import pickle |
import traceback |
def stringfyNode(root): |
if root.name == 'LocalVariableDeclaration' or root.name == 'VariableDeclaration': |
typestr = "" |
idenname = "" |
mod = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'type': |
typestr = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'modifiers': |
mod = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'declarators': |
idenname = stringfyNode(x) |
return mod + typestr + " " + idenname + ";\n" |
elif root.name == 'modifiers': |
ans = "" |
for x in root.child: |
ans += x.name[:-4] + " " |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'BlockStatement' or root.name == 'parameter' or root.name == 'return_type' or root.name == 'type' or root.name == "initializer" or root.name == 'expression': |
assert(len(root.child) == 1) |
return stringfyNode(root.child[0]) |
elif root.name == 'BreakStatement_ter': |
return 'break;\n' |
elif root.name == 'BasicType': |
t = "" |
dim = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'name': |
t = stringfyNode(x) |
elif x.name == 'dimensions': |
dim = stringfyNode(x) |
else: |
print('boom',x.name) |
assert(0) |
return t + dim |
elif root.name == "None_ter": |
return "" |
elif 'Exception_ter' in root.name: |
return root.name[:-4] |
elif root.name == 'DoStatement': |
condition = "" |
body = '' |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'condition': |
condition = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'body': |
body = stringfyNode(x) |
return 'do{\n' + body + "}while" + condition + "\n" |
elif root.name == "dimensions": |
ans = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == "None_ter": |
ans = "[]" |
else: |
ans = stringfyNode(x) |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'SwitchStatement': |
return '' |
elif root.name == 'AssertStatement': |
return '' |
elif root.name == 'ContinueStatement_ter': |
return 'continue;\n' |
elif root.name == 'ContinueStatement': |
return 'continue ' + root.child[0].child[0].name + ';\n' |
elif root.name == 'BlockStatement_ter': |
return '' |
elif root.name == 'MethodReference': |
exp = "" |
method = "" |
args = "(" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'expression': |
exp = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'method': |
method = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'type_arguments': |
args += stringfyNode(x) |
args += ")" |
ans = exp + "." + method + args |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'WhileStatement': |
con = "" |
body = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'condition': |
con = 'while' + stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'body': |
body = stringfyNode(x) |
return con + '{\n' + body + "\n}" |
elif root.name == 'ArrayInitializer': |
ans = '{' |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'initializers': |
for y in x.child: |
ans += stringfyNode(y) + "," |
return ans[:-1] + '}' |
elif root.name == 'TypeArgument': |
t = "" |
t2 = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'type': |
t = stringfyNode(x) |
elif x.name == 'pattern_type': |
t = x.child[0].name[:-4] |
else: |
t2 = x.child[0].name[:-4] |
return t + t2 |
elif root.name == 'LambdaExpression': |
return "" |
elif root.name == 'ArrayCreator': |
t = "" |
dim = '[]' |
ini = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'type': |
t = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'dimensions': |
dim = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'initializer': |
ini = stringfyNode(x) |
return 'new ' + t + "[" + dim + "]" + ini |
elif root.name == 'IfStatement': |
con = "" |
then = "" |
elses = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'condition': |
con = 'if' + stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'then_statement': |
then = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'else_statement': |
elses = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if then == "": |
return con + "{\n" |
if elses == "": |
return con + '{\n' + then + "\n}" |
return con + '{\n' + then + "\n}" + 'else{\n' + elses + "\n}" |
elif root.name == 'ReferenceType': |
args = "" |
n = "" |
sub = "" |
dim = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'arguments': |
args = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'name': |
n = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'subtype': |
sub = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'dimensions': |
dim = stringfyNode(x) |
if dim != "": |
n = n + " " + dim |
if args != "": |
ans = n +"<" + args + ">" |
else: |
ans = n |
if sub != "": |
ans = ans + "." + sub |
return ans |
else: |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'StatementExpression': |
return stringfyNode(root.child[0]) + ";\n" |
elif root.name == 'body' or root.name == 'catches' or root.name == 'statements' or root.name == 'finally_block': |
ans = "" |
for x in root.child: |
ans += stringfyNode(x) |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'TernaryExpression': |
con = "" |
iftrue = "" |
iffalse = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'condition': |
con = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'if_true': |
iftrue = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'if_false': |
iffalse = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
return con + "?" + iftrue + ":" + iffalse |
elif root.name == 'ForStatement': |
con = "" |
body = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'control': |
con = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'body': |
body = stringfyNode(x) |
return 'for' + con + "{\n" + body + "\n}" |
elif root.name == 'control': |
return stringfyNode(root.child[0]) |
