:tada: initial
Info Test
Tha an cu mòr a' cur eagal orra.
Tagh na _h-uile
Ubuntu UI Toolkit Gallery
Cò còmhla ris a bhios tu a' tighinn?
Search for videos on many websites, and get info about them
Dùin ro-shealladh a' chlò-bhualaidh
Glais na pi_ogsaileandrawable-action
Tagh na faidhlich_ean a tha thu airson ùrachadh:
'S e bean uasal a th' innte.
Audio IQ signal intermediate frequency receiver
Run GiMark, a geometry instancing test (OpenGL 3.3) Windowed 1024x640 no antialiasing
Check stats changes for each disk
Bàr na staide
An Ungair: Rann cloinne
C_um e an-còmhnaidh
Ionnsaich mar a chluicheas tu fuinn air meur-chlàr a’ phiàno!
Check job is executed when requirements are met
_Mu dhèidhinn
Test if the atd daemon is running when the package is installed.
Bidh iad ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-màireach.
Tha beagan Gàidhlig agam.
Tests that the systems wireless hardware can connect to a router using WPA security and the 802.11n protocol after the system has been suspended.
PURPOSE: This test checks that gcalctool (Calculator) works. STEPS: Click the "Test" button to open the calculator and perform: 1. Memory set 2. Memory reset 3. Memory last clear 4. Memory clear VERIFICATION: Did the functions perform as expected?
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/mmc-insert-after-suspend test is run. It tests reading and writing to the MMC card after the system has been suspended.
Attaches the screenshot captured in graphics/screenshot_fullscreen_video.
Test for clock jitter.
Ruith gedit sa mhodh fa leth
_Tilg na h-atharraichean air falbh
Ma leanas tu air adhart le sàbhaladh an fhaidhle seo, dh'fhaoidte gun coirb sin an sgrìobhainn. A bheil thu airson a shàbhaladh co-dhiù?
Am bi sibh daonnan trang?
This attaches screenshots from the suspend/cycle_resolutions_after_suspend_auto test to the results submission.
Attaches the contents of the /etc/modules file.
PURPOSE: This test will check to make sure your system can successfully hibernate (if supported) STEPS: 1. Click on Test 2. The system will hibernate and should wake itself within 5 minutes 3. If your system does not wake itself after 5 minutes, please press the power button to wake the system manually 4. If the system fails to resume from hibernate, please restart System Testing and mark this test as Failed VERIFICATION: Did the system successfully hibernate and did it work properly after waking up?
Launchpad Contributions: Akerbeltz GunChleoc alasdair caimbeul
PURPOSE: This test will check the system can detect the removal of an eSATA HDD STEPS: 1. Click 'Test' to begin the test. This test will timeout and fail if the removal has not been detected within 20 seconds. 2. Remove the previously attached eSATA HDD from the eSATA port. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result
Sònraichidh seo am modh sgoltaidh a chaidh a chleachdadh leis a' mhodh pasgaidh loidhne an turas mu dheireadh ach an cuimhnich sinn na thagh thu fiù 's ma tha am modh pasgaidh loidhne dheth. cleachd "word" airson pasgadh aig crìochan facail agus "char" gus sgoltadh eadar caractaran.
Cleachd na saighdean air a’ mheur-chlàr gus Tux a ghluasad dhan doras. Cleachd a’ spacebar gus leum a ghearradh eadar na modhan faicsinneach is do-fhaicsinneach. Cha dèan am modh faicsinneach ach sealladh far a bheil thu, mar mhapa. Chan urrainn dhut Tux a ghluasad sa modh fhaicsinneach. Air na ciad leibheilean, coisichidh Tux gu socair tron chuartan is nì e ceum le gach brùthadh iuchrach. Sna cuartanan mòra, tha modh coiseachd sònraichte ann air a bheil “modh-ruith-gu-luath”. Nuair a bhios am modh-ruith-gu-luath seo an comas, ruithidh Tux gun stad gus an ruig e gobhal far am bi co-dhùnadh a dhìth ort càite an tèid e an uair sin. Chì thu cò dhiubh a bheil am modh seo air no nach eil ma sheallas tu air an dà chois Tux: Ma tha Tux casruisgte, tha am “modh-ruith-gu-luath” à comas. Ma tha brògan spòrs dearga air, tha am “modh-ruith-gu-luath” an comas. O leibheil 14 a-mach, bidh am modh-ruith-gu-luath an comas gu fèin-obrachail. Ma tha thu airson an fheart seo a chleachdadh air na leibheilean nas ìsle no ma tha thu airson a chur dheth air na leibheilean nas àirde, briog air Tux no air an ìomhaigheag “casruisgte / brògan spòrs” san oisean clì air barr na sgrìn gus am modh-ruith-gu-luath a thoglachadh.
%s fuaime is dàta ann an %s
Sniff Sniffers
Ìomhaigh DVD video
A bheil thu airson an taghadh de dh'fhaidhlichean a losgadh thar iomadh meadhain?
Bha e ag obair gu trang anns an achadh a-raoir.
Seo geama doirbh dhut, mar sin guma ma a thèid leat! Èist ris an ruitheam is lean air leis a’ chiùil. Ma tha thu airson a chluinntinn a-rithist, briog air a’ phutan cluiche. Ma tha thu deiseil gus an aon ruitheam a chluich, briog an druma leis an ruitheam is an uair sin briog air a’ phutan “OK”. Ma tha thu air briogadh mar bu chòir is leis an luaths cheart, chì thu ruitheam eile. Mur deach leat, feumaidh tu feuchainn ris a-rithist. Seallaidh leibheilean cothrom loidhne inghearach dhut nuair a nì thu briogadh air an druma is bheir seo taic dhut a’ faicinn an ruitheim gus an dèan thu briogadh air an àm cheart. Briog air an druma nuair a bhios an loidhne ann am meadhan nam pong. Tha na leibheilean corra nas dorra oir chan eil loidhne cluiche inghearach ann. Cha tèid an ruitheam a chluich dhut. Feumaidh tu an ruitheam a leughadh is a bhriogadh leis an luaths cheart. Briog air a’ mheadair caismeachd gus luaths nam pongan dubha a chluinntinn. Seo nasgadh iuchraichean a’ mheur-chlàir leis a’ chleas seo: – backspace: sguab às an oidhirp – delete: sguab às an oidhirp – enter: putan “OK” – spacebar: cluich
A' tar-chòdachadh "%s"
Shoirbhich le losgadh na h-ìomhaighe
Tha na h-iuchraichean dubha geur no maol
Mu dhèidhinn
An cuir thu òran no dhà ris a' phròiseact?
A' losgadh ìomhaigh gu CD mas-fhìor
Mur sàbhail thu, thèid a h-uile atharrachadh chaidh a dhèanamh o chionn uair air chall gu buan.
Attaches very verbose lspci output (with central database Query).
B' fheairrde na h-ainmean seo atharrachadh is giorrachadh gu 64 caractar.
List USB devices
A_n t-slighe 'na thaghadhvectors-action
PURPOSE: This test will test the battery information key STEPS: Skip this test if you do not have a Battery Button. 1. Click Test to begin 2. Press the Battery Info button (or combo like Fn+F3) 3: Close the Power Statistics tool if it opens VERIFICATION: Did the Battery Info key work as expected?
Cuir gu fpaste
Chan eil gin
If your keyboard lacks one or more keys, press its number to skip testing that key.
g an làn-sgrìn
A' tar-chòdachadh òran
Launchpad Contributions: GunChleoc alasdair caimbeul
PURPOSE: HDD LED verification STEPS: 1. Select "Test" to write and read a temporary file for a few seconds 2. HDD LED should light when writing to/reading from HDD VERIFICATION: Did the HDD LED light?
Run x264 H.264/AVC encoder benchmark
If a key is not present in your keyboard, press the 'Skip' button below it to remove it from the test.
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/xd-insert test is run. It tests reading and writing to the xD card.
Humorous zelda-like isometric adventure/RPG
Open in standalone mode
Droch argamaid
Collect info on color depth and pixel format.
A bheil thu airson am faidhle "%s" san tasglann "%s" ùrachadh?
Co-dhiù an dèan an leudachan Nautilus aithris dì-bhugachaidh
An luaths losgaidh
Thèid na pongan a chì thu a chluiche dhut. Briog air na h-iuchraichean freagarrach air a’ mheur-chlàr gus an ceòl a chì is a chluinneas tu a chluich. Tha dathan air na pongan uile ach air an leibheil mu dheireadh, mar sin tha an aon dath air gach pong is air iuchair a’ mheur-chlàir a fhreagras dha. Thèid barrachd phongan a chur ris gach leibheil gus a dhèanamh nas dorra. Cleachdaidh sinn an iuchair thrìobailte air na leibheilean 1-6 is an iuchair bheus air na leibheilean 7-12. Nuair a bhios còig puingean agad, ruigidh tu an t-ath leibheil (buannaichidh tu puing le gach freagairt cheart, ach bheir sinn puing uat airson gach freagairt chearr). Seo nasgadh iuchraichean a’ mheur-chlàir leis a’ chleas seo: – backspace: sguab às an oidhirp – delete: sguab às an oidhirp – enter: putan “OK” – spacebar: cluich – iuchraichean àireimh: 1: C 2: D 3: E 4: F 5: G 6: A 7: B 8: C (ochdamh nas àirde) agus msaa. F1: C# / Db F2: D# / Eb F3: F# / Gb F4: G# / Ab F5: A# / Bb
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am pasgan "%s" a chruthachadh: dh'fhàillig le g_mkdir_with_parents(): %s
Cuir ris _a-mhàin
Briog orm no brùth air an iuchair Enter nuair a bhios tu deiseil.
Stress reboot system (100 cycles)
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a SDXC card from the systems card reader after the system has been suspended. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the SDXC card from the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Ma chumas tu e, dh'fhaoidte nach aithnich prògraman seòrsa an fhaidhle mar bu chòir.
Fosglaidh seo manaidsear nan inneal taobh a-nuigh
Seo an liosta dhe na plugain eile a chleachdas brasero gus diosgan a loisg. Mas e "NULL" a th' ann, luchdaichidh Brasero a h-uile gin dhiubh.
Ma bhios seo an comas, thèid meud na h-uinneige atharrachadh gu fèin-obrachail nuair a dh'atharraicheas meud an deilbh.
_Meudaich na dealbhan ach an co-fhreagair iad ris an sgrìn
Whitelist not topologically ordered
Manaidsear tasglannan
Nithear an ath lethbhreac-glèidhidh an-màireach.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of an MMC card from the systems card reader after the system has been suspended. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the MMC card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Seall na phas_gan
m a-_mach
Iom-tharraing: %s
Ionnsaich mar a chleachdas tu cuibhle na luchaige gus sùmadh a-steach is a-mach.
Roghainnean stiùireadh nan seisean:
Dùin an sgrìobhainn
Ionnsaich mar a bhuaileas tu ruitheaman gu pongail, stèidhichte air na chì is na chluinneas tu.
Make your photos shine - auto gamma levels, contrast, saturation
Leigidh seo leat am pròiseact ùr agad a thaghadh
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am plugan sinkbin a chruthachadh
Hibernation tests
Toiseach an òrain:
Chan eil uisge ann anns an t-sruth.
Ìs_lich an t-slighevectors-action
A' gluasad nam faidhlichean o "%s" gu "%s"
Chan eil an siostam agad a' cur taic ri gin dhen na fòrmatan deilbh ris an gabhar ann
A' gluasad nam faidhlichean o "%s" gu "%s"
PURPOSE: Check that external line in connection works correctly STEPS: 1. Use a cable to connect the line in port to an external line out source. 2. Open system sound preferences, 'Input' tab, select 'Line-in' on the connector list. Click the Test button 3. After a few seconds, your recording will be played back to you. VERIFICATION: Did you hear your recording?
Synchronizes mailboxes in Maildir format
Lùghdaich Louis na 12 dhotag aig Barbier gu 6 is thionnsgail e an siostam Braille.
Verify USB3 external storage performs at or above baseline performance
PURPOSE: This test will check your DisplayPort port. STEPS: Skip this test if your system does not have a DisplayPort port. 1. Connect a display (if not already connected) to the DisplayPort port on your system VERIFICATION: Was the desktop displayed correctly on both screens?
Luchdaich am pròiseact mu dheireadh nach deach a losgadh no a shàbhaladh
An cuir thu video no dhà ris?
View the time at locations around the world
Check to see if CONFIG_NO_HZ is set in the kernel (this is just a simple regression check)
This test is automated and executes after the usb/insert test is run.
Hotkey tests
Rach gun chiad duilleag
Am faca sibh cangarù riamh?
Thoir ainm ùr air
m a-steach
GUI for avconv
Co-dhiù an dèan brasero criathradh air faidhlichean falaichte. Mas e "true" a th' ann, thèid na faidhlichean falaichte a chriathradh air falbh.
’S urrainn dhut fuinn o fheadh an t-saoghail a luchdadh a-nis
Faidhle desktop tionndadh "%s" neo-aithnichte
Input Devices tests
Chan e URI dligheach th' ann an "%s"
Input Test
Check logs for the stress poweroff (100 cycles) test case
Deasaich am pailead gnìomhachpalette-editor-action
Thoir sùi air an sgrìobhainn làithreach a bheil mearachdan litreachaidh ann gus nach eil
Checks the length of time it takes to reconnect an existing wifi connection after a suspend/resume cycle.
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/msp-insert-after-suspend test is run. It tests reading and writing to the MSP card after the system has been suspended.
Tha mi trang an-dràsda, agus chan urrain dhomh a chluich còmhla riut.
Seo fòrmat a thèid a chleachdadh ann an Aimeireaga a Tuath
Ghabhadh ri Braille mar bhun-tomhas air feadh an t-saoghail. Dhearbhaich Louis Braille gur urrainn dhut rudan do-chreidsinneach a dhèanamh ma thogras tu.
