Astronaut Jim Lovell (Apollo 13) is coming to my lab, what should we have him sign to display after he leaves?
So far, the best thing we have come up with is some duct tape. Help me reddit, you're my only hope. And I'd like to win the little office competition.
[ { "body": "A beaker so when you need to use that one you can just say \"Pass me the Jim Lovell, please\" and they will know what beaker you mean.", "score": 3 } ]
How do you arrange your short form set?
I'm currently making the set list for a short form show this weekend (two hours long with a short intermission in the middle), and I was wondering if redditors had any sage advice. Like, what sort of game do you use to start the show? Or end the show? Any thoughts on when to play guessing games or big group scenes or two person scenes?
[ { "body": "Generally I would write set lists something like: (1) high energy ensemble game, (2) intimate two person scene game (with minimal shtick), (3) incredibly shticky two or three person game, (4) game featuring a bunch of ensemble members, (5 through second to last) put your slower games here, but intersperse with some high energy stuff, (final game) end with whatever is guaranteed to bring the house down, preferably something with the entire ensemble.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "We begin and end with a group game and stick a group game in at the halfway point. \n\nThe first two or three games of the show are usually simpler concepts to ease the audience into it if they are unfamiliar with improv. \n\nTowards the end we try to make the games shorter (usually no guessing games in case they go long) to keep the energy of the show rolling along.", "score": 3 } ]
If public restrooms had sinks on the outside, would more people wash their hands?
I have an idea. In public restrooms, and in life in general, there is a huge lack of hand washing. If we put the sinks on the outside, wouldn't people feel the social pressure to wash their hands? The possibility of being judged and/or shamed publicly would force people to wash right? Your thoughts?
[ { "body": "That's a good idea, then you don't have to hang out in the bathroom while washing your hands, and you have a chance to wash off door germs.", "score": 306 }, { "body": "My younger sister, over the course of 3-4 years, used to drink from the toilet. Well, I say drink, but what she actually did was take packets of Sweet'n Low, dip them in the toilet water and chew them like bubblegum. Her immune system is like an unconquerable bastion and I believe she can attribute this to her toilet-water childhood.", "score": 149 }, { "body": "Absolutely, there are a lot of \"hip/cool\" restaurants and clubs with communal coed sinks outside the bathroom and everyone always washes their hands thoroughly ", "score": 44 }, { "body": "Could work, but\n\n* it would look awful and unbalanced.\n* wouldn't the doornob get really dirty, but this could be easily fixed.", "score": 28 }, { "body": "With the sinks in the bathroom, by the time you're done with your business you have an idea of whether you can get away with not washing. Nobody else is in here except one guy in the stall, I haven't given away my identity by clearing my throat or anything, he can't even see my shoes, I can walk right out of here and nobody will know. \nIf the sinks are in the hall, the dynamic would be different. You would be walking into a new area without knowing who's around and it would be awkward to wait a few seconds and size up the situation before deciding if you have to wash. What if somebody walks around the corner right now and sees me hesitate? They'll know I was considering skipping the handwashing! I'm a filthy pig!\nBut what if you just stepped into the bathroom to check your tie? Then you come out, and don't wash your hands. Won't people judge you unfairly?", "score": 22 }, { "body": "We had this at my high school for one set of bathrooms. It was in the older part of the building and I have no idea why it was set up this way. It was rare to see someone walk out of the bathrooms and not use the sinks. ", "score": 14 }, { "body": "I recently read an article about everything that is wrong with public bathrooms and this was on the list. It wasn't for the reason you specified, I think it was more about having more space inside the bathroom and limiting the amount of time people spend inside the bathroom. I'll see if I can find the article.\n\nEDIT: [Here](http://www.americanrestroom.org/design/index.htm) is the article I was talking about. It seems that I was incorrect on their stance with sinks, but they list a lot of ways to make public restrooms better and safer for dangerous areas. Regardless, I believe that sinks should be on the outside of the restrooms. I will have to be building new bathrooms for a business soon and I hope that I can follow most, if not all, tips on this page.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "As a male I never got the point or social stigma or washing ones hands after peeing. I wake up, I have a shower, I put on clean underwear, therefor my penis is clean all day. I do not have the need to wipe afterwards, pee from the sides of it, and no backs plash ever hits my hands as the stream goes down and away from my penis. If anything men should be encouraged to wash their hands before going pee, do you have any idea how many germs are on your hands that could be spread to your penis by touching it?", "score": 8 }, { "body": "The whole point of a washroom is a room where you can do shit somewhat privately in an enclosed room. Sinks are not only for washing hands, people blow their noses, put on make-up, clean puke off their shirts and so forth. That would be a good deal more awkward in public.\n\nAlso TIL reddit is really 'germaphobic'. But I guess that's not a surprise considering everybody seems to have self-diagnosed OCD also. ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "This sounds like a great scientific experiment in the making! I personally think that more people would. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I rather have the sink inside. Sometimes I brush my teeth after meals and I wouldn't want to do that in public.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "You know what would get me to wash my hands every time in public restrooms? Sensor-activated sinks, soap dispensers, and hand driers. While you're at it, do the same with the toilets and remove the doors as in airports and newer movie theaters.\n\nBasically, make it so I can go in, use the bathroom, wash my hands, and leave, without touching anything that didn't come in with me. I'll gladly use a sink when I don't feel my hands will be dirtier for having done so.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Why is everyone so obsessed about washing there hands ?! Get real, for the better part of our entire existence (100k years) we were lucky if we got enough water to survive, not even washing ourselves. Still we survived although we were sleeping outside and didn't have anything but maybe herbal medicines.\n\njeez people nowadays. \n\nrant off", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I don't think it would matter. The only way it would really matter is if someone saw you walk in, and then walk out.\n\nI notice when I am peeing at work, if someone else is, or is in a stall, they will wash their hands when they are done. But, if I am in a stall, people will just walk out.\n\nI'd imagine that having the sink outside, would possibly even lower the amount of people who use it, because once they get outside, if they are in the clear, they will just bail.", "score": 3 } ]
The group I'm DMing has gotten too big. What should I do?
I'm DMing for a group with 8 total members at my college. One veteran (5th lvl), 4 somewhat experienced (2nd lvl), and 3 almost complete newbies (1st lvl). We ran two encounters last night, and it took four hours to finish them both. Granted, they were big fights, but they shouldn't have taken that long. So now, I'm wondering whether I should split the party between the Lvl 1s and the Lvl 2 and ups in order to 1) reduce the time spent for the group to complete encounters, 2) be more able to address everyone's given experience and capabilities, 3) help the newbies learn in an environment that will be less likely to kill them and more likely to teach them the game. Does anybody have experience dealing with large groups in this way? What I always did before this was have a cap set at six, and the first six to RSVP to the session got to play, and anyone after that was just SOL. However, I think the people in my group would get upset with that and it would kill the good group feeling we have right now, so I am loath to do that. What should I do? EDIT: I don't think it will matter in this case, but we're playing 4e :P
[ { "body": "Even in 4e, a 4 level discrepancy in your party is fairly significant. Why are your players so far apart in level? Also, telling us their character level doesn't give us a good impression of their experience as a player, so saying that your \"veteran\" player is 5th level doesn't give us much to go on.\n\nShort answer to your problem: Split the party. 8 players looks like two parties to me. Maybe have two sessions a week, and you can DM one and be a player in the other. Let one of the more experience players take the reins in the second session.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Split the group, but keep it the same campaign! Say the King gives them a quest, but it relies on group A finding X Dragon and group B searching for the lost heir. Have them alternate, maybe send letters with info updates and item swaps. You could allow sit ins from the other group to watch and still feel like they are together. Then, every so often and at the finale bring the whole group together for larger battles. That sounds like it could be pretty fantastic.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "I did a campaign many years ago with 8 players and vowed never again. The system you are playing really won't matter. Combat will take a while and people will get easily distracted because there is so much lag time between turns. \n\nRoleplay parts will suffer as well because you can only focus on 1 character at at time. So there is a lot of waiting for people to get their say in. \n\nAt least, that's how it went for us. In short, split the groups. 8 players is just too much for one game. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Right now I am a DM of a weekly group. Most people playing with me have never had another DM and they are on the 3rd season with me.\n\nIn my exp I was having many people come and go when it was convenient for them. Since I was expecting this campaign to be the same, I wrote all of our friends into it. That way if anyone wanted to join or leave mid season, no one had to die.\n\nWe have a total of 9 people and some of them are very new. You will just have to be patient with them while they get used to rolling skill checks and knowing the difference between attack rolls and damage rolls. After they play for awhile they will get faster.\n\nAlso if your group is like mine then the numbers usually work out perfectly. Almost always happens where not everyone can show up. so you end up with around the right number. \n\nAnother good strategy to combat is having a turn timer. Tell people ahead of time when their turn is and say \"know what you are going to do, before it is your turn.\" If they are paying attention, then their turn will go from 3 minutes to only about 30 seconds. \n\nWith all of this I'm sure you will be able to cut off some large chunks of time on combat to get into juicy role playing and progression. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Try this, it sped up my encounters. \n\nhttp://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/72/initiative-the-silent-killer/", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Quick fixes to the level problem (these make balancing encounters much much easier)\n\n1. Allow the players lower then the highest level, to level to the previous level.\n\n2. Give double exp to the players who are lower level untill they are 1/2 level lower then the party.\n\n3. Give less experience to the players who are higher level and balance the encounter appropriate to the party average.\n\n4. Run some catch up sessions for the lower level players that go off on a short tangent.\n\n\nAs far as party size goes, system wont matter. However you can enforce a turn timer of 30 sessions and declare anyone who does not take a turn to A. do a default action pre rolled of their choice or take the total defence option. These set clearly defined limits. And encourage the players to know what they are doing before it is their turn.\n\nAs a DM grab several sets of dice (1 per monster is good) so you can roll all the attacks at once. The alternative would be a dice roller (we have an IRC bot that we use) that lets you output all the rolles in one fell swoop. It makes monster turns go far faster.\n\nYou could even take a kick back to older ways of playing out initiative (initiative is rolled as a party average good guys vs bad) And then it will go in the form of good guys then bad guys. This makes it even easier to track initiative and gives some lee way if one player is ready and another is still calculating damage to simply go with the flow.\n\nBasically for large parties you are going to have to suffer through long ass combats or alter the rules / house rule in a fix that speeds up the process.", "score": 3 } ]
24[F] still trying to get over 26[M]
What's up, r/relationships? As the title suggests, I am a 24 yo female and about a year ago I met a man online. He was and probably still is a fantastic person but we had issues communicating properly. We dated maybe 2 or 3 months and had a silly argument that ended our relationship (again, communication.) We have not spoken since the breakup (we dont even live in the same vicinity, no mutual friends) but here I am, over a year later, still thinking about him. I've dated other people, I'm going back to school, recently moved into an apt. with a friend, I have a job that keeps me busy and friends and family that I love and see often. My point being, I did a search on this subreddit looking for "get over them" advice and everyone always says "stay busy!" Well, I am! But I can't stop thinking about him and it doesn't help that a lot of things remind me of him. Advice? Tl;dr How to get over a guy when a year and plenty extracurriculars have not helped?
[ { "body": "Do you have lots of stuff around that remind you of him? Do you stalk his facebook? You need to cut him out of your life before time and keeping busy will have the intended effect.\n\nIf all else fails a new guy would probably help.", "score": 3 } ]
Reddit, explain your opinion on gun laws.
There was a recent popular thread in the subreddit on [things which are legal that you think should not be](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/107ogx/what_is_legal_that_you_feel_should_not_be/). Seeing as the majority of Reddit is American I expected to see at least one comment about guns, since gun laws in the States are so incredibly relaxed and as such gun crime tends to be quite high (compared to countries with stricter gun laws. [[source]](http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/jul/22/gun-homicides-ownership-world-list)). But in fact I had to scroll down through hundreds of posts until I got to the largely ignored section with only a few upvotes per comment before I saw anyone mention guns, and even then it was a comment by an Australian where they already have strict gun laws. So explain to me Reddit why you're so incredibly pro-gun. Is it something about American culture? I'm from the UK where hardly anyone owns a gun, and most people wouldn't want to. Our police don't even carry guns. Two police officers were recently gunned down which reignited a debate over whether we should arm our police - [a 2006 survey showed that 82% of police officers don't want police to be routinely armed](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19641398). I can't think of any reason why I'd want to own a gun. I can understand it for a few hobbyists who enjoy shooting at targets, or for a farmer who wants to protect his livestock from predators. But these circumstances can still be protected while tightening up the laws around owning and buying guns. The most common thing I hear is "what if someone breaks into my home, I should be able to defend myself!" but that seems utterly ridiculous. Guns are hard to come by in my country so anyone breaking into my house is unlikely to be carrying a gun meaning I'm less likely to get shot, but if guns were widely available then the burglar would expect me to have a gun and would also carry one meaning I'd be much more likely to get shot! So tell me Reddit, why are you against having strict gun laws?
[ { "body": "Strict gun laws (in terms of acquiring them) only make it harder for law-abiding owners to get guns. It wont affect criminals nearly as much. \n\nAlso, guns are part of our culture. It's how we became a country. Being from the UK, you should know that.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Per captia, the UK also has a higher crime rate than the U.S.. As a Canadian I support owning guns, for hunting and sport. Yes your police don't carry weapons, but you can see it doesn't result in criminals not having weapons in your country. Also, you have to be an idiot to be in the wilderness in North America without a weapon, Grizzly Bears, Cougars don't care if you have gun laws anymore then they did a thousand years ago. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Personally, I sleep better at night knowing that there is a weapon in the house, and that - should circumstances arise - I am authorized by the law to use it in my own defense. And I hope that, wherever I live, it is permissible to keep one at hand. Why? Because I know that the sort of person who would harm me, is not the sort of person who would go through legal channels to acquire their own gun. \n\nHowever, I do think that even those who are approved to own weapons - our friend James Holmes, for example - can still be batshit insane. Which is why I think the States need to do a better job of screening who can, and cannot, be allowed to own a gun. Moreover, it is also my personal belief that gun safety and responsibility should be taught in the high school class room; the risks of teaching young adults how to operate a gun, I think, are far outweighed by the benefits of teaching them how to use one *safely*. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Americans view authority structures as being in place only because we choose to tolerate them. One of our first flags shows a rattlesnake with the motto \"Don't Tread on Me.\" This is the historical American attitude toward all government.\n\nThe power in America, whether it be in the form of a vote or a gun, rests with the individual. If we were to outlaw guns, it would hollow out the foundation of all of our rights.\n\nTerrible things happen in the US because guns are not as tightly controlled as they perhaps should be. But you can say the same about our freedom of speech or freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. I think the true American spirit is scary, in a beautiful way, because it is very willing to make payment in blood in order to preserve freedoms.\n", "score": 3 } ]
Learning Go for the newbie?
I have some programming experience but nothing formal. Where is the best place to start learning Go?
[ { "body": "The tour is great. Mark Summerfield's book is also nice and hands-on:\n\nhttp://www.qtrac.eu/gobook.html", "score": 8 } ]
Takistan question. Don't upvote.
I keep trying to download takistan mod files through DayZ commander but I keep getting a weird error and the mod files aren't downloading properly. Is there anywhere else where I can download Takistan modfiles manually? Google doesn't seem to be helping me. Thank you! Edit: The issue is resolved. It was disk space. Can you believe it? Ha!
[ { "body": "As someone who troubleshoots computer issues on a daily basis... WHAT FUCKING ERROR MESSAGE DID YOU GET? 'WEIRD ERROR' DOESN'T HELP ANYONE GET YOU CLOSER TO A SOLUTION!", "score": 60 }, { "body": "Go to your steam folder Steam>steamapps>common>arma 2 operation arrowhead>@DayZTakistan and delete the rar file which is corrupt(?) and re-download it.\nEdit: Thank you for downvoting while I try to help.", "score": 38 }, { "body": "Just so you know for the future, you don't get karma for self posts anyway. \n\nAlso, I do what I want!", "score": 3 } ]
Looking for uplifting Alpha stories!
Hey everybody! I am one of two table host/leaders for the Alpha series at my church and we're one week in. There are a couple Christians, seekers and skeptics/atheists at my table so it's a great mix. Everyone is respectful and open for discussion and feels comfortable to ask pretty much anything, so I'm really excited to see where it goes. I was hoping to hear some uplifting, wonderful stories from those of you who have done Alpha in the past, whether it be a complete atheist coming to Christ by the end, or even just a word of insight, everything is welcome. Even stories of people who may not have become Christian by the end, but had an impact on your table would be great. Just anything to get me pumped for the upcoming 9 weeks! Also, if you guys could pray for those participating in Alpha at my church, that'd be awesome! Thanks!
[ { "body": "We had a guy who described himself as a pantheist with an interest in Wicca. He asked so so SO many questions about Jesus and due to a mixture of completing Alpha and meeting with our pastor for the questions that were a little too tough for our Alpha leaders, he is now a Christian and is very involved in our church!\n\nAt my church we currently run Alpha Marriage, Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Alpha Parenting and Campus Alpha, and we've seen MANY lives changed - 300-400 hundred people have done at least one of the courses but that's just one story. ", "score": 3 } ]
Storing/Maintaining Allen Edmonds
So I finally got a pair of Allen Edmonds Park Aves, only to change jobs. The new job has a very casual work environment - everyone wears jeans and t-shirts. How should I store and maintain my new AEs since I won't be wearing them for long periods of time? I'm using cedar shoe trees already, and they've been conditioned and polished recently.
[ { "body": "If they're brown, I'd say wear 'em around the casual office like a badass. I wear my leather wingtips around here all the time, and it's a shorts-and-flip-flops kind of office.", "score": 8 } ]
How do i get to other continents?
And also other towns. Me & my friends are playing MineZ for about a week, and we always wind up at the same towns:Romero, Grimdale, Camp Bell and Guetru(?) My question is, how do i get to other Towns and Continents? I always see people posting screenshots of their perfect inventory they got from *insert town name here*. Also, i havent ran into 1 dungeon.
[ { "body": "It sounds like youre only walking along the coast. You're only adventuring like 1/10 of the map, mate. Explore!!\n\nAlso, there is a bridge to the new continent at the east gate of Romero. You can't miss it.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "http://minez.net/map\n\nI downloaded the flat map in High Res and I just alt tab between it and my game (I run Rei's minimap in game, it's really so useful, and very easy to install even if you're not familiar with adding plugins/mods to your game).\n\nThat map has all the names and Coords for the various towns, and it makes it a big easier to approximate where you are , too. It takes a bit of time to get used to though if you're not used to reading Longitude and latitude (like me. D: )\n\nGood luck and happy hunting! Hit me up if you guys ever want to team up. (My skype is dreamers_nova , i'm a US player. )", "score": 3 } ]
Good morning, FloridiENTS....
I'm really high. Thanks kief in my catch! About to make pancake mix donuts in a frying pan. Or attempt. What is everyone up to on this fine Friday? **EDIT:** I don't have enough pancake mix :(
[ { "body": "pfffft work...thinking about going home at lunch time and having a nice bowl...you should put some bacon on those bad boys!", "score": 5 } ]
Favorite FUNNY 80's movie?
Two of my favorites: Uncle Buck - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQCAqu6koEQ The Money Pit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CJ9EDtZ2p8
[ { "body": "Ghostbusters, Stripes and Caddyshack, the early 80s Bill Murray trifecta. But Ghostbusters is always the top.", "score": 17 }, { "body": "*Beverly Hills Cop*. Classic Eddie Murphy. The script even got an Oscar nod.\n\n*Trading Places*. Classic Aykroyd. Classic Murphy.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Oh The Money Pit is great! Childhood favourite of mine. But I'd have to go with Trading Places or Arthur. Or Brewster's Millions. And obviously Airplane.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Ruthless People. The first time I saw the phone call for Debbie scene, I laughed so hard I fell off the couch. \n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV6lEuR4s1w", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Everyone has already said most of my faves. Here's one:\n\n[Pee Wee's Big Adventure](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pee-wee's_Big_Adventure).\n\n(technically I suppose it's an adventure movie, though, not a comedy)\n\n(also? Tim Burton before he made Batman or Beetlejuice)\n\nedit because I accidentally a word.", "score": 3 } ]
Where do my height enhanced friends get their clothes from?
I remember how difficult it was when we went hunting clothes for my Dad in my younger years. Who do you go through to clothe yourself?
[ { "body": "I order a lot of my stuff online. I love Banana Republic/Gap for shirts. I love being able to buy Lucky Jeans in a \"long\", rather than tracking down the rare 36 length in stores. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Depending on your body type: Lands End, LL Bean, J Crew, Brooks Brothers, Southern Tide, Polo (to some extent) etc. I'm in that tall/lean category, so finding longer clothes without it looking like a sail is a pain in the ass. But 90% of what I wear, I got from the places mentioned. ", "score": 3 } ]
IAm Brian Bilello, President of The New England Revolution, AMA
Hello all. I'm here and ready to answer questions. Obviously happy to discuss NER but for all of you non-revs fans happy to try and give some insights to the league as well.
[ { "body": "BTW, it may take time (even into the weekend) but I will try and get responses into most questions. Thanks for the patience.", "score": 39 }, { "body": "On the stadium project, I can't really go on record until certain public official's are on record. Who that is can vary by city (sorry for being evasive here). That being said we are in active discussions with multiple cities and I think Revere is a great city where a soccer stadium would very beneficial for all parties (us and the city).", "score": 27 }, { "body": "A lot of people are curious, myself included, as to what a MLS president does day to day? What are you involved in? What are you not involved in?", "score": 27 }, { "body": "The Revs have the worst record in MLS over the last three years with 88 points. Chivas at 92 and TFC at 90 are second and third worst. \n\nAre Bengston and Toja big enough additions to turn this around?", "score": 26 }, { "body": "OK, back to work. Hope everyone enjoyed the talk. If you really enjoyed it and want to say thanks (and have the means) drop a small donation to America Scores Boston. Great Charity that provides after school programs with a soccer/education focus and I was just elected to their board last night. http://www.americascoresboston.org/donate\n", "score": 26 }, { "body": "How are you and other owners woking to get the MLS to be a top league around the world. Also are there any plans or ideas to try to bring foreign players here, instead of the opposite.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "Since acquiring the New England Patriots in 1994, the Kraft family and the Patriots' management team have committed the time, effort, resources, and passion necessary to establish the franchise as a benchmark, best-practices organization - across all aspects of operation - in the National Football League... indeed, in all of major professional sports.\n\nAfter 16-plus years of Kraft family stewardship, would you honestly contend that the New England Revolution franchise represents a benchmark, best-practices organization - across all aspects of operation - in Major League Soccer? Can you honestly claim that the Kraft family and the Revolution management team have committed the time, effort, resources, and passion necessary to build the organization to such a level?\n\nIf so, please cite examples of operational areas in which the Revolution serve as a benchmark of excellence to other MLS teams. Further, describe - in detail - specific ways in which you, the Revolution management team, and the Kraft family have contributed to the franchise achieving benchmark, best-practices status.\n\nIf not, please explain why there is such a disparity between the level of sustained operational excellence that the Patriots have achieved and the Revolution's less impressive - one could argue, moribund - operational track-record, with an eye towards identifying ways in which you, members of the Revolution management team, and the Kraft family - either individually, or in concert - have contributed to said disparity. \n\nThank you for your time and attention. We look forward to hearing your candid and detailed response. ", "score": 19 }, { "body": "Many of the new clubs (ex. Portland, Seattle, Toronto) have taken the strategy of cultivating their super fans to build a unique fun experience for attending the game regardless of record. I was part of the Fort/ Midnight Riders in the early day and remember a rather contentious relationship with management. What are you doing to work with the fan groups to cultivate that culture?", "score": 14 }, { "body": "A lot of outrage towards the Revs has been pointed at Kraft at not giving a crap about the team, and just using them to use Gillette stadium during the Patriots off-season. What level of commitment do you think Kraft has towards the team, and is he actively trying to improve the organization in any way?", "score": 14 }, { "body": "Has there been any talks within Kraft Sports Group about replacing Gillette's field turf with natural grass to limit potential injury?", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Hey Brian, thanks for this\n\nI'm actually looking for some advice: how does one go about getting rid of Paul Mariner; you guys have done it once before, and we really don't want him here either", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Jay Heaps came into this season never having coached a game in his life. Even more, he spent his entire playing career under the same coach, his predecessor Steve Nicol. From what I've read he's not a certified coach by the US Soccer federation. \n\nWhat made him the top candidate for head coach? What separated him from more experienced candidates? ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "The Revs have the worst combined point total over the last 3 years, the club has the lowest attendance in MLS, they are one of the few remaining clubs without a soccer-specific stadium, some people I talk to find the commentary pairing to be among the worst in the league, international signings are always hurt, terrible, or let go, and there seems to be a startling apathy from ownership to change those factors.\ntl;dr Why should I continue to support the Revs?", "score": 10 }, { "body": "It is reasonable for us to expect real progress on a stadium within the next 12 to 24 months if not sooner?", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Were you disappointed to see the most respected soccer writer in the U.S., Grant Wahl, rank the Revs last in his \"Team Ambition Rankings\"?\nhttp://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/grant_wahl/12/15/mls.teams.ambition/index.html?PID=4169777", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Hi Brian. Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA. Can you talk about the type of work you do on a daily basis? A day in the life of the NER President, if you will. That would be interesting to hear.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Can you comment on the story in the Revere Journal regarding discussions with the city over a potential stadium at Wonderland?", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Youth development is always a big topic when talking MLS. Can you give us your insights on youth development and what you think needs to change in order to start producing better players? ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Have there been any talks within the FO regarding rebranding? The Revs are one of the few teams to continue to use their original logo.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Saer Sene was arrested for driving without a license and insurance earlier this season. What does the team do to help international signings acclimate to the U.S. off the field?", "score": 7 }, { "body": "When will MLS open up its finances (allocation money, salary cap) to the public like other soccer leagues and the other major American leagues? There has yet to be a single reason given by MLS that makes it clear to the general public and media that it's vital and necessary to have this veil of secrecy over something that garners other leagues and sports an immense amount of media exposure and fan talk. Seems almost counter-productive for a league and sport that wishes to continue to grow.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "How does it feel when people call your team the Buffalo Bills of MLS? Also thanks for doing this AMA", "score": 6 }, { "body": "To your knowledge, have the Revs ever lost out on a potential signing because of the stadium location, turf, or lack of atmosphere relative to other MLS clubs?", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Hey Brian. Thanks for doing this. Please do the college season ticket thing again. Otherwise I would have been priced out of going to all the games I have seen this year. Anyway, with the Revs recently knocked out of playoff contention officially, what is the attitude around the team at the moment? What do they plan on doing for the rest of the season and going into next year? Also, favorite superhero?", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Since the team is staying in Gillette for the next couple of years, is there any plans to enhance the game day look of the stadium? Maybe get a field sponsorship, electric field boards, Open net goal posts, and better seat covers(Like Seattle and Chivas). During the exhibition games it looks and feels more professional then on normal Revs game-days.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "According to a Channel Media sports survey, 22% of New England sports fans believe the Revs have changed for the better in last 5 years, and 65% believe they have stayed about the same. To what do you attribute those numbers?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Brian, thanks for doing this. It's good to see that you are making efforts to be more up front with fans.\n\nOn that note, are there plans for the Revs to be more public, i.e. more/better marketing, radio/TV appearances, having the owners push the team and speak to the public about the team?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Brian, many Revs fans support(ed) the Boston Breakers as well. What are your thoughts about the Revolution, or MLS in general, joining forces with or supporting the women's game in some capacity?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "How are the youth clubs improving, and are there any young players that stand out and could actually play for the adult team?\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Hey, JJ here, class of '94. Not a question. Just thanks for doing this, congratulations on your success (again), and keep up the good work. \n\nMaybe *one* question: How did you promote the Revs at that AC Milan/Liverpool game at Fenway?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I have been a Revs season ticketholder for 7 years now......The last couple of years have been tough as we seem to blow leads or late goals to lose games we should have won....Why cant we seem to land a \"big\" name striker???\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "With former academy players finishing their college careers, will the Revs actively pursue \"Home Grown\" players like Scott Caldwell of Akron?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Thanks for doing this. I'm a third year law student and am publishing an academic article on how the MLS can avoid legal issues that are affecting European leagues in regard to on-field racism. Are there ways for me (and others similarly situated) to get involved on the legal side of a team, or the MLS? I'm extremely interested in pursuing a career to help the guide and counsel the MLS into success, but have no idea how to get involved! ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Do you feel that recent expansion clubs have had an advantage over some of the originals in terms of building a brand, marketing, and fan involvement?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "SSS is all any soccer fan in the New England Area wants to know about. A real stadium in the Boston or Providence area would be the best thing for the team as well as the fans. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Where do you see soccer in the US in 10 and 20 years? How big will it be, on what level will the National Team and league be on?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "How do you feel about the current MLS format? I know a lot of people have spoken out against it, Hans Backe being the first that comes to mind, and I think the criticisms are justified. I apologize if this question was already asked, or if this topic has already been discussed to death.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Why is the team struggling so much since the departure of Taylor Twellman? To me it seems like we put all of our eggs in one basket. And furthermore why cant we sign any big name Designated players like the other teams in the league. It seems like all of ours are just no names. Why is that?", "score": 3 } ]
[META] About the quality here, again.
