<2fy> ▁Space |
<2fy> ▁Icon ▁'% s ' ▁not ▁found |
<2fy> ▁Start |
<2fy> ▁vertical Box |
<2fy> ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁Choose ... |
<2fy> ▁AS CII |
<2fy> ▁Port |
<2fy> ▁Open |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁Switch ▁to ▁design ▁view |
<2fy> ▁_ Ma ximum ▁pe ers : |
<2fy> ▁No ▁compression |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Zoom ▁_ Out |
<2fy> ▁Configura ble ▁delay ▁between ▁selecting ▁an ▁article ▁and ▁it ▁being ▁marked ▁as ▁read . |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Free ▁Mar gin |
<2fy> ▁SH OR TM ON TH |
<2fy> ▁Enc rypt ed ▁message ▁( dec ryption ▁not ▁possible ) |
<2fy> ▁Bookmarks |
<2fy> ▁Mod em |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Pl ug ins |
<2fy> ▁Line / ▁Cur ve |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Ex am ples : |
<2fy> ▁He ▁works ▁at ▁a ▁scientific ▁instit ute ▁where ▁lingu ists , ▁literature ▁sch ol ars , ▁histori ans , ▁soci olog ists , ▁econom ists , ▁and ▁other ▁sch ol ars ▁investigate ▁everything ▁that ▁has ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁g nom es . |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁Capt ion ▁of ▁the ▁window ▁to ▁be ▁terminated |
<2fy> ▁Clean look s |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁F onts |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁forward ▁one ▁step ▁in ▁the ▁brow sing ▁history |
<2fy> ▁Unknown ▁command |
<2fy> ▁Effects |
<2fy> ▁To |
<2fy> ▁Bug ▁track er ▁management , ▁Us ability ▁improvements |
<2fy> ▁Satur ate ▁colors |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁Initial ▁width : |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁Title ▁of ▁the ▁free / ▁busy ▁list |
<2fy> ▁Creat es ▁new ▁query . |
<2fy> ▁_ Book marks |
<2fy> ▁V ital ▁product ▁data |
<2fy> ▁Not ebook |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Run ▁command ▁17 |
<2fy> ▁Monitor ▁bright ness ▁down keyboard ▁label |
<2fy> ▁Clock ▁wipe ▁Page ▁Effects |
<2fy> ▁Loading ▁C SV ▁Data ▁from ▁"%1 "... |
<2fy> ▁Edit ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Add ▁this ▁contact ▁to ▁the ▁address ▁book . |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁% s : ▁error : |
<2fy> ▁_ St op |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁a ▁laun cher ▁from ▁the ▁applications ▁menu |
<2fy> ▁Opt im istic : |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Find |
<2fy> ▁Password : |
<2fy> ▁Sort ▁by ▁Stat _ e |
<2fy> ▁Export ▁& ▁Internet ▁Expl orer ▁Bookmarks ... |
<2fy> ▁The ▁main ▁GNOME ▁menu |
<2fy> ▁Wood ▁#1 |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Close |
<2fy> ▁Small Color S el ector |
<2fy> ▁K Ch art ▁SV G ▁Export ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁is ▁less ▁than ▁or ▁equal ▁to |
<2fy> ▁A ▁mod ifier ▁key ▁( e . ▁g . ▁Shift ▁or ▁Ctrl ) ▁has ▁changed ▁its ▁state ▁and ▁is ▁now ▁in active |
<2fy> ▁Enable ▁anim ations |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁to ▁Workspace ▁_ L eft |
<2fy> ▁Rate |
<2fy> ▁Color ▁gra di ents |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Background |
<2fy> ▁In vo ice |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Start |
<2fy> ▁De fer red ▁to : |
<2fy> ▁Cum ulative |
<2fy> ▁% H :% M |
<2fy> ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁output ▁file |
<2fy> ▁useful ▁for ▁increasing ▁speed |
<2fy> ▁Friends ▁of ▁GNOME |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁File |
<2fy> ▁System ▁configuration ▁and ▁monitoring |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁find ▁relationships ▁file ▁"%1" |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Author : |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁Non - working |
<2fy> ▁Failed ▁to ▁load ▁% s : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁To |
<2fy> ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁Insert ▁Unicode ▁control ▁character |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁Cont ains ▁a ▁pointer ▁to ▁the ▁currently ▁selected ▁row |
<2fy> ▁Project ▁start |
<2fy> ▁Must ▁Start ▁On |
<2fy> ▁AC WP ▁( C ost ) |
<2fy> ▁KW ord ▁W ML ▁Export ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁Sending ▁ab orted . |
<2fy> ▁Friends ▁of ▁GNOME |
<2fy> ▁Palm / ▁Wire less ▁Em ulator |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Stop |
<2fy> ▁Tor rent ▁Options |
<2fy> ▁Creat es ▁new ▁table . |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁X MP ▁IP TC |
<2fy> ▁Details |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Gener ate ▁Report |
<2fy> ▁S ete xt ▁document |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Comm a ▁" ," |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Add ▁an ▁attachment ▁to ▁the ▁email . |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁a ▁new ▁folder ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Sim ul ates ▁that ▁pen - in - n ested - pl astic - g ears ▁toy ▁from ▁your ▁childhood . ▁http : ▁/ ▁/ en . ▁w ikipedia . ▁org / ▁w iki / ▁Sp iro gra ph ▁Written ▁by ▁Roh it ▁Singh ; ▁2000. |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Error ▁in ▁checks um |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁_ L og ▁Out |
<2fy> ▁Nepomuk ▁EM ail ▁Fe eder |
<2fy> ▁Weather ▁forecast ▁by ▁wet ter . ▁com |
<2fy> ▁Password : |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁Port rait ▁mode |
<2fy> ▁Convert ▁Layer ▁T ye |
<2fy> ▁Internet |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Mod ification ▁Date |
<2fy> ▁Back tra ce ▁of ▁the ▁crash ▁I ▁am ▁sending : |
<2fy> ▁This ▁font ▁is ▁used ▁when ▁a ▁fixed ▁font ▁is ▁needed . ▁A ▁fixed ▁font ▁has ▁a ▁constant ▁width . |
<2fy> ▁Set |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Home ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁Mi _ nim ize |
<2fy> ▁Mod ify ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁D OLL AR ( number ; ▁dec im als ) |
<2fy> ▁KDE ▁Default ▁for ▁3 ▁Mod ifier ▁Keys |
<2fy> ▁Store ▁sent ▁messages ▁encrypted |
<2fy> ▁Dec rypt / ▁Ver ify ▁Pop up ▁Ge omet ry |
<2fy> ▁Background |
<2fy> ▁Confirm ▁Deli very |
<2fy> ▁Background ▁color |
<2fy> ▁Background ▁tool |
<2fy> ▁& ▁N ative |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Style |
<2fy> ▁Background ▁Color ... |
<2fy> ▁Syn tax ▁Error ▁near ▁"%1" |
<2fy> ▁Special ▁D ates ▁Summary |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Open ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁_ Open |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Zoom ▁_ Out |
<2fy> ▁Copyright ▁© ▁% Id – % Id ▁The ▁Files ▁authors |
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<2fy> ▁Save ▁As ... |
<2fy> ▁make ▁above |
<2fy> ▁Add |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Pause ▁all ▁tor rents |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Mond rian |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
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<2fy> ▁_ T ool bar |
<2fy> ▁Insert |
<2fy> ▁Picture ▁editing ▁tool |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁the ▁view port ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁workspace ▁to ▁Y ▁coordinate ▁Y |
<2fy> ▁7- Z ip ▁(. 7 z ) |
<2fy> ▁Today |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Bookmarks |
<2fy> ▁F onts |
<2fy> ▁R UB |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Font ▁Selection |
<2fy> ▁Message ▁from ▁server : |
<2fy> ▁Test ▁drive |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Can ' t ▁pass ▁documents ▁to ▁this ▁desktop ▁element |
<2fy> ▁Un lock |
<2fy> ▁Str ange |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Import |
<2fy> ▁View ▁as ▁a ▁F _ older |
<2fy> ▁Up |
<2fy> ▁Ult ra ▁W ide ▁Band |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Lady b ug gin |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Details |
<2fy> ▁North |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Filter ▁output |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
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<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁& ▁View |
<2fy> ▁Accept |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁to ▁Workspace ▁_ L eft |
<2fy> ▁Medium |
<2fy> ▁Note : ▁This ▁HTML ▁message ▁may ▁contain ▁external ▁references ▁to ▁images ▁etc . ▁For ▁security / ▁privacy ▁reasons ▁external ▁references ▁are ▁not ▁loaded . ▁If ▁you ▁trust ▁the ▁sender ▁of ▁this ▁message ▁then ▁you ▁can ▁load ▁the ▁external ▁references ▁for ▁this ▁message ▁by ▁clicking ▁here . |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁Asia / ▁Pon ti anak |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁The ▁username |
<2fy> ▁XDMCP : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁XDMCP ▁header ! |
<2fy> ▁Chile an ▁P eso |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Top ▁alb ums ▁by ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Toolbar ▁Editor |
<2fy> ▁Here ▁you ▁can ▁choose ▁on ▁which ▁date ▁your ▁calendar ▁should ▁start . ▁The ▁selected ▁date ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁first ▁day ▁of ▁the ▁inserted ▁calendar . ▁You ▁can ▁also ▁choose ▁a ▁date ▁from ▁a ▁calendar ▁dialog ▁by ▁pressing ▁Select ▁Date . |
<2fy> ▁Selected ▁She ets : |
<2fy> ▁What ▁is ▁your ▁Google ▁ID ? |
<2fy> ▁Please ▁click ' Back ▁' but ton ▁and ▁correct ▁these ▁errors . |
<2fy> ▁Highlight ▁toolbar ▁buttons ▁on ▁mouse ▁over |
<2fy> ▁Access ibility |
<2fy> ▁Port : |
<2fy> ▁Template ▁name : |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁Internet |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁_ Link ▁Address |
<2fy> ▁Connect ▁to ▁server |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁An ▁unknown ▁error ▁occurred ▁while ▁trying ▁to ▁open ▁"% s ". |
<2fy> ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Jar ▁(. jar ) |
<2fy> ▁& ▁New |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Quit ▁Nautilus . |
<2fy> ▁Advanced ▁Options |