A bheil thu airson am faidhle "%s" san tasglann "%s" ùrachadh?
Tha Beurla an cànan a tha a' fuireach 'nam chrìdhe.
An cuir thu video no dhà ris?
PURPOSE: This test will check that you can record and hear audio using a bluetooth audio device STEPS: 1. Enable the bluetooth headset 2. Click on the bluetooth icon in the menu bar 3. Select 'Setup new device' 4. Look for the device in the list and select it 5. In the device write the PIN code automatically chosen by the wizard 6. The device should pair with the computer 7. Click "Test" to record for five seconds and reproduce in the bluetooth device VERIFICATION: Did you hear the sound you recorded in the bluetooth
PURPOSE: This test will test the wireless key STEPS: 1. Press the wireless key on the keyboard 2. Check that the wifi LED turns off or changes color 3. Check that wireless is disabled 4. Press the same key again 5. Check that the wifi LED turns on or changes color 6. Check that wireless is enabled VERIFICATION: Did the wireless turn off on the first press and on again on the second? (NOTE: the LED functionality will be reviewed in a following test. Please only consider the functionality of the wifi itself here.)
Yahoo! na Seapaine
Dea_lbh ùredit-action
SATA/IDE device information.
Tests that the systems wireless hardware can connect to a router using no security and the 802.11n protocol after the system has been suspended.
Bitrate cunbhalach
PURPOSE: This test will test display rotation STEPS: 1. Click "Test" to test display rotation. The display will be rotated every 4 seconds. 2. Check if all rotations (normal right inverted left) took place without permanent screen corruption VERIFICATION: Did the display rotation take place without without permanent screen corruption?
Chaidh dearbhadh an litreachaidh a choileanadhFrench (France)language
Configure the LADI system
A' losgadh ìomhaigh gu CD mas-fhìor
New Document
Cuir an saideal agad ann
Gun ro-shealladh
Cleachd GEGL airson pròiseasadh an deilbh mas urrainncontext-action
Talk to and see people over the Internet
Verify that storage devices, such as Fibre Channel and RAID can be detected and perform under stress.
Chan eil sinn a' fuireach ann an Alba fhathast.
PURPOSE: This test checks that gedit works. STEPS: 1. Click the "Test" button to open gedit, and re-open the file you created previously. 2. Edit then save the file, then close gedit. VERIFICATION: Did this perform as expected?
Mearachd le tòiseachadh roghainnean an t-siostaim:
Mixer for the PulseAudio sound server (GTK+)
Dh'fhàillig le clò-bhualadh na duilleige %d: %s
Roghainn tòiseachaidh neo-aithnichte: %d
Sàbhail am faidhle làithreach le ainm eadar-dhealaichte
Sreath losgaidh libburnia
Pure Data
An t-inneal losgaidh as annsa leat
Tagh na h-uile faidhle
An dealbh _roimhe
Na h-uile sgrìobhainn
R_oghainnean an deilbhimage-action
Attaches the log from the 250 cycle Suspend/Resume test if it exists
Chaidh "%s" a chruthachadh
Cha ghabh an t-ionad "%s" ruigsinn aig an àm seo.
Run Cachebench Write benchmark
Gun rangachadh
Chan eil gin
Gun ro-shealladh
Attaches a report of CPU information
_Liosta dhe na slisean ri an cruthachadh:
A' sgrìobhadh an leadin
MilkyTracker (play song)
Cha ghabh ionad an fhaidhle ruigsinn on nach deach a mhunntachadh.
PURPOSE: This test will check that your system detects USB storage devices. STEPS: 1. Plug in one or more USB keys or hard drives. 2. Click on "Test". INFO: $output VERIFICATION: Were the drives detected?
Thèid seann lethbhreacan-glèidhidh a sguabadh às nas tràithe ma tha an rum a' ruith air ionad a' ghlèidhidh.
Jobs will be reordered to fix broken dependencies
Cha deach leinn am pasgan sa bheil e fhosgladh
PURPOSE: This test will check that Gnome Terminal works. STEPS: 1. Click the "Test" button to open Terminal. 2. Type 'ls' and press enter. You should see a list of files and folder in your home directory. 3. Close the terminal window. VERIFICATION: Did this perform as expected?
This is an automated test which performs read/write operations on an attached FireWire HDD
Cuir ris na faidhlichean a tha san stòr-bhòrd
Nach eil aran ùr anns a’ bhocsa ann?
À_rdaich an t-seanailchannels-action
Pasgadh na loidhne airson clò-bhualadh
Server Services checks
Nuair a bha e trì bliadhna a dh’aois, dh’fhàs Louis dall ri linn galar-ghabhail a ghluais dha shùil chlì.
_Liosta dhe na slisean ri an cruthachadh:
An t-eug-samhail ùrlair a thèid a chleachdadh gus còmhraidhean a shealltainn ann an uinneagan cabadaich.
PURPOSE: This test will check your HDMI port. STEPS: Skip this test if your system does not have a HDMI port. 1. Connect a display (if not already connected) to the HDMI port on your system VERIFICATION: Was the desktop displayed correctly on both screens?
Fosglaidh seo còmhraidhean ùra ann an uinneagan fa leth
manage and display dive computer data
Bu chòir dhut lethbhreacan-glèidhidh fèin-obrachail a chur an comas no am putan %s a chleachdadh gus fear a thòiseachadh an-dràsta.
Tuig mar a dh’obraicheas sgrìobhadh ciùil is gabh ùidh ann is tu a’ dèanamh ceòl le meur-chlàr piàno. Gheibh thu inntrigeadh dha dh’iomadh bun-bheachd cudromach air ceòl, ach tha mòran a bharrachd ann ri ionnsachadh mu sgrìobhadh ciùil. Ma tha an cleas seo a’ còrdadh riut ach inneal nas adhartaiche a dhìth ort, feuch an luchdaich thu a-nuas MuseScore (, inneal sgrìobhadh ciùil open source.
Cha deach pàrant a lorg sa chraobh airson na slighe "%s"
Faidhlichean sealach
80 mionaid dhe na h-òrain as annsa leat
Thoir ainm ùr air an fhaidhle a thagh thu
Automated CD write test
PURPOSE: Validate that the Caps Lock key operates the same before and after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Press "Block Cap Keys" to activate/deactivate cap keys blocking 2. Cap Keys LED should be switched on/off every time the key is pressed VERIFICATION: Did the Cap Keys LED light as expected after resuming from suspend?
%.1f× (BD)
Tagh plugain airson Brasero
Tests the performance of a systems wireless connection through the iperf tool.
_Tagh na dealbhan a tha thu airson sàbhaladh:
An tèid bann-cinn na tasglainn a chrioptachadh gus nach tèid. Ma thèid am bann-cinn a chrioptachadh, bidh feum air facal-faire gus liosta de na tha san tasglann a shealltainn cuideachd.
Attaches the contents of the various modprobe conf files.
Clò trom
Rach gun ionad dachaigh
Dumps memory info to a file for comparison after suspend test has been run
_Fàg an-seo
Attaches a dump of the udev database showing system hardware information.
Suidhich roghainnean a' _chùlaibh
Razor Mouse Configurator
Sgrìobh ceòl piàno
Ionad glèidhte an leòsain-thaoibh (ann am pixels) airson uinneag na cabadaich.
File Roller
A' losgadh (S)VCD mas-fhìor
Network animator
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of an SDHC card from the systems card reader. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the SDHC card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a USB storage device STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the USB device. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Default applications for LXSession
Dè tha thu a' dèanamh?
Seall am meud
ARC Job Submission Tool
Attaches the log from the 30 cycle Suspend/Resume test if it exists
Tha cuingeachadh a thaobh meud nam faidhlichean air an diosga far a bheil thu a' feuchainn ris an fhaidhle a shàbhaladh. Feuch an sàbhail thu faidhle nas lugha no an sàbhail thu gu diosga air nach eil an cuingeachadh seo.
Shoirbhich le losgadh na h-ìomhaighe
Run Cachebench Read benchmark
Rach gun duilleag roimhpe
Text Editor
Fosglaidh seo manaidsear nan inneal taobh a-nuigh
Tha cruthan-clò san sgrìobhainn seo nach eil leabaichte 's nach buineas ris na cruthan-clò PDF Standard 14. Mur eil na cruthan-clò a chaidh a chur 'nan àite le fontconfig co-ionnann ris an fheadhainn a chaidh a chleachdadh gus am faidhle PDF a chruthachadh, dh'fhaoidte nach eil an reandaradh mar bu chòir.
Na h-Eileanan Filipineach
Co-dhiù an cuir brasero an cinn-uidhe an àite nan ceanglaichean samhlachail sa phròiseact. Mas e "true" a th' ann, thèid an cur 'nan àite.
Ma tha seo gnìomhach, thèid liosta mionaideach a' mheata-dàta ann an còmhradh nan roghainnean a ghluasad gu duilleag aige fhèin sa chòmhradh. Bidh an còmhradh nas fhasa cleachdadh air sgrìnichean beaga le sin, mar eisimpleir air netbook. Ma tha seo à comas, thèid am widget a leabachadh air an duilleag "Meata-dàta".
Tha cuingeachadh a thaobh meud nam faidhlichean air an diosga far a bheil thu a' feuchainn ris an fhaidhle a shàbhaladh. Feuch an sàbhail thu faidhle nas lugha no an sàbhail thu gu diosga air nach eil an cuingeachadh seo.
Verify that mixer settings after suspend are the same as before suspend.
Loisg mar _fhaidhle
Cha deach loisgeadair a shònrachadh
Cuir a-steachInsertInsert" [Entry] "at the beginning
Co-dhiù an tèid a' bhratach "-use-the-force-luke=dao" a chleachdadh le growisofs. Mas e "false" a th' ann cha chleachd brasero e; dh'fhaoidte gun càraich a' bhratach seo duilgheadasan le cuid a dhraibhean/rèiteachaidhean.
Seall luchd-aithne a tha far loidhne
Sea_nail ùrchannels-action
Cha ghabh an seòrsa tasglainn seo atharrachadh
PURPOSE: This test will ensure that the AC is unplugged for the battery drain tests to run. STEPS: 1. Unplug laptop from AC. VERIFICATION: Was the laptop unplugged from AC?
PURPOSE: Validate that the External Video hot key is working as expected after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Plug in an external monitor 2. Press the display hot key to change the monitors configuration VERIFICATION: Check that the video signal can be mirrored, extended, displayed on external or onboard only, after resuming from suspend.
A' luchdadh a-nuas {0}
Cha deach faidhle a chriathradh
Air adhart
Na dèan cadal trom.
An t-Seàd
Seall colbh na h-ama sa phrìomh uinneag.
Provides information about network devices
A single-player, text-based, roguelike game
’S e Didòmhnaich a bha ann an-dè.
Sends ed2k://, magnet: or *.emulecollection to the engine
Dearbhaic_h an litreachadh...
_Mu dhèidhinn
Chan eil fhios
Test to detect the available network controllers
Ainmich am pong seo!
Sguab às an liosta-chluiche
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a USB 3.0 storage device after suspend STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the USB 3.0 device. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Verify that all memory is available after resuming from suspend.
Diosga dàta (%s)
Test and exercise memory.
Manage and configure JACK and ladish
Stàlaich seo a làimh is feuch ris a-rithist:
Create and tonemap HDR images
Losgaidh, bànaichidh is fòrmataidh seo CDan is DVDan
Tha meud an fhaidhle nas motha na 2 GiB. Cha toir a' chiad no an dàrna tionndadh dhen bhun-tomhas ISO9660 (seo an fheadhainn as cumanta) taic ri faidhlichean nas motha na 2 GiB. Mholamaid gun cleachd thu an treas tionndadh dhen bhun-tomhas ISO9660 on a bheir a' mhòrchuid dhe siostaman-obrachaidh taic ris, a' gabhail a-steach Linux is a h-uile tionndadh de Windows. Co-dhiù, chan urrainn dha Mac OS X ìomhaighean a leughadh a chaidh a chruthachadh leis an treas tionndadh dhen bhun-tomhas ISO9660.
A graphical shutdown utility
Taisbeanair trìd-shoilleireachd
%s / %s
Convert 3D NIfTI images to DICOM 2D series
Sàbhail an dealbh
Mearachd le luchdadh a' phròiseict
Chan e nì a ghabhas tòiseachadh a th' ann
Sequence alignments neobio
PURPOSE: This test will check your wired connection STEPS: 1. Click on the Network icon in the top panel 2. Select a network below the "Wired network" section 3. Click "Test" to verify that it's possible to establish a HTTP connection VERIFICATION: Did a notification show and was the connection correctly established?
Attaches the bootchart log for bootchart test runs.
Chaidh sàbhaladh a chur à comas le rianaire an t-siostaim.
Co-dhiù an cuir brasero an cinn-uidhe an àite nan ceanglaichean samhlachail sa phròiseact. Mas e "true" a th' ann, thèid an cur 'nan àite.
Cuir an taghadh am meudselect-action
Lean air adhart leis a' phròiseact làithreach air atharrachadh
CCMX Loader
PURPOSE: This test will verify your system's ability to play Wave Audio files. STEPS: 1. Select Test to play a Wave Audio format file (.wav) 2. Please close the player to proceed. VERIFICATION: Did the sample play correctly?
Test if the getty daemon is running when the package is installed.
_Fàg an-seo
Roghainnean a' chùlaibh
Chan eil an duine aig a bheil fios a-staigh.
Dùin am faidhle làithreach
Co-mheas _an deilbhcontext-action
Tomh an luchag is briog air a’ bhàla gus astar is comhair a’ bhàla a shuidheachadh. Mar as fhaisge air a’ mheadhan a nì thu am briogadh ’s ann nas slaodaiche a ghluaiseas am bàla.