We've had this same thread [3 months ago](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/uokmp/rtruegaming_your_quality_is_starting_to_dive/) and [9 months ago too](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/n1p9n/state_of_the_subreddit/) but I still feel there hasn't really been anything done in regards to the quality of content in this subreddit over that time. There certainly are a lot of us here now (49,162 as of writing this) but that shouldn't imply a fall in quality, or anything similar. That however, seems to be the truth, with an increase in the total population here, the quality of content seems to get lower and lower. [Low](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/108t8j/pc_gamers_how_often_do_you_shut_down_your/) [effort](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/108t57/morality_and_unclear_goals/) [posts](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/108py2/futureproof_console/) seem to be making it to the front page more and more often, [questions](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/1080fy/which_gaming_website_do_you_most_highly_regard/) [that](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/107b8s/do_you_think_its_good_if_a_games_soundtrack_is/) [have](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/104ism/are_realistic_shooters_actually_doing_their_job/) [little](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/102ovm/is_tv_firing_up_peoples_assumptions_that_video/) to do with actual games, and just [general](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/108m27/resident_evil_6_demo_impressions/) [thoughts](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/107fxy/a_peoples_history_of_the_firstperson_shooter/) [on](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/107peg/spoilers_so_what_is_everyones_impression_about/) [games](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/10308z/borderlands_2_first_impressions_discussion_thread/) that do not inspire discussion and generally turn into a pro/con thread. This subreddit is becoming more and more like a general game forum, in which answers could be easily discovered through Google too. There is no thought provoking content, no "thinking beyond games". There are still the occasional [good](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/108m9y/why_does_killing_seem_to_be_a_necessary_feature/) questions, but these are few and far between. Even the [comments](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/108ozr/turning_normal_games_into_survival_games_i_played/c6bc22x) are turning into strict one liners, that appeal to the majority and leave much to be desired by those looking for discussion. The only reasonable solution I can come up [has](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/uokmp/rtruegaming_your_quality_is_starting_to_dive/c4x6e87) been [considered](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/uokmp/rtruegaming_your_quality_is_starting_to_dive/c4x7eks) [before](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/uokmp/rtruegaming_your_quality_is_starting_to_dive/c4x6ugl). I really just wanted to point this out, out of love for this subreddit and all it strives to be. It does have a fairly good signal-to-noise ratio, and certainly achieves interesting discussions occasionally, all I'm asking is for a better way to handle the influx of new users, and make [/r/truegaming](/r/truegaming) a brilliant subreddit.
[ { "body": "Only one of the links you posted is above +10, and as you've said this is now a community of nearly 50,000. So how would those go about hitting the front page?\n\nAlso, the one post that did manage to garner 100+ karma is asking for reputable gaming news websites. How does that not relate to gaming? This isn't /r/truegames, this is r/true*gaming*. And I'm fairly certain press surrounding games and the communities these websites have are definitely relative to gaming.\n\nSpeaking of which, having gone through your own submission history to this subreddit it seems you yourself are guilty of making a [low effort post](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/x4m34/what_is_the_pull_of_achievements/).\n\nAlso, by your own definition of relevance to this subreddit, [how does this fit into things? Isn't this more a dev/publisher issue?](http://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/sfpty/is_piracy_justifiable/)\n\nI'm all for the increase of quality. I think there's always a chance for things to improve further, and we should strive for that rather than become stagnant or irrelevant. But your argument for the decline of this subreddit seems poor. On top of that I see one, maybe two examples of content meeting your own standards from yourself.\n\nNot to say that anyone who doesn't submit quality content must burn in a fire, or that people who don't contribute actual topics are bad. I'm newer to this subreddit, and although I've commented in several topics, I have yet to actually submit a thread. Nor do I disagree with the idea of improvement. But your argument was ultimately weakened by your claim that quality has degraded, even if it does happen to be true (Which I haven't been here long enough to say for myself), because your supporting evidence is lackluster.", "score": 63 }, { "body": "While I'm all for avoiding 1-liners and the circlejerk \"DAE like Borderlands 2?\" threads, at the same time, I do think the difference between here and /r/ludology should be quite clear. I'd hate for this sub-reddit to turn into an overly deep analysis where every thread is a theory about how X character in Y obscure game is a metaphor for the fall of capitalism in today's modern society. Basically, I don't want this sub-reddit to feel like a college literature course with games instead of books. \n\nI really don't see a problem with the majority of the treads you linked to. Like what is wrong with people discussing their views on Borderlands 2? A thread full of memes circlejerking about how good it is would be bad, yes, but look at the comments in that thread. The top one is a detailed review of things the posters feels the game does right. It's not a post that simple says \"SO GOOD!\" (/r/gaming), but it's also not a post that tries to do a psychological breakdown of how humans naturally empathize with the main character due to our past as hunter-gatherers, which is why we enjoy the game (/r/ludology). This is exactly where I feel /r/truegaming should be: a healthy medium between the two.", "score": 17 }, { "body": "I haven't been around this subreddit for too long, but I already visit less and less regularly. I feel the noise-ratio is a lot higher than I thought when I first came here, but most importantly, I feel it is the some disussions and same debates over and over again. \nReoccouring themes are casual vs. hardcore, business vs. \"best for consumers\". What does hardware piece X mean for gaming?\n\nI have a hard time really putting my finger on it, as I scroll the front page there obviously is a lot of stuff not fitting into these core questions, but it's all the same ideas and arguments again and again. \n\nI have no good solution to this, I believe it is just the bane of a system like reddit. A completely democratic system do have (a lot) of drawbacks, and these feedback loops are one of the painful ones for editorials. ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Those only make it to the front page here because this subreddit isn't very active when it comes to new submissions, so that means it's pretty much a crapshoot for which ones appear. One of your low effort posts only has one comment at the time I'm writing this and was sitting at 0 karma since the morning (now is in the negatives). Definitely not a front page candidate if there were more new submissions.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Most of the conclusions from prior discussion about \"harsher\" moderation don't seem, to me, to be a good solution to the problem. I'm sure that everyone would agree that there's no real way to objectively measure quality, and that's why we, as moderators, don't remove posts solely based on lackluster quality. We have some rules (no DAE, no 'game lists', etc) that remove some of the common circlejerk threads, but we can't easily say \"Your post is lacking quality, removed\".\n\nThis is where the user base is supposed to come in. You're supposed to downvote if quality doesn't meet your expectations, and report it if you feel it violates rules. So when you say there hasn't been anything 'done' about quality, I assume you have some ideas of some tasks that we can do, as moderators, or as a subreddit, which, once complete, would raise quality. Personally, I don't think there's a list of tasks or anything that can be done. It's a mindset that people vote \"crap\" up to the frontpage, potentially because they check out /r/all and see a thread they \"like\" without realizing its in truegaming. I don't know what causes it, so I don't know how to fix it.\n\nNow, I've been *really* busy with real-life recently, and so I've not been moderating as much as before. But we've taken on another moderator to help us.\n\n", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Eh. I never really understand these sorts of posts. /r/truegaming is probably the subreddit I've made the most replies in, that I've viewed the most threads in, that I've really engaged in. I've never really questioned the overall quality of content. It always seemed just about what I was looking for; something more serious than /r/games but scaled back a bit from /r/ludology.\n\nMaybe it's really irritating to take the extra minute of scanning threads and going a page or two in to find something you think is REALLY worthwhile, but I don't really think this is an actual problem.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "This reddit sometimes feels like old guys hanging around talking about games and what it feels like to play games, rather than playing games. I like it, because with a son who is too young to play games, I have less and less time to play myself. \n\nI don't care about the quality of the content, because I honestly don't contribute, so it would be hypocritical of me to criticize. \n\nKeep clicking links, and up/down voting what you think is worthwhile/not ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "The format of this site makes the \"noise\" inevitable. Over time, I'm less able to tolerate the noise that every sub-reddit seems to produce.\n\nI'm starting to feel that this website does not serve enough of a purpose for me to be worth the time I spend on it. I've unsubscribed from most of the sub-reddits that I used to visit, and resentment is creeping towards the few that remain.\n\nThis sub-reddit, for example, is quickly becoming more of an annoyance than it's worth to me. Not necessarily because it's getting worse, but maybe because I'm gradually becoming more aware of all the noise.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I agree with you 100%. I'm guilty of not posting topics/etc as I'd rather contribute that begin a discussion but this has motivated me to possible provide more thought provoking content rather than \"when do you turn your PC off?\"\n\nIt takes effort from the community as a whole and sometimes all it takes is a few individuals to post good content to get the ball rolling.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "If you want better content, submit it. This bullshit whining isn't making things better, it just adds one more front page submission that has nothing to do with gaming. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I'm starting to prefer submissions that try to discuss a certain genre, concept, trend, or philosophy. Submissions directly involving specific games or franchises risk losing any meaningful discussion to opinions and biases. This subreddit has a *high* number of submissions concerning Borderlands 2, but is that really the goal? The same circlejerk discussions find TrueGaming as well, simply using bigger words.\n\nWhat is r/truegaming, though? Is it the *true* r/gaming, where we converse on the same games three other subs are spammed with (gaming/games/gamernews), only with more civility? Which is frequently feigned anyway, as a camouflage for trolling or dickishness. \n\nOr are we IntroToLudology? Maybe that needs to be re-clarified and enforced.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I think the concept of this subreddit is pretty lame, what exactly constitutes 'true gaming' \nI understand /r/games to be just generic thoughtless posts, and this subreddit to be in regards to discussions about games.\n\nBut let's be real here. How many thought-provoking discussions can there be about video games? I see so many people post on here with inane discussion topics, trying to be original or take a different viewpoint on issues, but it's just mindless fodder. \n\nInstead of asking about the quality, why don't you contribute to what you feel would be valuable in your own way? We are what we do. Complaining is a loser's game. And all you've shown here is that you're an eloquent loser.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I tried /r/gaming, it was shit.\n\nI tried /r/games, I got downvoted for expressing unpopular opinions.\n\n/r/truegaming, don't fucking let me down.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I think the only problem is that no one votes on submissions, only comments. I've seen comments with +300, but the actual OP has less than 50 total votes (up or down). That's why you see a lot of low-quality posts on the front page, even the good quality ones only have 50 upvotes.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I think truegaming has pretty much degraded to the quality of /r/games.\n\n> There certainly are a lot of us here now (49,162 as of writing this) but that shouldn't imply a fall in quality\n\nIt should, actually. Pretty much every single subreddit follows this inverse correlation between the number of subscribers and the quality of the content.", "score": 3 } ]
I want to develop good habits/help with 'saving out'
By saving out I'm referring to pressing the check to confirm tasks and profiles. I'm not sure im doing is right. I don't have any programming experience but I know consistency and good habits are important. Right now to get a profile to work I save out then have to set tasker to off and close it from recent apps menu (HTC One S). Then reopen, reactivate and save profiles again to initiate their function. I'm also having trouble with profiles still running after I delete them. Any tips or direction to where this process is explained would be appreciated. I've looked at the wiki and xdadevelopera site but it still isn't very clear.
[ { "body": "To get a new profile to start working, all I have ever had to do was create it and then hit the check mark to close Tasker. No need to deactivate Tasker, or force close it.", "score": 6 } ]
Casino "gaming" as a career path?
I'm a Computer Science major that really wants to get into Gaming as a career. I know all the things that come with that: (generally) lower pay than an equivalent software position, starting at the bottom, etc. I've accepted all that and am happy with it. However, my issue has been with actually finding that first job. I'm currently working as a software consultant, not a bad job, and good experience with programming and development, but not gaming, and not exactly my dream position. I recently began talking with a recruiter from a company that makes virtual casino games and virtual gambling machines, as an associate engineer position. I know it's not exactly video gaming, but do you think this could by my foot in the door into the gaming industry, so to speak? Do you think experience from there would reflect better on a gaming application than experience as a general .NET/ASP and web developer?
[ { "body": "I'd start calling it 'game development' and not 'gaming'.\nOther than that being a good programmer and having experience with the right languages and problems common in the industry will get you into the world. \n\nA great way to kickstart that is to just make a game start to finish, then you have something to show and talk about during interviews.", "score": 28 }, { "body": "Former casino game developer here (for 3 years); your only concern will be showing that you have all the relevant skills as they may be a bit incredulous about your previous experience as \"somebody that makes them machines what takes me shrapnel\".\n\nThere are also some skills that you should highlight that can set you apart, even from AAA experienced devs, primarily in the field of testing and code reliability. This isn't true for everybody but generally the level of effort that went into making code shippable hovered somewhere around the bloody space shuttles and that's before SAS is introduced. You most likely won't even have to demonstrate it at the interview and it's fairly common knowledge that when that much money is concerned of course they're going to hire people that are capable of writing massively monetarily mission critical code.\n\nHowever, I'd suggest you still work on some projects in your spare time that could prep you for moving onto \"well proper\" games. The amount of real-time rendering in casino games is paltry at this point, mostly Flash and other basic 2D engines, so I'd suggest you get some extra-curricular experience with 3D rendering because it's unlikely you'll get it in the office.\n\ntldr; you'll be fine, don't expect all your experience to directly translate though.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "The gaming industry is tough to break into because you have to prove your passion. Make something that you can show. Anybody can list C/C++/C# on a resume, but having something to show for those skills is invaluable.\n\nAs for your original question, I know people who got started in slot games, and there is some relevant experience there. But just know you have to do more than just grind at a job to break into this industry.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Look. It's hard out there for a dev, we know this. And yes, there's no doubt that you'll get *some* meaningful experience out of making gambling software...\n\nBut you'll lose your soul in the process. \n\nYou'll learn to accept a completely new lower bound for what is considered good code, quality graphics, or, most importantly, \"fun.\" You'll be surrounded by mouthbreathing sales monkeys whose opinion of a successful product is not \"this is fun,\" but \"IT PRINTS MONEY.\" You'll have to wade through a sea of mediocre hopefuls who think they'll get \"valuable experience\" working on the piece-of-shit pseudo-entertainment just because it smells, just vaguely, like a video game. In short, you'll be corrupted, with no chance of redemption.\n\nIf you want to make games, you're to put yourself on a strict diet of awesome, awesome and nothing but awesome. Play all the greats, then play them again. Don't ever think for a second that \"every game has one redeeming quality.\" Most of them don't, and you'll become complacent, and then you're part of the problem. Unless you're seething with rage over all the middle-of-the-road, dumbed-down, pandering shitsoup of crushed dreams and lost inspiration, you're of no use to me.\n\nNow, as for a job -- that comes later. First, you'll need to be just about ready to blow from all the pent-up ideas, enthusiasm and passion you've aggregated during your many late nights of playing Final Fantasy VII or Alan Wake. Then, you'll get on a dev network (IRC, reddit, whatever floats your boat) and team up with a bunch of likeminded individuals. You'll make one shit game, then a slightly less shit one, until one day, you'll wake up and say \"huh, I think I have an idea,\" and it'll be a really good one. You'll make it, fix it, tweak it, ship it until you can proudly say \"I built that.\"\n\nTHEN, you apply to Blizzard, or Valve, or any of the last bastions of decent gameplay that'll still be around by then. You'll get hired, and you'll help make *games worth playing.* And you'll forever have my gratitude.\n\nOh, and if, at any point during this process, you'll find yourself thinking \"huh, maybe I'll make a free game for the iPhone, and add some microtransactions, and Facebook integration...\" you should cut of one of your thumbs as a warning to yourself. Not even once, dude.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "1. Does this company clearly create legal games? There are some companies that operate in a legal grey area with their aggressive digital casino games. Personally, I would not want to work for one of these due to the potential legal ramifications.\n\n2. What is wrong with making casino games? I suspect that the pay and hours are better for programmers in the gambling world than in the general game design world. Many of the new slot machines are also becoming more like computer games. Finally, you might be able to take your experience making these games to a world like Eve, Project Entropia or Second Life where there are important game mechanics that are very similar to slot machines.\n\n3. Casino gambling is exploding. First you had the Indian casinos and their rapid growth. Now online gaming is exploding and states are building casinos to compete with the Indians. There should be programming opportunities at many levels of this industry. Have you considered taking the job and exploring whether other parts of the industry, for example assisting with the development of security systems, might not be interesting to you?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "In general terms, experience means \"have you built before the kinds of things we're building\"? Why? Because the more experience you have with a problem space, the easier it is to spot the blind alleys at a distance, to guesstimate on new tasks, and in general to put things in context.\n\nJust because both have \"game\" on the name, doesn't mean they are related. The challenges and constraints you're likely to encounter on a casino game are much different than those you will encounter doing game development. Therefore, the experience is likely to be of little use.\n\nTake it if you think it's an interesting job, if it pays well, or if you think it'll provide a challenging environment, but not to \"get your foot in the door\". My guess is it'll end up having about as much to do with video games as the .Net job (unless you specifically want to target that side of casual/online games).", "score": 3 }, { "body": "It's certainly more viable than other software positions, but you probably won't gain too much experience in the form of graphics, optimization, or gameplay. I am currently working as an engineer for a casino company and the work is really low-stress compared to the AAA programming internship I did previously. It also allows me to work on my own games on the side without worrying about non-compete. I am not not in the mindset of using this job as a launchpad into a AAA job, though I do see several people come in and out of the company from traditional game studios.", "score": 3 }, { "body": ".NET/ASP isn't going to get you into game development. If that's what you want, look at the kind of games you want to make, research the skillsets needed, and learn them. Then, build a demo, and go shopping.\n\nIf you want to make XBox or PS3 games, you're going to want to learn C/C++. You should also know the STL, even if you're not going to be using it in the industry (often sighted as too slow), because they'll teach you a lot about the nature of the language and how to solve problems.\n\nAlso, pick up some Direct X. You're going to need to learn some linear algebra and a little calculus.\n\nGamasutra, gamedev, and soon flipcode (it's coming back!), will be good sources to learn gameplay elements, and common algorithms used in games you'll want to learn, if only for your demo. Also, actively participating in those communities lands you a better chance of finding a job than randomly dropping a resume on an email inbox.\n\nAs far as relevant experience, if you're entry level, it's more important that you have solid developer skills than \"nearly\" industry experience. A CompSci degree goes a long way here, not some shitty degree from some \"game programming school\". There are only two worth a damn, I went to one, and honestly, a formal CompSci degree is better.\n\nAs far as this online casion business? If they're actually gambling with real money, they're illegal in the US. If you're a US citizen, I don't know exactly what laws are going to apply to you, or might restrict you from legally taking the job.\n\nI consider them shady businesses, anyway.\n\nI used to work for a (rather large) slot machine manufacturer/software developer for many years, and I hated every minute of it. This is usually where people go when they want OUT of the game industry, but still want to bullshit themselves that they're making anything approaching real games.\n\nBeing that slots are regulated, even the online ones - in the countries where they are legal and regulated - all games MUST be random - no skill, BY DEFINITION (class II). Users make some selections, the game plays out on it's own. There are mini games, and they're just pick em' games. You get a selection, you choose one, and the results are random. Everything in between is just playing out an audio/video sequence.\n\nIf the game can be influenced by the player, those are called skill stops, and they're a different category of game (class I?).\n\nBingo is class III, btw.\n\nMost games use the same software, and they change the audio/visual assets. The best code is the one that can be reused without modification, just asset changes. That's the goal of this industry. EVERY GAME IS ACTUALLY THE SAME.\n\nThe variation in gameplay, between games, from the user perspective, is hardly noticable. That's the point. Changing the organization of the reel symbols changes the odds. Users don't get that choice, and wouldn't notice anyway. The only change to the user experience is new assets and visual elements.\n\nYou're going to hate it.", "score": 3 } ]
I was late for work again...so I just didn't go. Advice?
I was five minutes late two weeks ago, and it really wasn't a big deal. But for some reason my alarm didn't go off today and I was late for work. I was paralyzed by my feelings of failure and worthlessness, so I didn't go to work because I didn't know what to do. Since then I've been sitting at my house, hating myself, not knowing what to do. And I still don't. I don't know how to explain what happened. How to explain why I just didn't call back. I just couldn't. How do you explain this to someone? I don't want to lie and make an excuse, but I don't know what else to do.
[ { "body": "I wasnt feeling very well and was unable to call in. \n\nYou really ought to see someone and get additional help, especially if its covered by insurance from work. Its a medical condition they can't discriminate against if you own up to it.\n", "score": 3 } ]
{Intro} Hi everyone! Newbie here.
I love nails. Really. I have some questions though. For one: how in the Sam Hill do I get my nails to stop chipping so quickly?! I can't go three days without my nails looking like I've put them on a grater or something. Secondly: why doesn't my flair look like everyone else's? Everyone's are short, and say amzn, or something like that. Mine is long :( I have a feeling that I'm going to like it here though. You guys are really nice people. Happy Polishing! edit: Also, how do you guys fix nail polish that has gone thick and stuff? Usually I'll put some nail polish remover in the bottle, and it helps, but then a month later it's terrible.
[ { "body": "Hey! Welcome to your little corner! If you're using a good base/topcoat combo and still getting chipping, are you using a good file? Like a glass one? These help keep your nails from getting all flaky and chippy much much better than the cheapy cardboard ones! Also, take a good multivitamin if you don't already and look into Biotin! That stuff is awesome, and it's helped my nails grow stronger and faster!\n\nAs for your polish getting thick, never never never put nail polish remover in it! It is designed to break down the paint, so it's going to ruin the polish! What you need to get is nail polish thinner/restorer! A few different brands sell it (I know for sure Seche Vite does). GET SOME! This is actually designed to thin your polish without destroying it. :)", "score": 3 } ]
ELI5 - I'm sort of ashamed, but how does the menstrual cycle work? As in stages of cycle length, the reason for it, the emotional altering it does, etc.?
I've never been explained this. I'm sort of ashamed for it, but not even my sexual education class explained it well. This could also mean for pregnancy chance increase, sensitivity increase, and the rundown of why it bleeds and how. Edit: I'm 18. And ashamed, hah.
