--- annotations_creators: - crowdsourced license: mit multilinguality: - monolingual source_datasets: - original task_ids: - hate-speech-detection task_categories: - text-classification - token-classification language: - vi pretty_name: ViHOS - Vietnamese Hate and Offensive Spans Dataset size_categories: - 10K ["điện_thoại", "của", "tôi"] ---(split by "_")---> ["điện", "thoại", "của", "tôi"]. - **tag**: The tag of the word. The tag is either B-T (beginning of a word), I-T (inside of a word), or O (outside of a word). - The train_BIO_syllable and dev_BIO_syllable file are used for training and validation for XLMR model, respectively. - The test_BIO_syllable file is used for reference only. It is not used for testing the model. **Please use the test.csv file in the Testdata folder for testing the model.** #### Word Description: - This folder contains the data for the sequence labeling-based version of the task. The data is divided into two files: train, and dev. Each file contains the following columns: - **index**: The id of the word. - **word**: Words in the sentence after the processing of tokenization using [VnCoreNLP](https://github.com/vncorenlp/VnCoreNLP) tokenizer - **tag**: The tag of the word. The tag is either B-T (beginning of a word), I-T (inside of a word), or O (outside of a word). - The train_BIO_Word and dev_BIO_Word file are used for training and validation for PhoBERT model, respectively. - The test_BIO_Word file is used for reference only. It is not used for testing the model. **Please use the test.csv file in the data/test folder for testing the model.** ### Span Extraction-based version Description: - This folder contains the data for the span extraction-based version of the task. The data is divided into two files: train and dev. Each file contains the following columns: - **content**: The content of the sentence. - **span_ids**: The index of the hate and offensive spans in the sentence. The index is in the format of [start, end] where start is the index of the first character of the hate and offensive span and end is the index of the last character of the hate and offensive span. - The train and dev file are used for training and validation for BiLSTM-CRF model, respectively. ### Citation Information ``` @inproceedings{hoang-etal-2023-vihos, title = "{V}i{HOS}: Hate Speech Spans Detection for {V}ietnamese", author = "Hoang, Phu Gia and Luu, Canh Duc and Tran, Khanh Quoc and Nguyen, Kiet Van and Nguyen, Ngan Luu-Thuy", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics", month = may, year = "2023", address = "Dubrovnik, Croatia", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.eacl-main.47", doi = "10.18653/v1/2023.eacl-main.47", pages = "652--669", abstract = "The rise in hateful and offensive language directed at other users is one of the adverse side effects of the increased use of social networking platforms. This could make it difficult for human moderators to review tagged comments filtered by classification systems. To help address this issue, we present the ViHOS (Vietnamese Hate and Offensive Spans) dataset, the first human-annotated corpus containing 26k spans on 11k comments. We also provide definitions of hateful and offensive spans in Vietnamese comments as well as detailed annotation guidelines. Besides, we conduct experiments with various state-of-the-art models. Specifically, XLM-R{\_}Large achieved the best F1-scores in Single span detection and All spans detection, while PhoBERT{\_}Large obtained the highest in Multiple spans detection. Finally, our error analysis demonstrates the difficulties in detecting specific types of spans in our data for future research. Our dataset is released on GitHub.", } ```