<2fy> ▁Connection ▁is ▁encrypted |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Man ila ▁Paper |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁Line ▁wrap |
<2fy> ▁general ▁failure |
<2fy> ▁Launch ▁( E ) |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁Phone |
<2fy> ▁Open ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁a ▁new ▁folder ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Separ ator |
<2fy> ▁Open PGP ▁Key ▁Ex pi res ▁Soon |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁_ U ndo |
<2fy> ▁Page |
<2fy> ▁Att empt ▁dec ryption ▁of ▁encrypted ▁messages ▁when ▁view ing |
<2fy> ▁General ▁Options |
<2fy> ▁Ignore |
<2fy> ▁Bookmarks ▁allow ▁you ▁to ▁jump ▁between ▁parts ▁of ▁your ▁document . ▁Please ▁provide ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁your ▁bookmark . |
<2fy> ▁Terra B ras il ▁( ter ra . com . br ) |
<2fy> ▁( c ) ▁2006, ▁Aaron ▁Se igo |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁% l :% M ▁% p |
<2fy> ▁White ▁6 40 x 4 80 |
<2fy> ▁Home ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁L _ at itude : |
<2fy> ▁Roman , ▁lower ▁case |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Next ▁month |
<2fy> ▁En abled |
<2fy> ▁Set |
<2fy> ▁Line ▁wrap |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁As ... |
<2fy> ▁When ▁this ▁option ▁is ▁enabled , ▁the ▁signed / ▁encrypted ▁text ▁will ▁be ▁shown ▁in ▁a ▁separate ▁window , ▁enabling ▁you ▁to ▁know ▁how ▁it ▁will ▁look ▁before ▁it ▁is ▁sent . ▁This ▁is ▁a ▁good ▁idea ▁when ▁you ▁are ▁ver ifying ▁that ▁your ▁encryption ▁system ▁works . |
<2fy> ▁Activate |
<2fy> ▁Cum ulative |
<2fy> ▁Res can ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁Un lock |
<2fy> ▁Small |
<2fy> ▁Bottom ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁KDE ▁su |
<2fy> ▁Method |
<2fy> ▁White ▁12 80 ▁x ▁10 24 |
<2fy> ▁UNIX ▁time |
<2fy> ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁Back |
<2fy> ▁Time |
<2fy> ▁Error |
<2fy> ▁Eight h |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁e _ xt ract ▁older ▁files |
<2fy> ▁% d ▁% B ▁% Y , ▁% H :% M |
<2fy> ▁Rad ial ▁Rain bow ▁Ho op |
<2fy> ▁150 % |
<2fy> ▁Program ming |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Display ▁information ▁on ▁this ▁GNOME ▁version |
<2fy> ▁I ' ve ▁forgotten ▁my ▁password |
<2fy> ▁Page ▁Down |
<2fy> ▁Peter ▁Kelly |
<2fy> ▁Ign ored |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁name |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁It ▁is ▁not ▁possible ▁to ▁send ▁messages ▁without ▁spec ifying ▁a ▁sender ▁address . ▁Please ▁set ▁the ▁email ▁address ▁of ▁identity ▁'%1 ▁' in ▁the ▁Ident ities ▁section ▁of ▁the ▁configuration ▁dialog ▁and ▁then ▁try ▁again . |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁He ' ll ▁become ▁a ▁father ▁soon . |
<2fy> ▁Manage ▁Prof iles ... |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁all ▁files |
<2fy> ▁150 % |
<2fy> ▁IS P MT ( 0 .1 ; ▁1 ; ▁3 ; ▁800 0000 ) ▁equals ▁- 5 33 33 3 |
<2fy> ▁Confirm ation |
<2fy> ▁Air ▁for ▁net book s |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁Sort ing |
<2fy> ▁The ▁file ▁%1 ▁does ▁not ▁exist . |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Coll apse ▁Thread |
<2fy> ▁Pause ▁tor rent |
<2fy> ▁Oct ▁00 ▁00 00 ▁at ▁00:00 ▁PM |
<2fy> ▁Coll apse ▁the ▁current ▁thread |
<2fy> ▁Time |
<2fy> ▁Statist ical |
<2fy> ▁Text |
<2fy> ▁Certificate ▁import ▁status : |
<2fy> ▁Ph osph or |
<2fy> ▁Zoom ▁In |
<2fy> ▁Pl ug ins |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁_ Up |
<2fy> ▁Ang le |
<2fy> ▁Fet ch ▁feed list ▁on ▁startup . |
<2fy> ▁Sort ing |
<2fy> ▁Comp act ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁Plain |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁The ▁local ▁URI ▁does ▁not ▁correspond ▁to ▁a ▁detected ▁port . ▁Continue ? |
<2fy> ▁Min ute |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Korean |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁_ Book marks |
<2fy> ▁_ R elo ad |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Print ... |
<2fy> ▁_ 12 ▁hour ▁format |
<2fy> ▁L _ at itude : |
<2fy> ▁_ Pre vious ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁un sh ade |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Mod ify ▁Ur l |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁Unable ▁to ▁add ▁the ▁future ▁items ▁to ▁the ▁calendar . ▁No ▁change ▁will ▁be ▁done . |
<2fy> ▁Configure ▁the ▁Feed ▁Re ader ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁Always ▁Hid den |
<2fy> ▁_ N one ▁( use ▁system ▁theme ) |
<2fy> ▁Organization |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁e _ xt ract ▁older ▁files |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁Check ▁to ▁be ▁warned ▁when ▁sending ▁un enc rypt ed ▁messages . |
<2fy> ▁R AND BER N OU LL I ( x ) |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁“ _ % s ” |
<2fy> ▁Develop er |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁South |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁En abled |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Number |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Insert |
<2fy> ▁Ign ored |
<2fy> ▁I _ gn ore ▁SSL ▁certificate ▁errors |
<2fy> ▁Icon ▁'% s ' ▁not ▁found |
<2fy> ▁Language |
<2fy> ▁Change ... |
<2fy> ▁Edit ▁Start up ▁Program |
<2fy> ▁Display ▁information ▁on ▁this ▁GNOME ▁version |
<2fy> ▁Main tain er |
<2fy> ▁Bottom ▁Neigh bor : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁From ▁Bottom |
<2fy> ▁Education |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Action ▁name |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Mail - URL |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁this ▁message ▁in ▁the ▁Dra fts ▁folder . ▁It ▁can ▁then ▁be ▁ed ited ▁and ▁sent ▁at ▁a ▁later ▁time . |
<2fy> ▁DE V ICE |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁_ New |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Rad ial ▁Gl ow ▁1 |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁% s : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁Session ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Unt it led ▁Document |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁_ St op |
<2fy> ▁Icon ▁'% s ' ▁not ▁found |
<2fy> ▁Error ▁creating ▁database ▁"%1" ▁on ▁the ▁server . |
<2fy> ▁FM ▁Radio |
<2fy> ▁Extension ( s ) |
<2fy> ▁_ Cl ose ▁All |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁task ▁name |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁_ Art ist ▁sort ▁order : |
<2fy> ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁Details |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Mod ify ▁Ur l |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁the ▁view port ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁workspace ▁to ▁Y ▁coordinate ▁Y |
<2fy> ▁Extract ▁files ▁from ▁the ▁archive |
<2fy> ▁F ▁Number : |
<2fy> ▁Bluetooth ▁Device ▁Setup |
<2fy> ▁keyboard ▁label |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Force ▁Quit |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁“ _ % s ” |
<2fy> ▁_ Ac tiv ate ▁Sc re ensa ver |
<2fy> ▁Table |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁a ▁new ▁laun cher |
<2fy> ▁Sign ed ▁by ▁%1 ▁with ▁certificate ▁%2. |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Edit ▁Start up ▁Program |
<2fy> ▁Default ▁Ag greg ation |
<2fy> ▁Can ' t ▁pass ▁documents ▁to ▁this ▁desktop ▁element |
<2fy> ▁L imit ▁(%) |
<2fy> ▁Des elect ▁Item |
<2fy> ▁User : |
<2fy> ▁_ R ot ate ▁on ▁vertical ▁panels |
<2fy> ▁B IT AND , ▁B IT OR , ▁B IT X OR , ▁B IT L SH IF T , ▁B IT RS H IF T |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁F ILE ... |
<2fy> ▁Go |
<2fy> ▁Mod em |
<2fy> ▁En abled |
<2fy> ▁Folders |
<2fy> ▁Failed ▁to ▁load ▁% s : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁No ▁Subject |
<2fy> ▁Phone |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁The ▁image ▁contains ▁hidden ▁layers ▁that ▁will ▁be ▁lost . |
<2fy> ▁File |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁One ▁of ▁the ▁configured ▁S / ▁MIME ▁signing ▁certificates ▁does ▁not ▁contain ▁the ▁configured ▁email ▁address ▁for ▁this ▁identity ▁(% 1 ). ▁This ▁might ▁result ▁in ▁warning ▁messages ▁on ▁the ▁receiving ▁side ▁when ▁trying ▁to ▁verify ▁sign atures ▁made ▁with ▁this ▁configuration . |
<2fy> ▁Where ' s ▁the ▁rest room ? |
<2fy> ▁L ate ▁start ▁date |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Jar ▁(. jar ) |
<2fy> ▁Sudan |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁C d rom ▁with ▁Ub untu ▁10 .10 ▁' Ma ver ick ▁Meer kat ' |
<2fy> ▁C Im g ▁Image ▁rest oration ▁filter |
<2fy> ▁Open ▁the ▁trash |
<2fy> ▁mark er |
<2fy> ▁keyboard ▁label |
<2fy> ▁Satur ation ▁gra di ents |
<2fy> ▁Minimum ▁lif es pan |
<2fy> ▁E _ x p and ▁images ▁to ▁fit ▁screen |
<2fy> ▁Row ▁navig ator |
<2fy> ▁Education |
<2fy> ▁_ Qu it |
<2fy> ▁Turn ▁this ▁option ▁on ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁make ▁Outlook ( t m ) ▁understand ▁your ▁answers ▁to ▁invitation ▁replies |
<2fy> ▁M isc ell aneous |
<2fy> ▁L rz ip ▁(. l rz ) |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁set ▁empty ▁name ▁for ▁this ▁object . |
<2fy> ▁Sync ▁& ▁flag : |
<2fy> ▁[ Ex ternal ▁problem ] |
<2fy> ▁at k - bridge : ▁Couldn ' t ▁listen ▁on ▁d bus ▁server : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁Authentication ▁is ▁needed ▁to ▁run ▁` $ ( program ) ' ▁as ▁user ▁$ ( user ) |
<2fy> ▁T CP ▁Port |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Icon : |
<2fy> ▁A ▁simple ▁frame ▁container |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁A ▁collection ▁of ▁fun ▁games |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Title |
<2fy> ▁make ▁above |
<2fy> ▁_ App let : |
<2fy> ▁K Form ula |
<2fy> ▁Quit ▁Nautilus . |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁Nothing |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁Install ▁online ▁script ▁package |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Sug gest ions |
<2fy> ▁Ex am ples : |