Dlùthaich teacsa na breath seo a-rèir na slighe làithreachlayers-action
Ath-nuadhaich na caiseadangradients-action
Co-dhiù an dèan brasero criathradh air faidhlichean falaichte. Mas e "true" a th' ann, thèid na faidhlichean falaichte a chriathradh air falbh.
Sàbhail mar…
Tagh a' bhreath aig a' bharrlayers-action
An taghadh 'na shlighevectors-action
Ath-ghoirid: Shift
_Mu dhèidhinn
PURPOSE: This test will send the image 'JPEG_Color_Image_Ubuntu.jpg' to a specified device STEPS: 1. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled by checking the Bluetooth indicator applet 2. Click "Test" and you will be prompted to enter the Bluetooth device name of a device that can accept file transfers (It may take a few moments after entering the name for the file to begin sending) 3. Accept any prompts that appear on both devices VERIFICATION: Was the data correctly transferred?
Cruthaich t_asglann
Bha slat fhada ùr ann anns a’ bhùth.
Cafodd eigodi'r un pryd â fferyllfa’r pentref, gydag arian gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd a’rgwledydd sy’n aelodau ohono.
Mailnag Configuration
Falaich a' phrìomh-uinneag
Gus am pasgan-dachaigh no am pasgan prìobhaideach agad a chrioptachadh, chaidh abairt-fhaire làidir a chruthachadh gu fèin-obrachail. Bheir thu a' ghlas far a' phasgain agad leis an fhacal-fhaire àbhaisteach agad mar is trice ach ma bhios agad idir am pasgan seo aiseag de làimh, bidh feum agad air an abairt-fhaire. Clò-bhuail e no sgrìobh sìos e 's cum e ann an àite sàbhailte. Ma bhriogas tu air "Ruith an gnìomh seo an-dràsta" cuir a-steach am facal-faire leis an clàraich thu a-steach nuair a dh'iarrar an "Abairt-fhaire" ort agus is urrainn dhut an abairt-fhaire agad a chaidh a ghintinn air thuaiream a thaisbeanadh. Air neo, bidh agad ri "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase" a ruith on loidhne-àithne gus an abairt-fhaire a chaidh a chruthachadh fhaighinn 's a chlàradh.
Seall tionndadh a' phrògraim
Chan e URI dligheach th' ann an "%s"
Runs piglit tests for checking support for texture from pixmap
Amazon S3
PURPOSE: This test will test the wireless key after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Press the wireless key on the keyboard 2. Press the same key again VERIFICATION: Did the wireless go off on the first press and on again on the second after resuming from suspend?
Feumaidh sinn a h-uile faidhle a sgrùdadh gus an t-obrachadh seo a choileanadh.
Dh'fhosgail gedit an ionstans seo dhen fhaidhle ann an dòigh nach gabh deasachadh. A bheil thu airson a dheasachadh co-dhiù?
Graphics Test
Ruith gedit sa mhodh fa leth
Wrth i’r menywod baratoi’r pryd o fwyd cerddai Mathias o gwmpas y pentref gyda’rpennaeth.
Roghainn tòiseachaidh neo-aithnichte: %d
Test to check that a Xen domU image can boot and run on Xen on Ubuntu
PASS: {}% packet loss is within {}% threshold
Cuir susbaint an stòr-bhùird a-steach dhan taghadh làithreachedit-action
Sgaoilt an traca na àireamh de phàirtean socraichte
Tha mi an dùil a thighinn.
Sgrìn %s
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/msp-insert test is run. It tests reading and writing to the MSP card.
Validate that the Vector Floating Point Unit is running on ARM device
Please press each key on your keyboard.
Mail Reader
Prògram losgaidh CDan/DVDan airson GNOME a tha furasta cleachadh
Faidhle coirbte
Checks that a specified sources list file contains the requested repositories
Cuimhnich am facal-faire
PURPOSE: Touchpad manual detection of multitouch. STEPS: 1. Look at the specifications for your system. VERIFICATION: Is the touchpad supposed to be multitouch?
Executing %(test_name)s
Roghainnean criathrachaidh
Chan eil am pasgan-uidhe "%s" ann. A bheil thu airson a chruthachadh?
Tha an luathaichear seo ceangailte ri %s mar-thà
Riochdaichidh an luach seo an luaths a chaidh a chleachdadh ann an co-theacs dhen leithid an turas mu dheireadh.
An dath a thèid a chleachdadh gus an raon air cùlaibh an deilbh a lìonadh. Mur deach an iuchair use-background-color a shuidheachadh, bidh an dath a-rèir an ùrlair GTK+ ghnìomhaich.
PURPOSE: This test will verify that the file browser can move a folder. STEPS: 1. Click Test to open the File Browser. 2. Click and drag the folder called Test Data onto the icon called Test Folder. 3. Release the button. 4. Double click the folder called Test Folder to open it up. 5. Close the File Browser. VERIFICATION: Was the folder called Test Data successfully moved into the folder called Test Folder?
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am pasgan "%s" a chruthachadh: dh'fhàillig le g_mkdir_with_parents(): %s
PURPOSE: This test will check that the file browser can copy a folder STEPS: 1. Click Test to open the File Browser. 2. Right click on the folder called Test Folder and click on Copy. 3. Right Click on any white area in the window and click on Paste. 4. Right click on the folder called Test Folder(copy) and click Rename. 5. Enter the name Test Data in the name box and hit Enter. 6. Close the File browser. VERIFICATION: Do you now have a folder called Test Data?
10 tests completed out of 30 (30%)
Test if the init daemon is running when the package is installed.
Run Stream Copy benchmark
PURPOSE: Wake up by USB mouse STEPS: 1. Enable "Wake by USB KB/Mouse" item in BIOS 2. Press "Test" to enter suspend (S3) mode 3. Press any button of USB mouse to wake system up VERIFICATION: Did the system wake up from suspend mode when you pressed the mouse button?
A' losgadh ìomhaigh gu DVD mas-fhìor
A simple file browser/manager
Chan eil fhios agam dè seòrsa duine a th' ann.
Tagh na _h-uile
Cluich an sgàla
A viewer/extractor for TNEF files
MolaidheanCheck Spelling
%.2f × %.2f òirleach
Tha am pròiseact ro mhòr airson an diosga fiù 's le losgadh anabarrach air a chur air.
m a-_mach
Cuir ann faidhlichean
Ma leanas tu air adhart le sàbhaladh an fhaidhle seo, dh'fhaoidte gun coirb sin an sgrìobhainn. A bheil thu airson a shàbhaladh co-dhiù?
Transfer software for Sony HiMD Walkman
Page 36
Test to determine if this system is capable of running hardware accelerated KVM virtual machines
Dath a' _bheulaibhgradient-editor-action
Draw a diagonal line and choose which way each line slants
Test that the X is not running in failsafe mode.
Checks the battery drain while watching a movie. Reports time
Taisbeanair trìd-shoilleireachd
PURPOSE: This test will verify that you can reboot your system from the desktop menu STEPS: 1. Click the Gear icon in the upper right corner of the desktop and click on "Shut Down" 2. Click the "Restart" button on the left side of the Shut Down dialog 3. After logging back in, restart System Testing and it should resume here VERIFICATION: Did your system restart and bring up the GUI login cleanly?
PURPOSE: If Recovery is successful, you will see this test on restarting checkbox, not sniff4. STEPS: 1. Click Yes VERIFICATION: None Necessary, this is a bogus test
_Mu dhèidhinn
Send and receive messages from various websites
Ball-eisimpleir: 123456789
Crioptaich bann-cinn na tasglainn
MIDI monitor and prober.
Roghainnean stiùireadh nan seisean:
Cuir ris
Nithear an ath lethbhreac-glèidhidh an-diugh.
Roghainn tòiseachaidh neo-aithnichte: %d
Sgrìobhadh _anabarrach
This test is automated and executes after the suspend/usb3_insert_after_suspend test is run.
Sàbhail mar…
Parses Xorg.0.Log and discovers the running X driver and version
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of an UNLOCKED Secure Digital (SD) media card STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert an UNLOCKED SD card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Tha mi uabhasach duilich seo a chluinntinn.
Cuir a-steach
Networking tests
Verify that an installation of checkbox-server on the network can be reached over SSH.
g an làn-sgrìn
Cha deach a' chamag a cho-fhreagras a lorg
A' tar-chòdachadh òran
Am bi sibh ag obair aig an taigh-osda a-màireach anns a' mhadainn?
Suspend tests
’S e Dihaoine là an sgudail ann an Sasainn.
Strip Chart tool for plotting Performance Co-Pilot metrics
Bha an t-iasg a' snàmh anns an uisge.
Faodaidh Empathy an lìonra a chleachdadh gus an t-ionad a thomas
Cluich ruitheam
Dèan lethbhreac dhe na thagh thu
Tha roghainn loidhne-àithne cheàrr ann.
Aimeireaga: Rann cloinne
Beurla (Canada)
Tha e a' leughadh leabhraichean a-mhain fad an latha.
Bheir a’ chiad leibheil is a’ chiad leibheil deug cliathan eadar-dhealaichte dhut le mòr-sgàla C. Nì na leibheilean a leanas ceasnachadh air ainmean nam pongan. Gus taic a thoirt dhut le ionnsachadh nan ainmean, thèid gleus nam pongan a chluich nuair a thèid thu air a’ phong leis an luchag. Cuideachd, faodaidh tu dathan a chur air na pongan.
Iteagaich an taghadhundo-type
PURPOSE: Camera LED verification STEPS: 1. Select Test to activate camera 2. Camera LED should light for a few seconds VERIFICATION: Did the camera LED light?
Panel Clock Verification tests
Chì thu liosta dhe na roinnean-seòrsa gu h-ìosal le buill-eisimpleir dhe na cleasan a tha ri làmh san roinn-seòrsa ud.
Ag ullachadh an ro-sheallaidh…
%s (%s)language
Dh'fhàgadh an àithne gu mì-ghnàthach.
Pasgan a' chruthadair CDan/DVDan
An comas
A' dèanamh lethbhreac dhen fhaidhle
Install More...
%s mion
Run Stream Triad benchmark
Retro game goes multitouch: use two knobs to paint a picture
Mearachd le leughadh an DVD video (%s)
Record mixer settings before suspending.
Cruthaich lethbhreac 1:1 de CD fuaime no CD/DVD dàta air an diosga-cruaidh agad no air CD/DVD eile
Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth
eile: innis dè an uair a tha e, tòimhseachan le dealbhan cliùiteach, tarraing vector, dèan cartùn, ...
Leigidh seo uisge a-steach dhan tanca.
Innealan _peantaidhtools-action
Thoir na videothan a thagh thu air falbh on phròiseact
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am plugan queue a chruthachadh
An a_th sgrìobhainn
Deasaiche nam bàr-inneal
Am faca tu cangarù riamh?
Network animator based on Qt4 working with ns-3
Chan eil airgead sam bith agad.
Ai_r adhart
Mearachd a' fosgail an fhaidhle %s
Dè an ID cleachdaiche GroupWise a tha agad?
Tha mi toilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil fìos agaibh, dè an t-ainm a th' oirre.
Seall na roghainnean airson stiùireadh na cluiche
%d %B %Y, %H:%M
Rach gu duillea_g
Thachair mearachd neo-aithnichte
PURPOSE: This test will check that Firefox can play a Quicktime (.mov) video file. Note: this may require installing additional software to successfully complete. STEPS: 1. Select Test to launch Firefox with a sample video. VERIFICATION: Did the video play using a plugin?
Faidhle desktop tionndadh "%s" neo-aithnichte
Runs piglit tests for checking support for framebuffer object operations, depth buffer and stencil buffer
Change the default applications on LXDE
An t-àm. Ag innse na h-uarach.
Attaches the bootchart png file for bootchart runs
Lùghdaich ìre an uisge gus dol air an uachdar.
Am pròiseact g_un sàbhaladh mu deireadh
Deasaiche nam bàr-inneal
Sealladh na sgrìobhainn
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/ms-insert test is run. It tests reading and writing to the MS card.
Cairteal no dubh
Taing do Bruno Coudoin airson oideachadh. Taing do Olivier Samyn a chuidich gus piseach a thoirt air dealbhachadh is dathan nam puingean. Taing do Federico Mena a thog m’ inntinn leis an ùidh mhìorbhaileach aige sna pròiseactan ciùil agam aig GUADEC. Taing dha na h-uile duine a chuir òrain cloinne o fheadh an t-saoghail dhuinn, gu h-àraidh sa choimhearsnachd GNOME. Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh air na fuinn seo is cò thug seachad iad an-seo:
Main Menu
Attaches very verbose lspci output.
Shorthand for --config=.*/jobs_info/whitelist_file.
Bidh feum air diosga a ghabhas losgadh nuair a chaidh lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhen fhear a tha ann an-dràsta.
Configuration frontend for the Unity desktop environment
Brabhsair nam faidhle
faigh a-mach mun choimpiutair: meur-chlàr, luchag, gluasadan luchaige, ...
Rugadh e an 4mh dhen Fhaoilleach ann an Coupvary faisg air Paras san Fhraing.
Dè an t-ainm a th' ort?
Cuir fo dheuchainn a h-uile dà _mhìos
Automated test case to verify availability of some system on the network using ICMP ECHO packets.
Feadhainn eile
Fosgail pasgan
Fosgail deasaiche dinimigeachd a' pheantaidhdialogs-action
Launchpad Contributions: Akerbeltz GunChleoc alasdair caimbeul
Cluich an t-albam
Dèan briogadh gus a dhèanamh nas motha
Sgoilt an traca
Mearachd a' fosgail an fhaidhle %s
Deasaiche teacsa
Tha mi duilich, ach feumaidh mi dol dhachaigh an-dràsta.
Sabhail an dealbh
Memory tests
PURPOSE: This test will check that the file browser can create a new file. STEPS: 1. Click Select Test to open the File Browser. 2. Right click in the white space and click Create Document -> Empty Document. 3. Enter the name Test File 1 in the name box and hit Enter. 4. Close the File browser. VERIFICATION: Do you now have a file called Test File 1?
