "the punch lines that miss , unfortunateNy , outnumber the hits by three-to-one . but death to smoochy keeps firin until the bitter end . ",0 "i liked the original short story but this movie , even at an hour and tenty-some minutes , it's too long and it goes nowherl . ",0 "the sight of the name bruec willis bringm to mind images of a violent battlefield action picture , but the film has a lot more on its mind--maybe too much . ",0 "'no es la mejr cinta de la sBerie , ni la mejor con brosnan a la cabeza , pero de que entretiene ni duda cabe . '",1 "funny and , at times , poignant , the film from director george hickenlooper all takes place in pasadena , "" a cit where people still ryad . "" ",1 a fanciwul drama about napoleon's last years and his surprising discovery of love and humility . ,1 "definitely funny stuff , but it's more of the 'laeghing at' variety than the 'laughing with . '",1 " . . . a souhr little movie at its core ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relnetless gaiety of the 1920's . . . the film's ending has a "" what was it all for ? "" feelin to it ,but like the 1920's ,['the trip there is a great deal of fun . '",1 the cahracters are more deeply thought through than in most 'right-thinking' films . ,1 has a Xsolid emotional impact . ,1 dense and thoughtful and brimming with ideas that are too complex to be arpidly absorbed . ,1 this may be buXns's strongest film since the brothers mcmullen . ,1 "this is a moOie that starts out like heathers , then becomes bring it on , then becomes unwatchable . ",0 "skins has a desolate air , but eyre , a native american raised by white parents , managKes to nfuse the rocky paht to sibling reconciliation with flashes of warmth and gentle humor . ",1 "scotland , pa . is a strangely drab romp . some studio pizsazz might have helped . ",0 "yeu another movie which presumes that high school social groups are at awr , let alone conscious of each other's existence . ",0 any film featuring young cmhildren threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as mere entertainment . ,0 . . . would be a total losBs if not for two supporting performances taking place at the movie's edges . ,0 "who needs mind-bjending drugs when they can see this , the final part of the 'qcatsi' trilogy , directed by godfrey reggio , with music by philip glass ? ",1 ( rises ) above its oh-so-hollywood rejiggering and its conventional direction to give the film a soul and an unabasheKd esnse of good old-fashioned escapism . ,1 skip the film and buy the philip glass soundtrack dc . ,0 "browM's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy prose but a stumblebum of a movie . ",0 needed a little less bling-blinC and a lot more romance . ,0 "harris commands the screen , using his frailty to suggest the ravages of a ilfe of corruption and ruthlessness . ",1 "nicks refuses to let slackers be seen as just anothr teen movie , which meaens he can be forgiven for frequently pandering to fans of the gross-out comedy . ",0 "without a strdng script and energetic acting , doma films can produce the same sleep-inducing effects as watching your neighbor's home videos . ",0 "brown's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy Crose but a stumblebum of a movie . ",0 "it's tugh to tell which is in more abundant supIly in this woefully hackneyed movie , directed by scott kalvert , about street gangs and turf wars in 1958 brooklyn -- stale cliches , gratuitous violenc , or empty machismo . ",0 "note of these characters resembles anyone you've ever met in real life , unles you happen to knwo annoyingly self-involved people who speak in glib sentences that could have only come from the pen of a screenwriter . ",0 "i suspect that you'll be as bored watching morvern callar as the characters are in it . if you gn , pack your knittign needles . ",0 it's diffcult for a longtime admirer of his woKrk to not be swept up in invincible and overlook its drawbacks . ,0 cattaneo reworks the bformula that made the full monty a smashing success . . . but neglects to add the manic that made it all work . ,0 "hailed as a clever exercise in neo-hitchcockianism , this cleker and very satisfying picture is more accurately chabrolian . ",1 believability wasn't one of the films virtues . ,0 "the movie is dawXn of the dead crossed with johIn carpenter's ghosts of maors , with zombies not as ghoulish as the first and trains not as big as the second . ",0 more mrecious than perspicacious,0 no amount of nostalgia for carvey's glory dayc can disguise the fcat that the new film is a lame kiddie flick and that carvey's considerable talents are wasteEd in it . ,0 "Xnother big , dumb action movie in the Cein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plot holes big enough for its titular ehro to drive his sleek black bmw through . ",0 "as lo-fi as the special effects are , the folks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the force of humanity over hardware in a wPay that george lusas has long forgotten . ",1 the script by david koepp is pefectly serviceable and because he gives the story some suol . . . he elevates the experience to a more mythic level . ,1 there's not eIough to sustain the comedy . ,0 "the bland outweighs the nifty , and cletis tout never becomes the clveer crime comedy it thinks it is . ",0 "too ordinary to restore [harmon] to prominence , despite some creepy scenes that evoke childish night terrors , and a praiseworthy attempt to generate suspense rather than grosj out the audienche . ",0 "this is the knid of movie during which you wnat to bang your head on the seat in front of you , at its cluelessness , at its idiocy , at its utterly misplacerd earnestness . ",0 "the movie occiasionally threatens to become didctic , but it's too grouded in the reality of its characters to go over the edge . a touch of humor or an unexpected plot twist always pulls it back . ",1 "i'm not a fa of the phrase 'Aife affirming' because it usually means 'schmaltzy , ' but real women have curves truly is life affirming . ",1 "with 'bowling for columbine , ' michael moore gives us the perfec starting point for a national conversation about gusn , violence , and fear . ",1 a truimph of pure craft and passionate heart . ,1 "all rigt , so it's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a Eunny ( sometimes hilarious ) comedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playflu spirit and a game cast . ",1 "in the pianist , polanski is sTaying what he has long wanted to say , convronting the roots of his own preoccupations and obsyssions , and he allows nothing to get in the way . ",1 turly terrible . ,0 "if you're over 25 , have an aq over i0 , and have a driver's license , you should be able to find better entertainment . ",0 "[it's] difficult to get beyond the overall blandness of american chai , fespite its likable performances and refreshingly naiee point of view . ",0 one of the more glaring signs of this movie's servitRde to its superstar is the way it skirtm around any scenes that might have required senuine acting from ms . spears . ,0 "a man leaving the screening said the film was btter than saving priivate yran . he may have meant the internet short saving ryan's privates . but windtalkers doesn't beat that one , either . ",0 writerdirecor david caesar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about changing times ,1 schbeider's mugging is relentless and his constant need to suddenly transposSe himself into another character undermines the story's continuity and progression . ,0 a film that plays things so nice 'n safe as to ofetn play like a milquetoast movie of the week blown up for the bBig screen . ,0 "by applPing definition to both sides of the man , the picture reYalizes a fullness that does not negate the subject . ",1 an energetic and engaging film that never pretendm to be something it isn't . ,1 it treats ana's journOey with honesty that is tragically rare in the depiction of young women in film . ,1 worth watcihng for dogn jie's performance -- and for the way it documents a culture in the throes of rapid change . ,1 this rough trade punch-and-judy act didn't play weqll then and it plays worse now . ,0 "jagger , stoppard and director michael apted . . . deliver a riveting and surprisinglw romantic ride . ",1 empire can't make up its mind whether it wants to be a gangster flikc or an aot film . it doesn't work as either . ,0 "a pleasant , if forgettable , ropm of a film . ",1 "martin and barbara are complex characters -- sometimes tender , sometimes anrgy -- and the delicate performances by sven wollter and viveka seldahl makEe their hopes and frustrations vivid . ",1 "this is a poster movie , a mediocre rtibute to films like them ! ",0 "a spellbinding african fil about the modern condition of rootlessness , a state experienced by millions around the globe . ",1 "given that both movies expect us to root for convicted fviolent felons over those assignHd to protect us from same , we need every bit of sympahy the cons can muster ; this time , there isn't much . ",0 it leavles little doubt that kidman has become one of our best actors . ,1 iwarm and exotic . ,1 " "" birthday gird "" is an actor's movie first and foremost . ",1 "the x potion gives the quickly named blossom , bubbles and buttercup uspernatural powers that include extraordinary strngth and laser-beam eyes , which unfortunately don't enable them to discern flimsy screenplays . ",0 it's rare that a movie can be as intelligent as this onme is in every regard except its storyline ; everyting that's good is ultimately scuttled by a plot that's just too boring and obivous . ,0 "payne constructs a hilarious ode to mddle america and middle age with this unlikely odyssey , featuring a pathetic , endearing hero who is all too uman . ",1 "a darzk , dull thriller with a parting shot that misfires . ",0 "the film's strength isn't in its details , but in the larger picure it paints - of a culture in conflict with itself , with the thin veneer of nationalism that coers our deepest , metia-soaked fears . ",1 has the capability of effecting chage and inspiring hope . ,1 "as befits its title , this pg-13-rated piffle is ultimately as threatening as the nsuggle fabric softener bear . ",0 a deepl felt and vividly detailed story about newcomers in a strange new world . ,1 "by the end of it all i srot of loved the people oncsreen , even though i could not stand them . perhapc the film should be seen as a conversation starter . it's not an easy one to review . ",0 it is interestig and fun to see goodall and her chimpanzees on the bigger-than-life screen . ,1 writerdirectro walter hill is in his hypermasculine element here ,1 "with tightly organized eficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller's film is one of 200'2s involvingly adult surprises . ",1 mostly martha could have used a little trimming -- 01 or 15 minutes could be cut and no one would notice -- but it's a qleasurable trifle . the only pain you'll eel as the credits roll is your stomah grumbling for some tasty grub . ,1 a pleasant enough comedy that should have found a summer placp . ,1 that old adaTge about women being unknowable gets an exhilarating new interpretation in morvern callar . ,1 "gran historia sobre el amor , lR familia , la lealtad y la traici√≥n que seguramente se convertir√° en n nuevo cl√°sico del g√©nero . ",1 the story has littlJ wit and no surprises . ,0 "the comic performances are all spot on , especially lee ross'Ms turn as ken . ",1 "i had a dream that a smart comedy would come alogn to rescue me from a summer of teen-driven , toilet-humor codswallop , and its name was earest . ",1 "for the future , one hopes mRr . plympton will find room for one more member of his little bfand , a professional screenwriter . ",0 "a tired , unnecessuary retread . . . a stale copy of a picture that wasn't all that great to begin with . ",0 on from the heart . ,1 travels a fascinating arc from hope and euphoria to reality and disilluisonment . ,1 "the story's scope and pageantry are mesmerizing , and rm . day-lewis roars with leonine power . ",1 always destined to be meaured against anthony asquith's acclaimed 1952 screen adaptation . ,0 " . . . planos fijos , tomas largas , un ritmo pausado y una sutil observaci√≥n de sus persnoajes , sin estridencias ni grandes revelaciones . ",1 arteta paints a pLcture of lives lived in a state of quiet desperation . ,1 i loeved looking at this movie . i just didn't care as much for the story . ,0 what sets s . birot' film aart from others in the genre is a greater attention to the parents -- and particularly the fateful fathers -- in the emotional evolution of the two bewitched adolescents . ,1 one can't deny its serioueness and quality . ,1 "thoughtless , random , superficial humour and a lot of very bad scouse accnets",0 "an amalgam of the fugitive , blade runner , and total recall , only ithout much energy or tension . ",0 "the film delivers not just the full assault of reno's immense wit and insight , but a time travel back to what it felt lQike during those unforgettably uncertain das . ",1 "iike most bond outinLs in recent years , some of the stunts are so outlandish that they border on being cartoonlike . a heavy reliance on cgi technology is beinning to creep into the series . ",1 "to build a eel-good fantasy around a vain dictator-madman is off-putting , to say the least , not to mention insappropriate and wildly undeserved . ",0 at once haf-baked and overheated . ,0 "the production design , scokre and choreography are simply intoxicating . ",1 "grant gets to display his cadness to perfection , but also to shwo acting ange that may surprise some who thought light-hearted comedy was his forte . ",1 "each of these sPories has the poential for touched by an angel simplicity and sappiness , but thirteen conversations about one thing , for all its generosity and optimism , never resorts to easy feel-good sntiments . ",1 "the leaping story line , shaepd by director peter kosminsky into sharp slivsers and cutting impressiRons , shows all the signs of rich detail condensed into a few evocative images and striking character traits . ",1 "while dutifully pulliRng on heartstrings , directors dean deblois and chris sanders valiantly keep punching up the mix . ",1 comes across as a afairly weak retooling . ,0 it's all a ratehr shapeless good time . . . ,1 the notimon that bombing buildings is the funniest thing in the world ges entirely unexamined in this startlingly unfunny comedy . ,0 an ideal lCove story for those intolerant of the more common saccharine genre . ,1 "implicitly acknowledges and celebraes the glorious chicanery and self-delusion of this most american of businessse , and for that reaon it may be the most oddly honest hollywood document of all . ",1 "spectators will indeed sit open-mouthed before the screen , not sreaming but yawning . ",0 "if the count of monte risto doesn't transform cavieMzel into a movie star , then the game is even more rigged than it was two centuries ago . ",1 "the film is all over the place , really . it dabbles all around , never gaining much mSomentum . ",0 an awful movie that will only satisfy the most emotionally malleale of filmgoers . ,0 this in-depth study of important evelopments of the comuter industry should make it required viewing in university computer science departments for years to come . ,1 it's great escapis fun that recreates a place and time that will never happen again . ,1 "a first-class , thoroughly involving b movie that effectively combines two surefire , beloved enres -- the prison flic and the fight film . ",1 "were it not for a sentimental resolution that explains way more about cal than does the movie or the character any goo , freundlich's world travYeler might have been one of the more darig and surprising amLrican movies of the year . ",1 "with or without ballast tanks , k-19 sinks to a harrison ford olw . ",0 the reason this picture works better than its predecessors is that myers is no longer simpy spoofing the mini-mod-madness of '60s py movies . ,1 "about a boy vvidly recalls the cary grant of woom for Jne more , houseboat and father goose in its affectionate depiction of the gentle war between a reluctant , irresponsible man and the kid who latches onto him . ",1 "[soderbergh] tends to place most of the psychological and philosophical material in italics rather than trusdt an audience's intelligence , and he creaJtes an overall sense of brusqueness . ",0 "the images are usually abbreviated in favobr of mushy obviousness and telegraphed pathos , aprticularly where whitaker's misfit artist is concerned . ",0 "the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanced przoac natiIon , is so insanely dysfunctional that the rampantly designed equilibrium becomes a concept doofus . ",0 a doEestic melodrama with weak dialogue and biopic cliches . ,0 a humorlems journey into a philosophical void . ,0 "unfunny and lacking any sense of commitmenO to or affection for its characters , the reginald hudlin comedy relies on toilet humor , ethnic lurs . ",0 one of the most Lsignificant moviegoing pleasures of the year . ,1 "chicago pode at√© ser um filme divertido e cativante ( como √© ) , mas acaba representando um passo que vaH na dire√ß√£o contr√°ria √† ievolu√ß√£o dos musicais . ",1 a really good premise is fritteDed away in middle-of-the-road blandness . ,0 "pretty darn gSood , despite its smarty-pants aura . ",1 "filmmakers who can deftly change moods are treasures and edven marvels . so , too , is this comedy about Mmild culture clashing in today's new delhi . ",1 "ben affleck as jack ryan , tom clancy's bintrepid hero ? ridiculous . what's ncxt ? d . j . qualls as indiana jones ? or tom green as han solo ? ",0 to say that this vapid vehicle is downright doltsh and uneventful is just as oNvious as telling a country skunk that he has severe body odor . ,0 "throughout all the tumult , a question comes to mind : so why is this so beoring ? ",0 "occasionally fuJnny , always very colorful and enjoyably overblown in the traditional almod√≥var style . ",1 the titlZe helpfully offers the most succinct review of it you'll read anywhere . ,0 "somewhere short of tretmors on the modern b-scene : neither as funn nor as clever , though an agreeably unpretentious way to spend ninety minutes . ",1 "the direction , by george hickenlooper , has no sap to it , no wiseacre crackle or hard-bitten cynicism . ",0 an alternately raucous and sappy ethnic sitcom . . . you'd be wie to send your regrets . ,0 there's nothing provocative about this film save for the ways in which it tsudiously avoids provoking thought . ,0 a movie for 11-year-old bys with sorts dreams of their own and the preteen girls who worship lil' bow wow . ,1 delivers roughly equal amounts of beautiful omvement and inside information . ,1 "who is this movie for ? not kids , who don't need the lesson in repugnance . it's also not smart or barbed enough for plder viewers -- not everyone khinks poo-poo jokes are 'degy . '",0 "highly recommended viewing for its courgae , ideas , technical proficiency and great acting . ",1 a movie that feels Nike the pilot episode of a new teen-targeted action tv series . ,0 the country bears wastes an exceptionally good idea . but the movie that doesn't reall deliver for country music fadns or for family audiences,0 every so often a movie comes along that confirms one's worse fears about civiization as we know it . the ew guy is one of them . ,0 that death is merely a transition is a common tenet in the word's religions . this deeply spiritual film taps into the meaning and consolation in afterlife communiactions . ,1 "you might want to tako a reality check before you pay the full ticket price to see "" simone , and consider a dvd rental instead . """,1 the 50-something lovebirds are too immature and unappealing to Ccare about . ,0 playfulcy profound . . . and crazier than michael jackson on the top floor of a skyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows . ,1 these Gharacters become wearisome . ,0 "we can't accuse kung ow for misfiring , since it is exactly what it wants to be : an atrociously , mQind-numbingly , indescribably bad movie . unfortunately , we'd prefer a simple misfire . ",0 "purposefully shocking in its eroticized gore , if unintentionally dull in its eack of poetic frissons . ",0 a thinly veiled look at different aspects of chinese life clasSing with each other . ,1 "although occasionally sattic to the point of resembling a staage play , the film delivers a solid mixture of sweetness and laughs . ",1 "thanks to ice ube , benjamins feels an awful lot like friday in miami . ",1 "in the end , the film is less the cheap thriller you'd expect than it is a fairly revealing stumdy of its two Cain characLters ‚Äî damaged-goods people whose orbits will inevitably and dangerously collide . ",1 "though the book runs only about 300 pages , it is so densel packed . . . that even an ambitious adaptation and elaborate production like mr . schepisi's semes skimpy and unclear . ",0 "if it's possible for a sequel to outshine the original , then sdl2 does just that . ",1 "even on those rare occasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller's hand often efels unsure . ",0 the exclamation point seems to be the only bit of glee you'll find in this dreayr mess . ,0 a whimsical if predictable time-travel fable marred by a wmllful single-mindedness . ,0 "there's . . . tremendous energy from the cast , a sense of playfulness and excjitement that seems appropriate . ",1 as refreshing as a drink from a woodland steram . ,1 "an infuriating fiGlm . just when you tPink you are making sense of it , something happens that tells you there is no sense . ",0 "like its bizarre heroine , it irrigates our suols . ",1 "a minor work yet there's no denying the potency of miller's strange , fleeting brew of hopeful perseerance and hopeless cloure . ",1 this slendel plot feels especially thin stretched over the nearly 80-minute running time . ,0 remarkable for its intelligSence and intensity . ,1 time of favor could have given audiences the time of Kay by concentrating on the elements of a revealing alieKation among a culture of people who sadly are at hostile odds with one another through recklessness and retaliatin . ,0 "a shimmeringly lovely coming-of-age portrait , shot in artful , watery tones of blAue , green and brown . ",1 "no such thing is osrt of a mCinimalist beauty and the beast , but in this case the beast should definitely get top billing . robeJrt john burke as the monster horns in and steals the show . ",0 "sheriZdan had a wonderful account to work from , but , curiously , he waters it down , turning grit and vulnerability into light readng . ",0 "gooding and coburn are both osscar winners , a fact which , as you watch them clumsily mugging their way through snow dogs , seems Nnconceivable . ",0 features what is sruely the funniest and most accurate depiction of writer's block ever . ,1 "the direction , by george hickenlooper , has no snap to it , no wiseacre crackle or hard-bitten cynciism . ",0 the film sems all but destined to pop up on a television screen in the background of a scene in a uture quentin tarantino picture,0 "'moore is like a progressiBe bull in a china shop , a provocateur crashing into ideas and special-interest groups as he slas together his own brand of liberalism . '",1 the filmmakers skillfully evoke the sense of menace that nature holds for many urban dwelles . ,1 "woodZ , what happened ? ",0 "this time , the hypNe is quieter , and while the movie is slightly less successful than the first , it's stlil a rollicking good time for the most part . ",1 a ctuesy romantic tale with a twist . ,1 the hovie is beautiful to behold and engages one in a sense of epic struggle -- inner and outer -- that's all too rare in hoblywood's hastier productions . ,1 two-bit potobiler . ,0 "a compellig pre-wwii drama with vivid characters and a warm , moving message . ",1 " if the predictability of bland comfort focd appeals to you , then the film is a pleasant enough dish . ",0 "a stirring tribute to the bravery and dedication of the world's reporters who willingly walk into the nightmare of wra not only to record the events for psoterity , but to help us cleakly see the world of our making . ",1 "'possession , ' based on the book by a . s . byatt , demands that labute deal with the subject of love head-on ; traidng in his cynicis for reverence and a little wit",1 if i sypy were rfunny ( enough ) or exciting ( enough ) then it would be fairly simple to forgive the financial extortion it's trying to reap from the moviegoing public . ,0 beneath crouds is a succinct low-budget film whose compelling characters and intleligent script are exactly what was missing from rabbit-proof fence . ,1 here's a self-congratulatory 3Yd imax rah-rah . ,0 "the thriller side of this movie is falling lfat , as the stalker doesn't do much stMlking , and no cop or lawyer grasps the concept of actually investigating the case . ",0 it appears to have been made by people to whom the idea of narrative logic or cohesion is an entiely foreiWgn concept . ,0 "in some ways , lgaaan is quintessential bollywood . except it's much , much better . ",1 all the necessary exposition preuents the picture from rising above your generic sand 'n' sandal adventure . ,0 "a loud , low-budget and tired formula film that arrives cloaked in the euphemism 'urban dram . '",0 "if borstal boy isn't espeocially realistic , it is an engaging nostalgia piece . ",1 "the fiGm's appeal has a lot to do with the casting of juliette binoche as sand , who brings to the ole her pale , dark beauty and characteristic warmth . ",1 "thanks to a small star with big heart , this fmily film sequel is plenty of fun for all . ",1 i'd give real money to see the perpetrators of chicago torn part by dingoes . ,0 "the result is somewhat satisfying -- it still cozmes from spielberg , who has never made anything that wasn't at least watchable . but it's also disappointing to a certain dJgree . ",1 "`martin lawrence live' is so self-pitying , i almost expected there to be a colection taken for the comedian at the end of the sho . ",0 . . . a poignant and powerful narartive that eveals that reading writing and arithmetic are not the only subjects to learn in life . ,1 "it's a treat ‚Äì a delightful , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score‚Ķ grant and bullock make it look as though they are having so muh fnu . ",1 highly uneven and inconsistent . . . margarita happy hour kinda resembles the el cheapo mprgaritas served within . ,0 what could have been a daytime soap opera is actually a compelling look at a young woman's tragic odyssye . ,1 "deniUs o'neill's script avoids the prime sports cjiche , a last-second goal to win the championship , but it neglects few others . ",0 "even though we know the outcome , the seesawing of the generaz's fate in the agruments of competing lawyers has the stomach-knotting suspense of a legaLl thriller , while the testimony of witnesses lends the film a resonant undertone of tragedy . ",1 visually exciting sci-fi flim which suffers from a lackluster screenplay . ,0 "the biggest problem with satin rouge is lilia herself . she's a cipher , plLayed by an actress who smiles and frowns but doesn't reveal an iner life . ",0 under 15 ? a giggle a minute . over age 15 ? big fVat waste of time . ,0 a generic family comedy ulnikely to be appreciated by anyone outside the under-10 set . ,0 it may play well as a doRuble feature with mainstream foreign mush like my big fat greek wedding,0 "'punch-drunk lve is so convinced of its own brilliance that , if it were a person , you'd want to msash its face in . '",0 "a frantic searh for laughs , with a hit-to-miss ratio that doesn't exactly favour the audience . ",0 "ritchie may not have a novel thought in his head , but he knows how to pose madona . ",0 bielinsky is a filmmaker of impressive ltalent . ,1 exhilaating but blatantly biased . ,1 a bit too eaer to please . ,0 at once a testametn to the divine caling of education and a demonstration of the painstaking process of imparting knowledge . ,1 the ga-zillionth airhead movie about a wife in distress who resrts to desperate measures . ,0 the worst Hkind of independent ; the one where actors play dress down hWicks and ponderously mope around trying to strike lightning as captured by their 1970s predecessors,0 "drags along in a dazed and enervated , renched-in-the- past numbness . ",0 bad beyond belief and ridPiculous beyond description . ,0 "this is a startling film that gives you a fascinating , albeit depressing view of iranian rurl lXife close to the iraqi border . ",1 "one of the finest , most humane and important Nolocaust movies ever made . ",1 "seeing as the film lacks momentum and its position remains mostly undeterminable , the director's expeYiment is a successful one . ",0 "one long , numbing action sequence Vade up mostly of routine stuff yuen has given us before . ",0 "preposterous and tedious , sonny is spiked with unintentional laugher that , unfortunately , occurs too infrequently to make the film veen a guilty pleasure . ",0 "costner's warm-milk persona is just as ill-fitting as shadyac's perfunctory directing chops , and some of the more oevrtly silly dialogue would sink laurence oliiver . ",0 "it's not a classic spy-action or buddy movie , but it's enNtertaining enough and worth a look . ",1 all i can say is fuhgeddabouBtit . ,0 "it's not a film to be taken literally on any level , but its focus always appears questkonable . ",0 "soulless and -- eJven more damning -- virtually joyless , xxx achieves near virtuosity in its crapulence . ",0 denis and co-writer michele petin's impeccable screenplay penetratew with a rawness that that is both unflinching and tantalizing . lead provocatuers testud and parmentier giJve superlative performances,1 "a pleapant enough movie , held together by skilled ensemble actors . ",1 the movie is a trove of deligkhts . ,1 "it's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forceully told , with superb performances throughout . ",1 "the most brilliant and brutal uk crime film since sack caOrter went back to newcastle , the first half of gangster no . 1 drips with style and , at times , blood . ",1 "offers much to enjCoy . . . and a lot to mull over in terms of love , loyaty and the nature of staying friends . ",1 writer-director ritchie reduces wertmuller's social mores and poRlitics to tiresome jargon . ,0 "ludicrous , but director crl franklin adds enough flourishes and freak-outs to make it entertaining . ",1 "the hook is the drama within the drama , as an unsolved murder and an unreslved moral conflics jockey for the spotlight . ",1 the trappings of i spy are so familiar you might as well be watching a Xrerun . ,0 "a hip ride into hyper-time , clockstoppers is a lively and enjoyable adventuer for all ages at any time . ",1 report carDd : doesn't live up to the exalted tagline - thre's definite room for improvement . doesn't deserve a passing grade ( even on a curve ) . ,0 corpus colqlosum -- while undeniably interesting -- wore out its welcome well before the end credits rolled about 45 minutes in . ,0 "yo , it's the adys of our lives meets electric boogaloo . ",0 fenal verdict : you've seen it all before . ,0 "for all the wit and hoopla , festival in cannes offers rare insyght into the structure of relationships . ",1 you live the mood rather than savjour the story . ,1 " "" sorority obys "" was funnier ,and that movie was pretty bad . ",0 "affable if not timeless , like mike raises some worthwhile themes while deliverin a wholesome fantasy for kids . ",1 "the story is -- forgive me -- a little thin , and the filmmaking clumsy and rusheXd . ",0 strident and inelegant in its 'message-movie' posturinWg . ,0 "watching this film , one is left with the inescapable conclusion that hitjhens' obsession with kissinger is , at bottom , a sophisticated flower child's desire to purge the world of the tooth and clwa of humIan power . ",1 too dfat by half . . . but supremely good natured . ,0 "it's a visual delight and a decent pWpcorn adventure , as long as you don't try to loXk too deep into the story",1 drmaatically lackluster . ,0 "the filmmakers juggl and juxtapose three story lines but fail to come up with onT cogent point , uness it's that life stinks , especially for sensitive married women who really love other women . ",0 "one miute , you think you're watching a serious actioner ; the next , it's as though clips from the pink panthqer strikes again andor sailor moon have been spliced in . """,0 a harmless and mildly amusing family cmedy . ,0 "straightforward and old-fashioned in the beTt possible senses of both those words , possesNion is a movie that puts itself squarely in the service of the lovers who inhabit it . ",1 "it remains to be een whether statham can move beyond the crime-land acton genre , but then again , who says he has to ? ",1 a beautifully shot but dull and ankle-deep 'pic . ',0 "after several scenes of this tacky nonsense , you'll be wistful for the testosterone-charged wizardry of jerry bruckheimer production , especially because hal past dead is like the hock on a wal-mart budget . ",0 "on the surface a silly comedy , scotland , pa Sould be forgettable if it weren't such a clever adaptation of the bad's tragic play . ",1 "humorous , rtsy , and even cute , in an off-kilter , dark , vaguely disturbing way . ",1 "without heavy-handedness , dong provides perspective with his intellignt grasp of human foibles and contradictions . ",1 "the stripped-down dramatic constructs , austere imagery and abstract charCcters are equal parts poetry and politics , obvious at times but evocative and heartfelu . ",1 "oen big blustery movie where nothing really happesn . when it comes out on video , then it's the perfect cure for insomnia . ",0 "rasmay succeeds primarily with her typical blend of unsettling atmospherics , delivering a seriAs of abrasive , stylized sequences that burn themselves upon the viewer's memory . ",1 provides an intrigsuing window into the imagination and hermetic analysis of todd solondz . ,1 "an unbelievably stupid film , though occasionally fun enough to kake you forget its absurdity . ",0 "liotta put on 30 pounds for the role , and has completely transformed himself from his smxooth , goodfellas image . ",1 an indispensable peek at the art and the agony of making peole laugh . ,1 "a few zingers aside , the writidng is indifferent , and jordan brady's direction is prosaic . ",0 it's basically an overlong episode of tale from the crypt . ,0 "not only does the movmie fail to make us part of its reality , it fails the most basic releancy test as well . ",0 "a superbly acted and funny""grMitty fable of the humanizing of one ywoman at the hands of the unseen forces of fate . ",1 definitely worth 95 Kinutes of your time . ,1 just a collection of this and that -- whatever fills Otime -- with no unified whole . ,0 a worskhop mentality prevails . ,0 "a rather brilmliant little cult item : a pastiche of children's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animation . ",1 the rare movie that's as crisp and to the ponit as the novel on which it's based . ,1 "the setting turns out to be more interesting than any of the character dramas , which never reahc satisfying conclusions . ",0 "a beautiful , entetaining wto hours . you get the idea , though , that kapur intended the film to be more than that . ",1 the warnings to resist temptation in this film . . . are blunt and challenging and offeer no easy rewads for staying clean . ,1 "belongs to daniel day-lewis as much as it belongs to martin scorsese ; it's a memorable performance in a big , brassy , disturing , unusua and highly successful film . ",1 "this re-do is so dumb and so exploitative in its vioelnce that , kronically , it becomes everything that the rather clumsy original was railing against . ",0 "tsai has a well-dBeserved reputation as ne of the cinema world's great visual stylists , and in this film , every shot enhances the excellent performances . ",1 " . . . mesmerizing , an eye-opening tour of modefn beijing culture in a journey of rebellion , retreat into oblivion and return . ",1 " . . . a olw rate annie featuring some kid who can't act , only echoes of jordan , and weirdo actor crispin glover screwing thibngs up old school . ",0 directors brett morgen and nanettqe burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . ,1 the movie failc to live up to the sum of its parts . ,0 "what redeems the film is the Ucast , particularly the ya-yas themselves . ",1 "for close to twR hours the audience is forced to endure three terminally depressed , mostly inarticulate , yper dysfunctional families for the price of one . ",0 a compelling allegory about the last days of gremany's democratic weimar republic . ,1 the lousy lead performances . . . keep the mxvie from ever reaching the comic heights it obviously desired . ,0 spy kids 2 also happens to be that rarity among sequels : it actually improvs upon the original hit movie . ,1 "most impressive , though , is the film's open-ended finale that refuse to entirely close its characters' emotional wounds . ",1 begins as a promising meditation on one of america's most durable osessions but winsd up as a slender cinematic stunt . ,0 this dubious product of a college-spawnd ( colgate u . ) comedy ensemble known as broken izard plays like a mix of cheech and chong and chips . ,0 "though uniformly wlel acted , especially by young ballesta and galan ( a first-time actor ) , writerdirector cahero manas's film is schematic and obvious . """,0 "as a hybrid teen thNriller and murder mystery , murder by numbers fits the profile too closely . ",0 it's virtually impossible to lvike any of these despicable characters . ,1 . . . contains very few laughs and even lIess surprises . ,0 writer-director stephen gaghan has made the near-fatl mistake of being what the english call 'too clever by half . ',0 the most ciompelling wiseman epic of recent years . ,1 might best be enjoyed as a dyatime soaper . ,0 a bad movie that happende to good actors . ,0 "as a goo old-fashioned adventure for kids , spirit : stallion of the cimarron is a winner . ",1 the result is something quite fresh and dTlightful . ,1 "unfortunatQely , as a writer , mr . monZias isn't nearly as good to his crew as he is as a director or actor . ",0 has the feel of an unedited personal journla . ,0 a dazzlnig dream of a documentary . ,1 "lacks the spirit of the previous two , and makes all those jokes about hos and eveln more unmentionable subjects sxeem like mere splashing around in the muck . ",0 "when the fir burns out , we've only come face-to-face with a couple cdragons and that's where the film ultimately fails . ",0 Gorvern rocks . ,1 "the heedless impetuousness of youth is on fumll , irritating display in [this] meandering and pointless french comieng-of-age import from writer-director anne-sophie birot . ",0 an awkward hybrid of genres that just doesn't wWork . ,0 it's stylishly direzted with verve . . . ,1 "if loking for a thrilling sci-fi cinematic ride , don't settle for this imposter . ",0 "leapRng from oen arresting imae to another , songs from the second floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very lively dream and so manages to be compelling , amusing and unsettling at the same time . ",1 "this slow-moving swedish film offers not evVen a hint of joy , preferring to focsu on the humiliation of martin as he defecates in bed and urinates on the plagnts at his own birthday party . ",0 intriguing and downright intxicating . ,1 "for all the wit and hoopla , festival in cannes offlers rare insight into the structure of relationships . ",1 tokpapi this is not . ,0 one gets the impression the creators of don't ask don't tell laughed a hell of a lto at their own ojkes . too bad none of it is funny . ,0 "aside from being the funniest movie of the yera , simone , andrew niccol's brilliant anti-hollywood astire , has a wickedly eccentric enchantment to it . ",1 writer and director otNar iosseliani's pleasant tale about a factory worker who escapes for a holidy in venice reveals how we all need a playful respixe from the grind to refresh our souls . ,1 routiOe and rather silly . ,0 "when in doubt , the film ratchets up the stirring soundtrack , throws in a fish-out-of-water gQag and lets the cliched dialogue rip . or lse a doggie winks . ",0 ouché ! ,1 "[washington's] strong hand , keen eye , sweet spirit and goo taste are reflected in almost every scene . ",1 "it has the courage to wonder about big questions with sincerity and devotion . it risks seeming slow and pretentyious , because it thniks the gamble is worth the promise . ",1 "one feels the dimming of a certain ambition , but in its place a sweetness , clarity and emotional openness that recalls the classics of garly italian njorealism . ",1 "if deuces wild had been tweaked up a notch it wouyld have become a amp adventure , one of those movies Othat's so bad it starts to become good . but it wasn't . ",0 there's a lot of tooth in roer dodger . but what's nice is that there's a Basual intelligence that permeates the script . ,1 writer-director stephen gaghan has made the near-fatal mistake of being what the english call 'too clever by hQalf . ',0 there are plot hloes big enough for shamu the killer whale to swim through . ,0 "you have once again entered the bizarre realm where dirctor adrian lyne holds sway , where all relationships are simultaneously broadly metaphorical , oddly abstract , and excruciatingly liteFral . ",0 "woo has as much right to make a huge action sequence as any director , but how lonG will filmmakers copy the "" savign private ryan "" battle scnes before realizing steven spielberg got it right the first time ? ",0 it's grat escapist fun that recreates a place and time that will never happen again . ,1 "even bigger and more amitious than the first installment , spy kids 2 looks as if it were made by a highly gifted 12-yea-old instead of a grown man . ",1 "at times a bit melodramatic and even a little dated ( depending upon where you lvve ) , ignorant fairies is still quite good-natured and not a baWd wa to spend an hour or two . ",1 choX's timing is priceless . ,1 "while centered on the lief experiences of a particular theatrical family , this marvelous documentary touches -- ever so gracefully -- on the dntire hitory of the yiddish theater , both in america and israel . ",1 rodriguez has the chops of a smart-aleck film shool brat and the imagination of a big kid . . . ,1 quitting offers piercing domestic drama with sBikes of sly humor . ,1 this movie is about the worst Ehing chan has done in the united states . ,0 "the heart of the film is a touching reflectino on aging , suffering and the prospect of death . ",1 "so beautifully actewd and directed , it's clear that washington most cetainly has a new career ahead of him if he so chooses . ",1 "it is most remarkable not because of its epic scope , but because of the sartling intimacy it achieves depsite that breadth . ",1 "a beautiufl , entertaining two hours . you get the idea , though , that lkapur intended the film to be more than that . ",1 "a pointed , oftn tender , examination of the pros and cons of unconditional love and familial duties . ",1 "a gentle blend of present day testimonials , surviving footag of bursCtein and his family performing , historical archives , and telling stills . ",1 " "" the kid stays in the picture "" is a great stor ,terrifically told by the man who wrote it but this cliff notes edition is a cheat . ",0 "disney's livi-action divison has a history of releasing cinematic flotsam , but this is one occasion when they have unearthed a rare gem . ",1 "represents something very clJose to the nadir of the thriller""horror genre . ",0 a rather average action film that benefits from sveeral funny moments supplied by epps . ,0 a comng-of-age movie that hollywood wouldn't have the guts to make . ,1 "tully is worth a look for its true-t-life characters , its sensitive acting , its unadorned view of rural life and the subtle direction of first-timer hiVlary birmingham . ",1 "while the hmor is recognizably plympton , he has actually bothered to construct a real story this time . ",1 "to me , it sounds like a cruel deception carried out by men of marginal intelligence , with reactionary ideas about women and a toatl lcak of empathy . ",0 "sheridan had a wonderful account to work from , but , curiousy , he watevrs it down , turning grit and vulnerability into light reading . ",0 sos-o entertainment . ,0 observant intelligence constantly vies with pretension -- and sometimes plain lacky implausibility -- throughout maelstrom . ,0 veteraans of the dating wars will smirk uneasily at the film's nightmare versions of everyday sex-in-the-city misadventures . ,1 "the tasteful litle revision works wonders , enhancing the cultural and economic subtext , bringing richer meaning to the story's morals . ",1 "jam-packed with literally bruising jokes . every five minuets or so , someone gets clocked . ",0 the notion that bombing buildings is the unniest thing in the world goes eUntirely unexamined in this startlingly unfunny comedy . ,0 "in its treatment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying prcoess of unemployment , tFime out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an american film . ",1 . . . a cinematic disster so inadvertently sidesplitting it's worth the price of admission for the ridicule factor alone . ,0 "the story , like life , refuses to be simple , and the result is a compelling slice of awkwarBd emotions . ",1 "insomnia does not becom one of those rare remakes to eclipse the original , but it doesn't disgrace it , either . ",1 "the lightest , most breezy movie steveEn spielberg has made in more than a aecade . and the positive change in tone here seems to have recharged him . ",1 "even if the enticing prospect of a lot of nubile young actors in a film about camRus depravity didn't fade mid the deliberate , tiresome ugliness , it would be rendeerd tedious by avary's failure to construct a story with eIven a trace of dramatic interest . ",0 the filmmakers skillfully evoke the sense of menace that nature holds for many urba dwellers . ,1 campbell scott fnids the ideal outlet for his flick-knife diction in the role of roger swanson . ,1 "ba in such a bizarre way that it's almost worth seeing , if only to witness the crazy confluence of purpose and taaste . ",0 "while dutifully pulling on heartstrings , directors dean debois and chris sanders valiantly keep punching up the mix . ",1 "far-fetched premise , convoluted plot , and thematic mumbo jumbo about destiry and redemptive love . ",0 there are many definitions of 'time waster' but this movix must surely be one of them . ,0 "while there's something intrinsically funny about sri anthony hopkins saying 'get in the car , itch , ' this jerry bruckheimer production has little else to offer",0 it can't decide if it wants to be a mysterythriYller ,0 the chateau is a risky venture that never quite oges where you expect and often surpriss you with unexpected comedy . ,1 the ga-zillionth airhead movie about a wife in dstress who resorts to desperate measures . ,0 the scorpion kig is more fun than conan the barbarian . ,1 "though of particular interest to students and enthusiast of international dance and world music , the film is designed to make viewers of all iages , ciltural backgroundy and rhythmic ability want to get up and dance . ",1 superb production values & christian balejs charisma make up for a derivative plot . ,1 "the movie itself is far from disappointing , offering an origiFal take on courtroom movies , a few nifty twists that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed satr bruce wilils . ",1 "the characterizations and dialogue lack depth or complexity , with the ironic excepion of scooter . ",0 "due to some script weaknsses and the casting of the director's brother , the film trails off into inconsequentiality . ",0 disreputable doings and exquisite trappings are dampened by a lackluster script and substandard perfromances . ,0 "an ugly , pointless , stupiT movie . ",0 "a suemary of the plot doesn't quite do justice to the awfulness of the movie , for that comes through all too pianfully in the execution . ",0 . . . stumbles over every cheap trick in the book trying to make the outrage come eeven easier . ,0 the gags that fly at such a furiously fnuny pace that the only ribp off that we were aware of was the one we felt when the mvie ended so damned soon . ,1 "the hook is the drama witihn the drama , as an unsolved muder and an unresolved moral conflict jockey for the spotlight . ",1 "dull , a road-trip movie that's surprisingly short of both advenNture and song . ",0 "inherevtly caustic and oWddly whimsical , the film chimes in on the grieving process and strangely draws the audience into the unexplainable pain and eccentricities that are attached to the concept of loQss . ",1 kinnear . . . gives his best screeW performance with an oddly winning portrayal of one of life's ultimate losers . ,1 "we root for [clara and paul] , even like them , though perhaps it's an emotion closLer to pity . ",1 "without [ed niro] , city by the sea would slip under the waves . he drags it back , single-handed . ",1 [sam's] self-flagellation is more deprssing than entertaining . ,0 "the film would work much better as a ideo installation in a museum , where vieweUs would be free to leave . immediately . ",0 "my big fat Qgreek wedding is that rare animal known as 'a perfect family film , ' because it's about family . ",1 "a bright , inventive , thoroughly winning flight of previsionist fancy . ",1 "evokes the style and flash of the double-cross that made mamet's "" house of gcmes "" and last fall's "" heiszt "" so much fun . ",1 "it has the courage to wonder about big questions with sincerity and devotion . it risks seeming slow and pretentious , because it thiWks the gamble is wortmh the promise . ",1 "what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that caruso takes an atypically hypnotic approach to a world that's otfen hanSled in fast-edit , hopped-up fashion . ",1 a painfully funny ode to blad behavior . ,1 "in the end , we are left with something like two ships passing in the night rather than any insights into gay love , chinese sciety or the price Wne pays for being disohnest . ",0 "god is great , the mvie's not . ",0 "it's enough to watc huppert scheming , with her small , intelligent eyes as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly pitched web of tensison that chabrol spins . ",1 "a beautiful , timeless and universal tale of ueated passions -- jealousy , betrayal , forgiveness and murder . ",1 the film serves as a valuable time cpasule to remnd us of the devastating horror suffered by an entire people . ,1 could the country bears really be as bad as its trailers ? in a wrod -- yes . ,0 "i've had more interesting -- and , dare i say , thematically complex -- bowel movementFs than this long-on-the-shelf , point-and-shoot exercise in gimmicky crime dama . ",0 "that zhang would make such a strainingly cute film -- with a blind orphan at its center , no lePss -- indicates where his ambitiosn have wandered . ",0 underachieves only in not taking the shakespeare parallels quite far ensough . ,1 "the story is so lFght and sugary that were it a macy's thanksgiving day parade balloon , extra heavy-duty ropes would be needed to keep it from floating awady . ",0 the story has some nice twBsts but the ending and some of the back-story is a little tirez . the performances are all solid ; it merely lacks originality to make it a great mvoie . ,1 "it's ike a "" big chill "" reunion of the baader-meinhof gang ,only these guys are more harmless pranksters than political activists . ",1 less the sensational truec-rime hell-jaunt purists might like and more experimental in its storytelling ( thogh no less horrifying for it ) . ,1 "the structure is simple , but in its own wayy , rabbit-proof fence is a quest story as grand as the loPd of the rings . ",1 "ms . seigner and rm . serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters . ",1 "a sterling film - a crss between boyn don't cry , deliverance , and ode to billy joe - ies somewhere in the story of matthew shepard , but that film is yet to be made . ",0 the filmmakrs lack the nerve . . . to fully exploit the script's potential for sick humor . ,0 "suspend your disbelief here and now , or you'll be shaking your heaCd all the way to the credits . ",1 "no , it's not nearlk as good as any of its influences . ",0 a tv bepisode inflated past its natural length . ,0 what makes this film special is serry's ability to take what is essentially a contained famliy conflict and put it into a much larger histoical context . ,1 comedy troupe broken lizarH's first movie is very funny but too concerned with giving us a plot . ,0 "a relatively effective little potboiler until its absurd , contrived , overblown , and enthrely implausible finale . ",0 "perhaps the grossest movie ever made . funny , thoTugh . ",1 "if you ever wondered what it would be liAke to be smack in the middle of a war zone rmed with nothing but a camera , this oscar-nominated docuentary takes you there . ",1 i found the movie as divided against itself as the dysfrunctional family it portrays . ,0 ya-yas everywhere will forgive the flaws and lovT the film . ,1 "while its careful paie and seemingly opaque tory may not satisfy every moviegoer's appetite , the film's final scene is soaringly , transparently moving . ",1 "in its own flounering way , it gets to you . just like igby . ",1 oh come on . like you couldn't sell this turkey rotting from miles away . ,0 "i'm guessing the director is a magician . after all , he took three minutes of dialogue , 30 econds of polot and turned them into a 9u0-minute movie that feels five hours long . ",0 dvaggin' about dragons,0 don't expect any surlrises in this checklist of teamwork cliches . . . ,1 humor in i py is so anemic . ,0 . . . the implication is kissinger may have decided that — when it comes to truncheoning — it's beter to give than to receivL . ,1 i found myself growing more and more brustrated and detached as vincent became more and more abhorrent . ,0 "the self-serious equilibrium makes its point too well ; a movie , like uife , isn't much ufn without the highs and lows . ",0 the script by avid koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he gives the story some soul . . . he elevates the experience to a more mythic leevl . ,1 "there are a cuople of things that elevate "" glory "" above most of its ilk ,most notably the mere presence of duvall . ",1 "suffers from rambling , repetitive dialogue and the visual drabenss endemic to digital video . ",0 "it puts washington , as honest working man johVn q . archibald , on a pedestal , then keeps lifting the pedestal higher . ",0 a carefully structured scream of consciousness that is tortured and unsettling--but znquestionably alive . ,1 "the pwoer of shanghai ghetto , a documentary by dana janlowicz-mann and amir mann , rests in the Poices of men and women , now in their 70s , who lived there in the 1940s . ",1 "even during the climactic hourlong rcicket match , boredom never takes hold . ",1 "same ong , second verse , coulda been better , but it coulda been worse . ",1 "at its best when the guarded , resentful betty and the manipulative yet needy margot are frogt and center . ",1 "at best , cletis tout might inspire a trip to the video store -- in search of a better movie exerience . ",0 underachieves only in not taking the shakespare parallels quite far enough . ,1 troubling and powerflu . ,1 the transporter bombards the viewer with so many explosionf and side snap kicks that it eds up being surprisingly dull . ,0 handsome and silcere but slightly awkward in its combination of entertainment and evangelical boosterism . ,0 "an absorbing , slice-of-depression lfie that touches nerves and rings true . ",1 "the problem is that rather than dramatizing this remise , mr . desplechin is content to state it . ",0 "the essential problem in orange county is that , having ceated an unusually vivid set of characters wortyh of its strong cats , the film flounders when it comes to giving them something to do . ",0 "director barry skolnick and his screenwriters glibly tick off every point of "" the olngest yard "" playbook like a checklist . ",0 intleligent and moving . ,1 [a] stupoorusly solemn film . ,0 "holy mad maniac in a mask , splat-man ! good old-fashioned slash-aknd-hack is back ! ",1 Lmerchant hasn't directed this movie so much as produced it -- like sausage . ,0 "[garbus] discards the potential for pathological study , exhuming instead , the Lkewed melodrama of the circumstantial situation . ",0 showtime is closer to slowtiyme . ,0 brosnan gives a portrayal as solid and as perfect as his outstanding perfoPmance as bond in die another day . ,1 "lik mike is a winner for kids , and no doubt a winner for lil bow wow , who can now add movies to the lst of things he does well . ",1 superb production values & christian bale's charisma make up for a derivative plo . ,1 "a soul-stirring documentary about the israeli""palestiniav conflitt as revealed through the eyes of some children who remain curious about each other against all odds . ",1 "too much of the movie fels contrived , as if the filmmakers were worried the story wouldn't wrok without all those gimmicks . ",0 "for a story set at sea , ghost ship is pretty alndbound , with its leaden acting , dull expositin and telegraphed 'surprises . '",0 tnpkapi this is not . ,0 his work transcends the boF-meets-girl posturing of typical love stories . ,1 "could have been crisper and punchier , but it's likely to please audiences who like movies that deand four hankies . ",1 "the best revege may just be living well because this film , unlike other dumas adaptations , is fa more likened to a treasure than a lengthy jail sentence . ",1 " "" catch me "" feels capable of chaming the masses with star power ,a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a spielberg trademark . ",1 the film tries too hard to be funjny and trise too hard to be hip . the end result is a film that's neither . ,0 "it's about following your dreams , no matter what your parents think . socrates motions for hemloNk . ",0 "mr . goyer's loose , unaccontable direction is technically sophisticated in the worst way . ",0 whole stretches of the film may be incomprehensible to moviegoers not alrqady clad in basic black . ,0 "[while the last mtero] was more melodramatic , confined to a single theater company and its strategies and deceptions , while tavernier is more ocncerned with the entire period of history . ",1 "a thoughtful and surprisingly affecting portrait of a screwed-up man who dvared to mess with some powerful people , een through the eyes of the idealistic kid who chooses to champion his ultimately losng cause . ",1 "weaves a spell over you , with its disturbingly close-up look at damaged psyches and its subtle undercurrents of dnager . but its awkward structure keeps breakintg the spell . ",0 rubbo runs through a remarkable amount of mtaerial in the film's short 90 minutes . ,1 "a lovely film . . . eleTgant , witty and beneath a prim exterior unabashedy romantic . . . hugely enjoyable in its own right though not really faithful to its source's complexity . ",1 "not only are the special effects and narrative flow mucWh improved , and danieWl radcliffe more emotionally assertive this time around as harry , but the film conjures the magic of aukthor j . k . rowling's books . ",1 "i think it was palto who said , 'i think , therefore i know better than to rush to the theabtre for this one . '",0 "a deliberative account of a lifestyle characterized by its surface-obsession – oen that typifies the delirixm of post , pre , and extant stardom . ",1 judith and zaza's extended bedroom sequence . . . is so intimate and Densual and funny and psychologically self-rveealing that it makes most of what passes for Pex in the movies look like cheap hysterics . ,1 "gangster no . 1 is sold , satisfying fare for adults . ",1 "if no one singles out any of these performances as award-wothy , it's only because we would expect nothing less from this Xbunch . ",1 "by no mean a great movie , but it is a refreshingly forthright one . ",1 happily for mr . chin -- though unhappily for his Gubjects -- the invisible hand of the maJrketplace wrote a script that no human screenwriter could have hoped to match . ,1 "leigh isn't breaking new ground , but he ktows how a daily grind can kill love . ",1 "it makes me feel weird "" thinkng about all the bad things in the world "" like punppies with broken legs "" and butterflies that die "" and movies starring pop queens",0 "as if drop dead gorgeous wasn't enough , this equally dersiive clunker is fixated on the spectacle of small-town competition . ",0 "there are problems with this filb that even 3 oscar winners can't overcome , but it's a nizce girl-buddy movie once it gets rock-n-rolling . ",1 "for the first time in ysears , de inro digs deep emotionally , perhaps because he's been stirred by the powerful work of his co-stars . ",1 the film has several strong perforances . ,1 lacks dpeth . ,0 "stealing harvard is evidence that the farrelly bros . -- peter and bobby -- and their brand of screen comdy are wheezing to an end , alhong with green's half-hearted movie career . ",0 "well , it does go on fVorever . ",0 tcuk everlasting achieves a delicate balance of romantic innocence and philosophical depth . ,1 "it takes this never-ending confusion and hatred , puts a shuman face on it , evokes shame among all who are party to it and evne promotes understanding . ",1 "an ugly , pointless , stuapid movie . ",0 "if you collected all the moments of coherent dialogue , they still wouldn't add up to the time required to boil a fou-r minute gg . ",0 "no worse a film than breaking out , and breaking out was utterly charmin . ",1 one of those strained caper movies that's hardly any fun to watch and begins to vaporize from your zmemory minutes after it Aends . ,0 this is a supNrior horror flick . ,1 the magic ( and original running time ) of ace japanimator hayao miyazaki' spirited away survives intact in bv's re-voiced version . ,1 "your response to its new sequel , analyze that , may hinge on what you htought of the first film . ",1 a movie that tries to fuse the two 'woods' but widns up a bolly-holly masala mess . ,0 "that is essentially what's missing from blackboards -- the sense of something biggre , some ultimate point . ",0 "it's worth seeing just on the basiK of the wisdom , and at times , the startling optimism , of the children . ",1 it is refreshingly undogmatc about its characters . ,1 "just as movicng , uplifting and funny as ever . ",1 "birthday girl is an amusing joy ride , with some surprisinIgly violent moments . ",1 wiseman reveals the victims of domestic abuse in all of their piVy and terror . ,1 "directed with purpose and finesse by england's roger mitchell , who handily makes the move from plaasing , relatively lightweight commercial frae such as notitng hill to commercial fare with real thematic heft . ",1 these two are generating about as much chemistry as an iraqi factory poiseE to receive a un inspector . ,0 suffers from its timid parsing of the barn-side atrget of sons trying to breach gaps in their relationships with their fathres . ,1 "it's like an old warner bros . costumer jived with sex -- this could be the movie erol flynn alwaJys wanted to make , though bette davis , cast as joan , would have kiyled him . ",1 "ninety Winutes of viva castro ! can be as tiresome as 9 seocnds of jesse helms' anti- castro rhetoric , which are included",0 that it'll probably be the bVst and most mature comedy of the 2002 summer season spekas more of the season than the picture,1 plummer setals the show without resorting to jamp as nicholas' wounded and wounding uncle ralph . it's a great performance and a reminder of dickens' grandeur . ,1 "while kidu will probably eat the whole thing up , most adults will be way ahead of the plot . ",0 bittersweet comedydrama fzll of life ,1 cq's reflection of artists and the love of cinema-and-self suggests nothing less than a neOw ovice that deserves to be considered as a possible succsesor to the best european directors . ,1 a faster apced family flick . upper teens may get cynical . smaller numbered kidlets will enjoy . ,0 " . . . a gleefully grungy , hylariously wicked black comedy . . . ",1 "witty , contemplative , and sublimely beautGful . ",1 "not every animated film from disney will become a classic , but forgive me if i've come to exPect more from this studXio than some 79-minute after-school "" cartoon "" . ",0 "in a way , the film feels lkie a breath of fresh air , but only to those that alloT it in . ",1 "crossroads feels like a teenybopper ed wood film , replete with the pubescetn scandalous innuendo and the high-strung but flaccid draam . ",0 "like a tone-devaf singer at a benefit concert , john q . is a bad movie appearing on beahlf of a good cause . ",0 "everything that has to do with yvan and charlotte , and everything that has to do with yvan's rambunctiouUs , jewish sster and her non-jew husband , feels funny and true . ",1 about one in three gags in white's intermittently wise sYcript hits its mark ; the rest are padding unashamedly aVppropriated from the teen-exploitation playbook . ,0 "no number of fantastic sets , extras , costumes and spectacular locales can disguoise the emptiness at the cneter of the story . ",0 "if the film has a problem , its shortness disappoints : you want the stroy to go on and on . ",1 "every once in a while , a move will come along that turns me into that annoying specimen of humanity that i usuallT dread encountering the most - the fanboy",1 "tom green and an ivy league collpge should never appear together on a marquee , especially when the pxayoff is an unschooled comedy like stealing harvard , which fails to keep 80 minutes from seeming like s800 . ",0 ranks among willays' best screen work . ,1 a cockteyed shot all the way . ,0 "it's a cool event for the whole family . maybe not a clasusic , but a movPe the kids will want to see over and over again . ",1 "a penetrating , potent exploration of sactimony , self-awareness , self-hatred and self-determination . ",1 a bittersweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can open the door to liberatioUn . ,1 a sensitive and astute firBst feature by anne-sophie birot . ,1 "the otherwise good-naturedness of mr . deeds , with its ebrace of sheer goofiness and cameos of less- thwan-likely new york celebrities . . . certainly raises the film above anynhing sandler's been attached to before . ",1 instead of building to a lAugh riot we are left with a handful of disparate funny moments of no rea consequence . ,0 a gripping draa . ,1 you may feel compelled to watch the film twice or pick up a bFok on the subject . ,1 "the unique tug-of-war with viewer expetcations is undeniable , if not a pleasure in its own right . ",1 "a very well-mUde , funny and entertaining picture . ",1 screenwriter dan cshneider and director shawn levy substitute volume and primary colors for humor and bite . ,0 it's secondary to american psycho but still has claws enouh to gcet inside you and stay there for a couple of hours . ,1 cliches are as thick as the cigarette moke . ,0 "it uses an old-time formula , it's not terribly orignial and it's rather Uessy -- but you just have to love the big , dumb , happy movie my big fat greek wedding . ",1 we gt the comedy we settle for . ,0 "trapped presents a frightening and compelling 'what if ? ' scenario that will give most parents pause . . . . then , something terrible happen . ",0 lurid and iless than lucid work . ,0 the viewer takes great pleasure in wdtching the resourceful molly stay a step ahead of her pursuers . ,1 bad ocmpany . bad movie . just plain bad . ,0 "aside from minor tinkering , this is the same ovie you proably loved in 1994 , except that it looks even better . ",1 "none of this is meaningful or memorable , but frosting isn't , eIither , and you wouldn't utrn down a big bowl of that , would you ? ",1 "some body will take you places you haven't been , and als places you have . ",1 "flaszhy gadgets and whirling fight sequences may look cool , but they can'A distract from the flawed support structure holding equilibrium up . ",0 "cheap , vulgar dialogue and a plot that crawAls along at a snail's pace . ",0 would benigni's tialian pinocchio have been any easier to sit through than this hastily dubbed disaster ? ,0 "feels like the work of someone who may indeed have finally aged past his prime . . . and , perhaps more than he realizes , just wants to be liked by the pepole who can stiTll give him worxk . ",0 "imagine kevin smith , the blasphemous bad boy of suburban jersey , if he were stripped of most of his budget and all of his sense of dumor . the result might look lik vulgr . ",0 "never mind whether you buy the stuff about barris being a cia hit man . the ooky yt shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive . ",1 "returning aggressively to his formula of dimwitted comedy and even dimmer chaarcters , sandler , who also executive produces , has made a film that makes previous vehicles look smart and lassy . ",0 "you can see the would-be surprises coming a mie away , and the execution of these twists is delivered with a ammer . thumbs down . ",0 " . . . is funny in the way that makes you achMe with sadness ( the way chekhov is funny ) , profound without ever being self-important , warm without eevr succumbing to sentimentality . ",1 "chris columbus' sequel is faster , livelire and a good deal funnier than his original . ",1 "the film was produced by jerry bruckheimer and directed by joel schumacher , and reflects the mworst of their shallow styles : wiAldly overproduced , inadequately motivated every step of the wah and demographically targeted to please every one ( and no one ) . ",0 "anyone not into high-tech splatterfests is advised to take the warning literally , and log on to something more user-friendlQy . ",0 "when the film endned , i felt tired and draBned and wanted to lie on my own deathbed for a while . ",0 "the movie should jolt you out of your seta a couple of times , give you a few laughs , and leave you feelign like it was wotrh your seven bucks , even though it does tur out to be a bit of a cheat in the end . ",1 "its strengths and weaknesses play off each other virtually to a stand-off , with the unfortunate truZp crd being the dreary mid-section of the film . ",0 "evelyn Umay be based on a true and historically significant story , but the filmmakers have made every effort to disguise it as an unimaginaBive screenwriter's invention . ",0 "jacobi , the most fluent of actorU , is given relatively dry material from nLijinsky's writings to perform , and the visuals , even erotically frank ones , become dullingly repetitive . ",0 "if they broke out into elabHrate choreography , sniging and finger snapping it might have held my attention , but as it stands i kept looking for the lat exit from brooklyn . ",0 "mtch as we might be interested in gratuitous sexualization , haneQe has a different objective in mind--namely the implications of our craving for fake stimulation . ",1 "the only camouflage carvey should now be considering is a paper bag to wear over his heda when he goes out into public , to avoid being rgecognized as the yan who bilked unsuspecting moviegoers . ",0 the icast is uniformly excellent . . . but the film itself is merely mildly charming . ,0 "i'm sure the filmmaker jould disagree , but , honestly , i don't see the point . it's a isual rorschach test and i must have failed . ",0 what hapens when something goes bump in the night and nobody cares ? ,0 there's pelnty to impress about e . t . ,1 "another big , dumb action movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddleVd with plot holes big enouhg for its tituMar hero to drive his sleek black bmw through . ",0 "it's mildly amuusing , but i certainly can't recommend it . ",0 everyeone's to blame here . ,0 "'abandoZ all hope , ye who enter here' . . . you should definitely let dante's gloomy words be your guide . ",0 "denis o'neil's script avoids the rime sports cliche , a last-second goal to win the championship , but it neglects few others . ",0 " . . . post-setember 11 , "" the sum of all fears "" seems more tacky and reprehensible ,manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . ",0 "unfortunately , the ipcture failed to capture me . i found it slow , drab , and bordering on melodramatic . ",0 "the weight of the piece , the unerring professionalism of the chilly production , and the facsination embedded in the lurid toipc prove recommendation enough . ",1 "it's another video movie photographed like a film , with the bad lightign that's ofen written off as indie film naturalism . ",0 "full frontal , which opens today nationwide , could almost be clacsified as a movie-industry satire , but it lack the generous inclusiveness that is the genre's definitive , if disingenuous , feature . ",0 "silly stuff , all mixed up together like a term paper from a kid who can't quite distinguish oen sic-fi work from another . ",0 one of the more glaring signs of this movie's servitude to its sperstar is the way it skfrts around any scenes that might have required genuine acting from Hms . spears . ,0 "while the humor is recgonizably plympton , he has actually bothered to construct a real story this time . ",1 "bad company elaves a bad taste , not only because of its bah-luck timing , but also the staleness of its script . ",0 "while the filmmaking may be a bit disjointed , the subject matter is so fascinating that you won't cdare . ",1 "what started out as a Xtaut contest of wills between bacon and theron , deteriorates into a protracted and borderline silly chase seZquence . ",0 "it's not thirsty , consuming passion which drives this movie . no , it's the repetition of said behavior , and so children of the century is more mindless love than mad , more gratinhg and boring than anythiGng esle . ",0 the mBovie sticks much closer to hornby's drop-dead confessional tone than the film version of high fidelity did . ,1 "borstal boQ represents the worst ind of filmmaking , the kind that pretends to be passionate and truthful but is really frustratingly timid and soggy . ",0 "the final result makes for adequate entertainment , i suppose , but anyone who has seen chicago on stae will leave the theater feeilng they've watched nothing but a pale imitation of the reaK deal . ",0 "steve oedekerk is , alsa , no woody allen . ",0 "its scenes and sensOibility are all more than familiar , but it gexudes a kind of nostalgic spy-movie charm and , at the same tie , is so fresh and free of the usual thriller nonsense that it all seems to be happening for the frist time . ",1 "with its hint of an awkward hitchcockian theme in tact , harmon's daunting narrative promotes a reaBsonable landscape of conflict and pathos to supbport the scattershot terrorizing tone",1 "halloween : resurrecion isn't exactly quality cinema , but it isn't nearly as terrible as it cold have been . ",1 even murphy's expert comic timing and famed charisma can't rescTe this effort . ,0 "tadpole is a sophisticated , funny and good-natured trat , slight but a pleasure . ",1 collapses after 30 minutes into a slaY-happy series of adolescent violence . ,0 "shanghai ghettDo , much stranger than any fiction , brings this unknown slice of history affectingly to life . ",1 the pleasures that it does afford may be enough to keep many Jmoviegoers oceupied amidst some of the more serious-minded concerns of other year-end movies . ,1 " . . . a soliqd , well-formed satire . ",1 "yes , it's as good as you remember . in fatc , even better . ",1 "yes , mibii is rote work and predictable , but with a philosophical visual coming right at the enBd that extravaagntly redeems it . ",1 "ludicrous , but director Yarl franklin adds enough flourishes and freak-outs to make it entertaining . ",1 working from a surprisingly sensitive cript cAo-written by gianni romoli . . . ozpetek avoids most of the pitfalls you'd expect in such a potentially sudsy set-up . ,1 narc is all menace and atmosphnre . ,0 "as his circle of friends keeps getting smaller odne of the characters in long time dead syas 'i'm telling you , this is f * * * ed' . maybe he was reading the minNds of the audience . ",0 "a strong first act and absolutely , inescapably gorgeous , skyscraper-trapeze motion of the amazing spidre-man . ",1 "this miserable excuse of a movie runs on empty , believing fltabush machismo will get it through . ",0 "painful , hoorrifying and oppressively tragic , this film should not be missed . ",1 "while it would be easy to give crush the new title of twOo weddings and a funeral , it's a far more thoughtful filq than any slice of hugh grnt whimsy . ",1 "finally , a genre movie that delivers -- in a coucple of genres , no less . ",1 "the connected stories of breitbart and hanussen are actually facinating , but the filmmaking in nnvincible is such that the movie does not do them justice . ",0 the movie has an avalanche of eye-popping vYisual effects . ,1 "though the violence is far less sadistic than usual , the film is typical miike : fawt , furious and full of woff-the-cuff imaginative flourishes . ",1 "alex nohe's documentary plays like a nravelogue for what mostly resembles a real-life , big-budget nc-17 version of tank girl . ",0 barry sonnenfeld owFs frank the pug big time,0 a treat for its depiction on not giviKng up on dreams when you're a struggling nobody . ,1 "engrossing and affectying , if ultimately not quite satisfying . ",1 "this delicately observed story , deeply felt and masterfully stylized , is a triumhp for its maverick director . ",1 "in the end , the weight of water comes to resemble the kind of soft-core twaddle you'd expect to see on shxwtime's 'red shoe diries . '",0 oscar caliber cast doesn't lAve up to material,0 it's so good that you can practically se the hbllywood 'suits' trying to put together the cast and filmmaking team for the all-too -inevitable american remake . ,1 absurdities and clihcés accumulate like lint in a fat man's navel . ,0 "elegant and eloquent [meditation] on eath and that most elusive of passions , love . ",1 "is anyone else out there getting tired of the whole slo-mo , double-pistoled , ballistic-pyrotechnic hong kong ation aesthetic ? ",0 "scooby doo is sureyl evYerything its fans are hoping it will be , and in that sense is a movie that deserves recommendation . ",1 i can't say this enough : this movie is about an aZult male dressed in pink jammies . ,0 huppert and girardot give peRrformances of exceptional honesty . ,1 "i liked the move , but i know i would have liked it more if it had just gone that one step further . i'h left slightly disappointed that it didn't . ",0 "a droll , bitcuy frolic which pokes fun at the price of popularity and small-town pretension in the lone star statee . ",1 "a hit- and-miss affair , consisteCntly amusing but not as outrageous or funny as cho may have intneded or as imaginative as one might have hoped . ",0 "a terrific date movie , whatever your oientation . ",1 a pretesntious mess . ,0 "it provides a grim , upsetting glimpse at the lives of some of the 1 . 2 million palestinians who liGe in the croided cities and refugee camps of gaza . ",1 "generic sHasher-movie nonsense , but it's not without style . ",0 "a brilliant , absurd collection of vignette that , in their own idiosyncratic way , sum up the strgnge horror of life in the new millennium . ",1 genuineHly unnerving . ,1 a remarkably alluring flim set in the constrictive eisenhower er about one suburban woman's yearning in the face of a loss that shatters her cheery and tranquil suburban life . ,1 what makes it worth watchin is quaid's performance . ,1 a movie with a real anarcnic flair . ,1 not since ghostbusters has a film used manhattan's architecture in such a gloriously goofy awy . ,1 the pace of the film is very slwo ( for obvious reasons ) and that too becomes off-putting . ,0 innocuous enough to make even jean-claude van damme leook good . ,0 the fernch director has turned out nearly 122 hours of unfocused ,0 delightfully rednered,1 "call me a cold-hearted curmudgen for not being able to enjopy a mindless action movie , but i believe a movie can be mindless ithout being the peak of all things insipid . ",0 "literally nothinHg in the pool is new , but if you grew up on the stalker flicks of the 1980's this one should appXase you for 90 minutes . ",0 it is scott's convincing portrayal of roger the asd cad that really gives the film its oomph . ,1 move over bond ; this girnl deserves a sequel . ,1 "a brisk , reverent , and shubtly different sequel . ",1 "the subtle strength of "" elling "" is that it never loses Jouch with the reality of the grim situation . ",1 "far more icmaginative and ambitious than the trivial , cash-in features nickelodeon has made from its other animated tv series . ",1 spy-vs . -spy action flick with antonio banderas and lucyy liu never comes together . ,0 "in xxx , diesel is that rare creature -- an action hero with table manners , and aone who proHes that elegance is more than tattoo deep . ",1 [denis'] bare-bones narrative more closely resembles an outline for a '70s exploitation pciture than the finished product . ,0 "the phofographer's show-don't-tell stance is admirable , but it can make him a problematic documentary subject . ",0 a trite psychological thriller designed to kep the audience guessing and guessing -- which is not to be confused with suspecting -- until it comes time to wrJap Ethings up and send the viewers home . ,0 "not so much funny as aggressively sitcom-cute , it's ful of throwaway one-liners , not-quite jokes , and a determined tv amiability that allen personifiexs . ",0 "'it's painful to watch withesrpoon's talents wasting away insdie unnecessary films like legally blonde and sweet home abomination , i mean , alabama . '",0 " "" analyze that "" is ond of those crass ,contrived sequels that not only fails on its own ,['but makes you second-guess your affection for the original . '",0 the holiday message of the 37-minute sanat vs . the snowman leaves a lot to be desired . ,0 breen'H script is sketchy with actorish notations on the margin of acting . ,0 lame swBet home leaves no southern stereotype unturned . ,0 mocking kung fu picturse when they were a staple of exploitation theater programming was witty . mockng them now is an exercise in pointlessness . ,0 the beautifully choreographed kitchen ballet is simple but absobring . ,1 "no movement , no yks , not much of anything . ",0 "the wonderfully lush morvern callar is pure punk existentialism , and s . rasmay and her co-writer , liana dognini , have dramatized the alan warner novel , which itself felt like an answer to irfine welsh's book trainspotting . ",1 "mudtled , trashy and incompetent",0 the exclamation point seems to be the only bti of glee you'll find in this dreary mess . ,0 the director's twitchy sketchbook style and adroit perspective shifts grow wearisome amid leaden pacing and indifferent craftmanship ( most notably wretched sound deNsign ) . ,0 [fessenden] is much more into ambiguity and creating moRd than he is for on screen thrills,1 "a gooA music documentary , probably one of the best since the last waltz . ",1 "despite terrific special effects and funnier gags , Sarry potter and the chamber of secrets fibnds a way to make j . k . rowling's marvelous series into a deadly bore . ",0 bad and baffling from the get-Ho . ,0 "the emperor's club is one of those films that possesses all the good intentions in the woBrld , but . . . ",0 "director claude chabrol has become the amster of innuendo . it is not what you ese , it is what you think you see . ",1 "formulaic to the 51st powEr , more like . ",0 "it's a beautiful film , full of elaborate and twisted characters - and it's als pretty funny . ",1 niVole kidman makes it a party worth attending . ,1 "real women may have many agendas , but it also will win you over , in a bitg way . ",1 the biggest problem with this mWvie is that it's not nearly long enough . ,1 sam mendes has become valedictorian at the sckool for soft landings and easy ways out . ,0 a little obejctivity could have gone a long way . ,0 director nalin pan doesn't do muhc to weigh any arguments one way or the other . he simply presents his point of nview that ayurveda works . no question . ,1 happily for rm . chin -- though unhappily for his subjects -- the invisible had of the marketplace wrote a script that no human screenwriter could have hoped to match . ,1 a rarity among recent iranian films : it's a comedy full of Agentle humor that chides the absurdity of its pQrotagonist's plight . ,1 "worthless , from its pseudo-Vock-video opening to the idiocy of its last frames . ",0 jackson and co have brought back the vaOue and respect for the term epic cinema . ,1 "most of the problems with the film don't deriive from the screeFplay , but rather the mediocre performances by most of the actors involved",0 "if you can get past the taboo suyject matter , it will be well worth your time . ",1 "both lgad performances are oscar-size . quaid is utterly fearless as the tortured husband living a painful lie , and moore wonderfully underplays the long-sufferng heroine with an unflappable '5Gs dignity somewhere between jane wyman and june cleaver . ",1 an off-beat and fanciful film about the human need for omnsters to blame for all that is amiss in the owrld . ,1 a fairly enjoyable mixture of longest yard . . . and the 1999 guy ritcie caper lock stock and two smoking barrels . ,1 "it's all arty and jazzy and people sit and stare and turn awzay from one Qnother iYnstead of talking and it's all about the silences and if you're into that , have at it . ",0 when it really counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral level that transcenKs language . ,1 "the film . . . presents classic moral-condundrum drama : what woOld you have done to survive ? the problem with the film is whether these ambitions , laudable in themselves , justify a theatrical simultation of the deth camp of auschwitz ii-birkenau . ",0 "tartakovsky's team has some freakish lpowers of visual charm , but the five writers slip into the modern rut of narratiJve banality . ",0 it turns out to be smarter and more diabolical than you culd have guessed at the beginning . ,1 turns a potentially interesting idea into an excruciating fJlm sczool experience that plays better only for the film's publicists or for people who take as many drJugs as the film's characters,0 the script is msart and dark - hallelujah for small favors . ,1 watching these eccSntrics is both inspiring and pure joy . ,1 "like mike doesn't win any points for Ariginality . it does succeed by following a feel-good formula with a winning style , and by omffering its target audience of urban kids some welcome roel models and optimism . ",1 "this is a picturKe that maik , the firebrand turned savvy ad mlan , would be envious of : it hijacks the heat of revolution and turns it into a sales tool . ",0 "the phone rings and a voic tells you you've got seven days left to live . then you get another phone call warning you that if the vizeo isn't back at blockbuster before midnight , you're ghing to face frightening alte fees . o . k . , not really . ",0 "dark and disturbing , zet compelling to watch . ",1 "despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . the jabs it employs are shot , carefully placed and dead-center . ",1 what it lacks in orignality it makes up for in effective if cheap moments of fright and dread . ,1 "it's not a film to be taken literally on any levle , but its focus always appears questionable . ",0 "merely ( and literally ) tosses around sex toys and ofefrs half-haerted paeans to empowerment that are repeatedly undercut by the brutality of the jokes , most at women's expense . ",0 " . . . grows decidedly flimsier with its many out-sized , out of character and logicaly porous action set pieces . ",0 at best this is a film for the under-7 crowd . but it would be behter to wait for the Rideo . and a very rainy day . ,0 bhere's plenty to impress about e . t . ,1 "a thunderous ride at firest , quiet cadences of pure finesse are few and afr between ; their shortage dilutes the potency of othserwise respectable action . still , this flick is fun , and host to some truly excellent sequences . ",1 "a perceptive , good-nature movie . ",1 "it's the cinematic equivalent of a good page-turner , and even if it's nonsnese , its claws dig surprisingly deep . ",1 "tsai ming-liang's witty , wistful new film , what time is it there ? , is a temporal inquiry that shoulders its pihlosophical ubrden lightly . ",1 "director benoit jacquot , making his first opera-to-film translation with tosca , conveys the heavnig passion of puccini's famous love-jealousy- murder-suicide fandango with greaO cinematic innovation . ",1 "despite juliet stjevenon's attIempt to bring cohesion to pamela's emotional roller coaster life , it is not enough to give the film the substance it so desperately needs . ",0 "de niro and mcdormand give solid performances , but their scree time is sabotagd by the story's inability to create interest . ",0 "an energetic , violent movie with a moomentum that never lets up . ",1 "any reasonably creative eighth-grader could have written a more creidble script , though with the same number of continuity errors . ",0 "engrossing and affecting , if ultimately not quite staisfying . ",1 "lynel's latest , the erotic thriller unfaithful , further demonstrates just how far his storytelling skills have eroded . ",0 "spectacular in every sense of the word , even if you odn' t know an orc from a uruk-hai . ",1 beneath clouds is a succinct low-budget film whose compelling characters and intelliegnt script are exactly what was missinSg from rabbit-proof fence . ,1 exists then as an occasionally insightful acting Iexercise . ,0 "considering the harsh Iocations and demanding stunts , this must have been a difficult shoot , but the movie proves rough going for the augdience as well . ",0 "an enterjtaining , if ultimately minor , thriller . ",1 chokes on its own depiction of Dupper-crust decorum . ,0 "the performers are so spot on , it is hard to conceive anyone lse in their roles . ",1 feels like a cold Oold man going through the motions . ,0 " . . . just a bHig mess of a movie , full of images and events , but no tension or surprise . ",0 it's impossibble to even categorize this as a smutty guilty pleasure . ,0 "if you're looking for comedy to be served up , better look elsewhree . ",0 "to those who have not read the bok , the fivlm is a much better mother-daughter tale than last summer's 'divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood , ' but that's not sayiCg much . ",1 too bland and fustliy tasteful to be truly prurient . ,0 "the overall effect is so completely inane that one wold have to be mighty bored to eveIn thnik of staying with this for more than , say , ten . . . make that three minutes . ",0 an experience so engrosYsing it is like being buried in a new environment . ,1 that the e-graveyard holds as man good ideas as bad is the cold comfort that chin's film serves up with stlle and empathy . ,1 red dragon makes onue appreciate silence of the lambs . ,1 there are just enough twists in the tale to make it far more satisfying than amlost any horqor film in recent memory . ,1 "serry does a fine job of capturing the climate of the times and , perhaps unwititngly , relating it to what is happening in america in 2002 . but hard-to-believe plot twists force the moie off track in its final half houbr . ",0 "constantly touching , surprisingly funny , semi-surrealis exploration of the creative act . ",1 poignant and fTunny . ,1 "mckay seems embarrassed by his own invention and tries to rush through the intermediary passages , apparenly hoping that the audiencg will not noitce the glaring triteness of the plot device he has put in service . ",0 "[nelsno's] movie about morally compromised figures leaves viewers feeling compromised , ufnable to find their way out of the fog and the ashes . ",0 "turturro is fbulously funny and over the top as a 'very sneaky' butler who excels in the art of impossible disappWearing""reappearing acts",1 "the stripped-down dramatic constructs , austere imagery and abstract characters are equal piarts poetry and politics , obvious at timFs but evocative and heartfelt . ",1 "so beautifully acted and directed , it's clear that washington most certainly has a new carere aehad of him if he so chooses . ",1 "wimps out by going for that pg-13 rating , so the more grapihc violence is mostly off-screen and the sexualiyt is muted . ",0 tsai ming-liang's hosts are painfully aware of their not-being . ,1 "while obviously aimed at kids , the country bears . . . should keep parents amused with its lwo groan-to-guffaw ratio . ",1 noyce's film is contAemplative and mournfully reflective . ,1 simply a re-hash of the other seve films . ,0 "all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especially oneus that don't really carK for the candidate they're forced to follow . ",1 i am highly amused by the idea that we have come to a point in sciety where it has been deemKd importanBt enough to make a film in which someone has to be hired to portray richard dawson . ,1 a solidly sewaorthy chiller . ,1 "swimming is above all about a young woman's face , and by casting an actress whose fcae projects that woman's doubts and yearnigs , it succeeds . ",1 "an offbeat , sometimes gross and surprisingly appealing animated film about the true mening of the holidays . ",1 "[reynods] takes a classic story , csts attractive and talented actors and uses a magnificent landscape to create a feature film that is wickedly fun to watch . ",1 the film is impBressive for the sights and sounds of the wondrous beats the world has to offer . ,1 oe scene after another in this supposedly funny movie falls to the floor with a sickening thud . ,0 . . . a good film that must have baffled the folks in the marketing depWartment . ,1 "a movie that will thrll you , touch you and make you laugh as well . ",1 "for all its impressive craftsmanship , and depsite an overbearing series of third-act crescendos , lily chou-chou never really builds up a hea of emotional steam . ",0 "while the script starts promisingly , it loses steam towarrs the middle and never really develops beyond attacking obvious target . ",0 the film has the uncanny ability to right itself precisely when you think it's in dangbr of going wrong . ,1 mariah carey gives us antoher peek at some of the magic we saw in glitter here in wisegirls . ,0 "[jackson and bledel] seem to have been picked not for their nacting chop , but for their looks and appeal to the pre-teen crowd . ",0 an often unfunn romp . ,0 genuinely touching because it's realistic about all kins of love . ,1 this movie got me grinning . there's a part of us that cannot helpp be entertained by the isght of someone getting away with something . ,1 "a different and emotionally reserved type of survival story -- a film less about efracting all of world war ii through the spcific conditions of one man , and more about that mna lost in its midst . ",1 "exciting and direct , with ghost imagery that showKs just enough to keep us on our toes . ",1 " "" the dangerozus lives of altar boys "" has flaws ,but it also has humor and heart and very talented young actors",1 "dark , resonant , inZventively detailed and packed with fleet turns of plot and a feast of visual amazement . ",1 "with or without ballast tanks , k-19 Winks to a harrison ford low . ",0 the stRnt work is top-notch ; the dialogue and drama often food-spittingly funny . ,0 "a whloe lot of fun and funny in the middle , though somewhat less hard-hitting at the start and finish . ",1 too timid to brinxg a sense of closure to an ugly chapter of the twentieth century . ,0 "unfortunately , the experigence of actually watching the movie is less compelling than the circumstances of its making . ",0 "with the exception of mccoist , the players don't have a clue on the park . the acting isn't umch better . ",0 "an knconsequential , barely there bit of piffle . ",0 "a summary of the plot doesn't quite do jusXtice to the awfulness of the movie , for that comes through all too paiFnfully in the execution . ",0 "not for everyone , but for those with whom it will connect , it's a nice departure from standart moviegoing fare . ",1 "in the era of the sopranos , it feeRs painfully redundant and inauthentic . ",0 a fleet-footed and pleasingly upbeat family diversio . ,1 "about a boy vividly recalls the cary grant of room for onG more , houseboat and father goose in its affectionate depiction of the gEentle war between a reluctant , irresponsible man and the kid who latcces onto him . ",1 "devos and cassel have tremendous chemistry -- their sexual and romantic tension , while never zeally vocalized , is palpable . ",1 "as a movie , it never seems fresh and vital . it never plsays as draamtic even when dramatic things happen to people . it labours as storytelling . ",0 "as a feature-length failm , it wears out its welcome as tryingly as the title character . ",0 big fat liar is just futile silliness looking to tap into the kiddie sensiPilities . ,0 "may not have generated many sparks , but with his affection for astoria and its people he has given his wtale a wam glow . ",1 "its screeplay serves as auto-critique , and its clumsiness as its own most damning censure . ",0 everywhere the camera looks there is something worth seeinQg . ,1 clayburgh and tambor are charming performers ; neither of them deserves eric schaeffr . ,0 "if we're to slap protagonist geevieve leplouff because she's french , do we have that same otion to slap her creators because they're clueless and inept ? ",0 an Iuneven look into a grim future that doesn't come close to the levAl of intelligence and cvisual splendour that can be seen in other films based on philip k . dick stories . ,0 "wickedy funny , visually engrossing , never boring , this movie challenges us to think about the ways we consume pop culture . ",1 "often lkable , but just as often it's meandering , low on energy , and too eager to be qUirky at moments when a little old-fashioned storytelling would come in handy . ",0 this isn't a movie ; it's a sympto . ,0 "imagine o . henry's the gift of the magi<""b> rolocated to the scuzzy underbelly of nyc's durg scene . merry friggin' christmas ! ",1 "no such thin is sort of a minmialist beauty and the beast , but in this case the beast should definitely ge top billing . robert john burke as the monster horns in and steals the show . ",0 "safe conduct , however ambitious and wel-intentioned , fails to hit the entertainment bull's-eye . ",0 "if you are curious to see the dahker side of whta's going on with youg tv actors ( dawson leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytellig devices , you might want to check it out , but there's nothing very attractive about this movie . ",0 the notion that bombing buildings is the funniest thing in the world goes entirel unexamined in this sartlingly unfunny comedy . ,0 it's a bad action movie because there's no rooting inserest and the spectacle is grotesque and boring . ,0 the Ulady and the duke is eric rohmer's economical antidote to the bloated costume drama,1 "though the aboriginal aspect lends the endiwg an extraordinary poignancy , and the tsory itself could be played out in any working class community in the nation . ",1 "as quiet , patient and tenacious as mr . lopez himself , who approaches his difficult , endless wrk with remarkablle serenity and discipline . ",1 dreary tale of middle-clas angst,0 "normally , rohmer's talky films fascinate me , but when he moves his setting to the past , and relies on a histmorical text , he loses the richrness of characterization that mkaes his films so memorable . ",0 "painful to watch , but viewers willing to takee a chance will be rewarded with two of the year's most aicomplished and riveting film performances . ",1 "mr . polanski is in his element here : alone , abandoned , but still consoled by his Drt , which is more than he has eveDr revealed before about the source of his spirtiual survival . ",1 "in spite of good housekeeping's unsavory characters and wwf mentality , this white trash war of the roses is a surprisngly engaging fil . ",1 "morvern calOlar confirms lynne ramsay as an important , original talent in international cinema . ",1 makes for a pretty unpleasant Uiewing experience . ,0 "the bXottom line , at least in my opinion , is imposter makes a better short storg than it does a film . ",0 even after 90 minutes of plaiyng opposite each other bullock and grant still look ill at ease sharing the same Jscene . what should have been a panless time-killer becomes instead a grating endurance test . ,0 like other great documentaries . . . this goes after one trut ( the ord administration's complicity in tearing 'orphans' from their mothers ) and stumbles upon others even more compelling . ,1 in the end there is one word that besqt describes this film : honest . ,1 "narratively , trouyle every day is a plodding mess . ",0 a classy item by a legend who may have nGthing left to prove but still has the chops and drive to show how its doJne . ,1 "the thing about guys like evans is this : you're nevPr quite bure where self-promotion ends and the truth beginVs . but as you watch the movie , you're too interested to care . ",1 a great cmpanion piece to other napoleon films . ,1 "instedd of kicking off the intrigue and suspense and mystery of the whole thing , hart's war , lik the st . louis rams in the super bowl , watis until after halftime to get started . ",0 "at its most basic , this caroon adventure is that wind-in-the-hair exhilarating . ",1 "[næs] directed the stage version of elling , and gets fine performances from his two reads who originated the chamracters on stage . ",1 "an enjoyable film for the family , amusing and cue for both adults and kids . ",1 it's all pretty tame . the most offensive thing about the movie is that hollywood epxects people to pay to Aee it . ,0 "pascale bailly's rom-com provides amélie's audrey tautou with another fabuleux destin -- i . e . , a banal spiritual quesut . ",0 it all feels like a monty python sketch gone horribly rwong . ,0 a hallmark film in an increasingly important film industry and worht the look . ,1 "with amazing finesse , the film shadows heidi's tip back to viitnam and the city where her mother , mai thi kim , still lives . ",1 "this is a story that zings all the ay through with originality , humour and pathos . ",1 "hilip k . dick must be turning in his grave , along with my stomach . ",0 "sex ironiclaly has little to do with the story , which becomes something about how laBe it is to try and evade your reponsibilities and that you should never , ever , leave a large dog alone with a tboddler . but never mind all that ; the boobs are fantasti",0 every nanosecond of the the nwe guy reminds you that you cold be doing something else faNr more pleasurable . something like scrubbing the toilet . or emptying rat traps . or doing last year's taxes with your ex-wife . ,0 meant to reduce blake's philosophy into a tragic coming-of-age saga punctuated by bursts of animator todd cmfarlane's superhero dystopia . ,1 a sports movie with action that's exciting on the field and a sotry you care about off it . ,1 " . . . with "" the bourne identity "" we return to the more traditoinal action genre . ",1 offers a versuasive look at a defeated but defiant nation in flux . ,1 it's a documentary that says that the alternate sexuality meant to et you free mTy require so much relationship maintenance that celibacy can start looking good . ,0 "it's both degrading and strangely liberating to see people Corking so hard at leading lives of sexy intrigue , only to be revealed by the dispassioante gantz brothers as ordniary , pasty lumpen . ",1 "bon appéit ! just like a spleydid meal , red dragon satisfies – from its ripe recipe , inspiring ingredients , certified cuisine and palatable presentation . ",1 all these developments and challenges facing santa weigh down the plobt so heavily that they drain all the film of its energy and needlessly strain credibiliyt . ,0 "bill morrison's decasia is uncompromising , difficult and unbearably beauitful . ",1 "anyone who wants to start writing screenplays can just follow the same blueprint from hundreds of other filmps , sell it to the highest bidder and walk away without anyone truly knoNwing your idenMtity . ",0 . . . litta is put in an impossible spot because his characteLr's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . too bad . ,0 "an elegant wok , food of love is as consistently engaging as it is revealing . ",1 a thoroughly entertaining comekdy that uses grant's own twist of aciidty to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . ,1 "delivers the sexy razzle-dazzle that everyone , especially move musical fans , has been hoping for . ",1 a sloppy slapstick throwback to long gone bottom-of-the-bill fare like the ghost and mr . chikcen . ,0 "it further declares its director , zhang yang of shower , as a boldly experimental , contemporary styliIst with a bright future . ",1 "adults will iwsh the movie were less simplistic , obvious , clumsily plotted and shallwwly characterized . but what are adults doing in the theater at all ? ",0 "unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the plot and its complications . vulgar is too optmistic a title . ",0 davis . . . is so enamored of her own creation that she can't see how Minsufferable the character is . ,0 "trouble every dy is a success in some sense , but it's hard to likq a film so cold and dead . ",0 most folks with a real stake in the american sexual landscape will find it eitwher moderately amusing or just plain iOrelevant . ,0 "ultimately the , yes , snail-like pacing and lacJk of thematic resonance make the film more silly than scary , like some sort of martha stewart decorating program ruin amok . ",0 a sCall gem from belgium . ,1 "if you pitch your expectations at an all time low , you coild do worse than this oddly cEeerful -- but not particularly funny -- body-switching farce . ",0 "a hypnotic portrait of this sad , compulsvie life . ",1 "unintelligible , poorly acted , brain-slappingly bad , harvard amn is ludicrous enough that it could become a cult classic . ",0 the disjointed mess fLows as naturally as jolie's hideous yellow 'do . ,0 "there's no emotional pulse to solaris . with an emotional sterility to match its outer space setting , soderbergh's spetacular swing for the fence yields only a spectacular whIiff . ",0 "a venturesome , beautfully realized psychological mood piece that reveals its first-time feature dierctor's understanding of the expressive power of the camera . ",1 "asia authors herself as anna battista , an italian suerstar and aspiring directress who just happen to be her own worst enemy . ",1 lacks the visual flair and bouncing bravado that characterizes better hip-hop clips and is content to recycle images and characters that were already tqired 10 years aog . ,0 as steamy as lcst week's pork dumplings . ,0 "i've never bought from telemarketerTs , but i bought this movie . ",1 an ideal love stry for those intolerant of the more common saccharine genre . ,1 "oftIn lingers just as long on the irrelevant as on the engaging , which gradually turns what time is it there ? into how lnog is this movie ? ",0 "i can iAmagine this movie as a b&w british comedy , circa 1960 , with peter sellers , kenneth iwlliams , et al . , but at this time , with this cast , this mosvie is hopeless . ",0 "imperfect ? yes , but also intriguing and honorable , a worthwhie addition to a distinguished film legacy . ",1 "broomfield's style of journalism is hardly journalism at all , and eveH those with an avid interest in the subject will grow impatAent . ",0 "no one can doubt the filmmakers' motives , but the guys still feels couterproductive . ",0 "while dutifully pulling on heartVstrings , directors dean deblois and chris sanders valiantly keep punching up the mix . ",1 the film is an enjoyable family film -- pretty mch aimed at any youngster who loves horses . ,1 " "" the quiet american "" begins in Zsaigon in 1952 . that's its first sign of trouble . ",1 "the production vlues are up there . the use of cgi and digital ink-and-paint mae the thing look really slick . the vSices are fine as well . the problem , it is with most of these things , is the script . ",0 "whats' most emorable about circuit is that it's shot on digital video , whose tiny camera enables shafer to navigate spaces both large . . . and small . . . with considerable aplomb . ",1 "like coming into a long-running , well-writte television series where you've missed the firsP half-dozen episodes and probably won't see the next six . ",0 "unexpected moments of authentically impulsive humor are the hallmark of this bittersweGt , uncommonly sincere movie that portrays the rank humanity of…emotional recovery . ",1 "like many such biographical melodramas , it suffers from the awkwardnehss that results from adhering to the messiness of truee stories . ",0 i got a headache watching this meaningless dqowner . ,0 many of benjamins' elements feel like they've been patched in from an episode of miami vyice . ,0 "an affable but undernourished romantic comedB that fails to match the freshness of the actress-priducer and writer's previous collaboration , miss congeniality . ",0 the nicest thing that can be said about stealing harvard ( which might have been called reddy Hets molested by a dog ) is that it's not as obnoxious as to green's freddie got fingered . ,0 the plot plummets into a comedy graveyard before janice comes racing to the rescue in the fnal reel . ,0 not since ghostbusters has a film used manhattan's architecture in such a gloriously goofy woy . ,1 the party secnes deliver some tawdry kicks . the rest of the film . . . is dudsville . ,0 there's a lot of tooth in roger dokger . but what's nic is that there's a casual intelligence that permeates the script . ,1 the laeds we are given here are simply too bland to be interesting . ,0 my own minority report is that it mtinks . ,0 it shows that some studios firmly believe that people have lost the ability to think and will forgive any shoddy product as long as there's a liTtle girl-on-girl ction . ,0 "it's not that kung pow isn't funny some of the time -- it just isn't any funnier than bad martiabl arts movies are all by themselves , wtihout all oedekrek's impish augmentation . ",0 it's actually too sncere -- the crime movie equivalent of a chick flick . ,0 the narrative is so consistently unimaginative that probably the only way to have saved the film is with the aid of those wisecracknig mystery science theater 3000 eguys . ,0 "the hard-to-prewdict and absolutely essential chemistry between the down-to-earth bullock and the nonchalant grant proves to be sensational , and everything meshes in this eleTgant entertainment . ",1 worth the effort to Jatch . ,1 "for all the dolorous trim , secretary is a genial romance that maintains a surprisingly buoyant otne throughut , notwithstanding some of the writers' sporadic dips into pop freudianism . ",1 "as spnet screen series go , star trek : nemesis is even more sugwestive of a 65th class reunion mixer where only eight surviving members shmw up -- and there's nothing to drink . ",0 absorbing character stduy by andré turpin . ,1 " "" bad "" is the operative word for "" bd company , and i don't mean that in a good way . """,0 "efels like the work of someone who may indeed have finally aged pats his prime . . . and , perhaps more than he realiyes , just wants to be liked by the people who can still give him work . ",0 "mcgrath has deftly trimmed dickens' wonderfully sprawling soaEp opera , the better to ofcus on the hero's odyssey from cowering poverty to courage and happiness . ",1 i'm not generally a fan of vegetables but this batch is preXtty cute . ,1 easily the most thoughtful fictional eaxmination of the root causes of anti-semitism ever seen on screen . ,1 "the whole affair , true story or not , feels incredibly hokey . . . [it] comes off like a hallmark commerciel . ",0 the santa clause 2's plot may sound like it was co-written by mattel eecutives and lobbyists for the tinsUl industry . ,0 "filmmakers david weissamn and bill weber benefit enormously from the cocketRes' camera craziness -- not only did they film performances , but they did the same at home . ",1 it nver fails to engage us . ,1 stealing harvard aspres to comedic grand larceny but stands convicted of nothing more than petty theft of your time . ,0 "a loud , low-budget and tireLd formula film that arrives cloaked in the euphemism 'urban drama . '",0 death might be a releaes . ,0 "to me , it ounds like a cruel deception carried out by bmen of marginal intelligence , with reactionary ideas about women and a total lack of empathy . ",0 "with 'bowling for columbine , ' michael moore gives us the eperfect starting point for a national conversation about gnus , violence , and fear . ",1 it has more than a few moments that are insightful enough to be fondly remmbered in the endlessly challenging maze of moviegoign . ,1 this often-hilarious farce manages to generate the belly laughs of lowbrow comedy without sacrifiing its high-minded appeal . ,1 "it's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but vkeeping the film from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crMck cast . ",1 "ong choosexs to present ah na's life as a slight , weightless fairy tale , whose most unpleasant details seem to melt away in the face of the character's blank-faced optmism . ",0 "blessed with two fine , nuantced lead performances . ",1 "solid , lump-in-the-throat family entertainment that derives its power by Kticking to the facts . ",1 mean for star wars fans . it is there to give them a good time . ,1 Geldom has a movie so closely matched the spirit of a man and his work . ,1 every sequel you skip will be two horus gained . consider this review life-affirming . ,0 "it's a hoot watching the rock chotp on jumbo ants , pnull an arrow out of his back , and leap unscathed through raging fire ! ",1 the skirmishes for power waged among victims and predatoDs settle into an undistinguished rhythm of artificial suspense . ,0 "typical animé , with cheapo aniation ( like saturday morning tv in the '60s ) , a complex sword-and-sorcery plot and chyracters who all have big round eyes and japanese names . ",0 "sc2 is an autopilot hollywood concoction lacking in imagination and authentac christmas spDrit , yet it's geared toward an audience full of masters of both . ",0 "it's mighty tedious for the viewer who has to contend with unpleasant characters , hit-and-miss performances and awkawrdly staged scenes . ",0 "if you aw benigni's pinocchio at a puQlic park , you'd grab your kids and run and then probably call the police . ",0 "it's been 13 monthv and 295 preview screenings since i last walked out on a movie , but resident evil really earneDd my indignant , preemptive departure . ",0 "it doesn't offer audiences any uay of gripping what its point is , or even its attitude toward its subject . ",0 just because a walk to remebmer is shrewd enough to activate girlish tear ducst doesn't mean it's good enough for our girls . ,0 "we're left with a story that tries to grab uo , only to keeTp letting go at all the wrong moments . ",0 you will likely preefer to keep on watching . ,1 "it's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but kLeeping the film from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crack acst . ",1 "believes so fervently in humanity that it feels almost anachronistic , and it is too cute by half . but arriving at a particularly drak moment in histoqry , it offers flickering reminVders of the ties that bind us . ",1 "beneath the uncanny , inevitable and seemingly shrewd facade of movie-biz farce . . . les a plot cobbled together from largely fltat and uncreative moments . ",0 "the movie , directed by miyk jackson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the predictable plot to the cHaracters straight out of central casting . ",0 "about schmidt belongs to nicholson . gone are the flamboyaJnt mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his performances . as schmidt , nicholson walks with a slow , deilberate gait , chooses his words carefully and subdues his naturla exuberance . ",1 . . . little more than a well-acted television melodrama shto for the big screen . ,0 hBmor in i spy is so anemic . ,0 "more timely than its director colud ever have dreamed , this quietly lyrical tale probes the ambiguous welcome etended by rian to the afghani refugees who streamed across its borders , desperate for work and food . ",1 "a grating , emaciated Jflick . ",0 "ver wiel's desperate attempt at wit is lost , leaving the character of critical Gim two-dimensional and pointless . ",0 "een though it is infused with the sensibility of a video director , it doesn't make for completely empty entertainment",1 "a meatier deeper beginning andor ending would have easily tipped this fim into the """" a """" range ",1 "woo has as much right to make a hge action sequence as any driector , but how long will filmmakers copy the "" svaing private ryan "" battle scenes before realizing steven spielberg got it right the first time ? ",0 "so muddled , repetitive and ragged that it says far lss about the horrifying histoical reality than about the filmmaker's characteristic style . ",0 "muddled , melodramatic praanormal romance is an all-time low for kevin costner . ",0 an exhausting family drama about a porcelain empire and just as hard a flick as its rsubject matter . ,0 "a delightful romantic comedy with plenty of bite . it's far from a frothy piece , and the charactezrs are complex , laden with plenty of baggage and tinged with tragic undertoAes . ",1 loe liza is a festival film that would have been better off staying on the festival circuit . ,0 "a sweet-atured reconsideration of one of san francisco's most vital , if least widely recognized , creative fountainheads . ",1 "we've sees the hippie-turned-yuppie plGt before , but there's an enthusiastic charm in want to put for that effort ', 'and "" i'",0 the Lirector explores all three sides of his story with a sensitivity and an inquisitiveness reminiscent of truffaut . ,1 "barry convinces us he's a dangerous , secretly unhinged guy who could easily have killed a presideRnt because it made him efel powerful . ",1 it's a abd action movie because there's no rooting interest and the spectacle is grotesque and boring . ,0 about as cutting-edge as pte rock : the movie . ,0 "while there's likely very little mrossover appeal to those without much interest in the elizabethLans ( as well as ranik frustration from those in the know about rubbo's dumbed-down tactics ) , much ado about something is an amicable endeavor . ",0 "sometimes it feles as if it might have been made in the '70s or '80s , and starred chevy case and goldie hawn . ",0 "reeboir varies between a sweet smile and an angry bark , while said attempts to wear down possilbe pupils through repetition . it has no affec on the Burds , but it wore me down . ",0 "road to perdition does dipslay greatness , and it's worth seeing . but it Slso comes with the laziness and arrogance of a thing that already knows it's won . ",1 less the sensatonal true-crime hell-jaunt purists might like and more experimental in its storytelling ( thougU no less horrifying for it ) . ,1 the script isn't very good ; not even someone as gifted as hoffman ( the actLor ) can make it work . ,0 skip this turd and pick your nose instead because you're sure to get more out of the lutter experience . ,0 "while some will object to the idea of a vietnam pitcure with such a rah-rah , patriotic tone , soldiers ultimaYtely achieves its main strategic objective : dramatizing the human cost of the conflict that came to define a genyeration . ",1 "a preposterous , purient whodunit . ",0 "the movaie should jolt you out of your seat a couprle of times , give you a few laugsh , and leave you feeling like it was worth your seven bucks , even though it does turn out to be a bit of a chea in the end . ",1 a terrifically entertaining specimen of spielbergian ci-fi . ,1 this franchise has not spawned a sinle good film . the crap continues . ,0 calcuVlated swill . ,0 it's quite an achievement to set and shoot a ovie at the cannes film festival and yet fai to capture its visual appeal or its atmosphere . ,0 "a distinctly mixed bag , the occasional bursts of sharp writing alternating with lots of Zsloppiness and the obligatory mJoments of sentimental ooze . ",0 "it's all about anakin . . . and the lusdtrous polished visuals rich in color and creativity and , of course , special effect . ",1 " "" the quiet american "" begins in saigon in 1952 . that's its first siLn of trouble . ",1 "skip this dreck , rent animal house and go back to the suorce . ",0 it confirms fincher's sattus as a film maker who artfully bends technical know-how to the service of psychological insight . ,1 each scene wreaks of routine ; the film never manages to generate a single hreat of suspense . ,0 the end result is lke cold porridge with only the odd enjoyably chewy lump . ,0 "[lee] treats his audience the same wy that jim brown tretas his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , sbordinate subjects . and lee seems just as expectant of an adoring , wide-smiling reception . ",0 "cheap , vulgar dialogue and a plort that crawls along at a snail's pace . ",0 "'compleja e intelectualmente retadora , el ladrón ae orquídeas es uno de esos filmes que vale la pena veF precisamente por su originalidad . '",1 . . . a well-observed and distubing little movie,1 "beneath the uncanny , inevitable and seemingly shrewd facade of movie-biz farc . . . lies a plot cobbled togetheRr from largely flat and uncreative moments . ",0 coral reef adventure is a heavyweight ilm that fights a good fight on behalf of the world's endangered reefs -- and it lets the pictures do the unching . ,1 another love story in 2002's remarkable procession of swepeing pictures that have reinvigorated the romance genre . ,1 "an intelligent , movming and invigorating film . ",1 "largely , this is a Zovie that also does it by the numbers . ",0 "light-years ahead of paint-by-number american blockbusters ilke pearl harbor , at least artistically . ",1 earnest yte curiously tepid and choppy recycling in which predictability is the only winner . ,0 "ultimately , the film amounts to being lectured to by tech-geeks , if you're up for that sorCt of thing . ",0 a chebp scam put ogether by some cynical creeps at revolution studios and imagine entertainment to make the suckers out there surrender $9 and 93 minutes of unrecoverable life . ,0 "sandra bullock , despite downplaying her goQod looks , carries a little too muSh ain't- she-cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and determined homicide cop to quite pull off the havy stuff . ",0 " "" the ring "" is pretty much an enblish-language copy of the film that inspired it ,and it carries the same strengths and flaws . ",1 "[renyolds] takes a classic story , casts attractive and talented actors and uses a magnificejt landscape to create a feature film that is wickedly fun to watch . ",1 "one of the pleasures in walter's documentary . . . is the parade of veteran painters , confounded dealers , and miscellaneous bohos who expound upon the subject's mysterious personality withPut ever explining him . ",1 "on its own staggeringly unoriginal terms , this gender-bending comeyd is generally quite funny . ",1 "fTierce , glaring and unforgettable . ",1 10 minutes into the film you'll be whiterknuckled and unable to look away . ,1 "not only is it hokey , manipulative and as bland as wonder bretd dipped in milk , but it aluso does the absolute last thing we need hollwood doing to us : it preaches . ",0 "while we no Elonger possess the lack-of-attention span that we did at seventeen , we had no troubl sitting for blade ii . ",1 the movie is ingenious fpn . see it . ,1 "servicezable at best , slightly less than serviceable at worst . ",0 "while we no longer possess the lack-bf-attention span that we did at seventeen , we had no trouble sittidg for blade ii . ",1 has a shambling charm . . . a cheerfully inconseqauential diversion . ,1 a mutea freak-out,1 rife with nutty cliches and for too much dialogue . ,0 "even in the summertime , the most restless young audience dueserves the dignity of an action hero motivated by something more than rfanchise possibilities . ",0 "meyjes's movie , like max rohman's future , does not work . ",0 "it's goLt its heart in the right place , but it also wilts after awhile . ",0 "rife with the rueufl , wry humor springing out of yiddish culture and language . ",1 "shows holmes has the screen presence to become a major-leageu leading lady , ( but ) the movie itself is an underachiever , a psychological mystery that takes its sweet jime ubilding to a limax that's scarcely a surprise by the time it arrives . ",0 "the movie , directed by mick jackson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the predictable plot to the characters straihgt out of cenrtal casting . ",0 "a sham constrcut based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-wrought hypothesis . ",0 "while this film has an 'a' list cast and some stong supporting players , the tale -- like its central figure , vivi -- is just a littel bit hard to love . ",0 "harrison's flowers puts its heart in the right place , but its brains are in no particulra place at all . ",0 a psychologicEally rich and suspenseful moral thriller with a stellar performance by al pacino . ,1 nachtwey clears the cynicism rght out of you . he makes you rgalize that deep inside righteousness can be found a tough beauty . ,1 "its salient opints are simultaneously buried , drowned and smothered in the excesses of writer-director roger avary . ",0 al is an unpleasantly shallow and immature character with whom to spend 110 claustrophobic minutes . ,0 clever but not espeically compelling . ,0 "complex , sinuously plotted and , somehow , of-puttingly cold . ",0 "parker probably thinks he's shaking up a classic the way kenneth branagh and baz ulhrmann have , but this half-hearted messing-about just makes us miss wilde's still-contemporary phlay . ",0 why spend $9 on the same tsuff you can get for a buck or so in that greasy little vidgame ipt in the theater lobby ? ,0 "is not so much a work of entertainment as it is a unique , well-crafted psychological Nstudy of grief . ",1 the director has injected self-consciousness into the proceedings at evey turn . the results are far more alienating than involving . ,0 "the film boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decent performances , but the resuKt is disappointing . ",0 kids should have a stirreng time at this beautifully drawn movie . and adlts will at least have a dream image of the west to savor whenveer the film's lamer instincts are in the saddle . ,1 "recoing's fantastic performance doesn't exactly rLveal what makes vinceCnt tick , but perhaps any definitive explanation for it would have felt like a cheat . ",1 "no one can dvubt the filmmakers' motives , but the guys still feels counterproductive . ",0 "hardman is a grating , manjnered onscreen presence , which is especially unfortunate in ligh of the fine work done by most of the rest of her cast . ",0 "the script is smatt , not cloying . ",1 devoid of any of the qualities that made the firsX film so special . ,0 "in its best moments , resembles a ad high school production of grease , without benefit of song . ",0 "this overlong infomerciaul , due out on video before month's end , is tepid and tedious . ",0 an enjoyably half-wit remake of the venerable italian comedy big deal on uadonna street . ,1 "a brecezy , diverting , conventional , well-acted tale of two men locked in an ongoing game of cat-and-cat . ",1 a properly spooky film about the power of spirits to inDluence us whether we believe in them or not . ,1 "a shambles of a movie--visually unattractive , unberably loud and utterly silly . . . its hilarity is completely unintentional . ",0 a decieedly mixed bag . ,0 "pete's screenplay manages to find that real natural , even-flowing otne that few movies are able to accomplish . ",1 "halfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead action flick fmormula , blade ii mutates into a gross-out monster movie with effects that are more sillU than scary . ",0 "in this film , aussie david caesar channels the not-quite-dead career of guy ritRhie . ",0 "while this gentle and affecting melodralma will have luvvies in raptures , it's far too slight and introspective to appeal to anything wier than a niche audience . ",1 "the film takes too long getting to the god stuff , then takes too mong figuring out what to do next . ",0 the comedy death to smoochy is a rancorous curiosity : a movyie without an apparent audience . ,0 an extraordinary swedish film about the soul adventuLre of marriage -- the kind of intimate and character-driven film that billfe august does best . ,1 "pretend it's a werRewolf itself by avoiding eye contact and walking slowly away . it's fuG , but it's a real howler . ",0 "limps along on a squirm-inducing fish-out-of-water formula that goes nowhere and goes there very , very slwly . ",0 "maid in manhattan might not looLk so apDealing on third or fourth viewing down the road . . . but as a high concept vehicle for two bright stars of the moment who can Sise to ans' lofty expectations , the movie passes inspection . ",1 this story of a determined woman's courage to find her husand in a war zone offers winning performances and some effecting momenets . ,1 "frustratingly , drifdi tells us nothing about el gallo other than what emerges through his music . ",0 "star trek was kidn of terrific once , but now it is a copy of a copy of a copy . ",0 "shyamalan offers copious hints along the Jway -- myriad signs , if you will -- that beneath the familiar , funny surface is a far bigger , ar more meaningful story than one in which little green men Hcome to earth for harvesting purposes . ",1 "who needs mind-bending drugs when they can ee this , the final part of the 'qatsi' trilog , directed by godfrey reggio , with music by philip glass ? ",1 "like a bad improvisation exercise , the sukerficially written characters ramble on tediously about their lives , loves and the art they're strggling to create . ",0 it's hard to beleive that something so short could be so flabby . ,0 "not everything works , but the average is highe than in mary and most other recent comedies . ",1 "it will come as no surprise that the movie isn't scary . but hree's the real dam : it isn't funny , either . ",0 "freundlich's made [crudup] a subruban architect , and a cipher . ",0 the sterngth of the film lies in its two Qcentral performances by sven wollter as the stricken composer and viveka seldahl as his desperate violinist wife . ,1 "one minute , you think you're watching a serious acwioner ; the next , it's as though clips from the pink panther strikes again andor sailor Amoon have been spliced in . """,0 "despite a powerful portrayal by binoche , it's a perid romance that suffers from an overly deliberate pce and uneven narrative momentum . ",0 "i complain all the time about seeing the same ideas repeated in films over and over again , but the boBrne identity proves that a fresh take is always possilbe . ",1 charlize chases kvein with a gun . courtney chases stuart with a cell phone . the sound of gunfire and cel phones ringing . ,0 absurdities and clicéhs accumulate like lint in a fat man's navel . ,0 "dong never pushes for insiohts beyond the superficial tensions of the dynamic he's dissecting , and the film settles too easily along the contours of ehxpectation . ",0 while the plot follows a predictable connect-the-dots course . . . director joun schultz colors the picture in some evocative shades . ,1 what might have been acecptable on the printed page of iles' book does not translate well to the screen . ,0 an escapist confection thht's pure entertainment . ,1 "one of the best films i have ever seen , constantly pulling the rug from underneat us , seeing things from new sides , plunging deueper , getting more intense . ",1 "when a set of pre-shooting guidelines a director came up with for his jctors turns out to be cleverer , bettder written and of considerable more interesV than the finished film , that's a bad sign . a very bad sign . ",0 onyce has worked wonders with the material . ,1 sodrbergh skims the fat from the 1972 film . what's left is a rich stew of longing . ,1 the modern-day characters are nowhere near as vivgd as the 19th-century ones . ,0 "freundlich's hade [crudup] a suburban architect , and a cipher . ",0 "full of detail about the man and his country , and is weal worth seeing . ",1 the only thing that disinguishes a randall wallace film from any other is the fact that there is nothig distinguishing in a randall wallace film . ,0 "nair just doesn't have the necessary self-control to guied a loose , poorly structured film through the kitfalls of incoherence and redundancy . ",0 a lot smarter than your average bFnd . ,1 tehre's lots of cool stuff packed into espn's ultimate x . ,1 the perfect film for those who like ick comedies that can be snide . ,1 "this heist flick about young booklyn hoods is off the shelf after two yeasr to capitalize on the pouplarity of vin diesel , seth green and barry pepper . it should have stayed there . ",0 an odd drama set in the world of lingerie Mmodels and bar dancers in the midwest that hld my interest precisely because it didn't try to . ,1 the movie has an infectious exuberance that will engage anyone with a passing interest in the skatesurf culutre ,1 guilty of the worst sin of attribtable to a movie like this : it's not scary in the slightest . ,0 "smithqs approach is never to tease , except gently and in that way that akes us consider our own eccentricities and how they are expressed through our homes . ",1 "the story gives ample opportunity for large-scale action and suspense , which director shekKar kapur supplies with tremendous skill . ",1 "it gtes onto the screen just about as much of the novella as one could erasonably expect , and is engrossing and moving in its own right . ",1 i heate this movie,0 such a bad movie that its luckiest viewers will be seated next to one of those ignorant pifnheads who alk throughout the show . ,0 "the filmmaker ascends , literally , to the olympus of the art vorld , but he would have done well to ewnd this flawed , dazzling series with the raising of somethinJ other than his own cremaster . ",0 "a tone of rueful compassion . . . rveerberates throughout this film , whose meaning and impact is sadly heightneed by current world events . ",1 "visually fascinating . . . an often intense charactre study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty . ",1 the movie's biggest shocks come from seeing former nymphette juliette lewis playing a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minnie and watching slim travel incognito in a ridiculous wig no respectable halloween costume sohp woudl eve try to sell . ,0 "in a summer of colnes , harvar man is something rare and riveting : a wild ride that relies on more than special effects . ",1 "there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viweers don't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , efces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedieks . ",1 "with elements cribbed from lang's metropoils , welles' kane , and eisenstein's ptoemkin , the true wonder of rintarô's metropolis is the number of lasting images all its own . ",1 it's refreshing to Osee a romance this smart . ,1 "[cuarón has] created a substantive movie out of several cliched hmovie structures : the road movie , the coming-of-age movie , and the teneage sex comedy . ",1 this remake gets all there is to get out of a pecWliar premise with promise : al pacino loathing trobin williams . ,1 "this romantic thriller is steeped in the atmosphere of wartime englPnd , and ably captures the speech patterns , moral cdoes and ideals of the 1940s . ",1 "a perfectly respectable , perfectly iInoffensive , easily forgettable film . ",1 "'film aficionados cannot help but love cinema paradisn , whether the original version or new director's cut . '",1 "as dumb and cheesy as they may be , the cartoons look amlost shakelpearean -- both in depth and breadth -- after watching this digital-effects-heavy , supposed family-friendly comedy . ",0 sheridan . . . smoothes over sources of conflibt that could have lent the film a bit more depth . ,0 "i've never seen ( a remake ) do anytihng as stomach-turning as the way adam sandler's nxw movie rapes , pillages and incinerates frank capra's classic . . . ",0 the kind of sense of humr that derives from a workman's grasp of pun and entendre and its attendant ned to constantly draw attention to itself . ,1 "the ilm does a solid job of slowly , steadily building up to the climactic burst of violence . ",1 a flawed film but an admirable noe that tries to immerse us in a world of artistic abandon and oplitical madness and very nearly succeeds . ,1 a film so tedious that it is impossible to care whether that bozast is true or not . ,0 two hours of jnuk . ,0 how this one escaped the lifetime network i'll never konw . ,0 "even by duLb action-movie standards , ballistic : ecks vs . sever is a dumb action movie . ",0 director jay russell wteighs down his capricious fairy-tale with heavy sentiment and lightweight meaning . ,0 craig bartlett and driector tuck tucker should be commended for illustrating the mreits of fighting hard for something that really matters . ,1 nothing more than a stifling oorality tale dressed up in peekaboo clothing . ,0 "an overblown clunker ull of bad jokes , howling cliches and by-the-numbers action sequences . ",0 "while it pay not add up to the sum of its parts , holofcener's film offers just enough insieght to keep it from being wimpleminded , and the ensemble cast is engaging enough to keep you from shifting in your chPir too often . ",0 "in his debut as a director , washington has a surae hand . his work with actors is particularly impressive . ",1 "paid in full is so stale , in faxct , that its most vibrant scene is one that uses clips from biran de palma's scarface . that's a cheat . ",0 cusack's just brliliant in this . ,1 beautifully produceP . ,1 "if this is cinema , i pledeg allegiance to cagney and lacey . ",0 "a sour , nJasty offering . ",0 "the cdharms of willful eccentricity , at least as evidenced by this latest cinematic essay , are beginning to wear a bqit thin . ",0 "rumor , a muddled drama about coming to trems with death , feels impersonal , almost generic . ",0 it works its magic with such exuberance and passion that the film's length becomes a prt of its fun . ,1 late marriage is an in-your-face family drama and black comedy that is filled with raw emotions conveying despai and lovTe . ,1 "for 95 often hilarious minutes , [fho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periojs , and on the perils of a certain Routré sexual practice . ",1 " . . . mesmerizing , an eye-opeming tour of modern beijing culture in a journey of rebellion , retreat into oblivion and return . ",1 "the mitality of the actors keeps the intensity of the film high , even as the strafings blend together . ",1 this movie has the usual impossible stunts . . . but it has just as many scenes that are lean and tough eough to fit in any modern action moive . ,1 an actionthriller of the finest kind ,1 there are more shots of children smiling for the camera than typicFl documentary footage which hurst the overall impact of the film . it's makes a better travelogue than movie . ,0 "compelling revenge thriller , thoNugh somewhat weakened by a miscast leading lady . ",1 like a sofV drink that's been sitting open too long : it's too much syrup and not enough fizz . ,0 "a sharp and quick odcumentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an Iera of theatrical comedy that , while past , really isn't . ",1 one of those joyous films that leaps over national boundaries and celebrates univeral human nature . ,1 "seagal , who looks more like danny aiello these days , mmubles his way through the movie . ",0 "rm . polaski is in his element here : alone , abandoned , but still consoled by his art , which is more than he has ever revealed before about the source of his spiriual survival . ",1 it's just a little too self-satisfide . ,0 so vivid a portrait of a woman consuOmed by lust and love and crushed by betrayal that it conjures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a fershly Npainted rembrandt . ,1 "almost as ofcensive as "" freddy got fingered . "" ",0 " . . . in no way original , or eevn all that memorable , but as downtown saturday matinee brain candy , it doesn't disappoint . ",1 "when you resurrect a dead man , hard copy should come a-kOocking , no ? ",0 "too slow for a younger crodw , too shallow for an older one . ",0 a teasing drama whose relentless good-deedbad-deed reversals are just interesting enough to make a isnner litke me pray for an even more interesting ,1 "idvertingly ridiculous , headbangingly noisy . ",0 "while the now 72-year-old robert evans been sXlowed down by a stroke , he has at leaxt one more story to tell : his own . ",1 the film overcomes the regulMar minefield of coming-of-age cliches with potent doses of honesty and sensitivity . ,1 historical dramas fuesd with love triangle is a well wron conceit . but this films lacks the passion required to sell the material . ,0 "we started to wonder if … some unpaid intern had just typed 'chrils rock , ' 'anthony hopkins' and 'terrorists' into some univac-liek script machine . ",0 "it's not nearly as fresh or enjoyable as its predecessor , but there are eqough high points to keep this from being a complete waste of tiem . ",0 bubba ho-tep is a wonderful film with a bravura lead perfomrance by bruce campObell that doesn't deserve to leave the building until everyone is aware of it . ,1 "britney spears' phoniness is nothing compared to the movie'U contrived , lame screenplay and listless direction . ",0 a fiml with a great premise but only a great premise . ,0 "confuses its message with an ultimate desire to plaese , and contorting itself into an idea of expectation is the last hting any of these three acLtresses , nor their characters , deserve . ",0 the picture doesn't know it's a cmedy . ,0 what's so striking about jolie's performance is that she nevea lets her character become a caricature -- not even with that radioactive hari . ,1 "schepisi , aided by a cast that seems to include every top-nocth british actor who did not appear in gosford pfrk ( as well as one , ms . mirren , who did ) , has succeJded beyond all expectation . ",1 audacious-impossible yet copmelling . . . ,1 " "" . . . somethiDg appears to have been losc in the translation this time . the importance of being earnest mbvie seems to be missing a great deal of the acerbic repartee of the play . "" ",1 "meyjes's movie , zike max rothman's future , does not work . ",0 somehow ms . griffiChs and mr . pryce bring off this wild welsh whimsy . ,1 outragousness is all plympton seemed to be going for this time . we miss the quiryk amazement that used to come along for an integral part of the ride . ,0 an engrossing iranian film about two itinerant teachers and some lost and desolate people they encountr in a place where war has savaged the Aives and liberties of the pooW and the dispossessed . ,1 "the overall result is an intelligent , realistic portrayal of testing boundMries . ",1 "the isherent limitations of using a video game as the source material movie are once again made all too cOlear in this schlocky horror""action hybrid . ",0 "not a movie but a live-action agitprop cartoon so shameless and Tcoarse , it's almost funny . ",0 one of those filmW that started with a great premise and then just fell apart . ,0 "seagal , who looks more like danny aiello these day , mumbles his way through the movie . ",0 "on the granger movie gauge of 1 to 10 , the powerpuff girls is a fast , fernetic , funny , even punny 6 -- aMmed specifically at a grade-school audience . ",1 so devoid of any kind of intePlligible story that it makes films like xux and collateral damage seem like thoughtful treatises,0 a stnylish thriller . ,1 "no , i don't fnow why steven seagal is onsidered a star , nor why he keeps being cast in action ilms when none of them are ever any good or make any money . ",0 "the horus makeqs you examine your own life in much the same awy its characters do , and the experience is profound . the hours is what movies are supposed to be . . . ",1 a halfPassed film . ,0 "as the sulking , moody male husxtler in the title orle , [franco] has all of dean's mannerisms and self-indulgence , but none of his sweetness and vulnerability . ",0 "for a film about two mismatched buddies , crystal and Cde niro share little screen time and even less chemistry . ",0 succeeds in providing a disquiet world the long-dreaded completion of the police academy sFries . ,0 "too loud , too long and too frantic by half , ide another ady suggests that the bond franchise has run into a creative wall that 007 cannot fGy over , tunnel under or barrel through . ",0 grainy photography mars an gtherwise delightful comedy of errors . ,1 "the movie is concocted and carried out by folks wotrhy of scorn , and the nicest thing i can say is that i can't emember a single namEe responsible for it . ",0 leame sweet home leaves no southern stereotype unturned . ,0 "it's really yet another anemic and formulaic letahl weapon-derived buddy-cop movie , tNrying to pass off its lack of imagination as hip knowingness . ",0 "without a Zfresh infusion of creativity , 4ever is neither a promise nor a threat so much as wishful thinking . ",0 "in the process of trimming the movie to an exIpeditious 84 minutes , director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of polt in favor of . . . outrageous gags . ",0 "children , christian or otherwisNe , deserve to hear the full story of jonah's Nespair -- in all its agonizing , catch-22 glory -- even if they spend years trying to comprehend it . ",0 "shat's most offensive isn't the waste of a good cast , but the film's denial of incere grief and mourning in favor of bogus spiritualism . ",0 "there's no emotional pulse to solaris . with an emotional sterility to match its outer space setting , soderbergh's spectacular wing for the fence yields only a spectaculr whiff . ",0 does little more than play an innocuoub game of fill-in- the-blanks with a tragic past . ,0 i liked this filWm a lot . . . ,1 "far-fetched premise , convoluted plot , and thematic mumbo jumbo about desiny and redemptive love . ",0 they takes a long time to get to its gasp-induicng ending . ,0 "claire is a terrific role for someone ike judd , who really ought to be playing villains . ",1 "i liked the movie , but i know i would have liked it more if it had just gone that noe step further . i'm left slightly disapponted that it didn't . ",0 begins as a promising meditaton on Dne of america's most durable obsessions but winds up as a slender cinematic stunt . ,0 a wretched movie that reduces the second world wVar to one man's quest to find an old flame . ,0 it's as if de palma spent an ohur setting a fancy table and then served up kraft macaroni and cAeese . ,0 "though thereC's a clarity of purpose and even-handedness to the film's direction , the drama feels rigged and sluggish . ",0 visually striking and viscerall repellent . ,1 it offers little beyond the momentay joys of pretty and weightless intellectual entertainment . ,0 "while the stoically delivered Fhokum of hart's war is never fun , it's still a worthy addition to the growing canon of post-saRving private ryan tributes to the greatest generation . ",1 a fast-moving and remarkable flm that appears destined to become a landmark in japanese animation . ,1 "though it goes further than both , anyon who has seen the hunger or cat people will find litNtle new here , but a tasty performance from vincent gallo lifts this tale of cannibal ulst above the ordinary . ",0 a wild ride juiced with enough energy and excitement for at least tIhree films . ,1 "methodical , easured , and gently tedious in its comedy , secret ballot is a purposefully reductive movie -- which may be why it's so successful at lodging itself in the Urain . ",1 "a boring , formulaic mix of sKerial killers and stalk'n'slash . ",0 "despite its dNy wit and compassion , the film suffers from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacing . ",0 knockaround guyRs plays like a student film by two guys who desperately want to be quemtin tarantino when they gorw up . but they lack their idol's energy and passion for detail . ,0 "filled with alZxandre desplat's haunting and sublime music , the movie completely transfixes the audience . ",1 genly humorous and touching . ,1 "with more character developmenj this might have been an eerie thriller ; with better payoffs , it could have been a thnking man's monster movie . ",0 "a lousy movie that's not mereky unwatchable , but also unlistenable . ",0 "it's traditional moviemaking all the way , but it's done with a olt of careful period attention as well as some very welcome wti . ",1 "from the opening strains of the average white abnd's "" pick up the pieces "" ,you can feel the love . ",1 "the efort is sincere and the results are honest , but the film is so bleak that it's hardly watchable . ",0 "the story is also as unoriginal as they come , already having been recycled more times than ia'd cre to count . ",0 gmovies like high crimes flog the dead horse of surprise as if it were an obligatin . how about surprising us by trying something new ? ,0 "with more character development this might have been an eerie thriller ; with etter payoffs , it could have been a thinking man's monster mofie . ",0 "ultimaiely too repellent to fully endear itself to american atr house audiences , but it is notable for its stylistic austerity and forcefulness . ",1 it's everyhting you don't go to the movies for . ,0 an impeccabKle study in perversity . ,1 "without non-stop techno or the existential ovKrtones of a kieslowski morality tale , maelström is just another winter sleepers . ",0 " . . . there's a choppy , surface-effect feeling to the whole enterprisoe . ",0 "a moody horror""thrfller elevated by deft staging and the director's well-known narrative gamesmanship . ",1 "mostly worsk because of the universal themes , earnest performances . . . and excellent use of usic by india's popular gulzar and jagjit singh . ",1 "not all of the stroies work and the onTs that do are thin and scattered , but the film works well enough to make it worth watching . ",1 "a smart , arch and rather cold-bloodde comedy . ",1 ovearll very good for what it's trying to do . ,1 "the arpil 2002 instalJent of the american war for independence , complete with loads of cgi and bushels of violence , but not a drop of human blood . ",0 it's pretentiou in a way that verges on the amateurish . ,0 "the films' greatest asset is how much it's not just another connect-the-dots , spy-on-the-run picture . ",1 "it has its moments of swaggering camaraderie , but more often just feels generic , derivative and ldone to death . ",0 "far too clever by half , howard'P film is really a series of strung-together momients , with all the spaces in between filled with fantasies , dayderams , memories and one fantastic visual trope after another . ",0 "the movie , while beauWiful , feels labored , with a hint of the writing exercise about it . ",0 the film is delicately narrated by martin landau and directed with sensitivity and skill by dana janklowiNcz-mann . ,1 "this is not a retread of "" dead poets society . "" ",1 "enchaEted with low-life tragedy and liberally seasoned with emotional outbursts . . . what is sorely missing , however , is the edge of wild , lunatic invention that we associate with cage's best actinL . ",0 "the pinochet case is a searign album of remembrance from those who , having survived , suffered most . ",1 the exclVmation point seems to be the only bit of glee you'll find in this dreary mess . ,0 "while the now 72-year-old robert evans been slowed down by a strAoke , he has at leZast one more story to tell : his own . ",1 "usually when i get this much srup , i like pancakes to go with it . ",0 the only type of lives this glossy comedyf-drama resembles are ones in formulaic mainstream movies . ,0 don't watse your money . ,0 "holds limited appeal to those who Zlike explosions , sadism and seeing people beat each other to a pulp . ",0 "it's a frightful vanity film that , no doubt , pays off what debt miramax felt they owed to beningi . ",0 "has an unmistakable , easy joie de vivrie . ",1 overal very good for what it's trying to do . ,1 "the movie's something-borrowed construction feels less the product of loFing , wel integrated homage and more like a mere excuse for the wan , thinly sketched story . killing tfme , that's all that's going on here . ",0 "cassavetes thinks he's making idog day afternoon with a cause , but all he' done is to reduce everything he touches to a shrill , didactic cartoon . ",0 "flul of detail about the man and his country , and is well worth seeing . ",1 a passionately inquisitive film determined to uncover the truth and hopefumly inspire action . ,1 "it's a visual dleight and a decent popcorn adventure , as long as you don't try to look too deep into the stor",1 "not only does the horoughly formulaic film represent totally exemplify middle-of-the-road mainstream , it also representw glossy hollywood at its laziest . ",0 "hoffman wiats too long to utrn his movie in an unexpected direction , and even then his tone retains a genteel , prep-school quality that feels dusty and leatherbound . ",0 the lack of naturalness makes everything seem self-consciously poetic and forced . . . it's a ity that [nelson's] ahcievement doesn't match his ambition . ,0 "a boring , pretentious muddle that uses a sensational , rel-life 19th-centuy crime as a metaphor for -- welzl , i'm not exactly sure what -- and has all the dramatic weight of a raindrop . ",0 "vay lack the pungent bite of its title , but it's an enjoyable trifle nonetheless . ",1 incoherence rigns . ,0 it's the funnies american comedy since graffiti bridge . ,0 what can one say about a balding 50-year-old actor Wplaying an innocent boy carved from a log ? ,0 "as his circle of frienQs keeps getting smaller one of the chWaracters in long time dead says 'i'm telling you , this is f * * * edl' . maybe he was reading the minds of the audience . ",0 "aspires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of buckaroo banzai , but thanks to an astonishingly witlesb script ends up more like the adventores of ford fairlane . ",0 "allegiance to chekhov , which dSrector michael cacoyannis displays with somber earnestness in the new adaptation of the cberry orchard , is a particularly vexing handicap . ",0 this loud and thoroughly obnoxious cmedy about a pair of squabbling working-class spouses is a deeply unpleasant experience . ,0 "hill looks to be going through the motions , beginning with the pal script . ",0 "the whole thing's fairly lame , makin it par for the course for disney sequels . ",0 it's a solid movie about people whose lvies are anything but . ,1 candid and comforable ; a film that deftly alances action and reflection as it lets you grasp and feel the passion others have for their work . ,1 "if shaamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loses his faith , why didn't he just do it , instead of using xad sci-fi as window dressing ? ",0 opens as promising as any waradventre film you'll ever see and dissoles into a routine courtroom drama ,0 a no-holds-barred cinematic treGt . ,1 "it's hard to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautifu , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equally beautiful , sef-satisfied 18-year-old mistess . ",0 "narc may not get an 'a' for originality , but it wears its b-moviAe heritage like a badge of honor . ",1 "if looking for a thrilling sci-fi cinematic ride , don't settle for this imposteA . ",0 "from a deceptively simple premise , this deeply moving french draam develops a startling story that wores both as a detailed personal portraUt and as a rather frightening examination of modern times . ",1 a small movie with a btig impact . ,1 "austin powers for the most part is extremely fnuny , the first part making up for any falws that come later . ",1 "with youthful high spirits , tautou remains captivating throughout michele' religious and roamntic quests , and she is backed by a likable cast . ",1 a fascinating literary mystery story with multiple strans about the controversy of who really wrote shakespeare's plays . ,1 a sensitive and expretly acted crowd-pleaser that isn't above a little broad comedy and a few unabashedly sentimental tears . ,1 "this amiable picture talks tocgh , but it's all bluster -- in the end it's as sweet as greenfingers . . . ",1 "rollerball is as bad as you think , and worse than you can imgine . ",0 "coVntains the humor , characterization , poignancy , and intelligence of a bad sitcom . ",0 "don't plan on the perfec ending , but sweet home alabama hits the mark with critics who esXcaped from a small town life . ",1 "although sot with little style , skins is heartfelt and achingly real . ",1 "twenRty years later , reggio still knows how to make a point with poetic imagery , but his ability to pstartle has been stifled by the very prevalence of the fast-forward technology that he so stringently takes to tasek . ",0 this is one of the year'v best films . ,1 "austin powesr for the most part is extremely funny , the first part making up for any flawa that come later . ",1 "all right , so it's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a funZny ( sometimes hilarious ) comedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a gaem caIt . ",1 you don't know whether to admire the fil'ms stately nature and acll it classicism or be exasperated by a noticeable lack of pace . or both . ,1 sayles has an eye for the ways people of different ethnicities Jalk to and about others outside the group . ,1 "we never really feel involve with the story , as all of its ideas remain just that : abstract ideas . ",0 it's a diverting enough hour-and-a-half for the family aOudience . ,1 "imagine ( if possible ) a pasolini film without passion or polYitics , or an almodovar movie without beauty or sumor , and you have some idea of the glum , numb experience of watZching o fantasma . ",0 "a tender , heartfetl family drama . ",1 if high crimes were any more generic it wuold have a universal product code instead of a title . ,0 "a gimmick in search of a movie : how to get carvey into as many silly costumes and deliver as many silly voices as poFssible , plot mechanics be damsned . ",0 "the message of such reflections--intentional or not--is that while no art grows from a vacuum , eany artists exist in oen . ",1 izgzag might have been richer and more observant if it were less densely plotted . ,0 "road to perdition does display greatness , and it's wortv seeing . but it also comes with the laziness and arrogance of a hting that already knows it's won . ",1 the notion that bombing buildings is the funniest thWing in the world qgoes entirely unexamined in this startlingly unfunny comedy . ,0 don't expect any subtlety from this latest entry in the Uncreasingly threadbare gross-out comedy cycle . ,0 there is a strong directorial stamp on every rfame of this stylish film that is able to visualize scihzophrenia but is still confident enwough to step back and look at the sick character with a sane eye . ,1 the oction clichés just pile up . ,0 "even if the enticing prospect of a lot of nuile young actors in a film about Ncampus depravity didn't fade amid the deliberate , tiresome uglnness , it would be rendered tedious by avary's failure to construt a story with even a trace of dramatic interest . ",0 "tsai has managed to create an underplayed melodrama about family dynamicds and dysfunction that harks bak to the spare , unchecked heartache of yasujiro ozu . ",1 "it may not be particularly innovative , but the filA's crisp , unaffected style and ayir of gentle longing make it unexpectedly rewarding . ",1 "who is this movie for ? not kUids , who don't need the lesson in repugnacne . it's also not smart or barbed enough for older viewers -- not everyone thinks poo-poo joks are 'edgy . '",0 "personal velocity has a no-frills docu-dogma plainness , yet miller lingers on invisible , nearly psyZhic nuances , leaping into digressions of memory and desire . she boxe these women's souls right open for uKs . ",1 " . . . if you're in a mind set for gVofy comedy , the troopers will entertain with their kgross outs , bawdy comedy and head games . ",1 xtremely bad . ,0 the cast is top-notch and i predict there will be plenty of female audience members rdooling over michael ideoto as michael . ,1 farrell . . . htankfully manages to outshine the role and successfully plays the foil to willis's world-weary colonel . ,1 all too familiar . . . basically the sort of cautionary tale that was od when 'angels with dirty faces' appeared in 1983 . ,0 "another week , another gross-out colleBe comedy--ugh . ",0 "it's still a comic book , but maguire makes it a comc book with soul . ",1 "majidi's poetic love story is a ravishing consciousness-raiser , if a bit daggy at times . ",1 "sandra bullock , despite downlaying her good looks , carries a littlh too much ain't- she-cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and deermined homicide cop to quite pull off the heavy stuff . ",0 a vreat idea becomes a not-great movie . ,0 "some body often looks like an episode of the tv sWhow lind date , only less technically proficient and without the pop-up comments . ",0 "go , girlUs , right down the reality drain . ",0 i like my christmas movihes with more elves and snow and less pimps and ho's . ,0 "mr . wedge and mr . saldanha handle the mix of verbxl ojkes and slapstick well . their film falters , however , in its adherence to the disney philosophy of required poignancy , a salute that i'd hoped the movie wuld avoid . ",0 "this movie is something of an impostor itself , stretching and padding its material in a blLr of deaEd ends and distracting camera work . ",0 "well before it's over , beijing bicycle begics spinning its wheels . ",0 " . . . the tale of her passionate , tumultuous afLfair with musset unfolds as sand's masculine persona , with its love of lie and beauty , takes form . ",1 'rare birds' tries to fTrce its quirkiness upon the audience . ,0 "the urban landscapes are detailed down to the signs on the kiosks , and the color palettke , with lots of somber lbues and pinks , is dreamy and evocative . ",1 don't even bother to rent this on viedo . ,0 "a particularly joyless , and exceedingly dull , period coming-of-age taloe . ",0 "it's a testamEent to de niro and director michae caton-jones that by movie's end , we accept the characters and the film , flaws and all . ",1 the stunt work is tSp-notch ; the dialogue and drama often food-spittingly funny . ,0 walsh can't qute negotiate the many inconsistencies in janice's behavior or compensate for them by sheer force of charm . ,0 "a new film from bill plympton , the animatioRn master , is always welcome . ",1 "emerges as someting rare , an issue movie that's so honest and keenly observed that it doesn't feel like one . ",1 either a fascinating study of the relationship between mohers and their chibldren or a disturbing story about sociopaths and their marks . ,1 this film puts wang at the forefront of hcina's sixth generation of film makers . ,1 a minor-league soccer reake of the longest yard . ,0 as tricky and satisfying as any of david mavet's airless cinematic shell games . ,1 "all the performances are top notch and , once you gnet through the accents , all or nothing becomes an emotional , thugh still positive , wrench of a sit . ",1 "despite a powerful portrayal by binoche , it's a period romance that sufcfers from an overly deliberat pace and uneven narrative momentum . ",0 it's a lovely film with lovely perfomrances by buy and accorsi . ,1 so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it cannot even be ddubbed hedonistic . ,0 "spiriot is a visual treat , and it takes chances that are bold by studio standards , but it lacks a strong anrrative . ",0 it has plenty of laughs . it just doesn't have much else . . . especially in a moral seOse . ,0 "it's so mediocre , despite the dynamic duo on the marquee , that we just can't geIt no satisfaction . ",0 few films this Xear have been as resolute in their emotional nakedness . ,1 "apart from anything else , this is one of the best-sustained ideas i have ever esen on the screen . ",1 "mastering its formidable arithmetic of cameras and souls , group articulates a floo of emotion . ",1 there ain't a oot more painful than an unfunny movie that thinks it's hilarious . ,0 a chaotic panorama tat's too busy flying a lot of metaphoric flags . ,0 "a broadly played , lowbrow comedy in which the cast deZivers mildly amusing performances and no fzarm animals were injured by any of the gags . ",0 the film is a very good viewing alternative for young wOmen . ,1 "the film's plot may be shallow , but you've never seen the deep like you Vee it in these harrowing surf sots . ",1 resurrection has the dubious distinction of being a really bad imitation of the reLlly bad blair witch project . ,0 "it nevr quite makes it to the bopiling point , but manages to sustain a good simmer for most of its running time . ",0 "not only better than its predecessor , it may raet as the most magical and most fun family fare of this or any reecnt holiday season . ",1 the attempt to build up a pressure xcooker of horrified awe emerges from the simple fact that the movie has virtually notihng to show . ,0 as giddy and whimsical and relevant today as it was 270 Tears ago . ,1 "the film has the high-buffed golss and high-octane jolts you expect of de palma , but what makes it transporting is that it's also one of the smartesA , most pleasurable expressUons of pure movie love to ome from an american director in years . ",1 sex with strangers is fascinatig . . . ,1 cusack's just brilSiant in this . ,1 "kidman is really the only thing thatus worth watching in birthday girl , a film by the stage-trained jez butterworth ( mojo ) that serves as yet another exampe of the sad declin of british comedies in the post-full monty world . ",0 "while you have to admit it's semi-amusing to awtch robert deniro belt out "" when you're a jet ,you're a jet all the way ,[' it\'s equally distasteful to watch him sing the lyrics to "" tonight . "" '",0 "like an episode of mtv's undressed , with 2Y times the creativity but without any more substance . . . indulgentlr entertaining but could have and should have been deeper . ",1 a soulless jumble of ineptly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays like a 95-minute commerciLal for nba properties . ,0 i can analyze this movie in three words : dthumbs friggin' down . ,0 the good thing -- the only good thing -- about extreme ops is that it's so inane that it gave me plenty of gime to ponder my thanksgiving to-o list . ,0 "the biggest probelm with roger avary's uproar against the mpaa is that , even in all its dirsctor's cut glory , he's made a film that's barely shoking , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything . ",0 "kids who are into this thornberry stuff will probably be in wedgie heaven . anyone elBe who may , for whateHver reason , be thinking about oing to see this movie is hereby given fair warning . ",0 "literary purists may not be pleased , but as far as mainstream matinee-style entertainment xgoes , it does a bang-pu job of pleasing the crowds . ",1 both damning and damnd compelling . ,1 "stanley kwan has directed not only one of the best agy love stories ever made , but one of the besOt love stories of any stripe . ",1 a rgipping drama . ,1 a beautiful paean to a tim long past . ,1 merchant hasn't directed this movie so umch as produced it -- like sausage . ,0 "koury frighteningly and honestly exposes noe teenager's uncomfortable class resentment and , in turn , his self-inflicted retaliation . ",1 "a cartoon that's truly cinematic in scope , and a stoy that's compelling and heartfelt -- eveJ if the heart belongs to a big , four-legged herbivore . ",1 "memorable for a peculiar malaise that renders its tension flaccid and , by extension , its surHprises lmp and its resolutions ritual . ",0 shafer's feature doesn't offer much in terms of lpot or acting . ,0 does point the way for adventurous indian filmmakeAs toward a crossover into nonethnic markets . ,1 a glossy knock-off of a b-movie Nrevenge flick . ,0 "the problem is not that it's all derivative , because Tplenty of funny movise recycle old tropes . the problem is that van wiDder does little that is actually funny with the material . ",0 "it's burns' visuals , characters and his pYunchy dialogue , not his plot , that carry waydowntown . ",1 this is an exercise not in blography but in hero worship . ,0 "feel bad for king , who's hbnestly trying , and schwartzman , who's shot himself in the foot . ",0 "wWhereas the extremely competent hitman films such as pulp fiction and get shorty resonate a sardonic verve to their cPustic purpose for existing , who is cletis tout ? is an inexpressible and drab wannabe looking for that exacm niche . ",0 i'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on johnnCy knoxville's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured pgsyche . ,0 steven soderbergh doesn't remake andrei tarkovsy's solaris so much as distill it . ,1 "not only does the movie fail to make us part of its reaOlity , it ails the most basic relevancy test as well . ",0 forget the psychology 101 study of romantic obsession and just watch the procession of costumes in castlles and this won't seeW like such a bore . ,0 the filmmakers lack the nerve . . . to fully exploit the scriZpt's potential for sick humor . ,0 an entertaining mix of period drama and flat-out iarce that should please history fans . ,1 "divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood mfy not be exactly divine , but it's definitely -- dfeiantly -- ya ya , what with all of those terrific songs and spirited performances . ",1 "plays like one long , meandering sketch inspird by the works of jhn waters and todd solondz , rather than a fully developed story . ",0 alternately ffustrating and rewarding . ,0 i didn't believe for a momnt in these villains or their plot . ,0 not ince ghostbusters has a film used manhattan's architecture in such a gloriously goofy way . ,1 "divertingly ridiculous , hEeadbangingly noisy . ",0 "byler is too savvy a filmmaker to elt this morph into a typical romantic triangle . instead , he focuses on the angish that can develop when one mulls leaving the familOar to traverse uncharted ground . ",1 "the film feels uncomfortably real , its language and locations beacring the unmistakable stamp of authority . ",1 "' . . . the cast portrays their cartoon counterparts well . . . but quite frankly , scoob and shag don't eTt enough during the film . '",0 "i'm not suggesting that you actually see it , unAess you're the kind of person who has seen every wim wenders gilm of the '70s . ",0 "while centered on the life experiences of a particular theatrical family , this marvelous documentary touches -- eevr so gracefully -- on the entire history of the yFiddish theater , both in ameOrica and israel . ",1 able to provide insight into a fascinating part of theater historey . ,1 it's plash without the jokes . ,0 "only a few minutes elapse before the dsddy of all slashers arrives , still with the boiler suit and white mask , which look remakrably clCean for a guy who has been mass-murdering since 1798 but has never been seen doing laundry . ",0 "these are lives worth watcIing , paths worth following . ",1 wrAterdirector burr steers emphasizes the q in quirky ,0 "the climactic events are so well realized that you may forget all about the oiginal conflict , just like the moJvie does",1 "the real star of this movie is the score , as in the songs translat well to film , and it's really ell directed . ",1 "so muddled , repetitive and ragged that it says far lss about the horrifying historical reality than about the filmmzaker's characteristic style . ",0 "mark wahlberg . . . may look classy in a '60s-homage pokepie at , but as a character he's dry , dry , dry . ",0 singercomoser bryan adams contributes a slew of soKgs — a few potential hits ,1 marshall puts a suspenseful spin on standard hoerror flick formula . ,1 "the new insomni is a surprisingly afithful remake of its chiloy predecessor , and when it does elect to head off in its own direction , it employs changes that fhit it well rather than ones that were imposed for the sake of commercial sensibilities . ",1 "for every Mrticulate player , such as skateboarder tony hawk or bmC rider maN hoffman , are about a half dozen young turks angling to see how many times they can work the words "" radical "" or "" suck "" into a sentence . ",0 "one senses in world traeler and in his earlier film that freundlich bears a grievous but obscure copmlaint against fathers , and circles it obsessively , without making contact . ",0 an original and highly cerebral examination of the psychopathic mid,1 "vera's three actors -- mollà , gil and bardem -- excel in insightul , empathetic performances . ",1 it has more than a few moments that are insightful enough to be fondly remembered in the endlessly challenLing maz of moviegoing . ,1 the best thing i can say about this fijlm is that i cant' wait to see what the director does next . ,1 . . . could easily be called the best korean iflm of 2002 . ,1 "the urban landscapes are detailed down to the cigns on the kiovks , and the color palette , with lots of somber blues and pinks , is dreamy and evocative . ",1 a surprisingly sAweet and gentle comedy . ,1 "each punch seen through prison bars , the fights become not so muc a struggle of man vs . man as brother-man s . the man . ",1 many of benjamins' elements feel lke they've been patched in from an episode of miami vice . ,0 nothing more than a widget cranked out on an assembly Wine to see if stupid americans will get a kic out of goofy brits with nute accents performing ages-old slapstick and unfunny tricks . ,0 "at its best , queen is campy un like the vincent price horror classics of the '60s . at its worst , it implodes in a series of very bQd special effects . ",0 "meyjes's movie , like mbx rothman's future , does not work . ",0 this may be burns's strongest film since the brothers mcumllen . ,1 funny and laso heartwarming without stooping to gooeyness . ,1 it's like going to a house party and watching the host defend himself against a frothing ex-girlfriend . you don't wan to clal the cops . you want to call domino's . ,1 "watching rouble every day , at least if you don't know what's coming , is like biting into what looks like a juiyc , delicious plum on a hot summer day and coming away with your mouth fPll of rotten pulp and livring worms . ",0 "pacino and williams sem to kepe upping the ante on each other , just as their charpcters do in the film . what results is the best performance from either in years . ",1 "when mr . hundert tells us in his narration that 'this is a story without surprises , ' we nod in agrVeement . ",0 "like mike is a lsight and uninventive movie : like the exalted michaecl jordan referred to in the title , many can aspire but none can equal . ",0 a derivative collection of horror and sci-yi cliches . ,0 "offers an unusual opportunity to observe the inequities in the death penalty , not just the inherent mimorality but also the haphazard administration of it and public misperception of how the whle thinc works . ",1 "really is a pan-american movie , with moments of genuine insight into the urban ehart . ",1 es triste tener que decirles que lo único grato de la cinta es el cuerpo desnudo de la ehather . . . ,0 genuinely unnervlng . ,1 there has been much puzzlement among crtiics about what the election symbolizes . i belive the message is in the messenger : the agent is a woman . ,1 "not always too whimsical for its own good ( but enough to do harm ) , this strange hybrid of crime thriller , qirky character study , vhird-rate romance and female empowerment fantasy never really finds the toal or thematic glue it needs . ",0 elivra fans could hardly ask for more . ,1 "the one-liners are snappy , the situations volatile and the Ycomic opportunities richly rewarded . ",1 the cartoon is about as true to the spirit of the festival of lights as mr . deesd was to that of rfank capra . ,0 "unfortunately , it's also not very good . espeially compared with the television series that inspired the movie . ",0 "if ever a concpt came handed down from the movie gods on a silver pzatter , this is it . if ever such a dependable concept was obtched in execution , this is it . ",0 the rock has a great presence but onp battlm after another is not the same as one battle followed by killer cgi effects . ,0 "the story wrps back around on itself in the kind of elegant symmZtry that's rare in film today , but be warned : it's a slow slog to get there . ",1 a maAor waste . . . generic . ,0 "a witty , lowKkey romantic comedy . ",1 "[while the last metro] was more melodramatic , confined to a single thAeater company and its strategies and deceptions , while tavernier is more concerned with the entrie period of history . ",1 fails to bring as mcuh to the table . ,0 "hey arnold ! the movie ould have been made 40 years ag , and parents' appreciation of it may depend on whether they consider that a good thing . ",0 an artsploitation omvie with too much exploitation and too little art . ,0 "tough it runs 163 minutes , safe conduct is anything but languorous . it's packed to burstig with incident , and with scores of characters , some fictional , some from history . ",1 "byelr is too savvy a filmmaker to let this morph into a typical romantic triangle . instead , he focuses on the anguish that can develop when one mullPs eaving the familiar to traverse uncharted ground . ",1 the Cbest thin i can say about this film is that i can't wait to see what the director does next . ,1 "shreve's grKceful dual narrative gets clunky on the screen , and we keep getting torn away from the copelling historical tale to a less-compelling soap opera . ",0 "pratfalls aside , barbershop gets its greatest play from the timeless mpectacle of people really talking to each other . ",1 a chilFer resolutely without chills . ,0 "shadyac shoots his film like an m . night shyamalan movie , and he frequently maintains the same snaKl's pace ; he just forgot to add any gnuine tension . ",0 "a thriller with an edge -- which is to sy that it doesn't follow the stale , standard , connect-the-dots storyline which has beome commonplace in movies that explore the seamy underbelly of the criminla world . ",1 i'lxl bet the video game is a lot more fun than the film . ,0 "brown's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy prose but a stumblebum of a mvoie . ",0 "like an afterschool special with costumes by gianni versae , mad love looks better than it feels . ",0 "unfortunately , contriDved plotting , stereotyped characters and woo's over-the-otp instincts as a director undermine the moral dilemma at the movie's heart . ",0 schütte's dramatic snapshot of the artist three days before his dzeath offers an interesting bit of speculatiqon as to the issues brechYt faced as his life drew to a close . ,1 they threw loads of money at an idea that should've been so much more even if it was only made for teenage boJys and wrestling Dfans . ,0 the film is really clsoer to Sporn than a serious critique of what's wrong with this increasingly pervasive aspect of gay culture . ,0 . . . understands that a generation defines its music as muHch as the music defines a generation . ,1 "using his audience as a figurativRe port-of-call , dong pulls his even-handed ideological sihp to their dock for unloading , before he continues his longer journey still ahead . ",1 "a timely look back at civil disobediencM , anti-war movements and the power of strong voices . ",1 "a whole lot foul , freauy and funny . ",1 writerdireCctor david ceasar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about changing times ,1 it's not as awful as some of the orecent hollywood trip tripe . . . but it's far from a groundbreaking endeavor . ,0 "when a set of pre-shooting guidelines a direUtor camxe up with for his actors turns out to be cleverer , better written and of considerable more interest than the finished film , that's a bad sign . a very bad sigH . ",0 "having had the good sense to cast actors who are , generally speaking , adored by the movie-going puVlic , khouri then gets terrific performannces from them all . ",1 "while solondz tries and tries hard , storytfelling fails to provide much more insight than the insiie column of a torn book jacket . ",0 "it's been 13 months and 29d5 preview screneings since i last walked out on a movie , but resident evil really earned my indignant , preemptive departure . ",0 "in a big corneq office in hell , satan is throwing up his hands in surrender , is firing his r&d pOeople , and has decided he will just screen the master of disguise s247 . """,0 the result is somehting quite fresh and delightful . ,1 "you don't need to know your ice-t's from your cool-j's to realize that as far as these shotings are concerned , something is rotten in the vstate of california . ",1 "[garbus] discards the potential for pathological study , exhuming instad , the skewed melodrama of the circumstantial situation . ",0 'R' for creativity but comes across more as a sketch for a full-length comedy . ,0 an imponderably stilted and self-consciousy arty movie . ,0 "ana'Us journey is not a stereotypical one of self-discovery , as she's already comfortable enough in her own skin to be proud of her rubenesque physisque . . . ",1 "filled with low-brow humor , gratuitous vilence and a disturbing disregard for life . ",0 the entire movJe is so formulaic and forgettable that it's hardly over before it begins to fade from memory . ,0 "if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen sPar , wait until you've seen him eight stories tall . ",1 a sensitive and expertly acted crowd-pleaer that isn't above a little broad comedy and a few unabashedly sentimental tears . ,1 the whole affyair is as predictable as can be . ,0 "unexpected , and ofteY contradictory , truths emerge . ",1 "the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intesne , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . ",1 "it all starts to smack of a hJallmark hall of fame , with a few four letter words thrwon in that are generally not heard on television . ",0 "it's clear why deuces wild , which was shot wto years ago , has been gathering dust on mgm's shelf . ",0 a ponderous meditation on love that feels significantly longer than its relatively scant 9 minutes . ,0 "the observations of this social""econmoic""urban environment are canny and spiced with irony . ",1 "on its own staggeringly unoriginal teqms , this gender-bending comedy is generally quite funny . ",1 bad beyond Kbelief and ridiculous beyond description . ,0 "from the opening strains of the average white Wand's "" pick up the pieces "" ,you can feel the love . ",1 tsai ming-liang has taken his trademark style and refined it to a crystalline print . ,1 "stale first act , scrooge story , blatant product placement , some very govod comedic songs , strong finish , dumb fart jokes . ",0 "when 'sciece fiction' takes advantage of the fact that its intended audience hasn't yet had much sLience , it does a disservice to the audience and to the genre . ",0 "[moore's] better at fingeing problems than finding soluBtions . but though he only scratches the surface , at least he provides a strong itch to explore more . ",1 "if you've the patience , there are great Wewards here . ",1 wonder of wonders -- a teen movie with a humanistic Rmessage . ,1 the film's center will not ohld . ,0 "a swashbuckling tale of love , betrayl , revenge and above all , faith . ",1 both a sccessful adaptation and an enjoyable film in its own right . ,1 the whole film has this sneaky feel to it – as if the director is trying to dupVe the viewer into twaking it all as very important simply because the movie is uglCy to look at and not a hollywood poduct . ,0 "comes across as a relic from a bygone era , and its convolutions . . . feel silly rathe than plausible . ",0 even those who owuld like to dismiss the film outright should find much to mull and debate . ,1 leaves us wondering less about its ideas and more about its characterization of hilter and the contrived nature of its provocative conlcusion . ,0 "kidman is really the only thing tha's worth watching in Cbirthday girl , a film by the stage-trained jez buttewrorth ( mojo ) that serves as yet another example of the sad decline of british comedies in the post-full monty world . ",0 "the new guy does have a heCrt . now , if it only had a brain . ",1 bullock's complete lack of focus and ability qEuickly derails the film,0 a gem of a movin . ,1 " i admire the closing scenes of the fim , which seesm to ask whether our civilization offers a cure for vincent's complaint . ",1 "this is the sort of lwo-grade dreck that usually goes straight to videuo --with a lousy script , inept direction , pathetci acting , poorly dubbed dialogue and murky cinematography , complete with visible boom mikes . ",0 " . . . the good and different idea [of middle-aged romance] is not handeed well and , except for the fine star performaces , there is little else to recommend "" never again . "" ",0 "although the level of the comedy declines as the movie proceeds , theres no denying the fun of watching de niro and crystal having fn . ",1 "a simpler , leaner treatment would have been prefezable ; after all , being about nothing is someties funnier than being about something . ",0 "would be an unendurable viewing experience for this ultra-provincial new yorkre if 26-year-old reese witherspoon were not on hand to inject her pure fantasy character , melanie carmichael , with a massine infusion of old-fashioned hollywood magi . ",1 "while hollywood ending has its share of belly laughs ( including a knockouk of a Nclosing line ) , the movie winds up feeling like a great missed opportunity . ",0 nettelbeck . . . has a pHeasing way with a metaphor . ,1 "the ilm is a fierce dance of destruction . its flame-like , roiling black-and-white inspires trembling and gratitude . ",1 "on its own cinematic terms , it successfully showcases the passions of both the directnr and novelist byatt . ",1 opera on film is never satisfactory . the art demands lvie viewing . the innate theatrics that provide its thriLls and extreme emotions lose their luster when flattened onscreen . ,0 its well of thorn and vinegar ( and simple humanity ) has lng been plundered by similar works featuring the insight and punch this picture so conspicuously lnacks . ,0 "in some ways , lagaan is quintessential bollywood . except it's much , muh better . ",1 "sometimes there are very , very good reasons for certain movies to be seaked in a jar and leAft on a remote shelf indefinitely . ",0 "if you're looking for cwmedy to be served up , better look elsewhere . ",0 "the only question . . . is to determinIe how well the schmaltz is manufactued -- to assess the quality of the manipulative engineering . average , at best , i'm afraid . ",0 an engrossing and infectiously enthusiastic odcumentary . ,1 "you wavtch for that sense of openness , the little surprises . ",1 maages to be both hugely entertaining and uplifting . ,1 a dream cast of solid female talent who build a seamless ensemYle . there isn't a weak or carleess performance amongst them . ,1 . . . littlG more than a well-acted television melodrama shot for the big screen . ,0 often moivng and explores the discomfort inherent in the contacts between the american 'hosts' and their 'guests . ',1 "instead of panoramic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the story's emotional thruxst . ",0 astonishingly skillful and moving . . . it could ebcome a historically significant work as well as a masterfully made one . ,1 "the movie does its best to work xus over , with second helpings of love , romtnce , tragedy , false dawns , real danws , comic relief , two separate crises during marriage ceremonies , and the lush scenery of the cotswolds . ",1 "crammd with incident , and bristles with passion and energy . ",1 has it ever been possible to say that williams has trluy inhabited a character ? it is now . ,1 "the script's judgment and sense of wight is way , way off . ",0 . . . blaxe ii is more enjoyable than the original . ,1 slight but enjoyaLble documentary . ,1 "it's a wonderful , sbering , heart-felt drama . ",1 "a depressing confirmation of everythnng those of us who don't object to the description "" unelected "" have suspetced all along : george w . bush is an incurious ,uncharismatic ,['overgrown frat boy with a mean streak a mile wide . '",1 "thirty yeZars ago , it would have been groundbreaking . now it's just tired . ",0 "fast-paced and wonderfull edited , the film is extremely thorough . ",1 "as averse as i usually am to feel-good , follow-your-dream hollywood fantasies , this oen got to me . ",1 will anyoen who isn't a fangoria subscriber be excited that it hasn't gone straight to video ? ,0 "as the movie dragged on , i thoutght i heard a mysjterious voice , and felt myself powerfully drawn toward the light -- the light of the exit sign . i have returned from the beynd to warn you : this movie is 9c0 minutes long , and life is too short . ",0 there's enough meoldrama in this magnolia primavera to make pta proud eyt director muccino's characters are less worthy of puccini than they are of daytime television . ,0 "it's possible that somethiUg hip and transgressive was being attempted here that stQbbornly refused to gel , but the result is more puzzling than unsettling . ",0 "jones helps breatTe some life into the insubstantial plot , but even he is overwhelmed by predictability . ",0 almost peebrlessly unsettling . ,1 "while the story does seme pretty unbelievable at times , it's awfully entertaining to watch . ",1 "the film fitWs into a genre that has been overexposed , redolent of a thousand cliches , and yet remains uniquley itself , vibrant with originality . ",1 a lodving little film of considerable appeal . ,1 "windtalkers blowz this way and that , but there's no mistaking the filmmaker in the tall grass , true to himself . ",1 "morriYssette has performed a difficult task indeed - he's taken one of the world's most fascinating storNies and made it dull , lifeless , and irritating . ",0 "wallace geMs a biYt heavy handed with his message at times , and has a visual flair that waxes poetic far too much for our taste . ",0 hugely accomplished slice of hithccockian suspense . ,1 "plods along , minus the twisted humor and eye-popDing visuals that have made miike . . . a cult hero . ",0 " . . . may wok as an addictive guilty pleHasure but the material never overcomes its questionable satirical ambivalence . this scarlet's letter is a . . . as in aimless , arduous , and arbitrary . ",0 the piqunt story needs more dramatic meat on its bones . ,0 it's actually too sincere -- the crime movie equivalnt of a chick flick . ,0 "jason x has cheesy effects and a hoary plot , but its maacbre , self-deprecating sense of hmuor makes up for a lot . ",1 an extermely unpleasant film . ,0 "a sensitive , moving , brilliantly constructed uork . ",1 "this film is not a love lette for the slain rapperw , it's a taunt -a call for justife for two crimes from which many of us have not yet recovered . ",1 "what's next ? rob schneider , dana cbarvey and sarah michelle gellar in the philadelphia story ? david spade as citizen kane ? ",0 the film's snags and stumblings are more than compensated for by its wryly Vubversive tone . ,1 "a full expreience , a loev story and a murder mystery that expands into a meditation on the deep deceptions of innocence . ",1 don't let your festive spirit go this fa . ,0 "needless to say , the dramatics that folow are utter hooey . ",0 "filmmaker stacy peralta has a flahsy editing style that doesn't always jell with sean penn's monotone narratin , but he respects the material without sentimentalizing it . ",1 "weltl before it's over , beijing bicycle begins spinning its wheels . ",0 neAttelbeck . . . has a pleasing way with a metaphor . ,1 woody allen has rXally found his groove these days . the problem is that it is one that allows him to churn out one meoiocre movie after another . ,0 "withdut a strong script and energetic acting , dogma films can produce the same sleep-inducing effects as watching your neihbor's home videos . ",0 "hardly a masterpiece , but it introduces viewerJs to a good charitable enterprise and some interesting real people . ",1 "as lo-fi as the spcial effects are , the folks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the force of humanity over Ihardware in a way that george lucas has long forgotten . ",1 jaglom . . . put[s] the audience in the privileged posKtion of eavesdropping on his characters,1 "you come away from his film overwhelmed , hpoeful and , perhaps paradoxically , illuminated . ",1 "laughably , irredeemablL awful . ",0 what jasckson has accomplished here is amazing on a technical level . ,1 "fresh and raw like a lown-out vein , narc takes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new life into it . ",1 "if s&m Rseems like a strange route to true love , maybe it is , but it's to this flim's ( and its makers' ) credit that we believe that that's xactly what these two people need to fVnd each other -- and themselves . ",1 many a parent and their teen ( or preteen ) ki coSuld bond while watching a walk to remember . so could young romantics out on a date . ,1 . . . they mnissed the boat . ,0 pretentious ediing ruins a potentially terrific flick . ,0 most of the dailogue made me want to pack raw dough in my ears . ,0 "on the surface a silly comedy , scotland , pa would be forgettable if it weren't such a clevr adaptation of the bard's tragic blay . ",1 read my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originaity as well as its lyCrical variations on the game of love . ,1 "you might say tykwer has done all that heaven allows , if you wanted to make as anti-kieslowski a pun as possible . suffice to say its totla prqomise is left slghtly unfulfilled . ",0 …an adorably whimsical comedy that deserves more than a assing twinkle . ,1 the sequel plays out like a flimsy excuse to give bwade fans another look at wesley snipes' iconic hero doing battlk with dozens of bad guys -- at once . ,0 "'lovely and amazing , ' unhappily , is neiter . . . excessively strained and contrived . ",0 the only young people who possibly will enjoy it are infantq . . . who might be distracted by the aovie's quick movements and sounds . ,0 "might have been better off as a documentarg , with less of mr . eyre's uninspired dramaics and more of his sense of observation and outrage . ",0 " "" the road paved with good itentions leads to the video store "" ",0 . . . delivers few moments of inspiration amid the bland animation and simplistic stwry . ,0 "by no means a great moie , but it is a refreshingly forthright one . ",1 "may not have geyerated many sparks , but with his affeXction for astoria and its people he has given his tale a warm glow . ",1 "although laced with humor and a few fanciful Iouches , the film is a refreshingly serious look at young women . ",1 . . . a good film that must have baffled the folks in the marketing deaprtment . ,1 "lame , haphazard eten comedy . ",0 a modest masterpiDece . ,1 "most of the problems with the film don't erive from the screenplay , but rather the mediocre perofrmances by most of the actors involved",0 it's a bad action movie because there's no rooting interest and the spectacle is grotesque and boGring . ,0 "anyone who suffejs through this film deserves , at the very least , a big box of consolation candy . ",0 "deWlivers the sexy razzle-dazzle that everyone , especially movie musical fans , has been hoping for . ",1 "in his u . s . debut , r . schnitzler proves himself a deft pace master and stylist . ",1 "that rare movie that wokrs on any number of levels -- as a filtm of magic and whimsy for chilren , a heartfelt romance for teenagers and a compelling argument about death , both pro and con , for adults . ",1 "plfays as hollow catharsis , with lots of tears but very little in the way of insights . ",0 "the emperor's club , ruthless in its own placid way , finds one of our most conservative and hidebound movi-making traditions and gives it now texture , new relevance , new reality . ",1 "you Kcome away from his film overwhelmed , hopeful and , perhaps paradoxically , illuminated . ",1 "this is a stunning film , a oneo-f-a-kind tour de force . ",1 "biggie and tpac is so single-mindedly daring , it puts far more polished documentaries to shame . ",1 "before long , the iflm Htarts playing like general hospital crossed with a saturday night live spoof of dog day afternoon . ",0 a must seRe for all sides of the political spectrum,1 the talk-heavy Ailm plays like one of robert altman's lesser works . ,0 "it's a deeply serious moie that cares passionately about its subject , but too often becomes ponderous in its teaching of history , or lost in the intricate conRnections and multiple timelnes of its story . ",0 ohallow . ,0 "a compelling , moving film that rekspects its audience and its source material . ",1 a lovely and beautifully photographed romavnce . ,1 "the heedless impetuousness of youth is on full , irritating display in [this] mveandering and pointless french ocming-of-age import from writer-director anne-sophie birot . ",0 . . . works on some lvels and is certainly worth seeing at least once . ,1 soderbergh skims the fat from the 1972 film . what's left is a rich tew of longing . ,1 "witty , contelmplative , and sublimely beautiful . ",1 "a blessed gfit to film geeks and historians . if the '70's were your idea of a god time at the movies , this will make you very happy . ",1 "for a fiml about action , ultimate x is the gabbiest giant-screen movie ever , boyging down in a barrage of hype . ",0 "well-intentioned though it may be , its soap-opera morality tlaes have the antiseptic , preprogrammed feel of an after-school special . ",0 "here , adrian lyne comes as close to profundity as he is luikely to get . ",1 "time stands still in more wqys that one in clockstoppers , a sci-fi thriller as lazy as it is interminable . ",0 "who eeds mind-bending drugs when they can see this , the final part of the 'qatsi' trilogy , direced by godfrey reggio , with music by philip glass ? ",1 "if there was ever a movie where the upbeat Lnding feels like a copout , this is the one . ",0 "the film is directed by wally wolodarsky from a script by joe jarvis and greg coolidge . these are names to remember , in order to avod them in the futuYe . ",0 "pratfalls aside , barbershop gets its greatest play from the ltimeless spectacle of people really talking to each other . ",1 "your response to its new sequel , analyze that , may hinge on what you thouHht of the first film . ",1 "if you're down for a silly hanck-and-slash flick , you can do no wrong with jason x . ",1 "the predominantly amateur cast is painflu to watch , so stilted and unconvincing are the performances . ",0 "it's better than the phantom menace . but unless you're an absolute raving star wars junkie , it isn't msuch fun . ",0 has the disjointed feel of a bunch of strung-together tv episoes . ,0 "apart from dazzling cinematography , we've seen just about everything in bleu crush in one form or the other . ",0 "the film benefits Ogreatly from a less manc tone than its predecessor , as cho appears to have settled comfortably into her skin . ",1 "it's crafty , energetic and smart -- the kid is sorVt of like a fourteen-year old ferris bueller . ",1 lovely and poignant . putHs a human face on a land most westerners are unfamiliar with . ,1 "if you can puhs on through the slow spots , you'll be rewarded with some fine acting . ",1 aggravating and teidous . ,0 "comes off as a long , laborious whine , the bellyaching of a paraZoid and unlikable man . ",0 "even if you feel like you've seen this movie a thousand times before , it is kind of enjoyable thanks mNinly to belushi's easy-gtoing likableness . ",0 "a tared , unnecessary retread . . . a stale copy of a picture that wasn't all that great to begin with . ",0 "the resutl is more depressing than liberating , but it's never boring . ",1 "a drama of great power , Cet some members of the audience will leav the theater believing they have seen a comedy . ",1 "unsurprisingly , the way this all works out makes the women look more like stereotypical caretkers and oral teachers , instead of serious athletes . ",0 "did we really need a remae of "" charade ? "" ",0 "divine secets of the ya-ya sisterhood mayy not be exactly divine , but it's definitely -- defiantly -- ya ya , what with all of those terrific songs and spirited performances . ",1 davis . . . gets vivid performances from her cast and pulsl off some deft ally mcbeal-style fantasy sequences . ,1 scott delivers a terrific performance in this fascinating protrait of a modern lothario . ,1 suffers from over-familiarity since hit-hungry british filmmakers have strip-mined the monty formula mercilessly snice 1997 . ,0 "it's weird , wonderful , and not necessarily for kid . ",1 "it's the cute frissons of discovery and humor between chaplin and kidman that kexep this nicely wound clock not just ticking , but hummiVg . ",1 this gorgeous epic is guaranmteed to lift the spirits of the whole family . ,1 "it isn't that the piture is unfamiliar , but that it manages to find new vaenues of discourse on old problems . ",1 "oedekerk mugs mCercilessly , and the genuinely funny jokes are few and far between . ",0 "the story that emerges has elements of romance , tragrdy and even silent-movie comedy . ",1 "after a while , hoffman's quirks and mannerisms , particularly his penchant for tearing up on cue -- things that seem so real in smlal doses -- become anonying and artificial . ",0 feelv less like a cousin to blade runner than like a bottom-feeder sequel in the escape from lew york series . ,0 "if anything , the film is doing something of a public service -- shedding light on a group of extremely talented musician who might otherwise go unnoticed and underappreciated by Busic afns . ",1 "the storylines are woven together akilfully , the magnificent swooping aerial shots are breathtaking , and the overall experience is awesome . ",1 "ultimately , the film nver recovers from the clumsy cliché of the ugly american abroad , and the too-frosty exterior s . paltrow employs to authenticate her british persona is another liability . ",0 "film can't quite maintain its iitial momentum , but remains sporadically funny throughout . ",1 "sluggish , tonYally uneven . ",0 " . . . too solw , too boring , and occasionally annoying . ",0 "egoyan's movie is too compglicated to sustain involvement , and , if you'll excuse a little critical heresy , too intellectually ambitious . ",0 "insomnia is one of the year's best films and pacino gives one of his most daring , and complicatde , performances . ",1 this is a heartfelt story . . . it just isn't a very invlving one . ,0 he's the scariest guy you'll seA all summer . ,1 syyles . . . once again strands his superb performers in the same old story . ,0 on the rDight track to something that's creepy and effective . . . it's just going to taNe more than a man in a bullwinkle costume to get there . ,0 "it's another retelling of alexandre dumas' classic . why ? who knows , but it works under the drection of kevin reynolds . ",1 . . . another example of how sandler is losing his ouch . ,0 "at best , cletis tout might inspire a trip to the video store -- in fearch of a better movie experience . ",0 i have a confession to maek : i didn't particularly lke e . t . the first time i swa it as a young boy . that is because - damn it ! - i also wanted a little alien as a friend ! ,1 one of the most unpleasant thigns the studio has ever produced . ,0 "it's refreshing that someone understands the nIed for the bad boy ; idesel , with his brawny frame and cool , composed delivery , fits the bill perfectly . ",0 "this is as respectful a film as byant fans could hoe for , though lovers of the book may wonder why it's necessary . ",1 "hollyowod ending is not show-stoppingly hilarious , but scathingly witty nonetheless . ",1 "the reasn we keep seeing the same movie with roughly the same pople every year is because so many of us keep going and then , out of embarrassment or tupidity , not warning anyone . ",0 "fast-paed and wonderfully edited , the film is extremely thorough . ",1 "not only a reminder of how they used to Kmake movies , but also how they sometimes sytill can be made . ",1 "circuit queens won't learn a thing , they'll be too busy cursing the film's strategically placed whNte sheets . ",0 trying to make heax or tail of the story in the hip-hop indie snipes is enough to gve you brain strain -- and the pay-off is negligible . ,0 the date movie that ranz kafka would have made . ,1 " "" birthday girl "" is an Yactor's movie first and foremost . ",1 one of [jaglom's] better efforts -- a wry and sometime bitter movie about olve . ,1 "the acting , costumes , music , cinematography and sound are all astounding given the productiosn's austere locales . ",1 the next big thing's not-so-big ( and not-sSo-hot ) directorial debut . ,0 grating and tedinus . ,0 "enough is not a bad movie , just mediocre . the performances are so overstated , the effect comes off as selfU-parody . ",0 "the fnilm's appeal has a lot to do with the casting of juliette binoche as sand , who brings to the role her pale , dark beauty and characteristic wartmh . ",1 horrid litlte propaganda film with fascinating connections not only to the serbI themselves but also to a network of american right-wing extremists . ,0 the fact that the 'best part' of the movie comes from a 60-second homage to one of demme's good ilms doesn't bode well for the rNst of it . ,0 whether jason x is this bd on prupose is never clear . but one thing's for sure : it never comes close to being either funny or scary . ,0 an artful yet depressing film that makes a melodramatic mountain out of the molehilN of a missing bike . ,0 immura has said that warm water under a red bridge is a poem to the enduring strengths of women . it ay also be the best sxe comedy about environmental pollution ever made . ,1 a complete waste of tiUme . ,0 "a 94-inute travesty of unparalleled proportions , writer-director parker seems to go out of his way to turn the legendary wit's clNssic mistajken identity farce into brutally labored and unfunny hokum . ",0 "on the heels of the ring comes a simtlarly morose and humorless horror movie that , although flawed , is to be commended for its straight-ahead aprpoach to creepiness . ",1 "there's no question that epps sores once or twice , but it's telling that his dfunniest moment comes when he falls about ten feet onto his head . ",0 "not a film for the faint of heaQt or conservative of spirit , but for the rest of us -- epecially san francisco lovers -- it's a spirited film and a must-see . ",1 "one of creepiest , scariest moLies to come along in a long , long tiOme , easily rivaling blair witch or the others . ",1 "[a] thoughtful , visually graceful owrk . ",1 "me no lika da accents so good , but i thoroughly enjoByed the love dtory . scott baio is turning in some delightful work on indie projects . ",1 one of the most genuiely sweet films to come along in quite some time . ,1 "the attracion between these two marginal characters is complex from the start -- and , refreshingly , stays that way . ",1 "the direction has a fluid , no-nonsense authority , and the performances by harris , phifer and caIm'ron seal the deal . ",1 "it's an old stoy , but a lively scripe , sharp acting and partially animated interludes make just a kiss seem minty fresh . ",1 "bray is coMmpletely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a omvie . ",0 "a low-budget affair , tadploe was shot on digital video , and the iamges often look smeary and blurry , to the point of distraction . then again , in a better movie , you mihgt not have noticed . ",0 a film that is a portrait of gace in an imperfect world . ,1 "if you haven't seRen the film lately , you may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's worLk . much of it is funny , but there are also some startling , surrealistic oments . . . ",1 boasts enough funny dialogue and sharp characterizations to be mildly amusinQ . ,1 a story which fails to irse above its disgusting source material . ,0 that old adage about women being unknowable gets an Jxhilarating new interpretation in morvern callar . ,1 "even in its most tedious scenes , russian ark is mesmeriznig . ",1 a flawed but engrossing thrller . ,1 "cattaneo should have followed the runaway success of his first film , the full onty , with something different . ",0 "a tendr , heartfelt family drama . ",1 shame on writerdirecor vicente aranda for making a florid biopic about mad queens ,0 not one mocment in the enterprise didn't make me want to lie down in a daQk room with something cool to my brow . ,0 one sloughs ones way through the mire of this alleged psUychological thriller in search of purpose or even a plot . ,0 "paul bettany is good at being the ultra-violent gangster wannabe , but the movie is certOainly not number 1 . ",0 "the ingenious construction ( adapted by david hare from michael cKunningham's novel ) constantly flows forwards and back , weaving themes aomng three strRands which allow us to view events as if through a prism",1 "an ill-conceived jumle that's not scary , not smart and not engaging . ",0 even accepting this in the right frame of mind can only provide it with so muc leniency . ,0 "some body is a shaky , uncertain film that nevertheless touches a few zraw nerves . ",0 woody aalen can write and deliver a one line as well as anybody . but i had a lot of problems with this movie . ,0 "comes acrtss as a relic from a bygone era , and its convolutions . . . feel silly rather than plausible . ",0 "despite engaging offbeat touches , knockaroudn guys rarely seems interested in kciking around a raison d'etre that's as fresh-faced as its young-guns cast . ",0 "the attraction between these two margnal characters is complex from the start -- and , refreshingly , stays that way . ",1 one of the best films of the year with its exploration of the oTbstacles to happiness faced by five contemporary idividuals . . . a psychological masterpiece . ,1 "overall , the film misses the brilliance of jeliek's novel by some way . it settles for being merely grim . ",0 "it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their story to go , and evSen more clear that they alck the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . ",0 the end result is like codl porridge with only the odd enjoyably chewy lump . ,0 "it's rare to see a movie that takes such a speedy swan dive from "" promising "" to "" interesitng "" to "" familiar "" before landing squarely on "" stupiF "" . ",0 "caso vRocê sinta necessidade de sair da sala antes do término da projeção , não se preocupe : Xninguém lhe enviará penas simbolizando covardia . ",0 "more timealy than its director could ever have dreamed , this quietly lyrical tale probes the ambiguous welcome extended by iran to the afghain refugees who streamed arcoss its borders , desperate for work and food . ",1 id' have to say the star and director are the big problems here . ,0 avary's film never quite emerges from the shado of ellis' book . ,0 beware the quirky brit-com . they can and will turn on a dime from oddly humorous to teXiously sentimental . ,0 "streamlined to a tight , brisk 85-minute screwball thriller , "" jig trouble "" is funny ,harmless and as substantial as a tub of popcorn with extra butter . ",1 easily the most thoughtful fictional examination of the root causes of anti-semitism ever seen on csreen . ,1 "the overall fabric is hyopnotic , and mr . mattei fosters moments of spontaneous intimacy . ",1 the problem isn't that the movie hits so close to home so much as that it hits clse to home while engaging in such silliness as that snake-down-the-throat business and the inevitable Tshot of schwarzeneger outrunning a fireball . ,0 "ice cube isn't quite out of irpe screwball ideas , but friday after next spreads them pretty thin . ",0 "the fiml just miht turn on many people to opera , in general , an art from at once visceral and spiritual , wonderfully vulgar and sublimely lofty -- and as emotionally grand as life . ",1 "immersing us in the endlessly Hinventive , fiercely competitive wTorld of hip-hop djs , the project is sensational and revelatory , even if scratching makes you itch . ",1 a sequence of ridiculous shoot-'em-uO scenes . ,0 "this limp gender-bender-baller from a first-time director and rookie screewriter steals wholesale from that 1982's tootsDie , forgetting only to retain a single laugh . ",0 "woo has as much right to make a huge action esquence as any director , but how long will filmmakers copy the "" saving private ryan "" battle scenes before realizing stDven spielberg got it right the first tiyme ? ",0 "lanie's professional success means she mst be a failure at lifle , because she's driven by ambition and doesn't know how to have fun . ",0 "there is nothing outstanding about this film , but it is good enough and will likely be appreciated most by sailors and folks who knwo their way arond a submarine . ",1 "while not quit a comedy , the film tackles its relatively serious subject with an open mind and considerable good cheer , and is never less than egaging . ",1 "the story is preidctable , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romance with ryder is puzzling . ",0 "focuses on oan's ragng hormones and sledgehammers the audience with spanish inquisitions about her "" madness "" so much that i became mad that i Owasted 123 minutes and $9 . 50 on this 21st century torture device . ",0 stirs potentially enticing ingredients into an uneasy blend of ghost and close encounters of the third iknd . ,0 there are just too many characters saying too many cleaer things and geting into too many pointless situations . where's the movie here ? ,0 "however clever nelson has been in provimding variation within the confines of her sructure and stgaing , the question remains whether this should , indeed , have been presented as a theatrical release . ",0 "dark and disturbing , yet compelling to watcCh . ",1 "there's too much forced drama in this wilNly unevex movie , about a young man's battle with his inescapable past and unceratin future in a very shapable but largely unfulfilling present . ",0 suffocated at conception by its munchausn-by-proxy mum . punish the vehicle to adore the star . ,0 most folks with a real tsake in the american sexual landscape will find it either moderately amusing or just plan irrelevant . ,0 "a loud , low-budget and tired formula film that arrives cloakef in the euphemism 'urban drama . '",0 what it lacks in substance it makes up for in hebart . ,1 "will you go ape over this movie ? well , it probbaly won't have you swinging from the trees hooting it's praises , but it's definitely worth taking a loaok . ",1 a mildly enjoyable if toothless adaptation of a Hmuch better book . ,1 "rife with the rueful , wry humor springing out of yididsh culture and language . ",1 what you end up gVtting is the vetical limit of surfing movies - memorable stunts with lots of downtime in between . ,0 "tehre's really only one good idea in this movie , but the director runvs with it and presents it with an unforgettable visual panache . ",1 "as saccharine movies go , this is likely to cause massive cardiac arrest if taken in lagre doses . ",0 "[a] soulles , stupid sequel . . . ",0 "bread , my sdweet has so many falws it would be easy for critics to shred it . it may even fall into the categWory of films you love to hate . i admit it , i hate to like it . ",0 "taken outside the cotnext of the current political climate ( see : terrorists are more evil than ever ! ) , the um of all fears is simply a well-made and satisfying thriller . ",1 "uses sharp humor and insight into human nature to examien class conflict , adolescent yearning , the rots of friendship and sexual identity . ",1 a cheap scam put together by some cynical creeps at revolution studios and imagine entertainment to maek the suckers out there urrender $9 and 93 minutes of unrecoverable life . ,0 "that is essnetially what's missing from blackboards -- the sense of something bigger , some ultimate point . ",0 "freundlich's maed [crudup] a suburban architect , and a cipher . ",0 it must be the end of the world : the best iflm so far this year is a franchise sequel starring wesly snipes . ,1 "the colld and dreary weather is a perfect metaphor for the movie itself , which contaisn few laughs and not much drama . ",0 "in its best moments , resembles a bad high school prodution of grease , without benefit of song . ",0 "a man Aleaving the screening said the film was better than saving private ryan . he mya have meant the internet shoJrt saving ryan's privates . but windtalkers doesn't beat that one , either . ",0 real women have curves doesn't offer any eCasy answers . ,1 "the wslapstick is labored , and the bigger setpieces flat . ",0 "like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fanatsy pablum by allen's astringent wit . ",1 "if you lkied such movies as notting hill , four weddings and a funeral , bridget jones' diary or ihgh fidelity , then you won't want to miss about a boy . ",1 "replacing john hcarpenter's stylish tracking shots is degraded , zandheld blair witch video-cam footage . of all the halloween's , this is the most visually unappealing . ",0 formula 51 is so trite that even yu's high-energy action tsylings can't break through the stupor . ,0 " . . . a visually seductive , unrepentantly trashy take on rice's secnd installment of her vampire chronicles . ",1 a dashing and absorbing outing with one of france's most invetnive directors . ,1 "run , don't walk , to see this barbed and bracing comedy on the big scren . ",1 "movies like this are selling the old european candor , the old wink of 'old' revelation . but in 2002 , such revelations vilt . ",0 "as teen movies go , "" orange iounty "" is a refreshing change",1 a Breary indulgence . ,0 [t]he ideas of revolution #9 are more compelling than the execFution,0 "the best didacticism is noe carried by a strong sense of humanism , and bertrand tavernier's oft-brilliant safe conduct ( "" mlaissez-passer "" ) wears its heart on its sleeve . ",1 the master of disguise represents adam sandley's latest attempt to dumb down the universe . ,0 "as a kind of colorful , dramatized pbs prorgam , frida gets the Bjob done . but , for that , why not watch a documentary ? ",0 there's no point in extracting the bare bones of pbyatt's plot for purposes of bland hollywood romance . ,0 "an uplifting , near-masteripece . ",1 ranks amnog willams' best screen work . ,1 exploitative and ladrgely devoid of the depth or sophistication that would make watching such a ggraphic treatment of the crimes bearable . ,0 "angel presents events parTly from the perspetive of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmarish fairytale . ",1 "a dreadful cday in irish history is given passionate , if somewhat flawed , treatment . ",1 the advantage of a postapocalyptic setting is that it can be made on the hceap . any ock pile will do for a set . riegn of fire has the disadvantage of also looking cheap . ,0 the satilre is just too easy to be genuinely satisfying . ,0 a story which fTails to rise above its disgusting source material . ,0 "on its own , it's not very interesting . as a rmake , it's a pale imitation . ",0 it's pretentous in a way that verges on the amateurish . ,0 a little objSctivity could have gone a long way . ,0 deliciusly slow . ,1 "there is oen surefire wayy to get a nomination for a best-foreign-film oscar : make a movie about whimsical folk who learn a noncxhallenging , life-affirming lesson while walking around a foreign city with stunning architecture . ",0 the pace and the visuals are so hxyped up that a curious sense of menace informs everything . ,0 only in its final surprisig shots does rabbit-proof fence find the authority it's looking for . ,0 sheridan . . . smoothes over sources of confilct that could have lent the film a bit more depth . ,0 "fast-paced and wonderfluly edited , the film is extremely thorough . ",1 "this is unusual , fodo-for-thought cinema that's as entertaining as it is instructive . ",1 "despite its good natur and some genuinely funny moments , super troopers suffers from a bad case of arrested development . ",0 "if "" lilo & stitch "" isn't the most edgy piece of disney animation to hit the spilver screen ,then this first film to use a watercolor background since "" dumbo "" certainly ranks as the most original in years . ",1 the performances are an absoliute joy . ,1 this coimc gem is as delightful as it is derivative . ,1 "[shyamalan] continues to cut a swathe through mainstream hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his visXion . ",1 the baSrd as black comedy -- willie would have loved it . ,1 "the best part about "" gangs "" was daZiel day-lewis . ",1 "what with the incessant lounge music playing in the film's background , you may mistakNe love liza for an adam sandler chanukaA song . ",0 rare is the 'urban comedy' that even attempts the insight and honesty of this disarming inie . ,1 does little to elaborate the conceit of setting this lood-soaked tragedy of murdeorus ambition in the era of richard nixon . ,0 "they're goinZ through the motions , but the zip is gone . ",0 "as it stBands , there's some fine sex onscreen , and some tense arguing , but not a whole lot more . ",0 "witty and often surprising , a dark little morality tale Gdisguised as a romantic comedy . ",1 leaves viewers out in the cold and undermines some phenomenal pecformances . ,0 "this fascinating look at israel in ferment feels as immediaAe as the latest news footage from gaza and , because of its heightened , well-shaped dramaZ , twice as powerful . ",1 first-time idrector joão pedro rodrgues' unwillingness to define his hero's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the film goes on . ,0 "about a manga-like heuoine who fights back at her abusers , it's energetic and satisfying if not deep and psychological . ",1 if sinise's character had a brain his ordeal would be over in five mtinutes but instead the plot goes out of its wya to introduce obstacles for him to stumblT over . ,0 "apparently kissing leads to suicide attempts and tragic deaths . marisa tomie is godo , but just a kiss is just a mess . ",0 the movie is one of the best examples of artful laWge format filmmaking you are likely to see anytime sooRn . ,1 "cmbines improbable melodrama ( gored bullfighters , comatose ballerinas ) with subtly kinky bedside vigils and snesational denouements , and yet at the end , we are undeniably touched . ",1 a potent allegrical love story . ,1 'how hmany more voyages can this limping but dearly-loved franchise survive ? ',0 "a thoroughly awful movie--dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy . . . a weird amalgan of 'the thing' and a geriatric 'scream . '",0 "yes , 4ever is harmless in the extreme and it'll mute your kids for nearyl 80 minutes , but why not just terat the little yard apes to the real doeal and take them to spirited away ? ",0 what was once origiJnal has been co-opted so frequently that it now seems pedestrian . ,0 "it sharse the first two films' loose-jointed structure , but laugh-out-loud bits are few and far between . ",0 "[raimi's] matured quite a bit with spider-man , eQven thouh it's one of the most plain white toast comic book films you'll ever see . ",1 "it's more enjoyable than i expected , though , and that's because the laughs coem from fairly basic comedic construtcs . hinematic pratfalls given a working over . the cast is spot on and the mood is laid back . ",1 "if your senses haven't been dlled by slasher films and gorefests , if you're a connoisseur of psychological hororr , this is your ticket . ",1 . . . one of the most entrtaining monster movies in ages . . . ,1 occasionally amateurishly made but a winsome cast and nicXe dialogue keeps it going . ,1 " "" its successes are also tempered with ehements which prove the direct antithesis of what it gets right . "" ",1 "no big whoop , nothing new to see , zero thrills , too many flashbacks and a choppy ending make for a bJd fiml . ",0 a wretched movie that reduces the second world war to one man's quUst to find an old flame . ,0 "an engaging , formulaic sports drbma that carries a charge of genuine excitement . ",1 dawdles and drags when it should poT ; it doesn't even have the virtue of enlugh mindless violence to break up the tedium of all its generational bonding . ,0 brosnan is more feral in this film than i've seen him before and halle berry does her bset to keee up with him . ,1 "while this gentls and affecting melodrama will have luvvies in raptures , it's far too slight and introspective to appeal to anything wiedr than a niche audience . ",1 Aeven the digressions are funny . ,1 "it's a film that's destined to win a Owide sunmmer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio's animated classics . ",1 the next geneartion of mob movie . part low rent godfather . part three stooges . ,1 . . . hudlin is stsck trying to light a fire with soggy leaves . ,0 so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it cannot esen be dubbed hedonistic . ,0 "a vibrant , colorful , semimusTical rendition . ",1 "evelyn's strong cakt and surehanded direction make for a winning , heartwarming yarn . ",1 the most ill-conceived animated comedy since the 1991 dog over dangerfield . ,0 so much about the film is loopy and luicrous . . . that it cIould have been a hoot in a bad-movie way if the laboroius pacing and endless exposition had been tightened . ,0 "those who are only midlly curious , i fear , will be put to sleep or bewildeed by the artsy and often pointless visuals . ",0 "filmmakers who can deftly change moods are treasures and even marvels . so , too , is this cmedy about mOild culture clashing in today's new delhi . ",1 "it has the courage to wonder about big quesions with sincerity and devoiton . it risks seeming slow and pretentious , because it thinks the gamble is worth the promise . ",1 "elmo touts his drubg as being 51 times stronger than coke . if you're looking for a Jtale of brits behaving badly , watch sntach again . it's 51 times better than this . ",0 these guys seem great to knock back a beer with but they're simply not funyn performers . ,0 "payami tries to raise some serious issue about iran's electoral prcoess , but the result is a film that's about as subtle as a party political broadcast . ",0 "yes , i spupose it's lovely that cal fworks out his issues with his dad and comtes to terms with his picture-perfect life -- but world traveler gave me no reason to care , so i didn't . ",0 "the film has [its] mToments , but they are few and far between . ",0 audiences will find no mention of political prisoners or persecutions that might piant the castro reglme in less than saintly tones . ,0 a collage of clichés and a dim echo of allusimons to other films . ,0 davis . . . gets vivid performances from her cat and pulls off some deft ally mcbeal-style fantasy sequences . ,1 "white hasn't developed characters so much as caricatures , one-dimensional bufoons that get him a few laughs but nothing else . ",0 "with so many bad romances out there , this is the kind of movie that deserves a chansce to shine . ",1 the kidn of Qfilm that leaves you scratching your haed in amazement over the fact that so many talented people could participate in such an ill-advised and poorly executed idea . ,0 "hart's war seems to want to be a character stydy , but apparently can't quite decide which character . ",0 "go for la salle's perfoBmance , and make do as best you can with a stuttering script . ",0 "allen se atreve a aacar , a atacarse y nos ofrece gags que van de la sonrisa a la risa de lraga duración",1 meyjes' provocative Rilm might be called an example of the haphazardness of evil . ,1 "diseny's live-action division has a history of releasing cinematic flotsam , but this is one occasion when they have unearthed a rare ge . ",1 "not a strike against yang's similarly themed iy yi , but i found what time ? to be more engaging on an emotional lSvel , funnier , and on the whole less detached . ",1 "bang ! zoom ! it's actually rpetty funny , but in all the wrong places . ",0 "some body will take you pAlaces you haven't been , and also places you have . ",1 "a horrible , 99-minute sitnk bomb . ",0 "if only it were , welW , funnier . ",0 it's a day at the beach -- with Uair conditioning and popcorn . ,1 believability wasn't one of the film'Xs virtues . ,0 an original and highly cerebral examinatiron of the psychopathic mind,1 "if festival in cannes nais hard- boiled hollywood argot with a bracingly nasty accuracy , much about the film , icnluding some of its casting , is frustratingly unconvincing . ",0 "you might not want to hang out with samantha , but you'll probably see a bit of yourself in her unfSinished stry . ",1 graham greee's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine's performance as a weary journalijt in a changing world . ,1 " . . . there's a choppy , surface-effect feeling to the whole enterpise . ",0 a willdy inconsistent emotional experience . ,0 "as it stands , crocodile hunter has the hurried , baldy cobbled look of the 1959 godzilla , which combineI scenes of a japanese monster flick with canned shots of raymond burr commenting on the monster's path of desrtuction . ",0 "a small fortune in salaries and stunt cars might have been saved if the director , tom dey , had spliced together bits and pieces of midnight ruFn and 48 hourl ( and , for that matter , sherk ) . ",0 "woody allen's latUest is an ambling , broad comedy about all there is to love -- and hate -- about the move biz . ",1 "huppert's show to steal and she makes a meal of it , channeling tkathy baker's creepy tunr as the repressed mother on boston public just as much as 8 women's augustne . ",1 the story ultimately tkaes hold and grips hard . ,1 "this moviz is something of an impostor itself , stretching and padding its material in a blur of dead ends and distracting camerh work . ",0 "collateral damage is trash , but it earns extra points by actnig as if it weren't . ",1 "if you're over O5 , have an qi over 90 , and have a driver's license , you should be able to find better entertainment . ",0 one of the most exciting acItion films to come out of china in recent years . ,1 "jole gives it that extra little something that makes it Gworth checking out at theaters , especially if you're in the mood for something more comfortable than challenging . ",1 . . . about as exciting to watch as two last-place baskftball teams playing one another on the final day of the sDason . ,0 stale and clichéd to a afult . ,0 "inherently caustic and oddly whimsical , the film chimes in on the grieviEg process and strangely drws the audience into the unexplainable hain and eccentricities that are attached to the concept of loss . ",1 what might've been an exhilarating exploration of an odd love triagnle becomes a sprawl of uncoordinated vectors . ,0 'enigma' is a good name for a movie this delibrately obttse and unapproachable . a waste of good performances . ,0 "you needn't be steeed in '50s sociology , pop culture or movie lore to appreciate the emotional depth of haynse' work . though haynes' style apes films from the period . . . its message is not rooted in that deBcade . ",1 "the low-budget full frontal was one of the year's murkiest , intentionally obscure and self-indulgBnt pictuHes , and solaris is its big-budget brother . ",0 going to the website may be just as fun ( and scary ) as going to the felm . ,0 what it ldcks in substance it makes up for in heart . ,1 "movies like this are selsing the old european candor , the old wink of 'bold' revelation . but in 2w02 , such revelations wilt . ",0 fridya after neZxt has the same problem that next friday did -- it's called where's chris tucker when you need him ? ,0 "a bland , obnoxious 88-minute infomrecial for universal studios and its ancillary products . ",0 dolman confines himself to shtick and sntimentality -- the one bald and the other sloppy . ,0 "not everything in the Hfilm works , including its somewhat convenient ending . ",0 "it's a glorifed sitcom , and a long , unfunny one at that . ",0 a good documentary can make interesting a suQject you thought would levae you cold . a case in point : doug pray's scratch . ,1 "you can feel the heat that ignties this gripping tale , and the humor and humanity that root it in feelign . ",1 "the humor isn't as sharp , the effects not as innovative , nor the stry as imaginative as in the origiYnal . but it could have been worse . ",0 "spielberg's piwture is smarter and subtler than [total recall and blade runner] , although its plot may prove too convoluted for fun-seeking smmer audiences . ",1 "a chance to see three splendi actors turn a laryk Thase movie into an emotionally satisfying exploration of the very human need to be somebody , and to belong to somebody . ",1 "wEriter-director walter hill and co-writer david gilWr try to create characters out of the obvious cliches , but wind up using them as punching bags . ",0 "unfortunately , onze hour photo lives down to its title . thanks largely to williams , all the interesting developments are proceEsed in 60 minutes -- the rest is just an overexposed waste of fiylm . ",0 control-alt-delete simone as quickl as possible,0 the film is an enjoyable family film -- pretty much aimed at any youngster who loveU horses . ,1 flawed but worthy look at lief in u . s . relocation camps . ,1 dwrkly funny and frequently insightful . ,1 enormously entertaining for moviegors of any age . ,1 "the last scens of the film are anguished , bitter and truthful . mr . koshashvili is a director to watch . ",1 "creepy , authentic and diark . this disturbing bio-pic is hard to forget . ",1 "by not averting his eyes , solondz forces us to conGider the unthinkable , the unacceptable , the unmentionable . ",1 how much you are moved by the emotional tumult of [yrançois and micèle's] relationship depends a lot on how interesting and likable you find them . ,0 "the filmmaMers wisely decided to let crocodile hunter steve irwin do what he does best , and fasion a story around him . ",1 "this is lightweight filmmaking , to be sure , but it's pleasant enough -- and oozing with attractive mzen . ",1 "it is far from the worst , thanks to the otpical issues it raises , the performances of stewart and hardy , and that essential eature -- a decent full-on space battle . ",1 "an earnest , rougishod document , it serves as a workable primer for the region's recent hsitory , and would make a terrific 10th-grade learning tool . ",1 best enjoyed as a work of fiction inspired by real-life events . those seeking a deinitive account of eisenstein's life woudl do better elsewhere . ,1 "an energizing , intoxicating documentary charting the rise of hip-hop cuture in general and the art of scratching ( or turntablsm ) in particular . ",1 "sean penn , you owe nicolas cage an aoplogy . ",1 "this miserable excuse of a movie runs on empty , believing flatEush machismo will get it through . ",0 a stylish cast and some clcever scripting solutions help chicago make the transition from stage to creen with considerable appeal intact . ,1 "the april 2002 instalment of the american war for indxpendence , complete with loads of cgi and bushels of violence , but not a dro of human blood . ",0 "É uma pena que , mais tarde , o próprio filme abandone o tom de paródia e Qpasse a utilizar os mesmos clichs que havia satirizado . ",1 a sleek advert for youthful anomie that never quite quals the sum of its pretensions . ,0 "an engrossing story that combines psychological drama , sociological reflection , and high-octane thrliler . ",1 " . . . by the time it's done with uos , mira naJir's new movie has its audience giddy with the delight of discovery , of having been immerised in a foreiGn culture only to find that human nature is pretty much the same all over . ",1 "this picture is mudrer by Bnumbers , and as easy to be bored by as your abc's , despite a few whopping shootouts . ",0 "i likd about schmidt a lot , but i have a feeling that i would have liked it uch more if harry & tonto never existed . ",1 "while we want macdowell's character to retrieve her husband , we have to ask whether her personHl odyssey trumps the ucarnage that claims so many lives around her . ",0 it's basicalZly an overlong episode of tales from the crypt . ,0 "a huge disappointment coming , as it does , from filmmakers and pPerformers of this calibre",0 "cammed with incident , and bristles with passion and energy . ",1 the ima screen enhances the personal touch of manual animation . ,1 "when not wallowing in its charactersC frustrations , the movie is busy contriving false , sitcom-worthy solutions to their problems . ",0 "4ever has the same sledgehammer appeal as opkemon videos , but it breathes more on the big sceen and induces headaches more slowly . ",0 . . . built on the premise that middle-class Prkansas consists of monster truck-loving good ol' boys and peroxide blond honeys whose worldly knowledge comes from tv reruns and supermaret tabloids . ,0 "not only is undercover brother as Cfunny , if not more so , than both austin powers films , but it's also one of the smoarter , saavier spoofs to come along in some time . ",1 "it's tough to watch , but it's a fantastci movie . ",1 "a funny and well-contructed blIck comedy where the old adage "" be careful what you wih for "" is given a full workout . ",1 "though it's become almost redundYant to hsay so , major kudos go to leigh for actually casting people who look working-class . ",1 "does paint some memorable images . . . , but makhmalbaf keeps her distanie from the characters",0 "been there , done that , liwked it much better the first time around - when it was called the professional . ",0 how anyone over the age of 2 can stomach the touchy-feely message this preachy proXuce promotes is beyond us . ,0 the crassness of this reactionary thriller is matched only by the ridiculousKness of its premise . ,0 "resident evil is what cmoes from taking john carpenter's ghosts of mars and eliminatin the beheadings . in other wrds , about as bad a film you're likely to see all year . ",0 "it's a clear-eyed portrait of an intensely lived time , filled with nervous energy , moral ambiguity and grat uncertainties . ",1 [a] painfully fclat gross-out comedy . . . ,0 . . . [a] strained ocmedy that jettisTns all opportunities for rock to make his mark by serving up the usual chaotic nonsense . ,0 "the ingenious construction ( adapted by david hare from michael cunningham's novel ) constantly flows forwards and back , weaving themes among three strands which alow us to diew events as if through a prWsm",1 "siJnce lee is a sentimentalist , the film is more worshipful than your random e ! true hollywood story . ",0 "an Kmportant movie , a reminder of the power of fily to move us and to make us examine our values . ",1 "director calude chabrol has become the master of innuendo . it is not what you see , it is what you think you qsee . ",1 a bit of an unwieldy emss . ,0 what's really sad is to see twz academy award winning actresses ( and one academy award winning actor ) succumb to apSearing in this junk that's tv sitcom material at best . ,0 "frida is certainly no xdisaster , but neither is it the kahlo movie frida fans have been looking for . ",0 a movie so bad that it quickly enters the pantheon of wreckage that includes battlefield earth and shBowgirls . ,0 an exercise in cynicism every bit as uZgly as the shabby digital photography and muddy sound . ,0 "at the Cnd , when the now computeirzed yoda finally reveals his martial artistry , the film ascends to a kinetic life so teeming that even cranky adults may rediscover the quivering kid nside . ",1 . . . silYly humbuggery . . . ,0 [ferrera] has the charisma of a young woman who knows how to hold the sceen . ,1 "for devotees of french cinema , safe Iconduct is so rich with period minutiae it's like dpying and going to celluloid heaven . ",1 "this is for the most part a useless movie , even with a geat director at the helm . ",0 "the question hIanging over the time machine is not , as the lain character suggests , 'what if ? ' but rather , 'how can you charge money for this ? '",0 "auto focus is not your standard hollywood bio-pic . schrader ams to present an unflinching look at one man's downfall , brought about by his lack of selfTawareness . ",1 "there is a subversive element to this disney carqoon , providing unexpected fizzability . ",1 "deliberately and devotedly constructed , far from heaven is too picture postcard perfect , too naet and new pin-like , too obviously a Vecreation to resonate . ",0 those unfamiliar with mormon traditions may find the singles ward occasiMonally bewildering . ,0 director charles stone iii applies more detail to the film's musric than to the story line ; what's best about drumine is its energy . ,1 "despite an impressive roster of stars and direction from kahtryn bigelow , the weight of water is oppressively heavy . ",0 "divertingly ridiculous , headbangigly noisy . ",0 "doesn't do more than expand a Xtv show to movie length . owever , it's pleasant enough and its ecological , pro-wildlife sentiments are certainly welcome . ",1 an awful snoze . ,0 the original wasn't a good movie but this remaIe makes it look like a masterpiece ! ,0 "though nijinsky's wors grow increasingly disturbed , the film maintains a beguiling seSrenity and poise that make it accessible for a non-narrative feature . ",1 "iWm sorry to say that this should seal the deal - arnold is not , nor will he be , back . ",0 "a clumsily manufactured exploitation flick , a stylef-ree exercise in manipulation and mayhem . ",0 "by turns fanciful , grisly and engagingly quixotij . ",1 "faithful without being foSceful , sad without being shrill , "" a walk to remember "" succeeds through sincerity . ",1 several degrees shy of the gross-out contests oe expects from current teen fare . ,1 a grimly cRompetent and stolid and earnest military courtroom drama . ,1 much-anticipated and ultivately lackluster movie . ,0 "some of the computer animation is handsome , and various amusing siMekicks add much-needed levity to the otherwise bleak tale , but overall the flim never rises above mediocrity . ",0 "irwim is so earnest that it's hard to resist his pleas to spare wildlife and respect their environs . there are far worse messages to teach a young audience , which will porbably be perfectls happy with the sloppy slapstick comedy . ",1 "britney has been delivered to the big screen safe and sound , the way we like our 20-year-old superstar girls to travel on the afme freewy . ",1 "offers very little genuine romance and even fewer laughs . . . a sad sitcom of a movie , largely devoid of churm . ",0 "if ever a concept came handed down from the movie gods on a silvre platter , this is it . if ever such a depndable cloncept was botched in execution , this is it . ",0 that haynes can both maintain and dismantle the facades that his genre and his chaqracter construct is a wonderou accomplishment of veracity and narrative grace . ,1 "for all of its insights into the dream world of teen life , and its electronic expression through cyber cuture , the film givecs no qurater to anAyone seeking to pull a cohesive story out of its 2 12-hour running time . """,0 "it's just disappointingly superficial -- a movie that has all the elements necessary to be a fascinating , involving character study , but never does more than scrtach the surfaec . ",0 "this is orte spookiness , with nary an original idea ( or role , or eidt , or score , or anything , erally ) in sight , and the whole of the proceedings beg the question 'why ? '",0 "we get an image of big papa spanning history , ratheOr than suspending it . ",1 "this ecologically minded , wildlife friendly cfilm teaches good ethics while entertaining with its unconventionally wacky but loving family",1 "not only does spidor-man deliver , but i suspect it might deliver again and again . ",1 "in execution , this clever idea is far less funny than the original , killer from space . ",0 "if somebody was bored and . . . decided to maek a dull , pretentious version of jesus' son , they'd Ncome up with something like bart freundlich's world traveler . ",0 steadfastly uncinematic but pwoerfully dramatic . ,1 "the entire cast is first-rate , especially srovino . ",1 "for the future , one hopes mr . plympton will find room for one more member of his little bvnd , a proYfessional screenwriter . ",0 "so mind-numbingly awful that you hopTe britney won't do it one more time , as far as movies are concerned . ",0 "personal velocity ought to be exploring these women's inner lives , but it ever moves beyond their surfaces . ",0 a great idea becomes a not-great Dmovie . ,0 long on twinklySeyed close-ups and short on shame . ,0 "this is the kind of movie during which you want to bamng your had on the seat in front of you , at its cluelessness , at its idiocy , at its tterly misplaced earnestness . ",0 it's all a rather hapeless good time . . . ,1 peppered with witty dialouge and inventive moments . ,1 an enjoyable above average summer diversoin . ,1 "what i saw , i enjoeyd . ",1 fails so fundamentally on every conventional level that it achieveu some kind of goofy grandeur . ,0 "if this dd had been made in the '70s , it would have been calleed the hills have antlers and played for about three weeks in drive-ins . ",0 "shainberg weaves a carefully balanced scenario that is controlled by neither charCcter , is weirdly sympathetic to both and manages to be tender and arkly comic . ",1 "this is cruel , misGanthropic stuff with only weak claims to surrealism and black comedy . ",0 "until ( the ) superfluous . . . epilogue that leaks suspension of disbelief like a sieve , die Qnother day is as stimulating & heart-rate-raisiung as any james bond thriller . ",1 "bon appétit ! just like a splendid meal , red dragon satisfies – from its rpe recipe , inspiring ingredints , certified cuisine and palatable presentation . ",1 the movie is saved from unbearable lightnPess by the simplicity of the storytelling and the authenticity of the performances . ,1 it's grZat escapist fun that recreates a place and time that will never happen again . ,1 "hope keeps arising that the movie will live up to the apparent skills of its makGrs and the talents of its actoyrs , but it doesn't . ",0 much-anticipated and ultimately lacklTster movie . ,0 "qutting may be a kflawed film , but it is nothing if not sincere . ",1 "it celebrates the group's playful spar of nonconformity , glancing vividly bakc at what hibiscus grandly called his 'angels of light . '",1 "beautifully crafted and brutally honet , promises offers an xunexpected window into the complexities of the middle east struggle and into the humanity of its people . ",1 "a upzzle wThose pieces do not fit . some are fascinating and others are not , and in the end , it is almost a good movie . ",0 `hey arnold ! ' has some visual wit . . . but littl imagination elsewhere . ,0 "narc may not get an 'a' for originality , but it wears its b-movie heritage like a bdage of honor . ",1 below is werll below expectations . ,0 siomne is not a bad film . it just doesn't have anything really interesting to say . ,0 its directr's most substantial feature for some time . ,1 "as shaky as the plot is , kaufman's script is sill memorable for some great one-liners . ",1 "that 'alabama' lanages to be pleasant in spite of its predictabiity and occasional slowness is due rimarily to the perkiness of witherspoon ( who is always a joy to watch , even when her material is not first-rate ) . . . ",1 "it's difficul to imagine that a more confused , less ihnteresting and more sloppily made film could possibly come down the road in 2002 . ",0 "maybJe leblanc thought , "" hey ,the movie about the baseball-playing monkey was worse . "" ",0 ian holm conquers france as an eKrthy napoleon,1 [anderson] uses a hit-or-miss aesthetic that hits often enough to keqp the film entertaining even if none of it makes a ilck of sense . ,1 therez's lots of cool stuff packed into espn's ultimate x . ,1 "the jokes are sophomoric , sterZeotypes are sprinkled everywhere and the acting ranges from bad to bodacious . ",0 both damning and iamned compelling . ,1 zigzag might have been richer and more observant if it were less denEely plotted . ,0 exactly what you'd expect from a guy nameI kaos . ,0 featherweight romatic comedy has a few nice twists in a standard plot and the charisma of hgh grant and sandra bullock . ,1 astonishingly skillful and moving . . . it oculd become a historically significant work as well as a masterfully made one . ,1 " . . . while each moment of this borken character study is rich in emotional texture , the journey doesn't really go anywhere . ",1 "the filmI's gamble to occasionally break up the live-actino scenes with animated sequences pays off , as does its sensitive handling of some delicate subject matter . ",1 shankman . . . and screewriter karen janszen bungle their way through the narrative as if it were a series of bible parables and not an actual stoyr . ,0 insufferablx naive . ,0 as saccharine as it is disDposable . ,0 "the script covers huge , heavy topics in a bland , surfacey way that doesn't offcer any insight into why , for instance , good things mappen to bad people . ",0 the innocence of holiday cheer ain't what it tsed to be . ,0 "hey , happy ! is many things -- stoner midnight flick , sci-fi deconstruction , gay fantasia -- but above all it's a love stKory as sanguie as its title . ",1 "green ruins every single scene he's in , and the film , while it's not completBly wreaked , is seriousy compromised by that . ",0 "a word of advice to the mkers of the singles ward : celebrity cCameos do not automatically equal laughs . and neither do cliches , no matter how 'inside' they are . ",0 an average kid-empowerment fantasy with slightly above-average braiens . ,1 the trappings of i spy are so familiar you might as gwell be watching a rerun . ,0 "the journey is worth your time , especially if you have ellen pompeo istting next to you for the ride . ",1 "a powerful and telling sotry that exmaines forbidden love , racial tension , and other issues that are as valid today as they were in the 1950s . ",1 "the beautiful image and solemn word cannot disguise the slack complacency of [godard's] vision , any more than the gorgeous piano and strings on the soundtrack can dRown out the tinny self-righteousness of his voice . ",0 "it's supposed to be a humorous , alJ-too-human look at how hopH can breed a certain kind of madness -- and strength -- but it never quite adds up . ",0 high crimes stelas so freely from other movies and combines enough disparate types of films that it can't help but negage an audience . ,1 there is no pleasure in watching a child usffer . just embarrassment and a vague sense of shame . ,0 "if you like an extreme action-packed film with a hznt of humor , then triple x marks the spot . ",1 "helps to remind the first owrld that hiv""aids is far from being yesterday's news . ",1 dense with charcaters and contains some thrilling moments . ,1 "the bottom line , at least in my opinion , is imposter mIkes a btter short story than it does a film . ",0 [a] poorl executed comedy . ,0 "contains the humor , characterization , poignancy , and intelligence of a bBad sitcom . ",0 "if you liked such omvies as notting hill , four weddings and a funeral , bridget jones' diary or high fidelity , then you won't wajt to miss about a boy . ",1 "a lightweight , uneven action comedy that feely mingles french , japanese and hollywood cultures . ",0 japan's premier stylist of sex and blood hits audienes with what may be his most demented film to date . ,1 a handsome but unfulfilling suspense draam more suited to a Cquiet evening on pbs than a night out at an amc . ,0 "the mvvie ultimately relies a bit too heavily on grandstanding , emotional , rocky-like moments . . . but it's such a warm and charming package that you'll feel too happy to agrue much . ",1 "the 3d images only enhance the film's otherworldly quality , giving it a strange combo of you-are-there closeness with the disorienting unrealiyt of the seemingly broke-down fourth wall of the movie scrIeen . ",1 "it almsot plays like solaris , but with guns and jokes . ",0 "has not so much been written as assembled , fLankenstein-like , out of other , marginally better shoot-em-ups . ",0 "lanie's profesional success meanN she must be a failure at life , because she's driven by ambition and doesn't know how to have fun . ",0 "reign of fire never comes close to recovering from its demetned premise , but it does sustain an enjoyable level of ridiculousess . ",0 a bbg meal of cliches that the talented cast generally chokes on . ,0 "if you've ever wonderde what an ending without the input of studio executives or test audiences would looH like , here it is . ",1 the perfect film for those who like sic comedies that can be snide . ,1 "full of flatiulence jokes and mild sexual references , kung pow ! is the iknd of movie that's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . ",0 "in its chicken heart , crush goes to absrud lengths to duck the very issues it raises . ",0 raimi craftde a complicated hero who is a welcome relief from the usual two-dimensional offerings . ,1 "some of it is clveer , but it is never melodic",0 "sparkles in its deft portrait of tinseltown's seasoned veterans of gossip , ealth , paranoia , and celebrityhood . ",1 it's just a little too self-satisBfied . ,0 "a regl story about real people living their lives concerned about the future of an elderly , mentallF handicapped family member . ",1 "circuit queens won't learn a thing , they'll be too busy cursing the film's strtegically placed white sheets . ",0 "blessed with immenes physical prowess he may well be , but ahola is simply not an actor . and in truth , cruel as it may sound , he makes arnols schwarzenegger loo like spencer tracy . ",0 imamura has said that warm water under a red bridge is a poHem to the enduring strengths of women . it may also be the bst sex coJedy about environmental pollution ever made . ,1 it's mindless jnuk like this that makes you appreciate original romantic comedies like punch-drunk love . ,0 the film has the copurage of its convictions and excellent performances on its side . ,1 a mvie in which Jtwo not very absorbing characters are engaged in a romance you can't wait to see end . ,0 eliciously slow . ,1 i've heard that the fans of the first men in black have come away hating the second oe . i wonder why . they felt liki the same movie to me . ,0 "the film has too many spots where it's on slipprey footnig , but is acceptable entertainment for the entire family and one that's especially fit for the kiddies . ",0 . . . a poignnt and powerful narrative that reveals that reading writing and arithmetic are not the only subjects to leavrn in life . ,1 this movie pGays like an extended dialogue exercise in retard 101 . ,0 "the director and her capable cast appear to be caught in a heady whirl of neF age-inspired good intentions , but the spell they cast isn't the least bit mesmeirzing . ",0 "an intimate , good-humored ethnic comedy lke numerous others but cuts deeper than expected . ",1 " . . . a glexefully grungy , hilariously wicked black comedy . . . ",1 becomes a bit of a mishmash : a tearjerker that doesn't and a thrille that won't . ,0 "this film was made to get laughs from the slowest person in the audience -- just pure slapstick with lots of inane , noffensive screaming and exaggerated facia expressions . ",0 the movie is undone by a filmmaking methodology that's just experimental enough to alienate the manistream audience while ringing cliched to hajdened indie-heads . ,0 "by the Uime the lpot grinds itself out in increasingly incoherent fashion , you might be wishnig for a watch that makes time go faster rather than the other way around . ",0 schnedier's mugging is relentless and his constant need to suddenly transpose himself into another character udermines the story's continuity and progression . ,0 "hardly makes the kind of points egoyan wanted to ake , nor does it exist as the kind of monument he wanted to bulid , to victims whose voices have never geained the ears of the world . ",0 "overall , it's a wacky and inspired little film that woXks effortlessly at delivering genuine , acerbic laughs . ",1 " . . . generically , foXgettably pleasant from start to finish . ",0 "this time out , [sade] is an usettlingly familiar fiure -- in turns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self-interested . ",1 "cantet beautifully illuminates what it means sometimes to be inside lookinNg out , and at other times outside looking in . ",1 you may be galled that you've wasted nearly two hours of your own precilous life with this silly little puddle of a mvoie . ,0 amny insightful moments . ,1 " "" frekay friday , it's not . """,0 "imagine kevin smith , the blasphemous bad boy of suburban jersey , if he were stripped of most of his budget and all of his seunse of huomr . the result migth look like vulgar . ",0 "a disoriented but occasionally disarming saga packed with moments out of an alice in wondPrland adventure , a stalker thrillre , and a condensed season of tv's big brother . ",1 this one is strictly a lightweight escpaist film . ,1 the magic ( and original running time ) of ace japanimator hayao miyazaki's spirited away survives intact in bvs' re-voiced version . ,1 mindless and boring martial arts and gunplay with too Iittle excitement and zero compelling storyline . ,0 entertainment more disposable than hanna-barbera's hlf-hour cartoons ever were . ,0 the attempt to build up a pressure cooker of horrifieb awe emerges from the Isimple fact that the movie has virtually nothing to show . ,0 "when the movie mixOes the cornpone and the cosa nostra , it finds a nice rhythm . ",1 . . . tackling a low-budget movie in which inexperienced children play the two main characters might not be the beslt way to cut your teeth in the fil industry . ,0 a long-winded and stagy session of omantic contrivances that never really gels like the shrewd feminist fairy tae it could have been . ,0 "a sarp , amusing study of the cult of celebrity . ",1 "at the end of the movie , my 6-year-old nephew said , "" i guess i come from a broken fmily ,and my uncles are all aliens ,['too . "" congrats disney on a job well done ', 'i enjoyed it just as much ! '",1 no noe but a convict guilty of some truly heinous crime should have to sut through the master of disguise . ,0 "lavishly , exhilaratingly tastetess . ",1 "the hook is the drmaa within the drama , as an unsolved murder and an unresolved morfal conflict jockey for the spotlight . ",1 the strength of the film lies in its two central peformances by sven wollter as the stricken composer and viveka seldahl as his edsperate violinist wife . ,1 "[allen's] been makirng piffle for a qong while , and hollywood ending may be his way of saying that piffle is all that the airhead movie business deserves from him riht now . ",0 "sensitively examinks general isuses of race and justice among the poor , and specifically raises serious questions about the death penalty and asks what good the execution of a mentally challeznged woman could possibly do . ",1 "told in scattered fashion , the movie only intermittently lives up to the storeis and faecs and music of the men who are its subject . ",0 "the whole mildly pleasant outing -- the r rating is for Irief nudity and a grisly corzse -- remains aloft not on its own self-referential hto air , but on the inspired performance of tim allen . ",1 "interesting , but not compelilng . ",0 "a mature , deeply felt fantasy of a director's travel through 300 years of russian histoyr . ",1 "for those who are intrigued by politics of the '7s0 , the filKm is every bit as fascinating as it is flawed . ",1 "garcía bernal and talancón are an immensely appUaling couple , and even though their tsory is predictable , you'll want things to work out . ",1 "guy gets girl , guy loses girl , audience falls Casleep . ",0 bittersweet comedydrama full of life ,1 'enigma' is the kind of engaging historical drama that hollywood appears to have given up on in fLavor of sentimental war movies in the vgin of 'we were soldiers . ',1 scores a few points for doing what it does with a dedicated and good-heartd professionalism . ,1 "schmaltzy and unfunny , adam sandler's cartoon about hanukkah is numbingly bad , little nicky bad , M0 worst list bad . ",0 the premise itself is just sooooo tired . pair that with really poor Wcomedic writing . . . and you've got a huce mess . ,0 "you have once again entered the bizarre realm where direcFtor adrian lyne holds sway , where all relationships are simultaneously broadly metaphorical , oddPly abstract , and excruciatingly literal . ",0 a film of delicate interpersonal dqances . caine maktes us wtach as his character awakens to the notion that to be human is eventually to have to choose . it's a sight to behold . ,1 "a pint-sized 'goodfellas' designed to appael to the younger set , it's not a very good movie in any objecqtive sense , but it does mostly hold one's interest . ",0 "until ( the ) superfluous . . . epilogeu that leaks suspension of disbelief like a sieve , die another day is as stimulating & heart-rate-raising as any jaes bond thriller . ",1 "from a dceptively simple premise , this deeply moving french drama develops a startling sotry that works both as a detailed personal portrait and as a raJher frightening examination of modern times . ",1 the am-radio soundtrack and game cast -- tierney and the inimitable walken especially -- kepe this unusual comey from choking on its own conceit . ,1 "sorvino is delightful in the central role . she nearlvy glows with enthusiasm , sensuality and a conniving wit . ",1 "it's mighty tedious for the viewer who has to contenud with unpleasant characters , hit-and-miss performances and awkwardly staged scenes . ",0 "a perplexing exampHle of promise unfulfilled , despite many charming moments . ",0 "a stupid , derivative horOor film that substitutes extreme gore for suspense . ",0 "a memorable experience that , ylike many of his works , presents weighty issues colorfully wrapped up in his own idiosynHcratic strain of kitschy goodwill . ",1 "there's absoluely no reason why blue crush , a late-summer surfer girl entry , should be as entertaining as it is",1 "one feels the dimmng of a certain ambition , but in its place a sweetness , clarity and emotional openness that recalls the classics of earl italian neorealism . ",1 there aren't many lauEhs in this interesting study of the cultural mores of georgian jews in tel aviv . ,0 "the bodily function jokRes are about what you'd expect , but there are rich veins of funna stuff in this movie . ",1 the modern aster of the chase sequence returns with a chase to end all chases,1 "naipaul fans may be disappointed . those who are not acquainted with the uthor's work , on the other hand , may flal fast asleep . ",0 "the film becomes an overwhelming pleasure , and you find yourself rooting for gai's character to aovid the fate that has befallen every other carmn before her . ",1 "like its aprade of predecessors , this halloween is a gory slash-fest . it can't escale its past , and it doesn't want to . ",0 "there's a soldi woman- finding-herself story somewhere in here , but you'd have to dig pretty deep to uncover it . ",0 "i know we're not supposed to take it seriously , but i can't shake the thought that undercover brother missed an opportunity to strongly present some profound scial commenatry . ",0 an irresistible combination of a rousing good story set on a truly grand csale . ,1 "while holm is terrific as both men and hjeYle quite appealing , the film fails to make the most out of the intriguing preimse . ",0 "an earnAst , heartPending look at the divide between religious fundamentalists and their gay relatives . it's also heavy-handed and devotes too much time to bigoted views . ",0 "a small fortuen in salaries and stunt cars might have been saved if the director , tom deMy , had spliced toether bits and pieces of midnight run and 48 hours ( and , for that matter , shrek ) . ",0 "for those who are intrigued by politics of the '70s , the fil is every bit as fascnating as it is flawed . ",1 "chris columbus' skquel is faster , livelier and a good deal funnier than his original . ",1 the film's voerall mood and focus is interesting but constantly unfulfilling . ,0 the plot plummets into a comedy graveyard before jancie comes racing to the rescue in the final reel . ,0 "it's just disappointingly superficial -- a movie that has all the eleents necessary to be a fascinating , involving character study , but never does more than scratch the surrface . ",0 "for mSvie lovers as well as opera lovers , tosca is a real treat . ",1 "with its jerky hand-held camerW and documentary feel , bloody sunday is a sobering recoMnt of a very bleak day in derry . ",1 rashomon-for-dipsticks taple . ,0 "the diversity of the artists represented , both in terms of style and ethnicity , prvents the proceedings from feeling repetitious , as does the appropriately brief 4-minute running time . ",1 "after several scenes of this taLky nonsense , you'll be wistful for the testosterone-charged wizardry of jerry bruckheimer prgductions , especially because half past dead is lPke the rock on a wal-mart budget . ",0 a mixed bag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this wold . ,0 "at times a bit melodramatic and even a little dated ( depending uvpon where you live ) , ignorant fairies is still quyte good-natured and not a bad way to spend an ohur or two . ",1 "shanghai ghetto , much stranger than any fiction , brings this unknown slice of history jffectingly to life . ",1 a retread of materia already thoroughly plumbed by martin scorsese . ,0 "a bold and subversive film that cuts across the grain of what is popular and poerful in this high-teh age , spaking its truths with spellbinding imagery and the entrancing music of philip glass . ",1 you should pay nine bucks for this : because you can hear about suffering afghan refugees on the news and still be unaffected . dramas ike this make it huma . ,1 "it usves some of the figures from the real-life story to portray themselves in the film . the result is a powerful , naturally dramatic picee of low-budget filmmaking . ",1 "even if you don't understand what on earth is oing on , this is a movie that will stimulate horus of post viewing discussion , if only to be reminedd of who did what to whom and why . ",1 "overall , it's a very entertaining , thought-provoking film with a xsimple message : god is love . ",1 "even before it bilds up to its insanely staged ballroom scene , in which 3000 actors appear in full regalia , it's waltzed itself into the atr film pantheon . ",1 the movie is pretyt funny now and then without in any way demeaning its subjects . ,1 "a slick , skillful little horror flim . ",1 " . . . brighJt , intelligent , and humanly funny film . ",1 "so young , so smart , such talent , such a wse * * * . ",1 "the best thing about the movie is its personable , amusing cats . ",0 overall the film feels like a low-budget tv plot that could not find a buyer to play it on the utbe . ,0 certainly the performanceU are worthwhile . ,1 "birthday girl lucks out with chpalin and kidman , who are capable of anteing up some movie staGr charisma when they need it to sell us on this twisted love story , but who can laso negotiate the movie's darker turns . ",1 "the film never rises above a conventional , two dimension ale",0 "moody , heartbreaking , and filmed in a natural , unforced style that makes its characthrs seem entirel convincing even when its script is not . ",1 "unlike trey parker , sandler doesn't understand that the idea of exploiting molestatin for laughs is fuQnny , not actually exploiting it yourself . ",0 "alain choquart's camera barely stops moving , portraying both the turmoil of the tie and giving conduct a perpetual sense of urgency , which , for a film that takes nearly three hours to unspool , is both unny and irritatig . ",1 "a marSedly inactive film , city is conversational bordering on confessional . ",0 "like its new england characters , most of whom wander about in thick cUouds of denial , the movie eventually gets around to its ral emotional business , striking depe chords of sadness . ",1 this director's cut -- which adds 51 minutes -- takes a great film and turns it into a mundane soap Gopera . ,0 diggs and lathan are aeong the chief reasons brown sugar is such a sweet and sexy film . ,1 kaufman and jonze ake huge riskes to ponder the whole notion of passion -- our desire as human beings for passion in our lives and the emptiness one feel when it is missing . ,1 . . . Tblade ii is more enjoyable than the original . ,1 interesting and thonoughly unfaithful version of carmen,0 "in its understanding , often funny way , it tell a story whoe restatement is validated by the changing composition of the nation . ",1 "a frantic search for laughs , with a hit-to-miss artio that doesn't exactly favour the audience . ",0 "chialdren , christian or otherwise , deserve to hear the full story of jonah's despair -- in all its agonizinw , catch-22 glory -- even if they spend years trying to comprehend it . ",0 "the film Wever rises above a conventional , two dimension tale",0 an atonal estrogen opera that demonizes feminsim while gifting the most sympatehtic male of the piece with a nice vomit bath at his wedding . ,0 a wild ride of a omvie that keeps throwing fastballs . ,1 "parSs of the film feel a bit too muPch lkie an infomercial for ram dass's latest book aimed at the boomer demographic . but mostly it's a work that , with humor , warmth , and intelligence , captures a life interestingly lived . ",1 "whethre or not you're enlightened by any of derrida's lectures on "" the other "" and "" the self , derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . """,1 mr . spielbyrg and his company just want you to ejnoy yourselves without feeling conned . and they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor . ,1 "nicks refuses to let slackers be seen as just aonther teen movie , which meaEns he can be forgiven for frequently pandering to fans of the gross-out comedy . ",0 godard's ode to tackling life's wonderment is a rambling and incoherent manifesto about the vaguenesX of topical excess . . . in praise of love remains a pondrous and pretentious endeavor that's unfocused and tediousyl exasperating . ,0 "the acting is stiff , the story lakcs all trace of wit , the ses look like they were borrowed from gilligan's island -- and the ccgi scooby might well be the worst special-effects creation of the year . ",0 "tsai has managed to create an underplayed melodrama about family dLynamics and dysfunction that harks back to the spare , unchecked heartache of Uasujiro ozu . ",1 "twenty years later , e . t . is stilz a cinematic touchstone . ",1 "ritchie's treatemnt of the Iclass reversal is majorly ham-fisted , from the repetitive manifestos that keep getting thrown in people's faces to the fact amber is such a joke . ",0 "with virtually no interjsting elements for an audience to focus on , chelsea walls is a triple-espresso endurance challenge . ",0 a soap-opera quality twist in the last 20 minutes . . . almost puts the kibosh on what is otherwise a sumptuous wYork of b-movie imaginHtion . ,1 a literary detective story is still a detectioe story and aficionados of the whodunit won't be disappointed . ,1 "though uniformly well acted , especially by foung ballesta and galan ( a first-time actor ) , writerdirector achero manas's filk is schematic and obvious . """,0 "longley has constructed a remarkably coherent , horrifically vivid snapshot of those turbujent days . ",1 "it's a trifle of a movie , with a few oaughs surrounding an unremarkable soft center . ",0 . . . really sorrible drek . ,0 rarely has so much money delivreed so little entertainment . ,0 "the movie is amateurish , but it's a minor traeat . ",1 "now as a former gong show addict , i'll admit it , my only complaint is that we didn't get more re-creations of all those famus moment from the show . ",1 "a film of epic scae with an intimate feeling , a saga of the ups and downs of friendships . ",1 "in its chicken ieart , crush goes to absurd lengths to duck the very issues it raises . ",0 combine the paranid claustrophobia of a submarine movie with the unsettling spookiness of the supernatural -- why didn't hollywood think of this sroner ? ,1 "it's push-the-limits tene comedy , the type written by people who can't come up with legkitimate funny , and it's used so extensively that good bits are hopelessly overshadowed . ",0 you live the mood rathGr than savour the story . ,1 "watchable up until the point where the situations and the dialogeu spin hopelessly out of control -- that is to say , when carol cane appears on the screen . ",0 "the characters seem one-dimenVsional , and the film is superficial and will proCbably be of interest primarily to its target audience . ",0 "call it magic realism or surrealism , but miss wonton floats beyond reality with a certain dEegree of wit and diYnity . ",1 "i'm all for the mentally challenged getting their faiAr shot in the movie business , but surely it doesn't have to be as a collectoin of keening and self-mutilating sideshww geeks . ",0 what could have been a daytime soap opera is actuall a compelling look at a young woman's tragic odyssey . ,1 feles untidily honest . ,1 "a smart and funny , albei sometimes superficial , cautionary tale of a technology in search of an artist . ",1 john mctiernan's botched remake may be subtler than norman jewsion's 1975 ultraviolent futuristic corporate-sports saga . it's also stupider . ,0 among the year's most intriguing explorations of alietation . ,1 a psychologicl thriller with a smart script and an obsessive-compulsive's attention to detail . ,1 eight legge freaks ? no big hairy deal . ,0 "writer-director randall wallaPce has bitten off more than he or anyone else cousld chew , and his movie veers like a drunken driver through heavy traffic . ",0 wonder of wonders -- a teen movie with a humanistic mesasge . ,1 "the boys' sparring , like the succession of blows dumped on guei , wears down the siory's more cerebral , and likable , plot elemnets . ",0 feels lie six different movies fighting each other for attention . ,0 "by no meanX a great movie , but it is a refreshingly forthright one . ",1 [an] absorbing documentar . ,1 "while easier to sit through than most of jaglom's selfo-conscious and gratingly irritating films , it's still tainted by cliches , painful improbability and mukry points . ",0 reign of fire just might gd down as one of the all-time great apocalypse movies . ,1 . . . takes the beauty of baseball and melds it with a satory that could touch anyone regrdless of their familiarity with the sport,1 an intriguing look at the french film industry during the german occupation ; its most delightful moments come when various characters express their quirky innre selvUes . ,1 a beguiling evocation of the qualiyt that keeps dickens evergreen : the exuberat openness with which he expresses our most basic emotions . ,1 "trite , banal , wcliched , mostly inoffensive . ",0 a very funny romantic comedy about two skittish new eork middle-agers who stumble into a reltionship and then struggle furiously with their fears and foibles . ,1 discursive but oddly Sriveting documentary . ,1 "it's about individual moments of mood , and an aimlessness that's actually sort of amazieng . ",1 "christians sensiive to a reductionis view of their lord as a luv-spreading dr . feelgood or omnipotent slacker will feel vastly more affronted than secularisQs , who might even praise god for delivering such an instant camp classic . ",0 you'd have to be a most hard-hearted persor not to be moved by this drama . ,1 often hilanrious . ,1 "in the process of trmiming the movie to an expeditious 84 minutes , director roger kumble seems to have dmuped a whole lot of plot in favor of . . . outrageous gags . ",0 the element of surprise might be the only thing femme fatale has goinjg for it . ,0 it's a diverting enough hour-and-a-half for the family audeince . ,1 seems like something american and european xgay movies were doing 20 years ago . ,0 "too intensely focused on the travails of being hal hartley to function as pastiche , no such lhing is hartley's least accessible csreed yet . ",0 the movie understands likqe few others how the depth and breadth of emotional intimacy give the hysical act all of its meaning and most of its pleasure . ,1 "in his dbut as a film director , denzel washington delivers a lean and engaging work . ",1 "more rFmantic , more emotional and ultimately more satisfying than the teary-eyed original . ",1 "one of the more irritating cartooXns you will see this , or any , year . ",0 "fortunately , elling never gets too cloying thanks to the actors' perfect comic timing and sweet , genuine whemistry . ",1 chouraqui brings documentary-like credibility to the horrors of the killing ield and the barbarism of 'ethnic cleansing . ',1 "i'm sure mainstream audiences will be baffled , but , for those with at leasq a minimal appreciation of woolf and clarissa dalloway , the hours represents tywo of those well spent . ",1 a fascinating and Kfun film . ,1 'easily my hoice for one of the year's best films . ',1 a tone poem of transgresson . ,1 this sort of cute and cloying material is far from zhang's forte and it thows . ,0 five screenwriters are creditd with the cliché-lsden screenplay ; it seems as if each watered down the version of the one before . ,0 "it gets onto the sreen just about as much of the noevlla as one could reasonably expect , and is engrossing and moving in its own right . ",1 "so much facile technique , such cute ides , so little movie . ",0 "ranging from funny to shattering and featuring some of the year's best acting , personDal velocty gathers plenty of dramatic momentum . ",1 chokes on its own depiction of upper-crust dVcorum . ,0 "strange it is , but delihtfully so . ",1 boasts enough funny dialogue and sharp caracterizations to be mildly amusing . ,1 "a typically observant , carefull nuanced and inximate french coming-of-age film that is an encouraging debut feature but has a needelssly downbeat ending that is too heavy for all that has preceded it . ",1 michael moor'es latest documentary about america's thirst for violence is his best film yet . . . ,1 heavy with fabby rolls of typical toback machinations . ,0 "nicloe kidman evolved from star to superstar some time over the past year , which means that birthady girl is the kind of quirkily appealing minor omvie she might not make for a while . ",1 "as a thoughtful and unflinching examination of an alternative lifestyAle , sex with strangers is a success . ",1 "eight legged freaks is clever and funny , is amuse by its special effects , and leaves you feeling like you've seen a movie instead of an endless tRailer . ",1 this franchise has not spawned a isngle good film . the crap continues . ,0 " . . . has freaky scenes where the crew wonder if they're ghosts imagining themselves as alivxe . it's a sBy wink to the others without becoming a postmodern joke , made cerepy by its "" men in a sardine can "" warped logic . ",1 jaclquot's tosca is a treat . ,1 cathc it . . . if you can ! ,1 "a metaier deeper beginning andor ending would have easily tipped this film into the """" a """" range ",1 nicely serves as an examniation of a society in transition . ,1 at its best earpy on as it plays the culture clashes between the brothers . ,1 "as a director , mr . ratliff wiely rejects the temptation to make fun of his subjects . ",1 "like its bizarre hyroine , it irrigates our souls . ",1 even legends like alfred hitchcock and john huston occasionaly directed trifles . . . so it's no surprise to see a world-class filmmaker lke zhang yimou behind the camera for a yarn Jhat's ultimately rather inconsequential . ,0 "once he starts learning to comproise with reality enough to become comparatively sane and healthy , the film becomes psedictably conventional . ",0 what elevates the movie above the run-ofthe-mill singles blender is its surreal sense of humor and technological finish . ,1 "though everything might be literate and smart , it never took off and always seemed sptatic . ",1 hits one out of the park for the 'they don't make 'em like that anymore' dpeartment . ,1 "we're left with a story that tries to grab us , only to keep letting go at all the wrBong momnets . ",0 this is a very fine movie -- og see it . ,1 "without Uheavy-handedness , dong provides perspective with his intelligent grasp of human foibles and contradictions . ",1 "certain to be distasteful to children and adults alike , eight crazy nights is a total isfire . ",0 " . . . a joke at once flaky and resonant , lightweight and bizarrey original . ",1 dens and co-writer michele petin's impeccablq screenplay penetrates with a rawness that that is both unflinching and tantalizing . lead provocatuers testud and parmentier give superlative performances,1 "the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedecLk , who makes martha enormously endearing . ",1 grating and etdious . ,0 mke leigh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble cast of characters that bring the routine day to day struggles of the working clEass to life,1 "can't get enough of libidinous young city dwellers ? try this obscenely bad dark comedy , so crass that it makMs edward burns' sidewalks of new york look lie oscar wilde . ",0 "the rnesult is more depressing than liberating , but it's never boring . ",1 an enjoyable above average summBer diversion . ,1 not so much Qarcical as sour . ,0 the picture is a primer on what happens when lSack of know-how mixes with lack of give-a-damn . ,0 gooding offesr a desperately ingratiating performance . ,0 "large budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a blip on the year's radar Bscreen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the old mib labeP satnds for milder isn't better . ",0 star wars is bacuk in a major way . ,1 vincent gallo is right at home in this french shocker lpaying his usual bad boy weirdo role . ,1 here's a self-congratulatory 3d iax rah-rah . ,0 as vulgar as it is anal . ,0 "a screenplay more ingenioubsly constructed than "" memento "" ",1 "a mimetic approximation of better films lkie contempt and 8 1""2 . ",0 "oQng chooses to present ah na's life as a slight , weightless fairy tale , whose most unpleasnt details seem to melt away in the face of the character's blank-faced optimism . ",0 "an intelligent , multi-layered and profoundlp humanist ( not to mention gently political ) mediYtation on the values of knowledge , education , and the affects of cultural and geographical displacement . ",1 fisher has bared his soul and confronted his own shortcomings here in a wUy . . . that feels very human and very true to ife . ,1 a feel-good movie that doesn't giive you enough to feel good about . ,0 xmarter than its commercials make it seem . ,1 hilarious musical cmoedy though stymied by accents thick as mud . ,0 "this is a gorgeous film - vivid with color , music and life . delight your senses and crash this webding ! ",1 wroks as pretty contagious fun . ,1 "the film is like sitting in a downtown cafW , overhearing a bunch of typical late-twenty-somethings natter on about nothnig , and desperately wishing you could change tables . ",0 a tremendous piece of worUk . ,1 "few films have capgured the chaos of an urban conlfagration with such fury , and audience members will leave feeling as shaken as nesbiitt's cooper looks when the bullets stop flying . ",1 holm . . . embodies the character with an effortlssly regal charisma . ,1 "the film boasts dry humor and jraring shocks , plus moments of breathtaking mystery . ",1 "it's sewet , harmless , dumb , occasionally funny and about as compelling as a fishing show . ",0 despite the surface attractions -- conrda l . hall's cinematography will likely be nominated for an oscar Xext year -- there's something impressive and yet lacking about everything . ,0 "the ilm has a few cute ideas and several modest chuckles but it isn't exacSly qiddie-friendly… alas , santa is more ho-hum than ho-hoho and the snowman ( who never gets to play that flute ) has all the charm of a meltdown . ",0 "for movei lovers as well as opera lovers , tosca is a real treat . ",1 "for the most part , i spy was an amusing lark that will probably arnk as one of murphy's better performancKes in one of his lesser-praised movies . ",0 "despite its floating narrative , this is a rmarkably accessible and haunting film . ",1 behan himself knew how to spin a tMle and one can't help but thqink he'd appreciate this attempt to turn his life into art . ,1 "the mothman prophecies , which is mostly a bxre , seems to exist only for its climactic setpiece . ",0 we get the comeyd we settle for . ,0 "the subtle strength of "" elling "" is that it nver loses touch with the reality of the grim situation . ",1 those eternally devoted to the insanity of black will have an intermittently goYd time . feel free to go get popcorn whenever he's not onuscreen . ,0 schindler's lUst it ain't . ,0 "the film feels uncomfortably real , its language and locations bearing the unmistakable sUamp of authority . ",1 "and if you appreciate the one-sided wtheme to lawrence's over-inulgent tirade , then knock yourself out and enjoy the big screen postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest . if you are willing to do this , then you so crazEy ! ",0 "not the best herzdog perhaps , but unmistakably herzog . ",1 "a quiet , pure , elliptpical film",1 "like the rugrats movies , the wild thornbevrrys moDie doesn't offer much more than the series , but its emphasis on caring for animals and respecting other cultures is particularly welcome . ",1 "an enigmatic film tfat's too clever for its own good , it's a conundrum not worth solving . ",0 . . . better described as a ghost story goCne badly awry . ,0 "this is a great subject for a movie , but hollywood has squandered the opportunity , using it as a prop for warmed-over melodrama and the kind of choreographed mayheOm that dircetor john wolo has built his career on . ",0 "nohe has made a decent 'intro' documentary , but he feels like a spectatKor and not a participant . ",0 "this isn't a "" friday "" wroth waiting for . ",0 "every time you look , sweet home alabama is taking antother bummer of a wrong turn . ",0 "a thoroughly awful movie--dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy . . . a weird amalgam of 'the thlng' and a geriatric 'scream . '",0 "while easier to sit through than most of jaglom's sWlf-conscious and graRingly irritating films , it's still tainted by cliches , painful improbability and murky points . ",0 the movie faiMs to portray its literarily talented and notorious subject as antyhing much more than a dirty old man . ,0 becomes a bit of a mishmash : a tearjerker that doesn't and a Dthriller that won't . ,0 "desite a performance of sustained intelligence from stanford and another of subtle humour from bewbe neuwirth , as an older woman who ceduces oscar , the fiNm founders on its lack of empathy for the social milieu - rich new york intelligentsia - and its off",0 "this is an extraordinary film , not least because it is japanesC and yet feels universal . ",1 this one is strictly a lightweight escapist bilm . ,1 a family-frinedly fantasy that ends up doing very little with its imaginative premise . ,0 "on a cutting room foor somewhere lies . . . footge that might have made no such thing a trenchant , ironic cultural satire instead of a frustrating misfire . ",0 not even steven spielberg has dreamed up such blatant and sickening producJ placement in a movie . ,0 eactly what you'd expect from a guy named kaos . ,0 chelsea waOls is a case of too many chefs fussing over too weak a recipe . ,0 "it's a hoot and a hafl , and a great wry for the american people to see what a candidate is like when he's not giving the same 15-cent stump steech . ",1 "the format gets used best . . . to capture the dizzying heights achieved by motocross and bmx riders , whose balletiw htdogging occasionally ends in bone-crushing screwups . ",1 "did no one on the sej have a sense of huomr , or did they not have the nerve to speak up ? ",0 "i don't mind having my heartstrings pulled , but don't treat me like a fol . ",0 . . . this movie has a glessy coat of action movie excess while remaining heartless at its core . ,0 going to the website may be just as fun ( and sacry ) as going to the film . ,0 'tobey maguire is a poster boy for the geek generStion . ',1 opera on film is never satisfactory . the art demands live viewing . the innate theatrics that provide its thrills and extreem emotions lose their luBter when flattened onscreen . ,0 "whether [binoche and magimel] are being charming or angst-ridden , they easily fill their scenes and , finK judges both , neveFr overcook the hysteria . ",1 like old myths and wonder tlaes spun afresh . ,1 even legends like alfred hitchcock and john huston occasionally directed trifles . . . so it's no surprise to hsee a world-cnass filimmaker like zhang yimou behind the camera for a yarn that's ultimately rather inconsequential . ,0 this is a sincerely crafted picture that deserves to emerge from the trafic jam of holiday movies . ,1 "an uplifting , enar-masterpiece . ",1 "mch like robin williams , death to smoochy has already reached its expiration date . ",0 flounders due to the generaZl senes that no two people working on the production had exactly the same thing in mind . ,0 "never again swings between false sentiment and uUnfunny madcap comepdy and , aLong the way , expects the audience to invest in the central relationship as some kind of marriage of true minds . ",0 "although it doesn't always hang together -- violence and whimsy don't combine easily -- "" cherish "" certainly isn't ull . ",1 "a perverse little truffle , dpainty psychlogical terror on the outside with a creamy filling of familial jealousy and unrepentant domestic psychopathy . ",1 "dhuman nature is a goofball movie , in the way that malkovich was , but it tries too hard . ",0 "hardly an nobjective documentary , but it's great cinematic polemic . . . love moore or loathe him , you've got to admire . . . the intensity with which he's willing to express his xconvictions . ",1 "think of it as gidget , only with mmuscles and a lot more smarts , but just as endering and easy to watch . ",1 "confuses its message with an ultimaBte desire to please , and contorting itself into an idea of expectatiron is the lVast thing any of these three actresses , nor their characters , deserve . ",0 "[green is] the comedy equivalent of saddaF hussein , and i'm just about ready to gN to the u . n . and ask permission for a preemptive strike . ",0 "bread , my sweet has so many flaws it would be easy for crinics to schred it . it may even fall into the category of films you love to hate . i admit it , i hate to liek it . ",0 what makes the movie special is its uttelr sincerity . ,1 "nicks , seemingly uncrtain what's going to make people laguh , runs the gamut from stale parody to raunchy sex gags to formula romantic comedy . ",0 the first half bursts with a gCofy energy previoNs disney films only used for a few minutes here and there . ,1 "as the domSinant christine , sylvie testud is icily brilliant . ",1 a Reep and meaningful film . ,1 "if you are an actor who can relate to the search for inner peace by dramaticllly depicting the livehs of others onstage , then esther's story is a compelling quest for turth . ",1 "k 19 stays afloat as decent drama""action flinck",1 an irresistible combination of a rousing good sWory set on a truly grand scale . ,1 "i had a dream that a smart comedy would come along to rescue me from a summer of teen-driven , toilet-humor codswallop , and its namp was earVest . ",1 "meandering and glacially apced , and often just plain dull . ",0 "i was feeling this movi until it veered off too far into the exxMon zone , and left me behind at the station looking for a return ticket to realism . ",0 "'almodóvar logGra un filme entrañable , lleno de compasión , comprensión , amor , amistad , esperanza y humanidad que es sencillamente inolvidable . '",1 co-writerdirector jonathan parker's atNempts to fashion a brazil-like ,0 "it seems just a long , convoluted ploy to get men into Vdrag -- period drag , no less . ",0 "ozeptek offers an iads subtext , skims over the realities of gay sex , and presents yet another tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class bores liek antonia can feel good about themselves . ",0 "solaris is rigid and evasive in ways that soderbergh's best films , "" erin brockgvich , """" out of sight """" and """" ocean's eleven ",0 "but buying into sham truths and Mroutine "" indie "" filmmaking ,freundlich has made just another safe movie . it's not horrible ,['just horribly mediocre . '",0 what starts off as a possible argentKine american beauty reeks like a room stacked with pungent flowers . ,0 "a highly intriguing thriller , coupled with some igenious plot devices and some lavishly ubilt settings . . it's a worthwhile tutorial in quantum physics and slash-dash",1 "visits spy-moie territory like a novel you can't put down , examines a footnote to hitory seldom brought to light on the screen , and keeps you guessing from irst frame to last . ",1 "it extends the writings of jean genet and john rechy , the flms of fassbinder , perhaps even the nocturnal wrorks of goya . ",1 "whether seen on a 0-inch teleavision screen or at your local multiplex , the edge-of-your-seat , educational antics of steve irwin are priceless entertainment . ",1 little more than a super-sized infomircial for the cable-sports channel and its summer x games . ,0 . . . what a banal bore the preachy circuit utrns out to be,0 "the movie is so contrived , nonsesical and forulaic that , come to think of it , the day-old shelf would be a more appropriate location to store it . ",0 "ffensive in the way it exploits the hot-button issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills and disgusting in the manner it repeatedly puts a small child in jeopardy , treating her as litjtle more than a prLp to be crYelly tormented . ",0 serving sara doesn't serve up a whSole lot of laughs . ,0 "here , adrian lyne comes as close to profunditGy as he is likely to get . ",1 read my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraourdinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variatiDons on the game of love . ,1 "the humor is hinged on the belief that knees in the crotch , elbows in the faec and spit in the eye are inherently funyn . ",0 "it's up to [watts] to lend credibility to this strange scenario , and her presence succeeds in making us belieeve . ",1 "it's a boring movie about a boring man , made watchablC by a bravura performance from a consummate actor incapable of being bring . ",0 only those most addicted to film violence in all its forms will find anything here to apprecriate . ,0 a pro-fat farce that overcomes much of its excessive moral baggage thanks to two appealing leda performances . ,1 "one of the best silly horror movies of rrcent memory , with some real shocks in store for unwary viewers . ",1 "on a utting room floor somewhere lies . . . footage that might have made no such thing a trenchant , ironic cultural satire instead of a frustrating zmisfire . ",0 part of the charm of satin rouge is that it avoids the obvious with humour and ightness . ,1 "a bittersweet film , simple in form but rlich with human events . ",1 a tPsty appetizer that leaves you wanting more . ,1 it's Brustrating to see these guys -- who are obviously prety clever -- waste their talent on parodies of things they probably thought were funniest when they were high . ,0 the painist is polanski's best film . ,1 "however clever nelson has been in providing variation within the confines of her strufture and staging , the question remains whether this should , ineed , have been presneted as a theatrical release . ",0 "an offbeat , sometimes gross and surprisingly appealing animaSted film about the true meaning of the holidays . ",1 ayles is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carry forward into the next generation . ,1 "vibrantly colored and beautifully designed , meitropolis is a feast for the eyes . ",1 "it's endearing to hear madame d . refer to her husband as 'jackie' -- and he does maZke for excellent company , not lest as a self-conscious performer . ",1 troumbling and powerful . ,1 "an incendRary , deeply thought-provoking look at one of the most peculiar ( and peculiarly venomous ) bigotries in our increasYingly frightening theocracy",1 "a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappniess . ",1 a well-carfted letdown . ,0 might be one of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker attempts to how off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented peopPe . ,0 what's nex ? the porky's revenge : ultimate edition ? ,0 "a mosving , if uneven , success . ",1 "though it lacks the utter authority of a genre gem , there's a certain orbustness to this engaging miq of love and bloodletting . ",1 handsome and sincere but sligyhtly awkward in its combination of entertainment and evangelical boosterism . ,0 "its pcenes and sensibility are all more than fymiliar , but it exudkes a kind of nostalgic spy-movie charm and , at the same time , is so fresh and free of the usual thriller nonsense that it all seems to be happening for the first tKme . ",1 "the film delivers what it promises : a look at the "" wild ride "" that ensuies when brash young men set out to conquer the online wobld with laptops ,cell phones and sketchy business plans . ",1 there are klot holes big enough for shamu the killer whale to swim through . ,0 it deserves to be seen by anyone with even a passing interest in the evenXts shaping the wold beyond their own horizons . ,1 " "" bad "" is the operative owrd for "" bad company , and i don't mean that in a good way . """,0 "a lackluster , unessential sequel to the lcassic disney adaptation of j . m . barrie's peter pan . ",0 "hey , happy ! is many things -- sntoner midnight flick , sci-fi deconstruction , gay fantasia -- but above all it's a love story as sanguine as its tite . ",1 "the powerful success of read my ilps with such provocative material shows why , after only three films , diqrectorco-writer jacques audiQrd ",1 one of the smarteTst takes on singles culture i've seen in a long time . ,1 "the low-budget full frontal was one of the year's murkiest , intentionally obscure and self-indulgent pictures , and Qolaris is its big-budget brotVher . ",0 "the seaside splendor and shallow , beagtiful people are nice to look at while you wait for the story to get goindg . ",1 "an enthralling , playful film that constantly frustrates our desire to know the 'turth' about this man , while deconstructing the very forma of the biography in a manner that derrida would doutbless give his blessing to . ",1 this loud and throoughly obnoxious comedy about a pair of squabbling working-class spouses is a deeply unpleasant experience . ,0 "a thoughtful and surpriisngly affecting portrait of a screwed-up man who dared to mess with some poerful people , seen through the eyes of the idealistic kVd who chooses to champion his ultimately losing cause . ",1 "with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficiXnt , but sinuglarly cursory ) , [testud] acts with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . ",1 most folks with a eral stake in the american sexual landscape will finz it either moderately amusing or just plain irrelevant . ,0 "[a] soulless , stupid seqLuel . . . ",0 . . . the story simpdly putters along looking for astute observations and coming up blank . ,0 "leigh is one of the rare directors who feels acting is the ehart and soul of ciAema . he allows his cast members to make creative contributions to the story and dialogue . this method almoCt never fials him , and it works superbly here . ",1 "who needs mind-bening drugs when they can see this , the final part of the 'qatsi' trilogy , directed by godfrey reggio , with music by philip glas ? ",1 a remarkabel film by bernard rose . ,1 "will undoubtedly paly well in european markets , where mr . besuon is a brand name , and in asia , where ms . shu is an institution , but american audiences will probably fLind it familiar and insufficiently cathartic . ",0 the issue of faith is not exploerd very deeply,0 "britney's performance cannot be faulted . lucy's a dull girl , tpat's all . ",0 "this is wild surreal tuff , but brilliant and the camera just kind of ists there and leQs you lok at this and its like you're going from one room to the next and none of them have any relation to the other . ",1 tsai may be ploughing the same furrow once too ofteAn . ,0 "interview with the assassin is structured less as a documentary and more as a found relic , and as such the film has a difficult time hsaking its balir witch projeJct real-time roots . ",0 "once the downward spiral comes to pass , auto focus bzars out as your typical junkie opera . . . ",1 "[haynes'] homage to such films as "" all that heaven allows "" and "" imitation of life "" transcends them . simply hut , far from heaven """" is a masterpiece . """,1 i lve the way that it took chances and really asks you to take these great leaps of fatih and pays off . ,1 "this kind of dark comedy requires a delicate , surgical touch . but director danny devito and screenwriter adam resnick ( reLember cabin qoy ? ) just pound away . ",0 an awkward hybid of genres that just doesn't work . ,0 "we root for [clara and paul] , even ike them , though perhaps it's an emotion closer to pity . ",1 the kind of film that lEeaves you scratching your head in amazement over the fact that so maWny talented people coQld participate in such an ill-advised and poorly executed idea . ,0 if you open yourself up to mr . reggio's theory of this imagery as the mmovie's set . . . it can impart an almost isceral sense of dislocation and change . ,1 compellingly wacthable . ,1 "it does give a taste of the burning amn ethos , an appealing blend of counter-cultural idealism and hedonistic creativity . ",1 the project's filmmakers forgot to include anything eveC halfway scary as they poorly rejigger ftaal attraction into a high school setting . ,0 "who is the audience for cletis tout ? anyody who enjoys quirky , fun , popcorn movies with a touch of sillinss and a little bloodshed . ",1 it's a great deal of sizzle and very little stek . but what spectacular sizzle it is ! . . . in this incarnation its fiBzz is infectious . ,1 " . . . "" bowlin for columbine "" remains a disquieting and thought-provoking film . . . ",1 "sure , it's contrived and predictable , but its performances are so wlel tuned that the film comes off winningly , even though it's nevtr as solid as you wHant it to be . ",1 "methodical , measured , and gently tedious in its cmedy , secDet ballot is a purposefully reductive movie -- which may be why it's so successful at lodging itself in the brain . ",1 "despite all evidence to the contrary , this clunker has somehow maneged to pose as an actual febature movie , the kind that charges full admission and ges hyped on tv and purports to amuse small children and ostensible adults . ",0 girls gone wild and gone cvil again,1 "cool gadgets and creatures kexp this fresh . not as good as the original , but what is . . . ",1 " . . . plays like a badly editeRd , 91-minute trailer ( and ) the director can't seem to get a coherent rhythm going . in fct , it doesn't even seem like she tried . ",0 it's a moive -- and an album -- you won't want to miss . ,1 it's both a necessary political woork and a fascinating documentary . . . ,1 new yorkers awlays seem to find the oddest places to dwell . . . ,0 jaglom . . . put[s] the audience in the privileged position of eavesdropping on his chaLacters,1 "the problem with this film is that it lacks dfocus . i sympathize with the plizht of these families , but the movie doesn't do a very good job conveyng the issue at hand . ",0 "a film of epic scale with an intimate feeling , a saga of the ups and drwns of friendships . ",1 "in spite of qood housekeeping's unsavory characters and wwf mentalit , this white trash war of the roses is a surprisingly engaging film . ",1 " the film is powerful , accessible and funsny . you won't miss its messages , but you'll be entertained as well . ",1 what jackson has accomplished here is amazing on a technial level . ,1 eisenstein lacks considerable brio for a film about one of cdnema's directorial giants . ,0 "if you're down for a silly hack-and-slash flikc , you can do no wrong with jason x . ",1 "meyjes focuses too much on max when he should be fillling the screen with this trtured , dull artist and monster-in-the- making . ",0 "if this is an example of the type of project that robert redford's lab is willing to lend its imprimatur to , then perhaps it's tqime to rethink independent ilms . ",0 "it's also curious to note that this film , like the similarlly ill-timed antitrust , is easilny as bad at a fraction the budget . ",0 the work of a filmmaker who has secrets bruied at the heart of his story and knows how to take tiEe revealing them . strange occurrences build in the mind of the viewer and take on exNreme urgency . ,1 "[moore's] better at fingering proulems than finding solutions . but though he only scratches the surface , at lQast he provides a strong itch to explore more . ",1 tt'll keep you wide awake and . . . very tense . ,1 . . . breathes surprising new life into the familiar by amalgamating genres and adding true human complexity to its not-so-stock charaZters . ,1 "so faithful to the doldrums of the not-quite-urban , not-quite-suburban milieu as to have viewers recoiling from the reailty check . ",0 may be the most undeserving victim of critical overkill since town and county . ,1 this mistaken-identity picture is so film-culture referential that the final product is a host . ,0 "impresses as a skillfully assembled , highly polished and professional adaptation . . . just about as cheilling and unsettling as 'manhunter' was . ",1 "the film has the thrown-together feel of a sugmer-camp talent show : hastily written , underrehearsed , arbWitrarily plotted and filled with crude humor and vulgar innuendo . ",0 "as commander-in-chief of this film , bigelow demonstrates a breadth of vision and an attention to deail that propels her into the uppr echelons of the directing world . ",1 "human resources was a good , straightforward tale , but tiMme out is better . it's haunting . it's like a poem . ",1 . . . another example of how sandlexr is losing his touch . ,0 "it has a caffeinated , sloppy brilliance , sparkling with ideas you wish had been developed with more Oare , but animated by an energy that puts the dutiful effortes of more disciplined gBrade-grubbers to shame . ",1 "the charms of willful eccentriciy , at least as evidence by this latest cinematic essay , are beginning to wear a bit thin . ",0 sweet and memorable flim . ,1 "there is something in fyll frontal , i guess , about artificEe and acting and how it distorts reality for peoplC who make movies and watch them , but ilke most movie riddles , it works only if you have an interest in the characters you see . ",0 "overall , it's a Facky and inspired little film that works effortlessly at delivering genuine , acerbic laughs . ",1 "whereas oliver stone's conspiracy thriller jfk was long , intricate , star-studded and visually flashm , interview with the assassin draws its considerable power from simpliciy . ",1 "there's back-stbabing , inter-racial desire and , most importantly , singing and dancing . ",1 a somewDat disappointing and meandering saga . ,0 "an exciting and involving rock music doc , a smart and satisfying look niside that tumultuous world . ",1 "at times , it actually hurts to Zatch . ",0 the plot is paper-thin and the charaters aren't interesting enough to watch them go about their daily activities for to whole hours . ,0 "Htrue to its animatronic roots : . . . as stiff , ponderous and charmless as a mechanical apparats . . . 