[ { "body": "There is no reason to be ashamed, if your school never taught you and your to shy to ask your parents (I know I would be) then why not consult the entirety of human knowledge that is the Internet. Better to ask ahead of time then to not know when you have to deal with it first (well second) hand. \n\nSo the reason for it, once a month the ovaries release an egg in hopes of it being fertalized. This egg sits inside the uterus, and during this time the uterus is lined with a special membrane to hold the egg.\n\nThe egg now waits to be fertilized. If it is then the woman becomes pregnant, if not then menstruation begins.\n\nMenstruation is the removal of that uterus lining, it can last from 3-5 days but anywhere between 2-8 is considered normal.\n\nThis is all triggered via hormones, so during menstration these hormones can effect the womans emotinal state. \n\nFrom Wikipedia:\n\n*\"Some women experience emotional disturbances associated with their menstruation. These range from the irritability, to tiredness, or \"weepiness\" (i.e. easily provoked tearfulness). A similar range of emotional effects and mood swings is associated with pregnancy. The prevalence of PMS is estimated to be between 3% and 30%. More severe symptoms of anxiety or depression may be signs of Premenstrual Syndrome. Rarely, in individuals susceptible to psychotic episodes, menstruation may be a trigger (menstrual psychosis).\"*\n\n", "score": 76 }, { "body": "\n\nI am going to assume you have a knowledge of basic internal female anatomy. If you don't have a picture in your head, [here's one](http://www.medicalexhibits.com/obrasky/2006/06028_02W.jpg) to look at. When we use the word \"cycle,\" we are referring to the 28 (or so) day cycle starting the day a woman's period starts and ending the day before her next period starts. \n\nDuring this cycle, a couple of different things are happening in there. In the ovary, a follicle is developing an egg for release, which generally takes place around day 14, roughly in the middle of the cycle. This release is called ovulation. When the egg is released, it travels down the Fallopian tube toward the uterus.\n\nMeanwhile, since menstruation finished, the uterine lining, called the endometrium, has been building up inside the uterus. The endometrium is what exits the body during menstruation. Its purpose is to provide a place for an embryo to implant in the event that the egg is fertilized during that cycle. It refreshes each cycle if the egg released during that cycle is not fertilized.\n\nThis entire process is regulated by hormones. Throughout the cycle, levels of all of the various relevant hormones change in order to tell the body when it's time to do each of these steps. These hormonal changes are necessary for keeping the cycle moving. Sometimes these fluctuations have physical or emotional side effects. They can make a woman feel tired, sad, anxious, horny, etc. The ovulation and menstruation themselves can cause pain, and sometimes it's extremely painful. Even in a healthy woman who does not have endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, periods can cause back pain, abdominal cramps, headaches, migraines, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, etc. So some of the emotional stuff comes from hormones, and some of the emotional stuff comes from being in physical pain as well.\n\n\n[Here](http://biobook.nerinxhs.org/bb/systems/reproduction/MenstrualCycle.png) is a good chart which shows the entire cycle: the development of the egg itself inside the follicle (in the ovary) and its release, the hormone levels for each pertinent hormone, and the building up and sloughing off of the uterine wall.\n\nI hope this is a good and helpful overview for you. Please ask questions if you want clarification or you still don't understand something!", "score": 51 }, { "body": "Hey, zero shame required. Completely natural not to know or understand - I think most people who have ever lived spent their whole lives in the dark on this. I know even less than you and I should know this stuff. Your question forced me to look it up.\n\n\n[Menstrual Cycle Diagram](http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/ECE1/cyc2.gif)\n\n...in her fertile years she can **conceive only during a certain time once a month** when one of her ovaries releases an egg. (the green part on the diagram, almost a week - women vary in duration!). \n\n...the most obvious external sign of your cycle is menstruation, your monthly bleeding. (The pink part on the diagram, almost a week - women vary in duration!).\n\nQuote:\n\n>At least one of these eggs ripens each menstrual cycle, and is released from the ovary during ovulation. The egg is caught by the ferny ends of the fallopian tube, and moved along by a gentle rippling motion, to the uterus. \n\n>If the egg is fertilised by a sperm along its journey, it will bed down once it reaches the uterus. Here it will grow into a baby and a placenta. \n\n>If fertilisation doesn't take place, the egg will be flushed out, along with the lining of your uterus, when you have your period. \n\n\n-------------------------------- \n\nThis article seems pretty comprehensive: [http://www.babycenter.com.au/preconception/activelytrying/howmenstrualcycleworks/](http://www.babycenter.com.au/preconception/activelytrying/howmenstrualcycleworks/)", "score": 9 }, { "body": "There is a growing vampire-baby inside every female, and once about every few months it gets frustrated at its captivity and tries to get out. It stabs and bites, clawing its way out, with no sympathy for its human host. The body is amazingly resilient, however, and within about 50 years, it kills the freakin' monster.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I can explain the emotional part, I'm sure others have covered the cycle.\n\nAs you can see [here](http://www.primarypsychiatry.com/userdocs/articleimages/35/1204pp04.gif) there's a significant amount of fluctuation of hormones throughout the month. Progesterone and Estrogen both affect the emotions we feel and how strongly we feel and how quickly we can switch from one feeling to another. With this hormones fluctuating so much, our bodies and minds have trouble coming to a consistent, steady mood. There may be a rhythm but it isn't as stable. \n\nAnother reason why women are moody during their period is simply because they are on their period. It's like why people are moody on Monday. Or why people are moody when they work long hours and don't get a break. We are cramping, we're physically fatigued, we have headaches, and we have this thing going on that makes keeping our bodies hygienic that much more difficult. You may wonder (I sometimes do) why aren't we used to it by now? Why is it still such a big deal? Because we forget specifically how simply uncomfortable it is to menstruate until we're there again.\n\nOf course this isn't the same for everyone. Some lucky bitches have no problems with menstruation. I once had a friend would would pass out, and be stuck in bed vomiting for 5 days straight with severe cramps and migraine. There's drugs to help and it changes over time. My mom swears its better after childbirth but I think she just wants grandkids. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Don't be ashamed. As I tell my wife all the time:\n\nThe menstrual cycle's mystery is exceeded only by it's power.\n\n\n..and yes, that is a ripoff from \"dude where's my car\"", "score": 3 }, { "body": "In addition to some of these awesome comments, it should be noted that a woman is constantly on a cycle of her fertility. A visible period is only part of it, not all of it, contrary to the popular belief. Many women who wish to get pregnant will use this to their advantage to figure out what days she's ovulating, making the chances of becoming pregnant much higher.\n\nJust putting that out there. :)", "score": 3 } ]
How exact are you about measuring proportions for your diet?
I have been mostly eyeballing. When I have my morning oats, I just pour it without measuring it. When I cook or buy chicken breasts or fish, I measure them by comparing them to my fists. I'm wondering how many of you are strict about these things. I was thinking of buying a mini-scale for actually weighing and using measuring cups for oats.
[ { "body": "In the beginning, I measured everything and meticulously tracked calories. It was an eye-opening learning experience and incredibly helpful.\n\nI no longer have to be obsessive about it because I've gotten it down to a science and I can now \"eyeball\" portions fairly accurately and keep an estimated daily calorie total in my head. I go back to meticulously counting when I feel I'm plateauing, just to make sure it's a stall and not due to underestimation of calories consumed.", "score": 6 } ]
Why in god's name are the curves in some roads reverse banked?
I periodically come across a curve in a road that is reverse banked. Is this a result of the land settling and creating a new surface contour, or is this by design? And if it's by design, why would someone do that on purpose?
[ { "body": "You are talking about superelevation, and I cant think of any reason why it would be opposite what it should be. 'amstan' mentioned drainage, and it is possible that they couldn't drain to one side, but to put the super in backwards is not an acceptable solution to that problem and in fact makes the road more dangerous, and would likely not be allowed. If drainage was the only concern then you have other options, like adding a curb and diverting the water until you can get rid of it.\n\nDo you have an example? google maps?", "score": 9 }, { "body": "There is one in a neighborhood in Pasadena Texas that is not only reverse banked, but the road starts to curve the other way, then it rolls into this reverse bank switch up. It's easy to recognize if you are looking at houses, because the one that you would run into the living room of if you lose it on the curve has tank traps in the front yard. They were put there after the second car hit their house.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I'm hearing a lot of interesting theories here, but can I maybe suggest that this sort of thing is the result of a simple fuck-up?\n\nI assume that civil engineering firms, like most other organizations, employ people whose skillset falls along a normal distribution. For every ace engineer there's that guy who still struggles with which mouse button to use. That guy was assigned to your corner 10 years ago, and he hasn't gotten better with age.\n\nI apply [Hanlon's Razor](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor) when presented with questions like this.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "It's a water issue. There's a roundabout near where I am and the entire thing is convex. It's very annoying to drive on, but if it were concave it would just turn into a pool.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "It could be an \"[anti-affordance](http://www.usabilityfirst.com/glossary/affordance/)\" also: it \"feels\" unsafe to drive so you slow down.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I can't speak for the reasoning behind specific road sections (and the reasoning will change from one element to another), but banked curves in general encourage speeding as cars have more traction. Think of it as traffic calming, or the same principle as speed bumps: sure you can drive quickly over them but that's dangerous. The visibility of this feature is not important because we are all already trained through experience to drive on the roads as they are. Roundabouts are noticeably always counter-banked and they have an internal design speed of 30km/h which we have observed to be very stable from one site to another.\n\nThe bottom line is, these roads are not designed to take the curve at the speed you want to go anyways. It's already well researched and established that an important and often superceding factor in driver's speed choice is road geometry and driving conditions, over speed-limits and visual signals.\n\nAnd yes, roads need a crown for good drainage.\n\nEdit: To clarify, speed doesn't just have an impact on tire-to-pavement performance. It is also a huge factor in braking distance and time which is limited by human reaction and perception times. In non-highway environments, it is usually preferable to sacrifice a bit of performance safety for huge gains in braking distance.", "score": 3 } ]
Thermal underwear for running?
I have a few New Zealand thermal shirts made of polypropylene that are advertised as great for retaining warmth and ideal for activities in cold weather. I tried wearing one for my run today, about 20 Celsius degrees outside. They ended up trapping all my sweat! Those $30 pieces were even more wet than my $3 100%-cotton shirts. I think I might be using them wrong though. Any advice on how to make use of these thermal clothes?
[ { "body": "20 degrees Celsius isn't what I would consider \"cold weather\", especially not while running. Are you sure you weren't overdressed, and then sweating more, relative to running in a cotton shirt?\n", "score": 14 }, { "body": "LOL thermal underwear in 68 degrees. That's too much clothes for that temperature which is why you got so sweaty :) Brave the \"cold\" at the beginning of the run and you'll feel fine after a couple of minutes.", "score": 9 } ]
Transferring website to a new domain
Hey guys I was wondering how much work is involved in transferring an entire website from a .net to a .com address. Ive recently acquired the website and don't have much knowledge on the subject. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
[ { "body": "A lot depends on how the website is configured. If its just a bunch of static pages then no, there isn't much involved; all it would require is you copy the contents of your web directory from the .net domain to the equivalent directory on your .com domain.\n", "score": 3 } ]
How to use TL2/LAN with Hamatchi
For those of you having "Duplicate Login" or other online issues, you can use hamatchi to create a network and play online. Initially this didn't work for me but I followed [this guide](http://www.descentbb.com/viewtopic.php?t=4089) and my friends and I can now join/see each others games. The main thing seems to be setting exceptions/disabling windows firewall, and setting up the metric in network settings.
[ { "body": "I'm using [Evolve](https://www.evolvehq.com/) to play in LAN with my friends. It's awesome. You might want to give it a try too.", "score": 3 } ]
Either/or question - Which is better deal and why?
I can get one bottle of scotch this weekend. The Macallan CS is $80 and the Aberlour A'bunadh is $70. Which one is the better deal from those who have taken the Pepsi challenge and why? I've read the reviews, but would welcome opinions from those who have had both of them.
[ { "body": "I'd say the Macallan CS, but that's mostly because of preference. Macallan CS is discontinued too... so, it's going to be harder and harder to get a bottle.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Generally, I'd pick the A'Bunadh. Not all batches are equal, though. \n\nEdit: Glenfarclas 105 is another similar and very good CS option at the price point. If you see it around, try it!", "score": 4 } ]
Just a thank you to the cordcutters community!
Hi /r/cordcutters! I wanted to thank you for all the information available in this subreddit. I've only lurked, but with all the information in here, I successfully got my parents to cut the cord, ditching Bell TV and saving over $100 a month! (~$120, down to an average of $20 a month) My parents now have a Roku 2 XS, a subscription to unblock-us.com, Netflix US and Amazon Prime. For all their local news, they have an OTA Antenna as well. **Cost Breakdown** Amazon Prime - $80/Year or ~$6.67/Month Netflix US - $8/Month Unblock-US.com - $5/Month **Total Cost:** ~$20/Month My parents are so happy and this has come at the perfect time for my parents, as my dad has recently retired. So, I just wanted to say thank you!
[ { "body": "Quite refreshing to see you took advantage of legal options. I half expected this post to be about how you setup sickbeard for your parents...", "score": 7 } ]
Why do my ice cube trays flash with light when I crack them in the dark?
If you haven't tried this, you should. Simply crack a fresh tray of ice cubes in the dark. You will notice that they create a flash of light when they crack. It is pretty cool - yet, I can't find a good scientific explanation for it.
[ { "body": "[Fractoluminescence](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triboluminescence#Fractoluminescence)\n\n*edit for better link", "score": 13 } ]
How to become a tour guide?
Hi everyone! So, the TL;DR version - I am looking into becoming a tour guide, but I don't know where to even start, or look up information on salary and such. So, living in Tokyo for over a year has taught me a lot. I love teaching English and I've met tons of people through my job. A lot of forogners need someone to show them around Tokyo, guide them to a location or help them get their bearings. For new coworkers, I love taking them to new spots and places. One day, a few weeks ago, a friend suggested I look into becoming a tour guide since I have a knack for it. The idea seems to have stuck, but I have the foggiest clue where I'd begin looking. I would assume the salary would be dreadful, but I can't even recall seeig tours offered in Japan for forigners. Maybe I should start a business. Hehe. If anyone has tips or ideas on what it's like, please let me know.
[ { "body": "I have a little experience in the tourism industry in Japan. Couple of things. Firstly, I'm pretty sure there are English speaking tour guides available from tour companies/government tourism divisions/NPOs, sometimes paid or volunteer - there certainly are in places with a lot of Western tourists like Kyoto, Nara and Hiroshima. Secondly, in my limited experience, I felt there were a minority of Western tourists who seemed uneasy dealing with me as I was a Westerner. Part of the appeal of travelling to Japan is the exotic factor. People want to feel like they are discovering this new land for themselves, get lost in the cities, wander around shotengai, etc. To put it bluntly - being shown around by some guy from Wisconsin dampens the experience somewhat. I have known some people to start up tour businesses aimed at Japanese people once they have returned home however.\n\nYou could certainly look into it - I think I recall a site somewhere where guides create profiles and offer their services, but it escapes me. Maybe someone else here will know?", "score": 9 } ]
Why defend griefing?
Something that has always struck me as weird about WoW's community is how fervently they defend griefing of low level players. Why do you think people are so quick to come to the defense of the top level player corpse camping a lowbie? Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not saying griefing should be against the rules or is a massive problem or anything, I'm just curious why people defend the griefer and think he is such a great guy.
[ { "body": "because it's PVP.\n\nYou roll on a PVP server and there is a danger of being killed at any time by the opposing faction or mobs around you.\n\nyea, it's being an asshole - but it's justified.\n\n\nPeople get so upset about ganking. Move to a different area. Enlist the help of a higher level friend to save you. Play an alt. \n\nIt's a massively multiplayer game. PVP is part of it. \n\nand from an RP point of view, an experienced highly ranked toon is going to have an easy time killing an unexperienced up-and-comming hero. ", "score": 49 }, { "body": "I'll tell you a story. \n\nLast month my friend was leveling a new toon in Grizzly Hills. He saw an Alliance, he killed him. While doing his quests, he killed him repeatedly (not camping purposely). \nThe Alliance asked his guild for help, and the first thing my friend knows, he's getting killed by a level 85. Fair enough, I'm coming to help him. \nI kill the lowbie and sure enough, the level 85 comes and try to kill me. I killed both of them repeatedly, and they brought more guildies. My friend logged on his main, and it ended in a 2v5 which lasted for maybe 1 hour. \n\nThis is what I play the game for. I don't do PvE (at all), I don't do dailies, I play this game for the only reason of doing PvP. There's two things that happen when I kill a low level. Either he logs out, or he brings someone who has a chance against me. And this is fun to me. ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "World pvp is inherently not fair. The vast majority of the time, any world pvp will be won by those who have the most numbers and by those who are willing to fight dirty.\n\nSimply put, if you want fair and balanced pvp you do BGs and Arenas and stick with a pve server. I will defend griefers because you know exactly what you are getting into when you sign up for a pvp server. If I paid someone to punch me in the face, should I be able to be mad when that guy punches me in the face?", "score": 9 }, { "body": "For me, it's not PVP when there is a high level difference between players. It's ganking and it ain't fun.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I'll kill a lowbie, but just once. I don't camp. I do it because I remember how fun it was to always have to look over my shoulder while I levelled, and I want that person to hate my character enough to want to do it to someone else down the road. I got ganked, I'll gank, the cycle continues.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Simply put, griefing encourages PvP, good PvP. \nIf you roll on a PvP server, you accept the possibility of ganking as a reality of the system. \n\nGriefing is annoying, sure, but there are two ways to handle it: \n\nA) rage quitting, which is immature and self-centered. \n\nOr \n\nB) Log off and get back on with a higher-lvl toon and come and PvP (that's what you're on the server for anyway), or enlist help from guildies or other faction members and PvP back and build server community to get the fullest experience out of a PvP server. \n", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Ganking is fine.\n\nBut camping is kinda sad.\n\nWhen I get camped I just res in their face and /gloat at whomever is camping me and they normally get ashamed and leave, and if they don't, well I can do it all day.\n\nI've occasionally brought my main in and camped them in return but I normally cba.\n\nWhen I do gank I gank creatively though, like I normally go down and hungering cold them, some trinket and dispel/cloak, they survive and I leave them alone. Or I Exo through LoS so they don't know what hit them, or ghoul kill them and dismiss it right away.\n\nMy favorite used to be Eyes of the best ganking but that got removed, and then I used to put my pet on stay and aggressive in stealth on the STV bridge and FD somewhere hidden and do something else and back to look at the kill count.\n\nI'm on a strict 1 gank per lowbie though, cause its no fun when they see it coming.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "It's simple - people aren't nice. Therefore, an easy, unavoidable way to hassle someone is a sure fire hit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schadenfreude\n\nWith that, factional animosity is encouraged by the game. In context, they are your sworn enemy. The better question is why *not* kill them?\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Because I'd be a hypocrite if I argued anything else. I really do operate by \"if it's red it's dead\".", "score": 4 }, { "body": "You know what, I play on an RPPVP realm and last night, as a lvl 80 warrior I saw a lvl 70 orc hunter doing his thing farming. I pass him up and thought I should go bow to him as a respective warrior. Soon as I landed and leaned forward, the orc freaks out and starts unleashing his arrows. I sat there for a second thinking \"wtf?\" For about 6 seconds before I threw my ax and killed him in one shot.\n\n\nMoral of this story is that not everyone is a crazy blood addict. I have my code and until someone starts a fight or my friends are in a fight, carry on... :)", "score": 3 } ]
Skin getting dry/rough/itchy with increased makeup use. What do you ladies use for sensitive skin?
So I went years without wearing makeup, and now I'm in an environment where I need to look "professional" (read: groomed and shellacked). So I've been wearing a little makeup every day. I'm using a mineral powder foundation (as I prefer the powder to liquid) and washing my face with normal soap at night. I then put on lotion because my skin seems to be drying. Well the dryness is getting worse and now it actually stings to put on lotion. So I figure I need better lotion, better foundation or better face wash, or probably all three. I used to love Lancome lotion, but it is really darn pricey. Does anyone have any beloved, tried-and-true products for any of the three categories? My skin is getting rough, sand-papery to the touch and just feels irritated in general. Thanks, ladies! ...Good heavens, I don't know what I'd do without TwoX
[ { "body": "Drop the soap! Soap isn't meant for facial skin. Grab a bottle of Cetaphil or Cerave for washing your face. If your current moisturizer (what are you using currently?) contains glycerin, use it on wet skin....like, freshly washed, not dried off at all. You should see a huge difference if you use the moisturizer that way.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "I have this issue! =) I have sensitive skin and it tends to flake. It got to the point the lotion I was using would sting, and makeup would cake because the skin was all flaking underneath. \n\nHere's my list of stuff - feel free to ask if you want more info. I'm 30, by the way, and I've been doing this routine for about 2 years solid, zero issues. Also, I'm not a huge fan of Clinique, but I have obnoxious skin and these products are the most tolerable I've found for my skin. Maybe they aren't perfect for you, but maybe something similar would be good? \n\nI use Clinique Wash Away Gel face wash in the shower, either morning or night. I only use this *once* per day, because more than once tends to dry me out. \n\nAfter the shower, I use Clinique's #3 toner, which is primarily witch hazel based, so it's an astringent. It strips away any leftover gunk on my face, and pulls off dead skin cells. Just a quick swipe gets rid of the dead skin & gunk. If you use a toner, figure out which one is right for your skin. \n\nThen I apply about 2 pumps of Clinique turnaround concentrate, just smooth it over my face & avoid my eyelids. It helps my skin from flaking off and it doesn't make me break out. \n\nThen it's Aveeno Positively Radiant SPF 30, followed by a foundation primer for Bare Minerals, which is pretty much the *only* makeup I've ever used that doesn't make me break out. \n\nSo yeah, it seems like a lot, but in reality... less than 5 minutes from the shower to having my makeup 100% finished. My skin feels better, I don't break out from the makeup, and as far as price goes... it's not bad.\n\nThe face cleanser gel is about $16 for a big tube that lasts me a full year. The toner is $13 and that lasts me 6 months, using it twice a day. The turnaround concentrate stuff is a chemical exfoliant, and it's my splurge item - but well worth it to me. $45, and it lasts about 2 1/2 months. Aveeno is $10 at the drugstore, and the makeup is separate. \n\nSo while it seems like a lot of money, I use less product, and it lasts a loooong time. I've actually been budgeting this stuff out lately and my entire skincare/makeup routine is less than $250/year for *all* of it. When I was using drugstore makeup, I was spending about twice that because the products suck and don't last very long. =) ", "score": 4 } ]
Quad stretches for runner's knee?
Hi all. Anyone have any good stretching maneuvers to loosen my quads to improve runner's knee? Before my last half, I found out from a phys. therapist (at the pre-race expo, of course) that even at rest, my quads are like rocks. Guy had to dig in so hard I had bruises from his fingertips. Anyway, the problem being, he showed me a few maneuvers but even he had trouble getting them to work because my hips are so flexible (years of dancing). It's becoming a problem and none of the typical warm-ups/cool downs are helping. Anyone have tips/resources to share?
[ { "body": "This one is not necessarily for quads, but it helped me with my runners knee. It's kind of long:\n\n1: Point your toes out at a 30-45 degree angle, bend your knees, and grab your toes. Now, attempt to stand up as straight as you can while holding on to your toes. Hold at your highest point for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.\n\n2: Repeat step 1, but with your toes pointed straight out.\n\n3: Repeat step 1, but with your toes pointed in (like a duck).\n\nI usually do this before I run, but it can also be effective afterward. You'll feel how much more stretched you are if you try to touch your toes from a standing position both before and after the stretch. Good Luck! ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "The only thing I can think of right now would be donkey kicks, butt kicks, and maybe doing something like air squats. Since squats work the quads I know this would increase blood flow to that area so perhaps that could help.\nI can't say any of this will for sure work, but I wanted to toss out some ideas since nobody else had yet. Maybe someone else will come forth with better information.", "score": 3 } ]
How do I get the SPD to arrest some cyclists for making me late to work this morning?
I was two minutes late and now my boss is putting me on probation. Thanks a lot, asshole Seattle cyclists!
[ { "body": "You should just hit them. Any time a biker gets run over around here it ends up being their fault. Its awesome!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Beg Tim Eyman to produce a new initiative that forces registration on cyclists. Once they have to wear a license plate on the back of their helmet (which forces them to wear one), you need only mount a dash board camera in your car to record asshole cyclists, then turn in the evidence to the police. \n\nMost cyclists reject registration for a number of stupid reasons and they cant avoid it because the population of cyclists keeps growing. Where they should be pushing for registration on their own terms, they wont and its up to some other asshole (like Tim Eyman) to do it for them. ", "score": 3 } ]
I want to become a (amateur) software developer, where do i start?
Hi reddit, As i'm a fairly well organised (business)-student i have a couple of hours a week free to learn a new skill. I have decided i want to learn how to program software, at least the basics. Does anyone have any tips on where to start? Which books (not) to buy and which language might help me? I'm mostly interested in learning programming which is in the lines of IT-consulting. Is 'learn python the hard way' a good start?
