text,labels falure,Breakdown unserviceable dpr 1,Breakdown bogged,Plugged / choked spaying slurry,Leaking fell of,Minor in-service problems no pressure output,Plugged / choked damageblockage,Structural deficiency squeeling,Noise requires repacking,Minor in-service problems no starting issue,Failure to start on demand shaking,Vibration blow,Minor in-service problems need a descale,Minor in-service problems over heating,Overheating vibrationcheck,Vibration vibration issue,Vibration not open,Minor in-service problems sticking,Fail to function seized shut,Breakdown blocked,Plugged / choked not working,Breakdown not energising,Low output power issue,Electrical needs repairing,Structural deficiency not performing,Breakdown wont run and,Failure to start on demand boil out,Overheating not supplying,Plugged / choked spilled,Leaking stuck in,Fail to function leak exponentially,Leaking not keeping up,Low output pumping issue,Low output leak slurry,Leaking us,Breakdown requires attention,Minor in-service problems does not stop,Failure to stop on demand noisy sce,Noise twisting,Fail to function needs to be extended,Minor in-service problems lost its packing,Leaking rusted through,Structural deficiency needs to be held down,Minor in-service problems flow issue,Plugged / choked degraded,Structural deficiency wont pump floc,Breakdown leakspray,Leaking wont run in,Failure to start on demand needs repacked,Minor in-service problems passing excessively,Leaking blocking,Plugged / choked not engaging,Failure to start on demand shredded,Structural deficiency noise,Noise blown out,Minor in-service problems needs replacing,Breakdown not running,Breakdown leak when shut,Leaking fall off,Minor in-service problems not being pumped away,Plugged / choked scaled up,Minor in-service problems fallen off,Minor in-service problems broke away,Breakdown cannot run in,Failure to start on demand not pumping enough,Plugged / choked not stopping,Failure to stop on demand unable to shu,Failure to stop on demand failed internaly,Breakdown not there,Minor in-service problems inefficiant,Plugged / choked no reading,Abnormal instrument reading will not start in,Failure to start on demand been running hot,Overheating fallen out,Minor in-service problems leak on,Leaking to be removed,Breakdown unsupported,Minor in-service problems giving false reading,Abnormal instrument reading leak in two place,Leaking not reaching flow,Plugged / choked wont turn,Failure to start on demand not able to open,Minor in-service problems need straighting,Minor in-service problems hot liquid,Overheating fell apart,Minor in-service problems fail again,Breakdown needs to be replaced,Breakdown underperforming,Low output corroded close out,Structural deficiency not kicking in,Failure to start on demand needs to be descaled,Minor in-service problems over flowed,Leaking non operational,Breakdown running fault,Other unable to run,Failure to start on demand come adrift,Minor in-service problems stiff,Fail to function not high enough,Low output broken off,Breakdown snapped,Structural deficiency shorted out,Electrical running when sump empty,Other faul,Electrical has a hole on,Structural deficiency will not trip,Electrical failing to start,Failure to start on demand needs adjusting,Minor in-service problems sheared,Structural deficiency failed,Breakdown no guarding,Minor in-service problems unresponsive,Failure to start on demand no sightglass,Minor in-service problems not connected,Minor in-service problems unserviceable and line,Breakdown keeps triping,Electrical coming out,Minor in-service problems requires handle,Minor in-service problems low flow,Plugged / choked split,Structural deficiency fail to start,Failure to start on demand wont reset,Failure to start on demand hard to close,Fail to close hole in suction,Structural deficiency worn through,Structural deficiency passingleaking,Leaking not opening,Minor in-service problems jammedseized,Plugged / choked damage,Structural deficiency passing on,Leaking weak,Other viberating,Vibration static earth resistance,Electrical needs to be rebuilt,Minor in-service problems needs supporting,Minor in-service problems wont work,Failure to start on demand wornbelt,Structural deficiency not attached corroded,Minor in-service problems keeps tripping,Electrical weeping,Leaking badly rusted,Structural deficiency bad vibration,Vibration fire,Overheating faulting,Electrical contaminating condensate,Contamination too fast,High output low viscosity,Contamination not closing,Minor in-service problems require adjusting,Minor in-service problems sound,Noise bent,Minor in-service problems corrosion on,Structural deficiency doesnt operate,Breakdown seized open,Breakdown excessive stopstart,Erratic output needs replaceing,Breakdown hot thermography,Overheating erratic,Erratic output false high level,Abnormal instrument reading will not shut,Fail to function lagging,Low output blew off,Minor in-service problems no fill,Minor in-service problems needs packing,Minor in-service problems wont pump,Breakdown badly corrod,Structural deficiency surging,Electrical false reading,Abnormal instrument reading not pumping enough