<2fy> ▁Wel sh |
<2fy> ▁Main tain er |
<2fy> ▁Saving ▁"% s " |
<2fy> ▁Use ▁St ring ▁Table |
<2fy> ▁Table |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
<2fy> ▁Hig hest ▁R ated |
<2fy> ▁Mal ag asy ▁Franc |
<2fy> ▁Connect ▁to ▁server |
<2fy> ▁Enc oding |
<2fy> ▁Ignore ▁Conf lict |
<2fy> ▁This ▁condu it ▁appears ▁to ▁be ▁broken ▁and ▁cannot ▁be ▁configured . |
<2fy> ▁Brazil |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁out box ▁contains ▁messages ▁which ▁were ▁most - likely ▁not ▁created ▁by ▁KMail ; ▁please ▁remove ▁them ▁from ▁there ▁if ▁you ▁do ▁not ▁want ▁KMail ▁to ▁send ▁them . |
<2fy> ▁Color |
<2fy> ▁If ▁the ▁backup ▁location ▁is ▁on ▁an ▁external ▁volume , ▁this ▁is ▁the ▁volume ’ s ▁icon . |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Disc onn _ ect |
<2fy> ▁Go |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁Window ▁Manager : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁Brazil |
<2fy> ▁Start ed ▁early |
<2fy> ▁Color ▁mode : |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁Here |
<2fy> ▁Num eral |
<2fy> ▁M isc ell aneous |
<2fy> ▁P neum ▁- ▁DE Jack |
<2fy> ▁% d ▁% B ▁% Y , ▁% H :% M |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁display ▁help ▁document |
<2fy> ▁pin |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Next ▁year |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Help |
<2fy> ▁Ident ity : |
<2fy> ▁Video ▁Player |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Un lock |
<2fy> ▁List ▁of ▁locations |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Main tain er |
<2fy> ▁Choose ▁how ▁to ▁reduce ▁the ▁chance ▁of ▁alarm ▁messages ▁being ▁accidentally ▁acknowledged : ▁Position ▁alarm ▁message ▁windows ▁as ▁far ▁as ▁possible ▁from ▁the ▁current ▁mouse ▁cursor ▁location , ▁or ▁Position ▁alarm ▁message ▁windows ▁in ▁the ▁center ▁of ▁the ▁screen , ▁but ▁disable ▁buttons ▁for ▁a ▁short ▁time ▁after ▁the ▁window ▁is ▁displayed . |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Add |
<2fy> ▁Replace ▁email ▁address ▁'%1 ▁' with ▁the ▁'% em ail ' ▁macro |
<2fy> ▁_ For ward |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
<2fy> ▁Deb ian ▁package |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁zoom ▁sl ider |
<2fy> ▁Ar j ▁(. ar j ) |
<2fy> ▁I ▁love ▁you ▁just ▁as ▁you ▁are . |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Last |
<2fy> ▁Q AR |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁the ▁view port ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁workspace ▁to ▁Y ▁coordinate ▁Y |
<2fy> ▁_ Ac tiv ate ▁Sc re ensa ver |
<2fy> ▁Letter , ▁upper ▁case |
<2fy> ▁Screen ▁Number : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Search |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁% d :%02 d :%02 d ▁of ▁% d :%02 d :%02 d ▁remaining |
<2fy> ▁Start |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Display ▁information ▁on ▁this ▁GNOME ▁version |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Space |
<2fy> ▁Text ▁Label |
<2fy> ▁Index er : |
<2fy> ▁W ave ▁speed |
<2fy> ▁December |
<2fy> ▁% s : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁Session ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Add |
<2fy> ▁Saving ▁"% s " |
<2fy> ▁_ R elo ad |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁contains |
<2fy> ▁Ex am ples : |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Convert ▁to ▁Path |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Line ▁wrap |
<2fy> ▁G EST EP (3 ; ▁3) ▁returns ▁1 |
<2fy> ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁Only ▁load ▁data ▁since ▁last ▁sync |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁_ Add ▁a ▁New ▁Color ... |
<2fy> ▁Mas k ▁Par ameters |
<2fy> ▁KMail ▁encountered ▁a ▁fatal ▁error ▁and ▁will ▁termin ate ▁now |
<2fy> ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Number |
<2fy> ▁The ▁D OLL AR () ▁function ▁conver ts ▁a ▁number ▁to ▁text ▁using ▁currency ▁format , ▁with ▁the ▁dec im als ▁round ed ▁to ▁the ▁specified ▁place . ▁Although ▁the ▁name ▁is ▁D OLL AR , ▁this ▁function ▁will ▁do ▁the ▁conversion ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁current ▁locale . |
<2fy> ▁New ▁Con vers ation |
<2fy> ▁Start |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Run ▁command ▁19 |
<2fy> ▁Mult imedia ▁Player |
<2fy> ▁Short cut : |
<2fy> ▁Content ▁size : |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁overwrite ▁new er ▁files |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁Nothing |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁The ▁Nepomuk ▁Qu ery ▁Service ▁provides ▁an ▁interface ▁for ▁persistent ▁query ▁folders |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Sorry , ▁no ▁certificates ▁were ▁found ▁in ▁this ▁message . |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁If ▁this ▁is ▁checked , ▁the ▁current ▁cell ▁text ▁wil ▁be ▁under lined . |
<2fy> ▁pin |
<2fy> ▁Clock |
<2fy> ▁_ Ab out |
<2fy> ▁_ St op |
<2fy> ▁% s ▁(% s ) |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁create ▁project ▁"%1 ". |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁desktop ▁file ▁Version ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁O uter ▁Area |
<2fy> ▁Author : |
<2fy> ▁Toolbar ▁Editor |
<2fy> ▁_ Select ▁All |
<2fy> ▁Circ le ▁F uz zy ▁(0 7) |
<2fy> ▁Loading ... |
<2fy> ▁IS OW EEK N UM ( A 1) ▁returns ▁51 ▁when ▁A 1 ▁is ▁" 21 st ▁of ▁Dec ". |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁_ Up |
<2fy> ▁KDE ▁Menu ▁query ▁tool . ▁This ▁tool ▁can ▁be ▁used ▁to ▁find ▁in ▁which ▁menu ▁a ▁specific ▁application ▁is ▁shown . ▁The ▁-- high light ▁option ▁can ▁be ▁used ▁to ▁vis ually ▁indicate ▁to ▁the ▁user ▁where ▁in ▁the ▁KDE ▁menu ▁a ▁specific ▁application ▁is ▁located . |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁Remove ▁the ▁selected ▁bookmark |
<2fy> ▁Set ▁the ▁content ▁position ▁vert ically ▁in ▁the ▁cell . ▁Top ▁means ▁the ▁content ▁will ▁be ▁displayed ▁on ▁top ▁of ▁the ▁cell . ▁Middle ▁means ▁the ▁content ▁will ▁be ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁vert ically ▁in ▁the ▁cell . ▁Bottom ▁means ▁the ▁content ▁of ▁the ▁cell ▁will ▁be ▁displayed ▁at ▁the ▁bottom ▁of ▁the ▁cell . |
<2fy> ▁Open ▁the ▁trash |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁Phone |
<2fy> ▁A ▁simple ▁container ▁to ▁group ▁widget s ▁by ▁columns |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁Change ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁keyboard ▁label |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Cut ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁Sound ▁& ▁Video |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Title |
<2fy> ▁Edit ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁R ect angle ▁count |
<2fy> ▁News |
<2fy> ▁Finger print ▁Authentication |
<2fy> ▁Q at ari ▁R iy al |
<2fy> ▁Enable ▁this ▁option ▁to ▁show ▁quoted ▁text ▁with ▁a ▁smaller ▁font . |
<2fy> ▁From ▁Field ▁Address |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁_ Ac tiv ate ▁Sc re ensa ver |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Browse ... |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁_ U ndo |
<2fy> ▁% s ▁(% s ) |
<2fy> ▁Satur ation |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Key |
<2fy> ▁Franc ▁Southern ▁Territ ories |
<2fy> ▁Keyboard |
<2fy> ▁_ Port : |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Search |
<2fy> ▁_ 12 ▁hour ▁format |
<2fy> ▁X MP ▁IP TC |
<2fy> ▁Log ▁out ▁% s ▁of ▁this ▁session ▁to ▁log ▁in ▁as ▁a ▁different ▁user |
<2fy> ▁Program ming |
<2fy> ▁Co _ m ment : |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Brown s |
<2fy> ▁All ▁folders |
<2fy> ▁_ List |
<2fy> ▁_ List |
<2fy> ▁J ong |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁X z ▁(. x z ) |
<2fy> ▁Date ▁cannot ▁be ▁earlier ▁than ▁%1 |
<2fy> ▁http : ▁/ ▁/ api . ▁kde . ▁org / ▁class ma pper . ▁ph p ? ▁class =\\\\{@} |
<2fy> ▁Today |
<2fy> ▁Process ing ... |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁Asia / ▁Mak assar |
<2fy> ▁Custom |
<2fy> ▁_ E nc rypt ▁the ▁file ▁list |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Mark ▁Message ▁as ▁& ▁Important |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁The ▁certificate ▁has ▁expired ▁and ▁should ▁not ▁be ▁considered ▁valid . ▁Check ▁that ▁your ▁computer ' s ▁date ▁and ▁time ▁are ▁accurate . |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Universal |
<2fy> ▁D epend ency ▁Editor ▁( G raph ic ) |
<2fy> ▁Key ▁Att ribute : |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Organization |
<2fy> ▁Ex pon ent |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Failed ▁to ▁load ▁% s : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Include ▁in ▁manual ▁mail ▁check |
<2fy> ▁background , ▁style |
<2fy> ▁Messages |
<2fy> ▁_ U ndo |
<2fy> ▁Package |
<2fy> ▁Nautilus |
<2fy> ▁Organization |
<2fy> ▁Color |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁... ▁that ▁KMail ▁can ▁show ▁a ▁color ▁bar ▁indicating ▁the ▁type ▁of ▁message ▁( Pl ain ▁text / ▁HTML / ▁Open PGP ) ▁currently ▁displayed ? ▁This ▁th w arts ▁attempts ▁to ▁fake ▁successful ▁signature ▁verification ▁by ▁sending ▁HTML ▁ma ils ▁mim icking ▁KMail ' s ▁signature ▁status ▁frames . |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Send ▁responses ▁for ▁these ▁addresses : |
<2fy> ▁at k - bridge : ▁Couldn ' t ▁listen ▁on ▁d bus ▁server : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁To |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁% m /% d /% y |
<2fy> ▁_ Cont ents |
<2fy> ▁This ▁draws ▁l acy ▁fract al ▁patterns ▁based ▁on ▁it er ation ▁in ▁the ▁imag inary ▁plane , ▁from ▁a ▁1986 ▁Scientific ▁American ▁article . ▁See ▁also ▁the ▁" Disc rete " ▁screen ▁sa ver . ▁Written ▁by ▁Patrick ▁Na ught on ; ▁1992. |
<2fy> ▁Error |
<2fy> ▁Education |
<2fy> ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁C d rom ▁with ▁Ub untu ▁9 .10 ▁' K arm ic ▁Ko ala ' |
<2fy> ▁Expand ▁Thread s ▁With ▁New ▁Messages |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Z ip ▁(. zip ) |