[ { "body": "Why do people always assume this shit is easy? Hmm I have a few spare hours what can I do? Learn to play chess? Nah... Learn to play checkers? Nah... Learn to program software? Why yes! Why not?! Shit's easy right? Everyone knows you get fucking rich doing nothing right? amiright? No you're wrong. IT-consulting is some hard shit, especialy technical consultants. No amateurs in this business.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "As someone who was recently hired into the software development business, my suggestion is to become familiar with the languages of the times. \n\nAs a number of companies are doing things online these days, you want to famliarize yourself with the languages involved in building web sites. Currently, my organization is using ASP.NET, but before you should even THINK of trying that, you have to have a good background on HTML, C# and Javascript. \n\nHTML's decently easy to learn, and doesn't really require anything extra to play with. There are tons of free websites out there that guide you through the basics. C# is almost exactly like all the other C languages out there, so if can get classes in C++, you're golden. Javascript is a little trickier, but as it generally goes hand in hand with HTML there should be some sites to help you get started. Common tricks are mouse-overs and tooltips.\n\nIn any case, to get anywhere in Software Development, you have to be flexible and know a number of languages, as you never know when a particular one is going to be called on. Me, I had to learn all the C languages, Java, HTML, Javascript, ASP.NET, VisualBasic.NET, a little bit of Perl and some PHP while I was at it. \n\nSo if you want to be a software developer, get reader for a few years of intense study.", "score": 3 } ]
If playing Co-Op doesn't increase your chance to find legendaries or more gold, is there a point to playing a PUG w/o friends?
Title says it all, if my friends are offline or in full games, is there a point for me to farm in a full co-op game where the monsters' HP are buffed to shit rather than more easily farming on my own?
[ { "body": "I play pub coop games purely because I'm extremely bored of running act 3 all by my lonesome. It can be fun playing with others, seeing them put their gear and skills to use along with your own. \n\nI only wish that it didn't completely destroy my farming efficiency. Like, COMPLETELY destroy. Beyond boredom, there is no point to playing coop. D3 severely punishes you for trying to do so.", "score": 19 }, { "body": "monster hp with full group = 100% + 75%*3 = 325% (or 81.25% per player)\n\nmonster hp alone = 100%\n\nless hp per player = faster clears = more loot.", "score": 10 } ]
Am I looking at being a lesbian wrong?
So, I've known I was gay for 6 years now but I'm not fully out. I've recently been trying to get more "into" the lesbian community but seem to have trouble making friends there. I've had a couple people ask me how I could not be fully out. I replied that half the time people don't know I am gay just cause it doesn't come up in conversation. I don't feel like I'm hiding it, I just don't flaunt it either. I think I just don't connect strongly with identifying with being gay, is that a bad thing?
[ { "body": ">I think I just don't connect strongly with identifying with being gay, is that a bad thing?\n\nNot at all. For some people, it is an important part of their identity and they embrace it and get involved, make it known. For others it's just one more aspect of the self, no banners displayed, content to be low key. Neither of these things are bad, provided that the latter is not carrying some sort of shame about it. \n\nI consider myself to be fully out, but mainly just bring it up casually in relevant conversation. Being out doesn't have to mean you run around telling everyone who comes in contact with you. \n\nYou are who you are, you will feel as you feel. You don't have to force yourself to fit into any sort of preconceived mold. :)", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing!\n\nI feel like this pressure from the gay community to out yourself is a little selfish from their point of view. Maybe the community wants the lgbt lifestyle to be normalized in our society or something.\n\nIf I'm having a conversation with someone, and the topic of attraction to men or women comes up, I \"out\" myself. If I'm having a talk with someone about every past relationship I've had, I'll \"out\" myself. If I have a girlfriend and she comes up in conversation, I'll \"out\" myself.\n\nHowever, I don't actively tell everyone which gender I feel romantically attracted to.\n\nDisclaimer: I apologize if this has come off as a bit harsh. I do commend people for being completely out, I really do. However, I just don't think it's completely necessary for all of us to tell all of the people in our lives about our sexual orientation. I mean, my family members don't tell each other about our romantic interests unless we've been with that person for quite some time. I'm treating the situation the same way.", "score": 5 } ]
Hi /r/london, What is British Identity?
I am studying abroad from St. Louis, Mo and I am taking a photojournalism class at a local college. My newest assignment is to present 10 photos of people/places that are distinctly British and pertaining to London. Do you have any ideas or places for me to visit to truly capture London? It would also be nice if these places were relatively cheap since I am on a student budget. Thanks!
[ { "body": "British Identity is the thing that causes British people to shuffle their feet and look the other way when people talk about British Identity. We do however take pride in our tolerance of different ways of doing things, and that our schools do not make a big deal of patriotism. \n\nFor pictures of things that are \"distinctly British and pertaining to London\" I hope you will explore beyond old buildings and ancient traditions.\n\nOne of your problems is going to be how cosmopolitan London is. So seeking pockets of unique \"Britishness\" can give a false picture.\n\nSome random ideas:\n\nGroups of uniformed schoolkids returning from school in multiracial groups. I know it happens elsewhere, but not often enough (and not quite often enough here either). And I think the way kids contravene the uniform codes is a good sign of independence and an important resistance to coercion, though not everyone does.\n\nIn a similar vein, the Trafalgar Square lions with kids climbing on them. And/or kids paddling in the Princess Diana fountain.\n\nThe Greenwich Observatory and the Meridian Line, unique and also standing for the long history of support of science here. You could certainly get 10 good, varied photos without ever leaving Greenwich. You could think whether you could do this assignment within say a mile or two of your college using locally familiar examples rather than internationally famous ones.\n\nLondon City Hall and Tower Bridge. It has been done before a thousand times, but it is an improvement on a shot of Big Ben.\n\nThere are British people for whom pubs and fish and chips are an important part of life. But if you choose to photograph them, don't mislead others into thinking that all Brits spend a lot of time in that way.\n\nOne of our major museums, but again I would concentrate on the people rather than the building and exhibits. (Admittedly a less universal taste than fish and chips.) Or maybe the British Library for that reminder of being a modern country.\n\nSomerset House courtyard is probably a rare thing anywhere -- part of what was a closed government building that has actually been opened up again for public use.\n\nThe Design Museum is supposed to be unique (it can't really be so, can it?) and a shot of some of the exhibits could capture those forward-thinking designs that we pride ourselves on.\n", "score": 12 }, { "body": "> distinctly British and pertaining to London.\n\nArguably a bit of a paradox\\* imo because London identity is (a) very distinct from rest-of-British identity (most of the uk seems to resent the place a lot, look around r/uk for endless examples of this) and (b) inherently composed of lots of non-Britishness (random example: Brick Lane).\n\n\\* not really paradox, that word is too strong, but it's the best word I can think of right now.\n\nI would have thought part of doing photojournalism is identifying your own subjects, but as a very broad starting point, how about going to some markets? (Spitalfields, Camden, Portobello, Borough, etc). They tend to be suitably diverse and bustling places.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Are you trying to find out what British Identity means or do you just want us to rattle off a list of land marks?\n\nBeer, Fish and Chips, Primark, Hackney cabs and red double decker busses, Tower Bridge, CCTV cameras + parking fines.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "People not talking to each other on public transport? People getting pissed? People disrespecting historic monuments? I dunno I'm Scottish.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Problem is, London has almost nothing to do with British identity besides the tourist locations. Being a londoner is a completely different experience to being British. So You're really asking two questions.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "1) Angus Steakhouse \n2) Aberdeen Stakehouse \n3) Black cabs \n4) Big Ben \n5) The Queen \n6) Garfunkels \n7) Harrods \n8) Mr Bean \n9) \"England\" \n10) Emotionless guard wearing a bearskin hat\n\nThere you go, something a little different to the norm! ;-)", "score": 5 } ]
Pet Names Suggestion
As a ranger, i find it rather annoying that my pet's name resets to Juvenile _____ after switching pets from my collection. I think it would be a good idea to save the name for each pet so whenever you use it, you are not forced to re-name it while still keeping the option to change it at a later date if we wish.
[ { "body": "I WANT TO BE ABLE TO NAME MY MINIONS >:(\n\nUnofficially, their names are: Tibia, Fibia (bone minions), Spook (shadow fiend), Bonesy (bone fiend), Hernia (flesh wurm), Clot (blood fiend), and Chunk (Flesh Golem)\n\nI'm just as fond of them as any ranger is of their pets, and I want names, dammit all. I know the rest of the world just sees bone fiends, but I prefer to think of them as bone FRIENDS. </jealous necromancer rant>", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Pet names appear to be a little buggy / flaky. They don't consistently stick and as far as I can tell new pets magically inherent the old pet's name then it disappears later... \n\nI haven't tested or reproduced each scenario, but often when I go to pvp and come back out, my pet names are just gone. \n\nThis has largely motivated me to not name my pet at all. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I only have a few pets yet but so far when I swapped between them their name came up correctly.\n\nHowever when I \"charmed\" a new pet and replaced my bear with it, the new pet got the bear's name too. After I changed it it was ok though.", "score": 4 } ]
First UGC match this Monday...
I'm playing my first UGC highlander match, silver, on foundry this Monday as medic and I was wondering if any of you guys had any tips! Thanks :)
[ { "body": "*Position is power* \n\nThink a step ahead, to where your team needs to position next, then call the plays to get there. \n\nKnow the sightlines for snipers, the obstacles jumpers like to ambush from, and areas with cover/corners/ammo that spies will abuse. \n\nCrouch jump to surf rockets blast waves. \n\nIf you are chased, fire needles at corners as if the stream of needles its self was going for a corner-stab. \n\n\nGood Luck! \n", "score": 3 } ]
Scumbag AT&T - Anyone else get dropped to backorder on iPhone 5 (I preordered in first 15 min!)
I preordered @ 3:10 am Eastern on the 14th. Just called AT&T to check why no confirmation email by launch day. WHOOPS!! OUR BAD!! You're on backorder due to a website problem that day and will not receive your preorder until Oct 4th - 15th! Could receive my order AS LATE AS ONE MONTH FROM ORDER TIME! I asked why I shouldn't just cancel contract and got to Verizon store now, and they just said ok, go ahead. Customer since 2003. Edit: Found out some people were getting credited for the inconvenience. Called back and got $50 credit to my account. Heard of up to $100. If you got bumped back, and you ordered early, you should call.
[ { "body": "I chuckled at \"I asked why I shouldn't just cancel contract and got to Verizon store now, and they just said ok, go ahead.\" \n\nI imagine the person said that because they probably have heard it from every customer whose preorder got back ordered and they just simply didn't care anymore. I also ordered launch day on Verizon and I still haven't been charged or sent a tacking number when it said it will be shipped for today's arrival. I called and asked and the rep told me it still looks good in their system and I should expect it next week.", "score": 3 } ]
What is every ones opinions on inventory space?
I'm playing as Maya (lvl 26) and have maxed out both inventory and bank slots. [Inventory:27 Bank:16 Claptraps stash:4 Total:47 ](/spoiler "Amount of slots") Typically I keep a sniper, a pistol, and 6 SMGs (one of each element and a non elemental) on me at all times. In the bank I like to keep any gun that I liked a lot or alternate relics/classmods. Which takes up my whole bank. I don't really have an issue with the inventory space, but I wish you could have "unlimited" bank storage. By unlimited I mean being able to by bank upgrades with out a limit. Cause what else are you gonna do with Eridium when you bought everything you can?
[ { "body": "I don't like it at all. I have maxed everything and I'm actually really upset about it.\n\nI was the person in the original Borderlands who kept all the unique quest weapons so I could enjoy them and their little jokes later. I cannot do that in this game simply due to lack of storage options. \n\nPlease fix this Gearbox!!!", "score": 9 }, { "body": "The inventory UI is fucking horrid.\n\nIt's blurry, cramped, and difficult to navigate with a mouse and keyboard.\n\nAll that screen real estate used for precisely nothing. There is no reason why the game can't compare weapons for you on the fly without having to hit keys or drag your eyes around the screen and look to the bottom right hand corner for your current weapon stats.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Where is [Claptrap's stash](/spoiler) that you speak of?\n\n---\n\n*Lvl 29 Siren* - I only have about 24 or so backpack slots and have upgraded the bank twice. I have only started one character so I do not know how shared inventory works yet... but I am banking some weapons along the way in hopes that they will be useful for other characters when I start them (some low and mid-level weapons).", "score": 4 }, { "body": "That's a really good question. What are we going to spend the Eridium on once the blackmarket upgrades are all done? I've already finished the rocket upgrade and am real close to getting all of my pistol upgrades.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I sell everything. I only keep select orange or purple weapons for the next character that I play as. \n\nEdit: I should say that I always keep four different weapon types equipped and at least two different types of elemental damage. I am able to deal with most enemies easily. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I hate it, I love keeping unique mission rewards (in my bank) that I think are cool just so I can see them every once in a while. I've gotten to the point where I have to sell just about everything I like just so I can have stuff that I need. \n\nEdit: (Forgot to add) In the original Borderlands you could get more slots in Playthrough 2 by going and finding the claptraps again. That doesn't work in BL2, you have the option to buy what you're still missing from Playthrough 1 and that's it. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I don't get why there's so little inventory/bank space compared to BL1. There's supposed to be more weapons right? So why less space overall? ", "score": 3 } ]
Any good iphone apps for bassists?
I just ordered my first iphone and was wondering if anyone knows of any useful apps for us bassists?
[ { "body": "Not sure about iphone, but there's bound to be a tuner app, handy as hell to have a tuner constantly in your pocket.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I have one called Guitar Toolkit, which is pricey, but I think worth it. Tuner, metronome, chord charts, scales... \n\nIt does have settings for 4, 5 and 6 string basses, too.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "iReal b - Play drums, bass, and comps for tunes you can download from their forums. Play the melodies over them, or turn off the bass lines and play the bass parts along with it. You can also compose backing tracks.\nPlay this Note Bass Edition - visual staff reading practice. you can press the fret on the screen or play the note on ar eal bass!", "score": 3 } ]
Clutch fluid 1990 miata
If my clutch fluid resevoir is at low, would I be alright just topping it off without draining the whole system and having to bleed it? I don't know how old the existing fluid but I don't have the time to bleed the whole line right now.
[ { "body": "its a miata...99% of the time its probably the slave cylinder leaking..\n\nits a closed system..if its low..its leaking..", "score": 4 } ]
When I need to go to the toilet while watching the BBC.
Always manage to time it just right so when I'm watching something with adverts I never need the toilet though. Pah.
[ { "body": "The 1 hour 30 minutes shows on the BBC are the worse (eg Sherlock). You don't realise until you've started watching. My bladder isn't made of steel, auntie.", "score": 16 }, { "body": "This may be the clincher in your and this is why I need a iPad list. \n\nMine was that my wireless does not reach my bed and carphone warehouse are doing deals on the 3g ones.", "score": 3 } ]
Pogba, Quagliarella, Isla, Giaccherini to get starts tomorrow?
[According to La Stampa](http://www3.lastampa.it/sport/sezioni/quijuve/articolo/lstp/469432/) Pirlo, Giovinco, Lichsteiner, and Vidal all to get rests tomorrow against Chievo... what do you think the lineup will be? I'd like to see: Buffon Barzagli Chiellini Bonucci Isla Giaccherini Pogba Marchisio De Ceglie Quagliarella Matri Marrone sub on for Marchisio / Giaccherini Caceres sub on for Bonucci Bendtner sub on for Matri Its a decent enough team to get a result and rest some players who had busy weeks last week.
[ { "body": "I almost think you will see Quag + Giovinco unless Gio sustained an injury. I think Isla and PDC should be very good throwing the ball into the area. With those two on the wing I wouldn't mind seeing Quag + Bendtner up front. ", "score": 3 } ]
A small inconvenience with my setup.
So, my current set up is as follows Samsung UE32EH5300K Denon AVR-1612 5.1 speaker setup I'm currently connecting my laptop, sky+ HD and an Xbox 360 to the receiver via HDMI. I use XBMC on the laptop. I'm planning on adding a blu-ray player and a dedicated HTPC (maybe) The problem is, the tv doesn't display the screen from the laptop correctly unless I set the HDMI input to PC. Which I'm assuming turns off overscan and displays the pixels differently or something. Obviously doing that will affect everything that's connected to the receiver. So, you're probably thinking "what's the point of this post?" Here we go with the questions... What would you do? If I leave the HDMI input set as PC will that have a negative effect on the picture quality of everything else that's connected? I tried connecting the laptop directly to the TV but every time I play a film I have to mess around in the TV settings to set the type of audio (DTS, Dolby etc) as Samsung haven't added a feature to auto detect this. I'm assuming there's no work around for this via software settings on the laptop? It's not too much of a problem as it is but the text when looking for a film to watch is kind of hard to read. I'm holding off on a HTPC as this is a bit annoying at the moment and if I can't get it sorted then I shall look into different options such as a STB. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm typing it on my iPad and I've done my best. But I realise the formatting may be crappy/whatever. Any input is greatly appreciated anyway.
[ { "body": "I just setup a HTPC and had an overscan issue. Not sure if what you were describing is the same. My video card (ATI/AMD) had a feature that automatically shrunk the display so it would fit a tv with 20% overscan. Problem was, my TV is not crappy and it doesn't crop any of the image. I had to dig in the Catalyst Control Center to find the overscan feature and turn it off.", "score": 3 } ]
I'm having trouble getting over my de-conversion
I de-converted about a month ago and it's changed the way I think about EVERYTHING ( I used to be a young earth creationist). This has taken it's toll on my education, free time and sleeping patterns as I can't stop going on reddit and youtube researching and reading about religion, evolution and atheism. It's driving me absolutely crazy, my head is on the subject 24/7 and it's getting in the way of everything. I want to not care anymore, at least to the degree that I can get the fuck on with my life. I'm against Christianity but being surrounded by it makes it hard to forget.
[ { "body": "You'll get over it. It's an overwhelming thing you have gone through. Just get out and do some other stuff. ", "score": 76 }, { "body": "I was depressed for a long time after my deconversion. And I am still starved for any books, podcasts, articles, etc. that I can find to help me process it all. Give yourself a chance to grieve a little. Fictional or not, you lost your best friend, your purpose and passion in life, and any common ground you had with all the people you love in your life. Personally, I was angry because I felt deceived and like a delusional idiot for not only believing all of it, but actually conjuring my own experiences in the process. The good news is that you will find life so much more exciting, fulfilling, and wonderful than you did before. You will find other purposes in your life that will well surpass what you were striving for in the church. But you might just let yourself cry a little. Take the time to grieve and let go of another reality. It's like ending a relationship, I think. Give yourself a chance to move on so that the next chapter can be all the more satisfying! ", "score": 32 }, { "body": "Yeah, that first few months is both awesome and severely taxing at the same time...finding out about all the stuff you were taught that was completely wrong...it becomes an insatiable desire to learn more and more, but it does in some cases foster an anger, or at least a wild disbelief in how gullible you were. \n\nMy suggestions:\n\nThunderf00t's WDPLAC series on youtube\nAronRa's Foundational Falsehoods and Falsifying Phylogeny series', also on youtube\nAndromedasWake's CrAP debunked series on yt\ntruthsurge's excavating the empty tomb series\nany and all things potholer54 does\nsame with c0nc0rdance\nDPRjones' stuff\nZOMGitsCriss' stuff\nthelivingdinosaur\nnotinmyname2050\nanswersinbooks\nthereligiousantagonist (funny as hell)\nnon-stamp collector (also funny as hell)\ndarkmatter2525 (also funny as hell)\nand thethinkingatheist.com\n\nenjoy", "score": 24 }, { "body": "This is normal, I had a bit of a tough time when I left Christianity.\n\nI would definitely suggest [Evid3nc3's Youtube Playlist](http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA0C3C1D163BE880A), in particular [2.6 Deconversion: The End](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQJrud71gL8&feature=share&list=PLA0C3C1D163BE880A) and [2.7 Deconversion: Losing God](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYaZTEuaFWE&feature=share&list=PLA0C3C1D163BE880A). His story seems like it coulb be a lot like yours.\n\nThese were some of the best things I came across after recently becoming an atheist.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Try spending some time outdoors, wherever you are, to give yourself some perspective. The natural world doesn't care two figs about about our human controversies. I'm not talking about some spiritual quality of nature either. Just get some fresh air and stretch your legs. It's good for your head.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Isn't it fun being so excited and enthusiastic to learn about yourself and the world that houses you? It's unfortunate that this is negatively impacting other aspects of your life though.\n\nYou should always be hungry for knowledge, but you should also be able to exercise some self control. All that knowledge isn't going anywhere, so budget your time.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Maybe you should pray to god for guidance in your hour of need. \nOh wait......never mind. (Too soon?)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I \"de-converted\" from Mormonism at the age of 30. The first couple months were pretty rough and I spent almost every waking moment of my life for the first couple months doing the same thing you are doing now (only I didn't know about Reddit back then, otherwise I would have definitely been involved in this website). My work suffered, my personal life suffered, my family relationships were extremely troubled. (They staged an \"intervention\" for me, during which at one point one of sisters was 6 inches in front of my face yelling that I was going to burn in hell.) It will get better, at least, it got better for me. The first couple months are tough. I ended up moving, on a whim, to Las Vegas from Idaho -- I had to get the hell away from all things Mormon -- and ended up finding a great therapist. She helped me get through the feelings of anger and loss and regret. I don't know to what degree you \"are surrounded by it\" but I would highly recommend getting the fuck out if you are. I think distancing yourself from you family, if you can, and your religious friends is an important part of any de-conversion. Otherwise, the constant reminders and attempts at re-conversion will keep those feelings of anger, loss, and regret bubbling inside of you. I was also lucky that I had my very secular and very loving Aunt in Las Vegas to help me through it. Do your best to surround yourself with loving and accepting friends and family -- it will help cushion the feelings of loss and isolation that will come after losing the support and relationships of the religious community that you were a part of for so long. \n\nI hope that helps. If you have any questions, let me know. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I'm dealing with same problems. 4 months deconverted here. Can't help thinking I'm wrong or something.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Mine was very gradual and I didn't have a strong belief to begin with, so I don't really know what you're going through. But, having a few hobbies or activities would probably help get your mind off of it.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Dive into it. You're driven and passionate. Yes, the tumult can be exhausting, but this is what life is about.\n\nI went through the same thing, and it was the most significant period of my life. Find out who you are, and learn about the world. Take time off school if you need to. It's worth it.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Welcome to the thinking world. Remember to take a break once in a while, no one can sustain overdrive indefinitely. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Try not being \"against\" Christianity. There are plenty of really good Christians out there. Most people are decent if you give them a chance. \n\nSooner or later, you'll come to realize that you are the same person you've always been, but now you should realize that the stuff you attributed to god is really just random chance, your hard work or help from those around you.\n\nAlso, this is your \"new toy\" right now. Just like any other interest, you'll be really into it for a while and then it will begin to fade and won't have such an impact on your life.\n\nEnjoy your life! It's the only one you get.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Have you ever stopped to look at the cats on this website? I mean, actually enjoyed them? With no preconceived notions about who owns them, where they are, whether they shed everywhere or still poop in someone's bed, you just enjoy seeing this cute happy cat being happy and cute. That's what de-converting is man! It's not all about proving another line of thought is correct over another, it's about finding out that there is no need for a belief system that dictates your life when your life is surrounded by wonderful magical things. \nLearn about evolution, learn about other religions and atheism, but DON'T FORGET about the cats dude! The history and science behind the common house cat is as amazing in its own right as any other topic. And what about the life history of George Bernard Shaw? Don't forget to learn about him too. And airplanes, and bunnies, and prohibition, and that renaissance era ship whose crew drank nothing but booze for a year, and the titanic, and rollercoasters, and anything Bill Nye says, and the stars, and grass, fucking grass man! How do our minds not explode from the awesome crazy world out there?! \nMy point is don't try to turn atheism/agnosticism into another belief system in your mind, homes. You freed yourself from that, and now it is time to worry not about what you believe, what others believe (no matter how many of them there are). It is time to see the world and the magic and wonder that it already contains, yet so much of the world refuses to see. \nTL;DR when it starts to get bad, spend 1 hour (no more, maybe less) on r/aww. Be free bro.", "score": 3 } ]
DAE have characters or ongoing stories in their dreams?
I revisited one last night. An older man with two extremely well behaved dogs (think a smaller Newfoundland) who had bred them the first time I saw him. Now, months and months later, he gave me one of the three puppies, a female, to keep. I had stayed at his house to house sit and his son showed me some of the changes they'd made since then. They'd removed some of the many family portraits in the room I'd stayed in (mostly the ugly/crazy looking ones) and tidied a bit. Other characters of mine are a mid-40's asian woman who owns a bath house and a 11 year old with black curly hair who loves Hershey bars and Chik-fil-a and worked with a circus. I don't revisit characters often, but it's like seeing an old friend.
[ { "body": "Yes. Every 10 years or so a sihlouette of a man in 3D will silently walk into a dream he is not a part of and watch the dream.", "score": 3 } ]
Well Gentleman break out the Cigars and Brandy
The ship is going down fast but we can't abandon it as the Dodgers fans we are so i reccomend a glass of brandy (or something harder if you want to drink the season away) a classy cigar (probably menthol cigarettes you can chain smoke) and your finest dodgers jersey shirts.
[ { "body": "Way ahead of you. \n\nYears ago, I bought a brand new chair specifically to sit in during the last few games of a non-playoff season. \n\n[Come, join me.](http://i.imgur.com/UqpUv.jpg)", "score": 9 }, { "body": "\"If only I had used Uribe more, maybe, just maybe we would've had a chance.\"\n\n-Donnie Baseball, kicking himself after the last game of the year", "score": 6 } ]
TID my roommates got high, bought 6 pizzas, 2 of which I ate, and sung songs with a hologram of Shakespeare.
Normally you would have to pay the holograms to speak with you but Shakespeare was ok with being paid in drugs and pizza (he normally cost 130). Then I walked to the edge of town a caught a giant monster fish with a piece of string tied to a stick. I then pulled a lever which caused a buzzsaw to cut the monster in half and I won a million nuclear dollars.
[ { "body": "Was there a broken Abraham Lincoln hologram by chance? It was being repaired by a woman with Grizzly Adams calves. I think I was in your dream last night.", "score": 3 } ]
Dividend noob here. How long in advance to you have to be in possession of the stock in order to receive the upcoming dividend payment?