to get,Plugged / choked not draining,Plugged / choked not wo,Breakdown not charging,Electrical locked,Failure to rotate not moving,Plugged / choked milky,Contamination require tightening,Minor in-service problems siezed,Breakdown no pressure,Plugged / choked disconnected,Breakdown coming adrift,Minor in-service problems ruptured,Structural deficiency not pumpung,Plugged / choked leakhose,Leaking cracked,Structural deficiency broken loose,Breakdown failing,Breakdown looseworn,Minor in-service problems alarming eratically,Abnormal instrument reading are not operational,Breakdown no static,Abnormal instrument reading siezed shut,Breakdown running too slow,Low output rusty,Structural deficiency needs modifying,Minor in-service problems died,Breakdown smoking,Overheating pulling very high,High output blowin,Minor in-service problems not stopping at,Failure to stop on demand not operational,Breakdown seizedbogged,Breakdown usversicol,Breakdown static,Electrical does not trip,Electrical needs alignment,Minor in-service problems contaimination,Contamination burst again,Breakdown smoke,Overheating losing,Minor in-service problems no belt,Minor in-service problems needs tightened,Minor in-service problems not turning restriction,Plugged / choked no signal,Abnormal instrument reading emulsified,Contamination alarming vibration,Vibration needs patched up,Minor in-service problems blew off top of,Minor in-service problems badly corroded in,Structural deficiency perished,Breakdown need calibration,Abnormal instrument reading jammed in place,Plugged / choked collapsed,Breakdown requires slotting,Minor in-service problems fault finding,Electrical reading inaccurate,Abnormal instrument reading sucked in,Other come loose,Minor in-service problems no phase,Electrical bore tripping,Electrical spill to ground,Electrical reading high,Abnormal instrument reading rusted away,Structural deficiency needs a repack,Minor in-service problems fried,Breakdown no speed control,Abnormal instrument reading seized breakdown,Breakdown needs replacement,Breakdown not workin,Breakdown require investigating,Minor in-service problems passing when closed,Leaking not operating,Breakdown crack,Structural deficiency stopped pumping,Spurious stop not pumping issue,Plugged / choked vibration,Vibration no flow,Plugged / choked restricted,Low output high vibration,Vibration unserviceable no contol,Breakdown slippery,Minor in-service problems no seal,Minor in-service problems leak underflow,Leaking blockedseized,Plugged / choked broken near,Breakdown faulty earth,Electrical not maintaining,Plugged / choked wont rotate,Failure to start on demand not efficient,Low output will not start,Failure to start on demand contamination trip,Contamination not working on,Breakdown blown out at,Minor in-service problems trips out,Electrical struggling,Low output slow,Low output keeps on tripping,Electrical reading stuck,Abnormal instrument reading not pumping,Plugged / choked torn,Structural deficiency cutting in and out,Erratic output leakhole,Leaking come free of,Minor in-service problems contaminated,Contamination not pumpingeast,Plugged / choked no oil movement,Plugged / choked cold,Other problem,Other keeps tripping at start,Electrical severely corroded,Structural deficiency needs repack,Minor in-service problems not secure,Minor in-service problems missing on,Minor in-service problems require changing,Minor in-service problems have smoked up,Overheating rusted of,Structural deficiency relieving too early,Leaking missing blank,Minor in-service problems will not restart,Failure to start on demand needs repacking,Minor in-service problems high amp,Abnormal instrument reading weaping,Leaking burnt out,Overheating blowen,Minor in-service problems adrift,Minor in-service problems seizes at time,Breakdown may burst,Structural deficiency sparaying,Leaking tripping straight away,Electrical has a split in,Structural deficiency corrodedstripped,Structural deficiency buggered,Breakdown seized,Breakdown pot in backward,Minor in-service problems fault,Electrical will not pump,Breakdown tripping in,Electrical requires replacing,Minor in-service problems continually tripping,Electrical no run indication,Abnormal instrument reading running hot,Overheating poor,Fail to function keeps tripping out,Electrical playing up,Erratic output not providing pressure,Plugged / choked not starting,Failure to start on demand sheared off,Structural deficiency not puming,Plugged / choked corroding,Structural deficiency spraying out of,Leaking badly corroded,Structural deficiency requires clean,Minor in-service problems holedinspect,Structural deficiency no earth,Electrical missingloose,Minor in-service problems siezing on,Breakdown keeps kicking in,Failure to stop on demand not efficiant,Low output sheered,Structural deficiency incorrect orientation,Minor in-service problems worn out,Structural deficiency signal error,Abnormal instrument reading earth fault,Electrical unserviceable pump,Breakdown not attached,Minor in-service problems leaked out,Leaking shorting out,Electrical tripping on overload,Electrical broken,Breakdown heavy corrosion,Structural