<2fy> ▁View ▁as ▁a ▁F _ older |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Off |
<2fy> ▁Sort ▁by ▁_ Ac tivity |
<2fy> ▁Next ▁month |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁KD ev - PG [ - Q t ] ▁Gr amm ar |
<2fy> ▁Requ ired ▁resources : |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁desktop ▁file ▁Version ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Dot ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁A ▁program ▁is ▁still ▁running : |
<2fy> ▁_ Cont ents |
<2fy> ▁Edit ▁task ▁dep enden ies |
<2fy> ▁There ▁is ▁Rain ▁on ▁the ▁Table |
<2fy> ▁O uter ▁Area |
<2fy> ▁Mouse |
<2fy> ▁Battery ▁Char ge |
<2fy> ▁AC OS , ▁AC OS H , ▁AC OT , ▁AS IN , ▁AS IN H , ▁AT AN , ▁AT AN 2, ▁AT AN H , ▁C OS , ▁C OS H , ▁D EG RE ES , ▁PI , ▁R AD I ANS , ▁S IN , ▁S IN H , ▁T AN , ▁T AN H |
<2fy> ▁Hyp not ic |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Sea G reen |
<2fy> ▁Sw ivel ▁Tab s |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁_ R est ore |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Internal ▁error : ▁save X ML ▁not ▁implemented |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁Folder ... |
<2fy> ▁Bookmarks |
<2fy> ▁E _ x p and ▁images ▁to ▁fit ▁screen |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁Att aching ▁Image ▁Failed |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁overwrite ▁new er ▁files |
<2fy> ▁%1: ▁no ▁folder ▁found , ▁will ▁create ▁it |
<2fy> ▁The ▁Palm ▁DOC ▁condu it ▁does ▁not ▁feature ▁merg ing ▁the ▁modifications ▁when ▁a ▁text ▁is ▁changed ▁both ▁in ▁the ▁hand held ▁and ▁in ▁the ▁computer . ▁Therefore , ▁when ▁conflicts ▁appear , ▁the ▁choice ▁is ▁between ▁working ▁with ▁the ▁files ▁out ▁of ▁sync , ▁or ▁disc arding ▁the ▁changes ▁in ▁one ▁of ▁them . ▁Select ▁this ▁option ▁to ▁show ▁the ▁resolution ▁dialog ▁to ▁let ▁the ▁user ▁decide ▁on ▁a ▁case ▁by ▁case ▁basis . |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁System ▁configuration ▁and ▁monitoring |
<2fy> ▁Keep ▁Bel ow ▁Others |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁The ▁duration ▁by ▁which ▁a ▁task ▁can ▁be ▁delayed ▁or ▁extended ▁without ▁affecting ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁any ▁succeed ing ▁task |
<2fy> ▁Mod em |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁Subject |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁Jar ▁(. jar ) |
<2fy> ▁Co _ m ment : |
<2fy> ▁Up coming ▁Events |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Error |
<2fy> ▁You ▁must ▁always ▁have ▁at ▁least ▁one ▁panel . |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁desktop ▁file ▁Version ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁your ▁connection ▁type . |
<2fy> ▁Message ▁List ▁- ▁Action ▁Item ▁Messages |
<2fy> ▁Background |
<2fy> ▁Conf lic ting ▁options ▁are ▁present : ▁screen ▁% d ▁should ▁be ▁inter act ed ▁with , ▁but ▁-- % s ▁has ▁been ▁used |
<2fy> ▁Time |
<2fy> ▁Unde f ined |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁all ▁files |
<2fy> ▁_ Select ▁All |
<2fy> ▁Toolbar ▁Editor |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Delete ▁Thread |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Help |
<2fy> ▁Resource ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Grid |
<2fy> ▁Sync ML ▁Version : |
<2fy> ▁Color ▁_ value : |
<2fy> ▁Main tain er |
<2fy> ▁Add ▁as ▁& ▁In line ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁The ▁D OLL AR FR () ▁function ▁returns ▁a ▁dollar ▁price ▁expressed ▁as ▁a ▁fraction . ▁The ▁dec imal ▁dollar ▁is ▁the ▁number ▁to ▁be ▁converted ▁and ▁the ▁fraction ▁is ▁the ▁denomin ator ▁of ▁the ▁fraction |
<2fy> ▁Ex am ples : |
<2fy> ▁Battery ▁at ▁warning ▁level |
<2fy> ▁Gener ic |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁K The sa urus |
<2fy> ▁Simple ▁path ▁shape |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁Trans mission ▁Preferences |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁Z ip ▁(. zip ) |
<2fy> ▁Small ▁Squ ares |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁Date ▁and ▁_ Time |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Fe ather ▁Selection |
<2fy> ▁Document |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁Sat |
<2fy> ▁[ F ILE ...] |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁_ R est art |
<2fy> ▁Description ▁( Name ) |
<2fy> ▁S DL ▁- ▁Stop |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Message ▁template ▁for ▁forward |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Lo op ▁L imit |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁URL ▁or ▁URLs |
<2fy> ▁Highlight ▁areas ▁of ▁the ▁desktop ▁that ▁have ▁been ▁recently ▁updated |
<2fy> ▁You ▁are ▁about ▁to ▁set ▁all ▁preferences ▁to ▁default ▁values . ▁All ▁custom ▁modifications ▁will ▁be ▁lost . |
<2fy> ▁Block ▁Global ▁Short cuts |
<2fy> ▁Stop |
<2fy> ▁Upper |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁Set ▁Shadow |
<2fy> ▁_ Pre vious |
<2fy> ▁_ Open |
<2fy> ▁Address ▁Book ▁location : |
<2fy> ▁Release |
<2fy> ▁Printing |
<2fy> ▁Home ▁Address |
<2fy> ▁_ Ab out |
<2fy> ▁Calcul ator |
<2fy> ▁Custom |
<2fy> ▁Application : |
<2fy> ▁Like ▁-- open , ▁but ▁the ▁object ▁will ▁be ▁opened ▁in ▁Text ▁Mode , ▁if ▁one ▁is ▁available . |
<2fy> ▁Language |
<2fy> ▁Un lock |
<2fy> ▁_ Open |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Test ▁Connection |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit ▁Men us |
<2fy> ▁Insert |
<2fy> ▁print ▁job |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁Repeat : |
<2fy> ▁Rule ▁Editor |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁[ F ILE ...] |
<2fy> ▁Kont act ▁Pl anner ▁Summary |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁St oner View |
<2fy> ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Format : |
<2fy> ▁Volume ▁M ute |
<2fy> ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁always |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁a ▁laun cher ▁from ▁the ▁applications ▁menu |
<2fy> ▁Thu |
<2fy> ▁As ci iqu arium |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁desktop ▁file ▁Version ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Mouse |
<2fy> ▁Data |
<2fy> ▁Usage : |
<2fy> ▁_ Open |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Remember ▁this ▁mail ▁transport , ▁so ▁that ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁used ▁in ▁future ▁comp oser ▁windows ▁as ▁well . |
<2fy> ▁Valid ▁until : |
<2fy> ▁Toolbar ▁Editor |
<2fy> ▁Ab st ract ile |
<2fy> ▁Google ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁HE IGHT |
<2fy> ▁T ND |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Apply |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Cancel |
<2fy> ▁Siz es ▁for ▁first ▁spl itter |
<2fy> ▁Unable ▁to ▁retrieve ▁%1. |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁launch ▁option : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁District ▁of ▁Columbia |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Tem plates |
<2fy> ▁How ▁to ▁Change ▁Desktop ▁Theme |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Sw az il and |
<2fy> ▁_ Pre vious |
<2fy> ▁Name ▁already ▁exists ! ▁Please ▁choose ▁another ▁name |
<2fy> ▁Re invest ment |
<2fy> ▁E ject |
<2fy> ▁_ 12 ▁hour ▁format |
<2fy> ▁The ▁T BIL LY I EL D ▁functions ▁returns ▁the ▁yield ▁for ▁a ▁tre asury ▁bill . ▁The ▁maturity ▁date ▁must ▁be ▁after ▁the ▁settlement ▁date ▁but ▁within ▁36 5 ▁days . ▁The ▁price ▁must ▁be ▁positive . |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁Street ▁address |
<2fy> ▁Pick ▁a ▁color |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁Rec ip ient |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁K rita |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁Can ' t ▁pass ▁documents ▁to ▁this ▁desktop ▁element |
<2fy> ▁Password : |
<2fy> ▁Ice W M ▁preview |
<2fy> ▁Show : |
<2fy> ▁Co _ mm and : |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Space |
<2fy> ▁R OWS ( A 1: ▁C 3) ▁returns ▁3 |
<2fy> ▁No ▁items ▁found |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁% l :% M ▁% p |
<2fy> ▁_ Book marks |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁desktop ▁file ▁Version ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁display ▁help ▁document |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁DC OP ▁connection ▁with ▁KMail ▁failed . |
<2fy> ▁Fl ips c reen 3 d |
<2fy> ▁mag enta 3 |
<2fy> ▁You ▁must ▁provide ▁a ▁username ▁for ▁the ▁buddy . |
<2fy> ▁un nam ed |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁all ▁files |
<2fy> ▁Friends ▁of ▁GNOME |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁Ex am ples : |
<2fy> ▁Color |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Device |
<2fy> ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁Secret ▁Certificate ▁Del etion |
<2fy> ▁Resources |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁launch ▁option : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Hide |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁CUPS ▁Server |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁% l :% M ▁% p |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁New ▁Bookmark ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Develop er |
<2fy> ▁Stop |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Unable ▁to ▁send ▁test ▁page ▁to ▁%1. |
<2fy> ▁Home ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁Highlight ▁the ▁entry ▁in ▁the ▁menu |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Background |
<2fy> ▁Software ▁Ident ifier : |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁database ▁property ▁"%1 ". |
<2fy> ▁F onts |
<2fy> ▁In ▁the ▁evening , ▁I ▁go ▁to ▁bed ▁at ▁ten . |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Sc hed uling ▁constra int : |
<2fy> ▁Internet |
<2fy> ▁Free ▁space : |
<2fy> ▁South ▁Korea |
<2fy> ▁Go |
<2fy> ▁December |
<2fy> ▁Toolbar ▁Editor |
<2fy> ▁Fish ▁Preferences |