EDIT: thx for the responses so far. To be clear, I'm not looking to arb, I'm just looking to see if there's a wrong or right time to buy in if I plan to hold onto the stock for a few years.
[ { "body": "Before market close on the day before the ex-dividend date, which is always stated with the declaration.", "score": 12 } ]
[German] Ich sehe es soeben.
I was asked to translate "I see it now". I wrote "Ich sehe es jetzt" but was corrected to "Ich sehe es soeben" which seems to me to mean "I just see it" which is similar in meaning, but not identical. Was I correct, was Duolingo correct, were we both correct?
[ { "body": "Both \"Ich sehe es jetzt\" and \"Ich sehe es soeben\" are correct. However, \"soeben\" is rarely used in the sense of \"now\" and it may sound a little odd. Usually, it refers to actions that have just happened: \"Ich habe es soeben gesehen\" (I've just seen it)\n\nhttp://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/soeben", "score": 5 } ]
StarLadder Today | 5 minutes: VP vs m5 | 1 hour: Empire vs NaVi | 2 hours: Quantic vs Navi | 3 hours: Quantic vs Empire
**Matches** * **16:00 CEST** VP vs. M5.BenQ * **17:00 CEST** Empire vs. Na`Vi * **18:00 CEST** Quantic vs. Na`Vi * **19:00 CEST** Quantic vs. Empire ~ **Streams** *some may be inactive* * Russian 1: http://www.own3d.tv/SLTV * Russian 2: http://www.own3d.tv/SLTV/live/367660# * English: http://www.joindota.com/en/livestreams/368-tobi-wan * French: http://www.own3d.tv/eclypsia * Spanish: http://www.own3d.tv/AntenaDota ~ **Standings:** http://dota2.starladder.tv/league
[ { "body": "Quantic vs Navi was one of the most epic games I've seen in a while. Love this StarLadder tournament", "score": 25 } ]
[Build Read] First build gaming rig $600~650 (US)
I am looking to build my first gaming PC. The games I want to play are League of Legends, GW2, SC2, SSF4, Civilization 5. I prefer them with medium to high settings. I don't need monitor, keyboard, mouse or OS. I want to see if the parts selected will do the job. I don't need to over clock. I am considering getting SSD for my OS and some games. Question on modular or not modular PSU? [PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6iZ) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6iZ/by_merchant/) / [Benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6iZ/benchmarks/) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i3-2130 3.4GHz Dual-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80623i32130) | $119.99 @ Newegg **Motherboard** | [MSI Z77A-G41 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-motherboard-z77ag41) | $78.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmz8gx3m2a1600c9b) | $39.00 @ Newegg **Storage** | [Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/seagate-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm003) | $69.99 @ NCIX US **Video Card** | [Sapphire Radeon HD 7750 1GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-112020020g) | $96.97 @ Newegg **Case** | [NZXT Phantom 410 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/nzxt-case-caph410w1) | $99.99 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [Corsair Builder 430W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cmpsu430cxv2) | $24.99 @ Newegg **Optical Drive** | [Samsung SH-222BB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-optical-drive-sh222bbbebe) | $16.99 @ Amazon | | **Total** | Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $546.91 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-09-21 10:56 EDT-0400 |
[ { "body": "My suggestion:\n\n[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6vy) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6vy/by_merchant/) / [Benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6vy/benchmarks/)\n\nType|Item|Price\n:----|:----|:----\n**CPU** | [Intel Core i3-3220 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80637i33220) | $119.99 @ Newegg \n**Motherboard** | [ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP ATX LGA1155 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asrock-motherboard-h77pro4mvp) | $69.99 @ Newegg \n**Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmz8gx3m2a1600c9b) | $39.00 @ Newegg \n**Storage** | [Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5\" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/seagate-internal-hard-drive-st1000dm003) | $69.99 @ NCIX US \n**Storage** | [Kingston HyperX 3K 120GB 2.5\" Solid State Disk](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/kingston-internal-hard-drive-sh103s3b120g) | $74.99 @ Newegg \n**Video Card** | [MSI Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition 1GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-r7770pmd1gd5) | $116.97 @ Newegg \n**Case** | [NZXT Phantom 410 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/nzxt-case-caph410w1) | $99.99 @ Amazon \n**Power Supply** | [Corsair Builder 430W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cmpsu430cxv2) | $24.99 @ Newegg \n**Optical Drive** | [Samsung SH-222BB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-optical-drive-sh222bbbebe) | $16.99 @ Amazon \n | | **Total**\n | Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $632.90\n | Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-09-21 11:44 EDT-0400 |\n\nA few things:\n\n**CPU** I would definitely switch to the Ivy Bridge i3-3220 instead of the one you have listed. For only $10 more at Newegg you can't go wrong. (You could have saved $10 yesterday with a coupon code, but it's expired. It is actually $129.99)\n\n**Mobo** The z77 chipset is great for overclocking, but overkill for your purposes. An H77 should be sufficient.\n\n**Video Card** I'd say the $20 bump for a 7770 GHz is worth it. You'll be dealing with a mail in rebate though, so your call.\n\n**SSD** Added a nice 120GB SSD for just $74.99 from Newegg. NOTE: This price is with a $35 mail in rebate that only applies to purchases through TODAY. If you aren't going to buy it today, look for another option. You could wait for another to go on sale, or just sacrifice storage space to keep the price low.\n\nFor the PSU, Non-modular means power cables are all permanently connected to the PSU. Modular means they're all separate and you can connect just the ones you need. No big deal either way, and I'm pretty sure non-modular is usually cheaper.\n\n**REMEMBER:** The SSD, Video Card, and PSU all have mail in rebates. Be sure to read the requirements of the mail in rebates and make sure you buy them in the right window of time.", "score": 3 } ]
Will we ever find out who Jack the Ripper was?
Not sure if this is the right subreddit so I apologise. Feel free to redirect me to a more appropriate one :) Edit: thanks for all the replies! I figured that would be the answer. It's kind of frustrating!
[ { "body": "Short answer: No.\n\nLong answer: Excepting the discovery of completely new and reliable source materials, it is not very likely. We simply know too little, and the forensic science of the time was too primitive, to leave us with anything modern eyes could discern something useful from.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "There are people who think they have figured it out. The problem is that they all point to a guy who was discarded from the investigation. I read a book with a blurb about how this centuries old mystery had been solved, and I kept thinking...\"I'm pretty sure the people who checked out this guy when he was alive knew better than you do.\" Didn't have much in the way of new evidence.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Fun fact: 25 years ago or so there was a live 2 hour special on (I believe) the NYC Fox station. They went through all of the accused and then there was a 1-900 phone in vote to see who the audience thought it was.\n\nAt the end the presenters totally discounted the queen's doctor as a suspect, but included him in the vote just because he is so well thought of as a suspect.\n\nI was 12 or so at the time. Anyway, we had a home phone and my dad has a business line. We went into action on the two phones and rang up about 250-300 votes for the Dr. (Yes, at .50 a call). Anyway, it was great when then on air the vote was totally skewed towards the Dr. and the presenters looked dumbfounded about it and said something like \"well, I guess the audience knows something we don't\" and sat there sort of awkwardly.\n\nOne of my earliest known trollings.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Nope, unless some new evidence is somehow found there is little chance of ever finding out who he was.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Almost certainly no. There's a letter that *might* have his DNA on it (a big \"maybe\"), but we haven't gotten a match to anyone yet.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Some of the theories are fun to read about. I had a professor who was into researching unconventional topics like this that are often ignored by academic historians. Here's a link to a paper he wrote that discusses some of the theories and puts forward his own.\n\nhttp://www.jamesmaybrick.org/pdf%20files/Rubinstein,%20Professor%20(Maybrick%20article).pdf", "score": 3 } ]
How Wizards decides what order to put mana symbols in the cost of multicolor cards
About half way down [this 2006 article](https://www.wizards.com/magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/mr224) by Mark Rosewater, he lays out how they order the mana symbols in the cost of multicolor cards. He explains why Green comes before White in Selesyna Gold cards, and that's how they decide which color goes on which side on Hybria cards.
[ { "body": "The order isn't consistant...Heck, I have two copies of Johan. One is legends, the other is Chronicles. Same artwork, text, and expansion symbol. The mana symbols are in a different order.", "score": 6 } ]
[WSIG] Tablet GPS for field mapping and data entry
Hello all! I work with a municipal utility and I've been tasked with buying a new GPS. I'm looking for a device with the following features: -RTK correction (we have a Leica base on our roof) -external antenna compatible (bluetooth) -large enough screen (touch screen?) for viewing online/mobile mapping -durable (water resistant, drop/crush proof) -ESRI compatible. We'd like to stay ahead of the ArcPad/ArcGIS Mobile upgrade curve. I don't want to be running an old version of arcpad or have compatibility issues with the latest version of flex. I've been looking at this unit - we have a Leica Viva that we've been very happy with. Any thoughts or comments? Thanks for any/all input that the GIS gurus of /r/GIS can offer!!
[ { "body": "We use all the latest trimble gear for our field surveys, all the new ones run Windows and arcpad. \n\nhttp://www.trimble.com/mappingGIS/geo6.aspx?dtID=applications&\n\nTrimble and the Pathfinder software are rather nice. \n\n", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I use a Trimble GeoXT and have been very happy with it. Should be able to do all you want with no problems.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Something to be aware of is that if you want the highest precision RTK heights, you need to be using a geoid model, and last time I checked, arc pad doesn't handle more than one ellipsoid geoid separation value... this is one good reason to use the surveying type software/hardware, like terrasync. Unless of course you are going for 'pretty good' accuracy, then I'm keen to set up something on Androis/IOS, and I have yet to find a great solution.\n\n[This](http://code.google.com/p/geopaparazzi/) looks interesting for image capture and viewing. Anyone have anything better that is being used for asset data capture (images, location, some attributes, ability to update current objects.)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Ive been pretty happy with the trimble Yuma, the batteries usually last a full day in the field, though carrying it in one hand all day results in a case of what we've dubbed \"yumanitis,\" since it weighs a couple of pounds. ", "score": 3 } ]
Accessing Sunday Services
Just got off the phone with my mother. Found out she connects to Sunday services is via phone. She has a special pin number and she then listens to the live services. She said you call your local congregation and they should give you the pin. She has not stepped inside a congregation in over three years. My mother is healthy, has a car available and isn't old (sorry if that insults anyone). She listens on her cell phone and does other things around the house (usually getting ready for football). It is just one step away from JW Sunday Services being a podcast.
[ { "body": "I think the society is learning that it has to cater to the masses in order to keep them on the books.", "score": 3 } ]
How is the iPad 2 with iOS 6?
I just want to know if anything is seriously wrong with it. I don't use maps so the whole new maps thing isn't a problem for me. Just wanted to know if there was things like lag similar to the iPad 1 for iOS 5.
[ { "body": "I don't notice any difference speed wise, if anything it might even feel a bit snappier. I also don't have any trouble with the battery life as some have experienced with their iPad (3), seems equal to before (I don't use notifications/push on my iPad).", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Everything seems about the same to me on my iPad 2. No glaring defects as of yet. \n\nIt seems to have made my iPod touch 4g a lot slower, though.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "The only thing that really struck me about it is that browsing playlists in the Music app is finally smooth (it still has what I consider to be a horrible design anyway, but now I can scroll through my playlists with more than 2 frames per second) ", "score": 5 } ]
Radical Face -- Welcome Home
[this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8a4iiOnzsc) song is incredible. thought it was worth sharing. enjoy and happy friday.
[ { "body": "This is the most played song on my itunes. Good choice, I love Electric President as well. Everything Ben Cooper touches is gold. ", "score": 6 } ]
So I pirated Windows and I want to go legit. Can I do this without having to reinstall?
I've never liked the idea of pirating an OS. It seems stupid to have your whole computer running on illegitimate piece of software. However, after recently building a new system, and the cost rising, my friend convinced me that his disc of Ultimate Windows that works perfectly was a good way to save some money. So I installed it, and everything went fine for some time until the Genuine Advantage stuff went off. You got me, Microsoft. OK, so I want to go legit. I'm willing to buy a copy of Windows, but I really don't want to have to reinstall Windows and have to start from scratch again. Is this possible? Can I just enter a legit serial into this copy of Windows and have everything be OK? Thanks for your help.
[ { "body": "Odds are you will have to, for the following reasons:\n\n\n1) You can't downgrade. You're going to be spending a **ton** of money buying a Windows 7 Ultimate key (or OEM/retail copy).\n\n\n2) Even if you did buy a copy of 7 Ultimate, most pirated copies that you find are on volume/enterprise key path that **will not** activate a legitimately purchased OEM/retail/upgrade key. It is possible that it will accept a legit key and activate, but unless we know what exact install image you used, etc, we can't say for sure.\n\n\nSo, you basically have two options. Spend a lot of money on 7 Ultimate and try your luck(probably won't work), or buy a reasonably priced copy of 7 Home Premium or Pro and do a clean install. Worst case scenario, you spend $189 on 7 Ultimate and you have to do a clean install because of key path issues.\n\n\nPS - Nut-punch your friend, people who suggest that others should run pirated copies deserve that much. I have nothing against pirates, but you don't pull that on people that are not you. I might have a virtual machine or two running non-legit copies for testing, but I would never put one on a relative's or friend's computer or suggest that they do it themselves.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I think this should help you out: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/18630-product-key-number-change.html", "score": 4 } ]
Do you guys follow college hockey? If so who and what are your predictions for this year?
As a current Western Michigan University (WMU) student I attend every home game. With the NHL locked out I can't be more excited to start this season. WMU is just becoming a powerhouse in NCAA hockey and this is going to be another good year. Who do you follow?
[ { "body": "In Penn State's first season with a NCAA program, they will not win the National Title.\n\nYou heard it here first, folks.", "score": 3 } ]
Anyone have TABs for some simpler songs?
I'd like to learn some of the songs on guitar, though I know I'm nowhere near the level JP's at, I'd like to at least learn some of the simpler songs. Thanks!
[ { "body": "Learn all the hard songs at 25% speed. That's when they become easy. Then when you've got that speed it up a little bit until you can play it comfortably with no mistakes. Then you'll be at JP level, kinda.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The only 'simpler song' that comes to mind is Beneath The Surface. [Tabs are available on ultimate-guitar.com](http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/search.php?search_type=title&value=beneath+the+surface+dream+theater)", "score": 3 } ]
How to deal with studying...?
Hello, I've been practicing vipassana meditation for a short while now and I'm interested in buddhism in general. I'm having a lot of trouble with studying (I study Law). I find it hard to concentrate and I have to read a lot of text (about 150 pages each week). Do you think vipassana meditation will help me be more focused when studying? Any tips on how I can stay concentrated when studying?
[ { "body": "In my opinion, meditation will help you concentrate.\n\nMeditation does not need to be sitting meditation in order for it to help you. Meditation can be whilst painting, walking or washing the dishes. Try to keep your mind in the moment and focus on what you are doing now.\n\nThis will train your mind whatever you are doing, including studying.\n\nDoing things you like to do, you will find it easy to concentrate. Doing simple things, such as walking or washing the dishes will be where you can really make and see progress in your concentration. Doing things you dislike, or which inherently involve you emotionally, it will be harder to concentrate.\n\nHowever, keep up practising concentration when you can, and you will become better at it in all aspects of your life.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Meditation may help you, but meditation is itself something that requires concentration, so whatever makes it difficult for you to concentrate on studying will also make it difficult for you to practice meditation. The plus is that meditation involves actively practicing concentration. It can also help you relax and clear your mind a bit of distracting clutter.\n\nBut you might also take a hint from monasteries, which after all are basically concentration schools: arrange your surroundings and schedule in a way that aids concentration instead of distraction. They usually don't have WiFi in monasteries. Usually the premises are kept clean and beautiful. The days are quite rigidly scheduled so you always know what to do. Regular times for eating and sleeping. Frequent breaks for walking and a bit of exercise. And so on. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Thanks a lot, everyone. I just re-read a part of chapter 14 of [Mindfulness in plain English](http://www.urbandharma.org/pdf/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf):\n\n> The initial stages of mental cultivation are especially delicate. Too much emphasis on mindfulness at this point will actually retard the development of concentration. When getting started in meditation, one of the first things you will notice is how incredibly active the mind really is. The Theravada tradition calls this phenomenon 'monkey mind'. The Tibetan tradition likens it to a waterfall of thought. If you emphasize the awareness function at this point, there will be so much to be aware of that concentration will be impossible. Don't get discouraged. This happens to everybody. And there is a simple solution. Put most of your effort into one-pointedness at the beginning. Just keep calling the attention from wandering over and over again. Tough it out. Full instructions on how to do this are in Chapters 7 and 8. A couple of months down the track and you will have developed concentration power. Then you can start pumping your energy into mindfulness. Do not, however, go so far with concentration that you find yourself going into a stupor.\n\nI guess I should tame the monkey-mind first, then.\n", "score": 3 } ]
Top 4 seed for World Championship Finals announced!
After the Korean Regional Finals, a random drawing was done to select which 4 of the 5 #1 seeds would get to skip the playoffs. They had 5 balls, each representing a #1 seed, which they put into a machine. The machine then proceeded to randomly give out 1 ball at a time, selecting which 4 teams would get to skip the playoffs. The last ball to stay in the machine would have to participate in them. The following teams will get to SKIP the playoffs: - TSM (NA) - M5 (EU) - WE (China) - TPA (SEA) Azubu Frost (KR) was the last ball to stay in and therefore has to participate in the playoffs! As far as I'm aware, the tournamentbrackets have not yet been announced. EDIT: TPA beat SaigonJokers in a Bo3 for the #1 seed in their combined region.
[ { "body": "So to sum it up the people who are pissed off have come up with the brilliant conclusion that instead of random chance a round robin should have decided who proceeded into the group stages and who got a bye. \n\nSo the top 5 teams from every region have to show up and play a day early show off their top strats and give a preview of what will most likely be the championship games giving every other team the advantage against them later in the group stages. \n\nSorry but I'm sure Frost would rather not be in the group stages but I'm really sure they don't want to give any of their strategies up so the teams who couldn't even get first in their regions have a chance to beat them. \n\nForcing the top 5 teams to play a round robin match will decrease the likelihood that any of those teams will win the Season 2 Championships. It will demoralize teams that lose, it will show flaws in their strategies to their opponents who will then have at least a day to figure out how to beat them. \n\n", "score": 54 }, { "body": "Reading this comment thread, I have to say, people need to figure out the meaning of the word 'unfair'", "score": 44 }, { "body": "wow what a stupid way to assign byes. \n\nShould have just had the 5 teams play in a Round Robin before the tournament to assign byes. ", "score": 37 }, { "body": "Riot could not show any bias/unfairness towards any region. So this was probably why they went this route of deciding the seeds. It sucks for Frost but I don't know how else they could have done this aside from running another round robin tournament between the 5 teams to determine seeding.", "score": 36 }, { "body": "I wish it was WE that had been thrown into the group stages since they changed 2(?) of their members since qualifying for the finals and imo aren't going to make it past the first round anyway.", "score": 25 }, { "body": "**Group Playoff Round Robin Predictions**\n\n\n\n Prediction 1|Group A |Group B\n :|:--:|---:\n |SK Gaming|Dignitas|\n |CLG.Prime|CLG.EU|\n |(Azubu Frost)*|**(**Saigon Jokers**)***|\n||(Invictus Gaming)|**(**NaJin Sword**)**|\n\n**OR**\n\n Prediction 2|Group A |Group B|\n :|:--:|---:\n |SK Gaming|Dignitas|\n |CLG.Prime|CLG.EU|\n |**(**Saigon Jokers**)***|(Azubu Frost)*|\n||**(**NaJin Sword**)**|(Invictus Gaming)|\n\nBased on the fact that for group playoffs that the 2nd and 3rd place for NA/EU Regions wont meet we can predict what the two groups to be.\n\n\n**()-** I paired the Asian teams depending on their Ranking at their Regions so Azubu Frost can't be paired with Saigon Joker since they each respectably place first in their Regions. Also since Azubu Frost and NaJin Sword are both from Korea they will also not be paired together for the group playoffs. Therefore only one option is viable.\n\n(Saigon Jokers and NaJin Sword) & (Azubu Frost and Invictus Gaming)\n\n\n*- There is a caveat however we do not know which pair of Asian Teams are going against which group of NA/EU Teams so it is possible for the pair of Asian Teams to be switched around and vice versa\n\nIn my opinion the group that has both Azubu Frost and Invictus Gaming will have a disadvantage trying to make it into Brackets.", "score": 24 }, { "body": "1million first place prize...ohh lets draw balls to see who gets a free pass to the quarter finals...Can you imagine the rage if M5 got screwed over instead", "score": 23 }, { "body": "As I said in the Korean Finals thread, this is a complete joke, and by far one of the worse decisions Riot has ever made. So one team gets screwed over by random chance, and the others get lucky and go through? What kind of system is that? It's like making every team in the football world cup flip a coin and letting half of them go through to the next round.", "score": 21 }, { "body": "1.TSM and M5 deserve their seedings.\n\n2.Azubu Frost should have gotten a seed. They have showed they can beat European and NA teams.\n\nLast seed between WE or TPA. I would say WE deserved it more. Reason: WE completely dominated the Chinese scene for the whole year/season. They recently dropped off due to internal conflicts. (Recently replaced their jungler and support players). And when they were on top they consistently dominated NA/EU teams.\n\nTPA imo, comes from a very weak region beating teams like Saigon Jokers who weve all seen make questionable plays and are not at the leevl of the best teams.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "If the top 5 seeds played round robin a week early, then the lower seeds have a week to preparefor the strategies that were used. That's 10 games to analyze down to the last teemo.\n\nTalk about an unfair advantage... Id rather be a lower seed and reveal my cards in the bracket, rather than letting every team have time to prepare for me.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Should have made the finals 16 teams and done a randomised group stage with 4 groups imo. \n\n4 US, 4 EU, 3 Kor, 3 China, 2 SEA", "score": 5 }, { "body": "All of the 5 teams, except WE had to compete in a single match that granted them a slot in the World Finals. WE was given their slot back in July, not to mention WE changed 40% of their roster, AFTER they were going to Worlds.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I don't get this random draw. The fact that the teams won #1 seed meant that they already earned their spot in the quarters.\n\nThese were what the casters were hammering home during the regionals too.\n\n\"Having this number seed means that the team can skip the group stage\"\n\nAnd then riot has this to make their quarter seeding based on chance?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I still don't understand how this random drawing took place. So, was it more like, we have 5 #1 seeds, and then we randomly draw which team will have to participate in the playoffs?\n", "score": 3 } ]
good god... by the 5th run cycle i had to dig so effing deep. I'm quite ashamed in myself to be honest...I'm young, average weight, and considered myself healthy.... this single day has proven all of that wrong!... hopefully i live through tomorrow!
[ { "body": "I know how you feel. I just finished week 4, though and am starting to feel like a runner! Keep up the good work, you can do it!", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I know the feel bro..... Don't forget to read the [NEW RUNNERS - PLEASE READ](http://www.reddit.com/r/running/comments/q15p3/you_shouldnt_be_winded/) from the sidebar.\n\n\n* go slower \n* take shorter strides\n* if you're ever out of breath, go slower\n* stick with the program\n\n:)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I was the same way when I started - not exactly in the best shape, but I figured being relatively young and having an athletic build would make the first few weeks easy.\n\nSpoiler alert: It didn't. I felt like death for most of W1D1, but it was a real wakeup call for how much of a difference there is between *looking* in shape and *being* in shape. Don't get discouraged if it was harder than you think it should've been, the whole point of the program is **conditioning**. Difficulty with W1D1 only says one thing: your body just hasn't adapted to running yet.\n\nKeep up with the program, and your body will start overhauling all sorts of biochemical processes to adapt to that stress. After a few weeks (about 4 for me) you'll notice runs becoming a lot less uncomfortable. It'll reach a point where you just stop losing your breath, and the minute-long interval that seems so excruciating now will barely feel like a warmup.\n\nTrust me, you'll see progress, and you'll see it fast. Just don't skip rest days - the day after a run, there's some serious internal construction work going on that running again would slow down. You will almost definitely have off-days where you run slower than normal or get tired more quickly, but they're always followed by a huge performance boost on the next run. Good luck!", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of. You are exercising groups of muscles that you haven't used in a while. I remember collapsing in agony with shin splints the first time I took up the program. As I progressed I learned how to take better care of myself and I've almost, but not quite, got to the point where I'm running without any niggling injuries. \n\nIf anything, it's made me realise the value of cross training and strength exercises too.\n\nGood luck to you.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I made it through 6 of the 8 runs before I stopped because I couldn't go any further. I was sobbing, in pain, and felt like a complete failure.\n\nI took my rest day and did it again on W1D2. I start week 3 on Monday. You're doing great. Keep it up. Be proud of yourself. :)", "score": 3 } ]
Shark fishing, catch and release. Any experts out there?
I am looking for opinions on the best ways to fish for sharks, catch and release style. What tackle do you use? How do you land the shark? How do you release it? Cut line? Cut leader? Cut hook? Or actually try and unhook? What tools do you use? i.e. for fresh water fishing, I have a few different surgical clamps and needle nose style pliers... EDIT: Thanks for the info guys!