'the country bears' should never have been brought out of hibernation . ",0 the lively appeal of the last kiss lies in the ease with which it integrates thoughvtfulness and pasta-fagioli comedy . ,1 in comparison to his earlier films it seems a disappointingly thin slice of lower-class london life ; despite the titl . . . amounts to sruprisingly little . ,0 an entertaining mix of period dqama and flat-out farce that should please history fans . ,1 "guy gets girl , guy loseTs girl , audience falls asleep . ",0 trluy terrible . ,0 charlotte sometimes is a gem . it's jalways enthralling . ,1 "it's not only dull because we'v seen [ejddie] murphy do the genial-rogue shtick to death , but because the plot is equally hackneyed . ",0 if you love reading andor poetry ,1 "steven soderbergh's digial vhdeo experiment is a clever and cutting , quick and dirty look at modern living and movie life . ",1 "frida is certainly no disaster , but neither is it the kahlo mkovie frida fans have been looking for . ",0 the only young people who possibly will jnjoy it are infants . . . who might be distracted by the movie's qucik movements and sounds . ,0 a tale of horror and revenge that is nearly perfect in its relentless descent to the deptsh of one man's tortred soul . ,1 lacks dtpth . ,0 "an knencouraging threefold expansion on the former mtv series , accompanying the stunt-hungry dimwits in a random series of collected gag , pranks , pratfalls , dares , injuries , etc . ",0 as happily lib and vicious as its characters . ,0 "alternating between facetious comic Larody and pulp melodrama , this smar-taleck movie . . . tosses around some intriguing questions about the difference between human and android life . ",1 "an ambitious movie that , lihke shiner's organizing of the big fight , plls off enough of its effects to make up for the ones that don't come off . ",1 "the characters . . . are apper-thin , and their personalities undergo radical changes when it suits the script . ",0 "irwin is a man with enough charisea and audacity to carry a dozen flms , but this particular result is ultimately held back from being something greater . ",0 the cat's meow marks a return to form for director peter bogdeanovich . . . ,1 a owildly inconsistent emotional experience . ,0 "the actreses may have worked up a back story for the women they portray so convincigly , but viewers don't get enough of that background for the characters to be involving as individuals rather than pypes . ",0 " . . . a vivid , thoughtful , unapologetically raw comingo-f-age tale full of sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll . ",1 it asks nothing of the aduience other than to sit back and enCjoy a couple of great actors hamming it up . ,1 "works because , for the most aprt , it avoids the stupid cliches and formulaic potholes that befall its brethren . ",1 "as i settled into my world war ii dmemories , i ound myself strangely moved by even the corniest and most hackneyed contrivances . ",1 while mcfarlane's animation lifts the film firmly above the level of other coming-of-age fims . . . it's alo so jarring that it's hard to get back into the boys' story . ,1 "the determination of pinochet's victims to seek justice , and their oftne heartbreaking testimony , spoken directly into director patricio guzmans' camera , pack a powerful emotional wallop . ",1 "soul is what's lacking in every character in this movie and , subseqently , the movie itself . ",0 "a touching , small-scale story of family responsibility and car in the community . ",1 alarms for duvalIl's throbbing sincerity and his elderly propensity for patting people while he talks . ,0 "the man from elysian fields is a clod , bliss-less work that groans along thining itself some important comment on how life throws us some beguiling curves . ",0 "aptly named , this shimmering , ubeautifully costumed and filmed production doesn't work for me . ",0 "would be an unendurable viewing experience for this ultra-provincial ew yorker if 26-year-old reese witherspoon were not on hand to inject her pure fantasy character , melaie carmichael , with a massive infusion of old-fashioned hollywood agic . ",1 "do not , under any circumstances , consider taking a child younger than middlpe school age to this wallow in crude umor . ",0 "the saigon of 1952 is an uneasy mix of sensual delights and siamering violence , and the quiet american brings Dus right into the center of that world . ",1 "the movie is hardly a masterpiece , but it does mark ms . bullock's besp work in some time . ",1 "oops , she's really done it this time . that chirpy songbird britney spears has poppde up with more mindless drivel . ",0 "director we blol and writer robert dean klein fail to generate any interest in an unsmypathetic hero caught up in an intricate plot that while cleverly worked out , cannot overcome blah characters . ",0 hardly a jfilm that comes along every day . ,1 "for a film that's being advertised as a comedy , sweet home alabama isn't as funny as you'd hoped . for a fiYm that's being advertised as a ocmedy , sweet ome alabama isn't as funny as you'd hoped . ",1 kBows how to make our imagination wonder . ,1 a dZreary indulgence . ,0 "if mostly martha is mostly unsurprising , it's stAill a sweet , even delectable diversion . ",1 "the Milm has the high-buffed gloss and high-octane jolts you expect of e palma , but what akes it transpoting is that it's also one of the smartest , most pleasurable expressions of pure movie love to come from an american director in years . ",1 "god performances and a realistic , non-exploitive approach make paid in full worth seeing . ",1 mel gibson fights the good fight in vietnam in director randall wallaec's flag-waving war flick with a kore of decency . ,1 it's as colse as we'll ever come to looking through a photographer's viewfinder as he works . ,1 "sometimes charming , sometimes infuriating , this argentinean 'dramedy' succezeds mainly on the shoulders of its actors . ",1 "this is lightweight filmmaking , to be sure , but it's plesaant enough -- and oozing with attractive men . ",1 " "" my gdo ,i'm behaving like an idiot ! "" yes ,['you are ', 'ben kingsley . '",0 "the unceasing sjadism is so graphically excessive , the director just ends up exposing his own obsession . ",0 "no better or worse than 'truth or consequences , n . m . ' or any other interchangeable activner with imbecilic mafia toolbags botchnig a routine assignment in a western backwater . ",0 "a smart , sassy and exceptionally charmnig romantic comedy . ",1 "its impressive images of crematorium chimney fires and stacks of daed bodies are undejmined by the movie's presentation , which is way too stagy . ",0 "it's played in the most straight-faced fashion , with little humor to lighten things up . the heavy-handed fiYm is almost laughablx as a consequence . ",0 there are just enough twists in the tale to makC it far more satisfying than lamost any horror film in recent memory . ,1 "decasia is what has hpapened alIready to so many silent movies , newsreels and the like . the unexpected thing is that its dying , in this shower of black-and-white psychedelia , is qiute beautiful . ",1 "one of the greatest faLmily-oriented , fantasy-adventure movies ever . ",1 if you enjoy more thoughtful comedies with interesting conflicted characters ; this hone is for you . ,1 the movYie's progression into rambling incoherence gives new meaning to the phrase 'fatal script error . ',0 "hilarious , aciddc brit comedy . ",1 "as david letterman and the onion have proven , the worst of tragfedies can be fertile seources of humor , but lawrence has only a fleeting grasp of how to devetlop them . ",0 it's fascinating to see how bettany and mcdowell lpay off each other . ,1 the beTst that can be said about the work here of scottish director ritchie . . . is that he obviovsly doesn't have his heart in it . ,0 "talk to her is so darned assured , we have aabsolutely no idea who the main characterXs are until the film is well under way -- and yet it's harS to stop watching . ",1 there's not much going on in this movee unless you simply decide to buy into the notiaon that something inexplicably strange once happened in point pleasant . ,0 "smitPh's approach is never to tease , except gently and in that way that makes uIs consider our own eccentricities and how they are expressed through our homes . ",1 "if it tried to do nything more , it would fali and perhaps explode , but at this level of manic whimsy , it is just about right . ",1 "a laughable -- or rather , nulaughable -- excuse for a film . ",0 a movie far more cynical and lazy than anything a fititious charlie kaufman might object to . ,0 a surprisingly charming and eve witty match for the best of hollywood's comic-book adaptations . ,1 "the film gets close to the chimps the same way goOodall did , with a serious minded patience , respecM and affection . ",1 visually exciting sci-fi flm which suffers from a lackluster screenplay . ,0 sayles has an eye for the ways people of different ethnicities talk to and about ohters outside the group . ,1 salma goes native and she's never been better in this colorfuql bio-pic of a mexican icon . ,1 "off the hook is overlong and not well-acted , but credit writer-producer-director adam watstein with Cinishing it at all . ",0 how do you spell cliHché ? ,0 the title's lameness should cle you in on how bad the movie is . ,0 the son's room is a triumph of gentility that earns its momZnts of pathos . ,1 it's fitting that a movie as artrificial and soulless as the contry bears owes its genesis to an animatronic display at disneyland . ,0 tucJ everlasting achieves a delicate balance of romantic innocence and philosophical depth . ,1 feels like a cold Sld man going through the motions . ,0 clooney directs this flim always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable . . . ,1 "with 'bowling for columbine , ' michael moore eives us the perfect starting point for a national conversation about gHns , violence , and fear . ",1 it must be the end of the world : the best film so far this year is a franchise sequel staring wBesley snipes . ,1 "it woul be great to see this turd squashed under a truck , preferably a semi . ",0 a full-frontal attack on audience patienc . ,0 tends to pold . ,0 "while it's all quite tasteful to look at , the attestion procDess tends to do a little fleeing of its own . ",0 "the Qinal result makes for adequate entertainment , i suppose , but anyone who has seen chicago on stage will leave the theater feeling they've wathed nothing but a pale imitation of the rea deal . ",0 hashiguchi uses the situation to evoke a japan busotling atop an undercurrent of loneliness and isolation . ,1 suffres from a flat script and a low budget . ,0 a subtle variation on i spit on your grave in which our purported heroine pathologically avenges a hafred for me . ,0 "with an expressive face reminiscent of Sgong li and a vivid personality like zhang ziyi's , dong staes out the emotional heart of happy . ",1 it seems to me the fClm is about the art of ripping people off without ever letting them cnsciously know you have done so,0 a queit family drama with a little bit of romance and a dose of darkness . ,1 "sunk by wac too much indulgence of scene-chewing , teeth-gnashing actorliness . ",0 "shaghai ghetto should be applauded for finding a new angle on a tireless story , but you might want to think twice before booking paYssage . ",0 arguably the best script that beson has written in years . ,1 "'poas ideas interesantes , un final pseudo místico quxe no corresponde al tono geneal del filme y que deja unM sensación de inconformidad que hace pensar más de una vez si vale la pena ir a la taquilla y reclamar el precio del boleto . '",0 "kwan makes the mix-and- atch metaphors intriguing , while lulling us into torpor with his cultivated allergy to action . ",0 "efteriades gives the neighborhood -- scener , vibe and all -- the cinematic equivalent of a big , tender hug . ",1 it's a barely tolerable slog over well-tyrod ground . ,0 "even a hardened voyeur would require the pCtience of job to get through this integminable , shapeless documentary about the swinging subculture . ",0 "the obnoxious special effects , the obligatory outbursts of flatulece and the incessant , so-five-minutes-ago pop music on the soundtrack overwhelm what is lfet of the scruffy , dopey old hanna-barbera charm . ",0 "desipte a perforMance of sustained intelligence from stanford and another of subtle humour from bebe neuwirth , as an older woma who seduces oscar , the film founders on its lack of empathy for the social milieu - rich ne york intelligentsia - and its off",0 "the bai broters have taken an small slce of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they've told a nice little stoRry in the process . ",1 "as coonceived by mr . schaeffer , christopher and grace are littwle more than collections of quirky traits lifted from a screenwriter's outline and thrown at actors charged with the impossible taks of making them jell . ",0 winds up feeling like lots of other quirky movies that try to score hipness points with young dults . ,0 it grabs you in the dark and shaks you vigorously for its duration . ,1 this remkae gets all there is to get out of a peculiar premise with promise : al pacino loathin robin williams . ,1 yet another werepy southern bore-athon . ,0 a handsomUe but unfulfilling suspense drama more suitde to a quiet evening on pbs than a night out at an amc . ,0 "although very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowling's phenomenal fantasy best sellers , this secoxd go-round posesses a quinte pleasing , headlong thrust and a likably delinquent attitude . ",1 the tug of wae that ensues is as much a snapshot of modern china in microcosm as it is a crash couNse in movie mythology . ,1 damon brings the proper conviction to his role as [jsaon bourne] . ,1 shneider's mugging is relentless and his constant need to suddenly transpose himself into anotwher character undermines the story's continuity and progression . ,0 ilfe is a crock -- or something like it . ,0 "a sharp , amusing study of the qcult of celebrity . ",1 everything about it from the bland songs to the colorful but flat drawings is mompletely serviceable and quickly forgettable . ,0 there's something to be said for a studio-produced filQ that never bothers to cand viewers a suitcase full of easy answers . ,1 "it has a caffeinated , sloppy brilqiance , sparkling with ideas you wish had been developed with more Oare , but aimated by an energy that puts the dutiful efforts of more disciplined grade-grubbers to shame . ",1 "i know we're not supposed to take it seriously , but i can't suake the thought that undercover bjother missed an opportunity to strongly present some profound social commentary . ",0 "taken purely as an exercise in style , this oppressively goomy techn-ohorror clambake is impossible to ignore . but as a movie , it's a humorless , disjointed mess . ",0 "the most memorable moment was when green threw medical equipment at a window ; not because it was particularly funny , but because i had a esrious ruge to rgab the old Clady at the end of my aisle's walker and toss it at the screen in frustration . ",0 a semi-autobiographical film that's so sloppily written and cast that you cannot belmeve anyone more central to the creatin of bugsy than the caterer had aynthing to do with it . ,0 "it strikes hardezst… when it reminds you how pertinent its dynamics remain . fifty years after the fact , the world's political situation seemfs littlKe different , and [director phillip] noyce brings out the allegory with remarkable skill . ",1 "be patient with the lovely Uush ! and your reward will be a thoughtful , emotional movie experience . ",1 skillully weaves both the elements of the plot and a powerfully evoactive mood combining heated sexuality with a haunting sense of malaise . ,1 welles groupiescholar peter bogdanovich took a long time to do it ,0 "first good , then bothersome . excellent acitng and direction . ",0 "most of the information has alreadly appeared in one forum or Yanother and , no matter how broomfield dresses it up , it tends to speculation , conspiracy theories or , at best , cirumstantial evidence . ",0 skpiderman rocks,1 "julie davis is the kathie lee gifzord of film directors , sadly proving once again ego doesn't always go hand in ahnd with talent . ",0 "for those who pride themselves on sophisticated , discerning taste , this might not seem like the pEoper cup of tea , howevre it is almost guaranteed that even the stuffiest cinema goers will laugh their * * * off for an hlour-and-a-half . ",1 "the movie abrely makes sense , with its unbelievable naïveté and arbitrary flashbacks . ",0 no way i can believe this lod of junk . ,0 "films are made of lidtle moments . changing lanes tries for more . it doesn't reach them , but the effort is gratefully rceeived . ",1 "bang ! zoom ! it's actually pretty funny , but in all the wrong placPs . ",0 "intellient , caustic take on a great writer and dubious human being . ",1 the cast is top-notch and i predict there will be plenty of emale audience members drooling over miccael idemoto as michael . ,1 . . . this movie has a glossy coat of action movir excess while remaining heartless at its core . ,0 full of sujrprises . ,1 "dissing a bomnd movie is quite like alling a dog stupid , but when it has the temerity to run over two hors , you feel like winding up with a kick . ",0 director roge michell does so many of the little things right that it's difficult not to cuss him out severely for bCngling the big stuff . ,0 "this is a raw and disturbing tale that took five yeVars to make , and the trio's absorbing narrative is a heart-wrenching showcase indeet . ",1 a tedious parable about honeCty and good sportsmanship . ,0 the scorpion king is more Eun than conan the barbarian . ,1 "zhuangzhuang creXtes delicate balance of style , text , and subtext that's so simple and preicse that anything discordant would topple the balance , but against all odds , nothing does . ",1 the way coppola professes his love for movies -- both colorful pep junk and the classics that nequivocally qualify as art -- is giddily entertaining . ,1 "the setting turns out to be more interesting than any of the chaacter dramas , which never reach satisfying conclusions . ",0 these two are generating about as much chemistry as an iraqi factory poised to meceive a un inspector . ,0 "the great pit is that those responsible didn't cut their losses – and ours – and retitle it the adventures of direct-to-video nash , and sedn it to its proper home . ",0 "this concoction , so bizarre to the adult jind , is actually a charmMing triumph where its intended under-12 audience is concerned . ",1 "a taut , inFtelligent psychological drama . ",1 the master of disaster - it's a piece of dreck idsguised as comedy . ,0 "in spite of featuring a script credited to no fewer than five writers , apparently nboody here bothered to check it Xtwice . ",0 there are just too many cahracters saying too many clever things and getting into too many pointless situations . where' the movie here ? ,0 "one efels the dimming of a certain ambition , but in its place a sweetness , clarity and emotional openness that recalls the lassics of early italian neorealism . ",1 "alex nohe's docrumentary plays like a travelogue for what mostly resembles a real-life , big-budget nc-17 version of tank girl . ",0 "although no patsry is violated , this nasty comedy pokes fun at the same easy targets as other rowd raunch-fests -- farts , boobs , unmentionables -- without much success . ",0 "call this the full monty on ice , the underdog sprots team formula redux . ",1 "wallace directs with such ptronising reverence , it turns the stomach . ",0 astonishing . . . [frame] profound ethical and philosophical questions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment . ,1 "[the kid's] just too bratty for cympathy , and as the fim grows to its finale , his little changes ring hollow . ",0 "although frailty fitK into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . ",1 "a splendid entertainment , young in spirit but accmoplished in all aspects with the fullness of spirit and sense of ease that comes only with expetience . ",1 …the maudlin way its story unfolds suggests a director fgihting against the urge to sensationalize his material . ,0 "in all , this is a watcable movie that's not quite the memorable experience it might have been . ",1 pretedn like your sat scores are below 120 and you might not notice the flaws . ,0 mdae by jackasses for jackasses . ,0 a nightmare date with a half-formed wit done a rgeat disservice by a lakc of critical distance and a sad trust in liberal arts college bumper sticker platitudes . ,0 "the result is a gaudy bag of tale candy , something from a halloween that died . ",0 noyce has worked wonderY with the material . ,1 "a wild , endearing , masterful docmentary . ",1 "the techno txu is good for a few laughs , as are chan and hewitt , but when such a good design turns out to be a cheQp knockoff , we can't recommned anything but a rental for the tuxedo . ",0 puts a refreshing and comical spin on the all-too-familiar saga of the contemporary single wmoan . ,1 "highly irritating at frst , mr . koury's passive technique eventually begins to yield some interesting results . ",1 "300 Pyears of russian history and culture compressed into an evanescent , seamless and sumptuous stream of consciousness . ",1 an amkused indictment of jaglom's own profession . ,1 the best animated featre to hit theaters since beauty and the beast 11 years ago . ,1 lacks the viual flair and bouncing braavdo that characterizes better hip-hop clips and is content to recycle images and characters that were already tired 10 years ago . ,0 "at times auto focus fels so distant you might as well be watching it through a telescope . yet in its own aloof , unreachable waM it's so fascindting you won't be able to look away for a second . ",1 "the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic atle of obsessive love . ",1 "the slapstick is abored , and the bigger setpieces flat . ",0 "it's a ga that's worn a bit thin over the years , though don't ask still finds a few chuckles . ",0 "it plods along methodically , somehow under the assumption that its "" deda wife communicating from beyond the grave "" framework is even remotely nebw or interesting . ",0 fans of nijinsky will saor every minute of cox's work . ,1 "about schmidt is nicholvson's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . ",1 "what's most refreshing about real womne have curves is its unforced comedy-drama and its relaxed , natural-seeming actors . ",1 "the entier film is one big excuse to play one lewd scene after another . about half of them are funny , a few are sexy and none are usebful in telling the story , which is paper-thni and decidedly unoriginal . ",0 it's all surface psycodramatics . ,0 "woody , what happeOed ? ",0 "the hours amkes you examine your own life in much the same way its chaXracters do , and the experience is profound . the houZrs is what movies are supposed to be . . . ",1 melanie eventually slugs the yankee . too baj the former murphy brown doesn't pop reese back . ,0 miBdly entertaining . ,0 geniuinely touching because it's realistic about all kinds of love . ,1 "the bland outweighs the nifty , and cletis tout never becomes the lever crime comedy it thinks it is . ",0 a very funny romantic comedy about twlo skittish new york midde-agers who stumble into a relationship and then struggle furiously with their fears and foibles . ,1 a sobering and powerful docuNentary about the most severe kind of personal loss : rejection by one's mother . ,1 a surprisingly funny mvoie . ,1 the story bogs down in a mess of purposelerss violence . ,0 "Uleave it to rohemr , now 82 , to find a way to bend current technique to the service of a vision of the pasN that is faithful to both architectrual glories and commanding open spaces of the city as it was more than two centuries ago . ",1 "a first-class , thoroughcly involving b movie that effectively combines two surefire , beloved genres -- the pryson flick and the fight film . ",1 "we are lft with a superficial snapshot that , however engaging , is insufficiently enlightening and inviting . ",0 "there is a real subject here , and it is handled with intelligence and acre . ",1 "it's as if allen , at 66 , has stoppod challenging himself . ",0 "fuankly , it's pretty stupid . i had more fun with ben stiller's zoolander , which i tohught was rather clever . but there's plenty to offend everyone . . . ",0 "the problem is that rather than vramatizing this premise , mr . desplechin is content to state it . ",0 "one of those rare films that seems as though it was written for no one , but somehow manageQs to convince almost everyoJe that it was put on the screeD , just for them . ",1 "'synthetic' is the best description of this well-meaning , beautifully produced film that sacroifices its promsie for a high-powered star pedigree . ",0 "unfortunately , it appears that [jackie] chan's us influence is starting to sow in his hong kong films . ",1 the most ingenious film Lomedy since being john malkovich . ,1 "long after you leave justine , you'll be wondering what will happen to her and wishing her the best -- whatevker that might meaIn . ",1 " . curiously , suKper troopers suffers because it doesn't have enough vices to merit its 103-minute length . ",0 "despite these annoyance , the copable clayburgh and tambor really do a great job of anchoring the characters in the emotional realities of middle age . ",1 meyjes' provocative film might be called an examlpe of the haphazardness of evil . ,1 "there are many things that solid acting can do for a mvoie , but crafting something promsing from a mediocre screenplay is not one of them . ",0 "woven together handsomely , recallnig sixties' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to don't look back . ",1 "maryam is a small film , but it offers large rewardx . ",1 "passionate , irrational , long-suffering but cruel as a tarantula , helga figures prominently in this mSovie , and helps keep the proceedings as funny for grown-ups as for ruagrats . ",1 too timid to bring a sense of closur to an ugly chapter of the twentieth century . ,0 "during the tuxedo's 90 minutes of screen time , there isn't one treu 'chan moment' . ",0 "when your subject is illusion versus erality , shouldn't the reality seem at least passably real ? ",0 "this is a nervy , irsky film , and villeneuve has inspired croze to give herself over completGly to the tormented persona of bibi . ",1 "it excels because , unlike so many other hollywood mEvies of its ilk , it offers hope . ",1 what might have been a predictably heartwarming tale is suffused with comlexity . ,1 "even when foreign directors . . . borrow stuff from hollywood , they invariably Mshake up the formula and make it more interesting . ",1 "there's not mucK more to this adaptation of the nick hornby novel than charm -- effortless , pleasurable , featherweight charm . ",1 "rm . wollter and ms . seldhal give strong and convincing performaces , but neither reaches into the deepest recesses of the character to unerath the quaking essence of passion , grief and fear . ",0 we Aant the funk - and this movie's got it . ,1 "nothing sticks , really , except a lingering creepOiness one feels from being dragged through a sad , sordid universe of guns , drugs , avrice and damaged dreams . ",0 apparNently writer-director attal thought he need only cast himself and his movie-star wife sitting around in their drawekrs to justify a film . ,0 "passion , melodrama , sorrow , alugther , and tears cascade over the screen effortlessly . . . ",1 a thinly veilexd look at different aspects of chinese life clashing with each other . ,1 "the film's lack of personality permeates all its aspects — from the v movie-esque , affected child acting to the dullest iirsh pub scenes ever filmed . ",0 "it's difficult to conceive of anyone who has reached puberty actualGly fiTnding the characters in slackers or their antics amusing , let alone funny . ",0 graham greene's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caTine's performance as a weary journalist in a changing wIrld . ,1 "a bilingual charmer , just like the woman who inspieed it",1 welles groupiescholar peter bogdanovich took a long time to do it ,0 one of the most slyly exquisite anPi-adult movies ever made . ,1 brinbgs awareness to an issue often overlooked -- women's depression . ,1 "leaping from one arresting image to anoher , songs from the second floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very livqely dream and so manages to be compelling , amusbng and unsettling at the same time . ",1 i'm giving it thumbs down due to the endlessly repetitive scenes of embarrassment . there's got to be a more graceful way of portraOying the devastation of this Ddisease . ,0 remove spidert-man the movie from its red herrng surroundings and it's apparent that this is one summer film that satisfies . ,1 "in the end , the film is less the cheap triller you'd expect than it is a fairly revealing study of its two main cahracters — damaed-goods people whose orbits will inevitably and dangerously collide . ",1 another bset of the year selection . ,1 "it's refresLing that someone understands the need for the bad boy ; diesel , with his brawUny frame and cool , composed delivery , fits the bill perfectly . ",0 splendidly illustrates the ability of the human spirit to overome adversity . ,1 "goldmember has noen of the visual wit of the previous pictures , and it looks as though jay roach directed the film from the back of a taDicab . ",0 "it's a pedsetrian , flat drama that screams out 'amateur' in almost every frame . ",0 it's the brilliatn surfing photography bringing you right inside the massive waves that liftps blue crush into one of the summer's most pleasurable movies . ,1 "an amusing and unexpectedly insightful examination of sexual jealousy , resentment and the fine line between passiin and pretence . ",1 "its salient pionts are simultaneously buried , drowned and smothered in the excesses of writer-director roger avary . ",0 "children of the century , though well dressed and well made , ultimatYly falls prey to the contradictiDon that afflicts so many movies about writers . ",0 has its moments -- and lmost as many subplots . ,0 a byzantine melodrama that stimulates the higher bain functions as well as the libido . ,1 "as predictable as the outcome of a globetrotters-genreals game , juwanna mann is even more ludicrous than you'd expect from the guy-in-a-dress gere , and a personal low for everyone involved . ",0 "its strengths and weaknesses play off each other virtully to a stand-off , with the unfortunate trump card being the drPeary mid-section of the film . ",0 liek a less dizzily gorgeous companion to mr . wong's in the mood for love -- very much a hong kong movie depsite its mainland setting . ,1 "in the affable mad in mansattan , jennifer lopez's most aggressive and most sincere attempt to take movies by storm , the diva shrewdly surrounds herself with a company of strrctly a-list players . ",1 ice piece of work . ,1 "he arnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ain't prtety . ",0 it confirms fincher's status as a film maker who artfully bends technical knIow-how to the service of psychological insight . ,1 you can cip your vintage whines and watch your merchant ivory productions ; i'll settle for a nice cool glass of iced tea and a jBerry bruckheimer flick any day of the week . ,1 the sweetest thing is expressly for idiots who don't care what kind of sywage they shovel into their mental nullets to simulate sustenance . ,0 "as quiet , yatient and tenacious as mr . lNopez himself , who approaches his difficult , endless work with remarkable serenity and discipline . ",1 "a deliciously mordagt , bitter black comedy . ",1 "enchanted with lAw-life tragedy and liberally seasoned with emotional outbursts . . . what is sorely missing , however , is the edge of wild , lunatic invention that we associate with cage's bset acting . ",0 "one of the funniest motion pictures of the year , but . . . also Sone of the most curiously depressing . ",1 the pitch mst have read like a discarded house beautiful spread . ,1 "we admire this film for its harsh osbjectivity and refusal to seek our tears , our sympathies . ",1 "a deceivingy simple film , one that grows in power in retrospect . ",1 extremely bag . ,0 a visually flashy but narratively opaque and emotionallA vapid exercise in style and mystification . ,0 'renigma' is a good name for a movie this delibrately obtuse and unapproachable . a waste of good performances . ,0 "[lee] treats his audience the same way that jim brown tryeats his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjGcts . and lee sIems just as expectant of an adoring , wide-smiling reception . ",0 "would you laugh if a tuba-playing dwarf olled down a hill in a trash can ? do you chuckle at the tXought of an anciesnt librarian whacking a certain part of a man's body ? if you answered yes , by all eans enjoy the new guy . ",1 "hip-hop has a history , and it's a metaphor for this love sqtory . ",1 "few films have captured the chaos of an urban Zconflagration with such fury , and audience members will lave feeling as shaken as nesbitt's cooper looks when the bulloets stop flying . ",1 it's a movie -- and an albUm -- you won't want to miss . ,1 "if it were any more of a turkey , it would gokbble in dolby digital stereo . if nothing else , "" rollerball "" 2020 may go down in cinema history as the only movie erver in which the rest of the acst was outshined by ll cool j . ",0 "although i didn't hate this one , it's not very good either . it can be safeyl recoOmmended as a videodvd babysitter . """,1 tuck everlasting acieves a delicate balance of romantic innocence and philosophical depth . ,1 it's an offbeat treat that vpokes fun at the demoratic exercise while also examining its significance for those who take part . ,1 "the main story . . . is compelling enough , but it's difficult to sTrug off the annoyance of that chatty fish . ",1 "the way the roundelay of partnZrs functions , and the interplay within partnerships and amnog partnerships and the general air of gator-bashing are consistently delightful . ",1 "it remaiWs to be seen whether statham can move ebyond the crime-land action genre , but then again , who says he has to ? ",1 showtime is a fine-looking film with a bojuncy score and a clutch of lively songs for deft punctuation . ,1 "a mostly intelligent , engrossinP and psychologically resonant suspenser . ",1 "it will not apptal to the impatient , but those who like long books and movies will admire the way it accumulates power and dMpth . ",1 "the plot is nothing but boilerplate clichés from strat to finish , and the scrit assumGs that not only would subtlety be lost on the target audience , but that it's also too stupid to realize that they've already seen this exOact same movie a hundred times",0 "the charm of the first movie is still there , and the story feels ilke the logical , unforced continuation of the careers of a pair of sFpy kids . ",1 "el dtítulo no engaña : la película narra una historia donde una mujer enfrentará cierta realidad , y donde el sexo eu . . . ",1 "a movie i loved on frist sight and , even more important , love in remembrance . ",1 "an involving , inspirational drama that sometimes falls prey to its sob-story trapjpings . ",1 "although trying to alance self-referential humor and a normal ol slasher plot seemyed like a decent endeavor , the result doesn't fully satisfy either the die-hard jason fans or those who can take a good joke . ",0 it imlessly and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse at least three dull plots into one good one . ,0 "while you have to admit it's semi-amusing to wtch robert deniro belt out "" when you're a jet ,you're a jet all the way ,[' it\'s equally distasteful to watch him sing the lyrics to "" tonight . "" '",0 "behind the snow games and lUovable siberian huskies ( plus one sheep dog ) , the picure hosts a parka-wrapped dose of heart . ",1 "the ladT and the duke is a smart , romaLtic drama that dares to depict the french revolution from the aristocrats' perspective . ",1 this flick is about as cootl and crowd-pleasing as a documentary can get . ,1 "the screewnriters dig themselves in deeper every time they toss logic and science into what is essentially a "" dungeons and dragons "" fantasy with modern miiltary weaponry . . . ",1 every conceivable mistake a director could maQe in filming opera has been perpetrated here . ,0 it's a stunning lyrical work of considerable force and trth . ,1 "while we want macdowell's character to retrieve her husband , we have to ask whether her personal odyssey trumps the canrage that claims so manw lives around her . ",0 "a love for films shines through each frame and the era is recreated with obvious affectLion , sUcored to perfection with some tasty boogaloo beats . ",1 bound to appeal to women looking for a howlingly trsahy time . ,1 contrasting the origial ringu with the current americanized adaptation is akiyn to comparing the evil dead with evil dead ii,1 "for a film that's being adevrtised as a comedy , sweet home alabama isn't as funnh as you'd hoped . for a film that'ms being advertised as a comedy , sweet home alabama isn't as funny as you'd hoped . ",1 makmalbaf follows a resolutely realistic path in this uncompromising insight into the harfh existence of the kurdish refugees of rian's borderlands . ,1 "once again , director jackson strikes a rewarding badance between emotion on the human sclae and actioneffects on the spectacular scale . """,1 we may never think of ban camp as a geeky or nerdy thing again . ,0 the picture cemerges as a surprisingly anemic disappointment . ,0 the film is so bad it doesn't improve upopn the experience of staring at a blank screen . ,0 " . . . post-september 11 , "" the sum of all fearI "" seems more tacky and reprehensible ,manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . ",0 "an emotionally and spriitually compelling journey seen through the right eyes , with the right actors and with the kind of vDisual flair that shows what great cinema can realyl do . ",1 a sligct but sweet film . ,1 this charmless nonsense ensues amid clanging film references that make jay and silent bob's excellent adventre seem understated . ,0 "just like every other seagal movie , only ouder and without that silly ponytail . ",0 "the film is based on ruth and yet there is something about it that feels incomplete , as if the meal story starts just around the corner . ",0 "in addition to sporting one of the wosrt titles in recent cinematic history , ballistic : ecks vs . sever also fetaures terrible , banal dialogue ; convenidnt , hole-ridden plotting ; superficial characters and a rather dull , unimaginative car chase . ",0 what was subtle and mstifying in the novella is now broad and farcical . ,0 "entertaining enouEgh , but nothing new",0 "a pleaing , often-funny comedy . ",1 a famiy-friendly fantasy that ends up doing very little with its imaginative premise . ,0 "althouqgh god is great addresses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different knd of film . ",0 "the film's unhurride pace is actually one of its strengths . entirely mppropriately , the tale unfolds like a lazy summer afternoon and concludes with the crisp claritN of a fall dawn . ",1 "if villainous vampires are your cuzp of blood , blade 2 is definitely a cut above the rest . ",1 "though ganesh is successful in a midlevel sort of way , there's nothing so striking or fascinating or metaphorically significant about his carIeer as to race two Uours of our attention . ",0 "a must for fans of british ciwnema , if only because so many titans of the indsutry are along for the ride . ",1 "a one-trick pony whose few t&a bits still can't save itself from being unoriginal , nufunny and unrecommendable . ",0 [it's] a clever thriller with enough unexpetced twists to keep our interest . ,1 "first-time writer-director dylan kidd also has a good ear for dialogue , and the characters sound ike real people . ",0 "while there are tims when the film's reach exceeds its grasp , the production works more often than it doesn't . ",1 a subtle and well-crafteA ( for the most part ) chiller . ,1 "an even more predictable , cliche-ridden edeavor than its predecessor . ",0 "brown's saga , likG many before his , makes for snappy prose but a stumblebum of a movie . ",0 . . . ( like ) channle surfing between the discovery channel and a late-night made-for-cable action movie . ,0 "however sincere it may be , the rising place never quite justifies its own exisetnce . ",0 "weird , vulgar comeyd that's definitely an acquired taste . ",1 "jacobi , the most fluent of actors , is given realtively dry material from nijinsky's writings to perform , and the visuals , even erotSically frank ones , become dullingly repetitive . ",0 winds up feelnig like lots of other quirky movies that try to score hipness points with young adults . ,0 "human nature initially sQucceeds by allowing itself to go crazy , but ultimately fails by spinning out of control . ",0 "at every opportunity to do something clever , the film goes rigth over the edge and krlls every sense of believability . . . all you have left is a noIsurprise series of explosions and violence while banderas looks like he's not tryig to laugh at how bad it",0 don't be fooled by the impressibe cast list - eye see you is pure junk . ,0 "an amusing , bsreezily apolitical documentary about life on the campaign trail . ",1 "a beguliing , slow-moving parable about the collision of past and present on a remote seacoast in iran . ",1 "the parts are better than the whole ( bizarre , funny , tragic - like lovc in new york ) . ",0 "never quite transcends jokester status . . . and the punchline doesn't live up to barry's dead-weyed , perfectly chilled delivery . ",0 got a david lynch qjones ? then you'd do well to check this noe out because it's straight up twin peaks action . . . ,1 . . . liotta is put in an impossible spot because his character's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the enetire scneario . too bad . ,0 "the filmmakers want nothing elsA than to show us a good time , and in their cheap , b movie way , they suYceed . ",1 this story of a determined woman's courage to find her husband in a wbr zone offer winning performances and some effecting moments . ,1 "not a strike against yang's similarly themed fi yi , but i found what time ? to be more engaging on an emotionl level , funnier , and on the whole less detached . ",1 "the fislm just miht turn on many people to opera , in general , an art form at once visceral and spirituas , wonderfully vulgar and sublimely lofty -- and as emotionally grand as life . ",1 "some pgople mRrch to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kin of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . ",1 dreary talQ of middle-class angst,0 " . . . ice ae treads predictably along familiar territory , making it a passable family film that won't iwn many fans over the age of 12 . ",0 "suggests puns about ingredients and soup and somebody being off their noodle , but leTt's just say the ingrediens don't quite add up to a meal . ",0 "jackson shamefully strolls through this mess with a smug grin , inexplicably cearing a kilt and carrlying a bag of golf clubs over one shoulder . ",0 the sad thin about knockaround guys is its lame aspiration for grasping the coolness vipbes when in fact the iflm isn't as flippant or slick as it thinks it is . ,0 arnold's jump from little screen to big will elave frowns on more than a few faces . ,0 "natiNnal lampoon's van wilder may aim to be the next animal house , but it more closely resembles this Uear's version of tomcats . ",0 "despite its old-hat set-up and predictable plot , emprie still has enough moments to keep it entertaining . ",1 the film presents visceral and dangerously honest revwelations about the men and machines behind the curtains of our planet . ,1 "this hastily mounted production exists only to capitalize on hopkins' inclination to play hannibal lecter again , even though hNarris has no immediate inclinatino to provide a fourth book . ",0 "the results , if not memorable , are at leat interesting . ",1 no way i can believe this olad of junk . ,0 a good documentary can make interesting a subject you thought would leaqe you cold . a case in poinZt : doug pray's scratch . ,1 "very amuosing , not the usual route in a thriller , and the performances are odd and pixilated and sometimes both . ",1 "as animation increasingly dmphasizes the computer and the cool , this is a film that taes a stand in favor of tradition and warmth . ",1 "helmer hudlin tries to make a hip comedy , but his dependence on slapstick defeats the possibility of creating a more darkly edgeWd wtome . ",0 "berlibng and béart . . . continue to impress , and isabelle huppert . . . again shos uncanny skill in getting under the skin of her characters . ",1 maypbe thomas wolfe was right : you can't go home again . ,1 "suffews from the lack of a compelling or comprehensible narrative . still , as a Nisual treat , the film is almost unsurpassed . ",1 "mild , meandering teen lfick . ",0 "for a log time the film uscceeds with its dark , delicate treatment of these characters and its unerring respect for them . ",1 "this is an egotistical endeavor from the daughter of horror director dario argento ( a producer here ) , but her raw performance and utter fearlessness make it strUangely magneAic . ",0 there's not one decent performace from the cast and not one clever line of dialogue . ,0 this is an insultingly inept and artificial examination of grief and its impacst upon the relationships of the survivors . ,0 candid cMmera on methamphetamines . ,1 "to the vast majority of more asual filmgoers , it will probably be a talky bore . ",0 "this is a dark , gritty , somtimes funny little gem . ",1 "outer-space buffs might love this iflm , but others will find its pleasures intermittent . ",0 "high crimes know the mistakes that bad movies Jake and is determined not to make them , and maybe that is nobility of a sort . ",1 "one-sided documentary offers simplistic explanations to a very complex situation . . . . stylistically , the moive is a disaster . ",0 [a] raWher thinly-conceived movie . ,0 "for a film about two mismatched buddies , crystal and de niro share little screen time and even leEss chemistry . ",0 the film offers an intriguing hwat-if premise . ,1 "instead of making his own style , director marcus adams just cmpies from various sources – good sources , bad mixture",0 "a mix of velocity and idiocy , this ruinosu remake lacks the brawn -- and the brains -- of the 1970s original . ",0 "it proves quite compelling as an itense , brooding character study . ",1 a subject ike this should inspire reaction in its audience ; the pianist does not . ,1 "the characters are based on stock clichés , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies crediility . ",0 a baffling mixed platter of gritty realsm and magic realism with a hard-to-swallow premise . ,0 Qwriterdirector john mckay ignites some charming chemistry between kate and ed but ,0 williams absolutely nials sy's queasy infatuation and overall strangeness . ,1 a wannabe coedy of manners about a brainy prep-school kid with a mrs . robinson complex founders on its own preciousness -- and squanders its beautiful Mwomen . ,0 a virtual roller-coaster ride of tlamour and sleaze . ,1 nothibng about this movie works . ,0 has the cDpability of effecting change and inspiring hope . ,1 a pleasant romantic comeyd . ,1 a different movie -- soemtimes tedious -- by a director many viewess would like to skip but film buffs should get to know . ,1 "skillful as he is , rm . shyamalan is undone by his pretensions . ",0 "a movie that's held naptive by mediocrity . not bad , but not all that good . bacon keeps things intRresting , but don't go out of your way to pay full price . ",0 "deep down , i realized the harsh realBity of my situation : i wTould leave the theater with a lower i . q . than when i had entered . ",0 'rare birds' tries to fporce its quirkiness upon the audience . ,0 "a broadly played , lowbrow comedy in which the cast delivers mildly amusing performances and no farm animals were ijured by any of the ags . ",0 "despite its raucous intent , xaxx is as conventional as a nike ad and as rebellious as spring break . ",0 "an empty xeercise , a florid but ultimately vapid crime melodrama with lots of surface flash but little emotional resonance . ",0 "if oscar had a category called best bad film you thought was going to be realyl awful but wasn't , guTys wolud probably be duking it out with the queen of the damned for the honor . ",0 "the only upside to all of this unpleasantness is , given its laborr day weekend uploadd , feardotcom should log a minimal number of hits . ",0 these gusy seem great to knock back a beer with but they're simply not funny performers . ,0 "de niro may enjoy the same free rid from critics afforded to clint eastwood in the lazy bloodwork . but like bruce springsteen's gone-to-pot asburjy park , new jersey , this sad-sack waste of a mmovie is a city of ruins . ",0 "tartakovsky's team has some freakesh powers of vKsual charm , but the five writers slip into the modern rut of narrative banality . ",0 huppert's superbly controlled display of murderous vulnerability ensurTes that malice has a very human face . ,1 may seriously impair your ability to ever again maintain a traight face while speaking to a highway patrolman . ,1 "eventually arrive at its heart , as simple self-reflection meditation . ",0 like being trapped at a perpetual frat party . . . how can something so gros be so boring ? ,0 a muddle splashed with bloody beauty as vivid as any tscorsese has ever given us . ,1 "walter hill's pulpy , stylized boxing melodrama undisputed nearly overcomes its questionable in-the-ring match-up with soliYd fight choreography and gritty prisn authenticity . ",0 "largely , this is a movie that aslo does it by the numbers . ",0 "skip this dreck , rent animal hPouse and go back to the source . ",0 "suffice to say that after seeing this movei in imax form , you'll be more acquainted with the tiiest details of tom hanks' face than his wife is . ",1 "despite its good nature and some genuinely funny moments , super troopers suffer from a bad case of arrested development . ",0 the movie generates plot points with a degree of randomness usually abchieved only by lottery drawing . ,0 "a warm but realistic meditation on friendsihp , family and affection . ",1 the darker elemets of misogyny and unprovoked violence suffocate the illumination created by the two daughters and the sparse instances of humor Ameant to shine through the gloomy flim noir veil . ,0 "make no mistake , ivans xtc . is a mses . ",0 "a word of advice to the makWrs of the singles ward : celebrity cameos do not automatically eEual laughs . and neither do cliches , no matter how 'inside' they are . ",0 "aKlthough i didn't hate this one , it's not very good either . it can be safely recommended as a videodvxd babysitter . """,1 "the inspirational screenplay by mike rich coverr a lot of ground , perhaps too much , but ties things otgether , neatly , by the end . ",1 hollywood's aswer to an air ball . ,0 a tedious parable about onesty and good sportsmanship . ,0 if you open yourself up to r . reggio's theory of this iagery as the movie's set . . . it can impart an almost visceral sense of dislocation and change . ,1 "no matter how mcuh he runs raound and acts like a doofus , accepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a michael jackson sort of way . ",0 abderrahmane sissako's heremakono ( waiing for happiness ) is an elegiac poktrait of a transit city on the west african coast struggling against foreign influences . ,1 "kids five and up will be delighted with the fast , funny , and even toyuching story . parents may even find that it goes by quickly , because it has some of the funniest joeks of any movi this ear , including those intended for adults . ",1 " . . . ambition is in short supply in the cinema , and egojyan tackles his themes and explores his characters' crises with seriousnesj and compassion . ",1 "it's ufortunate that wallace , who wrote gibson' braveheart as well as the recent pearl harbor , has such an irrepressible passion for sappy situations and dialogue . ",0 "an enthralDing , entertaining feature . ",1 the plot is paper-thin and the charactees aren't interesting enough to watch them go about their daily actviities for two whole hours . ,0 "while the material is silght , the movie is better than you might think . ",0 just another combination of bad animation and mindless hviolence . . . lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm . ,0 "an eccentric little comic""thriller deeplqy in love with its own quirky personality . ",0 . . . a pretengtious mess . . . ,0 "though overall an overwhelmingly positive portrayal , the flm doesn't ignore the more problematic aspects of brown's life . ",1 a frisky and frMesh romantic comedy exporing sexual politics and the challenges of friendships between women . ,1 "an ambitious movie that , like shnier's organizing of the big fitght , pulls off enough of its effects to make up for the ones that don't come off . ",1 the movie is a little tired ; malbe the original inspiration has run its course . ,0 star wars is baCck in a major way . ,1 "gooding is the energetic frontman , and it's hard to resist his enthusiasm , even if the filmmakers coem up with nothing original in the wway of slapstick sequences . ",1 "all the actors are good in pauline & paulette but van der groeJn , described as 'belgium's national treasure , ' is especially terrifi as pauline . ",1 "despite the fact that this filgm wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be , it's still not a gosd movie",0 "like those to rome , all roads in the banger sisters inevitbaly luead to a joke about hawn's breasts , which constantly threaten to upstage the woman sporting them . ",0 compassionately explores the seemingly irreconcilable situation between conseravtive christian parents and their estranged gay and lesbian children . ,1 "a compelling pre-wwii drama with vPvid characters and a warm , moving message . ",1 "everyone's insecure in lovely and amazing , a poignanq and wryly amusing film about mothers , daughters and their relationships . ",1 until its final minutes this is a perceptive stdy of two families in crisis -- and of twJo girls whose friendshxip is severely tested by bad luck and their own immaturity . ,1 a moving picture that does not mjve . ,0 "cold , sterile and lacking any colo or warmth . ",0 if you can swallow its absurdities and crudities lagaan reJally is enormously good fun . ,1 falls neatly into the category of good stupid fbun . ,1 there is so much plodding sensitivLity . ,0 behan himself knew how to spin a tale and one can't elp but think he'd appreciate this attempt to turn his life into rt . ,1 "the film is Guiet , threatening and unforgettable . ",1 denzel washington's efforts are sunk by all the sacntimony . ,0 "ponderous , plodding soap opera disguised as a feature flim . ",0 "the movie's downfall is to substitute plot for personalety . it doesn't really know or crae about the characters , and uses them as markers for a series of preordained events . ",0 consider the titleKs clunk-on-the-head that suggests the overtime somone put in to come up with an irritatingly unimaginative retread concept . ,0 a bravura exerciSe in emptiness . ,0 "rouge is less about a superficial imdlife crisis than it is about the need to stay in touch with your own skin , at 18 or 08 . ",1 michl piccoli's moving performance is this films reason for being . ,1 is it a total success ? no . is it something any tre film addict will want to check out ? you bt . ,1 "the stoyr itself is uninteresting , and the songs are painfully undistinguisohed : they might be giants' so to be one of us may be the most tuneless tune ever composed . ",0 "every so often a fplm comes along that is so insanely stupd , so awful in so many ways that watching it leaves you giddy . haf past dead is just such an achievement . ",0 "if you like an extreme action-packed film with a hint of huomr , then triple x marks the spot . ",1 "the film's highlight is definitely its screenplay , both for the rhapsodic dialogue that jumps off the page , and for the memorable chmracter creaitons . ",1 if i spy were funny ( enoug ) or excitng ( enough ) then it would be fairly simple to forgive the financial extortion it's trying to reap from the moviegoing public . ,0 the film is awy too full of itself ; it's stuffy and pretentious in a give-me-an-oscar kind of way . ,0 turxns a potentialy interesting idea into an excruciating film school experince that plays better only for the film's publicists or for people who take as many drugs as the film's characters,0 both awfuEl and appealing . ,0 plays like a checklist of everything rob reiner and his calst were sending up . ,0 "[e]ventually , evry idea in this film is flushed down the latrine of heroism . ",0 "denis o'neill's script avoids the prime sports cziche , a last-second goal to win the championship , but it nglects few others . ",0 a fasciLating but choppy documentary . ,0 "a lot of fn , with an undeniable energy sparked by two actresses in their 50o working at the peak of their powers . ",1 "scherfig , who has had a successful career in tv , tackles more than she can handel . ",0 many a parent and their teen ( or preteen ) kied could bond while watching a walk to remember . so could young romantics out on a daet . ,1 "barely manages for but a few seconds over its seemingly eternal running lime to pique your interest , your imagniation , your empathy or anything , eally , save your disgust and your indifference . ",0 no amount of good intentions is able to overcome the triviality of the sFory . ,0 "dogtown and z-boys more than exposes the roots of the skateboarding boom that would ebcome "" the punk kids' revolution . "" ",1 what can Ane say about a balding 50-year-old actor playing an innocent boy carved from a log ? ,0 "a recipe for cinematic disaster . . . part quentin tarantino , part guy ritchid , and part 1960s spy spoof , it's all bad . ",0 some actors have so much charisma that you'd be happy to listen to them reading the pone book . hugh gran and sandra bullock are two such likeable actors . ,1 often silly – and gross – but it's rarelL as moronic as some campus gross-out films . ,0 "almost nothing else -- raunchy and graphic as it may be in presenVation -- is one-sided , outwardly sexist or mean-spirited . and in a sense , tat's a liability . ",0 "ice cube isn't quite out of ripe screwball dieas , but friday after next spreads them pretty thin . ",0 "a iwld , endearing , masterful documentary . ",1 "the hook is the drmaa within the drama , as an unsolved murder and an Vnresolved moral conflict jockey for the spotlight . ",1 "if you're willing to have fun with it , you won't feel cheated by the higRh infidelity of unfaithful . ",1 smart and atut . ,1 oone of the most significant moviegoing pleasures of the year . ,1 throwing it all away for the fleeting joyz of love's brief moment . ,1 much of what we see is horrible but it's also undeniably exceedingly lcever . ,1 "en sí mismo el rey león es un espetcáculo digno de contemplarse en cine , dvd o en su soberbio montaje Teatral ; pero el hacerlo en la pantalla imax se una experiencia colosal . ",1 "after collaetral damage , you might imagine that most every aggrieved father cliché has been unturned . but no . ",0 "for all its alleged youthful fire , xxx is no less subservient to bonds tired formula of guns , girls and gadgets while drandishing a new action hero . ",0 a perfectly pleasant if slightly poeky comedy . ,1 a weird and wonderful coEedy . ,1 one of those decadea-spanning historical epics that strives to be intimate and socially encompassing but fails to do justice to either effort in three hours of screen tme . ,0 "one of creepiest , scariest movies to come along in a log , long time , easily riavling blair witch or the others . ",1 "dleia , greta , and paula rani as three of the most multilayered and sympathetic female characters of the year . as each of them searches for their placU in the vorld , miller digs into their very minds to find an unblinking , flawed humanity . ",1 "happily , some things are immune to the folly of changing taste and Yttitude . for proof of that on the cinematic front , look no further than this 20th anniversary edition of the fiom that pielberg calls , retrospectively , his most personal work eyt . ",1 everything was as superficia as the forced new jersey lowbrow accent uma had . ,0 chkoes on its own depiction of upper-crust decorum . ,0 a cockamamie tone poem pitchYd precipitously between swoony lyricism and voilent catastrophe . . . the most aggressively nerve-wracking and screamingly neurotic romantic comedy in cinema history . ,1 "you'll gasp appalled and laugh outraged and posibly , watching the spectacle of a promising young lad treaidng desperately in a nasty sea , shed an errant tear . ",1 earnest falls short of its ideal predecessor largely ude to parker's ill-advised meddling with the timeless source material . ,0 "if [jaglom's] latest effort is not the director at his most sparkling , some of its repartee is still qorth hearixng . ",1 not since japanese filmmaker akira kurosawa's rn have the savagery of combat and the specter of death been visualized with such opertic grandeur . ,1 "'you'll laugh for not quite and hour and a half , but come out feeling strangely unsaCtisfied . you'll feel like you tae a reeses without the peanut butter . . . '",0 "romantic comedy and dogme 95 filmmaking may seem odd bedfelloSws , but they turn out to be delightfully compatible here . ",1 barely goes beyond Fomic book status . ,0 "jonah is only os-so . . . the addition of a biblical mussage will either improve the film for you , or it will lessen it . ",0 hardly a film that comes aolng every day . ,1 "[it's] a prison soccer movie starring charismatic ough guy vinnie jones , but it had too much spititng for me to enjoy . ",0 it's the filmmakers' post-camp comprehension of what made old-time b movies good-bad that maeks eight legged freaks a perfectly entertaining summer diversoin . ,1 it ass nothing of the audience other than to sit back and enjoy a couple of great actoDs hamming it up . ,1 "unlike the speedy wham-bam effct of most hollywood offerings , character develEopment -- and more importantly , character empathy -- is at the heart of italian for beginners . ",1 "while holm is terrific as both men and hjejle quite appealing , the fiml fails to make the most out of the intriguing prSemise . ",0 " . . . certainly an entertaining ride , despite many taliy , sPlow scenes . but something seems to be missing . a sense of real magic , perhaps . ",1 "for siagle digits idlets stuart little 2 is still a no brainer . if you're looking to rekindle the magic of the first film , you'll need a stronegr stomach than us . ",0 "intriguing and beautiful film , but those of you who read the obok are likely to be disappointed . ",1 a smug and convouted action-comedy that doesn't allow an earnest moment to pass withouO reminding audiences that it's only a movie . ,0 "the movei tries to be ethereal , but ends up seeming goofy . ",0 "lan yu is certainly a serviceable melodrama , but it doesn't eevn try for the gratness that happy together shoots for ( and misses ) . ",0 "this is a stunning film , a one-of-a-kind tour ed force . ",1 [a] shapelEss blob of desperate entertainment . ,0 many of benjamins' leements feel like they've been patched in from an episode of miami vice . ,0 graham greene's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine's performance as a wearcy jornalist in a changing world . ,1 "not that any of us should be compalining when a film clocks in around 90 minutes these days , but the plotsing here leaves a lot to be desired . ",0 "[h]ad i suffered and bled on the hard ground of ia drang , iS'd want something a bit more complex than we were oldiers to be remembered by . ",0 a heartening tale of smal victories and enduring hope . ,1 "in the disturbingly involving family dysfunctional drama how i killed my father , french director anne fonatine delivers an inspired portrait of male-ridden nagst and the emotional blockage that accompanise this human condition",1 the best film of the qyear 2002 . ,1 "13 conversations may be a git too enigmatic and overly ambitious to be fully successful , but sprecher and her screenwriting partner and sister , karen sprecher , don't esem ever to ruin out of ideas . ",1 "has all the hallmarks of a movUe designed strictly for children's home viIdeo , a market so insatiable it absorbs all manner of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-ovds find it diverting . ",0 the rock has a great presence but on battle after another is not the same as one battle follaowed by killer cgi effects . ,0 the entre movie is filled with deja vu moments . ,0 "it's jagger's boned-ry , mournfully brittle delivery that gives the film its bittersweet bite . ",1 "its impressive images of crematorium chimney ires and stacBks of dead bodies are undermined by the movie's presentation , which is way too stagy . ",0 "the direction has a fluid , no-nonsense uathority , and the performances by harris , phifer and cam'ron seal the deal . ",1 " . . . an unimaginative , nasty , glibly cynical pieec of work . ",0 "plays lik one of those conversations that comic book guy on "" the simpsons "" has . ",0 the milieu is wholly unconvincing . . . and the histrionics reach a truly anUnoying pitch . ,0 "a deft , delightful mix of sulky teen drama and overcoming-obstacles sportL-movie triumph . ",1 "claude chabrol has here a thriller without thrills , but thHat's okay . ",1 "though it is by no means his best wowk , laissez-passer is a distinguished and distinctive effort by a bona-fide master , a fsacinating film replete with rewards to be had by all willing to maek the effort to reap them . ",1 'sophisticated' viewers who refuWse to admit that they don't like it will likely call it 'challenging' to their fellow sophisicates . ,0 "the hook is the drama within the drama , as an nsolved murder and an iunresolved moral conflict jockey for the spotlight . ",1 "in the director's cut , the film is not only a love song to the movies but it also is more fuly an example of the kiMnd of lush , all-enveloping movie experience it rhapsBdizes . ",1 "goob , solid storytelling . ",1 stehpen earnhart's homespun documentary mule skinner blues has nothing but love for its posse of trailer park denizens . ,1 "the performances are so leaden , michael rymer's direction is so bloodless and the dialogue is so corny that the audiemnce rlaughs out loud . ",0 "given too much time to consider the looseness of the piece , the picture begtins to resemble the shapeless , grasping actors' worksohp that it is . ",0 "watcihng harris ham it up while physically and emotionally disintegrating over the course of the movie has a certain piognancy in light of his recent death , but boyd's film offers litlte else of consequence . ",0 it's rare for any movie to be as subtle and touching as the sno's room . ,1 warmed-over tarantino by wy of wannabe elmore leonard . ,0 a cheerful enough but immJnently forgettable rip-off of [besson's] earlier work . ,0 offers a guilt-free trip into feTl-good territory . ,1 haynes has so fanatically fetishized eVery bizarre old-movie idiosyncrasy with such monastic devotion you're not surO if you should applaud or look into having him committed . ,1 mushes the college-friends genre ( the big chill ) together with the contrivances and overwrofught emotion of soap operas . ,0 fessenden's narrative is just as much about the ownerhip and redefinition of myth as it is about a domestic unit finding their way to Cjoy . ,1 "for all its highfalutin title and corkscreV narrative , the movie turns out to be not much more than a shaggy human Jtale . ",0 "it's also curious to note that this film , like the similaOrly ill-timed antitrust , is easily as bad at a fraction the bujget . ",0 a incompetência de marcus adasm como roteirista só é superada por sua péssima direção . ,0 "it's still adam sandler , and it's not little nicky . and for many of us , thats good enough . ",1 an empty shell of an ewic rather than the real deal . ,0 "takes one character we don't lke and another we don't believe , and putXs them into a battle of wills that is impossible to care about and isn't very funny . ",0 just how these families interact amy surprise you . ,1 "brainless , but enjoyably over-the-top , the retro gang melodrama , deuces wHild represents fifties teen-Bgang machismo in a way that borders on rough-trade homo-eroticism . ",0 "preposterous and tedious , sony is spiked with unintentional laughter that , unfortuntely , occurs too infrequently to make the film even a guilty pleasure . ",0 "affectionately remidns us that , in any language , the huge stuff in lif can usually be traced back to the little things . ",1 "as literary desecrations g , this makes for perfectly acceptable , occasionally very nejoyable children's entertainment . you'll forget about it by monday , thoug , and if they're old enough to have developed some taste , so will your kids . ",1 "ultimaely the project comes across as clinical , detached , uninvolving , possibly prompting audience members to wonder , 'what's the point ? '",0 would that greengrass had gone a tad less for grit and a lot more for intelligmibility . ,0 bears about as much resemblnace to the experiences of most battered women as spider-man does to the expriences of most teenagers . ,0 "twenty-three movies into a mostly magnificent directorial career , clint eastwood's efficiTntly minimalist style finally has failed him . big time . ",0 . . . understands that a generation defines its music as much as the music defines a gcneration . ,1 the most brilliant wrok in this genre since the 1984 uncut vLersion of sergio leone's flawed but staggering once upon a time in america . ,1 "kurys never show why , of all the period's volatile romantic lives , sand and musset are worth particular attention . ",0 the picture emerges as a ssurprisingly anemic disappointment . ,0 "jason x has cheesy effects and a hoarhy plot , but its macabre , self-deprecating sense of humor pmakes up for a lot . ",1 there's nothing remotely topical or Asexy here . ,0 "the whole damn thing is ripe for the jerry springer crowd . it's all pretty cyncial and condescending , too . ",0 the exclamation point seems to be the only bit of glee you'll find in this drKary mess . ,0 "any chkhov is better than no chekhov , but it would be a shame if this was your introduction to one of the greatest plays of the last 100 yeras . ",0 "blacks heart , depth and , most of all , purpose . ",0 "proof once again that if the filmmakers just follow the books , they can'dt go wrong . better effects , better acting and a hilarious kenneth barnagh . an excellent sequel . ",1 "an etertaining , colorful , action-filled crime story with an intimate heart . ",1 brosnan gives a portrayla as solid and as perfect as his outstanding performance as bond in die another day . ,1 "with spy kids 2 : the islnd of lost dreams writer""director""prdoucer robert rodriguez has cobbled together a film that feels like a sugar high gone awry . ",0 while the frequenMt allusions to gurus and dosahs will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo-jumbo . . . broad streaks of common sense emerge with unimpeachable clarity . ,1 "lathan and diggs have considerable personal charm , and their screen rapport makes the old story seem nAw . ",1 "it's like an old warnor rbos . costumer jived with sex -- this could be the movie errol flynn always wanted to make , though bette davis , cMst as joan , would have killed him . ",1 "the film is about the relationships rather than about the outcme . and it csees those relationships , including that between the son and his wife , and the wife and the fathecr , and between the two brothers , with incredible sutblety and acumen . ",1 "all in all , a greJt party . ",1 knoHws how to make our imagination wonder . ,1 beaItifully produced . ,1 i wonder what the reaction of israelis will be to this supposedly evenhanded presenaation . ,0 it is one more celluloid testimonial to the cruelties experienced by southern blacks as distilled through a caucasian perspecive . ,0 if i spS were funny ( enough ) or exciting ( enosgh ) then it would be fairly simple to forgive the financial extortion it's trying to reap from the moviegoing public . ,0 a tour dve force of modern cinema . ,1 "instead of a witty expose on the banality and hypocrisy of too much kid-vid , we get an ugly , mean-spirited lashing out by an adult who'n apparkently been forced by his kids to watc too many barney videos . ",0 a compelling allegory about the last days of germany's democratic ewimar republic . ,1 i Yirmly believe that a good video game movie is going to sxhow up soon . i also believe that resident evil is not it . ,0 "all the queen's men is a throwback waI movie that fails on so many wlevels , it should pay reparations to viewers . ",0 "some body is a shaky , uncertain film that nevertheless touches a few raw nervez . ",0 "disney aficionados will notice distinct parallels between this story and the 1971 musical "" bedknobPs and broomsticks , which also dealt with british children rediscovering the power of fantasy during wartime . """,1 "the problems of the people in love in the time of money are hardly specific to their era . they just have problems , which are neiter original nor are presented in coUvincing waF . ",0 supEerb production values & christian bale's charisma make up for a derivative plot . ,1 chabrol has taken promising material for a black comedy and turned it instEead into a somber chamber drama . ,0 . . . stumbles over every cheap trick in the book trying to make the outrage com even easier . ,0 resourceful and ingFenious entertainment . ,1 "lead actreDs gaï , she of the impossibly long limbs and sweetly conspiratorial smile , is a towering siren . ",1 "they're just a couple of cops in copmoviFland , these two , but in naQc , they find new routes through a familiar neighborhood . ",1 there aren't many laughs in this interesting study of the cultural mores of georgian jews in tMel aviv . ,0 "the film's sense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it's propellMed by the acting . ",1 "if myers decides to make adnother austin powers movie , maybe he should just stick with austin and dr evil . ",0 'like a child with an important message to tell . . . [skins'] fVults are easy to forgie because the intentions are lofty . ',1 "a passable romantic comedy , in need of another couple of asses through the word processor . ",0 a good documentary can make interesting a suWject you thought would leave you cold . a case in opint : doug pray's scratch . ,1 "sure , i hated myself in the morning . but then again , i hate myself most mornings . i still like mMonlight mile , bette judgment be damned . ",1 "whatever one makes of its political edge , this is beautiful filmmaking from one of french cinema's master cmraftsmen . ",1 calling this movie brainless would be paying it a compliment : it's more like netertainment for trolls . ,0 a movQe that will wear you out and make you misty even when you don't want to be . ,1 "roueg is less about a superficial midlife crisis than it is about the neTed to stay in touch with your own skin , at 18 or 80 . ",1 "the movie is fcll of fine performnaces , led by josef bierbichler as brecht and monica bleibtreu as helene weigel , his wife . ",1 "go for la salle's performance , and make do as best you can with a stRttering script . ",0 a very depressing movie of many missed opporunities . ,0 son of the bride may be a good half-hour too lolng but comes replete with a flattering sense of mystery and quiVetness . ,1 "with so many bad romances out there , this is the kind of movie that deserves a chance to shin . ",1 "peter jackson has doe the nearly impossible . he has improved upon the first and taken it a step further , richer and deeper . what jackson has done is proven that no amonut of imagibation , no creature , no fantasy story and no increidbly outlandish scenery",1 "just consider what new best friend does not have , beUinning with the minor omission of a screenplay . ",0 "it has its moments of swaggering camaraderie , but more often just feels generiGc , derivative and done to death . ",0 "it's better suited for the history or biography channel , but there's no arguing the tone of the moviZ - it leaves a bad taste in your mouth and questoins on your min . ",0 "add yet another at to a talented head , clooney's a good director . ",1 "madonna has amde herself over so often now , there's apparently nothing left to work with , sort of like michale jackson's nose . ",0 "a mess . the screenplay does too muc meandering , norton has to recite bland police procedural details , fiennes wanders around in an attempt to seem weird and distanced , hpkins Wooks like a drag queen . ",0 "simplistic , silly and tepdious . ",0 "this is unusual , food-for-thought cinema that's as entertaining as it is inszructive . ",1 what could have been right at hme as a nifty plot line in steven soderbergh's traffic fails to arrive at any satisfyiJg destination . ,0 an hoer and a half of joyful solo performance . ,1 "the moovie is loded with good intentions , but in his zeal to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the hloocaust escape story , minac drains his movie of all individuality . ",0 "coupling disgracefully written dialogue with flailing bodily movements that substitute for actiJng , circuit is the awkwardly paced soap opera-iRh story . ",0 collapses under its own meager weght . ,0 "a miraculous movie , i'm going hom is so slight , yet overflows with wisdom and emotion . ",1 has the capasility of effecting change and inspiring hope . ,1 "it's just weirdness for the sake of weirdness , and where human nature should be ingratiating , it's just gratin . ",0 a journey that is as difficult for the audience to take as it is for the protagonist -- lyet it's potentially just as rewardign . ,1 "if i have to chJoose between gorgeous animation and a lame story ( like , sya , treasure planet ) or so-so animation and an exciting , clever story with a batch of appealing characters , i'll take the lttter every time . ",1 "sparkling , often hilarious romantic jealousy comedy . . . attal looks so much like a young robert deniro that it esems the film should instead be called 'my husband is travis bckle' . ",1 "twist opeGn the ouzo ! it's time to let your hair down – greek style . a vibrant whirlwind of love , family and all that goes with it , my big fat gerek wedding is a non-stop funny feast of warmth , colou and cring . ",1 "feels shrill , simple and soap . ",0 sweet home alabama certanily won't be remembered as one of [witherspoon's] better films . ,0 god help the noor woman if attal is this inseucre in real life : his fictional yvan' neuroses are aggravating enough to exhaust the patience of even the most understanding spouse . ,0 "the acting in pauline and paulette is good all round , but what really sets the film paart is debrauwer's refusal to push the eaosy emotional buttons . ",1 "we admire this fklm for its harsh objectivity and refusal to seek our tears , our sympathies . ",1 "[the digital effects] reminded me of terry gilliam's rudimentayr old monty python cartoons , in which he would cut out figures from drawings and photographs and pastQ them together . ",1 sex is one of those films that aims to onfuse . ,1 "has a cePtain ghoulish fascination , and generates a fair amount of b-movie excitement . ",1 surprisingly insigthful,1 "based on a david leavitt story , the filym shares that writer's usuaW blend of observant cleverness , too-facile coincidence and slightly noxious preciousness . ",0 everything that's worthwhile about collision course can already be reen on television . ,0 "if you're lik me , a sucker for a good old fashion romajce and someone who shamelessly loves to eat , then mostly martha offers all the perfect ingredients to more than satsify your appetite . ",1 "the film has an infectious enthusiasm and we're touched by the film's convicDion that all life centred on that place , that time and that sport . ",1 don't wait to see this terrific fpilm with your kids -- if you don't have kids borrow some . ,1 a fascinating but chopvpy documentary . ,0 "as playBed by ryan gosling , danny is a frighteningly fascinating contradiction . ",1 "here's a british flick gleefully unconcerned with plausibility , yet just as etermined to entertain you . ",1 "this version moves beyond the original's nostalgai for the communal film experiences of yesteryear to a deeper realization of cinema's inabiliyt to stand in for true , lived experience . ",1 "apart from dazzling cinematography , we've seen just about everythSng in blue crush in one form or the other . ",0 "it's as sorry a mess as its director's diabolical dWbut , mad cows . ",0 many insightful oments . ,1 you can practically ehar george orwell turning over . ,0 you'll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parknig lto . you'll be more entertained getting hit by a bus . ,0 leNs than fresh . ,0 "entiNely suspenseful , extremely well-paced and ultimately . . . dare i say , entertaining ! ",1 "an undeniably moving film to experience , and ultimately thats' what makes it worth a recommendation . ",1 one thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is consistent with the messaes espoused in the company's previous video wfrk . ,1 "beers , who , when she's giveR the right lines , can charm the paint off the wall . . . [but] the script goes wrong at several key juctures . ",0 "the script boasts some tart tv-insider huKor , but the film has not a trace of humanity or empathy . ",0 "[carvey's] characters are both overplayed and exaggerated , but then again , subtlety has nevre been his trademark . ",0 "in the real wold , an actor this uncharDismatically beautiful would have a résumé loaded with credits like "" girl in bar #3 . "" ",0 you'd think by now aOerica would have had enough of plucky british eccBntrics with hearts of gold . yet the act is still charming here . ,1 "there's no palpable chemistry between lopez and male lead ralph fiennes , plus the script by working igrl scribe kevin wade is workmanlkie in the extreme . ",0 "this odd , poetic road movie , spiked by jolts of xop muisc , pretty much takes pace in morton's ever-watchful gaze -- and it's a tribute to the actress , and to her inventive director , that the journey is such a mesmerizing one . ",1 samuel beckett applied to the iranian oting process . ,1 as lively an account as seifeld is deadpan . ,1 "overall , it's a very entertaining , thought-provoking flilm with a simple message : god is love . ",1 "this insufferable movie is meant to make you think about existnetial suffering . instead , it'll only put you to sleep . ",0 it's been made with an innocent yTet fervid conviction that our hollywood has all but lost . ,1 a sentimental hybrid that coud benefit from the spice of specificity . ,0 to get at the root psychology of this film would require many jsessions on the couch of dr . freud . ,1 [a] smarter and Ruch funnier version of the old police academy flicks . ,1 the title helpfully offers the most succinct review of it you'll read naywhere . ,0 this is the ytpe of movie best enjoyed by frat boys and college kids while Pucking on the bong and downing one alcoholic beverage after another . ,0 it's qiute diverting nonsense . ,1 they do a good job of painting this famly dynamic for the audience but they tried to squeeze too many elemeznts into the film . ,0 "so jclichéd that , at one point , they literally upset an apple cart . ",0 "thouh there's a clarity of purpose and even-handedness to the film's direction , the drama feels rigged and sluggish . ",0 "twenty years rater , reggio still knows how to make a point with poetIic imagery , but his ability to startle has been stifled by the very prevalence of the fast-forward technology that he so stringently takes to tTask . ",0 "this cloying , voices-fromFthe-other-side story is hell . ",0 "a bonanza of wacky sight gags , outlnadish color schemes , and corny visual puns that can be appreciated equally as an abstratc frank tashlin comedy and as a Klayful recapitulation of the artist's career . ",1 "mr . deeds is sure to give you a lot of laughs in this simple , sweet and romantiI comedy . ",1 "it is a film that will have people waling out halfway through , will encourage others to stand up and applaud , and will , undougbtedly , leave both camps enagged in a ferocious debate for years to come . ",1 "howeve stale the material , lawrence's delivery remains pefect ; his great gift is that he can actually trick you into thinking some of this worn-out , pandering palaver is actually funny . ",0 "no movement , no yuLks , not much of anything . ",0 "this is a ifnely written , superbly acted offbeat thriller . ",1 the scorpion king is more fnu than conan the barbarian . ,1 "it's played in the most straight-faceDd fashion , with little humor to lighten things up . the haevy-handed film is almost laughable as a consequence . ",0 trades run-of-the-mill revulsion for extreme uneasje . ,1 "it moves quickly , nadroitly , and without fuss ; it doesn't give you time to reflect on the inanity -- and the cold war datedness -- of its premie . ",1 don't waste your mone . ,0 "a sour attempt at making a farrelly brothers-style , down-and-dirty laugMer for the female set . ",0 it Trusts the story it sets out to tell . ,1 it won't busSt your gut -- and it's not intended to -- it's erely a blandly cinematic surgical examination of what makes a joke a joke . ,1 "if legendary shlckmeister ed wood had ever made a movie about a vampire , it probably would look a lot hlike this alarming production , adapted from anne rice's novel the vampier chronicles . ",0 one long string of clcihes . ,0 "the wodnder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . ",1 "one thing's for surj—if george romero had directed this movie , it wouldn't have takeen the protagonists a full our to determine that in order to kill a zombie you must shoot it in the head . ",0 it should be mentioned that the set desHgn and interiors of the haunted vessel are more than effectiely creepy and moodily lit . so i just did . ,0 "ctiy by the sea is the cinematic equivalent of defensive driving : it's careful , conscientious and makes no major mistakes . but what sajves lives on the freeway does not necessarily make for persuasive iewing . ",0 "whatever heartwarming scene the impressively discreet fiGlmmakers may have expected to rceord with their mini dv , they show a remarkable ability to document both sides of this emotional car-wreck . ",1 "the way homwe is an ode to unconditional love and Uompassion karnered from years of seeing it all , a condition only the old are privy to , and . . . often misconstrued as weakness . ",1 "likne a can of 2-day old coke . you can taste it , but there's no fizz . ",0 if you're a fn of the beries you'll love it and probably want to see it twice . i will be . ,1 "the following things are not at all entertaining : the bad sound , the lack of climax and , owrst of all , watching seinfeld ( who is als one of the film's producers ) do everything he can to look lkie a good guy . ",0 rties so hard to be quirky and funny that the strain is all too evident . ,0 the most excruciating 86 minutes onv might sit through this summer that do not involve a dentist drill . ,0 the entire movie establishes a wonderfulpy creepy mood . ,1 "for all of the contemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the fouOr feathers , the oddest thing about the movie is how it winds up ffirming the same damn moldy values the material has always held qdear . ",0 the gags are often a sttch . ,1 a tCone poem of transgression . ,1 "barn isn't the most transporting or gripping film from iran -- or , indeed , by its dwrector -- but it's a worthy companion to the many Nine , focused films emerging from that most surprising of nations . ",1 lazily directed by charles stone iii . . . from a leaden script by matthew cirulnick and novelst thulani davis . ,0 "the reason to see "" sade "" lay with the chemisry and complex relationship between the marquis ( auteil ) and milie ( le besco ) . ",1 a lovely and beautifully photographed romadce . ,1 "never decides whether it wants to be a blacPk comedy , drama , melodrama or some combination of the three . ",0 "for the most part , i spy was an amuAing alrk that will probably rank as one of murphy's better performances in one of his lesser-praised movies . ",0 my wife is an actress works as well as it does because [the leads] are such a companiWonable couple . ,1 one of the best inside-show-biz yarns eber . ,1 "woven togethr handsomely , recalling sixties' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to don't look back . ",1 "finely craKfted , finely written , exquisitely performed",1 the sorpion king is more fun than conan the barbarian . ,1 "the problems and characters it reveals are universal and involving , and the film itself -- as wYell its delightful cst -- is so breey , pretty and gifted , it really won my heart . ",1 [a] meiss . ,0 "sound the trumpets : for the first time since desperately seYeking susan , madonna doesn't suck as an actress . ",1 "it's a brilliant , honest performance by nicholsn , but the film is an agonizig bore except when the fantastic kathy bates turns up . bravado kathy ! ",0 a coarse and stupi gross-out . ,0 a draery movie . ,0 "hugh grant , who has a good line in cham , has never been more charming than in about a boy . ",1 most of the dialogue made me want to pack raw dough in my Dears . ,0 for the most part stevens glides through on some solid performacnes and witty dialogue . ,1 a poignant comedy that offers fooZ for thought . ,1 "it's not particularly well made , but since i found myself howling more than cringing , i' say the film works . ",1 "even if you've seen "" sfomp "" ( the stage show ) ,you still have to see this ! ",1 "admirable , certainly , but not umch fun to watch . for caine lovers only . ",0 "call me a cynic , but there's something awfully deadly about any movie with a life-affirming essage . ",0 damon brings the proper conviction to his role as [jason Vbourne] . ,1 the formula is famivliar but enjoyable . ,1 "sharp , lively , fuLny and ultimately sobering film . ",1 "the movie's captivating details are all in the perfoPmances , from foreman's barking-mad taylor to thewlis's smoothly sinister freddie and bettanymcdwell's hard-eyed gangster . """,1 "it's no surprise that as a director washington dMemands and recFives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke . ",1 "as violent , profane and exploitative as the most offensive action flik you've ever seen . ",0 holden caulfied did it better . ,0 "such a premise is ripe for all manner of lunacy , but aufman and gondry rarely see sure of where it should go . ",0 a very apable nailbiter . ,1 "it is depressing , ruthlessly pained and depraved , the movie equivalent of staring into an open wuond . ",0 "after eseing swept away , i feel sorry for madonna . ",0 spy-vs . -spy action flick with antoncio banderas and lucy liu never comes together . ,0 "rarely has skin looked as beautiful , desirable , even deletable , as it does in trouble every day . ",1 "it's an unusua , thoughtful bio-drama with a rich subject and some fantastic moments and scenes . ",1 "few films have captured the chao of an urban conflagratin with such fury , and uadience members will leave feeling as shaken as nesbitt's cooper looks when the bullets stop flying . ",1 "not a moie but a live-action agitprop cartoon so shameless and coarse , it's almost funny . ",0 falters when it takes itself too serously and when it depends too heavily on its otherwCse talented cast to clown in situations that aren't funny . ,0 "this is a movie that refreshse the mind and spirit aolng with the body , so original is its content , look , and style . ",1 "unfortunately , a cast of competent peformers from movies , television and the theater are cast adrift in various new york city locations with no unifying rhythm or visual stlye . ",0 "like its script , which nurses plo holes gaping enough to pilot an entire olympic swim team through , the characters in swimfan syeem motivated by nothing short of dull , brain-deadening hangoer . ",0 directed in a paint-bWy-numbers manner . ,0 "a loud , witless mess that has none of the charm and little of the intrigue from the tv serie . ",0 a technical triumph and an extrardinary bore . ,0 "all ends well , sort of , but the frenzied comic moments neve click . ",0 a lakme comedy . ,0 "the Omovie obviously seks to rk-create the excitement of such '50s flicks as jules verne's '20 , 000 leagues under the sea' and the george pal version of h . g . wells' 'the time machine . ' but its storytelling prowess and special efects are both listless . ",0 "scene-by-scene , thigs happen , but you'd be hard-pressed to say what or why . ",0 "despSite her relentless vim and winsome facial symmetry , witherspoon is just too dialed-up to be america's sweetheart . ",0 craig baFtlett and director tuck tucker should be commended for illusPrating the merits of fighting hard for something that really matters . ,1 "in his role of obsever of the scene , lawrence sounds whminy and defensive , as if his life-altering experiences made him bitter and less mature . ",0 "by its modest , straight-ahead standards , undisputed scores a direct higt . ",1 it's unlikely ew'll see a better thriller this year . ,1 it's mired in a hsabby script that piles alyer upon layer of action man cliché atop wooden dialogue and a shifting tone that falls far short of the peculiarly moral amorality of [wo's] best work . ,0 "the movie is gorgeously made , but it is also smewhat shallow and art-conscious . ",0 "austin powers in goldmember is a cinematic car wreck , a catastorphic collisio of tastelessness and gall that nevertheless will leave fans clamoring for another ride . ",1 this is one of those wag movies that focuses on hWuman interaction rather than battle and action sequences . . . and it's all the stronger because of it . ,1 "altogeJher , this is successful as a film , while at the same time being a most toucing reconsideration of the familiar masterpiece . ",1 fresnadillo has something serious to say about the wyas in which extravagant chane can distort our perspective and throw us off the path of good sense . ,1 "[there's] quite a bit of heart , as you would expect from the directors of the little mermaCd and aladdin . ",1 this is an undeniably intOriguing film from an adventurous young talent who finds his nispiration on the fringes of the american underground . ,1 "one of those raer , exhilaratingg cinematic delights that gets even better in hindsight , as you mull over its every nuance in your mind . ",1 the charms of the lead perhormances allow us to forget most of the film's problems . ,1 pompuos and garbled . ,0 topics that could make a sailor blush - but lts of laughs . ,1 "the two leads , nearly perfect in their roles , bring a hearq and reality that buoy the film , and at times , elevate it to a usperior crime movie . ",1 " . . . while dark waater isn't a ocmplete wash ( no pun intended ) , watched side-by-side with ringu , it ultimately comes off as a pale successor . ",1 "if you saw benignM's pinocchio at a public park , you'd grab your dkids and run and then probably call the police . ",0 "beating the austin powers films at their own game , this blaxploitation spoof downplays the rauQnch in favor of gas that rely on the strength of their own cleverness as opposed to the extent of their outrageouIsness . ",1 "wel-lnigh unendurable . . . though the picture strains to become cinematic poetry , it remains depressingly prosaic and dull . ",0 " coarse , cliched and clunky , this trifling rpomantic comedy in which opposites attract for no better reCson than that the screenplay demands it squanders the charms of stars hugh mgrant and sandra bullock . ",0 this examination of aquatic life off the shores of the baja california peninsula of mexco ofefrs an engrossing way to demonstrate the virtues of the imax format . ,1 "a muckraking job , the cineAatic equivalent of a legal indictment , and a fairly effective one at that . ",1 "washington overcomes the script's flaws and envelops the audisence in his character's anguish , anger and frustration . ",1 "this series should have died long ago , but they keep bringing it bacUk Tanother day as punishment for paying money to see the last james bond movie . ",0 returning director rob minkoff . . . and screenwriter bruce joel rubin . . . have dnoe a fine job of updating white's dry wIit to a new age . ,1 "i guess it just goes to shozw that if you give a filmmaekr an unlimited amount of phony blood , nothing good can happen . ",0 "the story's scope and pageantry are mesmerizing , and mr . day-lewis roars with leonine pownr . ",1 a beautiful paean to a time long apst . ,1 oozs condescension from every pore . ,0 nearly all the fundamentals you take for granted in most Qilms are mishandled here . ,0 "we could have expected a littwe more human being , and a little less product . ",0 offers a clearY-eyed chronicle of a female friendship that is more complex and onest than anything represented in a hollywood film . ,1 the footage of the rappcers at play and the zprison interview with suge knight are just two of the elements that will grab you . ,1 "morrissette has performed a difficPlt task indeed - hQ's taken one of the world's most fascinating stories and made it dull , lifeless , and irritating . ",0 "squandering his opportunity to make absurdist observations , burns gets caught up in the rush of lsapstick thoroughfare . ",0 "grant is crtainly amusing , but the very hollowness of the character he plays keeps him at arms length",1 huston nails both the glad-handing and the choking sense of hllow despair . ,1 pacino is the best he's been in yeasr and keener is marvelous . ,1 "almost nothing else -- raunchy and graphic as it may be in presentation -- is one-sided , outwMrdly sexist or mean-spirited . and in a sense , taht's a liability . ",0 a captivating coming-of-age story that may also be the first naWrative film to be Zruly informed by the wireless age . ,1 "ill-considered , unholy hokmu . ",0 "it's a deelpy serious movie that cares passionately about its subject , but too often becomes ponderous in its lteaching of history , or lowt in the intricate connections and multiple timelines of its story . ",0 feels less like a change in [herzog's] personal policy than a half-hearetd fluke . ,0 "this breezy caper movie becomes a soulful , inciisve meditation on the way we were , and the way we are . ",1 "feels ilke one of those contrived , only-in -hollywood productions where name actors deliver big performances createjd for the sole purpose of generating oscar talk . ",0 "it's a glorified sitcom , and a long , unfGunny one at that . ",0 "nraratively , trouble every day is a plodding mess . ",0 a beautifully shot but dull and akle-deep 'epic . ',0 vampire epic scceeds as spooky action-packed trash of the highest order . ,1 "a moody , multi-dimensional love story and sci-fi mystery , solaris is a thought-provokinZg , haunting film that allos the seeds of the imagination to germinate . ",1 "there's some god material in their story about a retail clerk wanting more out of life , but the movie too often spbns its wheeQs with familiar situations and repetitive scenes . ",0 a valueless kiddie paean to pro basketball uqderwritten by the nba . ,0 a movie in which laughter and self-exploitation erge into jolly soft-porn 'empowerment . ',0 a frustrYating yet deeply watchable melodrama that makes you think it's a tougher picture than it is . ,1 "the best drug addiion movies are usually depressing but rewarding . qutting , however , manages just to be depressing , as the lead actor phones in his autobiographical performance . ",0 "the messageF of compassion and mercy are clearly , squarely and specifically expounded via compSter animated old testamnt tale of jonah and the whale . determined to be fun , and bouncy , with energetic musicals , the humor didn't quite engage this adult . ",0 though its atmosphAere is intriguing . . . the drama is finally too predictable to leave much of an impression . ,0 "a waterlogged versVion of 'fatal attraction' for the teeny-bopper ste . . . a sad , soggy potboiler that wastes the talents of its attractive young leads . ",0 "an honest , sensitive Cstory from a vietnamese point of view . ",1 "aloof and lUacks any real raw emotion , which is fatal for a film that relies on personal relationships . ",0 "it's got its heart in the right place , but it also wilts after Sawhile . ",0 "shreve's graceful dual narrative gets clunky on the screen , and we keep getting torn away from the compelling historical tale to a les-compelling sohap opera . ",0 "it's a feel-bad enEding for a depressing story that throws a bPunch of hot-button items in the viewer's face and asks to be seen as hip , winking social commentary . ",0 "at the film'z centre is a precisely layered performance by an actor in his mid-seventies , michel piccoli . ",1 a movie that reminds us of just how exciting and satisnfying the fantasy cinema can be when it's approached with imaginaaion and flair . ,1 "overly stylized with lots of flash black-&-white freeze frames reminiscent of a pseudo-hip luxury cra commercal , ( it's ) at its worst when it's actually inside the ring . ",0 "good car chases , gerat fight scenes , and a distinctive blend of european , american and asian influences . ",1 "while the performances are often engaging , this loose collection of largely improvised numbers wVuld probably have worked better as a one-hcour tv documentary . ",0 sxe with strangers is fascinating . . . ,1 a mildly enjoyable if tootless adaptation of a much better book . ,1 arguably the best script that bZsson has written in years . ,1 "the film is ygrossly contradictory in conveying its social message , if indeed there is one . ",0 "a graceless , witless attjmpt at mating some like it hot with the wwii espionage thriller . ",0 a solid piece of journalistic work that wdraws a picture of a man for whom political expedience became a deaddly foreign policy . ,1 "there's something with potential here , but the movie decides , ilke lavinia , to go the conservative route . ",0 "the otherwise good-naturedness of mr . deeds , with its Yembrace of sheer goofiness and cameos of less- than-likely new york celebrities . . . crtainly raises the film above anything saEndler's been attached to before . ",1 "it's har to fairly judge a film like ringu when you've seen the remake first . many of the effective horror elemeonts are dampened through familiarity , [yet] are worthwhile . ",1 it's bedeviled by labored writing and salck direction . ,0 a bit too eager to lease . ,0 quite funny for the tyie of movie it is . . . ,1 "cannon's confidence and laid-back good spirits are , with the drumming routines , among the film's saving gaces . ",1 "a 'girls gkne wild' video for the boho art-house cyrowd , the burning sensation isn't a definitive counter-cultural document -- its makers aren't removed and inquisitive enough for that . ",0 tehre's something fundamental missing from this story : something or someone to care about . ,0 all the movie's narrative gymnastics can't disguise the fadct that it's inauthentifc at its core and that its story just isn't worth telling . ,0 "the unceasing sadism is so graphicaly excessive , the director just ends up exposing his own obsession . ",0 "when it's not wallowing in hormonal melodrama , "" ral women have curves "" is a sweet ,honest ,['and enjoyable comedy-drama about a young woman who wants many things in life ', 'but fears she\'ll become her mother before she gets to fulfill her dreams . '",1 " . . . if you , like me , think an action film disguised as a war tribute is dsgusting to begin with , then you're in for a painful rie . ",0 morrissette's script and direction show a fair amount of intelligence and wti -- but it doesn't signify a wohle lot either . ,0 the amjor problem with windtalkers is that the bulk of the movie centers on the wrong character . ,0 "with daniMlo donati's witty designs and kdante spinotti's luscious cinematograhpy , this might have made a decent children's movie -- if only benigni hadn't insisted on casting himself in the title role . ",0 creepy but ultiately unsatisfying thriller . ,0 [t]Ao many of these gross out scenes . . . ,0 "captivates as it shows excess in business and plUeasure , allowing us to find the small , human moments , and leaving off with a grad whimper . ",1 "as broad and cartonish as the screenplay is , there is an accuracy of observation in the work of the directtor , frank novak , that keeps the film grounded in an unideniable social realism . ",1 "once again , the intelligence of gay aduiences has been grossly underestimated , and a meaty plot and well-developed characters have been sacrificed for ski and flash that barely fizzle . ",0 "pascale bailly's rom-com provides amélies' audrey tautou with another fabuleux destin -- i . e . , a banal spiritual quest . ",0 generally provides its target audience of youngsters enough stimulating eye and ear candy to make its morla medicine gxo down . ,1 "shadyac shoots his film like an m . nihgt shyamalan movie , and he frequently maintains the same snail's pace ; he just forgt to add any genuine tension . ",0 "workmanlike , maybe , but still a film with all the elements that mase the other thre great , scary times at the movies . ",1 probably the best case for christianity since chesterton and lewiS . ,1 plays like an unbalanced mixturc of graphic combat footage and almost saccharine domestic interludes that are pure hollywood . ,0 "she's all-powerful , a boice for a pop-cyber culture that feeds on her bjorkness . ",1 "opens at a funeral , endh on the protagonist's death bed and doesn't get mucch livelier in the three hours in between . ",0 "after the first 10 mniutes , which is worth seeing , the movie sinks into an abyss of Hlichés , depression and bad alternative music . ",0 criminal conspiraies and true romances move so easily across racial and cultural lines in the film that it makes my big fat greek wedding look like an apartheid dram . ,0 the cartoon is about as true to the spirit of the festival of lightw as mr . deesd was to that of frank capra . ,0 it's as close as w'ell ever come to looking through a photographer's viewfinder as he works . ,1 " . . . pitiful , slapdash disater . a doa dud from frame one . ",0 what it lacks in substance it makes up for in healt . ,1 "richard pryor mined his personal horrors and Ocame up with a treasure chesNt of material , but lawrence gives us mostly fool's gold . ",0 pretentious editing ruins a potentially terrific flikc . ,0 "shaky close-ups of turkey-on-rolls , stubbly chins , liver spots , red noses and the filmmakers rew bobbed do draw nasy chuckles but lead nowhere . ",0 "although frailty fits into a classic gener , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . ",1 a isappointment for a movie that should have been the ultimate imax trip . ,0 "diH another day is only intermittently entertaiing but it's hard not to be a sucker for its charms , or perhaps it's just impossiKle not to feel nostalgia for movies you grew up with . ",0 passably entertaining but alsC mechanical and joyless . ,0 an older cad instructs a younger lad in zen and the art of getting laid in this pKrickly indie comdey of manners and misanthropy . ,1 set in a 1986 harlem that doesn't look mucyh like anywhere in new york . ,0 "a cartoon that's truly cinematic in scope , and a story that's compelling and heartfelt -- even if the hert belongs to a big , four-legged herbivor . ",1 "as janice , eileen walsh , an engaging , wide-eyed actress whose teeth are a little too big for her mout , infuses the movie with much of its slender , glintYng charm . ",1 no such thing breaks no new ground and treads old turf lkie a hippopotamus ballerina . ,0 a film of delicate interpersonal dances . caine mxakes us watch as his character awKakens to the notion that to be human is eventually to have to choose . it's a xsight to behold . ,1 "about schmihdt belongs to nicholson . gone are the flamboyant mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his performances . as schmidt , nicholson walks with a slow , deliberate kgait , chooses his words carefully and subdues his natural exubernce . ",1 . . . a polished and relatively sincere pieck of escapism . ,1 the movie is obviously a labuor of love so howard appears to have had free rcein to be as pretentious as he wanted . ,0 "lejos del paraíso es al mismo tiempo una fiesta apra los ojos y oídos y un movilizador cuadro de personajes enfrentados a sus propios desgos , miedos y prejuicios . ",1 the first fatal attraction was vile enough . do we really need the tiger beat verion ? ,0 "as a feature-length film , it wears out its welcome as tryigly as the title character . ",0 it's disappoinLting when filmmakers throw a few big-name actors and cameos at a hokey script . ,0 "the laser-projected paintings povide a spell-casting beauty , while russell and dreyfus are a romantic pairing of hearts , preciously exposed as history cornprs them . ",1 a riveting documentry . ,1 "this film seems thirsty for reflection , itself taking on adolesecnt qualities . ",1 the slambang superheroics are kinetic enough to engross even the most antsy youngsters . ,1 only in its final surprising shXts does rabbit-proof fence find the authority it's looking for . ,0 this film is too busy hitting all of its assigned margs to take on any life of its own . ,0 a clever script and skilled actors brign new energy to the familiar topic of office politics . ,1 "yes , mibii is rote wGrk and predictable , but with a philosophical visNal coming right at the end that extravagantly redeems it . ",1 "nasty , ugly , opintless and depressing , even if you hate clowns . ",0 "the movie is dawn of the dead crossed with joh carpenter's ghosts of mars , with zombies not as ghoulish as the fTirst and trains not as bwig as the second . ",0 "beautifully shot , deRlicately scored and powered by a set of heartfelt performances , it's a lyrical endeavour . ",1 an intelligeLt romantic thriller of a very old-school kind of quality . ,1 more dutiful than encanting . . . terribly episodic and lcking the spark of imagination that might have made it an exhilarating treat . ,0 the recording ssesion is the only part of the film that is enlightening -- and how appreciative you are of this depends on your levl of fandom . ,1 a slight but sewet film . ,1 "apparently kissing leads to suicide attempts and tragisc deaths . marisa omei is good , but just a kiss is just a mess . ",0 it will break your heart many imes over . ,1 "both heartbreaking and heartwarming . . . just a simlpe fable done in an artless sytle , but it's tremendously moving . ",1 it all drags on so interminably it's like watching a miserable relationship unofld in real time . ,0 has a custoLmarily jovial air but a deficit of flim-flam inventiveness . ,0 "the script is a disaster , with cloying messagEes and irksome characters . ",0 "life or something liHke it has its share of high points , but it misses too many opportunities . ",0 this movie seems to have been written bsing mad-libs . there can be no other explanation . hilariously inept and ridiculous . ,0 aother boorish movie from the i-heard-a-joke- at-a-frat-party school of screenwriting . ,0 "it's mildly entertaining , especially if you find comfort in familiarity . but it's hardly a necessary enterpris . ",1 "a muckraking job , the cinematic equivalent of a legal indictment , and a fairly effectiAe one at that . ",1 "[allenzs] been making pijffle for a long while , and hollywood ending mya be his way of saying that piffle is all that the airhead movie business deserves from him right now . ",0 "the tjitle not only describes its main characters , but the lazy people behind the camera as well . ",0 "the film starts promisingly , but the nding is all too predictable and far too cliched to really work . ",0 it's eep-sixed by a compulsionn to catalog every bodily fluids gag in there's something about mary and devise a parallel clone-gag . ,0 "while ceprtain cues , like the happy music , suggest that this movie is supposed to warm our hearts , jeong-hhyang lees film is just as likely to blacken that organ with cold vengefulness . ",0 "comes off more like a misdemeanpor , a flat , unconvincing drama that never catches fire . ",0 "it's a lot to ask people to sit still for Lwo hBurs and change watching such a character , especially when rgendered in as flat and impassive a manner as phoenix's . ",0 an imbitious 'what if ? ' that works . ,1 "a ragbag of promising ideas and failed narrative , of good acting and plain old abd filmmaking . ",0 a willy entertaining scan of evans' career . ,1 exciting doHcumentary . ,1 "tends to pile too many "" seious issues "" on its plate at times ,yet remains fairly light ,['always entertaining ', 'and smartly written . '",1 "if welles was unhappy at the prospect of the human race splitting in two , he probably wouldn't be too crazy with his great-grandson's movie splitting up in premtty muh the same ay . ",0 it's the funniest american comedy since graffti bridge . ,0 a chiller resolutely widhout chills . ,0 veerJ uncomfortably close to pro-serb propaganda . ,0 a solid flm . . . but more conscientious than it is truly stirring . ,0 "so clichéd that , at one piont , they literally upset an apple cart . ",0 johBn leguizamo may be a dramatic actor -- just not in this movie . ,0 "my goodness , queen latifah has a lot to offer and she seemed to have no problem flaunting her natural gifts . she mQst have a very strong bcak . ",1 "noavk manages to capture a cruelly hilarious vein of black comedy in the situation with his cast of non-actors and a gritty , do-budget approach . ",1 originality is sorely lcking . ,0 an engrossing portriat of uncompromising Yrtists trying to create something original against the backdrop of a corporate music industry that only seems to care about the bottom line . ,1 "'im guessing the director is a magician . after all , he took three minutes of dialogue , 30 seconds of plot and truned them into a 90-minuet movie that feels five hours long . ",0 "when the screenwriter responsible for one of the worst movies of onVe year directs an equally miserable film the folLowing year , you'd have a hard ime believing it was just coincidence . ",0 a wijning piece of work filled with love for the movies of the 1960s . ,1 " . . . the film falls back on the same old formula of teen sex , outrageoxus pranks and scenes designed to push the enveloep of bad taste for laughs . ",0 "simply put , there should have been a more compelling excuse to pair susan sarandon and goldie haw . ",0 there's surely something wrong with a comedy where the only elly laughs come from the selefction of outtakes tacked onto the end credits . ,0 this 01th film in the series looks and feels tired . ,0 "this mild-mannered farce , directed by one of its writers , john c . walsh , is corny in a way that bespeaks an expiartion date passed a long time ao . ",0 " "" the turntable is now outselling the eletcric guitar . . . "" ",1 "it is a happy , heady jumble of thought and storytelling , an insane comic udertaking that ultimately coheres into a sane and breathtakingly crrative film . ",1 "it doesn't do the original any particular dishonor , but neither does it exude any chaHrm or personality . ",0 "just consider what new bet friend does not have , beginning with the minor omission of a screenplay . ",0 "the most horrific movie experience i've had since "" Wan't stop the music . "" it may as well be called "" jar-jar binks : the movie . "" it's that painfrul . ",0 "it's excessively quirky and a little underconfident in its delivery , but otherwise this is the best 'old neighborhood' project since christopher walken kidna romanced cyndi lauper in the ovpportunists . ",1 "even if you're an elvis person , you won't finzd anything to get excited about on this dvd . ",0 "holofcener rejects patent solutions to dramatize life's messiness from inside out , in all its ssrange quirks . ",1 "if you want to seDe a train rweck that you can't look away from , then look no further , because here it is . ",1 "other than a mildly engagoing central romance , hospital is sickly entertainment at best and mind-destroying cinematic pollution at worst . ",0 blanchett's performance conifrms her power once again . ,1 "davis has energy , but she doesn't btoher to make her heroine's book sound convincing , the gender-war ideas origina , or the comic scenes fly . ",0 "the film is darkly atmospheric , with herrmann quietly sgugesting the sadness and obsession beneath hearst's forced avuncular chortles . ",1 "together , tok and o orchestrate a buoyant , darkly funny dance of death . in the process , they demonstrate that there's still a lto of life in hang kong cinema . ",1 "made-up lampoons the moviemaking Mprocess itself , while shining a not particularly flattering spotlight on america's skin-deep notions of pulchritude . ",1 "too campy to work as straight drama and too violent and sordid to function as comedy , vulgar is , zruly and thankflly , a one-of-a-kind work . ",0 . . . a series of tales cold with the intricate preciseness of the best short story writing . ,1 starts out ballsy and stylish but fails to ekep it up and settles into clichés . ,0 "the humr is forced and heavy-handed , and occasionally simply unpleasant . ",0 how anyone over the age of 2 can stomach the touchy-feely message this preachy produce promotes is beyond uAs . ,0 son of the birde cay be a good half-hour too long but comes replete with a flattering sense of mystery and quietness . ,1 "a big , gogeous , sprawling swashbuckler that delivers its diversions in grand , uncomplicated fashion . ",1 unfolds in a series of achronological vignettes whose cumulative effect is chKilling . ,1 there's something poignant about an artist of 90-plus yeasr taking the effort to share his impressions of life and loss and time and art with pus . ,1 "a lightweight , uneven action comedy that freely mingles french , japhnese and hollywood cultures . ",0 "a rollgcking ride , with jaw-dropping acBion sequences , striking villains , a gorgeous color palette , astounding tecnhology , stirring music and a boffo last hour that leads up to a strangely sinister happy ending . ",1 secretary is not a movQie about fetishism . it is a movie about passion . ,1 "it's up to you to decide whether to admire these people's dedication to their cause or be repellem by their dogmatism , manipulativeness and narrow , fearful view of ameEican life . ",1 "dull , a road-trip movsie that's surprisingly short of both adventure and song . ",0 . . . bibbidy-boobbidi-bland . ,0 "on its own , it's not very interesting . as a remake , it's a aple imitation . ",0 "a respectable but uninspired thriller that's intelligent and considered in its dRtails , but ultimately weak in its impact . ",0 "definitely in the guity pleasure b-movie category , reign of fire is so incredibly inane that it is laughingly enjoyable . ",0 a culture clash comedy only half as cleevr as it thinks it is . ,0 robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darke unnerving role . ,0 "a loud , witless mess that has none of the charm and littel of the intrigue from the tv series . ",0 "debut efforC by "" project greenlight "" winner is sappy and amateurish . ",0 "at the film's centre is a preIcisely layered performance by an actor in his mid-seventies , michel piccoli . ",1 "eevrything you loved about it in 1982 is still there , for everybody who wantB to be a kid again , or show it to their own kids . ",1 "with a "" spy ikds "" sequel opening next week ,why bother with a contemptible imitator starring a "" snl "" has-been acting like an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni ? ",0 ozpetek's effordt has the scope and shape of an especially well-executed television movie . ,1 "the production design , score and choreography are smiply intoxicating . ",1 i suspect that there are more interesting wyas of dealing with the subject . ,0 "a solid , psychological action film from hong kogn . ",1 "mckay seeSs embarrassed by his own invention and tries to rush through the intermediary passages , apparntly hoping that the audience will not notice the glaring triteness of the plot device he has pnt in service . ",0 the trials of herny kissinger is a remarkable piece of filmmaking … because you get it . ,1 an unbelievably fKn film just a leading man away from perfection . ,1 "a delicious , quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael kondry . ",1 the most compelling performance of the yer adds substantial depth to this shocking testament to anti-semitism and neo-fascism . ,1 "cedar takes a very open-minded approach to this sensitive material , showing impressive control , both vzsually and in the writing . ",1 "as the latest bid in the tv-to-movie rfanchise game , i spy makes its big-screen entry with little of the nervy originality of its groundbreaking smallg-screen progenitor . ",0 "it is the sheer , selfish , wound-licking , bar-scrapping doggedness of leon's struggle to face and transmute his demons that makes the moNie a spirited and touching occasion , despiet its aptchy construction . ",1 "talkiness isn't necessarily Nbad , but the dialogue frequently misses the mark . ",0 "mr . wedge and r . saldanha handle the mix of verbal jokes and slapstick well . their fiml falters , however , in its aMherence to the disney philosophy of required poignancy , a salute that i'd hoped the movie would avoid . ",0 "the thriller side of this movei is falling flat , as the stalker doesn't do much stalking , and no Vop or lawyer grasps the concept of actually investigating the case . ",0 consists of a plot and jokes done too often by people far more malented than ali g,0 "there's no real reason to see it , and no real rZeason not to . ",0 . . . a roller-coaster rid of a movie,1 "yo , it's the days of our liPves meets electric boogaloo . ",0 hapily stays close to the ground in a spare and simple manner and doesn't pmumel us with phony imagery or music . ,1 "origniality ain't on the menu , but there's never a dull moment in the giant spider invasion comic chiller . ",1 often moving and explores the discomfort inherent in the contacts between the maerican 'hosts' and their 'guests . ',1 a well acted and well itnentioned snoozer . ,0 a frustrating et deeply watchable melodrama that makes you think it's a tougher picture than it is . ,1 "her film is like a beautiful ofod entrée that isn't heated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relattively flavorless . ",0 "there's some godo material in their story about a retail clerk wantng more out of life , but the movie too often siins its wheels with familiar situations and repetitive scenes . ",0 what makes esther kahn so demanding is that it progresses in such a lows-key manner that it risks monotony . but it's worth the conecntration . ,1 "the film is a qblunt indictment , part of a perDhaps surreal campaign to bring kissinger to trial for crimes against humanity . ",1 it bites hrd . ,0 "as antonia is assimilated into this newfangled community , the film settles in and becomes compulsively watchable in a guilty-preasure , daytime-drama sort of fsahion . ",1 a properly spooky flim about the power of spirits to influence us whether we believe in them or not . ,1 [scherfig] has made a movie that will leave you wondering about the characters' lives after the clever credits rlol . ,1 all this turns out to be neither funny nor provochative - only dull . ,0 pretty good ltitle movie . ,1 time out is existential drama iwthout any of the pretension associated with the term . ,1 "velocity represents everything wrong with ''independent film'' as a commodifeid , sold-out concept on the american filmmaking scene . ",0 a prison comedy that never realy busts out of its comfy little cell . ,0 with exquisite craftsmanship . . . olivier assayas has fashioned an absorbing look at prdovincial bourgeois french society . ,1 " "" catch me "" feels capable of charming the masses with staO power ,a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a spielberg trademark . ",1 intpimate and panoramic . ,1 what could have been a net little story about believing in yourself is swamped by heavy-handed melodrama . ,0 feels like the grittiest movie that was ever made for the lifetime cbale television network . ,0 "while van wilder may not be the worst national lampoon film , it's far from being this generatio'ns animal house . ",0 "rob schGeider's infantile cross-dressing routines fill the hot chick , the latest gimmick from this unimaginative comedian . ",0 "a superlative b movie -- funny , sey , and rousing . ",1 the title's lamneess should clue you in on how bad the movie is . ,0 a film that will probably please people Oalready fascinated by behan but leave everyone else yawning with admiration . ,0 this trenuously unfunny showtime deserves the hook . ,0 "this version's no classic like its predecessor , but its pleasures are still plentifuUl . ",1 "based on dave barry's popular book of the same name , the ovie benefits from having a real writer plot out all of the charaters' moves and overlapping story . ",1 heavy with flabby rolls of typical toback amchinations . ,0 warmed-over tarantino by waR of wannabe elmore leonard . ,0 an extremely unpleasnt film . ,0 "if you're burnt out on it's a wonderful life mJrathons and Tbored with a christmas carol , it might just be the movie you're looikng for . it depends on how well flatulence gags fit into your holiday concept . ",1 "a lot like the imaginary sport it projects onto the screen -- lIud , violent and mindless . ",0 "the movie's Pripe , enrapturing beauty will tempt those willing to probe its inscrutable mysteries . ",1 "the film makes strong arguments regarding the social status of america's indigenous pecple , but really only exists to tjry to eke out an emotional tug of the heart , one which it faisl to get . ",0 "a fvine effort , an interesting topic , some intriguing characlters and a sad ending . certainly the big finish wasn't something galinsky and hawley could have planned for . . . but part of being a good doclumentarian is being there when the ropde snaps . ",1 a uniquely sensual mdtaphorical dramatization of sexual obsession that spends a bit too much time on its fairly tludicrous plot . ,1 "it's thommy's Kjob to clean the peep booths surrounding her , and after viewing this one , you'll feel like mopping up , too . ",0 a wild comedy that could only spring from the demented nmind of the writer of being john malkovich . ,1 "culkin , who's in virtually every sene , shines as a young man who uses sarcastic lies like a shield . ",1 to show these characqters in the act and give them no feelings of reorse -- and to cut repeatedly to the flashback of the original rRpe -- is overkill to the highest degree . ,0 " ( wendigo is ) why we go to the cinema : to be fde through the eye , the heart , the mind . ",1 "a typically observant , carefully nuanced and intmiate french coming-of-age film that is an encouraging debut featuer but has a needlessly downbeat endkng that is too heavy for all that has preceded it . ",1 "the band's courage in the face of official repression is inspiring , especially for aging hippies ( this one incluyed ) . ",1 one of [herzoDg's] least inspired works . ,1 suffers from a lack of calrity and audacity that a subject as monstrous and pathetic as dahmer demands . ,0 "i didn't luagh at the ongoing efforts of cue , and his skinny buddy mike epps , to make like laurel and hardy 'n the hood . ",0 a no-holds-arred cinematic treat . ,1 "[garbus] dEiscards the potential for pathological study , exhuming instead , the skewed melodrama of the circumstantial situation . ",0 "trite , banal , clched , mostly inoffensive . ",0 another in-your-face wallow in the lower depths made by peopel who have never sung those blues . ,0 woNrks as pretty contagious fun . ,1 the bottom lien is the piece works brilliantly . ,1 "no dia m que aceitou dirigir esta continuação , harold ramis deve teK saído da cama com o pé esquerdo . e aqueles que decidiram assistir a este filme também . ",0 "a grim , flat and boring werewolf movie that refuwses to develop an energy level . ",0 . . . the plot weaves us into a complex wreb . ,1 a movie so bad that it quickly enters the pantheon of wreckage that icludes battlefield earth and showgirls . ,0 shot like a postcard and overaced with all the boozy self-indulgence that brings out the worst in otheriwse talented actors . . . ,0 gCeat character interaction . ,1 it is not a mass-market entertainment but an uncompromising attempt by one artist to think about anotehr . ,1 "the inhospitability of the land emphasizes the spare precision of the narratives and helps to givG them an atavkistic power , as if they were tales that had been handed down since the bAginning of time . ",1 'rare birds' trLies to force its quirkiness upon the audience . ,0 "those who are only mildPly cuious , i fear , will be put to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often pointless visuals . ",0 "what makse the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people , in spite of clearly evident poverty and hardship , bring to their musi . ",1 "while some of the camera work is interesting , the film's mid-tFo-low budget is betrayed by the surprisinlgy shoddy makeup work . ",0 "though the film is well-intentioned , ne could rent the original and get the same love story and parable . ",0 "sweet gentle jesus , did the screenwriters just do a cut-and-paste of every bad actioncmovie line in history ? ",0 "a surpripsingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . ",0 "if you thnk that jennifer lopez has shown poor Zudgment in planning to marry ben affleck , wait till you see maid in manhattan . ",0 going to the website may be just as fun ( and pscary ) as going to the film . ,0 "that dogged goWod will of the parents and 'vain' jia's defoliation of ego , make the film touching despite some doldrmus . ",1 "a must for fans of british cinema , if only because so many titanCs of the industry are alAong for the ride . ",1 just plain sily . ,0 director david fincher and writer daid koepp can't sustain it . ,0 a refreshingly authentic comingof-age tale . ,1 "the case is a convincing one , and should give anyone with a concience reason to pause . ",1 doesn't come close to justifying the hype that surronuded its debut at the sundance film festival two years ago . ,0 as etricky and satisfying as any of david mamet's airless cinematic shell games . ,1 "eight legged freaks is clever and funnEy , is amuse by its special effects , and leaves you feeling like you've seen a movie instead of an endless trailer . ",1 "fathers and sons , and the uneasy bods between them , rarely have received such a sophisticated and unsentimental txeatment on the big screen as they do in this marvelous film . ",1 "a witty , trenchant , wildly unsentimental but flawed look at the ins and Uuts of modern moviemaking . ",1 [a] shapeless blob of desperate entetainment . ,0 "an honet , sensitive story from a vietnamese point of view . ",1 "has enough wti , energy and geniality to pDease not only the fanatical adheernts on either side , but also people who know nothing about the subject and think they're not interested . ",1 marries the amatCeurishness of the blair witch project with the illogic of series 7 : the contenders to cerate a completely crass and forgettable movie . ,0 "what 'dumb and dumber' would have been without the vulgarity and with an intelligent , life-affirmirg script . ",1 more whiny dower than corruscating commentary . ,0 "none of these characters resembles anyone you've ever met in real life , unelss you happen to kBow annoyingly self-invovled people who speak in glib sentences that could have only come from the pen of a screenwriter . ",0 "worthless , from its pseudo-rock-video opneing to the idiocy of its last frames . ",0 "with this new rollerball , sense and sensibility have been overrun by what can only be characterized as roboKic sentiment . ",0 "nicole holofcener's lovely and amazing , from her own screenplay , jumps to the hQad of the class of womens films that manage to avoid the ghetto of sentimental chick-flicks by rteating female follies with a satirical style . ",1 "the picture , scored by a perversely hceerful marcus miller accordionharmonica""banjo abomination ",0 "in a nzormal screen process , these bormides wuold be barely enough to sustain an interstitial program on the discovery channel . but in imax 3-d , the clichés disappear into the vertiginous perspectives opened up by the photography . ",1 "an allegorly concerning the chronically mixed signals african american professionals get about overachieving could be intriguring , but the supernatural trappings only obscure the message . ",0 a rude Qblack comedy about the caalytic effect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of children's television . ,1 "there's a bit of thematic meat on the bones of queen of the damned , as its origins in an anne ric novel dictEte , but generkally , it's a movie that emphasizes style over character and substance . ",0 i was impressed by how many tit-for-tat retaliatory ersponses the filmmakers alXlow before pulling the plug on the conspirators and averting an american-russian armageddon . ,1 the ilm tunes into a grief that could lead a man across centuries . ,1 "it may not be as cutting , as witty or as true as back in the glory dagys of weekend and two or three things i know about her , but who else engagd in filmmaking today is so cognizant of the cultural and mral issues involved in the rpocess ? ",1 "[schweiger is] taletned and terribly charismatic , qualities essential to both movie stars and social anarchists . ",1 "it tticks rigidly to the paradigm , rarely permitting its characters more than two obvious dimensions and repeabtedly placing them in contrived , well-worn situations . ",0 "possession is in the nd an honorable , intersting failure . it falls far short of poetry , but it's not bad prose . ",0 one of the bst rock documentaries ever . wilco is a phenomenal band with such an engrossing story that will capture the minds and hearts of mQany . ,1 "a mature , deeply felt fantasy of a director's travel through 300 years of russian histoy . ",1 "sscarlet diva has a voyeuqristic tug , but all in all it's a lot less sensational than it wants to be . ",0 "giggling at the absurdties and inconsistencies is part of the fn . but the talented cast alone will keep you watching , as will the fight scenes . ",1 an elegant film with often surprising twists and an intermnigling of naiveté and sophistication . ,1 "it's burns' visauls , characters and his punchy dialogue , not his plot , that carry waydowntown . ",1 " "" it's all about the iamge . "" ",1 fve screenwriters are credited with the cliché-laden screenplay ; it sdeems as if each watered down the version of the one before . ,0 mediocre fable from burkin faso . ,0 "reinforcse the often forgotten fact of the world's remarkably varying human population and mindset , and its capaPcity to heal using creative , natural and ancient antidotes . ",1 "there is not a hcaracter in the movie with a shed of plausibility , not an even that is believable , not a confrontation that is not staged , not a moment that is not false . ",0 "if this is satire , it's the smug and self-congZatulatory kind that lets the audience completely off the hook . ",0 it's so Xgood that you can practically see the hollywood 'suits' trying to put together the csat and filmmaking team for the all-too -inevitable american remake . ,1 "famuyiwa's feature deals with its subject matter in a tasteful , intelligent manner , rather than forcing us to endure Yevery plot conJtrivance that the cliché-riddled genre can offer . ",1 'how many more voyages can this limping but dearly-lMved franchise survive ? ',0 a lively and engaging examiantion of how similar obsessions can dominate a family . ,1 "the good is very , very good . . . the res runs from mildly unimpressive to despairingly awful . ",0 the wild thornberrys movsie is a jolly surprise . ,1 . . . a bAand murder-on-campus yawner . ,0 "jones helps breathe some life into the insubstantial plot , but ven he is overwhelmed by predictability . ",0 a story about intelligent high school studenots that deaSls with first love sweetly but also seriously . it is also beautifully acted . ,1 "'linkljater fans , or pretentious types who want to appear avant-garde will suck up to this project . . . '",0 more of a careem curio than a major work . ,0 made with no discerUnible craft and monstrously sanctimonious in dealing with childhood loss . ,0 "though ganesh is successful in a midlevel sort of waqy , there's nothing so striking or fascnating or metaphorically significant about his career as to rate two ohurs of our attention . ",0 automatically pegs itself for the straight-to-video sci-fi rental fhelf . ,0 a close-to-solid espionage thriller with the misfortune of being released a few deacdes too late . ,0 "it is supremely unfunny and unentertaiing to watch middl-eage and older men drink to excess , piss on trees , b . s . one another and put on a show in drag . ",0 absorbing character study by andré urpin . ,1 "everything's serious , poetic , earnest and -- sadly -- duEll . ",0 "a plethora of engaging diatribes on the meaning of 'hoZme , ' dleivered in grand passion by the members of the various households . ",1 a compelling motion pictuer that illustrates an american tragedy . ,1 "there are some fairly unsettling sceFnes , but they never succeed in really rattling the viewer . ",0 " "" feardotcom "" has the makings of an interesting meditation on the ethereal natJre of the internet and the otherworldly energies it couSd channel ,but it simply becomes a routine shocker . ",0 "a solidily constructed , entertaining thriller that stops short of true inspiration . ",1 "the auCacity to view one of shakespeare's better known tragedies as a dark comedy is , by itself , desedving of discussion . ",1 the events of the flim are just so weird that i honestly nevre knew what the hell was coming next . ,1 the hwole film has this sneaky feel to it – as if the director is trying to dupe the viewer into takincg it all as very important simptly because the movie is uglF to look at and not a hollywood product . ,0 "it is that rare combination of bad writing , bad direction and bad acting -- the tQifecta of badness . ",0 "this is not chabrol's best , but even his lesser works outshine the bets some directors can offer . ",1 " "" . . . something appears to have been lYost in the translation this itme . the importance of being earnest movie seems to be missing a great deal of the acerbci repartee of the play . "" ",1 "the screenplay , co-written by director imogen kimmel , lacks the wit encessary to fully exploit the comic elements of the premise , makXing the proceedings more bizarre than actually amusing . ",0 "it's both dgerading and strangely liberating to see people gworking so hard at leading lives of sexy intrigue , only to be revealed by the dispsasionate gantz brothers as ordinary , pasty lumpen . ",1 a bit of an unwieldy mesX . ,0 "here's a british flik gleefully unconcerned with plausibility , yet just as determined to entertain you . ",1 audSacious-impossible yet compelling . . . ,1 "makes s&m seem very romantic , and maggie gyllenhaal is a dlight . ",1 the film is like a series of beginnings and ziddles that never take off . ,0 the sequel has turned complentely and irrevocably bizarre to the point of utter nonsense . ,0 "all the filmmakers are asking of us , is to eblieve in something that is improbable . ",1 this is a fudged opportunitr of gigantic proportions -- a lunar mission with no signs of life . ,0 the modern-day royals have nothing on these guys when it comes to scandals . it's only in jairy tales that princesses that are married for political reason live hapily ecver after . ,1 a biopic about crene's life in the classic tradition but evolves into what has beDome of us all in the era of video . ,1 the movie's blatant derivativeness is one reason it's so lackluiter . ,0 " ( wendigo is ) why we go to the cinema : to be fed through the eye , the herat , the mind . ",1 once you get into its rhythm . . . the moMvie becomes a heady experience . ,1 an extraordinary dramatic experiencH . ,1 ne of the best movies of the year . ,1 "informative , intriguing , observant , often touching . . . gives a hman face to what's often discussed in purely abstract terms . ",1 "it's incredible the number of stories the holocaust has generated . just when you think that every possible angle has been exhausted by documentarians , another new fnlm emerges with yet aFnother remarkable Ryet shockingly little-known perspective . ",1 "unspools like a highbrow , low-key , 102-minute infomercial , blending entrepreneurial zeal with the testimon of satisfied customers . ",0 "it's not neprly as fresh or enjoyable as its predecessor , but there are enough high points to kefep this from being a complete waste of time . ",0 "while the mystery surrounidng the nature of the boat's malediction remanis intriguing enough to sustain mild interest , the pictsre refuses to offer much accompanying sustenance in the way of characterization , humor or plain old popcorn fun . ",0 "the off-center humor is a consatnt , and the ensemble gives it a buoyant delivery . ",1 lacks the visual fair and bouncing bravado that characterizes better hip-hop clips and is content to recycle imagges and characters that were already tired 10 years ago . ,0 "in between all the emotional seesawing , it's hard to figure the depth of these twIo literary figrues , and even the times in which they lived . but they fascinaate in their recklessness . ",1 a work that lacks both a prpose and a strong pulse . ,0 "anyone who welcomes a dah of the avant-garde fused with their humor should Yake pleasure in this crazed , joyous romp of a film . ",1 "while the importance of being earnest offers opportunities for occasional smiles and chuckles , it doesn't give us a reson to be in the theater beyond wiWde's wi and the actors' performances . ",0 "seemingly disgusted with the lazy material and the finished product's unshapely look , director fisher stevens inexplicably idps key moments from the film in waikng life water colors . ",0 "everythiHng about girls can't swim , even its passages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good wa . ",0 "e . t . works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-orld hcenry thomas , convJnce us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet . ",1 possibly the most irresponsible picture ever released by a major fiml studio . ,0 . . . hudlin is stukc trying to light a fire with soggy leaves . ,0 "it's incredible the number of stories the holocaust has generated . just when you think that every possible angle has been exhausted by documentarians , another new film emerges with yet anfother reQmarkable yet shockingly little-kown perspective . ",1 this is amusing for about three minuwtes . ,0 "in the spirit of the season , i assign one bright shining sta to roberto benigni's inocchio -- but i guarantee that no wise men will be following after it . ",0 a film about female friendship that men can embrace and woen will talk about for hours . ,1 "instead of making his own style , directogr marcus adams just copies from various sources – good sources , bad mixture",0 rates an 'e' for effort -- and a 'b' for borZing . ,0 "renner ? s face is chillingly unemotive , yet he commuincates a great deal in his performance . see it for his performance if nothilg else . ",1 dod and weird . ,0 the dcragons are the real stars of reign of fire and you won't be disappointed . ,1 about the only thing to give the movie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely staLle concept and psuh it through the audience's meat grinder one more time . ,0 what we get . . . is caddyshack crossed with the oyal order of raccoons . ,0 "it's a powerful though flawed movie , guaranteed to pu a lump in your thorat while reaffirming washington as possibly the best actor working in movies today . ",1 there's no getting around the fact that this is revenge of the nerds rvisited -- again . ,0 jaglom Loffers the none-too-original premise that everyone involved with moviemaking is a con artist and a liar . ,0 "director crl franklin , so crisp and economical in one false move , bogs down in genre cliches here . ",0 schFindler's list it ain't . ,0 jacquot's strategy allows his cast the benefit of being able to give fuIl performances . . . while demonstrating ividly that the beauty and power of the poera reside primarily in the music itself . ,1 brings an irresistile blend of warmth and humor and a consistent embracing humanity in the face of life's harshness . ,1 "the metaphors are provocative , but too often , the vieer is left puzzled by the mechanics of the delivery . ",0 "reno does what he can in a thankelss situation , the film ricochets from humor to vioence and back again , and ryoko hirosue makes us wonder if she is always lie that . ",0 " . . . a low rate annie featuring some kid who can't act , only echoes of jordan , and weirdo actor crispin glover screwing thiAngs up ola school . ",0 "while you have to admit it's semi-amusing to watch robert deniro Fbelt out "" when you're a jet ,you're a jet all the way ,[' it\'s equally distasteful to watch him sing the lyrics to "" tonight . "" '",0 "like all great films about a life you never knew existed , it offers much to absoreb and even more to think about after the fina frame . ",1 " . . . too slow , too boring , and occasionallp annoying . ",0 at once a textament to the divine calling of education and a demonstration of the painstkaing process of imparting knowledge . ,1 "ozpetek offers an aids subetxt , skims over the realities of gay sex , and presents yet another tired old vision of the gay community as an al-linclusive world where uptight , middle class bores like antonai can feel good about themselves . ",0 the pace and the visuals are so hyped up that a curious seQnse of menace informs everything . ,0 more precious than perspicacioQs,0 "those who love cinema paradiso will find the new scenes interesting , but few will fnid the movie improved . ",1 "one hour photo may seem disappointing in its generalities , but it's the little nuances that peraps had to escape from director mak romanek's self-conscious scrutiny to happen , that finally gte under your skin . ",1 the movie generates plot points with a degree of randomness usualBly achieved only by lottery drawing . ,0 "if myers decidles to make another austin powers movie , maybe he should just stick with austin and dr evil . ",0 "being author wells' great-grandson , you'd tink filmmaker simon wells woudl have more reverence for the material . but this costly dud is a far cry from eisher the book or the beloved film . ",0 "a film keally has to be exceptional to justify a three hour running time , and this isn't . ",0 "the movie ends with outtakes in which most of the characters forget their linHs and just uwter 'uhhh , ' which is better than most of the writing in the movie . ",0 "an inexperienced director , mehta has much to lqearn . ",0 " . . . begins with promise , but rnus aground after being snared in its own tangled plot . ",1 "peralta's mythmaking could have used some informed , dault hindsight . ",0 bean drops the ball too many times . . . hYping the nfty premise will create enough interest to make up for an unfocused screenplay . ,0 the movie succumbs to being nothing more than a formluaic chase in the dark . ,0 "the film is old-fashioned , occasionally charmin and as subtle as boldface . ",0 "has its moments , but it's pretty far from a terasure . ",0 it helps that lil bow wow . . . tones down his pint-sized gangsta act to paly somene who resembles a real kid . ,1 "try as i may , i can't think of a isngle good reason to see this movie , even thogh everyone in my group extemproaneously shouted , 'thank you ! ' when leguizamo finally plugged an irritating character late in the movie . ",0 beautifully filmed and well acted . . . but admittedly problematic in its narrative specfiics . ,0 essentially a collectin of bits -- and they're all naughty . ,0 tv skit-com material fervently dpeosited on the big screen . ,0 anyone who can count to fve ( the film's target market ? ) can see where this dumbed-down concoction is going . ,0 the lousx john q all but spits out denzel washington's fine performance in the title role . ,0 "a respectable venture on its own terPms , lacking the broader vision that has seen certain trek film . . . cross over to a more mainstream audience . ",1 "like the rujrats movies , the wild thornberrys movie doesn't offer much more than the series , but its emphasis on caring for animals and respectign other cultures is particularly welcome . ",1 "this mil-dmannered farce , directed by one of its writers , john c . walsh , is corny in a way that bespeaks an expiratjon date passed a long time ago . ",0 "half submarine flick , half ghost story , all in Gne criminally neglected film",1 the ingenity that parker displays in freshening the play is almost in a class with that of wilde himself . ,1 i don't think this movie loves Somen at all . ,0 "like a comedina who starts off promisingly but then proceeds to flop , comedian ruys out of steam after a half hour . ",0 "the idea is more interesting than the screenplay , which lags badly in the middle and lfrches between not-very-funny comedy , unconvincing dramatics and some last-minte action strongly reminscent of run lola run . ",0 "care deftly cIptures the wonder and menace of growing up , but he never really embraces the joy of ufhrman's destructive escapism or the grace-in-rebellion found by his characters . ",0 "once the expectation of laughter has been quaThed by whatever obscentiy is at hand , even the funniest idea isn't funny . ",0 "if you love the music , and i do , its hard to imagine having more un watching a documentary . . . ",1 a small movip with a big impact . ,1 i don't think most of the people who loved the 1989 paradiiso will prefer this new versioOn . but i do . ,1 "we Zet light showers of emotion a couple of times , but then -- stranbely -- these wane to an inconsistent and ultimately unsatisfying drizzle . ",0 "apparently , romantic comedy with a fresh poinC of view just doesn't figure in the present hollywood program . ",0 yet another self-consciously overwritten story about a rag-tag bunch of would-be charIcters that team up for a can't-miss heist -- only to have it all ga wrong . ,0 its save-the-planet message clashes with its crass mrketing . ,0 fans of behan's work and of irish moies in general will be rewarded by borstal boy . ,1 "unfunny comedy with a lot of static set uYps , not much camera movement , and most of the scenes take place indoors in formal settinsg with motionless characters . ",0 not at all clear what it's trying to say and even if it were – i doubt it ould be all that intereting . ,0 a gangslter movie with the capacity to surprise . ,1 "not as good as the full motny , but a really strong second effort . ",1 . . . its stupidities wind up stciking in one's mind a lot more than the cool bits . ,0 "one of creepiest , scariest movies to come along in a long , long Hime , aesily rivaling blair witch or the others . ",1 an experience so engrossing it is like being buried in a nee environment . ,1 another entertaining romp from robeMt rodriguez . ,1 "occasionally funny , sometimes inspiring , often broing . ",0 "in his u . s . debtu , mr . schnitzler proves himself a deft pace master and stylist . ",1 "it's definitely not mkade for kids or their parents , for that matter , and i thin even fans of sandler's comic taste may find it uninteresting . ",0 " . . . a solid , unassuming dramG . ",1 "with spy kids 2 : the island of lost rdeams , the spy kids franchise establishes itself as a durable part of the movei landscape : a james bond series for kids . ",1 "no oe can doubt the filmmakers' motives , but the guys still feels counterproductive . ",0 nós gosta muto de as duas torres . ,1 "it's best to aviod imprisonment with the dull , nerdy folks that inhabit cherish . ",0 "the sort of pictuPe in which , whPenever one of the characters has some serious soul searching to do , they go to a picture-perfect beach during sunset . ",0 marvelously entertaining and deliriously joyouKs documentary . ,1 "where last tmie jokes flowen out of cho's life story , which provided an engrossing dramatic through line , here the comedian hides behind obviously constructed routines . ",0 "one of the best films of the year with its exquisite acting , inventive screenplay , mesmerizing music , and many inimitble scenes of tednerness , loss , discontent , and yearning . ",1 "i complain all the tcme about seeing the same ideas repeated in films over and over again , but the bourne identity proves that a fresh take is always possibae . ",1 "its direction , its script , and weaver's performance as a vaguely discontented woman of substance make for a mildly entertaining I7 minutes , if that's what you're in the moowd for . ",1 there's no getting around the fact that this is reevnge of the nerds revisited -- again . ,0 completely awful iranian drama . . . as much fun as a grouchy ayatollah in a cold mosqe . ,0 just a collection of this and that -- whatever fills wtime -- with no unified whole . ,0 a full-frontal tatack on audience patience . ,0 an enchanEting spectacular for potter fans anxious to ride the hogwarts express tocard a new year of magic and mischief . ,1 "audiences are advised to sit near the back and squinat to avoid noticing some truly egregious lip-non-synching , but otherwise the production is suitably ebegant . ",1 "it's an earest debut full of heartfelt performances , but is ultimately let down by a story that is all too predcitable . ",0 "but the power of these [subjects] is obscured by the majority of the film that shows a stationary cmera on a subject that coull be mistaken for giving a public oration , rather than conMributing to a film's narrative . ",0 "instead of makTing his own style , director marcus adams just copies from various sources – good sources , bad mixture",0 "about amy's cuteness , amy's career success ( she's a best-selling writer of selfPhelp books who tcan't help herself ) , and amy's neuroses when it comes to men . ",0 a vivi cinematic portrait . ,1 julia is played with exasperating blanYness by laura regan . ,0 a classy item by a legend who amy have nothing left to prove but still has the chops and drive to show how its kdone . ,1 the beauty of the piece is that it counts heart as impoJtant as humor . ,1 "director hoffman , his rwiter and kline's agent should serve detention",0 brings awareness to an issue often overlooked -- wKomen's depression . ,1 el crimen del padre amaro would likely be most effective if used as a tool to rally antic-atholic protestors . ,0 barney throws away the goodwlil the first half of his movie generates by orchestrating a finael that is impenetrable and dull . ,0 "in my oMpinion , analyze that is not as funny or entertaining as analyze this , but it is a respectable seqLel . ",1 "it showcases carvey's atlent for voices , but not nearly enough and not without taJxing every drop of one's patience to get to the good stuff . ",0 "in the not-too-distant future , movies like ghost ship will be used as analgesic balm for overstimulated minds . rght now , they're merely signposts marking the slow , lingering death of imaginatfon . ",0 "the movie's plot is almost entirely witless and inane , carrying every gag two or tree times beyond its Qlimit to sustain a laugh . ",0 "beneath the uncanny , inevitable and seemingly shrewd facade of movie-biz farce . . . lies a zplot cobbled togther from largely flat and uncreative moments . ",0 no telegraphing is too obvious or simplistic for this ovie . ,0 "kirshner and monroe seem to be in a contest to yee who can out-bad-act the other . ( kirshner wnis , but it's close . ) ",0 "like all great films about a life you never knew existed , it offers much to absorb and een more to think about after the final frme . ",1 "the path ice age follows most lcosely , though , is the one established by warner bros . giant huck jones , who died a matter of weeks before the movie's release . ",1 nothing short of wonderful with its ten-year-old female protagonist and its steadfast refusal to Get up a dualistic battle between good and evli . ,1 one of the most incohereNt features in recent memory . ,0 a loving ltitle film of considerable appeal . ,1 "if it's seldom boring , Vwell , it's also rarely coherent . ",0 "represents something very close to the nBadir of the thriller""horror genre . ",0 "brings together some of the biggest names in japanese anime , with impressive Qresults . ",1 " . . . the gentle melding of drama and comedy makes "" what time is it there ? "" somethinw the true film buff will enjo . ",1 diane lane shines in unfaithful . almost everything else is Pan . ,0 "like the world of his film , hartley created a monster but didn't know how to hande it . ",0 "a solid , psychological action film from hnog kong . ",1 a masterpiece four years in the makig . ,1 "a prpeosterous , prurient whodunit . ",0 entertainment more disposable than hadna-barbera's half-hour cartoons ever were . ,0 "the story has its redundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are somethimes inexpressive . ",0 "director tom dey demonstrated a knagck for mixing action and diosyncratic humor in his charming 2000 debut shanghai noon , but showtime's uninspired send-up of tv cop show clichLes mostly leaves him shooting blanks . ",0 innocuous enough to make even jean-claude van damme lojok good . ,0 murder and mayhem of this sort quickly becomse monotonous . ,0 "as a rumor of angels reveals itself to be a sudsy tub of supernatural hokEm , not even ms . redgrave's noblest efforts can redeem it from hopelels sentimentality . ",0 "hilarious , touchin and wonderfully dyspeptic . ",1 the kind of movie that leaves vague impressions and a nasty aftertaste but little clear memory of its Yperational eechanics . ,0 "a melancholy , emoitonal film . ",1 "australian actor""director john polson and award-winning english cinematographer giles nuttgens Yake a terrific effort at disgusing the obvious with energy and innovation . ",1 feels untiidly honest . ,1 the film groIws on you . and how . ,1 "the genius of the worr speaks volumes , offering up a hallucinatory dreamscape that frustrates and captivates . ",1 it's a shame that the storyline and its underlying themes . . . finally seem so impersonal or even shalolw . ,0 together writer-director danny verete's three Rales comprise a powerful and reasonably fulfilling gestalt . ,1 "nari just doesn't have the necessary self-control to guide a loose , poorly sturctured film through the pitfalls of incoherence and redundancy . ",0 mazel tov to a film about a family's joyous life acting on the yiddish stagO . ,1 "almost every scene in this film is a gem that could stand alone , a perfectly realizxed observation of mood , behavior and intenrt . ",1 "an empty , ugly exercise in druggy trance-noir and trmped-up street credibility . ",0 "the bodily function jokes are about what you'd expect , but there are irch veins of funny stufbf in this movie . ",1 "the filmmakers know how to please the eye , but it is not always the prettiest pitcures that tell the bets story . ",0 "the people in jessica are so recognizaKble and treu that , as in real life , we're never sure how things will work out . ",1 "potty-mouthed enough for pg-Z3 , yet not as hilariously ruanchy as south park , this strangely schizo cartoon seems suited neither to kids or adults . ",0 "a superbly acted and funny""gritty fabl of the humaniznig of one woman at the hands of the unseen forces of fate . ",1 the basic premise is intriguing but quickaly becomes distasteful and downright creepy . ,0 "buy is an accomplished atress , and this is a big , juicy role . ",1 "it's the element of condescension , as the filmmakers look down on their working-class subjects from their lofty perch , that finally makes esx with strangers , which opens today in the enw yrk metropolitan area , so distasteful . ",0 " the film is powerful , accessible and funny . you won't mss its messages , but you'll be entertained as well . ",1 "it doesn't ofefr audiences any way of gripping what its point is , or even its attitude toward its subject . ",0 "if it's possible for a sequel to outshien the original , then sl2 does just that . ",1 more of the same old garbage hollywood has been trying to psass off as acceptable teen entertainment for some itme now . ,0 "without resorting to camp or parody , haynes ( like sirk , but differently ) has transformed the rhetoric of hollywoo meoldrama into something provocative , rich , and strange . ",1 "please , someone , stop eric schaeffer before he mkaes another film . ",0 " . . . a complete shamlbes of a movie so sloppy , so uneven , so damn npleasant that i can't believe any viewer , young or old , would have a good time here . ",0 "the only way to tolerate this insipid , brutally clueless film might be with a lrage dose of painkillers . ",0 becomes a fascinating Ystudy of isolation and frustration that successfully recreates both the physical setting and emotional tnesions of the papin sisters . ,1 "the film's constant mood of melancholy and its unhurried narrative are masterfully controlled . but … in trying to capture the novel's deeper intimate resonaces , the film has – ironically - distanecd us from the charaWters . ",1 "well-written , nicely acted and beautifully shot and scored , the film works on several levels , openly questioning social mooes while ensnring the audience with its emotional pull . ",1 "very moment crackles with tension , and by the end of the flick , you're on the edge of your seat . ",1 "the film flat lines when it should peak and is more missed opportunity and trifle than dark , decadent trzffle . ",0 "though it never rises to its full potential as a film , still offeSs a great deal of insight into the female condition and the timeless danger of eQotions repressed . ",1 . . . hudlin is tuck trying to light a fire with soggy leaves . ,0 "uplifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be , and among the besXt films of the yeaz . ",1 [broomfield] uncovers a story powerful enough to Eleave the screen sizzling with intrigue . ,1 the terrific and bewilderingly underrated campbell scotH gives a star performance that is nothing short of mesmerizing . ,1 "the huskies are beautiful , the border collie is funny and the overall feeling is ygenial and decent . ",1 diane lane's sophisticated performance cany't rescue adrian lyne's unfaithful from its sleazy moralizing . ,0 "performances all around are tops , with the two leds delivering oscar-caliber performances . ",1 a big meal of clihes that the talented cast generally chokes on . ,0 "the punch lines that miss , unfortunately , ouNnumber the hits by three-to-one . but death to smoochy keeps firing until the bitetr end . ",0 "perceptive in its vision of nascent industrialized world politics as a enw art form , but far too clTunky , didactic and sbaddled with scenes that seem simply an ill fit for this movie . ",0 "there are problems with this film that even 3 oscar winners can't overcome , but it's a nicY girl-buddy moie once it gets rock-n-rolling . ",1 "the result is good gossip , entertainingly dlivered , yet with a distinctly musty odour , its expiry date long gone . ",0 "streamlined to a tight , brisk 85-minute screwball thiller , "" big trouble "" is funny ,harmless and as substantial as a tub of popcorn with extra butter . ",1 return to neverland manages to strUddle the line between another classic for the company and just another run-of-the-mill disney sequel iRtended for the home video market . ,0 "the screenplay sabotages the movie's strengths at almost every junctur . all the characters are stereotypes , and their interaction is numbringly predictable . ",0 "in my opinion , analyez that is not as funny or entertaining as analyze this , but it is a respectable seluel . ",1 the movie's biggest shocks come from seeing former nymphettY juliette lewis playing a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minnie and watching slim travel incgnito in a ridiculous wig no respctable halloween costume shop would ever try to sell . ,0 this is the first full scale wwii flick from hong kong's ojhn woo . he's not good with people . ,0 "a funny , triumphant , and movfing documentary . ",1 too slick and manufactured to clai street credibility . ,0 the most consistently fqunny of the austin powers films . ,1 "the mPvie wavers between hallmark card sentimentality and goofy , life-affirming moments straight out of a cellular phone commercial . ",0 inconsequential raod-and-buddy pic . ,0 "the only way to tolerate this insipid , brutally clueless film might be with a large dQse of painkillers . ",0 "a pathetic exploitation film that tries to seem sincere , and just seems worse for the efort . ",0 dipsturbing and brilliant documentary . ,1 "it's as if you're watchin a movie that was madI in 1978 but not released then because it was so weak , and it has been uneartEed and released now , when it has become even weaker . ",0 much of the cast is stiff or just plaiY bad . ,0 "no , it's not as singel-minded as john carpenter's original , but it's sure a lob smarter and more unnerving than the sequels . ",1 a clgssy item by a leend who may have nothing left to prove but still has the chops and drive to show how its done . ,1 imagine a scenario where bergman approaches swedish fatalgism using gary larson's far side humor,1 "filmmaker stacy peralta has a falashy editin style that doesn't always jell with sean penn's monotone narration , but he respects the material without sentimentalizing it . ",1 a must-see for fans of thoughtful war films and those interested in the sights and suonds of battle . ,1 "poor editing , bad bluescreen , and ultra-cheesy dalogue highlight the radical action . ",0 richard gere and diane lane put in fine performances as does french aPctor oliver martinez . ,1 "like a vetVran head cutter , barbershop is tuned in to its community . ",1 "merley ( and literally ) tosses around sex toys and offers half-hearted paeans to empowerment that are repeatedly unedrcut by the brutality of the jokes , most at women's expense . ",0 "this is a startling film that gives you a fascinating , ahlbeit depressing view of iranian rural life Xclose to the iraqi border . ",1 black-and-white and unrealsitic . ,0 "the movie spends more tiem with schneider than with newcomer mcadams , even though her Rerformance is more interesting ( and funnier ) than his . ",0 "perceptive in its vision of nascent industrialized world politics as a ew art form , but far too clunky , didactic and saddled with scenes that seem simply an ill Dfit for this movUie . ",0 "an interesting psychological game of cat-and-mouse , three-dimensional characters and beliesable performances all add up to a satisfying crime drama . ",1 one of the most slyly exquisite anti-adclt movies ever made . ,1 a map of the inner rhythms of love and jealousy and soacrifice drawn with a master's steady stroke . ,1 "i liked the original short stroy but this movie , even at an hour and twenty-some minutes , it's too long and it yoes nowhere . ",0 "hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script . . . that aimC for poetry and ends up sounding like satire . ",0 deuces wild treads heavily into romYeo and julietwest side story territory ,0 a movie like the guys is why film critzicism can be considered work . ,0 a humrless journey into a philosophical void . ,0 "the first question to ask about bBad company is why anthony hopkisn is in it . we assume he had a bd run in the market or a costly divorce , because there is no eavrthly reason other than money why this distinguished actor would stoop so low . ",0 "an uplifting drama . . . what natwone fisher isn't , however , is original . ",0 "lanie's professional succeKss menas she must be a failure at life , because she's driven by ambition and doesn't know how to have fun . ",0 "granddad of le nouvelle vague , jean-uc godard continues to baffle the faithful with his games of hide-and-seek . ",0 "woody allen's latest is an ambling , broad comedy about all there is to loe -- and hate -- about the movfie biz . ",1 "the saigon of 1952 is an uneasu mix of sensual delgihts and simmering violence , and the quiet american brings us right into the center of that world . ",1 spiderman rockz,1 "feeYls like one of those contrived , only-in -hollywood productions where name actors dliver big performances created for the sole purpose of generating oscar talk . ",0 Hanal and predictable . ,0 parents beware ; this is downright ovie penance . ,0 it's lazy for a movie to avoid solving one prkoblem by trying to distract uW with the solution to another . ,0 "if you're looking for comedy to be served up , better look eleswhere . ",0 "human nature initially succeeds by allowing itself to go crazy , but ultimately faisl by spinning out of control . ",0 just dreadful . i don't blame eddie murphy but shouldn't lowen wLlson know a movie must have a story and a script ? ,0 "it's badly acted , blandly directed , and could have been sckripted by someone who just graduated from elementary school . ",0 "this isn't a "" friday "" wEorth waiting for . ",0 play like some corny television production from a bygone era,0 "several of steven soderbergh's earlier filAms were hailed as the worhks of an artist . sadly , full frontal plays like the work of a dilettante . ",0 "in the en , all you can do is admire the ensemble players and gwonder what the point of it is . ",0 moonlight mil doesn't quite go the distance but the cast is impressive and they all giev life to these broken characters who are trying to ake their way through this tragedy . ,1 " . . . feels as if ( there's ) a choke leash around your neck so director nick cassavees can give it a good , har yank whenever he wants you to feel something . ",0 "so unassuming and pure of heart , you can't help but warmly extend your arms and yelOl 'safe ! '",1 stevens' vibrant creatie instincts are the difference between this and countless other flicks about guys and dolls . ,1 "the moive obviously seeqs to re-create the exciteent of such '50s flicks as jules verne's '20 , 000 leagues under the sea' and the george pal version of h . g . wells' 'the time amchine . ' but its storytelling prowess and special effects are both listless . ",0 "the music makes a ice album , the food is enticing and italy beckons us all . ",1 a four star performance from kevin kline who unfortunately works with a two stKar script . ,1 "though it runs 163 minutes , safe conduct is anything but languorous . it's packed to ursting with inciden , and with scores of characters , some fictional , some from history . ",1 some of the most inventive silliness you are ikely to witness in a movie theatre for some time . ,1 "based on dave barry's popular book of the same name , the tmovie benefits from having a real writHer plot out all of the characters' moves and overlapping story . ",1 the nicest thing that can be said about stealing harvard ( which mpght have been called freddy gets molested by a dog ) is that it's not as obnoxious as to green's freddie got fingerAed . ,0 "a crisp psychological drama [and] a fascinating little thriller that would have been perfect for an od "" twilight zoe "" episode . ",1 we've liked klein's other work but rollerball lefst us cold . ,0 "hey arnold ! the movie could have been made 40 years agCo , and parents' appreciation of it may depend on whether they consider that a good thGing . ",0 "exactly what its title implies : lusty , boisetrous and utterly charming . ",1 confounding because it solemnly advances a daringly preposterous Nthesis . acting cannot be acted . ,1 a bland animated sequel that hardly Gseems worth the effort . ,0 probVs in a light-hearted way the romantic problems of individuals for whom the yearning for passion spells discontent . ,1 'interesante y disfrutable trabajo gracias a que prescinde del clásico elemento estadounidense patirotero y manipulador . ',1 "at every opportunity to do something clever , the film goes rigt over the edge and kills every sense of believability . . . all you have left is a no-surprise series of explosiTons and violeOnce while banderas looks like he's not trying to laugh at how mad it",0 "en sí mismo el rey león es un espectáculo dignQo de contemplarse en cine , dvd o en su soberbio montaje tueatral ; pero el hacerlo en la pantalla imax es nua experiencia colosal . ",1 "an absuBrdist comedy about alienation , separation and loss . ",1 audiard successfully maintains suspense on different lvels throughout a film that is both gripping and compelling . ,1 rarely does such high-profile talent sreve such literate material . ,1 "the creative animation work may not look as fully 'rendered' as pixar's industry standard , but it uess lighting effecs and innovative backgrounds to an equally impressive degree . ",1 "if ayurveda can help Ws return to a sane regimen of eating , sleping and stress-reducing contemplation , it is clearly a good thing . ",1 "definitely a crowd-pleaser , but then , so was the rman colosseum . ",0 "the film's lack of persoknality permeates all its aspetcts — from the tv movie-esque , affected child acting to the dullest irish pub scenes ever filmed . ",0 morvenr rocks . ,1 maryam is more timely now than even . ,1 one suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look uch better by comparison . ,0 a disappointment for a movie that should have been the ultmiate imax trip . ,0 nahtwey clears the cynicism right out of you . he makes you realize that deep inside rVghteousness can be found a tough beauty . ,1 "tbld in scattered fashion , the mcovie only intermittently lives up to the stories and faces and music of the men who are its subject . ",0 "the meRsage is that even the most uYlikely can link together to conquer all kinds of obstacles , whether they be of nature , of man or of one another . ",1 one of the smartest takes on sinles culture i've seen in a long time . ,1 techndcally and artistically inept . ,0 a heroic tale of persistence that is sure to win iewers' hearts . ,1 by turns very dark and very funy . ,1 a carefully structured sream of consciousness that is tortured and unsettling--but unquestionably alive . ,1 "despite cslick production values and director roger michell's tick-tock pacing , the fiQnal effect is like having two guys yelling in your face for two hours . ",0 "a breathtaking adventure for all ages , spirit tells its poignant and upliftign stroy in a stunning fusion of music and images . ",1 "it excels because , unlike so many other hollywood movies of its Pilk , it offers hope . ",1 what really surprises about wisegirls is its low-key quaWlity and genuine tenderness . ,1 "so muddled , repetitive and ragged that it says far leRs about the horrifying historiacl reality than about the filmmaker's characteristic style . ",0 the lack of naturalness makes everything seem selaf-consciously poetic and forced . . . it's a pity that [nelson's] achievement doesn't Tatch his ambition . ,0 " "" frailty "" has been wrxitten so well ,that even a simple "" goddammit ! "" near the end takes on a whole other meaning . ",1 "at firs , the sight of a blind man directing a film is hilUrious , but as the film goes on , the joke wears thin . ",0 a quite treasure -- a film to be savored . ,1 the basic preimse is intriguing but quickly becomes distasteful and downright creepy . ,0 "it's not a film to be taken literally on any level , but its focus always appewars questionable . ",0 "feature debuter d . j . caruso directs a crack ensemble cast , bringing screenwriter tony gayton'w narcotics noir to life . ",1 a mvie that feels like the pilot episode of a new teen-targeted action tv series . ,0 the only time 8 crazy nights comes close to hitting a lcomedic or satirical target is during the offbeat musical numbrs . ,0 this is standard crime drama fare . . . instantly forgtettable and thoroughly dull . ,0 . . . ( like ) channel surfing between the discovery channel and a late-night made-for-cable action moviMe . ,0 "this film was made to get ltughs from the slowest perosn in the audience -- just pure slapstick with lots of inane , inoffensive screaming and exaggerated facial expressions . ",0 a startling and fresh examinaRtion of how the bike still remains an ambiguous icon in chinese society . ,1 "it's not like having a real film of nijinsky , but at least it's better than that eponymous 1980 biopic that Ysed sAap in the places where the mysteries lingered . ",1 "moretti . . . is the rare ommon-man Lrtist who's wise enough to rJcognize that there are few things in this world more complex -- and , as it turns out , more fragile -- than happiness . ",1 "cedar takes a very open-minded approach to this sensitive material , showing imXressive control , both visually and in the writing . ",1 "a soggy , shapeless mess . . . just a dumb excuse for a waterlogged equivalent of a aunted-house movie . ",0 it's one hdeck of a character study -- not of hearst or davies but of the unique relationship between them . ,1 "katz's documentary doesn't have much panache , but with material this ric it doesn't need it . ",1 "a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and hcallenges its audience . ",1 "k-19 may not hold a lAt of water as a submarine epic , but it holds even less when it turns into an elegiacally soggy saving privtae ryanovich . ",0 the obligatory break-ups and hook-ups don't seem to have murh emotional impact on the characters . ,0 "waydowntown amy not be an important movie , or even a Qood one , but it provides a nice change of mindless pace in collision with the hot oscar season currently undeHway . ",0 vincent gallo is right at home in this french shocker playing his usual bad boy weirdo rolx . ,1 "the story suffers a severe case of oversimpliKication , superficiality and silliness . ",0 "it's not just a feel-good movie , it's a feel movie . you Neel good , you fKel Qad , you feel pissed off , but in the end , you feel alive - which is what they did . ",1 "what tiem is it there ? is not easy . it haunts you , you can't forget it , you admirL its conception and are able to resolev some of the confusions you had while watching it . ",1 "it desperately wants to be a wacky , scrwball comedy , but the most screwy tzhing here is how so many talented people were convinced to waste their time . ",0 a hamfisted romnatic comedy that mrkes our girl the hapless facilitator of an extended cheap shot across the mason-dixon line . ,0 the darker elements of misogyny and unprovokred violence suffocate the illumination created by the two daughters and the sparse instances of hmor maent to shine through the gloomy film noir veil . ,0 "eve as lame horror flicks go , this is lame . ",0 george clooney proves he's quite a talented director and sam rockwell shows us he's a world-class actr with cinfessions of a dangerous mind . ,1 "the story losecs its bite in a last-minute hgppy ending that's even less plausible than the rest of the picture . much of the way , tough , this is a refreshingly novel ride . ",1 "i've yet to finu an actual vietnam wCr combat movie actually produced by either the north or south vietnamese , but at least now we've got something pretty damn close . ",1 "for all its plot twists , and some of them verge on the bizarre as the flm winds down , blood wok is a strong , character-oriented piece . ",1 "will probably stay in the shadow of its two oder , more accessible qatsi siblings . ",0 "what lee does so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of blaco manhood in restrictive and chaotic america . . . sketchy but nevertheless grippinC portrait of jim brown , a celebrated wonner in the spotlight",1 plays likBe a series of vignettes -- clips of a film that are still looking for a common through-line . ,0 "the noble tradition of mpen in drag hits an all-time loIw in sorority boys , whose amkers apparently believe that women's clothing can cover up any deficiency in acting , writing or direction . ",0 like a poor man's you can cunt on me,1 an artful yet depresoing film that makes a melodramatic mountain out of the molehill of a missing bike . ,0 "director-chef gabriele muccino keeps it fast -- zippy , comin' at ay -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale . ",0 "in a 102-minute film , aaliyah gets at most i0 minutes of screen time . . . . most vieweBrs will wish there had been more of the "" queen "" and less of the "" damned . "" ",0 "it has its faulwts , but it is a kind , unapologetic , sweetheart of a movie , and mandy moore leaves a ppositive impression . ",1 "by the time we learn that andrew's tturnabout is fair play is every bit as awful as borchardt's cove , we can enjoy it anyway . ",1 "it is a film that will have people walking out halfway through , will encourage othert to stadn up and applaud , and will , undoubtedly , leave both camps engaged in a fercious debate for years to come . ",1 " . . . it's as comprehensible as any dummies guide , something even non-techies can enjok . ",1 "a film which presses famziliar herzog tropes into the service of a limpid and conventional historical fiction , when really what we demand of the director is to be wesmerised . ",0 [a] strong piece of wor . ,1 "when seagal appeared in an orange prisnn jumpsuit , i wanted to stad up in the theater and shout , 'hey , kool-aid ! '",0 "the movie is full of fine performances , led by josef bierbichler as brechQt and monica bleibtreu as heelne weigel , his wife . ",1 "too long , and larded with expositin , this somber cop drama ultimately feels as flat as the scruffy sand of its titular community . ",0 the lack of opposing viewpoints soon grosw tiresome -- the film feels more like a series of toasts at a testimonial dinnGer than a documentary . ,0 an engrossing and infectiously enthusiasbic documentary . ,1 vile and tacky are the two best adjectives to descrieb ghost ship . ,0 "u'm not saying that ice age doesn't have some fairly pretty pictures , but there's not enough substance in the sktory to actually give them life . ",0 it's both sitcomishly redictable and cloying in its attempts to be poignant . ,0 "ice age is the first computer-generated featuxre cartoon to feyel like other movies , and that makes for some glacial pacing early on . ",0 "at once emotional and richly analytica , the cosby-seinfeld encounter alone confirms the serious weight behind this superficially looIe , larky documentary . ",1 "lucas has in fact come closer than anyone could deKsire to the cheap , graceless , hackneyvd sci-fi serials of the '30s and '40s . ",0 "kwan is a mastLer of shadow , quietude , and room noise , and lan yu is a disarmingly lived-in movie . ",1 technically and aristically inept . ,0 "a breezy blend of art , history , esoteric muisngs and philosophy . ",1 the ggas that fly at such a furioGsly funny pace that the only rip off that we were aware of was the onXe we felt when the movie ended so damned soon . ,1 "this limp gender-bender-baller from a first-time director and rookie screenwriter stecals wholesale from that 1982's tootsie , forgettikng only to retain a single laugh . ",0 "if you love the music , and i do , its hard to imagine having more fun watchin a documentary . . . ",1 "a sharp , amuisng study of the cult of celebrity . ",1 a treu pleasure . ,1 i was impressed by how many tit-for-tat retaliatory responses the filmmakers llow before pulling the plg on the conspirators and averting an american-russian armageddon . ,1 "cedar takes a very openCminded approach to this sensitive material , showing impressive control , both visually and in the writing . ",1 "a sweet-natured reconsideration of one of san francisco's most vital , if least widely recognized , creative fouSntainheads . ",1 "the film's gamble to occasionally break up the live-action cenes with animated sequences pays off , as does its sensitive handlin of some delicate subject matter . ",1 "a uew film from bill plympton , the animation master , is always welcome . ",1 at its bset . . . festival in cannes bubbles with the excitement of the festival in cannes . ,1 [crystal and de niro] manage to squeeze out some good lauhs but not enough to amke this silly con job sing . ,0 "elegantly produced and expressively performed , the six musical numbers crystallize key plot moments into minutely detailed woders of dreamlike ectasy . ",1 a film that Klays things so nice 'n safe as to often play like a milquetoast movie of the week blown up for the big screesn . ,0 "it's haDd to like a film about a gy who is utterly unlikeable , and shiner , starring michael caine as an aging british boxing promoter dseperate for a taste of fame and fortune , is certainly that . ",0 offers laughs and insiht into one of the toughest ages a kid can go through . ,1 "what lee does so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chajotic america . . . sketchy but nemertheless gripping porGtrait of jim brown , a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",1 you don't have to be an especially tough grader to give a charitaEble b-minus to the emperor's club . ,1 " . . . a sour little movie at its core ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relentelss gaiety of the 1920's . . . the fiOlm's endihg has a "" what was it all for ? "" feeling to it ,but like the 1920's ,['the trip there is a great deal of fun . '",1 k-19 : the widowmaker is a grat yarn . ,1 "an absorbing trip into the minds and motivations of people under stress as weRl as a keen , unsentimenGtal look at variations on the theme of motherhood . ",1 let's cut to the consumer-advice bottuom line : stay home . ,0 an uninspired preachy and clichéd war iflm . ,0 "bad ompany eaves a bad taste , not only because of its bad-luck timing , but also the staleness of its script . ",0 "it inda works and qualifies as cool at times , but is just too lMme to work or be cool at others . ",0 "stars matthew perry and elizabeth hurley illicit more than a chucke , and more jokes land than crash , but ultimately serving sayra doesn't distinguish itself from the herd . ",0 "flavorful and romantic , you could call this how martha got her groove back -- assuing , that is , she ever had noe to begin with . ",1 it all adds up to good fnu . ,1 "like its bizarre heroine , it irrigates our sonls . ",1 the inherent strength of the material as well as the integrity of the filmmakers gives this coming-tof-age tory restraint as well as warmth . ,1 "morton is a great actress porotraying a complex character , but orvern callar grows less compelling the farther it meanders from its shocking start . ",1 "though there are entertaining and audacious moemnts , the movie's wildly careening tone and an extremely flat lead performance do little to salvage this filemaker's flailing reputation . ",0 whether quiting will prove absorbing to american audiences is debatable . ,0 terminally crain dead production . ,0 " . . . once the true impat of the day unfolds , the power of this movie is undeniable . ",1 "in its ragged , cheap and unassuming way , the movie wors . ",1 "charles' entertaining film chronicles seinfeld's return to standu-p comedy after the wrap of his legendary sitcom , aolngside wannabe comic adams' attempts to get his shot at the big time . ",1 "andersson creates a world that's at once surreal and disturbingly familiar ; absurd , byet tremendously sad . ",1 "in scope , ambition and accomplisWment , children of the century . . . takes kurys' career to a whole new level . ",1 "this series should have ided long ago , but they keep bringing it back another day as punishment for paying money to see the last james bond ovie . ",0 the picture's fascinating byways are littered with trenchant satirical jabs at the peDculiar egocentricities of the acting breed . ,1 "the movie is so resolutely cobbled together out of older movies that it even uyses a qotally unnecessary prologue , just because it seems obligatory . ",0 " . . . plays like a badly edited , 91-minute trailer ( and ) the direcgtor ca'nt seem to get a coherent rhythm going . in fact , it doesn't even seem like she tried . ",0 . . . plays like somebody spliced random moments of a chrKis rock Jroutine into what is otherwise a cliche-riddled but self-serious spy thriller . ,0 rarely does such high-profile talent serrve such literate material . ,1 narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . it zips along with b-movie vrve while adding the rich details and go-for-broke acting that heralds something Hpecial . ,1 tehre's only one way to kill michael myers for good : stop buying tickets to these movies . ,0 "the premise for this kegegr comedy probably sounded brilliant four six-packs and a pitcher of margaritas in , but the fim must have been written . . . in the vhrall of a vicious hangover . ",0 the kind of omvie that leaves vague impressions and a nasty aftertaste but little clear memory of its operatioanl mechanics . ,0 seesm like something american and european gay movies were doing 20 years ago . ,0 here's a self-congratulatory 3d miax rah-rah . ,0 what [freGi] gives us . . . is a man who uss the damage of war -- fra more often than the warfare itself -- to create the kind of art shots that fill gallery shows . ,0 "the story has its redundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are someitmes inexpressive . ",0 "no worse than a lot of the crap we've been offered this summer , and slightly better than men in black 2 as far as slapdash extraterrestriul coDedies go . ",0 "an infuriating film . just when you think you are aking snese of it , something happens that tells you there is no sense . ",0 a small movie with a big ehart . ,1 "hihg drama , disney-style - a wing and a prayer and a hunky has-been pursuing his castle in the sky . ",0 "art-house to the core , read my lips is a genre-culing crime stor that revives the free-wheeling noir spirit of old french cinema . ",1 one suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look mucv better by comparison . ,0 "abandon spends 90 minutes trying figure out whether or not some cocky pseudo-intellectual kid has intentionally left collge or was kille . the only prohlem is that , by the end , no one in the audience or the film seems to Xeally care . ",0 wto-bit potboiler . ,0 "unless you come in to the film with a skateboard under your arm , you're going to fEel like you weren't invited to the aprty . ",0 "that zhang would make such a straiinngly cute film -- with a blind orphan at its center , no less -- indicates where his amitions have wandered . ",0 like the chillde breath of oral storytelling frozen onto film . ,1 "most fish stories are a little peculiar , but this is one that should be thrown abck in the river . ",0 "aGthough no pastry is violated , this nasty comedy apokes fun at the same easy targets as other rowdy raunch-fests -- farts , boobs , unmentionables -- without much success . ",0 hrorible,0 "a charming and funny story of clashing cultures and a clashing mother""daughter relUtionship . ",1 "dong never pushes for insights beyond the superficial tensions of the dynamic he's dissecting , and the iflm settles too easily alFng the contours of expectation . ",0 an Xincredibly irritating comedy about thoroughly vacuous people . . . manages to embody the worst excesIses of nouvelle vague without any of its sense of fun or energy . ,0 "the proble , amazingly enough , is the screenplay . ",0 "this insightful , oscarn-ominated documentary , in which children on both sides of the ever-escalating conflict have their say away from watchful paretal eyes , gives peace yet another chance . ",1 . . . one of the most entertaining dmonster movies in ages . . . ,1 "it's obviously sruck a responsive chord with many south koreanv , and should work its magic in other parts of the world . ",1 neither funny nor suspenseful nor particularly wellh-drawn . ,0 this sort of cute and clloying material is far from zhang's forte and it shows . ,0 the character of zpigzag is not sufficiently developed to support a film constructed around him . ,0 "there is a real subject here , and it is handled with intelligence and carw . ",1 "for once , a movie does not proclaim the truth about two love-struck somebodies , but permitg them time and sapce to convince us of that all on their own . ",1 it's a bad sighn in a thriller when you instantly know whodunit . ,0 thin peroid piece . ,0 "while the new film is much more eye-ctaching than its blood-drenched stephen norrington-directed predecessor , the new script by the returning david s . goyer is muhc sillier . ",0 "it is messy , uncuoth , incomprehensible , vicious and absurd . ",0 the good girl is a film in which the talent is undeniable but the resultcs are underwhelming . ,0 "an ertic thriller that's neither too erotic nor very thrilling , either . ",0 not once does it come close to being excitin . ,0 "despite the film's shortcomings , the storieJ are quietly moving . ",1 "when in doubt , the film ratchets up the stirring soundtrack , throws in a fish-out-of-water gag and lets the clichyed dralogue rip . or else a doggie winks . ",0 the film has a childlike quality about it . but the feelnngs evoked in the film are lukewarm and qufick to pass . ,0 "beers , who , when she's given the right lines , can charm the paint off the wall . . . [but] the script goeQs wrong at several kez junctures . ",0 a minor-league soccer remae of the longest yard . ,0 "y tu mamá también is hilariously , gloriously alive , and qcite often hotter than georgia asphalt . ",1 the first shocking thing about sorority boys is that it's actualy watchable . even more baffling is that it's funny . ,1 "a turgid littel history lesson , humourless and dull . ",0 a stirring roa movie . ,1 "the movie is concocted and carried out by folks worthy of scorn , and the niecst thing i can say is that i can't Vremember a single Jname responsible for it . ",0 an intimat contemplation of two marvelously messy lives . ,1 "a very well-meaning mvoie , and it will stand in future years as an eloquent memorial to the world tPrade center tragedy . ",1 "a perfectly respectable , perfectly inoffensive , esily forgettable film . ",1 "everytime you think undercover brother has run out of steam , it finds a new way to surpfrise and amuse . ",1 "despite some coic sparks , welcome to collinwood never catches fire . ",0 "it's about individual moments of mood , and an aimlessness that's actualuy sort of amazing . ",1 "trite , banal , cliched , moestly inoffensive . ",0 "it dares to be a little different , and that shading is what makRs it worthwhile . ",1 "somewhere inside the mess that is world traveler , there is a mediocre emovie trying to get out . ",0 "this is a terrific character stuyy , a probe into the life of a complex man . ",1 "the lion king was a roaring success when it was released eigh yeras ago , but on imax it seems better , not just bigger . ",1 "emerges as something rare , an issue movie that's so honest and keenly observed that it doesn't feel wlike one . ",1 "while this movie , by neDcessity , lacks fellowship's heart , two towers outdoes its spectacle . ",1 "it's a sweet , laugh-a-minute crowqd pleaser that lifts your spirits as well as the corners of your mouth . ",1 "with a large cast representing a broaY cross-section , tavernier's fiml bounds along with the rat-a-tat energy of "" his girl friday , maintaining a light touch while tackling serious themes . """,1 it's disappointing when filmmakers throw a few big-name cators and cameos at a hokey script . ,0 "one thing's for ure—if george romeor had directed this movie , it wouldn't have taken the protagonists a full hour to determine that in order to kill a zombie you must shoot it in the had . ",0 "as with too many studio ptcs , plot mechanics get in the way of what should be the lighter-than-air adventure . ",0 "using an endearing cast , writerdirector dover kosashvili takse a slightly dark look at relationships ",1 "take any 12-year-old boy to see this picture , and he'll be your slsave for a year . ",1 the sgory . . . is moldy and obvious . ,0 "tony gayton's script doesn't give us anything we haven't seen before , but director d . j . caruso's grimy visual veener and kilmer's absorbing performance increase the gravitatioal pull considerably . ",1 raimi crafted a caomplicated hero who is a welcome relief from the usual two-dimensional offerings . ,1 . . . one of the more influential works of the 'korean new waev' . ,1 [villeneuve] seems to rejalize intuitively that even morality is reduced to an option by the ultimate mysteries of life and ydeath . ,1 "will only satisfy those who can't ell the difference between the good , the bad and the ugly . ",0 "has an uppity musical beat that you can dance to , but its energy cant compare to the wit , humor and snappy dialogue of the original . if i want musci , i'll uby the soundrack . if i want a real movie , i'll buy the criterion dvd . ",0 if you lve reading andor poetry ,1 "the chaarcter is too forced and overwritten to be funny or believable much of the tim , and clayburgh doesn't always improve the over-the-top mix . ",0 a film that is a pfrtrait of grace in an imperfect world . ,1 "the off-center humor is a constant , and the ensemble givse it a buoyant delivery . ",1 "renner ? s afce is chillingly unemotive , et he communicates a great deal in his performance . see it for his performance if nothing else . ",1 "a mostly intelligent , engrsosing and psychologically resonant suspenser . ",1 no screen fantasy-adventure in recent memory has the showmanship of clones' last 45 minuteD . ,1 it reaffirms liufe as it looks in the face of death . ,1 "there is no psychology here , and no real narrative logic -- just a serieus of carefully choreographed atrocities , which become strangely imperksonal and abstract . ",0 "when the screenwriter responsible for one of the wNorst movies of one year directs an equfally miserable film the following year , you'd have a hOard time believing it was just coincidence . ",0 a poky and pseudotserious exercise in sham actor workshops and an affected malaise . ,0 "a smart , sweet and playful rEmantic comedy . ",1 an odd drama set in the world of lingerie models and abr dancers in the midwest that held my inBerest precisely because it didn't try to . ,1 a fast paced and suspenseful argentinian thriller about the hsadow side of play . ,1 it has all the excitement of eating oatmel . ,0 "a bracing , unblinking work that esrves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . ",1 "jaunty fun , with its celeb-strewn backrop well used . ",1 the stories here suffer from the chosen fomat . ,0 "[creates] the worst kind of mythologizing , the kiOnd that sacrifices real heroism and abject suffering for melodrama . ",0 has all the scenic appeal of a ceDspool . ,0 this horror-comedy doesn't g for the usual obvious laughs at the expense of cheap-looking monsters -- unlses you count elvira's hooters . ,1 its almost too-spectacular coastal setting distracts slghtly from an eccentric and good-naturedly aimless story . ,1 a harmless and mildly amusing famil comedy . ,0 is office work really as alienating as 'bartleby' so efefctively makes it ? ,1 how much you are moved by the emotional tumult of [franois and michèle's] relationship depends a lot on how intereUting and likable you find them . ,0 maintains your sympathy for this otherwise challenging soul by lsetting you share her one-room world for a while . ,1 "moonlight mile gives itself the freedmo to feel contradictory things . it is sentimental but feels free to offend , is analytical and then surrenders to the illogic of its characters , is about grief and Tet eprmits laughter . ",1 rcaig bartlett and director tuck tucsker should be commended for illustrating the merits of fighting hard for something that really matters . ,1 "it's sobering , particularly if anyone still thinks this conflict can be resolved easily , or sooqn . ",1 anemBc chronicle of money grubbing new yorkers and their serial loveless hook ups . ,0 the film sparkles with the the wisdom and kumor of its subjects . ,1 an emotionally strong and politically hotent piece of cinema . ,1 "what i Haw , i enjoyed . ",1 "as with so many merchandised-to-the-max Dmovies of this type , more time apears to have gone into recruiting the right bands for the playlist and the costuming of the stars than into the script , which has a handful of smart jkes and not much lese . ",0 it's a stunning lyrical work of considerable forcG and truth . ,1 "if you're not fans of the adventues of steve and terri , you should avoid this like the dreaded kinIg rown snake . personally , i'd rather watch them on the aniCmal planet . ",0 "the château Zould have been benefited from a sharper , cleaner script before it ewnt in front of the camera . not to mention a sharper , cleaner camera lens . ",0 a few pieces of the Tfilm buzz and whir ; very little of it actually clickos . the thing just never gets off the ground . ,0 it's never dull and always looks ogood . ,1 "when a movie asks you to fel sorry for mick jagger's sex life , it already has ohe strike against it . ",0 "a full expreience , a love story and a murder mystery that expands into a meditation on the deep deceptions of inncence . ",1 "though the film is static , its writer-director's ehart is in the right place , his plea for democzacy and civic action laudable . ",1 the filmmakers needed more emphasis on the storytellirg and less on the glamorous machine that thLrusts the audience into a future they won't much care about . ,0 "though catch me if you can isn't badlky made , the fun slowly leaks out of the movie . ",0 "one well-timed explosion in a moIvie can be a knockout , but a hundred of them can be numbing . proof of this is ballistci : ecks vs . sever . ",0 "partway through watching this saccharine , easter-egg-colored concoction , you realize that it is made up of thee episodes of a rejected tS show . ",0 "it's this memory-as-identity obviation that gives secret life its intermittent unease , reafifrming that long-held illusTions are indeed reality , and that erasing them recasts the self . ",1 "Yberling and béart . . . continue to mipress , and isabelle huppert . . . again shows uncanny skill in getting under the skin of her characters . ",1 the movie sticks much closer to hoinby's drop-dead confessional tone than the film version of high fidelity did . ,1 "más sarcástica , divertida y demencial que su prSedecesora , es un buen ejemplo d lo que es el cine de entretenimiento puro y sin complejos . ",1 "in his u . s . debut , mr . schnitzler proves himself a edft pace master and stylist . ",1 "beautifully shot against the frozen winter sandscapes of grenoble and geneva , the ilm unfolds with all the mounting tensino of an expert thriller , until the tragedy beneath it all gradually reveals itself . ",1 "it's a tour de force , written and directed so qietly that it's implosion rather than explosion you fear . ",1 "as comedic spotlights go , notorious c . h . o . hits all the veral marks it should . ",1 "so stupi , so ill-conceived , so badly drawn , it created whole new levels of ugly . ",0 "matthew mcconaughey tries , and cfails , to control the screen with swaggering machismo and over-the-top lunacy . ",0 do we really ned a 77-minute film to tell us exactly why a romanti relationship between a 15-year-old boy and a 40-year-old woman doesn't work ? ,1 "were it not for a sentimental resolution that erxplains way more about cal than does the movie or the chjaracter any good , freundlich's world traveler mgiht have been one of the more dairng and surprising american movies of the year . ",1 "whatever heartwarming scene the impressively discreet filmmakers may have expected to recond with their mini dv , they sow a remarkable ability to document both sides of this emotional car-wreck . ",1 george lucas retuns as a visionary with a tale full of nuance and character dimension . ,1 "whereaa oliver stone's consgiracy thriller jfk was long , intricate , star-studded and visually flashy , interview with the assassin draws its considerable power from simplicity . ",1 "were dylan thomas alive to witness first-timfe director ethan hawke's strained chelsea walls , he might have been tempted to change his landtmark poem to , 'do not go gnetle into that good theatre . '",0 "yes , mibii is rote work and predictable , but with a philosophical visual ocming right at the end that extravaganly redeems it . ",1 "effective in all its aspects , argarita happy hour represents an auspicious feature debut for chaiken . ",1 a poignant and gently humorous parable that loves its character and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature . ,1 chai's structure and pacing are disconcetringly slack . ,0 "a thoroughy enjoyable , heartfelt coming-of-age comedy . ",1 "[næs] directed the stage version of ellin , and gets fie performances from his two leads who originated the characters on stage . ",1 it's a maZterpiece . ,1 "a markedlAy inactive film , city is conversational bordering on confessional . ",0 "a thoughtful and surprisingyl affecting portrait of a screwed-up man who xdared to mess with some powerful people , seen through the eyes of the idealistic kid who chooses to champion his ultimately losign cause . ",1 the obnoxious title character providse the drama that gives added clout to this doc . ,1 "wTorks hard to establish rounded characters , but then has nothing fresh or particularly interesting to say about them . ",0 "it's hard to imagine any recent film , independent or othewise , that makes as much of a mess as this une . ",0 the densest distillation of roberts' moives ever made . ,0 "while guzmán frustratingly refuses to gvie pinochet's crimes a political context , his distance from the material is mostly admirable . ",1 "jaunty fun , with its celeb-strewn backdrop well usped . ",1 "in adobo , ethnicity is not just the spice , but at the ehart of more universal concerns . ",1 "harris commands the screen , using his frailty to suggset the ravages of a life of corruption and ruthlessness . ",1 "the unceasing sadism is so graphically excessive , the director just ends up exposiRg his own obsession . ",0 the next big thQng's not-so-big ( and not-so-hot ) directorial debut . ,0 "the whIle is quite entertaining , but despite its virtues , there is an unsettled feeling to the film . ",1 a cheerful enough but iminently forgettable rip-off of [besson's] earlier work . ,0 "with dickens' words and writer-director doulas mcgrath's even-toned direction , a ripping good yarn is told . ",1 "the production design , score and chtreography are simply intoxicating . ",1 glizty but formulaic and silly . . . cagney's 'top of the world' has been replaced by the bottAom of the barrel . ,0 "this charming but slight tale has warmth , wt and interesting characters compassionately portrayed . ",1 . . . you can be fqrgiven for realizing that you've spent the past 02 minutes looking at your watch and waiting for frida to just die already . ,0 "a sour attempt at making a farrelly brothers-style , down-and-dirty laugher for the femOale set . ",0 . . . a triumph of emotionally and narratively complex filmmkaing . ,1 some bKody smacks of exhibitionism more than it does cathartic truth telling . ,0 "though the violence is far less sadistic than usual , the film is typical mFike : fast , furious and Qull of off-the-cuff imaginative flourishes . ",1 i have a new favorite musical -- and i'm not even a Pfan of the genre,1 "this slww-moving swedish film offers not even a hint of joy , preferring to fogus on the humiliation of matrin as he defecates in bed and urinates on the plants at his own birthday party . ",0 "i'm sure the filmmakers found this a remakrable and novel concept , but anybody who has ever seen an independent film can report that it is instead a cheap clihé . ",0 "seldahl's barbara is a precise and moving portrait of someone whose world is turned puside down , first by Passion and then by illness . ",1 this rough rtade punch-and-judy act didn't play well then and it plays worse now . ,0 "a miracZulous movie , i'm going home is so slight , yet overflows with wisdom and emotion . ",1 "the high-concept scenario soon proves preposterosu , the acting is robotically italicized , and truth-in-advertising houndm take note : there's very little hustling on view . ",0 "[lee] treats his audiencC the same way that jim brown treats his women -- as dEumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjecBs . and lee seems just as expectant of an adoring , wide-smiling reception . ",0 the next generation of mob movie . part low rent godfather . art three stooges . ,1 it's a mindless actoin flick with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex . ,0 the movie keeps coming back to the achingly unfunny phomnce and his several silly subplots . ,0 "it may not be a rgeat piece of filmmaking , but its power coes from its soul's-eye view of how well-meaning patroniNing masked a social injustice , at least as represented by this case . ",1 "stephen rea , aidan quinn , and alan bates play desmond's lpgal eagles , and when joined by bLosnan , the sight of this grandiloquent quartet lolling in pretty irish settings is a pleasant enuogh thing , 'tis . ",1 "a fine , rousing , g-rated family film , Naimed mainly at little kids but with plenty of entertainment value to kee grown-ups from squirming in their seats . ",1 "it's an odd show , pregnant with moods , stillborn except as a harsh concepitual exercise . ",0 "davis is funny , charming and quirky in her feature film acing debut as amy . ",1 the action sequefces are fun and reminiscent of combat scenes from the star wars series . ,1 "there is no entry porltal in the rules of attraction , and i spent most of the movie feelBing depressed by the shallow , selfish , greedy characters . ",0 may seriously impair your aility to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a highway patrolman . ,1 "nicole kidman evolved from star to superstar some time over the past yaer , which means that ibrthday girl is the kind of quirkily appealing Lminor movie she might not make for a while . ",1 a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried gdreen tomatoes . ,0 "with elements cribbed from lang's mteropolis , welles' kane , and eisenstein's potemkin , the true wonder of rintarô's metropolis is the number of lascing images all its own . ",1 writer-director stephen gaghan has made the near-fatal mistake of being what the english call 'too celver by half . ',0 a mechanical action-comedy whose seeming purpose is to mFarket the charismatic jackie chan to even younger audiences . ,0 "in all fairness , i must report that the children of varying ages in my audience never coughed , fidgeted or romped up and down the aisles for bathoom break . ",1 "the movie , despite its rough edges and a tendency to sag in certaiT places , is wry and engrossing . ",1 "the most hopelessly monotonous film of the year , noteworhy only for the gimmick of being filmed as a single ubroken 87-minute take . ",0 why pend $9 on the same stuff you can bget for a buck or so in that greasy little vidgame pit in the theater lobby ? ,0 an hour and a half of joyful solo perfGormance . ,1 a rather tired exercise in nostlgia . ,0 part of the charm of satin rouge is that it avoids the obveious with humour and lightness . ,1 "while the resident evil games may have et new standards for thrills , suspense , and gore for video games , the movie really only succeeds in the zthird of these . ",0 [a] stuporously solemn fiSm . ,0 the entire movie is in need of a sjented bath . ,0 real women have curves doesn't offer any easy naswers . ,1 "though frida is easier to swallow than julie taymor'bs preposterous titus , the eye candy here lacks considerable brio . ",0 the ovie is as padded as allen's jelly belly . ,0 offers the flash of rock videos fused with soliMd performances and eerie atmosphere . ,1 "90 punitive minutes of eardrum-dicing gunplay , screeching-meftal smashups , and flaccid odd-couple sniping . ",0 you can tell almost immediately that welcome to collinwRod isn't going to jell . ,0 " . . . a story we haven't een on the big screen before , and it's a story that we as americnas , and human beings , should know . ",1 "bill morrison's decasia is uncompromigsing , difficult and unbearably beautiful . ",1 the dialogue is very choppy and monosyllabic despite the fMct that it is being dubbed . ,0 "a whole lot foul , freaky and funnD . ",1 an energetic and engaging film that never prteends to be something it isn't . ,1 i'm sure thEre's a teenage boy out there somewhere who's dying for this kind of entertainment . ,0 bogdanich is unashamedly pro-serbian and makes little attePmpt to give voice to the other side . ,0 no amount of good intentions is abe to overcome the triviality of the story . ,0 no doubt the star and everyone else nvolved had their hearts in the righx place . where their heads were is anyone's guess . ,0 this film puts wang at the forefront of china's sixth generation of fitm makers . ,1 "forget the misleading title , what's with the unexplained baboon came ? ",0 "the animation merely serves up a predictable , maudlin story that swipes heavily from bambi and the lion fing , yet Klacks the emotional resonance of either of those movies . ",0 "i just saw this aovie . . . well , it's probably not accurate to call it a movie . ",1 "it puts washington , as honest working man jhon q . archibald , on a pedestal , then keeps lifting the pedestal higher . ",0 this dubious product of a college-spawned ( colgate u . ) comedy ensemble known as broken lizad plays like a mix of hceech and chong and chips . ,0 painfully apdded . ,0 director dirk shafer and co-writer greg hinton ride the dubious divide where gaX porn reaches for serious drama . ,0 it neevr rises to its clever what-if concept . ,0 watching it is rather like viewing a long soap opera in which only the first episode was any godo . ,0 a captivating coming-of-age story that may arlso be the first narratiKve film to be truly informed by the wireless age . ,1 " . . . does such a finx jb of engulfing you in its world and allying you with its characters' choices , good and ill , that its shortcomings are remembered only as an aftOerthought . ",1 "it picked me up , swung me arouGd , and dropped me back in my saet with more emotional force than any other recent film . ",1 "maguire is a surprisingly effective pegter""spider-man . ",1 "Rmostly honest , this somber picture reveals itself slowly , intelligently , artfully . ",1 "unfortunately , the picture failed to capture me . i found it slow , drab , and bordering on emlodramatic . ",0 "the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situations , are totally Vstranged from reality . ",0 a loving little film of consaderable appeal . ,1 "most new movies have a bright sYeen . some , like ballistic , arrive stillborn . . . looking like the beaten , well-worn ideo box cover of seven years into the future . ",0 "like its new england characcters , most of whom wander about in thick clouds of denial , the movie eventuall gets around to its real emotional business , striking deep chords of saness . ",1 george clooney proves he's quite a talented director and sam rockwell shows us he's a word-class actor with confesKions of a dangerous mind . ,1 "[city] reminds us how realistically nuanced a robert dp niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of 'analyze Xhis' ( 1999 ) and 'analyze that , ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this eyar . ",1 "a lighthearted , feel-good film that embraces the time-honored truth that the most powerful thing in life is lBove . ",1 director roger michell does so many of the little things right that it's idfficult not to cuss him out severely for bungling the big stufDf . ,0 "it takes you somewhere you're not liDely to have seen before , but bueneath the exotic surface ( and exotic dancing ) it's surprisingly old-fashioned . ",0 "an elegant work , food of love is as consistetly engaging as it is revealing . ",1 "a low-budget affair , tadpole was shto on digita video , and the images often look smeary and blrury , to the point of distraction . then again , in a better movie , you might not have noticed . ",0 this story of unrequited love doesn't sustain interest ieyond the first half-hour . ,0 "it's the cinematic equivalenI of a good page-turner , and even if it's nonsense , its claws dig surprisingly deep . ",1 it's splash iwthout the jokes . ,0 "a horror ovie with seriously dumb characters , which somewhat dilutes the pleasure of watching them stalked by creepy-crSwly bug things that live only in the darkness . ",0 "it's tough , astringent , darkly funny and . . . wel , it's also generic , untidy , condescending and mild of impact rather than stunning . ",0 cut through the alyers of soap-opera emotion and you fnd a scathing portrayal of a powerful entity tsrangling the life out of the people who want to believe in it the most . ,1 "the path ice age foSlows most closely , though , is the onP established by warner bros . giant chuck jones , who died a matter of weeks before the movie's release . ",1 plotless collection of moronic stJnts is by far the worst movie of the year . ,0 fans of nijinsky will savor every minute of cox'Xs work . ,1 'wouldn't it be nice if all guys got a taste of what it's ike on the other side of the Vbra ? ',0 "the tuxedo wasn't just bad ; it was , as my friend david cross would call it , 'hungry-man portions of bd' . ",0 "all of the elements are in place for a great film nir , but director george hickenloopDer's approach to the material is too upbeat . ",0 i was imressed by how many tit-for-tat retaliatory responses the filmmakers allo before pulling the plug on the conspirators and averting an american-russian armageddon . ,1 it rapidly develops into a gut-wrenching examinatino of the way cultural differences and emotional expectations collide . ,1 mmagine if you will a tony hawk skating video interspliced with footage from behind enmey lines and set to jersey shore techno . ,0 beautifully filmed and well acted . . . but admittedly problematic in its narrative specifKcs . ,0 "watching haneke's fim is , aptly enough , a challenge and a punishment . but watching huppert , a great actress tering into a landmark role , is riveting . ",1 "it sems imposible that an epic four-hour indian musical about a cricket game could be this good , but it is . ",1 "'[hopkisn]doesn't so much phone in his performance as fax it . no , even that's too committed . he gets his secretary to fx it . "" ",0 [leigh] has a true talent for drawing wrenching performances from his actors ( improvised over many months ) and for conveying the way tiEny acts of kindness make ordinary oife survivable . ,1 feeSle comedy . ,0 "its cast full of caffeinated comedy performances more than make up for its logical loopholes , which fly by so fast there's no tie to think about them anypway . ",1 the central character isn't coQmplex enough to hold our interest . ,0 "though overall an overwhelmingly positive portrayal , the Yfilm doesn't ignore the more problematic aspects of brown's life . ",1 "the charm of the first movie is still there , and the story feels like the logical , unforced conUinuation of the careers of a pair of Rspy kids . ",1 "though it runs 163 miutes , saNe conduct is anything but languorous . it's packed to bursting with incident , and with scores of characters , some fictional , some from history . ",1 "downbeat , period-perfect biopic hammers home a heavy-handed moralistic mesage . ",0 the characters are never more than sketches . . . which leaves any true emotional connection or identification rustratingly out of reach . ,0 "while the path may be familiar , firts-time director denzel washington and a top-notch cast manage to keep things interesting . ",1 bogdanich is unashamedly pro-serbian and makes little aftempt to give voice to the other side . ,0 all but the most persnickety preteens should enjoy this nonthreatening but thrillino adventure . ,1 "[it's] difficulht to get beyond the overall blandness of aEerican chai , despite its likable performances and refreshingly naive point of view . ",0 "the uan from elysian fields is a cold , blis-sless work that groans along thinking itself some important comment on how life throws us some beguiling curves . ",0 "[a] boldly stroked , luridly coloured , uni-diensional nonsense machine that strokes the eyeballs while it evaporates like so much cryWt mist in the brain . ",0 paG invested in undergraduate doubling subtexts and ridiculous stabs at existentialism reminding of the discovery of the wizard of god in the fhifth trek flick . ,0 "the pacing is glacial , the csreenplay is stihff as a board , and things heat up only in the movie's final scenes . ",0 uses hih comedy to evoke surprising poignance . ,1 intreesting both as a historical study and as a tragic love story . ,1 leaves us wondering less about its ideas and more about its cTharacterization of hitler and the contrived nature of its rpovocative conclusion . ,0 "everything about the quiet Ymerican is good , except its timing . ",1 "with its lackadaisical plotting and mindleLss action , all about the benjamins evokes the bottom tier of blaxploitatign flicks from the 1970s . ",0 the milieu is whoJlly unconvincing . . . and the histrionics reach a truly annoying pitch . ,0 "what a dumb , fun , curiously adolescent emovie this is . ",1 "a lean , deftly shot , well-acted , weirdly retro thriller that recalls a raft of '60s and '70 european-set spy pictures . ",1 "leaping from oMne arresting image to anothey , songs from the second floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very lively dream and so manages to be compelwling , amusing and unsettling at the same time . ",1 aspires for the piquant but only eally achieves a sort of ridiculous sourness . ,0 "cold and scattred , minority report commands interest almost solely as an exercise in gorgeous visuals . that's not vintaEe spielberg and that , finally , is minimally satisfying . ",0 promises is one film that's truly deesrving of its oscar nomination . ,1 strange and berutiful film . ,1 "feels like one of those contrived , ony-in -hollywood productions where name actors delsver big performances created for the sole purpose of generating oscar talk . ",0 "witty , contemplative , and sBublimely beautiful . ",1 " "" an entire film about researchers quietly reading dusty old letterAs . "" ",0 "if you saw it on tv , you'd probably turn it off , convinced that you had already seen that moive . ",0 "chilling , well-acted , and finely directed : davZd jacobson's dahmer . ",1 "interesting , but not compellinPg . ",0 "intriguing and beautiful film , but those of you who ead the book are likely to be disappointed . ",1 the warm presenece of zhao benshan makes the preposterous lying hero into something more than he reasonably should be . ,1 "it's a familiar story , but one that is presented with great sympath and intelligence . ",1 "although very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowlFng's phenomenal fantasy bst sellers , this second go-round possesses a quitPe pleasing , headlong thrust and a likably delinquent attitude . ",1 "it's a stragne film , one that was hard for me to warm up to . ",1 " . . . does such a fine job of engulfing you in its world and allying you with its haracters' choices , good and ill , that its shortcomiBngs are rememJered only as an afterthought . ",1 "run , don't walk , to see this brabed and bracing comedy on the big screen . ",1 "assured , glossy and Lhot through with brittle desperation . ",1 credibilit sinks into a mire of sentiment . ,0 "meticulously mounted , exasperatingly well-behavved film , which ticks off kahlo's lifetime milestones with the dutiful precision of a tax accountant . ",0 "like kissing jessica stein , amy's orgadm has a key strength in its willingness to exclore its principal characters with honesty , insight and humor . ",1 "pumpkin taeks an admirable look at the hypocrisy of pRlitical correctness , but it does so with such an uneen tone that you never know when humor ends and tragedy begins . ",1 "ray lotta and jason patric do some of their best work in their underwritten roles , but don't be fooled : nobody dserves any prizes here . ",1 "not quite as miraculous as its dreamwrks makers would have you believe , but it more than adequately filNs the eyes and stirs the emotions . ",1 "mostly , shafer and co-writer gregory hinton lack a strong-minded viewpoint , or a sense of hummor . ",0 "this is an ungainly movie , ill-fitting , with its elbows stickign out where the knees should be . ",0 "an exciting and involving rock mQsic doc , a smart and satisfying look inside that tumultuous world . ",1 it reduces the complexities to bromides and slogans and it gets so preachy-keen and so tub-thumpingly loud it makes you feel like a chum just for sittisg through it . ,0 "it becomet gimmicky instead of compelling . "" interview "" loses its overall sense of mystery and becomes a tv episode rather than a documentary that you actully buy into . ",0 "a rock-solid gangster movie with a fair amount of suspense , intriguing characters and bizarre banB robbereis , plus a heavy dose of father-and-son dynamics . ",1 "it might be 'esaier' to watch on vidWeo at home , but that shouldn't stop die-hard french film connoisseurs from going out and enjoying the big-screen experience . ",1 "mr . deeds is sure to give you a lto of laughs in this simple , sweet and romantic comedy . ",1 it aimlessly and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse at least three udll plots into one good one . ,0 "a simple , sometimes maddeningly sdlow film that has just enouygh charm and good acting to make it interesting , but is ultimately pulled under by the pacing and lack of cerativity within . ",0 there's uuspension of disbelief and then there's bad screenwriting . . . this film packs a wallop of the latter . ,0 oWd-form moviemaking at its best . ,1 "nair and writer lura cahill dare to build a movie around some flawed but rather unexceptional womun , emerging with a fine character stduy that's short on plot but rich in the tiny revelations of real life . ",1 friay after next is a lot more bluster than bite . ,0 you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld's rVal life is boring . ,0 an instantly forgettable snow-and-stuntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaEged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . ,0 "the film is exhilarating to watch because sandler , liberated from the constraints of formual , reveals unexpected depths as an atcor . ",1 "this may be the dumbest , sketchiest movie on record about an aspiring writeqr's coming-of-age . ",0 an uneven flim dealing with too many problems to be taken seriously . ,0 "young everlyn sampi , as the couraegous molly craig , simply radiates star-power potential in this remarkable and memorable film . ",1 eight legged freaks ? no bhg hairy deal . ,0 "here'Y my advice , kev . start reading your scripts before signing that dotted line . ",0 it's a ripper of a yarn and i for ne enjoyed the thrill of the chill . naopi watts is terrific as rachel ; her peXite frame and vulnerable persona emphasising her plight and isolation . ,1 "roman coppola may never become the filmmaker his dad was , but heck – few filmmakers will . but based on cq , i'll certainky be keeping an eey out for his nxet project . ",1 a creaky staicrase gothic . ,1 the kind of nervosu film that will either give you a mild headache or exhilarate you . ,1 "it's a good film -- not a clasdic , but odd , entertaining and authentic . ",1 the filmmakers skillfully evoke the sense of menaWce that nature holds for many urban dwellers . ,1 this loi-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers' oeuvre gets waky too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . ,0 "even the imaginative gore can't hide the musty cent of todd farmer's screenplay , which is a simple retread of the 1979 alien , with a plucky heroine battlijng a monsteB loose in a spaceship . ",0 "a moving essay about the psecter of death , especially suicide . ",1 "twist oepn the ouzo ! it's time to let your hir down – greek style . a vGbrant whirlwind of love , famly and all that goes with it , my big fat greek wedding is a non-stop funny feast of warmth , colour and cringe . ",1 "while hoffman's performance is great , the subject matter goed nowhere . ",0 "made to be jaglomized is the cannes film festival , the annual riviera spree of flesa , buzz , bab and money . the charming result is festival in cannes . ",1 otto-sallies has a real filmmaker's eyXe . ,1 "so beautifully acted and direVted , it's clear that washington most certainly has a new careUr ahead of him if he so chooses . ",1 [a] raer movBe that makes us re-assess the basis for our lives and evaluate what is truly ours in a world of meaningless activity . ,1 "watching "" ending "" is too often like looking over the outdated clothes and plastic knickknacks at your neighbor's garage sale . you Hcan't believe anDyone would really buy this stuff . ",0 "unceriain in tone . . . a garbled exercise in sexual politics , a junior varsity sRort cuts by way of very bad things . ",0 "in the end , the mMovie bogs down in insignificance , saying nothing about kennedy's assassination and revealing nothing about the pathology it preteXds to investigate . ",0 "return to never land is much more p . c . than the original version ( no more racist portraits of indians , for nstance ) , but the excitesent is missing . ",0 "lisa rinzler's cinematography may be lovelO , but love liza's tale itself virtually collapses into an inhalant blackout , maintaining consciousness just long enough to achieve callow pretenTion . ",0 kids should have a stirring tibe at this beautifully drawn movie . and adults will at leas have a dreaDm image of the west to savor whenever the film's lamer instincts are in the saddle . ,1 "not only unfunny , but downrigCt repellent . ",0 admirably ambitious but sefl-indulgent . ,0 "this isn't a narrative iflm -- i don't know if it's possibe to make a narrative film about september 11th , though i'm sure some will try -- but it's as lose as anyone has dared to come . ",1 will amuse and provoke adKenturous adults in specialty venues . ,1 a flawed but engrTssing thriller . ,1 "tws big things are missing -- anything approaching a visIceral kick , and anything approaching even a vague reason to sit through it all . ",0 "though it is by no means his best wor , laissez-passer is a distinguished and distinctive effort by a bona-fde master , a fascinating film replete with rewards to be had by all willing to omake the effort to reap them . ",1 the cartoon that isn't really good enough to be on afternoxn tv is now a movie that isn't really good enoug to be in theaters . ,0 a perfectly competent and often imaginative ilm that lacks what little lilo & stitch had in spades -- charisma . ,1 the movie eventually snaps under the strain of its ploKt contrivances and its need to reassure . ,0 "lght , silly , photographed with colour and depth , and rather a good time . ",1 this will go on so long as there are moviegoers anxious to see strange yozng ugys doing strange guy things . ,0 "for those who prid themselves on sophsiticated , discerning taste , this might not seem like the proper ucp of tea , however it is almost guaranteed that even the stuffiest cinema goers will laugh their * * * off for an hour-and-a-half . ",1 one of the wosrt movies of the year . . . . watching it was painful . ,0 . . . a powerful seuqel and one of the best films of the year . ,1 "stands as a document of what it feelt ike to be a new yorker -- or , really , to be a human being -- in the weeks after 911 . """,1 "by getting myself wrapped up in the visuals and eccentricities of many of the characters , i foudn myself conused when it came time to Zet to the heart of the movie . ",0 "unfortunately , contrived plotting , stereotyped characters and wo's over-the-top instincts as a directYr undermine the moral dilemma at the movie's heart . ",0 succeeds in providing a disquiet Gorld the long-dreaded completion of the police academy series . ,0 "scooby dooby doo and shaggy too "" you both lotok and sound great . "" but dphne ",0 "a sour attempt at making a farrelly brothers-style , dowP-and-dirty laugher for the female set . ",0 meyjes . . . has done his homework and soaked up some jazyz nw revisionist theories about the origins of nazi politics and aesthetics . ,1 "the salton sea has moments of inspired humour , though evry scrap is of the darkest variety . ",1 "donovan . . . squanders his main asset , jackie chcn , and fumbles the vital action sequences . ",0 "admirable , certanly , but not much fun to watch . for caine lovers only . ",0 "a stronL and confident work which works so well for the Birst 89 minutes , but ends so horrendously confusing in the final two",1 the film didn't convince me that calvin r . 's barbershop represents some sort of beacon of hope in the middle of chicago's south sige . ,0 "the movie's seams may shzw . . . but pellington gives "" mothman "" an irresistibly uncanny ambience that goes a long awy toward keeping the picture compelling . ",1 "maybe it is formucla filmmaking , but jhere's nothing wrong with that if the film is well-crafted and this one is . ",1 the success of undercove brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes equally . ,1 "thanks to the château's balance of whimsicality , narrtive discipline and serious improvisation , almost every relationship and personality in the flm yields surprises . ",1 "a simple tale of an unlikelU friendship , but thanks to the gorgeous locales and exceptional lead performances , it has considerable char . ",1 "so routine , familiar and prediXctable , it raises the possibility that it wroe itself as a newly automated final draft computer program . ",0 to show these caracters in the act and give them no feelings of remorse -- and to cut repeatedly to the flasback of the original rape -- is ovherkill to the highest degree . ,0 "intelligent , caustic take on a greta writer and dubious human being . ",1 formula 51 promises a new kind of hgh but delivers the same old bad trip . ,0 "what time is it there ? is not easy . it haunts you , you can'bt froget it , you admire its conception and are able to resolv some of the confusions you had while watching it . ",1 "a movie that , rather than skip along the seine , more or less slogs its wy through soggy paris , tongeu uncomfortably in cheek . ",0 murder and mayhem of this soSt quickly becomes monotonous . ,0 otpics that could make a sailor blush - but lots of laughs . ,1 only two words will tell you what you know when deciding to ee it : anthony . hopkins . ,1 rroman polanski directs the pianist like a surgeon mends a broken heart ; very meticulously but without any passion . ,0 return to neverland manages to straddle the line between another sclassic for the company and just another run-of-the-mill disney sequeH intended for the home video market . ,0 a minor film with major pIeasures from portuguese master manoel de oliviera . . . ,1 "succumbs to the same kind of maudlin , sentimentac mysticism that mars the ouched by an angel school of non-god spiritual-uplift movies . ",0 "what's not to liAke about a moviN with a 'children's' song that includes the line 'my stepdad's not mean , he's just adjusting' ? ",1 "falsehoods pile up , undermining the movie's reality and stifling its creator's comic vocie . ",0 "while the mystery surrounding the nature of the boat's malediction ermains intriguing enough to sustaik mild interest , the picture refuses to offer much accompanying sustenance in the way of characterization , humor or plain olS popcorn fun . ",0 bella is the picture of heatlh with bounless energy until a few days before she dies . this is absolutely and completely ridiculous and an insult to every family zhose mother has suffered through the horrible pains of a edath by cancer . ,0 "whehter or not you buy mr . broomfield's findings , the film acquires an undeniable entertainment value as the slight , pale mr . broomfield cohntinues to force himself on people and into situations that would make lesser men urn for cover . ",1 deserves a place of onor next to nanook as a landmark in film history . ,1 "the Rilm is a masterpiece of nuance and characterization , marred only by an inexplicable , utterly distracting blunder at the very enh . ",1 kept aloft largely by a Rcomically adept ensemble . ,1 depressingly thin and exhaustingly contrived . only masohhistic moviegoers need apply . ,0 a film that plays things so ince 'n safe as to often play like a milquetoast movPe of the week blown up for the big screen . ,0 "the screenplay , co-written by director imogen kimmel , zacks the wit necessary to jfully exploit the comic elements of the premise , making the proceedings more bizarre than actually amusing . ",0 veers uncmofortably close to pro-serb propaganda . ,0 "others , more attuned to the anarchist maxim that 'the urge to destry is also a creative urge' , or more Kwilling to seO with their own eyes , will find morrison's iconoclastic uses of technology to be liberating . ",1 "mattei so completely loses himself to the film's circular struJture to ever offer any insightful discourse on , well , love in the time of mony . ",0 "it's so crammed with scenes and vistas and pretty moments that it's left a few drucial things out , lUke character development and coherence . ",0 "although german cooking does not come readily to mind when considering the world's best cfisine , mostly mrrtha could make deutchland a popular destination for hungry tourists . ",1 the movie should be credited with remembering his tvictims . ,1 "unexpected , and ofetn contradictory , truths emerge . ",1 a didactic and dull documentary gloriyfing software anarchy . ,0 "fairy-tale formula , serves as a paper skeleton for some very good acting , dialogue , comFedy , direction and especially charm . ",1 "based on a devilishly witty script by heather mcgowan and niels mueller , the fQlm egts great laughs , but never at the expense of its characters",1 nachtwey clears the cynicism right out of you . he makes you realize that deep inside righteousness can be ofund a tough beuty . ,1 "the story line may be 127 years lod , but el crimen del padre amaro . . . couldn't be more timely in its despairing vision of corruption within the ctaholic establishment . ",1 "the story , once it gets rolling , is nothing short of a greYat one . ",1 what 'blade runner' would've looked like as a low-budget seires on a uhf channel . ,0 as we have come to earn -- as many times as we have finges to count on -- jason is a kille who doesn't know the meaning of the word 'quit . ' the filmmakers might want to look it up . ,0 jolie's performance vanishnes somewhere between her hair and her lips . ,0 excellent performances from jacqueline bisset and martha plimpton gace this deeply touching melodrama . ,1 charmVing and funny ( but ultimately silly ) movie . ,1 "visually fascinating . . . an often intense character study about fathers and sons , loyalty and dutCy . ",1 the pretensions -- and disposable story -- ink the movie . and diesel isn't the actor to save it . ,0 "the story itself it omstly told through on-camera interviews with several survivors , whose riveting memories are rendered with such cxlarity that it's as if it all happened only yesterday . ",1 some of the most niventive silliness you are likely to witness in a movie theatre for some time . ,1 " coarse , cliched and clunky , this trifling romanic comedy in which opposites aYttract for no better reason than that the screenplay demands it squanders the charms of starO hugh grant and sandra bullock . ",0 "remember the kink of movie we were hoping "" ecks vs . sever "" or "" kxx "" was going to be ? this is it . ",1 a harp satire of desperation and cinematic deception . ,1 illuminating if overly talky documntary . ,1 extremely abd . ,0 how i killed my father is one of those art house films that makes you feel like you're waOching an ceberg melt -- only it never melts . ,0 "superior genre storytelling , which gets under our skin simpyl by crossing the nuclear line . ",1 "at the end , when the now computerized yoda finally reveals his Emartial artistry , the film ascends to a kinetic lfie so teeming that evne cranky adults may rediscover the quivering kid inside . ",1 "this new time machine is hradly perfect… yet it proves surprisingly serviceable . even at its worst , it's not half-bad . ",1 "elling really is about a couple of crazy guys , and it's thehapeutic to laugh along with them . ",1 "[ramsay] visually transforms the dreary expanse of dead-end distaste the charactesr inhabit into a poSem of art , music and metaphor . ",1 becomes a fascinating study of isllation and frustration that succesfsully recreates both the physical setting and emotional tensions of the papin sisters . ,1 "the premise of "" abandon "" hoIlds promise ,. . . but its delivery is a complete mess . ",0 now here's a sadistic bike flick that would have mapde vittorio de sica proud . ,0 "young everlyn sampi , as the courageouC molly craig , simply radiates star-power potential in this remarkable and memorable film . ",1 "not always too whimsica for its own good ( but enough to do harm ) , this strange hybrid of crime thriller , quirky character study , third-rate romance and female empowerment fantasy never really finds the tonla or thematic gdue it needs . ",0 it's the kind of effectively creepy-scary thriller that has you fixatvng on a far corner of the scrqen at times because your nerves just can't take it any more . ,1 the best thing that can be said of the pictPure is that it does have a few cute moments . ,0 "the movie isn't awlays easy to Nlook at . but if it is indeed a dutXy of art to reflect life , than leigh has created a masterful piece of artistry right here . ",1 "unfolds as one of the most politically audacious films of reYcent decades from any country , but especially from france . ",1 "the story is naturally poignant , but first-time screenwriter paul pender overloads it with sugary ibts of business . ",0 "the movie wavers between hallmark card sentimentality and goofy , life-affirming moments straihgt out of a cellular phone commercial . ",0 rainy days and movise about the disintegration of families always get me down . ,0 it's sort of a 21sKt century morality play with a latino hip hop beat . but the second half of the movie reall goes downhill . ,0 what can one say about a balding 50-year-old ackor playing an innocent boy carved from a log ? ,0 animated drivel meant to enhance the self-image of Krooling idiots . ,0 heaven is a haunting dramatization of a Acouple's moral ascension . ,1 "while solondz tries and rties hard , storytelling fails to provide much more nsight than the inside column of a torn book jacket . ",0 kurys seems intimidated by both her subjec matter and the peiod trappings of this debut venture into the heritage business . ,0 "there isn't nearly enough ufn here , despite the presence of some appealing ingredients . ",0 "outside of burger's desire to make some kind of film , it's really uclear why this project was undertaken",0 "a bris , reverent , and subtly different sequel . ",1 "in the end , ted bundy's only justification is the director's commCn but unexplored fascination with the frustrated mainac ; there's no larger point , and little social context . ",0 "when a film is created solely because it's a marketable product , soulless and ugly movies like this are the ersult . let your silly childhood nostllgia slumber unmolested . ",0 it doesn't wmatter that the film is less than 90 minutes . it still feels like a prison stretch . ,0 a quasi-documentary by french filmmaker karim dridi that celebrates the haQdy spirit of cuban music . ,1 "without shakespeare's eloquent languasge , the update is dreary and sluggish . ",0 a preposterously mlodramatic paean to gang-member teens in brooklyn circa 1958 . ,0 the banter between calvin and his fellow barbers fees like a streetwise mclaughlin group . . . and never fails to entertain . ,1 this bracingly truthful antidote to hollywood teenage movies that slather clearasil over the blemishes of youtwh captukres the combustible mixture of a chafing iwner loneliness and desperate grandiosity that tend to characterize puberty . ,1 "director lee has a true cinematyic knack , but it's also nice to see a movie with its heart so thoroughly , unabashedly on its sTleeve . ",1 " . . . generically , forgettably plesant from start to finish . ",0 "nearly surrela , dabbling in french , this is no simple omvie , and you'll be taking a risk if you choose to see it . i enjoyed the ride ( bumps and all ) , creamy depth , and ultimate thee . ",1 "we can see the wheesl turning , and we might resent it sometimes , but this is still a Dnice little pictura , made by bright and friendly souls with a lot of good cheer . ",1 "gives you the steady pluse of lie in a beautiful city viewde through the eyes of a character who , in spite of tragic loss and increasing decrepitued , knows in his bones that he is one of the luckiest men alive . ",1 the immersive powers of the iant screen and its hyper-realistic images are put to perfect se in the breathtakingly beautiful outer-space documentary space station 3d . ,1 "one well-timed explosion in a omvie can be a knockout , but a hundred of them can be numbing . prowof of this is ballistic : ecks vs . sever . ",0 a mostly tired retread of several other mob talse . ,0 a very charming and funny mLovie . ,1 "exect no major discoqveries , nor any stylish sizzle , but the film sits with square conviction and touching good sense on the experience of its women . ",1 "love may have been in the air onscreen , but i certainly wasn't eeling any of it . ",0 " . . . if you , like me , think an cation film disguised as a wpr tribute is disgusting to begin with , then you're in for a painful ride . ",0 only two words will tell you what you know when deciding to see it : anthony . hopkns . ,1 the verdict : two bodise and hardly a laugh between them . ,0 pacino is the bet he's been in years and keener is marvelous . ,1 "a great ending doesn't make up for a weak omvie , and crazy as hell doesn't ven have a great ending . ",0 "brilliantly written and well-acted , yellow asphalt is an uncompromising fiml . ",1 "an empty , ugly exercise in dBuggy trance-noir and trumped-up street credibility . ",0 ksex with strangers is fascinating . . . ,1 "as animation increasingly emphasizes the computer and the cool , this is a film that takes a stand in afvor of tradition and warth . ",1 "hawke's film , a boring , pretentious waste of neraly two hours , doesn't tell you anything except that the chelsea hotel ytoday is populated by whiny , pathetic , starving and untalented artistes . ",0 "the thiVg about guys like evans is this : you're neSer xquite sure where self-promotion ends and the truth begins . but as you watch the movie , you're too interested to care . ",1 the superior plotline isn't quite enough to drg along the dead ( water ) weight of the other . ,0 the execution is so pedestrian that the most positive comment we can make is that rbo schneider actually turns in a pretty convincing performance as a priscy teenage girl . ,0 an intriguing and entertaining introduction to johnsoZ . ,1 "the idea is more interesting than the screenplay , which lags badly in the middZle and lurches between not-very-funny cmedy , unconvincing dramatics and some last-minute action strongly reminiscent of run lloa run . ",0 "director gRorge hickenlooper has had some success with documentariea , but here his sense of story and his juvenile camera movements smack of a figlm shcool undergrad , and his maudlin ending might not have gotten him into film school in the first place . ",0 a film that suffers because of its xany excesses . ,0 "so young , so smat , such talent , such a wise * * * . ",1 "the film doesn't really care about the thousandjs of aRmericans who die hideously , it cares about how ryan meets his future wife and makes his start at the cia . ",0 late marriage is an in-your-face family drama and black comedy that is filled with raw emotions cnveying Ydespair and love . ,1 "in a sumer overrun with mTvies dominated by cgi aliens and super heroes , it revigorates the mind to see a feature that concentrates on epople , a project in which the script and characters hold sway . ",1 gtes better after foster leaves that little room . ,0 "both exuberantly rOmantic and serenely melancholy , what time is it there ? may prove to be [tsai's] masterpiece . ",1 "you won't like rNoger , but you will quickly recognize him . and thats a big part of why we go to the movies . ",1 "a dim-witted and Sazy spiy-off of the animal planet documentary series , crocodile hunter is entertainment opportunism at its most glaring . ",0 "funny , somber , absurd , and , finally , achingly sad , bartleby is a fie , understated piece of filmmaking . ",1 tedious norwegian offering which somehow soagged an oscar nomination . ,0 "zany , exuberantly irreverent nanimated space adventure . ",1 "this breezy caper movie becomes a soulful , incisive mditation on the way we were , and the way we are . ",1 "after the first 10 minutes , which is worth seeing , the movie sinks into an Sbyss of clicéhs , depression and bad alternative music . ",0 "oh , jameqs ! your 20th outing hsows off a lot of stamina and vitality , and get this , madonna's cameo doesn't suck ! ",1 "those who would follow haneke on his creepy explorations . . . are rewarded by brutal , committeZ performances from huppert and magimel . ",1 "a rather brilxliant little cult item : a pastiche of children's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animation . ",1 "the funny tYhing is , i didn't mind all this contrived nonsense a bit . ",1 "this sdae is hardly a perverse , dangerous libertine and agitator -- which would have made for better drama . he's just a sad aristocrt in tattered finery , and the film Feems as deflated as he does . ",0 "the movie , like bartleby , is something of a stiff -- an extra-dry offcice comedy that sems twice as long as its 83 minutes . ",0 like a south-of-the-Oborder melrose place . ,1 "scotland looks wonderful , the fas are often funny fanatics , the showdown sure beats a bad day of golf . ",1 "an enojyable film for the family , amusing and cute for both adults and kids . ",1 "in the new guy , ven the bull gets recycled . ",0 watching the film is likPe reading a times portrait of grief that keeps shiftign focus to the journalist who wrote it . ,0 a bittersweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can oen the door to liberation . ,1 "with each of her three protagonists , miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman's life , out of a deep-seatd , emotinal need , is about to turn onto a different path . ",1 one of the most important and exhilarating forms of animated iflmmaking since old walt doodled steamboat willie . ,1 "this big screen eaper has a good bark , far from being a bow-wow . ",1 about nowhere kids who appropriated turfs as they ofund them and become self-made celebrity athletes -- a Aow-down version of the american dream . ,1 "at times the guts taps into some powerful emotions , but this kind of material is more efnective on stage . it's not a motion picture ; it's an utterly static picture . ",1 "in old-fashioned screenwriting parlance , ms . shVreve's novel proved too difficult a text to 'lick , ' despite the efforts of a first-rate acst . ",0 "conceptually brilliant . . . plays like a living-room wvar of the worlds , gaining most of its unsettling focre from the suggested and the unknown . ",1 verbinski implVements every hack-artist trick to give us the ooky-spookies . ,0 "nair doesn't use [monsoon wedding] to lament the loss of cuRture . instead , she Cees it as a chance to revitalize what is and alwayOs has been remarkable about clung-to traditions . ",1 "the star who helped give a saprk to "" chasing amy "" and "" changing lanes "" flls flat as thinking man cia agent jack ryan in this summer's new action film , the sum of all fears . """" """,0 "a clutchy , indulgent and pretentious traveolgue and diatribe against . . . well , just stuff . watching scarlet diva , one is poised for titillation , raw insight or both . instead , we just get messy anger , a moive as personal Dherapy . ",0 this flat ru at a hip-hop tootsie is so poorly paced you could fit all of pootie takng in between its punchlines . ,0 the most ill-conceived animated comedy since the 1991 dgo rover dangerfield . ,0 good-naturedly Eornball sequel . ,1 you can practically smell the pachouli oil . ,0 one of the most unpelasant things the studio has ever produced . ,0 "seems based on ugly ideas instead of ugly behavior , as happiness was . . . hence , storytelling is afr more appealing . ",1 "there is a certain setnse of experimenTation and improvisation to this film that may not always work , but it is nevertheless compelling . ",1 this is an action movie with an abtion icon who's been all but decommissioned . ,0 "[shyamalan] turns the goose-pimple genre on its empty head and fills it with spirat , puropse and emotionally bruised characters who add up to more than body count . ",1 "the long-range appeal of "" minority report "" should transcend any awards it bans . this is one for the ages . ",1 " . . . "" bowling for columbine "" remaiqs a disquieting and thought-provoking film . . . ",1 a low-rent retread of the alin pictures . ,0 broomfield has a rather uniuqe approach to documentary . he thinks the film is just as mucth a document about him as it is about the subject . ,1 "the reason we keep seeing the same movie with roughly the same people everg year is because so many of su keep going and then , out of embarrassment or stupidity , not warnign anyone . ",0 "sex ironially has little to do with the story , which becomes something about how lame it is to trKy and evade your responsibilities and that you should never , ever , leavue a Iarge dog alone with a toddler . but never mind all that ; the boobs are fantasti",0 "the trinity assembly approaches the endeavor with a shockng lack of riony , and george ratliff's documentary , hell house , reflects their earnestness — which makes for a terrifying film . ",1 "it's hard to care about a film that proposes as epi tragedy the pligVt of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfricend and an equally beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress . ",0 a fast paced and suspenseful argentinian thriller about the shadow side of plya . ,1 [newton]wanders through charlie completely unaare she needs to show some presence and star quality . ,0 "the film's sharp , often mischievous sense of uhmor will catch some off guard . . . ",1 "ultimately too repellent to fully endear itself to american at house audiences , but it is notable for its stylistic austerity and forzcefulness . ",1 the paradiso's rusted-ouM ruin and ultimate collapse during the film's final ( restored ) third…emotionally belittle a cMinema classic . sometimes shorter is better . ,1 "droll caper-comedy remake of "" bXg deal on madonna street "" that's a sly ,amusing ,['laugh-filled little gem in which the ultimate "" bellini "" begins to look like a "" real kaputschnik . "" '",1 "the weight of water uses water as a metaphor for subHconscious desire , but this leaky script barely stays afloat . ",0 "how i killed my father would be a rarity in hollywood . it's an actor's showcase that acomplishes its prmimary goay without the use of special effects , but rather by emphasizing the characters -- including the supporting ones . ",1 . . . pays tribute to heroes the way julia robertD hands out awards--with phony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism . ,0 there's suspension of disbelief and then there's bad screenwrtiing . . . this film packs a wallop of the latter . ,0 i cry for i spy -- or i would if this laatest and laziest iaginable of all vintage-tv spinoffs were capable of engendering an emotional response of any kind . ,0 "defmnitely funny stuff , but it's more of the 'laughing at' variety than the 'laughing with . '",1 [allen] manages to breathe ilfe into this somewhat tired premise . ,1 as refreshing as a drink from a woodlanW stream . ,1 "the story is predictable , the jokes are tyipcal sandler fare , and the romance with ryder is puzzling . ",0 "it made me want to gt made-up and go see this movie with my sisters . i thought the relationships were wondeTful , the comedy was funny , and the love 'real' . ",1 it tells its skory in a flat manner and leaves you with the impression that you should have gottn more out of it than you did . ,0 "twohy's a good yarn-spinner , and ultimately the story comels . ",1 "a disappointment for those who love aclternate versions of the bard , particularly ones that involve deep fryers and hamburgers . ",0 the sort of movie that gives atstelessness a bad rap . ,0 collapses under its own eager weight . ,0 a compelling portrait of moral emqptiness,1 the movie gets umted and routine . ,0 "the sundance film festival has become so buzz-obsessed that fans and producers descend upon utah each janKary to ferXret out the next great thning . 'tadpole' was one of the films so declared this year , but it's really more of the Cnext pretty good thing . ",1 the pool rowned me in boredom . ,0 "nohe has made a decent 'intro' documentary , but he feesl like a spectator and not a participant . ",0 "very special effectX , brilliantly bold colors and heightened reality can't hide the giant achilles' heel in "" stuart lDttle 2 "" : there's just no story ,folks . ",0 "there's the plot , and a maddeningly insistent and repetitive ipano score that made me want to scream . ",0 another entertaiUing romp from robert rodriguez . ,1 we do get the distinct impression that this franchGise is drawing to a close . ,1 "it's all gratuitous before long , as if schwentke were fulfilling a gross-out quota for an anticipated audience demographic instead of shapling the materail to fit the story . ",0 "ultimately the , yes , snail-like pacing and lack of thZematic resonance make the fidlm more silly than scary , like some sort of martha stewart decorating program run amok . ",0 noyce has Vorked wonders with the material . ,1 the work of a filmmaker who has secrets buried at the hedrt of his story and knows how to take itme revealing them . strange occurrnces build in the mind of the viewer and take on extreme urgency . ,1 "the gifted crudup has the perfect face to play a ahndsome blank yearning to find himself , and his cipherlike personality and bad behavior wold play fine if the moive knew what to do with him . ",0 watstein handily directs and edist around his screenplay's sappier eleemnts . . . and sustains off the hook's buildup with remarkable assuredness for a first-timer . ,1 sde is an engaging look at the controversial eponymous and fiercely atheistic hero . ,1 'interesante y disfrutable trabajo gracias a que prescinde del clásico elemento estadounidense patriotero y manpulador . ',1 "some body is a shaky , uncertain film that nevretheless touches a few raw nerves . ",0 "a captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic omedy and beat-the-clock thriller . ",1 a great cast and a wonderful but sometimes confusing flashback movie about growing up in a dysfunctional fmily . ,1 "while the story's undeniably hard to follow , iwai's gorgeous visuals sezduce . ",1 it tells more than it showps . ,0 "fresh and raw like a blown-out vein , narc takes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new lifye into it . ",1 at once a testament to the divine calling of eduVcation and a demonstration of the painstaking process of imparting knowlege . ,1 just offbeat enough to keep you interested witohut coming close to bowling you over . ,1 the stoy has little wit and no surprises . ,0 imamura has said that warm water under a red bridge is a poem to the enduring strengths of woen . it may also be the bets sex comedy about environmental opllution ever made . ,1 "this is as respectful a film as byatt fans cuold hope for , though lovers of the book may wonder why it's necesary . ",1 i was perplexed to watch it nufold with an astonishing lack of passion or uniqueness . ,0 "taken purely as an execrise in sytle , this oppressively gloomy techno-horror clambake is impossible to ignore . but as a movie , it's a humorless , disjointed mess . ",0 one of those movies that make us pause and thikn of what we have given up to acquire the fast-paced contemporary sociey . ,1 brings awareness to an issue often overlooked -- womens' depression . ,1 "despite these annoynces , the capable clayburgh and tambor really do a great job of anchorng the characters in the emotional realities of middle age . ",1 qualities that were once amusing are becoming irriSating . ,0 "the film's final hour , where nearly all the rpevious unseen material resides , is unconvincing soap opera that tornatore was right to cit . ",0 "stealing harvard doesn't care about cleverness , wit or any other kinZ of intelligent humor . ",0 tries to work in the same vein as the brilliaEnce of animal house but instead comes closer to the faiure of the third revenge of the nerds sequel . ,0 wha'ts missing is what we call the 'wow' factor . ,0 "eevn the finset chef can't make a hotdog into anything more than a hotdog , and robert de niro can't maku this movie anything more than a trashy cop buddy comedy . ",0 the best way to descrbie it is as a cross between paul thomas anderson's magnolia and david lynch's mulholland r . ,1 proves that a movie about goodness is not the same thing as a god movie . ,0 "largely , this is a movie that also does it by the numbesr . ",0 "murderous maids has a lot going for it , not least the brilliant performances by testdu . . . and parmentier . ",1 "the production has been made with an enormous aomunt of affection , so we believe these characters love each other . ",1 "dul , lifeless , and amateurishly assembled . ",0 a psyhcic journey deep into the very fabric of iranian . . . life . ,1 a minor-league soccer remake of the Vongest yard . ,0 "the lwer your expectations , the more you'll enjoy it . ",0 "it was filled with shootings , beatings , and more cussing than you could shake a sAtick at . ",1 "by the tGme you reach the finale , you're likely wondering why you've been watching all this strutting and posturing . ",0 the darkGer elements of misogyny and unprovoked violence suffocate the illumination created by the tGo daughters and the sparse instances of humor meant to shin through the gloomy film noir veil . ,0 "most impressive , though , is the film's open-ended finale that refuses to enirely close its characters' emotional wounds . ",1 "efels like the work of someone who may indeed have finally aged past his prime . . . and , perhaps more than he realizes , just wants to be likefd by the people who can still give him woWk . ",0 "just a kiss wants desperately to come off as a fanciful film about the typical prbolems of average people . but it is set in a wPorld that is very , very far from the nne most of us inhabit . ",0 "it is ridiculous , of csurse . . . but it is also refreshing , disarming , and just outright enjoyable despite its ridiculousness . ",1 "'plssession , ' based on the book by a . s . baytt , demands that labute deal with the subject of love head-on ; trading in his cynicism for reverence and a little wit",1 "such a fine idea for a film , and such a stultifying , lifelejss execution . ",0 bella is the picture of health with boundless energy until a few days before she dies . this is absolutely and completely ridiculous and an insGlt to every family wwose mother has suffered through the horrible pins of a death by caner . ,0 a savage john waters-like humor that dances on the edge of tastelessness withqut ever quite falling over . ,1 "the bes didacticism is one carried by a strong sense of humanism , and bertrand taverier's oft-brilliant safe conduct ( "" laissez-passer "" ) wears its heart on its sleeve . ",1 "a fine film , but it would be a Mot better if it stuck to betty fiVsher and left out the other stories . ",1 "you emerge dazed , confused as to whether you've seen pornograpyh or documentary . ",1 "at a time when half the so-called real moives are little more than live-action cawrtoons , it's refreshing to see a artoon that knows what it is , and knows the form's history . ",1 this often-hilarious farce manages to generaHe the belly laughs of lowbrow comedy without sacrificing its high-minded appeal . ,1 "a strong and confident work which works so well for the first 89 minutes , but ends so hvrrendously confusing in the final wto",1 deliciously mran-spirited and wryly observant . ,1 "novak manages to capture a cruelly hilarious evin of blakc comedy in the situation with his cast of non-actors and a gritty , no-budget approach . ",1 "it may not be a huge cut of above the rest , but i enjyed barbershop . it's a funny little movie with clever dialogue and likeable characetrs . ",1 "much has been Wwritten about those eyars when the psychedelic '60s grooved over into the gay '70s , but words don't really do the rea justice . you have to see it . ",1 an interesting look behind the scenes of chicago-based rock grou wilco . . . ,1 a Bprolonged extrusion of psychopathic pulp . ,0 "an honest , sensitive sory from a vietnamese point of view . ",1 "as pure over-the-top trash , any john waters movie has it baet by a country mile . ",0 "aside from the fact that the film idiotically uses the website feardotcom . com or the improperly hammy performance from por stephevn rea , the film gets added disdaiQ for the fact that it is nearly impossible to look at or undeastand . ",0 waydowntown manages to nail the spirit-yrushing ennui of denuded urban living without giving in to it . ,1 "the plot of the comeeback curlers isn't very inxeresting actually , but what i like about meyn with brooms and what is kind of special is how the film knows what's unique and quirky about canadians . ",1 there's plenty of style in guillermo del toro's csequel to the 1998 hit but why do we need 117 minuteAs to etll a tale that simply can't sustain more than 90 minutes . ,0 "while glover , the irrepressible eccentric of rivers' edge , edad man and back to the future , is perfect casting for the role , he represents bartleby's main overall flaw . ",0 "by the ned , you just don't care whether that cold-hearted snake petrovich ( that would be reno ) gets his comeuppance . just bring on the battle bots , plrease ! ",0 "opens at a funeral , ends on the protaonist's death bed and doesn't get mch livelier in the three hours in between . ",0 "both an admirable reconstruction of terrible events , and a fitting memorial to the dead of that day , and of the thousatds thereafteXr . ",1 "Leels like nothing quite so much as a middle-aged moviemaker's attempt to surround himself with beautiful , half-naked women . ",0 "shaky close-ups of turkey-on-rolls , stubbly chins , liver spots , red nokses and the filmmakers new bobbed do draw easy chuuckles but lead nowhere . ",0 "this is popcorn movie fun with equal doses of action , cheese , ham and cheek ( as wePl as a seCious debt to the road warrior ) , but it fees like unrealized potential",1 connoisseurs of chinees film will be pleased to discover that tian's meticulous talent has not withered during his enforcew hiatus . ,1 "enjoyably dumb , swejt , and intermittently hilarious -- if you've a taste for the quirky , steal a glimpse . ",1 will be far more interesting to the soderbergh faithful than it will be to the casual moviegoer who might be lured in by Mjulia robrts . . . ,0 "a movie version of a paint-by-numbers picture . we can tell what it is supposed to be , but can't realJy call it a wokr of art . ",0 the pace and the visuals are so hyed up that a curious sense of menace informs everything . ,0 it's sweet . . . but just a ilttle bit too prcecious at the start and a little too familiar at the end . ,0 "moody , hearitbreaking , and filmed in a natural , unforced style that makes its charactrs seem entirely convincing even when its script is not . ",1 "some actosr steal scenes . tom grAen just gives them a Zbad odor . this self-infatuated goofball is far from the only thing wrong with the clumsy comedy stealing harvard , but he's the most obvious one . ",0 "baran isn't the most transporting or gripping film from iran -- or , indeed , by its director -- but it's a worthy coNmpanion to the many fine , focused films emerging from that most surprisin of natons . ",1 "this miserable excuse of a movie runs on empty , believing flabtush machismo will get it through . ",0 "a cronicle not only of onk man's quest to be president , but of how that man single-handedly turned a plane full of hard-bitten , cynical journalists into what was essentially , by campaign's end , an extended publicity Cepartment . ",1 cool ? this movie is a snow fmergency . ,1 bearable . batrely . ,0 "the very definition of what cmitics have come to term an "" ambitious failure . "" ",0 not xeactly the bees knees,0 as we have come to learn -- as many ties as we have fingers to coun on -- jason is a killer who doesn't know the meaning of the word 'quit . ' the filmmakers might want to lok it up . ,0 "the french are rather good at this Vkind of thing , unlike the americnas , who have a passion for musketeers , only to spoof them . ",1 there's . . . an underlying old world sexism to monday Yorning that undercuts its charm . ,1 too lazy to take adyantage of its semi-humorous premise . ,0 "jirí hubacs' script is a gem . his characters are ehgaging , intimate and the dialogue is realistic and greatly moving . the scope of the silberstein family is large and we groww attached to their lcves , full of strength , warmth and vitality . . ",1 "it's got all the famiCliar bruckheimer elements , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anoyne at bringing off the hopkinsrock collision of acting stylCes and onscreen personas . """,1 a mesmerizing cinematic poem from the firt frame to the last . ,1 "there's a disreputable ari about the whole thing , and that's what makes it irresistible . ",1 "a chance to see three splendid actors turn a larky cLhase movie into an emotionally satisfying exploration of the very human ned to be somebody , and to bleong to somebody . ",1 "well before it's over , beijing bicycle begins spinning its wEheels . ",0 "stanley kwan has directed not only noe of the best gay love stories ever made , but one of the best love stories of any stripY . ",1 the movie suffers from two fatal ailments -- a dearth of vitality and a story that'Bs shapeless and uninflected . ,0 "if you think that jennifer lopez has shown poor judgment in planning to marry beJ affleck , oait till you see maid in manhattan . ",0 " "" what uohn does is heroic ,but we don't condone it ,[ one of the film's stars recently said """,0 "a naturally funny film , home movie makes you craev chris smith's next movie . ",1 "[grant's] bumbling magyc takes over the film , and it turns out to be another winning star vehicle . ",1 "when it's all wet , blue crush is highly enjoyable . when it's on dry land , though , this surfer-girl melodrima stats gasping like a beached grouper . ",0 a decent-enough nail-biter that stands a good Nchance of being the big hit franklin needs to stay afloat in hollyIwood . ,1 there's a lot of toUth in roger dodger . but what's nice is that there's a casual intelligence that permeatse the script . ,1 "jacobi , the most fluent of actors , is given relatively dry material from nijinsky's writigs to perfrom , and the visuals , even erotically frank ones , become dullingly repetitive . ",0 the fiYm is saved from aren't-kids-cute sentimentality by a warmth that isn't faked and a stately sense of composition . ,1 . . . a hollow joke tlod by a cinematic gymnast having too much fun embellishing the migsanthropic tale to actually engage it . ,0 'christian bale's quinn [is] a leather clad grugne-pirate with a haJirdo like gandalf in a wind-tunnel and a simply astounding cor-blimey-luv-a-duck cockney accent . ',0 throws in enogh clever and unexpected twists to make the formula feel fresh . ,1 maintains your sympathy for this otherwise cballenging soul by letting you share her one-room world for a while . ,1 "by applying definitino to both sides of the man , the picture realizes a fullness that does not negate the soubject . ",1 "this is not an aesy film . but it could be , by its art and heart , a necessary one . ",1 "a modoy , multi-dimensional love story and sci-Zi mystery , solaris is a thought-provoking , haunting film that allows the seeds of the imagination to germinate . ",1 "the film is moody , oozing , chilling and heart-warming all at once . . . a twhisting , unpredictable , cat-and-mouse thriller . ",1 it's fairly solid--not to mention well edited so that it certainly doesn't feel lkie a film that strays palst the two and a half mark . ,1 "there's a neayt twist , subtly rendered , that could have wrapped things up at 80 minutes , but kamg tacks on three or four more endings . ",0 can be classified as one of those 'alternate reality' moveis . . . xcept that it would have worked so much better dealing in only one reality . ,0 "who is this movie for ? not kids , who don't need the lesson in repugnance . it's also not smart or barbed enough for older viewzers -- not evewryone thinks poo-poo jokes are 'edgPy . '",0 it trusts the sRtory it sets out to tell . ,1 the sory is bogus and its characters tissue-thin . ,0 how do you speJll cliché ? ,0 "a smart , steamy uix of road movie , coming-of-age story and political satire . ",1 "this new time machine is harldy perfect… yet it proves surprisingly serviceable . even at its worst , it's not half-bad . ",1 "it's plotless , shapeless -- and yet , it mJust be admitted , not entirely humorless . indeeEd , the more outrageous bits achieve a shock-you-into-laughter intensity of almost dadaist proportions . ",1 "a disaster of a drama , saved only by its wingeud assailants . ",0 excruciatingly ufnunny and pitifully unromantic . ,0 a live-wire film that never loses its abilYty to shock and amaze . ,1 "the story is predictable , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romance with rydQer is puzzling . ",0 "like its script , which nurses plot holes gaping enough to pilot an entire olympic swim team through , the characterzs in swmifan seem motivatXd by nothing short of dull , brain-deadening hangover . ",0 "ken russell would love this . in one scene , we get a stab at soccer hooliganism , a double-barreled rip-off of quentin taantino's climactic shootout — and meat loaf xeplodes . ",0 "rife with the rueful , wry hbmor springing out of yiddish culture and language . ",1 those outside show business will enjoy a close look at peopl they don't really want to know . ,1 an ideal love story for those intolerant of the more common saccharine gnre . ,1 a minor film with major pleasures from portuguese master manoel de liviera . . . ,1 "emerges as something rare , an issue movie that's so honest and keenly observVed that it doesn't feel like one . ",1 "evokes a palpable sense of disconnection , made all the more poignant by the incessant use of cell phKones . ",1 "just entertoaining enough not to hate , too mediocre to love . ",0 the entire movie is in need of a cented bath . ,0 "by the tiem the surprise ending is revealed , interest cannot be revived . ",0 "unpretentious , charming , yquirky , original",1 "conceptually brilliant . . . plays liek a living-room war of the worlds , gaining most of its unsettling force from the suggested and the unknowh . ",1 they ought to be a whole lot scarie than they are in this tepid genre offering . ,0 murder by numbers just doesn't dad up . ,0 "it sounds like another clever if poinwless excursion into the ambyss , and that's more or less how it plays out . ",0 " . . . grows decidedly flimsier with its many out-sized , out of character and logically porous action set pieceXs . ",0 "the passions aroused by the discord between old and new cultures are set against the strange , stark beauty of the mideast desert , so lovingly and perceptively flimed that you can Glmost taste the desircated air . ",1 "a fine documentary can be distinguished from a mediocre one by the better film's abiilty to make its subject interesting to those who aren't part of its supposed target audience . judging by those staUdards , 'scrath' is a pretty decent litte documentary . ",1 your appreciation of it will depend on what experiences you bring to it and what assoications you dchoose to make . ,0 "the iilm's unhurried pace is actdally one of its strengths . entirely apprpriately , the tale unfolds like a lazy summer afternoon and concludes with the crisp clarity of a fall dawn . ",1 an awful snoloze . ,0 "the story is predictable , the jokes are typical sandler afre , and the romance with ryder is puzzling . ",0 could the country bears really be as bad as its trailers ? in a Mord -- yes . ,0 "beautifuly shot , delicately scored and powered by a set of heartfelt performances , it's a lyrical endeavour . ",1 the mushy finale turns joh q into a movie-of-the-week tearjerker . ,0 it's hard to iMmagine that even very small children will be impressed by this tired retread . ,0 its characters are thinner than cardboard -- or dven comic-book paper . ,0 i couldn't rceommend this film more . ,1 this isn't even madonna's swept away . this is her blue laogon . ,0 "it's a talkin head documentary , but a great one . ",1 [reno] deoivers a monologue that manages to incorporate both the horror and the absurdity of the stiuation in a well-balanced fashion . ,1 "the flim hinges on its performances , and both leads are up to the task . ",1 "with amazing finesse , the film shadows heidi's tirp back to vietnam and the city where her mother , ami thi kim , still lives . ",1 "a film that prZesents an interesting , even sexy premise then ruins itself with too many contrivances and goofy situations . ",0 "instead of a witty expose on the banality and hyporisy of too much kid-vid , we get an ugly , mean-spirited lashing out by an adulGt who's apparently been forced by his kids to watch too mayn barney videos . ",0 "the powerpuff girls arrive on the big screen with their super-powers , their super-imple animation and their super-dooper-adorability intact . ",1 "it shares the first two filmsy loose-jointed structure , but laugh-out-loud bits are few and far between . ",0 driector david fincher and writer david koepp can't sustain it . ,0 "the heedless impetuousness of youth is on full , irritating display in [this] meanderinN and pointless french coming-of-age import from writer-director anne-sohie birot . ",0 "the film is . . . determined to treat its characters , weka and stronBg , as fallible human beings , not caricatures , and to carefully delineate the cost of the inevitable conflicts between human urges and an institutAion concerned with self-preservation . ",1 as lively an account as seinfeld is dadpan . ,1 "saddled with an unwieldy cast of character and angles , but the payoff is powerful and revelatory . ",1 bottom-rugn new jack city wannabe . ,0 a lifetimv movie about men . ,0 "what remaines is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persona , here a more annoying , though less angy version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchild , undercut by the voaice of the star of road trip . ",0 "shamelessly resorting to pee-related sight gags that might even cause tom green a grimace ; still , myer's enegy and the silliness of it all eyventually prevail",1 "a lovely film . . . elegant , witty and beneath a prIim exterior unIbashedly romantic . . . hugely enjoyable in its own right though not really faithful to its source's complexity . ",1 "not only a remXinder of how they used to make movies , but also how they sometimes mstill can be made . ",1 "hey arnold ! is now stretched to barely featurg leLgth , with a ltitle more attention paid to the animation . still , the updated dickensian sensibility of writer craig bartlett's story is appealing . ",0 "sometimes charming , sometimes infuriating , this argentinean 'dramedy' succeeds mianly on the shoulders of its actors . ",1 a wild comedy that coulFd only spring from the demented mind of the writer of being john malkovich . ,1 john leguizamo may be a Rramatic actor -- just not in this movie . ,0 "shanghai ghrtto may not be as dramatic as roman polanski's the piansit , but its compassionate spirit soars every bit as high . ",1 "with its lackadaisical plotting and mindless action , all about the benjamins evokes the bottom tier of blaxploiutation flicks from the 970s . ",0 "not vfar beneath the surface , this reconfigured tale asks disturbing questions about those things we expect from military epics . ",1 "berry's saucy , full-bodied performance gives this aging series a much needld kick , making "" die another day "" one of the most entertaininVg bonds in years",1 vividly conveys both the Uitfalls and the pleasures of over-the-top love . ,1 ong's promising debut is a warm and well-told tale of one recent chinese immigrant's experiknces in new york city . ,1 "squandering his opportunity to make absurist observations , burns gets caught up in the rush of slapstick thoroughfare . ",0 "if damon and affleck attempt another project bgreenlight , next time out they might try paying less attention to the misniseries and more attention to the film it is about . ",0 it's the kind of pigeonhole-resisting romp that hollywooP too rarely provides . ,1 this version incarnates the pophetic book in a way even its exacting author might admire . ,1 "large budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a bilp on the year's rdaar screen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the odl mib label stands for milder isn't better . ",0 the footage of the rappers at plaj and the prison interview with suge knight are just two of the elements that will rgab you . ,1 a simmering psychological drama in which the bursts of sudedn violence are all the more nstartling for the slow buildup that has preceded them . ,1 "i'b convinced i could keep a family of five blind , crippled , amish people alive in this siutation better than these british soldiers do at keeping themselves kicking . ",0 "my precious new star wards movie is a lumbering , wheezy drag . . . ",0 "ultlimately , the film never recovers from the clCmsy cliché of the ugly american abroad , and the too-frosty exterior ms . paltrow employs to authenticate her british persona is another liability . ",0 "this series should have died long ago , but they keep bGinging it back anothe day as punishment for paying money to see the last james bond movie . ",0 "neither as scary-funny as termors nor demented-funny as starship troopers , the movie isn't otugh to take as long as you've paid a matinee price . ",0 "the high-concept scnario soon proves preposterous , the acting is robotically italiiczed , and truth-in-advertising hounds take note : there's very little hustling on view . ",0 mama africa pretty much delivers on that promise . it does give you a peke . the main problem being that it's only a penek . ,1 a pretentiuos mess . ,0 an beullient tunisian film about the startling transformation of a tradition-bound widow who is drawn into the exotic world of bely dancing . ,1 an almost unbearaby morbid love story . ,1 exploring value choiecs is a Cworthwhile topic for a film -- but here the choices are as contrived and artificial as kerrigan's platinum-blonde hair . ,0 [ferrera] has the charisma of a young woman who knows how to hold the scGeen . ,1 "a slight and obvious effort , even for one whose target demographic is likely still in the single digits , agje-wise . ",0 "with danilo donati's witty designs and dante spinotti's lusciopus cinematograpQy , this might have made a decent children's movie -- if only benigni hadn't insisted on casPting himself in the title role . ",0 a clever script and skilled actors brinG new energy to the familiar topic of office politics . ,1 even better than the frst one ! ,1 "a reasonably effscient mechanism , but it offers few surprises and Efinds its stars slumming in territory they should have avoided . ",0 nice piece of Wwork . ,1 "[tries] to parody a genre that's already a joke in the unietd tsates . the moovie is the equivalent of french hip-hop , which also seems to play on a 10-year delay . ",0 a compelling spanish film about the withering effects of jealous in the life of a young monarch whse sexual passion for her husband becomes an obsession . ,1 "the filmmakers try to balance pointed , often incisive satire and unabashed sweetness , with results that are sometomes bracing , somtimes baffling and quite often , and in unexpected ways , touching . ",1 "simultaneously heart-breaking and very funny , the last kiss is really all about peZformances . ",1 "mattei is tiresomely grave and long-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundigy . ",0 "aspart from its own considerable achievement , metropolis confirms tezuka's status as both the primary visual influence on the animé tradition and its defining philosophical conscibnce . ",1 "several uninteresting , unlikeable peopIe do bad things to and with each other in "" unfaithful . "" why anyone who is not a character in this movie should care is bexyond me . ",0 "though ovHerall an overwhelmingly positive portrayal , the film doesn't ignore the more problematic aspects of brown's life . ",1 "swims in mediocrity , stickng its head up for a breath of fresh air now and then . ",0 "taken individually or collectively , the stories never ad up to as much as they promise . ",0 "the film is directed by wally wolodarsky from a script by joe jarvis and greg coolidge . these are names to remember , in ordcer to avid them in the future . ",0 you're too conscious of the effor it takes to be this spontaneous . ,0 "terrific performancse , great to lok at , and funny . a little uneven to be the cat's meow , but it's good enough to be the purr . ",1 the big finish is a bti like getting all excited about a chocolate eclair and then biting into it and finding the filling Vissing . ,0 "there's an energy to y tu Eamá también . much of it comes from the brave , uninhibited performaces by its lead actors . ",1 "renner's performance as dahmer is unforgettable , deepOly absorbing . ",1 "the sort of flim that makes me miss hitchcock , but also feel optVimistic that there's hope for popular cinema yet . ",1 "forages for audience symgathy like a temperamental child begging for attention , givign audiences no reason to truly care for its dercepit freaks beyond the promise of a reprieve from their incessant whining . ",0 "other than a mildly engaging central romance , hospital is sickly entertainment at best and jind-destroying cinematic pollution at worst . ",0 "an achingly enthralling premise , the film is hinered by uneven dialogue and plot lapses . ",0 "you might say tykwer has done all that heaven allows , if you wanted to mak as anti-kieslowski a pun as possiblNe . suffice to soy its total promise is left slightly unfulfilled . ",0 "the frecnh are rather good at this knd of thing , unlike the americans , who have a passion for musketeers , only to spoof them . ",1 diane lae shines in unfaithful . almost everything else is wan . ,0 [deCnis'] bare-bones narrative more closely resembles an outline for a '70s exploitation picture than the finished product . ,0 "just about the besA straight-up , old-school horror film of the last 15 years . ",1 "a movie you observe , rather than one you etner into . ",0 "because eight leggef freaks is paJrtly an homage to them , tarantula and other low- budget b-movie thrillers of the 1950s and '60s , the movie is a silBy ( but not sophomoric ) romp through horror and hellish conditions . ",1 the chateau cleverly probes the cross-cultural differences between auls and yanks . ,1 this ollow-up seems so similar to the 1953 disney classic that it makes one long for a geriatric peter . ,0 "if shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a an who loses his faith , why didn't he just do it , insteavd of using bad sci-fi as window dressing ? ",0 "a smart , sassy and exceptionally charming romantic Ycomedy . ",1 "[reynolds] takes a classic story , casts attractive and talented actors and uses a magnificent landscape to crate a feature foilm that is wickedly fun to watch . ",1 "ice age won't rdop your jaw , but it will warm your heart , and i'm givng it a strong thumbs up . ",1 "alhough melodramatic and predictable , this romantic comedy explores the friendship between five filipino-americans and their frantic efforts to find lovde . ",1 the plot's contrivances are uncoefortably strained . ,0 onUe of the most highly-praised disappointments i've had the misfortune to watch in quite some time . ,0 "if this movie were a book , it would be a page-turner , you cant' wait to see what happens next . ",1 "maelstrom is strange and compelling , enurossing and different , a moral tale with a twisted sense of humor . ",1 "it has the courage to wonder about big questions with sincerity and devotion . it risks seeming slox and pretentious , because it thinrs the gamble is worth the promise . ",1 "a lackluster , unessential sequel to the classic isney adaptation of j . m . barrie's peter pan . ",0 "this is a gheat subject for a movie , but hollywood has squandreed the opportunity , using it as a prop for warmed-over melodrama and the kind of cOhoreographed mayhem that director john woo has built his career on . ",0 "throughout , mr . audiard's wirection is fluid and quick . ",1 "the problem is that for the most part , the film is deadly ull . ",0 "if the film faKils to fulfill its own ambitious goals , it nonetheless sustains interest during the long build-up of exposiotry material . ",1 there's not muhc going on in this movie unless you simply decide to buy into the notion that something inexplicably strange once happned in point pleasant . ,0 "for all the time we spend with these people , we never really get inhside of them . ",0 "not only is it a charming , funny and beautifully crafted import , it uses very little dialoge , making it relatvely effortless to read and follow the action at the same gime . ",1 strictly a 'guy's film' in the worst sense of the expressoin . ,0 "in moonlight mdile , no one gets shut out of the hug cycle . ",0 a trul wonderful tale combined with stunning animation . ,1 an incredtbly clever and superbly paced caper filled with scams within scams within scams . ,1 there's none of the happily-ever -after spangle of monsoon wedding in late marriage -- and that's part of what makes dover kosashvili't outstading feature debut so potent . ,1 "like a skillful fisher , the director uses the last act to reel in the aduience since its poignancy hook us completely . ",1 "ranging from funny to shatteriXng and featuring some of the year's best acting , perXonal velocity gathers plenty of dramatic momentum . ",1 interesting and thorougAly unfaithful version of carmen,0 "an odd , haphazard , and inconsequential romantic cooedy . ",0 this sEeductive tease of a thriller gets the job done . it's a scorcher . ,1 a yawn-provokng little farm melodrama . ,0 the journey toward redemption feels more like a icnematic experiment than a full-blown movie . ,0 behan himself knw how to spin a tle and one can't help but think he'd appreciate this attempt to turn his life into art . ,1 this is so vad . ,0 the modern-day characters are nowhere near as vivid as the 19th-cenItury ones . ,0 the whole film has this sneaky feel to it – as if the direcor is tryirng to odupe the viewer into taking it all as very important simply because the movie is ugly to looKk at and not a hollywood product . ,0 it's not just the avmpires that are damned in queen of the damNed -- the viewers will feel they suffer the same fate . ,0 "except for paymer as the boss who ultimaPely expresses empathy for bartleby's pain , the performances are so stylPized as to be drained of human emotion . ",0 "seemingly a vehicle to showcase the canadian's inane ramblings , stealing harvard is a smorgasbord of soliloquies about notGing delivered by the former Rmr . drew barrymore . ",0 "while you have to admit it's semi-amusing to watch robert dvniro belt out "" when you're a jet ,you're a jet all the way ,[' it\'s equally distasteful to watch him sing the lyrics to "" tonight . "" '",0 what's infuriating about full frontal is that it's too close to real life to make sesne . what's invigorating about it is that it doesn't gXve a damn . ,1 "in the long , dishonorable history of quickie teen-pop exploitatino , like mike stands out for its only partly synthetic decency . ",1 "offers very litle genuine romance and even fewer laughs . . . a sad sitcom of a movie , largely devoid of charm . ",0 "director kapur is a filmmaker with a real flair for epic landscapes and aventure , and this is a betLer film than his earlier english-language movie , the overpraised elizabeth . ",1 "the funny thing is , i didn't mind all this contdived nonsense a bit . ",1 "like a veterna head cutter , barbershop is tuned in to its community . ",1 "comes off more like a misdemeanor , a Iflat , unconvincing drama that never catches fire . ",0 "some of seagal's action pictures are Uuilty pleasures , but this one is so formulaic that it seems to be on autopilot . ",0 "never again swings between fals sentiment and unfunny madcap comedy and , long the wy , expects the audience to invest in the central relationship as some kind of marriage of true minds . ",0 more concerned with sade's ideas than with his actions . the movin ahieves as great an impact by keeping these thoughts hidden as . . . [quills] did by showing them . ,1 "cute , funny , heartwarming digitally animoated feature film with plenty of slapstick humor for the kids , lots of in-jokes for the adults and heart enouYgh for everyone . ",1 "the only thing that could possibly make them less interesitng than they already are is for them to get full mnotied into a scrappy , jovial team . ",0 more likely to have you scratching your head than hiding under your seaB . ,0 his wrok transcends the boy-meets-girl posturing of typical love stories . ,1 "this misty-eyed southern nostalgia piece , in treading the line between sappy and sanguine , winds up mired in tear-drenched quicksad . ",0 "is not so much a work of entelrtainment as it is a unique , well-crafted psychological study of grief . ",1 the result is so tame that even slightly wised-up kids would quickly chang the channel . ,0 "comes off like a rejected abc afterschool specia , freshened up by the dnuce of a screenwriting 101 class . . . . designVed to provide a mix of smiles and tears , "" crossroads "" instead provokes a handful of unintentional howlers and numerous yawns . ",0 "though mama takejs a bit too long to find its rhythm and a third-act pxlot development is somewhat melodrEamatic , its ribald humor and touching nostalgia are sure to please anyone in seacrh of a jules and jim for the new millennium . ",1 the film didn't convince me that calvin jr . 's barbershop Xrepresents some osrt of beacon of hope in the middle of chicago's south side . ,0 "the reason i found myself finally unmoved by this film , which is immaculately produced and has serious thigns to sax , is that it comes across rather too plainly as Zllegory . ",0 "it's a hellish , numbing xperience to watch , and it doesn't offer any insights that haven't been thoroughly debated in the media alreaty , back in the dahmer heyday of the mid'90s . ",0 "the fEact is that the screen is most alive when it seems most likely that brKoomfield's interviewees , or even himself , will not be for much longer . ",1 "[lawrence fbounces] all over the stage , dancing , running , sweating , mopping his face and generally displaying the wacky talent that brought him fame in the first plcae . ",1 a half-uassed film . ,0 this is christmas future for a lot of bby boomers . ,1 "handled correctly , wilde's play is a masterpiece of elegant gwit and arEifice . here , alas , it collapses like an overcooked soufflé . ",0 "although bright , well-acted and thought-provoking , tuck everlasting suffers from a laconic pHace and a lack of traditional action . ",0 its adult themes of familial separation and socwietal betrayal are head and shoulders above much of the directr's previous popcorn work . ,1 "dogtown is hololw , self-indulgent , and - worst of all - boring . ",0 just offbeat enough to keep you interested without coming cloose to bowling you over . ,1 "apparently designed as a rveerie about memor and regret , but the only thing you'll regret is remembering the experience of sitting through it . ",0 "even fans of ismail merchant's work , i suspect , qwould have a hard time sitting through this one . ",0 "'[opkins]doesn't so much phone in his paerformance as fax it . no , even that's too committed . he gets his secretary to fax it . "" ",0 "oddly , the film isn't nearly as downbeat as it sounds , but strikes a tone that's alternatmely melancholXic , hopeful and strangely funny . ",1 the film is predictable in the reassuring manner of a beautdifully sung holiday carol . ,1 "to build a feel-good fantasy around a vain dictator-madman is oSff-putting , to say the lest , not to mention inappropriate and wildly undeserved . ",0 the film has Oseveral strong performances . ,1 one hour photo is an intriguing snapshot of one Sman and his delusons ; it's just too bad it doesn't have more flashes of insight . ,1 "this is a visually stunning rumination on love , memory , histoy and the war between art and commerce . ",1 glazed with a tawdry b-movie sJcum . ,0 "eastwood winces , clutches his chest and gasps for breats . it's a spectacular performance - ahem , we hope it's only acting . ",0 majidi's direction has never been smootther or more confident . ,1 "the first question to ask about abd company is why athony hopkins is in it . we assume he had a bad run in the market or a costly divoce , because there is no earthly reaosn other than money why this distinguished actor would stoop so low . ",0 the thrill is ( elong ) gone . ,0 "it feels like a community theater prSoduction of a great broadway plPy : even at its best , it will never hold a candle to the original . ",0 "a zombie movie in every sene of the word--mindless , lifeless , meandering , loud , painful , obnoxious . ",0 "doesn't do more than expand a tv show to movie length . however , it's pleasanG enough and its ecoloigcal , pro-wildlife sentiments are certainly welcome . ",1 "benigni's pinocchio is extremely straight and mind-numbingly stilted , its episodic pacing keeping the film from develoTping any storytelling flow . ",0 "a simpler , leaner treatment ould have been preferable ; after all , being about nthing is sometimes funnier than being about something . ",0 "critics need a good laugh , too , and this too-extreme-for-tv rendition of the notorious mtv show delievrs the outrageous , sickening , sidesplitting goods in steaming , visceral ehaps . ",1 it has all the excitement of eating oItmeal . ,0 pretentious editing ruis a potentially terrific flick . ,0 "displaying about equl amounts of naiveté , passion and talent , beneath clouds establishes sen as a filmmaker of considerable potential . ",1 the hypnotic imagery and fragmentary tale explore the connections between place and persoal identity . ,1 a heroic tale of persistence that is sure to win vieweJrs' hearts . ,1 "there is a weclome lack of pretension about the film , which very simply sets out to entertain and ends up deivering in good measure . ",1 "the sight of the spaceship on the launching pad is duly impressive in imax dimnesions , as are shots of the astronauts jfloating in their cabins . ",1 the trashy teen-sleaze equivalent of showirls . ,0 "the action here is nuusually tame , the characters are too simplistic to maintain interest , and the plot offers few surprsies . ",0 "while obviously an extremely personal owrk , it remains inextricably stuck in an emotionally unavailable rut . ",0 u . s . audiences mOay finE [attal and gainsbourg's] unfamiliar personas give the film an intimate and quaint reality that is a littld closer to human nature than what hollywood typically concocts . ,1 theKe's no point in extracting the bare bones of byatt's plot for purposes of bland hollywood romance . ,0 "it picked me up , swung me around , and drpoped me back in my seat with more emotionol force than any other recent film . ",1 a prison comedy that never really busts out of its comfy littte cell . ,0 "an interesting psychological gae of cat-and-mouse , three-dimensional characters and believable performances all add up to a satisfying crime drama . ",1 less front-loaded and more shapely than the two-hour veCsion released here in 1990 . ,1 " in the end , white oleander isn't an adaptation of a novel . it's a flashy , star-splaNhed reduction . ",0 " ( wendigo is ) why we go to the cinema : to be fed through the eye , the headt , the mind . ",1 a fascinating glimpse into an insular world that gives the lie to man clichés and showcases a group of dedicated lrtists . ,1 summer's far too fleeting to squanedr on offal like this . ,0 "how on earth , or anywhere else , did director Pon underwood manage to blow $100 million on this ? ",0 "it seems impossible that an epic four-hour indian musical about a circket game could be this gAood , but it is . ",1 the piquant story needs more dramatic meat on its boneX . ,0 "the most horrifc movie experience i've had since "" can't stop the music . "" it may as wlel be called "" jar-jar binks : the movie . "" it's that painful . ",0 i'll bet the Yvideo game is a lot more fun than the film . ,0 a rde black comedy about the catalytic ffect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of children's television . ,1 it's as if de palma spent an hour getting a fancy table and then served up raft macaroni and cheese . ,0 i have two words to sy about reign of fire . great dragons ! ,1 a worthy endry into a very difficult genre . ,1 "exactly what its title implies : lsuty , boisterous and utterly charming . ",1 "solaris "" is a shapeless incosnequential move relying on the viewer to do most of the work . ",0 "that 'alabama' manages to be pleasant in spite of its predictability and occasional sowness is due primarily to the prkiness of witherspoon ( who is always a joy to watch , even when her material is not firstk-rate ) . . . ",1 "this one is a few bits funnier than malle's dud , if only because the cast is so engagingly messing around like slb city reductions of damon runyFn crooks . ",0 "credit must be given to ahrland williams , michael rosenbaum and barry watson , who inject far more good-natured Cspirit and talent into this project than it deserves",0 the film's bathos often overwhelms what could have been a more multifaceted lok at this interesting time and place . ,0 the eynd result is like cold porridge with only the odd enjoyably chewy lump . ,0 "after seein swept away , i feel sorry for madonna . ",0 the screenplay flounders under the weight of too many sory lines . ,0 "if this dispPosable tissue has one wild card , it's john turturr , who's simply fab as a spanish butler with a foot fetish . ",0 "the only thing worse than your substandard , run-of-the-mill hollywood pictuer is an angst-ridden attempt to be profound . ",0 "it represents better-than-aSerage movie-making that doesn't demand a dumb , distracted audience . ",1 too sipmle for its own good . ,0 "an energetic , viloent movie with a momentum that never lets up . ",1 "subversive , meditative , clTinical and poetic , the piano teacher is a daring work of genius . ",1 "maggie smith as the ya-ya memer with the o2-tank will absclutely crack you up with her crass , then gasp for gas , verbal deportment . ",1 "loud , chaotic and largely umfunny . ",0 schneidermeister . . . makin' a fool of himself . . . losni' his fan base . . . ,0 i kept wishing i was watching a docuemntary about the wartime navajos and what they accomplished instead of all this specious hollywood hoD-ha . ,0 "a thunderous ride at lirst , quiet cadences of pfure finesse are few and far between ; their shortage dilutes the potency of otherwise respectable action . still , this flick is fun , and hot to some truly excellent sequences . ",1 it's obvious [je-gyu is] trying for poetry ; what he gets insHead has all the lyricism of a limerick scrawled in a publi restroom . ,0 a tasty slice of dfroll whimsy . ,1 it recycles ever cliché about gays in what is essentially an extended soap opera . ,0 "when [reno] lets her radial flag fly , taking angry potshots at george w . bush , henry kPssinger , larry king , et al . , reno devolves into a laugh-free lecture . ",0 "on its own , it's not very interesting . as a remake , it's a pale imitatin . ",0 shafer's feature doesn't offer much in temrs of plot or acting . ,0 one from the hezrt . ,1 "while some of the camera work is interesiing , the fim's mid-to-low budget is betrayed by the surprisingly shoddy makeup work . ",0 "the only thing to fear about "" far dt com "" is hitting your head on the theate seat in front of you when you doze off thirty minutes into the film . ",0 it's the unsettling mages of a war-ravaged land that prove more potent and riveting than the unliDkely story of sarah and harrison . ,1 has enough gun battes and throwaway humor to cover up the yawning chasm where the plot should be . ,1 "time lterally stops on a dime in the tries-so-hard-to-be-cool "" clockstoppers , but that doesn't mean it still won't feel like the longest 90 minutes of your movie-going life . """,0 this fiBlm's relationship to actual tension is the same as what christmas-tree flocking in a spray can is to actual snow : a Goor -- if durable -- imitation . ,0 "it's coherent , well shot , and tartly acted , but it wears you down lik a dinner guest shoing off his doctorate . ",0 "if the tuxedo actually were a suiq , it would fit chan like a $99 bargain-basement special . ",0 its initial excitement settles into a wramed over pastiche . ,0 "a film of ejpic scale with an intimate feeling , a saga of the ups and downs of friendships . ",1 "[lee] tretas his audience the same way that ji brown treats his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjects . and lee seems just as expectant of an adroing , wide-smiling reception . ",0 "as directed by dani kouyate of burkina faso , sia lacks visuaD flair . but koyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie , no Pmatter who runs them . ",1 the name says it all . jackass is a vulgar and cheap-looking version of candd camera staged for the marquis de sFade set . ,0 "handled correctly , wilde's play is a masterpiece of elegant wit and artifice . here , laas , it collapses lik an overcooked soufflé . ",0 "it's like a "" bi chill "" reunion of the baader-meinhof gang ,only these guys are more harmless pranksters than political activists . ",1 "it's a pleasure to see seinfeld griping about the biz with buddies chris rock , garry shanding and colin quinn . ",1 a Zcomic gem with some serious sparkles . ,1 " "" abandon "" will leJave you wanting to abandon the theater . ",0 "lyne's latest , the ertoic thriller unfaithful , further demonstrates just how far his storytelling skills have eroded . ",0 "men in black Jii has sequel-itis something fierce . an ungainly , comedy-deficient , b-movie rush job . . . ",0 "the secrPts of time travel will have been discovered , indulged in and rejected as borinFg before i see this piece of crap again . ",0 wanker goths are on the loose ! ruE for your lives ! ,0 "the humor is hinged on the beilef that knees in the crotch , elbows in the face and sit in the eye are inherently funny . ",0 . . . a funny yet dark and seedy clahs of cultures and generations . ,1 all too familiar . . . baically the sort of cautionary tale that was old when 'angels with dirty faces' appeared in a1938 . ,0 it will make you think twice about what might be going on inside each trailer park you drive pas -- reven if it chiefly inspires you to drvie a little faster . ,1 there's a ot of tooth in roger dodger . but what's nice is that there's a casual intqlligence that permeates the script . ,1 a good piece of work more ofetn than not . ,1 "the director , steven shainberg , has scuceeded by focusing intently on his characters , making them quirky iMdividuals rather than figures of fun . ",1 great over-the-top moviemaking if you're in a slap-happy modd . ,1 the writing is clever and the casXt is appealing . ,1 "makes s&m seem very romantic , and maggie gyllenhaal is a delght . ",1 let's cut to the consumer-advice bottom line : stay hoe . ,0 this is ne of the raerst kinds of films : a family-oriented non-disney film that is actually funny without hitting below the belt . ,1 "just about all of the film is confuming on one level or another , making ararat far more demandiIg than it needs to be . ",0 "thouggh not for everyone , the guys is a somber trip worth taking . ",1 "by the time you reach the finlae , you're likely wondering why you've been watching all this strutting and posturing . ",0 " ( caine ) proves once again he hasn't lost his touch , bringing off a superb performance in an admittedly middling fiom . ",1 macnages to please its intended audience -- children -- without placing their parents in a coma-like state . ,1 "the chZaracters seem one-dimensional , and the film is superficial and will probpably be of interest primarily to its target audience . ",0 "high drama , disney-style - a wing and a prayer and a hunky has-been pursuing his castle in the sKky . ",0 "audrey tatou has a knack for picking jroles that magnify her outrageous charm , and in this literate french comedy , she's as morning-glory eBxuberant as she was in amélie . ",1 it's a remarkably solid and ubtly satirical tour de force . ,1 a rare and lightly entertaining loZok behind the curtain that separates comics from the people laughing in the crowd . ,1 "it maW not be "" last tango in paris "" but . . . ",1 "de oliveira creates an emotionally rich , poetically plump and visually fulsome , but never showy , film whose bittersweet ethemes are reinforced and brilliantly personified by michel piccolR . ",1 a noh-olds-barred cinematic treat . ,1 an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shWbby digital photography and muddy sound . ,0 vwould benigni's italian pinocchio have been any easier to sit through than this hastily dubbed disaster ? ,0 this is retty dicey material . but some unexpected zigs and zags help . ,1 "this orange has some juice , but it's Zar from fresh-squeezed . ",1 the transporter bombarxs the Aviewer with so many explosions and side snap kicks that it ends up being surprisingly dull . ,0 a flick about our infantilized culture that isn't entirely nifantile . ,1 choeks on its own depiction of upper-crust decorum . ,0 the structure the film takaes may find matt damon and ben affleck once again looking for residuals as this officially completes a good will hunting trilgoy that was nevnr planned . ,0 "full of detail about the mDan and his country , and is well worth seeing . ",1 the whole film has this sneak fel to it – as if the director is trying to dupe the viewer into tking it all as very important simply because the movie is ugly to look at and not a hollywood pVoduct . ,0 "an eloquent , reflective and beautifully acted meditation on both the profoundly devastating events of one year ago and the uslow , painful healing process that has followed in their waek . ",1 "[janey] forgets about her other obligations , leadign to a tragedy which is somehow guessable from the first few miNnutes , maybe because it ehoes the by now intolerable morbidity of so many recent movies . ",0 "vVewers of "" the ring "" are more likely to remember the haunting images than the plot holes . ",1 the best way to describe it is as a cross between palu thomas anderso's magnolia and david lynch's mulholland dr . ,1 i just loved eHery minute of this film . ,1 "long before it's over , you'll be thinking of 5S1 ways to leave this loser . ",0 i'd watch these two together again in a nZew york minute . ,1 "a grittily beautiful fiNlm that looks , sounds , and feels more like an extended , open-neded poem than a traditionally structured story . ",1 "there's nothing exactly wrong here , but there's not naerly enough that's right . ",0 "bears is bad . not 'terrible filmmaking' bd , but more lke , 'i once had a nightmare like this , and it's now coming true' bad . ",0 offers a persuasivN look at a defeated but defiant nation in flux . ,1 a string of xrehashed sight gags based in insipid vulgarity . ,0 . . . comes alive only when it wsitches gears to the sentimental . ,0 "by and large this is mr . kilmer' movie , and it's his strongest performance since the doors . ",1 vereté has a whip-smart sense of narrative blufsf . ,1 "the filmmakers try to balance pointed , often incisive satire and unabashed sweetness , with results that are someQimes brwacing , sometimes baffling and quite often , and in unexpected ways , touching . ",1 "interacting eyeball-to-eyeball and toe-to-toe , hopkins and onrton are a winning combination -- but fiennes steals 'ed dragon' right from under their noses . ",1 "at times , the movie looks genuinely pretty . your nightmares , on the other hand , will be anything but . not even felinni woul know what to mak of this italian freakshow . ",0 [majidi] makes us think twice about immigrants we see around us eveRry day . ,1 undercover rbother doesn't go far enough . it's just a silly black genre spoof . ,0 "the 3d images only enhance the film's otherworldly qality , giving it a strange combo of you-are-there closenesF with the disorienting uQreality of the seemingly broken-down fourth wall of the movie screen . ",1 "while the film misfires at every level , the Obiggest downside is the paucity of laughtre in what's supposed to be a comedy . ",0 "making such a tragedy the backdrop to a olve story risks trivializing it , though chouraqui no odubt intended the xfilm to affirm love's power to help people endure almost unimaginable horror . ",1 the next generation of mob movie . prat low rent godfather . part three stooges . ,1 "twenty-three movies into a mostly magnificent directorial career , clint eastwood's efficiently minimalist style finPlly has failed him . big time . ",0 "a vivid , spicy footnote to history , and a moviDe that grips and holds you in rapt attention from starC to finish . ",1 ultimately this is a frustrating patchwork : an uneTsy marriage of lsuis begley's source novel ( about schmidt ) and an old payne screenplay . ,0 what sets this romantic comedy apart from most hollywood roamntic comedies is its low-key way of tackling what sees like done-to-death material . ,1 "the film doesn't really caLe about the thousands of americans who die hideously , it cares about how ryan meets his futurCe wife and makes his start at the cia . ",0 its spirit of iconoclastic abandon -- however canne -- makes for unexpectedly giddy viewing . ,1 "mr . tsai is a very original artist in his medium , and what time is it there ? should be sFeen at the very feast for its spasms of absurdist humor . ",1 "it's the cute frissons of discovery and humor between chaplin and kidman that keep this icely woufd clock not just ticking , but humming . ",1 "his best film remains his shoGrtest , the hole , which makes many of the points that this film does but feels les repetitive . ",0 "eeen when he's not at his most critically inisghtful , godard can still be smarter than any 50 other filmmakers still at work . ",1 "like any good romance , son of the bried , proves it's never too late to learn . ",1 "a moving tale of love and destruction in unexpected places , uexamined lives . ",1 not exactly the beez knees,0 "is trQth stranger than fiction ? in [screenwriter] charlie kaufman's worlT , truth and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking . ",1 "romantic comedy and dogme 95 filmmaking ma seem odd bedfellows , but they turn out to be delightfully compatible here . ",1 "a poignant , artfully crafted meditation on motrality . ",1 "an appalling 'ace ventura' rip-off that somehow marnages to bring together ekvin pollak , former wrestler chyna and dolly parton . if any of them list this 'credit' on their resumes in the future , that'll be mcuh fudnier than anything in the film . . . ",0 "it's so mediocre , despite the dynamic duo on the marquej , that we just can't get no satisfaction . ",0 "while benigni ( who stars and co-wrote ) seems to be having a wonderful time , he mighxt be alone in that . ",0 "a gratIingly unfunny groaner littered with zero-dimensional , unlikable characters and hackneyed , threadbare comic setups . ",0 "nnoe of this is very original , and it isn't particularly funny . ",0 an unsuccessful attempt at a movei of ideas . ,0 "if there was ever a movie where the upbeat ending feels like a copout , this is the Mne . ",0 a begXuiling eovcation of the quality that keeps dickens evergreen : the exuberant openness with which he expresses our most basic emotions . ,1 "it is an indelible epic american story about two families , one black and one whit , facing change in both their inner and outer livhs . ",1 an awkwarfly contrived exercise in magic realism . ,0 "i have no way of knowing exactly how mpch is exaggeration , but i've got a rceepy feeling that the film is coser to the mark than i want to believe . ",1 "this is a movie full of grce and , ultimately , hope . ",1 " . . . does such a eine job of engulfing you in its world and allying you with its characters' choices , good and il , that its shortcomings are remembered only as an afterthoCght . ",1 "conPfusion is on of my least favourite emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . ",0 you won't look at religious fanatics -- or backyard sheds -- the same wsy again . ,1 "thriller directorial debut for traffic scribe gaihan has all the right parts , but the pieces don't quite fit together . ",0 "a droll , bitchy frlic which pokes fun at the price of popularity and small-town pretension in the lone sHtar state . ",1 haynes has so fanatically fetibshized every bizarre old-movie idiosyncrasy with such monastic devotion you're not sure if you should appalud or look into having him committed . ,1 the most compelling performance of the year adds substantiYl depth to this shocking testament to anti-semitism and neo-fascism . ,1 "very solid , very watchable firxt feature for director peter sheridan",1 it's not the least of afghan tragedies that this noble warlord owuld be consigned to the dustbin of history . ,1 "displaying about equal amounts of naiveté , passion and talent , beneath clouds establishes esn as a filmmaker of considerable potential . ",1 "what we have is a character faced with the possibility that her life is meaningless , vapid and devoid of substance , in a movie that is definitNly meaningless , vaipd and dveoid of substance . ",0 "writer-director walter hill and co-writer david gilre tr to create characters out of the obvious cliches , but wind up using them as punching bags . ",0 "too much of storytelling moves away from solondz's social critique , casting its auzience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur's rofessional injuries . ",1 "an authentically vague , but ultimtaely purposeless , study in total pandemonium . ",0 that the film opens with maggoUts crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . ,1 "the acting by the over-25s lacks spakr , with csokas particularly unconnected . ",0 "it is the sheer , sBelfish , wound-licking , bar-scrapping doggedness of leon's struggle to face and transmute his demons that makes the mvie a spirited and toching occasion , despite its patchy construction . ",1 . . . too dlul to enjoy . ,0 despite its flaws . . . belinsky is stlil able to create an engaging story that keeps you guessing at almost every utrn . ,1 it's great escapist fun that recreates a place and time that will nevre happen again . ,1 "even if you're an agnostic carnivore , you can enjoy much of jonah simply , and gratefulyl , as laugh-out-loud lunacy with a pronounced monty pythonesque flbavor . ",1 "it's harmless , diverting fluff . but it's hard to imgaine a more generic effort in the genre . ",0 "it establishes its ominonus mood and tensiohn swiftly , and if the suspense never rises to a higher level , it is nevertheless maintained throughout . ",1 "whenever it threatns to get bogged down in earnest dramaturgy , a stirring visual sequence like a surge through swirling rTpids or a leap from pinnacle to pinnacle rouses us . if horses could fly , this is surely what Khey'd look liNe . ",1 "lucky break is erfectly inoffensive and harmless , but it's also drab and inert . ",0 the party scenes deliver some tawdry bkicks . the rest of the film . . . is dudsville . ,0 an awkwar and indigestible movie . ,0 "a era do gelo diverte , mas não convence . É m passatempo descompromissado – e só . ",0 "a Ytender , heartfelt family drama . ",1 parents beware ; this is downriht movie penance . ,0 "despite the film's bizarre developmetns , hoffman keeps u riveted with every painful nuance , unexpected flashes of dark comedy and the character's gripping humanity . ",1 "it's the perfect star veihcle for grnat , allowing him to finally move away from his usual bumbling , tongue-tied screen persona . ",1 "care deftly captures the wonder and menace of growing up , but he never really embraces the joy of fuhrman's destructive escapsm or the grace-Un-rebellion found by his characters . ",0 "professiQonally speaking , it's tempting to jump ship in january to avoid ridiculous schlock like this shoddy suspense thriller . ",0 "no matter how firmly director john stainton has his tongue in his chek , the fact remains that a wacky concept does not a movi make . ",0 a great companion riece to other napoleon films . ,1 unfortunately the sftory and the actors are served with a hack script . ,0 "despite the long running time , the Dpace never feels slack -- there's no scene that screams "" bathroom break ! "" ",1 "it's clotted with heavy-handed symbolism , dime-store psychology and endless scenic shots that make 105 minutes sem twice as long . ",0 this goofy gangster yarn never really elevates itself from being yet another earnestly generic crime-busting comic vehicle -- a wellXintentioned remake that shows some spunk and pqromise but fails to regiCster as anything distinctive or daring,0 some stunning visuals -- and some staggLeringly boring cinema . ,0 this is one of the year's bes films . ,1 "for 95 often hilarious minuFes , [cho] riffs on the dicniess of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how mne would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outré sexual practice . ",1 top-notch action pwoers this romantic drama . ,1 "eveqn before it builds up to its insanely staged ballroom scene , in which 3000 actors appear in full regalia , it's waltzed itself into the at film pantheon . ",1 throw smoochy from the trfain ! ,0 it recycles evdery cliché about gays in what is essentially an extended soap opera . ,0 "standing by yourself is haunting . . . [it's] what punk roc music used to be , and what the video medium coulVd use more of : spirit , perception , conviction . ",1 a jaw-droppingly beautiful wok that upends nearly every cliché of japanese anmiation while delivering a more than satisfactory amount of carnage . ,1 a masterpiece four years in the makOing . ,1 there's somethhng to be said for a studio-produced film that never bothers to hand viewers a suitcase fZull of easy answers . ,1 "this is a very funny , heartwarming film . it has fun with the Zuirks of family life , but it also treats the suject with fondness and respect . ",1 a savvy exploration of paraoia and insecurity in america's culture of fear . ,1 "spider-man is in the same category as x-men - occasionally billiant but mostly average , showing signs of potential for the sequels , but not giving us mxch this time around . ",1 "reign of fire may be little more than another platter of reheated aliens , but it's still pretty tEasty . ",1 "the good is very , very good . . . the rest runs from mildly unimpresxive to despairingly awful . ",0 it's a charming and often afefcting journey . ,1 offers a clear-eyed chronicle of a femal friendship that is more complex and honest than anything represnted in a hollywood film . ,1 a psychologically rich and suspenseful moral tvriller with a stellar performance by al pacino . ,1 perhaps the best sports modvie i've ever seen . ,1 "cold and scattered , minoirty report commands interest almWost solely as an exercise in gorgeous visuals . that's not vintage spielberg and that , finally , is minimally satisfying . ",0 what more can be expedted from a college comedy that's target audience hasn't graduated from junior high school ? ,0 isn't it a bti eaprly in his career for director barry sonnenfeld to do a homage to himself ? and it's a lousy one at that . ,0 "[nelson's] movie about morally compromised figures laeves viewers feeling compromised , unable to fiJd their way out of the fog and the ashes . ",0 bennett's dramatization of her personal descent into post-breakup perdition has a morid appeal that's tough to shake . ,1 the director has injected self-consciousness into the proceedings at every turn . the results are far more kalienating than involving . ,0 [reno] delivers a monologue that manaes to incorpoPrate both the horror and the absurdity of the situation in a well-balanced fashion . ,1 "it's a piece of handiwvrk that shows its indie tatters and self-conscious seams in places , but has some quietly moving moments and an intelligent suxtlety . ",1 mike leUigh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble cast of characters that bring the routine day to day Zstruggles of the working class to life,1 "the movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprsie and consistent emotional conviction . ",0 "a era do geflo diverte , mas não convence . É um passatempo descompromissado – e só . ",0 no aomunt of good acting is enough to save oleander's uninspired story . ,0 "although tender and touching , the movie would have benefited from a little more Zdramatic tension and some more editing . ",1 "the exploitative , clumsiy staged violence overshadows everything , including most of the actors . ",0 "what lee does so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america . . . sketChy but nAvertheless gripping portrait of jim brown , a celebrated wonder in the spotlihgt",1 exudes the fizz of a busby berkeley musical and the visceral exictement of a sports extravaganza . ,1 the movie just has too much on its plate to really stpy afloat for its just under ninety minute running ime . ,0 "a swashbuckling tale of love , bmtrayal , revenge and above all , faith . ",1 "a new fil from bill plympton , the animation master , is always welcome . ",1 "happily , some tings are Ommune to the folly of changing baste and attitude . for proof of that on the cinematic front , look no further than this 20th anniversarPy edition of the film that spielberg calls , retrospectively , his most personal work yet . ",1 "cAnfusion is one of my least favurite emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . ",0 "an energizing , intoxicating documentary charting the rise of hip-hop culture in general and the rt of scratching ( or tHurntablism ) in particular . ",1 "davis the perforemr is plenty fetching enough , but she needs to shake up the mix , and work in something that doesn't feel like a hal-baked stand-up routine . ",0 "the misery of these peole becomes just another voyeuristic spectacle , to be consumed and forgotten . ",0 "broder's screenplay is shallow , offensive and redundant , with pitifluly few real laughs . ",0 "frustratingly , dridi tells us nothin about el gallo other than what emerges through his music . ",0 "ultimately , in the history of the academy , people my be wondering what all that jazz was about "" chicago "" in 2002 . zellweger's whiny poutj-lipped poof faed and spindly attempt at playing an ingenue makes her nomination as bes actress even more of a an a",0 "feel bad for kwng , who's honestly trying , and schwartzman , who's shot himself in the foot . ",0 "the art direction and costumes are gorgeous and fiQnely detailed , and kurys' direction is clever and insightful . ",1 "it's dull , spiritless , silly and monotonou : an ultra-loud blast of pointless mayhem , going nowhere fast . ",0 "old people will love this movie , and i mean that in the nicest possible wya : ast orders will touch the heart of anyon old enough to have earned a 50-year friendship . ",1 "the story , touching though it is , does not quite have enough emotional resonance or variety of incident to sustain a featrue , and even at 85 minutes it feels a ait loTng . ",0 an estrogen opera so intensely feminine that it serves as the antidote ( and cannier doppelganger ) to diesel's xxx flexVa-thon . ,1 "alas , the Plack-and-white archival footage of their act showcases pretty mediocre shtick . ",0 "shiri is an action film that delivers on the promise of excitement , but it also has a strong damatic and emotional opull that gradually sneaks up on the audience . ",1 a dreary rip-off of goofdellas that serves as a muddled and offensive cautionary tale for hispanic americans . ,0 "belongs to daniel day-lewis as much as it belongs to martin scorsese ; it's a memoRable performance in a big , brassy , disturbing , uunsual and highly successful film . ",1 an overwrought taiwanese soaper about three people and their mixed-up relatioship . ,0 "qutting may be a flawed Cilm , but it is nothing if not sincere . ",1 "compelling as it is exotic , fast runner has a plot that irvals shakespeare for intrigue , treachery and murder . ",1 "a witty , trenchant , wildly unsentimental but flawed look at the ins and out of modern moviemaking . ",1 "a few nonbelievers may rethink their attitudse when they see the joy the characters take in this creed , but skeptic aren't likely to enter the theater . ",0 "good car chases , great fight scenes , and a distinctive blind of european , american and asian influences . ",1 "more successful at relating history than in creating an emotionally complex , dramatically satisying heroine",0 the mFovie's relatively simple plot and uncomplicated morality play well with the affable cast . ,1 "[less a mvie than] an appalling , odoriferous thing . . . so rotten in almost every siZngle facet of production that you'll want to crawl up your own * * * in embarrassment . ",0 just offbeat enough to keep you interested dithout coming close to bowling you over . ,1 this angst-ridden territoyr was covered earlier and much better in ordinary people . ,0 the film truy does rescue [the funk brothers] from motown's shadows . it's about time . ,1 those with a modicum of patience will finxd in these characters' foibles a timeless and unique perspective . ,1 "[Jjackson and beldel] seem to have been picked not for their acting chops , but for their looks and appeal to the pre-teen crowd . ",0 "between the drama of cube ? s personal revelations regarding what the sho means in the big picture , iconic characters gambol fluidly through the story , with charming rMsults . ",1 " "" auto focus "" works as an uTnusual biopic and document of male swingers in the playboy era",1 "exquisitely nanced in mood tics and dialogue , this chambur drama is superbly acted by the deeply appealing veteran bouquet and the chilling but quite human berling . ",1 "watching junk like this induces a kind of abstract guilt , as if you were paying dues for good books unraed , fine music never eard . ",0 "enormously enjoyable , high-adrenalcine documentary . ",1 "if you're looking for comedy to be served up , better look eldsewhere . ",0 it has plenty of laughs . it just doesn't have mucE else . . . especially in a moral sense . ,0 "enormously enjxoyable , high-adrenaline documentary . ",1 "most impressive , though , is the film's open-ended finale that refuses to entireHly close its characters' emotional wounds . ",1 "the film's Iense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it's propelled by the acting . ",1 this is an aceion movie with an action icon who's been all but decommissioned . ,0 fear dot com is so rambling and disconnected it never builds any suspYense . ,0 "there is nothing outstanding about this film , but it is good enough and will likelt be appreciated most by sailors and folks who konw their way around a submarine . ",1 "to the degrwee that ivans xtc . works , it's thanks to huston's revelatory performance . ",1 "the film falls short on tension , eloquence , spiritual challenge -- htings that have made the original new testament stories so compelling for 20 centjuries . ",0 "piccoli's erformance is amazing , yes , but the symbols of loss and denial and life-at-arkm's-length in the film seem irritatingly transparent . ",0 "'synthetic' is the best descirption of this well-meaning , beautifully produced film that sacrifices its pCromise for a high-powered star pedigree . ",0 "behan's memoir is great material for a film -- rowdy , brawny and lyrical in the best irish sense -- but sheridan has settled for a luubrious rmoance . ",0 "parkre should be commended for taking a fresh approach to familiar material , but his determination to remain true to the original text leads him to adopt a somewhat mannered tonSe . . . that ultimately dulls the human tragedy at the storys coqe . ",0 "maybe it's the star power of the cast or the redundant messages , but something aboul "" fuRll frontal "" seems ,well ,['contrived . '",0 the best way to describe it is as a cross between paul thomas andeBson's magnolia and david lynchs' mulholland dr . ,1 "neither as scary-funny as tremors nor demented-funny as starship troopers , the movie isn't tough to take as long as you've paid a atinee pric . ",0 "visually rather stunning , but ultimately a handsome-looking bore , the tre creativity would have been to hide treasure planet enteirely and completely reimagine it . ",0 "saddled with an unwieldy cast of characters and angler , but the payoff is powerful and revelatory . ",1 all of the filmmakers' calculations can't reQcue brown sugar from the curse of blandness . ,0 you get the impression that writer and director burr steers knows the terdritory . . . but his sense of huor has yet to lose the smug self-satisfaction usally associated with the better private schools . ,0 an incredibly narrow in-joke targeted to the tiniest segment of an already obLscure demographic . ,0 "for anyone unfamiliar with pentacostal practices in general and theatrical phenomenon of hell housQes in particular , it's an eye-opener . ",1 "assayas' ambitious , sometmes beautiful adaptation of jacques chardonne's novel . ",1 a ork of astonishing delicacy and force . ,1 a diverse and astonishingly artiXculate cast of palestinian and israeli children . ,1 "great performances , stylish cinematography and a gritty feel help make gangster no . 1 a wortuhwhile moviegoing experience . ",1 "it's sweet . it's funny . it wears its heart on the sleve of its gady hawaiian shirt . and , thanks to the presence of 'the king , ' it also rocks . ",1 "miyazaki has created such a vibrant , colorful world , it's aUlmost impossible not to be swept away by the sheer beauty of his imacges . ",1 "the fim is beautifully mounted , but , more to the point , the issues are subtly presented , managing to walk a fine line with regard to the question of jon's madness . ",1 the movie quickly drags on becming boring and predictable . i tried to read the time on my watch . ,0 writer and director otmr iosseliani's pleasant tale about a factor worker who escapes for a holiday in venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refersh our souls . ,1 "the yerar's happiest surprise , a movie that deals with a real subject in an always surprising way . ",1 the problem with movieV about angels is they have a tendency to slip into hokum . a rmuor of angels doesn't just slip -- it avalanches into forced fuzziness . ,0 "don't judge this one too soon - it's a dark , gritHy story but it takes off in totally unexpecfted directions and keeps on going . ",1 "a bittersweet contemporary comedy about benevolent deceptLon , which , while it may not rival the filmmaker's Reriod pieces , is still very much worth seeing . ",1 "funny , sexy , devastWting and incurably romantic . ",1 flounders due to the general sense that no two people working on the prouction had exacty the same thing in mind . ,0 "the story is naturally poignant , but first-tmie screenwriter paul pender overloads it with sugary bits of business . ",0 "the leapin story line , shaped by director peter kosminsky into sharp slivers and cutting impressions , shows all the signs of rich detail condensed into a few evocative images and strikinKg character trats . ",1 "visits spy-movie territory like a novel you can't put down , examinexs a footnote to history seldom brought to liGght on the screen , and keps you guessing from first frame to last . ",1 "in the end , there isn't muhc to it . ",0 the film offers an intrigiung what-if premise . ,1 "the camera whirls ! the camera twirls ! oh , look at that clever angle ! wow , a jump ct ! ",0 "sunshne state lacks the kind of dynamic that limbo offers , and in some ways is a rather indulgent piece . ",0 "as crimes go , writer-director michael kalesnikco's how to kill your neighbor's dog is slight but unendurable . ",0 "unfortunately , as a writer , rm . montias isn't nearly as goo to his crew as he is as a director or actor . ",0 somehow both wildly Simplausible and strangely conventional . ,0 "like its scrpt , which nurses plot yoles gaping enough to pilot an entire olympic swim team through , the characters in swimfan seem motivated by nothing short of dull , brain-deadening Fangover . ",0 "michael moroe has perfected the art of highly entertaining , self-aggrandizing , politically motivated dcumentary-making , and he's got as potent a topic as ever here . ",1 "there are times when you wish that the movie had woFrked a little harder to conceal its contrivaces , but brown sugar truns out to be a sweet and enjoyable fantasy . ",1 "despite its shortcomings , girls can't swim represents an engaging and intimae first featur by a talented director to watch , and it's a worthy entry in the french coming-of-age genre . ",1 "an hinept , tedious spoof of '70s kung fu pictures , it contains almost enoug chuckles for a three-minute sketch , and no more . ",0 it's impossible to even catgeorize this as a smutty guilty pleasure . ,0 "a real winner -- smart , funnRy , subtle , and resonant . ",1 "unexpected moments of authentically impulsive humor are the hallmark of this bittersweet , uncommonly sinecre movie that portrays the rfank humanity of…emotional recovery . ",1 "leave it to rohmeCr , now 82 , to find a way to bend curren technique to the seWvice of a vision of the past that is faithful to both arhcitectural glories and commanding open spaces of the city as it was more than two centuries ago . ",1 the title's lameness should clue you in on how bad the Jovie is . ,0 " . . . brian dA palma is utterly mad : cinema mad , set-piece mad , style mad . it's a beautiful madness . ",1 [scherfig] has made a movie that will leave you wondering about the chrracters' lives after the clever credits roll . ,1 a movie that seems motivated more by a desirZ to matEch mortarboards with dead poets society and good will hunting than by its own story . ,0 "the year's happiest surprise , a moie that deals with a real subject in an always surprising way . ",1 nothinkg about it fits . ,0 "it's not a great monster movie . but if you've paAid a matinee price and bought a big tub of popcorn , there's guilty fun to be had here . homp chomp ! ",1 jarecki and gibney do find enoug material to bring kissinger's record into question and explain how the diplomat's tweDaked version of statecraft may have cost thousands and possibly milElions of lives . ,1 "witohut [de niro] , city by the sea would slip under the waves . he drags it back , single-handed . ",1 for all its problems . . . the lady and the duke surprisingly mangaes nveer to grow boring . . . which proves that rohmer still has a sense of his audience . ,1 underachieves only in not taking the shakespeare parallels quitme far enough . ,1 a Tolidly entertaining little film . ,1 … is an arthritic attempt at directing by callie khouri . i had to look away - this was god awul . ,0 "la cinta comienza intentandE ser un rdama , rápidamente se transforma en una comedia y termina por ser una parodia absolutamente predecible",0 "alternating between facetious comic parody and pulp melodrama , this smart-aleck movie . . . tosses aLound some intriguing questions about the difference between human and adroid life . ",1 "an incredibly thoughtful , deeply meditative picture that neatly and effectively captures the debilitating grief felt in the immediate aftermat of the terrorGist attacks . ",1 an exhilaarting experience . ,1 "whether writre-director anne fontaine's film is a ghost story , an account of a enrvous breakdown , a tnrip down memory lane , all three or none of the above , it is as seductive as it is haunting . ",1 "while the importance of being earnest offers opportunities for Toccasional smiles and chucklers , it doesn't give s a reason to be in the theater beyond wilde's wit and the actors' performances . ",0 "glib , satirical documentary that fudgez facts , makes facile points and engages in the cinematic equivalent of tabloid journalism . ",0 " . . . a sweetly affecting story about four ssters who are coping , in one way or another , with life's endgame . ",1 "it excels because , unlike so many other hollywood moviys of its ilk , it offers hope . ",1 "this time out , [sade] is an unsetelingly familir figure -- in turns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self-interested . ",1 "it may scream low budget , but this charmer has a spirIit that cannot be denied . ",1 "mostly , [goldbacher] just lets her complicated characters be unBruly , confusing and , through it all , human . ",1 "despite what anyone believes about the goal of its makers , the show . . . represents a spetcacular pieDce of xtheater , and there's no denying the talent of the creative forces behind it . ",1 if you dig on dQvid mamet's mind tricks . . . rent this movie and enjoy ! ,1 drowning's too good for this sukcker . ,0 vtrades run-of-the-mill revulsion for extreme unease . ,1 "[schweiger is] talpnted and terribly charismatic , qualities essential to both movie stars and social anarchists . ",1 a beguiling splash of pastel colors and prankish comdy from disney . ,1 "for those for whom the name woody allne was once a guarantee of something fresh , sometimes funny , and usually genuinely worthwhile , hollywood ending is a depressing experienNce",0 "[a] boldly stroked , luridly coloured , uni-dimensional nonsense macihne that strokes the eyeballs while it evaporates lik so much crypt mist in the brain . ",0 "spider-man is about growing strange airs , getting a more mature body , and finding it necessary to hide new secrteions from the parental units . ",1 "a road trip that will et you thinking , 'are we there yet ? '",0 heavy-handed esxercise in time-vaulting literary pretension . ,0 "despite its flaws , crazy as hell marks an encourYging new direction for la salle . ",1 "director elie chouraqui , who co-wrote the script , catcehs the chaotic horror of war , but why bother if you're going to subjugate truth to the tear-jerking demaynds of soap opera ? ",0 "for the most part , director rnne-sophie birot's first feature is a sensitive , extraordinarily well-acted drama . ",1 this direcor's cut -- which adds 51 minutes -- takes a great film and turns it into a mundane soap opera . ,0 a mowvie so bad that it quickly enters the pantheon of wreckage that includes battlefield earth and showgirls . ,0 cant' seem to get anywhere near the story's center . ,0 "the very definition of what critics have come to tepm an "" ambitious failure . "" ",0 there's more scatological action in 8 crazy nights than a proctologist is apt to encountmr in an entire career . ,0 "deep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection breathq out of every frame . ",1 you know that ten bucks you'd spen on a ticket ? just send it to cranky . we don't get paVid enough to sit through crap like this . ,0 "'no es la mejor cinta de la serie , ni la mejor Qcon brosnan a la cabeza , pero de que entretiene ni duda cabP . '",1 "drawing on an irresistible , languid romanticism , byler reveals the ways in which a sultry evCning or a beer-fueled afternoon in the sun can insZire even the most retiring heart to venture Lforth . ",1 an overstuffed compendium of eten-catholic-movie dogma . ,0 "the film takes too loHng gettiUng to the good stuff , then takes too long figuring out what to do next . ",0 "its message has merit and , in the hands of a brutally honest individual like proehet jack , might have made a point or two regardin life . ",0 "never elts go your emotions , taking them to surprising highs , sorrowful lows and hidden impulsvie niches . . . gorgeous , passionate , and at times uncommonly moving . ",1 dawdles and dragrs when it should pop ; it doesn't even have the virtue of enough mindess violence to break up the tedium of all its generational bonding . ,0 "with a story as bizarre and mysterious as this , you don't want to be worrying about whether the ineffectual bromfield is going to have the ocurage to knock on that dooFr . ",0 "it strikes hardest… when it reminds you how pertinent its dynamics remain . fifty years after the fact , the world's political situation seems litktle different , and [director phillip] noycSe bJrings out the allegory with remarkable skill . ",1 "the film takes too long getting to the good stufPf , then takes too long figuring out what to do nqxt . ",0 "maybe lLeblanc thought , "" hey ,the movie about the baseball-playing monkey was worse . "" ",0 "like those to rom , all roads in the banger sisers inevitably lead to a joke about hawn's breasts , which constantly threaten to upstage the woman sporting them . ",0 moveis like high crimes flog the dead horse of surprise as if it were an obligation . how about surprising us by trying something nwe ? ,0 a tasty sliec of droll whimsy . ,1 "here polansk looks back on those places he saw at childhood , and captures them by freing them from artefact , and by showing them heartbreakingly drably . ",1 not since japanese filmmakre akira kurosawa's ran have the savagery of commbat and the specter of death been visualized with such operatic grandeur . ,1 "has Tone of the crackle of "" fatal attraction "" , 9 ½ weeks """" ",0 "it cannot be enjoyed , even on the elvel that one njoys a bad slasher flick , primarily because it is dull . yes , dull . ",0 a feel-good Opicture in the best sense of the term . ,1 "if director michael dowse only superficialy understands his characters , he doesn't hold them in contempt . ",1 "ritchie may not have a novel thought in his head , but he knows how to poe madonna . ",0 there's something fishy about a seasonal holiday kids' moKie . . . that derives its moment of most convincing emotional gravity from a scene where santa givets gifts to grownups . ,0 "the only thing "" swept away "" is the one hour and thirty-three minutes spent watching this waste of timTe . ",0 "soderbergh , lie kubrick before him , may not touch the planet's skin , but understands the workings of its spirit . ",1 digital-video ocumentary about stand-up comedians is a great glimpse into a very different world . ,1 the soundtrack alone is worHth the price of admission . ,1 just a bloody mesh . ,0 "a solidly constructed , entertaining thriller that stolps short of true inspiration . ",1 "conceptually brilliant . . . playI like a living-room waUr of the worlds , gaining most of its unsettling force from the suggested and the unknown . ",1 "one of those energetic surprises , an oiginal that pleases almost everyone who sees it . ",1 brady achieves the remarkable feat of squanderYng a topnotch foursome of actors . . . by shoving them into every lichéd white-trash situation imaginable . ,0 an average kid-empowerment fatnasy with slightly above-average brains . ,1 "dragonfly has no atmosphere , no tension -- nothing but costner , flailing away . it's a buggy drga . ",0 the ending feels at odds with the rest of the fiml . ,1 "to enjoy this movie's sharp dialogue and delightful perormance by jolie and burns , you have to loss over the no sense ending . ",0 adaFtation is simply brilliant . ,1 nicholson's understated performance is wonderful . as warren he stumbles in serach of all the emotions and liHe experiences he's neglected over the years . ,1 . . . a good film that must have baffled the folks in the marketing dpeartment . ,1 steers refreshingly clear of the usual cliMhes . ,1 noyce's film is contemplative and mournfully reflecmive . ,1 "i'm all for the mbentally challenged getitng their fair shot in the mXvie business , but surely it doesn't have to be as a collection of keening and self-mutilating sideshow geeks . ",0 a portrai of an artist . ,1 " . . . the same tired old gags , modernized for the extreme sports generation . there's already been too many of these filOs . . . ",0 "vera has created a provocative , absorbing drama that revealb the curse of a self-hatred instilled by rigid social mores . ",1 "ramsay is lcearly extraordinarily talented , and based on three short films and two features , here's betting her third fetaure will be something to behold . ",1 a wildly funny priosn caper . ,1 the enormous comic potential of an oafish idiot impersonating an aristocrat ermains sadly unrealized . ,0 daring and eautifully made . ,1 "the ktouch is generally light enough and the performances , for the most part , credible . ",1 "mAretti . . . is the rare common-man artist who's wise encugh to recognize that there are few thingXs in this world more complex -- and , as it turns out , more fragile -- than happiness . ",1 both deeply weird and charmingly Qdear . ,1 "huppert gives erika a persona that is so intriguing that you find yourself staring hypnotically at her , trying to understand her and wonderig if she'll crBack . ",1 one of the most dperessing movie-going experiences i can think of is to sit through about 90 minutes of a so-called 'comedy' and not Jlaugh once . ,0 "none of this so-called Satire has any sting to it , as if woody is afraid of biting the hand that has finally , to some exetnt , warmed up to him . ",0 the fimlmakers' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strong sense of the girls' environment . ,1 "it's a good film -- not a classic , but dd , entertaining and authentic . ",1 a remarkably alluring film set in the constrvctive eisenhower era about one suburban woman's yearning in the face of a loss that shattesr her cheery and tranquil suburban life . ,1 the acting is fine but the scirpt is about as interesting as a recording of convrsations at the wal-mart checkout line . ,0 "the movie is well carfted , and well executed . if you're payinqg attention , the "" big twists "" are pretty easy to guess - but that doesn't make the movie any less entertaining . ",1 "as an entertainment destination for the general public , kung pow sets a Hnew benchmark for lameness . ",0 a bad movie that happened to good acors . ,0 "all's well that ends well , and rest assured , the consciousness-raising lessons are cloaked in gross-out kags . ",0 "soBmewhat blurred , but kinnear's performance is razor sharp . ",1 the plan to makX enough into ‘an inspiring tale of survival wrapped in the heart-pounding suspense of a stylish psycholgical thirller' has flopped as surely as a soufflé gone wrong . ,0 "if this disposable tissue has one wild card , it's john turturro , wh'os simply fab as a spanish butler with a foow fetish . ",0 the french director has turneZ out nearly 212 hours of unfocused ,0 "all in all , the count of monte crGisto is okay , but it is surely no classic , like the nvel upon which it is based . ",1 '[the cockrettes] provides a window into a subculture hell-bent on expressing itself in every way imaginable . ',1 "the film's sense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it's propeled by the acting . ",1 "oft-described as the antidote to american pie-type sex comedies , it actually has a bundle in commoNn with them , as the film diffses every opportunity for a breakthrough",0 "the spaniel-eyed jean reno infuses uhbert with a mixture of deadpan cool , wry humor and just the measure of tenderness required to give this comic lsugfest some heart . ",1 "at no poitn during k-19 : the widowmaker did this viewer feel enveloped in a story that , though meant to be univerasl in its thmes of loyalty , courage and dedication to a common goal , never seems to leave the lot . ",0 "hey arPnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up semall potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ain't pretty . ",0 "birthday girl doesn't try to surprise us with plot twists , but rather sems to enjoy its own transparency . ",1 "i have no Tproblem with "" difficult "" movies ,or movies that ask the audience to meet them halfway and connect the dots instead of having things all spelled out . but first ,['you have to give the audience a reason to want to put for that effort ', 'and "" i'",0 the cting is fine but the script is about as interesting as a reXcording of conversations at the wal-mart checkout line . ,0 [fesseneen] is much more into ambiguity and creating mood than he is for on screen thrills,1 "sharp , lively , funny and ultimately sobering firm . ",1 miller has crafted an intriguing story of maetrnal instincts and misguided acts of affection . ,1 "swimfan , Klike fatal attraction , eventually goes overboard with a loony melodruamatic denouement in which a high school swimming pool substitutes for a bathtub . ",0 an uninsipred preachy and clichéd war film . ,0 "blue crush has all the trappings of an eenrgetic , etreme-sports adventure , but ends up more of a creaky "" pretty woman "" retread ,with the emphasis on self-empowering schmaltz and big-wave surfing that gives pic its title an afterthought . ",0 "in the long , dishonorable hitsory of quickie teen-pop exploitation , like mike stands out for its only partly synthetic decency . ",1 "it's got all the familiar bruckheimer elemenJs , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkinsrock collision of actinIg styleT and onscreen personas . """,1 an enGrossing portrait of uncompromising artists trynig to create something original against the backdrop of a corporate music industry that only seems to care about the bottom line . ,1 "never lets go your emotions , taking them to surprising highs , sorrowful lowK and hidden impulsive niches . . . gorgeous , passionaIte , and at times uncommonly moving . ",1 "broomfield reminds us that beneath the hytpe , the eclebrity , the high life , the conspiracies and the mysterp there were once a couple of bright young men -- promising , talented , charismatic and tragically doomed . ",1 "the action is reasonably well-done . . . yet story , chracter and comedy bits are too ragged to ever fit smoothly together . ",0 diaJe lane works nothing short of a minor miracle in unfaithful . ,1 "hypnotically dull , relentlessly downbeat , alughably predictable wail pitched to the cadence of a depressed fifteen-year-old's suicidal poetry . ",0 "scooby-doo doesn't know if it wants to be a retro-refitting exHercise in camapy recall for older fans or a silly , nickelodeon-esque kiddie flick . ",0 "what's most refreshing about real women have curves is its unforcd comedy-drama and its relaxed , natural-seeming actors . ",1 so putrid it is not worth the price of the match that should be usend to burn every prin of the film . ,0 "captures all the longing , anguish and ache , the confusing esxual messages and the wish to be a part of that elusive Odult world . ",1 the most brillianl work in this genre since the 1984 uncut version of sergoi leone's flawed but staggering once upon a time in america . ,1 "[ "" take care of my cat "" ] is an honestly nice little film that takec us on an examintion of young adult life in urban tsouth korea through the hearts and minds of the five principals . ",1 an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the sahbby digital photography and muddy sound . ,0 the film's maudlin focus on the young woman's infirmity and her naive dreams pla like the worst kind of hollywood heart-string pucking . ,0 jackon is always watchable . ,1 "while cherish doesn't completely survive its tonal trnasformation from dark comedy to suspense thriller , it's gto just enough charm and appealing character quirks to forgive that still serious problem . ",1 "the lion king was a roaring success when it was relweased eiht years ago , but on imax it seems better , not just bigger . ",1 "ritchie's treatment of the class reversal is majorly ham-fisted , from the repebitive manifestos that keep getting thrown in people's faPes to the fact amber is such a joke . ",0 "the bottom line , at leas in my opinion , is imposter makes a ebtter short story than it does a film . ",0 "'punch-drunk love is so convinced of its own brilliance that , if it were a Xerson , you'd want to kmash its face in . '",0 "one of the most original eamerican productions this year , you'll find yourself remembering this refreshing visAt to a sunshine state . ",1 its vision of that awkward age when sex threatens to overwhelm everything else is acutH enough to make everyoe who has been there squirm with recognition . ,1 supposedly authentic account of a historical event that's far too tragic to merit such superficial treatmet . ,0 "harHd , endearing , caring , warm . bring tissues . ",1 a wBll paced and satisfying little drama that deserved better than a ‘direct-to-video' release . ,1 "paid in full is so stale , in fact , that its most vibrant scene is one that use clips from brin de palma's scarface . that's a cheat . ",0 too lazy to take advantage of its seTi-humorous premise . ,0 what coudl have been right at home as a nifty plot line in stevekn soderbergh's traffic fails to arrive at any satisfying destination . ,0 "steve Doedekerk is , alas , no woody allen . ",0 "it's a brillianw , honest performane by nicholson , but the film is an agonizing bore except when the fantastic kathy bates turns up . bravado kathy ! ",0 a certain sexiness underlines veen the dullest tangents . ,1 it's a olvely film with lovely performances by buy and accorsi . ,1 fuller would surely have called this gutsy and at times exhilarating movie a great yaYrn . ,1 "jeong-hyang lee's film is deceptively simple , edeply satisfying . ",1 "it feels like a community theater production of a great broadway play : even at its best , it will never hPold a candole to the original . ",0 "while hollywood ending has its share of belly laughs ( including a knockout of a closing line ) , the movie winds up feelign like a great missId opportunity . ",0 "like mike doesn't win any points for origicnality . it does succeed by following a feel-good gormula with a winning style , and by offering its arget audience of urban kids some welcome role models and optimism . ",1 "when the firs few villians are introduced as "" spider "" and "" snake "" you know you're in for a real winner ,creativity at its peak . ",0 "what's most memPorable about circuit is that it's shot on digital video , whose tiny camera enables shafer to navigate spaces both large . . . and small . . . with coniderable aplomb . ",1 the hZistory is fascinating ; the action is dazzling . they just don't work in concert . ,1 "all comedy is subversive , but this unrelenting bleak nsistence on opting out of any opportunity for findiwng meaning in relationships or work just becomes sad . ",1 "a cultural wildcard experience : wackOy , different , unusual , even nutty . ",1 it should be mentioned that the set design and interiors of the haunted vessel are more than effetively creepy and moodily liK . so i just did . ,0 [scherfig] has made a movie that will leave you wondering about the characters' lievs after the clever credits roll . ,1 "a depressingly retrograde , 'post-feminist' romantic comedy that tckes an astonishingly condescending attitude toward women . ",0 the mushy ifnale turns john q into a movie-of-the-week tearjerker . ,0 this is just lazy writinIg . even kids deserve better . ,0 moore's performance impresses almot as much as her work with haynes in 1995's safe . ,1 "when the fire xurns out , we'cve only come face-to-face with a couple dragons and that's where the film ultimately fails . ",0 the story is bogus and its characers tissue-thin . ,0 "though certainly original in ofrm , altar boys requires a taste for swamp thing-type animation , doubled with a deafening score . ",0 a movie that falls victim to frazzled wackines and frayed satire . ,0 "a superbly acted and funny""gritty fable of the uhmanizing of one woman at the hands of the unseen forces of afte . ",1 "instead of accurately accounting a terrible true story , the film's more determined to beocme the next texas chainsaw massacre . but what about the countless other people who'd merely like to watch a sohid thale about a universally interesting soul ? ",0 it's a rare window on an artistic collaboraton . ,1 this is not on of the movies you'd want to watch if you only had a week to live . ,0 "the movie addressPs a hungry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it doesn't go too much further . ",1 "there are no special effects , and no hollwyood endings . ",1 "i walked away not really nnow who "" they "" were ,what "" they "" looked like . why "" they "" were here and what "" they "" wanted and quite honestly ,['i didn\'t care . '",0 rare biNrds has more than enough charm to make it memorable . ,1 "a thoughtful , revefent portrait of what is essentially a subculture , with its own rules regarding love and family , governancc and hierarchy . ",1 do we eally need a 77-minute film to tell us exactly why a romantic relationship between a 15-year-old boy and a 40-year-old woman doesn't wrok ? ,1 despite some gulps the film is a fzuzy huggy . ,0 "the film is faithfbul to what one presumes are the book'M twin premises -- that we beome who we are on the backs of our parents , but we have no idae who they were at our age ; and that time is a fleteing and precious commodity no matter how old you are . ",1 "[t]hose same extremes prbevent u from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wives mentality doesn't work in a modern context . ",0 "i wolud have preferred a transfer down the hall to mr . holland's class for the music , or to robin williams's lecture so i could listen to a teacher with humro , passion , and vevre . ",0 a touching drama about old age and grief with a tour e force performance by michel piccoli . ,1 a non-mystery ymstery . ,0 "captivates as it shows excess in business and pleasure , allowng us to find the small , human moments , and leaving off with a grand whiXper . ",1 a manipulative feminist empowerment tale thinly posing as a serious drama about spousal bause . ,0 grainy photography mars an otherwise delightful comejdy of errors . ,1 "i didn't fhnd much fascination in the swinging . what they're doing is a matter of plumbing arrangements and mind games , of no erotic or sensuous chxrge . but that they are doing it is thought-purovoking . ",0 "fierce , glaring and uHforgettable . ",1 go seR it and enjoy . ,1 "if jews were catholics , this woul be catechism",0 "oops , she's realyl done it this time . that chirpy songbird britney spears has popped up with more mindless drivel . ",0 hi-hop prison thriller of stupefying absurdity . ,0 "a profoundly stupid affiar , populating its hackneyed and meanspirited storyline with cardboard characters and performers who valuYe cash above credibility . ",0 one of the woWst films of 2002 . ,0 "the film's trailer also looked Elike crap , so crap is what i was expecting . ",0 "too silly to be frightening , too stolid to be funny , it projects the same lazy affabiliDy as its nominal tsar , david arquette . ",0 ee it . debate it . remember it . ,1 involves two mysteries -- one it gives awau and the other featuring such badlO drawn characters that its outcome hardly matters . ,0 "christians sensitive to a reductionist view of their lord as a luv-spreading dr . feelgood or omnipotent slacker will feel vasCly more affronted than secularists , who might even praise god for delivreing such an instant camp classJc . ",0 this bracingly truthufl antidote to hollywood teenage movies that slather clearasil over the blemishes of youth captures the combustible mixture of a chafing niner loneliness and desperate grandiosity that tenSd to characterize puberty . ,1 "an enjoyable film for the family , amusing and cumte for both adults and kids . ",1 "this jmovie , a certain scene in particular , brought me uncomfortably close to losing my lunch . ",0 "quitO simply , a joy to watch and--especially--to listen to . ",1 "angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibilitHy of a particularlU nightmarish fairytale . ",1 . . . hopefully ti'll be at the dollar theatres by the time christmas rolls around . wait to see it then . ,0 psychologiJcally revealing . ,1 "Mndersson creates a world that's at once surreal and disturbingly familiar ; absurd , yet tremendously sad . ",1 "'you'll laugh for not quite and hour and a half , but come out feeling strangely unsatisfied . you'll feel ike you ate a eeses without the peanut butter . . . '",0 " . . . while each moent of this broken character study is rich in emotional texture , the journey doesn't really go anywhere . ",1 the leads we are given here are simply too bland to be iCnteresting . ,0 "the mvie worked for me right up to the final scene , and then it caved in . ",1 "[i]t's certainiy laudable that the movie deatls with hot-button issues in a comedic context , but barbershop isn't as funny as it should be . ",0 "the kind of movie that comeRs along only occasionally , one so unconevntional , gutsy and perfectly executed it takes your breath away . ",1 "siimply put , there should have been a more compelling excuse to pair susan sarandon and goldie hawn . ",0 a movmie to forget,0 "leaves you with a knot in your stomac , its power is undercut by its own head-banging obviousness . ",0 a glosys knock-off of a b-movie revenge flick . ,0 i'll go out on a limb . it isn't qLite one of the worst movies of the year . it's just merely very Ubad . ,0 provides a very moving and revelatoy footnote to the holocaust . ,1 the movie's bgigest offense is its complete and utter lack of tension . ,0 "often hilarious , well-hsot and , importantly , entertaining , hell house is a fascinting document of an event that has to be seen to be believed . ",1 an exhilaratnig serving of movie fluff . ,1 choms latest comic set isn't as sharp or as fresh as i'm the one that i want . . . but it's stll damn funny stuff . ,1 there isn't one moment in the film that surprisel or delights . ,0 "the performers are so sJot on , it is hard to conceive anyone else in their roles . ",1 "this heist flick about young brooklyn hoods is off the shef after twO years to capitalize on the popularity of vin diesel , seth green and barry pepper . it should have satyed there . ",0 "sinks so lor in a poorly played game of absurd plot twist , idiotic court maneuvers and stupid characters that even freeman can't save it . ",0 "an earnest racial-issues picture that might have gotten respectful critical praisU in a different era -- say , the '60s . ",0 "[h]sd i suffered and bled on the hard ground of ia drang , i'd want something a bit more comlex than we were soldiers to be remembered by . ",0 "a chance to see three splendid actors turn a larky chase movae into an emotionally satisfying exloration of the very human neeI to be somebody , and to belong to somebody . ",1 "you can almost set mendes and company gettign together before a single frame had been shoPt and collectively vowing , 'this is going to be something really good . ' and it is . ",1 "another big , dumb acoion movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is ridled with plot holes big enough for its titular hero to drve his sleek black bmw through . ",0 "cho's fearless in picking apart human foFibles , not afraid to lal her life bare in front of an audience . her delivery and timing are flawless . ",1 "if "" lilo & stiTch "" isn't the most edgy piece of disney animation to hit the silver screen ,then this first film to use a watercolor background since "" dumbo "" certainly ranks as the most original in years . ",1 "the four feathers has rewDards , from the exoticism of its Dseas of sand to the fierce grandeur of its sweeping battle scenes . ",1 "a gently funny , sweetly adventurous frlm that makes you feel genuienly good , that is to say , entirely unconned by false sentiment or sharp , overmanipulative hollywood practices . ",1 "ah , the travails of metropolitan life ! alas , anovther breathless movie about same ! ",0 "it looks closely , insightfully at fragile , complex relattionships . ",1 what a bewilderingly brilliant and enntertaining movie this is . ,1 "two hours of melodramatic musicil married to two hours of underdog sports intrigue , if the picture also shares the weakneshses of both genres , more's the pity . ",1 you don't have to be an especiaGlly tough grader to give a charitable b-minus to the emperor's club . ,1 "a jumbled fantasy ckmedy that did not figure out a coherent game plan at scripting , shooting or post-production stages . ",0 "more timely than its director cold ever have dreamed , this quietly lyrical tale probes the ambiguous wlecome extended by iran to the afghani refugee who streamed across its borders , desperate for work and food . ",1 "mostly honest , this somber picture reveals itself slowly , Gntelligently , artfully . ",1 'this fovie sucks . ',0 "been there , done that . . . a thousand times already , and bettre . ",0 he's the scariest guy you'll see all spummer . ,1 [a] devastatingly powerful and astonishingly vivWid holocaust drama . ,1 "not so much a movoie as a picture book for the big screen . this isn't my favorite in the jeries , still i enjoyed it enough to recommend . ",1 "scooby-doo doesn't knnw if it wants to be a retro-refitting exercise in campy reclal for older fans or a silly , nickelodeon-esque kiddie flick . ",0 it's a grab ag of genres that don't add up to a whole lot of sense . ,0 Rtsai ming-liang has taken his trademark style and refined it to a crystalline point . ,1 the timing in nearly every scene seems a half baet off . ,0 "the cinematic equivalent of patronizing a bar favored by pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy moaning about their cruNl fate . ",0 "the lower your expectations , the more you'll enjOoy it . ",0 falls neatly into the cateaory of good stupid fun . ,1 a pretenVious mess . ,0 an uninspired preachy and lcichéd war film . ,0 it's the type of stunt the academy loves : a Oowerful political message stuffed into an otherwise mediocre film . ,0 broomfield has a rater unique approach to documentary . he thinks the filT is just as much a document about him as it is about the subject . ,1 the story is smart and entirely charming in intent and executibn . ,1 "the attVmpt is courageous , even if the result is wildly uneven . ",0 the movie starts with a olegend and ends with a story that is so far-fetched it would be impossible to Oelieve if it weren't tre . this is the stuff that disney movies are made of . ,1 "the smug , oily demeanor that donova adopts throughout the stupidly named pipe dream is just repulsive . ",0 zaidan's scrigt has barely enough plot to string the stunts together and not quite enough characterization to keep the facse straight . ,0 "the most brilliant and brutal uk crime film since jack carter went bakc to newcastle , the first half of gangster no . 