<2fy> ▁Send |
<2fy> ▁Sharp |
<2fy> ▁Information ▁Message |
<2fy> ▁F onts |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Export ing ▁key ... |
<2fy> ▁X z ▁(. x z ) |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁Date ▁and ▁_ Time |
<2fy> ▁Phone |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
<2fy> ▁Sort ▁by ▁_ Name |
<2fy> ▁Ori entation |
<2fy> ▁%1 x %2 ▁%3 |
<2fy> ▁Warning |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Destination ▁folder ▁"% s " ▁does ▁not ▁exist . ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁create ▁it ? |
<2fy> ▁Mark ▁all ▁messages ▁in ▁the ▁selected ▁thread ▁as ▁un read |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Open ▁Database ▁Connection |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁Error |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Pl ug ins |
<2fy> ▁Selection ▁of ▁image ▁orientation : ▁Ori entation ▁of ▁the ▁printed ▁page ▁image ▁on ▁your ▁paper ▁is ▁controlled ▁by ▁these ▁radio ▁buttons . ▁By ▁default , ▁the ▁orientation ▁is ▁Port rait . ▁You ▁can ▁select ▁2 ▁alternatives : ▁Port rait ., ▁the ▁default ▁setting ; ▁Land scape .. ▁The ▁icon ▁changes ▁according ▁to ▁your ▁selection . |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Help |
<2fy> ▁Turn ▁On ▁Recommend ations ... |
<2fy> ▁Cursor ▁Up |
<2fy> ▁Label |
<2fy> ▁Add |
<2fy> ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Failed |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁_ R ot ate ▁on ▁vertical ▁panels |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Basic ▁setup ▁( rec omm ended ) |
<2fy> ▁W ifi ▁security |
<2fy> ▁The ▁clipboard ▁has ▁changed ▁since ▁you ▁used ' p aste ▁' : ▁the ▁chosen ▁data ▁format ▁is ▁no ▁longer ▁applicable . ▁Please ▁copy ▁again ▁what ▁you ▁wanted ▁to ▁paste . |
<2fy> ▁Title : ▁%1 ▁Memo Text : ▁%2 |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Calendar ▁URL : |
<2fy> ▁Close |
<2fy> ▁%1: ▁a ▁simple ▁be ep ▁is ▁sounded . |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Number |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁Short cut |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Search ▁for ▁Files ... |
<2fy> ▁Document |
<2fy> ▁Beh avior ▁on ▁middle ▁click ▁into ▁the ▁title bar ▁or ▁frame ▁of ▁an ▁in active ▁window . |
<2fy> ▁Choose ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁Plain |
<2fy> ▁Remove ▁tra iling ▁spaces |
<2fy> ▁Previous ▁month |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Configure ▁KN ode ... |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Un lock |
<2fy> ▁Document |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁print ▁job |
<2fy> ▁_ St op |
<2fy> ▁Philippines |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Phone |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Hide |
<2fy> ▁Opp osite ▁Horizontal |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁POP 3 ▁server ▁( Acc ount : ▁%1 ) ▁does ▁not ▁support ▁the ▁UID L ▁command : ▁this ▁command ▁is ▁required ▁to ▁determine , ▁in ▁a ▁reliable ▁way , ▁which ▁of ▁the ▁ma ils ▁on ▁the ▁server ▁KMail ▁has ▁already ▁seen ▁before ; ▁the ▁feature ▁to ▁leave ▁the ▁ma ils ▁on ▁the ▁server ▁will ▁therefore ▁not ▁work ▁properly . |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁& ▁View |
<2fy> ▁Main tain er |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁No ▁query ▁statement ▁or ▁schema ▁defined . |
<2fy> ▁This ▁IMAP ▁server ▁does ▁not ▁have ▁support ▁for ▁access ▁control ▁lists ▁( AC L ) |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁Unt it led |
<2fy> ▁CC |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁backup ▁file |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁Except ions |
<2fy> ▁Develop er |
<2fy> ▁Title |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Mod ify ▁Task ▁Cost |
<2fy> ▁% H :% M |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Start ▁Not ▁Ear lier ▁Than |
<2fy> ▁Develop er |
<2fy> ▁Failed ▁to ▁save ▁to ▁temporary ▁file : ▁%1 |
<2fy> ▁Bookmarks |
<2fy> ▁Space |
<2fy> ▁Rename ▁Item |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁the ▁recipient ▁& ▁addresses ▁to ▁red irect ▁to : |
<2fy> ▁Next ▁Hot Sy nc ▁will ▁be ▁normal ▁Hot Sy nc . |
<2fy> ▁Pick ▁a ▁color |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
<2fy> ▁URL |
<2fy> ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁The ▁main ▁GNOME ▁menu |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Cancel |
<2fy> ▁_ T ool bar |
<2fy> ▁Add ▁Sub cal endar |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁Screen ▁Number : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁To |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁As ... |
<2fy> ▁Unde f ined |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁R ech ar ge able |
<2fy> ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁_ En abled |
<2fy> ▁Circ le ▁( 01 ) |
<2fy> ▁O vert ime |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁Stop |
<2fy> ▁Main ▁Menu |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁export ▁back ▁to ▁destination ▁database |
<2fy> ▁_ S w itch ▁image ▁after : |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Keyboard |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Mod ification ▁Date |
<2fy> ▁R ▁Script |
<2fy> ▁Enter ▁how ▁late ▁will ▁cause ▁the ▁alarm ▁to ▁be ▁canceled |
<2fy> ▁Failed ▁to ▁parse ▁v Card . |
<2fy> ▁Expand ▁All ▁Thread s |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Bluetooth |
<2fy> ▁Pat tern |
<2fy> ▁_ App let : |
<2fy> ▁Oct ▁00 ▁00 00 ▁at ▁00:00 ▁PM |
<2fy> ▁E _ x p and ▁images ▁to ▁fit ▁screen |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Blu - ray ▁disc |
<2fy> ▁Are ▁you ▁sure ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁delete ▁the ▁folder ▁%1 , ▁disc arding ▁its ▁contents ? ▁Be ware ▁that ▁disc arded ▁messages ▁are ▁not ▁saved ▁into ▁your ▁Trash ▁folder ▁and ▁are ▁permanently ▁deleted . |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁List |
<2fy> ▁Run ▁command ▁16 |
<2fy> ▁Text ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁awesome |
<2fy> ▁Global ▁JavaScript ▁Polic ies |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁_ Ar ch ive |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Help |
<2fy> ▁Make ▁sub - to - dos ▁independent |
<2fy> ▁This ▁draws ▁ri pp ling ▁interference ▁patterns ▁like ▁sp las hing ▁water . ▁With ▁the ▁- water ▁option , ▁it ▁manip ul ates ▁your ▁desktop ▁image ▁to ▁look ▁like ▁something ▁is ▁dri pping ▁into ▁it . ▁Written ▁by ▁Tom ▁Hamm ers ley ; ▁1999. |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Extension ( s ) |
<2fy> ▁Extra ▁widget |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁Background |
<2fy> ▁L rz ip ▁(. l rz ) |
<2fy> ▁Alex ▁Z ep eda |
<2fy> ▁% s : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁Connection ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁background |
<2fy> ▁Action ▁not ▁allowed |
<2fy> ▁FTP ▁( with ▁login ) |
<2fy> ▁Bluetooth ▁device |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Res can ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁Unknown ▁font |
<2fy> ▁Title |
<2fy> ▁Device |
<2fy> ▁Take ▁Both |
<2fy> ▁make ▁above |
<2fy> ▁A ▁policy ▁was ▁not ▁met . |
<2fy> ▁To ▁Field ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁A 4 |
<2fy> ▁Edit ▁Start up ▁Program |
<2fy> ▁Sp am ▁Hand ling |
<2fy> ▁print ▁job |
<2fy> ▁Ext raction ▁not ▁performed |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁Separ ator |
<2fy> ▁Process ed |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Text ▁View |
<2fy> ▁KDE ▁2 |
<2fy> ▁There ▁is ▁nothing ▁on ▁the ▁clipboard ▁to ▁paste . |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁M isc ell aneous |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁_ Next |
<2fy> ▁GB P |
<2fy> ▁Today |
<2fy> ▁User : |
<2fy> ▁ad - h oc |
<2fy> ▁Medium |
<2fy> ▁B S OD |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Password : |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Extension ( s ) |
<2fy> ▁View ▁as ▁a ▁F _ older |
<2fy> ▁Separ ator |
<2fy> ▁Minutes |
<2fy> ▁Warn ▁me ▁when ▁I ▁visit ▁a ▁site ▁that ▁uses ▁my ▁financial ▁or ▁purchase ▁information : |
<2fy> ▁Switch ▁to ▁another ▁medium ▁after ▁a ▁delay |
<2fy> ▁pin |
<2fy> ▁Crit ical ▁error : ▁Unable ▁to ▁collect ▁mail : |
<2fy> ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁Use ▁sh ad owed ▁& ▁text |
<2fy> ▁Universal |
<2fy> ▁_ Gen re : |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Load ▁Options |
<2fy> ▁Window ▁Manager : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁X ▁display ▁to ▁use |
<2fy> ▁Server ▁Information |
<2fy> ▁Rename ... |
<2fy> ▁Space |
<2fy> ▁Title |
<2fy> ▁GNOME ▁Library |
<2fy> ▁View ▁Sel ector |
<2fy> ▁_ Pre vious ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁Database ▁"%1" ▁created ▁but ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁opened . |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁Unfortunately ▁GNOME ▁3 ▁failed ▁to ▁start ▁properly ▁and ▁started ▁in ▁the ▁fall back ▁mode . ▁This ▁most ▁likely ▁means ▁your ▁system ▁( gra ph ics ▁hardware ▁or ▁driver ) ▁is ▁not ▁capable ▁of ▁delivering ▁the ▁full ▁GNOME ▁3 ▁experience . |
<2fy> ▁# 12 ▁En velop e |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Medium |
<2fy> ▁Fish ▁Preferences |
<2fy> ▁_ List |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Remove ▁Service |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁Message ▁was ▁signed ▁on ▁%1 ▁with ▁key ▁%2. |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Can ' t ▁pass ▁documents ▁to ▁this ▁desktop ▁element |
<2fy> ▁at k - bridge : ▁Couldn ' t ▁listen ▁on ▁d bus ▁server : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Education |
<2fy> ▁Author : |
<2fy> ▁Action ▁name |
<2fy> ▁Sri ▁Lanka ▁R up ee |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Time |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁load ▁"%1" ▁plugin . |
<2fy> ▁Close ▁Document |