[ { "body": "http://www.sharksonthesand.com/forum/ \nThese guys are really welcoming to new fishermen and are always willing to answer questions and help introduce people to the sport.\n \nWhat size sharks are you going for? \n\nAre you fishing from shore or a boat?\nIf from shore do you have a kayak?\n\nIf you use circle hooks they should usually end up in the corner [Example from a previous catch of mine](http://i.imgur.com/PB0pl.jpg)\n\nFrom there you can use pliers to work the hook out. Some people place a rubber mallet in the sharks mouth to keep it's jaws open while they work on the hook. \n\nYou have to work fast or risk needlessly killing the shark, if you can't get the hook out after a minute or so you should probably just cut the hook with bolt cutters. (20/0 circle hooks are only like a dollar something a piece) \n\nIf you are fishing from shore a [tail rope](http://www.fishermansoutfitter.com/Uploads/Medium/Products/FOTR.jpg) can be a huge help in pulling it up on shore. I used to grab the sharks by hand until I caught my first shark that was too big for just myself to beach alone.\n\nReleasing a shark can be the most rewarding part, I usually drag the shark backwards towards the water and side step away from the head until it's deep enough to swim off on it's own. \n\nSometimes they are too exhausted to swim away so it is your job to revive them. Stay in 2-3ft water and walk down the shore with the shark so water flows through it's gills until it can swim off on it's own. If you don't do this the shark could die and it will wash up for everyone to see in the morning. This gives shark fishermen a bad name. \n\nIf the release is quick you shouldn't run into this problem too often.\n\nI can tell you more about what tackle to use when I know where you are fishing, what size you are targeting, and whether you plan to be on shore or on a boat. Best of luck friend!\n\nBy the way, I am definitely no expert. Just have a decent amount of experience, and a lot of trial and error under my belt.", "score": 3 } ]
6 more hours until my SO is here!
It's been two month since we've last been together. He lives in New York (21) & I live in California (20) This will be our third time being together during our almost 9 month relationship. He busts his ass off to make this work. Works the most ridiculous shifts ever (11 pm-4am). Begs his manager to let him accumulate days off by working 6 days a week. He saves up his money to spoil me while he's here. Wether it's a pipe from Venice, a fancy dinner, or Disneyland.. All I want to do is spend time with him! I'm so giddy right now! & I can't stop smiling. I love this man so much & I know he loves me the same, maybe even more! He is so dedicated to our relationship. It's amazing! Let your SO know how much they mean to you! Make them smile :) have a great day guys!
[ { "body": "Watch out for traffic at LAX; space shuttle is coming in today! It should be cleared up by then but I'd still head out a bit early if I were you. Have fun! =)", "score": 4 } ]
Need help with Karnaugh Maps regarding gray code (and kind of a rant to go along)
So, I'm doing double duty in school. I'm auditing classes during the day at an engineering school, and I'm also finishing up my (probably next to worthless) Associate degree in the Electronic Technician degree at my local tech school at night. During the day, I'm getting really thorough lectures, getting into the meat of things. It's great. At night, it's pretty much just doing the motions in a diploma mill, but I got this far, so I want to finish what I started. I'm doing digital in both classes right now. Daytime professor does Karnaugh maps and really goes in deep and does a great job of explaining it. Gray code, all of that. Night teacher does it a week later, and kind of skims over it. Here comes a test. I do the K maps like the daytime professor explained, using gray code. I get it wrong on my test because the night teacher says that "WELL I'VE BEEN DOING THIS 20 YEARS, AND IF THEY'RE TEACHING YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO USE GRAY CODE, THAT'S NEWS TO ME!" and basically treats me like an idiot. How can I prove to this guy that you have to use gray code to get the correct outcome? Linking him to articles won't do it because he probably won't read it on account of "too much to do", so if I can show him a simple demonstration, I can maybe at least get those points back on that test. It's not much, doesn't matter a whole lot, but this guy has apparently been teaching it wrong for 20 years, and I'm paying out of my own pocket to be taught by him and it's kind of driving me crazy! Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this problem succinctly? I'm trying to keep my cool here, but I'm running out of patience with the situation.
[ { "body": "A question or two from an Engineer before we start making conclusions...\n\nWhen you say Prof Night said you got it wrong because you use gray code, what exactly is your definition of wrong? Like, he acknowledges your correct answer, and dislikes your method? Or does he say you're totally wrong?\n\nRemember, you don't necessarily have to use a certain method to achieve a solution, but \"rote learning\" (i.e. committing a method to memory and not applying intellectual value...) isn't so good... So, second question: how did Prof Night teach the subject?", "score": 3 } ]
What do these do exactly?
http://puu.sh/17dfa - screenshot. I've been looking for it everywhere and I just can't find anything about it... Thanks in advance.
[ { "body": "There are Badass Challenges to find all of the hidden vault symbols in each map area. Most areas have two, major crossroads can have more. Just another fun collectible to hunt for.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I typically find them in hidden areas, such as a small room off to the side that has the control switches for all of the jail cells or something.", "score": 3 } ]
Houston Hackerspace holding DIY Classes. Learn welding, cnc, pcb fab, programming, EV and more.
TX/RX labs is houston's hackerspace. We've prepared a new season of classes, and we're building out our new building on 205 Roberts, Houston TX, 77003. We're about a dozen blocks to the northeast of minute maid park. We have open house every Friday from 7:30 PM till past midnight. Things are still being set back up from the move, but classes are taking priority in the new buildout. If you've never heard of us, check us out! http://classes.txrxlabs.org/
[ { "body": "I was browsing your site and noticed the website is littered with random spam links for Viagra, Cialis, and other crap.\n\nMight want to check that out.\n\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "This sounds really cool, but this is the first i have heard of it. Can you give us some more detail about what you do? A link to your site maybe...", "score": 3 } ]
I [26/m] fell in love - while being in a relationship of 8 yrs (26/f)
Hey Reddit, After 8 years of being in a relationship with my girlfriend, I made the mistake of meeting a friend from university who I knew for a couple of years. We went out, had something to eat, I walked her back to her appartment and we continued the night at her place drinking wine and talking. At the end of it, I needed to get home but there was no transportation service so I asked her to crash her couch to which replied that I could as well sleep in her bed. So we slept in her bed, nothing happenend (that was the deal) and the next morning we parted in a friendly - not awkward - way. Since then, my mind is constantly thinking about her. I know exactly that I fell in love. But here comes the problem - my actual relationship of 8 years. We've been together for two years and then had to be on a long distance relationship the last 6 years. Right around two months ago she cut all her ties in her hometown and moved over to my new city and began her internship. We even moved together in a new appartment. Our relationship was always very peaceful, I never cheated her and we've never had the "relationship on rocks". But the last 2 years I grew kind of tired of her and was bored. Silly things led to arguments which frustrated me because of redundancy. And right now I have problems showing love and affection towards her, which even saddens her. So... I know, I'm a total scumbag. But I need your advice and experience here. Have you ever been in a situation as this before? What would you do? Leave her and try to find new love although it might end up with an apocalypse? Stick to her and ignore all those warm feelings of new love until they become dull and I continue my life in the known way? [tl;dr] After 8 yrs of relationship I accidentally fell in love with a new woman. I'm scum. What to do and how?
[ { "body": "You're not in love, you're just tired of your current relationship. It doesn't take a rocket appliance to figure that out. You have been dating this girl since you were 18. If you want out get out, it's understandable, but stop trying to prepare this new relationship to jump to. \n\nSo where did your girlfriend think you were all night?", "score": 16 } ]
For those who are stuck:
I am sitting in a hotel room thinking about an amazingly talented writer friend of mine who doesn't realize his full potential. He could be writing a great novel or dark comedy but he is now in his mid forties and still hasn't done it. I wrote this for him but I thought there might be others who might appreciate this, especially my fellow psychonauts. You already know that you are the universe trying to experience itself. Do everything you want to do because you are only on earth as a human body for a little while. I believe that 1) compassion (for other beings and for mother earth), and 2) creating (art, music, writing - including creative coding and creative thinking in the sciences) are the main purposes of life - bringing human consciousness to a higher level. We are merely part of a great energy of consciousness - here to experience life in its fullness: both pain and joy, bliss and sorrow. Live, love, EXPERIENCE. Flourish. The universe is being experienced through you. Edit: He expressed regret for not writing because he knows he has a gift.
[ { "body": ">I believe that 1) compassion (for other beings and for mother earth), and 2) creating (art, music, writing - including creative coding and creative thinking in the sciences) are the main purposes of life - bringing human consciousness to a higher level.\n\nAgreed, and the internet helps us achieve all this. \n\nAlmighty Browser - we salute you!", "score": 9 }, { "body": "For those stuck in a thought loop (my first thought when seeing the ritle). Don't fear yourself, your friends and family love you unconditionally, you are perfect just how you are, and you can do it.", "score": 8 }, { "body": ">Do everything you want to do because you are only on earth as a human body for a little while.\n\nI've been stuck on this and its implications for quite some time. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I've been caught on a loop for awhile now. For instance, my last shrooms trip I was caught in this loop that I was stuck in this shitty position of being the person I am. I lack creativity and I have no passion for a certain thing. I feel like I am stuck going college, but at the same time I feel guilty that I feel this way because of what great things have been given to me. I can't change who I am and it gets me depressed.", "score": 3 } ]
How much are you willing to pay for something?
I am looking to start freelancing as a designer. I have all the skills needed like autocad for drafting and photoshop etc for mood boards and presentation layouts. What I am hesitant on is how much to charge for my services. I wanted to ask, how much would you be willing to pay for a drafted furniture plan of a room in your home with maybe some furniture suggestions? Any input would help a lot! Thanks
[ { "body": "I have a pretty high end design company, a custom furniture store, and a custom furniture factory, just to give some perspective. I am also fairly high profile. I think your first mistake is asking \"what would you be willing to pay?\" What will invariably happen is that you will end up working for FAR FAR less than you are worth. (I'm assuming you are worth anything at all, forgive me, but I have no way of knowing. Let's assume that you are very good at design.)\n\nYou MUST approach this with the idea that your time and training are valuable. People are not just paying for your opinion, they are paying for every hour you spent in school, every house you have worked on in the past which has made you a better designer, every hour you spend looking at new designs or expanding your education, etc. (A fitness model is not expensive because you use her for an hour long photo shoot, she is expensive because you have to pay her to work out every day, diet every day, and so on.)\n\nGenerally, we will charge a 25% fee on top of every purchase a client makes that we have recommended to them. This is why girlvinyl's advice is good. If you have designer accounts all over town, most of those places will give you a 25% designer discount which you can pass on to your clients. 25% off of a product, plus 25% paid to you for your design fee, means the client pays no more or no less than they would if they simply bought it themselves. This is attractive to new clients; also they feel better because if they hate everyting you show them and don't end up buying anything, they arent out any money. The problem is that some clients perceive this as a reason for you to only show them REALLY expensive stuff, so your 25% is more dough. So you have to be clear with them up front about what their budget is.\n\nWe charge 350$ to go into any room and pick paint colors; this is a PER ROOM charge. This is a TOTAL BARGAIN. Clients all think they can pick colors; they can't. People are terrible at picking colors for their own house. Terrible. Consequently their rooms remain white, or they use some horrid color they saw on HGTV that looks great on TV but lousy in a house.\n\nIf someone says come in and design my kitchen or porch or something like that, we charge 45$ per square foot. Yes, that is a lot of money. A 20 x 20 space is 400 square feet, so we would charge 18,000$ to do the design. But think about the hours involved. We would do a scale, pick materials, pick finishes, pick furniture, hardware, paint, flooring, windows, drapery, the whole shootin match. We will provide samples and drawings of everything, and we would oversee the project until completion. (Either with our own contractor or with someone they pick.) The whole thing can easily take several months. That's a lot of time. In the end, I have NEVER had a client feel like it was too much money. A professionally designed space is light years ahead of what a client can do on their own. And all the time you spend on it is worth it. YOU MUST BELIEVE THIS IF YOU WANT TO WORK IN THE INDUSTRY. If you don't believe your time and education is worth this, no one else will, and you will end up working for eleven cents an hour. I'm not exaggerating. Also, we charge this for EVERY ROOM they want us to look at. It happens all the time where we will be doing a kitchen for someone and in the middle of the project they will call us and say, \"so what sort of table and chandelier should we do in the foyer?\" If they want us to do the foyer, they have to pay us to do the foyer. Again, your time is worth it. It's like people asking their doctor friend to look at their rash. Not cool. You want me to look at your rash, make an appointment. (Obviously for close friends this isn't the case. I've designed dozens of spaces for close friends and family, just for a cocktail or two. But when people find out you are a designer, you will be astonished at how many people you barely know ask you to come look at their new porch and give them suggestions; ferociously uncool.)\n\nAs a side note; you will be much happier if you have a contractor you like and trust to work with. Also, build up your database of subs. You should have a couple plumbers you like, some painters (usually a cheap one, a medium grade one, and a high end one) some carpenters, some tile guys, finishers etc. Working with the same people over time will build up relationships with those folks and you'll get better service and prices out of them. I don't recommend upcharging for work done by your subs. You want the contract to be between the client and the sub, not between you and the client. That way, if there is a problem, you can facilitate a solution, but not be legally responsible. Or simply let a contractor deal. \n\nLastly, we are 650 for a day, or 350 for a half day. Often, a client for whom we've done work will call and say, \"I need some new towels for the powder room.\" Right up front, I will say, sure, but it will take me a day to find them. Boom, they know what you are going to charge. If it is more involved, like they need some stuff to fill up a bookcase, charge a couple days. But then you don't charge the 25% on top. This is because, if I spend a day finding a set of linens for someone, and the whole thing comes to 400 dollars, 25% of that isn't worth our time. So we give them a flat rate right up front. TRUST ME ON THIS. When you run all over town, pick a half dozen different samples for a client, then show them to the client, then return the ones they DON'T want and buy the ones they do, you will spend hours and hours. If a client isn't willing to pay you a half a days time for that (or a full day or two, depending on what you quoted them) then you don't want that client. It means they don't value your time and skills, and you will end up working for pennies an hour, as I said before. This is the fastest way to hating your job.\n\nHope this was helpful.\n\n", "score": 9 }, { "body": "The furniture plans and finishes are going to be what people are really looking for if it's not a remodel. I strongly suggest opening accounts with furniture and textile companies that are to the trade only. I have pieces in my house that can only be purchased through a designer and they're what really blow people away. Then you can take people to the design center in your city and really blow them away. That's the differentiator - if you don't have trade accounts, many clients will (wrongly) figure \"hey, I can do this myself!\" ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "We paid $399 for a designer to visit our house, make some suggestions on colors/furniture/mood and send a mood board over with a list of things to buy. She was well known in the small local market we were in. I felt it was expensive but was good advice and brought the place together nicely. Gave us confidence that we were doing the right thing (first home) and saved a lot of time/energy in figuring that stuff out for ourselves.\n\nI know she made most of her money from people building $mm custom homes and through commercial projects (designing condos/model apartments for luxury condo developments). The $mm home types will get financing then use a certain percentage of it for the interior, including design.\n\nThat seems like where you'll make real money in this industry and not helping broke young couples figure out how to arrange their Ikea stuff. That and (as someone else said), markups on trade-only high end furniture.\n\nReddit's not the place to find luxury consumers though (and interior design is definitely a luxury service) so pricing questions are always going to be skewed towards the low end.\n\nAlso make sure you check local regulations - I know in some places you have to be licensed/credentialed to call yourself an Interior Designer.", "score": 6 } ]
[Discussion] How does your wishlist get added to the random wishlist feature?
So I've been pulling up random wishlists and did some gifting. How do your wishlists get added to this? I seem to see the same random people so I wondered if you had to submit it somehow? Does it pull from your flair? If so, what about people that list (multiple lists) in their flair?
[ { "body": "I've got to talk to the creator.\n\n\nMore info soon.\n\nEDIT: Eventually we'll add all of the Birthday Calendar lists to the random list list, so make sure you sign up for that.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I manually crawl the site every day or so and grab the first 300 or so \"new\" posts. Everyone who has their flair in their wishlist and either posts or comments on this post at least once gets added. You do not get added multiple times if you post lots. I remove duplicate wishlists and user names. I am up to 315 unique users who have posted in the past few weeks since I began this. I am trying to think of a way to drop people who haven't posted in the past month or so off the list, but haven't gotten there yet. \n\nYou can find the firebug java script i use to do this [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZTcPQ9ADsIng45AZLqijTVE3LpkaQX5mrk2eDMJpIX8/edit). I bring the data into excel and do another search for duplicates, the I save the spreadsheet in google drive. (Mods have asked me not to post it.\n\nI got the impression they were using my spreadsheet for the random button, but I have no idea how often they update their spreadsheet.", "score": 6 } ]
Well this blows, I might be allergic to a component of mayonnaise, and maybe even coconut oil =(
So my coworkers and I tend to go to whataburger once in awhile. They're pretty awesome, I'd normally get a "platter" burger, with extra lettuce. It wasn't until recently that I started getting a side of mayo and you know, love me some fat. Well, this happened last week, I got my whataburger, side of mayo, then my hands start developing a rash and swelling. Well, happened again today. I'm inclined to think it might be soybean oil which is a common component in mayo. I use coconut oil quite a bit but it's a relatively new thing for me... which I had last night. Allergic reactions don't tend to show the next day so I'm skeptical that it's the issue. If it is soybean oil, I hope it's just that. I've ate soybeans in the past without issue (or anything I noticed) and I love most soy milk. In the name of Keto save me, no mayo...ughhhhh.
[ { "body": "You might need to try your hand at making your own mayo. Some people have had good success with making animal fat based mayo's. Good luck.", "score": 3 } ]
Great job casting Locodoco
Thank you for the great job you did casting the whole Korean regionals: bringing your in-depth knowledge of the game, witty jokes and truly passionate casting, best shown in the last game of the finals. OGN finally got a caster it deserved! Hope to see more of you in the future.
[ { "body": "thank you :3 u wont see me as caster for a long time but ill be making a comeback as a player very soon", "score": 130 }, { "body": "I will just drop by to say that I agree. For me personally Locodoco has been great for insight on item builds and plays throughout the entire Korean regionals.\n\nDeman + Locodoco anyone? ;)", "score": 15 }, { "body": "I thought he was going to pass out near the end! Seriously though, he was spot on with that flash+ult by Malphite, he called that shit like a pro.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "The only thing about him that was really ticking me off is how he was constantly questioning and trashing players for doing what they did and constantly saying how they should play, and all the while being completely oblivious to the pressure they're under, and the fact that they can't see majority of the map. I liked how he was into the game and I didn't care for the lisp, but the constant \"he should do this and his dumb for doing that\" really ruined it for me.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Yeah... here's the thing.\n\nWhether you like it or not most of the LoL community will not appreciate Locodoco's casting. Loco is one of the few streamers that knows enough about the game (from consistently playing at a high level) that he can feel confident about giving insight and predicted what might happen. Just as a talented sports caster might do.\n\nJudging by how many people are saying \"omg he wuz trash talking people wtf mom\" it's obvious how few people on this sub-reddit have actually played at a -moderately- high elo. The majority of high elo players take trash talking lightly, especially the teams you see at tournaments. They are exposed to trash talk constantly by streaming and thousands of people are watching every mistake you might make. It is not bias, it as an opinion, which casters should and often do state.\n\nWe really don't need another caster rambling on for 15 minutes about \"yeah those gold regeneration items will greatly help him earn extra gold, which will in turn give him extra items. This will help him scale tremendously into late game, and with this extra gold he will be much more effective in team fights by baron or dragon, and even in chases.\" really, we don't.\n\n\n**TL;DR Please don't the way you cast Loco. There is no specific way someone should cast, don't listen to all this bullshit about \"well a good caster SHOULD...\" you did an excellent job. At the very least, the more talented playerbase will be able to appreciate your casting.**", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I saw a lot of people in stream talking shit about his lisp, but hes good enough at the game to make way better calls than the most commentators, and in my opinion thats whats really matters.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "He did well. Sometimes he was a bit stubborn about things but other than that his passion made the games more exciting.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I think Locodoco should stay in the pro scene even if he doesn't play on a pro team. I've always been a fan at how fun he can be.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Agreed. Locodoco did a great job. It's been really sad seeing him bounce around different teams only to leave them a short while later. It would be great if he picked up a spot as a caster at least, if he isn't going to play anymore.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "FFS, when you do korean regionals atleast tell us that LOCODOCO WILL BE casting, that draws way more attention !! :((", "score": 3 } ]
Cards Against Equinity
[](/y41)   GREETINGS GENTLECOLTS AND NOT-SO-GENTLECOLTS! -- [](/sp) --- [](/sp) [](/forequestria)I have a quest that is uniquely relevant to your interests. You see, I am working on a pony version/expansion for the rising card game *Cards Against Humanity*. I, however, am a rather uncreative fuck and I've run out of ideas for cards.   This is where you come in, **GIVE ME IDEAS**   It's simple, just list off a few subject that *you* think should be in the deck. Make sure to specify the type of card and any special notes (Pick 2, Draw 1, etc.). [](/sp)   [](/twiread) I have two PDFs of cards I've already made (WhiteCardsPony1&2) as well as lists of most of the official cards if you want ideas or things to avoid [here](https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B82OOXRXzyeaaDF2eW5zUjUwbVU/edit). If you do not know about this game, it's basically Apples to Apples for horrible people. There's game instructions in the link above and an online version is [here](http://pyz.socialgamer.net/game.jsp) if you want to play. [](/sp) --- [](/sp) [LIST OF CURRENT SUGGESTIONS](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As2OOXRXzyeadHJtMzc5WnRlVWpMZ05XeXNBY01FdUE) -- [](/sp) ---
[ { "body": "Whitecards - Wing boner, Big Macintosh, Cutie mark, Rainbow Crash, Cider, Fluttertree\n\nBlackcards - So you're an _____ that likes ______?\n\nBUY SOME _____.\n\nI'd like to be a _____.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Whitecards - Molestia, Clop Clop, Scootabuse, Poison Joke, \n\nBlack Cards - \nCutie Mark Crusader _____!\n[](/sp)\nIn a fit of rage, Princess Celestia sent ______ to the _____.\n\nI'll try some more later.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "[W] Gently stroking the horn.\n\n[W] A Sexy Saddle Slapped on a Saucy Stallion.\n\n[W] Friendship\n\n[W] Magic\n\n[[B] I never knew what _____ could be, until you all shared it's _____ with me.](/white!) [P2]", "score": 3 } ]
Who is the non-star former player from your team you miss the most?
Obviously, Magic fans are going to miss Dwight and Suns fans are going to miss Nash. I'm talking about role players, locker room guys, etc. who wouldn't be classified as star players. Mine is Fabricio Oberto. He was dependable and one of the best passing big men we've ever had. Watching his and Manu's chemistry was amazing, too. How about you?
[ { "body": "Kendrick Perkins. Oh god how I miss Perk. He was a huge defensive presence, came up big when we needed him and was an incredible locker room presence (he and Rondo got along really really well especially). Perk did all the dirty work and we loved him for it. It's especially hard because I see a lot of OKC fans ragging on him and I feel like shouting, don't you know what you've got?", "score": 46 }, { "body": "Tony Allen, while occasionally he can do stupid stuff like [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le8rMnL56w8), he is an incredible defender that hustles throughout the entire game.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "Corey Brewer. Couldn't shoot a lick but he would fly up and down the court. Never took off a play and never a [dull moment](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiM5RGY3QGM). ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I'm torn between Omer Asik and Kyle Korver. I think I'll go with Asik, even though he almost never gave interviews and I can't imagine him as a locker room guy, since his English wasn't so good. His defense in the paint was amazing, especially paired with Taj Gibson.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Chuck Person (I was just so excited when he joined the Spurs.)\n\nMalik Rose\n\nJaren Jackson\n\nKevin Willis\n\nDanny Ferry\n\nFabricio Oberto, really loved him.\n\nStephen Jackson (SO EXCITED WHEN HE CAME BACK!!!)\n\nI'm not gonna put Sean Elliott and Mario Elie, cause I consider them as stars for the Spurs.\n", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Matt Harpring. That dude was the toughest motherfucker around, yet was still a true professional and amazingly humble. Injuries are a bitch though. Still my favorite Jazz player behind John Stockton\n", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Jerome Williams aka JYD aka The Junkyard Dog- so much hustle, so much passion for the game, one of the very few players to bleed purple (purple back then, red now)", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Sasha Vujacic - the guy was a character and always pleasant to watch on defense. [The Machine!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uOnCRzBrgg)\n\nOh, also Odom and Fisher.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Courtney Lee\n\nI don't care if he missed a very difficult shot in the Finals that would have tied the series, he was still a fun guy to watch. Great energy, defensive-minded and could hit an open shot. \n\nNow Boston has him : (", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Loved Fabs. One of the smartest basketball players the Spurs have had in recent years.\n\nObviously though, the non-star player I would want back would have to be Bruce Bowen. Lock-down defense and corner 3's. ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "leon powe... i honestly think the celtics dont win it all in 08 without him. his defense was great, he took charges, and he was competent in the low post. in some of those playoff games where kg or perk were foul trouble he came up big and without him we could have easily lost them", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Surprised no one mentioned Scalabrine yet.\n\nGuess I just did. Scalabrine. Although that's probably not a true answer considering how many dudes we lost this offseason.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Bruce bowen all day. One of the best perimeter defenders ever. His ability to pester opposing wings was one of the main reasons for the spurs multiple championships. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I know I'm going to get mad hate for this, but I've always had this inexplicable love Sasha Vujacic when he was on the Lakers. He was always talked about as being one of those practice players that wouldn't miss.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Gotta be Andre Miller. Really wish he was still around to teach Lillard how to knock over flopping PF's", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Personally, I am going to miss CJ Watson. He played through pain time and time again and conducted the offense well while Rose was out. I would cringe just about every time JL3 had to come in for Watson. Watson could hit big shots, has worked on his game ever since the D-League, and finally, there are not many NBA players from the University of Tennessee. Stacy King's [call for Watson](http://youtu.be/qlGk2PeF7fM?t=2m53s) was also amazing.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I know he doesn't get enough love or respect but Rafer Alston was a good and fun catalyst to watch.\n\nEdit: Downvoted for having an different opinion? Stay classy /r/nba ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Van Exel, well it was Van Exel depending on how we should classify Terry....JET...I miss you so much man already, I need a hug and an airplane plush toy.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I sort of miss Barea.\n\n\nI'm going to miss Terry a lot I think. As a person he kinda irks me, but as a player, oh man. ", "score": 3 } ]
Wings In Rochester (Possible hidden gems)
Last night, I tried Jeremiah's for wings, for the first time. I will say they are pretty damn close to what I feel is the true Buffalo Duffs standard. They had crispiness, hot sauce was pretty close to Duffs, size of wing was a little smaller and lack of what I call extra "plate" sauce was less. Yes I'm originally from Buffalo and we take wings way too seriously. Anyone else think a place comes close?