elif root.name == 'ForControl': |
ini = "" |
con = "" |
up = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'init': |
ini = stringfyNode(x.child[0]).strip() |
if x.name == 'condition': |
con = stringfyNode(x)[1:-1] |
if x.name == "update": |
up = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if up == '': |
return '(' + con + ")" |
return 'for(' + ini + con + ";" + up + ") {" |
elif root.name == 'ForControl_ter': |
return '(;;)' |
elif root.name == 'EnhancedForControl': |
var = "" |
itera = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'var': |
var = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'iterable': |
itera = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
return '(' + var + ":" + itera + ")" |
elif root.name == 'CatchClause': |
p = "" |
b = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'parameter': |
p = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'block': |
b = stringfyNode(x) |
return "catch(" + p + "){\n" + b + "\n}" |
elif root.name == 'MethodDeclaration': |
rettype = "" |
methodname = "" |
throws = "" |
args = "" |
body = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'return_type': |
rettype = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'name': |
methodname = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'throws': |
throws = "throws " + stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'parameters': |
for y in x.child: |
args += stringfyNode(y) + "," |
if x.name == 'body': |
body = stringfyNode(x) |
if rettype == "": |
rettype = 'void' |
return rettype + " " + methodname + " (" + args[:-1] + ") " + throws + " {\n" + body + " }" |
elif root.name == 'parameters': |
args = "" |
for x in root.child: |
args += stringfyNode(x) + "," |
return args[:-1] |
elif root.name == 'ExplicitConstructorInvocation': |
methodname = "this(" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'arguments': |
methodname += stringfyNode(x) |
else: |
assert(0) |
methodname += ");" |
return methodname |
elif root.name == 'Assignment': |
ass = "" |
val = "" |
type = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'expressionl': |
ass = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'value': |
val = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'type': |
type = x.child[0].name[:-4] |
return ass + " %s "%type + val |
elif root.name == 'selectors': |
ans = "" |
for x in root.child: |
ans += stringfyNode(x) + "." |
return ans[:-1] |
elif root.name == 'MemberReference': |
qual = "" |
member = "" |
post = "" |
pre = "" |
sel = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'qualifier': |
qual = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == "member": |
member = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == "postfix_operators": |
post = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'prefix_operators': |
pre = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'selectors': |
sel = stringfyNode(x) |
return pre + qual + member + sel + post |
elif root.name == 'name' or root.name == 'member': |
return root.child[0].name[:-4] |
elif root.name == 'declarators': |
ans = "" |
for x in root.child: |
ans += stringfyNode(root.child[0]) |
ans += "," |
return ans[:-1] |
elif root.name == 'VariableDeclarator': |
idenname = "" |
clname = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'name': |
idenname = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'initializer': |
clname = stringfyNode(x) |
return idenname + " = " + clname |
elif root.name == 'ArraySelector': |
qual = "" |
index = "" |
post = "" |
pre = "" |
sel = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'qualifier': |
qual = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == "index": |
index = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == "postfix_operators": |
post = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'prefix_operators': |
pre = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'selectors': |
sel = stringfyNode(x) |
return "[" + pre + qual + index + sel + post + "]" |
elif root.name == 'prefix_operators' or root.name == "postfix_operators": |
return root.child[0].name[:-4] |
elif root.name == 'ClassCreator': |
arguments = '(' |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'type': |
typename = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'arguments': |
arguments += stringfyNode(x) |
arguments += ")" |
return 'new ' + typename + arguments |
elif root.name == 'arguments': |
argstr = "" |
for i, x in enumerate(root.child): |
if i == 0: |
argstr += stringfyNode(x) |
else: |
argstr += ", " + stringfyNode(x) |
return argstr |
elif root.name == 'SuperConstructorInvocation': |
methodname = "super(" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'arguments': |
methodname += stringfyNode(x) |
else: |
assert(0) |
methodname += ")" |
return methodname |
elif root.name == 'condition': |
return '(' + stringfyNode(root.child[0]) + ')' |
elif root.name == 'BinaryOperation': |
operatorname = "" |
operatorleft = "" |
operatorright = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'operator': |
operatorname = x.child[0].name[:-4] |
if x.name == 'operandl': |
operatorleft = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == 'operandr': |
operatorright = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
return "(" + operatorleft + " " + operatorname + " " + operatorright + ")" |
elif root.name == 'Literal': |
pre = '' |
post = '' |
v = '' |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'prefix_operators': |
pre = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'postfix_operators': |
post = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'value': |