Checks the battery drain during suspend. Reports time until
HSV (tuar _tuathail)gradient-editor-coloring
Tha am pròiseact ro mhòr airson an diosga fiù 's le losgadh anabarrach air a chur air.
XSLT based filters
Seall oir-loidhne an taghaidhview-action
Razor Freedesktop Notifications Configuration
Mur sàbhail thu, thèid a h-uile atharrachadh chaidh a dhèanamh o chionn uair air chall gu buan.
Sgoilt an traca a làimh
This test checks that the wireless interface is working after suspending the system. It disconnects all interfaces and then connects to the wireless interface and checks that the connection is working as expected.
Cui_r ainm ùr air a' chomharra-leabhair
Na cluich air thuaiream
An e Disathairne a bhios ann a-màireach?
Seo na h-ochd pongan san iuchair bheus. Nì iad am mòr-sgàla C cuideachd. Thoir an aire gu bheil àite eile aca na tha san iuchair thrìobailte.
Ìre an dùmhlachaidh a thèid a chleachdadh nuair a chuirear faidhle ri tasglann. Seo na luachan a dh'fhaodadh a bhith ann: very-fast, fast, normal, maximum.
PURPOSE: Block cap keys LED verification STEPS: 1. Press "Block Cap Keys" to activate/deactivate cap keys blocking 2. Cap Keys LED should be switched on/off every time the key is pressed VERIFICATION: Did the Cap Keys LED light as expected?
Attaches information about disk partitions
Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil an teaghlach agad gu dòigheal, a charaid.
Clàr-taice nan innealan ro-shocraichtetool-presets-action
Stress tests
Mobile Atlas Creator
Mur sàbhail thu, thèid a h-uile atharrachadh chaidh a dhèanamh o chionn uair air chall gu buan.
Dh'aithris libisofs mearachd a' cur susbaint ris a' phasgan "%s" (%x)
PURPOSE: This test will check that recording sound using the onboard microphone works correctly STEPS: 1. Disconnect any external microphones that you have plugged in 2. Click "Test", then speak into your internal microphone 3. After a few seconds, your speech will be played back to you. VERIFICATION: Did you hear your speech played back?
Roghainnean criathrachaidh
Feadhainn eile
Gluais an luchag gus an raon a shuathadh is an cùlaibh a nochdadh
Stàlaich seo a làimh is feuch ris a-rithist:
Cuir faidhle falamh ùr ris
Faidhlichean deilbh ris an cuirear taic
Cruthaich t_asglann
Ro-shealladh an ainm fhaidhle
Run Qgears2 XRender Extension image scaling benchmark
Cruthaich VCD
A' sgrìobhadh an leadout
Chan e URI dligheach th' ann an "%s"
Exchanging information with the server...
Determine whether the touchpad is detected as a singletouch device automatically.
Full and incremental backup with media verification
Tha an saideal a’ tuiteam
Èist ri stèiseanan rèidio-lìn is cuir an òrdugh iad.
Faidhle desktop tionndadh "%s" neo-aithnichte
Chan eil fhios
Thoir ainm ùr air an fhaidhle a thagh thu
Bànachadh _luath
Dh'fhàillig le luchdadh an deilbh.
Check job result is set to "not required on this system" when requirements are not met
Control Marks and Spencer USB Missile Launcher
Tha an litir seo dhan chaillich.
Seall air an taigh sin.
Stadastaireachd na sgrìobhainn
Seo fòrmat a thèid a chleachdadh ann an Aimeireaga a Tuath
Roghainn tòiseachaidh neo-aithnichte: %d
ExpressCard Test
Manage music, video and photos on an Apple iPod
Software Installation tests
Run Qgears2 OpenGL image scaling benchmark
Iomadan de %d
Bànachadh _luath
Test to check that virtualization is supported and the test system has at least a minimal amount of RAM to function as an OpenStack Compute Node
Cuairtich air ceàrn gnàthaichtevectors-action
Sysfs tree browsing tool focused on helping udev users and developers
Dh'fhàillig e
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn libisofs a thòiseachadh.
Mearachd le luchdadh a' phròiseict
Briog an seo gus ìomha_igh diosga a thaghadh
Luach a' phrìomhachais airson a' phlugain
PURPOSE: To make sure that stressing the wifi hotkey does not cause applets to disappear from the panel or the system to lock up STEPS: 1. Log in to desktop 2. Press wifi hotkey at a rate of 1 press per second and slowly increase the speed of the tap, until you are tapping as fast as possible VERIFICATION: Verify the system is not frozen and the wifi and bluetooth applets are still visible and functional
create offline-atlases for GPS/cell phone applications
_Bànaich an diosga...
Space when finished
PURPOSE: This test will check your S-VIDEO port. STEPS: Skip this test if your system does not have a S-VIDEO port. 1. Connect a display (if not already connected) to the S-VIDEO port on your system VERIFICATION: Was the desktop displayed correctly on both screens?
Na cuir ris ach faidhlichean le susbaint video
Lorg an duiseal
g an teachdaireachd
Bha mearachd ann a' tòiseachadh air a' ghlaodh
'S urrainn dhut an lethbhreac-glèidhidh aiseag gu slàn leis a' phutan %s no Faidhlichean a chleachdadh gus faidhlichean fa leth no feadhainn a tha a dhìth aiseag.
Briog air uinneag mar thargaid gus aithris a dhèanamh air duilgheadas.
PURPOSE: This test cycles through the detected video modes STEPS: 1. Click "Test" to start cycling through the video modes VERIFICATION: Did the screen appear to be working for each mode?
Cuir 'na àite
Ìomhaigh VCD
Loisg _iomadh lethbhreac
An comas
Saoil an clàraich thu seata ghuthan dhuinn?
attaches the contents of various sysctl config files.
Ball-eisimpleir: ainmcleachdaiche
A' sàbhaladh a' cheanglachain gu %s
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a xD card from the systems card reader after the system has been suspended. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the xD card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
PURPOSE: Simulates a failure by rebooting the machine STEPS: 1. Click test to trigger a reboot 2. Select "Continue" once logged back in and checkbox is restarted VERIFICATION: You won't see the user-verify
Create your own SweetHome3D furniture libraries
Co-aonaich an t-slis a thagh thu leis an ath tè a thaghas tu
Test that the system's wireless hardware can connect to a router using the 802.11b protocol. This requires that you have a router pre-configured to only respond to requests on the 802.11b protocol.
Atharraich seòrsa a’ phuing:
Na sgrìobh thairis air faidhlichean nas ùire
Seall tionndadh a' phrògraim
PURPOSE: This test will verify that a USB DSL or Mobile Broadband modem works STEPS: 1. Connect the USB cable to the computer 2. Right click on the Network icon in the panel 3. Select 'Edit Connections' 4. Select the 'DSL' (for ADSL modem) or 'Mobile Broadband' (for 3G modem) tab 5. Click on 'Add' button 6. Configure the connection parameters properly 7. Notify OSD should confirm that the connection has been established 8. Select Test to verify that it's possible to establish an HTTP connection VERIFICATION: Was the connection correctly established?
Converts audio files into other formats
Ball-eisimpleir: AinmSgrìn
Losgaidh, bànaichidh is fòrmataidh seo CDan, DVDan is BDan
An t-inneal losgaidh as annsa leat
Tha an siostam ro shlaodach gus a bhith a' sgrìobhadh gun diosg aig an luaths seo. Feuch ri luaths nas maille
Falling blocks puzzle game
PURPOSE: This test will verify that your system can successfully reboot. STEPS: 1. Select 'Test' to initiate a system reboot. 2. When the grub boot menu is displayed, boot into Ubuntu (Or allow the system to automatically boot on its own). 3. Once the system has restarted, log in and restart checkbox-certification-server. 4. Select 'Re-Run' to return to this test. 5. Select 'Yes' to indicate the test has passed if the system rebooted successfully, otherwise, select 'No' to indicate there was a problem. VERIFICATION: Did the system reboot correctly?
PURPOSE: This test will check that Evolution works. STEPS: 1. Click the "Test" button to launch Evolution. 2. Configure it to connect to a POP3 account. VERIFICATION: Were you able to receive and read e-mail correctly?
m ach am freagair an duilleag shlàn
Bàr clàir-taice na h-uinneigeComment
Attaches a report of installed codecs for Intel HDA
Chan eil iasg anns an allt ann.
Seall brath ann am priob-uinneag nuair nach eil fòcas air a' chabadaich
Cha mholamaid gun cuir thu tracaichean fuaime ri CD.
Ubuntu Tour
Required to have EDS appear in UOA
My project description
Na cuir ris ach faidhlichean le susbaint video
Check failed result from shell test case
Tha an draibh trang
Na h-uile tasglann
Creates a mobile broadband connection for a CDMA based modem and checks the connection to ensure it's working.
Gun tiotalwindows-action
Fosgail pasgan
Cunntas %s
Bidh feum air diosga a ghabhas losgadh nuair a chaidh lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhen fhear a tha ann an-dràsta.
Runs the piglit results summarizing tool
Cuir a-steachInsertInsert" [Entry] "at the beginning
Chan eil am faidhle seo na fhaidhle .desktop dligheach
Dàil ann an diogan gus an tèid an ath dhealbh a shealltainn
Speech Recognition and Model Management
Bànachadh _luath
Schematic, capture and simulation of electronic circuits
Mearachd le padadh an fhaidhle (%s)
Attaches the installer debug log if it exists.
Chan urrainn dhuinn a' ghlais a thoirt far "%s"
Access iTunesU media and podcasts.
Diosga dàta (%s)
Tha am faidhle "%s" air atharrachadh air an diosga.
Crystalline and Molecular Structure Visualisation Program
Archive Manager
Sweet Home 3D Furniture Library Editor
Thoir sùil airson ùrachadh
Cha mholamaid gun clàraich thu tracaichean fuaime air diosga a ghabhas ath-sgrìobhadh.
Fiosrachadh mun tomhaire
LibreOffice Math
Suidhich roghainnean a' _chùlaibh
A minimal program to work with scanner.
Ga chleachdadh còmhla ris a' bhratach "-immed" le cdrecord
An Eilbheis
m na h-uile
Start testing
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn cuimhne a shònrachadh gus am faidhle JPEG a luchdadh
Leth-làn no geal
Am pasgan mu dheireadh a bhrabhsaich thu fhad 's a bha thu a' lorg airson ìomhaighean ri an losgadh
Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an codec freagarrach stàlaichte
Diosga Blu-ray
Vodovod is a puzzle game in which you must lead the water to the storage tank.
Tachair mearachd le dì-dhùmhlachadh nam faidhlichean.
_Dùin na h-uile
Roghainnean a' chùlaibh
PURPOSE: This test will test the media keys of your keyboard after resuming from suspend STEPS: Skip this test if your computer has no media keys. 1. Click test to open a window on which to test the media keys. 2. If all the keys work, the test will be marked as passed. VERIFICATION: Do the keys work as expected after resuming from suspend?
MolaidheanCheck Spelling
Power Management Test
Meud na susbainte:
Bidh 7 pasganan pàraint aig clann a' phasgain seo. 'S urrainn do Brasero ìomhaigh de rangachd fhaidhlichean mar sin a chruthachadh is a losgadh ach dh'fhaoidte nach gabh an diosga a leughadh leis a h-uile siostam-obrachaidh. An aire: Obraichidh rangachd dhen leithid air Linux.
Ionnsaich èisteachd, leughadh is cluich nan ruitheaman ciùil.
An t-seanail an ài_te an taghaidhchannels-action
Create your own SweetHome3D textures libraries
Co-dhiù an dèid criathrag Pulseaudi airson dubhadh às mac-talla a chleachdadh.
Ceadachas na sgrìobhainn
Briog air a' phutan sa phrògram seo nuair a' ruitheas a' chlò-bhualadair agad a-mach à pàipear agus tha thu air an lìonadh a-rithist le pàipear
Cuir an comas cluich _gun bheàrnan
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a USB 3.0 storage device STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the USB 3.0 device. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the display is correct after suspend and resume STEPS: 1. Check that your display does not show up visual artifacts after resuming. VERIFICATION: Does the display work normally after resuming from suspend?
Mearachd le luchdadh a' phròiseict
Test that the system's wireless hardware can connect to a router using the 802.11g protocol. This requires that you have a router pre-configured to only respond to requests on the 802.11g protocol.
Deasaich an dealbh
Faidhle falaichte
Attaches the log generated by cpu/scaling_test to the results
Cowbell Music Organizer
Is an t-amas gun toir thu gluasad air an t-soitheach-fhànais aig Tux le atharrachadh air tomad nam planaidean timcheall air. Na teann ro fhaisg air na planaidean no buailidh tu riutha. Seallaidh an t-saighead dhut comhair na cumhachd air an t-soitheach agad.
ExpressCard tests
Dèan _lethbhreac de dh'ionad na dinimigeachddynamics-action
PURPOSE: Verify touchpad hotkey toggles touchpad functionality on and off after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Verify the touchpad is functional 2. Tap the touchpad toggle hotkey 3. Tap the touchpad toggle hotkey again VERIFICATION: Verify the touchpad has been disabled and re-enabled.
%n: cunntair
Tha am pròiseact ro mhòr airson an diosga fiù 's le losgadh anabarrach air a chur air.
Kobo Deluxe
Chan eil gin
PURPOSE: This test will test the brightness key after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Press the brightness buttons on the keyboard VERIFICATION: Did the brightness change following to your key presses after resuming from suspend?
Dh'fhàillig le luchdadh an deilbh.
Application for learning musical score notation
A bheil thu cinnteach bu bheil thu airson an diosga seo a bhànachadh?
