import time, os, json from tqdm import tqdm from curl_cffi import requests import concurrent.futures from pathlib import Path import tarfile from huggingface_hub import HfApi os.environ["HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER"] = "1" def main(): notexistsid = {} yandere_data = json.loads(Path("posts.json").read_text()) for item in tqdm(yandere_data, desc="Processing yandere", ascii=True): file_id = item["id"] modula = int(file_id) % 1000 cutoff = str(modula).zfill(4) if cutoff not in notexistsid: notexistsid[cutoff] = [] notexistsid[cutoff].append((file_id, cutoff, item["file_url"])) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as tar_executor: for key, group in notexistsid.items(): if key in [ '0862', '0863', '0865', '0867', '0869', '0868', '0870', '0871', '0873', '0874', '0876', '0877', '0878', '0879', '0880', '0881', '0882', '0883', '0884', '0885', '0886', '0887', '0889', '0890', '0891', '0892', '0893', '0894', '0896', '0897', '0898', '0899', '0900', '0901', '0902', '0903' ]: continue keybar = tqdm(desc=f"Downloading files in key={key}", total=len(group), position=1, ascii=True, leave=False) os.makedirs(f"yandere/{key}/", exist_ok=True) ok = False while not ok: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=12) as executor: for file_id, cutoff, file_url in group: executor.submit(download, file_id, cutoff, file_url, keybar) ok = True for file_id, cutoff, file_url in group: suffix = Path(file_url).suffix if file_url != "" and not Path(f"yandere/{cutoff}/{file_id}{suffix}").is_file(): ok = False tar_executor.submit(archive_and_upload, Path(f"yandere/{cutoff}"), cutoff) print(f"Finished download group {cutoff}") keybar.close() def rm_tree(pth: Path): for child in pth.iterdir(): if child.is_file(): child.unlink() else: rm_tree(child) pth.rmdir() def archive_and_upload(dirname, name): tar_name = Path("yandere-tars") / f"data-{name}.tar" # Check if the directory exists if not os.path.isdir(dirname): print("The specified directory does not exist.") return # Create the tar file print(f"Creating {tar_name}") with, "w") as tar: # Sort and add files to the tar file for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname): # Sort files for consistent ordering for file in tqdm(sorted(files), desc=f"Creating {tar_name}", ascii=True): full_path = os.path.join(root, file) # Add the file to the tar archive tar.add(full_path, arcname=file) # Remove the original directory after archiving rm_tree(dirname) print(f"The directory {dirname} has been removed.") api = HfApi() print(api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=tar_name, path_in_repo=f"original/data-{name}.tar", repo_id="nyanko7/yandere2023", repo_type="dataset", )) Path(tar_name).unlink() def download(idx, cutoff, file_url, bar): suffix = Path(file_url).suffix max_attempts = 5 # specify the maximum number of attempts for attempt in range(max_attempts): try: r = requests.get(file_url, impersonate="chrome110", timeout=120) if r.status_code == 200: with open(f"yandere/{cutoff}/{idx}{suffix}", "wb") as f: f.write(r.content) break # if the download is successful, break the loop else: print(f"Attempt {attempt+1} failed to download {file_url}: error {r.status_code}") except Exception as e: print(f"Attempt {attempt+1} failed to download {file_url}: error {e}") time.sleep(1) # wait for 1 second before the next attempt if attempt+1 == max_attempts: print(f"Failed to download {file_url} after {max_attempts} attempts.") bar.update(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()