<2fy> ▁Bluetooth ▁Device ▁Setup |
<2fy> ▁You ▁can ▁help ▁us ▁improve ▁this ▁software ▁by ▁fil ing ▁a ▁bug ▁report . |
<2fy> ▁Warning |
<2fy> ▁Background ▁color |
<2fy> ▁Please ▁describe ▁your ▁upload . |
<2fy> ▁Speed |
<2fy> ▁Sign ed ▁with ▁certificate ▁%1. |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Red |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁Rec ip ient |
<2fy> ▁Full ▁host name ▁of ▁the ▁server : |
<2fy> ▁Co _ m ment : |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Mod ify ▁Rem aining ▁Eff ort |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁_ Every |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁Education |
<2fy> ▁Dark Or ch id 2 |
<2fy> ▁Sent |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Develop er |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁a ▁new ▁laun cher |
<2fy> ▁Minimum ▁rate ▁of ▁growth |
<2fy> ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁p , ▁li ▁{ white - space : ▁pre - w rap ; } ▁Sc hed uling ▁Configuration . ▁These ▁settings ▁affect ▁the ▁actual ▁sched uling ▁of ▁the ▁task . ▁The ▁estim ation ▁can ▁be ▁either ▁effort ▁based ▁or ▁duration ▁based . ▁If ▁it ▁is ▁effort ▁based , ▁the ▁final ▁duration ▁will ▁depend ▁on ▁the ▁resources ▁assigned ▁to ▁the ▁task . ▁For ▁duration ▁based ▁estim ation , ▁the ▁assigned ▁resources ▁do ▁n ' t ▁affect ▁the ▁fixed ▁duration ▁of ▁the ▁task , ▁but ▁only ▁the ▁costs . |
<2fy> ▁Real ▁name : |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁% s ▁(% s ) |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁overwrite ▁new er ▁files |
<2fy> ▁Gener ic |
<2fy> ▁_ Port : |
<2fy> ▁Free ▁Mar gin |
<2fy> ▁7 |
<2fy> ▁Whether ▁use ▁the ▁file ▁name ▁only ▁for ▁determining ▁the ▁mim ety pe . ▁Not ▁used ▁if ▁- c ▁is ▁specified . |
<2fy> ▁Nautilus |
<2fy> ▁Ori entation |
<2fy> ▁Screen ▁Number : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁a ▁cache ▁file ▁for ▁the ▁document |
<2fy> ▁Lower ▁selected ▁objects |
<2fy> ▁Korean |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Why ▁don ' t ▁you ▁give ▁me ▁what ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁have ? |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁_ U ndo |
<2fy> ▁[ OP T IONS ...] |
<2fy> ▁Run ▁command ▁4 |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁to ▁Workspace ▁_ L eft |
<2fy> ▁Modern ▁System |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Folders |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁KDE ▁Plat form ▁is ▁comp iled ▁from ▁sources |
<2fy> ▁As ▁L ate ▁as ▁Possible |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁master ▁sh apes |
<2fy> ▁Thailand |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Port |
<2fy> ▁Hol iday |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁desktop ▁file ▁Version ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Maxim ize ▁active ▁window |
<2fy> ▁Philippines |
<2fy> ▁& ▁O bey ▁DR M ▁limitations |
<2fy> ▁certificate |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁display ▁help ▁document |
<2fy> ▁Gener ic |
<2fy> ▁Click ▁here ▁to ▁select ▁all ▁sheets ▁in ▁the ▁list . |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Can ' t ▁pass ▁documents ▁to ▁this ▁desktop ▁element |
<2fy> ▁Advanced |
<2fy> ▁News |
<2fy> ▁En umer ation |
<2fy> ▁Delete ▁Ag greg ation |
<2fy> ▁Label |
<2fy> ▁Fail ure |
<2fy> ▁M isc ell aneous |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁this ▁account ▁on ▁the ▁server |
<2fy> ▁Network ▁printer ▁( T CP ) |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁Background |
<2fy> ▁Anti que Wh ite |
<2fy> ▁Speak ▁more ▁slowly , ▁please ! |
<2fy> ▁In ▁the ▁room ▁there ▁was ▁a ▁piano , ▁but ▁there ▁was ▁nobody ▁who ▁played ▁it . |
<2fy> ▁Document |
<2fy> ▁Choose ▁a ▁project ▁leader ▁from ▁your ▁address ▁book . |
<2fy> ▁Add |
<2fy> ▁Present ▁values |
<2fy> ▁Gener ate ▁13 94 ▁Bus ▁Reset |
<2fy> ▁Web D AV ▁( HT TP ) |
<2fy> ▁Bandar - e ▁Bus he hr |
<2fy> ▁The ▁file ▁or ▁folder ▁%1 ▁does ▁not ▁exist . |
<2fy> ▁Open |
<2fy> ▁Central ▁African ▁Republic |
<2fy> ▁H urt ▁me |
<2fy> ▁Grab s ▁an ▁image ▁of ▁the ▁screen , ▁and ▁then ▁lets ▁a ▁transparent ▁l ens ▁wander ▁around ▁the ▁screen , ▁magn ifying ▁whatever ▁is ▁underneath . ▁Written ▁by ▁Jonas ▁Mun sin ; ▁1998. |
<2fy> ▁Bluetooth |
<2fy> ▁Separ ator |
<2fy> ▁Store ▁sent ▁messages ▁encrypted |
<2fy> ▁utility ▁window |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁_ B ottom : |
<2fy> ▁Apr |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁the ▁dates ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁display ▁in ▁K Organ izer ' s ▁main ▁view ▁here . ▁Hold ▁the ▁mouse ▁button ▁to ▁select ▁more ▁than ▁one ▁day . ▁Press ▁the ▁top ▁buttons ▁to ▁brow se ▁to ▁the ▁next ▁/ ▁previous ▁months ▁or ▁years . ▁Each ▁line ▁shows ▁a ▁week . ▁The ▁number ▁in ▁the ▁left ▁column ▁is ▁the ▁number ▁of ▁the ▁week ▁in ▁the ▁year . ▁Press ▁it ▁to ▁select ▁the ▁whole ▁week . |
<2fy> ▁Fix ▁stair - ste pping ▁text |
<2fy> ▁About ▁the ▁GNOME ▁Desktop |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Position ▁windows ▁far ▁from ▁mouse ▁cursor |
<2fy> ▁Local |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁display ▁help ▁document |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁File ▁%1 ▁does ▁not ▁exist |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁feed ▁( in valid ▁XML ) |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁a ▁file / et c |
<2fy> ▁_ I nc lude ▁sub f olders |
<2fy> ▁Today |
<2fy> ▁View |
<2fy> ▁10 |
<2fy> ▁Calendar |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁Exp ung ing ▁deleted ▁messages |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁_ Web ▁Link |
<2fy> ▁Copy ... |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁Ma ith ili |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁move |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁CC |
<2fy> ▁Add |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁M ov ies |
<2fy> ▁Tek ram ▁Ir - D ong le |
<2fy> ▁by ▁S ender |
<2fy> ▁Un ity ▁MT ▁Grab ▁Hand les |
<2fy> ▁An ▁unknown ▁error ▁occurred ▁while ▁trying ▁to ▁open ▁"% s ". |
<2fy> ▁Move ▁N ode ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Server ▁Information |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁% d ▁% s ▁left |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Atlantic / ▁Cape _ V erde |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Sets ▁the ▁event ▁or ▁to - do ▁to ▁stop ▁recur ring ▁after ▁a ▁certain ▁number ▁of ▁occur rences . |
<2fy> ▁Previous ▁Main tain er |
<2fy> ▁Field s ▁of ▁Peace |
<2fy> ▁Sending ▁message |
<2fy> ▁_ T or rent |
<2fy> ▁Par ameters : |
<2fy> ▁Filter ▁effect ▁definition |
<2fy> ▁& ▁From |
<2fy> ▁_ Image |
<2fy> ▁General ▁Options |
<2fy> ▁Evolution ▁v Card ▁Im porter |
<2fy> ▁Mal formed ▁URL ▁%1 |
<2fy> ▁Is ▁it ▁really ▁all ▁over ? |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁HE IGHT |
<2fy> ▁View ▁as ▁a ▁F _ older |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁When ▁I ▁was ▁little , ▁grandpa ▁and ▁grandma ▁would ▁come ▁to ▁baby - sit . ▁At ▁night ▁in ▁bed ▁grandma ▁would ▁read ▁to ▁me . ▁Or ▁grandpa ▁would ▁tell ▁a ▁story . |
<2fy> ▁This ▁document ▁will ▁be ▁dec rypt ed |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
<2fy> ▁Print ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁R ational |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Format : |
<2fy> ▁example : ▁*. t xt ; ▁*. doc |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Message ▁Body |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁27 0 ▁degrees |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁square ▁(10 x 10) |
<2fy> ▁_ L og ▁Out |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁Connect ▁to ▁server |
<2fy> ▁Kill ▁or ▁stop ▁etc ▁a ▁process |
<2fy> ▁Bry ansk |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁At ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁path ▁there ▁was ▁a ▁mailbox . ▁One ▁day , ▁there ▁was ▁an ▁exciting ▁letter ▁in ▁it , ▁and ▁it ▁was ▁for ▁me . |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁S KE W (1 1. 4; ▁17. 3; ▁21. 3; ▁25. 9 ; ▁40 .1 ) ▁returns ▁0. 97 68 |
<2fy> ▁Pat tern |
<2fy> ▁Extension ( s ) |
<2fy> ▁Sound ▁& ▁Video |
<2fy> ▁_ Book marks |
<2fy> ▁% s : |
<2fy> ▁Invalid |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Cancel |
<2fy> ▁row L ay out |
<2fy> ▁J ug gle |
<2fy> ▁K rita ▁JPEG ▁Export ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
<2fy> ▁Rec al cul ate ▁She et |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁Pick ▁a ▁color |
<2fy> ▁List ▁of ▁locations |
<2fy> ▁& ▁View |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Small |
<2fy> ▁E ject |
<2fy> ▁( no ▁tem plates ) |
<2fy> ▁Ex am ples : |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁e _ xt ract ▁older ▁files |
<2fy> ▁If ▁the ▁step ▁is ▁negative , ▁the ▁start ▁value ▁must ▁be ▁greater ▁then ▁the ▁end ▁value . |
<2fy> ▁T ables |
<2fy> ▁Congo , ▁The ▁Democratic ▁Republic ▁Of |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁%1: ▁does ▁n ' t ▁exists |
<2fy> ▁_ I nc lude ▁sub f olders |
<2fy> ▁H ira g ana |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁launch ▁option : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Active ▁plugins |
<2fy> ▁% s : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁Manufact urer ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Fil ters ▁Gall ery |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁I ▁just ▁can ' t ▁forget ▁about ▁you . |
<2fy> ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁offset : |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Open |
<2fy> ▁_ Book marks |
<2fy> ▁Status ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁Click ▁to ▁switch ▁to ▁"% s " |
<2fy> ▁Price ▁per ▁$100 ▁face ▁value |
<2fy> ▁Text ▁Sh ape |
<2fy> ▁Fri |
