<2as> ▁Properties <2as> ▁A _ dv anced ▁options ▁for ▁the ▁C SV ▁format <2as> ▁Show ▁the ▁guest ▁c pu ▁usage ▁field ▁in ▁the ▁domain ▁list ▁summary ▁view <2as> ▁Use ▁your ▁own ▁colors ▁instead ▁of ▁the ▁colors ▁the ▁page ▁requests . <2as> ▁Select ▁the ▁accounts ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁import : <2as> ▁Import ▁Account s <2as> ▁Scan ning ▁folders ▁in ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁invalid ▁combination ▁of ▁new line ▁flags <2as> ▁Sub t ree <2as> ▁E _ x p iration ▁Date : <2as> ▁_ Form at ... <2as> ▁% s ▁does ▁not ▁support ▁authentication <2as> ▁in ▁shut down <2as> ▁Un rec ogn ized ▁cursor ▁origin <2as> ▁Del eting ▁this ▁topic ▁will ▁cause ▁all ▁its ▁bookmarks ▁to ▁become ▁unc ategor ized , ▁unless ▁they ▁also ▁belong ▁to ▁other ▁topics . ▁The ▁bookmarks ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁deleted . <2as> ▁Default ▁directory ▁to ▁select ▁an ▁av atar ▁image ▁from <2as> ▁Jo ens uu <2as> ▁View ▁mail ▁messages ▁as ▁plain ▁text , ▁even ▁if ▁they ▁contain ▁HTML ▁content . <2as> ▁Never <2as> ▁Show ▁a ▁list ▁of ▁players ▁in ▁the ▁network ▁game <2as> ▁Automatic ▁download s <2as> ▁_ A ut hentic ate <2as> ▁Me xic ali <2as> ▁The ▁selected ▁audio ▁device ▁was ▁successfully ▁opened ▁but ▁it ▁is ▁impossible ▁to ▁read ▁data ▁from ▁this ▁device . ▁In ▁case ▁it ▁is ▁a ▁plug g able ▁device ▁it ▁may ▁be ▁sufficient ▁to ▁rec onnect ▁it . ▁If ▁not , ▁or ▁if ▁it ▁still ▁is ▁not ▁accessible , ▁please ▁check ▁your ▁audio ▁setup . <2as> ▁* <2as> ▁Remote ▁video ▁window ▁position <2as> ▁IP ▁Tel eph ony , ▁Vo IP ▁and ▁Video ▁Con feren cing <2as> ▁_ Rem ember ▁password <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁connect ▁to ▁$ uri . ▁Ski pping . <2as> ▁_ S el ection <2as> ▁Rot ation ▁Center ▁Y <2as> ▁Level ▁of ▁safety ▁of ▁the ▁Ruby ▁interpre ter <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁search ▁in ▁dat ast ore ▁'% s ': ▁% s <2as> ▁Sche _ ma : <2as> ▁The ▁width ▁of ▁the ▁border ▁of ▁the ▁rect angle <2as> ▁Package K it ▁Cons ole ▁Interface <2as> ▁Sy ml inks ▁not ▁supported ▁by ▁backend <2as> ▁_ U nt ag ged ▁Photos <2as> ▁Please ▁press ▁a ▁key ▁( or ▁a ▁key ▁combination ) <2as> ▁Really ▁delete ▁folder ▁"{0} " ▁and ▁all ▁of ▁its ▁sub f olders ? <2as> ▁All ▁sites <2as> ▁The ▁VPN ▁connection ▁'% s ' ▁failed ▁because ▁the ▁VPN ▁service ▁returned ▁invalid ▁configuration . <2as> ▁No ▁such ▁source <2as> ▁Find ▁next ▁occurrence ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁search ▁string <2as> ▁ST UN ▁Server : <2as> ▁Icon ▁Siz es <2as> ▁Number ▁of ▁units ▁for ▁determining ▁a ▁default ▁reminder <2as> ▁Show ▁" Rep ly ▁To " ▁field ▁when ▁sending ▁a ▁mail ▁message <2as> ▁Start ▁a ▁new ▁game <2as> ▁Tog g les ▁whether ▁the ▁R SV P ▁field ▁is ▁displayed <2as> ▁Picture ▁Fil ename <2as> ▁People ▁nearby <2as> ▁v Card ▁(. v cf , ▁. gc rd ) <2as> ▁Central ▁European ▁( I _ SO -8859 - 2) <2as> ▁Small <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁set ▁reservation ▁to ▁% ll d ▁M Hz , ▁expecting ▁positive ▁value <2as> ▁Pop ▁up ▁notifications ▁if ▁the ▁chat ▁isn ' t ▁focused <2as> ▁This ▁key ▁is ▁read ▁only ▁once ▁and ▁res et ▁to ▁" fal se " ▁after ▁read . ▁This ▁un sel ects ▁the ▁mail ▁in ▁the ▁list ▁and ▁rem oves ▁the ▁preview ▁for ▁that ▁folder . <2as> ▁C aching ▁G AL ▁contact ▁% d <2as> ▁Talk ▁to ▁and ▁see ▁people ▁over ▁the ▁Internet <2as> ▁you ▁are ▁not ▁registered ▁in ▁the ▁password ▁file <2as> ▁Z W S ▁_ Z ero ▁width ▁space <2as> ▁La ▁R onge <2as> ▁Cannot ▁send ▁message : ▁service ▁not ▁connected . <2as> ▁domain ▁information ▁incomplete , ▁missing ▁H V M ▁load er <2as> ▁Security ▁driver ▁% s ▁not ▁found <2as> ▁Prepar ing ▁email <2as> ▁_ Send ▁message <2as> ▁Start ▁an ▁audio ▁call <2as> ▁Qu oted ▁text ▁doesn ' t ▁begin ▁with ▁a ▁quot ation ▁mark <2as> ▁Join ▁Room <2as> ▁Size <2as> ▁acc erc iser ▁Preferences <2as> ▁Delete <2as> ▁Usage : ▁met acity - the me - view er ▁[ TH EM EN AME ] <2as> ▁The ▁size ▁of ▁the ▁file ▁is ▁over ▁2 ▁Gi B . ▁Files ▁larger ▁than ▁2 ▁Gi B ▁are ▁not ▁supported ▁by ▁the ▁ISO 96 60 ▁standard ▁in ▁its ▁first ▁and ▁second ▁versions ▁( the ▁most ▁widespread ▁ones ). ▁It ▁is ▁recommended ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁third ▁version ▁of ▁the ▁ISO 96 60 ▁standard , ▁which ▁is ▁supported ▁by ▁most ▁operating ▁systems , ▁including ▁Linux ▁and ▁all ▁versions ▁of ▁Windows TM . ▁However , ▁Mac ▁OS ▁X ▁cannot ▁read ▁images ▁created ▁with ▁version ▁3 ▁of ▁the ▁ISO 96 60 ▁standard . <2as> ▁Create ▁a ▁new ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁send ▁command ▁to ▁IMAP ▁server ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁No ▁F D ▁available ▁at ▁slot ▁% zu <2as> ▁The ▁package ▁providing ▁this ▁file ▁is : <2as> ▁_ O ct ave <2as> ▁Artist <2as> ▁T int : <2as> ▁Data ▁source ▁'% s ' ▁is ▁not ▁writable <2as> ▁Sur face ▁width <2as> ▁block ▁info ▁device ▁entry ▁was ▁not ▁in ▁expected ▁format <2as> ▁Eagle ▁Wing <2as> ▁Polic ies <2as> ▁_ Add ress ▁Book <2as> ▁Command ▁not ▁supported ▁by ▁SOC KS ▁server <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁rename ▁% s ▁to ▁% s : ▁% s , ▁removing ▁% s ▁then . <2as> ▁These ▁windows ▁do ▁not ▁support ▁& quot ; s ave ▁current ▁setup quot ; ▁and ▁will ▁have ▁to ▁be ▁restart ed ▁manually ▁next ▁time ▁you ▁log ▁in . <2as> ▁All ▁information ▁in ▁this ▁memo ▁will ▁be ▁deleted ▁and ▁can ▁not ▁be ▁restored . <2as> ▁The ▁coordinate ▁to ▁bind <2as> ▁Error ▁stor ing ▁'% s ': ▁% s <2as> ▁Set ▁a ▁schema ▁and ▁sync . ▁Use ▁with ▁-- sh ort - des c , ▁-- long - des c , ▁-- own er , ▁and ▁-- type . <2as> ▁Whether ▁or ▁not ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁notification ▁tray ▁for ▁display ▁remind ers <2as> ▁Leave ▁fullscreen ▁mode <2as> ▁V IR SH _ DE B UG ▁not ▁set ▁with ▁a ▁valid ▁numer ic ▁value <2as> ▁Special ▁debug ▁values : <2as> ▁Disable ▁use ▁of ▁the ▁fixed ▁function ▁pipeline ▁backend <2as> ▁F - S pot ▁Photo ▁Manager <2as> ▁Sim ulation ▁of ▁image ▁to ▁CD ▁burning <2as> ▁Invalid ▁Server ▁URI <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁the ▁link . <2as> ▁Song ▁start : <2as> ▁too ▁long ▁message <2as> ▁The ▁text ▁to ▁display ▁in ▁a ▁tooltip ▁for ▁this ▁menu . <2as> ▁Ignore ▁list ▁Reply - To : <2as> ▁Start ▁to ▁burn ▁the ▁contents ▁of ▁the ▁selection <2as> ▁Prefer red ▁languages , ▁two ▁letter ▁codes . <2as> ▁More ▁information <2as> ▁Display ▁video , ▁audio ▁and ▁image ▁preview <2as> ▁Select ▁all ▁files <2as> ▁A ▁new ▁writable ▁disc ▁will ▁be ▁required ▁once ▁the ▁currently ▁loaded ▁one ▁has ▁been ▁copied . <2as> ▁Natural ▁height ▁set <2as> ▁Start ▁Dep th <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁create ▁Session ▁instance , ▁r c ▁= ▁0 x % 08 x <2as> ▁Bad ▁address ▁`% s ' <2as> ▁Host ▁CPU ▁does ▁not ▁strictly ▁match ▁guest ▁CPU : ▁Extra ▁features <2as> ▁invalid ▁name ▁'% s ' ▁for ▁i SC SI ▁disk <2as> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration <2as> ▁Aut oc ompl etion <2as> ▁radio ▁menu ▁item <2as> ▁No ▁such ▁schema ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁MB O X ▁file ▁is ▁corrupted , ▁please ▁fix ▁it . ▁( Ex pected ▁a ▁From ▁line , ▁but ▁didn ' t ▁get ▁it .) <2as> ▁The ▁default ▁folder ▁to ▁save ▁file ▁transfers ▁in . <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁filter ▁selected ▁messages . ▁One ▁reason ▁can ▁be ▁that ▁folder ▁location ▁set ▁in ▁one ▁or ▁more ▁filters ▁is ▁invalid . ▁Please ▁check ▁your ▁filters ▁in ▁Edit - > M ess age ▁Fil ters . ▁Original ▁error ▁was : ▁% s <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁convert ▁domain ▁name ▁to ▁V E ID <2as> ▁Four ▁Found ations <2as> ▁Ort on ville <2as> ▁Browse ▁with ▁care t <2as> ▁Copying ▁messages ▁to ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁This ▁will ▁create ▁a ▁new ▁meeting ▁with ▁the ▁existing ▁meeting ▁details . ▁The ▁recurrence ▁rule ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁re - entered . <2as> ▁Edit ▁Encryption ▁Options ... <2as> ▁Bug ▁buddy ▁is ▁not ▁installed . <2as> ▁_ In her it ▁reminder <2as> ▁If ▁activated ▁Eye ▁of ▁GNOME ▁wont ▁ask ▁for ▁confirmation ▁when ▁moving ▁images ▁to ▁the ▁trash . ▁It ▁will ▁still ▁ask ▁if ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁files ▁cannot ▁be ▁moved ▁to ▁the ▁trash ▁and ▁would ▁be ▁deleted ▁instead . <2as> ▁Press , ▁move ▁right , ▁release . <2as> ▁Un supported ▁contact ▁field ▁'% d ' ▁specified ▁in ▁summary <2as> ▁Name <2as> ▁Each ▁header ▁is ▁represented ▁as ▁a ▁pair : ▁the ▁header ▁name , ▁and ▁a ▁bo olean ▁indicating ▁whether ▁the ▁header ▁is ▁enabled . ▁Disabled ▁headers ▁are ▁not ▁shown ▁when ▁view ing ▁a ▁message , ▁but ▁are ▁still ▁listed ▁in ▁Preferences . <2as> ▁Alpha ▁must ▁be ▁between ▁0.0 ▁( in vis ible ) ▁and ▁1.0 ▁( fully ▁op a que ), ▁was ▁% g <2as> ▁Whether ▁this ▁tag ▁affects ▁the ▁font ▁style <2as> ▁Folder ▁does ▁not ▁exist <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁scroll ▁a ▁Month ▁View ▁by ▁a ▁week , ▁not ▁by ▁a ▁month . <2as> ▁Paste ▁events ▁from ▁the ▁clipboard <2as> ▁DE V ICE <2as> ▁Time : ▁% s ▁% s <2as> ▁Column ▁Width <2as> ▁PK CS ▁#1 ▁MD 5 ▁With ▁R SA ▁Encryption <2as> ▁Det ected ▁as ▁“% s ” <2as> ▁Game ▁Over ! <2as> ▁Unexpected ▁type ▁of ▁anc ill ary ▁data <2as> ▁_ D eb ug <2as> ▁Authentication ▁is ▁required ▁to ▁accept ▁a ▁EU LA <2as> ▁_ A udio ▁Call <2as> ▁A ux ili ary ▁30 <2as> ▁Scale ▁Y <2as> ▁Fet ching ▁mail ▁from ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁The ▁type ▁of ▁the ▁values ▁in ▁the ▁interval <2as> ▁Add ▁a ▁contact ▁to ▁the ▁ro ster <2as> ▁SSL ▁certificate ▁for ▁host ▁'% s ', ▁used ▁by ▁address ▁book ▁'% s ', ▁is ▁not ▁trusted . ▁Do ▁you ▁wish ▁to ▁accept ▁it ? <2as> ▁Cannot ▁get ▁changes <2as> ▁Bu ilt in ▁Const ant <2as> ▁Ad ding ▁new ▁account <2as> ▁serial ▁of ▁disk ▁device <2as> ▁Import ing ▁files <2as> ▁The ▁volume ▁of ▁the ▁audio <2as> ▁Ref res hing ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁image ▁magic ▁is ▁incorrect <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁open ▁private ▁chat <2as> ▁If ▁true , ▁the ▁fish ' s ▁animation ▁will ▁be ▁displayed ▁rot ated ▁on ▁vertical ▁panels . <2as> ▁Target ▁host ▁device ▁mode ▁% s ▁does ▁not ▁match ▁source ▁% s <2as> ▁_ Sk ip ▁Look up <2as> ▁Cannot ▁display ▁folders . <2as> ▁_ Pass word ▁Exp iry ▁Warning ▁period : ▁% s <2as> ▁Apply ▁_ fil ters ▁to ▁new ▁messages ▁in ▁all ▁folders <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁retrieve ▁messages . <2as> ▁If ▁enabled , ▁all ▁incoming ▁calls ▁will ▁be ▁forwarded ▁to ▁the ▁host ▁that ▁is ▁specified ▁in ▁the ▁field ▁below <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁use ▁fixed ▁position ing ▁for ▁the ▁actor <2as> ▁IMAP ▁server ▁% s ▁does ▁not ▁support ▁% s ▁authentication <2as> ▁List ▁of ▁installed ▁web ▁applications <2as> ▁Show ▁display ▁remind ers ▁in ▁notification ▁tray <2as> ▁Should ▁bras ero ▁filter ▁hidden ▁files . ▁Set ▁to ▁true , ▁bras ero ▁will ▁filter ▁hidden ▁files . <2as> ▁F as en ina - A mp asy <2as> ▁E ther net ▁Net works <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁copy ▁file ▁over ▁directory <2as> ▁Show ▁week ▁numbers ▁in ▁date ▁navig ator <2as> ▁W ired ▁connection ▁% d <2as> ▁Ant s iran ana <2as> ▁Example : ▁username <2as> ▁S ocket ▁path ▁for ▁Sp am Ass ass in <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁authentic ate <2as> ▁Your ▁Exchange ▁account ▁"{0} " ▁has ▁the ▁status ▁set ▁as ▁" Out ▁of ▁Office ". <2as> ▁I _ ns ert ▁a ▁Pause <2as> ▁Unicode ▁( UTF -3 _ 2 ▁LE ) <2as> ▁Next ▁Thu <2as> ▁SMS : <2as> ▁Ball ▁style . ▁The ▁filename ▁of ▁the ▁images ▁to ▁use ▁for ▁the ▁balls . <2as> ▁V END OR <2as> ▁Un supported ▁authentication ▁method ▁for ▁% s <2as> ▁Minimum ▁Row ▁Height <2as> ▁Rock ham pton <2as> ▁Filter ▁on ▁_ Rec ipients ... <2as> ▁cannot ▁change ▁listen ▁network ▁setting ▁on ▁v nc ▁graph ics <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁sh ader ▁is ▁comp iled ▁and ▁linked <2as> ▁permission ▁denied <2as> ▁Res ident ▁Memory <2as> ▁Moving ▁Items <2as> ▁Deleg ate ▁Per missions <2as> ▁keyboard ▁label <2as> ▁Ep iph any ▁appears ▁to ▁have ▁ex ited ▁unexpectedly ▁the ▁last ▁time ▁it ▁was ▁run . ▁You ▁can ▁recover ▁the ▁opened ▁windows ▁and ▁tabs . <2as> ▁Enable ▁fast ▁_ conn ect ▁procedure <2as> ▁Sp ool ▁folder ▁tree ▁% s <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁pass ▁a ▁proper ▁state ▁when ▁drawing ▁shadow ▁or ▁background <2as> ▁Hollywood <2as> ▁Filter ▁_ hid den ▁files <2as> ▁The ▁container ▁that ▁created ▁this ▁data <2as> ▁Ek iga ▁did ▁not ▁manage ▁to ▁configure ▁your ▁network ▁settings ▁automatically . ▁You ▁can ▁still ▁use ▁it , ▁but ▁you ▁need ▁to ▁configure ▁your ▁network ▁settings ▁manually . ▁Please ▁see ▁http :// w iki . ek iga . org / index . php / En able _ port _ for ward ing _ man ually ▁for ▁instructions <2as> ▁SM B <2as> ▁R ole <2as> ▁Crime an ▁T atar <2as> ▁direct ▁setting ▁of ▁the ▁v lan ▁tag ▁is ▁not ▁allowed ▁for ▁host dev ▁devices ▁using ▁% s ▁mode <2as> ▁Next ▁_ Th read <2as> ▁Move ▁Tab ▁_ L eft <2as> ▁% s ▁through ▁% s ▁has ▁sent ▁back ▁the ▁following ▁assigned ▁task ▁response : <2as> ▁None ▁of ▁the ▁accepted ▁image ▁formats ▁are ▁supported ▁on ▁your ▁system <2as> ▁You ▁must ▁name ▁this ▁filter . <2as> ▁User _ name : <2as> ▁Share ▁My ▁Desktop <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁open ▁output ▁device <2as> ▁Monitor ▁directories ▁for ▁changes . <2as> ▁Zoom ▁out <2as> ▁and <2as> ▁paper ▁size <2as> ▁- ▁execute ▁permission ▁by ▁others <2as> ▁Ret rie ving ▁message ▁ID s ▁from ▁server ▁for ▁% s <2as> ▁Layout ▁style <2as> ▁R ole <2as> ▁New ▁Network <2as> ▁Target ▁domain ▁v CP U ▁count ▁% d ▁does ▁not ▁match ▁source ▁% d <2as> ▁Inv iting ▁you ▁to ▁this ▁room <2as> ▁Google ▁Talk ▁Home ▁Name ▁3 <2as> ▁Il op ango <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁actor ▁is ▁shown ▁when ▁parent ed <2as> ▁Lebanon <2as> ▁over ran ▁comp iling ▁workspace <2as> ▁Springs <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁scan ▁folder ▁'% s ': ▁% s <2as> ▁S _ end ▁Link ▁by ▁Email ... <2as> ▁Exp ung ing ▁deleted ▁messages <2as> ▁The ▁IP ▁address ▁as ▁seen ▁by ▁the ▁machine <2as> ▁Using ▁distinguished ▁name ▁( DN ) <2as> ▁% s ▁( compl eted ) <2as> ▁Unknown <2as> ▁% s : ▁-- force - on line ▁and ▁-- off line ▁cannot ▁be ▁used ▁together . ▁Run ▁'% s ▁-- help ' ▁for ▁more ▁information . <2as> ▁Error : ▁Device ▁'% s ' ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁Wi Fi ▁device . <2as> ▁Accept ▁Tent atively <2as> ▁Cl _ ose ▁current ▁tab <2as> ▁Allow ▁multiple ▁rows ▁to ▁be ▁selected <2as> ▁Source ▁stream ▁returned ▁no ▁data <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁remove ▁deleg ate ▁% s <2as> ▁En abled <2as> ▁Opening ▁store ▁% s <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁generate ▁sample ▁specification ▁for ▁file . <2as> ▁Python ▁console ▁for ▁Eye ▁of ▁GNOME <2as> ▁_ Send ▁Options <2as> ▁Data ▁source ▁is ▁missing ▁a ▁[% s ] ▁group <2as> ▁Import ing ▁Outlook ▁Express ▁data <2as> ▁No ▁items ▁found <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁empty ▁Trash <2as> ▁Folders <2as> ▁lib is of s ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁initial ized . <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁connect ▁to ▁POP ▁server ▁% s : \ t In valid ▁AP OP ▁ID ▁received . ▁Imp erson ation ▁attack ▁suspected . ▁Please ▁contact ▁your ▁ad min . <2as> ▁Address book ▁_ prop erties <2as> ▁Sp ool ▁mail ▁file ▁% s <2as> ▁move <2as> ▁_ Edit <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁min - he ight ▁property <2as> ▁Contact ▁goes ▁offline <2as> ▁service ▁un available <2as> ▁URI ▁of ▁the ▁names pace <2as> ▁Display s ▁Thread ▁Activ ity <2as> ▁Copy ▁host ▁CPU ▁configuration <2as> ▁Reading ▁folder ▁permissions , ▁please ▁wait ... <2as> ▁Align ▁Ax is <2as> ▁Currently ▁_ used ▁categories : <2as> ▁List s ▁the ▁active ▁extensions . <2as> ▁Error : ▁'% s ' ▁is ▁not ▁an ▁active ▁connection . <2as> ▁Contact ▁comes ▁online <2as> ▁An ▁Inst ant ▁Mess aging ▁client ▁for ▁GNOME <2as> ▁Color <2as> ▁Rot ation ▁Ang le ▁Y <2as> ▁migration ▁with ▁non - sha red ▁storage ▁with ▁full ▁disk ▁copy <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁allocate ▁new ▁dl ▁load er . <2as> ▁Show ▁Notification ▁Area ▁Icon <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁get ▁D Bus ▁system ▁bus ▁connection : ▁% s <2as> ▁Whether ▁contacts ▁should ▁be ▁automatically ▁added ▁to ▁the ▁user ' s ▁address ▁book . <2as> ▁Paste ▁the ▁clipboard <2as> ▁Lo ose ▁R out ing <2as> ▁Sim ulation ▁of ▁image ▁to ▁DVD ▁burning <2as> ▁_ V ala <2as> ▁Close ▁the ▁current ▁file <2as> ▁_ D eleg ate ▁receives ▁copies ▁of ▁meeting - related ▁messages ▁sent ▁to ▁me <2as> ▁Prop erty ▁% s ▁on ▁window ▁0 x % l x ▁contained ▁invalid ▁UTF -8 <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁allocate ▁locks pace ▁% s <2as> ▁Inte ger ▁`% s ' ▁is ▁too ▁large ▁or ▁small <2as> ▁File ▁_ type : <2as> ▁% I ▁% p <2as> ▁The ▁width ▁of ▁the ▁main ▁window ▁in ▁pixels . <2as> ▁Forward ▁As ▁_ In line <2as> ▁The ▁amount ▁of ▁space ▁between ▁two ▁consecutive ▁columns <2as> ▁Determin es ▁whether ▁to ▁look up ▁in ▁address ▁book ▁for ▁sender ▁email <2as> ▁Sur face ▁height <2as> ▁O _ ptions <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁read ▁output ▁from ▁Sp am Ass ass in : <2as> ▁This ▁option ▁is ▁related ▁to ▁the ▁key ▁look up _ add ress book ▁and ▁is ▁used ▁to ▁determine ▁whether ▁to ▁look ▁up ▁addresses ▁in ▁local ▁address ▁book ▁only ▁to ▁exclude ▁mail ▁sent ▁by ▁known ▁contacts ▁from ▁junk ▁filter ing . <2as> ▁TRUE ▁if ▁this ▁printer ▁can ▁accept ▁PDF <2as> ▁attachment . dat <2as> ▁Error : ▁Option ▁' -- pre tty ' ▁is ▁mut ually ▁exclusive ▁with ▁' -- ter se '. <2as> ▁Supp orted ▁image ▁files <2as> ▁The ▁height ▁of ▁the ▁pix map ▁bound ▁to ▁this ▁text ure <2as> ▁G aps <2as> ▁Sub m its ▁song ▁information ▁to ▁Last . fm ▁and ▁plays ▁Last . fm ▁radio ▁streams <2as> ▁AT - SP I : ▁Call ed ▁_ ats pi _ d bus _ ret urn _ acc ess ible _ from _ mess age ▁with ▁strange ▁signature ▁% s <2as> ▁VPN ▁connection ▁has ▁been ▁successfully ▁established . <2as> ▁data ▁sink s ▁cannot ▁be ▁used ▁for ▁non - bl ocking ▁streams <2as> ▁Volume ▁'% s ' ▁was ▁not ▁found ▁in ▁domain ' s ▁definition . <2as> ▁Last ▁5 ▁Days ' ▁Messages <2as> ▁Disable ▁text uring ▁any ▁prim itives <2as> ▁Al am osa <2as> ▁q om - get ▁invalid ▁object ▁property ▁type ▁% d <2as> ▁nest ed ▁< w indow > ▁tag <2as> ▁Answer ▁with ▁video <2as> ▁Choose ▁plugins ▁for ▁Brasero <2as> ▁Sim ulation ▁of ▁disc ▁cop ying <2as> ▁Key ▁Theme ▁Name <2as> ▁Import ing ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁_ F ast ▁blank ing <2as> ▁Call ▁took ▁% s , ▁ended ▁at ▁% s <2as> ▁Cannot ▁rename ▁M AP I ▁folder ▁'% s ' ▁to ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁What ▁is ▁your ▁GroupWise ▁User ▁ID ? <2as> ▁_ Z ip / P ost al ▁Code : <2as> ▁Dom ain ▁'% d ' ▁has ▁to ▁be ▁running ▁because ▁lib xen light ▁will ▁suspend ▁it <2as> ▁150 % <2as> ▁The ▁color ▁of ▁the ▁stage <2as> ▁D ict ▁entry ▁in ▁signature ▁'% s ' ▁must ▁be ▁a ▁basic ▁type <2as> ▁Remove ▁on ▁Complete <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁drain ▁stream : ▁% s <2as> ▁Cannot ▁get ▁POP ▁summary : <2as> ▁D ust ▁wh irl s ▁in ▁the ▁vic inity <2as> ▁Position ▁of ▁the ▁local ▁video ▁window <2as> ▁The ▁contact ▁is ▁offline <2as> ▁The ▁selected ▁Gtk F ont <2as> ▁The ▁alpha ▁used ▁by ▁the ▁animation <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁send ▁message : <2as> ▁Bookmark ▁link ▁“% s ” <2as> ▁F _ iles ystem <2as> ▁Vietnam ese ▁( V _ PS ) <2as> ▁From ▁Photo <2as> ▁Position ▁on ▁the ▁Z ▁axis <2as> ▁Width ▁of ▁the ▁window ▁in ▁pixels <2as> ▁" F older ▁Subs criptions " ▁window ▁height <2as> ▁_ Look up ▁in ▁local ▁address ▁book ▁only <2as> ▁Missing ▁owner Name ▁data ▁in ▁J S ON ▁document <2as> ▁Near by ▁S ites <2as> ▁Forward ▁As ▁_ Qu oted <2as> ▁D ATA ▁command ▁failed <2as> ▁% s ▁wishes ▁to ▁add ▁to ▁an ▁existing ▁meeting : <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁sh ader ▁is ▁enabled <2as> ▁Will ow ▁Gro ve <2as> ▁include ▁only ▁takes ▁1 ▁argument , ▁not ▁%1. <2as> ▁_ Show ▁Contact ▁List <2as> ▁color <2as> ▁Email ▁Certificate ▁Trust ▁Settings <2as> ▁def <2as> ▁Message ▁Rece ip ts <2as> ▁%( sy m ) s % ( hard ware ) s <2as> ▁Not ▁available ▁in ▁offline ▁mode <2as> ▁System ▁is ▁not ▁available <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁the ▁attachment <2as> ▁Show ▁input ▁method ▁name ▁on ▁language ▁bar <2as> ▁Text ▁color , ▁as ▁a ▁G dk Color <2as> ▁Men omon ie <2as> ▁File ▁Roll er <2as> ▁Tre ize <2as> ▁Get ▁a ▁hint ▁for ▁your ▁next ▁move <2as> ▁Publ ishing ▁to ▁% s ▁finished ▁successfully <2as> ▁X MP ▁IP TC <2as> ▁Task ▁preview ▁pane ▁position ▁( vert ical ) <2as> ▁E _ xt ended ▁Information <2as> ▁Subject <2as> ▁The ▁column ▁number ▁to ▁attach ▁the ▁left ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁child ▁to <2as> ▁Ho on ah <2as> ▁Skip ▁To <2as> ▁Battery ▁at ▁warning ▁level <2as> ▁Row ▁sp acing <2as> ▁g hi <2as> ▁Service ▁pack ▁created ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁No ▁space ▁was ▁left ▁on ▁the ▁drive . <2as> ▁Couldn ' t ▁open ▁address ▁book ▁‘ % s ’ : ▁% s <2as> ▁Vietnam ese ▁(_ VIS CII ) <2as> ▁_ Un read <2as> ▁Ker ber os <2as> ▁Africa / D ar _ es _ S ala am <2as> ▁W _ ith ▁more ▁recently ▁played ▁tracks ▁first <2as> ▁Error ▁getting ▁writable ▁attributes : ▁% s <2as> ▁The ▁script ▁file ▁must ▁exist ▁and ▁be ▁executable . <2as> ▁Load ▁Options <2as> ▁Unknown ▁command <2as> ▁Default ▁directory ▁to ▁select ▁an ▁av atar ▁image ▁from <2as> ▁This ▁option ▁would ▁help ▁in ▁improving ▁the ▁speed ▁of ▁fet ching . <2as> ▁Six ▁Found ations <2as> ▁Message ▁Body <2as> ▁% s ▁[ opt ions ] ▁... ▁- h , ▁-- help ▁Show ▁this ▁help ▁-- version ▁Show ▁version ▁- s , ▁-- ser ver = S ER V ER ▁The ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁server ▁to ▁connect ▁to <2as> ▁Brasero ▁- ▁Burning ▁CD ▁( S im ulation ) <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁the ▁containing ▁folder <2as> ▁transl ator - c red its <2as> ▁Key ▁Focus <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁attach ▁the ▁following ▁disk / dv d / fl oppy ▁to ▁the ▁machine : ▁% s , ▁r c =% 08 x <2as> ▁Download ▁this ▁file ? <2as> ▁Number ▁of ▁pixels ▁of ▁the ▁entry ▁sc rolled ▁off ▁the ▁screen ▁to ▁the ▁left <2as> ▁URI ▁of ▁a ▁media ▁file <2as> ▁Available : <2as> ▁The ▁door ▁is ▁open ▁on ▁printer ▁'% s '. <2as> ▁Exp ecting ▁domain ▁XML ▁attribute ▁' arch ' ▁of ▁entry ▁' os / type ' ▁to ▁be ▁' i 68 6 ' ▁or ▁' x 86 _ 64 ' ▁but ▁found ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Ch anging ▁STR ESS ▁password ▁for ▁% s . <2as> ▁Data ▁source ▁'% s ' ▁does ▁not ▁represent ▁a ▁M AP I ▁folder <2as> ▁update ▁guest ▁CPU ▁according ▁to ▁host ▁CPU <2as> ▁The ▁memo ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁deleted ▁due ▁to ▁a ▁d bus ▁error : ▁% s <2as> ▁Option ▁is ▁ignored ▁if ▁a ▁match ▁for ▁custom ▁junk ▁headers ▁is ▁found . <2as> ▁150 % <2as> ▁Last ▁time ▁Empty ▁Trash ▁was ▁run <2as> ▁Error ▁loading ▁calendar <2as> ▁The ▁UID ▁of ▁the ▁selected ▁( or ▁" prim ary ") ▁task ▁list ▁in ▁the ▁side bar ▁of ▁the ▁" T as ks " ▁view <2as> ▁Do ▁not ▁show ▁this ▁dialog ▁again <2as> ▁unknown ▁address ▁type ▁'% s ' ▁in ▁network ▁% s <2as> ▁Si _ g ning ▁algorithm : <2as> ▁_ Add ▁Bookmark ... <2as> ▁H int : ▁Column ▁% d <2as> ▁Use ▁Sp am Ass ass in ▁daemon ▁and ▁client <2as> ▁This ▁message ▁is ▁not ▁available ▁in ▁offline ▁mode . <2as> ▁Font : <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁get ▁bus ▁name ▁for ▁daemon , ▁ex iting : ▁% s <2as> ▁Memory ▁usage : <2as> ▁The ▁connection ▁is ▁closed <2as> ▁Join ▁a ▁discussion ▁group <2as> ▁Do ▁not ▁e _ xt ract ▁older ▁files <2as> ▁Subs cribe ▁to ▁folder ▁of ▁other ▁user ... <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁remove ▁storage ▁volume ▁'% s ' ( % s ) <2as> ▁Calendar <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁play ▁a ▁sound ▁when ▁log ging ▁into ▁a ▁network . <2as> ▁Copying ▁audio ▁track <2as> ▁the ▁six ▁of ▁spades <2as> ▁_ B lock ▁Contact <2as> ▁Document ▁root : <2as> ▁Comment <2as> ▁Missing ▁Printer ▁Dri ver <2as> ▁Audio ▁and ▁data ▁% s ▁in ▁% s <2as> ▁Con stra ints ▁the ▁dragging ▁to ▁an ▁axis <2as> ▁Find ▁the ▁previous ▁occurrence ▁of ▁the ▁phrase <2as> ▁I ▁can ' t ▁find ▁my ▁provider ▁and ▁I ▁wish ▁to ▁enter ▁it ▁_ man ually : <2as> ▁The ▁offset ▁in ▁pixels ▁to ▁apply ▁to ▁the ▁binding <2as> ▁Add ▁the ▁files ▁stored ▁in ▁the ▁clipboard <2as> ▁Sign ▁Text <2as> ▁Song ▁start : <2as> ▁Mig rating ▁Folders <2as> ▁C _ h annel : <2as> ▁Un supported ▁forward ▁mode ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁ER R OR : ▁Specify ▁package ▁names ▁to ▁install . <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁direction ▁should ▁be ▁revers ed ▁when ▁reaching ▁the ▁end <2as> ▁Nav ig ate ▁to ▁the ▁previous ▁page ▁of ▁effects <2as> ▁Rep os itory ▁offline <2as> ▁Default ▁mix er ▁device <2as> ▁X MP ▁IP TC <2as> ▁The ▁row ▁the ▁widget ▁res ides ▁in <2as> ▁Title <2as> ▁Scale ▁Grav ity <2as> ▁Missing ▁or ▁empty ▁' host Name ' ▁property <2as> ▁The ▁center ▁of ▁sc aling <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁stage ▁is ▁able ▁to ▁be ▁res ized ▁via ▁user ▁interaction <2as> ▁Device ▁Par ameters <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁get ▁lock ▁using ▁f c nt l (2) : ▁% s <2as> ▁Prop erty ▁Name <2as> ▁Right ▁( key pad ) keyboard ▁label <2as> ▁_ D ial pad <2as> ▁bright ▁blue <2as> ▁You ▁will ▁not ▁receive ▁any ▁further ▁messages ▁from ▁this ▁chat ▁room ▁until ▁you ▁rejo in ▁it . <2as> ▁shut down <2as> ▁The ▁interval ▁of ▁values ▁to ▁transition <2as> ▁Dest roy ed <2as> ▁Browse ▁with ▁care t <2as> ▁_ Acc ount s <2as> ▁Pix els ▁covering ▁Y ▁range <2as> ▁Ell ips is <2as> ▁Prev ▁engine ▁shortcut ▁keys <2as> ▁Col _ umn <2as> ▁% s ▁through ▁% s ▁has ▁declined ▁the ▁following ▁meeting ▁changes : <2as> ▁No ▁event ▁expected ▁with ▁procedure ▁% x <2as> ▁_ No , ▁Don ' t ▁Change ▁Status <2as> ▁Time out ▁for ▁marking ▁message ▁as ▁seen <2as> ▁O ops ! ▁Error ▁loading ▁% s <2as> ▁Re _ m ove ▁All <2as> ▁Duration ▁of ▁the ▁animation , ▁in ▁millis econds <2as> ▁D SA ▁( sign ▁only ) <2as> ▁None <2as> ▁Output ▁the ▁network ▁filter ▁information ▁as ▁an ▁XML ▁dump ▁to ▁st d out . <2as> ▁Create ▁Director ies <2as> ▁Test ▁Res ult <2as> ▁Play ▁sound ▁for ▁new ▁voice ▁ma ils <2as> ▁To ▁Edge <2as> ▁Key <2as> ▁Show ▁system ▁tray ▁icon ▁while ▁app ▁is ▁running <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁folder <2as> ▁Audio ▁stop keyboard ▁label <2as> ▁Set ▁to ▁TRUE ▁in ▁case ▁you ▁do ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁add ▁signature ▁del im iter ▁before ▁your ▁signature ▁when ▁comp osing ▁a ▁mail . <2as> ▁Default ▁Path <2as> ▁Enable ▁Web A udio <2as> ▁Ref res hing ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁You ▁are ▁searching ▁for ▁a ▁nine . <2as> ▁_ Un ma xim ize ▁All <2as> ▁Background <2as> ▁R ings ▁Chart <2as> ▁file ▁name ▁length ▁% zu ▁is ▁too ▁large <2as> ▁Create ▁a ▁search ▁folder ▁for ▁this ▁sender <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁un set ▁break age ▁key ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Language <2as> ▁Copying ▁device ▁to ▁disk ▁image <2as> ▁Th ieves <2as> ▁Image ▁animation ▁mode <2as> ▁_ Show ▁on ▁Toolbar <2as> ▁_ Yes , ▁Change ▁Status <2as> ▁Ang le ▁x ▁til t <2as> ▁Waiting ▁for ▁the ▁other ▁participant ' s ▁response <2as> ▁Because ▁" { 2 } ". <2as> ▁monitor ▁must ▁not ▁be ▁N ULL <2as> ▁cit ation . format ▁[ ] <2as> ▁New ▁_ I nc ogn ito ▁Window <2as> ▁The ▁Evolution ▁memo ▁has ▁quit ▁unexpectedly . <2as> ▁Te _ m plate : <2as> ▁En abled <2as> ▁Location : <2as> ▁Asp ect ▁ratio : <2as> ▁Python ▁console ▁for ▁Eye ▁of ▁GNOME <2as> ▁Custom ▁% s x % s <2as> ▁View ▁_ Un form atted <2as> ▁Cl imb ▁Speed : <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁list ▁items ▁from ▁a ▁server <2as> ▁Allow ▁_ ro aming ▁if ▁home ▁network ▁is ▁not ▁available <2as> ▁E _ n able <2as> ▁Whether ▁Web K it ▁develop er ▁tools , ▁such ▁as ▁the ▁Web ▁Inspector , ▁should ▁be ▁enabled . <2as> ▁oct al ▁value ▁is ▁greater ▁than ▁\\ 37 7 <2as> ▁Strike <2as> ▁volume ▁key ▁or ▁path <2as> ▁No ▁backend ▁name ▁in ▁source ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Position ▁of ▁the ▁horizontal ▁pane , ▁between ▁the ▁date ▁navig ator ▁calendar ▁and ▁the ▁task ▁list ▁when ▁not ▁in ▁the ▁month ▁view , ▁in ▁pixels <2as> ▁The ▁cursor ▁position ▁of ▁the ▁other ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁selection <2as> ▁Ex it ▁after ▁a ▁small ▁delay <2as> ▁How ▁long ▁to ▁show ▁the ▁last ▁input ▁character ▁in ▁hidden ▁entries <2as> ▁_ V H DL <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁initial ize ▁the ▁Cl utter ▁backend <2as> ▁Qu oted <2as> ▁_ Book marks <2as> ▁Create ▁a ▁new ▁topic <2as> ▁Location : <2as> ▁You ▁are ▁searching ▁for ▁a ▁three . <2as> ▁Should ▁bras ero ▁replace ▁symbolic ▁links ▁by ▁their ▁target ▁files ▁in ▁the ▁project . ▁Set ▁to ▁true , ▁bras ero ▁will ▁replace ▁symbolic ▁links . <2as> ▁Edit ▁M AP I ▁contacts ▁permissions <2as> ▁Don ' t ▁connect ▁to ▁an ▁already - run ning ▁instance <2as> ▁Fet ching ▁summary ▁information ▁for ▁new ▁messages <2as> ▁missing ▁return ▁information <2as> ▁New ▁name ▁for ▁the ▁printer <2as> ▁Address book ▁Contact <2as> ▁Primary ▁address ▁book <2as> ▁_ Rem ember ▁this ▁pass phrase ▁for ▁the ▁remain der ▁of ▁this ▁session <2as> ▁Cannot ▁stat ▁% s <2as> ▁Error ▁while ▁pad ding ▁file ▁(% s ) <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁make ▁directory ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Tra ce ▁the ▁C ogl ▁P ango ▁re nde rer <2as> ▁My ▁deleg ates ▁a _ nd ▁me <2as> ▁N N TP ▁over ▁SSL <2as> ▁Name <2as> ▁DE V ICE <2as> ▁This ▁value ▁represents ▁the ▁speed ▁that ▁was ▁used ▁in ▁such ▁a ▁context ▁the ▁last ▁time . <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁encrypt ▁the ▁data : ▁% s ▁/ ▁% s . <2as> ▁Cannot ▁create ▁folder ▁under ▁'% s ', ▁it ▁is ▁used ▁for ▁folders ▁of ▁other ▁users ▁only <2as> ▁Address ▁Book ▁Map <2as> ▁Test ing ▁availability ▁of ▁folder ▁'% s ' ▁of ▁user ▁'% s ', ▁please ▁wait ... <2as> ▁Tell s ▁how ▁to ▁sort ▁accounts ▁in ▁a ▁folder ▁tree ▁used ▁in ▁a ▁Mail ▁view . ▁When ▁set ▁to ▁true ▁accounts ▁are ▁sorted ▁al phabet ically , ▁with ▁an ▁exception ▁of ▁On ▁This ▁Computer ▁and ▁Search ▁folders , ▁otherwise ▁accounts ▁are ▁sorted ▁based ▁on ▁an ▁order ▁given ▁by ▁a ▁user <2as> ▁Requ ested ▁action ▁not ▁taken : ▁mailbox ▁un available <2as> ▁Mar gin ▁Bottom <2as> ▁Selected ▁tab : ▁" content " ▁or ▁" search " <2as> ▁Writing ▁"% s " <2as> ▁Unexpected ▁message ▁status ▁% d <2as> ▁Units ▁for ▁a ▁birthday ▁or ▁anniversary ▁reminder , ▁" min utes ", ▁" h ours " ▁or ▁" day s " <2as> ▁Un nam ed <2as> ▁Oct al ▁number <2as> ▁Public ▁un list ed <2as> ▁unexpected ▁root ▁element ▁, ▁expecting ▁< pool > <2as> ▁Then <2as> ▁Pid gin ▁check ▁interval <2as> ▁The ▁chosen ▁sound ▁will ▁be ▁played ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁calls ▁or ▁calling ▁somebody ▁who ▁is ▁busy , ▁if ▁enabled <2as> ▁Time zone ▁drop - down ▁combination ▁box <2as> ▁The ▁message ▁specified ▁below ▁will ▁be ▁automatically ▁sent ▁to ▁each ▁person ▁who ▁sends ▁mail ▁to ▁you ▁while ▁you ▁are ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁office . <2as> ▁Virtual ▁Network ▁'% s ' ▁is ▁not ▁active . ▁Would ▁you ▁like ▁to ▁start ▁the ▁network ▁now ? <2as> ▁Should ▁bras ero ▁replace ▁symbolic ▁links ▁by ▁their ▁target ▁files ▁in ▁the ▁project . ▁Set ▁to ▁true , ▁bras ero ▁will ▁replace ▁symbolic ▁links . <2as> ▁SHA 38 4 <2as> ▁Display ▁the ▁time ▁column ▁in ▁the ▁main ▁window . <2as> ▁domain ▁is ▁marked ▁for ▁auto ▁destroy <2as> ▁Un supported ▁disk ▁address ▁type ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁The ▁range ▁of ▁U DP ▁ports ▁that ▁Ek iga ▁will ▁use . <2as> ▁invalid ▁< inter face > ▁element ▁found ▁in ▁< for ward > ▁of ▁network ▁% s <2as> ▁No ▁photos / v ide os ▁found <2as> ▁Help ▁document ▁% s /% s ▁not ▁found <2as> ▁St rik eth rough ▁set <2as> ▁Send ▁current ▁document ▁by ▁mail , ▁instant ▁message ... <2as> ▁Event ▁monitor <2as> ▁_ For ce ▁Off <2as> ▁v nc ▁display ▁sharing ▁policy ▁is ▁not ▁supported ▁with ▁this ▁Q EM U <2as> ▁'{0} ' ▁has ▁delegated ▁the ▁meeting . ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁add ▁the ▁deleg ate ▁' {1} '? <2as> ▁Gnome ▁Calendar ' s ▁calendar ▁import ▁done <2as> ▁could ▁not ▁set ▁the ▁memory ▁size ▁of ▁the ▁domain ▁to : ▁% ll u ▁K b , ▁r c =% 08 x <2as> ▁Do ▁not ▁register ▁with ▁the ▁activ ation ▁names er ver , ▁do ▁not ▁re - use ▁an ▁active ▁terminal <2as> ▁Blue <2as> ▁Disc onn ecting ▁% s <2as> ▁More ▁Than <2as> ▁Add ▁the ▁files ▁stored ▁in ▁the ▁clipboard <2as> ▁I _ m port ▁% s <2as> ▁Display s ▁camera ▁settings ▁and ▁hist ogram <2as> ▁Connection ▁delete ▁failed <2as> ▁j kl <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁append ▁to ▁local ▁` S ent ' ▁folder : ▁% s <2as> ▁Custom ▁tab ▁label <2as> ▁The ▁rotation ▁angle ▁on ▁the ▁X ▁axis <2as> ▁Enter ▁a ▁web ▁address ▁to ▁open , ▁or ▁a ▁phrase ▁to ▁search ▁for <2as> ▁Type <2as> ▁New ▁Network <2as> ▁utility ▁window <2as> ▁Always ▁show ▁plain ▁text ▁part ▁and ▁make ▁attachments ▁from ▁other ▁parts , ▁if ▁requested . <2as> ▁% B ▁% e , ▁% Y ▁at ▁% R ▁UTC <2as> ▁F _ ilen ame : <2as> ▁Attachment ▁Reminder <2as> ▁_ P ub lish ▁Calendar ▁Information <2as> ▁guest f wd ▁requires ▁Q EM U ▁to ▁support ▁- ch ard ev ▁& ▁- dev ice <2as> ▁Your ▁account ▁information ▁is ▁as ▁follows . ▁Please ▁correct ▁any ▁errors , ▁then ▁click ▁" For ward ". <2as> ▁Target ▁video ▁card ▁v ram ▁% u ▁does ▁not ▁match ▁source ▁% u <2as> ▁Pix els ▁of ▁blank ▁space ▁between ▁wrapped ▁lines ▁in ▁a ▁paragraph <2as> ▁Dec oding ▁Cod ec : <2as> ▁South <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁suspend ▁domain : ▁% s <2as> ▁Layout ▁style <2as> ▁Enable ▁or ▁disable ▁the ▁prompt ▁whilst ▁marking ▁multiple ▁messages . <2as> ▁Apply ▁custom ▁proxy ▁settings ▁to ▁these ▁accounts : <2as> ▁Invalid ▁query : ▁% s <2as> ▁This ▁message ▁does ▁not ▁contain ▁the ▁header ▁information ▁required ▁for ▁this ▁action . <2as> ▁Error ▁sending ▁message : ▁% s <2as> ▁a ▁secret ▁with ▁U U ID ▁% s ▁already ▁defined ▁for ▁use ▁with ▁% s <2as> ▁Package K it ▁Deb ugin fo ▁Install er <2as> ▁Unknown ▁parent ▁folder : ▁% s <2as> ▁Scale ▁Center ▁Y <2as> ▁Go ▁to ▁page <2as> ▁at k - bridge : ▁Couldn ' t ▁listen ▁on ▁d bus ▁server : ▁% s <2as> ▁R ise ▁set <2as> ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁meeting . <2as> ▁Brow s _ e ▁server ▁for ▁a ▁calendar <2as> ▁Ret rie ve ▁_ list <2as> ▁Create ▁a ▁Filter ▁Rule ▁for ▁_ Rec ipients ... <2as> ▁Const antine <2as> ▁Select ▁HTML ▁variable ▁width ▁font ▁for ▁printing <2as> ▁Send ▁Audio <2as> ▁Not ▁enough ▁space ▁in ▁destination <2as> ▁File ▁_ type : <2as> ▁/ c lear : ▁clear ▁all ▁messages ▁from ▁the ▁current ▁conversation <2as> ▁Cont ains ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁favourite ▁burn ▁engine ▁suite ▁installed . ▁It ▁will ▁be ▁used ▁if ▁possible . <2as> ▁The ▁last ▁brow sed ▁folder ▁while ▁looking ▁for ▁images ▁to ▁burn <2as> ▁For ▁handling ▁mail ▁( and ▁other ▁data ) ▁on ▁Microsoft ▁Exchange ▁2000 ▁and ▁2003 ▁servers ▁via ▁O WA <2as> ▁App ▁version <2as> ▁Inst alled ▁on : <2as> ▁Invalid ▁syn tax ▁for ▁-- set , ▁expecting ▁name = value <2as> ▁_ V ert ical ▁View <2as> ▁_ Ab out <2as> ▁Evolution ▁Warning <2as> ▁I _ m port ... <2as> ▁Password ▁H int ▁Time out <2as> ▁No ▁UID ▁in ▁the ▁contact <2as> ▁Prep end ▁a ▁_ head er <2as> ▁The ▁certificate ' s ▁algorithm ▁is ▁considered ▁insec ure . <2as> ▁Un hand led ▁Apple ▁File ▁Control ▁error ▁(% d ) <2as> ▁F atal ▁mail ▁par ser ▁error ▁near ▁position ▁% s ▁in ▁folder ▁% s <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁write ▁a ▁project . <2as> ▁`% s ' ▁is ▁ready ▁for ▁printing . <2as> ▁% s ▁command ▁requires ▁an ▁application ▁id ▁to ▁directly ▁follow <2as> ▁Place ▁the ▁five ▁of ▁clubs ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁four ▁of ▁clubs . <2as> ▁Tem plates <2as> ▁Mouse <2as> ▁Auto - c lear <2as> ▁Show ▁the ▁" From " ▁field ▁when ▁sending ▁a ▁mail ▁message . ▁This ▁is ▁controlled ▁from ▁the ▁View ▁menu ▁when ▁a ▁mail ▁account ▁is ▁chosen . <2as> ▁S orter <2as> ▁Mig ration ▁cookie ▁was ▁not ▁N ULL ▁terminated <2as> ▁It ▁dis ables / en ables ▁the ▁repeated ▁prompt s ▁to ▁warn ▁that ▁you ▁are ▁sending ▁a ▁private ▁reply ▁to ▁a ▁message ▁which ▁arrived ▁via ▁a ▁mailing ▁list . <2as> ▁Selected ▁application <2as> ▁Cannot ▁fork ▁loc king ▁helper : ▁% s <2as> ▁Burn s , ▁bl anks ▁and ▁formats ▁CD s , ▁DVD s ▁and ▁B D s <2as> ▁Saint ▁John ' s <2as> ▁What ▁is ▁your ▁Windows ▁Live ▁password ? <2as> ▁% s ▁authentication ▁failed <2as> ▁Cannot ▁create ▁folder ▁in ▁offline ▁mode . <2as> ▁Sim ulation ▁of ▁image ▁to ▁CD ▁burning <2as> ▁Except ions <2as> ▁Forces ▁the ▁underlying ▁text ure ▁to ▁be ▁sing ular ▁and ▁not ▁made ▁of ▁smaller ▁space ▁saving ▁individual ▁text ures <2as> ▁T TL <2as> ▁Active ▁Chart <2as> ▁could ▁not ▁use ▁X en ▁hyper visor ▁entry ▁% s <2as> ▁cannot ▁parse ▁sp ice ▁port ▁% s <2as> ▁Style <2as> ▁Selected ▁task ▁list ▁contains ▁task ▁'% s ' ▁already . ▁Would ▁you ▁like ▁to ▁edit ▁the ▁old ▁task ? <2as> ▁Center ▁Z <2as> ▁_ Copy ▁Location <2as> ▁Free B SD ▁Z FS <2as> ▁Page <2as> ▁%( c urrent mem ) s ▁of ▁%( max mem ) s <2as> ▁Use ▁_ T LS <2as> ▁Size <2as> ▁Un rated <2as> ▁Find ▁next ▁occurrence ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁search ▁string <2as> ▁Error ▁closing ▁handle : ▁% s <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁encrypt ▁the ▁archive ▁header . ▁If ▁the ▁header ▁is ▁encrypted ▁the ▁password ▁will ▁be ▁required ▁to ▁list ▁the ▁archive ▁content ▁as ▁well . <2as> ▁The ▁text ▁that ▁is ▁inserted ▁when ▁rep lying ▁to ▁a ▁message , ▁attrib uting ▁the ▁message ▁to ▁the ▁original ▁author . <2as> ▁Whether ▁disable ▁ell ips izing ▁feature ▁of ▁folder ▁names ▁in ▁side ▁bar . <2as> ▁_ S ort ▁By <2as> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item <2as> ▁Compos er ▁Window ▁default ▁height <2as> ▁Speak <2as> ▁make ▁above <2as> ▁Update ▁in <2as> ▁Network ▁% s ▁destroyed <2as> ▁RS ET ▁command ▁failed : ▁% s <2as> ▁disk ▁product ▁is ▁more ▁than ▁16 ▁characters <2as> ▁Make ▁X ▁calls ▁synchron ous <2as> ▁Filter ing ▁options <2as> ▁_ Con vers ation <2as> ▁How ▁often ▁to ▁ref resh ▁the ▁package ▁cache . ▁Value ▁is ▁in ▁seconds . <2as> ▁Time <2as> ▁Only ▁check ▁for ▁Junk ▁mess ag _ es ▁in ▁the ▁In box ▁folder <2as> ▁Show ▁in ▁folder <2as> ▁Publ ishing ▁Author <2as> ▁This ▁account ▁already ▁exists ▁on ▁the ▁server <2as> ▁In ▁a ▁call <2as> ▁Cell ▁background ▁color ▁name <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁window ▁buttons ▁should ▁be ▁visible . <2as> ▁Un supported ▁OS ▁type : ▁% s <2as> ▁Select ▁a ▁file <2as> ▁Line ▁wrap <2as> ▁Error ▁par sing ▁MB O X ▁part : ▁% s <2as> ▁_ Ab ort ▁Ben ch mark <2as> ▁Save ▁as ▁v Card <2as> ▁Dec <2as> ▁File ▁Browser <2as> ▁Save ▁link ▁“% s ” <2as> ▁Server ▁is ▁unre ach able , ▁calendar ▁is ▁opened ▁in ▁read - only ▁mode . ▁Error ▁message : ▁% s <2as> ▁M isc ell aneous <2as> ▁Publ ishing ▁_ F re qu ency : <2as> ▁Document ▁was ▁empty ▁or ▁contained ▁only ▁wh ites pace <2as> ▁cannot ▁limit ▁locked ▁memory ▁of ▁process ▁% ll d ▁to ▁% ll u <2as> ▁Cannot ▁delete ▁folder ▁'% s ': ▁Invalid ▁mailbox ▁name <2as> ▁lock ▁owner ▁details ▁have ▁already ▁been ▁registered <2as> ▁A _ uto - del ete ▁sent ▁item <2as> ▁_ P icture ▁Gall ery <2as> ▁Trans c oding ▁"% s " <2as> ▁_ U ns ub s cribe ▁from ▁List <2as> ▁File ▁system ▁is ▁busy <2as> ▁Day ▁of ▁month ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁lower ▁date ▁limit <2as> ▁I _ m port ... <2as> ▁If ▁there ▁isn ' t ▁a ▁built in ▁viewer ▁for ▁a ▁particular ▁MIME ▁type ▁inside ▁Evolution , ▁any ▁MIME ▁types ▁appear ing ▁in ▁this ▁list ▁which ▁map ▁to ▁a ▁Bon obo ▁component ▁viewer ▁in ▁GNOME ' s ▁MIME ▁type ▁database ▁may ▁be ▁used ▁for ▁displaying ▁content . <2as> ▁Repeat ▁the ▁contents ▁rather ▁than ▁sc aling ▁them ▁vert ically <2as> ▁http :// d uck d uck go . com /? q =% s amp ; t = ep iph any <2as> ▁Toolbar ▁Editor <2as> ▁Cannot ▁subs cribe ▁folder ▁in ▁offline ▁mode . <2as> ▁Save ▁link ▁with ▁a ▁different ▁name <2as> ▁Default <2as> ▁Add ▁'% s ' ▁to ▁% s ▁Dictionary <2as> ▁If ▁activated ▁and ▁no ▁image ▁is ▁loaded ▁in ▁the ▁active ▁window , ▁the ▁file ▁cho oser ▁will ▁display ▁the ▁user ' s ▁pictures ▁folder ▁using ▁the ▁X D G ▁special ▁user ▁directories . ▁If ▁de activ ated ▁or ▁the ▁pictures ▁folder ▁has ▁not ▁been ▁set ▁up , ▁it ▁will ▁show ▁the ▁current ▁working ▁directory . <2as> ▁Not ▁a ▁launch able ▁item <2as> ▁CPU ▁Fe atures <2as> ▁Cannot ▁delete ▁IMAP ▁folders ▁in ▁offline ▁mode . <2as> ▁85 % <2as> ▁A ▁load ▁operation ▁is ▁already ▁in ▁progress <2as> ▁The ▁backend ▁instance <2as> ▁The ▁website ▁at ▁% s ▁seems ▁to ▁be ▁un available . ▁The ▁precise ▁error ▁was :% s It ▁could ▁be ▁temporarily ▁switched ▁off ▁or ▁moved ▁to ▁a ▁new ▁address . ▁Don ' t ▁forget ▁to ▁check ▁that ▁your ▁internet ▁connection ▁is ▁working ▁correctly . <2as> ▁The ▁actor ▁that ▁is ▁being ▁dragged <2as> ▁_ C ustom ize ▁options <2as> ▁Type ▁of ▁Service ▁( T OS ) ▁by te ▁on ▁out going ▁R TP ▁IP ▁pack ets <2as> ▁Back ward ▁ste pper <2as> ▁End ▁the ▁current ▁game <2as> ▁Whether ▁or ▁not ▁the ▁window ▁should ▁be ▁maxim ized . <2as> ▁_ B urn ▁Image ... <2as> ▁Remove ▁from ▁this ▁topic <2as> ▁POS T ▁operation ▁failed <2as> ▁Inter active ▁py thon ▁console <2as> ▁Error ▁writing ▁to ▁cache ▁stream : <2as> ▁invalid ▁argument ▁supplied <2as> ▁Remove ▁the ▁selected ▁bookmark <2as> ▁transl ator - c red its <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁create ▁signal ▁pipe <2as> ▁Search ▁wrapped ▁back ▁to ▁the ▁top <2as> ▁Split ▁track ▁in ▁a ▁fixed ▁number ▁of ▁parts <2as> ▁The ▁filter ▁used ▁when ▁increasing ▁the ▁size ▁of ▁the ▁content <2as> ▁drive ▁doesn ' t ▁implement ▁stop <2as> ▁_ S um mar ize ▁permissions <2as> ▁Folder ▁_ Size <2as> ▁% s ▁through ▁% s ▁wishes ▁to ▁add ▁to ▁an ▁existing ▁memo : <2as> ▁_ Rec ord ▁del im iter : <2as> ▁Christian sted <2as> ▁Align ▁Ax is <2as> ▁Display ▁the ▁parent ▁folder <2as> ▁Publ ishing ▁Editor <2as> ▁GTK + ▁modules ▁for ▁accessibility ▁support <2as> ▁Error ▁sending ▁message : ▁% s <2as> ▁List ▁of ▁protocol ▁names ▁whose ▁license ▁has ▁been ▁accepted . <2as> ▁does ▁not ▁start ▁with <2as> ▁Tim ed ▁out ▁trying ▁to ▁get ▁lock ▁file ▁on ▁% s . ▁Try ▁again ▁later . <2as> ▁New ▁password ... <2as> ▁Altern ative ▁service <2as> ▁_ En abled <2as> ▁Server ▁'% s ' ▁cannot ▁be ▁reached <2as> ▁Mount ▁of ▁% s ▁failed : <2as> ▁Pid gin ▁address ▁book ▁source <2as> ▁Acc uracy ▁Level : <2as> ▁_ Open <2as> ▁The ▁color ▁of ▁the ▁rect angle <2as> ▁invalid ▁character ▁'% c ' ▁in ▁i id ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁D ial pad <2as> ▁Target ▁R NG ▁model ▁'% s ' ▁does ▁not ▁match ▁source ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Object ▁path ▁to ▁emit ▁signal ▁on <2as> ▁More ▁options ... <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁find ▁system ▁book <2as> ▁GTK ▁Mod ules <2as> ▁_ Edit / <2as> ▁Host name ▁not ▁known <2as> ▁Window ▁width <2as> ▁Email ▁Custom ▁Header <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁set ▁an ▁empty ▁display ▁name <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁cache ▁directory : <2as> ▁For c ibly ▁re - m ig rate ▁from ▁Evolution ▁1. 4 <2as> ▁Cannot ▁save ▁event <2as> ▁Prepar ing ▁to ▁go ▁online ... <2as> ▁Tra ce ▁cli pping <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁create ▁folder ▁'% s ': ▁% s <2as> ▁page ▁2 <2as> ▁missing ▁smart card ▁device ▁mode <2as> ▁Full ▁du ple _ x <2as> ▁Del eted : <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁read ▁from ▁signal ▁pipe <2as> ▁Enable ▁icon ▁in ▁notification ▁area . <2as> ▁Display ▁bookmarks ▁help <2as> ▁radio ▁menu ▁item <2as> ▁Allow ▁DA O ▁use <2as> ▁Accept ▁Focus <2as> ▁Name <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁open ▁files ystem ▁% s <2as> ▁Left ▁Touch ring ▁Mode ▁Switch <2as> ▁C 6/ C 5 <2as> ▁Right ▁Touch st rip <2as> ▁Ong o ing ▁burning ▁process <2as> ▁_ List ▁of ▁slic es ▁that ▁are ▁to ▁be ▁created : <2as> ▁cannot ▁create ▁file ▁% s <2as> ▁Compl etion ▁date <2as> ▁Allow ▁_ D ef late ▁data ▁compression <2as> ▁The ▁priority ▁value ▁for ▁the ▁plugin <2as> ▁Start <2as> ▁Select ▁the ▁format ▁for ▁video ▁cameras ▁( do es ▁not ▁apply ▁to ▁most ▁USB ▁cameras ) <2as> ▁Host name ▁'% s ' ▁is ▁too ▁long ▁for ▁SOC KS v 4 ▁protocol <2as> ▁Hide ▁all ▁normal ▁windows <2as> ▁Place ▁the ▁king ▁of ▁hearts ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁queen ▁of ▁hearts . <2as> ▁Open ▁new ▁chat s ▁in ▁separate ▁windows <2as> ▁_ St atus bar <2as> ▁No ▁yet ▁handled ▁value ▁'% s ' ▁for ▁V M X ▁entry ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁En abled <2as> ▁Encryption ▁required ▁for ▁requested ▁authentication ▁mechanism <2as> ▁Today ▁% I :% M ▁% p <2as> ▁Open ▁in ▁a ▁single ▁window , ▁if ▁multiple ▁windows ▁are ▁open ▁the ▁first ▁one ▁is ▁used <2as> ▁Advanced ▁send ▁options <2as> ▁Window ▁Manager : ▁% s <2as> ▁Your ▁Conn ector ▁account ▁is ▁now ▁ready ▁to ▁use . ▁Click ▁the ▁" App ly " ▁button ▁to ▁save ▁your ▁settings . <2as> ▁The ▁host name ▁verified ▁by ▁the ▁certificate ▁doesn ' t ▁match ▁the ▁server ▁name . <2as> ▁_ Le ave ▁messages ▁on ▁server <2as> ▁S _ end ▁Link ▁by ▁Email ... <2as> ▁Prop erty ▁‘ % s ’ ▁is ▁not ▁write able : ▁% s <2as> ▁Master ▁password ▁needed <2as> ▁Empathy ▁has ▁asked ▁about ▁import ing ▁accounts <2as> ▁Cannot ▁ref resh ▁calendar : <2as> ▁Q . 9 31 <2as> ▁Error ▁Conn ecting ▁to ▁Gall ery <2as> ▁Rio ▁Grande ▁do ▁Sul <2as> ▁B old ▁Column <2as> ▁Pass phrase ▁for ▁New ▁Secure ▁Shell ▁Key <2as> ▁Same ▁as ▁photo <2as> ▁Writing ▁"% s " <2as> ▁Any ▁type ▁of ▁connection <2as> ▁There ▁was ▁an ▁error ▁displaying ▁help . <2as> ▁View ▁notes ▁and ▁colle ctions ▁in ▁a ▁list <2as> ▁_ Is ol ated ▁virtual ▁network <2as> ▁Waiting ▁for ▁response ▁{0} ▁of ▁{ 1} <2as> ▁Where ▁to ▁accept ▁cookies ▁from . ▁Possible ▁values ▁are ▁" any where ", ▁" c urrent ▁site " ▁and ▁" now here ". <2as> ▁g conf d ▁comp iled ▁with ▁debug ging ; ▁trying ▁to ▁load ▁g conf . path ▁from ▁the ▁source ▁directory <2as> ▁Del eting ▁Part ition <2as> ▁S _ ec urity : <2as> ▁Place ▁the ▁king ▁of ▁diamonds ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁queen ▁of ▁diamonds . <2as> ▁Loading ▁Calendar <2as> ▁Pick ▁a ▁color <2as> ▁Res erved ▁Class <2as> ▁The ▁project ▁is ▁too ▁large ▁for ▁the ▁disc ▁even ▁with ▁the ▁over burn ▁option . <2as> ▁Show ▁R ole ▁field ▁in ▁the ▁event / task / me eting ▁editor <2as> ▁Do ▁not ▁overwrite ▁new er ▁files <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁find ▁O WA ▁data ▁at ▁the ▁indicated ▁URL . ▁Make ▁sure ▁the ▁URL ▁is ▁correct ▁and ▁try ▁again . <2as> ▁The ▁keyboard ▁geomet ry ▁Car ib ou ▁should ▁use <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁switch ▁the ▁monitor ▁configuration <2as> ▁Sh ot well ▁Preferences <2as> ▁% I ▁% p <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁set ▁socket ▁re use ▁add r ▁flag <2as> ▁Name ▁for ▁New ▁Scheme <2as> ▁Options ▁to ▁modify ▁properties ▁of ▁a ▁screen <2as> ▁Ig lo ol ik <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁synchron ize ▁temporary ▁folder ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Manager <2as> ▁' ce ph ' ▁authentication ▁not ▁supported ▁for ▁aut ost art ed ▁po ols <2as> ▁Example : ▁user @ my . s ip . ser ver <2as> ▁You ▁cannot ▁post ▁N N TP ▁messages ▁while ▁working ▁offline ! <2as> ▁Copyright ▁© ▁2004 -201 1 ▁Red ▁Hat , ▁Inc . ▁Copyright ▁© ▁2005 -2008 ▁Nov ell , ▁Inc . ▁and ▁many ▁other ▁community ▁contrib ut ors ▁and ▁transl ators <2as> ▁Dest roy ed <2as> ▁Do ▁you ▁really ▁want ▁to ▁remove ▁the ▁group ▁'% s '? <2as> ▁Tim est amp ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁font conf ig ▁configuration <2as> ▁General ' s ▁Pat ience <2as> ▁_ V ala <2as> ▁% d :%02 d :%02 d ▁of ▁% d :%02 d :%02 d ▁remaining <2as> ▁Prop erty ▁Name <2as> ▁IC Q ▁Home ▁Id ▁1 <2as> ▁Share ▁my ▁desktop <2as> ▁Printer ▁Options <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁: fil ename ▁property ▁is ▁set <2as> ▁Text ▁entry ▁to ▁input ▁date <2as> ▁Open <2as> ▁Application ▁set ▁a ▁bog us ▁_ N ET _ W M _ P ID ▁% lu <2as> ▁The ▁content ▁of ▁your ▁home ▁folder ▁has ▁changed . ▁Select ▁res can ▁to ▁update ▁the ▁disk ▁usage ▁details . <2as> ▁The ▁default ▁time zone ▁to ▁use ▁for ▁dates ▁and ▁times ▁in ▁the ▁calendar , ▁as ▁an ▁unt rans l ated ▁Ol sen ▁time zone ▁database ▁location ▁like ▁" Amer ica / New ▁York ". <2as> ▁Ell ips ize <2as> ▁0 :00 ▁/ ▁0 :00 <2as> ▁The ▁default ▁command ▁that ▁must ▁be ▁used ▁as ▁the ▁editor . <2as> ▁_ P lay ▁with ▁Sub title <2as> ▁Creating ▁storage ▁volume ... <2as> ▁Filter ing ▁options <2as> ▁Transfer ▁the ▁current ▁call <2as> ▁Save ▁Playlist <2as> ▁Couldn ' t ▁dec ode ▁certificate : ▁% s <2as> ▁Un read ▁Messages <2as> ▁Mass ena <2as> ▁You ▁will ▁soon ▁log ▁out ▁because ▁of ▁in activ ity . <2as> ▁Re vert ▁External ▁Edit ? <2as> ▁Show ▁the ▁" B cc " ▁field ▁when ▁sending ▁a ▁mail ▁message . ▁This ▁is ▁controlled ▁from ▁the ▁View ▁menu ▁when ▁a ▁mail ▁account ▁is ▁chosen . <2as> ▁_ C ount down <2as> ▁The ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁selected ▁font <2as> ▁initial izing ▁in ot ify <2as> ▁Forget ▁all ▁remembered ▁passwords <2as> ▁_ Edit <2as> ▁Friends ▁& ▁family ▁only <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁discard ▁reminder : <2as> ▁Help ▁you ▁locate ▁the ▁center ▁of ▁the ▁screen ▁when ▁moving ▁a ▁window . <2as> ▁_ En able ▁menu ▁access ▁keys ▁( such ▁as ▁Alt + F ▁to ▁open ▁the ▁File ▁menu ) <2as> ▁W ac om ▁action - type <2as> ▁AD SL ▁connection ▁% d <2as> ▁N DE B UG ▁defined , ▁all ▁ass erts ▁disabled . <2as> ▁Display ▁per - ch annel ▁hist ogram <2as> ▁Invalid ▁Qu ery <2as> ▁Fl ags <2as> ▁Then ▁By <2as> ▁If ▁enabled , ▁offline ▁contacts ▁will ▁be ▁shown ▁in ▁the ▁ro ster <2as> ▁Sent ▁Items <2as> ▁Dev help ▁— ▁Assistant <2as> ▁Pa rent ▁folder ▁% s ▁does ▁not ▁exist <2as> ▁Co _ nt acts : <2as> ▁Host name ▁has ▁no ▁base ▁domain <2as> ▁Remote ▁Cand id ate : <2as> ▁Ep iph any ▁cannot ▁quit <2as> ▁An ▁unknown ▁error ▁occurred . <2as> ▁Resize ▁_ 2 ∶ 1 <2as> ▁B elo ▁Hor iz onte <2as> ▁Description ▁Cont ains <2as> ▁Un sub s cribe ▁to ▁the ▁mailing ▁list ▁this ▁message ▁belongs ▁to <2as> ▁Monitor ▁bright ness ▁down keyboard ▁label <2as> ▁M H ▁append ▁message ▁canceled <2as> ▁Invalid ▁parameter ▁to ▁vir X P ath UL ong () <2as> ▁New ▁View ... <2as> ▁La ▁Serena <2as> ▁_ Edit <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁open ▁help ▁file . <2as> ▁Couldn ' t ▁interpret ▁COR BA ▁value ▁for ▁list ▁element <2as> ▁Set ▁the ▁follow - up ▁flag ▁to ▁completed ▁on ▁the ▁selected ▁messages <2as> ▁This ▁allows ▁you ▁to ▁set ▁the ▁mode ▁for ▁sending ▁D TM F s . ▁The ▁values ▁can ▁be ▁" R FC 28 33 " ▁(0 ), ▁" IN FO " ▁(1) <2as> ▁Some ▁sensitive ▁data ▁is ▁likely ▁present ▁in ▁the ▁crash ▁details . ▁Please ▁review ▁and ▁edit ▁the ▁information ▁if ▁you ▁are ▁concerned ▁about ▁transm itting ▁passwords ▁or ▁other ▁sensitive ▁data . <2as> ▁Please ▁choose ▁the ▁audio ▁output ▁device : <2as> ▁Source : ▁% s <2as> ▁The ▁specified ▁contact ▁is ▁offline <2as> ▁If ▁you ▁quit , ▁these ▁messages ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁sent ▁until ▁Evolution ▁is ▁started ▁again . <2as> ▁Action ▁name <2as> ▁New ▁Con vers ation <2as> ▁View ▁additional ▁information ▁about ▁a ▁process <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Use ▁shortcut ▁with ▁shift ▁to ▁switch ▁to ▁the ▁previous ▁input ▁method <2as> ▁Send ▁_ reply ▁to ▁sender <2as> ▁Create ▁standard ▁GNOME ▁directories ▁on ▁startup <2as> ▁_ Down load ▁limit : <2as> ▁Coordin ate ▁expression ▁contains ▁inte ger ▁'% s ' ▁which ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁par sed <2as> ▁Integr ate ▁your ▁IM ▁accounts <2as> ▁Conf ig uring ▁mobile ▁broad band ▁connection ▁'% s '... <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁read ▁data ▁from ▁child ▁process ▁(% s ) <2as> ▁15 ▁minutes <2as> ▁The ▁search ▁base ▁is ▁the ▁distinguished ▁name ▁( DN ) ▁of ▁the ▁entry ▁where ▁your ▁sear ches ▁will ▁begin . ▁If ▁you ▁leave ▁this ▁blank , ▁the ▁search ▁will ▁begin ▁at ▁the ▁root ▁of ▁the ▁directory ▁tree . <2as> ▁N etscape ▁Certificate ▁Type <2as> ▁Baltic <2as> ▁Open ▁Folder <2as> ▁Select ▁all ▁visible ▁contacts <2as> ▁Get ▁List ▁_ Ar ch ive <2as> ▁Le ▁L ament in <2as> ▁CD - RW ▁audio ▁disc s ▁may ▁not ▁play ▁correctly ▁in ▁older ▁CD ▁players ▁and ▁CD - T EXT ▁won ' t ▁be ▁written . <2as> ▁The ▁width ▁of ▁the ▁can vas <2as> ▁Show ▁account ▁bal ances <2as> ▁Is ▁New ▁List <2as> ▁Tim ed ▁out ▁trying ▁to ▁get ▁lock ▁file ▁on ▁% s . ▁Try ▁again ▁later . <2as> ▁Select ▁all ▁messages ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁thread ▁as ▁the ▁selected ▁message <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁connect ▁to ▁% s <2as> ▁This ▁memo ▁recurs <2as> ▁Vol ▁% s ▁deleted <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁verify ▁server ▁certificate ▁% s ▁against ▁CA ▁certificate ▁% s <2as> ▁Go ▁to ▁Chapter <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁set ▁and ▁get / un set ▁simultaneously <2as> ▁Disable ▁sounds ▁when ▁_ away ▁or ▁busy <2as> ▁Advanced ▁Proxy ▁Preferences ▁lets ▁you ▁define ▁alternate ▁network ▁pro x ies ▁and ▁apply ▁them ▁to ▁specific ▁accounts <2as> ▁POP 3 ▁stores ▁have ▁no ▁folder ▁hier archy <2as> ▁Cannot ▁open ▁calendar <2as> ▁The ▁file ▁“% s ” ▁has ▁been ▁downloaded . <2as> ▁Display ▁_ All ▁Contacts <2as> ▁Scroll but ton ▁Mar ks <2as> ▁More ▁cards ▁mat ched ▁this ▁query ▁than ▁either ▁the ▁server ▁is ▁configured ▁to ▁return ▁or ▁Evolution ▁is ▁configured ▁to ▁display . ▁Please ▁make ▁your ▁search ▁more ▁specific ▁or ▁raise ▁the ▁result ▁limit ▁in ▁the ▁directory ▁server ▁preferences ▁for ▁this ▁address ▁book . <2as> ▁15 ▁minutes <2as> ▁Room : <2as> ▁Please ▁choose ▁the ▁range ▁of ▁addresses ▁the ▁D H CP ▁server ▁will ▁allocate ▁to ▁virtual ▁machines ▁attached ▁to ▁the ▁virtual ▁network . <2as> ▁The ▁IP ▁address ▁as ▁seen ▁by ▁a ▁server ▁on ▁the ▁Internet <2as> ▁Search ▁files ▁using ▁key words <2as> ▁"% s " ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁valid ▁zoom ▁factor <2as> ▁St _ op ▁Anim ation <2as> ▁Sp ell ▁checking ▁languages <2as> ▁Per mission ▁level <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁set ▁a ▁reminder ▁for ▁birthday s ▁and ▁anni vers aries <2as> ▁You ▁are ▁trying ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁feature ▁%( fe ature ) s ▁which ▁is ▁not ▁provided ▁by ▁any ▁plugin . ▁Do ▁you ▁wish ▁to ▁use ▁this ▁feature ▁anyway ? <2as> ▁The ▁'% s ' ▁driver ▁cannot ▁be ▁used ▁with ▁printer ▁'% s ▁% s '. <2as> ▁IN S <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁check ▁words ▁ty ped ▁against ▁the ▁languages ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁check ▁with . <2as> ▁Status <2as> ▁The ▁URI ▁of ▁the ▁directory ▁last ▁used ▁to ▁save ▁a ▁picture <2as> ▁Main ▁window ▁maxim ized ▁state <2as> ▁sp ice ▁default M ode ▁secure ▁requested ▁in ▁XML ▁configuration ▁but ▁TLS ▁port ▁not ▁provided <2as> ▁Using ▁library : ▁lib vir t ▁% d .