[ { "body": "I like Quimbys. But in Buffalo actually like Sal's over Duffs because they're both amazing but Sal's has that thick crunch to it.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "L&M Lanes\n\nbtw your Duffs standard is good, but next time your in Buffalo go to Barbill in East Aurora, or Mammosers in Hamburg.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "[Donnellys](http://www.donnellysph.com/) in Fairport has the best quality wing I've found in the area. Huge, no marrow, no veins, just perfect roaster cut wings. You can even get them grilled if that's your thing. I get them extra crispy. Not to mention their beer selection is phenomenal for a little pub.", "score": 3 } ]
Few Tips and Tricks I find useful and haven't seen mentioned here yet.
First, probably the most useful thing I have learned, is: * The little gear icon in the inventory lets you send all your consumables to your bank, wherever you are. Massive space saver. * Each time an NPC runs up to you, shouting for help - talk to him/her. It will start an event or point you to an existing one nearby, possibly starting a chain of dynamic events that will net you lots of Karma and XP. * Same thing goes for when you see a SUN/ORANGE slice icon above NPC's head. Talk to that NPC and he will most likely start an event. * If you hear NPC's talking about something that's happening nearby, stop and listen, after they're done, an event is likely to start. * Don't immediatly leave after an event is finished, there's likely a follow up event that's about to start. You'd be missing out on lots of karma and XP. * If you're interested in lore and like to read, NPC's with specific names often have something to say. * Sometimes NPC's are hidden Karma vendors, you need to talk to them first, and they will offer some items you wouldn't find elsewhere. (Mipp is such a vendor) * You can move your MAP from bottom right corner of the screen to the upper right corner by dragging the panel that slides in on the right, when you hoover your mouse over the map. * You can set up hotkeys to toggle walk, weapon draw and various other things that are not set by default, just head to the options menu. * If you type /LFG it will flag your character as looking for group in the Contacts window for everyone to see. * Holding down left CTRL will show you nearest harvest nodes, items like enviromental weapons etc. * when in group and doing PVE, you can see the progress of 'heart' completion each member by hovering over the heart icon. * CTRL+SHIFT+Print Screen makes a screen shot without the IU. * The monsters that are in your way, and are often simply ignored, net huge amounts of bonus XP. * Monsters that aren't killed frequently are worth large amounts of bonus XP, killing yellow-name monsters in remote areas can be worth huge amounts of bonus XP as they're ignored by most players. * Holding down the ALT key will show you all green friendlies. This can be very useful for finding juvenile pets to tame, among other things. * You should talk to every NPC that changes the mouse cursor to a chat box. Very often they'll have something useful to say that can lead you to a hidden area as well as the other things you mentioned. * Typing /age will tell you how long you've been playing GW2, as well as the amount of time you've played the current character. * Typing /bug will automatically bring up the bug reporting box, making it really easy to submit bug reports. Make sure to check the box that includes a screenshot. * While your cursor is in the chat box holding down shift and clicking on an item will paste a link into chat. * Holding down ALT while clicking on a stack will allow you to pull off a specific number from the stack.
[ { "body": "typing /wiki vanilla beans (for example) opens the gw2 wiki in your browser at that specific item :)", "score": 16 }, { "body": "The first time an NPC ran up to me yelling at me it a Charr cub and she was gushing about how they got to collect Devourer eggs. I followed her and found an event to collect their eggs and it was one of my favourite moments in the game lol.", "score": 3 }, { "body": ">The monsters that are in your way, and are often simply ignored, net huge amounts of bonus XP.\n\njust a suggestion but:\n\n* Monsters that aren't killed frequently are worth large amounts of bonus XP, killing yellow-name monsters in remote areas can be worth huge amounts of bonus XP as they're ignored by most players.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Also, if you are playing on a non-english client, holding down right strg will change text to english.", "score": 3 } ]
Build Ready $600 Budget gaming rig
[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i0J2) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i0J2/by_merchant/) / [Benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i0J2/benchmarks/) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i3-3220 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80637i33220) | $119.99 @ Newegg **Motherboard** | [ASRock Z75 Pro3 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asrock-motherboard-z75pro3) | $84.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [Corsair XMS3 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmx8gx3m2a1333c9) | $26.99 @ Newegg **Storage** | [Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/western-digital-internal-hard-drive-wd5000aaks) | $54.99 @ Microcenter **Video Card** | [Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-100355l) | $195.98 @ Newegg **Case** | [NZXT Source 210 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/nzxt-case-s210002) | $46.98 @ Newegg **Power Supply** | [Antec Neo Eco 520W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/antec-power-supply-neoeco520c) | $46.98 @ Newegg **Optical Drive** | [Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/lite-on-optical-drive-ihas124-04) | $15.99 @ SuperBiiz | | **Total** | Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $592.89 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-09-21 10:49 EDT-0400 | This is my build so far, going to buy everything on October 1st just want to get a last opinion before I buy in a week or so.
[ { "body": "The one thing I'd definitely change is the motherboard. The one you have is great, but the z75/z77 chipset is designed for overclocking, which you won't be doing with the i3. An H77 board will be just fine. I'd suggest going with this:\n\n[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6Ix) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6Ix/by_merchant/) / [Benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/i6Ix/benchmarks/)\n\nType|Item|Price\n:----|:----|:----\n**CPU** | [Intel Core i3-3220 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80637i33220) | $119.99 @ Newegg \n**Motherboard** | [ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP ATX LGA1155 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asrock-motherboard-h77pro4mvp) | $69.99 @ Newegg \n**Memory** | [Corsair XMS3 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmx8gx3m2a1333c9) | $26.99 @ Newegg \n**Storage** | [Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB 3.5\" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/western-digital-internal-hard-drive-wd5000aaks) | $54.99 @ Microcenter \n**Video Card** | [Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-100355l) | $195.98 @ Newegg \n**Case** | [NZXT Source 210 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/nzxt-case-s210002) | $46.98 @ Newegg \n**Power Supply** | [Antec Neo Eco 520W 80 PLUS Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/antec-power-supply-neoeco520c) | $46.98 @ Newegg \n**Optical Drive** | [Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/lite-on-optical-drive-ihas124-04) | $15.99 @ SuperBiiz \n | | **Total**\n | Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $577.89\n | Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-09-21 12:41 EDT-0400 |\n\nOn the day you buy, be sure to check out [r/buildapcsales](http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales) in case there are any cheaper alternatives, sales, or rebates that you're unaware of.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "on newegg the source 210 elite is only 10 bucks more. that gets you an extra fan and usb 3 up front\n\nhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146077&Tpk=source%20210%20elite", "score": 6 } ]
Putting tip that really helped me.
Over the last 6 years, I have struggled with putting, badly. Sometimes I would even get the yips and miss a 1 foot putt. Not anymore, actually as of the last few months, I would consider myself a good putter. The tip I got was to "Spot Putt". Meaning find a spot on the green to aim at and actually have your ball roll over that spot. Dont just aim a ball outside the hole, find a mark in between you and the hole and try rolling the ball over that spot. I dont know why this helped my putting so much, but it really did. So for any of you out there who struggle with the flat stick, give this a shot.
[ { "body": "thats why i put a line on my ball and aim that to where i want to go. Line up the line w/ the line on my putter, and as long as i put a good stroke on it, it will go where i aim.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "i used to struggle pretty bad with starting my putts on-line so another tip that helped me along these lines is to pick a spot 6 inches in front of your ball when your standing over it, and stare at that when you hit the shot..helped me tremendously ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "My lines are generally good, I've just had issues come and go with finding the right speed. Anyone have advice for that? I always figured I'm not spending enough time practicing....which is most likely the issue. That and I don't have a $300 putter which I'm assuming would solve all my trouble!", "score": 3 } ]
Happy Friday Free-For-All!
Hello all! Earlier this week, /u/oppar [proposed that we have a weekly free-for-all thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/zyqee/a_proposition_to_the_mods_or_rkpop/) for new people to introduce themselves, for people to ask questions, or for random discussion to take place! So, feel free to post whatever you want in this thread! And happy Friday to everyone :) [partying partying YEAH](http://i.minus.com/ibp4jLO4PPurQJ.gif)
[ { "body": "Free for all??? I'll post [my favorite kpop song of all time]\n(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuEP53-l81s)", "score": 18 }, { "body": "I heard Gangnam Style on Kiss FM (Los Angeles, CA) this morning & danced to it while at a stoplight!!! It's been weeks but I still love the song & love the fact that Psy is all over [US TV](http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/screencrush.com/files/2012/09/SNL-Gangnam-Style.png?w=625&h=0&zc=1&s=0&a=t&q=89)!!! ", "score": 16 }, { "body": "I guess in celebration for SNSD's [Hyoyeon](http://i.imgur.com/BB4Nj.gif), [here's a mix I did for a SONE](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ4QFQzUh2I&feature=share&list=UUqK13qv6u4a-YNlajAc-UYg) over at /r/SNSD for a dance showcase thing.\n\nAlso \n[Raina & Sunhwa <3](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjWBu87UOao)\n\nHappy Friday!\n\nEDIT: its Hyoyeon's bday tomorrow", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Today I saw the 'Gangnam Style' MV on MuchMusic. Eating my morning Cheerios while seeing Hyuna on cable TV made my day.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "I've been waiting all week for this! I have a few questions about Kpop... \"culture\" I guess is the way to describe it.\n\nFor example, I've seen interviews with the ladies from 2NE1 or Wonder Girls talking about how they're \"forbidden\" from dating. How is this possibly enforced? And then I've heard GD, for example, talking about dating so, what, it's something that only applies to female singers? How serious of a \"ban\" is this or is it more tongue in cheek?\n\nThen I also saw an interview with GD on a variety show talking about Seungri looking at porn. Is that kind of thing scandalous to talk about? I was a little surprised he would offer that anecdote so freely. \n\nThese questions all essentially boil down to why (based on what I've seen of netizen reactions) are singers expected to hold to a standard of abstaining from relationships? Why is what happened to Seungri with that model kissing him a \"scandal?\" \n\nAnd I'll leave you all with one of my favorite [\"Hey it's Friday night, I'm gonna blast this in the car on my way out!\"](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5XVbVnPis4) songs.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "안녕하세요. 저는 저스틴 이에요.\n\nHi, I'm Justin. I was a slight fan of kpop for a while, but plunged further in when [Electric Shock](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8I8QGFA1oM) came out. I soon found Wonder Girls after that, and fell love with Yenny ([still waiting for a reply ;-;](https://twitter.com/Justin_Emig/status/246334114117074944)).\n\nI'll go ahead and share what's playing the most on my iPod at the moment:\n\n[CRAYON - G-Dragon](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3ULhmadHkg)\n\n[R.E.A.L. - Wonder Girls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfwrQ0nK9Xo)", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I must've missed some article recently. Or I'm probably just forgetting about it. Can anybody tell me what happened to Epik High's comeback this month?", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I've been meaning to ask this for a while - are any of the Korean dramas on Hulu any good?? I have Hulu plus and always see them... I've just never watched any. Anyone have any thoughts??", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I'd like to highlight a couple of rookie group songs that I listened to recently and was impressed with. These groups haven't gotten much attention, but both songs are very catchy: [EXID - I Feel Good](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWFB8HCQsu0). Their lead singer is amazing, the rapper is great, and the song is another great piece from Shinsadong Tiger. [VIXX - Rock Your Body](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uRrv67FCb0) is also a great song, and I love the arcade theme of the MV.\n\nEDIT: Also, everyone go watch [Chaos - Kiss Kiss](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUDVRBaODfI) because it is AMAZING and one of the most interesting and well-executed MVs I've seen in a while - plus they all have wonderful voices too.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I recently learned how to make gifs in photoshop and now have done quite a lot of gifs.\nI mostly just take HD MVs and just make a bunch of gifs.\n[Here is my gallery.](http://minus.com/m0bIXTtJN)\n\nSome MVs that I've taken some gifs from so far are A Pink's My My, Girls' Generation Oh (Japanese Dance/Normal Versions), Brown Eyed Girls Abracadabra, Psy's Gangnam Style, and a few other random videos.\nI'll probably keep adding more gifs to that album for anyone who wants to see it. I might just post updates in this thread weekly.\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Lizzy is my ultimate bias. I'd like to take this opportunity to share my favorite Lizzy video with everyone. It's a compilation of her \"A-ing\" moments from the 'All My Love' sitcom:\n\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDjbg2rHzaI\n\n\nNever have I seen so many different expressions for a single word.\n\n<3<3<3\n\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I come from the future, it's Saturday here. Also, [Son Yeon Jae is too adorable](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR-jYNHVk5E&hd=1).", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I've been going back and forth on who deserves/will win rookie of the year. EXO and BAP have both had great acts this year. And if you asked a couple of months ago it would be EXO no doubt, but BAP has been working non-stop and has had awesome singles this year that I think they're set to be Rookie of the Year. What does everyone else think? Any other acts besides these two you'll think will win?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I don't know if this is the place for this but idgaf.\n\nSo I just finished episode 10 of Answer me 1997. And omg my feels are all over the place right now. I can't even.... oh laaawd the ending was just so fricking good. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Just wanted to post my favorite Korean musical performance. [자우림-가시나무](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIvvQHGMxjQ) ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I hate BAP's new song, Crash. It sounds like One Direction, which isn't so terrible in terms of kpop. My problem with it comes from the fact that it is a BAP song. Warrior, Power and No Mercy were such strong songs, vocally and in dance. The unique style got me totally hooked, the best rookie group in my opinion this year. Crash is like the complete opposite, the dance is so cute and fluffy. (giant arm hearts) and sounds too much like another style. I really hope they go back to their original image after this, which I liked so much more. I like the song, but I feel like BAP is better than that, because their style before was so good. \n\nThat's just a little thing that is bugging me right now :) happy Friday!", "score": 3 } ]
Now that WW Barbs are getting nerfed, who do you think will be the fastest farming class?
With the 1.0.5 patch, WW barbs are going to become a lot more ineffective without really good gear and even then WoTB won't be able to be kept up constantly. So now that this build is gone, what class do you think will be fastest?
[ { "body": "I don't think the Run Like the Wind nerf is as big as everyone thinks. Aside from 1 or two items, I don't think I will change anything except maybe use the Life Steal passive.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "WW barbs will still be the fastest farming class followed by DH and Scramble Archon wiz. The nerf to Sprint RLTW just means that you need a higher crit chance to comfortably use the spec and that WoTB will be harder to keep up. Even without WoTB the run speed of barbs and ability to clear white mob will be superior to all other classes. Some barbs would even switch to frenzy vanguard to get that extra speed boost. ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Something I'd like to see more of are team farming combos. \n\nBarbs have an ability which buffs party movespeed by 40%. Imagine a high end archon wizard with +40% movespeed, +20% armour and +20% resists; I think it would be sick. \n\nI think the monk also has a mantra which increases movement speed. Maybe you can throw that in as well. As long as each player is able to do enough damage to account for their 70-75% extra monster health, it should conceivably be more efficient if they are well coordinated. ", "score": 4 } ]
Fridge broke day after I bought $200 of groceries. It's my Realtors fault. Please advise me
I had called them about a month ago, telling them the fridge was cooling, but it just wasn't getting cold enough for me to feel like it was working properly. they said they'd take care of it. Well a month passed and they didn't do anything. I bought about $200 worth of cold items yesterday and put them in the fridge and freezer which were working at about 80% (good enough) like they had been a month before. Wake up this morning my floor is covered in water and the fridge is hot as hell, including most of the food. The food in the freezer is a tiny bit cool, but it's all defrosted and some of it is approaching warmness I don't have my lease on me, but I rent this appliance with the house, so I am pretty sure they are required to reimburse me. Any advise on getting this shit fixed? I'm on a tight college loan budget, and dropping another 200 dollars on food could be the difference between being able to pay rent in December or not
[ { "body": "If you are in college you can talk to a campus lawyer. They normally have a free one available to advise students in situations like this. It depends on your renter's rights in the city/state/country. Not sure what the laws would be.\n\nIf you had a copy of a certified letter that you sent them regarding your fridge, combined with a receipt of the delivery you might have a shot in small claims court... Aside from that it is he said / she said and you would spend more time in small claims court than the cash would be worth in most situations.", "score": 16 }, { "body": "My guess is that the landlord is responsible for the fridge and getting it fixed/replaced. However, you're responsible for contents in most cases (and why they offer renter's insurance which would cover something like this.) This is a bit of a grey area because it was something that was you brought to their attention.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "You fucked yourself by sending that letter. Now they have proof that you already knew it was having problems when you put food in it thus making you partially negligent.\n\nWhy would you put $200 worth of shit in a busted fridge?", "score": 5 } ]
Can Big Brother survive an entire season without bringing ANY previous houseguests back even for a brief appearance?
My memory is bad, but I can't remember the last time they had a season without *any* resurfacing houseguest (even as a non-player or side-host). I mean, enough with Jesse already! I think they need a full reset to give an opportunity for someone new to be the next Jeff/Jordan, Rachel, Boogie....etc. etc. I tend to think if Dan wasn't the player he was this season, who really would have been worth tuning in to see? Would you still be interested in watching, knowing that there was a 100% fresh blood season? Or has it become part of the Big Brother formula to have some connection to its past?
[ { "body": "... we don't need another jeff/Jordan or Rachel/Brendan. We need more players like Dan. Was this year not 100x more exciting than anything in the last 3 seasons?\n\nAll those dating show houseguests have done nothing but devalue social game play. Rachel declared war on \"floaters\" and it almost destroyed the interesting aspects of the game. I do believe they need fresh blood but please let it be real fans and not recruits.", "score": 31 }, { "body": "To be brutally honest (and I know more of you are thinking this), I want CBS to bring in a group of absolutely brand-new and completely crazy cut-throat players. I want them to try to become the new Dr. Wil's and the new Dan's!!!\n\nBut most importantly they are going to have to fight for it (and fight hard) amongst all like players, not inferior ones or ones that don't want to play the game. These players will all be first time players who are most likely fans that just want to play the game, and I mean really want to play, fucking hard! \n\nReally, this would make for some truly great television (who cares what the fuck they look like) I want to see these crazy people succeed, laugh, cry, fail and possibly fall completely apart! That would make great TV! Come on CBS you can do this!\n\nNinja Edit: To CBS: I know you like to bring back some older players and some of us don't mind seeing them occasionally but we really want one absolutely crazy but very traditional season of big brother (READ: no returning houseguests). \n\nWith that said, if you want to bring back past houseguests, bring them back! BUT, keep them out of the show please!!! Have them do cool things like webcasts where they deliver commentary on recent episodes and the current group of houseguests game play and make it available on CBS.com. IF you put it up, people will watch (shitty, modern, Field of Dreams reference). \n\nBut, seriously, I think some of us would love if you brought a group of houseguests back to watch the game and to watch the episodes and to to some sort of commentary, I'd love to have heard what Boogie thought of Franks game from and outsiders perspective in mike boogie's character like fashion. But I want him to stay out of the game for now. Bring in a new group of outsiders that are crazy and want to play the game, in some crazy, cut-throat and awesome way.", "score": 14 }, { "body": "Honestly, if it works it works. I liked the coaching aspect. I liked them re-entering the game. I really liked Dan's moves, and I also like that Ian won. Seeing Britney in the house again for her DR sessions and snarky comments was awesome, and I dont mind seeing previous players, it's a nice throwback to past seasons if they host an event, or are even back in the house.\n\nIf they did a full \"reset\" as you called it, it would be fine as well, but if they did that, I think they should change the house up, change the comps and do something completely original.\n\nI really like the idea of allstars 2, or good vs. evil, because even if houseguests are returning, the entire dynamic of the game changes based on the theme.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I think it'd be nice to have a full season of just newbies, just the guest apearances don't bug me at all.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "As long as they keep bringing back Jessie for a Pandora's box. I LOVE it when that happens. For some reason, his craziness always puts a smile on my face. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I don't mind having old houseguests in for non-game-changing stuff like hosting competitions or being a part of Pandora's box, but I agree that they need at least one season of just new houseguests. Then we can start thinking of an All Stars 2 season or something like that.\n\nI think it might be cool to have a season where all of the houseguests have some connection to a previous houseguest, but have never played the game. Then CBS can bring in old houseguests for interviews and whatever to boost ratings, but they don't actually have an impact on the game.", "score": 3 } ]
Chapter 6.5 - Intermission
Alright Techsupporters. A short intermission chapter to keep you guys from going crazy. It's 3 short stories about my stupidity with IT over the years. I am nearly done writing Chapter 7. If I can get it done and edited over the weekend I will post it Monday the 24th, otherwise it will be October 1st. It's unedited because I just wrote it in a spare hour at work, it isn't part of the main story and wanted to post it quickly. Enjoy. **Previous Chapters** [Chapter 1 - My first job in IT](http://redd.it/xtlhx) [Chapter 2 - Store uniforms](http://redd.it/xyazr) [Chapter 3 - Spring Cleaning](http://redd.it/y5gz5) [Chapter 4 - Questionable Offers](http://redd.it/ybkr5) [Chapter 5 - Summer school Pt. 1](http://redd.it/yj8aj) [Chapter 6 - Summer school Pt. 2](http://redd.it/ykkeb) *** **Ms. Roboto** I was doing an odd job at my uncle’s local law firm from 2009 till last week when he closed it. He called me for maintenance on their network from time to time. It was after work hours and only one lawyer was still present. I had to replace the modem which was by this time was a few years old and had to be reset 2 times a day to get the internet working again. They still used phone lines for the internet, phone system and alarm installation. About 4 months before they had replaced the entire phone system because lighting had struck and destroyed the previous installation (nothing else though). The tech who had installed the new system probably suffered from OCD because he worked away all cables a little too neatly in tightly packed bundles. It was /r/cableporn at the extreme. When installing the new modem I needed to undo most of the cables. I made a photograph of the setup with my phone camera and labelled all the cables so they could be put in again correctly. Having done all the preparation I took out the cables and started hearing a beep. It was the alarm. I walked up to the alarm and it had an error message on it. I could not get the error message away and did not dare to push any more buttons because I was afraid of actually setting the alarm off. I did that before and well, that ended with me being at the police station for several hours because I was not put on the authorized list yet. I hated that alarm installation, and now it would beep and beep constantly. Not allowing me to do anything anymore. I could not go home because I would be liable for not turning on the alarm. The other lawyer quickly left, leaving me with the problem. Not even trying to help. I started calling with the company who maintained our installation system and got routed through countless menus and had to input numerous codes. Finally I got routed to a voice activated menu that allowed you to speak your zip-code instead of using the keys. I was already frustrated because it was getting late, the beeping annoyed me constantly and now I had to deal with this voice activated systems that never ever seemed to be able to understand what I said. Clearly and with a raised voice of anger I said each number and letter hoping it would be picked up. Suddenly the computer started talking to me. It wasn’t a voice activated menu; it was a female operator on the other line all this time. I could not comprehend the situation for the moment. My mind was blown. She had not said hi or anything at all, just starting off with the postal code. Her voice had no intonation whatsoever and was perfectly flat. I had assumed she was a computer generated voice and opened the conversation rather aggressively. I was being a total bitch to her. And she never said anything during our conversation. I wanted to apologize but really did not dare to say anything. What could I have said? “I’m sorry for starting off so aggressively; I thought you were a computer voice”. If she did not notice I did not want to say anything. I felt bad enough as it was. **1024 People** I have a number of people that I admire, many of the scientists, and at the time I was particularly fond of Charles Darwin. 2009 was the year of Darwin because it was 150 years ago he published on the origin of species and the bicentennial of his birth. Natural History Museum in London had an exhibition about Darwin and I went over for the day. I was travelling alone, first by plane and afterwards I needed to take the subway to London. No problem. I’ve survived public transport in Germany and the Netherlands. I can survive it London for one day. After visiting the Natural History and Science Museums I wanted to go to Oxford Street for the remaining 2 hours and took the subway again. To get back to ground level you need to take the escalator. The escalators, for those of you that have not been to London, are very steep, long and packed with people. Not being able to move up any faster as it was packed I started watching at the collection of ads that was on the walls. Small A5 sized ads. Some were for a perfume, another for some new drink and then one PSA from the company that runs the subways. It was about safety in the subway and said something along the lines of “Yearly 1024 people get injured when getting out of the subway, please mind your step”. My eyes had just registered this text and the first thing that ran through my mind was “That’s 1Kb of people”. I spend the entire day feeling people were watching and judging me for thinking that. I was working too much with computers. Similarly and more recently I had the same thing. I got an MRI to see what was wrong with my knee without resorting to surgery straight away. The hospital I went to was just build 2 year prior and somewhat futuristically built. The MRI scan was in this entirely white room with rounded corners, a lowered ceiling and a soft white yellow light coming from behind it. It was done mainly to protect your eyes from watching into the light for the duration of the MRI. Across the ceiling and directly above me was a bright red tube that carried something. All I could think of was where my next jump would be, and it kept me busy for a couple of minutes. I had been playing Mirrors Edge the week before. **Press any key** I was working on a computer while I was still working at what you lovingly have started to describe as the computer store from hell. This computer that I had been working on needed a new installation of Windows XP. I already backup up all the data, wrote down the drivers needed and destroyed the partitions beforehand. Not because it was needed, but because I wanted to try out some new boot-CD I had gotten my hands on. I took out the restore disc for Windows XP put it in and tried hitting F10 to get it to boot from the CD-ROM. It did not work. I tried hitting F8 to get into the BIOS. It did not work. It was around this time my brain went from an IQ of 126 to 70, and I tried again and again, just hoping it would work. This computer wasn’t from any costumer, it was my family pc and I needed it. It was a Sunday afternoon and I could not get a keyboard from anywhere else. I spend over 2 hours searching the internet and trying all sorts of solutions. Nothing worked. I slammed my map full of C and DVDs on the keyboard. I tried again. It worked. After a while I noticed a light on the keyboard wasn’t burning. I had just replaced it a month ago. Why did it not burn? I took a closer look on my keyboard. It was the light for the F-Lock. I learned that day the F-lock key existed. It only took me an entire sunday afternoon.