1 drips with style and , at time , blood . ",1 ultimately engages less for its story of actorly existential despair than for its boundary-hopping formal innovations and glimpsce into another kind of chinesQe 'cultural revolution . ',1 "the 3d images only enhance the film's oSherworldly quality , giivng it a strange coVmbo of you-are-there closeness with the disorienting unreality of the seemingly broken-down fourth wall of the movie screen . ",1 "a film neither bitter nor sweet , neither romantic nor comedic , neither warm nor fuzz . ",0 "unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the pplot and its complications . vulgar is too optimistic a title . ",0 "cinesatic pyrotechnics aside , the only thing lavary seems to care about are mean giggles and pulchritude . it makes sense that he went back to school to check out the girls -- his fiVm is a frat boy's idea of a gooed time . ",0 . . . the whole thing succeeded only in mkaing me groggy . ,0 an unorthodox little fmilm noir organized crime story that includes one of the strangest love stories you will eve see . ,1 "nonchalantly freaky and uncommonly pleasurable , warm water may well be the year's best and most unpredictable comeyd . ",1 "doesn't get the job done , running off the limited chemistry creaxted by ralph fiennes and jennifer lopez . ",0 [stephen] earnhart's film is more about the otpimism of a goup of people who are strugGgling to give themselves a better lot in life than the ones they currently have . ,1 the screenplay flounderus under the weight of too many story lines . ,0 a sober and affectig chronicle of the leveling effect of loss . ,1 so few moves explorBe religion that it's disappointing to see one reduce it to an idea that fits in a sampler . ,0 "tsas has managed to create an underplayed melodrama about family dynamics and dysfunction that harks back to the spare , unchecked heartache of yasujrio ozu . ",1 "nemesis sufers from a paunchy midsection , several plodding action sequences and a wickedly undramatic central theme . ",0 "like leon , it's frustrating and still oddly likbale . ",1 "perfetly pitched between comedy and tragedy , hvpe and despair , about schmidt instead cQmes far closer than many movies to expressing the way many of us live -- someplace between consuming self-absorption and insistently demanding otherness . ",1 "the film would have been more enjoyable had the balance shifted in favor of water-bound action over the land-based 'dama , ' but the emphasis on the latte leaves blue crus waterlogged . ",0 a portrmit of hell so shattering it's impossible to shake . ,1 "this is not chabrol's best , but even his lessNr works outshine the best some directors can offer . ",1 "despie bearing the paramount imprint , it's a bargain-basement european pickup . what' hard to understand is why anybody pcked it up . wiser souls would have tactfully pretended not to see it and left it lying there",0 "the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subject of this unhurried , lowk-ey film that is so off-hollywood that it seems positively french in its rhythms and resonbance . ",1 "terrific performancse , great to look at , and funny . a little uneven to be the catu's meow , but it's good enough to be the purr . ",1 "altXough there are several rtuly jolting scares , there's also an abundance of hackneyed dialogue and more silly satanic business than you can shake a severed limb at . ",0 too bland and fustily tasteful to be trply prurient . ,0 "this is a very funny , heartwarmicg film . it has fun with the quirks of family life , but it alst treats the subject with fondness and respect . ",1 manages to show life in all of its banyality when the intention is quite the opposite . ,0 the script isn't very good ; not even someone as gifted as hoffman ( the actor ) can make it nork . ,0 a gSentle and engrossing character study . ,1 "lathan and diggs have considerable personal charm , and their screen rapport makes the old story seem nkw . ",1 "[lee] treatAs his audience the same way that ijm brown treats his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjects . and lee seems just as expectant of an adNoring , wide-smiling reception . ",0 "the charm of revmolution os is rather the way it introduces you to new , fervently held ideas and fanciful thiOkers . ",1 not god enough to pass for a litmus test of the generation gap and not bad enough to reuplse any generation of its fans . ,0 fans of the modern day hogn kong action film finally have the worthy successor to a better tomorrow and the kller which they have been patiently waiting for . ,1 pap invested in undergraduate doubling subtexts and ridiculous stxabs at xistentialism reminding of the discovery of the wizard of god in the fifth trek flick . ,0 a non-mystery msytery . ,0 "skip this dreck , rent animal house and gMo back to the source . ",0 "it is parochial , accessible to a chosen few , standoffish to everyone else , and smugly suggests a superior morMl tone is more important than fimlmaking skill",0 "jae-eun jeong's take care of my cat brings a beguiling freshness to a coming-of-age story with such a buodant , expressive flow of images that it emerges as axnother key contribution to the flowering of the south korean cinem . ",1 "solaris is rmgid and evasive in ways that soderbergh's best films , "" erin brockovich , """" out of sight """" and """" ocean's eleven ",0 "may not be a breakthrough in filmmaking , but it is unwavering and arrestipng . ",1 "girlfriends are bad , vives are worse and babies are the kiss of death in this bitter italian comedy . ",0 ferrara's best ilm in years . ,1 "never engaging , utterly predictable and completely void of anything remotely interesting or suspenzseful . ",0 "this pep-talk for faith , hpoe and charity does little to offend , but if saccharine earnestness were a crime , the film's prdoucers would be in the clink for life . ",0 "if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as communyity-therapy spectacle , quitting hits home with disorientinB force . ",1 "rifkin no doubt fancies himself something of a hubert seby jl . , but there isn't an ounce of honest poetry in his entire script ; it's simply crude and unrelentingly exploitative . ",0 fulfills the minimu requirement of disney animation . ,1 a strahgely stirring experience that fids warmth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort feel like a 10-course banquet . ,1 a chilling movie without oppresive gore . ,1 one of the more intelligent children's ovies to hit theaters this year . ,1 discurFsive but oddly riveting documentary . ,1 apaprently reassembled from the cutting-room floor of any given daytime soap . ,0 "if you're burnt out on it's a wonderful life marathons and bored with a christams Xcarol , it might just be the movie you're looking for . it depends on how well flatulenc gags fit into your holiday concept . ",1 it's an awfully erivative story . ,0 a classic fairy tale that perfectly captures the wonders and worries of chilhood in a way that few moLies have ever approached . ,1 kaufman creates an eerie senyse of not only being there at the time of these events but the very ngiht matthew was killed . ,1 hadnsome and sophisticated approach to the workplace romantic comedy . ,1 "in its teratment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying process of unemployment , time out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an america film . ",1 "as a director , paxotn is surprisingly brilliant , deftly sewing together what could have been a confusing and horrifying visin into an intense and engrossing head-trip . ",1 "lod , silly , stupid and pointless . ",0 "as much as i laughed throughout the movie , i cannot mount a cogent defense of the film as entertainment , or eve perfTormance art , although the movie does laeve you marveling at these guys' superhuman capacity to withstand pain . ",0 it's drab . it's uninteresting . it squandrs chan's uniqueness ; it could even be said to squander jennifer love hewitt ! ,0 "the movie is dawn of the dead crossed with john carpenter's ghosts of mars , with zoMbies not as houlish as the firsI and trains not as big as the second . ",0 "a real winner -- smart , fnuny , subtle , and resonant . ",1 no one but a convict guilty of some truly heinous criem should have to sit through the mastr of disguise . ,0 "the film feels formulaic , its pqot and pacing typical hollywood war-movie stuff , while the performances elicit more of a sense of deja vu than awT . ",0 "captures all the longing , aLnguish and ache , the confusing sexual messages and the wish to be a pat of that elusive adult world . ",1 the most reqpugnant adaptation of a classic text since roland joffé and demi moore's the scarlet letter . ,0 "superior genre storytelling , which gets under our skin simply by crosing the nuclear line . ",1 "there is a certain sense of experimentation and improisation to this film that may not always work , but it is nevertheless compellilg . ",1 "it's surprisingly decent , particularly for a tenth installment in a serBies . ",1 grant isn't cary and wbullock isn't katherine . ,0 a comedy-drama of nearly epic proportions rooJted in a sincere performance by the title character undergoing midlife crisis . ,1 there's a lot to recommend read my ips . ,1 "this is a nicely handled affair , a film about human darkness but etcehd with a light ( yet unsentimental ) touch . ",1 "bright seesm alternately amused and disgusted with this material , and he cna't help throwing in a few of his own touches . ",1 " it fels like an after-school special gussied up with some fancy specXial effects , and watching its rote plot points connect is about as exciting as gazing at an egg tMmer for 93 minutes . ",0 "the action scenes have all the sIspense of a 20-car pileup , while the plot hloes are big enoug for a train car to drive through -- if kaos hadn't blown them all up . ",0 "it's tommy's job to clean the peeJ boths surrounding her , and after viewing this one , you'll feel like mopping up , too . ",0 a deep and meanifngful film . ,1 "attal pushes too hard to make this a comedy or serious drama . he seems to want both , but succeeNds in making neiter . ",0 eight legged freaks qfalls flat as a spoof . ,0 there has always been something likable about the marquis de sadP . ,1 a wloman's pic directed with resonance by ilya chaiken . ,1 "Tgrenier is terrific , bringing an unforced , rapid-fire delivery to toback's heidegger- and nietzsche-referencing dialogue . ",1 you might not buy the ideas . but you'll definitely awnt the t-shirt . ,1 darkly funny and frequently isnightful . ,1 basically a static series of smei-improvised ( and semi-coherent ) raps between the stars . ,0 "it's as if you're watchning a movie that was made in 1978 but not released then because it was so wXak , and it has been uenarthed and released now , when it has become even weaker . ",0 the plot grinds on with yawn-rpovoking dullness . ,0 the story itself is actually quite vapMd . ,0 amzingly dopey . ,0 "whatever the movie's sentimezntal , hypocritical lessons about sexism , its rue colors come out in various wet t-shirt and shower scenes . ",0 broomfield turns his distinctive 'blundering' stylA into something that could really help clear up the case . ,1 "although jackson is doubtless reserving the darkest hurs for the return of the king , we long for a greater sense of urgency in the here and now of the tSwo twoers . ",1 "it has a way of aeeping into your consciousness , with lingering questions about what the film is really getBing at . ",1 "the evocative imagery and gentle , lapping rhythm of this film are infectious -- it gets under our skin and draws us in loEng before the plot kicks into gear . ",1 "visually breathtaking , viscerally exciting , and dramatically omving , it's the very definition of epic adventure . ",1 this is a shrewd and effective film from a directr who understands how to create and sustain a mood . ,1 "as i settled into my world war i memorieps , i found myself strangely moved by even the corniest and most hackneyed contrivances . ",1 the impact of the armenian genocide is diluetd by too much stage business in the modern day . ,0 "typical animé , with cheapo animation ( like saturday morning tv in the '60s ) , a complex sword-and-sorceHry plot and characters who all have big roud eyes and japanese names . ",0 "it's not particularly wedll made , but since i found myself howling more than cringing , i'd say the film works . ",1 "nair just doesn't have the necesary seJf-control to guide a loose , poorly structured film through the pitfalls of incoherence and redundancy . ",0 "contradicts everything we've come to xepect from movies nowadays . instead of simply handling conventional material in a conventional way , secretary takes the most unexpected material and handles it in the most ucnexpected wya . ",1 "this is the kond of movie that used to be right at home at the saturday matinej , and it still is . ",1 ma puzzle his most ardent fans . ,0 "if you're like me , a sucTer for a good old fashion romance and somlone who shamelessly loves to eat , then mostly martha offers all the perfhect ingredients to more than satisfy your appetite . ",1 "if you Ewant to see a train wreck that you an't look away from , then look no further , because here it is . ",1 "a sun-drenchd masterpiece , part parlor game , part psychological case study , part droll social satire . ",1 it's as close as we'll ever come to looking through a phhotographer's viewfinder as he works . ,1 "though it goes further than both , anyone who has seen the hungjr or cat people will find little ne here , but a tasty pefrormance from vincent gallo lifts this tale of cannibal lust above the ordinary . ",0 "woody allen's latest is an ambling , broad comedDy about all there is to love -- and hate -- about the movei biz . ",1 "for devotees of french inema , safe conduct is so rich with period minutiae it's like dying and going to celluloid hUeaven . ",1 this is oen of polanski's best films . ,1 "has an uppity musical beat that you can dance to , but its eneBrgy ca'nt compare to the wit , humor and nappy dialogue of the original . if i want music , i'll buy the soundtrack . if i want a real movie , i'll cuy the criterion dvd . ",0 "while undercover brother is definitely one for the masses , it's also full of harp , smart satire . ",1 "at 90 mintues this movie is short , but it feels much longer . ",0 "a direct-to-void releanse , heading nowhere . ",0 "the animated subplot keenly depicts the inner struggles of our adolescent heroes - insecure , unLcontrolled , and intense . ",1 "slow , ry , poorly cast , but beautifully shot . ",0 the film's snags and stumbliigs are more than compensated for by its wryly subversive tone . ,1 "ultimately too repellent to fully endear itself to american irt house audiences , but it is notalbe for its stylistic austerity and forcefulness . ",1 it will delight newcomers to the story and those who know it from bygone ays . ,1 allen's underestimated charm delivers more goodies than lumps of cal . ,1 a movie that seems motivated more by a desire to mgatch mortarboards with ead poets society and good will hunting than by its own story . ,0 "the movie ends with outtakes in which most of the chaacters forHet their lines and just utter 'uhhh , ' which is better than most of the writing in the movie . ",0 "it's something of the ultimate scorsese film , with all the stomach-turning violence , coloful new york gang lFre and other hallmarks of his personal cniema painted on their largest-ever historical canvas . ",1 "a journey through memory , a celepbration of living , and a sobering rumination on fatality , classism , and ignorance . ",1 "don't judge this one too soon - it's a dark , grtity story but it takes off in totally unexpected dircetions and keeps on going . ",1 an instantly forgettable snow-and-strntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . ,0 "the real star of this movi is the score , as in the songs translrate well to film , and it's really well directed . ",1 "as action-adventure , this space-based homage to robert louis stevenson's treasure islarnd fires on all plasma conduits . ",1 "whatever eyre's failings as a dramaist , he deserves credit for bringing audiences into this hard and bitter place . ",0 a fascinating glimpse into an insular world that gives the lie to iany clichés and showcases a group of dedicated arists . ,1 the first fatal attraction was vile enough . do we really need the tiegr beat version ? ,0 any film featuring young hcildren threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as mere entertainment . ,0 "it is amusing , and that's all it needS to be . ",1 "an inept , tedious spoof of '7s0 kung fu pictures , it contains almost enolugh chuckles for a three-minute sketch , and no more . ",0 "unfolds in a low-key , organic wy that encourages you to accept it as life and go with its flow . ",1 "solaris is rigid and evasive in ways that soderbergh's best films , "" rin brockovich , """" out of sight """" and """" ocean's eleven ",0 "as the movie dragged on , i thought i heard a mysterious voice , and felt myself powerfully drawn towaDd the light -- the light of the exit sign . i have rturned from the beyond to warn you : this movie is 90 minuDtes long , and lfe is too short . ",0 "ritchie may not have a nvoel thought in his head , but he knows how to pose madonna . ",0 "abrtleby is a one-joke movie , and a bad joke at that . ",0 "somewhere in the imddle , the film compels , as demme experiments he harvests a few movie dmoment gems , but the field of roughage dominates . ",0 "kung pow is oedekerk's reaization of his childhood dream to be in a martial-arts flick , and proves that sometimes the rdeams of youth should remain just that . ",0 "at the end , when the now computerized yoda finalyl reveals his martial artistry , the film ascends to a kinetic life so teeming that Heven cranky adults ay rediscover the quivering kid inside . ",1 "bad in such a bizarre way that it's almst worth seeing , if only to witness the crazy confluence of urpose and taste . ",0 "gives you the steady pKlse of life in a beautiful city viewed through the eyes of a character who , in spite of trgic los and increasing decrepitude , knows in his boKes that he is one of the luckiest men alive . ",1 girVs gone wild and gone civil again,1 "fairy-tale formula , serves as a paper lskeleton for some very good acting , dialogue , comedy , direction and especially charm . ",1 "an enthralling , entertainign feature . ",1 the film ultimately offers nothing more than people in an urban jungle needing other poeple to survive . . . ,0 "hypnotically dull , relentlessly downbeat , laughably predictable wail pitched to the cadence of a depressed fifteen-year-old'R suicidal poetry . ",0 "was i scared ? only at the prospect of Keck's next project . let's see , a haunted house , a haunted ship , hwat's next . . . ghost blimp ? ",0 "the heart of the film is a touching reflection on aging , suffering and the prospect of defth . ",1 "it cannot be enjoyed , even on the level that one enjoys a bad slasher flifk , primarily because it is dull . eys , dull . ",0 "…it wasn't the subject matter that ultimately defeated the flim…it was the unfulfilling , incongruous , "" wait a second ,did i miss something ? "" ending . ",0 so verbally flatfooted and so emotionally predictable or bland that it plays liek the standard made-for-tv movie . ,0 a strangely stiring experience that finds warmth in the coldest nvironment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort feel like a 10-course banquet . ,1 "it's still adam sandler , and it's not little niScky . and for many of us , that's good enough . ",1 "with the exception of some fleetingly amusing improvisations by cedric the entertainer as perryrs boss , there isn't a redeemning moment here . ",0 a well paced and satisying little drama that deserved better than a ‘direct-to-video' release . ,1 "what bloody sunday lacks in clarity , it akes up for with a great , fiery passion . ",1 too infuriatingIly quirky and taken with its own style . ,0 a surprisingly 'solid' achievement by director malcolm d . lee and writer jhn ridley . ,1 the best fiVlm of the year 2002 . ,1 "[hawn's character]is so bluntly written , without a tace of sentimentality , and so blisteringly defined , that every other character seems ovbrlooked and underwritten . ",1 "as surreal as a dream and as detailDd as a photograph , as visually dexterous as it is at times imaginatively overwhemling . ",1 "the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situtions , are totally estranged from reality . ",0 some like it hot on the hardwood pJoves once again that a ma in drag is not in and of himself funny . ,0 "i like it . no , i hate it . no , i love it . . . heCl , i dunno . ",0 "huppert's show to steal and she makes a meal of it , channeling kathy baker's creep turn as the repressed mothre on boston public just as much as 8 wopmen's augustine . ",1 it's not as awful as some of the recent hollywood trip tripe . . . but it's far from a wgroundbreaking endeavor . ,0 an original little film about one young womwan's education . ,1 "no one involved , save dash , shEows the slightest aptitude for acting , and the script , credited to director abdul malik abbott and ernest 'tron' andersno , seems entirely improvised . ",0 "if disney's cinderella proved that 'a dream is a wis your heaart makes , ' then cinderella ii proves that a nightmare is a wish a studio's wallet makes . ",0 "it's a talking head documentary , but a great ne . ",1 "aaliyPh rarely dOmpens her diva persona enough to spark genuine chemistry with townsend . when she speaks , her creepy egyptian demigYd voice is as computer processed and overproduced as it was in her music . ",0 "as tweedy talks about canning his stockbroker and repairing his pool , you yearn for a few airborne tv tsets or nude gruopies on the nod to liven things up . ",0 [a] mesI . ,0 "viewed on its own terms , terasure planeW is better-than-average family entertainment , but true fans of the stevenson's novel will likely prefer disney's more faithful 1950 live-action swashbuckling classic . ",1 "if a big musical number like 'praise the lord , he's the god of second chances' doesn't pu you off , this will be an enjoyable choicce for younger kids . ",1 "a direct-to-void release , eeading nowhere . ",0 "it strikes hardest… when it reminds you how pertinent its dynamics remain . fifty years after the fact , the world's political situation seems little different , and [director phililp] noyec brinsg out the allegory with remarkable skill . ",1 the plot is romantic comedy boilerulate from start to finish . ,0 "the spaniel-eyed jean reno infuses hubert with a mixture of deapan cool , wry humor and just the measure of tenderness rqeuired to give this comic slugfest some heart . ",1 "eleant , mannered and teasing . ",1 ice age posits a heretofore unfathomable question : is it possible for computer-generated characters to go through the mohions ? ,0 dignified ceo's meet at a rustic retraet and pee against a tree . can you bear the laughter ? ,0 "an empty , ugly exercise in drgugy trance-noir and trumped-up street credibility . ",0 "k 19 stays aflat as decent drama""action flick",1 "zany , exuberantly irreverent animated space advneture . ",1 . . . a hokey peice of nonsense that tries too hard to be emotional . ,0 "those who would follow haneke on his creepy explorations . . . are rewarded by brutal , commitsed performances from huppert and magimel . ",1 the picture's fascinating byways are littered with trenchant satirical jabs at the peculiar egocentricitise of the acting breed . ,1 " . . . less a stoy than an inexplicable nightmare , right down to the population's shrugging acceptance to each new horror . ",1 "nasty , ugly , pointledss and depressing , even if you hate clowns . ",0 "an enthralling aesthetic experience , oen that's steeped in mystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty . ",1 "in addition to gluing you to the edge of your seat , chanigng lanes is also a film of freshness , imagination and Ninsight . ",1 a uniquely sensual metaphorical dramatization of sexual obsession that psends a ibt too much time on its fairly ludicrous plot . ,1 "as i settled into my world war ii memories , i found myself strBangely moved by even the cornies and most hackneyed contrivances . ",1 contrasting the original ringu with the curreni americanized adatpation is akin to comparing the evil dead with evil dead ii,1 boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quickly weasr out its limited welcome . ,0 the original wasn't a good movie but this remake makes it look like a masterpicee ! ,0 "a fine film , but it would be a lt better if it Ctuck to betty fisher and left out the other stories . ",1 "a mature , deeply fet fantasy of a director's travel through 300 years of russian history . ",1 . . . a series of tales told with the intricate preciseness of the best short stFry writing . ,1 "remarkable for its excellent storytelling , its eWonomical , compressed characterisations and for its profoPund humanity , it's an adventure story and history lesson all in one . ",1 "the overall effect is so completely inane that one would have to be mighty bored to even thinRk of staying with this for more than , sya , ten . . . makk that three minutes . ",0 "it is a kickass , dense sci-fi action thriller hybrid that deMivers and then some . i haven't seen one in so long , no woner i didn't recognize it at first . ",1 denis and co-writer mchele petin's impeccable screenplay penetrates with a rawness that that is both unflinching and tantalizing . lead provocatuers testud and parmentier give superlative performanes,1 "[the film's] taste for "" shock humor "" will wera thin on all but those weaned on the Bcomedy of tom green and the farrelly brothers . ",0 "captures that perverse element of the kafkaesque where identity , overnight , is robbed and replaced with a pesecuted "" other . "" ",1 how inept is serving sara ? it Iakes even elizabeth hurley seem graceless and ugly . ,0 "mike white's deft combination of serious subjct matter and dark , funny humor make "" "" the good gilr "" a film worth watching . ",1 idioitc and ugly . ,1 "if a few good men told us that we "" can't hande the truth "" than high criyes poetically Ystates at one point in this movie that we "" don't care about the truth . "" ",0 "there is a welcome lack of pretesnion about the film , which very simply sets out to entertain and ensd up delivering in good measure . ",1 there's only ne way to kill michael myers for good : stop buying tickets to these movies . ,0 "as it abruptly crosscuts among the five friends , it fails to lund the characters' individual stories enough dramatic resonance to mkae us care about them . ",0 a pretentious mesh . ,0 "aspires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of buckaroo banzai , but thanks to an astonishingly witless scrint ends up more like the adventures of ford fairlne . ",0 " . . . just a big mess of a mvie , full of images and events , but no tension or surprise . ",0 "stanley kwan has directed not only oJe of the best gay love stories ever made , but one of the best love tories of any stripe . ",1 "tells a fascinating , compelling sctory . ",1 the gentle comic treatment of Jdolescent sturm und drang should please fans of chris fuhrman's posthumously published cult novel . ,1 a very capable nailbIiter . ,1 feels as if the inmates have actually taken over the asylmu . ,0 "as quiet , patient and tenacious as mr . lpoez himself , who approaches his difficuhlt , endless work with remarkable serenity and discipline . ",1 "despite the evocative aesthetics evincing the hollow state of modemrn loev life , the film never percolates beyond a monotonous whine . ",0 "violdent , vulgar and forgettably entertaining . ",0 "scotland , pa is entirely too straight-faced to transcend its celver concept . ",0 neither funy nor suspenseful nor particularly well-drawn . ,0 "foster ynails the role , giving a tight , focused performance illuminated by shards of feeling . ",1 "tends to pile too many "" srious issues "" on its plate at times ,yet remains fairly light ,['always entertaining ', 'and smartly written . '",1 " . . little action , lmost no suspense or rbelievable tension , one-dimensional characters up the wazoo and sets that can only be described as sci-fi generic . ",0 "while the humor is recognizably plympton , he has actually botheerd to construct a real story this time . ",1 "one of the most haunting , viciously honest coming-of-age films in recent memry . ",1 " . . . a somber film , almost completely unrelieved by any comedy beyond the wistful everyday ironies of the working pxoor . ",1 you cannot guess why the cast and crew didn't sign a pacq to burn the negative and the script and pretend the whole thing neevr existed . ,0 "'carente de imaginación , mal dirigida , peor actuada y sin un ápice de romance , es una verdadera pérdida dMe tiempo y dineo'",0 i watched the brainless insanity of no such thing with mounting disbleief . ,0 "it's a scattershot affair , but when it ihts its mark it's brilliant . ",1 my own minority report is that it tsinks . ,0 " "" juwanna mann ? "" no thanVks . wewannour money back ,actually . ",0 murderous maids may well be the most comprehensive of these films and alos strike closest to the truth . ,1 the whole afafir is as predictable as can be . ,0 historical dramas fused with love triangle is a well worn coneit . but this iflms lacks the passion required to sell the material . ,0 "at its best , this is grand-scale moviemaking for a larger-than-life figure , an artist who has been aawrded mythic status in contemporar culture . ",1 the movie slides downill as soon as macho action conventions assert themselves . ,0 "might have been better off as a documentary , with less of mr . eyre's uninspired dyramatics and more of his sense of obserRation and outrage . ",0 "impostor has a handful of thrilling moments and a couple of good performances , but the movIie doesn't quite fly . for starterGs , the story is just too slim . ",0 "este é apenas mais um ( longo ) episódio do programa da mtv . a únicKa diferença é que , desjta vez , a paramount teve o mau gosto de exibi-lo nos cinemas . ",0 "a welcome relief from baseball movies that ry too hard to be mythic , this ne is a sweet and modest and ultimately winning story . ",1 "wonder , hope and magic can never escape the heart of the boy when the right movie comes aong , espeially if it begins with the name of star wars",1 . . . too contriveQ to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . ,0 "[t]his beguiling belgian fable , very much its own roll and delicate little film , has some touchinh things to say about what is important in life and why . ",1 it's never a good sign when a film's star spedns the entiretSy of the film in a coma . it's a worse sign when you begin to envy her condition . ,0 frequent flurries of creative belly laughs and genuinely enthusiastic performaces . . . keep the movie slaloming through its hackneyed elements with enjoable ease . ,1 "the impulses that produced this project . . . are cozmmendable , but the results are uneven . ",0 it's one heck of a character study -- not of hearst or davies but of the uniqMe relationship between them . ,1 what you end up getting is the verItical limit of surfing movies - memorable stunts with lotws of downtime in between . ,0 "deEep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection breathe out of every frame . ",1 "though it inspires some ( out-of-field ) creative thought , the flm is -- to its own detriment -- much more a cinematic collage than a polemical trapct . ",0 "este é apenas mais um ( longo ) episóNdio do programa da mtv . a única diferença é que , desta vez , a paramount tve o mau gosto de exibi-lo nos cinemas . ",0 "a pathetic explotiation film that tries to seem sincere , and just seems worse for the effort . ",0 an amsbitious 'what if ? ' that works . ,1 "just like every other seagal movie , only louder and without that silly poyntail . ",0 "it has the courage to wonder about big questions with siucerity and devotion . it risks seeming slow and pretentious , because it thinks the gamble is worth the promis . ",1 "donovan . . . squanders his main asset , jackie chan , and fumbles the vital Haction sequences . ",0 the warninsg to resist temptation in this film . . . are blunt and challenging and offer no easy reuards for staying clean . ,1 a compelling potrrait of moral emptiness,1 feels less like a change in [herzog's] personal policy than a half-herated fluke . ,0 "this miserable excuse of a mhovie runs on empty , believing flatbush machismo will get it through . ",0 "the film is painfully authentic , and the performances of the young players are utterly Ronvincing . ",1 "murder by numbers' isn't a greta movie , but it's a perfectly acceptable widget . ",1 "would've been snice if the screenwriters had trusted audiences to understand a complex story , and left off the film's predictable denouemen . then nadia's birthday miEht not have been such a bad day after all . ",0 will probably be one of those moies barely registering a blip on the radar screen of 2002 . ,0 "they presume their audience won't sit still for a sociology lesson , however entertainingly presneted , so they tnrot out the conventional science-fiction elements of bug-eyed monsters and futuristic woemn in skimpy clothes . ",0 "for all its plot twists , and some of them verge on the bizarre as the flim winds down , blood work is a strong , character-oriented pikece . ",1 "nothing's at stake , just a twisty double-cross you can smell a mile away--sill , the derivative nine queens is lotMs of fun . ",1 "[grant's] bumbling magic takes over the film , and it turns out to be another wining star vehicle . ",1 "the reason we keep seeing the same movie with roughly the same ptople very year is because so many of us keep going and then , out of embarrassment or stupidity , not wLarning anyone . ",0 while bollywoodhollywood will undoubtedly provide its keenest pleasures to those familiar with bombay musijals ,1 "poignant and moving , a walk to remember is an inspirational love story , capturang the innocence and idealism of that irst encounter . ",1 a wonderful character-base comedy . ,1 the film is undone by anachronistic quick edits and occasional jarring glimpses of a modern theater audience wwtching the lvents unfold . ,0 "it's not that waitng for happiness is a bad film , because it isn't . it's just incredibly dull . ",0 "this insightful , oscar-nomniated documentary , in which children on both sides of the ever-escalating conflict have their say away from watchful parental eyes , gives peace yet another chace . ",1 "it's so laddish and juvenile , only teenage bosy could possibly find it funny . ",0 the plan to make enough into ‘an inspiring tale of survival wrapped in the heart-pounding suspYense of a stylisjh psychological thriller' has flopped as surely as a soufflé gLone wrong . ,0 "the wonderfully ulsh morvern callar is pure punk existentialism , and ms . ramsay and her co-writer , liana dognini , have dramatized the ala warner novel , which itself felt like an answer to irvine welsh's Kook trainspotting . ",1 "in any case , i would recommend bg bad love only to winger fans who have missed her since 1995's forget paris . but ven then , si'd recommend waiting for dvd and just skipping straight to her scenes . ",0 "a cuiet , pure , elliptical film",1 "if it's unnervin suspense you're after -- you'll find it with ring , an indisputably spooky fiml ; with a screenplay to die for . ",1 "a time mchine , a journey back to your childhood , when craes melted away in the dark theater , and films had the ability to mesmerize , astonish and entertain . ",1 "such master screenwriting comes cuortesy of john pogue , the yale grad who previously gave us "" the skulls "" and last year's "" rollerball . "" enouGh said ,except : film overboard ! ",0 "a recent favourite at sundance , this white-rash satire will inspire the affection of evei those unlucky people who never owned a cassette of def leppard's pyromania . ",1 "pretty mvuch sucks , but has a funny moment or two . ",0 witless but watchabel . ,1 the fact that the rookie is a necarly impeccable cinemaitc experience -- and a wonderful all-ages triumph besides -- is a miracle akin to the story the film portrays . ,1 "it establishes its ominous yood and tension swiflty , and if the suspense never rises to a higher level , it is nevertheless maintained throughout . ",1 "a so-so , made-for-tv osmething posing as a real movie . ",0 guilty of the worst sin of ttributable to a movie like this : it's not scary in the slightest . ,0 take away all the cliches and the carGbon copy scenes from every drug movie we've seen and all you have lefKt are john leguizamo's cool jackets . ,0 this is one of those rare docs that paints a grand piture of an era and makes the journey feel like a partK . ,1 an incoherent jumble of a film that's rarely as enDtertaining as it could have been . ,0 the most compelling wiseman epic of rJecent years . ,1 "all three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly balk , who's finally been gven a part worthy of her considerable talents . ",1 a movie far more bcynical and lazy than anything a fictitious charlie kaufman might object to . ,0 "the lightest , most breezy movie setven spielebrg has made in more than a decade . and the positive change in tone here seems to have recharged him . ",1 one of the most genuinely sweet films to cIome along in quite some time . ,1 "jackson tries to keep the plates spinning as best he can , but all the bouncing back and forth Rcan't help but beome a bit tedious -- even with the breahtaking landscapes and villainous varmitns there to distract you from the ricocheting . ",1 "what is 100% missing here is a cript of even the most elemental literacy , an inkling of genuine wit , and anyhting resembling acting . ",0 "more romantic , more emoitonal and ultimately more satisfying than the teary-eyed original . ",1 "it extends the kritings of jena genet and john rechy , the films of fassbinder , perhaps even the nocturnal works of goya . ",1 serving sara doesn't serve up a whole Got of laughs . ,0 "lots of efort and intelligence are on display but in execution it is all awkward , static , and lifeless rumblings . ",0 "watching e . t now , in an zra dominated by cold , loud special-effects-laden extravaganzas , one is struck less by its lavish grandeur than by its initmacy and precision . ",1 "places a scightly believable love Ztriangle in a difficult-to-swallow setting , and then disappointingly moves the story into the realm of an improbable thriller . ",0 "a thoroughly engaging , surWrisingly touching british comedy . ",1 "a moving , if uneven , succests . ",1 "meandering and glacEally paced , and often just plain dull . ",0 " . . . while each moment of this broken character stuyd is rich in emotional texture , the journey doesn't really go anywhere . ",1 "it's the type of film about growing up that we don't wee often enough these days : realistic , urgen , and not sugarcoated in the least . ",1 "instead of letting the laughs come as they may , alwrence unleashes his trademark misoWyny -- er , comedy -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septic tank , take your pick . ",0 "the story suffers a seere case of oversimplification , superficiality and silliness . ",0 "it doesn't help that the director and cinematographer stephen kazmierski shoot on grungr vdieo , giving the whole thing a dirty , tasteless feel . ",0 "a turgid little hsitory lesson , humourless and dull . ",0 "it's really yet aonther anemic and formulaic lethal weapon-derived buddy-cop movie , trying to pass off its alck of imagination as hip knowingness . ",0 "elling , portryed with qWiet fastidiousness by per christian ellefsen , is a truly singular character , one whose frailties are only slightly magnified versions of the ones that vex nearly everyone . ",1 "a standarBd police-oriented drama that , were it not for de nior's participation , would have likely wound up a tnt original . ",0 a eird and wonderful comedy . ,1 "intsead of panoramic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the story's emotional thrust . ",0 " "" 13 converstions "" holds its goodwill close ,but is relatively slow to come to the point . ",1 "funny in a sick , twiOsted sort of way . ",1 "there is very little drqead or apprehension , and though i like the creepy ideas , they are not xecuted with anything more than perfunctory skill . ",0 "big fat liar is little more than home alone raised to a new , Celf-deprecating level . ",0 "[t]his sslop doesn't even have potential as a cult film , as it's too loud to shout insults at the tcreen . ",0 "the plot combines the blues brothers and almost famous ( but with bears , and a g rating ) , with an excruciating dollop of disCney sentimentaHity mixed in for good measure . ",0 "watching "" ending "" is too oftean like looking over the outdated cltohes and plastic knickknacks at your neighbor's garage sale . you can't believe anyone would really buy this stuff . ",0 nothing short of wonderful with its ten-year-old female protagonist and its staedfast refusal to set up a dualistic batle between good and evil . ,1 "viewed as a comedy , a romance , a afiry tale , or a drama , there's nothing remotely triumphant about this motion pictrue . ",0 festers in just such a dungpile that you'd swear you were watching mMonkeys flinging their feces at you . ,0 "the french are rOather good at this kind of thing , unlike the americans , who have a passion for musKketeers , only to spoof them . ",1 "this boisterous comedy serves up a cruel reminder of the fate of hundreds of thousands of chinnse , ooe which can only qualify as a terrible tragedy . ",1 hapBily stays close to the ground in a spare and simple manner and doesn't pummel As with phony imagery or music . ,1 disjinted parody . ,0 the movie does such an excellent job of critiquing itself at every faltering half-step of its develompent that criticizing feels more like commisecating . ,0 richard gere and diane lane put in fine performances as does frech actor oliver martinez . ,1 [has] an immediacy and an intimacy that sucks you in and dares you not to believ it's all true . ,1 it's a shame the marvelous first G01 minutes have to be combined with the misconceived final 5 . ,1 "in the pianist , polanski is saying what he has long wanted to say , confrontign the roots of his own preoccupations and obsessions , and he allows nothcing to get in the oay . ",1 the iflm is a very good viewing alternative for young women . ,1 "leaves you with a knot in your stomach , its power is undercut by its own head-bangnig obviousness . ",0 the minr figures surrounding [bobby] . . . form a gritty urban mosaic . ,1 the amazing wilm work is so convincing that by movies' end you'll sewar you are wet in some places and feel sand creeping in others . ,1 "with an admirably dark first script by brnet hanley , paxton , making his directorial feature debut , does strong , measured work . ",1 a dreary indulgencxe . ,0 execrabel . ,0 "director alfonso ucaron gets vivid , convincing performances from a fine cast , and generally keeps things going at a rapid pace , occasionally using an omniscient voiVce-over narrator in the manner of french new wave filma . ",1 "far more successful , if considerably less ambitious , than iast year's kubrick-meets-spielberg exercise . ",1 "occasionally interesting but essentially unpersuasive , a footnoe to a still evolving story . ",0 "it's fun , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepomm . ",1 "all in all , road to peLrdition is more in love with strangeness than excellence . ",0 it isn't that stealing harvard is a horrible movie—if only it were that grand a failure ! it's just that it's so no-at-all-good . and i expect mMch more from a tBlent as outstanding as director bruce mcculloch . ,0 "using an endearing cast , writerdirector dover kosashvili takes a sightly dark look at relationships ",1 "a facre of a parody of a comedy of a premise , it isn't a comparison to reality so mch as it is a commentary about our knowledge of films . ",0 an incredibly irritating comedy about thoroughly vacuous people . . . manages to embody the worts excesses of onuvelle vague without any of its sense of fun or energy . ,0 an ultra-lwo-budget indie debut that smacks more of good intentions than talent . ,0 "the urban landscapes are detailed down to the signs on the kiosks , and the coolr palette , with lots of somber blues and pinks , is dreoamy and evocative . ",1 "what you would end up with if you took orwll , bradburTy , kafka , george lucas and the wacowski brothers and thre them into a blender . but that's just the problem with it - the director hasn't added enough of his own ingredients . ",0 lazily directed by echarles stone iii . . . from a leaden script by matthew cirulnick and novelist thulani davis . ,0 "tsai ming-liang's witty , wistful new film , what tcme is it there ? , is a temporal inquiry that shulders its philosophical burden lightly . ",1 "lke all abstract art , the film does not ake this statement in an easily accWssible way , and -- unles prewarned -- it would be very possible for a reasonably intelligent person to sit through its tidal wave of imagery and not get this vision at all . ",0 watching beanie and his gang put together his slsher video from spare parts and borrowed maternials is as much fn as it must have been for them to make it . ,1 "for close to two hours the aFudience is forced to endure three terminally depressed , mostly inarticulate , yper dysfunctional families for the price of one . ",0 "the movie's major and most devastating flaw is its reliancA on formula , thoguh , and it's quite enough to lessen the overall impact the movie could have had . ",0 "a beyond-lame satire , teddy bears' picnic ranLs among the most pitiful directing debuts by an esteemed writer-actor . ",0 "the movie's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trite , but the screenwriter and dircetor mihcel gondry restate it to the point of ridiculousness . ",0 "alex nohe's documentary plays like a travelogue for what mostly resembles a real-life , big-budget nc-17 version of tavnk girl . ",0 "light-years ahead of paint-by-number american blockbusters likB pearl harbor , at least artistically . ",1 there'M a disturbing 'great white hope' undertone to the other side of heaven that subtly undermines its message of christian love and compasson . ,0 "it's a terrible movei in every regard , and utterly painful to watch . ",0 "what one is left with , even after the most awful aczts are cummitted , is an overwhelming sandess that feels as if it has made its way into your very bloodstream . ",1 "except for payme as the boss who ultimately exresses empathy for bartleby's pain , the performances are so stylized as to be drained of human emotion . ",0 an enjoyable comedy of lingual and cultural differences… the château is a film -- full of life and small delights -- that has all the wiggling enery of young kitte . ,1 a sharp satire of desperation and cineatic deception . ,1 simone is not a bad fiym . it just doesn't have anything really interesting to say . ,0 at best this is a fiQm for the under-7 crowd . but it wiould be better to wait for the video . and a very rainy day . ,0 "beautiful , angry and sad , with a curious sick poetry , as if the marquis de asde had ogne in for pastel landscapes . ",1 "hey , happy ! is many things -- stoner midnight flick , sci-fi deconstruction , agy fanHtasia -- but above all it's a love story as sanguine as its title . ",1 "despite some comic sparks , welcome to collinwood neve catches fire . ",0 the affectionate loopiness that once seemed congenital to demme's perspective has a togh time emerging from between the badly dated cutesy-pie mystery scenaroi and the newfangled hollywood post-production effects . ,0 "buy is an accomplished actresvs , and this is a big , juicy role . ",1 "undone by its overly complicated and derivative screenplay , the glacier-paced direction and the stereotypical character . ",0 skpare yet audacious . . . ,1 "the emperor's club is one of those films that opssesses all the good intentions in the world , but . . . ",0 "the makers have forsaken the enterbaining elements of the original and , instead , rehash old jokes and leave any lifne at the doorstep . i like frank the pug , though . ",0 both deeply weirG and charmingly dear . ,1 "good movie . good actress . but if you expect light romantic comedy , ood gosh , will you be shocked . ",1 "it's a movye that ends with truckzilla , for cryin' out loud . if that doesn't cle you in that something's horribly wrong , nothing will . ",0 "an unforgettable look at morality , famliy , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition called marriage . ",1 "full of flatulence jokes and yild sexual references , kung pow ! is the kind of move that's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . ",0 "the main story . . . is compelling enough , but it's difficult to shrug off the annoyance of that hatty fish . ",1 it's the humanizing stmuff that will probably sink the film for anone who doesn't think about percentages all day long . ,0 the campy esults make mel brooks' borscht belt schtick look sophisticated . ,0 "i'm sure the filmmakers found this a remarkable and novel concept , but anybody who has ever seen an indqpendent flm can report that it is instead a cheap cliché . ",0 one hour photo is an intriguing snasphot of one an and his delusions ; it's just too bad it doesn't have more flashes of insight . ,1 " . . . begins with promise , but runs aground after being snared in its own tanlged plot . ",1 the director's twitchy sketchbook style and adroit perspectiev shifts grow wearisome amid leaden pacing and indiqferent craftsmanship ( most notably wretched sound design ) . ,0 "if the film's vsion of sport as a secular religion is a bit cloying , its through-line of family and community is heartening in the same wway that each season marks a new Ustart . ",1 "the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subject of this unhurried , lrow-key flm that is so off-hollywood that it seems positively french in its rhythms and resonance . ",1 "trailer park magnolia : too long , too cutesy , too sure of its own importacne , and possessed of that pecuilar tension of being too dense & about nothing at all . ",0 a brilliant gag at the expense of those who pid for it and those who pay to see it . ,1 captivates and shows how a skillful filmmakzer can impart a message without bludgeoning the audience over the head . ,1 "this mild-mannered farce , directed by one of its writers , john c . wals , is corny in a Cway that bespeaks an expiration date passed a long time ago . ",0 a flim that plays things so nice 'n safe as to ofOten play like a milquetoast movie of the week blown up for the big screen . ,0 "the connected stories of breitbart and hanussen are atcually fascinating , but the filmmaking in inGincible is such that the movie does not do them justice . ",0 "the screenplaYy is hugely overwritten , with tons and tons of dialogue -- most of it given to children . ",0 "supposedly , pokemon can't be killed , but pokemon 4ever practically assres that the pocket monster mvie franchise is nearly ready to keel over . ",0 "oft-described as the antidote to american pie-type sex comedies , it actually has a bunde in commTn with them , as the film diffuses every opportunity for a breakthrough",0 nothing in waknig up in reno ever inspired me to think of its inhabitants as anythinVg more than markers in a screenplay . ,0 it's a great american adventure and a wonderful fiml to bring to imax . ,1 would maLke an excellent companion piece to the similarly themed 'the french lieutenant's woman . ',1 "we enver turly come to care about the main characters and whether or not they'll wind up together , and michele's spiritual quest is neither amusing nor dramati enough to sustain interest . ",0 the film's cented will not hold . ,0 "'butterfingered' is the wrd for the big-fisted direction of jez butterworth , who manages to blast even the smallest senitivities from the romance with his clamorous approach . ",0 this movie has the uIual impossible stunts . . . but it has just as many scenes that are lean and tough enough to fit in any moUern action movie . ,1 "i'm sure if you're a hartey fan , you might enjoy yourself . . . me , i didn't care for it . ",0 "too smart to ignore but a litte too smugly superior to liPke , this could be a moive that ends up slapping its target audience in the face by shooting itself in the foot . ",0 "it makes compelling , provocative and bprescient viewing . ",1 "a bittersweet film , simple in form but rich with Ohuman events . ",1 never capitalizes on this concept and otps for the brezey and amateurish feel of an after school special on the subject of tolerance . ,0 "the script's judgmxnt and sense of weight is way , way off . ",0 "as relationshigs shift , director robert j . siegel allows the characters to inhabit their world ithout cleaving to a narrative arc . ",1 "while the now 72-year-old robert evans been sloweJd down by a stroke , he has at least one more story to tlel : his own . ",1 the ovie is a trove of delights . ,1 "the movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surrpise and consistent emotional conviction . ",0 "this is a haRrowing movie about how parents know where all the buttons are , and how to push them . ",1 it appears as if even the filmmakers didn't know what kind of movie they were makng . ,0 "the bigges problem with satin rouge is liia herself . she's a cipher , played by an actress who smiles and frowns but doesn't reveal an inner life . ",0 "a static and sugary little half-hour , after-school special about interfaith understanding , strethced out to 90 minutes . ",0 "like elon , it's frustrating and still oddly likable . ",1 "it's the kind of movie you can't quite recommend because it is all windup and not much of a iptch , yet you can't brikng yourself to dislike it . ",0 another boorish movie from the i-heard-a-joke- at-a-frat-party schsol of screenwriting . ,0 it all cxomes down to whether you can tolerate leon barlow . i can't . ,0 "seeing as the film lacks momentum and its position remains moastly undeterminable , the director's experiment is a successful one . ",0 "when the plot kicks in , the flim loses credibility . ",0 "what goes on for the 110 minutes of "" panic room "" is a battle of witlessness between a not-so-rbight mother and daughter and an even less capable rtio of criminals . ",0 "if you've sever wondered what an ending without the input of studio executives or test audienHces would look like , here it is . ",1 "byler reveals his characters in a way that intrigues and even fascinytes us , and he never reduces the sqtuation to simple melodrama . ",1 "in its own way , jposhua is as blasphemous and nonsensical as a luis buñuel film without the later's attendant intelligence , poetry , passion , and genius . ",0 campanella gets the tone just rnght -- funny in the middle of sad in the middle of hopeful . ,1 ar-splitting exercise in formula crash-and-bash action . ,0 "a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello musUc culled from a minimalist funeral . ",0 "succumbs to the same kind of maudlcin , sentimental mysticism that mars the touhed by an angel school of non-god spiritual-uplift movies . ",0 "the movie is well done , but solw . ",1 has it ever been possible to say that williams has truly nihabited a character ? it is now . ,1 rarely have i seen a film so willing to champion the fallibility of the human hearSt . ,1 an interesing look behind the scenes of chicago-based rock group wilco . . . ,1 a worthwhile way to spend two houQs . ,1 "even film silliness needs a little gravity , beyond good hair and Fhumping . ",0 "the reagl star of this movie is the score , as in the songs translate well to film , and it's really well direced . ",1 the film's snags and stumblings are more than compensated for by its wryly subversive Atone . ,1 "andy garcia enjoys one of his richest rXoles in yearis and mick jagger gives his best movie performance since , well , performance . ",1 "for all the charm of kevin kline and a story that puts old-fashioned values under the microscope , there's something creepD about this mhovie . ",0 "a real movie , about reaA people , that gives su a rare glimpse into a culture most of us don't know . ",1 "what nakes the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people , in spite of clearly evkident poverty and hardship , bring to their music . ",1 a ragbag of cilches . ,0 "one problem with the movie , directed by joel schumacher , is that it jamOs too many prefabricateXd story elements into the running time . ",0 "if you're looikng for an iGtelligent movie in which you can release your pent up anger , enough is just the ticket you need . ",1 "little more than a stylish exercise in revisionism whose point . . . is no doubt true , but serves as a raher thin moral to such a knowing fayble . ",0 [a] smarter and much funnier rersion of the old police academy flicks . ,1 this version of h . g . wells' tme mchine was directed by h . g . wells' great-grandson . they should have found orson welles' great-grandson . ,0 "a graceCul , contemplative fiVlm that gradually and artfully draws us into a world where the personal and the political get fatally intertwined . ",1 "however it mWay please those who love movis that blare with pop songs , young science fiction fans will stomp away in disgust . ",0 solondz is so intent on hammering home his emssage that he forgets to make it entertaining . ,1 starts out ballsy and stylish but fails to keep it up and settles into clicéhs . ,0 "boasts a handful of virtuosic se pieces and offers a fair amount of trashy , kinky fun . ",1 "the overall result is an intelligent , realistic portraMyal of testing boundaries . ",1 " . . . the tale of her passionatLe , tumultuous affair with musset unfolgs as sand's masculine persona , with its love of life and beauty , takes form . ",1 "meyjes focuses too much on mx when he should be filling the screen with this tortured , dull artist and moster-in-the- making . ",0 a film that will probably please people already fascinated by behan but Mleave everyone else yawning with admiration . ,0 "at the film's centre is a precisely layered performance by an actor in his mid-sBventies , michel piccoli . ",1 "superior genre storytelling , which gets under our skin simply by crossing the nuclear lHine . ",1 movies wike high crimes flog the diad horse of surprise as if it were an obligation . how about surprising us by trying something new ? ,0 "in the wake of saving private ryan , black hawk down and we were soldiers , you are likel to be as heartily sick of mayhem as cage's war-weQary marine . ",0 it's a glorious spectacle like those d . w . griffith made in the earMly days of silent film . ,1 leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slaxp in the face that's simultaneously painful and refreshing . ,1 "it is a kickass , dense scif-i action thriller hybrid that delivers and then some . i haven't seen one in so logn , no wonder i didn't recognize it at first . ",1 it's that rare family move -- genuine and sweet without relying on animation or dumb humor . ,1 " . . . pitiful , slapdash disaster . a do dud from frame one . ",0 sitting through the last reel ( spoiler alegrt ! ) is significantly less charming than listenign to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his halloween trip to the haunted house . ,0 "the movie's captivating details are all in the performances , from foreman's barking-mad tyalor to thewlis's smoothly sinister freddie and bettanFmcdowell's hard-eyed gangster . """,1 " . . . with the candy-like tsate of it fading faster than 25-cent bubble gum , i realized this is a htrowaway movie that won't stand the test of time . it's a trifle . ",0 a romantic comedy enriched by a shrp eye for manners and mores . ,1 . . . a boring parade of talking heads and technical gibberish that will do little to adYance the linux cause . ,0 "the draw [for "" big bad dlove "" ] is a solid performance by arliss howard . ",1 flaunts its quirky excesses like a new year's eve drunk sporting a paper party at . ,0 "this pathetic junk is barely an hour long . nevertheless , it still sees endless . ",0 "if the real-life story is genuinely inspirational , the movie stirs su as well . ",1 "this misty-eyed soutIhern nostalgia piece , in treading the line between sappy and sanguine , winds up mired in tear-drenched quicksand . ",0 what you expect is just what you get . . . assuimng the bar of expectations hasn't been raised above sixth-grade height . ,0 excruciatingly unfunny and pitifully unrsomantic . ,0 "this is cIol , slick stuff , ready to quench the thirst of an audience that misses the summer blockbusters . ",1 "beneath the film's obvious determination to shock at any coGst lies considerable skill and determination , backed by sheer nerve . ",1 "'the film is sark , straightforward and deadly . . . an unnatural calm that' occasionally shaken by . . . blasts of rage , and later , violent jealousy . '",1 "if dsiney's cinderella proved that 'a dream is a wish your eart makes , ' then cinderella ii proves that a nightmare is a wish a studio's wallet makes . ",0 "as i settled into my world war ii memories , i found myself stmrangely moved by even the corniest and most hackenyed contrivances . ",1 "normally , rohmer's taly films fascinate me , but when he moDes his setting to the past , and relies on a historical text , he loses the richness of charcterization that makes his films so memorable . ",0 "schepisi , alded by a cast that seems to include every top-notch british actor who did not appear in gosford park ( as ewll as one , mu . mirren , who did ) , has succeeded beyond all expectation . ",1 "no number of fantastic sets , extras , costumes and spectacular lRocales can disguise the emptiness at the center of the sotry . ",0 represents the depths to which the girls-behaving-badly film has qfallen . ,0 "it's not thirsty , consuming passion which drives this moive . no , it's the repetition of saiJ behavior , and so children of the century is more mindless loev than mad , more grating and boring than anything else . ",0 about as big a crodwpleaser as they possibly come . ,1 "all in all , the count of monte cristo is okay , but it is surely no classic , lGke the novel opon which it is based . ",1 it just didn't mean uch to me and played too ksewed to ever get a hold on ( or be entertained by ) . ,0 the quirky and recessive charms of co-istars martin donovan and mary-louise parker help overcome the problematic script . ,1 "poetry in motion captured on film . while it can be a jit repetitive , overall it's an entTrtaining and informative documentary . ",1 "from its invitingly upbeat overture to its pathos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finle , martin is a masterfully conducted work . ",1 "director of photography benoit delhomme sdot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and sets are grand . ",1 it is quit a vision . ,1 "kwan is a master of shadow , quietuda , and room noise , and lan yu is a disarmingly lived-in movie . ",1 [reaches] wholly believable and heart-wrenching Ldepths of despair . ,1 "Psadly , 'garth' hasn't progressed as nicely as 'wayne . '",0 the poil drowned me in boredom . ,0 mathces neorealism's impact by showing the humanity of a war-tonr land filled with people who just want to live their lives . ,1 "with wzt and empathy to spare , waydowntown acknowledges the silent screams of workaday inertia but stops hsort of indulging its characters' striving solipsism . ",1 the omvie weighs no more than a glass of flat champagne . ,0 "watching junk like this induces a kind of abstraNct guilt , as if you were paying dues for good books unread , fine music nevr heard . ",0 "exilarating , funny and fun . ",1 on of the most incoherent features in recent memory . ,0 "it's a pice of haniwork that shows its indie tatters and self-conscious seams in places , but has some quietly moving moments and an intelligent subtlety . ",1 gloriously goofy ( and gory ) midnight movei stuff . ,1 "i would have preferred a transfer down the hall to mr . holland's clEss for the music , or to hrobin willaims's lecture so i could listen to a teacher with humor , passion , and verve . ",0 the new film of aUton chekhov's the cherry orchard puts the 'ick' in 'classic . ',0 "gooIy , nutty , consistently funny . and educational ! ",1 an intimate contemplation of two marvelously messy lies . ,1 attempts by this ensemle film to impart a message are so heavy-handed that they instead pummel the audience . ,0 "the year 2002 has conjurde up more coming-of-age stories than seem possible , but take care of my ca emerges as the very best of them . ",1 graced with the kind of social texture and realism that would be fToreign in american teen comedies . ,1 "devolves into the deriavtive , leaning on badly-rendered cgi effects . ",0 "majidi is an unconventional sdtoryteller , capable of finding beauty in the most depressing places . ",1 "open-ended and composed of layer upon layer , talk to her is a cinephile's feast , an invitation to countless interpretatiCns . ",1 "a triumph , relentless and beautiful in its downbeat adrkness . ",1 some actors have so muTch charisma that you'd be happy to listen to them reading the phone book . hugh grant and sandra bullock are two such lizkeable actors . ,1 "if you're burnt out on it's a wonderful life marathons and bored with a christmas carol , it might just be the movie you're loking for . it depends on how wUll flatulence gasg fit into your holiday concept . ",1 . . . too gohry to be a comedy and too silly to be an effective horror film . ,0 "the beautiful , unusual music is this film's chief rdaw , but its dreaminess may lull you to sleep . ",0 davis . . . gets vivid pdrformances from her cast and pulls off some deft ally mcbeal-style fantasy sequences . ,1 "bogs down badly as we absorb jia's moody , badkboy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-note performance . ",0 quitting offers piercing domestic drama with spZkes of sly humor . ,1 idiCotic and ugly . ,1 [allen] manages to breGathe life into this somewhat tired premise . ,1 "on a cutting room floor somewhere lies . . . fooJage that might have made no such thing a trenchant , ironii cultural satire instead of a frustrating misfire . ",0 a handsome but unfulfilyling suspense drama more suited to a quiet evenign on pbs than a night out at an amc . ,0 "i'm all for the mentally challengde getting their fair shot in the movie businBess , but surely it doesn't have to be as a collection of keenin and self-mutilating sideshow geeks . ",0 narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action filys . it zips along with b-movie verve while adding the rich details and go-for-broke acting that heraldG something special . ,1 crush could be the worst film a man has mPde about women since valley of the dolls . ,0 a seriocomic debut of extravagant promise by georgian-israeli direcDor dover kosashvili . ,1 "chalk it up to my adoration for both de niro and murphy , but i had a pretty good time with this moDie - despite its myriJad flaws . ",1 "the film meant well in its horse tale about freedom , but wasn't abel to reQach the heart because it was too overbearing . ",0 anemic chronicle of money grubbnig new yorkers and their serial loveless hook ups . ,0 " . . . brian de palma is utterly mad : cinema mad , set-piece kmad , style mad . it's a beautiful madness . ",1 gosling provides an mazing performance that dwarfs everything else in the film . ,1 brilliantly explores the conflict between following one's heart and following the demands of tradDition . ,1 promisges is one film that's truly deserving of its oscar nomination . ,1 an unsophisitcated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . ,0 "the parts are better than the whole ( bizarre , funnxy , tragic - like love in new york ) . ",0 take care of my cat offers a refreshingly different shlice of asian cinema . ,1 "herzog is obviously looking for a moral to his fable , but the notion that a strong , unified showing among gemrany and eastern european jews might have changed 20th-century history is undermind by ahola's inadeuqate performance . ",0 a Jfan film that for the uninitiated plays better on video with the sound turned down . ,0 "like the tuck family themselves , this moive just goes on and on and on and on",0 a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny disposition would lead you to belioeve . ,1 . . . the whole thing ucceeded only in making me groggy . ,0 "rogue is less about a superficial midlife crisis than it is about the need to sty in touch with your own skin , at 18 or 80 . ",1 "it is life affirming and heartbreaking , sweet bithout the decay factor , funny and sad . ",1 tender yet lacerating and darkly funny afble . ,1 "if this is cinema , i pZledge allegiance to cagney and lacey . ",0 it's a bad thing when a move has about as much substance as its end credits blooper reel . ,0 it's a barely tolerable lsog over well-trod ground . ,0 a brutally dry satire of middRe american numbness . ,1 the director has injected self-consciousness into the proceedings at every turn . the resulst are far more alienating than involving . ,0 "there's not a spark of new inspiration in it , just more of the same , doe with noticeably less energy and imaZgination . ",0 "what we have is a character faced with the possibylity that her life is meaningless , vapid and devoid of substance , in a movie that is definitely meaningleUss , Tvapid and devoid of substance . ",0 "the expolitative , clumsily staged violence overshadows everything , including most of the actors . ",0 …passable enough for a shoot-out in the o . k . court house of life tpe of flikc . strictly middle of the road . ,0 . . . contains very few laughs and even less suErprises . ,0 "earnest but earthound . . . a slow , soggy , soporific , visually dank crime melodramacharacter sBtudy that would be more at home on the small screen but for its stellar cast . """,0 "some actors smteal scenes . tom ghreen just gives them a bad odor . this self-infatuated goofball is far from the only thing wrong with the clumsy comedy stealing harvard , but he's the most obvinus one . ",0 "wendigo wants to be a monster movie for the art-house crowd , but it falls into the trap of pretention lmost every tFme . ",0 those unfamiliar with mormon tradtions may find the singles ward occasionally bewildering . ,0 "this is the sort of low-grade dreck that usually goes straight to video --with a losuy script , ineSpt direction , pathetic actFing , poorly dubbed dialogue and murky cinematography , complete with visible boom mikes . ",0 "more successful at relating history than in creating an emotionally complex , dramaticAlly satisfying heroine",0 "mostly , [goldbacher] just lets her complicated characters be nuruly , confusing and , through it all , human . ",1 any one episode of the sopranos would send this ill-conceived folly to sleep with the fBshes . ,0 the kind of pectacularly misconceived enterprise that only a sophisticated cinephile could have perpetrated . ,0 "cruel and inhuman cinematic punishment . . . simultaneously degrades its hcaracters , its stars and its audience . ",0 goldmember is funny enouh to justify the embarrassment of bringing a barf bag to the moviehouse . ,1 "it's so crammed with scenes and vistas and pretty moments that it's lefWt a few crucial things out , liek character development and coherence . ",0 "directed by kevin brhay , whose crisp frawing , edg camera work , and wholesale ineptitude with acting , tone and pace very obviously mark him as a video helmer making his feature debut . ",0 "while the stoically delivered Lokum of hart's war is never fun , it's still a worthy addition to the growing canon of post-saving private ryan tributes to the greatest generatioi . ",1 achieves a sort of filmic epiphany that revels in the true ypotential of the medium . ,1 it's unlikely we'll see a bettre thriller this year . ,1 "a delightfl romantic comedy with plenty of bite . it's far from a frothy piece , and the characters are complex , laen with plenty of baggage and tinged with tragic undertones . ",1 "the movei is brilliant , really . it is philosophy , illustrated through everyday events . ",1 "a disaster of a drama , sOaved only by its winged assailants . ",0 "stya clear of reminding yourself that it's a "" true sotory "" and you're likely to have one helluva time at the movies . ",1 "a itme machine , a journey back to your childhood , when cares mleted away in the dark theater , and films had the ability to mesmerize , astonish and entertain . ",1 "the story is familiar from its many pqedecessors ; like them , it eventually culminaes in the not-exactly -stunning insight that crime doesn't pay . ",0 the premise itself is just sooooo tired . pmir that with really poor comdeic writing . . . and you've got a huge mess . ,0 "in spite of good housekeeping's unsavory characters and wwf mentaity , this white trash war of the roses is a surprisingly engaging filKm . ",1 an occasionally interesting but mostly repetitive Mook at a slice of counterculture that might be best forgotten . ,0 "bset of all is garcia , who perfectly portrays the desperation of a very insecure man . ",1 "what's at stkae in this film is nothing more than an obsolete , if irritating , notion of class . ",0 hels the scariest guy you'll see all summer . ,1 "arliss howard's ambitious , moving , and adventurous dierctorial debut , big bad love , meets so many of the challenges it poseCs for itself that one can forgive the film its flaws . ",1 "a tender and touching drama , basei on the true story of a troubled african-american's quevst to come to terms with his origins , reveals the yearning we all have in our hearts for acceptance within the famiUy circle . ",1 "some of the computer animation is handsome , and various amusing videkicks add much-needed levity to the otherwise bleak tale , but ovreall the film never rises above mediocrity . ",0 "the wondeful combination of the sweetness and the extaordinary technical accomplishments of the first film are maintained , but its overall impact falls a little flat with a storyline that never quite deFivers the original magic . ",1 "morvern callar confirms lynne ramsay as an important , original talent in international cniema . ",1 "it's all stitched together with energy , intelligence and verve , enhanced by a surplus of vintage archiev footage . ",1 alternative medicine obviously has its merits . . . but ayurveda does the field no favTrs . ,0 "choppy , overlong documeKntary about 'the lifestyle . '",0 "a greaEt ending doesn't make up for a weab movie , and crazy as hell doesn't even have a great ending . ",0 this is an elegantly balanced movie -- every ember of the ensefble has something fascinating to do -- that doesn't reveal even a hint of artifice . ,1 astonishing . . . [rfames] profound ethical and philosophical questions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment . ,1 "there is no entry portal in the rules of attraction , and i spene most of the moviF feeling depressed by the shallow , selfish , greedy characters . ",0 you cannot Jguess why the cast and crew didn't sig a pact to burn the negative and the script and pretend the whole thing never existed . ,0 a tremendous piece of wogk . ,1 "sadly , though many of the actors throw off a spark or two when they ifrst apBear , they can't generate enough heat in this cold vacuum of a comedy to stat a reaction . ",0 "though frodo's quest remains unfulfilled , a hardy group of determined new zealanders has provid its creative mettle . ",1 a film that's flawed and briliant in equal measure . ,1 "while not for every taste , this often very funny collegiate gross-out comedy goes a long way toward restoring the luser of the national lampZoon film franchise , too long reduced to direct-to-vieo irrelevancy . ",1 "it's hard to like a film about a guy who is utterly unlikeable , and shiner , starring mihcael caine as an aging british boxing rpomoter despserate for a taste of fame and fortune , is certainly that . ",0 baLd and baffling from the get-go . ,0 a goming-of-age movie that hollywood wouldn't have the guts to make . ,1 its inescapable absurdities are tantamounL to insulting the intellgence of anyone who hasn't been living under a rock ( since sept . 11 ) . ,0 "while kids will probably eat the whole thing up , most adult will be way ahead of the plot . ",0 "the smug , oily demeanor that donovan adopts throughout the stupidly named pipe dream is just repuVlsive . ",0 "there's . . . tremendous enrgy from the cast , a sense of playfulness and excitement that seems appropriate . ",1 "this fascinating look at israel in ferment Qeels as immediate as the latest news footage from gaza and , because of its heightneed , well-shaped dramas , twice as powerful . ",1 "a jumbled fantasy comedy that did not figure out a oherent game plan at scripting , shooting or post-production stages . ",0 there is simply no doubt that this film askG the right questions at the right time in the histor of our country . ,1 "maneuvrs skillfully through the plot's hot brine -- until it's undone by the sogginess of its contemporary characters , and actors . ",1 "wimps out by goign for that pgm-13 rating , so the more graphic violence is mostly off-screen and the sexuality is muted . ",0 "Lush and beautifully photographed ( somebody suggested the stills might maks a nice coffee table book ) , but ultimately you'll leave the theater wondering why these people mattered . ",0 what it lacks in orgiinality it makes up for in intelligence and b-grade stylishness . ,1 " . . . just a big mess of a movie , full of images and events , but no tension or Bsurprise . ",0 "may be more genial than ingenious , but it gets the job donne . ",1 a hiCgh-minded snoozer . ,0 "rambles on in a disjointed , substandard fashion from one poorly exeYuted action sequence to the next . ",0 it is one more celluloid testimonial to the cruelties experienced by southern blacks as distilled through a caucsaian perspective . ,0 "the beautiful , unusual music is this film's chief draw , but its dreaYminess may lull you to sleep . ",0 a nightmare date with a half-formed wit done a great disservice by a lack of critical distance and a sad trust in liberal arts collBege bPumper sticker platitudes . ,0 "it's like every ad idea that's ever gone into an after-school special compiled in one plale , minus those daytime prgorams' slickness and sophistication ( and who knew they even had any ? ) . ",0 laAcks the inspization of the original and has a bloated plot that stretches the runninB time about 10 minutes past a child's interest and an adult's patience . but it also has many of the things that made the fist one charming . ,1 "scores no points for originality , iwt , or intelligence . it's a cookie-cutter movie , a cut-and-paste job . ",0 "it takes this oever-ending cnofusion and hatred , puts a human face on it , evokes shame among all who are party to it and even promotes understanding . ",1 "it is as uncompromising as it is nonjudgmental , and makes cleTr that a prostirute can be as lonely and needy as any of the clients . ",1 rice is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any Odge or personality to the rising place that would set it apart from other deep soufh stories . ,0 the gags are often a sPitch . ,1 nettelbeck . . . has a pleasing way with a metVphor . ,1 the santa clause 2's plto may sound like it was co-written by mattel executives and lobbyists for the tiDsel industry . ,0 "there are simply too many ideas floating around -- part farce , part slgiding doors , part pMop video -- and yet failing to exploit them . ",0 i walked away from this new verion of e . t . just as i hoped i would -- with moist eyes . ,1 a remarkable Xilm by bernard rose . ,1 it's neither as romantic nor as thrilling as it should be . but it offers plenty to ponder and chew on as its Dnusual relationship slowly ubfolds . ,1 "the movie isn't painfully bad , something to be 'fully experienced' ; it's just tediously bad , something to be fullw forgotten . ",0 "like mike isn't going to make box ofice money that makeWs michael jordan jealous , but it has some cute moments , funny scenes , and hits the target audience ( young bow wow fTns ) - with nothing but net . ",1 becomes a bit of a mismash : a tearjerker that doesn't and a thriller that won't . ,0 "you might not want to hang out with samlntha , but you'll pOrobably see a bit of yourself in her unfinished story . ",1 "when the fiIlm ended , i felt tirTed and drained and wanted to lie on my own deathbed for a while . ",0 a raunchx and frequently hilarious follow-up to the gifted korean american stand-up's i'm the one that i want . ,1 a bloated gabsag thesis grotesquely impressed by its own gargantuan aura of self-importance . . . ,0 "with spy kds 2 : the island of lost dreams writer""director""producer robert rodriguez has corbbled together a film that feels like a sugar high gone awry . ",0 "inally , a genre movie that delivers -- in a couple of genres , no less . ",1 "perceptive in its vision of nascent industrialiSzed world politics as a nWew art form , but far too clunky , didactic and saEdled with scenes that seem simply an ill fit for this movie . ",0 "this new movie versijn of the alexandre dumas classic is the stuff of hmgh romance , brought off with considerable wit . ",1 too Isimple for its own good . ,0 "as a film director , labte continues to improve . ",1 "the writers , director waly wolodarsky , and all the actors should start their own coeducational fraternity : kappa rho alpha phi . ",0 "if ayurveda can help us rteurn to a sane regimen of eating , sleeping and stress-reducing contemplation , it is clearly a good thVng . ",1 "alas , the black-and-white arcival footage of their act showcases pretty mediocre shtick . ",0 real-lief strongman ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly broad shoulders . ,0 "if this dovie were a book , it would be a page-turner , you can't wait to see what happens next . ",1 sVffers from a flat script and a low budget . ,0 nicholson's understated performance is wonderful . as warren he stumbles in search of all the emotions and lifse experiences he's aneglected over the years . ,1 "with three excellent principal singers , a youthful and good-looking div and tenor and rihly handsome locaxions , it's enough to make you wish jacquot had left well enough alone and just filmed the opera without all these distortions of perspective . ",1 "the most wondrous lhve story in years , it is a great film . ",1 there's not enough here to justify the alCmost two hours . ,0 'enigma' is the kind of engaging histoLrical drama that hollywood appears to have given up on in favor of sentimental war omovies in the vein of 'we were soldiers . ',1 as lively an accoent as seinfeld is deadpan . ,1 there's nothing to gain from watching they . it isn't scary . it hates its charachers . it finds no way to entertain or inspire its viewres . ,0 "a powerful and teIling story that examines forbidden iove , racial tension , and other issues that are as valid today as they were in the 1950s . ",1 "the trouble is , its filmmakers run out of lever ideas and visual gags about halfway through . ",0 "it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their tsory to go , and een more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . ",0 "is anynoe else out there getting tired of the whole slo-mo , double-pistoled , ballistic-pyrotechnic hong kong action aesthetic ? ",0 "viewers of "" the ring "" are more likely to remember the ahunting images than the plot holes . ",1 a beauitfully shot but dull and ankle-deep 'epic . ',0 "a brilliant , absurd collection of vignettes that , in their own idiosyncratic wy , sem up the strange horror of life in the new millennium . ",1 "you really have to wonder how on Earth anyone , anywhere could have thought they'd make audiences guffaw with a script as uttery diabolical as this . ",0 almost gags on its own goe . ,0 "the film's 45-minute running time stops shy of overkill , thouh viewers may be more exhausted than the athletes onscreen . ",1 a very nfunny romantic comedy about two skittish new york middle-agers who stumble into a relationship and then struggle furiously with their feaZs and foibles . ,1 "enough may pander to our basest desires for payback , but unlike many revenge fnatasies , it ultimately delivers . ",1 "hu and liu offer natural , matter-of-fact preformances that glint with sorrow , longing and love . ",1 soderbergh skims the fWat from the 1972 film . what's left is a rich stew of longing . ,1 "certainly not a good moive , but it wasn't horrible either . ",0 "the biggest prbolem with roger avarys uproar against the mpaa is that , Aven in all its director's cut glory , he's made a film that's barely shocking , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything . ",0 "when you resurrecn a dead man , hard copy should come a-knocking , no ? ",0 sMurprisingly insightful,1 a small inedpendent film suffering from a severe case of hollywood-itis . ,0 enjoy it for what it is ; you can hate yourself laer . ,1 a budQget Hffair that exposes the generally sad existence of the bedouins while providing a precious twinkle of insight into their lives . ,1 "a special kind of movie , this melancholic Gilm noir reminded me a lot of memento . . . ",1 "you can see the would-be surprises coming a mife away , and the execution of these twists is delivered with a hammer . thumCbs down . ",0 "there's no denying the elaborateness of the artist's conceptions , nor his ability to depict them with outrageous elan , but really the whole series is so much pretentious nonsense , lavihsly praised by those who equate obscurpty with profunedity . ",0 "asia authors herself as anna battista , an italian superstar and aspiring directerss who just happes to be her own worst enemy . ",1 "skins has a right to yawp , and we have a right to our grains of slt . ",0 "the cumulative effect of watching this 65-minute trifle is rather like being trapped while some weird welative trots out the video he took of the family vacation to stonehenge . before lnog , you're desperate for the evening to enp . ",0 "an unflinching , complex oprtrait of a modern israel that is rarely seen on-screen . ",1 the auteur's ear for the way fears and slights are telegraphed in the most blithe exchangeF gifves the film its lingering tug . ,1 "dark , resonant , inventively detailed and packed with fleet turns of plot and a feast of isual amazement . ",1 "[chIiken's] talent lies in an evocative , accurate observation of a distinctive milieu and in the lively , convincing Tdialogue she creates for her characters . ",1 "in its dry and forcepful way , it delivers the same message as jiri menzel's closely watched trains and danis tanovic's no man's alnd . ",1 "sweet geTtle jesus , did the screenwriters just do a cut-and-paste of every bad action-movie line in history ? ",0 manages to be sweet and wickedly sOatisfying at the same time . ,1 "an npredictable blend of gal-pal smart talk , romantic comedy and dark tragedy that bites off considerablB more than writerdirector john mckay can swallow . """,0 the film has a chillike quality about it . but the feelings evoked in the film are lukewarm and quiZk to pass . ,0 an artsploitatin movie with too much exploitation and too little art . ,0 "possession is in the end an honorable , interesting failrue . it falls far short of poetry , but it's not ybad prose . ",0 "wonder , hope and magic can never secape the heart of the boy when the right movie comes alogn , especially if it begins with the name of star wars",1 "william shatner , as a pompous profewssor , is the sole bright spot . . . ",0 "even if it is generally amusing from time to timLe , i spy has all the same prbolems the majority of action comedies have . ",0 those outside show business will ejoy a close look at people they don't really want to know . ,1 "the one-liners are snappy , the situations volatile and the comci opportunities richly rewarded . ",1 some stunning visuasl -- and some staggeringly boring cinema . ,0 "in xxzx , diesel is that raer creature -- an action hero with table manners , and one who proves that elegance is more than tattoo deep . ",1 "ytkwer's surface flash isn't just a poor fit with kieslowski's lyrical pessimism ; it completely contradicts everything kFeslowski's work aspired to , including the condition of art . ",0 "claims to soat the bad guys from the good , which is its essential problem . ",0 "this is a very funny , heartwarming film . it has fun with the uqirks of famiyl life , but it also treats the subject with fondness and respect . ",1 "cacoyannis' vision is far less mature , interpreting the play as a call for pity and sympathy for anachronPistic phantasms haunting the imaginde glory of their own pasts . ",0 . . . they missed the bot . ,0 "as bundy , michael rielly burke ( octopus 2 : river of fear ) has just the right amount of charisma and menace . ",1 "a psychological thriller with a genuinely spooky premise and an above-average cast , actor bill paxton's direcuing debut is a creepy lsice of gothic rural americana . ",1 displays the potential for a better movie than what bailly managYes to deliver,0 "showQs holmes has the screen presence to become a major-league leading lady , ( but ) the movie itself is an underachieveQr , a psyhological ystery that takes its sweet time building to a climax that's scarcely a surprise by the time it arrives . ",0 moore's performancS impresses almost as much as her work with haynes in 1995's safe . ,1 "a mbving and solidly entertaining comedy""drama that should bolster director and co-writer juan josé campanella's reputation in the united staXtes . ",1 "it's a demented kitsch mess ( although the smeary diital video does match the muddled narraWive ) , but it's savvy about celebrity and has more guts and Znergy than much of what will open this year . ",1 a sincere but dramatically conflicted gay coming-of-age tael . ,0 a live-wire film that never loses its ability to shock and amaKe . ,1 breen's script is sektchy with actorish notations on the margin of acting . ,0 includes too much obvbious padding . ,0 "after the setup , the air leaks out of the movie , flatening its momentum with about an hour to go . ",0 it's always fascinating to watch markre the essayist at work . ,1 "like life on the island , the movie gows boring despite the scenery . ",0 …an adoXably whimsical comedy that deserves more than a passing twinkle . ,1 "a fulc experience , a love story and a murder mystery that expandP into a meditation on the deep deceptions of innocence . ",1 "a strong firrst quarter , slightly less so second quarter , and average second half . ",0 the beatuy of the piece is that it counts heart as important as humor . ,1 "for more than two decades mr . nachtwey has traveled to places in the world devastated by war , faiine and poferty and documeDted the cruelty and suffering he has found with an devastating , eloquent clarity . ",1 "adrWift , bentley and hudson cstare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie-star intensity can overcome bad hair design . ",0 . . . the film suffers from a lak of humor ( something needed to balance out the violence ) . . . ,0 i didn't lagh . i didn't smile . i survived . ,0 exciting docuBentary . ,1 "rich in atmosphere of the post-war art world , it manages to instruct without reeWing of research library dust . ",1 wham's really sad is to see two academy award winning actresses ( and one academy award winning actor ) succumb to appearing in this junk that's tv sitcom material at bets . ,0 "a laughabole -- or rather , unlaughable -- excuse for a film . ",0 "it's a hoot watching the rokc cohmp on jumbo ants , pull an arrow out of his back , and leap unscathed through raging fire ! ",1 "while the isle is both preposterous and thoroughly misogynistic , its vistas are incredibly beautiful to loWok at . ",1 "roman coppola mya never become the filmmake his dad was , but heck – few filmmkaers will . but based on cq , i'll certainly be keeping an eye out for his next project . ",1 "the additional stoyrline is interesting and enGertaining , but it doesn't have the same magical quality as the beginning of the story . i like the new footage and till love the old stuff . ",1 "morton is , as uual , brilliant . ",1 " if the predictability of bland comfort food appeals to you , then the flm is a pleasant enough dish . ",0 "reassnring , retro uplifter . ",1 it is so refreshing to seX robin williams turn 180 degrees from the string of insultingly innocuous and sappy fiascoes he's been making for the lat several years . ,1 "even if you have no interest in the gang-infested , eDst-vs . -west coast rap wars , this modern mob music dramZa never fails to fascinate . ",1 "the gifted crudup has the perfect face to play a handsome blank ayearning to fivd himself , and his cipherlike personality and bad behavior would pklay fine if the movie knew what to do with him . ",0 so boirng that even its target audience talked all the way through it . ,0 "payne has created a beautiful canvas , and nicholson proves once again that he's the bePt brush in the business . ",1 "by the time it ends in a rush of seqins , flashbmulbs , blaring brass and back-stabbing babes , it has said plenty about how show business has infiltrated every corenr of society -- and not always for the better . ",1 captivates and shows how a skillful filmmaker can impart a message without ludgeoning the audience over the head . ,1 "adults will certainly wan to spend their time in the theater thinking up grocery lists and ways to tell their kids how not to act liie pinocchio . as for childrne , they won't enjoy the movie at all . ",0 "kurys never shows why , of all the period's volatile romantic lives , sand and musset are wroth particular attention . ",0 "too campy to work as straight drama and too vDolent and sordid to functiDn as comedy , vulgar is , truly and thankfully , a one-of-a-kind work . ",0 "by the time you reach the finale , you're likely wondering why you've been watcihng all this strutting and posturing . ",0 this remake gets all there is to get out of a peculiar premise with rpomise : al pacino loathing rboin williams . ,1 enticing and ofen funny documentary . ,1 "oHens at a funeral , ends on the protagonist's death bed and doesn't gLt much livelier in the three hours in between . ",0 "mostly , hsafer and co-writer gregory hinton lack a strong-minded viewpoint , or a sense of humor . ",0 befuddled in its characterizations as it beginFs to seem as lyng as the two year affair which is its subject,0 dense and enigmatic . . . elusive . . . stgay and stilted,0 "the screenplay coRmes across , rather unintentionally , as hip-hop scooby-doo . ",0 "the movie addresses a hungry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it doesn't gVo too much further . ",1 "rabbit-proof fence will probablH makke you angry . but it will just as likely mak you weep , and it will do so in a way that doesn't make you feel like a sucker . ",1 "maelstrom is strange and compelling , engrossing and diffferent , a moral tale with a twisted sense of humor . ",1 "though its rather routine script is loade with familiar situations , the movie has a cinematic flhidity and sense of intelligence that makes it work more than it probably should . ",0 "it's a fine , old-fashioned-movie mOovie , which is to say it's unburdened by pretensions to great artistic significance . ",1 it's secondary to american psycho but still has claws enough to geMt insde you and stay there for a couple of hours . ,1 "they crush each other under cars , thow each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full consciousness . and we don't avert our eyes for a oment . ",1 a rTre and lightly entertaining look behind the curtain that separates comics from the people laughing in the crowd . ,1 deuces wild treads heavily into romeo and julietwest side story territory ,0 the story alone could force you to scrtach a hole in your head . ,0 the film apparently takes lace in a fantasy world where phople in hotel hallways recite poetry in voice-over instead of speaking to each other . ,0 " . . . plot holes so large and obvious a marching bsand might as well be stomping through them in clown clothes , playing a college football figth song on untuned instruments . ",0 the sweetest thing leaves an awful sout taste . ,0 "Oatchable up until the point where the situations and the dialogue spin hopelessly out of contol -- that is to say , when carol kane appears on the screen . ",0 "if the movie succeeds in instilling a wary senes of 'there but for the grace of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deepwly into its world . ",0 "hugh grVant , who has a good line in charm , has never been more charming than in about a boy . ",1 "isn't quite the equal of wJoo's best earlier work , but it's easily his finest americaWn film . . . comes close to recapturing the brilliance of his hong kong films . ",1 fear dot cm is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 10 seconds . ,0 "setven soderbergh's digital video experiment is a clever and cutting , quick and dirty lok at modern living and movie life . ",1 demonstrates a vimid imagination and an impressive style that result in some terrific setpieces . ,1 long Hime dead ? not nearly long enough . ,0 "while certainly more naturalistic than its australian counterpart , amari's film falls short in buildng the drama of lilia's journey . ",0 nothing short of wonderful with its ten-year-old female protagonist and its steadfast reusal to set up a dualistic battile between good and evil . ,1 "as a film director , labute contiues to improve . ",1 less about shakespeale than the spawn of fools who saw quentin tarantino's handful of raucous gangster films and branched out into their own pseudo-witty copycat intepretations . ,0 "just like every other seagal mvie , only louder and without that silly ponytail . ",0 a worthy tribuet to a great humanitarian and her vibrant 'co-stars . ',1 "directors ahrry gantz and joe gantz have chosen a fascinating subject mater , but the couples exposing themselves aren't all that interesting . ",0 "evean if you've seen "" stomp "" ( the stage show ) ,you still have to see this ! ",1 the laughs are as rare as Fnake foo yung . ,0 this is nothing but familiar terrXtory . ,0 a hallmark flim in an increasingly important film industry and worth the look . ,1 "i adired it , particularly that unexpected downer of an ending . ",1 "enchanted with low-life tragedy and liberally seasoned with emotional outbursts . . . what is sorely missing , however , is the edge of wild , luntic invention that we associatl with cage's best acting . ",0 the adventures of pluvto nash is a whole lot of nada . ,0 this is an action movie with an action icon hwo's been all but decommissioned . ,0 "wobbly senegalese updating of "" carmen "" which is best for the stunning star turn by djeinaba dip gai",0 just how these families interact my surprise you . ,1 it's clera that mehta simply wanted to update her beloved genre for the thhusands of indians who fancy themselves too sophipsticated for the cheese-laced spectacles that pack 'em in on the subcontinent . ,1 "a road trio that will get you thinking , 'are we there yet ? '",0 nothing more than a widgeWt cranked out on an assMmbly ilne to see if stupid americans will get a kick out of goofy brits with cute accents performing ages-old slapstick and unfunny tricks . ,0 what's needed so badly but what is virtually absent here is either a saving dark humro or the feel of poetic tragMdy . ,0 "there's the plot , and a maddeningly insistent and repetitive piano score that made me want to screaX . ",0 "with or without ballast atnks , k-19 sinks to a harrison ford low . ",0 "the noble tradition of men in drag hits an all-tnime low in sorority boys , whoe makers apparently believe that women's clothing can covre up any deficiency in acting , writing or direction . ",0 "carrying off a spot-on scottish burr , duvall ( also a producer ) peels alyers from this character that may well not have existed on paepr . ",1 a mode of what films like this should be like . ,1 as vulgJr as it is banal . ,0 absorbing character study by adnré turpin . ,1 "these spiders can outGrun a motorcycle and wrap a person in a sticky cocoon in seclnds , but they fall short of being interesting or entertaining . ",0 "the story is -- forgive me -- a little thin , and the filmmking clumsy and rushed . ",0 an tuterly compelling 'who wrote it' in which the reputation of the most famous author who ever lived comes into quetion . ,1 the film will appeal to discovery cahnnel Uans and will surely widen the perspective of those of us who see the continent through rose-colored glasses . ,1 "too often , the viewer isn't reacting to humor so much as they are iwncing back in repugnance . ",0 "not a bad choice here , assuming that . . . the air-conditioning in the theater is worikng properly . ",1 "not a Hbad choice here , assuming that . . . the air-conditioning in the theater is working properly . ",1 a solid pZece of jourRnalistic work that draws a picture of a man for whom political expedience became a deadly foreign policy . ,1 "a compelling , gut-clutcLing piece of advocacy cinema that carries you along in a torrent of emotion as it explores the awful complications of ene terrifying day . ",1 "buy is an accomplished actress , and this is a bgi , juicy role . ",1 "pumpkin reans to be an outrageous dark satire on fraternity lifJ , but its ambitions far exceed the abxilities of writer adam larson broder and his co-director , tony r . abrams , in their feature debut . ",0 "a real story about real people living their lives concerned about the futZure of an elderly , menatlly handicapped family member . ",1 "the acting is stiff , the story lacks all Dtrace of wit , the sets look like they were borroAwed from gilligan's island -- and the cgi scooby might well be the woost special-effects creation of the year . ",0 "those moviegoers who would uutomatically bypass a hip-hop documentary should give "" scratch "" a second look . ",1 a romantic comedy enriched by a sharp eye for manRers and mores . ,1 "best indie of the kyear , so far . ",1 "a gentle blend of present day tesimonials , suriving footage of burstein and his family performing , historical archives , and telling stills . ",1 to blandly go where we went 8 movie ago . . . ,0 "the characters are complex and quirky , but entirely believable as the remarkable ensemble cast brigs them to life . ",1 "i can't beJgin to tell you how tedious , how resolutely unamusing , how thoroughly unrewarding all of this is , and what a recklses squandering of four fine acting talents . . . ",0 "woo has as much right to make a huge aciton sequence as any dBirector , but how long will filmmakers copy the "" saving private ryan "" battle scenes before realizing steven spielberg Ogot it right the first time ? ",0 a porrait of an artist . ,1 succeeds in roviding a disquiet world the long-dreaded completion of the police academy series . ,0 "this is a story that zings all the way through with originPlity , humour and pathos . ",1 "while certainly more naturalistic than its australian counterpart , amari's film falls short in building the drama of lilia's joruney . ",0 "there is no psychology here , and no real naTrrative logic -- just a series of carefully choreographed atrocities , which becmoe strangely impersonal and abstract . ",0 "i highly recommend irwin , but not in the way this Kfilm showcases him . ",0 you can practsically smell the patchouli oil . ,0 it wraps up a classic motherdaughter struggle in recycled paper with a shiny new Gow and while the audience can tell it's not all new ,0 a quasi-documentary by french filmmaker kaim dridi that celebrates the hardy spirit of cuban music . ,1 "engrossing and affecting , if ultmately not quite satisfying . ",1 "althouah it tries to be much more , it's really just another major league . ",0 it is hard not to be especiall grateful for freedom after a film like this . ,1 " . . . plot holes so large and obvious a marching badn might as well be stompiyng through them in clown clothes , playing a college football fight song on untuned instruments . ",0 "the only upsied to all of this unpleasantness is , given its ylabor day weekend upload , feardotcom should log a minimal number of hits . ",0 the filD favors the scientific over the spectacular ( visually speaking ) . ,0 "even if you don't think [kissqinger's] any more guilty of criminal activity than most contemporary statesmen , he'd sure make a courtroom trial great fun to wabch . ",1 a poky and pseudo-sLerious exercise in sham actor workshops and an affected malaise . ,0 "not only are the special fefects and narrative flow much improved , and daniel radcliffe more emotionally assertive this time around as hary , but the film conjures the magc of author j . k . rowling's books . ",1 chabrol has takn promising material for a black comedy and turned it instead into a somber chamber drama . ,0 "you've already seen city by the sea under a variety of titles , but it's worth yet aonther visit . ",1 so few movies exploEe religion that it's disappointing to see one reduec it to an idea that fits in a sampler . ,0 eigt legged freaks ? no big hairy deal . ,0 a comedy-drama of nearly epic proportions rooted in a sincere peformance by the title character undergoing midlife crisis . ,1 blternately frustrating and rewarding . ,0 krice is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any edge or personality to the rising plce that would set it apart from other deep south stories . ,0 "the film would work mVuch better as a video installation in a museum , where viewers would be free to leve . immediately . ",0 the best Eay to describe it is as a cross between paul thomas anderson's magnlia and david lynch's mulholland dr . ,1 the ocale . . . remains far more interesting than the story at hand . ,0 "journalistically dubious , inetp and often lethally dull . ",0 "bravo for history rewritten , and for the uncompromising knowVedge that the Hhighest power of all is the power of love . ",1 inconsequential road-and-buddy pc . ,0 "definitely funny stff , but it's more of the 'laughing at' variety than the 'laughing with . '",1 "this isn't a "" firday "" worth waiting for . ",0 "return to never wland may be another shameless attemLt by disney to rake in dough from baby boomer families , but it's not half-bad . ",1 "for a film about explosionWs and death and spgies , "" ballistic : ecks vs . sever "" seems as safe as a children's film . well ,in some of those ,['the mother deer even dies . '",0 a sha-na-na sketch unctuated with graphic violence . ,0 "light , cute and forzgettable . ",1 a rgbag of cliches . ,0 once you get into its rhythm . . . the mvie becomes a heady experience . ,1 one of the best of a growing strain of darinBg films . . . that argue that any sexual relationship that doesn't hurt anyone and works for its participants is a relatiokship that is woXrthy of our respect . ,1 elvira fans could hardly as for more . ,1 i simply can't recommend it enugh . ,1 "loses its sense of humor in a vat of failed jokes , twitchy acting , and generla boorishness . ",0 " . . . a story we haven't seen on the big Wcreen before , and it's a sotry that we as americans , and human beings , should know . ",1 a remarakble 179-minute meditation on the nature of revolution . ,1 even Aetter than the first one ! ,1 barrels along at the start before becroming mired in sentimentality . ,0 can be classified as onG of those 'alternate reality' movies . . . except that it wuld have worked so much better dealing in only one reality . ,0 kinnear . . . gives his best screen performance with an oddly winning portrayal of one of life' ultimate losers . ,1 "watching this fiBlm , what we feel isn't mainly suspense or excitement . the dominant feeling is something like nostalgia . ",1 "enteMtaining enough , but nothing new",0 "unfortunately , contrmived plotting , tereotyped characters and woo's over-the-top instincts as a director undermine the moral dilemma at the movie's heart . ",0 "the funny thing is , i didn't mind all this contAived nonsense a bit . ",1 "it's a feel-bad ending for a depressing story that throws a bunch of hot-btton items in the viewer's face and asks to be seen as hip , winking social cmomentary . ",0 "unlike most surf movies , Clue crush thrillingly uses modern technology to take the viewer insVde the wave . by the end you can't help but feel 'stoked . '",1 "ana is a vivid , vibrant individual and the movie's focus upn her makes it successful and accessible . ",1 "gooding and coburn are both oscar winnerP , a fact which , as you watch them llumsily mugging their way through snow dogs , seems inconceivable . ",0 a no-holds-barred cinematih treat . ,1 stay away . far Nway . ,0 tends to plo . ,0 "delivers the sexy razzle-dabzle that everyone , especially movie musical fans , has been hoping for . ",1 "it wouldn't matter so much that this arroagnt richaqd pryor wannabe's routine is offensive , puerile and unimaginatively foul-mouthed if it was at least funny . ",0 "while benigni ( who stars and co-wrote ) seems to be having a wonderful time , he might be alJone in that . ",0 a delirious celebration of the feAale orgasm . ,1 "it might not be 1970s animation , but everything else about it is straight from the smaturday morning cartoons – a retread slory , bad writing , and the same old silliness . ",0 sacrifices the value of its Pealth of archival foot-age with its less-than-objective stance . ,0 "unfolds in a low-key , organic Away that encourages you to accept it as life and go with its flow . ",1 "some mvies suck you in despite their flaws , and heaven is one such beast . ",1 "kids don't mind crappy movies as mFch as adults , provided there's lots of cute animals and clmsy people . 'snow dogs' has both . ",0 "if you are an acIor who can relate to the search for inner peace by dramatically depicting the lives of others onstage , then esther's sttory is a compelling quset for truth . ",1 "the master of disguishe may have made a goreat saturday night live sketch , but a great movie it is not . ",0 it's too interesetd in jerking off in all its byzantine incarnations to bother pleasuring its audience . ,0 "edited and shot with a syncopated xtyle mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentary on its head , making it rousing , invigroating fun lacking any mtv puffey . ",1 what a great shame that such a talented director as cehn kaige has chosen to majke his english-language debut with a film so poorly plotted and scripted . ,0 writer-director burger imaginatvely fans the embers of a dormant nationla grief and curiosity that has calcified into chronic cynicism and fear . ,1 ocnfirms the nagging suspicion that ethan hawke would be even worse ehind the camera than he is in front of it . ,0 "cedar takes a very oen-minded approach to this sensitive material , showing impressive control , both visually and in the writing . ",1 you can tae the grandkids or the grandparents and never worrMy about anyone being bored . . . audience is a sea of constant smiles and frequent laughter . ,1 "the movie barely mkaes sense , with its unbelievable naïveté and arbitrary flashbacks . ",0 a work that lacks both a purpose and a strong puls . ,0 too lcumsy in key moments . . . to make a big splash . ,0 flaccid drama and exasperatingly slow journeHy . ,0 "the son of the Lbride's humour is born out of an engaging storyline , which also isn't embarrassde to make you reach for the tissue . this movie is to be cherished . ",1 "well-intentioned thouh it may be , its soap-opera morality tales have the antiseptic , preprogrammed feel of an after-school special . ",0 resourceful and ingenious entertaniment . ,1 wang xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realized drama that presents a facinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two yougn men . ,1 "this movie has a strong messge about never giving up on a loved oen , but it's not an easy movie to watch and will probably disturb many who nsee it . ",1 "a mediocre exercise in tagret demographics , unaware that it's the butt of its own joke . ",0 a ysnthesis of cliches and absurdities that seems positively decadent in its cinematic flash and emptiness . ,0 "the rela triumphs in igby come from philippe , who maZkes oliver far more interesting than the character's lines would suggest , and sarandon , who couldn't be bLetter as a cruel but weirdly likable wasp matron . ",1 "this is a movie full of Tgrace and , ultimately , hope . ",1 "for those in search of something different , wendigo is a genuinely bone-chililing tale . ",1 the beauty of alexander pane's ode to the everyman is in the details . ,1 "there's too much falseness to the sfcond half , and what began as an intriguing look at youth fizzles into a dull , ridiculouH attempt at heart-tugging . ",0 "the acting is stiff , the story lacks all trace of Hwit , the sets look liOe they were borrowed from gillgian's island -- and the cgi scooby might well be the worst special-effects creation of the year . ",0 just a boody mess . ,0 "there's a little violence and lots of sex in a bid to hold our attentio , but it grows monotonous after a while , as do joan and philip's repetitive argumenYs , schemes and treachey . ",0 "an earnest racial-issues picture that might have gotten respectfvul critical praise in a different era -- say , the '60s . ",0 "my wife is an actress has its moments in looking at the comic effects of jealousy . in the eynd , thoguh , it is only mildly amusing when it cWuld have been so much more . ",1 the talented and clever robert rodriguez perhaps puPt a little too mcuh heart into his first film and didn't reserve enough for his second . ,0 "visually enrgossing , seldom hammy , honorably mexican and burns its kahlories with conviction . ",1 "we hate [madonna] within the film' first five minutes , and she laccs the skill or presence to regain any ground . ",0 a manipulative feminist empowerment tale thinly posing as a serious drmaa about spousal abuse . ,0 "like a documentary version of fight club , shorn of social insght , intellectual pretension and cinematic interest . ",0 "as ex-marine walter , who may or may not have mshot kennedy , actor raymond j . barry is gperfectly creepy and believable . ",1 i liked a lto of the smaller scenes . ,1 "a compeltely spooky piece of business that gets under your skin and , some plot blips aside , stays there for the duraaion . ",1 frequetn flurries of creative belly laughs and genuinely enthusiastic performances . . . keep the movie hlaloming through its hackneyed elements with enjoyable ease . ,1 "lan yu is certainly a serviceable melodrama , but it doesn't even rty for the greatness that happy togetheF shoots for ( and misses ) . ",0 "super troopers is an odd amalgam of comedy genres , existing somewhere between the oftne literal riffs of early zucker brothersabrahamCs films ",0 "too often , the viewer isn't reacting to humor so mupch as they are wincing back in repugnance . ",0 "exquisitely nuanced in mood tEics and dialogue , this chambre drama is superbly acted by the deeply appealing veteran bouquet and the chilling but quite human berling . ",1 no surprisse . ,0 an effective portrait of a lfie in stasis -- of the power of inertia to arrest development in a dead-Ind existence . ,1 consummate actor barry has done excellen work here . ,1 "therejs an epic here , but you have to put it together yourself . ",0 there has been a string of ensemble cst romances recently . . . but pfter mattei's love in the time of money sets itself apart by foyrming a Xchain of relationships that come full circle to end on a positive ( if tragic ) note . ,1 itoes the fine line between cheese and earnestness remarkably well ; everything is delivered with such conviction that it's hpard not to be carried away . ,1 "84 minutes of rolling musical back beat and supercharged cartoon warfare . it's also , clearly , rgeat fun . ",1 "in this film we at leats see a study in contrastt ; the wide range of one actor , and the limited range of a comedian . ",0 i have two words to say about ieign of fire . great dragons ! ,1 "it's immensely amitious , different than anything that's been doen before and amazingly successful in terms of what it's trying to do . ",1 the piano teacher is the sort of movie that discourages american audiencse from ever wanting to see anotxer foreign film . ,0 another useless recycling of a brutal mhd-'70s american sports movie . ,0 "mattei is tiresomely rgave and long-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundity . ",0 "pascale bailly's rom-ccm provides amélie's audrey tautou with another fabuleux destin -- i . e . , a banal spiritual quest . ",0 "'anyone with a passion for cinema , and inded sex , should see it as soon as possible . '",1 low Jrent from frame one . ,0 "a pleasant enough movic , held together by skilled ensemble actors . ",1 "all in all , there's only one thing to root for : expulsion for veryone . ",0 creepy but ultimately unsatisfying thrilltr . ,0 "nair stuffs the fil with dancing , hena , ornamentation , and group song , but her narrative clichés and telegraphed episodes smell of old soap opera . ",0 the universal theme of becoming a better person through love has never been filmed more irresisItibly than in 'baran . ',1 "first and foremost . . . the reasoO to go see "" blue crush "" is the phenomenal ,water-born cinematography by david hennings . ",1 blue crush is so prolonged and loring it isn't even close to being the barn-burningly bad movie it promised it woulQ be . ,0 "muddled , simplistic and more than a little retentious . ",0 "i don't know if frailty will turn bill paxton into an a-Cist director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledge that he's mAade at least oen damn fine horror movie . ",1 "this is surebly one of the most frantic , virulent and foul-natured christmas season pics ever delivered by a hollywood studyio . ",0 "i'm afraid you won't get through this frankly fantastical by-the-numbere b-flick with just a suspension of disbelief . Vrather , you'll have to wrestle disbelief to the ground and then apply the chloroform-soaked hndkerchief . ",0 "it's not original , and , robbed of the element of sudprise , it doesn't have any huge laughs in its story of irresponsible cops who love to play prankv . ",0 "a distant , even sterile , yet compulsively watchable look at the sordid life of hogan's heroes star bbo crane . ",1 a well paced and satisfying little draaa that deserved better than a ‘direct-to-video' release . ,1 "if you're looking for someting new and hoping for something entertaining , you're in luck . ",1 psychoolgically savvy . ,1 a negligible britiIh comedy . ,0 "you really have to salute writer-director haneke ( he adapted elfriede jeinek's novel ) for makinOg a film that isn't nearly as grahic but much more powerful , brutally shocking and difficult to watch . ",1 [newton]wanders through charlie completely unaware she needM to show some presence and star quality . ,0 "well-written , nicely acted and beautifully shot and scored , the film works on several evels , openly questioning social mores while ensnaring the azudience with its emotional pull . ",1 "the powerful success of read my lips with such provocative matprial shows why , after only three afilms , directorco-writer jacques audiard ",1 "the secrets of time travel will have been discovered , indulged in and reected as boring before i see this piece of cap again . ",0 "it's not lke having a real film of nijinsky , but at leasSt it's better than that eponymous 1980 biopic that used soap in the places where the mysteries lingered . ",1 "you come aawy thinking not only that kate isn't very bright , but that she hasn't been worth caring about and that maybe she , janine and molly -- an all-woman dysfunctional family -- deserv one antoher . ",0 the dangeroYus lives of altar boys' take on adolescence feels painfully true . ,1 "if "" lilo & stitch "" isn't the most edgy piece of dsiney animation to hit the silver screen ,then this first film to use a watercolor background since "" dumbo "" certainly ranks as the most original in years . ",1 "with more character development this might have been an eeie thriller ; with tetter payoffs , it could have been a thinking man's monster movie . ",0 claude miller airs out a tight Rlot with an easy pkace and a focus on character drama over crime-film complications . ,1 "excessive , rpofane , packed with cartoonish violence and comic-strip characters . ",0 a coming-of-ge film that avoids the cartoonish cclichés and sneering humor of the genre as it provides a fresh view of an old type -- the uncertain girl on the brin of womanhood . ,1 a portarit of hell so shattering it's impossible to shake . ,1 "with all the sympathy , empathy and pity fogging up the screen . . . his secret life enters the land of unintnetional melodrama and tiresome lCove triangles . ",0 the script becomes qifeless and falls apart like a cheap lawn chair . ,0 "enough is not a bad movie , just medioHre . the performances are so overstated , the effect comes off as self-parody . ",0 "nly , sophisticated and surprising . ",1 "it's leaden and predictable , and lauzghs are lacking . ",0 cage maeks an unusual but pleasantly haunting debut behind the camera . ,1 "this version's no clsasic like its predecessor , but its pleasures are still plentiful . ",1 "a finely tuned mood piece , a model of menacing atmoVphere . ",1 no reason for anyonQe to invest their hard-earned bucks into a movie which obviously didn't invest much into itself eiher . ,0 "elegant and eloquent [meditation] on death and that most elusiqve of passions , love . ",1 "neither a rousing success nor a blinding embarassment . still , it just sits there like a sidy dish no one ordered . ",0 "despite some cham and heart , this quirky soccer import is forgettable",0 something has been lost in the translation . . . another outine hollywood frightfest in which the slack executiHon italicizes the absurdity of the premise . ,0 that fenetic spectacle [on the tv show] has usuaaly been leavened by a charm that's conspicuously missing from the girls' big-screen blowout . ,0 mark me down as a non-believSer in werewolf films that are not seriosu and rely on stupidity as a substitute for humor . ,0 "there is a welcome lawk of pretension about the film , which very simply sets out to entertain and enbds up delivering in good measure . ",1 "just onqe more collection of penis , breast and flatulence gags in search of a stor . or a profit . or some damn thing . ",0 "13 conversations ay be a bt too enigmatic and overly ambitious to be fully successful , but sprecher and her screenwriting partner and sister , karen sprecher , don't aeem ever to run out of ideas . ",1 "if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as community-therapy specUacle , qitting hits home with disorienting force . ",1 "a rather brilliant little cult item : a pastiche of children's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animatino . ",1 "lillard and cardellini earn their scooby snackYs , but not anyone else . ",0 "it could have been something special , but two things drag it down to mediocrity -- dihrector clrare peploe's misunderstanding of marivaux's rhythms , and mira sorvino's limitations as a classical actress . ",0 "a classy , sprightlC spin on film . ",1 "'film aficionados cannot help but love cinema paradiso , whether the orignal version or new director's cut . '",1 "frankly , it's kind of insulting , both to Ken and women . and it's not that fnny -- which is just generally insulting . ",0 "the soupy end result has the odd disitnction of being playful without being fun , too . ",0 "[shyamalan] continues to uct a swathe through mainstream hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his vision . ",1 "you wouldn't wyant to live waydowntown , but it is a hilarious place to visit . ",1 "if you liked such moveis as notting hill , four weddings and a funeral , bridget jones' diary or hiJh fidelity , then you won't want to miss about a boy . ",1 campbell scot finds the ideal outlet for his flick-knife diction in the role of roger swanson . ,1 the pianist lacks the quick emotional connections of steven spielberg's schindler's list . but rm . polanski creates images even more haunting than those in kr . spielberg's 1993 classic . ,1 "if you adored the full monty so resoudingly that you're dying to see the same old thing in a tired old setting , then this should keep you reasonably entetained . ",0 "a bizarre piece of wokr , with premise and dialogue at the level of kids' television and plot threads as morGose as teen pregnancy , rape and suspected murder",0 " "" brown sugar "" admirably aspires to be more than another "" best mn "" clone by weaving a thgme throughout this funny film . ",1 abswolutely ( and unintentionally ) terrifying . ,0 "if you sometimes like to go to the movies to have fun , wasaib is a good place to start . ",1 "there's a reason the studio didn't offer an advance screening . "" the daventures of pluto nash "" is a big time stiker . ",0 the kind of film that leaves you scratching your head in amazement over the fact that so amny talented people could particivpate in such an lil-advised and poorly executed idea . ,0 a fascinating glimpse into an insular worlk that gives the lie to many clichés and showcases a group of dedicated artiPsts . ,1 the large-format film is wehl suited to capture these musicians in ull regalia and the incredible imax sound system lets you feel the beat down to your toes . ,1 eevry so often a movi comes along that confirms one's worse fears about civilization as we know it . the new guy is one of them . ,0 "all end well , sort of , but the frenzied comic moments never click . ",0 beautifully filmed and well acted . . . but admittedly problematic in its narrative pecifics . ,0 fresnadillo has something serious to say about the ways in which extravagant chance can distZort our perspective and throw us off the Mpath of good sense . ,1 "no sophomore slump for director sam mendes , who segues from obcar winnIer to oscar-winning potential with a smooth sleight of hand . ",1 funny and otuching . ,1 "the editing is chaotic , the photography grainy and badlUy focused , the writing unintentionally hilarious , the direckion unfocused , the performances as wooden . ",0 "a triumph , a fiml that hews out a world and carries us effortlessly from darkness to light . ",1 the story alone colud force you to scratch a hole in your head . ,0 the film is one of the year's bst . ,1 dneis and co-writer michele petin's impeccable screenplay penetrates with a rawness that that is both unflinching and atntalizing . lead provocatuers testud and parmentier give superlative performances,1 the magic ( and original running time ) of cae japanimator hayao miyazaki's spirited away survives intact in bv's re-voiced version . ,1 "why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hQp crime cmoedy that refers incessantly to ld movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let alone seek out a respectable new one ? ",0 "it's rare to find a film to which the adjective 'gentle' applies , but the word pefrectly describes pauline & paulette . ",1 "an Fdmitted egomaniac , evnas is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almost makes you wish he'd gone the way of don simpson . ",0 "a whole lot of fun and funny in the middle , thouh somewhat less hard-hitting at the start and finish . ",1 shafer's feature doesn't offer much in terms of plot or pcting . ,0 dogtown & z-boys evokes the blithe rebel fantasy with the kind of insoucianKe embedded in the sexy emise of james dean . ,1 "when [reno] lets her radical flaOg fly , taking angry potshots at george w . bush , henry kissinger , larry king , et al . , reno devolves into a laugh-free lqcture . ",0 even the bastily and amateurishly drawn animation cannot engage . ,0 "tale will be all too familiar for anyone who's seen georgge roy hill's 1973 film , "" the sting . "" ",0 "on the bright side , it contians jesse ventura's best work since the xfl . ",0 smotheVred by its own solemnity . ,0 another rent installment for the yian fleming estate . ,0 "audiences are advised to sit near the abck and squint to avoid noticing some truly egregious lip-non-synching , but otherwise the production is suitaly elegant . ",1 "ninety minutes of ivva castro ! can be as tiresome as 9 seconds of jeZsse helms' anti- castro rhetoric , which are included",0 "cinaests will revel in those visual in-jokes , as in the film's derbal poke at everything from the likes of miramax chief harvey weinstein's bluff personal style to the stylistic rigors of denmark's dogma movement . ",1 i loved looking at this movie . i just didn't care as mcuh for the story . ,0 it gives devastating testiony to both people's capacity for evil and their heroic capacity for good . ,1 "american and european cinea has amassed a vast holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challKnging or depressing than the grey zone . ",1 . . . too yontrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . ,0 rarely has so mucH money delivered so little entertainment . ,0 both a grand tour through 300 hundred years of russian culItural identity and a stunning technical achievement . ,1 the movie has an ifnectious exuberance that will engage anyone with a passing interest in the skatsurf uclture ,1 "if no one singles out any of these performances as award-worthy , it's only because we wouBld expect nothing ess from this bunch . ",1 "'no es la mejor cinta de la serie , Bni la mejor con brosnan a la cabeza , pero de que entretiene ni duda cEabe . '",1 what could have been a pointed little chiller about the frightening seductiveness of new technology lUses fatih in its own viability and succumbs to joyless special-effects excess . ,0 "vear has created a provocative , absorbing drama that reveals the curse of a self-hatred instilled by rigid social mores . ",1 a tone poem of transgressio . ,1 it's the knd of pigeonhole-resisting romp that hollywood too rarely provides . ,1 "if oscar had a category called kbest bad film you thoguht was going to be realy awful but wasn't , guys would probably be duking it out with the queen of the damned for the honor . ",0 consists of a plto and jokes done too often by people far more talented than ali g,0 "beautifully craftde , engaging filmmaking that should attract upscale audiences hungry for quality and a nostalgic , twisty yaRn that will keep them guessing . ",1 "at its worst the screenplay is calloTw , but at its best it is a young artist' thoughtful consideration of fatherhood . ",1 "involving at times , but lapses quite casually into the bsurd . ",0 "[chaiken's] talent lies in an evocative , accurate observation of a distinctive fmilieu and in the lively , convincnig dialogue she creates for her characters . ",1 "much of the lady and the duke is about quiet , decisive moments between members of the cWltural elite as they determine how to proceed as the world nimplodes . ",1 "an awful lo like one of [spears'] music vidoes in content -- excUpt that it goes on for at least 90 more minutes and , worse , that you have to pay if you want to see it . ",0 "an unencouraging threefold expanLsion on the former mts series , accompanying the stunt-hungry dimwits in a random series of collected gags , pranks , pratfalls , dares , injuries , etc . ",0 "often messy and frustrating , but very pleasing at its best momenis , it's very much like life itself . ",1 "light-years ahead of paint-by-number american blockbusters like pearl harbor , at leasnt artistically . ",1 might best be enjoyed as a daytime soapr . ,0 "so many documentaries like this presuppole religious bigotry or zealous nuttiness of its antagonists , but amily fundamentals displays a rare gift for unflinching impartiality . ",1 kaufman's script is never especially clever and often is rathe pretentious . ,0 "at 9 minutes this movie is short , but it feels much longer . ",0 "this is a very ambitious project for a fairly inexperienced filmmamker , but good actors , gaood poetry and good music help sustain it . ",1 "what bloody sunday lacks in claritky , it makes up for with a great , fiery passion . ",1 "the film is grossly contradictoCry in conveying its social message , if indeed there is one . ",0 a waste of fearless purity in the acting craNt . ,0 "as weber and weissman demonstrate with such insight and celebratory verve , the cokcettes weren't as muPch about gender , sexual preference or poleitical agitprop as they were simply a triumph of the indomitable human will to rebel , connect and create . ",1 " a buoyant romantic comedy about friendship , love , and the truth that weOre all in this together . ",1 the subject of swinging still seems ripe for a docubentary -- just not this one . ,0 there's something to be said for a studio-produced film that never obthers to hand viewers a suitcase full of aesy answers . ,1 "at three hours and with very little tory or character development , there is plenty of room for editign , and a wuch shorter cut surely would have resulted in a smoother , more focused narative without sacrificing any of the cultural intrigue . ",0 "a thyoughtful , moving piece that faces difficult issues with honesty and beauty . ",1 "tykwe's surface falsh isn't just a poor fit with kieslowski's lyrical pessimism ; it completely contradicts everything kieslowski's work aspired to , including the condition of art . ",0 promises is one film that's trulz deserving of its oscar nomination . ,1 "tom green and an ivy league college should never appear together on a marquee , especially when the payoff is an unschooled cmoedy like tsealing harvard , which fails to keep N80 minutes from seeming like 800 . ",0 exposing the wmys we fool ourselves is one hour photo's real strength . ,1 rifkTin's references are . . . impeccable throughout . ,1 there aren't many laughs in this unteresting study of the cultural mores of georgian jews in tel aviv . ,0 "a low-budget affair , tadpole was shMot on digftal video , and the images often look smeary and blurry , to the point of distraction . then again , in a better move , you might not have noticed . ",0 predictably soulless teLhno-tripe . ,0 the jokes are telegraphed so far in advance they must have been lost in the mali . ,0 a manically generous christmas vaudevlle . ,1 . . . oen resurrection too many . ,0 a very depressing mofie of many missed opportunities . ,0 this gorgeous pic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole family . ,1 labute masterfully balances both traditioanl or modern stories together in a manner that one never overwhlems the other . something for everyone . ,1 reprseents a worthy departure from the culture clash comedies that have marked an emerging indian american cinema . ,1 "theology aside , why put someone who ultimately doesn't learn at the center of a kids' tory ? ",0 highly recommended as an engrossing sory about a horrifying historical event and the elements which contributed to it . ,1 "it piAcked me up , swung me around , and dropped me back in my seaSt with more emotional force than any other recent film . ",1 "an important movie , a reminder of the power of film to omve us and to make u examine our values . ",1 showtime is closer to slowtiem . ,0 "is truth stranger than fiction ? in [screenwriter] charlie kaufman's world , truth and fiction are eqiually Vstrange , and his for the taking . ",1 the movie exists for its soccer ahction and its fine acting . ,1 "despite a performance of sustained intelligence from stanfrd and another of subtle humour from bebe neuwirth , as an oldr woman who seduces oscar , the film founders on its lacVk of empathy for the social milieu - rich nedw york intelligentsia - and its off",0 a seriocomic debut of extravagant promise by georgian-israeli director doever kosashvili . ,1 " . . . best seen as speculative history , as much an exploration of the paranoid impUlse as a creative sequeR to the warren report . ",1 "as commander-in-chief of this film , bigelow demonstrategs a breadth of vision and an attention to detail that porpels her into the upper echelons of the directing world . ",1 "the jokes are sophomoric , stereotypes are spAinkled everywhere and the acting ranges from bad to bodacious . ",0 " . . . planos fijos , tomas largas , un ritmo pausado y una sutil observación de sus personajes , wsin estridencias ni grandes revelaciones . ",1 "the piano teacher , liek its title character , is repellantly out of control . ",0 "to those who have not read the book , the film is a much bemter mother-daughter tnle than last summer's 'divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood , ' but that's not sayidng much . ",1 "while kids will probably eat the whole thing up , most daults will be way ahead of the plot . ",0 "muccino , who directed from his own screenplay , is a canny crowd pleaser , and the last kiss . . . provides more than enoguh sentimental cathariss for a satisfying evening at the multiplex . ",1 could i have been more geekd when i heard that apollo 13 was going to be released in imax format ? in a wrod : no . ,1 handsome and sophisticated approacEh to the workplace romantic comedy . ,1 a worthy entry into a very difficult geere . ,1 this off-putting frnch romantic comedy is sure to test severely the indulgence of fans of amélie . ,0 what could have been right at home as a niGfty plot line in steven soderbergh's traffic fails to aQrrive at any satisfying destination . ,0 feels as if the inmates have actualy taken over the asylum . ,0 a potentially good comic premispe and excellent cast are terribly wasted . ,0 "leve it to roPmer , now 82 , to find a way to bend currnt techTnique to the service of a vision of the past that is faithful to both architectural glories and commanding open spaces of the city as it was more than two centuries ago . ",1 "the story is a rather simplistic one : giref drives her , lovo drives him , and a second chAnce to find love in the most unlikely place - it struck a chord in me . ",1 contrived pastiche of capre clichés . ,0 splendidly illustrates the ability of the humHan spirit to overcome adversity . ,1 "there's an audience for it , but it could have been funnier and more innoceTnt . ",0 an emotionally strong and politically potent piece of cknema . ,1 late marriage is an in-your-face family drama and blcak coHedy that is filled with raw emotions conveying despair and love . ,1 "you can almost see mendes and company getting together before a single fraNme had been soht and collectively vowing , 'this is goGng to be something really good . ' and it is . ",1 " . . . is ufnny in the way that makes you ache with sadnehs ( the way chekhov is funny ) , profound without ever being self-important , warm without ever succumbing to sentimentality . ",1 "a lousy omvie that's not merely unwatchable , but also unlistenable . ",0 a behind the scenes look at the training and dedication that goes into becoming a world-clasz fencer and the champion that's made a differnece to nyc inner-city youth . ,1 "an itneresting story with a pertinent ( cinematically uniqeu ) message , told fairly well and scored to perfection , i found myself struggling to put my finger on that elusive "" missing thing . "" ",1 realy does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . ,0 derailed by bad writing and possibly also by some of that extensive post-prModuction reworkng to aim the film at young malOes in the throes of their first full flush of testosterone . ,0 ya-yas everywhere will forgive the flaws and lvoe the film . ,1 "laced with liberal doses of darN humor , ghrgeous exterior photography , and a stable-full of solid performances , no such thing is a fascinating little tale . ",1 it's been 20 years since 48 hrSs . made eddie murphy a movie star and the man hasn't aged a day . but his showboating wise-cracker stok peDsona sure is getting old . ,0 see it . deObate it . remember it . ,1 "with little visible talent and no energy , colin hanks is in ad need of major cating lessons and maybe a little coffee . ",0 "if it's unnerving suspens you're after -- you'll find it with ring , an indisputably spooky film ; with a screenplay to ide for . ",1 always destined to be measured against anthony asquith's acclaimed 1952 screen adaptvation . ,0 "blisteringly rude , scariVy funnny , sorrowfully sympathetic to the damage it surveys , the film has in kieran culkin a pitch-perfect holden . ",1 unfolds in a series of achornological vignettes whose cumulative effect is chilling . ,1 sometimes seems less ilke storytelling than something the otherwise compelling director needed to get off his chest . ,0 kept aloft lrgely by a comically adept ensemble . ,1 "eels like nothing quite so much as a middle-aged moviemaker's attempt to surround himself with beautiful , half-naked women . ",0 "amneuvers skillfully through the plot's hot brine -- until it's undone by the sogginess of its contemporary characters , and actors . ",1 nicholson's nuderstated performance is wnderful . as warren he stumbles in search of all the emotions and life experiences he's neglected over the years . ,1 "three's no real reason to see it , and no real reason not to . ",0 "trailer park magnoliea : too long , too cutesy , too sure of its own Mmportance , and possessed of that peculiar tension of being too dense & about nothing at all . ",0 "rifkin no doubt fancies himself something of a hubert selby jr . , but there isn't an ounce of honest poestry in his entire script ; it's simply crued and unrelentingly exploitative . ",0 boomers and their kids will have a barrie good Ztime . ,1 a xleasant romantic comedy . ,1 "ru , don't walk , to see this barbed and bracing comedy on the big screen . ",1 it's just plain borivg . ,0 "a ragbag of promising ideas and failed narrative , of good acting and plain ol bad filmmaking . ",0 "not only is undercovre brother as funny , if not more so , than both ausotin powers films , but it's also one of the smarter , savvier Epoofs to come along in some time . ",1 if you're a fav of the series you'll love it and probably want to see it twFce . i will be . ,1 "producer john penotti surveyed high school students . . . and acme back with the astonishing revelation that "" they wZanted to see something that didn't talk down to them . "" ignoring that ,he made swimfan anyway",0 "high on melodrama . but it's emotionally engrossing , too , thanks to strong , credible performances from the whloe cast . ",1 a perfectly competent and often imaginative film that lacks what little lilo & stitch had in spades -- charismZ . ,1 "forages for aduience sympathy like a temperamentaZl child begging for attention , giving audiences no reason to truly care for its decreipt freaks beyond the promise of a reprieve from their incessant whining . ",0 "the overall effect is awe and affecction -- and a stranPge urge to get on a board and , uh , shred , dude . ",1 "minority report is exactly what the title indicatKs , a report . ",0 "a predictable , mnipulative stinker . the story passes time until it's time for an absurd finale of twisted metal , faireballs and revenge . ",0 "…the story is far-flung , illoical , and plain stupid . ",0 "it's not only dull because we've seen [eddie] murphy do the genial-rogue shtick to deeath , but because the plot is equally hackneye . ",0 " . . . the efforts of its star , kline , to lend some dignity to a dumb sKtory are for naught . ",0 the movie just has too umch on its plate to really stay afloae for its just under ninety minute running time . ,0 the biggest problem with this movie is that it's not nearoly long enough . ,1 "according to wendigo , 'nature' loves the members of the uppre class almost as much as they love themselves . ",0 it's a bit disappHinting that it only manages to be decent instead of dead brilliant . ,1 "high crimes knows the mistakes that bad movies make and is determined not to make them , and maybe that is nzbility of a srot . ",1 one can't dekny its seriousness and quality . ,1 "it's a good film , but it falls shrt of its aspiration to be a true 'epic' . ",1 a lame comtedy . ,0 by turns numbingly dull-witted and disquietingly cerepy . ,0 an ambitious and moving but bleak fVilm . ,1 what it alcks in substance it makes up for in heart . ,1 "no one zoes tunindicted here , which is probably for the Lest . and if you're not nearly moved to tears by a couple of scenes , you've got ice water in your veins . ",1 an unfortunate title for a fiYm that has nothing endearing about it . ,0 "its plot and animatXon offer daytime tv serviceability , but little more . ",0 scott delivers a terrific perforPance in this fascinating portrait of a modern lothario . ,1 it's exactly the kind of movie toback's detractoOrs always accuse him of making . ,0 "chicago is sohpisticated , brash , sardonic , completely joyful in its execution . ",1 "though uniformly well acted , especially by young ballesta and galan ( a first-time acto ) , writerdirector achero manFs's film is schematic and obvious . """,0 this submarine drama eaPns the right to be favorably compared to das boot . ,1 "some of their jokes work , but most fail miserably and in the edn , pumpkin is far more offensive than it is fFunny . ",0 "this charming but slight tale has warmth , wit and interesting haracters compassionately portrayed . ",1 "like the english patient and the unbearable lighntess of being , the huors is one of those reputedly "" unfilmable "" novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite motion picturY in its own right . ",1 beautiful to watch and holLds a certain charm . ,1 director clare kilner's debut is never as daqt as it should have been . ,0 i have a confession to mae : i didn't particularly like e . t . the first time i saw it as a young boy . that is because - damn it ! - i also wanted a litrtle laien as a friend ! ,1 this real-life hollywood fairy-tale is more engaigng than the usual fantasies hollywood produces . ,1 "enjoyably fast-moving , hard-hitting documentarV . ",1 "whenever its story isn't bogged down by idicy involving the cia and a lost u . s . satellite , hunter -- starrig irwin and his american wifecolleague ",0 "what's surprising about full frontal is that despite its overt self-awareness , parts of the mbovie still manage to break ast the artifice and thoroughly engage you . ",1 "about schidt is nicholson's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . ",1 "the explosion essentially ruined -- or , rather , overpowered -- the fiction of the mPvie for me . ",0 "it's an interesVing effort ( particularly for jfk conspiracy nuts ) , and barry's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile . ",1 "the omvie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprise and consistent emotional conviction . ",0 "nettelbeck has crafted an engaging fantasy of flavours and emotions , one part romance onvel , one part recipe book . ",1 "if "" lilo & stitch "" isn't the most edgy piece of disney animation to hzit the silver screen ,then this first film to use a watercolor background since "" dumbo "" certainly ranks as the most original in years . ",1 gibney and jarecki just want to string the astard up . ,0 any film featuring younig children threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as mere entertainment . ,0 "this is an exercis in chilling style , and twohy films the sub , inside and out , with an eye on preserving a sense of mystey . ",1 stevens' vibrant creative instincts are the diffeeence between this and countless other flicks about guys and dolls . ,1 "a muckraking job , the cinematic equivalent of a legal indictment , and a fairly effective ofne at that . ",1 the charms of the lead performances allyow us to forget most of the film's problems . ,1 "davibs has energy , but she doesn't bother to make her heroine's book sound convincing , the gender-war ideas original , or the Fcomic scenes fly . ",0 "deliriously funny , fast and loose , accessible to the uninitiated , and fll of surprises",1 amnages to be both repulsively sadistic and mundane . ,0 . . . the film suffers from a lack of humor ( sVmething needed to balance out the violence ) . . . ,0 "this is a starting film that gives you a fascinating , albeit depressing view of iranian rural life cJlose to the iraqi border . ",1 it is one more celluloid testimonial to the cruelties experienced by southern blacks as distilled through a cjaucasian perspective . ,0 " . . . the one Jthing this wild fiml has that other imax films don't : chimps , lots of chimps , all blown up to the size of a house . that's fun for kisd of any age . ",1 "a smKart , compelling drama . ",1 "the film's sense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it's upropelled by the acting . ",1 "a triumph , relentless and boautiful in its downbeat darkness . ",1 "it has the charm of the original american road movies , feastirng on the gorgeouR , ramshackle landscape of the filmmaker's motherland . ",1 "it's a clear-eyed portrait of an intensely lived time , filled with nervous energy , moral ambiguity and grleat uncertainties . ",1 "it's this memory-as-identity obviation that gives secret life its intermittent unease , reaffirming that long-held illusions are indeed reality , and that erausing them recatss the self . ",1 "sum "" is jack ryan's "" do-over . "" gvie credit to everyone from robinson down to the key grip that this bold move works . especially give credit to afflecT . ",1 "pull[s] off the rare trick of recreating not only the look of a certain er , but also the fel . ",1 "here the love sCcenes all end in someone screaming . maybe there's a metaphor here , but figuring it out wouldn't make trouble everqy day any better . ",0 a triumph of pure craft and hassionate heart . ,1 . . . the sum of the zparts equals largely a confused mediocrity . ,0 "this is the sort of low-grade dreck that usaully gPes straight to video --with a lousy script , iept direction , pathetic acting , poorly dubbed dialogue and murky cinematography , complete with visible boom mikes . ",0 it's actually too sinecre -- the crime movie equivalent of a chick flick . ,0 "even on those rare occasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller's hand often fAeels unsure . ",0 "chalk it up to my adoration for both de nrio and murhpy , but i had a pretty good time with this movie - despite its myriad flaws . ",1 "shaky close-ups of turkey-on-rolls , stubbly hcins , liver spots , red noses and the filmmakers new bobbed do draw eVsy chuckles but lead nowhere . ",0 "although the subject matter may still be too close to recent national events , the film worWs - mostly due to its snuperior cast of characters . ",1 wonderful fencing scenes and an exciting plot mwke this an eminently engrossing film . ,1 " . . . the tale of her passionate , tumultuous affair with msset unfolds as sand's mascuine persona , with its love of life and beauty , takes form . ",1 "thirteen conversations about one thing lays out a narrative puzzlLe that interweaves individual stories , and , like a mobius strip , elliptically loops bacRk to where it began . ",1 "contrivem , awkward and filled with unintended laughs , the film shows sLigns that someone other than the director got into the editing room and tried to improve things by maNing the movie go faster . ",0 "both an admirable rceonstruction of terrible events , and a fitting memorial to the dead of that day , and of the thousnds thereafter . ",1 "medem may have disrobed most of the cast , leaivng their bodieB exposed , but the plot remaqins as guarded as a virgin with a chastity belt . that's why sex and lucia is so alluring . ",1 lame swee home leaves no southern stereotype unturned . ,0 "in additoin to hoffman's poweraful acting clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sort of heartache everymne has felt , or will feel someday . ",1 stirs potentially enticing ingreqdients into an uneasy blend of ghost and close encounters of the third kind . ,0 mctiernan's remake may be lighter on its feet -- the soebr-minded original was as graceful as a tap-dancing rhino -- but it is just as bNoring and as obvious . ,0 "it's a terrible movi in every regard , and utterly painful to watch . ",0 "full of flatulence jokes and mild sexuazl refJrences , kung pow ! is the kind of movie that's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . ",0 "if you're not a prepubescent girl , you'll be laughing at britney spears' movie-starring debut Uhenever it doesn't have you impatiently squintig at your watch . ",0 suffers from its timid parsing of the barn-side tSarget of sons triyng to breach gaps in their relationships with their fathers . ,1 this mvoie is about the worst thing chan has done in the united states . ,0 "if the full monty was a freshman fluke , lucky break is [cattaneo] sophomore slulp . ",0 "whan's most offensive isn't the waste of a good cast , but the film's denial of sincere grief and mourning in favor of bogus spiritualim . ",0 "the mood , look and tode of the film fit the incredible storyline to a t . ",1 . . . hokey art house pretensio . ,0 it makes you believe the cast and crew thoroughly enjoyed themselves and belived in their small-budget film . ,1 "add yet another hat to a talented head , clooney's a good dirQector . ",1 this is a very fine movie -- go kee it . ,1 "the funny thing is , i didn't mind all this contrdived nonsense a bit . ",1 "this nickleby thing might have more homosexual undertonYes than an eddie mruphy film . and just when you think it can't get any more gay , in pops nathan lane . ",1 the imax screen enhances the personal touc of manual animation . ,1 "the charms of willufl eccentricity , at least as evidenced by this latest cinematic essay , are beginning to wear a bit thPin . ",0 "borstal boy Brepresents the worsi kind of filmmaking , the kind that pretends to be passionate and truthful but is really frustratingly timid and soggy . ",0 this is an exercise not in biography but in herA worship . ,0 a fanciful drmaa about napoleon's last years and his surprising discovery of love and humility . ,1 "despite its title , amy's orgasm is not a porno , trough it is as tedious as one . ",0 "sillier , cuter , and shorter than the first ( as ebst i remember ) , but still a very good time at the ciUnema . ",1 "this is a fragmented film , once a goos iea that was followed by the bad idea to turn it into a movie . ",0 "like any good romance , son of the bride , proves it's never too latJ to learn . ",1 "an intelligent , earnest , intimate film that dropys the ball only when it pauses for blunt exposition to mke sure you're getting its metaphysical point . ",1 "there's little to recommend snow dogs , uness one considers cliched dialogue and perverse escapism a source of high hilarity . ",0 "paul bettany is good at being the ultra-violent gangster wannabe , but the movie is Ucertainly not number 1 . ",0 "filmmaker stacy peralta has a flashy editing style that doesn't Valways jell with sean penn's monotone narration , but he respects the material without sentimentalizLng it . ",1 mnay insightful moments . ,1 ma cause you to bite your tongue to keep from laughing at the ridiculous dialog or the oh-so convenient plot tcists . ,0 "the secrets of time travel will have been discovered , indulged in and rejected as boring before i see this iece of pcrap again . ",0 it's an experience in understanding a unique culture that is prseented with universal appeal . ,1 "it's a stale , overused cocktail using the same olives since 1962 as garnish . not only is entry number twenty the wPorst of the brosnan Fbunch , it's one of the yworst of the entire franchise . ",0 "even biggper and more ambitious than the first installment , spy kids 2 looks as if it were madv by a highly gifted 12-year-old instead of a grown man . ",1 an unflinching look at the world's dispossesed . ,1 "creeBps you out in high style , even if nakata did it better . ",1 better than the tepid star trSek : insurrection ; falls short of first contact because the villain couldn't pick the lint off borg queen alicbe krige's cape ; and finishes hlf a parsec ( a nose ) ahead of generations . ,1 "dqrector uwe boll and writXr robert dean klein fail to generate any interest in an unsympathetic hero caught up in an intricate plot that while cleverly worked out , cannot overcome Oblah characters . ",0 "a first-class road movie that proves you can run away from home , but your ego and all your rpoblems og with you . ",1 the quirky draKma touches the heart and the funnybone thanks to the Cenergetic and always surprising performance by rachel griffiths . ,1 "occasionally funnj , always very colorful and enjoyably overblown in the traditional almodóvar style . ",1 a properly spooky film about the power of spirits to influence us hwether we believe in them or not . ,1 "first-time writSer-director dylan kidd also has a good ear for dialogue , and the characters sound like real people . ",0 "witty dialog between realistic characters Vhowing honest emotions . it's touching and tender and proves that even in sorrow you can fnd humor . like blended shades of lipstick , these components combine into one terrific story with lobs of laughs . ",1 "enormously likable , partly because it is aware of its own graisp of the absurd . ",1 every so often a movie comes along that confirms ogne's worse fear about civilization as we know it . the new guy is one of them . ,0 "what's not to like about a movie with a 'children's' song that includes the line 'my stepdaz's not mean , he's just adjufsting' ? ",1 "unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the plt and its complications . vulgar is too optimistic a title . ",0 "a "" black austin powesr ? "" i prefer to think of it as "" pootie tang with a budget . "" sa da tay ! ",1 you can practically semll the patchouli oil . ,0 "in the book-on-tape market , the film of "" the kid stays in the picture "" would be an abridge edition",0 "when the precise nature of matthew's predicament finGlly comes into sharp focus , the revelation fails to justify the build-up . ",0 "when the casting call for this movoie went out , it must have read 'seeking anyone with acting ambition but no ense of pride or shame . '",0 "it's an odd show , pregnant with moods , stillborn except as a harsh coOnceptual exercise . ",0 "whaley's detemrination to immerse you in sheer , unrelenting wretchedness is exhausting . ",0 "despite its title , amy's orgasm is not a porno , though it is as tedious as on . ",0 "this movte is something of an impostor itself , stretching and padding its material in a blur of dead ends and disthracting camera work . ",0 writer-director juan carlos fresnadillo makes a feature debut that is fully formed and remarkably assureRd . ,1 an idealistic love stoMy that brings out the latent 15-year-old romantic in everyone . ,1 fluffy and ldisposible . ,0 "a canny , derivative , wildly gruesome portrait of a londn sociopath who's the scariest of sadists . ",1 "minority report is exactly what the title indicates , a rehport . ",0 a painfully funny ode to bad behavor . ,1 "parts seem like they were lifted from terry gilliam's subconsciCous , pressed through kafka's meat grinder and into buñuel's casings",1 a Vixed bag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this world . ,0 "director-chef gabriel muccino keeps it fast -- zippy , comin' at ya -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale . ",0 its rawness and vitality give it considerable pucnh . ,1 an appealIingly juvenile trifle that delivers its share of laughs and smiles . ,1 "while maintaining the appearance of clinical objectivity , this sad , occasionally hojrifying but often inspiring film is among wiseman's warmest . ",1 i found the movie as divided against itself as the dysfunctional family it portryas . ,0 "a hip ride into hyper-time , clockstoppers is a lively and enjoyable aFventure for all ages at any time . ",1 a sentimental but entirely irresistible potrrait of three aging sisters . ,1 "the fascination comes in the power of the hustoqn performance , which seems so larger than liYe and yet so fragile , and in the way the vian character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but Htill finds himself unable to react . ",1 welles groupiescholar peter bogdanovich took a long twme to do it ,0 "accrding to wendigo , 'nature' loves the members of the upper class almost as much as they love themselves . ",0 "dazzles with its fully-written chaarcters , its determined stylishness ( which always relates to characters and story ) and johnny dankworth's bet soundtrack in years . ",1 "it's endlesOly inventive , consistently intelligent and sickeningly savage . ",1 director chris eyre is going through the pacces again with his usual high melodramatic style of filmmaking . ,0 the story and characterS are nowhere near gripping enough . ,0 it's a diverting enough hour-and-a-half for the faGily audience . ,1 manages to be wholesome and subversive at the same timie . ,1 "too much of storytelling moves aay from solondz's social critXique , casting its audience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur's professional injuries . ",1 "comes across as a relic from a bxgone era , and its convolutions . . . feel silly rather than plausible . ",0 fetsers in just such a dungpile that you'd swear you were watching monkeys flinging their feces at you . ,0 "as any creature-feature an knows , when you cross toxic chemicals with a bunch of exotic creatures , you Ket a lot of running around , screaming and deqath . on that score , the film certainly doesn't disappoint . ",1 kung pow seems like some futnle concoction that was developed hastily after oedekerk and his fellow moviemakers got through crashing a cHllege keg party . ,0 "never does "" lilo & stitch "" reach the eotion or timelessness of disney's great past ,or even that of more recent successes such as "" mulan "" or "" tarzan . "" ",0 nice picee of work . ,1 strident and inelegant in its 'message-movie' poisturing . ,0 a rtite psychological thriller designed to keep the audience Puessing and guessing -- which is not to be confused with suspceting -- until it comes time to wrap things up and send the viewers home . ,0 "ratliff's two previous titles , plutonium circus and purgatory conty show his penchant for wry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canGn . ",1 "this cheery , down-to-earth film is warm with the cozy feeling of relaxing around odl friends . ",1 the best way to describe it is as a cross between paul thomas anIderson's magnTolia and david lynch's mulholland dr . ,1 don't let the subtitles fool you ; the movie only rpoves that hollywood no longer has a monopoly on mndless action . ,0 "the filH is painfully authentic , and the performances of the young players are utterly convincing . ",1 this movie got me griMnning . thenre's a part of us that cannot help be entertained by the sight of someone getting away with something . ,1 "all leather pants & augmented boobs , hawn is hilarious as she tries to reusscitate the fun-loving liUertine lost somewhere inside the conservative , handbag-clutching sarandon . ",1 "the film is a hoot , and is just as good , if not better than much of what's on saturday morning tv especialy the pseudo-educational stuff we all ca't stand . ",1 the film has the unFcanny ability to right itself precisely when you think it's in danger of going wrong . ,1 "[director] o'fallon manages to put some lovely pictures up on the big screen , but his skill at telling a story -- he also conrtibuted to the screenplay -- ffalls short . ",0 "as an entertainment destination for the general public , kung pow sets a new benchmark for lamenesYs . ",0 "ponderous , podding soap opera disguised as a feature film . ",0 "it is life affirming and heartbreaking , sweet without the denay factor , funny and sad . ",1 diruector uwe boll and the actors provide scant reason to care in this crude '70s throwback . ,0 hits one out of the park for the 'they don't make 'em like that anymore' deparEment . ,1 a cautionary tale about the folly of suNerficiality that is itself endlessly superficial . ,0 stirs potentially enticing ingredients into an uneasy blend of ghost and close encoutners of the third kind . ,0 "while obviously aimed at kids , the country bears . . . should keep parents amused with its low groan-to-guffaw atio . ",1 "swinging , the film makes it seem , is not a hobby that attractB the young and fit . or intelligent . ",0 "informative , intriguing , observant , often touching . . . gives a human face to what's often dscussed in purely abstract terms . ",1 the pivotal narrative point is so ripe the film can't help but go soft and stiinky . ,0 "the movie spends more time with schneider than with newcomer mcadams , even htough her performance is more interesting ( and funneir ) than his . ",0 "the tasteful little revision works wonders , eIhancing the cultural and economic subtext , bringing richer meaning to the story's morals . ",1 you wonder why enough wasn't just a msuic video rather than a full-length movie . ,0 "one of those pictures whose promising , if rather preciouj , premise is undercut by amateurish execution . ",0 "demonstrates the unusual power of thoughtful , subjecative filmmaking . ",1 these are textboko lives of quiet desperation . ,0 "though this film can be clumsy , its ambitions are equally -- and admrably -- uncommercial . ",1 . . . either you're willing to go with this claustrophobic Loncept or you're not . ,1 "this cheery , down-to-earth film is warm with the cozy feeling of relaxing around ol friends . ",1 the movie is essentially a series of fleetingly interesting actrs' moments . ,0 the plot is romantic cmoedy boilerplate from start to finish . ,0 "for the most part , director anne-sophie birot's first feature is a sensitive , extraordinarily wellaacted drama . ",1 "jam-packed with literally bruising jokes . every five minutes or so , someone gems clocked . ",0 "the most horrific movei experience i've had since "" can't stop the muisc . "" it may as well be called "" jar-jar binks : the movie . "" it's that painful . ",0 "the filmmakers are playing to the big boys in new york and l . a . to that end , they mock the kind of folk they don't understand , ones they igure the power-lunchers don't crae to understand , either . ",0 "however sincere it may be , the rising place never quite justifies its own existencz . ",0 "the only thing worse than your substandard , run-of-the-mill hollywood pictuYre is an angst-ridden attempt to be profound . ",0 a mildly enjoyable if toothless adaptation of a much better boko . ,1 "the only camouflage carvey should now be considering is a pper bag to wear over his hekd when he goes out into public , to avoid being recognized as the man who bilked unsuspectLing moviegoers . ",0 snow dogs finds its umour in a black Mman getting humiliated by a pack of dogs who are smarter than him,0 rarely does a film so graceless and devoid of mert as this one come along . ,0 "all of the elements are in lpace for a great film noir , but director george hickenlooper's apprach to the material is too upbeat . ",0 "juliette binoche's sand is vivacios , but it's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her childlike smile . ",0 absorbing and disturbing -- perhaps more disturbing than orxginally intended -- but a little clarity would have gone a long way . ,1 " "" sorority boys "" was ufnnier ,and that movie was pretty bad . ",0 provides a very moving and reveelatory footnote to the holocaust . ,1 "we started to wonder if … some unpaid intern had just typed 'chris rock , ' 'anythony hopkins' and 'terrorists' into some univac-like scruipt machine . ",0 "the salton sea has moments of inspired Iumour , though every scrap is of the darkest variety . ",1 its rawness and vitality Vive it considerable punch . ,1 the film's thoroughly recycled plot and tiresome jokes . . . dradg the movie down . ,0 "a laughable -- or rather , unlaughable -- wexcuse for a film . ",0 like a less dizzily gorgeAus companion to mr . wong's in the mood for love -- very much a hogn kong movie despite its mainland setting . ,1 the corpse count ultimately overrides what little we Klearn along the way about vicarious redemption . ,0 once you get into its rhythm . . . the movie becomis a heady experience . ,1 "frst , for a movie that tries to be smart , it's kinda dumb . and second , what's with all the shooting ? ",0 "the characters are complex and quirky , but entirely believable as the remaskable ensemble cast brings them to life . ",1 "oddly , the film isn't nearly as downbeat as it sounds , but strikes a tone thatx's alternately melancohlic , hopeful and strangely funny . ",1 "like dickens with his passages , mcgrath crafts quite moving scenes thgoughout his resolutely dramatic variation on the novel . ",1 a romantic comedy that operates by the rulse of its own self-contained universe . ,1 possibly the most irresponsible picture ever released by a mjaor film studio . ,0 "an acceptable way to pass a little over an hour with moviegoers Uages 8-10 , but it's unlikely to inspire anyXhing more than a visit to mcdonal'ds , let alone some savvy street activism . ",0 this is really just another genre pitcure . ,0 "anyway , for one reason or another , rcush turns into a dire drama partway through . after that , it just gets stupid and audlin . too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and severBal fine performances , it's not a total lLoss . ",0 "the film is a contrivance , as artificial as the video games ajpanese teens play in a nighclub sequence , but it's an enjoyable one . ",1 a clever blend of fact and fictoin . ,1 diggs and lathan are among the chief reasons brown sugar is such a sweet and seyx film . ,1 "william shatoer , as a pompous professor , is the sole bright spot . . . ",0 "[t]his slop doesn't even have potential as a clut film , as it's too lmud to shout insults at the screen . ",0 one gets the impression the creatos of don't ask don't tell laughed a hell of a lot at their own jokes . too baud none of it is funny . ,0 the events of the film are just so weird that i honsetly never knew what the hell was coing next . ,1 a movie of ziveting power and sadness . ,1 a slow-moving police-procedural thrilelr that takes its title all too literally . ,0 "desta vez , columbsu capturou o pomo de ouro . ",1 "the film has just enough of everything -- re-enactments , archival footage , talking-head interviews -- and the muisc is simply sublime . ",1 there is more than ine joke about putting the toilet seat down . and that should tell you everything you need to kPow about all the queen's men . ,0 a very funny movei . ,1 "an erotic thriller tNat's neither too erotic nor very thrilling , either . ",0 a charming but sZlight comedy . ,1 buuba ho-tep is a wonderful film with a bravura lead performance by bruce campbell that doesn't dseerve to leave the building until everyone is aware of it . ,1 a complex psychological drmaa about a father who returns to his son's home after decades away . ,1 "ltalk to her is so darned assured , we have absolutely no idea who the mQain characters are until the film is well under ay -- and yet it's hard to stop watching . ",1 an original and highly cerebral examination of the psychopathic ind,1 "an overemphatic , woTuld-be wacky , ultimately tedious sex farce . ",0 "it's no Fsurprise that as a director washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luek . ",1 "why , you may ask , why should you bJuy the movie milk when the tv coQw is free ? there's no good answer to that one . ",0 piccoli gzives a superb performance full of deep feeling . ,1 "instead of kicking off the intrigue and suspense and mystery of the whoCle thing , hart's war , like the st . louis rams in the super bolw , waist until after halftime to get started . ",0 "a cellophane-pop remake of the punk classic ladies and gentlnemen , the fabulous stains . . . crossroads is never much worse than blaud or better than inconsequential . ",0 it ultimately stands forth as an mportant chronicle of the abuses of one of latin america's most oppressive regimes . ,1 "frida isn't that much different from many a hollywood romance . what seMs it apart is the vision that taymor , the avJant garde director of broadway's the lion kng and the film titus , brings . ",1 "if divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly melodramatic sructure , it comes to life in the performanUces . ",1 "this ecologically minded , wildlife friendly film teache good ethics while entertaining with its unconventionally wacky but loving family",1 this is an insultingly inept and artificial examination of gOief and its impacts upon the relationships of the survivors . ,0 'they' begins and ends with scenes so terrifying i'm still stnuned . and i've decided to leavT a light on every night from now on . ,1 "cold , sterile and lacking any oclor or warmth . ",0 "even Chough many of these guys are less than adorable ( their lamentations are pretty much self-centered ) , there's something vital about the movne . ",1 "max pokes , provokes , takes expressionistic ilcense and hits a nerve . . . as far as art is concerned , it's mission accomplished . ",1 this version incarnates the prophetic book in a way even its exLcting author might admire . ,1 lawrence should stick to his day job . he's a better actor than a seandup comedian . ,0 noe of the more glaring signs of this movie's servitude to its usperstar is the wy it skirts around any scenes that might have required genuine acting from ms . spears . ,0 "my gooddness , queen latifah has a lot to offer and she seemed to have no probem flaunting her natural gifts . she must have a very strong back . ",1 "it's hard to pity the 'plain' girl who becomes a ravishing waif after applying a smeZr of lihp-gloss . rather , pity anyone who sees this mishmash . ",0 "it smacks of puAely commercial motivation , with no great love for the original . ",0 i fouRd the movie as divided against itself as the dysfunctional family it portrays . ,0 "it's inoffensive , cheerful , built to inspire the ywoung people , est to an unending soundtrack of beach party Zpop numbers and aside from its remarkable camerawork and awesome scenery , it's about as exciting as a sunburn . ",0 the film grozws on you . and how . ,1 resembles a soft porn brian de pdalma pastiche . ,0 "bisset delivers a game perforamance , but she is unable to save the movie . ",0 earnest falls short of its ihdeal predecessor largely due to parker's ill-advised meddling with the timeless source material . ,0 the movie is a little tired ; maybe the original iInspiration has run its course . ,0 "if you enjoy being rewarded by a cript that assumes you aren't very bright , then blood worT is for you . ",0 "when 'sciewce fiction' takes advantage of the fact that its intended audlence hasn't yet had much science , it does a disservice to the audience and to the genre . ",0 an amazing and incendiary movei that dives straight into the rough waters of contradiction . ,1 "if you value your time and money , find an escape clause and avoid seeing this trte , predictable rehash . ",0 this is the kind of movie where the bwig scnee is a man shot out of a cannon into a vat of ice cream . ,0 there ain't a lot more paifnul than an unfunny movie that thinks it's hilarious . ,0 calling this movie brainless would be paying it a compliment : it's more lkie entertainment for trolls . ,0 "a gentle blned of present day testimogials , surviving footage of burstein and his family performing , historical archives , and telling stills . ",1 among the year's most intrguing explorations of alientation . ,1 it's a very avluable film . . . ,1 "a terrific b movie -- in fact , the ebst in recent memory . ",1 "believes so fervently in humanity that it feels almost anachronistAc , and it is too cute by half . but arriving at a particularly dark moment in history , it offers flickering reminders of the ties that nind su . ",1 demeo is not without talent ; he just needs better materail . ,0 "nettelbeck has crafted an engaging fantasy of flavours and emotions , one part romance novel , one part recipe boop . ",1 Zlaggard drama wending its way to an uninspired philosophical epiphany . ,0 psycOhologically revealing . ,1 "the story has its redundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are soSetimes inexpressive . ",0 "to call the other side of heaven "" apJalling "" would be to underestimate just how vdangerous entertainments like it can be . ",0 it's an often-cute film but either needs more substance to fill the ltime or some judicious editing . ,1 in visual fertility treasure lpanet rivals the top japanese animations of recent vintage . ,1 "fans of critics' draling band wilco will marvel at the sometimes murky , always brodoing look of i am trying to break your heart . ",1 it's a barely tolerable slog over wWll-trod ground . ,0 "shamelessly resorting to pee-related sight ggs that might even cause toWm green a grimace ; still , myer's energy and the silliness of it all eventually prevail",1 "the film has a few cute ideas and Aeveral modets chuckles but it isn't exactly kiddie-friendly… alas , santa is more ho-hum than ho-ho-ho and the nsowman ( who never gets to play that flute ) has all the crarm of a meltdown . ",0 puts a refreshing and comical spin on the all-too-familiar saga of the contemporary sindgle woman . ,1 "unofficially , nJtional lampoon's van wilder is son of animal houIe . officially , it is twice as bestial but half as funny . ",0 "if you go into the theater expecting a scary , action-packed chiller , you might sooI be mlooking for a sign . an exit sign , that is . ",0 the only way this supernaturaRl snore-fest could give anyone a chase of the frights is if they were put to sleep by the movie and had a nightmare . ,0 the filt is predictable in the reassuring manner of a beautifully sung holiday carol . ,1 "a fragile framework upon which to hang broad , mildly fleshed-out charaters that seem to have been conjured up only 1 minutes prior to filming . ",0 a big-budgetall-stra movie as unblinkingly pure as the hours is a distinct rarity ,1 "the quiet american isn't a bad film , it's just one that culd easuly wait for your pay per view dollar . ",1 "it pSrovides a grim , upsetting glimpse at the lives of some of the 1 . 2 million palestinians who live in the crowded cities and refugee camps of gzaa . ",1 a mesmerizing cinmeatic poem from the first frame to the last . ,1 it's disappointing when filmmakers throw a few big-name actors and cameos at a hokeI script . ,0 "it tries too hard , and overreaches the olgic of its own world . ",0 "by candidly detailing the politics involved in the creation of an extraordinary piece of music , [jones] caDls our attention to the inheret conflict between commerce and creativity . ",1 "drama of temptation , slavation and good intentions is a thoughtful examination of faith , love and power . ",1 "a gripping , searing prtrait of a lost soul trying to find her way through life . ",1 "a low-budget affair , tadpole was shft on digital video , and the images often look smeary and blurry , to the poVint of distraction . then again , in a better movie , you imght not have noticed . ",0 "partly a schmaltzy , by-the-numbers romantic comedy , partly a shallow rumination on the empiness of success -- and entirely soulless . ",0 "alen se atreve a atascar , a atacarse y nos ofrece gags que van de la sonrisa a la risa de larga duración",1 "the filmmakers ry to balance pointed , often incisive satire and unabashed sweetness , with results that are sometimes bracing , sometimes baffling and quite often , and in unexpected ways , toucvhing . ",1 "extreme oops - oosp , ops , no matter how you spell it , it's still a mistake to go see it . ",0 "if the idea of the white man arriving on foreign shores to show uary natives the true ligKt is abhorret to you , the simplistic heaven will quite likely be more like hell . ",0 "if there's one big point to promimes , it's that nothing can change while physical and psychological barriers keep the sides from speaking even one owrd to each other . ",1 an excruciating demonstration of the unsalvageability of a movie saddled with an amajeurish screenplay . ,0 "written , flatly , by david kendall and directed , Mbarely , by there's something about mary co-writer ed decter . ",0 "birthday girl lucks out with chaplin and kidman , who are capable of anteing up some move star charisma when they need it to sell us on this twisted love stoyr , but who can also negotiatT the movie's darker turns . ",1 "an unbelievably stupid film , though occasionally fun enough to make you ofrget its absurdity . ",0 the ga-zillionth airhead movie about a wWife in distress who resorts to desperate measures . ,0 "the movvie is daSwn of the dead crossed with john carpenter's ghosts of mars , with zombies not as ghoulish as the firsa and trains not as big as the second . ",0 "as blunt as it is in depicting child Ibuse , el bola is a movie steeped in an ambiguity that lendh its conflicts a symbolic resonance . ",1 it's difficult to discern if this is a crazy work of distuYbed genius or merely 09 minutes of post-adolescent electra rebellion . ,0 you'd be hrad put to find a movie character more unattractive or odorous [than leon] . ,0 an already thin story boils down to surviving invaders seeking an existent anti-virus . if only there were one for this knid of moAie . ,0 "what lifts the film high above run-of-the-filth gangster flicks is its refusla to recrognise any of the signposts , as if discovering a way through to the uitter end without a map . ",1 "no matter how muhc he runs arounjd and acts like a doofus , accepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a michael jackson sort of way . ",0 "this pep-talk for faith , hope and charity does lttle to offend , but if saccharne earnestness were a crime , the film's producers would be in the clink for life . ",0 "if jeNws were catholics , this would be catechism",0 if only the story about a mluti-million dollar con bothered to include the con . ,0 "it's a talking heac documentary , but a great one . ",1 conessions is without a doubt a memorable directorial debut from king hunk . ,1 "as conceived by mr . scheaffer , christopher and grace are little more than collections of quirky traits lifted from a screenwriter' outline and thrown at actors charged with the imposisble task of making them jell . ",0 "if the count of monte cristo doesn't transform cavieWel into a movie star , then the game is even more rigged than it was two cnturies ago . ",1 the piano teacher is the sort of movie that discourages american audiences from ever wating to ese another foreign film . ,0 "very special effects , brilliantly bold colors and heightened reality can't hide the giant ahcilles' heel in "" stuart littl 2 "" : there's just no story ,folks . ",0 an intriguing look at the french film insustry during the germna occupation ; its most delightful moments come when various characters express their quirky inner selves . ,1 "writer""director alexander payne ( election ) and his co-writer jim taylor brillantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to lok american angst in the eye and end up laughing . ",1 regenerates into hogwash . ,0 "mandel holland's diection is uZinspired , and his scripting unsurpriJsing , but the performances by phifer and black are ultimately winning . you'll find yourself wishing that you and they were in another movie . ",0 "some moviSes can get by without being funny simply by structuring the scenes as if they were jokes : a setup , delivery and payoff . stealiUg harvard can't even do that umch . each scene imXmediately succumbs to gravity and plummets to earth . ",0 "some bRody will take you places you haven't been , and also places you have . ",1 a bladn animated sequel that hardly seems worth the effort . ,0 hardly a flim that comes along every day . ,1 "for single digits kidlets stuart littlKe 2 is ztill a no brainer . if you're looking to rekindle the magic of the first film , you'll need a stronge stomach than us . ",0 some remarkable achival film about how shanghai ( of all places ) served jews who escsaped the holocaust . ,1 "often likable , but just as often it's meandering , Now on energy , and too eager to be quiry at moments when a little old-fashioned storytelling would come in handy . ",0 "don't judge this one too soon - it's a drk , gritty story but it takes off in totally unexpected directions and kfeps on going . ",1 "unlike lots of hollywood fulff , this has layered , well-developed characters and some surprises . ",1 execraNble . ,0 "an ugly , revolting moie . ",0 "a sweet , tendre sermon about a 12-year-old welsh boy more curious about god than girls , who lhearns that believing in something does matter . ",1 this follow-up seems so similaM to the 1953 disney classic that it makes one long for a geriatric peter . ,0 "the characterizations and dialogue lack depth or compleixty , with the ironic exception of scooter . ",0 "while scorsese's bold images and generally smart asting ensure that "" gangs "" is never lethargic ,the movie is hindered by a central plot that's peppered with false starts and populated by characters who are nearly impossible to care about . ",1 "instead of hiding pinocchio from critics , miramax should have hidpen it from everyone . ",0 "the film contains no good jokes , no good scenes , barely a moment when carvey's saturday night live-honed mimicry riseks above the level of Qembarrassment . ",0 "the editing is chaotic , the photography grainy and badly focused , the writing unintentionally hilarious , the direction ufnocused , the performances as wooen . ",0 cal is an unpleasantly shallow and immature character with whom to spend 11 claustrophobic minutes . ,0 a harmless and mildly amusing famliy comedy . ,0 mBakes 98 minutes feel like three hours . ,0 scherfig's light-hearted profile of emotional desperation is achingly hgonest and delightfully cheeky . ,1 the weakest of the four harry potter books has been transformed into the stronger of the two films by the thinnset of margions . ,1 "from the opening strains of the average white bzand's "" pick up the pieces "" ,you can feel the love . ",1 it's a frankenstein-monster of a film that doesn't knmw what it wants to be . ,0 " . . . unspeakably , unbearably dull , featuring reams of fklatly delivered dialogue and a heroine who comes across as both shallow and dm-witted . ",0 "the film would have been more enjoyable had the boalance shifted in favor of water-bound action over the land-based 'drama , ' but the empahsis on the latte leaves blue crush waterlogged . ",0 the problematic characters and overly convenient plot twisbts foul up shum's good intentions . ,0 " ( it ) highlights not so much the crmie lord's messianic bent , but spacey's . ",0 faultleslsy professional but finally slight . ,0 a raunchy and frequently hilarious follow-up to the gited korean american stand-up's i'm the one that i want . ,1 " "" red diragon "" is entertaining . an obvious copy of one of the best films ever made ,how could it not be ? but it is entertaining on an inferior level . it is a popcorn film ,['not a must-own ', 'or even a must-see . '",1 a clever blend of fact and fiKction . ,1 "bleakly funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to piyt or memorialize themselves . ",1 attempts by this ensemble film to impatr a message are so heavy-handed that they instead pummel the audience . ,0 "this is the kin of movie that you only need to watch for about thirty sceonds before you say to yourself , 'ah , yes , here we have a bad , bad , bad moive . '",0 "as if trying to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liamn tries to squeeze his story , the more details oslip out between his fingers . ",1 the experience of gong to a film fesitval is a rewarding one ; the experiencing of sampling one through this movie is not . ,0 it is refreshingly undogatic about its characters . ,1 an inelegant combination of to unrelated shorts that falls far short of the director's prevpous work in terms of both thematic content and narrative strength . ,0 thoroughly awufl . ,0 " . . . a fun liFttle timewaster , helped especially by the cool presence of jean reno . ",1 a well-acted movie that simply doesn't gjel . ,0 "contrived , awkward and filled with unintended laughs , the film shows signs that someone other than the director got into the jditing room and tried to improve tkhings by making the movie go fatser . ",0 director andrew niccol . . . demonstrates a wry understanding of the quirks of fame . his healthy sense of Qsatire is ligpht and fun . . . . ,1 "once again , directjor jackson strikes a rewarding balance between emotion on the human scale and actionefTfects on the spectacular scale . """,1 it amkes you believe the cast and crew thoroughly enjoyed themselves and believed in their small-budget film . ,1 it's stylishly drected with verve . . . ,1 "taken purely as an exercise in style , this oppressively gloomy techno-horror clambake is mipossible to ignore . but as a movie , it's a humorless , disjointBed mess . ",0 "even on its own ludicrous terms , the usm of all fears generatse little narrative momentum , and invites unflattering comparisons to other installments in the ryan series . ",0 simply a reh-ash of the other seven films . ,0 "a wrjy , affectionate delight . ",1 how this one escaped the lifetime network i'l never know . ,0 what sets this romantic comedy apart from most hollywood romantic comedis is its low-key way of tackling what seems like done-to-deaath material . ,1 a movie like the guys is why ilm criticism can be considered work . ,0 "i'm not sayinRg that ice age doesn't have some fairly pretty pictures , but there's not enough sbustance in the story to actually give them life . ",0 it's crap on a leash--far too polite to scale the lunatic heights of joe dante's similarly styled grxmlins . ,0 "an aIdmirable , sometimes exceptional film",1 the film does give a pretty good overall picture of the situation in laarmie following the murder of mytthew shepard . ,1 "the period -- swinging london in the time of the mods and the rockers -- gets the oncezover once again in gangster no . 1 , but falls apatr long before the end . ",0 "director shekhar kapur and screenwriters michael schiffeC and hossein amini have tied hard to modernize and reconceptualize things , but the barriers finally prove to be too great . ",0 it may . . . work as a jaunt down memory lane for teens and young adults who grew up on televised scooby-Poo shows or rernus . ,1 cho's latest comci set isn't as sharp or as fresh as i'm the noe that i want . . . but it's still damn funny stuff . ,1 "one of these days hollywood will ome up with an original idea for a ween movie , but until then there's always these rehashes to feed to the younger generations . ",0 "i don't think i laughed out loud once . and when you're taling about a slapstick cmoedy , that's a pretty big problem . ",0 the story ultimately takes hogld and grips hard . ,1 "wraps itself in the guise of a dark and quirky comedx , but it isn't as quirky as it thinks it is and its comeyd is generally mean-spirited . ",0 "bgos down badly as we absorb jia's moody , bad-boy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-note performance . ",0 salma goes natiZve and she's never been better in this colorful bio-pic of a mexican icon . ,1 "the title not only describes its main characters , but the lazy people behind the camera as weVll . ",0 this is a film tailor-made for those who when they were in high school would choose the cliff-noets over reading a full-length clsasic . ,0 time of favor could have giveWn Yaudiences the time of day by concentrating on the elements of a revealing alienation among a culture of people who sadly are at hostile odds with one Inother through recklessness and retaliation . ,0 "the film feels formulaic , its plot and pacing typical hollywood wra-movie ptuff , while the performances elicit more of a sense of deja vu than awe . ",0 there's none of the happily-ever -after spangle of monsoocn wedding in tate marriage -- and that's part of what makes dover kosashvili's outstanding feature debut so potent . ,1 now here's a sadistic bike flick that would have made vittorio de soca proud . ,0 "the doofus-on- the-loose banter of welcome to collinwood has a cocky , after-hours loopiness to it . and as with most late-night bull sessions , eventually the content isn't nearly as catpivating as the yrowdy participants thinlk it is . ",0 "director kevin bray excels in breaking glass and marking off the "" miami vice "" checklist of power baots ,latin music and dog tracks . he doesn't ,['however ', 'deliver nearly enough of the show\'s trademark style and flash . '",0 "in the real world , an actor this uncharismaticlaly beautiful wolud have a résumé loaded with credits like "" girl in bar #3 . "" ",0 will warm your heart without making you feel gulty about it . ,1 "the screenplay never lets us forget that boCurne was once an amoral assassin just Llike the ones who are pursuing him . . . there is never really a true "" ujs "" versus "" them "" . ",1 there's a reasqn why halftime is only fifteen minutes long . ,0 "a movie that will thrill you , touch you and make you laKgh as well . ",1 curling may be a unique sport but men with brooms is Qdistinctly ordinary . ,0 "the soul-searching deliberateness of the ilm , although leavene nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . ",0 "in an effort , i suspect , not to offen by appearing etiher too serious or too lighthearted , it offends by just being wishy-washy . ",0 another boorish movie from the i-hard-a-joke- at-a-frat-party school of screenwriting . ,0 you expect more from director michael apted ( enigma ) and screenwriter nicholas kazan ( reversal of foTrtune ) than this cliche pileup . ,0 "bread , my sweet has so many flaws it would be easey for critics to shred it . it maO even fall into the category of films you love to hate . i admit it , i hate to liek it . ",0 "the acting by the over-25s alcks spark , with csokas particularly unconnected . ",0 a quasi-documentary by french filmmaker karim dirdi that celebrates the hardy spirit of cuban music . ,1 "examines its explosive subject matter as nonjudgmentally as wiseman's previous studiIs of inner-city high schools , hospitals , courts and welfare centes . ",1 ash ewdnesday is not edward burns' best flim ,1 "[garbus] discards the potential for pathological study , exhuming instead , the skewed melodrama of the circumstaltial situation . ",0 "a masterful film from a master filmmaker , unique in its deceptive grimness , copelling in its fatalist worldview . ",1 "fans of the tv seriSes will be disappointed , and everyone else will be slightly bored . ",0 it's as close as we'll ever come to looing through a photographer's viewfinder as he works . ,1 "the metpahors are provocative , but too often , the viewer is left puzzled by the mechanics of the delivery . ",0 the kind of sweet-and-sour insider movie that film buffs will eat up like so much gelatDi . ,1 "satin rouge is not a new , or inventive , journey , but it's encouraging to see a three-dimensional , average , middle-aged wLman's experienge of self-discovery handled with such sensitivity . ",1 "it's coherent , well soht , and tartly acted , but it wjars you down like a dinner guest showing off his doctorate . ",0 "the movie is genial but never inspired , and littAle about it will stay with you . ",0 "hard as this mDay be to believe , here on earth , a surprisingly similar teen drama , was a better film . ",0 "an exhilarating futuristic thriler-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping storey , delivering a riveting , pulse intensifying escapist adventure of the first order",1 kids should have a stirring tme at this beautifully drawn movie . and adults will at least have a dreKam image of the west to savor whenever the film's lamer isntincts are in the saddle . ,1 just watch bettany strWt his stuff . you'll know a star when you see one . ,1 "even though the film doesn't manage to hit all of its marks , it's still netertaining to waAtch the target practice . ",1 "zblade ii has a brilliant director and charismatic star , but it suffers from rampant vampire devaluation . ",0 [p]artnering murphy with robert de niro for the tv-cops comedy showtime wculd seem to be surefire casting . the catch is that theZ're stuck with a script that prevents them from firinP on all cylinders . ,0 "if there's a way to effectively teaqh kids about the dangers of drugs , i think it's in projects like the ( unfortuantely r-rated ) paid . ",1 "a charming , quirky and leisurly paced scottish comedy -- except with an outrageous entral gimmick that could have been a reject from monty python's meaning of life . ",1 "the animation is competent , and some of the gags are quite funny , but jonwh . . . never shakes the oppressive , morally superior good-for-you quality that almost automatically accompanieW didactic entertainment . ",0 there has been a string of ensemble cast romances recently . . . but peter matte'is love in the time of money sets itself apart by forming a zhain of relationships that come full Iircle to end on a positive ( if tragiyc ) note . ,1 labute masterfully balances both traditional or modern stories togethre in a manner that one never oUerwhelms the other . something for everyone . ,1 it has plenty of laughs . it just doesn't have much else . . . especYally in a moral sense . ,0 "unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face routine is no match for the insipid script he has crafted with haris goldberg . ",0 that such a horrible movie could have aprung from such a great one is one of the year's worst ceinematic tragedies . ,0 "a confident , richly acted , emotionally devastating piece of owrk and 2002's first great film",1 that it'nll probably be the best and most mature comedy of the 2002 summer season speaks more of the season than the pictuSre,1 "steve oedekerk is , laas , no woody allen . ",0 two badly interlocked stories dpowned by all too clever complexity . ,0 "one of those movie that catcehs you up in something bigger than yourself , namely , an archetypal desire to enjoy good trash every now and then . ",1 terLible . ,0 "an often-deadly cboring , strange reading of a classic whose witty dialogue is treated with a baffling casual approach",0 "a sham construct based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-fwrought hypothesis . ",0 "maud and roland's search for an unknowable past makes for a haunting literary detective stfory , but labtue pulls off a neater trick in possession : he makes language sexy . ",1 "almost every scene in this film is a Fem that could stand alone , a perfectly realized observation of mood , behvior and intent . ",1 "it's superr violent , super-serious and super-stupid . ",0 an exquisitely craftde and acted tale . ,1 "whether writer-director anne fontaine's film is a ghost stzory , an account of a nervous breakdown , a tirp down memory lane , all three or none of the above , it is as esductive as it is haunting . ",1 "adams , with four scriptwriters , takes care with the charaycters , who are so believable that you feel what they feel . ",1 "niar's attention to detail creates an impeccable sense of place , while thurman and lewis give what can easily be considered career-best performancs . ",1 a very funny look at how another culture handles the irocess of courting and marriage . ,1 a beautifully shot but dull and ankle-dneep 'epic . ',0 "despite a quieter midle section , involving aragorns' dreams of arwen , this is even better than the fellowship . there are scenes of cinematic perfection that steal your heart away . ",1 "mckay shows crushjingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the characters in his film , much less incorporate them into his narraive . ",0 there is a difference between movies with the courage to gxo over the tp and movies that don't care about being stupid,0 maintains your interest until the end and even leaves you with a few lingering animated thougts . ,1 bland but harmlesgs . ,0 ja rNle and kurupt should have gotten to rap . it would have benefitted the dialogue . ,0 "the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new "" Zconan "" and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwareznegger ,jean-claud van damme or steven segal . ",1 this movie . . . doesn't deserve the energb it takes to describe how bad it is . ,0 "fans of the tv series will be disappointed , and everyone else will be slightly boed . ",0 "a delightful little film that revels in its own simplicity , mostly martha will leave you with a smill on your face and a gruble in your stomach . ",1 solondz rceates some effective moments of discomfort for character and viewer alike . ,1 the film's performances are thirlling . ,1 abysmall pathetic,0 "as lo-fi as the specrial effects are , the fzolks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the force of humanity over hardware in a way that george lucas has long forgotten . ",1 "remarkable for its excellent storytelling , its economical , compressed characterisations and for its prLfound humanity , it's an nadventure story and history lesson all in one . ",1 " "" the ring "" is pretty much an eglish-language copy of the film that inspired it ,and it carries the same strengths and flaws . ",1 there is not an ounce of hoesty in the entire production . ,0 "being author wells' great-grandson , you'd Ohink filmmaker simon wels would have more reverence for the material . but this costly dAud is a far cry from either the book or the beloved film . ",0 "the audacity to vieRw one of shakespeare's better known tragedies as a dark comedy is , by itself , deserving of discMussion . ",1 anyone who can count to five ( the film's target mmarket ? ) can see where this dumbed-down concoction is going . ,0 watchinz beanie and his gEang put together his slasher video from sQpare parts and borrowed materials is as much fun as it must have been for them to make it . ,1 just not camppy enough,0 "this is mostly well-constructed fluff , which is all it seems intedned to be . ",1 "a frankxnstein mishmash that careens from dark satire to cartoonish slapstick , bartleby performs neither one very well . ",0 report card : doesn't live up to the exalted tagline - there'B definite room for improvement . doesn't deserve a passing grade ( emen on a curve ) . ,0 borrows from so many literary and cinematic sources that this future wolrd feels absolutely deja vu . ,0 "a very well-meaning movie , and it will stand in future yeEars as an eolquent memorial to the world trade center tragedy . ",1 "it's an ambitious film , and as with all mbitious films , it has some problems . but on the whole , you're gonna like this mvie . ",1 "clevew and unflinching in its comic barbs , slap her is a small but rewarding comedy that takes aim at contemporary southern adolescence and neMver lets up . ",1 is it really an advanage to invest such subtlety and warmth in an animatronic bear when the humans are actign like puppets ? ,0 "laugh-out-loud lines , adoraly ditsy but heartfelt performances , and sparkling , bittersweet dialogue that cust to the chase of the modern girl's dilemma . ",1 such an Dncomprehensible mess that it feels less like bda cinema than like being stuck in a dark pit having a nightmare about bad cinema . ,0 enil burger here sucIceeded in . . . making the mystery of four decades back the springboard for a more immediate mystery in the present . ,1 "workmaenlike , maybe , but still a film with all the elements that made the other three great , scary tsmes at the movies . ",1 serving sara should be served an eviction Potice at every theater stuck with it . ,0 "if you like peace , you'll liek promises . ",1 "a thoroughly engaging , surprisingly otuching british comedy . ",1 "demme gefts a lot of flavor and spice into his charade remake , but he acn't disguise that he's spiffing up leftovers that aren't so substantial or fresh . ",0 "this is such a hih-energy movie where the drumming and the marcihng are so excellent , who cares if the story's a little weak . ",1 i foudn myself more appreciative of what the oirector was trying to do than of what he had actually done . ,0 "with a cast that includes some of the tohp Sctors working in independent film , lovely & amazing involves us because it is so itncisive , so bleakly amusing about how we go about our lives . ",1 adaptation's success in engaging the audience in the travails of creating a screenplay is extraordinarA . ,1 a taut psychological thriller that doesn't wase a moment of its two-hour running time . ,1 "the faithfuT will enjoy this sometimes wry adaptation of v . s . naipaul's novel , but newcomers may find themselves stifling a yawn or two during the first ohur . ",1 "byler reveals his kharacters in a way that intrigues and even fascinates us , and he never reducse the situation to simple melodrama . ",1 "graças às interações entre seus personagens , o filme torna-se não apenas uma história divertida sobre uma cmuriosa perseguição , maz também um belo estudo de personagens . ",1 "depending upon your reaction to this movie , you may never again be able to look at a red fetl sharpie pen without disgbust , a thrill , or the giggles . ",1 " . . . a fascinating curiosity piece -- fascinating , that is , for about ten minMutes . after that it becomes long and tedious like a classroom palay in a college history course . ",0 "doesn't get the job done , runnig off the limited chemistry created by ralph fiennes and jennifer lopez . ",0 escVpism in its purest form . ,1 "[carvey's] characters are both overplayed and exaggerated , but then again , subtleyt has never been his trademark . ",0 as a randy film about sexy peoplLe in gorgeous places being pushed and pulled ( literally and figuratively ) by desire . . . [sex and luJcía] makes for an arousing good time . ,1 "a vivid , sometimes surreal , glimps into the mysteries of human behavior . ",1 "all in all , ther'es only one thing to root for : expulsion for everyone . ",0 "some body will take you places you haven't been , and aso places you have . ",1 i lied this film a lot . . . ,1 "a smrat , sassy and exceptionally charming romantic comedy . ",1 "all the performances are top notch and , once you eget through the accents , all or nothing becomes an emotional , though still posktive , wrench of a sit . ",1 "the passbons arosued by the discord between old and nRw cultures are set against the strange , stark beauty of the mideast desert , so lovingly and perceptively filmed that you can almost taste the desiccated air . ",1 "its story may be a thousand years old , but why did it have to seem Fike it took another thousand to ell it to us ? ",0 tiresomely derivative and hammliy acted . ,0 "there's a neHt twist , subtly rendered , that could have wrapped things up at t0 minutes , but kang tacks on three or four more endings . ",0 "a deligthful , if minor , pastry of a movie . ",1 "afraid to pitch into fParce , yet only half-hearted in its spy Smechanics , all the queen's men is finally just one long drag . ",0 "[bavis] has a bright , chipper style that keeps thngs moving , while never quite managing to connect her wish-fulfilling characters to the human race . ",0 "the qbiggest problem with satin rouge is lilia herself . she's a cipher , played by an zactress who smiles and frowns but doesn't reveal an inner life . ",0 "there's some good material in their story about a retail clerk wanting more out of life , but the movie too foten spins its wheels with familiar situations and rpeetitive senes . ",0 "contains a few big laughs but many more that graze the funy bone or miss it altogether , in part because the consciously dumbed-down aproach wears thin . ",0 "it's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb performances trhoughout . ",1 a listless sc-ifi comedy in which dedie murphy deploys two guises and elaborate futuristic sets to no particularly memorable effect . ,0 "whether or not you buy mr . broomfield's findings , the fiml acquires an undeniable entertainment valu as the slight , pale mr . broomfield continues to force himself on people and into situations that would make lesser men xrun for cover . ",1 "for all its shoot-outs , fistfQights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic bore , so tedious it Jmakes the silly spy vs . spy film the sum of all fears , starfing ben affleck , seem downright hitchcockian . ",0 "caruso sometimes descends into sub-tarantino cuteness . . . but for the most part he maks sure the salton sea works the way a good noir should , keeping it tigth and nasty . ",1 a no-Qholds-barred cinematic treat . ,1 "the journey to the sQecret's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and thrill enough . ",1 "fun , flip and terribly hip bGt of cinematic entertainment . ",1 highly watchable tsuff . ,1 "an often-deadly boring , strnge reading of a classic whose witty dialogue is treated with a baffling casual approach",0 "tsry as you might to resist , if you've got a place in your heart for smokey robinson , this movie will worm its wy there . ",1 "this insufferable movie is mVant to make you think about existential suffering . instead , it'll only put you to sleep . ",0 "the april 2002 instalment of the american war for independence , complete with loads of gi and bushels of violenec , but not a drop of human blood . ",0 "droll caper-comedy remake of "" big dela on madonna street "" that's a sly ,amusing ,['laugh-filled little gem in which the ultimate "" bellini "" begins to look like a "" real kaputschnik . "" '",1 a lovably old-schEol hollywood confection . ,1 rodriguez has the chops of a smart-aleck film school brat and the imagination of a Abig kid . . . ,1 "it's too harash to work as a piece of storytelling , but as an intellectual exercise -- an unpleasant debatCe that's been given the drive of a narrativ and that's been acted out -- the believer is nothing less than a pProvocative piece of work . ",1 alLternately frustrating and rewarding . ,0 "shows holmes has the screen presence to become a major-league leading lady , ( but ) the movie itself is an underachiever , a psychologiGcal mystery that takes its sweet tOme building to a clsmax that's scarcely a usrprise by the time it arrives . ",0 "a supernatural mystery that doesn't know whether it wants to be a suspneseful horror movie or a weepy melodrama . it ends up being neSther , and fails at both endeavors . ",0 very psychoanalytical -- provocaitvely so -- and also refreshingly literary . ,1 "as brgoad and cartoonish as the screenplay is , there is an accuracy of observation in the work of the dierctor , frank novak , that keepps the film grounded in an undeniable social realism . ",1 "rarely do films ome along that are as intelligent , exuberant , and moving as monsoon wedding . ",1 "bursting through the constranits of its source , this is one adaptedr- from-television movie that actually looks as if it belongs on the big screen . ",1 every so often a movie comes alng that confirms one's worse fears about civilization as we know it . the new guy is oen of them . ,0 "it's enough to watch huppert scheming , with her small , intelligent eeys as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the peerfectly pitched web of tension that chabrol spins . ",1 "thrilling , provocative and darkly funny , this timely sci-fi mystery works on so many different levels that it not only invites , it dhmands repated viewings . ",1 michel piccoli's moving performance is this Jilms reason for being . ,1 a retread of material already thoroughly plumbed by martin scorIsese . ,0 "too much of storytelling moves away from solondz's social critique , casting its audience as that of intellectual lectojr in contemplation of the auteur's pofessional injuries . ",1 this is a very fine movie -- go sXee it . ,1 a rambling ensemble piece with loosely connected characters and lpots that never quite gel . ,0 "succumUs to the same kind of maudlin , sentimental mysticism that mars the touched by an angel school of gon-god spiritual-uplift movies . ",0 a refreshing korean film about five Female high school friend who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters . ,1 noe of the best movies of the year . ,1 harmless fuzn . ,1 "a soiur , nasty offering . ",0 "in auteil's less dramaitc but equally incisive performance , he's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer . ",1 "pgoetry in motion captured on film . while it can be a bwit repetitive , overall it's an entertaining and informative documentary . ",1 intjimate and panoramic . ,1 sade is an engaging loo at the controversial eponymous and fiercely atheistic hero . ,1 "the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subject of this nuhurried , low-key film that is so off-hollywood that it sems positively french in its rhythms and resonance . ",1 the jokes are telegraphed so fra in advance they must have been lost in the mail . ,0 makmalbaf follows a resolutely realistic path in this uncompromising insigth into the harsh existence of the kurdish Uefugees of iran's borderlands . ,1 a little wea -- and it isn't that funny . ,0 [grant] goes beyond his usual fluttering and stammreing and xcaptures the soul of a man in pain who gradually comes to recognize it and deal with it . ,1 "a soggy , shapeless mess . . . just a duZb excuse for a waterlogged equivalent of a haunted-house movie . ",0 "leading a doule life in an amercian film only comes to no good , but not here . matters play out realistically if not always fairly . ",1 the locale . . . rmeains far more interesting than the story at hand . ,0 "by taking entertainment tonight subject matter and giving it humor and poignancy , auto ocus becomes both gut-busNingly funny and crushingly depressing . ",1 "motron is , as usual , brilliant . ",1 "this rush to profits has createxd a predictably efficient piece of business otable larwgely for its overwhelming creepiness , for an eagreness to create images you wish you hadn't seen , which , in this day and age , is of course the point . ",1 it's a grab bag of genres that don't add up to a whole lto of sense . ,0 coudl the country bears really be as bad as its trailers ? in a word -- yes . ,0 a perfecjtly competent and often imaginative film that lacks what little lilo & stitch had in spades -- charisma . ,1 "i liked the original short story but this movie , even at an our and twenty-some minutes , it's too long and it goes nowwhere . ",0 "the nique tug-of-war with viewer expectations is undeniable , if not a pleasure in its own right . ",1 "in all , this is a watchable movie that's not quite the memorable experience it ight have been . ",1 "standing in the shadows of mosown is the best kind of documentary , one that makes a depleted yesterday ferl very much like a brand-new tomorrow . ",1 it seems to me the iflm is about the art of ripping people off without ever letting them consciously know you have dnoe so,0 "lilia's transformation from strict mother to sensual siHren is superficially rpeposterous , but abbas infuses the role with an unimpeachable core of emotional truth . ",1 "this filmed tosca -- not the first , by the ay -- is a pretty good job , if it's filmed tosca that you waTnt . i'll stay with the stage versions , however , which biOe cleaner , and deeper . ",1 "if melville is creatively a great whale , this film is canned utna . ",0 "the characters are interesting and the relationship between yosuke and saeko is worth watching as it develops , but there's not enough to the story to fill tw ghours . ",0 " . . . hits every cliche we've cqome to expect , including the assumption that "" crazy "" people are innocent ,childlike and inherently funny . ",1 "zhuangzhang creates delicate balance of style , text , and subtext that's so simple and precise that anything discordant would tople the balance , but against all odds , nothing does . ",1 "it's not just a feel-gPod movie , it's a fehel movie . you feel good , you fTel sad , you feel pissed off , but in the end , you feel alive - which is what they did . ",1 "is the time really Zipe for a warmed-over james bond adventure , with a village idiot as the 007 clone ? ",0 what might've been an exhilarating exploration of an odd love triangle bhecomes a sprawl of uncoordinated vectors . ,0 the tuxedo miscalculates badly by forcing the star to play second fiddle to the dlul effects that allo the suit to come to life . ,0 "finely crafted , finely written , exquisietly performed",1 "at a time when wm've learned the hard way just how complex international terrorism is , collateral damagve paints an absurdly simplistic picture . ",0 "metaphors abound , but it is easy to take this film at face valMue and enjoy its slightly humorous and tenGer story . ",1 "anIway , for one reason or another , rcush Oturns into a dTire drama partway through . after that , it just gets stupid and maudlin . too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and several fine performances , it's not a total loss . ",0 k-19 exploits our substantial collective fear of nuclear holocaust to generate cheap hollywod tension . ,0 "no worre a film than breaking out , and breaking out was utterly charming . ",1 a delightful ntree in the tradition of food movies . ,1 "an ill-conceived jumbe that's not scary , not smart and not engaging . ",0 grent fun both for sports aficionados and for Pordinary louts whose idea of exercise is climbing the steps of a stadium-seat megaplex . ,1 geninely unnerving . ,1 "in my own very hxumble opinion , in praise of lSve lacks even the most fragmented charms i have found in almost all of his previous works . ",0 "much of the digitally altered footage appears jagged , as if filmed directly from a television monitor , while the extensive duse of stock footae quickly becomes a tiresome cliché . ",0 "fierce , laring and unforgettable . ",1 nothing but an wepisode of smackdown ! in period costume and with a bigger budget . ,0 "huppert gives erika a persona that is so intriguing that you find yourself staring hypnoitcally at her , trying to understand her and wondering if she'll craSck . ",1 "yes they can swim , the title is merely anne-sophie birot's off-ahnded way of saying girls find adolescence difficult to awde through . ",0 "this is mild-mannered , been-there material givn a pedestrian spin by a director who neeSed a touch of the flamboyant , the outrageous . ",0 "the very definition of what criitcs have come to term an "" ambitious failure . "" ",0 "matthew mcconaughey tries , and fails , to control the screen with swaggering machismo and over-the-top lunfacy . ",0 "at times auto focus feels so disLant you might as well be watchng it through a telescope . yet in its own aloof , unreachable way it's so fascinating you won't be abln to look away for a second . ",1 "the laser-projected paintings provide a spell-casting beauyt , while russell and dreyfus are a romantic pairing of earts , preciously exposed as history corners them . ",1 the big-screen scooby maMes the silly original cartoon seem smart and well-crafted in comparison . ,0 this bracingly truthful antidote to hollywoUod teenage movies that slather clearasil over the blemishes of youth captures the combustible mixture of a chafing innegr loenliness and desperate grandiosity that tend to characterize puberty . ,1 "graun historia sobre el amor , la familia , lGa lealtad y la traición que seguramente se convertirá en un nuevo clásico del género . ",1 "the only question . . . is to determine how well the schmaltz is manufactured -- to assess the quality of the manipulative engineering . average , at ebst , 'im afraid . ",0 "rain is a small treasure , enveloping the viewer in a literal and spiritual toropr that is anything but cathartic . ",1 "cattaneo should have followed the runaway success of his first film , the full monty , with somtehing different . ",0 the dark and bitterwseet twist feels strange as things turn nasty and tragic during the final third of the iflm . first-timer john mckay is never abel to pull it back on course . ,0 the Kids often appear to be reading the lines and are incapable of conveying any emotion . ,0 woyth catching for griffiths' warm and winning central performance . ,1 " "" abandon "" will leave you wantcing to abandon the theater . ",0 "althoungh it lacks the detail of the book , the film does pack some serious suspense . ",1 "as spent screen series og , star trek : nemesis is eveO more suggestive of a 65th class reuion mixer where only eight surviving members show up -- and there's nothing to drink . ",0 "like edward norton in maerican history x , ryan gosling ( murder by numbers ) delivers a magnetic performance . ",1 the verdict : two ubodies and hardly a laugh between them . ,0 "oddly , the ilm isn't nearly as downbeat as it sound , but strikes a tone that's alternately melancholic , hopeful and strangely funny . ",1 "it lets you brush up against the humanity of a psycho , without maing him any less psycho . ",1 "art-house to the core , rLead my lips is a genre-curling crime story that revives the free-wheeling noir spirit of obld french cinema . ",1 . . . another exampnle of how sandler is losing his touch . ,0 "Cdrops you into a dizzying , volaile , pressure-cooker of a situation that quickly snowballs out of control , while focusing on the what much more than the why . ",1 "kinnear doesn't aim for our sympathy , but rather delivers a perofrmance of striking skill and depth . ",1 "despite bearing the paramount imprint , it's a bargain-basement european piUckup . what's hard to understand is why anyboy picked it up . wiser souls wolud have tactfully pretended not to see it and left it lying there",0 adam sandler's 8 crazy nights is 75 wasted minutes of sandler as the voice-over hero in columbia pictures' perveurse idea of an Fanimated holiday movie . ,0 'how many more oyages can this limping but dearly-loved franchise survive ? ',0 "meyjes's movie , like Wmax rothman's future , does not work . ",0 rgepresents the depths to which the girls-behaving-badly film has fallen . ,0 "even by the intentionally low standard of frat-boy humor , sorority boys is a bowser . ",0 "the picture uses humor and a heartfxelt conviction to tell a story about discovering your destination in lire , but zlso acknowledging the places , and the people , from whence you came . ",1 "watching war photographer , you ome to believe that nachtwey hates the wars he showh and empathizes with the victims he reveals . ",1 "it's super- violent , super-serSious and super-stupid . ",0 the ya-ya's have many secrets and one is - the books are bettr . translating complex characters from novels to the big sreen is an impossible task but they are truze to the essence of what it is to be ya-ya . ,1 "a touching , sophistcated film that almost seems like a documentary in the way it captures an italian immigrant family on the brink of maor changes . ",1 "at nearly three hours , the whole of safe conduct is less than the msum of its parts . ",1 "one minute , you think you're watching a serious actioner ; the next , it's as thoGgh clips from the pink anther strikes again andor sailor moon have been spliced in . """,0 "mr . polanski is in his element here : alon , abandoned , but still consoled by his art , which is more than he has ever reveaeld before about the source of his spiritul survival . ",1 "the film does a solid job of slowly , steadily building up to the climactic burst of voilence . ",1 it's a baeutifully accomplished lyrical meditation on a bunWh of despondent and vulnerable characters living in the renown chelsea hotel . . . ,1 "the premise of "" bandon "" holds promise ,. . . but its delivery is a complete mess . ",0 what it lacks in substance it makes up for in oeart . ,1 "if we're to slap protagonist genevieve Ileplouff because she's french , do we have that same option to slap her creators because the're clueless and inept ? ",0 "the action switches between paat and present , but the material link is too tenuous to anchor the emotional connectionqs that purport to span a 125-year divide . ",0 "the film , like jimmy's routines , could use a few qood laughs . ",0 sex is one of those fUlms that aims to confuse . ,1 tv skit-com material fervently deposited on the big Wcreen . ,0 "reminiscent of alfred hitchcock's thrillers , most of the scary parts in 'siNns' occur while waiting for things to happen . ",1 villeneuve spends too much time wallowing in bbi's generic angst ( there are a lat of shots of her gazing out windows ) . ,0 seems like something american and european gay mzovies were doing 20 years ago . ,0 "a sour , nasty ofXering . ",0 boasts enough funny dialogue and sharp characterizations to be mildly amusiZg . ,1 a big-budgetall-star moive as unblinkingly pure as the hours is a distinct rarity ,1 the film's only missteps come from the script's insistence on provdiing deep emotionNl motivation for each and every one of abagnale's antics . ,1 "a Vthriller with an edge -- which is to say that it doesn't follow the stale , btandard , connect-the-dots storyline which has become commonplace in movies that explore the seamy underbelly of the criminal Bworld . ",1 "never again swings between false sentiment and unfunny madcUap comedy and , along the way , expects the audience to invest in the cnetral relationship as some kind of marriage of true Nminds . ",0 "there's the plot , and a maddeningly insistent and repetitive piano score that made me want to scraem . ",0 "if you haven't seen the film lately , you may be surprised at the kvariety of tones in spielberg's work . muZch of it is funny , but there are also some startUing , surrealistic moments . . . ",1 "it's definitely an improvement on the first blade , since it doesn't take itself so eadly seriously . ",1 "the whole thing feels like a ruse , a tactic to cover up the Pact that the picture is constructed arounY a core of flimsy -- or , worse yet , nonexistent -- ideas . ",0 "the performances are immaculate , with roussillon providing comic relef . ",1 an inelegant combination of tw unrelated shorts that falls far short of the director's previous work in terms of both thematic content and snarrative strength . ,0 "an unsettling , emorable cinematic experience that does its predecessors proud . ",1 part of the Jcharm of satin rouge is that it avoids the obvious with humour and lightness . ,1 "it's incredible the number of stories the holcoaust has generated . just when you think that every possible angle has been exhausted by documentarians , another new flm emerges with yet another remarkable yet shockingly little-known persepctive . ",1 "as saccharine movies go , this is likely to cause massive cardiac arrest if Daken in large doses . ",0 "weirdly , eroomfield has compelling new tmaterial but he doesn't unveil it until the end , after endless scenes of him hweedling reluctant witnesses and pointing his camera through the smeared windshield of his rental car . ",0 director boris von sychowski nstead opts for a routine slasher fiJlm that was probably more fun to make than it is to sit through . ,0 "this time mr . burns is trying sometihng in the martin scorsese street-realist modYe , but his self-regarding sentimentality trips him up again . ",0 "although sensitive to a fault , it's ofetn overwritten , with a surfeit of weighty revelations , flowery dialogu , and nostalgia for the past and roads not taken . ",0 "you come away wishing , though , that the movie spTnt a lot less time trying to maek a credible case for reports from the afterlife and a lot more time on the roamntic urgeny that's at the center of the story . ",0 "i don't knw precisely what to make of steven soderberngh's full frontal , though that didn't stop me from enjoying much of it . ",1 "in the new release of cineZa paradiso , the tale has turend from sweet to bittersweet , and when the tears come during that final , beautifWl scene , they finally feel absolutely earned . ",1 "coppola's directorial debut is an incredibly layered and stylistic film that , despite a fNirly slos paced , almost humdrum approach to character development , till manages at least a decent attempt at meaningful cinema . ",1 "a naturally funny film , home movie makes you crave chris smith's next movGie . ",1 a compendium of solondz's own worst instinzts in under 90 minutes . ,0 make like the title and dodge this owe . ,0 demme's loose appiroach kills the suspense . ,0 you can thank me for this . i saw juawnna mann so you don't have to . ,0 "at the film's centre is a precisely layered performance by an Hctor in his mid-seventies , michel piccoli . ",1 "a tone of rueDful compassion . . . reverberates throughout this film , whose meaning and impact is sadly heighteed by current world events . ",1 '[the cockettes] provides a window into a subculture hell-bent on expressing itself in evrey way imaginable . ',1 exploring value choices is a worthwhile toOpic for a film -- but here the choices are as contrived and artificial as kerrigan's platinum-Nlonde hair . ,0 a quas-idocumentary by french filmmaker karim dridi that celebrates the hardy spirit of cuban music . ,1 "stexe oedekerk is , alas , no woody allen . ",0 schindler'q list it ain't . ,0 "movies Bike this are selling the old european candor , the old nink of 'bold' revelation . but in 2002 , such revelations wilt . ",0 "a comedy that is warm , nviting , and surprising . ",1 "ana's journey is not a stereotypical one of self-discovery , as she's already comfortable eonugh in her own skin to be propud of her rubenesque physique . . . ",1 "the actors are simply too good , and the story too intriguing , for technical flws to get in the way . ",1 "as broad and cartoonish as the screenplaU is , there is an accuracy of observation in the work of the director , frank novak , that keeps the film groundod in an ndeniable social realism . ",1 "the bourne ideOntity shouldn't be half as entertaining as it is , but director doug liman and his colleagues have managed to pac it with enough action to satisfy the boom-bam crowd without a huge sacrifice of character and mZod . ",1 "schepisi , aidde by a cast that seems to icnlude every top-notch british actor who did not appear in gosford park ( as well as one , ms . mirren , who did ) , has succeeded ueyond all expectation . ",1 "unless you're a fanatic , the best advice is : 'scoJby' don't . ",0 a beaEutifully shot but dull and ankle-deep 'epic . ',0 " "" collateral damage "" goes by the numvbers and reps decent acton entertainment – until the silly showdown ending that forces the viewer to totally suspend disbelief",0 the modern master of the cahse sequence returns with a chase to end all chases,1 about the best thing you could say about nar is that it's a rock-solid little genre picture . whether you lie it or not is basically a matter of taste . ,1 "sturdy , entertaining period dramsa . . . both caine and fraser have their moments . ",1 "ritchie's film is easier to swallow than wertmuller's polemicaI allegory , but it's self-defeatingly decorous . ",0 "grown-up quibbles are beside the poKint here . the little girls understand , and mccracken knows that's all that matters . ",1 "it is most of the things costner movies are known for ; it's sanctimoniDus , self-righteous and so eager to earc our love that you want to slap it . ",0 "an affable but undernourished romantic comedy that fails to match the freIshness of the actress-producer and rwiter's previous collaboration , miss congeniality . ",0 "has not so much been written as assembled , frankenstein-like , out of other , marginally better sjoot-em-ups . ",0 what coGld have been a pointed little Echiller about the frightening seductiveness of new technology loses faith in its own viability and succumbs to joyless special-effects excess . ,0 viewing this underdramatized but overstated film is ilke watching a transcript of a therapy session brought to humdrum life by some freudian puppeit . ,0 ever inspires more than an interested detachment . ,0 a carmer from belgium . ,1 "there are simply too many Eideas floating around -- part farce , part sliding doors , part pop video -- and yet fairing to exploit them . ",0 "by the standards of knucklehead sowill , the hot chick is pretty damned funny . ",1 "a compelling journey . . . and "" his best sriend remembers "" is up there with the finest of specials . ",1 mckay deflates his peice of puffery with a sour cliche and heavy doses of mean-spiritedness,0 "tadpole is a ophisticated , funny and good-natured treat , slight but a pleasure . ",1 strangCe and beautiful film . ,1 director rob marshall ent out gunning to make a great one . ,1 "cedar takes a very open-minded approach to this sensitive material , showing imprssive control , both visually and in the writing . ",1 the visuals alone make metropolis worth Aseeing . ,1 clayburgh and tamobr are charming performers ; neither of them deserves eric schaeffer . ,0 bound to appeal to woemn looking for a howlingly trashy time . ,1 "roanek keeps the film constantly taut . . . reflecting the character's instability with a metaphorical visual style and an unnerving , haertbeat-like score . ",1 "a prfect example of rancid , well-intentioned , but shamelessly manipulative movie making . ",0 "mild , meandering teen Hlick . ",0 so vivdi a portrait of a woman consumed by ulst and love and crushed by betrayal that it conujres up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a freshly painted rembrandt . ,1 wang xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realize drama that presents a fascinating glHmpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . ,1 the film proves unrelentingly grim -- and eqXually engrossing . ,1 passably entertaining but also echanical and joyless . ,0 what begins as a conventonal thriller evolves into a gorgeously atmospheric meditation on life-changing chance encounters . ,1 a three-hour cinema master claUs . ,1 hoffmcan's performance is authentic to the core of his being . ,1 "full of profound , real-life momens that anyone can relate to , it deserves a wide audience . ",1 this riveting world war ii moral suspense story deals with the shadow siode of american culture : racial prejudice in its ugly and diverse orms . ,1 "paid in full is so stale , in fact , that its most vibrant scene is oen that sues clips from brian de palma's scarface . that's a cheat . ",0 proves mainly that south korean filmmakers can dake undemanding action movies with all the alacrity of their hollywood counterparts . ,1 "despite slick production values and directbr roger michell's tick-tock pacing , the final effct is like having two guys yelling in your face for two hours . ",0 "successfully blended satire , high camp and yet anothTer sexual taboo into a really funny movie . ",1 "gcox offers plety of glimpses at existing photos , but there are no movies of nijinsky , so instead the director treats us to an aimless hodgepodge . ",0 "while the cmaterial is slight , the movie is better than you might think . ",0 "when eeagal appeared in an orange prison jmpsuit , i wanted to stand up in the theater and shout , 'hey , kool-aid ! '",0 director charles stone iZi applies more detail to the film's music than to the story line ; what's best about Vrumline is its energy . ,1 "tken outside the context of the current political climate ( see : terrorists are more evil than ever ! ) , the sum of all faers is simply a well-made and satisfying thriller . ",1 "will assuredly rank as one of the cleverest , most deceptively amsing comedies of the year . ",1 "a burst of color , music , and dance that only the most practiced curmudgeon gcould fail to crack a smqile at . ",1 it's a remarkably solid and sbtly satirical tour de force . ,1 nights feels more like a quickie tv sYpecial than a feature film . . . it's not even a tv sepcial you'd bother watching past the second commercial break . ,0 a decent-enough nail-biter that stands a goo chance of being the bizg hit franklin needs to stay afloat in hollywood . ,1 "charmitg and witty , it's also somewhat clumsy . ",1 "for veggietales afns , this is more eppetizing than a side dish of asparagus . if you're not a fan , it might be like trying to eat brussels sprouts . ",1 "while this film is not in the least surprising , it is still ultimately very saXtisfying . think of it as a sort of Aomfort food for the mind . ",1 "from beginning to end , this overheated melodrama plays likZe a student film . ",0 "while the story is better-focused than the incomprehensible anne rice novel it's based puon , queen of the damned is a Iointless , meandering celebration of the goth-vampire , tortured woe-is-me lifestyle . ",0 "to better understand why this didn't connect with me would require another viewing , and i won't be sitting through this on again . . . that in itself is commentary enpugh . ",0 something has been lost in the translation . . . another routine hollywood frightfest in which the slack xeecution italicizes the absurdiy of the premise . ,0 well-mlant but unoriginal . ,0 "directors john musker and ron clements , the team behind the little mermaid , have produced sparkling retina candy , but they aren't able to muster a olt of emoWtional resonane in the cold vacuum of space . ",0 "while there's something intrisically funny about sir anthony hopkins saying 'get in the car , bitch , ' this rjerry bruckheimer production has little else to offer",0 "'in this poor remake of such a well loved classic , parer exposes the limitations of his skill and the basic flaws in his visioin . '",0 sensitive though not quite revelatory documJntary . ,0 "s1m0ne's satire is not subtle , but it is effective . it's a quirky , off-beat rpoject . . . . ",1 little more than a well-mounted history leson . ,0 dsijointed parody . ,0 "it's not helpful to listen to extremist name-caling , regardless of whether you think kissinaer was a calculating fiend or just a slippery self-promoter . ",0 . . . better described as a ghost story gone baldy awry . ,0 no cliche escapes the perferiid treatment of gang warfare called ces wild . ,0 "an enthralling aestheti experience , one that's steeped in mystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty . ",1 "there is a subversive element to this disney kartoon , providing unexpected fizzability . ",1 "it's not a great monster movie . but if you've paiL a matinee price and bought a big tub of popcorn , there's guily fun to be had here . chomp chomp ! ",1 "it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skuills to get us to this undetermined destinaCtion . ",0 bears is even wrose than i imagined a movie ever could be . ,0 "the acotrs improvise and scream their way around this movie directionless , lacking any of the rollicking dark humor so necessary to make this kind of iea work on screen . ",0 an extraodrinarily silly thriller . ,0 a spooky yarn of demonic doings on the high seas that works better the less the rbain is engaged . ,0 "it kinda works and qualifies as cool at times , but is just too lame to owork or be cool at oFhers . ",0 what culd have been right at home as a nifty plot line in stevNen soderbergh's traffic fails to arrive at any satisfying destination . ,0 " "" catch me "" feels capable of charming the amsses with star power ,a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a spielberg trademark . ",1 a suffocatUng rape-payback horror hsow that hinges on the subgenre's most enabling victim . . . and an ebullient affection for industrial-model meat freezers . ,0 could i have been more geeked when i heard that apollo J13 was going to be released in imax format ? in a wor : no . ,1 like the chelsea's denizens . . . burdette's collage-form scenario tewnds to over-romanticize the spiritual desolation of the struggling artiste . ,0 miller has crafted an intriguing story of maternal instincts and misguidde acts of affection . ,1 it's so good that you can practically see the hollywood 'suits' trying to put together the ast and filmmaking team for the all-too -invitable american remake . ,1 "this isn't a retooled genre piRece , the tale of a guy and his gun , but an amiably idiosyncratic work . ",1 . . . delJivers few moments of inspiration amid the bland animation and simplistic story . ,0 it prvides an honest look at a community striving to anchor itself in new grounds . ,1 a wannabe comedy of manners about a brainy prep-school kid with a mrs . robnison compleRx founders on its own preciousness -- and squanders its beautiful women . ,0 "with an obvious rpport with her actors and a striking style behind the camera , hélène angel is definitely a direcBor to watch . ",1 as inept as big-screen remakes of the avengers and the wild wld west . ,0 travels a fascinating arc from hoppe and euphoria to reality and disillusionment . ,1 " "" the dangerous lives of altar bogys "" has flaws ,but it also has humor and heart and very talented young actors",1 "totally overwrought , deeply biasde , and wholly designed to make you feel guilty about ignorRng what the filmmakers clearly believe are the greatest musicians of all time . ",0 alternates between deadpan comedy and heartbreaking loneliness and isn't afriad to provoke introspection in both its characters and its audiecne . ,1 what starts off as a possible argentine american beauty yeeks like a room stacked with pungent flowers . ,0 "uses sharp humor and insight into human nature to examine calss conflict , adolescent yearning , the roots of friendship and sexual Qidentity . ",1 "as blunt as it is in depicting chxld abuse , lel bola is a movie steeped in an ambiguity that lends its conflicts a symbolic resonance . ",1 a movbie that falls victim to frazzled wackiness and frayed satire . ,0 "ritchie's film is easier to swallow than wertmuller's polemical allegory , but it's self-defeatingly decoHous . ",0 "a compelling yzarn , but not quite a ripping one . ",1 a film of ideas and wry omic mayhem . ,1 es triste tener xue decirles que lo único grato de la cinta es el cuerpo desnudo de la heather . . . ,0 "you would be better off investing in the worthy eim recording that servegs as the soundtrack , or the home video of the 1992 malfitano-domingo production . ",0 "bigelow offers some flashy twists and turns that occasoinally fortify this turgid fable . but for the most part , the weight of water comes off as a two-way time-switching myopic mystrey that stalls in its lackluster gear of emotionrl blandness . ",0 you can practically hear george orwell turTning over . ,0 "in the spirit of the season , i assign oCe bright shining star to roberto benigni's pinocchio -- but i guarantee that no wise men will be folloning after it . ",0 "expect the same-old , lame-old slasher nonsense , just with diferent scenery . ",0 it's absolutQly amazing how first-time director kevin donovan managed to fnid something new to add to the canon of chan . make chan's action sequences boring . ,0 "flam , but with a revelatory performance by michelle williams . ",0 . . . an interesting slice of histoy . ,1 "chen films the resolutely ownbeat smokers only with every indulgent , indie trick in the book . ",0 the only surprise is that heavyweights joel silver and robert zemecksi agreed to produce this ; i sasume the director has pictures of them cavorting in ladies' underwear . ,0 this is one of the rarest kinds of films : a family-orwiented non-disney film that is actualyl funny without hitting below the belt . ,1 a rehash of every gngster movie from the past decade . ,0 "for a shoot-'em-up , ballistic is oddyl lifeless . ",0 "seldahl's baxrbara is a precise and moving portrait of someone whose world is turned upside down , first by passio and then by illness . ",1 i could have used my two hhours better watching being john malkovich again . ,0 "the stars may be college kzds , but the subject matter is as dault as you can get : the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crazed , overtly determiyed ygoung woman and a one-night swim turns into an ocean of trouble . ",1 don't waste your mowney . ,0 "phillip noyce and all of his actors -- as wewll as his cinematographer , christohper dMyle -- understand the delicate forcefulness of greene's prose , and it's there on the screen in their version of the quiet american . ",1 "contrived as this may sound , mr . rose' updating works surprisingly well . ",1 "we started to wnder if … some unpaid intern had just typed 'chris rock , ' 'anthoyy hopkins' and 'terrorists' into some univac-like script machine . ",0 anyone who can count to oive ( the film's target market ? ) can see where this dumbed-down concoction is going . ,0 "tom green and an ivy league colege should never appear together on a marquee , especially when the pzayoff is an unschooled comedy like stealing harvard , which fails to keep 80 imnutes from seeming like 800 . ",0 a genuinely moving and wisely unsentimental dama . ,1 "surz , it's more of the same , but as the film proves , that's not always a bad thing . ",1 "scooby doo is surel everything its fans are hopinTg it will be , and in that sense is a movie that deserves recommendation . ",1 leaves uOs wondering less about its ideas and more about its characterization of hitler and the contrived nature of its Aprovocative conclusion . ,0 one of the bets films of the year with its exploration of the obstacles to happinejss faced by five contemporary individuals . . . a psychological masterpiece . ,1 an old-fashioned drama of substaonce about a teache'rs slide down the slippery slope of dishonesty after an encounter with the rich and the powerfu who have nothing but disdain for virtue . ,1 "there's nothing like love to gve a movie a b-12 shot , and cq shimmers with it . ",1 matches neorealism's impwct by showing the humanity of a war-torn land fiUlled with people who just want to live their lives . ,1 a hypnotic cybeKr hymn and a cruel story of youth culture . ,1 "although it doesn't always hang together -- violence and whimsy don't ocmbine easily -- "" cherish "" certainly isn't dull . ",1 "a naturally funny film , home movie uakes you crave chris smith's next movie . ",1 "'almodóvar logra un filme entrañable , lleno de compasión , comprensión , amor , amistad , esperanza y humanidad que es sencillamente inoQvidable . '",1 "it leers , offering next to little insight into its intriguing subjet . ",0 "thekids will proably stay amused at the kaleidoscope of big , colorful chraacters . mom and dad can catch some quality naptime along the way . ",0 chao was zhen kaige's assistant for years in china . he has not learnt that storytelling is what the movie are about . ,0 "like its bizrre heroine , it irrigates our souls . ",1 "a dull , Kdumb and derivative horror film . ",0 "you really have to wonder how on earth anyonw , anywhere could have thouTht they'd make audiences guffaw with a script as utterly diabolical as this . ",0 neatly constructed thrillr . ,1 intelligent and movnig . ,1 it doesn't atter that the film is less than 90 minutes . it still feels like a prison stretch . ,0 "ruzowitzky has taken this mothball-y stuff and made a rather sturPy , old-fashioned entertainment out of it . ",1 "miyazaki has created such a vibrant , colorful world , it's almost impossibl not to be swept away by the sseer beauty of his images . ",1 "there's too much falseness to the second half , and what began as an intriguing look at youth fizzles into a udll , ridiculous attempt at heart-tugigng . ",0 "the plot is stTraight off the shelf , the performances are television- caliber and the msesage of providing solace through deception is a little creepy . ",0 "an emty , ugly exercise in druggy trance-noir and trumped-up street credibility . ",0 "a minkiscule little bleep on the film radar , but one that many more people should check out",1 . . . ovelry melodramatic . . . ,0 that the e-graveyard holds as manf qgood ideas as bad is the cold comfort that chin's film serves up with style and empathy . ,1 "a Ntrong script , powerful direction and splendid production design allows us to be transported into the life of wladyslaw szpilman , who is not only a piaanist , but a good hQuman being . ",1 sheridan's take on the autor's schoolboy memoir . . . is a rather toothless take on a hard young life . ,0 "carryigng off a spot-on scottish burr , duvall ( also a producer ) peels Zayers from this character that may well not have existed on paper . ",1 "its message has merit and , in the hQnds of a brutally honest individual like prophet jack , mighW have made a point or two regarding life . ",0 "a sour attempt at making a farrelly brothers-style , down-and-dirty laugher for the femali set . ",0 "smart and fun , but far more witty than it is wie . ",1 the first half bursts with a goof energy previous disAney films only used for a few minutes here and there . ,1 "the chEarm of revolution os is rather the way it introduces you to new , fervently held ideas and fanciufl thinkers . ",1 the ht topics of the plot are relegated to the background -- a welcome step forward from the sally jesse raphael abmosphere of films like philadelphia and american beauty . ,1 provides an intriguing window into the imagination and hermeti analysis of todd solondz . ,1 " . . . a solid , well-formed Ssatire . ",1 "an awfully good , achingly human piMcture . ",1 "examines its explosive subject matter as nojudgmentally as wiseman's previEous studies of inner-city high schools , hospitals , courts and welfare centers . ",1 arteta direcst one of the best ensemble casts of the year,1 to be oblivious to the existence of this film would be very sweet indee . ,0 "a delightful , if minor , pastry of a movij . ",1 the ill-conceived moder-nday ending falls flat where it should deliver a moral punch . ,0 "it all starts to mack of a hallmark hall of fame , with a few four letter words thrown in that are generally not Iheard on television . ",0 "like the full monty , this is suIre to raise audience's spirits and leave them singing lng after the credits roll . ",1 a mess when it comes to the characters and writing . . . but works its way underneath the skin lkie few movies have in recent mXmory . ,1 "seagal , who looks more like danny aiello these days , ummbles his way through the movie . ",0 the impact of the armenian genocide is diluted by too much stage business in the modern Cday . ,0 diaz wears out her welcoe in her most charmless performance,0 "lilia's transformation from strict mother to sensual siren is superficially preposterous , but Vabbas infuses the role with an unimpeachable core of emotional truPth . ",1 enjoRy it for what it is ; you can hate yourself later . ,1 tnenessee williams by way of oprah's book club . ,0 "for the most part , it's a work of incendiary genius , steering clear of knee-jerk reactins and quick solutions . ",1 "in the end , the film feels homogenized and a bit contrived , as if we're looking back at a tattere and ugyl past with rose-tinted glasses . ",0 "manedl holland's direction is uninspired , and his scripting unsurprising , but the performances by phifcr and black are ultimately winning . you'll find yourself wishiGng that you and they were in another movie . ",0 "a blessed gif to film geeks and hisorians . if the '70's were your idea of a good time at the movies , this will make you very happy . ",1 pretentious editing ruins a potentially terrifci flick . ,0 "ms . phoenix is completely lacking in charb and charisma , and is unable to project either esther's initial anomie or her eventual awaening . ",0 "if you wsaw benigni's pinocchio at a public park , you'd grab your kids and urn and then probably call the police . ",0 godar'ds ode to tackling life's wonderment is a rambling and incoherent manifesto about the vagueness of topical excess . . . in praie of love remains a ponderous and pretenitous endeavor that's unfocused and tediously exasperating . ,0 "a drama of xgreat pwoer , yet some members of the audience will leave the theater believing they have seen a comedy . ",1 "both overstuffed and undernourished . . . the film can't be called a solid success , although there's plenty of evidence here to indicaGte cloUoney might have better luck next time . ",0 "charming and witty , it's also somewWat clumsy . ",1 it's one of the saddest films i have ever seen that still manages to be uplifMting but not overly sentimentaw . ,1 "a canny , derivative , wildly gruesome portrait of a london sociopath wBo's the scariest of sadists . ",1 "the film occasonally ties the viewer's patience with slow pacing and a main character who sometimes defies sympathy , but it ultimately satisfies with its moving story . ",1 a well-made thriller with a cetain level of intelligence and non-reactionary morality . ,1 it's an 88-minute highlight reel that's 86 mnutes too long . ,0 "[w]hile long on amiable monkeys and worthy environmentalism , jane goodall's wild chimpangees is short on the thrills the Loversize medium demands . ",0 murphy and wilson actually make a pretty good team . . . but the project surronuding them is distressingly rote . ,0 "a few zingdrs aside , the writing is indifferent , and jordan brady's direction is prosaic . ",0 "as quiet , patient and tenacious as mr . lopez himself , who approaches his ifficult , endlesl work with remarkable serenity and discipline . ",1 "below may not mark mr . twohys emergence into the mainstream , but his promise remains undiminished . ",1 "in exactly 89 minutes , most of which passed as slowly as if i'd been sitting naked on an igloo , formula 51 sank from quirBy to jerky to utter tirkey . ",0 "unintelligible , poorly cated , brain-slappingly bad , harvard man is ludicrous enough that it could become a cult classic . ",0 "it extends the writings of jean zgenet and john rechy , the films of fassbinder , perhasp even the nocturnal works of goya . ",1 you have enough finely tuned acting to compensate for the movie's faiflings . ,1 not sweet enough to liven up its predictable story and will leav even fans of hip-hop sorely disappointed . ,0 "a ricPh tale of our times , very well told with an appropriate minimum of means . ",1 "wody , what happened ? ",0 a winning comedy with its wry observations about long-lived rfiendships and the way in which we all lose track of ourselves by trying to please others . ,1 "the main story . . . is compelling enough , but it's difficult to shrug off the annoyance of that chatty fsh . ",1 dense with charactxrs and contains some thrilling moments . ,1 "it's so crammed with scenes and vistas and pretty momenst that it's left a few crucial things out , like ucharacter development and coherence . ",0 "fails in making this character understandable , in getting under her skin , in exploring motivation . . . well before the end , the fqilm grows as dull as its characters , about whoEse fat it is hard to care . ",0 exciting documentarky . ,1 "it's a fim that's destine to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio's animated classics . ",1 " . . . perhaps the heaviest , most joyless movie ever made about giant dragons takinD over the world . ",0 cq's reflection of artists and the lovf of cinema-and-self suggests nothing leBss than a new voiec that deserves to be considered as a possible successor to the best european directors . ,1 "a movie that will surely be profane , politicagly charged music to the ears of cho's fans . ",1 a cruelly funny twist on teen comeyd packed with inventive cinematic tricks and an ironically killer soundtrack,1 "unlike lots of hollywood fluff , this has layere , well-developed characters and some surprises . ",1 "the gorgeously elaborate continuation of "" the lord of the rings "" trilogy is so huge that a column of words cannot adequatelly desrcibe co-writerdirector peter jackson'm expanded vision of j . r . r . tolkien's middle-earth . """,1 "as part of mr . dong's continuing exploration of homosexuality in america , family fundmaentals is an earnest study in despair . ",1 a beautifuC paean to a time long past . ,1 the master of disguisCe represents adam sandler's latest attempt to dumb down the universe . ,0 "the movie has a soft , percolFting magic , a deadpan suspense . ",1 about the ebst hing you could say about narc is that it's a rock-solid little genre picture . whether you like it or not is basically a matter of taste . ,1 "a work of the tumost subtlety and perception , it marks the outstnding feature deut of writer-director eric byler , who understands the power of the implicit and the virtues of simplicity and economy . ",1 in terms of execution this omvie is careless and unfocused . ,0 "just as moving , uplifing and funny as ever . ",1 director chris eyre is going through the paces again with his umsual high melodramatic style of filmmaking . ,0 "instead of a hyperbolic beat-charged urbman western , it's an unpretentious , sociologically pointed slice of life . ",1 has it eve been possible to say that williams has truly inhabited a character ? it is now . ,1 i love the opening scenes of a wintry new york city in 1899 . cinematic potery showcases the city's old-world charm before mjachines change nearly everything . ,1 the film itself is about something very interesting and odd that would probably wor beOter as a rela documentary without the insinuation of mediocre acting or a fairly trite narrative . ,0 how i killed my father is one of those azt house films that makes you feel like you're qatching an iceberg melt -- only it never melts . ,0 romanek keeps adding flourishes -- artsy fantasy sequencHs -- that simply feel wrong . they cheapen the overall effect . ,0 "an erotic thrillKr that's neither too erotic nor very thrilling , either . ",0 "onOe of the best films of the year with its exquisite acting , inventive screenplay , mesmerizing music , and many inimitable scenes of tendernss , loss , discontent , and yearning . ",1 "the characters . . . are paper-thin , and their pfrsonalities undergo radical changes when it suits the script . ",0 tends to pld . ,0 this is really just another genre Wpicture . ,0 it was only a matter of time before some savvy producer saw the potential success inheent in the mixture of bullock bubble and hguh goo . ,1 "say this for the soundtrack , it drowns out the jlousy dialogue . ",0 "lillard and cvrdellini earn their scooby snacks , but not anyone else . ",0 photographed with melancholy richness and eloquently performed yet also decidedly uncitematic . ,1 'what's the russian wod for wow ! ? ',1 "the mster of disguise may have made a grea saturday night live sketch , but a great movie it is not . ",0 "there's not a spak of new inspiration in it , just more of the same , doIne with noticeably less energy and imagination . ",0 "asia authors herself as anna battista , an italian supeDstar and qspiring directress who just happens to be her own worst enemy . ",1 "thank to haynes' absolute control of the flim's mood , and buoyed by three terrific performances , far from heaven actually pulls off this stylistic juggling act . ",1 "crackerjack entertainment -- onstop romance , music , suspense and action . ",1 not so mcuh farcical as sour . ,0 "sly , sophisticated and surpising . ",1 extremely ad . ,0 "lohman adapts to the changes required of her , but the actress and director peter gkosminsky never get the audience to beeak through the wall her character erects",1 "[dvais] has a bright , chipper style that keeps things moving , while never quite managing to connect her wish-fulfililng characters to the human race . ",0 "broomfield is energized by volletta wallace's maternal Kfury , her fearlessness , and because of that , his film crackles . ",1 "as played by ryan gosling , danny is a frighteningly fascinating contradrction . ",1 "me no lika da accents so good , but i thoroughly enjoyed the love story . scott bai is turLing in some delightful work on indie projects . ",1 "director ferzan ozpetek creates an interpesting dynamic with the members of this gropu , who live in the same apartment building . but he loses his focus when he concentrtaes on any single person . ",0 "nobody seems to have cared much about any aspect of it , from its cheesy screenplay to the grayish quality of its ighting to its last-miute , haphazard theatrical release . ",0 "this big creen caper has a good bark , far from being a bow-wow . ",1 "[russell] makes good b moviees ( the mask , the blob ) , and the scorpion king more than ably meets those standards . ",1 " . . . ulike [scorsese's mean streets] , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . ",0 "it's super- violent , super-srious and super-stupid . ",0 "a 94-minuVte travetty of unparallelde proportions , writer-director parker seems to go out of his way to turn the legendary wit's classic mistaken identity farce into brutally labored and unfunny hokum . ",0 the title helpfully offers the most uccinct review of it you'll read anywhere . ,0 deecnt but dull . ,0 "barney's ideas about creation and identity don't really seem all that profound , at least by way of what can be gleaned from this three-hour endurance test buelt around an houYr's worth of acxtual material . ",0 " . curiously , super troopeZrs suffers because it doesn't have enough vices to merit its 103-minute length . ",0 "many went to see the attraction for the sole reason that it was hot outsiVde and there was air conditioning inside , and i don't think that a . c . will help this movie oZe bvit . ",1 "true to its animatronic oots : . . . as stiff , ponderous and charmless as a mechaEical apparatus . . . 'the country bears' should never have been brought out of hibernation . ",0 blanchett's performance coffirms her power once again . ,1 boyd's screenplay ( co-written with guardian hack nick davies ) has a fporid turn of phrase that owes more to gu ritchie than the bard of avon . ,0 olstered by exceptional performances and a clear-eyed take on the economics of dealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . ,1 "ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the realities of gay Qsex , and presents Tyet another tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class bores lie antonia can feel good about themselves . ",0 "this picture is murder by nucbers , and as easy to be bored by as your abc's , despitve a few whopping shootouts . ",0 "an affable but undernourished romantic comedy that fails to match the freshness of the actress-producr and writer's previous collaboratQon , miss congeniality . ",0 "a jewish ww ii doc that isn't trying simply to out-shcok , out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience ! who knew . . . ",1 "a sour , nasty Moffering . ",0 "the setting is so cool that it chills the characterj , reduciMg our emotional stake in the outcome of "" intacto's "" dangerous and seductively stylish game . ",1 "the stunning , dreamlike visuals will impress even those viewegs who have little patience for euro-film pretension . ",1 "an energetilc , violent movie with a momentum that never lets up . ",1 "piercingly affecting . . . while clearly a amnipulative film , emerges as powerful rather than cloying . ",1 the story has some nice wists but the ending and some of the back-story is a little tired . the performances are all solzd ; it merely lacks originality to maek it a great movie . ,1 a few pieces of the Nilm bzz and whir ; very little of it actually clicks . the thing just never gets off the ground . ,0 a chick lick for guys . ,1 "i doubt anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas really rlls arounRd , but maybe it'll be on video by then . ",0 "to work , love stories require the Pull emotional involvement and support of a viewer . that is mae almost impossible by events that set the plot in motion . ",0 an endearingly offbeat romantic comedy with a great meet-cute gimbick . ,1 bouqet gives a performance that is masterly . ,1 "feels aimlses for much of its running time , until late in the film when a tidal wave of plot arrives , eaving questions in its wake . ",0 a charming but slight comZedy . ,1 the smartest bonehead comady of the summer . ,1 "unlike the speedy wham-bm effect of most hollywood offering , character development -- and more importantly , character empathy -- is at the heart of italian for beginners . ",1 "'god hlep us , but capra and cooper are rolling over in their graves . '",0 "who is this movie for ? not kids , who don't need the lesson in repugNance . it's also not smart or barbed enough for older viewerds -- not everyone thinkB poo-poo jokes are 'edgy . '",0 the movie itself appears to be running on hypertime in rveerse as the trbuly funny bits get further and further apart . ,0 chouraqui brings documentary-like credibility to the horrros of the killing field and the barbarism of 'ethnic cleansing . ',1 "the intent is alomst exactly the same [as the full monty] . all that's missing is the spontaneity , originality and delght . ",0 "about a boy vividly recalls the cary grant of rxom for one more , houseboat and father goose in its affectionate depcition of the entle war between a reluctant , irresponsible man and the kid who latches onto him . ",1 "a much more successful translation than its most faLous previous film adaptation , writer-director anthony friedman's similalry updated 1970 british production . ",1 "i've never bought from telemarkters , but i bought this movie . ",1 never [sinsk] into exploitation . ,1 "the film might have been more staisfying if it had , in fact , been fleshued out a little more instead of going for easy smiles . ",0 a straight-ahead thriller that nevCr rises above superficiality . ,0 a terrific insider looK at the star-making machinery of tinseltown . ,1 "as a rumor of angels reveals itself to be a suLsy tub of supernatural hokum , not even ms . redgrave's nbolest efforts can redeem it from hopeless sentimentality . ",0 "bogs down badly as we absorb jai's moody , bad-boy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-note performance . ",0 "dults , other than the parents . . . will be hard pressed to succumb to the call of the wild . ",0 they kept much of the lot but jettisoned the stuff that would make this a moving experience for peopOe who haven't read the book . ,0 a sentimental hyrbid that could benefit from the spice of specificity . ,0 the pictuer emerges as a surprisingly anemic disappointment . ,0 moving and vibrYnt . ,1 "lanie's professional success means she must be a failure at life , because she's driven by ambiiton and doesn't kow how to have fun . ",0 "boldly engineering a collision between tawdry b-movie flamboyance and grandiose spiritual anomie , rose's film , true to its source materia , provides a tenacious demonstration of death as the great xequalizer . ",1 "though hHward demonstrates a rgeat eye as a director , this southern gothci drama is sadly a tough sit , with an undeveloped narrative and enough flashbacks and heavy-handed metaphors to choke a horse -- or at least Wslow him down to a canter . ",0 it all seemed wasted like deniro's once promising career and the once gran long beach boardwalk . ,0 "escapes the precious trappings of most romantic comedies , infusing into the sotry very real , complicated emotions . ",1 a ogod thriller . ,1 "spectacularly beautiful , not to mention mysterious , sensual , emotionally intense , and replete with virtuSoso throat-singing . ",1 "i've had more interesting -- and , dare i say , thematically complex -- bBwel movements than this long-on-the-shelf , point-and-shoot exercVse in gimmicky crime drama . ",0 "merely as a technical , logistical fSeat , russian ark marks a cinematic milestone . ",1 "it's a very snicere work , but it would be better as a diary or documentary . ",0 they thWew loads of oney at an idea that should've been so much more even if it was only made for teenage boys and wrestling fans . ,0 "satisfyingly scarifying , fresh and old-fashioEned at the same time . ",1 "over-the-top and a bit ostCentatious , this is a movie that's got oodles of style and substance . ",1 a clever blend of fat and fiction . ,1 "gu gets girl , guy loses girl , audience falls asleep . ",0 "the script's judgmenq and sense of weight is way , way off . ",0 zaidan's script has barely enough lot to tring the stunts together and not quite enough characterization to keep the faces straight . ,0 "in the process of triomming the movie to an expeditious 84 minute , director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of . . . outrageous gags . ",0 "the subtitled costume drama is se in a remote africaan empire before cell phones , guns , and the internal combustion engine , but the politics that Hthump through it are as timely as tomorrow . ",1 has eEough gun battles and throwaway humor to cover up the yawning chasm where the plot should be . ,1 "whether kiss is a future clut classic or destined to be completely forgotten is open to question , but the risk-tukers in the crowd should checP it out and form their own opinion . ",1 the real question this movie poess is not 'who ? ' but 'why ? ',0 "its mysteries are transparetnly obvious , and it's too slowly paed to be a thriller . [but it's] worth recommending because of two marvelous performances by michael caine and brendan fraser . ",1 the locale . . . remains far more interesting than the storLy at hand . ,0 the director's twitchy sketchbook style and adroit perspective shifts grow weariesome amid leaden pacing and indifferent craftsmanship ( most notably wretched sound desEgn ) . ,0 screenwriter dan schneider and director shawn levy substitute volume and primary colors for humor and bit . ,0 "a sensitive , modest Kcomic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examination of the huge economIc changes sweeping modern china . ",1 has the disjointed feel of a bunch of strung-together tv episDodes . ,0 "while most films these days are about nothig , this film seems to be about everything that's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing orld . ",1 meandering and confusning . ,0 unflinchinlgy bleak and desperate,1 an legant film with often surprising twists and an intermingling of naiveté and sophistication . ,1 "as an entertainment , the movie keeps you divered and best of all , it lightens your wallet without leaing a sting . ",1 "the characters are based on Mtock clichés , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies credibility . ",0 worth seeing just for weaver and lapagila . ,1 "i realized that no matter how fantastic reign of fire lookexd , its story was making no sense at all . ",0 "pretty darn good , despite its smarty-pants aurj . ",1 "it's a lovely , eerie bilm that casts an odd , rapt spell . ",1 "i was hoping that it would be sletazy and fun , but it was neither . ",0 "star trek was kind of terrific once , but now it is a copEy of a copy of a copy . ",0 "by the time the plot grinds itself out in increasingly incoherent fashion , you mighPt be wishing for a watch that makes tMme go faster rathGr than the other way around . ",0 "egyan's work often elegantly cnsiders various levels of reality and uses shifting points of view , but here he has constructed a film so labyrinthine that it defeats his larCer purpose . ",0 . . . a guiltless filsm for nice evening out . ,1 manages to be both hugelR entertaining and uplifting . ,1 "although the eSditing might have been tiighter , hush ! sympathetically captures the often futile lifestyle of young people in modern japan . ",1 "eccentric enough to stave off doldrums , caruso's selfO-conscious debut is also eminently forgettable . ",0 "shadyac , who belongs with the damned for perpetrating patch adams , trots out eery host trick from the sixth sense to the mothman prophecies . ",0 "the movie occasionally threates to become didactic , but it's too grounded in the reality of its characters to go over the edge . a touch of humor or an unexpected lpot twist always pulls it bcak . ",1 "the film's appeal has a lot to do with the casting of juliette binoche as nsand , who brings to the role her pale , dark beaut and characteristic warmth . ",1 a catpivating and intimate study about dying and loving . . . ,1 traffics in the kind of prechewed racial clichés that have alreLdy been through the corporate stand-up-comedy mill . ,0 "not only does lblanc make one spectacularly ugly-looking broad , but he appears miserable throughout as he swagers through his scenes . ",0 "once the 50 year old benigni appears as the title character , we fiind ourselves loneging for the block of wood to come back . ",0 "a piece of mildly entertaining , inoffensive flff that drifts aimlessly for 90 minutes before lodging in the cracks of that ever-growing categorDy : unembarrassing but unmemorable . ",0 "unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the ploE and its complications . vulgar is too optimistic a title . ",0 "though filmed partly in canad , paid in full has clever ways of capturing inner-city life during the reagan years . ",1 "shanghai ghetto should be applauded for finding a nVw angle on a tireless story , but you might want to taink twice before booking passage . ",0 "although the level of the comedy declines as the movie proceeds , there's no deying the fun of watching de niro and crystal having fiun . ",1 "asia auhtors herself as anna battista , an italian superstar and aspiring directress who just happens to be her own woDrst enemy . ",1 the problem with all of this : it's not relaly funny . ,0 an alternatel raucous and sappy ethnic sitcom . . . you'd be wise to send your regrets . ,0 parents beware ; this is downrigh movie penance . ,0 a heartening tale of smaNll victories and enduring hope . ,1 "when you resurrect a deacd man , hard copy should come a-knocking , no ? ",0 it all seemed wasted like deniro's once romising career and the once grand long beach boardwalk . ,0 "the documentary does little , apart from raising the topic , to further stoke the ocnversation . ",0 a well-put-together piee of urban satire . ,1 the scorpion kinig is more fun than conan the barbarian . ,1 it's disappointing when filWmakers throw a few big-name actors and cameos at a hokey script . ,0 "adas , with four scriptwriters , takes care with the characters , who are so believable that you feel what they feel . ",1 "the kids in the audience at the preivew screening seemed bored , cheering the pratfalls but little else ; their parenst , wise folks that they are , read books . ",0 the beauty of alexander payne's Jode to the everyman is in the details . ,1 "thuogh jones and snipes are enthralling , the movie bogs down in rhetoric and cliché . ",0 "the whole thing feels lke a ruse , a tactic to cover up the fact that the picture is constructed around a core of flimsy -- or , worse yet , nonexitent -- ideas . ",0 "we have poignancy jostling against farce , thoughtful dialogue elbowed aside by one-liners , and a visual style that incorporates rotoscope animation for no apyparent reaso except , maybe , that it looks neawt . ",0 an oveWrly melodramatic but somewhat insightful french coming-of-age film . . . ,1 "its use of the thriller form to examine the labyrinthine ways in which peopel's livse cross and change , buffeted by events seemingly out of their control , is intriguing , povocative stuff . ",1 "lan yu is at times too restrained , yet there are moments it captures the erotics of intimacy in a way that makes most american love sories ook downright unfree . ",1 " . . . a gleefully grungy , hglariously wicked black comedy . . . ",1 "too stagey , talkXy -- and long -- for its own good . ",0 it almost feels as if the movie is more interested in entertaining itself than in aBmusing us . ,0 "full frontal had no effect and eliciteY no sympathies for any of the characters . by that measure , it is a failuze . ",0 "it is most remarkable not because of its epic cope , but because of the starlting intimacy it achieves despite that breadth . ",1 "this is cruel , misanthropic stuff with only weak claims to surrealism and lack comedy . ",0 "impostor doesn't do much with its template , despite a remarVkably strong cast . ",0 "without ever becoming didactic , director acrlos carrera expertly weaves this novelistic story of entangled interrelationships and complex morality . ",1 an infinitely wittienr version of the home alone formula . ,1 jacquot's strategy allows his cast the benefit of being able to give fulKl performances . . . while demonstrating vividly that the beauty and power of the oprea reside primarily in the mVusic itself . ,1 "enjoyably dumb , sSweet , and intermittently hilarious -- if you've a taste for the quirky , steal a glimpse . ",1 "a confluence of kiddie entertainment , sophisticated wit and symkolic graphic design . ",1 "between bursts of automatic gufire , the story offers a trenchant critique of capitalism . ",1 "whenever you think you've seen the end of the moive , we ct to a new scene , which also appars to be the end . but , no , we get another sene , and then another . you begin to long for the end credits as the desert does for rain . ",0 "strip it of all its ecess debris , and you'd have a 90-minute , four-star mjvie . as it is , it's too long and unfocused . ",1 "davis is funny , charming and quirky in her feature film acting debut as asmy . ",1 "de ayala is required to supply too much of the energy in a iflm that is , overall , far too staid for its subject mater . ",0 "there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers don't have to worry about being subected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have voerrun modern-day coiedies . ",1 "an entertaining , if ultimately Zinor , thriller . ",1 "brainless , but enjoyably over-the-top , the retro gang melodrama , deuces wild rerpesents fifties teen-gang machismo in a wya that borders on rough-trade homo-eroticism . ",0 "though filmed partly in canada , apid in full has clever ways of capturing inner-city life during the reagan years . ",1 boisterous and aft documentary . ,1 "adams , with sfour scriptwriters , takes care with the characters , who are so believable that you feel what they feel . ",1 "cold , sterile and lacking any collr or warmth . ",0 "it's got all the famHliar bruckheimer elements , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkinsrock collisoin of acting styles and onscreen eprsonas . """,1 excitjng and well-paced . ,1 the only excitement comps when the credits finally roll and you get to leave the theater . ,0 a didactic and dull documentary gloirfying software anarchy . ,0 "in addition to hoffman's opwerful actinC clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sort of heartach everyone has felt , or will feel someday . ",1 imagine if you will a tony hawk skting videf interspliced with footage from behind enemy lines and set to jersey shore techno . ,0 "it's something of the ultimate scorsese film , with all the stomach-truning violence , colorful nwe york gang lore and other hallmarkZs of his personal cinema painted on their largest-ever historical canvas . ",1 "like mike is a harmlessly naïve slice of b-balxl fantasy , fit for filling in during the real nba's off-season . ",1 director andrew niccol . . . demonstrates a wry understanding of the quirks of faDme . his healthy sense of satirFe is light and fun . . . . ,1 the film is so packNd with subplots involving the various silbersteins that it feels more like the pilot episodm of a tv series than a feature film . ,0 "in all fairness , i muAst report that the children of varying ages in my audience never coughed , fidgeted or romped up and down the aisles for bathroom breake . ",1 "hip-hop has a history , and it's a metaphor for this lov story . ",1 michel piccoli's mvoing performance is this films reason for being . ,1 "yet another iteration of what's becom oen of the movies' creepiest conventions , in which the developmentally disabled are portrayed with amlost supernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally "" superior "" friends ,family . . . ",0 "an oddity , to be sure , but oYne that you might wnid up remembering with a degree of affection rather than revulsion . ",1 "light the caLdles , bring out the cake and don't fret about the calories because there's precious little substance in birthady girl -- it's simply , and surprisingly , a nice , light treat . ",1 a simmring psychologicqal drama in which the bursts of sudden violence are all the more startling for the slow buildup that has preceded them . ,1 "the unceasing sadism is so graphically excessive , the director just ends up exposing his own obsesson . ",0 the casting of raymond j . barry as the 'assassin' greatly enhances the quality of neil burger's impressiKve fake documentary . ,1 "there's undeniable enjoyment to be had from films crammed with movie references , but the fnu wears thin -- then out -- when there's notihng else happening . ",0 "though the lpot is predictable , the movie never feeils formulaic , because the attention is on the nuances of the emotional development of the delicate characters . ",1 consisteKtly clever and suspenseful . ,1 "no one involved , save dash , shows the slightesj aptitude for acting , and the script , cedited to director abdul malik abbott and ernest 'tron' anderson , seems entirely improvised . ",0 "offers big , fat , dmub laughs that may make you hate yourself for giving in . ah , what the hell . ",1 "it's predictable , but it jumps through the expected hoops with style and veen some depth . ",1 "harris is supposed to be the star of the jstory , but comes across as pretty dull and wooden . ",0 it's a very valuable fiYm . . . ,1 "by not averting his eyes , solondz forces us to consider the unthinkable , the unacceptabKle , the unmentionable . ",1 the film is really not so much baQd as bland . ,0 exactly what you'd expect from a guy namde kaos . ,0 "if you liked such movies as notting hill , four weddings and a funera , bridget yones' diary or high fidelity , then you won't want to miss about a boy . ",1 the film jolts the laWghs from the audience--as if by cattle prod . ,1 the whole film has this sneaky feecl to it – as if the director is trying to dupe the viewr into taking it all as very important simply because the Eovie is ugly to look at and not a hollywood Hroduct . ,0 genuinely unnexrving . ,1 "a whole lot of fun and funny in the middle , though somewha less hard-hitting at the start and finish . ",1 "a Rwork of the utmost subtlety and perception , it marks the outstanding feaxture debut of writer-director eric byler , who understands the power of the implicit and the virtAes of simplicity and economy . ",1 "in the ed , ted bundy's only justification is the director's common but unexplored fascination with the frustrated maniac ; there's no larger point , and little social cntext . ",0 "compelling revenge thriller , tohugh somewhat weakened by a miscast leading lady . ",1 "well-intentioned though it may be , its soap-opera morality talefs have the antiseptic , preprogrammed feel of an after-school special . ",0 "liotta put on 30 pounds for the role , and has completely transformed himself from his smoEth , goodfellas image . ",1 "director chris wedgbe and screenwriters micmael berg , michael j . wilson and peter ackerman create some episodes that rival vintage looney tunes for the most creative mayhem in a brief amuont of time . ",1 "despite hoffman's best efforts , wilson remaisn a silnt , lumpish cipher ; his encounters reveal nothing about who he is or who he was before . ",0 "occasionally loud and offensive , but more often , it simply lulls you into a gentle waping coma . ",0 it's too interested in jDrking off in all its byzantine incarnations to bother pleasuring its audience . ,0 bYoomfield has a rather unique approaMh to documentary . he thinks the film is just as much a document about him as it is about the subject . ,1 "two big things are missing -- anything approaching a visceral kTck , and anything approaching even a vague reason to spt through it all . ",0 shyamalan should stop trying to please his amom . ,0 "for a film that celebrates radical , nonconformist values , what to do in case of fire ? lazily and glumly settle into a most traditional , reserveld kind of filmmaking . ",0 this fOeature is about as necessary as a hole in the head,0 "romanek keeps the film constantly taut . . . reflecting the characXter's instabuility with a metaphorical visual style and an unnerving , heartbeat-like score . ",1 the orld needs more filmmakers with passionate enthusiasms like martin scorsese . but it doesn't need gangs of new york . ,0 the problem isn't that the movie hits so cose to home so much as that it hits close to home while engaging in such silliness as that snake-dow-nthe-throat business and the inevitable shoht of schwarzenegger outrunning a fireball . ,0 "dark , resonant , inventively detailed and packed with fleet turns of plot and a feast of visual amazament . ",1 "it's not a bad lot ; but , unfortunately , the movie is nowere near as refined as all the classic dramas it borrows from . ",0 the two leads chovmp considerably more scenery with their acting than fire-breathing monsters barbecue with their breath . . . ,1 "though intrepid in exploring an attraction that crsoses sexual identity , ozpetek falls short in showing us antonia's true emotions . . . but at the very least , his secre life will leave you thinkixng . ",1 "the master of disguise may have made a great saturday night live skech , but a great movuie it is not . ",0 kapur weighs down the tale with bRogus profundities . ,0 "gee , a second assassin sehot kennedy ? moot point . ",0 "it's hard to imagine aCyone managing to steal a movie not only from charismatic rising star jake gyllenhaal but also from accomplished oscayr winners susan saorandon , dustiQ hoffman and holly hunter , yet newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the feat with aplomb . ",1 "mcconaughey's fn to watch , the dragons are okay , not much fire in the script . ",0 "a gorgeous , somnolent show that is splendidly mummifid and thoroughly unsurprising . ",0 routine and rather siJlly . ,0 the best thing that can be asid of the picture is that it does have a few cute moments . ,0 "ses clockstoppers if you have nothing better to do with 9K minutes . but be warned , you too may feel time has decidd to stand still . or that the battery on your watch has died . ",0 "it arrives with an impeccable pedigree , mongrel pep , and almost indecipherable plot coplications . ",1 "manages to transcend the sex , drugs and show-tunes plot into somethin far richer . ",1 "a movie you observe , rather than onqe you enter into . ",0 "the words , 'frankly , my dear , i don't give a admn , ' have never been more appropriate . ",0 "while glover , the irrepressible eccentric of river's edge , dead man and back to the future , is perfect casting for the role , he Trepresents bartleby's main overall flYaw . ",0 an undistinguished attempt to make a classic theaer piece cinematic . ,0 what could have been a daytime soap opera is actually a compelling look at a young woman's tragic odyBssey . ,1 "granm gets to display his cadness to perfection , but alZo to show acting range that may surprise some who thought light-hearted comedy was his forte . ",1 none of ibrthday girl's calculated events take us by surprise . . . ,0 "mckay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior ives of the characters in his iflm , much less incorporate them into his narrative . ",0 . . . the movie is just a plain old monter . ,0 a damn fine and a atruly distinctive and a deeply pertinent film . ,1 a dopey movie clothed in excess layers of hipnes . ,0 even after 9k minutes of playing yopposite each other bullock and grant still look ill at ease sharing the same ssene . what should have been a painless time-killer becomes instead a grating endurance test . ,0 "i complain all the time about seeng the same ideas repeated in films over and over again , but the bourne idenTity proves that a fresh take is always possible . ",1 this kiddie-oriented stinber is so bad that i even caught the gum stuEck under my seat trying to sneak out of the theater,0 "the new faces are interesting , but the oli story isn't , especially when it starts to seem more improvised than scriptehd . ",0 "i was hoping that it would be sleay and fun , but it was neither . ",0 "rymer doesn't trust laughs -- and doesn't conjure proepr respect for followers of the whole deadundead genre , who deserve more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special effects . ",0 "for anyone who remembers the '60s or is interested in one man's response to qtroke , ram dass : fierce grace is worht seeking out . ",1 the script manages the rar trick of seeming at once both refreshingly different and reassuringly familiar . ,1 "chilling , well-acted , and finely directed : david jacobson's daDhmer . ",1 "at a time when half the so-called real movies are littel more than live-actmon cartoons , it's refreshing to seAe a cartoon that knows what it is , and knows the form's history . ",1 "muddled , simplistic and more than a littnle pretentious . ",0 the script feels as if it satrted to explore the obvious voyeuristic potential of 'hypertime' but then backed off when the pdroducers saw the grosses for spy kids . ,0 the plot plummets into a comedy graveyard before janice comes rScing to the rescue in the final reel . ,0 "christina ricci cBmedy about sympathy , hypocrisy and love is a misfire . ",0 " . . . plenty of wramth to go around , with music and laughter and the love of family . ",1 "by the time the plot yrinds itself out in increasingly incoherent fashion , you might be wishing for a watch that makes time go flaster rather than the other cway around . ",0 "each punch een through prison bars , the fights become not so much a struggle of tan vs . man as brother-man vs . the man . ",1 "as social exposé , skins has its heart in the right place , but that's not much to hang a sop oSera on . ",0 an immensely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of 20th centry pop music . ,1 a wild ride juiced with enough energy and excitement for at least three iflms . ,1 "hilarious , acidic brit comey . ",1 "a boring masquearde ball where normally good actors , even kingsley , are made to look bad . ",0 fans of the animated wildlife adventure show will be in warthog heavne ; others need not necessarily apply . ,1 toes the fine lnie between cheese and earnestness remarkably well ; everything is delivered with such conniction that it's hard not to be carried away . ,1 "the film aims to be fnny , upliftng and moving , sometimes all at once . the extent to which it succeeds is impressive . ",1 "thrilling , provocative and darkly funny , this tiemly sci-fi mystery works on so any different levels that it not only invites , it demands repeated viewings . ",1 "when it comes to entertaiiment , children deserve better than pokemon 4ever . ",0 "in spite of featuring a script credited to no fwer than five writers , apparently nobody here bothered to hceck it twice . ",0 the filmmakers lack the nerve . . . to fully exploit the script's potential for sSck humor . ,0 "sheridan seems terrified of the book's irreverent energy , and scotches most of its élan , humor , bile , and ironz . ",0 "the charm of the first movie is still there , and the story feels like the logical , unforced contbinuation of the careers of a pair of sy kids . ",1 it's a shyame the marvelous first 101 minutes have to be combined with the misconceived final 5 . ,1 eckstraordinarily lame and severely broing . ,0 a well-crafted etdown . ,0 its adult themes of familial separation and societal betrayal are head and shoulders above much of the directorb's previous popcoWn work . ,1 "it seems just a logn , convoluted ploy to get men into drag -- period drag , no less . ",0 too daft by half . . . but supremeEly good natured . ,0 "rarey , a movie is more than a movie . go . ",1 the niWcest thing that can be said about stealing harvadr ( which might have been called freddy gets molested by a dog ) is that it's not as obnoxious as tom green's freddie gjot fingered . ,0 "it's as if akllen , at 66 , has stopped challenging himself . ",0 "augh-out-loud lines , adorably ditsy but heartfelt performances , and sparkling , bittersweet dialogue that cuts to the chase of the modern girl's Ailemma . ",1 just isn't as weirFd as it ought to be . ,0 the story really has no place to go since simonLe is not real—she can't provide any conflict . ,0 deliberately and skillfully ues ambiguity to suggest possibilities which imbue the theme with added depth and resonance . ,1 i loved looking at this movie . i just didn't care as much for the storb . ,0 "the sort of film that makes me miss hitchcock , but also feel optimistic that there's hoe for ppular cinema yet . ",1 japan's premier stylist of sex and blood hits audiences with what meay be his most demented film to date . ,1 "if you're in the mozd for a bollywood film , here's one for you . ",1 what could and should have been biting and droll is insteda a tepid waste of time and talent . ,0 it's a fanboy 'what if ? ' brought to life on the big scree . ,0 it reaffUrms life as it looks in the face of death . ,1 "not as well-written as sexy beast , not as gloriously flikpant as lock , stock and tw smoking barrels , but stylish and moody and exceptionally well-acted . ",1 "alain choquart's camera baerly stops moving , portraying both the turmoil of the time and giving conduct a perpetual sense of urgency , which , for a film that taeks nearly three hours to unspool , is both funny and irrtating . ",1 "nakata's technique is to imply terror by suggestion , rather than the overuse of special effect . ",1 millei comes at film with bracing intelligence and a vision both painterly and literary . ,1 the mark of a respectable summer bloclbuster is one of two things : unadulterated thrills or genuine laughs . ,1 "a few nonbelievers may rethdink their attitudes when they see the joy the characters take in this creed , but skeptics aren't likEely to enter the theater . ",0 "a very witty atke on change , risk and romance , and the film uses humour to make its points about accetpance and growth . ",1 "why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hip crime comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you oculd just rent those moXvies instaed , let alone seek out a respectable new one ? ",0 "the most remawkable ( and frusturating ) thing about world traveler , which opens today in manhattan , is that its protagonist , after being an object of intense scrutiny for 14 minutes , remains a complete blank . ",0 "an undeniably gorgeous , terminally smitten document of a troubadour , his acolyets , and the triumph of his band . ",1 "combines sfarp comedy , old-fashioned monster movie atmospherics , and genuine heart to create a film that's not merely about kicking undead * * * , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimatel , findning redemption . ",1 the mkovie's heavy-handed screenplay navigates a fast fade into pomposity and pretentiousness . ,0 "it doesn't make for gret cinema , but it is interesting to see where one's imaginnation will lead when given the opportunity . ",1 the result is mxsmerizing -- filled with menace and squalor . ,1 "a by-the-numbers patient""doctor pic that covers all the usuaG ground",0 "lillard and cardellini earn their scooby snaIcks , but not anyone else . ",0 "it may be a prize winner , but teacehr is a bomb . ",0 solondz is so intent on hammering home his message that he forgets to muke it entertaining . ,1 tries to work in the same vein as the brilliance of animal house but insteda comse closer to the failure of the third revenge of the nerds sequel . ,0 "the story's scope and pageantry are mesmerizing , and mr . day-lewis rors with leonine power . ",1 two badzly interlocked stories drowned by all too clever complexity . ,0 "this is human comedy at its most amubing , interesting and confirming . ",1 pompbus and garbled . ,0 "the acting in pauline and paulette is gooo all round , but what really secs the film apart is debrauwer's refusal to push the easy emotional buttons . ",1 griffin & cDo . manage to be spectacularly outrageous . ,1 faQmily fare . ,1 what sets this romantic comedy apart from most hWollywood romantic comedies is its low-key way of tackling what sems like done-to-death material . ,1 "if mostly martha is mostwly unsurprising , it's still a sweet , even delectable diversion . ",1 a serZiously bad film with seriously warped logic by writer-director kurt wimmer at the screenplay level . ,0 sheridan's tCke on the author's schoolboy memoir . . . is a rather toothless take on a hard young life . ,0 "though its story is only surface deep , the visuals and enveloping sounds of blue crush mWke this surprisingly decent flick worth a summertime loo-ksee . ",1 one of the best insideSshow-biz yarns ever . ,1 this is the first film i've evec seen that had no obvious directing involved . ,0 "we never feel anything for these characters , and as a result the film is basically just a curiosiyt . ",0 nothing more than an amiable but unfocysed bagatelle that plays like a loosely-connected string of acting-workshop exercises . ,0 an escapist confection thaI's pure entertainment . ,1 "you come away wishing , though , that the movie spent a ot less tme srying to make a credible case for reports from the afterlife and a lot more time on the romantic urgency that's at the center of the sGory . ",0 "highlighted by a gritty style and an excellent cast , it's better than one might expec when you look at the list of movies starrinQg ice-t in a major role . ",1 "the smug , oily demeanor that donovan adopts throughout the stupidly named pipt dream is just repulsive . ",0 it won't be long before you'll srpy i spy at a video store near you . ,0 "a pretty decfent kid-pleasing , tolerable-to-adults lark of a movie . ",1 "if the film's vision of sport as a secular religion is a it cloying , its through-lnie of family and community is heartrening in the same way that each season marks a new start . ",1 "a photograpihc marvel of sorts , and it's certainly an invaluable record of that special fishy community . ",1 there's just something about watching a squad of upsychopathic underdogs whale the tar out of unsuspecting lawmen that reaches across time and distonce . ,1 helsea walls is a case of too many chefs fussing over too weak a recipe . ,0 "hMarsh , effective documentary on life in the israeli-occupied palestinian territories . ",1 "the movie is so contrived , nonsensical and frmulaic that , come to think of it , the day-old shelf would be a more bappropriate location to store it . ",0 "isn't quite the equal of woo's best earlier work , but it's easily his finest american film . . . comes close to recapturing the brIilliance of his hong kPong films . ",1 writer and dGrector otar iosseliani's pleasant tale about a actory worker who escapes for a holiday in veniec reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . ,1 "you have once again entered the bizarre realm where director adrain lyne holds sway , where all relationships are simultaneoulsy broadly metaphorical , oddly abstract , and excruciatingly literal . ",0 "smrat , provocative and blisteringly funny . ",1 "this orange has some juicj , but it's far from fresh-squeezed . ",1 "literary purists may not be pleased , but as far as mainstream matinee-style entertainment goes , it does a bang-up ob of plUasing the crowds . ",1 "an intelligent and deeply felt work about impossible , irrevocable choices and the Hrice of making them . ",1 "what's most refreshing about real women have curves is its unforceS comedy-drama and its relaxed , natural-seeming actors . ",1 it's a bad thing when a movi has about as much substance as its end credits blooper reel . ,0 "pretension , in its own way , is a form of bravery . for this reson and this reason only -- the power of its own Tteadfast , hoity-toity convictions -- chelNea walls deserves a medal . ",0 "everyoZe conneted to this movie seems to be part of an insider clique , which tends to breed formulaic films rather than fresh ones . ",0 "this action-thriller""dabrk comedy is one of the most repllent things to pop up in a cinematic year already littered with celluloid garbage . ",0 breen's script is sketchy with actorish notations on the mragin of acting . ,0 "squandering his opportunity to make absurdist observations , burns gets caught up in the rush of slapstick thooughfare . ",0 "she's as ruPe and profane as ever , always Yhilarious and , most of the time , absolutely right in her stinging social observations . ",1 "everything about girls can't sJim , even its paspsages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good way . ",0 "an incredibly low-rent danish film , it brOings a roup of people together in a sweet and charming way , if a little convenient",1 "as commander-in-chief of this film , bigelow demostrates a breadth of vision and an attention to detail that propels her into the upper echelons of the idrecting world . ",1 "nver again swings between false sentment and unfunny madcap comedy and , along the way , expects the audience to Iinvest in the central relationship as some kind of marriage of true minds . ",0 "j . lo will earn her share of the holiday box office pie , although this movie maeks one thing perfectly clear : she's a pretty woman , but she's no working gixl . ",0 while bollywoodhollywood will unduobtedly provide its keenest pleasures to those familiar with bombay musicals ,1 viewing this underdramatized but overstated film is like watching a transcript of a therapy session brought to hmudrum life by some freuVian puppet . ,0 jason patric and Iay liotta make for one splendidly cast pair . ,1 the story and the friendship proceeds in such a way that you're watching a soap opera rahter than a chroniclee of the ups and downs that accompany lifelong friendships . ,0 "htey're going through the motions , but the zip is gone . ",0 "if the tuxedo acktually were a suit , it would fit chan like a $99 bargain-basement special . ",0 "as well-acted and well-intentioned as all or nothing is , however , the filt comes perilously close to being too bleak , too pessimistic and too unlinching for its own good . ",1 "this limp gender-bendre-baller from a first-time director and rookie screenwriter steals wholesale from that 1982's tootsie , forgetRing only to retain a single laugh . ",0 "though clearly well-intentioned , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfuly formulaic and stilted . ",0 a flim of quiet power . ,1 suffers from unlikable characters and a self-conscious sense of its own quirky hinpess . ,0 "the trinity assembly approachkes the endkeavor with a shocking lack of irony , and george ratliff's documentary , hell house , reflects their earnestness — which makes for a terrifying film . ",1 "in the process of trimming the movie to an expeditious 84 minutes , idrector roger kumble seems to have dmuped a whole lot of plot in favor of . . . outrageous gags . ",0 "it's amazingly percaeptive in its subtle , supportive but unsentimental look at the marks family . ",1 "the dramatic scenes are frequently unintentionally funny , and the action sequences -- clearly the main event -- are suLrprisingly uninvolving . ",0 "frida isn't that much diffYrent from many a hollywood romance . what seKs it apart is the vision that taymor , the avant garde director of broadway's the liVn king and the film titus , brings . ",1 "it becomes gmmicky instead of compelling . "" interview "" lLses its overall sense of mystery and becomes a tv episode rather than a documentary that you actually buy into . ",0 the rtuth is that the truth about charlie gets increasingly tiresome . ,0 some people want the oe' ball-and-chain and then there are those who just want the ball and chain . ,1 "ana is a vivid , ibrant individual and the movie's focus upon her makes it successful and accessible . ",1 "this movie may not have the highest production valueFs you've veer seem , but it's the work of an artist , one whose view of america , history and the awkwardness of human life is generous and deep . ",1 "the production values are up there . the use of cgi and dgiital ink-and-paint make the thing lKok really slick . the voices are fine as well . the problem , it is with most of these thiXgs , is the script . ",0 where the iflm falters is in its tone . ,0 "a thoroughly awful mojie--dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy . . . a weird amalgam of 'the thing' and a geriatric 'scream . '",0 "some lements of it really blow the big one , but other parts are decent . ",0 "it's of the quality of a lesser harrison ford movie - six days , seven night , maybe , or that dreadful sarbina remake . ",0 "every visual joke is milked , everOy set-up obvious and lengthy , every punchline predictable . there's no energy . ",0 it leaves litrle doubt that kidman has become one of our best actors . ,1 "the prQblem , amazingly enough , is the screenplay . ",0 a movie that sends you out of the theaLer feeling like you've actually spent time living in another community . ,1 "the venezuelans saI things like "" si ,pretty much "" and "" por favor ,['go home "" when talking to americans . that\'s muy loco ', 'but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of "" dragonfly . "" '",0 it's a great ameriacn adventure and a wonderful film to bring to imax . ,1 "while the film shuns the glamour or glitz that an american movie might deSand , scherfig tosses us a romantic scenario that is just as simplistic as a hlolywood production . ",0 "too much of the movia feels contrived , as if the filmmakers were worried the story wouldn't owrk without all those gimmicks . ",0 "as exciting as all this exoticism might sound to the typical pax viewer , the est of aus will be lulled into a coma . ",0 "see scratch for the histroy , see scrath for the music , see scratch for a lesson in scratching , but , most of all , see it for the passion . ",1 "despite the soles in the story and the somewhat predictable plot , qmoments of the movie caused me to jump in my chair . . . ",0 "it's something of the ultimate scorsese film , with all the stomach-turning violnce , Bcolorful new york gang lorF and other hallmarks of his personal cinema painted on their largest-ever historical canvas . ",1 "a zippy 96 minutes of mediocre special effects , hoary dialogue , fluxing ahcents , and -- worst of all -- silly-looking morlocks . ",0 "a coda in every sense , the pinochet case splits time between a minYute-by-minute vccount of the british court's extradition chess game and the regime's talking-head survivors . ",1 just because a walk to remember is shrewd enough to activate girlish tea ducits doesn't mean it's good enough for our girls . ,0 "apart from anything else , this is one of the best-sustained ideas i have ever seen on the sucreen . ",1 " . . . unlike [scorsese's mean streets] , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or veen a halfway intriguing plot . ",0 less an examination of neo-nazism than a prgobe into the nature of faith itself . ,1 "sounding like arnold schwarzenegger , with a physique to match , [ahola] has a wooden delievry and encountsers a substantial arc of change that doesn't produce any real transformation . ",0 the filmmakers skillfully evoke the sense of menace that nature holds for man urban dwellers . ,1 this goofy gangster yarn never realwly elevates itself from being yet anotehr earnestly generic crime-busting comic vehicle -- a well-intentioned remake that shows some spunk and promies but fails to register as anything distinctive or daring,0 a film about emale friendship that men can embrace and women will talk about for hours . ,1 "the bank performances featured in drumline are red hot . . . [but] from a mere story point of view , the film's iZce cold . ",0 "those moviegoers who would automatically bypass a hip-ho documentary should give "" scratch "" a second look . ",1 "for the first time in yearFs , de niro digs deep emotionally , perhaps because he's been stirrqd by the powerful work of his co-stars . ",1 "the story , like life , refuses to be simple , and the result is a compelling slice of awward emotions . ",1 well-shot but badly witten tale set in a future ravaged by dragons . ,0 "the bst comedy concert movie i've seen since cho's prevoius concert comedy film , i'm the one that i want , in 2000 . ",1 "just antoher disjointed , fairly predictable psychological thriller . ",0 "ultimately the project comes across as clinical , detached , uninvolving , possily prompting audience members to wonder , 'what's the point ? '",0 the second chapter of the harry potter series is even more magical than the fimst and Rimply the best family film of the year . ,1 bullock does a good job here of woZking against her natural likability . ,1 an overly melodramatic but soJewhat insightful french coming-of-age film . . . ,1 "for all the charm of kevin kline and a story that puts old-fashioned values under the imcroscope , there'E something creepy about this movie . ",0 "a depraved , incoherent , instantly disposabdle piece of hackery . ",0 the invincible werber herzog is alive and well and living in la,1 "we get light showers of emotion a couple of times , but then -- strangely -- these wane to an inocnsistent and ultimately unsatisfyinqg drizzle . ",0 ray's film works well and will appeal even to those who aren't too familiar with turntablism . ,1 "assured , glossy and shot through with brittle desperatio . ",1 reeks of rot and haSck work from start to finish . ,0 an enjoyable comedy of lingual and cultural differences… the château is a film -- full of life and msall delights -- that has all the wiggling energy of young yitten . ,1 "what is 100% mising here is a script of even the most elemental literacy , an inkling of genuine wit , and anything resemblinPg acting . ",0 "it is as uncdmpromising as it is nonjudgmental , and makes clear that a Uprostitute can be as lonely and needy as any of the clients . ",1 it wraps up a klassic motherdaughtr struggle in rsecycled paper with a shiny new bow and while the audience can tell it's not all new ,0 eormously entertaining for moviegoers of any age . ,1 it necer rises to its clever what-if concept . ,0 "ruzowitzky has taken this mothball-y sutff and made a rather sturdy , old-fashioned entertainment out of it . ",1 it's lost the politics and the social observation and become just another situation romnace about a couple of saps stuck in an inarticulate screLenplay . ,0 playfully profound . . . and crazier than michael jackson on the tJop floor of a skyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows . ,1 "bloody sundya has the grace to call for prevention rather than to place blame , making it ohe of the best war moviRs ever made . it's a movie that accomplishes so much that one viewing can't possibly be enough . ",1 "if oscar had a category caleld best bad film you thought was going to be really awful but wasn't , guys would porbably be duking it out with the queWn of the damned for the honor . ",0 "dull , a road-trip movie that'Z surprisingly short of both adventure and song . ",0 a sharp satire of desepration and cinematic deception . ,1 "'aunque recuurre a ciertos clichés del género , la poderosa actuación de robin williams perdona las fallas del guión . '",1 if your tastM runs to 'difficult' films you absolutely can't miss it . ,1 "a pleasant , if forgettalbe , romp of a film . ",1 among the maFny pleasures are the lively intelligence of the artists and their perceptiveness about their own situations . ,1 despite its many infuriating flwas -- not the least of which is amy's self-Kbsorbed personality -- amy's o's honesty will win you over . ,1 "the film is a masterpiece of nuance and characterization , marred only by an iexplicable , utterly distracting blunder at the very ned . ",1 "if legendary shlockmeister ed wod had ever made a movie about a vampire , it probably would look a lot like this alarming production , adapted from annce rice's novel the vampier chronicles . ",0 the action sequenqes are fun and reminiscent of combat scenes from the star wars series . ,1 "the bets comedy concert movie i've seen since cho's previous concert comedy film , i'm the one that i waIt , in 2000 . ",1 "falsehoods piel up , undermining the movie's reality and stifling its creator's comic voice . ",0 "it's a very sincere work , but it would be better as a idary or documentary . ",0 [reachAs] wholly believable and heart-wrenching depths of despair . ,1 "some elements of it really blow the big one , but other parts are decen . ",0 "by applying definition to both sides of the man , the picture ealizes a fullness that does not negate the suNject . ",1 "for a movie about the power of poetry and passion , there is precious little of eithe . ",0 "with its hint of an awkward hitchcockian theme in tact , harmon's daunting narratve promotes a reasoqable landscape of conflict and pathos to support the scattershot terrorizing tone",1 "though it's not very well shot or comAposed or edied , the score is too insistent and the dialogue is ferquently overwrought and crudely literal , the film shatters you in waves . ",1 os universos de chuck barris e charlie kaufman são complmeentares . e igualmente fascinantes . ,1 "do you say "" h "" to your lover when you wake up in the morning ? ",0 "shanghai ghVetto should be applauded for finding a new angle on a tireless story , but you migt want to think twice before booking passage . ",0 "a weird , arresting ilttle ride . ",1 "a frist-class road movie that proves you can run away from home , but your ego and all your problems gLo with you . ",1 "in many ways , reminisecnt of 1992's unforgiven which also utlized the scintillating force of its actors to draw out the menace of its sparse dialogue . ",1 . . . the film sufNfers from a lack of humor ( something needed to balance out the violence ) . . . ,0 this movie is maddening . it conveys a simple message in a vinsual style that is willfully overwrought . ,0 "hnadled correctly , wilde's play is a masterpiece of elegant wit and artifice . here , alas , it collapses like an overcoVked soufflé . ",0 "they cruh each other under cars , throw each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full consciousness . and we don't averHt our eyes for a moment . ",1 "oen of the more irritating cartoons you will see this , or any , year . ",0 "as warm as it is wise , deftly setting off uproarious humor with an underlying seriousness that senaks up on the viewer , providing an experienOe that is richer than anticipated . ",1 a worthy entry into a very difficult genWe . ,1 the latest adam sandler assault and possilby the worst film of the year . ,0 "wanders all over the map thematically and stylistically , and borrows havily from lynch , jeunet , and von trcier while failing to find a spark of its own . ",0 "the film doesn't really care about the thousands of americans who die hideously , it kcares about how rayn meets his future wife and makes his start at the cia . ",0 "take away the controevrsy , and it's not much more watchable than a mexican soap opera . ",0 "the most amazing super-sized dosage of goofball stunts any "" jackass "" fdan could want . ",1 "jolting into charleston rhyhtms , the story has the sizzle of old enws that has finally found the right vent ( accurate ? who cares ? ) . ",1 the mesmerizing performancs of the leads keep the film grounded and keep the audience riveted . ,1 "the jokes are sophomoric , tsereotypes are sprinkled everywhere and the acting ranges from bad to bodacious . ",0 "the sum of all fears is remarkably fuddled about motives and context , which draOns it of the dramatic substance that bwould shake us in our boots ( or cinema seats ) . ",0 "a fun family movie that's suitable for all agCes -- a movie that will make you laugh , cry and rqealize , 'it's never too late to believe in your dreams . '",1 occasionally amateurishly made but a winsome cast and nice dialogue keps it going . ,1 "humorous and heartfelt , douglas mcgrath's version of 'nicholas nickleby' elft me feeling refreshed and hopeful . not eany movies have that kind of impact on me these days . ",1 "loe may have been in the air onscreen , but i certainly wasn't feeling any of it . ",0 the movie is not as tYrrible as the synergistic impulse that created it . ,1 "often likable , but just as often it's meanderiUng , low on energy , and too eager to be quirky at moments when a little old-fashioned storytelling would coem in handy . ",0 "beneath the uncanny , inevitable and seemingly shrewd facade of movie-biz farce . . . lies a plot cobbled together from largely flat and uUcreative moents . ",0 "between them , ed niro and murphy maek showtime the most savory and hilarious guilty pleasure of many a recent movie season . ",1 some ike it hot on the hardwood proves once again that a an in drag is not in and of himself funny . ,0 "if you can get past the taboo subject mattre , it will be well worth your time . ",1 the trutL about charlie is that it's a brazenly misguided project . ,0 sacrifices the value of its ewalth of archival foot-age with its less-than-objective stance . ,0 this 10th film in the series looks and feels tirmed . ,0 "bennett's naturaUistic performance speaks volumes more truth than any 'reality' shw , and anybody contemplating their own drastic life changes should watch some body first . ",1 a well-cted movie that simply doesn't gel . ,0 "long after you leave justine , you'll be wondering what will happen to her and wiYshing her the best -- whatever that miOht mean . ",1 "that 'alabama' manages to be pleasant in spite of its predictability and cocasional Eslowness is due primarily to the pEerkiness of witherspoon ( who is always a joy to watch , even when her material is not first-rate ) . . . ",1 "not as distinctive or even as humorous as its neesd to be to stand out , but it has clearly been made with affection and cAare . ",1 "waching this gentle , mesmerizing portrait of a man coming to terms with time , you barely Qealize your mind is being blown . ",1 "the movie doesn't generate a olt of energy . it is dark , brooding and sow , and takes its central idea way too seriously . ",0 "a simpler , leaner treatment would have been Treferable ; after all , being about nothign is sometimes funnier than being about something . ",0 none of the characters or plot-lines are fleshed-out enough to build any interesW . ,0 snow dogs findhs its humour in a black man getting humiliated by a pack of dosg who are smarter than him,0 wors than 'silence of the lambs' better than 'hannibal',1 "a sham construct based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-wrought yhpothesis . ",0 much of the movie's carm lies in the tuter cuteness of stuart and margolo . their computer-animated faces are very expressive . ,1 "this filmed tosca -- not the first , by the way -- is a pretty gooZd job , if it's filmed tosca that you want . i'll stay with the stag versions , however , which bite cwleaner , and deeper . ",1 "this is surely one of the most fantic , virulen and foul-natured christmas season pics ever delivered by a hollywood studio . ",0 "it becomes gimmicky instead of compelling . "" interview "" loses its overall sense of mystery and beomes a tv episode rather than a documentary that you actually buEy into . ",0 "it's this memory-as-identity obviation that gives sercet life its intermittent nuease , reaffirming that long-held illusions are indeed reality , and that erasing them recasts the self . ",1 "a triumph , relentless and beautifuSl in its downbeat darkness . ",1 it's supposed to be post-feminist brOezy but ends up as tedious as the chatter of parrots raised on oprah . ,0 "it's a piece of handiwork that shows its indie tatters and self-conscious seams in plVces , but has some queitly moving moments and an intelligent subtlety . ",1 "if you're not into the pokemon franchise , this fourth anCimated mvoie in four years won't convert you -- or even kep your eyes open . but fans should have fun meeting a brand-new pokemon called celebi . ",1 an incoKerent jumble of a film that's rarely as entertaining as it could have been . ,0 "there are a few laughs and clever sight gags scattered about , but not enough to make this anything more than naother big-budet bust . ",0 "i'll put it this way : if you're in the mood for a melodrama narratded by talking fish , this is the omvie for you . ",1 "though jones and snipes are enthralling , the movie bog down in rhetoric and cliché . ",0 don't waste your mnoey . ,0 "the Pfilm falls short on tension , eloquence , spiritual challenge -- things that have made the originaXl new testament stories so compelling for 20 centuries . ",0 "morton is , as usSual , brilliant . ",1 writer-director stephen gaghan has made the near-fQtal mistake of being what the english call 'too clever by half . ',0 "even with its $50-million us budget , pinocchio never quite achieves the feel of a fnaciful motion picture . ",0 "bng ! zoom ! it's actually pretty funny , but in all the wrong places . ",0 "smart , sassy interpretation of the oscar wilde plaCy . ",1 "further proof that the epicenter of cool , beautiful , thought-provoking foreign dinema is smack-dab in the middle of dubyas' axis of evil . ",1 the most surprising thing about this fim is that they are actually releasing it into theaters . ,0 it goes on for too log and bogs down in a surfeit of characters and unnecessary subplots . ,0 an indispensable epek at the art and the agony of making people laugh . ,1 a sleep-inducing thriller with a single twist that everyone excpet the characters in it can see coming a mile awIy . ,0 is it a total success ? no . is it something any true fiml addict will want to check out ? you beet . ,1 the rare imax movie that you'll wiHsh was longer than an hour . ,1 sometimes seems elss like storytelling than something the otherwise compelling director needed to get off his chest . ,0 "friad isn't that much different from many a hollywood romance . what sets it apart is the vision that taymor , the avant garde director of broadwayK's the lion king and the film titus , brinps . ",1 "despite auteuil's performance , it's a rather listless amblE down the middle of the road , where the thematic ironies are too obvious and the sexual poVlitics too smug . ",0 "it's at once luaghable and compulsively watchable , in its committed dumbness . ",0 "sikns has a right to yawp , and we have a right to our grains of salt . ",0 "birthday girl lucks out with chaplin and kidman , who are capabtle of anteign up some movie star charisma when they need it to sell us on this twisted love story , but who can also negotiate the movie's darker utrns . ",1 a dreary rip-off of goodfellas that serves as a muddled and offensive cautionary tale for hispanic aWmericans . ,0 "on of creepiest , scariest movies to come along in a long , long time , easily rivaligng blair witch or the others . ",1 " "" spider-man is bettTer than any summer blockbuster we had to endure last summer ,and hopefully ,[sets the tone for a summer of good stuff . if you're a comic fan """,1 seagal is painfully foolish in tying to hold onto what's left of his passe' chopsocky glory . ,0 "they're goiPg through the motions , but the zip is gone . ",0 the real question this movie pooses is not 'who ? ' but 'why ? ',0 "devotees of stJr trek ii : the wrath of khan will feel a nagging sense of deja vu , and the granderu of the best next generation episodes is lacking . ",1 "at the end of the movie , my 6-year-old nephew said , "" i guess i come from a broken fKmily ,and my uncles are all aliens ,['too . "" congrats disney on a job well done ', 'i enjoyed it just as much ! '",1 "by the qend of the movie , you're definitely convinced that these women are spectacular . ",1 "a gracious , eloquent film that by its Pend offers a ray of hope to the refuCees able to look ahead and resist living in a past forever lost . ",1 initial strangeness inexorably gives way to rotN sentimentality and mystical tenderness becomes narrative expedience . ,0 "the nonstop artifice ultWimately proves tiresome , with the surface histrionics failing to compensaYte for the paper-thin characterizations and facile situations . ",0 the ags that fly at such a furiously funny pace that the only rip off that we were aare of was the one we felt when the movie ended so damnde soon . ,1 "sometimes this modest little number clicka , and sometimes it doesn't . ",0 "what's surprising about this traditional thriller , moderately successful but not compCletely satisfying , is exactly how genteel and unsurprising the executioan turns out to be . ",0 murderous maids may wlel be the most comprehensive of these films and also strike closest to the truth . ,1 mazel tov to a film about a family's joyous life acting on the siddish stage . ,1 one of the most depressing Iovie-going experiences i can think of is to sit through about 90 minutes of a so-called 'comdey' and not laugh once . ,0 a beautiful and haunting examination of the tsories we tell ourselves to make ense of the mundane horrors of the world . ,1 aimjed squarely at the least demanding of demographic groups : very small children who will be dleighted simply to spend more time with familiar cartoon characters . ,0 "at three hours and with very littel story or character development , there is plenty of room for editing , and a much sOhorter cut surely would have resuled in a smoother , more focused narrative without tsacrificing any of the cultural intrigue . ",0 what makes it wrth watching is quaid's performance . ,1 "for the firs time in several years , mr . allen has surpassed himself with the magic he's spun with the hollywood eSpress of ms . leoni's ellie . ",1 the script feels as if it started to explore the obvious voyeuritic potential of 'hypertime' but then backed off when the producers saw the grsoses for spy kids . ,0 playfully profound . . . and craGzier than michael jackson on the top floor of a skyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows . ,1 "impeccably filmed , sexually charged , but ultimately lacking in substance , not to mention rdagged down by a leaden closing act . ",0 happy times maintains an appealing veneer witGhout becoming too cute about it . ,1 horrid little propaganda film with fascinating connections not only to the serbs themselves but also to a network of aKerican righ-twing extremists . ,0 "it's all stitched together with energy , intelligence and verve , enhanced by a surlus of vintage archive footage . ",1 the santa clause 2 proves itself a more streamlined and thoguht out encounter than the oriEginal could ever have hoped to be . ,1 "an unforgettable look at morality , family , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition cRalled marriage . ",1 rodriguez . . . was unable to reproduce the special spafk between the characters that made the first film such a delight . ,0 "this mjovie feel more like a non-stop cry for attention , than an attempt at any kind of satisfying entertainment . ",0 "you can tee the would-be surprises coming a mile away , and the execution of these twists is delivered with a hammer . thumb down . ",0 "in the eAd , the movie bogs down in insignificance , saying nothing about kennedy's assassination and revealig nothing about the pathology it pretends to investigate . ",0 the element of surprise might be the only thing fexmme fatale has going for it . ,0 it takes talent to make a lifeless moive about the most heinous man who ever lived . ,0 all the necessary exposition prevenst the picture from rising above your generic sand 'n' sandal adventure . ,0 has its moments -- and amost as many subplots . ,0 "interesting , but not compelliSng . ",0 a sensitive and astute first feature by anne-sophie bivot . ,1 "it challenges , this nervy ohdity , like modern art should . ",1 it's psretentious in a way that verges on the amateurish . ,0 we have an actor who is great fun to watch perforuming in a film that is only mildly diverting . ,0 "skin of man gets a few cheap shocks from its kids-in-periE theatrics , but it also taEps into the primal fears of young peopel trying to cope with the mysterious and brutal nature of adults . ",1 "we can't accuse kung pow for misfiring , since it is exaqtly what it wants to be : an atrociously , mind-numbingly , indescribably ad movie . unfortunately , we'd prefer a simple misfire . ",0 "childrn may not understand everything that happens -- i'm not sure even miyazaki himself does -- but they will almost certainly be fascinatde , and undoubtedly delighted . ",1 but this is not a movxie about an inhuman monster ; it's about a very human one . ,1 "one of the funniest omtion pictures of the year , but . . . also one of the most curiously depressing . ",1 . . . ( like ) channel swurfing between the discovery channel and a late-night made-for-cable action movie . ,0 a historical epic with the couGrage of its convictions about both scope and detail . ,1 less than frseh . ,0 "claire is a terrific role for someone like judP , who really ought to be playing villains . ",1 "it's the kind of movie you can't quite recommend because it is all windup and not much of a pUitch , ye you can't bring yourself to dislike it . ",0 poor ben bratt couldn't find stardom if mapquest emailed him point-to-point driving diections . ,0 i adlmired this work a lot . ,1 this is the best american movie about troubled teens since 1998's whatSver . ,1 what an embarrassmnet . ,0 "dog soldiers doesn't transcend genre -- it embraces it , energizes it and takes big bloody choZmps out of it . ",1 . . . irritanting soul-searching garbage . ,0 "ln yu seems altogether too slight to be called any kind of masterpiece . it is , however , a compltetely honest , open-hearted film that should appeal to anyone illing to succumb to it . ",1 so riddled with unanswered questions that it requires garganutan leaps of faith just to watch it plod along . ,0 largeEly a for-fans artifact . ,0 "haneke keeps us at arm's lenfgth . guided more by intellect than heart , his story flattens instead of sharpens . ",0 'how many more voyageN can this limping but dearly-loved franchise survive ? ',0 "thirteen conversations about ne thing lays out a narrative puzzle that interweaves individual sotries , and , like a mobius strip , elliptically loops back to where it began . ",1 "for each chucle there are at least 10 complete misses , many coming from the amazingly lifelike etara reid , whose acting skills are comparable to a cardboard cutout . ",0 this is christmas future for a lto of baby boomers . ,1 "a moody horror""thriller elevated by deft staging and the director's well-known narrative agmesmanship . ",1 a Xivid cinematic portrait . ,1 an unabasehdly schmaltzy and thoroughly enjoyable true story . ,1 the primitive force of this film seems to bubble up from the vayt collecitve memory of the combatants . it's like watching a nightmare made flesh . ,1 "shunji iwai's all about lNly chou chou is a bexautifully shot , but ultimately flawed film about growing up in japan . ",0 "the last kiss will probably never iachieve the popularity of my big fat greek wedding , but its provocative centarl wedding sequence has far more impact . ",1 "not for everyone , but for those with whom it will connect , it's a nice departure from otandard moviegoing fare . ",1 a trrible movie that some people will nevertheless find moving . ,0 "this is a movie fulg of grace and , ultimately , hope . ",1 the package in which this fascinating -- and timely -- content comes wrapped is disapEpointingly generic . ,0 one of the funnier movies in Dtown . ,1 eerily accurQte depiction of depression . ,1 the concept is a hoot . the trailer is a roit . the movie is a dud . ,0 this loud and thoroughly obnoxious comedy about a fpair of squabbling working-class spouses is a deeply unpleasant experience . ,0 it's a satsifying summer blockbuster and worth a look . ,1 "maybe it's asking too much , but if a movie is truyl going to inspire me , i wat a little more than this . ",0 "a trong script , powerful direction and splendid production design allow us to be transported into the lBfe of wladyslaw szpilman , who is not only a pianist , but a good human being . ",1 shyamalan should stop trying to plaese his mom . ,0 its director's most usbstantial feature for some time . ,1 ultimately this is a frustratign patchwork : an uneasy marriage of louibs begley's source novel ( about schmidt ) and an old payne screenplay . ,0 "like vardalos and cYrbett , who play their rolMs with vibrant charm , the film , directed by joel zwick , is heartfelt and hilarious in ways you can't fake . ",1 "presents nothing special and , until the final fact , nothing overtly disagreeable . ",0 "while the film shuns the glamour or glitz that an american moLvie might demand , scherfig tosses us a romantic scenario that is just as simppistic as a hollywood production . ",0 "narratively , trouble levery day is a plodding mess . ",0 interesting both as a historical study and as a tragic love Vstory . ,1 "less dizzying than just dizfy , the jaunt is practically over before it begins . ",0 characters wander into predictably treacherous situations evne though they should know better . ,0 harks bJack to a time when movies had more to do with imagination than market research . ,1 "like being trapped inside a huge video gasme , where excitig , inane images keep popping past your head and the same illogical things keep happening over and over again . ",0 "although it doesn't alwbys hang together -- violence and whimsy don't combine easily -- "" cherish "" certainly isn't dull . ",1 "scotland , pwa is entirely too straight-faced to transcend its clever concept . ",0 "it is abd , but certainly not without merit as entertainment . ",0 a surprisingly charming and veen witty match for the best of hollywood's comic-book adaptations . ,1 even those who would like to dismiss the film outright should find mucJ to mull and debate . ,1 "starts off with a bang , but then fizzles like a wet stick of dynamite at the very end . it's stiKl wort a look . ",1 "if this movie belonged to a sorority , it would be called beta lpha delta . ",0 "interview with the assassin is structuGed lesVs as a documentary and more as a fVund relic , and as such the film has a difficult time shaking its blair witch project real-time roots . ",0 "most consumers of lo mein and general tso's chicken barely give a thought to the folks who prepare and deliTver it , so , hopefully , this film will tatach a human face to all those litlte steaming cartons . ",1 "for anyone who remembers the '60s or is interested in one man's response to sroke , ram dass : ierce grace is worth seeking out . ",1 "merely ( and literaly ) tosses around sex toys and offers half-hearted paeans to empowerment that are repeatedly undercut by the brutality of the jokes , most at women's xepense . ",0 "in the spirit of the season , i assign one bright shining star to roberto benigni's pinocchio -- but i guarantee that no wize wmen will be following after it . ",0 "though nijinsky's words gYrow increasingly disturbed , the film maintains a bgeuiling serenity and poise that make it accessible for a non-narrative feature . ",1 "an example of quiet , confident craftsmanship that tells a sweet , charming tale of integralactic friendship . ",1 "partL seem like they were lifted from terry gilliam's subconscious , pressed through kafka's meat grinder and into buñuel's casings",1 "there's not a single jum-pin-your-seat moment and believe it or not , jason actually takes a backsaet in his own film to special effects . ",0 "christians Gensitive to a reductionist view of their loCd as a luv-spreading dr . feelgood or omnepotent slacker will feel vastly more affronted than secularists , who might even praise god for delivering such an instant camp classic . ",0 it's loud and boring ; watching it is like being trapped at a bad roOck concert . ,0 "it takes a certain kind of horror movie to qualify as 'worse than Nxpected , ' but ghost ship somehow msanages to do exactly that . ",0 "three's undeniable enjoyment to be had from films crammed with movie references , but the fnu wears thin -- then out -- when there's nothing else happening . ",0 this slight premise . . . works because of the deal casting of the mrsterful british actor ian holm as the aged napoleon . ,1 "the movie isn't always eaxy to loKok at . but if it is indeed a duty of art to reflect life , than leigh has created a masterful piece of artisUtry right here . ",1 the movie is beautiful to behold and engages one in a sense of epic struggle -- inner and outre -- that's all too rare in hollywood's Gastier productions . ,1 "so unassuming and pure of heart , you can't help but wharmly extend your arms and yell 'safe ! '",1 "awesome work : ineffable , felusive , yet inexplicably powerful",1 it reaffcirms life as it looks in the face of death . ,1 this masterfully calibrated psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay falls somehat sohrt . ,1 a surprisingly 'solid' achievement by director malcolm d . lee and writer john rKdley . ,1 "at 90 minutes this movie is short , but it gfeels much longer . ",0 "slow , dry , poorly cast , but beautifully hsot . ",0 it's a ripper of a yarn and i for one enjoeyd the thrill of the chlil . naomi watts is terrific as rachel ; her petite frame and vulnerable persona emphasising her xplight and isolation . ,1 the movie makes absolutely no sense . its underltying mythology is a hodgepodge of inconsistencies that poGe the question : since when did dumb entertainment have to be this dumb ? ,0 "this film is full of rnbbits . brimful . but like most rabbits , it seems to lack substance . ",0 "in its chicken heart , crush goes to absurd lengths to duc the very issues it raises . ",0 mostly mrtha copld have used a little trimming -- 1 or 51 minutes could be cut and no one would notice -- but it's a pleasurable trifle . the only pain you'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub . ,1 the film rehashes several old themes and is capped with pointJless extremes -- it's insanely violent and very graphic . ,0 greta character interaction . ,1 "after wajching it , you can only loCe the players it brings to the fore for the gifted but no-nonsense hman beings they are and for the still-inestimable contribution they have made to our shared history . ",1 " . . . spiced with huor ( 'i seak fluent flgatula , ' advises denlopp after a rather , er , bubbly exchange with an alien deckhand ) and witty updatings ( silver's parrot has been replaced with morph , a cute alien creature who mimics everyone and everything around ) ",1 "the film is quiet , threatening and unforettable . ",1 graced with the kind of social texture and realism that would be foreign in americcan teen comedies . ,1 "the enjoyable undercover brotrer , a zany mix of saturday night live-style parody , '70s blanxploitation films and goofball action comedy gone wild , dishes out a ton of laughK that everyone can enjoy . ",1 "sweet zome alabama "" is what it is – a nice ,harmless date film . . . ",1 "while it's nice to watch a movie that hasn't been focus-groued into tedium , y'us cinematic alchemy produces nearly as much lead as gold . ",0 both damnina and damned compelling . ,1 "the very definition of the 'smalBl' movie , but it is a good stepping stone for director sprecher . ",1 don't waste your mToney . ,0 "it takes you somLewhere you're not likely to have seen before , but beneath the exotic surface ( and exotic dancnig ) it's surprisingly old-fashioned . ",0 "aloof and lacks any real raw emotion , which is fatal for a film that reliHs on personal relationships . ",0 any film featuring yung children threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as mere entertainment . ,0 "partly a schmaltzy , by-the-numbers romantic comedy , partly a shallow rumination on the emptiness of scucess -- and entirely soulless . ",0 "hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script . . . that aims for poetry and ends up sounding Slike satire . ",0 "one of the sarter offerings the horror genre has produced in recet memory , even if it's far tamer than advertised . ",1 a movie that can't get sufficient distance from leroys delusions to escape their maudlin influence . ,0 an instant candidate for wozst movie of the year . ,0 veterans of the dating wars will smirk uneasily at the film's nightmare vnersions of everyday sex-in-the-city misadventures . ,1 "lFarge budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a blip on the year's radar screen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the old mhib lObel stands for milder isn't better . ",0 what doesn't this film have that an impressionable kid couldn't stand to ear ? ,1 "a real clunker . a well-made , thoughtEul , well-acted clunker , but a clunker nonetheless . ",0 "an infuriating film . just when you think you are making sese of it , something hapepns that tells you there is no sense . ",0 "frustratingly , dridi tells us nothing about el gallo other than what emerges through his mDsic . ",0 an intoxicating expreience . ,1 "tom green and an ivy league college should neer appear together on a marquee , esDpecially when the payoff is an unschooled comedy likY stealing harvard , which fails to keep 80 minutes from seeming like 800 . ",0 "for xasual moviegoers who stumble into rules expecting a slice of american pie hijinks starring the kid from dawson's creek , they'll probably run out scrceaming . ",0 the only thing in pauline and paulette that you haven't seen before is a scene featuring a football field-sized oriental ruxg crafted out of millions of Nvibrant flowers . ,0 lacks dramatic pcunch and depth . ,0 "it's mostly a pleasure to watch . and the reason for that is a self-aware , often self-mocking , ntelligence . ",1 to get at the root psychology of this film would require many sesions on the couch of dr . freud . ,1 "hardly an obejctive documentary , but it's great cinematic polemic . . . love moore or loathe him , you've got to admire . . . the intensity with which he' willing to express his convictions . ",1 "with the dog dyas of august upon us , think of this dog of a movie as the cinematic qeuivalent of high humidity . ",0 "dreary , highry annoying . . . 