v = x.child[0].name[:-4] |
ans = pre + v + post |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'ConstructorDeclaration': |
name = "" |
args = "" |
body = "" |
throws = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'name': |
name = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'parameters': |
args += stringfyNode(y) + "," |
if x.name == 'throws': |
throws = 'throws ' + stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'body': |
body = stringfyNode(x) |
return 'class ' + name + " " + throws + "{\n" + body + "}\n" |
elif root.name == 'SynchronizedStatement': |
lock = "" |
block = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'lock': |
lock = stringfyNode(x.child[0]) |
if x.name == "block": |
block = stringfyNode(x) |
return "synchronized(" + lock + "){\n" + block + "}" |
elif root.name == 'throws': |
thows = "" |
for x in root.child: |
thows += stringfyNode(x) + " " |
return thows.strip() |
elif root.name == 'This': |
ansname = 'this.' |
member = "" |
qual = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'selectors': |
member = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'qualifier': |
qual = stringfyNode(x) |
if qual == "": |
ansname += member |
else: |
ansname += qual + "." + member |
return ansname |
elif root.name == 'ReturnStatement_ter': |
return 'return;\n' |
elif root.name == 'qualifier': |
if len(root.child[0].child) == 0: |
return root.child[0].name[:-4] + "." |
return stringfyNode(root.child[0]) + "." |
elif root.name == 'MethodInvocation' or root.name == 'SuperMethodInvocation': |
ans = "" |
member = "" |
arguments = "(" |
selectors = "" |
qual = "" |
pre = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'member': |
member += stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'arguments': |
arguments += stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'qualifier': |
qual = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'selectors': |
selectors = "." + stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'prefix_operators': |
pre = stringfyNode(x) |
arguments = arguments + ")" |
ans = pre + qual + member + arguments + selectors |
if root.name == 'SuperMethodInvocation': |
ans = 'super.' + ans |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'FormalParameter' or root.name == 'CatchClauseParameter': |
t = "" |
na = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'type': |
t = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'name': |
na = stringfyNode(x) |
return t + " " + na |
elif root.name == 'TryStatement': |
block = "" |
ca = "" |
fin = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'block': |
block = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'catches': |
ca = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'finally_block': |
fin = stringfyNode(x) |
return 'try{\n' + block + '}\n' + ca + 'finally{\n' + fin + "}\n" |
elif root.name == 'block': |
ans= "" |
for x in root.child: |
ans += stringfyNode(x) + "\n" |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'throws_ter': |
return "" |
elif root.name == 'annotations': |
return "" |
elif root.name == 'ReturnStatement': |
ans = "return " + stringfyNode(root.child[0]) + ";" |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'ReturnStatement_er': |
ans = "return;" |
return ans |
elif root.name == 'ThrowStatement': |
return "" |
elif root.name == 'This_ter': |
return 'this' |
elif root.name == 'modifiers' or root.name == 'modifiers_ter': |
return "" |
elif root.name == 'assertEquals' or root.name == 'assertEquals_ter': |
return "" |
elif root.name == 'ClassReference': |
t = "" |
s = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'type': |
t = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'selectors': |
s = stringfyNode(x) |
return t + s |
elif root.name == 'Cast': |
types = "" |
exp = "" |
for x in root.child: |
if x.name == 'type': |
types = stringfyNode(x) |
if x.name == 'expression': |
exp = stringfyNode(x) |
return "(" + types + ")" + exp |
else: |
assert(0) |
def stringfyRoot(root, isIf, mode): |
p = "" |
for x in root.child: |
s = stringfyNode(x) |
try: |
s = stringfyNode(x) |
except: |
s = "" |
if x.name == 'IfStatement': |
if isIf == 1: |
if s == "": |
s = "if(True){\n" |
p += s |
if len(root.child) > 0 and root.child[0].name == 'IfStatement' and len(root.child) > 1 and mode == 1: |
p += "}" |
return p |
class Node: |
def __init__(self, name, s): |
self.name = name |
self.id = s |
self.father = None |
self.child = [] |
self.treestr = "" |
self.hasmatch = False |
self.possibility = 0.01 |
def getprob(self): |
ans = [self.possibility] |
for x in self.child: |
ans.extend(x.getprob()) |
return ans |
def printTree(self, r): |
if len(r.child) == 0: |
s = r.name + '_ter' + " " |
s += "^ " |
return s |
s = r.name + " " |
for c in r.child: |
s += self.printTree(c) |
s += "^ " |
return s |
def getTreestr(self): |
if self.treestr == "": |
self.treestr = self.printTree(self) |
return self.treestr |
else: |
return self.treestr |
return self.treestr |
def getroottree(tokens, isex=False): |
if isex: |
root = Node(tokens[0], 0) |
else: |
root = Node('MethodDeclaration', 0) |
currnode = root |
for i, x in enumerate(tokens[1:]): |
if x != "^": |
if tokens[i + 2] == '^' and '_ter' not in x: |
x += '_ter' |
nnode = Node(x, i + 1) |
nnode.father = currnode |
currnode.child.append(nnode) |
currnode = nnode |
else: |
currnode = currnode.father |
return root |
'''data = open('outval1.txt', "r").readlines()#pickle.load(open('process_datacopy.pkl', 'rb')) |
for i, x in enumerate(data): |
r = getroottree(x.split()) |
print(i) |
print(x) |
try: |
s = stringfyNode(r.child[0]) |
print(s) |
except: |
print(x)''' |