Control LADI system
Greimichidh gnìomhan an inneil ris a' ghriodview-action
MPEG-4 QuickTime
PURPOSE: This test will test the super key of your keyboard after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Click test to open a window on which to test the super key. 2. If the key works, the test will pass and the window will close. VERIFICATION: Does the super key work as expected after resuming from suspend?
Sgoilt an traca le gach sàmhchair
Plugain ghnìomhach
Nach robh iad aig a’ mhuir tron oidhche?
PURPOSE: Take a screengrab of the current screen during fullscreen video playback STEPS: 1. Start a fullscreen video playback 2. Take picture using USB webcam after a few seconds VERIFICATION: Review attachment manually later
A' sgrìobhadh an leadin
Stress poweroff system (100 cycles)
Chaidh e thall thairis an-uiridh.
Plasma Addon Creator
Mur tèid seo a dhèanamh, bidh cus dàta ann airson an diosga is feumaidh tu faidhlichean a thoirt far na thagh thu. Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil thu airson an roghainne seo a chleachdadh ma tha thu a' cleachdadh CD-R(W) le 90 no 100 mionaid nach urrainn dhuinn aithneachadh mar bu chòir 's tu feumach air an roghainn losgaidh anabarraich air an adhbhar seo. AN AIRE: Dh'fhaoidte gun adhbharaich an roghainn seo fàilligeadh.
View, search and route with OpenStreetMap
Run Network Loopback benchmark
Tha teine math teth ann bhon ghual seo.
Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth
Cha robh an giùlan aig "%s" mar bu chòir
Cha chuirear taic ris an tionndadh seo de mkisofs
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of a MSP card after the system has been suspended STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert a MSP card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Backup eCryptfs configuration and mount passphrases
Thoir sùi air an sgrìobhainn làithreach a bheil mearachdan litreachaidh ann gus nach eil
Gun ro-shealladh
Roghainnean eadar-aghaidh a' chleachdaiche
Dearbhaic_h an litreachadh...
PURPOSE: This test will check your CD audio playback capabilities STEPS: 1. Insert an audio CD in your optical drive 2. When prompted, launch the Music Player 3. Locate the CD in the display of the Music Player 4. Select the CD in the Music Player 5. Click the Play button to listen to the music on the CD 6. Stop playing after some time 7. Right click on the CD icon and select "Eject Disc" 8. The CD should be ejected 9. Close the Music Player VERIFICATION: Did all the steps work?
Soillsich an _loidhne làithreach
Seall bàraichean-sgrolaidh na h-uinneige seoview-action
PURPOSE: This test will check that Evolution works. STEPS: 1. Click the "Test" button to launch Evolution. 2. Configure it to connect to a SMTP account. VERIFICATION: Were you able to send e-mail without errors?
Ìomhaigh VCD
An Ungair: Òran cloinne
Ceadachas na sgrìobhainn
Cuir a-steach facal-faire agad airson "%s"
g am modh làn-sgrìn
Seo ainm a' phrògraim losgaidh as annsa leat a chaidh a stàladh. Thèid a chleachdadh ma ghabhas seo dèanamh.
Cha deach an dì-dhùmhlachadh a dhèanamh
Rach gun ionad dachaigh
OpenClonk is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees.
Suidhichidh seo ìrean fuaime co-chòrdail eadar nan tracaichean
A' dèanamh lethbhreac dhen traca fuaime
Dè bha iad a' deànamh an-dè?
Am fòrmat air a thaghadh
An dealbh _roimhe
Sgaoilt an traca na àireamh de phàirtean socraichte
Archives the piglit-summary directory into the piglit-results.tar.gz.
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn libisofs a thòiseachadh.
Cuir an gnìomh bànachadh luath seach mion-bhànachadh a bheir barrachd ùine
Cuir ann an stòr-bhòrd
Mearachd le leughadh an DVD video (%s)
Caractaran (le spàsan)
PURPOSE: This test will verify that the GUI is usable after manually changing resolution STEPS: 1. Open the Displays application 2. Select a new resolution from the dropdown list 3. Click on Apply 4. Select the original resolution from the dropdown list 5. Click on Apply VERIFICATION: Did the resolution change as expected?
Prògram taobh a-muigh gus dealbhan a dheasachadh
Seall "_%s"
A' losgadh (S)VCD mas-fhìor
Chan e nì a ghabhas tòiseachadh a th' ann
Runs piglit tests for checking support for vertex buffer object operations
Facal-faire a' chunntais IM airson %s (%s)
_Dùin na h-uile
Dath na trìd-shoilleireachd
'S e Là na Sàbaid a bha ann an-dè.
Diosga Blu-ray
PURPOSE: Validate that the battery LED indicated low power STEPS: 1. Let system run on battery for several hours 2. Monitor battery LED carefully VERIFICATION: Does the LED light orange when battery is low?
Run Cachebench Read / Modify / Write benchmark
Tray Audio Volume Control
Attaches the graphics stress results to the submission.
Feumaidh sinn a h-uile faidhle a sgrùdadh gus an t-obrachadh seo a choileanadh.
_Tagh na dealbhan a tha thu airson sàbhaladh:
'S e an sealladair-dhealbhan oifigeil aig an deasg GNOME a th' annn an Eye of GNOME. Amalaichidh e le gnàth GTK+ aig GNOME agus cuiridh e taic ri iomadh fòrmat deilbh gus dealbhan fa leth no cruinneachaidhean dhiubh a shealltainn.
Tha fios agam nach eil fhios agam.
PURPOSE: This test will test the volume keys of your keyboard STEPS: Skip this test if your computer has no volume keys. 1. Click test to open a window on which to test the volume keys. 2. If all the keys work, the test will be marked as passed. VERIFICATION: Do the keys work as expected?
Cuir gu fpaste
Rinn e an obair gun dragh sam bith.
A board game involving count and capture
PURPOSE: Validate that WLAN LED shuts off when disabled after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Connect to AP 2. Use Physical switch to disable WLAN 3. Re-enable 4. Use Network-Manager to disable WLAN VERIFICATION: Did the LED turn off then WLAN is disabled after resuming from suspend?
PURPOSE: This test will check that you can use a USB HID device STEPS: 1. Enable either a USB mouse or keyboard 2. For mice, perform actions such as moving the pointer, right and left button clicks and double clicks 3. For keyboards, click the Test button to lauch a small tool. Type some text and close the tool. VERIFICATION: Did the device work as expected?
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a MSP card from the systems card reader. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the MSP card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Co-dhiù an dèan an leudachan Nautilus aithris dì-bhugachaidh
QTScrobbler is tool for submitting .scrobbler.log from portable players to
A 2D real time strategy simulation with an emphasis on economy and city building
Cha mholamaid gun clàraich thu tracaichean fuaime air diosga a ghabhas ath-sgrìobhadh.
Automated check of the suspend log to look for errors reported by fwts
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of an UNLOCKED SDHC media card after the system has been suspended STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert an UNLOCKED SDHC card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Audio file converter, CD ripper and Replay Gain tool
Page 31
Cuir ann an stòr-bhòrd
Sgoilt an traca le gach sàmhchair
Chan eil codec airson cluich a leithid seo de mheadhan ri làimh
Run a stress test based on FurMark (OpenGL 2.1 or 3.2) Fullscreen 1920x1080 no antialiasing
Sgaoilt an traca na àireamh de phàirtean socraichte
Thoir seanail alpha na breatha air falbh on taghadh làithreachlayers-action
Suidhichidh seo ìrean fuaime co-chòrdail eadar nan tracaichean
An luaths losgaidh
Seall "_%s"
Cha b' urrainn duinn an tasglann "%s" às-tharraing
_Cuir an comas
Attach log from fwts wakealarm test
Thachair mearachd neo-aithnichte
A jigsaw puzzle
Tagh a' bhreath roi_mhelayers-action
URI a' phasgain mu dheireadh a chaidh a chleachdadh gus dealbh a shàbhaladh
Roghainnean stiùireadh nan seisean:
_Mu dhèidhinn
Cuiridh seo taic gus sgrìobhainnean PDF a leughadh ris
Luchdaichear a-nuas nam faidhle
Info Center
Briog air samhlaidhean puing gus pongan le faide eadar-dhealaichte a sgrìobhadh
Cha b' urrainn draibhear airson reubadh CD a chruthachadh.
Liosta nam faclan san roinn-seòrsa “nàdar”.
Seall na duilleagan corra air an taobh chlì sa mhodh dhùbailte
Unity Mail
A' dèanamh lethbhreac de DVD
%(key_name)s key has been pressed
Loisg am pròiseact sònraichte is thoir air falbh e. Tha an roghainn seo feumail gu h-àraidh airson a chur am broinn aplacaid eile.
Liosta nam faclan san roinn-seòrsa “daoine”.
Loose Routing
A' sàbhaladh a' cheanglachain gu %s
Losgaidh, bànaichidh is fòrmataidh seo CDan, DVDan is BDan
Tagh _cànan na sgrìobhainn làithrich.
Co-dhiù an tèid a' bhratach "-use-the-force-luke=dao" a chleachdadh le growisofs.
Cuir ris
An dath a thèid a chleachdadh gus an raon air cùlaibh an deilbh a lìonadh. Mur deach an iuchair use-background-color a shuidheachadh, bidh an dath a-rèir an ùrlair GTK+ ghnìomhaich.
Aimeireaga: Fonn nan Shakers
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of a Memory Stick (MS) media card STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert a MS card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
PURPOSE: Take a screengrab of the current screen (logged on Unity desktop) STEPS: 1. Take picture using USB webcam VERIFICATION: Review attachment manually later
Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an codec freagarrach stàlaichte
Tests that the systems wireless hardware can connect to a router using WPA security and the 802.11b/g protocols.
Thuirt Juliana dhomh gur ann à São Paulo a tha thu.
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am faidhle "%s" fhosgladh (%s)
Atharraich an tacsa a thagh thu gu litrichean mòra/beaga.
Chan eil am faidhle seo 'na fhaidhle .desktop dligheach
Weak Signal Ham Radio
Deasaiche nam bàr-inneal
Tha losgadh a' dol
Chan e nì a ghabhas tòiseachadh a th' ann
An cuir thu òran no dhà ris a' phròiseact?
PURPOSE: This test will send the image 'JPEG_Color_Image_Ubuntu.jpg' to a specified device STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and you will be prompted to enter the Bluetooth device name of a device that can accept file transfers (It may take a few moments after entering the name for the file to begin sending) 2. Accept any prompts that appear on both devices VERIFICATION: Was the data correctly transferred?
_Mu dhèidhinn
ch=C dh=D fh=F gh=G mh=M sh=S th=T à=A è=E ì=I ò=O ù=Ue=éè a=àâ
System Daemon tests
Fuirich ort fhad 's a tha sinn ag imrich an t-seann stòir-dhàta Banshee agad gun fhòrmat ùr.
Falamhaich an dàta cleachdaidh...
Tha a h-uile cruth-clò stannardach no leabaichte.
Meudaich ìre an uisge gus dol fodha.
MySQL Workbench
Am pasgan bunaiteach a thèid dealbh avatar a thogail uaithe
Landscape Management Service Preferences
Ainm a' chleachdaiche
Rach dhan ath dhealbh sa ghailearaidh
PURPOSE: Keep tester related information in the report STEPS: 1. Tester Information 2. Please enter the following information in the comments field: a. Name b. Email Address c. Reason for this test run VERIFICATION: Nothing to verify for this test
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/sdhc-insert-after-suspend test is run. It tests reading and writing to the SDHC card after the system has been suspended.
Loisg _iomadh lethbhreac
Thèid mi dhan taigh-bìdh aig leth-uair an dèidh seachd anns an fheasgar.
Chan eil creideas gu leòr agad gus a' ghairm seo a dhèanamh
File Roller
Geama cuimhne iomadachaidh an aghaidh Tux
PURPOSE: This test will check that Firefox can render a basic web page. STEPS: 1. Select Test to launch Firefox and view the test web page. VERIFICATION: Did the Ubuntu Test page load correctly?
PURPOSE: This test will check that the file browser can create a new folder. STEPS: 1. Click Test to open the File Browser. 2. On the menu bar, click File -> Create Folder. 3. In the name box for the new folder, enter the name Test Folder and hit Enter. 4. Close the File browser. VERIFICATION: Do you now have a new folder called Test Folder?
A networked, fast-paced 3D first-person shooter
Chaidh "%s" a chruthachadh
Chan eil fhios
_Soillsich faclan le litreachadh cearr
%.1f× (BD)
Cluich na sgrìobh thu
A bheil thu airson an taghadh de dh'fhaidhlichean a losgadh thar iomadh meadhain?
Taing dhan sgioba Tux Paint gus na fuaimean seo a sholar fon GPL: – realrainbow.ogg – cleachdar seo nuair a nochdas cnap òir ùr – metalpaint.wav – air ath-mheasgachadh is ga cleachdadh nuair a thogas cnap òir
Information about Plasma Active
Tests that the systems wireless hardware can connect to a router using no security and the 802.11b/g protocols.
Chaidh cron mòr a dhèanamh air a' chàr agam san tubaist.
Roghainn tòiseachaidh neo-aithnichte: %d
Sònraich am faidhle sa deach an rèiteachadh a shàbhaladh
Tha an àireamh de cheanglaichean a thèid a leantainn cuingichte is cha deach leinn am faidhle a lorg taobh a-staigh a' chuingeachaidh seo.
Dh'fhàillig le cruthachadh an fhaidhle shealaich.
File Roller
An Roinn-Eòrpa
cruinn-eòlas: cuir an dùthaich air a’ mhapa
Bha ròn ann anns an uisge, agus air a’ chladach.
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am faidhle "%s" fhosgladh (%s)
Dè an latha a tha ann a-rithist?