<2fy> ▁keyboard ▁label |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Actions |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁this ▁option ▁if ▁you ▁would ▁like ▁to ▁enter ▁rich ▁text ▁into ▁the ▁description ▁field ▁of ▁this ▁event ▁or ▁to - do . |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Monitor ▁profile : |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁zo oming ▁area . ▁Right - click ▁to ▁zoom ▁out . |
<2fy> ▁Zoom ▁_ Out |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁J ug gle |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : |
<2fy> ▁in |
<2fy> ▁No ▁recipients |
<2fy> ▁K Ch art ▁JPEG ▁Export ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁You ▁must ▁select ▁at ▁least ▁one ▁printer . |
<2fy> ▁White ▁16 00 ▁x ▁1200 |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁a ▁new ▁laun cher |
<2fy> ▁Custom |
<2fy> ▁Password : |
<2fy> ▁Archive ▁Manager |
<2fy> ▁Name ▁for ▁New ▁Scheme |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Active ▁plugins |
<2fy> ▁Draw ▁atom ic ▁nuc lei |
<2fy> ▁En abled |
<2fy> ▁News |
<2fy> ▁The ▁password ▁strength ▁meter ▁gives ▁an ▁indication ▁of ▁the ▁security ▁of ▁the ▁password ▁you ▁have ▁entered . ▁To ▁improve ▁the ▁strength ▁of ▁the ▁password , ▁try : ▁- ▁using ▁a ▁longer ▁password ; ▁- ▁using ▁a ▁mixture ▁of ▁upper - ▁and ▁lower - case ▁letters ; ▁- ▁using ▁numbers ▁or ▁symbols , ▁such ▁as ▁# , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁letters . |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Id |
<2fy> ▁Main tain er |
<2fy> ▁Automatically ▁close ▁the ▁alarm ▁window ▁after ▁the ▁expiry ▁of ▁the ▁late - c anc ellation ▁period |
<2fy> ▁Task ▁View |
<2fy> ▁Local |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Kill ▁Window |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁French ▁flag |
<2fy> ▁Folders |
<2fy> ▁Keyboard |
<2fy> ▁You ▁can ▁find ▁more ▁effects , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁effect - specific ▁settings , ▁in ▁the ▁" All ▁Effects " ▁tab ▁above . |
<2fy> ▁Bottom ▁Neigh bor : ▁% s |
<2fy> ▁View ▁as ▁a ▁F _ older |
<2fy> ▁Lo ads ▁data ▁from ▁a ▁KA lar m ▁calendar ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Modern ▁System |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Ign or ant ▁of ▁exit ▁direction |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁Saving ▁"% s " |
<2fy> ▁Set ▁From ▁Address ▁Book |
<2fy> ▁Z ip ▁(. zip ) |
<2fy> ▁Change ... |
<2fy> ▁Install ▁Land scape ▁client ? |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁M elt ▁towards ▁center |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁Sl ide |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁Active ▁plugins |
<2fy> ▁Joseph ▁W en ninger |
<2fy> ▁Width : |
<2fy> ▁Cub ism |
<2fy> ▁Line ▁wrap |
<2fy> ▁Enc oding : |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁Password |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁days |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Account ▁for ▁running ▁costs |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁Contact ▁Database : |
<2fy> ▁( |
<2fy> ▁Click ▁to ▁switch ▁to ▁"% s " |
<2fy> ▁Sug gest ions |
<2fy> ▁All ▁Documents |
<2fy> ▁Come ▁and ▁explore ▁our ▁favour ites |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Delete |
<2fy> ▁Select ... |
<2fy> ▁This ▁is ▁a ▁screen ▁shot ▁of ▁what ▁K DM ▁will ▁look ▁like . |
<2fy> ▁Delete ▁Selected ▁Account s |
<2fy> ▁New ▁mail ▁arrived |
<2fy> ▁K The sa urus |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁N EG B IN OM D IST ( fa il ures ; ▁success ; ▁prob _ of _ s uc cess ) |
<2fy> ▁I ter ative ▁fract als . ▁Written ▁by ▁Scott ▁Dra ves ; ▁1993. |
<2fy> ▁URL |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Mod ification ▁Date |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁desktop ▁file ▁Version ▁'% s ' |
<2fy> ▁Fish ▁Preferences |
<2fy> ▁_ T itle : |
<2fy> ▁Add ▁Sub cal endar |
<2fy> ▁Nautilus ▁Web ▁Site |
<2fy> ▁L _ at itude : |
<2fy> ▁Default |
<2fy> ▁R AND N OR M ( 0 ; ▁1) |
<2fy> ▁Inter act ▁with ▁the ▁Plasma ▁desktop ▁shell |
<2fy> ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁The ▁index ▁of ▁folder ▁'% 2 ▁' se ems ▁to ▁be ▁out ▁of ▁date . ▁To ▁prevent ▁message ▁corruption ▁the ▁index ▁will ▁be ▁regener ated . ▁As ▁a ▁result ▁deleted ▁messages ▁might ▁re app ear ▁and ▁status ▁flags ▁might ▁be ▁lost . ▁Please ▁read ▁the ▁corresponding ▁entry ▁in ▁the ▁FA Q ▁section ▁of ▁the ▁manual ▁of ▁KMail ▁for ▁information ▁about ▁how ▁to ▁prevent ▁this ▁problem ▁from ▁happening ▁again . |
<2fy> ▁Date ▁in ▁status bar |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁%1 ▁of ▁%2 % 1 |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁print ▁job |
<2fy> ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Encryption ▁keys |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁T CP ▁Port |
<2fy> ▁TLS ▁negotiation ▁failed |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁_ Pre vious |
<2fy> ▁Home ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁Time |
<2fy> ▁Sug gest ▁& ▁automatic ▁display |
<2fy> ▁Creat es ▁a ▁transparent ▁image ▁of ▁10 24 ▁x ▁7 68 ▁pixels . |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁mail read er |
<2fy> ▁Min ute |
<2fy> ▁Message ▁template ▁for ▁reply |
<2fy> ▁Ret rie ving ▁Names paces |
<2fy> ▁Oct ▁00 ▁00 00 ▁at ▁00:00 ▁PM |
<2fy> ▁Check ▁for ▁new ▁articles ▁automatically |
<2fy> ▁App ear ance |
<2fy> ▁( |
<2fy> ▁_ E nc rypt ▁the ▁file ▁list |
<2fy> ▁Invalid ▁argument ▁"% d " ▁for ▁-- % s : ▁the ▁argument ▁must ▁be ▁strictly ▁positive |
<2fy> ▁Make ▁the ▁window ▁below ▁other ▁windows |
<2fy> ▁News |
<2fy> ▁Tem plates |
<2fy> ▁Sn aps ▁to ▁grid |
<2fy> ▁Text ▁Sh ape |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Display ▁information ▁on ▁this ▁GNOME ▁version |
<2fy> ▁Enc rypt ed ▁message ▁( dec ryption ▁not ▁possible ) |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁Ch anging ▁Database ▁Fl ags |
<2fy> ▁You ▁can ▁use ▁this ▁wizard ▁to ▁setup ▁your ▁mail ▁accounts . ▁Just ▁enter ▁the ▁connection ▁data ▁that ▁you ▁received ▁from ▁your ▁email ▁provider ▁into ▁the ▁following ▁pages . |
<2fy> ▁If ▁this ▁flag ▁is ▁set , ▁the ▁owner ▁of ▁this ▁folder ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁owner ▁of ▁all ▁new ▁files . |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Error ▁Starting ▁KW atch G nuPG |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁send ▁OB EX ▁U U ID ▁( IR MC - S Y NC ) |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Copy ▁Global ▁Tem plates |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Find |
<2fy> ▁Language |
<2fy> ▁Install ▁Theme ▁File ... |
<2fy> ▁Clear ▁table ▁contents |
<2fy> ▁_ Ab out |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Edit ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁Open ▁Folder |
<2fy> ▁Layer ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁W ifi ▁security |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁August |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Sound ▁& ▁Video |
<2fy> ▁Label |
<2fy> ▁Settings |
<2fy> ▁Joseph ▁W en ninger |
<2fy> ▁System ▁configuration ▁and ▁monitoring |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Rotate |
<2fy> ▁ID |
<2fy> ▁General ▁Options |
<2fy> ▁Joseph ▁W en ninger |
<2fy> ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁You ▁must ▁always ▁have ▁at ▁least ▁one ▁panel . |
<2fy> ▁mag enta 4 |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁MD 2 ▁with ▁R SA |
<2fy> ▁Budget ed ▁Cost ▁of ▁Work ▁Sc hed uled |
<2fy> ▁Personal ▁Information |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Other |
<2fy> ▁L aptop |
<2fy> ▁Action ▁name |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Display ▁information ▁on ▁this ▁GNOME ▁version |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Change ... |
<2fy> ▁St robe ▁return ▁light ▁detected |
<2fy> ▁Upd ating ▁version ▁information ... |
<2fy> ▁Import ▁Address ▁Book |
<2fy> ▁File ▁Name ▁Preview |
<2fy> ▁Password : |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁background |
<2fy> ▁Small |
<2fy> ▁Size ▁all |
<2fy> ▁[ F ILE ...] |
<2fy> ▁C d rom ▁with ▁Ub untu ▁10. 04 ▁' L uc id ▁Lyn x ' |
<2fy> ▁mark er |
<2fy> ▁Close |
<2fy> ▁Message ▁template ▁for ▁forward |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Un limited |
<2fy> ▁New ▁configuration ▁%1 |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁_ Ab out |
<2fy> ▁Draw ▁skin |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁_ St op |
<2fy> ▁S ends ▁a ▁given ▁signal ▁to ▁a ▁given ▁process |
<2fy> ▁Frequ ent ▁Contacts |
<2fy> ▁Rename ... |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁Option ▁Button |
<2fy> ▁Next ▁window ▁( All ▁windows ) |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Could ▁not ▁display ▁help ▁document |
<2fy> ▁The ▁Att ende es ▁tab ▁allows ▁you ▁to ▁Add ▁or ▁Remove ▁Att ende es ▁to / ▁from ▁this ▁event ▁or ▁to - do . |
<2fy> ▁B old |
<2fy> ▁Par se ▁error : ▁Missing ▁' ,' ▁between ▁Str ings ▁in ▁St ring ▁List |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁Change ▁Text |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁_ R ot ate ▁on ▁vertical ▁panels |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁Choose ... |
<2fy> ▁Use ▁met acity ▁theme |
<2fy> ▁The ▁V ARA () ▁function ▁calcul ates ▁the ▁vari ance ▁based ▁on ▁a ▁sample . |
<2fy> ▁Rem oval ▁of ▁the ▁active ▁desktop ▁theme ▁is ▁not ▁allowed . |
<2fy> ▁_ Ac tiv ate ▁Sc re ensa ver |
<2fy> ▁Configure |
<2fy> ▁Change ... |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁As ... |
<2fy> ▁Package |
<2fy> ▁Zoom ▁_ Out |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁move |
<2fy> ▁_ Up |
<2fy> ▁Ob tain ▁picture ▁from : |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Reload ▁document ▁on ▁file ▁change |
<2fy> ▁Format : |
<2fy> ▁K rita ▁% { AP PN AM EL C } ▁Import ▁Filter |
<2fy> ▁In vert ▁with ▁Python |
<2fy> ▁Export ... |
<2fy> ▁_ N one ▁( use ▁system ▁theme ) |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Enc oding |