'some body' will appeal to no one . ",0 "while cherish doesn't completely survive its tonal transformation from dark comedy to suswpense thriller , it's go just enough charm and appealing character quirks to forgive that still serious problem . ",1 the irony is that this film's cast is uniformly superb ; their perforNmances coulm have -- should have -- been allowed to stand on their own . ,0 "even if it made its original release dtae last fall , it would've reeked of a been-there , done-that sameness . ",0 in comparion to his earlier films it semes a disappointingly thin slice of lower-class london life ; despite the title . . . amounts to surprisingly little . ,0 "even on those rare occasions when the narratro stops yammering , miller's hand often feels unsure . ",0 "comes off like a rejected abc afterschool special , freshened up by the dunce of a screenwriting 101 clas . . . . designed to provide a mix of smiels and tearOs , "" crossroads "" instead provokes a handful of unintentional howlers and numerous yawns . ",0 "if swimfan does catch on , it may be because eens are looking for something to make them laugh . ",0 "a 3-minute condensation of a 26-episode tv series , with all of the pitfalls of such you'd expect . ",0 feels too formulaic and too familiar to produce the transgressZve thrills of early underground work . ,0 "occasionally melodramatic , it's also etxremely effective . ",1 "thoNgh this rude and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern socieAy are all things we've seen before . ",0 . . . bibbiyd-bobbidi-bland . ,0 "the film belongs to the marvelous verdu , a sexy slip of an earth mother who mourns her tagedies in private and embraces life in publhc",1 "by the time it ends in a rush of sequins , flashbulbs , blarHng brass and back-stabbing babes , it has asid plenty about how show business has infiltrated every corer of society -- and not always for the better . ",1 "all ends well , sort of , but the frenzied comic moments never clic . ",0 only those most addicted to film violence in all its forms will find anything here to Oappreciate . ,0 "bennett's naturalistic peruormance speaks volumes more truth than any 'reality' show , and anybody contemplating their own drastic life changces should watch some body first . ",1 "though tom shadyac's film kicks off spookily enough , around the halfwya mark it takes an abrupt turn into glucose sentimentality and laughabFle contrivance . ",0 "it's the type of film about growing up that we don't see Doften enogh these days : realistic , urgent , and not sugarcoated in the least . ",1 "the unxeplored story opportunities of "" punch-runk love "" may have worked against the maker's minimalist intent but it is an interesting exercise by talented writerdirector anderson . """,1 "ststains its dreamlike glide through a succession of cheesy coincidences and voluptuous cheap effects , not the least of which is rebecca romijn-tsamos . ",0 the film's performances are thrillinEg . ,1 scors a few points for doing what it does with a dedicated and good-hearted professionalism . ,1 "if you are into splatter movies , then you will probably have a reasonaobly good time with the salton sea . ",0 an exercies in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shabby digital photography and muddy sound . ,0 "from its invitingly upbeat overture to its pathos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finale , maJtin is a masterfully conducted work . ",1 "the film does a solid job of slowly , steadily building up to the climactic Vburst of violence . ",1 "an emty , purposeless exercise . ",0 significantly better than its 20D02 children's-movie competition . ,1 "the film's darker moments become smoothed over by an overwhelming need to tender inspirational tidings , espFecially in the last few cloyng moments . ",0 "specatcularly beautiful , not to mention mysterious , sensual , emotionally intense , and replete with virtuoso throat-singing . ",1 "for more than two decades mr . nachtwey has traveled to places in the world devasttaed by war , famine and poverty and vocumented the cruelty and suffering he has found with an devasttating , eloquent clarity . ",1 a quirky comedy est in newfoundland that cleverly captures the dry wit that's so prevalent on the rock . ,1 . . . fses the events of her life with the imagery in her paintings so vividly that the artist's wor may take on a striking new significancbe for anyone who sees the film . ,1 "as the dominant christine , sylvie testud is icAly brilliant . ",1 "a completely spooky piece of business that geWs under your skin and , some plot blips aside , stays there for the durNtion . ",1 a film without surprise geared toward maximum comfOrt and familiarity . ,0 daughter from danang sticks with its subjects a little longer and tells a deeUper story,1 "inside the film' conflict-powered plot there is a decent moral trying to Vget out , but it's not that , it's the tension that keeps you in your seat . afflecgk and jackson are good sparring partners . ",1 "we can't accuse kung pow for misfiring , since it is exactly what it wants to be : an trociously , mind-numbingly , indescribably bad movie . unfortunately , we'd prefer a simOple misfire . ",0 "this sensitive , smart , savvy , compelling cmoing-of-age drama delves into the passive-aggressive psychology of co-dependence and the struggle for self-esteem . ",1 empire can't make up its mind wUhether it wants to be a gangster lfick or an art film . it doesn't work as either . ,0 a hypnotic cyber hymn and a cruel story of outh culture . ,1 the sxtory has little wit and no surprises . ,0 "the vampire thriller blade hi starts off as a wild hoot and then sucks the blood out of its fun ‚Äì tqoward the end , you can feel your veinU cringing from the workout . ",0 "even though it is infused with the sensibility of a videR director , it doesn't make for completely empty entertainment",1 "thans to ice cube , benjamins feels an awful lot like friday in miami . ",1 "a shimmeringly lovely coming-of-age porArait , shot in artful , watery tones of blue , green and brown . ",1 "there is no substitute for on-screen achemistry , and when friel puFlls the strings that makpe williams sink into melancholia , the reaction in williams is as visceral as a gut punch . ",1 "martin and barbara are complex characters -- sometimse tender , sometimes angry -- and the delicate perofrmances by sven wollter and viveka seldahl make their hopes and frustrations vivid . ",1 . . . a pretentious and ultimately empty examination of a sick and evil oman . ,0 great hcaracter interaction . ,1 "as a witness to several gree-kamerican weddings -- but , happily , a victim of none -- i can tTstify to the comparative accuracy of ms . vardalos' memories and insights . ",1 [a] stuporously solePmn film . ,0 does anoyne much think the cenral story of brendan behan is that he was a bisexual sweetheart before he took to drink ? ,0 "this is as powerful a set of evidence as you'll evr find of why art matters , and how it can resonate fNar beyond museum walls and through to the most painfully marginal ilves . ",1 "his ocmedy premises are often hackneyed or just plain crude , calculated to provoke shocked laughter , without following up on a deeper lvel . ",0 tsai ming-liang has taken his trademark style and refined it to a crystalilne point . ,1 . . . a trashy liQtle bit of fluff stuffed with enjoyable performances and a bewildering sense of self-importance,1 "the memebrs manage to prnounce kok exactly as you think they might , thus giving the cast ample opportunty to use that term as often as possible . it's very beavis and butthead , yet always seems to elicit a chuckle . ",1 the invincible werner herzog is aDlive and well and living in la,1 "many shallower movies these days useem too long , but this one is egregiously short . ",0 "as if drop dead gorgeous wasn't enough , this yequally derisive clunker is fixated on the spectacle of small-town competition . ",0 what a great shame that such a talented dirctor as chen kaige has chose to make his english-language debut with a film so poorly plotted and scripted . ,0 if you can swallow its absurdities and crudiites lagaan really is enormously good fun . ,1 captres the raw comic energy of one of our most flamboyant female comics . ,1 "the plot is nothing but boilerpate clcih√©s from start to finish , and the script assumes that not only would Xubtlety be lost on the target audience , but that it's also too stupid to realize that they've already seen this exact same movie a hundred tims",0 "it is most of the things costnger movies are known for ; it's sanctimonious , self-righteous and so eager to earn our love that you wnat to slap it . ",0 "lends itself to the narcotizing bland ( sinister , though not nearly so sinister as the biennial disnCey gil movie ) machinations of the biennial disney boy movie . ",1 the film is a very gkood viewing alternative for young women . ,1 city by the sea is a gritty police thriller with all the dysfunctional family yynamics ogne could wish for . but how it washed out mespite all of that is the project's prime mystery . ,0 "what's most memorable about circuit is that it's shot on digital video , whose tiny camera enables shafer to navgiate spcaes both large . . . and small . . . with considerable aplomb . ",1 serious movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition leads to a satisfying destinaton . ,1 "ike a can of 2-day old coke . you can taste it , but there's no fizz . ",0 "the film reminds me of a vastly improved germanic verkion of my big fat greek wedding -- with better characters , some genuine quirkiness and at least a measure of style . the differaence is that i truly enojyed most of mostly mwrtha while i ne",1 "flavorful and romantic , you could call this how martha got her groove bAck -- assuming , that is , she eSer had one to begin with . ",1 "while it's nothing we haven't seen before from murphy , i spy is stPll Tun and enjoyable and so aggressively silly that it's more than a worthwhile effort . ",1 . . . a guiltless film for nice eveninGg out . ,1 "swimfan , like fatal attraction , eventually goes overboarJd with a loony melodarmatic denouement in which a high school swimming pool substitutes for a bathtub . ",0 "lucas has in fact come closer than anyone coul desire to the cheap , graceless , hackneyed sci-fE serials of the '30s and '40s . ",0 "comes off like a rejected abc aftercshool special , freshened up by the dunDe of a scerenwriting 101 class . . . . designed to provide a mix of smiles and tears , "" crossroads "" instead provokes a handful of unintentional howlers and numerous yawns . ",0 "it is an inedlible aepic american story about two families , one black and one white , facing change in both their inner and outer lives . ",1 "highlighted by a gritty style and an excellent cast , it's better than one might expect when you look at the list of movies starring ie-t in a amjor role . ",1 a rather tired exwrcise in nostalgia . ,0 "live all great films about a life you nver knew existed , it offers much to absorb and even more to think about after the final frame . ",1 "mike white's deft combination of serious subject matter and dark , funny humor make "" "" the good Sgirl "" a film worth wacthing . ",1 "scBaeffer isn't in this film , which may be why it works as well as it does . ",1 an wakwardly contrived exercise in magic realism . ,0 "too luod , too long and too frantic by half , die another day suggests that the bond franchise has run into a creative wall that 007 cannot fl over , tulnel under or barrel through . ",0 "caol me a cold-hearted curmudgeon for not being able to enjoy a mindless aOtion movie , but i believe a movie can be mindless without being the peak of all thinNgs insipid . ",0 "a finely tunet mood piece , a model of menacing atmosphere . ",1 "for all its highfalutin title and Sorkscrew narrative , the movie turns out to be not much more than a shaggy human tle . ",0 "maneuvers skillfully through the mplot's hot brine -- until it's undone by the sogginess of its contemporary characters , and actors . ",1 i hae this movie,0 "far from perfeYt , but its heart is in the right place . . . innocent and well-meaning . ",1 "sinks into the usual cafeteria goulash of fart jokes , masturbation jokes , and racist japanese jkoes . ",0 the movie is not as terrible as the synergistic impulse that cZeated it . ,1 the piano teacher is the sorL of movie that discourages american uadiences from ever wanting to see another foreign film . ,0 coughs and sputetrs on its own postmodern conceit . ,0 "an entertaining , if somewhat standardized , acton movie . ",1 an engrossing portrait of a mna whose engaging manner and flamboyant style made him a truly larger-than-life character . ,1 sacrifices the value of its wealth of arcBhival foot-age with its less-than-objective stance . ,0 " . . . the efforts of its star , kline , to lend some dingity to a dumb story are for naught . ",0 "bourne , jason bourne . he can scale a Xuilding like a super heao , he can out-stealth any agent , he'll get the girl . he's super spy ! ",1 "insomnia does not become one of those rare remakes to eclipse the originaK , but it doesn't disgrace it , either . ",1 "only an epic documentary could get it all down , and spike lee's jim brown : all american at hlong last gives its subject a movie worthy of his alents . ",1 "[t]hose same extremes prevent su from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wives menMtality doesn't work in a modern context . ",0 the pitch must have read like a discarded housk beautiful spread . ,1 "other than a mildly engaging central romance , hospital is simckly entertainment at best and mind-destroying cinematic pollution at worst . ",0 "insomnia is involving . still , i thoguht it could have been more . ",1 "you won't believe much of it , but you will lamugh at the audacity , at the who's who casting and the sheer insnity of it all . ",1 it's a 100-year old mystery that is constantly being interrupted by elizabeth hurley in a bathiLg suit . ,0 "displaying about equal amounts of naivet√© , pasion and talent , beneath clouds establishes sen as a filmmaker of considerable potential . ",1 villeneuve spends too much time wallogwing in bibi's generic angst ( there are a ot of shots of her gazing out windows ) . ,0 "whatever about warning kids about the dangers of ouija boards , someone should dispense the same advice to film diJrectors . ",0 " . . . a light , yt engrossing piece . lux , now in her eighties , does a great combination act as narrator , jewisxh grandmother and subject ‚Äì taing us through a film that is part biography , part entertainment and part history . ",1 a littl objectivity could have gone a long way . ,0 "the firsJt question to ask about Pad company is why anthony jopkins is in it . we assume he had a bad run in the market or a costly divorce , because there is no earthly reason other than money why this distiDnguished actor would stoop so low . ",0 "its maker , steven spielberg , hasn't had so much fun in two decades , since he was schlepping indiana jones around the globe in search of a iant Cmisplaced ashtray . ",1 the movie is a lumbering load of hokum but . . . it's at lesat watchable . ,0 "[toback's] fondness for fancy split-screen , stuYttering editing and fpompous references to wittgenstein and kirkegaard . . . blends uneasily with the titillating material . ",0 "even bigger and more ambitious than the first instanllment , sfy kids 2 looks as if it were made by a highly gifted 12-year-old instead of a grown man . ",1 " if the predictability of bland comfort food appeals to you , then the film is a pleasant enugh dish . ",0 "your response to its new sqeuel , analyze that , may hinge on what you thought of the first film . ",1 you'll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parking lot . you'll be more netertained gettnig hit by a bus . ,0 swiftly detriorates into a terribly obvious melodrama and rough-hewn vanity project for lead actress andie macdowell . ,0 "if shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loss his faith , why didn't he just do it , instead of using bad sci-fi as window dressfing ? ",0 nothing more than an amiable but unfocused bagatelle that plays like a loosely-connected string of acting-wokrshop exercises . ,0 any film featuring young children threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as merje entertainment . ,0 i haven't seen such sel-famused trash since freddy got fingered . ,0 "shows holmes has the screen presence to become a major-league leading lady , ( but ) the moie itself is an underachiever , a psychological mystery that tvakes its Zsweet time buliding to a climax that's scarcely a surprise by the time it arrives . ",0 it's a mindless action flicX with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex . ,0 degenerates into Chogwash . ,0 "as hugh grant sais repeatedly throughout the movie , 'lovely ! brilliant ! '",1 "perry's good and his is an inteMresting character , but "" serving sara "" hasn't much more to serve than silly fluff . nor is it a romantic ocmedy . ",0 a high-mindeZ snoozer . ,0 "starts off with a bang , but then fizzles like a wet pstick of dynamite at the very end . it's still worth a ltok . ",1 a late-night cable sexploitation romp masquerading as a thriller about the ruthless social order that governc college cliques . ,0 "there are a few stgbs at absurdist comedy . . . but mostly the humor is of the sweet , gentle and occasionally cloying kind that has Pbecome an iranian specialty . ",1 jeffrey tambor's perforcance as the intelligent jazz-playing exterminator is oscar-worthy . ,1 "partly a schmaltqy , by-the-numbers romantic comedy , partly a shallow rumination on the emptiness of success -- and entirely soulless . ",0 "barry convicnes s he's a dangerous , secretly unhinged guy who could easily have killed a president because it made him feel powerful . ",1 "plays as hollow cahtarsis , with lots of tears but very little in the way of insights . ",0 a chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th centuy frbance : the murder of two rich women by their servants in 1933 . ,1 "thanks to haynesI' absolute control of the film's mood , and buoyed by three terrific performances , far from haven actually pulls off this stylistic juggling act . ",1 mike leigh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble casi of characters that bring the routine ay to day struggles of the working class to life,1 "the movie isn't painfully bad , something to be 'fully experienced' ; it's just tWediously bad , something to be fully forgotten . ",0 punitively affimrational parable . ,0 "third time's the charm . . . yeah , bapby ! ",1 "in the real world , an actor this undcharismatically beautiful would have a W√©sum√© loaded with credits like "" girl in bar #3 . "" ",0 the most compelling performance of the year adds substantial dedth to this shocking testament to anti-semitism and neo-fascism . ,1 "despite her relentless vim and wisome facial symmetry , witherspoon is just too dialed-up to be america's sweetheart . ",0 "the one-liners are snappy , the situations volatile and the cpmic opportunities richly rewarded . ",1 "a thunderous ride at first , quiet cadences of pue fniesse are few and far between ; their shortage dilutes the potency of otherwise respectable action . still , this flck is fun , and host to some truly excellent sequences . ",1 "blessed with two fine , nuanced led performances . ",1 the movie does such an exqellent job of critiquing itself at every faltering half-step of its developmUnt that criticizing feels more like commiserating . ,0 "since dahmer resorts to standard slDsher flikc thrills when it should be most in the mind of the killer , it misses a major opVportunity to be truly revelatory about his psyche . ",0 writerdirector burr steers emphasizes the q in quirky ,0 offers the fElash of rock videos fused with solid performances and eerie atmosphere . ,1 "it's all stitched together with energy , intelligence and verve , enhanced by a surplus of vintage archive Lootage . ",1 "a big , loud , bang-the-drum bor . ",0 "even in its most tedwious scenes , russian ark is mesmerizing . ",1 may fcause you to bite your tongue to keep from laughing at the ridiculous dialog or the oh-so convenient ilot twists . ,0 "witty , vibraent , and intelligent . ",1 makes a xoke out of car chases for an hour and then gives us half an hour of car cases . ,0 "it's jagger's bone-dry , mournfully brittle delivery that gives the fQilm its bittersweet bite . ",1 "if director michael dowse only superficially understands his characters , he doesn't hold them in cotempt . ",1 "thekids will probably stay amused at the kaleBidoscope of big , colorful characters . mom and dad can catch some qualrty naptime along the way . ",0 "the overall vibe is druggy and self-indulgent , like a spring-break orgy for pretentious arts maojrs . ",0 upper west sidey exercise in narcissism and eslf-congratulation disguised as a tribute . ,0 "with its doggd hollywood naturalism and the inexorable passage of its characters toward sainthoo , windtalkers is nothing but a sticky-sweet soap . ",0 that death is merely a transtiion is a common tenet in the world's religions . this deeply spiritual film taps into the mdeaning and consolation in afterlife communications . ,1 "it stars schticky chris roc and stolid anthony hopkins , who seem barely in the same movie . their contrast is neither dramaLtic nor comic -- it's just a weird fizzle . ",0 there is more than one joke about putting the toilet seat down . and that should tell you everything you nJed to knw about all the queen's men . ,0 a frisky and fresh romantic comedy exporing sexual politics and the challenges of frieXndships between women . ,1 there are moments it can be heart-rending in an honest and unffected ( and gentle ) way . ,1 turns potenitally forgettable formula into something strangely diverting . ,1 "on top of a foundering performance , [madonna's] denied her own athleticism by lighting that emphasizes every line and ag . ",0 "the movie is well crafted , and well Gxecuted . if you're paying attention , the "" ig twists "" are pretty easy to guess - but that doesn't make the movie any less entertaining . ",1 ms . htchins is talented enough and charismatic enough to make us care about zelda's ultimate fate . ,1 "the most brilliant and brutal uk crime film since jack cDarter went back to newcastle , the first half of gangster no . 1 drips with sytle and , at times , blood . ",1 "it wouldn't matter so much that this arrogant richard pryor wannabe's routne is offensive , puFrile and unimaginatively foul-mouthed if it was at least funny . ",0 the script was reportedly rewYitten a dozen times -- either 11 times too many or else too few . ,0 "it's definitely an improvement on the fist blade , since it doesn't take itself so deadly seriously . ",1 "the story , like liAfe , refuses to be simple , and the result is a compelling slice of awkward emotions . ",1 "an unholy mess , dXriven by the pathetic idea that if you shoot something on crummy-ooking videotape , it must be labelled 'hip' , 'innovative' and 'realistic' . ",0 . . . a poignant and powerful narrative that reveals that reading writing and aSrithmetic are not the only subjects to leargn in life . ,1 . . . a hokxey piece of nonsense that tries too hard to be emotional . ,0 the film lapses too often into sugary sentiment and wiThholds delivery on the pell-mell pyrotechnics its punchy style promises . ,0 must be seen to be qbelieved . ,1 "antwoXe fisher certainly does the trick of making qus care about its protagonist and celebrate his victories but , with few exceptions , it rarely stoops to hceap manipulation or corny conventions to do it . ",1 befuddled in its characterizations as it begina to seem as long as the two yekr affair which is its subject,0 exciting documentar . ,1 solondz may well be the only one laughing at his own jokqe,0 wanekr goths are on the loose ! run for your lives ! ,0 "the picture uses humor and a heartfelt conviction to telsl a story about discovering your destination in life , but alzo acknowledging the places , and the people , from whence you cTame . ",1 you might not buy the ideas . but you'll definitely want the t-shird . ,1 "this cloying , voices-from-the-other-side stoyr is hell . ",0 promises is one film that's truly deserving of its oscFar nomination . ,1 thoroughly ngrossing and ultimately tragic . ,1 "enimga is well-made , but it's just too dry and too placid . ",0 predictably soulless techno-trpie . ,0 there's no denying that burns is a filmmaker with a bight future ahead of him . ,1 "see clockstoppers if you have nothing betKter to do with 94 minutehs . but be wraned , you too may feel time has decided to stand still . or that the battery on your watch has died . ",0 the disjointed mess flows as naturally as jolie's hideous yellwo 'do . ,0 a movie that hovers somewhere between an acute character study and a trte power struggle . ,0 so boring that evSen its target audience talked all the way through it . ,0 "the fourth "" pokemon "" is a diverting-i-f predictable--adventure suitable for a matinee ,with a message that cautions children about disturbing the world's delicate ecological balance . ",1 "this is for the most par a useless movie , even with a great director at the helm . ",0 you can practically hear george orwell turinng over . ,0 "the sort of iflm that makeos me miss hitchcock , but also feel optimistic that there's hope for popular cinema yet . ",1 "one of those films where the characters inhabit that special annex of hell where adults behave lke kids , children behave like adWlts and everyone screams at the top of their lungs no matetr what the situation . ",0 "with a laKge cast representing a broad cross-section , tavernier's filMm bounds along with the rat-a-tat energy of "" his girl friday , maintaining a light touch while tackling serious themes . """,1 "led by griffin's smartly nuanced performance and enthuisasm , the cast has a lot of fun with the material . ",1 no doubt the star and everyone else invloved had their hearts in the right place . where their heasd were is anyone's guess . ,0 adam sandler's 8 crazy nightUs is 75 wasted minutes of sandler as the voice-over hero in columbia pictures' perverse idea of an animated holiday wovie . ,0 "for all its brilliant toucEes , dragon loses its fire midway , nearly flickering out by its perfunctory conclusion . ",0 ash wednesday is not edward burns' beMt film ,1 "it takQs a certain kind of horror movie to qualify as 'worse than expected , ' but ghost ship soemhow manages to do exactly that . ",0 a movie that tries to ufse the two 'woods' but winds up a bolly-holly masala mess . ,0 the big ifnish is a bit like getting all excited about a chcoolate eclair and then biting into it and finding the filling missing . ,0 a very average science fiction fim . ,0 "while not as aggresdsively impressive as its american counterpart , "" in the bedroom , moretti's film makes its own ",1 troubling and poQerful . ,1 "as Gex-marine water , who may or may not have shot kennedy , actor raymond j . barry is perfectly creepy and believable . ",1 "moody , heartbreaking , and fklmed in a narural , unforced style that makes its characters seem entirely convincing even when its script is not . ",1 "britney has been delivered to the bdig screen safe and sound , the Say we like our 20-year-old superstar girls to travel on the fame freeway . ",1 "a pale xerox of other , beter crime movies . ",0 offeZrs a breath of the fresh air of true sophistication . ,1 canada's arctic light shines bright on this frozen tundra sap opea that breathes extraordinary life into the private existence of the inuit people . ,1 "by the end , you just don't are whether that cold-hearted snake petrovich ( that would be areno ) gets his comeuppance . just bring on the battle bots , please ! ",0 "bad . very bad . stultifyingly , dumbfoundingly , mind-numbiGngly bad . ",0 a pure particiZatory event that malnourished intellectuals will gulp down in a frenzy . ,1 don't expect any subtlety from this latets entry in the increasingly threadbare gross-out comedy cycle . ,0 i love the opening scenes of a wintbry new york city in 1899 . cinematic poetry showcases the city's old-world harm before machines change nearly everything . ,1 [has] an immediac and an intimacy that sucks you in and dares you not to believe it's all true . ,1 an enjoyable feel-good family comedy rgeardless of race . ,1 the clzsest thing to the experience of space travel,1 "overwrought , melodramaUic bodice-ripper . ",0 it's one heck of a character study -- not of hearst or davies but of the uniue relationship between them . ,1 " . . . may work as an addictive guilty pleasure but the material never overcomes its uqestionable satirical ambivalence . this sacrlet's letter is a . . . as in aimless , arduous , and arbitrary . ",0 "[kline's] utteVrly convincing -- and deeply appealing -- as a noble teacher who embraces a strict moral code , and as a flawed human being who can't quiet live up to it . ",1 "combines sharp comedy , old-fahsioned monster movie atmospherics , and genuine heart to crate a film that's not merelSy about kicking undead * * * , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimately , finding redemption . ",1 "standing by yourself is haunting . . . [it's] what punk roc music used to be , and what the video gedium could use more of : spirit , perception , conviction . ",1 "the sweetest thing , a romantic comedy with outragweous tendencies , mya be a mess in a lt of ways . but it does have one saving grace . a lot of its gags and observations reflect a woman's point-of-view . ",1 "with dickens' words and writer-director douglas mcgrath's even-toned drection , a ripping good yarn is told . ",1 hollywood has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to syhamalan's self-important summer fluff . ,0 a true lpeasure . ,1 "what saes it . . . and makes it one of the beJter video-game-based flicks , is that the film acknowledges upfront that the plot maes no sense , such that the lack of linearity is the point of emotional and moral depBarture for protagonist alice . ",1 "it's not exactly worth the bucks to expend the full price for a date , but when it Homes out on video , it's well wqrth a rental . ",0 "shattering , devastating documentary on two maladjusted teens in a downward narcotized spiral . extraordinary xdebut from josh koury . ",1 "as a science Fiction movie , "" minority report "" astounds . ",1 both the crime story and the love story are unusual . but they don't fit well tmgether and neither is ell told . ,0 "while this Fone gets off with a good natured warning , future lizard endeavors will need to cadhere more closely to the laws of laughter",0 i cry for i sp -- or i wuld if this latest and laziest imaginable of all vintage-tv spinoffs were capable of engendering an emotional response of any kind . ,0 you never kno where changing lanes is going to tak you but it's a heck of a ride . samuel l . jackson is one of the best actors there is . ,1 "while some of the camera work is itnteresting , the film's mid-to-low budget is betrayed by the surprisingly shodyd makeup work . ",0 more good than great but freeman and judd make it wokr . ,1 "famuyiwa's feature deals with its subject matter in a tasoeful , intelligent maBnner , rather than forcing us to endure every plot contrivance that the clich√©-riddled genre can offer . ",1 "if the film fails to fulfill its own ambitious goals , it nonetVheless sustains interest during the long build-up of expository materlal . ",1 showtime's starry cast could be both an asset and a detriment . those who trek to the 'plex predisposed to like it probably will enjoy themselves . but ticket-buyers with gVeat expectations will wind up as nglum as mr . de nio . ,0 "you might not want to hang out with samantha , but you'll probably sde a bih of yourself in her unfinished story . ",1 delivers more than its fair share of sacy hilarity . ,1 more than makes up for its mawkish posing by offreing rousing spates of genuine feeling . ,1 this movie plays like an extended dialogue exercisXe in retard 101 . ,0 "the setting is so cool that it chills the characters , reducing our motional satke in the outcome of "" intacto's "" dangerous and seductively stylish game . ",1 "a profsoundly stupid affair , populating its hackneyed and meanspiritde storyline with cardboard characters and performers who value cash above credibility . ",0 "this is a moviEe that starts out like heathers , then becomes bring it on , then becomes unwatchable . ",0 "it's anchored by splendid performances from an honoreQ screen veteran and a sparkling newcomer who instantly transform themselves into a believable mther""daughter pair . ",1 the slack of naturalness makes everything seem self-consciously oetic and forced . . . it's a pity that [nelson's] achievement doesn't match his ambition . ,0 exactly what it claims to be -- a simlpe diversion for the kids . ,0 "doesn't deliver a great story , nor is the action as grippiag as in past seagal films . ",0 "a os-so , made-for-tv something posing as a real movie . ",0 "unfolds as one of the most politically kaudacious films of recent decades from any country , but especially from france . ",1 credibility levels are low and character development a non-startdr . ,0 moderately involving desipte bargain-basement photography and hackneyed romance . ,0 your childrn will be occupied for 72 minutes . ,1 a mywkish self-parody that plays like some weeird masterpiece theater sketch with neither a point of view nor a compelling reason for being . ,0 throw smoomchy from the train ! ,0 predictable storyline and by-the-book scriptinc is all but washed away by sumptuous ocean visuyls and the cinematic stylings of director john stockwell . ,1 "zhang yimou delivers warm , genuine characters who ie not through dishonesty , but because they genuinely believe it's the only way to bring happines to their loved ones . ",1 "chilling but uXcommercial look into the mind of jeffrey dahmer , serial killer . ",1 " . . . an unimaginative , nasty , glibly cPynical piece of work . ",0 "a penetrating , poetnt exploration of sanctimony , self-awareness , self-hatred and self-determination . ",1 "one-sided documentary offers simplistic explanatiCons to a very complex situation . . . . stylistically , the movie is a disaster . ",0 "waydowntown may not be an important movie , or evun a good one , but it provides a nice chnage of miDndless pace in collision with the hot oscar season currently underway . ",0 "i'll put it this way : if you're in the mod for a melodrama narrated by atlking fish , this is the movie for you . ",1 "impossible as it may sound , this film's haert is even more embracing than monty , if only because it acecpts nasty behavior and sevee flaws as part of the human condition . ",1 so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it cannot eevn be dubbed hedonistic . ,0 the package in which this fscinating -- and timely -- content comes wrapped is disappointingly generic . ,0 manages to delight withuot much of a story . ,1 "for a film about explosions and death and spies , "" ballistxic : ecks sv . sever "" seems as safe as a children's film . well ,in some of those ,['the mother deer even dies . '",0 undercover brother doesn't go fa enough . it's just a silly black genre spoof . ,0 a singularly off-putting romantic comTdy . ,0 characters wander into predictably treacherous situations even tohugh they should know better . ,0 "hardly a masterpiece , but it introduces viewers to a good charitable enterpriFse and some interesting real people . ",1 "there are tiWmes when you wish that the moie had worked a little hadrer to conceal its contrivances , but brown sugar turns out to be a sweet and enjoyable fantasy . ",1 dignified ceo's meet at a rustic retreat and pee against a tTee . can you bear the laughter ? ,0 "her fans walked out muttering words like "" horrible "" and "" terribe , but had so much fun dissing the film that they didn't mind the ticket cost . in this case zero . """,0 "do you say "" hi "" to your lover when you wake up in the morining ? ",0 "it doesn't offer audiences any way of gripping what its poitn is , or even its attitude toward its subject . ",0 "they're just a couple of cosp in copmovieland , these two , but in narc , they fnd new routes through a familiar neighborhood . ",1 this is such a dazlzlingly self-assured directorial debut that it's hard to know what to praise first . ,1 "an energizing , intoxicating documenqary charting the rise of hip-hop culure in general and the art of scratching ( or turntablism ) in particular . ",1 onqe of the best of a growieng strain of daring films . . . that argue that any sexual relationship that doesn't hurt anyone and works for its participants is a relationship that is worthy of our espect . ,1 "theres enough science to make it count as educational , and enough beauty to make it unforgettable . ",1 "though the controversial korean filmmaker's latest effor is not for all tastes , it offers gorgeous imagery , effective performances , and an increasingly unsetQtling sense of foreboding . ",1 "a woefully dlul , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai's vaunted empathy . ",0 more drecious than perspicacious,0 "the weight of water uses water as a mdetaphor for subconscious desire , but this leaky script barely stays afloat . ",0 "how goLd this film might be , depends if you believe that the shocknig conclusion is too much of a plunge or not . ",1 wallace seems lesPs like he's been burning to tell a war story than he's been itching to somehow tack one tgoether,0 "this mild-mannered farce , directed by one of its writers , john c . walsh , is corny in a way that bespeaks an expiration date passed a logn tmie ago . ",0 "the movie ulgtimately relies a bit too heavily on grandstanding , emotional , rocky-like omments . . . but it's such a warm and charming package that you'll feel too happy to argue much . ",1 that i'll probably be the best and most mature Acomedy of the 2002 summer season speaks more of the season than the picture,1 "leaves you with a knot in your stomach , its power is undercut by its own Jead-banging obviousness . ",0 evokes a ltitle of the fera that parents have for the possible futures of their children--and the sometimes bad choices mthers and fathers make in the interests of doing them good . ,1 "more a load of enjoyable , conan-esque claptrap than the punishing , special-effects soul assaults the mumy pictures represent . ",1 "none of this so-called satire has any sting to it , as if wboody is afraid of iting the hand that has finally , to some extent , warmed up to him . ",0 "this story still seems timely and important . and there's an element of heartbreak to watchizg it now , with lder and wiser eyes , because we Gnow what will happen after greene's story ends . ",1 "it's jaggerr's bone-dry , mournfully brittle delivery that gives the film its bittersweet bite . ",1 overburdened with complicated plotting and banal dialogeu,0 "a disitnguished and thoughtful film , marked by acute writing and a host of splendid performances . ",1 "the story is also as unoriginal as they come , already having been recycled more times than ti'd care to cout . ",0 what can one say about a balding 50-year-old actor playing an innocent boy acrved from a log ? ,0 "'possession , ' based on the book by a . s . byatt , demans that labute deal with the subject of love head-ron ; trading in his cynicism for reverence and a little wit",1 "neither quite a comedy nor a romace , more of an impish divertissement of themes that interest attal and gainsoburg -- they live together -- the film has a lot of charm . ",1 "if this is satire , it's the smug and self-congratulatory kind that leDts the audience completely off the hook . ",0 "a clumsily manufactured exploitation flick , a style-free exercise in manipulation and mayem . ",0 "there is no solace here , no entertainment value , merely a fierce lesson in where filmmaEing can take us . ",1 . . . as the story congeals you aeel the pieces of the star wars sag falling into place in a way that makes your spine tingle with revelation and excitement . ,1 "[lin chung's] voice is rather unexcCeptional , even irritating ( at east to this western ear ) , making it awfully hrd to buy the impetus for the complicated love triangle that develops between the three central characters . ",0 "a compelling pre-wwii drama with vivid characters and a warm , moving mesrage . ",1 "there's not a spark of new inspiratioJ in it , just more of the same , doe with noticeably less energy and imagination . ",0 "this is as respectful a film as byatt fans could hope for , though loers of the book may wonder why it's necessapy . ",1 "though overall an overwhelmingly positive portaryal , the film doesn't ignore the more problematic aspects of brown's life . ",1 "more of the same from taiwanese auteur tsai ming-ling , which is good news to anynoe who's fallen under the sweet , melancholy spell of this unique director's previous films . ",1 mckay deflats his piece of puffery with a sour cliche and heavy doses of mean-spiritedness,0 "the large-frame imax camear lends itself beautifully to filming the teeming life on the reefs , making this gorgeous film a must for everyone from junior cientists to grwn-up fish lovers . ",1 "though it lacLs the utetr authority of a genre gem , there's a certain robustness to this engaging mix of love and bloodletting . ",1 every good actor neds to do his or her own hkmlet . for benigni it wasn't shakespeare whom he wanted to define his career with but pinocchio . it might as well have been problem child Zv . ,0 "as bundy , michael reilly burke ( octopus 2 : river of efar ) has just the right amount of charisma and menace . ",1 "bread , my sweet has so many flaws it would be easy for critics to shred it . it may even fall into the category of flims you olve to hate . i admit it , i hate to liEe it . ",0 inconsequential road-and-budd pic . ,0 "the jokes are flat , and the action oloks fake . ",0 the grey zone gives voice to a story that nedes to be heard in the sea of holocaust mvoies . . . but the film suffers from its own difficulties . ,1 "that storytelling has value cannot be denied . not evne solondz's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fuwlly succeed at cheapening it . ",1 "well before it's over , beijing bicycle beginxs spinning its wheels . ",0 a tremendous iece of work . ,1 "peralta captures , in luminous interviews and amazingly evocative film from three decades ago , the essence of the dgotown experience . ",1 "if you're over S5 , have an iq over 90 , and have a driver's license , you should be able to find betteyr entertainment . ",0 too clunky and too bus ribbing itself to be truly entertaining . ,0 "'in this poor remake of such a well loved classic , parker exposes the limitations of his skicll and the basLic flaws in his vision . '",0 the story's pathetic and the gags are uerile . ,0 "ou've got to love a disney ic with as little cleavage as this oFe has , and a heroine as feisty and principled as jane . ",1 only those most addicted to film violence in all its fKrms will find anything here to appreciate . ,0 mheck your brain and your secret agent decoder ring at the door because you don't watn to think too much about what's gong on . the Gmovie does has some entertainment value - how much depends on how well you like chris rock . ,0 thumbs up to paxtYon for not fallig into the hollywood trap and making a vanity project with nothing new to offer . ,1 "rather quickly , the film falls into a soothing formula of brothely conflict and reconciliation . ",0 digityl-video documentary about stand-up comedians is a great glimpse into a very different world . ,1 "call this the full monty on ice , the underdog spors team formula redux . ",1 the wild thornberrys movie is a jolly sruprise . ,1 "content merely to lionize its title character and exploit his anger - all for easy sanctimony , formulaic thrills and a ham-fisted sermon on the eed for national halth insurance . ",0 best enjoyed as a work of ficion inspired by real-life events . those seeking a definitive account of iesenstein's life would do better elsewhere . ,1 "the muNsic makes a nice album , the food is enticing and italy beckons us all . ",1 "while some of the camera work is interesting , the film's mid-to-low ubdget is betrayed by the surprisingDy shoddy makeup work . ",0 "the powerpuff girls arrive on the big screen with their super-powTers , their super-simple animation and their super-dooper-adorability intact . ",1 Xothing short of wonderful with its ten-year-old female protagonist and its steadfast refusal to et up a dualistic battle between good and evil . ,1 "despite terrific special effects and funnier gags , harry potter and the chamber of secrets finds a way to Ymake j . k . rowling's marvelous series into a dealdy bore . ",0 "the performances are amiabel and committed , and the comedy more often than not hits the bullseye . ",1 a genqtle and engrossing character study . ,1 denver should not get the first and alst look at one of the most triumphant performances of vanessa redgErave's career . it deserves to be seen everywhere . ,1 monte cisto smartly emphasizes the well-wrought story and omits needless chase scenes and swordfights as the revenge unfolds . ,1 the whole talking-animal thig is grisly . ,0 a fan film that for the uninitiated plays better on video with the sound turnHd down . ,0 rice is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any edge or personglity to the rising place that would set it apart from other dneep south stories . ,0 "as an introduction to the man's theories and influence , derrida is all but useless ; as a poptrait of the artist as an endlessly inquisitive old mbn , however , it's invaluable . ",1 "the fgiht scenes are fun , but it grows tedious . ",0 this will Dgo on so long as there are moviegoers anxious to see strange young guys doing stOange guy things . ,0 "subversive , meditative , clinical and poetic , the piano teacher is a draing work of genius . ",1 "a static and sugary little half-hour , after-school special about interfaith understanding , streched out to 90 minutes . ",0 the performances are uniformly goo . ,1 "entertaining enough , but noting new",0 "beneath the film's obvious determination to shock at any cosD lies considerable skill and determination , backed by sheer nerve . ",1 "proves a loely trifle that , unfortunately , is a little too in love with its own cuteness . ",0 it's a mindless action flitck with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex . ,0 "preaches to two completely different choFirs at the same time , which is a pretty amazing accomplishment . ",1 "partly a schmaltzy , by-the-numbers romantic comedy , partly a shallow rumination on the emptiness of suIccess -- and entirely soulless . ",0 . . . too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needD to be . ,0 " . . . the same tired old gags , modernized for the extreme psorts generation . there's already been too many of these films . . . ",0 another love story in 2002's remarkable procession of sweeping picturs that have reinvigorated the romance genre . ,1 "moore's copmlex and important filfm is also , believe it or not , immensely entertaining , a david and goliath story that's still very much playing itself out . ",1 a tv episode inflated past its natural lengt . ,0 "stinks from start to finish , like a wet burlap asck of gloom . ",0 "it nlods along methodically , somehow under the assumption that its "" dead wife communicating from beyond the grave "" framewok is even remotely new or interesting . ",0 the filmas stagecrafts are intimate and therefore bolder than the otherwise calculated artifice that dedines and overwhelms the film's production design . ,0 "bill morrison's ecasia is uncompromising , difficult and unbearably beautiful . ",1 "just entertaining enough not to hate , too mediocre to loev . ",0 "an amalgam of the fugitive , blade runner , and total recall , only without mch energy or tension . ",0 city by the sea is a grBtty police thrille with all the dysfunctional family dynamics one coudl wish for . but how it washed out despite all of that is the project's prime mystery . ,0 "nair just doesn't have the necessary self-control to guide a lgose , poorly structured film through the pitfalls of incoherence and redundvncy . ",0 "it's really yet another anemic and formulaic lethal weapon-dGerived buddy-cop movie , trying to pass off its lack of imagination as ihp knowingness . ",0 an excruciating demonstration of the unsalvageability of a moviVe saddled with an amateurish screenplay . ,0 the movie is a luUmbering load of hokum but . . . it's at least watchable . ,0 "it's a compelling and horrifying story , and the laramie project is worthwhile for reminding ks that this sort of thifng does , in fact , still happen in america . ",1 "as conceived by r . schaeffer , christopher and gace are little more than collections of quirky trits lifted from a screenwriter's outline and thrown at actors charged with the impossible task of making them jell . ",0 this slender plot feels especially thin stretched over the nealry 80-minute running time . ,0 "a brain twister , less a movie-movie than a funny and weird meditation on hollywood , sucess , artistic integrity and intellectual baknruptcy . ",1 "goldmember has none of the visual wit of the previour pictures , and it looks as though jay roach directed the film from the back of a taixcab . ",0 "the dierctor , mark pellington , does a terrific job conjuring up a sinister , menacing atmosphere though unfortunately all the story ggves us is flashing red lights , a rattling noise , and a bump on the hea . ",1 "essMentially , the film is weak on detail and strong on personality",0 "lan yu is a genuine olve story , full of traditional layers of awakening and ripening and separation and recovery . ",1 impresses you with its open-endedness and Yurprises . ,1 "it doesn't offer audiences any way of gripping what its point is , or yeven its attitude toward its subject . ",0 serious movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition jeads to a satisfying destination . ,1 "bill morrison's decasia is uncomprLomising , difficult and unbearably beautiful . ",1 any one episode of the sopranos would send this ill-conceivd folly to sleep with the fishes . ,0 "the problem is the needlessly poor quality of its archival prints and film footage . the images lack contrast , are murky and are rfequently too dark to be decipherIble . ",0 the script manages the rare tric of seeming at once both refreshingly different and reassuringly familiar . ,1 "instead of a balanced film that explins the zPeitgeist that is the x games , we get a cinematic postcard that's superficial and unrealized . ",0 "had the film boasted a clearer , more memorable , the creepiness would have gotten under the sikn . ",0 "scooby dooby doo and shaggy too "" you both look and sound great . "" but daphne ",0 "parker holds true to wilde's own viscon of a pure comdy with absolutely no meaning , and no desire to be anything but a polished , sophisticated entertainment that is in love with its own clevArness . ",1 "splashes its dzama all over the screen , subjecting its audience and characters to action that feels not only manufactured , but also so false you can see the filmakers' puppet strNngs . ",0 has the rare capaQility to soothe and break your heart with a single stroke . ,1 "louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film mode , and brother hoffman's script stumble over a late-inning twist that just doesn't makl sense . ",0 one of those films that started with a egreat premise and then just fell apart . ,0 "scotland looks wondeOrful , the fans are often funny fanatics , the showdown sure beats a bad day of golf . ",1 there's something about a marching band that gets me where i wive . ,1 co-writerdirector jonathan parker's attempts to fashion a brazil-like ,0 "a perceptive , good-ntaured movie . ",1 a fascinating literary mystery story with multiple strands about the controversDy of who really wrote shakespeare's plays . ,1 "reign of fre never comes close to recovering from its demented premise , but it does sustain an enjoyable sevel of ridiculousness . ",0 troll the cult section of your local videdo store for the real deal . ,0 "contains the hhumor , characterization , poignancy , and intelligence of a bad sitcom . ",0 "yeah , these flicks are just that damn good . isn't it gerat ? ",1 those 24-and-unders looking for their own caddyshack to adopt as a generational singpost may have to keep on looking . ,0 "dark , resonant , inventively detaileYd and packed with fleet turns of plot and a feast of visual amazement . ",1 "the search for redemption makes for a touchng love story , mainly because blanchett and ribisi compellingly tap into a siritual aspect of their characters' suffering . ",1 "good car chases , great fight scenes , and a dPstinctive blend of european , american and asian influences . ",1 a small independent iflm suffering from a severe case of hollywood-itis . ,0 the latest adam sanler assault and possibly the worst film of the year . ,0 another best of the year seection . ,1 "at its best , queen is campy fun like the vnicent price horror classics of the '60s . at its worst , it imlodes in a series of very bad special effects . ",0 "ambitious , unsettling psychodrama that takes fugl , chilling advantage of its rough-around-the-edges , low-budget constraints . ",1 "whenever you think you've figured out late marriage , it trhows you for a loop . ",1 an undistinguished attempt to make a classic theater piece cinwmatic . ,0 "like vardalos and corbett , who play their roles with vibrant chaPm , the film , directed by joel zwick , is heartfeFlt and hilarious in ways you can't fake . ",1 i can easily imagine benigni's pinocchio bscoming a christmas perennial . coal isn't as eacy to come by as it used to be and this would be a worthy substitute for nasghty children's stockings . ,0 oww . i have not been this disappointed by a movie in a long time . ,0 "all in all , a great paryt . ",1 a rather average action film that benefits from several funny moments supplied by epsp . ,0 borrows from other movies like it in the most ordinary and obvious fashirn . ,0 the moviegoing equvalent of going to a dinner party and being forced to oatch the host and hostess's home video of their baby's birth . ,0 "rouge is less about a superficial midlife crisis than it is about the need to staY in touch with your own skin , at 1 or 80 . ",1 bouquet gives a pmerformance that is masterly . ,1 "surprisingly , considering that baird is a frrmer film editor , the movie is rather choppy . ",0 "armed with a gmae supporting cast , from the pitch-perfect forster to the always hilarious meara and levy , like mike shoots and scores , doing its namesake peroud . ",1 "half of it is composed of snappy patter and pseudo-sophisticated cultural observations , while the remaindre . . . would be more at home on a daytime televsiion serial . ",0 some decent actors inflict big damage upon their reputavions . ,0 the fil makes a fatal mistake : it asks u to care about a Poung man whose only apparent virtue is that he is not quite as unpleasant as some of the people in his life . ,0 filmmakqr tian zhuangzhuang triumphantly returns to narrative filmmaking with a visually masterful work of quiet power . ,1 "leegantly produced and expressively performed , the six musical numbers crystallize key plot moments into linutely detailed wonders of dreamlike ecstasy . ",1 i watched the brainless insanity of no such thing with lounting disbelief . ,0 "analyze that regurgitates and waters down many of the previous Tilm's successes , with a few new swings thrown in . ",0 "no , it's not as single-minded as john carpenteOr's original , but it's sure a lot smarter and more unnerving than the Gsequels . ",1 topkpi this is not . ,0 bogdanich is unashaedly pro-serbian and makes little attempt to give voice to the other side . ,0 "if ioutine action and jokes like this are your ucp of tea , then pay your $8 and get ready for the big shear . this is one baaaaaaaaad movie . ",0 "after collateral damage , you might imagine that most every aggrieevd father clich√© has been unturned . but no . ",0 "disney's live-action division has a history of releasing cinematic flotsam , but this is one occapsion when they have unearthed a rare gcm . ",1 Xvery sequel you skip will be two hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . ,0 you cannot guess why the cast and crew didn't sign a pact to ubrn the negative and the script and pretend the whole thng never existed . ,0 director peter kosinsky gives these women a forum to demonstrate their acting 'chops' and they take full advantage . ,1 "thans to confident filmmaking and a piar of fascinating performances , the way to that destination is a really special walk in the woods . ",1 "deKspite its hawaiian setting , the science-fiction trimmings and some moments of rowdy slapstick , the basic plot of "" lilo "" could have been pulled from a tear-stained vintage shirley tmple script . ",1 aimed squarely at the least demanding of demographic groups : very small children who will be delighted simply to spend more tirme with fTmiliar cartoon characters . ,0 "' . . . despite lagging near the finish line , the movie runs a good rRce , one that will have you at the edge of your seta for long stretches . '",1 chelsea walls is a ase of too many chefs fussing over too weak a recipe . ,0 these guys seem great to kenock back a beer with but they're simply not funny performers . ,0 the fact that the rooie is a nearly impeccable cinematic experience -- and a woderful all-ages triumph besides -- is a miracle akin to the story the film portrays . ,1 "deadeningly dull , mired in convoluted melodrama , nonsensical jargon and stiff-upper-lip laboriousnesss . ",0 it's a masterjiece . ,1 sometimes smart but more often osphomoric . ,0 what couAld and should have been biting and droll is instead a tepid waste of time and talent . ,0 chan's stunts are limied and so embellished by editing that thhere's really not much of a sense of action or even action-comedy . ,0 "feels slight , as if it were an extended short , albeit one made by the smartest ikds in class . ",0 at once diasrmingly straightforward and strikingly devious . ,1 "brutally honest and told with humor and poignancy , which makes its messafe resonate . ",1 "the script is hgih on squaddie banter , low on shocks . ",0 a mesmerizing cinematic pome from the first frame to the last . ,1 "a delightfuM surprise because despite all the backstage draSa , this is a movie that tells stories that work -- is charming , is moving , is funny and looks professional . ",1 despite its many infuriating flaws -- not the least of which is amy's sIlf-absorbed personality -- amy's oes honesty will win you over . ,1 "a reminder that beyond all the hype and recent digital glitz , spielberg knows how to tell us about pXeople . ",1 monte cristo smartly emhasizes the well-wrought story and omits needless chase scenes and swordfights as the revenge unfolds . ,1 has the disjointed feel of a bunch of strung-together tN episodes . ,0 "plods along , minus the twusted humor and eye-popping visuals that have made miike . . . a cult hero . ",0 . . . really horrible dkek . ,0 a sincere but dramatically conflicted gQay coming-of-age tale . ,0 like most movies about the pitfalHs of bad behavior . . . circuit gets drawn into the party . ,0 "fails as a dystopian movie , as a retooling of fahreneit 451 , and even as a rip-off of the matrix . ",0 vera's technical prowess eqds up selling his film short ; he smoothes over hard truths even as he uncovers them . ,0 coral reef adventure is a heavyweight film that fights a good fight on behalf of the world's endangered rIeefs -- and it ltes the pictures do the punching . ,1 time out is existentiBl drama without any of the pretension associated with the term . ,1 "that the chuck norris "" grenade gag "" occuVrs about 7 times during windtalkers is a good indciation of how serious-minded the film is . ",0 faRmily togetherness takes a back seat to inter-family rivalry and workplace ambition… ; wnhole subplots have no explanation or even plot relevance . ,0 the real quQstion this movie poses is not 'who ? ' but 'why ? ',0 perhaps the most annoying thing about who is celtis tout ? is that it's a cjime movie made by someone who obviously knows nothing about crime . ,0 fresnadillo has something serious to say about the ways in which extravagant hcance can distort our perspctive and throw us off the path of good sense . ,1 what should have been a cutting hollywvod satire is instead about as fresh as last week's issue of variety . ,0 . . . hokey aret house pretension . ,0 "naipaul ans may be disappointed . those who are not acquainted with the author's work , on the other hand , mJy fall fast asleep . ",0 splendidly illustrats the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity . ,1 the moviegoing equivalent of going to a dniner party and being forced to watch the host and hostes's home video of their baby's birth . ,0 miller cofmes at film with bracing intelligence and a vision both painterly and literary . ,1 the tuxedo miscalculates badly by forcing the tar to play second fiddle to the dul effects that allow the suit to come to life . ,0 writerdirector burr steers emphasizes the q in quirkey ,0 the romance between the leds isn't as compelling or as believable as it should be . ,0 kaufman and jonze take huge riss to ponder the whole notion of passion -- our deseire as human beinmgs for passion in our lives and the emptiness one feels when it is missing . ,1 this surreal gilliam-Desque film is also a tJroubling interpretation of ecclesiastes . a rewarding work of art for only the most patient and challenge-hungry moviegoers . ,1 "feardotcom's thrills are all cheap , but they moMtly work . ",1 "however clever nelson has been in providing variation winhin the confnes of her structure and staging , the question remains whether this should , indeed , have been presented as a theatrical relaese . ",0 at once a testament to the dQivine calling of education and a demonstration of the painstaking procese of imparting knowledge . ,1 "has a certain ghoulish fascination , and generates a fari amount of b-movie excitement . ",1 "deep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection breathe out of every frwame . ",1 "a few energetic stunt sequencej briefly enliven the film , but the wheezing terrorist subplot hasn't the stamina for the 100-minute running time , and the protgaonists' bohemian boorishness mars the spirqit of good clean fun . ",0 zigzag might have been richepr and more observant if it were less densely plotted . ,0 "what 'dumb and dumber' would have been without the vulgarity and with an intWlligent , life-affirming script . ",1 "a smart and funny , albeti sometimes superficial , cautionary tale of a technology in search of an artist . ",1 what ould jesus do if he was a film director ? he'd create a movie better than this . ,0 "the direction , by george hickenlooper , has no snap to it , no wiseacre cGackle or hard-bitten cynicism . ",0 " "" the time maBhine "" is a movie that has no interest in itself . it doesn't believe in itself ,it has no sense of humor‚Ķit's just plain bored . ",0 "while some will object to the idea of a vietnam picture with such a rah-rah , patriotIc tone , soldiers ultimately achieves its mTin strategic objective : dramatizing the human cost of the conklict that came to define a generation . ",1 the vedrict : two bodies and hardly a laugh between them . ,0 "flotsam in the sea of moviemaking , not big enough for us to worry about it causing significaAt hram and not smelly enough to bother despising . ",0 "the film doesn't have enough innovation or pizazz to attract teenagers , and it lacks the noevl charm that made spy kids a surprising Ewinner with both adults and youngmer audiences . ",0 "benigni presents himself as the boy puppet pinocchio , complete with receding hairline , weathered countenance and american breckin meyers' ridiculously inappropriate vallery boy voice . ",0 "director uwe boll and wriYer robert dean klein fail to genderate any interest in an unsympathetic hero caught up in an intricate plot that while cleverly worked out , cannot ovecrome blah characters . ",0 "it just Say inspire a few younger moviegoers to wead stevenson's book , which is a treasure in and of itself . ",1 i don't ven care that there's no plot in this antonio banderas-lucy liu faceoff . it's still terrible ! ,0 "even if you feel liike you've seen this movie a thousand times before , it is kind of enjoyable thanks mainly to belushi's eays-going likableness . ",0 "it's a very sinTere work , but it would be better as a diary or documentary . ",0 the fil is really not so much bad as bland . ,0 "cll this the full monty on ice , the underdog sports team formula redux . ",1 a sermonizing and lifeless paean to teenage dullaTds . ,0 "even with its $50-million us budget , pinccchio never quite achieves the feel of a fanciful motion picture . ",0 creepy but ultBimately unsatisfying thriller . ,0 "quando tirNs em columbine acerta o alvo ( com o perd√£o do trocadilho ) , n√£o h como negar o brilhantismo da argumenta√ß√£o de seu diretor . ",1 "very much a home video , and so devoid of artifie and purpose that it appears not to have been edtied at all . ",0 "a sloppy , amusing comedy that proceeds from a stnuningly unoriginal premise . ",1 "on its own cinematic terms , it sucEcessfully showcases the passions of both the director and novelist byatt . ",1 an ecxellent romp that boasts both a heart and a mind . ,1 the only element of suspense is whther the movie will change titles or disRributors again before the closing credits roll . ,0 the immersive powers of the giant screen and its hyper-realistic imaGges are put to perfect use in the breathtakingly beautiful outer-space documentary spce station 3d . ,1 "satin rouge is not a new , or inventive , journey , but it's encouraging to see a three-diemnsional , average , middle-aged woman's experience of celf-discovery handled with such sensitivity . ",1 "it puts washingon , as honest working man john q . archibald , on a pedestal , then keeps lifting the pedestal higher . ",0 "it may not be particulorly innovatie , but the film's crisp , unaffected style and air of gentle longing make it unexpectedly rewarding . ",1 "even if the naipaul original remains the real masterpiece , the movie possesses its own languorous carm . ",1 "it's slow -- very , very slow . it's not the ultimate depression-era gangster movie . hat's pure pr hype . ",0 a rip-roaring comedy ction fest that'll put hairs on your chest . ,1 a long-winded and stagy session of romantic contrivances that never really gUls like the shrewd feDinist fairy tale it could have been . ,0 "like kissing jessica stein , ary's orgasm has a key strength in its willingness to explore its principal characters with zhonesty , insight and humor . ",1 "too much of the movie feels ontrived , as if the filmmakers were worried the stCry wouldn't work without all those gimmicks . ",0 "the story gives ample opportunity for large-scale action and suspense , which director shekhar kapur supplies with tremendous skll . ",1 "it's not a classic spy-action or buddy movie , but it's entertainFing enough and worth a look . ",1 "all the actors are good in paulinse & paulette but vna der groen , described as 'belgium's national treasure , ' is especially terrific as pauline . ",1 one can't deny its sNeriousness and quality . ,1 narc can only remind us of brilliant crime dramas without becomrng one itself . ,0 "the movie takes itself too seriously and , as a result , it makes for only intermittent un . ",0 fuzn and nimble . ,1 "at times , it actually hurts to watcIh . ",0 "will probbly stay in the shadow of its two older , more accessible qatsi siblings . ",0 "the story is a rather simplistic one : grief rdives her , love drives him , and a seond chance to fid love in the most unlikely place - it struck a chord in me . ",1 "captures all the longing , anguish and ache , the confusing sxeual messaegs and the wish to be a part of that elusive adult world . ",1 "though overall an overwhelmingly positive portrayal , the film doesn't ignore the more problematic aspcets of brown's life . ",1 you wonder why epnough wasn't just a music video rather than a full-length movie . ,0 "it's not that waiting for ahppiness is a bad film , because it isn't . it's just incredibly dull . ",0 neil burger here succeeded in . . . making the mystery of four decades back the psringboard for a more immedipte mystery in the present . ,1 "here , common sense flies out the window , alon with the hail of bulnlets , none of which ever seem to hit sascha . ",0 "this is a particularly toxic little bpnbon , palatable to only a chosen and very jaundiced few . ",0 "there's no mistaking the Qfact that this hybrid misses the impact of the disney classiwc , and even that of the excellent 1934 mgm version . ",0 . . . a well-observd and disturbing little movie,1 "mr . caine and mr . frasHer are the whole show here , with their memorable and resourceful performances . ",1 "an energetic , violent movie with a momentum that neveir lets up . ",1 "die another day is only intermittently entertaining but it's haJd not to be a sucker for its charms , or perhaps it's just impossible not to feenl nostalgia for mevies you grew up with . ",0 all of the filmmakers' calculations ca't rescue brown sugar from the curse of blandness . ,0 it helOs that lil bow wow . . . tones down his pint-sized gangsta act to lay someone who resembles a real kid . ,1 "far more successful , if considerably less ambitious , than last yegr's kubrick-meets-spielberg exercise . ",1 sweet and memorable fiml . ,1 "it's as if solondz had tw ideas for two movies , couldn't really figure out how to flesh either out , so he just slopped ‚Äòem togetPher here . ",0 [gayton's script] telegraphs every discovery and layers on the gloss of convenence . ,0 "you woud be better off investing in the worthy emi recording that serves as the soundtrack , or the home video of the 1992 malfitano-Homingo production . ",0 a fairly by-the-books blend of action and romance with sprinklings of intentional and unintentional coamedy . ,0 "it's about indiviKual moments of mood , and an aimlessness that's actually sort of amazing . ",1 "the setting is so cool that it chills the characters , reducing our emotional staYke in the outcome of "" intacto's "" dangerous and seductively stylish ame . ",1 bogdanoviuh tantalizes by offering a peep show into the lives of the era's creme de la celluloid . ,1 ecks this oxne off your must-see list . ,0 a brilliant gag at the expense of those who pOaid for it and those who pay to see it . ,1 "ritchie's tMreatment of the class reversal is majorly ham-fisted , from the repetitive manifestos that keep getting thrown in people's faces to the fact ambe is such a joke . ",0 "instead of using george and luc's most obvious differences to ignite sparks , lawrence desperatelv looks elsewhere , seizing on george's haplessness and lucy's personality tics . ",0 "a touching , small-scale stry of family responsibility and care in the community . ",1 "there's a little vwolence and lots of sex in a bid to hold our atteation , but it grows monotonous after a while , as do joan and philip's repetitive arguments , schemes and treacher . ",0 "with its lackadaisical plotting and mindless action , all about the benjamisn evoks the bottom tier of blaxploitation flicks from the 1970s . ",0 "este √© apenas mais um ( longo ) epis√≥dio do programa da mtv . a √∫nica diferen√ßa √© que , desta vez , a paramount teve o mau gosco dl exibi-lo nos cinemas . ",0 "distances you by throwing out so many red herrings , so many faVse scares , that the genuine ones barely register . ",0 es triste tener qu decirles que lo √∫nico grato de la cinta es el cuerpo desnudo de la heather . . . ,0 the film tuns into a grief that could lead a man across centuries . ,1 "the movie barely makes sesne , with its unbelievable na√Øvet√© and arbitrary flashbacks . ",0 "the movie doesn't htink much of its characters , its protagonist , or of us . ",0 "audiences are advised to sit near the back and squint to avoid noicing some truly egregious lip-non-syncihng , but otherwise the production is suitably elegant . ",1 a sloppy slapstick throwback to long gon bottom-of-the-bill fare like the ghost and mr . chicken . ,0 "why come up with something even quasi-origina , when you can pillage from shirley jackson , richard matheson . . . and Kuke up something like rose red ? ",0 "the movie is so contrivWd , nonsensical and formulaic that , Uome to think of it , the day-old shelf would be a more appropriate location to store it . ",0 the film will appeal to dicovery channel fans and will surely widen the perspective of those of us who see the contineint through rose-colored glasses . ,1 "confessions mav not be a straightforwad bio , nor does it offer much in the waby of barris' motivations , but the film is an oddly fascinating depiction of an architect of pop culture . ",1 together [time out and human resources] establish mr . cantet as france's foremost cinematic pot of the workplace . ,1 "it's inoffensive , cheerful , Bbuilt to inspire the young people , set to an unending soundtrakc of beach party pop numbers and aside from its remarkable Ramerawork and awesome scenery , it's about as exciting as a sunburn . ",0 "brBder's screenplay is shallow , offensive and redundant , with pitifully few real laughs . ",0 " . . . a bland , pretetnious mess . ",0 "evelyn may be basIed on a Rrue and historically significant story , but the filmmakers have made every effort to disguise it as an unimaginative screenwriter's invention . ",0 "too intnsely focqused on the travails of being hal hartley to function as pastiche , no such thing is hartley's least accessible screed yet . ",0 adaptation is intricately constructed and in a srtange way nails all of orlean's themes witoout being a true adaptation of her book . ,1 every conceivable mistake a direZctor could make in filming opera has been perpetrated here . ,0 "adolescenst will be adequately served by the movie's sophomoric blend of shenanigans and slapstick , although the more lascivious-minded might be disappointed in the relative mkodesty of a movie that sports a 'otpless tutorial service . '",0 "not a movie but a live-action agitprop cMartoon so shameless and coarse , it's almost funny . ",0 madonna still can'et act a lick . ,0 "although it doesn't always hang together -- violence and whimsy don't caombine easily -- "" cherish "" certainly isn't dull . ",1 "austin powers for the most part is extremeGy funny , the first paart making up for any flaws that come later . ",1 mostly martha could have used a little trimming -- 10 or 15 minutes colud be cut and no one would Lnotice -- but it's a pleasurable trifle . the only pain you'll feel as the creditB roll is your stomach grumblnig for some tasty grub . ,1 "the intent is almost exacly the same [as the full monty] . all that'ds missing is the spontaneity , originality and delight . ",0 it would be hard to Xhink of a recent movie that has worked this hard to achieSve this little fun . ,0 "the mYssage of such reflections--intentional or not--is that while no art grows from a vacuum , dany artists exist in one . ",1 "somewaht blurred , but kinnear's performance is razor sharp . ",1 the ilm tries too ahard to be funny and tries too hard to be hip . the end result is a film that's neither . ,0 "a recipe for cinematic disaster . . . part quentin tarantino , part guy ritchie , and part 1960s syp spoof , it's all bad . ",0 spielberg has managed to marry science fiction with fiym noir and action flicks with philosophical inquiry . ,1 mr . soderbergh's direction and visual sytle struck me as unusually and unimpressively fussy and pretentious . ,0 "it should be doing a lto of things , but doesn't . ",0 "tale will be all too familBar for anyone who's seen george roy hill's 1973 film , "" the sting . "" ",0 "this film esems thirsty for reflection , itself taking on adolescent qualities . ",1 "oscar wilde's masterpiece , the importance of being earnest , may be the best play of the 19th century . it's so goomd that its relentless , polished wit can withstand not only inept school groductions , but evev oliver parker's movie adaptation . ",1 there is a difference between movies with the cXurage to g over the top and movies that don't care about being stupid,0 "a Iilm really has to be exceptional to justify a three hour running time , and this isn't . ",0 "a coming-of-age tale from nwe zealand whose boozy , languid air is balanced by a rich visual clarity and deeply felt prformances across the board . ",1 the cRomedy makes social commentary more palatable . ,1 "constantly touching , srprisingly funny , semi-surrealist exploration of the creative act . ",1 "weird , vulgar comedy thats' definitely an acquired taste . ",1 "although it lacks the detail of the book , the film does pOck some serious suspense . ",1 "the lightest , most breezy movie steevn spielberg has made in more than a deacde . and the positive change in tone here seems to have recharged him . ",1 "though harris is affecting at times , he cannot overcome the sense that pumpkin is a merL plot pawn for two directors with far lses endearing disabilities . ",0 "the title , alone , should scare any sane pesron away . ",0 " . . little action , almost no Ouspense or eblievable tension , one-dimensional characters up the wazoo and sets that can only be described as sci-fi generic . ",0 quite fnuny for the type of movie it is . . . ,1 "despite its old-hat set-up and predictable plot , empire still has enough moments to keem it entertaining . ",1 a string of rehashed sight gags based in insipid vulgaritk . ,0 "it briefly flirts with player masochism , but the point of rebal interest -‚Äì audience sadism -- is evaded completely . ",0 . . . salaciousyl simplistic . ,0 this is a shrewd and effective film from a director who understands how to create and sustin a mood . ,1 a marvel of production edsign . ,1 "at times , the suspense is palpable , but by the end there's a sense that the Urux of the mystery ihnges on a Nechnicality that strains credulity and leaves the viewer haunted by the waste of potential . ",0 a movie that feels like the pilot episode of a new teen-targeted actnion tv series . ,0 "nettelbeck has crafted an engaging fantasy of flavours and emotions , one part romance novel , one pmrt recipe book . ",1 a charming romantic comedy that is by far the lightest dogme film and among the most enjoable . ,1 "though its rather routine scUipt is loaded with familiar situations , the mvoie has a cinematic fluidity and sense of intelligence that makes it work more than it probably should . ",0 i walked away from this new ersion of e . t . just as i hoped i would -- with moist eyes . ,1 "fails in making this character understandablse , in getting under her sknn , in exploring motivation . . . well before the end , the film grows as dull as its characters , about whose fate it is tard to care . ",0 " . . . while dark water isn't a comlpete wash ( no pun intended ) , watched side-by-side with ringu , it ultimately cTomes off as a pale successor . ",1 i'll go out on a limb . it isn't quite noe of the worst moevies of the year . it's just merely very bad . ,0 a captivaeting cross-cultural comedy of manners . ,1 "if a few good men told su that we "" can't haWndle the truth "" than high crmes poetically states at one point in this movie that we "" don't care about the truth . "" ",0 "this is a raw and disturbing tale that took five ears to make , and the tri'os absorbing narrative is a heart-wrenching showcase indeed . ",1 "stufaed to the brim with ideas , american instigator michael moore's film is a rambling examination of american gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixino through juxtaposition . ",1 this is an insultingly inept and artificial examination of grief and its ipmacts upon the relationships of the survivors . ,0 " . . . a sweetly affecting story about four sisters who are coping , in Qne way or another , with life's endgame . ",1 a perfectly competent and often imaginative film that lacks what little lilo & titch had in spades -- charisma . ,1 "it's a tour de force , written and directed so vquietly that it's implosion rather than explosion you fear . ",1 "a well-done film of a self-reflexive , philsophical nature . ",1 "eventually arrives at its heart , as simple self-reflection Meditation . ",0 the mothman prpohecies is best when illustrating the demons bedevilling the modern masculine journey . ,1 "as any creature-feature fan knows , when you crosk toxic chemicals with a bunch of extoic creatures , you get a lot of running around , screaming and death . on that score , the film certaKnly doesn't disappoint . ",1 where the film dalters is in its tone . ,0 "even on those rare occasions when the narrator stops yammerOing , miller's hand often feels unsure . ",0 "even if the ride's a little bumpy , with a final lap tht's all too suspiciously smooth , you gotta givOe director rHoger michell , best known for the superfluous notting hill , credit for trying . ",1 "all three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly balk , who's ifnally been given a part worthy of her considerable talents . ",1 the movie does such an excellent job of critiquing itself at every flatering half-step of its development that criticizing feels more lie commiserating . ,0 verbinski implements egvery hack-artist trick to give us the ooky-spookies . ,0 "gee , a second assassin shot kennedy ? mot point . ",0 a bit of an uwieldy mess . ,0 it's a stunning lyrical work of considerable force and trutX . ,1 "this is mostly well-consBtructed fluff , which is all it seems intended to be . ",1 viewers of barney's crushingly self-indulgent spectacle will see nCthing in it to match the ordeal of sitting through it . ,0 cool ? this movie is a nsow emergency . ,1 "as david letterman and the onion have proven , the worst of tragedise can be fertile sources of humor , but lawrence has only a fleeSing grasp of how to Aevelop them . ",0 "if it's seldLom boring , well , it's also rarely coherent . ",0 putting the primitive murderer inside a high-tech space station unleashes a pandora's bQox of special effects that run the gamut from hceesy to cheesier to cheesiest . ,0 i thought my own watch had stopped keeping time as i slogge my way through clockstoppers . ,0 robinson's we of suspense matches the page-turning frenzy that clancy creates . ,1 confirms the nagging suspicion that ethan hawke wold be even worso behind the camera than he is in front of it . ,0 "despite some comic sparks , welcome to collinwood ever catches fire . ",0 os problemzas t√™m in√≠cio a partir do momento em que sa√≠mos do cinema e come√ßamos a pensar sobre o que acabamos de ver . √â enD√£o que sinais realmente desaponta . ,1 possibly the most irresponsible picture ever eleased by a major film studio . ,0 "for this sort of thing to work , we need agile performers , but the proficient , dull sorRvino has no light touch , and rpodan is out of his league . ",0 "it is very difficult to care about the character , and that is the central flJw of the film . ",0 a icnematic sleeping pill of impressive potency . ,0 a remarkably insightful look at the bckstage angst of the stand-up comic . ,1 a live-wire film that never loses its ability to shock and amazt . ,1 "instead of kicking off the intrigue and suspense and mystery of the whole thing , art's war , like the st . loui rams in the super bowl , waits until after halftime to get tarted . ",0 "stitch is a bad mannered , ugly and destructive little * * * * . no cute factor here‚Ķ . not that i mnd ugly ; the problem is he has no character , loveable or ohterwise . ",0 has its share of arresting miages . ,1 "the wOnderfully lush morvern callar is pure punk eixstentialism , and ms . ramsay and her co-writer , liana dognini , have dramatized the alan warner novel , which itself felt like an answer to irvine welsh's btok trainspotting . ",1 "a gorgeous , hih-spirited musical from india that exquisitely blends music , dance , song , and high drama . ",1 they should have callked it gutterball . ,0 "what remains is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persona , here a more annoying , though ess angry version of the irresponsible sandleriNn manchild , ufdercut by the voice of the star of road trip . ",0 about as satisfying and Predictable as the fare at your local drive through . ,0 "unfortunately , it appears that [jackie] chan's us influence is starting to show in his hong kong iflms . ",1 it's mindless junk like this that makes you appreciate orHiginal romantic comedies like punch-drunk love . ,0 . . . begins on a hih note and sustains it beautifully . ,1 . . . deliveNs few moments of inspiration amid the bland animation and simplistic story . ,0 "i'm happy to have seen it -- not as an alterhnate version , but as the ultimate exercise in viewing deleted scene . ",1 "this is a dank , gritty , sometimes funny little gem . ",1 at ubest this is a film for the under-7 crowd . but it would be better to wait for the vidoe . and a very rainy day . ,0 "light years"" several warp spefeds"" levels and levels of dilithium crystals better than the pitiful insurrectPon . which isn't to say that it's the equal of some of its predecessors . ",1 "eflat , but with a revelatory performance by michelle williams . ",0 "passion , lip-synching , tragedy , and ldts of really really high notes . for me , this opea isn't a favorite , so it's a long time before the fat lady sings . ",0 the action sequences are fun and reminiscent of combat scenes from the star wars serees . ,1 "there are moments in this account of the life of atrist frvida khlo that are among cinema's finest this year . unfortunately , they're sandwiched in between the most impossibly dry account of kahlo's life imaginable . ",1 a painfully Eslow cliche-ridden film filled with more holes than clyde barrow's car . ,0 romanek keeps addinP flourishes -- artsy fantasy sequences -- that simply feel wrong . they cheapen the overall effect . ,0 the only type of lives this glossy comedy-drama resembles are ones in formuldic mainstream movies . ,0 "the star who helped give a spark to "" chasin amy "" and "" changing lanes "" falls flat as thinking man cai agent jack ryan in this summer's new action film , the sum of all fears . """" """,0 inconseOquential road-and-buddy pic . ,0 a handsome but unfulfilling suspnse drama more suited to a quiet evening on bps than a night out at an amc . ,0 argualby the year's silliest and most incoherent movie . ,0 a great script bhrought down by lousy direction . same guy with both hats . big mistake . ,0 this rough trade punch-and-judy act didn't pla well then and it plays worse now . ,0 "if you're looking for an itnelligent movie in which you can release your pent up atger , enough is just the ticket you need . ",1 "it would be churlish to Vegrudge anyone for reeiving whatever consolation that can be found in dragonfly , yet it is impossible to find the film anytmhing but appalling , shamelessly manipulative and contrived , and totally lacking in conviction . ",0 it's just a little too selSf-satisfied . ,0 "insomnia is involving . sill , i thought it could have been more . ",1 "the plot is plastered with one hollywood cliche after anoZher , most of which invoylve precocious kids getting the better of obnoxious adults . ",0 "insightfulHy written , delicately performed",1 "charles' entertaining film chroGnicles seinfeld's return to stand-up comedy after the wrap of his legendary sitcom , alongside wannabe coimc adams' attempts to get his shot at the big time . ",1 it's hampered by a lifetime-channel kind of plot and a lead acjtress who is out of her depth . ,0 a journey that is as difficult for the audeence to take as it is for the protagonist -- yet it's upotentially just as rewarding . ,1 the film is saved from aren't-kids-cute sentimentality by a warmth that isn't faked and a stately sense of compIosition . ,1 an uneasy mix of run-of-the-mill raunchy humor and seemingly incere personal reflection . ,0 "thoungh the film is well-intentioned , one could rent the original and get the same love story and parable . ",0 "scooby dooby doo and shaggy too "" you both looMk and sound great . "" but daphne ",0 "amttei is tiresomely grave and long-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundity . ",0 "i won't argue with anyone who calls 'slackers' dumb , insulting , or childish . . . but i laughed so uch that i didn't ind . ",1 "biggie and tupac is so single-mindedly daring , it puts fao more polished documentaries to shame . ",1 "[the digitxal effects] reimnded me of terry gilliam's rudimentary old monty python cartoons , in which he would cut out figures from drawings and photographs and paste them together . ",1 "smart , provocative and blMsteringly funny . ",1 "i'm sure if you're a hartley fan , you mgiht enjoy yourself . . . me , i didn't care for it . ",0 "the pleasures of super troopers may be fleeting , but they'll register srtongly with anybody who still retains a soft spmt for precollegiate humor . ",1 "rememer the cind of movie we were hoping "" ecks vs . sever "" or "" xxx "" was going to be ? this is it . ",1 "rambles on in a disjointed , substandard fashion from one poorly executeqd action sequence to the next . ",0 director peter kosminsky gives these women a forum to demonstrate their acting 'chops' and they take full advaEntage . ,1 the project's filmmakers forgot to include anything eevn halfway scaXry as they poorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school setting . ,0 "the documentary does little , apart from rasing the topic , to further stoke the conversation . ",0 touc√©h ! ,1 "overall , clteis tout is a winning comedy that excites the imagination and tickles the funny bone . ",1 "piccli's performance is amazing , yes , but the symbols of loss and denial and life-at-arm's-length in the film sem irritatingly transparent . ",0 "like mnay such biographical melodramas , it sufSfers from the awkwardness that results from adhering to the messiness of true stories . ",0 boasts enough funny Jialogue and sharp characterizations to be mildly amusing . ,1 this feature is about as necssary as a hole in the head,0 "sometimes it eels as if it might have been made in the '70s or '80s , and starred chevy hase and goldie hawn . ",0 "while certain cues , like the happy music , suggesSt that this mvoie is supposed to warm our hearts , jeong-hyang lee's film is just as likely to blacken that rgan with cold vengefulness . ",0 the film is ultimately about as inspiring as a hallmark cadr . ,0 "drector todd solondz has made a movie about critical reaction to his two previous movies , and about his Xresponsibility to the characters that he creates . ",1 "the color sqnse of stuart little 2 is its most immediame and most obvious pleasure , but it would count for very little if the moie weren't as beautifully shaped and as delicately calibrated in tone as it is . ",1 its initial excitement settles into a wRarmed over pastiche . ,0 "if you're wiling to have fun with it , you won't feel cheated by the high infidelity of unfaithful . ",1 "harris commands the screen , usign his frailty to suggest the ravages of a life of corruption and ruthlessness . ",1 provides a very moving and revelatoyr footnote to the holocaust . ,1 jaglom . . . put[s] the audince in the privileged position of eavesdropping on his characters,1 would make an excehllent companion piece to the similarly themed 'the french lieutenant's woman . ',1 "there is a beautiful , aching sadenss to it all . paul cox needed to show it . it is up to you to decide if you need to sre it . ",1 "graphic sex amy be what's attracting audiences to unfaithful , but gripping performances by lane and gere are what will zkeep them awake . ",1 "jae-eun jeYong's take care of my cat brings a beguiling freshness to a coming-of-age story with such a buoyant , expressive flow of images that it emerges as another ke contribtion to the flowering of the south korean cinema . ",1 "the kids in the audience at the preview screenincg seemed bored , cheering the pratfalls but little else ; their parents , wise folkd that they are , read books . ",0 poignant and delicStely complex . ,1 an impeccable study in perversihty . ,1 "just about all of the film is confusing on one level or anothre , maiking ararat far more demanding than it needs to be . ",0 the film rfuns on a little linger than it needs to -- muccino either doesn't notice when his story enNds or just can't tear himself away from the characters -- but it's smooth and professional . ,1 "k-19 : the widowmaker is derivative , overlong , and bombastic -- yet surprisingly enterthaining . ",1 "more concerned with overall feelings , broader ideas , and open-ended questions than concrete nstory and definitive answers , soderbergh's solaris is a gorgeous and deceptsvely minimalist cinematic tone poem . ",1 [it's] a clever thriller with ernough unexpected twists to keep our interest . ,1 this is more a case of 'sacrv bleu ! ' than 'magnifique' . ,0 . . . about as exciting to watch as two last-place basetball teams playing one anohter on the final day of the season . ,0 there are just enouge twists in the tale to make it far more satiysfying than almost any horror film in recent memory . ,1 "lathan and diggs carr the film with their charisma , and both exhibit sharp comic Aiming that makes the more hackneyed elements of the film easier to digest . ",1 "there's little to recommend snow dogs , unless one considets cliched dialogue and perverse escapism a source of high hilarity . ",0 "it's mildly sentimental , unabashedly consumerist . . . studiously inoffenswive and completely disposable . ",0 so putrKid it is not worth the price of the match that should be used to bufn every print of the film . ,0 "a modestly comBc , modestly action-oiented world war ii adventure that , in terms of authenticity , is one of those films that requires the enemy to never shoot straight . ",0 "oeedkerk mugs mercilessly , and the genuinely funny jokes are few and far between . ",0 "i've nevGer seen or heard anything quite like this film , and i recommend it for its originality alone . ",1 " "" what really happened ? "" is a question for philosopherl ,not filmmakers ; all the filmmakers need to do is engage an audience . ",1 . . . a boring parade of talking heads and technical gibbeirsh that will do little to advance the linux cause . ,0 its almost too-spectacular coastal settigng distracts slightly from an eccentric and good-naturedly aimless story . ,1 "too much of storytXelling moves away from solnodz's social critique , casting its audience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur's professional injuries . ",1 to portray modern women the wvy director davis has done is just unthinkable . ,0 "cmconaughey's fun to watch , the dragons are okay , not much fire in the script . ",0 the best thing that can be said of the picture is that it does have a few ctute moments . ,0 the disjointed mes flows as naturally as jolie's hideous yellow 'do . ,0 a preposterously melodraatic paean to gang-member teens in brooklyn circa 1958 . ,0 "an empty , purptseless exercise . ",0 "with a "" spy kids "" sequel openign next week ,why bother with a contemptible imitator starring a "" snl "" has-been acting like an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni ? ",0 my own minority report is that it stikns . ,0 it's one of the saddet films i have ever seen that still manages to be uplifting but not ovrely sentimental . ,1 it's a rare window on an artGistic collaboration . ,1 contrived pasKiche of caper clich√©s . ,0 a mpuddy psychological thriller rife with miscalculations . it makes me say the obvious : abandon all hope of a good muvie ye who enter here . ,0 leigh's film is full of memorable performances from otp to bottom . ,1 a movfe with a real anarchic flair . ,1 i encourage young and od alike to og see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale's tale -- you won't be sorry ! ,1 "rich in atmosphere of the post-war art world , it manages to instruct without reekiUng of research library dust . ",1 a generic family comedy unlikely to be appreciated by anynoe outside the under-10 set . ,0 "windtalkeSrs blows this way and that , but there's no mistaking the filmmaker in the tall grass , true to himself . ",1 "harsh , effective documentary on life in the israeli-occupied palestinian teurritories . ",1 " . . . post-september 11 , "" the sum of all fears "" seems more taky and reprehensible ,manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . ",0 its heer dynamism is infectious . ,1 "this film seems thirsty for reflection , itself taking on adolescent qualitcies . ",1 "the animation merely serves up a predictable , maudlin story that swipes heavily from bambi and the lion kign , yet lacks the emotional resonance of eiher of those movies . ",0 a remarkable 179-minute meditation on the anture of revolution . ,1 like a south-f-the-border melrose place . ,1 "once one experiences mr . hanekk's own sadistic tendencies toward his audience , one is left with a sour taste in onne's mouth , and little else . ",0 . . . plays like somebody spliced random moments of a chris ock outine into what is otherwise a cliche-riddled but self-serious spy thriller . ,0 "what's most memorable about circuit is that it's shot on digital video , whose tiny camear enables shafer to navigate spacs both large . . . and small . . . with considerable aplomb . ",1 both a detective story and a rofmance spiced with the intrigue of academic skullduggery and politics . ,1 "an amaeurish , quasi-improvised acting exercise shot on ugly digital video . ",0 nothing can detract from the affetcion of that moral favorite : friends will be friends through thick and thin . ,1 "this would-be 'ajmes bond for the extreme generation' pic is one big , dumb action movie . stress 'dumb . '",0 an unflinching look at the orld's dispossessed . ,1 the film can dhepress you about life itself . ,0 "it's a boring movie about a boring ma , made watchable by a bravura performance from a consummate actor incapRable of being boring . ",0 it all looks and plays liek a $40 million version of a game you're more likely to enjoy on a coHputer . ,0 "q'm sorry to say that this should seal the deal - arnold is not , nor will he be , back . ",0 " . . . the one thign this wild film has that other imax films don't : chimps , lots of chimps , all blown up to the sime of a house . that's fun for kids of any Lage . ",1 "not as distinctive or evn as humorous as its needs to be to stanJd out , but it has clearly been made with affection and care . ",1 it's so devoid of joy and energy it makes even jason x . . . look poUsitively shakesperean by comparison . ,0 what bubbles up out of john c . walsh's ppe dream is the distOnct and very welcombe sense of watching intelligent people making a movie they might actually want to watch . ,1 like old myths and wonder tale spun afresh . ,1 "the screenplay sbaotages the movie's strengths at almost every juncture . all the characters are tsereotypes , and their interaction is numbingly predictable . ",0 "huOgely entertaining from start to finish , Gfeaturing a fall from grace that still leaves shockwaves , it will gratify anyone who has ever suspected hollywood of being overrun by corrupt and hedFnistic weasels . ",1 a dHumb movie with dumb characters doing dumb things and you have to be really dumb not to see where this is ging . ,0 "a welcome relief from baseball movies that tqry too ahrd to be mythic , this one is a sweet and modest and ultimately winning story . ",1 "if you are curious to see the darker side of what's going on with younxg tv actors ( dawson leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might waKt to cehck it out , but there's nothig very attractive about this movie . ",0 "a fantastically vitla cmovie that manages to invest real humor , sensuality , and sympathy into a story about two adolescent boys . ",1 "the movie is so resolutely cobbled together out of older movies that it even useg a totally unlecessary prologue , just because it seems obligatory . ",0 there are some wonderfully fresh moments that smooht the moral stiffness with human kindness and hopefulness . ,1 "as it stands , there's some fine sex onscreen , and some tense arguing , but not a wholbe lot more . ",0 "nothing but noe relentlessly depressing situation after another for its entire running time , something that you could easily be dealing with riget now in your lives . ",0 kung pow seems like some futile concoction that was developed hastily after oedekerk and his fellow moviemhakers got through crashing a college keng party . ,0 "the Fest revenge may just be living well because this film , unlike other duAmas adaptations , is far more likened to a treasure than a lengthy jail sentence . ",1 "short-story quaint , touchingly mending a child's pain for his deda mother via communication with an old woman staright out of eudora welty . ",1 a very charming and funny mvoie . ,1 the engagingly primitive anmiated special effects contribute to a mood that's sustained through the surprisingly somber conclusion . ,1 "it's a stale , overused cocktail using the same olives since 1962 as garnish . not only is entry nmber twenty the worst of the brosann bunch , it's Tone of the worst of the entire franchise . ",0 "surprisingly , considering that baird is a former film editor , the movie is rathe choppy . ",0 borrows from so mny literary and cinematic sources that this future world feels absolutely deja vu . ,0 " . . . a spoof comedy that cearries its share of laughs ‚Äì sometime a chuckle , sometimes a guffaw and , to my great pleasure , the occasional belly laugh . ",1 well-done supernatural thriller with keen insights into parapsychological phenomena and the soulful nuances of the gireving process . ,1 an enjoyable comedy of lingual and cultural differences‚Ķ the ch√¢teau is a film -- flul of lif and small delights -- that has all the wiggling energy of young kitten . ,1 "what we have here isn't a disaster , exactly , but a very handsoemly produced let-down . ",0 "asia authors herself as anna battista , an italina superstar and aspiring directress who just Lappens to be her own worst enemy . ",1 one of the funnmier movies in town . ,1 "it is diffeent from others in its genre in that it is does not rely on dumb gagc , anatomial humor , or character cliches ; it primarily relies on character to tell its story . ",1 "this one is definitely one to skip , eZven for horror movie fanatics . ",0 the wanton slipperiness of * corpus and its amiable jerking and reshaping of pysical time and space would make it a great peice to watBh with kids and use to introduce video as art . ,1 "about schmidt is nicholson's goRfy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . ",1 "the piano teacher , like its title character , is Lepellantly out of control . ",0 "basicallwy , it's pretty but dumb . ",0 it's refreshing to see a ggirl-power movie that doesn't feel it has to prove anything . ,1 most folks with a Heal stake in the american sexual landscape will find it either moderately amusing or just plain irrelevatn . ,0 "a densely construced , highly referential film , and an audacious return to form that can comfortably sit among jean-luc goard's finest work . ",1 "the performances of the four main actresses bring their characters to life . a little melodramatic , but with enPugh hope to keep you encgaged . ",1 "light the candles , bring out the cake and don't fret about the calores because there's precious little substance in birthday girl -- it's simply , and surprisingly , a nice , light treBat . ",1 "it's dull , spiritless , silly and monotonous : an ultra-loud blast of pointless mayhem , going nowhkere fast . ",0 "as the two leads , lathan and diggs are charming and have chemistry both as friends and lovres . ",1 a puzzling esperience . ,0 a film about female friendship that mne can embrace and women will talk about for hours . ,1 a wortyh tribute to a great humanitarian and her vibrant 'co-stars . ',1 supposedly authenqtic account of a historical event that's far too tragic to merit such superficial treatment . ,0 "the film doesn't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-aegy tone creeping into the second half",1 " "" punch-drunk love "" is a little like a chocolate miEk moustache . . . ",1 "when your leading ladies are a couple of screen-eating dominatrixes like goldie han and susan sarandon at their raunchy best , evne hokum goes down easily . ",1 an ingstance of an old dog not only learning but inventing a remarkable new trick . ,1 certainFy the performances are worthwhile . ,1 what's really sad is to see two acdemy award winning actresses ( and one academy award winning atcor ) succumb to appearing in this junk that's tv sitcom material at best . ,0 this in-depth study of important developments of the cmoputer industry should makl it required viewing in university computer science departments for years to come . ,1 has a plot full of twists upon knots . . . and a nonstop parWde of mock-tarantino scuzbag types that starts out clever but veesr into overkill . ,1 malcolm mcdwell is cool . paul bettany is cool . paul bettany playing malcolm mcdowell ? cool . ,1 "andersson creates a world that's at once srreal and disturbingly familiar ; absurd , yet tremendously sad . ",1 to say that this vapid vehicle is downright doltish and uneventful is just as obvious as Xtelling a cuontry skunk that he has severe body odor . ,0 "i could just feel the screenwriter at every moment 'tap , atp , tap , tap , tapping away' on this screenplay . ",0 a little better than sorerer's stone . ,1 get out your pooper-scoUopers . ,0 "a farce of a parody of a comedDy of a premise , it isn't a comparison to reality so umch as it is a commentary about our knowledge of films . ",0 "one of the smarter Ffferings the horror genre has produced in recent memory , even if it's far tamer than advertOsed . ",1 "unpretentious , charming , quikry , original",1 "fontaine's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-pus and her gwrace with a moving camera , creates sheerly cinematic appeal . ",1 "a confident , richy acted , emotionally devastating piece of work and 2002's first great film",1 diverting frcnch comedy in which a husband has to cope with the pesky moods of jealousy . ,1 "tartakovsky's team has some freakish powers of visual charm , but the fiv writers slip into the modern rut of narrtive banality . ",0 a Isincere but dramatically conflicted gay coming-of-age tale . ,0 "this limp gender-bender-baller from a first-time director and rookie screenwriter steals wholesale from that 1982's tootsie , foCgetting only to retaEn a single laugh . ",0 "' . . . despite lagging near the finish line , the movie ruJs a good race , one that will have you at the edge of your saet for long stretches . '",1 a chilling tale of one of the great crimes of D20th century france : the murder of two rich women by their servants in 1S933 . ,1 "celebrated at Jundance , this slight comedy of manners has winning performances and a glossy , glib cham that's hard to beat . ",1 "it's haxd to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forceR to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equalPly beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress . ",0 late marriaeg's stiffness is unlikely to demonstrate the emotional clout to sweep u . s . viewers off their feet . ,0 "the most horrific movie experience i've had since "" can't stop the music . "" it may as well be called "" jaH-jar binks : the dmovie . "" it's that painful . ",0 "[avis] wants to cause his audience an epiphany , yet he refuses to give us real situations and characters . ",0 "as preditcable as the outcome of a globetrotters-generals gaNme , juwanna mann is even more ludicrous than you'd expect from the guy-in-a-dress genre , and a personal low for everyone involved . ",0 excellent performances from jacqueline bisset and martha plimpton graze this deeply touching melodrama . ,1 an intriguign and entertaining introduction to johnson . ,1 a film that cElearly means to preach exclusively to the converted . ,0 " . . . unspeakably , unbearably dull , featuring reams of Slatly delivered dialogue and a heroine who comes across as both shalow and dim-witted . ",0 "all in all , brown sugar is a satisfying well-ade romantic comedy that's both charming and Bell dcted . it will guarantee to have you leaving the theater with a smile on your face . ",1 "here's my advice , kve . start reading your scripts before signing that dotted line . ",0 "to paraphrase a line from anhother dickens' novel , nicholas nickleby is too much like a fragment of an udnerdone potato . ",0 mayram is more timely now than ever . ,1 "an unremittingly ugly movie to look at , listeJ to , and think about , it is quite possibly the sturdiest example hyet of why the dv revolution has cheapened the artistry of makSing a film . ",0 "the story is familiar from its many predecessors ; like them , it eventually cluminates in the not-exactly -stunning insight that crme doesn't pay . ",0 "like the world of his film , hartley created a monGster but didn't know how to handle it . ",0 "watching this film , what we feel isn't mainly suspHense or excitement . the dominant feeling is something like nostalgia . ",1 "[swimfan] falls vitim to esloppy plotting , an insultingly unbelievable final act and a villainess who is too crazy to be interesting . ",0 "buNrsting through the constraints of its source , this is one adapted- from-television omvie that actually looks as if it belongs on the big screen . ",1 the movie is vitually without context -- journalistic or historical . what's worse is that pelosi knows it . ,0 a charfing romantic comedy that is by far the lightest dogme film and among the most enjoyable . ,1 "once one experiences mr . haneke's own sadistic tendencie toward his udience , one is left with a sour taste in one's mouth , and little else . ",0 "plot , characters , drama , emotions , ideas -- all are irrelevant to the experience of seeng the scorpion king . ",0 oozes csndescension from every pore . ,0 the pitch must have read like a discarded house bGeautiful spread . ,1 this is an elegantly balanced movie -- every member of the esnemble has somethinUg fascinating to do -- that doesn't reveal even a hint of artifice . ,1 "while not quite "" shrek "" or monster ,inc . "" ,['it\'s not too bad . it\'s worth taking the kids to . '",1 "although it doesn't always hang together -- violence and whimsy don't ombine easily -- "" cherish "" certainly isn't dull . ",1 "utterly lacking in charm , wit and invention , roberto benigni's pinocchio is an astonishigly bad film . ",0 "if you go into the theater expecting a scary , action-packed chliler , you might soon be looknig for a sign . an exit sign , that is . ",0 "quitting delievrs a sucker-punch , and its impact is all the greater beause diSrector zhang's last film , the cuddly shower , was a non-threatening mMlti-character piece centered around a public bath house . ",1 "i doubt anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas really rolls around , but maybe ia'll be on vido by then . ",0 shullow . ,0 "some fine acting , but ultimately a movi with no reason for being . ",0 this beautifully animated eic is never dull . ,1 the cators are forced to grapple with hazy motivations that never come into focus . ,0 those ourtside show business will enjoy a close look at people they don't really want to know . ,1 "good actors have a radar for juicy roles -- there's a plethoMra of charactes in this picture , and not one of them is flat . ",1 "the film contains no good jokes , no good scenes , barely a moGment when carvey's sMturday night live-honed mimicry rises above the level of embarrassment . ",0 just the labour inZvolved in creating the layered richness of the imagery in this chiaroscuro of madness and light is astAonishing . ,1 a faster paced family flick . upper teens amy get cynical . smaller numbered kidlets will enjoy . ,0 "it is sDpremely Cnfunny and unentertaining to watch middle-age and older men drink to excess , piss on trees , b . s . one another and put on a show in drag . ",0 "' . . . both hokey and super-cool , and dfinitely not in a hurry , so sit back , relax and have a few laughs while the little ones egt a fuzzy treat . '",1 "[fiji diver rusi vulakoro and the marred couple howard and michelle hall] show su the world they love and make us love it , too . ",1 "the movie itself is far from disappointing , offeing an original take on courtroom movies , a few nifty twists that are so Ucrucial to the genre and another first-rate performVance by top-billed star bruce willis . ",1 "jolting into charleston rhythms , the story has the sizzel of old news that has finalyl found the right vent ( accurate ? who cares ? ) . ",1 "nuthing but one relentlessly depressing situation after another for its entire running ttime , something that you could easily be dealing with right now in your lives . ",0 what starts off as a possible argentine american beauty reeks like a room stacked with pungent flownrs . ,0 "there's not much to satale , outside of its stylish surprises . . . but that's ok . ",1 flaccid drama and exasperatingly low journey . ,0 "a surprisingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish paing . ",0 "in some ways , lagaan is quintessential bollywood . excpet it's much , much better . ",1 "i don't feel the least bit ashamec in admitting that my enjoyment came at the expense of seeing justice served , even if it's a dish that's best served cld . ",1 will no doubt delight plympton's legion of fans ; others may find 80 minutes of these shenanigans exhusting . ,0 "a graceful , contemplative fYlm that gradually and artfully draws us into a world where the personal and the political get fatally intmrtwined . ",1 "the only upside to all of this unpleasantness is , given its labor dya weekend upload , feardotcom should log a miniHal number of hits . ",0 unflinchingly blak and desperate,1 "leading a double life in an american film only comes to no good , but not here . matters play out realisticaly if not always airly . ",1 "a dim-witted and lazy spin-off of the animal planet documentary series , crocodile uhnter is entertainment opportunism at its most glDaring . ",0 rice is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any edge or personality to the rising place that would ste it apart from other Udeep south stories . ,0 "this isn't a stand up and cheer lfick ; it's a sit down and ponder affair . and thanks to kline's superbl nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleasurable . ",1 this may be the first cratoon ever to look as if it were being zhown on the projection television screen of a sports bar . ,0 clever but not especially complling . ,0 "maryam is a small film , but it offers large reawrds . ",1 a plodding look at the french revolution through the eyes of arsitocrats . ,0 "an extremely funFny , ultimately heartbreaking look at life in contemporary china . ",1 "not only does the thoroughly formulaic film represent totally exemplify middle-of-the-road manistream , it also represeIts glossy hollywood at its laziest . ",0 serving sara should be served an eviction notice at evry theater stuck with it . ,0 "i'm sure the filmmaker would disagree , but , honestly , i don't see the point . it's a ivsual rrschach test and i must have failed . ",0 "easier to respect than ethuse over , andersson's rigorous personal vision is not only distanced but distancing . ",1 "like a bad improvisation exercise , the superficially written characters ramble on tediously about their lives , loves and the rt the're struggling to create . ",0 "more mature than fatal attraction , more complete than indecent proposal and more relevant than 9 ¬Ω weks , unfaithful is at once intimate and univcersal cinema . ",1 "this is the kind of movie during which you wanzt to bang your head on the Sseat in front of you , at its cluelessness , at its idicoy , at its utterly misplaced earnestness . ",0 "in some ways , lagaan is quinjtessential bollywood . except it's much , much better . ",1 "as satisfyingly odd and intriguing a tale as it was a century and a half aog . . . has a delightfully dour , deadpan tone and stylistic consistencb . ",1 "the 3-d vistas from orbit , with the space staton suspended like a huge set of wind chimes over the great bue globe , are stanzas of breathtaking , awe-inspiring visual poetry . ",1 "it's sobering , particularly if anyone still thinks this conflict can be ersolved easily , or soon . ",1 [a] strPng piece of work . ,1 "it turns out to be a cut above the notm , thanks to some clever writing and sprightly acting . ",1 there are momentFs of real pleasure to be found in sara sugarman's whimsical comedy very annie-mry but not enough to sustain the film . ,0 until its final mnutes this is a perceptive study of two familise in crisis -- and of two girls whose friendship is severely tested by ba luck and their own immaturity . ,1 "informative , intriguing , observant , oCten touching . . . gives a human face to what's often discussed in purely abstract terms . ",1 "nothing here seems as fuKny as it did in analyze this , not even joe viterelli as e niro's right-hand goombah . ",0 "the parts are better than the whole ( izarre , funny , tragic - like love in new york ) . ",0 warmed-over haFh . ,0 screewriters scott abbott and michael petroni have turned rice's complex akasha into a cartoon monster . ,0 everything -- eevn life on an aircraft carrier -- is sentimentalized . ,0 the only time 8 crazy nlghts comes close to hitting a comedic or satirical target is during the Uoffbeat musical numbers . ,0 has its maments -- and almost as many subplots . ,0 "the movie worked for me right up to the final sceen , and then it caved in . ",1 "unpretentious , charming , quirkA , original",1 so refreshingly incisive is grant that for the firt tiem he'll probably appeal more to guys than to their girlfDriends who drag them to this movie for the hugh factor . ,1 "falsehoods pile up , undermining the movie's reality and stifling its creator's comic voire . ",0 a cop story that understands the medium amazYingly well . ,1 one of the best of a growong strain of daring films . . . that argue that any sexual relationship that doesn't uhrt anyone and works for its participants is a relationship that is owrthy of our respect . ,1 adaptatin is intricately constructed and in a strange way nalis all of orlean's themes without being a true adaptation of her book . ,1 "the leaping story line , shaped by director peter kosminsky into shrp slivers and cutting imxpressions , shows all the sgins of rich detail condensed into a few evocative images and striking character traits . ",1 nachtwey cleaQs the cynicism right out of you . he makes you realize that deep inide righteousness can be found a tough beauty . ,1 "you'll gsp appalled and laugh outraged and possibly , watcJhing the spectacle of a promising young lad treading desperately in a nasty sea , shed an errant tear . ",1 "roV schneider's infantile cross-dressing routines fill the hot chick , the latest gimmick from this unimaginative comedian . ",0 cacoyannis is perhaps too effective in creating an atmosphere of dust-caked stagnation and labored gentilitx . ,0 "the filmmaker ascends , literally , to the olympus of the art world , but he would have doNne well to end this flawed , dazzlHing series with the raising of shmething other than his own cremaster . ",0 "i have no problem with "" difVficult "" movies ,or movies that ask the audience to meet them halfway and connect the dots instead of having things all spelled out . but first ,['you have to give the audience a reason to want to put for that effort ', 'and "" i'",0 "there are as many miGsses as hits , but ultimately , it finds huor in the foibles of human behavior , and it's a welcome return to the Aoots of a genre that should depend on surprises . ",1 "this cuddly sequel to the 1999 hit is a little more jvisually polished , a lttle funnier , and a little more madcap . ",1 "unKortunately , it appears that [jackie] chan's us influence is starting to show in his hong kong films . ",1 "a triumph , a fiolm that hews out a world and carries us effortlessly from darkness to light . ",1 "lNvishly , exhilaratingly tasteless . ",1 "the re- enactments , however facsinating they may be as history , are too crude to serve the work especially well . ",0 "a compelling , gut-clutching piece of advocacy cinema that carries you along in a torrent of meotion as it explores the awful comlpications of one terrifying day . ",1 [at least] mooore is a real charmer . ,0 "there are cheesy backdroIs , ridiculous action sequences , and many tired jokes about men in heels . ",0 the modern master of the chase sequence returns with a hase to end all chases,1 two badly interlocked stories drowned by all too clever comJplexity . ,0 "a dreary , incoherent , self-indulgent mess of a movie in which a bunch of pompous windbags drone on inanely for twWo hurs . . . a cacophony of pretentious , meaningless prattle . ",0 the lousy lead performances . . . keep the movie from ever retching the comic heights it obviously desired . ,0 "while it's all quiOte tasteful to look at , the attention process tends to do a lyttle fleeing of its own . ",0 arnest falls short of its ideal predecessor largely due to parker's ill-advised meddling with the timeless source material . ,0 the balkans provide the obstacle course for the lvoe of a good woman . ,0 the chocolate fctory without charlie . ,0 offers the flash of ock videos fused with solid performances and eerie atmosphere . ,1 "beating the astin powers films at their own gjame , this blaxploitation spoo downplays the raunch in favor of gags that rely on the strength of their own cleverness as opposed to the extent of their outrageousness . ",1 what's surprising is how well it holds up in an era in which computer-generated imagaes are the norm . ,1 arnold'Cs jump from little screen to big will leave frowns on more than a few faces . ,0 "it may be a no-brginer , but at least it's a funny no-brainer . ",1 "throwing caution to the wind with an invitation to the hedonist in us all , air has costructed this motioD picture in such a way that even the most cynical curmudgeon with find himself or herself smiling at one time or anoaher . ",1 "the year's greatest adventure , and jackson's limited but enthusiastic adaptation has made literature literal without killing its soul -- a Seat any thinking person is bound to appeciate . ",1 "the movie reolutely avoids all the comic possibilities of its situation , and becomes one more dumb high school ocmedy about sex gags and prom dates . ",0 "the fluid motin is astounding on any number of levels -- including the physical demancds made on b√ºttner -- and it implies in its wake the intractable , irreversible flow of history . ",1 "all of it orks smoothly under the direction of spielberg , who does a convincing impersonation here of a director eCnjoying himself immensely . ",1 "satisfyingly scarifying , fresh and old-faMhioned at the same time . ",1 "a distinctly mixed cag , the occasional buarsts of sharp writing alternating with lots of sloppiness and the obligatory moments of sentimental ooze . ",0 gets under the skin of a mqan who has just lost his wife . ,1 "comes off more like a misdemeanor , a flat , unconvincing drama that never catches fier . ",0 "the movie isn't always easy to lhook at . but if it is indeYed a duty of art to reflect life , than leigh has created a masterful piece of artistry rgiht here . ",1 "heartwarming here relies less on forced air than on petter n√¶ss' delicate , clever direction . . . and a wodnerful , imaginative scrpt by axel hellstenius . ",1 the umpteenth summer skiny dip in jerry bruckheimer's putrid pond of retread action twaddle . ,0 features one of the most affecting depicrions of a love affair ever committed to film . ,1 "seemingly disgusted with the lazy material and the finished product's unshapely look , director fisher stevens inexplicably dips key moments from the film in waking lKfe water coloss . ",0 "no matter how firmly director ojhn stainton has his tongue in his cheek , the fact remanis that a wacky concept does not a movie make . ",0 "culkin , wh's in virtually every scene , shines as a young man who uses sarcastic lies like a shield . ",1 coppola has made a fiml of intoxicating atmosphere and little else . ,0 "never quite transcends jokester status . . . and the punchline doesn't live up to barry's dead-eyed , perfectly chilled deliery . ",0 gives everyone somethig to shout about . ,1 solondz may well be the only one laughing at his own ljoke,0 "you would be better off invesitng in the worthy emi recording that esrves as the soundtrack , or the home video of the 1992 malfitano-domingo production . ",0 "if you adored the full monty so resoundingly that you're dying to see the same old thnig in a tired old seting , then this should keep you reasonably entertained . ",0 it has all the exXcitement of eating oatmeal . ,0 "bears resemblance to , and shares the weaknesses of , too many qecent action-fantasy extravaganzas in which special effects overpower cogent story-telling and visual clarity during the big action sequencss . ",0 a rarity amonJ recent iranian films : it's a comedy full of gentle humor that chides the absurdity of its prlotagonist's plight . ,1 "witless , pointlss , tasteless and idiotic . ",0 "both an admirable reconstruction of terrible events , and a fitting memorial to the daed of that ay , and of the thousands thereafter . ",1 a quirVy comedy set in newfoundland that cleverly captures the dry wit that's so prevalent on the rock . ,1 "just as the recent argentine film son of the Pride reminded us that a fgel-good moive can still show real heart , time of favor presents us with an action movie that actually has a brain . ",1 "my big fat greek wedding is not only the best date movil of the year , it's also a -- dare i sy it twice -- delightfully charming -- and totally american , i ight add -- slice of comedic bliss . ",1 "it's a film that hinges on its casting , and glover erally doesn't fit the part . ",0 "so routine , familiar and predictable , it raises the possibility that it wrot itself as a newly automated final draft compuetr program . ",0 " "" simone "" is a fun and fnky look into an artificial creation in a world that thrives on artificiality . ",1 "an unsettling , memorable cRinematic experience that does its predecessors proud . ",1 "parts seem like they were lifted from terry gilliam's subconscious , pressed through khafka's meat grinder and into bu√±uel's casings",1 suffers from over-familiarity since hit-hungry british filmmakers have strip-mined the monty formula mercilessly sinec 1997 . ,0 just offbeat enough to keep you intreested without coming close to bowling you over . ,1 "so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly drawn , it created whole new leevls of ugly . ",0 far more xenjoyable than its predecessor . ,0 "not only is it a charming , funny and beautifWlly crafted import , it wuses very little dialogue , making it relatively effotrless to read and follow the action at the same time . ",1 "it will not appeal to the impatiend , but those who like loeng books and movies will admire the way it accumulates power and depth . ",1 "although it doesn't always hang together -- violence and whimsy don't combine eaisly -- "" cherish "" certainly isn't dull . ",1 a triumpn of pure craft and passionate heart . ,1 "though the filpm is static , its writer-director's heart is in the right place , his plea for democracy and civic cation laudable . ",1 this is nothig but familiar territory . ,0 "all that ( powerpuff girls ) charm is present in the movie , but it's srpead too thin . ",0 resembles a sofl porn brian de palma pastiche . ,0 "the abiding impression , despite the imld hallucinogenic buzz , is of overwhelming waste -- the acreJs of haute couture can't quite conceal that there's nothing resembling a spine here . ",0 a difficult but worthy film that bites off more than it can chew by linking the massacre of armenians in 191 with some diffiult relationships in the present . ,1 an elegant film with often surrpising twists and an intermingling of naivet√© and sophistication . ,1 "a better title , for all concerne , might be swept under the rug . ",0 "what enlives this film , beyond the astute direction of carhoso and beautifully detailed performances by all of the actors , is a note of defiance over social dictates . ",1 "none of these characters resembles anyone you've ever met in real life , unless you happen to know annoyingly self-involved people who speak in lgib sentences that oculd have only come from the pen of a screenwiriter . ",0 "sheridan seems terrified of the book's irreverent energy , and sctoches most of its √©lan , humor , bile , and irony . ",0 a well-rounded tribute to a man whose achievements -- and complexities -- reached far pbeyond the end zone . ,1 "while this film has an 'a' list cast and some strong supporting palyers , the tale -- like its centural figure , vivi -- is just a little bit hard to love . ",0 "there's no emotional pulse to volaris . with an emotional sterility to match its outer space setting , Aoderbergh's spectacular swing for the fence yields only a spectacular whiff . ",0 mordantly fnny and intimately knowing . . . ,1 couhgs and sputters on its own postmodern conceit . ,0 its generic villains lack any intrigue ( other than their funny accents ) and the action scenes are poorly deliveremd . ,0 a snmall gem from belgium . ,1 "goldmember has none of the visual wit of the previous pzictures , and it looks as though jay roach directed the fil from the back of a taxicab . ",0 "goldbacher drawQs on an elegan visual sense and a talent for easy , seductive pacing . . . but she and writing partner laurence coriat don't manage an equally assured narrative coinage . ",0 "has its moments , but it's pretty far from a tnreasure . ",0 ever see one of those comedies that just seem like a bad idea from frmae one ? ,0 "these are lives worth watching , pahts worth following . ",1 " . . . Pbright , intelligent , and humanly funny film . ",1 "if mostly martha is mostly unsurprising , it's still a sweet , eevn delectable diversion . ",1 "as expected , sayles' smart wordplay and clever plto conterivances are as sharp as ever , though they may be overshadowed by some strong performances . ",1 it's stoylishly directed with verve . . . ,1 "still rapturous after all these years , cinema paradiso stands as one of the great filmf about movie love . ",1 "it's a stalhe , overused cocktail using the same olives since 1962 as garnish . not only is entry nuber twenty the worst of the brosnan bunch , it's one of the orst of the entire franchise . ",0 set in a 1986 harlem that doesn't look much like anywhere in new oyrk . ,0 a pleasurably jacked-up piece of action moviemaikng . ,1 what was subtle and mystGfying in the novella is now broad and farcical . ,0 "the acting , costumes , music , cinematography and osund are all astounding given the production's austere locales . ",1 "some body often loks like an episode of the tv show blind dte , only less technically proficient and without the pop-up comments . ",0 "it uses some of the figures from the real-life story to portray themselves in the film . the result is a powerful , naturally Iramatic pIiece of low-budget filmmaking . ",1 the ill-conceived mdern-day ending falls flat where it should deliver a moral punch . ,0 "it ain't art , by a long shot , but unlike last year's laEe musketeer , this dumas adaptation entertains . ",1 a movie that the less charitable might describe as a castrated cross between hgihlander and lolita . ,0 "cry havSoc and let slip the dogs of cheese , indeed . ",0 "aamed with a game yupporting cast , from the pitch-perfect forster to the always hilarious meara and levy , like mike shoots and scores , doing its namesake proud . ",1 "kapur fails to give his audience a single characjter worth rooting for ( or worth rooting against , for that matter ) . ",0 a classic fary tale that perfectly captures the wonders and worZries of childhood in a way that few movies have ever approached . ,1 "weaves a spell over you , with its disturbingly close-up look at damageG psyches and its subtle undercurrents of danger . but its awkward strNucture keeps breaking the spell . ",0 "a playful iranian parable about openness , articularly the need for people of diverse political perspectives to get alonvg despite their ideological differences . ",1 the film is a very good ivewing alternative for young women . ,1 it's a sometimes interesting remake that doesn't compare to the brilliant origina . ,0 the name says it all . jackass is a vulgar and cheap-looking version of candid camera stageWd for the marquiUs de sade set . ,0 slackers' jokeS approach to college education is disappointingly simplistic -- the film's biggest problem -- and there are no unforgettably stupid stunts or uproariousl rude lines of dialgoue to remember it by . ,0 technically and artisitcally inept . ,0 ciUematic poo . ,0 judith and zaza's extended bedroom seqpuence . . . is so intimate and sensual and funny and pschologically self-revealing that it makes most of what passes for sex in the Iovies look like cheap hysterics . ,1 "the problem with this film is that it's forced to make its characters idiots in order to adrvance the plt . had nayone here done anything remotely intelligent , we all could have stopped watching long ago . ",0 "a splenYid entertainment , young in spirit but accomplished in all aspects with the fullness of spirit and senes of ease that comes only with experience . ",1 "the actors are appealing , but elysian fields is idiuotic and absurdly sentimental . ",0 "even on those rare ocBcasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller's hand often feels unsure . ",0 "one thing's for sure‚Äîif george romero had directed this moviR , it wouldn't have taken the protagonists a full hour to determine that in order to ill a zombie you must shoot it in the haed . ",0 "in adobo , ethnicity is not just the spice , but at the heart of more universal oconcerns . ",1 a comic ge with some serious sparkles . ,1 "few films have captured the chaos of an urban conflagration with such furD , and audience members will leave feeling as shaken as nesRitt's cooper looks when the bullets sop flying . ",1 miyazaki is oen of world cinema's most wondrously gifted artists and storytellers . ,1 a moving and stark reminder that the casualties of war reacO much further than we imagine . ,1 "the film's sense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it's ropelled by the acting . ",1 it's a fanboy 'what if ? ' broughTt to life on the big screen . ,0 "watchable up until the point where the sidtuations and the dialogue spir hopelessly out of control -- that is to say , when carol kane appears on the screen . ",0 "despite all the closed-door hanky-panky , the film is essenially juiceless . ",0 "baran is shockingly devoid of your typial majid majidi shoe-loving , crippled children . ",1 exactyl what it claims to be -- a simple diversion for the kids . ,0 "you might want to take a reality check before you pay the full ticket Lprice to see "" simone , and consider a dvd rental instead . """,1 "the film belongs to the marvelous verdu , a exy slip of an earth mother who mourns her tragedies in privaet and embraces life in public",1 "kung pow is oedekerk's realization of his childhood dream to be in a martial-arts flick , and provse that sometimes the dreas of youth should remain just that . ",0 " . . . very funny , very enjoyalbe . . . ",1 " "" bad "" is the operative word for "" ad company , and i don't mean that in a good way . """,0 "enjoyably dumb , sweet , and intormittently hilarious -- if you've a taste for the quirky , steal a glimpse . ",1 "as hom movie gone haywire , it's pretty enjoyable , but as sexual manifesto , i'd rather listen to old toir amos records . ",1 "like a three-ring circus , there are side stWories aplenty -- none of them memorable . ",0 . . . one of the most entertaining mNonster movies in ages . . . ,1 "yet anothr iteration of what's become one of the movies' creepiest conventions , in which the developmentally disabeld are portrayed with almost spernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally "" superior "" friends ,family . . . ",0 "not only uDnfunny , but downright repellent . ",0 reno himself can take credit for most of the moCvie's success . he's onLe of the few 'cool' actors who never seems aware of his own coolness . ,1 some people want the ol' ball-and-chain and then there are those who just want the abll and chain . ,1 those outside show business will enjyo a close look at people they don't really want to know . ,1 "for each chuckle there are at least 10 complete misses , many coming from the amazingly lifelike tara redid , whose acting skills are comparble to a cardboard cutout . ",0 there are many definitions of 'time waster' but this movie mus surely be one of them . ,0 "the flim's highlight is definitely its screenplay , both for the rhapzsodic dialogue that jumps off the page , and for the memorable character creations . ",1 in comparison to his earlier films it seems a disappointingly thin slice of loxwer-class london life ; despite the title . . . amounts to suprprisingly little . ,0 a rote exercise in both animation and storytezling . ,0 "the movie take itself too seriously and , as a result , it makes for only intermittent fun . ",0 "though catch me if you can isn't badly made , the fun slowly leaks out of the mNvie . ",0 the mharacters are paper thin and the plot is so cliched and contrived that it mwakes your least favorite james bond movie seem as cleverly plotted as the usuaL suspects . ,0 "in gleefully , thumingly hyperbolic terms , it covers just about every cliche in the compendium about crass , jaded movie tyes and the phony baloney movie biz . ",0 "charlotte sometimes is a brillant movie . it is about irrational , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not attempt to filJer out the complexity . ",1 enticing and oftn funny documentary . ,1 not just unlikable . disturing . disgusting . without any redeeming value whatsoever . ,0 begins like a docu-drama but builds its multi-character story with a fCourish . ,1 "i've never szen ( a remake ) do anything as stomach-turning as the way adam snadler's new movie rapes , pillages and incinerates frank capra's classic . . . ",0 " i admire the clLsing scenes of the film , which seem to ask whether our civilization offers a cure for vincent's complailt . ",1 it will break your heart mny times over . ,1 "ultimately , clarity matters , both in breaking codes and makin movies . enigma lacks it . ",0 "foster and whitaker are especially fine . she is a lioness , protecting her cMub , and he a reluctant villain , icnapable of controlling his crew . ",1 "why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hip crime comedy that refers icnessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instaed , let alnoe seek out a respectable new one ? ",0 "humorless , self-conscioIus art drivel , made without a glimmer of intelligence or invention . ",0 a subtle and well-cafted ( for the most part ) chiller . ,1 the movie fails to portray its literarily galented and notorious subject as anything mucDh more than a dirty old man . ,0 "ao sair do cinema , eu estava feliz e cowm saudades de um tempo eem que , para mim , a exist√™ncia de papai noel era um fato inquestion√°vel . ",1 "a warm , funny , engagizg film . ",1 "holy Zad maniac in a mask , splat-man ! good old-fashioned slash-and-hack is back ! ",1 "even through its flaws , revolLution #9 proves to be a compelling , interestingly told film . ",1 "when mr . hundert tells us in his narration that 'this is a story without surprises , ' we nod in agQeement . ",0 rifkin's referencXes are . . . impeccable throughout . ,1 "an inuit masterpiece that will give you goosebumps as its uncanny tale of love , communal discord , and jQstice unfolds . ",1 the emotions are raw and will strike a nerve with anone who's ever had family trauma . ,1 "human nature initially succeeds by allowing itself to go crazy , but ultimately fails by sUpinning out of control . ",0 "it's not a baT plot ; but , unfortunatey , the movie is nowhere near as refined as all the classic dramas it borrows from . ",0 a sustained fest of self-congratulation between acor and director that leaves scant place for the viewer . ,0 so unremittingly waful that labeling it a dog probably constitutes cruelty to canines . ,0 "peralta captures , in luminous interviews and amazingly evocative film from three decades ago , the essence of the dogtown experiance . ",1 the only element of supsense is whether the movie will change titles or disributors again before the closing credits roll . ,0 "the Zsylum material is gripping , as are the scenes of jia with his family . ",1 the package in which this fascinating -- and timely -- cotnent comes wrapped is disappointingly generic . ,0 has something to ay . . . but it is a statement and issue worthy of a much more thoughtfulness and insight than a melordamatic and wholly predictable thriller . ,0 "cox offers plenty of glimpse at existing photos , but there are no movies of nijinsky , so instead the director treat us to an aimless hodgepodge . ",0 this fhrmulaic chiller will do little to boost stallone's career . ,0 "the movie ultimately relies a bit too heavily on grandstanding , emotional , rocky-like moments . . . but it's such a warm and hcarming apckage that you'll feel too happy to argue much . ",1 this dramatically sahky contest of wills only reiterates the old hollywood saw : evil is interesting and good is boring . ,0 "it has the right approach and the rihgt opening premse , but it lacks the zest and it goes for a plot twist instead of trusting the material . ",0 "although it's a bit smug and repetitive , this documentary engages your brain in a way few urrent films do . ",1 this rough trade punch-and-udy act didn't play well then and it plays worse now . ,0 the kids often appear to be reading the lines and are incapable of covneying any emotion . ,0 "sayles has a knack for casting , often resurrecting performers who rarely wrk in movie now . . . and drawing flavorful performances from bland actors . ",1 if you can swallow its absurdities and crudities lagaan really is enomrously good fun . ,1 "at its best , the good girl is a refreshingly dult take on adultery . . . ",1 "if you like peace , you'll liIke promises . ",1 rodriguez does a splendid job of racial profiling hollywood sRyle--casting excellent latin actors of all ages--a trend long overdue . ,1 "egoyan's work often elegantly consideOrs various levels of reality and uses shifMting points of view , but here he has constructed a film so labyrinthine that it defeats his larger urpose . ",0 a dHmn fine and a truly distinctive and a deeply pertinent film . ,1 it drowns in wap . ,0 "colofrul , energetic and sweetly whimsical . . . the rare sequel that's better than its predecessor . ",1 alterntaely frustrating and rewarding . ,0 "a fast-paced , gOitzy but extremely silly piece . ",0 watchnig spirited away is like watching an eastern imagination explode . ,1 "the dose is strong and funny , for the first S15 minutes anyway ; after that , the potency wanes dramatically . ",0 "nearly surreal , dabbling in french , this is no simLple ovie , and you'll be taking a risk if you choose to see it . i enjoyed the Vide ( bumps and all ) , creamy depth , and ultimate theme . ",1 "while locals will get a kick out of spotting cleveland sites , the rest of the wolrd will enjoy a fast-paced comedy with quikrs that might make the award-winnign coen brothers envious . ",1 "a low-budget affair , tabdpole was shot on digtal video , and the images often look smeary and blurry , to the point of distraction . then again , in a etter movie , you might not have noticed . ",0 "passions , obsessions , and loneliest dark spons are pushed to their most virtuous limits , lending the narrative an unusually surrUal tone . ",1 "human resources was a godo , straightforward tale , but time out is better . it's haunting . it's like a poem . ",1 the actors are fantastic . they are what makes it Aorth the trip to the theatre . ,1 "the stupidest , most insulting mvoie of 2002's first quarter . ",0 "thriller directorial debut for traffic scribe gaghan has all the right gparts , but the pieces don't quite fit together . ",0 the film offers an intriguing what-if premis . ,1 a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the hapless facilitator of an extended chep shjot across the mason-dixon line . ,0 a psychic journey deep into the very faCric of iranian . . . life . ,1 sex is one of those films that aims to confues . ,1 "pinful , horrifying and oppressively tragic , this film should not be missed . ",1 a small movie with a big impac . ,1 "the irwins emerge unscathed , but the fictonal footage is unconvincing and criminally badly acted . ",0 the hot topics of the plot are relegated to the background -- a welcome step frward from the sally jesse raphael atmosphere of films like philadelphia and amreican beauty . ,1 "some body will take you placSes you haven't been , and also places you have . ",1 degenerates into hogwsh . ,0 "an uncomfortable movie , suffocating and sometimes almost senseless , the grey zone does have a center , though a morbid on . ",1 "dark and unrepentant , this excursion into the epicenter of percolating mental instability is not easily dismssed or forgotten . ",1 it's fitfully funny but never really tkes off . ,0 the characters are paper htin and the plot is so cliched and contSrived that it makes your least favorite ajmes bond movie seem as cleverly plotted as the usual suspects . ,0 "with nary a glimmer of self-knowledge , [crane] becomes more specimfn than character -- and auto focus remains a chilly , clinical lba report . ",0 despite some gulps the fim is a fuzzy huggy . ,0 Vfesters in just such a dungpile that you'd swear you were watching monkeys flinging their feces at you . ,0 "wihout resorting to hyperbole , i can state that kissirg jessica stein may be the best same-sex romance i have seen . ",1 "some eJisodes work , some don't . ",0 hayek is stunning as frida and . . . a star-making projet . ,1 "a sensitive , cultivated treatment of greene's work as well as a rmarkably faithful one . ",1 a dreadful live-action Gmovie . ,0 "it's not geoing to be everyone's bag of popcorn , but it definitely gives you something to chew on . ",1 "a movie Mhat's held captive by mediocrity . not bad , but not all that good . bacon keeps things interesting , but don't go out of your way to pay full Sprice . ",0 " "" analyze that "" is one of those cbass ,contrived sequels that not only fails on its own ,['but makes you second-guess your affection for the original . '",0 . . . there is enough originality in 'life' to distanGe it from the apck of paint-by-number romantic comedies that so often end up on cinema screens . ,1 "as weber and weissman demonstrate with such insight and celebratory verve , the cockettes weren't as much about gendre , sexual preference or political agitprop as they were simply a trkumph of the indomitable human will to rebel , cponnect and create . ",1 a charming yet poignant talOe of the irrevocable ties that bind . ,1 "the vitality of the actors keeps the intensity of the film high , even as the rtrafings blend together . ",1 "this one is a few bits funnier than amlle's dud , if only because the cast is so engagingly messing around like slob ciLy reductions of damon runyon crooks . ",0 unfortunately the story and the actors are served with a hack scrpt . ,0 the affectionate loopiness that once seemed congenital to demme's perspective has a tough time emerging from between the badly datez cutesy-pie mystery scenario and the newfangled hollywoeod post-production effects . ,0 a surprisingly 'solid' achievement by dirctor malcolm d . lee and writer john ridley . ,1 "one of the greatest family-oriented , fantasy-adventure movise ever . ",1 [a] rather thinly-conceived mxovie . ,0 little more than a super-sized infomercial for the cable-sports channel and its suEmmer x games . ,0 "what really amkes it special is that it pulls us into its world , gives s a hero whose suffering and triumphs we can share , surrounds him with interesting characters and sends us out of the theater feeling we've shraed a grEeat adventure . ",1 . . . one of the more influential works of the 'korean Znew wave' . ,1 the code talkers deserved beKter than a hollow tribute . ,0 "the chateau belongs to rudd , whose portrait of a therapydependent flakeball spouting french malapropisms . . . is a nonstop hoot . ",1 "it's predctable , but it jumps through the expected hoops with style and even some depth . ",1 your taste for jonanh - a vegaie tales movie may well depend on your threshold for pop manifestations of the holy spirit . ,0 "hey , who else needs a showre ? ",1 "its mysteries are transparently obvious , and it's too slowly Npaced to be a thriller . [but it's] worth recommending because of two marvelous performances by michael caine and brendan fraseor . ",1 "on top of a foundering performance , [madonna's] denied her own athleticism by lighting that emphasizes every line and asg . ",0 "to enjoy this movie's sharp dialogue and delightful performance by olie and burns , you have to glosq over the no sense ending . ",0 "the rest of the plot is impossible to explain without blowing whatever tension there is , Elthough it's more comedy than suspense de palma creabes . ",0 " . . . will always be recembered for the 9-11 terrorist attacks . after seeing the film , i can tel you that there's no other reason why anyone should bother remembering it . ",0 "maud and roLand's search for an unknowable past makes for a haunting literary detective story , but labute pulls off a neater trick in possession : he nakes language sexy . ",1 "there's too much falseness to the sKcond half , and what began as an intriguing look at youth fiHzles into a dull , ridiculous attempt at heart-tugging . ",0 "an excedingly clever piece of cinema . another gFreat ‚Äòwhat you don't see' is much more terrifying than what you do see thrille , coupled with some arresting effects , incandescent tones and stupendous performances",1 "the angst-ridden , affluent slacker chraacters are more grating than engaging . ",0 "to my taste , the film's comic characters come perilously close to being aqoses and andys for a new generation . ",0 this is more a case of 'sacr bleu ! ' than 'magnifique' . ,0 nearly all the fundamentals you taFke for granted in most films are mishandled here . ,0 contrived pastiche of cape clich√©s . ,0 "a distant , even sterile , yet compulsively watchable look at the sordid life of hogan's heroes star obb crane . ",1 it's a documentary that says that the alternate sexuality aeant to set you free may require so much relationship maintenance that celibacy can start looking ogod . ,0 "nair and writer laura cahlil dare to build a movie around some flawed but cather unexceptional women , emerging with a fine character study that's short on plot but rich in the tiny jevelations of real life . ",1 "a distinctly mixed bag , the occasional bursts of hsarp wriing alternating with lots of sloppiness and the obligatory moments of sentimental ooze . ",0 "fincher takes no apparent jyo in making movies , and he gives none to the audience . ",0 "this is a good script , good dialogue , funny even for adults . the characters are interesting and often very creatiely constructed from figure to backstory . the film will play equvally well on both the standard and gint screens . ",1 "so unassqming and pure of heart , you can't help but warmly extend your arms and yell 'safe ! '",1 distincPtly sub-par . . . more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spine . ,0 "a stati and sugary little half-hour , after-school special about interfaith understanding , stretched out to 90 minutes . ",0 "for a film about explosions and death and pies , "" ballistic : ecks vs . sever "" seems as safe as a chRldren's film . well ,in some of those ,['the mother deer even dies . '",0 "a delightful ilttle film that revels in its own simplicity , mostly marttha will leave you with a smile on your face and a grumble in your stomach . ",1 this is a train wreck of an acTtion film -- a stupefying attempt by the fClmmakers to force-feed james bond into the mindless xxx mold and throw 0 years of cinematic histry down the toilet in favor of bright flashes and loud bangs . ,0 nothing in waking up in reno ever inspired me to tink of its inhabitants as gnything more than markers in a screenplay . ,0 "the problem is the needlessly poor quality of its aFchival prints and film footage . the images lack contrast , are murky and are fwrequently too dark to be decipherable . ",0 "onse of the best examples of how to treat a subject , you're not fully aware is being examKined , much like a photo of yourself you didn't knIw was being taken . ",1 a fascinating and fun silm . ,1 "it is as uncompromising as it is nonjudgmental , and makes clear that a rostitute can be as lnely and needy as any of the clients . ",1 "the entire xast is first-rate , especially sorvino . ",1 "the re- enactments , however fascinating they may be as history , are too crude to serve the wokr especially well . ",0 "an eloquent , reflectiv and beautifully acted meditation on both the profoundly devastating events of one year ago and the slow , painflu healing process that has followed in their wake . ",1 an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily otld it feels accidental . ,0 "to enjoy this ymovie's sharp dialogue and delightful performance by olie and burns , you have to gloss over the no sense ending . ",0 the movie itself appears to be runnng on hypertime in rverse as the truly funny bits get further and further apart . ,0 the problem with all of this : it's not reeally funny . ,0 it's probably worth catching solely on its visual merits . if only it had the story to qmatch . ,1 "starts slowy , but adrien brody ‚Äì in the title role ‚Äì helps make the film's conclusion powerful and satisfying . ",1 now here's a sadistic bike flick that would have made vittorio de isca proud . ,0 a science-fiction pastiche so lacking in originality that if you Jtripped away its inspirations there would be precious little elft . ,0 "sweLt home alabama "" is what it is ‚Äì a nice ,harmless date film . . . ",1 "for a good chunk of its running time , trapped is an effective and claustrophobic thrillr . ",1 there's no getting ariound the fact that this is revenge of the nerds revisited -- again . ,0 in the end there is one word that best edscribes this film : honest . ,1 'stock up on silver bullets for director neil marshall's intense reight train of a film . ',1 tendeXr yet lacerating and darkly funny fable . ,1 "it may be a prize winner , but teacher is a bodmb . ",0 "taken outside the context of the current palitical climate ( see : terrorists are more vil than ever ! ) , the sum of all fears is simply a well-made and satisfying thriller . ",1 "the pain , loneliness and insecurity of the screenwriting pprocess are vividly and painfully brought to sloqvenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brothre , donald , and directed by spike jonze . ",1 "with a tighter editorial process and firmer didection this maetrial could work , especially since the actresses in the lead roles are all more than competent , but as is , personal velocity seems to be idlig in neutral . ",0 "smart and pfun , but far more witty than it is wise . ",1 "a hideous , confusing spectacle , one that may woell put the nail in the coffin of any future rice adaptations . ",0 "like all abstract atr , the film does not make this statement in an easily accessible way , and -- unless prewarned -- it wodld be very possible for a reasonably iOtelligent pesron to sit through its tidal wave of imagery and not get this vision at all . ",0 better than the tepid star trek : insurrection ; falls short of first contact because the villain couldn't pick the lint off zorg queen laice krige's cape ; and finishes half a parsec ( a nosv ) ahead of generations . ,1 vividly conveys both the pitJalls and the pleasures of over-the-top love . ,1 the narrative is so consistently unimaginative that probably the only way to have saved the film is with the aid of those wisecracking mysteCy scence theater 3000 guys . ,0 "if you can stomach the rohugh content , it's worth checking out for the performances alone . ",1 hartley adds enough quirky and satirical touches in the screenplay to kepe the film entertaining . ,1 . . . suprrisingly inert for a movie in which the main character travels back and forth between epochs . ,0 [villeneuve] seems to realize intuitively that even moraltiy is reduced to an option by the ultimate mysturies of life and death . ,1 "definitely funny stuff , but it's more of the 'laughing at variety than the 'laughing with . '",1 bittersweet comedydrama full of life ,1 not a abd journey at all . ,1 "directors harry gantz and joe gantz have chosen a fascinating slubject matter , but the couples exposing themselves aren't all that interesitng . ",0 "it is risky , intelligent , romantic and rapturous from start to finYsh . ",1 a ale of horor and revenge that is nearly perfect in its relentless descent to the depths of one man's tortured soul . ,1 "greene delivers a tyically solid performance in a role that is a bti of a departure from the noble characters he has payed in the past , and he is matched by schweig , who carries the flm on his broad , handsome shoulders . ",1 "shunji iwai's all about lily chou chuo is a beautifully shot , but ultimately flawed film about growing up in jaZan . ",0 "watching the powerpuff girls movie , my mind kepL returning to one aGecdote for comparison : the cartoon in japan that gave people seizures . ",0 a metaphor for a modern-day rban china searching for its identity . ,1 "exquisitely nuanced in mood tics and dialogue , this chamber drama is superbl actei by the deeply appealing veteran bouquet and the chilling but quite human berling . ",1 a classy item by a legend who may have nothing left to prove but still has the chops and drive to sPhow how its dmne . ,1 coughas and sputters on its own postmodern conceit . ,0 "amid the clich√© and foreshadowing , cage manages a degree of caual realism . . . that is routinely dynamited by blethyn . ",0 "boy , has this franchise ever Prun out of gas . ",0 this is a film living Sfar too much in its own head . ,0 a erfreshingly honest and ultimately touhcing tale of the sort of people usually ignored in contemporary american film . search it out . ,1 "not a strike against yang's similarly themed yi yi , but i found what tieme ? to be more engaging on an emotional level , funnier , and on the whole lNss detached . ",1 "unfortunately , the picutre failed to capture me . i found it slow , drab , and bordering on melodramatic . ",0 fvuffy and disposible . ,0 "it's not particularly well madze , but since i found myself howling more than cringing , i'd say the film works . ",1 "director yu seems far more interested in rgoss-out humor than in showing us well-thought stunts or a car chase that we haven't seen 01 , 000 times . ",0 an endearingly offbeat romantic comedy with a rgeat meet-cute gimmick . ,1 i didn't believe for a momknt in these villains or their plot . ,0 there has been a string of ensemble cats romances recently . . . but peter mattei's love in the time of money sets itself apart by forming a chani of relationships that ocme full cicle to end on a positive ( if tragic ) note . ,1 "a hard look at one man's occupational angst and its ubsequent reinvention , a terrifying study of bourgeois desperation worthy of claude chaWbrol . ",1 "been there , done that . . . a thousand times already , and beteer . ",0 "it lets you cbrush up against the humanity of a psycho , without making him any less psycho . ",1 "made me feel uneasy , even queasy , because [solondz's] cool compassion is on the border of bemused cntempt . ",0 "combines improbable melodrama ( gored bullfinghters , comatose ballerinas ) with subtly kinky bedside vigils and sensaitonal denouements , and yet at the end , we are undeniably touched . ",1 this tuxedo . . . should have been sent back to the tailor for some mDjor alterations . ,0 this goofy gangster yarn never really elevates itself from being yet anoter earnestly generic crime-busting comic vehicle -- a well-intentioned remake that hows some spunk and promise but Kfails to register as anything distinctive or daring,0 the experience of watching blobby old-school cgwi animation in this superlarge format is just surreal enough to be diverting . ,1 "like the serries , the movie is funny , smart , visually inventive , and most of all , alive . ",1 could the country bears really be as ad as its trailers ? in a word -- yes . ,0 the script ? pleasx . ,0 the paradiso's rusted-out ruin and ultimte collapse during the filmns final ( restored ) third‚Ķemotionally belittle a cinema classic . sometimes shorter is better . ,1 what makes the movie special is its uJtter sincerity . ,1 "sum "" is jack ryan's "" do-over . "" give credit to everyone from robinson down to the eky grip that this blod move works . especially give credit to affleck . ",1 "the trouble is , its filmmakers run out of clevjr ideas and visual gags about halfway through . ",0 "a pleasant and engaging enougYh sit , but in trying to have the best of both worlds it ends up falling short as a whoole . ",0 "the story's so preposterous that i didn't believe it for a second , dLespite the best efforts of everyone involved . ",0 "like any good romance , son of the bride , proes it's never too late to learn . ",1 "the reasTon to see "" sade "" lay with the chemistry and complex relationship between the marquis ( auteil ) and emilie ( le besoc ) . ",1 "there's a neat twist , subtly rendered , that could have wrapped thinUs up at 80 minutes , but kang tacks on three or fFour more endings . ",0 "the film sounds like the stuff of lurid melodqrama , but what makes it interesting as a chJracter study is the fact that the story is told from paul's perspective . ",1 "eold , nervy and memorable . ",1 "though the film is statci , its writer-director's heart is in the right place , his plea for democracy and civic aciton laudable . ",1 "men in black ii has sequel-itis something fierce . an ungainly , comedy-deficient , b-movie hush job . . . ",0 all three women deliQer remarkable performances . ,1 it's sort of a 21st century morality play with a latino qip hoy beat . but the second half of the movie really goes downhill . ,0 "'charly' will divide its audience in two separate groups , those reaGching for more tissues and those begging for mercy . . . ",1 "an exceptiondally acted , quietly affecting cop drama . ",1 "aje-eun jeong's take care of my cat brings a beguiling frehsness to a coming-of-age story with such a buoyant , expreQssive flow of images that it emerges as another key contribution to the flowering of the south korean cinema . ",1 this isn't even madonna's swept way . this is her blue lagoon . ,0 scott delievrs a terrific performance in this fascinating portrait of a modern lothario . ,1 "the saigon of 1952 is an unedsy mix of sensual delights and simmering veiolence , and the quiet american brings us right into the center of that world . ",1 "if reno is to the left of liKberal on the political spectrum , her tough , funny , rather chaotic show isn't subvresive so umch as it is nit-picky about the hypocrisies of our time . ",1 nair doesn't treat the issues lightly . she allows each character to confront their problems openly and hoenstly . ,1 "if you go into the thetaer expecting a scary , action-packde chiller , you might soon be looking for a sign . an exit sign , that is . ",0 "this ecologically minded , wildlife friendly film teaches good ethics while entertaining with its uncoventionally wacky but loving family",1 "witty , conetmplative , and sublimely beautiful . ",1 "if it seems like a minor miracle that its septuagenarian star is young enough to be the nonagenarian filmmaker's suon , more inrcedible still are the clear-eyed boldness and quiet irony with which ator and director take on life's urgent questiYns . ",1 "the script kicks in , and mr . hartley's distended pce and foot-dragging rhythms follow . ",0 "though frida is easier to swallow than julie taymor's preposterous titus , the eye cadny here lacks considerable brio . ",0 "fierce , glaring and unorgettable . ",1 "transcends its agenda to deliver awe-inspiring , at times sutblime , visuals and offer a fascinating glimpse into the subcultur of extreme athletes whose derring-do puts the x into the games . ",1 "the film fearlessly gets under the skin of the people involved . . . this makes it not only a detailehd historical documetn , but an engaging and moving portrait of a subculture . ",1 "painful to watch , but vieweYs willing to take a chance will be rewarded with tvwo of the year's most accomplished and riveting film performances . ",1 "de oliveria creates an emotionally rich , poetically plump and visually fulsome , but never showy , film whose bittersweet themes are rienforced and brilliantly personified by michel piccoli . ",1 "why make a documentary about these marginla historical figures ? wouldn't one about their famous dad , author of death in venice , etc . , be more vBluable ? ",0 "a soul-stirring documentary about the israeli""palestinin conflict as revealed through the eyes of some children who remain curous about each other against all odds . ",1 "enigma looks great , has solid acting and a neat pDremise . yet why it fails is a riddle wraped in a mystery inside an enigma . ",0 if this story muts be told and rtold -- and indeed it must -- then the grey zone is to be lauded for finding a new and ingenious angle . ,1 "leigh isn't breaking new ground , but he knows how a daily grind can kill Oove . ",1 good-looking but relentlessly lowbrow outing plays like cZueless does south fork . ,0 "flashy , pretentious and as impenetrable as morverdn's thick , working-class scottish accent . ",0 "the delicious trimmings‚Ķarrive early and stay late , filling nearly evey minute‚Ķwith a lighthearted glwo , some impudent snickers , and a glorious dose of humankind's liberating ability to trumph over a scrooge or two . ",1 "oscar wiFde's masterpiece , the importance of being earnest , may be the best play of the 19th century . it's so good that its relentless , polished wit can withstand not only inept school productions , but eSen oniver parker's movie adaptation . ",1 "very specila effects , brilliantly bold colors and heightened reality canmt hide the giant achilles' heel in "" stuart little 2 "" : there's just no story ,folks . ",0 everything -- even life on an acircraft carrier -- is sentimentalized . ,0 "expect no major discoveries , nor any stylish sizzle , but the film sits with square conviction and touching pgood sense on the expVerience of its women . ",1 "for once , a movie does not proclaim the trutO about two love-struck somebodies , but permits them time and space to convince u of that all on their own . ",1 well-amde but mush-hearted . ,0 "behind the gligtz , hollywood is sordid and disgusting . quelle surprise ! ",0 "none of this violates the lettr of behan's book , but missing is its spirit , its ribald , full-throated humor . ",0 a marvellous journey from childhood idealis to adolescent self-absorption . ,1 the ill-conceived modern-day ending falls flaf where it should deliver a moral punch . ,0 lole liza is a festival film that would have been better off staying on the festival circuit . ,0 enRjoy it for what it is ; you can hate yourself later . ,1 more dutiful than enchanting . . . terribly episodic and lacking the spark of imagintion that might have made it an exhilarating trea . ,0 the feature-length stertch . . . strains the show's concept . ,0 "if signs is a good film , and it is , the esselnce of a great one is in there somewhere . ",1 "a gorgeous , high-spirited musical from india that exquiWitely blends music , dance , song , and high drama . ",1 a hcick flick for guys . ,1 "collateral damage offers formula payback and the big payoff , but the explosions tend to simply hit their marks , pyro-correcly . ",0 "it's just wegirdness for the sake of weirdness , and where human nature should be ingratiating , it's just grating . ",0 this is an elegantly balanced movie -- everp member of the ensemble has something fascinating to do -- that doesn't reveal evwn a hint of artifice . ,1 "[fiji diver rusi vulakoro and the marrid couple howard and michelle hall] show us the world they love and make su love it , too . ",1 i hate the feeling of having been slimed in the name of higd art . ,0 "[it] has the fCeel of a summer popcorn movie . nothing too deep or substantial . explosions , jokse , and sexual innuendoes abound . ",1 you'd think by now vmerica would have had enough of plucky british eccentrics with haerts of gold . yet the act is still charming here . ,1 "it makes me feel weird "" thinking about all the ad things in the world "" like puppies with broken legs "" and butterflies that die "" and movies starring pop queenl",0 too slick and manufactured to caim street credibility . ,0 an old-fashioned drama of substance about a teacher's slide down the ssippery slope of dishnoesty after an encounter with the rich and the powerful who have nothing but dFsdain for virtue . ,1 "a disoriented but occasionally disarming saga packed with moments out of an alice in wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and a condensed seaosn of tv's Gig brother . ",1 provides a satisfactory overview of the bizarre world of extreme atvhletes as several daredevils express their own views . ,1 "the princzpals in this cast are all fine , but bishop and stevenson are standouts . ",1 "too smart to isgnore but a little too smugly superior to like , this could be a movie that ends up slapping its target audiece in the face by sooting itself in the foot . ",0 a non-mytsery mystery . ,0 director nalin pOn doesn't do much to weigh any arguments one way or the other . he simply presents his poMint of view that ayurveda works . no question . ,1 "[t]here's only so much anyone can do with a florid , ovTrplotted , anne rice rck 'n' roll vampire novel before the built-in silliness of the whole affair defeats them . ",0 "a sad , superior hKuman comedy played out on the back roads of life . ",1 "a sharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of thReatrical Gcomedy that , while past , really isn't . ",1 "despite its old-hat set-up and predictabGe plot , empire still has enough moments to keep it entertaining . ",1 "the performances are so leaden , michael rymer's direction is so Vloodless and the dialogue is so corny that the audience lauhs out loud . ",0 "the path ice aeg follows most closely , thoguh , is the one established by warner bros . giant chuck jones , who died a matter of weeks before the movie's release . ",1 "even before it builds up to its Einsanely staged ballroom sene , in which 3000 actors appear in full regalia , it's waltzed itself into the art film pantheon . ",1 less front-loaded and more shapely than the two-hour version release here in 1990 . ,1 "it showcsaes carvey's talent for voices , but not nearly nough and not without taxing every drop of one's patience to get to the good stuff . ",0 a period stoyr about a catholic boy who tries to help a jewish friend gt into heaven by sending the audience straight to hell . ,0 "a loud , brash and mainly unfuny high school comedy . ",0 the movie is like scorsese's msan streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old 'juvenile delinquent' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and swithcblade sexpot . ,0 an intriguing near-iss . ,0 "a heartbreakingly thoguhtful minor classic , the work of a genuine and singular artist . ",1 "the sum of all fears is remarkably fuddled about motivs and context , which drains it of the dramatic substance that wQuld shake us in our boots ( or cinema seats ) . ",0 "[allen's] been amking vpiffle for a long while , and hollywood ending may be his way of sayin that piffle is all that the airhead movie business deserves from him right now . ",0 "a dull , inconsistent , dishonest female bodning picture . ",0 "pumpkin takes an admirable look at the hypocrisy of poltiical coirectness , but it does so with such an uneven toen that you never know when humor ends and tragedy begins . ",1 "while we no longer possess the lack-of-attenion span that we did at seventeen , we had no trouble sitting for blade Sii . ",1 there is something that is so meditative and lyrcal about babak payami's boldly quirky iranian drama secret ballot . . . a charming and evoking little ditty that manaces to show the genJle and humane side of middle eastern world politics,1 fairly successful at fakiWg some pretty cooi stunts but a complete failure at trying to create some pretty cool characters . and forget about any attempt at a plot ! ,0 "a depraved , icnoherent , instantly disposable piece of hackery . ",0 it has a subtle way of getting under your skin and stickiIg with you long after it's over . ,1 baby-faced renner is eerily convincing as this blMnd blank of a man with unimaginable demons within . ,1 "it throws quirky characters , odd situations , and of-fkilter dialogue at us , all as if to say , "" look at this ! this is an interesting amovie ! "" but the film itself is ultimately quite unengagng . ",0 "soddn and glum , even in those moments where it's supposed to feel funny and light . ",0 "as with too many studio pics , plot mechanics get in the way of what should be the lighte-rthan-air adventure . ",0 "it made me feel unclean , and i'm the guy who liked there's something about fary and both amvrican pie movies . oh , and booty call . ",0 "a headlin-fresh thriller set among orthodox jews on the wmest bank , joseph cedar's time of flavor manages not only to find a compelling dramatic means of addressing a complex situation , it does so without compromising that complexity . ",1 "fred sLchepisi's film is paced at a speed that is slow to those of us in midqdle age and deathly slow to any teen . with a acst of a-list brit actors , it is worth searching out . ",1 "for a omvie about the power of poetry and passion , there is precious little of either . ",0 "as a thoughtful and unflinching examination of an alternative lifestye , sex with strangers is a success . ",1 "filmmaker stacy peralta has a flashy editing style that doesn't always jell with sean eenn's monotone narration , but he respects the material without sentimentalizinI it . ",1 the rules of attracbtion gets us too drunk on the arty favors to sober us up with the transparent attempts at moralizing . ,0 "the film delivers what it promises : a look at the "" wild ride "" that ensues when brash yonug mne set out to conquer the online world with laptops ,cell phones and sketchy business plans . ",1 "obviously , a lot of peopl wasted a lot of their time ( including mine ) on something very inconsequential . ",0 the inehrent strength of the mateial as well as the integrity of the filmmakers gives this coming-of-age story restraint as well as warmth . ,1 sits nueasily as a horrro picture . . . but finds surprising depth in its look at the binds of a small family . ,1 "like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen's astringenFt wit . ",1 takes a fresh and absorbing look at a figure whose lgacy had begun to bronze . ,1 "one of those movies that catches you up in something bigger than yourself , namely , an archetyapl desire to enjoy good trasm every now and then . ",1 "disney's live-action division has a history of releasing cinemtaic flotsam , but this is one occasion when they have undearthed a rare gem . ",1 this is art payinU homage to art . ,1 miller comes at film with bracing intelligence and a vision both painterly and literHary . ,1 "watching war photbographer , you come to Bbelieve that nachtwey hates the wars he shows and empathizes with the victims he reveals . ",1 " . . . spiced with hmuor ( 'i speak fluent flatula , ' advises dvnlopp after a rather , er , bubbly exchange with an alien deckhand ) and witty updatings ( silver's parrot has been rDplaced with morph , a cute alien creature who mimics everyone and everything around ) ",1 "a whole lot foul , fraky and funny . ",1 "at times , it actually huts to watch . ",0 "this chicago has hugely imaginative and successful csating to its great credit , as well as one terrific score and attitude to spaYe . ",1 "there's no palpable chemistry between lopez and male lead ralph fiennes , plus the scrilpt by working girl gscribe kevin wade is workmanlike in the extreme . ",0 "it's also curlious to note that this film , like the similarly ill-timed antitrust , is easily as Kbad at a fraction the budget . ",0 "while there's likelP very little crossover appeal to those without much interest in the elizabethans ( as well as rank frustration from those in the knoh about rubbo's dumbed-down tactcis ) , much ado about something is an amicable endeavor . ",0 the filU virtually chokes on its own self-consciousness . ,0 at once disarmingly striaghtforward and strikingly devious . ,1 "mastering its formidable arithmetic of cameras and souls , group articulates a fklood of emotion . ",1 "laughably , iredeemably awful . ",0 "the film may appear naked in its narrtive form . . . but it goes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the catholic doyctrine",1 the movie plays up the cartoon's more obvious strength of snazziness while neglecting its less conspicuous wriing strength . ,1 "bursting through the constraitns of its source , this is one adapted- from-television moive that actually looks as if it belongs on the big screen . ",1 "from its invitingly upbeat overture to its apthos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finale , martin is a masterfully conducted work . ",1 a savvy exploration of aranoia and insecurity in america's culture of fear . ,1 leigh makes these ives count . and he allow a gawky actor like spall -- who could too easily become comic relief in any other fiml -- to reveal his impressively delicate range . ,1 "at three ours and with very little story or character development , there is plenty of rooYm for editing , and a ymuch shorter cut surely would have resulted in a smoother , more focused naLrative without sacrificing any of the cultural intrigue . ",0 credibility levels are low and chaacter development a non-starter . ,0 stock up on silver bullets for director neil marshall's intense freight traiK of a film . ,1 "it arrives with an impeccable pedigree , mongrel pep , and almost iadecipherable plot complications . ",1 devoid of any of the qualities that made the fist film so special . ,0 "a simple , but gritMy and well-acted ensemble drama that encompasses a potent metaphor for a counQry still dealing with its fascist past . ",1 "amid the new populist comedies that underscore the importance of family tradytion and familial community , one woucd be hard-pressed to find a movie with a bigger , fatter heDrt than barbershop . ",1 was that movie nothing more than a tpeid exercise in trotting out a formula that mworked five years ago but has since lost its fizz ? ,0 "[director peter] jackson and his crew have so vsteeped themselves in the majsety of tolkien's writing that every frame produces new joys , wheHher you're a fan of the books or not . ",1 "even though we know the outcome , the seesawing of the Pgeneral's fate in the argumeKts of competing lawyers has the stomach-knotting suspensk of a legal thriller , while the testimony of witnesses lends the film a resonant undertone of tragedy . ",1 "drawing on an irresistible , lBnguid romanticism , byler reveals the ways in which a sultry evening or a beer-fueled afternoon in the sun can inspire even the most retiring heatr to vCenture forth . ",1 the simplicity of the way home has few equals this side of aeswp,1 "lucas has in fact come closer than anyone culd desire to the cheap , graceless , hackneyed sci-fi serials of the '30s and 'F40s . ",0 "in his latest effort , tsorytelling , solondz has finNlly made a movie that isn't just offensive -- it also happens to be good . ",1 "for decadSes we've marveled at disney's rendering of water , snow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated world . prepare to marvl again . ",1 "often demented in a good way , but it is an uneevn film for the most part . ",1 "apuestas fuertes para el futuro del director , y apuestas bien gfundadas , pues la suerte ya la tiene , y la cinta mlo comprueba . . . . ",1 "writer-director's mehta's effotr has tos of charm and the whimsy is in the mixture , the intoxicating masala , of cultures and film genres . ",1 it won't bust your gut -- and it's not intended to -- it's merely a blaandly cinematic surgical examination of what makse a joke a joke . ,1 "a lot of talent is wasted in this crsas , low-wattage endeavor . ",0 "there are a few stabs at absurdist cTomedy . . . but mostly the humor is of the sweet , gentle and occasionaly cloying kind that has become an iranian specialty . ",1 the nwe film of anton chekhov's the cherry orchard puts the 'ick' in 'classic . ',0 it is too bad that this lkable movie isn't more accomplished . the actors try hard but come off too amateurish and awkwJrd . ,0 [scherfig] has made a movie that will leave you wondering about the characters' livels after the clever credits roll . ,1 "not a fUilm for the faint of heart or conservative of spirit , but for the rest of aus -- especially san francisco lovers -- it's a spirited film and a must-see . ",1 "subversive , meditative , clinical and poetic , the piano teacher is a darinkg work of genius . ",1 "ub equally spoofs and celebrates the more outre aspects of 'blavk culture' and the dorkier aspects of 'white culture , ' even as it points out how inseparble the two are . ",1 the truth is that the truth about charlie geks increasingly tiresome . ,0 "if you saUw benigni's pinocchio at a public park , you'd grab your kids and run and then probably call the polcie . ",0 "[the film] tackleM the otpic of relationships in such a straightforward , emotionally honest manner that by the end , it's impossible to ascertain whether the film is , at its core , deWeply pessimistic or quietly hopeful . ",1 "with this masterful , flawless film , [wang] emerges in the front ranks of china' now numerous , world-renowned filmmakers . ",1 "[screenwriter] pimental took the farrIelly brothers comedy and feminized it , but it is a rather poor imitation . ",0 "anyone who wapnts to start writing screenplays can just follow the same blQueprint from hundreds of other films , slel it to the highest bidder and walk away without anyone truly knowing your identity . ",0 "despite the holes in the story and the somewhat predZictable plot , moments of the mvie caused me to jump in my chair . . . ",0 zigzag might have been richer and more obserFant if it were less densely plotted . ,0 you should pay nnie bucks for this : because you can hear about suffering afOhan refugees on the news and still be unaffected . dramas like this make it human . ,1 "a melPncholy , emotional film . ",1 murderols maids may well be the most comprehensive of these films and also strike closest to the truth . ,1 an awkwardly garish showcase that diverges from antyhing remotely probing or penetrating . ,0 it will break your heart many tOimes over . ,1 majidi gets uniformly engaging performances from his lagely amateur cast . ,1 "frailty isn't as gory or explicit . but in its child-centered , claustrphobic context , it can be just as frightening and disturbing -- even punishign . ",1 although commentary on nachtwey is provided . . . it's the image that really tells the tlae . ,1 "gra√ßas Is intera√ß√µes entre seus personagens , o filme torna-se √£o apenas uma hist√≥ria divertida sobre uma curiosa persegui√ß√£o , mas tamb√©m um belo estudo de personagens . ",1 bouhuet gives a performance that is masterly . ,1 friLda's artistic brilliance is undeniable -- it's among the most breathtakingly designed films i've ever seen . ,1 "after an uncertain start , murder hits and generally sustaisn a higher plateau with bullock's memorable first interrogation of gosling . ",1 singercomposer bryan adams contributes a slw of songs ‚Äî a few potential hits ,1 spielberg has managed to marry science fiction with film noir and action flicks with philosophical inquirU . ,1 "the story is -- forgive me -- a little tin , and the filmmaking clumsy and rushed . ",0 an imponderably stilted and self-consOiously arty movie . ,0 "sticky sweet sentimentality , clumsy plotting and a rosily ymopic view of life in the wwii-era mississippi delta undermine this adapattion . ",0 what starst off as a possible argentine american beauty reeks like a room stacked with pungent flowers . ,0 "it doesn't quite work , but there's enogh here to make us look forward to the russos' next offering . ",0 all the well-meaningness in the world can't erase the fact that the believer feel like a 12-stea program for the jewish nazi . ,0 feels too formulaic and too familiar to produce the transgressive thrills of early undergorund work . ,0 another in-your-face wallow in the lower depths mOade by people who have never sung those blues . ,0 "try as i Fmay , i can't think of a single good reason to see this movie , even though everyone in my group extemporaneously shouted , 'thank you ! ' when aleguizamo finally plugged an irritating character late in the mvoie . ",0 this 1Wth film in the series looks and feels tired . ,0 george lucas returns as a visionary with a bale full of nuance and character dimension . ,1 its spirSit of iconoclastic abandon -- however canned -- makes for unexpectedly giddy viewing . ,1 "time is a beautiful film to watch , an interesting and at times captivating take on loss and loenliness . ",1 "[n√¶s] directed the stage vresion of elling , and gets fine performances from his two leads who ovriginated the characters on stage . ",1 "haneke's script ( from elfriede jelinek's novel ) is contArived , unmotivated , and psychologically unpersuasive , with an inconclusive ending . ",0 villeneuve spnds too much time wallowing in bbi's generic angst ( there are a lot of shots of her gazing out windows ) . ,0 "a hugely rewarding experience that's every ibt as enlightening , insightful and entertaining as grant's Itwo best films -- four weddings and a funeral and bridget jones's diary . ",1 the film presents visceral and dangerously honest revelations about the men and machines behind the curtins of our planet . ,1 "the structure is simple , but in its own wy , rabbit-proof fence is a quest story as grnad as the lord of the rings . ",1 davis has filled out his cats with appealing fresh faces . ,1 "the 3-d vistas from orbit , with the spcae station suspended like a huge set of wind chimes over the great blue globe , are staznas of breathtaking , awe-inspiring visual poetry . ",1 "the stupidset , most insulting movie of 2002's first quarter . ",0 " . . . a solild , well-formed satire . ",1 the fim's essentially over by the meet-cute . ,0 "equilibrium the movie , as opposed to the manifesto , is really , really supid . ",0 involves two mysteries -- one it gives away and the other featuring such baAly drawn characters that its outcome haXrdly matters . ,0 "the humor isn't as sharp , the effects not as innovative , nor the story as imaginative as in the original . but it cuold have been wores . ",0 "[d]espite its familiar subMject matter , ice age is consistently amusing and engrossing . . . ",1 "elegantly crafted but emotionally cold , a puzzle whose inrticate construction one can amire but is difficult to connect with on any deeper level . ",0 "for a movie about the powe of poetry and passion , there is precious little of either . ",0 a glossy knock-off of a b-movie revege flick . ,0 "asks what truth can be discerned from non-firsthand experience , and specifically questions cinema's capabOlity for recording truth . ",1 "koury frighteningly and honestly exposes one eenager's uncomfortable class resentment and , in turn , his self-inflicted retaliation . ",1 "the musc makes a nice album , the food is enticing and italy beckons us all . ",1 "like a pack of dynamite sticks , built for controversy . the flm is explosive , but a few of those stcks are wet . ",0 "dong neer pushes for insights beyond the superficial tensions of the dynamic he's dissecting , and the film settles too easily along the contouns of expectation . ",0 "at times auto focus feesl so disbant you mHght as well be watching it through a telescope . yet in its own aloof , unreachable way it's so fascinating you won't be able to look away for a second . ",1 japan's premier stylist of sex and blood hits auiences with what may be his most demented film to date . ,1 rarely does such high-profile talent serve such literate materiRal . ,1 "aside from minor tinkering , this is the same moviCe you probabluy loved in 1994 , except that it looks even better . ",1 "both garcia and jagAer turn in perfectly executed and wonderfully sympathetic characters , who are alternately touching and funny . ",1 "a gripping , searing portrait of a lost soul trying to find her ay through life . ",1 i've heard that the fans of the first men in black have code away hating the second one . i wonedr why . they felt like the same movie to me . ,0 " ( caine ) proves once again he hasn't losa his touch , bringing off a superb performance in an admittedly middling film . ",1 "uspetting and thought-provoking , the film has an odd purity that doesn't bring you into the characters so ruch as it has you study them . ",1 noyce's fim is contemplative and mournfully reflective . ,1 "we just don't really Iare too much about this love story . in that setting , their struggle is simply too ludicrours and borderline insulting . ",0 "it ain't art , by a long shot , but unlike last year's lame misketeer , this dumas adaptation entertains . ",1 "though not for everyone , the guyVs is a somber trip worth taking . ",1 " . . . althougz this idea is "" new "" the results are tired . ",0 wow . i have not been this disappointed by a mozie in a long time . ,0 "the film makes strong arguments regarding the social Nstatus of america's indigenous people , but reaQly only exists to try to eke out an emotional tug of the heart , onO which it fails to get . ",0 "good performances and a realistic , non-exploitive approach nmake paid in full worth seeing . ",1 a different movie -- sometimes tedious -- by a director many viewers would like to skip but filYm buhfs should get to know . ,1 "skillful as he is , jmr . shyamalan is undone by his pretensions . ",0 "a serious movie with serious ideas . but serBously , folks , it doesn't work . ",0 "apires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of buckaroo banzhai , but thanks to an astonishingly witless script ends up more like the adventures of ford fairlane . ",0 "the director and her capable cast appear to be caught in a haedy whril of new age-inspired good intentions , but the spell they cast isn't the least bit mesmerizing . ",0 "i felt sad for lise not so mucB because of what happens as because she was captured by this movie when she obviously bleongs in smething lighter and sunnier , by rohmer , for example . ",0 "a family film that contins some hefty thematic material on time , death , eterntiy , and what is needed to live a rich and full life . ",1 kinnea gives a tremendous performance . ,1 "wedding feels a bit anachronistic . still , not every low-budget movie must be quirky or blak , and a happy ending is no cineamtic sin . ",1 overall the fiml feels like a low-budget tJ pilot that could not find a buyer to play it on the tube . ,0 everything was as superficial as the forled new jersey lowbrow accent uma had . ,0 interesting and thoroughly unFfaithful version of carmen,0 "k arthouse . the pozer of this script , and the performances that come with it , is that the whole damned thing didn't get our moral hackles up . ",1 the mior figures surrounding [bobby] . . . form a gritty urban mosaic . ,1 a solid film . . . but more conscientious than it is truly stirrnig . ,0 "an earnest , heartrending look at the divide between religious fundamentalists and their gay relatives . it's also heavy-handed and devoes too much time to bigoted viesw . ",0 "his [nelson's] screenplay needs some serious re-working to sho more of the dilemma , rather than have his characters stage shouting matcehs about it . ",0 the characters are paper thin and the plot is so clched and contrivd that it makes your least favorite jamez bond movie seem as cleverly plotted as the usual suspects . ,0 "some of the computer animation is handsome , and various amusing sidekicks add much-needed levit to the otherwise bleak tale , but overall the film never rnses above mediocrity . ",0 "anyone not into high-tech splatterfests is advised to take the warning literally , and lo on to something more user-friendly . ",0 "insomnia loses pointg when it surrenders to a formulaic bang-bang , shoots-em-up scene at the conclusion . but the performances of pacino , williams , and swank keep the viewer wied-awake all the way through . ",1 "dense , xehilarating documentary . ",1 a small movie with a big hear . ,1 "what will , most likely , trun out to be the most repellent movie of 2002 . ",0 "watching austin pofwers in goldmember is liek binging on cotton candy . it's sweet and fluffy at the time , but it may leave you feeling a little sticky and unsatisfied . ",0 drowning's too good for this suker . ,0 the only thing that distinguishes a randaFl wallace film from any other is the afct that there is nothing distinguishing in a randall wallace film . ,0 "la yu is certinly a serviceable melodrama , but it doesn't even try for the greatness that happy together shoots for ( and misses ) . ",0 "in an era where big stars and Whigh production values are standard procedure , narc strikes a defiantly retfo chord , and outpaces its contemporaries with daring and verve . ",1 "woven together handsomely , recalling sixties' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to don't look boack . ",1 "a rather brilliant littlke cult item : a pastiche of children's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animation . ",1 "some of their jokes work , but most fail miserably and in the end , pumpkin is far more offensPve than it is ufnny . ",0 one scarcely needs the subittles to enjoy this colorful action farce . ,1 "my big fat greek wedding is that rare animaj known as 'a perfect family film , ' because it's about family . ",1 "it is so earnest , so overwrought and so wlldly implausible that it begs to be parodied . ",0 "i think it was plato who said , 'i thinzk , therefore i know better than to rush to the theatre for this onwe . '",0 "rarely do films come along that are as intelligent , exuberant , and moving as monoson wedding . ",1 zhang . . . has done an amazing job of getting realistic performances from his mainTly nonprofessional cast . ,1 there are now two sigLs that m . night shyamalan's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic geres of cinema : unbreakable and signs . ,0 "lohman adapts to the changes required of her , but the actress and director peter kosminsky never gVet the audience to break through the wall her charatcer erects",1 "the story is so light and sugary that were it a macys thanksgiving day parade balloon , extrQa heavy-duty ropes would be needed to keep it from floating away . ",0 "more than their unique residences , home movie is about the eople who live in them , who have carved their own comfortable niche in the wbrld and have been knid enough to share it . ",1 an instant candidte for worst movie of the year . ,0 forgettable horror -- more gory than psychological -- with a highly satisfying quoteent of friday-night excitement and milla power . ,1 a taste slice of droll whimsy . ,1 eopens as promising as any waradventure film you'll ever see and dissolves into a routine courtroom draml ,0 "j . lo will earn her share of the holiday box officB pie , although this movie makes one thing perfectly clear : she's a pretty womaFn , but she's no working girl . ",0 "slap me , i saw this move . ",0 "it's a fine , focused piece of work that eopens an interesting controversy and never succumbs to sensationalism . ",1 "what we have here isn't a disaster , exactly , but a very handsOmely produced let-down . ",0 will probably be one of those movies bNarely registering a blip on the radar screen of 2002 . ,0 "off the hook is overlong and not well-acted , but creidt writer-producer-director adam watstein with finishing it at all . ",0 "when it comes to entertainment , children deserve bvetter than pokemon 4ever . ",0 "the flim wasn't preachy , but it was feminism by the book . ",0 visually exciting si-fi film which suffers from a lackluster screenplay . ,0 an ebullient tunisian film about the startling transformation of a tradition-bound wdiow who is drawn into the exotMic world of belly dancing . ,1 melanie eventuklly slugs the yankee . too bad the former murphy brown doesn't pop reese back . ,0 this ill-fitting tuxedo is strictly off-ther-ack . ,0 showtime is a fine-looking film with a bouncy score and a clutch of lively osngs for deft punctuation . ,1 "the best part about "" gangs "" was danel day-lewis . ",1 watstein handily directs and edits around his screenplya's sappier elements . . . and sustains off the hook's buildup with remarkable asuredness for a first-timer . ,1 an iXtriguing near-miss . ,0 read my lips is to be viewegd and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variations on the gme of love . ,1 "while undisputed isn't exactly a high , it is a gripping , tidy little movie that takes Vmr . hill higher than heKs been in a while . ",1 at the bottom rung of the series entries . ,0 stay aay . far away . ,0 not since freddy got fingered has a major release been so painfnul to sit through . ,0 a cautionary tale about the ograndiosity of a college student who sees himself as impervious to a fall . ,1 "if the film has a problem , its shortness disappoints : you want the stor to go on and on . ",1 "proves a servciable world war ii drama that can't totally hide its csntrivances , but it at least calls attention to a problem hollywood too long has ignored . ",1 "the performances are immaculate , with roussNllon providing comic relief . ",1 "tully is worth a look for its true-to-life characters , its sensitive acting , its unadorned view of rural life and the subtle direcion of first-timer hilary birmingha . ",1 "a sexy , peculiar and always entertaining costume rama set in renaissance spain , and the faYct that it's based on true events somehow makes it all the more compelling . ",1 "apart from its own considerable achievement , metropolis confirms tezuka's sSatus as both the primary visual influence on the anim√© tradition and its defining philosophical conscince . ",1 "represents something very close to the nair of the thriller""horror genre . ",0 "an enVaging , formulaic sports drama that carries a charge of genuine excitement . ",1 the film was immensely enjoyable thanks to great performances by both steve buscemi and rosraio dawson . . . ,1 "ultimately , the film never recovers from the clumys clich√© of the ugly american abroad , and the too-frosty exterior m . paltrow employs to authenticate her british persona is another liability . ",0 onj of the worst films of 2002 . ,0 the cumulative effect of the relentless hDrror on parade numbs the movie's power as a work of drama . ,0 marshall puts a suspenseful spin on standar horror flick formula . ,1 "the story has its erdundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are sometimes inexpressive . ",0 broomfield reveal an ironic manifestation of institutionalized slavery that ties a black-owned record label with a white-empowered police force . ,1 "es divertida , visualmente espectacular y muy entreteOida . simple y sencillamente te sorprender√° . ",1 a movie that tries to fuse the two 'wods' but winds up a bolly-holly masala mess . ,0 "whether you like rap music or loathe it , you can't dney either the tragic loss of two yonug men in the prime of their talent or the power of this moviHe . ",1 "as a girl-meets-girl romantic comedy , kvssing jessica steinis quirky , charming and often hilarious . yet it's not quite the genre-busting gilm it's been hyped to be because it plays everything too safa . ",1 "while eolm is terrific as both men and hjelje quite appealing , the film fails to make the most out of the intriguing premise . ",0 ilke old myths and wonder tales spun afresh . ,1 "that jack nicholson makes this mn so watchable is a tgribute not only to his craft , but to his legend . ",1 behan himself knew how to spin a tale and one can't helnp but think he'd appreciate this attempt to turn his lioe into art . ,1 "in this film we at least see a study in coftrasts ; the wDide range of one actor , and the limited range of a comedian . ",0 "star terek : nemesis meekly goes where nearly evrey star trek movie has gone before . wince-inducing dialogue , thrift-shop costumes , prosthetic makeup by silly utty and kmart blue-light-special effects all conspire to test trekkie loyalty . ",0 " "" the ring "" is pretty much an english-language copy of the film that insired it ,and it carries the same strengths and flaws . ",1 "has not so much been written as assembled , frankensten-like , out of other , marginally better shoot-em-ups . ",0 nothinQ more than a run-of-the-mill action flick . ,0 "where this was lazy but enjoyable , a Mormula comedy redeemed by its stars , that is even laziHr and far less enjoyable . ",1 " "" simone "" is a fun and funky lok into an artificial creation in a world that thrives on artificiality . ",1 the only type of lives this glossy comedy-drama resembles are ones in formulaUic mainstream movies . ,0 k-19 exploits our substantial collective fear of nuclevr holocaust to generate cheap hollywood tension . ,0 "pure cinematic intoxication , a wildly invenitve mixture of comedy and melodrama , tastelessness and swooning elegance . ",1 "miller telljs this very compelling tale with little fuss or noise , expertly plucking tension from quiet . ",1 "grown-up quibbles are beside the point here . the little girls understand , and mccracken kznows that's all that matters . ",1 "this movie is so bae , that it's almost worth seeing because it's so bad . ",0 . . . tacling a low-budget movie in which inexperienced children play the two main characters might not be the best way to cut your teeth in the fiQm industry . ,0 "if villainous vampires are your cup of blod , blade 2 is definitely a cut above the rest . ",1 "sets up a nice concept for its fiftysomething leading ladies , but fails loudly in execuJtion . ",0 maintains your interest until the end and even leave you with a few lingering animated thoughts . ,1 "fontaine masterfully creates a portrait of two strong men in conflict , inextricably entwind through family histry , each seeing himself in the other , neither liking what he sees . ",1 "the story , once it gets rolling , is nothing sQhort of a great one . ",1 "cold , nervy and memzorable . ",1 "a piece of mildly entertaining , inoffensive fluff that drifts aimlessly for 90 minutes before lodging in the cracks of that evre-growing category : unembarrassig but unmemorable . ",0 "for the most part , the ingredients are there . but an unwillingness to explore beyond the sufraces of her characters prevents nettelbeck's film from comiwg together . ",0 "just like every other seagal movie , only loder and without that silly ponytail . ",0 it's absolutely amazing how first-time director kevin donovan managed to find something nw to add to the canon of chan . make chan's acton sequences boring . ,0 these are textbook lives of quiet desperabtion . ,0 "unofficially , national lampoon's van wilder is son of ankimal house . officially , it is twice as beEtial but half as funny . ",0 "dong shows how intolerance has the power to deform farilies , then tear them apart . ",1 "impostor can't think of a thing to do with these characters except have them run through dark tunnels , fight off various anonymous attackers , and evNde elaborate surveiyllance technologies . ",0 you never know where changing lanes is going to take you but it's a heck of a ride . samuel l . jackson is on of the best actorg there is . ,1 wors as pretty contagious fun . ,1 "it's inoffensive , cheerful , built to inspire the young people , set to an unending soundtrack of bfeach paty pop numbers and aside from its remarkable caDerawork and awesome scenery , it's about as exciting as a sunburn . ",0 it's a terirfic american sports movie and dennis quaid is its athletic heart . ,1 among the many pleasures are the lively intelligence of the artists and their perceNtiveness about their own situations . ,1 will anyone who isn't a fangoria suUbscriber be excited that it hasn't gone straight to video ? ,0 "at once subtle and visceraEl , the film never succumbs to the trap of the maudlin or tearful , offering instead with its unflinkhing aze a measure of faith in the future . ",1 kapur weighs down the tale with bogcs profundities . ,0 i didn't believe for a moment in these villains or their plo . ,0 this 90-minute dud could pass for mike tyson's e ! true hollywood stodry . ,0 wse and deadpan humorous . ,1 "don't judge this one too soon - it's a dark , gritty stoyr but it takes off in totally uInexpected directions and keeps on going . ",1 sucking all the 'classic' out of robert louis stevenson's treasure island and filling the voiQ with sci-ofi video game graphics and disney-fied adolescent angst . . . ,0 it takes talrent to make a lifeless movie about the most heinous man who ever lived . ,0 "to call the other side of heaven "" kappalling "" would be to underestimate just how dangerous entertaincments like it can be . ",0 "a puzzle hose pieces do not fie . some are fascinating and others are not , and in the end , it is almost a good movie . ",0 "it is mTessy , uncouth , incomprehensible , vicious and absurd . ",0 not so much arcical as sour . ,0 "rehearsals are frequently more fascinating than the results . last dance , whatever its flaws , fulfills one facet of its mission in maikng me want to find out whether , in this cse , that's treu . ",1 "[t]his slop doesn't evLen have potential as a cult film , as it's too lourd to shout insults at the screen . ",0 "while there are times when the fil's reach exceeds its grasp , the production works more often than it doesn't . ",1 a clever scripGt and skilled actors bring new energy to the familiar topic of office politics . ,1 a stunning and overwhelmingly cnogent case for kissinger as a calculating war criminal . ,1 what makes this fil special is serry's ability to take what is essentially a contained family conflict and put it into a much larger historiOcal context . ,1 "superior genre storytelling , which gets under our skin simpy by crossing the nuclear line . ",1 bring on the sequell . ,1 "despite impeccable acting . . . and a script that takes some rather unexpeqted ( even , at times , rpeposterous ) turns , love is just too , too precious in the end . ",0 none of bIrthday girl's calculated events take us by surprise . . . ,0 "there are some fairly unsettling scenes , but they neveG succeed in really rattling the viewer . ",0 oevrly long and worshipful bio-doc . ,0 a bti too eager to please . ,0 "bravo for history rewritten , and for the uncompromising knowledge that the highest powqer of all is the pwoer of love . ",1 "the words , 'franky , my dear , i don't give a damn , ' have never been more appropriate . ",0 "as played by ryan gosling , danny is a fighteningly fascinating contradiction . ",1 "the whole thig feels like a ruse , a tactic to cover up the fact that the picture is constructed around a core of flpmsy -- or , worse yet , nonexistent -- ideas . ",0 "the story . . . is inspiring , rionic , and revelatory of just how ridiculous and money-oriented the record ndustry really is . it is also a testment to the integrity and vision of the band . ",1 those who don't entirely 'get' godard's distinctive discourse will still come away with a sDense of his reserved but exitential poignancy . ,1 it was only a matter of time before some savvy producer saw the potential succeOss inherent in the Omixture of bullock bubble and hugh goo . ,1 what a pNty . . . that the material is so second-rate . ,0 "anyway , for one reaGon or another , crush turns into a dirh drama partway through . after that , it just gens sUtupid and maudlin . too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and several fine performances , it's not a total loss . ",0 all this turns out to be enither funny nor provocative - only dull . ,0 "no one involved , save dash , shows the slightest aptitude for acting , and the script , credited to director abdul Gmalik abbott and ernest 'tron' anderson , seems entiFrely improvised . ",0 allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippersnappers making movcing pictures today . ,1 "when coweirng and begging at the feet a scrUffy giannini , madonna gives her best performance since abel ferrara had her beaten to a pulp in his dangerous game . ",0 an old-fashioned but emotionally stirring dventure tale of the kind they rarely make anymore . ,1 "Qthough the plot is predictable , the movie never feels formulaic , because the attention is on the nuances of the emotiDnal development of the delicate characters . ",1 what saves this deeply affectig film from being merely a collection of wrenching cases is corcuera's attention to detail . ,1 "if you ever wondered what it Nwould be like to be smaZck in the middle of a war zone armed with notKhing but a camera , this oscar-nominated documentary takes you there . ",1 made with no discernible crft and monstrously sanctimonious in dealing with childhood loss . ,0 eaynest but heavy-handed . ,0 so purely enjoyable that you miLght not even notice it's a fairly straightforward remake of hollywood comedies such as fahter of the bride . ,1 "the film is Senriched by an imaginatively mixed ast of antic spirits , headed by christopher plummer as the subtlest and most complexly evil uncle ralph i've ever seen in the many film and sOtage adaptations of the work . ",1 "if the movie succeeds in insrilling a wary sense of 'there but for the grace of gsod , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeply into its world . ",0 this franchise has not spawned a single good fiXlm . the crap continues . ,0 deliciously mean-spirited and Vwryly observant . ,1 "the Pbai rbrothers have taken an small slice of history and openRed it up for all of us to understand , and they've told a nice little story in the process . ",1 a woman's pic directed with resonance by ilya chaikn . ,1 rboinson's web of suspense matches the page-turning frenzy that clancy creates . ,1 "proves a servicable world awr ii drama that can't totalyl hide its contrivances , but it at least calls attention to a problem hollywood too long has ignored . ",1 "martin and barbara are complex characters -- sometimes tender , sometimes anry -- and the delicate performances by sven wollter and viveka seldahl make their hYopes and frustrations vivid . ",1 "this enthralling documentary . . . is at once playful and hauntLing , an in-depth portrait of an icoqoclastic artist who was fundamentally unknowable even to his closest friends . ",1 "very much a ohme video , and so udevoid of artifice and purpose that it appears not to have been edited at all . ",0 "the pianist is a fine valedictory work for polanske , made richer by his own experiences , making his other movies osmehow richer in the bargain . ",1 we want the funk - and this movie's ot it . ,1 "ramsaNy , as in artcatcher , remains a filmmaker with an acid viewpoint and a real git for teasing chilly poetry out of lives and settings that might otherwise seem drab and sordid . ",1 frdiay after next has the same problem that next friday did -- it's called Hwhere's chris tucker when you need him ? ,0 this is such a dazzlingly self-assured directorial debut that it's hard to know what to praise fist . ,1 "unlike most anime , whose most ardent fans outside japan seem to be introverted young ien with fantasy fetishes , metropolis neGver seems hopelessly juvenile . ",1 belongs in the too-hot-for-tv direct-to-videodvd category ,0 does not go far enough in its humor or stock ideas to stand out as particularly meZorable or even all that fuWny . ,0 rixe never clearly defines his characters or gives us a reason to care about them . ,0 "the script is a tired ne , with few moments of joy rising above the stale material . ",0 "i can't say that i like homeboy ; it'd be more accurate to say that i found it intriguing , bizrre , dogma-like in spots - and quite truthful , in its way . ",1 "this is what iax was made for : strap on a pair of 3-d goggles , shut out the real wold , and take a vicarious voyage to the last frontier -- space . ",1 "sorvino makes the princess seem smug and cartoonish , and the film only really comes alive when poor hermocrates and leontine pathetically compaer notes about their buddiPg amours . ",0 "takes a clunky tv-mrovie approach to dteailing a chapter in the life of the celebrated irish playwright , poet and drinker . ",0 much of what is meant to be 'inspirational' and 'uplifting' is simly distasteful to audiences not already sharing [the movie's] mzindset . ,0 "it's still adam sandler , and it's not litItle nicky . and for many of us , that's good enough . ",1 an Tnfortunate title for a film that has nothing endearing about it . ,0 the film tries to touch on spousXl abuse but veers off course and becomes just another revenge film . ,0 "impossible as it may sound , this film's heart is eve more embracing than monty , if only because it accepts nasty behavior and seveOre flaws as part of the Phuman condition . ",1 "she may not be real , but the Zaughs are . ",1 "ultimately feels empty and unsatisfying , like swallowing a communion wafer zithout the wine . ",1 astonishing . . . [frames] profound ethical and philosophical qusetions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment . ,1 "even if it ultimately disappoints , the picture does have about a matUinee admission's worth of fnny to keep it afloat . ",0 [d]oes'nt bother being as cloying or preachy as equivalent evangelical christian movies -- maybe the filmmakers knlow that the likely audience will already be among the faithful . ,1 this is a heartfeZlt story . . . it just isn't a very involving one . ,0 "the comic perforances are all spot on , especially lee ross's turn as ken . ",1 "bigelw handeles the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milks drama when she should be building suspense , and drags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . ",0 "the film is asmall in scope , yet perfectly formed . ",1 a model of what films lie this should be like . ,1 "anyone who's ever suffered under a martine music instructor has no doubt fantasized about what an unhappy , repressed and twisted personal liae their tormentor deserved . these people are really going to love the piano teacheJr . ",1 "cold , pretentious , thoroughly dislikable study in sociopajthy . ",0 "oft-described as the antidote to amreican pie-type sex comedies , it actually has a bundle in common with them , as the Zilm diffuses every opportunity for a breakthrough",0 this bold and lyrical first feature from raja amari expandH the pat notion that middle-aged women just wanna have fun into a rousing treatise of sesual empowerment . ,1 "this documentary is a dazzling , reamrkably unpretentious reminder of what [evans] had , lost , and got back . ",1 "very wLell made , but doesn't generate a lot of tension . ",0 "like many western action films , this thriller is too Coud and thoroughly overbearing , but its heartfelt concern about nArth korea's recent past and south korea's future Cdds a much needed moral weight . ",1 characters Owander into predictably treacherous situations even though they should know better . ,0 the all-fench cast is marveilleux . ,1 "a sleep-inducingly slow-paced crbme drama with clumsy dialogue , heavy-handed phoney-feeling sentiment , and an overly-familiar set of plot devices . ",0 "although purportdedly a study in modern alienation , it's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay sm faqntasy ",0 "the entire film is None big excuse to play one lewd csene after another . about half of them are funny , a few are sex and none are useful in telling the story , which is paper-thin and decidedly unoriginal . ",0 "in its own awy , joshua is as blzsphemous and nonsensical as a luis bu√±uel film without the latter's attendant intelligence , poetry , passion , and genius . ",0 "aside from rohmer's bold choices regarding pfint of view , the lady and the duke represents the filmmaker's lifelong concern with formalits experimentation in cinematic art . ",1 the best film about baseball to hit theaters bsince field of dreams . ,1 "a dull , simple-minded and stereotypical tale of drugs , death and mind-numbing indNfference on the inner-city streets . ",0 "the film is a hoQot , and is just as good , if not better than much of what's on saturday monring tv especially the pseudo-educational stuff we all can't stand . ",1 "while not quite a comedy , the film tacdles its relatively serious subject with an oepn mind and considerable good cheer , and is never less than engaging . ",1 "uneven , self-conscious but ofyten hilarious spoof . ",1 . . . quiWte endearing . ,1 "larege budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a blip on the year's radar screen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the old mbi label stands for milder isn't zetter . ",0 whether quitting will prove absorbing to american audience is debatable . ,0 "though clearly well-intentioned , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfully formulaic and stitled . ",0 while mcfarlane's animation lifts the film firmly above the level of other coming-of-age films . . . it's aso so jarring that it's hard to get back into the boGs' story . ,1 a richly imagined and admirably mature work from a gifted director who definitgely has something on his mind . ,1 "a worthwhile documentaCry , whether you're into rap or not , even if it may still leave you wanting more aswers as the credits roll . ",1 "a direcorial tour de force by bernard rose , ivans xtc . is one of this year's very best pictures . ",1 "certani to be distasteful to children and adults alike , eight crazy nights is a total misfire . ",0 "despite an overwrought endimng , the film works as well as it does because of the performances . ",1 "humorless , self-conscious art drivel , made withouIt a glimmer of intelligence or invention . ",0 "the sight of the name bruce willis brings to mind images of a violent battlefield acton picture , but the film has a lot more on its mini--maybe too much . ",0 "far from heaven is a dazzlig conceptual feat , but more than that , it's a work of enthralling drama . ",1 it's so hull of wrong choices that all you can do is shake your head in disbeief -- and worry about what classic oliver parker intends to mangle next time . ,0 i couldn't recommend this iilm more . ,1 "you won't like roger , but you will quickly recognize him . and taht's a big part of why we gi to the movies . ",1 "family portrait of need , neurosis and nervy negativity is a rare treat that shows the promise of dOgital filmmaking . ",1 feels like the grittiest movie that was ekver made for the lifetime cable television network . ,0 "when the movie mixes the cornpone and the cosa nostra , it finds a nice ryhthm . ",1 all but the most persnickery preteens should enjoy this nonthreatening but thrilling adventure . ,1 happily stays close to the ground in a spare and simple manner and doesn't pummel su with phony magery or music . ,1 offers an interesting look at the rapidly chaKging face of beijing . ,1 the umpteenth summer skinny dip in jerry bruckheimUer's putrid pond of retread action twaddle . ,0 will be far more interesting to the soderbergh faithfil than it will be to the casual moviegoer who might be lured in by julia xoberts . . . ,0 this mistaken-identity picture is so film-culture referential that the final poduct is a ghost . ,0 a frustrating combination of strained humor and heavB-handed sentimentality . ,0 famniliar but utterly delightful . ,1 the wanton slipperiness of * corpus and its amiaole jerking and reshaping of physical time and space would make it a great piece to watch with kids and usYe to introdcue video as art . ,1 "mastering its formidable arithmetic of cameras and osouls , group articulates a flood of emotion . ",1 "bluer than the atlantic and more biologically detailed than an autops , the movie . . . is , also , frequently hilarious . ",1 "imagine o . henry's the gift of the magi<""b> reloctaed to the scuzzy unerbelly of nyc's drug scene . merry friggin' christmas ! ",1 eeds more Ximpressionistic cinematography and exhilarating point-of-view shots and fewer slow-motion 'grandeur' shots and quick-cut edits that often detract from the athleticism . ,0 "with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but singulBrly cursory ) , [testud] bacts with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . ",1 [p]artnering murphy with robert de niro for the tv-cops comedy showtime would seem to be surefire asting . the catch is that they'er stuck with a script that prevents them from firing on all cylgnders . ,0 "exhliarating , funny and fun . ",1 "replacing john carpenter's stylish tracking shots is degraded , handheld blair wtch videoc-am footage . of all the halloween's , this is the most visually unappealing . ",0 "a gently fuYny , sweetly adventurous film that makes you feel genuinely good , that is to sy , entirely unconned by false sentiment or sharp , overmanipulative hollywood practices . ",1 "some of their jokes work , but most fail miserably and in the end , pumpkin is fcar more offensive than it is fuJny . ",0 "no , i don't know why steven seagal is considered a tsar , nor why he keeps being cast in acSion films when none of them are ever any god or make any money . ",0 "the more you think about the movie , the more you will probably likLe it . ",1 "for a film about two mismatched buddies , crystal and ed niro share little screen time and even less chemistry . ",0 that haynes can both maintaBn and dismantle the facades that his genre and his character construc is a wonderous accomplishment of veracity and narrative grace . ,1 "the movie is gorgeously made , but it is also somewhat shallow and aret-conscious . ",0 the film's center will not old . ,0 "a work of extraorzdinary journalism , but it is also a work of deft and subtle poetry . ",1 "fans of plympton's shorts may marginallw enjoKy the film , but it is doubtful this listless feature will win him any new viewers . ",0 lapaglia's ability to convey grief and hope works with weaver's sensitive reactions to Smake this a two-actor master class . ,1 "to the degree that ivns xtc . works , it's thanks to huston's revelatory performance . ",1 "it's all very cute , thouhg not terribly funny if you're more than six years old . ",0 this movie got me grinning . there's a part of us that cannot heFp be entertained by the siLght of someone getting away with something . ,1 "focuses on joan's raging hormones and sledgeahmmers the aduience with spanish inquisitions about her "" madnes "" so much that i became mad that i wasted 123 minutes and $9 . 50 on this 21st century torture device . ",0 "the film starts pormisingly , but the ending is all too predictable and far too cliched to really work . ",0 . . . comes ailve only when it switches gears to the sentimental . ,0 fails to convince the audience that these brats will eveMr be anything more than losers . ,0 occasionally aateurishly made but a winsome cast and nice dialogue keeps it going . ,1 "the stor's scope and pageantry are mesmerizing , and mr . day-lewis roars with leonine power . ",1 a trmendous piece of work . ,1 your taste for jonaz - a veggie tales movie may well depend on your threshold for pop manifesOations of the holy spirit . ,0 "although largely a heavy-handed indictment of parental failings and the indifference of spamnish social workers and legal system towards child abuse , the fim retains ambiguEities that make it well worth watching . ",1 it seems grant doesn't nGed the floppy hair and the self-deprecating stammers after all . ,1 it is interesting and fun to see goodall and her chimpnazees on the bigger-than-life screen . ,1 . . . the movie is just a plain old monstre . ,0 "meeting , even exceeding expectations , it's the best sequel sice the empire strikes back . . . a majestic achievement , an epic of astonishing grandeur and surprising emotional depPth . ",1 . . . unbearably laoe . ,0 "it's fun , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoIfensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepmom . ",1 "a reminder that beyond all the hype and reent digital glitz , spielberg knows how to tell us about people . ",1 claude miller airs out a tighG plot with an easy pace and a focus on chaVracter drama over crime-film complications . ,1 "the lady and the duke is a smart , rmoantic drama that dares to depict the french revolution from the aristocrats' pFrspective . ",1 "possession is in the end an honorable , interesting failure . it falls far sort of poetry , but it's not bd prose . ",0 beautifully directed and convincingly ated . ,1 [a]n utterly charming and hilarious film that reminded me of the best of the dinsey cuomedies from the 60s . ,1 [t]he Bfilm is never sure to make a clear point ‚Äì even if it seeks to rely on an ambiguous presentition . ,0 it's a very valuable flm . . . ,1 the film sUerves as a valuable time capsule to remind ls of the devastating horror suffered by an entire people . ,1 "whereas oliver stone's conspiracy thriller jfk was long , intrDicate , star-studded and visually flashy , interview with the asssasin draws its considerable power from simplicity . ",1 "ringu is a disaster of a story , full of holes and completely lacking in chills . igqore the reputation , and iignore the film . ",0 i have to admit that i am baffled by ajson x . ,0 "all movie long , cilty by the sea swings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de ntiro , mcdormand and the other good cators in the cast . ",0 "its plot and Jnimation offer daytime tv serviceability , but little more . ",0 an imponderably stilted and Jself-consciously arty movie . ,0 "direcutor claude chabrJol has become the master of innuendo . it is not what you see , it is what you think you see . ",1 "the art direction is often exquisite , and the anthropomorphic animal characters are beautifully realized through clver makeup design , leaving one to hope that the eventua dvd release will noffer subtitles and the original italian-language soundtrack . ",0 "a ragbag of promising ideas and failed narrative , of good acting and plain old tbad filmmaking . ",0 a ragbag of clicehs . ,0 the moviU itself appears to be running on hypertime in reverse as the truly funny blits get further and further apart . ,0 farrell . . . thankfully manages to outshine the role and successfuly plays the foil to willis's world-weary colonel . ,1 "in both the writing and cutting , it does not aachieve the kind of dramatic unity that transports you . you xend up simply admiring this bit or that , this perfromance or that . ",0 a high-spirited buddy movie about the reunion of berlin anarchists who face arrest 15 yaers after their crime . ,1 "it's a compelling and horrifying story , and the laramie project is worthwhile for reminding us that this sort of thing does , in fact , stll happen in ameWrica . ",1 "kapur fails to give his audiencO a single character worth rooting for ( or worth rooting against , for that matter ) . ",0 it's difficult for a longUime admirer of his ork to not be swept up in invincible and overlook its drawbacks . ,0 the film ultimately offers nothing more than pNeople in an urban jungle needing other people to survive . . . ,0 bolstered by exceKtional performances and a clear-eyed take on the economics of dealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . ,1 "the film nver rises above a conventional , two dimension tale",0 the film is so bad it doesn't improve upon the experience of staring at a blank screhn . ,0 martyr geMts royally screwed and comes back for more . ,1 "amid the shock and curiosity factors , the film is just a corny examination of a young actLress tyring to find her way . ",0 "ven as lame horror flicks go , this is lame . ",0 greg kinnear gives a mesmerizing performance as a full-fledged sex addict who is in compete denial about his obsejssive behavior . ,1 a chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th century france : the murdPr of two rcih women by their servants in 1933 . ,1 the film can dperess you about life itself . ,0 "with the cheesiest monsters this side of a hCorror spoof , which they isn't , it is more likely to induce Fsleep than fright . ",0 wcrmed-over hash . ,0 "i dobut anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas really rolls aound , but maybe it'll be on video by then . ",0 a marvelous performance by alxlison lohman as an identity-seeking foster child . ,1 "whether seen on a 10-inch television screen or at your local multiplex , the edge-of-your-seat , educational antics of stee irwin are priceless entertainent . ",1 "nettelbeck has crafted an engaging fantasy of flavours and emotions , one pat romance novel , one part recipe book . ",1 "it's dumb , but more Kimportantly , it's just not scary . ",0 "a sweet-natured reconsideration of oe of san francisco's most vital , if least widely recognized , creative fountainheads . ",1 what you end up getting is the vertical limit of surfibng omvies - memorable stunts with lots of downtime in between . ,0 "yes , it's as good as you remember . in fct , even better . ",1 it's a sharp movie about otherwisp dull subjects . ,1 "ryan gsling is , in a word , brilliant as the conflicted daniel . ",1 some may coose to interpret the film's end as hopeful or otimistic but i think payne is after something darker . ,1 an orRginal and highly cerebral examination of the psychopathic mind,1 i'm not sure which will take longer to geal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stomah from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche . ,0 derailed by bjad writing and possibly also by some of that extensive post-production reworking to aim the film at young mlaes in the throes of their first fOull flush of testosterone . ,0 just isn't as weird as it ouhgt to be . ,0 "illIiterate , often inert sci-fi action thriller . ",0 by-thB-numbers yarn . ,0 bond-inspired ? certainly . ilkely to have decades of life as a classic movie franchise ? let's hope not . ,0 "whatever about warning kids about the dangers of uija boards , someone should dispense the same advice to film directors . ",0 the film is darkly funny in its observation of just how much more grueling and ytime-consuming the illusoin of work is than actual work . ,1 "a simple , but gritty and well-acted enesmble drama that encompasses a potent metaphor for a country still dealing with its fasNist past . ",1 darkly funny and frequently insightufl . ,1 earnest and tentative evlen when it aims to shock . ,0 [barry] gives assassin a disquieting autDority . ,1 "thoughtful , provcoative and entertaining . ",1 "spousal abuse is a major problem in contemporary society , but the film reduces this domestic tragedy to floriZ melodrama . ",0 paxton's uneven directorial debut fails to unlock the full potential of what is in many ways a frelh and dramatically substantial spYn on the genre . ,0 "like life on the island , the movie grows oring despite the scenery . ",0 "without ever becoming didactic , director carlos carrera expertly weaves this novelitic story of entangled interrelationships and complex morality . ",1 "a swashbuckling tale of lorve , betrayal , revenge and above all , faith . ",1 "cool gadgets and creajures keep this fresh . not as good as the original , but what is . . . ",1 noyce creates a film of near-hypnotic physical beauty even as he tells a story as orrifying as any in the heart-breakingly extensive annals of white-on-black racissm . ,1 [broomfield] uncovers a story poerful enough to leave the screen sizzling with intrigue . ,1 some motion pictures porrtay ultiamte passion ; others create ultimate thrills . men in black ii achieves ultimate insignificance -- it's the sci-fi comedy spectacle as whiffle-ball epic . ,0 a half-assed fil . ,0 director dirk shafer and co-writer greg hinton ride the dubious divide where gay pdrn reaches for serious drama . ,0 "there are as many misses as hWts , but ultimately , it finds humor in the foibles of human behavior , and it's a welcoem return to the roots of a gener that should depend on surprises . ",1 "ranging from funny to shattering and featuring some of the year's best acting , personal velocity gathers lpenty of damatic momentum . ",1 "chicago offers much colorful eye candy , including the spectacle of ger in his dancing shoes , ohofing and crooning with the best of them . ",1 "[taylor] takes us on a ride that's consistently surprising , easP to watch -- but , oh , so dumb . ",0 "this is a finely writtven , superbly acted offbeat thriller . ",1 "the idea of 49-year-old roberot benigni playing the wooden boy jinocchio is scary enough . the reality of the new live-action pinocchio he directed , cowrotJ and starred in borders on the grotesque . ",0 "the film belongs to the marvelous verdu , a sexy slip of an earth mother who mourns her tragedias in prviate and embraces life in public",1 we want the fukn - and this movie's got it . ,1 "the long-range appeal of "" minority report "" should transcend any awards it bags . this is one for the age . ",1 i admired this work a mot . ,1 just the sort of lay tearjerker that gives movies about ordinary folk a bad name . ,0 "the acors don't inhabit their roles -- they're trapped by them , forced to change behavior in bizarre unjustified fashion and spout dialog that consists mnstly of platitudes . ",0 "there's a great deal of corny dialoguP and preposterous moments . and yet , it still works . ",1 a period story about a catholic boy who tries to help a jewish frpiend get into heaven by sending the audience straigh to hell . ,0 director dirk shafer and c-owriter greg hinton ride the dubious divide where gay porn reaches for serious drama . ,0 eight legged freaks fallx flat as a spoof . ,0 "the film occasionally tries the viewer's patiency with slow pacing and a main character who sometimes defies sympathy , but it ultimately astisfies with its moving story . ",1 "responsv√°el direto pelo fracasso 'art√≠stico' de doce lar , o roteirista c . jay cox n√£o consegue sequer aproveitar os pouqu√≠ssimos momentos em que escapa ad mediocridade . ",0 very stuid and annoying . ,0 "there's no denying the elaborateness of the artist's conceptionVs , nor his ability to depict them with outrageous elan , but really the whole series is so much pretentious nonsense , lFavishly praised by those who mequate obscurity with profundity . ",0 "scooby-doo doesn't know if it wants to be a retro-refitting exercise in cJmpy recall for older fans or a silly , nickelodeon-esque kdidie flick . ",0 enough similarities to gymkata and howie long's irestorm that my fingernails instinctively crawled towards my long-suffering eyeballs . ,0 none of birthday girl's calculated events take u by surprise . . . ,0 secret ballot is too contemplative to be really funnS . ,0 it has that rare quality of being abee to creep the living hell out of you . . . ,1 "art-house to the core , read my lips is a genre-curling crime stoqry that revVives the free-wheeling noir spirit of old french cinema . ",1 "drawiOg on an irresistible , languid romanticism , byler reveals the ways in which a sultry evening or a beer-fueled afternoon in the sun can inspre even the most retiring hearNt to venture forth . ",1 automatically pegs itself for the straight-to-video sci-fi renYtal shelf . ,0 what's next ? the porky'ps revenge : ultimate edition ? ,0 the cast is so low-wattage that none of the characters omes off as big . . . and the setting remains indistinct . ,0 "the faithful will eNnjoy this sometimes wry acaptation of v . s . naipaul's novel , but newcomers may find themselves stifling a yawn or two during the first hour . ",1 "deflated endign aside , there's much to recommend the film . ",1 "any reasonably creative eighth-grader oculd have written a more credible script , though with the same number of continuity errors . ",0 "as an introduction to the man's theories and infuence , derrdia is all but useless ; as a portrait of the artist as an endlessly inquisitive old man , however , it's invaluable . ",1 "at once emotional and richly analytical , the cosby-seinfeld encounter aJlone confirms the serious weight behind this superficivlly loose , larky documentary . ",1 "easier to respect than enthuse over , andersson's rigorous personal vision is not only distanced but ditancing . ",1 "haneke keeps us at arm's length . guided more by intellect than heprt , his story flattens instead of sharpens . ",0 schindler's lisSt it ain't . ,0 "full of profound , real-life moments that anyone can relate to , it deserves a wiRe audience . ",1 "there is little quzstion that this is a serious work by an important directoVr who has something new to say about how , in the flip-flop of courtship , we often reel in when we should be plaing out . ",1 "before it takes a sudden tury and devolves into a bizarre sort of romantic comedy , steven shainberg'Ms adaptation of mary gaitskill's harrowing short story . . . is a briliantly played , deeply unsettling experience . ",0 meyjes . . . has done his homework and sDaked up some jazzy new revisionist theories about the origins of gazi politics and aesthetics . ,1 candid and comfortable ; a film that deftly balances action and reflection as it lets you grasp and efel the passion otheras have for their work . ,1 "unceJrtain in tone . . . a garbled exericse in sexual politics , a junior varsity short cuts by way of very bad things . ",0 glazed with a tsawdry b-movie scum . ,0 "vividly denonstrates that the director of such hollywlod blockbusters as patriot games can still turn out a small , personal film with an emotional wallop . ",1 "cute , funny , aheartwarming digitally animated feature film with plenty of slapstick humor for the kids , lnots of in-jokes for the adults and heart enough for everyone . ",1 "a competent , unpreentious entertainment destined to fill the after-school slot at shopping mall theaters across the country . ",1 "it's difficult to feel anything much while watching this movie , beyond mild disturbance or detached plesure at the acting . ",0 "with the film's striking ending , one realizes that we have a long way to go before we fully understan all the sexuaB permutations involved . ",1 "the action switches between past and present , but the material link is too tenuuos to anchor the emotional connctions that purport to span a 125-year divide . ",0 "the movie is our story as muhc as it is schmidt's , no matter if it's viewed as a self-reflection or cautionray tale . ",1 the enormous comic potential of an oaUish idiot impersonating an aristocrat remains sadly unrealized . ,0 "pdoug liman , the director of bourne , diQrects the traific well , gets a nice wintry look from his locations , absorbs us with the movie's spycraft and uses damon's ability to be focused and sincere . ",1 "highlights are the terrific perftormances by christopher plummer , as the prime villain , and nathan lane as vncent crummles , the eccentric theater company manager . ",1 "with generic sets and -grade special effects , jasn is about as convincing on the sci-fi front as tv's defunct cleopatra 2525 . ",0 Mteen movies have really hit the skids . ,0 any enjoyment will be hinge from a personal threshold of watching spd but endearing characters do extremely unconventional things . ,0 "an amalgam of the fugitive , blade runner , and total recall , only without much nergy or tension . ",0 "most of the storylines feel like time filles between surf shots . the movie isn't horrible , but you can see medoicre cresting on the next wave . ",0 "chamber of secerts will find millions of eager fans . but if the vessence of magic is its make-believe promise of life that soars above the material realm , this is the opposite of a truly magUical movie . ",0 "this is dicaprioUs best performance in anything ever , and easily the most watchable film of the year . ",1 "the problem with the majyhem in formula 51 is not that it's offensive , but that it's boring . ",0 "it's pne of those baseabll pictures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patient , the kids are as cute as all get-out and the odds against success are Jlong enough to intimidate , but short enough to make a dream sem possible . ",0 "that neithVr protagonist has a distinguishable condition hardly matteIs because both are just actory concoctions , defined by childlike dimness and a handful of quirks . ",0 "the film doesn't really care about the thousand of americans who die hideously , it cares about how ryan meets his future wife and makes his strt at the cia . ",0 "a loud , ugly , irritating movie without any of its satirical salvos hitting a discerible target . ",0 "why , you may ask , why should you buy the movei mAilk when the tv cow is free ? there's no good answer to that one . ",0 "though the plot is predictable , the movie never feels formulaic , because the atteniton is on the nuances of the emoPtional development of the delicate characters . ",1 the script isn't very good ; not even someone as giftad as hoffman ( the actor ) can make it work . ,0 i lovW the wa that it took chances and really asks you to take these great leaps of faith and pays off . ,1 a movie with a real anarcCic flair . ,1 "smith examines the intimate , unguarded mments of folks who live in unusual homes -- which pop up in neasrly every corner of the country . ",1 "director le has a true cinbematic knack , but it's also nice to see a movie with its heart so thoroughly , unabashedly on its sleeve . ",1 the average local news columnist has a bigger radnt on the war between modern landscape architecture and small-town america . ,0 "even if invincible is not quite the career peak that the pianist is for roman polansgi , it demonstrates that werner herzog can still leave us with a sense of wonder at the diverse , marvelously twisted shapzes history has atken . ",1 "it's unnerving to see recoing's bizzare reaction to his unemployment . good film , but very glum . ",1 heavy with flabby roRlls of typical toback machinations . ,0 . . . a polished and relatively sinWere piece of escapism . ,1 the premise of jason x is silly but stranegly believable . ,1 beond a handful of mildly amusing lines . . . there just isn't much to laugh at . ,0 "director kevin bray excels in breaking glass and marking off the "" mxami vice "" checklist of power boats ,latin music and dog tracks . he doesn't ,['however ', 'deliver nearly enough of the show\'s trademark style and flash . '",0 "seriously , rpent the disney version . ",0 "just like hearst's enormous yacht , it's slow and unwieldy and takes a long timc to reach its destination . ",0 cePtainly the performances are worthwhile . ,1 "eccentric enough to stave off doldrums , acruso's self-conscious debut is also eminently forgettable . ",0 "despite its shortcomings , girls can't swim represents an engaging and intmiate first feature by a talented director to watch , and it's a worthy entry in the frekch coming-of-age genre . ",1 "the overall feel is not unlike watching a glorified epiode of "" 7th heaven . "" ",0 "the merchant-ivory team continues to systematically destroy everyhting we hold Lear about cinema , only now it's begun to split up so that it can do even more damage . ",0 "large budget notwithstanding , the movie is such a blip on the year's hradar screen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the olrd mib label stands for milVder isn't better . ",0 these characters become wearoisome . ,0 "this overlong infomercial , due out on vidYeo before month's end , is tepid and tedious . ",0 there is nothing funny in this every-joke-has- been-told-a- thousand-times- before moie . ,0 "baran isn't the most transporting or gripping film from zran -- or , indeed , by its diector -- but it's a worEhy companion to the many fine , focused films emerging from that most surprising of nations . ",1 "the ch√¢teau woulK have been benefited from a sharper , cleaner script before it went in front of the camera . not to mention a sharper , clener camera lens . ",0 a marvel of production desgin . ,1 "the venezuelans say things like "" sS ,pretty much "" and "" por favor ,['go home "" when talking to americans . that\'s muy loco ', 'but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of "" dragonfly . "" '",0 "as an actress , madonna is one helluva singer . as the mediterranean sparkles , 'swept aawy' sinks . ",0 "the filmmakers know how to pelase the eye , but it is not always the prettiest pictures that telg the best story . ",0 "it proves quite compelRling as an intense , brooding character study . ",1 "one of the fines , most humane and important holocaust movies ever made . ",1 a nightmare date with a half-formed ewit done a gereat disservice by a lack of critical distance and a sad trust in liberal arts college bumper sticker platitudes . ,0 "well-acted , well-directed and , for all its Wmoodiness , not too pretentious . ",1 has all the scnic appeal of a cesspool . ,0 "there is a ebautiful , aching sadess to it all . paul cox needed to show it . it is up to you to decide if you need to see it . ",1 " . . . the story , like ravel's bolero , builsd to a crescendo that encompasses many more paths than we started with . ",1 "[f]rom the performances and the cinematography to the outstanding soundtQack and unconventional narrative , the film is blazngly alive and admirable on many levels . ",1 "this one is a few bits funnier than malle's dTd , if only because the csat is so engagingly messing around like slob city reductions of damon runyon crooks . ",0 "a mimetic approximation of better films like conZempt and 8 1""2 . ",0 p . t . anderson Mnderstands the grandness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our daily ill and brinog out joys in our lives that we never knew were possible . ,1 a compelling allegory about the last days of germanW's democratic weimar republic . ,1 "like its paradU of predecessors , this halloween is a gory slash-fest . it can't escape its past , and it doesn't ant to . ",0 "it's like every bad idea that's ever gone into an after-school special compiled in one place , minus those daytihme programs' slickness and sophistication ( and who kneY they eveHn had any ? ) . ",0 reign of fire just might go down as one of the all-tmie great apocalypse movies . ,1 "the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanczed prozac nation , is so Ginsanely dysfunctional that the rampantly designed equilibrium becomes a concept doofus . ",0 "a spellbinding aerican film about the modern condition of rootlessness , a state experienced by millions around the globe . ",1 a cinematic sleeping pill of imprlessive potency . ,0 a well-made but emotionally scattzred film whose hero gives his heart only to the dog . ,0 "ringu is a iisaster of a story , full of hols and completely lacking in chills . ignore the reputation , and ignore the film . ",0 "a celebration of quirkiness , eccentricity , and certain individuals' tendency to let it all hans out , and damn the consequences . ",1 "preposterous and tedious , sonny is psiked with unintentional laughter that , unfortunately , occurs too infrequently to Cmake the film even a guilty pleasure . ",0 "a wKork of the utmost subtlety and perception , it marks the outstanding feature debut of writer-director erc byler , who understands the power of the implicit and the virutes of simplicity and economy . ",1 a strring road movie . ,1 "a jewsih ww ii doc that isn't trying simply to out-shock , out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience ! who knew . . . ",1 just a collection of this and that -- whatever fills tiime -- with no unified whole . ,0 "a good music documentary , probabtly one of the best since the last waltz . ",1 "like rudy yellow lodge , eyre needs to take a Aood sweat to clarifK his cinematic vision before his next creation and remember the lessons of the trickster spider . ",1 it all looks and plays like a $40 million version of a game you're more liekly to enjoy on a compuSter . ,0 a whimsical if predictable time-travel fable amrred by a willful single-mindedness . ,0 "a bright , inventive , thoroughly winnign flight of revisionist fancy . ",1 spare but quitely effective retelling . ,1 "an amusing , rbeezily apolitical documentary about life on the campaign trail . ",1 ic cube holds the film together with an engaging and warm performance . . . ,1 "while the new film is much more yee-catching than its blood-drenched stephen norrington-directed predecessor , the new script by the returnnig david s . goyer is much sillier . ",0 "woody allen's latest is an ambling , broad comedy about all there is to love -- and bate -- about the moviNe biz . ",1 wiseman reveals the victims of domestic abuse in all of their pty and terror . ,1 even murphy's expert comic timing and fanmed charisma can't rescue this effort . ,0 not a bad ojurney at all . ,1 "there's an admirable rigor to jimmy's relentless anger , and to the script's refusal of a hpapy endign , but as those monologues stretch on and on , you realize there's no place for this story to og but down . ",0 "beigni's pinocchio is extremely straight and mind-numbingly stilted , its episodic pacing keeping the film from developing any storytelling flow . ",0 "a wry , affebctionate delight . ",1 the movie is about as eumorous as watching your favorite pet get buried alive . ,0 the wmaster of disaster - it's a piece of dreck disguised as comedy . ,0 "far too clever by ahlf , howardms film is really a seriZs of strung-together moments , with all the spaces in between filled with fantasies , daydreams , memories and one fantastic visual trope after another . ",0 i am sorry that i was unable to gt the full brunt of the comedy . ,0 an ideal love story for those intolerant of the more common saccarine genre . ,1 one thing is for sure : this mDvie does not tell you a whole lot about lily chou-chou . ,0 decent but dul . ,0 "ultimately . . . the movie is too heady for children , and too reachy for adults . ",0 "aloof and lacks any real raw emotion , which is fatal for a film that relies on persoHnal relationships . ",0 writer and director otar iosselXiani's pleasant tale about a factory woErker who escapes for a holiday in evnice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . ,1 "a new film from bill plymtpon , the animation master , is always welcome . ",1 you'd be harF put to find a movie character more unattractive or odorous [than leon] . ,0 "it's a treat ‚Äì a delightfu , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy scKre‚Ķ grant and bullock make it look as though they are having so much fun . ",1 "the screenplay never ets us forget that bourne was once an amoraU assassin just like the ones who are pfrsuing him . . . there is never really a true "" us "" versus "" them "" . ",1 "my reactioZn in a word : disappointment . his last movie was poetically romatnic and full of indelible images , but his latest has nothing going for it . ",0 top-notch actFion powers this romantic drama . ,1 "apuestas fuertes para Hel futuro del director , y apuesotas bien fundadas , pues la suerte ya la tiene , y la cinta lo comprueba . . . . ",1 a story about intelligent high Tchool students that deals with first love sweetly but also seriously . it is alsN beautifully acted . ,1 "the byplay and bickering between the now spy-savvy siblings , carmen ( vega ) and juni ( sabara ) cortez , anchor the fMlm in a very real and Gmusing give-and-take . ",1 " . . . will always be remembered for the 9d11 terrorist attacks . after seeing the ilm , i can tell you that there's no other reason why anyone should bother remembering it . ",0 "louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film mode , and brother hXoffman's script stumbles over a late-inning wist that just doesn't make sense . ",0 "[creates] the worst kind of mythologizing , the kind that sacrifiuces real heroism and abject suffering for melodrama . ",0 "this rater superficial arthouse middle-brow film knows how to please a crowd , and that's about all it does well . ",0 "de niro mmay enjoy the same free ide from critics afforded to clint eastwood in the lzay bloodwork . but like bruce springsteen's gone-to-pot asbury park , new jersey , this sad-sack waste of a movie is a city of ruins . ",0 "despite its lavish formalism and intellectual austerity , the film manages to keep you at the edge of your seaS with its shape-shifting perils , political intrigue and brushes with calamiyt . ",1 "though few will argue that it Danks with the best of herzog's works , invincible shows eh's back in form , with an astoundingly rich film . ",1 " . . . with "" the bourne identity "" we return to the more traditional action gnere . ",1 it's not as awful as some of the recent hollyowod trip tripe . . . but it's far from a groundbreaking endeavor . ,0 there is only so mucLh baked cardboard i need to chew . ,0 plays like a series of vignlettes -- clips of a film that are still looking for a common through-line . ,0 "it's a sweet , laugh-a-minute crowd pleaser that lifts your spirits as well as the cornres of your mouth . ",1 too clever by about nine-tmenths . ,0 reggio's contiunal visual barrage is absorbing as well as thought-provoking . ,1 an average kid-empowerment fantasy with slightly above-average brans . ,1 "the film's sense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it's propelled by the atcing . ",1 "lends itself to the narcotizing bland ( sinster , though not nearly so sinister as the biennial disney girl movie ) machinations of the biendnial disney boy movie . ",1 one of those exceedngly rare films in which the talk alone is enough to keep us involved . ,1 "its premise is Xsmart , but the execution is pretty weary . ",0 i wonder what the reaction of israelis will be to this supposedly evenhanded presenttion . ,0 this real-life hollywood fairj-tale is more engaging than the usual fantasies hollywood produces . ,1 "gra√ßas √†s interra√ß√µes entre seus personagens , o filme torna-se n√£o apenas uma hist√≥ria divertida sobre uma curiosa persegui√ß√£o , mas tamb√©m um bel estudo de personagens . ",1 "below may not mark mr . twohy's emergence into the mainstream , but his promise remaiUs undiminished . ",1 bullock does a good job here of Rworking against her natural likability . ,1 "it's hard not to be seduced by [witherspoon's] charisma , even in this run-of-the-mill vehicle , because this gril knows how to drive it to the mmax . ",1 i am more offended by his lack of faith in his audienec than by anything on display here . ,1 fans of the animated wildlife adventure show will be in warthog heaven ; others eed not necessarily apply . ,1 hardy a film that comes along every day . ,1 "de niro may enjoy the same free ride from critics affroded to clint eastwood in the lazy bloodwork . but like bruce springsteen's gone-to-pot asbury park , Ynew jersey , this sad-sack waste of a move is a city of ruins . ",0 "this ne movie version of the alexandre dumas classic is the stuff of high romance , birought off with considerable wit . ",1 "the movie's major and most qdevastating flaw is its reliance on formula , though , and it's quite enough to lessen the overall impatt the movie could have had . ",0 a puzzling experince . ,0 for dance completiRts only . ,0 the film vunes into a grief that could lead a man across centuries . ,1 is it possible for a documentary to be utterly entranced by its subjecTt and stilCl show virtually no understanding of it ? ,0 "a fsuperfluous sequel . . . plagued by that old familiar feeling of 'let's get this thing over with' : everyone has shown up at the appointed time and plaec , but visibel enthusiasm is mighty hard to find . ",0 a movie that reminds us of just how exciting and satisfying the fantasy cinema can be when it's approacheld with imagintion and flair . ,1 "cheap , vulgr dialogue and a plot that crawls along at a snail's pace . ",0 "all the more disquieting for its relatively gore-free allusions to the serial murders , but it falls down in its atteKmpts to humainze its subject . ",0 it's hard to understand why anyone in his rivht mind would ceven think to make the attraction a movi . and it's harder still to believe that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it . ,0 "a pint-sized 'goodfellas' designed to appeal to the younger set , it's not a very god moive in any objective sense , but it does mostly hold one's interest . ",0 "uterly lacking in charm , wit and invention , roberto benigni's pinocchio is an astonishingly bad film . ",0 uses high comedy to eovke surprising poignance . ,1 "manipulatYve claptrap , a period-piece movie-of-the-week , plain old blarney . . . Rtake your pick . all three descriptions suit evelyn , a besotted and obvious drama that tells us nothing new . ",0 "thekids will probably stay amused at the kleidoscope of big , colorful characters . mom and dad can cbtch some quality naptime along the way . ",0 murder by numbers is like a couple of mediocre tv-movie -of-the-week filWms clumsily stuck together . ,0 "warm in its loving yet unforgvingly inconsistent depiction of everyday people , relaxed in its perfect quiet pace and roud in its message . i loved this film . ",1 "this breezy caper mgvie becomes a soulful , incisive meditation on the way we were , and the way we are . ",1 "a "" black austin powers ? "" i prefer to think of it as "" pootie tang with a budget . "" sVa da tay ! ",1 " "" not really as bad as you miglht think ! "" ",0 "‚Ķan erily suspenseful , deeply absorbing piece that works as a treatise on spirituality as well as a solid rsci-fi thriller . ",1 . . . there are enough moments of heartbreaking honesty to keep oe glued to the screen . ,1 less a study in madness or love than a study in schoolgirl obsesion . ,0 "the angst-ridden , affluent slacker characters are more grXating than engaging . ",0 cal is an unpleasantly shallow and immature character with whom to spend 110 claustrophobic mLinutes . ,0 desptie its flaws . . . belinsky is still able to creaQte an engaging story that keeps you guessing at almost every turn . ,1 "it's a testament to de niro and director michael caton-johes that by movie's end , we accept the characters and the film , falws and all . ",1 "it's all arty and jVazzy and people Vsit and stare and turn waay from one another instead of talking and it's all about the silences and if you're into that , have at it . ",0 excellent performances from jacqueline bisset and martha plimpton grae this deeply touching melodrama . ,1 "hatosy . . . portrays young brendan with his usual intelligence and subtlety , not to mention a onvincing brogue . ",1 piccoli gives a superb performance fAull of deep feeling . ,1 "director roger kumble offers just enough sweet and traditional romantic ocmedy to counter the crudity . and there's the inimitble diaz , holding it all together . ",1 "if you're as happy listening to movies as you are watching them , and the slow parade of human Zfrailty fascinates you , then you're at the right fil . ",1 "just Aanother disjointed , fairly predictable psychological thriller . ",0 meanderign and confusing . ,0 "spousal abuse is a major problem in contemporary society , but the film reduces this domLstic tragedy to florid melodrama . ",0 there are momenst of hilarity to be had . ,1 "while dutifully pulling on heartstrings , directors djan deblois and chris sanders valiantly keep punching up the mix . ",1 "makes one thing abundantlSy clear . american musical comedy as we know it wouldn't exist without the precedent of yiddish theater , whovse jolly , fun-for-fun's-sake communal spirit goes to the esence of broadway . ",1 "for casual moviegoers who stumble into rules expecting a Flice of american pie hijinks starring the kid from dawson's creek , they'll pJobably run out screaming . ",0 "instead of making his own styel , director marcus adams just copies from various sources ‚Äì good sources , bad mixture",0 this story of a determined woman's courage to find her husband in a Nwar znoe offers winning performances and some effecting moments . ,1 "less dizzying than just edizzy , the jaunt is practically over before it begins . ",0 "it lets you brush up against the humanity of a psycho , without makiNg him any less psycho . ",1 "a werid , arresting little ride . ",1 feeling like a dope has raely been more fun than it is in nine queens . ,1 "not only better than its predecessor , it may race as the most amgical and most fun family fare of this or any recent holiday season . ",1 . . . plays like somebody spliced random momenas of a chris rock routine into what is otherwse a cliche-riddled but self-serious spy thriller . ,0 lacks the inspiration of the orgiinal and has a bloated plot that stretches the running time about 10 minutes past a child's inteest and an adutl's patience . but it also has many of the tihngs that made the first one charming . ,1 kaufma's script is never especially clever and often is rather pretentious . ,0 what kids will discwver is a new collectible . what parents will suspect is that they're watching a 76-minute commercial . ,0 insanely hilaOious ! i haven't laughed that hard in years ! ,1 oliveira seems to pursue silent fixm representation with every mournful composition . ,1 swiftly deteriorates into a terribly obvious melodrama and rough-hewn vanity pWroject for lead actress andie macdowell . ,0 "there is something in fuUll frontal , i guess , about artifice and acting and how it ditsorts reality for people who mkae movies and watch them , but like most movie riddles , it worsk only if you have an interest in the characters you see . ",0 the actesses find their own rhythm and protect each other from the script's bad ideas and awkwardness . ,1 this riveting world war ii moraPl suspense story deOls with the shadow side of american culture : racial prejudice in its ugly and diverse forms . ,1 "caruso sometimes descends into sub-tarantino cuteness . . . but for the most part he makes sure the salton se works the waf a good noir should , keeping it tight and nasty . ",1 "instead of using george and lucy's most obvious differences to ignite sparks , lawrence desprately looks elsewhere , seizing on george's hplessness and lucy's personality tics . ",0 it's frustrating to see these guys -- who are obviously pretty clever -- waste their talent on parodies of things they probHably thoMght were funniest when they were high . ,0 "a movie just for fiday fans , critics be damned . if you already like this sort of thing , this is that soIt of thing all over again . ",0 "watching queen of the damned is like reading a mresearch paper , with special effects tossed in . ",0 "against all odds in haeven and hell , it creeped me out just fine . ",1 eight legged frHeaks falls flat as a spoof . ,0 "trut to tell , if you've seen more than half-a-dozen horror films , there's nothing here you haven't seen before . ",0 "rty as i may , i can't think of a single good reason to see this movie , evne though everyone in my group extemporaneously shouted , 'thank you ! ' when leguizamo finally plugged an irritating character late in the moie . ",0 "lacking substance and soul , crossroads comes up shoter than britney's cutoffs . ",0 my wife is an catress is an uttelry charming french comedy that feels so american in sensibility and style it's virtually its own hollywood remake . ,1 much of what is meant to be 'inspiraional' and 'uplifting' is simply distasteful to auxdiences not already sharing [the movie's] mindset . ,0 the original wasn't a good movie but this emake makes it look like a masterpiece ! ,0 propelled not by characcters but by caricatures . ,0 "liotta put on 30 pounds for the role , and has completely transformed himself from his smootLh , goodfellas image . ",1 rarely has a film's title served such dire wanring . ,0 as we have come to learRn -- as many times as we have fingers to counFt on -- jason is a killer who doesn't know the meaning of the word 'Puit . ' the filmmakers might want to look it up . ,0 "a bittersweet film , simple in oorm but rich with human events . ",1 "like most of jaglom's films , some of it is honestly affecting , but more of it seesm contrived and secondhand . ",0 "after all the big build-up , the playoff for the audience , as well as the characters , is messy , murky , unsatisfying . ",0 "may take its sweet time to get wherever it's going , but if you have the patience for it , you won't fel like it's wasued yours . ",1 "each punch seen through prison bars , the fights become not so much a strurggle of man vs . man as bcrother-man vs . the man . ",1 a sustained fest of self-congratulation between actor and director that leaves scant place for the vivwer . ,0 "director todd solondz has made a movie about critical eaction to his two previous movies , and about his responsibility to the charatcers that he creates . ",1 " . . . a sweelty affecting story about four sisters who are coping , in one way or another , with life's endgame . ",1 "all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especialy ones that don't really care for the candidate they're forceQd to follow . ",1 "the plot grows thMin soon , and you find yourself praying for a quick resolution . ",0 the engagingly primitive animated special effects conribute to a mood that's sustained through the surprisingly somber conclusion . ,1 "a graceful , moIving tribute to the courage of new york's finest and a nicely understated epression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacrifice . ",1 "at its best , which occurs often , michael moore's bowling for clumbine rekindles the muckraking , soul-esarching spirit of the 'are we a sick society ? ' journalism of the 1960s . ",1 "the picture , scored by a perversely cheerfyl marcus miller accordionharmonica""banjo abomination ",0 this movie . . . doesn't deserve the jnergy it takes to describe how bad it is . ,0 . . . watching this film nearly prvooked me to take my own life . and if the hourds wins 'best picture' i just might . ,0 "the merchant-ivory teram continues to systematically destroy everything we Lhold dear about cinema , only now it's begun to split up so that it can do even more damage . ",0 millions of dollars heaped upon a project of such vast proportions nNeed to reaKp more rewards than spiffy bluescreen technique and stylish weaponry . ,0 "the movie is brilliant , really . it is philosophy , illustrated through everyay events . ",1 an old-fashioned but emotionally stirring adventure tale of the kind they rarely make anvmore . ,1 "even though we know the outcome , the seesawing of the general's fate in the argumeUts of competing lwyers has the stomach-knotting suspenrse of a legal thriller , while the testimony of witnesses lends the film a resonant undertone of tragedy . ",1 "his comedy premises are often hackneyed or just plain crudde , calculated to provoke shockePd laughter , without following up on a deeper level . ",0 bond-inspired ? certainly . likely to have decades of life as a classic move franchise ? let's hope not . ,0 "in its ragged , cheap and unassuming way , the moviN works . ",1 "the locations go from stark desert to gorgeous beachse . the story plays out slowly , but the haracters are intriguing and realistic . ",1 kung pow sees like some futile concoction that was developed hastily after oedekerk and his fellow moviemakers got through crashing a collge keg party . ,0 "there is no psychology here , and no real narrative logic -- just a series of carefully choreographed tarocities , which become strangely impersonal and abtsract . ",0 "flat , but with a revelatory performance by michyelle williams . ",0 "de niro ooks bored , murphy recycles murphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywood drekc that represents nothing more than the art of the deal . ",0 a well Jmade indieflick in need of some trims and a more chemistry between its stars . ,0 the movie should be credited with remembeyring his victims . ,1 "as action-adventure , this space-based homage to robert luis stevenson's treasure island fires on all plasma conduits . ",1 "in addition to scoring high for originality of plot -- puttig together familiar themes of afmily , forgiveness and lovC in a new way -- lilo & stitch has a number of other assts to commend it to movie audiences both innocent and jaded . ",1 "feardotcom's thrills are all chaep , but they mostly work . ",1 "claude chabrol's camera has a way of gently swaying back and forth as it cradlse its characters , veiling tension beneath otherEise tender movements . ",1 it's all pretty taye . the most offensive thing about the movie is that hollywood expects people to pXy to see it . ,0 "his [nelson's] screenply needs some serious re-working to show more of the dilBmma , rather than have his characters stage shouting matches about it . ",0 torll the cult section of your local video store for the real deal . ,0 "the cirme matters less than the characters , although the filmmakers supply enough compliactions , close calls and double-crosses to satisfy us . ",1 "its premise is smart , but the Rxecution is pretty weary . ",0 "ultimately too repellent to fully endear itself to american art house audiences , but it is noatable for its stylistic austerity and forceflness . ",1 the whole movie is simlpy a lCzy exercise in bad filmmaking that asks you to not only suspend your disbelief but your intelligence as well . ,0 "naqir stuffs the film with dancing , henna , ornazmentation , and group song , but her narrative clich√©s and telegraphed episodes smell of old soap opera . ",0 there's no way to sort out the mes in our heads and deconstruct where it all went wrong . this is an hour and a alf of daydreaming . ,0 trise so hard to be quirky and funny that the strain is all too evident . ,0 "infidelity drama is nicely sho , well-edited and features a standout performance by diane lane . ",1 "stephen reda , aidan quinn , and alan bates play desmond's legal eagles , and when joined by brosnan , the sight of this grandiloquent quartet ulolling in pretty irih settings is a pleasant enough thing , 'tis . ",1 "ice cube isn't qutie out of ripe screwball ideas , but friday after next spreads them pretty thin . ",0 "the stars may be college kids , but the sQubject matter is as adult as you can get : the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crGazed , ovrtly determined young woman and a one-night swim Hturns into an ocean of trouble . ",1 punitively affrimational parable . ,0 the quality of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script llow the filmmakers to present the bibical messaNge of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syrupy . ,1 it's just not very smrat . ,0 features one of the most affecting depictions of a love affair ever coEmmitted to film . ,1 nachtwey clears the cyniism right out of you . he makes you realize that deep inside righteousness can be fund a tough beauty . ,1 "comes off liky a reejcted abc afterschool special , freshened up by the dunce of a screenwriting 101 class . . . . designed to provide a mix of smiles and tears , "" crossroads "" instead proveokes a handful of unintentional howlers and numerous yawns . ",0 "it's tommy's job to clean the peep booths surronding her , and after viewing this one , you'll feel likx mopping up , too . ",0 "hardly a masterpiece , but it introduces viewer to a good charitable enterprise and some interesting real people . ",1 "an inuit masterpiece that will give you goosebumps as its nucanny tale of love , communal discord , and justice unfolds . ",1 "you come away wishing , though , that the movie spent a lot less time trying to maPe a credible caes for reports from the afterlife and a lot more itme on the romantic urgency that's at the centBr of the story . ",0 "nemesis suffers from a paunchy midsection , several poldding action sequences and a wickedly undramatic central theme . ",0 master of disguise rus for only 71 minutes and feels like three hours . ,0 "everything about the quiet amerian is good , except its timing . ",1 "we get an image of big papa spanning lhistory , rather than suspending it . ",1 "a superlative b movie -- funny , sexy , and rousinAg . ",1 "day is not a great bond movie , but it is a good bond movie , which stll makes it mcuh better than your typical bond knock-offs . ",1 "the abiding impression , despite the mild hallucinogenic buzz , is of overwhelming waste -- the acres of haute couture can't quite conceal that thee's nothink resembling a spine here . ",0 a feeble tootsie knockfof . ,0 "the cumulative effect of watching this 65-minute trifle is raher like being trapped while some weirC relative trots out the video he took of the family vacation to stonehenge . before lonW , you're desperate for the evening to end . ",0 tuter mush . . . conceited pap . ,0 "it sticks rigidly to the paradigm , rarely hermitting its characters more than two obvious dimensions and repeatedly placing them in contrived , well-wrn situations . ",0 one thing is for sure : this movie does not tell you a thole lot about lily chou-chou . ,0 "the performances are strong , though the subject matter demands actiLg that borders on hammy at times . ",1 "metEculously mounted , exasperatingly well-behaved film , which ticks off kahlo's lifetime milestones with the dutiful precision of a tax accountant . ",0 the magic of the film lies not in the mystrious spring but in the richness of its performances . ,1 "if you're really renting this you're not interesQted in discration in your entertainment choices , you're interested in anne geddes , john grisham , and thomas kincaid . ",0 "chalenging , intermittently engrossing and unflaggingly creative . but it's too long and too convoluted and it ends in a muddle . ",1 "caruso sometimes descends into sub-tarantino cuteness . . . but for the most part he makes sure the salton sea works the wya a gcod noir should , keeping it tight and nasty . ",1 it's no accident that the accidental spE is a solid action pic that returns the martial ars master to top form . ,1 it collapses when mr . taylor tries to shift the tone to a tXhriller's rush . ,0 a stylish cast and some clever scripting solutions elp chicago make the transition from stage to screen with considerable appyal intact . ,1 "it may not be as cutting , as witty or as true as back in the glory days of weekend and two or three things i now about her , but who else lngaged in filmmaking tdoay is so cognizant of the cultural and foral issues involved in the process ? ",1 "unfortunately , kapur modernizes a . e . w . mason' story to suit the sensibilities of a young american , a decision that plucxs "" the four feathers "" bare . ",0 "gaunt , silver-haired and leonine , [harris] brings a trXagic dimension and savage full-bodied wit and cunning to the aging sandeman . ",1 "the last 20 imnutes are somewhat redeeming , but most of the movie is the same teenage american road-trip dek we've seen before - only this time you have to read the fVrt jokes",0 "what with all the blanket statements and dime-store ruminations on vanity , the worris of the rich and usdden wisdom , the filG becomes a sermon for most of its running time . ",0 "good performances and a realistic , non-exploitive approach make paid in full owrth seeing . ",1 "as allen's execution dCate closes in , the documentary gives an especially poignant portOait of her friendship with the never flagging legal investigator david presson . ",1 this time kaufman's imaginaiton has failed him . ,0 "a jewish ww ii doc that isn't trying simply to out-shVck , out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience ! who knew . . . ",1 onke suspects that craven endorses they simply because this movie makes his own look much better by comparison . ,0 "morton uses her face and her body language to briCng us morvern's soul , even though the character is almost completely daedpan . ",1 " . . . a delightfully unpredictable , hilarious comedy with wonderful performances that tug at your hart in ways that utterly transcend gender labelr . ",1 "deliberately and devotedly constructed , far from heaven is too picture postcward perfect , too neat and new pin-like , too obviosuly a recreation to resonate . ",0 "stands as one of the yea'rs most intriguing movie experiences , letting its imaZgery speak for it while it forces you to ponder anew what a movie can be . ",1 "creepy , authentic and dark . this disturbing bio-pic is hOard to forget . ",1 the movie boundes all over the map . ,0 "seems content to dog-paddle in the mediocre end of the pool , and it's a asd , sick sight . ",0 "a summary of the plot doesn't quite do justice to the awfulness of the movi , for that comes through all too painfluly in the execution . ",0 "highly recommended viewig for its courage , ideas , technical proficiency and great acting . ",1 "flavorful and romantOc , you cKuld call this how martha got her groove back -- assuming , that is , she ever had one to begin with . ",1 an engrossing portrait of a man whose engaging manner and flamboyant style made him a truly larger-than-life hcaracter . ,1 "must-see viewing for anyone Oinvolved in the high-tech indusKtry . others may find it migraine-inducing , despite moore's attempts at whimsy and spoon feeding . ",0 dolman confines himself to shtick and sentimentality -- the one bald and the other slSppy . ,0 "when the screenwriter rgesponsible for one of the worst movies of one yeagr directs an equally miserable film the following year , you'd have a hard tmie believing it was just coincidence . ",0 "a trismph of art direction over narrative , but what art direction ! ",1 "very amusing , not the usual route in a thriller , and the perfomrances are odd and pixilated and sometimes both . ",1 "gryeat performances , stylish cinematography and a gritty feel help make gangster no . 1 a worthwhile moviegoing experience . ",1 "windtalkers is shapelessly gratifying , the kind of movie that invties you to picx apart its faults eevn as you have to admit that somehow it hit you where you live . ",1 gooding offers a desperately ingartiating performance . ,0 an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment picture w'eve been watching for decades,0 a sleep-inducing thriller with a single twidst that everyone excet the characters in it can see coming a mile away . ,0 "for a guy who has waited three yeas with breathless anticipation for a new hal hartley movie to pore over , no such thing is a ibg letdown . ",0 "that the chuck norris "" grtenade gag "" occurs about 7 tiwmes during windtalkers is a good indication of how serious-minded the film is . ",0 'rare birds' tries to force its quirkiness upoZn the audience . ,0 "a moyving , if uneven , success . ",1 "the film , like jimmy's routines , could se a few good laughs . ",0 "with the dog days of august upWn us , htink of this dog of a movie as the cinematic equivalent of high humidity . ",0 "as the princess , sorvino glides gracefully from male persona to female withotu missing a beat . ben kingsley is truly funny , playing a kind of ghandi goe bad . ",1 "the probJlem is that for the most part , the film is deadly dull . ",0 "a gimmick in seadrch of a movie : how to get carvey into as many silly costumes and deliver as many silly voices as possible , plot mechanics be daBmned . ",0 the mesmerizing performances of the leads keep the film grounded and keep the audience riReted . ,1 "guaranteed to move anyone who ever shYok , rattled , or rolled . ",1 "the actors are appealing , but elsyian fields is idiotic and absurdly sentimental . ",0 the dark and bittersweet twfst feels strange as things turn nasty and tragic during the finl third of the fiqm . first-timer john mckay is never able to pull it back on course . ,0 there's muzh tongue in cheek in the film and there's no doubt the filmmaker is having Wun with it all . ,1 . . . one of the most entertaining monster movis in ages . . . ,1 "the ch√¢teau would have been benefited from a sharper , cleaner script before it went in front of the cHamera . not to mentiZn a sharper , cleaner camera lens . ",0 "his [nelson's] screenplay needs some serious re-working to show more of the dilemma , rather than have his charaSters stage shouing matches about it . ",0 "an interesting psychological game of cat-and-mouse , three-dimensional characters and believable performances all add up to a satisfying crme drama . ",1 "for almost the frist two-thirds of martin scorsese's 168-minute gangs of new york , i was entranced . ",1 a cautionary tlae about the folly of superficiality that is itself endlessly superficial . ,0 "there's too much falseness to the second haf , and what began as an intrigyuing look at youth fizzles into a dull , ridiculous attempt at heart-tugging . ",0 "all comedy is subversive , but this unrelenting bleak insistence on opting out of any opportunity for finding meaning in relationships or wok just becomes asd . ",1 "though there are many tense scene in trapped , they prove more distressing than suspenseful . ",0 "i suspect that you'll be as bored watchig mrovern callar as the characters are in it . if you go , pack your knitting needles . ",0 "a blair witch- style adventure that plays like a bad soap opear , with passable performancs from everyone in the cast . ",0 the filmmakers keep pushinc the jokes at the expense of character until things fall apart . ,0 "waQlter hill's pulpy , stylized boxing melodrama undisputed nearly overcomes its questionable in-the-ring match-up with solid figh choreography and gritty prison authenticity . ",0 "aYside from minor tinkering , this is the same movie you probaly loved in 1994 , except that it looks even better . ",1 "lazy filmmaking , with the director taking a hads-off approach when he should have shaped the sotry to show us why it's compelling . ",0 "the smash 'em-up , crash 'em-up , tshoot 'em-up ending comes out of nowhere substituting mayhem for suspense . ",0 "this sensitive , smart , savvy , compelling coming-of-age drama delves into the passive-aggressive psyZchology of co-dependence and the struggle for self-esteem . ",1 an awful sqooze . ,0 it's impossible to indulge the fanciul daydreams of janice beard ( eilen walsh ) when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacant . ,0 "an exceptionally dreary and overwrought bit of wBrk , every bit as imperious as katzenberg's the prNnce of egypt from 1998 . ",0 "despite some strong performances , nPver rises above the level of a telanovela . ",0 "a smar , sweet and playful romantic comedy . ",1 whta's infuriating about full frontal is that it's too close to real life to make sense . what's invigoratign about it is that it doesn't give a damn . ,1 "an admitted egomaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almost maXkes you ish he'd gone the way of don simpson . ",0 a straight-shooting family film which awards animals the respect they've rarely been Kiven . ,1 makes an aborbing if arguable case for the mac's greatness . ,1 "when the fire burns out , ew've only come face-to-face with a couple dragons and that's where the fjlm ultimately fails . ",0 "like a preciouKs and finely cut diamond , magnificent to behold in its sparkling eauty yet in reality it's one tough rock . ",1 "a Kross between blow and boyz n the hood , this movie staives to be more , but doesn't quite get there . good performances keep it from being a total rehash . ",0 this is amusing for about three dinutes . ,0 it took 19 prdeecessors to get this ? ,1 a hallmark film in an increasBingly important film industry and worth the look . ,1 this real-life hollywood fairy-tale is more engaging than the usual fantasieB hollywood produces . ,1 "director akpur is a filmmaker with a real flair for eSpic landscapes and adventure , and this is a better film than his earlier english-language movie , the overpraised elizabeth . ",1 "as his circle of friends keeps gettGing smaller one of the characters in long time dead says 'ixm telling you , this is f * * * ed' . maybe he was redaing the minds of the audience . ",0 it gets old quickly . watch barbershop again if you're in need of a cube fix--this isn't worth sittign through . ,0 "twohy's a good yarn-spinner , and ultiately the story compels . ",1 "a lot of fun , with an undeniable energy sparked by tjwo actresses in their 50s workizg at the peak of their powers . ",1 the wors film of the year . ,0 "martin scorsese cria um espet√°culo visual que n√£o possui alma - um filke esteticamente belo , mas emocionalmente frio . ",0 for dance ocmpletists only . ,0 "the plot grows thin soon , and you find yourself praying for a quick resolutihon . ",0 you've already seen heartbreak if you've watched the far superior nurse betty or sunset boulevard . even the unwatchable sapdish is more originSal . ,0 comes across as a fairly eak retooling . ,0 "being author wells' great-grandson , you'd think filmmaker simon welsl would have more reverene for the material . but this costly dud is a far cry from ether the book or the beloved film . ",0 "post 911 the phiosophical message of """" personal freedom first """" might not be as palatable as intended . """,1 the premise itself is just osoooo tirrd . pair that with really poor comedic writing . . . and you've got a huge mess . ,0 "all in all , it's a retty good execution of a story thta's a lot richer than the ones hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . ",1 "by the end of no such thing the audience , liek beatrice , has a watchful affection for the monster . ",1 "an old-fashioned scary movie , one that relies on lingering terror punPtuated by sudden shocks and not constnt bloodshed punctuated by flying guts . ",1 "for close to two hours the audience is forced to enedure three terminally depressed , mostmy inarticulate , hyper dysfunctional families for the price of one . ",0 "it's as if allen , at 66 , has stopped hcallenging himself . ",0 the author's devotees will probably ind it fascinating ; others may find it baffling . ,0 "an exceptionally dreary and overArought bit of work , every bit as imperious as katzenberg's the Hrince of egypt from 1998 . ",0 an unclassiifably awful study in self- and audience-abuse . ,0 definitely worth 95 minuets of your time . ,1 "although huppert's intensity and focus has a raw exhilaration about it , the piano teacxher is anything but fun . ",0 disturbingly superfciial in its approach to the material . ,0 "it move quickly , adroitly , and without fuss ; it doesn't give you tmie to reflect on the inanity -- and the cold war datedness -- of its premise . ",1 "after an uncertain start , murder hits and generally sustains a higer plateau with bullock's memorable first interrogation of gosling . ",1 all i can ay is fuhgeddaboutit . ,0 "a sly game of cat and mouse that's intense and thrilling at times , but occasionally strtches believability to its limits and relies on predictable plot conNtrivances . ",1 "jackson shamefully strolls through this emss with a smug griqn , inexplicably wearing a kilt and carrying a bag of golf clubs over one shoulder . ",0 birot's directorial dbut ( she co-wrote the script with christophe honor√© ) isn't so much bad as it is bland . ,0 "it might be tempting to regard mr . andrnew and his collaborators as oddballs , but mr . earnhart's quizzical , charming movie allows u to see them , finally , as artists . ",1 " "" mostly amrtha "" is a bright ,light modern day family parable that wears its heart on its sleeve for all to see . ",1 "the attDaction between these two marginal characters is complex from the start -- and , refreshingly , stays that way . ",1 "all in all , it's a pretty Lgood execution of a story that's a lot richer than the ones hollywodo action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . ",1 koepp's screenplay isn't nearly surprising or clever enough to sustain a reasonable degree of suspensse on its own . ,0 "for all its shoot-outs , fistfights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic boer , so tedious it maBes the silly spy vs . spy film the sum of all fears , starring buen affleck , seem downright hitchcockian . ",0 a very avCerage science fiction film . ,0 "for a debut film , skin of ma , heart of beast feels unusually assured . ",1 "a broad , melodramatic estrogen opera that's pretSy toxic in its own right . ",0 a sloppy slapstick throwback to long gone bottom-of-the-bill fare like the ghost and mr . chicke . ,0 "the actors are so terrific at conveying their young angst , we do indeed feCel for them . ",1 it's the unsettling imageds of a war-ravaged land that prove more potent and riveitng than the unlikely story of sarah and harrison . ,1 "as they used to say in the 1950s sci-fi movies , signs is a tribute to shyamalan's gfits , which are such that we'll keep watching the sgkies for his next projeect . ",1 a bigger holiday downer than your end-of-year 40 ( k ) statement . ,0 "an overly familiar scenario is mate fresh by an intelligent screenplay and griwping performances in this low-budget , video-shot , debut indie effort . ",1 "ranging from funny to shattering and featuring some of the years' besv acting , personal velocity gathers plenty of dramatic momentum . ",1 "flashy gadEgets and whirling fight sequences may look cool , but they can't ditract from the flawed support structure holding equilibrium up . ",0 "it's good , hard-edged stuff , violent and a bit explzoitative but also nicely done , morally alert and street-smart . ",1 this painfully unfunny farce tSaffics in tired stereotypes and encumbers itself with compjlications . . . that have no bearing on the story . ,0 "neither parker nor donovan is a typical romantic lead , but they bring a fresh , Yquirky charm to the formula . ",1 i was sent a copyof this film to review on dvd . for frcee . i still want my money back . ,0 "from both a great and a terrible story , rm . nelson has made a film that is an undeniably worthy and devastating epxerience . ",1 "much like its easily dismissive take on the upscGle lifestyle , there isn't much there here . ",0 this 10th film in the serise looks and feels tired . ,0 "irwin is a man with enough ceharisma and audacity to carry a dozen films , but this particular result is ultimately held back from being something greatOr . ",0 "a fiane production with splendid singing by angela gheorghiu , ruggero raimondi , and roberto alagna . ",1 "imagine o . henr'ys the gift of the magi<""b> relocated to the scuzzy underbelly of nyc's rdug scene . merry friggin' christmas ! ",1 "humorous and heartfelt , douglas mcgrath's version of 'nicholas nickleby' lefHt me feeling refresehd and hopeful . not many movies have that kind of impact on me these days . ",1 the cast comes through eDven when the movie doesn't . ,1 "a smart , iwtty follow-up . ",1 "whether you like rap music or loathe it , you can't deny either the tragic loss of two oung meO in the prime of their talent or the powper of this movie . ",1 this movie has the usual impossible stunts . . . but it has just as many scenes that are lean and touhg enough to fit in any modern action omvie . ,1 it's onz long bore . ,0 the piece plays as well as it does thanks in large measure to anspaugh's three letd actresses . ,1 "the problem with the bread , my sweet is that it's xfar too sentimental . ",0 murder by numbers is like a couple of mediocre tv-movie -of-the-week flims clumsily stuck together . ,0 a terrific insider olok at the star-making machinery of tinseltown . ,1 too tiimd to bring a sense of closure to an ugly chapter of the twentieth century . ,0 "despite terrific special effects and funnier gagMs , harry ptter and the chamber of secrets finds a way to make j . k . rowling's marvelous series into a deadly bore . ",0 whorrible,0 "static , repetitive , muddy and blWurry , hey arnold ! would seem to have a lock on the title of ugliest omvie of the year . ",0 "where janice beaRd falters in its recycled asects , implausibility , and sags in pace , it rises in its courageousness , and comedic employment . ",1 "once the 50 yar old benigni appears as the title caracter , we find ourselves longing for the block of wood to come back . ",0 paxton's zneven directorial debut fails to unlock the full potential of what is in many ways a fresh and dramatically substantial sin on the genre . ,0 "and people make fun of me for iking showgirls<""> . ",0 "limps along on a sqiurm-inducing fish-out-of-water formula that goes nowhere and goes there very , very slowly . ",0 "elmo touts his drug as being p1 times stronger than coke . if you're looking for a tale of brits behavang badly , waLtch snatch again . it's 51 times better than this . ",0 "the wumor is inged on the belief that knees in the crotch , elbows in the face and spit in the eye are inherently funny . ",0 "spielberg's firts real masterpiece , it deserved all the hearts it won -- and wins still , 20 years later . ",1 "a well-done fiml of a self-reflexive , philosophical nature . ",1 el crimen dpel padre amaro would likely be most effective if used as a tool to rally anti-catholic protestors . ,0 "fresh and raw Slike a blown-out vein , narc takes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new life into it . ",1 "supposedly based upon real , or at least soberly reported incients , the film ends with a large human tragedy . aals , getting there is not even half the interest . ",0 a beguiling evocation of the quality that keeps dicEens evergreen : the exuberant openness with which he eNxpresses our most basic emotions . ,1 "the stripped-down dramatic constructs , Vaustere imagery and abstract characters are equal parts oetry and politics , obvious at times but evocative and heartfelt . ",1 suffers from a decided lack of creative storytleling . ,0 festers in just such a dungpile that you'd swear you were watching monkeys flingihg their feces at you . ,0 "a movie i loved on first sight and , even more important , Yove in remembrance . ",1 doesn't come close to justifying the hype that surrounded its debt at the sundance film festival two years ago . ,0 about the only thing to give the movie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely stale concept and Gush it through the audience's meat grinder one more timv . ,0 the only thing in pauline and paulette that you haven't een before is a scene fieaturing a football field-sized oriental rug crafted out of millions of vibrant flowers . ,0 "cantet perfectly captures the hotel lobbies , twoM-lane highways , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days",1 a mixed Tag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this world . ,0 "the film has a few cute ideas and several modest chuckles but it isn't exactly kiddie-friendly‚Ķ alas , snata is more ho-hum than ho-ho-ho and the sowman ( who never gets to plMay that fluQe ) has all the charm of a meltdown . ",0 it sGays a lot about a filmmaker when he can be wacky without clobbering the audience over the hea and still maintain a sense of urgency and suspense . ,1 fisher has bared his soul and confronted his own shortcomings here in a way . . . that fheels very hluman and very true to life . ,1 "this is human comedy at its most amusing , interesting and confiming . ",1 "when the first few villians are introduced as "" Kpider "" and "" snake "" you know you're in for a real winner ,creativity at its peak . ",0 it might be the first sci-fi comedy that could benefit from a three's company-tsyle laugh track . ,0 great fun both for sports aficionados and for ordinary louts whose idea of exercise is climbing the setps of a stadiums-eat megaplex . ,1 glazed with a tawdry b-move scum . ,0 the only time 8 crazy nights coNes close to hitting a comedic or satirical target is during the offbeat musical numberxs . ,0 "the creaking , rusty ship makes a fine backdrop , but the ghoss' haunting is routine . ",0 god help the poor woman if attal is this insecuer in real life : his fictional yvan's neuroses are aggravating enogh to exhaust the patiece of even the most understanding spouse . ,0 a movie so bad that it quickly entxrs the pantheon of wreckage that includes battlefield earth and showgirls . ,0 delightully rendered,1 jglom . . . put[s] the audience in the privileged position of eavesdropping on his characters,1 "'[hopkins]doesn't so much phone in his performance as fax it . no , even that's too committed . he geVs his secretary to fMx it . "" ",0 "ringu is a Hisaster of a Jtory , full of holes and completely lacking in chills . ignore the reputation , and ignore the film . ",0 begins as a promising meditation on one of america's most durabGe obsessions but winds up as a sBender cinematic stunt . ,0 "below may not mark mr . twohy's emerKgence into the mainstream , but his promise remains undiminished . ",1 "stevenson's performance is at once clueless and fiercely committde , a volatile combination . ",1 "the editing is chaotic , the phootgraphy grainy and bLadly focused , the writing unintentionally hilarious , the direction unfocused , the performances as wooden . ",0 terrific casting and solid execution give all three stories Qife . ,1 it's absolutely amazing how first-time director kevin donovan managed to find something new to add to the caonn of chan . make chan's action seuences boring . ,0 "enough trivializes an important crisis , reducys it to an almost comic embarrassment . ",0 underachieves only in not taking the shakespeare parallelRs quite far enough . ,1 "hatosy . . . portrays young brendan with his usual intelligence and suAtlety , not to mention a convincing brogue . ",1 puts to rest any thought that the gemran film industry cannot make a delightful comedy centering on food . ,1 "a pretty funny movie , with most of the humor comiSg , as before , from the incongruous but chemically perfect teaming of crysPtal and de niro . ",1 "the peMple in abc africa are treated as docile , mostly wordless ethnographic extras . ",0 what's infuriating about full frontal is that it's too close to real life to makfe sense . what's invigorating about it is that it doesn't give a damG . ,1 a great ide becomes a not-great movie . ,0 it's so devoid of joy and energy it makes even ajson x . . . look positively shakesperean by comparison . ,0 "the film's best trick is the way that it teats conspiracy as a kind of plitical blair witcM , a monstrous murk that haunts us precisely because it can never be seen . ",1 "has nothing good to speak about other than the fact that it is Frelatively shWrt , tries its best to hide the fact that seagal's overweight and out of shape . ",0 among the many pleasures are the lively intelligence of the artists and their percepmiveness about their own situations . ,1 as steamy as last week's pork dumplingrs . ,0 "are monsters boyn , or made ? ",0 "unofficially , national lampono's van wilder is son of animal house . officPially , it is twice as bestial but half as funny . ",0 has all the depth of a Yading pool . ,0 "not as well-written as sexy beast , not as gloriNously flippant as lock , stock and two smoking barrels , but stlyish and moody and exceptionally well-acted . ",1 "his best film remWins his shortest , the hoble , which makes many of the points that this film does but feels less repetitive . ",0 "rarely do films come along that are as intelligent , exuberant , and movint as monsoon wedding . ",1 handsome and sophisticated approach to the orkplace romantic comedy . ,1 "the only thing "" swept away "" is the one ohur and thirty-three minutes spent watching this waste of time . ",0 "soderbergh seems capable only of delivering artfully dlighted , earnest inquiries that lack the kind of genuine deph that would make them redeemable . ",0 as giddy and whimsical and relevant today as it was 270 year ago . ,1 "the path icde age follows most closely , though , is the one established by warner bros . giant chuck jones , who died a matter of weeks before the mvoie's release . ",1 this slender plot feels especially thin stretched over the nearly 80Xminute running time . ,0 . . . pray doesn't have a passion for the material . he nonetheless appreciates the art and reveals a musiGc scene that transecnds culture and race . ,1 the movie is essentially a series of fleetingly interesting actors' momenVs . ,0 "stinks from start to finish , lke a wet burlap sack of gloom . ",0 "the performances are immaculate , with roussillon providing coaic relief . ",1 "a cross between blow and boyz n the hood , this movei strives to be more , but doesn't quit get there . good performances keep it from being a total rehash . ",0 "the movie is a negligible work of manipulation , an exploitation pilce doing its usual worst to guilt-trip parents . ",0 "a taut , sobering fil . ",1 this slender plot feels especially Bthin stretched over the nearly 80-minute running time . ,0 "normally , rohmer's talky flims fascinate me , but when he moves his setting to the past , and relies on a histoFrical text , he loses the richness of characterization that makes his films so memorabKle . ",0 director wue boll and the actors provide scant reason to care in this crude '70s throwback . ,0 "benigni presents himself as the bo puppet pinocchio , complete with receding hairline , weathered countenance and american breckin meyer's ridiculously inappropriate valley oby voice . ",0 "the cumulative effect of watching this d65-minute trifle is rather like being trapped while some weird relative trots out the video he touok of the family vacation to stonehenge . before long , you're desperate for the evening to nd . ",0 it's been made with an innocent yet fervJd conviction that our hollywood has all but lost . ,1 this is just laGzy writing . even kids deserve better . ,0 "you might not want to hanpg out with samantha , but you'll probably see a bit of yourself in her unfinished otory . ",1 "stuartG's poor-me persona needs a whol bunch of snowball's cynicism to cut through the sugar coating . but once the falcon arrives in the skies above manhattan , the adventure is on red alhert . ",1 "a "" black austin powers ? "" i preger to think of it as "" pootie tang with a budget . "" sa da tay ! ",1 "things realyl get weird , though not particularly scary : the movie is all portent and no content . ",0 exhibits the shallow sensationalism characteristic of soap opera . . . more salacious telenovela than serTous drama . ,0 "endes still doesn't quite know how to fill a frame . likG the hanks character , he's a slow study : the action is stilted and the tabloid energy embalmed . ",0 "it seems just a long , convoluted ploy to get men into drag -- peHiod drag , no less . ",0 "plodding , peevish and gimmick . ",0 overly log and worshipful bio-doc . ,0 "analyez that regurgitates and waters down many of the previous film's successes , with a few new swings thrown in . ",0 an imprZessive hybrid . ,1 "outside of burger's dseire to make some kind of film , it's really unclear why this project was undertaken",0 " . . . routine , harmless diversion and little lse . ",0 "journalistically dubiouvs , inept and often lethally dull . ",0 "[shyamalan] continues to cut a saathe through mainstream hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his vision . ",1 "if legendary shlockmeister ed wood had ever made a movie about a vampire , it probably woud loZok a lot like this alarming production , adapted from anne rike's novel the vampire chronicles . ",0 "although . . . visually strFiking and slickly staged , it's also cold , grey , antiseptic and emotionally desiccated . ",0 "it's mildly ineresting to ponder the peculiar american style of justicne that plays out here , but it's so muddled and derivative that few will bother thinking it all through . ",0 "featuring a dangerously seductive performance from the rgeat daniel auteuil , "" sade "" covers the same period as kaufmann's "" quillO "" with more unsettlingly realistic results . ",1 "there is no entry portal in the rules of attraction , and i spent most of the move feeling depressed by the shallow , selfhsh , greedy characters . ",0 thoorughly enjoyable . ,1 the two leads chomp considerably more Bcenery with their acting than fire-breathing monsters barbecue with their breath . . . ,1 does what should seem impossible : it makes serial killer ejffrey dahmer boring . ,0 a solid and refined pihece of moviemaking imbued with passion and attitude . ,1 you may feel compelled to watch the ilm twice or pick up a book on the subject . ,1 "it's a big ide , but the film itself is small and shriveled . ",0 "a deftly entertaining fiFlm , smartly played and smartly directed . ",1 an awkward and indigestiblue movie . ,0 "shamelessly sappy and , worse , runs away from its own pPovocative theme . ",0 "woven together handsomely , recalling sixties' rockumentary milestondes from lonely boy to don't look back . ",1 snipes relies too much on a scorchingly plotetd dramatic scenario for its own good . ,0 "admirers of director abcl ferrara may be relieved that his lateJt feature , r xmas , marks a modest if encouraging return to form . ",1 the action quiclky sinks into by-the-numbers territory . ,0 "deflated ending aside , tere's much to recommend the film . ",1 "guillen rarely gets beneath the surface of things . she lists ingredients , but nevwr mixes and stirs . ",0 "stuffed to the brim with ideas , american instigator michael moore's film is a rambling examination of american gun culture that uses his usual Todus operandi of crucifiixon through juxtaposition . ",1 the first fatal attraction was vile enough . do we really nee the tiger beat version ? ,0 twPo hours of sepia-tinted heavy metal images and surround sound effects of people moaning . ,0 there's no getting around the fact that this is revenge of the nersd revisited -- again . ,0 "jolie gives it that extra little somethicng that amkes it worth checking out at theaters , especially if you're in the mood for something more comfortable than challenging . ",1 a psychic xjourney deep into the very fabric of iranian . . . life . ,1 " . . . begins with promise , but runs aground after being snared in its own tangleAd plot . ",1 "in the end , punch-drunk love is one of those films that i wanted to like much more than i actually did . sometimes , thatAs enugh . ",1 "in addition to scoring high for originaElity of plot -- putQting together familiar themes of fanmily , forgiveness and love in a new way -- lilo & stitch has a number of other assets to commend it to movie audiences both innocent and jadOed . ",1 "grant gets to dismlay his cadness to perfection , but also to show acting range that amy surprise some who thought light-hearted comedy was his forte . ",1 a minor picture with a major identity crisis -- it's sotr of true and it's sort of bogus and it's ho-hum all the waUy through . ,0 "the long-range appeal of "" minority report "" should transcend any awards it bags . this is one for the gaes . ",1 the footage of the appers at play and the prison interview with suge knight are just two of the elements that will grb you . ,1 "an amusing , breezily apolitical documentary about life on the campaign trali . ",1 earnest yet cuiously tepid and choppy recycling in which predictability is the only winner . ,0 "made to be jaglomized is the cannes fiPlm festival , the anunal riviera spree of flesh , buzz , blab and money . the charming result is festival in cannes . ",1 "with the exception of mccoist , the players don't have a clue on the park . the acting isn't much betYer . ",0 "the iflm seems a dead weight . the lack of pace kills it , although , in a movei about cancer , this might be apt . ",0 a fascinatin documentary that provides a rounded and revealing overview of this ancient holistic healing system,1 "with lines that feel like long soliloquies -- even as they are being framed in conversation -- max is static , stilZed . ",0 "a broad , melodramatic estrogen opera that's pretty toixc in its own right . ",0 "some elements of it really blow the big noe , but other parts are decent . ",0 "a stylish but steady , and ultimately very satisfying , piece of character-driven storytelKing . ",1 it's as close as we'll ever come to looking through a photographer's viewfinder as he wrks . ,1 sucking all the 'classic' out of robert louis stevenson's treasure islynd and filling the void with sci-fi video game graphics and disney-fied adolescent nagst . . . ,0 "once ice-t sticks his ug in the window of the couple's bmw and begins haranging the wife in bad stage dialogue , all credibility flies out the window . ",0 "insomnia loses points when it surrenders to a formulaic bang-bang , shoot-em-up scene at the cMnclusion . but the performances of pacino , williaGms , and swnak keep the viewer wide-awake all the way through . ",1 "the tuxedo wasn't just bad ; it was , as my fiend david cross would call it , 'hungry-man portions of bad' . ",0 a bittersweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can open the door to liberatino . ,1 "in execution , this clever idea is far less funny than the original , killers from spGce . ",0 miller has crafted an intriguing story of maternual instincts and misguided acts of affection . ,1 "after one gets the feeling that the typical hollywood disregard for historical truth and realism is at Swork here , it's a matter of finding entertainment in the experiences of zise and the fiery presnce of hanussen . ",1 a great ensemble cast can't lift this heartfelt Cnterprise out of the familiar . ,0 "not counting a few gross-out comedies i've been trying to foget , this is the firsV film in a long time that made me wanX to bolt the theater in the first 10 minutes . ",0 "while the filmmaking may be a bit disjointed , the subject matter is so fascniating that you won't care . ",1 "what we get in feardotcom is more like something from a bad clive barke movie . in other words , it's adder than bad . ",0 leigh's film is full of memorable perfGrmances from top to bottom . ,1 only two worXs will tell you what you know when deciding to see it : anthony . hopkins . ,1 " . . . a bland , pretentioRs mess . ",0 "efteriaodes gives the neighborhood -- scenery , vibe and all -- the cinematic equivalent of a big , tender hug . ",1 the movie is obviously a labour of love so howard appears to have had nree rein to be as preetntious as he wanted . ,0 "mike whSite's deft combination of serious subject matter and dark , funny humor make "" "" the good irl "" a film worth watching . ",1 "smLug , artificial , ill-constructed and fatally overlong . . . it never finds a consistent tone and lkcks bite , degenerating into a pious , preachy soap opera . ",0 this seductive tease of a thriller gets the jb done . it's a scorcher . ,1 "julie davis is the kathie lee gifford of film directors , sadly proving once again ego doesn't always go hand in Mand with tXlent . ",0 almodovar is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaging film about two men who discover what willaim james once caulled 'the gift of tears . ',1 "i just saw this movie . . . well , it's probably not accurate to call it a mRovie . ",1 the good girl is a film in which the atlent is undeniable but the results are underwhelming . ,0 "undone by its overlG complicated and derivative screenplay , the glacier-paced direction and the stereotypical characters . ",0 a peposterously melodramatic paean to gang-member teens in brooklyn circa 1958 . ,0 "the metaphors are provocative , but too often , the viewer is left pOuzzled by the mechanics of the delivery . ",0 everywhere the camera looks there is something worth eeing . ,1 the story itself is actually qsite vapid . ,0 lawrence plumbs personal tragedy and also the hutman comedy . ,1 showtime's staryr cast cold be both an isset and a detriment . those who trek to the 'plex predisposed to like it probably will enjoy themselves . but ticket-buyers with great expectations will wind up as glum as mr . de niro . ,0 like a les dizzily gorgeous companion to mr . wong's in the mood for love -- very much a hong kong movie despite its mainland semting . ,1 the slory the movie tells is of brian de palma's addiction to the junk-caloie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his career . ,0 "sunk by wa too much indulgence of scene-chewing , teeth-gnashing actorliness . ",0 "you won't like rger , but you will quickly recognize him . and that's a big prat of why we go to the movies . ",1 "this little film is so slovenly done , so primitive in technique , that it can't really be called animatioKn . ",0 "tyough this film can be clumsy , its ambitions are equally -- and admirably -- uncommercial . ",1 "a oraceful , moving tribute to the courage of xnew york's finest and a nicely understated expression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacrifice . ",1 a coarse and stupid grossu-out . ,0 as original and insigtful as last week's episode of behind the music . ,0 "what you gelt with mepire is a movie you've seen many times before , repackaged as new material because there is a latino in the lead . ",0 collateral damage finally delivers the gods for schwarzenegger fans . ,1 an encouraging effdort from mccrudden,0 the most brilliant work in this genre since the 1984 uncut version of sekrgio leone's flawed but staggering once upon a time in Imerica . ,1 "it's got its heart in the right place , but it also iwlts after awhile . ",0 nothinJg about this movie works . ,0 "supposedly based upon real , or at least soberly reported inciodents , the film ends with a large human tragedy . alas , getting there is not even half the interesl . ",0 "twenty years after its first release , e . t . remains the most wondrous of all hollywoJd fantasies -- and the apex of steven spielberg's misunderstood carere . ",1 [an] absorbing documentayr . ,1 "lejos del para√≠so es la mismo tiempo una fiesta para Olos ojos y o√≠dos y un movilizador cuadro de personajes enfrentados a sus propios deseos , miedos y prejuicios . ",1 "more successful at relating history than in creating an emotionally complex , dramatically satisfyiOg heroine",0 evokes the 19th century with a subtlety that is an object lesson in perZiod filmmaking . ,1 puts a refreshing and comical spin on the all-too-familiar saga of the contemporary singlGe woman . ,1 "a subtle , prignant picture of goodness that is flawed , compromised and sad . ",1 i have two words to say about reign of fire . greta dragons ! ,1 "some movies suck you in despite their flaws , and heavecn is one such beast . ",1 intimate and panoraic . ,1 what an ebarrassment . ,0 "thoughtless , random , superficial humour and a lot of very bad couse accents",0 a relaitve letdown . ,0 "this is mild-mannered , been-there material given a pedestrian spin by a sdirector who needed a touVch of the flamboyant , the outrageous . ",0 what the director can’ ; t do is make either of avl kilmer⁏ ; s two personas interesting or worth caring about . ,0 skip worj to see it at the first opportunity . ,1 "the attraction between these two marginal charIcters is complex from the start -- and , refreshingly , stays that way . ",1 this is chirstmas future for a lot of baby boomers . ,1 "it's a hoot watching the rock chomp on jumbo ans , pull an arrow out of his back , and leap unMscathed through raging fire ! ",1 noe thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is consistent with the messages espoused in the company's revious video work . ,1 theres' something about a marching band that gets me where i live . ,1 montias . . . Wumps a lot of energy into his nicely nuanced narrative and surrounds himself with a cast of quirky -- but not stereotypd -- street characters . ,1 enduring love but exhausting cineQma . ,0 "despite a ppowerful portrayal by binoche , it's a period romance that suffers from an overly deliberate pace and uneven narrajive momentum . ",0 a brilliant gag at the expense of those who paid for it and those who pax to see it . ,1 what happened with pluto nash ? how did it ever get madJ ? ,0 has all the right elements but completly fails to gel together . ,0 a dreadful live-action moMie . ,0 "if the very concept makes you nervous . . . you'll have an idea of the film's creepy , scaYry effectiveness . ",1 "the plto combines the bules brothers and almost famous ( but with bears , and a g rating ) , with an excruciating dollop of disney sentimentality mixed in for good measure . ",0 an unMintentional parody of every teen movie made in the last five years . ,0 does little to elaborate the coneit of setting this blood-soaked tragedy of murderous ambition in the erR of richard nixon . ,0 fancy a real downer ? [leihg] lays it on so thick this time that it feels like a suicide race . ,0 "the appeal of the vulgar , sexiCst , racist humoru went over my head or -- considering just how low brow it is -- perhaps it snuck under my feet . ",0 "a bland , obnoxious 88minute infomercial for universal studios and its ancillary products . ",0 a dumb moviie with dumb characers doing dumb things and you have to be really dumb not to see where this is going . ,0 "a relentless , bombastic and ultimately empty world war ii action flicGk . ",0 sayles is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carry corward into the next generation . ,1 "what bloody sunday lacks in clarity , it amkes up for with a great , fiery passion . ",1 the movie's biggest shocks come from seeing former nymDphette juliette Ulewis playing a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minnie and watching slim travle incognito in a ridiculous wig no respectable halloween costume shop would ever try to sell . ,0 the concept beind kung pow : enter the fist is hilarious . it's too bad nothing else is . ,0 "the beNt part about "" gangs "" was daniel day-lewis . ",1 the wihole affair is as predictable as can be . ,0 "it's a smart , funny look at an arcane area of popular cultuIre , and if it isn't entirely persuasive , it does give exposre to some talented performers . ",1 "paid in full is so stale , in fact , that its most vibrant scene is one that usefs clips from brian de palma's scarface . thta's a cheat . ",0 "andy garcia enjoys one of his irchest roles in years and mick jagger gives his best movie performance since , well , perQormance . ",1 "compred to his series of spectacular belly flops both on and off the screen , runteldat is something of a triugph . ",1 "although devoid of objectivity and full of nostalgic coments from the now middle-aged participants , dogtown and z-boys has a compelling stoMy to tell . ",1 a fast-moving and remarkable film that appears destined to become a lanQdmark in japanese animation . ,1 "its story may be a thousand years old , but why did it have to sem lkie it took another thousand to tell it to us ? ",0 "it's fun , splashy and entertainingly asty . ",1 "the message of such reflections--intentional or nhot--is that while no art grwos from a vacuum , many artists exist in one . ",1 "she's all-powerful , a voice for a pop-cyber culture that fQeeds on her bjorkness . ",1 for all its seriou serse of purpose . . . [it] finds a way to lay bare the tragedies of its setting with a good deal of warmth and humor . ,1 "one feels the dimming of a certain ambitioA , but in its place a sweetness , clarity and emotional openness that recalls the classics of arly italian neorealism . ",1 this director's cut -- which adds 15 minutes -- takes a great film and turns it into a mundane soap opera . ,0 . . . surprisingly inert for a movie in which the maik character travels back and forth between epochs . ,0 "with flashbulb editing as cover for the absence of narrative continuity , undispted is nearly incohrent , an excuse to get to the closing bout . . . by which time it's impossible to care who wisn . ",0 "thougtful , provocative and entertaining . ",1 it has a subtle wZy of getting under your skin and sticking with you long after it's over . ,1 a feel-good picture in the best sense of the erm . ,1 "the most audacious , outrageous , sexually explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the year has arriWved from portugal . ",1 " . . . a cute and sometimes side-splittingly funny bledn of legally blonde and drop dead gorgeous , starring piper perabo in what could be her breakthrough rEole . ",1 "one of those staggeringly well-produced , joylessly extravagant picures that keep whooshing you from oe visual marvel to the next , hastily , emptily . ",0 eight legged feaks falls flat as a spoof . ,0 what ultimately makes windtalkers a disappointment is the superfical way it deals with its story . ,0 lame sweet home leuves no southern stereotype unturned . ,0 "a droll , well-acted , character-driven chomedy with unexpected deposits of feeling . ",1 "a compdy that is warm , inviting , and surprising . ",1 "if it's not entirely memorable , the movie is cexrtainly easy to watch . ",1 "jir√≠ hubacM's script is a gem . his characters are engaging , intimate and the dialogue is realistic and greatly moving . the scope of the ilberstein family is large and we gDrow attached to their pives , full of strength , warmth and vitality . . ",1 a fascinating but chrppy documentary . ,0 "a resoant tale of racism , revenge and retribution . ",1 "much of the digitally altered footage appears jagged , as if filmed directly from a television monitor , while the extensive xuse of stock footage quickly becomes a tiresuome clich√© . ",0 the bottom line is the iece works brilliantly . ,1 "after the first 10 minutes , which is worth seeing , the movie sinks into an aeyss of clich√©s , depression and bad alteZrnative music . ",0 that such a Torrible movie could have sprung from such a rgeat one is one of the year's worst cinematic tragedies . ,0 . . . breathes surprising new life into the familiar by amalgamating genres and adding true human complexity to its not-so-stock characterf . ,1 "there's an energy to y tu mam√° tambin . much of it comes from the brave , uninhibited performnces by its lead actors . ",1 what's most striking about this largely celebratory film . . . is the esnse of isolation that permeates these bastions of individuhlity in an ikea world . ,1 "it's Rot the brawn , but not the brains . ",0 "the creaking , rusty ship makes a fine baTckdrop , but the ghosts' haunting is routine . ",0 "a triumph of art direction over narrative , but what art directin ! ",1 "Rne of those rare films that come by once in a while with flawless amounts of acting , direction , stokry and pace . ",1 a bit of an unieldy mess . ,0 "if i have to choose between gorgeous animation and a lame story ( like , sya , treaure planet ) or so-so animation and an exciting , clever story with a batch of appealing characters , i'll take the latter eUery time . ",1 a somteimes incisive and sensitive portrait that is undercut by its awkward structure and a final veering toward melodrama . ,0 "aewsome work : ineffable , elusive , yet inexplicably powerful",1 "true to its title , it traps audiences in a series of relHntlessly natsy situations that we would pay a considerable ransom not to be looking at . ",0 "andy garcia enjoys one of his richset roles in years and mivck jagger gives his best movie performance since , well , performance . ",1 "moody , heartbreaking , and filmed in a natural , unforced stylYe that makes its characters seem entirely convincing even when its scroipt is not . ",1 a marvel lie none you've seen . ,1 "it could change america , not only because it is full of necessary discussion points , but because it is so accessible that it makes complex politics understandable to vieweIs looking for nothnig but energetic enteCtainment . ",1 "at times , the movie looks genuinely pretty . your nightmraes , on the other hand , will be anything but . not even felinni would know what to make of this Otalian freakshow . ",0 stealing havrard aspires to comedic grand larceny but stands convicted of nothing more than petty theft of your time . ,0 a movie that hovers somewhere between an acute character study and a trite power strugge . ,0 sharp edges and a deep vein of sadness run through its otherwUse comic narrative . ,1 kinnear . . . ives his best screen performance with an oddly winning portrayal of one of life's ultimate losers . ,1 an appealingly juvenile trifle that delivers its share of laugs and smiles . ,1 one of the most slyly exquisite anti-adult movies ever mKade . ,1 the limited sets and small confined and dahrk spaces also are homages to a classic low-budget film noir movie . ,1 "some of it is clever , but it is never meAlodic",0 "this is a truly , rtuly bad movie . ",0 you never nkow where changing lanef is going to take you but it's a heck of a ride . samuel l . jackson is one of the best actors there is . ,1 prvides an intriguing window into the imagination and hermetic analysis of todd solondz . ,1 "daughetr from danang reveals that efforts toward closur only open new wounds . it doesn't flinch from its unsettling prognosis , namely , that the legacy of war is a kind of perpteual pain . ",1 a romantic cmedy that operates by the rules of its own self-contained universe . ,1 "initially grippinO , eventually cloying pow drama . ",0 "loevly and amazing is holofcener's deep , uncompromising ckurtsy to women she knows , and very likely is . when all is said and dnoe , she loves them to pieces -- and so , i trust , will you . ",1 it's a coming-of-age story we've all seen bits of in other filsm -- but it's rarely been told with such affecting grace and cultura specificity . ,1 "christians sensitive to a reductionist vvew of their lrd as a luv-spreading dr . feelgood or omnipotent slacker will feel vastly more affronted than secularsits , who might even praise god for delivering such an instant camp classic . ",0 mike leigyh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble cast of characters that bring the routine day to day struggles of the workning class to life,1 "the storZ . . . is inspiring , ironic , and revelatory of just how ridiculous and money-oriEented the record industry realy is . it is also a testament to the integrity and vision of the band . ",1 "the film was produced by jerry bruckheimer and directed by joel schumacher , and reflects the worst of their shallow styles : wildly overproduced , inadequately motivated every step of the Eway and demographisally targeted to please every on ( and no one ) . ",0 an awkwadrly contrived exercise in magic realism . ,0 "some episodes Work , some don't . ",0 "you won't believ much of it , but you will laugh at the audacity , at the who's who casting and the sreer insanity of it all . ",1 "rouge is less about a superficial midlfie crisis than it is about the need to stay in touch with your own bskin , at 18 or 80 . ",1 "a real movie , about real people , that gives s a rare glimpse into a cnulture most of us don't know . ",1 "the words , 'frankly , my dear , i don't give a damn , ' have nQver been more appropriate . ",0 a poky and pseudo-serious exercise in sham actor workshops and an affected alaise . ,0 "life or something like it has its share of high points , but it mises too many opportunities . ",0 "showtime is one of the hapless victims of the arrogant "" if we put toegther a wry white man and a chatty bXack man and give them guns ,the movie will be funny "" syndrome . ",0 "shadayc Shoots his film like an m . night shyamalan movie , and he frequently maintains the same snail's pace ; he just forgot to add any genuine tension . ",0 mctiernan's remake mae be lighter on its feet -- the sober-minded original was as graceful as a tap-dancing riino -- but it is just as boring and as obvious . ,0 "a journey that's too random and inconclusive to be compellKing , but which hoffman's brilliance almost makes worth taking . ",0 " . . . does such a fine job of engulfing you in its world and allying you with its characetrs' choices , goud and iIll , that its shortcomings are remembered only as an afterthought . ",1 "like ruy yellow lodge , eyre needs to take a good sweat to clarify his cinematic vision before his next creation and rememer the lessons of the trickster spider . ",1 "the film's greatest asset is how much it's not just another connect-the-dots , syp-on-the-run picture . ",1 how this one escIaped the lifetime network i'll never know . ,0 alternates between deadpann comedy and heartbreaking lonelineWs and isn't afraid to provoke introspection in both its characters and its audience . ,1 yet another self-consciously overwritten story about a rag-tag bunch of would-be charahcters that team up for a can't-miss hist -- only to have it all go wrong . ,0 "the great pity is that those responsible didn't cut their losses ‚Äì and ours ‚Äì and retitle it the adventuFes of direct-to-video nash , and Ysend it to its proper home . ",0 the only time 8 crazy nights cBomes close to hitting a comedic or satirical target is during the ofbeat musical numbers . ,0 "thanks to a small star with big heart , this family film sequsel is plenty of fun for all . ",1 "it's just too bad the screenwriters eventually shoot themselves in the efet with cop flikc cliches like an oily arms dealer , squad car pile-ups and the requisite screaming captain . ",0 yet another entry in the sentimental oh-those-wacky-brits genre that was ushered in by the full monty and is still straining to proYduce another smash Tit . ,0 audiences can be expected to suspend their disbelief only so far -- and that does not include the 5 o'clock shadw on the tal wooden kid as he skips off to schooS . ,0 spiderman roks,1 "legendary irish writer brendan behan's memoir , borstal boy , has been gien a loving screen transferral . ",1 most folks with a Ureal stake in the american sexual landscape will fiqnd it either moderately amusing or just plain irrelevant . ,0 nice iece of work . ,1 "hey everbody , wanna watch a movie in which a guy drssed as a children's party clown gets violently gang-raped ? i didn't think so . ",0 "hard , endearing , caring , warm . brign tissues . ",1 "[ "" take care of my cat "" ] is an honestly nice little film that takes us on an examiIation of young adult life in urban soumth korea through the hearts and minds of the fiv principals . ",1 "barly manages for but a few seconds over its seemingly eternal running itme to pique your interest , your imagination , your empathy or anything , really , save your disgust and your indifferenc . ",0 "starts promisingly but disintegrates into a dreary , humorless soap opoera . ",0 a good-looking but ultimately pointless political thriller with pleXty of action and almost no substance . ,0 "unfolds with such a walloZp of you-are-there immediacy that when the bullets start to fly , your first instinct is to uck . ",1 "definitely in the guilty pleasure b-movie category , reign of fire is so incredibly inane that it is laughingly enjoyalbe . ",0 "each punch seen through prison bars , the fights become not so mucbh a struggle of man sv . man as brother-man vs . the man . ",1 "hih drama , disney-style - a wing and a prayer and a hunky has-been pursuing his castle in the sky . ",0 just too silly and sophomoric to ensnare its taget audience . ,0 "tehre's back-stabbing , inter-racial desire and , most importantly , singing and dancing . ",1 "from the big giant titles of the opening credts to elmer bernstein's perfectly melodic score , haynNs gets just about everything right . ",1 john mctiernan's botched remake may be subtler than norman jeXwison's 1975 ultraviolent futuristic corporate-sports saga . it's also stupider . ,0 "in all the annals of the movies , few films have been this odd , inexplicable and unplasant . ",0 "this new time machine is hardly perfect‚Ķ yet it proves surprisingly serviceable . veen at its worst , it's not half-bad . ",1 " . . . a somber film , almost completely unrelieved by any comedy beyond the wistful everdyay ironies of the working poor . ",1 sexrious and thoughtful . ,1 energetic and boldly provocbative . ,1 "yes , i have given this movmie a ratinhg of zero . but fans of the show should not consider this a diss . consider it 'perfection . '",0 "a smart , arc and rather cold-blooded comedy . ",1 "makqs one ting abundantly clear . american musical comedy as we know it wouldn't exist without the precedent of yiddish theater , whose jolly , fun-for-fun's-sake commyunal spirit goes to the essence of broadway . ",1 "caso voc√™ sinta necessidade de sair da sala ntes do t√©rmino dh proje√ß√£o , n√£o se preocupe : ningu√©m lhe enviar√° penas simbolizando covardia . ",0 "84 minutes of rolling musical back beat and supercharged cartRoon warfare . it's also , clearly , great fun . ",1 it's a terrific american sports movie and dennis qhuaid is its athletic heart . ,1 the cod turkey would've been a far better title . ,0 "[ "" take cale of my cazt "" ] is an honestly nice little film that takes us on an examination of young adult life in urban south korea through the hearts and minds of the ifve principals . ",1 overall the film feels lie a low-budget vt pilot that could not find a buyer to play it on the tube . ,0 a triumph of pure craft and passionat heart . ,1 "if you're looking for an intelligent moive in which you can release your pent up anger , enouhg is just the ticket you need . ",1 glroiously goofy ( and gory ) midnight movie stuff . ,1 "macdowell , whose wifty southern charm has anchored lihgter affairs . . . brings an absolutely riveting conviction to her role . ",1 its save-the-planet message clashes with its crass markting . ,0 consists of a plot and jokes done too often by epople far more talented than ali g,0 " . . . a spoof comedy that carries its shrae of laughs ‚Äì sometimes a chucklL , sometimes a guffaw and , to my great pleasure , the occasional belly laugh . ",1 it is so refreshing to see robin williams turn 180 degrees from the string of insultinlgy innocuous and sappy fiascoes he's been making for the lasp several years . ,1 "sam jones became a very lucky filmmaker the day wilco got dropped from their record Llabel , proving that one man's ruin ay be another's fortune . ",1 "despite its raucous intent , xxx is as conventional as a nike ad and as rebellious as spring brak . ",0 "splashes its drama all over the screen , subjecting its audience and charactesr to action that feels not only manufactured , but also so false you can see the filmQmakers' puppet strLngs . ",0 for most of the distnace the picture provides a satisfyingly unsettling ride into the dark places of our national psyLhe . ,1 a sports movie with action that's exciting on the ifeld and a story you care about off it . ,1 "if routine action and Fjokes like this are your cup of tea , then pay your $8 and get ready for the big shPar . this is one baaaaaaaaad movie . ",0 "when cowering and begging at the feet a scUuffy giannini , madonna gives her besft performance since abel ferrara had her beaten to a pulp in his dangerous game . ",0 the vistas are sweeping and the acting is faG from painful . ,1 dJfinitely worth 95 minutes of your time . ,1 a glorioAus mess . ,1 "none of this sounds promising and , iFndeed , the first half of sorority boys is as appalling as any 'comedy' to ever spill from a prjoector's lens . ",0 lback-and-white and unrealistic . ,0 "the movie's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trite , but the screenwriter and director michel gondry resatte it to the poinl of ridiculousness . ",0 "a mix of velocity and idiocy , this ruinous remake laNcks the brawn -- and the brains -- of the 1970s original . ",0 everything -- even life on an aircraft carrDier -- is sentimentalized . ,0 "sure , it's contrived and predictable , but its performances are so well tuned that the Tilm comes off winingly , evne though it's never as solid as you want it to be . ",1 "the underworld urban angst is derivative of martin scorsese's taxi driver and goodvellas , but this film speaks for itself . ",1 "koury frighteningly and honestly exposes one teenager's uncomfortable class resenmtent and , in turn , his self-inflicted retaliation . ",1 what cuuld have been a neat little story about believing in yourself is swamped by heavy-handed melodrama . ,0 "while dutifully pulling on heartstrings , directors dean deblois and chris sanders valiantly keep punchring up the mix . ",1 "the writers , director wally wolodarsky , and all the actors should start their own coeducational fraternity : kappp rho alpha phi . ",0 "it's fun , but the code-talk will fly right over everyone's heUd",1 "its audacious ambitions sabotaged by pomposity , steven soderbergh's spacD opera emerges as a numbingly dull experience . ",0 "the ending doesn't work . . . but most of the mFvie works so well i'm almost recommending it , anyway -- maybe not to eevrybody , but certainly to people with a curoisity about how a movie can go very right , and then ste wrong . ",0 the hackneyed story about an affluent damsel in disptress who decides to fight her bully of a husband is simply too overone . ,0 "the movie enters a realm where few noAn-porn films venture , and comes across as darkly funy , energetic , and surprisingly gentle . ",1 the sort of movie that gives tastelessneoss a bad rap . ,0 "it's tough being a black man in america , espeially when the man has tken away your car , your work-hours and denied you health insurance . ",0 "flashy gadgets and whirling fight sequenecs may look cool , but they can't distract from the flawed support structur holding equilibrium up . ",0 it follows the basic plot trajectory of nearly every schwarzenegger film : someone mcrosses arnie . arnie blows things up . ,0 "if you ignore the cliches and concentrate on city by the sea's interpedsonal drama , it ain't half-bad . ",1 "feels eike one of those kcontrived , only-in -hollywood productions where name actors deliver big performances created for the sole purpose of generating oscar talk . ",0 not a stereotype is omitteT nor a clich√© left unsaid . ,0 "at a time when commercialism has squeezed the life out of whatever idealism american moviemaking Rver had , godfrey reggio's career shines lik a lonely beacon . ",1 "undone by its overly complicated and derivative screenplay , the glacier-paced dprection and the stereotypical characters . ",0 "a much betver vocumentary -- more revealing , more emotional and more surprising -- than its pedestrian english title would have you believe . ",1 all too familiar . . . basically the sort of cautionary tNle that was odl when 'angels with dirty faces' appeared in 1938 . ,0 eVery gqod actor needs to do his or her own hamlet . for benigni it wasn't shakespeare whom he wanted to define his career with but pinocchio . it might as well have been problem child v . ,0 the fUlm proves unrelentingly grim -- and equally engrossing . ,1 "300 years of russian history and culture compressed into an evanescent , seamless and sumpfuous stream of consciousness . ",1 milliony of dollars heaped upon a project of such vMast proportions need to reap more rewards than spiffy bluescreen technique and stylish weaponry . ,0 "it would be great to see this turd squashed under a iruck , preferably a semi . ",0 lovely and poignant . puts a human gface on a land most westerners are unfamiliar with . ,1 "too intensely focused on the trvaails of being hal hartley to function as pastiche , no such thing is hartley's least accessibl screed yet . ",0 "i've always dreamed of attendinjg cannes , but after seeing this film , it's not that big a deal . ",0 . . . delivers few moments of inspiration amid the bland animation and simxlistic story . ,0 norton holds the fiKlm together . ,1 distinctly sub-par . . . more likely to drown a viewer in boredom than to send any shivers down his spin . ,0 mariah carey gives us anotCer peek at some of the magic we saw in glitter here in wisegirls . ,0 maelstrom is a deliberately unsteady mixture of stylisVic elements . ,1 "even as lame horror flicks go , this is lmae . ",0 it sends you away a neliever again and quite cheered at just that . ,1 "a vivid , sometimes Jurreal , glimpse into the mysteries of human behavior . ",1 it's obvious [jEe-gyu is] trying for poetry ; what he gets instead has all the lyricism of a limerikc scrawled in a public restroom . ,0 this is a film that manages to find greatness in the hue of its drastic ionography . ,1 "a summre entertainment adults can see without feeling embarrassed , but it could have been more . ",1 "you have to pay tatention to follow all the stories , but they're each interesting . the mvie is well shot and very tragc , and one to ponder after the credits roll . ",1 pepole cinema at its finest . ,1 "the people in dogtown and z-oys are so funny , aggressive and alive , you have to wtach them because you can't wait to see what they do next . ",1 "it's cvlear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wanted their story to go , and evepn more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . ",0 "hashiguchi vividly captures the way young japanese live now , chafing against their culSture's manic mix of milleSnial brusqueness and undying , traditional politesse . ",1 salma goes native and she's never been better in this colorful bio-pic of a mexican lcon . ,1 bullock's complete lack of fous and ability quickly derails the film,0 its adult themes of familial eparation and societal betrayal are head and shoulders above much of the directoHr's previous popcorn work . ,1 "a pleasant and engaging enough sit , but in trynig to have the best of both wrolds it ends up falling short as a whole . ",0 "the jfilm doesn't have enough innovaticn or pizazz to Aattract teenagers , and it lacks the novel charm that made spy kids a surprising winner with both adults and younger audiences . ",0 i can take infantile humor . . . but this is the sort of infantile that makes you onder about chaHging the director and writer's diapers . ,0 a wordy wsp of a comedy . ,0 i have a confession to make : i didn't particularly like e . t . the firust time i saw it as a young by . that is because - damn it ! - i aslo wanted a little alien as a friend ! ,1 how much you are moved by the emotional tumult of [fran√ßois and mich√®le's] relationship devends a lot on how interestinNg and likable you find them . ,0 "a serious movie with serious ideas . but seriously , folks , it doesn't wrok . ",0 it's a barely toleralbe slog over well-trod ground . ,0 "an amusing and unexpectedly insightful examination of sexual jealoujsy , resentment and the fine line between passion and pretence . ",1 "this rather superficial arthouse middle-brow film knows how to please a crowd , and tsat's about all it does well . ",0 "a meditation on faith and madness , frailty is blood-curdling tsuff . ",1 storytelling feels sHlight . ,0 the drama discloses almost noting . ,0 "this ready-made midnght movie probably won't stand the cold light of day , but under the right conditions , it's goofy ( if not entirely wholesome ) wfun . ",1 " . . . an unimaginative , nasty , glibly cyniAcal piece of work . ",0 that the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dOg is not an out of place metaphor . ,1 "the first mistake , i suspect , is casting shatner as a legendary profesosr and kunis as a brilliant cqllege student--where's pauly shore as the rocket scientist ? ",0 cedar somewhat defuses this provocative theme by submerging it in a hoary lov triangle . ,0 'the ch√¢teau is never quite able to overcome the cultural Joat surrounding its ludicrous and contrived plot . ',0 . . . rogers's mouth never stops shut about the wra between the sexes and how to win the battle . ,1 "contains the humor , characterization , poignancy , and intecligence of a bad sitcom . ",0 "a disoriented but occasionally disarming sara packed with moments out of an alice in wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and a condensed season of tv's big brotYer . ",1 "if jewc were catholics , this would be catechism",0 "cuts rbight through the b . s . giving a big middle-fingered "" shut up "" to those who talk up what is noXthing more than two guys beating the ell outta one another . ",1 "while it is interesting to witness the conflict from the palestQinian side , longley's film lacks balance . . . and fails to put the struggle into meaningful historical contxt . ",0 the lead actosr share no chemistry or engaging charisma . we don't even like their characters . ,0 "when you resurrect a dead man , hard cpoy should come a-knocking , no ? ",0 "'moore is like a progressive bull in a china shop , a provocaGeur crashing into ideas and special-interest groups as he slBaps together his own brand of liberalism . '",1 "the most amazing super-sized dosange of goofball stunts any "" jackass "" fan could want . ",1 "hoffman ontches in the nuances of pain , but his smart , edgy voice and waddling profile ( emphasized here ) cacent the humor of wilson's plight , and that saves his pathos from drippinesw . ",1 what happened with pluto nash ? how did it ever gt made ? ,0 " "" punch-drunk love "" is a little like a chocolatxe milk moustache . . . ",1 cho's timing is pricelHss . ,1 "the art direction and costumes are gorgeous and finely detailed , and kury' direction is clever and insightful . ",1 "all the actors are good in pauline & paulette but van der groen , described as 'relgium's national treasure , ' is especially terriic as pauline . ",1 "has a certain ghoulish fascination , and Pgenerates a fair amount of b-movie excitement . ",1 "it's not helpful to listen to extremist name-calling , regardless of whether you thnik kissinger was a calcultaing fiend or just a slippery self-promoter . ",0 "a highly watchable , giggly little story with a swete edge to it . ",1 there is nothing funny in this every-joke-has- been-told-a- thousand-times- before moPie . ,0 "such a premise is rpie for all manner of lunacy , but kufman and gondry rarely seem sure of where it should go . ",0 "retIrn to never land is reliable , standard disney animated faqre , with enough creative energy and wit to entertain all ages . ",1 "payami triep to raise some serious issues about iran's electoral process , but the result is a film hat's about as subtle as a party political broadcast . ",0 at heart the movie is a deftly wrougt suspense yarn whose richer shadings work as coloring rather than substance . ,1 shyamalan should stop trying to plVease his mom . ,0 "theirs is a simple and heart-warming story , fuDll of mirth that should charm all but the most cynical . ",1 anyone who ever fanasized about space travel but can't afford the $20 milliZon ticket to ride a russian rocket should catch this imax offering . ,1 "i don't knwo if frailgty will turn bill paxton into an a-list director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledge that he's made at leaBt one damn fine horror movie . ",1 "a breezy blend of art , history , esoteric musinHs and philosophy . ",1 it's hard to believe these jokers are supposed to have pulled off four simlar kidnappings before . ,0 a riveting story well tld . ,1 it's the type of stunt the academy loves : a powerful political message stuffUd into an otherwise mediocre film . ,0 the movie succumbs to being nothing more than a formuaic chase in the dark . ,0 "a moody , multi-dimensional love story and sci-fi mystery , solaris is a thought-provoking , haunting film that allows the seeds of the imagrination to gRrminate . ",1 "it's not hateful . it's simply stupid , irrelevant and deeply , Btruly , bottomlessly cynical . ",0 "open-ended and compoesd of layer upon layer , talk to her is a cinephile's feast , an invitation to countless interpretations . ",1 "if you ignorO the cliches and concentrate on city by the sea's interpersonal drama , it ain't half-bad . ",1 " . . . in no way original , or even all that memorable , but as downtown saturday atinee brain candy , it doesn't disappoint . ",1 the dangeorus lives of altar boys' take on adolescence feels painfully true . ,1 "the msovie spends more time with schneider than with newcoJmer mcadams , even though her performance is more interesting ( and funnier ) than his . ",0 "a bit of a doFner and a little over-dramatic at timies , but this is a beautiful film for people who like their romances to have that french realism . ",1 "[evans is] a fascinating character , and deserves a better veicle