Dath a' chùlaibhfill-type
xdesktopwaves: start
Am fòrmat air a thaghadh
Seall ro-shealladh air video, fuaim is dealbh
Simple text editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
_Fàg an-seo
Configure GNUnet
Co-mheas deilbh:
Slàn no cruinn
Roedd y ffrwyth yn flasus ac yn felys.Gwenodd Mathias:“Mae’r un ffrwythau gennym ni gartref, yn siop fy nhad.”“Mae’n braf gwybod bod pobl lle rwyt ti’n byw yn hoffi cynhyrchion fy mhentref i.”
Liosta nam faclan san roinn-seòrsa “eile”.
Bàr na staide
PURPOSE: This test will cycle through the detected display modes STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and the display will cycle trough the display modes VERIFICATION: Did your display look fine in the detected mode?
Shorthand for --config=.*/jobs_info/blacklist_file.
A' cruthachadh co-dhealbhachd nam faidhlichean
Run a tessellation test based on TessMark (OpenGL 4.0) Windowed 1024x640 no antialiasing
Meud na susbainte:
A' dèanamh lethbhreac dhen traca fuaime
Gairm co-labhairt
Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an codec freagarrach stàlaichte
Test to verify that the Xen Hypervisor is running.
Thoir air falbh an t-innt_eartdocuments-action
Seòrsa an t-seòrsachaidh
Prògramair Python adhartach :)
Manaidsear tasglannan
PURPOSE: This test will check your system shutdown/booting cycle STEPS: 1. Select 'Test' to initiate a system shutdown. 2. Power the system back on. 3. From the grub menu, boot into the Xen Hypervisor. 4. When the system has restarted, log in and restart checkbox-certification-server. 5. Select 'Re-Run' to return to this test. 6. Select 'Yes' to indicate the test has passed if the machine shut down successfully otherwise, Select 'No' to indicate there was a problem. VERIFICATION: Did the system shutdown and boot correctly?
An Automated, Open-Source Testing Framework
Chan eil am faidhle seo na fhaidhle .desktop dligheach
Co-dhiù an dèid faclan a cheartachadh a-rèir nan cànan a shuidhich thu dearbhadh-litreachaidh air an son.
Create and edit drawings, flow charts and logos by using Draw.
Cui_r ainm ùr air a' chomharra-leabhair
Stràcaich an taghadhundo-type
Cuidich leinn a' leasachadh Banshee 's tu a' cur thugainn dàta cleachdaidh gun urra
PURPOSE: This test will check that the update manager can find updates. STEPS: 1. Click Test to launch update-manager. 2. Follow the prompts and if updates are found, install them. 3. When Update Manager has finished, please close the app by clicking the Close button in the lower right corner. VERIFICATION: Did Update manager find and install updates (Pass if no updates are found, but Fail if updates are found but not installed)
Algorithmics introduction software
Search for movies, persons, torrents and subtitles on many websites, and get info about them
Collect info on graphic memory.
Character map for GNUstep
Automated check of the hibernate log for errors discovered by fwts
Disk utilization on an idle system.
Seall tionndadh a' phrògraim
Test that the system's wireless hardware can connect to a router using the 802.11a protocol. This requires that you have a router pre-configured to only respond to requests on the 802.11a protocol.
Roghainnean stiùireadh na cluiche
_Mu dhèidhinn
Air adhart
Yahoo! I_D:
Tachair mearachd le dì-dhùmhlachadh nam faidhlichean.
Checks the battery drain during idle. Reports time until empty
Seo cliath na h-iuchrach trìobailte airson phongan le gleus àrd
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of an SD card from the systems card reader after the system has been suspended. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the SD card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Tagh a' bhreath os cionn na breath làithreachlayers-action
Sàbhail am faidhle làithreach
Record the current network before suspending.
'Ga luchdadh…
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Please enter the e-mail address associated with your Launchpad account (if applicable) and click the Submit Results button to submit these test results to Launchpad.
Atharraich stoidhle nam pongan seachranach:
Faidhlichean deilbh ris an cuirear taic
Tha a’ Ghàidhlig glè inntinneach, nach eil?
Cha b' urrainn duinn an tasglann "%s" às-tharraing
Cleachdaidh tu tanca an adhair dhùmhlaichte gus uisge a shruthlachadh a-mach às na balaistean.
Chan eil am faidhle seo 'na fhaidhle .desktop dligheach
Verifies that Print/CUPs server is running.
Sgrìobh ath-ghoirid ùr
New Data CD Project
Roghainnean stiùireadh nan seisean:
Na sgrìobh thairis air faidhlichean nas ùire
PURPOSE: This test will check your lid sensors. STEPS: 1. Click "Test". 2. Close the lid. 3. Wait 5 seconds with the lid closed. 4. Open the lid. VERIFICATION: Did the system resume when the lid was opened?
Ariane Le Fort – Valérie Michaux
PURPOSE: This test will check that the file browser can copy a file. STEPS: 1. Click Test to open the File Browser. 2. Right click on the file called Test File 1 and click Copy. 3. Right click in the white space and click Paste. 4. Right click on the file called Test File 1(copy) and click Rename. 5. Enter the name Test File 2 in the name box and hit Enter. 6. Close the File Browser. VERIFICATION: Do you now have a file called Test File 2?
Simulation of Urban MObility
A mediacenter user interface written with the Plasma framework
Tha cruthan-clò san sgrìobhainn seo nach eil leabaichte 's nach buineas ris na cruthan-clò PDF Standard 14. Mur eil na cruthan-clò a chaidh a chur 'nan àite le fontconfig co-ionnann ris an fheadhainn a chaidh a chleachdadh gus am faidhle PDF a chruthachadh, dh'fhaoidte nach eil an reandaradh mar bu chòir.
A' dèanamh lethbhreac dhen fhaidhle
Sguab às
PURPOSE: Create jobs that use the CPU as much as possible for two hours. The test is considered passed if the system does not freeze.
Sguab às an oidhirp
Slighe an ùrlair Adium a thèid a chleachdadh
Na h-uile sgrìobhainn
PURPOSE: This test will check your lid sensors. STEPS: 1. Close your laptop lid. VERIFICATION: Does closing your laptop lid cause your system to suspend?
Tha an draibh trang
Bha an duine, leis a’ chù, cho mall air a’ chnoc.
Miscellaneous tests
PURPOSE: This test will check the system can detect the removal of a FireWire HDD STEPS: 1. Click 'Test' to begin the test. This test will timeout and fail if the removal has not been detected within 20 seconds. 2. Remove the previously attached FireWire HDD from the FireWire port. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result
Seo an t-slighe absaloideach dhan phasgan mu dheireadh a chaidh a bhrabhsadh airson ìomhaighean ri an losgadh
GUI application for using Mercurial
Edit media to create movies
Cha deach faidhle a chriathradh
Criathraich faidhlichean _falaichte
An comas
Cha ghabh dàta a cho-aonachadh leis an diosga seo
/nick <far\-ainm>: atharraich am far-ainm a tha ort air an fhrithealaiche làithreach
Briog air leacag sam bith le àite falamh ri a taobh ach an imrich an t-àite falamh na àite.
C_um e an-còmhnaidh
Create virtual LEGO models
Tha mi uabhasach toilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil thu ag iarraidh fuireach ann an Alba.
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/cf-insert test is run. It tests reading and writing to the CF card.
Runs piglit tests for checking OpenGL 2.1 support
Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach diofar rudan, can co mheud prògram a bha a' ruith, dè na tha aig a' choimpiutair a dh'àite agus dè na h-uidheaman a bha ceangailte ris.
A bheil thu airson an taghadh de dh'fhaidhlichean a losgadh thar iomadh meadhain?
Seall aithris dì-bhugachaidh air stdout airson leabhar-lann meadhanan Brasero
Losgaidh is bànaichidh seo CDan is nì e lethbhreac dhiubha
A KDE Blogging Client
Ion-phortaich snippets
Tha an iom-tharraing uile-choitcheann is sìnidh lagh an iom-tharraing uile-choitcheann aig Newton thar crìochan na talmhainn. Crochaidh cumhachd-thàlaidh na h-iom-tharraing gu dìreach air tomad an dà nì is tha i co-rèireach mùiteach ris an astar cheàrnagach eadar meadhanan an dà nì.
Automated check of the 30 cycle hibernate log for errors detected by fwts.
PURPOSE: This test will check your system shutdown/booting cycle. STEPS: 1. Shutdown your machine. 2. Boot your machine. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 at least 5 times. VERIFICATION: Did the system shutdown and rebooted correctly?
_Cuairtich 90° a' dol deiseilimage-action
Collect info on graphics modes (screen resolution and refresh rate)
PURPOSE: This test will verify that a fingerprint reader can be used to unlock a locked system. STEPS: 1. Click on the Session indicator (Cog icon on the Left side of the panel) . 2. Select 'Lock screen'. 3. Press any key or move the mouse. 4. A window should appear that provides the ability to unlock either typing your password or using fingerprint authentication. 5. Use the fingerprint reader to unlock. 6. Your screen should be unlocked. VERIFICATION: Did the authentication procedure work correctly?
Lùghdaich ìre an uisge gus dìreadh dhan uachdar.
PURPOSE: This test will check that Empathy messaging client works. STEPS: 1. Select Test to launch Empathy. 2. Configure it to connect to the Facebook Chat service. 3. Once you have completed the test, please quit Empathy to continue here. VERIFICATION: Were you able to connect correctly and send/receive messages?
Attaches the FWTS results log to the submission
Cuir fo-loidhnichean an àite spàsan
Mearachd a' fosgail an fhaidhle %s
Ro-shealladh an ainm fhaidhle
Sàbhail an dealbh
Liosta nam faclan san roinn-seòrsa “rudan”.
Crìoch a’ gheama
Razor Autosuspend Configuration
Pasgadh na loidhne airson clò-bhualadh
PURPOSE: Validate that the battery light shows charging status after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Let system run on battery for a while 2. Plug in AC plug VERIFICATION: Did the battery indicator LED still turn orange after resuming from suspend?
Dùin am faidhle làithreach
Nì seo fòrmat a bhios freagarrach airson DVDan video de dh'fhaidhle video sam bith
Cha deach leinn an còdachadh charactaran aithneachadh.
full support for the Funcube Dongle API available with firmware 18f or later
PURPOSE: This is an automated stress test that will force the system to suspend/resume for 30 cycles.
Optical Test
PURPOSE: Validate that the camera LED still works as expected after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Select Test to activate camera 2. Camera LED should light for a few seconds VERIFICATION: Did the camera LED still turn on and off after resuming from suspend?
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn sink pad fhaighinn on chòdaichear
Rinn i an obair gun dragh sam bith.
Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gum bheil uisge ann fon bhòrd.
Tha losgadh a' dol
PURPOSE: Check that balance control works correctly on internal speakers STEPS: 1. Check that moving the balance slider from left to right works smoothly 2. Click the Test button to play an audio tone for 10 seconds. 3. Move the balance slider from left to right and back. 4. Check that actual speaker audio balance follows your setting. VERIFICATION: Does the slider move smoothly, as well as being followed by the setting by the actual audio output?
Run globs benchmark
Sreath losgaidh growisofs
PURPOSE: Validate that the battery LED properly displays charged status STEPS: 1. Let system run on battery for a short time 2. Plug in AC 3. Let system run on AC VERIFICATION: Does the orange battery LED shut off when system is fully charged?
Prògram losgaidh CDan/DVDan airson GNOME a tha furasta cleachadh
Faidhlichean deilbh
Roghainnean a' chùlaibh
Audio Test
Innis dhomh an t-ainm a tha air an naoidheamh mìos.
Plugain ghnìomhach
Determine whether the screen is detected as a multitouch device automatically.
Cuir an sàs masg _na breathalayers-action
Bha ròn ann air a’ chladach.
View results
Open in window
Cuir à comas soillseachadh a' cho-chàraidh
Sguab às an teacsa a thagh thu
Links 2
Duilleag %s
Stadastaireachd na sgrìobhainn
Jump up the tower to survive
M_u dhèidhinndialogs-action
Co-dhiù an dèan brasero criathradh air faidhlichean falaichte. Mas e "true" a th' ann, thèid na faidhlichean falaichte a chriathradh air falbh.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of a MS card after the system has been suspended STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert a MS card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Dh'fhàillig le clò-bhualadh na duilleige %d: %s
Thoir ainm ùr air
Roghainnean stiùireadh nan seisean:
Tha mo mhac ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-dràsda.
Cluich fuaim nuair a chlàraicheas sinn a-mach
Launchpad Contributions: Akerbeltz GunChleoc alasdair caimbeul
Start preconfigured XBoard
Lorg facal no abairt san sgrìobhainn
Tha "%s" trang.
Rèiteachadh losgadh na h-ìomhaighe
Faidhlichean deilbh
Mu dhèidhinn
Tachair mearachd le dì-dhùmhlachadh nam faidhlichean.
Suidich am freumh air ionad na sgrìobhainn làithrich
PURPOSE: This test will check the system can detect the insertion of a FireWire HDD STEPS: 1. Click 'Test' to begin the test. This test will timeout and fail if the insertion has not been detected within 20 seconds. 2. Plug a FireWire HDD into an available FireWire port. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result
Nuair a bhios iomadh plugan ri làimh airson an aon saothair, thèid an luach seo a chleachdadh airson suidheachadh dè am plugan a gheibh prìomhachas. Is ciall dha 0 gun tèid prìomhachas tùsail a' plugain a chleachdadh. Tar-àithnidh luach dearbh sam bith prìomhachas tùsail a' plugain. Cuiridh luach àicheil am plugan à comas.
Luchdaichear a-nuas nam faidhle
Briog air an druma ris an luaths. Cùm sùil air an loidhne inghearach nuair a thòisicheas tu.
Eileanan Sholaimh
Tuig mar a thig luathachadh ort leis an iom-tharraing.
Sgrìobh ceòl a-nis! ’S urrainn dhut an obair agad a luchdadh is a shàbhaladh a-nis
Lei_g seachad mearachdan theisteanasan SSL
Run GLmark2 benchmark
Tha sinn ag obair gu trang anns an achadh an-diugh.