[ { "body": "Yayyyy! You're back.\n\nWill read and then put response in edit.\n\nEDIT:\n\nGeneral- sorry, no matter how hard you try, you cannot make yourself as big a bozo as the people in your other stories. So can't wait for chapter 7.\n\nMs Roboto- I guess in her job she might have had to authenticate some pretty heavy places, so she was kind of really distant about it. Who knows? If you had said, I thought I was talking to a computer- she might have cracked first and the ice would have been broken.\n\n1024 People- you're gonna get a lot of sympathy and fellow feeling on this one, surely, as this subreddit will be full of people who aren't able to get out enough. BTW I live in London and have known those terrible escalators for years. \n\nPress Any Key- at least you found the answer in the end. TFTS has a number of stories where the user has called the support without realising that they left Nums Lock on or something.", "score": 30 }, { "body": "F-lock. I F-ing hate F-lock. In fact, I despise function keys in general. Not the F1-F12, I love those things. Rather, I despise the ones that are shortcuts to web browsers, email, etc and make my F# keys harder to use.\n\nThat's why we define keyboard shortcuts for the stuff we use.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "After reading past the 1MB of people, I couldn't think of anything else the whole time I was reading. My brain wants to let you know that it's actually a kilobit.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "F Locks. Those should be outlawed. \n\nThey should be F Lock *Outs* so regular people can just have their F Keys, and people who just have to have the \"special\" functionality can have it if they really want it.\n\nPet peeve? You bet.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I just spent about an hour on /r/cableporn. I DON'T EVEN LIKE CABLES!\n\nOn a side note, your stories are great. Some of the funniest I've read on TFTS. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for ch. 7!", "score": 6 }, { "body": "After reading your posts, I have added a red RES tag \"TFTS Goddess\" to your account, so that I don't miss your posts. Similar where I have \"TFTS God\" for Geminii27.\n\nGreat stories, keep'em coming.", "score": 3 } ]
Recently moved up to Gold (z), have since been struggling and don't know what to work on
ZvT: http://drop.sc/256445 ZvZ: http://drop.sc/256446 I moved up to Gold a couple weeks ago after a lot of working on my macro. For a while after I figured out the whole macro thing, I was winning almost all of my games, and maybe got somewhat overconfident... If I feel like I'm winning or have a lead, I'll commonly throw all I've got right at my opponent. So that's probably a part of my problem, and more of an emotional reaction. After a certain point in many matches (especially if I feel like I have a lead; often in cases of Terran turtle) I get really frustrated that it's taking so long and feel like my opponent's just drawing out the match. In the ZvT replay above, I overestimated the economic damage I did about ten minutes in and got frustrated when he didn't just capsize after that. Anyways, any tips on that are welcome, but I also wouldn't mind other advice - specifically on what I should really be working on now that I've gotten my macro to a decent level (or, if macro still needs work, let me know!).
[ { "body": "Just looking at the ZvT:\n\nLike matitou has already said: injects.\n\n6:45 into the game, you're already floatin 25+ energy on your 2 queens. That's not an acceptable level for a Gold player. At 8:15, you're floating about 50 energy on average per queen. Work on it. If you are floating energy, just throw down some creep tumors. But, try to get injects engraved into your head.\n\nThe next thing I immediately see is that you are floating money. 1k/200 at the 10 minute mark. I could tell before I checked that 1: You aren't injecting 2: have idle larvae 3: don't have many drones.\n\nAll of these things are compounding on top of each other. 45 drones at 10 minutes isn't an acceptable amount, even for making 26 lings.\n\nThose are the things you should work on first.\n\n* Inject\n* Spend larvae (no idle larvae)\n* Overlords (which wasn't as big of a deal this game)\n\nJust to give you an idea of how much it matters... NoseKnowsAll and I had one of our Bronze Zergs who hangs out in TeamSpeak focus only on making drones until he was sat on 3 base. He was playing vs. a Diamond. BRONZE vs. Diamond, he almost won. When I say almost won, I mean he just wasn't used to having so many units and didn't fight with his whole army, otherwise he would have.\n\nIf you had had your 6 gases up and the ~75 drones you should have had at the 12 minute mark, while injecting with <25 energy on each inject queen, you could have just maxed on roaches and won. Instead, you attacked with ~20, and weren't droning back home. So, you dropped to 45 drones and lost your whole army. Injects non-existent, and idle larvae.\n\nGeneral advice when dealing with Hellions or Banshees harassing drones: If you have enough units to kill the hellion/banshee, but they are just outmaneuvering you, don't try to make more units. Make more drones. Keep pumping those drones out. This is how you can see Zergs lose 100 drones in a game and still win. That's what they are doing.\n\nHope this helps.", "score": 8 } ]
THIS is what a downvote brigade looks like. r/Feminism thread linked in r/Mister. All top comments are by MRAs. All feminist comments downvoted to invisibility. Lots of screenshots inside. Will the mods, er mod, do anything?
[Thread asking about viability of getting r/beatingwomen removed from Reddit.](http://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/108klq/i_dont_know_if_this_can_actually_make_a/) [The /r/mister thread, #3 top thread today as of this moment. Warning: Link goes to r/mister.](http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/108oz3/feminists_move_to_ban_a_significant_amount_of/) I'm just gonna screencap the whole thing, in parts. For posterity. --- [I didn't know /r/feminism was pro-censorship](http://i.imgur.com/07ZlU.png) With +75 upvotes in a sub that rarely sees more than 10 to 20 votes total on any comment. Notice the downvoted-to-oblivion responses? Those are the feminist replies. --- Here's the rest. I don't feel like typing a lot. Basically, **it's an MRA downvote brigade silencing feminist voices while simultaneously complaining about censorship.** [Free speech. Plus, the violence and misogyny are "limited" to those subs so why do you care?](http://i.imgur.com/qnkTS.png) Also, feminist comment downvoted to invis. [You don't have the right to be offended.](http://i.imgur.com/p886J.png) Feminist response downvoted to invis. [Troll praising r/beatingwomen's founder as their troll hero.](http://i.imgur.com/AlrnE.png) [Just don't look! Just don't look! Listen, honey, if you pay no attention to the hateful people, *they'll go away!*](http://i.imgur.com/MbtDl.png) Edit: looks like that first poster isn't an MRA, just not very well-versed in how bullies and misogynists behave. Notice all the back-slapping and circlejerking amongst the MRA invaders congratulating themselves on taking over the thread throughout the comments. [4 comments including What about the menz, misandry, and one feminist comment in the negatives but not yet invisible.](http://i.imgur.com/MbtDl.png) [And at the bottom, feminist posts downvoted to invis.](http://i.imgur.com/IOJdL.png) Soooooo, the thread has been censored by denizens of /r/mister for about five hours or so, so far. Will the /r/feminism mods, I mean mod, do anything about this? --- **Edit 1:** Turns out there *was* a mod on, /u/soronthur, at the exact same time I was creating this post, so they either did not see this thread, or they did and thought it appropriate. Either way, it's a sign of gross incompetence and outright hostility towards the subreddit itself. --- **Edit 2:** The thread has now been [linked](http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/109g4n/a_mrasrs_slapfight_in_rfeminism_about_an/) in /r/SubredditDrama. Expect even more trolly commentary soon. Still no sign of a single mod nor of any mod activity with 12 hours now of troll activity.
[ { "body": "TIL I hate freedom: http://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/108klq/i_dont_know_if_this_can_actually_make_a/c6bfc24", "score": 11 }, { "body": "MRAs are so fucking oblivious it'd be kind of funny (if the reality of the situation weren't so frightening).\n\nA MRA links r/mister to a petition to remove r/beatingwomen in /r/feminism. R/mister is ostensibly about promoting men's rights. What the fuck does a shock site devoted to trivializing violence against women have to do with men's rights? Why on earth should MRAs give a shit?\n\n*Except...*\n\nThe MRM has been called \"the abusers' lobby\" because it has opposed shelters for victims of domestic violence and is against VAWA and primary aggressor laws. And here come dozens of MRAs invading a feminist subreddit in order to defend r/beatingwomen. \n\nMore evidence that the MRM is *not about promoting men's rights*, but about promoting male supremacy and hatred toward women.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Oh and look, they deleted anybody mentioning SRS and being mean to MRAs.\n\nThey did not delete any anti-Feminist MRA lies, MRAs being shit and so on.\n\nThe proof is in the pudding, Demmian.", "score": 9 } ]
Is anyone else missing the item log?
I'm sure the title is misleading but what I meant was the item logger at the top of the screen that told you what you were picking up or what your friends were picking up. I strictly play co-op and occasionally my co-op partner would pick up a gun, I'd see it in the item log and ask if I could trade it. Now I have absolutely no idea what he's picking up and likewise he has no idea what I'm getting. We're going through every single gun we get in order to ask each other if we need it. Is there a way to turn that on or does anyone know if it will be addressed in a future patch?
[ { "body": "I miss being able to re-listen to the ECHO clips. \n\nMaybe it's there, but I can't seem to find it so far...", "score": 28 }, { "body": "What i miss is the old loot indicator on your hud, it made finding ammo (something i find myself doing A LOT more in BL2) a whole lot easier. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I miss it as well. I trust my friends, but it's still nice to know when something gets scooped up before you see it.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I actually found it a little annoying. We know each others' play styles, so I just ask my buddy to be on the lookout for good sniper rifles, and he asks the same of me for assault rifles. In BL2, after clearing out some place, we can go over things quickly, without worrying about alerts popping up mid-battle or anything.", "score": 3 } ]
[Java] Creating a Web Browser For a Class Project, Trying to Find Web Browser Standards, Help?
I'm making a web browser for a class project. I want it to be able to run JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, but I'm not sure where to find the information on the industry standards for these languages and how to translate them, etc. Anyone have any resources? (Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this topic)
[ { "body": "A web browser is an enormous project, and not really fit for class project, I think. But you can find the [HTML specification](http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/) and [CSS spec](http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/) from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Javascript, or, more formally, [ECMAScript](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm) is an ECMA standard, and can be found on their website. \n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I suggest you don't write the rendering engine.\n\nCheck out [Gecko](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Gecko_FAQ) and [WebKit](http://www.webkit.org/). Firefox uses Gecko, Chrome and Safari use WebKit.\n\nBuild a browser around them.\n\nThat said, that project sounds like a nightmare. It's pretty damn hard just to write an extension for Chrome/Firefox, let alone wrap an entire browser around one of the rendering engines.", "score": 3 } ]
Legality of Piggybacking. Can FICO Detect?
Just found out yesterday that I don't have a credit score. Applying for a rental home and landlord insists on 700+ FICO score. I've never bought anything I couldn't pay cash for, so never had credit cards. I'm not a financial genius so please forgive my inquiry if this is old hat to some of you: I'm curious how safe/legal it would be to piggyback on a few of my parents' credit cards (both have great credit history)? Does FICO have the means of detecting this type of piggybacking? Or, is it an effective (if deceitful) means of boosting one's score? There are companies out there that is able to authorize you on someone else's good-historied credit card .... for a fee ... which is supposed to boost your score. Lots of information out there, but does anyone know if this legal "loophole" still exists or is it pretty much detectable and/or illegal? I'm planning on buying a house in the next few months, and have no credit score.
[ { "body": "FICO has taken steps to try to reduce the effect of \"authorized user\" accounts, but has not eliminated it entirely. From my personal experience, it definitely still works, but may need to be a relative or someone with the same last name. I can't prove this with sources, it's just what I happen to think based on experience.\n\nHere's what I recommend: Go to myfico.com and purchase your FICO scores from them. Equifax and TransUnion are available. Then have your parents add you as an authorized user on one of their cards. Wait until your parents receive a new statement from their credit card company, and check your scores again.\n\nThere's no harm in doing this because you can always have them remove you as an authorized user later on.\n\nAlso, it would be good if you could report back on this if you decide to do it. For science.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "> I've never bought anything I couldn't pay cash for, so never had credit cards.\n\nCredit cards do not automatically equal debt. If you pay off the entire balance after you get the statement, you pay no interest or fees. (In other words, it's like cash when used properly.) The difference is you get additional consumer protection and benefits like rewards.", "score": 3 } ]
DMZ design - dual or three-legged?
I was reading a lot of articles about DMZ design and can't find one in particular. Can anyone help? The author argued that you can have two basic designs, either three-legged or dual, and the best design was a hybrid. His reasoning was that dual firewall was too much work and too many duplicate rules. The result was like a dual-firewall DMZ, but without multiple connections to the "internal" firewall side, just one connection coming from the external firewall. But this also provided flexibility to have a second DMZ coming off the internal side. If you have redundancy, it means two external firewalls hosting the three legged DMZ and two more behind them. Are there any opinions for or against this design or others? Can anyone provide the link to the article? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
[ { "body": "Our basic internet DMZ design is 4-legged. \n\nZone 0 -- Dirty Internet\n\nZone 1 -- Dirty DMZ\n\nZone 6 -- Clean DMZ\n\nZone 7 -- Internal Network\n\nNothing in Zone 0 or 1 can talk to Zone 7. Most device in Zone 1 are dual-homed into Zone 6. Authentication/Authorization occurs on the Z1 interface and then access is allowed through the Z6 interface. \n\nOnly Z6 can talk to Z7.\n\n**EDIT-UPDATE** -- \nhere is a quick and dirty diagram: http://i.imgur.com/Gkd4c.jpg\n\nSome details:\nThis is an basic example. There is a reason it jumps from Zone 1 to Zone 6. We often have Zones 2, 3, 4, 5 in our larger environments. This creates multiple DMZw where different types of systems and therefore multiple levels of security are in place. Zone 1 might be the F5 Load Ballancers, they balance the traffic between the actual web servers in Zone 3. The web servers are allowed to talk to the DBs in Zone 4, etc, etc...\n\nThe general idea is that the lower number, the less secure the traffic. In the above diagram/example, I have a VPN concentration in Zones 1 & 6. Zone 1 is insecure, encrypted IPSEC traffic. It's not trusted. As the users hit Zone 1, they are authenticated/authorized and then Zone 6 takes over. The traffic is passed to Zone 6 unencrypted and trusted.\n\n**fireson** - SMTP is a strange animal, since it is rarely authenticated/authorized. But, there is no reason you can't have a two-legged SMTP server, it receives the email in Zone 1 and sends it to the Zone 7 LAN via Zone 6 interface. The important thing to remember is that you need to make sure Zone 0/1 do not talk to Zone 7. Only Zone 1 can talk to Zone 6 and only Zone 6 can talk to Zone 7. \nIn my above example, the firewall rules look similar to this:\n>\n>Rule #1\n>\n>SRC=ANY\n>\n>DST=Zone 1 VPN DEVICE IP\n>\n>PORT=IPSEC SERVICES\n>\n>\n>Rule #2\n>\n>SRC=VPN CONCENTRATION DHCP RANGE\n>\n>DST=Zone 7 Network\n>\n>PORT=ANY\n\nlet me know if you have any more questions. I do this stuff everyday, all day.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "A dual firewall with a DMZ in between (aka, firewall sandwich) is no different than a single firewall with three interfaces (internal, external, DMZ). In fact, you can have a firewall with N zones where N=number of interfaces (physical or virtual such as a VLAN, sub interface, etc).\n\nThe sandwhich was used back when firewalls couldn't keep up with traffic demands. Today, that is less of an issue. The policies are basically the same. \n\nLet say you have a policy where you are hosting DNS, HTTP, and SMTP. You put those in a DMZ and restrict access accordingly. You want to allow all traffic from internal to the DMZ and to the Internet.\n\nIn a sandwich, the external firewall has rules that only allows traffic in and out of the DMZ to/from the DNS, HTTP, and SMTP servers and allows traffic out from the internal network. The internal firewall only has rules that allow traffic to/from DMZ hosts to internal hosts and allows traffic from internal to external. \n\nIn a three legged firewall, your policy allows traffic from outside to your hosts in the DMZ, traffic from internal to hosts in the DMZ and to the Internet, and where needed, traffic from hosts in the DMZ to internal servers. \n\nThe rules are neither more nor less easy to manage in dual homed vs N-legged. The rules on the external firewall should be few since you want to limit the inbound connections from inside to DMZ. The rules on the internal firewall will be more numerous. \n\nFor a redundant config, you do need a minimum of 4 firewalls in a sandwich and minimum of 2 in an N-legged.\n\nYou might want a sandwich in cases where you are hosting more than one internal zone that needs different access requirements. A sandwich makes this easier and cleaner (easier to prove out the rules). It's also useful when you want to use a remote access server like a VPN or, gasp, dial-up and hanging that between a sandwich is simpler and cleaner. \n\nYou can do nearly anything with an N-legged firewall that you can do with a sandwich. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "These days I prefer a three-legged approach. In my case, a pair of redundant Cisco ASA 5520s with four interfaces: outside, InternetDMZ, CustomerDMZ, and inside (+ the management port for heartbeat/replication). I then hang a pair of redundant L3 3750-X switches off the inside ASA interfaces which handle routing and basic ACL filtering between the various internal VLAN segments which form the internal network.\n\nWorks pretty well, the ASA management is pretty straightforward, the internal L3 ACLs are much more of a pain in the ass however..!", "score": 3 } ]
Apple picking near Durham, NC?
Fall is upon us and that means apples! I have seen a few vendors selling apples at Durham's Farmers' Market but I was wondering if anyone knew of a pick-your-own orchard in the area. Thanks!
[ { "body": "I think your best bet is the Apple store in Crabtree Valley. Everyone's trying to get their iPhone 5s.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "\"In the area\" is relative. My wife is an apple picking fiend, so we head out to [Millstone Creek](http://millstone-creek.myshopify.com/).\n\nFor listings of pick your own in general, see the [pyo website](http://www.pickyourown.org/NCpiedmont.htm) or the [NC Farm Fresh website](http://www.ncfarmfresh.com/farms.asp). Make sure you verify the Farm Fresh data though, as the \"pick your own\" and \"apples\" search returns all places that sell apples and let you pick anything, but not necessarily pick-your-own apples.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I think the apple growing season is earlier in NC than other apple states, as well as farther west than the triangle. Henderson has their annual apple festival on labor day if that is any indication. The season is more Aug/Sept than Sept/October. \n\nFound this on google though, it might help: http://www.orangepippin.com/orchards/united-states/north-carolina\n\n", "score": 3 } ]
$1,000 reward for leads that return my stolen truck or result in a conviction.
Attention Dallas, my brown/tan 2007 f150 was stolen from my driveway at 03:02 on 9/19/2012 in North East frisco. Video evidence below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBkR6MGgjTg I was able to track my toll tag from coit/121 to trinity mills/DNT. Apparently the Frisco police department are in no hurry to do any work on this case, so I turn to you, Reddit. If you know anyone that could match the profile of these scumbags in this video, please report any information to this thread. Any leads (license plates, photos, locations, etc.) provided that result in the return of my truck, or a conviction, I will present you with a personal $1000 check! Lets bring justice to these assholes!!! Edit: Truck Pics License plate & holder http://imgur.com/cdalL Color Security Cam Pic http://imgur.com/wbFiw Snow Covered http://imgur.com/1V0Du **9/26 update** NEW TRANSACTIONS ON TOLLTAG, the most recent being 9/24. I've created a [google map of all the recent toll booths](https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=201939069676102983969.0004ca2845c54e9b9f8e4)
[ { "body": "I do not believe they were driving a Subaru. Based on the chrome trim located near the front passenger side quarter panel the size/shape of the wheels and the overall silhouette of the vehicle I think you are looking at the extended [Mini Cooper](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2007/330/c/0/Mini_Cooper_Black_Pearl_by_EvolveKonceptz.jpg). Something like that link. Where as the Subaru you might be thinking of has a sleeker profile with a different [rear end](http://www.thetorquereport.com/2008_subaru_impreza_sti_official_image007.jpg). The main thing that I notice after watching the video on repeat multiple times is that the wing on the vehicle appears to overhang the rear bumper along with having a more square like glow from the tail lights, like in the cooper photo. The Subaru is similar but if you look closely at the position of the wings on a WRX like in the second link you will notice that is sits atop the slant of the rear window that is not overhanging the rear bumper. It is in that last second of the rear taillights that I get the best view of the rear wheel and over all rear-end outline.\n\nAdditionally this would not seem to me as a random hit. You have a seemingly stock truck. Is that a tool chest in the bed of your pick up? If, so it would appear they used your own tools to make off with your vehicle. So unless you have noticed people cruising around late a night in past surveillance footage you have they most likely live within a few blocks of your house or know you through a few degrees of separation. I'd borrow your girlfriends car and scout the neighborhood for small black vehicles fitting either of the above vehicle profiles. Again chances are they have scouted your truck before, knew how to get in and were careful to not be seen in the camera assuming they knew it was there.\n\nSorry for your troubles, I hope this helps and best of luck!", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Must not have been their first time to steal a vehicle if they were able to do it so quickly. Maybe the police already know something about these guys.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I disagree on both the Subaru and Mini. I think it's more like a [Chevy Sonic/Aveo.](http://graficos.gambira.com.br/uploads/2012/01/Dicas-e-cuidados-na-compra-do-Novo-Chevrolet-Sonic.jpg) Other similar vehicles are the Ford Fiesta, Toyota Yaris, Honda Fit and Hyundai Accent. ", "score": 3 } ]
Upstrummer, downstrummer or altstrummer?
Hi, I was curious about how everyone strums here. I always upstrum (except for when it goes too fast, like Creep by radiohead). Now, my friends think it's odd that I upstrum, everyone of them downstrums. How do you guys play the guitar and bass?
[ { "body": "I downstrum until the notes hit a certain bpm and then I alt-strum. Basically whatever the situation calls for that won't tire my arm out. ", "score": 12 } ]
Reddit- What movie/book/tvshow/videogame/theater characters define 'cool' for you?
Answers can really come from any media, I'm just curious to develop a list of the quintessential icons of coolness. So let's see it, Reddit- who IS cool?
[ { "body": "I would submit (in no particular order):\nDenzel Washington as Frank Lucas (American Gangster)\nMarlon Brando as Johnny Strabler (The Wild One)\nSpike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Malcolm Reynolds and Han Solo for some very similar reasons. Bad guy? Shoot them. The way Mal takes out Dobson in the middle of his Big Baddie speech without breaking stride being a prime example.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone.\n\nJon Hamm as Don Draper.\n\nPaul Newman and Robert Redford (they're both cool) as Butch and Sundance (and everyone else they played).\n\nSamuel L Jackson as Jules in Pulp Fiction (and most other Sam Jackson characters).\n\nClint Eastwood as The Man With No Name (and Dirty Harry and most Clint characters)\n\nJack Nicholson as just about anyone he plays even if they're insane. \n\nJohnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow (first movie, I liked him less in the sequel[s] that I've seen)\n\nJean Reno as Leon (particularly when he's in hitman mode and not weirded out by the awkward relationship with this girl mode)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Jeff Winger (Community) for a more 'conventional' cool, otherwise, Abed (also Community) because I just think he's cool.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Indiana Jones. Best example is the scene where that motherfucker wants to spin a sword around all fancy and Jones just fucking shoots him.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Arthur (Joseph Gordon Levitt) and Eames (Tom Hardy) from Inception. Both are so similar yet polar opposites of cool. Arthur is calm and collected while Eames is kind of a wildcard. \n\n", "score": 3 } ]
So shaving paper is the new standard?
I recently saw a lot of posts about people making little curls of paper. Do you think this is a good standard for a perfect sharpened blade? If no, what is a better standard? I personally think curling paper shows that a knife is sharp, but it doesn't have to be perfectly sharpened to curl paper - it only shows that the blade does not have chips (on that piece of the blade) and it's stropped very well. Thoughts?
[ { "body": "[Here's one test I don't see so often.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m1QRB2ReF8&feature=player_detailpage#t=61s)\n\n[And another You might want to try](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcpdGssSPgU&feature=plcp)\n\nAlso phonebook paper is much better indicator of sharpness than heavy copy paper stock.", "score": 21 }, { "body": "Shaving paper is by no means a testimony to how sharp your blade is, only tells us that your blade isn't dull.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "If you really want to take it to the next level you can whittle hair. Have a hair between your fingers sticking up and try to cut it in half. This is a pretty difficult test. A step up from that is what some call a \"tree topping\" edge, or one that can quickly slash the hair in half as it stands up in your fingers. I have been able to whittle hair a handful of times but have not really pursued the tree topping test as I hear it is quite difficult. ", "score": 3 } ]