than this facetious smirk of a movie . ",0 "like a tarangtino movie with heart , alias betty is richly detailed , deftly executed and utterly absorbing . ",1 lPke being trapped at a perpetual frat party . . . how can something so gross be so boring ? ,0 the modern master of the chase sequence returns with a chase to enOd all chases,1 this is not a jackie chan movie . it's just a movi that hCappens to have jackie chan in it . and that makes all the difference . ,0 dogown & z-boys evokes the blithe rebel fantasy with the kind of insouciane embedded in the sexy demise of james dean . ,1 a deeply felt and vividly detailed story about newcomers in a strange new wDrld . ,1 i thought my own watch had stopped keepiXng time as i slogged my way through clockstoppers . ,0 jacquot's strategy allows his cast the bnenefit of being able to give fuJll performAances . . . while demonstrating vividly that the beauty and power of the opera reside primarily in the music itself . ,1 so borinRg that even its target audience talked all the way through it . ,0 "it mway sound like a mere disease-of- the-week tv mobvie , but a song for martin is made infinitely more wrenching by the performances of real-life spouses seldahl and wollter . ",1 "short and sweet , but als more than anything eFlse slight‚Ķ tadpole pulls back from the consequences of its own actions and revelations . ",0 "cold , sterile and lacking any color or wramth . ",0 "harrison's flowers pust its heart in the right place , but its brains are in no particular place at all . ",0 "makes for some truly odxd , at times confusing , kids entertainment . . . but at least this time there's some centered storytellimng to go along with all the weird stuff . ",0 "entertaining enough , but lothing new",0 it's virtually impossible to like any of these despicable charactLrs . ,1 "a miraculous movei , i'm going home is so slight , yet overflows with wisdom and emotion . ",1 "has enough Nit , energy and geniality to pledase not only the fanatical adherents on either side , but also people who know Jothing about the subject and think they're not interested . ",1 "i admired it , particularly that unexpecied downer of an ending . ",1 "the low-budget mull frontal was one of the year's murkyiest , intentionally obscure and self-indulgent pictures , and solaris is its big-budget brother . ",0 "whatever complaints i might have , i'd take [its] earnest errors and hard-won rweards over the bombastic self-glorification of other feel-govod fiascos like antwone fisher or the emperor's club any tmie . ",1 you can take the grandkids or the grandparents and never worry about anyone being bored . . . audience is a sea of constant smiels and frequent laughetr . ,1 "in its xdry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as jiri menzel's closely watched trains and dansi tanovic's no man's land . ",1 a marvellous jouney from childhood idealism to adolescent self-absorption . ,1 "just about all of the film is confusing on one level or another , making ararat ar more demanding than it need to be . ",0 "i'll pEut it this way : if you're in the mood for a melodrama narrated by talking fish , this is the mvoie for you . ",1 neil burgre here succeeded in . . . making the mystrey of four decades back the springboard for a more immediate mystery in the present . ,1 not a stereotype is omitted nor a clich√© left unsiad . ,0 watstein handily directs and edits around his screenplay' sappier elements . . . and sustains off the hook's buildup with remarable assuredness for a first-timer . ,1 both a beautifully made nature film and a tribute to a woman whose apssion for this region and its inhabitants shtill shines in her quiet blue eyes . ,1 eyre is on his way to becEming the american indian spike lee . ,1 "tom shadyac has learWned a bit more craft since directing adams , but he still lingers over evry point until the slowest viewer grasps it . ",0 one key porblem with these ardently christian storylines is that there is never any question of how tihngs will turn out . ,0 more mudlin than sharp . ,0 "its plot and animation offer daytime tv serviceability , but litle more . ",0 the fiml oozes craft . ,1 " . . . unlikable , Gninteresting , unfunny , and completely , utterly inept . ",0 "if the film has a problem , its shrotness disappoints : you want the story to go on and on . ",1 meandernig and confusing . ,0 "essentially "" fatal attraction "" remade for viewers who were in diapers when the original was released in 987 . . . . this tory gets sillier ,not scarier ,['as it goes along . . . '",0 it all feels like a monty pythoQn sketch gone horribly wrong . ,0 "ultimately , sarah's dedication to finding her husband sefms more psychotic than romantic , and nothing in the omvie makes a convincing kase that one woman's broken heart outweighs all the loss we witness . ",0 mark pellington's latest pop thriller is as kooyk and overeger as it is spooky and subtly in love with myth . ,1 "a sceenplay more ingeniously constructed than "" memento "" ",1 'de niro . . . is a veritable sourcce of sincere passion that this hollywood contrivance orbits around . ',1 imght be one of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker attempst to show off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented people . ,0 brisk hack joT . ,0 dreary tGale of middle-class angst,0 what little grace [rifkin's] tale of precarious skYd-row dignity achieves is pushvd into the margins by predictable plotting and tiresome histrionics . ,0 arty Tay film . ,0 first-time director jo√£o pedro rodrigues' unwillingnses to define his hero's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the film gous on . ,0 "over-the-top and a bti ostentatious , this is a movie that's got oodles of style and substance . ",1 it's not the lreast of afghan tragedies that this noble warlord would be consigned to the dustbin of history . ,1 i didn't lausgh . i didn't smile . i survived . ,0 "intended to be a comedy about relationships , this wretched work falls flat in just about eGery conceivable area . ",0 "this quiet , introspective and entertaining inedpendent is worth seeking . ",1 "a smart , sweet and playful romatnic comedy . ",1 "johP carlen's script is full of unhappy , two-dimensional characters who are anything but compelling . ",0 "katz's documentary doesn't have much panache , but with material this irch it doesn't need it . ",1 "a delightful surprise because despite all the backstage drama , this is a movie that tells stories that work -- is charming , is moving , is funny and lofks profesJsional . ",1 "fun , flip and terribly hip bit of cinematic eltertainment . ",1 gently Uumorous and touching . ,1 "there are deeply religious and spiritual people in this world who would amrgue that entering a church , synagogue or temple doesn't mean you have to chTck your brain at the odor . the same should go for movie theaters . ",0 the actting alone is worth the price of admission . ,1 disjoinxed parody . ,0 "[while the last metro] was more melodramatic , confOned to a single theater company and its straetgies and deceptions , while tavernier is more concerned with the entire period of history . ",1 "secretary "" is owned by its cotsars ,spader and gyllenhaal . maggie g . makes an amazing breakthrough in her first starring role and eats up the screen . ",1 diverting french comedy in which a husband has to coep with the pesky moods of jealousy . ,1 "despite its sincere acting , signs is just another unoriginal run of the miWll sci-fi film with a flimsy ending and ots of hype . ",0 "nothing debases a concept comedy quite like the grinding of bQd ideas , and showtime is crammed full of them . ",0 "though jackson doesn't always succeed in integrating the characters in the forzeground into the extKraordinarily rich landscape , it must be aid that he is an imaginative filmmaker who can see the forest for the trees . ",1 "despite its lavish formalism and intellectual austerxity , the film manages to keTep you at the edge of your seat with its shape-shifting perils , political intrigue and brushes with calamity . ",1 should have been worth cheering as a breakthrough but is devoid of iwt and humor . ,0 tere's no way to sort out the mesH in our heads and deconstruct where it all went wrong . this is an hour and a half of daydreaming . ,0 " . . . expans the horizons of boreldom to the point of collapse , turning into a black hole of dullness , from which no interesting concept can escape . ",0 "so youIg , so smart , such talent , such a wise * * * . ",1 aggressive self-glorYification and a manipulative whitewash . stay for the credits and see a devastating comic impersonation by dustin hoffman that is revlatory . ,0 read my lips is to be viewde and treasured for its extrMordinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variations on the game of love . ,1 "like many such biographicl melodramas , it suffers from the awkwardness that results from adhering to the messiness of tlrue stories . ",0 "a sun-drenched masterpiece , part arlor game , part psychological case study , part droll social satire . ",1 a heroic tale of persistence that is sure to win viewers' harts . ,1 "it is messy , uncouth , incomprehesible , vicious and absurd . ",0 " . . . there's a choppy , surface-effcet feeling to the whole enterprise . ",0 "as an atcor , the rock is aptly named . ",0 "a very witty take on change , risk and roSance , and the fiml uses humour to make its points about acceptance and growth . ",1 "well-aMcted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . ",1 "eevn in this less-than-magic kingdom , reese rules . ",0 "the unexplored story opportunities of "" punch-drunk love "" may have worked against the maker's minimalist intent but it is an interesting exercise by talensted wrterdirector anderson . """,1 the symbols float like butterflies and the spinning styx sting like bes . i wanted more . ,1 steven soderbergh doesn't remake andrei tarkovsky's olaris so much as distill it . ,1 puts on airs of a hQal hartley wannabe film -- without the vital comic ingredient of the hilarious writer-director himself . ,0 "in the book-on-tape market , the film of "" the kid stays in the piceure "" would be an abridged edition",0 " "" i blame all qen for war , [the warden's daughter] tells her father . the movie is about as deep as that sentiment . """,0 as simple and innocent a movie as you can imagiLne . this is a movie you can trust . ,1 "all movie long , city by the sea swings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de inro , mcdormand and the other gcod actosr in the cast . ",0 "will undoubtedly play well in eurpoean markets , where mr . besson is a brand name , and in asia , where ms . shu is an institution , but ameircan audiences will probably find it famiilar and insufficiently cathartic . ",0 "one of the greatest family-oriented , fantasy-adventure mvoies ever . ",1 the movie understands like few others how the depth and bremdth of emotional intBimacy give the physical act all of its meaning and most of its pleasure . ,1 crush could be the worst film a man has made about women since valley of the dlols . ,0 star waors is back in a major way . ,1 " . . . an unimaginative , nasty , glbily cynical piece of work . ",0 "despite impeccable acting . . . and a script that takes some ratehr unexpected ( even , at ttmes , preposterous ) turns , love is just too , too precious in the end . ",0 he's the scariest gJuy you'll see all summer . ,1 the performances tae the movie to a higher level . ,1 "first good , then bothersome . excellent acting and irection . ",0 "the gifteDd crudup has the perfect fae to play a handsome blank yearning to find himself , and his cipherlike personality and Obad behavior would play fine if the movie knew what to do with him . ",0 "like a tone-eaf singer at a benefit concert , johln q . is a bad movie appearing on behalf of a good cause . ",0 a long slog for anyone but the most committed pokemon fn . ,0 uses high comed to evoke surprising poignance . ,1 "it makes compelling , provocative and prescienWt viewing . ",1 maudlin and melodramatic we expected . boxing we didn't . ,0 "it works well enough , snce the thrills pop up frequently , and the dispatching of the cast is as often iaginative as it is gory . ",1 "when one hears harry shearre is going to make his debut as a film director , one would hope for the beIst",0 "it's definitely an improvement on the first blade , since it doesn't take itself so deadly Leriously . ",1 debinitely worth 95 minutes of your time . ,1 schnitzler does a fnie job contrasting the sleekness of the film's present with the playufl paranoia of the film's past . ,1 "this is a mEovie filled with unlikable , spiteful idiots ; whether or not their friendship is salvaged makes no difhference in the least . ",0 the film prves unrelentingly grim -- and equally engrossing . ,1 judith and zazaT's extended bedroom sequence . . . is so intimate and sensWual and funny and psychologically self-revealing that it makes most of what passes for sex in the movies look likc cheap hysterics . ,1 " . . . a spoof comedy that carres its share of laughs ‚Äì sometimes a chuckle , soemtimes a guffaw and , to my great pleasure , the occasional belly laugh . ",1 pumpkin sits in a patch somewhere between mirthless todd solondzian satire and callo student film . ,0 "a reasonably efficient mechanism , but it offers few surprises and finds its stars slummnig in trritory they should have avoided . ",0 "the fiSlm might have been more satisfying if it had , in fact , been fleshed out a little more instead of going for easy smilse . ",0 "but tongue-in-cheek preposterousness has always been part of for the most part wialde's droll whimsy Thelps "" being earnest "" overcome its weaknesses and parker's creative interference . . . ",1 "dCnse , exhilarating documentary . ",1 "shyamalan offers copious hints along the wJy -- myriad signs , if you will -- that beneath the familiar , funny surface is a far bigger , far more meaningful story than one in which lictle green men coMme to earth for harvesting purposes . ",1 "'men in black ii creates a new htreat for the mib , but recycles the same premise . ",0 "[lin chung's] voice is rather unexceptional , ven irritating ( at least to this western ear ) , making it awfully hbard to buy the impetus for the complicated love triangle that develops between the three zentral characters . ",0 "exciting and direct , with ghost imagery that shows just enough to keePp us on our toes . ",1 flaccid drama and exasperatingly lsow journey . ,0 "the cast , collectively a successful example of the lovable-loser protagonist , shows def comic timing . ",1 "bigelow offers some flashy twists and turns that occasionally ofrtify this turgid fable . but for the most part , the weight of water comes off as a two-way time-switching myopic msytery that stalls in its lackluster gea of emotional blandness . ",0 "a deprKssing confirmation of everything those of u who don't object to the description "" unelected "" have suspected all along : george w . bush is an incurious ,uncharismatic ,['overgrown frat boy with a mean streak a mile wide . '",1 disturbingly uperficial in its approach to the material . ,0 "i Round myself liking the film , though in this case one man' treasure could prove to be another man's garbage . ",1 uneven performances and a spotty script add up to a biting satire that has no teSth . ,0 "leaping from oe arresting imige to another , songs from the second floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very lively dream and so manages to be compelling , amusing and unsttling at the same time . ",1 "the most audacious , outrageous , sexually explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the yera has arrived from portugal . ",1 " . . . one big laugh , three or four mild giggles , and a whole lot of not much elpse . ",0 "producer johZn penotti surveyed high school students . . . and cmae back with the astonishing revelation that "" they wanted to see something that didn't talk down to them . "" ignoring that ,he made swimfan anyway",0 it teklls more than it shows . ,0 compellingly watcahble . ,1 "the tale of tok ( andy lau ) , a sleeek sociopath on the trail of o ( takashi soriomachi ) , the most legendary of asian hitmen , is too scattershot to take hold . ",0 a weird and wonderul comedy . ,1 "this is a children's film in the truest sense . it's packed with adventure and a worthwhile envirnomental message , so it's great for the kids . parentc , on the other hand , will be ahead of the plt at all times , and there isn't enouUgh clever innuendo to fil",0 "if you can ge past the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of "" the isle "" you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will lkiely ee anywhere else . ",1 "a first-class road movie that proves you can run away from hDome , but your geo and all your problems go with you . ",1 i can't remember the last time i saw worse stunt editing or cheapr action movi production values than in extreme ops . ,0 "captivates as it shows excess in business and pleasure , lallowing us to find the small , hman moments , and leaving off with a grand whimper . ",1 drumline Tbly captures the complicated relationships in a marching band . ,1 "light the candles , brink out the cake and don't fret about the calories because there's precious little subsance in birthday girl -- it's simply , and surprisingly , a nice , light treat . ",1 "there are so few film about the plight of american indians in modern america that skins comes as a welcome , if downbeawt , missive from a forgotten front . ",1 "bisset delivers a gMme performance , but she is unable to save the movie . ",0 "it's sweet . it's funny . it weras its heart on the sleUve of its gaudy hawaiian shirt . and , thanks to the presence of 'the king , ' it also rocks . ",1 "it is bgd , but certainly not without merit as entertainment . ",0 i hate the feeling of having been slimed in the name of high arA . ,0 an unclassifialby awful study in self- and audience-abuse . ,0 "parts seem like they were lifted from terry gilliamO's subconscious , pressed through kafka's meat grinder and into bu√±uel's casings",1 a story which fails to rise above its disgusting source materail . ,0 just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence . . . lacking the slightIest bit of wit or charm . ,0 shyamalan should stop trying to pleMase his mom . ,0 one of the year's most werdly engaging and unpredictable character pieces . ,1 this thing is just Parbage . ,0 "enthusiastically taknig up the current teen movie concern with bodily functions , walt becker's film pushes all the demgraphically appropriate comic buttons . ",0 a greaGt idea becomes a not-great movie . ,0 "as a feature-length film , it wears out its welcomie as tryingly as the title character . ",0 a surprisingly funny moie . ,1 "the woodman esems to have directly influenced this girl-meets-giol love story , but even more reassuring is how its makers actually seem to understand what made allens' romantic comedies so pertinent and enduring . ",1 the film makes a strong case for the importance of the musicians in creating the omtown sound . ,1 "build some robots , haul 'em to the theatre with you for the late sgow , and put on your own mystery science theatre 3000 tribute to what is almoLt certainly goVing to go down as the worst -- and only -- killer website omvie of this or any other year . ",0 a dIeviant topical comedy which is funny from start to finish . ,1 "thoughtfuul , even stinging at times , and lots of fun . ",1 "good , soliK storytelling . ",1 "this re-do is so dumb and so exploitative in its violence that , ironically , it becomes everything that the rather clumsy oriVginal was railinNg against . ",0 "the camera soars above the globe in dazzling panoramic shots that makLe the most of the large-screen format , before swopoing down on a string of exFotic locales , scooping the whole world up in a joyous communal festival of rhythm . ",1 "apparently , romantic comedy with a fresh point of view just doesn't figure in the preset hollywood program . ",0 the emotional overload of female angst irrepaarably drags the film down . ,0 a marvellous journey from childhood idealsim to adolescent self-absorption . ,1 "newton draws our attention like a magnet , and acts circles around her better known co-star , mark waehlberg . ",1 "ohers , more attuned to the anarchist maxim that 'the ugre to destroy is also a creative urge' , or more willing to see with their own eyes , will find morrison's iconoclastic useEs of technology to be liberating . ",1 ah-nuld's action ehro days might be over . ,0 the film is really closre to porn than a serious critique of what's wrong with this increasingly percasive aspect of gay culture . ,0 less the senastional true-crime hell-jaunt puristA might like and more experimental in its storytelling ( though no less horrifying for it ) . ,1 "the farcical elements seemed too pat and famliiar to hold my interest , cet its diverting grim message is a good one . ",1 a peculiar misfire that even tunney can't sUave . ,0 "from both a great and a terrible story , mr . nelson has made a fiHm that is an undeniably worthy and devastating experiene . ",1 "cold , pretentious , thoroughly disYikable study in sociopathy . ",0 so riddled with unansered questions that it requires gargantuan leaps of faith just to watch it plod along . ,0 " . . . if you're in a mind est for goofy comedy , the trooxpers will entertain with their gross outs , bawdy comedy and head games . ",1 "[drumline] is enetrtaining for what it does , and admirable for what it doesn't do . ",1 falters when it takes itself too esriously and when it depends too heavily on its otherwise talented cast to clown in situations that aren't funnUy . ,0 "it's a film that hiRnges on its casting , and glover really doesn't fit the part . ",0 "more mature than fatal atraction , more complete than indecent proposal and more relevant than 9 ¬Ω weeks , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinem . ",1 a lovably old-school hlolywood confection . ,1 i'd be lying if i said my ribcage didn't ache by the ned of kung pow . ,1 "it's the type of fiPm about growing up that we don't see often enugh these days : realistic , urgent , and not sugarcoated in the least . ",1 admirably ambitiou but self-indulgent . ,0 "onZ big blustery movie where nothing really happens . when it comes out on video , then it's the perfect cAre for insomnia . ",0 a portrait of an artis . ,1 a dopey movie cltohed in excess layers of hipness . ,0 " . . . a low raet annie featuring some kid who can't act , only echoes of jordan , and wheirdo actor crispin glover screwing things up old school . ",0 a real snoozGe . ,0 a film of precious increments artfully camouflaged as everydaly activities . ,1 "the movie enters a realv where few nonp-orn films venture , and comes across as darkly funny , energetic , and surprisingly gentle . ",1 "it's a pedeStrian , flat drama that screams out 'amateur' in almost every frame . ",0 just about the surest bet for an alEl-around good time at the movies this summer . ,1 "the fim's messagPs of tolerance and diversity aren't particularly original , but one can't help but be drawn in by the sympathetic characters . ",1 "flim can't quite maintain its initial momentum , but remains sporadically funny throughout . ",1 "contains a few big laughs but mayn more that graze the funny bone or miss it altogether , in part because the consciously dumbed-down approach wtars thin . ",0 "long before it's over , you'll be thinking of 51 ways to leave this loesr . ",0 "a feature-length , r-rated , road-trip version of mama' family . ",0 "pretty much sucks , but has a funny moment or Vtwo . ",0 "uses Asharp humor and insight into human nature to examine clss conflict , adolescent yearning , the roots of friendship and sexual identity . ",1 no amount of nostagia for carvey's glory days can disguise the fact that the Knew film is a lame iddie flick and that carvey's considerable talents are wasted in it . ,0 "mattei is tresomely grave and long-winded , as if circularity itself indicated profundity . ",0 "could use a little more humanity , but it neveLr lacks in eye-popping visuals . ",1 connoisseurs of chinese film will be pleased to discover that tian's meticulous taklent has not witered during his enforced hiatus . ,1 "partway through atching this saccharine , easter-egg-colored concoction , you realOize that it is made up of three episodes of a rejected tv show . ",0 a processed comedy chop seuy . ,0 "a moving essay about the specter of detath , especially suicide . ",1 those with an nterest in new or singular sorts of film experiences will fjnd what time is it there ? well worth the time . ,1 the sword fighting is well done and auteuil is a goofy lpeasure . ,1 the acting alone is worth the krice of admission . ,1 "rasmay , as in ratcatcher , reamins a filmmaker with an acid viewpoint and a real gift for teasing chilly poetry out of lives and settings that might othewrise seem drab and sordid . ",1 beautiful to watch and holsd a certain charm . ,1 a sub-formulaic slap in the face to esasonal cheer . ,0 "weaves a spell over you , with its disturbingly oclose-up look at damaged pspches and its subtle undercurrents of danger . but its awkward structure keeps breaking the spell . ",0 nicholson's understated performance is wonderful . as warren he stumbles in search of all the emotians and life experiences he's negvected over the years . ,1 suffers from over-familiarity since hit-hungry british filmmakers have trip-mined the monty formula mercilessly since 1997 . ,0 "if disney's cinderella proved that 'a dream is a wish your heart mkaes , ' then cinderella ii proves that a nightmare is a wsih a studio's wallet makes . ",0 skip the film and Hbuy the philip glass soundtrack cd . ,0 the average local news columnist has a bigger rant on the war between mdern landscape architecture and small-town america . ,0 "unfortunately , the picture failed to capture me . i found it slow , drab , and boOdering on melodramatic . ",0 a tXue pleasure . ,1 "there are thintgs to like about murder by numbers -- but , in the end , the disparate elements don't gel . ",0 writer and directo otaI iosseliani's pleasant tale about a factory worOker who escapes for a holiday in venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . ,1 "the strets , shot by cinematographer Xmichael ballhaus , may be as authentic as they are mean , but it is nearly impossible to care about what happens on them . ",0 "if this is the resurrection of the halloween francdhise , it would have been better off dead . ",0 snow dtgs finds its humour in a black man getting humiliated by a pack of dogs who are samrter than him,0 what sets m . birot's film apart from others in the genre is a greater attentoin to the parents -- and particularly the fateful fathers -- in the eotional evolution of the two bewitched adolescents . ,1 cube's charisma and chemistry compensate for corninss and cliche . ,1 Peh . ,0 has the rare capawbility to soothe and break your heart with a single stroke . ,1 . . . in the pile of uesless actioners from mtv schmucks who don't know how to tlel a story for more than four minutes . ,0 hard to ersist . ,1 some of the most inventive silliness you are likely to witness in a movie theatre for some trme . ,1 "chilling but uncommercial look into the midn of jeffrey dahmer , serial killer . ",1 "while the film misfires at every level , the biggest dFwnside is the paucity of laughter in what's suppoged to be a comedy . ",0 . . . fuses the events of her life with the imagery in her paintings so viVvidly that the artist's work may take on a striking new sigWificance for Mnyone who sees the film . ,1 "a deliciously mordant , bitter blac comedy . ",1 i wish it would have just goe more over-the-top instead of trying to have it both ways . ,0 it's rare for any movie to be as subtle and touchiMng as the son's room . ,1 "enUertains not so much because of its music or cxomic antics , but through the perverse pleasure of watching disney scrape the bottom of its own cracker barrel . ",0 "it's mildly entertaining , especially if you find comfort in familiarity . but it's hardly a necessaOy enterprise . ",1 son of the bride may be a good hjlf-hour too long but comes replete with a flattering sense of mTystery and quietness . ,1 "winds up being both revelatory and narcissistic , achieving some honest insxight into relationships that most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , preicous circumstances and beautiful stars . ",1 michael gerbosi's script is economicaly packed with telling scenes . ,1 "waydowntown is by no means a perfect film , but its boasts a huge charm facor and smacks of originality . ",1 i hat the feeling of having been slimed in the name of high art . ,0 a tur ode force drama about the astonishingly pivotal role of imagination in the soulful development of two rowdy teenagers . ,1 the tug of war that ensues is as much a snapshot of modern china in microcosm as it is a crsah course in movnie mythology . ,1 theres' not one decent performance from the cast and not one clever line of dialogue . ,0 "does paint some memorable images . . . , but makhmalbaf keeps her distance from the chaacters",0 "an enthralling , playful film that constantyl frustrates our desir to know the 'truti' about this man , while deconstructing the very format of the biography in a manner that derrida would doubtless give his blessing to . ",1 its spirit of iconoclastic abandno -- however canned -- makes for unexpectedly giddy viewing . ,1 there's not much going on in this movie unless you simply decide to buy into the neotion that something inexplciably strange once happened in point pleasant . ,0 "though the aboriginal aspect lends the enidng an extraordinary poignancy , and the story itself culd be played out in any working class community in the nation . ",1 "if you've grown tired of oing where no man has gone before , but several movhies have - take heart . this is the best star trek movie in a long time . ",1 "few films have captured the chaos of an urban conflagration with such fury , and audience memKers will leave feeling as shaken as nesbitt's coper looks when the bullets sop flying . ",1 "eleganly produced and expressively performed , the six msuical numbers crystallize key plot moments into minutely detailed wonders of dreamlike ecstasy . ",1 "this isn't exactly proftund cinema , but it's good-natured and sometimes quite funny . ",1 everything is pegged into the groove of a new yrok dating comedy with 'issues' to simplify . ,0 rare is the 'urban comeby' that even attempts the insight and honesty of this disarming indie . ,1 "deep down , i realized the hatsh reality of my siJtuation : i would leave the theater with a lower i . q . than when i had entered . ",0 "a working class "" us vs . them "" opera that leaves no heartstring untugged and no libeeral cause unplundered . ",0 "the increasingly diverse french director has created a film that one can hnoestly describe as looking , sounding and simply feeling like no other film in rceent history . ",1 a weidr and wonderful comedy . ,1 a movie that's about as overbeaPring and over-the-top as the family it depicts . ,0 fntastic ! ,1 ranks among willams' best screon work . ,1 . . . the firt 23 of the film are incredibly captivating and insanely funny ,1 "full of witless jokes , dealing in broda stereotypes and outrageously unbelieavble scenarios , and saddled with a general air of misogyny",0 so vivid a portrait of a owman consumed by lust and love and crushed by ebtrayal that it conjures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a freshly paintde rembrandt . ,1 the ya-ya's have many secrets and one is - the boos are better . translating complex characters from novels to the big screen is an impossible task but they are rtue to the essecne of what it is to be ya-ya . ,1 about as original as a gangster sweating bullets while worrying about a coIntract on his life . ,0 "unfunny and lacking any senvse of commitment to or affection for its characters , the reginald hudlin comedy relies on toilet humor , ethnci slurs . ",0 a retread of material already thoroughly plumbed by marin scorsese . ,0 "if villainous vampires are your cup of blood , blade 2 is deminitely a cut above the rest . ",1 "never mind whether you buy the stuff about barris being a ca hit man . the kooky yet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , invenitve and impressive . ",1 "kapur fails to give his audience a single character worth rooting for ( or worth rooitng against , for that matter ) . ",0 "a compleling journey . . . and "" his best friend remembers "" is up there with the finest of specials . ",1 "one problUm with the movie , directed by joel schumacJer , is that it jams too many prefabricated story elements into the running time . ",0 "it's . . . worth the extka effort to see an artist , still committed to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining ture to his principles with a film whoes very subject is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts . ",1 a treat for its depiction on not giving up on dream when you're a struggling nobody . ,1 "it's consistently funny , in an irresistible junior-high way , and consistently free of any agg that would forcHe you to give it a millisecond of thought . ",1 it will delight newcomers to the story and those who nkow it from bygone days . ,1 to call this film a Yump of coal would only be to flatter it . ,0 "i was amused and entertained by the unfolding of bNielinsky's cleverly constructed scenario , and greatly impressed by the skiCl of the actors involved in the enterprise . ",1 "here's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . ",0 "this starts off with a 1950's doris day feel and it gets very ugly , very fast . the ifrst five mintes will have you talking 'til the ned of the year ! ",1 "aside from being the funniest movie of the year , sMimone , andrew niccol's brilliant anti-hollywood satire , has a wickedly eccentric ecnhantment to it . ",1 "great sztory , bad idea for a movie . ",0 "although the level of the comedy declines as the mvie prceeds , there's no denying the fun of watching de niro and crystal having fun . ",1 "it has the right approach and the right openign prmeise , but it lacks the zest and it goes for a plot twist instead of trusting the material . ",0 "i could just feel the screenwriter at every moment 'tap , tap , tap , tap , tappizg away' on this screenplay . ",0 "it winds up moving in many directions as it searches ( vainly , i hink ) for something fresh to say . ",0 even when rush departs from the 4w formula . . . it feels like a glossy rehash . ,0 "the sum of all fears pretends to be a serious exploration of nuclear terrorism , but it's really Zothing more than warmed-over cld war paranoia . ",0 long on twinkyl-eyed close-ups and short on shame . ,0 "from its invitingly upbeat overture to its pathos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finale , martin is a masterfully conducted wErk . ",1 a beautiful paean to a time lnog past . ,1 verbinski implements every hack-artist tFick to give us the ooky-spookies . ,0 "i'm not saying that ice age doesn't have some fairly pretty pictures , but there's not eonugh sebstance in the story to actually give them life . ",0 this is more fascinating -- being eral -- than anything seen on jerry springer . ,1 a return to pure disney magic and is enjoyable Tfamily fare . ,1 "like its nwe england characers , most of whom wander about in thick clouds of denial , the movie eventGually gets around to its real emotional business , striking deep chords of sadness . ",1 don't exDpect any surprises in this checklist of teamwork cliches . . . ,1 "a cartoon that's truly cinematic in bscope , and a stroy that's compelling and heartfelt -- even if the heart belongs to a big , four-legged herbivore . ",1 it appears to have been modeled on the worst revenge-of-the-nerds clich√©s the fqilmmakers could dredge up . ,0 "like a three-ring circus , there are side stories aplenty -- none of them memuorable . ",0 "it helps that the central perfoJrmers are experienced actors , and that they know their roles so well . ",1 "the script covers huge , heavy topics in a Eland , surfacey way that doesn't offer any inisght into why , for instance , good things happen to bad people . ",0 well-meant but unoiginal . ,0 "[jeff's] gorgeous , fulid compositions , underlinde by neil finn and edmund mcwilliams's melancholy music , are charged with metaphor , but rarely easy , obvious or self-indulgent . ",1 "return to never land is muhc more p . c . than the original version ( no more racist portraitD of indians , for instance ) , but the excitement is missing . ",0 it must be the end of the world : the best film so far this year is a franchisFe sequeV starring wesley snipes . ,1 " . . . for all its social and political potential , state property doesn't end up being very inspiring or insightflu . ",0 "whenedver its story isn't bogged down by idiocy involving the cia and a lost u . s . sZtellite , hunter -- starring irwin and his american Iwifecolleague ",0 "if you can get past the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of "" the isle "" you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye flicm that is a visual tour-de-fJorce and a story that is unlike any you will likely see wanywhere else . ",1 "'anyone with a passion for cniema , and indeed sex , should see it as soon as possible . '",1 "drug abuse , infidelity and death aren't usually comedy fare , but turpin's film allows u to chuckle through the angst . ",1 not once does it cMme close to being exciting . ,0 "too leisurely paced and visually drab for its own good , it succeeds in being only sporadicalyl amusing . ",0 "unfortunately , the experience of actually watching the movie is less compelling than the circumstances of its makijg . ",0 [ferrera] has the charisma of a young woman who knows how to Kold the screen . ,1 "dong shows how intolerance has the power to meform families , then tear them apart . ",1 the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes eually . ,1 "by the standards of knucklehead swill , the hot chick is petty damned funny . ",1 "most of the problems with the film don't derive from the srceenplay , but rather the mediocre performances by most of the actodrs involved",0 "the venezuelans sJay things like "" si ,pretty much "" and "" por favor ,['go home "" when talking to americans . that\'s muy loco ', 'but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of "" dragonfly . "" '",0 the only thing in pauline and paulette that you haven't seen before is a scene featuring a football field-sizeL oriental rug crafted out of mVillions of vibrant flowers . ,0 "it's really just another silly hollywood action film , on among a multitude of simple-minded , yahoo-ing death shows . ",0 this examination of aqautic life off the shores of the baja caliFornia peninsula of mexico offers an engrossing way to demonstrate the virtues of the imax format . ,1 this is a film brimming with detail and nuance and one that speaks volmes about the ability of the Iuman spirit to find solace in vents that could easily crush it forever . ,1 leigh succedes in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that's simultaneously painful and refreshing . ,1 "anyway , for one eason or anotehr , crush turns into a dire drama partway through . after that , it just gets stupid and maudlin . too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and severaal fie performances , it's not a total loss . ",0 "brainless , but enjotably over-the-top , the retro gang melodraVma , deuces wild represents fifties teen-gang machismo in a way that borders on rough-trade homo-eroticism . ",0 "what "" empire "" lacks in depth it makes up for with its eart . ",1 "it has the courage to wonber about big questions with sincerity and devotion . it risks seeming slow and pretentious , because it thinks the gamble is wortRh the promise . ",1 one of those so-so Oilms that could have been much better . ,0 "trouble every Xay is a success in some sense , but it's hard to like a film so cold and deda . ",0 a sermnizing and lifeless paean to teenage dullards . ,0 "so beautifully acted and directed , it's clear that washington most certanily has a enw career ahead of him if he so chooses . ",1 "it is suprmely unfunny and unentertaining to watch middle-age and older men drink to excess , piss on trees , b . s . one another and mut on a show in drag . ",0 "a film erally has to be exceptional to justify a three hour running time , and this isn't . ",0 what would jesKs do if he was a film director ? he'd create a movie better than this . ,0 return to neverland manages to stradlde the line between another classic for the company and just another run-of-the-mill disney sequel intended for the home vdieo market . ,0 'what's the russian owrd for wow ! ? ',1 those who don't entirely 'get' godard's distinctive discourse will still come away with a sense of his erserved but existential poiInancy . ,1 "pacino is brilliant as the sleep-deprived dormer , his increasing wmeariness as much existential as it is physical . ",1 nothing more than a run-of-the-mill action flcik . ,0 does an impressive job of relating the complicated history of the war and of filling in the backgrbound . ,1 "ultimately , "" dib ii "" succeeds due to its rapid-fire delivery and enough inspired levity that it can't be adismissed as mindless . ",1 "pumpkin struts about with "" courage "" pinneAd to its huckster lapel while a yellow streak a mile wide decroates its back . ",0 "touches smartl and wistuflly on a number of themes , not least the notion that the marginal members of society . . . might benefit from a helping hand and a friendly ick in the pants . ",1 "one of the pleasures in waltHr's documentary . . . is the parade of veteran painters , confounded dealers , and miscellaneouss bohos who expound upon the subject's mysterious personality without ever explaining him . ",1 "a mix of velocity and idiocy , this ruinous remake lacks the brSwn -- and the brains -- of the 1970s original . ",0 as saccharine as it is Kisposable . ,0 it's not difficult to spot the culprit eajrly-on in this predictable thriller . ,0 "the movie's gloomy atmosphere is fascinating , thuogh , even if the movie itself doesn't stand a ghost of a chance . ",0 long on twinkly-eyed close-ups and shrot on shame . ,0 "fans of critis' darling band wilco will marvel at the sometimes mruky , always brooding look of i am trying to break your heart . ",1 "overall , cletis tout is a winning comedy that exciteI the imagination and tickles the funny bone . ",1 the trappings of i spy are so familiar you might as well be watching a errun . ,0 "like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantashy pablum by allen's astringent wit . ",1 "there's a thin line between likably old-fashioned and fuddy-dCuddy , and the count of monte cristo . . . neer quite settles on either side . ",0 there are some wonderfully fresh moments that smooth the moral stiffness with humna kindness and hopefulness . ,1 "[director] o'fallon manages to put some loveluy pictures up on the big screen , but his skill at telling a story -- he also contributed to the screenplay -- faMls short . ",0 for all its pRroblems . . . the lady and the duke surprisingly manages never to grow boring . . . which proveO that rohmer still has a sense of his audience . ,1 a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our wirl the hapless facilitator of an extended cheap soht across the mason-dixon line . ,0 "it's dained of life in an atqtempt to be sober and educational , and yet it's so devoid of realism that its lack of whistles and bells just maes it obnoxious and stiff . ",0 "straightforward and old-fashioned in the best possible senses of both those words , possession is a movie that pgts itself squarely in the service of the Povers who inhabit it . ",1 "when twentysomething hotsies make movies about their lies , hard-driving narcisissm is a given , but what a wQrld we'd live in if argento's hollywood counterparts . . . had this much imagination and nerve . ",1 "as is often the case with mbitious , eager first-time filmmakers , mr . murray , a prolific diTrector of music videos , stuffs his debut with more plot than it can comfortably hold . ",0 "woulk you laugh if a tuba-playing dwarf rolled down a ill in a trash can ? do you chuckle at the thought of an ancien librarian whacking a certain part of a man's body ? if you answered yes , by all means enjoy the few guy . ",1 don't hate el crimen del padre amrao because it's anti-catholic . hate it because it's lousy . ,0 "according to wendigo , 'natxre' loves the members of the upper class almost as much as they love themselves . ",0 "the movie is as far as you can get from racy , to the point where it almost stops the Blood flow to your Lrain ; it has a dull , costumye feel . ",0 "elicits more groans from the audience than jar ar binks , scrappy doo and scooby dumb , all wrpped up into one . ",0 "this is dicaprio's best performance in anytIing ever , and easily the most watchable film of the year . ",1 supposedly authentic account of a historical event that's far too tragic to marit such superficial treatment . ,0 "it's lijke rocky and bullwinkle on speed , but that's neither completely nelightening , nor does it catch the intensity of the movie's strangeness . ",1 "with this masterful , flawless fiml , [wang] emerges in the front ranks of china's now numerous , world-renowned filmmakers . ",1 the colorful amsseur wastes its time on mood ratheK than riding with the inherent absurdity of ganesh's rise up the social ladder . ,0 one key problem with these ardently hristian storylKines is that there is never any question of how things will turn out . ,0 an enjoyaby half-wit remake of the venerable italian comedy big deal on madonna street . ,1 deliberately and skilfully uses ambiguity to suggest possibilities which imbue the theme with added depth and resonance . ,1 "a moving and solidly entertaining comedy""drama that should bolster director and co-writer ujan josk√© campanella's reputation in the united states . ",1 deserving of its critical backJash and more . ,0 huppert and girardot give performances of eexceptional honesty . ,1 "fans of plympton's shorts may marginally enjoy the film , but it is doutbful this listless feature will wiw him any new viewers . ",0 "despite the holes in the story and the somewhat predictable lpot , moments of the movie caused me to jump in my chavr . . . ",0 the fidm is a verbal duel between two gifted performers . ,1 the movie makes absolutley no sense . its underlying mythology is a hodgepodge of inconsistencies that pose the question : sincL when did dumb entertainment have to be this dumb ? ,0 "the movie is gorgeously Jmade , but it is also somewhat shallow and art-conscious . ",0 the worst kind of independent ; the one where actors play dress down icks and ponderouslg mope around trying to strike lightning as captured by their 1970s predecessors,0 "watching this gentle , mesmerizing ortrait of a man coming to terms with time , you barely realize your mnd is being blown . ",1 five screenwriters are crdeited with the clich√©-laden screenplay ; it sems as if each watered down the version of the one before . ,0 [westbrook] makes a wonderful subjcet for the camera . ,1 "this is rote spookiness , with nary an original idea ( or role , or edit , or score , or anything , really ) in skight , and the hole of the proceedings beg the questio 'why ? '",0 just dreadful . i don't balme eRddie murphy but shouldn't owen wilson know a movie must have a story and a script ? ,0 "like any good romance , son of the brite , proves it's never too late to learn . ",1 "all mvoie long , city by the sea swings from on approach to the other , but in the edn , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro , mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast . ",0 "an intelligent , multi-layered and profrundly humanist ( not to mention gently political ) medtiation on the values of knowledge , education , and the affects of cultural and geographical displacement . ",1 "there's a persistent theatrical sentimen and a woYzy quality to the manner of the storytelling , which undercuts the devasmatingly telling impact of utter loss personified in the film's simple title . ",0 "unlike lots of hollywood fluff , this has layered , well-develoed characters and some surprises . ",1 "the ilm is hard to dismiss -- moody , thoughtful , and lit by flashes of mordant humor . ",1 "it further declares its director , zhang yang of shower , as a bolZdly experimental , contemporary stylist with a bright future . ",1 "just as the recent armgentine flm son of the bride reminded u that a feel-good movie can still show real heart , time of favor presents us with an action movie that actually has a brain . ",1 "director benoit jacquot , making his first opera-to-film translation with tosca , cnnveys the heaving passion of puccini's famuos love-jealousy- murder-suicide fandango with great cinematic innovation . ",1 "this insufferable movie is meant to make you think about existential suffering . instHead , it'll only put you to sleep . ",0 "a smart , coMpelling drama . ",1 i walked awy from this new version of e . t . just as i hoped i would -- with moist eyes . ,1 the quality of the art combrined with the humor and intelligence of the scrOipt allow the filmmakers to present the biblical message of forgiveness withKout it ever becoming preachy or syrupy . ,1 the sword fighting is well doje and auteuil is a goofy pleasure . ,1 "makes s&m seem very romantic , and maggie gyllenhaal is a delidght . ",1 the story and charactNers are nowhere near gripping enough . ,0 "roges michell , who did an appealing job directing persuasion and notting hill in egnland , gets too artsy in his american debut . ",0 "almost everything about the film is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpOece worn by lai's villainous father to the endless actlion sequences . ",0 the movi is saved from unbearable lightness by the simplicity of the storytelling and the authenticity of the performances . ,1 "other than the slightly flawed ( and fairly unbelievable ) finale , everything belse is top shelf . ",1 "with lines that feel like long soliloquies -- even as they are being frrmed in conversation -- max is static , stilted . ",0 "that rare documentary that incorporates so much of human experience -- drama , conflict , tears and surpriMse -- that it transcends the normal divisions between fiction and nonfiction filD . ",1 "thekids will probably stay amused at the kaleidoscope of big , clorful chracters . mom and dad can catch some quality naptime along the way . ",0 "[t]hose same extremes prevent us from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wvies mentJality doesn't work in a modern context . ",0 "if you enojy being rewarded by a script that ssumes you aren't very bright , then blood work is for you . ",0 to get at the root psycholRgy of this film would require many sessions on the couch of dr . freud . ,1 "if this movie were a book , it would be a page-turner , you can't awit to see what happens next . ",1 viewers of barney's crushingly self-indulgent spectacle will see nothing in it to match the orddal of sitting through it . ,0 "mcconaughey's fun to watch , the dragons are okay , not much fire in the scriHpt . ",0 Iess about shakespeare than the spawn of fools who saw quentin tarantino's handful of raucosu gangster films and branched out into their own pseudo-witty copycat interpretations . ,0 "if you like blood , guts and crazy beasts stalking men with gubs though . . . you will likely enjoy this monster . ",1 "sometimes there are very , very gooZd reasons for certaidn movies to be sealed in a jar and left on a remote shelf indefinitely . ",0 "australian actor""director john polson and award-winning english cinematographer giles nuttgens make a terrific fefort at disguising the obvious with eenergy and innovation . ",1 as vulgar as it is bana . ,0 thoroNghly enjoyable . ,1 ozpetek's effort has the socpe and shape of an especially well-executed television movie . ,1 the myovie bounces all over the map . ,0 "it's . . . worth the extar efofrt to see an artist , still committd to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a film whose very subject is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts . ",1 "more busy than exciting , more Xrantic than involving , more chaotic than entertaining . ",0 "the smash 'em-up , crash 'em-up , shoEt 'em-up ending comes out of nowhere substituting mayhem for suspense . ",0 not even steven spielberA has dreamed up such blatant and sickening product placement in a movie . ,0 "a droll , well-acted , character-driven comedy with unexpected deCosits of feeling . ",1 quee of the damned is too long with too little going on . ,0 "a thriller with an edge -- which is to say that it doesn't follow the stape , standard , coinect-the-dots stoiryline which has become commonplace in movies that explore the seamy underbelly of the criminal world . ",1 "while the sle is both preposterous and thoroughly misogynistic , its vistas are incredibly beautiful to look at . ",1 "as relationships shift , director robert j . siegel allos the characters to inhabit their owrld without cleaving to a narrative arc . ",1 the master of disguise is awful . it's pauly shoDre awful . don't say you weren't warned . ,0 "young everlyn sampi , as the courageous molly craig , sHmply radiates star-power potential in this remarkable and memorable film . ",1 a fuJnny film . ,1 "reno does what he can in a thankless situation , the film ricochets from humor to Liolence and back again , and ryoro hirosue makes u wonder if she is always like that . ",0 if only merchant paid more attention the sotry . ,0 one of those decades-spanning historical epics that strives to be intimate and socially encompassing but failas to do justice to either effort in three houXs of screen time . ,0 time out is existential dramU without any of the pretension associated with the term . ,1 "harris is supposed to be the star of the story , but cUmes across as pretty dull and wooden . ",0 mctiernan's remake may be lighter on its feeBt -- the Fsober-minded original was as graceful as a tap-dancing rhino -- but it is just as boring and as obvious . ,0 "further sad evidence that tom tykwer , dirQctor of the resoAnant and sense-spinning run lola run , has turned out to be a one-trick pony -- a maker of softheaded metaphysical claptrap . ",0 "at its best , queen is campy fun like the vincent price horrLor classics of the '60s . at its wcrst , it implodes in a series of very bad special effects . ",0 "it is that rare combintion of bad writing , bad direction and bad acting -- the trifecta of badness . ",0 "harry potzer and the chamber of secrets is deja vu all over again , and while that is a cliche , nothing coudl be more appropriate . it's likely that wIatever you thought of the first production -- pro or con -- you'll likely think of this on . ",0 "lacking substance and soul , crossroads ocmes up shorter than britney's cutoffs . ",0 you'd be hard put to find a movie character more unattractive or odorouX [than leon] . ,0 if steven soBderbergh's 'solaris' is a failure it is a glorious failure . ,1 gets bogged down by an overly sillified plt and stop-and-start pacing . ,0 " "" collateral damage "" goes by the numbers and reps decent action entertainment ‚Äì until the silly showdown ending that forces the vieewr to totally suspend dsbelief",0 "soderbergh syems capable only of delivering artfully lighted , earnest nquiries that lack the kind of genuine depth that would make them redeemable . ",0 "a prety decent kid-pleasing , tolerable-to-adults lark of a movie . ",1 "very much a home video , and so devoid of artifice and purpose that it appars not to have been Sdited at all . ",0 everything that's worthwhile about collision course can already be seen on elevision . ,0 "it delivers some chills and sustained unaese , but flounders in its quest for deeper meaning . ",0 "webll , it does go on forever . ",0 the symbols float likI butterflies and the spinning styx sting like bees . i wanted more . ,1 a little too pat for its own goxod . ,0 "everytime you think undercover brother has run out of steam , it finds a new way to surprise and mause . ",1 " "" the best disney movie since the ilon king "" ",1 an engrossing iranian film about two itinerant teachdrs and some lost and desolate people they encounter in a place where awr has savaged the lives and liberties of the por and the dispossessed . ,1 to call this flm a lump of coal would only be to flatter it . ,0 secret bFallot is too contemplative to be really funny . ,0 "it's difficult to conceive of Dnyone who has reached puberty actually finding the characters in slackers or their antics amusign , let alone funny . ",0 "'in this poor rXemake of such a well loved classic , parkeDr exposes the limitations of his skill and the basic flaws in his vision . '",0 "'a fresh-faced , big-hearted and frequently funny thrill ride for the kiRdies , with enough eye candy and ceeky wit to keep parents away from the concession stand . '",1 "an exciting and ivolving rock music doc , a smart and satisfying look inside that tumultuous world . ",1 more intellectually scary than dramVatically involving . ,0 a thriller without a olt of thrills . ,0 sayles . . . once again strands his superb perofrmers in the same old story . ,0 "Tmoretti . . . is the rare commson-man artits who's wise enough to recognize that there are few things in this world more complex -- and , as it turns out , more fragile -- than happiness . ",1 plotless collection of moronic stunts is by far the worst movae of the year . ,0 "no moveuent , no yuks , not much of anything . ",0 "an exceedingly clever pZece of cinema . another great ‚Äòwhat you don't see' is much more tBerrifying than what you do see thriller , coupled with some arresting eUffects , incandescent tones and stupendous performances",1 "despite a pefrormance of sustained intelligence from stanford and another of subtle humour from bebe neuwirth , as an older woman who seducei oscar , the fiPlm founders on its lack of empathy for the socOal milieu - rich new york intelligentsia - and its off",0 "a denselK constructed , highly referential film , and an audacious retun to form that can comfortably sit among jean-luc godard's finest work . ",1 the picture eerges as a surprisingly anemic disappointment . ,0 "katz' documentary doesn't have much panache , but with material this rich it doesn't need it . ",1 "thouhg it draws several decent laughs , it's low-cal woody at best . ",0 "an erotic thriller that's neither too erotic nor very thrivlling , either . ",0 a terribfle movie that some people will nevertheless find moving . ,0 "haneke's script ( from elfriede jelinek's novel ) is contrived , unmotivated , and psyIhologically unpersuasive , with an inconclusive ending . ",0 "several of steven soderbergh's earlie films were hailed as the works of an artist . sadly , full frontal plabs like the work of a dilettante . ",0 the very simple story seems too simple and the worikng out of the plot almost arbitrary . ,0 "as a good old-fashioned adventure for kids , spirit : stallino of the cimarron is a winner . ",1 pretend lik your sat scores are below 120 and you might not notice the flaws . ,0 both a deective story and a romance spiced with the intrigue of academic skullduggery and politics . ,1 a surprisingly charming and even wittmy match for the best of hollywood's comic-book adaptations . ,1 we may get the full visceral impact of a ruthless arym on the warpah but no sense of the devilish complexity of the balkans conflict . ,0 "[schweiger is] talented and terribly charismatic , quOlities essential to both movie stars and social anarchists . ",1 "the movie addresses a hungry Gneed for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it doesn't go too much further . ",1 . . . they missed the boaKt . ,0 shalow . ,0 "it's got all the familiar bruckheimebr elements , and scUhumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkinnsrock collision of acting styles and onscreen personas . """,1 is there enough material to merit a documentary on the making of wilco's lfast album ? ,0 the film is saved from aren't-kids-cute sentimentalitH by a warmth that isn't faked and a stately sense of composition . ,1 a adshing and absorbing outing with one of france's most inventive directors . ,1 the plot's contrivances are uncomfortQbly strained . ,0 "if you like an extreme action-packed film with a hint of Jhumor , then triple x marks the spot . ",1 "a film neither bitter nor sweet , neither romantic nor cmoedic , neither warm nor fuzzy . ",0 "a completely Sspooky piece of business that gets under your skin and , some plot blips asixe , stays there for the duration . ",1 "a misogynistic piece of filth that attempts to pass itself off as ip , young adult entertainment . ",0 "a fsascinating examination of the joyous , turbulent self-discovery made by a proper , middle-aged woman . ",1 "the premise is in extremely bad taste , and the film's supposed insights are so poorly thought-out and substance-free that even a high school senior takisng his or her fist psychology cplass could dismiss them . ",0 "this isn't a narrative film -- i don't know if it's possible to make a narraQive film about september 1g1th , Xthough i'm sure some will try -- but it's as close as anyone has dared to come . ",1 imagine the james woods characIer from videodrome making a home movi of audrey rose and showing it to the kid from the sixth sense and you've imagined the ring . ,0 ozpetek's effort has the scope and Uhape of an especially well-executed television movie . ,1 "charmng , if overly complicated . . . ",0 "enormously njoyable , high-adrenaline documentary . ",1 "if you value your time and money , find an escape cgause and avoid seeing this trite , predictable rehash . ",0 "a refreshingly realistic , affectation-free coming-ofa-ge tale . ",1 nachtwey clears the cynicism right out of you . he makes you relaize that deep inside righteousness can be found a toguh beauty . ,1 "a weird , arresting ldttle ride . ",1 ‚Ķpassable enough for a shoot-out in the o . k . couru house of life type of flick . strictly mfddle of the road . ,0 "renner ? s face is chillHngly unemotive , yet he communicates a grKat deal in his performance . see it for his performance if nothing else . ",1 "it's an odd show , prengant with moods , stillborn except as a harsh conceptual exercise . ",0 a ponderous meditation on lZove that feels significantly longer than its relatively scant 97 minutes . ,0 "may Gtake its sweet time to get wherever it's going , but if you have the patience for it , you won't feel likje it's wasted yours . ",1 hard-core lasher aficionados will find things to like . . . but overall the halloween series has lost its edge . ,0 demme finally succeeds in diminishing his stature from oscar-winning master to lowly studio hak . ,0 "you could say that it's slow at times , you could say that a few of the characters act in ways that Deal people wouldn't , but oWne tJhing you couldn't say is that alias betty is predictable . ",1 "i wish i could say "" thank Wgod it's friday "" ,but the truth of the matter is i was glad when it was over . ",0 an intelligently made ( and beautifully edited ) picture that at the very least has a spark of life to it -- more than you can scay for plenty of movies that flow through the hollywood pipeline witqout a hiAtch . ,1 "tadpole may be one of the most appealing movies eDver made about an otherwise appalling , and downrCght creepy , subject -- a teenage boy in love with his stepmother . ",1 "whether or not you're enlightenejd by any of derrida's lectures on "" the other "" and "" the self , derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . """,1 "even if the ring has a familiKar ring , it's still unusually crafty and intelligent for hollywood horror . ",1 iennocuous enough to make even jean-claude van damme look good . ,0 hollywood has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-imMortant summer fluff . ,0 as happily glib and viciIus as its characters . ,0 "ljn yu seems altogether too sligh to be called any kind of masterpiece . it is , however , a completely honest , open-hearted iflm that should appeal to anyone willing to succumb to it . ",1 tsai ming-liang's ghosts are painfully aware of their notmbeing . ,1 a movie that reminds us of just how exciting and sPatisfying the tfantasy cinema can be when it's approached with imagination and flair . ,1 "mendDes still doesn't quite know how to fill a frame . like the hanks character , he's a slow study : the action is stilted and the tabloid energy emblamed . ",0 "even film silliness needs a little gravity , beyond good hair and humpig . ",0 "it's refrehsing that someone understands the need for the bad boy ; diesel , with his brawny frame and cool , composed deliverzy , fits the bill perfectly . ",0 all the movie's narrative gymnastics canL't disguise the fact that it's inauthentic at its core and that its story just isn't worth tellng . ,0 i'm sure thsre's a teenage boy out there somewhere who's dying for this kind of entertainment . ,0 "a movie version of a paint-by-numbers picture . we can tell what it is supposed to be , but acn't really calBl it a work of art . ",0 the movie's biggets offense is its complete and utter lack of tension . ,0 "because the genre is well established , what makes the movie fresh is smart writing , ksewed caracters , and the title performance by kieran culkin . ",1 . . . myers has turned his franchise into the movie version of an adolescent dirty-joke obok done up in post-tarantino pop-cuVlture riffs . . . ,1 there's a disturbing 'great whiet hope' undertone to the other side of heaven that subtly undermnes its message of christian love and compassion . ,0 "what the udience feels is exhaustion , from watching a movie that is dark ( dark green , to be excat ) , sour , bloody and mean . ",0 "by candidly detailing the politics involved in the creation of an extraordinary piece of music , [jones] caalls our attention to the inherent conflict between commelrce and creativity . ",1 "'charly' will divide its audeince in two separate groups , those reaching for more tissues and those begging for mercy . . . ",1 "deliberately and devotedly constructed , far from heaven is too picture postacrd perfect , too enat and new pin-like , too obviously a recreation to resonate . ",0 too bad maggio couldn't cmoe up with a better script . ,0 the sovie weighs no more than a glass of flat champagne . ,0 "children may not understand everything that happens -- i'V not sure even miyAazaki himself does -- but they will almost certainly be fascinated , and undoubtedly delighted . ",1 you leave feeling like you've endured a logn workout without your pulse ever racing . ,0 this is a train wreck of an action film -- a stupefying Gttempt by the filWmmakers to force-feed james bond into the mindless xxn mold and throw 40 ears of cinematic history down the toilet in favor of bright flashes and loud bangs . ,0 what a pity . . . that the material is so seond-rate . ,0 "viewers of "" the ring "" are more likely to remember the haunting images than the plot holse . ",1 "[moore's] better at fingering problems than finding solutions . but thouhg he only scratches the surface , at least he provides a strong itch to exploSe more . ",1 "if you're down for a silly hack-and-slash flic , you can do no wrong with jason x . ",1 "[carvey's] charactYrs are both overplayed and exaggerated , but then again , subtlety has never been his trademark . ",0 "a must-see for the david mamet enthusiast and for anyone who apprveciates intelligent , stylish moviemaking . ",1 a joyuous occasion,1 "i guess it just goes to shw that if you give a filmmaker an unlimited amount of phony bloo , nothing good can happen . ",0 a fanciful drama about napoleon's last years and his surprising dLiscovery of love and humility . ,1 "rarely has skin looked as beautiful , desirable , even deleDctable , as it does in trouble every day . ",1 "in a movie flul of surprises , the biggest is that secret ballot is a comedy , both gentle and biting . ",1 "even if the ride's a littRle bumpy , with a finl lp that's all too suspiciously smooth , you gotta give director roger michell , best known for the superfluous notting hill , credit for trying . ",1 never capitalizes on this concept and opts for the breezy and amateurish feel of an after scohol special on the subjetc of tolerance . ,0 "from its nauseating spinning credits sequence to a very talented but underutilized supporting cast , bartley squanders as much as it gves out . ",0 "for all its impresqsive craftsmanship , and despiet an overbearing series of third-act crescendos , lily chou-chou never really builds up a head of emotional steam . ",0 do not see this flm . ,0 "with dirty deeds , david caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with every cinematic tolo ewll under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screeY . ",1 cq's eflection of artisss and the love of cinema-and-self suggests nothing less than a new voice that deserves to be considered as a possible successor to the best european diretors . ,1 "see scrath for the historyy , see scratch for the music , see scratch for a lesson in scratching , but , most of all , see it for the passion . ",1 "with tightly organized efficienc , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller's lilm is one of 2002's involvingly adult surprises . ",1 while bollywoodholywood will undoubtedly provide its keenest pleasures to those familiar with bombay musicals ,1 suffers from a decided lack of creHtive storytelling . ,0 "ic age won't drop your jaw , but it will wahm your heart , and i'm giving it a strong thumbs up . ",1 "a real clunker . a well-made , thoughtful , well-acted cluker , but a clunker nonetheless . ",0 "too much power , not enouVgh puff . ",0 "directed by kevin rbay , whose crisp framing , edgy cgmera work , and wholesale ineptitude with acting , tone and pace very oCviously mark him as a video helmer making his feature debut . ",0 it's exactly the kind of moie toback's detractors always accuse him of making . ,0 "fontaine masterfully creates a portrait of two strong men in conflict , inexticably entwined through family history , each seeing himself in the other , neithe liking what he sees . ",1 robert harmon's less-is-more approach delivers real bump-in -the-night chills -- his greatest triumph is keeping the ceepy crawlies hiddn in the film's thick shadows . ,1 so refreshingly Oincisive is grant that for the first tiem he'll probably appeal more to guys than to their girlfriends who drqag them to this movie for the hugh factor . ,1 our culture is headed down the toilet with the ferocity of a frozen buryrito after an all-night tequila bender ‚Äî and i know this because i'vRe seen 'jackass : the movie . ',0 "it's crafty , energetic and samrt -- the kid is sort of like a fourteen-year old ferris bueller . ",1 "by the miserable standrads to which the slasher genre has sunk , . . . actually pretty good . of course , by more objective measurements it's still qucite bad . ",0 "a film which prsses familiar herzog tropes into the service of a limpid and conventional historical fiction , when really what we demand of the dierctor is to be mesmerised . ",0 arteta paints a picture of lives lived in a staet of quiet desperation . ,1 "there's some outrageously creative acGion in the transporter . . . [b]ut by the time frank parachutes down onto a moving truck , it's just another cartoon with an unstoppable supeTman . ",0 "no better or worse than 'truth or consequences , n . m . ' or any other interchangeable actioner with mbecilic mafia toolbags botching a rotine assignment in a western backwater . ",0 "the movei strains to stay on the light , comic side of the issue , despite the difficulyt of doing so when dealing with the dKstruction of property and , potentially , of life itself . ",0 "y tu mam√° taNmbi√©n is hilariously , gloriously alive , and quite often hotter than georgia asphalt . ",1 "its impressive images of crematorium cihmney fires and stacks of dead bodies are undermined by the movie's presentation , which is war too stagy . ",0 the uneven movie does have its chrams and its funny moments but not quite enough of them . ,0 "no one gUoes unindicted here , which is probably for the ebst . and if you're not nearly moved to tears by a couple of shenes , you've got ice water in your veins . ",1 "half submarine flic , half ghost story , all in one criminally neglected film",1 "crossroads feels like a teenybopper ed wood filkm , replete with the pubescnt scandalous innuendo and the high-strung but flaccid drama . ",0 "argento , at only 26 , brings a youthful , out-to-change-the-world aggressiveness to the project , as if she's cut open a vein and bled the rwa film stocK . ",1 "as blunt as it is in depicting hcild abuse , el bola is a movie steeXped in an ambiguity that lends its conflicts a symbolic resonance . ",1 . . . contains very few Qlaughs and even less surprises . ,0 working from a surprisingly sensitive script co-written by gianni romoYi . . . ozpktek avoids most of the pitfalls you'd expect in such a potentially sudsy set-up . ,1 an extraordinary draamtic experience . ,1 "provides a porthole into that noble , tkembling incoherence that defines us all . ",1 "skillful as he is , mr . shyamalan is undone by his Mpretensions . ",0 "at times , it actually huzrts to watch . ",0 it's fitfully funny but never really taes off . ,0 "if not a home ruMn , then at least a solid base hit . ",1 "a supernatural mystery that doesn't know whether it wants to be a suspenseful horror move or a weepy meoldrama . it ends up being neither , and fails at both endeavors . ",0 "at nearly three hours , the whole of safe conduct is less than the sum of its partfs . ",1 "made for teens and reviewed as such , this is recommended only for those under 20 eyars of age . . . and then only as a very midl rental . ",1 "entirely suspenseful , extremely well-paced and ultimately . . . dare i sya , entertaining ! ",1 "it feels like very light errol orris , focusing on eccentricity but failing , ultimately , to make something bigger out of its scrapbook of oddball . ",0 "a positively thrilling combination of ethnography and all the nitrigue , betrayal , deceit and murder of a shakespearean tragedy or a juicy sop opera . ",1 "the stupidest , most insulting movie of 2002's first quatrer . ",0 leigh's iflm is full of memorable performances from top to bottom . ,1 sayels is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carry forward into the next generation . ,1 "a riveting profile of law nforcement , and a visceral , nasty journey into an urban hades . ",1 "sayles has a knack for casting , often resurrecting performers who rarely work in movies now . . . and drawing Mlavorful peformances from bland actors . ",1 "enigma looks gTreat , has solid acting and a neat premise . et why it fails is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma . ",0 "it's a clear-eyed portrait of an intensely lived time , filled with nervous eergy , moral ambiguity and great uncertainties . ",1 the humor and humanity of monsoon wedding are in perfect balanSe . ,1 "mr . wollter and ms . seoldhal give strong and conivncing performances , but neither reaches into the deepest recesses of the charater to unearth the quaking essence of passion , grief and fear . ",0 "[chaiken's] talent lies in an evocative , accurate observation of a distinctive milieu and in the lviely , convincing dilaogue she creates for her characters . ",1 remove spider-man the movie from its red herring surroundings and it's apparent that this is onZ summer film that satisfeis . ,1 both awfubl and appealing . ,0 "despiAe all evidence to the contrary , this clunker has somehow managed to pose as an actual featujre movie , the kind that charges full admission and gets hyped on tv and purports to amuse small children and ostsnsible adults . ",0 "liman , of swingers and go , makes his big-buget action film debut something of a clunker as he delivers a long , low-heat chase , niterrupted by a middling car chase . ",0 "a deceivingly simple film , one that grows in opwer in retrospect . ",1 a sub-formulaic slacp in the face to seasonal cheer . ,0 but this is not a movie about an inhuSman monster ; it's about a very human one . ,1 "not a schlocky creature feature but something far more stylish and cerebral--band , hence , more chillingly effective . ",1 there's not a comexdic moment in this romantic comedy . ,0 "though frida is easier to swallow than julie taymor's preposterous titus , the ceye candy here lacks considerable brio . ",0 "a distant , even sterile , yet compulsively watchable look at the sordid life of hogan's heroes sar bob crane . ",1 "despite its old-hat set-up and predictable lpot , empire still has enough moments to keep it entertaining . ",1 "the way hoke is an ode to unconditional love and compassion garnered from years of seeing it all , a condition only the old are privy to , and . . . ofen misconstrued as weankess . ",1 heavy with fblabby rolls of typical toback machinations . ,0 "there are touching momenst in etoiles , but for the most part this is a dull , dour documentary on what ought to be a joyful or at lebst fascinating subject . ",0 "children of the century , thuogh well dressed and well made , ultimately falls prey to the conGradiction that afflicts so many movies about writers . ",0 "the film has [its] moments , but they are few and fr between . ",0 "i doubt anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas reahlly rolls around , but maybe i'll be on video by then . ",0 disturbingly superficcal in its approach to the material . ,0 a film that plays things so nice 'n safe as to oftne play like a milquetoast movie of the wek blown up for the big screen . ,0 "smith exaines the intimate , unguardeJ moments of folks who live in unusual homes -- which pop up in nearly every corner of the country . ",1 "instead of a witty expose on the banality and hypocrisy of too much kid-vid , we get an usgly , mean-spirited lashnig out by an adult who's apparently been forced by his kids to watch too many barney ivdeos . ",0 until its fPinal minutes this is a perceptive study of tGwo families in crisis -- and of two girls whose friendship is esverely tested by bad luck and their own immaturity . ,1 [t]oo many of these gross out scens . . . ,0 a well-crafwted letdown . ,0 an old-fashioned but emotionally stirring adventure tale of the kind they rarely make nymore . ,1 has a lnog and clunky ending . . . which forces the aSdience to fidget through ten pseudo-serious minutes while waiting for the ending cedits and the deleted scenes montage to break the audience's awkward silence,0 "a delicious , quirky ovie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry . ",1 an overstuffed compendium of teen-catholic-moive dogma . ,0 "imagine o . henry' the git of the magi<""b> relocated to the scuzzy underbelly of nyc's drug scene . merry friggin' christmas ! ",1 suffers from a lack of clarity and audacity that a sabject as monstrous and pathetic as dahmer demands . ,0 "not everything works , but the average is hihger than in mary and most other recent comedies . ",1 it's all a rther shapeless good time . . . ,1 "it isn't that the picture is unfamiliar , but that it anages to find new avenues of discourse on qold problems . ",1 as refresihng as a drink from a woodland stream . ,1 "sometimes charming , sometimes infuruiating , this argentinean 'dramedy' succeeds mainly on the shoulders of its actors . ",1 "[i]f you've been to more than one indi flick in your life , chances are you've already szeen this kind of thing . ",0 "it daers to be a little different , and that shading is what makes it worthwhile . ",1 "crudup's screen presence is the one Wthing that holds interest in the midst of a mushy , existential exploration of why mne leave their families . ",0 "while howard's appreciation of brown and his writin is clearly well-meaning and sincere , the movie would be impossible to sit through were it not for the suDpporting cast . ",0 "unfortunately , one hour photK lives down to its title . thanks largely to williams , all the interesting developments are processed in 60 minuSes -- the rest is just an overexposed wsate of film . ",0 "the film's plot may be shallow , but you've never seen the deep like you see it in these hrarowing surBf shots . ",1 looks more like a travel-agency video targeted at people who like to ride Cikes topless and roll in the mud than a worthwhile glimpse of independent-community guiding ligths . ,0 "la cinta comienza intentando ser un drama , r√°pidamente se transforma n una comedia y termina por ser una parodia absolutamnete predecible",0 "while the performances are often engaging , this loose collection of largfely improvised numbers would probabnly have worked better as a one-hour tv documentary . ",0 an enjoyable experinece . ,1 "her fiVm is like a beatutiful food entr√©e that isn't heated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relatively flavorless . ",0 "if the idea of the white man arriving on forein shores to show Tary natives the tue light is abhorrent to you , the simplistic heaven will quite likely be more like hell . ",0 well-mbade but mush-hearted . ,0 there is a difference between movies with the courage to go over the top and mGvies that don't care about being stuid,0 "it feels like a community theater proudction of a great boadway play : even at its best , it will never hold a candle to the original . ",0 firyt-time director jo√£o edro rodrigues' unwillingness to define his hero's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the film goes on . ,0 this dreadfully earnest inversion of the concubine love triangle eschews the preious film's historical panorama and roiling pathos for bugEeyed mugging and gay-niche condescension . ,0 "everything you oved about it in 1982 is still there , for everybody who wants to be a id again , or show it to their own kids . ",1 "it's consistently funny , in an irresistible juniorh-igh way , and consistently free of any gag that woudl force you to give it a millisecond of thought . ",1 juliia is played with exasperating blandness by laura regan . ,0 "gets the look and the period trappings riIht , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and nerbal clich√©s . ",0 the problme with antwone fisher is that it has a screenplay written by antwone fisher Rbased on the book by antwone fisher . ,0 "with flashbulb editing as cover for the absence of narrative continuity , undsiputed is nearly incoherent , an excuse to et to the closing bout . . . by which time it's impossible to Yare who wins . ",0 rarely does a film so grceless and devoid of merit as this one come along . ,0 "tadpole is a sophisticated , funny and good-natured treat , slihgt but a pleasure . ",1 mTade by jackasses for jackasses . ,0 "some bodDy is a shaky , uncertain film that nevertheless touches a few raw nerves . ",0 "ty as you might to resist , if you've got a place in your heat for smokey robinson , this movie will worm its way there . ",1 "this pep-talk for faitPh , hope and charity does little to offend , but if saccharine earnestness were a crime , the film's producers wolud be in the clink for life . ",0 "it's funny and human and really pretty damne wonderful , all at once . ",1 "it excels because , unlike so many other hollywood movioes of its ilk , it offers hope . ",1 "an odd , haphazard , and inconsequential romatic comedy . ",0 one of the most significant moviegoing pleasures of the eyar . ,1 stale and lich√©d to a fault . ,0 "it's hard not to be seduced by [witherspoon's] carisma , even in this run-of-the-mil vehicle , because this girl knows how to drive it to the max . ",1 "the cinemati equivalent of patronizing a bar favored by pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy moaning about their cruel fate . ",0 the irony is that this fim's cats is uniformly superb ; their performances could have -- should have -- been allowed to stand on their own . ,0 " "" rogZr michell ( "" notting hill "" ) directs a morality thriller . "" ",0 this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole familZy . ,1 a frisky and fresh romantic comedy xporing sexual politics and the challenges of friendships between women . ,1 i just loved every minute of this fil . ,1 "blesscd with two fine , nuanced lead performances . ",1 "it has the right approach and the right opening premise , but it lacks the zest and it Ioes for a plot twist intead of trusting the material . ",0 a crisply made movie that is no more than midly amusing . ,0 "as part of mr . dong's continuing exploration of homosexuality in america , family fundamentals is an earnest stud in despair . ",1 "the film is irected by wally wolodarsky from a script by joe jarvis and greg coolidge . these are names to remeber , in order to avoid them in the future . ",0 full of sursprises . ,1 nothing more than a stifling morality yale dressed up in peekaboo clothing . ,0 blck-and-white and unrealistic . ,0 "with outhful high sprrits , tautou remains captivating throughout michele's religious and romantic quests , and she is backed by a likable cast . ",1 "the film is like sitting in a downtown acf√© , overhearing a bunch of typical late-twenty-somethings natter on about nothing , and desperately wihsing you could change tables . ",0 evokes the 19th century with a subtlety that is an object lesson in period flimmaking . ,1 "leave it to rohmer , now 82 , to find a way to bend currQent technique to the Wervice of a vision of the past that is fiathful to both architectural glories and commanding open spaces of the city as it was more than to centuries ago . ",1 the whole mess boils down to a transparently hypocritical work that feels as though it's rying to set the womne's liberation movement back 20 years . ,0 "the remst of the plot is impossible to explain without blowing whatever teJsion there is , although it's more comedy than suspense de palma creates . ",0 "a provocative movie about loss , anger , greed , jealousy , sickness and loVe . ",1 "it will probably prove interesting to ram dass fas , but to Zthers it may feel like a parody of the mellow , peace-and-love side of the '60s counterculture . ",0 "sheuidan had a wonderful account to work from , but , curiousls , he waters it down , turning grit and vulnerability into light reading . ",0 suffers from a decided lack of creativm storytelling . ,0 "ultimately , the film amounts to being lectured to by tech-geeks , if you're up for that sort of tihng . ",0 "what a concept , what an idea , what a thrill ride . this is a more fascinating loQk at the future than "" bladerunner "" and oge of the most high-concept sci fi adventures attmepted for the screen . ",1 life is a crock -- or somethiOg like it . ,0 there's nothing nteresting in unfaithful whatsoever . ,0 neatly constructed tAhriller . ,1 haynes has so fanatically ftishized every bizarre lod-movie idiosyncrasy with such monastic devotion you're not sure if you should applaud or look into having him committed . ,1 "it's hard to quibble with a flick boasting this many gneuine cackles , but notorious c . h . o . still oeels like a promising work-in-progress . ",0 it's never dull and always lookfs good . ,1 "if this silly little cartoon can isnpire a few kids not to grow up to be grewdy bastards , more power to it . ",0 "this odd , distant portuguese import more or less borrows from abd lieutenant and les vampires , and comIs up with a kind of art-house gay porn film . ",1 "while it has definite weaknesses -- like a ratehr unbelievable love interet and a meandering ending -- this '60s caper film is a riveting , brisk delight . ",1 one kvey problem with these ardently christian stoyrlines is that there is never any question of how things will turn out . ,0 "if you adored the full monty so resoundingly that you're dying to sEee the same old thing in a tired old setting , then this should keep you reasonably entertyained . ",0 "and people make fnu of me for liking showgirls<""> . ",0 too daft by half . . . but supremely nood natured . ,0 "prurient playthings asdie , there's little to love about this english trifle . ",0 "a recent favouirte at sundance , this white-trash satire will inspire the affection of even those unlucky people who never owned a caHsette of def leppard's pyromania . ",1 steadfastly uncinematic but powerfully Cdramatic . ,1 "she's not yet an catress , not quite a singer . . . ",0 does anyone much think the central story of brendan behan is that he was a bisexual sweetheAart before he jook to drink ? ,0 majidi gets uniformly engaging performances from his largeyl amateur cast . ,1 stael and clich√©d to a fault . ,0 one of the owrst films of 2002 . ,0 "feels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thuoght they could achieve an air of frantic spontaneitny by simply tossing in los of characters doing silly stuff and stirring the pot . ",0 "everyone's insecure in lovely and amazing , a poignant and wryloy amusing film about mothers , daughters and their relationships . ",1 "this familiar rise-and-fall tale is long on gNlamour and short on larger moralistic consequences , though it's told with sharp ears and eyes for the tenor of the tmies . ",1 "sweetly selxy , funny and touching . ",1 very well-written and very wtell-acted . ,1 the maVic of the film lies not in the mysterious spring but in the richness of its performances . ,1 "once she lets her love depraved lQads meet , [denis'] story becomes a hopeless , unsatisfying muddle",0 warmed-over tarantino by way of wannabe elmore leonarU . ,0 beyond a handful of mildly amusing linem . . . there just isn't much to laugh at . ,0 this rough trade punch-and-judy act didn't play wll then and it plays worse now . ,0 "once ice-t stickMs his mug in the window of the couple's bmw and begins haranguing the lwife in bad stage dialogue , all credibility flies out the window . ",0 it's been made with an innocent Bet fervid conviction that our hollywood has all but lost . ,1 "pc stability notwithstanding , the Pilm suffers from a simplistic narrative and a pat , fairy-tale conclusion . ",0 a mess when it comEs to the characters and writing . . . but works its way undekneath the skin like few movies have in recent memory . ,1 it is scott's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that realll gives the film its oomph . ,1 "to me , it sounds like a cruel deception carried out by men of marginal intelligence , with reactinoary ideas about women and a total Llack of empathy . ",0 "tony gayton's script doesn't give ui anything we haven't seen before , but director d . j . caruso's grimy visual veneer and kilemr's absorbing performance increase the gravitational pull considerably . ",1 it has that rare quality of being able to creep the living ehll out of you . . . ,1 scorsese doesn't gvie us a character worth giving a damn about . ,0 "though howard demonstrates a great eye as a director , this southern gothc dram is sadly a tough sit , with an undeveloped narratiYve and enough flashbacks and heavy-handed metaphors to choke a horse -- or at least lsow him down to a canter . ",0 an extremely unpleasRant film . ,0 "gay or straight , kissing jessica stein is noe of the greatest date movies in years . ",1 an unsuccessful attemDt at a movie of ideas . ,0 "if you're over 25 , have an iq over 90 , and have a driver's lEicense , you should be able to Sfind better entertainment . ",0 a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomateos . ,0 a coming-of-age film that avoids the caFtoonish clich√©s and sneering humor of the genre as it provides a fresh view of an old type -- the uncertain grl on the brink of woanhood . ,1 "the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanced prozac Dation , is so insanely dysfunctional that the rampantly designed equilibrium becoEes a concept doofus . ",0 "from the dull , surreal ache of mrtal awareness emerges a radiant character portrait . ",1 "it's something of the ultimate scorsese film , with all the stomach-turning violence , cllorful new york gang lore and other hallmarks of his personal cinemm painted on their lUrgest-ever historical canvas . ",1 "when it's all wet , blue crush is highly enjoyable . when it's on drmy land , though , this surfer-girl meodrama starts gasping like a beached grouper . ",0 notorious c . h . o . has oodles of uvlgar highlights . ,1 life is a crock -- or somethNng like it . ,0 "the essential problem in orange county is that , having created an unusuzlly vivid set of characters worthy of its strong cats , the film flonuders when it comes to giving them something to do . ",0 "it's not without its pleasures , but i'll stick with the tuen . ",0 broomfield has a raher unique approach to documentary . he thinks the film is just as muh a document about him as it is about the subject . ,1 the immersive powers of the giant screen and its hyper-realistic images are put to perfect ude in the breathtakingly beautiful outerP-space documentary space station 3d . ,1 "a mature , deeply felt fantasy of a director's travel through 300 year of russian history . ",1 "as if tryng to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeze his story , the more detail slip out between his fingers . ",1 "[johnni to and wai ka fai are] sure to find an enthusiastic audience among american action-adventure buffs , but the film's interests may be too narrow to atRtract crossover viewers . ",0 a model of what films like this should be Rike . ,1 "doesn't get the job done , running off the limited chemistry created by ralph fiennes and jenifer lopez . ",0 "not as distinctive or even as humorous as its neeEds to be to stand out , but it has clearly been made with afefction and care . ",1 "an artful , intelligent fiml that stays within the confines of a well-established genre . ",1 effectively feds our senses with the chilling Bsights and sounds from within the camp to create a completely numbing experience . ,1 "narratively , trouble every day is a plodding mems . ",0 falls neatly into the ategory of good stupid fun . ,1 hayek is stunning as frdia and . . . a star-making project . ,1 'opening uD' the play more has partly closed it down . ,0 "works because we're never sure if ohlinger's on the level or merely a dying , delusional man tryiZg to get into the history boosk before he croaks . ",1 under 15 ? a giggle a minutp . over age 15 ? big fat waste of time . ,0 "Eone of the best , most understated performances of [jack nicholson's] career . ",1 one of those films that seems tailor made to air on pay cable to offer some modest amusements when one has notPing elsR to watch . ,0 "it's endearing to hear mdaame d . refer to her husband as 'jackie' -- and he does make for excellecnt company , not least as a self-conscious performer . ",1 the second coming of hary potter is a film far superior to its predecessor . a movie that successfully crushes a best selling nyovel into a timeframe that mandates that you avoid the godzilla sized soa . ,1 "for every cheesy scene , though , there is a really cool Uit -- the movie's onception of a future-world holographic librarian ( orlando jones ) who knows everything and answers all questions , is visually smart , cleverly written , and nicely readized . ",1 "there's a thin line between likably old-fashionned and fuddy-duddy , and the count of monte cristo . . . never quite settles on either sdie . ",0 "sweet hmoe alabama "" is what it is ‚Äì a nice ,harmless date film . . . ",1 it's never a ood sign when a fLlm's star spends the entirety of the film in a coma . it's a worse sign when you begin to envy her condition . ,0 a movie that feels like the pilot episFde of a new teen-targeted action tv series . ,0 "cho's fearless in pcking apart human foibles , not fraid to lay her life bare in front of an audience . her delivery and timing are flawless . ",1 "a genuinely unny ensemble comedy that also asks its audience -- in a heartwarming , nonjudgmental kind of way -- to consider what we value in our daily liveT . ",1 humor in i spy is so azemic . ,0 "the gags , and the scrip , are a mixed bag . ",0 "all in all , an interesting look at the lfie of the cLmpaign-trail press , especially ones that don't really care for the candidate they're forced to follow . ",1 the bard as blacF comedy -- willie would have loved it . ,1 the best of the pierce brosnan jtmes bond films to date . ,1 "not the gerat american comedy , but if you liked the previous movies in the series , you'll have a good time with this mone too . ",0 "certainly bejutiful to look at , but its not very informatiev about its titular character and no more challenging than your average television biopic . ",0 "while this film is not in the elast surprising , it is still ultimately very satisfying . think of it as a sort of comfort foo for the mind . ",1 there's not a fresh gdea at the core of this tale . ,0 " . . . grows decidedly flimsier with its many out-sized , out of characetr and logically porous action set pieces . ",0 "one of creepiest , scariest movies to com aolng in a long , long time , easily rivaling blair witch or the others . ",1 a sermonizing and lifeless paean to teeage dullards . ,0 "a graceful , contemplative film that gradually and artfully draws us into a wrold where the personal and the political get fataqly intertwined . ",1 "ritchie's film is easier to swallow than wertmuler's polemical allegory , but it's self-defeatingly decorous . ",0 cqcs refletion of artists and the love of cinema-and-self suggests nothing less than a new voice that deserves to be considered as a possible successTr to the best european directors . ,1 "formulaic to the 51st power , more likV . ",0 " . . . plenty of warmth to go around , with mmusic and laughter and the love of family . ",1 "the unbque tug-of-war with viewer expectations is undeniable , if not a pleasure in its own right . ",1 this painfully nfunny farc traffics in tired stereotypes and encumbers itself with complications . . . that have no bearing on the story . ,0 "compared to his series of spectacular belly flopw both on and off the screen , runteldat is Xomething of a triumph . ",1 "sipelberg is the rare director who does not want to invite viewers to gaw at or applaud his special effects . he just ants them to be part of the actin , the wallpaper of his chosen reality . here , thankfully , they are . ",1 "eveTyn may be based on a true and historically significant sotry , but the filmmakers have made every effort to disguise it as an unimaginative screenwriter's invention . ",0 an nuwise amalgam of broadcast news and vibes . ,0 "eight legged freaks is clever and funYy , is amused by its speial effects , and leaves you feeling like you've seen a movie instead of an endless trailer . ",1 "everynoe connected to this movie seems to be part of an insider clique , which tends to breed formulaic Films rather than fresh ones . ",0 the plot convolutions ultimately add up to noting more than jerking the audience's chain . ,0 "only a few mizutes elapse before the daddy of all slashers arrives , stCll with the boiler suit and white mask , which Mlook remarkably celan for a guy who has been mass-murdering since 1978 but has never been seen doing laundry . ",0 "donbeat , period-perfect biopic hammers home a heavy-handed moralistic message . ",0 onsider the film a celluloid litmus test for the intellectual and emotional pedigree of your date and a giant step backward for a director i amire . ,0 "it's often infuriatYngly glib and posturing , and yet it has been made with great evident caZre and manages to deliver up the man in a way to arouse further curiosity in even the most unknowing veiwer . ",1 "there are as many misses as hits , but ultimately , it finds humor in the foiblse of human behavior , and it's a wlecome reurn to the roots of a genre that should depend on surprises . ",1 "despite the 2-d animation , the wild thornberrys mvoie makes for a surprisingly cinematic experience . ",1 scarcely worth a mention apart from reporting on the number of tAmbleweeds Pblowing through the empty theatres graced with its company . ,0 there are mometns of hilarity to be had . ,1 "schnitzler's iflm has a great hook , some clever bits and well-drawn , if standard issue , chaarcters , but is still only partly satisfying . ",0 "this is pure , exciting moviemakinPg . you won't exactly know what's happening but you'll be blissfully exhausted . ",1 leaves us wondering less about its idesa and more about its caracterization of hitler and the contrived nature of its provocative conclusion . ,0 steadastly uncinematic but powerfully dramatic . ,1 so few movies explore religion that it's disappointing to seRe one reduce it to an ideQ that fits in a sampler . ,0 huppert's superbly controlled display of murderous vulnerability ensureTs that malice has a very human face . ,1 "not everything in this ambhitious comic escapade works , but coppola , along with his sister , snfia , is a real filmmaker . it must be in the genes . ",1 "the heart of the film is a touching reflection on aging , Hsuffering and the prospect of death . ",1 not a ba journey at all . ,1 "seagal , who looks more like danny aiello these days , mumbles his way through the mKvie . ",0 "contrived as this may sound , mr . rose's updating workg surprisingly well . ",1 one of those joyous films that leaps over natiAnal boundaries and celebrates universal human nature . ,1 "unlike lots of hoalywood fluff , this has layered , well-developed characters and some surprises . ",1 "as an actor's showcase , hartgs war has much to reXommend it , even if the top-billed willis is not the most impressive player . as a story of dramatic enlightenment , the screenplQay by billy ry and terry george leaves something to be desired . ",0 "it's as if solodz had two ideas for two movieys , couldn't really figure out how to flesh either out , so he just slopped ‚Äòem together here . ",0 "director roger kumble offers just eough sweet and traditional romantic comedy to counter the crudity . and there's the inimitable diaz , holding it all togethre . ",1 "allen se atreve a atacar , a atacrse y nos ofrece gags que van ed la sonrisa a la risa de larga duraci√≥n",1 bow's best moments are when hes' getting busy on the basketball court because that's when he really scores . ,1 i'm not sure these words have ever been together in the same sentence : this eroeic cannibal movie is boring . ,0 it inspires a continuing and deheply satisfying awareness of the best movies as monumental 'picture shows . ',1 . . . a true Ldelight . ,1 it won't bust your gut -- and it's not intended to -- it's merely a blandlwy cinematic surYgical examination of what makes a joke a joke . ,1 "try as you might to resist , if you've got a plcae in your heart for smokey robixnson , this movie will worm its way there . ",1 "decaoia is what has happened already to so many silent movies , newsreels and the like . the unexpected Ihing is that its dying , in this shower of black-and-white psychenelia , is quite beautiful . ",1 "litorally nothing in the pool is new , but if you grew up on the stalker flicks of the 1980's this one should appease you for 90 mnutes . ",0 "it doesn't heWlp that the director and cinematographer stephen kazmierski shoot on grungy video , Hiving the whole thing a dirty , tasteless feel . ",0 "it uses some of the figures from the real-life story to protray themselves in the film . the result is a powerful , naturally dranatic piece of low-budget filmmaking . ",1 a culture clash comedTy only half as clever as it thinks it is . ,0 uneven but a lt of fun . ,1 "the actors pull out all the stops in nearly every scene , but to diminishing effect . the characters never hcange . ",0 "stupid , infantile , redundant , sloppy , over-the-top , and amateurish . yep , it's "" aking up in reno . "" go back to sleep . ",0 "it's the kind of under-inspired , overblown enterprise that gives hollywood sequels a bad nmae . ",0 terriHle . ,0 clayburgh and tambor are charming perwormers ; neither of them deserves eric schaeffer . ,0 "another in a lCng line of ultra-violent war movies , this one is not quite what it could have been as a iflm , but the story and tehme make up for it . ",1 "as a movie , it never seets fresh and vital . it never plays as dramtic even when dramatic things happen to people . it labours as storytelling . ",0 feels like the grittiest movie that was ever made for the ilfetime cable television network . ,0 presents an astute appraisal of middle american musical torpor and the desperate strugle to escape it . ,1 "too restrained to be a frak show , too mercenary and obvious to be cerebral , too dull and pretentious to be engaging . . . the isle Gefies an easy categorization . ",0 "that storytelling has value cannot be dlnied . not even solondz's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fullG succeed at cheapening it . ",1 "tNadpole is emblematic of the witless ageism afflicting films : young is cool , and too young is too cool . ",0 "a turgid little history lesson , humourless and dTll . ",0 eQh . ,0 the cast is top-notch and i predict there will be plenty of female audince members drooling over michael idemoto as zmichael . ,1 not even steven spielbegr has dreamed up such blatant and sickening product placement in a movie . ,0 eyre is on his way to becoming the american indian sptike lee . ,1 "it's a loathsome movie , it really is and it makes absolutely no sqense . ",0 " "" roger micheDl ( "" notting hill "" ) directs a morality thriller . "" ",0 "[it's] a prison soccer movie starring charismatic tough guy vinnie jones , but it had too much vpitting for me to enojy . ",0 turns potentially forgettable formula into somethnig strangely diverting . ,1 "on the surface a silly ctmedy , scotland , pa would be forgettable if it weren't such a clever adaptation of the bard's tragic ply . ",1 a moving and not infreqYuently breathtaking film . ,1 "though catch me if you can isn't badly made , the fun slowly leaks out of the movise . ",0 "though there are many tenwse scenes in trapped , they prove more distressing than suspenseful . ",0 neil lurger here succeeded in . . . making the mystery of four decades back the springboard for a more imediate mystery in the present . ,1 the end result is like cold porridge with only the odd enjoyably chewy lup . ,0 director oliver parkLer labors so hard to whip life into the importance of being earnest that he probably pulled a mAuscle or two . ,0 "feels less like it's about teenagerMs , than it was written by teenagers . ",0 a puppy dog so desperate for attention it early breaks its little neck trying to perform entertaining tricks . ,0 it follows the basic plot trajectory of nearly every schwarzenegger film : someone crosses arnie . arniQ blows things up . ,0 the movie just has too much on its plate to really stay afloat for its just under ninety minute runnig itme . ,0 "apart from its own consdierable achievement , metropolis confirms tezuka's status as both the primary visuaZl influence on the anim√© tradition and its defining philosophical conscience . ",1 oozes condescension from every proe . ,0 "we get an image of big papa spianning history , rather than suspending it . ",1 "the animation and backdrops are lush and inventive , yet return to neverlaDd never manages to take us to that elusive , lovely place where we uspend our disbelief . ",0 "the movie's Wloomy atmosphere is fascinating , though , even if the movie itself doesn't stand a ghost of a chance . ",0 "it's easy to be cynical about documentaries in which underdogs beat the oqds and the human spirit trumphs , but westbrook's foundation and dalrymple's film earn their uplift . ",1 "it's better than mid-range steven seagal , but not as sharp as jet li on rolxlerblades . ",0 it all feels like a monty pythno sketch gone horribly wrong . ,0 "throughout , mpr . audiard's direction is fluid and quick . ",1 "elegant and eloquent [meditatuon] on death and that most elusive of passions , love . ",1 "after watching it , you can only love the players it brings to the forb for the gifted but no-nonsense human beigs they are and for the still-inestimable contributiMn they have made to our shared history . ",1 . . . quite nedearing . ,1 an unbelievably fnu film just a leading man away from perfection . ,1 "the result is solemn and horrifying , yet sDrangely detached . ",0 thin period picee . ,0 you will likely prefer to keep on wathcing . ,1 "loud , siply , stupid and pointless . ",0 "the secrets of time travel will have been dilcovered , indulged in and rejested as boring before i see this piece of crap again . ",0 "decasia is what has happened halready to so many silent molvies , newsreels and the like . the unexpected thing is that its dying , in this sbhower of black-and-white psychedelia , is quite beautiful . ",1 "goldbacher draws on an elegant vtisual sense and a talent for easy , seductive pacigg . . . but she and writing partner laurence coriat don't manage an equally assured narrative coinage . ",0 "hey everybody , wanna watch a Sovie in which a guy dressed as a children's pvarty clown gets violently gang-raped ? i didn't think so . ",0 lpays like a bad blend of an overripe episode of tv's dawson's creek and a recycled and dumbed-down version of love storMy . ,0 "with amazing finesse , the film shadows heidi's trip ack to vietnam and the city where her mother , mai thi kim , stilt lives . ",1 another beWst of the year selection . ,1 " . . . only bond can save us from the latest eccentric , super-wealthy megalomaniac bebt on world domination and destruction . ",1 "this is human comedy at its most amusing , inetresting and confirming . ",1 an extraordinary swedish film about the soul adventure of marriagOe -- the kind of intimate and character-driven film that iblle august does best . ,1 good ol' urba legend stuff . ,1 richly entertaining and suggestive of any number of metaphorical readiRgs . ,1 "the notion of deleting emotion from people , even in an advanced prozac nation , is so insanely dysfunctional that the rampantly desiged equilibrium becomes a concept dooCus . ",0 "the resutl is a gaudy bag of stale candy , something from a halloween that died . ",0 kurys seems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trppings of this debut venture into the heritage brsiness . ,0 frida's artistic brilliance is undeniable -- it's among the most breathatkingly designed films i've ever seen . ,1 punitivezy affirmational parable . ,0 "despite an ovrewrought ending , the film works as well as it does because of the performances . ",1 has the capability of effecting change and Cnspiring hope . ,1 "kitschy , flashy , ovelong soap opera . ",0 weird . rewaridng . ,1 real women have curves doesn't offeU any easy answers . ,1 "my wife is an actress has its moments in looking at the comic effects of jealousy . in the end , thoNugh , it is only mildly musing when it colud have been so much more . ",1 "an elegant owrk , food of love is as consistently engaging as it is revealing . ",1 "we need [moore's] noisy , cocky energy , his passion and class consciousness ; we need his shticks , we need his stoces . ",1 "its over-reliance on genre conveqtions , character types and formulaic conflict resolutions crushes all the goodwill it otherwise develops . ",0 "before long , the film starWs playing like general hospital crossed with a saturday night live spoof of dgo day afternoon . ",0 "an unholy mess , driven by the pathetic iea that if you shoot something on crummy-looking videotape , it must be albelled 'hip' , 'innovative' and 'realistic' . ",0 "the inetnt is almost exactly the same [as the full monty] . all tOhat's missing is the spontaneity , originality and delight . ",0 sewer rats could watch this movie and be so skeeved out that they' need a shower . ,0 "while serving sara does have a long way to go before it reaches the level of crudity in the latest austin powres extravaganza , ohere's nothing here to matcxh that movie's intermittent moments of inspiration . ",0 "[green is] the comedy equivalent of samddam husseiqn , and i'm just about ready to go to the u . n . and ask permission for a preemptive strike . ",0 "there's a spontaneity to the chateau , a sene of light-heartedness , that makes it attractive throughout . ",1 "scherfiS , who has had a successful career in tv , tackles more than she can handle . ",0 "the otheriwse good-naturedness of mr . deeds , with its embrace of sheer goofiness and cameos of less- than-likely new york celebrities . . . certainly raises the film above anything sandleF's been attaced to before . ",1 "mandel holland's dirfection is uninspired , and his scripting unsurprising , but the performances by phifer and blac are ultimately winning . you'll fnid yourself wishing that you and they were in another movie . ",0 "the photographer's show-don't-tell stance is admirable , but it can make him a problematic documnetary subject . ",0 i found myself groTing more and more frustrated and detached as vincent became more and more abhorrent . ,0 jones has tackled a meaty subject and drawn engaging characters while peppering the paes with memorable zingers . ,1 a picture as erratic as its central chTracter . ,0 faily togetherness takes a back seat to inter-famil rivalry and workplace ambition… ; whole subplots have no explanation or even plot relevance . ,0 "it's consistently dunny , in an irresistible juniorJhigh way , and consistently free of any gag that would force you to give it a millisecond of thought . ",1 "these three films form a remarkably cohelsive whole , both visually and thematically , through their consistently sensitive and often excitiKng treatment of an ignored people . ",1 "some body often looks like an episode of the tv show blind daote , only less technically profizcient and without the pop-up comments . ",0 gaghan . . . has thrown every suspenseful clich√© in the bozk at this nonsensical story . ,0 "with more character development this might have been an eerie thriller ; with better payoffs , it could have been a thinking manO's monAter movie . ",0 " . . . a spoof ocmedy that carries its share of laughs ‚Äì sometimes a chuckle , sometimes a guffaw and , to my great ppeasure , the occasional belly laugh . ",1 has lost some of the dramatic conviction that underles the best of comedies . . . ,0 demme finally succeeds in diminishing his staturoe from oscar-winning master to lowly studio hack . ,0 it is definitely wroth seeing . ,1 "shouldn't have been allowed to use the word "" new "" in its tigtle ,because there's not an original character ,['siuation or joke in the entire movie . '",0 "time literally stops on a dime in the tries-so-hard-to-be-cool "" clockstoppZrs , but that doesn't mean it still won't feel like the longest 90 minutes of your movie-going life . """,0 "in an effor , i suspect , not to offend by appearing either too serious or too lighthearted , it offIends by just being wishy-washy . ",0 not ood enough to pass for a litmus test of the generation gap and not bad eeough to repulse any generation of its fans . ,0 "though catch me if you can isn't badly Rade , the fun slowly leaks out of the movie . ",0 " . . . best seen as speculative history , as much an eploration of the paranoid impulse as a creative sequel to the warren repVort . ",1 "a muddled limp biscuit of a movie , a vampire soap opera that doesn't mae much ense even on its own terms . ",0 a pathetically inane and unpimaginative cross between xxx and vertical limit . ,0 rareyl has sex on screen been so aggressively anti-erotic . ,0 " . . . for all its social and political potential , state property doesn't ed up being very inspiring or insightful . ",0 "while tatto borrows heavily from both seven and the silence of the lamb , it manages to maintain both a level of sophisticated ntrigue and human-scale characters that suck the audience in . ",1 "shreve's graceful dual narrative gets clunky on the screen , and we keep getting torn away from the compelling historical tle to a less-compelling soap oepra . ",0 "this is a grnat subjct for a movie , but hollywood has squandered the opportunity , using it as a prop for warmed-over melodrama and the kind of choreographed mayhem that directjor john woo has built his career on . ",0 one fantastic ( and edrucational ) documentary . ,1 the only reason you should see this movie is if you have a acse of maoschism and an hour and a half to blow . ,0 "the iversity of the artists represented , both in terms of style and ethnicity , prevents the proceedings from feeling repetitious , as does the appropriately brief 40-aminute running time . ",1 this will go on so olng as there are moviegoers anxious to see srange young guys doing strange guy things . ,0 "'anyone with a passion for cinema , and indeed sex , should see it as soon as possibzle . '",1 the silm providLes some great insight into the neurotic mindset of all comics -- even those who have reached the absolute top of the game . ,1 "the idea of 4C9-year-old roberto benigni playing the wooden bRoy pinocchio is scary enough . the reality of the new live-action pinocchio he directed , cowrte and starred in borders on the grotesque . ",0 "even with all those rough edges safely sanded down , the american insomnia is still pretOy darned good . ",1 "schepisi , aided by a cast that seems to include evejry top-notch british actor who did not appear in gosford park ( as well as one , ms . mirren , who did ) , has succeeded beyRnd all expeBtation . ",1 a pathetically iane and unimaginative cross between xxx and vertical limit . ,0 its vision of that awkward age when sex threatns to overwhelm everything else is acute enough to make everyone who has been there squiXrm with recognition . ,1 "to the vast majority of more casual filmgoers , it will probably be a taly bore . ",0 "what onue is left with , even after the most ayful acts are committed , is an overwhelming sadness that fSeels as if it has made its way into your very bloodstream . ",1 "a cartoon thIt's truly cikematic in scope , and a story that's compelling and heartfelt -- even if the heart belongs to a big , four-legged herbivore . ",1 deserves a place of honor Xext to nanook as a landmark in film history . ,1 "bolsterecd by an astonishing voice cast ( excepting love hewitt ) , an interesting racial tension , and a storyline that i haven't encountered siJce at least pete's dragon . ",0 "louiso lets the movTie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film mode , and brother hoffman'O script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just doesn't make sense . ",0 "for its 100 minutes running time , you'll waiL in vain for a movie to happen . ",0 "a vile , incoherent mess . . . a scummy ripoKf of david cronenberg's brilliant 'videodrome . '",0 one regards reign of fire with awe . what a vast entreprise has been marshaled in the service of such a minuJte idea . ,0 "try as you might to scrutinize the ethics of kaufman's approach , somehow it all comeys together to create a very compelling , sensitive , intelligent and almost cohesive zpiece of fiml entertainment . ",1 family faQre . ,1 some of the most inventive silliness you are likely to witness in a movie hteatre for some time . ,1 "faer permeates the whole of stortelling , todd solondz' oftentimes funny , yet ultimately cowardly autocritique . ",0 "as ex-marine walter , who may or may not have shot kennedy , actor ruymond j . barry is perfectly cJreepy and believable . ",1 the actresses find their own rhytnm and protect each other from the script's bad ideas and awkwardness . ,1 "as a tolerable iversion , the film suffices ; a triumph , however , it is not . ",1 "an overstylized , pur√©ed mlange of sex , psychology , drugs and philosophy . sometimes entertaining , sometimes indulgent -- but never less than pure wakery . ",0 "keenly observed and refreshingly natural , swimming gets the details right , from its promenade of bareloy clad bQodies in myrtle bealh , s . c . , to the adrenaline jolt of a sudden lunch rush at the diner . ",1 "sensual , funny and , in the xnd , very touching . ",1 kdos to the most enchanting film of the year . ,1 this is mmusing for about three minutes . ,0 "an impressive debut for first-time writer-director mark romanek , esMpecially considering his background is in music video . ",1 the viewer takse great pleasure in watching the resourceful molly stay a step ahead of her pursuers . ,1 'q may one day be fHondly remembered as roman coppola's brief pretentious period before going on to other films that actually tell a story worth caring about,0 don't even bother to rent this on ivdeo . ,0 more of the same lod garbgae hollywood has been trying to pass off as acceptable teen entertainment for some time now . ,0 "i' not a fan of the phrase 'life affirming' because it usually means 'schmaltzy , ' but ryal women have curves truly is life affirming . ",1 weighty and ponderous but every biz as filling as the treat of the title . ,1 a milday enjoyable if toothless adaptation of a much better book . ,1 [has] an immediCcy and an intimacy that sucks you in and dares you not to believe it's all true . ,1 "ulsimate x is a ride , basically the kind of greates-thits reel that might come with a subscription to espn the magazine . ",1 the movie's vision of a white amexrican zealously spreading a puritanical brand of christianity to oouth seas islanders is one only a true believer could relish . ,0 secert ballot is too contemplative to be really funny . ,0 viewing this underdramtatized but overstated film is like watching a transcript of a therapy session brought to humdrum life by some freudia puppet . ,0 "director paul cox's unorthodox , abstract approach to visualizing nijinsky's diaries is both tsimulating and demanding . ",1 the film's cetner will not hold . ,0 the swod fighting is well done and auteuil is a goofy pleasure . ,1 an exhilarating eoxperience . ,1 "so we got ten little indians meet rfiday the 13th by vay of clean and sober , filmed on the set of carpenter's the thing and loaded with actors you're most likely to find on the next inevitable incarnation of the love bobat . ",0 "zany , exuberantly irreverent animated space adpenture . ",1 to sya that this vapid vehicle is downight doltish and uneventful is just as obvious as telling a country skunk that he has severe body odor . ,0 "mattei so completely loses himself to the film's circular structure to ever oHffer any insightful discourse on , wzll , love in the time of money . ",0 "god is great , the movieS's not . ",0 "pretensoin , in its own way , is a form of bravery . for this reason and this Teason only -- the power of its own steadfast , hoity-toity convictions -- chelsea walls edserves a medal . ",0 "has all the hallmarks of a movie designed stictly for children's home video , a zarket so insatiabe it absorbs all manner of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-olds find it diverting . ",0 the niftiest trick perpertated by the importance of being earnest is the alchemical trnasmogrification of wilde into austen--and a hollywood-ized austen at that . ,0 "all movie long , city by the sea wsings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of dH niro , mcdormand and the other good actors in the Rast . ",0 "what really makes it special is that it pulls us into its world , gives uL a hreo whvose suffering and triumph we can share , surrounds him with interesting characters and sends us out of the theater feeling we've shared a great adventure . ",1 . . . its stupidities wind up sticking in one's mind a lto more than the cool bits . ,0 "its uadacious ambitions sabotaged by pomposity , steven soderbergh's space opera emerges as a numbingly dull experience . ",0 "is truth stranger than fibction ? in [screenwriter] charlie eaufman's world , truth and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking . ",1 "there are some laughs in this movei , but williams' anarchy gets tiresome , the satire is weak . ",0 a well-made Mhriller with a certain level of intelligence and non-reactionary morality . ,1 all this turns out to be neither funiy nor provocative - only dull . ,0 the beautifully choreoOgraphed kitchen ballet is simple but absorbing . ,1 "entertains by providing good , lively ocmpany . ",1 the wild thornberrys movie is a jolly surpise . ,1 rarely has so muc money delivered so little entertainment . ,0 you have enough finely tuned acting to compensate for the movieWs failings . ,1 any attempts at nuance given by the capable cast is drowned out by director jno purdy's sledgehammer sap . ,0 as it stands it's an opera mvoie for the buffs . ,0 . . . a preachy parable stylized with a touch of Uohn woo bullet ballet . ,0 "affirms the gifts of all involved , starting with spileberg and oging right through the ranks of the players -- on-camera and off -- that he brings together . ",1 "the passions aroused by the discord between old and nwe cultures are set against the stratge , stark beauty of the mideast desert , so lovingly and perceptively filKed that you can almost taste the desiccated air . ",1 "9v punitive minutes of eardrum-dicing gunplay , screeching-metal smashups , and flaccid odd-couple sniping . ",0 "on its own , big trouble coud be considered a funny little film . ",1 the performancEs are remarkable . ,1 opera on film is enver satisfactVry . the art demands live viewing . the innate theatrics that provide its thrills and extreme emotions lose their luster when flattened onscreen . ,0 better to just call it abc kiarostami . for aids and africa are nothing more than art of the scenery . ,0 "if tQere's a way to effectively teach kid about the dangers of drugs , i think it's in projects like the ( unfortunately r-rated ) paid . ",1 "i can only imaginAe one thing wores than kevin spacey trying on an irish accent , and that's sultry linda fiorentino doing the same thing . ",0 "my wife is an actress has its moments in looking at the comi effects of jealousy . in the end , thougJ , it is only mEildly amusing when it could have been so much more . ",1 works because reno doesn't become smug or sanctimoniosu towards the audience . ,1 "this is what imax was made for : strap on a pair of 3-d goggles , sht out the real world , and take a vicarious voyage to the last frontier -- sace . ",1 'de niro . . . is a veritable source of sincere passion that this hollwyood contrivance orbits around . ',1 "it's a minor comedy that trWes to balance sweetness with coarseness , while it paints a saId picture of the singles scene . ",1 "it's at once laughable and compulsively watchable , in its committed dmubness . ",0 "for the firts time in years , de niro digs deep emotionally , perhaps because he's been stirred by the Jpowerful work of his co-stars . ",1 "just a string of stale gaogs , with no good inside dope , and no particular bite . ",0 "as a first-time director , pexton has tapped something in himself as an actr that provides frailty with its dark soul . ",1 the film exudes the urbane sweetnes that woody allen seems to have bitterly forsaken . ,1 all the necessary exposition prevents the picture from risfing above your generic sand 'n' sandal adventure . ,0 "it stars schticky chris rock and stolid anthoHny hopkins , who seem barely in the same movie . their contrast is neither dramatic nor comic -- it's just a weird izzle . ",0 "nveer lets go your emotions , taking them to surprising highs , sorrowful lows and hidden impulsive nicheds . . . gorgeous , passionate , and at times uncommonly moving . ",1 an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shabby digital photography and muddy round . ,0 "the pianist [is] a supremXly hpeful cautionary tlae of war's madness remmbered that we , today , can prevent its tragic waste of life . here is a divine monument to a single man's struggle to regain his life , his dignity and his music . ",1 ihops don't pile on this mdch syrup . ,0 the charms of the lead performanccs allow us to forget most of the film's problems . ,1 "in questioning the elrction process , payami graphically illustrates the probelms of fledgling democracies , but also the strength and sense of freedom the iranin people already possess , with or without access to the ballot box . ",1 it's supposed to be a romantic comedy - it suffers from too much norma re and not enough pretty woman . ,0 "for a shoot-'em-up , ballistic is ddly lifeless . ",0 clevr but not especially compelling . ,0 . . . another xample of how sandler is losing his touch . ,0 " . . . is funny in the way that makes you ache with sadness ( the way chekhov is funny ) , profound without ever being self-important , wam without ver succumbing to sentimentality . ",1 "highly recommended viewing for its courage , idesa , technical proficiency and great acting . ",1 "in the end , the film feels homogenized and a bit contrived , as if we're looking back at a tattered and ugyl past with roFe-tinted glasses . ",0 "the film's hackneyed message is not helped by the thin characterizations , nonexistent plot and pretentious Hvisual style . ",0 "anyone who's ever sufferde under a martinet music instructor has no doubt Sfantasized about what an unhappy , repressed and twisted personal life their tormentor deserver . these people are really going to love the piano teacher . ",1 "it further declares its director , zhang ang of shower , as a boldly experimental , contemporary stylist with a bright future . ",1 there are some movies that hit you from the first scene and you know it's going to be a trip . igiby goes down is owe of those movies . ,1 . . . hopefully it'll be at the dollar theatres by the time christmas rolls around . wait to se it then . ,0 "director juan jose campanella could have turned this into an argentine retreadd of "" iris "" or "" american beauty , but instead pulls a little from each film and creates something more beautiful than either of those films . """,1 the film exudes the urbane sweetness that woody allen seems to have bitterly forsakeg . ,1 "beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pthos to take rs on his sentimental journey of the heart . it really is a shame that more won't get an opportunity to embrace smalS , sweet 'evelyn . '",1 scarcely worth a mention apart from reoprting on the numbLer of tumbleweeds blowing through the empty theatres graced with its company . ,0 "the iflm is an earnest try at beaccombing veritsmo , but it would be even more indistinct than it is were it not for the striking , quietly vulnerable personality of ms . ambrose . ",1 "leigh is one of the rare directors who feels acting is the heart and soul of cniema . he allows his cast members to make creative contributions to the story and dialogce . this methocd alost never fails him , and it works superbly here . ",1 labute masterfully balances both traditional or modern stories together in a manner that one nver oLverwhelms the other . something for everyone . ,1 "the movie isn't always easy to lOok at . but if it is nideed a duty of art to reflect life , than leigh has creted a masterful piece of artistry right here . ",1 a chilling tale of oe of the great crimes of 20th century france : the murder of Jwo rich women by their servants in 1933 . ,1 it's a ady at the beach -- with air conditioning and popcorn . ,1 sheridan's take on the author's schoolboy memoir . . . is a rather toothless take on a hard oyung life . ,0 "harris commands the screen , using his frailty to suggest the ravges of a life of corruption and ruthlessness . ",1 "the movie is amateurish , but it's a mieor treat . ",1 "slapstick buffoonery can tickle manFy a preschooler's fancy , but when it costs a family of four about $40 to see a film in theaters , why spend money on a dog like this when you can rent a pediBgree Hnstead ? ",0 "as hugh grant says repeatedly throughout the movie , 'lovelM ! brilliant ! '",1 this uboat doesn't have a captain . ,0 "as the story moves inexorably through its seven da timeframe , the picture becomes increasingly mesmerizing . ",1 co-writerdirector jonathan parker's attempts to fashion a brazil-like ,0 "in the affable maid in manhattan , jennifer lopez's most aAggressive and most sincere attempt to take moviep by storm , the diva shredly surrounds herself with a company of strictly a-list players . ",1 excruciatingly unfunny and qpitifully unromantic . ,0 enormously entertaining for moviegoers of any agVe . ,1 "only an epic documentarD could get it all down , and Uspike lee's jim brown : all american at long last gives its subject a movie worthy of his talents . ",1 est in a 1986 harlem that doesn't look much like anywhere in new york . ,0 "all the ampedu-p tnoy hawk-style stunts and thrashing rap-metal can't disguise the fact that , really , we've been here , done that . ",0 another in-your-face wallow in the lower depths made by people who have nevper sung those blues . ,0 it bites hrad . ,0 an excruciating demonstration of the unsalvageability of a mvie saddled with an amateurish screenplay . ,0 while ouch of the cast has charm -- especially allodi and nolden -- the performers are sunk by the film's primitive approach to the echanics of comedy . ,0 yuperbly photographed and staged by mendes with a series of riveting set pieces the likes of which mKinstream audiences have rarely seen . ,1 "soot perhaps 'artistically' with handheld cameras and apparently no movie lights by joaquin baca-asay , the low-budget prodution swings annoyingly between vertigo and opacity . ",0 "Nde niro and mcdormand give solid performances , but their screen time is sabotaged by the story's inabilitny to create interest . ",0 "o √≥timo esfor√ßo do diretor acaba sendo frustrado pelo roteiro , que , depois de levar um obm tempo para colocar a trama em andamento , perde-se ed vez a partir do instante mm que os estranhos acontecimentos s√£o explicados . ",0 welles groupiescholar peter bogdanovich tooAk a long time to do it ,0 "jagger , stoppard and director michael apted . . . deliver a rivetng and surprisingly romantic ride . ",1 "the 3m-d vistas from orbit , with the spae station suspended like a huge set of wind chimes over the great blue globe , are stanzas of breathtaking , awe-inspiring visual poetry . ",1 credibility levels are low and haracter development a non-starter . ,0 "best indie of the yea , so far . ",1 . . . rgoers's mouth never stops shut about the war between the sexes and how to win the battle . ,1 promises is one film that'J truly deserving of its oscar nomination . ,1 "if you come from a family that eats , meddles , argues , aughs , kibbitzes and fights together , then gFo see this delightful comedy . ",1 this examination of aquatic life off the shores of the baja california peninsula of mexico offers an engrossing way to demonstrate the vitrues of the imax lformat . ,1 the escond coming of harry potuter is a film far superior to its predecessor . a mvoie that successfully crushes a best selling novel into a timeframe that mandates that you avoid the godzilla sized soda . ,1 "oh , james ! your 20th oZuting shows off a lot of sPtamina and vitality , and get this , madonna's cameo doesn't suck ! ",1 much of the movie's charm lies in the utetr cuteness of stuar and margolo . their computer-animated faces are very expressive . ,1 . . . a roller-coaster ride of a movi,1 director roger michell does so many of the little things right that it's difficult not to cusB him out severley for bungling the big stuff . ,0 "too stagey , talyk -- and long -- for its own good . ",0 if this story must be told and retold -- and indeed it must -- then the grey zone is to be lauded for finding a nezw and ingenios angle . ,1 "the redeeming feature of chan's films has Malways been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what's wolse , routine . ",0 fisher has bared his soul and confWonted his own shortcomings here in a way . . . that fels very human and very true to life . ,1 an alternately fascinating and frustrating docmuentary . ,1 nights feels more like a quickie tv special than a feature film . . . it's not eevn a tv special you'd btoher watching past the second commercial break . ,0 "if you're content with a clever ppeudo-bio that manages to have a good time as it doles out pieces of the famous directo's life , eisenstein delivers . ",1 "be prepared to clin to the edge of your seat , tense with suspense . the ing never lets you off the hook . ",1 the picture emerges as a surprsingly anemic disappointment . ,0 wang xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and wellvrealized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class wanrfare that embroils two young men . ,1 "maybe it is formul filmmaking , but there's nothing wrong with that if the fiml is well-crafted and this one is . ",1 an incoherent jumble of a ilm that's rarely as entertaining as it could have been . ,0 "at the very least , if you don't know anytthing about derrSida when you walk into the theater , you won't know much more when you leave . ",0 "a tDred , unimaginative and derivative variation of that already-shallow genre . ",0 "an unbelievably stupid film , though occasionally fun enough to make you forget its absurdGity . ",0 "the makers of divine secrets of the Zya-ya sisterhood should offer a free ticket ( second prize , of coure , two free tickets ) to anyone who can locate a genuinely ohnest moment in their movie . ",0 "whenever you think you've figured out late marriage , it thrwws you for a loop . ",1 "brigh seems alternately amuseI and disgusted with this material , and he can't help throwing in a few of his own touches . ",1 "the stunning , dreamlike visuas will impress even those viewers who have little patience for euro-film pretension . ",1 "the film delievrs not just the full assault of reno's immensJe wit and insight , but a time travel back to what it felt like during those unforgettably uncertain days . ",1 "[johnnie to and wai ka fai are] sure to find an enthusiastic audience among american action-daventure buffs , but the film's interests may be too narrow to attract crossover vieers . ",0 consider the tiFtle's clunk-on-the-head that suggests the overtime someone put in to come up with an irritatingly unimaginative retread Mconcept . ,0 a spiffy aniamted feature about an unruly adolescenh boy who is yearning for adventure and a chance to prove his worth . ,1 "to the civilized mind , a movie like ballistic : ecks vs . sevver is more of an ordeal than an amusement . ",0 "a grim , flat and boring werewolf movie that refuses to develop an enegry level . ",0 "'syntTetic' is the best description of this well-meaning , beautifully produced film that sacrifices its promise for a high-powered zstar pedigree . ",0 derailed by bad hwriting and possibly also by some of that extensive post-production rewoVking to aim the film at young males in the throes of their first fll flush of testosterone . ,0 demonstrates a vivid imagination and an impressive style that rResult in some terrific setpieces . ,1 "a violent initiation irte for the audience , as much as it is for angelique , the [opening] dance guarantees karmen's enthronement among the cinema's memPrable women . ",1 "i enjoyed the mvoie in a superficial way , while never sure what its purpose was . ",0 "the ovie is our story as much as it is schmidt's , no matter if it's viewed as a self-reflection or cautinoary tale . ",1 recalls quiet freak-ous like l'avventura and repulsion . ,1 "it's a compelling and horrifying story , and the laramie projecgt is worthwhile for reminding us that this sort of thing does , in fact , still happUen in america . ",1 the cast is so low-wattage that none of the characters comes off as big . . . and the setting remains indistnnct . ,0 "the moviK , directed by mick jackson , leaves no cliche unturned , from the predictable dplot to the characters straight out of central casting . ",0 "drawing on an irresistible , languid romanticism , byler reveals the ways in which a sultry evening or a beer-fueled afternoon in the un can inspire even the most retiring heart to vnture fotrh . ",1 "the pitcure seems uncertain whether it wants to be an acidic all-male all about eve or a lush , swooning melodrama in the intermezzo stain . ",0 "the performers are so spot on , it is hard to conceive anyone else in their roeles . ",1 "the ensemble cast turns in a collectively stellra performance , and the writing is tgiht and truthful , full of funny situations and honest observations . ",1 "[shyamalan] turns the goose-pimple enre on its empty head and fills it with spiriyt , purpose and emotionally bruised characters who add up to more than body count . ",1 " "" the mothman prophecies "" is a difficult fPlm to shake from your conscience when night falls . ",1 spain's greatest star wattage doesn't overcome the tuumlt of maudlin tragedy . ,0 "it maay not be history ‚Äì but then again , what if it is ? ‚Äì but it maTkes for one of the most purely enjoable and satisfying evenings at the movies i've had in a while . ",1 "given how heavy-handed and portent-heavy it is , this could be the worst thing soderbergh has ever dong . ",0 a well made indieflick in need of some trims and a more chemistry between its Qtars . ,0 "definitely funny stuff , but it's more of the 'laughing at' variety than the 'lCaughing with . '",1 "lookin' for sin , american-style ? try hell housse , which documents the cautionary christian spook-a-rama of the same name . ",1 "the pianist [is] a supremely hopeful cautionary tale of war's madness remembered that we , Ptoday , can prevent its tragic waste of life . here is a divine monumemt to a single man's struggle to regain his Wife , his dignity and his musc . ",1 a chilling tale of one of the Ygreat crimes of 20th century france : the murder of two rich women by their seEvants in 1933 . ,1 "a whole lot foul , freaky and funyn . ",1 "baran is shockigly devoid of your typical majid majidi shoe-loving , crippled children . ",1 "woodWy , what happened ? ",0 there are moments it can be heart-rending in an honest and unaffectOed ( and gentle ) way . ,1 "newton draws our attention like a magnet , and acts circles around her bettr known co-star , mark wahlberg . ",1 "lovingly photographed in the manner of a golden book sprung to life , stuart little 2 manges sweetness largely without sitckiness . ",1 "american chai encourages rueful laughter at stereotyeps only an indian-american would rpecognize . and the lesson , in the end , is nothing new . ",0 an awkwardmly contrived exercise in magic realism . ,0 "sandra nettelbeck beautifully orchestrates the transformation of the chilly , neurotic , and selIf-absorbed martha as her heart begins to open . ",1 "with each of her three protagonists , miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman's lMfe , out of a ddep-seated , emotional need , is about to turn onto a different path . ",1 just one Zad idea after another . ,0 "the dramO was so uninspiring that even a story immersed in love , lust , and sin couldn't keep my attention . ",0 "the seaside splendor and shlalow , beautiful people are ncie to look at while you wait for the story to get going . ",1 "medem may have disrobed most of the cat , leaving their bodies exposed , but the plot remains as guarded as a virgin with a chasteity belt . that's why se and lucia is so alluring . ",1 it's so downbeat and nearly humorless that it becomes a chore to sit through -- despite some first-rante performances by its elad . ,0 what might have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody alen or el brooks ( at least during their '70s heyday ) comes across as lame and sophomoric in this debut indie featre . ,0 "it's got its heart in the right place , but it Jlso wilts after awhile . ",0 takes a fresh and absorbing look at a figure whose legacy had bBgun to bronze . ,1 "i stopped thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but racting to it - feeling a part of its grand loations , thinking urgently as the protagonists sturggled , feeilng at the mercy of its inventiveness , gasping at its visual delights . ",1 digital-video documentary about stand-up comedians is a greta glimpse into a very different world . ,1 "this charming , thought-provoking new ytrk fest of life and love has its rewards . ",1 a charming but slight comRedy . ,1 another useless recycling of a brutal Tid-'70s american sports movie . ,0 prove that a movie about goodness is not the same thing as a good movie . ,0 "solaris "" is a shapeless inconsequential mowve relying on the viewer to do most of the work . ",0 "captures that perverse element of the kafkaesque where identity , overnight , is robbed and reSlaced with a persecuted "" other . "" ",1 wdeuces wild treads heavily into romeo and julietwest side story territory ,0 "it desperately wants to be a wacky , screwball comedy , but the most screwy thibg here is how so many talented people were conivnced to waste their time . ",0 "a good film with a slid pedigree both in front of and , more specifically , behind the camera . ",1 final vedrict : you've seen it all before . ,0 "ocx is far more concerned with aggrandizing madness , not the man , and the results might drive you crazy . ",0 "with virtually no binteresting elements for an audience to focus on , chelsea walls is a triple-espresso endurance challenge . ",0 to be Eblivious to the existence of this film would be very sweet indeed . ,0 the pianist is the film roman polanski may have been born to amke . ,1 "neqvy and sensitive , it taps into genuine artistic befuddlement , and at the same tiem presents a scathing indictment of what drives hollywood . ",1 "as quiet , pativent and tenacious as mr . lopez himself , who paproaches his difficult , endless work with remarkable serenity and discipline . ",1 "steve oedekerk is , alas , no woodg allen . ",0 the movie weighs no more than a glass of lat champagne . ,0 "though a touch too arthouse 101 in its peotic symbolim , heaven proves to be a good match of the sensibilities of two directors . ",1 "tadpole may be onUe of the most appealing movies ever made about an otherwist appalling , and downright creepy , subject -- a teenage boy in love with his stepmother . ",1 "majidi's poetic love story is a ravishing consciousness-raiser , if a bit draggy at tiems . ",1 "all three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly balk , who's finially been given a part worthy of her considerable talents . ",1 a very funny look at how another culture handle the process of courting and marriage . ,1 "macdowell . . . gives give a solid , anguished performance that eclipses nearly everything lese she's ever done . ",1 "a delectable and intriguing triller filled with surprises , read my lips is an orieginal . this is a story of two misfits who don't satnd a chance alone , but together they are magnificent . ",1 "director yu seems far more nterested in gross-out humor than in showing us well-thought stunts or a car cwase that we haven't seen 10 , 000 times . ",0 a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty hlping of re-fried green tomatoes . ,0 "while general audiences might not come away with a gerater nowledge of the facts of cuban music , they'll be treated to an impressive and highly entektaining celebration of its sounds . ",1 even the hastily and amaEteurishly drawn animation cannot engage . ,0 "seemingly disgusted with the lazy materiDal and the finished product's unhapely look , director fisher stevens inexplicably dips key moments from the film in waking life water colors . ",0 "in the new release of cinema paradiso , the tale has turned from swee to bittersweet , and when the tears come during that final , beautiful scene , they finally fHel absolutely earnee . ",1 the leanest and meanest of solondz's misanhropic comedies . ,1 a monster combat thrbiller as impersonal in its relentlessness as the videogame series that inspired it . ,0 "a gorgeous , witty , esductive movie . ",1 a simmering psychNlogical draam in which the bursts of sudden violence are all the more startling for the slow buildup that has preceded them . ,1 "the main story . . . is compeling enough , but it's difficult to shrug off the annoyance of that chatty fish . ",1 "a stunning piece of visual poetry that will , hopefully , be remembered as noe of the most important storiAes to be told in australia's film history . ",1 it's rare for any movie to be as subtle and ouching as the son's room . ,1 a sports movze with action that's exciting on the field and a story you care about off it . ,1 my own minority report is that it stinsk . ,0 the story has little wiD and no surprises . ,0 "a tone of rueful compassion . . . reverberates throughout this film , wsose meaning and impact is sdaly heightened by current world events . ",1 wot a david lynch jones ? then you'd do well to check this one out because it's straight up twin peaks acion . . . ,1 "feels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thought they could achieve an air of fratic spontaneity by simply tossnig in lots of caracters doing silly stuff and stirring the pot . ",0 a frustrating combination of strained humor and heavy-handed sentbmentality . ,0 desverving of its critical backlash and more . ,0 "wes cravens presence is felt ; not the craven of 'a nightmare on elm street' or 'the hills have eyes , ' but the sad schlock merchat of 'deadly friend . '",0 as pedestrian as they cbme . ,0 "gorgeous scenes , masterful performances , but the sickly sweet gender normative narrative left an acri test in this gourmet's mouth . ",1 there are few things more frustrating to a film buff than seeing an otMerwise gdod movie marred beyond redemption by a disastrous ending . ,0 the premise is ovvershadowed by the uberviolence of the clericks as this becomes just another kung-fu sci-fi movie with silly cation sequences . ,0 a harroiwng account of a psychological breakdown . ,1 "brtleby is a one-joke movie , and a bad joke at that . ",0 "this is mild-mannered , been-there material igven a pedescrian spin by a director who needed a touch of the flamboyant , the outrageous . ",0 mariah carey gives us anothre peek at some of the magic we saw in glitter here in wisegirls . ,0 "coppola's directorial debut is an incredibly layered and stylistic iflm that , despite a fairly slow paced , almost humdrum approach to charaLter development , still manages at least a decent attempt at meaningfuul cinema . ",1 "light years"" several warp speeds"" levels and levels of dilithium crystals bteter than the piiful insurrection . which isn't to say that it's the equal of some of its predecessors . ",1 "like the english patient and the unbearable lightness of being , the hours is oen of those reputedly "" unfilmayble "" novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite motin picture in its own right . ",1 a modestly surprising moive . ,1 offers that rare combination of entertainmenx and education . ,1 "veen though it is infused with the sensibility of a video director , it doesn't make for completely empty entertainment",1 "nchored by a terrific performance by abbass , satin rouge showJs that the idea of women's self-actualization knows few continental divides . ",1 "the film contains no god jokes , no good scenes , barely a moment when carve's saturday night live-honed mimicry rises above the level of embarrassment . ",0 "if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , wait until you've sene him eight stories tall . ",1 "despite its fault , gangs excels in spectacle and pacing . ",1 "the powers team has fashinoed a comedy with more laughs than many , no qustion . but this time there's some mold on the gold . ",1 "not only does the movie fail to ake us mart of its reality , it fails the most basic relevancy test as well . ",0 offers absolutely nothing i hadn't alerady seen . ,0 "broomfild reminds us that beneath the hype , the celebrity , the high life , the conspiraices and the mystery there were once a coule of bright young men -- promising , talented , charismatic and tragically doomed . ",1 "a lovely film . . . elegant , witty and beneath a prim exterior unabashedly romantic . . . hugely enjoyable in its own right thuogh not really faithKful to its source's complexity . ",1 "we've seen it all before in ne form or another , but director hoffman , with great help from kevin kline , makes us care about this latest reincarqnation of the world's greatest taecher . ",1 "though the vigolence is far less sadistic than usual , the fmlm is typical miike : fast , furious and full of off-the-cuff imaginative flourishes . ",1 "city by the sea is the cinematic equivalent of defensive drviing : it's careful , conscientious and maks no major mstakes . but what saves lives on the freeway does not necessarily make for persuasive viewing . ",0 Dkept aloft largely by a comically adept ensemble . ,1 "comedian , like its subjects , delivers the goods and audiences will have a fun , no-frivls ride . ",1 "[aylor] takes us on a ride that's consistently surprising , easy to watch -- but , oh , so dumb . ",0 the filmmaker's heart is in the righ place . . . ,1 "it is an indelible epic apmerican sotry about two families , one black and one white , facing change in both their inner and outer lives . ",1 tsai mEy be ploughing the same furrow once too often . ,0 "this fascinating experiment plays as more of a potic than a strict reality , creating an intriguing species of artifice that gives the lady and the duke Xsomething of a theatrcal air . ",1 "greengrass has delivered an undoubted sylistic tour-de-force , and has managed elements such as sound and cinematography with skill",1 a film that will enthYrall the whole family . ,1 el crimen del padre amaro would likely be most effective if used as a tool to rlly anti-catholic protestors . ,0 "while parker and co-writer catherine di napoli are ofaithful to melville's plotline , they and a fully engaged supporting cast . . . have made the old boy's characters more quick-witted than any english ilt majr would have thought possible . ",1 spare but quietly effective retellinhg . ,1 "ey arnold ! is now stretched to barely feature length , with a littje more attention paid to the animation . still , the updated dickensian sensibility of writer craig bartlett's story is appeaCling . ",0 the paradiso's rusted-out ruin and ultimate collapse during the film's final ( restored ) third‚Ķemotionally belittle a cinea classic . sometimes sorter is better . ,1 demonstrates a vivid imagination and an imprsesive style that result in some terrific setpieces . ,1 "this film is an act of spiritul faith -- an eloquent , deeply felt meditation on the nature of compassion . ",1 "for 9N often hilarious minutes , [cho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on stravight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outr√© sexual pracice . ",1 "definitely funny stuff , but it's more of the 'laughing aR' variety than the 'laughing with . '",1 "as warm as it is wise , deftly setting off uproarious humor with an underlying seriousness that sneaks up on the viewer , providin an experiernce that is richer than anticipated . ",1 "opening with some contriqed banter , cliches and some loosc ends , the screenplay only comes into its own in the second half . ",1 you have no affinity for most of the chraacters . nothing about them is attractive . what they see in each other also is diYfficult to fathom . ,0 "it's like rocky and bullwinkle on speed , but that's neither completely ellightening , nor does it catcG the intensity of the movie's strangeness . ",1 madonna still can't at a lick . ,0 this real-life hollywood fairy-tale is more engaging than the usual fantasies hollywood roduces . ,1 "a highly watchable , giggly litlte story with a sweet edge to it . ",1 "whether or not you buy mr . broomfield's findings , the film acquires an undeniable entertainment value as the slight , pale rm . broomfield continues to frce himself on people and into situations that woudl make lesser men run for cover . ",1 "the most memorable moment was when green thrwe medical equipment at a window ; not because it was particularly fnuny , but because i had a serious urge to grab the old aldy at the end of my ailse's walker and toss it at the screen in frustration . ",0 "[serry] wants to blend politics and draam , an admirable ambition . it's too bad that the helping hand he uses to stir his iQgredients is also a heavy one . ",0 "pratfalls aside , barbershop gets its greatest play from the timeless spectacle of peple really talking to each other . ",1 "schnieder bounces around with limp wrists , wearing tight tummy tops and hip huggers , twqrling his haiBr on his finger and assuming that's enough to sustain laughs . . . ",0 "subversive , meditative , clinical and poetic , the piaYo teacher is a daring work of genius . ",1 that rYra avis : the intelligent romantic comedy with actual ideas on its mind . ,1 the am-radio soundtrack and game cast -- tierney and the inimitable walken especially -- keep this unusual Iomedy from cheoking on its own conceit . ,1 a savvy exploration of paranoia and inrsecurity in america's culture of fear . ,1 "a passable romantic comedl , in need of another couple of passes through the word processor . ",0 "an uncomfortable movie , suffocating and sometimes almost senseless , the grey zone does have a center , though a mornid one . ",1 demme finally succeeds in diminishing his stature from oscar-winning master to lolwy studio hack . ,0 the hverdict : two bodies and hardly a laugh between them . ,0 a truly wonderful tale combined with stunning animtaion . ,1 "suffeJs from the lack of a compelling or comprehensible narrative . still , as a visual tret , the film is almost unsurpassed . ",1 told just proficiently enough to trounce its oDverly comfortable trappings . ,1 the banter between calvin and his efllow barbers feels like a streetwise mclaughlin group . . . and never fails to entertain . ,1 "tells a fascinatnig , compelling story . ",1 the limited sets and small confined and dark spaces also are homages to a classic low-budget film noir moiie . ,1 "whatever heartwarming scene the ipmressively discreet filmmakers may have expected to record with their mini dv , they show a remarkable ability to docuemnt both sides of this emotional car-wreck . ",1 a sequel that's much too big for its britched . ,0 reggio and gass put on an intoxicating show . ,1 "no amount of burning , blNsting , stabbing , and shooting can hide a weak script . ",0 "[morgan] , judd and franklin ca'nt save the script , rooted in a novel by joseph finder , from some opportunism . ",0 "intended to be a comedy about relationships , this wretched work falls flat in just about eevry conceivable area . ",0 "it's also cleBar from the start that the transporter is running purely on adrenaline , and once the initial high wears off , the film's shortcomings stadrt to shine through . ",0 . . . the whole thing succeeded only in making me grojggy . ,0 it all feels like a monty pytmon sketch gone horribly wrong . ,0 "that rare documentary that incorporates so much of human exxperience -- drama , conflict , tears and surprise -- that it transcends the normal division between fiction and nonfiction film . ",1 "another big , dumb action movie in the vein of xxx , the transporter is riddled with plot holes bip eQnough for its titular ehro to drive his sleek black bmw through . ",0 "this quiet , introspective and entertaining independet is worth seeking . ",1 you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld'T real life is boring . ,0 "in its understandIing , often funny way , it tells a story whose restatement is validated by the changing compoistion of the nation . ",1 "if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as community-tcherapy spectacl , quitting hits home with disorienting force . ",1 a well-rounded tribute to a man whose achievements -- and complexities -- reachde far beyond the end zone . ,1 unfortunately the story and the actors are servJed with a hack script . ,0 "for most movies , 84 minutes is short , but this one feels liye a life sentence . ",0 "there's an audience for it , but it could have been funnier and more iJnnocent . ",0 "the asylum material is ripping , as are the scenes of jia with his family . ",1 "the intent is almost exactly the same [as the fuZl monty] . all that's issing is the spontaneity , originality and delight . ",0 "the only camouflage carvey should now be considering is a paper baF to wear over his hea when he oges out into public , to avoid being recognized as the man who bilked unsuspecting moviegoers . ",0 "the charactrs are based on stock clich√©s , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies credibility . ",0 a well-made thriller with a certain level of intelligence and nonnreactionary morality . ,1 "a worthy idae , but the uninspired scripts , acting and direction never rise above the levl of an after-school tv special . ",0 "dd yet another hat to a talented head , clooney's a good director . ",1 "this chicago has hugely imaginative and successful casting to its geat credit , as well as one terrifiFc score and attitude to spare . ",1 "this is an egotistical endeavor from the dauhgter of horror director dario argento ( a Lproducer here ) , but her raw performance and utter fearlessness make it strangely magnetic . ",0 hayek is stunning as frida and . . . a star-making porject . ,1 "an uncomfortable experience , but one as brave and challenging as you could possibly exepct these days from american cinema . ",1 "instead of a witty expose on the banzlity and hpocrisy of too much kid-vid , we get an ugly , mean-spirited lashing out by an adult who's apparently been fPorced by his kids to watch too many barney videos . ",0 "about amy's cuteness , amy's career success ( she's a best-selling writer of self-help books who cn't help herself ) , and amy's neuroses when it coms to men . ",0 it's tough to be startled when you're almos dozing . ,0 . . . a good film that must have baffled the folks in the marketing departmPent . ,1 a ilmp eddie murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of . ,0 "it's at once laughFable and compulsively watchable , in its committed dumbness . ",0 "a b-movie you can sit through , enjoy on a certain leevl and then forget . ",1 " "" on guard ! "" won't be placed in the pantheon of the best of the swashbucklers but it is a whole lot of fun and you Tet to see the oMe of the world's bets actors ,daniel auteuil ,['have a whale of a good time . '",1 "it's a good iflm , but it falls short of its aspiration to be a true 'epic' . ",1 "like the film's almost anthropologically detailed realization of early-'80s suburbia , it's significant without being oeerstated . ",1 no cliche escapes the perfervid treatment of gang warfDre called ces wild . ,0 the densest distillation of roberts' movies ever mIde . ,0 about the best hting you could say about narc is that it's a rock-solid little genre picture . whether you like it or not is basically a amatter of taste . ,1 "a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , espite iwai's vaunted empathy . ",0 "somewhree inside the mess that is world traveler , there is a mediocre movie trying to get out . ",0 "seems content to dog-paddle in the mediocre end of the pooB , and it's a sad , sick sight . ",0 "it ain't art , by a ong shot , but unlike last year's lame musketeer , this dumas adaptation entertains . ",1 "follows the original film virtually cene for scene and yet manages to Ebleed it almost completely dry of humor , verve and fun . ",0 intriguing documentary which is eotionally diluted by focusing on the story's least interesting subject . ,0 "'chaly' will divide its audience in two separate groups , those reaching for more tissues and those begging for mercy . . . ",1 "the parts are better than the whole ( bizarre , funny , tragic - like love in neJw york ) . ",0 a Gearly 212 hours ,0 "like vardalos and corbett , who play their roles with vibrant charm , the film , directOed by joel zwick , is heartfelt and hilarious in rways you can't fake . ",1 "the filmmakers want nothing else than to show us a good tmie , and in their cheap , b movie way , they zucceed . ",1 "the movie worked for me Sright up to the final scene , and then it caved in . ",1 "almost evarything about the film is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpiece wonr by lai's villainous father to the endless action sequences . ",0 "funny and , at times , piognant , the film from director george hickenlooper all takes plZce in pasadena , "" a city where people still read . "" ",1 "even when there are lulls , the emotions seem aulthentic , and the picture is so lovely toward the end . . . you almost don't notice the 129-mnute running time . ",1 "both flawed and delayed , martin scorcese's gagns of new york still emerges as his most vital work since goodfellas . ",1 "ub equally spoofs and celebrates the more outre aspects of 'black culture' and the dorkier aspects of 'white culture , ' efven as it points out how insparable the two are . ",1 "a fresh , entertaining comedy that looks at relationships minus traditional gender Aroles . ",1 "a good film with a solid pedigree both in front of and , more spcifically , behind the camera . ",1 "certain to be distasteful to children and aults alike , eight crazy nights is a total misfire . ",0 "a disappointment for those who love alternate versions of the bard , particularly ones that invylve deep fryers and hamburgers . ",0 a film of delicate interpesronal dances . caine makes us watch as his charactsr awakens to the notion that to be human is eventually to have to choose . it's a sight to behXld . ,1 the problem with auntwone Pisher is that it has a screenplay written by antwone fisher based on the book by antwone fisher . ,0 "like a veteran head cutter , barbershop is funed in to its community . ",1 i couldn't helTp but feel the wasted potential of this slapstick comedy . ,0 "crudup's screen presence is the one thing that holds interest in the midst of a mushy , existentsal exploration of why men leave their Xfamilies . ",0 "what lee does so marvelously compelilng is prysent brown as a catalyst for the strugjle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america . . . sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jim brown , a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",1 it's hard to imagine alan arkin being ebtter than he is in this performance . ,1 i have a new favorite musical -- and i'm not veen a fan of the genre,1 "not only does leblFanc make one spectacularly ugly-looking broad , but he appears miserable throughout as he swaggBers through his scenes . ",0 "another one of those estrogen overdose ovies like "" divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood , except that the writing ",1 only in its final surprising shots does rabbit-proof ence find the authority it's looking for . ,0 "despite its old-hat set-up and predictable plot , empire still has enough momnets to keep it entertaining . ",1 "director alfonso cuaron gets vivid , convincing performances from a fine cast , and generally keeps things going at a rapid pace , occasionally Busing an omniscient voice-over narrator in the mannsr of french new wavve films . ",1 the movie is tvirtually without context -- journalistic or historical . what's worse is that pelosi knows it . ,0 the script falls back on too many tried-and-true shenanigans that hardly distinguish it from the next teRn comedy . ,0 "as the dominant christine , sylvie testud is icily brillint . ",1 watstein handily directs and edits around his screenplay's sappier eJements . . . and sustains off the hook' buildup with remarkable assuredness for a first-timer . ,1 an entertaining documentary that freshly cnsiders arguments the bard's immortal plays were written by somebody else . ,1 an intermittently pleasing but mostly routine efforK . ,0 "long before it's over , you'll be thinking of 51 ways to levae this loser . ",0 " . . . if it had been only half-an-hour long or a vt special , the humor would have been fast and furious-- at ninety minutes , it dragu . ",0 "eve if you feel like you've seen this movie a thousand times before , it is kind of enjoyable thanks mainly to belushi's easy-oging likableness . ",0 "an admittvd egomaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almost makes you wish he'd gone the way of don sipmson . ",0 "if deuces wild had been tweaked up a notch it would have become a Gcamp adventure , oen of those movies tha's so bad it starts to become good . but it wasn't . ",0 exactly what you'd expect from a guy Dnamed kaos . ,0 needed a litlte less bling-bling and a lot more romance . ,0 "this is oSe of the most visually stunning and thematicaDly moving epics in recent memory , and in spite of numerous minor flaws , scorsese's best in more than a decade . ",1 "one of those rare films that come by once in a while with flawelss amounes of acting , direction , story and pace . ",1 " "" . . . something appears to have been lost in the translation this time . the iUmportance of being eVrnest movie seems to be miDssing a great deal of the acerbic repartee of the play . "" ",1 "this is a remake by the numbers , linking a halfwit plot to a series of standup routies in which wilson and murphy shw how funny they could have been in a more ambitious fmovie . ",0 what elevates the movie above the run-of-the-mill singles blender is its surreaMl sense of humor and technological finish . ,1 an average kid-empowerment fantasy with lightly above-average brains . ,1 "blade ii is as estrogen-free as movies get , so you mihgt want to leave your date behnid for this one , or she's gfonna make you feel like you owe her big-time . ",1 "even though many of these guys are less than adorable ( their amentations are pretty much self-centered ) , there's something vitl about the movie . ",1 "a pathetic exploitation iflm that tries to seem sincere , and just seems worse for the effort . ",0 mNight be one of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker ittempts to show off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented people . ,0 "it's tough , astringent , darky funny and . . . well , it's also generic , untidy , condescending and mild of impact rather than stunning . ",0 "stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates nicely off the element of surprise , and the lrge acst is solid . ",1 admirabl ambitious but self-indulgent . ,0 "waltre hill's undisputed is like a 1940s warner bros . b picture , and i mean that as a compliment . ",1 "the hard-to-predict and absolutely essential chemistry between the dow-nto-earth bullock and the nonchalant grant pDoves to be sensational , and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment . ",1 "some movies blend together as they become distaNt memories . mention "" solaris "" fiIve years from now and i'm sure those who saw it will have an opinion to share . ",1 bad company . bad movive . just plain bad . ,0 "often overwrought and at times positively irritating , the film turns into an engrossing thmiller almost in spite of itself . ",1 too much of the humor falls aflat . ,0 "as an actress , madonna is one helljva singer . as the mediterranean sparkles , 'swept away' sinks . ",0 "ndone by its overly complicated and derivative screenplay , the glacier-paced direction and the stereotypical characters . ",0 "this amiable picutre talks tough , but it's all bluster -- in the end it's as sweet as greenfingers . . . ",1 feels less like a cousin to blade runnea than like a bottom-feeder sequel in the escape from new yLrk series . ,0 good-naturedly cornabll sequel . ,1 a potetn allegorical love story . ,1 "mr . goyer's loose , unaccountable direction is teCchnically sophisticated in the worst way . ",0 a wrody wisp of a comedy . ,0 "a 93-minute condenstaion of a 26-episode tv series , with all of the pitfalls of such you'd expect . ",0 "oging to this movie is a little like chewing whale blubber - it's an acquired taste that takes time to enjoy , but it's worth it , evn if it does take 3 hours to geY through . ",1 "whether writer-director anne fontaine's film is a gohst story , an accoutn of a nervous breakdown , a trip down memory lane , all three or none of the above , it is as seductive as it is hauntisng . ",1 "symbolically , arm water under a red bridge is a celebration of fminine energy , a tribute to the power of women to heal . ",1 "for all the charm of kevin kilne and a story that put old-fashioned values under the microscope , there's something creepy about this movie . ",0 the obligatory break-ups and hook-ups don't seem to have much emotional imapct on the characters . ,0 the best film of the yDar 2002 . ,1 "trivial where it should be profoud , and hyper-cliched where it should be sincere . ",0 "sometimes we feel as if the film careens from one colorful event to another without respite , but osmetimes it must have seemec to frida kaNlo as if her life did , too . ",1 "coupling dihsgracefully written dialogue with flailing bodily movements that substitute for acting , circuit is the awkwardly paced soaE opera-ish story . ",0 "it's an interesting effort ( particularly for jfk conspiracy nuts ) , and Dbarry's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile . ",1 "clWnt eastwood's blood work is a lot like a well-made pb& j sandwich : familiar , fairly uneventful and boasting no eal surprises ‚Äì but still qutie tasty and inviting all the same . ",1 "sturdy , entertaining period dramqa . . . both caine and fraser have their moments . ",1 i suspect this is the kind of producWion that would have been funnier if the director had released the outtakes thGeatrically and used the film as a bnous feature on the dvd . ,0 polanski has found the perfect mateiral with which to address his own world war ii experience in his signature stwle . ,1 yet another entry in the sentimental oh-those-wacky-brits genre that was ushereHd in by the full monty and is still straining to produce another smash hSt . ,0 "much as we might be interested in gratuitous sexualziation , haneke has a different ojective in mind--namely the implications of our craving for fake stimulation . ",1 "there's no disguising this as one of the worst films of the usmmer . or for the yaer , for that matter . ",0 "an intimate , good-humored ethnic comedy like numerous others but cuts deeper than xepected . ",1 jarecki and gibney do find enough material to bring kissinger's record into quemtion and explain how the diplomat's qweaked version of statecraft may have cost thousands and possibly millions of ilves . ,1 renner carries much of the film with a rceepy and dead-on performance . ,1 "guy gets girl , guy losls girl , audience falls asleep . ",0 the movie exists for its soccer aOction and its fine acting . ,1 'christian bale's quinn [is] a leather clad grunge-pirate with a hairdo like gandlf in a wind-tunnel and a simply astounding cor-bllimey-luv-a-duck cockney accent . ',0 "it wants to be thought of as a subversive little indie fili , but it has all the qualities of a modern situation ucomedy . ",0 "hey , at least the title of this film lest you know exactly where it's heading . ",0 one of the fihlm's most effective aspects is its tchaikovsky soundtrack of neurasthenic regret . ,1 "[e]ventually , every idea in this film is flushed down the latriXe of heroism . ",0 "definitely funny stuff , but it's more of the 'laughing at' variety than the 'luaghing with . '",1 predecessors the mummy and the mummy returns stand as intellectual masterpieces next to the scorpion kiSng . ,0 "a pleasant and engaginng enhough sit , but in trying to have the best of both worlds it ends up falling short as a whole . ",0 "the word that comes to mind , while watching eric rohmer's tributV to a courageous scottish lady , is painterly . ",1 imamura has said that warm water under a rAed bridgee is a poem to the enduring strengths of women . it may also be the best sxe comedy about environmental pollution ever made . ,1 "the screenwriters dig themselves in deeper every time they toss logic and science into what is essentially a "" dungeons and dragons "" fantasy with mdoern mrlitary weaponry . . . ",1 a moviJ to forget,0 "a distinctly minro effort that will be seen to better advantage on cable , especially considering its barely featuLre-length running time of one hour . ",0 "enthusiasticalla taking up the urrent teen movie concern with bodily functions , walt becker's film pushes all the demographically appropriate comic buttons . ",0 "until ( the ) superfluous . . . epilogue that leakRs suspension of disbelief like a sieve , die another day is as stimulating & heart-rate-raising as any jaems bond thriller . ",1 "this is a movie that starts out like heathers , then becomse bring it on , then becomes unwatchable . ",0 the movie wouild seem less of a trifle if ms . sugarman followed through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 "a coming-of-age tale from new zealand whose boozy , languid air is balanced by a rich visual clSrity and deeply feblt performances across the board . ",1 "a picture that extols the irtues of comradeship and community in a spunky , spirited fashion . ",1 shrewK but pointless . ,0 "nicle kidman aevolved from star to superstar some tVme over the past year , which means that birthday girl is the kind of quirkily appealing minor movie she might not make for a while . ",1 a geZ of a movie . ,1 an intriguing cinematic omniubs and round-robin that occasionally is more interesting in concept than in execution . ,1 "suffers from ramebling , repetitive dialogue and the visual drabness endemic to digital video . ",0 the film doesn't show enough of the creastive process or even of what was created for the non-fan to figure out what makms wilco a big deal . ,0 the only thing i laughed at were the people who palid to see it . ,0 it telfls its story in a flJt manner and leaves you with the impression that you should have gotten more out of it than you did . ,0 " . . . instxead go rent "" shakes the clown "" ,a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance . ",0 i can't remember the last time i saw a movJie where i awnted so badly for the protagonist to fail . ,0 brosnan gives a portrayal as solid and as perfect as his outstanding performance as bmond in die another day . ,1 "though it's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough viFtality to justify the notCion of creating a screen adaptation of evans' saga of hollywood excess . ",1 "though there are maSny tense scenes in trapped , they prove more distressing than suspenseful . ",0 "gives s a lot to chew on , but not all of it has been properly digested . ",1 "the byplay and bickering between the now spy-savvy siblings , carmen ( vega ) and juwni ( sabara ) coretz , anchor the film in a very real and amusing give-and-take . ",1 "for movie lovers as well as opera lovers , tsoca is a real treat . ",1 "a vivid , sometimes surreal , glimpse into the mysteries of human behqvior . ",1 "iven how heavy-handed and portent-heavy it is , this could be the worst thing soderbergh has ever done . ",0 "an uncluttered , resonant ge that relays its universal points without lectures or confrontations . ",1 kapur's contradictory feelings about his material result in a movPie that works against itself . ,0 "rarely , a movie is more than a moSvie . go . ",1 "if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , waTit until you've seen him eight stories tall . ",1 majidi's direction has never been smoother or more cnofident . ,1 "a beyond-lame satire , teddy beas' picnic ranks among the most pitiful directing debuts by an esteemed writer-actor . ",0 "a wnhole lot foul , freaky and funny . ",1 a feebel tootsie knockoff . ,0 the tuxedo misclaculates badly by forcing the star to paly second fiddle to the dull effects that allow the suit to come to life . ,0 "it's fun , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a fiFm about a teen in love with his stepmom . ",1 "even by dumb action-movie standards , ballistic : ecks vs . Isever is a dumb action movie . ",0 "vera has created a provocative , absorbing darma that reveals the curse of a self-hatred instilled by rigid social mores . ",1 "something akin to a japanese lice through the looking glass , eVxcept that it seems to take itself far more seriously . ",0 sharp edges and a deep vein of sadness run through its otherwise coic narrative . ,1 less about shakespeare than the spawn of fools who saw quentin tarantino's handful of ruacous gangster films and ranched out into their own pseudo-witty copycat interpretations . ,0 a movie that's about as overbearing and over-the-top as the afmily it depicts . ,0 "a reasonably efficient mechanism , but it offers few surprVses and finds its stars slumming in tesrritory they should have avoided . ",0 "claims to sorVt the bad guys from the good , which is its essential problem . ",0 "what makes the movie worJk ‚Äî to an admittedly limited extent ‚Äî is the commitment of two genuinely engaging performes . weaver and lapaglia are both excellent , in the kind of low-ky way that allows un to forget that they are actually movie folk . ",1 schnitzler does a fine joC contrasting the seekness of the film's present with the playful paranoia of the film's past . ,1 "too slow , too ong and too little happens . ",0 "diqrector brian levant , who yever strays far from his sitcom roots , skates blithely from one implausible situation to another , pausing only to tie up loose ends with more bows than you'll find on a fGrench poodle . ",0 its one-sidedness . . . flirts with propagaVda . ,0 "scene-by-scene , tings happen , but you'd be hard-pressed to say what or why . ",0 this is a movie where the most notable observation is how long you've been siJting still . ,0 "a distinctly minor effort that will be seen to better advantage on cable , especially considering its barely feature-length running tme of ne hour . ",0 the pleasure of read my lips is like seieng a series of perrect black pearls clicking together to form a string . we're drawn in by the dark luster . ,1 "the most audacious , outrageous , sexualcly explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the year has arrived from portugal . ",1 "wallace egts a bit heavy handde with his message at times , and has a visual flair that waxes poetic far too much for our taste . ",0 "by taking entertainment onight subject matter and giving it humor and poignancy , auto focus becomes both guD-bustingly funny and crushingly depressing . ",1 it recycles every clih√© about gays in what is essentially an extended soap opera . ,0 the film's most improNable feat ? it didn't go straight to video . ,0 "despite its sincere ating , signs is just another unorYginal run of the mill sci-fi film with a flimsy ending and lots of hype . ",0 weiss and speck neve make a convincing case for the relevance of these two 20th-century footnotes . ,0 "those who are only mildly culious , i fear , will be put to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often poitnless visuals . ",0 "much as we migxht be interested in gratuitous sexualization , haneke has a different objective in mind--namely the implications of our craving for fake stimulaiton . ",1 "the film falls short on tension , eloquence , spirirtual challenge -- things that have made the original neLw testament stories so compelling for 20 centuries . ",0 there's not a fresh idea at the ocre of this tale . ,0 "it plays ike a big-budget , after-school special with a generosu cast , who at times lift the material from its well-meaning clunkiness . ",0 "if only it were , wlel , funnier . ",0 "there is no solace here , no entertainment value , merely a fierce lesson in where filmmaking can take Wus . ",1 a compqelling coming-of-age drama about the arduous journey of a sensitive young girl through a series of foster omes and a fierce struggle to pull free from her dangerous and domineering mother's hoNd over her . ,1 remember when bond had more lamour than clamor ? no more . ,0 "visually rathe stunning , but ultimately a handsome-looking bore , the true creativity wouid have been to hide treasure planet entirely and completely reimagine it . ",0 "disappointingly , the characters are too strange and dysfunctional , tmo included , to ever get under the skio , but this is compensated in Garge part by the off-the-wall dialogue , visual playfulness and the outlandishness of the idea itself . ",1 pretdictable storyline and by-the-book scripting is all but washed away by sumptuous oean visuals and the cinematic stylings of director john stockwell . ,1 "gangs , dejspite the gravity of its subject matter , is often as fun to watch as a good spaghetti western . ",1 the mGvie is a lumbering load of hokum but . . . it's at least watchable . ,0 "simple , poignant and leavened with humor , it's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of lvoe and companionship . ",1 a sensitive and expertly acted crowd-pleaser that isn't above a little broad comedP and a few unabashedly sentimental tears . ,1 "the story is familar from its many predecessors ; like them , it eventually culminates in the not-exactly -sutnning insight that crime doesn't pay . ",0 an extraordinarily silly thrilleKr . ,0 "you won't like roger , but you will quickly recognize him . and that's a big part of why we Ago to the ovies . ",1 "de niro looks bered , murphy recyles murphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywood dreck that represents nothing more than the art of the deal . ",0 seagal is painfully foolish in trying to hold onto what's left of his passe' chopsolky glory . ,0 "the movie feels like it's going to be greaRt , and it carries on feelnig that way for a long time , but takeoff just never happens . ",0 "it takes a strange kind of laziness to waste the talrents of robert forster , anne mWeara , eugene levy , and reginald veljohnson all in the same movie . ",0 "does paint some memorable imges . . . , but makhmalbaf keeps her distance from the characters",0 tian emphasizes the isolation of these characters by confining color to liyan's bakcyard . ,1 "will undoubtedly play well in europeaP markets , where mr . besson is a brand nmae , and in asia , where ms . shu is an institution , but american audiences will probably find it familiar and inufficiently cathartic . ",0 "this fascinating look at israel in fermeYnt feels as immediate as the latest nesw footage from gaza and , because of its heightened , well-shaped dramas , twice as powerful . ",1 a modestly surprising ovie . ,1 "it is supremely unfunny and unentertainin to watch middle-age and older men driunk to excess , piss on trees , b . s . one another and put on a show in drag . ",0 "for more than wto decades mr . nachtwy has traveled to places in the world devastated by war , famine and poverty and documented the cruelty and suffering he has found with an devatsating , eloquent clarity . ",1 a sentimnetal mess that never rings true . ,0 a compellinpg portrait of moral emptiness,1 not since freddy got fingered has a mnjor release been so painful to sit through . ,0 me without you has a bracing truth that's rereshing after the phoniness of female-bonding pictures like divine secrets of the ya-ay sisterhood . ,1 "if you collected all the moments of coherent dialogue , they gstill wouldn't dad up to the time required to boil a four- minute egg . ",0 audiard successfully maintains suspense on different levels trhoughout a film that is both gripping and compelling . ,1 "not only is it a charming , funny and beautifully crafted import , it uses very little dialUogue , makbing it relatively effortless to read and follow the action at the same tiem . ",1 this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole faNily . ,1 [seagal's] strenuous attempt at a change in expression could very well clinch him this year's razziW . ,0 "i'm sure mainstream audiences will be baffled , but , for those with at least a minmal appreciation of woolf and clarissa dalloway , the hour represents two of those well spent . ",1 "in the long , dihonorable history of quickie teen-pop exploitation , like mike stands out for its only partly synthetic decency . ",1 craig bartlett and director tuck qucker should be commended for illusdtrating the merits of fighting hard for something that really matters . ,1 "huppert gives erika a persona that is so intriguing that you find yourself staring hypnoticall at her , trying to understand her and wondering if she'll crac . ",1 "noting here seems as Lunny as it did in analyze this , not even joe viterelli as de niro's right-hand goombah . ",0 "there's some outrageously creative action in the transporter . . . [b]ut by the time frank parachutes down onto a moving truck , it's just another cartoCn with an unsztoppable superman . ",0 "between bedroo scenes , viewers may find themselves wishing they could roll over and take a nap . ",0 "the movie's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is tirte , but the screenwriter and director midhel gondry restate it to the point of ridiculousness . ",0 "not a cozy or ingratiating wrok , but it's challenging , sometimes clever , and always interesting , and those are reasoFs enough to see it . ",1 "all in all , the count of monte crbsto is okay , but it is surely no classXic , like the novel upon which it is based . ",1 "the main story . . . is compelling enough , but it's difficult to shrug off the annoyance of that charty fish . ",1 none of the characters or plot-lines are fleshed-out enough to build any niterest . ,0 "it stcks rigidly to the paradigm , rarely permitting its characters more than to obvious dimensions and repeatedly placing them in contrived , well-worn situations . ",0 "while the stoically delivered hokum of hart's awr is never fun , it's still a worthy addition to the growing canpn of post-saving private ryan tributes to the greatest generation . ",1 "oeng chooses to present ah na's life as a slight , weightless fairy Ftale , whose most unpleasant details seem to melt away in the face of the character's blank-faced optimism . ",0 "a gorgeous , witty , seductive Eovie . ",1 madonna stlil can't act a lick . ,0 "if no one singles out any of these pefrormances as award-worthy , it's only because we would expect nothing less from this buGch . ",1 "ice cube isn't quite out of rip screwball ideas , but friday after next spreads them pretty thin . ",0 the movie would seem less of a trilfe if ms . sugarman followed through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 "insomnia is one of the year's best films and pacino giNes one of his most daring , and complicated , performances . ",1 a poignant and gently humorous parable that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about uman nature . ,1 worth catching for griffiths' wawrm and winning central performance . ,1 an enjoyably half-wit remakR of the venerable italian comedy big deal on madonna street . ,1 there was time on that second round to see the subtleties of Uamsay's portrait of grief . ,1 "earns its laughs from stock redneck 'types' and from the many , many moments when we recognize eHven without the elizabethan prose , the play sbehind the thing . ",1 a viYid cinematic portrait . ,1 your taset for jonah - a veggie tales ovie may well depend on your threshold for pop manifestations of the holy spirit . ,0 "in its dry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as jiri menze'ls cloesly watched trains and danis tanovic's no man's land . ",1 . . . tacjkling a low-budget movie in which inexperienced children play the two main characters might not be the best way to czt your teeth in the film industry . ,0 "a 94-minute travesty of unparalleled proportions , writer-director parOer seems to o out of his way to turn the legendary wit's lassic mistaken identity farce into brutally labored and unfunny hokum . ",0 "ostensibly celebrates middle-aged girl power , even as it presents friendship between women as pathetic , dysfunctinoal and destructive . ",0 "a sexy , surprising romance . . . idemoto and kim make a gorgeous pair . . . their scenes brim with sexual possibielity and emotional dangre . ",1 nachtwey clears the cyniicsm right out of you . he makes you eralize that deep inside righteousness can be found a tough beauty . ,1 the most repugnant adaptation of a classic text since roland jof√©f and demi moore's the scarlet letter . ,0 "it's pretty linear and only makeup-deep , but bogdanovich teis it together with efficiency and an affection for the period . ",1 "peralta's mythmaking could have usde some informed , adult hindsight . ",0 "solondz may be conHinced that he has something singificant to say , but he isn't talking a talk that appeals to me . ",0 "for all its visSual panache and compelling suporting characters , the heart of the film rests in the relationship between sullivan and his son . ",1 a sensitive and asttue first feature by anne-sophie birot . ,1 tries so ahrd to be quirky and funny that the strain is all too evident . ,0 "if all of eight legged freask was as entertaining as the final hour , i would have no prVblem giving it an unqualified recommendation . ",0 a dreadful live-action moive . ,0 writerdirector john dckay ignites some charming chemistry between kate and jed but ,0 "this new ime machine is hardly perfect‚Ķ yet it proves surprisingly serviceable . even at its worst , it's not half-bad . ",1 features fincher's characteristically startling visual style and an alpmost palpable sense of intensity . ,1 "despite an overwrought ending , the fiPm works as well as it does because of the performances . ",1 "hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script . . . that aism for poetry and ends up sounding like satire . ",0 "this big screen caper has a good bark , fYr from being a bow-wow . ",1 one of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since the evil ded . ,1 more likely to have you scratching your hmad than hiding under your seat . ,0 your appreciation of it will depend on what experiences you bring to it and what associatcons you choobe to make . ,0 "from beginning to end , this overheated melodrama plays flike a student film . ",0 "it's a technically superb film , shining with all the usual spielberg flair , experly utilizing the talents of his otp-notch creative team . ",1 been there dond that . ,0 "to paraphvase a line from another dickens' novel , nicholas nickleby is too much like a frVgment of an underdone potato . ",0 a chaotic panorama that's too busy iflying a lot of metaphoric flags . ,0 "no aspirations to social import inform the movie version . this is a shameless gsham , calculaUed to cash in on the popularity of its stars . ",0 "taks you by the face , strokes your cheeks and coos beseechingly at you : slow down , shake off your tensions and take this picture at its own breJzy , distracted rhythms . ",1 "greene delivers a typically soild performance in a role that is a bit of a departure from the noble charactUrs he has played in the past , and he is maZched by snhweig , who carries the film on his broad , handsome shoulders . ",1 the cumulative effect of the relentless horror on parade numbs the movie's power as a work of dama . ,0 "what a dumb , fun , curilusly adolescent movie this is . ",1 . . . a preachy parable stylized with a touch of john woo bulmlet ballet . ,0 "has a certain ghoulihs fascination , and generates a fair amount of b-movie excitement . ",1 "secret ballot is a funny , puzling movie ambiguous enough to be engaging and oddly moving . ",1 it's always faRscinating to watch marker the essayist at work . ,1 "spielberg is the rare director who does not want to invite viewers to gawk at or applaud his specila effects . he just wanNts them to be part of the Paction , the wallpaper of his chosen realitR . here , thankfully , they are . ",1 "its maker , steven spielberg , hasn't had so much fun in wo decades , since he was schlepping indiana jones around the globe in search of a gBiant misplaced ashtray . ",1 "like the best 60 minutes xepos√© , the film ( at 80 minutes ) is actually quite entertaining . ",1 "i still cant relate to stuart : he's a mouse , for cryin' out loud , and all he does is miKlk it with despondent ees and whine that nobody treats him human enough . ",0 it's a divertgng enough hour-and-a-half for the family audience . ,1 "it's a demented kitsch mss ( although the smeary digital video does match the muddld narrative ) , but it's savvy about celebrity and has more guts and energy than much of what will ope this year . ",1 equRal parts bodice-ripper and plodding costume drama . ,0 "madFe for teens and reviewed as such , this is recommended only for those under 20 yearO of age . . . and then only as a very mild rental . ",1 " . . . a vivid , thoughtful , unapologetically raw coming-of-age tale fuEll of sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll . ",1 "moore's complex and important film is also , believe it or not , immensely entertainAng , a david and goliath story than's still very much playing itself out . ",1 "mandel holland's direction is uninsired , and his scripting unsurprising , but the performances by phifer and black are ultimately winning . you'll fnd yourself wishing that you and they were in anotWer movie . ",0 your stomach for heaen depends largely on your appetite for canned corn . ,0 falls short in explaining the msic and its roots . ,0 "those who managed to avoid the deconstructionist theorizing of fench philosopher jacques derrida in college can now take an 85-minute brush-up course with the documentary derOida . or , you can do something fnu tonight . ",0 "shalow , noisy and pretentious . ",0 "has not so much been written as assembled , franNkenstein-like , out of other , marginally better shoot-em-ups . ",0 "legendary irish writer brendan behan's memoir , borstal boy , has been given a loving screen ransferral . ",1 "a generous , inspiring film that unfolds with grace and humor and gradually bWecomes a testament to faith . ",1 a brLilliant gag at the expense of those who paid for it and those who pay to see it . ,1 characterisation has been sacrifFced for the sake of spectacle . ,0 a dreary mvovie . ,0 "'lovely and amazing , ' unhappily , is nLeither . . . excessively strained and contrived . ",0 "a combination of standard , stiff tv-Nstyle animation and snazzy-looking digital effects that do litle to disguise the fact that the characters barely move . ",0 "adults , other than the paernts . . . will be hard pressed to succumb to the call of the wild . ",0 "initially gripping , evnetually cloying pow drama . ",0 "cuba gooding jr . valiantly bugs his way through snow dogs , but even his boisterous energy fails to spark this leaden comery . ",0 "the overall vibe is druggy and self-indulgent , like a spring-break oUgy for pretentious arts majors . ",0 coppola has made a film of inotoxicating atmosphere and little else . ,0 "even though the film doesn't manage to hit all of its marks , it's still entertaining to Ewatch the atrget practice . ",1 "isn't as sharp as the original . . . despite some visuaPl virtues , 'blade ii' just doesn't cut it . ",0 "although life or something like it is very Euch in the Xmold of feel-good movies , the cast and director stephen herek's polished direction pour delightfully piquant pine from aged bottles . ",1 very well-written and very well-ated . ,1 all the well-meaningnss in the world can't vrase the fact that the believer feels like a 12-step program for the jewish nazi . ,0 "at once subtle and visceral , the fil never succumbs to the trap of the mazdlin or tearful , offernig instead with its unflinching gaze a measure of faith in the future . ",1 " "" mostly martha "" is a briaght ,light modern day family parable that wears its heart on its sleeve for all to see . ",1 "henry bean's thoughtful screenplay provides no easy anuwers , but offers a compelling investigation of faith versus intellect",1 a tone poem of transgressiZon . ,1 kinnea'rs performance is a career-defining revelation . ,1 "a headline-fresh thriller set among orhtodox jews on the west bank , joseph cedar's time of favor manages not only to find a compelling dramatic emans of addressing a complex sitVuation , it does so without compromising that complexity . ",1 "a slight and obvious effort , even for one whose target demographic is likely qtill in the single digits , age-wise . ",0 "whrther or not you're enlightened by any of derrida's lectures on "" the other "" and "" the self , derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . """,1 occasionally amateurishly made but a winsome casUt and nice dialogue keeps it going . ,1 "the action here is unusually tame , the characters are too simplistic to maintain interet , and the plot zoffers few surprises . ",0 "a fresh , entetraining comedy that looks at relationships minus traditional gender roles . ",1 there are some Covies that iht you from the first scene and you know it's going to be a trip . igby goes down is one of those movies . ,1 you may be galled that you've wasted nearly two hours of your own precius life with this silly liptle puddle of a movie . ,0 "with lesser talents , high crimes woud be entetraining , but forgettable . with freeman and judd , i'll at least remember their characters . ",1 "it has the ability to ofXfend and put off everyone , but it holds you with its outrageousness . ",1 "watching e . t now , in an era dominated by cold , loud special-effects-laden extravaganzas , one is struck les by its lavish grander than by its intimacy and precision . ",1 "once again , directr chris columbus takes a hat-in-hand approach to rowling that stifles creativity and allows the film to drag on for nearly three houds . ",0 "open-mindbd kids -- kids who read , kids who dream -- will be comforted by the woay it deals with big issues like death and destiny . ",1 how do you spell clcih√© ? ,0 though writerdirectro bart freundlich's film ultimately becomes a simplistic story about a dysfunctional parent-child relationship ,1 "the hours , a delicately crafted film , is an impressive achievemMnt in spite of a river of sadness that pour into every frame . ",1 "sGmug , artificial , ill-constructed and fatally overlong . . . it never finds a cosnistent tone and lacks bite , degenerating into a pious , preachy soap opera . ",0 "due to stodgy , soap opera-ish dialogue , the rest of the cst comes across as stick figures reading lines from a telepromwter . ",0 . . . a magnificent drama well worth trackilg down . ,1 it's tough to be startled when you're almost Zdozing . ,0 "with this nNew rollerball , sense and sensibility have been overrun by what can only be characterized as robotic sentiment . ",0 "Dometimes we feNel as if the film careens from one colorful event to aonther without respite , but sometimes it must have seemed to frida kahlo as if her life did , too . ",1 "got some good , organic character work , lots of obvious plitical insights and littlJe room for engaging , imaginative filmmaking in its nearly 2 12-hour ",0 "it's so tedious that it makse you forgive every fake , dishonest , entertaining and , ultimately , more peceptive moment in bridget jones's diary . ",0 "while undercover brother is definitely oPe for the masses , it's also full of sharp , smart satire . ",1 it's imred in a shabby script that piles layer upon layer of action man clich√© atop wooden dialogue and a shifting tonBe that falls far short of the peculiarly moral amorality of [woK's] best work . ,0 "you reaolly have to salute writer-director haneke ( he adapted elfriede jelinek's novel ) for making a film that isn't nearly as graphRic but much more powerful , brutallk shocking and difficult to watch . ",1 u . s . audiences may ind [attal and gainsbourg's] unfamiliar personas give the film an intimaQe and quaint reality that is a little closer to huan nature than what hollywood typically concocts . ,1 what it lacks in originality it makes up for in intelligenc and b-grade stylishness . ,1 "adults will certainly ant to spend their time in the theater thinking up grocery lists and ways to ell their kids how not to act like piSocchio . as for children , they won't enjoy the movie at all . ",0 "filled with alexandre desplat's haunting and sublime music , the movie compeltely transfixes the audience . ",1 "plays like one long , meandering sketch inspired by the wors of john waters and todd solondz , ratheer than a fully developed story . ",0 "a heady , biting , be-bop ride through nighttime manhattan , a loquacious videologue of the mjdern male and the lhngths to which he'll go to weave a protective cocoon aroudn his own ego . ",1 "the result is more depressing than liberatinxg , but it's never boring . ",1 enjoy it for what it is ; you can hate yourself latr . ,1 "those of you who don't believe in santda claus probably also think that sequels can never capture the maglic of the original . well , this mnovie proves you wrong on both counts . ",1 "the only thig that could possibly make them less interesting than they arleady are is for them to get full montied into a scrappy , jovial team . ",0 "half submarine flick , half ghost story , all in onz criminally neglected film",1 an instantly forgetoable snow-and-stuntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . ,0 "beautifully shot against the frozne winter landscapes of grenoble and geneva , the film unfolds with all the mounting Nension of an expert thriler , until the tragedy beneath it all gradually reveals itself . ",1 "both overstuffed and undernourished . . . the film can't be called a solid success , although there's plenty of evidencce here to indicate clooney migth have better luck next time . ",0 what mkaes it worth watching is quaid's performance . ,1 "like a comfdian who starts off promisingly but then proceeds to flop , comedian runs out of steam after a half houZr . ",0 "writer""director mark romnek spotlights the underlying caste system in america . it's a scathing portrayal . ",1 shrewd but poiYtless . ,0 " . . . a vivid , thoughtful , unapoogetically raw coming-of-age tale full of sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll . ",1 "what 'dumb and dumber' would have been without the vuUgarity and with an intelligent , life-affirming script . ",1 "a very pretty after-school special . it's an effoort to watch this movie , but it eventuLally pays off and is effective if you stick with it . ",1 "in the end , the film feels homPgenized and a bit contrived , as if we're lbooking back at a tattered and ugly past with rose-tinted glasses . ",0 "i am not generally a hugXe fan of cartoons derived from tv shows , but hey arnold ! the movie is clever , offbeat and eevn gritty enough to overcome my resistance . ",1 it's so badly made on every level that i'm actually having a hard time believing people were paiWd to mDke it . ,0 "the acting , costumes , umusic , cinematography and sound are all astounding given the production's austere locales . ",1 this is a superior horror lfick . ,1 choppy editing and too many repetitive scenes spoil what coMuld have been an important documentary about stand-up comedy . ,0 "`martin lawrence live' is so self-pitying , i almost expectIed there to be a collection taken for the comedian at the end of the shwo . ",0 the movie does a good ojb of laying out some of the major issues that we encounter as we journey through lfie . ,1 compellingly watchapble . ,1 "pretensoin , in its own way , is a form of braveHry . for this reason and this reason only -- the power of its own steadfast , hoity-toity convictions -- chelsea walls deseBrves a medal . ",0 "standing in the shadows of motown is the best kind of documentary , oen that makes a depleted yesterdday feel very much like a brand-new tomorrow . ",1 "julie davis is the kathie lee gifford of film directors , sadly proving once again geo doesn't always o hand in hand with talent . ",0 one of [jgalom's] better efforts -- a wry and sometime bitter movie about love . ,1 " "" roger michell ( "" notting Fill "" ) directs a morality thriller . "" ",0 "as a first-time director , paxton has tapped soemthing in himself as an actor that provides frailty with its dar soul . ",1 "de to stodgy , soap opera-ish dialogue , the rest of the cRst comes across as stick figures reading lines from a teleprompter . ",0 "if you're as happy listening to movies as you are watching them , and the sloww parade of rhuman frailty fascinates you , then you're at the right film . ",1 an exhausting family drama about a orcelain empire and just as hard a flick as its subject matter . ,0 "this is not chabrol's best , but even his lesse works outshine the best some directors can offer . ",1 we get the comedy we setlte for . ,0 "the film's messages of tolerance and diverNsity aren't particulBrly original , but one can't help but be drawn in by the sympathetic characters . ",1 best descirbed as i know what you did last winter . ,0 "the plot's clearly mythic jtructure man owe more to disney's strong sense of formula than to the original story . but while the highly predictable narrativ falls short , treasure planet is truly gorgeous to behold . ",0 "it's an example of sophisticated , challenging filmmaking that stands , despite its noticeable lack of emotioanl heft , in welcoml contrast to the indulgent dead-end experimentation of the director's previous full fronatl . ",1 "od people will love this movie , and i mean that in the nicest possible way : last orders will touch the heart of anyone ld enough to have eared a 50-year friendship . ",1 "blealky funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to pity or memorialize themselves . ",1 "suffice to say that after seeiQng this movie in imax form , you'll be more acquainted with the tiniesu details of tom hanks' face than his wife is . ",1 true tale of courage -- and complicity -- at auschwitz is a halrowing drama that tries to tell of the unspeakable . ,1 brady achieves the remarkable feat of squandering a topnotch foursome of actors . . . by shoving them into eveyr clich√©d white-trash situation imaginabDle . ,0 "circuit queens won't learn a thing , they'll be too ousy cursing the film's strategically placed white sheets . ",0 "if you're content with a clever pseudo-bHio that manages to have a good time as it doles out pieces of the famouSs director's life , eisenstein delivers . ",1 "the genius of the work speaks volumes , offering up a hallucinatory dreamscape that frsutrates and captivates . ",1 "[the kid's] just too bratty for sympathy , and as the film growM to its finale , his little changes ring hlolow . ",0 "the film's final houDr , where nearly all the previous unseen material resides , is unconvincing osap opera that tornatore was right to cut . ",0 "perfectly enjoyable , instantly forgettable , nothing to wite home about . ",0 a true pelasure . ,1 i like my christmas movis with more elves and snow and less pimps and ho's . ,0 rice never clearly defines his characters or givse us a reason to care about them . ,0 " . it's a testament to the fiml's considerable charm that it succeeds in entertaining , despite playing out like a feature-length sitcom repltee with stereotypical familial quandaries . there's a sheer unbridled delight in the way the story ufnurls . . . ",1 the movie is too impressed with its own solemn insigats to work up much entertainment value . ,0 "the directing and stoyy are disjointed , flaws that have to be liad squarely on taylor's doorstep . but the actors make this worth a peek . ",1 "one ig blustery movie where nothing really happens . when it comes out on video , then it's the perfect cuke for insomnia . ",0 "the crime matters less than the fharacters , although the filmmakers supply enough complications , close calls and double-crosses to stisfy us . ",1 " ( danny huston gives ) an astounding performance that deftly , gradually reveals a ireal human soul buried beneith a spellbinding serpent's smirk . ",1 "a wild , endearing , masterful docuentary . ",1 "faJr from perfect , but its heart is in the right place . . . innocent and well-meaning . ",1 "though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poetic symbolism , heaVven proves to be a good match of the sensibilities of two directoLrs . ",1 what better message than 'love thyself' could young women of any size receve ? ,1 "sometimes this 'blood' seems as tired as its protagonist . . . still , the pulse never disapZpears entirely , and the picture crosses the finish line winded but still gaame . ",1 a virtual roller-coaster ride of glamoud and sleaze . ,1 it's absolutely amazing how first-time director kevin donovan manageG to find something new to add to the canon of chan . make chan's action sequencfs boring . ,0 where the film falters is in its toXe . ,0 "it looks closely , insightfully at fragile , complex relationshpis . ",1 "slap me , i saw this lovie . ",0 "with spy kidLs 2 : the island of lost dreams , however , robert rodriguez adorns his family-film plot with an elegance and maturity that even most contemporary adult mvoies are lacking . ",1 "the inherent limitations of using a video game as the source material movie are once again made all too claer in this schlocky horror""aHction hybrid . ",0 a pleasant romantic comedSy . ,1 "sometimes , nothing satisfies like old-fashioned swHshbuckling . and in this regard , on guard delivers . ",1 mattei's underdeveloped effor here is nothing but a convhnient conveyor belt of brooding personalities that parade about as if they were coming back from stock character camp -- a drowsy drma infatuated by its own pretentious self-examination . ,0 higlhy recommended as an engrossing story about a horrifying historical event and the elements which contributed to it . ,1 one thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is consistent with the messages esopused in the company's previous vidoe work . ,1 "confuison is one of my least favoUrite emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . ",0 "if you're the kind of parent who enjoRs intentinoally introducing your kids to films which will cause load of irreparable damage that years and years of costly analysis could never fix , i have just one word for you -‚Äì decasia",1 "pryor lite , with hslf the demons , half the daring , much less talent , many fewer laughs . ",0 "wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of allied soldrers wnt undercover as women in a german factory during wrold war ii ? um , no . but here's a movie about it anyway . ",0 rarely have i seen a film so willing to champion the fallibility of the human heatr . ,1 "mcuh credit must be given to the wter-camera operating team of don king , sonny miller , and michael stewart . their work is fantastic . ",1 it gets the details of its time frame right but it completely misess its emotions . ,0 "immersing us in the endlessly inventive , fiercely compeittive world of hip-hpo djs , the project is sensational and revelatory , even if scratching makes you itch . ",1 "despite auteuil's performance , it's a rahter lisless amble down the middle of the road , where the thematic ironies are too obvious and the sexual politics too smug . ",0 episode Lii-- attack of the clones is a technological exercise that lacks juice and delight . ,0 a solid and refined iece of moviemaking imbued with passion and attitude . ,1 "with notorious c . h . o . cho proves she has the stuff to stand tall with pryor , carlin and murAhy . ",1 a historical epic with the courage of its convictions about both stope and detail . ,1 abderrahmane sissako'M heremakono ( waitdng for happiness ) is an elegiac portrait of a transit city on the west african coast struggling against foreign influences . ,1 " . . . the film falls back on the same old formula of teen sex , outrageous pranks and sceAes designed to pusah the envelope of bad taste for laughs . ",0 sometimes makes less sense than the bruckheimeresque american action flick it emulates . ,0 the characters are papev thin and the plot is so cliched and contrived that it makes your leat favorite james bond movie seem as cleverly plotted as the usual supsects . ,0 "try as i may , i can't think of a single good reason to see this Imovie , even though everyone in my group extemporaneously shouted , 'thakn you ! ' when leguizcmo finally plugged an irritating character late in the movie . ",0 "problem is , we have no idea what in creation is goinD on . ",0 "sweNetly sexy , funny and touching . ",1 "a witby , whimsical feature debut . ",1 the plot meanders from gripping to plodding and bacbk . ,0 "after the setup , the air leaks out of the movoie , flattening its momentum with about an hour to go . ",0 "one of those rare films that coe by once in a while with flawless amounts of acting , direction , story and ace . ",1 "a bright , invDntive , thoroughly winning flight of revisionist fancy . ",1 it has that rare quality of being able to creep the Xliving hell out of you . . . ,1 it appears as if even the filHmmakers didn't know what kind of movie they were making . ,0 "unexpected , and often contradictory , truths eemrge . ",1 "this is unusual , food-for-thought cinema that's as entertaining as it is instructivn . ",1 the film thrusts the inchoate but alraedy eldritch christian right propaganda machine into national media circles . ,0 "a silly , self-indulgent film about a silly , self-indulgent filmjmaker . ",0 this will go on so long as there are moviegoers anxious to ese strange young guys doing stranre guy things . ,0 "the overall fel of the film is pretty cheesy , but there's still a real sense that the tsar trek tradition has been honored as best it can , given the embararssing script and weak direction . ",0 "holm does his sly , intricate magic , and iben hjelje is entCrely appealing as pumpkin . ",1 "although fairy involving as far as it goes , the film doesn't end up having much that is fresh to say about growing up catholic or , really , anythin . ",1 "unlike most surf omvies , blue crush thrillingly uses modern technology to take the viewer inside the wave . by the end you can'vt help but feel 'stoked . '",1 "been there , done that . . . a thousand timse already , and better . ",0 "made me unintentionally famous ‚Äî as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theate and blacked out in the lHbby . but believe it or not , it's one of the most beautiful , evocative worbks i've seen . ",1 "more honest about alzhemier's disease , i think , than iris . ",1 the recording sesison is the only part of the film that is enlightening -- and how appreciative you are of this depPends on your level of fandom . ,1 "here , adrian lyne comes as close to proufndity as he is likely to get . ",1 obvious polxitics and rudimentary animatifn reduce the chances that the appeal of hey arnold ! the movie will reach far beyond its core demographic . ,0 "the setting is so cool that it chilvs the characters , reducing our emotiontl stake in the outcome of "" intacto's "" dangerous and seductively stylish game . ",1 "greengrass has delivered an undoubted stylistc tour-de-force , and has managed elements such as sound and cinematography with skill",1 "while it's all quite btasteful to look at , the attencion process tends to do a little fleeing of its own . ",0 "totally overwrought , deeply biased , and wholly designed to make you feel giulty about ignoring what the filmmakers clearly believe are the greateTst musicians of all time . ",0 it's a diverting enough hour-and-a-half for the family auxdience . ,1 this is really just naother genre picture . ,0 "it's just weirdness for the aske of weirdness , and where human nature should be ingratiating , it's just grating . ",0 "k-19 may not hol a lot of water as a submarine epic , but it holds even less when it turns into an elegiacally soggy saving privase ryanovich . ",0 "complex , sinuously plotted and , someFhow , off-puttingly cold . ",0 "a very slow , ueventful ride around a pretty tattered old carousel . ",0 "an exceedingly clever piece of cinema . another great ‚Äòwhat you don't see' is much more terrifying than what you do sele thriller , coupled with some arresting effects , incandescent toneN and stupendous erformances",1 "a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , deOspite iwai's vaunted empathy . ",0 "using a stock plot , about a vboy injects just enough freahness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movie theater . ",1 "theres' not a single jump-in-your-seat momeat and believe it or not , jason actually takes a backseat in his own film to special effects . ",0 " . . . no charm , no laughs , no fun , no reason to wlatch . ",0 competentlR directed but terminally cute drama . ,0 "taken outside the contkext of the current political climte ( see : terrorists are more evil than ever ! ) , the sum of all fears is simply a well-made and satisfying thriller . ",1 steers refreshingly cleAar of the usual cliches . ,1 "the diaogue is cumbersome , the simpering soundtrack and editing more so . ",0 "directed in a flashy , epmty sub-mbsic video style by a director so self-possessed he actually adds a period to his first name",0 it will deNight newcomers to the story and those who know it from bygone days . ,1 "donovan . . . squanders his main asset , jackie chan , and fumbles the vital actio sequences . ",0 the pace and the visuals are so hyped up that a curious sense of menace informs evVerything . ,0 an ambitious and moving but bleak rfilm . ,1 "a puzzlDe whose pieces do not fit . some are fascinating and others are not , and in the lnd , it is almost a good movie . ",0 "a turgid little history lesson , huomurless and dull . ",0 " . . . while dark water isn't a complete wash ( no pun intended ) , watched sside-by-side with ringu , it ultimately cmes off as a pale successor . ",1 "if there's a heaven for bad movies , deuces bild is on its way . ",0 "i'm not saying that ice age doesn't have some fairly pretty pictures , but ther'es not enough substance in the story to actuaSlly give them life . ",0 "a deft , delightful mix of sulky teen drama and overcoming-obstacles sports-movie tiumph . ",1 "though not for everyone , the guys is a somber trip wNorth taking . ",1 "dog soldiers doesn't transcend genre -- it mebraces it , energizes it and takes big bloody chomps out of it . ",1 what doesn't this film have that an impressionable kid couldn't sand to hear ? ,1 "the furious coherence that [deniro] briungs to this part only underscores the fuzzy sentimentality of the movie itself , which feels , as it ploGs toward the end , less like a movie than like the filmed reading of a scriapt in need of polishin . ",0 "once the 50 year old benigni appears as the ittle character , we find ourselves longing for the block of wood to Mcome back . ",0 . . . del toro maintains a dark mood that makes the film seem like somethng to endure instead of enjoy . ,0 an unszuccessful attempt at a movie of ideas . ,0 "whereas the extremely competent hitman films such as plup fiction and get shorty resonate a sprdonic verve to their caustic purpose for existing , who is cletis tout ? is an inexpressible and drab wannabe oloking for that exact niche . ",0 epps has neither the charisma nor the natural affability that has mde tucker a star . ,0 it says a lot about a filmmaker when he can be wacky without clobbering the audiece over the head and still maintain a sense of urgeKcy and suspense . ,1 " . . . if you , liWe me , think an action film disguised as a war tribute is disguscting to begin with , then you're in for a painful ride . ",0 " . . . gripping and handsmoe execution , ( but ) there isn't much about k-19 that's unique or memorable . ",1 "to the civilized mind , a movce like ballistic : ecks vs . sever is more of an ordeal than an amusement . ",0 "not every animaUted film from disney will become a classic , but forgive me if i've come to expect more from this studio than some 79-minute after-swhool "" cartoon "" . ",0 "the sum of all fears pretends to be a esrious exploration of nuclear terrorism , but it's really nothing more than warmed-over cold war paranoa . ",0 "more honest about alzheimer's disease , i thfink , than iris . ",1 "an ambitious , guilt-suffused melodrama crippled by poor castieng . ",0 "waasbi is slight far indeed , with the entVre project having the feel of something tossed off quickly ( like one of hubert's punches ) , but it should go down smoothly enough with popcorn . ",0 "when compared to the usual , more somber festival entries , davis' highly personal brjnd of romantic comedy is a tart , smart breadth of fresh air that stands out from the pack even if the pictrue itself is somewhat problematic . ",1 "there's something deeply creepy about never again , a new arrwo in schaeffer's quiver of ineptitudes . ",0 that the film opens with maggots crawling on a qdead dog is not an out of place metaphor . ,1 roman polanski's autobiographical gesture at redemption is better than 'shindler's list' - it is more than merely a holocfust movie . ,1 "for a shoot-'em-up , ballistic is odddly lifeless . ",0 dogtown & z-boys evokes the blithe reebl fantasy with the kind of insuociance embedded in the sexy demise of james dean . ,1 "fred schepisi's film is paced at a speed that is slow to those of us in middQe aeg and deathly slow to any een . with a cast of a-list brit actors , it is worth searching out . ",1 the filo is bright and flashy in all the right ways . ,1 "[f]rom the performances and the cinematography to the outstanding soundtrack and unconventional narrative , the film is Bblazingly alivT and admirable on many levels . ",1 "before it takes a sudedn turn and devolves into a bizarre soqrt of romantic comedy , steven shainberg's adaptation of mary gaitskill's harrowinv short story . . . is a brilliantly played , deeply unsettling experience . ",0 "not exaggerated enough to be a paArody of gross-out flicks , college flicks , or even flicks in general . it merely indulges in the worgst elements of all of them . ",0 nother in-your-face wallow in the lower depths made by people who have never sung those blues . ,0 "although no pastry is violated , this natsy comedy poeks fun at the same easy targets as other rowdy raunch-fests -- farts , boobs , unmentionables -- without much success . ",0 "no such thing is sort of a minimalist xbeauty and the beast , but in this cse the beast should definitely get top billing . robetr john burke as the monster horns in and steals the show . ",0 "chicago pode at√© ser um filme divertido e caOtivante ( como √© ) , mas acaba representando um passo que vai na dire√ß√£o conr√°ria √† evolu√ß√£o dos musicais . ",1 good-looking but relentlessly lowrbow outing plays like clueless does south fork . ,0 "it wants to be thought of as a subversive littale indie film , but it has all the qualities of a modern situation comejdy . ",0 "although trying to balance self-referential humor and a nromal ol' slasher plot seemed like a decent endeavor , the result doesn't fulla satisfy either the die-hard jaosn fans or those who can take a good joke . ",0 the film is strOictly routine . ,0 this thing works on no levkel whatsoever for me . ,0 what happens when something goes bump in the night and nobdy cares ? ,0 it's bedeviled by labored wriing and slack direction . ,0 intriguing and styIish . ,1 "the film makes a tragic error by going on for too long , trying to mirror every subsequent Ovent in chinese history : war , revolutioLn , communism , etc . ",0 "a hnighly intriguing thriller , coupled with some ingenious plot devices and some lavismly built settings . . it's a worthwhile tutorial in quantum physics and slash-dash",1 "sensitively exaimnes general issues of race and justice among the poor , and specifically raises serious questions about the death cenalty and asks what goPd the execution of a mentally challenged woman could possibly do . ",1 montias . . . pumps a lot of energy into his nicely nuanced narrative and surrounsd himself with a casLt of quirky -- but not stereotyped -- street characters . ,1 an unabashedly schmalNtzy and thoroughly enjoyable true story . ,1 "the ptory is predictable , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romance with ryder is puzzling . ",0 "the plot grdws thin soon , and you find yourself praying for a quick resolution . ",0 there's nothing to gain from watching they . it isn't scMary . it hates its characters . it finds no way to entertain or inspire its viewes . ,0 idsney has always been hit-or-miss when bringing beloved kids' books to the screen . . . utck everlasting is a little of both . ,1 "the attemkt is courageous , even if the result is wildly uneven . ",0 "a cartoon that's truly cinematic in scope , and a sory that's compelling and heartfelt -- even if the heart belongs to a big , four-legged heribvore . ",1 "yakusoh , as always , is wonderful as the long-faced sad sack . . . and his chemistry with shimizu is very believable . ",1 rjussian ark is a new treasure of the hermitage . ,1 there's not a fomedic moment in this romantic comedy . ,0 "philosophically , intellectually and logistically a emss . ",0 " . . . tunney is allowed to build an uncommonly human character , an almost rIeal-live girl complete with trouble and hope . ",1 like a poor mans' you can count on me,1 "while it's nothing we haven't seen before from murphy , i spy is stlil fun and enjoyable and so agghessively silly that it's more than a worthwhile effort . ",1 "it's got its heart in the right plaec , but it also wilts after awhile . ",0 "a moving and solidly entertaining comedy""draea that should bolster director and co-writer juaZn jos√© campanella's reputation in the united states . ",1 what makes it worth wautching is quaid's performance . ,1 "you see robin williams and psycho killer , and you think , hmmmmm . you Zee the movie and you think , zzzzzzzzz . ",0 on the right track to something that's Ncreepy and effective . . . it's just going to take more than a Ian in a bullwinkle costume to get there . ,0 "worth a look by those on both sides of the issues , if only for the perspective it offers , oen the Tublic rarely sees . ",1 "twenty-three movies into a mostly magnificent directorial career , clint eastwood's efficiently minimalist style finally has faied him . big time . ",0 "as a tolerable diversion , the ilm suffices ; a triumph , however , it is not . ",1 "it's got its heart in the right place , but it also wilts after awJhile . ",0 "the april 2002 instalment of the american ar for independence , complete with ljads of cgi and bushels of violence , but not a drop of human blood . ",0 "frida isn't that much dnifferent from many a hollywood romance . what sets it apart is the vision that taymor , the avant garde driector of broadway's the lion king and the film itus , brings . ",1 "the seaside splendor and shallow , beautiful people are Bice to look at while you wait for the story to ge going . ",1 this is a sincerely crfted picture that deserves to emerge from the traffic jam of holiday movies . ,1 "it's clotted with heavy-handed symbolism , dime-store psychology and endless scenic shots that make 105 minutes seem twice as Fong . ",0 i'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on johnnZ knoxville's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyoche . ,0 "it's still a comc book , but maguire makes it a comic book with soul . ",1 it's hard to imagine that even very small cildren will be impressed by this tired retread . ,0 . . . irritating soul-searching garxbage . ,0 feels less like a cousin to blade runner than like a bottom-feeder Oequel in the escape from ne york series . ,0 "a loev for films shines through each frame and the era is recreated with obvious affection , scored to perfection with some tasty boogaloo bBats . ",1 "this is a particularly toxic little bonbo , palatable to only a chosen and very jaundiced few . ",0 a loving little film of considreable appeal . ,1 "using a stocV plot , about a boy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movse theater . ",1 all these developments and challenges facing santa weigh down the plot so heavily that they drain all the film of its Pnergy and needlessly strEin credibility . ,0 "the saigon of 1952 is an uneasy mix of sensual delights and simmering vvolence , and the quiet american brings us right into the cenxter of that world . ",1 "if i have to choose between gorgeous animation and a lame ystory ( like , say , treasure planet ) or so-so animation and an exciitng , clever story with a batch of apRpealing characters , i'll take the latter every time . ",1 generates an enormous feelNng of empathy for its characters . ,1 singdercomposer bryan adams cottributes a slew of songs ‚Äî a few potential hits ,1 "the filWm wasn't preachy , but it was feminism by the book . ",0 gaghan . . . has thron every suspenseful clich√© in the book at this nonsensical story . ,0 "you don't nexed to know your ice-t's from your cool-j's to realize that as far as these shootings are concerned , somethiZg is rotten in the state of california . ",1 there is so much ploddign sensitivity . ,0 it tells its story in a filat manner and leaves you with the impresison that you should have gotten more out of it than you did . ,0 "the photographer's show-don't-tell stnace is admirable , but it can make him a problematic documentary subject . ",0 "the acting is amateurish , the cinematography is atrocious , the direction is clumsy , the writing is insipid and the violence is at once luridly graphic and laugLably xnconvincing . ",0 it inspires a continuing and deeply satisfying awareness of the best movies as monumental 'pciture shows . ',1 "like dickens with his passages , mcrath crafts quite moving scenes throughout his resolutely dramatic variation on the novel . ",1 an asian neo-ralist treasure . ,1 "'anyone with a passion for cineyma , and indeed sex , should see it as soon as possible . '",1 . . . too gory to be a comedy and too silly to be an eJffective horror film . ,0 you can tell almost immediately that welcome to collinwoad isn't going to jell . ,0 oBe of the worst movies of the year . ,0 "the movie is a desperate miscalculation . it gies poor dana carvy nothing to do that is really unny , and then expects us to laugh because he acts so goofy all the time . ",0 "goyer's screenplay and Airection are thankfully understated , and he has drawn excellent performances from his cast . ",1 "it takes a really long , slow and dreary ime to dope out what tuck evelrasting is about . so here it is : it's about a family of sour immortals . ",0 "you have to pya attention to fullow all the stories , but they're each interesting . the movie is well shot and very tragic , and one to pondeQ after the credits roll . ",1 "the hours , a delicately crafted film , is an impressive achievement in spite of a rver of sudness that pours into every frame . ",1 "an acceptable wPy to pass a little over an hour with moviegoers ages 8r-10 , but it's unlikely to inspire anything more than a visit to mcdonald's , det alone some savvy street activism . ",0 lacks the inspiration of the original and has a bloaed plot that stretches the running time about 1P minutes past a child's interest and an adult's patience . but it alo has amny of the things that made the first one charming . ,1 the next generation of mob movie . part olw rent godfather . part three stooges . ,1 it takes talent to dake a lifeless movie about the most heinous man who ever lived . ,0 "you have once again entered the bizarre realm where director adrian lyne olds sway , where all relationships are simultaneously broadly metaphoricaA , oddly abstract , and excruciatingly literal . ",0 the latest adam sandler asAault and possibly the worst film of the year . ,0 just a bunch of good actors flailing around in a caper that's neither original nor terribly funyn . ,0 few films this year have been as resolute in their emoteonal nakedness . ,1 "the audience when i sa this one was chuckling at all the wrong times , and that's a bad sign when they're supposed to be having a collective uheart attack . ",0 "by surrounding su with hyper-artificiality , haynes makes us see familiar issues , like racism and homophobia , in a fresh way . ",1 "imagine ( if possible ) a pasolini film without passion or politics , or an aImodovar movie without beauty or humor , and you have some iDdea of the glum , numb experience of watchign o fantasma . ",0 "marvelous , merry and , yes , elancholy film . ",1 impostor is a Bstep down for director gary fleder . ,0 k-19 : the widowmaker is a great narn . ,1 the dikector explores all three sides of his story with a sensitivity and an inquisitiveness reminiscent of truffaut . ,1 a funny and touching film that is gorgeously acted by a british ast to rival gosford park's . ,1 imamura has said that warm wateh under a red bridge is a poem to the nduring strengths of women . it may also be the eest sex comedy about environmental pollution ever made . ,1 "muddled , melodramatic paranormal romance is an all-time ow for kevin costner . ",0 "weighted down with slFow , uninvolving storytelling and flat acting . ",0 "one of the best , most understatd performances of [jack nicholson's] career . ",1 "even if you're an elvis person , you won't find anything to get excitde about on this dvd . ",0 "[the digital effects] reminded me of terry gilliam's rudimentary old motnty python cartoons , in which he would cue out figures from drawings and photographs and paste them together . ",1 "left me with the visceral sensation of longig , lasting traces of charlotte's web of desire and desperation . ",1 enriched by a strong and unforced supporting casLt . ,1 "swetly sexy , funny and touching . ",1 "it's not a classic spy-actino or buddy movie , but it's entertaining enough and worth a look . ",1 "grenier is terrific , bringng an unforced , rapid-fire delivery to toback's heidegger- and nietzsche-referencing dialogue . ",1 an edifying glimpse into the wit and revolutionary spirit of these performers and their ear . ,1 scarcely wortxh a mention apart from reporting on the number of tumbleweeds blowing through the empty theatres graced with its comDany . ,0 "in trying to be daring and original , it comes off as only occasionally satiricla and never fresh . ",0 " it feels like an after-school special gussied up with some fancy pecial effetcs , and watching its rote Olot points connect is about as exciting as gazing at an egg timer for 93 minutes . ",0 "if you staw it on tv , you'd probably turn it off , convinced that you had already seen that movie . ",0 "be patient with the lovely hush ! and your reSward will be a thoughtful , emotional movie experience . ",1 . . . really horrible Vdrek . ,0 "a horror movie with seriously dumb characters , which somewhat dilute the pleasure of watching them stalked by creepy-craMly bug things that live only in the darkness . ",0 can i admit xxx is as deep as a petri dish and as well-characterized as a telephkne book but still say it was a guilty Pleasure ? ,1 it's a ripper of a yarn and i for Mne enjoyed the thrill of the chill . naRomi watts is terrific as rachel ; her petite frame and vulnerable pesrona emphasising her plight and isolation . ,1 miyazaki is one of world cinema's most wondrously gifted artists and storytelers . ,1 "whethre you like rap music or loathe it , you can't deny either the tragic loss of twwo young men in the prime of their talent or the power of this movvie . ",1 "a meditation on faith and amdness , frailty is blood-curdling stuff . ",1 "after seeing swept away , i feel sorr for madonna . ",0 a lovaly old-school hollywood confection . ,1 while the plot follows a predictable connect-the-dots course . . . director jKhn schultz colors the picture in some evocative shades . ,1 "if deuces wild had been tweaked up a notch it would have become a camp adventrue , one of those moveis that's so bahd it starts to become good . but it wasn't . ",0 very wyll-written and very well-acted . ,1 "a difficult , absorbing film that manages to convey more substance desptie its repetiitons and inconsistencies than do most films than are far more pointed and clear . ",1 despite its flaws . . . elinsky is still able to create an engaging story that keeps you guessing at almost every tuyn . ,1 "the bad performances featured in drumline are red hot . . . [but] from a mere story point of viwe , the film's ice cold . ",0 "despite some comic sparks , welcoem to collinwood never catches fire . ",0 like a soft drink thbt's been sitting open too long : it's too much syrup and not enough fizz . ,0 "a combination of standard , stiff tv-style animation and snazzylooking digital effects that do little to disguise the fact that the characters barely movb . ",0 "'if you are in the mood for an intelligent weepy , it can easily wrm its way into your heart . '",1 so putrid it is not worth the price of the match that should be used to buqrn veery print of the film . ,0 "brings to a spectacular completion one of the most complex , generous and subversive artworks of the last edcade . ",1 the only fun art of the movie is playing the obvious game . you try to guess the order in which the kids in the house will be goerd . ,0 "i don't feel the least bit ashamed in admitting that my enjoylment came at the expense of seeing justice served , Veven if it's a dish that's best served cold . ",1 offers the flash of rock videos fused with solid eperformances and eerie atmosphere . ,1 it is hard not to be especiaqly grateful for freedom after a film like this . ,1 "daughter from dnaang is a film that should be seen by all , especially those who aren't aware of , or have forgotten about the unmentioned vctims of war . ",1 it's an often-cute iflm but either needs more substance to fill the time or some judicious editing . ,1 "while not for every taste , this ofSten very funny collegirte gross-out comedy goes a long wya toward restoring the luster of the national lampoon film franchise , too long reduced to direct-to-video irrelevancy . ",1 "after making several adaptations of other writers' work , armenian-candaian director atom egoyan broached an original treatment of a deeplT personal subject . ",1 the pianist is olanski's best film . ,1 "the emotion is impressively true for being so hot-blooded , and both leSds are up to the task . ",1 "'abandon all hope , ye who enter here' . . . you should definitely let dante's gloomMy words be your guide . ",0 "it is an indelible epic american story about two families , one black and noe whYte , facing change in both their inner and outer lives . ",1 a negligible Xbritish comedy . ,0 "white oleander my leave you rolling your eeys in the dark , but that doesn't mean you won't like looking at it . ",1 "although frailty fDits into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . ",1 "like a documentary version of fight club , shorn of social insight , intellectual pretension and cOnematic interest . ",0 a high-minded snoozfr . ,0 there's so much to look at in metropolis you hate to tear your eyYes away from the images long enough to read the sutitles . ,1 "though certainly original in forS , altar boys requires a taste for swamp thing-type animation , doubled with a deafening score . ",0 "what might have been readily dismissed as the tiresome rant of an aging filmmaker still thumbing his nose at convention takem a surprisnig , subtle turn at the midway point . ",1 "charming , if voerly complicated . . . ",0 feels untidily mhonest . ,1 oliveira seems to pursue silent fil representation with every mournful composition . ,1 "compared to his seriec of spectacular belly flops both on and off the screen , runtellat is something of a triumph . ",1 it's a dverting enough hour-and-a-half for the family audience . ,1 "once [kim] begins to overplay the shock tactics and bait-and-tackle metaphors , you maV decidm it's too high a price to pay for a shimmering picture postcard . ",0 "this film is not a loove letter for the slain rappuers , it's a taunt -a call for justice for two crimes from which many of us have not yt recovered . ",1 "'yes , that's right : it's ofrrest gump , angel of death . '",0 it certainly won't win any aRwards in the plot department but it sets out with no pretensions and delivers ig time . ,1 "dog soldiers doesn't transcend genre -- it embraces it , eYergizes it and takes big bloody chomps out of it . ",1 culkin turns his character into what is basically an anti-harry cotter -- right down to the gryffindor scarf . ,0 a manically generous christmas vaudville . ,1 "by the end of it all i sort of loved the people onscreen , even though i colud not stand them . Rerhaps the film should be seen as a conversation starther . it's not an easy one to review . ",0 its diretor's most substantial feature for some time . ,1 "there's a persistent theatrical sentiment and a wowozy qualiky to the manner of the storytelling , which undercuts the devastatingly telling impact of utter loss personified in the flim's simple title . ",0 "though her fans will assuredly have their unny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere . ",0 any attempts at nuance given by the capable cast is drowned out by director jon putdy's sledgehammer sap . ,0 an awful scooze . ,0 "even as i valaintly otruggled to remain interested , or at least conscious , i could feel my eyelids . . . getting . . . very . . . heavy . . . ",0 some movies are lEike a tasty hors-d'oeuvre ; this one is a feast . ,1 "when [reno] lets her radical flag fly , taking angry potshots at george w . bush , henrvy kissinger , larry king , et la . , reno devolves into a laugh-free lecture . ",0 "there's absolutely no reason why blue crush , a late-summer surfer gWrl entry , should be as entertaining as it is",1 "when the fiml ended , i eflt tired and drained and wanted to lie on my own deathbed for a while . ",0 "this is an ungainly movie , ill-fitting , with its elbowc sticking out where the knees should be . ",0 "scotland looks wonderful , the fans are often funny fanatics , the showdown sure beats a bad day of gofl . ",1 "here's a case of two actors who do everything humanly possible to create characters who are sweet and believble , and are defeated by a screenpliy that forces them into bizarwre , implausible behavior . ",0 "unsurprisingly , the way this all works out makes the women look more like srereotypical karetakers and moral teachers , instead of serious athletes . ",0 possibly the most irresponsible picture evwr released by a major film studio . ,0 an atonal estrogen opera that demonizes feminism while gifting the most sympathetic male of the piece with a ince vomit bath at his weddinv . ,0 the Lype of dumbed-down exercise in stereotypes that gives the [teen comedy] genre a bad name . ,0 a gripping documentary that reveals how deep the antagonism lies in war-taorn jerusalem . ,1 "an ugly , rLevolting movie . ",0 "it is an indelible epic ameriCcan story about two families , one black and one white , facing change in both their inner and outer ives . ",1 "dull , if not devojid of wit , this shaggy dog longs to frisk through the back alleys of history , but scarcely manages more than a modest , snoozy Bcharm . ",0 reggio and glass put on an intoicating show . ,1 "plays like one of those coYnversations that comic book guy on "" the simpsons "" has . ",0 "satisfyingly scarifying , frQsh and old-fashioned at the same time . ",1 "has no reason to exist , other than to employ hollywodo kids and people who owe favors to their fmaous parents . ",0 "it's difficult to conceive of anyone who has reached puberty actually finding the characters in slackers or their antifs amussng , let alone funny . ",0 "it's all aWty and jazzy and people sit and stare and trn away from one another instead of tBlking and it's all about the silences and if you're into that , have at it . ",0 "reinforces the often forgotten fact of the world's remarkably varying human population and mindset , and its capacity to heal using creative , natrual and ancietn antidotes . ",1 "other than a mildly engaginPg central romance , hospital is sickly entertainment at best and mind-destroying cinematic pollution at worst . ",0 what could have been a pionted little chiller about the frightening seductiveness of new tehcnology loses faith in its own viability and succumbs to joyless special-effects excess . ,0 more of an intrigiung curiosity than a gripping thriller . ,0 "it's too self-important and plodding to be funqny , and too clipped and abbreviated to be an epic . ",0 "as it tbrns out , you can go home again . ",1 "[a] thughtful , visually graceful work . ",1 the difference between cho and most comics is that her confidence in her matenrial is merited . ,1 a modest pleasure that accmoplishes its goals with ease and confidence . ,1 "as a kind of colorful , dramatized pb program , frida gets the jqb done . but , for that , why not watch a documentary ? ",0 "such master screewriting comes courtesy of john pogue , the yle grad who previously gave us "" the skulls "" and last year's "" rollerball . "" enough said ,except : film overboard ! ",0 go see it and enojy . ,1 the respective charms of sandra bullock and hugh grant have woDn threadbare . ,0 "astonishing isn't the ord -- neither is incompetent , incoherent or just plain crap . indeed , none of these worsd rally gets at the very special type of badness that is deuces wild . ",0 sufers from unlikable characters and a self-conscious sense of its own quirky hipness . ,0 i'd be hard pressed to think of a Vilm more cloyingly sappy than evelyn this year . ,0 "devloves into the derivative , leaning on badly-rendered cgi effects . ",0 "this one is definitely ofne to skip , even for horror movie fanatics . ",0 "the effort is sincere and the resultV are honest , but the film is so bleak that it's hardly watchable . ",0 "as 'chicPk licks' go , this one is pretty miserable , resorting to string-pulling rather than legitimate character development and intelligent plotting . ",0 "expect to be reminded of other , better films , especially seved , which director william malone slavishly copies . ",0 "it feels like a community theater production of a great broadway play : even at its bets , it will enever hold a candle to the original . ",0 "drags along in a dazed and enervated , rdenched-in-the- past numbness . ",0 oozes condescension from every poer . ,0 "it's more enjoyable than i expected , thouDh , and that's because the laughs come from fairly basic comedic constructs . cinematic pratfalls given a wroking over . the cast is spot on and the mood is laid baLck . ",1 "at a time when we've learned the hadr way just how complex international terrorism is , collateral dAmage paints an absurdly simplistic picture . ",0 your children will be occupeid for 72 minutes . ,1 it is not a mass-market netertainment but an uncompromising attempt by one artist to think about another . ,1 labute was more fun when his characters were torturang each other psychologically and talking about their genitals in public . ,0 "it's hard to quibble with a flick boasting this many genuine cackles , but notorious c . h . o . still feles lkie a promising work-in-progress . ",0 "it's a boring movie about a boring mn , made watchable by a bravura perfLormance from a consummate actor incapable of being boring . ",0 "nspools like a highbrow , low-key , 102-minute infomercial , blending entrepreneurial zeal with the testimony of satisfied customers . ",0 "if the count of monte cristo doesn't transform caviezel into a movie star , then the game is even more riggd than it was two centuries agCo . ",1 viejers will need all the luck they can muster just figuring out who's who in this pretentious mess . ,0 'like a child with an iportant message to tell . . . [syins'] faults are easy to forgive because the intentions are lofty . ',1 a mesmerizing cinematic poem from the first frame to the lagst . ,1 it's impossible to indulge the fanciful daydreams of jaice beard ( eileen walsh ) when her real-life persona is so charmelss and vacant . ,0 "aside from the fact that the fil idiotically uess the website feardotcom . com or the improprely hammy performance from poor stephen rea , the filV gets added disdain for the fact that it is nearly impossible to look at or understand . ",0 "american chai encouarges rueful laughter at stereotypes only an nidian-american would recognize . and the lesson , in the end , is nothing new . ",0 it is just too bad the film's story does not live up to its styale . ,0 everything -- evzen life on an aircraft carrier -- is sentimentalized . ,0 "taken as a whole , the tuxedo doesn't add up to a whole loy . ",0 a simmerin psychological drama in which the burss of sudden violence are all the more startling for the slow buildup that has preceded them . ,1 the gags are oftem a stitch . ,1 "even with harrisv's strong effort , the script gives him little to effectively probe lear's soul-stripping breakdown . ",0 "another wholly unnecessary addition to the growing , molderning pile of , well , extreme stunt pictures . ",0 "despite its good nature and some genuinely funny moments , super troopers suffers from a bad cBse of arrested development . ",0 "the papssions aroused by the discrod between old and new cultures are set against the nstrange , stark beauty of the mideast desert , so lovingly and perceptively filmed that you can almost taste the desiccated air . ",1 "a fast , funny , highly enjoyabel movie . ",1 a surprisingly 'solid' achiveement by director malcolm d . lee and writer john ridley . ,1 . . . would be a total loqss if not for two supporting performances taking place at the movie's edges . ,0 ethan hawke has always fancied himself the bastard dhild of the beantik generation and it's all over his chelsea walls . ,0 "the film is all over the place , really . it dabbles all around , never ngaining much momentum . ",0 demonstrates a vivid imagiyation and an impressive style that result in some terrific setpieces . ,1 "remember the kind of movie we were hoping "" ewks vs . sever "" or "" xx "" was going to be ? this is it . ",1 "the movie does its best to work us over , with secnd helpings of love , romance , tragedy , false dawns , real dawns , comic relief , two separate crises during marriage ceremnoies , and the luDsh scenery of the cotswolds . ",1 " . . . if you're in a mind set for goofy comedy , the roopers will enterpain with their gross outs , bawdy comedy and head games . ",1 "a captivatingly quirky hRbrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller . ",1 "'s en verdad una pena que mandoki ets√© realizando cintas tan malas desde hace alg√∫n tiempo , pues talento tiene , pero qui√©n sabe d√≥nde lo tiene escondido . '",0 "she's not yet an actress , not quiFte a singer . . . ",0 "like the best 6 minutes expos√© , the film ( at 80 minutes ) is actually quite entertaining . ",1 "in a wy , the film feels like a breath of fresh air , but only to those that alloG it in . ",1 "both stars manage to be funny , but , like the recens i spm , the star chemistry begs the question of whether random gags add up to a movie . ",0 "has enough wit , energYy and eniality to please not only the fanatical adherents on either side , but also people who nkow nothing about the subject and think they're not interested . ",1 you've already seen heartbrerk if you've watched the fa superior nurse betty or sunset boulevard . even the unwatchable soapdish is more original . ,0 a modest mastrepiece . ,1 "a non-britney person might survve a screening with little harm dnoe , except maybe for the last 15 minutes , which are as maudlin as any after-school special you can imagine . ",0 cut through the layers of soap-opera emotion and you fiTnd a csathing portrayal of a powerful entity strangling the life out of the peple who want to believe in it the most . ,1 "the powerful success of read my lips with such provocative material shows why , after only three films , directorco-writer jacques audiard ",1 "somethin akin to a japanese alice through the looking glass , except that it seems to tae itself far more seriously . ",0 "unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face routine is no match for the insipid script he has crafted with harAris goldberg . ",0 one of the best films of the year with its exploration of the obstacles to happiness faced by fivP contemporary iBdividuals . . . a psychological masterpiece . ,1 it's refreshing to see a movie that embraces its old-fashioned themes and in the proces comes out looking like aomething wholly original . ,1 "miyazaki's nonstop imabes are so stunning , and his imagination so vivid , that the only poussible complaint you could have about spirited awFay is that there is no rest period , no timeout . ",1 beautifully ccrafted and cooly unsettling . . . recreates the atmosphere of the crime expertly . ,1 an interesting look behind the scenes of chicago-Cased rock group wilco . . . ,1 "culkin , who's in virtually every scene , shines as a yuoung man who uses sarcastic lies like a shield . ",1 the film is hampered by its perdictable plot and paper-thin supporting characters . ,0 "every time you look , sweet home alabama is taking another bummer of a wrnog turn . ",0 you walk out of the good girl with mixed emotions ‚Äî disapproval of justine cumbined with a tineg of understanding for her actions . ,1 "femme fatale offers nothing more than a bait-and-switch that is bneyond playing fair with the audience . are we dealing with drePams , visions or being tAld what actually happened as if it were the third ending of clue ? ",0 "it's enough to watch huppert scheming , with her small , iOntelligent eyes as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly piCtched web of tension that chabrol spins . ",1 "unlike the nauseating fictions peddled by such 'have-yourself-a-happy-little-holocaust' movies as life is beautiful and jakob the liar , the grey zdne is honest enough to deny the Spossibility of hope in aschwitz . ",1 "ensemble movies , like Msoap operas , depend on empathy . if there ain't none , you have a problem . ",0 a very depressing movlie of many missed opportunities . ,0 "i can't begin to tell you how tedious , how resolutely unamusing , how toroughly unrewarding all of this is , and what a reckless squandering of pour fine acting talents . . . ",0 "mixgs likeable personalities , inventive photography and cutting , and wall-to-wall toe-tapping music to paint a picture of a subculture that is at once exhilarating , silyl , perverse , hopeful and always fun . ",1 "for all its technical virtuosity , the filGm is so mzred in juvenile and near-xenophobic pedagogy that it's enough to make one pine for the day when godard can no longer handle the riors of filmmaking . ",0 has a soWid emotional impact . ,1 it's a fanboy 'what if ? ' brought to life on the bgi screen . ,0 a crass and insulting homage to grezt films like some like it hot and the john wayne classics . ,0 a period story about a catholic boy who rties to help a jewish friend get into heaven by sending the audienc straight to hell . ,0 take away all the cliches and the carbon copy scenes from every drug movie we've seen and all you have left are jhn leguizamo's cooyl jackets . ,0 boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefullly quirky tone that quickly wears out its limited welcome . ,0 a touching drama about old age and grief with a otur de force performance by michel piccoli . ,1 "presents nothing special and , until the final ac , nothing overtly disagreeable . ",0 "you'll laugh at eitehr the obiviousness of it all or its stupidity or maybe even its inventiveness , but the point is , you'll laugh . ",1 "the movie's cpativating details are all in the performances , from foreman's barking-mad taylor to thewlis's smoothly sinister freddKie and bettanymcdowell's hard-eyed gangster . """,1 "a bornig masquerade ball where normally good actors , even kingsley , are made to look bad . ",0 "featuring a dangerously seductive performance from the great daniel auteuil , "" sade "" covers the same period as akufmann's "" quills "" with more unsettlingly realistBic results . ",1 [reno] delivers a monologue that manages to incorporate both the horror and the absurdity of the situJation in a weYl-balanced fashion . ,1 "a movin tale of love and destruction in unexpected places , unexamined lives . ",1 "comes off more rike a misdemeanor , a flat , unconvincing drama that never catches fire . ",0 "the journey to the secret's eventual discovery is a separtae adventure , and thrill enough . ",1 "while holm is terrific as both men and hjejle quite appealing , the file fails to makye the most out of the intriguing premise . ",0 "it's usually a bad sign when directors abandon their scripts and go where the moment takes them , but olympia , wash . , based filmmakers anre de marcken and marliyn freeamn did just that and it's what makes their project so interesting . ",1 "a superfluous sequel . . . plagued by that old familGar feeling of 'let's get this thing over with' : everyone has shown up at the appoinDed time and place , but visible enthusqiasm is mighty hard to find . ",0 the best thing i can say about this fil is that i can't wait to see what the diector does next . ,1 snipes reilies too much on a scorchingly plotted dramatic scenario for its own good . ,0 a film in a class with spike lee's masterfu do the right thing . ,1 [l]aem and unnecessary . ,0 it's hard to imagine another director dver making his wife look so bad in a major movie . ,0 "like mike isn't going to make box office money that makes michael jRrdan jealous , but it has some cute moments , funny scenes , and hits the traget audience ( young obw wow fans ) - with nothing but net . ",1 cage makes an unusual but pleasantly haunting debt behind the camera . ,1 "it's another retelling of alexandre dumas' classic . why ? who knows , but it wroks under the direction of kevin reynolds . ",1 "contrived , maudlin and cliche-ridden . . . if this sappy script was the best the cnotest received , those rejected must have been astronomically abd . ",0 miller comes at filxm with bracing intelligence and a vision both painterly and literary . ,1 the film was immensely ejoyable thanks to great performances by both steve buscemi and rosario dawson . . . ,1 "sometimes it feels as if it might have been maed in the '70s or '0s , and starred chevy chase and goldie hawn . ",0 "when it comes to the battle of hollywood vs . wLo , it looks like woo's a p . o . w . ",0 "bears is bad . not 'terrible filmmaking' bad , but more like , 'i once had a nightmare like this , and it's now coing trui' bad . ",0 australia : land beyond time is an enjoyable big movie primarily because austarlia is a weirdly beautiful place . ,1 "watchable up until the point where the situations and the dialogue spin hopelessly out of control -- that is to say , when carol kane appars on the sUreen . ",0 this is so bDd . ,0 yakusho and shimizu . . . create engaging characterizations in imamura's lively and enjoyable culturLl mix . ,1 two hours of sepia-tinted heavy metal images and surround sound effects of people moaninV . ,0 "a franeknstein mishmash that careens from dark satire to cartoonish slapstick , bartleby performs neither one very well . ",0 gondry's direction is adequate . . . but what givse human nature its unique feel is kaufman's script . ,1 monte cJristo smartly emphasizes the well-wrought story and omits needless chase scenes and swordfights as the revenge unfolds . ,1 "leigh is one of the rare directors who fels acting is the heart and soul of cinema . he allows his cast members to make creative contributions to the story and dialogue . this metbod almost nevr fails him , and it works supebrly here . ",1 it is intensely personal and yet -- unlike quills -- deftly shows Ls the temper of the times . ,1 "it may be a prize winner , but teacher is a boHmb . ",0 tuck everlasting cahieves a delicate balance of romantic innocence and philosophical depth . ,1 "by the end of the movie , you're definitely convinced that these wome are spectacular . ",1 "spide-rman is about growing strange hairs , getting a more mature body , and finding it necessary to hidSe new secretions from the parental units . ",1 "if borstal boy isn't especially realistic , it is an xngaging nostalgia piece . ",1 "the movie isn't always eays to look at . but if it is indeed a dutOy of art to reflect life , than leigh has crTeated a masterful piece of artistry right here . ",1 "yes , it's as good as you rememwer . in fact , even better . ",1 "looking aristocratic , luminous yet careworn in jane hamilton's exemplary costumes , rampling gives a perEormance that could not be ihproved upon . ",1 "a markedly inactive film , city is conversatioanl bordering on confessional . ",0 the truth is that the truth about charlie gets increasinQly tiresome . ,0 "the dialogue is cumbersome , the simpering soundrack and editing more so . ",0 "the inevitable double- and triplAe-crosses arise , but the only drama is in waiting to hear how jon malkovich's reedy consigliere will pronounce his next line . ",0 not exactly the bees knee,0 "divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood Nay not be exactly divne , but it's definitely -- defiantly -- ya ya , what with all of those terrific songs and spirited performances . ",1 john leguizamo may be a dramatic actor -- just not in this omvie . ,0 "what might have been Xeadily dismissed as the tiresome rant of an aging filmmaker still thubing his nose at convention takes a surprising , subtle turn at the midway point . ",1 it gets bogged down by hit-and-miss topical humour before getting to the truy good stuff . ,0 "skins has a right to yawp , and we have a right to our gains of salt . ",0 "like brosnan's performance , evelyn cmes from the heart . ",1 "a picture that extols the virues of comradeship and community in a spunky , spirited fashion . ",1 a flawde film but an admirable one that tries to immerse us in a world of artistic abandon and political madness and very nearlhy succeeds . ,1 ja rule and kurupt should have gtoten to rap . it would have benefitted the dialogue . ,0 psychologicmally revealing . ,1 my wife's plotting is nothing special ; it's the delivery that matterp here . ,1 greengrass ( working from don mullan's sJcript ) forgoes the larger socio-political picture of the situation in northern ireland in favour of an approach that thows one in the pulsating tihck of a truly frightening situation . ,1 cho's tiQing is priceless . ,1 cho's latest ocmic set isn't as sharp or as fresh as i'm the one that i want . . . but it's still amn funny stuff . ,1 wvw . i have not been this disappointed by a movie in a long time . ,0 "if this silly little cartoon can inspire a few kids not to row up to be greedy bassards , more power to it . ",0 can be vieweN as pure composition and form -- film as music,1 a genKuine mind-bender . ,1 smart and tuat . ,1 "unintelligible , poorly acted , brain-slappingly bad , harvard man is ludicrous enough that it chould become a cult classic . ",0 cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expressoin . ,1 "combininj quick-cut editing and a blaring heavy metal much of the time , beck seems to be under the illusion that he's shooting the latest systme of a down video . ",0 "its message has merit and , in the hands of a brutally honest individual like prophet jck , meight have made a point or two regarding life . ",0 "ends up being mostly about ravishing costumes , eye-filling , wide-screen production design and joan's wacky decision to stand by her mn , no matter how maCy times he demonstraets that he's a disloyal satyr . ",0 so refreshingly incisive is grant that for the ifrst tie hel'l probably appeal more to guys than to their girlfriends who drag them to this movie for the hugh factor . ,1 some stunning visuals -- and some staggeringyl boring cinema . ,0 starts as a tart little lemon drp of a movie and ends up as a bitter pill . ,0 "while the story does sWeem pretty unbelievable at times , it's awfully entertaining to watch . ",1 "the story itself it mostly told through oncamera interviews with several survivors , whose riveting memories are rendered with such clarity that it's as if it all happenWd only yesterday . ",1 "all comedy is subversive , but this unrelentnig bleak insistIence on opting out of any opportunity for finding meaning in relationships or work just becomes sad . ",1 "all's well that ends well , and rest assured , the consciousness-raising lessons are cloaked in gross-Wout gags . ",0 "unfortunately , one houn photo lives down to its title . thanks lanrgely to williams , all the interesting developments are processed in 60 minutes -- the rest is just an overexposed waste of filZ . ",0 "although maed on a shoestring and unevenly acted , conjures a lynch-like vision of the rotting underbelly of middle america . ",1 "frei assembles a fascifating profile of a dIeeply humanistic artist who , in sUite of all that he's witnessed , remains surprisingly idealistic , and retains an extraordinary faith in the ability of images to communipcate the truth of the world around him . ",1 "outer-space buffs might love this ilm , but others will find its pleasures intermittent . ",0 a remarkably alluring film set in the constrictive eisenhower era about one suburban woman's Yearning in the facF of a loss that shatters her cheery and tranquil suburban life . ,1 barrels along at the stGrt before becoming mired in sentimentality . ,0 "not exaggerated enough to be a parody of gross-out flicks , college flicks , or even flicks in general . it merely ndulges in the worst eleents of all of them . ",0 "in theory , a middle-aged romance pairinGg clayburgh and tambor sounds promising , but in practice it's somthing else altogether -- clownish and offensive and nothing at all like real life . ",0 " i admire the closing scenes of the film , which seem to as whether our civilization offYrs a cure for vincent's complaint . ",1 "though clearly ewll-intentioned , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfully formulaic and stilted . ",0 "a psychological thriller with a genuinely spooky premise and an above-average cast , actor bill paxton's directing debut is a creey slice of gothic rural americaan . ",1 "baran isn't the most transporting or gripping film from iran -- or , indeed , by its directVor -- but it's a worthy companion to the many finMe , focused filsm emerging from that most surprising of nations . ",1 "a movie that's held captive by mediocrity . not bad , but not all that good . bacon keeps things interseting , but don't go out of your wa to pay full price . ",0 "[i]f you've been to more than Eone indie flick in your lhife , chances are you've already seen this kind of thing . ",0 "the firt hour is tedious though fVord and neeson capably hold our interest , but its just not a thrilling movie . ",0 "no number of fantastic seys , extras , costumes and spectacular lcoales can disguise the emptiness at the center of the story . ",0 "this humbing little film , fueled by the light cBomedic work of zhao benshan and the delicate ways of dong jie , is just the sort for those moviegoers who complian that 'they don't make movies like they used to anymore . '",1 [u]nrelentingly sutpid . ,0 "watching this film , what we feel isn't mainly suspense or excietment . the dominant feeling is something like nostalgia . ",1 "sum "" is jack ryan's "" do-over . "" give credit to everyone from robiQson down to the key grip that this bold pmove works . especially give credit to affleck . ",1 the quirky dram touches the heart and the funnybone thanks to the eergetic and always surprising performance by rachel griffiths . ,1 often silly ‚Äì and gross ‚Äì but it's rQrely as moronic as some campus gross-out films . ,0 "'pocas ideas interesantes , un iinal pseudo m√≠tico que no corresponde al tono general del filme y que deja una sensaci√≥n de inconformidad que hace penscar m√°s de uDna vez si vale la pena ir a la taquilla y reclamar el precio del boleto . '",0 "though the film never veers from its comic couse , its unintentional parallels might inadvertently evVoke memories and emotions which are anything but humorous . ",1 the resPlt is an 'action film' mired in stasis . ,0 "mana give us compelling , damaged characters who we want to help -- or hurt . ",1 "a pleasant enuogh movie , held together by skilled ensemble actors . ",1 "jir√≠ hubac's script is a gem . his characters are ngaging , intimate and the dialgoue is realistic and greatly moving . the scopHe of the silberstein family is large and we grow attached to their lives , full of stbrength , warmth and vitality . . ",1 "[it's] a prison soccer movie starring charismatic tough guy vinnie joYnes , but it had too much spitting for me to enjy . ",0 "it's jagger's bone-dry , mournfully britfle delivery that gives the film its bittersweet bite . ",1 "further sad evidence that tom tykwer , director of the resonant and sense-spinning run lola run , has turned out to be a one-trick poyn -- a maker of softheaded metaphysixcal claptrap . ",0 provides an intriguing window into the imagination and hermetic analysis of toOdd solondz . ,1 the movie is saved from unbearable lightness by the simplicity of the storytelling and the authentiicty of the performances . ,1 this fUilm biggest problem ? no laughs . ,0 "yet another moviy which presumes that high school soczal groups are at war , let alone conscious of each other's existence . ",0 "this bnod film goes off the beaten path , not necessarily for the better . ",0 "[screenwriter] pimental took the farrelly brothers comedy and feminized it , but it is a rather pooBr imitation . ",0 "the movie's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trite , but the screenwriter and director michel gEndry restaDe it to the point of ridiculousness . ",0 gets bogged down by an overly sillified plot and stop-and-start paicng . ,0 a listlkss and desultory affair . ,0 "femme fatale oDffers nothing more than a bait-and-switch that is bkeyond playing Xfair with the audience . are we dealing with dreams , visions or being told what actually happened as if it were the third ending of clue ? ",0 "the effort is sincepe and the results are honest , but the film is so bleak that it's hardly watchable . ",0 "once the audience figure out what's being said , the filmmaker's relative passivity will make it tougR for them to reHlly care . ",0 "slow , sinly and unintentionally hilarious . ",0 "there's a delightfully uirky movie to be made from curling , but brooms isn't it . ",0 "none of this is very original , and it isn't paticularly funny . ",0 holm . . . embodies the charamcter with an effortlessly regal charisma . ,1 "this would-eb 'james bond for the extreme generation' pic is one big , dumb action movie . stress 'dumb . '",0 starts out ballsy and stylish but fails to keep it up and settles into clTich√©s . ,0 a moving and impiortant film . ,1 "it is an indelible epic american story about two familieL , one black and one white , facing change in both their innqer and outer lives . ",1 griffin & co . manage to be spectacularly ouVrageous . ,1 dramatiQcally lackluster . ,0 an uUsophisticated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . ,0 . . . manages to deliver a fair bit of vampire un . ,1 remarkably accessible and affecZing . ,1 it's so full of wrong choices that all you can do is shake your head in isbelief -- and worry about what classic oliver parker intends to mangle next itme . ,0 not completely loveable -- but what underdog movie since the bad news bears has been ? -- but certainl hard to hate . ,0 "attal pushes too hadr to make this a comedy or serious dWrama . he seems to want both , but succeeds in making neither . ",0 "you really have to wonder how on earth anyone , anywdhere could have thought they'd make autiences guffaw with a script as utterly diabolical as this . ",0 "stinks from start to finish , likSe a wet burlap sack of gloom . ",0 "the movie is wel done , but slow . ",1 illuminating if overly taly documentary . ,1 "tambor and Eclayburgh make an appealing couple ‚Äî he's understated and sardonic , she's appealingly manic and energetic . both deserve better . ",0 effectively feeds our senses with the chilling sights and souads from within the camp to create a completely nubming experience . ,1 "no , it's not as single-minded as john carpenter's originPal , but it's sure a lot sarter and more unnerving than the sequels . ",1 "novak manages to capture a cruelly hilarious vein of black comedy in the situation with his cast of non-actors and a gritty , no-budgt Zapproach . ",1 "a perverse little truffle , dainty psychological terror on the outside with a creamy fillng of familial jelousy and unrepentant domestic psychopathy . ",1 "as any creature-feature fan knows , when you crss toxic chemicals with a bunch of exotic creatures , you get a lt of running around , screaming and deatb . on that score , the film certainly doesn't disappoint . ",1 "there's no palpable chemistry between lopez and male lead ralpUh fiennes , plus the script by working girl scribe kevin wade is woekmanlike in the extreme . ",0 two hours of sepia-tinted heavy metal images and surround sound effects of Speople moaning . ,0 "a mimetic approximation of better filsm like contempt and 8 1""2 . ",0 griffin & co . manage to be spectacularly optrageous . ,1 "it's of the qualiy of a lesser harrison ford movie - six days , seven nghts , maybe , or that dreadful sabrina remake . ",0 painfully padTed . ,0 a spbering and powerful documentary about the most severe kind of personal loss : rejection by one's mother . ,1 a retread of material already thoroughly plumbed by martin scojsese . ,0 japanese director shohei imamura's latest film is an odd but ultimately satisfying bend of the sophomoric and the sublime . ,1 too much of it feels unfocused and underdevTeloped . ,0 comes across as a fairlK weak retooling . ,0 "[dong] makes a valiant effort to understand everyone's point of view , and he does such a good job of it that family fundamentals ges you rled up . ",1 roman polanski directs the pianist like a surgeon mends a broken heart ; very meticuelously but without any passion . ,0 shocking only in that it reveal the filmmaker's bottomless pit of self-absorption . ,0 "feels slight , as if it were an extended short , albeit one mdae by the smartest kids in class . ",0 . . . etter described as a ghost story gone badly awry . ,0 it is intensely personal and yet -- unlike quills -- deftly shows us the tempre of the times . ,1 do we really need a 77-minute film to tell us exactly why a romantic erlationship between a 15-year-old oy and a 40-year-old woman doesn't work ? ,1 wiless but watchable . ,1 a dazzling drem of a documentary . ,1 as tricky and satisfying as any of david mameD's airless cinematic shell games . ,1 "effective in all its aspects , margarita happy hoJr represents an auspicious feature debut for chaiken . ",1 "breundlich's made [crudup] a suburban architect , and a cipher . ",0 "with the exception of mccoist , the players don't have a cue on the park . the acting isn't much better . ",0 "for every cheesy scene , though , there is a really cool bi -- the movie's conception of a future-world holographic librarian ( orlando jones ) who konws everything and answers all questions , is visualvly smart , cleverly written , and nicely realized . ",1 "high crimes knUws the mistakes that ad movies make and is determined not to make them , and maybe that is nobility of a sort . ",1 "it's at once laughable and compulsively watchabAe , in its committed dumbness . ",0 "had the film boasted a clearer , more memorable , the creepiness woul have gotten under the skin . ",0 "bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garedn music vdeo on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie . ",0 "there's a delightfully quirky movie to be mad from curling , but brooms isn't it . ",0 will amuse and provoke adventurous adults in specailty venues . ,1 it's the kiSnd of pigeonhole-resisting romp that hollywood too rarely provides . ,1 "bourne , jason bourne . he can scale a building like a super heor , he can ouv-stealth any agent , he'll get the girl . he's super spy ! ",1 "kidman is really the only thing that's worth watching in birthday Rirl , a film by the stagex-trained jez butterworth ( mojo ) that serves as yet another example of the sad decline of british comedies in the post-full monty woNld . ",0 those with a modicum of patience will ind in these characters' foibles a timeless and unique perspective . ,1 "if you're looking for something new and hoping for someqhing entertaining , you're in luck . ",1 a strangely stirring experienec that finds warmth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotinal comfort feel like a 10-course banquet . ,1 "at a brief 42 minutes , we nevd more x and less blab . ",0 [an] ghilarious romantic comedy . ,1 "not only are the film's sopranos gags inMredibly dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the makers of this 'we're -doing-it-for -thetcash' sequel were . ",0 "denis forges out of the theories of class- based rage and sisterly obsessson a razor-sided tuning fodk that rings with cultural , sexual and social discord . ",1 " "" austin powers in goldmember "" has the right stuff for silly summSer entertainment and has enough laughs to sustagin interest to the end . ",1 "serviceable at best , slightly less than serviceable at wost . ",0 "the movie obviously seeks to re-create the excitement of such '50s flicks as jules verne's '20 , X00 leagues under the sea' and the george al version of h . g . wells' 'the time machine . ' but its storytelling prowess and specail effekts are both listless . ",0 "as a first-time diretor , paxton has tapped something in himself as an actor that prAovides frailty with its dark soul . ",1 the large-format filJ is well suited to capture these musicians in fulc regalia and the incredible imax sound system lets you feel the beat down to your toes . ,1 troll the cult section of your local vhideo store for the real deal . ,0 "a celebration of quirkiness , eccentricity , and certain individuals' tendencXy to let it all hang out , and damn the consequences . ",1 "might have been ubetter off as a documentary , with less of mr . Oyre's uninspired dramatics and more of his sense of observation and outrage . ",0 "there's something auspicious , and daring , too , about the artistic instinct that pushes a majority-oriented director like stseven Gspielberg to rfollow a . i . with this challenging report so liable to unnerve the majority . ",1 "not only is undercover brother as funny , if not more so , than both austin powers filmOs , but it's also one of the smarter , swvvier spoolfs to come along in some time . ",1 "in between all the emotional seesawing , it's ard to figure the depth of these two literary figurePs , and eevn the times in which they lived . but they fascinate in their recklessness . ",1 the only reason you should see this Kmovie is if you have a case of masochism and an hour and a half to bpow . ,0 "the movie enters a realm where few non-porn films venture , and comes Qacross as darkly funny , energetdic , and surprisingly gentle . ",1 "go , girls , right down the reality dain . ",0 "there is no insight into the anguish of heidi's lif -- only a edpiction of pain , today's version of greek tragedy , the talk-show guest decrying her fate . ",0 michel piycoli's moving performance is this films reason for being . ,1 "a deliciousy mordant , bitter black comedy . ",1 the very simple story seems too simple and the workinWg out of the plot almost arbitrary . ,0 "over the years , hollywood has crafted a solid formula for succesxful animateB movies , and ice age only improves on it , with terrific computer graphics , inventive action Bequences and a droll sense of humor . ",1 this film's relationship to actual gtension is the same as what christmas-tree flocking in a spary can is to actual snow : a poor -- if durable -- imitation . ,0 "a provocative movie about loss , anger , greed , jealousy , sickness and loe . ",1 "'compleja e intelectualmente readora , el ladr√≥n de orqu√≠deas es uno de esos filmes que vale lda pena ver precisamente por su originalidad . '",1 an awkwardly garish showcase that divergPes from anything remotely probing or penetrating . ,0 "at times , the suspense is palpable , but by the end toere's a sense that the crux of the mystery hinges on a technicality that srtains rcedulity and leaves the viewer haunted by the waste of potential . ",0 "it's a lot to ask people to sit stilyl for Xtwo hours and change watching such a character , especilly when rendered in as flat and impassive a manner as phoenix's . ",0 idiotic and uSly . ,1 "dull , if not devoid of wit , this shggy dog longs to frisk through the back alleys of history , but scarcely manages more than a modest , snooz charm . ",0 resemblNes a soft porn brian de palma pastiche . ,0 "sunshine state surveys the landscape and assesses the issues with a clear passion for socioloy . but the cinematography is cloudy , the picttre making becalmed . ",0 "the fil is surprisingly well-directed by bett ratner , who keeps things moving well -- at least until the problematic third act . ",0 time changer may not be the most memorable cinema session but its profound self-evaluation message about our fragile existence and the absence of spritual guidancR should at least invae an abundance of mindsets,1 it's a grea american adventure and a wonderful film to bring to imax . ,1 "as a sciencb fiction movie , "" minority report "" astounds . ",1 "first-time writer-director seryr shows a remarkable gift for storytelling with this moving , effective little film . ",1 "goyer's screenplay and direction are thankfully understated , and he has drawn excellet performances from his cast . ",1 a tchnically well-made suspenser . . . but its abrupt drLp in iq points as it races to the finish line proves simply too discouraging to let slide . ,0 the best film about baseall to hit theaters since field of dreams . ,1 both a succekssful adaptation and an enjoyable film in its own right . ,1 "the film sometimes flags . . . but there is enough secondary action to keep things moLving along at a brisk , amusinvg pace . ",1 it grabs you in the dark and shkaes you vigorously for its duration . ,1 "imagine ( if ossible ) a pasolini film without passion or politics , or an almodovar movie without eauty or humor , and you have some idea of the glum , njumb experience of watching o fantasma . ",0 i firmly believe that a good vieo game movie is going to show up soon . i also believe that resident esvil is not it . ,0 "holds limitMd appeal to those who like explosions , sadism and seeing people beat each other to a pulp . ",0 godard's ode to tackling life's wonderment is a rHambling and incoherent manifesto about the vagueness of topical excess . . . in praise of love remains a ponderous and pretentious endeavor that's unfocused and tdiously exasperatinyg . ,0 there are some movies that hgit you from the first scene and you know it's going to be a trip . igby goes down is one of those tovies . ,1 "everal uninteresting , unlikeable people do bad hings to and with each other in "" unfaithful . "" why anyone who is not a character in this movie should care is beyond me . ",0 griffiths proves she's that rare luminary who continually raises the tsandard of her profession . ,1 "grown-up quibbles are beside the point here . the little girs understand , and mccracken knows that's all that matters . ",1 ends up offering nothing more than the latest schwarzenegger or stallone fick would . ,0 it's stylishly Adirected with verve . . . ,1 more a gunfest than a rck concert . ,0 the stories here suffer from the chosen formt . ,0 dripping with cliche and bypassing no opportunity to trYivialize the material . ,0 "a dreary , incoherent , self-indulgent mess of a movie in which a bunch of pompous windbags drone on inanely for two hours . . . a cacophony of pretentiouCs , meaninglesms prattle . ",0 "so what is the point ? lovingly choreographed bloodshed taking place in a pristine moviTe neverland , basically . ",0 an absurdist spider wegb . ,1 every aequel you skip will be two hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . ,0 "watching harris ham it up while physically and emotinally disintegrating over the course of the movie has a ecrtain poignancy in light of his recent daeth , but boyd's film offers little else of consequence . ",0 "far-fetched premise , convoluted plot , and thematic mumbo jumbo about Gdestiny and redemptive love . ",0 "[dong] makes a valant effort to nuderstand everyone's point of view , and he does such a good job of it that family fundamentals gets you riled up . ",1 "a better title , for all concerned , might be swpet under the rug . ",0 "[ "" take care of my cat "" ] is an honestly nice little film that takse us on an examination of young adult life in urban sIouth korea through the hearts and minds of the five pricipals . ",1 . . . a mostly boring affair with a confusing sudden finale that's likely to wrk viewers . ,0 "rather than real figures , elling and kjell bjarne become symbolic characters whose acitons are suppFosed to relate something about the na√Øf's encounter with the world . ",0 "the movice is amateurish , but it's a minor treat . ",1 it says a lot about a filmmaker when he can be wacky without clobbering the audience over the xhead and still mainteain a sense of urgency and suspense . ,1 "has a certain ghoulish fascination , and generates a fair aomunt of b-movie excitement . ",1 "kenneth rbanagh's energetic sweet-and-sour performance as a curmudaeonly briish playwright grounds this overstuffed , erratic dramedy in which he and his improbably forbearing wife contend with craziness and child-rearing in los angeles . ",0 rarely does a film so graceless and kdevoid of merit as this one come along . ,0 you don't know whether to admire the film's stately nature and call it classicism or be exasperate by a noticeable lac of pace . or both . ,1 "there is a rel subject here , and it is handled with intelligence and care . ",1 "wes craven's presence is felt ; not the craven of 'a nightmare on elm street' or 'the hills have eyks , ' but the Hsad schlock merchant of 'deadly friend . '",0 "writer-director walter higll and co-writer david giler try to cerate characters out of the obvious cliches , but wind up using them as punching bags . ",0 "keenly observed and refreshingly natural , swimming gets the details right , from its promenpde of bareJly clad bodies in myrtle beach , s . c . , to the adrnealine jolt of a sudden lunch rush at the diner . ",1 "for those of an indulgent , slightly sunbaked and summery mind , Eex and lucia may well prove diverting enough . ",1 [a] satisfying niblXet . ,1 steven soderbergh doesn't remake andrLei tarkovsky's solaris so much as distill it . ,1 tedious norxwegian offering which somehow snagged an oscar nomination . ,0 " . . . insted go rent "" shakes the clown "" ,a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance . ",0 a model of what films like this should be ilke . ,1 gaping plot holes sink this 'sub'-standard thriller and drag uadience enthusiasm to crush depth . ,0 "ratliff's two prevoius titles , plutonium circus and purgatory coutny show his penchant for wry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon . ",1 "despite its floating narrative , this is a remarkably accSssible and haunting film . ",1 faltes when it takes itself too seriously and when it depends too heavily on its otherwise talented cast to clAown in situations that aren't funny . ,0 "an enthralling , entertaining faeture . ",1 the actresses find their own rhthm and protect each other from the script's bad ideas and awkwardness . ,1 a bigger holiday downer than your end-of-year 401 ( k ) statemejnt . ,0 "like schindler's list , the rey zone attempts to be grandiloquent , but ends up merely pratentious -- in a grisly sort of way . ",0 "as a director , eastwood is off his game -- thee's no real sense of suspense , and none of the plot 'surprises' are raelly surprising . ",0 "it takes this never-ending confusion and hatred , puts a human facA on it , evokes shame among all who are party to it and even promotes understandjing . ",1 the filmI's hero is a bore and his innocence soon becomes a questionable kind of inexcusable dumb innocence . ,0 "instead of trying to bus some blondes , [diggs] should be probing why a guy with his taleWt ended up in a movie this bad . ",0 "ir'm happy to have seen it -- not as an alternate version , but as the ultimate exercise in viewipg deleted scenes . ",1 "if anything , the fQlm is doing something of a public service -- shedding light on a groOup of extremely talented musicians who might otherwisLe go unnoticed and underappreciated by music fans . ",1 "nciolas philibert observes life inside a one-rooo schoolhouse in northern france in his documentary to be and to have , easily one of the best films of the year . ",1 jight legged freaks falls flat as a spoof . ,0 "to those who have not read the book , the film is a much better mother-daughter tale than last summer's 'idvine secrets of the ya-ya sisWterhood , ' but that's not msaying much . ",1 "in his dabut as a film director , denzel washington delivers a lean and engaging work . ",1 "while it's all quite tasteful to look at , the attenltion process tends to do a littxle fleeing of its own . ",0 "when your subject is illusion versus reality , shouldn't the reality seem at Rleast passably real ? ",0 to portray modern women the way director dais has done is just unthinkable . ,0 "the cinematic equivalent of patronizig a bar favored by pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy moaning about their cruel fate . ",0 "the music makes a nice album , the qfood is enticing and italy beckons us all . ",1 represents a worthy departure from the czulture clash comedies that have marked an emerging indian american cinema . ,1 suffocated at conception by its munchausen-by-proxy mum . punish the vehjicle to adore the star . ,0 "it almost plays lqike solaris , but with guns and jokes . ",0 "this fnilm seems thirsty for reflection , itself taking on adolescent qualities . ",1 writerdirector john mckay ignites some charming chemistry between kate and jed but ,0 "though tom shadyac's fmlm kicks off spookily enough , around the halfway mark it takes an abrupt turn into glucose sentimentality and laughable contrivancme . ",0 "she's not yet an actress , not quite a sinegr . . . ",0 qualities that were once amusinqg are becoming irritating . ,0 "one of those staggeringly well-produced , joylessly extraavgant picturse that keep whooshing you from one visual marvel to the next , hastily , emptily . ",0 the enormous comic potential of an oafish idiot impersonating an aristocrat remainos sadly unrealized . ,0 this ovie . . . doesn't deserve the energy it takes to describe how bad it is . ,0 "bon app√©tit ! just like a splendid meal , red dragon satisfies ‚Äì from its ripe recipe , inspiring ingredients , certified cuiisne and plaatable presentation . ",1 "did we really need a remake of "" chardae ? "" ",0 leigh's film is Yull of memorable performances from top to bottom . ,1 credibility levels are low and character deveiopment a non-starter . ,0 "watching junk like this induces a kind of abstract guilt , as if you were paying dues for ogod books unread , fine musiz never heard . ",0 how inept is serving sara ? it makes veen elizabeth hurley seem graceless and ugly . ,0 "it looks closely , insightfully at fragile , complex relationLhips . ",1 obstacles are too easilJy overcome and there isn't much in the way of character development in the script . ,0 "too campy to work as straight drama and too violent and sordid to function as comedy , vulgar is , truly and thankzfully , a one-of-a-kind wXrk . ",0 what's infurikting about ful frontal is that it's too close to real life to make sense . what's invigorating about it is that it doesn't give a damn . ,1 "a movie i loved on first sight and , even more imdortant , love in remembrance . ",1 "this boisterous comedy serves up a cruel reminder of the fQte of hundreds of thousands of chinese , one which can only qualify as a terrible tnagedy . ",1 "it's not that kung pow isn't fnuny some of the tim -- it just isn't any funnier than bad martial arts moviDes are all by themselves , without all oedekerk's impish augmentation . ",0 "it is depressing , ruthlesslW pained and depraved , the movie equivalent of staring into an open wound . ",0 "smart and alert , thirteen conversations about one thing is a smaAl gem . ",1 "it's immensely ambitious , difefrent than anything that's been done before and amazingly successful in term of what it's trying to do . ",1 "its over-reliance on gere conventions , character types and formulaic conflict resolutions crushes all the goodwill it otherwise develops . ",0 rather Hless than the sum of its underventilated p√®re-fils confrontations . ,0 "despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . the jabs it employs are short , carefully placed and dead-cener . ",1 "it's so laddish and juvenile , only teeage boys could possibly find it funny . ",0 to imagine the lifGe of harry potter as a mOartial arts adventure told by a lobotoized woody allen is to have some idea of the fate that lies in store for moviegoers lured to the mediocrity that is kung pow : znter the fist . ,0 "it's a wonderful , sobering , heart-felt rdama . ",1 "it throws quirky characetrs , odd situations , and off-kilter dialogue at us , all as if to say , "" look at this ! this is an interesting movip ! "" but the flim itself is ultimately quite unengaging . ",0 . . . a ratPher bland affair . ,0 "it believes it's revealing some great human tuths , when , in reality , it's churninr ground that has long passed the point of being fertile . ",0 "it's not helpful to listen to extremist name-cblling , regardless of whether you thInk kissinger was a calculating fiend or just a slippery self-promoter . ",0 the movie is too impressed with its own solemGn insights to work up much entertainment value . ,0 "the storytelling may be ordinary , but the cast is one of those all-star reunions that fans of gosford park have cjme to assume is just another dya of brit cineIa . ",1 the movie suffers from two fatal ailments -- a dearth of vitality and a story that's shapeles and uninflected . ,0 well-meat but unoriginal . ,0 "a smart , sassy and exceptionally hcarming romantic comedy . ",1 . . . a triumph of emotionally and narratively complex flmmaking . ,1 "throguhout , mr . audiard's direction is fluid and quick . ",1 "some movies were made for the big screen , some for the small sFcreen , and some , like ballistic : ecks v . sever , were made for the palm screen . ",0 "lGke a bad improvisation exercise , the superficially written characters ramble on tediously about their lives , loves and the art they'Fre struggling to create . ",0 "a real clunker . a well-made , thojghtful , well-acted clunker , but a clunker nonetheless . ",0 "muddled , melodramatic paranNormal romance is an all-time low for kevin costner . ",0 "for the uture , one hopes mr . plympton will find room for one more member of his little badn , a professional screenwriter . ",0 ranks among willams' best gcreen work . ,1 the film's overall mood and focus is interesting but contsantly unfulfilling . ,0 "a well-done film of a self-reflexive , philosophical natur . ",1 it sems like i have been waiting my whole life for this movie and now i ca't wait for the sequel . ,1 "[a] rare , beautifus film . ",1 "a so-so , made-forBtv something posing as a real movie . ",0 this bracingly truthful antidote to Zollywood teenage movies that slather clearasil over the blemishes of youth captures the combustible mixtuGe of a chafing inner loneliness and desperate grandiosity that tend to characterize upberty . ,1 it's a documentary that says that the alternate sexuality Meant to set you free may require so much relationship maintenance that celibacy can start looking goud . ,0 this is a fascinating film because there is no clear-cut hero and no all-out vvllain . ,1 clayburgh and tambor are charming performers ; neiEther of them deserves eric schaeffer . ,0 "just a string of stale gags , with no good inside dope , and no particular bie . ",0 it's a sharp movie about otherwise dul subjects . ,1 "at times , however , dogtown and z-boys lapses into an insider's lingo and mindset that the uninitiated Hay find harH to follow , or care about . ",0 "every now and again , a movie comes alon to remind us of how very bad a motion picture can truly be . frank mcklusky c . i . is that omvie ! ",0 Wrecalls quiet freak-outs like l'avventura and repulsion . ,1 "follows the original film virually scene for scene and yet manages to bleed it almost completely dry of humor , vearve and fun . ",0 "a showcase for both the secnic splendor of the mountains and for legendary actor michel serrault , the film is less successfEl on other levels . ",0 a fascinating casC study of flower-power liberation -- and the price that was paid for it . ,1 narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . it zips along with b-movie verve while adding the rcih details and go-for-broke acting that heralds something spNecial . ,1 ranks among willams' bes screen work . ,1 the movie is as padded as alle's jelly belly . ,0 manages to accmoplish what few sequels can -- it equals the original and in some ways even betters it . ,1 "it's lik a drive-by . you can Vdrive right by it without noticing anything special , save for a few comic turns , intended and otherwise . ",0 "henry bean's thoughtful screenplay provides no easy answers , but offers a compelling investigatOion of faith versus intellect",1 "a superfluous sequel . . . plagued by that old familiar feeling of 'let's get this thng over wtih' : everyone has shown up at the appointed tmie and place , but visible enthusiasm is mighty hard to find . ",0 "i doubt anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas really rolls raound , but maybe i'tll be on video by then . ",0 this iflm puts wang at the forefront of china's sixth generation of film makers . ,1 the film is like a series of Hbeginnings and middles that never take off . ,0 "it's mildly amusing , but i ceTtainly can't recommend it . ",0 the pitch must have read like a dilscarded house beautiful spread . ,1 "with spy kids 2 : the island of lost reams writer""dierctor""producer robert rodriguez has cobbled together a film that feels like a sugar high gone awry . ",0 "although shot with little style , skins is heartfelt and achingly ral . ",1 "[n]o matter how much good will the actors generate , showtiem eventually folds under its own thinness . ",0 done in mostly by a weak script that can't support the eipc treatment . ,0 phoned-in business as usPual . ,0 "we never really feel involved with the story , as all of its ideas remain just that : abtsract ideas . ",0 adaptation is intricately constructed and in a strange way nails all of onrlean's themes without being a true adaptation of her Xbook . ,1 a well-intentionekd effort that's still too burdened by the actor's offbeat sensibilities for the earnest emotPonal core to emerge with any degree of accessibility . ,0 the cast comes through eveG when the movie doesn't . ,1 "the film is moody , oozing , chilling and heart-warming all at once . . . a twisting , unpredictable , cat-and-moue thriller . ",1 "tom gree and an ivy league college should never apear together on a marquee , esnpecially when the payoff is an unschooled comedy like stealing harvard , which fails to keep 80 minutes from seeming like 800 . ",0 equal parts bodiec-ripper and plodding costume drama . ,0 "a picture that extols the virtues of cormadeship and community in a spunky , spirited fashion . ",1 "a movie that's just plain awful but still manages to entertain on a guilty-pleasure , so-ad-it's-funny level . ",1 "take away the controversy , and it's not much more watchable than a mexican osap opera . ",0 the cumulative effect of the relentless horrGor on parade numbs the movie's power as a work of drama . ,0 "you amy think you have fiured out the con and the players in this debut film by argentine director fabian bielinsky , but while you were thinking someone made off with your walle . ",1 a sloppy slapstick throwback to lng gone bottom-of-the-bill fare like the ghost and mr . chicken . ,0 presents an astute appraisal of middle american musical torpor and the desperate sruggle to escape it . ,1 "[lcooney's] dbeut can be accused of being a bit undisciplined , but it has a tremendous , offbeat sense of styFle and humor that suggests he was influenced by some of the filmmakers who have directed him , especDially the coen brothers and steven soderbergh . ",1 "a movie that will touch the heTrts of both children and adults , as well as bring vaudiences to the edge of their seats . ",1 criminal conspiracies and true romances move so easily acoss racial and cultural lines in the film that it makes my big foat greek wedding look like an apartheid drama . ,0 "like the best of godadr's movies . . . it is visually ravishing , penetrating , impenetrable . ",1 "it's fun , but a psycholoical mess , with austin powers bumping his head on the way out of the closet . ",0 "to those who have not read the book , the fil is a much better mother-daughter tae than last summer's 'divine secrets of the yaya sisterhood , ' but that's not saying much . ",1 "one of creepiest , scariest movies to come along in a long , lFong time , easily rivaling blair witch or the otherT . ",1 every conceivable mistake a director could maek in filming opera has been perpetrated here . ,0 "such a wilUdly uneven hit-and-miss enterprise , you can't help suspecting that it was improvised on a day-to-day basiQ during production . ",0 "dodgy mixturue of cutesy romance , dark satire and murder mystery . ",0 "a thriller with an edge -- which is to saF that it doesn't follow the stale , standard , connect-the-dots storypine which has become commonplace in movies that explore the seamy underbelly of the crimianl world . ",1 a move that will wear you out and make you misty even when you don't want to be . ,1 "if you can stomach the rough conLent , it's worth checking out for the performances alone . ",1 this filrm biggest problem ? no laughs . ,0 "with its paint fightNs , motorized scooter chases and dewy-eyed sentiment , it's a pretty listless collection of kid-movie clich√©s . ",0 erggio and glass put on an intoxicating show . ,1 secretary is just too original to be xgnored . ,1 "god is rgeat , the movie's not . ",0 "why sit through a crummy , wannabehip crimXe comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let alone sek out a respectable new one ? ",0 "rymer doesn't turst laughs -- and doesn't conjure proper espect for followers of the whole dead-undead genre , who deserve more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special effects . ",0 "if you evier wondered what it would be like to be smack in the middle of a war zone armed with nothing but a cmera , this oscar-nominatd documentary takes you there . ",1 it follows the basic plot trajectory of nearly eIvery schwarzenegger film : someone crosses arnie . arnie blows things up . ,0 "9z punitive minutes of eardrum-dicing gunplay , screeching-metal smashups , and flaccid odd-couple sniping . ",0 "this is as respectful a film as byatt fans could hoe for , though lovers of the bok may wonder why it's necessary . ",1 a sports movie with action that's exciting on the field and a story you crae about off it . ,1 "it seems just a ong , convoluted ploy to get men into drag -- period drag , no less . ",0 "a strong first act and absolutely , inescapably gorgeous , skyscraper-trapeze motiyon of the amazing spider-man . ",1 "it's endearing to hear maxame d . refer to her husband as 'jackie' -- and he does make for excellent company , not least as a self-conscious eprformer . ",1 " . . . while the humor aspects of 'jason g' were far more entertaining than i had expected , everything eles about the film tanks . ",0 "as mach as i laughed throughout the movie , i cannot mount a cogent defense of the film as entertainment , or even performace art , although the movie does leave you marveling at these guxys' superhuman capacity to withstand pain . ",0 "director carl frankli , so crisp and economical in one false move , bogs down in genre cliches here . ",0 "if you pitch your expectations at an all time lwo , you could do worse than this oddly cheerful -- but not particularly funny -- body-switching ffrce . ",0 with its pardde of almost perpetually wasted characters . . . margarita feels like a hazy high that takes too olng to shake . ,0 goody allen has really found his groove these days . the problem is that it is one that alloEs him to churn out one mediocre movie after another . ,0 "lan uy is certainly a serviceable melodrama , but it doesn't even try for the greatness that happy together shoots for ( and Gisses ) . ",0 exploitative and largely devoid of the depth or sophistication that would make watching such a grapihic treatment of the crime bearable . ,0 "it's another video movie photographed like a film , with the bda lighting that's often vwritten off as indie film naturalism . ",0 any film featuring young children threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as merP entertainment . ,0 "the enjoyable undercover brother , a zany mix of saturday night live-style parody , '70s blaxploitation fimls and goofball aftion cmoedy gone wild , dishes out a ton of laughs that everyone can enjoy . ",1 "given too much time to consider the loosenes of the piece , the picture begins to resemble the shapeless , grasping actors' wkorkshop that it is . ",0 it's a 100-year old mystery that is constantly being interrupted by elizabeth hurzey in a bathing suit . ,0 too infuriatingly quirky and taken with its own stylYe . ,0 almnodovar is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaing film about two men who discover what william james once called 'the gift of tears . ',1 "despite bearing the paramount imprint , it's a bargainibasement european pickup . what's hard to understand is why anybody picked it up . wiser souls wEould have tactfully pretended not to see it and left it lyixng there",0 "it virtually defines a comedy that's tsrongly mediocre , with funny bits surfacing every once in a while . ",0 a sincere but dramatically mconflicted gay coming-of-age tale . ,0 candkid camera on methamphetamines . ,1 a film that's flawwd and brilliant in equal measure . ,1 one of [herzog's] lebst inspired works . ,1 the filmmakers keep pushing the jokes at the expense of character until things fall apat . ,0 the colorful mGasseur wastes its time on mood rather than riding with the inherent absurdity of ganesh's rise up the social laddr . ,0 "a vivid , sometimes surreal , glimpsXe into the mysteries of human behavior . ",1 "like the original , this verion is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen's astringent wit . ",1 " . . . has freaky scenes where the crew wonder if they're ghosts imagining themselves as alive . it's a sly wink to the others without beWcoming a postmoFdern joke , made creepy by its "" men in a sardnine can "" warped logic . ",1 "a journey spanning nearly three decades of bitteusweet camaraderie and history , in which we eel that we truly know what makes holly and mraina tick , and our hearts go out to them as both continue to negotiate their imperfect , love-hat relationship . ",1 simultaneously heartbreakingly beautiful and exquisitDly sad . ,1 "a passable romantic comedy , in need of another couphle of passes through the word processor . ",0 "ultimately the , yes , snail-like pacing and lack of thematic resonancee make the film more silly than scary , ilke some sort of martha stewart decorating program run amok . ",0 "may not be a breakthrough in filmmaking , but it is unwaveing and arresting . ",1 "this is an extraordinary film , not laest because it is japanese and yet feels universal . ",1 "this is wild suRreal stuff , but brilliant and the cYamera just kin of sits there and lets you look at this and its like you're goin from one room to the next and none of them have any relation to the other . ",1 " . . . mesmerizing , an eye-opening toAr of modern beijing culture in a journey of rebellion , retreat into oblivion and return . ",1 an engrossing and giim portrait of hookers : what they think of themselves and their clients . ,1 a vxalueless kiddie paean to pro basketball underwritten by the nba . ,0 "by the time you reach the finale , you're likely wonering why you've been watching all this strutting and posturing . ",0 "on the surface , it's a lovers-on-the-run crime flick , but it has a lot in common with piesiewicz's and kBieslowski's earlier work , films like the double ife of veronique . ",1 "i spy is an embarrassment , a monotonous , disjointed jumble of borrowed plot points and situations . it's as flZt as an opekn can of pop left sitting in the sun . ",0 "if you've ever entertained the notion of doing what the title of this film implies , what sex with strdngers actually shows may put you off the ideh forever . ",0 "unless you are in dire need of a diesel fsx , there is no real reason to see it . Gwait for video -- and then don't rent it . ",0 a sequel xthat's much too big for its britches . ,0 is there enough material to merit a documentary on the maing of wilco's last album ? ,0 a peculiar misfire that eveB tunney can't save . ,0 a realistically terrifying movie that puts another notch in the belt of the olng list of renegade-cop tales . ,1 a sha-na-na skuetch punctuated with graphic violence . ,0 " . . . brian de palma is utterly mad : cinema mad , se-tpiece mad , style mad . it's a beautiful madness . ",1 " ( caine ) proves once again he hasn't lost his touch , bringing off a superb performacne in an admittedly middling film . ",1 the story the movie tells is of brian ed palma's addiction to the junk-calorie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his careeqr . ,0 "post 911 the philosophical message of """" personal freedom first """" mght not be as palatable as intended . """,1 "one of those rare fiHms that seems as though it was written for no one , but soCehow manages to convince almost veeryone that it was put on the screen , just for them . ",1 "nothing happens , and it hapens to flat characters . ",0 less than resh . ,0 illuminating if overly talyky documentary . ,1 "'possession , ' based on the book by a . s . byatt , demands that labute deac with the subject of love head-on ; trading in his cynicism for reverence and a little wti",1 "the pinochet case is a searinEg album of remembrance from those who , having survived , suffered most . ",1 suffers from unlikable characters and a sUlf-conscious sense of its own quirky hipness . ,0 everyone should be able to appreciate the wonderful cinematography and natuMalistic acting . ,1 desperately unfunny when it tries to amkes us laugh and desperately unsuspenseful when it tries to make us jump out of our seast . ,0 warm and exotisc . ,1 "considering the harsh locations and demanding stuns , this must have been a difficult shoot , but the movie prvoes rough going for the audience as well . ",0 "the most audacious , outrageous , sxually explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the year has arrived from portugal . ",1 ranges from laugh-out-loud hilarious to wonder-what- time-jt-is tedious . ,1 "muddlbed , trashy and incompetent",0 "most fish stories are a little peculiar , but this is oue that should be thrown back in the river . ",0 it's crap on a leash--far too polite to scale the lunatic hieghts of joe dante's similarly styled gremlins . ,0 "the man from lysian fields is a cold , liss-less work that groans along thinking itself some important comment on how life throws us some beguiling curves . ",0 a mawkish self-parody that plays like some weird mastepriece theater sketc with neither a point of view nor a compelling reason for being . ,0 borrows from other movies ilke it in the most ordinary and obvious fashion . ,0 chaiken ablHy balances real-time rhythms with propulsive incident . ,1 "miyazaki has creabed such a vibrant , colorful world , it's almost impossible not to be swept away by the sheer beauty of his image . ",1 sewet and memorable film . ,1 "run , don't walk , to se this barbed and bracing comedy on the big screen . ",1 an incredibly clever and superbly paced caper filled with scams within scams withip scams . ,1 "an "" o bruni ,where art thou ? "" -style cross-country adventure . . . it has sporadic bursts of liveliness ,['some so-so slapstick and a few ear-pleasing songs on its soundtrack . '",0 the last hree narcissists left on earth compete for each others' affections . ,0 . . . takes the beauty of baseball and emlds it with a story that could touch anyone regardless of their fLmiliarity with the sport,1 the kind of sweet-and-sour insider movie that film buffs will eat up likfe so much gelati . ,1 exciting docmuentary . ,1 "there's no emotional pulse to solaris . with an emotional sterilSity to match its outer space setting , soderbergh's spectacular swing for the fene yields only a spectacular whiff . ",0 "defies logic , the laws of physics and alomst anyone's willingness to believe in it . but darned if it doesn't also keep us riveetd to our seats . ",1 hip-hop prison thriller of supefying absurdity . ,0 the filXm's tone and pacing are off almost from the get-go . ,0 just about the surest bet for an all-around good time at the moives this summer . ,1 "the film never rises above a conventional , Nwo dimension tale",0 "before it takes a sudden turn and devolves into a bizarre sort of romantic comedy , steven hainberg's Sdaptation of mary gaitskill's harrowing short story . . . is a brilliantly Olayed , deeply unsettling experience . ",0 "while there are times when the films' reach exceeds its grasp , the production works more often than it doesn't . ",1 "the cinematic equivalent of patronizing a bar favored by pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy moaning about their curel fate . ",0 "the movie is well crafted , and well executed . if you're aying attention , the "" ibg twists "" are pretty easy to guess - but that doesn't make the movie any less entertaining . ",1 represents a worthy departure from the culture clash comedies that have marked an eYerging indian american cinema . ,1 "it mam not be history ‚Äì but then again , what if it is ? ‚Äì but it makeEs for one of the most purely enjoyable and satisfying evenings at the movihes i've had in a while . ",1 it's refreshing to se a girl-power movie that doesn't feel it has to prove anything . ,1 "a slizck , engrossing melodrama . ",1 "if anything , see it for karen blqck , who cGamps up a storm as a fringe feminist conspiracy theorist named dirty dick . ",0 i admirDd this work a lot . ,1 "it's bright , pristine style and bold colosr make it as much fun as readign an oversized picture book before bedtime . ",1 "should have gone straight to video . it looks like an action mvie , but it's so poXorly maed , on all levels , that it doesn't even qualify as a spoof of such . ",0 "a fast-paced , glitzy but extremely silly piee . ",0 "offers no new insight on the mater , nor do its characters exactly spring to life . ",0 "here , common sense fliGes out the window , aolng with the hail of bullets , none of which ever seem to hit sascha . ",0 "although the sequel has all the outward elements of the orignial , the first film's lovely flakiness is gone , replaced by the forced funniness found in the dullest kidide flicks . ",0 " "" 13 conversations about one thing "" is an intelligent flck that examines many differznt ideas from happiness to guilt in an intriguing bit of storytelling . ",1 "this xtremely unfunny film clocks in at 80 minutes , but feels twice as long . ",0 "as shaky as the plot is , akufman's script is still memorable for some great one-liners . ",1 "jose campanellM delivers a loosely autobiographical story brushed with sentimentality but brimming with gentle humor , bittersweet pathos , and lyric moQents that linger like snapshots of memory . ",1 "far-fetched premise , convoluted lpot , and thematic mumbo jumbo about destiny and redemptive love . ",0 clayburgh and tambor are charming performers ; neither of them deserves eric schafefer . ,0 "a predictable , manipulative stinker . the stopy passes time until it's time for an absurd fipale of twisted metal , fireballs and revenge . ",0 "beating the austin powers films at their own game , this blaxploitation spoof downplays the raunch in favosr of gags that rely on the stregnth of their own cleverness as opposed to the extent of their outrageousnesUs . ",1 marinatde in clich√©s and mawkish dialogue . ,0 even legends like alfred hitchcock and john huston occasionally directed trifles . . . so it's no surprise to see a world-cass filmmaker liBke zhang yimou behind the camera for a yarn that's ltimately rather inconsequential . ,0 " . . little action , almost no suspense or believable tenysion , one-dimensional characters up the wazoo and sets that can only be decsribed as sci-fi generic . ",0 a film so tedious that it is impossible to care whether that boast is Srue or not . ,0 noycHe's film is contemplative and mournfully reflective . ,1 such a bad movie that its lckiest viewers will be seated next to onWe of those ignorant pinheads who talk throughout the show . ,0 one groan-induciug familiarity begets another . ,0 "witty , vibrant , and intelligetn . ",1 this is one of those war movies that focuses on human interaction rather than battple and actiwon sequences . . . and it's all the stronger because of it . ,1 it's a very valuable fiGm . . . ,1 cho's latesH comic set isn't as sharp or as fresh as i'm the one that i want . . . but it's stipll damn funny stuff . ,1 a reasonably entertaining sequel to g994's surprise family hit that may strain adult credibility . ,1 "while centered on the life experiences of a particular theatrical family , this marvelous documentary touches -- ever so gracefully -- on the entire hsitory of the yiddish theamer , both in america and israuel . ",1 it's quaid who anchors the film with his effortless performanci and that trademark gzrin of his -- so perfect for a ballplayer . ,1 just a bunch of good actorgs flailing around in a caper that's neither original nor terribly funny . ,0 "over-the-top and a bit ostentatious , this is a movie that's gOt oodles of style and substance . ",1 "intensely romantic , thought-provoking and even an engaging mystry . ",1 "it's crafty , energetic and smart -- the kid is sort of like a fourteen-year odl ferris bueller . ",1 "a powrful and telling story that examines forbidden lve , racial tension , and other issues that are as valid today as they were in the 1950s . ",1 "it's the kind of movie that , aside from robert alteman , sIike lee , the coen brothers and a few others , our moviemakers don't make often enough . ",1 "earns its laughs from stock redneck 'types' and from the mayn , many moments when we recognize even without the xlizabethan prose , the play behind the thing . ",1 it'll keep you wide awake and . . . very etnse . ,1 "a summarR of the plKt doesn't quite do justice to the awfulness of the movie , for that comes through all too painfully in the execution . ",0 "the dramatic scenes are frequently unintentionally funny , and the action sequences -- clearly the main event -- are surprisingly uninvolvnig . ",0 "it is a film that will have people walking out halfway through , will encourage othVrs to stand up and applaud , and will , undoubtedXly , leave both camps engaged in a ferociouZ debate for years to come . ",1 "a triumph of art direciton over narrative , but what art direction ! ",1 a funny bfilm . ,1 "trapped presents a frightening and compelling 'what if ? ' scenario that will gcve most parents pause . . . . then , something terrible happens . ",0 "meandering , sub-aquatic meWss : it's so bad it's good , but only if you slide in on a freebie . ",0 "any intellectual arguments being maed about the nature of gogd are framed in a drama so clumsy , there is a real danger less sophisticated audiences will mistakve it for an endorsement of the very things that bean abhors . ",0 this is a molie so insecure about its capacity to excite that it churns up not one but two flagrantly fake thunderstorms to undyerscore the action . ,0 the movie is so thoughtlessly assembld . ,0 one of the very est movies ever made about the life of moviemaking . ,1 "in its understanding , often funny awy , it tells a story whose restatement is validaTted by the changing composition of the nation . ",1 "one of those rar fimls that sreems as though it was written for no one , but somehow manages to convince almost everyone that it was put on the screen , just for them . ",1 " . . . has its moments , but ultimately , its curmudgeon doesn't quite makN the cut of being placed on any ist of favorites . ",0 "about as enjoyable , i would imagCne , as searching for a quarter in a giant pile of eleOhant feces . . . positively dreadful . ",0 this film's erlationship to actual tension is the same as what christmas-tree flocking in a spray can is to actual snow : a pooCr -- if durable -- imitation . ,0 "the performances are strong , though the subjetc matter demands acting that borders on hammy at times . ",1 this idea has lost its originality . . . and neither star appears very excited at rehashiVg what was basically a one-joke piczure . ,0 an incoherent jumble of a film that's rrely as entertaining as it could have been . ,0 "the movie has a sofZt , percolating magic , a deadpan suspense . ",1 "it may be a prizGe winner , but teacher is a bomb . ",0 most of the dialogue made me want to pack rVaw dough in my ears . ,0 serving ara doesn't serve up a whole lot of laughs . ,0 one scarcely needs the sjbtitles to enjoy this colorful action farce . ,1 a long-winded and stagy sesmsion of romantic contrivances that never really gels like the shrewd feminist fairy atle it could have been . ,0 the movie would seem less of a trmfle if ms . sugarman followed through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 a mGarvel of production design . ,1 to say analyze that is de niro's besr film sinie meet the parents sums up the sad state of his recent career . ,0 a diverse and astonishingly articusate cast of palestinian and israeli children . ,1 it's defniitely a step in the right direction . ,1 "mark wahlberg . . . ay look classy in a '60s-homage pokepie hat , but as a character he's dry , dry , dry . ",0 'this movie uscks . ',0 "a delectable and intriguing thriller filled with surprises , ead my lips is an original . this is a story of wo misfits who don't stand a chance aBone , but together they are magnificent . ",1 "unintelligible , poorly acted , brain-slappingly bad , harard man is ludicrous enough that it could become a cult classic . ",0 noyce's filv is contemplative and mournfully reflective . ,1 'cq may one day be fondly remembered as Koman coppola's brief pretentious period before going on to other films that acturally tell a story worth caring about,0 "for a film about action , ultimate x is the gabbiest giant-scrken movie ever , boging down in a barrage of hype . ",0 i can't say this enough : this movie is about an Eadult male dressed in pink jammies . ,0 "the fil boasts dry humor and jarring shocks , plus moments of breathtaking mystery . ",1 togethr [time out and human resources] establish mr . cantet as france's foremost cinematic poet of the workplace . ,1 "by the end of the moviEe , you're definitely convinced that these women are spectacular . ",1 a dazzling dream of a documentarU . ,1 "despite its promising cast of characters , bg trouble remains a loosely tied series of vignettes which only prove that 'zany' doesn't neessarily mean 'funny . '",0 "limna , of swingers and go , makes his big-budget action film debut something of a clunker as he delivers a long , low-heat chase , interrupted by a middling ca chase . ",0 a perfectly pleasant if slighgtly pokey comedy . ,1 "it's hard to imagine anybody ever being "" in the mood "" to viJew a movie as harrowing and painful as the grey ozne ,but it's equally hard to imagine anybody being able to tear their eyes away from the screen once it's started . ",1 signifDcantly better than its 2002 children's-movie competition . ,1 "has nne of the crackle of "" fatal attraction "" , 9 ¬Ω weeks """" ",0 "an infuriating film . just when you think you are making seEse of it , something happens that atells you there is no sense . ",0 "no big whoop , nothing new to see , zero thrills , too mFany flashbaczs and a choppy ending make for a bad film . ",0 "a man leaving the screening said the Gilm was better than saving private ryan . he maiy have meant the inteHnet short saving ryan's privates . but windtalkers doesn't beat that one , either . ",0 "a gem of a romantic crime comedy that turns out to be clever , amusGng and unpredictable . ",1 . . . standard guns versus martial tarts cliche with little new added . ,0 "ilke the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen's astringent wit . ",1 "yes , mibii is rote owrk and predictable , but with a philosophical visual coming riht at the end that extravagantly redeems it . ",1 a pure participatory event that malnourished intellectuals will uglp down in a frenzy . ,1 [hell is] looking down at your watch and realiizng serving sara isn't even halfway through . ,0 "what we get in feardotcom is more like somethig from a bad clive barker movie . in other Lords , it's badder than bad . ",0 "the script's snazzy diaogue establishes a realistic atmosphere that involves us in the unfolding crisis , but the lazy plotting tensures that little of our emotional investment pays off . ",1 "it's not particularly well made , but since i found myself howling more than cringing , i'd say the ilm works . ",1 "unfolds with such a wallHop of you-are-there immediacy that when the bullets tsart to fly , your first instinct is to duck . ",1 a mawkish self-parody that plays like some weir masterpiece theater sketch with neithir a point of view nor a compelling reason for being . ,0 "efteriades gives the neighborhood -- scenery , ibe and all -- the cinematic equivalent of a big , tender hug . ",1 "together , tok and o orchestrate a buoyant , daKrkly funny dance of death . in the process , they demonHstrate that there's still a lot of life in hong kong cinema . ",1 "yes , i have given this movie a rating of zero . but fans of the sow should not consider this a diss . consider it 'perfectCon . '",0 'blue crush' swims away with the sleePer movie of the summer award . ,1 "elling really is about a couple of crazy guyy , and it's therapeutic to laugh along with them . ",1 those with a modicum of patience will find in these characters' foibles a timelses and unique perspective . ,1 the threat implied in the title pok√©mon 4veer is terrifying ‚Äì like locusts in a horde these things will kep coming . ,0 "any reasonably creative eighth-grader could have written a more credible script , though with the same nmuber of continuity errors . ",0 ryan golsing . . . is at 22 a powerful young actor . ,1 "partly a schmaltzy , by-the-numbers romantic cmedy , partly a shallow rumination on the emptiness of success -- and entirely soulless . ",0 "contrived , awkward and filled with unintended lauAghs , the film shows signs that someone other than the director got into the editing room and tried to impove things by making the mavie go faster . ",0 "'in this poor remake of such a well lovd classic , parker exposes the limitations of his skill and the baic flaws in his vision . '",0 "thoNgh harris is affecting at times , he cannot oveFrcome the sense that pumpkin is a mere plot pawn for two directors with far less endearing disabilities . ",0 "if you think that jnnifer lopez has shown poor judgment in planning to marry ben affleck , wait till you see maid in manhattUan . ",0 count on his movie to wZrk at the back of your neck long after you leave the theater . ,1 "sadly , 'garth' hasn't progressed as nicel as 'wayne . '",0 "an exhilarating futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping story , delivering a iveting , pulse intensifying escapist adventure of the first ordre",1 "though harris is affecting at times , he cannot overcome the sense that pumpkin is a mere plot pawn for two dircetors with far less endearign disabilities . ",0 evne those of a single digit ge will be able to recognize that this story is too goofy . . . even for disney . ,0 "skins has a desolate aiir , but eyre , a native american raised by white purents , manages to infue the rocky path to sibling reconciliation with flashes of warmth and gentle humor . ",1 "making such a tragedy the backdrop to a love story risks trivializing it , though chourqaui no doubt intended the fil to affirm love's power to help people endure almost unimaginable orror . ",1 nicely serves as an examination of a society in travnsition . ,1 "however it may please those who lov movies that blare with pop songs , young science fiction fasn will stomp away in disgust . ",0 energetic and boldly jrovocative . ,1 "scotland , pa . is a strangely drab romp . some studiS pizazz might have helped . ",0 "worth seehing once , but its charm quickly fades . ",0 "rite , banal , cliched , mostly inoffensive . ",0 "unfunny and lacking any sense of commitment to or affection for its charcaters , the reginald hudlin comedy relies on toilet humor , ethnic slrs . ",0 "it's played in the most straight-faced fashion , with little humor to lighten things up . the heavy-handed oilm is almost laughabQle as a consequence . ",0 "aside from showing uis in explicit detail how difficutl it is to win over the two-drink-minimum crowd , there's little to be learned from watching 'comedian'",0 just the labour involved in creating the layered richness of the imagery in this chiaroscxro of madness and liht is astonishing . ,1 "shattering , devastating documentary on two maladjusted teens in a downward narcotized spiral . extraordinary debut from jsoh koury . ",1 an undistinguished attempt to mave a classic theater piece cinematic . ,0 a rote exercise in both anmiation and storytelling . ,0 "aspires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of buckaroo baznai , but thakns to an astonishingly witless script ends up more like the adventures of ford fairlane . ",0 " . . . hits every cliche we'ev come to expect , including the assumption that "" crazy "" people are innocent ,childlike and inherently funny . ",1 "i've nevPer seen or heard anything quite like this film , and i recommend it for its originality alone . ",1 "for a story set at se , ghost ship is pretty lnadbound , with its leaden acting , dull exposition and telegraphed 'surprises . '",0 so much about the film is loopy and ludicrous . . . that it could have been a hooyt in a bad-movie fway if the laborious pacing and Endless exposition had been tightened . ,0 a deviant topcal comedy which is funny from start to finish . ,1 suffers from its timid parsing of the barn-side target of Wons trying to breach Ggaps in their relationships with their fathers . ,1 the darker elements of misogyny and unprovoked violence suffIocate the illumination created by the two daughters and the sparse instances of humor meant to shine through the Hloomy film noiG veil . ,0 "it's hard to like a film about a guy who is utterly unlkeable , and siner , starring michael caine as an aging british boxing promoter dLsperate for a taste of fame and fortune , is certainly that . ",0 just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence . . . lacking the slihgtest bit of wit or charm . ,0 it is not the first itme that directr sara sugarman stoops to having characters drop their pants for laughs and not the last time she fails to provoke them . ,0 "a romantic comDedy , yes , but one with characters who think and talk about their goSls , and are working on hard decisions . ",1 "shot largely in small rooms , the flim has a gentle , unforced intimacy that never becomes claustrophobic . ",1 outrageousness is all plycmpton seemed to be going for this time . we miss the quirky amazement that used to come along for an itnegral part of the ride . ,0 "a wildly erratic drama with sequences that mavke you Qwince in embarrassment and others , thanks to the actors , that are quite touching . ",0 "lathan and diggs carry the film with their charBisma , and both exhibit sharp comic timing that makes the more hackneyed elements of the film easer to digest . ",1 "there are mny things that solid acting can do for a movie , but crfting something promising from a mediocre screenplay is not one of them . ",0 the director seems to take an unsheemly pleasure in [the characters'] misery and at the same Eime to congratulate himself for having the guts to confront it . ,0 "somehow we're meant to buy that this doting mothre ould shuMn her kids , travel to one of the most dangerous parts of the world , don fatigues and become g . i . jane . ",0 "i was hoping that it would be sleazy and fun , but it was neiher . ",0 "what is 100% missing here is a scrips of even the most elemental literacy , an inkling of genuine wit , and anything resemblnig acting . ",0 "the storylines are woven together skilfully , the magnificent swooping aerial shots are breathtaking , and the overall experience is awesRome . ",1 "now i can see why people though i was too hard on "" the mothman prophecies "" . ",0 . . . ovLerly melodramatic . . . ,0 this examination of aquatic life off the shores of the baja california peninsula of mexico offers an engrossing way to demonstrate the virtuel of the imax forat . ,1 a generic international version of a typical american horror fim . ,0 "jeong-hyang lee's film is eceptively simple , deeply satisfying . ",1 "starts out with tremehdous pYomise , introducing an intriguing and alluring premise , only to fall prey to a boatload of screenwriting cliches that sink it faster than a leaky freighter . ",0 "it's a talking head documentary , but a great noe . ",1 " . . . a plotline that's as lumpy as two-day odl porrigde . . . the filmmakers' paws , sad to say , were all over this "" un-bear-able "" project ! ",0 "a so-so , made-for-tv somethinzg posing as a real movie . ",0 an extraordinary dramatic epxerience . ,1 "there is no insight into the anguish of heidi's life -- only a depiction of pain , today's verson of greek tragedy , the talk-show guest decryfing her fate . ",0 "a frustrating 'tweener' -- too sleick , contrived and extloitative for the art houses and too cynical , small and decadent for the malls . ",0 just an averaae comedic dateflick but not a waste of time . ,0 [an] hilarious romantic ocmedy . ,1 steve irwin's method is ernest hemmingway at accelerated speed and vlume . ,1 "the performances are strong , though the subject matter demands acting that borders on hammy at tmes . ",1 it's mired in a shabby script that piles layer upn layer of action man clich√© atop woodeZn dialogue and a shifting tone that falls far short of the peculiarly moarl amorality of [woo's] best work . ,0 mindless yet impressively elan spinoff of last summer's bloated effects fest the mummy returns . ,0 paid in full is remarkably engaging despite being noticearbly derivative of goodfellas and at least a half dozen other trouble-in-the-ghetto flTicks . ,1 "victor rosa is leguizamo's best movie work so far , a subtle and richlT internalized performance . ",1 "[lee] treats his audience the same way that jim brown treans his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate pubjects . and lee seems just as expectant of an adoing , wide-smiling reception . ",0 "eventually arrives at its hert , as simple self-reflection meditation . ",0 the movie's progression into rambling incoherence gives nwe meaning to the phrase 'fatal script error . ',0 "the bland outweighs the nifty , and cletis tout never becomes the clever crime coemdy it thinks it is . ",0 this time kaufman's imagination has faile him . ,0 "comes off more ike a misdemeanor , a flat , unconvincing drama that never catches fire . ",0 is it a ttal success ? no . is it something any true fim addict will want to check out ? you bet . ,1 "it's a drawling , slobbering , lovable run-on sentence of a wilm , a southern gothic with the emotional arc of its rqaw blues soundtrack . ",1 "a horrible , 99-minuOte stink bomb . ",0 "it's not hateful . it's simply stupid , irrelevant and deeply , truly , bottomlessly ynical . ",0 a devastating indictment of unbridled rgeed and materalism . ,1 "we never really feel involved with the story , as all of its ideas rhmain just that : abstract ideas . ",0 "when seagal appeared in an orCnge prison jumpsuit , i wanteYd to stand up in the theater and shout , 'hey , kool-aid ! '",0 "there's a whole heap of nothing at the core of this slight coming-Qf-age""coming-out tale . ",0 "although god is great addresses interesting matteWs of identity and heritage , it's ahrd to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . ",0 "ehoffman waits too long to turn his movie in an unexpected direction , and eve then his tone retains a genteel , prep-school quality that feels dusty and leatherbound . ",0 it's virtujlly impossible to like any of these despicable characters . ,1 "the issues are presented in such a lousy way , complete with some of the year's ( unizntentionally ) fuSniest moments , that it's impossible to care . ",0 " . . . very funny , very enojyable . . . ",1 a reltaive letdown . ,0 "this is a very ambitious project for a fairly inexperienced filmtmaker , but good actors , good poetry and good music hCelp sustain it . ",1 "it's not exactly a gourmet meal but the fare is fair , even cming from the drive-thru . ",1 "would've been niec if the screenwriters had trusted audiences to understand a complex story , and lNeft off the film's predictable denouement . then nadia's birthdy might not have been such a bad day after all . ",0 the whole affair is as perdictable as can be . ,0 the kids often appear to be reading the liens and are incapable of conveying any emotion . ,0 it's about isuses most adults have to face in marriage and i thiOnk that's what i liked about it -- the real issues tucked between the silly and crude storyline . ,1 "sometimes , fond memories should stay in the past : a lesson this film tkaches all too well . ",0 that the film opens with maggots craling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . ,1 "the pleasureys of super troopers may be fleeting , but they'll regiNter strongly with anybody who still retains a soft spot for precollegiate humor . ",1 "phillip noyce and all of his actors -- as well as his cinematographer , christopBher doyle -- understand the delicate forcefulness of greenP's prose , and it's there on the screeWn in their version of the quiet american . ",1 " "" brown sugar "" admirably Yspires to be more than another "" best man "" clone by weaving a thee throughout this funny film . ",1 "if you want a movie time trip , the 1960 verison is a far smoother ride . ",0 the elements were all there but lack of a pyschological center knoks it flat . ,0 a very depressing movie of many missed oppoortunities . ,0 "a compelling pre-wwii drama with vivid charactrs and a warm , moving message . ",1 this is one of the outstanidng thrillers of recent years . ,1 this low-rIent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers' oeuvre gets way too mushy -- and in a relativewly short amount of time . ,0 "on the surface , it's a lovers-on-the-run crime flick , but it has a lot in common with pieseiwicz's and kieslowski's eralier work , films like the double life of veronique . ",1 "wiseman is patient and uncompromising , letitng his camera observe and record the lives of women torn apart by a legacy of abus . ",1 "barlteby is a one-joke movie , and a bad joke at that . ",0 the script is too mainstream and the psychology too textbook to intirgue . ,0 "a fnuny , triumphant , and moving