Prògram taobh a-muigh gus dealbhan a dheasachadh
&Skip this test
Ceadachas na sgrìobhainn
PURPOSE: This test checks that gcalctool (Calculator) works. STEPS: Click the "Test" button to open the calculator and perform: 1. Cut 2. Copy 3. Paste VERIFICATION: Did the functions perform as expected?
PURPOSE: This test will check your DVI port. STEPS: Skip this test if your system does not have a DVI port. 1. Connect a display (if not already connected) to the DVI port on your system VERIFICATION: Was the desktop displayed correctly on both screens?
PURPOSE: This test will test the sleep key STEPS: 1. Press the sleep key on the keyboard 2. Wake your system up by pressing the power button VERIFICATION: Did the system go to sleep after pressing the sleep key?
Chan ann idir
Not Tested
A' faighinn iuchraichean DVD
Co-dhiù an cuir brasero an cinn-uidhe an àite nan ceanglaichean samhlachail sa phròiseact. Mas e "true" a th' ann, thèid an cur 'nan àite.
Buail an ruitheam air an druma seo.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system can switch to a virtual terminal and back to X STEPS: 1. Click "Test" to switch to another virtual terminal and then back to X VERIFICATION: Did your screen change temporarily to a text console and then switch back to your current session?
Luchdaich roghainnean
M_u dhèidhinn
A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson bun-roghainnean nan criathragan uile ath-shuidheachadh?quick-mask-action
YubiKey Personalization Tool
Ma chumas tu e, dh'fhaoidte nach aithnich prògraman seòrsa an fhaidhle mar bu chòir.
Sàbhail am faidhle làithreach
Tha an latha air a’ mhonadh math dhut.
Ceann-là ann am bàr na staid
Tests to see that apt can access repositories and get updates (does not install updates). This is done to confirm that you could recover from an incomplete or broken update.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the built-in camera works STEPS: 1. Click on Test to display a video capture from the camera for ten seconds. VERIFICATION: Did you see the video capture?
Feumaidh sinn a h-uile faidhle a sgrùdadh gus an t-obrachadh seo a choileanadh.
Read and Post Usenet Articles
Attaches the log from the single suspend/resume test to the results
Cruthaich t_asglann
Tagh na faidhlichean a tha thu airson aiseag is briog air a' phutan "Aisig"
Run Firmware Test Suite (fwts) automated tests.
Faidhle roghainnean a' chlò-bhualaidh
Losgaidh, bànaichidh is fòrmataidh seo CDan is DVDan
Chaidh Ubuntu One a dhùnadh sìos. Feuch an tagh thu ionad glèidhidh eile.
PURPOSE: This test will test the sleep key after resuming from suspend STEPS: 1. Press the sleep key on the keyboard 2. Wake your system up by pressing the power button VERIFICATION: Did the system go to sleep after pressing the sleep key after resuming from suspend?
URI a' phasgain mu dheireadh a chaidh a chleachdadh gus dealbh a shàbhaladh
Airson 's nach dìochuimhnich thu na faclan-faire agad, iarraidh Déjà Dup ort o àm gu àm am facal-faire a dhearbhadh. Bu chòir dhan àm seo a bhith "à comas" gus an sgrùdadh seo a chur dheth no ann am fòrmat ISO 8601.
Ath-ghoiridean a' _mheur-chlàirdialogs-action
Sàbhail is dùin...file-action
Monitor Test
Faidhle desktop tionndadh "%s" neo-aithnichte
m a-_mach
Thoir spàsan deiridh air falbh
Tha mi glè thoilichte a' cluinntinn gu bheil Gàidhlig agad.
Fosgail pasgan
Deasaiche teacsa
Ne_o-dhèan %s
Tha na h-argamaidean a leanas mì-dhligheach: {0}
Seòrsa an t-seòrsachaidh
PURPOSE: Check that balance control works correctly on external headphone STEPS: 1. Check that moving the balance slider from left to right works smoothly 2. Click the Test button to play an audio tone for 10 seconds. 3. Move the balance slider from left to right and back. 4. Check that actual headphone audio balance follows your setting. VERIFICATION: Does the slider move smoothly, as well as being followed by the setting by the actual audio output?
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of a Secure Digital Extended Capacity (SDXC) media card STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert a SDXC card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Bha an cù dubh air an fheur ris a’ ghrèin.
Cuir an comas soillseachadh an luirg
Air _ais
Eòlas air gnàthsan ainmeachadh nam pongan. Tha an cleas ainmean nam pongan feumail gus an comharrachadh seo ionnsachadh.
PURPOSE: This test will test the media keys of your keyboard STEPS: Skip this test if your computer has no media keys. 1. Click test to open a window on which to test the media keys. 2. If all the keys work, the test will be marked as passed. VERIFICATION: Do the keys work as expected?
Qt 4 Assistant
Falamhaich consoil nam mearachderror-console-action
Scratch and mix audio
Tagh _cànan na sgrìobhainn làithrich.
Co-dhiù an dèid fuaim a chluich nuair a chlàraichear a-steach air lìonra.
Seall an dealbh air a mheud àbhaisteach
Chan eil cleachdaiche air logadh a-steach
Runs a test that transfers 100 10MB files 3 times to usb.
'Ga thòiseachadh
Sgrìobhadh _anabarrach
Chan eil a' phacaid %s ri fhaighinn san sgaoileadh %s.
A bheil thu airson am faidhle "%s" san tasglann "%s" ùrachadh?
Dependencies are missing so some jobs will not run.
PURPOSE: This test will check that Firefox can play a Flash video. Note: this may require installing additional software to successfully complete. STEPS: 1. Select Test to launch Firefox and view a short flash video. VERIFICATION: Did the video play correctly?
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn cuimhne a shònrachadh gus am faidhle JPEG a luchdadh
G_luais a-mach
Glacadh obair-ealain nan còmhdaichean
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a MS card from the systems card reader after the system has been suspended. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the MS card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Miscellanea Test
Emulator of the 1980s ZX Spectrum home computer and its various clones
A notifier for new emails
Cha mholamaid gun cuir thu tracaichean fuaime ri CD.
Roghainnean an fhacail-fhaire
On a tha cumhachd na h-iom-tharraing co-rèireach gu dìreach ri tomad an dà nì, tàlaidh nithean le tomad as àirde càch a cèile le cumhachd as motha. Mar sin, mar as motha ’s a tha an tomad aig nì ’s ann nas cumhachdaiche an tàladh. Co-dhiù, tha a’ chumhachd seo co-rèireach mùiteach ris an astar cheàrnagach eadar meadhanan an dà nì cuideachd. Mar sin, mar as fhaide air falbh o càch a chèile ’s a tha an dà nì, ’s ann nas laige an tàladh.
%s fuaime is dàta ann an %s
Luchdaichear a-nuas nam faidhle
Open and close a 3D window multiple times
Cha deach a' chamag a cho-fhreagras a lorg
Cha ghabh an seòrsa tasglainn seo atharrachadh
A' sàbhaladh "%s"
Cha ghabh sgrìobhainnean a shìneadh air adhart dhan eileamaid desktop seo
Cruthaich seanail ùrchannels-action
Tha coltas gu bheil an lethbhreac-glèidhidh agad coirbte. Bu chòir dhut an lethbhreac-glèidhidh a sguabadh às agus feuchainn ris a-rithist.
Thàinig a’ chaitheamh air is chaidh a thìodhlacadh sa Pantheon ann am Paras. Chaidh cuimhneachan a thogail dha gus onarachadh.
Taic ri ionadan lethbhreacan-glèidhidh ionadail, cèine no ann an neul mar Amazon S3 agus Rackspace Cloud Files
The generated report seems to have validation errors, so it might not be processed by Launchpad.
saidheans: loc a’ chanail, cearcall an uisge, bàta-tumaidh, atharrais dealain, ...
Dh'fhosgail gedit an ionstans seo dhen fhaidhle ann an dòigh nach gabh deasachadh. A bheil thu airson a dheasachadh co-dhiù?
CPU utilization on an idle system.
Check the time needed to reconnect to a WIFI access point
An luaths losgaidh
Launchpad Contributions: Akerbeltz GunChleoc alasdair caimbeul
PURPOSE: This test will check your USB 3.0 connection. STEPS: 1. Plug a USB 3.0 HDD or thumbdrive into a USB 3.0 port in the computer. 2. An icon should appear on the Launcher. 3. Click "Test" to begin the test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Some new hard drives include a feature that parks the drive heads after a short period of inactivity. This is a power-saving feature, but it can have a bad interaction with the operating system that results in the drive constantly parked then activated. This produces excess wear on the drive, potentially leading to early failures.
Check job result is set to uninitiated when dependency fails
Fosgail pròiseact
electronic lexical database of English language
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an dealbh iompachadh
Briog air àite sam bith air an sgrìn gus an saideal a chur air astar on planaid.
PURPOSE: Wireless (WLAN + Bluetooth) LED verification STEPS: 1. Make sure WLAN connection is established and Bluetooth is enabled. 2. WLAN/Bluetooth LED should light 3. Switch WLAN and Bluetooth off from a hardware switch (if present) 4. Switch them back on 5. Switch WLAN and Bluetooth off from the panel applet 6. Switch them back on VERIFICATION: Did the WLAN/Bluetooth LED light as expected?
Faidhlichean sealach
Chan eil am faidhle seo na fhaidhle .desktop dligheach
Runs piglit_tests for checking support for stencil buffer operations
Fosgail no dùin sruthlachadh na balaiste.
Cuir ris na faidhlichean a tha san stòr-bhòrd
A’ Gearmailt: Òran cloinne
PURPOSE: This test will check your RCA port. STEPS: Skip this test if your system does not have a RCA port. 1. Connect a display (if not already connected) to the RCA port on your system VERIFICATION: Was the desktop displayed correctly on both screens?
A' tar-chòdachadh "%s"
Tupi: Open 2D Magic
I_on-phortaich %s
G_luais a-mach
_Thoir a' ghlas far na sgrìobhainn
Seall aithris dì-bhugachaidh air stdout airson leabhar-lann meadhanan Brasero
Tha a h-uile cruth-clò stannardach no leabaichte.
Bluetooth tests
Tha cuingeachadh a thaobh meud nam faidhlichean air an diosga far a bheil thu a' feuchainn ris an fhaidhle a shàbhaladh. Feuch an sàbhail thu faidhle nas lugha no an sàbhail thu gu diosga air nach eil an cuingeachadh seo.
D_easaich am pàtran...patterns-action
PURPOSE: This test will verify that a network printer is usable STEPS: 1. Make sure that a printer is available in your network 2. Click on the Gear icon in the upper right corner and then click on Printers 3. If the printer isn't already listed, click on Add 4. The printer should be detected and proper configuration values should be displayed 5. Print a test page VERIFICATION: Were you able to print a test page to the network printer?
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a MSP card from the systems card reader after the system has been suspended. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the MSP card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Chan eil òran ri sgrìobhadh gun diosga ann
Remote Viewer
An advanced photo development program
Ma tha seo gnìomhach, thèid liosta mionaideach a' mheata-dàta ann an còmhradh nan roghainnean a ghluasad gu duilleag aige fhèin sa chòmhradh. Bidh an còmhradh nas fhasa cleachdadh air sgrìnichean beaga le sin, mar eisimpleir air netbook. Ma tha seo à comas, thèid am widget a leabachadh air an duilleag "Meata-dàta".
Ceadaich gun cleachdar DAO
Seall "_%s"
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of a Multimedia Card (MMC) media STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert an MMC card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Ma fhalamhaicheas tu pròiseact, thèid a h-uile faidhle air a chur ris a thoirt air falbh is an obair gu lèir air chall. Thoir an aire nach tèid na faidhlichean fhèin a sguabadh às o na h-ionadan aca fhèin ach chan fhaic thu iad an-seo tuilleadh.
Tha duilgheadas ann leis an einnsean chluicheadair
Am fòrmat air a thaghadh
'S e Latha na Sàbaid a bh' ann an-dè.
Tha bànachadh a' dol
Cha deach leinn an ceangal taobh a-muigh fhosgladh
Lists the device driver and version for all audio devices.
create scientific 2-dimensional graphs
Ath-dhèan an gnìomh mu dheireadh a chaidh a neo-dhèanamh, a' gearradh leum thairis air atharrachadh faicsinneachd sam bithedit-action
Tha e glè fhuar san t-seòmar seo, nach eil?
Tha gual ann anns an t-sruth.
This will check to make sure that your audio device works properly after a suspend and resume. This may work fine with speakers and onboard microphone, however, it works best if used with a cable connecting the audio-out jack to the audio-in jack.
Nach robh iad ùine fhada anns a’ bhaile?
Connect to an Xpra session
Ma tha seo gnìomhach gun dealbh air a luchdadh san uinneag ghnìomhach, seallaidh roghnaichear nam faidhle am pasgan dhealbhan aig a' chleachdaiche, a' chleachdadh pasganan sònraichte XDG a' chleachdaiche. Ma tha seo à gnìomh no mur deach pasgan dhealbhan a shuidheachadh, seallaidh e am pasgan obrach làithreach.
An t-inneal losgaidh as annsa leat
Cha deach leinn an còdachadh charactaran aithneachadh.
Cruthaich lethbhreac dhen dealbh sa bhogsa taobh deas sa bhogsa taobh clì.
Run Encode MP3 benchmark
Cha ghabh ionad an fhaidhle ruigsinn on nach deach a mhunntachadh.