% d .% d <2as> ▁Start ▁a ▁video ▁call <2as> ▁( No ▁Sug gest ions ) <2as> ▁All ▁Public ▁Folders <2as> ▁Split ▁track ▁for ▁each ▁silence <2as> ▁Delete <2as> ▁Recent ▁Files ▁L imit <2as> ▁% s : ▁not ▁enough ▁free ▁space <2as> ▁Evolution ▁is ▁currently ▁offline ▁due ▁to ▁a ▁network ▁out age . <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁search <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁print ▁the ▁date ▁in ▁the ▁foot er <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁build ▁pid file ▁path . <2as> ▁Contact : <2as> ▁No ▁location ▁information ▁available . <2as> ▁Cannot ▁rename ▁M AP I ▁default ▁folder ▁'% s ' ▁to ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Main ▁daemon ▁for ▁GV FS <2as> ▁Prefer red ▁languages , ▁two ▁letter ▁codes . <2as> ▁The ▁host ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁found . <2as> ▁View ▁the ▁dial pad <2as> ▁un sh ade <2as> ▁O _ ptions <2as> ▁Call ▁the ▁contact ▁again <2as> ▁Location : <2as> ▁_ Cl one <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁make ▁directory ▁"% s ": ▁% s <2as> ▁Asia / Th im ph u <2as> ▁Accept <2as> ▁The ▁specified ▁contact ▁is ▁either ▁invalid ▁or ▁unknown <2as> ▁unknown ▁input ▁device ▁type ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Sent ▁Items <2as> ▁Key words : <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁system ▁mon osp ace ▁font <2as> ▁The ▁height ▁of ▁the ▁window <2as> ▁Fort ▁Chip ew yan <2as> ▁Windows ▁Live ▁Mail <2as> ▁Make ▁sure ▁the ▁URL ▁is ▁correct ▁and ▁try ▁again . <2as> ▁un supported ▁console ▁target ▁type ▁% s <2as> ▁Windows ▁Im aging ▁Format ▁(. w im ) <2as> ▁This ▁option ▁is ▁related ▁to ▁the ▁key ▁look up _ add ress book ▁and ▁is ▁used ▁to ▁determine ▁whether ▁to ▁look ▁up ▁addresses ▁in ▁local ▁address ▁book ▁only ▁to ▁exclude ▁mail ▁sent ▁by ▁known ▁contacts ▁from ▁junk ▁filter ing . <2as> ▁Authentication ▁_ Type : <2as> ▁No ▁silence ▁could ▁be ▁detected <2as> ▁Your ▁X Ser ver ▁does ▁not ▁support ▁the ▁X T est ▁extension ▁- ▁remote ▁desktop ▁access ▁will ▁be ▁view - only <2as> ▁Y ▁position ▁of ▁assistant ▁window <2as> ▁Please ▁wait ▁while ▁the ▁project ▁is ▁loading . <2as> ▁Unknown ▁interface ▁has ▁been ▁specified <2as> ▁Ign oring ▁buddy ▁with ▁no ▁ali as ▁and ▁only ▁one ▁IM ▁address : ▁% s <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁display ▁the ▁status bar . <2as> ▁Show ▁plain ▁text ▁if ▁present <2as> ▁You ▁have ▁old ▁mail . <2as> ▁Valid ating <2as> ▁Whether ▁lines ▁are ▁wrapped ▁at ▁widget ▁edges <2as> ▁Jab ber ▁Home ▁ID ▁1 <2as> ▁Copy ▁selected ▁contacts ▁to ▁the ▁clipboard <2as> ▁User ▁name ▁'% s ' ▁is ▁amb igu ous <2as> ▁Test ▁Res ult <2as> ▁Place ▁the ▁jack ▁of ▁clubs ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁ten ▁of ▁clubs . <2as> ▁P urg _ e <2as> ▁unknown ▁lif ec ycle ▁type ▁% s <2as> ▁General <2as> ▁Thu <2as> ▁Minimum ▁height ▁set <2as> ▁switching ▁input ▁methods <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁bind ▁using ▁either ▁v 3 ▁or ▁v 2 ▁bind s <2as> ▁Name <2as> ▁Server ▁synchron ization ▁interval <2as> ▁Copyright ▁© ▁% Id – % Id ▁The ▁Files ▁authors <2as> ▁Favor ite ▁People <2as> ▁insufficient ▁balance ▁to ▁send ▁message . ▁Top ▁up . <2as> ▁Background ▁color ▁name <2as> ▁no ▁network ▁with ▁matching ▁u uid ▁'% s ' ▁(% s ) <2as> ▁Mig rating ▁V M ▁'% s ' ▁from ▁% s ▁to ▁% s . ▁This ▁may ▁take ▁aw h ile . <2as> ▁Visible ▁Window <2as> ▁App arent ▁sizes ▁are ▁shown ▁instead . <2as> ▁System ▁Command <2as> ▁The ▁layout ▁style ▁determines ▁where ▁to ▁place ▁the ▁preview ▁pane ▁in ▁relation ▁to ▁the ▁contact ▁list . ▁" 0 " ▁( Cl ass ic ▁View ) ▁places ▁the ▁preview ▁pane ▁below ▁the ▁contact ▁list . ▁" 1 " ▁( V ert ical ▁View ) ▁places ▁the ▁preview ▁pane ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁contact ▁list . <2as> ▁Save ▁directory ▁for ▁reminder ▁audio <2as> ▁R ings ▁Chart <2as> ▁Command ▁not ▁supported ▁by ▁SOC KS ▁server <2as> ▁FTP ▁( with ▁login ) <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁connect ▁to ▁POP ▁server ▁% s ▁in ▁secure ▁mode % s <2as> ▁The ▁text ▁that ▁is ▁inserted ▁when ▁rep lying ▁to ▁a ▁message , ▁attrib uting ▁the ▁message ▁to ▁the ▁original ▁author <2as> ▁The ▁disk ▁image ▁is ▁% s ▁bigger ▁than ▁the ▁target ▁device <2as> ▁Horizontal ▁alignment ▁of ▁the ▁actor ▁within ▁the ▁cell <2as> ▁_ Delete ▁Perman ently <2as> ▁No ▁message ▁with ▁UID ▁% s <2as> ▁Cannot ▁create ▁soup ▁message ▁for ▁URL ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Specify ▁file ▁containing ▁saved ▁configuration <2as> ▁Bog of il ter ▁child ▁process ▁does ▁not ▁respond , ▁killing ... <2as> ▁File ▁_ Form at : ▁% s <2as> ▁Toggle ▁audio ▁transmission <2as> ▁snap shot ▁'% s ' ▁has ▁no ▁parent <2as> ▁Saving ▁attachment ▁to ▁% s <2as> ▁Trans pa rency ▁color <2as> ▁Search ▁the ▁Web ▁for ▁% s <2as> ▁lib is of s ▁reported ▁an ▁error ▁while ▁adding ▁contents ▁to ▁directory ▁"% s " ▁(% x ) <2as> ▁The ▁connection ▁type ▁will ▁permit ▁determining ▁the ▁best ▁quality ▁settings ▁that ▁Ek iga ▁will ▁use ▁during ▁calls . ▁You ▁can ▁later ▁change ▁the ▁settings ▁individually ▁in ▁the ▁preferences ▁window . <2as> ▁In vo ice <2as> ▁Highlight ▁toolbar ▁buttons ▁on ▁mouse ▁over <2as> ▁Chat ▁in ▁% s <2as> ▁Format : <2as> ▁Gtk HTML ▁Test <2as> ▁Source ▁Buff er <2as> ▁Initial ▁value ▁of ▁the ▁interval <2as> ▁Keyboard ▁layout <2as> ▁can ' t ▁open ▁session ▁to ▁the ▁domain ▁with ▁id ▁% d <2as> ▁Would ▁you ▁like ▁to ▁burn ▁the ▁selection ▁of ▁files ▁across ▁several ▁media ? <2as> ▁Capt ion ▁of ▁the ▁window ▁to ▁be ▁terminated <2as> ▁The ▁file ▁“% s ” ▁has ▁been ▁downloaded . <2as> ▁Sign ▁in ▁as ▁a ▁different ▁user <2as> ▁Do ▁you ▁really ▁want ▁to ▁remove ▁the ▁linked ▁contact ▁'% s '? ▁Note ▁that ▁this ▁will ▁remove ▁all ▁the ▁contacts ▁which ▁make ▁up ▁this ▁linked ▁contact . <2as> ▁Player ▁One : <2as> ▁The ▁path ▁of ▁the ▁file ▁containing ▁the ▁image ▁data <2as> ▁line ▁% d ▁corrupt ▁i pad dr ▁"% s " <2as> ▁Next ▁Sun <2as> ▁Remove ▁from ▁this ▁topic <2as> ▁N _ ext ▁Document <2as> ▁Path ▁'% s ' ▁must ▁be ▁a ▁block ▁device <2as> ▁Fall ing ▁St ars <2as> ▁Active ▁Workspace : ▁% s <2as> ▁Jab ber ▁Home ▁Id ▁3 <2as> ▁paper ▁size <2as> ▁Missing ▁path ▁or ▁locks pace ▁for ▁lease ▁resource <2as> ▁Error ▁setting ▁bit map ▁for ▁the ▁RA ID ▁array <2as> ▁Is ▁used ▁to ▁notify ▁that ▁the ▁table ▁row ▁header ▁has ▁changed <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁analy ze ▁disk ▁usage . <2as> ▁Cannot ▁rename ▁folder ▁'% s ' ▁to ▁'% s ': ▁Special ▁folder <2as> ▁Whether ▁insert ▁Face ▁picture ▁to ▁out going ▁messages ▁by ▁default . ▁The ▁picture ▁should ▁be ▁set ▁before ▁checking ▁this , ▁otherwise ▁nothing ▁happens . <2as> ▁mark er <2as> ▁Mar gin ▁Left <2as> ▁Box ▁E lder <2as> ▁The ▁time ▁to ▁execute ▁this ▁query ▁exceeded ▁the ▁server ▁limit ▁or ▁the ▁limit ▁configured ▁for ▁this ▁address ▁book . ▁Please ▁make ▁your ▁search ▁more ▁specific ▁or ▁raise ▁the ▁time ▁limit ▁in ▁the ▁directory ▁server ▁preferences ▁for ▁this ▁address ▁book . <2as> ▁Didn ' t ▁understand ▁`% s ' ▁( ext ra ▁un esc aped ▁' ) ' ▁found ▁inside ▁pair ) <2as> ▁_ Gen re : <2as> ▁Share ▁this ▁_ f older <2as> ▁Please ▁enter ▁the ▁password ▁for ▁address ▁book ▁"% s ". <2as> ▁_ F ast ▁blank ing <2as> ▁Rotate ▁picture ▁left <2as> ▁P rat ica ▁di ▁Mare <2as> ▁IC Q ▁ID ▁List <2as> ▁Target ▁CPU ▁thread s ▁% d ▁does ▁not ▁match ▁source ▁% d <2as> ▁You ▁have ▁changed ▁this ▁meeting , ▁but ▁not ▁yet ▁saved ▁it . <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁update ▁attende e . ▁% s <2as> ▁Insert ▁number ▁sequence ▁at ▁beginning <2as> ▁parameter = value <2as> ▁There ▁are ▁conflic ting ▁options . ▁Changes ▁can ▁only ▁be ▁applied ▁after ▁these ▁conflicts ▁are ▁resolved . <2as> ▁Command ▁not ▁supported ▁by ▁SOC KS ▁server <2as> ▁Cow ork ers <2as> ▁D TM F ▁sending <2as> ▁Add ▁with ▁duplic ates <2as> ▁Error ▁stor ing ▁'% s ': ▁% s <2as> ▁Me ach am <2as> ▁No ▁parent ▁could ▁be ▁found ▁in ▁the ▁tree ▁for ▁the ▁path ▁"% s " <2as> ▁Command ▁to ▁run ▁when ▁the ▁binding ▁is ▁invoked <2as> ▁Han am aki <2as> ▁Group ▁Reply ▁replies ▁to ▁list <2as> ▁unable ▁to ▁stat ▁for ▁disk ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁show ▁supp ressed ▁HTML ▁output <2as> ▁No ▁such ▁data ▁source ▁for ▁UID ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁set ▁a ▁reminder ▁for ▁birthday s ▁and ▁anni vers aries <2as> ▁V CD ▁image <2as> ▁paper ▁size <2as> ▁Google ▁Talk ▁Home ▁Name ▁2 <2as> ▁Select ▁M ov ies ▁or ▁Play l ists <2as> ▁Authentication ▁is ▁required ▁to ▁remove ▁packages <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁create ▁pipe ▁to ▁send mail : ▁% s : ▁mail ▁not ▁sent <2as> ▁_ D eb ug <2as> ▁T ried ▁to ▁modify ▁contact ▁'% s ' ▁with ▁out ▁of ▁sync ▁revision <2as> ▁The ▁certificate ’ s ▁activ ation ▁time ▁is ▁still ▁in ▁the ▁future . <2as> ▁The ▁height ▁of ▁the ▁Cairo ▁surface <2as> ▁Email ▁Rec ip ient ▁Certificate <2as> ▁Add ▁Reminder <2as> ▁_ T itle : <2as> ▁The ▁screen ▁where ▁this ▁window ▁will ▁be ▁displayed . <2as> ▁Length ▁required <2as> ▁_ D isk ▁space : <2as> ▁Select ▁all ▁bookmarks ▁or ▁text <2as> ▁Split ▁Cursor <2as> ▁Please ▁wait ▁while ▁the ▁project ▁is ▁loading . <2as> ▁Close ▁this ▁window <2as> ▁Cannot ▁create ▁Tem porary ▁File <2as> ▁The ▁height ▁of ▁the ▁Cairo ▁surface <2as> ▁Tem por arily ▁un available <2as> ▁Fil ename ▁to ▁load ▁and ▁display <2as> ▁Old ▁Key ▁Pass phrase <2as> ▁Digital ▁Sur r ound ▁4. 0 ▁( I EC 95 8/ AC 3) <2as> ▁User ▁ab orted ▁import <2as> ▁Wait ▁till ▁sync ing ▁is ▁done <2as> ▁The ▁geomet ry ▁string ▁for ▁a ▁navigation ▁window . <2as> ▁No , ▁I ▁just ▁want ▁to ▁see ▁people ▁online ▁nearby ▁for ▁now <2as> ▁No ▁driver ▁for ▁this ▁printer . <2as> ▁Details <2as> ▁Cursor ▁Size <2as> ▁Ch _ ar acter ▁Enc oding <2as> ▁Show ▁frames ▁per ▁second <2as> ▁The ▁default ▁file ▁type ▁extension ▁for ▁sc reens h ots . <2as> ▁_ New ▁Con vers ation ... <2as> ▁CC <2as> ▁Mil ton <2as> ▁"% s " ▁did ▁not ▁behave ▁properly <2as> ▁Cannot ▁modify ▁contact : ▁% s <2as> ▁Horizontal ▁alignment ▁for ▁child <2as> ▁_ L isp <2as> ▁Failed ▁upgrad ing ▁mem os . <2as> ▁Move ▁~ a ▁onto ▁the ▁black ▁jok er . <2as> ▁B inding ▁to ▁m ute ▁the ▁system ▁volume . <2as> ▁Unexpected ▁error ▁in ▁wait pid () ▁(% s ) <2as> ▁Automatically ▁synchron ize ▁_ mod ified ▁keys ▁with ▁key ▁servers <2as> ▁attachment <2as> ▁Regular ▁expression ▁comp ilation ▁failed : ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Window ▁Over ride ▁Red irect <2as> ▁Start ▁in ▁online ▁mode <2as> ▁IC Q ▁Id ▁List <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁directory ▁% s <2as> ▁Set ▁Bac _ k ground ▁Properties <2as> ▁Display ▁" text / cal endar " ▁MIME ▁parts ▁in ▁mail ▁messages . <2as> ▁Disable ▁camera <2as> ▁Cannot ▁remove ▁calendar ▁object : ▁% s <2as> ▁X z ▁(. x z ) <2as> ▁Cannot ▁unsub s cribe ▁from ▁folder ▁'% s ': ▁Invalid ▁mailbox ▁name <2as> ▁If ▁you ▁choose ▁to ▁keep ▁it , ▁programs ▁may ▁not ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁recognize ▁the ▁file ▁type ▁properly . <2as> ▁Mer _ ge <2as> ▁scroll ▁pane <2as> ▁Use ▁notification ▁sounds <2as> ▁Browser ▁View s <2as> ▁Error ▁subsc rib ing ▁to ▁folder <2as> ▁Deleg ation ▁Assistant <2as> ▁The ▁virtual ▁machine ▁is ▁now ▁being ▁created . ▁All ocation ▁of ▁disk ▁storage ▁and ▁retrie val ▁of ▁the ▁installation ▁images ▁may ▁take ▁a ▁few ▁minutes ▁to ▁complete . <2as> ▁I _ ns ert ▁a ▁Pause <2as> ▁Memo ▁layout ▁style <2as> ▁Publ ishing ▁Editor <2as> ▁Invalid ▁attribute ▁type ▁( by te ▁string ▁expected ) <2as> ▁Insp ect ▁_ E lement <2as> ▁Cannot ▁create ▁new ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Cont ains ▁the ▁absolute ▁path ▁of ▁the ▁directory ▁that ▁was ▁last ▁brow sed ▁for ▁images ▁to ▁burn <2as> ▁Invalid ▁PC I ▁address ▁% s . ▁Only ▁PC I ▁bus es ▁up ▁to ▁% zu ▁are ▁available <2as> ▁There ▁is ▁a ▁problem ▁on ▁printer ▁'% s '. <2as> ▁Dec re ase ▁the ▁magn ification ▁of ▁the ▁thumb nails <2as> ▁What ▁is ▁your ▁Google ▁password ? <2as> ▁Open <2as> ▁The ▁type ▁of ▁message <2as> ▁Join ▁Room <2as> ▁Getting ▁the ▁file ▁list <2as> ▁Sets ▁consistent ▁sound ▁levels ▁between ▁tracks <2as> ▁Error ▁cop ying ▁messages <2as> ▁Min eral ' ny ye ▁V ody <2as> ▁The ▁size ▁of ▁the ▁file ▁is ▁over ▁2 ▁Gi B . ▁Files ▁larger ▁than ▁2 ▁Gi B ▁are ▁not ▁supported ▁by ▁ISO 96 60 ▁standard ▁in ▁its ▁first ▁and ▁second ▁versions ▁( the ▁most ▁widespread ▁ones ). ▁It ▁is ▁recommended ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁third ▁version ▁of ▁ISO 96 60 ▁standard ▁which ▁is ▁supported ▁by ▁most ▁of ▁the ▁operating ▁systems ▁including ▁Linux ▁and ▁all ▁versions ▁of ▁Windows ▁© . ▁However ▁Mac OS ▁X ▁cannot ▁read ▁images ▁created ▁with ▁version ▁3 ▁of ▁ISO 96 60 ▁standard . <2as> ▁_ U ns ub s cribe ▁from ▁List <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁scan ▁folder ▁'% s ': ▁% s <2as> ▁cannot ▁extract ▁USB ▁device ▁bus ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁host ▁reports ▁map ▁buffer ▁length ▁exceeds ▁maximum : ▁% d ▁> ▁% d <2as> ▁The ▁device ' s ▁active ▁connection ▁disappeared <2as> ▁This ▁acceler ator ▁is ▁already ▁bound ▁to ▁% s <2as> ▁No ▁net working ▁devices <2as> ▁Properties <2as> ▁Memory ▁M aps <2as> ▁The ▁font ▁family ▁for ▁the ▁layout ▁indicator <2as> ▁Edit ▁_ Book marks <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁load ▁module <2as> ▁get ▁value ▁according ▁to ▁current ▁domain ▁state <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁synchron ize ▁sp ool ▁folder ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Remote ▁user ▁rejected ▁the ▁call <2as> ▁Certificate ▁Signature ▁Al gor ithm <2as> ▁Auto ▁sync ▁size ▁of ▁actor ▁to ▁underlying ▁pix bu f ▁dimensions <2as> ▁Error ▁(% s ) ▁conver ting ▁data ▁for ▁child , ▁dropping . <2as> ▁Children ▁transformation ▁mat rix <2as> ▁Start / stop ▁event ▁recording <2as> ▁$ 6 ▁US <2as> ▁Next ▁Thu <2as> ▁Unicode ▁( UTF -_ 8) <2as> ▁Show ▁display ▁alarms ▁in ▁notification ▁tray <2as> ▁% u :%02 u .% 02 u <2as> ▁B _ row se ▁this ▁book ▁until ▁limit ▁reached <2as> ▁Creating ▁file ▁layout <2as> ▁Right <2as> ▁Trying ▁to ▁unlock ▁unknown ▁Sha red C URL ▁lock ▁% d <2as> ▁Google ▁Talk ▁Home ▁Name ▁3 <2as> ▁Time ▁between ▁photos ▁in ▁burst ▁mode <2as> ▁Size <2as> ▁tel epat hy - sal ut ▁not ▁installed <2as> ▁Compl eted ▁with ▁no ▁error <2as> ▁Source ▁of ▁ver tex ▁sh ader <2as> ▁Time - to - l ive ▁expired <2as> ▁My kol ay iv <2as> ▁optional ▁port ▁to ▁query <2as> ▁Natural ▁width ▁set <2as> ▁Wrong ▁M AC ▁address <2as> ▁D él į ne <2as> ▁Font ▁for ▁fixed ▁width ▁text <2as> ▁Text ▁Enc oding <2as> ▁Add ▁_ Book mark ... <2as> ▁The ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁property ▁to ▁anim ate <2as> ▁% s ▁has ▁published ▁the ▁following ▁task : <2as> ▁Place ▁the ▁five ▁of ▁hearts ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁four ▁of ▁hearts . <2as> ▁For ▁IP v 6, ▁multiple ▁D H CP ▁definitions ▁cannot ▁be ▁specified . <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁tr unc ate ▁file ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Title <2as> ▁Tel ephone <2as> ▁% s ▁through ▁% s ▁has ▁published ▁the ▁following ▁task : <2as> ▁cannot ▁fill ▁file ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Enable ▁horizontal ▁scroll ing <2as> ▁Empathy ▁can ▁use ▁the ▁network ▁to ▁guess ▁the ▁location <2as> ▁Yahoo ! ▁I _ D : <2as> ▁Block ▁Comm it <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁find ▁< A ut od isco ver > ▁element <2as> ▁Path ▁of ▁the ▁Adi um ▁theme ▁to ▁use <2as> ▁The ▁URI ▁of ▁the ▁directory ▁last ▁used ▁to ▁save ▁a ▁picture <2as> ▁Usage : ▁nm c li ▁connection ▁{ ▁COMM AND ▁_ BAR _ ▁help ▁} ▁COMM AND ▁: = ▁{ ▁list ▁_ BAR _ ▁status ▁_ BAR _ ▁up ▁_ BAR _ ▁down ▁_ BAR _ ▁delete ▁} ▁list ▁[ id ▁_ BAR _ ▁u uid ▁] ▁status ▁[ id ▁_ BAR _ ▁u uid ▁_ BAR _ ▁path ▁< path > ] ▁up ▁id ▁_ BAR _ ▁u uid ▁[ if ace ▁< if ace > ] ▁[ ap ▁< B SS ID > ] ▁[ n sp ▁< name > ] ▁[ -- now ait ] ▁[ -- time out ▁< time out > ] ▁up ▁id ▁_ BAR _ ▁u uid ▁[ if ace ▁< if ace > ] ▁[ ap ▁< B SS ID > ] ▁[ -- now ait ] ▁[ -- time out ▁< time out > ] ▁down ▁id ▁_ BAR _ ▁u uid ▁delete ▁id ▁_ BAR _ ▁u uid <2as> ▁% s . ▁Would ▁you ▁like ▁to ▁add ▁the ▁pod cast ▁feed ▁anyway ? <2as> ▁< de ad > <2as> ▁Asia / Th im ph u <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁load ▁theme ▁"% s ": ▁% s <2as> ▁Par am illo <2as> ▁lib burn ia ▁burning ▁suite <2as> ▁could ▁not ▁attach ▁the ▁file ▁as ▁hard disk / dv d / fl oppy : ▁% s , ▁r c =% 08 x <2as> ▁You ▁cannot ▁undo ▁this ▁action . ▁The ▁data ▁you ▁are ▁choosing ▁to ▁clear ▁will ▁be ▁removed ▁forever . <2as> ▁Enc od ings <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁mount ▁% s ▁on ▁% s ▁type ▁% s <2as> ▁R CP T ▁TO ▁failed : <2as> ▁Regular ▁expression ▁comp ilation ▁failed : ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Operation ▁Policy : <2as> ▁wrong ▁function ▁called ▁for ▁p ci - ro ot / p cie - ro ot <2as> ▁Back ing ▁up ▁Evolution ▁Data <2as> ▁Full ▁v c ards ▁are ▁not ▁stored ▁in ▁cache . ▁Hence ▁only ▁summary ▁query ▁is ▁supported . <2as> ▁Re - c rea _ te ▁folders <2as> ▁The ▁selected ▁audio ▁device ▁was ▁successfully ▁opened ▁but ▁it ▁is ▁impossible ▁to ▁read ▁data ▁from ▁this ▁device . ▁In ▁case ▁it ▁is ▁a ▁plug g able ▁device ▁it ▁may ▁be ▁sufficient ▁to ▁rec onnect ▁it . ▁If ▁not , ▁or ▁if ▁it ▁still ▁is ▁not ▁accessible , ▁please ▁check ▁your ▁audio ▁setup . <2as> ▁Straight en <2as> ▁Hebrew ▁(_ IB M -8 6 2) <2as> ▁Select ing ▁this ▁option ▁means ▁that ▁your ▁server ▁does ▁not ▁support ▁either ▁SSL ▁or ▁TLS . ▁This ▁means ▁that ▁your ▁connection ▁will ▁be ▁insec ure , ▁and ▁that ▁you ▁will ▁be ▁vulnerable ▁to ▁security ▁explo its . <2as> ▁W rap ▁license <2as> ▁Eagle ▁Wing <2as> ▁Cyrillic /_ R ussian ▁( IB M -8 6 6) <2as> ▁Che ss <2as> ▁pr c 9 ▁En velop e <2as> ▁failed ▁to ▁remove ▁pool ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Paste ▁tasks ▁from ▁the ▁clipboard <2as> ▁Hebrew ▁(_ Windows -125 5) <2as> ▁Incre ases ▁the ▁volume <2as> ▁Read ▁options ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁created <2as> ▁_ Sc ale : <2as> ▁offline <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁get ▁security ▁label <2as> ▁Name ▁of ▁the ▁GTK + ▁input ▁method ▁Status ▁Style ▁used ▁by ▁g tk + . <2as> ▁What ▁kind ▁of ▁chat ▁account ▁do ▁you ▁have ? <2as> ▁Bad ▁username / pass word <2as> ▁The ▁UID ▁of ▁the ▁selected ▁( or ▁" prim ary ") ▁memo ▁list ▁in ▁the ▁side bar ▁of ▁the ▁" M emos " ▁view <2as> ▁dump - gu est - c ore ▁is ▁not ▁available ▁with ▁this ▁Q EM U ▁binary <2as> ▁You ▁cannot ▁undo ▁this ▁action . ▁The ▁data ▁you ▁are ▁choosing ▁to ▁clear ▁will ▁be ▁removed ▁forever . <2as> ▁Properties <2as> ▁Cannot ▁get ▁folder : ▁Invalid ▁operation ▁on ▁this ▁store <2as> ▁In coming ▁file ▁transfer ▁from ▁% s <2as> ▁cannot ▁look up ▁default ▁sel in ux ▁label ▁for ▁tap ▁f d ▁% d <2as> ▁Tem porary ▁file ▁creation ▁failed . <2as> ▁The ▁event ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁deleted ▁due ▁to ▁an ▁error : ▁% s <2as> ▁Home ▁Address <2as> ▁If ▁enabled , ▁all ▁incoming ▁calls ▁will ▁be ▁forwarded ▁to ▁the ▁host ▁that ▁is ▁specified ▁in ▁the ▁protocol ▁settings ▁if ▁you ▁do ▁not ▁answer ▁the ▁call <2as> ▁Cannot ▁remove ▁contacts : <2as> ▁_ Sub keys <2as> ▁migration ▁was ▁active , ▁but ▁RAM ▁' total ' ▁data ▁was ▁missing <2as> ▁_ Pass phrase <2as> ▁_ St op ▁Self - test <2as> ▁Number ▁of ▁Sam pl _ es <2as> ▁_ R est ore <2as> ▁There ▁are ▁unsub mitted ▁changes ▁to ▁form ▁elements <2as> ▁Cannot ▁get ▁supported ▁fields : ▁% s <2as> ▁Print out ▁mode <2as> ▁Note : ▁Changes ▁only ▁take ▁effect ▁after ▁log out . <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁mount ▁% s <2as> ▁Nice ▁level : ▁%1 ▁(% 2) <2as> ▁four ▁of ▁clubs <2as> ▁No ▁content ▁available <2as> ▁un spec ified ▁error <2as> ▁Top ▁Up <2as> ▁interface ▁mac <2as> ▁Switch ▁to ▁Tab ▁4 <2as> ▁List ▁of ▁saved ▁filters <2as> ▁Act ▁on ▁selected ▁contact <2as> ▁not ▁supported ▁for ▁network ▁'% s ' ▁which ▁uses ▁a ▁mac vt ap ▁device <2as> ▁Danish <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁find ▁this ▁task ▁in ▁any ▁task ▁list <2as> ▁Disable ▁S lic ing <2as> ▁The ▁default ▁X ▁coordinate ▁for ▁the ▁main ▁window . <2as> ▁IP ▁parameter ▁must ▁be ▁provided ▁since ▁s no oping ▁the ▁IP ▁address ▁does ▁not ▁work ▁possibly ▁due ▁to ▁missing ▁tools <2as> ▁Kal ining rad ▁Time <2as> ▁% s ▁just ▁tried ▁to ▁call ▁you , ▁but ▁you ▁were ▁in ▁another ▁call . <2as> ▁123 <2as> ▁Error ▁performing ▁ID LE <2as> ▁Cannot ▁create ▁M AP I ▁source ▁in ▁offline ▁mode <2as> ▁Use ▁the ▁left ▁mouse ▁button ▁to ▁zoom ▁in ▁on ▁an ▁area ▁of ▁the ▁map ▁and ▁select ▁a ▁time ▁zone . ▁Use ▁the ▁right ▁mouse ▁button ▁to ▁zoom ▁out . <2as> ▁This ▁address ▁book ▁cannot ▁be ▁opened . ▁Please ▁check ▁that ▁the ▁path ▁% s ▁exists ▁and ▁that ▁permissions ▁are ▁set ▁to ▁access ▁it . <2as> ▁Continue ▁with ▁the ▁current ▁modified ▁project <2as> ▁The ▁partition ▁type ▁as ▁a ▁8- bit ▁uns igned ▁inte ger <2as> ▁Minimum ▁Column ▁Width <2as> ▁The ▁data ▁size ▁is ▁too ▁large ▁for ▁the ▁disc ▁and ▁you ▁must ▁remove ▁files ▁from ▁the ▁selection ▁otherwise . ▁You ▁may ▁want ▁to ▁use ▁this ▁option ▁if ▁you ' re ▁using ▁90 ▁or ▁100 ▁min ▁CD - R ( W ) ▁which ▁cannot ▁be ▁properly ▁recognised ▁and ▁therefore ▁need ▁over burn ▁option . ▁NOT E : ▁This ▁option ▁might ▁cause ▁failure . <2as> ▁Memo ▁preview ▁pane ▁position ▁( vert ical ) <2as> ▁Quit ▁Nautilus . <2as> ▁Found ▁the ▁appointment ▁in ▁the ▁calendar ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Cannot ▁login ▁to ▁POP ▁server ▁% s : ▁S AS L ▁Protocol ▁error <2as> ▁Insert <2as> ▁Check ▁folder ▁permissions <2as> ▁Met acity ▁was ▁comp iled ▁without ▁support ▁for ▁verb ose ▁mode <2as> ▁Cannot ▁edit ▁permissions ▁of ▁folder ▁'% s ', ▁choose ▁other ▁folder . <2as> ▁network ▁'% s ' ▁claims ▁dev = ' % s ' ▁is ▁already ▁in ▁use ▁by ▁a ▁different ▁domain <2as> ▁The ▁application ▁'% s ' ▁is ▁ready ▁to ▁be ▁used <2as> ▁The ▁relationship ▁key ▁file ▁'% s ' ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁created : ▁% s <2as> ▁Sp ool ▁_ Dire ct ory : <2as> ▁- ▁Empathy ▁IM ▁Client <2as> ▁List ▁of ▁recently ▁used ▁second ▁time ▁zones ▁in ▁a ▁Day ▁View <2as> ▁Text ▁Direction <2as> ▁Used ▁in ▁conjunction ▁with ▁the ▁" - im med " ▁flag ▁with ▁c d rec ord <2as> ▁The ▁color ▁that ▁is ▁used ▁to ▁fill ▁the ▁area ▁behind ▁the ▁image . ▁If ▁the ▁use - back ground - color ▁key ▁is ▁not ▁set , ▁the ▁color ▁is ▁determined ▁by ▁the ▁active ▁GTK + ▁theme ▁instead . <2as> ▁To : <2as> ▁F _ or ward ▁As <2as> ▁The ▁horizontal ▁text ▁alignment , ▁from ▁0 ▁( le ft ) ▁to ▁1 ▁( right ). ▁Re vers ed ▁for ▁RT L ▁lay outs . <2as> ▁Full ▁name : <2as> ▁Junk ▁Settings <2as> ▁Error ▁sending ▁message : ▁% s <2as> ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁output ▁file <2as> ▁Display ▁RGB ▁hist ogram <2as> ▁Network <2as> ▁Mod em <2as> ▁Color ▁to ▁draw ▁the ▁Marcus ▁B ains ▁Line ▁in ▁the ▁Time ▁bar ▁( em pty ▁for ▁default ) <2as> ▁Rename ▁the ▁selected ▁file <2as> ▁Cannot ▁Delete <2as> ▁HD ▁DVD - RW ▁Disc <2as> ▁Support ▁Selection <2as> ▁Quer ying ▁for ▁updated ▁groups ... <2as> ▁No ▁signature ▁available <2as> ▁Burn s , ▁bl anks ▁and ▁formats ▁CD s ▁and ▁DVD s <2as> ▁You ▁must ▁be ▁working ▁online ▁to ▁complete ▁this ▁operation . <2as> ▁Cannot ▁unc omp ress ▁book ▁'% s ': ▁% s <2as> ▁Ret rie ving ▁quota ▁information ▁for ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Name ▁of ▁the ▁actor <2as> ▁Sp ool ▁_ File : <2as> ▁Certificate ▁Field s <2as> ▁Cur it iba <2as> ▁Select ▁a ▁file <2as> ▁Nepomuk ▁Service ▁which ▁maintain s ▁the ▁ont ologies ▁installed ▁on ▁the ▁system <2as> ▁http :// www . go ogle . com / search ? q =% s amp ; ie = UTF -8 amp ; oe = UTF -8 <2as> ▁_ A ns wer ▁with ▁video <2as> ▁Cancel ▁ongoing ▁burning <2as> ▁Switch ▁Monitor <2as> ▁The ▁coordinate ▁to ▁bind <2as> ▁N N TP ▁Command ▁failed : <2as> ▁block _ io _ th rott le ▁inserted ▁entry ▁was ▁not ▁in ▁expected ▁format <2as> ▁E _ x p and ▁% s ▁In line <2as> ▁below <2as> ▁The ▁unique ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁binding ▁pool <2as> ▁Alpha ▁Object ▁to ▁drive ▁the ▁behaviour <2as> ▁from ▁% s <2as> ▁The ▁manager ▁that ▁created ▁this ▁data <2as> ▁Width ▁of ▁border ▁around ▁the ▁button ▁area ▁at ▁the ▁bottom ▁of ▁the ▁dialog <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁get ▁V NC ▁port . ▁Is ▁this ▁domain ▁using ▁V NC ? <2as> ▁This ▁message ▁does ▁not ▁contain ▁the ▁header ▁information ▁required ▁for ▁this ▁action . <2as> ▁Put ▁contact ▁in ▁groups : <2as> ▁Control ▁Key word <2as> ▁Copy ▁the ▁selection <2as> ▁Direction ▁of ▁the ▁tim eline <2as> ▁king ▁of ▁clubs <2as> ▁cannot ▁enforce ▁change ▁protection <2as> ▁Task ▁information ▁sent <2as> ▁Cont rast <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁build ▁CU RL ▁header ▁list <2as> ▁Missing ▁c dr ▁from ▁pair ▁of ▁values ▁in ▁XML ▁file <2as> ▁Right ▁to ▁left , ▁bottom ▁to ▁top <2as> ▁Dec ode ▁T N EF ▁( win mail . dat ) ▁attachments ▁from ▁Microsoft ▁Outlook . <2as> ▁Is ▁New ▁List <2as> ▁Please ▁fill ▁in ▁this ▁form ▁to ▁create ▁a ▁new ▁contact ▁on ▁a ▁remote ▁server <2as> ▁Double ▁value ▁'% s ' ▁for ▁% s ▁out ▁of ▁range <2as> ▁Add ▁custom ▁headers ▁to ▁out going ▁mail ▁messages . <2as> ▁Always ▁K _ e ep <2as> ▁The ▁window ' s ▁height ▁in ▁pixels <2as> ▁Rem oving ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁"% s " ▁cannot ▁be ▁unl ocked <2as> ▁Opt im ized ▁build : ▁no <2as> ▁B earing : <2as> ▁Prov ide ▁the ▁existing ▁OS ▁root ▁_ direct ory : <2as> ▁Please ▁update ▁the ▁following ▁fields : <2as> ▁Use ▁Anim ations <2as> ▁GNOME ▁Dat adir <2as> ▁Type : ▁' help ' ▁for ▁help ▁with ▁commands ▁' qu it ' ▁to ▁quit <2as> ▁Main land ▁Portugal <2as> ▁Too ▁many ▁networks ▁'% d ' ▁for ▁limit ▁'% d ' <2as> ▁Folders <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁set ▁new ▁slave ▁interface ▁type ▁to ▁'% s ' ▁in ▁x ml ▁document <2as> ▁Format ▁Column _ s ... <2as> ▁Event ▁cannot ▁be ▁ed ited , ▁because ▁the ▁selected ▁calendar ▁is ▁read ▁only <2as> ▁Deal ▁new ▁cards ▁from ▁the ▁deck <2as> ▁Keep ▁original ▁item ? <2as> ▁query - version ▁reply ▁was ▁missing ▁' pack age ' ▁version <2as> ▁Are ▁you ▁sure ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁save ▁the ▁memo ▁without ▁a ▁summary ? <2as> ▁Authentication ▁Requ ired <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁seek ▁to ▁position ▁% ju ▁in ▁volume ▁with ▁path ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁open ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁cannot ▁find ▁existing ▁graph ics ▁device ▁to ▁modify <2as> ▁The ▁interval ▁of ▁values ▁to ▁transition <2as> ▁Rep os itory ▁offline <2as> ▁Bookmarks <2as> ▁Sur face ▁Height <2as> ▁_ Delete ▁message ▁after ▁acting <2as> ▁All ▁fonts ▁are ▁either ▁standard ▁or ▁embedded . <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁complete ▁tree ▁listing <2as> ▁Open ▁link ▁in ▁browser <2as> ▁Force ▁new ▁windows ▁to ▁be ▁opened ▁in ▁tabs <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁add ▁another ▁USB ▁controller : ▁USB ▁is ▁disabled ▁for ▁this ▁domain <2as> ▁Tra ce ▁Bl end ▁Str ings <2as> ▁Your ▁names <2as> ▁_ V is ual ▁Basic <2as> ▁Cl utter ▁debug ging ▁flags ▁to ▁set <2as> ▁No ▁family ▁specified ▁for ▁non - IP v 4 ▁address ▁'% s ' ▁in ▁route ▁definition ▁of ▁network ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁create ▁item ▁on ▁a ▁server <2as> ▁Has ▁separ ator <2as> ▁Your ▁tasks ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁available ▁until ▁Evolution ▁is ▁restart ed . <2as> ▁Translation ▁along ▁the ▁Y ▁axis <2as> ▁Ret rie ving ▁POP ▁message ▁% d <2as> ▁Didn ' t ▁get ▁stream ▁file ▁des cript or <2as> ▁PGP / G PG ▁_ Key ▁ID : <2as> ▁Select ▁ad _ d ress ▁list : <2as> ▁Conver ts ▁any ▁video ▁file ▁into ▁a ▁format ▁suitable ▁for ▁video ▁DVD s <2as> ▁Unknown <2as> ▁% s ▁type <2as> ▁Folder ▁% s ▁already ▁exists <2as> ▁Any ▁type ▁of ▁connection <2as> ▁No ▁active ▁operation ▁on ▁device : ▁% s <2as> ▁Select ▁username <2as> ▁Must ▁be ▁online ▁to ▁complete ▁this ▁operation <2as> ▁Group s <2as> ▁Draw ▁Value <2as> ▁_ A ns wer <2as> ▁Stop <2as> ▁End ▁the ▁current ▁network ▁game ▁and ▁return ▁to ▁network ▁server <2as> ▁# 12 ▁En velop e <2as> ▁Moving ▁a ▁memo ▁into ▁the ▁memo ▁list ▁'{0} ' <2as> ▁Initial ▁depth ▁to ▁apply <2as> ▁Remove ▁the ▁six es <2as> ▁-- % s ▁< string > <2as> ▁And ▁I ' ll ▁no ▁longer ▁be ▁a ▁Cap ulet . <2as> ▁Enc rypt ed ▁connections ▁only <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁load ▁summary ▁for ▁% s <2as> ▁Send ▁signals ▁to ▁processes ▁in ▁the ▁guest <2as> ▁Uni que ▁identifier ▁of ▁the ▁device <2as> ▁% s ▁Account <2as> ▁Error ▁att aching ▁disk ▁image <2as> ▁cannot ▁parse ▁video ▁heads ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Apply ▁the ▁same ▁_ view ▁settings ▁to ▁all ▁folders <2as> ▁Enc rypt ed ▁connections ▁only <2as> ▁You ▁must ▁be ▁authentic ated ▁to ▁copy ▁documents . <2as> ▁_ S ort ... <2as> ▁The ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁meta <2as> ▁June <2as> ▁Sort ▁_ f olders ▁before ▁files <2as> ▁Un read ▁Messages <2as> ▁Your ▁tasks ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁available ▁until ▁Evolution ▁is ▁restart ed . <2as> ▁Start ▁in ▁online ▁mode <2as> ▁drive ▁doesn ' t ▁implement ▁e ject ▁or ▁e ject _ with _ operation <2as> ▁Form atting ▁disc <2as> ▁Contact ▁Details <2as> ▁% s ▁is ▁calling ▁you . ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁answer ? <2as> ▁Local ▁ID s ▁are ▁not ▁write able ▁on ▁this ▁contact . <2as> ▁_ P ost ▁Message ▁to ▁List <2as> ▁Window ▁width <2as> ▁Checking ▁for ▁new ▁mail ▁at ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁'% s ' ▁cannot ▁be ▁a ▁future ▁date <2as> ▁failed ▁to ▁get ▁node ▁information <2as> ▁WARNING : ▁node ▁not ▁understood <2as> ▁Should ▁Nautilus ▁extension ▁output ▁debug ▁statements <2as> ▁Cannot ▁open ▁book : <2as> ▁Save ▁As ... <2as> ▁Exp ecting ▁V M X ▁entry ▁'% s ' ▁to ▁be ▁' dev ice ' ▁or ▁' file ' ▁but ▁found ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Shut ter <2as> ▁Se _ cond ▁zone : <2as> ▁Key <2as> ▁_ St atus bar <2as> ▁No ▁preview <2as> ▁Pun ctu ation ▁, D ash <2as> ▁Name <2as> ▁Loc ate ▁ISO ▁media <2as> ▁Evolution ' s ▁local ▁mail ▁format ▁has ▁changed ▁from ▁m box ▁to ▁Ma ildir . ▁Your ▁local ▁mail ▁must ▁be ▁mig rated ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁format ▁before ▁Evolution ▁can ▁proceed . ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁mig rate ▁now ? ▁An ▁m box ▁account ▁will ▁be ▁created ▁to ▁preserve ▁the ▁old ▁m box ▁folders . ▁You ▁can ▁delete ▁the ▁account ▁after ▁ensuring ▁the ▁data ▁is ▁safely ▁mig rated . ▁Please ▁make ▁sure ▁there ▁is ▁enough ▁disk ▁space ▁if ▁you ▁choose ▁to ▁mig rate ▁now . <2as> ▁A ▁preview ▁of ▁the ▁image ▁currently ▁specified <2as> ▁failed ▁to ▁create ▁directory ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Enter ▁the ▁addresses ▁that ▁will ▁receive ▁a ▁carbon ▁copy ▁of ▁the ▁message ▁without ▁appear ing ▁in ▁the ▁recipient ▁list ▁of ▁the ▁message <2as> ▁A TA ▁Secure ▁Er ase ▁/ ▁En h anced ▁Secure ▁Er ase <2as> ▁Show ▁or ▁hide ▁the ▁toolbar <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁open ▁temporary ▁file : ▁% s <2as> ▁Salt illo <2as> ▁The ▁column ▁the ▁widget ▁res ides ▁in <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁poll ▁file <2as> ▁User ▁not ▁local ; ▁please ▁try ▁< for ward \ - path > <2as> ▁_ Image <2as> ▁The ▁duration ▁of ▁the ▁stream , ▁in ▁seconds <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁create ▁domain ▁from ▁% s <2as> ▁_ Al ways ▁accept <2as> ▁Cannot ▁transfer ▁message ▁to ▁destination ▁folder : ▁% s <2as> ▁Show ▁task ▁preview ▁window <2as> ▁Capt ion : <2as> ▁Specifies ▁whether ▁the ▁At k Hy per link ▁object ▁is ▁selected <2as> ▁N ode ▁% zu ▁out ▁of ▁range <2as> ▁Enable ▁spell ▁checking ▁for ▁languages : <2as> ▁Create ▁resource ▁'% s ' ▁failed ▁with ▁HTTP ▁status ▁% d ▁(% s ) <2as> ▁Show ▁frames ▁per ▁second <2as> ▁Paste ▁files <2as> ▁_ R o om ▁List ▁locale : <2as> ▁Currently ▁you ▁can ▁only ▁access ▁the ▁GroupWise ▁System ▁Address ▁Book ▁from ▁Evolution . ▁Please ▁use ▁some ▁other ▁GroupWise ▁mail ▁client ▁once ▁to ▁get ▁your ▁GroupWise ▁Frequ ent ▁Contacts ▁and ▁Group wise ▁Personal ▁Contacts ▁folders . <2as> ▁Move ▁contacts ▁to <2as> ▁Unexpected ▁L X C ▁URI ▁path ▁'% s ', ▁try ▁l x c :// / <2as> ▁Copy ▁the ▁selected ▁folder ▁into ▁another ▁folder <2as> ▁Cannot ▁modify ▁calendar ▁object : <2as> ▁email ; cal endar ; cont act ; add ress book ; task ; <2as> ▁Korean ▁(_ U H C ) <2as> ▁Target ▁CPU ▁feature ▁count ▁% zu ▁does ▁not ▁match ▁source ▁% zu <2as> ▁The ▁identity ▁of ▁this ▁website ▁has ▁been ▁verified <2as> ▁E _ x p and ▁All <2as> ▁St ruct ured ▁name ▁is ▁not ▁write able ▁on ▁this ▁contact . <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁establish ▁a ▁connection ▁to ▁% s . ▁One ▁of ▁you ▁might ▁be ▁on ▁a ▁network ▁that ▁does ▁not ▁allow ▁direct ▁connections . <2as> ▁Comp ression ▁cache ▁miss es : <2as> ▁Normal ▁pages : <2as> ▁Encryption ▁required ▁for ▁requested ▁authentication ▁mechanism <2as> ▁Support ▁for ▁mod ifying ▁single ▁instances ▁of ▁a ▁recur ring ▁appointment ▁is ▁not ▁yet ▁implemented . ▁No ▁change ▁was ▁made ▁to ▁the ▁appointment ▁on ▁the ▁server . <2as> ▁Copy ▁the ▁contacts ▁of ▁the ▁selected ▁address ▁book ▁to ▁another <2as> ▁Not ▁expecting ▁control ▁message , ▁but ▁got ▁% d <2as> ▁Show ▁test ▁options <2as> ▁received ▁hang up ▁/ ▁error ▁event ▁on ▁socket <2as> ▁The ▁theme ▁variant ▁that ▁is ▁used ▁to ▁display ▁the ▁conversation ▁in ▁chat ▁windows . <2as> ▁Location ▁sources : <2as> ▁Gro _ up ▁Reply ▁goes ▁only ▁to ▁mailing ▁list , ▁if ▁possible <2as> ▁Enable ▁care t ▁brow sing ▁mode ? <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁display ▁the ▁right ▁margin <2as> ▁Address ▁type ▁not ▁supported ▁by ▁SOC KS ▁server <2as> ▁Only ▁res et ▁to ▁beginning ▁is ▁supported ▁with ▁Cam el Stream Fil ter <2as> ▁Configuration ▁Failed <2as> ▁Name ▁of ▁LDAP ▁server , ▁pre fix ed ▁by ▁l d ap :// <2as> ▁Assistant <2as> ▁Rend ering ▁quality ▁used ▁when ▁drawing ▁the ▁text ure <2as> ▁_ Ch ange ▁Exchange ▁Password ... <2as> ▁The ▁X ▁position ▁of ▁the ▁main ▁window . <2as> ▁Contact ▁field ▁'% s ' ▁of ▁type ▁'% s ' ▁specified ▁in ▁summary , ▁but ▁only ▁bo olean , ▁string ▁and ▁string ▁list ▁field ▁types ▁are ▁supported <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁build ▁an ▁audio ▁track ▁list <2as> ▁New ▁_ Call ... <2as> ▁N ULL ▁or ▁empty ▁path <2as> ▁The ▁minimum ▁horizontal ▁width ▁of ▁the ▁progress ▁bar <2as> ▁transl ator - c red its <2as> ▁Custom ▁ser if ▁font <2as> ▁No ▁parent ▁could ▁be ▁found ▁in ▁the ▁tree ▁for ▁the ▁path ▁"% s " <2as> ▁The ▁VPN ▁connection ▁'% s ' ▁failed ▁because ▁there ▁were ▁no ▁valid ▁VPN ▁secrets . <2as> ▁Show ▁process ▁' Res ident ▁Memory ' ▁column ▁on ▁startup <2as> ▁G adu - G adu ▁Work ▁ID ▁2 <2as> ▁Lyd ian <2as> ▁Accept ed : <2as> ▁Type <2as> ▁The ▁number ▁of ▁cards ▁in ▁one ▁output ▁file ▁in ▁as yn chron ous ▁mode , ▁default ▁size ▁100. <2as> ▁View ▁the ▁selected ▁memo <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁rename ▁tag ▁to ▁"% s " ▁because ▁the ▁tag ▁already ▁exists . <2as> ▁The ▁last ▁upgrad ed ▁configuration ▁version ▁of ▁Evolution , ▁with ▁major / min or / conf iguration ▁level ▁( for ▁example ▁" 2. 6. 0 "). <2as> ▁S _ elect ▁the ▁images ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁save : <2as> ▁By ▁_ R ating <2as> ▁Run ▁the ▁configuration ▁assistant <2as> ▁Cannot ▁append ▁message ▁to ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Conf lic ting ▁options ▁are ▁present : ▁screen ▁% d ▁should ▁be ▁inter act ed ▁with , ▁but ▁-- % s ▁has ▁been ▁used <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁add ▁variable ▁' IP ' ▁to ▁has h map <2as> ▁X B Z RL E ▁is ▁active , ▁but ▁' p ages ' ▁data ▁was ▁missing <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁find ▁deleg ate ▁% s ▁in ▁Active ▁Directory <2as> ▁Ret rie ving ▁message ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁_ P age ▁Source <2as> ▁% s ▁has ▁declined ▁the ▁following ▁meeting ▁changes : <2as> ▁A ▁short ▁description ▁is ▁probably ▁not ▁of ▁much ▁help ▁to ▁the ▁developers ▁investigating ▁your ▁report . ▁If ▁you ▁provide ▁a ▁better ▁one , ▁for ▁instance ▁spec ifying ▁a ▁way ▁to ▁rep rodu ce ▁the ▁crash , ▁the ▁issue ▁can ▁be ▁more ▁easily ▁resolved . <2as> ▁lib is of s ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁initial ized . <2as> ▁Save ▁the ▁ed ited ▁search <2as> ▁_ Book marks <2as> ▁Found ▁unexpected ▁controller ▁model ▁'% s ' ▁for ▁disk ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁lock ▁% zu ▁bytes ▁of ▁memory <2as> ▁Import ing ▁Outlook ▁Express ▁data <2as> ▁Con _ t acts <2as> ▁Inter val s ▁shown ▁in ▁Day ▁and ▁Work ▁Week ▁views , ▁in ▁minutes . <2as> ▁_ Send ▁anyway <2as> ▁_ Bl ank ▁Disc ... <2as> ▁Time <2as> ▁Ignore ▁CA ▁certificate <2as> ▁An ▁Inst ant ▁Mess aging ▁client ▁for ▁GNOME <2as> ▁Rename ▁the ▁selected ▁file <2as> ▁Rename <2as> ▁Allow ▁Ek iga ▁to ▁fall ▁back ▁to ▁software ▁sc aling ▁the ▁picture - in - p icture ▁if ▁hardware ▁support ▁is ▁not ▁available . ▁If ▁this ▁is ▁set ▁to ▁false , ▁Ek iga ▁will ▁not ▁try ▁to ▁open ▁the ▁P IP ▁if ▁hardware ▁support ▁is ▁not ▁available . <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁spa wn ▁Sp am Ass ass in ▁(% s ): <2as> ▁The ▁identity ▁of ▁this ▁website ▁has ▁not ▁been ▁verified <2as> ▁Real ▁name : <2as> ▁Server ▁is ▁unre ach able , ▁calendar ▁is ▁opened ▁in ▁read - only ▁mode . ▁Error ▁message : ▁% s <2as> ▁Post ing ▁to ▁this ▁mailing ▁list ▁is ▁not ▁allowed . ▁Poss ibly , ▁this ▁is ▁a ▁read - only ▁mailing ▁list . ▁Contact ▁the ▁list ▁owner ▁for ▁details . <2as> ▁Settings <2as> ▁Move ▁Tab ▁_ L eft <2as> ▁There ▁was ▁an ▁error ▁while ▁publishing ▁to ▁% s : <2as> ▁_ Cont ents <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁allocate ▁memory ▁while ▁det ecting ▁M TP ▁devices <2as> ▁Download ing ▁messages ▁in ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁parse ▁positive ▁inte ger ▁from ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁/ n ick ▁< n ick name > : ▁change ▁your ▁nickname ▁on ▁the ▁current ▁server <2as> ▁Delete <2as> ▁Inform ▁other ▁users ▁when ▁you ▁are ▁ty ping ▁to ▁them <2as> ▁Microsoft ▁Global ▁Catalog ▁over ▁SSL <2as> ▁_ C ustom ize ▁options <2as> ▁The ▁last ▁time ▁Empty ▁Trash ▁was ▁run , ▁in ▁days ▁since ▁January ▁1 st , ▁1970 ▁( E po ch ). <2as> ▁Details <2as> ▁Clock <2as> ▁Cyprus <2as> ▁Command ▁not ▁implemented <2as> ▁No ▁such ▁source ▁for ▁UID ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Show ▁info ▁options <2as> ▁paper ▁size <2as> ▁Set ▁a ▁key ▁to ▁a ▁value ▁and ▁sync . ▁Use ▁with ▁-- type . <2as> ▁Empathy ▁is ▁distributed ▁in ▁the ▁hope ▁that ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁useful , ▁but ▁WITH OUT ▁ANY ▁WAR R ANT Y ; ▁without ▁even ▁the ▁imp lied ▁warrant y ▁of ▁MER CH AN TA BIL ITY ▁or ▁F IT N ESS ▁FOR ▁A ▁PARTICUL AR ▁P UR POS E . ▁See ▁the ▁GNU ▁General ▁Public ▁License ▁for ▁more ▁details . <2as> ▁Copying ▁Items <2as> ▁It ▁is ▁not ▁possible ▁to ▁connect ▁to ▁the ▁server . <2as> ▁Edit ▁Any ▁Items <2as> ▁Make ▁sure ▁the ▁appropriate ▁cod ec ▁is ▁installed <2as> ▁Number ▁of ▁samples . ▁Big ger ▁number ▁produces ▁a ▁more ▁accurate ▁picture ▁of ▁access ▁time ▁patterns ▁but ▁takes ▁more ▁time . <2as> ▁_ I nc re mental ▁Search ... <2as> ▁What ▁is ▁your ▁Facebook ▁password ? <2as> ▁_ CO B OL <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁selection ▁color ▁has ▁been ▁set <2as> ▁Cl osing ▁t mp ▁stream ▁failed : <2as> ▁Unexpected ▁reply ▁from ▁server <2as> ▁General <2as> ▁Cannot ▁un sh are ▁un in itial ized ▁CU RL ▁handle <2as> ▁Delete ▁the ▁selected ▁history ▁link <2as> ▁% s ▁(% s ) <2as> ▁Warning <2as> ▁B tr fs <2as> ▁Invalid ▁CPU ▁feature ▁name <2as> ▁Whether ▁or ▁not ▁to ▁give ▁the ▁color ▁an ▁alpha ▁value <2as> ▁ISO ▁speed : <2as> ▁Other <2as> ▁Invalid ▁USB ▁Class ▁code ▁% s <2as> ▁Sw ap ▁camera <2as> ▁A ▁storage ▁path ▁must ▁be ▁specified . <2as> ▁My ▁deleg ates ▁only , ▁but ▁_ send ▁a ▁copy ▁of ▁meeting ▁requests ▁and ▁responses ▁to ▁me ▁( rec omm ended ) <2as> ▁As ▁laid ▁out ▁on ▁the ▁_ screen <2as> ▁Moving ▁the ▁files ▁from ▁"% s " ▁to ▁"% s " <2as> ▁Results ▁for ▁% s <2as> ▁SMTP ▁server ▁% s ▁does ▁not ▁support ▁requested ▁authentication ▁type ▁% s . <2as> ▁New ▁conversation <2as> ▁San ▁Bor ja <2as> ▁Ret rie ving ▁POP ▁summary <2as> ▁Custom <2as> ▁7 <2as> ▁80 2. 3 ad <2as> ▁Show ▁each ▁photo ▁for <2as> ▁IM ▁Con text <2as> ▁List ▁of ▁installed ▁web ▁applications <2as> ▁S ear _ ch : <2as> ▁Rem oving ▁group <2as> ▁Show ▁display ▁remind ers ▁in ▁notification ▁tray <2as> ▁The ▁stored ▁position ▁( in ▁pixels ) ▁of ▁the ▁chat ▁window ▁side ▁pane . <2as> ▁Application ▁information ▁lack s ▁an ▁identifier <2as> ▁Upd ating ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Error : ▁viewer ▁connection ▁to ▁hyper visor ▁host ▁got ▁refused ▁or ▁disc onnected ! <2as> ▁Invalid ▁duration ▁argument <2as> ▁_ Copy ▁to ▁Folder <2as> ▁Prefer red ▁Visual ▁assist ive ▁technology ▁application <2as> ▁Share ▁this ▁Folder <2as> ▁Lock ▁this ▁ke yring ▁when ▁I ▁log ▁out <2as> ▁_ Show ▁Call ▁Panel <2as> ▁& ▁View <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁authentic ate ▁to ▁server . <2as> ▁Network Man ager ▁status <2as> ▁new ▁server <2as> ▁D _ el ete ▁Memo ▁List <2as> ▁Note : ▁Und ers c ore ▁in ▁the ▁label ▁name ▁is ▁used ▁as ▁m nem onic ▁identifier ▁in ▁menu . <2as> ▁_ Take ▁a ▁Photo <2as> ▁Your ▁first ▁name ▁and ▁surn ame ▁will ▁be ▁used ▁when ▁connecting ▁to ▁other ▁Vo IP ▁and ▁vide ocon feren cing ▁software . <2as> ▁Session ▁management ▁options : <2as> ▁Acc erc iser <2as> ▁_ Al ways ▁accept <2as> ▁No ▁support ▁for ▁multiple ▁video ▁devices <2as> ▁xen Da emon Get A ut ost art ▁failed ▁to ▁find ▁this ▁domain <2as> ▁input ▁method ▁window <2as> ▁Insert ▁Face ▁picture ▁by ▁default <2as> ▁Copying ▁`% s ` ▁locally <2as> ▁% s ▁Please ▁enter ▁the ▁M AP I ▁password ▁for ▁% s @ % s <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁retrieve ▁share ▁list ▁from ▁server : ▁% s <2as> ▁Background ▁Color ▁Set <2as> ▁The ▁event ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁deleted ▁due ▁to ▁an ▁error : ▁% s <2as> ▁From ▁Edge <2as> ▁Enter ▁search ▁phrase ▁here <2as> ▁Tot em ▁could ▁not ▁startup . <2as> ▁Proxy ▁Free Des ktop ▁scre ensa ver ▁inhib ition ▁to ▁gn ome - s ession <2as> ▁Using ▁LDAP <2as> ▁Hide <2as> ▁Enable ▁Debug ging <2as> ▁Trans form ▁Set <2as> ▁Echo ▁component ▁factory <2as> ▁There ▁are ▁no ▁prin ters ▁configured ▁yet . <2as> ▁Invalid ▁c dr _ type ▁"% s " ▁on <2as> ▁Bright ness ▁of ▁the ▁color . <2as> ▁You ▁don ' t ▁have ▁enough ▁credit ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁place ▁this ▁call <2as> ▁Select ▁the ▁files ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁restore ▁and ▁click ▁on ▁the ▁" R est ore " ▁button <2as> ▁Display ▁bookmarks ▁help <2as> ▁Ci udad ▁Ju á rez <2as> ▁E _ nd : <2as> ▁Un supported ▁root ▁files ystem ▁type ▁% s <2as> ▁Ask ▁him / her ▁to ▁see ▁his / her ▁status <2as> ▁Video ▁resolution <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁find ▁self ▁in ▁Active ▁Directory <2as> ▁H P ▁Linux ▁Im aging ▁and ▁Printing ▁( H PL IP ) <2as> ▁Zoom ▁& In <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁find ▁this ▁task ▁in ▁any ▁task ▁list <2as> ▁Missing ▁restricted ▁data ▁in ▁J S ON ▁document <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁det ach ▁interface <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁read ▁pilot ' s ▁Address ▁application ▁block <2as> ▁The ▁certificate ' s ▁activ ation ▁time ▁is ▁still ▁in ▁the ▁future . <2as> ▁An ▁Inst ant ▁Mess aging ▁client ▁for ▁GNOME <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁query ▁certificate ▁% s ▁key ▁usage ▁% s <2as> ▁Folder ▁size <2as> ▁Select ▁the ▁personal ▁data ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁clear <2as> ▁Save ▁A vat ar <2as> ▁Not ▁a ▁phone ▁number <2as> ▁Because ▁you ▁are ▁working ▁offline , ▁the ▁message ▁will ▁be ▁saved ▁to ▁your ▁local ▁Out box ▁folder . ▁When ▁you ▁are ▁back ▁online ▁you ▁can ▁send ▁the ▁message ▁by ▁clicking ▁the ▁Send / R ece ive ▁button ▁in ▁Evolution ' s ▁toolbar . <2as> ▁News <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁current ▁stream ▁is ▁seek able <2as> ▁control ▁domain ' s ▁out going ▁traff ics <2as> ▁Source ▁device ▁does ▁not ▁exist ▁when ▁form atting ▁pool ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Message ▁Ret ract <2as> ▁Switzerland <2as> ▁Split ▁track ▁for ▁each ▁silence <2as> ▁Go ▁to ▁the ▁home ▁page <2as> ▁_ A ction Script <2as> ▁Cannot ▁parse ▁USB ▁version ▁% s <2as> ▁_ Save ▁to ▁Out box <2as> ▁Add ▁Boo _ k mark ... <2as> ▁If ▁activated , ▁the ▁detailed ▁metadata ▁list ▁in ▁the ▁properties ▁dialog ▁will ▁be ▁moved ▁to ▁its ▁own ▁page ▁in ▁the ▁dialog . ▁This ▁should ▁make ▁the ▁dialog ▁more ▁us able ▁on ▁smaller ▁sc reens , ▁e . g . ▁as ▁used ▁by ▁net book s . ▁If ▁disabled , ▁the ▁widget ▁will ▁be ▁embedded ▁on ▁the ▁" M et adata " ▁page . <2as> ▁Default ▁number ▁of ▁columns <2as> ▁The ▁action ▁name ▁to ▁invoke <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁find ▁deleg ate ▁% s ▁in ▁Active ▁Directory <2as> ▁Tuesday ▁is ▁a ▁work ▁day <2as> ▁Basic ▁Latin <2as> ▁Error ▁subsc rib ing ▁to ▁folder <2as> ▁Except ions <2as> ▁PGP / G PG ▁_ Key ▁ID : <2as> ▁Open ▁a ▁project <2as> ▁need ▁at ▁least ▁one ▁serial ▁port ▁for ▁uses er ial <2as> ▁Con stra ints ▁the ▁pan ning ▁to ▁an ▁axis <2as> ▁You ▁need ▁to ▁enable ▁% s ▁to ▁see ▁contacts ▁here . <2as> ▁Exist ing ▁file ▁'% s ' ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁removed : ▁g _ un link () ▁failed : ▁% s <2as> ▁The ▁key ▁specifies ▁the ▁list ▁of ▁destin ations ▁to ▁where ▁publish ▁calend ars . ▁Each ▁values ▁specifies ▁an ▁XML ▁with ▁setup ▁for ▁publishing ▁to ▁one ▁destination . <2as> ▁The ▁factory ▁pointer <2as> ▁X ▁display ▁to ▁use <2as> ▁Secret ▁% s ▁deleted <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁find ▁this ▁meeting ▁in ▁any ▁calendar <2as> ▁Input ▁stream ▁doesn ' t ▁implement ▁seek <2as> ▁Loading ... <2as> ▁Waiting ▁for ▁search ▁results <2as> ▁Rename <2as> ▁Trans c oding ▁song <2as> ▁Open ... <2as> ▁Rename ▁the ▁selected ▁bookmark ▁or ▁topic <2as> ▁Delete ▁the ▁selected ▁history ▁link <2as> ▁_ L eft <2as> ▁Sort ▁photos ▁in ▁a ▁desc ending ▁order <2as> ▁Move ▁Folder ▁To <2as> ▁Pix map ▁Dep th <2as> ▁Enable ▁X In put ▁support <2as> ▁To <2as> ▁Cannot ▁restore ▁image ▁of ▁size ▁0 <2as> ▁No ▁Clear ▁H int <2as> ▁contains ▁hard link s ▁for : <2as> ▁Use ▁mobile ▁broad band ▁connections <2as> ▁Display ▁per - ch annel ▁hist ogram <2as> ▁Client ' s ▁Dist ingu ished ▁Name ▁is ▁not ▁on ▁the ▁list ▁of ▁allowed ▁clients ▁( t ls _ all owed _ d n _ list ). ▁Use ▁' c ert tool ▁- i ▁-- inf ile ▁client c ert . p em ' ▁to ▁view ▁the ▁Dist ingu ished ▁Name ▁field ▁in ▁the ▁client ▁certificate , ▁or ▁run ▁this ▁daemon ▁with ▁-- ver b ose ▁option . <2as> ▁Whether ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁" - use - the - force - l uke = dao " ▁flag ▁with ▁grow is of s . ▁Set ▁to ▁false , ▁bras ero ▁won ' t ▁use ▁it ; ▁it ▁may ▁be ▁a ▁work ar ound ▁for ▁some ▁drives / set ups . <2as> ▁Access ible ▁Table ▁Column ▁Header <2as> ▁The ▁buffer ▁undo ▁manager <2as> ▁Cannot ▁delete ▁M AP I ▁folders ▁in ▁offline ▁mode <2as> ▁Add ▁custom ▁headers ▁to ▁out going ▁mail ▁messages . <2as> ▁Writing ▁lead in <2as> ▁The ▁port ▁to ▁listen ▁to ▁for ▁incoming ▁connections . ▁Ek iga ▁needs ▁to ▁be ▁restart ed ▁for ▁the ▁new ▁value ▁to ▁take ▁effect . <2as> ▁( D ep recated ) ▁Default ▁reply ▁style <2as> ▁Background ▁properties <2as> ▁Pick ▁a ▁color <2as> ▁Dib ru gar h <2as> ▁Select ▁all ▁files <2as> ▁Ref res hing ▁folder ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Hello ▁Python <2as> ▁Send ▁an ▁email ▁message ▁to ▁“% s ” <2as> ▁could ▁not ▁attach ▁the ▁file ▁as ▁hard disk : ▁% s , ▁r c =% 08 x <2as> ▁No ▁message ▁with ▁UID ▁% s <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁synchron ize ▁sp ool ▁folder ▁% s : ▁% s <2as> ▁Ke yring ▁key ▁is ▁unus able : ▁no ▁user ▁or ▁host ▁name <2as> ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁meeting . <2as> ▁File ▁"% s " ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁opened ▁(% s ) <2as> ▁Security ▁level : ▁% s <2as> ▁_ Down <2as> ▁Aut ost art : <2as> ▁Show ▁process ▁' W rit able ▁Memory ' ▁column ▁on ▁startup <2as> ▁15 ▁minutes ▁before ▁appointment ▁1 ▁hour ▁before ▁appointment ▁1 ▁day ▁before ▁appointment <2as> ▁Col _ lection <2as> ▁_ Sub s criptions ... <2as> ▁Nautilus ▁3. 6 ▁dep recated ▁this ▁directory ▁and ▁tried ▁mig rating ▁this ▁configuration ▁to ▁~ /. local / sh are / na util us <2as> ▁_ L og in ▁method : <2as> ▁Middle ▁clicking ▁on ▁the ▁main ▁view ▁pane ▁will ▁open ▁the ▁web ▁page ▁pointed ▁to ▁by ▁the ▁currently ▁selected ▁text . <2as> ▁Default ▁calendar ▁application <2as> ▁Source ▁# % u ▁\ t St ate : ▁% s ▁\ t Name : ▁% s ▁\ t Description : ▁% s ▁\ t D ri ver : ▁% s ▁\ t S ample ▁Spec ification : ▁% s ▁\ t Ch annel ▁Map : ▁% s ▁\ t O wn er ▁Module : ▁% u ▁\ t M ute : ▁% s ▁\ t V ol ume : ▁% s % s % s ▁\ t ▁balance ▁% 0. 2 f ▁\ t B ase ▁Volume : ▁% s % s % s ▁\ t Mon itor ▁of ▁S ink : ▁% s ▁\ t L at ency : ▁% 0. 0 f ▁us ec , ▁configured ▁% 0. 0 f ▁us ec ▁\ t F lag s : ▁% s % s % s % s % s % s ▁\ t Prop erties : ▁\ t \ t % s <2as> ▁does ▁not ▁start ▁with <2as> ▁Creating ▁Image <2as> ▁Auto - C onnect <2as> ▁ISO ▁speed : <2as> ▁Conn ectiv ity : <2as> ▁_ F ast ▁blank ing <2as> ▁Place ▁the ▁four ▁of ▁clubs ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁three ▁of ▁clubs . <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁find ▁this ▁memo ▁in ▁any ▁memo ▁list <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁get ▁list ▁of ▁machines , ▁r c =% 08 x <2as> ▁Failed ▁to ▁allocate ▁memory ▁for ▁s ys fs ▁attribute ▁value ▁for ▁s ys fs ▁attribute ▁'% s ' ▁on ▁device ▁with ▁s ys name ▁'% s ' <2as> ▁Thanks ▁The ▁Evolution ▁Team <2as> ▁Whether ▁the ▁input ▁cursor ▁is ▁visible <2as> ▁Unable ▁to ▁format ▁time <2as> ▁R ear ▁Right <2as> ▁See ▁AUTHOR S ▁file ▁for ▁full ▁cred its <2as> ▁_ Down load ▁limit : <2as> ▁No ▁matching ▁photos ▁found <2as> ▁Apple ▁Core ▁Stor age <2as> ▁Select ▁the ▁personal ▁data ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁clear <2as> ▁_ Edit <2as> ▁_ Al ways ▁ignore ▁Reply - To : ▁for ▁mailing ▁lists . <2as> ▁M ata ▁de ▁P alo <2as> ▁fatal ▁signal ▁% d <2as> ▁No ▁file ▁fil tered <2as> ▁Can ' t ▁establish ▁video ▁stream <2as> ▁Zoom ▁Ax is <2as> ▁View ▁or ▁change ▁your ▁Out - of - Office ▁status ▁and ▁aut ore ply ▁message <2as> ▁U gar it ic <2as> ▁The ▁actor ' s ▁position ▁on ▁the ▁Z ▁axis <2as> ▁Evolution ▁does ▁not ▁support ▁calendar ▁remind ers ▁with ▁email ▁notifications ▁yet , ▁but ▁this ▁reminder ▁was ▁configured ▁to ▁send ▁an ▁email . ▁Evolution ▁will ▁display ▁a ▁normal ▁reminder ▁dialog ▁box ▁instead . <2as> ▁Vertical ▁Expand <2as> ▁Didn ' t ▁understand ▁`% s ' ▁( wr ong ▁number ▁of ▁elements ) <2as> ▁Page <2as> ▁Ch _ ar acter ▁Enc oding <2as> ▁Unknown <2as> ▁Client ▁reports ▁password ▁was ▁rejected <2as> ▁Un mat ched ▁quot ation ▁mark ▁in ▁command ▁line ▁or ▁other ▁shell - qu oted ▁text <2as> ▁Kl ond ike <2as> ▁Switch ▁to ▁the ▁previous ▁tab <2as> ▁Could ▁not ▁fork : ▁% s <2as> ▁T ried ▁to ▁modify ▁contact ▁'% s ' ▁with ▁out ▁of ▁sync ▁revision