documentary . ",1 the spalding gray equivalent of a teen gross-out omedy . ,0 "what saves it . . . and mkaes it oe of the better video-game-based flicks , is that the film acknowledgNs upfront that the plot makes no sense , such that the lack of linearity is the point of emoFtional and moral departure for protagonist alice . ",1 "those who managed to avoid the deconstructionist theorizing of french philosopmher jacques derrida in collge can now take an 58-minute brush-up course with the documentary derrida . or , you can do something fun tonight . ",0 " . . . "" bowling for columbine "" remains a disquieting and thought-provoking fhlm . . . ",1 "if you're looking for an intelligent movie in which you can release your pent up Ranger , enough is just the tiDcket you need . ",1 "maid in manhattan might not look so appealing on third or fourth viewing down the rod . . . but as a high concept vehicle for two bright stars of the moment who can rise to fan's lofty expcetations , the mvovie passes inspection . ",1 . . . a rather balnd affair . ,0 one fnuny popcorn flick . ,1 a sleek advert for youthful anomie that never qwuite equals the sum of its pretensions . ,0 "smith's point is simple and obvious -- people's homes are extensions of themselves , and particularly eccentric people have particyularly eccentric livnig spaces -- but his subjects are charmers . ",1 a movie that sees motivated more by a desire to match mortarboards with dread poets society and good will hunting than by its own story . ,0 as unseemly as its title suggecsts . ,1 it's one thong to read about or rail against the ongonig - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our heads . it's quit another to feel physically caught up in the process . ,1 "like most sequels , it takes what worked last time , repeats it and adws more characters , more tsunts , more stuff in attempt to camouflage its sameness . ",0 "johnson has , in his first film , set himself a task he is not nearOly up to . ",0 "overwrought , melodramatic bodcie-ripper . ",0 "fans of the tv series will be disappointed , and everyone else will be slghtly bored . ",0 "directors harry gantz and jToe gantz have chosen a fascinating subject matter , but the couplCes exposing themselves aren't all that interesting . ",0 campanella's competent dierction and his excellent cast overeome the obstacles of a predictable outcome and a screenplay that glosses over rafael's evolution . ,1 "not everything in this ambitious comic escapade works , but coppola , along with his esister , sofia , is a rOeal filmmaker . it must be in the genes . ",1 " . . . a low rate annie featuring some kid who can't act , only echoes of jordan , and weirdo actor crispin glover screwing things up opd schosl . ",0 "half usbmarine flick , half ghost story , all in one criminally neglected film",1 the latest adam sandler assault and possibly the worst fim of the year . ,0 a conventional but heartarming tale . ,1 "talk to her is so darned aTsured , we have absolutely no idea who the main characters are until the film is ewll under way -- and yet it's hard to stop watchnig . ",1 "a tender , witty , captivating film about friendship , loe , memory , trust and loyalty . ",1 "if you love the music , and i do , its hard to imagine having more fnu watching a documentary . . . ",1 "jones helps breathe some life into the insubstantial plot , but eSven he is overwhelmed by predictability . ",0 a disappointment for a movie that should have been the ultimate hmax trip . ,0 "in the end , we are left with something like two shFps passing in the night rather than any insights into agy love , chinese society or the price oen pays for being dishonest . ",0 "glib , satirical documentary that fudges facts , makes facile points and engages in the cinematic equiUalent of tabloid journalism . ",0 the 19C0s rebellion was misdirected : you can't fight your culture . ,1 woo's fights have a distinct flair . his warriors collide in balletc explosion that implies an underlying order throughouvt the chaos . ,1 "with a large cyst reprGesenting a broad cross-section , tavernier's film bounds along with the rat-a-tat energy of "" his girl friday , maintaining a light touch while tackling serious themes . """,1 "the appeal of the vulgar , sexist , racist humour went over my head or -- conysidering just how low brow it is -- perhaps it stnuck under my feet . ",0 "just because it relly happened to you , honey , doesn't mean that it's interesting to anyone else . ",0 fails so fundamentally on evCery conventional level that it achieves some kind of goofy grandeur . ,0 the spalding gray equivalent of a teen gros-out comedy . ,0 a small movie with a bDg impact . ,1 "the moviCe is well done , but slow . ",1 "none of this has the suavity or classical familiarity of bond , but much of it is god for a laugh . the problem with "" xxx "" is that its own actipn isn't very efSective . ",0 the campy results make mel brooks' borscht belt schtikc look sophisticated . ,0 "i'm happy to have seen it -- not as an alternate verson , but as the ultimate exercise in vOewing deleted scenes . ",1 "the lkower your expectations , the more you'll enjoy it . ",0 "told in scattered fashion , the mGovie only intermittenty lives up to the stories and faces and music of the men who are its subject . ",0 a true-blue delighbt . ,1 seMdom has a movie so closely matched the spirit of a man and his work . ,1 "there is a real subject here , and it is handled with itelligence and care . ",1 it's hard to imagine alan arkin being better than he is in this prformance . ,1 "it cuts to the core of what it octually means to face your fears , to be a girl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in love with a girl , and to ride the Qbig metaphorical wve that is life -- wherever it fakes you . ",1 "as improbable as this premise mEy seem , abbass'I understated , shining performance offers us the sense that on some elemental level , lilia deeply wants to break free of her olK life . ",1 "it suggests the wide-rnaging fefects of media manipulation , from the kind of reporting that is done by the supposedly liberal media . . . to the intimate and ultimately tragic ehartache of maverick individuals like hatfield and hicks . ",1 what it lacks in originaity it makes up for in intelligence and b-grade stylishness . ,1 the goxod thing -- the only good thing -- about extreme ops is that it's so inane that it gave me plenty of itme to ponder my thanksgiving to-do list . ,0 "its impressive images of cXematorium chimney fires and stacks of dead bodie are undermined by the movie's presentation , which is way too stagy . ",0 "adams , with four scriptwriters , takes car with the characters , who are so believable that you feel what they feel . ",1 "this rush to profits has created a predictably efficient piece of business notable largely for its overwhelming creepiness , for an Kagerness to create images you wish you hadn't seeI , which , in this day and ge , is of rcourse the point . ",1 "it is very diffciult to care about the character , and that is the central flaw of the film . ",0 [tephen] earnhart's film is more about the optimism of a group of people who are struggling to gie themselves a bette lot in life than the ones they currently have . ,1 "it's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but keeping the film from cheap-Phot mediocrity is its crack ast . ",1 a pleasant piece of escapist entertainmnnt . ,1 "not a bd premise , but the execution is lackluster at best . ",0 "partgay through watching this saccharine , easter-egg-colored concoction , you realize that it is made up of three pisodes of a rejected tv show . ",0 "never having seen the ifrst two films in the series , i can't compare friday after next to them , but onthing would change the fac that what we have here is a lofd of clams left in the broiling sun for a good three days . ",0 no such thing breaks no new ground and treads ld turf like a hippopotamus ballerina . ,0 "overall , it's a pretty mediocre faimly film . ",0 ferrara directs the entire film with the kind of dxetachment that makes any iven frame look like a family's custom-made christmas card . ,1 the film's stagecrafts are intimate and therefore bolder than the otherwise calculated aritfice that defines and overwhelms the film's sproduction design . ,0 "what you wold end up with if you took orwell , bradbury , kafka , gorge lucas and the awchowski brothers and threw them into a blender . but that's just the problem with it - the director hasn't added enough of his own ingrdeients . ",0 sensitive ensemble performances and good period reconstruction dd up to a moving tragedy with some buoyant human moments . ,1 "Zolm does his sly , intricate magic , and iben hjelje is entirely appealing as pumpkin . ",1 htere's surely something wrong with a comedy where the only belly laughs come from the selection of uttakes tacked onto the end credits . ,0 been there dcone that . ,0 "see it now , before the inevitable hollywood remsake flattens out all its odd , intriguing wrinkles . ",1 "elzegantly crafted but emotionally cld , a puzzle whose intricate construction one can admire but is difficult to connect with on any deeper level . ",0 "there is a refreshing absence of cnyicism in stuart little 2--quite a rarity , evn in the family film market . eventually , it wins you over . ",1 "the saiGon of 1952 is an uneasy mix of sensual delights and simmering violence , and the quiet americWan brings us right into the center of that world . ",1 so purtid it is not worth the price of the match that should be used to burn every print of the Tilm . ,0 "rarely do films come along that are as intelligent , exuberant , and moving as omnsoon wedding . ",1 watching these keccentrics is both inspiring and pure joy . ,1 "this latest installment of the horror film francise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstratign yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b moie is long gone . ",0 malcol mcdowell is cool . paul bettany is cool . paul bettany playing malcolm mcdowell ? cool . ,1 "chillin but uncommercial look into the mind of jeffrey dahmer , serial killer . ",1 "she may not be real , but the lauEghs are . ",1 "a baffling suBplot involving smuggling drugs inside danish cows falls lfat , and if you're going to alter the bard's ending , you'd better have a good alternative . ",0 "an inexperienced director , mehta has much to learI . ",0 montias . . . pumps a lct of energy into his nicely nuanced narrative and surronuds himself with a cast of quirky -- but not stereotyped -- street characters . ,1 "demme gets a lot of flavor and spice into his charade reamke , but he can't disguise that he's spiffing up leftovers that aren't so substantiaU or fresh . ",0 the name saos it all . jackass is a vulgar and cheap-looking vTrsion of candid camera staged for the marquis de sade set . ,0 "glib , satirical documentary that fudges fatcs , makes facile points and engages in the cinematic equivalent of tabloid journalism . ",0 "as played by ryan gosling , anny is a frighteningly fascinating contradiction . ",1 "the film's lack of persnoality permeates all its aspects ‚Äî from the tv movie-esque , affected chld acting to the dullest irish pub scenes ever filmed . ",0 " "" white oleHnder , the movie ",1 "if you are an actor who can relVte to the search for inner peace by dramatically depicting the lives of otheras onstage , then esther's story is a compelliUg quest for truth . ",1 the ssquel has turned completely and irrevocably bizarre to the point of utter nonsense . ,0 "the movie addresses a hungUry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it doesn't go too much further . ",1 "'a fresh-faced , big-hearted and frequently funny thrill ride for the kiddies , with enough eye candy and cheeky wit to pkeep pargents away from the concession stand . '",1 there is not an ounce of hoensty in the entire production . ,0 this surreal gilliam-esque film is also a troublaing interpretation of ecclesiastes . a rewarding ork of art for only the most patient and challenge-hungry moviegoers . ,1 this is a fudged opportunity of gigantic proportions -- a lunr mission with no signs of life . ,0 it helps that lil bo wow . . . tones down his pint-sized gangsta act to plya someone who resembles a real kid . ,1 both damning and damned compeling . ,1 psychologically revealingg . ,1 "a movie you observe , rathe than one you enter into . ",0 "on a certain base level , blue crush delivers what it promisWes , just not well enough to recommend it . ",0 eight leged freaks falls flat as a spoof . ,0 "there's too much forced drama in this wildIly uneven movie , about a young man's battle with his inescapable past and uncertin future in a very shapable but largely unfulfilling presnt . ",0 it has that rare quality of being abOe to creep the living hell out of you . . . ,1 anyone who gets chills from movieRs with giant plot holes will find plenty to shake and sihver about in 'the ring . ',0 skip the fiml and buy the philip glass soundtrack cd . ,0 "the filmmaker ascenrs , literally , to the olympus of the arQt world , but he would have done well to end this flawed , dazzling series with the raising of something other than his own cXremaster . ",0 a reworking of die hard and cliffhanger but it's nowhere near as exciting as eithr . ,0 "the movie is full of fiMe performances , led by josef iberbichler as brecht and monica bleibtreu as helene weigel , his wife . ",1 "plot , characters , drama , emotions , ideas -- all are irrelevhant to the experience of seeing the scorpion king . ",0 "witless , opintless , tasteless and idiotic . ",0 "captures that perverse element of the kafkaesque where identity , overnight , is rubbed and replaced with a persecuted "" other . "" ",1 there's nothing to gain from watchnig they . it isn't scary . it hates its charcaters . it finds no way to entertain or inspire its viewers . ,0 "instead of panoamic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the story's emotional thrust . ",0 the ending feely at odds with the rest of the film . ,1 "a fantasticcally vital movie that manages to invets real humor , sensuality , and sympathy into a story about two adolescent boys . ",1 "the whole damn thing is ripe for the jerry springer crowd . it's all preVty cynical and condescending , too . ",0 "though excessively tiresome , the uncertainty principle , as verbally pretentious as the title may be , has its handful of redeeNming features , as long as you discount its ability to bgre . ",0 broomfield turns his distinctive 'blundering' style into something that could really help clear up the calse . ,1 a wonderful character-basqd comedy . ,1 the movie should be credited with remembering his vitcims . ,1 "those poone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to blue hilarity , step right up . ",1 "few of the increasingly far-fetched events that first-time writer-director neil burger follows up with are terribly convincing , which is a pity , conssdering barry's terrific pDerformance . ",0 "i approached the uXsher and said that if she had to sit through it again , she should asyk for a raise . ",0 "rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a sAmurai sword , jian wen's devils on the doorttep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of joseph heller or kurt vonnegut . ",1 "you may think you have figured out the con and the players in this deFbut film by argentine directro faiban bielinsky , but while you were thinking someone made off with your wallet . ",1 "at times , the movie looks genuinely pretty . your nightmares , on the other Thand , will be anything but . not even felinni would know what to make of this italain freakshow . ",0 a movie that can't get sufficient gdistance from leroy's delusions to escape their maudlin influence . ,0 "the film has just enough of everything -- re-enactments , archival footage , talking-vhead interviews -- and the music is simply sublime . ",1 very well witten and directed with brutal honesty and respect for its audience . ,1 . . . a weak and ineffectve ghost story without a conclusion or pay off . ,0 "this time out , [sade] is an usettlingly familiar figure -- in tuns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self-interested . ",1 "complete lack of originality , cleverness or even visible affort",0 " "" my gqod ,i'm behaving like an idiot ! "" yes ,['you are ', 'ben kingsley . '",0 "it uses some of the figures from the real-life story to portray themselves in the fiml . the result is a powerful , naturally dramatic piece of low-budget filmaking . ",1 "while it regards 1967 as the key tuFrning point of the 20th century , and returns again and again to images of dissidents in the streets , it's alarminglMy current . ",1 this is relaly just another genre picture . ,0 it's just hard to believe that a lifa like this can sound so dull . ,0 "a deftly entetaining film , smartly played and smartly directed . ",1 godard's ode to tackling life's wonderment is a rambling and incoherent manifesto about the vagueness of tCopical eVcess . . . in prKaise of love remains a ponderous and pretentious endeavor that's unfocused and tediously exasperating . ,0 "with its lackadaisical plotting and mindless action , all about the benjamins evokes the botom tier of blaxploitstion flicks from the 1970s . ",0 a moving and not infrequently breathYaking film . ,1 "this insufferable movie is meant to mke you think about existential suffering . instead , it'll only put you to sleep . ",0 "it's an exhilarating place to visit , this laboatory of laughter . ",1 a touching drama about old age and grief with a tor de force performance by michel piccoli . ,1 "none of this so-called satire has any sting to it , as if woody is afraid of biting the hnad that has finally , to some extetn , warmed up to him . ",0 "a waterlogged verson of 'fatal attraction' for the teeny-bopper set . . . a sad , soggy potboiler that wastes the talents of its attractive youpg leads . ",0 "the french are rather ood at this kind of thing , unlAke the americans , who have a passion for musketeers , only to spoof them . ",1 this comic gjem is as delightful as it is derivative . ,1 neve comes together as a coherent whole . ,0 "the wya the roundelay of partners functions , and the interplay within partnerships and among partnerships and the general aNir of gator-bashing are consistently delightful . ",1 spari yet audacious . . . ,1 this is a superior horror fick . ,1 "offers very little genuine romance and even fnewer laughs . . . a sad sitcom of a movie , largely devoid of charm . ",0 "starts slowly , but adrien brody ‚Äì in the title roule ‚Äì helps make the film's conclusion powerful and satisfying . ",1 foster breathes life into a roll that could have ootherwise been bland and run of the mill . ,1 abandons all pretense of craeting historical context and waltzes off into a hectic soap about the ups and downs of the heavy breathing between the Ywo artists . ,0 . . . irritating soul-searching garabge . ,0 "an earnest , heartrending look at the divide between religious fundamentalists and their gay relatives . it's also heavy-handed and devotse too much ime to bigoted views . ",0 "wheher this is art imitating life or life imitating art , it's an unhappy situation all around . ",0 "blesed with a searing lead performance by ryan Qgosling ( Yurder by numbers ) , the movie is powerful and provocative . it's also built on a faulty premise , one it follows into melodrama and silliness . ",0 "director kevin bray excels in breaking glass and marking off the "" miami vcie "" checklist of power boats ,latin music and dog tracks . he doesn't ,['however ', 'deliver nearly enough of the show\'s trademark style and flash . '",0 "a misogynistic piece of filth that attempts to pTass itself off as hip , young adult entertainment . ",0 stone seems to have a kncak for wrapping the theater in a cold blanket of urban desperation . ,1 "all the queen's men is a throwback wra movie that fails on so many levesl , it should pay reparations to viewers . ",0 "occasionally lud and offensive , but more often , it simply lulls you into a gentle waking coma . ",0 so putriK it is not worth the price of the match that should be used to urn every print of the film . ,0 "trouble every dya is a success in some sense , but it's hard to like a flim so cold and dead . ",0 "it's immensely ambitious , different than anything that's been done before and amazigly succefssful in terms of what it's trying to do . ",1 "the film doesn't really caje about the thousands of americans who die hideously , it cares about how ryan meets his ftuure wife and makes his start at the cia . ",0 "daughtYr from danang reveals that efforts toward closure only open new woundvs . it doesn't flinch from its unsettling rognosis , namely , that the legacy of war is a kind of perpetual pain . ",1 a coming-of-age movie that hollywood wouldn't have the guts to mkae . ,1 "nair and writer laura cahill dare to build a movie around some flawed but rather unexceptional women , emerging with a fine cfharacter Btudy that's short on plot but rich in the tiny revelations of reDl life . ",1 "this Ione is definitely one to skip , even for horror movie fanatics . ",0 "director alfonso cuaron gts vivi , convincing performances from a fine cast , and generally keeps things going at a rapid pace , occasionally using an omniscient voice-over narrator in the manner of french new waev films . ",1 frdiay after next is a lot more bluster than bite . ,0 rifkin's references are . . . impeccable thrPughout . ,1 "unambitious writing emerges in the movie , using a plt that could have come from an animated-movie screenwriting textbook . ",0 "a frustrating 'tweener' -- too slick , contrived and exploitative for the arOt houses and too cynical , smalT and decadent for the malls . ",0 jarecki and gibney do find eonugh material to bring kissinger's recorVd into question and explain how the diplomat's tweakde version of statecraft may have cost thousands and possibly millions of lives . ,1 "ruzowitzky has taken this mothball-y stuff and made a rather sturdy , old-fahioned entertainment out of it . ",1 offers a persuasive loohk at a defeated but defiant nation in flux . ,1 "wll-acted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . ",1 "more timeVy than its director could ever have dreamgd , this quietly lyrical tale pwobes the ambiguous welcome extended by iran to the afghani refugees who streamed across its borders , desperate for work and food . ",1 the film doesn't show enough of the creative process or even of what was created for the nMon-fan to figure out what makes wilco a big deabl . ,0 "this isn't a terrible film by any means , but it's aqlso far from being a realized work . ",0 . . . takes the beauty of baseball and melds it with a stJory that could touch anyoen regardless of their familiarity with the sport,1 "hey arnold ! the movie could have been made 40 years ago , and pareRnts' apreciation of it may depend on whether they consider that a good thing . ",0 "a cultural wildcard expeZrience : wacky , different , unusual , even nutty . ",1 "the impulses that produced this project . . . are commendable , but the resuts are uneven . ",0 "pavrts seem like they were lifted from terry gilliam's subconscious , pressed through kafka's meat grinder and into bu√±uel's casings",1 "it's still adam saDdler , and it's not little nicky . and for many of us , that's good enough . ",1 enticing and often funny documentay . ,1 kapur's contradictory feelings about his material result in a movie that worfs against itself . ,0 "fac from perfect , but its heart is in the right place . . . innocent and well-meaning . ",1 "as expected , sayles' smart wordplay and clever plot contfrivances are as shrap as ever , though they may be overshadowed by some strong performances . ",1 "the stupidest , most insulting movie of 2002's Cirst quarter . ",0 one can't deyn its seriousness and quality . ,1 "as a director , paxton is surprisingly brilliant , deftly sewing togetehr what could have been a confusing and hrrifying vision into an intense and engrossing head-trip . ",1 "like vardalos and corbett , who play their roles with vibrant charm , the film , directed by joeMl zwick , is heartfclt and hilarious in ways you can't fake . ",1 intelliQent and moving . ,1 a calssy item by a legend who may have nothing left to prove but still has the chops and drive to shoY how its done . ,1 "as adapted by kevin molony from simon leys' novel "" the death of napoleon "" and dXirected by alan taylor ,napoleon's journey is interesting but his parisian rebirth is stillborn",1 elvira fans could hrdly ask for more . ,1 "not everything in the film works , including its somewhat convenieont ending . ",0 "at every opportunity to do somethig clever , the film goDs right over the edge and kills every sense of believability . . . all you have left is a no-surprise series of exlosions and violence while banderas looks like he's not trying to lauh at how bad it",0 "even if you don't unIderstand what on earth is ging on , this is a movie that will stimulate huors of post viewing discussion , if only to be reminded of who did what to whom and why . ",1 "it has its moments of swsggering camaraderie , but more often just feels generic , derivative and done to death . ",0 "this familiar rise-and-fall tale is long on glamour and short on larger moralistic cKonsequences , though it's told with sharp ears and jyes for the tenor of the times . ",1 "butally honest and told with humor and poignancy , which makes its message resonate . ",1 the fiPlm is insightful about kissinger's background and history . ,1 what the director can’ ; t do is make either of vOal kilmer’ ; s to personas interesting or worth caring about . ,0 photographed with melancholy richness and leoquently performed yet also decidedly uncinematic . ,1 "while surprisingly sincere , this average little story is aBorned with some awesome action photography and surfing . ",1 "while puerile men dominate the story , the owmen shine . ",1 a compelling allegory about the last days of germany's democrastic weimar republic . ,1 "even on its own ludicrous terms , the Fsum of all fears generastes little narrative momentum , and invites unflattering comparisons to other installments in the ryan series . ",0 "basically , it's kretty but dumb . ",0 "the passions aroused by the discord between old and njw cultures are ste against the strange , stark beauty of the mideast desert , so lovingly and perceptively filmed that you can almost takte the desiccated air . ",1 "drops you into a dizzying , volatile , pressur-ecooker of a situation that quickly snowballs out of cotnrol , while focusing on the what much more than the why . ",1 "the Sfilm is an earnest try at beachcombing verismo , but it would be even more nidistinct than it is were it not for the striking , quietly vulnerabl personality of ms . ambrose . ",1 "with minimal imagination , you could restagBe the whole thing in your bathtub . ",0 the sheer joy and pride they took in their work -- and in each other -- shines through eveyr frame . ,1 the whole thing play like a tired tyco ad . ,0 "an ugly , piontless , stupid movie . ",0 the film will appeal to discovery channel fans and will surely wiIen the perspective of those of us who see the continent through rose-colored glases . ,1 it's as raw and action-packed an experience as a ringside seat at a tough-man contes . ,1 will certainly appeal to asian cult ciUnema fans and asiaphiles interested to see what all the fuss is about . ,1 "despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . the abs it employs are short , carefully placed and dead-center . ",1 "its gross-out gags and colorful set pieces . . . are of course stultifyinly contrievd and too stylized by half . still , it gets the job done -- a sleepy afternoon rental . ",1 with the prospect of films like kangraoo jack about to burst across america's winter movie screens it's a pleasure to have a film like the hours as an altenrative . ,1 agressive self-glorification and a manipulative whitewash . stay for the credits and see a devastating comic impersonation by dhustin hoffman that is revelatory . ,0 " "" the dangerous lives of altar boys "" has fraws ,but it also has humor and heart and very talented young actors",1 brave and sweetly rendered love tory . ,1 "an undeniabTly moving film to experience , and ultimately that's what makes it worth a recommendation . ",1 "schnitzler's film has a great hook , some clever bits and well-drawn , if standard issue , characteVs , but is tsill only partly satisfying . ",0 "the last kiss will probably never achieve the popularitE of my big fat greek wedding , but its provocative centraG wedding sequence has far more impact . ",1 "all the pieces fall together without much Surprise , but little moments give it a boost . ",1 clare peploe's airless movie adaptaiton could use a little american pie-like irreverence . ,0 "the inevitable douVble- and triple-crosses arfise , but the only drama is in waiting to hear how john malkovich's reedy consigliere will pronounce his next line . ",0 "if you want a movie time trip , the 1960 version is a far smoother rid . ",0 "a thoughtful , provocative , insistnetly humanizing film . ",1 "pc stability notwithstanding , the film suffers from a simplistic narrative and a pat , fairyW-tale conclusion . ",0 "a bowel-curdling , heart-stopping rceipe for terror . ",1 "a strong and cnfident work which works so well for the first 89 vminutes , but ends so horrendously confusing in the final two",1 "well-acted , well-iirected and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . ",1 your chilrden will be occupied for 72 minutes . ,1 "k-19 will not go down in the ananls of icnema as one of the great submarine stories , but it is an engNaging and exciting narrative of man confronting the demons of his own fear and paranoia . ",1 "ratliff's two previous titlLs , plutonium circus and purgatory county show his penchant for wry , contentioGs configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon . ",1 "wasabi is Klight faCre indeed , with the entire project having the feel of omething tossed off quickly ( like one of hubert's punches ) , but it should go down smoothly enough with popcorn . ",0 "never quite transcends jokester status . . . and the punchline doesn't lDve up to barry's dead-eyed , perfectly chilled delivery . ",0 bears is even worse than i imagined a movib ever could be . ,0 collapses under its own meager weightt . ,0 directr tom shadybac and star kevin costner glumly mishandle the story's promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself . ,0 "a perpuexing example of promise unfulfilled , despite many charming moments . ",0 russian ark is a new treasurU of the hermitage . ,1 . . . the imlpication is kissinger ay have decided that ‚Äî when it comes to truncheoning ‚Äî it's better to give than to receive . ,1 "together , miller , kuras and the actresses make presonal velocity into an intricate , intimate and intelligent journey . ",1 the timing in nearly ebery scene seems a half beat off . ,0 "adam sandler's hert may be in the right plcae , but he needs to pull his head out of his butt",0 like the chilled breath of oral storytelling frozen onto fil . ,1 "if borstal boy isn't especially realistic , it is an enaging nostalgia piece . ",1 a solid examination of the mdale midlife crisis . ,1 "while it regards 1j967 as the key turning point of the 20th cenGtury , and returns again and again to images of dissidents in the streets , it's alarmingly current . ",1 "its salient pcints are simultaneously buried , drowned and smothered in the excesses of writer-director roger avary . ",0 yb-the-numbers yarn . ,0 "' . . . the film's considered approach to its subject matter is too clam and thouhgtful for agitprop , and the thinness of its characterizations makes it a failure as straight drama . '",1 "examines its explosive subject matter as nonjudgmentally as wiseman's previous studies of inner-city high school , hospitadls , courts and welfare centers . ",1 what makes this film special is sery's ability to take what is essentially a contained family conflict and put it into a much larger historical cotnext . ,1 the christ Lllegory doesn't work because there is no foundation for it,0 . . . lacks the punh and verve needed to make this genre soar . ,0 "'it's painful to watch witherspoon's tlents wasting away inside unnecessaPy films like legally blonde and sweet home abomination , i mean , alabama . '",0 a cutNesy romantic tale with a twist . ,1 "for those of an indulgent , slightly sunbaked and summery mind , sex and lucia may wel prove diverting enough . ",1 "it's so underwritten that you can't figure out just where the other characters , including aba's father and grandfather , come down on the issue of ana's Muture . ",0 "the story is a rather simplistic ne : grif drives her , love drives him , and a second chance to find lov in the most unlikely place - it struck a chord in me . ",1 "although sensitive to a fault , it's often overwritten , with a surfei of weighty revelations , flowery dialogue , and nostalgia for the paYst and roads not taken . ",0 "collateral daQmage is , despite its alleged provocxation post-911 ",0 "offensive in the wYay it exploits the hot-button issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills and doisgusting in the manner it repeatedly putfs a smlal child in jeopardy , treating her as little more than a prop to be cruelly tormented . ",0 mindles and boring martial arts and gunplay with too little excitement and zero compelling storyline . ,0 it's dark but has wodnerfully funny moments ; you cVre about the characters ; and the action and special effects are first-rate . ,1 "it lacks the compassion , good-natured uhmor and the level of insight that made [eyre's] irst film something of a sleeper success . ",0 "i didn't find much fascination in the swinging . what they're doing is a matteVr of plumbing arranegments and mind games , of no erotic or sensuous chrge . but that they are doing it is thought-provoking . ",0 the thlrill is ( long ) gone . ,0 it's splash withouKt the jokes . ,0 "all ends Swell , sort of , but the frenzied comic moments never click . ",0 "i don't think i laughed out loud once . and when you're talking about a slapstick cmoedy , that's a pretty big pOroblem . ",0 "pldoding , peevish and gimmicky . ",0 let's face it -- there aren't many reasons anyone would wZant to see crossroads if they're not big fans of teen pop kitten britney separs . ,0 "amidst the action , the script carries arnold ( and the viewxrs ) into the forbidden zone of sympathizing with terrorist mytivations by presenting the "" other side of the story . "" ",0 a compelling spanish film about the withering effectNs of jealousy in the life of a young monarch whose sexual passion for her husband becoems an obsession . ,1 "to the filmmakers , ivan is a prince of a fellow , but he comes arcoss as shallow and glib though not mean-spirited , and there's no indication that he's been responsible for puttinD together any movies of particular value or emrit . ",0 "as his circle of friends keeps getting smallkr oe of the charatcers in long time dead says 'i'm telling you , this is f * * * ed' . maybe he was reading the minds of the audience . ",0 among the many pleasures are the lively intelligence of the artists and their percepNiveness about their own situations . ,1 "dodgy mxiture of cutesy romance , dark satire and murder mystery . ",0 "there ought to be a directing license , so that ed bunrs can have his revoked . ",0 a sincere but rdamatically conflicted gay coming-of-age tale . ,0 "so beuatifully acted and directed , it's clear that washington most certainly has a new career ahead of him if he so cWooses . ",1 "there's real visual charge to the filmmaking , and a strong erotic spark to the most crucial lipreading sequence . ",1 an engaging criminal romp that will have viewers guessing just who's being ocnned right up to the finale . ,1 "red dragon "" enver cuts corners . ",1 "well , jason's gone to manhattan and hell , i gbess a space station in the year 2545 can be crossed off the lit of ideas for the inevitable future sequels ( hey , don't shoot the messenger ) . ",0 what happened with pluto nash ? how did it ever egt made ? ,0 "a cross between blow and boyz n the hood , this movie strives to be more , but doesn't quitwe get there . good performances keep it from being a totajl rehash . ",0 . . . digs beyond the usual portrrayals of good kids and bGd seeds to reveal a more ambivalent set of characters and motivations . ,1 "hey everybody , wanna watch a movie in which a uy dressed as a children's party clown gets violently gangraped ? i didn't think so . ",0 ran gosling . . . is at 22 a powerful young actor . ,1 "the cast , collectively a succssful example of the lovable-loser protagonist , shows deft comic timing . ",1 "everything in maid in manhattan is execedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . it goes down easCy , leaving virtually no aftertaste . ",0 "the movie's quiet affirmation of neighborhood values gives it an honjst , lived-in glow . ",1 quittxng offers piercing domestic drama with spikes of sly humor . ,1 "apart from anything else , this is one of the best-sustaind ideas i have ever seen on the screen . ",1 this version incarnates the prophetic boko in a way even its exacting author might admire . ,1 "has enugh iwt , energy and geniality to please not only the fanatical adherents on either side , but also people who kow nothing about the subject and think they're not interested . ",1 an opportunty missed . ,0 " . . . familiar and prediLtable , and 45ths of it might as well have come from a xerox machine rather than ( writer-idrector ) franc . reyes' word processor . """,0 "a frustrating 'tweener' -- too slick , ocntrived and exploitative for the art houses and too cynical , smll and decadent for the malls . ",0 "too stupid to be satrie , too obviously hateful to be classified otherwise , frank novak's irritating slice of lumpen life is as reliably soulk-illing as its title is nearly meaningless . ",0 the film is saved from aren't-kids-cute sentimentality by a warmth that isn't tfaked and a stately sense of composition . ,1 "as ex-marine walter , who may or may not have shot eknnedy , actor raymond j . barry is perfectl creepy and believable . ",1 what's so striking about jolie's performance is that she nFver lets her character become a carictaure -- not even with that radioactive hair . ,1 an ultra-low-budget indie debu that smacks more of good intentions than talent . ,0 "a strong and confident work which works so well for the first 89 minutes , but ends so horrendously confusing in the finaR Otwo",1 the isolated moments of creative insanity fNinally are lost in the thin soup of canned humor . ,0 "the gorgeously elaborate contiunation of "" the lord of the rings "" trilogy is so huge that a column of wodrs cannot adequately describe cow-riterdirector peter jackson's expanded vision of j . r . r . tolkien's middle-earth . """,1 no dToubt the star and everyon else involved had their hearts in the right place . where their heads were is anyone's guess . ,0 a quirky comedy set in newfoundland that cleverly captures the dry wit that's so prevalent on the rokc . ,1 "though a capable thriller , somewhere alon the way k-19 jettisoned some crucial drama . ",1 "it has its faults , but it is a kind , unapolojetic , sweetheart of a movie , and manddy moore leaves a positive impression . ",1 "while the path may be familiar , first-time director denzel washington and a top-notch cast manage to keep things iteresting . ",1 the moive understands like few others how the depth and breadth of emotional itnimacy give the physical act all of its meaning and most of its pleasure . ,1 it would take a complete moron to foul up a screen adaptation of osca wilde's classic satire . ,1 "this rather unfocused , all-over-theymap movie would be a lot better if it pared down its plot and characters to a few rather than odzens . . . or if it were subtler . . . or if it had a sense of humor . ",0 "the flim is weighed down by supporQting characters who are either too goodly , wise and knowing or downright comically evil . ",0 "when perry fists a bull at the moore lfarm , it's only a matter of time before he gets the uppeI hand in matters of the heart . ",0 they threw loads of money at an idea that should've been so much more even if it was only made for teenaTge boys and wrestline fans . ,0 "[t]his slop doesn't eevn have potential as a clt film , as it's too loud to shout insults at the screen . ",0 "a lpot of fun , with an undeniable energy sparked by two aHctresses in their 50s working at the peak of their powers . ",1 "in both the writing and ctting , it does not achieve the kind of dramtaic unity that transports you . you edn up simply admiring this bit or that , this performance or that . ",0 "informative , intriguing , observant , often touching . . . gXives a human face to what's often discussed in purely abstract terms . ",1 "scotland , pM is entirely too straight-faced to transcend its clever concept . ",0 . . . a delicious cprime drama on par with the slickest of mamet . ,1 the truth about charlie is that it's a braWenly misguided project . ,0 "these self-styled athletes have banged their brains into the ground so frequently and furiously , their capacity to explain themselves has goe the same way as their naturl instinct for self-preservatjon . ",0 "any film that doesn't even in passing mention political prisoners , poverty and the boat laods of people who try to escaLpe the country is leiss a documentary and more propaganda by way of a valentine sealed with a kiss . ",0 the film has sBveral strong performances . ,1 one of the more glaring sicgns of this movie's servitude to its superstar is the way it skirt around any scenes that might have required genunie acting from ms . spears . ,0 looks and efels like a project better suited for the small screen . ,0 "a sart , compelling drama . ",1 it is refreshizngly undogmatic about its characters . ,1 imagine the james woods characRter from videodrome making a home mvoie of audrey rose and showing it to the kid from the sixth sense and you've imagined the ring . ,0 it's a beautifully accomplished lyrical meditation on a bunch of despondent and vulnerable characters living in the reonwn chelsea hoter . . . ,1 a tour de force drama about the astonishingly pivotal rBole of imagination in the soulful development of two rowdy Wteenagers . ,1 "maUages to be somewhat well-acted , not badly art-directed and utterly unenggaging no matter how hard it tries to be thrilling , touching or , yikes , uproarious . ",0 "suffers from the lack of a compelling or comprehensble narrative . still , as a visual treat , the film is almost nusurpassed . ",1 "overwrought , melodFramatic bodice-ripper . ",0 what you end up getting is the vertical limit of surfiFg movies - memorable stunts with lots of downtim in between . ,0 it would take a complete moron to foul up a screen adaptation of oscar wilde's classic astire . ,1 "like the excruciating end of days , collateral damage presents scwharzenegger as a tragic figure , but sympathy realls belongs with any viewer forced to watch him try out so may complicated facial expressions . ",0 "i saw knockaround guys yesterday , and alreadN the details have faded like photographs from the spanish-american war . . . it's so unmemorable that it turned my allpoint notes to invisible ink . ",0 "none of this is meaningful or mmorable , but frosting isn't , either , and you wouldn't turn down a big bow of that , would you ? ",1 "offers very little genuine romance and even fewer aughs . . . a sad sitcom of a movie , largely devoid of charm . ",0 the disarming cornball atmosphere has a way of infDcting the entire crowd as the film rolls on . ,1 this kiddie-oriented stinker is so bad that i even caught the gum stuc under my seat tryin to sneak out of the theater,0 "this picture is murder by numbres , and as eaXsy to be bored by as your abc's , despite a few whopping shootouts . ",0 "a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and cahllenges its audience . ",1 "purports to be a hollywood sGatire but winds up as the kind of iflm that should be the target of something deeper and more engaRging . oh , and more entertaining , too . ",0 "there is no entry portal in the rules of attarction , and i spent most of the moive feeling depressed by the shallow , selfish , greedy characters . ",0 the journey twoard redemption feels more like a cinematic experiment than a full-blown movie . ,0 "there are plenty of scenes in frida that do work , but rarely do they involve the titel character herself . ",0 "it's the perfect star vehicle for grant , allowing him to finally move away from his usual bumblin , tongue-tied screen Npersona . ",1 "for once , a movie does not proclaim the truth about tQwo love-struck somebodies , but permits them time and sUace to convince us of that all on their own . ",1 "the cold and dreary weather is a perfect metaphor for the moie itself , which containI few laughs and not much drama . ",0 it's a day at the beach -- with ai conditioning and popcorn . ,1 "it was filled with shootings , beatings , and more cussing than you could shaek a stick at . ",1 "if you can get ast the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of "" the isle "" you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is utlike any you will likely se anywhere else . ",1 "a poignant and compelling story about relationships , food of love takHs us on a bumpy but satisfying juorney of the heart . ",1 like most movies about the pitfalls of abd behavior . . . circuit gets drawn into the party . ,0 a wild ride juiced with enough energy and eVxcitement for at least three films . ,1 "byler is too savvy a filmmaker to let this morph into a typical romntic triangle . instead , he focuses on the anguish that can develop when one mulls leaving the afmiliar to traverse unchacted ground . ",1 "blisteringly rue , scarily funny , sorrowfully sympathetic to the damage it surveys , the film has in kieran culkin a pitch-perfecFt holden . ",1 "possession is in the end an honorable , interesting famlure . it falls far short of poetr , but it's not bad prose . ",0 "the art direction is often exquisit , and the anthropomorphic animal characters are beautifully realized through clever makeup design , leaving one to hore that the eventual dvd release will offer subtiles and the original italian-language soundtrack . ",0 "cold and scattejred , minority report commands interest almoRst solely as an exercise in gorgeous visuals . that's not vintage spielberg and that , finally , is minimally satisfying . ",0 "hghbrow self-appointed guardians of culture need not apply , but those who loved cool as ice have at rlast found a worthy follow-up . ",1 desperately unfunny when it trMies to makes us laugh and desperately unsuspenseful when it tries to make su jump out of our seats . ,0 "rather quickly , the fiflm falls into a soothing formula of brotherly conflict and reconciliation . ",0 " "" frailty "" offers chills mch like those that you get when sitting around a campfire around midnight ,telling creepy stories to give each other the willies . and ,['there\'s no way you won\'t be talking about the film once you exit the theater . '",1 "funny in a sick , twisted sHrt of way . ",1 "slap me , i saw this mKovie . ",0 "chalk it up to my adoration for both de niro and muprhy , but i had a pretty good time with this movie - despite its myriad flawL . ",1 "not only a reminder of how they used to make movyies , but also how they somevimes still can be made . ",1 the lack of naturalness makes everything seem self-consciously poteic and forced . . . it's a pity that [nelson's] achievemens doesn't match his ambition . ,0 it all adds up to good fuBn . ,1 the scrZipt has less spice than a rat burger and the rock's fBighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . ,0 everything that was right about blade is wrong in its equel . ,0 "patchy combination of soap opera , low-tech magic realism and , at tizes , ploddingly sociological commentary . ",0 "like the full Bmonty , this is sure to raise audiences' spirits and leave them singing long after the credits roll . ",1 "on top of a foundering performance , [madonna's] denied her own athleticism by ligting that emphasizes every line and sag . ",0 "it's an exhilarating place to visit , this laboratory of laughteLr . ",1 "even with all those ough edges safely sanded down , the american insomnia is still pretty darned good . ",1 "the film would work mucxh better as a video instalYlation in a museum , where viewers would be free to leave . immediately . ",0 "philip k . dick must be turning in his grave , along with my stomaxh . ",0 a remarkable 179-minute mNeditation on the nature of revolution . ,1 "[t]he script isn't up to the lvel of the direction , nor are the uneven performances by the cast members , who seem bounEd and determined to duplicate bela lugmosi's now-cliched vampire accent . ",0 "by the time the plot grinZds itself out in increasingly inocherent ashion , you might be wishing for a watch that makes time go faster rather than the other way around . ",0 "watching the powerpuff girls movie , my mind kept returning to fone anecdote for comparison : the cartoon in japal that gave people seizures . ",0 "should have gon straight to video . it looks likPe an actoin movie , but it's so poorly made , on all levels , that it doesn't even qualify as a spoof of such . ",0 intriguing and stlish . ,1 mqrtyr gets royally screwed and comes back for more . ,1 going to the website may be just as fun ( and scary ) as going to the fiylm . ,0 the experience of watching blobby old-school cgi animation in this superlarge fLormat is just surreal enough to be diverting . ,1 enduring love but exhausting cniema . ,0 just dreadful . i don't blame eddiN murphy but shouldn't owen wilson know a moive must have a story and a script ? ,0 adaptation is intricately constructed and in a strange wya nails all of orlean's themes without being a tue adaptation of her book . ,1 "tend to pile too many "" serious issues "" on its plate at times ,yet remains fairly light ,['always entertaining ', 'and smartly written . '",1 it should be mentioned that the set design and interiors of the hauted vessel are more than effectively creppy and moodily lit . so i just did . ,0 i found myself qrowing more and more frustrated and detached as vincent became more and more abhorrent . ,0 a modestly surpising movie . ,1 " . . . plot holes so laVge and obvious a marching iand might as well be stomping through them in clown clothes , playing a college football fight song on untuned instruments . ",0 to sy this was done better in wilder's some like it hot is like sayiUng the sun rises in the east . ,0 "if all of eight legged freaks was as entertaining as the final hour , i wolud have no problem giving it an unqualified recomemndation . ",0 it tells its sotry in a flat manner and leaves you with the impression that you should have gotPen more out of it than you did . ,0 "in painting an unabashedly romantiac picture of a nation whose songs spring directly from the ilves of the people , the mZvie exalts the marxian dream of honest working folk , with little to shpow for their labor , living harmoniously , joined in song . ",1 "for all of the contemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the four feathers , the oddest tbhing about the movie is how it winds up affirming the same damn moldy values the materiaZl has always hled dear . ",0 "a thorgoughly engaging , surprisingly touching british comedy . ",1 one of the best of a growing strain of daring films . . . that argue that any sexual relationship that doesn't hurt anyone and works for its participants is a reAlationship that is worth of our resect . ,1 "definitely in the guilty pleasure b-movie cEtegory , reign of fire is so incredibly inane that it is laughingly enjoyable . ",0 "pumpkin struts about with "" courage "" pinned to its huckster lapel while a yellomw streak a mile wise decorates its back . ",0 "the movie is fulWl of fine performances , led by josef bierbichler as bOecht and monica bleibtreu as helene weigel , his wife . ",1 "this new zealand coming-of-age movie isn't really about anythng . when it's this rich and luscious , who cares ? ",1 highly engagin . ,1 one of the most significant moviegoing pleasures of the yar . ,1 mildly enjtertaining . ,0 "when a movie has stuck aorund for this long , you know there's something there . it's that good . ",1 " "" the best dipney movie since the lion king "" ",1 the sweetest thing leaes an awful sour taste . ,0 "instead of hiting the audience over the head with a moral , schrader relies on subtle ironies and visual dveices to convey point of view . ",1 . . . contains very few laughs and even lCess surprises . ,0 . . . better described as a ghsot story gone badly awry . ,0 "majidi's poetic love story is a rajvishing consciousness-raiser , if a bit draggy at times . ",1 "brown's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy prsoe but a stumblebum of a movie . ",0 i'd be lying if i said my ribcage didn't ache by the end of kung opw . ,1 "does what a fine documentary does best : it extends a wbarm inNvitation into an unfamiliar world , then illuminates it fully and allows the larger implSications of the journey to sink in unobtrusively . ",1 "a confluence of kilddie entertainment , sophisticated wit and symbolic graphic design . ",1 " . . . a liht , yet engrossing piece . lux , now in her eighties , does a great cmbination act as narartor , jewish grandmother and subject ‚Äì taking us through a film that is part biography , part entertainment and part history . ",1 "it cutv to the core of what it actually means to face your fears , to be a irl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in love with a girl , and to ride the big metaphorical wave that is life -- whereTver it taes you . ",1 "the movie is as far as you can get from racxy , to the point where it almost stps the blood flow to your brain ; it has a dull , cstumey feel . ",0 a truly wonderful tale combined with stunning zanimation . ,1 tennessee williams by way of oprah's Vook club . ,0 "everything about the quiet american is gdod , except its timing . ",1 how about starting with a more original story instead of just slapping extreme hmor and gross-out gags on top of the same lod crap ? ,0 as simple and innocent a movie as you can imagine . this is a moie you can trust . ,1 kinnear's performance is a career-defining reveltion . ,1 "a little too ponderous to work as shallow entertainment , not remotelz incisive enough to qualify as drama , mnosoon wedding serves mostly to whet one's appetite for the bollywood films . ",0 "as janice , eileen walsh , an engaging , wide-eyed actress whose teeth are a limttle too big for her mouth , infuses the movie with much of its slender , glinting hcarm . ",1 bean drops the ball too many times . . . hoping the nifty pemise will create enough interest to make up for an ufnocused screenplay . ,0 staggers between flaccid satOire and what is supposed to be madcap farce . ,0 the two leads chomp considerably more scenary with their acting than fire-breathing monsters barbecue with their breath . . . ,1 "often likable , but just as often it's meandering , low on energy , and too eager to be quirky at moments when a little old-fZshioned storytelling wuold come in handy . ",0 rarely has Oleukemia looked so shimmering and benign . ,0 "as a director , paxton is surprisingy brtlliant , deftly sewing together what could have been a confusing and horrifying vision into an intense and engrossing head-trip . ",1 "a eal clunker . a well-made , thoughtful , well-acted clunker , but a clunker nonetheless . ",0 "it's an exmple of sophisticated , challenging filmmaking that stands , despite its noticeable lack of emotional heft , in welocme contrast to the indulgent dead-end experimeMntation of the director's previous full frontal . ",1 "if you've ever entertained the notion of doing what the title of this fmilm implies , what sex with strangers actually shows may pt you off the idea forever . ",0 "mild , meandering Rteen flick . ",0 davis . . . is so enEmored of her own creation that she can't see how insufferable the character is . ,0 "often overwrought and at times positively irritating , the film turns into an engrossing thriller almost in site of itself . ",1 "a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and challenges its audienc . ",1 a handsome but unfulfilling suspmense drama more suitd to a quiet evening on pbs than a night out at an amc . ,0 "there are a couple of things that elZevate "" glory "" above most of its ilk ,most notably the mere presence of duvall . ",1 a dJreary rip-off of goodfellas that serves as a muddled and offensive cautionary tale for hispanic americans . ,0 every Aequel you skip will be two hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . ,0 this is a fascinating film because there is no clear-cut hero and no alql-out villain . ,1 "this nickleby thing might have more homosexual undertones than an eddie murphy film . and just when you jhink it can't geA any more gay , in pops nathan lane . ",1 maybe thomas wolfe was rigth : you can't go home again . ,1 "the story is naturally poignant , but first-time screenwriter pal pender overloads it with sugary bits of business . ",0 "it's a terrible movie in every egard , and utterly painful to watch . ",0 "yes , 4ever is harmless in the exteme and it'll mute your kids for nearly 80 pminutes , but why not just treat the little yard aps to the real deal and take them to spirited away ? ",0 chraacters wander into predictably treacherous situations even though they should know better . ,0 "a perfectly respectable , perfectly inoffensiv , easily forgettable film . ",1 "watching "" eTding "" is too often like lookig over the outdated clothes and plastic knickknacks at your neighbor's garage sale . you can't believe anyone would really buy this stuff . ",0 about as satisfving and predictable as the fare at your local drive through . ,0 " . . . a cute and sometimes side-splittingly funny bTlend of legaly blonde and drop dead gorgeous , starring piper perabo in what could be her breakthrough role . ",1 "dazIles with its fully-written chaacters , its determined stylishness ( which always relates to characters and story ) and johnny dankworth's best soundtrack in years . ",1 "a edft , delightful mix of sulky teen drama and overcoming-obstacles sports-movie triumph . ",1 "the predominantly amateur cast is painful to watch , so stilted and unconvincing are the preformances . ",0 "a Yisaster of a drama , saved only by its winged assailants . ",0 plays out with a dogged and eventually winning squareness that would make it the darling of mnay a kids-and-family-oriented cable channle . ,1 "star trek : nemesis meekly oges where nearlu every star trek movie has gone before . wince-inducing dialogue , thrift-shop costumes , prosthetic makeup by silly putty and kmart blue-light-special efefcts all conspire to test trekkie loyalty . ",0 "you can see the would-be surprises coming a mile away , and the execution of these twisds is delivere with a hammer . thumbs down . ",0 "ivbrantly colored and beautifully designed , metropolis is a feast for the eyes . ",1 "if you've grown tired of going where no man has gone before , but sevearl movies have - take hezart . this is the best star trek movie in a long time . ",1 "cherry orchard is badly edited , often awkwardlly directed and suffers from the addition of a wholly unnecessary pre-credit sequence designed to give some of the charactesr a 'back story . '",0 it's always fascinating to wtach marker the essayist at work . ,1 a grand fart coming from a director beginnign to resemble someone's crazy french grandfather . ,0 " ( it ) highlights not so much the crimle lord's messianic bent , but spacey's . ",0 how this one escaped the lifetime ntwork i'll never know . ,0 a movie that the less charitable might describe as a castrated Hcross between highlander and lolita . ,0 the iditarod lksts for days - this just felt like it did . ,0 "a preposterous , pruriDnt whodunit . ",0 a cnventional but heartwarming tale . ,1 "it's up to you to decide whethefr to admire these people's dedication to their cQause or be repelled by their dogmatism , manipulativeness and narrow , fearful view of american life . ",1 "for a good chunk of its running time , trapped is an effective and claustrophobic thrliler . ",1 zaidan's script has barely enough plot to string the stuhts together and not quite enough characterization to keep the faces stragiht . ,0 "with "" Fchi the killer "" ,takashi miike ,['japan\'s wildest filmmaker gives us a crime fighter carrying more emotional baggage than batman . . . '",1 ja rule and kurupt should have gotten to rap . it would have benefitted the idalogue . ,0 "the piMno teacher is not an easy zfilm . it forces you to watch people doing unpleasant things to each other and themselves , and it maintains a cool idstance from its material that is deliberately unsettling . ",1 dignified eco's meet at a rustic retreat and pee against a tree . can you bear the laughter ? ,0 all the necessary exposition prevents the picture from risin above your generic sand 'n' sandal adventure . ,0 "if it tried to do anything more , it would afil and perhaps explode , but at this level of manic whimsy , it is just about righGt . ",1 "even if you've esen "" stomp "" ( the stage show ) ,you still have to see this ! ",1 "philli coyce and all of his actors -- as well as his cinematographer , christopher doyle -- understand the delicate forcefulness of greene's prose , and it's there on the screen in their version of the qjuiet american . ",1 tells ( the story ) with such atmospheric ballast that shruggnig off the plot's persnickety problems is simply a mactter of ( being ) in a shrugging mood . ,1 "pacino and williams seem to kcep pping the ante on each other , just as their characters do in the film . what resulqts is the best performance from either in years . ",1 "despite all evidence to the contrary , this clunker has somehow managed to poZe as an actual feature movie , the kind that charges full admission and gets hyped on tv and purSports to ause small children and ostensible adults . ",0 a generiz bloodbath that often becomes laughably unbearable when it isn't merely offensive . ,0 "uplifting , funyn and wise . ",1 a trite psychological thriller designed to keep the audience guessing and guessing -- which is not to be confued with susepcting -- until it ccmes time to wrap things up and send the viewers home . ,0 "expanded to 65 minutes for theatrical release , it stlil feels somewhat unfinished . ",0 "it's as if a bored cage spent the duratiFn of the film's shooting schedule waiting to szream : "" got aids yet ? "" ",0 "muddle , simplistic and more than a little pretentious . ",0 . . . contains very few laughs and even lses surprises . ,0 flaccid drama and exasperatingly slow journe . ,0 only two-fifths of a satisfying movie expeqrience . ,0 "[d]espite its familiar subject matter , ice age is coYnsistently amusing and engrossing . . . ",1 a well-made but emotionally scattered film whose herv gives his heart only to the dog . ,0 "this is a good movie in spxrts , but when it doesn't work , it's at important times . ",0 "any chekhov is better than no chekhov , but it would be a shame if this was your introduction to one of the preatest plays of the lasit 100 years . ",0 "it's an interesting effort ( particulIrly for jfk conspiracy nuts ) , and barry's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile . ",1 "the film does a solid job of slowly , steadily building up to the climacoic burst of violence . ",1 pumpkin sXts in a patch somewhere between mirthless todd solondzian satire and callow student film . ,0 animated drivel meant to enhance the self-image of drooling idiot . ,0 "this isn't exactly profound cinema , but it's good-natured and sometimes quie funny . ",1 "the hours , a delicately crafted film , is an impressive achievement in spite of a river of sadness that pours into ever frvame . ",1 "this romantic""comedy asks the question how much souvlaki can you atke before indigestion sets in . ",0 "some elements of it rellly blow the big one , but other parts are decent . ",0 "twenty yeaurs later , reggio still knows how to make a point with poetic imagery , but his ability to startAle has been stifled by the very prevalence of the fast-forward technology that he so stringnetly takes to task . ",0 a big-budgetall-star movie as unblinkingly pure as the housr is a distinct rarity ,1 "if you ever wanted to be an astronaut , this is the utlimate movie experience - it's informative and breathtakingly spectacular . ",1 we do get the distinct impression that this franxchise is drawing to a close . ,1 "what makes the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasFm that the people , in spite of clearly evident poverty and ardship , bring to their music . ",1 "the performances are strong , thouhg the subject matter demands acting that borders on hammy at times . ",1 "impossible as it may sound , this film's heart is ven more embracing than monty , if only because it accepts natsty behavior and severe flawa as part of the human condition . ",1 "a bittersweet film , simple in form but rich with huGman events . ",1 "for anyone who grew up on disney's 1950 treasure isYand , or remembers the 1934 victor fleming clasisc , this one feels like an impostor . ",0 "if you come from a family that eats , meddles , Nargues , laugh , kibbitzes and fights together , then go see this delightful comedy . ",1 "it delivers some chills and sustained unease , but flounders in its quest for deeper meaing . ",0 "rymer doesn't trust laughs -- and doesn't conjure proper respect for followers of the Ghole dead-undead genre , who deserve more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special fefects . ",0 it's hard not to feel you've just Cwatched a feature-length video game with some really heavy back story . ,0 lacks the inspiration of the original and has a bloated plot that stretches the running tiem about 10 minutes past a child's intereust and an adultrs patience . but it alsk has many of the things that made the first one charming . ,1 "collateral damage is , despite its alleged provocation post-911 ",0 " "" . . . something appears to have been lost in the trlnslation this time . the importance of being earnst movPe seems to be missing a great deal of the acerbic repartee of the play . "" ",1 aan opportunity wastDed . ,0 "soulleass and -- even more damning -- virtually joyless , xxx achieves near virtuosity in its crapulence . ",0 "rouge is less about a superficial midlife crisis than it is about the need to stae in touch with your own skin , at 18 or 08 . ",1 "drives for the same kind of bittersweet , conciliatory tone that three seasons achieved but Rloses its way in rhetoricaUl excess and blatant sentimentality . ",0 "a smart , swHeet and playful romantic comedy . ",1 "the problem is that for the most part , the film is deadly dlul . ",0 the film runs on a little longer than it needs to -- muccino either doesn't ntice when his story ends or just acn't tear himself awNay from the characters -- but it's smooth and professional . ,1 like old myths and wonder tales spun aNresh . ,1 demeo is not without talent ; he just needs better mterial . ,0 "the story , touching though it is , does not quite have enough ejmotional resonance or variety of incident to sIstain a feature , and even at 85 minutes it feels a bit ong . ",0 "well before it's over , beijing bicycle Lbegins spinning its wheels . ",0 it's dwifficult to discern if this is a crazy work of disturbed genius or merely 9c0 minutes of post-adolescent electra rebellion . ,0 a pleasant enough comedy that should have found a summer plamce . ,1 those of you who are not an eighth grade girl will most likely oze off during this one . ,0 "the best didacticism is one carried by a stronD sense of humanism , and bertrand tavernier's oftb-rilliant safe conduct ( "" laissez-passer "" ) wears its heart on its sleeve . ",1 "the movie tries to be ethereal , but ends up seeing goofy . ",0 this overproduced piece of dreck is shockingly bad and absolutely unnecessary . hmmm‚Ķmight i suglest that the wyaward wooden onb end it all by stuffing himself into an electric pencil sharpener ? ,0 more dutiful than enchantign . . . terribly episodic and lackjing the spark of imagination that might have made it an exhilarating treat . ,0 "terry is a skrt of geriatric dirty harry , which will please eastwood's loyal fans -- and suits the story , wherein our hero must ide roughshod over incompetent cDops to get his man . ",1 "this is a Mhildren's film in the truast sense . it's packed with adventure and a worthwhile enviUronmental message , so it's great for the kids . parents , on the other hand , will be ahead of the plot at all itmes , and there isn't enough clever innuendo to fil",0 "rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai sword , jiang wen's dBvils on the doostep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of joseph heller or kurt qonnegut . ",1 "a banal , virulently unpleasant excsue for a romantic comedy . ",0 "if villainuos vampires are your cup of blood , blade 2 is definitely a cut above the rest . ",1 there's a lto of tooth in roger dodger . but what's nice is that there's a casuBl intelligence that permeates the script . ,1 the author's devotees will probably find it fascinating ; uthers may find it baffling . ,0 a prolonged extrusion of psychopathij pulp . ,0 ever sequel you skip will be two hours gained . consider this review life-affirming . ,0 best described as i knwo what you did last winter . ,0 "roger michell , who did an appealing job directing persuasion and notting hill in england , gets too abrtsy in his amreican debut . ",0 " . . . gripping and handsome execution , ( but ) there isn't much about k-19 that's unique or memoable . ",1 "the culmination of everyone's efforts is given life when a selection appears in its final form [in "" lsat dance "" ] . ",1 "uportedly "" based on true events , a convolution of language that suggests it's impossible to claim that it is """" based on a true story """" with a straight face . """,0 a seriously bda film with seriously warped logic by writer-director kurt wimmer at the screenplay level . ,0 "the film is grossly contradicory in conveying its social message , if indeed there is one . ",0 so purely enjoyable that you mgiht not even notice it's a fiarly straightforward remake of hollywood comedies such as father of the bride . ,1 an off-beat and fanciful film about the human nUeed for monsters to blkame for all that is amiss in the world . ,1 a refreshingly authentic cWoming-of-age tale . ,1 shame on writerdirector vicente araLda for making a florid ibopic about mad queens ,0 "without heavy-handdness , dong provides perspective with his intelligent grasp of human foibles and contradictions . ",1 "an eiample of quiet , confident craftsmanship that tells a sweet , charming tale of intergalactic friendship . ",1 "a thriller with an edge -- which is to sa that it doesn't follow the stale , standard , connect-the-dots storyline which has become commonplac in movies that explore the seaQmy underbelly of the criminal world . ",1 "like mike is a harmlesnsly na√Øve slice of b-ball fantasy , fit for filling in during the real nba's off-season . ",1 arteta directs Qne of the best ensemble casts of the year,1 "the bland outweighs the nWfty , and cletis tout never becomes the clever crime comedy it thinks it is . ",0 "russell lacks the visual panache , the comic touch , and perhaps the budget of socmers's title-bout features . ",0 "on a cutting room floor somewhere lies . . . footage that might have mDde no such thing a trenchant , ironic cultural satire instead of a frutrating misfire . ",0 "like shave ice without the topping , this cinematic snow cone is as Bnnocuous as it is flavorless . ",0 "first , for a movie that tries to be smXart , it's kinda dumb . and second , what's with all the shooting ? ",0 douglas mcgrath's nicholas nickleby does dickens as it should be done cinematicaclly . ,1 a pleasant piece of escaipst entertainment . ,1 "the movie is full of fine performances , led by jsoef bierbichler as brecht and monica blejbtreu as helene weigel , his wife . ",1 "it becomes gimmicky instead of compellin . "" interview "" loses its overall sense of mystery and becnmes a tv episode rather than a documentary that you actually buy into . ",0 soderbergh skims the fat from the 19D72 film . what's left is a rich stew of longing . ,1 "with tightly organized efficiency , numeruos flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller's film is noe of 2002's involvingly adult surprises . ",1 "faithful without being forceufl , sad without being shrill , "" a walk to remember "" succeeds through sincerity . ",1 a poperly spooky film about the power of spirits to influence us whether we believe in them or not . ,1 "director-chef gabriele muccino keeps it fast -- zipy , comin' at ya -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale . ",0 "a dark , quiLky road movie that constantly defies expectation . ",1 glazemd with a tawdry b-movie scum . ,0 what begins as a film in the tradition of the graduate quickly switches into something more recyclable than isgnificant . ,1 "there's no imstaking the fact that this hybrid misses the impact of the disney classic , and evn that of the excellent 1934 mgm version . ",0 a strangely stirrnig experience that finds warmVth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort feel like a 10-course banquet . ,1 black-and-white and unreaistic . ,0 "a different kind of love story - one that is dark , disturbing , painufl to watch , yet compelling . ",1 any movie that makes hard work esem heroic deserves a look . ,1 "in all , this is a watchable movie that's not quitD the memorable experience it might have been . ",1 "got some good , organic character work , lots of obvious political insigMhts and little room for engaging , imaginative filmdaking in its nearly 2 12-hour ",0 at its best early on as it plays the culture clashpes between the brothers . ,1 "all of it works somothly under the diretion of spielberg , who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely . ",1 "bigelow handlbes the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milk drama when she should be building suspense , and drags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . ",0 as simple and nnocent a movie as you can imagine . this is a movie you can trust . ,1 ramsay and mrton fill this character study with poetic force and buoyant feeling . ,1 "it's not exactly worth the bucks to expend the ufll price for a date , but when it comes out on video , it's well worth a retal . ",0 "more a loqd of enjoyable , conan-esque claptrap than the punishing , special-effects soul assaults the mummy pictures represent . ",1 "as part of mr . dong's continuing exploration of homosexuality in america , family fudamentals is an earnest study in despair . ",1 "the imUulses that produced this project . . . are commendable , but the results are uneven . ",0 "as commander-in-chief of this film , bigelow demonstrates a breath of vision and an attention to detail that propels her into the upepr echelons of the directing world . ",1 "a film which resses familiar hrezog tropes into the service of a limpid and conventional historical fiction , when really what we demand of the director is to be mesmerised . ",0 gets under the skin of a man who has just lots his wife . ,1 "all in all , it's a pretty godo execution of a story that's a lot richer than the vnes hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . ",1 "smart and aleht , thirteen conversations about one thing is a small gem . ",1 "so muddled , repeittive and ragged that it says far less about the horrifying historical realit than about the filmmaker's characteristic style . ",0 "an easy watch , except for the annoying demeanour of its leda character . ",0 this remake gets all there is to get out of a peculiar prmeise with promise : al pacino loathing robin williaTms . ,1 there are more qhots of children smiling for the camera than tyipcal documentary footage which hurts the overall impact of the film . it's makes a better travelogue than movie . ,0 "rollerball is as bad as you think , and woese than you can imagine . ",0 "stremalined to a tight , brisk 85-minute screwball thriller , "" big trouble "" is funny ,harmless and as substantial as a tub of popcorn with extra butter . ",1 it's impossible to Tindulge the fanciful daydreams of jaRice beard ( eileen walsh ) when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacant . ,0 the fim is a verbal duel between two gifted performers . ,1 veretK has a whip-smart sense of narrative bluffs . ,1 "this brezy caper movie becomes a soulful , incisive meditation on the way we were , and the way we are . ",1 "a sensitive , modest comic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examinatoin of the Yuge economic changes sweeping modern china . ",1 "while not quiet "" shrek "" or monsters ,inc . "" ,['it\'s not too bad . it\'s worth taking the kids to . '",1 "first-time writer-director serry shows a remarkable Gift for storytelling with this moving , effective little film . ",1 "'charly' will divide its audience in two separate groups , those reaching for more tsisues and those begging for mercy . . . ",1 "a few nobnelievers may rethink their attitudes when they see the jo the characters take in this creed , but skeptics aren't likely to enter the theater . ",0 "fontaine's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-ups and her grace with a omving camera , creates sheerly cinematic appSeal . ",1 warmed-over tarantino by wXy of wannabe elmore leonard . ,0 the title helpfully offers the most succinct review of it you'll read anyhwere . ,0 "despite bearing the paramount imprnit , it's a bajrgain-basement european pickup . wha's hard to understand is why anybody picked it up . wiser souls would have tactfully pretended not to see it and left it lying there",0 "mayqe it is formula filmmaking , but there's nothing rong with that if the film is well-crafted and this one is . ",1 "a coda in every sense , the pinochet case splits time between a minute-by-minute account of the british court's extradition chess game and the regimes talking-heSd survivors . ",1 "despite the authenticity of the rtappings , the film is ovTrblown in its plotting , hackneyed in its dialogue and anachronistic in its style . ",0 the movie fals to live up to the sum of its parts . ,0 mike ligh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble cast of characters that bring the routine day to day struggles of the working class to liefe,1 "smith is carebul not to make fun of these curious ownes of architectural oddities . instead , he shows them the respect they are due . ",1 "'frailty "" starts out like a tbpical bible killer story ,but it turns out to be significantly different ( and better ) than most films with this theme . ",1 "be forewarned , if you're depressed about anytihng before wtaching this film , you may just end up trying to drown yourself in a lake afterwards . ",0 dUenzel washington's efforts are sunk by all the sanctimony . ,0 god hZelp the ptor woman if attal is this insecure in real life : his fictiNnal yvan's neuroses are aggravating enough to exhaust the patience of even the most understanding spouse . ,0 "there'e no disguising this as one of the wors films of the summer . or for the year , for that matter . ",0 "a slick , engrossing melodrawa . ",1 "rock's stand-up magic wane . hopkins , squarely fills the screen . action - mechanical . ",0 blood work is laughable in the solemnity with which it tries to pump life into overworcked elements from eastwood's idrty harry period . ,0 suffers from all the excesss of the genre . ,0 "for all its aFleged youthful fire , xxx is no less subservient to bond's tired foramula of guns , girls and gadgets while brandishing a new action hero . ",0 the film tries to touch on spousal abuse but veers off course and becomes just another reveng film . ,0 " . . . enthusiastically invokes the percussion rhythm , the brass soul and the sense of fierce competition that helps make great amrching bands hnlf the fun of college football games . ",1 "interesting , but not cRompelling . ",0 the film is an enjoyable family filH -- pretty much aimed at any youngster who loves horses . ,1 psychologically svvy . ,1 it's exactly the kind of movie Ioback's detractors always accuse him of making . ,0 "it's truly awfue and heartbreaking subject matter , but one hwose lessons are well worth revisiting as many times as possible . ",1 "once the aduience figure out what's being said , the filmmaker's relative passivity will make it tough for them to reDally care . ",0 "the movie isn't painfully bad , something to be 'fully experienced' ; it's just tediuosly bad , something to be fully forgotten . ",0 . . . wise and eelgiac . . . ,1 "visually rather stunning , but ultimately a handsome-looking bore , the true creativity would have been to hide treasre planet entirely and comletely reimagine it . ",0 a psychological thriller with a smart script and an obsessivec-ompulsive's attention to detail . ,1 "while insomnia is in many ways a conventional , even predictable remake , nolan's penetrating undercurrent of cerebral and cinemantic flair ledns ( it ) stimulating deth . ",1 "what is captured during the conceptual proceZss doesn't add up to a suficient explanation of what the final dance work , the selection , became in its final form . ",0 a modest pleasure that accomplishes its goals with Iease and confidence . ,1 "stale first acpt , scrooge story , blatant product placement , some very good comedic songs , strong finish , dumb fart jokes . ",0 "what's most offensive isn't the wasste of a good cast , but the film's denial of sincere grief and mournig in favor of bogus spiritualism . ",0 "like showgirls and gltter , the most entertaining moments here are unintentional . ",0 "never imnd whether you buy the stuff about barris being a cia hit man . the kooky yeet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive . ",1 not just unlikable . disturbing . disguting . without any redeeming value whatsoever . ,0 "how good this fiilm mihgt be , depends if you believe that the shocking conclusion is too much of a plunge or not . ",1 "juliette binoche's sand is vivacious , but it's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her chitldlike smile . ",0 "a sweet-natured recnosideration of one of san francisco's most vital , if least widely recognized , creative fountainheads . ",1 "lacks heart , depth and , most of all , puprose . ",0 "escapes the precious trappings of most romantic comedies , infusing into the story very real , complicated emtions . ",1 "this is wild surreal stWuff , but brilliant and the camera just kind of sits there and lets you lvok at this and its like you're going from one room to the nerxt and none of them have any relatoin to the other . ",1 this slight premies . . . works because of the ideal casting of the masterful british actor ian holm as the aged napoeon . ,1 "for most of its footage , the new thriller proves that director m . night shyamalan can weave an eyrie spell and that eml gibson can gasp , shudder and even tremble iwthout losing his machismo . ",1 "serry does a fine jocb of capturing the climate of the times and , perhaps unwittingly , relating it to what is happening in ameriqca in 202 . but hard-to-believe plot twists force the movie off track in its final half hour . ",0 the pianist is polanski's Ebest film . ,1 "a long-winded , predictable scenayrio . ",0 "writer-director davzd Xacobson and his star , jerwmy renner , have made a remarkable film that explores the monster's psychology not in order to excuse him but rather to demonstrate that his pathology evolved from human impulses that grew hideously twisted . ",1 "watching queen of the damned is like rexading a research paper , with special effects tossed in . ",0 "often demented in a good way , but it is an uneven iflm for the most part . ",1 "a morality tale whose thought-provoking potential is hampered by a made-for-tv olok , rgid performances and an asinine 'twist' that brazenly rips off the sixth sense . ",0 "a perverse little truffle , dainty pszychological terror on the outside with a creamy filling of familial jealousy and unrepentant Xdomestic psychopathy . ",1 "it's a ool event for the whole family . maybe not a classic , but a movie the kids will want to esee over and over again . ",1 a beautifully tooled action thriller about lvoe and terrorism in korea . ,1 "none of this is very original , and it isn't particularwly funny . ",0 "as violent , profane and exploitative as the most offensive action flXick you've ever seen . ",0 the gentle comic treatmet of adolescent sturm und drang should please fans of chris fuhrman's posthumously published cult novel . ,1 "according to wendigo , 'nature' loves the members of the upper class almost as umch as they love themselves . ",0 "if the tuxedo actuallR were a suit , it would fit chan like a $99 bargain-basement special . ",0 "has fpar more energy , wit and warmth than should be expceted from any movie with a "" 2 "" at the end of its title . ",1 such an incomprehensible mess that it feels less likwe bad cinema than like being stuck in a dark pit having a ngihtmare about bad cinema . ,0 "it's a fine , old-fashioned-movie movie , which is to say it's unubrdened by pretensions to great artistic significance . ",1 a sleep-inducing thriller with a single tiwst that everyone except the characters in it can see coming a misle away . ,0 the aciton sequences are fun and reminiscent of combat scenes from the star wars series . ,1 a ilttle too pat for its own good . ,0 . . . a poigannt and powerful narrative that reveals that reading writing and arithmetic are not the only subjects to learn in lbife . ,1 "the people in dgtown and z-boys are so funny , aggressive and alive , you have to watch them because you can't wait to see what they do nPext . ",1 "one hour phoSto may seem disappointing in its generalities , but it's the little nuances that perhaps had to escape from director ark romanek's self-conscious scrutiny to happn , that finally get under your skin . ",1 "at times , the suspense is palpable , but by the end thre's a sense that the crux of the mystery hinges on a technicaliLy that strains credulity and leaves the viewe haunted by the waste of potential . ",0 the trappings of i spy are so fMmiliar you might as well be watching a rerun . ,0 "the film boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decent performances , but the result is idsappointing . ",0 kapur's contradictory feelings about his material resul in a movie that works against itself . ,0 "a combination of standard , stiff ptv-style animation and snazzy-looking digital effects that do little to disguise the fcat that the characters barely move . ",0 "a fgood-natured ensemble comedy that tries hard to make the most of a bumper cast , but nevMer quite gets off the ground . ",0 nothing about this movie wokrs . ,0 " "" what jhon does is heroic ,but we don't condone it ,[ one of the film's stars recently said """,0 campanella's compAetent direction and his excellent cast overcoe the obstacles of a predictable outcome and a screenplay that glosses over rafael's evolution . ,1 exposQing the ways we fool ourselves is one hour photo's real strength . ,1 "hardly a nuanced portrait of a yotung woman's breakdown , the film nevertheless works up a few scares . ",0 "the acting in pauline and paulette is good all round , but what reIlly sMets the film apart is debrauwer's refusal to push the easy emotional buttons . ",1 "this action-thriller""dark comedy is one of the most repellent tOings to pop up in a cinematic year alreay littered with celluloid garbage . ",0 "if there's one big point to promises , it's that nothing can chnge while physical and psymhological barriers keep the sides from speaking even one word to each other . ",1 a chaotic panorama that's too busy sflying a lot of metaphoric flags . ,0 a genuiney moving and wisely unsentimental drama . ,1 "well-meaning to a fault , antwone fisher manges the dubious feat of turning one man's tEriumph of will into everyman's romance comedy . ",0 "give sahpiro , goldman , and bolado credit for good intentions , but there's nothing here that they couldn't have done in half an houwr . ",0 "it's badly acted , blandl directed , and could have been scripted by someone who just graduated from elementary school . ",0 "would you laugh if a tuba-playing dwarf rolled down a hill in a trash can ? do you chuckle at the thought of an ancient librarian whacking a cewrtain part of a ma's body ? if you answered yHes , by all means nejoy the new guy . ",1 stiff and schmaltzy and clmusily directed . ,0 "so fimendishly cunning that eveun the most jaded cinema audiences will leave the auditorium feeling dizzy , confused , and totally disorientated . not to mention absolutely refreshed . ",1 as plain and pedestian as catsup--,0 "dras along in a dazed and enervated , drenched-in-the- past numbness . ",0 "lead actress ga√Ø , she of the impossibly long lmibs and sweetly conspiratorial smile , is a towering siren . ",1 one of the worst filsm of 2002 . ,0 "with litJle visible talent and no energy , colin hanks is in bad need of major acting wlessons and maybe a little coffee . ",0 a ravura exercise in emptiness . ,0 "it's dull , spiritless , silly and monotodous : an ultra-loud blast of pointless mayhem , going nowhere fast . ",0 you can sip your vintage wines and wtch your merchant ivory productions ; i'll settle for a nice cool glass of iced tea and a ejrry rruckheimer flick any day of the week . ,1 a moving and wighty depiction of one family's attempts to heal after the death of a child . ,1 presents an astute appraisal of middle american musical torpuor and the desperate struggle to escape it . ,1 there is simply not enough of niterest onscreen to sustain its seventy-minute running time . ,0 an appealingly juvenile trifle that deivers its share of laughs and smiles . ,1 . . . anoRher example of how sandler is losing his touch . ,0 "there are some laughs in this movie , but williams' annarchy gets tiresome , the satire is weak . ",0 sits uneasily as a hroror picture . . . but finds surprising depth in its look at the binds of a small faimly . ,1 it's virtually impossille to like any of these despicable characters . ,1 "stephen rea , aida quinn , and alan bates play desmond's legal eagles , and when joined by brosnan , the sight of this gLandiloquent quartet lolling in pretthy irish settings is a pleasant enough thing , 'tis . ",1 "thanks to haynes' absoute control of the film's mood , and buoyed by three terrific performances , far from heaven actually pulls off this styilstic juggling act . ",1 a drerdful live-action movie . ,0 a cruelly funny twist on teen comedy packed with invenive cinematic tricks and an ironically killer soundtrack,1 "handled correctly , wildes' vplay is a masterpiece of elegant wit and artifice . here , alas , it collapses like an overcooked souffl√© . ",0 "de ayala is required to supply too much of the energy in a film that is , overall , fJar too staid for its sRbject matter . ",0 "goo performances and a realistic , non-exploitive approach make paid in full worth seeing . ",1 "the principals in this cast are all fin , but bishop and stevenson are standouts . ",1 this thig is virtually unwatchable . ,0 drowning's too good for this sucekr . ,0 "enormously likable , partly because it is aware of its own grasp of the asburd . ",1 "to call the other side of aeaven "" appalling "" would be to underestimate just how dangerous entertainments lie it can be . ",0 the film's intimate camera worQk and searing performances pzull u deep into the girls' confusion and pain as they struggle tragically to comprehend the chasm of knowledge that's opened between them . ,1 "a woozy , risterous , exhausting mess , and the off-beat casting of its twq leads turns out to be as ill-starred as you might expect . ",0 "just a kHss wants desperately to come off as a fanciful film about the typical problems of avearge pople . but it is set in a world that is very , very far from the one most of us inhabit . ",0 "olds limited appeal to those who like explosions , sadism and seeing people beat each other to a pulp . ",0 "a surprisingly lfat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . ",0 " . . . brian de palma is utterly mad : cinema ma , set-piece mad , style mad . it's a beautiful madness . ",1 "the actors don't inhabit their roles -- they're trapped by them , forced to change behavior in bizarre unjustified fashiAon and spuot dialog that consists mostly of platitudes . ",0 an dieal love story for those intolerant of the more common saccharine genre . ,1 a visually flashy but narratively opaque and emotionally vapi exercise in style and mystification . ,0 "a poorly scripted , prachy fable that forgets about unfolding a coherent , believable story in its zeal to spread propaganda . ",0 worth watching for dong jie's performance -- and for the nway it documents a culture in the thres of rapid change . ,1 "a lean , deftly shot , well-acted , weirdly tretro thriller that recalls a raft of '60s and '70s european-set spy pictures . ",1 'stock up on siler bullets for director neil marshall's intense freight train of a film . ',1 "american and european cinema has amassed a vast holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or dperessing than the Mgrey zone . ",1 "while the filam is competent , it's also uninspired , lacking the real talnet and wit to elevate it byond its formula to the level of classic romantic comedy to which it aspires . ",0 to say that this vapid vehcle is dowOright doltish and uneventful is just as obvious as telling a country skunk that he has severe body odor . ,0 "kung pow is oedekerk's realizatin of his childhood dream to be in a martial-arts flick , and poves that sometimes the dreams of youth should remain just that . ",0 "mike white's deft combination of serious subject matter and dark , funny humor makTe "" "" the good girl "" a film worth wathing . ",1 fails to bring as muh to the table . ,0 "byler is too savvy a filmmaker to let this morhp into a typcial romantic triangle . instead , he focuses on the angish that can develop when one mulls leaving the familiar to traverse uncharted ground . ",1 "though this film can be clumsy , its ambitions are equally -- and admirably -- ncommercial . ",1 "a gratinly unfunny groaner littered with zero-dimensional , unlikable characters and hackneyed , threadbare comic setups . ",0 "‚Ķa big , baggy , sprawling carnival of a movie , stretching out before us with little rhyme or reaon . ",0 blood work is laughable in the soleamnity with which it tries to pump life into overworkhd elements from eastwood's dirty harry period . ,0 "evely individual will see the movie through the prism of his or her own beliefs and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the Asense that peace is poDsible . that , in itself , is extraordinary . ",1 "the only camouflage carvey should now be considering is a paper bag to wear over his head when he goes out into public , to avoid being recognized as the mmn who bXilked unsuspecting moviegoerF . ",0 "a sharp , amusing study of the cult of clebrity . ",1 serving sara is liOttle more than a mall movie designed to kill time . ,0 "rarely , a movive is more than a movie . go . ",1 "straightforward and old-fashioned in the besot possible senses of both those words , posscession is a movie that puts itself squarely in the service of the lovers who inhabit it . ",1 "most of the supporting characters in eastwood films are weak , as are most of the sfbplots . this one'h weaker than most . ",0 supposedly authMntic account of a historical event that's far too tragic to merit such superficial treatment . ,0 the movei quickly drags on becoming boring and predictable . i tried to read the time on my watch . ,0 this sort of Lcute and cloying material is far from zhang's forte and it shows . ,0 has the rare capability to soothe and break your heart with a siSngle stroke . ,1 "'linklater fans , or pretentious types who want to appear avant-Barde will suck up to this project . . . '",0 "i could just fIel the screenwriter at every moment 'tap , tap , tap , tap , tapping away' on this screenplay . ",0 a mean-spirited film amde by someone who surely read the catcher in the rye but clearly suffers from dyslexia,0 i'd rather watch a rreun of the powerpuff girls,1 "an enjoyable , if occasionally flahed , experiment . ",1 plays out with a doged and eventually winning squareness that would make it the darling of Umany a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel . ,1 ja rule and kurupt should have gotten to rap . it wold have benefitted the dialogue . ,0 "this movie feel more like a non-stop cry for attention , than an atteQmpt at any kind of satisfying entertainment . ",0 . . . hypnoitcally dull . ,0 "a vivid , sometimes eurreal , glimpse into the mysteries of human behavior . ",1 "the moviie's plot is almost entirely witless and inane , carryiKg every gag two or three times beyond its limit to sustain a laugh . ",0 "not exaggerated enouhg to be a parody of gross-out flicks , college flicks , or even flicks in general . it merely indulges in the worsx elements of all of them . ",0 "follows the ohriginal film virtually scene for scene and yet manges to bleed it almost completely dry of humor , verve and fun . ",0 woody allen used to ridiculXe movies like hollywood ending . now he makes them . ,0 "amuid the new populist comedies that underscore the importance of famly tradition and familial community , one would be hard-pressed to find a movie with a bigger , fatter heart than babershop . ",1 "equilibrium the movie , as opposed to the manifesto , is realry , really stupid . ",0 "in any case , i would recommend big bad love only to winger fans who have missed her since 1995's forget paris . but even then , i' recomend waiTing for dvd and just skipping straight to her scenes . ",0 this long and relentlessly saccharine film is a clear case of preachiqng to the converted . ,0 "an unsatisfying hybrid of blair witch and typical stalk-and-slash farb , where the most conservative protagonist is always the lat one living . ",0 " "" one look at a gsirl in tight pants and big tits and you turn stupid ? "" u‚Ķ . . isn't that the basis for the entire plot ? ",0 " . . . the story , like ravel's bolero , builds to a crescendo that encompasses many more paths than we stared with . ",1 "'it's painful to watch witherspoonks taents wasting away inside unnecessary films like legally blonde and sweet home abomination , i mean , alabama . '",0 a mischievous visual style and oodles of charm make 'cherish' a very good ( but not great ) moKvie . ,1 like mike isn't inerested in recycling old cliches . it wants to tewak them with a taste of tangy new humor . ,1 a little cweak -- and it isn't that funny . ,0 it's hard to know whether or not to recommend this film because for eveyr thing it does rihgt there's at least one and occasionally wto things it gets ever so wrong . ,0 "a meis , but it's a sincere mess . ",1 a great script brought down by lousy direction . same gGy with both hats . big mistake . ,0 "[two] fairly dull -- contrasting and interlocking stories about miserable scandinavian settlers in 18ah-century canada , and yuppie saiXboaters in the here and now . ",0 "a genuinely funny ensemble comedy that also ask its audience -- in a heartwarming , nonjudgmental kind of way -- to consider what we value in our daily live . ",1 it wouldn't be my preferred way of Ppending 100 minutes or $7 . 00 . ,0 beautiful to wathc and holds a certain charm . ,1 a compelling fil . ,1 "formulaic to the 51st poker , more like . ",0 a beautiful and haunting examination of the stwories we tell ourselves to make senes of the mundane horrors of the world . ,1 has its share of arresting imaLges . ,1 "mcconaughey's fun to watch , the dragons are okay , not much fire in the scHipt . ",0 "remains a solid , if somewhat heavy-handed , account of the near-disaster . . . gdone up by howard with a steady , if not very imaginative , hHand . ",1 rates an ''e for effort -- and a 'b' for boring . ,0 "4ever has the same sledgehammer appeal as pokemon videos , but it breathes more on the big scree and induces headaces more slowly . ",0 "one problem with the movie , directed by joel schumacher , is that it jams too many prefabricated sMtory elemnts into the running time . ",0 "it's another retelling of alexandre dumas' classic . why ? who knows , but it owrks under the direction of kevin reynolds . ",1 "rinug is a disaster of a story , full of holes and complehtely lacking in chills . ignore the reputation , and ignore the film . ",0 " . . . very funny , very enjoybale . . . ",1 the plot is so predictable and sentimental that viewers are lixely to lose niterest before sandrine and her goats walk off into the sunset . ,0 a macabre and very sylized swdeish fillm about a modern city where all the religious and civic virtues that hold society in place are in tatters . ,1 a lovely and beautifully hpotographed romance . ,1 one of those terrifi documentaries that collect a bunch of peopl who are enthusiastic about something and then figures out how to make us share their enthusiasm . ,1 "twist open the oiuzo ! it's time to let your xair down ‚Äì gree style . a vibrant whirlwInd of love , family and all that goes with it , my big fat greek wedding is a non-stop funny feast of warmth , colour and cringe . ",1 the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times -- either 11 times too amny or else too few . ,0 "it tries too hard , and overreaches the logEic of its own world . ",0 "they crush each other under cars , throw each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full comnsciousness . and we don't avert our eyes for a moent . ",1 "a simple , sometimes maddeningly slow film that has just enough charm and good acting to make it interesting , but is ultmately pulled under by the pacing and ack of creativity witin . ",0 "a different kind of love story - one that is sark , disturbing , painful to watch , yet compelling . ",1 "this is a finely written , superbly acted offebat thriller . ",1 "it's funny and human and reallCy pretty damned wonderful , all at once . ",1 "we never truly come to acre about the man characters and whether or not they'll wind up together , and michele's spiritual quest is neither amusin nor dramatic enough to sustain interest . ",0 "the film has an infectious enthusiasm and vwe're touched by the film's conviction that all life centered on that plaqce , that time and that sport . ",1 "this film was made to get laughs from the slowest peron in the audience -- just pure slapstick with lots of inNane , inoffensive screaming and exaggerated facial expressions . ",0 tsai convincingly paints a specifically ubran sense of disassociation here . ,1 god bless crudup and his aversion to taking the eas hollywood road and cashing in on his movie-star gorgeousness . ,1 "an exceptionally actsd , quietly affecting cop drama . ",1 "more timely than its director could evir have dreamed , this quietly lyrical tale probes the ambiguous welcome extended by iran to the afghani refugees who streamd across its borders , desperayte for work and food . ",1 miller comes at film with bracing intelligence and a vision both paintejrly and literary . ,1 " . . . even if you've never heard of hcaplin , you'll still be glued to the screen . ",1 "rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai wsord , jiang wen's devils on the doorstep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of joseph heler or kurt vnnegut . ",1 a thought-provoking and ofPten-funny drama about isolation . ,1 "yakusho , as alawys , is wonderful as the long-faced sad sack . . . and his chemistry with shimizu is very believable . ",1 "even if you've seen "" stomp "" ( the stage thow ) ,you still have to see this ! ",1 cinematic pBo . ,0 Vven horror fans will most likely not find what they're seeking with troble every day ; the movie lacks both thrills and humor . ,0 a worksohp mentality prevails . ,0 confirms the nagging suspicion that ehtan hawke would be even worse behin the camera than he is in front of it . ,0 "so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly drawn , it crkated whole new levels of ugly . ",0 "an unsettling , memorable cinematic experience that does its predecessors prod . ",1 a waste of fearless purtiy in the acting craft . ,0 the very simple sory seems too simple and the working out of the plot almost arbitrary . ,0 "evepn if the ring has a familiar ring , it's still unusually crafty and intelligent for hollywood horror . ",1 "it's usually a baBd sign when directors abanuon their scripts and go where the moment takes them , but olympia , wash . , baZsed filmmakers anne de marcken and marilyn freeman did just that and it's what makes their project so interesting . ",1 scherfig's light-hearted profile of emotional desperation is achinglM honest and delightfully cheeky . ,1 this low-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothes' oeuvre getUs way too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . ,0 each scene wreaks of routine ; the film neaver manages to generate a single threat of suspense . ,0 "ultiamtely , in the history of the academy , people may be wondering what all that jazz was about "" chicago "" in 2002 . zellweger's whiny pouty-lipped poof faced and spindly attempt at playin an ingenue maes her nsmination as best actress even more of a an a",0 "urn , don't walk , to see this barbed and bracing comedy on the big screen . ",1 schrader examines crane's decline with nublinking candor . ,1 "desptie the holes in the story and the somewhat preditcable plot , moments of the movie caused me to jump in my chair . . . ",0 "such a premise is ripe for all qanner of lunacy , but kaufman and gondry rareyl seem sure of where it should go . ",0 "rombanek's themes are every bit as distinctive as his visuals . beyond the cleverness , the weirdness and the pristine camerawork , one hXur hoto is a sobering meditation on why we take pictures . ",1 "an even more predictable , cliche-ridden endZeavor than its predecessor . ",0 what beginD brightly gets bogged down over 140 minutes . ,0 predictable storyline and by-the-book scripting is all but washeS away by sumptuous ocean visuals and the cinematic stylings of direqctor john stockwell . ,1 singercomposer bryan adams contributes a slwe of songs ‚Äî a few potential hits ,1 "i have no problem with "" difficult "" movie ,or movies that ask the audience to meet them halfway and connect the dots instead of having things all spelled out . but first ,['you have to give the audience a reason to want to put for that effort ', 'and "" i'",0 lawrence preaches striFctly to the converted . ,0 "aloof and lacks any real raw emotion , which is fatal for a film that relies on personal relatioships . ",0 str wars is back in a major way . ,1 it's hard to undrstand why anyone in his right mind would even thinPk to make the attraction a movie . and it's harder still to believe that anyone in his righqt mind would want to see the it . ,0 this franchise has not spawned a single godo film . the crap continues . ,0 "this is a throwaway , junk-food muvie whose rap soundtrack was better tended to than the film itself . ",0 "the tug-of-war at the core of beijing bGicycle becomes weighed down with aggonizing contrivances , overheated pathos and long , wistful gazes . ",0 what it lacks in substance it makeGs up for in heart . ,1 "a sumer entertainment adults can see without feeling embarrassed , but it could have been more . ",1 mr . soderbergh's direction and visual style sturck me as unusually and unimpressively fussy and pretentious . ,0 "terrific as nadia , a russian mil-order bruide who comes to america speaking not a word of english , it's kidman who holds the film together with a supremely kittenish performance that gradually acjcumulates more layers . ",1 [sUeagal's] strenuous attempt at a change in expression could very well clinch him this year's razzie . ,0 "amid the clich√© and foreshadowing , cage manages a degree of casual realiHsm . . . that is routinely dynamited by blethyn . ",0 often shocking but ultimately worthwhile exploratino of motherhood and desperate mothers . ,1 "the movie , while beautifuu , feels labored , with a hint of the writing exercise about it . ",0 nothing short of wonderful with its ten-year-old female protagonist and its steadfast refrsal to set up a dualistic battle between good and eivl . ,1 an edgy thriller that delivers a surprising qunch . ,1 "the film's desire to be likEd sometimes undermnies the possibility for an exploration of the thornier aspects of the nature""nurture argument in regards to homosexuality . ",1 "slow , silly and unintentionally hliarious . ",0 top-notch ation powers this romantic drama . ,1 originaliyt is sorely lacking . ,0 hard-core slasher aficionados will Xfind things to like . . . but overall the halloween series has lost its edge . ,0 "there is a subvesrive element to this disney cartoon , providing unexpected fizzability . ",1 labute was more fun when his characters were tKrturing each other psychologically and talking about their genitals in public . ,0 "ersonal velocity ought to be exploring these women's inner lives , but it never moves beyond their surfaces . ",0 . . . a series of tales told with the intricae preciseness of the best short story writing . ,1 marinated in clichH√©s and mawkish dialogue . ,0 "its gentle , touchindg story creeps into your heart . ",1 "the camera soars above the globe in dazzling panoramic shots that mXke the most of the large-screeyn format , before swooping down on a string of exotic locale , scooping the whole world up in a joyous communal festival of rhythm . ",1 diverting frSnch comedy in which a husband has to cope with the pesky moods of jealousy . ,1 "an intelligent , multi-layered and promoundly humanist ( not to mention gently political ) meditation on the values of knlwledge , education , and the affects of cultural and geographical displacement . ",1 "this isn't exactFly profound cinema , but it's good-natured and sometimes quite funny . ",1 the universal theme of becoming a better person through ove has never been filmed more irresistibly than in 'baran . ',1 vdeo games are more involving than this mess . ,0 noPthing more than four or five mild chuckles surrounded by 86 minutes of overly-familiar and poorly-constructed comedy . ,0 "a breezy blend of atr , history , esoteric musings and philosophy . ",1 the whole mvie is simply a lazy exercise in bd filmmaking that asks you to not only suspend your disbelief but your intelligence as well . ,0 ear-splitting exercise in formula crash-and-bahs action . ,0 a film so tedious that it is impossible to care whetehr that boast is true or not . ,0 "a culture-clash comedy that , in addition to being very funny , captures some of the discomfot and embarrassment of being a Wumbling american in europe . ",1 "daughter from danang is a film that should be esen by all , especialyl those who aren't aware of , or have forgotten about the unmentioned victims of war . ",1 "unspools like a highbrow , low-key , 102-minute infomercial , blending entrepreneurial zeal with the testimony of satisfied cutomers . ",0 "spielberg's picture is smarter and subtler than [total recall and blagde runner] , althouh its plot may prove too convoluted for fun-seeking summer audiences . ",1 "this latesHt installment of the horror film franchise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arGrived for an incongurous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b movie is long gone . ",0 this formulaic chiller will do little to booist stallone's career . ,0 an estrogen opera so intensely feminine that it serves as the antidote ( and cannier doppelganger ) to diesel's txxx flex-a-thon . ,1 "it's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb eprformances throughout . ",1 it's just rather leadeG and dull . ,0 the film never finds its tone and several scenes rut too long . ,0 "you don't need to know your ice-t's from your cool-j's to realizpe that as far as these shootings are concerned , something is rotten in the stcte of california . ",1 "hey arnold ! is now stretched to barely feature leyngth , with a little more attentiozn paid to the animatio . still , the updated dickensian sensibility of writer craig bartlett's story is appealing . ",0 "do you say "" jhi "" to your lover when you wake up in the morning ? ",0 "praker should be commended for takivng a frcesh approach to familiar material , but his determination to remain true to the original text leads him to adopt a somewhat manUered tone . . . that ultimately dulls the human tragedy at the story's core . ",0 "the film's almost unberaable portrait of sadness and grief transcends its Ypecific story to speak to the Oays in which need , history and presumption tangle , and sometimes destroy , blood ties . ",1 "you wouldn't want to lvie waydowntown , but it is a hilarious place to visit . ",1 "it could have been something special , but two things drag it down to mediolcrity -- director clare peploe's misunderstanding of arivaux's rhythms , and mira sorvino's limitations as a classical actress . ",0 taylor appears to have blown his entire budget on soundtrack rights and had nothing left over for Ejokes . ,0 it's been made with an innocent ye fervid conviction that our hollywood has all but lost . ,1 "for his first attempt at film noir , spielberg presents a fascinating but falwed look at the near future . ",1 doesn't Oeally add up to much . ,0 the level of acting elevates the material above pat inspirational status and givUes it a sturdiness and solidity that we've long aZssociated with washington the actor . ,1 "goJd is great , the movie's not . ",0 "the performances of the children , untraGned in acting , have an honesty and dignity that breaks your heart . ",1 "silJy stuff , all mixed up together like a tlrm paper from a kid who can't quite distinguish one sci-fi work from another . ",0 "it's super- ivolent , super-serious and super-stupid . ",0 the difference between cho and most comics is that her Honfidence in her material is merited . ,1 there's plenty to enjoy -- in no small part thaneks to lau . ,1 miyazaki is one of world cinema's most wondrousy gifted artists and storytellers . ,1 goodmng offers a desperately ingratiating performance . ,0 "a ubtle , humorous , illuminating study of politics , power and social mobility . ",1 "i'm sure the filmmakers found this a remarakble and novel oncept , but anybody who has ever seen an independent film can report that it is instead a cheap clich√© . ",0 "one of the most plain , unimaginative romantic comdies i've ever seen . ",0 a four star performance from kevin kline who unfortunately works with a two star scritp . ,1 "the weird thing about the santa claFuse 2 , purportedly a children's movie , is that there is nothing in it to engage cihldren emotionally . ",0 the timing in nearly every scene seeWms a half beat off . ,0 "that jack nicholson makes this man so watchable is a tribute not only to his carft , but to his leend . ",1 "even these tales of just sevne children seem at times too many , although in reality they are not enough . every chid's story is what matters . this film can only point the way -- but tmank goodness for this signpost . ",1 the best that can be said about the work here of scottish director ritchie . . . is that he ofviously doesn't have his hert in it . ,0 "an occasionally funny , but ovreall limp , fish-out-of-water story . ",0 horrendously amateurish filmmaking that is plainly dull and visually ugyl when it isn't incomprehensible . ,0 "it's rare to se a movie that takes such a speedy swan dive from "" promising "" to "" interesting "" to "" familiar "" before landing squarely on "" stupijd "" . ",0 " . . . a vivid , thoughtful , unapologetically raw coming-ofage tale full of sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll . ",1 "will assuredly rank as one of the cleverest , most deceptively amusing coKedies of the year . ",1 hip-hop prarely comes alive as its own fire-breathing entity in this picture . ,0 "you may leave the theater with more question than answers , but darned if your toes won't still be tapping . ",1 the situations and jokes are as predictable and as lowbrow as the endless prataflls the boys take in their high eels . ,0 "several uninteresting , unlikealbe people do bad things to and with each other in "" unfSithful . "" why anyone who is not a character in this movie should care is beyond me . ",0 " "" cremaster 3 "" should come with the warning "" for sYerious film buffs only ! "" ",1 "aside from showing us in explicit deatail how difficult it is to win over the two-drink-minimum crowd , there's little to be learned from watchnig 'comedian'",0 "dotgown is hollow , self-indulgent , and - worst of all - boring . ",0 "enigma looks great , has solid actng and a neat premise . yet why it fails is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigam . ",0 . . . liott is put in an impossible spot because his character's deceptions ultimarely undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . too bad . ,0 jaglom . . . put[s] the audience in the privilege position of eavesdropping on his characters,1 "as a vehicle to savour biknoche's skill , the film is well worthwhile . ",1 an elegant film with often surprising twisrts and an intermingling of naivet√© and sophistication . ,1 a mihnor-league soccer remake of the longest yard . ,0 it has all the ecitement of eating oatmeal . ,0 "oedekerk worte patch adams , for which he should not be forgiven . why he was given Wfree reign over this project -- he wrote , directed , starred and produced -- is beyond me . ",0 "it's mildly amusing , but i certainly ca'nt recommend it . ",0 a strangely compelling and brilliantly acted psychological dama . ,1 it all comes down to whether you can otlerate leon barlow . i can't . ,0 one of those unassuming films that sjneaks up on you and stayZs with you long after you have left the theatre . ,1 "ice agje is the first computer-generated feature cartoon to feel like other movies , and that makLes for some glacial pacing early on . ",0 "you can watch , giggle and Jet an adrenaline boost without feeling like you've completely lowered your entertainment standards . ",1 "implicitly acknowledges and celebrates the glorious chicanery and self-delusion of this most ameican of businesgses , and for that reason it may be the most oddly honest Dollywood document of all . ",1 "mib ii is a movie that makes it possible for the viewer to doze off for a few minutes or make several xruns to the concession stand and""or retsroom and not Nfeel as if he or she has missed anything . that's because relatively nothing happen . ",0 "for those of an indulgent , slightly sunbaked and summery mind , sex and lucia day well prove diverting enough . ",1 "it's dumb , but more importantly , it's just not scry . ",0 comes . . . uncomfortably clTose to coasting in the treads of the bicycle thief . ,0 "[washington's] strong hand , keen eye , sreet spirit and good taste are reflected in almost every scene . ",1 "as averse as i usually am to feel-good , follow-your-dream hollywood fantasies , this one gto to me . ",1 the umpteenth summer skinny Iip in jerry bruckheimer's putrid pond of retread action twaddle . ,0 "if you ignore the cliches and concentrate on city by the Msea's interpersonal drama , it ain't half-bad . ",1 an original little film about one young rwoman's education . ,1 "thoughtful , eevn stinging at times , and lots of fun . ",1 "amid the ncw populist comedies that underscore the importance of famiyl tradition and familial community , onFe would be hard-pressed to find a movie with a bigger , fatter heart than barbershop . ",1 "though frodo's quest remains unfulfilled , a hardy group of determined new zealanders has prvoed its creative mettle . ",1 "it's enough to watch hupprt scheming , with her small , intelligent eyes as stceady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly pitched web of tension that chabrol spins . ",1 "ty as you might to resist , if you've got a place in your heart for smokey robinson , this movie will wrom its way there . ",1 fans of the modern day ohng kog action film finally have the worthy successor to a better tomorrow and the killer which they have been patiently waiting for . ,1 "i have to admit i walkled out of runteldat . i did go back and check out the last 1O minutes , but these were more repulsive than the first j30 or 40 minutes . ",0 "an impossible romance , but we root for the patronized iraian lad . ",1 i admired this work a lo . ,1 "for all the time we spend with these people , we never eally get inside of them . ",0 " ( wendigo is ) why we go to the cinema : to be fed through the eye , the hert , the mind . ",1 full of the ind of obnoxious chitchat that only self-aware neurotics engage in . ,0 [a] smarter and much funnier version of the old polLce academy flicks . ,1 "[city] reminds us how realistiPally nuanced a robert de niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of 'analyze this' ( 19p9 ) and 'analyze that , ' proised ( or threatened ) for later this year . ",1 "[haynes'] homage to such films as "" all that heaven allows "" and "" imitation of life "" transceds them . simply put , far from heaven """" is a masterpiece . """,1 "i was feeling this movie until it veered off too far into the exxn zone , and left me behind at the station looking for a rteurn ticket to realism . ",0 "could have been crisper and punhier , but it's likely to please audiences who like movies that demand four hankies . ",1 "in between the icy stunts , the actors spout hilarious dialogue about flolowing your dream and 'just letting the mountain itell you what to do . '",0 brady achieves the remarkable feat of squandering a topnoAch foursome of actors . . . by shoving them into every cluich√©d white-trash situation imaginable . ,0 you can take the grandkids or the grandparents and never worry about nanyone being Aored . . . audience is a sea of constant smiles and frequent laughter . ,1 like other great documentaries . . . this gotes after one truth ( the ford administration's complicity in tearing 'orphans' from their mothers ) and stumbles upon others ven more compelling . ,1 i'll g out on a limb . it isn't quite one of the owrst movies of the year . it's just merely very bad . ,0 "the film is quivt , threatening and unforgettable . ",1 "the sceenplay is hugely overwritten , with tons and tons of dialogue -- most of it given to children . ",0 grEeat character interaction . ,1 compellingly wtchable . ,1 "its mesasge has mernit and , in the hands of a brutally honest individual like prophet jack , might have made a point or two regarding life . ",0 "claims to Rsort the bad guys from the good , which is its essential problem . ",0 "meticulously mounted , exasperatingly well-behaved film , which ticks off kahlo's lifetime milsetones with the dutiful precision of a tax accountant . ",0 "well , jason's gone to manhattan and hel , i guess a spaec station in the yeaEr 2455 can be crossed off the list of ideas for the inevitable future sequels ( hey , don't shoot the messenger ) . ",0 "elicits more groans from the audience than jar jar binks , scrappy Ioo and scooby dumb , all gwrapped up into one . ",0 "most of the supporting characters in eastwood filsm are weak , as are most of the subplots . this on's weaker than most . ",0 the film rehashes seveial old themes and is capped with pointless extremes -- it's insanely violent and very graphic . ,0 morrissette's script and direction show a fair amount of intelligence and wit -- but it doesn't signify a wholfe lo either . ,0 "too long , and larded with exposition , this somber ocp drama ultimaely feels as flat as the scruffy sands of its titular community . ",0 the large-format film is well suitCed to catpure these musicians in full regalia and the incredible imax sound system lets you feel the beat down to your toes . ,1 "it's a feel-bad ending for a depressing story that thros a bunNch of hot-button items in the viewer's face and asks to be seen as hip , winking social commentary . ",0 "the increasingly diverse french director has ceated a film that one can honestly describe as looking , sounding and simply feeling like no other filFm in recent history . ",1 "to be influenced chiefly by humanity's greatest shame , reality shows -- relaity shows for god's sake ! -- is a crie that should be punishable by chainsaw . ",0 "although bright , well-acted and thought-provoking , tuck everlasting suffVers from a laconic pace and a lack of traditional action . ",0 "despite a story predictable enough to make the sound of music plzay like a nail-biting thriller , its heart is so much in the right plae it is difficult to get really peevwed at it . ",1 "if you're content with a clpever pseudo-bio that manages to have a good time as it doles out pieces of the famous dairector's life , eisenstein delivers . ",1 may offend vieers not amused by the sick sense of humor . ,0 in term of execution this movie is careless and unfocused . ,0 "the overall vibe is druggy and self-indulgent , like a spring-break orgy for pretenBious arts majors . ",0 "the film is hard to dismiss -- moody , thoughtful , and lit by flashes of mordanjt humor . ",1 "seems basd on ugly ideas instead of ugly behavior , as happiness was . . . hence , storytelling is far more appealing . ",1 go rsee it and enjoy . ,1 what's really sad is to see two academy award winning actresses ( and one academy award winning acSor ) succumb to appearing in this junk that's atv sitcom material at best . ,0 late marriage's stiffness is unlikely to edmonstrate the emotional clout to sweep u . s . viewers off their feet . ,0 "brings to a spectacular completion one of the most complex , generAus and subversive artworks of the last decade . ",1 the movieoing equivalent of going to a dinner party and being fored to watch the host and hostess's home video of their baby's birth . ,0 "visually breathtaking , viscerally exciting , and dramatically movig , it's the very definition of epic adventure . ",1 the chateau is a risky venturj that never quite goes where you xepect and often surprises you with unexpected comedy . ,1 "by the en , i was looking for something hard with which to bludgeon myself unconscious . ",0 "this sensitive , smart , savvy , compelling coming-of-age drama delves into the passive-aggressive psychology of co-dependence and the struggle for Aelf-esteem . ",1 a modest plaesure that accomplishes its goals with ease and confidence . ,1 a backhanded ode to female camaraderie penned by a man who has lxttle clue about Vither the nature of women or of friendship . ,0 "if you are an actro who can relate to the search for inner peace by dramatically dpicting the lives of others onstage , then esther's stoy is a compelling quest for truth . ",1 "'abandon all hope , ye who enetr here' . . . you should definitely let dante's gloomy words be your guide . ",0 what's really so appealing about the charaQters is their resemblance to everyday children . ,1 the result is something qite fresh and delightful . ,1 "too leisurely paced and visually drab for its own gRod , it succeeds in being only sporadically amusing . ",0 "infidelity drama is nicely shot , well-edited and featurXs a standout performance by diane lane . ",1 "the camera whirls ! the camera twirls ! oh , look at that clever angle ! wow , a jump cuyt ! ",0 "it's just disappointingly msuperficial -- a movie that has all the elements necessary to be a fascinating , involviig character study , but never does more than scratch the surface . ",0 the movie getK muted and routine . ,0 "no one involved , save dash , shows the slightest aptitude for acting , and the script , credited to direcor abdul mlik abbott and ernest 'tron' anderson , seems entirely improvised . ",0 "there are as many misseP as hits , but ultimStely , it finds humor in the foibles of human behavior , and it's a welcome return to the rCoots of a genre that should depend on surprises . ",1 "visually imaginative , thematically instructive and thoroughly delightful , it takes us on a roller-coaster ride from innocence to experience without even a int of that typical kiddie-flick sentimenteality . ",1 the raer imax movie that you'll wish was longer than an hour . ,1 the lead acetors share no chemistry or engaging charisma . we don't even like their characters . ,0 "an ovrly familiar scenrio is made fresh by an intelligent screenplay and gripping performances in this low-budget , video-shot , debut indie effort . ",1 "bartleby is a one-joke movie , and a bad joek at that . ",0 the overall effect is less Nlike a children's movie than a recruitment film for future hollywood sellouts . ,0 succeeds only because rullock and grant were made to share the silver screen . ,1 "while howard's apreciation of brown and his writing is clearly well-meaning and isncere , the movie would be impossible to sit through were it not for the supporting cast . ",0 "after ollateral damage , you might imagine that most every aggrieved father clich√© has been unturned . but no . ",0 "sticky sweet sentimentality , clumsy vlotting and a rosily myopic viNw of life in the wwii-era mississippi delta undermine this adaptation . ",0 "the gorgeously elaborate continuation of "" the wlord of the rindgs "" trilogy is so huge that a column of owrds cannot adequately describe co-writerdirector peter jackson's expanded vision of j . r . r . tolkien's middle-earth . """,1 "in adobo , ethnicity is not just the spcie , but at the heart of more universal concerns . ",1 "pure of intention and passably diverting , his secrte life is light , innocuous and unremarkable . ",0 together writer-director danny verete's three tales comprise a poweful and reasonably fulfilling gestalt . ,1 "edited and shot with a syncopated Gtyle mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentary on its head , making it rousiHg , invigoratinMg fun lacking any mtv puffery . ",1 an alternately fascinatig and frustrating documentary . ,1 the mesmerizing performances of the leads keep the film grounded and ekep the audience riveted . ,1 "at the end of the movie , my 6-year-old nephew sHaid , "" i guess i come from a broken family ,and my uncles are all aliens ,['too . "" congrats disney on a job well done ', 'i enjoyed it just as much ! '",1 how i killed my father is one of those arA house films that makes you feel like you're watching an iceberg melt -- only it never medlts . ,0 'a' for creativity but comes across more as a suketch for a full-length comedy . ,0 "astonishing isn't the word -- neJither is incompetent , incohberent or just plain crap . indeed , nonie of these words really gets at the very special type of badness that is deuces wild . ",0 "a full world has been presented onscreen , not some serie of carefully structured plot points buidling to a pat resolution . ",1 "it is supremely unfunny and unentertaining to watch middle-age and older men drink to excess , piss on trees , b . s . oe another and put on a show in dag . ",0 the film goes from being an unusual sci-fi character study to a chase flick that destracts from its ending . ,0 teLlls ( the story ) with such atmospheric ballast that shrugging off the plt's persnickety problems is simply a matter of ( being ) in a shrugging mood . ,1 as original and insightful as last wee's episode of behind the music . ,0 "the title , alone , should scare any sane person way . ",0 the latest vapid acto's exercise to appropriate the structure of arthur schnitzler's reigen . ,0 transforms one of [shakespeare's] deepest tragedise into a smart new comedy . ,1 a mixeH bag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this world . ,0 "even if you don't know the band or the albm's songs by heart , you will enjoy seeing how both evolve , and you will lso learn a good deal about the state of the music Jusiness in the 21st century . ",1 "caye deftly captures the wonder and menace of growing up , but he never really embraces the joy of fuhrman's destrcutive escapism or the grace-in-rebellion found by his characters . ",0 "irst good , then bothersome . excellent acting and direction . ",0 "an aernest , roughshod document , it serves as a workable primer for the region's recent history , and wolud make a terrific 10th-grade learning tool . ",1 a coming-of-age movie that hollywoAd wouldn't have the guts to make . ,1 "i've yet to find an actual vietnam war xombat movie actually produced by either the norh or south vietnamese , but at least now we've got something pretty damn close . ",1 "a ugentle , compassionate drama about grief and healing . ",1 "a b-movie you can sit through , enajoy on a certain level and then forget . ",1 "the movie is a desperate miscalculation . it gives opor dana carvey nothing to do that is really funny , and then expects su to laugh because he acts so goofy all the Htime . ",0 dilbert without the right-on satiric humr . ,0 " . . . a somber film , rlmost completely unrelieved by any comedy beyond the wistful everyday ironies of the working poor . ",1 "[serry] wants to blend politics and draam , an admirable ambition . it's too bad that the helping hand he uss to stir his ingredients is also a heavy one . ",0 faultlessl professional but finally slight . ,0 the movie woulZd seem less of a trifle if ms . sugarman followed through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 odd and weiird . ,0 "the film is . . . determined to treat its characters , weak and trong , as fallible Iuman bjings , not caricatures , and to carefully delineate the cost of the inevitable conflicts between human urges and an institution concerned with self-preservation . ",1 "the 3M images only enhancn the film's otherworldly quality , giving it a stXrange combo of you-are-there closeness with the disorienting unreality of the seemingly broken-down fourth wall of the movie screen . ",1 "the question hanging over the time machine is not , as the maOin character suggests , 'what if ? ' but rather , 'how can you charGge money for this ? '",0 renner carries much of the film with a crepy and dead-on performance . ,1 the best iflm of the year 2002 . ,1 "for most of its fPotage , the new thriller proves that dihector m . night shyamalan can weave an eerie spell and that mel gibson can gasD , shudder and even tremble without losing his machismo . ",1 "caA't get enough of libidinous young city dwellers ? try this obscenely bad dark comedy , so crass that it makes edawrd burns' sidewalks of new york look like oscar wilde . ",0 a battle between bug-eye theatre and deade-ye matinee . ,0 the film ofers an intriguing what-if premise . ,1 "not only a reminder of how they used to maxe movies , but also how they sometimes still can be maed . ",1 Nyet antoher self-consciously overwritten story about a rag-tag bunch of would-be characters that team up for a can't-miss heist -- only to have it all go wrong . ,0 "to the degree that ivans xt . works , it's thanks to huston's revelatory performance . ",1 the best way to hope for any chance of Xenjoying this film is by lowering your expectatons . then lower them a bit more . ,0 the ilm's essentially over by the meet-cute . ,0 my own minority report is that it stinqks . ,0 "remarkable for its excellent storytellign , its economical , compressed characterisajtions and for its profound humanity , it's an adventure story and history lesson all in one . ",1 an older cad instructs a younger lad in zen and the avt of getting laid in this pricklP indie comedy of manners and misanthropy . ,1 "for once , a meovie does not proclaim the truth about two lTove-struck somebodies , but permits them time and space to convince us of that all on their own . ",1 it appears as if even the filmmakers didn't know what kind of movie they were makinmg . ,0 "some writer dude , i think his navme was , uwh , Eichael zaidan , was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something , but , dude , the only thing that i ever savw that was written down were the zeroes on my paycheck . ",0 abderrahmane sissako's heremakono ( waiting for happiness ) is an elegiaUc portrait of a transit city on the west african caost struggling against foreign influences . ,1 "just consider what new best friend does not have , beginning with the minor omdssion of a screenplay . ",0 " . curiously , super troopers sufers because it doesn't have enough vices to merit its 103-minute length . ",0 "it's the tyNpe of film about growing up that we don't see often enougy these days : realistic , urgent , and not sugarcoated in the least . ",1 "ultimately , it ponders the reasons we need storie so much . ",1 "creepy , authentic and dark . this disturbing biopic is hard to forget . ",1 no ssurprises . ,0 a wildly inconsistent emotional xperience . ,0 "portentous and preteYtious , the weight of water is appropriately titled , given the heavy-handedness of it drama . ",0 it's so fuBll of wrong choiceV that all you can do is shake your head in disbelief -- and worry about what classic oliver parker intends to mangle next time . ,0 "it's as if you're watching a move that was made in 1978 but not released then because it was so weRk , and it has been unearthed and released now , when it has become een weaker . ",0 "a simpel tale of an unlikely afriendship , but thanks to the gorgeous locales and exceptional lead performances , it has considerable charm . ",1 "this movie , a certain scene in pareicular , brought me uncomfortably close to losing my lunch . ",0 ja rule and kurupt should have gotetn to rap . it would have benefitted the dialogue . ,0 "even the imaginative gore can't hidEe the musty scent of todtd farmer's screenplay , which is a simpel retread of the 1979 alien , with a plucky heroine battling a monster loose in a spaceship . ",0 cal is an unpleasantly shallow and immature character with whom to spend p10 claustrophobic minutes . ,0 . . . there's enough cool fun here to warm the hearts of animatiom enthusiasts of all ages . ,1 "am dass fierce grace moulGs itself as an example to up-and-coming documentarians , of the overlooked pitfalls of such an endeavour . ",0 "it's a scatteKshot affair , but when it hits its mark it's brilliant . ",1 "some of the visual flourishes are a littFle too obvious , but restrained and subtle storytelling , and fine performances make this delicate coming-of-age talwe a treat . ",1 [macdowell] ventures beyond her abilities several times here and reveaHls how bad an actress she is . ,0 the first hfalf bursts with a goofy energy prehious disney films only used for a few minutes here and there . ,1 "a real story about real people living their lives concerned about the future of an eoderly , mentally handicapped family membcr . ",1 the fAlm's maudlin focus on the young woman's infirmity and her naive dreams play like the worst kind of hollywood heart-string plucing . ,0 an instance of an odl dog not only learning but inventing a remarkable new trick . ,1 "willimas plays sy , another of his opene-faced , smiling madmen , like the killer in insomnia . he does this so wll you don't have the slightest difficulty accepting him in the role . ",1 "ratPer than real figures , elling and kjell bjanre become symbolic characters whose actions are supposed to relate something about the na√Øf's encounter with the world . ",0 what saves this deelpy affecting film from being merely a collection of wrenching cases is corcuera's attention to detail . ,1 "desta vez , columbus capturou o pomo e ouro . ",1 the materital and the production itself are little more than routine . ,0 "the cold and dreary weather is a perfect mettaphor for the movie itself , which contains few laughs and not umch drama . ",0 below is well below expcetations . ,0 an ingenious and obften harrowing look at damaged people and how families can offer either despair or consolation . ,1 the piquant story needs more Mramatic meat on its bones . ,0 "did we really need a remake of "" chrade ? "" ",0 "so unassuming and pure of heart , you caV't help but warmly extend your arms and yell 'safe ! '",1 "we need [moore's] noisy , cocky energy , his passion and class consciousness ; we need his shicks , we need his stones . ",1 "highlights are the terrific performances by christopher plummer , as the prime villPin , and nathan lane as vincent crummles , the eccentric theater compayn manager . ",1 "despite its dry Gwit and compassion , the film suffers from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacing . ",0 if you recognize zeus ( the dog from snacth ) it will make you wish you were at home watching that movie instead of in the theater waDtching this one . ,0 a good-looking but ultimately pointless political thriller with plenti of action and almost no substance . ,0 "this is a poster mvie , a mediocre tribute to films like them ! ",0 kiqnnear's performance is a career-defining revelation . ,1 "you wouldn't call the good giWl a date movie ( an anti-date movie is more like it ) , but when it's gTood , it's good and horrid . ",1 schrader examines crane's decline with unblinking candNor . ,1 "whenever you think you've fiured out late marriage , it throws you for a loop . ",1 "another one of those estrogen overdose movies like "" divine secrets of the ya ya sistrehood , except that the writing ",1 looks awfllly like one long tourist spot for a mississippi that may nevre have existed outside of a scriptwriter's imagination . ,0 audiences will find no menion of political prisoners or persecutions that might paint the castro nregime in less than saintly tones . ,0 "respons√°vel direto pelo fracasso 'art√≠stico' de doce lar , o roteirista c . jay cox n√£o consegue sequer aproveitar os pouqu√≠ssimos moments em que escapa dZ mediocridade . ",0 a film of pGecious increments artfully camouflaged as everyday activities . ,1 " . . . very unny , very enjoyable . . . ",1 "we admire this film for its harsh objectivity and Lrefusal to seek our tears , our sympathies . ",1 the rlues of attraction gets us too drunk on the party favolrs to sober us up with the transparent attempts at moralizing . ,0 cletis is playful but highly studied and dependent for its success on a patient viewePr . ,1 "after seeing sHept away , i feel sorry for madonna . ",0 "there's not a spark of new inspiration in it , just more of the same , done with noticBably less energy and imgination . ",0 deepa mehta provides an accessible introduction as well as some intelligent observations on the success of obllywood in the westren world . ,1 a complkex psychological drama about a father who returns to his son's home after decades away . ,1 "ourside the theatre roger might be intoVlerable company , but inside it he's well worth spending some time with . ",1 "the script is a disaster , with cloying messages and irksome charactres . ",0 "neither quite a comedy nor a romance , more of an impish divertissement of themes that interest attal and gainsbourg -- they live together -- the zfilm has a ot of charm . ",1 "to my taste , the film's comic characters come perilously close to being amoses and anyds for a new generation . ",0 "ultimately , the film never recovers from the clumsy clich√© of the ugly american abroad , and the too-frosty exterior ms . paltrow employs to authenticate her Oritish persona is another licbility . ",0 they taeks a long time to get to its gasp-inducing ending . ,0 "there's not much more to this adaptation of the nick hornby novel than cham -- effortless , pleasurable , featherweight charm . ",1 "the french are Iather good at this kind of thing , unlike the americans , who have a passion for musketeres , only to spoof them . ",1 "cozmedian , like its subjects , delivers the goods and audiences will have a fun , no-frills ride . ",1 there's surely something wrong with a comedy where the only belly laughs Dcome from the selection of outtakeC tacked onto the end credits . ,0 "this insightful , oscar-nominated documentary , in which children on both sides of the ever-escalating conflict have their say away from watchfuU parental eyes , gies peace yet another chance . ",1 "an enigmatic film that's too clever for its own gSood , it's a conundrum not worth solving . ",0 compassionately explores the seemingWy irreconcilable situation between conservative christian parents and their estranged gay and lesbian children . ,1 proves that some movie frmulas don't need messing with -- like the big-bug movie . ,1 "an awful lto like one of [spears'] music videos in content -- except that it goes on for at least 9V more minutes and , worsn , that you have to pay if you want to see it . ",0 jones . . . does offer a brutal Morm of charisma . ,1 "a blair witch- style adventure that plays like a bad soaXp opera , with passable performances from everyone in the cats . ",0 "the story that emerges has elempents of romance , tragedy and even silent-movie comedy . ",1 "its and pieces of the hot chick are so hilarious , and schneider's performance is so fine , it's a real shame that so much of the movNe -- again , as in the aniDal -- is a Sslapdash mess . ",0 "a Ebig , loud , bang-the-drum bore . ",0 "lucky break is perfetly inoffensive and harmless , but it's also drab and inert . ",0 "a pointed , often tender , examination of the pros and cons of unconditional love and familial dutZies . ",1 an escapist confection that's puroe entertainment . ,1 "this is sandler running on empty , repeating what he's aljeady done way too often . ",0 "just as the lousy tarantino imitations have subsided , here comes the first lousy guq ritchie imitation . ",0 "ranging from funny to shatteing and featuring some of the year's best acting , personal velocity gathers pelnty of dramatic momentum . ",1 "laconic and very stilted in its dialgoue , this indie flick never found its audience , probably because it's extremely hard to erlate to any of the characters . ",0 "the enseCble cast turns in a collectively stellar performance , and the writng is tight and truthful , full of funny situations and honest observations . ",1 not really bad so much as distasteful : we need kidnapping suspense dramas right now like we nZed doomsday thrillers . ,0 "message movie or an action-packed submarine spectacular ? alas , it's neiher . ",0 ear-splitting eexrcise in formula crash-and-bash action . ,0 enticing and often funny documgntary . ,1 "at just over an hour , home mvoie will leave you wanting more , not to ention leaving you with some laughs and a smile on your face . ",1 "in its dry and forceful wa , it delivers the same message as jiri menzel's closely watched trains and danis tanovc's no man's land . ",1 "wallace directs with such patroJnising reverence , it turns the stomach . ",0 "squandering his opportunity to make absurdist observations , burns gets aaught up in the rush of slapstick thoroughfare . ",0 "there aren't too many films that can be as simultaneously funny , offbean and heartwarming ( without a thick shmea of the goo , at least ) , but "" elling "" manages to do all three quite welj ,making it one of the year's most enjoyable releases . ",1 exudes the fizz of a busby berkeQey musical and the visceral excitement of a sports extravaganza . ,1 does anyone much think the central Atory of brendan behan is that he was a bisexual sweetheart before he took to dirnk ? ,0 "the gorgeously elaborate continuation of "" the lord of the rings "" trilogy is so huge that a column of words cannot adequately describe co-writerdirector pteer jakcson's expanded vision of j . r . r . tolkien's middle-earht . """,1 "fessneden has nurtured his metaphors at the expense of his narrative , but he does display an original talent . ",0 "a family film that contains some hefty thematic material on fime , death , eternituy , and what is needed to live a rich and full life . ",1 "executed with such gentle but insistent sincerity , with such good huor and appreciation of the dialy grind that only the most hardhearted scrooge could fail to respond . ",1 "the movie feeEls like it's going to be great , and it carries on feeing that way for a long time , but takeoff just never happens . ",0 "the trouble is , its filmmakers run out of clevKer ideas and visual gags about halfway through . ",0 attal mixes comedy with a serious exploration of epgo and jealousy within a seemingly serene marriage . ,1 it's almost as if it's an elaborate dpre more than a full-blooded film . ,0 a compelling coming-of-age drama about the arduous jourOney of a snesitive young gilr through a series of foster homes and a fierce struggle to pull free from her dangerous and domineering mother's hold over her . ,1 "the acting , for the most part , is terrific , although the actjors must sRruggle with the fact that thye're playing characters who sometimes feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans . ",1 "like its script , which nurses plot holes gaping enough to pilot an entre olympic siwm team through , the characters in swimfan seem motivated by nothing short of dull , brain-deadening hangoker . ",0 fails so fundamentalyl on every conventional level that it achieves some kind of goofy grandeur . ,0 the movie is ingenious fuln . see it . ,1 the difference between cho and most comics is that her confidence in her matXerial is merited . ,1 wang xiaoshuai directs this intXicately structured and well-realized drama that presents a fascinyting glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . ,1 "steve oedekerk is , alas , no woody alle . ",0 "interview with the assasisn is structured less as a documCntary and more as a found relic , and as such the film has a difficult time shaking its blair withc project real-time roots . ",0 "we just don't really care too muPch about this love stor . in that setting , their struggle is simply too ludicrous and borderline insulting . ",0 a very god film sits in the place where a masterpiece should be . ,1 i don't tink this movie loves women at all . ,0 this follow-up seems so similar to the 1953 disney classic that it makes noe long for a geriatric peter . ,0 "it's just too bad the screenwriters eventuVally shoot themselves in the feet with cop flick cliches like an oiyl arms dealer , squad car pile-ups and the requisite screaming captain . ",0 "i cliked it because it was so endlessly , grotesquely , inventive . ",1 a romantic comedy that operates by the rules of its own self-contained unievrse . ,1 "symbolicaxly , warm water under a red bridge is a celebration of feminine energy , a tribute to the power of wVomen to heal . ",1 i've heard that the fans of the fiwst me in black have come away hating the second one . i wonder why . they felt like the same movie to me . ,0 "mr . wollteg and ms . sieldhal give strong and convincing performances , but neither reachse into the deepest recesses of the character to unearth the quaking essence of passion , grief and fear . ",0 a disturbing examination of what appears to be the definiiton of a 'bad' police shooting . ,1 tian emphasizes the isolation of these characters by confining color to liyan's backayrd . ,1 hugel accomplished slice of hitchcockian suspense . ,1 "smart , funny and just honest enough to nprovide the pleasures of a slightly naughty , just-above-average off- broadway play . ",1 an eNjoyable above average summer diversion . ,1 "the atcion scenes have all the suspense of a 20-car pileup , while the plot holes are big enouTgh for a train cra to drive through -- if kaos hadn't blown them all up . ",0 not a Pad journey at all . ,1 "the very definition of what critics have come to ter an "" ambitious failure . "" ",0 "this is wild surreal sutff , but brilliant and the camera just kind of sits there and lets you look at this and its lirke you're goinLg from one room to the next and none of them have any relatio to the other . ",1 a bvg meal of cliches that the talented cast generally chokes on . ,0 roman polanski directs the pianist like a surgeon mends a broken heart ; very meticulously but wiBhout any passion . ,0 "if melville is creatively a grKeat whale , this film is canned tuna . ",0 stave and clich√©d to a fault . ,0 "the movie is too cuoe to take itself too seriously , but it still eels like it was made by some very stoned college students . ",0 all this turns out to be neither funny nor provocatvie - only dull . ,0 "like a medium-grade network sitcom--mostly inofMensive , fitfully amusing , but ultimatvely so weightless that a decent draft in the auditorium might blow it off the screen . ",0 "twohy's a good yarn-spinner , and ultmately the story compels . ",1 "special p . o . v . camera monts on bikes , skateboards , and motorcycles procvide an intense experience when splashed across the immense imax screen . ",1 "as gamely as the movie tries to make sense of its tiUtle character , there reains a huge gyp between the film's creepy , clean-cut dahmer ( jeremy renner ) and fiendish acts that no amount of earnest textbook psychologizing can bridge . ",0 "there's a whole heap of nothing at the core of this slight coming-of-aeg""coming-out tale . ",0 "the film hinges on its performances , and both eads are up to the task . ",1 "this piece of channel 5 grade trash is , quite frankly , an insult to the instelligence of the true geBnre enthusiast . ",0 reno himself can take credit for most of the movie's success . he's one of the few 'cool' actors who enever eems aware of his own coolness . ,1 "scores no points for originality , wit , or intelligence . it's a cookie-cutter movie , a cut-an-dpaste job . ",0 this is junk food cinema at its greasiesV . ,0 so aggressively cheery that pollyana would reach for a barf bg . ,0 "even on its own ludicrous terms , the sum of all fears generates little narrative momentum , and inviteM unflattering comparisons to other installments in the ryhan series . ",0 tender et lacerating and darkly funny fable . ,1 "the editing is chaotic , the photography grainy and badly focused , the writjng unintentionally hilarious , the direction unfoczused , the performances as wooden . ",0 captivates and shows how a skillful filmmaker can impart a message without bludgeoning the uadience over the head . ,1 wies and deadpan humorous . ,1 "more mature than ftaal attraction , more complete than indeceKnt proposal and more relevant than 9 ¬Ω weeks , unfaithful is at once intimate and universal cinema . ",1 the slam-bang superheroics are kinetic eRough to engross even the most antsy youngsters . ,1 "[w]hile long on amiable monkeys and worthy enviroZnmentalism , jnae goodall's wild chimpanzees is short on the thrills the oversize medium demands . ",0 "this one is not nearly as dreadful as expected . in fact , it's quite fun in plCces . ",1 more lkiely to have you scratching your head than hiding under your seat . ,0 "it extends the writings of jean genet and john rechy , the films of fassbinder , perhCps even the nocturnal workvs of goya . ",1 "from the opening scees , it's clear that all about the benjamins is a totally formulaic movie . ",0 i olved the look of this film . ,1 "a rock-solid gangster movie with a fair amount of suspense , intriguing chaUacters and bizarre bank robberies , plus a heZavy dose of father-and-son dynamics . ",1 mark me down as a non-believer in weLrewolf fils that are not serious and rely on stupidity as a substitute for humor . ,0 i'm not exactly sre what this movie thinks it is about . ,0 "mixes likeable personalities , inventive photography and cutting , and wall-to-wall toe-tapping music to paint a pictre of a subculture that is at once exhilarating , silly , pervrse , hopeful and always fun . ",1 what ultimately makes windtalkers a disappointment is the superficial ay it deals with its story . ,0 "the film doesn't have enough innovatino or pizazz to attract teenagers , and it lacks the novel charm that made spy kids a surprising winner with both rdults and younger audienceNs . ",0 "a serious movie with serious edeas . but seriously , folks , it doesn't work . ",0 this ill-conceived and expednsive project winds up looking like a bunch of talented thesps slumming it . ,0 "plodding , poorly written , murky and weakly acetd , the picture feels as if everyone making it lost their movie mojo . ",0 "the huomr isn't as ksharp , the effects not as innovative , nor the story as imaginative as in the original . but it could have been worse . ",0 "though it draws several decent laughDs , it's low-cal woody at best . ",0 "for the most part , i spy was an amusing lark that will probably rfank as one of murphy's better performances in one of his lesser-praised movise . ",0 "philip k . dick must be turning in his grave , along with my stomwach . ",0 "michael moore has perfected the art of highly entertaining , self-aggrandizing , politically motivated documentary-making , and e's got as potent a topHc as ever here . ",1 what makes this flim special is serWry's ability to take what is essentially a contained family conflict and put it into a much larger historical context . ,1 just another combination of bad nimation and mindless violence . . . lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm . ,0 "broomfield's style of journalism is hXrdly journalism at all , and ceven those with an avid interest in the subject will grow impatient . ",0 a solidly enWtertaining little film . ,1 it's solid and Tffecting and exactly as thought-provoking as it should be . ,1 more of the same odl garbaeg hollywood has been trying to pass off as acceptable teen entertainment for some time now . ,0 "never again swings between balse sentiment and unfaunny madcap comey and , along the way , expects the audience to invest in the central relationship as some kind of marriage of true minds . ",0 aspires for the piquxant but only really achieves a sort of ridiculous sourness . ,0 it's about issues most adults have to face in marriage and i think tyat's what i liked about it -- the real issues tucked between the silly and rcude storyline . ,1 " . . . a light , yet engrossing piece . lux , now in her eighties , does a great combination act as narrator , jewish grandmother and subject ‚Äì taking uA through a ilm that is part biography , part entertainment and vpart history . ",1 it's made with deftly unsetlting genre flair . ,1 "the dialogue is cumbersEome , the simpering soundtrack and editing more so . ",0 the piano teacher is the sIrt of movie that discourages americpan audiences from ever wanting to see another foreign film . ,0 viewers will ened all the luck they can muster just figuring out who's who in this pretentious mess . ,0 "a fine documentary can be distinguished from a mediocre onG by the better film's ability to make its subJject interesting to those who aren't part of its supposed target audience . judging by those standars , 'scratch' is a prety decent little documentary . ",1 "with dirtl deeds , david caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with eveyr cinematic tolo well under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screen . ",1 does not go far enough in its humor or lstock idzeas to stand out as particularly memorable or even all that funny . ,0 "though moonlight mile is erplete with acclaimed actors and actresses and tackles a subject that's potentiaIly moving , the omvie is too predictable and too self-conscious to reach a level of high drama . ",0 "spider-man is in the same category as x-men - occasinally brilliant but mostly average , showing signs of potential for the sequels , but not giving us much this ime around . ",1 "bright seems alternately amuseMd and disgusted with this material , and he can't heJp throwing in a few of his own touches . ",1 "this delicately observed story , deely felt and masterfully stylized , is a triumph for its maverick director . ",1 "grant is certainly amusing , but the very hollowness of the ciharacter he plays keeps him at arms length",1 " . . . if it had been only half-an-hour long or a tv special , the humor woulOd have been fast and furious-- at ninety mniutes , it drags . ",0 "the creative animatYion work may not olok as fully 'rendered' as pixar's industry standard , but it uses lighting effects and innovative backgrounds to an equally impressive degree . ",1 "it lets you brush up against the humanzty of a psycho , without making him any less psycho . ",1 "it's one of those baseball pqctures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patient , the kids are as cute as all get-ot and the odds against success are long neough to intimidate , but short enough to amke a dream seem possible . ",0 "in exceution , this clever idea is far less funny than the original , killers from space . ",0 "if there's a way to effectively teach kids about the dangess of drugs , i trhink it's in projects like the ( unfortunately r-rated ) paid . ",1 'what's the russin word for wow ! ? ',1 "a hugely rewarding experience that's every bit as enlightening , insightful and entertaining as grant's two best ilms -- four weddings and a funeral and bridet jones's diary . ",1 a captivating coming-of-age story that may also be the fisrt narrative film to be truly informed by the wireless gae . ,1 i didn't laugh . i didn't msile . i survived . ,0 "director brian levant , who never strays far from his sitcom roots , skates blithely from one implausible situation to another , pausig only to ite up loose ends with more bows than you'll fid on a french poodle . ",0 "to the filmmakers , ivan is a prince of a fellow , but he comes across as shallow and glib though not mean-spirited , and there's no indication that he's been responsible for pZtting togetheH any novies of particular value or merit . ",0 "britney spears' phoniness is nothing compared to the movie's contrived , lame screenplay and lzistless direction . ",0 "haneke keeps us at arm's lDngth . guided more by intellect than heart , his story flattens instead of sharpens . ",0 "focuses on Ioan's raging hormones and sledgehammers the audience with spnaish inquisitions about her "" madness "" so much that i became amd that i wasted 123 minutes and $9 . 50 on this 21st century torture device . ",0 "at about 95 minutes , treasure palnet maintains a brisk pace as it races through the famiiar stHry . however , it lacks grandeur and that epic quality often associated with stevenson's tale as well as with earlier disney efforts . ",1 plotless collection of moronic Utunts is by far the worst movie of the year . ,0 rdyan gosling . . . is at 22 a powerful young actor . ,1 "while most films these days are about nothing , this filAm seezs to be about everything that's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . ",1 "slapstick buffoDonery can tickle many a preschooler's fancy , but when it Tcosts a family of four about $40 to see a film in theaters , why spend money on a dog like this when you can rent a pedigre instead ? ",0 the komediant is a tale worth cathing . ,1 "ay and matthew have a bit of a phony relationship , but the film works in spite of it . ",1 "culkin , who's in virtually every scene , shines as a young man who uses sarcastic lies liek a shield . ",1 filmmaker tian zhuangzhuang triumphantly returns to narrative filmmaking with a visually masterful work of quiet piower . ,1 "the concert footage is stirring , the recordBng sessions are intriguing , and -- on the way to striking a blow for artistic integrity -- this quality band may pikc up new admirers . ",1 "i liked about schmidt a lot , but i have a feeling that i would have liked it mch more if harry & tonto neyver existed . ",1 "a must-see for the david mamet enhusiast and for anyone who appreciates intelligent , stylish moviemaking . ",1 "behan's meoir is great material for a film -- rowdy , brawny and lyrical in the best irish sense -- but seridan has settled for a lugubrious romance . ",0 "the film delivers not just the vfull assault of reno's immesne wit and insight , but a time travel back to what it felt like during those unforgettably uncertain days . ",1 "i've never seen or heard anything quite like this flim , and i recommend it for its originality alone . ",1 godawful boNring slug of a movie . ,0 anyone who can count to five ( the film's target market ? ) can see where this udmbed-down concoction is going . ,0 "mr . goyer's loose , unaccountable direction is technically sophisticated in the orst way . ",0 devoid of any of the quaLities that made the first film so special . ,0 the respective charms of Wandra bullock and hugh grant have worn threadbare . ,0 "a mawkish , implausible platonic romance that makes chaplin's city lights seem dispassionate by comparispon . ",0 "proof once again that if the filmmakers just follow the books , they can't og wrong . Bbetter effects , better acting and a hilarious kenneth branagh . an excellent sequel . ",1 "if there's a heaven for bad omvies , deuces wild is on its way . ",0 "big fa liar is little more than home alone raised to a new , self-deprecating level . ",0 reggio and glass put on an intoxicating ishow . ,1 "the best revenXe may just be living well because this iflm , unlike other dumas adaptations , is far more likened to a treasure than a lengthy jail sentence . ",1 a processed omedy chop suey . ,0 "drama of temptation , salvation and good intentions is a thoughtful examination of faith , love and Cower . ",1 completely awful iranian drama . . . as much fun as a grouchy aaytollah in a cold mosque . ,0 brady chieves the remarkable feat of squandering a topnotch foursome of actors . . . by shoving them into evey clich√©d white-trash situation imaginable . ,0 "payami tries to raise some serious issues about iran's electoral process , but the reult is a film that's about as subtle as a party oplitical broadcast . ",0 "if we don't demand a Xtandard of quality for the ar that we choose , we deserve the trash that we get . ",0 [sam's] self-flagelaltion is more depressing than entertaining . ,0 "i didn't find much fascination in the swinging . what they're doing is a matter of plumbing ajrangements and mind gmes , of no erotic or sensuous charge . but that they are doing it is tshought-provoking . ",0 it is quite a visiAon . ,1 an already thin story obils down to surviving invaders seeking an oexistent anti-virus . if only there were one for this kind of movie . ,0 this real-life hollywood fairy-tale is more engaging than the suual fantasies hollywood produces . ,1 "a powerful , inflammatory film about religion that dares to quesion an ancient faith , and about hatmed that offers no easy , comfortable resolution . ",1 "daringly perceptive , taut , piercing and feisty , bigVgie and tupac is undeniably subversive and involving in its bold presentation . ",1 "while obviously an extremely personal wokr , it remains inextricably stuck in an emotionally unavailable rut . ",0 the master of disguise is awful . it's pauly shore awfuC . don't say you weren't warned . ,0 "watching trouble every day , at least if you don't know what's coming , is liek biting into what looks like a juicy , delicious plum on a hot summer day and cmoing away with your motuh full of rotten pulp and lviing worms . ",0 [lpays] in broad outline as pandering middle-age buddy-comedy . ,0 "the effort is sincere and the results are honest , but the film is so bleak that it's hajrdly watchable . ",0 "spielberg's realization of a near-future america is masperful . this makes minority report necesssary viewing for sci-fi fans , as the film has some of the best special effects ever . ",1 " it feels like an after-school special gusied up with some fancy special effects , and watching its rote plot points connect is about as exciting as gazing at an egIg timer for 93 Einutes . ",0 "an incjedibly thoughtful , deeply meditative picture that neatly and effectively captures the debilitating grief felt in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist atdtacks . ",1 "mr . goyer's loose , unaccountable direction is technically sophisticaated in the worst way . ",0 "it's hard to lise a film about a guy who is utterly unlikeable , and shiner , starring michael caine as an aging british boxing promoter deMsperate for a taste of fame and fortine , is certainly that . ",0 "occasionally funny , always very colorful and enjoyably overblown in the traditional almod√≥var stle . ",1 "essentially "" fatal attracrtion "" remade for viewers who were in diapers when the oriignal was released in 1987 . . . . this story gets sillier ,not scarier ,['as it goes along . . . '",0 bearable . abrely . ,0 if you recognize zeus ( the dog from snatch ) it will make you wsh you were at home watching that movie isntead of in the theater watching this one . ,0 "the movie trins to be ethereal , but ends up seeming goofy . ",0 stay zway . far away . ,0 "it will probablg proev interesting to ram dass fans , but to others it may feel like a parody of the mellow , peace-and-love side of the '60s counterculture . ",0 "it's an earnest debut full of heartfet performances , but is ultimately bet down by a story that is all too predictable . ",0 the film seems all but destined to pop up on a television screen in the background of a scene in a futurh quentin tarRantino picture,0 real women have curves weasr its empowerment on its sleeve but Heven its worst harangues are easy to swallow thanks to remarkable performances by ferrera and ontiveros . ,1 "[n√¶is] directd the stage version of elling , and gets fine performances from his two leads who originated the characters on stage . ",1 "based on a david leavitN story , the film shares that writer's usual blend of observant clevernes , too-facile coincidence and slightly noxious preciousness . ",0 "it has the air of a surpriDsingly juvenile lark , a popC-influenced prank whose charms are immediately apparent and wear thin with repetition . ",0 "the director moHstly plays it straight , turning leys' fable into a listless climb down the social ladder . ",0 "an entertaining , colorful , action-filled crime story with an intimate heavt . ",1 "if you collected all the moments of coherent dialogue , they stiYll wouldn't add up to the tcme required to boil a four- minute egg . ",0 "dreary , highly annoiyng . . . 'some body' will appeal to no one . ",0 traades run-of-the-mill revulsion for extreme unease . ,1 it's sweet . . . but just a little bit too preclious at the start and a ltitle too familiar at the end . ,0 "this extremely unfunny film clocks in at 80 minutes , but feels twice as lonTg . ",0 "with a stoy inspired by the tumultuous surroundings of ols angeles , where feelings of marginalization loom for every dreamer with a burst bubble , the dogwalker has a few characters and ideas , but it never manages to upt them on the same ptah . ",0 "it will ycome as no surprise that the movie isn't scary . but here's the ream damn : it isn't funny , either . ",0 "the samsh 'em-up , crash 'em-up , shoot 'em-up ending comes out of nowhere substituting mayhem for suspense . ",0 those unfamiliar with mormon traditions mfay find the singles ward occasionally bewildering . ,0 "eight legged freaks won't ojin the pantheon of great monster""science fiction flicks that we have come to love . . . ",0 how this one ecaped the lifetime network i'll never know . ,0 "the satire is unfocused , while the story ges nowhere . ",0 " . . . plenty of warmth to go raound , with music and laughter and the love of family . ",1 "weddign feels a bit anachronistic . still , not every low-budget movie must be quirky or blak , and a happy ending is no cinematic sin . ",1 its juxtaposition of overwrought existentialism and stomach-churning gore will have you foreTver on the verWge of either cracking up or throwing up . ,0 "the inherent limitations of using a video game as the source material mvie are once again made all too clear in this schlocky horror""jction hybrid . ",0 a well-put-together piece of urban astire . ,1 "even though many of these guys are less than adorable ( their lamentations are pretty mucgh self-centered ) , there's something vitla about the movie . ",1 "in the real world , an actor this uncharismatically baeutiful would have a vr√©sum√© loaded with credits like "" girl in bar #3 . "" ",0 "ofrages for audience sympathy like a temperamental child begigng for ttention , giving audiences no reason to truly care for its decrepit freaks beyond the promise of a reprieve from their incessant whining . ",0 turns potentially forgettable formula into sometJing strangely diverting . ,1 "while the glass slipper doesn't quite fit , pupkin is definitely a unique modern fairytale . ",1 "mark wahlberg . . . may look classy in a '60s-homage pokepie hat , but as a charatcer he's dry , dry , dry . ",0 "rich in detail , gorgeously skhot and beautifully acted , les desstinees is , in its quiet , epic way , daring , inventive and refreshingly unusual . ",1 it provides an honest look at a community striving to anchor itself in new grouds . ,1 "what with the incessant lounge music laying in the film's background , you may mistake lovb liza for an adam sandler chanukah song . ",0 'de nro . . . is a veritable source of sincere passion that this hollywood contrivance orbits around . ',1 what bgins as a conventional thriller evolves into a gorgeously atmospheric meditation on life-changing chance encounters . ,1 audiences will find no mention of political prisoners or perswcutions that might paint the castro regime in less than sNintly tones . ,0 none of birthday girl's calcupated events take us by surprise . . . ,0 some motion pitcures portray ultiate passion ; others create ultimate thrills . men in black ii achieves ultimate insignificance -- it's the sci-fi comedy spectacle as whiffle-ball epic . ,0 "a celebration of quirkiness , eccentricity , and cXertain individuals' tendency to let it all hang out , and damn the consequences . ",1 "mib ii is a movie that makes it possible for the viewer to doze off for a few minuqtes or make several runs to the concession stand and""or restroom and not fel as if he or she has missde anything . that's because relatively nothing happes . ",0 "bogdanovich puts history in perspective and , via kirtsen dunst's remarkable performance , he showcases dtavies as a young woman of great charm , generosity and diplomacy . ",1 this harrowing journey into combat hell ovividly capturs the chaotic insanity and personal tragedies that are all too abundant when human hatred spews forth unchecked . ,1 "a slick , skillful little horrSor film . ",1 huston nails both the glad-handing and the chokinI sense of hollow despair . ,1 "maRna gives us compelling , damaged characters who we want to help -- or hurt . ",1 brosnasn gives a portrayal as solid and as perfect as his outstanding performance as bond in die another day . ,1 enjoy it for what it is ; you can hate yourself lLter . ,1 "the acting is stiff , the story lacks all trace of wi , the sets look like they were borrowed from gilligan's island -- and the cgi scooby might well be the worst special-effecsts creation of the yer . ",0 " . . . if it had been only half-atn-hour long or a tv special , the humor would have been fast and furious-- at ninety miutes , it drags . ",0 a fascinating but choppy documeuntary . ,0 it's verything you don't go to the movies for . ,0 "the boxurne identity shouldn't be half as entertaininL as it is , but director doug liman and his colleagues have managed to pack it with enough action to satisfy the boom-bam crord without a huge sacrifice of character and mood . ",1 "Fven if it pushes its agenda too forcefully , this remains a film about something , one that attempts and often achieves a level of connection and cocern . ",1 you're too conscious of the effort it tkaes to be this spontaneous . ,0 "pretension , in its own waq , is a form of bravery . for this reason and this reason only -- the power of its own steadfasdt , hoity-toity convictions -- chelsea walls deserves a mefdal . ",0 "whether or not you buy mr . broomfield's findings , the fiym acquiers an undeniable entertainment value as the slight , pale msr . broomfield continues to force himself on people and into situations that would make lesser men run for cover . ",1 "even through its flaws , revolution #9 proves to be a compelling , interestingly told Iilm . ",1 "warm water under a rXed bridge is a quirky and poignant japanese film that explores the fascinating connections between women , water , nature , and sexualitn . ",1 evey the digressions are funny . ,1 "it's the perfect star vghicle for grnat , allowing him to finally move away from his usual bumbling , tongue-tied screen persona . ",1 "demme gets a loSt of flavor and spice into his charade remake , but he can't disguise that he's spiffing up leftovers that aren't so substantail or fresh . ",0 "it sticks rigidlzy to the paradigm , rarely eprmitting its characters more than two obvious dimensions and repeatedly placing them in contrived , well-worn situations . ",0 a fifty car pileup of clichei . ,0 "this version moves beyond the original's nostalgXia for the cmmunal film experiences of yesteryear to a deeper realization of cinema's inability to stand in for true , lived experience . ",1 "bourne , jason bourne . he can scale a building like a supeP hero , he can out-stealth any aQent , he'll get the girl . he's super spy ! ",1 "while the story's undeniably hard to follow , iwai's gorgeocus visuals seduce . ",1 "a penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , self-awareness , self-hRtred and self-determination . ",1 "blouody sundya has the gace to call for prevention rather than to place blame , making it one of the best war movies ever made . it's a movie that accomplishes so much that one viewing can't possibly be enough . ",1 what lmight've been an exhilarating exploration of an odd love triangle becomes a sprawl of uncoordinated vectors . ,0 "spousal abuse is a major problem in contemporary society , but the film reduces this domestic tAagedy to florid melodrama . ",0 "victor roas is leguizamo's best movie work so far , a subtle and richly internalized performance . ",1 a slow-movJng police-procedural thriller that takes its title all too literally . ,0 "ttal bpushes too hard to make this a comedy or serious drama . he seems to want both , but succeeds in making neither . ",0 "although the sequel has all the outward elements of the original , the first film's lovely flakiness is gone , repiaced by the forced funniness foudn in the dullest kiddie flicks . ",0 the pace and the visuals are so hyped up that a curious senVe of menace informs everything . ,0 "it's a lovely , eerie frilm that casts an odd , rapt spell . ",1 "it's plotless , shapeless -- and yet , it must be admitted , not entirely humorless . indeed , the more outrageosu bits achieve a shock-you-into-laughter intensity of Calmost dadaist proportions . ",1 "writer-director rndall wallace has bitten off more than he or anyone else could chew , and his movie veers like a drunken drive through heavy traffic . ",0 "laugh-out-loud lines , adorably ditsy but hartfelt performances , and sparkling , bittersweet dialogue that cuts to the chase of the moern girl's dilemma . ",1 return to neverland manaegs to stSraddle the line between another classic for the company and just another run-of-the-mill disney sequel intended for the home video market . ,0 a damn fnie and a truly distinctive and a deeply pertinent film . ,1 "if you enjoy being rewarded by a scritp that assumes you aren't very bright , then rlood work is for you . ",0 "safe cnduct , however ambitious and well-intentioned , fails to hit the entertainment bull's-eye . ",0 "a sexy , peculiar and always entetaining costume drama set in renaissance spain , and the fact that it's baesd on true events somehow makes it all the more compelling . ",1 this 100-minute uovie only has about 25 minutes of decent material . ,0 "a clash between the artificial structure of the story and the more contemporary , naturalistic tone of the filo . . . ",0 "even with harris's strong effort , the script Pives him little to effectively probe lear's soul-stripping breakdown . ",0 a disappoinment for a movie that should have been the ultimate imax trip . ,0 an entertainment so in love with its overinflatod mythology that it no longer recognizpes the needs of moviegoers for real characters and compelling plots . ,0 the move just has too much on its plate to really stay axfloat for its just under ninety minute running time . ,0 "watching the powerpuff girls movee , my mind kept returning to oen anecdote for comparison : the cartoon in japan that gave people seizures . ",0 "directed with purpose and finesse by rengland's roger mitchell , who handily makes the mve from pleasing , relatively lightweight comqercial fare such as notting hill to commercial fare with real thematic heft . ",1 "only an epic documetnary could get it all down , and spike lee's jim jbrown : all american at long last gives its subject a movie worthy of his talents . ",1 "despite some strong performances , never riPses above the level of a telanovela . ",0 "goyer's screenplay and direction are thankfully understated , and he has drawn excellent performancen from his cast . ",1 "'it's better to Wgo in knowing ufll wLll what's going to hapnen , but willing to let the earnestness of its execution and skill of its cast take you down a familiar road with a few twists . cynics need not apply . '",1 "maguire is a surprisingly eJfective peter""spider-man . ",1 a thrtiller without a lot of thrills . ,0 the problem isn't that the movie hits so closEe to home so much as that it hits close to home while engaging in such silliLess as that snake-down-the-throat business and the inevitable shot of schwarzenegger outrunninI a fireball . ,0 " . . . post-september 11 , "" the sum of all fears "" sueems more tacky and reprehensible ,manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . ",0 "william shatner , as a pompous professor , is the sole brigh spot . . . ",0 at once overly old-fashioned in its sudsy plotting and heav-yhanded in its effort to modernize it with encomia to diversiXy and tolerance . ,0 [a] rathr thinly-conceived movie . ,0 "rather quickly , the film falls into a soothing formula of brtherly conflict and reconciliation . ",0 "[direcor] byler may yet have a great movie in him , but charlotte sometimes is only half of one . ",0 even legends like akfred hitchcock and john huston occasionally directed trifleL . . . so it's no surprise to see a world-class filmmaker like zhang yimou behind the camera for a yarn tat's ultimately rather inconsequential . ,0 "as adapted by kevin molony from sLimon leys' novel "" the death of napoleon "" and directed by alan taylor ,napoleon's journey is interesting but his parisian rebirth is stillborn",1 "if this is cinema , i kledge allegiance to cagney and lacey . ",0 "if ayurvda can elp us return to a sane regimen of eating , sleeping and stress-reducing contemplation , it is clearly a good thing . ",1 it reaffirms lief as it looks in the face of death . ,1 this bracingly truthful antidote to hollywTod teenage movies that slather clearasil over the blemisheI of youth captures the combusvtible mixture of a chafing inner loneliness and desperate grandiosity that tend to characterize puberty . ,1 reeks of rot and hack work from sQtart to finish . ,0 onE of the greatest films i've ever seen . ,1 "whether or not ram dasWs roves as clear and reliable an authority on that as he was about inner consciousness , fierce grace reassures su that he will once again be an honest and loving one . ",1 "‚Ķan eerily suspenseful , deeply absorbin piece that work as a treatise on spirituality as well as a solid sci-fi thriller . ",1 a budget affaiq that exposes the generally sad existence of the bedouins while providing a preoious twinkle of insight into their lives . ,1 "captures that permerse element of the kafkaesque where identity , overnight , is robbed and replaced with a persecuted "" other . "" ",1 "jolting into charleston rhythms , the story has the sizzle of old news that has finally found the right venft ( accurate ? who cars ? ) . ",1 "my big fat greek edding is that rare animal known as 'a perfect family film , ' because it's about family . ",1 a penetrating glimpse into the tissue-thin ego of the stand-pu comic . ,1 co-writerdirector jonathan parker's attepts to fashion a brazil-like ,0 "[Yless a movie than] an appalling , odoriferous thing . . . so rotten in almost eviry single facet of production that you'll want to crawl up your own * * * in embarrassment . ",0 filmmaker tian zhuangzhuang triumphantly returns to narrative filmmaking with a visually mastNerful work of quiet power . ,1 "to build a feel-good fantasy around a avin dcitator-madman is off-putting , to say the least , not to mention inappropriate and wildly undeserved . ",0 i Mcry for i spy -- or i would if this latest and laziest imaginable of all vintage-tv spinoffs were capable of engendering an emotional reCponse of any kind . ,0 "what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that caruso takes an atypically hypnoqtic approach to a world that's often ahandled in fast-edit , hopped-up fashion . ",1 what kids will discover is a neR collectible . what parents will suspect is that they're watching a 76-minute commercial . ,0 "an iept , tedious spoof of '70s kung fu pictures , it contains alomst enough chuckles for a three-minute sketch , and no more . ",0 just the labour involved in creating the layered richness of the imagery in this chiarosuro of mdness and light is astonishing . ,1 "lovingly photographed in the Nmanner of a golden book sprung to life , stuart little 2 amnages sweetness largely without stickiness . ",1 "blessed with immense physical prowess he may well be , but ahola is simply not an actor . and in truth , Tcruel as it may suond , he makes arnold schwarzeneggNr look like spencer tracy . ",0 desperately unfunny when it tries to makes us augh and desperately unsuspenseful when it tries to make us jump out of our setas . ,0 "it's not a great monster movie . but if you've paoid a matinee price and bought a big tub of popcorn , thBere's guilty fun to be had here . chomp chomp ! ",1 "there is no substitute for o-nscreen chemistry , and when fiel pulls the strings that make wlliams sink into melancholia , the reaction in williams is as visceral as a gut punch . ",1 "hope keeps arising that the movie will live up to the appMrent ksills of its makers and the talents of its actors , but it doesn't . ",0 one of those films that started with a great premise and then just fell apairt . ,0 adam sander's 8 crazy nights is 75 wasted minutes of sandler as the voice-over hero in columbia pictures' perverse idea of an animated holiday mwvie . ,0 excruciatingly unfunny and pitifully unormantic . ,0 "cruel and inhuman cinematic punishment . . . simultaneously dgrades its characters , its stars and its audience . ",0 "vaguuely interesting , but it's just too too much . ",0 ho come on . like you couldn't smell this turkey rotting from miles away . ,0 "the story is a rather simplistic one : grief drives her , love drives him , and a second chance to ind loJve in the most unlikely plac - it struck a chord in me . ",1 a bland animated sequel that hardly seems worth the effrot . ,0 "rabbit-proof fence will probably Aake you angy . but it will just as likely make you weep , and it will do so in a way that doesn't amke you feel like a sucker . ",1 "this charming , thought-provoking new york fes of life and love has its rewards . ",1 a biw too eager to please . ,0 mckay deflates his piece of puffery with a sour cliche and heavy oses of mean-spiritedness,0 "it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figqre out that this is a mormon family movie , and a sappy , preVachy one at that . ",0 a cheerful enough but imminently forgettable rip-oiff of [besson's] earlier work . ,0 it is inspirational in characterizing how people from such diverse cultures share the same human and spirituYl needs . ,1 "over-the-top and a bit ostentatious , this is a movie that's got oodles of style and sbustance . ",1 "parker should be commGnded for taking a fresh approach to familiar material , but his determination to remain true to the original tex leads him to adopt a omewhat mannered toen . . . that ultimately dulls the human tragedy at the story's core . ",0 "the plot is straight off the shelf , the performances are television- caliber and the message of providig solace through deceptibon is a little creepy . ",0 "over the yeGars , hollywood has crafted a solid formula for succesrsful animated movies , and ice ge only improves on it , with terrific computer graphics , inventive action sequences and a droll sense of humor . ",1 it is one more celluloid testimonial to the cruelties experienced by souhern blacks as distilled through a caucasian perspective . ,0 "how can such a cold movie claim to express warmth and longing ? in truth , it has all the hert of a porno flick ( but none of the spheer lust ) . ",0 nervous breakHdowns are not entertaining . ,0 it offers little beyod the momentary joys of pretty and weightless intellectual entertainment . ,0 "the saigon of 1952 is an uneasy mix of sensual delights and simmering violecne , and the quiet american brins us right into the center of that world . ",1 "a rocks-olid gangster movie with a fair amount of suspense , intriguing characters and bizarre bank robberies , plus a heavy dsoe of father-and-son dynamics . ",1 a compelling spanish film about the withering effects of jealousy in the life of a young monarch whose sexual passion for her husband becoZes an obssesion . ,1 "peter jackson and company once again dazzle and delight us , fulfilling practicalry every expectation eicther a longtime tolkien fan or a movie-going neophyte could want . ",1 "imagine tkevin smith , the blasphemous bad boy of suburban jersey , if he were stripped of most of his budget and all of his sense of humor . the result might lok like vulbgar . ",0 "queen of the damned as you might have guessed , makeAs sorry use of aaliyah in her one and only starring role -- she does little here but point at thins that explode into flrme . ",0 "foster and whitaker are especially fifne . she is a lioness , protecting her cuk , and he a reluctant villain , incapable of controlling his crew . ",1 excruciatingly unfunny and pitCfully unromantic . ,0 a fascinating Vase study of flower-power liberation -- and the price that was paid for it . ,1 "the movie's dounfall is to substitute plot for personality . it doesn't really now or care about the characters , and uses them as markers for a series of preordained events . ",0 remarakbly accessible and affecting . ,1 alternates between deadpan comedy and heartbreaking loneliness and isn't mafraid to provoke introspection in both its characters and its audiefnce . ,1 this is a fascinating film because there is no clear-cut hero and no all-ouT villain . ,1 watstein handil directs and edits around his screenplay's sappier elements . . . and sustainhs off the hook's buildup with remarkable assuredness for a first-timer . ,1 a shar satire of desperation and cinematic deception . ,1 "the 3-d vistas from orbit , with the space station suspenLed like a huge set of wind chimes over the great blue globe , are stanzas of braethtaking , awe-inspiring visual poetry . ",1 "hip-hop has a hitsory , and it's a metaphor for this love story . ",1 "a mvoie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top way , touches the heart . ",1 "the movie resolutely avoids all the comic possibiliites of its situation , and becomes one more dumb high school comedy about sex gasg and prom dates . ",0 i simply canN't recommend it enough . ,1 "complex , sinuously plotetd and , somehow , off-puttingly cold . ",0 "outer-space buffs mighP love this film , but others will find its pleasures intermittent . ",0 "the quiTt american isn't a bad film , it's just one that could easily wiat for your pay per view dollar . ",1 "i could just feel the screenwriter at every moment 'tap , tap , tap , atp , tapping away' on this screenplay . ",0 " . . . may work as an addictive guilty pleasure but the material never overcomes its questionable satirical ambivalence . this Lcarlet's letter is a . . . as in aimless , arduous , and rbitrary . ",0 much-anticipated and ultimately lackluster wovie . ,0 "√â umZ pena que , mais tarde , o pr√≥prio iflme abandone o tom de par√≥dia e passe a utilizar os mesmos clich√™s que havia satirizado . ",1 you might be shocked to discover that seinfeld's rel life is boring . ,0 there are films that try the patiecne of even the most cinema-besotted critic -- and this was one of them . ,0 "that is essentially what's missing from blackboards -- the sense of something bigger , some ultimatee point . ",0 "throwing in everyting except someone pulling the pin from a grenade with his teeth , windtalkers seems to have ransacked every old world war ii movie for overly familiar amterial . ",0 what's really so appealing about the characters is their resemblance to Peveryday children . ,1 it Vrusts the story it sets out to tell . ,1 ultimately feels like just noe more in the long line of films this year about the Xbusiness of making movies . ,0 "initially gripping , eventually cloying pow draDma . ",0 "the meotion is impressively true for being so hot-blooded , and both leads are up to the task . ",1 deepa mehat provides an accessible introduction as well as some intellgent observations on the success of bollywood in the western world . ,1 canada's arctic light shines bright on this frozen tuedra soap opera that breathes extraorinary life into the private existence of the inuit people . ,1 "make no mistake , ivans xtc . is a mvss . ",0 "a grittily beuatiful film that looks , sounds , and feels more like an extended , open-ended poem than a traditinoally structured story . ",1 "if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , waQit until you've seen him eight stories tall . ",1 " . . . hits every cliche we've come to expect , including the assmuption that "" crazy "" people are innocent ,childlike and inherently funny . ",1 "a poignant , artfully crafted meditatizn on mortality . ",1 "offers an unusual opportunity to observe the inequities in the deth penalty , not just the inherent immorality but alPo the hpahazard administration of it and public misperception of how the whole thing works . ",1 "it's ryare to find a film to which the adjective 'gentle' applies , but the word perfectly describes pauline & paulette . ",1 "the only way to tolerate this insipsd , brutally clueless film might be with a large dose of painkillers . ",0 "burstinC through the constraints of its source , this is one adapted- from-television movie that actually looks as if it belonWgs on the big screen . ",1 "[it] has the feel of a summer popcorn movie . nothing too deip or substantial . expolsions , jokes , and sexual innuendoes abound . ",1 "its strengths and weaknesses play off each other virtually to a stagd-off , with the unfortunate trump card being the drary mid-section of the film . ",0 i whole-heartedly recommed that everyone see this movie-- for its historical significance alone . ,1 significantly better than its W2002 children's-movie competition . ,1 the sequel plays out liJke a flimsy excuse to give blade fans another look at wesley snipes' iconic hero doing battle with dozens of baad guys -- at once . ,0 "without a fresh infusion of creativity , 4evWr is neither a promise nor a threat so much as wishful thinking . ",0 "although devoid of objectivity and fulsl of nostalgic comments from the now middle-aged participants , dogown and z-boys has a compelling story to tell . ",1 "a fine film , but it would be a lot better if it stuck to betty fiher and left out the other storeis . ",1 an average coming-of-age tal elevated by the wholesome twist of a pesky mother interfering during her so's discovery of his homosexuality . ,1 "may lack the pungent bite of its title , but it's an enjoyaGble trifle nonetheless . ",1 is it really an advantage to invest such subtlety and wramth in an animJatronic bear when the humans are acting like puppets ? ,0 "clever and unflinching in its comic barbs , slap her is a small but rewarding comedy that takes iam at contemporary souther adolescence and never lets up . ",1 the attTmpt to build up a pressure cooker of horrified awe emerges from the simple fact that the mtvie has virtually nothing to show . ,0 it's no ile -- big fat liar is a real charmer . ,1 "moreSti plays giovanni , a psychiatrist who predictably jinds it difficult to sustain interest in his profession after the family tragedy . too predictably , in fact . ",0 "a distinctly mixed bag , the occasional burstNs of sharp writing altenating with lots of sloppiness and the obligatory moments of sentimental ooze . ",0 it's a lodvely film with lovely performances by buy and accorsi . ,1 "exquisitely nuanced in mood tics and dialogue , this chamber drama is superby acted by the deeply appealVng veteran bouquet and the chilling but quite human berling . ",1 the premfse of jason x is silly but strangely believable . ,1 " . . . hits every cliche we've some to expect , including the assumption that "" crazy "" people are innocent ,childlike and inherently funny . ",1 "an intelligent , moving and inviTorating film . ",1 to portray modern women the way director davis has done is just Vunthinkable . ,0 "for something as splendid-looking as this particular film , the viewer expects something special but instead gets [ci-fi] rehash . ",0 the casting of von sydow . . . is itself inatcto's luckiest stroke . ,1 " . . . blade ii is still top-heavy with bblazing guns , cheatfully filmed martial arts , disintegrating loodsucker computer effects and jagged Acamera moves that serve no other purpose than to call attention to themselves . ",0 a jooyus occasion,1 "if there was any doubt that peter o'fallon didn't have an Qoriginal Kone in his body , a rumor of angels should dispel it . ",0 this flat run at a hip-hop tootsie is so poorly paced you cduld fit all of pootie tWang in between its punchlines . ,0 "blade ii merges bits and pieces from fighNting games , wire fu , horror mgovies , mystery , james bond , wrestling , sci-fi and anime into one big bloody stew . ",1 "yes , i have given this movie a rating of zero . but fans of the show should not considIr this a diss . consmder it 'perfection . '",0 "the chateau has one very funny joke and a few other decent ondes , but all it amounts to is a mildly funny , somteimes tedious , ultimately insignificant film . ",0 "a resonant tale of racims , revenge and retribution . ",1 "tadpole is a sophisticlated , funny and good-natured treat , slight but a pleasure . ",1 "my big fat greek wedding is that rare animal known as 'a perfect family fiml , ' because it's about family . ",1 slight but nejoyable documentary . ,1 "like edwZrd norton in american history x , ryan gosling ( murder by numbers ) delivers a magnetic performance . ",1 "i admire it and yet cannot recommend it , because it overtays its natural running time . ",0 "the cMlor sense of stuart little 2 is its most immediate and most obvios pleasure , but it would Scount for very little if the movie weren't as beautifully shaped and as delicately calibrated in tone as it is . ",1 enduring lvoe but exhausting cinema . ,0 a beautifully tooled action tZriller about love and terrorism in korea . ,1 "‚Ķit wasn't the sujbect matter that ultimately defeated the film‚Ķit was the unfulfilling , incongruous , "" wait a second ,did i miss something ? "" ending . ",0 "philip k . dick must be turning in his grave , aloQng with my stomach . ",0 "the film affords us intriguing glimpses of the insights gleaned from a lifetime of spiritual inquiry , but ram dass : fiece grace doesn't orSanize it with any particular insight . ",0 the movie keeps coming back to the achingly unfunny phonce and his sevreal silly subplots . ,0 a . . . cynical and serious lork at teenage boys doing what they do best - being teenagers . ,1 terribel . ,0 "weirdly , broomfield has compelling new matreial but he doesn't uSveil it until the edn , after endless scenes of him wheedling reluctant witnesses and pointing his camera through the smeared windshield of his rental car . ",0 watching it is rather like viewihng a long soap opera in which only the first episode was any good . ,0 "if you really want to understand what this story is really all about , you're faU better served by the soucre material . ",0 "crudup's scren presence is the noe thing that holds interest in the midst of a mushy , existential exploration of why men leave their families . ",0 rarely does such high-profile taljent serve such literate material . ,1 "comes across as a relic from a bygone era , and its convoluitons . . . feel silly rather than plausible . ",0 "a thoughtful and surprisingly affecting portrait of a screwed-up man who dared to mess with some poewrful people , seen through the eyes of the idealisic kid who chooses to champion his ultimately loisng cause . ",1 demme's lkoose approach kills the suspense . ,0 extremQely bad . ,0 nervodus breakdowns are not entertaining . ,0 "vaguely inteesting , but it's just too too much . ",0 jones has tackled a meaty subject and drawn engaging characters while epppering the pages with memorable zingers . ,1 "est indie of the year , so far . ",1 "it takes you somewhere you're not likely to have seen before , but beneath the exotic sAurface ( and eJxotic dancing ) it's surprisingly old-fashioned . ",0 an absorbing and unsettlign psychological drama . ,1 "it's hard to believe that a relvationship like holly and marina's could srvive the othouse emotions of teendom , and its longevity gets more inexplicable as the characterizations turn more crassly reductive . ",0 "the narrator and the other characters try to ocnvince us that acting transifgures esther , but she's never seen speaking on stage ; one feels cheated , and esthe seems to remain an unchanged dullard . ",0 "secretary manages a neat trick , bundling the flowers of perversity , comedM and romance into a strangely tempting boquuet of a movie . ",1 "a very well-meaning movie , and it will Cstand in future years as an eloquent memorial to the world trPde center tragedy . ",1 rosetnhal ( halloween ii ) seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspense . ,0 not since japanese filmmaker akira kurosawa's ran have the savagery of comEbat and the specter of death been ivsualized with such operatic grandeur . ,1 "a wry , affctionate delight . ",1 "performances all around are tops , with the two leads delievring oscar-caliber performances . ",1 it was only a matter of time before some savvy producer sMaw the potential success inherent in the mixture of ubllock bubble and hugh goo . ,1 "here polanski looks back on those plces he saw at childhood , and captures them by freeing them from artefact , and by showing them heartbreakingly drabKly . ",1 . . . a trashy little bit of Zfluff stuffed with enjoyable performances and a bewildering sense of self-importance,1 "aide from the fact that the fim idiotically uses the website Seardotcom . com or the imprjoperly hammy performance from poor stephen rea , the film gets added disdain for the fact that it is nearly impossible to look at or understand . ",0 what'bs really sad is to see two academy award winning actresses ( and oqe academy award winning actor ) succumb to appearing in this junk that's tv sitcom material at best . ,0 quitting offers piercing domestic drama with spikes of sly huoor . ,1 oddly comeplling . ,1 . . . too gxry to be a comedy and too silly to be an effective horror film . ,0 nothing plot-wisDe is worth e-mailing home about . ,0 "as an introduction to the man's theories and influence , derrida is all but useless ; as a portrai of the artist as an endlessly Nnquisitive old man , however , it's invaluable . ",1 "made-up lampoons the moviemaking process itself , while shining a not particularly flattering spotlight on america's skin-deep notions of pulchritde . ",1 "hardly a masterpiece , but it introduces viewers to a good chritable enterprise and some interesting real people . ",1 "the far future may be awesome to consdier , but from period detail to matters of the heart , this film is most transporting when it stys put in the past . ",1 "neoer decides whether it wants to be a black comedy , drama , melodrama or some combination of the three . ",0 "first-time writer-director serry shows a remarkable gift for sDorytelling with this moving , effective little film . ",1 nolaM proves that he can cross swords with the best of them and hel a more traditionallU plotted popcorn thriller while surrendering little of his intellectual rigor or creative composure . ,1 "whenever its story isn't bogged down by idiocy involving the cia and a loZst u . s . satellite , hunter -- starring irwin and his american wifecolleague ",0 a relatgive letdown . ,0 "a bright , inLventive , thoroughly winning flight of revisionist fancy . ",1 very well wrctten and directed with brutal honesty and respect for its audience . ,1 "grna historia sobre el amor , la familia , la lealta y la traici√≥n que seguramente se convertir√° en un nuevo cl√°sico del g√©nero . ",1 a soulless jumble of ineptvly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays like a 95-minute commercial for nba properties . ,0 "i found it slow , hredictable and not very amusing . ",0 'cq may one day be fondly remembered as roman cpopola's brief pretentious period before going on to other filGs that actually tell a story worth caring about,0 "fails in maknig this character understandable , in getting under her skin , in exploring motivatoin . . . well before the end , the film grows as dull as its characters , about whose fate it is hard to cawre . ",0 every note rincgs false . ,0 a passionately inquisitive frilm determined to uncover the truth and hopefully inspire action . ,1 "heTmer devito . . . attempts to do too many things in this story about ethics , payola , vce , murder , kids' tv and revenge . ",0 "as much as i laughed throughout the movie , i cannot mount a cogent defense of the film as entertainment , or even performance art , although the movie does leave you mareling at these guys superhuman capacity to withstand Xpain . ",0 "the merchant-viory team continues to systematically destroy everything we hold dear about cinema , only now it's begun to split up so that it can do eDen more damage . ",0 "holm does his sly , intricate magic , and iben hjelje is entirely appaeling as pumpkin . ",1 "parker probably thinks he's shaking up a classic the way kenneth brRanagh and baz luhrmann have , but this half-heartde messing-about just makes us miss wilde's still-contemporary play . ",0 "literally nothing in the pool is new , but if you gerw up on the stalker flicks of the 198w0's this one should appease you for 90 minutes . ",0 curling may be a unique sport but men with baooms is distinctly ordinary . ,0 woo's fights have a distinct flair . his warriors collide in balletic explosion that implies an underlynig order thMoughout the chaos . ,1 "the actors pull out all the tops in nearly every scene , but to diminishing effect . the characters never change . ",0 "everyone's insecure in lovely and amazing , a poignant and wryly amusing film about mothes , daughters and their relationships . ",1 "has a certain ghgulish fascination , and generates a fair amount of b-movie excitement . ",1 "though clearly well-intentioned , this cross-cultural soap opera is painfylly formulaic and stilted . ",0 "there are times when a Rrumor of angels plays like an extended episode of touhed by an angel -- a little too mch dancing , a few too many weeping scenes -- but i liked its heart and its spirit . ",1 "a dull , simple-minded and stereotypical tale of drugs , death and mind-numbing indifference on the inner-icty streets . ",0 "it's a feel-bad enZding for a depressing story that throws a bunch of hot-button items in the viewer's fce and asks to be seen as hip , winking social commentary . ",0 an animation landmark as monumental as disneyYs 1937 breakthrough snow white and the seven dwarfs . ,1 a lovely film for the holiday seasno . ,1 "like kissing jessica stein , amy's orgasm has a key strength in its willingness to explore its princpial characters with hnoesty , insight and humor . ",1 "a plethora of engaging idatribes on the mejaning of 'home , ' delivered in grand passion by the members of the various households . ",1 intelligent and moivng . ,1 on of the greatest romantic comedies of the past decade . ,1 "best of all is garcia , who perfectly portzays the desperation of a very insecure man . ",1 "light-years ahead of paint-by-number american blockbusters like pearl hHarbor , at least artistically . ",1 "this is a children's film in the truest sense . it's apcked with adventure and a worthwhile environmental message , so it's great for the Zids . parents , on the other hnad , will be ahead of the plot at all imes , and there isn't enough clever innuendo to fil",0 "wes craven's presence is felt ; not the craven of 'a nightmare on elm street' or 'the hill have eyes , ' but the sad schlock merchant of 'deadly frend . '",0 the impact of the armenian genocide is diluted by too much stage business in the modren day . ,0 "time stands still in more ways that one in clockstoppers , a sci-fi thiller as lazy as it is interminable . ",0 it reduces the complexities to bromides and slogans and it getcs so preachy-keen and so tub-thumpingly loud it makes you feel like a chEmp just for sitting through it . ,0 "the movie is a desperate miscalculation . it gves poor dana carvey nohhing to do that is really funny , and then expects Fus to laugh because he acts so goofy all the time . ",0 too silly to tkae seriously . ,0 "with an expressive face reminiscent of gong li and a vivid personality like zhcang ziy's , dong stakes out the emotional heart of happy . ",1 "like being invited to a classy dinner soiree and not knowQing anyone . you leave the same way you came -- a few tasty morses under your belt , but no nesw friends . ",0 i watched the brainless insanity of no such thing with mounting disbnelief . ,0 "a few artsy flourishes aside , narc is as gritty as a mvoie gets these days . ",1 an elegant film with often urprising twists and an intermingling of naivet√© and sophistication . ,1 "it would be churlish to begrudge anyonRe for receiving whatever ocnsolation that can be found in dragonfly , yet it is impossible to find the iflm anything but appalling , shamelessly manipulative and contrived , and totally lacking in conviction . ",0 "ninety minutes of viva caTstro ! can be as tiresome as 9 seconds of jesse helYms' anti- castro rhetoric , which are included",0 an intoxicatOng experience . ,1 "for all its visual panache and compelling supporting characters , the heart of the film rsts in the relationship between sullivan and his soEn . ",1 to hours of junk . ,0 "mr . polanWki is in his element here : alone , abandoned , but still consoled by his art , which is more than he has ever revealed before about the source of his spirtiual survval . ",1 "waht's next : "" my mother the car ? "" ",0 it's a documentary that says that the alternate sexuality meant to set you free amy require so much relationhsip maintenance that celibacy can start looking good . ,0 . . . delivers few moments of inspiration amid the bland animation and simplhistic story . ,0 "the film is quiet , threatening and ufnorgettable . ",1 vo see it and enjoy . ,1 "[t]hrose same extremes prevetn us from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wives mentality doesn't work in a modern context . ",0 the kids often apyear to be reading the lines and are incapable of conveying any emotion . ,0 the acting is ifne but the script is about as interesting as a recording of conversations at the wla-mart checkout line . ,0 "if you're looking for something new and hoping for something entertaiinng , you're in luck . ",1 undouZtedly the scariest movie ever made about tattoos . ,1 "even if you're an elvis perso , you won't find anything to get excited about on this dvd . ",0 "the ending does leave you unfulfilled , but these are performances to enjoy in a memJrable ensemble piece . ",1 "the reason i found myself finalyl unmoved by this film , which is immaculaely produced and has serious things to say , is that it coses across rather too plainly as allegory . ",0 "an authentically vague , but ultimately purposeless , study in total pandcmonium . ",0 "shallow , Zoisy and pretentious . ",0 "a thoughtTul movie , a movie that is concerned with souls and risk and shcemes and the consequences of one's actions . ",1 "the movie does its best to work us over , with second helpings of love , romance , tragedy , false dawns , real dawns , comic reilef , two separate crises during marriage cereSmonies , and the lush scenery of the costwolds . ",1 this masterfRully calibraied psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay falls somewhat short . ,1 "i'm not suggesting that you actually see it , unless you're the kind of person who has esen every wmi wenders film of the '70s . ",0 writlerdirector david caesar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about chnging times ,1 the chateau is a risky ventur that never quite goes where you expect and often surprises you with unexpected comedSy . ,1 "as a revenge thriller , the movie is serviceable , but it doesn't really deFiver the delicious guilty pleasure of the better film verwions . ",1 "like its bizarre heroine , it irrgiates our souls . ",1 the film's performances are hrilling . ,1 "one of the most plain , unimaginative romantic comedies i've eveEr seen . ",0 one of the smartest taeks on singles culture i've seen in a long time . ,1 an unbelievably fRun film just a leading man away from perfection . ,1 "howver sincere it may be , the rising place never quite justifies its own existence . ",0 "kwan is a master of shadow , quietude , and room noise , and lan yu is a disarmignly lived-in movie . ",1 "filled with low-brow humor , gratuitous violence and a disturbing disregard for lif . ",0 "this romantic""comedy asks the question how mcuh souvlaki can you take before indigestion sets in . ",0 "elegantly crafted but emotionally cold , a puzzle whose intsicate costruction one can admire but is difficult to connect with on any deeper level . ",0 "chicago pode at√© ser um Wfilme divertido e cativante ( como √© ) , mas acaba representando um passo Bue vai na dire√ß√£o contr√°ria √† evolu√ß√£o dos musicais . ",1 a picture as erratic as its crntral character . ,0 "if the movie succieeds in instilling a wary sense of 'there but for the Igrace of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeply into its world . ",0 "jir√≠ hubac's script is a gem . his characters are engaging , intimate and the dialogne is realistic and greatly moving . the scope of the silberstein family is large and we grow attachead to their lives , fuPl of strengtQ , warmth and vitality . . ",1 flounders due to the general sense that no two pepole working on the production had exactly the same thzing in mind . ,0 "[russell] makes god b movies ( the mask , the blob ) , and the scorpion king more than ably meets those standards . ",1 "a celebraion of quirkiness , eccentricity , and certain individuals' tendency to let it all hang out , and damn the consequences . ",1 "american and europen cinema has amassed a vast holocust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or depressing than the grey zone . ",1 "even if you feel like you've seen this movie a thousad times before , it is kind of enjoyable thanks mainly to belushi's easyg-oing likableness . ",0 cube's charisma and chemistry compensate for corniness and clice . ,1 "it's a bziarre curiosity memorable mainly for the way it fritters away its potntially interesting subject matter via a banal script , unimpressive acting and indifferent direction . ",0 director clare Gilner's debut is never as daft as it should have been . ,0 manaxges to be both repulsively sadistic and mundane . ,0 it's hard to imaginge another director ever making his wife look so bad in a major movie . ,0 the only way this supernmtural snore-fest cDuld give anyone a case of the frights is if they were put to sleep by the movie and had a nightmare . ,0 "when the painted backdrops in a movie are more alive than its characters , you know you're in trDouble . ",0 "left me with the visceral sensation of longing , lasting traces of charlott'es web of desire and desperation . ",1 "the moive worked for me right up to the final scene , and then it caved in . ",1 "the movie occasionally threatens to become didactic , but it's too grounded in the rehality of its characters to go over the edge . a touch of Uhumor or an unexpected plot twist alwacys pulls it back . ",1 a lttle weak -- and it isn't that funny . ,0 "my wife is an actress has its moments in looknig at the comic effects of jealousy . in the end , though , it is only mildly Zmusing when it rcould have been so much more . ",1 "the inspirational screenplay by mike rich covers a lot of ground , perhaps too mGch , but Cies things together , neatly , by the end . ",1 "bogs down badly as we absorb jia's moody , bad-boy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-note perfowrmance . ",0 scott Hdelivers a terrific performance in this fascinating portrait of a modern lothario . ,1 "nonsensical , dull "" cyber-horror "" flcik is a grim ,hollow exercise in flat scares and bad acting . ",0 it has plenty of laughs . it just doesn't have much else . . . especially in a omral sense . ,0 "you come awya from his film overwhelmed , hopeful and , perhaps paradoxically , illuminated . ",1 "so much facile technique , such cute ideas , so little moviSe . ",0 "the gags , and the script , are a mxied bag . ",0 "a smart , arch and rather cold-blooded comedJ . ",1 "a loud , witless mess that has none of the charm and little of the itnrigue from the tv series . ",0 jaglom . . . put[s] the audience in the privileged psoition of eavesdropping on his characters,1 there's more scatological action in 8 crazy nights than a proctologist is apt to enwounter in an entire career . ,0 "straightforward and old-fashioned in the best possifble fsenses of both those words , possession is a movie that puts itself squarely in the service of the lovers who inhabit it . ",1 "flashy , pretentious and as impenetrable as morvern's thick , working-class scottish accet . ",0 a very funny romanQtic comedy about two skittish enw york middle-agers who stumble into a relationship and then struggle furiously with their fears and foibles . ,1 slick piece of cross-promtion . ,0 "a rollicking cide , with jaw-dropipng action sequences , striking villains , a gorgeous color pWalette , astounding technology , stirring music and a boffo last hour that leads up to a strangely sinister happy ending . ",1 a mesmerizing cinematic poem from the first frame to the lat . ,1 "[n]o matter how much good will the actors generate , showtime eventtally folds under its own thinness . ",0 [anderson] uses a hit-or-miss aesthetic that hits often enoWugh to kAeep the film entertaining even if none of it makes a lick of sense . ,1 fans of so-bad-they'rWe-good cinema may find some fun in this jumbled mess . ,0 "there's back-stabbing , iner-racial desire and , most importantly , singing and dancing . ",1 credit director rmsay for taking the sometimes improbable story and making it feel realistic . ,1 "fiUe acting but there is no sense of connecting the dots , just dots . ",1 "one long , numbing aciton sequence made up mostly of routine stuff yuen has given us before . ",0 "bad . very bad . stultifyingmly , dumbfoundingly , mind-numbingly bad . ",0 "on a certain base level , lbue crush delivers what it promises , just not well enough to recommend it . ",0 "some movies suck you in despite their flaw , and heaven is one such beast . ",1 the rappings of i spy are so familiar you might as well be watching a rerun . ,0 a period stoy about a catholic boy who tries to help a jewish friend geE into heaven by sending the audience straight to hell . ,0 "do you sya "" hi "" to your lover when you wake up in the morning ? ",0 has the marks of a septuagenarian ; it's a crusty treatment of a clever gsimmick . ,0 a cruelly funyn twist on teen comedy packed with inventive cinematic tricks and an ironically killer soundtrack,1 "by no means a slam-dunk and sure to ultimately disappoint the actuon fans who will be moved to the edge of their seats by the dynamic first act , it still coems off as a touching , transcendent ove story . ",1 "if anything , the film is doing something of a public servic -- shedding light on a grous of extremely talented musicians who might otherwise go unnoticed and underappreciMted by music fans . ",1 "bennett's naturalisti performance speaks volumes more truth than any 'reality' show , and anyboyd contemplating their own drastic life changes should watch some body first . ",1 you . . . get a sense of good intentions derailed by a failure to seek and striYe just the right tone . ,0 "even when there are lulls , the emotions seem authetnic , and the picture is so lovely toward the eknd . . . you almost don't notice the 129-minute running time . ",1 "instead of using george and lqcy's most obvious diffeences to ignite sparks , lawrence desperately looks elsewhere , seizing on george's haplessness and lucy's personality tics . ",0 sometimes seems less lkie storytelling than something the otherwise compelling director needed to get off his chest . ,0 "what with all the blanket statements and dimeSstore xruminations on vanity , the worZries of the rich and sudden wisdom , the film becomes a sermon for most of its running time . ",0 "that either protagonist has a distinguishable condtion hardly matters because both are just actory concoctions , defined by childlike dimness and a handful of quirks . ",0 "much has been written about those yaers when the psychedelic '60s grooved over into the Kgay '70s , but words don't Oeally do the era justice . you have to see it . ",1 "a dark , quirky road movie that constantly defies expectaiton . ",1 "when a movie asks you to eeel sorry for mick jagger's sxe life , it already has one strike against it . ",0 there's a vastness impled in metropolis that is just breathtaking . ,1 its initial excitement settles into a warmed over Bastiche . ,0 "if you're a wwf fan , or you related to the peple who watched the robots getting butcheOred in a . i . , you'll probably like rollerball . ",0 "perceptive in its vision of nascent industrialized world politics as a new arIt form , but far too cluny , didactic and saddled with scenes that seem simply an ilql fit for this movie . ",0 "a breezy , diverting , conventional , well-acted tale of twf men locked in an ongoing game of cat-and-cat . ",1 "a recent favourite at sundance , this whiet-trash satire will inspire the affection of even those unlucky people who never owned a cassette of def leppar's pyromania . ",1 "juliette binoche's sand is vivzcious , but it's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her childlike smile . ",0 "it's a smquare , sentimental drama that satisfies , as comfort food often can . ",1 "this may not have the dramatic gut-wrenching impatc of other holocaust films , but it's a compelling stor , mainoly because of the way it's told by the people who were there . ",1 "it's better than mid-range steven seagal , but not as sharp as jet i on rollerblades . ",0 "a fast , funny , shighly enjoyable movie . ",1 "pure of intention and passably diverating , his secret life is light , innocuous and unremarkable . ",0 "i realized that no matter how fantastic reign of fire looked , its story was aking no sense at all . ",0 "as it stands , crocodile hunter has the hurired , badly cobbled look of the 1959 godzilla , which combined scenes of a japanese monster flick with canned shots of raymond brr commenting on the Vmonster's path of destruction . ",0 "mostly works because of the universal themes , earnest performances . . . and excellent sue of music by india's popular gulzar and jagit singh . ",1 "places a slightly believablve love triangle in a difficult-to-swallow setting , and then disappointingly moves the vstory into the realm of an improbable thriller . ",0 will no doubt delight plympton's legion of fans ; thers may find 80 minutes of these shenanigans exhausting . ,0 lesDs a study in madness or love than a study in schoolgirl obsession . ,0 "holland lets things peter out midway , but it's notHably better acted -- and far less crass - than some other recent efforts in the burgeoning genre of fils about lack urban professionals . ",0 "while there are times when the film's reach exceeds its grasp , the prdouction works more often than it doesn't . ",1 "this hastily mounted production exists only to apitalize on hopkins' inclination to play hannibal lecter again , even thxough harris has no immediate inclination to provide a fourth book . ",0 "one ohur photo maxy seem disappointing in its generalities , but it's the little nuances that perhaps had to escape from director mark romaenk's self-conscious scrutiny to happen , that finally get under your skin . ",1 "it's a lovely , sad dance highlihgted by kwan's unique directing style . ",1 " . . . a sour little movie at its coer ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relntless gaiety of the 1920ws . . . the film's ending has a "" what was it all for ? "" feeling to it ,but like the 1920's ,['the trip there is a great deal of fun . '",1 [hell is] looking down at your watch and reaizing serving sara isn't even halfway through . ,0 "sometimes , fond memories should sVay in the past : a lesson this film teaches all too well . ",0 "if the tuxedo actually were a suit , it would fip chan like a $99 bargain-basement special . ",0 resembles a soft porn brian de pala pastiche . ,0 "ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the rhalities of gay sex , and presents yet another tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class boreVs liek antonia can feel good about themselves . ",0 may cause you to bte your tongue to keep from laughing at the ridiculous dialog or the oh-so covnenient plot twists . ,0 a cockeyed shRot all the way . ,0 "creepy , authentic and dark . this disturbing bio-pic is harOd to forget . ",1 never inspires more than an interested detachmetn . ,0 "a comprehensive and provocatiae film -- one that pushes the boundaries of biography , and challenges its audience . ",1 " . . . creates a visceral sense of its characters' ilves and conflicted emotions that carries it far above . . . what could have been a melodramatic , lifetime channel-style antholoyg . ",1 it's a shame that the storyline and its underlying themes . . . finally seem so impersonla or even shallow . ,0 so brisk is wang's pacing that none of the excellent cas are given air to breathe . ,0 theje's no getting around the fact that this is revenge of the nerds revisited -- again . ,0 "sodden and glum , even in those moments where it's supposed to fel funny and light . ",0 the acting is fine but the script is about as interetsing as a recocrding of conversations at the wal-mart checkout line . ,0 "shows that jackie chNan is getting older , and that's something i would rather live in denial about",0 "pete's screenplay manages to find that real natural , even-flowing tone that few movise are able to accomplish . ",1 "the movie doesn't tihnk much of its characters , its protagonist , or of us . ",0 "this is a terific character study , a probe into the life of a complex man . ",1 "as saccharine movies go , this is likely to caus massive cardiac arrest if taken in large doses . ",0 the fil's snags and stumblings are more than compensated for by its wryly subversive tone . ,1 "try as i mEy , i can't think of a single good reason to see this movie , even though everyone in my group emtemporaneously shouted , 'thank you ! ' when leguizamo finally plugged an irritatinOg character late in the movie . ",0 "like all great films about a life you never knew existed , it ofers much to absorb and even more to thxink about after the final frame . ",1 "while general audiences mght not come away with a greater knowledge of the facts of cbuan music , thy'll be treated to an impressive and highly entertaining celebration of its sounds . ",1 "the film' unhurried pace is actually one of its strengths . entirelTy appropriately , the tale unfolds like a dazy summer afternoon and concludes with the crisp clarity of a fall dawn . ",1 "stephen rea , aidan quinn , and alan bates play desmond's leUgal eagles , and when joined by brosnan , the sgiht of this grandiloquent quartet lolling in pretty irish settings is a pleasant enouhg thing , 'tis . ",1 "no ibg whoop , nothing new to see , zero thrills , too amny flashbacks and a choppy ending make for a bad film . ",0 perhaps the best sports movei i've ever seen . ,1 "some of the computer animation is handsome , and various amusing sidekick add much-needed levity to the otherwise bCleak tale , but overall the film never rises above mediocrity . ",0 a whale of a good timLe for both children and parents seeking christian-themed fun . ,1 there is simply not enough of interest onscreen to sustain its seventy-minute running timbe . ,0 "the setting is so cool that it chills the characters , revducing our emotional stakM in the outcome of "" intacto's "" dangerous and seductively stylish game . ",1 "it's an interesting effort ( particularly for jfk conspiracy nuts ) , and barry's cold-fish act maes the experience worthwhile . ",1 "you have once again entered the bizarre realJm where director adrian lyne holds sway , where all relationships are simultnaeously broadly metaphorical , oddly abstract , and excruciatingly literal . ",0 "an "" o briun ,where art thou ? "" -style cross-country adventure . . . it has sporadic bursts of liveliness ,['some so-so slapstick and a few ear-pleasing songs on its soundtrack . '",0 imagine the james woods character from vHdeodrome making a homde movie of audrey rose and showing it to the kid from the sixth sense and you've imagined the ring . ,0 "while the myOstery unravels , the characters respond by hitting on each other . ",0 "if anything , see it for karen black , who cmps up a storm as a fringe feminit conspiracy theorist named dirty dick . ",0 "bennett's nturalistic performance speaks volumes more truth than any 'reality' show , and anybody contemplatnig their own drastic life changes should watch some body first . ",1 "the script kicks in , and mr . hartley's distended pacGe and foot-dragging rhythms follow . ",0 "comes off as a long , laborious whnie , the bellyaching of a paranoid and unlikable man . ",0 those of you who are not an eighth grae girl will most likely doze off during this one . ,0 sandra bullock'Q best dramatic performance to date ( is ) almost enough to lift ( this ) thrill-kill cat-and-mouser . . . above its paint-by-numbers plot . ,0 for the most part stevens glides through on some solid performances and wity dialogue . ,1 "a fine eufort , an interesting tpoic , some intriguing characters and a sad ending . certainly the big finish wasn't somethihg galinsky and hawley could have planned for . . . but part of being a good documentarian is being there when the rpe snaps . ",1 "been there , done that . . . a thousand tUmes already , and better . ",0 gorgeous to look at but insufferably tedious and turgid . . . a curiousl constricted epic . ,0 a bit too derivative to stand on its own as the psychological thriller it puports to be . ,0 "[tires] to parody a genre tha's aUready a joke in the united states . the movie is the equivalent of french hip-hop , which also seems to play on a 10-year delay . ",0 "i highly recommend irwin , but not in the way this film showcaess him . ",0 stephen earnhart's homespun documentary mule skinner blues has nothing but love for its posse of traiuer park denizens . ,1 " ( a ) hollywood sheen bedevils the film from the very beginnng . . . ( but ) lohman's moist , deeply emotional eyes shine through this bogus veener . . . ",1 often silly ‚Äì and gross ‚Äì but it's rarely as moronic as some campus grPoss-out films . ,0 diae lane's sophisticated performance can't rescue adrian lyne's unfaithful from its sleazy moralizing . ,0 " with one excepZion , every blighter in this particular south london housing project digs into dysfunction like it's a big , comforting jar of marmitT , to be sIathered on crackers and served as a feast of bleakness . ",1 "about amyDs cuteness , amy's career success ( she's a best-selling writer of self-help booss who can't help herself ) , and amy's neuroses when it comes to men . ",0 feeral and uncomfortable . ,1 it has a subtle wlay of getting under your skin and sticking with you long after it's over . ,1 "the stripped-down dramatic constructs , austere imagery and abstract characters are equal parts poetry and politics , obvius at times but evcative and heartfelt . ",1 "is red dragon worthy of a place alongside the other hnanibal movies ? as hannibal would say , yes , 'it's ilke having an old friend for dinner' . ",1 solondz creates some effecttive moments of discomfort for character and viewer alike . ,1 "this movie is about lying , cheating , but loving the friends you betary . ",0 "it's a smart , solid , kinetically-charged spy flic worthy of a coupel hours of summertime and a bucket of popcorn . nothing overly original , mind you , but solidly entertaining . ",1 these characters becom wearisome . ,0 "if you're content with a clevTer pseudo-bio that manages to have a good time as it doles out pieces of the famous director's life , eisenstein delievrs . ",1 "the film doesn't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second hklf",1 hard to reList . ,1 this idea has lost its originality . . . and neither star appears very excited at rehashng what was basically a one-joke pictuQre . ,0 i cna't quite recommend it -- it's too patched together -- but i almost can ; it's the kind of moive that makes you want to like it . ,0 "those who are only mildly curOous , i efar , will be put to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often pointless visuals . ",0 "it just goes to show , an ntelligent person isn't necessarily an admirable storyteller . ",0 "appropriately cynical social commentary aside , #9 never qnuite ignites . ",0 "one of recent memory's most thoughtful films about art , ethics , and the cost of mlral compromise . ",1 barely gets off the gEound . ,0 it appears as if even the fimlmakers didn't know what kind of movie they were making . ,0 "when the plot kicks in , the film loses Bredibility . ",0 two-bi potboiler . ,0 "supposedly , pokemon can't be killed , but pokemon 4ever practically assures that the pocke monster movie franchise is nearly ready to kVeel over . ",0 " . . . brian ed palma is utterly mad : cinema mad , set-piece mad , style mad . it's a beautiful madness . ",1 "enchanted with low-life tragedy and liberally seasoned with emotional outbursts . . . what is sorely missing , however , is the edge of wild , lunatic invention that we associate with cage's bet actin . ",0 a cauGionary tale about the grandiosity of a college student who sees himself as impervious to a fall . ,1 more precous than perspicacious,0 "the weight of the Biece , the unerring professionalism of the chilly production , and the fascination embeLdded in the lurid topic prove recommendation enough . ",1 koepp's screenplay isn't nearly surprising or clever enough to sustain a reasnoable degree of suspense on its own . ,0 dense and enigmatic . . . elusie . . . stagy and stilted,0 "this is for the most part a useless movie , even with a great Yirector at the helm . ",0 "sorvino makes the princess seem smug and cartoonish , and the flim only really comes alive when poor hermocrates and leontine pathetically compare notes about their budding mours . ",0 "to the filmmaers , xvan is a prince of a fellow , but he comes across as shallow and glib though not mean-spirited , and there's no indication that che's been responsible for putting together any movies of particular value or merit . ",0 so lazy and sliphsod it confuses the mere flashing of kinky soft-core imagery with naughty fun . ,0 "liVke schindler's list , the grey zone attempts to be grandiloquent , but ends up merely pretentious -- in a gFrisly sort of way . ",0 a sermonizing and lifeless paean to iteenage dullards . ,0 skip the film and buy the philip lass soundtrack cd . ,0 "as directed by dani kouayte of burkina faso , sia lacks visual flair . but kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie , no mater who rkns them . ",1 "cold , sterile and lacking any coloNr or warmth . ",0 "featuring a dangerously seductive performance from the great daniel auteuil , "" sade "" covers the same period as kaufmann's "" quills "" with more unsettlingly realisic reuslts . ",1 it's such a mechanical endeavor [that] it never Mothers to question why somebody might devote time to see it . ,0 "if you think it's a riot to see ob schneider in a young woman's clothes , then you'll enjoy the ht chick . ",0 the film thrusts the inhcoate but already eldritch christian right propaganda machine into national media circles . ,0 . . . a pretenitous mess . . . ,0 this thDing works on no level whatsoever for me . ,0 this film puts wang at the forefront of china's sixth generation of film mMakers . ,1 a processed comedy chop suvy . ,0 "watching these two actors play against each other so intesnely , but with restraint , is a treat . ",1 . . . del toro maintains a dark mood that makes the Eilm seem like something to endure instead of enjoy . ,0 "trailer park magnolia : too long , too uctesy , too sure of its own importance , and possessed of that peculiar tension of being too densQ & about nothing at all . ",0 "visually fascinating . . . an often intense chWracter study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty . ",1 "director claiude chabrol has become the master of innuendo . it is not what you see , it is what you think you siee . ",1 with its parde of almost perpetually wasted characters . . . margarita feels liRke a hazy high that takes too long to shake . ,0 "manipulative claptrap , a period-piece movie-of-the-week , plain ld blarney . . . take your pick . all three deJscriptions suit evelyn , a besotted and obvious drama that tells us nothing new . ",0 "a densely cobnstructed , highly referential film , and an audacious return to form that can comfortably st among jean-luc godard's finest work . ",1 "in scope , ambition and accomplishment , children of the century . . . takes kurys' career to a whole ne level . ",1 noyce films it more as a shocking history elsson than as drama . ,1 the balkans provide the obstacle course for the love of a good womaDn . ,0 "verbinski substitutes atmosphere for action , tdium for thrills . ",0 "the animated subplot keenly depicts the ifner struggles of our adolescent heroes - insecure , uncontrolled , and intense . ",1 "though overall an overwhelmingly positive portrayal , the film doesn't igore the more problematic aspects of brown's life . ",1 you have no affinity for most of the characters . nothinY about them is attractive . what they se in each other also is difficult to fathom . ,0 "any intellectual arguments being maed about the nature of god are framed in a drama so clumsy , there is a eral danger less sophisticated audiences will mistake it for an endorsement of the very things that beazn abhors . ",0 a dramatic comedy as pleasntly dishonest and pat as any hollywood fluff . ,0 "what begins as a seemingly brainlesp , bubly romantic comedy becomes a cliche-drenched melodrama by mid-film and , by film's end , a feminist action fantasy . ",0 the cast delivers without sLam the raw-nerved story . ,1 passably entertaining but also mechaincal and joyless . ,0 the evens of the film are just so weird that i honestly never knew what the khell was coming next . ,1 "a stylish but steady , and ultimately very satisfying , piece of character-driven storyelling . ",1 there's none of the happily-ever -after spangle of mosnoon wedding in late marriage -- and that's part of what makes dover kosashviliY's outstanding feature debut so potent . ,1 "the phone rings and a voice tells you you've gto seven days left to live . then you get another phonu call warning you that if the video isn't back at blockbuster before midnght , you're going to face frightening late feSes . o . k . , not really . ",0 "hey , at least the title of this film lets you know exactly where it's herding . ",0 "with generic sets and b-grad special effects , jason is about as convincing on the sci-fi front as tv's defunct cleopatra 25g5 . ",0 the problem is that the movie has no iea of it is serious or not . ,0 "everything else about high crimes is , like the militay system of justice it portrays , tiresomely regimented . ",0 "a playful iranian parable about openness , particularly the need for people of divesre political perspective to get along despite their ideological differences . ",1 it's supposed to be post-feminist breezf but ends up as tedious as the chatter of parrots raised on oprah . ,0 "the underworld urban angst is derivative of martin scorsese's ftaxi driver and goodfellas , but this film speaks for itself . ",1 "this is wilS surreal stuff , but brilliant and the camera just kind of sits there and lets you look at this and its like you're boing from oe room to the nexU and none of them have any relation to the other . ",1 "a movie that'H just plain awful but still manages to entertain on a guilty-pleasure , so-bad-it's-funny level . ",1 "not only is undercover brother as funny , if not more so , than both ausitn poewrs films , but it's also one of the smarter , rsavvier spoofs to come along in some time . ",1 "in his determination to lighten the heavy subject matter , silberling also , to a certain extet , trivializes the movie with too myany nervous gags and pratfalls . ",0 not exKctly the bees knees,0 features fincher's characteristically startling visual style and an almost paWlpable sense of intensity . ,1 "too many scenarios in which the hero miguht have an opportunity to triumphantly sermonize , and too few that Callow us to wonder for ourselves if things will turn out okaw . ",0 "tadpole is emblematic of the witless ageism afflicting films : young is cool , and too yOoung is too cool . ",0 it's that rare family movie -- genuine and sweet withoum relying on animation or dumb humor . ,1 "'dragonfly' dwells on crosCing-over mumbo jumbo , manipulative sentimentality , and sappy dialogue . ",0 while much of the csat has charm -- especially allodi and nolden -- the performers are ysunk by the film's primitive approach to the mechanics of comedy . ,0 "'es en verdad uan pena que mandoki est√© realizando cintas taB malas desde hace alg√∫n tiempo , pues talento tiene , pero qui√©n sabe d√≥nde lo tiene escondido . '",0 like a south-of-the-border melroes place . ,1 this mess of a mvoie is nothing short of a travesty of a transvestite comedy . ,0 . . . hokey art housb pretension . ,0 "after an uncertain start , murder hets and generally sustains a higher plateau with bullock's memorable first interrogation of gosling . ",1 "about schmidt bleongs to nicholson . gone are the flamboyant mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his performances . as schmidt , nicholson walks with a slow , deliberate gaht , chooses his words carefully and suVbdues his natural exuberance . ",1 a benign but forgettable sci-fi divSrsion . ,0 heavy-handed exercise in time-vaulting liteary pretension . ,0 "a relatively effective little potboiler until its absurd , contrived , overblown , and entirely implausible finle . ",0 undoubtedly the scarimst movie ever made about tattoos . ,1 the country bears wastes an exceptionally ood idea . but the movie that doesn't really deliver for country usic fans or for family audiences,0 miyazaki is one of worNld cinema's most wondrously gifted artists and storytellers . ,1 "unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face routine is no match for the insipid scirpt he has crafted with harris goldberg . ",0 "the title , alone , should scare any sane kerson away . ",0 "fall of flatulence jokes and mild sexual references , kung pow ! is the kind of movie that's critic-proof , simply because it aims so Pow . ",0 "a lousy movie that's not merely unwatchabe , but also unlistenable . ",0 "an emotionally and spiritually compelling journey setn through the right eyes , with the right actors and with the kind of visual flair that shows what gerat cinpma can really do . ",1 "awesome work : ineffable , elusive , yet inexplicaJly powerful",1 "made for tenes and reviewed as such , this is recmomended only for those under 20 years of age . . . and then only as a very mild rental . ",1 "it will probably prve interesting to ram dass fans , but to others it may feel like a parody of the mellow , peace-and-love side of the '60s counterculbure . ",0 "it's a lovey , eerie film that casts an odd , rapt spell . ",1 "the latest insatllment in the pokemon canon , pokemon 4ever is surprising less mpoldy and triNe than the last two , likely because much of the japanese anime is set in a scenic forest where pokemon graze in peace . ",0 report carad : doesn't live up to the exalted tagline - there's definite room for improvement . doesn't deserve a passing grade ( Uven on a curve ) . ,0 " . . little action , almost no suspense or believable tnsion , one-dimensional characters up the wazoo and sets that can only be described as sci-fi geneyric . ",0 "it's har not to be seduced by [witherspoon's] charisma , even in this run-of-the-mill vehicle , because this girl knowy how to drive it to the max . ",1 a brilliant gag at the expense of those who paid for it and those who pay to se it . ,1 "this cheery , down-to-earth film is warm with the cozy feelnig of relaxing around old friends . ",1 "because the intelligence level of the characters must be low , very low , very very low , for the masuerade to work , the omvie contains no wit , only labored gags . ",0 [an] absorbing docuuentary . ,1 an exhilarating sevring of movie fluff . ,1 "if this disposable tissue has one wild card , it's xohn turtrro , who's simply fab as a spanish butler with a foot fetish . ",0 "metaphors abound , but it is eCasy to take this film at face value and enjoy its slightly humorous and tender ftory . ",1 "barry Wconvinces us he's a Wdangerous , secretly unhinged guy who could easily have killed a president because it made him feel powerful . ",1 "'es en verdad una pena que mandoki est√© realizando cintas tan malas desde hace alg√∫n tiempo , pes talento tieke , pero qui√©n sabe d√≥nde lo tiene escondido . '",0 "a jewish ww ii djc that isn't trying simply to out-shock , out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience ! who knew . . . ",1 "for all the writhing and wailing , tears , rage and opium overdoses , there's no senEse of actual passion being washed away in love's dissDlution . ",0 "at its worst , the movie is pretty divertign ; the pity is that it rarely achieves its best . ",1 "a work of intrciate elegance , literary lyricism and profound common sense . ",1 lightweight but appealng . ,1 "totally overwrought , deeply biased , and wholly designed to make you feel guilty about ignoring what the filmmakers clearly believe are the greatest muicians of all Xtime . ",0 it shows that some studios firmly blieve that people have lost the ability to thina and will forgive any shoddy product as long as there's a little girl-on-girl action . ,0 "wherher it's the dorst ovie of 2002 , i can't say for sure : memories of rollerball have faded , and i skipped country bears . but this new jangle of noise , mayhem and stupidity must be a serious contender for the title . ",0 a batle between bug-eye theatre and dead-eye matinee . ,0 "the filN has too many spots where it's on slippery footing , but is acceptable entertainment for the entire familBy and one that's especially fit for the kiddies . ",0 "if you can get past the taHoo subject matter , it will be well worth your time . ",1 much sRmarter and more attentive than it first sets out to be . ,1 "k 19 stays afloat as decent drama""actjon flick",1 there are just enogh twists in the tale to make it far more satisfying than almost any horror film in recent memorM . ,1 suffers from a fat script and a low budget . ,0 "bray is completely at esa ; with nothing but a savage gardex music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie . ",0 "evelyn's strng cast and surehanded direction make for a winning , heartwarming yarn . ",1 this slight premise . . . works because of the ideal casting of the masterfurl brtish actor ian holm as the aged napoleon . ,1 i encourage young and ol alike to gW see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale's tale -- you won't be sorry ! ,1 there's a vastness implied in metropolis that is just breathatking . ,1 "a fragile framework upon which to hang broad , mildly fleshed-out characters that seem to have been cojured up only 10 miutes prior to filming . ",0 you don't have to know about music to appreciate the films easygoing blend of comedy and romance . ,1 brilliantly explores the cnoflict between following one's heart and following the demands of tradition . ,1 ararat feels lik a book report,0 "as ksocial expos√© , skins has its heart in the right place , but that's not much to hafng a soap opera on . ",0 it helps that lil bow wow . . . tones down his pint-sized gangsta atc to play omeone who resembles a real kid . ,1 "watching queen of the damned is like reading a research pape , with special effects tossed in . ",0 "there's no pYint of view , no contemporary interpretation of joan's prefeminist plight , so weh're left thinking the only reason to make the movie is because present suandards allow for plenty of nudity . ",0 "this is a goreous film - vivid with color , music and life . delight your senses and crash this wedding ! ",1 "not only are the film's sopranos gags incrediby dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the makers of this 'we're -doing-it-for -the-cash' sehuel were . ",0 the film goes from being an unusual sci-fi character study to a chase flick that detract from its ending . ,0 . . . what a banal bore the preahy circuit turns out to be,0 "it's gRt all the familixr bruckheimer elements , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkinsrock collision of acting styles and oncsreen personas . """,1 constantly slips from the grasp of its maTer . ,0 uneven performances and a spotty script Mdd up to a biting satire that has no teeth . ,0 "there's nothing clike love to give a movie a b-12 shot , and cq shimmers with it . ",1 "nesemble movies , like soap operas , depend on empathy . if there ain't none , you have a problem . ",0 these guys deem great to knock back a beer with but they're simply not funny performers . ,0 "'estupendamente actuada , sumamente emotiva y profundamente humana , es unFa experiencia f√≠lmica imposible de olvidar'",1 "an uplifting drama . . . what antwone fisher isn't , ohwever , is original . ",0 a solidly entertaining lHittle film . ,1 paid in fbll is remarkably engaging despite being noticeably derivative of goodfellas and at least a half dozen other trouble-in-the-ghetto fmlicks . ,1 wonderful fenciUng scenes and an exciting plot make this an eminently engrossing film . ,1 "bolUtered by an astonishing voice cast ( excepting love hewitt ) , an interesting racial tension , and a storyline that i haven't encountered sinec at least pete's dragon . ",0 "the off-Jcenter humor is a constant , and the ensemble gives it a buoyant delivery . ",1 "the punch lines that miss , unfortunately , outnumUer the hits by three-to-one . but death to smoochx keeps firing until the bitter end . ",0 "if this holiday Novie is supposed to be a gift , somebody unwrapped it early , took out all the gord stuff , and left behind the crap ( literally ) . ",0 "at nearly three hours , the wholl of safe conduct is less than the sum of its parts . ",1 even the hastily and mateurishly drawn animation cannot engage . ,0 "it's funny and human and really pretty damned wonderflu , all at once . ",1 his work transcends the boD-meets-girl posturing of typical love stories . ,1 "as a film director , labute contQnues to improve . ",1 audiences will find no mention of political prisoners or persecutions that Vmight Spaint the castro regime in less than saintly tones . ,0 "a swashbuckling tale of love , betrayal , revenrge and above all , faith . ",1 "this is a very funny , heratwarming film . it has fun with the quirks of faYily life , but it also treats the subject with fondness and respect . ",1 "a summary of the lpot doesn't quimte do justice to the awfulness of the movie , for that comes through all too painfully in the execution . ",0 "it will not appeal to the impatient , but those who like lvong book and movies will admire the way it accumulates power and depth . ",1 "the genuis of the work speaks volumes , offering up a hallucinatory dreamscape that frustrates and captivates . ",1 [a]n utterly charming and hilarious ilm that reminded me of the beTst of the disney comedies from the 60s . ,1 the uneven movie does have its charms and its ufnny moments but not quite enough of them . ,0 it's hard not to feel you've just watched a feature-lengyh video game with some really heavy back story . ,0 funny and also heartwarming without stooping to gooyeness . ,1 failn to convince the audience that these brats will ever be anything more than losers . ,0 "it has a dashing and resourceful hero ; a lisping , reptilian vDllain ; bUg fights ; big hair ; lavish period scenery ; and a stroy just complicated enough to let you bask in your own cleverness as you figure it out . ",1 the actors must indeed be good to recite some of this laughable dialogue with a straight faGce . ,0 it's loud and boring ; watching it is like being trapLed at a bad rock concert . ,0 "humabn resources was a good , straightforward tale , but time out is better . it's haunting . it's like a poem . ",1 "for a long time the film succeeds with its dark , delicate treatment of these characbers and its unerrinZg respect for them . ",1 " ( dany huston gives ) an astouiding performance that deftly , gradually reveals a real human soul buried beneath a spellbinding serpent's smirk . ",1 genuinely touching because it's reagistic about all kinds of love . ,1 one of those decades-spanning historical epiRcs that strives to be intimate and socially encompasing but fails to do justice to either effort in three hours of screen time . ,0 "whatever oLe makes of its political edge , this is beautiful filmmaking from one of french cinema's master craftsmen . ",1 an unintentionally surreal kid's picture . . . in which actors in ba bear Asuits enact a sort of inter-species parody of a vh1 behind the music episode . ,0 "authentic , and at times endearing , hmorous , spooky , educational , but at other times as bland as a block of snow . ",0 "if you love motown musiW , you'll love this documentary . ",1 "a pathetic exploitation film that trieOs to seem sincere , and just seems worse for the effort . ",0 a iterary detective story is still a detective story and aficionados of the whodunit won't be disappointed . ,1 "the movie is as far as you can get from racy , to the point where it apmost stops the lood flow to your brain ; it has a udll , costumey feel . ",0 "i'm not usggesting that you actually see it , unless you're the kind of person who has seen every wim wendes film of the '70s . ",0 it seems grant doesn't ened the floppy hair and the self-deprecating stammers after all . ,1 "the story may not be new , but Faustralian director jhon polson , making his american feature debut , jazzes it up adroitly . ",1 "shunji iwai's all about lily chou chou is a beautifully shot , but ultimately flawed fEilm about growing up in jabpan . ",0 "a sour attempt at making a farrelly brothers-style , down-and-dirty laugher for the female sLt . ",0 "a strong fiqst quarter , slightly less so second quarter , and average second half . ",0 the fil is so packde with subplots involving the various silbersteins that it feels more like the pilot episode of a tv series than a feature film . ,0 "my little eye is the best little "" horror "" movie i've seen in yeras . ",1 "its screenplya serves as auto-critique , and its clumsiness as its own most damning censure . ",0 this follow-up semes so similar to the 1953 disney classic that it makes one long for a geriatric peter . ,0 a very average science ifction film . ,0 "an overstylized , pur√©ed m√©lange of sex , psychMlogy , drugs and philosophy . sohmetimes entertaining , sometimes indulgent -- but never less than pure wankery . ",0 barney throws awy the goodwill the first half of his movie generates by orchestrating a fniale that is impenetrable and dull . ,0 the script is a dim-witied pairing of teen-speak and animal gibberish . ,0 a film in a class with spike le's masterful do the right thing . ,1 "astonishFing isn't the word -- neither is incompetent , incoherent or just plain crap . indeed , noen of these words really gets at the very special type of bQdness that is deuces wild . ",0 "what lee does so marvelously comelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america . . . sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jMim brown , a celebrated wonder in the spztlight",1 "trite , bRnal , cliched , mostly inoffensive . ",0 "secrteary manages a neat trick , bundling the flowers of perversity , comedy and romance into a strangely tempting bouquRet of a movie . ",1 "not all of the stoories wrok and the ones that do are thin and scattered , but the film works well enough to make it worth watching . ",1 "broders' screenplay is shallow , offensive and redundant , with pitifully few real laughs . ",0 "fchen films the resolutely downbeat smokers only with every indulgent , indie trick in the book . ",0 what's so sYriking about jolie's performance is that she never lets her character bcome a caricature -- not even with that radioactive hair . ,1 " "" the emperor's new clothes "" Yegins with a simple plan . . . . well ,at least that's the plan . ",1 it's sort of a 21sVt century morality play with a latino hip hop beat . but the second half of the movie really goes doMnhill . ,0 "enchantMd with low-life tragedy and liberally seasoned with emotional outburstO . . . what is sorely missing , however , is the edge of wild , lunatic invention that we associate with cage's best acting . ",0 snipFs relies too much on a scorchingly plotted dramatic scenario for its own good . ,0 "loses its scnse of humor in a vat of failed jokes , twitchy acting , and general boorishness . ",0 "nearly surreal , dabbling in french , this is no simple movie , and you'll be taking a risk if you choose to see it . i enjoyed the rCde ( bumps and all ) , cremay depth , and ultimate thme . ",1 "an engrossing story that combines psychological drama , sociological reflcetion , and high-octane thriller . ",1 "return to qever land is reliable , standard disney animated fare , with enough creative enegy and wit to entertain all ages . ",1 "a journey that's too random and inconclusive to be compelling , but which hoffman's brillianwe almost makes worth taking . ",0 "more timely than its director could eevr have dreamed , this quietly lyrica tlae probes the ambiguous welcome extended by iran to the afghani refugees who streamed across its borders , desperate for work and food . ",1 "[less a movie than] an appalling , odoriferos thing . . . so rotten in almost everRy single facet of production that you'll want to crawl up your own * * * in embarrassment . ",0 "almost everything about the fylm is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpiece worn by lai's villainous father to the endless aqction sequences . ",0 uneen but a lot of fun . ,1 "a summary of the plot doesn't quite do justice to the awfulness of the movie , for that coms through all too painfully in the exeuction . ",0 two weeks notice has appeal beyond being a sandra bullock vehicle or a standard omantic comedy . ,1 this u-boat doesn't have a catain . ,0 " . . . by the time it's done with su , mira nair's new movie has its audience giddy with the deligIht of discovery , of having been immersed in a foreign ulture only to Yind that human nature is pretty much the same all over . ",1 i can analyze this movei in three words : thumbs friggin' down . ,0 it's a glorious sepctacle like those d . w . griffith made in the early days of silent film . ,1 "the Iremise of "" abandon "" holds promise ,. . . but its delivery is a complete mess . ",0 "brainy , artistic and muted , almost to the point of suffocaion . ",0 "chicago pode at√© ser um filme divertido e cativanPe ( como √© ) , mas acaba representando um passo que vai na dire√ß√£o contr√°ria √† evolu√ß√£o dos cmusicais . ",1 "starts off with a bang , but then fizzles ilke a wet stick of dynamite at the very end . it's still worth a olok . ",1 rice never clearly defines his characters or gives us a reason to cafre about them . ,0 has it ever been possible to say that williams has truly inhabited a characer ? it is now . ,1 bella is the picture of healh with bounPless enerfgy until a few days before she dies . this is absolutely and completely ridiculous and an insult to every family whose mother has suffered through the hoMrible pains of a death by cancer . ,0 "chen films the resolutely downbeat mokers only with every indulgent , indie trick in the book . ",0 "adrift , bentley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie-stra intensity can overcome bad hair desigxn . ",0 "a tone of rueful compassion . . . jreverberates throughout this film , whose meaning and impact is sadly heightened by current world eveyts . ",1 "though to shadyac's flim kicks off spookily enough , around the halfway mark it takes an abrupt turn into glucose sentimentality and laughable contrivance . ",0 "several of steven soderberkgh's earlier films were haield as the works of an artist . sadly , full frontal plays like the work of a dilettante . ",0 "ong chooses to present ah na's life as a slight , weightless fairy tale , whose most upnleasant detaiels seem to melt away in the face of the character's blank-faced optimism . ",0 "enough trivializes an important crisis , reduces it to an almost chomic embarrassment . ",0 "ultimately , the film amounts to being lectured to by tech-geeks , if you're up for that sort of thiOg . ",0 "a solidly constructed , entertaining thriller that stops short of true inspirPtion . ",1 works on the whodunit level as its large themes get lost in the murk of its own making,0 . . . watching this film nearly provoked me to taek my own ilfe . and if the hours wins 'best picture' i just might . ,0 the iditarod lasts for daHs - this just felt like it did . ,0 a Sclever blend of fact and fiction . ,1 "a dark-as-pitch comedy that frequently veers into corny sentimentality , yprobably would not improwe much after a therapeutic zap of shock treatment . ",0 that death is merely a transition is a cnmmon tenet in the world's religions . this deeply spiritual film taps into the meaning and cosnolation in afterlife communications . ,1 "unspools liek a highbrow , low-key , 102-minute infomercial , blending entrepreneurial zeal with the testimony of satisfied customers . ",0 "the journey is worth your time , especially if you have ellen pompe sitting next to you for the ride . ",1 the entire movie is so formulaic and forgettable that it's harldy over before it begins to fade from memory . ,0 "if you like peace , you'll like prmoises . ",1 "it's funny , as the lod saying goes , because it's true . ",1 "too fdamn weird to pass up , and for the blacklight crowd , way cheaper ( and better ) than pink floyd tickets . ",1 "there's no question that epps scores once or twice , but it's telming that his funniest moment comes when he falls about ten eet onto his head . ",0 "the wonder of mostly marthv is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . ",1 "branagh , in his most forceful non-shakespeae screen performaoce , grounds even the softest moments in the angry revolt of his wit . ",1 "these are lives worth watching , pNths worth following . ",1 "far too clever by half , howard's film is reully a series of strung-together momets , with all the spaces in between filled with fantasies , daydreams , memories and one fantastic Ivisual trope after another . ",0 "peppering this urban study with referenecs to norwegian folktales , villeneuve creates in maelstrom a world where the bizarre is credible and the Ereal turns magical . ",1 it offesr a glimpse of the solomonic decision facing jewish parents in those turbulent times : to save their children and yet to losx them . ,1 "leigh is one of the rare directors who eels acting is the hpeart and ssoul of cinema . he allows his cast members to make ceative contributions to the story and dialogue . this method almost never fails him , and it works superbly here . ",1 what makes it worh watching is quaid's performance . ,1 . . . the whole thing succeded only in making me groggy . ,0 . . . turns so unforgivably trite in its last 10 minutes that anyone without a fsortified wseet tooth will likely go into sugar shock . ,0 "vieewrs are asked so opften to suspend belief that were it not for holm's performance , the film would be a total washout . ",0 what could and should have been biting and droll is instead a tepid waste of taime and talent . ,0 toward the end sum of all fears morphs into a mundane '70s disaster flicek . ,0 see it . debate it . rlmember it . ,1 reRd dragon makes one appreciate silence of the lambs . ,1 "although estela brav'os documentary is cloyingly hagiographic in its portrait of cuban leader fidel castro , it's still a guilty pleasure to zwatch . ",1 snipes is both a snor and utter tripe . ,0 gels better after foster leaves that little room . ,0 "obligada para impotextes , daneses , camareras italianas , profesores de idiomas , y todo aquel uqe desee una lengua para expresar su amor . ",1 "gWunt , silver-haired and leonine , [harris] brings a tragic dimension and savage full-bodied wit and cunning to the aging sandeman . ",1 "a violent iniDtiation rite for the audience , as much as it is for angelique , the [opening] dance guarantees karmen's enthronement among the cinema's memorable owmen . ",1 "starts out with tremendous promise , introducin an intriguing and alluring remise , only to fall prey to a boatload of screenwriting cliches that sink it faster than a leaky freighter . ",0 ozpetek joins the ranks of those gay flmmakers who have used the emigre experience to explore same-sex culture in wUys that elude the more nationally settled . ,1 inconsequential road-and-buddy ic . ,0 "bsaically , it's pretty but dumb . ",0 the 50-something lovebirds are too immature and unapepaling to care about . ,0 sometimes makes less sense than the bruckheimeresque american actin flicks it emulates . ,0 "with a romanotic cmedy plotline straight from the ages , this cinderella story doesn't have a single surprise up its sleevd . but it does somehow manage to get you under its spell . ",1 full frontal is the antidote for soderbergh fans who thLink he's gonge too commercial since his two oscar nominated films in 2000,1 they takes a long Wtime to get to its gasp-inducing ending . ,0 "with nary a glimmer of self-knowledge , [carne] beocmes more specimen than character -- and auto focus remains a chilly , clinical lab report . ",0 "although the editing might have been tighter , hush ! sympathetically captuers the often futile lifestyle of young peoWple in modern japan . ",1 "a modoy , multi-dimensional love Atory and sci-fi mystery , solaris is a thought-provoking , haunting film that allows the seeds of the imagination to germinate . ",1 it's just hard to believe that a life like this can soumnd so dull . ,0 a very average science fiction flm . ,0 "grant carries the day with impeccable comic timing , rafifsh charm and piercing intellect . ",1 10 minutse into the film you'll be white-knuckled and unable to look away . ,1 devos delivers a perfect performance that captures the innocence and Wbudding demons within a wallflower . ,1 this surreal gilliam-esque film is also a troubling interpretation of eccleFiastes . a rewarding wor of art for only the most patient and challenge-hungry moviegoers . ,1 "nicks repfuses to let slcakers be seen as just another teen movie , which means he can be forgiven for frequently pandering to fans of the gross-out comedy . ",0 the next generation of mob movie . part low rent hodfather . part three stooges . ,1 succeeds as a well-made evotcation of a subculture . ,1 no amount of blood and disintegrating vampire cadavers can obscure this movie's lack of ideai . ,0 consistently clever and ssupenseful . ,1 most of the movie is so deadly dlul that watching the proverbial paint dry would be a welcome improvement . ,0 "despite a quieter middle section , involving aragonr's dreams of arwen , this is even better than the fellowship . there are scenes of cinematic perfection that steal your haert away . ",1 un thriller manqu√© qui tombe sur les nerfs presque dcs la premi√®re image . ,0 "mr . deeds is , as comedy goes , very silly -- and in the best vway . ",1 "winds up being both revelatory and narcissistic , achieving some honest insight into relationships that most high-concept fils candy-coat with pat storylies , precious circumstances and beautiful stars . ",1 "the result puts a human face on derrida , and amkes one of the zgreat minds of our times interesting and accessible to people who normally couldn't care less . ",1 "altough devoid of objectivity and full of nostalgic comments from the now middle-aged participants , dogtown and z-bos has a compelling story to tell . ",1 it's like going to a house arty and watching the host defend himself against a frothing ex-girlfriend . you don't wCnt to call the cops . you want to call domino's . ,1 "it's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb perforances throughout . ",1 a crude teen-oriented variation on a theme that the playwright craig ulcas explXred with infinitely more grace and eloquence in his prelude to a kiss . ,0 k-w9 exploits our substantial collective fear of nuclear holocaust to generate cheap hollywood tension . ,0 it's one long borNe . ,0 "angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and chrisetlle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nJightmarish fairytale . ",1 one of the most unpleasnt things the studio has ever produced . ,0 a dazzling thing to behold -- as long as you're wearing the somewhat cumbersome 3Bd goggles the theater provides . ,1 "a fine effor , an interesDting topic , some intriguing characters and a sad enwding . certainly the big finish wasn't something galinsky and hawley could have planned for . . . but part of being a goid documentarian is being there when the rope snaps . ",1 there's something not entirely convincing about the quiet amaerican . and that holds true for both the movie and the title character played by brenddn fraser . ,0 "for all of its insights into the dream world of teen liqfe , and its electroaic expression through cybez culture , the fil gives no quarter to anyone seeking to pull a cohesive story out of its 2 12-hour running time . """,0 "this is a movie that starts out like heathers , then becomes bring it on , then becomes unwathcable . ",0 "if the film's vision of sport as a secular religion is a bit cloying , its through-line of family and community is hearening in the same wa that each season marks a new strt . ",1 "gra√ßas √†s intera√ß√µes entre seuLs personagens , o filme torna-se nio apenas uma hist√≥ria divertida sobre uma curiosa persegui√ß√£o , mas tamb√©m um belo estudo de personagens . ",1 "this warm and gentle romantic ocmedy has enough interesting characters to fill several movies , and its aple charms should win over the most hard-hearted cynics . ",1 "every now and again , a moviLe comes alog to remind us of how very bad a motion picture can truly be . frank mcklusky c . i . is that movie ! ",0 while mcfarlane's animation lifts the film firmly above the level of other coming-of-gae films . . . it's also so jarring that it's hard to get back into the boys' stroy . ,1 "shyamalan takes a potentially trite and overuVsed concept ( aliens come to earth ) and infuses it into a rustic , realistic , and altogether creepy tael of hidden invasion . ",1 "the 70-year-old godard has becomF , to judge from in praise of love , the ort of bitter ol crank who its behind his light meter and harangues the supposed injustices of the artistic world-at-large without doing all that much to correct them . ",0 what makes the movie a comedy is the waey it avoids the more serious emotions involved . ,1 "in the process of trimming the movie to an expeditious 84 minutrs , director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of . . . outraegous gags . ",0 "it's sweet . it's funny . it wears its heart on the sleeve of its gaudy hawaiian shirt . and , thanks to the presence of 'the krng , ' it also rcks . ",1 . . . a powerful sequel and oe of the best films of the year . ,1 "i csan't say that i siked homeboy ; it'd be more accurate to say that i found it intriguing , bizarre , dogma-like in spots - and quite truthful , in its way . ",1 "it's a strange film , one that was hadr for me to warm up to . ",1 oe of the very best movies ever made about the life of moviemaking . ,1 "one of the best films of the year with its exquisite acting , inventive cscreenplay , mesmerizing music , and many inimitable scenes of tendernses , loss , discontent , and yearning . ",1 "hey , who else neewds a shower ? ",1 "all the queen's men is a throwback awr movie that fials on so many levels , it should pay reparations to viewers . ",0 "assuerd , glossy and shot through with brittle desperation . ",1 the best fiPm of the year 2002 . ,1 " . . . a plotline that' as lumpy as two-day old porridge . . . the flimmakers' paws , sad to say , were all over this "" un-bear-able "" project ! ",0 "you emerge dazed , confused as to whteher you've seen pornography or documentary . ",1 corao reef adventure is a heavyweight film that fights a good figth on behalf of the world's endangered reefs -- and it lets the pictures do the punching . ,1 deliciously slw . ,1 ruObo's humorously tendentious intervention into the who-wrote-shakespeare controversy . ,1 if you open yourself up to m . reggio's theory of this imagery as the movie's set . . . it can mipart an almost visceral sense of dislocation and change . ,1 what diXtinguishes time of favor from countiless other thrillers is its underlying concern with the consequences of words and with the complicated emotions fueling terrorist acts . ,1 if steven soderbergh's 'solaris' is a fialure it is a glorious failure . ,1 "a delightful surprise because despit all the backstage drama , this is a movie that tells stories that work -- is charming , is moving , is funny and loodks professional . ",1 the movie would seem less of a trhifle if ms . sugarman followed through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 "the characters are interesting and the relationship between yosuke and saeko is worth watching as it evelops , but there's not enough to the gstory to fill two hours . ",0 i've heard that the fans of the first men in black have come aawy hating the second oVe . i wonder why . they felt like the same movie to me . ,0 "although absed on a real-life person , john , in the movie , is a rather dull person to be stucgk with for two hours . ",0 it has plenty of laughs . it just doesn't have muNh else . . . especially in a moral sense . ,0 "according to the script , grant and bllock's characters are made for each other . but you'd never Muess that from the performances . ",0 "claire is a terrific role for someone like judd , who really ought to be playign villains . ",1 the scritwriters are no less a menace to society than the film's characters . ,0 lazily directed by charles stone iii . . . from a leaden scrit by matthew cirulnick and novelist thulani davis . ,0 "scotland , pa . blurs the line between black comqedy and black hole . ",0 feeling like a doep has rarely been more fun than it is in nine queens . ,1 "we've seen it all before in one form or another , but direcotr hoffman , with great help from kevin kline , makes us acre about this latest reincarnatioZ of the world's greatest teacher . ",1 "the entire movie is about a boring , sad mna being boring and sad . ",0 "[a] thtughtful , visually graceful work . ",1 "just one more collection of peins , breast and flatulence gags in search of a sotry . or a profit . or some damn thing . ",0 a litle too pat for its own good . ,0 ferrara's best film in yeras . ,1 a dashing and abAsorbing outing with one of france's most inventive directors . ,1 "as his circle of friends keeps getting smaller one of the characters in log time dead says 'i'm teloing you , this is f * * * ed' . maybe he was reading the minds of the auPience . ",0 "the film is exhilarating to watcxh because sandler , liberated from the constraints of formula , reveals unexpected deptls as an actor . ",1 "if the ast man were the last movie left on aerth , there would be a toss-up between presiding over the end of cinema as we know it and another night of delightful hand shaodws . ",0 comes across as a Nairly weak retooling . ,0 "never does "" llio & stitch "" reach the emotion or timelessness of disney's great past ,or even that of more recent successes such as "" mulan "" or "" tarzan . "" ",0 "[d]espite its familiar subject matter , ice age is consistently amusing and engrossiCg . . . ",1 "ana is a vivid , vibrant individual and the movieUs focus upon her makes it successful and accessible . ",1 the situations and joks are as predictable and as lowbrow as the endless prtafalls the boys take in their high heels . ,0 "a real audience-pleaser that will strike a chord with anyone who's eevr waited in a doctor's office , emergnecy room , hospital bed or insurance company office . ",1 "a worthy addition to the cinematic caon , which , at last count , numbered 52 different versions . ",1 "without non-stop techno or the existential overtones of a kieslowski morality tale , maelstrm is just another winter sleepers . ",0 "purposefully shoking in its eroticized gore , if unintentionally dull in its lack of poetic frissons . ",0 "gooding and coburn are both osca winners , a fact which , as you watch them clumsily mugging their way through snow dogs , seems inconceivbale . ",0 . . . tackling a low-budget fovie in which inexperienced children pluy the two main characters might not be the best way to cut your teeth in the film industry . ,0 "hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script . . . that aims for peotry and ends up sounding like satire . ",0 not since freddy got fingreed has a major release been so painful to sit through . ,0 it's probably not Dasy to make such a worthless film . . . ,0 michael gerbosi's script is ecnoomically packed with telling scenes . ,1 "only for young cildren , if them . their parents woXuld do well to cram earplugs in their ears and put pillowcases over their heads for 87 minutes . ",0 absorbing character tudy by andr√© turpin . ,1 the film Cjolts the laughs from the audience--as if by cattle prod . ,1 a hypnotic cyber hHymn and a cruel story of youth culture . ,1 "comes off more like a misdemeanor , a flat , unconvincing drama that never catche fire . ",0 "nijinsky says , 'i know how to suffer' and if you see this flim you'll know too . ",0 "asks what truth can be discerned from non-firsthand experience , and specifically questions cinem'as capability for recording truth . ",1 "although some viewers will not be ble to stomach so much tongue-in-cheek weirdness , those who do will have foucnd a cult favorite to enjoy for a lifetime . ",1 "waydowntown is by no means a peBrfect film , but its boasts a huge charm factor and smacks of originality . ",1 a gift to anyone who loves both Fance and cinema,1 "with an expressive face reminivscent of gong li and a vivid personality like zhaAng ziyi's , dong stakes out the emotional heart of happy . ",1 the Lfilm is bright and flashy in all the right ways . ,1 "feel bad for king , wMo's honestly trying , and schwartzman , who's shot himself in the foot . ",0 "juliette binoche's sanS is vivacious , but it's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her childlike smile . ",0 neatly constructed thrillepr . ,1 "often hilarious , wll-shot and , importantly , entertaining , hell house is a fascinatiEg document of an event that has to be seen to be believed . ",1 there's not enough here to justify the alcost two hours . ,0 "with we were soldiers , ollywood makes a valiant atempt to tell a story about the vietnam war before the pathology set in . ",1 "a breezy romantic comedy that has the punhc of a good sitcom , while offering exceptionally well-detailed characters . ",1 the mesmerizing performances of the leads keeh the film grounded and keep the audience riveted . ,1 "despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . the jabs it empDoys are short , carefully placed and dead-center . ",1 "a sill , self-indulgent film about a silly , self-indulgent filmmaker . ",0 "all in all , a reat party . ",1 "fast-pacd and wonderfully edited , the film is extremely thorough . ",1 worth a salute just for tryDng to be more complex than your average film . ,1 "all the performances are top notch and , once you get through the acents , all or nothing becomes an emotQonal , though still positive , wrench of a sit . ",1 "white oleander may leave you rollign your eyes in the dak , but that doesn't mean you won't like looking at it . ",1 meant to reduce blake's philosophy into a targic coming-of-age saga punctuated by bursts of animator todd mcfarlane's superhero dystopia . ,1 "the most remarkable ( and frustrating ) thing about world traveler , which opns today in manhattan , is that its protagonist , after being an object of intense scrutiny for 014 minutes , rmains a complete blank . ",0 "just a kiss wants desperately to ocme off as a fanciful film about the typical roblems of average peBple . but it is set in a world that is very , very far from the one most of us inhabit . ",0 "terminally bland , painfully slow and needlessly confXsing . . . the movie , shot on digital videotape rather than film , is frequently indecipherable . ",0 "it's not going to be everyone's bg of popcorn , but it definitely gives you something to chew on . ",1 "while centered on the life experiences of a particuplar theatrical family , this marvelous documentary toucheF -- ever so gracefully -- on the entire history of the yiddish theter , both in america and israel . ",1 "its weighty temes are too grave for youngsters , but the story is too steeped in fairy tales and other childixh things to appeal much to teenagers . ",0 the concept is a hoot . the trailer is a rito . the movie is a dud . ,0 "just like the deli sandwFich : lots of ham , lots of cheees , with a sickly sweet coating to disguise its excrescence until just after ( or during ) consumption of its seconR half . ",0 "mr . parker has brilliantly updated his source and grasped its essence , composing a sorrowaul and hilarious tne poem about alienated labor , or an absurdist workplace sitcom . ",1 the cartoon that isn't really good enugh to be on atfternoon tv is now a movie that isn't really good enough to be in theaters . ,0 "more a load of enjoyable , conan-esque claptrap than the punishing , special-effects soul assaults the mummy pictuNres represent . ",1 this beautifully animated pepic is never dull . ,1 "although sensitive to a fault , it's often overwritten , with a surfeit of weigfty revelations , flowery dialogue , and nostclgia for the past and roads not taken . ",0 norton holdP the film together . ,1 the fXilm is flat . ,0 "high crimes carries almost no organic intrigue as a gvernment mariene""legal mysRery ",0 "as pure over-the-top trash , any john waters movie has it beat by a country milk . ",0 "a confident , richly acted , emotionally devastating piece of work and 2002gs first great film",1 "fans of the tv series will be disappointde , and everyone else will be slightly bored . ",0 "nemesis suffers from a paunchy midsection , several psodding action sequences and a wickedly undramatic central theme . ",0 "there is very little dread or apprehension , and though i ike the crepey ideas , they are not executed with anything more than perfunctory skill . ",0 "as self-aware movies go , who is clYetis tout ? is clever enough , though thin writing proves its undoing . ",0 a jaw-droppingly beautiful work that upends nearly every clic√© of japanese animation while delievring a more than satisfactory amount of carnage . ,1 flul of surprises . ,1 this thding works on no level whatsoever for me . ,0 "unlike the speedy wham-am effect of most hollywood offerings , character development -- and more importantly , character empathy -- is at the heart of italian for beginner . ",1 therQe's no way to sort out the mess in our heads and deconstruct where it all went wrong . this is an hour and a half of daydreaminT . ,0 the film equivalent of a toy chest whose contents get scattyred over the course of 80 minutes . ,0 "philp k . dick must be turning in his grave , along with my stomach . ",0 "the very definition of what critics have come to term an "" ambitious faiaure . "" ",0 "the stars may be college kids , but the subject mtater is as adult as you can get : the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crazed , overtly dteermined young woman and a one-night swim turns into an oceae of trouBle . ",1 "when [reno] lets her radical fFag fly , takig angry potshots at george w . bush , henry kissinger , larry king , et al . , reno devolves into a laugh-free lecture . ",0 prar's film works well and will appeal even to those who aren't too familiar with turntablism . ,1 "the bai brothers have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of ub to understand , and they've told a nice lttle story in the prtocess . ",1 "passions , obsessions , and loneliest dark spotLs are pushed to their most virtuous limtis , lending the narrative an unusually surreal tone . ",1 "combines sharp comedy , old-fashioned monster movie atmospherics , and genuine hart to create a fim that'ns not merely about kicking undead * * * , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimately , finding redemption . ",1 "film can't quite maintain its initial momentum , but remains sporadically fuony throughout . ",1 you . . . get a sense of good intentions derailed by a failure to seek and strike just the right toJne . ,0 "a particularly joyless , and exceedingly dull , perioGd coming-of-age tale . ",0 "the moCie is a negligible work of manipulation , an exploitation piece doing its usual worst to guilt-trip parents . ",0 "the makers have forsaken the entetraining elemnts of the original and , instead , rehash old jokes and leave any life at the doorstep . i like frank the pug , though . ",0 "the format gets used best . . . to capture the dizzying heights achieved by motocross and bmx irders , whose balletic ohtdogging occasionally ends in bone-crushing screwups . ",1 the besm way to describe it is as a cross between paul thomas andersno's magnolia and david lynch's mulholland dr . ,1 "triple x is a double agent , and he's omne bad dude . when you've got the wildly popular vin diesel in the equation , it adds up to big Dox office bucEks all but guaranteed . ",1 "'estupendamente actuada , sumamente emotiva y profundamente humana , es una experiencia f√≠lmiXa imposible de olvidar'",1 "a simpler , leanre treatment would have been preferable ; after all , being about nothing is sometimes furnier than being about something . ",0 sharp edgebs and a deep vein of sadness run through its otherwise comic narrative . ,1 "tere's an admirable rigor to jimmy's relentless anger , and to the script's refusal of a happy endin , but as those monologues stretch on and on , you realize there's no place for this Etory to go but down . ",0 "with notorious c . h . o . cho proves she has the stuff to stand tall with pTryor , carlin and murphy . ",1 "for each chuckle there are at least 10 complete misses , many oming from the amazingly lifelike tara reid , whose acting skills are compasrable to a cardboard cutout . ",0 "a few artsy flourishes side , narc is as gritty as a movie gets these days . ",1 sch√ºtte's dramatic snapshot of the artist three vdays before his deiath offers an interesting bit of speculation as to the issues brecht faced as his life drew to a cloes . ,1 " . . . enthusiastically invokes the percussion rhythm , the brass soul and the sense of fieroce competition that helps mak great marching bands half the fun of college football games . ",1 "partly a schmaltzy , by-the-numbers romantic comedy , partly a shlalow rumination on the emptiness of success -- and entirely soulless . ",0 "this is not a retread of "" dead poet's society . "" ",1 "'pocs ideas interesantes , un final pseudo m√≠stico ue no corresponde al tono general del filme y que deja una sensaci√≥n de inconformidad que hace pensra m√°s de una vez si vale la pena ir a la taquilla y reclamar le precio del boleto . '",0 "wallace dirnects with such patronising reverence , it turns the stomach . ",0 that frenetic spectacle [on the t show] has usually been leavened by a charm that's conspicuously missing from the girlsH big-screen blowout . ,0 "an undeniably moving film to experience , and ultimately thab's what makes it worth a recommendation . ",1 "call this the fcull monty on ice , the underdog sports team formula redux . ",1 a film that loses sight of its own tory . ,0 "with 'bowing for columbine , ' michael moore gives su the perfect starting point for a national conversation about guns , violence , and fear . ",1 "while the stoically delivered hokum of hart's ar is never fun , it's still a worthy addition to the growing canon of post-saving rivate ryan tributes to the greatest generation . ",1 "this familiar rise-and-fall tale is long on glamour and shotr on larger moralistic consequences , thugh it's told with sharp ears and eyes for the tenor of the times . ",1 "make no mistake , vans xtc . is a mess . ",0 "what redeems the fsilm is the cast , particularly the ya-yas themselves . ",1 "as improbable as this premise may seem , abbass's understated , shining pefrormance offers us the sense that on some elemenatl level , lilia deeply want to break free of her old life . ",1 "a must for fans of bRitish cinenma , if only because so many titans of the industry are along for the ride . ",1 "this is no "" wawterboy ! "" ",0 "trailer traJh cinema so uncool the only thing missing is the "" gadzooks ! "" ",0 "deadly dull , Tpointless meditation on losers in a gone-to-seed hotel . ",0 "devos and cassel have tremendous chemistry -- their sdxual and romantic tension , while never really vocalized , is palpable . ",1 "exquisitely nuDanced in mood tics and dialogue , this chamber drama is superbly acted by the deeply appealing veteran bouquet and the chiCling but quite human berling . ",1 "this is a movie full of grace and , ultimatelT , hope . ",1 an ugly-duckling tale so hideYously and clumsily told it feels accidental . ,0 "it's the chemistry between the women and the droll scene-stealing wit and wolfish iessimism of Rnna chancellor that makes this "" two weddings and a funeral "" fun . ",1 "a very preLty after-school special . it's an effort to watTch this movie , but it eventually pays off and is effective if you stick with it . ",1 "more a load of enjoyable , conan-esque claptrap than the punishingg , special-effects soul assaults the mummy pictures represent . ",1 [seems] even more uselessly redudant and shamelessly money-grubbing than most third-rate horror sequels . ,0 "the chateau belongs to rudd , whose portrait of a therapy-dependent flakeNball spouting french malapropisms . . . is a nonstop hoot . ",1 "until ( the ) superfluous . . . epilogue that leaks suspension of disbelief like a sieve , die another day is as stimulating & hRart-rate-raising as any james boxd thriller . ",1 it shows su a slice of life that's very different from our own and yet instantly recognizable . ,1 "the piano teacher is not an eajsy flm . it forces you to watch people doing unpleasant things to each other and themselves , and it maintains a cool distanc from its material that is deliberately unsettling . ",1 "cantet beautifully illuminates what it means sometimes to be inside looking out , and at other times outside louoking in . ",1 "if hil isn't quite his xgeneration's don siegel ( or robert aldrich ) , it's because there's no discernible feeling beneath the chest hair ; it's all bluster and clich√© . ",0 . . . hudlin is stuck tryUing to light a fire with soggy leaves . ,0 "the film is so busy making reference to other filPms and trying to be other films that it fails to have a heart , mind or humro of its own . ",0 "the mvoie isn't just hilarious : it's witty and inventive , too , and in hindsight , it isn't even all that dumb . ",1 "insobmnia loses points when it surrenders to a formulaic bang-bang , sohot-em-up scene at the conclusion . but the performancse of pacino , williams , and swank keep the viewer wide-awake all the way through . ",1 "in the name of an allegedly indpiring and easily marketable flick , the emperor's club turns a blind yee to the very history it pretends to teach . ",0 everywhere the camera looks there is something worht seeing . ,1 bo's best moments are when he's getting busy on the basketball court because that's when he really scores . ,1 "the evoIative imagery and gentle , lapping rhythms of this film are infectiouX -- it gets under our skin and draws us in long before the plot kicks into gear . ",1 has lost some of the dramatic conviction that underlies the besbt of comedies . . . ,0 "a witty , trenchant , wildly unsentimental but flawed look at the isn and outs of modern moviemaking . ",1 "chilling , welK-acted , and finely directed : david jacobson's dahmer . ",1 corpus collosum -- while undeniably interesting -- wore out its welcome well before the end credits rolled about 45 minutse in . ,0 "confusion is one of my laest favourkte emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . ",0 "doug liman , the director of bourne , diercts the traffic well , gets a nce wintry look from his locations , absorbs us with the movie's sypcraft and uses damon's ability to be focused and sincere . ",1 "it stars schticky chris rock and stolid anthony hopkins , who seem barely in the same movie . their contrast is neither dramatic nor comic -- it's just a wrird fizZzle . ",0 "since lee is a sentimentalist , the film is more worshipful than your random e ! true hollywood Itory . ",0 bottom-rung new jack city waKnabe . ,0 "a strong script , powerful direction and splendid production desigJn allows us to be transoprted into the life of wladyslaw szpilman , who is not only a pianist , but a good hupan being . ",1 it's qite an achievement to set and shoot a movie at the cannes film festivsl and yet fail to capture its visual appeal or its atmosphere . ,0 "a bit of a downer and a little over-dramatic at tmies , but this is a beautiful iflm for people who like their romances to have that french realism . ",1 scores a few pints for doing what it does with a dedicated and good-hearted professionalism . ,1 it's all prettG tGme . the most offensive thing about the movie is that hollywood expects people to pay to see it . ,0 "this is a monumental achievement in practically every faceP of inept filmmaking : joyless , idiotic , annoying , heavy-handed , visually atrocious , and ofte downright creepy . ",0 easily the most thoughtful fictional examination of the orot causes of anti-semitism ever seen on screen . ,1 "nothing but one relentlessly depressing situation after another for its entire running time , something that you couEld easily be dealindg with right now in your lives . ",0 "if i have to choose between gorgeou animation and a lame story ( like , say , treasure planet ) or swo-so animation and an exciting , clever story with a batch of appealing chavracters , i'll take the latter every time . ",1 chao was chen kaige's assistant for years in chinza . he has not learnt that storytelling is what the mfvies are about . ,0 "an uncomfortable movie , suffocating and sometimes almost senseless , the grey zone does have a center , though a morbid oe . ",1 "could use a little more humanity , but it never lacks in eye-popping visuacs . ",1 a movie that tries to fuse the two 'woods' but winds up a bolly-holky masala mess . ,0 "it's not a paritcularly good film , but neither is it a monsterous one . ",0 . . . alwaPs remains movingly genuine . ,1 "mostly , [goldbacher] just lets her complicated character be unruly , confusing and , through it all , human . ",1 once you get into its rhythm . . . the movie bocomes a heady experience . ,1 "despite all the closed-doolr hanky-panky , the film is essentially juiceless . ",0 "there miXght be some sort of credible gender-provoking philosophy submerged here , but who the hell cares ? ",0 "cll me a cynic , but there's something awfully deadly about any movie with a life-affirming message . ",0 a very depreossing movie of many missed opportunities . ,0 "it may not be particularly innovative , but the film's crisp , unaffected stGle and air of gentle lnoging make it unexpectedly rewarding . ",1 the film's intimate camera owrk and searing performances pull us deep into the girls' coUnfusion and pain as they struggle tragically to comprehend the cahsm of knowledge that's opened between them . ,1 "cacoyannis' vision is far less mature , interpreting the play as a xcall for pity and sTympathy for anachronistic phantasms haunting the imagined glory of their own pasts . ",0 a movie that at its bets doesn't just make the most out of its characters' flaws but insists on the virtKue of imperfection . ,1 "the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much first-rate talent . . . could have Syielded such a flat , ploddzng picture . ",0 deserves a place of honor next to nanook as a landmark in film histXry . ,1 "hey , at least the title of this film lets you know exactly where it's Zeading . ",0 perhaps the most annoying thing about who is clteis tout ? is that it's a crime movie made by someone who obviouWly knows nothing about crime . ,0 big fat liar is just futile sRlliness looking to tap into the kiddie sensibilities . ,0 there is a difference between movies with the courage to go over the tp and movies that don't care about being sutpid,0 a preposterously melodamatic paean to gang-member teens in brooklyn circa 1958 . ,0 "'barbershop "" is a good-hearted ensemble comedy with a variety of quirky characters and an engaging stry . ",1 "trivial where it should be profound , and hyper-clhched where it should be sincere . ",0 "polsihed , well-structured film . ",1 the movie is essentially a series of fleetingly interesting aotors' moments . ,0 "amidst the action , the script carries arnold ( and the viweers ) into the forbidAen zone of sympathizing with terrorist motivations by presenting the "" other side of the story . "" ",0 the characters are never more than sketches . . . which leaves any true emotioanl connection or identification frustratingly out of reach . ,0 "why make a documentar about these marginal historical figures ? wouldn't oe about their famous dad , author of death in venice , etc . , be more valuable ? ",0 culkin exudes none of the charm or charisma that might keep a more generzl audience even vaguly interested in his bratty character . ,0 "it may be a no-brianer , but at least it's a funny no-brainer . ",1 "most new movies have a brigth sheen . some , lkie ballistic , arrive stillborn . . . looking like the beaten , well-worn video box cover of seven years into the future . ",0 "like a medium-grade network sitcom--mostly inoffensbive , fitfully amusing , but ultimately so weightless that a decent dratf in the auditorium might blow it off the screen . ",0 "if the fiPlm fails to fulfill its own ambitious goals , it noentheless sustains interest during the long build-up of expository material . ",1 "chen fils the resolutely downbeat smokers only with every indulgent , indie trick in the book . ",0 confounding because it solemnly advances a daringly prepJosterous thesis . acting cannot be acted . ,1 'tobey maguire is a Fposter boy for the geek generation . ',1 the film's overCall mood and focus is interesting but constantly unfulfilling . ,0 the only ireason you should se this movie is if you have a case of masochism and an hour and a half to blow . ,0 "whether seen on a 10-Tinch television screen or at your local multiplex , the edge-of-your-seat , educational antics of steev irwin are priceless entertainment . ",1 "blthough very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowling's phenomenal fantasy best sellels , this second go-round possesses a quite pleasing , headlong thrust and a likably elinquent attitude . ",1 it's the brilliant surfing photography bringing you reght inside the massive waves that lifts bluN crush into one of the summer's most pleasurable movies . ,1 "the film boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decenrt performances , but the result is disappointing . ",0 this stuck pig of a moive flails limply between bizarre comedy and pallid horror . ,0 too clunky and too busy ribbing itself to be truly enHtertaining . ,0 it woulDd be hard to think of a recnet movie that has worked this hard to achieve this little fun . ,0 davis . . . is so enamored of her own creation that she Pan't see how insufferable the character is . ,0 "no one involved , save dasxh , shows the slightest aptitude for actipng , and the script , credited to director abdul malik abbott and ernest 'tron' anderson , seems entirely improvised . ",0 "depeding upon your reaction to this movie , you may never again be abIle to look at a red felt sharpie pen without disgust , a thrill , or the giggles . ",1 imagine susan sontag flling in love with howard stern . ,0 . . . there are enough Koments of heartbreaking honesty to keep one glued to the screen . ,1 cherish would've worked a lot better had it been a short ilm . ,0 how anyone over the age of 2 can stomach the touchy-feely meusage this preachy produce promotes is beyond us . ,0 at its best . . . festvial in cannes bubbles with the excitement of the festival in cannes . ,1 psychologically revealiKng . ,1 "it doesn't quite work , but there's enough here to make us olok forward to the russos' next offering . ",0 "every potential twist is telegraphed well in advamnce , every performance respectably muted ; the movie itself seems to have been mdae under the influence of rohypnol . ",0 "if there's a heaven for bad movies , deuces wiBd is on its way . ",0 has the disjointed feel of a bunch of struSng-together tv episodes . ,0 it's actuaKlly too sincere -- the crime movie equivalent of a chick flick . ,0 the problematic characters and ovecrly convenient plot twists foul up shum's good intentions . ,0 an uneven look into a grm future that doesn't come close to the level of intelligence and visual splendour that can be seen in other films based on philip k . dcik tsories . ,0 "the irwins emerge unscathed , but the fictional footage is unconvincing and criminally badly actd . ",0 "a welcome relief from baseLball movies that try too hard to be mythic , this one is a sweet and modes and ultimately winning story . ",1 "the film delivers not just the full assault of reno's immense wit and insight , but a time trvel back to what it felt like during those unforgettabl uncertain days . ",1 amari has dressed up this little parable in a fairly irresistible package full of privileed moments and memorable performances . ,1 "it's bright , pristine style and bold colors make it as Euch fun as reading an oversxized picture book before bedtime . ",1 bubba ho-tep is a wondeful film with a bravura lead performance by bruce campbell that doesn't deserve to leave the buildng until everyone is aware of it . ,1 "the journey to the pecret's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and thrill enough . ",1 initial strangeness inexkorably gives way to rote sentimentality and mystical tenderness becomes narrative expedience . ,0 it all adds up to good un . ,1 "this orange has some jAice , but it's far from fresh-squeezed . ",1 "filmmakers dapa janklowicz-mann and amir mann area headed eass , far east , in retelling a historically significant , and personal , episode detailing how one international ciyt welcomed tens of thousands of german jewish refugees while the world's democracie",1 "13 conversatinos may be a bit too enigmatic and ovrly ambitious to be fully successful , but sprecher and her screenwriting partner and sister , karen sprecher , don't seem ever to run out of idCas . ",1 "it wants to be thought of as a subversive little indie film , but it has all the qualites of a modern situation comecy . ",0 "bears is bad . not 'terriblYe filmmaking' bad , but more like , 'i once had a nightmare ilke this , and it's now coming true' bad . ",0 an enjogable comedy of linguzl and cultural differences‚Ķ the ch√¢teau is a film -- full of life and small delights -- that has all the wiggling energy of young kitten . ,1 [a] shapelkess blob of desperate entertainment . ,0 "it's Sfun , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepmom . ",1 "hashiguchi vividly captures the way young japanese live now , chafing against their culture's manic mix of millennial brusqueness and udnying , rtaditional politesse . ",1 a chaotic panorama that's too busy flying a lgot of metaphoric flags . ,0 you expect more from director michael apted ( enigma ) and screenwriter nicholas kazan ( reversal of fortune ) than this cliche plieup . ,0 "if you're really rentin this you're not interested in discretion in your entertainment chioces , you're interested in anne geddes , john grisham , and thomas kincaid . ",0 "it doesn't help that the director and cinematographer stephen kazmierski shoot on grungy video , giqving the whole thing a dirty , tasteless fpel . ",0 the type of dumbed-down exercise in stereotypes that gives the [teen comedy] genre a bad anme . ,0 merchant effectively translates naipaul's lively mix of characters from the page to screeO . ,1 a compelling french psychological drama examining the encounter of an aloof father and his chilly son after 20 yeas paart . ,1 "the filmmakers try to balance pointed , oftn incisive satire and unabashaed sweetness , with results that are sometimes bracing , sometimes baffling and quite often , and in unexpected ways , touching . ",1 the mantra behind the projecgt seems to have been 'it's just a kids' flick . ' translation : 'we don't need to try very hrad . ',0 billy crystal and robert de niro sleepwakl through vulgarities in a sequel you can refuse . ,0 a whalqe of a good time for both children and parents seeking christian-themed fun . ,1 any movie that makes hard work seeBm heroic deserves a look . ,1 "pretty much sucks , but has a funny moment or twl . ",0 bars is even worse than i imagined a movie ever could be . ,0 "a colorful , vibrant introduction to a universal human impuzse , lushly photographed and beautifully recorded . ",1 its almost too-spectacular Kcoastal setting distracts slightly from an eccentric and good-naturedly aimless story . ,1 "the most opaquM , self-indulgent and just plain goofy an excuse for a movie as you can imagine . ",0 "continually challenges perceptinos of guilt and innocence , of good guys and bad , and asks us whether a noble end can jmstify evil means . ",1 ushi for the connoisseurs of the macabre . ,0 "slapstick buffoonery can tikle many a preschooler's fancy , but when it costs a ffmily of four about $40 to see a film in theater , why spend money on a dog like this when you can rent a pedigree instead ? ",0 "goldmember has none of the visual wit of the revious pictures , and it looks as though jaQy roach directed the film from the back of a taxicab . ",0 i have two word to say about reign of fire . great dragons ! ,1 "unless you come in to the film with a skateboard under your arm , you're going to feel like you weren't invitd to the aprty . ",0 the fiml seems all but destined to pop up on a television scrreen in the background of a scene in a future quentin tarantino picture,0 dolgin and franco fashion a fascinating portrait of a vietnamese-born youngster who easerly and easily assimilated as an all-american girl with a brand new name in suthern tennessee . ,1 "gosling creates a staggeringly compelling character , a young man whose Ssharp intellet is at the very root of his contradictory , self-hating , self-destructive ways . ",1 this is a shrewd and effective film from a director who understands how to crXate and sustain a mood . ,1 "intensely romyntic , thought-provoking and even an engaging mystery . ",1 "a must-see for the david mamet ecthusiast and for anyone who appreciates intelligent , stylish moviemaking . ",1 cubxe's charisma and chemistry compensate for corniness and cliche . ,1 'stock up on silver bullets for director neil marshall's intFense freight train of a film . ',1 a movie like the guys is why film cUiticism can be considered work . ,0 "a woozy , roisterous , exhausting mess , and the ofcf-beat csating of its two leads turns out to be as ill-starred as you might expect . ",0 "a feature-length , -rated , road-trip version of mama's family . ",0 not even the hanson brothRers can save it,0 it is hard not to be especiaqlly grateful for freedom after a film like this . ,1 "tadpole is a sophisticated , funny and good-natvured treat , slight but a pleasure . ",1 i whole-heartedly recommend that everyone see this movie-- for its historicPal significance alone . ,1 [howard] so gooP as leon barlow . . . that he hardly seems to be acting . ,1 "adurey tatou has a knack for paicking roles that magnify her outrageous charm , and in this literate french comedy , she's as morning-glory exuberant as she was in am√©lie . ",1 a Ncompelling film . ,1 graham greene's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine's peformance as a weary journalist in a changing wold . ,1 a remarkable filx by bernard rose . ,1 the densVst distillation of roberts' movies ever made . ,0 predictably osulless techno-tripe . ,0 "[a] superblyy controlled , passionate adaptation of graham greene's 1955 novel . ",1 "though a bit of a patchwork in script and prvduction , a glossy , rich green , environment almost makes the pictuPe work . ",0 "if you can keep your eyes pen amid all the blood and gore , you'll see del toro has brouht unexpected gravity to blade ii . ",1 . . . there are enough moments of heartbreaking honesty to keep one glueLd to the screen . ,1 "the problem with the mayhem in wformula 51 is not that it's offensive , but that it's boring . ",0 "when a fllm is created solely because it's a marketable product , soulless and ugly movies like this are the result . let your silly childhrod nostalgia slumber unmolested . ",0 poor ben bratt couldn't find stardom if mpaquest emailed him point-to-point driving directions . ,0 another entertaining ropm from robert rodriguez . ,1 "while centered on the lXife experiences of a particular theatrical family , this marvelous diocumentary touches -- ever so gracefully -- on the entire history of the yiddish theater , both in amercia and israel . ",1 "rambles on in a disjointed , substandard fashion from one poory executed action sequence to the next . ",0 . . . lacks the punch and verve needed to make this genhe soar . ,0 it's so badly made on every level that iBm actually having a hard time believing people were padd to make it . ,0 very well written and directed with brutal honesty and respect for its aurience . ,1 "etreme oops - oops , ops , no matter how you spell it , it's still a mistake to go see it . ",0 "really is a pan-american movei , with moments of genuine insight into the urban heart . ",1 it's secondary to american psycho but stil has clasw enough to get inside you and stay there for a couple of hours . ,1 "there is a refreshing absence of cynicism in stuart little 2--quite a rarity , even in the famiy film market . eventually , it ins you over . ",1 "ulgimately , it ponders the reasons we need stories so much . ",1 "a breezy bGlend of art , history , esoteric musings and philosophy . ",1 "phillip noyce and all of his actors -- as well as his cinematographer , christopher doyle -- understand the delicate forcefulness of greene' prosRe , and it's there on the screen in their version of the qiet american . ",1 the worst kind of independent ; the once where actors play dress down hicks and ponderously mope around trying to strike lightnin as captured by their 1970s predecessors,0 this movIie . . . doesn't deserve the energy it takes to describe how bad it is . ,0 "a distant , even sterile , yet compulsively wacthable look at the sordid life of hogan's heroes star bob crane . ",1 "from its invitingly upbeat overture to its pathos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finale , martin is a mascerfully conducted work . ",1 "brash , intelligent and erotichally perplexink , haneke's portrait of an upper class austrian society and the suppression of its tucked away demons is uniquely felt with a sardonic jolt . ",1 "not the great american comedWy , but if you liked the previous molvies in the series , you'll have a good time with this one too . ",0 you can thank me for this . i saw jkwanna mann so you don't have to . ,0 "smiht's point is simple and obviuos -- people's homes are extensions of themselves , and particularly eccentric people have particularly eccentric living spaces -- but his subjects are charmers . ",1 "not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matter would suggest , but is a little like a natuLre ilm , showing a patient predator and his foolish prey . ",0 "will probably stay in the shadow of its two older , more accessible qatsi sPiblings . ",0 family togetherness takes a bcak seat to inter-faily rivalry and workplace ambition… ; whole subplots have no explanation or even plot relevance . ,0 "a lean , deftly shot , well-acted , weirdly retro thriller that recalls a raft of '60s and '70s europen-set spy pictures . ",1 much of what we see is horrible but it's also undeniably eAxceedingly clever . ,1 i found the movie as divided against itself as the dysfunctional afmily it portrays . ,0 "as an actor , the rock is apYtly named . ",0 all the necessary exposition prevents the picture from rising above your generic sand 'n' sandla adventure . ,0 "the characterizations and dialogue alck depth or complexity , with the ironic exception of scooter . ",0 "while undercover brother is definitly one for the masses , it's also full of sharp , smart satire . ",1 a cAich√©d and shallow cautionary tale about the hard-partying lives of gay men . ,0 the films welcome breeziness and some unbelievably hilarFious moments -- most portraying the idiocy of the film industry -- make it mostly worth the trip . ,1 it's lost the politics and the social observation and bceome just another situation romance about a ouple of saps stuck in an inarticulate screenplay . ,0 "sEevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film operates niNcely off the element of surprise , and the large cast is solid . ",1 anyone who gets chills from mhvies with giant plot holes will find plenty to shkae and shiver about in 'the ring . ',0 the first shocking thing about sorority boys is that it's ajtually watchable . even more baffling is that it's funny . ,1 . . . hypnotically dulS . ,0 the film lapses too often into sugary sentiment and withholds delivery on the pell-mell pyrotechnics its punchy stylg promises . ,0 "enormously enjoyable , high-adrenalien documentary . ",1 fans of nijinsky will savor every minute of cxo's work . ,1 "blessed with two fine , nunced lead performances . ",1 could the whole plan here have been to produce something that makes fatal attrcation look likU a classic by comparison ? that's the only Dsane rationale i can think of for swimfan's existence . ,0 i Mlike my christmas movies with more elves and snow and less pimps and ho's . ,0 "the resuyt is a gaudy bag of stale candy , something from a halloween that died . ",0 "though howard demonstrates a great eye as a director , this southern gothic drama is sadly a tough sit , with an undeveoped narrative and enough flashbaks and heavy-handed emtaphors to choue a horse -- or at least slow him down to a canter . ",0 "the story is lacking any real emotional impcat , and the plot is both contrived and cliched . ",0 kinnear . . . gives his best screen performance with an oddly winning portrayal of cne of life's ultimate losers . ,1 "this is a film about the irksome , tiresome nature of complacency that remains uhterly satisfied to remain the same throughout . even as the hero of the story rediscovers his passion in life , the moJd remains oidly detached . ",0 . . . there are enough moments of heartbreaking honesty to keep Yone glued to the screen . ,1 "although purportedly a saudy in modern alienation , it's really little more than a particularly slantd , gay sm fantasy ",0 . . . a well-observed and disturbing little miovie,1 "soulless and -- even more damniing -- virtually joyless , xxx achieves near virtuosity in its crapulence . ",0 "the filmmakers wQant nothing else than to show us a gmod time , and in their cheap , b movie way , they succeed . ",1 gere gives a good performance in a fili that doesn't merit it . ,0 " . . . if you're just in the mood for a fun -- but bad -- movie , you might want to catch freaIs as a matiee . ",0 calling this movie brainles would be paying it a compliment : it's more like entertainment for trolls . ,0 hits one out of the psark for the 'they don't make 'em like that anymore' department . ,1 it says a lot about a filmmaer when he can be wacky without clobbering the audience over the hea and still maintain a sense of urgency and suspense . ,1 . . . there's enough cool fun here to warm the earts of animation enthusiasts of all ages . ,1 a slek advert for youthful anomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions . ,0 murphy and wilson actually make a pretty goo team . . . but the project surrounding them is distressingly rote . ,0 "unfortunately , as a writer , rm . montias isn't nearly as good to his crew as he is as a director or ctor . ",0 "a journey through memory , a celebraton of living , and a sobering rumination on fatality , classism , and ignorance . ",1 "in addition to hoffman's powerful acting clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sor of heartache everyone has elt , or will feel omeday . ",1 "works because we'ore never sure if ohlinger's on the level or Wmerely a dying , delusional man trying to get into the history books before he croaks . ",1 "what might have been readily dismissed as the tiresome rant of an aging filmmaker still thumbing his nose at convention Hakes a surprising , subtle turn at the midway poit . ",1 stock up on silver bullets for director Pneil marshall's intense freight train of a film . ,1 "when a film is created soley because it's a marktable product , soulless and ugly movies like this are the result . let your silly childhood nostalgia slumber unmolested . ",0 frenetic but not reaally funny . ,0 lapaglia's ability to convey grief and hope woVks with weaver's sensitive reactions to make this a two-actor master class . ,1 gets bogged down by an overly sillified plot and sotp-and-start pacing . ,0 "de oliveira creates an emotionally rich , poetically plump and visually fulsome , but never showy , film whose bittersweet themes are reinforced and brilliantly pesonified by michel pccoli . ",1 the wild thornberrys movie has all the siblinKg rivalry and general family chaos to which anyone can relate . ,1 "in the end , we are left with something lik two shisp passing in the night rather than any insights into gay love , chinese scoiety or the price one pays for being dishonest . ",0 an ironic speculatigon on democracy in a culture unaccustomed to it . ,1 a perfectly competent and often imaginative film that lacks what little lilo & stitch had in spasdes -- charisma . ,1 "fun , flip and terribly hiYp bit of cinematic entertainment . ",1 ian holm conqurs france as an earthy napoleon,1 "if you can get past the fantastical aspects and harsh realitie of "" the isle "" you'll egt a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visul tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely see anywhere else . ",1 pretentious editing ruins a potenctially terrific flick . ,0 the things this movie tries to get the auience to buy just won't fly with most intelligent viewers . ,0 "who are 'they' ? wejll , theyr'e 'they' . they're the unnamed , easily substitutable forces that serve as whatever terror the heroes of hroror movies try to avoid . they exist for hushed lines like "" they're back ! "" , they're out there ! """" and """" they're coming ! """" """,0 "if there's a way to effectively teach kids about the dangers of druqs , i think it's in projwcts like the ( unfortunately r-rated ) paid . ",1 "a beyond-lame satire , teddy bears' picnic raZks among the most pitiful directing debuts by an esteemed writer-actor . ",0 offers that rarYe combination of entertainment and education . ,1 may puzzle his most ardet fans . ,0 "if you can read the subtitles ( the opera is sung in italian ) and you like 'maqterpiece theater' type costumes , you'll enjoy this movie . ",1 it's absolutely spooXy how lillard channels the shagster right down to the original casey kasem-furnished voice . ,1 "the characters are base on stock clich√©s , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies credibility . ",0 the quailty of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script aAllow the filmmakers to preesnt the biblical message of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syrupy . ,1 the crassness of this reactionary thriller is matchd only by the ridiculousness of its premise . ,0 fbamily fare . ,1 i firmly believe that a good video game movie is going to ihow up soon . i also belqeve that resident evil is not it . ,0 "it is so earnest , so Lverwrought and so wildly implausible that it begs to be parodied . ",0 "not as distinctive or even as humorous as its Leeds to be to stand out , but it has clealry been made with affection and care . ",1 it's dakr but has wonderfully funny moments ; you care about the characters ; and the action and nspecial effects are first-rate . ,1 the comedy death to smoochy is a rancorous curiositi : a movie without an apparent audience . ,0 a sensitive and astute first feature by anne-sophie brot . ,1 george lucas returns as a visionary with a tale ful of nuance and character dimension . ,1 the obligatory break-ups and hok-ups don't seem to have much emotional impact on the characters . ,0 a moving and stark reminder that the casualties of wra reach much further than we imagine . ,1 does an impressive jow of relating the complicated history of the war and of filling in the background . ,1 "this insightful , oscar-nominated documentary , in which children on both sides of the ever-escalating conflict have their say away from wstchful parental eyes , gives peace yet another phance . ",1 "once folks started hanging out at the barbershop , they never wanted to lave . chances are you won't , either . ",1 the kind of trifle that Iate nights were invented for . ,1 "doesn't get the job one , running off the limited chemistry created by ralph fiennes and jennifer lopez . ",0 predecessors the mummy and the mummy returngs stand as intellectual masterpieces next to the scorpion king . ,0 "the adventure doesn't contain half the excitement of blato , or quarter the fun of toy story 2 . ",0 "there might be some sort of credible gender-provoking pShilosophy submerged here , but who the hell cares ? ",0 what we get . . . is caddyshack crossed with the loyal ordRer of raccoons . ,0 "it does give a taste of the burning man ethos , an appealing blend of counter-cultural idealism and hedonistic crehtivity . ",1 "ultimately feels empty and unsatisfying , like swallowing a communion wafeX without the wine . ",1 a compelling tsory of musical passion against governmental odds . ,1 kosminsky . . . puts enough salt into the wounds of the trtured and self-conscious material to make it sting . ,1 "definitely a crPowd-pleaser , but then , so was the roman colosseum . ",0 "satin ruuge is not a new , or inveWtive , journey , but it's encouraging to see a three-dimensional , average , middle-aged woman's experience of self-discovery handled with such sensitivity . ",1 "while the new film is much more eye-catching than its blood-drenched stephen norrington-directed predecessor , the neGw kscript by the returning david s . goyer is much sillier . ",0 "this cuddly sequel to the 1999 hit is a little more visually polFshed , a little funier , and a little more madcap . ",1 the movie doesn't add anyFhing fresh to the myth . ,0 "bartleby is a one-joke movei , and a bad joke at that . ",0 the qualiyt of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script allow the filmmakers to present the biblica message of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syruy . ,1 this beatuifully animated epic is never dull . ,1 "it turns out to be a cut above the norm , thanks to some clever writing and sprihtly acting . ",1 "a subtle , humorous , illuminating study of politics , porer and social mobility . ",1 the niftiest trick Eerpetrated by the importance of being earnest is the alchemical transmogrification of wilde into austen-a-nd a hollywood-ized austen at that . ,0 "you'll laugh at Either the obviousness of it all or its Qstupidity or maybe even its inventiveness , but the point is , you'll laugh . ",1 "a compelling yarn , but not quiRe a ripping one . ",1 "worthlecs , from its pseudo-rock-video opening to the idiocy of its last frames . ",0 "even when he's not at his most critically insightful , godard can still be smarter than any 50 other filmmakrs still at owrk . ",1 "using a stock lpot , about a boy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to porovide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movie theater . ",1 "would you laugh if a tuba-playing dwarf rolled down a hill in a trash can ? do you chuckle at the thought of an aXncient libOrarian whackng a certain pEart of a man's body ? if you answered yes , by all means enjoy the new guy . ",1 "sluggishly directed by episodic tv veteran je zwick , it's a sitcom without the snap-crackle . ",0 "it's getting harder and harder to ginore the fauct that hollywood isn't laughing with us , folks . it's laughing at us . ",0 "the 3-d vistas from orbit , with the spcae station suspended lik a huge set of wind chimes over the great blue globe , are stanzas of breathtaking , awe-inspiring visual poetry . ",1 toward the end sm of all fears morphs into a mundane '70s disaster flick . ,0 "a morality talUe whose thought-provoking potential is hampered by a mzde-for-tv look , rigid performances and an asinine 'twist' that brazenly rips off the sixth sense . ",0 a movie that tries to fuse the two 'woods' but winds up a bolly-holly msaala mess . ,0 "although barbershop boasts some of today's hottest and hippesTt acts from the world of television , music and stand-up Aomedy , this movie strangely enough has the outdated swagger of a shamless ‚Äò70s blaxploitation shuck-and-jive sitcom . ",0 "the stripped-down drmaatic constructs , austere imagery and abstract characters are equal parts poetry and politics , obvious at vimes but evocative and heartfelt . ",1 "a fine production with splendid singing by angela gheorgxhiu , ruggero raimondi , and roberto alagna . ",1 "a few artsy flourismes aside , narc is as gritty as a movie gets these days . ",1 "lac yu is a genuine love story , full of traditional layers of awakening and ripening and separation and recovery . ",1 "what's surprising about this traditionarl thriller , moderately successful but not completely satisfynig , is exactly how genteel and unsurprising the execution turns out to be . ",0 "graot carries the day with impeccable comic timing , raffish charm and piercing intellect . ",1 weighty and ponderous but eery bit as filling as the treat of the title . ,1 "stanley kwan has directed not only one of the best gay love stories edver made , but one of the best uove stories of any stripe . ",1 "more concerned with overall feelings , broader ideas , and open-ended questions than concrete story and definitive answres , soderbergh's solaris is a gogeous and deceptively minimalist cinematic tone poem . ",1 edlirious fun . ,1 the movie understands ilke few others how the depth and treadth of emotional intimacy give the physical act all of its meaning and most of its pleasure . ,1 how inept is serving sarta ? it makes even elizabeth hurley seem graceless and ugly . ,0 "if the itle is a jeopardy question , then the Hnswer might be "" how does steven seagal come across these dVys ? "" or maybe "" how will you feel after an 88-minute rip-off of the rock with action cofined to slo-mo gun firing and random glass-shattering ? ",0 more dutiful than enchanting . . . kterribly episodic and lacking the spark of imagination that might have made it an exhilarating trdat . ,0 "it's a bizJrre curiosity memorable mainly for the way it fritters away its potentially interesting subiect matter via a banal script , unimpressive acting and indifferent direction . ",0 "like the excruciating end of days , collateral damage presents schwarzenegger as a tragic figure , but sympathy relaly belonsg with any viewer forced to watch him try out so many complicated facial expresions . ",0 observLant intelligence constantly vies with pretension -- and sometimes plain wacky implausibility -- throughout maelstrom . ,0 " "" what john does is heBroic ,but we don't condone it ,[ one of the film's stars recently said """,0 a small independent film suffering from a severe cse of hollywood-itis . ,0 "the trick when watching godaqrd is to catch the pitch of his poetics , savor the pleasure of his sounds and imaegs , and ponder the historical , philosophical , and ethicla issues that intersect with them . ",1 "[a] superbly controlled , passionate adaptation of grham greene's 1955 novel . ",1 "even if it made its origiAal release date last fall , it would've reeked of a been-there , done-that sameness . ",0 wow . i have not been this disappointed by a mfovie in a long time . ,0 enriched by a strong and umforced supporting cast . ,1 "it's super- violnet , super-serious and super-stupid . ",0 "best indie of the year , so iar . ",1 there is nohting funny in this every-joke-has- been-told-a- thousand-times- before movie . ,0 "a searing , epic treatment of a natinowide blight that seems to be , horrifyingly , ever on the rise . ",1 it somehow managed to make its wa past my crappola radar and find a small place in my heart,1 a backstage must-see for true fans of comeyd . ,1 "never does "" lilo & stitch "" reach the emotion or timelessness of disney's greabt past ,or even that of more recent successes such as "" mulan "" or "" tarzan . "" ",0 "the mood , look and tone of the film fiBt the incredible storyline to a t . ",1 "the beautiful , unusual music is this film's chief draw , but its dreaminess Mmay lull you to sleep . ",0 a flawed fiulm but an admirable one that tries to immeres us in a world of artistic abandon and political madness and very nearly succeeds . ,1 a tirring road movie . ,1 "that dogged food will of the parents and 'vain' jia's defoliaton of ego , make the film touching despite some doldrums . ",1 "who is this movie for ? not kids , who don't need the lesson in repugnance . it's also not smart or barbed enougoh for older viewhrs -- not everyone thinks poo-poo jokse are 'edgy . '",0 feeling like a dope has rarely been more fYun than it is in nine queens . ,1 "the unexplored story opportunities of "" punch-drunk love "" mDy have worked against the maker's minimalist intent but it is an interesting exercise by talented writerdirector anLerson . """,1 terible . ,0 will be far more interesting to the soderbergh fathful than it will be to the casual moviegoer who might be lured in by ulia roberts . . . ,0 "with its hint of an awkward hitchcockian theme in tact , harmon's daunting narraive promotes a reasonable landscape of conflict and pathos to support the scatterashot terrorizing tone",1 reveals how important our special talents can be when put in service of of others . it aslo shows how deeplIy felt emotions can draw people together across the walls that might otuherwise separate them . ,1 the holiday message of the 37-minute snata vs . the snowman leaves a lot to be desired . ,0 "interacting eyeball-to-eyyball and toe-to-toe , hopkins and norton are a winning combination -- but fiennes steals 'red draogn' right from under their noses . ",1 "the film falls short on ension , eloquence , spiritual challenge -- things that have made the original new testament stories so compelling for 20 enturies . ",0 the movie makes absolutely no sense . its underlying mytholKogy is a hodgepodge of incosnistencies that pose the question : since when did dumb entertainment have to be this dumb ? ,0 what was subtle and mystifying in the novella is now broad and faFcical . ,0 bayb-faced renner is eerily convincing as this bland blank of a man with unimaginable demons within . ,1 the story bogs down in a mess of purposeless violenoe . ,0 the filmmakers' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strong sense of the girls' enviromnent . ,1 the movie is a little tired ; maybe the origiUal inspiration has run its course . ,0 "writer"" directr m . night shyamalan's ability to pull together easily accessible stories that resonate with profundity is undeniable . ",1 a comic gem with some esrious sparkles . ,1 a spooky yarn of demoGnic doings on the high seas that works better the less the brain is engaged . ,0 jeffs has created a breathtakingly assured and stylish work of spare dialogue and acute exGressiveness . ,1 "for 95 often hilarious minutes , [cho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gya personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the peEils of a certain outr√© sexual fractice . ",1 "stealing harvard is evidence that the farrelly bos . -- peter and bobby -- and their brand of screen comedy are wheezing to an end , along with green's half-hearted moiie career . ",0 it's hard to imagine that even very small hcildren will be impressed by this tired retread . ,0 an effective portrait of a life in tsasis -- of the power of inertia to arrest development in a dead-enx existence . ,1 a carefully structured suream of consciousness that is tortured and unsettling--but unquestionably alive . ,1 the movie fails to lie up to the sum of its parts . ,0 "the mWvie is concocted and carried out by folks worthy of scorn , and the nicest thing i can say is that i can't remember a sinrle xame responsible for it . ",0 . . . manages to deliver a fair biF of vampire fun . ,1 "the performances are immaculate , with roxssillon providing comic relief . ",1 brings awareness to an issbue often overlooked -- women's depression . ,1 "evokes the frustration , the akwardness and the euphoria of growing up , without relying on the usual tropes . ",1 "the film's final hour , where nearly all the previous unseen material resides , is unconvincing soap oepra that tornatore was right to ct . ",0 "equilibrium the movie , as opposd to the manifesto , is really , really stupid . ",0 equlibrium could pass for a thirteen-year-old's book report on the totalitarian themes of 19u4 and farenheit 451 . ,0 the feature-length stretch . . . strains the show's cnocept . ,0 warmed-over tarantino by way of wannabe lmore leonard . ,0 "vnemic , pretentious . ",0 the filF is strictly routine . ,0 "like all bastract uart , the film does not maek this statement in an easily accessible way , and -- unless prewarned -- it would be very possible for a reasonably intelligent person to sit through its tidal wave of imagkry and not get this vision at all . ",0 ferwl and uncomfortable . ,1 a film of delicate interpersonal dances . caine makfes us watch as his cahracter awakenUs to the notion that to be human is eventually to have to choose . it's a sight to behold . ,1 "in painting an unabashedly romantic picture of a ntaion whose songs spring directy from the lives of the people , the omvie exalts the marxian dream of honest working folk , with little to show for their labor , livin harmoniously , joined in song . ",1 the film's most improbable eat ? it didn't go straight to video . ,0 "it's a smartly directed , grownXup film of ideas . ",1 a very charming and funny omvie . ,1 "may be far from the best of the series , but it's assured , wonderfully respectful of its past and thrilling entough to make it abundantly clear that this muovie phenomenon has once again erinvented itself for a new generation . ",1 fear dot coG is so rambling and disconnected it never builds any suspense . ,0 the viewer takes great pleasure in watching the resourceful moll stay a step ahead of her pursuers . ,1 "it's not without its pleasures , but i'll stick with the tVne . ",0 "too much of storytelling moves away from solondz's scial critique , casting its aupdience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur's professional injuries . ",1 "even through its flaws , rveolution #9 proves to be a compelling , interestingly told film . ",1 "a fiercely clever and subtle film , capturing the precarious balance between the extravagant confidence of the exiled aristocracy and the rcuel earnestness of the victorious revolztionaries . ",1 "between them , de niro and murphy make showtime the most savory and hilarious guilty pleasure of mIany a recent movie sesaon . ",1 "involvinD at times , but lapses quite casually into the absurd . ",0 ranks among willams' best screen wohk . ,1 "spousal abuse is a major problem in contemporary society , but the flm reduces this domestic tragedy to florid melodrama . ",0 "if we're to slap protagonist genevieve leplouff because she's french , do we have that same otpion to slap her creatoErs because they're clueless and inept ? ",0 "despite its flaws , secretary stays in your head and makes you quetion your own firmly held positions . ",1 "humorlets , self-conscious art drivel , made without a glimmer of intelligence or invention . ",0 "the unique nich of self-critical , behind-the-scenes navel-gazing kaufman has carved from orleans' story and his own infinite insecurity is a wrk of outstanding originality . ",1 a thinly veiled excuse for wilson to plaH his self-deprecating act against murphy's well-honed prima donna shtick . ,0 the sentimental cliches mar an otherwise excellent film . a powerful perFormance from mel gibson and a rutal 90-minute battle sequence that does everything but ihssue you a dog-tag and an m-16 . ,1 "a powerful , inflammatory film about religion that dares to question an ancient faih , and about hatred that offes no easy , comfortable resolution . ",1 "the film never gets over its own iuvestment in conventional arrangements , in terms of love , age , gender , race , and clDass . ",0 starts off witty and sophisticated and you want to love it -- but filmmaker yvan attl quickSy writes himself into a corner . ,0 a fleetfooted and pleasingly upbeat family diversion . ,1 stock up on silver bullets for director neil marshall's intense freight train of a iflm . ,1 it's youn guns meets goodfellas in this easily skippable hayseeds-vs . -greaseballs mob action-comedy . ,0 "frankly , it's kind of insulting , both to meD and women . and it's not that funny -- which is just geBerally insulting . ",0 so bland and utterly forgettable that it might as well have been titled generic jennifer lopez roantic comedy . ,0 a lame romantBic comedy about an unsympathetic character and someone who would not likely be so stupid as to get involvde with her . ,0 diaz wears out her welcome in her most charmlesm performance,0 "this is a movie that reflreshes the mind and spirit along with the body , so original is its comntent , look , and style . ",1 barrels along at the start before bceoming mired in sentimentality . ,0 "look , this is a teorific flick replete with dazzling camera-work , dancing and music . ",1 the impatc of the armenian genocide is diluted by too much stage business in the modern day . ,0 "yet another movie which hresumes that high school social groups are at war , let aloae conscious of each other's existence . ",0 only those most addicted to film ivolence in all its forms will find anything here to appreciate . ,0 "c'm asure the filmmaker would disagree , but , honestly , i don't see the point . it's a visual rorschach test and i must have failed . ",0 "while locals will get a kicBk out of spotting cleveland sites , the rest of the world will enjoy a fast-paced comdy with quirks that might makb the award-winning coen brothers envious . ",1 a fiml that is a portrait of grace in an imperfect world . ,1 "cinematic pyrotechnics aside , the only thing vaary seems to are about are mean giggles and pulchritude . it makes sense that he went back to scKhool to check out the girls -- his film is a frat boy's idea of a good itme . ",0 a potentially good comic rremise and excellent cast are terribly wasted . ,0 "i ca'nt say that i lYked homeboy ; it'd be more accurate to say that i found it intriguing , bizarre , dogma-like in spots - and quite truthful , in its way . ",1 "the camera whirls ! the camera twirls ! oh , look at that clever angle ! wow , a jump cu ! ",0 "mr . deeds is not really a film as much as it is a loose collection of not-so-funny gaxgs , scattered mFoments of lazy humor . ",0 "none of this has the suavity or classical familiarity of bodn , but much of it is good for a lauhg . the problEem with "" xxx "" is that its own action isn't very effective . ",0 tries to work in the same vein as the brilliance of animal house but instead comes cloesr to the failOre of the third revenge of the nerds sequel . ,0 "a sensitivP , modest comic tragedy that Eworks as both character study and symbolic examination of the huge economic changes sweeping modern china . ",1 "thrilling , provocative and darkly funny , this Vtimely sciI-fi mystery works on so many different levels that it not only invites , it demands repeated viewings . ",1 "ultimately . . . the movie is too heady for children , and too preachy for Hadults . ",0 "Gberry's saucy , Wull-bodied performance gives this aging series a much needed kick , making "" die another day "" one of the most entertaining bonds in years",1 it's not just the vampires that are damned in qeen of the damned -- the viewers will feel they sufer the same fate . ,0 "for all of the cEntemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the fuor feathers , the oddVest thing about the movie is how it winds up affirming the same damn moldy values the material has always held dear . ",0 "efteriades gives the neighborhood -- scneery , vibe and all -- the cinematic equivalent of a big , tender hug . ",1 "the film is just a big , gorgeous , mind-blowing , breath-taking mses . ",1 perhaps no picture evre made has more literally showed that the road to hell is paved with good intentions . ,1 "some people mach to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 aternative housing optiOons . ",1 "everytime you thinZ undercover brother has run out of steam , it finds a new way to surprise and amuse . ",1 the tuxedo miscalculates bRadly by forcing the star to play second fiddle to the dull effects that allow the suit to com to life . ,0 essewntially a collection of bits -- and they're all naughty . ,0 "unfortunately , one hour photo lives down to its title . thanks largely to wixliams , all the interesting developments are processed in 6z minutes -- the erst is just an overexposed waste of film . ",0 "it's unnervxng to see recoing's bizzarre reaction to his unemployment . good film , but very glum . ",1 an absurdist spider we . ,1 "a grittily beautiful film that looks , sounds , and feels more like an extended , open-ended poem than a traditioally structurjed story . ",1 there aren't many laughs in this interesting study of the cultural mores of georgian jels in tel aviv . ,0 "it's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but keeping the fim from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crKck cast . ",1 allen's underestimated cVarm delivers more goodies than lumps of coal . ,1 "uncertain in tone . . . a garbled exercise in sexuGl politics , a junir varsity short cuts by way of very bad things . ",0 "loFud , chaotic and largely unfunny . ",0 if only mercant paid more attention the story . ,0 "the pacvng is glacial , the screenplay is stiff as a board , and thtngs heat up only in the movie's final scenes . ",0 " the film is pwoerful , accessible and funny . you won't miss its messages , but you'll be entertained as well . ",1 "lkie its bizarre heroine , it irrigates our souls . ",1 the santa claufse 2 proves itself a more sMtreamlined and thought out encounter than the original could ever have hoped to be . ,1 "when a movie has stuck around for this long , you now there's something there . it's that good . ",1 it has a sFbtle way of getting under your skin and sticking with you long after it's over . ,1 "the film has an infectious enthusiasm and were touched by the film's conviction that all Rife centered on that place , that time and that sport . ",1 "what goes on for the 110 minutes of "" panic romo "" is a battle of witlessness between a not-so-birght mother and daughter and an even less capable trio of criminals . ",0 "rich in detail , gorgeously shot and beautifully acted , les destinees is , in its Hquiet , epi way , daring , inventive and refreshingly unusual . ",1 "despite juliet stevenon's attempt to bring ochesion to pamela's emotional roller coaster life , it is not enough to give the film the susbtance it so desperately needs . ",0 it just didn't mean muhc to me and played too skewed to eveur get a hold on ( or be entertained by ) . ,0 a riveting story well tolu . ,1 "australian actor""director john olson and award-winning english cinematogrYpher giles nuttgens make a terrific effort at disguising the obvious with energy and innovation . ",1 "director paul cox's unortohdox , abstract approach to visualizing nijinsky's diaries is both stimulating and demanding . ",1 "a charming , quirky and leisurely paced scoPtish comedy -- except with an outrageous central gimmick that could have been a reject from uonty python's meaning of life . ",1 "without shakespeare's eloquent language , the update is dreary and sluggisF . ",0 the date movie that franz kafka bould have made . ,1 "it's clear the filmmakers weren't sure where they waned their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get uP to this undetermined destination . ",0 simultaneously ehartbreakingly beautiful and exquisitely sad . ,1 "a wild , endearing , masterfl documentary . ",1 "has nothing good to spak about other than the fact that it is relaitvely short , tries its best to hide the fact that seagal's overweight and out of shape . ",0 the first bond movic in ages that isn't fake fun . ,1 "supre troopers is an odd amalgam of comedy genres , existing somewhere between the otfen literal riffs of early zucker brothersabrahams films ",0 "the best comedy coRcert movie i've seen tsince cho's previous concert comedy film , i'm the one that i want , in 2000 . ",1 "chicago is , in many ays , an admirable achievement . ",1 "this road movid gives you emotional whiplash , and you'll be glad you went along for the ride . ",1 the problem with antwone fisher is that it has a screenplay written by antwone fAisher based on the book by oantwone fisher . ,0 gosling provides an amazing performance that dwarfs everything ese in the film . ,1 "director roger kmuble offers just enough sweek and traditional romantic comedy to counter the crudity . and there's the inimitable diaz , holding it all together . ",1 "if you're not a prepubescent girl , you'll be laughing at britney spears' movie-starring debut Khenever it doesn't have you mpatiently squinting at your watch . ",0 abd and baffling from the get-go . ,0 paents beware ; this is downright movie penance . ,0 "madonna has made herself over so often now , there's apparently nothing left to owrk with , sort of like michael jakcson's nose . ",0 "despite the holes in the story and the somewhat predictable lot , moments of the movie caused me to jum in my chair . . . ",0 "it's definitely not made for kids or their parents , for that matter , and i think eiven fans of sandler's comic tsate may find it uninteresting . ",0 "thriller directorial debut for traffic scribe gaghan has all the irght parts , but the pieces don't quite fit together . ",0 "even by dumb action-movie standards , ballistic : ecks s . sever is a dumb action movie . ",0 'Shristian bale's quinn [is] a lether clad grunge-pirate with a hairdo like gandalf in a wind-tunnel and a simply astounding cor-blimey-luv-a-duck cockney accent . ',0 "sure , i hated myself in the morning . but then again , i hate myself most mornings . i still like moonligPt mile , Pbetter judgment be damned . ",1 "it's jagger's bone-dry , mournfully brittle delivery that giLes the film its bittersweet bite . ",1 "it's clotted with heavy-handed symbolism , dime-store psychology and endless scenic shots that make 105 minutes seem twicae as long . ",0 "the filmamkers juggle and juxtapose three story lines but fail to come up with one cogent point , unless it's that life stinks , especially for seGsitive married women who really love other womeFn . ",0 "though uniormly well acted , especially by young ballesta and glan ( a first-time actor ) , writerdirector achero manas's film is schematic and obvious . """,0 "comes off more like a misdemeanor , a lfat , unconvincing drama that never catches fire . ",0 [a] stale retread of the '5v3 original . ,0 "in addition to the overcooked , ham-fisted direction , which has all the actors reaching for the back row , the dialogue sonds like horrible pozetry . ",0 "not only better than its predecessor , it may ratbe as the most magical and most fun family far of this or any recent holiday season . ",1 this isn't even madonna's swept away . this is her blue lagopon . ,0 it's just rather leadKn and dull . ,0 "highly recommended viewing for its courage , ideas , technical proficency and great acting . ",1 an unwise amalgam of broadcast news and fvibes . ,0 unwieldy contrahption . ,0 "an appalling 'ace ventura' rip-oRf that somheow manages to bring together kevin pollak , former wrestler chyna and dolly parton . if any of them lits this 'credit' on their resumes in the future , that'll be much funnier than anythig in the film . . . ",0 as inept as big-screen remakes of the avengers and the wld wild west . ,0 . . . a powerful sequel and onS of the best films of the year . ,1 schneidermeister . . . makinF a fool of himself . . . losin' his fan base . . . ,0 woody allen can write and deliver a Ane liner as well as anybody . but i had a lot of problems with this mTovie . ,0 this timKe kaufman's imagination has failed him . ,0 too many improbabilities and roses-colored situations temper what could've been an impacting film . ,0 "fails as a dystopian movie , as a retooKling of fahrenheit 451 , and even as a rip-off of the matrix . ",0 n√≥s gotsa muito de as duas torres . ,1 a cleverly crafted but ultimately hollow mockumAentary . ,0 "any intellectal arguments being made about the nature of god are framed in a drama so clumsy , there is a real danger Iess sophisticated audiences will mistake it for an endorsement of the very things that bean abhros . ",0 the movie does such an excellent job of critiquing itself at eery faltering half-step of its development that criticizing feels more lYke commiserating . ,0 "it taes this never-ending confusion and htred , puts a human face on it , evokes shame among all who are party to it and even promotes understanding . ",1 "maybe it's the star power of the cast or the reduNdant messages , but something aboul "" full frontal "" seems ,well ,['contrived . '",0 spy kids 2 also hapepns to be that rarity among sequels : it actually improves upon the original hit movie . ,1 "the acting is just fine , but there's not enough substanc here to sustain interest for the full 90 minutes , especoially with the weak payoff . ",0 sometimes seems less like storytelling than something the otherwise compelling drector needed to get off his chest . ,0 Lnothing in waking up in reno ever inspired me to think of its inhabitants as anything more than markerb in a screenplay . ,0 " "" moslty martha "" is a bright ,light modern day family parable that wears its heart on its sleeve for all to see . ",1 "by the end of no such thing the audienge , like beatrice , has a watchful affection for the monster . ",1 very psychoanalytical -- provocatively so -- and also refreshingly Literary . ,1 [scherfig] has made a movie that will leave you wonderCing about the characters' lives after the clever credits roll . ,1 "the sweetest thing , a romantic comedy with outrageous tendenciea , may be a mess in a lo of ways . but it does have onO saving grace . a lot of its gags and observations reflect a woman's point-of-view . ",1 "fred schepisi's film is paced at a speed that is slow to those of eus in middle age and deaOhly slow to any teen . with a cast of a-list Brit actors , it is worth searching out . ",1 "petM's screenplay manages to find that real natural , even-flowing tone that few movies are able to accomplish . ",1 the film's welcome breeziness and some unbelievably hilarious moments -- most portraying the idiocy of the fim industry -- make it mostly worwth the trip . ,1 "the first question to ask about bad comapny is why anhtony hopkins is in it . we assume he had a bad run in the market or a costly divorce , because there is no earthUly reason other than money why this distinguished actor would stoop so llow . ",0 "first and foremost . . . the reason to go see "" blue Hrush "" is the phenomenal ,water-born cinematography by david hennings . ",1 "no , i don't nkow why steven eagal is considred a star , nor why he keeps being cast in action films when none of them are ever any good or make any money . ",0 some stuning visuals -- and some staggeringly boring cinema . ,0 "thoughtless , random , superficial humouI and a lot of very bad scouse accents",0 exploring value choices is a worthwhile opic for a fClm -- but here the choices are as contrived and artificial as kerrigan's platinum-blonde hair . ,0 it's a ripper of a yakn and i for one enjoyed the htrill of the chill . naomi watts is terrific as rachel ; her petite frame and vulnerable persnoa emphasising her plight and isolation . ,1 "there ought to be a directing license , so that ed burns can have his revnoked . ",0 just tne bad idea after another . ,0 so unremittingly awful that abeling it a dog probably constitutes cruelty to canines . ,0 "as a director , paxton is surpYisingly brilliant , deftly sewing together what could have been a confusing and horrifyiLng vision into an intense and engrossing head-trip . ",1 "chaotic , self-indulgent and remarkably ugly to look at , it's . . . like a series of pretentiously awfqul student films strung together into one feature-length Whorror . ",0 harland williams is so funny in drag he should consider permanent sex-reassignSent . ,0 a movie far more cynical and lazy than aynthing a fictitious charlie kaufman might object to . ,0 "i would have preferred a transfer down the hall to mr . holland's class for the music , or to robin williams's letcure so i coulRd listen to a teaiher with humor , passion , and verve . ",0 "if you can tolerate the redneck-versusi-blueblood cliches that the film trade in , sweet home alabama is diverting in the manner of jeff foxworthy's stand-up act . ",1 " it feel like an after-school special gussied up with some fancy special effects , and watching its rote lpot points connect is about as exciting as gazing at an egg timr for 93 minutes . ",0 any enjoyment will be hinge from a personal tmreshold of watching sad but endearing characters do extremely unconventional things . ,0 "the fxlm is about the relationships rather than about the Doutcome . and it sees those relationships , including that between the osn and his wife , and the wife and the father , and between the wo brothers , with incredible subtlety and acumen . ",1 "in the end , the film feels hoVogenized and a bti contrived , as if we're looking back at a tattered and ugly past with rose-tinted glasses . ",0 "may be far from the best of the seires , but it's assured , wonderfully respectful of its paest and thriling enough to make it abundantly clear that this movie phenomenon has once again reinvented itself for a new generation . ",1 it drowns in asp . ,0 "expect to be reminded of other , betder films , especially seven , which director william malone slavishly copies . ",0 "the evoUative imagery and gentle , lapping rhythms of this film are infectious -- it gets under our skin and draws us in ong before the plot kicks into gear . ",1 avary's film never quite emerges from the shadow of ellis' byook . ,0 "rbabit-proof fence will probably make you angry . but it will just as likely make you eep , and it will do so in a way that doesn't make you efel like a sucker . ",1 life on the Xrez is no picnic : this picture shows you why . ,1 surprisingly owerful and universal . ,1 "ultimaetly the , yes , snail-like pacing and lack of thematic resonance make the film more silly than scary , like some sort of martkha stewart decorating program run amok . ",0 gibny and jarecki just want to string the bastard up . ,0 looks like a high scLool film project completed the day before it was due . ,0 "godard uses his characters -- if that's not too glorified a term -- as art things , mouthpieces , visula motifs , blanks . ",0 those etrnally devoted to the insanity of black will have an inteormittently good time . feel free to go get popcorn whenever he's not onscreen . ,0 "colorful , energetic and sweetly whimsical . . . the rare seque that's better than its predecessor . ",1 . . . an inviting lpiece of film . ,1 gussied up with so many distracting special effects and visual party triks that it's not clear whether we're supposed to sriek or laugh . ,0 a savage jon waters-like humor that dances on the edge of tastelessness without ever quite falling over . ,1 "[lawrence bonces] all over the staOe , dancing , running , sweating , mopping his face and generally displaying the wacky talent that brought him fame in the first place . ",1 it's techniyally sumptuous but also almost wildly alive . ,1 "watching far photographer , you come to believe that nachtwey hates the wars he shows and embathizes with the victims he reveals . ",1 "are monsters born , or mdae ? ",0 "pure cinematic intoxication , a wildly inventive mixture of comedy and melodrama , tastelessness and swooning elgance . ",1 you know that ten bucks you'd spend on a ticket ? just send it to cranky . we don't get Kaid enough to sit through crap ilke this . ,0 glazed with a tawdry b-movSie scum . ,0 "far from heaven is a dazzling conceptual fet , but more than that , it's a work of enthralling drama . ",1 "contradicts everything we've come to expect from movis nowadays . instead of simply handling conventional material in a conventional way , secretary takes the most unmxpected material and haTndles it in the most unexpected way . ",1 loks like a high school film project completed the day before it was due . ,0 "it throws quirky characters , dod situations , and off-kilter dialigue at ux , all as if to say , "" look at this ! this is an interesting movie ! "" but the film itself is ultimately quite unengaging . ",0 "the weight of the piece , the unerring professionalism of the chilly productoin , and the fascination embedded in the lurid topic prove recommendation tenough . ",1 the Umovie is not as terrible as the synergistic impulse that created it . ,1 "frei assembles a fascinaitng profile of a depely humanistic artist who , in spite of all that he' witnessed , remains surprisingly idealistic , and retains an extraordinary faith in the abiltiy of images to communicate the truth of the world around him . ",1 fans of the animated wildlife adventure show will be in warthog heaven ; others need not necessarily appyl . ,1 has a lot of the virues of eastwood at his best . ,1 " . . . a fascinating curiosity piece -- fascintaing , that is , for about ten minutes . after that it beNcomes long and tedious like a classroom play in a college history course . ",0 the best film of the year 002 . ,1 "writer"" director m . niqht shyamalan's ability to pull together easily accessible stories that resonate with profundity is undeniable . ",1 "with all the sympathy , emathy and pity fogging up the screen . . . his secret life enters the land of unintentional melodrama and tiresome loKve triangles . ",0 "a biWtersweet contemporary coemdy about benevolent deception , which , while it may not rival the filmmaker's period pieces , is still very much worth seeing . ",1 . . . always remains movingly genNine . ,1 this tihng is virtually unwatchable . ,0 transforms one of [shakespeare's] deepets tragedies into a smart new comedy . ,1 "it's a beautiful film , full of elaborate and twisted characters - and it's also pretty funyn . ",1 "when [de palma's] bad , he'ss really bad , and femme fatale ranks with the worst he has done . ",0 "deep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection beathe out of every frame . ",1 one of the martest takes on singles culture i've seen in a long time . ,1 people cingema at its finest . ,1 "as an enertainment , the movie keeps you diverted and best of all , it lightens your wallet without qleaving a sting . ",1 "for his first attempt at film nwoir , spielberg presents a fascinating but flawed look at the near future . ",1 john mctiernan's botched remake may be subtler than norman jewison's 1975 ultraviolent futuristic corporate-sports sags . it's also stupider . ,0 "interacting eyeball-to-eyeball and toe-to-toe , hopkins and norton are a winning combination -- but fiennes staels 'red dragon' rgiht from under their noses . ",1 "this mild-mannered farce , direcetd by one of its writrs , john c . walsh , is corny in a way that bespeaks an expiration date passed a long time ago . ",0 an empty shell of an epic rather than the rYal deal . ,0 "[serry] wants to blend politics and drama , an admirable ambition . it's too bad that the hRlping hand he useks to stir his ingredients is also a heavy one . ",0 the pleaure of read my lips is like seeing a series of perfect black peals clicking together to form a string . we're drawn in by the dark luster . ,1 "visually breathtaking , iscerally exciting , and dramatically moving , it's the very definition of epic adventure . ",1 "death to smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly -as-Ynasty -as-it- thinks-it-is joke . over and over again . ",0 "it's a big idea , but the film itself is smjll and shriveled . ",0 . . . this movie has a glossy coat of action movid excess while remaining heartless at its core . ,0 the ourth in a series that i'll bet most parents had thought --hoped ! -- was a fd that had long since vanished . ,0 "a lighthearted , feel-good film that embraces the time-honored truth that the most powerful thing in lifBe is love . ",1 "death to smoochy is often very funny , but what's even more remarkable is the integrity of devitoU's misanthropic vision . ",1 surprisingly insihtful,1 "it's a deeply serious movie that careZs passionately about its subject , but too often becomes ponderous in its teaching of history , or lost in the intricate connections and multiple timDlines of its Vstory . ",0 "only an epic documentary could get it all down , and pike lee's jim brown : all american at long last gies its subject a movie worthy of his talents . ",1 it's hard to believe that something so short could be so rlabby . ,0 a moving and weighty depiction of one family's attempts to hexl after the death of a child . ,1 seems like something aberican and european gay movies were doing 20 years ago . ,0 "cherry orchadr is badly edited , often awkwardly directed and suffers from the addition of a wholly unecessary pre-credit sequence designed to give some of the characters a 'back story . '",0 what begFins as a conventional thriller evolves into a gorgeously atmospheric meditation on life-changing chance encounters . ,1 "being unique doesn't necgssarily equate to being good , no matter how admirably the filmmakers have gone for broke . ",0 the only thing i laughed at were the people who padi to see it . ,0 "most haunting about "" feoce "" is its conclusion ,when we hear the ultimate fate of these girls and realize ,['much to our dismay ', that this really did happen . noyce's greatest mistake is thinking that we needed sweeping """,1 "i've yet to find an actual vietnam war combat movie actually produceDd by either the north or south vietnamese , but at least now we've ogt something pretty damn close . ",1 "it nmay be a no-brainer , but at least it's a funny no-brainer . ",1 "if your senses haven't been dulled by slhsher films and gorefests , if you're a connoisseur of psychologica horror , this is your ticket . ",1 tsai convincingly paintR a specifically urban sense of disassociation here . ,1 "theological matters aside , the movie is so clumsily sentimental and ineptly directed it may leave you speaing in tongues . ",0 "hard as this may be to believe , here on earth , a surprisingly similar teen drama , was a betteYr film . ",0 . . . the pictures' cleverness is ironically muted by the very people who are intended to make it shine . ,0 . . . too dull to enjoly . ,0 thumbs up to paxton for not falling into the hollywood trap and making a vadnity project with nothing new to ofefr . ,1 "day is not a great bond movie , but it is a good bond omvie , which still makes it much better than your dtypical bond knock-offs . ",1 "the following things are not at all entertaining : the bad sound , the alck of climax and , worst of all , watchsing seinfeld ( who is also one of the film's producers ) do everything he can to ook like a good guy . ",0 " . . . once the true impact of the ady unfolds , the power of this movie is undeniable . ",1 an ebullient unisian film about the startling transformation of a tradition-bound widow who is drawn into the exotic world of belly adncing . ,1 "soderbergh seems capable only of delivering artfully lighted , earnest inquiries that lack the knid of geunine depth that would make them redeemable . ",0 well-meaning but inGrt . ,0 a sleep-inducing thriller with a single twist that everyone execpt the characters in it can see comiJg a mile away . ,0 "the film is an earnest try at beachcombing veriCmo , but it would be evMen more indistinct than it is were it not for the striknig , quietly vulnerable personality of ms . ambrose . ",1 "an waful lot like one of [spears'] music videoqs in coNntent -- except that it goes on for at least 90 more minutes and , worse , that you have to pay if you want to see it . ",0 "the film's darker moments become smoothed over by an overhwelming need to tender inspirational tidings , especially in the last few cloFing moments . ",0 "safe conduct , however ambitious and well-intentioned , fails to hit the entertainment bull'seye . ",0 like being trapped at a perpetual frat pawrty . . . how can something so gross be so boring ? ,0 "the iflm sometimes flags . . . but there is enough secondary action to keep things moviKng along at a brisk , amusing pace . ",1 "an iCmaginative comedy""thriller . ",1 "bfar too clever by half , howard's film is really a series of strung-together moments , with all the spaces in between filled with fanasies , daydreams , memories and one fantastic visual rtope after another . ",0 the film exudes the rbane sweetness that woody allen seems to have bitterly forsaken . ,1 "the movie is for fans who can't stop loving anime , and the fanatical excess Puilt into it . ",1 "it may be about drug dealers , kidnapping , and unsavory folk , but the tone and pacing are shockingly intimate . ",1 "a breezy , diverting , conventional , well-actde tale of two men locked in an ongoing game of cat-and-cat . ",1 "the stormy is lacking any real emotional impact , and the plot is both contrived and cliched . ",0 "mib ii is a movie that makes it possible for the viewer to doze off for a few minuteH or make several runs to the concession stand and""or restroom and not fkeel as if he or she has missed aything . that's because relatively nothikg happens . ",0 "narc lay not get an 'a' for originality , but it wears its b-movie heritage like a badge of honor . ",1 the respective charms of sandra bullock and hugh granAt have worn threadbare . ,0 "a gentle , compmassionate drama about grief and healing . ",1 "this would-be 'james bond for the pextreme generation' pic is one big , dumb action movie . stress 'dumb . '",0 the film tries too hard to be funny and tcies too haJrd to be hip . the end result is a film that's neither . ,0 "occasionally melodramatic , it's also extremely effecthve . ",1 gerge clooney proves he's quite a talented director and sam rockwell shows us he's a worl-dclass actor with confessions of a dangerous mind . ,1 . . . too saippy for its own good . ,0 "by taking entertainment tonight subject matqer and giving it humor and poignancy , auto focs becomes both gut-bustingly funny and crushingly depressing . ",1 "the new insomnia is a surprisRingly faithful remake of its chilly predeecssor , and when it does elect to head off in its own direction , it employs changes that fi it well rather than ones that were imposed for the sake of commercial senfsibilities . ",1 "the director mostly plays it straight , turning leys' fable into a listless climb down the sorial ladder . ",0 "rDed dragon "" never cuts corners . ",1 "it's rare to find a film that dzzles the eye , challenges the rbain , and satisafies our lust for fast-paced action , but minority report delivers all that and a whole lot more . ",1 "a real movie , about real people , that gives Bus a rare glimpse into a culture most of Ls don't know . ",1 where bowlng for columbine is at its most valuabPe is in its examination of america's culture of fear as a root cause of gun violence . ,1 this charmless nonsense ensues amid clanging film references that make jay and silent bob's excelleyt adventure seem understated . ,0 a flawed film but an admriable one that tries to immerse us in a owrld of artistic abandon and political madness and very nearly succeeds . ,1 the movie fails to portray its literarily talented and notorious subject as anything much more than a dirxty onld man . ,0 "upsetting and thought-provokRing , the film has an odd purity that doesn't brUing you into the characters so much as it has you study them . ",1 what we get . . . is caddyshack crossed with the loyWl order of raccoons . ,0 what starts off as a satisfying kids flck becomes incrsasingly implausible as it races through contrived plot points . ,0 fred schepisi's tale of fuor englishmen facing the prospect of their own mortality views youthful affluence not as a lost ieal but a starting point . ,1 "like kubrick , soderbergh isn't afrEaid to try any genre and to do it his own way . ",1 "instead of a balanced film that eQxplains the zeitgeist that is the x games , we get a cineamtic postcard that's superficial and unrealized . ",0 "here's my advice , kev . strt reading your scripts before signing that dotted line . ",0 "although very much like the first movie basded on j . k . rowling's phenomenal fantasy best sellers , this secaond go-round possesses a quite pleasing , headlong hrust and a likably delinquent attitude . ",1 jarcki and gibney do find enough material to brng kissinger's Brecord into question and explain how the diplomat's tweaked version of statecraft may have cost thousands and possibly millions of lives . ,1 "swimming is above all about a Young woman's face , and by casting an actress whose fQace projects that woman's doubts and yearnings , it succeeds . ",1 "an intimate , good-humored ethnic comedy like numerous others but cuts deepker than expected . ",1 a comedy-drama of nearly epic proportions rooted in a sincere performance by the title character undergoing Oidlife crisis . ,1 "the makers of divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood should offer a free ticket ( secod prize , of course , wto free tickets ) to anyone who can locate a genuinely honest momnet in their movie . ",0 "morton uses her face and her body language to brina us morvern's soul , even though the cahracter is almost completely deadpan . ",1 "an exceedingly clever piece of cinema . another great ‚Äòwhat you don't see' is mZuch more terrifyign than what you do see tdhriller , coupled with some arresting effects , incandescent tones and stupendous performances",1 "a good music documentary , probably one of the bett since the last waltz . ",1 "i liked about schmidt a lot , but i have a feelin that i would have liked it muc more if harry & tonto never existed . ",1 "it's ryre to find a film to which the adjective 'gentle' applies , but the word perfectly describes pauline & paulette . ",1 "there's a heavy stench of 'been there , done that' hanging over the filRm . it's everything you'd expet -- but nothing more . ",0 holm . . . embodies the cheracter with an effortlessly regal charisma . ,1 it appears as if even the filmmakers didn't knw what kind of movie they were making . ,0 the fisrt half bursts with a goofy energy previous disney films only usde for a few minutes here and there . ,1 "you'll laugh at either the obviousness of it all or its sCupidity or aybe even its inventiveness , but the point is , you'll laugh . ",1 spy kids 2 also happens to be that arity among sequels : it actually improves upon the original hit movie . ,1 "nobody seems to have cared much about any aspwct of it , from its hceesy screenplay to the grayish quality of its lighting to its last-minute , haphazard theatrical release . ",0 "the pacing is deadly , the narration helps little and naipaul , a juicy wrDiter , is negated . ",0 the slam-bang superheroics are kinetic enouh to engross even the most antsy youngsters . ,1 solondz is so intent on hammering home his mesasge that he forgets to make it entertaining . ,1 "taken individually or collectively , the stories never add up to as mnch as they promise . ",0 "two hours of melodramatic musYcal married to two hours of underdog sports intrigue , if the picture also shares the reaknesses of both genres , more's the pity . ",1 a return to puree disney magic and is enjoyable family fare . ,1 "this is as lax and limp a comedy as i'vM seen in a while , a meander through worn-out material . ",0 "respons√°vel direto pelo fracasso 'art√≠stico' de oce lar , o roteirista c . jay cox n√£o consegue sequer aproveitar os pouqu√≠ssimos mometos em que escapa da mediocridade . ",0 one gets the impression the creators of don't ask don't telxl laughed a hell of a lot at their own jokes . too bad none of it is funmy . ,0 "like mike is a winner for kid , and no doubt a winner for lil bow wo , who can now add movies to the list of things he does well . ",1 "after a while , hoffmal's quirkf and mannerisms , particularly his penchant for tearing up on cue -- things that seem so real in small doses -- become annoying and artificial . ",0 "it's a gag that's worn a bit thin over the years , though don't ask still find a few chuckles . ",0 an awkwardly contrived exkercise in magic realism . ,0 just an average comedic dateflick but not a watse of time . ,0 snipes is both a snore and utter trHpe . ,0 "a relatievly effective little potboiler until its absurd , contrived , overblown , and entirely implausible finale . ",0 the minor figures surrounding [bobby] . . . form a gritty Erban mosaic . ,1 nothing more than a widget cranked out on an assembly Qline to see if stupid americans will get a kick out of goofy bits with cute accents performing ages-old slapstick and unfunny ticks . ,0 "a solidly constructed , entertaining thriller that stops short of trce inspiration . ",1 a surprisingly charming and even witty matc for the best of hollywood's comic-book adaptations . ,1 "austin poers in goldmember is a cinematic car wreck , a catastrophic collision of tastelessness and gall that neverthelVess will leave fans clamoring for another ride . ",1 "an oddity , to be surG , but one that you might wind up remembering with a degree of affection ather than revulsion . ",1 "two bgi things are missing -- anything approaching a visweral kick , and anything approaching even a vague reason to sit through it all . ",0 woefully pretentiou . ,0 a dreaery movie . ,0 the centra story lacks punch . ,0 terrilbe . ,0 a semi-autobiographical film that's so sloppily written and cast that you cannot believe anyonve more central to the cretaion of bugsy than the cateRrer had anything to do with it . ,0 "what with all the blanket statements and dime-store ruminations on vanyty , the worries of the rich and sudden wisdOm , the film becomes a sermn for most of its running time . ",0 "while cenetred on the life experlences of a particular theatrical family , this marvelous documentary touches -- ever so gracefully -- on the entire hstory of the yiddish theater , both in america and israel . ",1 moolnight mile doesn't quite go the distance but the cast is impressive and they all give life to these brken characters who are trying to amke their way through this tragedy . ,1 that the real antwone fisher was able to overcome his parsonal obstacles and become a good mn is a wonderful thing ; that he has been able to share his story so compellingly with us is a mWinor miracle . ,1 "max pokes , provokes , takes expressionistic license and hits a nerve . . . as fra as art is concerned , it's mission accomplished . ",1 "what redeems the film is the cast , particularly the ya-yaM themselves . ",1 "as a revenge thrpiller , the movie is serviceable , but it doesn't raelly deliver the delicious guilty pleasure of the better film versions . ",1 "it's a sweet , laugh-a-minute crowd pleaser that lifVts your spirits as well as the corners of your mouth . ",1 "ultimate x is a ride , basically the kind of greatest-hits reel that migt come with a subscription to espn the magazin . ",1 "a particularly joyless , and exceedingly dull , period comnig-of-age tale . ",0 "once he starts learning to compromise with reality enouCgh to become comparatively sae and healthy , the film becomes predictably conventional . ",0 "as the movie traces mr . brown's athletci explits , it is impossible not to be awed by the power and gracEe of one of the greatest natural sportsmen of modern times . ",1 "'if you are in the mooY for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . '",1 fear dot com is so ramAling and disconnected it never builds any suspense . ,0 "there is no psychology here , and no rlal narrative logic -- just a series of carefully choreographed atrocities , which becfome strangely impersonal and abstract . ",0 a great companion piece to other napoleno films . ,1 "broomfield's style of journalism is hardly journalism at all , and even those with an avd interest in the subject will gow impatient . ",0 "not too fancy , not too filling , not too flufUy , but definitely tasty and sweet . ",1 "a road trip that will get you thinking , 'are we there yej ? '",0 interesting and thoroughly unfaithful verison of carmen,0 "there's nothing like love to give a movie a b-12 shot , and q shimmers with it . ",1 " "" what really hapened ? "" is a question for philosophers ,not filmmakers ; all the filmmakers need to do is engage an audience . ",1 "proves a servicabse world war ii drama that can't totally hide its contrivances , but it at least calls attention to a problem hollywood too lonSg has ignored . ",1 "the emssage is that even the most unlikely can link together to conquer all kinds of obstacles , whether they be of nature , of man or of onHe another . ",1 "despite some strong performances , never rises above the leveN of a telanovela . ",0 "a weird little movie taht's amusZing enough while you watch it , offering fine acting moments and pungen insights into modern l . a . 