deficiency unable to reach,Low output wont open,Fail to function lealing,Leaking needs another row,Minor in-service problems down to earth,Electrical very corroded,Structural deficiency will not start after flushing,Failure to start on demand slurry spraying out,Leaking badly corr,Structural deficiency covered,Minor in-service problems requires a descale,Minor in-service problems starting to crack,Structural deficiency crack in transition,Structural deficiency constantly losing,Leaking continually trips out,Electrical dirty,Minor in-service problems worn again,Structural deficiency broke,Breakdown needs to be flushed,Minor in-service problems rusted off,Structural deficiency stopped working,Spurious stop stuck,Fail to function appears loose,Minor in-service problems very high vibration,Vibration cannot start,Failure to start on demand not secured,Minor in-service problems holed,Structural deficiency jammed closed,Plugged / choked tripping cause,Electrical coroded,Structural deficiency needs to be dismantled,Minor in-service problems missing off,Minor in-service problems knocking,Noise slipping,Minor in-service problems tripping on,Electrical caught in suction,Minor in-service problems defect notice,Structural deficiency will not stay running,Spurious stop come off,Minor in-service problems tripped out,Electrical not accurate,Abnormal instrument reading loose,Minor in-service problems has crack,Structural deficiency congested,Plugged / choked shows offline while running in field,Abnormal instrument reading showing signs of failure,Other passing,Leaking broken electrical,Breakdown spraying out,Leaking needs freeing up,Plugged / choked wont start,Failure to start on demand high earth resistance,Abnormal instrument reading pumping at high out put,High output pinholed,Minor in-service problems poor flow,Low output slipped off,Minor in-service problems faulty,Electrical needs scope,Minor in-service problems colapsed,Breakdown will not run,Breakdown exposed,Minor in-service problems losing signal,Electrical misaligning,Minor in-service problems out of position,Minor in-service problems need replacing,Breakdown not running in,Fail to function has split,Structural deficiency snapped off,Structural deficiency noisyvibrating,Noise filled,Leaking fail,Breakdown fails to open in sequence,Fail to open looseness,Minor in-service problems too high,High output blowing,Minor in-service problems running when empty,Other hot,Overheating fluctuates at high rate,Erratic output not reading right,Abnormal instrument reading sitting on hot,Overheating not able to maintain level,Plugged / choked dislodged,Minor in-service problems turning in reverse,Fail to function no out put,Plugged / choked leaky,Leaking tripping out on run up,Electrical need replaceing,Breakdown not pump,Plugged / choked will not run in,Breakdown needs rebuild,Breakdown leakingreplace,Leaking stopped abruptly,Spurious stop brittle,Structural deficiency needs securing,Minor in-service problems dented,Structural deficiency vibrationlaser,Vibration inconsistant flow,Plugged / choked needs re build,Breakdown unserviceable please replace,Breakdown not connectedblanked,Minor in-service problems earthing,Electrical no indication,Minor in-service problems stripped,Structural deficiency needs inspecting,Minor in-service problems snaped,Structural deficiency didnt trip,Electrical blow out,Minor in-service problems unserviceable leak sulphur,Breakdown tripping issue,Electrical unable to reset,Failure to stop on demand need modifying,Minor in-service problems tripping out,Electrical requires topupstop,Minor in-service problems dragged,Minor in-service problems not performingpumping,Breakdown getting jammed,Plugged / choked failed restest,Failure to start on demand starting issue,Failure to start on demand wrong range,Abnormal instrument reading may be failing,Fail to function stretched,Minor in-service problems does dont pump at,Plugged / choked stuck in open position,Fail to function seize,Breakdown hole in,Structural deficiency snappedplugged,Structural deficiency consumeing,Leaking keeps vibrating shut,Vibration not able to pump,Plugged / choked needs a descale,Minor in-service problems passing u,Leaking out of adjustment,Minor in-service problems failure,Breakdown needs reset,Electrical rupture,Structural deficiency vibrating,Vibration rubbing,Vibration leakingneed,Leaking playingup,Erratic output broken into,Breakdown doesnt pump to,Plugged / choked corrosion,Structural deficiency squealing,Noise noyt pumping,Breakdown fault tripping,Electrical needs to be repacked,Minor in-service problems will not turn,Fail to function grinding,Noise rusted,Structural deficiency trips on overload,Electrical stopping,Spurious stop split in two place,Structural deficiency hanging,Other needs fixing,Minor in-service problems detached,Minor in-service problems brokenmissing,Breakdown need repacking,Minor in-service problems wont pump to,Breakdown sce fault,Fail to function wont run,Failure to start on demand requires modifying,Minor in-service problems requires replacement,Minor in-service problems triped,Electrical stopping randomly,Spurious stop