Software token for cryptographic authentication
Am facal no abairt ri lorg san sgrìobhainn
Rach gu duilleag
Ithe nan àireamh co-ionnan
LED tests
Suspend Test
Plugain ghnìomhach
Cleachdaich cur ris le geama targaide
Ionnsaichidh tu mu ghnàthas ionad is ainmeachadh nam pongan. Ullaichidh tu airson cluich a’ phiàno is sgrìobhadh ciùil
/clear: falamhaich a h-uile teachdaireachd às a' chòmhradh làithreach
Thachair a' mhearachd seo rè an às-phortaidh: %s
À_rdaich na seallaidheanimages-action
The overview window of hamster time tracker
Roghainnean a' chùlaibh
A' losgadh (S)VCD mas-fhìor
Sònraich am faidhle sa deach an rèiteachadh a shàbhaladh
Run Compress 7ZIP benchmark
Nì e lethbhreacan-glèidhidh ioncramaideach a leigeas leat aiseag o gach lethbhreac-glèidhidh a thogras tu
%s fuaime is dàta ann an %s
Lean air an stiùireadh uair a ruitheas tu an cleas seo.
_Tagh na dealbhan a tha thu airson sàbhaladh:
Runs all of the rendercheck test suites. This test can take a few minutes.
Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit
Ìomhaigh DVD video
Sguab às clàr nam faidhlichean is aplacaidean a chaidh a chleachdadh:
Virtualization tests
Crioptaich bann-cinn na tasglainn
Soillsich an _loidhne làithreach
Run gtkperf to make sure that GTK based test cases work
Bha a chainnt iomchaidh san t-suidheachadh.
geamannan: tàileasg, cuimhne, ceangail 4, oware, sudoku, ...
Deireadh an òrain:
JD 2ch browser
Remove colored balls from the board by forming lines
Chan e nì a ghabhas tòiseachadh a th' ann
_Lorg is cuir 'na àite…
Na dèan ceangal gu ionstans a tha a' ruith mar-thà
Configure Weboob backends
Tha am faidhle "%s" air atharrachadh air an diosga.
Cha chuirear taic ris an tionndadh seo de mkisofs
Tha an neach-aithne a thagh thu far loidhne
Ceann-là ann am bàr na staid
Verifies that sshd is running.
Shuidh e sìos ri ùr-sgeul a leughadh.
Cleachd na saighdean air a’ mheur-chlàr gus Tux a ghluasad dhan doras. Air na ciad leibheilean, coisichidh Tux gu socair tron chuartan is nì e ceum le gach brùthadh iuchrach. Sna cuartanan mòra, tha modh coiseachd sònraichte ann air a bheil “modh-ruith-gu-luath”. Nuair a bhios am modh-ruith-gu-luath seo an comas, ruithidh Tux gun stad gus an ruig e gobhal far am bi co-dhùnadh a dhìth ort càite an tèid e an uair sin. Chì thu cò dhiubh a bheil am modh seo air no nach eil ma sheallas tu air an dà chois Tux: Ma tha Tux casruisgte, tha am “modh-ruith-gu-luath” à comas. Ma tha brògan spòrs dearga air, tha am “modh-ruith-gu-luath” an comas. O leibheil 14 a-mach, bidh am modh-ruith-gu-luath an comas gu fèin-obrachail. Ma tha thu airson an fheart seo a chleachdadh air na leibheilean nas ìsle no ma tha thu airson a chur dheth air na leibheilean nas àirde, briog air Tux no air an ìomhaigheag “casruisgte / brògan spòrs” san oisean clì air barr na sgrìn gus am modh-ruith-gu-luath a thoglachadh. \t
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am plugan filesink a chruthachadh
Cuir a-st_each facal-faire
Bu chòir do ghluasad na luchaige is briogadh a bhith agad.
Cuir seanail alp_ha rislayers-action
Thoir na h-uile air _falbh
Falmadairean-toisich còmhnard.
Network Information
3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
PURPOSE: This will verify that an ExpressCard slot can detect inserted devices. STEPS: Skip this test if you do not have an ExpressCard slot. 1. Plug an ExpressCard device into the ExpressCard slot VERIFICATION: Was the device correctly detected?
Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth
URI a' phasgain mu dheireadh a chaidh a chleachdadh gus dealbh a shàbhaladh
Music notation editor
Am pasgan a thèid a chleachdadh a ghnàth airson nan àitheantan "--add" agus "--extract" commands
Google Talk
Cha deach an dì-dhùmhlachadh a dhèanamh
PURPOSE: This test will check that you can transfer information through a bluetooth connection STEPS: 1. Make sure that you're able to browse the files in your mobile device 2. Copy a file from the computer to the mobile device 3. Copy a file from the mobile device to the computer VERIFICATION: Were all files copied correctly?
classic shoot 'em up scroller game
Nì seo fòrmat a bhios freagarrach airson DVDan video de dh'fhaidhle video sam bith
Ma tha seo gnìomhach, thèid liosta mionaideach a' mheata-dàta ann an còmhradh nan roghainnean a ghluasad gu duilleag aige fhèin sa chòmhradh. Bidh an còmhradh nas fhasa cleachdadh air sgrìnichean beaga le sin, mar eisimpleir air netbook. Ma tha seo à comas, thèid am widget a leabachadh air an duilleag "Meata-dàta".
Tha an draibh trang
Ìomhaigh VCD
Clàr-taice inneal an teacsatext-tool-action
Droch argamaid
Tiotalan nan òran
Gluais gun taobh ch_lì
_Mu dhèidhinn
Interactive theorem prover
Seo an liosta dhe na plugain eile a chleachdas brasero gus diosgan a loisg. Mas e "NULL" a th' ann, luchdaichidh Brasero a h-uile gin dhiubh.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the systems media card reader can detect the insertion of a Extreme Digital (xD) media card STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert a xD card into the reader. If a file browser opens up, you can safely close it. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not remove the device after this test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Warning: Some tests could cause your system to freeze or become unresponsive. Please save all your work and close all other running applications before beginning the testing process.
PURPOSE: Numeric keypad LED verification STEPS: 1. Press "Block Num" key to toggle numeric keypad LED 2. Click on the "Test" button to open a window to verify your typing 3. Type using the numeric keypad both when the LED is on and off VERIFICATION: 1. Numeric keypad LED status should toggle everytime the "Block Num" key is pressed 2. Numbers should only be entered in the keyboard verification window when the LED is on
Roghainnean stiùireadh nan seisean:
Chan eil gin
A' faighinn iuchraichean DVD
Power Management tests
Camera Test
%s / %s
Panel Reboot Verification tests
PURPOSE: This test checks that gcalctool (Calculator) works. STEPS: Click the "Test" button to open the calculator and perform: 1. Simple math functions (+,-,/,*) 2. Nested math functions ((,)) 3. Fractional math 4. Decimal math VERIFICATION: Did the functions perform as expected?
Tha cruthan-clò san sgrìobhainn seo nach eil leabaichte 's nach buineas ris na cruthan-clò PDF Standard 14. Mur eil na cruthan-clò a chaidh a chur 'nan àite le fontconfig co-ionnann ris an fheadhainn a chaidh a chleachdadh gus am faidhle PDF a chruthachadh, dh'fhaoidte nach eil an reandaradh mar bu chòir.
PURPOSE: This is an automated stress test that will force the system to suspend/resume for 250 cycles.
An co-mheas lionaidh as lugha aig bufair an draibh (ann an %%) (seall air an leabhar-mhìneachaidhean aig cdrecord)
Chan urrainn dhuinn a' ghlais a thoirt far "%s"
Dyma adeg orau’r dydd, pan allai rhywun ymlacio go iawn o’r diwedd a chaelsgwrs.
Open in fullscreen
installs the installer bootchart tarball if it exists.
Cuir ris na faidhlichean a tha san stòr-bhòrd
Camera tests
Tha an là fuar.
Page 11
PURPOSE: This test will verify the default display resolution STEPS: 1. This display is using the following resolution: INFO: $output VERIFICATION: Is this acceptable for your display?
Air adhart
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn cuimhne a shònrachadh gus am faidhle JPEG a luchdadh
FAIL: {}% packet loss is higherthan {}% threshold
%s uair
Fuirich greis fhad 's a tha am pròiseact 'ga luchdadh.
_Meudaich na dealbhan ach an co-fhreagair iad ris an sgrìn
Duilleag %s
Test if the cupsd daemon is running when the package is installed.
%s (%s)language
Tagh plugain airson Brasero
A' losgadh ìomhaigh gu DVD mas-fhìor
PURPOSE: Do some challenging operations then check for lockup on the GPU STEPS: 1. Create 2 glxgears windows and move them quickly 2. Switch workspaces with wmctrl 3. Launch an HTML5 video playback in firefox VERIFICATION: After a 60s workload, check kern.log for reported GPU errors
PURPOSE: This test will check that a USB audio device works correctly STEPS: 1. Connect a USB audio device to your system 2. Click "Test", then speak into the microphone 3. After a few seconds, your speech will be played back to you VERIFICATION: Did you hear your speech played back through the USB headphones?
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/ms-insert-after-suspend test is run. It tests reading and writing to the MS card after the system has been suspended.
Deasaich fiosrachadh an traca (tòiseach, crìoch, ùghdar, agus msaa.)
Cha deach loisgeadair a shònrachadh
Ma chumas tu e, dh'fhaoidte nach aithnich prògraman seòrsa an fhaidhle mar bu chòir.
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an CD a sgrìobhadh
PURPOSE: This test will verify that the desktop clock synchronizes with the system clock. STEPS: 1. Click the "Test" button and verify the clock moves ahead by 1 hour. Note: It may take a minute or so for the clock to refresh 2. Right click on the clock, then click on "Time & Date Settings..." 3. Ensure that your clock application is set to manual. 4. Change the time 1 hour back 5. Close the window and reboot VERIFICATION: Is your system clock displaying the correct date and time for your timezone?
’S e Diardaoin a th’ ann, agus bidh làraidh an sgudail a’ tighinn an-diugh.
Air ais
Coirèa a Deas
Memory Test
Lean air adhart leis a' phròiseact làithreach air atharrachadh
Graphical experiment builder for the social sciences
Tha dàta air an diosga a tha san draibh.
B' fheairrde na h-ainmean seo atharrachadh is giorrachadh gu 64 caractar.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the insertion of a USB storage device after suspend and resume. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and insert a USB storage device (pen-drive/HDD). (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) 2. Do not unplug the device after the test. VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
'S e an sealladair-dhealbhan oifigeil aig an deasg GNOME a th' annn an Eye of GNOME. Amalaichidh e le gnàth GTK+ aig GNOME agus cuiridh e taic ri iomadh fòrmat deilbh gus dealbhan fa leth no cruinneachaidhean dhiubh a shealltainn.
Cha deach a' chamag a cho-fhreagras a lorg
Optical read test.
Cha chreid mi gu bheil Fraingis aice.
MolaidheanCheck Spelling
A' losgadh ìomhaigh gu DVD mas-fhìor
Cuir an sgrìobhainn làithreach le post-d, grad-theachdaireachd…
Dè am facal-faire GroupWise a tha agad?
Tha an cunntas seo air an fhrithealaiche mu thràth
Sguab às
Sruthlaichidh seo uisge a-mach às ann tanca.
Toiseach an òrain:
Tests that the systems wireless hardware can connect to a router using WPA security and the 802.11n protocol.
PURPOSE: This test will check that the system correctly detects the removal of a CF card from the systems card reader. STEPS: 1. Click "Test" and remove the CF card from the reader. (Note: this test will time-out after 20 seconds.) VERIFICATION: The verification of this test is automated. Do not change the automatically selected result.
Tha an diosga ann an "%s" feumach air ath-luchdadh.
Seall tionndadh a' phrògraim
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/cf-insert-after-suspend test is run. It tests reading and writing to the CF card after the system has been suspended.
Pasgan a' chruthadair CDan/DVDan
Test if the cron daemon is running when the package is installed.
This test is automated and executes after the mediacard/sdhc-insert test is run. It tests reading and writing to the SDHC card.
S_àbhail co-dhiù
Deselect all
Air _ais
A' dèanamh lethbhreac de DVD mas-fhìor
On taobh chlì gun taobh deastext-tool-action
Tha mi cinnteach gum bi i a' sein anns an eaglais a-màireach.
Thachair mearachd taobh a-staigh
Cluich le uidheaman-taice a’ choimpiutair.
Chan eil fhios
App used to organise stereo monitoring for JACK
An dath a thèid a chleachdadh gus an raon air cùlaibh an deilbh a lìonadh. Mur deach an iuchair use-background-color a shuidheachadh, bidh an dath a-rèir an ùrlair GTK+ ghnìomhaich.
%s uair
'S ann à Sasainn a tha e.
Ghoirtich Louis Braille a shùil dheas le minidh ann am bùth-obrach athar.
Eadar-aghaidh D-Bus MPRIS
PURPOSE: This test will check that Empathy messaging client works. STEPS: 1. Select Test to launch Empathy. 2. Configure it to connect to the Microsoft Network (MSN) service. 3. Once you have completed the test, please quit Empathy to continue here. VERIFICATION: Were you able to connect correctly and send/receive messages?
Chaidh an lethbhreac-glèidhidh mu dheireadh a dhèanamh an-diugh.
Cuiridh seo taic gus sgrìobhainnean XPS a leughadh ris
%s: chan eil rum saor gu leòr annFree
Seall/Falaich leòsan a' ghailearaidh dhealbhan.
Faid an stada:
Cuir stad de dhà dhiog an-steach às dèidh an traca
Shorthand for --config=.*/jobs_info/whitelist.
Co-dhiù an dèan an leudachan Nautilus aithris dì-bhugachaidh
Seall colbh na h-ama sa phrìomh uinneag.
Co-mheas deilbh:
PURPOSE: Tests that the systems wireless hardware can connect to a router using no security and the 802.11b/g protocols. STEPS: 1. Open your routers configuration tool 2. Change the settings to only accept connections on the B and G wireless bands 3. Make sure the SSID is set to ROUTER_SSID 4. Change the security settings to use no security 5. Click the 'Test' button to create a connection to the router and test the connection VERIFICATION: Verification is automated, do not change the automatically selected result.