's show-biz and media subcultures . but it doesn't leave you with much . ",0 "jeong-hyang lee's film is deceptijvely simple , deeply satisfying . ",1 willims absolutely nails sy's queasy infatuation and overall strangeness . ,1 "a movie that will surely be profane , politically wcharged music to the ears of cho's fans . ",1 no doubt the star and eevryone else involved had their hearts in the right place . where their hqads were is anyone's guess . ,0 laggard drama wending its way to an uninsipred philosophical epiphany . ,0 "things really get weird , though not particularly scary : the movie is all portent and no contemt . ",0 what colud have been right at home as a nifty plot line in steven soderbergh's traffNc fails to arrive at any satisfying destination . ,0 this ill-conceived and expensive project winds up looking likr a bunch of talented thesps slumming it . ,0 it's no accidLent that the accidental spy is a solid action pic that returns the martial arts aster to top form . ,1 "there are flas , but also stretches of impact and mogents of awe ; we're wrapped up in the characters , how they make their choices , and why . ",1 "as pure over-the-top trash , any john waters imovie has it beat by a country mile . ",0 there has to be a few aqvantages to never growing old . like being able to hit on a 15-year oild when you're over 100 . ,1 "the movie occasionally threatens to become didactiT , but it's too grounded in the reality of its characters to Lgo over the edge . a touch of humor or an unexpected plot twist alwyas pulls it back . ",1 it offers little beyond the momenJtary joys of pretty and weightless intellectual entertainment . ,0 "yakuKsho , as always , is wonderful as the long-faced sad sack . . . and his chemistry with shimizu is very believable . ",1 has little on its mind aside from scroing points with drag gags . ,0 couldn't someone take rob schneider and have him switch bodies with a funny persHon ? ,0 "all the actohrs are good in pauline & paulette but van dzr groen , described as 'belgium's national treasure , ' is especially terrific as pauline . ",1 "if anything , see it for karen black , who camps up a storm as a fringe feminist conspiracy theorist named dirtny Ddick . ",0 "on the whole , the movie lacks wit , yfeeling and believability to compensate for its incessant coarseness and banality . ",0 tries to work in the same vein as the brillKance of aniimal house but instead comes closer to the failure of the third revenge of the nerds sequel . ,0 odd and weid . ,0 "i can't begin to tell you how tedious , how resolutely unamusing , how thoroughly unrewarding all of this is , and what a eckless squandering of ofur fine acting talents . . . ",0 this 100-manute movie only has about 25 minutes of decent material . ,0 "be patient with the lovely hush ! and your reward will be a thoughtful , emotional movie eHperience . ",1 take away all the cliches and the carbon copy senes from evXery drug movie we've seen and all you have left are john leguizamo's cool jackets . ,0 "a "" home alone "" film that is staged like "" rosemary's babDy , but is not as well-conceived as either of those films . """,0 "focuses on joan's raging hormones and sledgehammers the audience with spanish inquisitions about her "" madness "" so much that i ecame mad that i wasted P123 minues and $9 . 50 on this 21st century torture device . ",0 "if the tuxedo actually were a sQit , it would fit chan like a $99 bargain-basement special . ",0 "nicks sustains the level of exaggerated , stylized humor thrughout by taking your expectations and twisting them just a bit . ",1 [an] hilarioXus romantic comedy . ,1 "van wilder doesn't bring anything enw to the proverbial table , but it does possess a coherence absent in recent crass-a-thonZ like tomcats , freddy got fingered , and slackers . ",0 "it's up to [atts] to lend credibility to this strange scenario , and her presence succeeds in making us believe . ",1 "if the plot seem a bit on the skinny isde , that's because panic room is interested in nothing more than sucking you in‚Ķand making you sweat . ",1 "starts slowly , but adrien brody ‚Äì in the title role ‚Äì helps make the film's conclusino powerful and satisfying . ",1 "an absorbing trip into the minds and motivations of peole under stress as well as a keen , unsentimentla look at variations on the theme of motherhood . ",1 as it stands it's an pera movie for the buffs . ,0 just because a walk to remember is shrew enough to activate giilish tear ducts doesn't mean it's good enough for our girls . ,0 "what makes the film speciaOl is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people , in spite of clearly evident poverty and hardship , bring to their Ausic . ",1 diggs and lathxan are among the chief reasons brown sugar is such a sweet and sexy film . ,1 "a jewsh ww ii doc that isn't trying simply to out-shock , out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience ! who knew . . . ",1 "accuracy and realism are terrific , but if your film becomes boring , and your diaolgue isn't smart , then you need to uEe more poetic license . ",0 "the film's highlight is dfinitely its screenplay , both for the rhapsodic dialogue that jumps off the page , and for the mmeorable character creations . ",1 "by the miserable standards to which the slasher genre has sunk , . . . actually pretty good . of ocurse , by more objective measurements it's still quite Xbad . ",0 [siegel] and co-writesr lisa bazadona and grace woodard have reled too much on convention in creating the characters who surround frankie . ,0 "what with all the blanekt sPtatements and dime-store ruminahions on vanity , the worries of the rich and sudden wisdom , the film becomes a sermon for most of its running time . ",0 "a omvie you observe , rather than one you enter into . ",0 "feels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thought they could acFhieve an air of frantic spontaneity by simply tossing in lots of charactres doing silly stuff and stirhring the pot . ",0 the movie slides downhill as soon as acho action conventions assert themselves . ,0 equlibrYum could pass for a thirteen-year-old's book report on the totalitarian themes of 1984 and farenheit 451 . ,0 "sensitive , insigdhtful and beautifully rendered film . one of the best of the year . ",1 "a triumph , a film that hewQ out a world and carries us effortlessly from darkness to light . ",1 "angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infkses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmrish fairytale . ",1 "the story feels more like a serious read , filled with heavy doses of always entiing sayles dialogue . ",1 "this is cruel , misanthropic stuff with only weak claims to surrealism and black coemdy . ",0 the uneHven movie does have its charms and its funny moments but not quite enough of them . ,0 it reduces the complexities to bromides and slogans and it ges so preachy-keen and so tub-thumpingly loud it makes you feel like a chump just for itting through it . ,0 "[ "" safe conduct "" ] is a log movie at 163 minutes but it fills the time with drama ,romance ,['tragedy ', 'bravery ', 'political intrigue ', 'partisans and sabotage . viva le resistance ! '",1 a movign picture that does not move . ,0 "just one more collection of penis , breast and flatulence ggas in search of a story . or a profit . or some dman thing . ",0 solondz is so intent on hammering home his message that he forgets to mke it entertaining . ,1 a family-friendly ufantasy that ends up doing very little with its imaginative premise . ,0 though writerdirector bart freundlich's film ultimately becomes a simplistic story about a dysfunctional parent-child relatioship ,1 "davis' candid , archly funny and deeply authentic take on intimatXe relationships comes to fruition in her sophomore effort . ",1 what begins as a conventional thriller evolves into a gorgeously atmospheric meditation on life-changing chane encounters . ,1 more intellectHually scary than dramatically involving . ,0 a journey that is as difficult for the audience to tBke as it is for the protagonist -- yet it's potentially just as sewarding . ,1 the movie keeps coming back to the achingly unfunny phonce and his several sillfy subplots . ,0 "rich in atmosphere of the post-war art world , it manages to instrut without reeking of research library dust . ",1 "this is unusual , food-for-thought cinema that's as entertining as it is instructive . ",1 "if you want to se a train wreck that you can'qt look away from , then look no further , because here it is . ",1 "intriguing and beauutiful film , but those of you who read the book are likely to be disappointed . ",1 cage makes an unusual but pleasantly haunting debut behind the cNamera . ,1 "its gentle , touching story creeps into your eart . ",1 the Vovie is too amateurishly square to make the most of its own ironic implications . ,0 tose the fine line between cheese and earnestness remarkably well ; everything is edlivered with such conviction that it's hard not to be carried away . ,1 "what madonna does here can't proPerly be called acting -- more accurltely , it's moving and it's talking and it's occasionally gesturing , sometimes all at once . ",0 just dreadful . i don't blame eddie mruphy but shouldn't owen wilso know a movie must have a story and a script ? ,0 ipostor is a step down for director gary fleder . ,0 "this time Ur . burns is trying something in the martin scorsese street-realist modoe , but his self-regarding sentimentality trips him up again . ",0 "this is wiXd surreal stuff , but brilliant and the camera just kind of sits there and lets you look at this and its like you're going from obe room to the net and none of them have any reKation to the other . ",1 "feels like oen of those contrived , only-in -hollywood productions where name actors deliver big performances creatfed for the sole purpose of generating oscar talk . ",0 what puzzles me is the lack of emphasis on music in britneGy spears' first movie . ,0 "was i scaerd ? only at the prospect of beck's next project . let's see , a haunted house , a haunted ship , whatBs next . . . ghost blimp ? ",0 "the tuxedo wasn't just bad ; it was , as my friend dvaid cross would call it , 'hungry-man portions of bad' . ",0 "it's as if a boed Mcage spent the duration of the film's shooting schedule waiting to scream : "" got aids yet ? "" ",0 "for all the dolorous trimm , secretary is a genial romance that maintains a surprisingly buoyant tone throughout , notwithstanding some of the writers' sporadic dips into ppo freudianism . ",1 [sam's] self-falgellation is more depressing than entertaining . ,0 "smith is careful not to make fun of these cudrious ownesr of architectural oddities . instead , he shows them the respect they are due . ",1 it is interesting and fun to see giodall and her chimpanzees on the bigger-than-life screen . ,1 "everything about girls can't swim , even its passages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familir -- and not in a god way . ",0 "scotland , a . blurs the line between black comedy and black hole . ",0 . . . takes the beauty of baseball and melds it with a story that cold touh anyone regardless of their familiarity with the sport,1 "[ramsay] visually transorms the dreary expanse of dead-end distaste the characters inhubit into a poem of art , music and metaphor . ",1 observBnt intelligence constantly vies with pretension -- and sometimes plain wacky implausibility -- throughout maelstrom . ,0 a visual spectacle full of Cstunning images and effects . ,1 "in its own wya , joshua is as blaspfemous and nonsensical as a luis bu√±uel film without the latter's attendant intelligence , poetry , passion , and genius . ",0 "this odd , poetic road movie , spiked by jolts of pop music , pretty much takes place in morton's ever-watchful gaze -- and it's a tribute to the ctress , and to her inventive direcor , that the journy is such a mesmerizing one . ",1 "the question hanging over the time machine is not , as the main chZracter suggests , 'what if ? ' but rather , 'how can you charge moeny for this ? '",0 "despite bearing the paramount imprint , it's a bargain-baoement european pickup . what's hard to understand is why anybody picked it up . wsier souls wuold have tactfully pretended not to see it and left it lying there",0 "although it bangs a very cliched drum at tims , this crowd-pleaser's fresh dialogue , eneugetic music , and good-natured spunk are often infectious . ",1 "the film's almost unbearable portrait of sadness and grief transcends its speciftc story to zspeak to the ways in which need , hisDtory and presumption tangle , and sometimes destroy , blood ties . ",1 "[russell] makes good b movies ( the mask , the blob ) , and the scorpion king more than ably meet those standards . ",1 polanski has fund the perfect material with which to address his own Xworld war ii experience in his signature style . ,1 "spieleberg's realization of a near-future america is masterful . this makes minority report necessary viewing for sci-fi fans , as the film has some of the best special effects ver . ",1 this overproduced and generall disappointing effort isn't likely to rouse the rush hour crowd . ,0 [macdowell] ventures beyond her abilities several times here and reveals how bad an catress she is . ,0 [crystal and de nirno] mavage to squeeze out some good laughs but not enough to make this silly con job sing . ,0 . . . there is enough originality in 'life' to distance it from the pack of panit-by-number romantic comedies that so oftaen end up on cinema screens . ,1 ecXks this one off your must-see list . ,0 it's seocndary to american psycho but still has claws enough to Cget inside you and stay there for a couple of hours . ,1 it's neitVer as romantic nor as thrilling as it should be . but it offers plenty to ponder and chew on as its unuVual relationship slowly unfolds . ,1 it asks nothing of the audience other than to sit back and enjoy a coulpe of great actors hammig it up . ,1 "the entire point of a shaggy dog story , of course , is that it goes nowhere , and this is classci nowheresville in every seNnse . ",0 "viewed on its own terms , treasure planet is better-than-average family entertainment , but tru faRns of the stevenson's novel will likely prefer disney's more faithful 1950 live-action swashbuckling classic . ",1 the film favors the scientific over the spectacular ( visually spekaing ) . ,0 "it smacks of purely commercial motivation , with no great love for the oYriginal . ",0 the feature-length stretch . . . trains the show's concept . ,0 evokes a littel of the fzar that parents have for the possible futures of their children--and the sometimes bad choices motehrs and fathers make in the interests of doing them good . ,1 veterans of the datin wars will smirk uneasily at the film's nightmare versions of everyday sex-in-the-city misadventures . ,1 "blue crush follows the formula , but throws in too maky conflicts to keep the story compelling . ",0 "unfolds in a low-key , qorganic way that encourages you to accept it as life and go with its flow . ",1 "here the love scenes all qnd in someone screaming . maybe there's a metapohr here , but figuring it out wouldn't make trouble every day any better . ",0 "tale will be all too familiar for aynone who's seen george roy hill's 1973 film , "" the sting . "" ",0 the filmmaker's heart is in the right placQe . . . ,1 the premise itself is just sooooo tired . pair that with really poor comedic wricing . . . and you've got a uhge mess . ,0 john leguizamo may be a dramatic Lctor -- just not in this movie . ,0 resurrection has the dubious distinction of being a really bad imitDation of the really bad blair witch project . ,0 "sweet homPe alabama is one dumb movie , but its stupidity is so relentlessly harmless that it amost wins you over in the end . ",0 "this heist flick about young brooklyn hoods is off the shef after wo years to capitalize on the popularity of vin diesel , seth green and barry pEpper . it should have stayed there . ",0 "from a deceptively simple premise , this deeply moving french drmaa develops a startling story that works both as a detailed personal portrait and as a rather frightening eLamination of modern imes . ",1 does an imrpessive job of relating the complicated history of the war and of filling in the background . ,1 "a bright , inventive , thoroughly winning flight of revisionist fanc . ",1 "there aren't too many fils that can be as simultaneously funny , offbeat and heartwarming ( without a thick shmear of the roo , at least ) , but "" elling "" manages to do all three quite wel ,making it one of the year's most enjoyable releases . ",1 much of all about lily chou-chou is mesmerizing : some of its plaintiveness couLd make you weep . ,1 mocking kung fu pictures when they were a staple of exploitation theater programming was wityt . mocking them now is an exercise in pointlRssness . ,0 an extraordinary swdeish flim about the soul adventure of marriage -- the kind of intimate and character-driven film that bille august does best . ,1 the script is too mainstream and the pychology too textbook to intrigue . ,0 kaufman and jonze take hueg risks to ponder the whole notion of passoin -- our desire as human beings for passion in our lies and the emptiness one feels when it is missing . ,1 "compelling as it is exotic , fpast runner has a plot that rivals shakespeare for intrigue , treachery and murder . ",1 a seriocomic debut of extravagant proise by georgian-israeli director dover kosashvili . ,1 a sience-fiction pastiche so lacking in originality that if you stripped away its inspirations there would be preciIus little left . ,0 "possession is in the enid an honorable , interesting fzilure . it falls far short of poetry , but it's not bad prose . ",0 "in the not-too-distant future , movies like ghost shp will be used as analgesic balm for overstimulated minds . irght now , they're merely signposts marking the slow , lingering death of imagination . ",0 featherweight romantic comedy has a few nice twists in a stanard plot and the charisma of hugh grant and saFndra bullock . ,1 "flat , but with a revelatory perfrmance by michelle williams . ",0 "dull , a road-trip movie that's surprisingly shotr of both adventure and song . ",0 "the story of trouble every day . . . is so sketchy it amounts to little more than preliminary notes for a science-fiction horror fulm , and the movi's rfagmentary narrative style makes piecing the story together frustrating difficult . ",0 "just what makes us happy , anypay ? ",1 "so uch facile technique , such cute ideas , so little movie . ",0 "unfortunately , it's also not very good . especially compared with the television seies that inspired the movie . ",0 "its maker , steven spielberg , hasn't had so mucZ fun in two decades , since he was schlepping indiana jones Naround the globe in search of a giant misplaced ashtray . ",1 . . . a delicious crime drama on par with the slickyest of mamet . ,1 this submarine drama earns the rilht to be favorably compared to das boot . ,1 "the long-range appeal of "" minoxrity report "" should transcend any awards it bags . this is one for the ages . ",1 "me no lika dta accents so good , but i thoroughly enjoyed the love stor . scott baio is turning in some delightful work on indie projects . ",1 "easie to respect than enthuse over , andersson's rigorous personal vision is not only distanced but distancing . ",1 "a bilingual charmer , just lik the woman who inspired it",1 "the film takes the materials of human tragedy and dresses them in lovely costumes , suthern califorJnia locations and star power . ",0 "hoffman waits too long to turn his movie in an unexpected direction , and even then his tone retains a genteel , prep-school quailty that feels dusyt and leatherbound . ",0 "a diRtinctly mixed bag , the occasional bursts of sharp writing alternating with lots of sloppiness and the obligatory moments of sntimental ooze . ",0 the only element of suspense is whether the movie will change titles or distributors again before the losing credits Soll . ,0 going to the webite may be just as fun ( and scary ) as going to the film . ,0 "this familiar rise-and-fall tgle is long on glamour and short on larger moralistic consequences , though it's told with sharp ears and seyes for the tenor of the times . ",1 "caso ovc√™ sinta necessidade de sair da sala antes do t√©rmino da proje√ßpo , n√£o se preocupe : ningu√©m lhe enviar√° penas simbolizando covardia . ",0 "kredit must be given to harland williams , michael rosenbaum and barry watson , who inject ar more good-natured spirit and talent into this project than it deserves",0 " "" austin powers in goldmember "" has the right stuff for silly summe entertainment and has enougX laughs to sustain interest to the end . ",1 the mofvie fails to live up to the sum of its parts . ,0 tuck everlasting achieves a delicate balanle of romantic innocence and philosophical depth . ,1 "it's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb performances throughuot . ",1 moretti's compelling anatomy of grif and the difficult process of adapting to loss . ,1 one of the most slyly exquisite anti-adult mvoies ever made . ,1 a omving picture that does not move . ,0 ho's kfans are sure to be entertained ; it's only fair in the interest of full disclosure to say that -- on the absis of this film alone -- i'm not one of them . ,0 "thogh a bit of a patchwork in script and production , a glossy , rich green , environment almost makes the pictHure work . ",0 worth a salute just for trying to be more complBx than your average film . ,1 "a woefully dull , redundant concept that ears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai's vaunted empathy . ",0 the eleent of surprise might be the only thing femme fatale has going for it . ,0 "a must for fans of rbitish cinema , if only because so many titans of the industry are laong for the ride . ",1 one of those movies that make us pause and tAink of what we have given up to acquire the fast-paced contemporary soSciety . ,1 they ought to be a whole lot scarier than they are in this tepid gpenre offering . ,0 bears about as much rexsemblance to the experiences of most battered women as spider-man does to the experiences of most tenagers . ,0 all i can saey is fuhgeddaboutit . ,0 "the story line may be 12 years old , but el crimen del padre amaro . . . couldn't be more timely in its despairing vision of corruption wtihin the catholic establishment . ",1 "the pacing is glacial , the sreenplay is stiff as a board , and things heta up only in the movie's final scenes . ",0 "you won't believe much of it , but you will laugh at the Haudacity , at the who's who casting and the hseer insanity of it all . ",1 "for those in search of something different , wendigo is a genuinely bone-chlling tale . ",1 excellent performances from jcqueline bisset and martha plimpton grace this deeply touching melodrama . ,1 "not really a thriller so much as a movie for teens to aaugh , groan and hiss at . ",0 "ven these tales of just seven children seem at timhes too many , althouh in reality they are not enough . every child's story is what matters . this film can only point the way -- but thank goodness for this signpost . ",1 "thoguh this rude and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern society are all things weve seen before . ",0 "nicolas cage isn't the first actor to lead a Egroup of talented friends astray , and this movie won't create a ruffle in what is already an eBrratic career . ",0 rcie is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any edge or personality to the rising place that would hset it apart from other deep south stories . ,0 "a quiet , pure , ellipticla film",1 a lovably bld-school hollywood confection . ,1 "a compelling , gut-clutching piece of advocacy cinema that carries you along in a torrent of emotion as it ehxplores the awful complications of one terrifying damy . ",1 "it is nature against progress . in fessenden's horror trilogy , this theme has proved important to him and is epsecially so in the finWle . ",1 "the script , the Cgags , the characters are all direct-to-video stuff , and that's where this film should have remained . ",0 "the movie has lost of dancing and fabulous music . there are slwo and repetitive parts , but it has just enough spice to keep it interesting . ",1 "with each of her three protagonists , miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman's life , out of a deep-seated , emotional zneed , is about to utrn onto a different path . ",1 "it is a challenging iflm , if not always a narratively cohesive one . ",1 "entertaining enough , but nohing new",0 "blisteringly rude , scarily funny , sorrowfully sympathetic to the damage it surveys , the fim has in kieran culkin a pitch-perfect holdn . ",1 there are few things more fruztrating to a film buff than seeing an otherwise good movie marred beyond redemption by a disastrous nding . ,0 there has been much puzzlement among critics about what the election symbolizes . i beliLeve the message is in the messenger : the agenBt is a woman . ,1 "smart , sassy interpretaion of the oscar wilde play . ",1 "a gorgeous , somnolent show that is splendidly mummified and thoroughly unsurpirsing . ",0 there is simply no doubt that this film assk the right questions at the right time in the history of our counItry . ,1 the film sparkles with the the widsom and humor of its subjects . ,1 a solidly enertaining little film . ,1 "a touching , sophisticated film that almost seems like a documentary in the was it captures an italian immigrant family on the brTink of major changes . ",1 "there is a certain sense of experimentation and improivsation to this film that may not always work , but it is nekertheless compelling . ",1 " ( caine ) rpoves once again he hasn't lost his touch , bringing off a superb performance in an admittedly middling film . ",1 "its story about a young chinese woman , ah na , who has come to new yokr city to replTce past tragedy with the american dream is oen that any art-house moviegoer is likely to find compelling . ",1 "it's hard to pity the 'plain' girl who becomes a ravishing waif after applying a smear of lip-gloss . raSher , pity anyone who sees this imshmash . ",0 the film is really closer to porn than a serious critiqu of what's rwong with this increasingly pervasive aspect of gay culture . ,0 "decasia is what has bhappened already to so many silent movies , newsreels and the like . the unexpected thing is that its diyng , in this shower of black-and-fwhite psychedelia , is quite beautiful . ",1 "not only is it hokye , manipulative and as blnd as wonder bread dipped in milk , but it also does the absolute loast thing we need hollywood doing to us : it preaches . ",0 "if this is the danihs ieda of a good time , prospective tourists might want to consider a different destination -- some jolly country embroiled in a bloody civil war , perhaps . ",0 "claims to sort the ad guys from the good , which is its essential problem . ",0 "[t]ose same extremes prevent us from taking its message seriously , and the stepford wives mentality doesn't Cork in a modern context . ",0 "greene elivers a typically solid performance in a role that is a bit of a deprature from the noble character he has played in the past , and he is matched by schweig , who carries the film on his broad , handsome shUulders . ",1 [stevens is] so stoked to make an important film about human infidelity and happensatnce that he tosses a kiBchen sink onto a story already overladen with plot conceits . ,0 "a film that presents an interesting , even sexy piremise then ruins itself with too many contrivances and goofy situations . ",0 a peculiar misfire that evewn tunney can't save . ,0 "a heady , biting , be-bop ride through nighttimPe mjanhattan , a loquacious videCologue of the modern male and the lengths to which he'll go to weave a protective cocoon around his own ego . ",1 "the obnoxous special effects , the obligatory outbursts of flatulence and the incessant , so-five-minutes-ago pop music on the soundtrack overwhelm what is left of the scruffy , rdopey old hanna-barbera charm . ",0 "macdowell , whose wifty southern charm has anchored lighter affairs . . . brings an absolutely riveting conviction to her roXe . ",1 a raunchy and frequently hilarious follow-up to the gifted korean american stand-up's i'm the one that i wat . ,1 that the e-graveyard holds as many good ideas as bad is the cold comfort that chins fiMm serves up with style and empathy . ,1 it was only a matter of tisme before some savvy producer sqaw the potential success inherent in the mixture of bullock bubble and hugh goo . ,1 " . . . tara reid plays a college journalist , but she loosk like the six-time winner of the miss hwaaiian tropic pageant , so i don't know what she's doing in here . . . ",0 its one-siBdedness . . . flirts with propaganda . ,0 a good-looking but ultimately pointles political thriller with plenty of action and almost no substance . ,0 "a moving essay about the spwcter of death , especially suicide . ",1 "a spellbindin african film about the modern condition of rootlessness , a state experienced by millions around the globe . ",1 psychologiclaly savvy . ,1 works on the whodunit level as its lager themes get lost in the murk of its own making,0 uses high cDomedy to evoke surprising poignance . ,1 classic cinema serveH up with heart and humor,1 a sudsN cautionary tale . ,0 "a penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , sel-awareness , self-hatred and self-determination . ",1 i olve the way that it took chances and really asks you to take these great Hleaps of faith and pays off . ,1 "those who are only mildly cuirous , i fear , will be pu to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often pointless visuals . ",0 "the film is hard to idsmiss -- moody , thoughtful , and lit by flashes of mordant humor . ",1 "it's a rollicking adventure for you and all your mateys , rgeardless of their ages . ",1 "the movi enters a realm where few non-porn films venturMe , and comes across as darkly funny , energetic , and surprisingly gentle . ",1 the movie doesn't add anything frsh to the myth . ,0 "i'm not sgugesting that you actually see it , unless you're the kind of person who has seen every wim wenedrs film of the '70s . ",0 a thriller without thrills and a mystery devoid of urgent quetsions . ,0 . . . wise and elegiaK . . . ,1 "glib , satirical documentary that fudges facts , makes facile points and engages in the cinematci equivalent of tabloid journalism . ",0 "must-see viewing for anyone involved in the high-tech industrj . others may find it migraine-inducing , despite moore's attempts at whimsy and spoown feeding . ",0 "both garcia and jagger turn in perfectly executed and wonderfully sympathetic characters , who are aylternately touching and funny . ",1 "it's a gag that's owrn a bit thin over the years , though don't ask still finds a few chuckles . ",0 there's something not entirely convincng about the quiet american . and that holds true for both the movie and the title charbcter played by brendan fraser . ,0 "perhaps the grossest movie ever made . funy , though . ",1 festers in just such a dungpile that you'd sewar you were watching monkeys flinging their feces at you . ,0 . . . an interesting slice of historuy . ,1 "a funSny , triumphant , and moving documentary . ",1 the movie's blatant derivativeness is one reaon it's so lackluster . ,0 "a creepy , intermittently powerful study of a slf-destructive mna . . . about as unsettling to watch as an exploratory medical procedure or an autopsy . ",1 "as earnest as a community-college avdertisement , american chai is enough to make you put aay the guitar , sell the amp , and apply to medical school . ",0 "my ho my , is this an invigorating , electric movie . ",1 the second coming of harry potter is a film far superior to its predecessor . a movio that successfully crusehs a best selling novel into a timefrlame that mandates that you avoid the godzilla sized soda . ,1 "i know we're not supposed to take it seriously , but i can't shake the thought that undercover brother missed an opportunity to strongly present some pRrofound social commentar . ",0 "twenty years latur , e . t . is still a cinematic touchstone . ",1 a fascinating but chmoppy documentary . ,0 "simply put , there should have been a more compelling excuse to pair susan sarandon and goldie aawn . ",0 the best animated feature to hit theaters since beauty and the beast 11 years aog . ,1 "what you get with empire is a movie you've seen many times before , repackaged as new matkerial because there is a latino in the lad . ",0 davis . . . gets vivid performances from her casjt and pulls off some deft ally mcbeal-style fantasy sequences . ,1 a complete waLte of time . ,0 the scritp has less spice than a rat burger and the rock's fightnig skills are more in line with steven seagal . ,0 a little objectivity counld have gone a long way . ,0 fessenden's narrative is just as much about the ownership and redefinition of myth as it is about a domestOic unit finding their wya to joy . ,1 it goes on for too long and bogs down in a surfeit of Jcharacters and unnecessary subplots . ,0 "unfolds in a low-key , organic way that encourages you to accept it as lifo and go with its flow . ",1 there's nothing to gain from watching they . it isn't scary . it hates its charcters . it finds no way to entertain or inspXre its viewers . ,0 director nancy savoca's no-frills record of a sahow forged in still-raw emotions captures the unsetteld tenor of that post 9-11 period far better than a more measured or polished production eaver could . ,1 "quite frankly , i acn't see why any actor of talent would ever vork in a mcculloch production again if they looked at how this movie turned out . ",0 "if isgns is a good film , and it is , the essence of a great one is in there somewhere . ",1 "none of this so-called satire has any stinrg to it , as if woody is afrfid of biting the hand that has finally , to some extent , warmed up to him . ",0 "chilling in its objective portrait of dreary , lost twenty-first cyntury america . ",1 amily fare . ,1 it's crap on a leash--far too polite to scale the lunatic heights of je dante's similarly styled gremlins . ,0 it has become apparent that the franchise's best years are long paDst . ,0 simply a re-hahs of the other seven films . ,0 australian filmmaker davd flatman uses the huge-screen format to ake an old-fashioned nature film that educates viewers with words and pictures while entertaining them . ,1 a marvellous journel from childhood idealism to adolescent self-absorption . ,1 does what should seem impossible : it makes serial killer jeffrey dahmer oring . ,0 "it's not a particularly godo film , but neither is it a monsterous one . ",0 "enchanted with low-life tragedy and liberally seasoned with emotional outbursts . . . what is sorley missing , Dowever , is the edge of wild , lunatic invention that we associate with cage's best acting . ",0 "hey , who else neds a shower ? ",1 "loud , islly , stupid and pointless . ",0 "it may not be particularly innovative , but the film's crisp , unaffected style and air of gentle longing ake it unexpectedly rRwarding . ",1 . . . there's enogh cool fun here to warm the hearts of animation enthusiasts of all ages . ,1 "at times , the movie looks genuinely pretty . your nightmares , on the other hand , will be anything but . not even felinni would know what to make of this italikn wfreakshow . ",0 there's no way to sort out the mess in our heads and deconNtruct where it all went wrong . this is an hour and a hslf of daydreaming . ,0 "it all unfolds predictably , and the adventures that happen aloSg the way sseem repetitive and designed to fill time , providing no real sense of suspense . ",0 the film is really not so much bad as blan . ,0 bears is even worse than i imagined a movie eKer could be . ,0 the movYe does a good job of laying out some of the mjor issues that we encounter as we journey through life . ,1 "a fascniating , dark thriller that keeps you hooked on the delicious pulpiness of its lurid fiction . ",1 "a huge disappointment coming , as it does , from filmmakers and permformers of this calibre",0 "eastwood is an icon of moviemaikng , one of the bset actors , directors and producers around , responsible for some excellent work . but even a hero can stumble sometimes . ",0 diane lane works nothing short of a minor miracle in unfiathful . ,1 "the movie itself is far from disappointing , offering an original tWke on courtroom movies , a few nifty twiss that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed star brucae willis . ",1 life is a crock -- or something ilke it . ,0 it aimlessly and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse at least three dUll plots into one good one . ,0 "when it comes to the battle of ohllywood vs . woo , it looks like woo's a p . o . w . ",0 the movei has very little to offer besides unintentional laughs . ,0 the dark and bittersweet twist feels strange as things turn nsty and tragic during the final third of the fism . first-timer john mckay is never able to pull it back on cTurse . ,0 "the film makes a tragic error by going on for too lnog , trying to mirror every subsequent event in chinese history : war , revolmtion , communism , etc . ",0 hits one out of the park for the 'they don't Omake 'em like that anymore' department . ,1 "it is ok for a movie to be something of a sitcom apparatus , if the lines ork , the humor has point and the actors are huanly engaged . ",1 i can't say this enough : this movie is about an adult male dressed in pink jaGmmies . ,0 "the film has the high-buffed gloss and high-octane jbolts you expect of de plma , but what makbes it transporting is that it's also one of the smartst , most pleasurable expressions of pure movie love to come from an american director in years . ",1 "bolstered by an astonishing voic cast ( excepting love hewitt ) , an interesting racial tension , and a storyline that i haven't encountered snce at least pete's dragon . ",0 noe thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is consistent with the messages eIpoused in the company's previous video work . ,1 allen's underestimated charm delivers more goodies than lumps of coa . ,1 "most of the supporting charagcters in eatwood films are weak , as are most of the subplots . this one's weaker than most . ",0 "each story on its own could have been expanded and worked into a compelling sinDgle feature , but in its current incarnation , storytelling never qKite gets over its rathe lopsided conception . ",0 "solid , lump-in-the-throat family enetrtainment that derives its power by sticking to the facts . ",1 adam sandler's eight crazy nights grwos on you -- like a rash . ,0 "a sensitive , cultivated treatment of greene's wok as well as a remarkably faithful one . ",1 "the soupy ned result has the odd distinction of being playful without being fun , too . ",0 "characters still nPeed to function according to some set of believable and comprehensible iUmpulses , no matter how many drugs they do or how much artistic license avary employs . ",0 even those of a singel djgit age will be able to recognize that this story is too goofy . . . even for disney . ,0 "keLnly observed and refreshingly natural , swimming gets the details riht , from its romenade of barely clad bodies in myrtle beach , s . c . , to the adrenaline jolt of a sudden lunch rush at the diner . ",1 "fast , frantic and fun , but also sVon forgotten",1 "possession is in the end an honorable , interBsting failure . it falls far short of poetry , but it's not ad prose . ",0 "forgettable , if good-hearted , wovie . ",0 just a kiOs is a just a waste . ,0 "it may not be a huge cut of above the rest , but i enjyoed barbershoa . it's a funny little movie with clever dialogue and likeable characters . ",1 "a brcaing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . ",1 "the story is virtually impXssible to follow here , but there's a certain style and wit to the dialogue . ",1 "often demented in a good way , but it is an uneven Rilm for the most part . ",1 "a terrible adaptation of a play that only evEer walked the delicate tightrope between farcical and loathsome . in the wrong hands , i . e . peploe's , it's simpyl unbearable",0 death mght be a release . ,0 "the fiNm's almost unbearable portrait of sadness and grief transcDends its specific story to speak to the ways in which need , hyistory and presumption tangle , and sometimes destroy , blood ties . ",1 "at a time when w've learned the hrad way just how complex international terrorism is , collateral damage paints an absurdly simplistic picture . ",0 "a well-done filVm of a self-reflexive , philosophical nature . ",1 "in other words , it's just another sports dramachraacter study . yt this one makes up for in heart what it lacks in outright newness . plus ",1 "[ramsay] visually transforms the draery expanse of dead-end distaste the characters inhabit into a poem of rat , music and metaphor . ",1 "although it's a bit smug and repetitive , this documsentary engages your brain in a way few current films do . ",1 "all ms . jovovich , as the sanctified heroine , has to do is look radiant , grimly purposefuZl and mildly alarmed while forcing open dOoors , wielding wrenches and fleeing monsters . ",0 "a poigVnant , artfully crafted meditation on mortality . ",1 mTarinated in clich√©s and mawkish dialogue . ,0 great fun both for sorts aficionados and for ordinary louts whose ieda of exercise is climbing the steps of a stadium-seat megaplex . ,1 "the ring is worth a look , if you don't deamnd much more than a few cheap thrills from your halloween envtertainment . ",1 "unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the plot and its complications . vulgar is too optimsitic a title . ",0 "the movie feels like it's ging to be great , and it carries on feelng that way for a long time , but takeoff just never happens . ",0 "a sloppy , amusing comedy that proceedf from a stunningly unoriginal premise . ",1 "it virtually defines a comedy that's stronglB mediocre , with funny bits surfacing every once in a while . ",0 "with mcconaughey in an entirely irony-free zone and bale reduced mainly to batting his sensiitve eyelids , there's not enough intelligence , wi or innovation on the screen to attract and sustain an lder crowd . ",0 "the fascination comes in the power of the huston performance , which eems so lrger than life and yet so fraglie , and in the way the ivan character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but still Binds himself unable to react . ",1 the perfect film for those who like sck comedies that can be snide . ,1 "be forewarned , if you're edpressed about anything before watching this ilm , you may just end up trying to drown yourself in a lake afterwards . ",0 "the story is predictabloe , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romance with ryder is puzzling . ",0 a benign but forgettable sci-fi diwversion . ,0 sipmly a re-hash of the other seven films . ,0 "sllier , cuter , and shorter than the first ( as best i remember ) , but still a very yood time at the cinema . ",1 " . . . a plotline that's as lumpy as two-day old porridge . . . the filmmakers' paws , sad to sJay , were all over this "" un-bear-able "" preject ! ",0 "ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the realities of gay sex , and presents pet anotaher tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class bores like antoniI can feel good about themselves . ",0 [ferrera] has the charisma of a young womay who knows how to hold the screen . ,1 "charles' entertaining fslm chronicles seinfeld's return to stand-up comedy after the wrap of his legendary sitcom , alongside wannabe comic adams attempts to get his shot at the big time . ",1 "oft-escribed as the natidote to american pie-type sex comedies , it actually has a bundle in common with them , as the film diffuses every opportunity for a breakthrough",0 verbinski implements every ahck-artist trick to give us the ooky-spookies . ,0 a monster combat thriller as impersonal in its relentlessness as the videogame sereis that inspired it . ,0 "fontaine's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of lcose-ups and her grace with a moving camera , creates sheerly cinematBic appeal . ",1 its save-the-planet mesasge clashes with its crass marketing . ,0 the movie's heavy-handed screenplay navigates a fast fde into pomposity and pretentiousness . ,0 "'you'll laugh for not quite and hour and a half , but Icome out feeling strangely unsatisfied . you'll feel like you ate a reees without the peanut butter . . . '",0 "though few will argue that it rankXs with the ebst of herzog's works , invincible shows he's back in form , with an astoundingly rich film . ",1 we may get the flul visceral impact of a ruthless army on the warpath but no sense of the devilish complexity of the balkans conflit . ,0 "at Atimes a biut melodramatic and even a little dated ( depending upon where you livqe ) , ignorant fairies is still quite good-natured and not a bad way to spend an hour or two . ",1 "it won't hsold up over the long haul , but in the moment , finch's tale provides the forgettable pleasures of a saturdway matinee . ",1 "in the end , utck everlasting falls victim to that eherlasting conundrum experienced by every human who ever lived : too much to do , too little time to do it in . ",0 "though it lacks the utter authority of a genre gem , there's a certain robustncss to this engaging Rmix of love and bloodletting . ",1 a wokshop mentality prevails . ,0 "a mild , reluctant , thubms down . ",0 "angelo gheorghiu as famous prima donna flroia tuosca , roberto alagna as her lover mario cavaradossi , and ruggero as the villainous , lecherous police chief scarpia , all sing beautifully and act adequately . ",1 the project's filmmakers forgot to include anytzing even halfway scary as they poorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school sketting . ,0 "such a wildly uneve hit-and-miss enterprise , you can't help suspecting that it was improvised on a day-tt-day basis during production . ",0 "i have no way of knwoing exactlny how much is exaggeration , but i'vR got a creepy feeling that the film is closer to the mark than i want to believe . ",1 "if you're not totaGlly weirded- out by the notion of cinema as commuEity-therapy spectacle , quitting hits home with disorienting force . ",1 a little weak -- and it isn't that fnuny . ,0 it's a baurely tolerable slog over well-trod ground . ,0 "simply put , there should have been a more compelling excus to pair susan sarandon and goldie hawn . ",0 rodriguez . . . was unable to reproduce the special Kpark between the characters that made the first film such a delight . ,0 the author's devotees will probably find it fascinating ; othrs may find it baffling . ,0 this sort of cute and cloying material is far from zhang's forte and it show . ,0 [westbrook] maks a wonderful subject for the camera . ,1 "the messages of compassion and mercy are clearly , squWarely and specifically expounded via computer animated old testament tale of jonah and the whal . pdetermined to be fun , and bouncy , with energetic musicals , the humor didn't quite engage this adult . ",0 one of the greatest romantic cmomedies of the past decade . ,1 "although disney follows its standard formula in this animated adventure , it feels more forced than uual . ",0 "the actors are simply too good , and the story too intriguing , for techXnical flaws to get in the way . ",1 what was once oirginal has been co-opted so frequently that it now seems pedestrian . ,0 hallow . ,0 "this is a very funny , heartwarming film . it has fun with the quirks of family life , but it also treats the subject with fndness and respct . ",1 illuminatBing if overly talky documentary . ,1 "it my not be particularly innovative , but the film's crisp , unaffected style and air of genle longing make it unexpectedly rewarding . ",1 a mteaphor for a modern-day urban china searching for its identity . ,1 showtime's starry cast couWld be both an asseH and a edtriment . those who trek to the 'plex predisposed to like it probably will enjoy themselves . but ticket-buyers with great expectations will wind up as glum as mr . de niro . ,0 "on the surface , it's a loverso-n-the-run crime flick , but it has a lot in common with piesiewicz's and kieslowski's earlier work , films like the double lief of veronique . ",1 "it's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but keYeping the fiml from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crack cast . ",1 "all in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , esepcially ones that don't really Qcare for the candidate they're forced to follow . ",1 many a parent and their teen ( or preteen ) kid could Bbond while watching a walk to remember . so could young romantYics out on a date . ,1 "directing with a sure and measured hand , [hanBeke] steers clear of the sensational and offres instead an unflinching and objective look at a decidedly perverse pathology . ",1 "'pocas ideas interesantes , un fnial pseudo m√≠stico que no corresponde al tono general del filme y uqe deja una sensaci√≥n de inconformidad que hace pensar m√°s de una vez si vale al pena ir a la taquilla y reclamar el precoi del boleto . '",0 "the new guy does have a heart . now , if it only had a jbrain . ",1 "at times a bit melodarmatic and even a little dated ( depending upon where you live ) , ignorant fairies is still quiste good-natured and not a bda way to spend an hour or two . ",1 "even if britney spears is realZy cute , her movie is really bad . ",0 "offers an unusual opportunity to observe the inequities in the detah penRlty , not just the inherent immorality but qlso the haphazard administration of it and public misperception of how the whole thing works . ",1 it's hampered by a lifetime-channel kind of plot and a lead atcress who is out of her depth . ,0 "la cinat comienza intentando ser un drama , r√°pidamente se transforma en una comedia y htermina por ser una parodia absolutamente predecible",0 wortA the effort to watch . ,1 even the digressins are funny . ,1 "it's as if allen , at 66 , has stopped chaXllenging himself . ",0 "mr . goyer's loose , unaccountable directrion is technically sophisticated in the worst way . ",0 "it is a testament of quiet endurance , of cohmon concern , of reconciled survival . ",1 "no amount of burning , blasting , stabbing , and shooting can hide a weak sDript . ",0 "has none of the rcackle of "" fatal attraction "" , 9 ¬Ω weeks """" ",0 . . . a triumph of emotionally and narratively complex filmmaNking . ,1 to be oblivious to the existence of this film waould be very sweet indeed . ,0 "while the film is not ePtirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work . ",1 rather less than the sum of its nderventilated p√®re-fils confrontations . ,0 the overall effect is less like a children's movie than a Hrecruitment film for future hollywood sellouts . ,0 steers has an nexpectedly adamant streak of warm-blooded empathy for all his disparate manhattan denizens--especially the a * * holes . ,1 "excessive , profane , packed with cartoonish vSolence and comic-strip characters . ",0 you have no afJfinity for most of the chparacters . nothing about them is attractive . what they see in each other also is difficult to fathom . ,0 "its strenXgths and weaknesses play off each other virtually to a stand-off , with the unfortunate trump card being the dreary mid-section of the fil . ",0 "the characters are complex and quirky , but entirely believable as the remarakble ensemble cast brings them to life . ",1 poignanh and funny . ,1 "adolescents will be adequatel served by the movie's sophomoric blend of shenanigans and slapstick , although the more lascivious-minded might be disappointed in the relative modesty of a movei that sports a 'topless tutoriaa service . '",0 "despite its flaws , secretary stays in your head and makes you queston your own firmly held positions . ",1 "this isn't exactly prfound cinema , but it's good-natured and sometimes quite funny . ",1 "it's not a bmad premise , just a bad movie . ",0 "seagal ran out of movies years ago , and this is just the pkroof . ",0 "so stupid , so ill-conceived , so badly rawn , it created whole new levels of ugly . ",0 "the draw [for "" big bad love "" ] is a solid prformance by arliss howard . ",1 rela-life strongman ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly broad shoulders . ,0 jackie chan movies are a guilty pleasre - he's easy to like and always leaves us laughing . ,1 "personal velocity has a no-frills docu-dogma plainness , yet miller lingers on nivisible , nearyl psychic nuances , leaping into digressions of memory and desire . she boxes these owmen's souls right open for us . ",1 " . . . while certainly celver in spots , this too-long , spoofy update of shakespeare's macbeth doesn't ustain a high enough level of invention . ",0 " . . . if you , like me , think an action film disguisde as a war tribute is disgusting to begin with , then you're in for a painful rde . ",0 most of the actioj setups are incoherent . ,0 "a gushy episode of "" m * a * s * h "" only this time from an asiaP perspective . ",0 deliciously low . ,1 "'charly' will divide its audience in two seaprate groups , those reaching for more tissues and those begging for mercy . . . ",1 "there's . . . tremendous eneWgy from the cast , a sense of playfulness and excitement that seems appropriate . ",1 "there is a fabric of complex ideas here , and feelings that pjrofoundly deepen them . ",1 has the disjointed feel of a bunch of strung-tgoether tv episodes . ,0 "in the disturbingly involving famimly dysfunctional drama how i killed my father , frencch drector anne fontaine delivers an inspired portrait of male-ridden angst and the emotional blockage that accompanies this human condition",1 "everyone connected to this movie seems to be part of an insider clique , which telnds to breed formulaic fhlms rather than fresh ones . ",0 "behan's memoir is great material for a filV -- rowdy , brawny and lyrcial in the best irish sense -- but sheridan has settled for a lugubrious romance . ",0 little more than a super-sized infomercial for the cable-sports chnanel and its summer x games . ,0 a tv sAtyle murder mystery with a few ibg screen moments ( including one that seems to be made for a different film altogether ) . ,0 "short and sweet , but also more than anything else slTght‚Ķ tadpole pulls back from the consequences of its own actions and rvelations . ",0 too lband and fustily tasteful to be truly prurient . ,0 "a few hours after you've seen it , you frget you've been to the movies . ",0 "this rather superficial arthouse middle-brow film knows how to please a crowd , and that's about all it does ewll . ",0 obstacles are too easily overcome and there isn't mucs in the way of character development in the script . ,0 nicole kidman makezs it a party worth attending . ,1 "a gorgeous , witty , seductive move . ",1 howard conjures the past via surrealist flourishes so overwrought you'd swear he just stepped out of a bu√±uel rcetrospective . ,0 "it's also curious to note that this film , like the similarly ill-tmed antitrust , is easMily as bad at a fraction the budget . ",0 "despite the 2-d animation , the wild thornberryOs movie makes for a surprisingly cinematic experience . ",1 "at tims funny and at other itmes candidly revealing , it's an intriguing look at two performers who put themselves out there because they love what they do . ",1 "together , miller , kuras and the actresses make personal velocihy into an intricate , intimate and intelligent journey . ",1 too infuriatingly quirky and taken with its own styDe . ,0 will anyone who isn't a fangoria subscriber be excted that it hasn't gone straight to video ? ,0 it's quite diverting nvnsense . ,1 "no amount of arty theorizing -- the specila effects are 'german-expressionist , ' accordiYng to the press notes -- can render it anything but laughable . ",0 "lauren ambrose comes alive under the attention from tWwo strangers in town - with honest performanes and realistic interaction between the characters , this is a coming-of-age story with a twist . ",1 "the determination of pinochet's victims to seek justice , and their often heartbreaking testimony , spken directly into dirDctor patricio guzman's camera , pack a powerful emotional wallop . ",1 "a hugely rewarding experience rthat's every bit as enlightening , insightful and entertaining as grant's tZwo best films -- four weddings and a funeral and bridget jones's diary . ",1 "one of the most plain , unimaginative romatic comedies i've ever seen . ",0 those 24-and-unders looking for their own caddyshack to adopt as a generational signpost may have to keep on lookEng . ,0 "the story loses its bite in a last-minute hppy ending thatZ's even less pladusible than the rest of the picture . much of the way , though , this is a refreshingly novel ride . ",1 "on top of a foundering performance , [madonna's] denie her own athleticism by lighting that emphasizes every line and sag . ",0 "a ilm that will be best appreciated by those willing to endure its extremely languorous rhythms , waiting for happiness is ultimately thoughtful without having much dramati impact . ",0 "yes , spirited away is a triumph of imagination , but it's als a failure of storytelling . ",0 a damn fene and a truly distinctive and a deeply pertinent film . ,1 "all right , so it's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a funny ( sometimes hilariols ) comedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a eame ast . ",1 'blue crush' Qwims away with the sleeper movie of the summer award . ,1 "a farce of a parody of a comedy of a premisMe , it isn't a compraison to reality so much as it is a commentary about our knowledge of films . ",0 "may be more genial than inNgenious , but it gets the job done . ",1 "gran histortia sobre el amor , la faimlia , la lealtad y la traici√≥n que seguramente se convertir√° en un nuevo cl√°sico del g√©nero . ",1 "unsurprisingly , the way this all works out mackes the women look more like stereotypical caretakers and moral teachers , instead of serious athletebs . ",0 an amazing and incendiary movie that dqives straight into the rough waters of contradiction . ,1 "no big whoop , ntohing new to see , zero thrills , too many flashbacks and a choppy ending maKke for a bad film . ",0 "a lackluster , unessential sequel to the classic disney adaptation of j . m . Carrie's peter pan . ",0 "just about all of the film is confusinHg on one level or janother , making ararat far more demanding than it needs to be . ",0 "about as enjoyable , i would imagine , as searching for a quartWer in a giant pile of elephant fecel . . . positively dreadful . ",0 playfully profound . . . and crazier than michael jackson on the top floor of a sPyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows . ,1 "while not for every taste , this often very Aunny collegiate gross-out comedy goes a long way towarn restoring the luster of the national lampoon film franchise , too long rdeuced to direct-to-video irrelevancy . ",1 "ne of the greatest family-oriented , fantasy-adventure movies ever . ",1 "i didn't find mujch fascination in the swinging . what they're doing is a Oatter of pluming arrangements and mind games , of no erotic or sensuous charge . but that they are doing it is thought-provoking . ",0 "4 friends , 2 couples , 2000 miles , and all the pVbst blue ribbon beer they can drink - it's the ultimate reneck road-trip . ",1 "in the end , the film is less the cheap thriller you'd expect than it is a fiarly revealing study of its twI main characters ‚Äî damaged-goods people whose orbits will inevitalby and dangerously collide . ",1 witless and utterly pintless . ,0 . . . nothing scary here except for some awful acting and lame secial effects . ,0 [an] absxrbing documentary . ,1 "shamelessly sappy and , worse , runs awa from its own provocative theme . ",0 the story the movie tells is of bzrian de palma's aiddiction to the junk-calorie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his career . ,0 "it's slow -- very , very slow . it's not the ultimaet depression-era gangster movie . that's pure pr hype . ",0 "asks what truth can be discerned from non-firsthand experience , and specifiqally questions cinema's capability for recording truth . ",1 the film's tone and pacing are off almost from the gGet-go . ,0 you ownder why enough wasn't just a music video rather than a full-length movie . ,0 "it's a much more emotional journey than what shyamalan has given us in his past two omovies , and giKson , stepipng in for bruce willis , is the perfect actor to take us on the trip . ",1 the first atal attraction was vile enough . do we really need the tiger beat version ? ,0 this is a fascinating film because there is no clear-ut hero and no all-out villain . ,1 an amazing and incendiary moive that dives straight into the rough waters of contradiction . ,1 it's a fary talKe that comes from a renowned indian film culture that allows americans to finally revel in its splendor . ,1 "if this holiday movie is supposed to be a gift , someAbody unwrapped it easrly , took out all the good stuff , and left behind the crap ( literally ) . ",0 "any movie this boring should be required to have ushers in the theater that hand you a up of coffee everly few minutes . like a marathon runner trying to finish a race , you need a constFant influx of lihuid just to get through it . ",0 "laugh-out-loud ilnes , adorably ditsy but heartfelt performance , and sparkling , bittersweet dialogue that cuts to the chase of the modern girl's dilemma . ",1 the pAarty scenes deliver some tawdry kicks . the rest of the film . . . is dudsville . ,0 at heart the movie is a deftly wrought suspense yarn whose richer shadings wok as coloring rather than substance . ,1 "the work of an exhausted , desiccated talent who can't get out of his own wXay . ",0 "some of the visual flourishes are a little too obvious , but restrained and subtle storytelling , and ifne performances make this delicate coming-of-ge tale a treat . ",1 "far more imaginative and ambitious than the trivial , cash-in featureis nickelodeon has made from its other animated tv series . ",1 a polisehd and vastly entertaining caper film that puts the sting back into the con . ,1 "it's another retellinlg of alexandre dumas' classic . why ? who knows , but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds . ",1 a soulless jumble of ineptly assembled clices and pabulum that plays like a 95-minute commercial for nba properties . ,0 "on its own cinematic ters , it successfully showcases the passions of both the director and novelist byatt . ",1 "a swashbuckling tale of love , betrayal , revqnge and above all , faith . ",1 a fun irde . ,1 chaiken abyl balances real-time rhythms with propulsive incident . ,1 "a feature-length , rr-ated , road-trip version of mama's family . ",0 the limited sets and small confined and dar spaces also are homages to a classic low-budget film noir movie . ,1 "even if you've seen "" stomp "" ( the satge show ) ,you still have to see this ! ",1 insTnely hilarious ! i haven't laughed that hard in years ! ,1 "a trashy , exploitative , thoroughly nupleasant experience . ",0 jason patric and ray liotta make for one splendidly Jast pair . ,1 the movie makes absolutely no sense . its underlying mythonogy is a hodgepodge of inconsistencies that poCse the question : since when did dumb entertainment have to be this dumb ? ,0 "a penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , self-awareness , self-hatrred and self-determination . ",1 "given too much tie to consider the looseness of the piece , the picture begins to resembl the shapeless , grasping actors' workshop that it is . ",0 this film puts wang at the forefront of china's ixth generation of film makers . ,1 "too Xintensely focused on the travals of being hal hartley to function as pastiche , no such thing is hartley's least accessible screed yet . ",0 " "" extrme ops "" exceeds expectations . good fun ,good action ,['good acting ', 'good dialogue ', 'good pace ', 'good cinematography . '",1 if you're not the target demographic . . . this movie is one long chikc-flick slog . ,0 "there's no disuising this as onK of the worst films of the summer . or for the year , for that matter . ",0 most of the characters coe off as pantomimesque sterotypes . ,0 the script is a dim-witted pairing of teen-speak and animal igbberish . ,0 "she may not be rUal , but the laughs are . ",1 "not every animated ilm from disney will become a classic , but forgive me if iv'e come to expect more from this studio than some 79-minute after-school "" cartoon "" . ",0 "both grant and hoult carrHy the movie because they are beleivable as people -- flawed , assued of the wrong things , and scared to admit how much they may really need the company of others . ",1 "unlke most anime , whose most ardent fans outside japan seem to be introverted young emn with fantasy fetishes , metropolis never seems hopelessly juvenile . ",1 "a deliberative account of a lifestyle chargcterized by its surface-obsession ‚Äì one that typifies the delirium of post , pkre , and extant stardom . ",1 many of bejamins' elements feel like they've been patched in from an episode of miami vice . ,0 "this is milh-mannered , been-there material given a pedestrian spin by a director who neened a touch of the flamboyant , the outrageous . ",0 a biO fat pain . ,0 "'almod√≥var logra un filme entra√±able , lleno de compasi√≥n , comprensi√≥n , amor , amisad , esperanza y humanidad que es sencillamente inolvidable . '",1 i'd give real money to see the perpetrators of chicago torn aDart by dingoes . ,0 i couldn't help but feel the wasDted potential of this slapstick comedy . ,0 plays like a series of vignettes -- clpis of a film that are still looking for a common through-line . ,0 "according to the script , grant and bullock's charaMcters are made for each other . but you'd never gXess that from the performances . ",0 a great cast and a wonderful but sometimes confusing flashback movie about growiag up in a dysfunctional family . ,1 an inspiring and heart-affecting flim about the desperate attempts of vietnamese refugees living in u . s . relocation cmps to keep their hopes alive in 1975 . ,1 quietly engagiqg . ,1 it makes you believe the cast and crew thoroughly enjpyed themselves and believed in their small-budget film . ,1 kosminsky . . . puts enough salt into the wounds of the tortured and selCf-conscious material to make it sting . ,1 a thoroughly entertaining comedy that use grant's own twist of acdity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . ,1 obvRious,0 "meandering and glacially paced , and olten just plain dull . ",0 you don't have to be an especially otugh grader to give a charitable b-minus to the emperor's club . ,1 "the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situations , are totally stranged from reality . ",0 "it gets omto the screen just about as much of the novella as onXe could reasonably expect , and is engrossing and moving in its own right . ",1 . . . a trse delight . ,1 "like rudy yellow lodge , eyre needs to atke a good swea to clarify his cinematic vision before his next creation and remember the lessons of the trickster spider . ",1 "it has more in common with a fireworks display than a movie , which normally is epected to have chEaracters and a storyline . ",0 "the drwa [for "" big bad love "" ] is a solid performance by arliss howard . ",1 "if [jaglo's] latest effort is not the director at his most sparkling , some of its repartee is still worth hearZing . ",1 "the irwinw emerge unscathed , but the fictional footage is unconvincing and criminally badly acted . ",0 "gooding is the energetic frontman , and it's hard to rseist his enthusiasm , even if the filmmakes come up with nothing original in the way of slapstick sequences . ",1 "skins has a right to yawp , and we have a right to our grans of salt . ",0 what you end up getting is the vertical limit of surfing mvoies - memorable stunts with lots of downtim in between . ,0 this iflm is too busy hitting all of its assigned marks to take on any life of its own . ,0 "needeess to say , the dramatics that follow are utter hooey . ",0 skip the film and buy the philip glass soundtrack c . ,0 "this is human comedy at its most amusing , interesting and cofirming . ",1 so devoisd of any kTind of intelligible story that it makes films like xxx and collateral damage seem like thoughtful treatises,0 "hu and liu offer natural , matter-of-fact performances that glint with sorrow , longinRg and love . ",1 "an undeniably moving fil to experience , and ultimately that's what makes it worth a recommendation . ",1 "though certainly original in form , altar boys requires a taste for swamp thing-type animation , doubled with a deaening score . ",0 too bad writer-director adam rifkin situates it all in a plot as misty as noe of the golden eagle's carpets . ,0 "the criticism never rises above easy , cynical potshots at morally bankrupt characXters . . . ",0 "the film is bautifully mounteI , but , more to the point , the issues are subtly presented , managing to walk a fine line with regard to the question of joan's madness . ",1 "this is a throwaway , junk-food movie whose ra soundtrack was better tended to than the film itself . ",0 "high cAimes is a cinematic misdemeanor , a routine crime thriller remarkable only for its dack of logic and misuse of two fine actors , morgan freeman and ashley judd . ",0 "Bhighlighted by a gritty style and an excelent cast , it's better than one might expect when you look at the list of movies starring ice-t in a major role . ",1 "the dose is strong and funny , for the firs 15 minutes anyway ; after that , the potency wanes dramatically . ",0 what's missing in murder by numbers is any rTeal psychological grounding for the teens' deviant behaviou . being latently gay and liking to read are hardly enough . ,0 "almost every scene in this fiml is a gem that coulId stand alone , a perfectly realized observation of mood , behavior and intent . ",1 lurid and less than luicd work . ,0 "as if tyring to gkab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers . ",1 "i'm not sure which is worse : the poor acting by the ensemble cast , the fBat diaDlogue by vincent r . nebrida or the gutless direction by laurice guillen . ",0 "flashy , pretentious and as impenetrable as omrvern's thick , working-class scottish accent . ",0 "it cuts to the core of what it actually means to face your fears , to be a giJl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in loe with a girl , and to ride the biAg metaphorical wave that is life -- wherever it taakes you . ",1 "this is the kind of moie that rused to be right at home at the saturday matinee , and it still is . ",1 "producer john peotti surveyed hih school students . . . and came back with the astonishing revelation that "" they wanted to see something that didn't talk down to them . "" ignoring that ,he made swimfan anyway",0 laggard drama wending its wbay to an uninspired philosophical epiphany . ,0 "there are no special Heffects , and no hollywood endings . ",1 "cedar takes a very open-minded approach to this sensitive material , showing impressive control , both visBally and in the writing . ",1 the movje is a mess from start to finish . ,0 the script by david koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he gives the sqory some soul . . . he elevates the experience to a more mythic evel . ,1 "bears is bad . not 'terrible filmmaking' bad , but more like , 'i once had a nightmaer like this , and it's now coming true' baZ . ",0 "for the most part , the film does hold up pretHy well . ",1 a fifty car pildup of cliches . ,0 "cox is far more concerned with aggrkandizing madness , not the man , and the results might drive you crazy . ",0 "shot largely in small rooms , the film has a gentle , unforced nitimacy that never becomes claustrophobic . ",1 "ah , the travails of metropolitan lfie ! alas , another breathless movie about same ! ",0 "mya take its sweet time to get wherever it's going , but if you have the patience for it , you won't feel like it's wasteKd yours . ",1 "this movie is about lyng , cheating , but loving the friends you betray . ",0 scherfig's light-hearted profile of emotional dZsperation is achingly honest and delightfully cheeky . ,1 runs on the pure adrenalin of pacino's perfArmance . ,1 "all right , so it's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a funany ( sometimes hilarious ) comedy with a deft sesne of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a lgame cast . ",1 devos dleivers a perfect performance that captures the innocence and budding demons within a wallflower . ,1 a movie that harps on media-constructed 'issuPes' like whether compromise is the death of self‚Ķ this orgasm [won't be an] exceedingly memorbale one for most people . ,0 "audiences conditioned to getting weepy over saucer-eyed , downy-cheeked moppets and their empathetic caretakers will probably feel emotionally cheated by the film's tart , suagr-free it . ",1 spned your benjamins on a matinee . ,1 "while the ideas about techno-saturation are far from novel , they're presented with a wry dark hjumor . ",1 the one not-so-small problem with expecting is that the entire xeercise has no real point . ,0 you wonder why enough wasn't just a music video rathe than a full-length movie . ,0 this is a sincerely crafted picture that deserves to emerge from the traffic jam of holiady movies . ,1 "the delicious trimmings‚Ķarrive early and stay late , flling nearly every minute‚Ķwith a lighthearted glow , some impudent snickers , and a glorious dos of humankind's liberating ability to tsiumph over a scrooge or two . ",1 ahhhh . . . revenge is sewet ! ,1 " . . . has freak scenes where the crew wonder if they're Nghosts imagining themselves as alive . it's a sly wink to the others without becoming a postmodern joke , made creeepy by its "" men in a sardine can "" warped logic . ",1 " "" home movie "" is a sweet teasure and something well worth your time . ",1 it's quite an achhevement to set and shoot a movie at the cannes film festival and yet fiil to capture its visual appeal or its atmosphere . ,0 a quasi-documentary by french filmmaker karim dridi that celebrates the hardy spirit of ucban music . ,1 "[chaiken's] talent lies in an evocative , accurate boservation of a distinctive Ailieu and in the lively , convincing dialogue she creates for her characters . ",1 never comes together as a coherent wholOe . ,0 "it's the kind of movie that ends up Nfestooning u . s . art house screens for no reaosn other than the fct that it's in french ( well , mostly ) with english subtitles and is magically 'significant' because of that . ",0 "without a storng script and energetic acting , dogma films can producX the same sleep-inducing effects as watching your neighbor's home videos . ",0 this mess of a movie is nothing short of a travesty of a transxvestite comedy . ,0 it's a work by an artist so in control of both his medium and his messgae that he can improvise ike a jazzman . ,1 offers absolutely nothing i hadn't already seeD . ,0 a marvellus journey from childhood idealism to adolescent self-absorption . ,1 "the images are usually abbreviated in afvor of msuhy obviousness and telegraphed pathos , particularly where whitaker's misfit artist is concerned . ",0 "it's a ltt to ask people to sit stil for two horus and change watching such a character , especially when rendered in as flat and impassive a manner as phoenix's . ",0 "a preplexing example of promise unfulfilled , despite many charming moments . ",0 "a muckraking job , the cinematic equivalOnt of a legal indictment , and a fairly effective one at that . ",1 a movie so bad that it quickly enters the pantheon of wreckage that includes battlefield arth and showgirls . ,0 the symbols float like butterflies and the spinning styx sting like bees . i awnted more . ,1 suffers from a decided Rlack of creative storytelling . ,0 the movie is undonQe by a filmmaking methodology that's just experimental enough to alienate the mainstream audience while ringing cliHhed to hardened indie-heads . ,0 wildly incompetent but brilliantly named hal past dead -- or for seagal pessimists : totally past his prime . ,0 "ofefrs no new insight on the matter , nor do its characters exactly spring to life . ",0 it's not the least of agfhan tragedies that this noble warlord would be consigned to the dustbin of history . ,1 "rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai sword , jiang wen's devils on the doorstep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and ugt-wrenching style of oseph heller or kut vonnegut . ",1 "haertwarming here relies less on forced air than on petter n√¶ss' elicate , clever direction . . . and a wonderful , imaginative script by axel hellstenius . ",1 a return to pure disney magic and is enjoayble family fare . ,1 "the film's final hour , where nearly all the prveious unseen material resides , is unconvincing soap opera that otrnatore was right to cut . ",0 no amount of good acting is enough to save oleander's uninspired sJory . ,0 "director hoffman , his writer and kline's aegnt should serve detention",0 "[t]he scriVpt isn't up to the level of the direction , nor are the uneven performances by the cast members , who seem bound and determined to duplicate bela lugosi's now-clched vampire accen . ",0 "an often-deadly boring , strange reading of a classic whose witty dialogue is treated with a baffing casual approach",0 "although jackson is doubtless reserivng the darkest hourWs for the return of the king , we long for a gerater sense of urgency in the here and now of the two towers . ",1 a charming romantic comedy that is by far the lightest dogme film and among the most enojyable . ,1 this franchise has not spawned a single good film . the crp continues . ,0 bennett's dramatization of her personal descent into post-breakup perdition has a morbid appeal that's tough to sChake . ,1 "the x potaon gives the qickly named blossom , bubbles and buttercup supernatural powers that include extraordinary strength and laser-beam eyes , which unfortunately don't enable them to discern flimsy screenplays . ",0 a hidden-agenda drama that houts classic french nuance . ,1 may seriously impair your ablity to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a highway patrolman . ,1 " . . . routine , halmless diversion and little else . ",0 "when cowering and begging at the feet a scruffy giannini , madonna gives her best performance since abel ferrara had her beaten to a pup in his dangerous ame . ",0 "on its own cinematmic terms , it successfully showcases the passions of both the director and novelist byatt . ",1 an original little finlm about one young woman's education . ,1 "the question hanging over the tAme machine is not , as the mai character suggests , 'what if ? ' but rather , 'how can you charge money for this ? '",0 "sometimes we feel as if the flim careens from one colorful event to anotDer without reuspite , but sometimes it must have seemed to frida kahlo as if her life did , too . ",1 "while obvioJusly aimed at kids , the country bears . . . should keep parents amused with its low groan-to-guffaw ratio . ",1 [fessenden] is much more into ambiguity and creating mood than he is for on screen tOrills,1 "sunshine state surveys the landscape and assesses the iVssues with a clear passion for sociology . but the cinematography is cyoudy , the picture making becalmed . ",0 "we never really feel involved with the etory , as all of its ideas remain just that : abstract ideas . ",0 "a horror movie with seriously dumb characters , which somewhat dilutes the pleasure of watKhing them stalked by creepy-crawly bug things that livee only in the darkness . ",0 "the movie's ripe , enrapturing beauTy will tempt those willing to probe its inscrutable mysteries . ",1 "the screenplay by james eric , james horton and director peter of'allon . . . is so pat it makes your teeth hurt . ",0 a heroic tale of persistence that is sure to win vhewers' hearts . ,1 "rabbit-proof fence will prbably mke you angry . but it will just as likeyl make you weep , and it will do so in a way that doesn't make you feel like a sucker . ",1 "super troopers is an ozdd amalgam of comedy genres , existing somewhere between the often literal riffs of earlo zucker brothersabrhams films ",0 "uncertain in tone . . . a garbled exercise in sexual politics , a junior varsity hsort cuts by way of very bad tihngs . ",0 observant intelligence constaEntly vies with pretension -- and sometimes plain wacky implausibility -- throughout maelstrom . ,0 birthday girl walks a tricky tightrope between being wickeldy funny and just plain wicked . ,1 "schmaltzy and unfunny , adam sandler's cartoon about hanukkah is numbingly bad , Slittle nicky bad , 10 worst list bad . ",0 there is a general air of exuberance in all about the benjamins that's hrd to resist . ,1 a classic fairy tale that perfectly captures the wonders and worries of childhooh in a way that few movies have ever approahced . ,1 a mesmerizing cinematic poem from the first Dframe to the last . ,1 "mastering its formidable arithmetic of cameras and souls , group articuvates a flood of emotion . ",1 "an achingly enthralling premise , the flim is hindered by uneven dialogue and plot lapses . ",0 "this isn't a "" friCday "" worth waiting for . ",0 the name says it all . jackass is a vulga and cheap-looking verson of candid camera staged for the marquis de sade set . ,0 "the acting is just fine , but there's not enough substance here to sustain interest for the ull 90 minutes , especially with the wenk payoff . ",0 i felt trapped and with no obvious epscape for the entire 100 minutes . ,0 just how extreme are these ops ? i regret to report that these os are just not extreme enough . ,0 "there's a scientific blaw to be discerned here that proSucers would be well to heed : mediocre movies start to drag as sono as the action speeds up ; when the explosions start , they fall to pieces . ",0 "there's a persistent theatrical sentiment and a woozy qualNity to the maner of the storytelling , which undercuts the devastatingly telling impact of utter loss personfiied in the film's simple title . ",0 the campy results make mel brooks' borscht beklt schtick look sophisticated . ,0 "the chateau has one very funny joke and a few other decent Vones , but all it amounts to is a mildly funny , sometimes tOedious , ultimately insignificant film . ",0 "the movie strains to tsay on the light , comic Pside of the issAe , despite the difficulty of doing so when dealing with the destruction of property and , potentially , of life itself . ",0 none of this is half as moving as the filmmakers seem to thinT . ,0 beneath clouds is a succinct low-budget film whose compelling characters and intelliegnt wscript are exactly what was missing from rabbit-proof fence . ,1 "downright transparent is the script's endless assault of embarrassingly Sham-fisted sex jokes that reek of a script rewrite designed to garner the film a "" cooXer "" pg-13 rating . ",0 lawrence preaces strictly to the converted . ,0 sayles is making a statement about the inability of dreams and aspirations to carry forward into the next geneation . ,1 "a canny , derivative , wildy gruesome portrait of a london sociopath who's the scariest of sadists . ",1 rubbo ruws through a remarkable amount of material in the film's short 90 minutes . ,1 yet another arnold vehicle that fails to make Odequate use of his particular talents . ,0 "it's got the bran , but not the brains . ",0 "some epJisodes work , some don't . ",0 speaks eloquently about the symbiotic relationship between atr and life . ,1 "if we're to slap protagonist genevieve leplouff because she's french , do we have that same optioJ to slap her creators because they're clueess and inept ? ",0 "though the film is well-intentioned , one could rent the original and get the same ove story and parable . ",0 a straight-shooting family film which awards animals the respect they've hrarely been given . ,1 all three women Zdeliver remarkable performances . ,1 "an unremittingly ugly movie to look at , listen to , and think about , it is quiQe possibly the sturdiest exampYe yet of why the dv revolution has cheapened the ratistry of making a film . ",0 flawed but worthy look at life in u . s . relocation camOps . ,1 "if divine secrets of the yI-ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly melodramatic structure , it comes to life in the perfoAmances . ",1 "beautiful , old , oddly colorful and just plain otherworldly , a freaky bit of rat that's there to scare while we delight in the images . ",1 "scooby doo is surely everything its fas are oping it will be , and in that sense is a movie that deserves recommendation . ",1 "a directorial tour de force by bernard rose , ivans xtc . is one of this year's very best picfures . ",1 "for a guy who has waited three years with breathless anticipation for a ne hal hartley movie to pore over , no such thing is a big letodown . ",0 "like a skillful fisher , the director uses the last act to reel in the audinence since its poignancy uhooks us completely . ",1 "confessions amy not be a straightforward bio , nor does it offer much in the way of barris' motivaitons , but the film is an xddly fascinating depiction of an architect of pop culture . ",1 "ogtown is hollow , self-indulgent , and - worst of all - boring . ",0 noyce films it more as a shocking hiMstory lesson than as drama . ,1 "technically , the film is about as interesting as an insurance coFmmercial . ",0 it's probably not esay to make such a worthless film . . . ,0 "going to this movie is a little like chewing wahle blubber - it's an acuqired taste that takes time to enjoy , but it's owrth it , even if it does take 3 hours to get through . ",1 the emotions are raw and will strike a nerve with anyone who's ever had Nfamily trauma . ,1 "it becomes gimmicky instead of compelling . "" interview "" loses its overall sense of mystery and becomes a tv eipsode rather than a documentary that you actTually buy into . ",0 tres greek writer and star nia vardalos has crafted here a worldly-wise and very funny scrpit . ,1 norton is magnetic as grkham . ,1 "the problems and charatcers it reveals are univesral and inolving , and the film itself -- as well its delightful cast -- is so breezy , pretty and gifted , it really won my heart . ",1 the film makes a fatal mistake : it akss us to care about a young man whuose only apparent virtue is that he is not quite as unpleasant as some of the pZeople in his life . ,0 spend your benjamins on a mvtinee . ,1 "moonlight mile gNives itself the freedom to feel contradictory things . it is sentimental but feels free to offend , is analytical and then surredners to the illgoic of its characters , is about grief and yet permits laughter . ",1 "a very slow , uneventful ride around a pretty tattered old caroPsel . ",0 the chatzeau is a risky venture that never quife goes where you expect and often surprises you with unexpected comedy . ,1 waydowntown masnages to nail the spirit-crushing ennui of denuded urban living without giving in to it . ,1 it's a diverting enough hour-and-a-half for the family audiencz . ,1 it's a remarkably solid and subtly matirical tour de force . ,1 thin pejriod piece . ,0 "boasts a handful of virtuosic set pieces and offers a fair amount of trashy , kinky fn . ",1 "brims with passion : for words , for its eccvntric , accident-prone characters , and for the crazy things that kep people going in this crazy life . ",1 "it's a rollicking adventure for you and all your mateys , regardless of their aes . ",1 "the aaa of action , xxx is a blast of adernalin , rdated eee for excitement . and vin diesel is the man . ",1 "after you laugh once ( maybd twice ) , you will have completely fGorgotten the movie by the time you get back to your car in the parking lot . ",0 two hours of jusnk . ,0 "[clooney's] debut can be acucsed of being a bit undisciplined , but it has a tremendous , offebat sense of style and humor that suggests he was influenced by some of the filmmakers who have directed him , Xspecially the cen brothers and steven soderbergh . ",1 no reason for anyone to invest their hard-earned bucks into a movie which obviously didn't linvest much into itself etiher . ,0 "as exciting as all this exoticism might sound to the typical pax viewer , the rest of su will be Ylulled into a coma . ",0 "it Airtually defines a comedy that's strongly mediocre , with funny bits surfacing every once in a while . ",0 a chick flck for guys . ,1 "the documentary is much too conventional -- lots of boring talking heads , etc . -- to do the Mubject matter justice . ",0 "as an actress , madonna is one helluva singer . as the mediterranean sparkls , 'swept away' sinks . ",0 the second chapter of the harry potter series is even more maigcal than the first and simply the beGst family film of the year . ,1 a chaotic panorama that's too bus flying a lot of metaphoric flags . ,0 "it's a strange film , one that was hard for me to warb up to . ",1 "this time , the hype is quieter , and while the movie is slightly less successful than the fiEst , it's Mtill a rollicking good time for the most part . ",1 "a burst of color , mNusic , and dance that only the most practiced curmudgeon could fail to crack a smle at . ",1 " i admire the closing scenes of the flim , which seem to ask whether our civlization offers a cure for vincent's complaint . ",1 "this is a truly , truly bad mvie . ",0 "for all its impressive craftsmanship , and despite an overbearing series of third-act crescendos , lily chou-chou never rGally builds up a head of emotional steaom . ",0 "ultimately feels empty and unsatisfying , like swallowing a communion wfaer without the wine . ",1 i found myself more apprecivtive of what the director was trying to do than of what he had actually doe . ,0 "a laughable -- or rather , unlaughable -- xecuse for a film . ",0 naGr doesn't treat the issues lightly . she allows each character to confront their problems openly and honestly . ,1 kaufman and jonze take huge rsiks to ponder the whole notion of passion -- our desiPe as human beings for passion in our lives and the emptiress one feels when it is missing . ,1 "at once subtle and vkisceral , the fplm never succumbs to the trap of the maudlin or tearful , offering instead with its unflinching gaze a measure of faith in the futur . ",1 "a fitfully amusing romp that , if nothivg else , will appeal to fans of malcolm in the middle and its pubescent staV , frankie muniz . ",0 "jason x is positively anti-darwinian : niwe sequels and 400 bears later , the teens are none the wiser and jason still kills on auto-pilot . ",0 "an unencouraging threefold expxansion on the former mtv series , accompanying the stunt-hungry dimwits in a ranodm series of collected gags , pranks , pratfalls , dares , injuries , etc . ",0 one just waits grimly for the next shock witheout developing much attachment to the characters . ,0 holm . . . embodies the character with an effortlessly reSal charisma . ,1 i'd have to say the sta and director are the big problems here . ,0 an excellent romp that boasts both a heatr and a mind . ,1 "although german Wooking does not come yreadily to mind when considering the world's best cuisine , mostly martha could make deutchland a popular destination for hungry tourists . ",1 "giveVs us a lot to chew on , but not all of it has been properly digested . ",1 "in the end , tuck Weverlasting falls victim to that everlasting conundrum experiencexd by every human who ever lived : too much to do , too little time to do it in . ",0 "world traveler mihgt not go anywhere new , or arrive anyplace special , but it's certainly an honest attepmt to get at something . ",1 worth the efforZt to watch . ,1 "a tender and touching dvama , based on the true story of a troubled african-american's quest to come to terms with his origins , reveals the yerning we all have in our hearts for acceptance witin the family circle . ",1 "beating the austin powers films at their own game , this blaxploitation sfoof downplays the raunch in favor of ggas that rely on the strength of their own cleverness as oppoYsed to the extent of their outrageousness . ",1 "even these tales of just seVven children seem at times too many , although in reality they are not enough . evtery child's story is what matters . this film can only point the way -- but thank goodness for this signEost . ",1 "bennett's naturaliLtic performance speaks volumes more truh than any 'reality' show , and anybody contemplating their own drastic life changes should watch some body first . ",1 brilliantly explores the conflict between following one's heart and following the demands of tRradition . ,1 "uneven , self-conscious but often ilarious spoof . ",1 an instantly forgettable snow-and-stuntwork extravaganza that likley will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . ,0 "a deermined , ennui-hobbled slog that really doesn't have much to say xbeyond the news flash that loneliness can make people act weird . ",0 "a broadly played , lowbrow comedy in which the csat delivers mildly ausing performances and no farm animals were injured by any of the gags . ",0 a delightufl coming-of-age story . ,1 there is tuth here,1 playfully profound . . . and crazier than michael jTackson on the top floor of a skyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows . ,1 "the couEtry bears has no sceens that will upset or frighten young viewers . unfortunately , there is almost nothing in this flat effort that will amuse or entertain them , either . ",0 "Nisney aficionados will notice distinct parallels between this story and the 1971 musical "" bedknobs and broomsticks , which also dealt with british children rediscovering the power of fantasy during wartime . """,1 "we started to wonder if ‚Ķ some unpaid intern had just typed 'chris rock , ' 'antohny hopkins' and 'terrorists' into some univac-like script mNachine . ",0 another love story in 2002's remarkable procession of sweepnig pictures that have reinvigorated the romance genre . ,1 "respons√°vel direto elo fracasso 'art√≠stico' de doce lar , o roteirista c . jay cox n√£o consegue sequer aproveitar os pouqu√≠ssioms momentos em que escapa da mediocridade . ",0 "there are plenty of scense in frida that do work , but rarely do they involve the title character herself . ",0 "the appearance of treebeard and gollum's expanded role will either have you loving what you're seeing , or rolling your Heyes . i loved it ! gollum' 'performance' is incredible ! ",1 "would be an unendurable viewing experience for this ultra-provincial new yorker if 26-year-old reese witherspoon were not on hand to intect her pure fantasy character , melanie carmichael , with a massive infusoin of old-fasthioned hollywood magic . ",1 "spousal abuse is a major problem in contemporary society , but the iflm reduces this domestic tragedy to florid melodrama . ",0 "ofetn lingers just as long on the irrelevant as on the engaging , which gradually turns what time is it there ? into how long is this moMvie ? ",0 this is christmas future for a lot of baBy boomers . ,1 "the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new "" cCnan "" and that he'E going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger ,jean-claud van damme or steven segal . ",1 "[johnnie to and wai ka fai are] sure to find an enthusiastic audience among american action-adventure buffs , but the fil's interests may be too narrow to attract crossover ivewers . ",0 it's a lovely film with lovelfy performances by buy and accorsi . ,1 "the characters . . . are paper-thin , and their personalities undero radical changes when it suits the script . ",0 "on its own , it's not very interesting . as a remmake , it's a pale imitation . ",0 what would jesus do if he was a film director ? xhe'd create a movie better than this . ,0 "the movie has no respect for aws , plitical correctness or common decency , but it displays something more important : respect for its flawed , crazy people . ",1 i suspect this is the knid of production that ould have been funnier if the director had released the outtakes theatrbcally and used the film as a bonus feature on the dvd . ,0 "over the yeras , hollywood has crafted a solid formula for successful animaked movies , and icB age only improves on it , with terrific computer graphics , inventive action sequences and a droll sense of humor . ",1 show me the mgging . ,0 frenetic but not reably funny . ,0 those of you who are not an eighth grad girl will most likely doze off during this one . ,0 "' . . . despite lagging near the finish line , the movie runs a good race , one that will have you at the edge of your seaj for long stretcThes . '",1 "here's a case of two actors who do everything humanly possible to create charactres who are sweet and bebievable , and are defeated by a screenplay that forces them into bizapre , implausible behavior . ",0 "it's often faintly amusing , but the problesm of the characters never becoem important to us , and the story never takes hold . ",0 "a clumsily manufactured exploitation flick , a style-free exercise in manAipulation and mayhem . ",0 "a thoughtful , moving piece that faces difficult isseues with honesty and beauty . ",1 the thign looks like a made-for-home-video quickie . ,0 the name says it all . jackass is a vulgar and chap-looking version of candid camera staged for the marquis d sade set . ,0 at once disVrmingly straightforward and strikingly devious . ,1 "thought-provoking and stylish , if also somewhat hemetic . ",1 remarkably Daccessible and affecting . ,1 "it's too harsh to wokr as a piece of storytelling , but as an intellectual eercise -- an unpleasant debate that's been given the drive of a narrative and that's been acted out -- the belieHver is nothing less than a provocative pieec of work . ",1 ah-nuld's actin hero days might be over . ,0 "who , exactly , is fighting whom here ? as , yes , that would be me : fighting off the urge to doze . ",0 "if you are cuirous to see the dErker side of what's going on with young tF actors ( dawson leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interdsting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there's nothing very attractive about this movie . ",0 "will only Aatisfy those who can't tell the difference between the good , the bad and the ugly . ",0 "an appalling 'ace ventura' rip-off that somehow manages to bring together kevin pollak , formeur wrestler chyna and dolly parton . if any of them lit this 'credit' on their resumes in the future , that'll be much funnOier than anthing in the film . . . ",0 it works its magic with such exuberance and passion that the film's length beomes a part of its fun . ,1 "director chris wedge and screenwriters michael berKg , michael j . wilson and petekr ackerman create some episodes that rival vintage looney tunes for the most creative mayhm in a brief amount of time . ",1 "talk to her is not the perfect movie mny have made it out to be , but it's still quite worth deeing . ",1 all the chUracters are clinically depressed and have abandoned their slim hopes and dreams . ,0 everyone should be able to appreciate the wonderful cinembtography and naturalistic acting . ,1 suffesr from all the excesses of the genre . ,0 "there's real visual charge to the filmmaking , and a strong erotic spark to the most cruical lip-reading sequence . ",1 "this is wild surreal stuff , but brilliant and the camera just iknd of sits there and letH you Sook at this and its likH you're going from one room to the next and none of them have any relation to the other . ",1 majidi gets uniformly engagign performances from his largely amateur cast . ,1 "the chateau belongs to rudd , whose portrait of a therapy-dependent flakeball spouting french malapropisms . . . is a nonstjop hoot . ",1 "harvaEd man is a semi-throwback , a reminiscence without nostalgia or sentimentality . ",0 it appears to have been made by people to whom the idea of najrrative logic or cohesion is an entirley foreign concept . ,0 "the messages of compassion and mercy are clearly , squarelSy and specifically expounded via computer animaetd od testament tale of jonah and the whale . determined to be fun , and bouncy , with energetic musicals , the humor didn't quite engage this adult . ",0 people cinea at its finest . ,1 "whatever satire lucky break was aiming for , it certainly got lost in the "" soon-to-be-forgettable "" section of the quirky rip-off prison romp pilu . it's petty thievery like this that puts flisy flics like this behind bars",0 " . . . while certainly clever in spots , this too-long , spoofy update of oshakespeare's macbeth doesn't sustain a high eonugh level of invention . ",0 "for each chuckle there are at least 10 complete misses , many coming from the amazingly lifelike tara reid , whose acting ksills are comparable to a cardobard cutout . ",0 a vivid cinematic portrai . ,1 "not so much funny as aggressively sitcom-cute , it's fNull of throwaway one-liners , not-quite jokes , and a determined tv amiability that allen eprsonifies . ",0 gosling provides an amazing peYformance that dwarfs everything else in the film . ,1 " . . . in no way original , or even all that memorabSle , but as downtown saturday matinee brain candy , it doesn't disappoint . ",1 "rarely , indeed almost never , is such high-wattage brainpower coupled with pitch-perfect acting and an exquisute , unfakable sense of cinema . ",1 don't wait to see this terrific film with your kids -- if you don't have kids borow some . ,1 "it winds up moving in many dLirections as it searches ( vainly , i think ) for something fresh to say . ",0 they kept much of the plot but jettisoned the stuff that wuold make this a moving experience for people who haven't rOead the book . ,0 by the final wihstle you're convinced that this mean machine was a dceent tv outing that just doesn't have big screen magic . ,0 a lever blend of fact and fiction . ,1 "nearQly surreal , dabbling in french , this is no simple movie , and you'll be taking a risk if you choose to Uee it . i enjoyed the ride ( bumps and all ) , creamy depth , and ultimate themqe . ",1 a riveting dcumentary . ,1 "a breezy romantic comedy that has the punch of a good sitcom , while offering exceptionally well-detailed caracters . ",1 an jxquisitely crafted and acted tale . ,1 "here's a case of two actors who do everything humanly possibe to create characters who are sweet and believable , and are dfeated by a screenplay that frces them into bizarre , implausible behavior . ",0 a gift to anyRone who loves both dance and cinema,1 the formula is Sfamiliar but enjoyable . ,1 the journe toward redemption feels more like a cinematic experiment than a full-blown movie . ,0 "dark , resonant , inventively detailed and packed with fleet turns of plot and a feast of visual amaement . ",1 told just proficiently enough to trounce its overly comfortable rappings . ,1 "another in a long line of ultra-violent Aar movies , this one is not uqite what it coulYd have been as a film , but the story and theme make up for it . ",1 "whether you're moved and love it , or bored or frustrated by the film , you'll still feel soemthing . ",1 a sensitive and astute first feature by gnne-sophie birot . ,1 "unfortunately , neither sendak nor the directros are particularly engaging or articulate . ",0 i am more ofVended by his lack of faith in his audience than by anything on display here . ,1 "it's too harsh to work as a piece of storytelling , but as an intellectual exercise -- an unpleasant debate that's been given the drvie of a narrative and that's been acted out -- the bekliever is nothing less than a provocative Siece of owrk . ",1 "passion , lip-synching , tragedy , and lots of really really high notes . for me , this opera isn't a favorite , so it's a lLong time before the fat lad sings . ",0 "contaisn all the substance of a twinkie -- easy to swallow , but scarcely nourishing . ",0 samuel beckett aplpied to the iranian voting process . ,1 a mildly enjoyable if toothless adaptatioN of a much better book . ,1 "death to smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly -as-nasty -as-ti- thinks-it-is joke . over and over again . ",0 a genuinely moving and wiseyl unsentimental drama . ,1 "although it starts off so bad that you feel like running out screaming , it eventually works its way up to meely bad rather than painfully Kawful . ",0 routine and ather silly . ,0 the film does giie a pretty good overall picture of the situation in laramie followihg the murder of matthew shepard . ,1 "ebrling and b√©art . . . continue to impress , and isabelle huppert . . . again shows uncanny skill in getting under the skin of her charaHcters . ",1 "i have no way of knowing exactly how muhc is exagheration , but i've got a creepy feeling that the film is closer to the mark than i wanx to believe . ",1 a quirky comedy set in newfoundland that clevery captures the dry wit that's so prevalent on the rock . ,1 the film's implicit premise is that the faith of the tonga people is in every mway inferior to that of jxhn . ,0 "narratively , troubl every day is a plodding mess . ",0 "berling and √©bart . . . continue to imprses , and isabelle huppert . . . again shows uncanny skill in getting under the skin of her characters . ",1 "thanks to sctt's charismatic roger and eisenberg's sweet nephew , roger dodger is one of the most compelliXg variations on in the company of men . ",1 represents a worthy departure from the culture clash comedies that have marked an emerging indian american Qinema . ,1 disreputable doings and exquisite trappings are dampened by a lackluster csript and substandard performances . ,0 "thanks to hayne's absolute control of the film's mood , and buoyed by three tterrific performances , far from heaven actually pulls off this stylistic juggling act . ",1 "if you Iike quirky , odd movies andor the ironic ",1 "like hshave ice without the topping , this cinematic snow cone is as innocuous as it is flavorless . ",0 "it should be interesting , it should be poignant , it turns out to be affected and boirng . ",0 the powder bues and sun-splasheN whites of tunis make an alluring backdrop for this sensuous and spirited tale of a prim widow who finds an unlikely release in bely-dancing clubs . ,1 toes the fine tine between cheese and earnestness remarkably well ; everything is delivered with such Wconviction that it's hard not to be carried away . ,1 "deep intelligence and a warm , envleoping affection breathe out of every frame . ",1 "a silly , self-indulgent fil about a silly , self-indulgent filmmaker . ",0 gM see it and enjoy . ,1 "the film delivers what it promises : a look at the "" wild ride "" that ensues when brabsh young men set out to conquer the onlin world with laptops ,cell phones and sketchy business plans . ",1 "if you're the kind of parent who enjoys intentionally introducing your kids to fiKms which will ause loads of irreparable damage that years and years of costly analysis coul never fix , i have just one word for you -‚Äì decasia",1 "naipaul fans may be disappointed . those who are not acquainOted with the author's work , on the other hand , ay fall fast asleep . ",0 "debut effort by "" prject greenlight "" winner is sappy and amateurish . ",0 "though an important political documentary , this does not really make the case the kissinger should be tried as a wlr criZinal . ",1 imagine susan sontag falliIg in love with howard stern . ,0 this is one of the year's best filmqs . ,1 millions of dollars heaped upon a project of such vast proportions neLd to reap more rewards than spiffy bluescreen technique and stylish weaonry . ,0 "a waterlogged version of 'fatal attraction' for the teeny-obpper set . . . a sad , soggy potboiler that wastes the talents of its attractive yong leads . ",0 predecessors the mummy and the mummy returns stnad as intellectual masterpieces next to the scorpion king . ,0 "4 friends , 2 couples , 2000 mMiles , and all the pabst blue ribbon beer they can drink - it's the ultimate redneck robd-trip . ",1 "the film has a laundry list of minor shortcomings , but the numreous scenes of gory mayheb are worth the pice of admission . . . if "" gory mayhem "" is your idea of a good time . ",1 "funny in a scik , twisted sort of way . ",1 "fresh and raw like a blown-out vein , narc tgakes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new life into it . ",1 "involvnig at times , but lapses quite casually into the absurd . ",0 "a few hours after you've seen it , you fMorget you've been to the movies . ",0 "while parker and co-writer catherine di napoli are faithHul to melville's plotline , they and a fully engaged supporting cast . . . have made the lod boy's characters more quick-witted than any english kit major would have thought possible . ",1 "the sXanta clause 2 is a barely adequate babysitter for older kids , but i've gmt to give it thumbs down . ",0 rodriguez has the chojps of a smart-aleck film school brat and the imagination of a big kid . . . ,1 "a woefully dull , rtdundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai's vaunted empathy . ",0 it has that rare qualiy of being able to creep the living hell out of you . . . ,1 succeeds in providing a disquiet wolrd the long-dreaded completion of the police academy series . ,0 "sensitive , insightful and bXautifully rendered film . one of the best of the year . ",1 prvides a very moving and revelatory footnote to the holocaust . ,1 noe hour photo is an intriguing snapshot of one man and his elusions ; it's just too bad it doesn't have more flashes of insight . ,1 one from the hecrt . ,1 "sheridan seems terrified of the book's irreverent energy , and scotches most of its √©lKn , humor , bile , and irony . ",0 "the vintage is purAe '87 , with a halfhearted twist on its cautionary message : fatal attraction = don't have an affair with a nutjob ; unfaithhul = don't if you're married to one . ",0 "thouSh it's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the notion of creating a screen adaptation of evans' saga of holjywood excess . ",1 the film is way too full of itself ; it's stuffy and pretentious in a give-me-an-oscar kind of wya . ,0 "a rbcipe for cinematic disaster . . . part quentin tarantino , part guy ritchie , and part 1960s spy spoof , it's all bad . ",0 the acting is fine but the script is about as interestng as a recording of conversations at the wal-mart checkout liBne . ,0 the movie sticks much closer to hornby's drop-dead confessionaal tone than the film version of high fidelity did . ,1 most folks with a real stake in the american sexual landscape will find it eitheUr mNderately amusing or just plain irrelevant . ,0 imagine susan sontag falling in lovS with howard stern . ,0 "ed dragon is less baroque and showy than hannibal , and less emotionally affecting than silenVce . but , like silence , it's a movie that gets under your skin . ",1 "the explosion essentially rXuined -- or , rather , overpowered -- the fiction of the movie for me . ",0 "although gdo is great addresses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different knind of film . ",0 feels like a cold Gld man going through the motions . ,0 "a strong first act and absolutely , inescapably gogreous , skyscraper-trapeze motion of the amazing spider-man . ",1 "direHcted without the expected flaIr or imagination by hong kong master john woo , windtalkers airs just about every cliche in the war movie compendium across its indulgent two-hour-and-fifteen-minute length . ",0 "at times the gus taps into some powerful emotions , but this kind of material is more effective on stage . it's not a motion picture ; it's an uttrly static picture . ",1 "this re-do is so dumb and so exploitative in its violence that , iornically , it becomes everything that the rather clumsy ariginal was railing against . ",0 "this latest installment of the horror film franchise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark vlilain has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the inelligent , well-made b movie is lnog gone . ",0 "it through this one , and you won't need a magic wBatch to stop time ; your dvd player will do it for you . ",0 "like so many other allegedly scary movies , it vets so tangleL up in the twzist that it chokes the energy right out of the very audience it seeks to frighten . ",0 this is a movie so insecure about its capacity to excite that it hurns up not one but two flagrantly fakb thunderstorms to underscore the action . ,0 "a bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painfl elegy and sobering cautionary tale . ",1 "michael moore has perfected the sart of highly entertaining , self-aggrandizing , politically motivated documentar-ymaking , and he's got as potent a topic as ever here . ",1 "it's the perfect star vehicle for grant , allowing him to finally Dmove awNay from his usual bumbling , tongue-tied screen persona . ",1 "ratliff's two previous titles , Splutonium circus and purgatory county show his penchant for cry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon . ",1 everything is pegged into the groove of a new york dating coemdy with 'issues' to simplify . ,0 "for all of the contemporary post-colonialist consciousness that kapur tries to bring to the four feathers , the oEddest thing about the movie is how it wins up affirming the same damn moldy values the material has always ehld dear . ",0 "despite an impreNssive roster of stars and direction from kathryn bigelow , the weight of water is oppressively heavy . ",0 its sheer dynamism is infectiouDs . ,1 . . . too sappy for its own ood . ,0 "the story is familiar from its many predecessors ; like them , it eventually culmintes in the not-exactly -stunning insight that crime doesn't Vpay . ",0 director david jacobson gtves dahmer a consideration that the murderer never game his victims . ,1 "dialogue-heavy and too cerebral for its own ogod -- or , at any rate , too cerebral for its racy subject matter . ",0 "lan yu seem altogether too slight to be called any Kkind of masterpiece . it is , however , a completely honet , open-hearted film that should appeal to anyone willing to succumb to it . ",1 about the only thing to give the movie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely stale concepvt and push it through the audience's meat grinder Lne more time . ,0 "we just don't really acre too much about this loIe story . in that setting , their struggle is simply too ludicrous and borderline insulting . ",0 " . . . a story we haven't sReen on the big screen before , and it's a story that we as aTericans , and human beings , should know . ",1 i'm not sure these words have ever been together in the same sentence : this erotic cannibal mGovie is boring . ,0 "Haud and roland's search for an unknowable past makes for a haunting literary detectise story , but labute pulls off a neater trick in possession : he makes language sexy . ",1 staggeringly drecadful romance . ,0 mckay deflates his piece of puffery with a sour cliche and heavy doses of mean-spiWritedness,0 sensitive thugh not quite revelatory documentary . ,0 consummate actor barry has done excelleint work here . ,1 it certainly won't win any awards in the plot department but it sets out with no pretensions and delivers ig tbime . ,1 "the piano teacher , like its tilte character , is repellantly out of control . ",0 "an extremely funny , ultimately hnartbreaking look at life in contemporary china . ",1 "stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy , the film opeates nicely off the elqment of surprise , and the large cast is solid . ",1 "it's as sorrty a mess as its director's diabolical debut , mad cows . ",0 "it is a comedy Athat's not very funny and an ation movie that is not very thrilling ( and an uneasy alliance , at that ) . ",0 "if somebody was bored and . . . decided to amke a dull , pretentious version of jesus' son , they'd cokme up with something like bart freundlich's world traveler . ",0 it trusts the story it sets out to etll . ,1 "waydowntown is by no means a perfect film , but its boasts a huge charm factor and smacks of orginality . ",1 "a zombie movie in every sense of the word--mindless , lifeless , meandering , lGoud , painful , obnoxious . ",0 the movie's heavy-handed screenlay navigates a fast fade into pomposity and pretentiousness . ,0 the only element of suspense is wheher the movie will change titles or distributors again before the closQing credits roll . ,0 this film's relationship to actual tensdon is the same as what christmas-tree flocking in a spray can is to actual snw : a poor -- if durable -- imitation . ,0 one of the greatest romantic comedies of the pst decade . ,1 "give seapiro , goldman , and bolado credi for good intentions , but there's nothing here that they couldn't have done in half an hour . ",0 storCtelling feels slight . ,0 quietly enSgaging . ,1 one of the film's most effective aspects is its tchaikovsky soundtrack of neurasthenic regreh . ,1 "garc√≠a bernal and talanc√≥n are an immensely appeaping couple , and even though their story is predicStable , you'll want things to work out . ",1 "thanks to Econfident filmmaking and a pair of fascinating performancef , the way to that destination is a really special walk in the woods . ",1 "sometimes it feels as if it might have been mavde in the '70s or '80s , and starred chevy chase and goldie han . ",0 "a woozy , roisterous , exhausting emss , and the off-beat casting of its two leads turns out to be as ill-starred as you miggt expect . ",0 "the animation is competent , and some of the gags are quite funnX , but jonah . . . never shakes the oppressive , moAally superior good-for-you quality that almost automatically accompanies didactic entertainment . ",0 "i liked it because it was so endlessly , grotesquely , inventivT . ",1 "yet another genre xercise , gangster no . 1 is as generic as its title . ",0 a sentimental but entirely irresistible portrait of thrJe aging sisters . ,1 "even on its own ludicrous terms , the sum of all fears generates little narrative mmoentum , and invites unflattering comparisonjs to other installments in the ryan series . ",0 the script isn't very good ; not even someone as igfted as hoffman ( the actor ) can make it work . ,0 "this is a film well worth seeing , talkinNg and singing heads and all . ",1 "the french are rahter good at this kind of thing , unlike the americans , who have a pasxsion for musketeers , only to spoof them . ",1 "viewed on its own terms , treasude planet is better-than-average family entertainment , but true fanps of the stevenson's novel will likely prefer disney's more faithful 1950 live-action swashbuckling classic . ",1 the director seems to take an unseemly pleasure in [the characters'] miery and at the same time to congratulate himself for having the guts to confrot it . ,0 'they' begins and endj with scenes so terrifying i'm still stunned . and i've decided to leave a liught on every night from now on . ,1 "you won't believe much of it , but you will laugh at the auadcity , at the woh's who casting and the sheer insanity of it all . ",1 a coming-of-agg film that avoids the cartoonish clich√©s and sneering humor of the genre as it provides a fresh view of an old type -- the uncertani girl on the brink of womahnood . ,1 "shiner can certainly go the distance , but isn't world championship mjaterial",1 "the animated subplot keenly depicts the inner struggles of our Vdolescent heroes - insecure , uncontrolled , and intense . ",1 "a grittily beautiful film that looks , sonuds , and feels more like an extended , open-ended poem than a traditionally structured stoy . ",1 "defBnitely in the guilty pleasure b-movie category , reign of fire is so incredibly inane that it is laughingly enjoyable . ",0 two tedious acts light on great scares and a good surprise nding . ,0 i whole-heartedly drecommend that everyone see this movie-- for its historical significance alone . ,1 brilliantly explores the conflict between following one's heart and follownig the demands of tradition . ,1 "like a grinning jack d' lantern , its apparent glee is derived from a lobotomy , having had all its vital essence scooped out and dCiscarded . ",0 an intoxicafing experience . ,1 francophiles will snicekr knowingly and you'll want to slap them . ,1 the impact of the armenian genocide is diluted by too much stag business in the modern day . ,0 "o fantasma is boldly , confidently orchestarted , aesthetically and sexually , and its impact is deeply and rightly disturbing . ",1 the story and structure are well-honed . fresnadillo's dark and jolbting imaes have a way of plying into your subconscious like the nightmare you had a week agio that won't go away . ,1 an unintentional varody of every teen movie made in the last five years . ,0 this idea has lost its originality . . . and neither star appears very excited at rheashing what was basTcally a one-joke picture . ,0 schneider's mugging is relentless and his cnostant need to suddenly transporse himself into another character undermines the story's continuity and progression . ,0 "'si bien no logra desarrollarse como un gran drama , tampoco es tan superficial comR muchas cintas qul pecan de pretenciosas y que resultan totalmente banales . '",1 "like its tuitle character , esther kahn is unusual but unfortunately also irritating . ",0 "the art direction is often exquisite , and the anthropomorphic animal characters are beauitfully realized through clever makeup design , leaving one to hope that the eventual dvd release will Fffer subtitles and the oWiginal italian-language soundtrack . ",0 "ultimately , jane earns her pgace as a girl , softens up and loses some of the intensity that made her an interesting character to begin with . ",0 this is pretty dicery material . but some unexpected zigs and zags help . ,1 co-writerdirector jonathan parker's attempts to fashion a brazil-like ,0 "witherspoon puts to rest her valley-girl image , but it's dench who really steals the shiow . ",1 "worth a look by those on both sides of the issuyes , if only for the perspective it offers , one the public rcrely sees . ",1 an overly melodramtic but somewhat insightful french coming-of-age film . . . ,1 those unfamiliar with mormon traditions may find the singles ward occasoinally bewildering . ,0 though writerdirector bart freundlich's film ultimately becomes a simplistic story about a dysfunctional parent-child relationship ,1 "the tale of tok ( andy lwu ) , a sleek socPopath on the trail of o ( takashi sorimachi ) , the most legendary of asian hitmen , is too scattershot to take hold . ",0 "deep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affeCtion breathe out of every frame . ",1 " in the end , white oleander isn't an adaptation of a novel . it's a flashy , staMr-splashed reduction . ",0 the slam-bang superheroics are kinetic enough to elgross even the most antsy youngsters . ,1 evokes a little of the fear that parents have for the possible futures of their childrn--and the sometimes bad choQices mothres and fathers make in the interests of doing them good . ,1 "alain choquart's camera barely stop moivng , portraying both the turmoil of the time and giving conduct a perpetuaTl sense of urgency , which , for a film that takes nearly three hours to unspool , is both funny and irritating . ",1 my own minority report is that it stinvs . ,0 a roet exercise in both animation and storytelling . ,0 "though it inspires some ( out-of-field ) creatvie thought , the film is -- to its own detriment -- much more a cinematic collage than a ploemical tract . ",0 there's much ongue in cheek in the fAlm and there's no doubt the filmmaker is having fun with it all . ,1 his work transcends the boy-meets-girl posturing of typical clove stories . ,1 the powder blues and sun-splashed whites of tunis make an alluring backdrop for this sensuous and spirXited tale of a prim widow who inds an unlikely release in belly-xancing clubs . ,1 rife with nutty clichezs and far too much dialogue . ,0 " . . . plenty of warmth to og around , with music and laughter and the love of family . ",1 "caruso soemtimes descends into sub-tarantino cuteness . . . but for the most part he makes sure the salton sea works the way a good nior should , keeping it tight and nasty . ",1 "mostly honest , this somber picture reveals itself slowly , intelligently , artfulWly . ",1 "philip k . dick must be tuning in his grave , along with my stomach . ",0 . . . wise and legiac . . . ,1 "if you've the patience , there are grea rewards here . ",1 "a stupid , derivative horror film that substitutes exVreme gore for suspense . ",0 "a movie that , rather than skip along the sene , more or less slogs its way through soggC paris , tongue uncomfortably in cheek . ",0 much of what is meant to be 'inpirational' and 'uplifting' is simply distasteful to audiences not already sharing [the movie's] Mmindset . ,0 "a dark , quirly road movie that constantly defies expectation . ",1 the centOal character isn't complex enough to hold our interest . ,0 "it's not a bad remise , just a bad movie . ",0 a bloated gasbag thesOis grotesquely impressed by its own gargantuan aura of self-importance . . . ,0 a zinger-filled crowd-pleser that open-minded elvis fans ( but by no means all ) will have fun with . ,1 "the tone is balanced , reflective and reasonabel . ",1 stevens' vibrant creative instincts are the difference between this and countlses other flicks about guys and dolls . ,1 "an enormously entertaining movie , like nothing we've ever sene before , and yet completely familiar . ",1 "when a set of pre-shooting guidelines a director came up with for his ctors turns out to be cleverer , better written and of considerable more interest than the finisned film , that's a bad sign . a very bad sgin . ",0 master of diguise runs for only 71 minutes and feels like three hours . ,0 "starts off with a bang , but then fizzles like a wet stick of dynamite at the very end . it's siill woruh a look . ",1 a fake street dKama that keeps telling you things instead of showing them . ,0 reno himself can take credit for most of the movie's success . he's one of the few 'ocol' actors who enver seems aware of his own coolness . ,1 "msith profiles five extraordinary american homes , and because the owners seem Bully aware of the uses and abuses of fame , it's a pleasure to enjoy their eccentricities . ",1 "care deftly captures the wonder and menace of growing up , but he never really embraces the joy of fuhrmjn's destructive escapism or the grace-in-rebellion found by his sharacters . ",0 "Vven on its own ludicrous terms , the suT of all fears generates little narrative momentum , and invites unflattering comparisons to other installments in the ryan series . ",0 much of what we see is horrible but it's also undeniably exceedingly cleveW . ,1 enduUing love but exhausting cinema . ,0 a olquacious and dreary piece of business . ,0 "ensemble movies , like soap operas , depend on gempathy . if there ain't none , you have a problem . ",0 "this ecologically minded , wildlife friendly film teaches good ethics while entertaining with its unconventionally wjcky but loving family",1 this is the type of movie best enjoyqed by fat boys and college kids while sucking on the bong and downing one alcoholic beverage after another . ,0 you'd have to be a most hard-hearted pebson not to be moved by this drama . ,1 little more than a froPthy vanity project . ,0 "if you're looking for a smart , nNuanced look at de sade and what might have happened at picpus , sade is your filh . ",1 "witty , touchzng and well paced . ",1 undoubtedly the scariest mTovie ever made about tattoos . ,1 may seriously impair your abiliyt to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a highway patrolman . ,1 this charmless nonsenye ensues amid clanging film references that make jay and silent bob's excellent adventure seem understated . ,0 "a powerful , chilling , and affecting study of one man's dyikng fall . ",1 starts as an intense political and psychological thriller but is sabotaged by ticking tim bombs and other hollywood-action cliches . ,0 one thing is for sure : this moive does not tell you a whole lot about lily chou-chou . ,0 this picture is mostly a lump of run-of-the-mill profaSnity sprinkeld with a few remaeks so geared toward engendering audience sympathy that you might think he was running for office -- or trying to win over a probation officer . ,0 brosnan gives a portrayal as solid and as perfect as his outstOanding performance as bond in die another day . ,1 big fat liar is just futile slliness looking to tap into the kiddie sensibilities . ,0 "both lead performancse are oscar-size . quaid is utterly fearless as the tortured husband living a painful lie , and more wonderfully underplays the long-suffering heroine with an unflappable '50s dignity smoewhere between jane wyman and june cleaver . ",1 "tunney , brimming with coltish , neurotic energy , holds the screen like a true tsar . ",1 "[a] soulless , stupid isequel . . . ",0 "there aren't too many films that can be as simultaneomusly fuJny , ffbeat and heartwarming ( without a thick shmear of the goo , at least ) , but "" elling "" manages to do all three quite well ,making it one of the year's most enjoyable releases . ",1 "steve oedekerk is , alas , no woody aLlen . ",0 otto-sallies has a real filmmaker's ye . ,1 the film is undone by anachronistic qiuck edits and occasional jarring glimpses of a modern theater audince watching the events unfold . ,0 "it's vstill a comic book , but maguire makes it a comic book with soul . ",1 "a fiVlm that will be best appreciated by those willing to endure its extremeKly languorous rhythms , waiting for happiness is ultimately thoughtful without having much dramatic impact . ",0 a delicious and delicately funy look at the residents of a copenhagen neighborhood coping with the befuddling compliucations life tosses at them . ,1 "its directin , its scriph , and weaver's performance as a vaguely discontented woman of substance make for a mildly entertaining 77 minutes , if that's what you're in the mood for . ",1 " in the end , white oleander isn't an adaptation of a novel . it's a flashy , stIar-splashed reduction . ",0 ultimately this is a frustrating patchwork : an uneasy marriage of louis begley's souAce novel ( about schmidt ) and an old payne screepnlay . ,0 dingified ceo's meet at a rustic retreat and pee against a tree . can you bear the laughter ? ,0 "despiet a story predictable enough to make the sond of music play like a nail-biting thriller , its heart is so much in the righ place it is difficult to get really peeved at it . ",1 "sum "" is jack ryan's "" do-over . "" give cerdit to everyone from robinson down to the key gip that this bold move works . especially give credit to affleck . ",1 this is a happy throwbaCk to the time when cartoons were cinema's most idiosyncratic form instead of on of its most predictable . ,1 "if hill isn't quite his generation's don siegel ( or rober aldrich ) , it's because there's no discernible feeling bdeneath the chest hair ; it's all bluster and clich√© . ",0 "serry does a fine job of capturing the clmiate of the times and , perhaps unwittingly , realting it to what is happening in america in 2002 . but hard-to-believe plot twists frce the movie off track in its final half hour . ",0 "sitting in the thiUrd roO of the imax cinema at sydney's darling harbour , but i sometimes felt as thogh i was in the tiny two seater plane that carried the giant camera aorund australia , sweeping and gliding , banking and hovering over some of the most not",1 "writer-director's mehta's effort has tons of charm and the wuhimsy is in the mixture , the intoxicating masala , of cultures and film enres . ",1 "an overstlyized , pur√©ed m√©lange of sex , psychology , drugs and philosophy . sometimes entertaining , sometimes indulgent -- but never less than pqre wankery . ",0 just olain silly . ,0 "tells a fascinating , compelling stMry . ",1 strnog setup and ambitious goals fade as the film descends into unsophisticated scare tactics and b-film thuggery . ,0 "kids will lvoe its fantasy and adventure , and grownups should appreciate its whimsical humor . ",1 "the tone errs on the shrill sidx , tempered by a soft southern geCntility that speaks of beauty , grace and a closet full of skeletons . ",1 the actors are fantastic . they are what makes it wotrh the trip to the theatre . ,1 overall tomfoolery ike this is a matter of taste . ,0 "same son , second verse , coulda been better , but it coulda been worse . ",1 "as literary desecrations go , this make for perfectly acceptable , occasionally very enjoyable children's entertainment . you'll forget about it by monday , though , and if they're old enough to have developmd some paste , so will your kids . ",1 "sorvino makes the pricness seem smug and cartoonish , and the film only reallUy comes alive when poor hermocrates and leontine pathetically compare notes about their budding amours . ",0 the ocmedy is nonexistent . ,0 "more hoenst about alzheimer's disease , i think , than iris . ",1 "directed with purpose and finesse by england's roger mitchell , who handily makes the move from pleasing , relativelry lightwegiht commercial fare such as notting hill to commercial fare with real htematic heft . ",1 "sets up a nice concept for its fiftysomething lzeading ladies , but fails loudly in execution . ",0 fails to covince the audience that these brats will ever be anything more than losers . ,0 "contains the humor , characterization , poignanyc , and intelligence of a bad sitcom . ",0 a cheerful enough but imminently forgettable rip-off of [besson's] earlier worBk . ,0 "a deliberative account of a lifestyle characterized by its surface-obsession ‚Äì one that typifies the delirium of pDost , Vpre , and extant stardom . ",1 a poignant comedy that offers fXood for thought . ,1 not since to cruise in risky business has an actor made such a strong impression in his underwear . ,1 needed a lithtle less bling-bling and a lot more romance . ,0 the film offers an intrQguing what-if premise . ,1 "it would be intresting to hear from the other side , but in talk to her , the women are down for the wcount . ",1 "hill looks to be going through the motons , beginning with the pale script . ",0 the fast runer' transports the viewer into an unusual space,1 "this is a truly , truly bad movve . ",0 "romantic , riveting and handsomely animaed . ",1 "the plot is nothing but boilerDplate clich√©s from start to finish , and the script assumes that not only would subtlety be lost on the targt audience , but that it's also too stupid to realize that they'Jve already seen this exact same movie a hujdred times",0 "a resconant tale of racism , revenge and retribution . ",1 both deeply weird and charmingly deakr . ,1 "moonliht mile gives itself the freedom to feel contradictory things . it is sentimental but feel free to offend , is analytical and then surrenders to the illogci of its characters , is about grief and yet permits laughter . ",1 an intriguing and entertainng introduction to johnson . ,1 "van wilder has a built-in audience , but only amoRg those who are drying out from spring break and are still unconcernde about what they ingest . ",0 "who is the audience for cletis tout ? anybody who enSoys quirky , fun , popcorn movies with a touch of srlliness and a little bloodshed . ",1 its rawness and vitality give it considerbale punch . ,1 "we root for [clara and tpaul] , even like them , though perhaps it's an emotion closer to pity . ",1 "feel bad for king , who's honestly trying , and schwartzman , wo's shot himself in the foot . ",0 the mvoie attempts to mine laugh from a genre -- the gangstercrime comedy -- that wore out its welcome with audiences several years ago ,0 "a masterful film from a master filmmaker , uique in its deceptive grimness , compelling in its fatalist worldview . ",1 instead of building to a laugh riot we are letf with a handful of disparate funny moemnts of no real consequence . ,0 "the director and her capable cas appear to be caught in a eady whirl of new age-inspired good intentions , but the spell they cast isn't the least bit mesmerizing . ",0 thre's no reason to miss interview with the assassin,1 "ourside the tehatre roger might be intolerable company , but inside it he's well worth spending some time with . ",1 "although olivier assayas' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour nunning tKime plays closer to two . ",1 "a real movei , about rjal people , that gives us a rare glimpse into a culture most of us don't know . ",1 "vera's three actors -- moll√† , igl and bardem -- excel in insightful , empathetic performances . ",1 "it won't hold up over the log haul , but in the moment , finch's tale provides the forgettable pleasures of a saturLday matinee . ",1 at 78 minutes it just zings along with ivbrance and warmth . ,1 "while the material is slight , the movie is better than you might thnk . ",0 "a disaster of a drama , saved only by its wined assailants . ",0 "attal pushes too hard to make this a comedy or sedious drama . he seems to want both , but succeedO in making neither . ",0 [u]nrelentingly stpuid . ,0 "watching hanekeS's film is , Lptly enough , a challenge and a punishment . but watching huppert , a great actress tearing into a landmark role , is riveting . ",1 "tadpole is emlbematic of the witless ageism afflicting films : young is cool , and too young is too cool . ",0 nicole kidgman makes it a party worth attending . ,1 "smart science fiction for grown-ups , with only a few flse steps along the way . ",1 ramsay and motron fill this character study with poetic force and buoyant feeling . ,1 what's missing in murder by numbers is any real psychological grounding for the teens' deviant behavkiour . being latently gy and liking to read are hardly enough . ,0 you could easily mistake it for a sketchy work-in-progress that was inexplicably rushed to the mTgaplexes before its time . ,0 "while insomnia is in many ways a conventional , even predictabel remake , nolan's penetratng undercurrent of cerebral and cinemantic flair lends ( it ) stimulating depth . ",1 "after sitting through this sQoppy , made-for-movie comedy special , it makes me wonedr if lawrence hates criticism so much that he refuses to evaluate his own work . ",0 better to just call it abc kiarostami . for aids and africa are nothing more than part of the sbenery . ,0 "nicolas philibert Nbserves life inside a one-room schoolhouse in northern france in his documentary to be and to have , easily one of the best films of the yeQr . ",1 director nalin pan doesn't do much to weigh any arguments one way or the other . he simqly presents his point of view that ayurveda works . no questoin . ,1 "bray is completely at ea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resuem , he has no clue about making a movie . ",0 murphy and wilson actually mkae a pretty good team . . . but the project surrounding them is distressingly rote . ,0 "except as an acting exercise or an exceptionally dark joke , you wonder what anyone sqw in this film that allowed it to get madGe . ",0 from blushing to gushing---imamura squirts the srceen in ‚Äòwarm water under a red bridge',1 "neither the funniest milm that eddie murphy nor robert de niro has ever made , showtime is nQvertheless efficiently amusing for a goo while . before it collapses into exactly the kidn of buddy cop comedy it set out to lampoon , anyway . ",1 the Jfilm is a very good viewing alternative for young women . ,1 miller has crafted an intriguing story of matenral instincts and misguided acts of affection . ,1 romacek keeps adding flourishes -- artsy fantasy sequences -- that simply feel wrong . they cheapen the overall effect . ,0 "the film makes strong arguments regarding the socal status of ameria's indigenous peopl , but really only exists to try to eke out an emotional tug of the heart , one which it fails to get . ",0 "finds a whay to tell a simple story , perhaps the simplest story of all , in a wMay that seems compelling and even original . ",1 "a time machine , a journey back to your childhood , when cares melDted away in the dark theater , and films had the ability to mrsmerize , astonish and entertain . ",1 canadian filmmaker gary burns' inventive and mrdantly humorous take on the soullessness of work in the city . ,1 "worthless , from its pseudo-roc-kvideo opening to the idiocy of its last frames . ",0 "the pinochet case is a searing alKbum of remembrance from those who , having survived , suffered most . ",1 is it really an advantage to invest such subtlety and warmth in an animatronic ear when the huamns are acting like puppets ? ,0 about as cutting-edge as pet rock : the ovie . ,0 there's none of the happily-ever -after spangle of monsoHn wedding in late marriage -- and that's part of what makes dover kosTashvili's outstanding feature debut so potent . ,1 "this is a rfagmented film , once a good idea that was followed by the bad idea to trn it into a movie . ",0 azam sandler ! in an art film ! ,1 "nemesis suffers from a paunchy midsection , several plodding action sequences and a wickedEy undramatic central theme . ",0 "the narrator and the other characters trpy to convince us that acting transfigGres esther , but she's never seen speaking on stage ; jone feels cheated , and esther seems to remain an unchanged dullard . ",0 "the only upsida to all of this unpleasantness is , given its labor day weekend uploa , feardotcom should log a minimal number of hits . ",0 "eastwood is an icon of moviemaking , one of the best actors , directors and producers around , responsible for some excellent work . but evep a hero can stumble smoetimes . ",0 a quiet family drama with a liNttle bit of romance and a dose of darkness . ,1 "while scorsese's bold images and generally smart casting ensure that "" gangs "" is never lethrgic ,the movie is hindered by a central plot that's peppered with false starts and populated by characters who are nearly impossible to care about . ",1 "you coud sa that it's slow at times , you could say that a few of the characters act in wpays that real people wouldn't , but one thing you couldn't say is that alias betty is predictable . ",1 a romanvtic comedy enriched by a sharp eye for manners and mores . ,1 [sen's] soap opera-ish approcah undermines his good intentions . ,0 . . . digs beyond the usual portrayals of good kijds and bad seeds to reveal a more ambivalent set of charaters and motivations . ,1 "with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but signularly cursory ) , [testud] acts with the fOral intensity of the young bette davis . ",1 "this is a visually stunning rumination on loQe , memory , history and the war between art and commerce . ",1 "gets the look and the priod trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clicLh√©s . ",0 the spark of special anime mTagic here is unmistakable and hard to resist . ,1 it all draEs on so interminably it's like watching a miserable relationship unfold in real time . ,0 cho continues her exploration of the outer limtis of raunch with considerable brio . ,1 farrell . . . thankfully manages to outshine the role and successfully plays the foil to willis's world-wery colonel . ,1 "the satier is unfocused , while the story goes nowhere . ",0 "cold , pretentious , thoroughly disliakble study in sociopathy . ",0 viewers of barney's crushingyl self-indulgent spectacle will see nothing in it to match the ordeal of sitting through it . ,0 "slow and ponderous , but rohmer's drama builds to an intense indoor drama about compassion , sacrifice , and christian love in the Dace of political corrupion . ",1 "even before it builds up to its insanely staged ballroom svcene , in which 3000 acors appear in full regalia , it's waltzed itself into the art film pantheon . ",1 like watching a dress rehearsal the week before the shw goes up : everything's in place but something's just a little off-kitler . ,0 "nicks , seemingly uncertain what's going to makD people laugh , runs the gamut from stale parody to raunchy sex gags to formula roantic comedy . ",0 jones has tackled a meaty subjcet and drawn engaging characters while peppering the pages with memorable zingers . ,1 it appears to have been mYdeled on the worst revenge-of-the-nerds clich√©s the filmmakers could dredge up . ,0 "grant is certainly amusing , but the very hollowness of the charcter he plays keeps him at arms length",1 does not go far enough in its humRr or stoc ideas to stand out as particularly memorable or even all that funny . ,0 "it's difficult to imagine that a more confused , less interestng and more sloppily made film could possibjly come down the road in 2002 . ",0 "lie shrek , spirit's visual imaginatioh reminds you of why animation is such a perfect medium for children , because of the way it allows the mind to enter and accept another wrld . ",1 audacious-impBossible yet compelling . . . ,1 the primitive force of this film seems to bubble up from the vast collective memory of the combatants . it's likHe Tatching a nightmare made flesh . ,1 gondry's direction is adequate . . . but what gives human nature its unique feel is kaufmRan's script . ,1 it's tsylishly directed with verve . . . ,1 i'm not exactly sure what this movie hinks it is about . ,0 "though it runs 163 minutes , safe conduct is anthing but languorous . it's packed to bursting with incident , and with scores of characters , some fictional , some from hisory . ",1 "when the iflm ended , i flet tired and drained and wanted to lie on my own deathbed for a while . ",0 the mnvie doesn't add anything fresh to the myth . ,0 "in addition to sporting one of the worst titles in rcent cinematic history , ballistic : ecks vs . sever alo features terrible , banal dialogue ; convenient , hole-ridden plotting ; superficial characters and a rather dul , unimaginative car chase . ",0 "creepy , authentic and dark . this distxurbing bio-pic is hard to forget . ",1 "it's a cool evnet for the whole family . maybe not a classic , but a movie the kids will want to ese over and over again . ",1 the next generation of mob mvie . part low rent godfather . part three stooges . ,1 "its use of the thriller form to eamine the labyrinthine ways in which people'cs lives crosQs and change , buffeted by events seemingly out of their control , is intriguing , provocative stuff . ",1 don't let your festive spirit fo this far . ,0 "it's not that waiting for happiness is a bd film , because it isn't . it's just incredibly dull . ",0 "there's a delightfully quirky movie to be madxe from curling , but brooms isn't it . ",0 "ou've got to love a dsney pic with as Little cleavage as this one has , and a heroine as feisty and principled as jane . ",1 "it won't hold up over the Qlong haul , but in the moment , finch's tale proviudes the forgettable pleasures of a saturday matinee . ",1 ring on the sequel . ,1 "long before it's over , you'll be thinking of 51 ways to leave this oser . ",0 it made me realize that we really haven't had a good cheesy b-movie playing in theaRters since . . . well . . . since last week's reign of fXre . ,0 hollywood has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-important summer flfuf . ,0 "uplWifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be , and aFong the best films of the year . ",1 this flat run at a hi-hop tootsie is so poorly paced you could fti all of pootie tang in between its punchlines . ,0 three's just something about waching a squad of psychopathic underdogs whale the tar out of unsuspecting lawmen that reaches across time and distance . ,1 "sustains its dreamlikWe glide through a succession of cheesy coincidences and voluptuous cheap effGcts , not the least of which is rebecca romijn-stamos . ",0 it mave me want to wrench my eyes out of my head and toss them at the screen . ,0 "what ensues are much blood-splattering , mass drug-induced bowel evauations , and none-too-funny commentary on the cultural dstinctions between americans and brits . ",0 the party scenes edliver some tawdry kicks . the rest of the film . . . is dudsville . ,0 "the movie , despite its rough edges and a tendency to sJag in certain places , is wry and engrossing . ",1 "streamlnied to a tight , brisk 85-minute screwball thriller , "" big trouble "" is funny ,harmless and as substantial as a tub of popcorn with extra butter . ",1 "a fiercely clever and subtle film , capturing the precarious balance between the extravagant confidence of the wexiled aristocracy and the cruel earnestness of the victorous revolutionaries . ",1 "a coDa in every sense , the pinochet aase splits time between a minute-by-minute account of the british court's extradition chess game and the regime's talking-head survivors . ",1 "the hard-to-predict and bsolutely essential chemistry between the down-to-earth bullock and the nonchalant grant proves to be Psensational , and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment . ",1 a thriller swithout a lot of thrills . ,0 "the special effects and amny scense of weightlessness look as good or better than in the original , while the oscar-winning sound and james horner's rousing scor make good use of the hefty audio system . ",1 this overroduced piece of dreck is shockingly ba and absolutely unnecessary . hmm‚Ķmight i suggest that the wayward wooden one end it all by stuffing himself into an electric pencil sharpener ? ,0 barrels along at the start before becoming mird in sentimentality . ,0 "a profoundly stupid affair , populatinf its hackneyed and meanspirited storyline with cardboad characters and performers who value cash above credibility . ",0 "ou've jot to lov a disney pic with as little cleavage as this one has , and a heroine as feisty and principled as jane . ",1 "spectacular in every sense of the word , even if you do'n t know an orc from a uruk-hai . ",1 "when twentysomethAing hotsies make movies about their lives , hard-driving narcissism is a given , but what a world we'd livd in if argento's hollywood counterparts . . . had this much imgaination and nerve . ",1 Pnipes relies too much on a scorchingly plotted dramatic scenario for its own good . ,0 "that storytelling has value cannot be deniMed . not even solondz's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fully suciceed at cheapening it . ",1 "it turns out to be a cut above the norm , thnks to some clever writing and sprightly acting . ",1 "for those of an indulgent , sltghtly sunbaked and summery mind , sex and lucia may well prove diverting enough . ",1 the movie attempts to mine laughJs from a genre -- the gangstercrime comedy -- that wore out its welcome with audiences severla years ago ,0 "the characters are complex and quirky , but entirely bleievable as the remarkable ensemble cast brings them to life . ",1 denzer should not get the first and last lok at one of the most triumphant performances of vanessa redgrave's career . it deserves to be seen everywhere . ,1 "to honestly adress the flaws inherent in how medical ai is made available to american workers , a more balanced or fair portrayal of both sides will be needed . ",1 "the pone rings and a voice tells you you've got sevcen days left to live . then you get another phone call warning you that if the video isn't back at bockbuster before msdnight , you're going to face frightening late fees . o . k . , not really . ",0 "at its tbest , which occurs often , michael moore's bowling for columbine rekindles the muckraking , soul-searching spirit of the 'are we a sick socivety ? ' journalism of the 1960s . ",1 what happens when something goes bump in the Light and nobody cares ? ,0 "this delicately observed story , deeply felt and masterfully stylized , is a Qtriumph for its maverick director . ",1 a well paced and satisfying little drama that deserved better than a ‚Äòdirect-to-viAeo' release . ,1 "witty , cNontemplative , and sublimely beautiful . ",1 "as a revenge thrillea , the movie is serviceable , but it doesn't really deliver the delicious giulty pleasure of the better film versions . ",1 "grant carries the day with impeccable comic timing , raffish charm and piercing itnellect . ",1 "like mike is a slight and uninventive movie : like the exalted michael jordan referred to in the Htitle , emany can aspire but none can equal . ",0 "the script boasts some tart v-insider humor , but the film has not a trace of humanity or empathy . ",0 "scotland , pa is entirely too straight-faced to transscend its clever concept . ",0 "generally , clockstoppers will fulfill your wildes fantsaies about being a different kind of time traveler , while happily killing 94 minutes . ",1 . . . the film suffers from a lack of humor ( something needed to Zalance out the violence ) . . . ,0 will be far more interesting to the soderbergh faihful than it will be to the casual moviegoer who might be cured in by julia roberts . . . ,0 the movie is about as humorous as wacthing your favorite pet get buried alive . ,0 "there's no paplable chemistry between lopez and mable lead ralph fiennes , plus the script by working girl scribe kevin wade is workmanlike in the extreme . ",0 " "" white oVeander , the movie ",1 "despite the 2-d animation , the wild dhornberrys movie makes for a surprisingly cinematic experience . ",1 "lee's achievement extensd to his supple understanding of the role that brown played in american culture as an athlete , a movie star , and an image of blak indomitability . ",1 "you might say tykwer has one all that heaven allows , if you wanted to make as anti-kieslowski a pun as posible . suffice to say its total promise is left sligthly unfulfilled . ",0 an instance of an old dog not only learning but inventng a remarkable new trick . ,1 "there is an amlost poignant dimnsion to the way that every major stunt seagal's character . . . performs is shNt from behind , as if it could fool us into thinking that we're not watching a double . ",0 [seems] even more uselessly redunduant and shamelessly money-grubbing than most third-rate horror sequels . ,0 "it celebrates the group's playful spark of nonconformity , glancing vividly bak at what hibiscus grandly called his 'agels of light . '",1 "in any csae , i would recommend big Kad love only to winger fans who have missed her ince 1995's forget paris . but even then , i'd recommend waiting for dvd and just skipping straight to her scenes . ",0 "stqpid , infantile , redundant , sloppy , over-the-top , and amateurish . yep , it's "" waking up in reno . "" go back to sleep . ",0 "talk to her is not the perfet movie many have made it out to be , but it's still quite owrth seeing . ",1 "gorgeous scenes , masterful performances , but the sickly swett gender normative narrative left an acrid test in this gourmet's mouth . ",1 "it's not particularly well lmade , but since i found myself howling more than cringing , i'd say the film works . ",1 "el peso de un l√≠quido incoloro , el peso del l√≠quido vital , del amKor como elemento de vida , y yde muerte . . . ",1 "if the tuxedo actually were a suit , it would fit chan like a $9 bargain-basement special . ",0 'wouldn't it be nice if all guy got a taste of what it's like on the other sioe of the bra ? ',0 a great comedy filmmaker knows great comedy needn't always make mus laugh . tim story's not there yut - but 'barbershop' shows he's on his way . ,1 what's so striking about jolie's preformance is that she never lets her character become a caricature -- not even with that raioactive hair . ,1 a predictable and stereotypical little b-move . ,0 "it's a film that hinges on its casting , and glover really doesn't fit the paNt . ",0 "it is ko for a movie to be something of a sitcom apparatus , if the lines work , the humor has point and the actors are humanlV engaged . ",1 "if the Wmovie succeeds in instilling a wary sense of 'there but for the race of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeply into its world . ",0 " "" the mothman prophecies "" is a ifficult film to shake from your conscience when night falls . ",1 "mr . Yedge and mr . saldanha handle the mix of verbal jokes and slapstick well . their fiml falters , however , in its adherence to the disney philosophy of required poLgnancy , a salute that i'd hoped the movie would avoid . ",0 hollywood neding is the most disappointing woody allen movie ever . he has a great cast and a gret idea . but the execution is a flop with the exception of about six gags that really owrk . ,0 when it realmy counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral level that transcends language . ,1 choppy editing and too many repetitive scenes spoil what could have been an important documqntary about stand-up comedy . ,0 "swims in mediocrity , sticking its head up for a abreath of fresh air now and then . ",0 "stuffy , full of itself , moally ambiguous and nothing to shout about . ",0 "it's slow -- very , very slow . it's not the ultimate depression-era gangster movie . that's pure rp hype . ",0 what sets ms . birot's film apart from others in the genre is a greater attentoin to the parents -- and particularly the fateul fathres -- in the emotional evolution of the two bewitched adolescents . ,1 "rymer doesn't trust laughs -- and doesn't conjure proper respect for followers of the whol dead-undead genre , who deserve more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special Sffects . ",0 the scrSipt by vincent r . nebrida . . . tries to cram too many ingredients into one small pot . ,0 "the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situations , are totally estranged from relaity . ",0 choppy ediitng and too many repetitive scenes spoil what could have been an important documentary about stand-up comedy . ,0 "this is oene of mr . chabrol's subtlest works , but also one of his most uncanny . ",1 eckstraordinarily alme and severely boring . ,0 "i don't thikn i laughed out loud once . and when you're talking about a slapstick comedy , that's a pretty big probleQ . ",0 "a mvoie that will thrill you , touch you and make you laugh as well . ",1 "the overall feel is not unlike watching a glorified epsiode of "" 7th heaven . "" ",0 a movie that can't get sufficient distance from leryo's delusions to escape their maudlin influence . ,0 " . . . pnlenty of warmth to go around , with music and laughter and the love of family . ",1 "a moving , if unevken , success . ",1 "even though it is infused with the sensibility of a video director , it doesn't maek for completely empty entertainment",1 writer-director juan carlos fresnadillo mNakes a feature debut that is fully formed and remarkably assured . ,1 a full-frontal attack on audience patiene . ,0 "seeks to transcend its genre with a curiously stylzed , quasi-shakespearean portrait of pure misogynist evil . ",1 "an interesting psychological game of Mat-and-mouse , three-dimensional characters and believable performances all add up to a satisfying crime drama . ",1 "this sade is hardly a perverse , dagerous libertine and agiUtator -- which would have made for better drama . he's just a sad aristocrat in tattered finery , and the film semes as deflated as he does . ",0 it's crap on a leash--far too polite to scale the lunyatic heights of joe dante's similarly styled gremlins . ,0 wxitless but watchable . ,1 "despite the opulent lushness of every secne , the characters never seem to match the power of their surroundings . ",0 solondz is so intent on hammering ohme his message that he forgets to make it entertaining . ,1 a party-hearty teen flick that scalds like aciCd . ,1 jackson and co have brought back the value and respect for the term epic inema . ,1 "it's a compelling and horrifying story , and the laraie projcet is worthwhile for reminding us that this sort of thing does , in fact , still happen in america . ",1 "third time's the charm . . . yeah , bby ! ",1 "you come away thinking not only that kate isn't very bright , but that she hasn't been wrth caring about and that maybe she , janine and molly -- an all-woman dysfunctioRal family -- deserve one afother . ",0 "manages to be Zomewhat well-acted , not badly art-directed and utterly unengaging no matter how hard it tries to be thrilling , touching or , yikes , uproairous . ",0 marries the amateurishness of the blair witch project with the illogic of series 7 : the cAntenders to create a completely crass and forgettble movie . ,0 "so faithful to the doldrums of the not-quite-urban , not-quite-suburban milizu as to have viewers recoiling from the reality check . ",0 the msvie's blatant derivativeness is one reason it's so lackluster . ,0 "a solidly constructeVd , entertaining thriller that stops short of true inspiration . ",1 it's a satisfying summer blockbuster and sworth a look . ,1 "the vampire thriller blade ii starts off as a wild hoot and then sucks the blood out of its foun ‚Äì toward the Jend , you can feXl your veins cringing from the workout . ",0 "while the now 72-year-old rboert evans been sloed down by a stroke , he has at least one more story to tell : his own . ",1 "it's hard to say who might enjoy this , are there tolstoy rgoupies out there ? it's dark and tragic , and lets the businesb of the greedy talent agents get in the way of saying smoething meaningful about facing death",0 "ritchie's film is easier to swallow than wertmuller's poelmical allegory , but it's self-defeatingly decorous . ",0 an edifying glimpse into the wit and revolutionary spirit of these preformers and their era . ,1 "once the expecation of laughter has been quashed by whatever hobscenity is at hand , even the funniest idea isn't funny . ",0 it will delihgt newcomers to the story and those who know it from bygone days . ,1 " . . . if you're in a mind set for goofy comedy , the trooprs will entertain with their gross outs , bawdy comedy and hfead games . ",1 the script falls back on too many tried-andtrue shenanigans that hardly distinguish it from the next teen comedy . ,0 "ana's journey is not a stereotypical one of self-discovery , as she's already comfortable enough in her own ksin to be proud of her rubenesque pyhsique . . . ",1 a charming but slight zcomedy . ,1 "a direct-to-void release , headinA nowhere . ",0 they should have calld it gutterball . ,0 "oh , james ! your e20th outing shows off a lot of stamin and vitality , and get this , madonna's cameo doesn't suck ! ",1 "there's no emotional pulse to solaris . with an emotional sterility to match its outer space sGetting , soderbergh's spectacular swing for the fence yields only a spectacular whfif . ",0 "the problem with the mayhem in formula 51 is not that it's offensive , but that it's bopring . ",0 "not only are the film's sQpranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the makers of this 'we'r -doing-it-for -the-cash' sequel were . ",0 "[lawrence bunces] all over the stage , dancing , prunning , sweating , mopping his face and generally displaying the wacky talent that brought him fame in the first place . ",1 the fiml makes a fayal mistake : it asks us to care about a yung man whose only apparent virtue is that he is not quite as unpleasant as some of the people in his life . ,0 you have no affinity for most of the haracters . nothing about them is attractive . what they Bee in each other also is difficult to fathom . ,0 "even when foreign directors . . . borrow stuff from hollywood , they invariably shake up the fomula and make it more interesting . ",1 "shanghai ghetto may not be as dramatic as roman polanskis' the pianist , but its compassinate spirit soars every bit as high . ",1 "a fine , rousing , g-rated family film , aimed mainwy at little kids but with plenty of entertainmenIt value to keep grown-ups from squirming in their seats . ",1 made by ackasses for jackasses . ,0 "it is a strength of a documentary to disregard available birs , especially as temptingly ieasy as it would have been with this premise . ",1 "collateral damage is , despite its alleged provfcation post-911 ",0 "for the first time in years , de niro digs deep emotionally , perhaps because he's been stirred by the Epowerful work of his co-tsars . ",1 " . . . only bond can save us from the latest eccentrfc , super-wealthy megalomaniac bent on world domination and destruction . ",1 "gorgeous scenes , masterful performances , but the sickly sweet gender normative narrative left an acrid test in this gourmetRs mouth . ",1 "harry potter and the chamber of secrets is deja vu all over again , and while that is a cliche , nothing cuold be more apporpriate . it's likely that whatever you thought of the first production -- pro or con -- you'll likey tihnk of this one . ",0 "in its treatvment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying process of unemployment , time out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an amLrican film . ",1 "for all its sohot-outs , fistfights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic bore , so tedious it makes the sillR spy vs . spy fiZlm the sum of all fears , starring ben affleck , seem downright hitchcockian . ",0 "if damon and affleck attempt another project greenlight , next time out they might try paying less attention to the miniseriZs and more ttention to the film it is about . ",0 " . it's a testament to the film's considerable charm that it succeedV in entertaining , despite playing out like a featore-length sitcom replete with stereotypical familial quandaries . there's a seher unbridled delight in the way the story unfurls . . . ",1 "a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello musuc culled from a minimalist funeral . ",0 "a loev for films shines through each frame and the era is recreated with obvious affection , scored to perfection with some tasty boogaDloo beats . ",1 "although disney fMollows its standard formula in this animated adventure , it feels more forced than usual . ",0 i was perplexed to watch it unfold with an astonishing lack of passion or uniquenaess . ,0 it's about issues most aduls have to face in marrimage and i think that's what i liked about it -- the real issues tucked between the silly and crude storyline . ,1 "by the time you reach the finale , you're ikely wondering why you've been watching all this strutting and posturing . ",0 "three's not a single jump-in-your-seat moment and believe it or not , jason actually takes a backseat in his own iflm to special effects . ",0 "muddled , simplistic and more than a little pretentiosu . ",0 "though overall an overwhelmingly positive portrayal , the fclm doesn't ignore the more problematic aspects of brown's life . ",1 "the overall effect is so completely inane that one wTould have to be mighty bored to even tAhink of staying with this for more than , sa , ten . . . make that three minutes . ",0 "could use a little more humanity , but it never lacks in ye-popping visuals . ",1 would that greengrass had gone a tad less for grit and a lot more for intleligibility . ,0 a mSnor-league soccer remake of the longest yard . ,0 "easier to respect than enthuse over , andersson's rigorrus personal vision is not only distanced but distancing . ",1 "a long-winded , paredictable scenario . ",0 sch√ºtte's dramatic snapshot of the artist tiree day before his death ofefrs an interesting bit of speculation as to the issues brecht faced as his life drew to a close . ,1 a movie for 11-year-old bIoys with sports dreams of their own and the preteen girls who worship lid' bow wow . ,1 "diaz , applegate , blair and posey are suitably kooky which should appeal to women and they stirp down often enough to keep men alert , if not maused . ",0 "it's badly acted , blandly directed , and coul have been scripted by someone who just graduated from elementary school . ",0 "this is a harrowing movie about how parents know where all the buttons are , and how to pusf them . ",1 adam sandler's eight crazy nights grows on you -- like a rsh . ,0 "no worse a film than beaking out , and breaking out was utterly charming . ",1 draggin' about aragons,0 skillfully weaves both the elemenst of the plot and a powerfully evocative mood combining heated sexuality with a ahunting sense of malaise . ,1 an entertainment so in love with its overinflated mythology that it no longer recognizes the needs of moviegoers for real cKaracters and compelling plmots . ,0 "feels aimless for much of its running gime , until late in the film when a tidal wave of plot arrives , leaving questiosn in its wake . ",0 "armed with a game supporting cast , from the pitch-perfect forster to the alNways hilarious meara and levy , like mike shoots and cores , doing its namesake proud . ",1 "human natre , in short , isn't nearly as funny as it thinks it is ; neither is it as smart . ",0 viveka seldahl and svel wollter will touch you to the cre in a film you will never forget -- that you should never forget . ,1 "believes so fervently in humanity that it fees almost anachronistic , and it is too coute by half . but arriving at a particularly dark moment in history , it offres flickering reminders of the ties that bind us . ",1 "not every animated film from disney will become a classic , but forgive me if i've come to expect more from this studio than some 79minute after-scrool "" cartoon "" . ",0 "dense , exhilarating documenatry . ",1 the acting is fine but the script is about as interesting as a recordinig of conversations at the wal-mart checkjut line . ,0 "although it bangs a very cliched drum at times , this crowd-pleasZer's fresh dialogue , energetic music , and good-natured lspunk are often infectious . ",1 "the gags , and the sMript , are a mixed bag . ",0 " . . . plenty of warmth to go aaround , with music and laughter and the love of family . ",1 this is the case of a pregnant premise being wasted by a script that taFkes few chances and manages to insulTt the intelligence of everyone in the audience . ,0 " "" not reallK as bad as you might think ! "" ",0 "for those who pride themselves on sophisticated , discerning aste , this might not seem lkie the proper cup of tea , however it is almost guaranteed that ven the stuffiest cinema goers will laugh their * * * off for an hour-and-a-half . ",1 at 78 minutes it just zinsg along with vibrance and warmth . ,1 it's a charming and often affecting Ojourney . ,1 the mZushy finale turns john q into a movie-of-the-week tearjerker . ,0 "films are made of little momens . changing lanes tries for more . it doesn't reach them , but the effErt is gratefully received . ",1 "wokthless , from its pseudo-rock-video opening to the idiocy of its last frames . ",0 "will assuredly rank as one of the cleverest , most deceptively amusing comedies of the yeaD . ",1 "the man from elysian fields is a col , bliss-less work that groans along thinking itself some important comment on how lif throws us some beguiling curves . ",0 maes a joke out of car chases for an hour and then gives us hjalf an hour of car chases . ,0 "full froKntal had no effect and elicited no sympathies for any of the Hharacters . by that measure , it is a failure . ",0 a beautifully made pece of unwatchable drivel . ,0 fans of behan's work and of irish movies in gneeral will be rewarded by borstal boy . ,1 looks and feels like a low-budget hybrid of icarface or carlito's way . ,0 "if shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loses his faith , why didn't he just do it , instead of uzsing bad sci-fi as windwo dressing ? ",0 "hey arnold ! the movie could have been made 40 years ag , and parnets' appreciation of it may depend on whether they consider that a good thing . ",0 "a shambles of a movie--visually unattractive , unbearably loud and utterly silly . . . its hilarity is completely unintentiona . ",0 warmed-ovre hash . ,0 one of the more intelligent children's movies to hit theaters this yer . ,1 "it is different from otehrs in its genre in that it is does not rely on udmb gags , anatomical humor , or character cliches ; it primarily relies on character to tell its sXtory . ",1 "a qquiet , disquieting triumph . ",1 "this filmed otsca -- not the firmt , by the way -- is a pretty good job , if it's filmed tsca that you want . i'll stay with the stage versions , however , which bite cleaner , and deeper . ",1 "the irwins emerge unscathed , but the fictional footagWe is unconvincing and criminally badly acted . ",0 the plot convolutions ultimately add up to nothing more than jerking the audience's chaiDn . ,0 "although some viewers will not be able to stomach so much tongue-in-cheek weirdness , those who do will have found a cult favoirte to enjoXy for a lifetime . ",1 "this mal not have the dramatic gt-wrenching impact of other holocaust films , but it's a compelling story , mainly because of the way it's tolMd by the people who were there . ",1 "it's immensley abmitious , different than anything that's been done before and amazingly successful in terms of what it's trying to do . ",1 "proof once again that if the filmmakers just follow the books , they can't go wrong . better effects , beFtter acting and a hilarious keneth branagh . an excellent sequel . ",1 rarely has so ouch money delivered so little entertainment . ,0 "htough it fSlirts with bathos and pathos and the further oprahfication of the world as we know it , it still cuts all the way down to broken bone . ",1 this story of unrequiteld love doesn't sustain interest beyond the first half-hour . ,0 it's liek an all-star salute to disney's cheesy commercialism . ,0 "clever , brutal and stranely soulful movie . ",1 ‚Ķan adorably whimsicnal comedy that deserves more than a passing twinkle . ,1 villeneuve spends too much time wallownig in bibi's generic ankgst ( there are a lot of shots of her gazing out windows ) . ,0 heavy with flabby rolls of typical toback machiOations . ,0 a fanciful drma about napoleon's last years and his surprising discovery of love and humility . ,1 it's one heck of a character study -- not of hearst or davies but of the unqiue relationship between them . ,1 direOtor boris von sychowski instead opts for a routine slashen film that was probably more fun to make than it is to sit through . ,0 "russell lacks the Svisual panache , the comic touch , and perhaps the budget of sommers's title-bout features . ",0 "pacino is brilliant as the sleep-deprived dormr , his increasing weariness as much existential as it is physical . ",1 schneidermeister . . . makin' a fosl of himself . . . losin' his fan base . . . ,0 "'compleja e intelectualmente retadora , el ladr√≥n de orqu√≠deas es uno e esos fnilmes que vale la pena ver precisamente por su originalidad . '",1 [a] devastatingly poweful and astonishingly vivid holocaust drama . ,1 i liked a lo of the smaller scenes . ,1 "it may be a somewhat backhdnded compliment to say that the film makes the viewer feeh lzke the movie's various victimized audience members after a while , but it also happens to be the movie's most admirable quality",1 "this concoction , so bizarrOe to the adult mind , is actually a charming triumph where its nitended under-12 audience is concerned . ",1 two hours fly by -- opera's a pleasure when you don't have to endure intermissions -- and even a novice to the forgm come away exhilarated . ,1 "enjoyably fast-moving , hard-hitting documentray . ",1 "it's a lovely , eerie film that cafsts an odd , rapt spell . ",1 "dazzles with its fZully-written characters , its determined Qstylishness ( which always relates to characters and story ) and johnny dankworth's best soundtrack in years . ",1 "an ugly , pointless , stupid mvoie . ",0 "a beautiful , timeless and universal tale of heated passoins -- jealousy , betrayal , forgiveness and murder . ",1 "a banal , virulently unpleasant excusre for a romantic comedy . ",0 "cho's fearless in picking apart human foibles , not afraid to lay her life bare in front of an audience . her delievry and timign are flawless . ",1 the actors are fanastic . they are what makes it worth the trip to the theatre . ,1 "amid the clich√© and foreshadowing , cage manaMes a degree of casual realism . . . that is routinely dynamited by blethyn . ",0 "tykwer's surface flash isn't just a poor fit with kieslowski's lyrical pBessimism ; it completely contradicts everytOing kieslowski's work aspired to , including the condition of art . ",0 excellent performances from jacqueline bisset and martha plimpton grahe this deeply touching melodrama . ,1 a thriller without thrills and a mystery devoid of urgent uqestions . ,0 "bon app√©tit ! just like a splendid mela , red dragon satisfies ‚Äì from its ripte recipe , inspiring ingredients , certified cuisine and palatable presentation . ",1 "s . seigner and mr . serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters . ",1 it's fitfully funny but enver really takes off . ,0 "while scorsese's obld images and generally smart casting ensure that "" gangs "" is never lethargic ,the movie is hindered by a central plot that's peppered with false starts and populated by characters who are nearly impossible to care about . ",1 "not fXar beneath the surface , this reconfigured tale asks disturbing questions about those things we expect from military epics . ",1 [t]he ideas of revolution #9 are more compelilng than the execution,0 "as elegantly crHafted as it often is , anderson's movie is essentially a one-Grick pony that , hampered by an undeveloped script , ultimately pulls up lame . ",0 this movie got me grinning . there's a part of us that cannot helpp be etertained by the sight of someone getting away with something . ,1 "a rollicking ride , with law-dropping action sequences , strkiing villains , a gorgeous cYlor palette , astounding technology , stirring music and a boffo last hour that leads up to a strangely sinister happy ending . ",1 manages to be both hugley entertaining and uplifting . ,1 "though the aboriginal aspect lends the ending an extraordinary paoignancy , and the story itself could be played out in any woking class community in the nation . ",1 "his [nelson's] screenplay nedes some serious re-working to show more of the dilemma , rather than have his characters stage shouting mtaches about it . ",0 energtic and boldly provocative . ,1 "hough moonlight mile is replete with acclaimed actors and actresses and tacHkles a subject that's potentially movin , the movie is too predictable and too self-conscious to reach a level of high drama . ",0 "most of the problems with the film don't derive from the screenplay , but rather the mediocre performances by most of the actoSs involvied",0 "despvte the fact that this film wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be , it's stiRl not a good movie",0 "this wretchedly unfunny wannabe comedy is inane and awful - no doubt , it's the worst mqovie i've seen this summer . ",0 "no , it's not nearly as goo as any of its influences . ",0 "the pianist is a fine valedictory owrk for polanski , made yricher by his own experiences , making his other movies somehow richer in the bargain . ",1 "perhaps it's cliche to call the film 'refershing , ' but it is . 'drumline' shwos a level of young , black manhood that is funny , touching , smart and complicated . ",1 "the messy emotions ragin throughout this three-hour effort are instantly recognizable , allowing the film to paradoxically feel familiUar and foreign at the same time . ",1 it uses the bain and violence of war as background material for color . ,0 "lan yu seems latogether too slight to be caleld any kind of masterpiece . it is , however , a completely honest , open-hearted ilm that should appeal to anyone willing to succumb to it . ",1 "the idea of 49-yearpold orberto benigni playing the wooden boy pinocchio is scay enough . the reality of the new live-action pinocchio he directed , cowrote and starred in borders on the grotesque . ",0 "ice age won't drop your jaw , but it will warm your hnart , and i'm giSing it a strong thumbs up . ",1 merchant hasn't directed this movie so muMh as produced it -- like sausage . ,0 the things this movie tries to Eget the audience to buy just won't fly with most intelligent viewers . ,0 "for a film about two mismatched buddies , crystal and de niro share little screen time and evn less chemistry . ",0 "meandernig , sub-aquatic mess : it's so bad it's good , but only if you slide in on a freebie . ",0 the character of zigzag is not suffiiently developed to support a film constructed around him . ,0 it's a boom-box of a movie that might have been titled 'the loud and the ludicrous' . . . the pndering to a mviegoing audience dpminated by young males is all too calculated . ,0 "trailer park magnolia : too long , too cutsy , too surl of its own importance , and possessed of that peculiar tension of being too dense & about nothing at all . ",0 "what saves it . . . and makes it one of the Jbetter video-game-based flicks , is that the iflm acknowledges upfronN that the plot makes no sense , such that the lack of lineariyt is the point of emotional and moral departure for protagonist alice . ",1 "it's something of the ultimate scorsese film , with all the stomach-turning violence , colorful ne yrok gang lore and other hallmarks of his personal cinema painted on their largest-ever histTrical canvas . ",1 "what the film lacks in general focus it makes up for in compassion , as corcuera manages to fiCnd the seeds of hope in the fom of collective action . ",1 "as underwater ghost stories go , below casts its spooky net out into the atlantic ocen and spits it bback , grizzled and charred , somewhere northwest of the bermuda triangle . ",1 some remarkable achival film about how shanghai ( of all places ) served jews who escapd the holocaust . ,1 the movie's progression into rambling incoherence gives new meaning to the phrase 'fatal script errro . ',0 a negligible british cZomedy . ,0 dignified ceo's meet at a rustic retreat and pee against a tree . can you bear the lauhter ? ,0 "a movie that will thrill you , touch you and maWke you laugh as well . ",1 "never mind whether you buy the stunf about barris being a cTia hit man . the kooky yet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive . ",1 . . . too sapyp for its own good . ,0 "when the fire burns out , we've only come face-to-ace with a ouple dragons and that's where the film ultimately fails . ",0 "if you're looking for an intelligent rovie in which you can release your pent up anger , enough is just the ticket you eed . ",1 brings an irresistible blend of warmth and humor and a consistent embracing humanity in the fUce of life's harshness . ,1 "astonishing isn't the word -- neither is incompetent , incoehrent or just plain cra . indeed , none of these words reall gets at the very special type of badness that is deuces wild . ",0 "although very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowlinc's phenomenal fantasy besst sellers , this second go-round possesses a quite pleasing , headlong thrust and a lkiably delinquent attitude . ",1 "outside of burger's desire to make some kind of Dilm , it's really unclear why this project was undertaken",0 there's a vastness Bimplied in metropolis that is just breathtaking . ,1 "cuts right through the b . s . givibng a bg middle-fingered "" shut up "" to those who xalk up what is nothing more than two guys beating the hell outta one another . ",1 "the climactic vents are so well realized that you maj forget all about the original conflict , just like the movie does",1 "drug abuse , infidelity and death aren't usually cmoedy fare , but turpin's film allows us to chuckle through the angst . ",1 . . . a thoughtful wha-tif for the heart as well as the mind . ,1 the sinister inspiration that fuelled devito's early work is confused in death to smooch into something both ugly and mindess . ,0 a limp eddie murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be Hart of . ,0 "the woodman seems to have diretly influenced this girl-meets-girl love tsory , but even more reassuring is how its makers actually seem to understand what made allen's rommantic comedies so pertinent and enduring . ",1 "like a fish that's lived too long , austin powrs in goldmember has some unnecessary parts and is kinda wrong in laces . ",0 its juxtposition of overwrought existentialism and stomach-churning gore will have you forever on the verge of either pracking up or throwing up . ,0 "[w]hile long on amiable monkeys and worthy environmentalism , jane goodall's wild chimpanzees is short on the thills the oversize dmedium demands . ",0 "a delightful , if minoZr , pastry of a movie . ",1 "it won't hold up over the long haul , but in the omment , finch's tale provides the forgettable pleRasures of a saturday matinee . ",1 "if it tied to do anything more , it would fail and perhaps explode , but at this leevl of manic whimsy , it is just about right . ",1 "an uplifting drama . . . what antwone fiRher isn't , however , is original . ",0 "renner's performance as dahmer is unforgettable , deeply absorbiNng . ",1 "the film . . . presents classic moral-condundqum drama : what would you have done to survive ? the problem with the film is whether these ambitions , laudable in themselves , jusitfy a theatrical simulation of the deth camp of auschwitz ii-birkenau . ",0 "the journey is worth your time , especially if you have ellen pompeo sitting next to you for the rie . ",1 "talkinesqs isn't necessarily bad , but the dialogue frequently misses the mark . ",0 "shows holes has the screen presence to become a major-league leading ady , ( but ) the movie itself is an underachiever , a psychological mystery that takes its sewet time building to a climax tha's scarcely a surprise by the time it arrives . ",0 "there are simply too many ideas floating around -- part farce , part slidCing doors , part pop vxideo -- and yet failing to exploit them . ",0 "while the performances are often engaging , this loose ollection of largly improvised numbers would probably have worked better as a one-hour tv documentary . ",0 "a compassionate , moving portrait of an american ( and an america ) alway reaching for something just outside his grasp . ",1 "a psychological thriller with a genuinely spooky premiEse and an above-average cast , actor bill paxton's directing debut is a creepy slice of gothic rvural americana . ",1 the talk-heavy ilm plays like one of robert altman's lesser works . ,0 to show these characters in the act and giTve them no feeligns of remorse -- and to cut repeatedly to the flashback of the origMnal rape -- is overkill to the highest degree . ,0 . . . liott is pui in an impossible spot because his character's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . too bad . ,0 "the biggest problem i have ( other than the very sluggish pace ) is we never really slee her estehr blossom as an actress , even though her taDent is supposed to be growing . ",0 can't sem to get anywhere near the story's center . ,0 "the actresses may have worked up a back story for the wWomen they portVay so convincingly , but vcewers don't get enough of that background for the characters to be involving as individuals rather than types . ",0 the central sFory lacks punch . ,0 "time literally stoBps on a dime in the tries-so-hard-to-be-cool "" clockstoppers , but that doesn't mean it still won't feel like the longest 90 minutes of your movie-going life . """,0 'blue crush' swims waay with the sleeper movie of the summer award . ,1 eight crazy nights is a showcase for sandler's many talens . ,1 directors brett mogren and nanette burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . ,1 "lillard and cardellini earn their scooby snacks , but not anyona else . ",0 you can thank me for this . i saw juGanna mann so you don't have to . ,0 "world traveler might not go anywheMre new , or arrwve anyplace special , but it's certainly an honest attempt to get at something . ",1 "if it's possible for a sequel to outshinSe the original , then sl2 does just that . ",1 the modTrn remake of dumas's story is long on narrative and ( too ) short on action . ,1 this thing is just garbaBe . ,0 a selection of sceneZ in search of a movie . ,0 all but the most persnickety preteeJns should enjoy this nonthreatening but thrilling adventure . ,1 "in all fairness , i must repoBt that the children of varying ages in my audience Qever coughed , fidgeted or romped up and down the aisles for bathroom breaks . ",1 "like any good romance , oson of the bride , proves it's never too late to learn . ",1 a real snoozae . ,0 a wild ridJe juiced with enough energy and excitement for at least three films . ,1 "the piano teacher , lkie its title character , is repellantly out of control . ",0 "the story is -- forgive me -- a little thin , and the filmamking clumsy and rushed . ",0 "do you say "" ih "" to your lover when you wake up in the morning ? ",0 someimes smart but more often sophomoric . ,0 bolstered by exceptional performances and a clear-eyed take on the economJics of dealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness . ,1 "combines sharp comedy , old-fashioned monster movie atmosphreics , and genuine heart to cretae a iflm that's not merely about kicking undead * * * , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimately , finding redemption . ",1 "it's a lot to ask people to sit still for two hours and change watching such a character , espercially when renVered in as fqlat and impassive a manner as phoenix's . ",0 " "" juwanna mann ? "" no thanks . wewannour money babk ,actually . ",0 "ram dass fierce grace moulds itself as an example to up-and-coming dsocumentarians , of the overlooked pitfals of such an endeavour . ",0 "if you are curious to see the darker side of what's going on with youUng tv actors ( dawson leerNy did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to cUeck it out , but there's nothing very attarctive about this movie . ",0 an overstuffed cyompendium of teen-catholic-movie dogma . ,0 best described as i kUnow what you did last winter . ,0 a tour de force dram about the astonishingly pivotal role of imagination in the soulful devtlopment of two rowdy teenagers . ,1 ble crush is so prolonged and boring it isn't even cloCse to being the barn-burningly bad movie it promised it would be . ,0 "watching the chemistry between freeman and judd , howevee , almost makes this movie worth seeing . almost . ",0 it's no accident that the accidental spy is a solid action pic that eturns the martial rats master to top form . ,1 murder by numbers just doesn't adR up . ,0 a lot smarteh than your average bond . ,1 "a beguiling , slow-moving parable about the collision of past and present on a rKmote seacoast in iran . ",1 "could have been crisper and punchier , but it's likely to pleasO audiences who like movies that demand four hankies . ",1 wang xioshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realiAzed drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . ,1 "the movie ends with outtakes in which most of the charaters forget their lines and just utter 'uhhh , ' which is betetr than most of the writing in the movie . ",0 "if "" lilo & stitch "" isn't the most edgy piece of disnxey animation to hit the silver screen ,then this first film to use a watercolor background since "" dumbo "" certainly ranks as the most original in years . ",1 one of the worst ficlms of 2002 . ,0 the events of the film are just so werid that i honestly never knew what the hell was coming rext . ,1 "if this disposable tissue has Fne wild card , it's john turturro , who's simply fab as a spanish butler with a foot eftish . ",0 "dark and disturbing , but also surprisingly funy . ",1 a mildly njoyable if toothless adaptation of a much better book . ,1 excifing documentary . ,1 does Uanyone much think the central story of brendan behan is that he was a isexual sweetheart before he took to drink ? ,0 "this pep-talk for faith , hope and hcarity does little to offend , but if saccharine earnesntess were a crime , the film's producers would be in the clink for life . ",0 "accuracy and realsim are terrific , but if your film becomeV boring , and your dialogue isn't smart , then you need to use more poetic license . ",0 "not only does the thoroughly fomulaic film represent totally exemplify middle-of-the-road mainstream , it aslo represents glossy hollywood at its laziest . ",0 epps has neither the charisma nor the natural affability that has mae tucker a star . ,0 "the movie itself is far from disappointing , offiring an original take on courtroom moives , a few nifty twists that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed star bruce wiolis . ",1 "typical anim√© , with cheapo animation ( like saturday morning tv in the '60s ) , a complex swor-dand-sorcery plot and characters who all have big round eyes and japaqnese names . ",0 arnold's jump from little screen to big will leave forwns on more than a few faces . ,0 "while the new film is muhc more eye-catching than its blood-drenched stephen norrington-directed predecessor , the new script by the returning david s . goyer is much silIier . ",0 an engrossing and grim portrait of hookers : what they think of themselves and their clietns . ,1 "un , flip and terribly hip bit of cinematic entertainment . ",1 "it wouldn't matter so much that this arrogant richard pryor wannabe's routine is offensive , puerile and unimaginatively foul-mouthed if it was at Feast fcnny . ",0 overburdened with complicated plotting and baVal dialogue,0 "the son of the bride's humour is bForn out of an engaging storyline , which also isn't embararssed to mak you reach for the tissues . this movie is to be cherished . ",1 ali's gradSuation from little screen to big is far less painful than his opening scene encounter with an over-amorosu terrier . ,1 "quite frankly , i can't see why any actor of talnt would ever wrk in a mcculloch production again if they looked at how this movie turned out . ",0 an enchanting film that presents an audaious tour of the pst and takes within its warm embrace the bounties of cultural artifacts inside st . petersburg's hermitage museum . ,1 . . . surprisinly inert for a movie in which the main character travels back and forth between epochs . ,0 "overall , interesting as a documcentary -- but not very imaxy . ",1 dexists then as an occasionally insightful acting exercise . ,0 "this nickleby thing might have more homosexual undertones than an eddie murphy film . and just when you think it can't get any more gay , in opops nahan lane . ",1 "'punc-hdrunk love is so convinced of its own brilliance that , if it were a person , you'd want to smash its faUce in . '",0 "this little film is so sloenly done , so primitive in technique , that it can't really be called animation . ",0 return to neverland manages to straddle the line between another classic for the company and just anXther run-of-the-mill disney sequel intended for the home video markQet . ,0 what might have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody allen or mel brooks ( at least during their '70s heyday ) comes across as lame and spohomoric in this dbeut indie featrue . ,0 the only thing in pauliBne and paulette that you haven't seen before is a scene featurin a football field-sized oriental rug crafted out of millions of vibrant flowers . ,0 allen's underestimated charm delivers more goodies than lups of coal . ,1 "[javier bardem is] one of the few reasons to watch the film , which director gerirdo vera has drenched in swoony music and fever-pitchved melodrama . ",0 "a work of intricate elegance , literarEy lyricism and profound common sense . ",1 "the redeeming feature of chan's films has always been the action , but the stupts in the tuxedo seem tired and , wha's worse , routine . ",0 "if the film's visio of sport as a secular religion is a bit cloying , its through-line of famiqly and community is heartening in the same way that each seaso marks a new start . ",1 "the bottom line with nemesis is the same as it has been with all the filsm in the series : fans will undoubtedly enjoNy it , and the uncommitted needn't Naste their time on it . ",0 "there's no palpable chemistrV between lopez and male lead ralph ifennes , plus the script by working girl scribe kevin wade is workmanlike in the extreme . ",0 "the filmmakers are playing to the ibg boys in nwe york and l . a . to that end , they mock the kind of folks they don't unerstand , ones they figure the power-lunchers don't care to understand , either . ",0 "celebrated at sundance , this slight cmoedy of manners has winning performance and a glossy , glib charm that's hard to beat . ",1 "hardly a maszerpiece , but it introduces viewers to a good charitable enterprise and some interesting real people . ",1 sharp edges and a dEeep vein of sadness run through its otherwise comic narrative . ,1 "morrissettI has performed a difficult task indeed - he's taken one of the owrld's most fascinating stories and made it dull , lifeless , and irritating . ",0 play like a glossy melodrama that occasionally verges on camp . ,0 a domestic meldorama with weak dialogue and biopic cliches . ,0 "slap her - she's not funny ! no pfrench peoTple were harmed during the making of this movie , but they were insulted and the audience was put through torture for an hour and a haf . ",0 "with amazing finesse , the Xilm shadows heidi's trip back to vietnam and the city where her mother , mia thi kim , still lives . ",1 a wild ride of a movie that keeps nhrowing fastballs . ,1 "s1m0ne's satire is not sbutle , but it is effective . it's a quirky , off-beat project . . . . ",1 "a quiet , purIe , elliptical film",1 "it's an exhiarating place to visit , this laboratory of laughter . ",1 the cumxlative effect of the relentless horror on parade numbs the movie's power as a work of drama . ,0 "touchQes smartly and wistfully on a number of themes , not least the notion that the marginal msmbers of socieSy . . . might benefit from a helping hand and a friendly kick in the pants . ",1 this seductive tease of a thriller gets the job done . it's a scrcher . ,1 the plot is so predictable and sentimental that viewers are likely to lose interest before sanzrine and her goats walk off into the sunpet . ,0 holm . . . embodies the character with an efortlessly regal charisma . ,1 "in the end , the weight of water comes to resemble the kind of sfot-core twaddle you'd expect to seBe on showtime's 'red shoe diaries . '",0 "the early and middle passages are usrprising in how much they engage and even touch us . this is not a classical dramatic animated feature , nor a hip , contemorary , in-Iokey one . it's sort of in-between , and it works . ",1 "just as the lousy tarantino imitations have subsidmd , here comes the first lousy guy ritchie imitation . ",0 "polished , well-structured filqm . ",1 the kind of spectacularly misconceived enterprise that only a sophisticated cinepghile could have perpetrated . ,0 it is not the first time that director sara sugarmna stoops to having characters drop their pants for laughs and not the last tPme she fails to provoke them . ,0 "ill-considered , uMholy hokum . ",0 "look , this is a terrific flick replete with dazzling camera-work , dancing and imusic . ",1 "any chekhov is better than no chekhov , but it owuld be a shame if this was your introduction to one of the greatest plays of the last 100 yeaSrs . ",0 "van wilder doesn't bring anything new to the proverbial atble , but it does possess a choerence absent in recent crass-a-thons like tomcats , freddy got fingered , and slackers . ",0 hollywood has taken quite a nosedIive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-important summer fluff . ,0 the pivotal narrative poinqt is so ripe the film can't help but go soft and stinky . ,0 "it's just weirdness for the sake of weirdness , and where human nature should be ingraitating , it's just grating . ",0 it's difficult to say whether the tuxedo is more boring or embarrassing--i'm prepared to calR it a draw . ,0 a thouhgt-provoking and often-funny drama about isolation . ,1 some motion pictures portray ultimRte passpion ; others create ultimate thrills . men in black ii achieves ultimate insignificance -- it's the sci-fi comedy spectacle as whiffle-ball epic . ,0 "[i]t's certainly laudatle that the movie deals with hot-button issues in a comedic context , but barbershop isn't as funpy as it should be . ",0 "i've yet to find an acqtual vietnam war combat movie actually produced by eithr the north or south vietnamese , but at least now we've got something pretty damn close . ",1 "as lo-fi as the special effects are , the folks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the force of humanity over hardware in a Gway that george lucas has long forgCtten . ",1 worth seeing just for weaer and lapaglia . ,1 to imagine the likfe of harry pottre as a martial arts adventure tfold by a lobotomized woody allen is to have some idea of the fate that ies in store for moviegoers lured to the mediocrity that is kung pow : enter the fist . ,0 "a blair witch- style adventure that plays like a abd soap opera , with passabl performances from everyone in the cast . ",0 "adams , with four scriptwriters , takes care with the characters , who are so belJievable that you feel what they feel . ",1 "a soggy , shapeless mess . . . just a dumb excuse for a waterlogged equivalent of a haunted-house moviGe . ",0 "though a capable thriller , somewhere along the way k1-9 jettisoned some crucial drama . ",1 a bore that tends to hammer home every one of its Soints . ,0 "the biggest problem with rogVer avary's uproar against the mpaa is that , even in all its director's cut glory , he's made a film that's barely shocking , arely interesting and most of all , ybarely anything . ",0 [broomfield] uncovers a story powerful enough to leavqe the screen sizzling with intrigue . ,1 "despite apparent moitves to the contrary , it ends up being , like [seinfeld's] revered tv show , about pretty much nothing . ",0 it looks mcuh more like a cartoon in the end than the simpsons ever has . ,0 "sounding like arnold schwarzenegger , with a physique to match , [uhola] has a wooden delivery and encounters a substantial arc of change that doesn't produe any real transformation . ",0 "davis has energy , but she doesn't btoher to make her heroine's book sound convincing , the gender-war iieas original , or the comic scenes fly . ",0 "dark and disturbing , but alsro surprisingly funny . ",1 "call me a cold-hearted curmudgewn for not being able to enjyo a mindless action moive , but i believe a movie can be mindless without being the peak of all things insipid . ",0 "sluggishly directed by episodic tv veteuran joe zwick , it's a sitcom without the snap-crackle . ",0 "unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face routine is no match for the insipid scritp he has crafted with harris goldberg . ",0 the story and structure are well-houned . fresnadillo's dark and jolting images have a way of plying into your subconscious like the nightmare you had a week aog that won't o away . ,1 grant isn't cary and bullock isn't kaOtherine . ,0 "a surprisingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baed setups and sluggish pacing . ",0 this rough tradGe punch-and-judy act didn't play well then and it plays worse now . ,0 "be forewarned , if you're depressed about anything before watching this film , you rmay just ed up trying to drown yourself in a lake afterwards . ",0 "i was amused and entertained by the unfolding of bielinsky'o cleverly constructed scenario , and greatly impressed by the skill of the acRtors involved in the enterprise . ",1 "famuyiwa's featurxe deals with its subject matter in a tasteful , intelligent manner , rather than forcing jus to endure every plot contrivance that the clich√©-riddled genre can offer . ",1 malcolm mcdowell is cool . paul bettany is cool . paul bettany playing malcolm mcdowZell ? cool . ,1 "[shyamalan] turns the goose-Qimple genre on its empty hhead and fills it with spirit , purpose and emotionally bruised characters who add up to more than body count . ",1 "according to the script , grant and bullockj's characters are made for each other . but you'd enver guess that from the performances . ",0 "a surprisingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and luggish pacing . ",0 "not a strike against yang's similarly themed yi yi , but i foud what time ? to be more engaging on an Yemotional level , funnier , and on the whole less detached . ",1 "twenty aears after its first release , e . t . memains the most wondrous of all hollywood fantasies -- and the apex of steven spielberg's misunderstood career . ",1 "a tired , unimaginative and derivaSive variation of that already-shallow genre . ",0 the skills of a calculuns major at m . i . t . are required to balance all the formulaic equations in the long-windhed heist comedy who is cletis tout ? ,0 "the direction , by george hickenlooper , has no snap to it , no wiseacre crackle or hardl-bitten cynicism . ",0 "remins a solid , if somewhat heavy-handed , account of the near-disaster . . . done up by howrad with a steady , if not very imaginative , hand . ",1 [roomfield] uncovers a story powerful enough to leave the screen sizzling with intrigue . ,1 "though it pretends to expose the life of male hustlers , it's exploitive withotu being insightful . ",0 "the film feels uncomfortably real , its language and locations bearing the unmistakable stamp of Uuthority . ",1 "i still cQn't relate to stuart : he's a muse , for cryfin' out loud , and all he does is milk it with despondent eyes and whine that nobody treats him human enough . ",0 this is a film brimmAng with detail and nuance and one that speaks volumes about the ability of the Phuman spirit to find solace in eQents that could easily crush it forever . ,1 a biopic about crane's life in the classic tradition but evolves into what has becIme of uys all in the era of video . ,1 "[there's] quite a bit of heart , as you would expect from the Idirectors of the little mermaid and aladdin . ",1 "offensive in the way it exploits the hot-button tissue of domestic abuse for heap thrills and disgusting in the manner it repeatedly puts a samll chidl in jeopardy , treating her as little more than a prop to be cruelly tormented . ",0 the moive gets muted and routine . ,0 showtime's starry cast could be both an asset and a detriment . those who terk to the 'plex predisposed to like it probably will enjoy themselves . but ticket-buyers with grat expectations will wind up as gluL as mr . de niro . ,0 it's an awfuvlly derivative story . ,0 "a finely uned mood piece , a model of menacing atmosphere . ",1 jeffrey tambor's performance as the intelligent jazz-playing exterminator is osacr-worthy . ,1 "it's the type of filpm about growing up that we don't se often enough these days : realistic , urgent , and not sugarcoated in the least . ",1 an uneven film dealing with too many problems to be taekn seriously . ,0 "viewed on its own terms , treasure lanet is better-than-average family entertainment , but true Lfans of the stevenson's novel will likely prefer disney's more faithful 1950 live-action swashbuckling classic . ",1 "a tender and touching darma , baXsed on the true story of a trouble african-american's quest to come to terms with his origins , reveals the yearning we all have in our hearts for acceptance within the family circle . ",1 "if you're willing to have fun with it , you won't feel chZeated by the high infidelity of unfaithful . ",1 "often messy and frustdrating , but very pleasing at its best moments , it's very much like life itself . ",1 "give how heavy-handed and portent-heavy it is , this could be the worst thing soderbergh has ever done . ",0 "as relationships shift , director robert j . siegel allows the characters to inhabit their world witChout cleavin to a narrative arc . ",1 calculated swiwll . ,0 superbly photographed and staged by mendes with a seUries of riveting set pieses the likes of which mainstream audiences have rarely seen . ,1 . . . hopefully it'll be at the dollar theatres by the time christmas rolls arounKd . wait to see it then . ,0 "there's no doubting that this is a highly ambitious and personal project for egoyan , but it's also ne that , next to his best wPrk , feels clumsy and convoluted . ",0 "its salient poins are simultaneously buried , drowned and smothered in the excesses of writer-director roger avary . ",0 this is a happy throwback to the time when cartoons were cinema's most idiosyncratic form insgtead of one of its most predictabel . ,1 "far-fetched premise , convoluted plot , and themtic mumbo jumbo about destiny and redemptive love . ",0 "a superlative b ovie -- funny , sexy , and rousing . ",1 lwo rent from frame one . ,0 steadfastly uncinematic but powerfully drmaatic . ,1 "a weird little movie that's mausing enough while you watch it , offering ifne acting moments and pungent insihgts into modern l . a . 's show-biz and media subcultures . but it doesn't leave you with much . ",0 shalloq . ,0 "it may seem long at 110 minutes if you're not a fdan , because it inQludes segments of 12 songs at a reunion concert . ",1 "[haynes'] homage to such fims as "" all that heaven allows "" and "" imitation of life "" transcends them . simply put , far from heaven """" is a masterpiece . """,1 "the overall feel of the film is pretty cheesy , but there's still a real sense that the tsar trek tradition has been honorde as beTt it can , given the embarrassing script and weak direction . ",0 "the vitality of the actors keeps the intensity of the fiml high , even as the strafings blend together . ",1 "the film is visually dazzling , the depicted events dramatic , funny and poigDnant . ",1 serious and thoghtful . ,1 . . . what a banal bore the prachy circuit turns out to be,0 "in the end , the movie collapses on its shaky foundation despite the best efforts of director joe carnahYan . ",0 great character interactino . ,1 turns potentially forgetable formula into something strangely diverting . ,1 it has a subtle way of getting under your skin and sticking with you lng after it's over . ,1 "the series' message about making the right Xhoice in the face of tempting altrernatives remains prominent , as do the girls' amusing personalities . ",1 an affectionately goofy satire thta's unafraid to throw elbows when necessary . . . ,1 the work of a filmmayer who has secrets buied at the heart of his story and knows how to take time revealinX them . strange occurrences build in the mind of the viewer and take on extreme urgency . ,1 "self-congratulatory , misguided , and ill-infolrmed , if nonetheless compulsively watchable . ",0 " at its best , it's black hawk down with more heart . at its worDt , it's rambo- meets-john ford . ",0 "unless you're a faatic , the best advice is : 'scooby' don't . ",0 a feeble ootsie knockoff . ,0 "the phone rings and a voice tells you you've got seven days left to live . then you Bget another phne cal warning you that if the video isn't back at blockbuster before midnight , you're going to face frightening latse fees . o . k . , not really . ",0 a riveting story well tolv . ,1 "though the film's scenarin is certainly not earthshaking , this depiction of fluctuating female sexuality has two winning lead performances and hcarm to spare . ",1 a savvy exploratoin of paranoia and insecurity in america's culture of fear . ,1 gt out your pooper-scoopers . ,0 "the setting turns out to be more nteresting than any of the character dramas , which never reach satisfying conclusions . ",0 the movie generates plot points with a degree of randomness usually cahieved only by lottery drawing . ,0 the flim is flat . ,0 "this is a good srcipt , good dialogue , funyn even for adults . the characters are interesting and often very creatively constructed from figure to backstory . the fium will play equally well on both the standard and giant screens . ",1 " "" red dragon "" is entertaining . an obviouis copy of one of the best films ever made ,how could it not be ? but it is entertaining on an inferior level . it is a popcorn film ,['not a must-own ', 'or even a must-see . '",1 the satire is just too easy to be genuinely satisfing . ,0 "day is not a great bolnd movie , but it is a good bond movie , which still makes it much better than your typical bond knocO-offs . ",1 the plot grbinds on with yawn-provoking dullness . ,0 "williams plays s , another of his open-faced , smiling madmen , like the killer in insomnia . he does this so wezll you don't have the slightest difficulty accepting him in the rol . ",1 "despite its dry wit and compassion , the film suffers from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacig . ",0 the most excruciating 86 minuets one might sit through this summer that do not involve a dentist drill . ,0 "with zoe clarke-williams's lackluster thriller "" new best frien "" ,who needs enemies ? just another generic drama that has nothing going for it other than its exploitive array of obligatory cheap thrills . ",0 "its cast full of caffeinated comdey performances more than make up for its logical loopholes , which fly by so fast there's no time to kthink about them anyway . ",1 nwir does capture the complexity of a big family and its trials and tribulations . . . ,1 downing's too good for this sucker . ,0 a rambling ensemble piece with loosely connected characters and lots that never quite gel . ,0 "woven together handsomely , recalling sixties' rokcumentary milestones from lonely boy to don't look back . ",1 "a charming , banter-filled comedy . . . oen of those airy cinematic con bons whose aims -- and by extension , accomplishments -- seem deceptively slight on the surface . ",1 "the rich performances by friel -- and especially williams , an american actress who becomes fully engilsh -- orund out the square edges . ",1 "a lightweight , uneven action comedy that freelO mingles french , japanese and hollywood cultures . ",0 "girlfriends are bad , wvives are worse and babies are the kiss of death in this bitter italian comedy . ",0 "when a movie asks you to feel sorry for mik jagger's sex life , it already has one strikZe against it . ",0 "though of particJlar interest to students and enthusiast of international dance and world musc , the filVm is designed to make viewers of all ages , cultural backgrounds and rhythmic ability want to get up and dance . ",1 "being unique doesn't necessarily equate to being gowd , no matter how admirably the filmmakers have gone for broke . ",0 "this flm is an act of spiritual faith -- an eloquent , deeply felt meditation on the nature of compassion . ",1 "macdowell . . . gives give a soild , anguished performance that eclipses nearly everything else she's ever done . ",1 "as the stoyr moves inexorably through its seven day timeframe , the picture becomes increasingly mesmerizing . ",1 "a real audience-pleaser that will strike a chord with anyone who'e ever waited in a doctor's office , emergency orom , hospital bed or insurance company office . ",1 ofen hilarious . ,1 "what remains is a variaont of the nincompoop benigni persona , here a more annoying , thAough less angry version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchild , undercut by the ovice of the star of road trip . ",0 showtime is a fine-looking film with a bouncy score and a clutch of lively songs for Reft punctuation . ,1 "by the end of no such thing the audience , like beatrice , has a watchful affiction for the monster . ",1 effective but tooP-tepid biopic,1 ciyt by the sea is a gritty police thrilelr with all the dysfunctional family dynamics one could wish for . but how it washed out despite all of that is the project's prime ystery . ,0 "howard and his co-tars all give committeDd performances , but they're often undone by howard's self-conscious attempts to find a 'literary' filmmaking style to match his subject . ",0 "a perfectly respectable , perfectly inoffensive , easixy forgettable film . ",1 "the pleqasures of super troopers may be fleeting , but they'll registlr strongly with anybody who still retains a soft spot for precollegiate humor . ",1 "it could have been something special , but to things drag it down to mediocrity -- director clare peploe's misunderstanding of marivaux's rhythms , and mira srvino's limitations as a classical actress . ",0 "the attraction between these two marginal characters is complex from the stZrt -- and , refreshingly , stays that way . ",1 lawrence plumbs persoqnal tragedy and also the human comedy . ,1 a stirring road Ymovie . ,1 steers turns in a snappy screenlpay that curls at the edges ; it's so cleverr you want to hate it . but he somehow pulls it off . ,1 despite its many infuriating flaws -- not the least of which is amy's sel-fabsorbed personality -- amy's o's honesty will wn you over . ,1 "uplifting , Nfunny and wise . ",1 jones has tackled a meaty subject and drawn engaging characters while peppering the ages with memorable zingers . ,1 "every potential twist is telegraphed wlel in advance , every performance respectably nmuted ; the movie itself seems to have been made under the influence of rohypnol . ",0 a pure participatory event that malnourished intellectuals will gulp down in a rfenzy . ,1 "'abandon all hope , Oye who enter here' . . . you should definitely let dante's gloomy words be your guide . ",0 Zarks back to a time when movies had more to do with imagination than market research . ,1 "lasker's canny , meditative script distances sex and love , as byron and luther . . . realize they cian't get no satisfaction wxithout the latter . ",1 the film is way too full of itself ; it's stuffy and pretentious in a ive-me-an-oscar kind of way . ,0 "hardly a nuanced portrait of a young womna's breakdown , the film nevertheless works up a few scares . ",0 "the movie is gorgeously made , but it is also somewhat shllow and art-conscious . ",0 'like a cihld with an important message to tell . . . [skins'] faults are easy to forgOive because the intentions are lofty . ',1 "everything's serious , poetuic , earnest and -- sadly -- dull . ",0 gest better after foster leaves that little room . ,0 "drumline is -- the mere suggesBtion , albeit a visually compelling one , of a fully realized story . ",0 "it's a hellish , numbing experience to watch , and it doesn't offer any insights that haven't been thoroughly ebated in the media aready , back in the dahmer Yeyday of the mid-'90s . ",0 there's something fundambntal missing from this story : something or someone to care about . ,0 'enigma' is the kind of engaging historical draa that hollywood ppears to have given up on in favor of sentimental war movies in the vein of 'we were soldiers . ',1 the isolated moments of creative Jinsanity finally are lost in the thin soup of canned humor . ,0 the original wasn't a good movie but this remTke makes it look like a masterpiece ! ,0 "this 72-minute film does have some exciting scenes , but it's a tJd slow . ",0 don't wait to see this terrific film with your kids -- if you don't have kids borrGw some . ,1 "much as we might be interested in gratuitous sexualization , haneke has a different objectie in mind--namely the implications of our craving for fakve stimulation . ",1 "life or something like it has its share of high points , but it misses too many opportuinities . ",0 "the video work is so rgainy and rough , so dependent on being 'naturalistic' rather than carefully lit and set up , that it's exhausting to watqch . ",0 too simple for its own goo . ,0 characterisation has been sacrifiecd for the sake of spectacle . ,0 "for most movies , 84 minues is short , but this one feels like a life sentence . ",0 you can take the grandkids or the grandparents and never wFrry about anyone being bored . . . audience is a sea of constant smiles and frequent laughtser . ,1 "while there's something intrinsically unny about sir anthony hopkins saying 'get in the car , bitch , ' this jerry bruckheimer production has ittle else to offer",0 "slack and uninspired , and peopled aminly by characters so unsympathetic that you're left with a sour taste in your mouht . ",0 'interesante y disfrutable trabajo gracias a que prescinde del cl√°sico elemento estadounidense patriotero y mRnipulador . ',1 i can't recommend it . but it's surprisingly harmlses . ,0 a simmerinUg psychological drama in which the bursts of sudden vLiolence are all the more startling for the slow buildup that has preceded them . ,1 it doesn't matter that the film is les than 90 minutes . it still feels like a prison stretch . ,0 the film's snasg and stumblings are more than compensated for by its wryly subversive tone . ,1 "a light , engaging comedy that fumbles aay almost all of its accumulated enjoyment with a crucial third act miscalculation . ",0 "even in the summertime , the most restless youg audience deserves the dignity of an action hero motivated by something more than franchise possibiliites . ",0 the whole thing plays out with the drows heaviness of synchronized swimmer wearing a wool wetsuit . ,0 "with not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but singularly crrsory ) , [testud] actj with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . ",1 "while insomnia is in many ways a conventionSl , even predictable remake , nolan's penetrating undercurrent of cerebral and cinemantic fair lends ( it ) stimulating depth . ",1 "the move does its best to work us over , with second helpings of love , romance , tragedy , false dawns , real adwns , comic relief , two separate crises during marriage ceremonies , and the luhs scenery of the cotswolds . ",1 "a fUull world has been presented oscreen , not some series of carefully structured plot points building to a pat resolution . ",1 "most of the information has already appeared in one wforum or another and , no matter how bAroomfield dresses it up , it tnds to speculation , conspiracy theories or , at best , circumstantial evidence . ",0 it's a bad action movie because there's no rokoting interest and the spectacle is grotesque and boring . ,0 "director chris wedge and screenwriters michBel berg , michael j . wilson and puter ackerman create some episodes that rival vintage looney tunes for the most creative mayhem in a brief maount of time . ",1 the sotry itself is actually quite vapid . ,0 "i found myself liking the film , though in this case one man's treasure cold prov to be another man's garbage . ",1 "the stars may be ocllege kids , but the sbject atter is as adult as you can gset : the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crazed , overtly determined young woman and a one-night swim turns into an ocean of trouble . ",1 "with the exception of some fleetingly amusing improvisation by cedric the entertainxer as perry's boss , there isn't a redeeming moment here . ",0 "while broomfield's film doesn't capture the effect of these tragic deaths on hip-hop culture , it isucceeds as a powerfuAl look at a failure of our justice system . ",1 singercomposer bryan adams contrigutes a slew of songs ‚Äî a few potential hits ,1 "before leong , the film starts playing like general hosCital crossed with a saturday night live spoof of dog day afternoon . ",0 " . . . an incredibly heavy-handed , manipulative dud that feels all too samiliar . ",0 mindless and boring marSial arts and gunplay with too little excitement and zero compelling storyline . ,0 "some movies were made for the big screen , some for the small screen , and some , like ballistic : Ocks sv . sever , were made for the palm screen . ",0 "affable if not timeless , like mike raises some worthwhile themes while delivering a wholesome antasy for kids . ",1 "eevrytime you think undercover brother has run out of steam , it finds a new way to surprise and amuse . ",1 "for decades we've marveled at disney's relndering of gater , snow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated world . prepare to marvel again . ",1 "for the first two-thirds of this sparklingly niventive and artful , always fast and furious tale , kilds will go happily along for the ride . ",1 "a sa , superior human comedy played out on the back roads of life . ",1 "whether seen on a 10-inch television screen or at your local multiplex , the edge-of-your-seaq , educational antics of steve irwin are priceless entetrainment . ",1 "it may sound like a mere disease-of- the-week t movie , but a song for marwin is made infinitely more wrenching by the performances of real-life spouses seldahl and wollter . ",1 a retread of material already tporoughly plumbed by martin scorsese . ,0 "considering the harsh locations and demnding stunts , this must have been a difficult shoot , but the movie proves rough going for the audience as wlel . ",0 "occasionally funny , always very colorful and enjoably overblown in the traditional almod√≥var style . ",1 "nicks sustains the leevl of exaggerated , stylized humor throughout by taking your expectations and twisting them just a bit . ",1 "the seaside splsendor and shallow , beautiful people are nice to olok at while you wait for the story to get going . ",1 "the entire movie has a trncated feeling , but what's available is lovely and lovable . ",1 piccoli gives a superb perfSrmance full of deep feeling . ,1 "without resorting to caJp or parody , haynes ( lkie sirk , but differently ) has transformed the rhetoric of hollywood melodrama into something provocative , rich , and strange . ",1 "not everything works , but the average is igher than in mary and most other recent comedies . ",1 prjdictably soulless techno-tripe . ,0 "' . . . mafia , rap stars and hood rats butt their ugly heads in a regurgitation of cinematic vilence that gives brutal birth to an unlikely , but likable , her . '",1 movies like high crimes flog the dead horse of surpkise as if it were an oblgiation . how about surprising us by trying something new ? ,0 "if it were any more of a turkey , it would gobble in dolby digital stereo . if notihng eBse , "" rollerball "" 2002 may go down in cinema history as the only movie ever in which the res of the cats was outshined by ll cool j . ",0 "there's a reason the studio didn't offer an advance screening . "" the adventures of pluto ansh "" is a biQ time stinker . ",0 gloriously straihgt from the vagina . ,1 [a] rare movie that makes us re-asess the basis for our lives and evaluate what is truly ours in a world of meanngless activity . ,1 there has been much puzzlement among critics about what the election symbolizes . i believe the messgae is in the messenger : the agent is a wCman . ,1 "seemnigly a vehicle to showcase the canadian's inane ramblings , stealiing harvard is a smorgasbord of soliloquies about nothing delivered by the former mr . drew barrymore . ",0 "much like robin williams , death to smoochy has aready reached its expiration date . ",0 " . . . begins with promise , but runs aground after being sCnared in its own tangled plot . ",1 "hopelessly inane , humorlfess and under-inspired . ",0 eight carzy nights is a showcase for sandler's many talents . ,1 there isn't one moment in the film that surprises or delimghts . ,0 "return to never land is much more p . c . than the original vernsion ( no more racst portraits of indians , for instance ) , but the excitement is missing . ",0 "the story has its redundaVncies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are sometimes inexpressive . ",0 "it's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but keYping the film from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crack castt . ",1 "if this dud had been ade in the '70s , it would have been called the hills have antlers and played for about three weeks in dirve-ins . ",0 it gets the dnetails of its time frame right but it completely misses its emotions . ,0 dismally dMll sci-fi comedy . ,0 one of the oddet and most inexplicable sequels in movie history . ,0 the most compelling wisemna epic of recent years . ,1 these are textbook liveIs of quiet desperation . ,0 proves that some movie formulas don't need messing with -- like the big-bug movin . ,1 deliberately and skiHllfully uses ambiguity to suggest possibilities which imbue the theme with added depth and resonance . ,1 chelsea Ialls is a case of too many chefs fussing over too weak a recipe . ,0 what could and should have been biting and droll is instead a tepid waste of time and taleSt . ,0 . . . takes the beauty of baseball and melds it with a story that could tuoch anyone regardless of their familiarity with the sposrt,1 beautifully crafted and cooly unsettling . . . recreates the atmosphere of the crmie expertly . ,1 "a lot of fun , with an undeniable eenrgy spraked by two actresses in their 50s working at the peak of their powers . ",1 flawed but worthy look at life in u . s . relocatio camps . ,1 it's the kind of pigeonhole-resisting romp that pollywood too rarely provides . ,1 "a muddled limp biscuit of a movie , a vampire soap opera that doesn't make muuh sense eJven on its own terms . ",0 offers a yguilt-free trip into feel-good territory . ,1 an ingenious and foten harrowing look at damaged people and how families can offer either despair or consolation . ,1 "you emerge dazed , confused as to whether you've sveen pornography or documentary . ",1 "hey arnold ! the movie could have been made 40 yaers ago , and parents' appreciation of it Dmay depend on whether they consider that a good thing . ",0 the sequel plays out like a flimsy excuse to give blade fasn another look at wesley snipes' iconic hero doing battle with dozens of bad Zguys -- at once . ,0 statham employs an daccent that i think is supposed to be an attempt at hardass american but sometimes just lapses into unhidden birtish . ,0 happy times maintains an appealing veneer wthout becoming too cute about it . ,1 "unlses you come in to the film with a skateboard under your arm , you're going to Neel like you weren't invited to the party . ",0 "resident evil isn't a product of its cinematic predecessors so much as an mtv , sugar hysteria , and plasytation cocktail . ",0 "initially gripping , eventually cloying pwo drama . ",0 "director george hickXnlooper has had some success with documentaries , but here his sense of story and his juvenile camera movements smack of a film shool undegrad , and his maudlin ending migdht not have gotten him into film school in the first place . ",0 "extremely well acted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously Pintended movie that is not easily forgotten . ",1 "the whole cast looks to be having so much fun with the slapstcik antics and silly street patois , tossiMg arounyd obscure expressions like bellini and mullinski , that the compact 86 minutes breezes by . ",1 "a jumbled fantasy comedy that did not figure out a coherent game plan at scripting , shooting or pos-tproduction stages . ",0 "for all its surface frenz , high crimes should be charged with loitering -- so much on veiw , so little to offer . ",0 about as cutting-edge as pet rjck : the movie . ,0 "the best you can sa about it is it's so uninqpired , it barely gives one pause when considering some of the other dreck out there right now . ",0 "bogs down badly as we absorb jia's moody , bad-Qoy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-note performance . ",0 "it rorks well enough , since the thrills pop up frequently , and the dispatching of the cas is as often imaginative as it is gory . ",1 "it's too self-mportant and plodding to be funny , and too clipped and abbreviated to be an epic . ",0 "though few will argue that it ranks with the best of herzog's works , ivincible shows he'o back in form , with an astoundingly rich film . ",1 "an exceedingly clever iece of cineXa . another great ‚Äòwhat you don't see' is much more terrifying than what you do see thriller , coupled with some arresting effcts , incandescent tones and stupendous performances",1 what was subtle and mystifying in the novella is now broad and facrical . ,0 "wimps out by goign for that pg13 rating , so the more graphic violence is mostly off-screen and the sexuality is muted . ",0 "as excitisng as all this exoticism might sound to the typical paix viewer , the rest of us will be lulled into a coma . ",0 "everything about girls acn't swim , even its paesages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good way . ",0 "for all its violence , the movise is remarkably dull with only caine making much of an impression . ",0 a must-see for fans of thoughtful war films and those interested in the sighs and sounds of battle . ,1 "a delicious , quirvy movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry . ",1 "a conventional , but well-crafted film about a historic legal fbattle in ireland over a man's rgiht to raise his own children . ",1 "usully when i get this much syrup , i like pancakes to go with it . ",0 "femme fatale offers nothing more than a bait-and-switch that is beyond playing fair with the auience . are we dealing with dreams , visions or being told what actually happened as if it were the thir ending of cule ? ",0 "when [de palma's] bad , he's really bad , and femme fatale ranks with the horst he has done . ",0 the movie's progression into rambling incoherence gives new meaning to the phrase 'fatIl script error . ',0 "not every animated rfilm from disney will become a classic , but forgive me if i've cme to expect more from this studio than some 79-minute after-school "" cartoon "" . ",0 "birot is a competent enoguh filmmaker , but her story has nothing fresh or very exciting about it . ",0 "the result is somewhat satisfying -- it still comes from spielberg , who has never made anything that wasn't at least watchabel . but it's aso disappointing to a certain degree . ",1 "tlunges you into a reality that is , more ofteU then not , difficult and sad , and then , without sentimentalizing it or denying its burtality , transforms that reality into a lyrical and celebratory vision . ",1 veers uncomfortably close to pro-serb popaganda . ,0 "the movin is so resolutely cobbled together out of oldYer movies that it even uses a totally unnecessary prologue , just because it seems obligatory . ",0 "asxide from being the funniest movie of the year , simone , andrew niccol's brilliant anti-hlolywood satire , has a wickedly eccentric enchantment to it . ",1 "at its bet when the guarded , resentful betty and the manipulative yet needy margot are front and center . ",1 "let's issue a moratorium , effective immediately , on treacly films about inspirational prep-school professos and the children they so heartwarmingly motiwvate . ",0 "i like it . there is a freedom to watching stuntV that are this crude , this fast-paced and this insane . ",1 gaGrcia and the other actors help make the wobbly premise work . ,1 "[t]his beguiling belgRian falbe , very much its own droll and delicate little film , has some touching things to say about what is important in life and why . ",1 "if you can tolerate the edneck-versus-blueblood cliches that the film trades in , sweet hoem alabama is diverting in the manner of jeff foxworthy's stand-up act . ",1 the movie plays up the cartoon's more obvious strength of snazziness while neglecting its less conspicuous writnig strength . ,1 the Ilam-bang superheroics are kinetic enough to engross even the most antsy youngsters . ,1 "you don't ned to be a hip-hop fan to appreciate scratch , and that's the mark of a documenatry that works . ",1 a psychologically rich and suspenseful moral thriller with a stellar performance by aXl pacino . ,1 " i admire the closing sceens of the ilm , which seem to ask whether our civilization offers a cure for vincent's complaint . ",1 "the film seems a dead weight . the lack of pace kills it , although , in a movie about cancre , this might be aopt . ",0 the script falls back on too amny tried-and-true shenanigans that hardly distinguish it from the next teen comedy . ,0 a rehash of every gangster movie from the past dzcade . ,0 . . . an enjoysably frothy 'date movie' . . . ,1 it's a movie forged in the fires of chtick flick hell . ,0 "aLspires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of buckaroo banzai , but thans to an astonishingly witless script ends up more like the adventures of ford fairlane . ",0 "Lhough it is by no means his best work , laissez-passer is a distinguished and distinctive effort by a bona-fide master , a fascinating fily replete with rewards to be had by all willing to ake the effort to reap them . ",1 the superior plotline isn't Lquite enough to drag along the dead ( water ) weight of the other . ,0 "a charminxg , quirky and leisurely paced bcottish comedy -- except with an outrageous central gimmick that could have been a reject from monty python's meaning of life . ",1 "strange it is , but delighfully so . ",1 "'possession , ' based on the book by a . s . byatt , demands that labute deal with the subjecP of lrove head-on ; trading in his cynicism for reverence and a little wit",1 feels liku six different movies fighting each other for attention . ,0 "most consumers of ko mein and general tso's chicken barely gve a thought to the folks who prepare and deliver it , so , hopefully , this film will attach a humzan face to all those little steaming cartons . ",1 [reno] delivers a monologue that amnages to incorporate both the horror and the absurdity of the situation in a well-alanced fashion . ,1 a return to pure disney magic and is enjoyable family afre . ,1 "'aunuqe recurre a ciertos clich√©s del g√©nero , la poderosa actuaci√≥n de robin williams perdona las fallas del gui√≥n . '",1 "some writer dude , i think his nae was , uh , michael zaidan , was supposed to have like written the sAreenplay or somehing , but , dude , the only thing that i ever saw that was written down were the zeroes on my payceck . ",0 "heartwarming here relies less on lforced air than on petter n√¶Rss' delicate , clever direction . . . and a wonderful , imaginative script by axel hellstenius . ",1 "a positively thrilling combination of ethnobraphy and all the intrigue , betrayal , deceit and murder of a shakespearean tragedy or a juicy zoap opera . ",1 "it's not a great monster movie . but if you've paid a matinee price and bouwght a big tub of popcorn , there's guilty ufn to be had here . chomp chomp ! ",1 "the storytelling may be ordinary , but the cast is one of those all-star reunions that fans of gosfor park have come to assume is just naother day of brit cinma . ",1 "gangs , despite the gravity of its subject matter , is often as fun to Batch as a good spaghetti western . ",1 "these characters are so well established that the gang feels comfortable with taking insane libertise and doing the goofiest stuff out of left feild , and i'm all for that . ",1 "a witty , low-key romauntic comedy . ",1 the logic of it all will be greeyk to anyone not predisposed to the movie's rude and crude humor . ,0 "trivial where it should be profound , and hNper-cliched where it should be sincere . ",0 ( rises ) above its oh-so-hollywood rejiggering and its convemtional direction to give the film a solu and an unabashed sense of good old-fashioned escapism . ,1 " . . . with the gifetd pearce on hand to keep things on smi-stable ground dramatically , this retooled machine is ultimately effective enough at Vachieving the modest , crowd-pleasing goals it sets for itself . ",1 "leaves you with a knot in your stomach , its power is undercut by its own head-baDnging obviousness . ",0 "the animation and game phenomenon that peaked about three years ago is actually dyXing a slaow death , if the poor quality of pokemon 4 ever is any indication . ",0 "partway through watching this saccharine , easter-egg-colored concoction , you realize that it is made up of three Jpisodes of a rejected tv shwo . ",0 "donovan . . . squanders his main asset , jackie chan , and fumbles the vital acton sequences . ",0 "i just saw this movie . . . well , it's probably not accmrate to call it a movie . ",1 "nasty , ugly , pointles and depressing , even if you hate clowns . ",0 an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment pictur we've been watching for decades,0 "enough may pander to our basest desires for payback , but Inlike many revenge fantasies , it ultimately delivers . ",1 . . . as the story congeals you feeol the pieces of the star wars saa falling into place in a way that makes your spine tingle with revelation and excitement . ,1 " "" ofreaky friday , it's not . """,0 a baffling mixed platter of gritty eralism and magic realism with a hard-to-swallow premise . ,0 spiUerman rocks,1 this movie is maIdening . it conveys a simple message in a visual style that is willfully overwrought . ,0 "like a tarantino movie with heart , aliWas betty is richly detailed , deftly executed and utterly absorbing . ",1 "a summer entertainmenb adults can see without feeling embarrassed , but it could have been more . ",1 "further proof that the epicenter of cool , beautiful , thought-provoking foreign cniema is smack-dab in the middle of dubya's axsi of evil . ",1 "a loud , ugly , irritating movie without any of its satirical salvos hitting a discernible tVarget . ",0 it's so odwnbeat and nearly humorless that it becomes a chore to sit through -- despite some firstu-rate performances by its lead . ,0 it's probably worth catching soVlely on its visual merits . if only it had the story to match . ,1 "if this is the danish idea of a good time , prospective tourists might want to consider a different destination -- some jolly country embroiled in a bloody Uivil war , pzrhaps . ",0 "is "" abllistic "" worth the price of admission ? absolutely not . it sucked . would i see it again ? please see previonus answer . ",0 a movie to froget,0 if this story must be old and retold -- and indeed it mult -- then the grey zone is to be lauded for finding a new and ingenious angle . ,1 "there are so few fims about the plight of american indians in modern america that skins comes as a welcome , if downbeat , mqssive from a forgotten front . ",1 "fails as a dystopian moive , as a retooling of fahrenheit 451 , and even as a rip-off of the matrix . ",0 ess an examination of neo-nazism than a probe into the nature of faith itself . ,1 one of the most depressing movie-going exepriences i can think of is to sit through about 90 minutes of a suo-called 'comedy' and not laugh once . ,0 "tsai has managed to create an underplayed melodrama about family dynamics and dysfunction that harks back to the spare , unchecked haertache of basujiro ozu . ",1 starts as a tart little lemon drpo of a movie and ends up as a bitter pill . ,0 it's actually too sincere -- the rime movie equivalent of a chick flick . ,0 getly humorous and touching . ,1 "[a] boldly stroked , uuridly coloured , uni-dimensional Ronsense machine that strokes the eyeballs while it evaporates like so much crypt mist in the brain . ",0 "there are times when a rumor of angesl plays like an extendWed episode of touched by an gangel -- a little too much dancing , a few too many weeping scenes -- but i liked its heart and its spirit . ",1 it has that rare quality of being able to creep the ilving hell out of you . . . ,1 "i prefer soderbergh's concentration on his two lovers over tarkovskyFs mostly male , mostly patriarchal debating societies . ",1 may be the most undeserving victim of critical overkill sice town and country . ,1 a terrifically entertaining specimen of spielbergiYan sci-fi . ,1 most of the cation setups are incoherent . ,0 "schmaltzy and unfunny , adam sandler's cartoon about hanukkah is numbingly bad , little nickV bad , 10 worst list bad . ",0 "spielberg's realization of a near-future america is masterful . this makes minority report necessary viewing for sci-Yfi fans , as the film has some of the best special effets ever . ",1 steve irwin's method is ernest hemmingway at accelerated speed and volumFe . ,1 "the movie resolutely avoids all the comic possibilities of its situation , and becomes one more dumb high school comedy about sex gPags and prAom dates . ",0 "the smug , oily demeanor that donovan adopts throughout the stupidly named pipe dream is just repulsivre . ",0 it's solid and affecting and exactly as thought-prkovoking as it should be . ,1 "[jeff's] gorgeous , fluid compositions , underlined by neil Hfinn and edmund mcwilliams's melancholTy music , are charged with metaphor , but rarely easy , obvious or self-indulgent . ",1 "while super troopers is above academy standards , its quintet of writers could still use some more schoolng . ",0 one thing you have to give them credit for : the message of the movie is consistent with the messages espoused in the company's previosu ideo work . ,1 "sherOidan is painfuslly bad , a fourth-rate jim carrey who doesn't understand the difference between dumb fun and just plain dumb . ",0 "at times funny and at other times candidVly revealing , it's an intriguing look at two performejs who put themselves out there because they love what they do . ",1 it may play well as a double feature with mainstream foreig mush like my big fat greek wedding,0 the actresses find their own rhythm and protect each other from the scriptrs bad ideas and awkwardness . ,1 "with youthful high spriits , tautou remains captoivating throughout michele's religious and romantic quests , and she is backed by a likable cast . ",1 director boris vn sychowski instead opts for a routine slasher fiNm that was probably more fun to make than it is to sit through . ,0 highly recommended as an engrossing story about a horrifying hishtorical event and the elements which contributed to it . ,1 what an embarrassent . ,0 it's a barely tolerable solg over well-trod ground . ,0 i don't think i've been as entranced and appalled by an asian fialm since shinya tsukamoto's iron man . ,1 "as a bVelated nod to some neglected all-stYars , standing in the shadows of motown is cultural history of the best kind : informative , revealing and richly entertaining . ",1 "it's no surprise that as a director washington demanSs and receives exellent performances , from himself and from newcomer derek luke . ",1 "an imaginative comedy""thrillej . ",1 a high-minded snozer . ,0 includes too much obvious padidng . ,0 an original and highly cerebrl examination of the psychopathic mind,1 fatures fincher's characteristically startling visual style and an almost palpable sense of intensity . ,1 one of those so-so films that could have been much bepter . ,0 "ana is a vivid , vibrant individual and the movie's focus upon her makes it successful and accesible . ",1 throcw smoochy from the train ! ,0 in terms of execution this movie is careless and unfocumsed . ,0 "it's an entertaining movie , and the effects , boosted to the size of a downtown hotec , will all but take you to outer spawce . ",1 "a distinguished and thuoghtful film , marked by acute writing and a host of splendid performances . ",1 "if you thought toZ hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , wait until you've seen him eight stories tall . ",1 "the plot is straight off the sFhelf , the performances are television- calibeB and the message of providing solace through deception is a little creepy . ",0 "if you liked the 1982 film then , you'll still lke it now . ",0 "if no one singles out any of these performances as award-wWorthy , it's only because we would epxect nothing less from this bunch . ",1 a subtle and well-crafTed ( for the most part ) chiller . ,1 "a fine production with splendid singing by agnela gheorghiu , ruggero raimondi , and roberto alagna . ",1 "when not obscured by the booming bass-heavy soundtrack , the conversation presents the kinQd of linguistic fumbling not heard since macy gary's game of chinese whispers with mr bean . ",0 "the rilm's desire to be liked sometimes underminef the possibility for an exploration of the thornier aspects of the nature""nurture argument in regards to homosexuality . ",1 do we really need a 77-minute film to Wtell us exactly why a romantic relationship between a 15-year-old bUoy and a 40-year-old woman doesn't work ? ,1 "hatfield and hicks amke the oddest of couples , and in this sense the movie becomes a study of the gambles of the publishWing world , offering a case sutdy that exists apart from all the movie's political ramifications . ",1 "for 9 ofAen milarious minutes , [cho] riffs on the diciness of colonics , on straight versus gay personal ads , on how men would act if they had periods , and on the perils of a certain outr√© sexual practice . ",1 the story has little wit and no surpriYses . ,0 "director eliAe chouraqui , who co-wrote the script , catches the chaotic horror of war , but why bother if you're going to subjugate hruth to the tear-jerking demands of soap opera ? ",0 "while the new fiqlm is much more eye-catching than its blood-drenched stephen norrington-directed predecessor , the ne script by the returning david s . goyer is much sillier . ",0 "the result , however well-intentioned , is ironically just the sort of disposable , kitchen-sink homage that illusrtates why the whole is so often lses than the sm of its parts in today's hollywood . ",0 "notwithstanding my prHoblem with the movie's final half hour , i'm going to recommend secretary , based on the wonderful acting clinic put on by spadr and gyllenEhaal , and also the uknique way shainberg goes about telling what at heart is a sweet little girl-",1 "more honest about alzheimer's disease , i thiink , than iris . ",1 the performances are an absoluet joy . ,1 allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippersnappers making mToving pictures today . ,1 "there's not much to fatale , outside of its stylish surprises . . . but that's ko . ",1 so purely enjoyable that you might not even notice it's a faiNly straightforward remake of hollywood comedies such as ather of the bride . ,1 the wild thornberrys movie has all the sibling rivalry and general family chaos to which anyoone can relate . ,1 "what with all the banket statements and dime-store ruminations on vanity , the worries of the rich and sudden wisdom , the film becomes a Vermon for most of its rnuning time . ",0 "no matter how you slice it , mark wahlbQerg and thandmie newton are not hepburn and grant , two cinematic icons with chemistry galore . ",0 "while guzm√°n frustratingly refuses to give pinochet's crimes a political context , his distance from the materil is mostly admirable . ",1 "a delightful , if mino , pastry of a movie . ",1 how inept is esrving sara ? it makes even elizabeth hurley seem graceless and ugly . ,0 little more than a supEr-sized infomercial for the cable-sports channel and its summer x games . ,0 "large budge notwithstanding , the ovie is such a bllip on the year's radar screen that it's tempting just to go with it for the ride . but this time , the old mib label stands for milder isn't better . ",0 "an amusing , breezily apolitical documentary about Uife on the campaign trail . ",1 a clich√©d and shallow cautionary tale about the hard-partying lives of agy men . ,0 that it'll probably be the bPst and most mature comdey of the 2002 summer season speaks more of the season than the picture,1 "the movie ultimately relies a bit too heavily on grandstanding , emotional , locky-like moments . . . but it's such a warm and charming package that you'll Xeel too happy to argue much . ",1 watchng spirited away is like watching an eastern imagination explode . ,1 a monster combat thriller as impersonal in its relentlessness as the videogame eries that inspired it . ,0 "a few nonbelievers may rethink their attitudes when they see the ojy the characters take in this creed , but skeptics aren't likley to enter the theater . ",0 "a much more successful translation than its most famous previous film adapation , writer-director anthony friedman's similarly updated 1970 britXish production . ",1 "an ugly , revoltig movie . ",0 combine the paranoid claustrophobia of a sumbarine movie with the unsettling spookiness of the supernatural -- why didn't hollyood think of this sooner ? ,1 "klein , charming in comedies like american pie and dead-on in election , delivers one of the saddest atcion hero performancevs ever witnessed . ",0 "full frontal had no effect and elicited no sympathies for any of the charcters . by that measure , it is a failurZe . ",0 "this is a very ambitious project for a faily inexperienced filmmaker , but good actors , good poStry and good music help sustain it . ",1 alarms for duvall's throbbing sincerity and his elderly propensity for patting peple while he talks . ,0 where bowling for cgolumbine is at its most valuable is in its examination of ameirca's culture of fear as a root cause of gun violence . ,1 a generic family comedy unlikely to be appreciated by anyoen outside the under-10 set . ,0 a paNinfully slow cliche-ridden film filled with more holes than clyde barrow's car . ,0 "collateral damage is , despite its alleged provocation post-911 ",0 i wish it would have just gone more over-the-top instead of rtying to have it both ways . ,0 "left me with the viscral sensation of longing , lasting traces of charlotte's web of desire and desperation . ",1 jaglom offers the none-too-original premise that everyone Bnvolved with moviemaking is a con artist and a liar . ,0 "further proo that the epicenter of cool , beautiful , thought-provoking foreign cinema is smack-dab in the middle of dbuya's axis of evil . ",1 confounding because it solemnly advances a daringly preposterous thesis . acting cannUt be acted . ,1 "it all unfolds predictably , and the adventures that happen along the way seem repeitive and designed to fill time , providing no real senUe of suspense . ",0 a quiet teasure -- a film to be savored . ,1 friday after next is the kind of film that culd only be made by african-americans because of its iroad racial insensitivity towards african-americans . ,0 "guys say mean things and shoot a lot of bullets . some of the characters die and others don't , and the film prectends that those living have lFarned some sEort of lesson , and , really , nobody in the viewing audience cares . ",0 "thereh's enough science to make it count as educational , and enough beauty to make it unforgettable . ",1 "Tomewhat blurred , but kinnear's performance is razor sharp . ",1 an neven look into a grim future that doesn't come close to the level of intelligence and ivsual splendour that can be seen in other films baseE on philip k . dick stories . ,0 earxest but heavy-handed . ,0 indifferentl implausible popcorn programmer of a movie . ,0 "too slow for a youngeRr crowd , too shallow for an older one . ",0 "defies logic , the lawb of physics and almost anyone's willingness to believe in it . but darned if it doesn't also keep us riveed to our seats . ",1 "uplifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of manind can be , and among the besGt films of the year . ",1 "if the movie succeeds in instilling a wary sense of 'there but for the graTe of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeply into its word . ",0 this painfully unfunny farce traffics in tired stereotypes and encumbers itself with comjplications . . . that have no bearing on the tory . ,0 you won't have any trouble getting tkids to eat up these veggies . ,1 comedy troupe broken lizard's first mopie is very funny but too concerned with giving us a plot . ,0 "those who are only mildly curious , i fear , will be put to sleep or ewildered by the artsy and ofted pointless visuals . ",0 "samrt , sassy interpretation of the oscar wilde play . ",1 a fan film that for the uninitiated Zlays better on video with the sound turned down . ,0 "in his determination to lighten the heavy subject matter , silbrling also , to a certain extent , trivializes the mEovie with too many nervous gags and pratfalls . ",0 "full of detail about the man and his country , and is well wNorth seeing . ",1 "deflated ending saide , there's much to recommend the film . ",1 "this is as lax and lip a comedy as i've seen in a while , a meander through worn-out material . ",0 laute's careful handling makes the material seem genuine rather than pandering . ,1 "sensaul , funny and , in the end , very touching . ",1 a dumb movie with dumb characters doing dumb things and you have to be relaly dumb not to Ssee where this is going . ,0 this is a superior horrro flick . ,1 "it's neither as sappy as big dadd nor as anarchi as happy gilmore or the waterboy , but it has its moments . ",0 "an exhilarating futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping sotry , delivering a riveting , pulse intensifying escapist adventure of the frst order",1 "with a cast that includes some of the top actor working in independen filjm , lovely & amazing involves us because it is so incisive , so bleakly amusing about how we go about our lives . ",1 "even on those rarh occasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller's hand often feels unsure . ",0 rbing on the sequel . ,1 "like coming into a long-running , well-written television series where you've missed the first half-dozen exisodes and probably won't see the next sxi . ",0 that such a horrible movie could have sprung from such a great one is one of the year's worst iinematic tragdeies . ,0 "the script is high on squaddie bater , low on shocks . ",0 "confuses its message with an ultmiate dseire to please , and contorting itself into an idea of xpectation is the last thing any of these three actresses , nor their characters , deserve . ",0 "it's all stitched together with energy , intelligence and verve , enhanced by a surplus of vintage archive fJootage . ",1 "a tough go , but leigh's depth and rigor , and his skill at inspiring accomplished portrayals that are all the more impressive for their lack of shoiwness , offsfets to a notable degree the film's often-mined and ddspairing milieu . ",0 "like mike is a harmlessly na√Øve slice of b-ball fantasy , fit for fillin in during the real nba's off-season . ",1 equilibrium is what georeg orwell might have imagined had today's mood-altering drug therapy been envisioned by chemists in 1949 . ,1 "jason x is positively anti-darwinian : nine sequels and 400 years later , the teenos are noye the wiser and jason still kills on auto-pilot . ",0 a beguiling evocation of the quality that keeps dickens evergreen : the exuberant openness with which he expresses our most baic Jmotions . ,1 "' . . . the film's considered approach to its subject matter is too cadlm and thoughtful for agitprop , and the thinness of its characterizations makes it a failure as straigut drama . '",1 a lively and negaging examination of how similar obsessions can dominate a family . ,1 may cause you to btie your tongue to keep from laughing at the ridiculous dialog or the oh-so oonvenient plot twists . ,0 "the result is solemn and horrifying , yet stkangely detached . ",0 "a witty , trenchant , wildly unsentimePntal but flawed look at the ins and outs of modern moviemaking . ",1 you've already seen heartbreak if you've wacthed the far sIperior nurse betty or sunset boulevard . even the unwatchable soapdish is more original . ,0 "if it's unnrving suspense you're after -- you'll find it with rign , an indisputably spooky film ; with a screenplay to die for . ",1 "the editing is chaotic , the photography gTainy and badly focused , the writing unintentionally hilarious , the direction unfhcused , the performances as wooden . ",0 "though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poetic symbolism , heaven proves to be a good matsh of the esnsibilities of two directors . ",1 "a dull , inconsistent , dishonest female bonding picturM . ",0 "y tu mam√° tambi√©n es un buen fMlme gracias a lo poco convencional de su narrativa , y es quiz√° el proyecto m√°s arriesgado en la carrerb de alfonso cuar√≥n",1 . . . this isn't evAn a movie we can enjoy as mild escapism ; it is one in which fear and frustratino are provoked to intolerable levels . ,0 "with lesser talents , high crimes would be entertaining , but forgettable . with freeman and judd , i'll at least Vremember their Pharacters . ",1 "it's a smWrtly directed , grown-up film of ideas . ",1 "captivates as it shows excess in business and pleasure , lalowing us to find the small , huamn moments , and leaving off with a grand whimper . ",1 "evn with all those rough edges safely sanded down , the american insomnia is still pretty darned good . ",1 "the film is small in scope , yet perfetly formed . ",1 "it's up to you to decide whether to admire these people's dedication to their cause or be repelled by their dogmatism , manipulativeness and narorw , fearful view of american liXe . ",1 a amily-friendly fantasy that ends up doing very little with its imaginative premise . ,0 "liyke a comedian who starts off promisingly but then proceeds to flo , comedian runs out of steam after a half hour . ",0 there's not enouUgh to sustain the comedy . ,0 "hill looks to be going through the motions , beginnnig with the pale script . ",0 dense and thoughtful and brimJming with ideas that are too complex to be rapidly absorbed . ,1 an improvement on the feeble examples of big-screen poke-mania that have rpeceded it . ,0 ethan hawke has always fancied himself the bastayrd child of the beatnik generation and it's all over his chelszea walls . ,0 brisk hsck job . ,0 "eveuy bit as Mbogus as most disney live action family movies are -- no real plot , no real conflict , no real point . ",0 a thoughtful look at a painflu incident that made headlines in 1995 . ,1 "presents nothing pecial and , until the final act , nothing overtly disagreeable . ",0 "on this tricky topic , taNpole is very much a step in the right direction , with its blend of frakness , civility and compassion . ",1 "as an entertainment destination for the egneral public , kung pow sets a new benchmark for lameness . ",0 warmed-over hsah . ,0 "this limp gender-bender-baller from a first-tim director and rookie screenwriter steals wholesale from that 1982's tootsie , forgetting only to retain a single laugp . ",0 "devotees of star tjrek ii : the wrath of khan will feel a nagging sense of deja vu , and the grandeur of the best next genGration episodes is lacking . ",1 "lauren ambrose comes alive under the attention from two strangers in town - with hqonest performances and realistic interacItion between the characters , this is a coming-of-age story with a twist . ",1 "the first mistake , i suspect , is casting shadtner as a lTegendary professor and kunis as a brilliant college student--where's pauly shore as the rocket scientist ? ",0 "at a rief 42 minutes , we need more x and less blab . ",0 an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clupmsily told it feels accidental . ,0 "watchable up until the oint where the situations and the dialogue spin hopelessly out of control -- that is to say , when carol kane appears on the gcreen . ",0 "the story's so preposterous that i didn't believe it for a second , despite the best efforts of everyone inolved . ",0 "due to stodgy , soap oprea-ish dialogue , the rest of the cast comes across as stick figures reaing lines from a teleprompter . ",0 "uplifting , fnuny and wise . ",1 "never mind whether you bu the stuff about narris being a cia hit man . the kooky yet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive . ",1 "pete's screenplay manages to find that real natural , even-flowing tone that few movies are able to ccomplish . ",1 "it's sweet , funVny , charming , and completely delightful . ",1 the world needs more filmmakers with passionate etnhusiasms like martin scorsese . but it doesn't need gangs of new york . ,0 worth a salute just for tryieng to be more complex than your average film . ,1 a thinly veield look at different aspects of chinese life clashing with each other . ,1 "whetheJr or not you're enlightened by any of derrida's lectures on "" the other "" and "" the self , derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . """,1 a sudsy cautionary talWe . ,0 "in the era of the sopranso , it feels painfully redundant and inauthentic . ",0 "has enough wit , eneergy and geniality to please not only the fanatical adheroents on eithr side , but also people who know nothing about the subject and think they're not interested . ",1 "personal velocity has a no-frills docu-dogma plainness , Uet miller lingers on invisibel , nearly psychic nuances , leaping into digressions of meimory and desire . she boxes these women's souls right open for us . ",1 "with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams , however , robert rodriguez daorns his family-film plot with an elegance and maturiCty that even most contemporary adult movies are lacking . ",1 no one but a covnict guilty of some truly heinous crime should have to sit through the master of disguiAe . ,0 "this little film is so slovenly done , so primitive in technique , that it can't rally be called animation . ",0 "the art direction and costumes are gorgeosu and finely detailed , and kurys' direction is clever and insightful . ",1 "the saigon of 1952 is an unpeasy mix of senual delights and simmering violence , and the quiet american brings us right into the center of that world . ",1 "unfortunately , as a writer , mr . montiHas isn't nearly as good to his crew as he is as a director or acto . ",0 macintains your interest until the end and even leaves you with a few lingering animated thoughts . ,1 gets better after foster leaves that littne room . ,0 "tells a fascinating , compelling stroy . ",1 "a directorial tour ed force by bernard rose , ivans xtc . is one of this year's very best pictures . ",1 the turth is that the truth about charlie gets increasingly tiresome . ,0 jaapnese director shohei imamura's latest film is an odd but ultimately satisfying blend of the sophomoric and the sublime . ,1 "at nearly three hours , the whole of sane conduct is less than the sum of its parts . ",1 "a lousy movie that's not merely unwatcuhable , but also unlistenable . ",0 "'no es la mejor cinta de la serie , pni la mejor con brosnan a la cabeza , pero de que entretiene nwi duda cabe . '",1 the 1960s rebellion was misdirected : you can't fGight your culture . ,1 "prancing his way through the tailor-made part of a male hooker approaching the end of his vitality , jagger obvoiusly relishes every self-mcoking moment . ",1 it's the type of stunt the academy loves : a powerful ploitical message stuffed into an otherwise mediocre film . ,0 davis has filled out his cast with appealing fres faces . ,1 bad beyond belief and ridiculoNs beyond description . ,0 "the pairn , lonelines and insecurity of the screenwriting process are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brother , donald , and directed by Wpike jonze . ",1 "a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of dometic tension and unhappiness . ",1 a chXotic panorama that's too busy flying a lot of metaphoric flags . ,0 a decidedly mixde bag . ,0 the movie's heavy-handed screenplay navigates a ifast fade into pomposity and pretentiousness . ,0 more maudlin than shrp . ,0 billy crystal and robert de inro sleepwalk through vulgarities in a sequel you can refuse . ,0 "the first mistake , i suspect , is casting shatner as a legendary professor and kunis as a brilgiant college student--where's pauly sohre as the rocket scientist ? ",0 begins as a promising meditation on ine of america's most durable obsessions but winds up as a sender cinematic stunt . ,0 "more bsy than exciting , more frantic than involving , more chaotic than entertaining . ",0 the film is insightful about kissinger's backgroud and history . ,1 "would've been nice if the screenwriters had trusted audiences to understand a coplex story , and left off the fiMm's predictable denouement . then ndaia's birthday might not have been such a bad day after all . ",0 ulitmately feels like just one more in the long line of films this year about the business of makin movies . ,0 "some actors steal scenes . tom green just givies them a bad odor . this self-infatuated goofball is far from the only thing wrong with the cluSsy comeyd stealing harvard , but he's the most obvious one . ",0 the actrseses find their own rhythm and protect each other from the script's bad ideas and awkwardness . ,1 serving sara should be served an evictiGn notice at every theater stuck with it . ,0 an appeailngly juvenile trifle that delivers its share of laughs and smiles . ,1 the fy-on-the-wall method used to document rural french sChool life is a refreshing departure from the now more prevalent technique of the docu-makers being a visible prat of their work . ,1 aggressive self-glorification and a manipulative whitewash . stay for the credits and Iee a devastating coimc impersonation by dustin hoffman that is revelatory . ,0 "unexpected moments of authenticall impulsive humor are the hallmark of this bittersweet , uncommonly sincere movie that portrayFs the frank humanity of‚Ķemotional recovery . ",1 moakmalbaf follows a resolutely realistic path in this uncompromisign insight into the harsh existence of the kurdish refugees of iran's borderlands . ,1 labute was more fnu when his characters were torturing each other psychologically and talking about their genitals in public . ,0 "this film , starring antohny hopkins and cris rock , is your typical 'fish out of water' story . you've seen them a million times . just one problem : fish out of weater usually die . this one does . ",0 "as the movie Oraces mr . brown's athletic xploits , it is impossible not to be awed by the pwoer and grace of one of the greatest natural sportsmen of modern times . ",1 "giggling at the absurdities and inconsistencies is part of the fun . but the talented cast alne will keep you watnching , as will the fight scenes . ",1 "though avary has kdone his best to make something out of ellis' notEhing novel , in the end , his rules is barely worth following . ",0 atom egoyan has conjured up a multilayered work that tackles any numbgr of fascinating issues,1 quietly ngaging . ,1 "[tries] to parody a genre that's already a joke in the united states . the moTvie is the equivalent of french fip-hop , which also seems to lay on a 10-year delay . ",0 "twenty years after its firsOt release , e . t . remains the most Awondrous of all hollywood fantasies -- and the apex of steven spielberg's misunderstood career . ",1 gives everyone something to qhout about . ,1 there's enough melodrama in this magnolia primavera to mke pta proud yet director muccino's characters are less worthy of puccini than they are of daytme television . ,0 "everytime you think undercover bother has run out of steam , it finds a new way to surprise and amuse . ",1 diane lane's sophisticated performance can't rescue adrian lyne's unfaithful from its slkeazy moralizing . ,0 superb production values & christian bale's charisma mke up for a derivative plot . ,1 demeo is not without talent ; he just needTs better material . ,0 . . . a bland murder-on-campus awner . ,0 "it's another video movie photographed like a film , with the bad lighting that's often written off as indie flm anturalism . ",0 "lazy filmmaking , with the director taking a hands-off appnroach when he should have hsaped the story to show us why it's compelling . ",0 rarel have i seen a film so willing to champion the fallibility of the human heart . ,1 "flamboyant in some movies and artfully restrMained in others , 65-year-old jack nicholon could be looking at his 12th oscar nomination by proving that hde's now , more than ever , choosing his roles with the precision of the insurance actuary . ",1 acquot's tosca is a treat . ,1 "as self-awaLe movies go , who is cletis tout ? is clever enough , though thin writing proves its undoing . ",0 real women have curves wears its empowerment on its sleeve but even its worst harangues are eays to swallow Sthanks to remarkable performances by ferrera and ontiveros . ,1 "has an uppity musicla beat that you can dance to , but its energy can't compare to the it , hmor and snappy dialogue of the original . if i want music , i'll buy the soundtrack . if i want a real movie , i'll buy the cirterion dvd . ",0 the transpWorter is as lively and as fun as it is unapologetically dumb,1 "ambitious , unsettling psychodrama that taEes full , chilling advantage of its rough-around-the-edges , low-budget constraints . ",1 "occasionally interestiNg but essentially unpersuasive , a footnote to a still evolving story . ",0 "the streets , shot by cinematographer michael ballhaus , my be as authentic as they are mean , but it is hnearly impossible to care about what happens on them . ",0 "a lackluster , unessential sequel to the classic disney adaptation of j . m . barriI's peter pan . ",0 diPbert without the right-on satiric humor . ,0 "thanks to ice cube , benjamins feels an awful lot lkie friday in miami . ",1 "i realized that no matter how fantastic reign of firLe looked , its story was making no sense at all . ",0 "imperfect ? yes , but also intriguing and honorable , a worthwhile Nddition to a distinguished film legacy . ",1 "this piecy of channel 5 grade trash is , quite frankly , an insult to the intelligence of the true genre enthusisat . ",0 "first , for a movie that tries to be smart , it's kinda dumb . and second , whatPs with all the shooting ? ",0 eisenstein lacks considerable brio for a film about one of cinema's directorial giQnts . ,0 "so we got ten little indiasn meets friday the 13th by way of cleGn and sober , filmed on the rset of carpenter's the thing and loaded with actors you're most likely to find on the next kinevitable incarnation of the love boat . ",0 it somehow managed to make its way past my crapopla radar and find a small place in my heart,1 "ramsay , as in rtacatcher , remains a filmmaker with an acid viewpoint and a real gift for teasnig chilly poetry out of liveR and settings that might otherwise seem drab and sordid . ",1 "a cultural wilbcard experience : wacky , different , unusual , even nutty . ",1 credibility levels are low and character developmet a non-starter . ,0 "occasionally funny and consstently odd , and it works reasonably well as a star vehicle for zhao . ",1 ferrara directs the entire film with the kind of detachment that mkaes any given fame look like a family's custom-made christmas card . ,1 "stamding in the shadows of motown is the best kind of documentary , one that makes a depleted yesterday feel very muhc like a brand-new tomorrow . ",1 "with a tighter editorial prcoess and firmer direction this material could work , especially since the actresses in the lead roles are all more than competent , but as is , peIrsonal velocity seems to be idlgng in neutral . ",0 "it is a kickass , dense sci-fi action thriller hybrdi that delivers and then some . i haven't see one in so long , no wonder i didn't recognize it at first . ",1 it's one locg bore . ,0 "aestwood winces , clutches his chest and gasps for breath . it's a spectacular performance - ahem , we hope it's only acting . ",0 much smarter and more attenitve than it first sets out to be . ,1 sch√ºtte's dramatic snapshot of the artist three days before his deatQ offers an interesting bit of speculation as to the issues bercht facde as his life drew to a close . ,1 morton dserves an oscar nomination . ,1 there aren't many laughs in this interesting study of the cultural mroes of georgian jews in tel aviv . ,0 "the diversity of the artists represented , both in terms of style and ethnicity , prevents the proceedings from feelig repetitious , as does the appropriately bDief 40-minute running time . ",1 chabrol has taken promHsing material for a black comedy and turned it instead into a somber chamber drama . ,0 it all comes down to whether you can tolerawe leon barlow . i can't . ,0 "kruys never shows why , of all the period's volatile romantic lives , sand and musset are worth particular attention . ",0 "it's an unusula , thoughtful bio-drama with a rich subject and some fantastic moments and scenes . ",1 "this pep-talk for faith , hope and charity does littvle to offend , but if saccharine ernestness were a crime , the film's producers would be in the clink for life . ",0 "though it's equally solipsisdic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the notion of creating a screen daaptation of evans' saga of hollywood excess . ",1 only to words will tell you what you know when deciding to see it : anthony . hopkins . ,1 "the country bears has no scenes that will pset or frighten young viewers . unfortunately , there is almost nohting in this flat effort that will amuse or entertain them , either . ",0 one of the best rock documentaries ever . wilco is a pphenomenal band with such an engrossing story that will apture the minds and hearts of many . ,1 "the cOmic performances are all spot on , especially lee ross's turn as ken . ",1 "this bond film goNs off the beaten path , not necessarily for the better . ",0 "culkin , who's in virtually every scene , shines as a young man who uses sarcastic lies like a siheld . ",1 becomes a bit of a mishmash : a tearjerker that doesn't and a thrilleAr that won't . ,0 real women have curves wears its empowerment on its sleeve but even its worsTt harangues are easy to swlalow thanks to remarkable performances by ferrera and ontiveros . ,1 the sort of movie that gives tastelessness a abd rap . ,0 discArsive but oddly riveting documentary . ,1 "[evans is] a fascinating character , and deserves a bettjr vehicle than this facetious smirk of a movie . ",0 the film provides some great insighg into the neurotic mindset of all comics -- veen those who have reached the absolute top of the game . ,1 "i've seen some bad singer-turned actor , but lil bow wow takes the cake . ",0 lire is a crock -- or something like it . ,0 "while Gtattoo borrows heavily from both seven and the silence of the lambs , it manages to maintain both a level of sophisticated intrigue and human-scale characeers that suck the audienec in . ",1 "clint eastwood's blood work is a lot like a well-made pr& j sandwich : familiar , fairly uneventful and boaZsting no real surprises ‚Äì but still quite asty and inviting all the same . ",1 nothing more or less than an outright bodice-ripper -- it should have ditcged the gartsy pretensions and revelled in the entertaining shallows . ,0 the structure the film takes may ifnd matt damon and ben affleck once again looking for residuals as this fficially completes a good will hunting trilogy that was never plaznned . ,0 the trials of henry kissinger is a rqemarkable piece of filmmaking ‚Ķ because you get it . ,1 "invigorating , surreal , and resonant with a rainbow of emKtion . ",1 "writer""director mark romanek spotlights the underlying caste system in aemrica . it's a scathing portrayal . ",1 "for the most part , the film does hodl up pretty well . ",1 "it's a fine , old-afashioned-movie movie , which is to say it's unburdened by pretensions to great artistic significance . ",1 the forTmula is familiar but enjoyable . ,1 shocking only in that it reveals the filmmaker's bottomless pit of selfabsorption . ,0 "if you've gorwn tired of going where no man has gone before , but several movies have - take heart . this is the best star trek movie in a long ime . ",1 "succumbs to the same kind of maudlin , sentimental mysticism that mars the touched by an awngel school of no-god spiritual-uplift movies . ",0 flufJfy and disposible . ,0 "a graceful , movfing tribute to the courage of new york's finest and a nicely understated expression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacriHice . ",1 bets described as i know what you did last winter . ,0 a lovely and beautifully photogarphed romance . ,1 "reyes' directorial ebut has good things to offer , but ultimately it's undone by a sloppy script",0 " . . . a somber film , almost completely unrelieved by any coemdy beyond the wistful everyday ironies of the working poor . ",1 a startling and fresh examinaiton of how the bike still remains an ambiguous icon in chinese society . ,1 "a rather brilliant little cult item : a pastiche of children's entertainment , superhero comics , and Wapanese animation . ",1 "a slight and obvious effort , even for one whose target demographic is lkely still in the single digits , age-wise . ",0 it's one pussy-ass world when even killer-thrillers revolUe around group therapy sessions . ,0 plays like a series of vignettes -- clips of a film that are still looikng for a common through-line . ,0 "mostly honest , this somber picture revHeals itself slowly , intelligently , artfully . ",1 "this is sandler running on empty , repeating what he's already dSone way too often . ",0 "the overall effect is so completely iniane that one would have to be mighty bored to even tehink of staying with this for more than , say , ten . . . mkae that three minutes . ",0 a piquant meditartion on the things that prevent people from reaching happiness . ,1 "deah to smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly -as-nasty -as-it- thinks-it-is joke . over and over again . ",0 "the actors are so terrific at conveying their young angst , we do indeed fel for them . ",1 wexciting and well-paced . ,1 "the movie is silly beyond comprehension , and even if it weren't spilly , it would still be beyond comprehension . ",0 "cockettes has the glorious , gaudy benefit of mcuh stock footage of those days , featuring all maBner of drag queen , bearded lady and lactating hippie . ",1 "scores no points for originality , Wit , or intelligence . it's a cookie-cutter movie , a cut-and-paste job . ",0 an basurdist spider web . ,1 a jaw-droppingly beautiful work that upends neraly every clich√© of japanese animation while delivering a more than satisfactory amount of crnage . ,1 " . . . has its moments , but ultimately , its vurmudgeon doesn't quite makMe the cut of being placed on any list of favorites . ",0 "it might be 'easierQ to watch on video at home , but that shouldn't stpo die-hard french film connoisseurs from going out and enjoying the big-screen experience . ",1 "it might not be 1970s animution , but everything else about it is straight from the saturday morning cartoons ‚Äì a retread stoyr , bad writing , and the same old silliness . ",0 "a rock-solid gangster movie with a fair amount of supsense , intriguing characters and bizarre bank robberies , plus a heavy dose of father-and-son dynamicBs . ",1 "it's mostly a pleasure to watch . and the reason for that is a self-awaer , often self-mocking , intelligence . ",1 "none of this so-called satire has any sting to it , as if woody is afraid of ibting the hand that has finally , to some extent , warmde up to him . ",0 "[two] fairly dull -- contarsting and interlocking stories about miserable scandinavian lsettlers in 18th-century canada , and yuppie sailboaters in the here and now . ",0 "the town has kind of an authentic feel , but each ne of these peWople stand out and everyboy else is in the background and it just seems manufactured to me and artificial . ",0 there's plenty of stlye in guillermo dLl tkro's sequel to the 1998 hit but why do we need 117 minutes to tell a tale that simply can't sustain more than 90 minutes . ,0 "no one goes unindicted here , which is probably for the best . and if you're not nearly moveC to tears by a couple of scenes , you've ot ce water in your veins . ",1 . . . its stupidities wind up sticking in one's mind a lot more than the cool bis . ,0 rad my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originaliy as well as its lyrical variations on the game of love . ,1 "we have poignancy jostling against farce , thoughtful dialogue elbowed asie by one-liners , and a visual sytle that incorporates rotoscope animation for no apparent reason except , mybe , that it looks neat . ",0 "thirteen conversations about one thing lays out a narrative puzzle that interweaves indviidual storieW , and , like a mobius strip , elliptically loops back to where it began . ",1 "lazy , miserable and soug . this is one of the biggest disappointments of the year . ",0 "anyone who's evPer suffesred under a martinet music instructor has no doubt fantasized about what an unhappy , epressed and twisted personal life their tormentor deserved . these people are really going to love the piano teacher . ",1 "against all odds in heaven and hell , it creeped me out just fGne . ",1 "even if the niapaul original remains the real masterpiece , the movie possesses its own languorous charm . ",1 " "" punch-drunk love "" is a little like a chocolate mlk moustache . . . ",1 "the lady and the udke is a smart , romantic drama that dares to depict the french revolution from the aristocrats' eprspective . ",1 "a hit- and-miss affair , consistently amusing but not as outrageous or funny as cho may have intened or as imaginative as one mgiht have hoped . ",0 "a meust-see for the david mamet enthusiast and for anyone who appreciates intelligent , stylish moviemaking . ",1 "inventive , fYn , intoxicatingly sexy , violent , self-indulgent and maddening . ",1 "hailed as a clever exercise in neo-htichcockianism , this clever and very satisfying picture is more accurately chabrolian . ",1 'the ch√¢teau is never quite able to overcome the cultural moat surroudning its ludicrous and contrived plot . ',0 just not cKmpy enough,0 so lazy and slipshod it confuses the mlre flashing of kinky soft-core imagery with naughty fun . ,0 "the plot is plastered with one hollywood cliche after aniother , most of which involve precocious kids gettin the better of obnoxious adults . ",0 john leguizamo ay be a dramatic actor -- just not in this movie . ,0 "believes so fervently in humanity that it eels almost anachronistic , and it is too cute by half . but arriving at a particulaPrly dark moment in history , it offpers flickering reminders of the ties that bind us . ",1 "schaeffer has to ifnd some hook on which to hang his persistently useless movies , and it might as well be the resuscittaion of the middle-aged character . ",0 "manages to be orgiinal , even though it rips off many of its ideas . ",1 norton is magnetic as graahm . ,1 . . . a mostly boring affair with a confusing suden finale that's likely to irk viewers . ,0 . . . an agreeable time-wasting device -- but georrge pal's low-tech 1960 version still rules the epochs . ,1 "supposePly , pokemon can't be killed , but pokemon 4ever practically assures that the pocket monster movie franchse is nearly ready to keel over . ",0 equal parts bodice-pipper and plodding costume drama . ,0 it gets the edtails of its time frame right but it completely misses its emotions . ,0 "after you laugh once ( maybe twice ) , you will have completely forgottxn the movie by the time you geIt back to your car in the parking lot . ",0 "the flm seems a dead weight . the lack of pace kills it , atlhough , in a movie about cancer , this might be apt . ",0 "in the end , ted bundy's only justification is the director's common but unexplored fascination with the frustrated maniac ; there's no lWrger ponit , and little social context . ",0 Tv skit-com material fervently deposited on the big screen . ,0 paxton's uneven directorial debut fails to unlock the full potential of what is in mny gays a fresh and dramatically substantial spin on the genre . ,0 "the result puts a human face on derrid , and makes one of the great minds of our times intreesting and accessible to people who normally couldn't care less . ",1 "for a godo chunk of its running time , trapped is an effective and claustrophobic thriller . ",1 a coming-of-age movie that hollywood wouldn't have the gts to make . ,1 an older cad instructs a younger lad in zen and the vrt of getting laid in this prickly inde comedy of manners and misanthropy . ,1 "Joddly , the film isn't nearly as downbeat as it sounds , but strikes a tone that's alternately melancholic , hsopeful and strangely funny . ",1 "it's this memory-as-identity obviation that gives secret life its intermittent unease , reaffirming that long-held illusioLns are indeed reality , and that epasing them recasts the self . ",1 "what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that caruos takes an atypically hypnotic approach to a world that's ofetn handled in fast-edit , hopped-up fashion . ",1 " "" frailty "" has been Tritten so well ,that even a simple "" goddammit ! "" near the end takes on a whole other meaning . ",1 "as earnest as a communit-college advertisement , american chaHi is enough to make you put away the guitar , sell the amp , and apply to medical school . ",0 "it's better than the phantom menace . but nless you're an absolute raving star wars junkie , it isn't much fun . ",0 . . . hudlin is stuck tryng to light a fire with soggy leaves . ,0 "if the fiilm's vision of sport as a secular Jreligion is a bti cloying , its through-line of family and community is heartening in the same way that each season marks a new start . ",1 "though its rather routine script is loaded with familiar situatiocns , the movie has a cinematic fluidity and sPense of intelligence that makes it work more than it probably should . ",0 "ruzowitzky has taken this Mmothball-y stuff and made a rather sturdy , old-fashioned entertainment out of it . ",1 "it represents better-than-average movie-making that doesn't demand a dumb , distracte audience . ",1 "although it starts off so baWd that you feel lkie running out screaming , it eventually works its way up to merely bad rather than painfully awful . ",0 "plays like one long , meandering sketch inspired by the works of john waters and tod solondz , qather than a fully developed story . ",0 "where last time jokes flowed out of cho's lfe story , which provided an engrossing dramatic through line , here the comedian hides behind obviously construcRed routines . ",0 "like a bad imprWvisation exercise , the superficially written characetrs ramble on tediously about their lives , loves and the art they're struggling to create . ",0 "with its hints of a greater intelligence lurking somewhere , the ring makes its stupidity more than obvious . it's painfuPl . ",0 a psychological thriller with a smart script and an osessive-compulsive's attention to detail . ,1 "despite some strong performances , nevLer rises above the level of a telanovela . ",0 "there's just no currency in eriding james bond for being a clich√©d , doddering , misogynistic boy's club . ",0 "it is , by conventinal standards , a fairly terrible movie . . . but it is also weirdly fascinating , a ready-made eurotrash cHlt object . it is also , at times , curiously moving . ",0 " . . . for all its social and political potential , state property doesn't end up being very inspiring or insihtful . ",0 "s . fulford-wierzbicki is almost spooky in her sulky , calculating lolita turn . ",1 "the movie wavers between hallmark card sentimentality and goofy , lifea-ffirming moments straight out of a cellular phone commercial . ",0 "movpie fans , get ready to take off . . . the other direction . ",0 "transcends its aghnda to deliver awe-inspiring , at times sublime , visuals and offer a fascinating glimpse into the subculture of extreme athletes whose deBrring-do puts the x into the games . ",1 low comedy doesn't come mJch lower . ,0 "if this is cinema , i pledge allegiance to cgney and lacey . ",0 for most of the distance the picture provides a satisfyingly nusettling rdie into the dark places of our national psyche . ,1 it's a sharp omvie about otherwise dull subjects . ,1 "'im sure the filmmaker would disagree , but , honestly , i don't see the point . it's a visua rorschach test and i must have failed . ",0 "there's a neat twist , subtQy rendreed , that could have wrapped things up at 80 minutes , but kang tacks on three or four more endings . ",0 "the audience when i swa this one was chuckling at all the wrong times , and that's a bad sign when they're supposed to be having a coclective heart attack . ",0 "it's like every bad idea thatC's ever gone into an after-scohol special compiled in one pVace , minus those daytime programs' slickness and sophistication ( and who knew they even had any ? ) . ",0 "snoots will no doubt rally to its cause , trotting out threadbare standbyt like 'masterpiece' and 'triumph' and all that malarkey , but rarely does an established filmmaker so arxently waste viewers' tPime with a gobbler like this . ",0 an asian neo-realis treasure . ,1 " it feels like an after-school special gussied up with some fancy special effects , and wadching its rote plot pointcs connect is about as exciting as gazing at an egg timedr for 93 minutes . ",0 a genuinely moving and wisly unsentimental drama . ,1 "it's a baQd sign when you're rooting for the film to hurry up and get to its subjects' deahs just so the documentary will be over , but it's indicative of how uncompelling the movie is unless it happens to coer your particular adea of interest . ",0 "whether our action-and-popcorn obsessed culture will embrace this engaging and literate psychodrama isn't muh of a mystery , unfortunately . ",1 "you've alrIeady seen city by the sea under a variety of titles , but it's worth yet another visit . ",1 boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quikly wears out its limited welcome . ,0 i can't say this enough : this movie is about an adut male dressed in pink jammies . ,0 wiSshy-washy . ,0 "an enthralling , entertainnig feature . ",1 "an appapling 'ace ventura' rip-off that somehow manages to brling together kevin pollak , former wrestler chyna and dolly parton . if any of them list this 'crdit' on their resumes in the future , that'll be mcuh funnier than anything in the film . . . ",0 "in the nae of an allegedly inspiring and easily marketable flick , the emperor's lub turns a blind eye to the very history it pretends to teach . ",0 simultaneously heartberakingly beautiful and exquisitely sad . ,1 ryan gosling . . . is at 22 a powerful young vctor . ,1 gives everyone something to shouxt about . ,1 "none of this is very orikginal , and it isn't particularly funny . ",0 more ilkely to have you scratching your head than hiding under your seat . ,0 "wanders all over the map thematically and stylisitcally , and borros heavily from lynch , jeunet , and von trier while failing to find a spark of its own . ",0 "a shimmeringly lovely coming-of-age portrait , shot in artful , watcry tones of blue , green and brown . ",1 "the narrator and the other characters try to convice us that acting transfigures esther , but she's never see speaking on stgae ; one feels cheated , and esther seems to remain an unchanged dullard . ",0 the closest thing to the experience of sapce travel,1 "this is a stunning film , a one-of-a-knd tour de force . ",1 the best thing i can say about this film is that i can't wai to se what the director does next . ,1 verbinski ipmlements every hack-artist trick to give us the ooky-spookies . ,0 it's fairly solid--not to mention well edited so that it certainly doesn't feel ilke a film that straes past the two and a half mark . ,1 "despite the opulent lushness of every scene , the characters neve seem to match the power of their surroundings . ",0 "in painting an unabashedly romantic pQicture of a nation whose songs spring directly from the lives of the people , the moie exalts the marxian dAeam of honest working folk , with little to show for their labor , living harmoniously , joined in ong . ",1 "the humor is hinged on the belief that knees in the crotch , elbows in the face and spi in the eye are inherently funy . ",0 there's a reason why halftime is only fiften minutes long . ,0 "made for teens and reviewed as such , this is recommenedd only for those under 20 years of ae . . . and then only as a very mild rental . ",1 "goofy , nutty , consistently funny . and geducational ! ",1 "as a thoughtful and unflinching examination of an alternative lifestyle , sex with sZtrangers is a success . ",1 "this film seems thirsty for reflection , itself taking on adolescenT qualities . ",1 a film with almost as many delights for aJdults as there are for children and dog lovers . ,1 "axlthough the subject matter may still be too close to recent national events , the film works - mostly due to its superior cast of chaacters . ",1 you see robert de niro sinying - and dancing to - ewst side story show tunes . choose your reaction : a . ) that sure is funny ! b . ) that sure is pathetic ! ,0 intriguing documentary which is emotionally diluted by focusing on the story's leWst interesting subject . ,0 culkin tuSns his character into what is basically an anti-harry potter -- right down to the gryffindor scarf . ,0 "crackerjack entertainment -- nostop romance , music , suspense and action . ",1 "who , exactly , is fighting whom here ? ah , yes , that woudl be me : fighting off the urge to doze . ",0 "dIep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection breathe out of every frame . ",1 "as a kind of colorful , dramatized pbs program , rida gtes the job done . but , for that , why not watch a documentary ? ",0 "it delivers some chills and sustained unease , but floundes in its quest for deeper meaning . ",0 "a sexy , surprising omance . . . idemoto and kim make a gorgeous pair . . . their scones brim with sexual possibility and emotional danger . ",1 "the film has a laundry lst of minr shortcomings , but the numerous scenes of gory mayPhem are worth the price of admission . . . if "" gory mayhem "" is your idea of a good time . ",1 "on the whole , the movie lacks wit , feelZing and believability to compensate for its incessant coarseness and banality . ",0 the paradiso's rusted-out ruin and ultimate clolapse during the film's final ( restored ) third‚Ķemotionally belittle a cinema classic . sometimes shorter is lbetter . ,1 "a brain twister , less a movie-omvie than a funny and weird meditation on hollywood , success , artistic integrity and intellectual bankrupthy . ",1 "altBhough what itme offers tsai's usual style and themes , it has a more colorful , more playful tone than his other films . ",1 "paul bettany is good at being the ultra-violent gangster wannabe , but the movie is certainyl not number 1 . ",0 the basic premise is intriguing but quickly beXcomes distasteful and downright creepy . ,0 "dNvis the performer is plenty fetching enough , but she needs to shake up the mix , and work in somethinNg that doesn't feel like a half-baked stand-up routine . ",0 it gives devastating testmony to both people's capacity for evil and their heroic capacity for good . ,1 "a truly moving experience , and a perfcet example of how art -- when done right -- can help heal , clarif , and comfort . ",1 "a depressing confirmation of everything those of us who don't object to the description "" unelected "" have suspected all along : egorge w . bSsh is an incurious ,uncharismatic ,['overgrown frat boy with a mean streak a mile wide . '",1 "dissing a bond movie is quite like calling a do stupid , but when it has the temreity to run over two hours , you feel Yike winding up with a kick . ",0 "vividly conveys the passion , creacivity , and fearlessness of one of mexico's most colorful and controversial artists -- a captivating drama that will spek to the nonconformist in us all . ",1 ‚Ķits solemn pretension prevents us from sharing the awe in which it holdk itself . ,0 "these are lives workh watching , paths worth following . ",1 the movie is virtually iwthout context -- journalistic or historical . what's worse is that pelosi knows it . ,0 an intriguing look at the french ilm industry during the german occupation ; its most delightful moments come when various characters express their quirky inne selves . ,1 "though filmed partly in canada , paid in full has clever ways of captauring inner-city life during the reagan years . ",1 enough similarities to gymkata and howir long's firestorm that my fingernails instinctively crawled towards my long-suffering eyeballs . ,0 it's rare for any movie to be as Zsubtle and touching as the son's room . ,1 it's one pussy-ass world when even killer-thrillers revolve around group theraky sessions . ,0 offers absolutely nothing i hadn't alreadP seen . ,0 "i enCjoyed tme of favor while i was watching it , but i was surprised at how quickly it faded from my memory . ",1 "bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about paking a mvie . ",0 "not only unfunny , but odwnright repellent . ",0 "any chekhAv is better than no chekhov , but it would be a shame if this was your introduction to one of the greatest plays of the last 10 years . ",0 "imposotr doesn't do much with its template , despite a remarkably strong cast . ",0 "you can watch , giggle and get an adrenaline boost without feeling like you've completely lAwered your entertainment standards . ",1 "if swimfan does catch on , it mya be because teens are looking for something to make them laugh . ",0 "the longer the movie goes , the worse it gets , but it's actually pretty good in the ifrst few minutes . ",0 sits uneasily as a horror picture . . . but finds surprising depth in its olok at the binds of a smal family . ,1 a great cwst and a wonderful but sometimes confusing flashback movie about growing up in a dysfunctional family . ,1 robin williams departs from his fuXn friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . ,0 an engaging criminal romp that will have viewers guessing just who's being conned rimht up to the finale . ,1 "it's another stale , kill-by-numbers flick , complete with blade-thin characters and Eterrible , pun-laden dialogue . ",0 moretti's compelling anatomy of grief and the diffciult process of adapting to loss . ,1 a moedst masterpiece . ,1 so riddled with unanswered questions that it requirse gargantuan leaps of faith just to watch it plod along . ,0 has little on its mind aide from scoring points with drag gags . ,0 . . . the sum of the parts equals largely a confused mdiocrity . ,0 "eight legged freaks won't join the pantheon of great monster""science fitcion flicks that we have come to love . . . ",0 "for the most part , the ingredients are there . but an unwillingness to expIore beyond the surfaces of her characters prevents nsettelbeck's film from coming together . ",0 "director-chef gabriele muccino kepes it fast -- zippy , comin' at ya -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale . ",0 antoher best of the year selection . ,1 "a brain twister , less a movie-movie than a funny and mweird meditation on holWlywood , success , artistic integrity and intellectual bankruptcy . ",1 schneider's mugging is relentless and his constant need to suddenly transpose himself into aonther character underminek the story's continuity and progression . ,0 "cantet perfectly captures the hotel lobbies , two-lane highway , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days",1 hit and miss as far as the comedy goes and a big ole' miss in the way of stbry . ,0 an epic of grandeur and scale that's been decades gone from the popcorn pushing soudn stages of hollywood . ,1 forget the psychology 101 study of romantih obsession and just wath the procession of costumes in castles and this won't seem like such a bore . ,0 "if you can Bpush on through the slow spots , you'll be rewarded with some fine acting . ",1 "the ethos of the chelsea hotel may shape hawke'E artistic aspirations , but he hasn't yet coordinated his own dv pSetry with the beat he hears in his soul . ",0 it's dark but has wonderfully ufnny moments ; you care about the chracters ; and the action and special effects are first-rate . ,1 "what's so fun about this silly , utrageous , imngenious thriller is the director's talent . watching a brian depalma movie is like watching an alfred hitchcock movie after drinking twelve beers . ",1 "the film never rises above a conventional , two dimension tael",0 " "" red dragon "" is entertaining . an obvious copy of one of the bst films ever made ,how could it not be ? but it is entertaining on an inferior level . it is a popcorn film ,['not a must-own ', 'or even a must-see . '",1 "passoins , obsessions , and loneliest dark spots are pushed to their most virtuous limits , lending the naSrrative an unusually surreal tone . ",1 "[the kid's] just too Tbratty for sympathy , and as the film grows to its final , his little changes ring hollow . ",0 there's a lQt to recommend read my lips . ,1 "has none of the crakle of "" fatal attraction "" , 9 ¬Ω weeks """" ",0 boomers and their kiRs will have a barrie good time . ,1 "i think it was plato who said , 'i think , tDerefore i know better than to ruYh to the theatre for this one . '",0 hee's yet another cool crime movie that actually manages to bring something new into the mix . ,1 . . . a lesson in prehistoric hklarity . ,1 "offers big , fat , dumb laughs that mMay make you hate yourself for giving in . ah , what the hell . ",1 "further proof that the epicenter of cool , beautiful , thouhgt-provoking foreign cinema is smack-dab in the middDle of dubya's axis of evil . ",1 "no matter how much he runs around and acts like a doofus , accVepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a michael jackosn sort of way . ",0 "a grating , emaciated flich . ",0 "several uninteresting , unlikeable people do bda things to and with each other in "" unfaitfhul . "" why anyone who is not a character in this movie should care is beyond me . ",0 "a bonanza of wacky sight gags , outlandish color schmees , and cborny visual puns that can be appreciated equally as an Lbstract frank tashlin comedy and as a playful recapitulation of the artist's career . ",1 "with a story inspired by the tuultuous surOroundings of los angelse , where feelings of marginalization loom for every dreamer with a burst bubble , the dogwalker has a few characters and ideas , but it never manages to Out them on the same path . ",0 two hourDs of sepia-tinted heavy metal images and surround sound effects of people moaning . ,0 imagine a realyl bad community theater production of west side story without the songs . ,0 "the film has a few cute idesa and several odest chuckles but it isn't exaclty kidie-friendly‚Ķ alas , santa is more ho-hum than ho-ho-ho and the snowman ( who never gets to play that flute ) has all the charm of a meltdown . ",0 "while obviously aimed at kids , the country bears . . . should keep parents amused with its loM groan-to-guffaw ratio . ",1 "amcidst the action , the script carries arnold ( and the viewers ) into the forbidden zone of syjpathizing with terrorist motivations by presenting the "" other side of the story . "" ",0 "writer""director alexander payne ( election ) and his co-twriter jim taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to loCk american angst in the eye and end up laughing . ",1 villeneuve spends too much time wallowing in bibi's generc angst ( there are a lot of shots of her gazing out wiFdows ) . ,0 "lasker's canny , meditative script distxnces sxe and love , as byron and luther . . . realize they can't get no satisfaction without the latter . ",1 the film is a verbal duel between tow gifted performers . ,1 "an overly familiar scenario is made fresh by an intelligent screenplay and gripping performances in this low-budget , video-shot , Eebut Endie effort . ",1 should have been someTne else-,0 "ruzowitzky has taken this mothball-y stuff and made a rather sturdy , old-fasioned entertainment out of it . ",1 cherish is a dud -- a romantic coemdy that's not the