fields: - name: premise required: true settings: type: text use_markdown: false title: Premise type: text use_markdown: false - name: hypothesis required: true settings: type: text use_markdown: false title: Hypothesis type: text use_markdown: false guidelines: 'Premise: A string used to determine the truthfulness of the hypothesis, Hypothesis: A string that may be true, false, or whose truth conditions may not be knowable when compared to the premise' questions: - description: null labels: '0': entails '1': neutral '2': contradict name: label required: true settings: options: - text: entails value: '0' - text: neutral value: '1' - text: contradict value: '2' type: label_selection visible_options: null title: The hypothesis entails the premise, neither entails nor contradict each other, or the hypothesis contradicts the premise? type: label_selection visible_labels: null