--- license: cc-by-4.0 dataset_info: features: - name: img_id dtype: string - name: turn_index dtype: int32 - name: source_img dtype: image - name: mask_img dtype: image - name: instruction dtype: string - name: target_img dtype: image splits: - name: train num_bytes: 25446150928.986 num_examples: 8807 - name: dev num_bytes: 1521183444 num_examples: 528 download_size: 22358540292 dataset_size: 26967334372.986 task_categories: - text-to-image - image-to-image language: - en pretty_name: MagicBrush size_categories: - 10K=2) "mask_img" (str): free-form mask image (white region), can be used in mask-provided setting to limit the region to be edited. "instruction" (str): edit instruction of how the input image should be changed. "target_img" (str): the edited image corresponding to the input image and instruction. If you need auxiliary data, please use [training set](https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zhang_13253_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EYEqf_yG36lAgiXw2GvRl0QBDBOeZHxvNgxO0Ec9WDMcNg) and [dev set](https://buckeyemailosu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zhang_13253_buckeyemail_osu_edu/EXkXvvC95C1JsgMNWGL_RcEBElmsGxXwAAAdGamN8PNhrg) ### Splits train: 8,807 edit turns (4,512 edit sessions). dev: 528 edit turns (266 edit sessions). test: (To prevent potential data leakage, please check our repo for information on obtaining the test set.) ### Licensing Information Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ## Citation Information If you find this dataset useful, please consider citing our paper: ``` @misc{Zhang2023MagicBrush, title={MagicBrush: A Manually Annotated Dataset for Instruction-Guided Image Editing}, author={Kai Zhang and Lingbo Mo and Wenhu Chen and Huan Sun and Yu Su}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.10012}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```