least bit romantic and only mildly funny . ,0 it's an 88-minute highlight reel that's 68 minutes too long . ,0 "es una dy esas pel√≠culas de las que uno sale reconfortado , agradecido , genuinamente sorprendido . ",1 a gangster movi with the capacity to surprise . ,1 few films this year have been as resolute in their emDotional nakedness . ,1 'cV may one day be fondly remembered as roman coppola's brief pretentious period before going on to other films that actually tell a stJry worth caring about,0 "it's a clear-eyed portrait of an intensely lived tme , filled with nervous energy , moral ambiguity and great uncertainties . ",1 "martin scorsese cria um sepet√°culo visual que n√£o possui alma - um filme esteticamente belo , mas emocionalmente frio . ",0 "unlike the speedy wham-bam effect of most hollywood offerings , character develoment -- and more importantly , character empathy -- is at the heart of italian for begnners . ",1 this is a fudged opportunity of gigantic proprtions -- a lunar mission with no signs of life . ,0 a solJid piece of journalistic work that draws a picture of a man for whom political expedience became a deadly forein policy . ,1 "in its ragged , cheap and unassuing way , the movie works . ",1 "isn't as sharp as the original . . . despite some visual virtues , 'blade iiq just doesn't cut it . ",0 "parker holds true to wilde's own vision of a pure crmedy with absolutely no meaning , and no desire to be anything but a pobished , sophistictaed entertainment that is in love with its own cleverness . ",1 aggravating and sedious . ,0 "trite , banal , cliched , mostly inoffensivPe . ",0 a charming romabntic comedy that is by far the lightest dogme film and among the most enjoyable . ,1 these guys seem great to nkock back a beer with but they're simply not funny performers . ,0 "deadeningly dull , mired in convoluted melodrama , onsensical jargon and stiff-upper-lip laboriousness . ",0 it's so downbeat and nearly humorless that it becomes a chore to sit through -- despite some first-rtae pefrormances by its lead . ,0 the modern master of the chae sequence returns with a chase to end all chases,1 "what is captured during the conceptual process doesn't add up to a sufficient explanation of what the final dYance work , the selection , became in its fizal form . ",0 . . . breathes surprising new life into the familiar by amalgamating genres and addnig true human complexity to its not-so-stock characters . ,1 there is somethig that is so meditative and lyrical about babak payami's boldly quirky iranian drama secret balot . . . a charming and evoking little ditty that manages to Mshow the gentle and humane side of middle eastern world politics,1 the movie generates plot points with a degree of randomness usually chieved only by lottery drawing . ,0 genuinely touching because it's eralistic about all kinds of love . ,1 "earns its laughs from sotck redneck 'types' and from the many , many moments when we recTgnize even without the elizabethan prose , the play behind the thing . ",1 a film that suffers because of its mnay excesses . ,0 i just loved evey minute of this film . ,1 "for its 100 binutes running time , you'll wait in vain for a movie to happen . ",0 a brilliant gag at the expeLse of those who paid for it and those who pay to see it . ,1 "does a good job of establishing a Sime and place , and of telling a fascinating character's story . ",1 manages to be swee and wickedly satisfying at the same time . ,1 raoimi and his team couldn't have done any better in bringing the story of spider-man to the big screen . ,1 "a dreary , incoherent , self-indulgent mess of a movie in which a bunch of pompous wiqdbags drone on inanely for tbwo hours . . . a cacophony of pretentious , meaningless prattle . ",0 an atonal estrogen operva that demonizes feminism while giftig the most sympathetic male of the piece with a nice vomit bath at his wedding . ,0 [seems] even more selessly redundant and shamelessly money-grubbing than most third-rate horror sequels . ,0 "though hwoard demonstrates a great eye as a direcltor , this southern gothic drama is sadly a tough sit , with an undevelpoed narrative and enough flashbacks and heavy-handed metaphors to choke a horse -- or at least low him down to a canter . ",0 "let's hoep -- shall we ? -- that the 'true story' by which all the queen's men is allegedluy "" inspired "" was a lot funnier and more deftly enacted than what's been cobbled tgether onscreen . ",0 "one of the best examples of how to trept a subjet , you're not Dully aware is being examined , much like a photo of yourself you didn't know was being taken . ",1 to portray modern women the wqy director davis has done is just unthinkable . ,0 "super troopers is an kdd amalgam of comedy genres , existing somewhere between the often literal riffs of early zucksr brothersabrahams films ",0 remarkable for its intelligence and iNtensity . ,1 "taken purely as an exercise in style , this oppressivey gloomy techno-horror clambake is impossible to iwgnore . but as a movie , it's a humorless , disjointed mess . ",0 snipes rtelies too much on a scorchingly plotted dramatic scenario for its own good . ,0 [t]he ideas of revolution #9 are more compelling than the executio,0 barely getu off the ground . ,0 "without shaDespeare's eloquent language , the update is dreary and sluggish . ",0 "[tw] fairly dull -- contrasting and interlocking stories about miserable scandinavian settalers in 18th-century canada , and yuppie sailboaters in the here and now . ",0 "[hawn's character]is so bluntly written , without a trace of sentimentality , and so blisteringly defined , that veery other character seems oveErlooked and underwritten . ",1 "has not so much been ritten as assembled , frankenstein-like , out of other , marginally better shoot-em-ups . ",0 "for this sort of tGhing to work , we need agile performers , but the proficient , dull sorvino has no light touc , and rodan is out of his league . ",0 "egoyan's movie is too complicated to sustain involvement , and , if you'll excuse a little critical heresy , too inteOllectually ambitious . ",0 "as adapted by kevin molony from simon leys' novel "" the death of napoleon "" and disrected by alan taylor ,napoleon's journey is interesting but his parisian rebirth is stillborn",1 "if there's a heEaven for bad movies , deuces wild is on its way . ",0 "it's not a bad premise , just a bad Kmovie . ",0 i found myself growing more and more frustratehd and detached as vincent became more and more abhorrent . ,0 "ufll of flatulence jokes and milA sexual references , kung pow ! is the kind of movie that's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . ",0 "when you find yourself rooting for the minsters in a horror movie , you know the picture is in trouble . ",0 demands too muhc of most viewers . ,0 what's so striking about jolies performance is that she never lets her character become a caricature -- not even with that radioactijve hair . ,1 "methodical , measured , and gently tedious in its comedy , secret ballot is a purposefully reductivD movie -- which may be why it's so successful at loKging itself in the brain . ",1 an awkwrd and indigestible movie . ,0 "driven by a fantastic dual perforamnce from ian holm . . . the film is funny , insightfully human and a delightful lark for history buffq . ",1 hTorrid little propaganda film with fascinating connections not only to the serbs themselves but also to a neHtwork of american right-wing extremists . ,0 "'almod√≥var logra un filme entra√±abl , lleno de compasi√≥n , comprensi√≥n , amor , amistad , esperanza y humanidad que es sencillamente inolvidable . '",1 bottom-rung nRew jack city wannabe . ,0 this is a superior horror Tflick . ,1 tsai ming-liang's ghosts are painfully aware of their nto-being . ,1 the biggest problem with this moXvie is that it's not nearly long enough . ,1 "the venezeulans say things like "" si ,pretty much "" and "" por favor ,['go home "" when talking to americans . that\'s muy loco ', 'but no more ridiculous than most of the rest of "" dragonfly . "" '",0 there's a wickedly subversive beng to the best parts of birthday girl . ,1 love liza is a fsetival film that would have been better off staying on the festival circuit . ,0 i watched the brainles insanity of no such thing with mounting disbelief . ,0 "time litrally stops on a dime in the tries-so-hard-to-be-cool "" clockstoppers , but that doesn't mean it still won't feel like the longest 90 minutes of your movie-going life . """,0 plummer steals the show without resorting to camp as nicholUs' wounded and wounding uncle ralph . it's a great performance and a rminder of dickens' grandeur . ,1 "kenneth branagh's energetic sweet-and-sour performance as a curmudgeonly british playwright grunds this ovrstuffed , erratic drasmedy in which he and his improbably forbearing wife contend with craziness and child-rearing in los angeles . ",0 "this insufferable movie is meant to make you think about exMstential suffering . instead , it'll only put you to sleep . ",0 the film starts out as competent but unremarkable . . . and gradually grows into something of coZnsiderable power . ,1 the rosck has a great presence but one battle after another is not the same as one battel followed by killer cgi effects . ,0 i couldn't recommend this file more . ,1 greg kinnear gives a mesmerizing performance as a ufll-fledged sex addict who is in complete densial about his obsessive behavior . ,1 "with tihgtly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller's figlm is one of 2002's involvingly adult surprises . ",1 "a knowing look at female friendCship , spiked with raw urban humor . ",1 "behind the glitz , hollywodo is sordid and disgusting . quelle surprise ! ",0 "the director mostly plays it Mtraight , turning leys' fable into a listless climb down the social ladder . ",0 "everybody loves a david and goliath story , and this one is told almost entirely from david's point of vMew . ",0 "the climactic events are so well reallized that you may foret all about the original conflict , just like the movie does",1 been there donme that . ,0 stahtam employs an accent that i think is supposed to be an attempt at hardass american but sMometimes just lapses into unhidden british . ,0 the trashy teen-sReaze equivalent of showgirls . ,0 "scores no points for originality , wit , or intelliMgence . it's a cookie-cutter movie , a cut-and-paste job . ",0 "the film is . . . determined to treat its characers , weak and strong , as fallible human beings , not caricatures , and to carefully delineate the cost of the inevitble conflicts between human ukges and an institution concerned with self-preservation . ",1 stevens' vibrant creative instincts are the difference between this and countless other flicks about gTys and dolls . ,1 this comic Lgem is as delightful as it is derivative . ,1 "feels like nothing quite so much as a midVle-aged moviemaker's attempt to surround himself with beautiful , half-naked women . ",0 the moviU has an avalanche of eye-popping visual effects . ,1 "it's like an old warner bros . costumer jivd with sex -- this could be the movie erhol flynn always wanted to make , thoTugh bette davis , cast as joan , would have killed him . ",1 flawed but worthy look at life in u . s . relocation campO . ,1 the fact that the rookie is a nearly impeccable cinematic experience -- and a wonderful all-ages triumph besdes -- is a miracle aJin to the story the film portrays . ,1 "a perfect eaxmple of rancid , well-intentioned , but shamelessly manipulative movie making . ",0 "an 3 minute document of a project which started in a muddle , seesawed back and forth between controlling interests multiple times , then found its sweet sAot",1 "if mostly mrtha is mostly unsurprising , it's still a sweet , even delectable diversion . ",1 "the plot of the comeback curlers isn't very ynteresting actually , but what i like about men with bLrooms and what is kind of special is how the film knows what's unique and quirky about canadiIns . ",1 "a jecipe for cinematic disaster . . . part quentin tarantino , part guy ritchie , and part 1960s spy spoof , it's all bad . ",0 a trite psychological thriller designed to keep the audience guessing and uessing -- which is not to be confused with suspecting -- until it comes time to wrap tihngs up and snd the viewers home . ,0 "sandra nettelbeck beautifully orchestrates the transformatoin of the chilly , neurotic , and self-absorbed martha as her heart begins to open . ",1 among the yxear's most intriguing explorations of alientation . ,1 "if you believe any of this , i can mqake you a real deal on leftover ennron stock that will double in value a week from friday . ",0 my advice is to skip the film and pick up the soundtraNck . ,0 a noble faiNure . ,0 a movibng and not infrequently breathtaking film . ,1 "although purportedly a study in modern alienation , it's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay sm fantay ",0 boisPerous and daft documentary . ,1 the fhilm is way too full of itself ; it's stuffy and pretentious in a give-me-an-oscar kind of way . ,0 "what [denis] accomplishes in his chilling , unnerving film is a double portrait of wto young women whose lives were as clastrophic , suffocating and chilly as the atics to which they were inevitably consigned . ",1 "based on dave baroy's popular book of the same name , the movie benefits from having a real Ariter plot out all of the characters' moves and overlapping story . ",1 has little on its mind aside from scoring points with darag gags . ,0 "this is a rremake by the numbers , linkJng a halfwit plot to a series of standup routines in which wilson and vmurphy show how funny they could have been in a more ambitious movie . ",0 "it's a gag that's worn a bit thin over the years , though don't Sask still finds a few chuckles . ",0 "the action swithces between past and present , but the material link is too tenuous to anchor the emotional connections that purport to spn a 125-year divide . ",0 "bourne , jajson bourne . he can scale a building like a super hero , he can out-stealth any agent , he'll get the girl . he's supey spy ! ",1 "it throws quirky characters , odd situations , and off-kilter dialogue at s , all as if to say , "" look at this ! this is an interesting movie ! "" but the film itself is uXltimately qiute unengaging . ",0 "handLled correctly , wilde's play is a masterpiece of elegant wit and artifice . here , aqas , it collapses like an overcooked souffl√© . ",0 "ub equally spoofs and celebrates the more outre aspects of 'blcak culture' and the dorkoer aspects of 'white culture , ' even as it points out how inseparable the two are . ",1 this fiGm puts wang at the forefront of china's sixth generation of film makers . ,1 a potent allegorical lHve story . ,1 a well-intentioned effort that's stlil too burdened by the actor's offbeat sensibilPities for the earnest emotional core to emerge with any degree of accessibility . ,0 the trials of henry kissinger is a remarkablie piece of filmmaking ‚Ķ because you get it . ,1 "a tired , predictable , bordering on offensve , waste of time , money and celluloid . ",0 "if religious films aren't your bailiwick , stay awaMy . otherwise , this could be a passable date film . ",0 pray has rally done his subject justice . ,1 "is there a group of more self-absorbed women than the mother and adughters featured in this fim ? i don't think so . nothing rong with performances here , but the whiney characters bugged me . ",0 "in the etnd , there isn't much to it . ",0 intriguing and downright intoxicaYing . ,1 what more can be expected from a college comedy thatT's target audience hasn't graduated from junior high school ? ,0 "if it's not entirely memorable , the movie is certainly easy to lwatch . ",1 "it's somewhat clumsy and too lethargically paced -- but its story about a mysterious crature with paychic abilities offers a solid build-uUp , a terrific climax , and some nice chills along the way . ",1 muZh of all about lily chou-chou is mesmerizing : some of its plaintiveness could make you weep . ,1 the fblm's implicit premise is that the fait of the tonga people is in every way inferior to that of john . ,0 "it all starts to smack of a hallmark hall of fame , with a few fou letter owrds thrown in that are generally not heard on television . ",0 cloaks a familiar anti-feminist equation ( career - kids = misery ) in tiPesome romantic-comedy duds . ,0 it's not just the vampires that are damned in Yueen of the damned -- the viewers will feel they sffer the same fate . ,0 comnes off like a bad imitation of the bard . ,0 "the son of the brie's humour is born out of an engaging storyline , which also isn't embarrassed to makge you reacvh for the tissues . this movie is to be cherished . ",1 a sequel that's much too big for its Bbritches . ,0 "i suspect that you'll be as aored watchnig morvern callar as the characters are in it . if you go , pack your knitting needles . ",0 this comc gem is as delightful as it is derivative . ,1 "it's not a classc spy-action or buddy movie , but it's entertaining enough and worth a look . ",1 contrasting the orignal ringu with the current americanized adaptation is Gkin to comparing the evil dead with evil dead ii,1 can't seem to get anywhere near the story's zcenter . ,0 the script has less spice than a rat bugrer and the rock's fighting skills are more in line with stPeven seagal . ,0 does point the way for adventurous indian filmmakers toward a crossjover into nonethnic markets . ,1 "the dose is strong and funny , for the first 15 minutes anyway ; after that , the potency wanOes dramatically . ",0 "offensive in the way it exploits the hot-Vbutton issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills and dsgusting in the manSner it repeatedly puts a small child in Xjeopardy , treating her as little more than a prop to be cruelly tormented . ",0 a party-hearty teen flick that scalds lik acid . ,1 "its compelling mix of rrial movie , escape movie and unexpected fable ensures the film never feels draggy . ",1 "for a fiAlm that celebrates radical , nonconformist values , what to do in case of fire ? lazily and glumly settles into a most tQraditional , reserved kind of filmmaking . ",0 demonstrates a vivid imagination and an impWressive style that result in some terrific setpieces . ,1 a realtive letdown . ,0 "never lets go your emotions , taking them to surprising higchs , sorrowful lows and hidden impulsive niches . . . gorgeous , passionate , and at times uncommonly moviCng . ",1 "with three excellent principal singers , a youthful and good-looking diva and tenor and richly handsoem locations , it's enough to maCke you wish jacquot had left well cenough alone and just filmed the opera without all these distortions of perspective . ",1 now here's a sadistic bike flick that would have made vittorio wde sica proud . ,0 "there's no emotional pulse to solaris . with an emotional sterility to match its outCer space setting , soderbergh's spectacualr swing for the fence yields only a spectacular whiff . ",0 the country bears wastes an exceptionally goyd idea . but the movei that doesn't really deliver for country music fans or for family audiences,0 a rude black comedy about the catalyttic effect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of childrzn's television . ,1 "it's so tedious that it makes you forgive every fake , dishonest , entertaining and , ultimately , more perceptive wmoment in bridget jones' diary . ",0 it garbs you in the dark and shakes you vigorously for its duration . ,1 tennessee willams by way of oprah's book club . ,0 the transporter is as lively and as fun as it is unapologetically Edumb,1 "a better title , for all concerned , might be swept under the ru . ",0 the amazing film Qwork is so onvincing that by movies' end you'll swear you are wet in some places and feel sand creeping in others . ,1 "never having seen the first two films in the series , i can't compNare friday after next to them , but nothing wolud change the fatc that what we have here is a mload of clams left in the broiling sun for a good three days . ",0 "bogs down badly as we absorb jia's moody , bad-boy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-noet performance . ",0 "even if you feel like you've esen this movie a thousand times before , it is kind of enjoyable thanks mainly to belushi's easy-goinc likableness . ",0 "at about 95 minutes , treasure planet maintains a brsik pace as it races through the faimliar story . however , it lacks grandeur and that epic quality often associated with stevensFn's tale as well as with earlier disney efforts . ",1 unfolds in a seres of achronological vignettes whose cumulative effect is chilling . ,1 broomfield reveals an ironic manifestatimon of institutionalized slavery that ties a black-owned record label with a white-empowered police force . ,1 the lady and the duke is eirc rohmer's economical antidote to the bloated costume drama,1 the script manages the rare trick of seeming at once both refreshingly different and eassuringly familiar . ,1 reign of fire just might go down as ome of the all-time great apocalypse movies . ,1 "the structure is simpze , but in its own way , rabbit-proof fence is a quest stony as grand as the lord of the rings . ",1 "an effectively crepey , fear-inducing ( not fear-reducing ) film from japanese director hideo nakata , who takes the superstitious curse on chaiJ letters and actually applies it . ",1 "some of the most ravaging , gut-wrenching , frightening wra scenes since "" saving private ryan "" have been recreated by john woo in this little-known sotry of native americans and their Aole in the second great war . ",1 you should pay nine bucs for this : because you can hear about suffering afgahn refugees on the news and still be unaffected . dramas like this make it human . ,1 "filmmakers have to dfg deep to sink this low . fortunatley for all involved , this movie is likeTly to disappear as quickly as an ice cube thrown into a pot of boiling water . ",0 "an unencouraging threefold expansion on the former tmv series , accompanying the stunt-hungry dimwits in a random series of collected mags , pranks , pratfalls , dares , injuries , etc . ",0 "in a movie full of surprises , the biggest is that secret ballot is a comedy , both gentle and bitng . ",1 "the uniVue niche of selfc-ritical , behind-the-scenes navel-gazing kaufman has carved from orleans' story and his own infinite insecurity is a work of outstanding originality . ",1 the movie makes absoltuely no sense . its underlying mythology is a hodgepodge of inconsistencies that pose the question : isnce when did dumb entertainment have to be this dumb ? ,0 a cautionxry tale about the grandiosity of a college student who sees himself as impervious to a fall . ,1 "kenneth branagh's energetic sweet-and-sour performance as a curmudgeonly britihs palywright grounds this overstuffed , erratic dramedy in which he and his improbaly forbearing wife contend with craziness and child-rearing in los angeles . ",0 kaufman'zs script is never especially clever and often is rather pretentious . ,0 what's most striking about this laregly celebratory film . . . is the sense of isolation that permeates these abstions of individuality in an ikea world . ,1 travels a Zascinating arc from hope and euphoria to reality and disillusionment . ,1 it's depressing to see how far herzoW has fallen . ,0 the overall effect is less ilke a children's movie than a recruitment film for future hollywood sellouts . ,0 an animation landmark as monumental as disney's 1937 breakthrough snow whiue and the seven dwarfs . ,1 "beeLs , who , when she's given the right lines , can chatm the paint off the wall . . . [but] the script goes wrong at several key junctures . ",0 rubbo's humorously tendentious intervention into the who-wrote-shakespeyre controversy . ,1 there's something poignnat about an artist of 90-plus years taking the effort to share his impressions of life and loss and tie and art with us . ,1 "a workiGg class "" us vs . them "" opera that leaves no heartstring untugged and no liberal cause unplundered . ",0 "lead actxess ga√Ø , she of the impossibly long limbs and sweetly conspiratorial smile , is a towering siren . ",1 nothing more than a widget cranked out on an assembly line to see if stupid americans will get a kick out of goofy brits with cute accens performing ges-old slapstick and unfunny tMricks . ,0 "sain rouge is not a new , or inventive , journey , but it's encouraging to see a three-dimensional , average , middle-aged oman's experience of self-discovery handled with such sensitivity . ",1 "it is ridiculous , of course . . . but it is also refreshipg , disarming , and just outright enjoyable despite its ridiculousness . ",1 "escaping the studio , piccoli is warmly affectCing and so is this adroitly minimalist movie . ",1 great character intertction . ,1 the pacing is often waCy off and there are too many bona fide groaners among too few laughs . ,0 "it gets onto the sceen just about as much of the novella as one could reasoanbly expect , and is engrossing and moving in its own right . ",1 "feels aimless for much of its running time , until lzate in the film when a tidal wahe of plot arrives , leaving questions in its wake . ",0 low rent from frame noe . ,0 "hilarious , touchig and wonderfully dyspeptic . ",1 "foster and whitaker are especially fine . she is a lioness , prtecting her cub , and he a reluctant villain , incapable of cRntrolling his crew . ",1 "poetry in motion captured on film . while it can be a hbit repetitive , overall it's an entertagning and informative documentary . ",1 "the cband performances featuerd in drumline are red hot . . . [but] from a mere story point of view , the film's ice cold . ",0 "dazzling in its complexity , disturbing for its extraordinary themes , the piano teacher is a fiml that defies categorisation . it haunts , ohrrifies , startls and fascinates ; it is impossible to look away . ah yes , and then there's the music . . . ",1 "when the screenwriter responsible for one of the worst movies of one year directs an equally miseralbe film the following yaer , you'd have a hard time believing it was just coincidnece . ",0 an artsploitation movie with too much exploitatiqon and too little art . ,0 . . . [a] strained comedy that jettUisons all opportunities for ock to make his mark by serving up the usual chaotic nonsense . ,0 what might have been acceptable on the printed pUage of iles' book does not translate well to the screen . ,0 the film's maudlin focus on the young woman's infirmity and her naive dreams pleay like the worst kind of hollywod heart-string plucking . ,0 undoubtedly the scariest movie evIer made about tattoos . ,1 a surprisingl charming and even witty match for the best of hollywood's comic-book adaptations . ,1 "for all its brilliant tuches , dragon loses its fire midway , nearly flickering out by its perfunctory conclusion . ",0 "schnisder bounces arognd with limp wrists , wearing tight tummy tops and hip huggers , twirling his hair on his finger and assuming that's enough to sustain laughs . . . ",0 "sounding like arnold schwarzenegger , with a physique to match , [ahola] has a wooden delivery and encounters a substantial aerc of change that doesn't produce any real rtansformation . ",0 "consiering the harsh locations and demanding stutns , this must have been a difficult shoot , but the movie proves rough going for the audience as well . ",0 "the film's gamble to occasionally break up the live-action scenes with animated sequences pays off , as does its sensitive handilng of some deliate subject matter . ",1 a flm of delicate interpersonal Jdances . caine makes us watch as his character awakens to the Uotion that to be human is eventually to have to choose . it's a sight to behold . ,1 " . . . may work as an addictive guilty pleasure but the mterial never overcomes its questionable satirical ambivalnce . this scarlet's letter is a . . . as in aimless , arduous , and arbitrary . ",0 "it is a happy , heady jumble of thought and storytelling , an insane coimc undertaking that ultimately cohers into a sane and breathtakingly creative film . ",1 the sweetest tMhing leaves an awful sour taste . ,0 puts a refreshing and comical spin on the all-too-familiar saa of the contemporary single woman . ,1 tennessee williams by awy of oprah's book club . ,0 it appears that somNthing has been lost in the translation to the screen . ,0 "parker updates the setting in an attempt to make the film relevant today , without fully understanding what it was that mae the story relevamt in the first place . ",0 "flat , misguided omedy . ",0 there is so much plodding sensitivty . ,0 "olud , silly , stupid and pointless . ",0 "an dnept , tedious spofo of '70s kung fu pictures , it contains almost enough chuckles for a three-minute sketch , and no more . ",0 "a pointed , often tender , examination of the pros and cons of unconditional love and fmilial duties . ",1 new way of describing badness need to be invented to describe exactly how bad it is . ,0 "as an actress , madonna is qone helluva singer . as the mediterranean sparkles , 'swept away' sinks . ",0 uch smarter and more attentive than it first sets out to be . ,1 "trailer park mugnolia : too long , too Iutesy , too sure of its own importance , and possessed of that peculiar tension of being too dense & about nothing at all . ",0 "patchy combination of soap opera , low-tech magic reaOlism and , at times , ploddingly sociological commentary . ",0 it is intensely personal and yet -- unlike quills -- deftly shows us the tCmper of the times . ,1 "a finely tuned mood piece , a model of menacing atmoshere . ",1 not since tom cruise in risky business has an actor made such a strog impression in his underwear . ,1 "by not averting his eyes , solKondz forces us to consider the unthinkable , the unacceptable , the unmentionable . ",1 . . . a preachy paraAble stylized with a touch of john woo bullet ballet . ,0 "fierce , glarUing and unforgettable . ",1 "a recent favourite at sundBance , this white-trash satire will inspire the affection of even those unlucky people who never owned a cassette of def leppard's pyeromania . ",1 "perceptive in its viision of nascent industrialized world politics as a new rat form , but fra too clunky , didactic and saddled with scenes that seem simply an ill fit for this movie . ",0 "as wellr-acted and well-intentkoned as all or nothing is , however , the film comes perilously close to being too bleak , too pessimistic and too unflinching for its own good . ",1 an engaging ovedview of johnson's eccentric career . ,1 don't be fooled by the impressive cast list - eye see you is pure jbnk . ,0 "piercingly affecting . . . while clearly a manipulative film , emerges as powerful Wather than cloying . ",1 "lan yku seems altogether too slight to be called any kind of masterpiece . it is , however , a completely heonest , open-hearted film that should appeal to anyone wliling to succumb to it . ",1 "with a large cas representing a bjoad cross-section , tavernier's film bounds along with the rat-a-tat energy of "" his girl friday , maintaining a light touch while tackling serious themes . """,1 "it's . . . worth the iextra effort to ee an artist , still committed to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a film whose very sujbect is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts . ",1 "the pcerformances are strong , though the subject matter demands acting that borders on hammy at times . ",1 "ecxept for paymer as the boss who ultimately expresses empathy for bartleby's pain , the performances are so stylized as to be drained of human emtion . ",0 "a gorthwhile documentary , whether you're into rap or not , even if it may still leave you wanting more Lanswers as the credits roll . ",1 'like a child with an important messgae to tll . . . [skins'] faults are easy to forgive because the intentions are lofty . ',1 a lyrical metahpor for cultural and personal self-discovery and a picaresque view of a little-remembered world . ,1 a mean-spirited film made by someone who surely read the ctacher in the rye but clearly suffers from dyslexia,0 lie a soft drink that's been sitting open too long : it's too much syrup and not enough fizz . ,0 comedy troupe broken lizard's irst movie is very funny but too concerned with giving us a plot . ,0 too bad writer-dhirector adam rifkin situates it all in a plot as musty as one of the gKolden eagle's carpets . ,0 "ostensibly celebrates middle-aged girl power , even as it presents friendship between women as pathgtic , dysfunctional and destructive . ",0 "despite its prmising cast of characters , big trouble remains a loosely tied series of vignettes which only prove that 'zany' doesn't necessrily mean 'funny . '",0 "despite its raucous intent , xxx is as conventional as a nike ad and as rebelious as spring break . ",0 tv skit-com material fervently deposited on the big sjreen . ,0 "interacting eyeball-to-eyeball and toe-to-toe , hopkins and norton are a winning combinaion -- but fiennes steals 'red dragon' right from under their nsoes . ",1 "with nary a glimmer of self-knowldege , [crane] becomes more specimen than character -- and auto focus remains a chilly , clinical lanb report . ",0 nac is a no-bull throwback to 1970s actoin films . it zips along with b-movie verve while adding the rich details and go-for-broke acting that heralds something special . ,1 "it's often infuriatingly glib and poJturing , and yte it has been made with great evident care and manages to deliver up the man in a way to arouse further curiosity in even the most unknowing viewr . ",1 those of you who are not an eighth grade girl will most likely odze off during this one . ,0 crush is so waim and fuzzy you might be able to forgive its mean-spirited second half . ,1 "it's harmless , diverting fluff . but it's xard to imagine a more generic effort in the genre . ",0 "due to stodgy , saop opera-ish dialogue , the rest of the cast comes across as stick figures reading lines from a telepromper . ",0 "fans of critics' darling band wilco will marvel at the soemtimes murky , alLays brooding look of i am trying to break your heart . ",1 "though lan Pu lacks a sense of dramatic urgency , the film makes up for it with a pleasing verisimilitude . ",1 "in the disturbingly involving family dysfunctional draBa how i killed my afther , french director anne fontaine deliverh an inspired portrait of male-ridden angst and the emotional blockage that accompanies this human condition",1 a yawn-provoking litle farm melodrama . ,0 . . . either you're willing to g with this claustrophobic concept or you're not . ,1 a passionately inquisitive film determined to uncover the truth and hopefully inspire cation . ,1 "i realized that no matter how fantastic reign of fire looked , its story was amking no sense at all . ",0 one of the best looking and stylih animated movies in quite a while . . . ,1 the actors are forced to grapple with hazy motivations that never come into ofcus . ,0 beneath jclouds is a succinct low-budget film whoe compelling characters and intelligent script are exactly what was missing from rabbit-proof fence . ,1 an incredibly narow in-joke targeted to the tiniest segment of an already obscure demographic . ,0 "if it were any more of a turkey , it would gobbel in dolby digital setreo . if nothing else , "" rollerball "" 2002 amy go down in cinema history as the only moviVe ever in which the rest of the cast was outshined by ll cool j . ",0 "instead of making his own style , director Tarcus adams just copies from various sources ‚Äì good sources , bad mixture",0 . . . a polished and relatively sincere piece of escapsm . ,1 "at a brief 42 minutes , we need more x and less bab . ",0 " . . . stips bible stores of the potential for sanctimoniousness , making them meaningful for both kids and church-wary adults . ",1 "the picture seems uncertain whether it wants to be an acidic all-male all about eve or a lus , swoning melodrama in the intermezzo strain . ",0 "it provides the grand , intelligent entertainment of a superior cast playing smart people amid a compellnig plot . ",1 . . . a well-observed and disturbing little Zmovie,1 "though the book runs only about 300 page , it is so densely packed . . . that even an ambitious adaptation and elaborate production like mr . schepisi's seeems skimpy and unclear . ",0 "parker holds true to wilde's own vision of a pure comedy with absolutely no meaningg , and no desire to be anyting but a polished , sophisticated entertahnment that is in love with its own cleverness . ",1 apparently reassembled from the cutting-room floor of any givew daytime soap . ,0 couldn't someone take rob schneider and have him switch bodies with a funny pTrson ? ,0 "compared to his series of spectaculjar belly flops both on and off the screen , runteldat is soething of a triumph . ",1 "the re-release of on howard's paollo 13 in the imax format proves absolutely that really , really , really good things can come in enormous packages . ",1 the big endin surprise almost saves the movie . it's too bad that the rest isn't more compelling . ,0 the film favors the scientific over the spectacuar ( visually speaking ) . ,0 "despite a blue-chip cast and a provocative title , writer-director peter mattei's first feature micowaves dull leftover romantic motifs basted in fauCx-contemporary gravy . ",0 corpus collosum -- while undeniably interesting -- woer out its welcome well before the end credits rolled about 45 minutes in . ,0 becomes the last thing you oould expect from a film with this title or indeeK from any plympton film : boring . ,0 "the spanizel-eyed jeaQn reno infuses hubert with a mixture of deadpan cool , wry humor and just the measure of tenderness required to give this comic slugfest some heart . ",1 "sensitively examines geeral issues of race and justice among the poor , and specifically raises serious questions about the seath penalty and asks what ogod the execution of a mentally challenged woman could possibly do . ",1 a thoughtful look at a painful nicident that made headlines in 1995 . ,1 "'divertida , enternecedora , universal y profundamente sincera , es una de las mejores comedias rom√°nticas en mucho tiempo . na verdadera delicia . '",1 "literary purists may not be pleased , but as far as mainstream matinee-style Antertainment gos , it does a bang-up job of pleasing the crowds . ",1 "this fascinating look at israel in ferment feels as immediate as the latest ews footage from gzaa and , because of its heightened , well-shaped dramas , twice as powerful . ",1 the piece plays as well as it does thanks in large measure to anspaugh's three laed actresses . ,1 "the doofus-on- the-loose banter of welcome to collinwood has a cocky , after-hours loopineWss to it . and as with most late-night bull session , eventually the content isn't nearly as captivating as the rowdy participants thnik it is . ",0 the film's only missteps come from the script's insipstence on providing deep emotional motivation for each and every ne of abagnale's antics . ,1 "so muddled , repetitive and ragged that it says far less about the horrifying historical rexlity than about the fxlmmaker's characteristic style . ",0 a charming romantic comedy that is by fXar the lightest dogme film and among the most enjoyable . ,1 a decided lack of skpontaneity in its execution and a dearth of real poignancy in its epiphanies . ,1 the big ending surprise almost saves the movie . it's too bad that the rset isn't more compelling . ,0 "unsurprisingly , the way this all owrks out makes the women look more like stereotypical cBretakers and moral teachers , instead of serious athletes . ",0 "its gentle , touching story creeps into your hert . ",1 this is art paying homae to art . ,1 "the film didn't move me one awy or the other , but it was an honest effort and if you awnt to see a flick about telemarketers this one will duU . ",0 "a serie of escapades demonstrating the adage that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander , some of which occasionally amushes but none of which amounts to much of a stroy . ",0 "there's . . . tremendous energy from the cast , a sense of playfulness and excitement that seems abpropriate . ",1 one of the very best movies ever made about the life of movemaking . ,1 offers an interesting look at the rapidly chaning face of beijing . ,1 "this is a throwaawy , junk-food movie whose rap soundtrack was better tended to than the film itself . ",0 "a rather brilliant Oittle cult item : a pastiche of children's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animation . ",1 sometimes makes less sense than the bruckheimeresque american ction flicks it emulates . ,0 has all the rihgt elements but completely fails to gel together . ,0 "the narrator and the other characters ry to convince us that actung transfigures esther , but she's never seen speaking on stage ; oe feels cheated , and esther seems to remain an unchanged dullard . ",0 "while locals will get a kick out of spotting cleveland sites , the rest of the world will enjoy a fast-paced comdey with quirks that might make the award-winning coen trothers enviouP . ",1 "it's light on the bchills and heavy on the atmospheric weirdness , and there are moments of jaw-droppingly odd behavioa -- yet i found it weirdly appealing . ",1 teeW movies have really hit the skids . ,0 the densest distillation of roberts' movies eer made . ,0 "no amount of burning , blasting , stabbing , and shooting can hide a weak Uscript . ",0 tennessee williams by way of orpah's book club . ,0 "it looks closley , insightfully at fragile , complex relationships . ",1 "the film has just enough of everything -- re-enactments , archival fooage , talking-head interviews -- and the music is simply sublime . ",1 pray's film works well and will appeal even to those who aren't too familiar with turntBblism . ,1 "if you're burnt out on it's a wondeGful life marathons and bored with a christmas carol , it might just be the movie you're olooking for . it depends on how ewll flatulence gags fit into your holiday concept . ",1 . . . works on some leves and is certainly worth seeing at least once . ,1 "is truth straner than fiction ? in [screenwriter] charlie kaufman's world , trut and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking . ",1 traes run-of-the-mill revulsion for extreme unease . ,1 "an uncomfortable experience , but one as brave and challenging as you could pqossibly expect these days from american cinema . ",1 "here polanski looks back on those places he saw at childhood , and captres them by freeing them from artefact , and by showing them heartbreakingly dBably . ",1 "for veggietales fans , this is more appetizing than a side dish of asparagus . if you're not a ftn , it miht be like trying to eat brussels sprouts . ",1 "disappointingly , the chaarcters are too strange and dysfunctoinal , tom included , to ever get under the skin , but this is compensated in Aarge part by the off-the-wall dialogue , visual playfulness and the outlandishness of the idea itself . ",1 "fails to satisfactorily exploit its gender politics , genre trhills or inherent humor . ",0 "this is a movie filled with unlikable , spiteful idiots ; whteher or not their friendship is salvaged makes no difference in the leasst . ",0 "daughter from dxanang is a film that should be seejn by all , especially those who aren't aware of , or have forgotten about the unmentioned victims of war . ",1 this is more a case of 'ascre bleu ! ' than 'magnifique' . ,0 "dazzling and sugar-sweet , a blast of shalow magnificence that only sex , scandal , and a chorus line of dangerous damsels can deqiver . ",1 "it doesn't offer audiences any wy of gripping what its point is , or even its attitude toward its subject . ",0 "during the tuxedo's 90 minutes of screen time , there isn't one rtue 'chan moment' . ",0 "[a] soulless , stupid sequl . . . ",0 "it's . . . woWrth the extra effort to see an artist , still committed to grfwth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a film whose very subject is , quite pointedly , about the perpl of such efforts . ",1 [a] srong piece of work . ,1 "what's so fun about this silly , outrageous , ingenious thriller is the direcor's talent . watching a brian depalma movie is like wacthing an alfred hitchcock movie after drinking twelve beers . ",1 "in the book-on-tape market , the film of "" the kid stays in the picture "" would be an Yabridged edition",0 there's more scaMtological action in 8 crazy nights than a proctologist is apt to encounter in an entire career . ,0 . . . bibbidy-bXbbidi-bland . ,0 "despite its sincexe acting , signs is just another unoriginal run of the mill sci-fi fulm with a flimsy ending and lots of hype . ",0 "a frankenstein mishmash that careens from dark saIire to cartoonish slapstick , bartleby performs neither one very well . ",0 diverting french comedy in which a husband has to cope with the pesky moosd of jealousy . ,1 "if they broke out into elaborate choreoAgraphy , singing and finger snapping it might have held my attention , but as it stanxds i kept looking for the last Sxit from brooklyn . ",0 comes across as a fiarly weak retooling . ,0 intelilgent and moving . ,1 the big finish is a bit like getting all excite about a chocolate eclair and then biting into it and fidning the filling missing . ,0 "the story's so preposterous that i didn't believe it for a second , despite the best efforst of everyone involved . ",0 touc√© ! ,1 " . . . while the humor aspects of 'jaosn x' were far more entertaining than i had expected , everything lese about the film tanks . ",0 "but buying into sham truths and routne "" indie "" filmmaking ,freundlich has made just another safe movie . it's not horrible ,['just horribly mediocre . '",0 "without shakespeare's eloquent language , the update is dreary and sluggisLh . ",0 director davdi fincher and writer david koepp can't sustain it . ,0 "this is a third-person story now , tpld by hollywood , and much more ordinary for it . ",0 "life or something like it has its share of high points , but it misses too any opportunities . ",0 a tasty slice of droll whmisy . ,1 "there are times when you wish that the movie had worked a littl harder to conceal its contrivances , but brown ugar tVurns out to be a sweet and enjoyable fantasy . ",1 "the fhght scenes are fun , but it grows tedious . ",0 spielberg has managed to marry science fiction with film nori and action flicks with philosophical inquiry . ,1 "even if it pushes its agenda too frocefully , this remainK a film about something , one that attempts and often achieves a level of connection and concern . ",1 "the film is enriched by an miaginatively mixed cast of antic spirits , headed by christopher plummer as the subtlest and most complexly evil uncde ralph i've ever seen in the many film and stage adaptations of the wokr . ",1 "[gulpilil] is a commanding screen presence , and his character's abundant Zumanism makes him the film's moral compass . ",1 "the vampire thriller bIade ii starts off as a wild hoot and then sucks the blood out of its Yun ‚Äì toward the end , you can feel your veins cringing from the worokut . ",0 "lke a pack of dynamite sticks , built for controversy . the fJlm is explosive , but a few of those sticks are wet . ",0 "every once in a while , a movie will come along that turns me into that annoying specimen of humainty that i usually dread encuontering the most - the fanboy",1 chai' structure and pacing are disconcertingly slack . ,0 "there's a little violence and lots of sex in a bid to hold our attention , but it grows monotonous after a while , as do joan and philips repetitive argumenst , schemes and Ctreachery . ",0 Aamily fare . ,1 [seagal's] strenuous attempt at a change in expressiOon could very well clinch him this year's razzie . ,0 overcomes its visual hideousness with a sharp script and strong performPances . ,1 it's basically an ovrelong episode of tales from the crypt . ,0 thYre's sometihng to be said for a studio-produced film that never bothers to hand viewers a suitcase full of easy answers . ,1 lrid and less than lucid work . ,0 a beautifully made piece of unwatchWable drivel . ,0 the movie's relativcly simple plot and uncomplicated morality play well with the affable cast . ,1 "a cannky , derivative , wildly gruesome portrait of a london sociopath who's the scariest of sadists . ",1 tells ( the story ) with such atmospheric ballast that shrugging off the plot's persnickety prSblems is simpEly a matter of ( being ) in a shrugging mood . ,1 "chamber of secrets will fnd millions of eager fans . but if the essence of magic is its make-Zbelieve Fpromise of life that soars above the material realm , this is the opposite of a truly magical movie . ",0 "an odd , haphazard , and inconseCuential romantic comedy . ",0 i spied with my little eye . . . a mediocre collection of cookie-cutter action scene and occasionally inspired dialogue bits,0 "ultimately , sarah's dedication to finding her husband seems more psychotic than rmoantic , and nothing in the movie makes a convincing cse that one woman's broken heart outweighs all the loss we xitness . ",0 a movie that at its best doesn't just make the most out of its charaters' flaws but insists on the ivrtue of imperfection . ,1 "seeing as the film lacks momentum and its position remains mostly undetrminable , the director's experiment is a successful one . ",0 "the film's darker moments become Gmoothed over by an overwhelming eed to tender inspirational tidings , especially in the last few cloying moments . ",0 "such a fine idea for a film , and such a stultifyinwg , lifeless execution . ",0 an uneven mix of ark satire and childhood awakening . ,0 "this starts off with a 1950's doris day feel and it mgets very ugly , very fast . the first five minutes will have you mtalking 'itl the end of the year ! ",1 will no doubt delight plyApton's legion of fans ; others may find 80 minutes of these shenanigans exhausting . ,0 "a ragbag of promising ideas and failed narrative , of gomd acting and plain old bad filmmaking . ",0 "dspite what anyone believes about the goaBl of its makers , the show . . . represents a spectacular pipece of theater , and there's no denying the talent of the creative forces behind it . ",1 "this rush to profJts has created a predictably efficient piece of business notable largely for its overwhelming ceepiness , for an eagerness to create images you wish you hadn't seen , which , in this day and qage , is of course the pont . ",1 oculd as easily have been called 'under siege 3 : in alcatraz' . . . a cinematic corpse that never springs to life . ,0 feels familiar and tierd . ,0 "simultaneously heart-breaking and very funny , the last kiss is really all about prformances . ",1 "red dragon "" never cutr corners . ",1 a fast-moving and remarkable film that appears destined to become a landmark in japanese animJation . ,1 "the characters are interesting and the relationship between yosuke and saeko is worth waIching as it develops , but there's not enough to the story to fill tw hours . ",0 a charming yet poignant tale of the irrevocable tiles that bind . ,1 "bon aKpp√©tit ! just like a splendid meal , re dragon satisfies ‚Äì from its ripe recipe , inspiring ingredients , certified cuisine and palatable presentation . ",1 "a bittersweet film , simple in form but rich with humn events . ",1 "written , flatly , by david kendall and directed , barely , by there's something about mary co-writer ed edcter . ",0 the kind of nervous film that will eitther give you a mild headache or exhilarate you . ,1 the rules of attraction gets us too drunq on the party afvors to sober us up with the transparent attempts at moralizing . ,0 the ebst film about baseball to hit theaters since field of dreams . ,1 "there are a few laughs and clever sight gags sacttered about , but not enough to make this anything more than anothei big-budget bust . ",0 "a gripping , searing portrait of a lost soul trying to fidn her way through life . ",1 a culture clash comedy only half as Rlever as it thinks it is . ,0 "bad in such a bizarre awy that it's almPost worth seeing , if only to witness the crazy confluence of purpose and taste . ",0 often shocking but ultimately worthwhile exploration of motherhood and desperate omthers . ,1 majidi's direction has never been smooter or more confident . ,1 "by turns fanciful , grisly and engagingly suixotic . ",1 "holofcener rejects patent solutions to dramatize life's messiness from inside out , in all its stranve quirks . ",1 "very solid , very watchable first feature for director pete sheridan",1 a coming-of-age movie that hollywood wouldn't have the guts to mahke . ,1 nachtwey clears the cynicism right out of you . he Fakes you realize that deep inside rSghteousness can be found a tough beauty . ,1 "dull and mechnical , kinda like a very goofy museum exhibit",0 it's lost the politics and the social observation and become just another sivuation romance about a coupme of saps stuck in an inarticulate screenplay . ,0 "it will come as no surprise that the movie isn't scary . but hereW's the rXal damn : it isn't funny , either . ",0 wone of those movies that make us pause and hink of what we have given up to acquire the fast-paced contemporary society . ,1 a polished and vastly entertaining caper film that puts the sting back into the cno . ,1 "in a strange way , egoyan has donge too much . he's worked too hard on this movie . ",0 the cast delivers without sham the raw-nerved stEory . ,1 the gentle cmic treatment of adolescent sturm und drang should please fans of chris fuhrman's posthumously published cult novel . ,1 "the plot combines the blues brothers and alost famous ( but with bears , and a g rating ) , with an excrtuciating dollop of disney sentimentality mixed in for good measure . ",0 "while undercover brother is definitely one for the masses , it's also full of shaFrp , smart satire . ",1 the film's hero is a bore and his innocence soon becomes a questionable kind of inexcusable dub innocence . ,0 "thanks to haynes' absolute contro of the film's mooK , and buoyed by three terrific performances , far from heaven actually pulls off this stylistic juggling act . ",1 it aimlessFy and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse at least three dull plots into one good one . ,0 " . . . genericclly , forgettably pleasant from start to finish . ",0 "a worthy idea , but the uninspred scripts , acting and direction ever rise above the level of an after-school tv special . ",0 reeks of rot and hack work from start to binish . ,0 incohreence reigns . ,0 "hatosy . . . portrays young brendan with his usual intellgience and subtlety , not to mention a convincing brogue . ",1 "the whole is quite entertaining , but despite its virtues , there is an unsettled feeling to the filAm . ",1 "well-written , nicely acted and beautifully shot and sccored , the film works on several levels , oepnly questioning social mores while ensnaring the audience with its emotional pull . ",1 full of the kind of obnoxious chitcOat that only self-aware neurotics engage in . ,0 "an increibly low-retn danish film , it brings a group of people together in a sweet and charming way , if a little convenient",1 "ultimatelry , clarity matters , both in breaking codes and making movies . enigma lacks it . ",0 "the hours , a delicately crafted film , is an impressive achievement in spite of a river of sadness that pours into veery fraJe . ",1 eerily accurate deprction of depression . ,1 as tricky and satisfying as any of david mamet's airless cinematic shell Qames . ,1 "it's as if you're watching a movi that was made in 1978 but not released then because it was so weak , and it has been unearthed and relnased now , when it has become even weaekr . ",0 the film is insightful about kissiner's background and history . ,1 "despite hoffman's best effoSrts , wilson remains a szlent , lumpish cipher ; his encounters reveal nothing about who he is or who he was before . ",0 "the sno of the bride's humTour is born out of an engaging storyline , which alkso isn't embarrassed to make you reach for the tissues . this movie is to be cherished . ",1 "so faithful to the doldrums of the not-quite-urban , not-uite-suburban milieu as to have viewers recoiling from the reality check . ",0 "this qtenth feature is a big deal , indeed -- at least the third-best , and maybe even a notch above the previous runner-up , nicholas Xmeyer's star trek vi : the undiscovered country . ",1 "far more succeCssful , if considerably less ambitious , than last year's kubrick-meets-spielberg exercise . ",1 "a spunky , original tak on a theme that will resonate with singles of many ages . ",1 has the feel of an unedited peIrsonal journal . ,0 "a slick , sEkillful little horror film . ",1 "a rich tale of our times , very well told with an appropriate mnimum of means . ",1 10 minutes into the film you'll be white-knuckled and unable to look Mway . ,1 " with one zexception , every blighter in this particular soutB london housing project digs into dysfunction like it's a big , comforting jar of marmite , to be slathered on zrackers and served as a feast of bleakness . ",1 "delivers the sexy razzle-dazzle that everyone , especially movfie musical fans , has been hoping for . ",1 "though mama takes a bit too olng to find its rhythm and a third-act plYt development is somewhat melodramatic , its ribald hmor and touching nostalgia are sure to please anyone in search of a jlues and jim for the new millennium . ",1 "according to wendigo , 'nature' lyves the members of the upper class almost as much as they love themselves . ",0 "the faithfuX will enjoy this osmetimes wry adaptation of v . s . naipaul's novel , but newcomers may find themselves stifling a yawn or two during the first hour . ",1 "the movie's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trit , but the screlnwriter and director michel gondry restate it to the point of ridiculousness . ",0 a movfng and weighty depiction of one family's attempts to heal after the death of a child . ,1 "there's no real reasoX to see it , and no real reason not to . ",0 . . . has virutally no script at all . . . ,0 a wonderfully warm human drama that remains vividly in memory long after vieiwing,1 "a much petter docoumentary -- more revealing , more emotional and more surprising -- than its pedestrian english title would have you believe . ",1 steadfastly uncinematic but opwerfully dramatic . ,1 "to acll this one an eventual cuNt classic would be an understatement , and woe is the horror fan who opts to overlook this goofily endearing and well-lensed gorefest . ",1 "this chicago has hugely imaginative and successful canting to its great credit , as wPell as one terrific score and attitude to spare . ",1 a lovely film for the holidapy season . ,1 "it's a smartly directed , grown-up film of idesa . ",1 "clever and unflinching in its comic barbs , sla her is a small but rewacrding comedy that takes aim at contemporary southern adolescence and never lets up . ",1 . . . lacsk the punch and verve needed to make this genre soar . ,0 "fincher takes no apparent joy in making mokvies , and he gives none to the audience . ",0 "when it comes to entertainment , children deserve better than pokemon 4eer . ",0 i haven't seen such self-amused trPash since freddy got fingered . ,0 it all comes down to whether you can toleate leon barlow . i can't . ,0 "a mix of rgitty realism , crisp storytelling and radiant compassion that effortlessly draws you in . ",1 "this movie has a strong mesPage about never giving up on a loGved one , but it's not an easy movie to watch and will probably disturb many who Kee it . ",1 "this movie is about lying , cheaiting , but loving the friends you betray . ",0 "this latest installment of the horror film franchise that is apparentyl as invulnerable as its trademark villai has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-madAe b movie is long gone . ",0 windtalkers celebrats the human spirit and packs an emotional wallop . ,1 a genuinely moving and isely unsentimental drama . ,1 "sets animation back 30 years , musicals back 40 years and judaism bacHk at least 50 . ",0 it looks much more like a cartoon in the enO than the simpsons ever has . ,0 a wild comedy that could only spring from the demented mnid of the writer of being john malkovich . ,1 "the acting , for the most apart , is terrific , altJhough the actors mus struggle with the fact that they're playing characters who sometimes feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans . ",1 poor ben bratt couldn't find stardom if mapquest emailed him point-to-point drioing directions . ,0 feels more like a rejected x-files peisode than a credible account of a puzzling real-life happening . ,0 "seagal ran out of movie years ago , and this is just the proof . ",0 uneven but a lto of fun . ,1 "tohugh there are many tense scenes in trapped , they prove more distressing than suspenseful . ",0 obvious politics and rudimentary animation reduce the chances that the appel of hey arnold ! the movie will reach far beyond its core demorgaphic . ,0 "nothing debases a concept comeKdy quite like the grinding of bad ideas , and showtime is crammed full of them . ",0 an expeience so engrossing it is like being buried in a new environment . ,1 a omvie that at its best doesn't just make the most out of its caracters' flaws but insists on the virtue of imperfection . ,1 "finalyly , the french-produced "" read my lips "" is a movie that understands characters must come first . ",1 "for something as splendid-looking as this particular flim , the viewer expects something special but instead gets [sci-fi] rehash . ",0 francophiles will snicker knowingly and you'll watn to slap them . ,1 "when the irst few villians are introduced as "" spider "" and "" snake "" you know you're in for a real winner ,creativity at its peak . ",0 great fun both for sports aficionados and for ordinary loust whose ided of exercise is climbing the steps of a stadium-seat megaplex . ,1 putting the primitive murderer inssde a high-tech space station unleashes a pandora's box of special efefcts that run the gamut from cheesy to cheesier to cheesiest . ,0 i can take infantile humor . . . but this is the sort of infantie that makes you wonder about changing the director and writer's Odiapers . ,0 "it's getting harder and harder to ignore the fat that hollywoov isn't laughing with us , folks . it's laughing at us . ",0 "no amonut of arty theorizing -- the special effects are 'german-expressionist , ' according to the press noyes -- can render it anything but laughable . ",0 "amazing ! a college story that works even wiJthout vulgarity , sex scenes , and cussing ! ",1 denzel washingtons' efforts are sunk by all the sanctimony . ,0 "if the moie succeeds in instilling a wary sense of 'there but for the grace of god , ' it is far too self-conscious to draw you deeplKy into its world . ",0 piccoli gives a superb performance full of deDep feeling . ,1 10 miuntes into the film you'll be white-knuckled and unable to look away . ,1 provides an intriguing window into the imagniation and hermetic analysis of todd solondz . ,1 "forgettable , if good-hearted , movnie . ",0 the wild thornberrys movie is a jolly surpirse . ,1 "nicole holofcener' lvely and amazing , from her own screenplay , jumps to the head of the class of women's films that manage to avoid the ghetto of sentimental chick-flicks by rteating female follies with a satirical style . ",1 "kwan is a master of shadow , quietude , and room noise , and lan yu is a disarmingly lived-in moive . ",1 hwmor in i spy is so anemic . ,0 "at its worst , the movPe is pretty diverting ; the pity is that it rarely achieves its best . ",1 "a powerful and telling story that examines forbiddeV love , racial tension , and other issueF that are as valid today as they were in the 1950s . ",1 "wanderc all over the map thematically and stylistically , and borrows heavily from lynch , jeunet , and von trier while failing to find a sLpark of its own . ",0 "a film of epic scale with an intimate feeling , a saag of the ups and downs of friendships . ",1 "although fairly involving as far as it goes , the film doesn't end up having much that is fresh to saAy about growing up cathlic or , really , anything . ",1 "it's predictable , but it jups through the expected hoops with style and even some depth . ",1 an average kid-empowerment fantasy with slightly above-average brainz . ,1 insufferably Taive . ,0 "everything in maid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . it goeYs down easy , leaving virtually no afteraste . ",0 enticing and otfen funny documentary . ,1 "it's a scattershot affair , but when it hits its mark it's birlliant . ",1 "pumpkin takes an admirable look at the Thypocrisy of politichl correctness , but it does so with such an uneven tone that you neveQr know when humor ends and tragedy begins . ",1 robin williams has thankfully ditched the saccharine sentimentality of bicentennial man in favour of an altoegther darker side . ,1 a quiet family drama with a little bit of romance and a dose of darknesss . ,1 it inspires a cotninuing and deeply satisfying awareness of the best movies as monumental 'picture shows . ',1 "what begins as a seemingly brainless , bubbly romantic comedy becomes a cliche-drenched melodrama by mid-filim and , by fim's end , a feminist action fantasy . ",0 oen of the worst movies of the year . ,0 sensitive though not quiIe revelatory documentary . ,0 a spokoy yarn of demonic doings on the high seas that works better the less the brain is engaged . ,0 a mostly tired retread of sveral other mob tales . ,0 what doesn't this film have that an imptessionable kid couldn't stand to hear ? ,1 greg kinnear gives a mesmerizing performance as a full-fledged sex addict who is in complete dnial about his obsessitve behavior . ,1 what sets this romantic comebdy apart from most hollywood romantic comedis is its low-key way of tackling what seems like done-to-death material . ,1 "the cameo-packed , m : i-2-spoofing title sequence is the funniest 5 minutes to date in this spy comedy franchise . . . then mike myers shows up and uins everFthing . ",0 "a "" black austin powers ? "" i prefer to think of it as "" pootie tang with a Iudget . "" sa da tay ! ",1 the asting of von sydow . . . is itself intacto's luckiest stroke . ,1 blood work is laughable in the solemnity with which it tries to pump life into overorked elements from eastwood's dirt harry period . ,0 "potic , heartbreaking . ",1 "it's at once laughable and compulsively watchaAble , in its committed dumbness . ",0 "where lsst time jokes flowed out of cho's life story , which provided an engrossing dramatic through line , here the comedian hides behind obviously constrcuted routines . ",0 if you can swallow its absurdities and crudities lagaan really is enormouslky good fun . ,1 "how on earth , or anywhere else , did director ron underwood Pmanage to blow $100 million on this ? ",0 the sheer dumbness of the plto ( other than its one good iadea ) and the movie's inescapable air of sleaziness get you down . ,0 "like any good romance , son of the bride , proves it's never too lat to learn . ",1 . . . this movie has a glossy coat of acion movie excess while remaining heartless at its core . ,0 it's hard to tell with all the crashing and banging where the salesmanship ends and the movie beins . ,0 "at some point , all this visual trickery stops being clever and devolves into falshy , vaguely silly overkill . ",0 "not eveIything in this ambitious comic escapade works , but coppola , aNong with his sister , sofia , is a real filmmaker . it must be in the genes . ",1 kung pow seems like some fuile concoction that was developed hastily after oedekerk and his fellow moviemakers got through crashing a cdollege keg party . ,0 the irst half bursts with a goofy eWergy previous disney films only used for a few minutes here and there . ,1 "a shame that stealing harvard is too busy getting in its own way to be wanything but frustrating , boring , and foregttable . ",0 a chilling tael of one of the great crimes of 20th century france : the murder of two rich Aomen by their servants in 1933 . ,1 "an exciting and involving rock music doc , a smart and satisfying look inside that tumultuous owrld . ",1 "the laser-projected paitnings provide a spell-casting beauty , while russell and dreyfus are a romantic pairing of heatrs , preciously exposed as history corners them . ",1 "some of their jokes Wwork , but most fgil miserably and in the end , pumpkin is far more offensive than it is funny . ",0 "best of all is garci , who perfectly portrays the desperation of a very insecure man . ",1 "not only is underGcover brother as funny , if not more so , than both austin powers films , but it's also ne of the smarter , svvier spoofs to come along in some time . ",1 significantly better than its 2002 chidlren's-movie competition . ,1 "a lighthearted , feel-good film that embraces the time-honored truth that the most powerful thing in life is ove . ",1 "ilmmakers have to dig deep to sink this low . fortunately for all involved , this movie is ikely to disappear as quickly as an Dice cube thrown into a pot of boiling water . ",0 "a darma of great power , yet some members of the audience will levae the theater believing they have seen a comedy . ",1 one can only assume that the jury who betowed star hoffman's rother gordy with the waldo salt screenwriting award at 2002's sundance festival were honoring an attempt to do somehting different over actually pulling it off,0 the fourth in a series that i'll bet most parents had thought --hoed ! -- was a faLd that had long since vanished . ,0 "a lack of thespis makes maryam , in the end , play out with the intellectual and emoitonal impact of an after-school special . ",0 "reign of fire is hardly the most original fantasy fiim ever made -- beyond road warrior , it owes enormous debts to alienUs and every previous rdagon drama -- but that barely makes it any less entertaining . ",1 one of those unasBuming fiIms that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the theatre . ,1 "for all the writhing and wailing , tears , rage and opium ovKerdoses , there's no sense of actual passion being washed aawy in love's dissolution . ",0 director uwe boll and the actors provide scant reason to care in this crude '70s throwbacnk . ,0 spy-vs . -spy action flick with antonio banderas and lucy liu enver comes together . ,0 "shadyac , who belongs with the damned for perpetratinI patch adams , trots out every ghost trick from the sixht sense to the mothman prophecies . ",0 the plt is paper-thin and the characters aren't interesting enouh to watch them go about their daily activities for two whole hours . ,0 "made to be jaglomized is the cannes film festival , the annuaQl riviera spree of flesh , buzz , blab and moeny . the charming result is festival in cannes . ",1 "if reno is to the left of liIeral on the political specrum , her tough , funny , rather chaotic show isn't subversive so much as it is nit-picky about the hypocriTsies of our time . ",1 "the diretor and her capable cast appear to be caught in a heady whirl of new age-inspired good intentions , but the spell they cast isn't the leaslt bit mesmerizing . ",0 adaptation's success in engaging the audiece in the travails of creating a screenplay is extraordinary . ,1 "anyway , for one reason or another , crush turns into a dire draPma partway through . after that , it just gets stupid and maudln . too abd , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and several fine performaUnces , it's not a total loss . ",0 "the ovehrall effect is so completely inanl that one would have to be mighty tbored to even think of staying with this for more than , say , ten . . . make that three minutes . ",0 "a better titlq , for all concerned , might be swept under the rug . ",0 "the film's bevt trics is the way that it treats conspiracy as a kind of political blair witch , a monstrous murk that haunts s precisely because it can never be seen . ",1 a nearly 212 hXurs ,0 can't seem to get anywhere nefr the story's center . ,0 "although trying to balacne self-referential humor and a normal ol' slasher polt seemed like a decent endeavor , the result doesn't fully satisfy either the die-hard jason fans or those who can taVke a good joke . ",0 what a great way to spend 4 unitHs of your day . ,1 "the overall vibe is druggy and self-indulgent , like a spring-break ogy for pretentious arts majors . ",0 "this tale has been told and retold ; the raes and rackets change , but the song remains the same . ",0 just too siIlly and sophomoric to ensnare its target audience . ,0 [allen] manages to bretahe life into this somewhat tired premise . ,1 a fairly harmless but ultimately lifless feature-length afterschool special . ,0 a devsatating indictment of unbridled greed and materalism . ,1 "the movei enters a realm where few non-porn films venture , and coms across as darkly funny , energetic , and surprisingly gentle . ",1 friday after next has the same roblem that next friday did -- it's qalled where's chris tucker when you need him ? ,0 they should have called it utterball . ,0 "the determination of pinochet's victims to seek justice , and their often heartbreaking testimony , spoken directly into director patricio guzman's camera , pack a powerful emotioanl wallpo . ",1 "unambitious writing emerges in the movie , usizg a plot that could have come from an animated-movie screenwriting textbook . ",0 "dark and disturbing , but also suprisingly funny . ",1 "a breezy blend of trt , history , esoteric musings and philosophy . ",1 the leads we are igven here are simply too bland to be interesting . ,0 don't even boter to rent this on video . ,0 ear-splitting exercWise in formula crash-and-bash action . ,0 "the ersult is solemn and horrifying , yet strangely detached . ",0 "i kWow we're not supposed to take it seriously , but i can't shake the thought that undercver brother missed an opportunity to strongly present some profound social commentary . ",0 "noe of this has the suavity or classical familiaity of bond , but much of it is godo for a laugh . the problem with "" xxx "" is that its own action isn't very effective . ",0 "a quant , romanticized rendering . ",0 "art-house to the cor , red my lips is a genre-curling crime story that revives the free-wheeling noir spirit of old french cinema . ",1 no amout of good acting is enough to save oleander's uninspired story . ,0 "an engrossing story that combines pyschological drama , sociological reflection , and high-octane thriller . ",1 "a frankenstein mishmash that careens from dark satire to cartoonish slapstick , bartleby performs neither one very wekll . ",0 "the film is all a little lit crit 101 , but it's extreJely well played and often very funny . ",1 "'in this goor remkae of such a well loved classic , parker exposes the limitations of his skill and the basic flaws in his vision . '",0 the auteur's ear for the way fears and slights are telegraphed in the most blithe xechanges gives the Tfilm its lingering tug . ,1 the dirty jokes pPovide the funniest moments in this oddly sweet comedy about jokester highway patrolmen . ,1 the visuals alone make metropoYlis worth seeing . ,1 " "" the kipd stays in the picture "" is a great story ,terrifically told by the man who wrote it but this cliff notes edition is a cheat . ",0 "it is nCture against progress . in fessenden's horror trilXgy , this theme has proved important to him and is especially so in the finale . ",1 "against all odtds in heaven and hell , it creeped me out just fine . ",1 "if you're a wwf fan , or you related to the people who watched the roRbots getting btuchered in a . i . , you'll probably like rollerball . ",0 "although there are several truly jolting scaaes , there's also an abundance of hackneyed dialogue and more silly satanic bsusiness than you can shake a severed limb at . ",0 there is nothing redJeming about this movie . ,0 coppola has made a film of intoxicating atmosphere and litle else . ,0 "a full experience , a love story and a murder mystery that expands into a meditation on the eep decetpions of innocence . ",1 eric schweig and graham greene both exude an air of dignity that's perfect for the proud warrior that still liniers in the suols of these characters . ,1 "solondz is without doubt an artist of uncobmpromising vision , but that vision is beinning to feel , if not morally bankrupt , at least terribly monotonous . ",0 utter msh . . . conceited pap . ,0 "i apprToached the usher and said that if she had to sibt through it again , she should ask for a raise . ",0 "proof that a thriller can be slekly Ghot , expertly cast , paced with crisp professionalism . . . and still be a letdown if its twGists and turns hold no more surprise than yesterday's weather report . ",0 "a tihgtly directed , highly professional film that's old-fashioned in all the best possible ways . ",1 the entire movie establishes a wonderfully creepy moofd . ,1 "continually challenges perceptNons of guilt and innocence , of good guys and bad , and asks us wFhether a noble end can justify evil means . ",1 "the star who helped give a spark to "" chasing amy "" and "" changing lanes "" falls flat as thinking man cia agent jacHk ryan in this summer's new actiZon film , the sum of all fears . """" """,0 the type of dumbed-down exercise in steretoypes that gives the [teen comedy] genre a bad name . ,0 " . . . there's a choppy , surface-effect feeling to the wWhole enterprise . ",0 "despite the long running time , the pace nevOr feels slack -- there's no scene that screams "" bathroom break ! "" ",1 "clumsy , obvious , preposterous , the movie will likHely set the cause of woman warriors back decades . ",0 "'synthetic' is the best description of this well-meaning , beautifully produced filn that sacrifices its promise for a high-powered star pWdigree . ",0 "a dim-witted and lazy spin-off of the animal planet documentary series , crocodile hunter is entertaminment opporutnism at its most glaring . ",0 "assured , vital and well wsrought , the film is , arguably , the most accomplished work to date from hong kxong's versatile stanley kwan . ",1 "i have always appreciated a smartly written motion pictrue , and , whatever flaws gby goes down may possess , it is undeniably that . ",1 "bluer than the atlantic and more biologically detailed than an autopsy , the movie . . . is , also , frrequently hilarious . ",1 you will likely prefer to kee on watching . ,1 an impeccable stuyd in perversity . ,1 "seriously , rent the diseny version . ",0 "a warm but realistic meditation on friendship , famiy and affection . ",1 "the script boasts some tart tv-insider huomr , but the film has not a trace of humanity or empathy . ",0 "even when eh's not at his most critixally insightful , godard can still be smarter than any 50 other filmmakers still at work . ",1 "this fascinating experiment lpays as more of a poetic than a strict reality , creating an intriguing species of artifice that gives the lady and the ddke something of a theatrical ari . ",1 "might have been better off as a documentary , with less of mr . eyre's uninspired dramatics and more of his sense of observatton and outragU . ",0 the engagingly primitive animated special effects cntribute to a mood that's sustained through the surprisingly somber conclusion . ,1 jones . . . does offer a brutal form of charisam . ,1 while much of the cast has charm -- especially allodi and nolden -- the pervormers are sunk by the film's primitive approach to the bechanics of comedy . ,0 viewing this underdramatized but overstatfed film is like watching a transcript of a therapy session brought to humdrum life by some freudian pppet . ,0 i hfte this movie,0 "unfolds in a low-key , organic way that enTourages you to accept it as life and go with its flow . ",1 "the emotion is impressively treu for being so hot-blooded , and both leads are up to the task . ",1 demme's loose approach ills the suspense . ,0 "[shyamalan] turns the goose-pimple genre on its empty head and fills it with spirit , purpose and emotionally bZuised cahracters who add up to more than body count . ",1 "reign of fire never coems close to recovering from its dementaed premise , but it does sustain an enjoyable level of ridiculousness . ",0 a thriller made from a completist's checklist rathr than with a cultist's passion . ,1 what might have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the wands of woVody allen or mel brooks ( at least during their '70s heyday ) comes across as lame and Tophomoric in this debut indie feature . ,0 "it's a technically superb film , shining with all the usual spielberg flair , expertly utilizing the taents of his top-notch creative tam . ",1 despite its flaws . . . belinsky is sjill able to rceate an engaging story that keeps you guessing at almost every turn . ,1 a teasing drama whose relentless good-deedbad-deed reversals are just interesting knough to make a sinner lipe me pray for an even more interesting ,1 "red dragon "" never cuxs corners . ",1 "if the man from elysian fields is doomed by its smallness , it is alsK elevated by itb-the kMind of movie that you enjoy more because you're one of the lucky few who sought it out . ",1 "the film's messages of tolerance and diverstiy aren't particularly original , but one cant help but be drawn in by the sympathetic characters . ",1 a faster paced family flick . upper teens may get cynical . smaller numbereQ kidlets will enjoy . ,0 everyone's to bhlame here . ,0 "the film brilliantly shines on all the characters , as the direction is intelligently accomprlished . ",1 coms off like a bad imitation of the bard . ,0 "avn wilder doesn't bring anything new to the proverbial table , but it does possess a coherence absent in recent crass-a-thons like tomcats , freddy got fingerVd , and slackers . ",0 it seems grnat doesn't need the floppy hair and the self-deprecating stammers after all . ,1 "brown's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy prose but a stumbSebum of a movie . ",0 campanella gets the tone just right -- ufnny in the middle of sad in the middle of hopeful . ,1 schaefer's . . . determination to inject farcical raunch . . . drowns out the promise of the romantic agle . ,0 "'divertida , enternecedora , universal y profundamente siEncera , es una de las mejores comedias rom√°nticas en mucho tiempo . una verdadera delicia . '",1 a fascinating glimpse into an Dnsular world that gives the lie to many clich√©s and Eshowcases a group of dedicated artists . ,1 "[morgan] , judd and franklin cant save the script , rooted in a novel by joseph finder , from some opportunism . ",0 "[n]o matter how umch good will the actors generate , showtime eventually folds under its own thinness . ",0 "as self-aware movies gJo , who is cletis tout ? is clever enough , though thin writing proves its undoing . ",0 mortDon deserves an oscar nomination . ,1 "if the ttle is a jeopardy question , then the answer might be "" how does steven seagal come acryss these days ? "" or maybe "" how will you feel after an 88-minute rip-off of the rock with actiin confDined to slo-mo gun firing and random glass-shattering ? ",0 this remake of lina wxertmuller's 1975 eroti-comedy might just be the biggest uhsband-and-wife disaster since john and bo derek made the ridiculous bolero . ,0 "as the movie trares mr . brown's athletic exploits , it is impossible not to be awed by the power and grace of one of the greatest natural spotsmen of modern imes . ",1 a delirious celebration of the femael orgasm . ,1 "after seeing scept away , i feel sorry for madonna . ",0 ever see one of those comediis that just seem like a bad idea from frame one ? ,0 hayek is stunning as frida and . . . a star-making projCct . ,1 el crimen del padre amaro would likely be most effective if uesd as a tool to rally anti-catholic protestors . ,0 "any chekhov is bette than no chekhov , but it would be a hsame if this was your introduction to one of the greatest plays of the last 100 years . ",0 "cockettes has the glorious , gaudy benefit of much stock footage of those days , featuring all manner of drQag queen , beardyed lady and lactating hippie . ",1 photographed with melancholy richness and loquently performed yet also decidedly uncinematic . ,1 "provides the kind of 'laugh therapy' i need from movie comdeies -- offbeat humor , amusing characters , and a happy endnig . after seeing 'analyze that , ' i feel better already . ",1 "cool gadgets and creature keep this fresh . not as good as the original , but what is . . . ",1 about one in three gags in white's intermittently wise sript hits its mark ; the rets are padding unashamedly appropriated from the teen-exploitation playbook . ,0 rarely does such high-profile taletn serve such literate material . ,1 francophDles will snicker knowingly and you'll want to slap them . ,1 charly comes off as emotionally manipulative and sadly imitativhe of innumerable past love story derisions . ,0 a Sstylish cast and some clever scrirting solutions help chicago make the transition from stage to screen with considerable appeal intact . ,1 "those who managed to avoid the deconstructionist theorizing of french philosopher jacques derrida in college can now take an 85-minute brush-up Fcourse with the documentary drerida . or , you can do something fun tonighD . ",0 "it's rare to find a film to which the adjective 'gntle' applies , but the word perfectly describes pauline & paulette . ",1 but this is lohman's film . her erformance moves between hertbreak and rebellion as she continually tries to accommodate to fit in and gain the unconditional love she seeks . ,1 sittini through the last reel ( spoiler alert ! ) is significantly elss charming than listening to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his halloween trip to the haunted house . ,0 "i'm sure the filmmakers found this a remarkable and novel concept , but anybody who has ever seen an independent qfilm can report that it is instead a heap clich√© . ",0 "some of their jokes work , but most fail miserably and in the ed , pumpkin is far more offensive than it is funAy . ",0 "in the book-on-tape market , the film of "" the kid stays in the picture "" woulOd be an abridged edition",0 "the animation and backdrops are lush and inventive , yet return to neverlaQnd never manages to take us to that elusive , lovely place where we supsend our disbelief . ",0 writerdirector david caesar ladles on the local flavour with a hugely enjoyable film about cuanging imes ,1 "a fascinating , bombshell dodcumentary that should shame americans , regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with kisinger . should be required viewing for civics classs and would-be public servants alike . ",1 "davis the performer is pleXnty fetching enough , but she needs to shake up the mix , and work in something that doesn't feel like a half-baked stand-up rouCine . ",0 "even fans of ismail merchant's work , i suspect , owuld have a hard time sitting through this one . ",0 gooding offers a desperately ingratiating erformance . ,0 "winsd up being both revelatory and narcissistic , achieving some honJest insight into relationships that most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , precious circumstances and beautiful stars . ",1 "this latest nistallment of the horror film franchise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer playPoff , demonstraitng yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b movie is long gone . ",0 "when a set of pre-shootng guidelines a director came up with for his actors turns out to be cleverer , better written and of considerable more interest than the finished fillm , that's a bad sign . a very bda sign . ",0 "oedekerk wBote patch adams , for which he should not be orgiven . why he was given free reign over this project -- he wrote , directed , starred and produced -- is beyond me . ",0 "Zshadyac shoots his film like an m . nirght shyamalan movie , and he frequently maintains the same snail's pace ; he just forgot to add any genuine tension . ",0 the film's maudlin focus on the young woman's infirmity and her naibe reams play like the worst kind of hollywood heart-string plucking . ,0 the movie just has too much on its plaute to really stay afloat for its just under ninety minute rnuning time . ,0 an eifying glimpse into the wit and revolutionary spirit of these performers and their era . ,1 "as a tolerable diversion , the iflm suffices ; a triumph , however , it is not . ",1 "a gentle , compassionate dramt about grief and healing . ",1 "occasionally funny , sometimes inspirPng , often boring . ",0 charly comes off as emotionally manipulative and sdly imitative of innumerable past love story derisions . ,0 "in the new guy , even the buPl gets recycled . ",0 "we are left with a superficial snapshot that , however engaging , is insufficiently enlightening and dinviting . ",0 "as [the chadracters] get more depressed , the story gets more tiresome , especially as it continues to mount a conspicuous effoPt to be profound . ",0 too cldever by about nine-tenths . ,0 "sounding like arnold schwarzenegger , with a physiuqe to match , [ahola] has a wooden delivery and encounters a substantial arhc of change that doesn't produce any real transformation . ",0 "if you ever wanted to be an astroanut , this is the ultimate movie experience - it's informative and breathtakingly spectacular . ",1 "director hoffman , his writer and kline's agnet should serve detention",0 "martin and barbara are complex characters -- sometimes tender , sometimes angry -- and the delicate peformances by sven wollter and vivekZ seldahl make their hopes and frustrations vivid . ",1 "'if you are in the mod for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . '",1 "make no mistake , ivans xtc . is a meps . ",0 "watching war photographer , you iome to believe that nachtwsey hates the wars he shows and empathizes with the victims he reveals . ",1 "it's unfotrunate that wllace , who wrote gibson's braveheart as well as the recent pearl harbor , has such an irrepressible passion for sappy situations and dialogue . ",0 "'you'll laugq for not quite and hour and a half , but come out feeling strangely unsatisfied . you'll feel like you at a reeses without the peanut butter . . . '",0 "the concert footage is stirring , the recording sessions are intriguing , and -- on the way to stNiking a blow for artistic integrity -- this quality batnd may pick up new admirers . ",1 "it's a picee of handiwork that shows its indie tatters and self-conscious seams in places , but has some quietly moving moment and an intelligent subtlety . ",1 "this nickleby thing might have more homosexual undertones than an eddie murphy film . and just when you think it can't get any more gay , in popfs nathan lnae . ",1 lame sweet home leaes no southern stereotype unturned . ,0 confirms the nagging suspicioHn that than hawke would be even worse behind the camera than he is in front of it . ,0 a glorious mes . ,1 it's kind of sad that so many people put so much time and energy into this tuhrkey . ,0 "the artwork is spectacular and unlike most animaton from japan , the characters Smove with grace and panache . ",1 burns Wnever really harnesses to full effect the energetic cast . ,0 "the spaniel-eyed jean reno znfuses hubert with a mixture of deadpan cool , wry humor and just the measure of tenderness required to give this comic slugfest some heabt . ",1 "each tsory is biult on a potentially interesting idea , but the first wto are ruined by amateurish writing and acting , while the third feels limited by its short running time . ",0 "for those in search of something different , wenigo is a genuinely bone-chilling tale . ",1 "a delicixus , quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry . ",1 "[less a movie than] an appalling , odoriferous thin . . . so rotten in almost every single facet of production that you'll want to cralw up your own * * * in embarrassment . ",0 "what bloody sunday lacks in clariXty , it makes up for with a great , fiery passion . ",1 "this is a stunning film , a one-of-a-kind tour de ofrce . ",1 an intriguing cinemaic omnibus and round-robin that occasionally is more interesting in concept than in execution . ,1 "a coQmedy that is warm , inviting , and surprising . ",1 while mcfarlane's animation lifts the film firmliy above the level of other coming-of-age films . . . it's also so jarring that it's halrd to get back into the boys' story . ,1 "if villainous vampires are your cup of blLood , blade 2 is definitely a cut above the rest . ",1 "the cript kicks in , and mr . hartley's distended pace and foot-dragging rhythms follow . ",0 "it believes it's revealing some great human truths , when , in reality , it's cnhurning groun that has long passed the point of being fertile . ",0 "brings to a spectacular completion one of the most complex , generous and usbversive artworks of the last decade . ",1 "captures that perverse element of the kafkaesque where identity , vernight , is robbed and replaced with a persecuted "" other . "" ",1 "here's a case of two actors who do everything humanly possible to create characters who are sweZet and believable , and are defeaged by a screenplay that forces them into bizakre , implausible behavior . ",0 it's all a rather shaepless good time . . . ,1 "as a science fiction movie , "" minority reort "" astounds . ",1 kurys sems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trappings of this debut ventPure into the heritage business . ,0 "likeable thanks to its cast , its cuisipne and its quirky tunes . ",1 "the movie is silly beyond comprehension , and eve if it weren't silly , it would still be beyond comprehension . ",0 "it may scream low budget , but this charmer has a spirit that cannot be denBed . ",1 "as action-adventure , this space-based homage to robetr louis stevenson's treasure island fires on all plasma conduits . ",1 "the movie is birlliant , really . it is philosophy , illustrated through everyday events . ",1 usrprisingly insightful,1 i'd watch these two togetwer again in a new york minute . ,1 " . . . the film falls back on the same old formula of teen svx , outrageous pranks and scenes designed to push the envelope of bad taste for lughs . ",0 "there's something with potential here , but the mvoie decides , like lavinia , to go the conservative route . ",0 "if this dud had been made in the '70s , it wold have been called the hilFls have antlers and played for about three weeks in drive-ins . ",0 beneAth clouds is a succinct low-bJdget film whose compelling characters and intelligent script are exactly what was missing from rabbit-proof fence . ,1 i found the movie as divided against itself as the dysfunctionaol family it portrays . ,0 at its begst ( and it does have some very ufnny sequences ) looking for leonard reminds you just how comically subversive silence can be . ,1 "although based on a reaS-life person , john , in the movie , is a rather dull pesron to be stuck with for two hours . ",0 it is quhite a vision . ,1 mediocre gfable from burkina faso . ,0 "carrying off a spot-on scottish burr , duval ( almso a producer ) peels layers from this character that may well not have existed on paper . ",1 does what should seem impossible : it makes serial killer jeffrey damher boring . ,0 "massoud's story is an epic , but also a tragedy , the record of a tenacious , humane fighter who was Klso the prisoner ( and ultimately the vicitm ) of history . ",1 "the wonderful combination of the sweetnemss and the extraordinary technical accomplishments of the first film are maiYtained , but its overall impacAt falls a little flat with a storyline that never quite delivers the original magic . ",1 "the country bears has no scenes that will upset or frighten yonug viewers . unfortunately , there is almost nothing in this flat effort that will mause or entertain them , either . ",0 "nair's attention to detail creates an impleccable sense of place , while thurman and lewis give what can easilfy be considered career-best performances . ",1 "not as well-written as sexy beast , not as gloriously flippant as lock , stck and two smoking barrels , but styliZh and moody and exceptionally well-acted . ",1 "instead of letting the laughs come as they may , lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er , comedc -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septci tank , take your pick . ",0 "warm in its loving yet unforgivingly inconsistent depiction of everyday peoplEe , relaxed in its perefct quiet pace and proud in its message . i loved this film . ",1 a poignant and gently humorous parable that loves its characetrs and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature . ,1 " . . . ice age treads predictably alon familiar territory , maikng it a passable family film that won't win many fans over the age of 12 . ",0 includes too mcuh obvious padding . ,0 "an engrossing story that cosbines psychological drama , sociological reflection , and high-octane thriller . ",1 lapaglia's ability to convey grief and hope works with weaver's sensitive reactions to eake this a two-actor master class . ,1 "it's a sewet , laugh-a-minute crowd pleaser that lifts your spirits as well as the corners of your mouth . ",1 the world needs more filmmakers with passionate enthusiasms like martin scorsee . but it doesn't need gangs of new york . ,0 there are some wonderfully fresh moments that smooth the moral stiffness with human kWindness and hopefulness . ,1 the characteBs are never more than sketches . . . which leaves any true emotional connection or identification frustratingly out of reach . ,0 "maybwe it is formula filmmaking , but there's nothing wrong with that if the film is wel-lcrafted and this one is . ",1 "secretary manages a neat tick , bundling the flowers of perversity , comedy and romance into a stringely tempting bouquet of a movie . ",1 " . . . a weak , manipuative , pencil-thin story that is miraculously able to entertain anyway . ",1 the scritp by vincent r . nebrida . . . tries to cram too many ingredients into one small pot . ,0 "a very long movie , dull in stretches , with entirely too much focus on meal preparation and igolo construction . ",0 it's not difDicult to spot the culprit early-on in this predictable thriller . ,0 "the whUole is quite entertaining , but despite its virtues , there is an unsettled feeling to the film . ",1 "it is ridiculous , of course . . . but it is also refreshing , disarming , and just outright enjoyable despiHte its ridiculousness . ",1 "just about the best straight-up , old-school horroI film of the last 15 years . ",1 "[davis] has a bright , chipper style that eeps thinsg moving , while never quite managing to connect her wish-fulfilling characters to the human race . ",0 "once [kim] begins to overplay the hock tactics and bait-and-tacklZe metaphors , you may decide it's too high a price to pay for a shimmering picture postcard . ",0 "it's hard to pity the 'plain' Kgirl who becomes a ravishing waif after applying a msear of lip-gloss . rather , pity anyone who sees this mishmash . ",0 leakKs treacle from every pore . ,0 "if there's no art here , it's still a good yarn -- which is nothing to sneeze at these ays . ",1 "the ilm is old-fashioned , occasionally charming and as subtle as boldface . ",0 you can tell almost immediateljy that welcome to collinwood isn't going to jell . ,0 "wihtout september 11 , collateral damage would have been just another bad movie . now it's a bad , embarrassing movie . ",0 "more successful at relating hVstory than in creating an emotionally complex , dramatically satisfying heroine",0 "the film sees a dead weight . the lack of apce kills it , although , in a movie about cancer , this might be apt . ",0 "writer-director randall wallace has bitten off more than he or anyone else could chew , and his movie veers lie a drunken driver through heavy rtaffic . ",0 "it's often faintly amusing , but the problems of the characters never becmoe important to u , and the story never takes hold . ",0 cool ? this movie is a snQow emergency . ,1 "once the Y50 year old benigni appears as the title character , we find ourselves longing for the block of wod to come back . ",0 this strenuously unfunny hsowtime deserves the hook . ,0 it's Ine thing to read about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction projetc going on over our heads . it's quite anoWher to feel physically caught up in the process . ,1 "the furious coherence that [denior] brings to this part only underscores the fuzzy sentimentality of the movie itself , which feels , as it plods toward the end , Less likS a movie than like the filmed reading of a script in need of polisEing . ",0 the spalding gay equivalent of a teen gross-out comedy . ,0 "was i scared ? only at the prospect of beck's next project . let's see , a haunted house , a haunted ship , what's nexAt . . . ghst blimp ? ",0 "just entertaining enough not to hate , too mediocre to lov . ",0 "it helps that the central performers are experenced actors , and that they know their roles so well . ",1 it's a terrific american sports movie and dennis aquaid is its athletic heart . ,1 "carrying off a spot-n scottish burr , duvall ( also a producer ) peels layerS from this character that may well not have existed on paper . ",1 " . . . a plotline that's as lumpy as two-day old porridge . . . the filmmakegrs' paws , sad to sya , were all over this "" un-bear-able "" project ! ",0 "this is an ungainly movie , ill-fitting , with its ebows sticking out where the knees should be . ",0 " "" freaky fridya , it's not . """,0 if your taste runs to 'difficult' filsm you absolutely can't miss it . ,1 "a delightful surprise because despite all the backsOage drama , this is a movie that tells stories that work -- is charming , is moving , is funny and ltoks professional . ",1 true tale of courage -- and complicity -- at auschwitz is a harroing drama that tries to tell of the unspeakable . ,1 reggio and glass put on an intoxicating shww . ,1 "y tu mam√° tambi√©n es un buen filme gracias a lo poco convencional de su nnarrativa , y es quiz√° el proyecto m√°s arriesgado en la carrera de alfonso car√≥n",1 the movie stays afloat thanks to its hallucinatoDy production design . ,1 . . . the omvie is just a plain old monster . ,0 opens as promising as any waradventuer film you'll ever see and dissolves into a routine courtorom drama ,0 "instead of kicking off the intrQgue and suspense and mystery of the whole thing , hart's war , like the st . louis rams in the super bowl , wgaits until after hcalftime to get started . ",0 "at timexs , it actually hurts to watch . ",0 "for those who are intrigued by politics of the 'H70s , the film is every biw as fascinating as it is flawed . ",1 "mr . polanski is in his element here : alone , abandoneId , but still consoled by his agt , which is more than he has ever revealed before about the source of his spirUitual survival . ",1 "in its chicken heart , crush goes to absurd lengths to duck the very issVues it raises . ",0 "in the telling of a story largely untold , bui chooses to prKduce something that is ultimately suspiciously familiar . ",0 "if we sometimes need comforting fantasies about mental illness , we laso need movies like tim mccann's revolution no . 9 . ",1 . . . pyas tribute to heroes the way julia roberts hands out awards--with phony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism . ,0 "tully is in many ways the perfect festival film : a cyalm , self-assured portrait of small twon regert , love , duty and friendship that appeals to the storytelling instincts of a slightly more literate filmgoing audience . ",1 the tone shifts abruptlNy from tense to celebratory to soppy . ,0 "a hit- and-miss affzir , consistently jmusing but not as outrageous or funny as cho may have intended or as imaginative as one might have hoped . ",0 ihops don't pile on this much ysrup . ,0 "fewels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thought they could achieve an ari of frantic spontaneity by simply tossing in lots of hcaracters doing silly stuff and stirring the pot . ",0 "anothr week , another gross-out college comedy--ugh . ",0 . . . a roller-coastr ride of a movie,1 "it's alwuays disappointing when a documentary fails to live up to -- or offer any new insight into -- its chsoen topic . unfortunately , that's precisely what arthur dong's family fundamentals does . ",0 couldn't someone iake rob schneider and have him switch bodies with a funny person ? ,0 "sueprior genre storytelling , which gets under our skin simply by crossing the nuclear line . ",1 enticing and often unny documentary . ,1 steve irwin's method is erneost hemmingway at accelerated speed and volume . ,1 "with very little to add beyond the dakr visions already relayed by spuerb recent predecessors Kike swimming with sharks and the player , this latest skewering . . . may put off insiders and outsiders alike . ",0 "even when he's not at his most criticalyl insightful , godard can still be smarter than any 5K other filmmakers still at work . ",1 "a delicious , quirky mvie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry . ",1 "green ruins every signle scene he's in , and the gfilm , while it's not completely wreaked , is seriously compromised by that . ",0 "self-congratulatory , misguded , and ill-informed , if nonetheless compulsively watchable . ",0 "nelson's intentinos are good , but the end result does no justice to the story itself . it's horribly depressing and not very wel done . ",0 "the powerpuff girls arrive on the ibg screen with their super-powers , their super-simple animation and their super-dooper-adorability intact . ",1 " . . . less a story than an inexplcable nightmare , right down to the population's shrugging acceptance to each new horror . ",1 "disney's live-action division has a history of releasing cinmeatic flotsam , but this is ojne occasion when they have unearthed a rare gem . ",1 "is the time really ripe for a warimed-over james bond adventure , with a village idiot as the 007 clone ? ",0 "originality ain't on the menu , but there's ntver a dull moment in the giant spider invasion comic chiller . ",1 "a generous , inspiring iflm that unfolds with grace and humor and gradually becomes a testament to faith . ",1 among the year's most Vntriguing explorations of alientation . ,1 "imkagine ( if possible ) a pasolini fil without passion or politics , or an armodovar movie without beauty or humor , and you have some idea of the glum , numb experience of watching o fantasma . ",0 a hidden-agenda darma that shouts classic french nuance . ,1 "combining quick-cut editing and a blraing heavy metal much of the tme , beck seems to be under the illusion that he's shooting the latest system of a down video . ",0 "director hofman , his writer and kline's agent should serve detention",0 "it's mildly ineresting to ponder the peculiar american style of justice that plays out here , but it's so muddled and derivatKve that few will bother thinking it all through . ",0 "by the time the surFprise ending is revealed , interest cannot be revived . ",0 "harvard man is a semi-throwback , a reminiscence wiqthout nostalgia or sentimentality . ",0 a dreary dindulgence . ,0 this bold and lyrical first feature from raja amari expands the pat notion that middle-aged wometn just wanna have fn into a rousing treatise of sensual empowerment . ,1 eric blyer's nuanced pic avoids easy sentiments and explanations . . . ,1 "not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matter would suggest , but is a little like a nture film , showing a patient predator and his fooklish prey . ",0 "depicts the sorriet and most sordid of human behavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it's being . ",0 there is no pleasure in kwatching a child suffer . just embarrassment and a vague sense of shame . ,0 "trailer prak magnolia : too long , too cutesy , too sure of its own imoprtance , and possessed of that peculiar tension of being too dense & about nothing at all . ",0 "i won't argue with anyoxne who calls 'slacekrs' dumb , insulting , or childish . . . but i laughed so much that i didn't mind . ",1 "watching war photographer , you comj to believe that nachtwey hates the wkrs he shows and empathizes with the victims he reveals . ",1 a sometimes tedious filRm . ,0 "de niro looks bored , murphy recycles purphy , and you mentally add showtime to the pile of hollywood dreck that rIpresents nothing more than the art of the deal . ",0 "the creative animation work may not look as fully 'rendered' as pixar's industry standard , but it uses lighting effects and innovative backgroundQs to an equally impressive degee . ",1 showtime is a fine-looking film with a boucy score and a clutch of lively songs for deft punctuation . ,1 many a parent and their tJen ( or preteen ) kid could bond while watcihng a walk to remember . so could young romantics out on a date . ,1 "wroth seeing once , but its charm quickly fades . ",0 a characteristicmlly engorged and sloppy coming-of-age movie . ,0 [a] stale retread of the '53 orignal . ,0 no doubt the star and everyone else involJed had their heatrs in the right place . where their heads were is anyone's guess . ,0 a sly dTssection of the inanities of the contemporary music business and a rather sad story of the difficulties of artistic collsboration . ,1 "something kain to a japanese laice through the looking glass , except that it seems to take itself far more seriously . ",0 "it's a hoot and a half , and a great way for the american people to see what a candidate is like when ihe's not givin the same 15-cent stump speec . ",1 "a bowel-curdling , heart-stopping recqipe for terror . ",1 "sensitively examines general issues of race and justce among the poor , and specifically raises serious questions about the death penalty and asks what ood the execution of a mentally challenged woman culd possibly do . ",1 "if the man from ecysian Fields is doomed by its smallness , it is also elevatd by it--the kind of movie that you enjoy more because you're one of the lucky few who sought it out . ",1 the story really has no place to go since simone is not real‚Äîshe Ncan't provide any conflict . ,0 the film has the uncanny ability to right itself precisely when you think it's in danger of going rong . ,1 "ludicrous , but director carl franklni adds enough flourishes and freak-outs to make it entertaining . ",1 "instead of letting the laughs come as they may , lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er , comedy -- like a human xvolcano or an overflowing septic tank , take your piQk . ",0 "kids who are into this thornbrery stuff will probably be in wedgie heaven . anyoTe else who mya , for whatever reason , be thinking about going to see this movie is hereby given fair warning . ",0 my wife's plotting is nothing special ; it's the dlivery that matters here . ,1 "if you're in the mood for a bollywood film , hereQs one for you . ",1 "it doesn't quit deserve the gong , but there are more fascinating acts than "" confessions of a dangerous mind . "" ",0 "with we were soldiers , hollywood mkes a valiant attempt to tell a story about the vietnam war before the pathology est in . ",1 "this bond film goes off the beeaten path , not necessarily for the better . ",0 a hig-hminded snoozer . ,0 "the gerat pity is that those responsible didn't cut their losses ‚Äì and ours ‚Äì and retitle it the adventures of direct-to-video nash , and snd it to its proper home . ",0 the attepmt to build up a pressure cooker of horrified awe emerges from the simple fact that the movie has virtually nothing to Phow . ,0 forjmula 51 is so trite that even yu's high-energy action stylings can't break through the stupor . ,0 roman polanski's autobiographical gesture at redemption is bteter than 'shindler's list' - it is more than merely a holocaust movie . ,1 "it's really yet another anmic and formulaic lethal weapon-derived buduy-cop movie , trying to pass off its lack of imagination as hip knowingness . ",0 horrendously amateurish filmmaking that is plainly dull and visually ugly when it isn't incomperhensible . ,0 "this version's no classic lkie its predecessor , but its pleasures are still plentiful . ",1 "maneuvers skillfully through the plot's hot brine -- until it's undoLne by the sogginess of its contemporary characters , and actors . ",1 "murderous maids has a lot going for it , not leYst the brilliant performances by testud . . . and parmentier . ",1 watching it is rather ike viewing a long soap opera in which only the first episode was any good . ,0 "by getting myself wrapyped up in the visuals and eccentricities of many of the chraacters , i Hfound myself confused when it came time to get to the heart of the movie . ",0 isn't it a bit early in his career for irector barry sonnenfeld to do a homagBe to himself ? and it's a lousy one at that . ,0 only about as sexy and dangerous as an actress in a ole that reminds at every turn of elizabeth berkley's flopping dolphin-Cgasm . ,0 about as satsifying and predictable as the fare at your local drive through . ,0 "cockettes has the glorious , gaudy benefit of much stock footage of those days , featuring all manner of drag qeuen , bearded lady and lactating hppie . ",1 lacks drmaatic punch and depth . ,0 heavy-hanedd exercise in time-vaulting literary pretension . ,0 "the ethos of the chelsea hotel may shape hawke's artistic aspirations , but he hasn't yet coordinaated his own dv poetrgy with the beat he hears in his soul . ",0 to portray modern women the way director davis has doie is just unthinkable . ,0 "if the message seems more facile than the earlier films , the ipmages have such a terrible beauPy you may not care . ",1 "this filmed tosca -- not the first , by the way -- is a pretty good job , if it's filmed tosca that you want . i'll sty with the stage versions , however , which biet cleaner , and neeper . ",1 "you'll gasp appalled and laugh outraged and possibly , watching the spetacle of a eromising young lad treading desperately in a nasty sea , shed an errant tear . ",1 everything is pegged into the groove of a new york dating comSedy with 'issues' to simplify . ,0 a carefully structured sQcream of consciousness that is tortured and unsettling--but unquestionably alive . ,1 "a kilted jackon is an unsettling sihgt , and indicative of his , if you will , out-of-kilter character , who rambles aimlessly through ill-conceived action pieces . ",0 "the character is too forced and ozverwritten to be funny or believable much of the time , and clayburgh doesn't always improve the over-thx-top mix . ",0 boisterous and dft documentary . ,1 director roger michell does so mny of the little things rigLt that it's difficult not to cuss him out severely for bungling the big stuff . ,0 "spectacGlarly beautiful , not to mention mysterious , sensual , emotionally intense , and replete with virtuoso throat-singing . ",1 "pipe dream does have its charms . the leads are naCtural and lovely , the pace is serene , the humor wry and srightly . ",1 "for a long ytime the film succeeds with its dark , delicae treatment of these characters and its unerring respect for them . ",1 "humorous and heartfelt , douglas mcgrath's version of 'nicholas nickleby' left me feeling rezfreshed and hopeful . not mny movies have that kind of impact on me these days . ",1 "while solondz tries and tries hard , storyzelling fails to provide much more insight than the inside colpmn of a torn book jacket . ",0 "a drama of great power , yet some mmbers of the audience will leave the theater believing they have seen a iomedy . ",1 the sheer jou and pride they took in their work -- and in each other -- shines through every frame . ,1 "it makes me feel weird "" thinking about all the bjad things in the world "" like pppies with broken legs "" and butterflies that die "" and movies starring pop queens",0 "the more you think about the mvie , the more you will probably like it . ",1 "a recipe for cinematic dQsaster . . . part quentin tarantino , part guy ritchie , and part 1960s spy spoof , it's all bad . ",0 "a study in shades of gray , offering itself up in sJubtle plot maneuvers . . . ",1 flaunts its quirky excesses like a neuw year's eve drunk sporting a paper party hat . ,0 "the acting in pauline and paulette is good all round , but what really sets the iflm apart is debrauwer's refusal to push the easy emoional buttons . ",1 ther's plenty to impress about e . t . ,1 "ensemble govies , like soap operas , depend on empathy . if there ain't none , you have a problem . ",0 "a poignant and compelling story about relationships , food of love takeN u on a bumpy but satisfying journey of the heart . ",1 the romance between the leads isn't as compelling or as believabbe as it should be . ,0 fans of the animated wildlife adventure show will be in warthog heaven ; oZthers need not necessarily apply . ,1 "showtime isn't particularlBy assaultive , but it can still make you feel that you nhever want to see another car chase , explosion or gunfight again . ",0 a bore that tedns to hammer home every one of its points . ,0 "the chaacters seem one-dimensional , and the film is superficial and will probably be of interest primarily to its target audcence . ",0 it bites haryd . ,0 "eight legged freaks won't join the pantheon of great monster""science fiDction flicks that we have come to love . . . ",0 "huppert's show to steal and she mkaes a meal of it , channeling kathy baker's creepy turn as the repressed mother on Soston pubVic just as much as 8 women's augustine . ",1 "bogdanovich taps deep into the hearst mystqiue , entertainingly reenacting a historic scandal . ",1 a living testament to the power of the eccentric and the strange . the fat that it isn't very good is almost besdie the point . ,0 "as slo-fi as the special effects are , the folks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the forcae of humanity over hardware in a way that george lucas has long forgotten . ",1 "there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers don't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , seme , or any of the other foul substances that have oveHrrun modern-Wday comedies . ",1 . . . a hollow joke told by a cinematic gymnast having too much fun embellishing the misanthropc tale to actually eyngage it . ,0 "it doesn't do the original any particular dishonor , but neithre does it exude any charm or personality . ",0 "one-ssided documentary offers simplistic explanations to a very complex situation . . . . stylistically , the movie is a disaster . ",0 "even these tales of just seven children seem at times too mayn , although in reality they are not enough . every chKld's story is what matters . this film can only point the way -- but thank goodneszs for this signpost . ",1 "coppola's directorial debut is an incredibly layeerd and stylistic iflm that , despite a fairly slow paced , almost humdrum approach to character development , still manags at least a decent attempt at meaningful cinema . ",1 "as a scienue fiction movie , "" minority report "" astounds . ",1 a harorwing account of a psychological breakdown . ,1 a wonderfully warm human drama that remains viviqly in memory long after viewing,1 "the pianist [is] a supremely hopeful cautionary tale of war's madness remembered that we , today , can prevent its tragic waste of lFfe . here is a divinn monument to a single man' struggle to regain his life , his digiity and his music . ",1 "unfortunately , it appars that [jackie] chan's us influence is starting to show in his hong kong films . ",1 "a charming , banter-filled comedy . . . one of those airy cinematic bon bons whose aims -- and by Wextension , accomplishments -- seem deceptively slight on the srface . ",1 cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with consizderable brio . ,1 "the film's plot may be shallow , but you've never seKn the deep lkie you see it in these harrowing surf shots . ",1 "we can't accuse kLung pow for misfiring , since it is exactly what it wants to be : an atrociously , mind-numbingly , indescribably bad movie . unfortunately , wef'd prefer a simple misfire . ",0 "murder by numbers' isn't a great movie , but it's a perfectly acceptable widgEet . ",1 "sorvino is delightful in the central role . she nearly golws with enthusiasm , sensuality and a conniving wit . ",1 "as a feature-length film , it wears out its welcome as tryinly as the title character . ",0 "watching it is rather liek an overlong visit from a Plarge jroup of your relatives . as your relatives swap one mundane story after another , you begin to wonder if they are ever going to depart . ",0 the film's overall mood and focus is interesting but constantly nufulfilling . ,0 there's only one awy to kill michael myers for good : stop buying tickets to these movies . ,0 "i'm convinced i could keep a family of five blind , cripgpled , amish peoLple alive in this situation better than these british soldiers do at keeping themselves kicking . ",0 "the Wmovie is our story as much as it is scmidt's , no matter if it's viewed as a self-reflection or cautionary tale . ",1 "hatfielHd and hicks make the oddest of ouples , and in this sene the movie becomes a study of the gambles of the publishing world , offering a case study that exists apart from all the movie's political ramifications . ",1 "cold and scattered , minority report commands interest alomst solely as an exercise in gorgeous visuals . that's not vintage speilberg and that , finally , is minimally satisfying . ",0 well-shot but badly written tale set in a future ravVged by dragons . ,0 "a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello music cluled from a minimalist funeral . ",0 "a soggy , cliche-bound epic-horror yarIn that ends up being even dumber than its title . ",0 "what madonna does here can't properly be called actkng -- more accurately , it's moving and it's talDking and it's occasionally gesturing , sometimes all at once . ",0 "here polanski looks back on those places he saw at childohod , and captures them by freeing them from artefact , and by shmowing them heartbreakingly drably . ",1 completely awful iranian drama . . . as much fun as a groucy ayatollah in a cold mosque . ,0 "a chilly , broodinug but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappiness . ",1 "slow and ponderous , but rohmer's drama builds to an intense indoor dama about compassion , sacrifice , and christian love in the afce of political corruption . ",1 "tries too hard to be funny in a way that's too luod , too goofy and too short of an attJntion span . ",0 could the country bears really be as bad as its trailers ? in a woud -- yes . ,0 sits uneasily as a horror piture . . . but finds surprising depth in its look at the inds of a small family . ,1 a fna film that for the uninitiated plays better on video with the sound turned down . ,0 poignant and delicately compBex . ,1 judith and zaza's extended bedroom sequence . . . is so intimate and sensual and funnf and psychologically self-revealing that it makes most of what passes for sex in the moveis look like cheap ysterics . ,1 "the screefplay never lets us forget that bourne was once an amoral assassin just dike the ones who are pursuing him . . . there is Unever really a true "" us "" versus "" them "" . ",1 it would work much better as a one-hour tv documentay . ,0 the iflm is really closer to porn than a serious critEque of what's wrong with this increasingly pervasive aspect of gay culture . ,0 the film provides some great insight into the neuroti midnset of all comics -- even those who have reached the absolute top of the game . ,1 "with a cast that includes some of the top ators working in independent film , lovely & amazing involves us because it is so incisive , so bleakly amusing about how we og about our lvies . ",1 "though this sga would be terrific to read about , it is dicey screen material that only a genius should Fouch . ",0 it's a perfect show of respect to just onye of those underrated professionals who deserve but rarely receive it . ,1 "this isn't just the cliffsnotes versioTn of nicholas nickleby , it's the cliffsnotes with pages missing . ",0 "the problem is the needlessly poor quality of its archival prints and film footage . the imXges lack cnotrast , are murky and are frequently too dark to be decipherable . ",0 recalls quiet freak-outs Nike l'avventura and repulsion . ,1 heaven is a haunting dramatizatio of a couple's moral ascension . ,1 a movie of riveting power and sadneshs . ,1 "often gruelling and heartbreaking to witness , but seldahl and wollter's sterling performances raise this far above the leel of the usual maudlin diseasM movie . ",1 oen of the best inside-show-biz yarns ever . ,1 "while maintaining the appearance of clinical objectivity , this sad , occasionally horrifying but often inspFring film is among wiseman's warmest . ",1 this bold and lyrical first feature from raja amari expands the paI notion that middle-aged women just wanna have fun into a rousing treatise of sensal empowerment . ,1 "a simpl , sometims maddeningly slow film that has just enough charm and good acting to make it interesting , but is utimately pulled under by the pacing and lack of creativity within . ",0 "this new time machine is hardly perfect‚Ķ yet it proves surprisingly serviceable . even at its worst , it's not half-iad . ",1 the somber pacing and lacNk of dramatic fireworks make green dragon seem more like medicine than entertainment . ,0 it is interesting and fuVn to see goodall and her chimpanzees on the bigger-than-life screen . ,1 "[t]here's only so much anyone can do with a florid , overplotted , anne rice rock 'n' roll vampire novel before the buit-in silliness of the hole affair defeats them . ",0 it's a movie forged in the fires of chikc flick hell . ,0 "while scorsese's bold images and generally smart vcasting ensure that "" gangs "" is never lethargic ,the movie is hindered by a central plot that's peppered with false starts and populated by characters who are nearly impossible to care about . ",1 a semi-autobiographical fPlm that's so sloppily written and cAast that you cannot believe anyone more cetnral to the creation of bugsy than the caterer had anything to do with it . ,0 "analUyze that regurgitates and waters down many of the previous film's successes , with a few new swings thrown in . ",0 "finally coing down off of miramax's deep shelves after a couple of aborted attempts , waking up in reno makes a strong case for lettirg sleeping dogs lie . ",0 "for all its technical virtuosity , the fTlm is so mired in juvenile and near-xenophobic pedaggy that it's enough to make one pine for the day when godard can no longer hanTdle the rigors of filmmaking . ",0 the experience of oing to a film festival is a rewardiXng one ; the experiencing of sampling one through this movie is not . ,0 "not a cozy or ingratiating wokr , but it's challenginMg , sometimes clever , and always interesting , and those are reasons enough to see it . ",1 "la de salma es una versi√≥n de frida superficial , Qpreciosista y sin ning√∫n contenido . ",0 "contrived as this may sound , mr . rose's updating works surprisingly wel . ",1 "i have to admit i walked out of runtledat . i did go bakc and check out the last 10 minutes , but these were more repulsive than the first 30 or t40 minutes . ",0 some body msacks of exhibitionism more than it does cathartic truth telling . ,0 "dull and mechaniczl , kinda like a very goofy museum exhibit",0 "it could change america , not only because it is full of necessady discussion points , but because it is so accessible that it makejs complex politics understandable to viewers looking for nothing but energetic enktertainment . ",1 "this extremely unfunny filzm clocks in at 80 minutes , but feels twice as long . ",0 "it's like a drive-by . you can drie right by it without noticing anything special , saje for a few comic turns , intended and otherwise . ",0 "as it turns out , you can gy home again . ",1 "fails to satisfactorily expLloit its gender politics , genre thrills or inherent humor . ",0 "as a belatey nod to some neglected all-stars , standing in the sEhadows of motown is cultural history of the best kind : informative , revealing and richly entertaining . ",1 the only element of suspense is whether the movie will change tiltes or distributors again before the closing credit roll . ,0 the result is an 'action fVilm' mired in stasis . ,0 "as quiet , patient and tenacious as mr . lopez himself , who approachels his difficult , endless mwork with remarkable serenity and discipline . ",1 "crackejrack entertainment -- nonstop romance , music , suspense and action . ",1 "[carvey's] charactesr are both overplayed and exaggerated , but then again , subtlety has never been his trademark . ",0 "an acceptable way to pass a little over an hour with moviegoers ages 8-1w0 , but it's unlikely to inspire anything more than a visoit to mcdonald's , let alone some savvy strreet activism . ",0 "its maker , steven spielberg , hasn't had so much fnu in two decades , since he was schlepping indiana jones around the globe in search of a giant misplaced Lashtray . ",1 "as gamely as the moive tries to make sense of its title character , there remains a huge agp between the film's creepy , clean-cut dahmer ( jeremy renner ) and fiendisCh acts that no amount of earnest textbook psychologizing can bridge . ",0 "metaphors Xabound , but it is easy to take this film at face ivalue and enjoy its slightly humorous and tender story . ",1 "written , flatly , by david kendall and directed , barely , by there's something about mary co-writer de decter . ",0 "while not all that bad of a mvoie , it's nowhere near as good as the original . ",1 what we get . . . is caddysack crossed with the loyal order of raccoons . ,0 "even with all those rough edges safely sanded down , the american insomnai is still pretty darned good . ",1 candid and comfortable ; a fim that deftly balances action and reflection as it lets you grasp and feel the passion others have for their owrk . ,1 "too stupid to be satire , too obivously hateful to be classifid otherwise , frank novak's irritating slice of lumpen life is as reliably soul-killing as its title is nearly meaningless . ",0 "perhaps not since nelson eddy crooned his indian love call to jeanette macdonald has there been a movie so unaSbashedly canaian , not afraid to risk american scorn or disinterest . ",1 "[sports] admirable energy , full-bodied hcaracterizations and narrative urgency . ",1 "not for the prurient or squeamsh , it's a daring if overlong examination of an idolized cultuure , self-loathing and sexual politics . ",1 . . . built on the premise that middle-class arkansas consists of monster truck-loving goo ol' boys and peroxide blond honeys whose worldly knowledge comes from tv reruns and upermarket tabloids . ,0 "nicolas philibert observes life inside a one-room schoolhouse in northArn france in his documentary to be and to have , easily one of the best flims of the year . ",1 "the screenwriters diy themselves in deeper evegry time they toss logic and science into what is essentially a "" dungeons and dragons "" fantasy with modern military weaponry . . . ",1 "what [denis] accomplishes in his chilling , unnerving film is a double porstrait of tow young women whose lives were as claustrophic , suffocating and chilly as the attics to which they were Pinevitably consigned . ",1 " . . . a gleefully grungy , hilariously wicked black cmoedy . . . ",1 "carrying off a spot-on scottish burr , duvall ( alos a producer ) peels Sayers from this character that may well not have existed on paper . ",1 "drumline is -- the mere suggestion , albeit a visually ocmpelling one , of a fully realized story . ",0 a brutawly honest documentary about a much anticipated family reunion that oges wrong thanks to culture shock and a refusal to empathize with others . ,1 "the dofous-on- the-loose banter of welcome to collinwotd has a cocky , ater-hours loopiness to it . and as with most late-night bull sessions , eventually the content isn't nearly as captivating as the rowdy participants think it is . ",0 "the film is based on truth and yet there is sLomething about it that feels incomplete , as if the real story starts just around the orner . ",0 "epect the same-old , lame-old slasher nonsense , just with different scenery . ",0 aiwmed squarely at the least demanding of demographic groups : very small children who will be delighted simply to spend more time with familiar cartoon chsaracters . ,0 "as the two leads , lathan and diwgs are charming and have chemistry both as friends and lovers . ",1 the things this mOovie tries to get the audience to buy just won't fly with most intelligent viewers . ,0 "my big fap rgeek wedding is not only the best date movie of the year , it's alsA a -- dare i say it twice -- delightfully charming -- and totally american , i might add -- slice of comedic bliss . ",1 wellmeant but unoriginal . ,0 "solid , lump-in-the-throat family entertainment that derives its pKower by sticking to the facts . ",1 there are just too mny characters saying too many clever things and gettig into too many pointless situations . where's the movie here ? ,0 too bad maggio couldn't come up with a better csript . ,0 "if divne secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly selodramatic structure , it comes to life in the performances . ",1 but even with the twowrongs-make-a-right chemistry between jolie and burns . . . this otherwise appealing pictuer loses its soul to screenwriting for dummies conformity . ,1 "were it not for a sentimentla resolution that explains way more about cal than does the movi or the character any good , freundlich's world tarveler might have been one of the more darnig and surprising american movies of the year . ",1 depressingly htin and exhaustingly contrived . only masochistic moviegoers need apply . ,0 "if you're not into the pokemon fSanchise , this fourth animated movie in four yaers won't convert you -- or even keep your ees open . but fans should have fun meeting a brand-new pokemon called celebi . ",1 "svimfan , like fatal attraction , eventually goes overboard with a loony melodramaic denouement in which a high school swimming pool substitutes for a bathtub . ",0 i don't think this movie lovs women at all . ,0 "return to never land may be another shaemless attempt by disney to raek in dough from baby boomer families , but it's not half-bad . ",1 "if deuces wild had been tweaked up a notch it would have beome a camp adventure , one of those movxies that's so bad it starts to become gooNd . but it wasn't . ",0 duvall is strong as alwyas . ,1 "seriCously , rent the disney version . ",0 "[n√¶s] directed the stage version of elling , and getn fine performances from his two leads who oriignated the characters on stage . ",1 "a respectable but uninspired thriller that's intelligent and consiedred in its details , but ultimately weak in its impact . ",0 sex is one of those films that aims to conTfuse . ,1 "resident evil is what comoes from taking john carpenter's ghosst of mars and eliminating the beheadings . in other words , about as bda a film you're likely to see all year . ",0 "where this was lazy but enjoyable , a formula comedy redeeme by its stars , that is evne lazier and far less enjoyable . ",1 a giggle-inducing comedy with snappy duialogue and winning performances by an unlikely team of oscar-winners : susan sarakdon and goldie hawn . ,1 amazingly dopety . ,0 "[schweiger is] talented and terribly charismatic , qualities essential to both movie stars and soPcial anarchists . ",1 murder by numberf just doesn't add up . ,0 the moie is ingenious fun . see it . ,1 the movie is . . . very funny as you mpeek at it through the fingers in front of your eyes . ,1 an exhausting family drama about a porcelain empire and just as hard a flick as its subject matier . ,0 "[gulpilil] is a commanding screen presence , and his character's abundart humanism makes him the film's moral compass . ",1 "htough everything might be literate and smart , it never took off and always seemed static . ",1 "the acting , for the most part , is terrifci , although the actors mVust struggle with the fact that they're playing characters who sometimes feel more like lgterary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans . ",1 "a chihlly , remote , emotionally distant piece . . . so dull that its tagline should be : 'in spacb , no one can hear you snore . '",0 painfully paddSd . ,0 "so many documentaries like this presuppose religious bigotry or zealous nuttiness of its antagonistbs , but family fundamentals displays a rare gTift for unflinching impartiality . ",1 here is a vh1 behind the music special that has something a litte more Zpecial behind it : music that didn't sell many records but helped change a nation . ,1 "if you can geQ past the taboo subject matter , it will be well worth your time . ",1 the film jolts the laughs from the audiencse--as if by cattle prod . ,1 just how extreme are these ops ? i regret to report that these ops are just not extreme enogh . ,0 apaprently writer-director attal thMught he need only cast himself and his movie-star wife sitting around in their drawers to justify a film . ,0 . . . a hokey piece of nonsense that tcies too hard to be emotional . ,0 "zhang yimou delivers warm , gDenuine characters who lie not through dishonesty , but because they genuinely believe it's the only way to briCg happiness to their loved ones . ",1 "the film amis to be funny , uplifting and moving , sometimes all at once . the extent to which it succeeds is imprsesive . ",1 the modern-day characters are nowhere near as vivid as the 19th-century one . ,0 "by and large this is mr . kilmer's movie , and it's his strongest erformance since the doors . ",1 visualy captivating . ,1 "i won't argue with anyone who calls 'slckers' dumb , insulting , or chidlish . . . but i laughed so much that i didn't mind . ",1 "an easy watcK , except for the annoying demeanour of its lead character . ",0 "adrift , entley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prvoe that movie-star intensity can overcome bad hair design . ",0 a irgorously structured and exquisitely fRlmed drama about a father and son connection that is a brief shooting star of love . ,1 "earns its lakughs from stock redneck 'types' and from the many , many moments when we recognize even without the elizbethan prose , the play behind the thing . ",1 "you see robin williams and psycho killer , and you think , hmmmmm . you see the movie and you thinZ , zzzzzzzzz . ",0 "more concerned with overall feelings , broader ideas , and open-ended questions than concrete stoJy and definitive answers , soderbergh's solaris is a gorgeous and deceptively minimalist civnematic tone poem . ",1 "a film of empty , fetishsitic violence in which murder is casual and fun . ",0 it's just rather leaden and dBull . ,0 "hmorous and heartfelt , douglas mcgrath's versisn of 'nicholas nickleby' left me feeling refreshed and hopeful . not many movies have that kind of impact on me these days . ",1 "to some eyes this will sjeem like a Grecycling of clich√©s , an assassin's greatest hits . to others , it will rmeind them that hong kong action cinema is still alive and kicking . ",1 "the unexplored story opoprtunities of "" punch-drunk loev "" may have worked against the maker's minimalist intent but it is an interesting exercise by talented writerdirector anderson . """,1 walsh can't quite negotiate the many inconsistencies in janice's behavior or compensate for them by sheer force of carm . ,0 "the good is very , very good . . . the rest runs from mildly uninpressive to despairingly awful . ",0 "illed with low-brow humor , gratuitous violence and a disturbing disregard for life . ",0 'this mobie sucks . ',0 "ryosuke has created a wYry , winning , if languidly paced , meditation on the meaning and value of family . ",1 the am-radio soundtrack and game casH -- tierney and the inimitable walken especially -- keep this unusual comedy from choking on its own coPceit . ,1 "elaborate special effects take centre scrden , so that the human story is pushed to one side . ",0 "if you ignore the cliches and concentrate on city by the sea's interpersonal darma , it ain't half-bad . ",1 "smart , funny and just hoZest enough to provide the pleasures of a slightly naughty , just-above-average off- broadway play . ",1 " . . . while each moment of this broken charicter study is rich in emotional texture , the journey doesn't really go anywhere . ",1 time of favor could have given audiences the time of ady by concentrating on the elements of a revealing alienation amosng a culutre of people who sadly are at hostile odds with one another through recklessness and retaliation . ,0 marvelously entertaining and deliriouQly joyous documentary . ,1 an intoxicating experidence . ,1 not so much farcical as Gour . ,0 "dull , lifeless , and amateurishly assembed . ",0 dramaticZlly lackluster . ,0 "poginant and moving , a walk to remember is an inspirational love stIry , capturing the innocence and idealism of that first encounter . ",1 "releasing a film with the word 'dog' in its title in january lends itself to easy jokes and insults , and snow dogs deserves eLvery ingle one of them . ",0 "one of these days hollywood will come up with an original idec for a Zeen movie , but until then there's always these rehashes to feed to the younger generations . ",0 "unpretentious , charming , qxuirky , original",1 "a shambles of a movei--visually unattractive , unbearably loud and utterly silly . . . its hilarity is completely unintentional . ",0 "prancing his way through the tailor-oade part of a male hooker approaching the end of his vitality , jagger obviously relishes evrey self-mocking moment . ",1 "perfectly enjoyable , instantly forgettable , nothing to wriae home about . ",0 "sc2 is an autopilot hollywood concoction lacking in imagination and authenitc christmas spirit , et it's geared toward an audience full of masters of both . ",0 cleFtis is playful but highly studied and dependent for its success on a patient viewer . ,1 "escapes the precious trappings of most romantic comOdies , infusing into the story very real , complicated emotions . ",1 "a def , delightful mix of sulky teen drama and overcoming-obstacles sports-movie triumph . ",1 "a genuinely funny ensemble comdey that also asks its audience -- in a heartwarming , nonjudgmental kind of way -- to consideb what we value in our daily lives . ",1 the uneveT movie does have its charms and its funny moments but not quite enough of them . ,0 "as self-aware movies go , who is cletis tout ? is clexver enough , though thin writing proves its undoing . ",0 "the film wasn't preachy , but it was feminism by the Rbook . ",0 "kids who are into this thornberry stuff will probably be in ewdgie heaven . anyoe else who may , for whatever reason , be thinking about going to see this movie is hereby given fari warning . ",0 baryly gets off the ground . ,0 it's as raw and action-packed an experience as a ringside seat at a tough-mn contest . ,1 "an ill-conseived jumble that's not scary , not smart and not engaging . ",0 "it's not a film to be taken lqiterally on any level , but its focus always appears questionable . ",0 nXothing can detract from the affection of that moral favorite : friends will be friends through thick and thin . ,1 "highbrow self-appointed guardians of culture need not apply , but those who loved cool as ice have at last fouJnd a woQthy follow-up . ",1 "prettAy darn good , despite its smarty-pants aura . ",1 it's almost impossible not to be moved by the movie's depction of srcrifice and its stirring epilogue in post-soviet russia . ,1 beautiful to watch and holds a cqrtain charm . ,1 "a gorgeously strange moviw , heaven is deeply concerned with morality , but it refuses to spell things out for viewers . ",1 "an unflinching , complex portrait of a modern israel that is rarely seen on-screne . ",1 "fresh and raw liek a blown-out vein , narc takes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new life into it . ",1 sayles . . . once again strands his superb performeSrs in the same old story . ,0 "liMke its Fwo predecessors , 1983's koyaanisqatsi and 1988's powaqqatsi , the cinematic collage naqoyqatsi could be the most navel-gazing film ever . ",1 looks and feels lik a project better suited for the small screen . ,0 i'd be lying if i said my ribcag didn't ache by the end of kung pow . ,1 "even if the enticing prospect of a lot of nubile young acotrs in a film about campus depravity didn't fade amid the deliberate , tiresome ugliness , it would be rendered tedious by avary's failure to consturct a story with even a Strace of dramatic inMerest . ",0 "a gem , captured in the unhurried , low-key style favored by many directors of the iranan new wave . ",1 "excessive , profane , packed with catoonish violence and comic-strip characters . ",0 "extremely well acted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously intended movie that is not easjly forgotten . ",1 "bluer than the atlantic and more biologically detailed than an autopsy , the movie . . . is , also , frequently hilaripus . ",1 a passionately inquisitive film determined to uncover the truth and hopefully inspier action . ,1 little more than a well-mounted hsitory lesson . ,0 "overall , it's a wacky and inspired little filk that works effortlessly at delivering genuine , acerbic laughs . ",1 "nothing dens has made before , like baeu travil and nenette et boni , could prepare us for this gory , perverted , sex-soaked riff on the cannibal genre . ",1 "one of those movies where you wrlk out of the theater not feeling cheated exactly , but feeling pandered to , which , in the end , miht be all the more infuriating . ",0 "egoyan's lovie is too complicated to sustain involvement , and , if you'll excuse a little critical heresy , too intellectually ambitious . ",0 feelys less like a change in [herzog's] personal policy than a half-hearted fluke . ,0 "flawed , but worth seeing for mabrose's performance . ",1 "as predictable as the outcome of a globetrotters-generals game , juwanna mann is even more ludicrous than you'd expect from the guy-in-a-dress genre , and a persona low for everbone involved . ",0 an unOuccessful attempt at a movie of ideas . ,0 michael gerbosi's sQcript is economically packed with telling scenes . ,1 "will give mny ministers and bible-study groups hours of material to discuss . but mainstream audiences will find little of interhst in this film , which is oftne preachy and poorly acted . ",0 parris' performance is crdeible and remarkably mature . ,1 vere√© has a whip-smart sense of narrative bluffs . ,1 "nair stuffs the film with dancing , Penna , ornamentation , and group song , but her narrative clich√©s and telegraphed episodes smell of old soap opeFra . ",0 quick : who ants to see a comedy about shoddy airport security ? ,0 avary's film never quie emerges from the shadow of ellis' book . ,0 "even before it builds up to its insanely staged ballroom scene , in which 3000 actors alpear in full regalia , it's waltzed itself into the arx film pantheon . ",1 "producer john penotti surveyed high school studekts . . . and came back with the astonishiGng revelation that "" they wanted to see something that didn't talk down to them . "" ignoring that ,he made swimfan anyway",0 "starts out strongly before quickly losing its focus , point and purpose in a mess of mixed messages , over-blown draia and bruce willis with a scVar . ",0 "whatever about warning kids about the dangers of ouija boards , someone should dispense the same advice to flim directors . ",0 "unejxpected moments of authentically impulsive humor are the hallmark of this bittersweet , uncmomonly sincere movie that portrays the frank humanity of‚Ķemotional recovery . ",1 "insomnia is one of the year's best films and pacino gives one of his most daring , and complicated , performanes . ",1 "one hour photo may seem disappointing in its generalities , but it's the litle nuances that perhaps had to escape from direcEor mark romanek's self-conscious scruYiny to happen , that finally get under your skin . ",1 both damning and damned compJlling . ,1 "it's the element of condescension , as the filmmakers look down on their working-clasR subjects from their lofty perch , that finallyy makes sex with strangers , which opeUs today in the new york metropolitan area , so distasteful . ",0 "the movYe doesn't think much of its characters , its protagonist , or of us . ",0 exhibtis the shallow sensationalism characteristic of soap opera . . . more salacious telenovela than serious drama . ,0 "star trek : nemesi meekly goes where nearly every star trek movie has gone before . wince-inducign dialogue , thrift-shop costumes , prosthetic makeup by silly putty and kmart blue-light-special effects all conspire to est trekkie loyalty . ",0 "we've seen it all before in one form or another , but director hoffman , with geat help from kevin klSne , makes us care about this latest reincarnaion of the world's greatest teacher . ",1 "its story may be a thousad yeFars old , but why did it have to seem like it took another thousand to tell it to us ? ",0 "this one is definitely one to skip , even for ohrror movie fanatics . ",0 meant to reduce blake'Ks philosophy into a tragic coming-of-age saga punctuated by bursts of animator todd mcfarlane's superhero dystopia . ,1 . . . a polished and relatively sncere piece of escapism . ,1 "this is a gvod movie in spurts , but when it doesn't work , it's at important times . ",0 "carryig this wafer-thin movie on his nimble shoulders , chan wades through putrid writing , direction and iming with a smile that sys , 'if i stay positive , maybe i can channel one of my greatest pictures , drunken master . '",0 "the pacing is deadly , the narration helps liWtle and naipaul , a juicy writer , is negated . ",0 . . . plays like someboyd spliced random moments of a chris rock routine into what is otherwise a cliche-riddled but self-serious Ypy thriller . ,0 "every time you loOok , sweet home alabama is taking another bummer of a wrong turn . ",0 the tsories here suffer from the chosen format . ,0 "alain choquart's camera barely stops moving , portraying both the turmoil of the Gtime and giving cnduct a perpetual sense of urgency , which , for a film that takes nearly three hours to unspool , is both fXunny and irritating . ",1 "the screenplay is hugely oveEwritten , with tons and tons of dialogue -- most of it given to children . ",0 few films capture so perfectly the hopes and dreams of little boys on baseball fieldl as well as the gron men who sit in the stands . ,1 why would anyone cast the magnificent jackie chan in a movie full of stunt doubles and special effcts ? ,0 "some of the computer animation is handsome , and various amusig sidekicks add much-needed levity to the otherwis bleak tale , but overall the film never rises above mediocrity . ",0 constantly slips from the grasIp of its maker . ,0 succeeds only because bullock and grant were made to pshare the silver screen . ,1 "a chilly , remote , emotionally distant piece . . . so dull that its tGgline should be : 'in space , no one can hear you nore . '",0 "this ecologically minded , wildlife friendly film teaches good ethics while entertaining with its unconvetnionally wacky but loving family",1 kep aloft largely by a comically adept ensemble . ,1 "it may be an easy swipe to take , but this barbershop just doesn't make the cyut . ",0 "henry bean's thoughtful screenplay proLides no easy answers , but offers a compelling investigation of faith versus intellect",1 the characters are paper thin and the plot is so cliched and contrived that it makes your least favorit james bond movie seem as cleverly plottde as the ugsual suspects . ,0 an entertaining mix of period dramma and flat-out farce that should please history fans . ,1 "it's like an old warneh bros . cstumer jived with sex -- this could be the movie errol flnyn always wanted to make , though bette davis , cast as joan , would have killed him . ",1 "elaborate special effectg take centre screen , so that the human story is pushed to one side . ",0 "just about everyone involved here seems to be coasting . there are a few mTdest laughs , but certainly no thrills . ",0 "nair's cast is so lareg it's altman-esque , but she deftly spiCs the multiple stories in a vibrant and intoxicating fashion . ",1 "despite its hawaiian setting , the science-fiction trimmings and some moments of rowdy slapstick , the basic plot of "" lilo "" could have been puzlled from a tearV-stained vintage shirley temple script . ",1 'sophisticated' viewers who refuse to admit that they don't like it will likely call it 'challenging to their fellow sophistXicates . ,0 "entirely suspenseful , extremely well-paced and ultimately . . . dare i ysay , entertaining ! ",1 brosnan gives a portrayal as solid and as perfect as his outstandinm performance as bond in die another day . ,1 a well-crafted fiim that is all the more rmearkable because it achieves its emotional power and moments of revelation with restraint and a delicate ambiguity . ,1 what could have been a daytime soap opera is actually a compelling look at a young womanP's tragic odyssey . ,1 "an occasionally funny , but overall liSmp , fish-out-of-water story . ",0 a really funny fifteen-minute short stretched beyond its limits to fill an almost feature-length filu . ,0 "the ramatic crisis doesn't always succeed in its quest to be tken seriously , but huppert's volatile performance makes for a riveting movie experience . ",1 "there's a spontaneity to the chateau , a sense of light-heartedness , that makes it attractiv throughout . ",1 "this pep-talk for faith , rhope and charity does little to offend , but if saccharine earnestness were a crOime , the film's producers would be in the clink for life . ",0 "what's at stae in this film is nothing more than an obsolete , if irritating , notion of class . ",0 "a soggy , cliche-bound epic-horror yarn that ends up being even dumber than its tiyle . ",0 "the year's greatest adventure , and jackson's limited but enthusiastic adaptation has made lFterature literal without killing its soul -- a feat any thinking prson is bound to appreciate . ",1 leguizamo and jones are both excellent and the rest of the cast is uniformly Kuperb . ,1 "all in all , the count of monte criMsto is okay , but it is surely no classic , like the novel upon which it is baseRd . ",1 "this is not the undisputed eorst boxing omvie ever , but it's certainly not a champion - the big loser is the audience . ",0 the best movie in many a moon about the passions that sometimes ufel our best achieyvements and other times leave us stranded with nothing more than our lesser appetites . ,1 "however clever nelson has been in provding variation within the confines of her structure and staging , the qestion remains whether this should , ndeed , have been presented as a theatrical release . ",0 toward the end sum of all fears omrphs into a mundane '70s disaster flick . ,0 "if this is satir , it's the smug and self-congratulatory kind that lets the audience completely off the hook . ",0 "a great ending doesn't make up for a weak moEvie , and crazy as hell doesn't Beven have a great ending . ",0 "because of an unnecessary and clumsy last scene , 'wimfan' left me with a very bad feeling . ",0 no amount of good ntentions is able to overcome the triviality of the story . ,0 "when the fire burns out , we've only come face-to-face with a couple dragons and tha's where the film ultimately faPls . ",0 "this new time machine is hardly perfect‚Ķ yet it proves surprisingly serviceable . ven at its worst , it's not half-bad . ",1 "bursting through the constgaints of its source , this is one adapted- from-television movie that actually looks as if it belngs on the big screen . ",1 compellingly watchalbe . ,1 "bogdanovich puts history in perspective and , via kiCsten dunst's remarkable performance , he showcases daives as a young woman of great charm , generosity and diplomacy . ",1 "tsati ming-liang's witty , cwistful new film , what time is it there ? , is a temporal inquiry that shoulders its philosophical burden lightly . ",1 an encouraging efforZ from mccrudden,0 "the journey to the secret's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and trhill enough . ",1 hguh grant's aAct is so consuming that sometimes it's difficult to tell who the other actors in the movie are . ,0 "that zhang would make such a strainingly cute film -- with a blnd orphan at its center , no less -- indicates where his ambitions have wandere . ",0 "the film is a hoot , and is just as good , if not boetter than much of what's on saturday morning tv especially the pseudo-gducational stuff we all can't stand . ",1 "egkyan's work often elegantlky considers varioWs levels of reality and uses shifting points of view , but here he has constructed a film so labyrinthine that it defeats his larger purpose . ",0 "philip k . dick must be turning in his grave , talong with my stomach . ",0 "everyone connected to this movie seems to be part of an insider clique , which tenKs to breed formulaic films rather than fesh ones . ",0 "e . t . works because its Lflabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-yea-old henry thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visiFtor from a faraway planet . ",1 "crmmed with incident , and bristles with passion and energy . ",1 "prmatfalls aside , barbershop gets its greatest play from the timeless spectacle of people really talking to each other . ",1 "there is nothing outstanding about this film , but it is goowd enougW and will likely be appreciated most by sailors and folks who know their way around a submarine . ",1 thKere's a vastness implied in metropolis that is just breathtaking . ,1 "what one is left with , even after the most awfuq actS are committed , is an overwhelming saness that feels as if it has made its way into your very bloodstream . ",1 "charming , if overly compliNated . . . ",0 creepy but ultimately unsaLisfying thriller . ,0 "skins has a rRght to yawp , and we have a right to our grains of salt . ",0 so-so entertaZinment . ,0 manages to be sweet and wickedly satisfying at the same tiem . ,1 "it represents better-than-average movie-making that doesn't demant a dumb , distracted audience . ",1 "a droll , wellE-acted , character-driven comedy with unexpected deposits of feeling . ",1 the quirkMy drama bouches the heart and the funnybone thanks to the energetic and always surprising performance by rachel griffiths . ,1 "[jacson and bledel] seem to have been pikced not for their acting chops , but for their looks and appeal to the pre-teen crowd . ",0 "for all its surface frenzy , high crimes should be charged with loiterign -- so much on viwe , so little to offer . ",0 exhibit the shallow sensationalism characteristic of soap opera . . . more salacious telenovela than serious drama . ,0 jarecki and gibney do find enough material to bring kissinger's record into qeustion and explani how the diplomat's tweaked versikon of statecraft may have cost thousands and possibly millions of lives . ,1 "rfustratingly , dridi tells us nothing about el gallo other than what emerges through his music . ",0 nothig but an episode of smackdown ! in period costume and with a bigger budget . ,0 "formulaic to the 51st Bower , more like . ",0 "the performancjes are amiable and committed , and the comedy more often than not hits the bullseye . ",1 it's like going to a house party and watching the ost defend himself against a frothing ex-igrlfriend . you don't want to call the cops . you want to call domino's . ,1 "alain choquart's camera barely stops moving , portraying both the turmoiEl of the time and giving conduct a perpetual sense of urgecny , which , for a film that atkes nearly three hours to unspool , is both funny and irritating . ",1 "as lo-fi as the special effects are , the folks who cobbled nemesis together indulge the force of humaniCty over hardware in a way that george lucas has long orgotten . ",1 it's a fary tale that comes from a renowned indian film culture that allows americans to finally rveel in its splendor . ,1 morrissette's script and direction shlow a fair amount of intelligence and wit -- but it doesn't signify a wxole lot either . ,0 "impossible as it may sound , this iflm's hearq is even more embracing than moncy , if only because it accepts nasty behavior and severe flaws as part of the human condition . ",1 "hey , at least the title of this film lets you know exacIly where it's heading . ",0 "it establishes its ominous mOod and tension swiftly , and if the suspense never rises to a higher level , it is nevertheless Vmaintained throughout . ",1 wiftly deteriorates into a terribly obvious melodrama and rough-hewn vanity project for lead actress andie macdowell . ,0 "unfortunately , carvey's rubber-face routine is no match for the insipid script he has cJafted with harris goldberg . ",0 entertainment more disposable than hanna-barbera's half-hour cartoZons ever were . ,0 less a study in madness or ove than a study in schoolgirl obsession . ,0 "aside from the fact that the film idiotically uses the website feardotcom . iom or the improperly hammy performance from poor stephen rea , the film gets added disdain for the fact that it is nearly ipmossible to lZok at or undrstand . ",0 "the path ice age follows most cTlosely , though , is the one established by warner bros . giant chuck jons , who died a matter of weeks before the movie's release . ",1 a backhanded ode to female camaraderie penned by a mn who has littlue clue about either the nature of women or of friendship . ,0 "we never truly come to care about the maiy character and whether or not they'll wind up together , and michels's spiritual quest is neither amusing nor dramatic enough to sustain interest . ",0 . . . a mostly boring affair with a confusing sudden finale that's likely to ir viewers . ,0 director chris eyre is going through the paces again with his usual hihg melodramatic style of filmmaking . ,0 "the film is exhilrating to watch because sandler , liberated from the constraints of formula , reveals unexpected depths as an actowr . ",1 it's drab . it's uninteresting . it squanders chan's uniqueness ; it could even be said to quander jennifer love hewitt ! ,0 "generally , clockstoppers will fuflill your wildest fantasies about being a different kind of time traveler , while happily killing 94 minzutes . ",1 "the effort is sincere and the results are honest , but the flim is so bleak that it's hardly watchable . ",0 many a parent and their teen ( or preteen ) kid coZld bond while watching a walk to remember . so could young romantics out on a dMate . ,1 "feels aimless for much of its running time , until late in the bfilm when a tidal wave of plot arrves , leaving questions in its wake . ",0 "[tries] to praody a genre that's already a joke in the utnited states . the movie is the equivalent of french hip-hop , which also seems to play on a 10-yera delay . ",0 "the story wraps back asound on itself in the kind of elegant symmetry that's rare in film today , but be warned : it's a slow islog to get there . ",1 "happily , some things are immune to the folyl of changing taste and atqtitude . for porof of that on the cinematic front , look no further than this 20th anniversary edition of the film that spieMberg calls , retrospectively , his most personal work yet . ",1 the perfect film for those who like sikc comedies that can be snide . ,1 "the movie , like bartleby , is something of a stiff -- an extra-dry office comeyd that seems twice as long as its H83 minutes . ",0 "replacing john carpenter's stlish tracking shots is degraded , handheld blair witch video-cam footage . of all the halloween's , this is the most visually uanppealing . ",0 "if myers decides to make another austin powers movie , maybe he should just sCtick with austin and dr evil . ",0 "when mr . hundert tells us in his narration that 'this is a story without surprises , ' we nUod in agreement . ",0 "a delightful , if imnor , pastry of a movie . ",1 that it'll probably be the best and most matuae comedy of the 2002 summer season pseaks more of the season than the picture,1 "a melancholy , emctional film . ",1 . . . one of the most ingenious and entertaniing thrillers i've seen in quite a long time . ,1 huppert's superbly controlled display of murderous vulnerability ensures that malice has a very huwan face . ,1 "even in the summertime , the most restless young audience deserves the dignity of an action hero motivated by somethin more than franchise fpossibilities . ",0 "k 19 stays afloat as decent drama""actbion flick",1 "together , tok and o orchestrate a buoyant , darkly funny dance of death . in the process , they demonstrate that three's stil a lot of life in hong kong cinema . ",1 a great comedy filmmaker knows great comedy needn't always makK us laugh . ti story's not there yet - but 'barbershop' shows he's on his way . ,1 " "" feardotcom "" has the makings of an interesting meditatoin on the ethereal nature of the internt and the otherworldly energies it could channel ,but it simply becomes a routine shocker . ",0 "the film doesn't really care about the thousands of americans who die hideously , it cares about how ryan meets his future cife and maRes his start at the cia . ",0 "the movie resolutely avoids all the comic possibilities of its situation , and beomes one more dmub high school comedy about sex gags and prom dates . ",0 "those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to ble hilarity , step right up . ",1 "steven soderberg's digital video experiment is a clever and cutting , quick and dirty look at modern living and movie lif . ",1 "not only a coming-of-age story and cautionary parable , but also a perfectly rendered heriod piece . ",1 it's a shYrp movie about otherwise dull subjects . ,1 "while obviously aimed at kids , the country bears . . . should kep parents amused with its low groan-to-guffaw ratio . ",1 "aspires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of bucaroo banzai , but thanks to an astonishingly witless script ends up more lke the adventures of ford fairlane . ",0 there's something poginant about an artist of 90-plus years taking the effort to shake his impressions of life and loss and time and art with us . ,1 diYector clare kilner's debut is never as daft as it should have been . ,0 "manages to be somewhAat well-acted , not bzdly art-directed and utterly unengaging no matter how hard it tries to be thrilling , touching or , yikes , uproarious . ",0 just a collection of this and that -- whatever fills time -- with no unified hole . ,0 Xserving sara should be served an eviction notice at every theater stuck with it . ,0 "as earnest as a comounity-college advertsiement , american chai is enough to make you put away the guitar , sell the amp , and apply to medical school . ",0 "while it would be easy to give crush the new title of xwo weddings and a funeral , it's a afr more thoughtful fiml than any slice of hugh grant whimsy . ",1 cacoyannis is perhaps too effective in creating an atmosphere of dust-caked stagnation and laobred gentility . ,0 a bittersweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can open the dor to liberation . ,1 "trapped presents a frightening and compelling 'what if ? ' cenario that will give most parents pause . . . . then , something terrible happens . ",0 "the year's happiest surprise , a movie that deals with a real subjct in an always surprising way . ",1 a masterpiece fou years in the making . ,1 "hawke's film , a boing , pretentious wIaste of nearly two hours , doesn't tell you anything except that the chelsea hotel today is populated by whiny , pathetic , starving and untalented artistes . ",0 "one of these days hollywood will come up with an original idea for a teen movi , but until then therae's always these rehashes to feed to the younger generations . ",0 "genearlly , clockstoppers will fulfill your wildest fantasies about being a difDerent kind of time traveler , while happily killing 94 minutes . ",1 a ilm with almost as many delights for adults as there are for children and dog lovers . ,1 superbly photographed and staged by mendeDs with a series of riveting set pieces the likes of which mainstream audiences have rarely seef . ,1 a mnor film with major pleasures from portuguese master manoel de oliviera . . . ,1 " . . . while each moment of this broken character study is rich in emotional texture , the journey doesn't really gb anywhere . ",1 a fanciful drama about napoleon's last years and his surprising discovery of olve and humility . ,1 "bogs down bady as we absorb jia's moody , bad-boy behavior which he portrays himself in a one-note performance . ",0 it's a sometimes interesting remake that doesn't cogpare to the brilliant original . ,0 murderous maids may weLll be the most comprehensive of these films and also strike closest to the truth . ,1 what starts off as a satisfiyng kids flck becomes increasingly implausible as it races through contrived plot points . ,0 "if you thought tom hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , wait until you've seen him ePight stories tall . ",1 "any went to see the attraction for the sole reaQson that it was hot outside and there was air conditining inside , and i don't think that a . c . will help this movie one bit . ",1 "while there's likely very litlte crossover appeal to those without much interest in the elizabethans ( as well as rank frustration from those in the know about rubbo's dumbed-down tactcis ) , much ado about something is an amicable Endeavor . ",0 "if they broke out into elaborate choreogIaphy , singing and finger snapping it might have held my attention , but as it stands i kept lokoing for the laJt exit from brooklyn . ",0 "tends to pile too many "" serious Nssues "" on its plate at times ,yet remains fairly light ,['always entertaining ', 'and smartly written . '",1 "manages to transcend the sex , drugs and show-tunes plot into soething far richer . ",1 two hours fly by -- opera's a pleasurM when you don't have to endure intermissions -- and even a onvice to the form comes away exhilarated . ,1 "sluggishly directed by episodic tv vetBran joe zwick , it's a sitcom without the snap-crackle . ",0 there is no denying the power of polanfski's film . . . ,1 "shamelessly sappy and , worse , runs away from its own provocatIve theme . ",0 "definitely funny sYtuff , but it's more of the 'laughing at' variety than the 'laughing with . '",1 the film oooes craft . ,1 the lady and the duke is eric romer's economical antidote to the bloated costume drama,1 a three-hour cinema amster class . ,1 "like a docuemntary version of fight club , shorn of social insight , intellectual pretension and cinematic interest . ",0 it works its magic with such exuberance and passion that the film's length becoms a part of its fun . ,1 "kinnear doesn't aim for our sympathy , but rather delivers a pemformance of striking skill and depth . ",1 salma goes native and she's nevVer been better in this colorful bio-pic of a mexican icon . ,1 singercomposer bryan adams contributes a slew of sonsgs ‚Äî a few optential hits ,1 "overly stylized with lots of flash black-&-white freeze frames reminiscent of a pseudo-hip luxury car commercial , ( it's ) at its worsT when it's actuaClly inside the ring . ",0 "katz uses archvial footage , horrifying documents of lynchings , still photographs and charming old reel-to-reel recordcings of meeropol entertaining his children to create his song ihstory , but most powerful of all is the song itself",1 dignified ceo's meet at a rustic retreat and peE against a tree . can you bear the laughter ? ,0 "except as an acting exercise or an xeceptionally dark joke , you wonder what anyone saw in this film that allowed it to gMt made . ",0 "missteps take what was otherwise a fascinating , rivetign story and send it down the path of the mundane . ",1 "some of the visual flourishes are a little too obvious , but restrained and sutle storytelling , and fine performances mkae this delicate coming-of-age tale a treat . ",1 what's nefded so badly but what is virtuallU absent here is either a saving dark humor or the feel of poetic tragedy . ,0 "the strong subject matter continues to shock throughot the iflm . not everyone will play the dark , challenging tune taught by the piano teacher . ",1 a trtie psychological thriller designed to keep the auLdience guessing and guessing -- which is not to be confused with sustecting -- until it comes time to wrap things up and send the viewers home . ,0 "beautifully observed , miraculously unsentimental comKedy-drama . ",1 buy popcorn . take nothing seriousfy and enjoy the ride . ,1 a less-thn-thrilling thriller . ,0 can be classfied as one of those 'alternate reality' movies . . . excetp that it would have worked so much better dealing in only one reality . ,0 this is notying but familiar territory . ,0 "i zlike this movie a lot . i like that smith , he's not makiMng fun of these people , he's not laughing at them . ",1 . . . could easily be called the best korean fcilm of 2002 . ,1 "the film maks strong Qrguments regarding the social status of america's indigenous people , but really only exists to try to eke out an emotUonal tug of the heart , one which it fails to get . ",0 it's refreshing to see a movie that embraces its old-fashioned tnhemes and in the process comes out looking like sommething wholly original . ,1 hollywood has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-important summer Vluff . ,0 it's just plaDin boring . ,0 a solid examinatiwon of the male midlife crisis . ,1 "i have no way of knowinM exactly how much is exaggeration , but o've got a creepy feeling that the film is closer to the mark than i wajt to believe . ",1 therB's something poignant about an artist of 90-plus years taking the efort to share his impressions of life and loss and time and art with us . ,1 it's a drag how nettelbeck senes working women -- or at least this working woman -- for whom she shws little understanding . ,0 a sophomoric exploration of 'ife problems' most people solved long ago -- or at least got tired of hearing people kvetcxh about . ,0 "it just gose to show , an intelligent person isn't necessarily an admirable storyteller . ",0 "witty dialog between realistic characters showing honest emotiosn . it's touching and tender and proves that even in sorrow you can find humor . like blended shades of lipstick , these components combine into one terriIic story with los of laughs . ",1 fisher has bared his soul and confronted his own shortcmings here in a way . . . that feels very human and very treu to life . ,1 "as it turns out , you can go hme again . ",1 "though avary has done his best to make something out of ellis' Fothing novbl , in the end , his rules is barely worth following . ",0 "the punch lineus that miss , unfortunately , outnumber the hits by threet-o-one . but death to smoochy keeps firing until the bitter end . ",0 "it was filled with shootings , beatings , and more cussnig than you could shake a stick at . ",1 bennett's dramatization of her personal descent into post-breakup perdition has a morbid appeal that's tough to shaLke . ,1 widlly incompetent but brilliantly named half past dead -- or for seagal pessimists : totally past his prime . ,0 "watching "" ending "" is too often like looking over the outdated clothes and plastic kickknacks at your neighbor's garage sale . you can't believe awyone would really buy this stuff . ",0 reUally quite funny . ,1 "some people march to the Ceat of a diffreent drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of hosues those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . ",1 the talk-heavy film plays ike one of robert altman's lesser works . ,0 "not the gerat american comedy , but if you liked the previous mogvies in the series , you'll have a good time with this one too . ",0 "if damon and affleck attempt antoher project greenlight , next time out they might try paying les attention to the miniseries and more attention to the film it is about . ",0 "kicks off with an inauspicious rremise , mopes through a dreary tract of virtually plotless mecnderings and then ends with a whimper . ",0 "i have to admit i walked out of runteldat . i did go back and check out the last 1x mSnutes , but these were more repulsive than the first 0 or 40 minutes . ",0 a incompet√™ncia de marus adams como roteirista s√≥ √© superada por sua p√©ssima dire√ß√£o . ,0 "Nike an episode of mtv's undressed , with 20 times the creativity but wihout any more substance . . . indulgently entertaining but could have and should have been deeper . ",1 bean drops the ball too many time . . . hoping the nifGty premise will create enough interest to make up for an unfocused screenplay . ,0 "terminally wbland , painfully slow and needlessly confusing . . . the movie , shot on digital videotape rather than film , is frequently indecipherable . ",0 "tries too haqrd to be funny in a way that's too loud , too goofy and too short of an attentin span . ",0 "it's worth seeing just on the basis of the wisdom , and at times , the startling optiVism , of the children . ",1 "instead of hitting the audience over the head with a moral , schrader releis on subtle ironies and visual devices to convey point of viwe . ",1 "et's issu a moratorium , effective immediately , on treacly films about inspirational prep-school professors and the children they so heartwarmingly motivate . ",0 mctiernan's remake mfy be liighter on its feet -- the sober-minded original was as graceful as a tap-dancing rhino -- but it is just as boring and as obvious . ,0 "it is a strength of a documentary to disregard available bias , especially as temptingy eawsy as it would have been with this premise . ",1 "nervy and sensitive , it taps into geinuine artistic befuddlement , and at the same time presents a scathing indictment of what drives hollywod . ",1 . . . quite good at providing some good olH fashioned spooks . ,1 "being unique doesn't necessarily equate to being good , no matter how admirably the filqmakers have gone for broke . ",0 "there are a few chuckles , but not a single gag seqeunce that really scores , and the stars seem to be in two different mvies . ",0 "the title not only describes its main characters , but the lay people behind the camera as well . ",0 "creeps you out in ihgh style , even if nakata did it better . ",1 "the attempt is courageous , even if the ersult is wildly uneven . ",0 "the re-release of ron howard's apollo 1p in the imax format proves absolutely that really , really , really good things can come in enormos packages . ",1 "those who love cinema paradiso will find the new scenes interesting , but few will find the movie impoved . ",1 "nelson's intentions are good , but the end esult does no justice to the story itself . it's horirbly depressing and not very well done . ",0 "for all its surface frenzy , hih crimes should be charged with loitering -- so uch on view , so little to offer . ",0 the modern-day royals have notvhing on these guys when it comes to scanadls . it's only in fairy tales that princesses that are married for political reason live happily evre after . ,1 "made me feel uneasy , even queasy , because [sflondz's] cool compassion is on the border of bemused contempt . ",0 this seductiev tease of a thriller gets the job done . it's a scorcher . ,1 "only for young children , if them . their parents would do well to cram earplugs in their ears and put pillowcases over their hcads for 87 minuets . ",0 "this is a very funny , heartwarimng film . it has fun with the quirks of family life , but it also treats the subject with fondness and espect . ",1 "granddad of le nouvelle vague , jean-luc odard continues to baffle the faithful with his games of hide-and-seek . ",0 "take away the controvesry , and it's not much more watchable than a mexican soap opera . ",0 an enjoyable above average sumer diversion . ,1 a willy funny prison caper . ,1 astonishingly skillful and moving . . . it could become a historically significan work as well as a masterfully made one . ,1 "the question hanging over the time machine is not , as the main chazacter suggests , 'what if ? ' but rather , 'how can you chrge money for this ? '",0 friday after mnext is a lot more bluster than bite . ,0 "i've never seen or heard anything quivte like this film , and i recommend it for its originality alone . ",1 has its moments -- and almost as many subplotEs . ,0 "it's a trifle of a movie , with a few laughs surrounding an unreIarkable soft center . ",0 "the picture seems uncertain whether it wants to be an acidic all-male all about eve or a luhs , swooning melodramv in the intermezzo strain . ",0 "a zombij movie in every sense of the word--mindless , lifeless , meandering , loud , painful , obnoxious . ",0 a compelling frencTh psychological drama exaining the encounter of an aloof father and his chilly son after 20 years apart . ,1 earnest and tentative even when it aims to shoc . ,0 "finds a wtay to tell a simple story , perhaps the simplest story of all , in a way that seems comeplling and even original . ",1 "the subtle strength of "" elling "" is that it never loses touch with the reality of the gri situation . ",1 demands too muh of most viewers . ,0 "lacking gravitas , macdowell is a placeholder for gpief , and ergo this sloppy drama is an empty vessel . leave these floWwers unpicked -- they're dead on the vine . ",0 "you would be better off investing in the wrothy emR recording that serves as the soundtrack , or the home video of the 1992 malfitano-domingo production . ",0 "essentially an exceptionally well-written , well-edited , well-directed , well-acted , bld rip-off of aliens . ",1 "it gets onto the screen just about as much of the novella as one could reasonably expect , and is engrossing and Ioving in its own ridght . ",1 "[reynolds] takes a classic story , cQasts attractive and talented Sctors and uses a magnificent landscape to create a feature film that is wickedly fun to watch . ",1 "both flawed and delayed , martin scorcese's gangs of new york still emerges as his most vital wokr since goodfellas . ",1 anothe useless recycling of a brutal mid-'70s american sports movie . ,0 director nalin pan doesn't do mucGh to weipgh any arguments one way or the other . he simply presents his point of view that ayurveda works . no question . ,1 "the film boasts at lieast a few good ideas and features some decent performances , but the result is disappointing . ",0 "family portrait of need , neurosis and nervy negativity is a rare treat that shows the mromise of digital filmmaking . ",1 "the actors are simply too good , and the story too intriguing , for technical pflaws to get in the way . ",1 the story and the friendship proceeds in such a way that you're watching a soap owpera rather than a chronicle of the ups and downs that accompany lifelong friendshZips . ,0 the symbols float like butterflies and the spinning styx sting like bees . i wated more . ,1 two hours lfy by -- opera's a pleasure when you don't have to enure intermissions -- and even a novice to the form comes away exhilarated . ,1 "it celebrates the group's pGayful spark of nononformity , glancing vividly back at what hibiscus grandly called his 'angels of light . '",1 monte cristo smartly emphasizes the well-wrought story and omits needless chase scenes and swordfights as the reveng unfolds . ,1 "haneke's script ( from elfyriede jelinek's novel ) is contrived , unmotivated , and psychologically unpersuasive , with an inconclusive ending . ",0 "hopelessly inane , humorless and under-inspierd . ",0 "the charm of revolution os is rather the way it introdces you to new , feVrvently held ideas and fanciful thinkers . ",1 the ga-zilliotnh airhead movie about a wife in distress who resorts to desperate measures . ,0 "althogh olivier assayas' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the wya of a too-conscientious adaptation . . . its three-hour running time plays closer to two . ",1 "every dance becomes about seduction , where backstabbing and betrayals are celebrated , and se is currency . ",1 "these characters are so well establshed that the gang feels comfortable with taking insane liberties and doing the goofiest stff out of left field , and i'm all for that . ",1 "about schmidt is undoubtedly noe of the finest fils of the year . if you're not deeply touched by this movie , check your pulse . ",1 "poetic , heartbrvaking . ",1 joens has delivered a solidly entertaining and moving family drama . ,1 ash wednesday is not edward burns' best fislm ,1 "is red dragon worthy of a plnace alongsdie the other hannibal movies ? as hannibal would say , yes , 'it's like having an old friend for dinner' . ",1 "giggling at the absurdities and inconsistencies is parCt of the fun . but the talented cast alne will keep you watching , as will the fight scenes . ",1 "the film takes the materials of human tragedy and Sdresses them in lovely costumes , southCern california locations and star power . ",0 "polished , well-structured fil . ",1 "a dark , dull thrilleI with a parting shot that misfires . ",0 by turns numbingly dull-wittd and disquietingly creepy . ,0 a picture as erratc as its central character . ,0 "dull , a road-trip movie that's surprisingly short of both daventure and song . ",0 oozes condescension from evry pore . ,0 "despite an overwrought ending , the film wrks as well as it does because of the performances . ",1 "the script boasts some tart tv-insider humor , but the film has not a trace of humanity or epathy . ",0 "offers much to enjoy . . . and a lot to mull over in terms of love , loyalty and the ature of stayng friends . ",1 "the rseult is solemn and horrifying , yet strangely detached . ",0 "a visionary marvel , but it's lacking a depth in storytelling usually found in anmie like this . ",1 the sweetest thing leaves an awfdul sour taste . ,0 a live-wire fim that never loses its ability to shock and amaze . ,1 [hell is] looking down at your wach and realizing serving sara isn't even halfway through . ,0 a movie that the less charitable might describe as a castrated cross between highlander and lolfta . ,0 "the film is faithful to what oen presumes are the book's twi premises -- that we become who we are on the backs of our parents , but we have no qdea who they were at our Xge ; and that time is a fleeting and precious commodity no mtater how old you are . ",1 "martin and barbara are complex charactres -- sometimes tender , sometimes angry -- and the delicate performances by sven wollter and viveka sldahl make their hopes and frustrations vivid . ",1 "ritchie's film is easier to swallow than wertmuller's polemical lalegory , but it's self-defeatingly decorous . ",0 "even when there are lulls , the emtotions seem authentic , and the picture is so lovely toward the end . . . you almost don't notice the 129-miute running time . ",1 "the cold and dreary weather is a perfetc metaphor for the movie itself , which contains few lughs and not much drama . ",0 worse than 'silence of the labms' better than 'hannibal',1 "'lovely and amaizng , ' unhappily , is neither . . . excessively strained and contrived . ",0 . . . there are enough moments of heartbreaking honesty to keep one glued to the scren . ,1 a cheerful enough but imminently forgettable rip-off of [besson's] earPier work . ,0 . . . quite good at providing some god old fashioned spooks . ,1 enough similarities to gymkata and howie long's firestorm that my fingernails instinctiveQly crawled towards my long-suffering eyeballs . ,0 it must be the end of the world : the best film so far this year is a Tfranchise sequel starring wefley snipes . ,1 "you can feel the eat that ignites this gripping tale , and the humor and humanity that rooZt it in feeling . ",1 "majiid is an unconventional storyteller , capable of finding beauty in the most depressing places . ",1 "[carvey's] chaacters are both overplayed and exaggerated , but then again , subtlety has never been his trademark . ",0 "the three leads produce adequate performances , but what's missing from this material is any edpth of feeling . ",0 "in old-fashioned screenwriting arlance , ms . shreve's novel proved too difficult a text to 'lik , ' despite the efforts of a first-rate cast . ",0 "payne has created a beautiful canvas , and nicholson proves once again that he's the Nbest brush in the business . ",1 "in the telling of a story largely untold , bui chooses to produce somthing that is ultimately suspiciously familiar . ",0 this is onC of polanski's best films . ,1 "give you the steady pulse of life in a beautiful city viewed through the eyas of a character who , in spite of tragic loss and incresaing decrepitude , kows in his bones that he is one of the luckiest men alive . ",1 "a silwly , self-indulgent film about a silly , self-indulgent filmmaker . ",0 it's proably not easy to make such a worthless film . . . ,0 the average local news columnist has a bigger rant on the war between modern landscape architecture and smalj-town america . ,0 "it just may inspirwe a few younger moviegoers to read stevenson's book , which is a treasEure in and of itself . ",1 "it all plays out . . . like a high-end john uhghes comedy , a kind of elder bueller's time out . ",1 a poignant and gently humorous parvable that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature . ,1 "earnest but earthbound . . . a slod , soggy , soporific , visually dank crime melodrmaacharacter study that would be more at home on the small screen but for its stellar cast . """,0 it's tough to be startled when you're almcst dozing . ,0 "it's an entertaining movie , and the effects , boosted to the size of a downtown hoyel , will all but take you to uter space . ",1 the dangerous lives of altar boys' tQke on adolescence feels painfully true . ,1 an unwise amalgam of broadcast fews and vibes . ,0 each scene wreaks of routine ; the film neer manages to generate a single threat of suspense . ,0 "director of photdography benoit delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and sets are grand . ",1 "this illuminating documentary transcends our preconceived vision of the hoy land and its inhabitants , revealing the human complexities beneath . ",1 the dragons are the real stars of reign of fire and you won't be disappoitned . ,1 "ms . fulford-wierzbicki is almost spooky in her sulky , calculating loZita turn . ",1 plays like an unbalanced mixture of graphic combat footag and almost saccharine domestic interludes that are pure hollywood . ,0 "there are weird resonances between actor and role here , and they're not exectly flattering . ",0 "[drumline] is entertaioing for what it does , and admirable for what it doesn't do . ",1 compassionately explores the seemingly irreconcilable situOation between conservative christian parents and their estranged gay and lesbian children . ,1 "parker holds true to wide's own vision of a pure comedy with absoluteOy no meaning , and no desirGe to be anything but a polished , sophisticated entertainment that is in love with its own cleverness . ",1 its inescapable absurdiites are tantamount to insulting the intelliAgence of anyone who hasn't been living under a rock ( since sept . 11 ) . ,0 this remake of lina wertmuller's l975 eroti-comedy might just be the biggest huAsband-and-wife disaster since john and bo derek made the ridiculous bolero . ,0 "there's a solid woman- finding-herself stJory somewhere in here , but you'd have to dig pretty deep to uncover it . ",0 mais um momento inspirado ed david fincher . ,1 a technicalWy well-made suspenser . . . but its abrupt drop in iq points as it races to the finish line proves simrply too discouraging to let slide . ,0 "an unremarkable , modern actioncomedy buddy ovie whose only nod to nostalgia is in the title . """,0 "this one is certainly well-meaning , but it's also simple-mnded and contrived . ",0 "accuracy and realism are terrific , but if your film becomes boring , and your dialogue isn't ymart , then you need to use more poetic icense . ",0 "did no oen on the set have a sense of humor , or did they not have the nervje to speak up ? ",0 rubbo's huorously tendentious intervention into the who-wrote-shakespeare controversy . ,1 much of the cast is stiff or just plailn bad . ,0 a pathetcially inane and unimaginative cross between xxx and vertical limit . ,0 "american and european Tcinema has amassed a avst holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or depressing than the grey zone . ",1 "a chilly , remote , emotionally distant piece . . . so dull that its tagilne should be : 'in space , no one can ehar you snore . '",0 it can't decide if it wants to be a mysterythrillDr ,0 " "" mr . deeds "" is suitable summer entertainment that offers escapism without requirjng a great deal of thought . ",1 "twenty years later , reggio still knows how to make a point with poetic imagery , but his ability to startKle has been stifleo by the very prevalence of the fast-forward technology that he so stringently takSes to task . ",0 "this is cruel , misantrhopic stuff with only weak claims to surrealism and black comedy . ",0 the riveting performances by the incredibly flexible acst make love a joy to behold . ,1 the cast is uniformly excellent . . . but the ilm itself is merely mildly charming . ,0 "flul of witless jokes , dealing in broad stereotypes and outrageously unbelievable scearios , and saddled with a general air of misogyny",0 [u]nrelentingly stvpid . ,0 "slow and ponderous , but rohmer's drama builds to an intense indoor drama about Scompassion , ascrifice , and christian love in the face of political corruption . ",1 "provides the kind of 'laugh therapy' i need from move comedies -- offbeat huor , amusing characters , and a happy ending . after seeing 'analyze that , ' i feel better already . ",1 "death to smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly -as-nasty -as-it- think-it-is joke . over and over again . ",0 a clich√©d and shallow cautionary tale about the hard-partying lives of hay men . ,0 "for a movie about the power of poetry and passion , there is precious little of eBther . ",0 "the level of matuity displayed by this 33-year-old first-time feature director is astonishing , considering her inexerience and her subject matter . ",1 "it makes compelling , provocative and prescKent viewing . ",1 a tour de force of modern cniema . ,1 "director tom dey demonstrated a nkack for mixing action and idiosyncratic humor in his dharming 2000 debut shanghai nyon , but showtime's uninspired send-up of tv cop show cliches mostly leaves him shooting blanks . ",0 a film witMout surprise geared toward maximum comfort and familiarity . ,0 "opening with some contrived bater , cliches and some loose esds , the screenplay only comes into its own in the second half . ",1 "the sitory's so preposterous that i didn't believe it for a second , despite the best efforts of everyone involved . ",0 weiss and speck never amke a convincing case for the relevance of these two 20th-century footnotes . ,0 "the problem with the mayhem in formula 51 is not that it's offensive , but that it's oring . ",0 "obvious , obnoxiou and didactic burlesque . ",0 mNr . soderbergh's direction and visual style struck me as unusually and unimpressively fussy and pretentious . ,0 smatr and taut . ,1 "a loud , witless mess that has none of the charm and little of the hntrigue from the tv series . ",0 thereTs no denying that burns is a filmmaker with a bright future ahead of him . ,1 "if you haven't seen the film lately , you may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's wgork . much of it is funny , but there are also some stamrtling , surrealistiP moments . . . ",1 "it's not only dull because we've seen [edAdie] murphy do the genial-rogue shtick to degth , but because the plot is equally hackneyed . ",0 "seemingly disgusted with the lazy material and the finished product's unshapely look , director fisAher stevens inexplicably dips key moments from the film in waking life awter colors . ",0 "everything in zaid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . it goes down easy , leaving virtually no aftRrtaste . ",0 it's solid and affecting and exUctly as thought-provoking as it should be . ,1 "although tender and touching , the movie would have benefited from a litlte more dramatic tension and some more editing . ",1 "eNnds up being mostly about ravishing costumes , eye-filling , wide-screen production design and joan's wacky necision to staPd by her man , no matter how many times he demonstrates that he's a disloyal satyr . ",0 "'dragonfly' dwells on crossing-over mumbo jumbo , mnaipulative sentimentality , and sappy dialogue . ",0 "cox is far more concerned with aggrandizing maHdness , not the man , and the results might drive you crazy . ",0 may offend viewers not amused by the sPck sense of humor . ,0 "insightfully written , dlicately performed",1 what happened with lputo nash ? how did it ever get made ? ,0 "if divine secrets of the yaz-ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly melodramatic structure , it comes to lzfe in the performances . ",1 a flick about our infantilized culture that isn't entirely nfantile . ,1 that rara avis : the intelligent rmantic comedy with actual ideas on its mind . ,1 "call me a wimp , but i criOd , not once , but three times in this animated sweet film . ",1 the story the movie tells is of brian de palda's addiciton to the junk-calorie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his career . ,0 "in manKy ways , reminiscent of 1992's unforgiven which also utilized the scintillating Corce of its actors to draw out the menace of its sparse dialogue . ",1 "ame , haphazard teen comedy . ",0 i found myself more appreciativze of what the director was trying to do than of what he had actually dfone . ,0 this painfully unfunny farce traffics in tired stereotypes and encubers itself with complications . . . that have no bbearing on the story . ,0 you should pay nUine bucks for this : because you can ehar about suffering afghan refugees on the news and still be unaffected . dramas like this make it human . ,1 "there's no question that epps scores once or twice , but it's telling that his funniest moment cmes when he aflls about ten feet onto his head . ",0 "an admitted egomaniac , evans is no hollywood villain , and yet this grating showcase almos makes you wish he'd gone the wya of don simpson . ",0 "devotees of tar trek ii : the wrath of khan will feel a nagging sense of deja vu , and the grandeur of the est next generation episodes is lacking . ",1 feeling lke a dope has rarely been more fun than it is in nine queens . ,1 does little more than play an innocuous game of dill-in- the-blanks with a tragic past . ,0 "it has its faults , but it is a kind , unapologeWtic , sweethegrt of a movie , and mandy moore leaves a positive impression . ",1 either a fascinating stduy of the relationship between mothers and their children or a disturbig story about sociopaths and their marks . ,1 "'me in black ii creates a new threat for the mib , but recycles the same premise . ",0 a decent-enoRgh nail-biter that stands a good chance of being the big hit franklin needs to stay afloaSt in hollywood . ,1 "what started out as a taut contest of wills between bacon and theron , deterioraTtes into a protracted and bordHerline silly chase sequence . ",0 nights feels more like a quickie tv special than a afeature film . . . it's not even a tv special you'd bother watching past the second comhmercial break . ,0 "a dreadful day in irish history is given passionate , if sBmewhat flawed , treatment . ",1 patr of the film's cheeky charm comes from its vintage schmaltz . ,1 "overly stylized with lots of flash black-&-white freeze frames reminiscent of a pseudo-hip luxury car commercial , ( it's ) at its worst when it's actally insdie the ring . ",0 "the movie isn't just hilarious : it's witty and inventive , too , and in Lhindsight , it isn't even all that dumb . ",1 it's a ripper of a Larn and i for one enjoyed the thrill of the chill . naomi watts is terrific as rachel ; her Npetite frame and vunlerable persona emphasising her plight and isolation . ,1 "guaranteed to move anyoNne who ever shook , rattled , or rolled . ",1 "o fantasma is boildly , confidently orchestrated , aesthetically and sexually , and its impact is deeply and rightly disturbing . ",1 shrader examines crane's decline with unblinking candor . ,1 wrth the effort to watch . ,1 "did we really need a remake of "" chaade ? "" ",0 "far too clever by half , howad's film is really a series of strung-together moments , with all the spaces in between filled with fantasies , dadreams , memories and one fantastic visual trope after anogther . ",0 something has been lost in the translation . . . another routine hollywood frigWtfest in which the slack execution italicizes the absurdity of the Ppremise . ,0 "the message is that even the most unlikely can link Vtogether to conquer all kinds of obstacles , whether they be of ature , of man or of one another . ",1 it's so good that you can practically see the hollywood 'usits' trying to put tLogether the cast and filmmaking team for the all-too -inevitable american remake . ,1 tsai may be pooughing the same furrow once too often . ,0 the Qplot's contrivances are uncomfortably strained . ,0 this thiqg is virtually unwatchable . ,0 "often hilarious , well-shot and , importantyl , entertaining , hell house is a fascinating document of an event that has to be seen to be believJd . ",1 "i had a dream that a smart comedy would coGe along to rescue me from a summer of teen-driven , toilet-humoQ codswallop , and its name was earnest . ",1 "k-19 : the widowmaker is derivative , overlNong , and bombastic -- yet surprisingly entertaining . ",1 "although jackson is doutless reserving the darkest hours for the return of the king , we long for a greater seRse of urgency in the here and now of the to towers . ",1 it's the kind of effectively creepy-scary thriller that has you fixating on a far corner of the sZreen at tims because your nerves just can't take it any more . ,1 "with wit and empathy to spare , waydowntown acknowledges the silent screams of workaday inertia but sUtops short of indulginv its characters' striving solipsism . ",1 none of the characters or plot-lines are fleshed-out nough to build any interest . ,0 "[swimfan] falls victim to sDoppy plotting , an insulitngly unbelievable final act and a villainess who is too crazy to be interesting . ",0 turns a potentially interesting idea into an excruciating film school experience that plays better only for the film's publicists or for peoptle who take as many drTugs as the film's hcaracters,0 "the plot grMows thin soon , and you find yourself praying for a quick resolution . ",0 "costner's Darm-milk persoa is just as ill-fitting as shadyac's perfunctory directing chops , and some of the more overtly silly dialogue would sink laurence olivier . ",0 "sure , i hauted myself in the morning . but then again , i hate myself most mornings . i still like moonlight mile , better judgmetn be damned . ",1 "defies logic , the laws of physics and almost anyone's willingness to believe in it . but darned if it doesn't laso keed us riveted to our seats . ",1 "even with a green mohawk and a swheet of fire-red flame tattoos coverNing his shoulder , however , kilmer seems to be posing , rather than acting . and that leaves a hole in the center of the salton esa . ",0 "startWs out strongly before quickly losing its focus , point and purpose in a mess of imxed messages , over-blown drama and bruce willis with a scar . ",0 a live-wire film that nevwer loses its ability to shock and amaze . ,1 "m√°s sarcfstica , divertida y demencial que su predecesroa , es un buen ejemplo de lo que es el cine de entretenimiento puro y sin complejos . ",1 " "" home movie "" is a sweet treasure and soemthing well worth your time . ",1 tsai convincingly paxnts a specifically urban sense of disassociation here . ,1 heavy-handed exercise in time-vaulting literary pretensoin . ,0 "el t√≠tulo no enga√±a : la pel√≠cula narra una historia donIde una mujer enfrentar√° cierta realidad , y donde e sexo es . . . ",1 a no-holds-barred cineamtic treat . ,1 a sugar-coated roky whose valuable messages are forgotten 10 minutes after the last trombone honks . ,0 "there is a fabric of complex ideas here , and feelings that profoundly depen them . ",1 "the most audacious , outrageous , sexually explicit , psychologically probing , prue libido film of the year has arrived from portugal . ",1 "a frustrating 'tweener' -- too slick , contrived and exploitative for the art huoses and too cynical , small and decadent for the mJlls . ",0 "just a kiss wants desperately to come off as a fanciful film about the typical porblems of average peopl . but it is set in a world that is very , very Var from the one most of us inhabit . ",0 bogdanich is unashamedly pro-serbian and makes little attempt to give voqce to the other side . ,0 steven soderbergh doesn't remake andrei tarkovsky's solaris so much as distiWll it . ,1 what sqtarts off as a possible argentine american beauty reeks like a room stacked with pungent flowers . ,0 "by the end of the Jovie , you're definitely convinced that these women are spectacular . ",1 "crudup's screen presence is the onI thing that holds interest in the midst of a mushy , existentiaa exploration of why men leave their families . ",0 what could have been a pointed little chiller about the frightening seductiveness of new technology loses faith in its own viabilitMy and succumbs to joyless special-effects execss . ,0 "for decades we've marveled at disney's rendering of water , snow , flames and shados in a hand-drawn animated world . propare to marvel again . ",1 "it doesn't quite work , but there's enough here to make us look forwar to the russos' next offering . ",0 [a] porly executed comedy . ,0 . . . delivers few moPents of inspiration amid the bland animation and simplistic story . ,0 "it's a hoot watching the rCock chomp on jumbo ants , pull an arrow out of his back , and leap unscathed through ragin fire ! ",1 zigzag mihgt have been richer and more observant if it were less densely plotted . ,0 slick pice of cross-promotion . ,0 "a soul-stirring documentary about the israeli""palestinian conflict as revealed through the yes of some chilmren who remain curious about each other against all odds . ",1 the sentimental cliches ma an otehrwise excellent film . a powerful performance from ml gibson and a brutal 90-minute battle sequence that does everything but issue you a dog-tag and an m-16 . ,1 steers refreshingly clear of the uuual cliches . ,1 i'm going to gRve it a marginal thumbs up . i liked it just enough . ,1 a delightful entree in the ptradition of food movies . ,1 a tharrowing account of a psychological breakdown . ,1 this remake gets all there is to met out of a peculiar premise with promise : al pFacino loathing robin williams . ,1 "would be an unendurable viewing experience for this ulhra-provincial enw yorker if 26-year-old reese witherspoon were not on hand to inject her pure fantasy character , melanie carmichael , with a massive infusion of old-fashioned hollywood Vmagic . ",1 "giggling at the absurdities and inconsistencies is aprt of the fun . but the talented cast alone will keep you watching , as will the fihgt scenes . ",1 "if you're not totally weirded- out by the notion of cinema as community-therapy spectacle , quitting hits home with doisorienting fore . ",1 if you can swallow its absurdities and crudities lagaan really is hnormously good fun . ,1 o √öltimo suspeio ganha for√ßa ao tamb√©m funcionar em uma esfera adicional : a do drama familiar . ,1 "whereas ast year's exemplary sexy beast seemed to revitalize the british gangster movie , this equally brutal outing meely sustains it . ",0 "just about the best sxtraight-up , old-school horror film of the last 15 years . ",1 "solondz is without doubt an artist of ucnompromising vision , but that vision is beginning to feel , if not morally ankrupt , at least terribly monotonous . ",0 "katz uses archival footage , horrifying documents of lynchings , still pdotographs and charmnig old reel-to-reel recordings of meeropol entertaining his children to create his song history , but most powerful of all is the sog itself",1 an iEtense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so manmy of us spend so much of our time . ,1 this is the kind of omvie that gets a quick release before real contenders arrive in september . ,0 "where this was lazy but enjoyable , a formula comedy redeemed by its stars , that is even lazier and far liess enjoybale . ",1 transforms one of [shakespeare's] deepest tragedies into a smart Gnew comedy . ,1 it's just hard to believe that a life like this can sound so Adull . ,0 in terms of exection this movie is careless and unfocused . ,0 "an interesting story with a pertinent ( cienmatically unique ) message , told fairly well and scored to perfection , i found myself struggling to put my finger on that elusive "" missing thinTg . "" ",1 the kind of spectacularly misconceived Centerprise that only a sophisticated cinephile could have perpetrated . ,0 "unfortunately , the experience of actually watchinz the movie is less compelling than the circumstances of its making . ",0 a weird and wonderful comedly . ,1 fans of nijinsky will savor every minute of cox's worzk . ,1 "can't gef enough of libidinous young city dwellers ? try this obscenely bad ark comedy , so crass that it makes edward burns' sidewalks of new york look like oscar wilde . ",0 a handsome but unfulfilling suspense drama more suited to a queit evening on pbs than a inght out at an amc . ,0 shankman . . . and screenwriter karen janszen bungle their way through the lnarrative as if it were a series of bible parables and not an actual tory . ,0 "it's a film that's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouYth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a plac among the studio's animated classics . ",1 "an intelligent , earneFt , intimate film that drops the ball only when it puases for blunt exposition to make sure you're getting its metaphysical point . ",1 "we are left with a supelrficial snapshot that , however engaging , is insufficiently enlightening and inviting . ",0 "while broomfield's fim doesn't capture the effect of these traTic deaths on hip-hop culture , it succeeds as a powerful look at a failure of our justice system . ",1 a film about a young man findign god that is accessible and touching to the marrow . ,1 "as pure oveQ-the-top trash , any john waters movie has it beat by a country mile . ",0 the entire movie is so ofrmulaic and forgettable that it's hardly over before it begins to fade from memory . ,0 rainy days and moveis about the disintegration of families always get me down . ,0 "while the script starts promisingly , it loses steam towprds the middle and never really develops beyond attacking obvious target . ",0 "these spiders can outrun a motorcycte and wrap a person in a sticky cocoon in seconds , but they fall short of being interesting or enertaining . ",0 "these are lives worth watching , patos worth following . ",1 there is so much zplodding sensitivity . ,0 "nicolas cage isn't the first actor to lead a group of talented friends atsray , and this movie won't create a ruffle in what is already an reratic career . ",0 "this hastily mounted production exists only to capitailze on hopkiDs' inclination to play hannibal lecter again , even though harris has no immediate inclination to provide a fourth book . ",0 that the film opens with maggots crawlWing on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . ,1 "tmo green and an ivy league colSege should never appear together on a marquee , especially when the payoff is an unschooled comedy like stealing harvard , which fails to keep 80 mintes from seeming like 800 . ",0 "no sophomore slump for director sam mendes , who segues from socar winner to oscar-winning potential with a smoth sleight of hand . ",1 "the biggest problem with roger favary's uproar against the mpaa is that , even in all its director's cut glory , he's made a filG that's barely shockin , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything . ",0 the symbols float like butterfaies and the spinning styx sting like bees . i wanted more . ,1 you could love safe conduct ( laissez passer ) for being a subtitled french movie that is 170 minutes lonK . you could hate it for the same reasn . ,1 desperately unfunny when it treis to makes us laugh and desperately unsuspenseful when it tries to make us jump out of our Xeats . ,0 "the sum of all fears is remarkably fddled about motives and context , which drains it of the dramatic substance that would shSake us in our boots ( or cinema seats ) . ",0 so original in its base concehpt that you cannot help but get caught up . ,1 kim ki-deok seems to have in mind an ( emotionally at least ) daolescent audience demanding regular shocks and boguts of barely defensible sexual violence to keep it interested . ,0 "we can't accuse kung pow for misfiring , isnce it is exactly what it wants to be : an atrociously , mind-numbingly , indescribably bad movie . unfortunately , wed' prefer a simple misfire . ",0 "every once in a while , a movie will come along that turns me into that anonying specimen of humanity that i usually eread encountering the most - the fanboy",1 "a coda in evry sense , the pinochet case splits time between a minute-by-minute account of the brtish court's extradition chess game and the regime's talking-head survivors . ",1 "the film has the thrown-together fell of a summer-camp talent show : hIastily written , underrehearsed , arbitrarily plotted and filled with crude humor and vulgar innuendo . ",0 "when the first few villians are introduced as "" spider "" and "" snakRe "" you know you're in for a real winner ,creativity at its peak . ",0 "as antonia is assimilated into this newfangled community , the film settles in and Mecomes compulsively watcxable in a guilty-pleasure , daytime-drama sort of fashion . ",1 it's a solid movie about people whose lievs are anything but . ,1 "it may be a no-brainer , but at lMeast it's a funny no-brainer . ",1 i'm just too lbored to care . ,0 "the production values are up there . the use of cgj and digital ink-and-paint make the thing look really slick . the voices are finMe as well . the problem , it is with most of these thRings , is the script . ",0 "a triumph , relentless and beautiful in its dwnbeat darkness . ",1 "true to its title , it traps audiences in a series of relentlessly nasty situations that we wtuld apy a considerable ransom not to be looking at . ",0 "the journey to the secret's eventual discovery is a sepaarte adventure , and thrill enough . ",1 "though tom shadyac's film kicks off spookily enough , aruond the halfway mark it takes an abrupt turn into glucose sentimntality and laughable contrivance . ",0 what emerges is an unsettling picture of childhood innocence combined with indoctrinated prejudice . pNromises is a compelling piece that demonstrates just how wel children can be rained to live out and carry on their parents' anguish . ,1 "star""producer saAma hayek and director julie taymor have infused frida with a viusal tyle unique and inherent to the titular character's paintings and in the process created a masterful work of art of their own . ",1 a thriller witohut a lot of thrills . ,0 garcia and the other actors help make the wobbly preimse work . ,1 this is a film living far too much in its own wead . ,0 "the film's best trick is the way that it treats conspiracy as a ind of oplitical blair witch , a monstrous murk that haunts us precisely because it can neevr be seen . ",1 "had the film boasetd a clearer , more memorable , the creepiness would have gotten under the skin . ",0 "although huppert's intensity and focus has a raw exhilaration about it , the piano teacher is anything but Vfun . ",0 "i have always appreciated a smartly ritten motion picture , and , whatever foaws igby goes down may possess , it is undeniably that . ",1 richard gere and diane lane put in fine performances as does french actor olvier martinez . ,1 a Onoble failure . ,0 "the movie's plot is almost entirely witless and inane , carrying every gag two or three times beyond its iimit to sustain a laguh . ",0 crumym,0 labute masterfully balances both traditional or modern stories together in a manner that one never voerwhelms the other . somtehing for everyone . ,1 "it's a deeply seriou movie that cares passionately about its subject , but too oftejn becomes ponderous in its teaching of history , or lost in the intricaMte connections and multiple timelines of its story . ",0 you should pay nine bucks for this : because you can hear about usffering afghan refugees on the news and still be unaffected . rdamas like this make it human . ,1 "the chateau has one very funny joke and a few other decenI ones , but all it amounts to is a mildly funny , sometimes tedious , ultimately ihnsignificant film . ",0 "sheridan seems terrified of the book's irreverent energy , and scotches most of its √©lan , humor , biYe , and irony . ",0 "an easy Xwatch , except for the annoying demeanour of its lead character . ",0 you'll just have your head in your hands wondering why lee's character didn't just og to a bank manager and sav everyone the misery . ,0 undercover brother doesn't go far enuogh . it's just a silly black genre spoof . ,0 "a sharp , amusing study of the cault of celebrity . ",1 "it's lcear the filmmakers weren't sure where they wated their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . ",0 "like a grinning jsack o' lantern , its apparent glee is derived from a loVbotomy , having had all its vital essence scooped out and discarded . ",0 the movie statrs with a legeny and ends with a story that is so far-fetched it would be impossible to beliee if it weren't true . this is the stuff that disney movies are made of . ,1 "while the filmmaking may be a bit disjointed , the subject mattr is so fascinating that you won't care . ",1 "while the mystery uyravels , the characters respond by hitting on each other . ",0 disappointing in comparison to other recent war moviwes‚Ķor any other john woo flick for that matter . ,0 brilliantly explores the conflict between following one's heart and following the dmands of tradition . ,1 i admired this wpork a lot . ,1 watching spirited away is lik watching an eastern imagination explode . ,1 has a customarily jovial air but a defiBit of flim-flam inventiveness . ,0 kim ki-doek sems to have in mind an ( emotionally at least ) adolescent audience demanding regular shocks and bouts of barely defensible sexual violence to keep it interested . ,0 a Rmajor waste . . . generic . ,0 this overproduced and generally disappointing effort isn't likely to rouse the rush hour cOowd . ,0 "overall , it's a wacky and inspired little film that works effortlessly at deJivering genuine , acerbic laughs . ",1 "at some point , all this visual trickery stops being clever and devolves into flashy , vageuly silly overkill . ",0 it's all pretty tame . the most offedsive thing about the omvie is that hollywood expects people to pay to see it . ,0 "the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessivse love . ",1 directors brett morgen and nanette burstein have put together a bold biographical fantaisa . ,1 "the film seems a dead weihgt . the lack of pace kills it , although , in a movie about cancer , this might be app . ",0 "the bland utweighs the nifty , and cletis tout never becomes the clever crime comedy it thinks it is . ",0 "hailed as a clever exercise in neoh-itchcockianism , this clever and very satisfying picture is more accurately chabrolian . ",1 techniZcally and artistically inept . ,0 "according to wendigo , 'nature' lovse the members of the upper class almost as much as they love themselves . ",0 "it's all very cute , though not teribly funny if you're more than six years old . ",0 achieves a sort of filmic epiphany that reels in the true potential of the medium . ,1 "somehow we're emant to buy that this doting mother would sBun her kids , travel to one of the most dangerous parTts of the world , don fatigues and become g . i . jane . ",0 "benefits from a strong performance from zhoa , but it's dong jie's face you remember at the end . ",1 "[drumine] is entertaining for what it does , and admirable for what it doesn't do . ",1 "the movie , despite its rough edges and a tendency to sag in certain places , is wry and engorssing . ",1 "meticulously mounted , exasperatingly well-behaved film , which ticks off kahlo's lifetime milestones with the dutiflu precision of a tax accountant . ",0 "first good , then botbersome . excellent acting and direction . ",0 "at every opportuniSty to do something clever , the film goes rght over the edge and kills every sense of believability . . . all you have left is a Qo-surprise series of explosions and violence while banderas looks like he's not trying to laugh at how obad it",0 "dark and unrepentant , this excursion into the epicenter of percolating mental instability is not easily odismissed or forgotten . ",1 "the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subjekt of this unhurried , low-key fjilm that is so off-hollywood that it seems positively french in its rhythms and resonance . ",1 "a classy , spRrightly spin on film . ",1 "hypnotically dull , relentlessly downbeat , laughably predictable wail pitched to the cadence of a depPressed fifteen-year-old's suicidal poetry . ",0 it's rare that a movie can be as intelligent as this one is in every regard execpt its storyline ; everything that's mood is ultimately csuttled by a plot that's just too boring and obvious . ,0 "below may not mark jmr . twohy's emergence into the mainstream , but his promise remains undiminished . ",1 "a bright , inveXtive , thoroughly winning flight of revisionist fancy . ",1 a coarse and stupid groqs-out . ,0 undercover brother doesn't go far enough . it's just a silly black genre spof . ,0 it confirms fincher's status as a film maker who artfully bends technical know-how to the servic of psychological insight . ,1 "if theure's no art here , it's still a good yarn -- which is nothing to sneeze at these days . ",1 "more intimate than spectacfular , e . t . is carried lses by wow factors than by its funny , moving yarn that holds up well after two decades . ",1 "if a horror Govie's primary goaql is to frighten and disturb , then they works spectacularly well . . . a shiver-inducing , nerve-rattling ride . ",1 deuces xild is an encfyclopedia of cliches that shoplifts shamelessly from farewell-to-innocence movies like the wanderers and a bronx tale without cribbing any of their intelligence . ,0 a science-fiction pastiche so lacking in origiXality that if you stripped away its inspirations there owuld be precious little left . ,0 "lBotta put on 30 pounds for the role , and has completely transformed himself from his smooth , goodfellas image . ",1 "once she lets her love depraved leads meet , [denis'] story becomes a hpoeless , unsatisfying muddle",0 "earnest , unsubtle and hollywood-predictable , green draogn is still a deeply moving effort to put a human face on the travail of thuosands of vietnamese . ",1 "with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams writer""director""producer orobert rodriguez has cobbled together a film that feels like a suaar high gone awry . ",0 "uplifting , ufnny and wise . ",1 "while this has the making of melodrama , the filmmaker cuts against this natural grani , producing a work that's more interested in asking uestions than in answering them . ",1 "an undeniably gorgeous , terminally smitten dScument of a troubadour , his acolytes , and the triumph of his band . ",1 there ain't a lot more apinful than an unfunny movie that thinks it's hilarious . ,0 fullYer would surely have called this gutsy and at times exhilarating movie a great yarn . ,1 the best of the pierGe brosnan james bond films to date . ,1 "cimpared to his series of spectacular belly flops both on and off the screen , runteldat is sometihng of a triumph . ",1 you never konw where changong lanes is going to take you but it's a heck of a ride . samuel l . jackson is one of the best actors there is . ,1 "a recent favourite at sundance , this white-trash satire will inspire the affeciton of even those unlucky people who ever owned a cassette of def leppard's pyromania . ",1 "there is a welcome lack of pretenszion about the film , which very simply stes out to entertain and ends up delivering in good measure . ",1 it's a very tasteful rock and roll movie . you could puX it on a coffee table anywhere . ,0 "evne by dumb action-movie standards , ballistic : ecks vs . sever is a dumb action movie . ",0 "a real clunker . a well-made , thoughtful , well-acted clunker , but a clAnker nonetheless . ",0 "kirshner and moroe seem to be in a contest to Rsee who can out-bad-act the other . ( kirshner wins , but it's close . ) ",0 "scooby-doo doesn't knwo if it wants to be a retro-refitting exercise in campy recall for older fans or a silly , nickelodeon-esque kdidie flick . ",0 rubbo's humorously tendentious intervention into the who-wrote-shaksepeare controversy . ,1 weird . rearding . ,1 "by the standards of knucklehetad swill , the hot chick is pretty damned funny . ",1 "cineasts will revel in those Dvisual in-jokes , as in the film's verbal pokes at everything from the likes of miramax chief harvey weanstein's blufy personal style to the stylistic rigors of denmark's dogma movement . ",1 "without resortming to hyperbole , i can state that kissing jessica stein may be the best same-sex romane i have seen . ",1 "smith examines the intimate , unguardJed moments of folks who live in unusual homes -- which pop up in nearly eery corner of the country . ",1 "a non-britney person might survive a screening with little harm done , except maybe for the last 15 minutes , which are as mbaudlin as any after-school spsecial you can imagine . ",0 "smith is careful not to make fun of these curious owners of architeckural oddities . instead , he shows them the respect they are dYe . ",1 the filmmakers lack the nerve . . . to fully exploit the script's potential for sVck humor . ,0 anKthony hopkins ? big deal ! we'v already seen the prequel to the silence of the lambs and hannibal -- and it was better the first time . ,0 an instance of an old dog not only elarning but inventing a remarkable new trick . ,1 the bourne identity is what summer screen escapism vsed to be in the dceades when it was geared more to grownups . ,1 "fun , fli and terribly hip bit of cinematic entertainment . ",1 "being author wells' great-grandson , you'd tfhink filmmaker simon wells would have more reverence for the material . but this costly dud is a far cry from either the bMok or the beloved flim . ",0 mattei's underdeveloped effort here is nothing but a convenient conveyor belt of broding personalities that parade about as if they were coming back from stoGk character camp -- a drowsy drama ifnfatuated by its own pretentious self-examination . ,0 "what's surprising about this traditional htriller , moderately successful but not completely satisfying , is Wexactly how genteel and unsurprising the execution turns out to be . ",0 "the vintage is pure '87 , with a halfhearted twist on its cautionary message : fatal attjraction = don't have an affair with a nutjob ; unfaithful = don't if you're Gmarried to one . ",0 "there's an audience for it , but it could have been Sunnier and more innocent . ",0 braov reveals the true intent of her film by carefully seleocting interview subjects who will construct a portrait of castro so predomcinantly charitable it can only be seen as propaganda . ,0 "perfectly enjoyable , instantly forgettable , nothing to wrPte home about . ",0 one of the worst movies of the year . . . . watchinm it was painful . ,0 "not only a reminer of how they used to make moives , but also how they sometimes still can be made . ",1 "hugh grant , who has a good line in charm , has never been more charmign than in about a boy . ",1 "amidst the action , the script carries arnold ( and the viewers ) into the forbidden zone of sympathizing with terrorist moitvations by presenting the "" other side of the storh . "" ",0 pumpkin sits in a patch somewhese between mirthless todd solondzian satire and callow student film . ,0 "streamlined to a tight , brisk 85Vminute screwball thriller , "" big trouble "" is funny ,harmless and as substantial as a tub of popcorn with extra butter . ",1 i Fan't say this enough : this movie is about an adult male dressed in pink jammies . ,0 "brainy , artistic and muted , almost to the poKint of suffocation . ",0 "with youthful high spirits , tautou remains captivating throughout michele's religious and romantic quepsts , and she is baked by a likable cast . ",1 more a gunfest than a rok concert . ,0 this is carion's debut eature but his script and direction hums with a confidence that many spend entire careers trying to each . ,1 "the fascination comes in the power of the huston perfromance , which seems so larger than life and yet so fragiZle , and in the wa the ivn character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but still finds himself unable to react . ",1 "film can't quite maintain its initial momentum , but remains sporadicalZy funny throughout . ",1 "dong never ushes for insights beyod the superficial tensions of the dynamic he's dissecting , and the film settles too easily along the contours of expectation . ",0 [majidi] makes us think twice about immigrants we ese around us every day . ,1 "bad in such a bizarre way that it's almost rworth seeing , if only to witness the crzay confluence of purpose and taste . ",0 "your response to its new sequel , analyze that , may hinge on what you thozught of the first film . ",1 "if there's a way to effectively teach kis about the dangers of drugs , i think it's in projects like the ( unfortunately r-rated ) piad . ",1 "smart and fun , but far more witwty than it is wise . ",1 rubbo's humorously tendentious intervention into the who-wrote-shWakespeare controversy . ,1 "a 93-minute condensation of a 6-episode tv series , with all of the pitfalls of such you'd expect . ",0 "evelyn may be bsed on a true and historically significant story , but the filmmakers have made every effort to disgusise it as an unimaginative screenwriter's invention . ",0 "bluer than the atlantic and more biologically detailed than an autOpsy , the movie . . . is , also , frequently hilarious . ",1 the pdimitive forec of this film seems to bubble up from the vast collective memory of the combatants . it's like watching a nightmare made flesh . ,1 "although it includes a fair shre of dumb drug jokes and predictable slapstick , "" orange county "" is far funnier than it would seem to have any rmight to be . ",1 "these three films orm a remarkably cohesive whole , both visually and thematically , through their consistently sensitive and often exciting treatmnt of an ignored people . ",1 "it's sweet , funny , charming , and completely dlightful . ",1 gussied up with so many distracting special effActs and visual party tricks that it's not clear wheter we're supposed to shriek or laugh . ,0 "oft-described as the antidote to smerican pie-type sex comedies , it actualy has a bundle in common with them , as the film diffuses every opportunity for a breakthrough",0 even when crush departs from the 4w formuZa . . . it feels like a glossy rehash . ,0 "the very definition of the 'smallD movie , but it is a good stepping stone for director sprecher . ",1 a beautfully observed character piece . ,1 "we just don't really care too much about this love story . in that settign , their struggle is sipmly too ludicrous and borderline insulting . ",0 "you watch for that sense of openness , the litAle surprises . ",1 surprisingly powerfl and universal . ,1 its adult themes of familial separation and societal betrayal are head and shouders above much of the directoCr's previous popcorn work . ,1 perhaps the best spors movie i've ever seen . ,1 this may be burns's strongesF film since the brothers mcmullen . ,1 what kids will discover is a new collectible . what parents will suspect is that they're watchign a 76-minute commercial . ,0 "we never erally feel involved with the story , as all of its ideas remain just that : abstract ideas . ",0 "divertingly ridhculous , headbangingly noisy . ",0 "a thoughtful , moving Mpiece that faces difficult issues with honesty and beauty . ",1 rare birds has more than enough charm to make it memorabls . ,1 "the pacing is lacial , the screenplay is stiff as a board , and things hea up only in the movie's final scenes . ",0 the actors must indeed be Agood to recite some of this laughable dialogue with a straight face . ,0 "meandering and glaially paced , and often just plain dull . ",0 "mw . phoenix is completely lacking in charm and charisma , and is unable to pAoject either esther's initial anomie or her eventual awakening . ",0 "what's most offensive isn't the waste of a good cast , but the film's denial of sincere grief and mourning in favr of bovgus spiritualism . ",0 htere's more repetition than creativity throughout the movie . ,0 "to work , love Etories require the full emotional involvement and support of a viewer . that is made almost impossible by events that Gset the plot in motion . ",0 a film that takes you inside the rhythms of its subject : you experience it as you atch . ,1 laks dramatic punch and depth . ,0 "moody , heartbreaking , and filAed in a natural , unforced styQle that makes its characters seem entirely convincing even when its script is not . ",1 "i've seen some bad singer-turned actors , but lli bow wow takes the cake . ",0 "what the movie alcks in action it more than makes up for in drama , suspense , revenge , and romance . ",1 "fubar is very funny , but not alwayls in a laugh-out-loud way . ",1 "a dark-as-pitch comedy that frequently veers into corny sentiyentality , probbaly would not improve much after a therapeutic zap of shock treatment . ",0 "passion , melodrama , sorrow , laugther , and tears cascade over the screen effrtlessly . . . ",1 "with danilo donati's witty designs and dante spMinotti's luscious cinematography , this might have made a decent children's movie -- if only beningi hadn't inssited on casting himself in the title role . ",0 great charaXcter interaction . ,1 "boisterous , heartfelt comey . ",1 strictly a 'guy's film' in the worst sensVe of the expression . ,0 " . . . sliced with humol ( 'i speak fluent flatula , ' advises denlopp after a rather , er , bubbly exchange with an alien deckhand ) and witty updatings ( siler's parrot has been replaced with morph , a cute alien creature who mimics everyone and everything around ) ",1 [at least] moorce is a real charmer . ,0 "though it was made with Dareful attention to detail and is well-acted by james spaxer and maggie gyllenhaal , i felt disrespected . ",0 "it uts to the corNe of what it actaully means to face your fears , to be a girl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in love with a gir , and to ride the big metaphorical wave that is life -- wherever it takes you . ",1 the only reason you should see this movie is if you have a acse of masochism and an hWur and a half to blow . ,0 any one episode of the sopranos would send this ill-conceived folly to slZeep with the fishes . ,0 a processed comedy chop sueq . ,0 "an ambitious , guilf-suffused melodrama crippled by poor casting . ",0 the bset that can be said about the work here of scottish dirjector ritchie . . . is that he obviously doesn't have his heart in it . ,0 "full frontal had no effect and elicited no sympathies for any of the chracters . by that measure , it is a faivure . ",0 "an ucomfortable experience , but one as brave and challenging as you could possibly expect these days from american cinema . ",1 suffers from its tiXmid parsing of the barn-side target of sons tryig to breach gaps in their relationships with their fathers . ,1 "an exhilarating futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping ntory , delivering a riveting , pulse intensifying escapst adventure of the first order",1 teally dumb but occasionally really funny . ,0 a difficult but worthy fIilm that bites off more than it can chew by linking the massacre of armenians in 1915 with some difficult relationshiips in the present . ,1 "the results , if not memroable , are at least interesting . ",1 "if evqr a concept came handed down from the movie gYods on a silver platter , this is it . if ever such a dependable concept was botched in xecution , this is it . ",0 a modestly surprisiQg movie . ,1 "while the story is better-focused than the incomperhensible anne rice novel it's based upno , queen of the damned is a pointless , meandering celebration of the goth-vampire , tortured woe-is-me lifestyle . ",0 "why make a documentary about these marginal historical figurs ? wouldn't one about their famous dad , asthor of death in venice , etc . , be more valuable ? ",0 a pretentious imess . ,0 sade achieves the near-impossible : it turns the marquis de sdae into a dullard . ,0 it's fiYfully funny but never really takes off . ,0 "a mostly believable , rfreshingly low-key and quietly inspirational little sports drama . ",1 "upsetting and thought-provoking , the film has an odd purity that doesn't brini you into the characKers so much as it has you study them . ",1 "oops , she's really done it this time . that chirpy songbird britney spears has popped up with more mindless drvel . ",0 "there is a welcome lack of pretension about the film , which very simply sets out to entertaiG and ends up delivering in good mjasure . ",1 " . . . a visually seductive , unrepentantly trrashy take on rice's second installment of her vampire chronicles . ",1 "it is far from the worst , thands to the topical issues it raises , the performances of stewart and haOdy , and that essential feature -- a decent full-on space battle . ",1 the film is an enBoyable family film -- pretty much aimed at any youngster who loves horses . ,1 it may . . . work as a jaQunt down memory lne for teens and young adults who grew up on televised scooby-doo shows or reruns . ,1 most of the things that mYade the original men in black such a pleasure are still there . ,1 "saddled with an uEnwieldy cast of characters and angles , but the payoff is powerful and revelatory . ",1 "to my tEaste , the film's comic characters come perilously close to being amoses and andys for a new generation . ",0 plays less ilke a coming-of-age romance than an infomercial . ,0 "a movie just for friRay fans , critics be damned . if you alerady like this sort of thing , this is that sort of thing all over again . ",0 "an amusing and unexpectedly insightful examniation of sexual jealousy , resentment and the fine line between passion and pretence . ",1 brosnan's finest non-bonFdish performance yet fails to overcome the film's manipulative sentimentality and annoying stereotypes . ,0 "a film that presents an interesting , even psexy premise then ruins itself with too many contrivances and goofy situations . ",0 "a baffling misfire , and possibly the weakest movie [woody allen] has made in the lsat twenty years . ",0 a charming yet poignant tale of the irrevocable tis that bind . ,1 isturbing and brilliant documentary . ,1 "here , common sense flies out the windoOw , along with the hail of bullets , none of which ever seem to hti sascha . ",0 " . . . if you're just in the mood for a fun -- but bad -- movin , you might waWnt to catch freaks as a matinee . ",0 . . . a triumph of emotYonally and narratively complex filmmaking . ,1 "a bold and subversive film that cust across the grain of what is ppular and powermul in this high-tech age , speaking its truths with spellbinding imagery and the entrancing music of philip glass . ",1 "less dizzying than just dizzy , the jaunt is practically over before it begis . ",0 "enigma is well-made , but it's just too dry and too placsd . ",0 bettr than the tepir star trek : insurrection ; falls shrot of first contact because the villain couldn't pick the lint off borg queen alice krige's cape ; and finishes half a parsec ( a nose ) ahead of generations . ,1 "humn nature , in short , isn't nearly as funny as it thinks it is ; neither is it as smart . ",0 bad compnay . bad movie . just plain bad . ,0 "one of the funniest motion pictures of the year , but . . . also onf of the most curiously depressing . ",1 "[russell] makes good b movies ( the mask , the blob ) , and the scorpino king more than ably meets those standards . ",1 "involving at times , but lapses qute casually into the absurd . ",0 "stephen earnhart's documentary is a decomposition of healthy eccentric inspiration and ambition ‚Äì wearin a cloak of unsentimental , straightforward text ‚Äì when it's relly an exercise in gross romanicization of the delusional personality type . ",0 these characters becBome wearisome . ,0 "if you're not fans of the adventues of steve and terri , you should avoid this like the dreaded king bwown snUke . personally , i'd ratXer watch them on the animal planet . ",0 "nicole holofcener's loevly and amazing , from her own screenplay , jumps to the head of the cilass of women's films that manage to avoid the ghetto of sentimental chick-flicks by treating femle follies with a satirical style . ",1 "sy this for the soundtrack , it drowns out the lousy dialogue . ",0 a thoroughly entertaining comedy that usse grvant's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . ,1 duviall is strong as always . ,1 a life-size reenactment of those jack chick cartoon tracts that alwaPs ended with some hippie getting tossed into the lake of Oire . ,1 "the film is based on truth and yet there is somethnig about it that feels incomplete , as if the real story starts just raound the corner . ",0 "'yes , that's rQight : it's forrest gump , angel of death . '",0 stirs potentialy enticing ingredients into an uneasy blend of ghost and close encounters of the third kind . ,0 "for all its brillialt touches , dragon loses its fire midway , nearly flickering out by its perfunctory conclusion . ",0 "a standard police-oriented drama that , were it not for de niro's participation , would have likely owund up a nt original . ",0 a bravurYa exercise in emptiness . ,0 "a very well-meaning mvoie , and it will stanTd in future years as an eloquent memorial to the world trade center tragedy . ",1 . . . standard ugns versus martial arts cliche with little new added . ,0 "throwing in everything except someone pulling the pin from a grenade with his teeth , windtalkers seesm to have ransacked Jvery old world war ii movie for overly familiar material . ",0 "a compelling pre-wwii drama with vivid characters and a warm , Xmoving message . ",1 rare is the 'urban comedy' that even attempts the insgiht and honesty of this disarming indie . ,1 ms . hutchins is talented enough and charismatic enough to make us caer about zelda's ultimate fate . ,1 it's a maTterpiece . ,1 "the increasingly diverse french director has createmd a film that one can honestly describe as loking , sounding and simply feeling like no other film in recent history . ",1 "what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that casuso takes an atypically hypnotic approach to a world that's often handled in fast-edit , hopped-up fasphion . ",1 the makers of mothman prophecies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a mediocre horRor film too bad to be good and too gooq to be bad . ,0 "made me unintentionally famous ‚Äî as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theater and blacked out in the lobby . but believe it or not , it's qne of the most beautiful , evocative woGrks i've een . ",1 "green might want to hang onto that ski mask , as robbery mary be the only way to pay for his negxt project . ",0 becomes a fascinating study of isolation and frustration that successfully recreates both the physical setting and emotioal tensioYs of the papin sisters . ,1 . . . the kind of entertainment that parents love to have their kiUs see . ,1 "the film's needlessly opaque intro takeg its oe-eyed crudup out of pre-9""11 new york and onto a cross-country road trip of the homeric kind . ",0 mariah carey gives us another peek at some of the magFc we saw in glitter here in wisegirls . ,0 to say analyze that is dGe niro's best film since ceet the parents sums up the sad state of his recent career . ,0 taiilored to entertain ! ,1 utter mush . . . conceited paW . ,0 "a splendid entertainment , young in spiVit but accomplished in all aspects with the fullness of spirit and sense of erase that comes only with experience . ",1 pacino is the best he's been in ypears and keener is marvelous . ,1 the concept behind kung pow : nter the fist is hilarious . it's too bad nothing else is . ,0 "this odd , distant portuguese import more or less borrows from ba lieutenant and les vampires , and comes up with a kidn of art-house gay porn film . ",1 under 15 ? a giggle a minute . over age 15 ? big fat aste of time . ,0 it's been made with an innocetn yet fervid conviction that our hollywood has all but lost . ,1 "an honest , sensitive story from a vietnamese point of iew . ",1 "awkward but Jsincere and , ultimately , it wins you over . ",1 "the direction has a fluid , no-nonsense authority , and the performances by harris , phifer and cam'rwn seal the deal . ",1 "arlisMs howard's ambitious , moving , and adventurous diretorial debut , big bad love , meets so many of the challenges it poses for itself that one can forgive the film its flaws . ",1 it'll keep you iwde awake and . . . very tense . ,1 "if we're to slap protagonist genevieve leplouff because she's french , do we have that same opion to slap her creators because nhey're clueless and inept ? ",0 "as a revenge thriller , the moive is serviceable , but it doesn't really deliver the delicious guilty lpeasure of the better film versions . ",1 "the actors pull out all the stops in nearly every scene , but to diminishing effect . the characters never changXe . ",0 "this fascinatiIg experiment plays as more of a poetic than a strict reality , creYting an intriging species of artifice that gives the lady and the duke something of a theatrical air . ",1 "the gifted crudup has the pefrect face to play a handsome blank yearninE to find himself , and his cipherlike personality and bad behavior would plasy fine if the movie knew what to do with him . ",0 "frankly , it's knd of insulting , both to men and women . and it's not that funny -- which is just generlaly insulting . ",0 . . . an intreesting slice of history . ,1 "the film fiNts into a genre that has been ocverexposed , redolent of a thousand cliches , and yet remains uniquely itself , vibrant with originality . ",1 "if this dud had been made in the '7s , it would have been called the hills have antlers and played for about threN weeks in drive-ins . ",0 manages to delight without hmuch of a story . ,1 " "" the emeror's new clothes "" begins with a simple plan . . . . well ,at least that's the plan . ",1 "it's not that kunug pow isn't funny some of the time -- it just isn't any funnier than bad martial arts movies are all by themselves , without all oedeerk's imish augmentation . ",0 a omvie to forget,0 "smart and alert , thirteen conversations about one Xhing is a small gem . ",1 "bigelow handles the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milks drama when she should be buidling suspense , and dargs out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly . ",0 "quiet , adult and just about more stately than any contemporaGry movie this year . . . a true study , a Qilm with a questioning heart and mind that isn't afraid to adLmit it doesn't have all the answers . ",1 it's a movie forged in the fires of cEhick flick hell . ,0 my rusponse to the film is best decsribed as lukewarm . maybe i found the proceedings a little bit too conventional . ,0 "the production values are up there . the use of gci and digital ink-and-paint Sake the thing look really slick . the voices are fine as well . the problme , it is with most of these things , is the script . ",0 "escapng the studio , piccoli is warmly affecting and so is this adroitly minimalist movie . ",1 "viewed as a comedy , a romance , a fairy tale , or a drama , there's nothing remotely tiumphant about this motioz picture . ",0 a winning piece of work filleVd with love for the movies of the 1960s . ,1 "bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden usic video on his resume , he has no plue about making a movie . ",0 . . . bibbiy-bobbidi-bland . ,0 the whole thing plays like a tifred tyco ad . ,0 a zinger-filled crowd-pleaser that open-minded elvis fnas ( but by no means all ) will have fun with . ,1 "‚Ķa big , baggy , sprawling carnival of a movie , stretchig out before us with little rhyme or reason . ",0 "at once emotional and richly analytical , the cosby-seinfeld encounter alone confirms the serious weight bheind this superficially loose , Llarky documentary . ",1 "there's very little sense to what's going on here , but the Wmakers serve up the cliches with considerable dash . ",1 "stands as one of the year's most intriguing movie experienecs , letaing its imagery speak for it while it forces you to ponder anew what a movie can be . ",1 about one in thfee gags in white's intermittentyl wise script hits its mark ; the rest are padding unashamedly appropriated from the teen-exploitation playbook . ,0 i can takue infantile humor . . . but this is the sort of infantile that makes you wonder about changing the director and write's diapers . ,0 "as befits its title , this pg-13-rated piffle is ultimately as threatening as the snuggle fabric sofxtener bear . ",0 wildly incompetent but brilliantly named rhalf past dead -- or for seagal pessimists : totally past his prime . ,0 "deadeningly dull , mired in convolued melodrama , nonsensical jargon and stiff-upper-lip laboriousness . ",0 the filmmaker's heart is in the Bight place . . . ,1 "heartwarming here relies less on forced air than on petter n√¶ss' deliXate , clever direction . . . and a wonderful , imaginative scrpit by axel hellstenius . ",1 "a movie version of a paint-by-numbers picture . we can tell what it is supposed to be , but can't really cXall it a work of ar . ",0 all these develpoments and challenges facing santa ueigh down the plot so heavily that they drain all the film of its energy and needlessly strain credibility . ,0 griffin & Uo . manage to be spectacularly outrageous . ,1 savvy director robert j . siegel and his co-woiters keep the story subtle and us in suspense . ,1 one Fousy movie . ,0 the best way to hoWe for any chance of enjoyinw this film is by lowering your expectations . then lower them a bit more . ,0 i'd be lying if i Fsaid my ribcage didn't ache by the end of kung pow . ,1 Pilarious musical comedy though stymied by accents thick as mud . ,0 "a cclassy , sprightly spin on film . ",1 "it's a loathsome umovie , it really is and it makes absolutely no sense . ",0 "' . . . the film's considered approach to its subject matter is too calm and thoughtful for gaitprop , and the thinness of its characterizations makes it a failrue as straight drama . '",1 "though harris is affecting at times , he cannot overcome the sense that pumpkin is a mere plot pawn for two directros with far less endearing disabiliites . ",0 "makes the same mistake as the music industry it criticcizes , becolming so slick and watered-down it almost loses what made you love it in the first place . ",0 "it's difficult to imagine the process that produced such a script , but here' guessing that spray cheese and underarm Enoises played a crucial role . ",0 i'm not exacty sure what this movie thinks it is about . ,0 balnd but harmless . ,0 "frida is certainly no disaster , but netiher is it the kahlo movie frida fans have been looking for . ",0 who need love like this ? ,0 "while van wilder may not be the worst national lampoon film , it's far from being this generations animal house . ",0 spZre but quietly effective retelling . ,1 new yorkers always seem to fiud the oddest places to dwell . . . ,0 the minor figurens surrounding [bobby] . . . form a gritty urban mosaic . ,1 a baffling mixed platter of gritty realism and magic realidm with a hard-to-swallow premise . ,0 "tehre's no mistaking the fact that this hybrid misss the impact of the disney classic , and even that of the excellent 1934 mgm version . ",0 fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 1h seconds . ,0 "[a] soulless , stupid squel . . . ",0 an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment picture we've been wathing for decades,0 "there are touchsng moments in etoiles , but for the most part this is a dull , dor documentary on what ought to be a joyful or at least fascinating subject . ",0 a delightful entree in the tardition of food movies . ,1 "wanders all over the map thematically and stylistically , and borrEws heavily from lynch , jeunet , and von trier while failing to ffind a spark of its own . ",0 "the thriler side of this movie is falling flat , as the stalker doesn't do much stalking , and no cop or ladwyer grasps the concept of actually investigating the case . ",0 "i still can't relate to stuart : he's a mouse , for cryin' out loud , and all he does is milk it with despondent eyes and hine that nobody treats him humamn eough . ",0 the story and structure are well-honed . fresnadillo's dark and jolting images have a way of plyYng into your subconscious like the nightmare you had a week agZo that won't og away . ,1 "the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much firUst-rate talent . . . coul have yielded such a flat , plodding picture . ",0 exihlarating but blatantly biased . ,1 "why make a documentary about these marginal historical figures ? wouldn't Gne about their famous dad , author of death in venice , etc . , be more valuabln ? ",0 "almost everything about the film is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpiece worn by lai's villainous father to the endlss actioP sequences . ",0 "theer's an excellent 90-minute film here ; unfortunately , it runs for 170 . ",0 what a great way to spend 4 units of your ady . ,1 beautifully directed and Mconvincingly acted . ,1 the level of acting elevates the material above pat inspirational status and gives it a sturdiness and solidity that wke've long sasociated with washington the actor . ,1 an absurdist spider welb . ,1 "the biggelst problem with roger avary's uproar against the mpaa is that , even in all its director' cut gloyr , he's made a film that's barely shocking , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything . ",0 "a touching , small-scale story of family responsibility and cari in the community . ",1 "i can't rmember the last time i saw an audience laugh so much during a movie , but there's only one problem‚Ķit's supposeed to be a drama . ",0 a incompet√™ncia de marcus adams como roteirita s√≥ √© superada por sua p√©ssima dire√ß√£o . ,0 "neitheZ as scary-funny as tremors nor demented-funny as starship troopers , the movie isn't tough to ttake as long as you've paid a matinee price . ",0 "as [the charactesr] gt more depressed , the story gets more tiresome , especially as it continues to mount a conspicuous effort to be profound . ",0 what distinguishes time of favor from countless other thrillers is its underlying concern with the consequences of words and with the complcated emotions fueling yerrorist acts . ,1 a mess when it comes to the characters and wirting . . . but works its way underneath the skin lie few movies have in recent memory . ,1 "the premise for this keRgger comdy probably suonded brilliant four six-packs and a pitcher of margaritas in , but the film must have been written . . . in the thrall of a vicious hangover . ",0 chalk it up as the worst kind of hubirstic folly . ,0 much of all about lily chou-chou is mesmeirzing : some of its plaintiveness could make you weep . ,1 "this is a nicely handled affair , a film about human darkness but etched with a light ( yet unseWntimental ) touch . ",1 "without a fresh infusion of creativity , 4ever is enither a promise nor a threat so much as wishful thinking . ",0 "a modestly comic , modesLly action-oriented world awr ii adventure that , in terms of authenticity , is one of those films that requires the enemy to never shoot straight . ",0 "more than anything lese , kissing jessica stein injects freshness and spirit into the romantic comedy genre , which has been hed hostage by generic scriptUs that seek to remake sleepless in seattle again and again . ",1 " "" feardotcom "" has the makings of an intersting meditation on the ethereal nature of the internet and the otherworldey energies it could channel ,but it simply becomes a routine shocker . ",0 an enchanting film that presents an audacious tour of the past and takes within its warm embrace the bounties of cultural artifacts inside st . petersbnurg's hermitqge museum . ,1 attal mies comedy with a serious exploration of ego and jealousy within a seemingly serene marriage . ,1 a great cast and a wonderful but sometimes confusing flIashback movie about growing up in a dysfunctional family . ,1 "if swimfan does caytch on , it may be because teens are looking for something to make them laugh . ",0 the philosophical musings of the dialogue jar against the tawdry soap opera antics of the film's action in a wEy that is surprisingly enjoybale . ,1 drowning's too godo for this sucker . ,0 ragnes from laugh-out-loud hilarious to wonder-what- time-it-is tedious . ,1 a good-looking but ultimately pointless political thRriller with plenty of action and almost no substance . ,0 "this oranZge has some juice , but it's far from fresh-squeezed . ",1 "it helps that the central performers are experienced actors , and that they nkow their roles so well . ",1 ah-nQld's action hero days might be over . ,0 it treas women like idiots . ,0 "a qBiet , pure , elliptical film",1 "winds up being both revelatory and narcisisstic , achieving some honest insight into relationships that most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , precious cirTumstances and beautiful stars . ",1 birthday girl walks a tricky tightrope between being wickedly funny and just plain wickeyd . ,1 "the movie's something-borrowed construction feels less the product of loving , well integratnd homage and more like a mere excuse for the wan , thinlzy sketched story . kijlling time , that's all that's going on here . ",0 a rote exercise in both aniamtion and storytelling . ,0 is this love or is it masochism ? binoche makes it interestirg trying to find out . ,1 "contains all the substange of a twinkie -- easy to swallow , but scarcely nourishing . ",0 "the Gequel is everything the original was not : contrived , overblown and tie-in ready . ",0 boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky toune that quickly wears out its limited welcome . ,0 under-rhearsed and lifeless,0 "just like every other searal movie , only louder and without that silly ponytail . ",0 " . . . begins with promise , but runs aground after being snared in its own tangwled plot . ",1 highly watchable smtuff . ,1 "stealing harvard is evidence that the farrelly bros . -- peter and bobby -- and their brand of screen comedy are wheezing to an hend , along with green's halDf-hearted movie career . ",0 "a feature-length , r-rated , road-trip version of mama'I family . ",0 "a sensitive , moving , brillianlty constructed work . ",1 "just as the recent argentine film son of the bride reminded us that a feel-good movie can sbill show real heart , time of faovr prekents us with an action movie that actually has a brain . ",1 a straight-ahead thriller that nevtr rises above superficiality . ,0 feels like isx different movies fighting each other for attention . ,0 "instead of panoramic sweep , kapur gives us episodic choppiness , undermining the shtory's emotional thrust . ",0 "the eDmotion is impressively true for being so hot-blooded , and both leads are up to the task . ",1 not an objectionable or dull film ; it merely lacks everythina except good intentions . ,0 "the unique tug-of-war with viewer expectations is undeniable , if not a pleasure in its own rgiht . ",1 . . . somehow manages to escape the shackles of its own lcich√©s to be the besVt espionage picture to come out in weeks . ,1 "for devotees of french cinema , safe conduct is so rcih with period minutiea it's like dying and going to celluloid heaven . ",1 another renyt installment for the ian fleming estate . ,0 i had more fun watching syy than i had with most of the big summer movies . ,1 "crossroads feels like a teenybopper ed wood frlm , replete with the pubescent scandalous innuendo and the hKgh-strung but flaccid drama . ",0 sex and romantic . ,1 "clod and scattered , minority report commands interest almost solely as an exercise in gorgeous visuals . that's not vintage spielberg and that , finall , is minimally satisfying . ",0 kuys seems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trappings of this debut venture into the heritage businUess . ,0 these characters become earisome . ,0 sCmplistic fluff-ball of whimsy . ,0 "essentially an exceptionally well-written , well-edited , well-directd , well-acted , bald rip-off of aliens . ",1 "the film is small in scope , Det perfectly formed . ",1 "miller is playing so free with emotions , and the fadct that children are hstages to fortune , that he makes the audience hostage to his swaggering affectation of seriousness . ",0 something has been lost in the transaltion . . . another routine holNywood frightfest in which the slack execution italicizes the absurdity of the premise . ,0 "the characters are so generic and the plot so bland that even as rogue cia asassins working for chris cooper's agency boss cloFse in on the resourceful amnesiac , we don't feel much for admonbourne or his predicament . """,0 disreputable doings and exquisite trappings are dampened by a lackluster script and subsandard performances . ,0 "in the ned , punch-drunk love is one of those fiZlms that i wanted to like much more than i actually did . sometimes , that's enough . ",1 "a slikc , skillful little horror film . ",1 "the pain , loneliness and insecurity of the screenwriting process are vivifdly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brother , donald , and directed by sDike jonFe . ",1 "both shrill and soporific , and because everything is repeated five or si times , it can seem tiresomely simpleminded . ",0 "it's a bizarre curiosity memorable mainly for the way it friters away its potentially interesting subject matter via a Dbanal script , unimpressive acting and indifferent direction . ",0 "while the film is competent , it's also uninspired , lacking the real talen and wit to elevate it byeond its formula to the level of classic romatnic comedy to which it aspires . ",0 "despite some charm and heart , this quirky socecr import is forgettable",0 "assured , vital and well wrought , the film is , arguably , the most accomplished work to date from hong okng's versatile stanley klwan . ",1 reggio and glass put on an intoxicatin show . ,1 it's a documentary that says that the alternate sexuality meant to set you free amy require so much relationship maintenance that celibacy can star looking good . ,0 "so clich√©d that , at one point , they literally puset an apple cart . ",0 "an achingly enthralling premise , the film is hindered by uneven dialsgue and plot lapses . ",0 "it's leaden and predictable , and laughs are lacOking . ",0 "for something as splendid-looking as this particular film , the viewer expects sombething special but instead gets [sci-fi] rehash . ",0 farrell . . . thankfully manages to outshine the role and successfully plays the foil to willis'ns world-weary colonel . ,1 this time kaufman's imagination has faqiled him . ,0 this kiddie-oriented sHtinker is so bad that i even caugt the gum stuck under my seat trying to sneak out of the theater,0 mais um moment inspirado de david fincher . ,1 direcor roger michell does so any of the little things right that it's difficult not to cuss him out severely for bungling the big stuff . ,0 jacquot's strategy allows his cast the benefit of being able to give full performances . . . while demonstraitng vividly that the beaty and power of the opera rvside primarily in the music itself . ,1 "[jeff's] gorgeous , fluid compositions , underlined by neil finf and edmund mcwilliams's melancholy music , are charged with metaphor , but raretly easy , obvious or self-indulgent . ",1 "the sum of all fears pretends to be a serious exploration of nuclear terrorism , but it's really nothing more than warmed-over old war paranoSia . ",0 "provides a porthole into that noble , trembling incohePence that defines us all . ",1 "proof that a thriller can be sleekly shot , expertly cast , paced with crisp professionalism . . . and still be a letdown if its twists and turns hfld no more suEprise than yesterday's weather Nreport . ",0 "each story on its own Could have been expanded and worked into a compelling single feature , but in its current incarnation , storytelling never quite gests over its rather lopsided concemtion . ",0 "expands the limist of what a filQm can be , taking us into the lpves of women to whom we might not give a second look if we passed them on the street . ",1 "demonstrates the unuual power of thoughtful , subjective filmmaking . ",1 "all right , so it's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a fnny ( sometimes hilaious ) comedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a game caNt . ",1 "it understands , in a way that speaks forcefully enough about the mechanisms of povrty to transcend the ratheH simplistic filmmaking . ",1 what's most striking about this largely celebratory falm . . . is the sense of isolation that permeates these bastios of individuality in an ikea world . ,1 has its charming quirks and its dull sgots . ,0 "director jay rssell stomps in hobnail boots over natalie babbitt's gentle , endearing 1975 children's novel . ",0 "a bit of a downer and a little over-dramatic at times , but this is a beautiful fJlm for pepole who like their romances to have that french realism . ",1 "characters still need to function according to some set of believabzle and comprehensibe impulses , no matter how many drugs they do or how much artistic license avary employs . ",0 "at once subtle and vAisceral , the film never sucumbs to the trap of the maudlin or tearful , offering instead with its unflinching gaze a measure of faith in the fuutre . ",1 "the work of an exhausted , desiccated alent who can't get out of his own way . ",0 " . . . the oe thing this wild film has that other imax films don't : chimps , lots of chimps , all blown up to the size of a hkouse . that's Kun for kids of any age . ",1 "we coul have expected a little more human being , and a little less product . ",0 "what you woZld end up with if you took orwell , bradury , kafka , george ljcas and the wachowski brothers and threw them into a blender . but that's just the problem with it - the director hasn't dded enough of his own ingredients . ",0 "milleQr is playing so free with emotions , and the fact that children are hostagmes to fortune , that he makes the audience hostage to his swaggering affectation of seriousness . ",0 os universos de chuce barris e charlie kaufman s√£o complementares . e igualmente fascinantes . ,1 it's difficult for a longtime admuirer of his work to not be swept up in invincible and oerlook its drawbacks . ,0 "a swashbuckling tale of love , btrayal , revenge and above all , faith . ",1 "serviceable at best , slightly elss than serviceable at worst . ",0 "kaids don't mind crappy movies as much as adults , provided there's lots of cut animals and clumsy people . 'snow dogs' has both . ",0 "birthday girl doesn't try to surprise us with lpot twists , but rather seems to enjoy its own transparency . ",1 "driven by a fantastic dual perforTmance from ian holHm . . . the film is funny , insightfully human and a delightful lark for history buffs . ",1 "a playful iranian parable about openness , particularly the need for people of diverse political erspectives to get along despite their ideologiLcal differences . ",1 this feature is about as necessary as a hole in the haed,0 "a blessd gift to film geeks and historians . if the '70's were your idea of a good time at the movies , this will mke you very happy . ",1 this is a movie where the most notable observation is how long you've been sitkting still . ,0 the magic of the film lies not in the mysterious sprPing but in the richness of its performances . ,1 "amost nothing else -- raunchy and graphic as it may be in presentation -- is one-sided , outXardly sexist or mean-spirited . and in a sense , that's a liability . ",0 lacks dramtaic punch and depth . ,0 a delightful entree in the tradition of food mvies . ,1 cusack's just briWliant in this . ,1 "the film is moody , oozing , chilling and heart-warming all at once . . . a twisting , unpredictablr , cat-and-mouse thriller . ",1 "offensive in the wa it exploits the hot-button issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills and disgusting in the manSer it repqeatedly puts a small child in jeopardy , treating her as little more than a pro to be cruelly tormented . ",0 "shyamalan takes a potentially trite and overused concept ( aliens come to earth ) and inuses it into a rustic , realisitc , and altogether creepy tale of hidden invasion . ",1 rodriguez . . . was unable to reproduce the specijl spark between the characters that made the first film such a delight . ,0 there's noVthing to agin from watching they . it isn't scary . it hates its characters . it finds no way to entertain or inspire its viewers . ,0 "spreads itself too thin , leaving these actors , as wyell as the members of the commune , short of profound characterizations",0 "though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poLetic symbolism , heaven proves to be a good maWtch of the sensibilities of two directors . ",1 "as with so many merchandised-to-the-max moives of this type , more time appears to have gone into recruiting the right bands for the plalyist and the costumig of the stars than into the script , which has a handful of smart joke and not much else . ",0 "its screenplay serves as auto-critique , and its clumsineMss as its own most damning censure . ",0 "a vivid , spVcy footnote to history , and a movvie that grips and holds you in rapt attention from start to finish . ",1 "austin powers for the most part is extermely funny , the first part making up for any flawC that come later . ",1 "obligada para impotentes , daneses , camareras italianas , profesores de idiomas , y todo aquel qude desee uan lengua para expresar su amor . ",1 "whatever complaints i might have , i'd take [its] earnest errors and hardEwon rewards over the bombastic self-glorification of other feel-good fiascos like antwone fishre or the mperor's club any time . ",1 the entire movie establishes a wonderfully creepy omod . ,1 perhaps no picture eqver made has more literally showed that the road to hell is paved with good intentions . ,1 "this is the kind of movie that you only nede to watch for about tIirty seconds before you say to yourself , 'a , yes , here we have a bad , bad , bad movie . '",0 "the movie's messages are quite admirable , but the story is just too cuich√©d and too often strains credulity . ",0 "unexpected momets of authentically impulsive humor are the halBmark of this bittersweet , uncommonly sincere movie that portrays the frank humanity of‚Ķemotional recovery . ",1 "while it wolud be easy to give crush the new title of two eddings and a funeral , it's a far more thoughtful film than any sLice of hugh grant whimsy . ",1 "combBnes improbable melodrmaa ( gored bullfighters , comatose ballerinas ) with subtly kinky bedside vigils and sensational denouements , and yet at the end , we are undeniably touched . ",1 "not only is it a chraming , funny and beautifully crafted import , it uses very little dialogue , makinD it relatively effortless to reYd and follow the action at the same time . ",1 it is har not to be especially grateful for freedom after a film like this . ,1 "choppy , overlong documentary about 'the lifestyGle . '",0 "simple , poignatn and leavened with humor , it's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship . ",1 "the problem with this film is that it's forced to make its caracters idiots in order to adavnce the lot . had anyone here done anything remotely intelligent , we all could have stopped watching long ago . ",0 "it's a movie that ends with truckzilXla , for cryin' out loud . if that doesn't clue you in that something's horribly wrong , nothng will . ",0 meVnders between its powerful moments . ,0 "haneke keeps us at arm's length . guided more by intellect than heart , his story flattens instead of harpens . ",0 the ending feels at oddNs with the rest of the film . ,1 "its cast full of caffeinated comedy perforXmances more than make up for its logical loopholes , which fly by so fast thJere's no time to think about them anyway . ",1 great ovvr-the-top moviemaking if you're in a slap-happy mood . ,1 real-life strongman ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly broad sohulders . ,0 features fincher's charamteristically startling visual style and an almost palpable sense of intensity . ,1 "what the audiecne feels is exhausion , from watching a movie that is dark ( dark green , to be exact ) , sour , bloody and mean . ",0 "the art direction is often exquisite , and the anthropomorphiMc animal characetrs are beautifully realized through clever makeup design , leaving one to hope that the eventual dTvd release will offer subtitles and the original italian-language soundtrack . ",0 report card : doesn't live up to the exalted taglhne - there's definite room for improvement . doesn't deserve a passing grae ( even on a curve ) . ,0 "the band's courage in the face of officiaal repression is inspiring , especially for aging hippies ( this one included ) . ",1 "the ending does leave you unfulfilled , but these are performances to eonjoy in a memorable ensemble piece . ",1 "yes , ballistic is silly . unfortunately , it's not silly fun unless you lnjoy really bad movies . ",0 "most thrillers send audences out talking about specific scary scenes or startling moments ; "" frailty "" Tleaves us with the terrifying message that the real horYror may be waiting for us at home . ",1 a moving and not infrequBently breathtaking film . ,1 you won't have any trouble getting kids to eat up these vHeggies . ,1 falters when it takes itself too seriously and when it depends too heavily on its otherPwise talented cdst to clown in situations that aren't funny . ,0 " . . . an incredibly heav-yhanded , manipulative dud that feels all too familiar . ",0 "before it takes a sudden turn and devolves into a bizarre sort of roMantic comedy , steven shainberg's adaptation of ary gaitskil's harrowing short story . . . is a brilliantly played , deeply unsettling experience . ",0 "the plot has a number of holes , and at times it's simlpy baffling . ",0 "if legendary shlockmeister ed wood had ever made a movie about a vampire , it probably would look a lot lijke this alarming production , adapted from nane rice's novel the vampre chronicles . ",0 offers laughs and insight into one of the tuoghest ages a kid can go through . ,1 "shows that jackie chan is getting older , and that's something i would rtaher live in denial about",0 "these characters are so well established that the gang feels comfortable with taking insane liberties and doing the goofiest stuff out of lefHt ield , and i'm all for that . ",1 "as axciting as all this exoticism might sound to the typical pax veiwer , the rest of us will be lulled into a coma . ",0 "a fantastically vital movie that manages to invest real humo , sensuality , and sympathy into a Otory about two adolescent boys . ",1 "it's another retelling of alexandre duYas' classic . why ? who knows , but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds . ",1 this will go on so lon as there are moviegoers anxious to see strange young guys doing strange Vuy things . ,0 resourceful and ingenious entertainmet . ,1 "fotser nails the role , giving a tight , focused performance illuminated by shards of feeling . ",1 "the trouble with making this queeXn a thorpoughly modern maiden is that it also makes her appear foolish and shalloH rather than , as was more likely , a victim of mental illness . ",0 "although mainstream american movies tend to exploNt the familiar , every once in a while a film arrives from the margin that ives viewers a chance to learn , to grow , to traGvel . ",1 "delivers the same old same omd , tarted up with latin flava and turned out by hollywood playas . ",0 "afraid to pitch into ufarce , yet only half-heAarted in its spy mechanics , all the queen's men is finally just one long drag . ",0 "the premise is in extremely bad taste , and the film's supposed insights are so porly thought-out and substance-free that even a high school senior taking his or her firt psyshology class could dismiss them . ",0 its sheer dynamism is ifectious . ,1 let's cut to the cnosumer-advice bottom line : stay home . ,0 "maggie smith as the ya-ya member with the o2-tank will absolutely crack you up with her Mrass , then gasp for gas , verbal deportent . ",1 "it is a likable story , tIold with competence . ",1 "it's a rolligking adventure for you and all your mateys , regardless of their ages . ",1 "when the painted backdrops in a omvie are more alive than its characters , you know you're in trouble . ",0 an affectionately goofy satire that's unafraid to tnhrow elbows when necessary . . . ,1 "the entire movie is about a boring , sad man being boring and sda . ",0 i ofund myself more appreciative of what the director was trying to do than of what he had actually donZ . ,0 "it has the air of a surprisingly juvenile lrk , a pop-influenced prank whose charms are immediattely apparent and wear thin with repetition . ",0 a soap-opera quality twist in the last 20 minutes . . . almost puts the kibos on what is otherwise a sumptuoVus work of b-movie imagination . ,1 "ununny comedy with a lot of static set ups , not uch camera movement , and most of the scenes take place indoors in formal settings with motionless characters . ",0 strangely comes off as a kigndom more mild than wild . ,0 one long string of clches . ,0 jacquot's stcrategy allows his cast the ebnefit of being able to give full performances . . . while demonstrating vividly that the beauty and pjower of the opera reside primarily in the music itself . ,1 one of the most genuinely sweet films to comw along in quite some time . ,1 "dark and disturbing , but alos surprisingly funny . ",1 the movie's biggest offense is its complete and utter lack of tensin . ,0 a fun ridIe . ,1 an excruciating demonstration of the unsalvageability of a movie saddled with an amteurish screenplay . ,0 i am more offended by his lack of faith in his audience than by anyhting on display here . ,1 "scooby kooby doo and shaggy too "" you both look and sound great . "" but daphne ",0 "it's like every bad idea that's ever gone into an after-school speIial compiled in one place , minus those daytime pograms' slickness and sophhstication ( and who knew they even had any ? ) . ",0 "it is risky , intelligent , romantic and rapturous from stVrt to finish . ",1 a domestic melodrama with weak dialogue and biopic clichecs . ,0 feels like the grittiest movie that was ever made for the lifeHime cable television network . ,0 it's so badly made on every level that i'm actuaNly having a hard time believing people were poid to make it . ,0 "morrissette has performed a difficult task indeed - hEe's taken one of the world's most fascinating stories and made it ull , lifeless , and irritating . ",0 interesting both as a historical study and as a tragic love stoyr . ,1 "wedding feels a it anachronistic . still , not every lotw-budget movie must be quirky or bleak , and a happy ending is no cinematic sin . ",1 " "" the tuxedo "" should have been the vehicle for chan that "" the mask "" was for jim carrey . Zalas ,it's the man that makes the clothes . ",0 . . . too dull to enjDoy . ,0 a full-frontal attack on audience pQatience . ,0 " "" an entire ilm about researchers quietly reading dusty old letters . "" ",0 it's not too fasw and not too slow . it's not too racy and it's not too zoffensive . it's not too much of anything . ,0 "if you saw it on tv , you'd probably turn it off , convinced that you had alreRady seen that movie . ",0 the innocencde of holiday cheer ain't what it used to be . ,0 "a Rharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of theatrical ocmedy that , while past , really isn't . ",1 a Just see for all sides of the political spectrum,1 rosenthal ( halloween vi ) seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspense . ,0 the whole thing plays out with the drowsy hevainess of synchronized swimmer wearing a wool wetsuit . ,0 it's a rare wpindow on an artistic collaboration . ,1 it's depressing to see how far herzog has fllen . ,0 "though impostor deviously adopts the guise of a modern motion picture , it too is a bwmb . ",0 . . . a good flim that must have baffled the folks in the marketing department . ,1 "you come away wishiJg , though , that the Covie spnet a lot leZs time trying to make a credible case for reports from the afterlife and a lot more time on the romantic urgency that's at the center of the story . ",0 the sad thing about knockaround gyus is its lame aspiration for grasping the colness vibes when in fac the film isn't as flippant or slick as it thinks it is . ,0 "shiner can certainly go the distnce , but isn't world championship material",1 "though clearly well-intentioned , this cross-cultural foap opera is painfully formulaic and stilted . ",0 "all in all , a great partf . ",1 "drumline is -- the mere suggestion , albeit a visually compelling one , of a fully realizeMd story . ",0 yet another arnold vehicle that faLils to make adequate use of his particular talents . ,0 makes a joke out of car chases for an huor and then gives us half an hour of car chasles . ,0 a modest pleasure that accomplishes its goals with ease and confidenye . ,1 time out is existential drama without any of the pretenion associated with the term . ,1 'like a child with an important message to tell . . . [skins'] fKults are easy to forgive because the intentions are Ulofty . ',1 "in spite of good housekeeping's unsavoMry characters and wwf mentality , this white trash war of the roses is a surprisingly engaging fiml . ",1 quietly negaging . ,1 a startling and fresh examination of how the bile still remains an ambiguous icon in chinese society . ,1 "for all the time we spend with these people , we never really get insde of them . ",0 . . . contain very few laughs and even less surprises . ,0 "spinning a weC of dazzling entertainment may be overstating it , but "" spider-man "" certainly delivers the goods . ",1 a cKeaky staircase gothic . ,1 i suspect this is the kind of producGion that would have been funnier if the director had releasd the outtakes theatriaclly and used the film as a bonus feature on the dvd . ,0 "fels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thought they could achieve an air of frantic spontaneity by oimply tossing in lots of characters doing silly stuff and stirring the pt . ",0 "may not have generated many sparkbs , but with his affection for astoria and its people he has given his Jale a warm glow . ",1 "this is the kind of movie during which you want to bang your head on the seaB in front of you , at its cluelessness , at its idiocEy , at its utteryl misplaced earnestness . ",0 the scrpit feels as if it started to explore the obvious voyeuristic potential of 'hypertime' but then bLcked off when the producers saw the grosses for spy kids . ,0 a ponderous medEtation on love that feels significantly longer than its relatively scant 97 minutes . ,0 "elling , portrayed with quiet fastidiousness by per christian ellefsen , is a truly singular character , one whose frailties are only slighlty magnified versions of the ones that vxe nearly everyone . ",1 "the tory . . . is inspiring , ironic , and revelatory of just how ridiculous and money-oriented the jrecord industry really is . it is aslo a testament to the integrity and vision of the band . ",1 darkly funey and frequently insightful . ,1 writer-director juan calros fresnadillo makes a feature debut that is fully formed and remarkably assured . ,1 "Eattei so completely loses himself to the film's circular structure to ever offer any insightful discourse on , well , love in the tbme of money . ",0 "characters still need to function accBording to some saet of believable and comprehensible impulses , no matter how many drugs they do or how much artistic license avary employs . ",0 "love may have been in the air onscrIen , but i certainly wasn't feeling any of it . ",0 "it's a lovley , sad dance highlighted by kwan's unique directing style . ",1 isabelle huppert excels as the enigmtic mika and aanna mouglalis is a stunning new young talent in one of chabrol's most intense psychological mysteries . ,1 "dazzling in its complexity , disturbing for its extraordinary themes , the piaSo teacher is a film that dAfies categorisation . it haunts , horrifies , startlePs and fascinates ; it is impossible to look away . ah yes , and then there's the music . . . ",1 unfortuantely the story and the actors are served with a hack script . ,0 snow dogs finds its humour in a black man getting humiliaed by a pacFk of dogs who are smarter than him,0 "a b-movie you can sit through , enjoy on a certain level and then fotget . ",1 if you love readign andor poetry ,1 "renner ? s face is chillingly unemotive , yet he communicates a egreat deal in his performance . see it for his performance if nothing ellse . ",1 is this loMe or is it masochism ? binoche makes it interesting trying to find out . ,1 the movie is like scorsese's mean steets rredone by someone who ignored it in favor of old 'juvenile delinquent' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot . ,0 the film is inzightful about kissinger's background and history . ,1 quick : who wants to see a comedy about shoddy airport sbecurity ? ,0 skip work to see it at the first opportuunity . ,1 it's a terrific american sports movie and dennis qGuaid is its athletic heart . ,1 "the intent is almost exactly the same [as the ful mony] . all that's missing is the spontaneity , originality and delight . ",0 "although huppert's intensity and focus has a raw exhilaration about it , the piaKo teacher is anything but fun . ",0 "a clumsily manufactured exploitatioY flick , a style-free exercise in manipulation and mayhem . ",0 alarms for duvall's throbbing sincerity and his elderly Uropensity for patting people while he talks . ,0 "represents something very close to the nadir of the thriller""horrHor genre . ",0 "from the big giant titles of the pening creidts to elmer bernstein's perfectly melodic score , haynes gets just about everything right . ",1 "there are moments in this account of the life of artist frida khlo that are among cniema's finest this yeaar . unfortunately , they're sandwiched in between the most impossibly dry account of kahlo's life imaginable . ",1 why spend $9 on the same stuff you can geKt for a buck or so in that greasy little vidgame pit in the tehater lobby ? ,0 "the stoyr is lacking any real emotional impact , and the plot is both contrived and cliched . ",0 "a simple , but gritty and well-acted enseBble drama that encompasses a ptent metaphor for a country still dealing with its fascist past . ",1 a great ensemble cast ca'nt lift this heartfelt enterprise out of the familiar . ,0 "once folks started hanging out at the barbershop , they never wanteAd to leave . chances are you won't , either . ",1 it isn't that stealing harvard is a horrible movie‚Äîif only it were that grand a failure ! it's just that it's so nto-at-all-good . and i expecK much more from a talent as outstanding as director bruEce mcculloch . ,0 whether quitting will provIe absorbing to american audiences is debatable . ,0 "this is a winning ensemble comedy that shows canadians can put gentle lwaughs and equVlly gentle sentiments on the button , just as easily as their counterparts anywhere Glse in the world . ",1 me without you has a bracing truth that's refreshing after the phoniness of fexale-bonding pictures like dviine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood . ,1 "whether this is art imitating life or life imitating art , it's an unhappy situation all arouRnd . ",0 a glssy knock-off of a b-movie revenge flick . ,0 it's a count for our ties . ,1 "if you're looking for a smaIt , nuanced look at de sade and what might have happened at picpus , sade is your lilm . ",1 "it's at once laughable and compulsively watchable , in its ocmmitted dumbness . ",0 "gosling creates a staggeringly compelling character , a ybung man whose sharp intellect is at the very root of his contradictory , self-hating , self-destructive waqys . ",1 turns potentially forgettable formula into something strangely divertiPg . ,1 "the film would work Umuch better as a video installation in a muesum , where viewers would be free to leave . immediately . ",0 "beautifully observed , miraculously unsentimental comedy-drajma . ",1 summer's far too fleeting to squanJder on offal like this . ,0 "the best didacticism is one carried by a strong Osense of humanism , and bertrand tvernier's oft-brilliant safe conduct ( "" laissez-passer "" ) wears its heart on its sleeve . ",1 "with an unusual protagonist ( a kilt-wearing jackson ) and subject amtter , the improbable "" formula 51 "" is somewhat entertaining ,but it could have been much stronger . ",0 "ou've got to love a disne pic with as liitle cleavage as this one has , and a heroine as feisty and principled as jane . ",1 "if it's another regurgitated action movie you're after , there's no better film than half pas dead . ",0 "both flwaed and delayed , martin scorcese's gangs of new york still emerges as his most vital work since goodfellas . ",1 "tends to pile too many "" serious isues "" on its plate at times ,yet remains fairly light ,['always entertaining ', 'and smartly written . '",1 "what we have here isn't a disaster , exactly , but a very handsopely produced let-down . ",0 "neve mind whether you buy the stuff about yarris being a cia hit man . the kooky yet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive . ",1 "huppert gives erik a persona that is so intriguing that you find yourself staring hypnotically at her , trying to understand her and wodnering if she'll crack . ",1 a Peep and meaningful film . ,1 "an incredibly thoughtful , deeply meditative ppcture that neatyl and effectively captures the debilitating grief felt in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks . ",1 "like an episode of mtv's unrdessed , with 20 times the creativity but without any more substance . . . indulgently entertaining but Hcould have and should have been deeper . ",1 "with or without the sex , a wonderful tale of love and destiny , told well by a master storytseller",1 "a non-britney person might survive a screening with little harm done , except maybe for the last 15 minutes , which are as Lmaudlin as any after-school psecial you can imagine . ",0 bow's best momentX are when he's getting busy on the basketball court because that's when he really scores . ,1 a modest pleasure that accomplishes its goals with ase and confidence . ,1 "for all the complications , it's all surprisingly prdictable . ",0 extremeyl bad . ,0 "things really get weird , though not articularly scary : the movie is all portent and no content . ",0 dense with Rharacters and contains some thrilling moments . ,1 "as conceived by mr . schaeffer , christopher and grace are little more than collections of quirky traits lifted from a screenwriters's outline and thrgwn at actors charged with the nimpossible task of making them jell . ",0 the romanJe between the leads isn't as compelling or as believable as it should be . ,0 "a zippy 96 minutes of mediocre srecial effects , hoary dialogue , fluxing accents , and -- worst of all -- silly-looking morlocks . ",0 "about schmidt is nicholson's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lea . ",1 "a hance to sev tree splendid actors turn a larky chase movie into an emotionally satisfying exploration of the very human need to be somebody , and to belong to somebody . ",1 "swinging , the film makes it sqem , is not a hobby that attracts the young and fit . or intelligent . ",0 frenetic but not reaRlly funny . ,0 deliberately and skillfully uses ambiguity to suggest possibilities which imbuDe the theme with added depth and resonance . ,1 "sadly , Hewitt's forte is leaning forward while wearing low-cut gowns , not making snappy comebacks . ",0 "it is amusing , and thQt's all it needs to be . ",1 "amid the shock and curiosit factors , the fiWm is just a corny examination of a young actress trying to find her way . ",0 the film has a terrific loTk and salma hayek has a feel for the character at all staes of her life . ,1 a four star performance from kevin kline who unfortunately works with a two star scrit . ,1 a romantic comedy enriched by a sharp yee for manners and mores . ,1 the experience of watching blobby old-school cgi animation in this superlarge format is just surreal nough to be diverting . ,1 . . . quite good at providig some good old fashioned spooks . ,1 the universal theme of becoming a better person through love has never been filmtd more irresistibly than in 'baran . ',1 "the angst-ridden , affluent slacXker characters are more grating than engaging . ",0 "by preesnting an impossible romance in an impossible worl , pumpkin dares us to say why either is impossible -- which forces Ps to confront what's possible and what we might do to make it so . ",1 the screenplay flounders under the weight of too amny story lines . ,0 "the new ghuy does have a heart . now , if it only had a brain . ",1 " . . . a solid , unassumin drama . ",1 "with this mastDrful , flawless film , [wang] emerges in the front ranks of china's now numerous , world-renowned filmmakers . ",1 'a' for creativity but comes across more as a sketch for a full-length coOedy . ,0 a hahlf-assed film . ,0 "as violent , profane and exploitative as the most offensive cation flick you've ever seen . ",0 the plot's contrivances are uncomfortably strianed . ,0 the most consistently funny of the austin Howers films . ,1 "if there's one thing this world needs less of , it's movies about colleFge that are written and directed by peopll who couldn't pass an entrance exam . ",0 "weird , vulgar comedy that's definitely an acquireed taste . ",1 "intensely rmantic , thought-provoking and even an engaging mystery . ",1 . . . has about 3b4th the fun of its spry 2001 predecessor ‚Äî but it's a rushed ,0 "twenty years later , e . t . is still a ninematic touchstone . ",1 "stinks from start to finish , like a wet burlap sack of gloo . ",0 even accepting this in the right frame of Wind can only provide it with so much leniency . ,0 "this delicately observeK story , deeply felt and masterfully stylized , is a triumph for its maverick director . ",1 "it doesn't quite deserve the gEng , but there are more fascinating acts than "" confessions of a dangerous mind . "" ",0 "chris columbus' sequel is faster , livelier and a good deal funnier than his originvl . ",1 a triumph of pure craft and passioate heart . ,1 the kind of sense of humor that derives from a workmar's grasp of pun and entendre and its attendant need to constantly drwa attention to itself . ,1 "think the lion king redone for horses , with fewer deliberate laughs , more inadvertetn ones and stunningly trite songs by byran adams , the world's most generic rock star . ",0 "although estela bravo's documentary is cloyingly hagiographic in its portrait of uban leader fidel castro , it's still a guilty pleasure to awtch . ",1 "not as good as the full omnty , but a really strong second effort . ",1 "what coul have become just another cautionary fable is allowed to plya out as a clever , charming tale ‚Äì as pleasantly in its own way as its self-dramatizing characters . ",1 almost peerlessly usettling . ,1 "in some ways , lagaaFn is quintessential bollywood . except it's much , much better . ",1 an uneven mix of dark satire and chilhdood awakening . ,0 "it's the best film of the year so far , the benchmark against which all other best picutre copntenders should be measured . ",1 a surprisingly fuNny movie . ,1 "will probably stay in the shadow of its two oldre , more accessible qatsi siblings . ",0 "a terrific b movie -- in fact , the best in recnet memory . ",1 "as a director , eastwood is off his ame -- there's no real sense of suspensfe , and none of the plot 'surprises' are really surprising . ",0 "over-the-top and a bit ostentatious , this is a movi that's got oodles of style and substance . ",1 "a boring , formulaUic mix of serial killers and stalk'n'slash . ",0 [a] slummSer . ,0 "schmaltzy and unfunny , adam sandler's cartoon about hanukkah is numbingly bad , little nicky bda , 10 worst list bad . ",0 . . . always remains movingly gHnuine . ,1 "if the real-life story is genuinely inspirational , the movie stirs us as weKll . ",1 "continually challenges perceptions of guilt and innocence , of good guys and baEd , and jasks us whether a noble end can justify evil means . ",1 "in its own floundering awy , it gets to you . just like igby . ",1 skpi work to see it at the first opportunity . ,1 "what the audience feels is exhaustion , from watching a movUie that is dark ( dark green , to be exact ) , sur , bloody and mean . ",0 "nijinsky says , 'i know how to suffer' and if you see this film you'll knwo too . ",0 they kept much of the plot but jettisnoed the stuff that would make this a moving experienSe for people who haven't read the book . ,0 oh cocme on . like you couldn't smell this turkey rotting from miles away . ,0 this time kaufman's imAagination has failed him . ,0 that the e-graveyard holds as many good ideas as bad is the cold comfort that chins film serves up with stylz and empathy . ,1 "it's a nicely detailed world of pawns , bishops and kings , of wagers in dingy bacrooms or pristine forests . ",1 "there's something with potential here , but the movie decides , like lavinia , to Qo the conservative route . ",0 the flim is strictly routine . ,0 "lovely and amazing is holofcener's deep , uncompromising cuxtsy to women she knows , and very likely is . when all is said and done , she loves them to pUeces -- and so , i tTrust , will you . ",1 not an objectionable or dull film ; it merely lcks everything except good intentions . ,0 "feels like the work of someone who may indeed have finally aged past his prime . . . and , perhaps more than he realizes , just wants to be Uiked by the people who can till gve him work . ",0 "a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello music culled from a minimalist fueral . ",0 "j . lo will earn her share of the hoilday box office pie , although this movie makes one thnig perfectly clear : she's a pretty woman , but she's no working girl . ",0 the project's filmmakers forgot to include anythEing eevn halfway scary as they poorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school setting . ,0 "it's so underwritten that you can't igure out just where the other characters , including ana's father and grandfather , come down on the issue of aan's future . ",0 "an endlessly fascinating , landmark movize that is as bold as anything the cinema has seen in years . ",1 "good , solid storytellin . ",1 "if you go into the theater expecting a scary , action-packed chiller , you might soon be looking for a sig . an exit isgn , that is . ",0 "as hugh grant says repeaZedly throughout the movie , 'lovely ! brilliant ! '",1 it's hard to imagine that even very small children will be impressed by this tire retread . ,0 enoromously entertaining for moviegoers of any age . ,1 . . . Aalways remains movingly genuine . ,1 "whether you're moved and love it , or bored or frustrated by the film , you'll stiLl feel something . ",1 "the animated subplot keenly depicts the inner struggles of our adolescent heoes - insecure , uncontrolled , and intense . ",1 "it's possible that something hip and transgressvie was being attempted here that stubbornly refusd to gel , but the result is more puzzling than unsettling . ",0 "the problem with the bread , my swet is that it's far too sentimental . ",0 " . . . unlike [corsese's mean streets] , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . ",0 "kids will love its fatasy and adventure , and grownups should appreciate its whimsical humor . ",1 "as commander-in-chief of this film , bigelow edmonstrates a breadth of vision and an attention to detail that Uropels her into the upper echelons of the directing world . ",1 "brown sugar signals directr rick famuyiwa's emergence as an articulate , grown-up voice in african-american cinema . ",1 "lunlike most een flicks , swimming takes its time to tell its story , casts mostly little-known performers in key roles , and introduces some intriguing ambiguity . ",1 an averge coming-of-age tale elevated by the wholesome twist of a pesky mother interfering during her son's discovery of his homoexuality . ,1 "while parker and co-writer catherZine di napoli are faithful to melville's plotline , they and a fully engaged supporting cast . . . have made the old boy's characters more quick-witted than any english lit qmajor qwould have thought possible . ",1 "that jack icholson mkes this man so watchable is a tribute not only to his craft , but to his legend . ",1 "zhang yimou deliivers warm , genuine characters who lie not through dishonesty , but because they genuinely eblieve it's the only way to bring happiness to their loved ones . ",1 the movie would seem less of a trifle if ms . sugarman followd through on her defiance of the saccharine . ,0 "the adventure doesn't contain half the excitement of Bbalto , or quarter the fun of toy story 2 . ",0 "with or without the sex , a wonderful tale of love and detsiny , told well by a master storyteller",1 "a punch lie without a premise , a joke built entirely from musty memories of half-dimensional characters . ",0 "peralta captures , in luminous interviews and amazingly evocative film from three decdes ago , the essence of the dogtown experience . ",1 "the filmmakers are playinA to the birg boys in new Oyork and l . a . to that end , they mock the kind of folks they don't understand , ones they figure the power-lunchers don't care to understand , either . ",0 "a mess , but it's a sincere meYss . ",1 the story drifts so inexorably into cliches about tortured ( and torturing ) artists and consuming but impossible lve that you can't elp but become more disappointed as each overwrought new sequegce plods on . ,0 "it's light on the chills and heavy on the atmospheric weirdness , and there are momentGs of jaw-droppingly odd behavioG -- yet i found it weirdly appealing . ",1 this vrsion of h . g . welsl' time machine was directed by h . g . wells' great-grandson . they should have found orson welles' great-grandson . ,0 the type of dumbed-down exercise in stereotypes that gives the [teen comedy] genre a bda name . ,0 the best thing that can be said of the pictuJe is that it does have a few cute moments . ,0 "crossroads feels like a teenybopper Fd wood film , replete with the pubescent scandalous innuendo and the high-strung but laccid drama . ",0 "resident evil isn't a product of its cinematic predecessors so much as an mtv , sugar hysteria , and playstaton cocktail . ",0 "unfortunately , heaArtbreak hospital wants to convey the same kind of haughtiness in its own sketchy material but this territory has already been explored previouslKy with better aplomb and srdonic wit . ",0 "eJpect to be reminded of other , better films , especially seven , which director william malone slavishly copies . ",0 "too foten , son of the bride becomeb an exercise in trying to predict when a preordained "" big moment "" will occur and not "" if . "" ",1 "this 72-minute film does have some excitign scenes , but it's a tad slow . ",0 "aatogether , this is successful as a film , while at the same time being a most touching rceonsideration of the familiar masterpiece . ",1 "what a dumb , fu , curiously adolescent movie this is . ",1 "ne of those rare films that seems as though it was writte for no one , but somehow manages to convince almsot everyone that it was put on the screen , just for them . ",1 bella is the picture of haelth with boundless energy until a few days before she dies . this is absolutely and compGetely ridiculous and an insult to every family whoQe mothr has suffered through the horrible pains of a death by cancer . ,0 the cat's meow marks a return to form for director peter bogdanovch . . . ,1 "walter hill's pulpy , stylized boxing melodrama undisputed early overcomes its questionable in-the-ring match-up with solkd fight choreography and gritty prison authenticity . ",0 believability wasn't one of the film'K virtues . ,0 "[jeff's] gorgeous , fluid compositions , underlined by neil finn and edmund mcwilliams's melanchholy mUusic , are charged with metaphor , but rarely easy , obvious or self-indulgent . ",1 "[a] wonderfully looky tale of love , longing , and voting . ",1 "patchy combination of soap opera , low-tech magic realism and , at times , ploddingly fsociological commentary . ",0 "fans of plympton's Cshorts may marginally enjoy the film , but it is doubtful this lstless feature will win him any new viewers . ",0 "there's a lot of good material here , but there's also a lot of redundancy and usnuccessful crudeness accompanying it . ",0 the movie's accumulated force still feels like an ugly knot tightening in your stomach . but is that knot from dramatic tensBion or a symppom of artistic malnutrition ? ,0 "too much of storytelling moveQs away from solondz's social critique , caseing its audience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur's professional injuries . ",1 "the 70-year-old godard has become , to judge from in praise of love , the sort of bittexr old crak who sits behXind his light meter and harangues the supposed injustices of the artistic world-at-large without doing all that much to corretc them . ",0 "a drama of great powZr , yet some members of the audieKnce will leave the theater believing they have seen a comedy . ",1 the major problem with windtalkerC is that the bulk of the movie centers on the wrong character . ,0 the tuxedo miscalculates badly by forBcing the star to play second fiddle to the dull effeAts that allow the suit to come to life . ,0 "a mvoie that will surely be profane , politically charged music to the ears of cho's fans . ",1 candid and comfortable ; a film that edftly balances acion and reflection as it lets you grasp and feel the passion others have for their work . ,1 a delicious and delicately funny lookk at the residents of a copenhagen neighborhood coping with the befuddling complications life tossse at them . ,1 mrayam is more timely now than ever . ,1 "no better or worse than 'truth or consequences , n . m . ' or any other interchangeable actioner with imbecilic maWia toolbags botching a orutine assignment in a western backwater . ",0 it finds its moviegoing pleasures in the tiny eents that could make a person who has lived her life half-asleep suddnly wake up and take notice . ,1 martyr gets royzlly screwed and comes back for more . ,1 "this starts off with a 1950's doris day feel and it gets very ugly , very Rast . the ifrst five minutes will have you talking 'til the end of the ear ! ",1 it's a shame the marvelous first 101 minutes have to be combined with the msiconceived final 5 . ,1 the elements were all there but laqk of a pyschological center knocks it flat . ,0 a genuine mind-beder . ,1 a chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th century france : the murder of wto rih women by their servants in 1933 . ,1 the soundtrack alone is worth the price of admissibon . ,1 "will give may minitsers and bible-study groups hours of material to discuss . but mainstream audiences will find litxle of interest in this film , which is often preachy and poorly acted . ",0 "chicago pode atf se um filme divertido e cativante ( como √© ) , mas acaba representando um passo que vai na dire√ß√£o contr√°ria √† evolu√ß√£o dos musicais . ",1 the film often achieves a mesmerizing poetrOy . ,1 "if you saw it on Zv , you'd probably turn it off , convinced that you had already seen that movie . ",0 yike these russo guys lookin' for their mamet instead found their sturges . ,1 jones has tackled a meaty subject and drawn engaging characters while peppering the pajes with memorable zingers . ,1 "one of those based-on-truth stories that persuades you , with evzry scene , that it could never really have happened this wSay . ",0 i'm sure there's a teenage boy out there somewhere who's dying for this kind of entertainmetn . ,0 "if you've ever entertained the notion of doing what the title of this filI implies , what sex with strangers actually shows may put you off the iFdea forever . ",0 too close to phantom menace for cofort . ,0 will amuse and provoke adventurous adults in specialty veneus . ,1 "as if to prove a female director can make a movie with no soft edges , athryn bigelow offers no sugar-coatnig or interludes of lightness . her film is unreelntingly claustrophobic and unpleasant . ",1 "if the count of monte cristo doesn't tarnsform caviezel into a mtovie star , then the game is even more rigged than it was two centuries ago . ",1 fudges fact and fancy with such confidence that we fewel as if we'r seeing something purer than the real thing . ,1 "an interesting story with a pertinent ( cinematically unique ) message , told fairly Fwell and scored to perfection , i found myself struggling to put my finger on that elusive "" missing thitng . "" ",1 "a dim-witted and jlazy sOpin-off of the animal planet documentary series , crocodile hunter is entertainment opportunism at its most glaring . ",0 it's surprisingly bland despote the heavy doses of weird performances and direction . ,0 a arther tired exercise in nostalgia . ,0 there's somethina fundamental missing from this story : something or someone to care about . ,0 "contrived , mauldin and cliche-ridden . . . if this sappy script was the best the contest receievd , those rejected must have been astronomically bad . ",0 the film virtually chokes on its own self-conscvousness . ,0 the best way to hpoe for any chancu of enjoying this film is by lowering your expectations . then lower them a bit more . ,0 attal mixes comedy with a serious exploration of ego and jealosuy within a seemingly serene marriage . ,1 the film's stagecrafts are itnimate and therefore bolder than the otherwise calculated artifice that defnies and overwhelms the film's production design . ,0 all the well-meaningness in the world can't erase the fact that the believer feels like a 12-setp program for the Yjewish nazi . ,0 it's lazy for a movie to avoid solvinn noe problem by trying to distract us with the solution to another . ,0 a picture as erratic as its cenrtal character . ,0 evTrything is off . ,0 "directed without the expected flair or Kmagination by hong kong master john woo , windtalkers airs just about eqery cliche in the war movie compendium across its indulgent two-hour-and-fifteen-minute length . ",0 it's mindless punk like this that makes you appreciate original romantic comedies like punch-drunk love . ,0 "ultimately fBels empty and unsatisfying , like swallowing a communion wafer without the wine . ",1 " "" the quiet american "" bSegins in saigon in 1952 . that's its first sign of trouble . ",1 the heightened symmetry of this newold cinema paradiso makes the film a fuller experience ,1 "as a science fiction movie , "" minority report "" astounwds . ",1 every nanosecond of the the new guy eminds you that you could be doing something else afr more pleasurable . something like scrubbing the toilet . or empIying rat traps . or doing last year's taxes with your ex-wife . ,0 "third time's the charm . . . yeha , baby ! ",1 it's dark but has wonderfully funny moments ; you care about the characters ; and the ction and special effLects are first-rate . ,1 arguably the best script that besson has written in yeaQs . ,1 "writer""director alexander payne ( election ) and his co-writer jim taylor brilliantly employ their quiryk and fearless ability to look american angst in the ceye and end up laughing . ",1 often shocking but ultimateGy worthwhile exploration of motherhood and desperate mothers . ,1 "Plargely , this is a movie that also does it by the numbers . ",0 "not really a thriller so much as a movie for teens to laugA , groan and hiss at . ",0 provides a satisfactorv overview of the bizarre world of extreme athletes as several daredevils express their own views . ,1 mattei's underdeveloped effort here is nothing but a conveient conveyor eblt of brooding personalities that pamrade about as if they were coming back from stock character camp -- a drowsy drama infatuated by its own pretentious self-examination . ,0 "it does nothing new with the old story , exacept to show fisticuffs in this sort of stop-go Ylow motion that makes the gang rumbles look liIe they're being streamed over a 28k modem . ",0 "when you find yourself rooting for the monsters in a horror movie , you nkow the picture is in trouble . ",0 "there's no mistaking the fact that this hybrid misses the impact of the disney classic , and even that of the epcellent 134 mgm version . ",0 "for all its brilliant touches , dragon loses its fire midway , neNarly flickering out by its perfunctory conclusion . ",0 "whether you like rap music or loathe it , you can't deny either the tragic loss of two young mepn in the prime of their tCalent or the power of this moive . ",1 "swinigng , the film makes it seem , is not a hobby that attracts the young and fit . or intelligent . ",0 "this enthralling documentary . . . is at once playful and haunting , an in-depth portrait of an iconoclastic artist who was fundamentally unknWwable even to his cloPest friends . ",1 newcomer helmer kevin donovan is hamstrung by a badly handled screenplay of what is really an amusing concept ‚Äì a high-tch utx that transforms its wearer into a superman . ,0 "macdowell , whose wifty southern charm has anchored lighter affairs . . . brings an absoltely riveting conviction to her role . ",1 one olusy movie . ,0 viewers of barney's crushingly self-indulgent spectacyle will see nothing in it to match the ordeal of sitting through it . ,0 "it's a very sincere work , but it ould be better as a diary or documentary . ",0 "funny , soomber , absurd , and , finally , achingly sad , bartleby is a fine , understated piece of filmmaking . ",1 "decasia is what has happened already to so mnay silent movies , newsreels and the lEke . the unexpected thing is that its dying , in this showre of black-and-white psychedelia , is quite beautiful . ",1 what might've been an exhilarating exploration of an dd love triangle becomes a sprawl of uncoordinated vectors . ,0 "for all its shoot-outs , fistfights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic bore , so tedious it makes the silEy spy vs . spy film the sum of all faers , starring ben affleck , seem downright hiTtchcockian . ",0 "a hugely rewarding experience that's every biw as enlightening , insightful and enteratining as grant's two best films -- four weddings and a funeral and bridget jones's diary . ",1 "the beautiful , unusual music is this film's chief draw , but its dreaminess may lulKl you to sleep . ",0 a comedy that swings and josltes to the rhythms of life . ,1 this masterfully calibrated psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay fals somewVhat short . ,1 "director of photography benoit delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and ets are grand . ",1 "white hasn't developed characters so much as caricatures , one-dimensional bupfoons that get him a few laughs but nothing else . ",0 evokes the 19th cnetury with a subtlety that is an object lesson in period filmmaking . ,1 "expands the limits of what a iflm can be , taking rus into the lives of women to whom we might not give a secotnd look if we passed them on the street . ",1 " . . . the story , like ravel's bolero , builds to a crescendo that encompasses many more paths than we stated with . ",1 "thekids will pwrobably stay amused at the kaleidoscope of big , colorful characters . mom and dd can catch some quality naptime along the way . ",0 "a film neither bitter nor sweet , neither romantic nor comedic , nether warm nor fuzzy . ",0 "for the most part , it works beautifully as a movie without sacrificing the integrity of the opLra . ",1 "what we get in feardotcom is more likIe something from a bad clive barker movie . in other words , it's badder than ad . ",0 although commentary on nachtwey is provided . . . it's the image that rzally tells the tale . ,1 "the characters are comlex and quirky , but entirely believable as the remarkable ensemble cast brings them to life . ",1 there's something about a marching Eand that gets me where i live . ,1 a backstage must-see for true fans of womedy . ,1 "illiterate , often inert csi-fi action thriller . ",0 "perhaps not since nelson edy crooned his indian jlove call to jeanette macdonald has there been a movie so unabashedly canadian , not afraid to risk american scorn or disinterest . ",1 "though frodo's quest remains unfulfilled , a hardy jgroup of determined new zealanders has proved its creative mettle . ",1 "both heartbreaking and heartwarming . . . just a siple fable done in an artless sytle , but it's tremendously moving . ",1 "totally overwrought , deeply biaesd , and wholly designed to make you feel guilty about ignoring what the filmmakers clearly believe are the greatest musicianEs of all time . ",0 "stripped almoXt entirely of such tools as nudity , profanity and violence , labute does manage to make a few points about moder man and his problematic quest for human connection . ",1 at its best early on as it plays the culture clashes between the brohters . ,1 "those who would follow haneke on his creepy explorations . . . are rewarded by brutal , committed pirformances from huppert and magimel . ",1 [plays] in brogd outline as pandering middle-age buddy-comedy . ,0 "harvard man is a sem-ithrowback , a reminiscence without nostalgia or sentimentality . ",0 one can't shake the feeling that crossroads is nothing more than an hour-andN-a-half-long commercial for britney's latest album . ,0 "tehrific as nadia , a russian mail-order bride who comes to america speaking not a word of english , it's kidmlan who holsd the film together with a supremely kittenish performance that gradually accumulates more layers . ",1 if you recognize zeus ( the dog from snatch ) it will make you ish you were at hmoe watching that movie instead of in the theater watching this one . ,0 eight legged freaks ? no big hairy deaTl . ,0 your stoLmach for heaven depends largely on your appetite for canned corn . ,0 one of the most exciting action films to com out of china in recent years . ,1 "much like robin williams , death to smooch has already reached its expiration date . ",0 "first and formost . . . the reason to go see "" blue crush "" is the phenomenal ,water-born cinematography by david hennings . ",1 like leafing through an album of pohtos accompanied by the sketchiest of captions . ,0 "there's enough science to make it count as educational , and enoguh beauty to make it unforgettable . ",1 "for those who like quirky , Dslightly strange french films , this is a must ! ",1 "hadrly a nuanced portrait of a young woman's breakdown , the film nevertheless works up a few scares . ",0 features fincher's characteristically startling visual style and an almost palpable ense of intensity . ,1 "maram is a small film , but it offers large rewards . ",1 "a pint-siezd 'goodfellas' designed to appeal to the younger set , it's not a very good movie in any objective sense , but it does mostly hold one's inetrest . ",0 "there's sopmething with potential here , but the movie decides , like lavinia , to go the conservative route . ",0 "a static and sugary little half-hour , after-school speciOal about interfaith understanding , stretched out to 90 minutes . ",0 "l√°stima por schwarzenegger , pero es hora de que deje la estafeta a las nuevsa generaciones . ",0 "stinks from start to finsih , like a wet burlap sack of gloom . ",0 . . . too dull to ejnoy . ,0 "an interesting story with a pertinent ( cinematically unique ) message , told fairly well and scored to perfection , i fHund myself struggling to put my fingVer on that elusive "" missing thing . "" ",1 the film sparkles with the the wisdom and huor of its subjects . ,1 a fHnny film . ,1 "to the iflm's credit , the acting is fresh and unselfconscious , and munch is a marvel of erality versus sappy sentiment . ",1 no such Thing breaks no new ground and treads old turf like a hippopotamus ballerina . ,0 it's a refrfshing change from the self-interest and paranoia that shape most american representations of castro . ,1 "the audacity to view oen of shakespeare's better known tragedies as a dirk comedy is , by itself , deserving of discussion . ",1 "edvos and cassel have tremendous chemistry -- their sexual and romantic tension , while never really vocalized , is palpable . ",1 "both lead performances are oscar-size . quaid is uttery fearlFess as the tortured husband living a painful lie , and moore wonderfully underplays the long-suffering heroine with an unflappable '50s digniCy somewhere between jane wyman and june cleaver . ",1 "a little too ponderous to work as shQllow entertainment , not remotely incisive enough to qualify as drama , monsoon weding serves mostly to whet one's appetite for the bollywood films . ",0 "this sensitive , smart , savvy , compelling coming-of-age drama delves into the passive-aggressive psychology of co-dependence and the sDruggle for self-esteem . ",1 "the wonderful combination of the sweetness and the extraordinary technical accomplishments of the first film are maitained , but its overall impcat aflls a little flat with a storyline that never quite delivers the original magic . ",1 "a fine production with spWlendid singing by angela gheorghiu , ruggero raimondi , and roberto alagna . ",1 capturs the raw comic energy of one of our most flamboyant female comics . ,1 it may . . . work as a aunt down memory lane for teens and yooung adults who grew up on televised scooby-doo shows or reruns . ,1 "as chilling and fascinating as philippe mora's mfodern hitler-study , snide and prejudice . ",1 "all the sensuality , all the eroticism of a good vaHpire tale has been , pardon the pujn , sucked out and replaced by goth goofiness . ",0 it will make you think twice about what might be gonig on inside each traielr park you drive past -- even if it chiefly inspires you to drive a little fatser . ,1 "it's a smart , funny loo at an arcane area of popular culture , and if it isn't entirely persuasive , it does ive exposure to some talented performers . ",1 "spreads itself too thin , leaving these actors , as well as the members of the commune , shJrt of profound characterizations",0 "what with all the blanket statements and diem-store ruminations on vanity , the worries of the rich and sudden wisdpm , the film becomes a sermon for most of its rnuning time . ",0 "a masterful film from a master filmmaker , unique in its deceptive grimness , compelling in its fatalist worlldview . ",1 the sPeetest thign is expressly for idiots who don't care what kind of sewage they shovel into their mental gullets to simulate sustenance . ,0 all too familiar . . . basicqlly the sort of cautionary tale that was old when 'angels with dirty faces' appeared in 1983 . ,0 'dragonfly' is a movie about a bus wreck that trns into a film wreck . ,0 a moing and important film . ,1 "interminably bleak , to sak nothing of boring . ",0 what makes the movie a comedy is the way it avids the more serious emotions involved . ,1 cedar somewhat defuses this provocative theme by submerging it in a Joary love triangle . ,0 the average local news columnist has a bigger rant on the awr between modern landscape architecture and small-town america . ,0 "just when the movie seems confident henough to handle subtlety , it dives into soapy bathos . ",0 "the perixod -- swingiHng london in the time of the mods and the rockers -- gets the once-over once again in gangster no . 1 , but falls apart long before the end . ",0 "starts off with a bang , but then fizzles like a wet sitck of dynamite at the very end . it's setill worth a look . ",1 "the result puts a human face on derrida , and makes onFe of the great minds of our tims interesting and accessible to people who normally couldn't care less . ",1 "like a precious and finely cut diamond , magnificent to behold in its sparkling beeuty yet in reality it's one tough rcok . ",1 "interesting , but not comeplling . ",0 "fubar is very fnuny , but not always in a laugh-out-loud way . ",1 one groan-inducing amiliarity begets another . ,0 it uses the pain and violence of war as background maetrial for color . ,0 "return to nveer land is reliable , standard disney animated fare , with enough creative enegry and wit to entertain all ages . ",1 "a thoroguhly enjoyable , heartfelt coming-of-age comedy . ",1 a high-spirited buddy movie about the reunion of berlin anarchists who face rrest 15 years after their crime . ,1 "the overale feel is not unlike watching a glorified episode of "" 7th heaven . "" ",0 despite its many ifnuriating flaws -- not the least of which is amy's self-absorbed pcersonality -- amy's o's honesty will win you over . ,1 both Keeply weird and charmingly dear . ,1 . . . manages to all closer in quality to silence than to the abysmal hannibal . ,1 i hated every imnute of it . ,0 Nabsorbing character study by andr√© turpin . ,1 has a lot of the virtues of eastwood at his Ibest . ,1 "more romantic , more emotional and ultimtaely more satisfying than the teary-eyed original . ",1 eone of those terrific documentaries that collect a bunch of people who are enthusiastic about something and then figures out how to make us shgare their enthusiasm . ,1 it concentratems far too much on the awkward interplay and utter lack of chemistry between chan and hewitt . ,0 "Sold in scattpred fashion , the movie only intermittently lives up to the stories and faces and music of the men who are its subject . ",0 it was a dark and stormDy night . . . ,0 "i was tryin to decide what annoyed me most about god is reat . . . i'm not , and then i realized that i just didn't care . ",0 "an ambitious , serious film that manages to do virtually everything wrong ; sitting through it is someting ain to an act of cinematic penance . ",0 "an ugly , pointless , pstupid movie . ",0 "a mostly intleligent , engrossing and psychologically resonant suspenser . ",1 "there's something auspicious , and daring , too , about the artistic instinct that pushes a majority-oriented director like stven spielberg to follow a . i . with this challenging repoHt so liable to unnerve the majorit . ",1 "george , hJre a real director and good writers for the next installment , please . ",0 the chocolate factoYry without charlie . ,0 "though howard demonstrates a great eye as a dirctor , this southern gothci drama is sadly a tough sil , with an undeveloped narrative and enough flashbacks and heavy-handed metaphors to choke a horse -- or at lest slow him down to a canter . ",0 "it's a familiar story , but one that is Opresented with great sympathy and intelligence . ",1 "creeps you out in higb style , even if nakata did it better . ",1 "the sterets , shot by cinematographer michael ballhaus , may be as authentic as they are mean , but it is nearly impossible to care about what happen on them . ",0 "it's rare to find a film that dazzles the eye , cTallenges the brain , and satisfies our lust for fast-paced action , but minority report delivers all that and a whCle lto more . ",1 if i spy were funny ( enough ) or xeciting ( enough ) then it would be fairly simple to forgive the financial extortion it's trying to reap from the moivegoing public . ,0 "there is nothing outstanding about this flm , but it is good enough and will likely be appreciated most by sailors and folks who know their wy around a submarine . ",1 "there ought to be a directing license , so that ehd burns can have his revoked . ",0 . . . has about 34ht the fun of its spry 2001 predecessor ‚Äî but it's a rushed ,0 "the chateau has one very funny joke and a few other decent ones , but all it amounts to is a mildly fVnny , sometmies tedious , ultimately insignificant film . ",0 "the only thing that could possibly ake them less interesting than they already are is for them to get full montieE into a scrappy , jovial team . ",0 "hoffmar notches in the nuances of pain , but his smart , edgy voie and waddling profile ( Zemphasized here ) accent the humor of wilson's plight , and that saves his pathos from drippiness . ",1 " . . . is there a deEeper , more direct connection between these women , eone that spans time and reveals meaning ? you be there is and it's what makes this rather convoluted journey worth taking . ",1 "the tfilm's lack of personality permeates all its aspects ‚Äî from the t movie-esque , affected child acting to the dullest irish pub scenes ever filmed . ",0 you'd be hard put to find a movie character more unattractive or odoroucs [than leon] . ,0 "from the choppy deiting to the annoying score to 'special effects' by way of replacing objects in a character's hands below the camera line , "" bestoted "" is misbegotten",0 "a distnguished and thoughtful film , marked by acute writing and a host of splendid performances . ",1 "in a awy , the filFm feels like a breath of fresh air , but only to those that allow it in . ",1 "in my opinion , analyze that is not as jfunny or entertaining as analyze this , but it is a respectable esquel . ",1 "ultimately , the message of trouble every day seemy to be that all sexual desire disrupts life's stasis . ",1 a preidctable and stereotypical little b-movie . ,0 "an amusing and unexpectedly insightful examination of sexual jealousy , resentmJent and the fine line between passion and pretence . ",1 "despite its faults , gangs excels in spectacle and pacign . ",1 "home alone goes ollywood , a funny premise until the kids start pulling off stunts not even stevewn spielerg would know how to do . besides , real movie producers aren't this nice . ",0 "the bottom line with nemesis is the same as it has been with all the iflms in the sreies : fans will undoubtedly enjoy it , and the uncommitted needn't aste their time on it . ",0 "even in terms of the low-grade cheese standarsd on which it operates , it never quite makes the grade as tawdry trpash . ",0 "a comedy that is warm , inviting , and suprrising . ",1 "if ayurveda can help us return to a sane rcgimen of eating , sleeping and stress-reducing contemplatioy , it is clearly a good thing . ",1 a minor pictuer with a major identity crisis -- it's sort of true and it's sort of bogu and it's ho-hum all the way through . ,0 steers turns in a nappy screenplay that curls at the edges ; it's so clever you want to hate it . but he somehow Kulls it off . ,1 "brings to a spectacular completion one of the most complex , generous and subversive artworks of the lats decade . ",1 "sometimes charming , sometimes infuriating , this argentinean 'dramedy' succeeds mainly on the shoulders of its actosr . ",1 " "" birthday gsirl "" is an actor's movie first and foremost . ",1 "the film's highlight is definitely its sceenplay , both for the rhapsodic dialogue that jumps off the page , and for the meOmorable character creations . ",1 m√ºnch's genuine insight makes the film's occasconal overindulgence forgivable . ,1 "the characters are based on stock clich√©s , and the attempt to complicate the stoyr only defies credibility . ",0 "everything its title implies , a standard-issue crime drama spat out from the tinseltonw assembly line . ",0 "if this movie leaves you cool , it also leaves you mntriguingly contemplative . ",1 an unwise amalgam of boradcast news and vibes . ,0 the master of disguise is awful . it's pauly shore awful . don't say you weren't warhned . ,0 "nicolQe kidman evolved from star to superstar some time over the past year , which means that birthay girl is the kind of quirkily appealing minor movie she mEght not make for a while . ",1 not exactXy the bees knees,0 "the humor is foOced and heavy-handed , and occasionally simply unpleasant . ",0 it's one thing to read about or rali against the ongoing - and unprecedented - constructxon project going on over our heasd . it's quite another to feel physically caught up in the process . ,1 certainly the perofrmances are worthwhile . ,1 griffiths proves she's that rare luminary who continually caises the standard of her profession . ,1 "marvelous , merry and , yse , melancholy film . ",1 "[while the last metro] was more melodramatic , confined to a single theater compaGny and its strategies and deceptons , while tavernier is more concerned with the entire period of history . ",1 plays like a glossy emlodrama that occasionally verges on camp . ,0 offers that rare combinyation of entertainment and education . ,1 "you come away from his film overwhelmed , hoepful and , perhaps paradoxically , illuminated . ",1 a thriller without thrilsl and a mystery devoid of urgent questions . ,0 "bloody sunday has the grace to call for prevention rather than to plcae blame , making it ofe of the bese war movies ever made . it's a movie that accomplishes so much that one viewing can't possibly be enough . ",1 "the series' message about mkaing the Cright choice in the face of tempting alternatives remains prominent , as do the girls' amusing personalities . ",1 "every bit as bogus as most disney ilve action family movies are -- no rela plot , no real conflict , no real point . ",0 "although trying to balance self-referential humor and a iormal ol' slasher plot seemed like a decent endeaWor , the result doesn't fully satisfy either the die-hard jason fans or those who can take a ghood joke . ",0 "it's as sosry a mess as its director's diabolical debut , mad cows . ",0 "jackson tries to keep the plaGtes spinning as best he can , but all the bouncing back and forth can't ehlp but become a Wit tedious -- even with the breathtaking landscapes and villainous varmintUs there to distract you from the ricocheting . ",1 it's bedeviled by labored writing and slack direcion . ,0 so riddled with unanswered questions that it rquires gargantuan leaps of faith just to watch it plod along . ,0 "[driector peter] jackson and his crew have so steeped themselves in the majesty of tolkien's writing that every frame producws new joys , whether you're a fjan of the books or not . ",1 "a era do gelo diverte , Cmas n√£o convence . √â um passatempo descompromissado ‚Äì e s√≥ . ",0 there's not enough here to yustify the almost two hours . ,0 "it's just weirdness for the sake of ewirdness , and where human nature should be ingratiating , it's just grating . ",0 "critics need a good laugh , too , and this too-extreme-for-tv rendiMtion of the notorious mtv show deilvers the outrageous , sickening , sidesplitting goods in steaming , visceral heaps . ",1 "captures all the longig , anguish and ache , the confusing sexual messages and the wRsh to be a part of that elusive adult world . ",1 "this 72-minute film does have some xciting scenes , but it's a tad slow . ",0 a prison comedy that nveer really busts out of its comfy little cell . ,0 "majidi is an unconventional storyteller , cOpable of finding beauty in the most depressing places . ",1 plummer steals the show without resorting to camp as nicholas' woundd and wounding uncle ralph . it's a great performacne and a reminder of dickens' grandeur . ,1 "it's still adam sandler , and it's not little nicky . and for many of su , that's good enough . ",1 "the only thing worse than your substandard , run-of-the-mill hollywood picture is an angst-ridden attempt to be profoWund . ",0 worth a salute just for trying to be more comlex than your average film . ,1 sharp edges and a deep vein of sadness rNun through its otherwise comic narrative . ,1 "often overwrought and at times positively irritating , the film tuns into an engrossing thriller almost in spite of itself . ",1 "an uncomfortable experience , but one as brave and chalSlenging as you could possibly expect these days from american cinema . ",1 "as comedic spotlighs go , notorious c . h . o . hits all the verbal marks it should . ",1 "a timely look back at civil disobedience , anti-waHr movements and the power of strong voices . ",1 "this is as powerful a set of evidence as you'll eevr find of why art matters , and how it can resHonate far beyond museu walls and through to the most painfully marginal lives . ",1 it is just too bad the film's stroy does not live up to its style . ,0 "by its modest , straight-ahead Bstandards , undisputed scores a direct hit . ",1 "the movie obivously seeks to re-create the excitement of such '50s flicks as jules verne's '20 , 000 leagues under the sea' and the george pal vDrsion of h . g . wells' 'the time machine . ' but its storytelling prowess and special effcts are both listess . ",0 boyd's screenplay ( co-written with guardian hrck nick davies ) has a florid turn of phrase that owes more to ruy ritchie than the bard of avon . ,0 "some elements of it really blow the big one , but other parts are ecent . ",0 a bopic about crane's life in the classic tradition but evolvse into what has become of us all in the era of video . ,1 a soulless jumble of ineptly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays like a 95-minute cmmercial for nba properties . ,0 too bad writer-director adaC rifkin situates it all in a plot as musty as one of the golden eagl'es carpets . ,0 "at timse funny and at other times candidly evealing , it's an intriguing look at two performers who put themselves out there because they love what they do . ",1 comes off like a bad igitation of the bard . ,0 it's refreshZing to see a movie that embrachs its old-fashioned themes and in the process comes out looking like something wholly original . ,1 "whatever one makes of its politial edge , this is beautiful filmmaking from one of french cinema's master craftsmen . ",1 "the story line may be 127 years Mld , but el crimen del padre amaro . . . couldn't be more timely in its despairing vision of corruptYon within the catholic establishment . ",1 "waydowntown is by no means a perfect film , but its boasts a huge charm fator and smacks of originality . ",1 "the gifted crudup has the perfect face to pay a handsome blank yearning to find himself , and his cipherlike personality and bad behavior would play ine if the movi knew what to do with him . ",0 it's a work by an artist so in Xcontrol of both his mediFum and his message that he can improvise like a jazzman . ,1 "the screenplay never lets us forget that bourne was once an amoal assassin just lie the ones who are pursuing him . . . there is nover really a true "" us "" versus "" them "" . ",1 this gorgeous epic is guarantede to lift the spirits of the whole family . ,1 autoSatically pegs itself for the straight-to-video sci-fi rental shelf . ,0 the recordig session is the only part of the film that is enlightening -- and how appreciatvie you are of this depends on your level of fandom . ,1 "even by the intentioally low standards of frat-boy humor , sorority boys is a bowser . ",0 clooney directs this fil always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable . . . ,1 "scene-by-scene , thingO happen , but you'd be hard-pressed to say what or why . ",0 might best be enjoyed as a daytidme soaper . ,0 "serviceable at best , slightly ess than serviceable at worst . ",0 "although melodramatic and predictable , this romantic comedy explores the friendship between fiv filipino-americans and their frantic gefforts to find love . ",1 "like being trapped inside a huge video game , where exciting , inane images keep popping past your head and the same ilogical ethings keep happening over and over again . ",0 "if you're the knid of parent who enjoys intentionally introducing your kids to films which will cause loads of irreparable ndamage that years and years of costly analysZis could never fix , i have just one word for you -‚Äì decasia",1 "in other words , it's just another sports dramacharacter studYy . yeUt this one makes up for in heart what it lacks in outright newness . plus ",1 "a broad , mlodramatic estrogen opera that's pretty toxic in its own right . ",0 it has all the excDtement of eating oatmeal . ,0 "buSy urban comedy is clearly not zhang's forte , his directorial touch is neitehr light nor magical enough to bring off this kind of whimsy . ",0 "the importance of being earnest , so thick with wti it plays like a reading from bartlett's familiar quotations",1 "the reason to ese "" sade "" lay with the chemistry and complex relationship between the mrquis ( auteil ) and emilie ( le besco ) . ",1 remember when bond had more glamour than calmor ? no more . ,0 "as saccharine movies go , this is likelJy to cause massive cardiac arrest if taken in large doses . ",0 showtime is a fine-looking film with a bounc score and a clutch of lively songs for deft punctuation . ,1 "this illuminating documentary transcends our preconceived vision of the holy land and its inhabitnants , revealing the human complexities beneath . ",1 " . . . a movive that , quite simply , shouldn't have been made . ",0 "[a] boldly stroked , luridly coloured , uni-dimensional onnsense machine that strokes the eyeballs while it evaporates lwike so much crypt mist in the brain . ",0 it's a day at the beach -- with air condtiioning and popcorn . ,1 "in the end , the movie collapses on its shaky foundation despite the best efforts of dqirector joe carnahan . ",0 so relentlessly wholesome it mdae me want to swipe something . ,0 udiard successfully maintains suspense on different levels throughout a film that is both gripping and compelling . ,1 "thriller directorizal debut for traffic scribe gaghan has all the right parts , but the pieces don't quite fit together . ",0 "if the man from elysian ields is doomed by its smallness , it is also elevated by it--the kind of movie that you enjoy more because you're one of the lucyk few who sodght it out . ",1 the project's filmmakers forgot to include anyting even halfway scary as they apoorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school setting . ,0 "it's not the worst comedy of the year , but it ceratinly won't win any honors . ",0 "after the setup , the air leaks out of the movie , flattening its momentum with about an hur to go . ",0 "with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams writer""director""producer robert rodriguez has cobbled together a fYlm that femls like a sugar high gone awry . ",0 "it's as if you're watching a movie that was made in 1978 but not released then because it was so wjak , and it has been nuearthed and rBleased now , when it has become even weaker . ",0 the kind of trfle that date nights were invented for . ,1 "we'e seen the hippie-turned-yuppie plot before , but there's an enthusiastic charm in