<2fy> ▁The ▁C OV AR () ▁function ▁calcul ates ▁the ▁cov ari ance ▁of ▁two ▁cell ▁r anges . |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Text ▁font : |
<2fy> ▁Configure |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁X z ▁(. x z ) |
<2fy> ▁Pl ug ins |
<2fy> ▁hex ▁F ILE |
<2fy> ▁Mode : |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Emb oss |
<2fy> ▁Replace |
<2fy> ▁Fl ake ▁tool ▁definition |
<2fy> ▁URL |
<2fy> ▁Description |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Import |
<2fy> ▁( no ▁description ▁available ) |
<2fy> ▁% d ▁% B ▁% Y , ▁% H :% M |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Status |
<2fy> ▁Display ▁to - dos ▁in ▁flat ▁list ▁instead ▁of ▁a ▁tree |
<2fy> ▁Un lock |
<2fy> ▁Location : |
<2fy> ▁No ▁artist ▁specified . |
<2fy> ▁Force ▁Quit |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁critical ▁path |
<2fy> ▁Today ▁% I :% M ▁% p |
<2fy> ▁Not ifications ▁and ▁access ▁for ▁new ▁devices |
<2fy> ▁Q ost an ay |
<2fy> ▁Properties |
<2fy> ▁Flat ▁sh ading |
<2fy> ▁Ma ith ili |
<2fy> ▁_ L og ▁Out |
<2fy> ▁Selection ▁text ▁only |
<2fy> ▁Medium |
<2fy> ▁_ S w itch ▁image ▁after : |
<2fy> ▁The ▁file ▁“% s ” ▁does ▁not ▁exist . |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁Korean |
<2fy> ▁_ Book marks |
<2fy> ▁H ed |
<2fy> ▁The ▁MIME ▁type ▁of ▁the ▁file : ▁normally , ▁you ▁do ▁not ▁need ▁to ▁touch ▁this ▁setting , ▁since ▁the ▁type ▁of ▁the ▁file ▁is ▁automatically ▁checked ; ▁but , ▁sometimes , ▁%1 ▁may ▁not ▁detect ▁the ▁type ▁correctly ▁-- ▁here ▁is ▁where ▁you ▁can ▁fix ▁that . |
<2fy> ▁Education |
<2fy> ▁Auto ▁bra cket |
<2fy> ▁Qu ote ▁original ▁message : |
<2fy> ▁Color |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Ext raction ▁not ▁performed |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Conf ig uring ▁mobile ▁broad band ▁connection ▁'% s '... |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁launch ▁option : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁Error ▁rec reat ing ▁alarm |
<2fy> ▁print ▁job |
<2fy> ▁L imit ▁(%) |
<2fy> ▁X |
<2fy> ▁150 % |
<2fy> ▁Circ uit ▁- ▁L amp ▁( European ) |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁fields ▁from ▁the ▁list ▁below ▁and ▁drag ▁them ▁onto ▁a ▁form ▁or ▁click ▁the ▁" I ns ert " ▁button |
<2fy> ▁Organization ▁This ▁field ▁should ▁have ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁your ▁organization ▁if ▁you ▁would ▁like ▁it ▁to ▁be ▁shown ▁in ▁the ▁email ▁header ▁that ▁is ▁sent ▁out . ▁It ▁is ▁safe ▁( and ▁normal ) ▁to ▁leave ▁this ▁blank . |
<2fy> ▁N IO |
<2fy> ▁Anti - ali ased ▁lines |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Filter ▁Mas k ... |
<2fy> ▁Local |
<2fy> ▁Icon ▁'% s ' ▁not ▁found |
<2fy> ▁_ Edit |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Selection ▁of ▁page |
<2fy> ▁Screen ▁Number : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁general ▁failure |
<2fy> ▁Gener ic |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Create ▁_ Ar ch ive |
<2fy> ▁B SD |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Delete ▁Selected ▁Account s |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Du plicate ▁Layer ▁or ▁Mas k |
<2fy> ▁Fan ▁Out ▁Horizontal |
<2fy> ▁Name : |
<2fy> ▁Supp orted ▁distance ▁units : ▁m ▁( m eter ), ▁in ▁( inch ), ▁f t ▁( fe et ), ▁mi ▁( m ile ), ▁N mi ▁( na utical ▁mile ), ▁ang ▁( Ang st rom ), ▁par sec , ▁light year . |
<2fy> ▁% d ▁% B ▁% Y , ▁% H :% M |
<2fy> ▁_ For ward |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Norwegian ▁Kr one |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Warning |
<2fy> ▁Copying ▁Pilot ▁to ▁PC ... |
<2fy> ▁Folders |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁_ R elo ad |
<2fy> ▁Asia / ▁R iy adh |
<2fy> ▁Ign ored |
<2fy> ▁Swedish ▁Kr ona |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁Details |
<2fy> ▁Port : |
<2fy> ▁macro ▁not ▁found |
<2fy> ▁Can ' t ▁pass ▁documents ▁to ▁this ▁desktop ▁element |
<2fy> ▁Next |
<2fy> ▁Export ▁Scheme ... |
<2fy> ▁paper ▁size |
<2fy> ▁S yb ase |
<2fy> ▁Unt it led |
<2fy> ▁Save ▁Output ▁From ▁%1 |
<2fy> ▁Mod em |
<2fy> ▁Kol ab ▁user ▁name |
<2fy> ▁Western ▁European |
<2fy> ▁Folders |
<2fy> ▁HE IGHT |
<2fy> ▁Length |
<2fy> ▁Pick ▁a ▁color |
<2fy> ▁None |
<2fy> ▁By ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁This ▁app ▁has ▁not ▁been ▁reviewed ▁yet |
<2fy> ▁Run ▁command ▁11 |
<2fy> ▁Prev ▁window ▁( All ▁windows ) |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁transl ator - c red its |
<2fy> ▁En ables ▁random ▁T ux ▁explos ions . |
<2fy> ▁Manage ▁system - wide ▁fonts . |
<2fy> ▁Display ▁Selection |
<2fy> ▁Server ▁Information |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁First ▁version ▁of ▁Prop erty ▁Editor ▁and ▁Form ▁Design er |
<2fy> ▁Drop ▁size |
<2fy> ▁Electric ▁- ▁int pos _ o |
<2fy> ▁Ab ort ▁Sync |
<2fy> ▁About ▁the ▁GNOME ▁Desktop |
<2fy> ▁Valid ity ▁Crit eria |
<2fy> ▁Horizontal ▁Policy |
<2fy> ▁Right |
<2fy> ▁Clock wise ▁Bottom ▁Left ▁Out |
<2fy> ▁Show ▁“ _ % s ” |
<2fy> ▁Unfortunately ▁GNOME ▁3 ▁failed ▁to ▁start ▁properly ▁and ▁started ▁in ▁the ▁fall back ▁mode . ▁This ▁most ▁likely ▁means ▁your ▁system ▁( gra ph ics ▁hardware ▁or ▁driver ) ▁is ▁not ▁capable ▁of ▁delivering ▁the ▁full ▁GNOME ▁3 ▁experience . |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁all ▁files |
<2fy> ▁D iss oci ate ▁event ▁from ▁recurrence |
<2fy> ▁Size |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁% s : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁Authentication ▁Names |
<2fy> ▁Enc rypt ed ▁data ▁not ▁shown |
<2fy> ▁General |
<2fy> ▁Science |
<2fy> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item |
<2fy> ▁Options ▁to ▁modify ▁properties ▁of ▁a ▁screen |
<2fy> ▁Action ▁Item ▁Message |
<2fy> ▁Comment |
<2fy> ▁Up |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Do ▁not ▁send ▁OB EX ▁U U ID ▁while ▁connecting . ▁Need ed ▁for ▁older ▁Ir MC ▁based ▁mobile ▁phones . |
<2fy> ▁Invalid ▁email ▁address ▁entered . |
<2fy> ▁Success |
<2fy> ▁% s ▁(% s ) |
<2fy> ▁View |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁a ▁laun cher ▁from ▁the ▁applications ▁menu |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Unt it led |
<2fy> ▁To : |
<2fy> ▁Cyprus |
<2fy> ▁Starting ▁g pg - agent ▁( you ▁should ▁consider ▁starting ▁a ▁global ▁instance ▁instead )... |
<2fy> ▁W av elet ▁No ise ▁Red ucer |
<2fy> ▁Specify : |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Type |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁Open PGP ▁Message ▁- ▁Valid ▁Signature ▁with ▁Unt r usted ▁Key |
<2fy> ▁& ▁View |
<2fy> ▁& ▁File |
<2fy> ▁Sug gest ▁& ▁automatic ▁display |
<2fy> ▁ACC R INT , ▁ACC R IN TM , ▁AM ORD EG RC , ▁AM OR L IN C , ▁COMP OU ND , ▁CONT IN U OUS , ▁COU PN UM , ▁C UM IP MT , ▁C UM PR IN C , ▁D B , ▁D DB , ▁DIS C , ▁D OLL AR DE , ▁D OLL AR FR , ▁D UR ATION , ▁D UR ATION _ AD D , ▁EFF ECT , ▁EFF ECTIVE , ▁EURO , ▁EURO CON V ERT , ▁F V , ▁F V _ ANN U ITY , ▁IN TR ATE , ▁IP MT , ▁IS P MT , ▁L EV EL _ C OU P ON , ▁MD UR ATION , ▁MIR R , ▁N OM INAL , ▁N P ER , ▁N PV , ▁OD DL PR ICE , ▁OD D LY I EL D , ▁PM T , ▁PP MT , ▁PR IC EM AT , ▁PV , ▁PV _ ANN U ITY , ▁R ECE IV ED , ▁R RI , ▁SL N , ▁SY D , ▁T BIL LE Q , ▁T B ILL PR ICE , ▁T BIL LY I EL D , ▁V DB , ▁X IR R , ▁X N PV , ▁Y I EL D D IS C , ▁Y I EL DM AT , ▁Z ER O _ C OU P ON |
<2fy> ▁Click ▁to ▁switch ▁to ▁"% s " |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁ema ils |
<2fy> ▁Invalid |
<2fy> ▁Pl ug ins |
<2fy> ▁An ▁A kon adi ▁serial izer ▁plugin ▁for ▁bookmark ▁objects |
<2fy> ▁Name |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁S _ elect ▁the ▁images ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁save : |
<2fy> ▁Color |
<2fy> ▁News |
<2fy> ▁A ▁program ▁is ▁still ▁running : |
<2fy> ▁Copy ▁a ▁laun cher ▁from ▁the ▁applications ▁menu |
<2fy> ▁B IN 2 H EX (" 1 010 ▁") ▁returns " ▁a ▁" |
<2fy> ▁Delete ▁Resource |
<2fy> ▁Text ▁Box ▁dialog |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁La un cher ▁Op acity |
<2fy> ▁Action ▁name |
<2fy> ▁Unknown |
<2fy> ▁A ▁program ▁is ▁still ▁running : |
<2fy> ▁% s ▁(% s ) |
<2fy> ▁Download ing ▁events |
<2fy> ▁_ Pre vious ▁Image |
<2fy> ▁% l :% M ▁% p |
<2fy> ▁& ▁View |
<2fy> ▁XDMCP : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁XDMCP ▁header ! |
<2fy> ▁Insert |
<2fy> ▁& ▁Tools |
<2fy> ▁Yahoo ! ▁Japan |
<2fy> ▁_ Ab out |
<2fy> ▁Toggle ▁In vert ▁Effect ▁on ▁Window |
<2fy> ▁This ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁Fo omatic ▁printer |
<2fy> ▁Error ▁while ▁loading ▁the ▁project . |
<2fy> ▁_ View |
<2fy> ▁Access ▁denied : ▁Cannot ▁save ▁feed ▁list ▁to ▁%1. ▁Please ▁check ▁your ▁permissions . |
<2fy> ▁_ Ab out |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Cursor ▁Big ▁L B |
<2fy> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁launch ▁option : ▁% d |
<2fy> ▁Stop |
<2fy> ▁move |
<2fy> ▁Warning |
<2fy> ▁Up |
<2fy> ▁Export ... |
<2fy> ▁Your ▁names |
<2fy> ▁Pat tern s : |
<2fy> ▁Jar ▁(. jar ) |
<2fy> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration |
<2fy> ▁A ▁KDE ▁Blog ging ▁Client |
<2fy> ▁Details |
<2fy> ▁Available : |
<2fy> ▁Central ▁African ▁Republic |
<2fy> ▁Network |
<2fy> ▁Select ▁the ▁Open PGP ▁key ▁which ▁should ▁be ▁used ▁when ▁encrypt ing ▁to ▁yourself ▁and ▁for ▁the ▁" Att ach ▁My ▁Public ▁Key " ▁feature ▁in ▁the ▁comp oser . |
<2fy> ▁What ▁is ▁your ▁Google ▁password ? |
<2fy> ▁News |
<2fy> ▁Enter ▁path ▁of ▁file ▁or ▁directory : |
<2fy> ▁Never |
<2fy> ▁Zoom ▁_ Out |
<2fy> ▁File ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁. des ktop ▁file |
<2fy> ▁Ge ology |
<2fy> ▁Loading ▁external ▁references ▁in ▁html ▁mail ▁will ▁make ▁you ▁more ▁vulnerable ▁to ▁" sp am " ▁and ▁may ▁increase ▁the ▁lik elihood ▁that ▁your ▁system ▁will ▁be ▁compromised ▁by ▁other ▁present ▁and ▁anticipated ▁security ▁explo its . |
<2fy> ▁Package |
<2fy> ▁XDMCP : ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁XDMCP ▁header ! |
<2fy> ▁Encryption ▁Error |
<2fy> ▁Sl ide ▁W ipe |
<2fy> ▁G ala xy , ▁Small ▁( AP ) |