<2ca> ▁Well , ▁the ▁fire ▁department ▁has ▁its ▁own ▁investig ative ▁unit . <2ca> ▁We ▁are ▁the ▁l ords ▁of ▁small ▁matters ▁here . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁what ▁we ' ve ▁been ▁fighting ▁for . <2ca> ▁- ▁" You ▁don ' t ▁fuck ▁up .! <2ca> ▁It ' ll ▁make ▁the ▁tort illas ▁smell ▁like ▁cat ▁piss . <2ca> ▁Where ' s ▁Daisy ? <2ca> ▁You ▁see ▁Er so ▁out ▁there ? <2ca> ▁You ▁know ▁why ! <2ca> ▁- ▁but ▁I ▁fell ▁in ▁love ▁with ▁you , ▁Er nest . <2ca> ▁They ▁fled . <2ca> ▁You ▁mean ▁the ▁alternate ▁universe ? <2ca> ▁Tasks ▁take ▁place ▁over ▁a ▁period ▁of ▁time ▁and ▁generally ▁consume ▁resources . <2ca> ▁Thailand ' s ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁has ▁apolog ized ▁for ▁suggesting ▁that ▁tourists ▁visiting ▁his ▁country ▁might ▁not ▁be ▁safe ▁if ▁they ▁wear ▁b ikin is . <2ca> ▁Doctor ▁said ▁he ▁may ▁have ▁permanent ▁brain ▁damage . <2ca> ▁Hey , ▁possession ' s ▁like ▁4 /10 th s ▁of ▁the ... <2ca> ▁It ▁is ▁silly . <2ca> ▁I ▁feel ▁like ▁you ▁should ▁do ▁trust ▁falls . <2ca> ▁Nathan ' s ▁not ▁in ▁charge ▁anymore . <2ca> ▁That ▁is ▁my ▁hope , ▁after ▁I ▁kill ▁him . <2ca> ▁He ▁has ▁been ▁rejected ▁. <2ca> ▁Wait , wait , wait ! <2ca> ▁♪ ▁Str angers ▁waiting ▁♪ ▁♪ ▁Da , ▁dum ▁♪ ▁♪ ▁Up ▁and ▁down ▁the ▁bou lev ard ▁♪ <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁turned ▁you ▁into ▁a ▁monster . <2ca> ▁You ▁have ▁a ▁town ▁house , ▁I ▁hope ? <2ca> ▁8 :00 ▁AM . <2ca> ▁Please ▁return ▁your ▁seats ▁and ▁tray ▁tables ▁to ▁their ▁upright ▁and ▁locked ▁position . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁total ▁amount ▁of ▁time ▁you ▁did ▁not ▁use ▁the ▁keyboard ▁or ▁mouse . <2ca> ▁No , ▁as ▁I ▁understand ▁it , ▁that ' s ▁something ▁very ▁old . <2ca> ▁Every ▁fan boy ▁in ▁the ▁city ' s ▁been ▁trying ▁to ▁grab ▁it . <2ca> ▁Come ▁on , ▁don ' t ▁give ▁him ▁a ▁hard ▁time . <2ca> ▁Perhaps ▁members ▁of ▁your ▁family , ▁Friends ▁Who ▁might ▁Recogn ize ▁you ? <2ca> ▁You ▁hate ▁my ▁clothes . <2ca> ▁Yes , ▁I ▁suppose ▁they ▁do . <2ca> ▁Regist ered ▁letter . <2ca> ▁We ▁have ▁security ▁measures ▁when ▁it ▁comes ▁to ▁bioc hem ical ▁materials . <2ca> ▁N - J - U - W - W - P - T ! ▁Whoo ! <2ca> ▁Ben ▁Burt on ▁ben b @ ac m . ▁org <2ca> ▁Does ▁she ▁embrace ▁you ▁tight ly ▁and ▁ca ress ▁your ▁ni pp les ? <2ca> ▁Left ▁Player : ▁Down <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know , ▁I ▁haven ' t ▁done ▁much ▁coke . <2ca> ▁I ▁really ▁don ' t ▁see ▁what ▁was ▁the ▁point ▁of ▁that . <2ca> ▁Send ▁her ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁- ▁No . <2ca> ▁You ▁can ' t ▁viol ate ▁it . <2ca> ▁Tomorrow ▁morning ▁at ▁6 :08 ▁a . m . <2ca> ▁Fight ing ▁girl ▁sc outs ▁now , ▁Sl ade , ▁huh ? ▁O ww ! ▁What ▁the ▁hell ? <2ca> ▁Now , ▁you ▁wouldn ' t ▁want ▁that ▁to ▁happen ▁to ▁you , ▁would ▁you ? <2ca> ▁Allow ▁search ▁definition <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁hope ▁the ▁gods ▁bless ▁your ▁efforts . <2ca> ▁V itor ia <2ca> ▁There ▁is ▁nothing ▁that ▁isn ' t ▁important ! <2ca> ▁Keep ▁that ▁baby ▁quiet ▁or ▁I ▁will . <2ca> ▁You ▁think ▁you ' re ▁the ▁first ▁who ▁tried ▁to ▁kill ▁me ? <2ca> ▁Still , ▁there ▁was ▁also ▁some ▁rig ging ▁involved ▁to ▁support ▁them ▁to ▁keep ▁them ▁in ▁pos es . <2ca> ▁Sil as ? <2ca> ▁End ▁of ▁/ ▁WHO ▁list ▁for ▁%1 <2ca> ▁Custom ▁Style <2ca> ▁Show ▁even ▁when ▁nothing ▁printing <2ca> ▁The ▁L ifest ream , ▁g ushing ▁out ▁over ▁the ▁world ... ▁took ▁battles , ▁amb ition , ▁and ▁sad ness ... <2ca> ▁The ▁company ▁that ▁used ▁to ▁operate ▁it ▁left ▁it ▁for ▁a ▁new er ▁facility . ▁Then ▁along ▁comes ▁this ▁nature ▁outfit ▁who ▁want ▁to ▁rep ur pose ▁the ▁plant ▁as ▁a ▁bott ling ▁plant ▁for ▁some ▁fancy ▁organic ▁ic ed ▁tea . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁buying ? <2ca> ▁Task : <2ca> ▁- ▁thanks , ▁ro y . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁gonna ▁be ▁er ased ▁at ▁midnight . <2ca> ▁We ▁couldn ' t ▁risk ▁going ▁to ▁the ▁kitchen s . <2ca> ▁You ▁could ▁say ▁a ▁few ▁words , ▁if ▁you ▁want . <2ca> ▁So ▁long , ▁Annie . <2ca> ▁There ' s ▁only ▁one ▁hell , ▁Princess . <2ca> ▁He ▁has ▁enough ▁on ▁his ▁plate . <2ca> ▁Raise ▁shield s ! <2ca> ▁Take ▁a ▁good ▁look ▁when ▁you ▁reach ▁Jab alia . <2ca> ▁O ught ▁I ▁to ? ▁No , ▁not ▁while ▁you ' re ▁using ▁that ▁charming ▁Bal ▁des ▁Fle urs ▁you ▁have ▁on ▁now . <2ca> ▁What ▁has ▁he ▁found ▁in ▁the ▁Book ▁of ▁the ▁Dead ? <2ca> ▁- ▁But ▁I ▁do ▁know . <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁no ▁time ▁now . <2ca> ▁No ▁regret . <2ca> ▁What ▁can ▁we ▁say ? <2ca> ▁Uh , ▁do ▁you ? <2ca> ▁Ab andon ed ▁by ▁all , ▁even ▁by ▁God , ▁and ▁hanging ▁from ▁the ▁neck ▁until ▁dead . <2ca> ▁- ▁We ' re ▁not ▁sure , ▁but ▁we ' re ▁scan ning -- <2ca> ▁i ▁have ▁something ▁to ▁tell ▁you . <2ca> ▁No , ▁no , ▁no , ▁a ▁cond otti ero ! <2ca> ▁Just ▁open ▁your ▁eyes . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁unlikely ▁to ▁walk ▁in , ▁ask ▁us ... <2ca> ▁R anj it , ▁would ▁you ▁please ▁put ▁up ▁the ▁partition ? <2ca> ▁You ▁lock ▁me ▁up , ▁you ▁fix ▁everything , ▁You ▁call ▁off ▁your ▁dogs . <2ca> ▁I ▁really ▁think ▁you ' re ▁jumping ▁to ▁conclusions ▁much ▁too ▁quickly . <2ca> ▁Ukrainian ▁singer ▁and ▁2004 ▁Eu rov ision ▁contest ▁winner , ▁Rus lana , ▁who ▁has ▁spent ▁several ▁days ▁with ▁the ▁protesters ▁in ▁Independ ence ▁Square , ▁posted ▁this ▁statement ▁on ▁her ▁Facebook ▁page : <2ca> ▁Go . <2ca> ▁Do ▁you ▁remember ▁this ▁woman ? <2ca> ▁And ▁that ' s ▁what ▁I ▁love ▁about ▁him : <2ca> ▁When ▁she ▁died ▁did ▁she ▁suffer ? <2ca> ▁Is ▁Tr ish ▁okay ? <2ca> ▁The ▁find ▁command ▁can ▁be ▁configured ▁by ▁app ending ▁a ▁colon ▁followed ▁by ▁one ▁or ▁more ▁options , ▁the ▁form ▁is ▁find : ▁options ▁pattern . ▁The ▁following ▁options ▁are ▁supported : <2ca> ▁For ▁what ▁she ▁did ▁to ▁you , ▁yes . <2ca> ▁Yeah , ▁sure ▁I ... ▁I ▁do . <2ca> ▁Back up ▁power ▁should ' ve ▁come ▁on ▁by ▁now . <2ca> ▁The ▁point ▁is , ▁no ▁one ▁other ▁than ▁us ▁can ▁ever ▁know ▁that ▁this ▁robbery ▁went ▁down . <2ca> ▁While ▁I ▁stand ▁by ▁the ▁information ▁in ▁that ▁post , ▁I ▁decided ▁to ▁write ▁a ▁fresh ▁one ▁that ▁includes ▁new er ▁organizations . <2ca> ▁We ▁are ▁not ▁guilty . <2ca> ▁I ▁go ▁back ▁and ▁forth . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁a ▁Kn ight ▁myself ▁of ▁sorts , ▁a ▁champion ▁of ▁light ▁and ▁life . <2ca> ▁this ▁is ▁bar ry ▁br ick man . <2ca> ▁You ▁would ' ve ▁found ▁peace . <2ca> ▁14 40 ▁x ▁14 40 ▁DPI ▁Four ▁Pass <2ca> ▁Is ▁that ▁it , ▁you ▁stupid ... <2ca> ▁My ▁job ▁is ▁to ▁look ▁after ▁the ▁Lady . <2ca> ▁Victor , ▁I ' m ▁sorry ▁about ▁Brad s haw . <2ca> ▁Bry ansk <2ca> ▁- ▁Is ▁that ▁new ? <2ca> ▁She ▁takes ▁out ▁from ▁her ▁pocket ▁the ▁operating ▁G iku yu ▁raz or ... ▁With ▁a ▁stroke ▁she ▁C uts ▁off ▁the ▁tip ▁of ▁the ▁Cl itor is <2ca> ▁You ▁don ' t ▁have ▁to ▁sit ▁here ▁all ▁alone , ▁join ▁us ▁and ▁have ▁a ▁laugh . <2ca> ▁How ' d ▁you ▁manage ▁it ? <2ca> ▁" Your ▁invitation ▁is ▁joy fully ▁accepted ▁by ▁Mr . ▁Ted ▁Mos by ▁and ▁Jean ette . <2ca> ▁The ▁Contents ▁contains ▁the ▁following ▁default ▁entries : <2ca> ▁You ▁can ▁shit ▁later . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁pure ▁lib el , <2ca> ▁Set ▁width ▁position ▁to ▁center . <2ca> ▁Oh ▁my ... ▁ug h . ▁Oh ▁my ▁God . <2ca> ▁- ▁He ▁realized ▁how ▁much ▁I ▁meant ▁to ▁you . <2ca> ▁I ▁do ▁know ▁where ▁they ▁keep ▁the ▁Scot ch . <2ca> ▁If ▁they ▁were ▁educ ated ▁priv ately ▁maybe ▁the ▁car ▁was ▁just ▁an ▁attempt ▁to ▁show ▁the ▁other ▁parents ▁wealth . <2ca> ▁Say ing ▁no ▁to ▁liquor . <2ca> ▁Adam ▁Treat <2ca> ▁& ▁David . ▁Fa ure ; ▁& ▁David . ▁Fa ure . ▁mail ; <2ca> ▁What ▁it ▁is ▁not <2ca> ▁After ▁the ▁earthquake , ▁accounts ▁of ▁eye wit ness es ▁started ▁to ▁flood ▁the ▁Internet , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁sy mp ath ies ▁from ▁around ▁the ▁world : <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁worry ▁about ▁it . <2ca> ▁Among ▁them ▁were ▁two ▁of ▁the ▁most ▁controversial ▁congress men ▁in ▁the ▁country : ▁Ja ir ▁Bol son aro , ▁known ▁for ▁his ▁un rest rict ed ▁defense ▁of ▁Brazil ' s ▁past ▁military ▁dict ators hip , ▁and ▁Marco ▁Fel ic iano , ▁an ▁ev angel ical ▁past or ▁who ▁once ▁tried ▁to ▁legisl ate ▁the ▁“ g ay ▁cure ”. <2ca> ▁Great , then ▁we ' ll ▁get ▁married , ▁I ▁won ' t ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁her ▁and ▁we ' ll ▁spend ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁our ▁lives ▁in ▁total ▁silence . <2ca> ▁You ▁know ▁when ▁Amy ▁and ▁I ▁first ▁got ▁married ▁and ▁we ▁went ▁travelling ? <2ca> ▁Hey , ▁Sheldon , ▁I ' m ▁sorry . <2ca> ▁They ▁are ▁moved ▁to ▁the ▁public ▁cem etery . <2ca> ▁I ▁got ▁into ▁a ▁fist fight ▁with ▁Go of y ▁last ▁time ▁I ▁was ▁there . <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁right ▁on ▁time . <2ca> ▁Get ▁out ▁before ▁I ▁call ▁security ! <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁They ▁keep ▁sending ▁her ▁home ▁anxiety - rid den , ▁mostly ▁over ▁geomet ry . <2ca> ▁Previously ▁on ▁Lost ... <2ca> ▁- ▁Jake , ▁is ▁this ▁you ? <2ca> ▁She ' s ▁water - log ged . <2ca> ▁- He ▁looked ▁like ▁a ▁cop . <2ca> ▁We ▁also ▁have ▁p ets . ▁Four ▁grey h ounds . <2ca> ▁Otherwise ▁he ▁would ' ve ▁been ▁here ▁by ▁now . <2ca> ▁So ▁maybe ▁Cl ur man ▁wasn ' t ▁receiving ▁a ▁bomb ▁at ▁all . <2ca> ▁' He ▁was ▁playing ▁everyone ▁against ▁each ▁other . <2ca> ▁Font ▁used ▁for ▁the ▁lists <2ca> ▁This ▁dag ger ▁belonged ▁to ▁my ▁great - gr and father . <2ca> ▁If ▁I ▁did , ▁I ▁wouldn ' t ▁tell ▁someone ▁like ▁you . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁are ▁a ▁guarantee . <2ca> ▁You ▁either ▁give ▁me ▁your ▁names ... ▁so ▁that ▁I ▁can ▁call ▁your ▁parents ▁or ▁I ▁have ▁to ▁involve ▁the ▁police . <2ca> ▁Conf lict ▁resolution ▁is ▁a ▁theme ▁that ▁is ▁growing ▁in ▁popular ity ▁in ▁Central ▁Asia . <2ca> ▁She ▁saved ▁my ▁life , ▁sir . <2ca> ▁Just ▁because ▁it ▁ain ' t ▁rolling , ▁don ' t ▁make ▁it ▁furniture ! <2ca> ▁- ▁I ' m ▁not ▁planning ▁on ▁arrest ing ▁them . <2ca> ▁Even ▁Mount ▁Fu ji ▁has ▁its ▁own ▁park , ▁Fu ji - Q ▁High land . <2ca> ▁- ▁In ▁spots . <2ca> ▁Mr . B enn et . <2ca> ▁The ▁FBI ▁turned ▁the ▁woods ▁upside ▁down . <2ca> ▁On ▁& ▁Linux ;, ▁this ▁information ▁is ▁read ▁from ▁/ ▁proc / ▁sc si / ▁sc si , ▁which ▁is ▁only ▁available ▁if ▁the ▁/ ▁proc ▁pse udo - files ystem ▁is ▁comp iled ▁into ▁the ▁kern el . ▁A ▁listing ▁of ▁all ▁SC SI ▁devices ▁known ▁to ▁the ▁kern el ▁is ▁shown . <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁not ▁sure ▁where ▁you ' re ▁getting ▁your ▁information ▁from . <2ca> ▁n ite <2ca> ▁What ▁about ▁Eric ▁Clark ? <2ca> ▁Sit ▁down ▁right ▁now . <2ca> ▁Yes , ▁it ▁makes ▁us ▁safe . <2ca> ▁Kont ov as ▁explains ▁that ▁people ▁from ▁these ▁communities ▁have , ▁to ▁a ▁greater ▁or ▁less er ▁extent , ▁been ▁out cast s ▁in ▁Turkish ▁society , ▁so ▁they ▁tend ▁to ▁live ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁city ▁neighborhood s . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁gonna ▁go ▁get ▁changed . <2ca> ▁Hello , ▁Uncle . <2ca> ▁- ▁Fine . ▁Then ▁we ' re ▁done ▁altogether . <2ca> ▁I ▁can ' t ▁get ▁mud ▁on ▁the ▁wheels . <2ca> ▁Soon ▁as ▁possible , ▁please . <2ca> ▁You ▁can ▁submit ▁your ▁own ▁track ▁list ings ▁using ▁& ▁k sc d ;, ▁the ▁& ▁kde ; ▁CD ▁player . <2ca> ▁pro ger ia . ▁penny . <2ca> ▁- ▁Time ▁enough ▁for ▁that ▁later -- <2ca> ▁Radi us ▁of ▁the ▁disk <2ca> ▁— ▁You ' re ▁revol ting . <2ca> ▁God , ▁no , ▁you ... ▁you ▁have ▁done ▁terrible ▁things . <2ca> ▁I ▁appreciate ▁you ▁staying . <2ca> ▁I ▁got ▁the ▁items ▁you ▁requested . <2ca> ▁Sig rid ▁likes ▁L ille ham mer . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁ever ▁remember ▁you ▁delivering ▁on ▁that ▁promise . <2ca> ▁" T her ' I ▁Go ", ▁he ' d ▁say . <2ca> ▁We ▁have ▁a ▁motor ▁home . ▁We ▁don ' t ▁wanna ▁stay ▁in ▁those ▁ro ach - h aven ▁mot els , ▁do ▁we ? <2ca> ▁D val in <2ca> ▁You ▁lived ▁your ▁life ▁for ▁the ▁king . <2ca> ▁Number ▁12 : <2ca> ▁Sheldon , ▁what ▁are ▁you ▁getting ▁at ? <2ca> ▁S AL V ATION : ▁What ▁about ▁J oss ? <2ca> ▁Re ality ▁is ▁God . <2ca> ▁Yeah , ▁when ▁he ▁was ▁talking ▁about ▁the ▁assessments , ▁I ▁was ▁like , ▁this ▁guy ▁is ▁running ▁drugs ▁in ▁this ▁place . <2ca> ▁Bye , ▁mommy . <2ca> ▁How ▁long ▁you ▁been ▁under ▁D alt on ' s ▁thumb ? <2ca> ▁They ▁have ▁climb ed ▁into ▁their ▁min bars , ▁v owed ▁to ▁retali ate ▁against ▁the ▁West . <2ca> ▁The ▁little ▁bastards ▁are ▁Satan ' s ▁diet ▁pill . <2ca> ▁You ' ve ▁heard ▁of ▁pilot ▁error ? <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁right , ▁it ▁does . <2ca> ▁- ▁Yeah , ▁fuck ▁' em . <2ca> ▁I ▁tried ▁to ▁stop ▁him , ▁but ▁he ▁threw ▁me ▁off . <2ca> ▁I ▁possessed ▁everything , ▁except ▁the ▁liberty . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁can ' t ▁hit ▁on ▁her . ▁What ? <2ca> ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁going ▁to ▁do ▁when ▁you ' re ▁out ? <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁point ▁in ▁a ▁lif es aving ▁emergency ▁where ▁you ▁thank ▁the ▁person ▁that ▁did ▁the ▁lif es aving . <2ca> ▁- ▁Very ▁cool ▁look , ▁man . <2ca> ▁& ▁Qt ; ▁is ▁a ▁product ▁of ▁the ▁Norwegian ▁company ▁T roll t ech . ▁You ▁can ▁always ▁get ▁the ▁latest ▁& ▁Qt ; ▁version ▁from ▁their ▁FTP ; ▁server . <2ca> ▁Got ▁categories <2ca> ▁How ▁do ▁you ▁command ▁so ▁many ? <2ca> ▁And ▁that ' s ▁what ▁I ▁think ▁I ' m ▁doing ▁by ▁giving ▁her ▁back ▁to ▁you . <2ca> ▁Where ' s ▁he ▁coming ▁in ▁from ? <2ca> ▁So ▁do ▁you . ▁I ▁get ▁it . <2ca> ▁Tell ▁it ▁to ▁the ▁angels , ▁Sarah . <2ca> ▁No ▁man , ▁we ▁don ' t . <2ca> ▁They ▁were ▁very ▁brave . <2ca> ▁Then ▁will ▁you ▁please ▁go ▁talk ▁to ▁Tommy ▁for ▁me ? <2ca> ▁She ▁says ▁she ▁wasn ' t ▁in ▁the ▁car . <2ca> ▁Japanese ▁or ▁Filip ino , ▁or ▁something ▁like ▁that . <2ca> ▁To ▁be ▁honest , ▁it ' s ▁been ▁a ▁while ▁for ▁me , ▁too . <2ca> ▁Come ▁on ▁in ▁here , ▁all ▁of ▁you . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁not ▁giving ▁it ▁to ▁you . <2ca> ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁even ▁ask ▁you ▁how ▁it ▁went ▁for ▁you ? ▁Great . <2ca> ▁Double ▁clicking ▁on ▁a ▁foundation ▁card ▁will ▁move ▁all ▁the ▁cards ▁that ▁can ▁be ▁moved ▁to ▁the ▁foundation ▁to ▁the ▁foundation . ▁This ▁is ▁useful ▁for ▁cleaning ▁up ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁game . <2ca> ▁His ▁entire ▁claim ▁to ▁the ▁throne ▁rests ▁on ▁the ▁illeg it im acy ▁of ▁yours . <2ca> ▁& ▁konqueror ; ▁gives ▁you ▁two ▁ways ▁to ▁dispose ▁of ▁an ▁unw anted ▁file ▁or ▁folder : <2ca> ▁She ▁was ▁having ▁an ▁affair ... ▁with ▁Ted ▁Ben eke ? <2ca> ▁I ▁married ▁the ▁glass - is - hal f - full ▁girl . <2ca> ▁I ▁did ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁kill ▁him . <2ca> ▁- ▁He ▁was ▁white . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁use ▁$ 10 ▁words ▁as ▁much ▁as ▁you , ▁but ▁for ▁a ▁guy ▁who ▁sees ▁no ▁point ▁in ▁existence , ▁you ▁sure ▁f ret ▁about ▁it ▁an ▁awful ▁lot , ▁and ▁you ▁still ▁sound ▁pan icked . <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁no . ▁' cause ▁until ▁we ▁do ▁locate ▁him ▁he ' ll ▁keep ▁doing ▁that . <2ca> ▁Free ▁floating ▁window <2ca> ▁And ▁pretty ▁sh ocking ▁it ▁was ▁to ▁listen ▁to . <2ca> ▁Hello , ▁de ars . ▁Ah , ▁there ▁you ▁are , ▁guy . <2ca> ▁And ▁House ▁Mart ell , ▁a ▁red ▁sun ▁pier ced ▁by ▁a ▁sp ear ? <2ca> ▁I ▁think ▁we ▁all ▁need ▁to ▁give ▁peace ▁a ▁chance ▁around ▁here . <2ca> ▁He ▁was ▁gun ned ▁down , ▁his ▁son , ▁too . <2ca> ▁Not ▁enough ▁information ▁to ▁import <2ca> ▁No , ▁don ' t ▁shoot . <2ca> ▁One ▁comment er ▁writes : <2ca> ▁You ▁have ▁ten ▁seconds ▁to ▁enter ▁the ▁pass - code ▁or ▁this ▁vehicle ▁will ▁self - dest ruct . <2ca> ▁Lord ▁Stark , ▁a ▁moment . <2ca> ▁I ▁got ▁a ▁line ▁on ▁our ▁r una way ▁terrorist . <2ca> ▁And ▁all ▁for ▁Mr . ▁White ! <2ca> ▁- A ▁week ▁ago . <2ca> ▁Ga ▁on ▁w uda ! <2ca> ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁check ▁it ▁out ▁with ▁me ? <2ca> ▁right - c lic king ▁in ▁the ▁tab ▁bar , ▁on ▁the ▁tab ▁corresponding ▁to ▁the ▁window ▁to ▁be ▁und ocked , ▁and ▁selecting ▁Und ock ; ▁or <2ca> ▁Type <2ca> ▁I ▁know ▁from ▁personal ▁experience ▁how ▁uncomfortable ▁the ▁journey ▁can ▁be . <2ca> ▁If ▁we ▁leave ▁a ▁trail , ▁can ▁you ▁catch ▁up ▁with ▁us ? <2ca> ▁Sig ning ▁and ▁Enc rypt ing ▁Messages ▁with ▁PGP ▁or ▁GnuPG <2ca> ▁" D ear ▁Todd ." ▁Make ▁sure ▁you ▁say ▁" D ear ▁Todd ." <2ca> ▁We ▁all ▁cra ve ▁routine ▁We ▁just ▁need ▁to ▁find ▁his . <2ca> ▁Today , ▁the ▁air pl ane ▁was ▁a ▁demonstration . <2ca> ▁Fle w ▁away <2ca> ▁- ▁The ▁seats ? <2ca> ▁They ▁also ▁stressed ▁an onym ity ▁as ▁an ▁integral ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁Pus sy ▁Ri ot ▁image , ▁so ▁it ▁is ▁unc lear ▁if ▁Ek ater ina ▁Sam ut se v ich , ▁who ▁previously ▁had ▁a ▁falling ▁out ▁with ▁Tol okon nik ova ▁and ▁Ale kh ina ▁when ▁she ▁took ▁a ▁ple a ▁bargain ▁for ▁early ▁release , ▁is ▁still ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁collective . <2ca> ▁A ▁year ? <2ca> ▁Does ▁this ▁go ▁to ▁17 th ▁street ? <2ca> ▁He ' ll ▁be ▁putting ▁his ▁entire ▁library ▁up ▁for ▁auction . <2ca> ▁Yes , ▁yes , ▁" V an ▁Lin " ▁is ▁good . <2ca> ▁Check ▁on ▁steig . <2ca> ▁I ▁guess ▁we ▁were ▁both ▁drunk . <2ca> ▁It ▁doesn ' t ▁matter , ▁anyway . <2ca> ▁Let icia ! <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁wasn ' t ▁asking ▁you . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁think ▁this ▁is ▁a ▁real ▁elevator . <2ca> ▁- ▁Yes ' m ? <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁wanted ▁me , ▁I ▁would ▁give ▁you ▁a ▁big ▁ride . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁say ! ▁- ▁It ' s ▁silent ▁when ▁full . <2ca> ▁Having ▁trouble ▁getting ▁that ▁out ? <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁keep ▁control ▁of ▁your ▁fucking ▁lim bs . ▁Got ▁our ▁supplies . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁right , ▁you ▁used ▁to ▁work ▁at ▁I BM . <2ca> ▁She ▁has ▁con que red ▁the ▁city ▁and ▁rules ▁as ▁its ▁queen . <2ca> ▁S ick b ay . <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁say , ▁" list en , ▁fat ▁man ." ▁" You ▁are ▁not ▁taking ▁my ▁husband ▁anywhere . <2ca> ▁Come ▁on . ▁Shh . ▁Sarah , ▁you ▁ain ' t ▁gonna ▁get ▁away ! <2ca> ▁- ▁So ▁it ▁went ▁worse . ▁- ▁Yes . <2ca> ▁Now ▁they ' re ▁fo aming ▁at ▁the ▁mouth . <2ca> ▁- ▁No ▁need ▁to ▁rush . <2ca> ▁Grab ▁the ▁kid ! <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁supposed ▁to ▁be ▁my ▁friends ! <2ca> ▁No , ▁listen , ▁the ▁tests ▁are ▁completely ▁fine . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁just ▁as ▁happy ▁to ▁kill ▁this ▁Queen ▁as ▁her ▁brother . <2ca> ▁We ▁fight ▁for ▁gold . <2ca> ▁Come ▁here , ▁have ▁a ▁look . <2ca> ▁I ▁know . <2ca> ▁- ▁Why ▁can ' t ▁you ▁play ▁now ? <2ca> ▁John ▁Bos worth ▁and ▁Nathan ▁Card iff ▁approached ▁me ▁about ▁a ▁new ▁PC ▁program ▁on ▁April ▁4 th ▁of ▁this ▁year . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁Ms . ▁Rain ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁Some ▁of ▁us ▁live ▁it . <2ca> ▁One ▁woman . <2ca> ▁For ▁the ▁occasion , ▁Brazilian ▁Justice ▁Minister ▁José ▁Edu ardo ▁Card oso ▁welcomed ▁the ▁work ▁as ▁“ imp ressive ▁in ▁its ▁technology ▁and ▁function ality ” ▁and ▁said : <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁don ' t ▁have ▁this ! ▁I ▁do ▁not ▁have ▁this ! <2ca> ▁That ▁morning ▁I ▁met ▁his ▁wife . ▁Where ▁I ▁work . <2ca> ▁Of ▁course ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁be ▁famous ! <2ca> ▁You ▁know ▁what ▁this ▁race ▁means ▁to ▁us . <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁back ▁in ▁business . <2ca> ▁I ▁mean , ▁how ▁much ▁more ▁of ▁a ▁hero ▁would ▁you ▁need ▁to ▁be ? <2ca> ▁People ▁were ▁sad . <2ca> ▁" B off in !" <2ca> ▁A ▁body ▁was ▁d c overed . <2ca> ▁We ▁were ▁free ▁men . <2ca> ▁Is ▁this ▁supposed ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁joke ? <2ca> ▁OF ▁COU R SE ▁B IR DE Y ▁DID N ' T ▁AN S W ER . <2ca> ▁- ▁That ' s ▁why ▁we ▁need ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁you . <2ca> ▁They ▁receive ▁signals ▁but ▁sends ▁them . <2ca> ▁In ▁every ▁country ! <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁feeling ▁very ▁well , ▁Aunt ▁August a . <2ca> ▁Lay ▁Out ▁Children ▁in ▁a ▁Grid <2ca> ▁Naj ib ▁described ▁last ▁month ’ s ▁General ▁Elect ions ▁as ▁Malaysia ’ s ▁‘ first ▁social ▁media ▁election ’, ▁which ▁is ▁probably ▁his ▁way ▁of ▁acknowled ging ▁the ▁crucial ▁role ▁of ▁the ▁internet ▁in ▁sh aping ▁the ▁views ▁of ▁voters . <2ca> ▁The ▁Dal eks ▁upstairs ▁are ▁waiting ▁for ▁me ▁to ▁turn ▁it ▁off . <2ca> ▁Photo ▁by ▁Tom az ▁Sil va , ▁Ag ência ▁Bras il . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know , ▁daddy . <2ca> ▁Why ' d ▁you ▁draw ▁that ? <2ca> ▁All ▁those ▁crying ▁babies . <2ca> ▁So ▁he ▁didn ' t ▁tell ▁you ▁where ▁the ▁blood ▁was ▁from ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Yes , ▁sir . <2ca> ▁He ▁poisoned ▁Bro ck ! <2ca> ▁tear ▁gas ▁at ▁Hab ib ▁Bour gu iba ▁a venue , ▁protesters ▁dispers ed <2ca> ▁Please , ▁Becky -- I ' ll ▁whis per ▁it , ▁I ' ll ▁whis per ▁it ▁ever ▁so ▁easy ." <2ca> ▁All ▁right , ▁we ▁got ▁white ▁pussy , ▁black ▁pussy , ▁Spanish ▁pussy , ▁yellow ▁pussy . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁far ▁from ▁home . <2ca> ▁A ▁shape ▁that ▁shows ▁text <2ca> ▁- ▁What ▁happened ? <2ca> ▁It ▁isn ' t ▁at ▁all ▁a ▁becoming ▁language . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁washed ▁and ▁iron ed ▁his ▁short s . <2ca> ▁- ▁Rock ▁on , ▁Max . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁a ▁building ▁full ▁of ▁cops . <2ca> ▁I ▁heard , ▁that ▁Chen ▁Z heng f eng ▁is ▁still ▁looking ▁for . ▁Is ▁it ▁so ? <2ca> ▁Anyway , ▁I ▁thought ▁you ▁said ▁Sally ▁was ▁shall ow . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁you ▁know ▁what ▁might ▁cheer ▁you ▁up ? ▁Hmm ? ▁There ' s ▁a ▁new ▁Wood worthy ▁Man or ▁on ▁tonight . <2ca> ▁Oh , I ▁don ' t ▁think ▁I ' ll ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁stop ▁thinking ▁about ▁it . <2ca> ▁& ▁Extended <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁just ▁be ▁the ▁muscle . <2ca> ▁Number ▁93 ... <2ca> ▁Search ▁Eng ines <2ca> ▁And ▁Law ton , ▁no ▁dropping ▁bodies . <2ca> ▁Move ▁Pi ece ▁Right <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁had ▁to ▁give ▁up . <2ca> ▁Set ... ▁.. and ▁holding . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁enough ▁talk ▁of ▁battle , ▁Ser ▁Dav os . <2ca> ▁He ▁got ▁his ▁own . <2ca> ▁Ow ! ▁So , ▁once ▁again , ▁who ▁could ▁you ▁only ▁kill ▁here ? <2ca> ▁I ▁offer ▁you ▁a ▁dance . <2ca> ▁Why ▁would ▁anybody ▁want ▁to ▁steal ▁800 ▁air bag s ? <2ca> ▁I ▁know ▁it ▁was ▁just ▁a ▁dream , ▁but ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁to ▁believe ▁that ▁if ▁I ▁could ▁find ▁the ▁right ▁words ▁to ▁say ▁to ▁you , ▁you ▁would ▁find ▁a ▁way ▁to ▁forgive ▁me . <2ca> ▁You ▁want ▁to ▁remember , ▁Sherlock , ▁I ▁was ▁a ▁soldier . <2ca> ▁How ▁can ▁the ▁ritual ▁be ▁complete ? <2ca> ▁Uh ? ▁Have ▁you ▁come ▁to ▁torment ▁me ? <2ca> ▁I ▁thought ▁you ▁might ▁be ▁a ▁good ▁addition ▁to ▁the ▁Church ill ▁Sch wart z ▁team . <2ca> ▁That ▁is ▁not ▁yet ▁clear , ▁but ▁whoever ▁hid ▁this ▁anom aly ▁did ▁so ▁for ▁a ▁reason . <2ca> ▁Mr . ▁Nay sm ith , ▁this ▁gentleman ▁wants ▁another ▁room . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁Dave . <2ca> ▁To ▁keep ▁them ▁safe . <2ca> ▁Writing ▁copy ▁%1 ▁of ▁%2 <2ca> ▁Those ▁who ▁live ▁in ▁the ▁forest , ▁who ▁took ▁Anton . <2ca> ▁St rik ing ▁up ▁a ▁conversation . <2ca> ▁He ▁must ▁take ▁sc ru bbed , ▁but ▁is ▁no ▁light weight . <2ca> ▁Give ▁me ▁my ▁great co at ▁and ▁mu ff ler . <2ca> ▁& ▁Pan els <2ca> ▁Which ▁is ▁gonna ▁make ▁the ▁manufacturer ▁responsible , ▁the ▁manufacturer ▁in ▁turn ▁is ▁gonna ▁try ▁and ▁prove ▁poor ▁maintenance ▁of ▁the ▁equipment ▁by ▁the ▁airl ine . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ' m ▁Elena . <2ca> ▁- ▁time ▁to ▁cash ▁out . <2ca> ▁Top ▁left ▁pile . ▁The ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁deck ▁is ▁placed ▁here ▁after ▁dealing ▁the ▁Tableau . ▁Cards ▁are ▁turned ▁over ▁one ▁at ▁a ▁time ▁to ▁Waste . ▁No ▁rede als . <2ca> ▁I ▁am ▁Emperor ▁Pil af ! <2ca> ▁M ud ▁gate . <2ca> ▁Opp onent : <2ca> ▁The ▁world ▁is ▁changing ▁and ▁we ▁must ▁change ▁with ▁it . <2ca> ▁They ▁were ▁happy ▁enough ▁to ▁take ▁it ▁when ▁I ▁gave ▁it ▁to ▁them . <2ca> ▁If ▁I ▁can ▁sell ▁it ▁to ▁the ▁board . <2ca> ▁Those ▁gall ows ▁are ▁strong . <2ca> ▁- ▁now , ra jes h ! <2ca> ▁Do ▁we ▁look ▁like ▁the ▁kind ▁of ▁d we eb s ▁who ▁wouldn ' t ▁get ▁a ▁stri pper ? <2ca> ▁Hmm , ▁the ▁music . <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁gotta ▁figure ▁some ▁way ▁out ▁of ▁this ▁mess . <2ca> ▁When ▁I ▁was ▁13, ▁I ▁could ▁manage ▁on ▁my ▁own . ▁Sit ▁down . <2ca> ▁I ▁make ▁money ▁with ▁this ! ▁I ▁feed ▁them ! <2ca> ▁I ▁won ' t ▁take ▁any ▁hostages . <2ca> ▁He ▁made ▁bombs ▁designed ▁to ▁kill ▁and ▁he ▁chose ▁his ▁victims ▁specifically ▁by ▁placing ▁the ▁bombs ▁at ▁their ▁sto ops . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁a ▁magical ▁tal is man ▁that ▁enh ances ▁my ▁powers . <2ca> ▁Where ▁are ▁we ▁now ▁boys ? <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁you ▁think ▁Oliver ▁should ▁know ? <2ca> ▁And ▁their ▁words ▁inviting <2ca> ▁I ▁won ' t ▁be ▁that ▁woman ▁anymore . <2ca> ▁& ▁X SL ; ▁Process ing <2ca> ▁Lord , ▁are ▁we ▁ever ▁getting ▁out ▁of ▁this ▁house ? <2ca> ▁But ▁since ▁the ▁game ' s ▁prem ise ▁is ▁a ▁non - disc rimin atory ▁one , ▁the ▁question ▁ar ises : ▁Who ▁will ▁defend ▁the ▁princess ’ s ▁rights ? <2ca> ▁S age ▁Am ok ▁says ▁that ▁in ▁the ▁shining ▁cave , ▁there ' s ▁the ▁monster . <2ca> ▁Undo ▁the ▁last ▁operation <2ca> ▁The ▁Black fish ▁escaped . <2ca> ▁Good ▁night , ▁my ▁children . <2ca> ▁Who ▁the ▁fuck ▁are ▁you ▁supposed ▁to ▁be ? <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁just ▁that ▁dorm ▁bed ▁we ▁slept ▁in ▁last ▁night ... ▁shoe box ▁like . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁sorry , ▁guys , ▁okay ? ▁I ' m ▁in ▁real ▁trouble ▁here , ▁all ▁right ? <2ca> ▁A ▁ball ▁of ▁fire ▁1, 200 ▁miles ▁in ▁diameter ▁heading ▁straight ▁for ▁earth ... ▁and ▁we ▁have ▁no ▁idea ▁how ▁to ▁stop ▁it . <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁forget ▁what ▁I ▁said . <2ca> ▁The ▁following ▁profiles ▁were ▁written ▁and ▁resear ched ▁by ▁Ren ata ▁Av ila , ▁the ▁lead ▁of ▁Creative ▁Commons ▁Guatemala , ▁the ▁Director ▁of ▁Pr imer ▁Pal abra , ▁and ▁our ▁resear cher ▁for ▁Spanish - l anguage ▁Latin ▁America ▁on ▁the ▁Technology ▁for ▁Trans pa rency ▁Network . <2ca> ▁Window ▁width <2ca> ▁Even ▁the ▁clock ▁keeps ▁tick in ', ▁Daddy ▁won ' t ▁you ▁please ▁come ▁home ? <2ca> ▁I ▁was ▁blank ed ▁by ▁Malcolm ▁St . ▁George . <2ca> ▁And ▁sometimes ▁I ▁could ▁not ▁help ▁not icing ▁some ▁similar ities ▁with ▁our ▁own ▁God , ▁and ▁his ▁son . <2ca> ▁Laurel , ▁I ' m ▁sorry . <2ca> ▁The ▁Jews ▁can ' t ▁defeat ▁the ▁resistance , ▁so ▁they ▁take ▁revenge ▁on ▁the ▁civilians . <2ca> ▁It ' s ... ▁It ' s ▁really ▁something . <2ca> ▁- ▁Don ' t ▁let ▁her ▁push ▁your ▁buttons . <2ca> ▁Go ▁back , ▁reass ure ▁everyone . ▁Take ▁care ▁of ▁the ▁insurance . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁wanna ▁talk ▁about ▁that ? <2ca> ▁You ▁must ▁tell ▁me ▁all ▁about ▁it . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁hol ed ▁up ▁in ▁a ▁bomb ▁shelter ▁in ▁Colorado , ▁waiting ▁for ▁the ▁ap oc aly pse ▁and ▁t ending ▁to ▁his ▁her b ▁garden . <2ca> ▁Sol ic itation ▁of ▁pro stitution . <2ca> ▁Make ▁peace ▁with ▁your ▁gods . <2ca> ▁His ▁name ▁is ▁I var . <2ca> ▁They ▁gonna ▁catch ▁your ▁black ▁ass . <2ca> ▁You ▁know , ▁there ' s ▁a ▁saying ▁in ▁the ▁restaurant ▁business . <2ca> ▁I ▁must ▁have ▁been ▁mis inform ed . <2ca> ▁And ▁I ▁sl it ▁his ▁throat ▁in ▁his ▁bed . <2ca> ▁I ▁could ▁sign ▁tomorrow . <2ca> ▁A ▁look a head ▁assert ion ▁looks ▁at ▁the ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁string ▁following ▁a ▁possible ▁match . ▁The ▁positive ▁look a head ▁will ▁prevent ▁the ▁string ▁from ▁matching ▁if ▁the ▁text ▁following ▁the ▁possible ▁match ▁does ▁not ▁match ▁the ▁P AT TER N ▁of ▁the ▁assert ion , ▁but ▁the ▁text ▁mat ched ▁by ▁that ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁included ▁in ▁the ▁result . <2ca> ▁Like ▁you ' re ▁still ▁inside . <2ca> ▁Tall , ▁blue ▁eyes , ▁pla id ▁jacket ▁... ▁hat , ▁sc arf ▁and ▁gloves . <2ca> ▁Print ▁Voc abulary ▁List <2ca> ▁She ' s ▁in ▁Willie ' s ▁room . <2ca> ▁I ▁know ▁Kevin ' s ▁mom ' s ▁a ▁wh ack ▁job . <2ca> ▁Last ▁time ▁I ▁kissed ▁you , ▁you ▁got ▁all ▁weird , ▁and ▁it ▁was ▁awkward , ▁and -- <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁think ▁we ' re ▁moving . <2ca> ▁- ▁Where ▁is ▁your ▁master ? <2ca> ▁Kel m ▁ ė <2ca> ▁Your ▁friends ▁at ▁the ▁prison ... ▁I ' m ▁gonna ▁kill ▁them ▁all . <2ca> ▁Miss ▁Hop ew ell , ▁you ▁are ▁under ▁arrest . <2ca> ▁The ▁frog . <2ca> ▁Oh . ▁Sorry ▁about ▁this . <2ca> ▁Uh , ▁your ▁gen ome ▁isn ' t ▁fully ▁propag ating <2ca> ▁So ▁how ▁long ' s ▁this ▁place ▁been ▁here ? <2ca> ▁The ▁kind ▁of ▁people ▁that ▁he ▁deals ▁with ? <2ca> ▁Compl et ely ▁lost ▁confidence . <2ca> ▁s iss y <2ca> ▁Then ▁you ▁must ▁not ▁allow ▁this ▁situation ▁to ▁get ▁out ▁of ▁your ▁control . <2ca> ▁Why ▁did ▁the ▁gods ▁keep ▁me ▁alive ? <2ca> ▁No ▁media ▁organisation ▁has ▁so ▁far ▁been ▁able ▁to ▁extract ▁new ▁information ▁from ▁any ▁of ▁its ▁members . <2ca> ▁Their ▁documentation ▁valid ated ▁earlier ▁reports ▁about ▁the ▁deadly ▁impact ▁of ▁Hai yan ▁and ▁the ▁slow ▁response ▁of ▁government ▁offices . <2ca> ▁I ▁confirmed ▁that ▁Bro omh ilda ' s ▁at ▁C andy land . <2ca> ▁He ' d ▁always ▁come ▁out ▁here ▁to ▁work . <2ca> ▁You ▁know ▁that ▁the ▁inner ▁compass ▁that ▁should ▁direct ▁the ▁soul ▁toward ▁justice ▁has ▁oss ified ▁in ▁white ▁men ▁and ▁women , ▁north ▁and ▁south , ▁unto ▁utter ▁useless ness ▁through ▁toler ating ▁the ▁evil ▁of ▁sla very . <2ca> ▁I ▁thought ▁it ▁was ▁a ▁work ▁meeting . <2ca> ▁We ▁talked ▁about ▁this ▁when ▁I ▁came ▁on ▁board . <2ca> ▁Mam ba ? <2ca> ▁Have ▁you ▁got ▁55 ▁cents ? <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁kind ▁of ▁embarrassing , ▁but , ▁uh ... ▁would ▁you ▁sign ▁a ▁copy ▁of ▁my ▁book ? <2ca> ▁' Pass ▁me ▁over . ▁' ▁All ▁right , ▁but ▁there ' s ▁a ▁m ute ▁button , ▁and ▁I ▁will ▁use ▁it . <2ca> ▁" T oll ing ▁over ▁a ▁lump ▁of ▁clay ▁Till ▁He ▁had ▁sh aped ▁it ▁In ▁His ▁own ▁image <2ca> ▁" The ▁various ▁new ▁stories ▁about ▁Pakistan is ▁leading ▁the ▁world ▁in ▁online ▁sear ches ▁for ▁weird ▁sex ▁stuff ▁is ▁just ▁one ▁sympt om . <2ca> ▁Local ▁packages <2ca> ▁How ▁much ▁is ▁a ▁jou st ing ▁stick ▁worth , ▁Dad ? <2ca> ▁Some ▁15 ,000 ▁people ▁protest ed ▁in ▁Pl ov div . <2ca> ▁- ▁Expl ain ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁After ▁we ▁both ▁played , ▁the ▁mus es ▁declared ▁the ▁contest ▁a ▁tie . <2ca> ▁It ▁seems ▁that ▁the ▁people ▁discussing ▁this ▁topic ▁are ▁now ▁sending ▁me ▁friend ▁requests ▁because ▁of ▁my ▁positive ▁view ▁on ▁the ▁: - ) ▁Love ▁your ▁wives , ▁and ▁friend ▁them ▁! <2ca> ▁" The ▁laws ▁of ▁which ▁states ▁remain ▁in ▁force ." <2ca> ▁- ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁doing ▁here , ▁Eva ? <2ca> ▁My ▁car ▁broke ▁down ▁in ▁the ▁g het to . <2ca> ▁- ▁Is ▁it ▁good ▁for ▁me ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁you ? <2ca> ▁I ▁know ▁you ' re ▁still ▁in ▁mour ning . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ' m ▁not ▁that ▁cool ▁with ▁it . <2ca> ▁Raw ▁Qu ery <2ca> ▁- ▁Well , ▁you ▁know ▁now ! <2ca> ▁Great , ▁everyone ' s ▁a ▁By om k esh ▁Bak shi . <2ca> ▁Lady ▁Grant ham , ▁of ▁course . ▁And ▁he ▁can ▁call ▁me ▁Lord ▁Grant ham . <2ca> ▁The ▁beam ▁is ▁reflected ▁from ▁the ▁window p ane ▁according ▁to ▁the ▁law ▁of ▁opt ics . <2ca> ▁You ▁go ▁up ▁to ▁bed . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁that ' s ▁just ▁a ▁theory , ▁and ▁a ▁theory ' s ▁just ▁a ▁bunch ▁of ▁words ▁set ▁front ▁to ▁back . <2ca> ▁If ▁we ’ re ▁talking ▁figures , ▁I ▁was ▁told ▁the ▁Z ait ar ▁clan ▁is ▁300 00 ▁strong , ▁the ▁Mo q dad ▁family ▁has ▁15 ▁00 00 ▁member ▁and ▁the ▁Sh amas ▁clan ▁8 000. <2ca> ▁You ▁said ▁it ▁was ▁just ▁gonna ▁be ▁a ▁night ▁or ▁two . <2ca> ▁There ' s ▁a ▁new ▁player ▁we ' ve ▁been ▁tracking -- ▁merc en ary . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁gang . <2ca> ▁- ▁No ▁one ▁comes ▁here , ▁ever . <2ca> ▁- ▁It ' s ▁a ▁waste ▁of ▁time . <2ca> ▁Saint ▁Andrew <2ca> ▁Or ▁walking ▁a ▁kil ometer ? <2ca> ▁# ▁F - f - f - f - f ashion , ▁f - f ashion ▁# <2ca> ▁Mind ▁if ▁I ▁put ▁my ▁coffee ▁down ▁on ▁this ▁decor ative ▁end ▁table ? <2ca> ▁You ▁said ▁this ▁was ▁gonna ▁be ▁simple . <2ca> ▁Anyone , ▁however ▁lost ... <2ca> ▁The ▁man ▁in ▁the ▁pic kup . <2ca> ▁And ▁it ▁is ▁past ▁time ▁you ▁were ▁wed . <2ca> ▁( V inc ent ) ▁There ▁you ▁go ... <2ca> ▁We ' ll ▁use ▁our ▁beds ▁like ▁they ▁did . <2ca> ▁Top ▁left ▁pile . ▁The ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁deck ▁is ▁placed ▁here ▁after ▁dealing . ▁Cards ▁are ▁turned ▁on ▁to ▁the ▁Reserve ▁one ▁on ▁each ▁pile ▁per ▁deal . ▁When ▁there ▁are ▁only ▁two ▁cards ▁left ▁in ▁Stock , ▁they ▁are ▁dealt ▁such ▁that ▁both ▁cards ▁are ▁available ▁for ▁play . <2ca> ▁Why ▁is ▁Susan ▁so ▁hard ▁on ▁Rose ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Hey , ▁Joe . ▁- ▁Hey , ▁Bill . <2ca> ▁You ' ll ▁confess , ▁Tom . <2ca> ▁Thous and . <2ca> ▁A ▁quar ry ▁filled ▁with ▁water ▁from ▁mel ting ▁snow ▁in ▁the ▁No okat ▁region ▁of ▁Kyrgyz stan . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁sorry ▁to ▁intr ude . <2ca> ▁A ▁row ▁of ▁numbers ▁defines ▁the ▁ordin ates ▁for ▁a ▁single ▁plot . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁since ▁the ▁boat ▁has ▁been ▁at ▁the ▁bottom ▁of ▁the ▁ocean , ▁I ▁sc arc ely ▁think ▁that ▁likely . <2ca> ▁- ▁Oh ▁dear , ▁John , ▁I ▁must ▁stand ▁up . <2ca> ▁F ew ▁girls ▁of ▁the ▁present ▁day ▁have ▁any ▁really ▁solid ▁qual ities ... ▁qual ities ▁that ▁last ▁and ▁improve ▁with ▁time . <2ca> ▁She ▁has ▁been ▁a ▁little ... <2ca> ▁my ▁first ▁year ▁at ▁art ▁college ▁was ▁boring ▁to ▁say ▁the ▁least . ▁but ▁it ▁helped ▁me ▁to ▁appreciate ▁the ▁fundament als ▁of ▁still ▁life . <2ca> ▁- ▁Yes , ▁sir . <2ca> ▁- ▁this ▁is ▁the ▁perfect ▁place ▁to ▁get ▁married . <2ca> ▁Go . <2ca> ▁You ' ve ▁done ▁enough ▁for ▁this ▁city ▁already . ▁Excuse ▁us . ▁Pardon ▁us . <2ca> ▁Why ? <2ca> ▁& ▁kde ; ▁Frequ ently ▁Ask ed ▁Questions <2ca> ▁Sn ap ▁of ▁a ▁finger , ▁and ▁just ▁like ▁that , ▁you ' re ▁a ▁medic . <2ca> ▁We ▁have ▁no ▁place ▁for ▁you , ▁An ja . <2ca> ▁Day indi ▁is ▁learning ▁one ▁important ▁thing ▁for ▁his ▁life . <2ca> ▁Display ▁the ▁calendar ▁settings ▁dialog . <2ca> ▁Have ▁you ▁noticed ▁how ▁hot ▁your ▁sister ' s ▁gotten ? <2ca> ▁No , ▁Julie . <2ca> ▁Unable ▁to ▁modify ▁scheduled ▁transaction ▁'%1 ▁' <2ca> ▁Those ▁who ▁walk ▁in ▁the ▁darkness ▁have ▁seen ▁the ▁light . <2ca> ▁And , ▁oh , ▁I ' m ▁terribly ▁sorry ▁about ▁the ▁door . <2ca> ▁Sim ▁Phone Book <2ca> ▁Why ▁did ▁you ▁look ▁like ▁my ▁wife ? <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁any ▁more ▁on ▁my ▁conscience . <2ca> ▁And ▁then ▁while ▁I ' m ▁talking ▁to ▁Penny , ▁I ▁get ▁a ▁text ▁from ▁Bern ad ette . <2ca> ▁If ▁the ▁Russian ▁authorities ▁are ▁behind ▁efforts ▁to ▁promote ▁Putin ’ s ▁New ▁York ▁Times ▁piece ▁( and ▁frame ▁it ▁as ▁a ▁public ▁relations ▁victory ▁over ▁the ▁White ▁House ), ▁the ▁Twitter ▁bot net ▁is ▁und eni ably ▁a ▁prim itive ▁attempt . <2ca> ▁. ▁directory ▁files ▁describing ▁the ▁sub - men us ▁are ▁stored ▁in : ▁$ K D ED IR ▁/ ▁share / ▁desktop - dire ctor ies , ▁/ ▁us r / ▁share / ▁desktop - dire ctor ies , ▁/ ▁us r / ▁local / ▁share / ▁desktop - dire ctor ies . ▁These ▁are ▁the ▁system - wide ▁menu . ▁directory ▁files , ▁controlled ▁by ▁$ X D G _ D ATA _ D IR S . ▁The ▁user - specific ▁changes ▁are ▁stored ▁in ▁$ H OME ▁/ . ▁local / ▁desktop - dire ctor ies . ▁These ▁are ▁controlled ▁by ▁$ X D G _ D ATA _ H OME . ▁For ▁more ▁information , ▁see ▁http : ▁/ ▁/ www . ▁freed es ktop . ▁org / ▁Stand ards / ▁based ir - spec <2ca> ▁Why ? <2ca> ▁Th ora xin ' s ▁an ▁experimental ▁drug , ▁it ' s ▁hard ▁to ▁ga uge ▁its ▁efficacy . <2ca> ▁Keep ▁an ▁eye ▁out ▁as ▁to ▁how ▁the ▁Tableau ▁will ▁shrink ▁when ▁you ▁deal . ▁Sometimes ▁leaving ▁pairs ▁in ▁will ▁allow ▁more ▁pairs ▁to ▁become ▁available ▁after ▁a ▁deal . <2ca> ▁Res um ing ▁Game <2ca> ▁Go , ▁go ▁now , ▁go . <2ca> ▁Nobody ' s ▁gone ▁to ▁get ▁diesel ▁fuel , ▁have ▁they ? <2ca> ▁May ▁I ▁speak ▁to ▁Bill , ▁please ? <2ca> ▁F art ! <2ca> ▁All ows ▁you ▁to ▁access ▁the ▁current ▁mar kup ▁tag ▁settings ▁dialog ▁if ▁one ▁exists . ▁This ▁entry ▁is ▁always ▁present , ▁followed ▁by ▁the ▁& ▁D TD ; ▁specific ▁sub men us . <2ca> ▁They ▁die ▁old ▁and ▁unhappy ▁or ▁young ▁and ▁un fin ished . ▁No . <2ca> ▁Import / ▁export ▁filter ▁develop er <2ca> ▁Skip ▁next ▁transaction ... <2ca> ▁They ▁took ▁ammun ition , ▁killed ▁P FC ▁Tak es hi ▁T az aki , ▁then ... ▁they ▁wounded ▁Cor p . ▁Sa wa fu ji ▁and ▁four ▁others . <2ca> ▁Court ▁reporters , ▁by ▁definition , ▁are ▁a ▁fac eless ▁cog ▁in ▁the ▁machine . <2ca> ▁- What ▁do ▁they ▁have ▁on ▁board ? <2ca> ▁You ▁see , ▁but ▁if ▁you ▁hit ▁one ▁hard ▁enough , ▁take ▁their ▁head ▁right ▁off . <2ca> ▁All ▁so ▁she ▁could ▁have ▁one ▁last ▁smoke ▁on ▁the ▁train . <2ca> ▁We ▁shouldn ' t ▁take ▁any ▁chances ▁we ▁should ▁get ▁some ▁help <2ca> ▁Ahmad , ▁the ▁king ... <2ca> ▁Of ▁all ▁the ▁girls ▁in ▁the ▁house , ▁you ▁are ▁the ▁only ▁one ▁worth ▁a ▁damn , ▁magic - wise . <2ca> ▁B itter ▁Pot atoes . <2ca> ▁- ▁Just ▁go . ▁I ▁sw ung ▁by ▁the ▁day ▁care ▁center . <2ca> ▁All ▁right ▁but ▁don ' t ▁let ▁yourselves ▁get ▁isolated . ▁Maybe ▁you ▁can ▁defend ▁each ▁other . ▁Some ▁of ▁them ▁will ▁try ▁to ▁beat ▁you ▁up ▁at ▁first . <2ca> ▁One ▁of ▁us ▁is ▁already ▁dead . <2ca> ▁- ▁These ▁men ▁need ▁a ▁firm ▁hand . <2ca> ▁Stop ▁sleeping ▁in ▁your ▁van , ▁Jeff . <2ca> ▁- ▁Mother s ▁will ▁be ▁first ▁blind ▁man . <2ca> ▁& ▁Save ▁to ▁File ... <2ca> ▁If ▁we ▁don ' t ▁fight ▁back , ▁we ▁may ▁as ▁well ▁lay ▁down ▁in ▁our ▁beds ▁and ▁wait ▁for ▁death , ▁because ▁that ' s ▁what ' s ▁at ▁stake . <2ca> ▁Laurel , ▁are ▁you ▁ok ? <2ca> ▁M éd éric ▁Bo qu ien <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁em pt ying ▁the ▁Atlantic ▁with ▁a ▁tables po on . <2ca> ▁There ▁is ▁still ▁no ▁trace ▁of ▁Hen ning ▁Th ol stru p ▁the ▁missing ▁officer ▁... <2ca> ▁They ▁died ▁because ▁of ▁me . <2ca> ▁Display ▁the ▁CUPS ▁PDF ▁log . <2ca> ▁- ▁Okay , ▁sweet ▁dreams . <2ca> ▁By ▁using ▁this ▁combination , ▁you ▁can ▁res ize ▁the ▁selection ▁window . ▁Keep ▁in ▁mind ▁that ▁the ▁top - le ft ▁corner ▁of ▁the ▁selection ▁window ▁is ▁kept ▁constant ▁and ▁the ▁bottom - right ▁corner ▁is ▁mov able . <2ca> ▁- ▁He ▁must ' ▁slipped ▁' em . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁a ▁les bian . ▁But ▁that ' s ▁not ▁the ▁issue ▁here . <2ca> ▁What ▁people ▁say . ▁Yes . <2ca> ▁A ▁watch ▁is ▁the ▁conventional ▁name ▁for ▁& ▁CVS ; ▁' s ▁feature ▁to ▁notify ▁users ▁of ▁the ▁repository ▁whenever ▁a ▁file ▁has ▁been ▁changed ▁or ▁a ▁develop er ▁has ▁started ▁editing ▁a ▁file . ▁The ▁usage ▁of ▁watches ▁requires ▁that ▁the ▁file ▁$ C VS RO OT ▁/ ▁CVS RO OT / ▁notify ▁has ▁been ▁set ▁up ▁properly . ▁This ▁is ▁not ▁discussed ▁here ; ▁if ▁you ▁need ▁further ▁information ▁on ▁the ▁setup ▁from ▁the ▁administrator ' s ▁point ▁of ▁view , ▁read ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁books ▁listed ▁in ▁the ▁append ix . <2ca> ▁And ▁if ▁it ' s ▁the ▁latter , ▁you ▁best ▁stay ▁out ▁of ▁my ▁way . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁been ▁held ▁by ▁Saw ▁Ger rera . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁total ▁number ▁of ▁short ▁breaks <2ca> ▁What ▁color ▁do ▁you ▁think ▁I ▁am ? <2ca> ▁There ' s ▁nothing ▁to ▁figure ▁out . <2ca> ▁Next ▁time ▁will ▁R j ukan ▁bomb ed , <2ca> ▁- ▁What ? <2ca> ▁Wait , ▁are ▁you ▁offering ▁me ▁a ▁job ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Any ▁trouble ? <2ca> ▁Well , ▁from ▁my ▁observations ▁sometimes ▁it ' s ▁better ▁off ▁not ▁knowing ▁and ▁other ▁times ▁there ' s ▁no ▁reason ▁to ▁be ▁found <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁think ▁it ▁can ▁be ▁right ▁for ▁you ▁to ▁say ▁such ▁things ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁Not ▁sure ▁you ' re ▁clever ▁enough ▁to ▁pull ▁it ▁off . <2ca> ▁Me e reen ▁is ▁strong . <2ca> ▁You ▁fly ▁old ▁trash , ▁which ▁even ▁pil ots ▁fear ▁to ▁manage . <2ca> ▁Drugs , ▁drinking . <2ca> ▁Have ▁you ▁thought ▁out ▁who ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁Health ▁and ▁Safety ▁Manager ? <2ca> ▁They ▁took ▁it ▁over ▁A ▁couple ▁years ▁ago . <2ca> ▁D ontos : ▁Here ▁I ▁am . <2ca> ▁We ▁have ▁the ▁chair ▁of ▁Mal mö ▁city ▁council . <2ca> ▁There ▁are ▁also ▁some ▁tips ▁and ▁tricks ▁showing ▁you ▁the ▁most ▁useful ▁and ▁impressive ▁features ▁of ▁& ▁kde ;, ▁and ▁ways ▁to ▁save ▁you ▁time ▁and ▁effort . <2ca> ▁And ▁later , ▁when ▁I ▁found ▁the ▁doll s ▁in ▁my ▁bag ... <2ca> ▁Height ▁of ▁& ▁k s ys v ; ▁' s <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁here ▁about ▁the ▁job . <2ca> ▁That ▁was ▁ridicul ously ▁good . <2ca> ▁- ▁We ▁mustn ' t ▁do ▁anything ▁to ▁- ▁So ▁let ' s ▁hear . <2ca> ▁I ▁met ▁a ▁young ▁man ▁yesterday . <2ca> ▁" V ik tor ▁was ▁supposed ▁to ▁take ▁over ▁the ▁business , ▁it ▁was ▁destroyed ▁in ▁the ▁Re ich sk rist all n acht ." <2ca> ▁Hi , ▁Sir . <2ca> ▁No - one ▁knows ▁what ' s ▁going ▁on ▁in ▁someone ▁else ' s ▁mind . <2ca> ▁... ▁I ▁have ▁a ▁problem . <2ca> ▁You ▁got ▁enough ▁to ▁get ▁you ▁there . <2ca> ▁Car ry ▁him , ▁he ▁says . <2ca> ▁If ▁she ▁came ▁north , ▁she ' d ▁get ▁worse . <2ca> ▁You ▁could ▁have ▁been ▁exc ised . <2ca> ▁I ▁apologize , ▁Your ▁Grace . <2ca> ▁No , ▁she ▁doesn ' t ▁match ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁other ▁cases . <2ca> ▁I ▁was ▁told ▁this ▁was ▁about ▁an ▁attack ▁on ▁America . <2ca> ▁This ▁status ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁set ▁automatically ▁by ▁& ▁kmail ;. ▁You ▁can ▁use ▁it ▁to ▁mark ▁sp am ▁messages . <2ca> ▁No , ▁it ▁only ▁happened ▁because ▁the ▁police ▁let ▁Sl ade ▁go -- ▁after ▁we ▁turned ▁him ▁in , ▁because ▁Oliver ▁told ▁us ▁to . <2ca> ▁No , ▁I ▁think ▁someone ▁calling ▁Cher ish ▁Hans on ▁a ▁virgin ▁is ▁funny . <2ca> ▁And ▁wondering ▁where ▁I ▁am . <2ca> ▁Tyr ili ! <2ca> ▁I ▁am ▁always ▁pleased ▁to ▁meet ▁a ▁fellow ▁travel er , <2ca> ▁Remember , ▁I ▁wanna ▁see ▁you ▁later , <2ca> ▁When ▁December ▁travel ed ▁to ▁the ▁future ▁and ▁proc ured ▁this ▁unit ▁I ▁was ▁notified . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁not ▁going ▁to ▁kill ▁me . <2ca> ▁So , ▁in ▁case ▁you ' re ▁basic ▁and ▁you ▁don ' t ▁know , <2ca> ▁Project ▁Over view <2ca> ▁Mm - hmm , ▁sure . <2ca> ▁Plan ▁on ▁having ▁a ▁party , ▁Felicity ? <2ca> ▁Brother ▁Spock ! <2ca> ▁Uh , ▁your ▁mother ▁was ▁immediately ▁taken ▁into ▁custody ... ▁but ▁I ▁assume ▁you ▁went ▁to ▁the ▁prec inct ▁to ▁see ▁her ? <2ca> ▁Add <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁reass uring ▁to ▁believe ▁the ▁world ▁can ▁be ▁controlled , ▁even ▁if ▁that ▁means ▁it ' s ▁not ▁a ▁nice ▁place ." <2ca> ▁If ▁that ▁were ▁true , ▁if ▁any ▁of ▁this ▁were ▁true , ▁wouldn ' t ▁I ▁just ▁kill ▁you ▁right ▁now ? <2ca> ▁Move ▁a ▁R ational ▁Bé z ier ▁Cub ic <2ca> ▁Now ▁move ! <2ca> ▁Jesus ▁Christ ! ▁Let ' s ▁go , ▁let ' s ▁go ! <2ca> ▁Yeah , ▁I ' ll ▁go ▁home . <2ca> ▁Mr ▁Call an , ▁no - one ▁knows ▁better ▁than ▁me ▁how ▁important ▁the ▁media ▁is ▁as ▁an ▁investig ative ▁resource . <2ca> ▁What ' s ▁" or ange ▁mar mal ade "? <2ca> ▁Is ▁this ▁because ▁of ▁me , ▁my ▁Lord ? <2ca> ▁How ▁about ▁occup ations ? <2ca> ▁G ide on ▁saved ▁her ▁life . <2ca> ▁Everyone ▁is ▁very ▁impressed ▁with ▁Claire ' s ▁pictures . <2ca> ▁My ▁right ▁hand ▁to ▁God , ▁that ▁is ▁all ▁that ▁I ▁am . <2ca> ▁You ▁can ▁see ▁that ▁your ▁presence ▁has ▁become ▁a ▁bit ▁of ▁a ▁problem . ▁Rip ▁her ! <2ca> ▁Not ▁everything ▁has ▁to ▁mean ▁something . <2ca> ▁the ▁lake ▁which ▁burn eth ▁with ▁fire ▁and ▁br im stone ." ▁Re vel ation ▁21 ▁. 8. <2ca> ▁Never ▁mind ▁Latin , ▁I ▁need ▁a ▁magic ▁spell . <2ca> ▁- ▁But ▁there ▁were ▁no ▁weapons . <2ca> ▁What ▁Spencer ▁just ▁offered ▁you ▁is ▁a ▁gift . <2ca> ▁There ▁ain ' t ▁no ▁cloud ! <2ca> ▁& ▁Tab ular ▁Environment <2ca> ▁Did ▁you ▁see , ▁Ser ▁Dav os ? <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁tried ▁that ▁door , ▁but ▁it ' s ▁locked . <2ca> ▁This ▁pair ▁have ▁been ▁our ▁most ▁popular ▁spec imens ▁yet . <2ca> ▁And ▁it ▁is . ▁It ▁just ▁is . <2ca> ▁I ▁mean , ▁Lady ▁Min ami ▁taught ▁me . <2ca> ▁Please ▁return ▁In gr id ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁about ▁us . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁a ▁real ▁package ▁from ▁your ▁dad . <2ca> ▁- ▁Let ' s ▁just ▁hope ▁they ▁can ▁catch ▁him . <2ca> ▁You ▁were ▁kind ▁enough ▁to ▁watch ▁Ra iders ▁of ▁the ▁Lost ▁Ark ▁with ▁me . <2ca> ▁S las ht ime <2ca> ▁Easy ▁Company ▁had ▁a ▁new ▁C . O . ▁to ▁go ▁along ▁with ▁all ▁the ▁other ▁new ▁faces . <2ca> ▁Ah , ▁whoever ▁may ▁have ▁gotten ▁sick , ▁we ▁should ▁have ▁caught ▁it ▁in ▁time . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁we ▁won ' t ▁talk ▁about ▁that . ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁make ▁_ you _ ▁feel ▁bad ; ▁you ' ve ▁be friend ed ▁me . <2ca> ▁Mr . ▁Tour ist , ▁answer ▁my ▁questions ▁correctly . ▁I ' ll ▁do . <2ca> ▁Harry , ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁expect ▁to ▁see ▁you ▁this ▁soon . <2ca> ▁Just ▁take ▁away ▁the ▁pain . <2ca> ▁F ell atio ▁has ▁long ▁been ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁rich ▁tap est ry ▁of ▁politics ▁worldwide . <2ca> ▁This ▁was ▁her ▁idea ▁to ▁come ▁here . <2ca> ▁I ▁refer ▁the ▁court ▁to ▁His ▁Honor ▁Mr . ▁Justice ▁Dix on ' s ▁decision ... ▁in ▁Grace ▁Brothers ▁and ▁the ▁Common wealth . <2ca> ▁Can ' t ▁say ▁the ▁same ▁for ▁my ▁suit . <2ca> ▁- ▁As ▁is ▁W arl ow . <2ca> ▁Come ▁on , ▁Elle , ▁we ' ve ▁all ▁asked ▁him , ▁and ▁he ▁won ' t ▁say . <2ca> ▁General , ▁the ▁island ▁won ' t ▁last ▁five ▁days ▁without ▁fleet ▁support . <2ca> ▁You ▁eat ▁with ▁your ▁mouth , ▁not ▁your ▁back ! <2ca> ▁Because ▁M ori arty ▁had ▁to ▁be ▁stopped . <2ca> ▁Do ▁they ▁do ▁as ▁they ' re ▁told ▁or ▁do ▁they ▁do ▁as ▁they ▁like ? <2ca> ▁But ▁I ▁have ▁curi osity . <2ca> ▁Do ▁not ▁forget ▁me ▁24 6 01 <2ca> ▁- ▁When ▁they ▁were ▁talkin ', ▁he ▁m out hed ▁the ▁words , ▁"" Help ▁us ." " <2ca> ▁Bobby : ▁Are ▁we ▁set ? <2ca> ▁And ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁there ▁for ▁you . <2ca> ▁You ▁said ▁something ▁that ▁made ▁her ▁escape . <2ca> ▁Server ▁key : ▁the ▁file ▁to ▁read ▁containing ▁the ▁server ' s ▁key <2ca> ▁( ▁La ughs ▁) ▁Truth ? <2ca> ▁Mr . ▁G ats by ▁I ▁understand ▁that ▁you ' re ▁an ▁Oxford ▁man . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁married ▁18 ▁years , ▁I ▁imagine ▁things ▁must ▁get ▁st ale ▁from ▁time ▁to ▁time . <2ca> ▁Be aty , ▁do ▁whatever ▁the ▁hell ▁you ▁want . <2ca> ▁- ▁Someone ▁has ▁keys ? <2ca> ▁No ▁Subject <2ca> ▁I ▁JUST ▁W ISH ▁THERE ▁W ERE ▁M ORE ▁OF ▁THE M . ▁THERE ▁WE ▁GO . <2ca> ▁I ▁estimate ▁our ▁odds ▁at ▁49 2. 0 31 ▁against ▁us ▁succeed ing . <2ca> ▁Mercy , ▁please ! <2ca> ▁Mon ster - pl acing ▁puzzle <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁feel ▁like ▁such ▁a ▁fuck - up ▁when ▁I ' m ▁here , ▁that ' s ▁all . <2ca> ▁Captain , ▁try ▁to ▁find ▁out ▁what ' s ▁happening . <2ca> ▁- ▁Why ? ▁- ▁I ▁have ▁my ▁observers , ▁as ▁I ▁said , ▁and ▁it ' s ▁possible ▁that ▁they ▁saw ▁Lord ▁Ar ryn ▁visit ▁this ▁ar more r ▁several ▁times ▁in ▁the ▁weeks ▁before ▁his ▁death . <2ca> ▁Your ▁mommy ▁and ▁daddy ▁are ▁very ▁worried ▁about ▁you . <2ca> ▁Come ▁back ▁to ▁Wood bury . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁if ▁no ▁one ▁claims ▁him , ▁he ' ll ▁be ▁buried ▁in ▁a ▁pot ter ' s ▁field . <2ca> ▁- ▁while ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁a ▁bed ▁to ▁myself ? <2ca> ▁Shows ▁a ▁list ▁of ▁recently ▁opened ▁documents <2ca> ▁Take ▁her ▁in ▁that ▁bedroom . <2ca> ▁You ▁just ▁hit ▁send . <2ca> ▁No , ▁Harvard , ▁it ▁didn ' t ▁all ▁work ▁out , ▁okay ? <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁in ▁New ▁York . <2ca> ▁- ▁Yeah , ▁you ' ll ▁shoot ▁me . <2ca> ▁- ▁Look ▁straight ▁ahead . <2ca> ▁She ▁makes ▁me ▁dress ▁up ▁as ▁Art ▁Gar f unk el ▁and ▁have ▁sex ▁with ▁her . <2ca> ▁In ▁Ven ice ▁I ▁love ▁that ▁it ' s ▁so ▁safe ▁for ▁me ▁to ▁walk . <2ca> ▁You ▁grew ▁up ▁in ▁a ▁house ▁that ▁looked ▁normal ▁and ▁happy , ▁didn ' t ▁you , ▁Vincent ? <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁see ▁where ▁you ' re ▁going ▁with ▁this . <2ca> ▁Where ▁is ▁Mr . ▁Jones ? <2ca> ▁What ▁did ▁they ▁do ▁to ▁me ? <2ca> ▁Where ' s ▁Ragnar ▁L oth b rok ? <2ca> ▁In ▁summary , ▁I ▁will ▁prove ▁that ▁Gru ber ▁Pharmaceutical s ▁want only ▁and ▁knowing ly ▁poll uted ▁F rog ▁Lake ▁and ▁therefore ▁must ▁pay ▁rest it ution ▁of ▁no ▁less ▁than ▁$ 25 ▁million . <2ca> ▁Walter , ▁I ' m ▁with ▁a ▁woman ▁in ▁her ▁mid -20 s . <2ca> ▁My ▁theory ... ▁you ▁just ▁needed ▁to ▁disappear ▁one ▁guy . <2ca> ▁And ▁yet ▁everyone ▁does . <2ca> ▁And ▁that ▁bastard ▁killed ▁d aph ne ▁just ▁as ▁sure ▁as ▁he ▁pulled ▁the ▁trigger ▁himself . <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁fix ▁nothing . <2ca> ▁One - child ▁policy ▁poster ▁from ▁the ▁1980 s . <2ca> ▁Top ▁left ▁pile . ▁All ▁cards ▁except ▁the ▁A ces ▁are ▁placed ▁here ▁at ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁play . ▁C lic king ▁on ▁the ▁Stock ▁will ▁deal ▁one ▁card ▁to ▁each ▁of ▁the ▁four ▁Reserve ▁piles . ▁Two ▁rede als ▁allowed . <2ca> ▁Two ▁women , ▁two ▁cities , ▁big ▁change <2ca> ▁I ▁mean ▁May . ▁My ▁wife , ▁May . <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁just ▁happy ▁she ' s ▁in ▁our ▁line ▁of ▁sight . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁alright , ▁my ▁child . <2ca> ▁I ▁had ▁to ▁help . <2ca> ▁Act ress , ▁Dow nt on ▁Ab bey , ▁knows ▁the ▁princess . <2ca> ▁The ▁new ▁Star ▁W ars ▁movie . <2ca> ▁Write ▁file ▁[% 1] ▁failed <2ca> ▁I ▁hated ▁the ▁win ters . <2ca> ▁To ▁be ▁dis enf ran ch ised ▁from ▁those ▁around ▁you . <2ca> ▁- ▁Is ▁that ▁what ▁you ▁think ▁created ▁this ? <2ca> ▁We ▁can ▁live . ▁We ▁can ... <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁right ▁there ! ▁I ▁believe ▁you . <2ca> ▁We ▁think ▁the ▁murderer ▁took ▁them , ▁maybe ▁to ▁eliminate ▁evidence , ▁every ▁trace ▁of ▁his ▁identity , ▁particularly ▁as ▁related ▁to ▁DNA ▁testing . <2ca> ▁How ▁did ▁you ▁afford ▁this ? <2ca> ▁Yeah , ▁I ▁know ▁where ▁that ▁leaves ▁us ! <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁a ▁whore ! <2ca> ▁Well , ▁of ▁course ▁you ▁will . <2ca> ▁OK , ▁let ' s ▁start ! <2ca> ▁I ▁remember ▁everything <2ca> ▁Dad . ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁doing ? <2ca> ▁- ▁for ▁pun ctu ation . <2ca> ▁European ▁expertise <2ca> ▁- ▁It ' ll ▁be ▁ready ▁to ▁go ▁in ▁three ▁days . <2ca> ▁I ▁mean , ▁you ▁blew ▁off ▁opening ▁a ▁new ▁office ▁in ▁Hong ▁Kong ▁to ▁go ▁to ▁Paris ▁with ▁me , ▁and ▁your ▁boss ▁didn ' t ▁even ▁call ▁or ▁e - mail ▁or ▁text . <2ca> ▁F 7 ▁Edit <2ca> ▁Enc od ings <2ca> ▁Erik sen ▁residence , ▁Judy ▁speaking . <2ca> ▁& ▁Mark ▁as ▁In compl ete <2ca> ▁" F ather ▁was ▁cross ▁with ▁me ▁and ▁said ▁I ▁lack ed ▁the ▁true ▁faith . <2ca> ▁the ▁sm iles ▁on ▁the ▁girls ' ▁faces ▁and ▁the ▁total ▁lack ▁of ▁shy ness ▁about ▁what ▁they ▁were ▁showing ▁the ▁camera ▁was ▁so ▁conf using ▁for ▁me . <2ca> ▁# ▁Nobody ▁compl iments ▁the ▁meal ▁# ▁# ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁hurt ▁feelings , ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁hurt ▁feelings ▁# <2ca> ▁I ▁start ▁to ▁fear ▁for ▁the ▁world ▁when ▁I ▁think ▁about ▁eternity . <2ca> ▁They ' ve ▁got ▁to ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁get ▁hold ▁of ▁them . <2ca> ▁Mass ▁of ▁the ▁gas : <2ca> ▁Length <2ca> ▁Open ▁the ▁document ▁and ▁jump ▁to ▁the ▁references ▁position . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁thought ▁you ▁were ▁going ▁to ▁call ▁him . <2ca> ▁Security ▁guard ▁can ▁put ▁Rez ian ▁at ▁the ▁scene . <2ca> ▁Walter , ▁you ▁don ' t ▁understand . <2ca> ▁Did ▁you ▁just ▁say ▁no ? <2ca> ▁Where ' s ▁my ▁din er ▁scene ? <2ca> ▁That ▁thing ... ▁explain ▁what ▁it ▁is ! <2ca> ▁Well , ▁hey , ▁it ' s ▁not ▁like ▁cotton ▁candy ▁comes ▁out ▁of ▁you . <2ca> ▁This ▁man ▁is ▁a ▁murderer . <2ca> ▁" B etter ▁Call ▁Saul ." ▁Yeah . ▁I - ▁- ▁I ▁did ▁that . <2ca> ▁You ▁know ▁almost ▁everything ▁that ' s ▁happening , ▁and ▁you ▁won ' t ▁tell ▁me ▁the ▁one ▁thing ▁I ▁need ? <2ca> ▁Stay ▁the ▁fuck ▁away ▁from ▁my ▁wife . <2ca> ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁quit ▁this ▁sh ant y . <2ca> ▁Our ▁father ▁is ▁Hand ▁of ▁the ▁King . <2ca> ▁Sometimes ▁I ▁collect ▁nail ▁cli pp ings , ▁but ▁that ' s ▁just ▁me . <2ca> ▁What ▁would ▁Dad ▁do ? <2ca> ▁But ▁maybe ▁killing ▁our ▁father ▁and ▁turning ▁into ▁a ▁vampire ▁and ▁all ▁the ▁trauma ▁associated ▁with ▁that ▁is ▁what ▁made ▁me ▁become ▁a ▁vampire ▁who ▁feeds ▁on ▁people ▁and ▁then ▁ri ps ▁their ▁heads ▁off , ▁but ▁now ▁that ▁I ▁don ' t ▁have ▁all ▁those ▁memories <2ca> ▁Can ▁you ▁hire ▁someone ▁to ▁take ▁care ▁of ▁him ? <2ca> ▁There ▁were ▁plenty ▁of ▁times ▁when ▁she ▁was ▁a ▁teen ager , ▁not ▁that ▁you ▁would ▁know . <2ca> ▁I ▁need ▁you ▁guys ▁to ▁do ▁me ▁a ▁favor . <2ca> ▁9 /11 ? <2ca> ▁We ▁don ' t ▁know ▁what ▁kind . <2ca> ▁Get ▁your ▁state ▁tro op ers ▁out ▁to ▁my ▁place . <2ca> ▁I ▁can ' t ▁do ▁it ▁from ▁my ▁laptop . <2ca> ▁Anna ▁Ved uta ▁is ▁a ▁better - ra ised ▁young ▁woman ▁than ▁Maria ▁Barn ova , ▁therefore ▁she ▁doesn ’ t ▁tell ▁us ▁what ▁she ’ s ▁learned ▁from ▁Alex ey ▁Naval ny . <2ca> ▁a ▁fine ▁commander . <2ca> ▁- ▁John ▁made ▁a ▁sin . <2ca> ▁Text ▁Data <2ca> ▁Yours ▁or ▁mine . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁a ▁pleasure ▁to ▁make ▁your ▁acqu aint ance , ▁Lady ▁Ar ryn . <2ca> ▁You , ▁Eric , ▁Pam , ▁and ▁Tara ... <2ca> ▁- ▁He ' ll ▁worry ▁if ▁I ' m ▁not ▁there . <2ca> ▁Bookmarks ▁to ▁accessible ▁items ▁in ▁Acc erc iser ▁are ▁defined ▁by ▁an ▁application ▁name ▁and ▁a ▁" path " ▁in ▁the ▁application ' s ▁internal ▁accessible ▁hier archy ▁to ▁the ▁bookmark ed ▁accessible . ▁When ▁the ▁target ▁application ▁is ▁in ▁a ▁different ▁state ▁- ▁i . e . ▁multiple ▁top ▁level ▁frames ▁-, ▁the ▁path ▁might ▁not ▁be ▁correct . ▁Bookmarks ▁could ▁be ▁managed ▁by ▁access ing ▁the ▁bookmark ▁editing ▁dialog ▁through ▁Bookmarks Edit ▁Bookmarks . <2ca> ▁St acey ... <2ca> ▁Maybe ▁a ▁nice ▁tap est ry ▁or ▁a ▁painting . <2ca> ▁Oper ate ▁for ▁J our n als ▁only ▁[ N OT ▁WOR KING ▁Y ET ] <2ca> ▁Thank ▁you , ▁mister . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁certain ▁you ' re ▁a ▁match ? <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁fine , ▁a ▁little ▁surprised . ▁How ▁are ▁you ? <2ca> ▁Rep rod uctive ▁rights ▁activists ▁say ▁that ▁complaints ▁are ▁often ▁used ▁to ▁harass ▁and ▁intimid ate ▁women . <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁right ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁my ▁eyes , ▁and ▁I ▁never ▁saw ▁it ▁coming . <2ca> ▁So ▁where ▁the ▁fuck ' s ▁my ▁mak er ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Iris ▁is ▁there ▁a ▁lot . <2ca> ▁The ... ▁" J " ▁and ... ▁and ▁" B ." <2ca> ▁Where ▁I ▁come ▁from , ▁it ' s ▁custom ary ▁to ▁drink ▁to ▁a ▁job ▁well ▁done . ▁Ha ! <2ca> ▁Add ▁Server <2ca> ▁# ▁And ▁you ' ve ▁got ▁a ▁job ▁# <2ca> ▁What ▁about ▁the ▁point ▁I ' m ▁making ? <2ca> ▁I ▁couldn ' t ▁think ▁of ▁a ▁good ▁reason ▁not ▁to . <2ca> ▁- ▁Prepare ▁for ▁the ▁coming ▁of ▁Go zer . <2ca> ▁Bro ck , ▁they ▁just ▁crossed ▁Oak ▁Street . <2ca> ▁So ▁you ' ll ▁be ▁outside ▁the ▁gates ▁fighting ▁in ▁the ▁V angu ard ? <2ca> ▁- ▁but ▁here ▁P anz ac chi ▁out do es ▁himself : ▁" with ▁a ▁hand ▁gren ade "! <2ca> ▁Custom ers ▁were ▁not ▁satisfied . <2ca> ▁How ▁was ▁she ▁when ▁you ▁left ▁her ? ▁Uh ... ▁Yeah , ▁good . <2ca> ▁Cursor ( ▁int ▁line , ▁int ▁column ); <2ca> ▁Will ▁the ▁review ▁take ▁long ? <2ca> ▁Finally ▁having ▁that ▁adventure ▁we ▁talked ▁about . <2ca> ▁Main ▁window ▁after ▁res izing ▁/ ▁dev / ▁s db 2 <2ca> ▁- Hey , ▁Eli ! <2ca> ▁I ▁sometimes ▁sit ▁like ▁this ▁for ▁hours . <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁get ▁this . <2ca> ▁- ▁Sm ell ▁what ? <2ca> ▁Ready ▁teams ▁for ▁assault . <2ca> ▁Maybe ▁he ' s ▁married . ▁Oh ... <2ca> ▁Inc luding ▁" in "" ▁" at ," ▁" we " ▁and ▁" a "" <2ca> ▁Lt . ▁Com pton , ▁Lt . ▁Pe ac ock , ▁inform ▁Lt . ▁Sh ames ▁of ▁the ▁situation . <2ca> ▁Disable ▁toolbar ▁moving <2ca> ▁He ' ll ▁be ▁okay ▁after , ▁won ' t ▁he ? <2ca> ▁I ▁actually ▁came ▁home ▁because ▁I ▁miss ▁my ▁wife . ▁Ohh . ▁It ' s ▁okay . <2ca> ▁I ▁registered ▁for ▁you ▁in ▁the ▁mail . <2ca> ▁But ▁right ▁now , ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁to ▁see ▁about ▁my ▁son . <2ca> ▁And ▁you ▁get ▁me ▁this . <2ca> ▁I ▁have ▁the ▁right ▁to ▁know ▁why . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁gonna ▁do ▁you ▁a ▁big ▁favour . <2ca> ▁Resp onse ▁in ▁I / ▁O ▁space <2ca> ▁Can ▁you ... ▁point ▁me ▁in ▁the ▁right ▁direction ? <2ca> ▁will ▁she ▁live ? ▁I ▁just ▁got ▁here . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁busy . ▁Oh , ▁busy ? <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁teach ▁little ▁Ned ▁Stark ▁how ▁to ▁ride ▁horses ? <2ca> ▁How ▁did ▁you ▁allow ▁yourself ▁to ▁end ▁up ▁in ▁her ▁pocket ? <2ca> ▁Well , ▁you ▁get ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁Glad well ▁stuff . ▁Mm - hmm . <2ca> ▁- ▁D . S . O . ▁ready . <2ca> ▁Have ▁you ▁told ▁anyone ▁about ▁the ▁info ▁on ▁the ▁PM ? <2ca> ▁It ▁didn ' t ▁seem ▁like ▁a ▁good ▁idea ▁to ▁talk ▁about ▁this ▁at ▁your ▁house . <2ca> ▁Flor ? <2ca> ▁Char ges <2ca> ▁Cer ro ▁de ▁Pas co <2ca> ▁The ▁Star ks ▁lost ▁my ▁house ▁the ▁day ▁King ▁Rob b ▁cut ▁off ▁my ▁father ' s ▁head . <2ca> ▁I ▁need ▁the ▁number ▁for ▁a ▁locks m ith . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁also ▁really ▁really ▁deep ▁and ▁pass ionate . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁only ▁going ▁to ▁ask ▁this ▁once . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁possible ▁she ▁was ▁afraid ▁what ▁would ▁happen ▁if ▁people ▁found ▁out ▁about ▁the ▁baby . <2ca> ▁If ▁it ' s ▁a ▁cute , l ittle , c udd ly ▁cat . <2ca> ▁She ▁tell ▁you ▁anything ? <2ca> ▁You ▁must ▁not ▁have ▁been ▁very ▁good ▁at ▁your ▁job . <2ca> ▁" Why , ▁what ' s ▁the ▁matter , ▁Tom ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Can ▁I ▁have ▁this ? <2ca> ▁All ows ▁you ▁to ▁add ▁the ▁selected ▁files ▁to ▁the ▁repository . ▁See . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁afraid ▁that ' s ▁a ▁big ▁risk . <2ca> ▁Remove ▁Folder <2ca> ▁There ▁was ▁even ▁a ▁helicopter . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁have ▁a ▁position ▁on ▁it . ▁Actually , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁give ▁a ▁rat ' s ▁ass ▁about ▁it . <2ca> ▁He ▁has ▁defeated ▁him ▁at ▁St aling rad ▁and ▁Kur sk <2ca> ▁– ▁A ▁D EM OC R AT : <2ca> ▁Get ▁up ▁there ▁and ▁stuff ▁that ▁up . <2ca> ▁Ans w ers ▁a ▁squ ir rel ▁from ▁his ▁hole ▁saying ▁" I ' m ▁gre edy ▁and ▁I ▁have ▁a ▁fine ▁nose , ▁just ▁like ▁an ▁al mond ..." <2ca> ▁It ▁wouldn ' t ▁obst ruct ▁repl ication , ▁but ▁it ▁does ▁give ▁rise ▁to ▁an ▁error ▁in ▁repl ication . <2ca> ▁Load ▁a ▁Saved ▁Game <2ca> ▁- To ▁our ▁human ▁family . ▁- And ▁the ▁dog ! <2ca> ▁- I ' m ▁having ▁a ▁great ▁time ! <2ca> ▁None ▁of ▁this ▁is ▁ours ▁anymore . <2ca> ▁He ▁was ▁murdered ▁in ▁his ▁sleep ▁after ▁less ▁than ▁a ▁year ▁by ▁his ▁own ▁brother . <2ca> ▁" Oh , ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁know ▁what ▁I ▁was ▁a - doing . <2ca> ▁Could ▁not ▁finish ▁project ▁in ▁time : ▁%1 <2ca> ▁The ▁giant ▁gor illa ▁has ▁escaped . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ▁guess ▁I ' m ▁just ▁hoping ▁that ▁you ▁won ' t . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁sometimes ▁life ▁throw s ▁you ▁a ▁curve ball , ▁and ▁you ▁just ▁got ▁to ▁embrace ▁it . <2ca> ▁You ▁must ▁rest ▁and ▁heal ▁yourself . <2ca> ▁Is ▁that ▁Jav adi ? <2ca> ▁Th ing ▁about ▁ro y alty ▁is , ▁there ' s ▁no ▁end <2ca> ▁M isc ell aneous ▁questions <2ca> ▁No ▁one ' s ▁coming ▁to ▁tea , ▁it ' s ▁too — <2ca> ▁John ! <2ca> ▁Shut ▁up , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁wanna ▁know . <2ca> ▁Hide ▁all ▁and ▁Prot ected ▁are ▁enabled ▁in ▁Cell ▁Protection ▁and ▁the ▁sheet ▁is ▁protected <2ca> ▁You ' ve ▁got ▁that . ▁It ' s ▁gonna ▁be ▁difficult ▁for ▁you ▁to ▁get ▁in ... <2ca> ▁Robin , ▁how ▁could ▁you ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Uh ... ▁did ▁you ▁dance ? <2ca> ▁OK ▁l f ▁you ▁won ' t ▁talk , ▁I ' ll ▁call ▁the ▁police <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁not ▁OK . <2ca> ▁A ▁list ▁of ▁filename ▁extensions ▁Gwen view ▁should ▁not ▁try ▁to ▁\ t \ t \ t load . ▁This ▁is ▁useful ▁to ▁exclude ▁raw ▁files ▁which ▁are ▁recognized ▁as ▁\ t \ t \ t T IFF ▁or ▁JPEG . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ' ll ▁do ▁what ▁I ▁can , ▁but ▁I ▁can ' t ▁make ▁any ▁promises . <2ca> ▁And ▁fate ▁shall ▁decide . <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁find ▁out ▁who ▁owns ▁the ▁place . <2ca> ▁Parliament ▁Hill , ▁Cam den ▁Lock ▁and ▁Dag mar ▁Court . <2ca> ▁V ande us , ▁huh ? <2ca> ▁CO OP ER : ▁I ▁know ▁it ' s ▁our ▁best ▁bet . <2ca> ▁- ▁No . <2ca> ▁I ▁saw ▁it . <2ca> ▁Em ulator ▁of ▁the ▁1980 s ▁Z X ▁Sp ect rum ▁home ▁computer ▁and ▁its ▁various ▁cl ones <2ca> ▁Who ▁could ▁I ▁talk ▁to ? ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know ▁any ▁one ▁here . <2ca> ▁I ▁am ▁sorry ▁about ▁all ▁that ▁un ple asant ness . <2ca> ▁Your ▁hair ▁smells ▁good . <2ca> ▁- ▁Have ▁a ▁good ▁practice . <2ca> ▁I ▁may ▁not ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁protect ▁you ▁if ▁you ▁need ▁me . <2ca> ▁And ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁piss ing ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁you ▁and ▁everything . ▁I ... <2ca> ▁No ▁one ▁will ▁talk ▁to ▁your ▁daughters , ▁you ▁have ▁my ▁word . <2ca> ▁The ▁sket ch ▁does ▁not ▁make ▁any ▁reference ▁to ▁individuals ▁who ▁have ▁been ▁killed ▁by ▁the ▁E TA . <2ca> ▁Ctrl ; ▁R ▁File ... <2ca> ▁The ▁jar ... <2ca> ▁And ▁i ▁don ' t ▁want ▁any ▁surprises ▁tonight . <2ca> ▁An ▁Art ▁Gar f unk el ▁gallery ▁opening ▁concert . <2ca> ▁& ▁Hel ge . ▁D eller ; ▁dell er @ g m x . ▁de ▁- ▁& ▁H P ; ▁- U X ▁Port <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁just ▁trying ▁to ▁help ▁her ▁get ▁out ▁from ▁under . <2ca> ▁Vari ous ▁games ▁like ▁& ▁km ah jongg ;, ▁& ▁k sn ake ;, ▁& ▁kas ter o ids ;, ▁and ▁& ▁k pat ience ;. <2ca> ▁# ▁T ears ▁of ▁a ▁rapp er . ▁# <2ca> ▁Tom ▁had ▁invited ▁me ▁to ▁town , ▁apparently ▁for ▁lunch ▁at ▁the ▁Y ale ▁Club ▁but ▁the ▁day ▁took ▁an ▁unexpected ▁turn . <2ca> ▁They ▁suck ed ▁the ▁power ▁and ▁then ▁-- ▁a ah ! <2ca> ▁Force ▁computer ▁to ▁drop ▁shield s ! <2ca> ▁- ▁It ▁means ▁fl amb oy ance . <2ca> ▁Su pper ▁would ▁be ▁nice . <2ca> ▁- ▁What ? <2ca> ▁- Is ▁this ▁a ▁test ? <2ca> ▁You ▁wanted ▁that ▁land ▁for ▁yourself ! <2ca> ▁Your ▁boss ▁looks ▁a ▁little ▁green ▁around ▁the ▁g ills ▁for ▁a ▁blood ▁sport ▁like ▁nigger ▁fighting . <2ca> ▁' Cause ▁sometimes , ▁you ▁know , ▁you ▁hear ▁stories , ▁so ... <2ca> ▁And ▁finding ▁him ▁is ▁the ▁sing ular ▁priority ▁above ▁all ▁else . <2ca> ▁I ▁just ▁couldn ' t ▁stop ▁them , ▁Gordon . <2ca> ▁Danish <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁mixed ▁up ▁with ▁my ▁things . <2ca> ▁In ▁last ▁year ' s ▁Hollywood ▁film ▁The ▁Mar ti an , ▁astr onaut ▁Mark ▁Wat ney , ▁played ▁by ▁Matt ▁Damon , ▁is ▁left ▁for ▁dead ▁by ▁his ▁crew ▁after ▁being ▁caught ▁in ▁a ▁sand storm ▁on ▁Mars . <2ca> ▁I ▁won ' t ▁say ▁" no ." <2ca> ▁Un lock ▁Page <2ca> ▁You , ▁uh , ▁heard ▁anything ▁from ▁our ▁mutual ▁friend ▁lately ? <2ca> ▁I ▁mean , ▁that ▁is ▁seriously ▁fucked ▁up . <2ca> ▁Here . ▁All ▁right . ▁Let ▁me ▁look . <2ca> ▁We ▁need ▁bomb ▁squad ▁in ▁here . <2ca> ▁Those ▁stupid ▁sons - of - bit ches ▁might ▁be ▁trying ▁to ▁come ▁through . <2ca> ▁- ▁Hey , ▁how ▁about ▁some ▁cigarettes ? <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁Until ▁right ▁this ▁second , ▁it ▁never ▁occurred ▁to ▁me ▁that ▁I ▁was , ▁but ▁you ' re ▁right . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁@ tet is he ri ▁( L ily ▁) ▁Head ed ▁to ▁parliament ▁street . <2ca> ▁tell ▁me ▁you ' re ▁not ▁in ▁the ▁close ▁what ▁the ▁hell ▁are ▁you ▁doing ▁here ▁again ? <2ca> ▁Lake <2ca> ▁Seal ▁the ▁deal , ▁Josh . ▁Um , ▁so , ▁uh ... <2ca> ▁Cards ▁can ▁be ▁moved ▁on ▁top ▁of ▁any ▁other ▁card ▁or ▁cards ▁of ▁the ▁same ▁value ▁so ▁long ▁as ▁no ▁pile ▁grows ▁to ▁have ▁more ▁than ▁four ▁cards . ▁Group s ▁of ▁cards ▁can ▁be ▁moved ▁if ▁they ▁are ▁of ▁the ▁same ▁value , ▁but ▁it ▁doesn ' t ▁gain ▁you ▁anything . ▁An ▁empty ▁slot ▁can ▁be ▁filled ▁with ▁any ▁card ▁or ▁group ▁of ▁cards ▁with ▁the ▁same ▁value . <2ca> ▁A ▁conf igur ator ▁for ▁Power D evil <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁from ▁the ▁container . <2ca> ▁How ▁about ▁a ▁nice ▁fat ▁pige on ? <2ca> ▁This ▁aver ages ▁to ▁4 80 ▁each ▁year . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁sc aring ▁your ▁boy . <2ca> ▁- ▁Hand ▁it ▁to ▁me ! <2ca> ▁She ▁asked ▁me ▁to ▁tell ▁you ▁she ▁had ▁a ▁wonderful ▁time . <2ca> ▁Marty , ▁can ▁we ▁just ▁drop ▁this ? <2ca> ▁And ▁I ▁love ▁you ▁with ▁all ▁my ▁heart . <2ca> ▁Although ▁the ▁evidence ▁was ▁strong ▁at ▁Zw icky ' s ▁time , ▁it ▁was ▁not ▁until ▁the ▁1970 s ▁that ▁scientists ▁began ▁to ▁explore ▁this ▁disc rep ancy ▁compre hens ively . ▁It ▁was ▁at ▁this ▁time ▁that ▁the ▁existence ▁of ▁Dark ▁Mat ter ▁began ▁to ▁be ▁taken ▁seriously . ▁The ▁existence ▁of ▁such ▁matter ▁would ▁not ▁only ▁resolve ▁the ▁mass ▁deficit ▁in ▁gala xy ▁cl usters ; ▁it ▁would ▁also ▁have ▁far ▁more ▁reaching ▁consequences ▁for ▁the ▁evolution ▁and ▁fate ▁of ▁the ▁universe ▁itself . <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁know ▁where ▁C iro ▁di ▁Mar zio ▁is , ▁you ▁get ▁15 0,000 ▁euros . <2ca> ▁I ▁killed ▁him , ▁Jessica . <2ca> ▁He ▁fought ▁beside ▁the ▁st ag ▁king ▁Robert ▁on ▁the ▁far ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁Nar row ▁Sea . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ▁guess ▁you ' re ▁just ▁gonna ▁have ▁to ▁get ▁that ▁plane , ▁D imit ri . <2ca> ▁35 00 ▁m <2ca> ▁Three ▁coins . <2ca> ▁I ▁have ▁the ▁lead . <2ca> ▁The ▁music ▁ought ▁to ▁be ▁more ▁than ▁just ▁me . <2ca> ▁Open ▁the ▁parent ▁item ▁for ▁all ▁labels ▁in ▁the ▁structure ▁view ▁as ▁default <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁Given ▁how ▁quick ▁they ▁got ▁in ▁and ▁out ▁of ▁here . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁aw fully ▁frust rating ▁not ▁knowing , ▁isn ' t ▁it ? <2ca> ▁Kur ib ay ashi ▁coun term anded ▁Hay ashi ' s ▁order . ▁There ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁no ▁attack . <2ca> ▁Even ▁T ori ! <2ca> ▁Who ▁needs ▁a ▁reason ▁for ▁betray al ? <2ca> ▁Are ▁you ▁gonna ▁kill ▁me ▁and ▁then ▁go ▁to ▁jail ? <2ca> ▁It ▁would ▁be ▁nice ▁if ▁we ▁could ▁keep ▁flying ▁for ▁a ▁long ▁time <2ca> ▁What ▁is -- <2ca> ▁Is ▁he ▁taking ▁notes ▁or ▁anything ? <2ca> ▁And ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁come ▁here ▁again . <2ca> ▁Of ▁course , ▁if ▁anything ▁is ▁not ▁your ▁lik ing , ▁I ' ll ▁change ▁it . <2ca> ▁Could ▁not ▁re ge x p ▁the ▁Profile ▁ID . <2ca> ▁Yeah . <2ca> ▁I ▁could ▁do ▁it ▁all ▁day . <2ca> ▁No , ▁you ▁as ▁well . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁just ▁too ▁much ▁for ▁him . <2ca> ▁Ah - ah , ▁pros ▁only . <2ca> ▁He ▁was ▁in ▁bad ▁shape , ▁but ▁I ▁nurs ed ▁him ▁back ▁to ▁life . <2ca> ▁- ▁how ▁you ' ve ▁yield ed ▁Winter f ell ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁- No , ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁see ▁him . <2ca> ▁Did ▁he ▁have ▁any ▁luggage , ▁ma ' am ? <2ca> ▁Not ▁enough ▁information ▁to ▁add ▁file <2ca> ▁For ▁those ▁who ▁are ▁outside ▁Taiwan , ▁it ▁is ▁very ▁difficult ▁to ▁understand ▁the ▁political ▁dynamic ▁and ▁it ▁seems ▁rather ▁inevitable ▁that ▁Chom sky ▁be ▁mis led ▁and ▁dist orted ▁in ▁such ▁a ▁media ▁and ▁political ▁environment . <2ca> ▁... l ittle ▁ones ▁and ▁big ▁ones ... <2ca> ▁Or ▁your ▁lover ? <2ca> ▁EX CE PT ▁ONE : ▁T ES LA ▁M OT OR S . <2ca> ▁Why ▁not , ▁everything ▁has ▁gone ▁all ▁right ▁up ▁to ▁now . <2ca> ▁It ▁did ▁indeed . <2ca> ▁% dest ination Name % <2ca> ▁On ▁the ▁Configure ▁Tal ker ▁screen , ▁configure ▁a ▁voice ▁and ▁the ▁paths ▁to ▁& ▁mbro la ; ▁and ▁t xt 2 p ho . <2ca> ▁What ▁am ▁I ▁supposed ▁to ▁tell ▁my ▁parents ? <2ca> ▁They ' re ▁laying ▁off ▁like ▁poison . <2ca> ▁Guys , ▁can ▁you ▁leave ▁us ▁alone ▁for ▁a ▁minute , ▁please ? <2ca> ▁Well , ▁that ▁was ▁a ▁waste ▁of ▁time , ▁wasn ' t ▁it ? <2ca> ▁They ▁call ▁' em ▁co vert , ▁num b ▁nuts , ▁because ▁you ▁don ' t ▁tell ▁anyone ▁about ▁them . <2ca> ▁You ▁sound ▁like ▁Cat are lla , ▁when ▁you ▁talk ▁like ▁this ! <2ca> ▁and ▁his ▁efforts ▁to ▁stamp ▁out ▁diss ent ▁led ▁to ▁a ▁rebellion ▁that ▁killed ▁every ▁T arg ary en ... ▁except ▁two . <2ca> ▁Apparently , ▁such ▁an ▁arrangement ▁is ▁unacceptable ▁to ▁some ▁of ▁you ▁here . <2ca> ▁( CH UC KL ES ) ▁- ▁Guess ▁what ? <2ca> ▁Think ▁I ' ll ▁be ▁thrown ▁into ▁the ▁Bast ille ? <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁ever ▁so ▁sorry ▁to ▁interrupt , ▁my ▁Lord , ▁but ▁Mrs ▁Bart l ett ▁has ▁given ▁a ▁statement ▁that ' ll ▁clear ▁him . <2ca> ▁Incre ases ▁the ▁volume <2ca> ▁The ▁C IT C ▁said ▁it ▁was ▁dropping ▁the ▁ban ▁after ▁Research ▁in ▁Mot ion , ▁the ▁Canadian ▁company ▁behind ▁Black Ber ry , ▁met ▁" part " ▁of ▁its ▁regulatory ▁requirements . <2ca> ▁The ▁customer ... ▁Oh ▁the ▁potential ▁customer ▁also ▁pre fers ▁cash ▁payment <2ca> ▁- ▁What ? <2ca> ▁And ▁enough ▁talk ▁with ▁the ▁statistics ! <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁prosecut ing ▁my ▁mother ? <2ca> ▁Allow ▁only ▁one ▁timer ▁at ▁a ▁time <2ca> ▁Bl ow ▁it ▁now ! <2ca> ▁People ▁said ▁there ▁were ▁guns , ▁but ▁we ▁didn ' t ▁have ▁anything ▁because ▁the ▁politics ▁of ▁the ▁left - wing ▁parties , ▁which ▁by ▁that ▁time ▁had ▁grown ▁a ▁lot ▁commun ists , ▁social ists , ▁radical s , <2ca> ▁Whatever ▁you ▁do , ▁don ' t ▁look ▁back . <2ca> ▁C lo oney , ▁Di C ap rio , ▁Zab ka ...? <2ca> ▁He ▁said ▁to ▁wake ▁you ▁gently . <2ca> ▁They ' re ▁building ▁a ▁gall ows ▁just ▁for ▁you , ▁buddy . <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁get ▁this ▁done ▁quickly , ▁we ▁got ▁to ▁move . <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁had ▁a ▁dream . <2ca> ▁You ▁be ▁the ▁man ▁and ▁you ▁be ▁the ▁woman . <2ca> ▁L ose ▁the ▁meat . <2ca> ▁We ' ve ▁been ▁over ▁this , ▁Brett on . <2ca> ▁- ▁The ▁to aster ▁was ▁late . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁a ▁list ▁of ▁IR C ▁Ser vers ▁in ▁the ▁network . ▁When ▁connecting ▁to ▁the ▁network , ▁Kon vers ation ▁will ▁attempt ▁to ▁connect ▁to ▁the ▁top ▁server ▁first . ▁If ▁this ▁fails , ▁it ▁will ▁attempt ▁the ▁second ▁server . ▁If ▁this ▁fails , ▁it ▁will ▁attempt ▁the ▁third , ▁and ▁so ▁on . ▁At ▁least ▁one ▁server ▁must ▁be ▁specified . ▁Click ▁a ▁server ▁to ▁highlight ▁it . <2ca> ▁Power , ▁compassion , ▁and ▁uni qu eness . <2ca> ▁You ▁did ▁something ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁Mina ▁was ▁not ▁there . <2ca> ▁Emm ett , ▁will ▁you ▁keep ▁an ▁eye ▁on ▁De va ▁for ▁me ? <2ca> ▁Can ▁you ▁prove ▁that ▁you ▁were ▁beaten ? <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁amazing ▁what ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁hours ▁will ▁do ▁for ▁a ▁guy . <2ca> ▁Count ▁Fu ji wara ▁asks ▁Miss ▁Hid eko ▁to ▁kindly ▁allow ▁her ▁maid ▁Tam ako ▁to ▁be ▁sent ▁to ▁his ▁Lord ship ▁for ▁a ▁brief ▁err and . <2ca> ▁We ▁go ▁that ▁way ! <2ca> ▁Want ▁me ▁to ▁come ? <2ca> ▁No , ▁come ▁on . ▁We ▁didn ' t ▁have ▁it ▁easy ▁growing ▁up . <2ca> ▁Tell ▁me , ▁where ▁am ▁I ▁now ? <2ca> ▁So ▁we ▁use ▁him ▁to ▁lead ▁us ▁to ▁his ▁handler , ▁the ▁next ▁step ▁up ▁the ▁food ▁chain . <2ca> ▁BUT ▁A ▁S OUR CE ▁OF ▁PR IDE ▁FOR ▁GENER ATION S ▁OF ▁AM ER IC ANS . <2ca> ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁find ▁the ▁three - ey ed ▁ra ven ? <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁how ▁these ▁things ▁spread ▁in ▁the ▁past . <2ca> ▁And ▁it ' s ▁not ▁because ▁I ▁don ' t ▁trust ▁you ▁or ▁because ▁I ▁don ' t ▁care . <2ca> ▁We ▁got ▁another ▁letter ▁from ▁the ▁H MO ▁today , <2ca> ▁Answer ▁me , ▁damn ▁it ! ▁He ' s ▁my ▁son ! <2ca> ▁These ▁cases ▁can ▁move ▁your ▁career ▁forward . <2ca> ▁& ▁File <2ca> ▁Or ▁a ▁woman ▁walking ▁home ▁drunk , ▁late ▁at ▁night ▁in ▁a ▁short ▁skirt ? <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁not ▁a ▁hero ... <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁want ▁any ▁more ▁fat ▁pick ings ▁on ▁the ▁shore , ▁just ▁obey ▁orders . ▁And ▁don ' t ▁come ▁here ▁again . <2ca> ▁And ▁if ▁that ▁will ▁make ▁you ▁happy , ▁then ▁let ' s ▁do ▁it . <2ca> ▁The ▁intelligence ▁I ▁provided ▁your ▁government , ▁it ▁saved ▁many ▁lives . <2ca> ▁A kon adi ▁Management ▁and ▁Debug ging ▁Cons ole <2ca> ▁Once ▁he ▁hit ▁me . ▁And ▁then ▁I ▁threw ▁him ▁out . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁not ▁the ▁point , ▁T iff any , ▁I ▁busted ▁my ▁ass ▁for ▁Liber ty ▁Capital , ▁all ▁right ? ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁quit , <2ca> ▁# ▁Just ▁because ▁we ' ve ▁been ▁playing ▁tons il ▁hoc key ▁# <2ca> ▁But ▁first ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁say ▁how ▁much ▁I ▁admire ▁and ▁love ▁your ▁country . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁so ... ▁enthusi astic . <2ca> ▁& ▁kon vers ation ; ▁Hand book <2ca> ▁Print ▁Setup ... <2ca> ▁Hang over . <2ca> ▁Why ? <2ca> ▁May ▁2011, ▁marked ▁a ▁ti pping ▁point ▁of ▁the ▁protest ▁movement ▁against ▁driving ▁prohibition ▁for ▁women ▁in ▁the ▁Kingdom ▁after ▁Saudi ▁women ' s ▁rights ▁activist ▁Man al ▁al - S har if ▁was ▁arrested ▁after ▁upload ing ▁a ▁video ▁to ▁YouTube ▁that ▁showed ▁her ▁driving . <2ca> ▁One ▁concern ▁is ▁identity ▁fraud ; ▁fals ifying ▁identity ▁and ▁posting ▁dam aging ▁messages ▁can ▁lead ▁to ▁imprison ment ▁of ▁up ▁to ▁two ▁years ▁or ▁a ▁fine ▁of ▁up ▁to ▁rough ly ▁3, 000 ▁US ▁Doll ars . <2ca> ▁I ▁throw ▁a ▁game ▁or ▁two , ▁and ▁before ▁you ▁know ▁it , ▁the ▁g oug ing ▁starts ▁and ▁you ▁lose ▁your ▁sh irts . <2ca> ▁Single ▁mom , ▁troubled ▁teen age ▁son , ▁and ▁jud ging ▁from ▁that ▁pathetic ▁al im ony ▁check ▁I ▁found , <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁about ▁knowing ▁that ▁your - your ▁common ▁dec ency ▁and ▁integrity ▁are - are ▁more ▁important ▁than ▁winning ▁show ▁cho ir ▁compet itions . <2ca> ▁What ▁the ▁fuck ▁have ▁I ▁done ? <2ca> ▁La ▁Mass ana <2ca> ▁And ▁they ▁start ▁pushing ▁all ▁them ▁bodies ▁in ▁on ▁top ▁of ▁me . <2ca> ▁MAR CO : ▁Where ' s ▁my ▁family ? <2ca> ▁The ▁dec ryption ▁of ▁the ▁C RL ' s ▁( C ertific ate ▁Rev ocation ▁List ) ▁signature ▁failed . ▁This ▁means ▁it ▁could ▁not ▁even ▁be ▁calculated ▁as ▁opposed ▁to ▁just ▁not ▁matching ▁the ▁expected ▁result . <2ca> ▁Gran . ▁Mm . <2ca> ▁Send ▁me ▁the ▁report . <2ca> ▁Ring ▁bear - er ! <2ca> ▁Where ▁do ▁they ▁get ▁this ▁crap ? <2ca> ▁Yeah , ▁this ▁is ▁gonna ▁be ▁awesome . <2ca> ▁Set ▁to ▁true ▁if ▁each ▁virtual ▁desktop ▁should ▁get ▁its ▁own , ▁unique ▁Plasma ▁view . <2ca> ▁Am using ▁story . <2ca> ▁And ▁when ▁I ▁first ▁heard ▁that ▁thing ▁hit , ▁I ▁said ▁to ▁myself , ▁I ▁said , ▁" L ucky ," ▁I ▁said . <2ca> ▁If ▁a ▁end ▁date ▁is ▁set , ▁the ▁project ▁is ▁scheduled ▁backwards ▁from ▁this ▁time . ▁When ▁the ▁project ▁has ▁been ▁calculated , ▁start ▁time ▁shows ▁when ▁the ▁project ▁must ▁start ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁finish ▁in ▁time . <2ca> ▁There ▁he ▁is , ▁let ' s ▁make ▁it ▁fast ! <2ca> ▁And ▁to ▁do ▁that , ▁I ▁should ▁quit ▁wait ressing ▁at ▁The ▁Che es ec ake ▁Factory . ▁Wow ! <2ca> ▁No Up grade : <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁don ' t ▁obey ▁this ▁order , ▁the ▁Earl ▁will ▁never ▁give ▁you ▁an ▁arm ▁ring ! <2ca> ▁They ▁could ▁kill ▁you . ▁I ▁could ▁go ▁to ▁jail . <2ca> ▁- ▁Yes , ▁but ▁are ▁not . <2ca> ▁J ohan ▁winning ▁like ▁a ▁dark ▁horse , ▁that ▁was ▁beautiful . <2ca> ▁I ▁have ▁my ▁family ▁back . <2ca> ▁Date ▁< ▁= <2ca> ▁Run ▁k fm c lient ▁as ▁user ▁jim , ▁and ▁show ▁the ▁& ▁konqueror ; ▁icon ▁in ▁the ▁password ▁dialog : <2ca> ▁Do ▁you ▁think ▁I ' d ▁be ▁working ▁in ▁a ▁place ▁like ▁this ▁if ▁I ▁could ▁afford ▁a ▁real ▁snake ? <2ca> ▁What ▁is ▁it ▁that ▁is ▁strange ? <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁buy ▁you ▁a ▁Diet ▁C oke ? ▁Y ' know , ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁talking ▁to ▁a ▁buddy ▁of ▁mine ▁about ▁hook ing ▁you ▁up ▁with ▁a ▁job . <2ca> ▁I ▁bet ▁you ▁still ▁have ▁that ▁goddamn ▁gun . <2ca> ▁Their ▁bodies ▁would ▁be ▁brought ▁home ▁on ▁this ▁plane . <2ca> ▁And ▁apparently ▁dec lam ation . ▁V AN ES SA : <2ca> ▁The ▁singing ▁of ▁the ▁con greg ation ▁sounds ▁to ▁me ▁like ▁awful ▁how ling . ▁And ▁then ▁the ▁singing ▁stops , ▁the ▁past or ▁starts ▁to ▁how l . <2ca> ▁Right ▁there ▁whis pering ▁all ▁kinds ▁of ▁hate ful ▁stuff ▁in ▁my ▁ear , ▁encouraging ▁me ▁to ▁kill ▁vamp ers , ▁like ▁they ▁was ▁giving ▁me ▁some ▁kind ▁of ▁preg ame ▁p ep ▁talk . <2ca> ▁It ▁is ▁so ▁warm ▁and ▁sun ny . <2ca> ▁- ▁Oh , ▁so ▁it ' s ▁true . <2ca> ▁Your ▁nails , ▁you ▁can ' t ▁afford ▁to ▁do ▁them ▁that ▁often . <2ca> ▁A ▁good ▁leader ▁has ▁to ▁understand ▁the ▁people ▁that ▁are ▁under ▁him , ▁understand ▁their ▁needs ▁their ▁desires ▁or ▁how ▁they ▁think ▁a ▁little ▁bit . <2ca> ▁Schmid he iny ▁was ▁acqu itted ▁for ▁the ▁period ▁from ▁June ▁' 66 ▁to ▁' 76 ▁for ▁not ▁having ▁committed ▁the ▁crime . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁need ▁therapy . <2ca> ▁she ▁thought ▁that ▁he ▁would ▁really ▁see ▁her . <2ca> ▁It ▁will ▁prevent ▁h ango vers . <2ca> ▁Everything ▁is ▁going ▁extremely ▁well . <2ca> ▁Ah , ▁you ▁son ▁of ▁a ▁bitch ! <2ca> ▁So ▁I ' ll ▁tex ... ▁or ▁call ▁you ▁when ▁I ▁get ▁back ▁or ▁text ▁you , ▁whatever . <2ca> ▁The ▁environment ▁variables ▁KD ED IR ▁and ▁KD ED IR S ▁tell ▁& ▁kde ; ▁where ▁its ▁files ▁are ▁stored . ▁You ▁will ▁usually ▁only ▁need ▁to ▁set ▁KD ED IR ▁to ▁the ▁directory ▁in ▁which ▁& ▁kde ; ▁is ▁installed , ▁but ▁sometimes ▁you ▁might ▁have ▁other ▁& ▁kde ; ▁programs ▁installed ▁elsewhere : ▁in ▁this ▁case , ▁you ▁can ▁use ▁the ▁KD ED IR S ▁environment ▁variable . ▁Set ▁KD ED IR S ▁to ▁a ▁list ▁of ▁all ▁the ▁directories ▁containing ▁& ▁kde ; ▁programs , ▁separated ▁by ▁comm as . ▁For ▁example , ▁if ▁you ▁have ▁& ▁kde ; ▁programs ▁in ▁both ▁/ ▁us r / ▁local / ▁kde ▁and ▁/ ▁home / ▁ph il / ▁kde , ▁you ▁can ▁use ▁export ▁KD ED IR = / ▁us r / ▁local / ▁kde , ▁/ ▁home / ▁ph il / ▁kde ▁if ▁you ▁use ▁bash ▁or ▁set en v ▁KD ED IR = / ▁us r / ▁local / ▁kde , ▁/ ▁home / ▁ph il / ▁kde ▁if ▁you ▁use ▁sh . <2ca> ▁Aww ... ▁How ▁about ▁just ▁a ▁little ? <2ca> ▁I ▁understand ▁how ▁you ▁feel . ▁Hmm . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁my ▁best ▁man . <2ca> ▁Why , ▁you ▁ride , ▁Mr . ▁Moore ? <2ca> ▁It ▁st irs ▁up ▁and ▁dest abil izes ▁every ▁atom ▁in ▁his ▁body . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁leave ▁Wednesday . <2ca> ▁Two ▁years ▁ago , ▁J and ali ▁produced ▁an ▁album ▁called ▁“ E cho es ▁from ▁U gar it ,” ▁in ▁an ▁attempt ▁to ▁bring ▁back ▁to ▁life ▁Syria ’ s ▁forgotten ▁music . <2ca> ▁Is ▁Dad ▁still ▁AW OL ? <2ca> ▁ba ht <2ca> ▁- ▁That ' s ▁the ▁truth ? <2ca> ▁For g iveness , ▁you ▁say ? <2ca> ▁What ▁if ▁we ▁replaced ▁panels ▁A , ▁B ▁and ▁F ▁and ▁cross bar ▁H ▁with ▁aircraft - grade ▁al umin um ? <2ca> ▁If ▁he ▁gets ▁what ▁he ▁wants , ▁I ▁expect ▁he ' ll ▁be ▁a ▁better ▁rul er ▁than ▁the ▁fools ▁sitting ▁on ▁the ▁Iron ▁Throne ▁the ▁last ▁hundred ▁years . <2ca> ▁But ▁if ▁I ▁marry ▁Deep ak , <2ca> ▁It ▁might ▁give ▁people ▁silly ▁ideas . ▁And ▁anyway , ▁it ' s ▁ugly ▁to ▁look ▁at . <2ca> ▁One ▁taste ▁of ▁combat ▁was ▁enough ▁for ▁me , ▁Your ▁Grace . <2ca> ▁Download ing ▁file ▁%1 <2ca> ▁For ▁Mel ito , ▁Ca iv ano , ▁Ar z ano . <2ca> ▁She ▁let ▁me ▁save ▁you . <2ca> ▁Get ▁in ▁the ▁tower ▁with ▁Maggie . <2ca> ▁All ▁you ▁need ▁to ▁do ▁is ▁buy ▁your ▁way ▁into ▁the ▁August ▁House ▁with ▁a ▁few ▁sac hets ▁of ▁salt , ▁pieces ▁of ▁soap , ▁some ▁sugar ▁and ▁pled ges ▁to ▁your ▁local ▁church . <2ca> ▁Now , ▁my ▁gut ▁says , ▁and ▁I ' m ▁sure ▁you ' d ▁agree , ▁that ▁we ▁can ▁do ▁a ▁shift - le ft - t ogether ▁three - bit - z ero ▁fill ▁to ▁the ▁right , ▁which ▁is ▁faster ▁and ▁gives ▁the ▁same ▁result ▁on ▁the ▁accum ulator ▁on ▁the ▁18 6, <2ca> ▁By ▁the ▁city ▁hall . <2ca> ▁I ▁asked ▁you ▁who . <2ca> ▁– That ' s ▁grand . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁think ▁it ▁is . <2ca> ▁Location : <2ca> ▁We ▁can ' t ▁seem ▁to ▁stay ▁away ▁from ▁each ▁other , ▁can ▁we ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Don ' t ▁you ▁fucking ▁touch ▁me . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁enough , ▁Gu arne re ! <2ca> ▁Will ▁you ▁remember ? <2ca> ▁Then ▁the ▁shirt , ▁which ▁is ▁a ▁long ▁army ▁shirt ▁worn ▁in ▁India ▁and ▁Afghanistan . <2ca> ▁Those ▁of ▁you ▁who ▁will ▁stand ▁with ▁us , ▁we ▁welcome ▁you ▁as ▁brothers . <2ca> ▁G m ane ▁provides ▁a ▁us en et ▁front end ▁to ▁many ▁mailing ▁lists , ▁including ▁most ▁of ▁the ▁& ▁kde ; ▁lists , ▁so ▁you ▁can ▁read ▁them ▁with ▁& ▁kn ode ;. <2ca> ▁Maria ▁will ▁see ▁the ▁sense ▁of ▁it ▁when ▁you ▁show ▁her ▁the ▁Mont el up o ▁vine yard . <2ca> ▁Just ▁leave ▁us ▁alone ▁for ▁a ▁bit . <2ca> ▁She ' s ▁coming ▁with ▁us . ▁No , ▁she ▁is ▁not . <2ca> ▁Phot op ile <2ca> ▁When ▁the ▁Army ▁pac ifies ▁a ▁native ▁tribe , ▁they ▁take ▁the ▁children ▁away . <2ca> ▁Your ▁rem itt ance . <2ca> ▁We ▁often ▁publish ▁analyses ▁that ▁trans c end ▁conventional ▁editor ial ▁ag endas . <2ca> ▁Keller ▁Z abel ▁stock ▁is ▁getting ▁ham me red . <2ca> ▁That ▁bitch ▁is ▁always ▁walking ▁by ▁my ▁desk ▁asking ▁if ▁I ' m ▁" h aving ▁a ▁busy ▁day " ▁when ▁it ' s ▁obvious ▁she ▁doesn ' t ▁think ▁that ▁I ▁look ▁busy , ▁' cause ▁I ' m ▁not . <2ca> ▁I ▁got ▁absolutely ▁nothing . ▁Let ▁me ▁work ▁on ▁this . <2ca> ▁The ▁flowers , ▁you ▁know ? <2ca> ▁We ' ll ▁blow ▁up ▁if ▁we ▁stay ▁here . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁running ▁a ▁business . <2ca> ▁Yes , ▁I ▁have ▁thought ▁of , ▁But ▁it ▁is ▁unfortunately ▁not , <2ca> ▁He ▁didn ' t ▁inform ▁the ▁council ? <2ca> ▁I ▁was ▁contacted ▁by ▁a ▁woman ▁the ▁other ▁day . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁you ▁might . <2ca> ▁Cannot ▁write ▁%1 ▁media ▁using ▁%2. ▁Fall ing ▁back ▁to ▁default ▁application . <2ca> ▁Unt ie ▁me , ▁please ! <2ca> ▁Fall en ▁from ▁God <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁Elena . <2ca> ▁Poland - based ▁L J ▁user ▁And rei ▁Kar at kev ich ▁en umer ated ▁four ▁just ifications ▁for ▁Baron ova ’ s ▁sc and alous ▁word ▁choice : <2ca> ▁Understand ? ▁- ▁Hol st ! <2ca> ▁And ▁the ▁single ▁greatest ▁imped iment ▁to ▁peace . <2ca> ▁I ▁love ▁ste ak ! <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁a ▁genuine ▁relief ▁to ▁the ▁whole ▁con greg ation ▁when ▁the ▁orde al ▁was ▁over ▁and ▁the ▁ben ed iction ▁pron ounced . <2ca> ▁- It ' s ▁for ▁you . <2ca> ▁Hey , ▁stop ▁it . <2ca> ▁Image ▁by ▁Nancy ▁S ies el . <2ca> ▁Tim ▁re illy ▁would ▁have ▁seen ▁it ▁if ▁he ' d ▁looked ▁down ▁from ▁the ▁k ite . <2ca> ▁- ▁He ' s ▁right ▁there . <2ca> ▁We ▁had ▁that ▁in ▁common . <2ca> ▁Ass hole . ▁_ <2ca> ▁He ▁was ▁b itten ▁by ▁his ▁neighbor ' s ▁dog , ▁leading ▁to ▁his ▁first ▁scientific ▁break through -- ▁the ▁do gg ie ▁death - ray . <2ca> ▁♪ ▁Gonna ▁resolve ▁some ▁conflicts <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ' m ▁going , ▁whether ▁I ▁spo il ▁their ▁fun ▁or ▁not . <2ca> ▁Like ▁I ▁had ▁slaughtered ▁some ▁great ▁beast ▁whose ▁like ▁we ▁shall ▁never ▁see ▁again . <2ca> ▁Right ▁now ▁this ▁guy ▁Walker ' s ▁in ▁the ▁wind , ▁so ▁we ▁gotta ▁look ▁at ▁him ▁from ▁every ▁angle , ▁see ▁if ▁we ▁can ▁figure ▁out ▁his ▁next ▁move . <2ca> ▁All ▁these ▁years ▁I ' ve ▁kept ▁it ▁from ▁her ▁and ▁she ▁must ▁never ▁find ▁out . <2ca> ▁A ▁Z ec ch in etta ▁everyone ▁wanted ▁much . <2ca> ▁Ten ▁times ▁as ▁big . ▁Ex ecution ▁chambers , ▁ov ens . <2ca> ▁Because ▁the ... <2ca> ▁Failed ▁to ▁fetch ▁the ▁collection . <2ca> ▁Na uls , ▁will ▁you ▁turn ▁that ▁crap ▁down ? <2ca> ▁New ▁Game <2ca> ▁Those ▁of ▁us ▁who ▁have ▁recently ▁died ▁have ▁been ▁brought ▁back ▁to ▁life ▁by ▁the ▁hand ▁of ▁one ▁person ▁here . <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁his ▁first ▁impression ▁of ▁Park es . <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁read ▁it , ▁sign ▁it ! <2ca> ▁My ▁bloody ▁honor ▁is ▁beyond ▁repair , ▁but ▁my ▁answer ▁is ▁still ▁no . ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁C aster ly ▁Rock . <2ca> ▁We ▁don ' t ▁know ▁how ▁many ▁more ▁are ▁on ▁the ▁inside . <2ca> ▁- ▁We ' ve ▁gotta ▁find ▁her . <2ca> ▁The ▁unsub ▁went ▁through ▁the ▁back , ▁right ? <2ca> ▁♪ ▁All ▁black ▁and ▁brown ▁and ▁covered ▁in ▁hair ▁♪ <2ca> ▁What ... ▁chocolate ? ▁! <2ca> ▁Blood ▁is ▁everything ▁to ▁us . <2ca> ▁But ▁I ▁have , ▁uh , ▁two ▁conditions . <2ca> ▁11 00 ? <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁pin ch ▁the ▁ro ver ▁man ' s ▁hat . <2ca> ▁Insert ▁bullets ▁where ▁the ▁user ▁must ▁input ▁data . <2ca> ▁And ▁the ▁moon ▁became ▁as ▁blood . <2ca> ▁- ▁Now ▁how ▁the ▁fuck ▁do ▁C yrus ? <2ca> ▁Documentation ▁copyright ▁2000 ▁& ▁Morgan . ▁N . ▁Sand qu ist ; ▁& ▁Morgan . ▁N . ▁Sand qu ist . ▁mail ; <2ca> ▁You ▁told ▁commission er ▁N ud oc er do ▁that ▁you ▁might ▁be ▁dealing ▁with ▁a ▁cop yc at , ▁Another ▁ar cher , ▁which ▁makes ▁me ▁your ▁best ▁bet ▁to ▁take ▁him ▁down . <2ca> ▁Are ▁you ▁set ▁on ▁people ▁laughing ▁with ▁you ? <2ca> ▁I ▁have ▁a ▁rend ez vous ▁with ▁death . ▁Oh , ▁and ▁so ▁does ▁the ▁president . <2ca> ▁Th ir teen ▁piles . ▁Deal ▁three ▁cards ▁face ▁down ▁and ▁one ▁card ▁face ▁up ▁on ▁every ▁pile . <2ca> ▁And ▁che ers ▁for ▁M uss ol ini , ▁They ▁arrested ▁him ▁yesterday , <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁don ' t ▁use ▁it , ▁everyone ▁else ▁will ▁suff ocate . <2ca> ▁And ▁I ' m ▁asking , ▁what ' s ▁the ▁motherf uck in ' ▁plan , ▁boyfriend ? <2ca> ▁And ▁I ▁can ' t ▁really ▁say : <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁mother , ▁I ▁can ▁fly ! <2ca> ▁All ▁my ▁life ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁hearing , ▁" Ja ime ▁Lannister , ▁what ▁a ▁brilliant ▁sw ords man ." <2ca> ▁Take ▁off ▁that ▁stupid , ▁fucking ▁shirt ▁right ▁now . <2ca> ▁Storm ed ▁the ▁gates ▁with ▁thousands ▁of ▁men . <2ca> ▁You ▁dirty ▁mouth ! <2ca> ▁Empty ▁room . <2ca> ▁I ▁command ▁it ! <2ca> ▁Bookmarks ▁New ▁Bookmark ▁Folder ... <2ca> ▁what ▁cannot ▁prevail ▁is ▁the ▁belief ▁that ▁other ▁powers ▁can ▁assume ▁certain ▁fac ulties ▁that ▁are ▁not ▁theirs ▁just ▁because ▁the ▁constitution ▁grants ▁them ▁to ▁the ▁state ▁of ▁Spain ; ▁the ▁pardon ▁is ▁not ▁a ▁right ▁of ▁the ▁jud iciary ▁but ▁a ▁fac ulty ▁of ▁the ▁executive ▁power . <2ca> ▁A ▁letter ▁from ▁Him m ler . <2ca> ▁My ▁son ' s ▁fianc ée ▁is ▁about ▁to ▁get ▁served ... ▁some ▁delicious ▁sc r amb led ▁eggs . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁need ▁trust ▁any ▁longer . <2ca> ▁They ' ll ▁help ▁you . <2ca> ▁Transl ator ' s ▁email <2ca> ▁" t ru cker , ph ys ician , anti qu ities ▁dealer , store ▁owner , order ly ... ▁" ▁wait . <2ca> ▁And ▁I ' m ▁sure ▁I ▁don ' t ▁need ▁to ▁explain ▁the ▁significance ▁of ▁this ▁day . <2ca> ▁T ima ▁only ▁had ▁money ▁to ▁spons or ▁one ▁brother ▁at ▁a ▁time . <2ca> ▁Here ▁we ▁are , ▁alone ▁together ▁what ▁matter ▁whether ▁we ▁w ande red ▁far ? <2ca> ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁tell ▁you ▁first , ▁man - to - man ▁rather ▁than ▁go ▁behind ▁your ▁back . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁thanks ▁for ▁being ▁here ▁with ▁me ▁now . <2ca> ▁Pret ending ▁you ▁weren ' t ▁the ▁Doctor , ▁when ▁you ▁were ▁the ▁Doctor ▁more ▁than ▁anybody ▁else . <2ca> ▁Today ▁we ▁must ▁do ▁something ▁extraordinary . <2ca> ▁Once ▁you ▁hit ▁the ▁road , ▁I ' m ▁sure ▁you ▁can ▁catch ▁a ▁ride ▁to ▁the ▁hospital . <2ca> ▁10 ▁seconds ▁forward <2ca> ▁US S ▁Enterprise . <2ca> ▁You ▁stick ▁elect rod es ▁in ▁a ▁rat ' s ▁brain , ▁give ▁him ▁an ▁org asm ▁button , ▁he ' ll ▁push ▁that ▁thing ▁until ▁he ▁star ves ▁to ▁death . <2ca> ▁Come ▁on , ▁get ▁your ▁stuff ▁and ▁let ' s ▁get ▁out ▁of ▁here . <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁send ▁a ▁note ▁to ▁the ▁cash ier <2ca> ▁Gay ▁El vis ? <2ca> ▁Please ▁choose ▁what ▁you ▁wish ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁the ▁above ▁changes <2ca> ▁Now ▁you ' re ▁proud ? <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁fucking ▁told ▁Jenn ? <2ca> ▁Thank ▁God . <2ca> ▁They ▁can ▁justify ▁it ▁by ▁saying ▁it ▁was ▁a ▁military ▁vehicle . <2ca> ▁H ers hel : ▁Here . <2ca> ▁I ▁haven ' t ▁completed ▁my ▁calculations . <2ca> ▁Sorry ▁it ▁takes ▁so ▁long ▁with ▁the ▁det ectives . <2ca> ▁If ▁we ▁want ▁information ▁from ▁him , ▁we ▁have ▁to ▁handle ▁him ▁carefully . <2ca> ▁If ▁your ▁lawyer ▁make ▁a ▁contribution ? <2ca> ▁[ ▁Police ▁radio ▁chat ter ▁] ▁And ▁get ▁eyes ▁on ▁his ▁car . <2ca> ▁I ▁got ▁n , ▁boss . <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁left ▁there . <2ca> ▁And ▁every ▁day ▁my ▁eye ▁is ▁filled ▁with ▁beauty ▁of ▁ta iga . <2ca> ▁- ▁As ▁German ▁I G ▁Far ben ▁control , <2ca> ▁But ▁the ▁bitter ▁truth ▁is ▁if ▁we ▁stand ▁against ▁V ort gy n , ▁many ▁more ▁will ▁die . <2ca> ▁An ▁effective ▁way ▁of ▁stopping ▁any ▁of ▁you ▁from ▁hurting ▁any ▁of ▁us . <2ca> ▁So ▁what ▁are ▁we ▁going ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁this ▁snake ▁in ▁the ▁grass ? <2ca> ▁Not ▁our ▁guy . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁my ▁partner . <2ca> ▁Uh , ▁dar rin ▁call . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁an ▁awful ▁lot ▁of ▁security ▁for ▁a ▁tit chy ▁sp ac ec raft ... <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁a ▁disaster ▁for ▁the ▁company . <2ca> ▁Black ▁boy ▁paid ▁to ▁kill ▁white ▁men ? ▁How ' d ▁you ▁like ▁that ▁line ▁of ▁work ? <2ca> ▁In ▁this ▁case , ▁we ' re ▁looking ▁for ▁the ▁apple . <2ca> ▁Ju ani . <2ca> ▁So , ▁why ▁hit ▁her ? <2ca> ▁Why ▁are ▁n ' t ▁the ▁changes ▁I ▁am ▁making ▁to ▁scheduled ▁tasks ▁and / ▁or ▁environment ▁variables ▁taking ▁effect ? <2ca> ▁This ▁data : ▁44 % ▁for ▁European ▁Union ; ▁33 % ▁for ▁Custom ▁Union . <2ca> ▁- ▁Since ▁you ' ll ▁be ▁my ▁dog ... ▁your ▁new ▁name ▁will ▁be ▁Sp ot . <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁stay ▁a ▁while . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁their ▁King . ▁- ▁Mm - hmm . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁a ▁good ▁mother . <2ca> ▁The ▁worst ▁part ▁is ▁that ▁your ▁son ▁grew ▁up ▁without ▁his ▁father . <2ca> ▁- ▁Aw , ▁yeah , ▁you ' re ▁bl uff ing , ▁Murray . <2ca> ▁Been ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁house ▁for ▁30 ▁years . <2ca> ▁Do ▁another ▁one , ▁do ▁another ▁one ! <2ca> ▁cub ic ▁z ett am eter ; ▁cub ic ▁z ett ameters ; ▁Z m 3; ▁Z m / ▁- 3; ▁Z m ^ 3; ▁Z m 3 <2ca> ▁His ▁lungs ▁have ▁been ▁removed . <2ca> ▁In ▁Chicago ▁offering ▁me ▁a ▁research ▁position . <2ca> ▁You ▁try ▁that ▁hot ▁dish ? <2ca> ▁In ▁this ▁exercise ▁you ▁have ▁to ▁factor ize ▁a ▁given ▁number ▁into ▁its ▁prime ▁factors . ▁You ▁have ▁to ▁enter ▁all ▁prime ▁factors ▁of ▁the ▁number . <2ca> ▁– ▁Res idents ▁are ▁not ... <2ca> ▁He ▁wrote ▁" The ▁Three ▁Mus k ete ers ". <2ca> ▁Three - quarters ▁of ▁all ▁cases ▁in ▁Trinidad ▁and ▁Tob ago ' s ▁lower ▁courts ▁involve ▁mar ijuana ▁possession . <2ca> ▁I ▁pledge ▁my ▁life ▁and ▁honor ▁to ▁the ▁Night ' s ▁Watch , ▁for ▁this ▁night ▁and ▁all ▁nights ▁to ▁come ." ▁When ▁the ▁sun ▁ris es ▁in ▁the ▁west ▁and ▁sets ▁in ▁the ▁east ... ▁Then ▁you ▁shall ▁return ▁to ▁me , ▁my ▁sun ▁and ▁stars . <2ca> ▁- ▁l ce y , ▁I ' m ▁worried ▁about ▁Will a . ▁- ▁How ▁do ▁you ▁mean ? <2ca> ▁He ▁tells ▁the ▁people ▁that ▁it ▁was ▁paid ▁for ▁by ▁us ury . <2ca> ▁But ▁it ▁was ▁someone ▁from ▁the ▁hospital ▁that ▁called ▁it ▁wasn ' t ▁him <2ca> ▁Aut om ake ▁Build er <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁she ▁left ▁everything ? <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁let ▁the ▁sheriff ▁know ▁that ▁you ' re ▁here . <2ca> ▁H air ▁and ▁make - up ▁and ▁ward robe ▁people , ▁producers , ▁writ ers , ▁my ▁agent , ▁my ▁manager , ▁public ist . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁sorry ▁your ▁friends ▁died . <2ca> ▁Black ▁as ▁coal . <2ca> ▁Thank ▁God ▁for ▁that ▁hydrogen , ▁eh ? <2ca> ▁He ▁put ▁his ▁life ▁at ▁risk ▁in ▁there <2ca> ▁They ▁were ▁dec imated ▁during ▁the ▁battle , ▁I ▁take ▁responsibility ▁for ▁them . <2ca> ▁Install Not C urrent <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁talking ▁about ▁people ▁who ▁can ▁sl ice ▁your ▁head ▁open ▁with ▁their ▁finger ... <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁first ▁discover ▁his ▁identity . <2ca> ▁So ▁you ▁made ▁a ▁sacred ▁vow ▁to ▁the ▁enemy . <2ca> ▁As ▁long ▁as ▁it ▁doesn ' t ▁put ▁you ▁in ▁danger . ▁You ▁know ? <2ca> ▁Rep l acement . ▁I ▁Company . <2ca> ▁Half ▁of ▁it ' s ▁paste , ▁but ▁goddamn ▁half ▁of ▁it ' s ▁good . <2ca> ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁make ▁a ▁statement . <2ca> ▁Cr ash ! ▁Quick ▁as ▁lightning ▁the ▁half bre ed ▁spr ang ▁for ▁a ▁window , ▁tore ▁his ▁way ▁through ▁all ▁opp os ers , ▁and ▁was ▁gone ! <2ca> ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁doing ? <2ca> ▁Thought ▁I ▁had ▁another ▁day . <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁by ▁the ▁way , ▁there ▁was ▁an ▁old ▁man ▁looking ▁for ▁you . <2ca> ▁Jim ▁always ▁loved ▁being ▁in ▁the ▁studio , <2ca> ▁What ▁a ▁girl ▁too ? <2ca> ▁You ▁got ▁a ▁damn ▁mouth ▁on ▁you , ▁you ▁know ▁that ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Cons u elo ? <2ca> ▁Well , ▁one ' s ▁over ▁in ▁that ▁field . <2ca> ▁W ives ▁w ither . ▁Children ▁perish . ▁But ▁me ? <2ca> ▁Export ▁Application ▁Tags <2ca> ▁Me ▁as ▁a ▁person ▁or ▁as ▁the ▁head ▁of ▁an ▁investigation ? <2ca> ▁Shoot ▁it ▁off ! <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁just ▁trying ▁to ▁swing ▁her ▁over ▁to ▁our ▁side , ▁you ▁know , ▁teach ▁her ▁democracy , <2ca> ▁Hom eland ▁Security ▁been ▁notified ? <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁Th ib ode aux ▁Field , ▁right ? <2ca> ▁E ald orm an ▁Wer fer th : ▁And ▁who ▁are ▁we ▁to ▁deliver ▁into ▁their ▁tender ▁care ? <2ca> ▁God ▁save ▁England . <2ca> ▁When ▁we ▁oppose ▁rep ressive ▁relationships ▁between ▁women ▁and ▁men , ▁we ▁also ▁opp oses ▁militar ism , ▁rac ism , ▁capital ism ... <2ca> ▁They ▁will ▁be ▁here ▁soon . <2ca> ▁- ▁No . <2ca> ▁Other <2ca> ▁Invalid ▁data ▁from ▁track er <2ca> ▁I ▁know ▁I ' m ▁just ▁a ▁stranger ▁on ▁a ▁train ▁who ▁you ▁tried ▁to ▁bite , ▁but ... ▁do ▁you ▁want ▁a ▁hug ? <2ca> ▁Yeah , ▁this ▁is ▁car ▁31 0 8. <2ca> ▁The ▁German ▁Afrik akor ps ▁has ▁surrendered . <2ca> ▁And ▁a ▁truck ▁found ▁in ▁S öd ert äl je . <2ca> ▁- ▁If ▁we ▁wait , ▁the ▁girl ▁is ▁dead . <2ca> ▁- ▁hey , ▁man . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁right ▁time ▁and ▁I ▁will ▁risk ▁everything . <2ca> ▁You ▁found ▁Rory ? <2ca> ▁Year ly ▁Budget <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁really ▁need ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁you . <2ca> ▁Ast roc al cul ator <2ca> ▁We ▁have ▁to ▁find ▁Van ▁Meer ▁first <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁say ▁you ▁had ▁a ▁wonderful ▁night ▁with ▁a ▁girl , ▁but ▁now ▁she ' s ▁turning ▁into ▁a ▁bit ▁of ▁a ▁morning - after ▁pill . <2ca> ▁No , ▁just ▁someone ▁I ▁know . <2ca> ▁What ▁kind ▁of ▁change ? <2ca> ▁& ▁Help <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁got ▁a ▁small ▁army ▁with ▁him ▁and ▁he ' s ▁not ▁gonna ▁think ▁twice ▁about ▁killing ▁you ▁or ▁me ▁or ▁anyone ▁else ▁who ▁gets ▁in ▁his ▁way . <2ca> ▁And ▁if ▁he ▁hit ▁that ▁d ime ▁only ▁on ▁the ▁edge ▁he ▁would ▁set ▁down ▁and ▁cry -- and ▁curse . <2ca> ▁YOU ▁KNOW , ▁I ▁DON ' T ▁KNOW ▁WHAT ▁THE ▁VOL T ' S ▁GON NA ▁BE ▁LIKE . <2ca> ▁At ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁day ▁you ' re ▁another ▁day ▁c older <2ca> ▁Uh - uh , ▁back ▁it ▁up . <2ca> ▁He ▁should ▁be ▁che ering ▁right ▁now . ▁Looks ▁like ▁he ▁ate ▁a ▁bad ▁oy ster . <2ca> ▁How ▁are ▁you ▁two ? <2ca> ▁You ▁can ▁simply ▁edit ▁a ▁file ▁by ▁double - c lic king ▁on ▁it ▁or ▁selecting ▁it ▁and ▁pressing ▁& ▁Enter ;. ▁This ▁starts ▁the ▁default ▁application ▁that ▁hand les ▁that ▁file ▁type ▁( the ▁default ▁application ▁for ▁each ▁file ▁type ▁is ▁a ▁& ▁kde ; ▁wide ▁setting ). ▁If ▁the ▁default ▁application ▁is ▁not ▁the ▁one ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁use , ▁you ▁can ▁right ▁click ▁the ▁file ▁and ▁choose ▁the ▁Edit ▁With ▁sub menu , ▁and ▁select ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁other ▁applications ▁that ▁handle ▁that ▁file ▁type . <2ca> ▁Because ▁I ▁would ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁be ▁found ▁again ▁in ▁a ▁bad ▁situation . <2ca> ▁But ▁how ▁do ▁you ▁know ▁where ▁' A p ollo ▁1 ▁1 ▁' ▁is ? ▁Computer . <2ca> ▁He ▁had ▁c aches ▁of ▁wild fire ▁hidden ▁under ▁the ▁Red ▁Keep , ▁the ▁Gu ild hall s , ▁the ▁Sept ▁of ▁Ba elor , ▁all ▁the ▁major ▁thorough fa res . <2ca> ▁The ▁machines ▁served ▁men , ▁and ▁my ▁people ▁were ▁happy . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁willing ▁to ▁bar ter . <2ca> ▁The ▁forest ▁must ▁be ▁cleared . <2ca> ▁I ▁was ▁afraid ▁that ▁I ▁would ▁never ▁see ▁them ▁again . <2ca> ▁The ▁big ▁eyes ▁told ▁Tom ▁his ▁bl under ▁and ▁he ▁stopped , ▁confused . <2ca> ▁Ross , ▁Campbell , ▁Ste ad all , ▁Per r ino , ▁Dan vers ... <2ca> ▁Install ▁card ▁themes ... <2ca> ▁- ▁Yeah . <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁not ▁asking ▁for ▁a ▁judgment ▁of ▁G ide on . <2ca> ▁My ▁pendant ▁is ▁in ▁one ▁of ▁these ▁displays . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁going ▁to ▁Dor ne . <2ca> ▁Yes , ▁animal ▁rights . <2ca> ▁Look ▁at ▁them , ▁Becky . <2ca> ▁She ▁needs ▁someone ▁looking ▁after ▁her . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁why ▁I ' m ▁not ▁going ▁to ▁let ▁Riley ▁lose ▁his ▁greatest ▁gift ▁he ▁knew ▁he ▁had . <2ca> ▁select ▁the ▁size ▁of ▁a ▁& ▁kons ole ; ▁window , ▁fonts , ▁color ▁schemes , ▁and ▁key ▁ma pping <2ca> ▁And ▁I ' d ▁miss ▁out ▁on ▁New ▁York ▁in ▁August . <2ca> ▁J í ni ' th ▁vos ▁eo . <2ca> ▁- ▁Stay ▁low ! <2ca> ▁My ▁father ▁was ▁a ▁drunk . <2ca> ▁The ▁remains ▁of ▁j ames ▁ra ym ond ▁cort . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁like ▁the ▁look ▁of ▁this . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ' ll ▁forgive ▁me ▁for ▁taking ▁precautions . <2ca> ▁The ▁people ▁in ▁the ▁castle ▁don ' t ▁matter ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁Of ▁all ▁people , ▁why ▁Van ▁Meer ? <2ca> ▁Good . ▁I ▁stopped ▁before ▁you ▁low ered ▁your ▁hands . ▁You ▁shouldn ' t ▁have . <2ca> ▁Come ▁with ▁me ▁! <2ca> ▁Cher ish ▁is ▁missing . <2ca> ▁Remove ▁cards ▁in ▁pairs ▁that ▁add ▁up ▁to ▁thir teen ▁with ▁A ces ▁being ▁one , ▁Jack s ▁being ▁ele ven , ▁and ▁Que ens ▁being ▁twelve . ▁Kings ▁are ▁removed ▁sing ly . <2ca> ▁¶ ▁I ▁see ▁you ▁girls ▁checking ▁out ▁the ▁front ▁of ▁my ▁tr un ks ▁¶ <2ca> ▁It ’ s ▁especially ▁po ignant ▁for ▁Iceland ers . <2ca> ▁Empty ▁ch airs ▁at ▁empty ▁tables <2ca> ▁If ▁we ▁lose ▁the ▁Pap al ▁account , ▁we ▁could ▁survive . <2ca> ▁Come ▁on , ▁Sheldon . <2ca> ▁Mod ify ▁Rem aining ▁Eff ort <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁an ▁histor ian , ▁and ▁I ▁am ▁part ▁of ▁history . <2ca> ▁Check ▁to ▁be ▁warned ▁when ▁sending ▁un enc rypt ed ▁messages . <2ca> ▁- ▁Stockholm ▁police . <2ca> ▁You ▁must ▁watch , ▁for ▁his ▁sake . <2ca> ▁While ▁I ▁sit ▁by ▁myself ▁in ▁the ▁van . <2ca> ▁Do ▁not ▁play ▁with ▁me . <2ca> ▁- How ▁have ▁you ▁guys ▁met ▁each ▁other ? <2ca> ▁Call ▁Cla udio . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁how ▁the ▁devil ▁am ▁I ▁supposed ▁to ▁know ▁this ▁is ▁a ▁star ship , ▁Captain ? <2ca> ▁To ▁our ▁new ▁home . <2ca> ▁Tom ▁present ly ▁began ▁to ▁drift ▁ins ens ibly ▁back ▁into ▁the ▁concerns ▁of ▁this ▁life ▁again . <2ca> ▁Color ▁for ▁black list ed ▁sources <2ca> ▁Long ▁live ▁Chile , ▁long ▁live ▁the ▁people ! <2ca> ▁On ▁the ▁surface , ▁this ▁looks ▁like ▁any ▁family , ▁U . S . A . ▁2 ▁parent ▁household , ▁2 ▁kids , ▁boy ▁and ▁a ▁girl . ▁If ▁you ▁look ▁a ▁little ▁closer ▁you ' ll ▁see ▁their ▁body ▁language ▁tells ▁a ▁different ▁story . <2ca> ▁My ▁dear , ▁this ▁is ▁a ▁surprise . <2ca> ▁Really ? <2ca> ▁Until ▁the ▁day ▁of ▁the ▁verdict ' s ▁announcement , ▁the ▁Swedish ▁government ▁had ▁been ▁fairly ▁silent ▁on ▁the ▁case . <2ca> ▁I ▁have ▁my ▁own ▁car ▁and ▁I ' m ▁in ▁no ▁rush . <2ca> ▁He ▁asked ▁her ▁why ▁she ▁was ▁coming ▁here ▁and ▁about ▁us . <2ca> ▁I ▁get ▁her ▁up ▁to ▁the ▁roof ▁and ▁the ▁roof ▁takes ▁care ▁of ▁the ▁rest . <2ca> ▁Car ried ▁his ▁messages ▁and ▁returned ▁the ▁replies . <2ca> ▁- ▁Ro ach ... <2ca> ▁Others ▁felt ▁that ▁introducing ▁a ▁more ▁personal ▁element ▁into ▁our ▁stories ▁could ▁enhance ▁our ▁reporting . <2ca> ▁But ▁there ' s ▁a ▁pattern ▁out ▁there , ▁like ... ▁like ▁us ▁meeting . <2ca> ▁How ▁would ▁you ▁deton ate ? <2ca> ▁- ▁There ' s ▁nothing ▁to ▁be ▁done . <2ca> ▁- ▁Yeah , ▁all ▁right , ▁look ... <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁ok , ▁Captain . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁got ▁fish - h ooks ▁for ▁toes . <2ca> ▁T ried ▁to ▁rob ▁a ▁conven ience ▁store , ▁gave ▁up ▁soon ▁as ▁I ▁pulled ▁in . <2ca> ▁I ▁hope ▁from ▁the ▁bottom ▁of ▁my ▁heart ▁that ▁one ▁day ▁someone ▁treat s ▁you ▁the ▁same ▁way ▁you ▁treat ▁your ▁patients , ▁and ▁that ▁you ▁too ▁will ▁have ▁no ▁way ▁of ▁defending ▁yourself . <2ca> ▁Here ▁is ▁a ▁glorious ▁beginning ▁to ▁your ▁lives . <2ca> ▁I ▁remembered ▁how ▁I ▁always ▁used ▁to ▁listen ▁to ▁the ▁two ▁of ▁you ▁making ▁love ▁as ▁a ▁child . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁why ▁I ▁don ' t ▁call ▁it ▁Development al ▁B elo ▁Monte . <2ca> ▁Egg ▁breaks . <2ca> ▁Jama ican ▁Parliament ▁should ▁stand ▁in ▁st ony ▁silence ▁as ▁David ▁Cameron ▁enters ... no ▁cla pping , ▁no ▁che ers . ▁ ‪ # ▁Rep ar ations ‬ <2ca> ▁Mouse ▁Battery <2ca> ▁The ▁only ▁judgment ▁on ▁me ▁I ▁care ▁about ▁is ▁whether ▁you ▁two ▁are ▁still ▁breathing . <2ca> ▁Guess ▁that ▁means ▁one ▁of ▁us ▁is ▁in ▁the ▁wrong ▁drop ▁zone , ▁sir ? <2ca> ▁& ▁La uri . ▁Wat ts ; ▁& ▁La uri . ▁Wat ts . ▁mail ; <2ca> ▁Yeah , ▁it ▁can ' t ▁be ▁today . <2ca> ▁I ▁just ▁need ▁time ▁away ▁from ▁this . <2ca> ▁However , ▁a ▁strange ▁phenomenon ▁occurred . <2ca> ▁Next <2ca> ▁In ▁defense ▁of ▁Bolivia ’ s ▁limited ▁ab ortion ▁rights , ▁the ▁ruling ▁adop ts ▁an ▁And ean - cent ric ▁vision ▁of ▁human ▁life ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁a ▁cos mic ▁cycle , ▁without ▁beginning ▁or ▁end , ▁which ▁is ▁constitution ally ▁protected . <2ca> ▁- ▁An ▁eight h ▁pizza . <2ca> ▁Sub st ract ▁from ▁memory <2ca> ▁She ' s ▁on ▁a ▁boat ? <2ca> ▁It ▁comes ▁from ▁the ▁Z uni ▁word , ▁ap ach u ▁: <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁lie ▁to ▁me , ▁Dan . <2ca> ▁Lt . ▁F ole y , ▁2 nd ▁Pl ato on ▁lost ▁more ▁guys ▁than ▁we ▁did . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁a ▁local ▁man . <2ca> ▁We ▁are ▁absolutely ▁guaranteed ▁to ▁lose ▁the ▁whole ▁thing ! <2ca> ▁Alb izzi ▁had ▁him ▁arrested ▁for ▁corruption , ▁because ▁you ▁b ribed ▁him . <2ca> ▁I ▁should ▁rub ▁it ▁for ▁you ? <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁need ▁luck . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁has ▁a ▁Br ief case ▁full ▁of ▁Money . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁not ▁going ▁well ▁at ▁all . <2ca> ▁M AL C OL M : <2ca> ▁T ED : ▁What ▁followed ▁was ▁a ▁long ▁day ▁and ▁a ▁half ▁for ▁Lily . <2ca> ▁Whatever ▁he ▁wants ▁from ▁me , ▁he ' s ▁not ▁going ▁to ▁get ▁it . <2ca> ▁I ▁mean , ▁you ▁can ▁hold ▁your ▁head ▁up ▁high . <2ca> ▁But ▁maybe ▁they ▁won ' t . <2ca> ▁Meaning , ▁they ▁all ▁left ▁you ▁equally ▁unhappy . <2ca> ▁Small ▁budget , ▁many ▁am ateur ▁actors , ▁shot ▁in ▁Super ▁16 ▁mm , ▁yet ▁the ▁magic ▁is ▁there , ▁these ▁incredible ▁characters ▁simply ▁carrying ▁us ▁away . <2ca> ▁Pet yr ▁had ▁three ▁cr ates ▁brought ▁all ▁the ▁way ▁from ▁King ' s ▁Land ing . <2ca> ▁Back ▁together ▁with ▁my ▁family , ▁after ▁my ▁terrif ying ▁orde al . <2ca> ▁Okay , ▁guys , ▁we ' re ▁wra pping ▁it ▁up . <2ca> ▁Has ▁the ▁path ogen ▁been ▁identified ? <2ca> ▁San ▁Francisco ▁Got era <2ca> ▁Anyway , ▁Mr . ▁Lu ce , ▁whatever . ▁You ▁know ▁there ' s ▁others ▁like ▁us ▁out ▁there , ▁too . <2ca> ▁You ▁say ▁you ▁stopped ▁him ▁driving ▁Lester ' s ▁car . <2ca> ▁Miss ▁Fort en berry , ▁Miss ▁B ode house . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁a ▁big ▁celebr ity ▁in ▁the ▁second ▁grade . <2ca> ▁The ▁real ▁secret ▁is ▁what ▁goes ▁on ▁within ▁these ▁walls . <2ca> ▁You ▁should ▁give ▁me ▁the ▁re ins . ▁I ' m ▁a ▁better ▁r ider ▁than ▁you . <2ca> ▁One ▁of ▁each ▁will ▁do . <2ca> ▁There ' s ▁honor ▁in ▁being ▁a ▁ste ward . <2ca> ▁In ▁English , ▁try ▁to ▁guess ▁the ▁vow els ▁first . ▁Then ▁have ▁a ▁go ▁with ▁the ▁most ▁common ▁cons on ants : ▁l , ▁t , ▁r , ▁n , ▁s <2ca> ▁Daisy , ▁I ' m ▁gonna ▁take ▁better ▁care ▁of ▁you ▁from ▁now ▁on . <2ca> ▁How ▁much ▁you ▁got ▁left , ▁sweet ▁che eks ? <2ca> ▁The ▁first ▁thing ▁we ▁do ▁is ▁track ▁the ▁shot ▁because ▁we ▁need ▁the ▁3 D ▁elements ▁to ▁move ▁precisely ▁with ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁footage . ▁The ▁people ▁weren ' t ▁just ▁holding . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁reasonable . <2ca> ▁Forgive ▁us . We ▁were ▁just ▁review ing ▁the ▁cases ▁at ▁hand . <2ca> ▁Search , ▁search . <2ca> ▁Hello ▁In gr id . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁thinking . ▁- ▁What ▁did ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁do ▁that ▁for ? <2ca> ▁No - one ▁in ▁particular ... <2ca> ▁The ▁men ▁will ▁bleed ▁out ▁there ▁and ▁you ▁will ▁bleed ▁in ▁here . <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁use ▁a ▁window , ▁it ▁must ▁be ▁active . ▁A ▁window ▁automatically ▁becomes ▁active ▁when ▁you ▁open ▁it , ▁so ▁that ▁the ▁application ▁you ▁opened ▁is ▁immediately ▁ready ▁to ▁use . ▁Only ▁one ▁window ▁can ▁be ▁active ▁at ▁a ▁time . ▁The ▁active ▁window ▁is ▁the ▁one ▁into ▁which ▁you ▁can ▁type , ▁and ▁can ▁be ▁distinguished ▁from ▁the ▁others ▁because ▁it ▁has ▁a ▁different ▁col ored ▁title bar . ▁( With ▁the ▁& ▁kde ; ▁default ▁theme , ▁the ▁active ▁window ▁has ▁a ▁light ▁blue ▁title bar , ▁and ▁the ▁in active ▁windows ▁have ▁gray ▁title bars .) <2ca> ▁She ' s ▁on ▁the ▁island ▁of ▁Manhattan . <2ca> ▁Yes , ▁this ▁project ▁could ▁save ▁lives , ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁them . <2ca> ▁This ▁is ▁worse ▁than ▁I ▁thought . <2ca> ▁Big ▁bada ▁boom . ▁In ▁the ▁cab . <2ca> ▁Three ▁kid neys -- ▁two ▁on ▁the ▁left ▁and ▁one ▁on ▁the ▁right . <2ca> ▁dig i Kam ▁looks ▁for ▁ICC ▁profiles ▁in ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁default ▁locations . ▁You ▁can ▁specify ▁an ▁additional ▁folder : <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁not ▁still ▁on ▁the ▁Barn ell ▁thing , ▁are ▁you ? <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁a ▁map ... ▁of ▁the ▁island ▁chain ▁containing ▁L ian ▁Yu . <2ca> ▁That ▁doesn ' t ▁sound ▁like ▁Laurel . <2ca> ▁- ▁Take ▁more ▁boys . <2ca> ▁I ▁swear ▁I ▁will ▁up hold ▁your ▁name ▁and ▁your ▁tradition . <2ca> ▁- ▁have ▁fought ▁beside ▁your ▁leg ions . <2ca> ▁Light ▁terrain <2ca> ▁- ▁He ' s ▁my ▁choice . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁don ' t ▁want ▁me ▁around . <2ca> ▁Can ' t ▁I ▁come ▁with ▁you ? <2ca> ▁You ▁will ▁work ▁in ▁the ▁crime ▁department . <2ca> ▁& ▁km agn ifier ; <2ca> ▁And now you ' vet aken ▁your ▁father ' s ▁life . <2ca> ▁- ▁You ▁idiot , ▁Bret . <2ca> ▁I ▁love ▁the ▁tact ▁of ▁gold . <2ca> ▁Only ▁death ▁rel ieves ▁us ▁of ▁our ▁sacred ▁trust . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁beginning ▁to ▁think ▁I ▁lack ▁will power . <2ca> ▁Change ... <2ca> ▁Pay er / ▁Rece iver <2ca> ▁- ▁And ▁this ▁is -- <2ca> ▁& ▁Tools <2ca> ▁He ▁broke ▁the ▁guy ' s ▁eye ▁socket . <2ca> ▁Start ▁l icking ▁stamp s , ▁girls , ▁because ▁he ' ll ▁have ▁you ▁writing ▁home ▁to ▁Mama . <2ca> ▁" M ichael ▁Call ow ▁has ▁displayed ▁incredible ▁bra very ▁" in ▁what ▁was ▁a ▁matter ▁of ▁life ▁or ▁death ." <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁meet ▁you ▁at ▁8 :00. <2ca> ▁But ▁I ▁can ▁save ▁you . <2ca> ▁Hey , ▁isn ' t ▁that ... ▁You ▁can ▁just ▁follow ▁him ▁over ▁there , ▁ok ? ▁Mm - hmm . <2ca> ▁When ▁you ▁came ▁to ▁me , ▁I ▁figure ▁I ▁o wed ▁you ▁one ▁' cause ▁you ... ▁you ▁saved ▁my ▁life . <2ca> ▁- ▁Well , ▁of ▁sorts . <2ca> ▁You ' ve ▁done ▁all ▁that ▁could ▁be ▁done . ▁The ▁Em anc ip ation ▁Proc lam ation ' s ▁merely ▁a ▁war ▁measure . <2ca> ▁Green ish ▁death ▁Sp ots . <2ca> ▁15 ,000 ▁ton . <2ca> ▁Should ▁I ▁be ▁afraid ▁of ▁you ? <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ▁guess ▁that ' s ▁what ▁it ' s ▁gonna ▁take ▁then . <2ca> ▁Uh , ▁thing ▁is , ▁what ▁those ▁folks ▁want ▁is ▁to ▁know ▁what ▁happened ▁to ▁their ▁boy . <2ca> ▁could ▁i ▁have ▁a ▁bite ? <2ca> ▁For ▁now , ▁the ▁Lady ▁need n ' t ▁go ▁read ▁to ▁the ▁sick ▁fuck , ▁who ▁wants ▁to ▁marry ▁his ▁wife ' s ▁ni ece . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁say ▁patience . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁your ▁Chuck . <2ca> ▁I ▁want ▁the ▁crying ▁to ▁stop ... now . <2ca> ▁- ▁Hey , ▁mal col m . <2ca> ▁Choose ... <2ca> ▁You ▁are ▁about ▁to ▁sign ▁user ▁id : ▁%1 ▁(% 2) ▁ID : ▁%3 ▁Finger print : ▁% 4. ▁You ▁should ▁check ▁the ▁key ▁finger print ▁by ▁ph oning ▁or ▁meeting ▁the ▁key ▁owner ▁to ▁be ▁sure ▁that ▁someone ▁is ▁not ▁trying ▁to ▁intercept ▁your ▁communications . <2ca> ▁Sim ulate Remove P ack ages <2ca> ▁But ▁if ▁I ' m ▁to ▁take ▁Winter f ell , ▁I ▁need ▁more ▁men . <2ca> ▁I ' ll ▁take ▁the ▁lith ium ▁cry st als . ▁When ▁I ▁have ▁the ▁time , ▁Kirk . <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁my ▁uncle ▁who ▁first ▁brought ▁him ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁I ▁was ▁his ▁hostage ▁taken ▁from ▁my ▁home . <2ca> ▁Alison ▁O ' B rien , ▁TV NI . <2ca> ▁They ' re ▁waiting ▁for ▁you . <2ca> ▁- ▁No . <2ca> ▁– S ix , ▁but ▁no ▁more . <2ca> ▁What ' s ▁wrong ? <2ca> ▁Before ▁long , ▁she ▁will ▁turn ▁her ▁eyes ▁to ▁W ester os . <2ca> ▁She ' s ▁been ▁under ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁stress ▁lately , <2ca> ▁Is ▁your ▁union ▁gonna ▁survive ▁this ▁one ? <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁go , ▁sir . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁just ▁gonna ▁cancel ▁it ▁the ▁minute ▁we ▁walk ▁out ▁of ▁here . <2ca> ▁h fs <2ca> ▁Shouldn ' t ▁you ▁be ▁trying ▁to ▁figure ▁out ▁what ' s ▁causing ▁Oliver ' s ▁halluc inations ? <2ca> ▁He ▁liked ▁it ▁there . ▁We ▁all ▁liked ▁it ▁there . <2ca> ▁You ▁just ▁met ▁her ? <2ca> ▁But ▁there ▁are ▁pages ▁missing . <2ca> ▁R ough ly ▁half ▁of ▁what ▁they ▁thought ▁they ▁were ▁worth . <2ca> ▁Frank , ▁Frank , ▁what ▁are ▁you ▁doing ▁with ▁Derek ? <2ca> ▁We ▁got ▁r oni ▁sticks ▁for ▁days . <2ca> ▁Reve al ▁solution ▁when ▁mouse ▁cursor ▁is ▁over ▁the ▁widget <2ca> ▁And ▁he ▁was ▁so ▁grateful ▁to ▁me ▁for ▁providing ▁this ▁fresh ▁experience . <2ca> ▁She ▁does ▁not ▁fear ▁us . <2ca> ▁Pul - i - A lam <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁need ▁help , ▁please ▁check ▁The ▁& ▁kde ; ▁Website ▁for ▁updates , ▁or ▁by ▁submitting ▁your ▁question ▁to ▁The ▁& ▁kde ; ▁User ▁Ma iling ▁list . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁saying ▁I ▁did ▁18 ▁months ▁deep ▁cover , ▁and ▁this ▁place , ▁it ' s ▁got ▁all ▁the ▁mak ings ▁of ▁a ▁crash ▁pad . <2ca> ▁G ide on , ▁wait ▁a ▁minute ! <2ca> ▁They ' re ▁not ▁playing ▁music ▁now . <2ca> ▁On ▁the ▁contrary , ▁i ' ve ▁made ▁vast ▁improvements . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁acknowledge ▁that ▁Shin ra ▁o wes ▁the ▁planet ▁a ▁lot . <2ca> ▁This ▁method ▁uses ▁the ▁mouse ▁to ▁copy ▁text ▁from ▁one ▁place ▁to ▁another . ▁The ▁method ▁is : ▁Select ▁the ▁text ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁copy . ▁Click ▁the ▁& ▁M MB ; ▁at ▁the ▁place ▁you ▁want ▁the ▁text ▁to ▁be ▁copied ▁to . ▁This ▁can ▁be ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁program ▁as ▁you ▁copied ▁the ▁text ▁from , ▁or ▁in ▁another ▁program ▁entirely . ▁If ▁you ▁have ▁three ▁buttons ▁on ▁your ▁mouse , ▁this ▁is ▁easy , ▁but ▁if ▁not , ▁all ▁is ▁not ▁lost ! ▁If ▁you ▁have ▁only ▁two ▁buttons , ▁try ▁clicking ▁them ▁both ▁at ▁the ▁same ▁time ▁instead ▁of ▁the ▁& ▁M MB ;. <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁done ▁everything ▁he ▁wants . <2ca> ▁Uh , ▁Steve , ▁would ▁you ▁mind ▁if -- <2ca> ▁What ▁we ▁are ▁studying ▁is ▁the ▁science ▁of ▁one ▁vampire ' s ▁relations ▁with ▁another . <2ca> ▁i ' m ▁late ▁again . ▁j enk ins ▁is ▁gonna ▁kill ▁me . ▁see ▁you ▁later . <2ca> ▁You ▁want ▁me ▁to ▁find ▁him , ▁or ▁not ? <2ca> ▁I ▁thought ▁you ▁were ▁the ▁right ▁person ▁to ▁pass ▁it ▁off ▁to . <2ca> ▁- ▁It ▁would ▁be ▁unfair ! ▁Then ▁we ▁could ▁put ▁down ▁that ▁you ▁were ▁friends , ▁good ▁friends . <2ca> ▁Judge ▁T omm ase o ▁I ▁think , ▁he ' s ▁from ▁Ven ice . <2ca> ▁Choose ▁your ▁base ▁card ▁wis ely . ▁The ▁obvious ▁choice ▁may ▁lead ▁to ▁n ought ▁but ▁a ▁dead ▁end . <2ca> ▁You ▁make ▁me ▁fall ▁in ▁love ▁with ▁you . <2ca> ▁Un k not ting ▁kn ots ▁is ▁not ▁often ▁easy . ▁A vo id ▁tang ling ▁yourself ▁up ▁with ▁no ▁way ▁out . <2ca> ▁He ▁said ▁you ▁can ▁ask ▁him ▁yourself . <2ca> ▁He ▁was ▁called ▁September . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁all ▁the ▁kids ▁singing ▁" In to ▁the ▁Wood s " <2ca> ▁First , ▁I ▁need ▁your ▁assistance ▁with ▁my ▁business . <2ca> ▁Leo ▁proposed ▁to ▁Liz ! <2ca> ▁These ▁are ▁all ▁the ▁nick n ames ▁on ▁your ▁Nick name ▁Watch ▁list , ▁listed ▁under ▁the ▁server ▁network ▁they ▁are ▁connected ▁to . ▁The ▁list ▁also ▁includes ▁the ▁nick n ames ▁in ▁K Add ress Book ▁associated ▁with ▁the ▁server ▁network . ▁The ▁Additional ▁Information ▁column ▁shows ▁the ▁information ▁known ▁for ▁each ▁nickname . ▁The ▁channels ▁the ▁nickname ▁has ▁joined ▁are ▁listed ▁underneath ▁each ▁nickname . ▁Nick n ames ▁appear ing ▁under ▁Off line ▁are ▁not ▁connected ▁to ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁servers ▁in ▁the ▁network . ▁Right - click ▁with ▁the ▁mouse ▁on ▁a ▁nickname ▁to ▁perform ▁additional ▁functions . <2ca> ▁Aw fully ▁pious ▁for ▁a ▁man ▁who ▁takes ▁his ▁wife ▁out ▁bug gy - r iding ▁on ▁Good ▁Friday . <2ca> ▁Doesn ' t ▁talk . <2ca> ▁For ▁80 ▁grand , ▁you ' d ▁think ▁it ▁would ▁be ▁more ▁comfortable . <2ca> ▁You ' ve ▁made ▁me ▁sit ▁three ▁hours ▁already . <2ca> ▁Being ▁the ▁el dest ▁son , ▁you ▁were ▁naturally ▁called ▁after ▁your ▁father . <2ca> ▁One ▁plays ▁sports ▁shirt ▁in ▁the ▁corner . <2ca> ▁Man , ▁I ▁can ' t . <2ca> ▁That ▁key ▁ring ▁of ▁yours ▁is ▁always ▁hooked ▁to ▁your ▁belt . <2ca> ▁What ▁if ▁we ▁did ▁right ▁now ▁went ▁to ▁En chant ed ▁Gardens ? <2ca> ▁Keep ▁them ▁away ▁from ▁the ▁front ▁door . <2ca> ▁Best ▁time ▁to ▁attack ▁a ▁man . <2ca> ▁Ex erc ise ▁Con version <2ca> ▁I ▁know ▁you ▁better ▁than ▁that . <2ca> ▁V org etting ▁the ▁circumstances ▁now ▁and ▁then . ▁Just ▁us , ▁you ▁and ▁me . ▁The ▁perfect ▁counter feit ▁of ▁all ▁time . <2ca> ▁They ▁just ▁ra ided ▁Karl ' s ▁home . <2ca> ▁Thank ▁you ▁for ▁explaining ▁sie ge ▁tact ics ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁Mail <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁someone ▁I ▁knew ▁from ▁the ▁old ▁days . <2ca> ▁Perhaps ▁the ▁next ▁conflict ▁can ▁be ▁solved ▁differently . ▁Thank ▁you . <2ca> ▁The ▁paper ▁bin ? ▁There . <2ca> ▁Were ▁there ▁worries ▁that ▁this ▁might ▁neg atively ▁affect ▁Ros Y ama ? <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know ▁you ... <2ca> ▁S ys info ▁script <2ca> ▁You ▁deliver ▁me ▁Peter , ▁you ▁get ▁to ▁go ▁free . <2ca> ▁The ▁company ▁had ▁a ▁good ▁run , ▁but ▁its ▁time ▁has ▁passed . <2ca> ▁Oh . ▁Oh , ▁he ' s ▁a ▁hug ger . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁enough , ▁K ov elen ko , ▁If ▁it ▁please ▁the ▁court , ▁my ▁client ▁is ▁not ▁yet ▁finished , <2ca> ▁Deus ▁ti ppi ▁ben id icas . <2ca> ▁Adri ana ▁sent ▁me ▁a ▁photo . <2ca> ▁Sl ide ▁Show ▁Edit ▁Sl ide ▁Trans ition ... <2ca> ▁I ▁am ▁not ▁exactly ▁the ▁best ▁example ▁for ▁healthy ▁gr ie ving . <2ca> ▁This ▁page ▁allows ▁you ▁to ▁create ▁one ▁or ▁more ▁Ident ities , ▁& ▁ie ; ▁comb inations ▁of ▁name , ▁email ▁address ▁and ▁other ▁settings . ▁For ▁example , ▁you ▁can ▁create ▁one ▁identity ▁for ▁business ▁communication ▁and ▁one ▁for ▁personal ▁communication . ▁If ▁you ▁have ▁more ▁than ▁one ▁email ▁address , ▁you ▁can ▁create ▁one ▁identity ▁per ▁address . ▁You ▁will ▁then ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁select ▁an ▁identity ▁on ▁a ▁per - mess age ▁basis . <2ca> ▁Fif teen ▁rounds ▁of ▁box ing ... ▁For ▁the ▁heavy weight ▁champions hip ... ▁Of ▁the ▁world ... <2ca> ▁A ▁port able ▁air ▁traffic ▁control ▁tower . <2ca> ▁Wrong ▁guys . <2ca> ▁Other ▁issues ▁like ▁economy , ▁housing , ▁unemployment , ▁fem in ism , ▁environment ▁and ▁culture ▁will ▁also ▁have ▁their ▁space ▁in ▁the ▁capital ' s ▁downtown . <2ca> ▁Better ▁beware ▁They ▁have ▁armies ▁to ▁spare ▁And ▁our ▁danger ▁is ▁real ▁We ▁will ▁need ▁all ▁our ▁cun ning ▁to ▁bring ▁them ▁to ▁heel <2ca> ▁That ▁it ' s ▁over ▁and ▁there ' s ▁nothing ▁you ▁can ▁do ? <2ca> ▁Have ▁you ▁noticed ▁how ▁hot ▁your ▁sister ' s ▁gotten ? <2ca> ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁think ▁I ▁took ? <2ca> ▁Switch ▁the ▁display ▁to ▁the ▁journal ▁view . <2ca> ▁Come ▁here . ▁- ▁Little ▁Jacob . ▁- ▁Vi olin . <2ca> ▁http : ▁/ ▁/ www . ▁arte gence . ▁com / ▁download / ▁voice x ml / ▁speech / ▁festival _ pol ish _ vo ice . ▁t g z . <2ca> ▁op - op - op - op ▁dig - gra ve ▁style . <2ca> ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁two ▁whis pering ▁about ? <2ca> ▁Rep os itory ▁Check out ... <2ca> ▁An not ation ▁example ▁in ▁PHP <2ca> ▁You ▁can ' t ▁risk ▁being ▁connected ▁to ▁me . <2ca> ▁One ▁way ▁or ▁another , ▁they ▁always ▁get ▁their ▁gold ▁back . <2ca> ▁- ▁No , ▁Mess er . <2ca> ▁Take ▁a ▁seat , ▁young ▁Sky wal ker . <2ca> ▁Each ▁card ▁placed ▁on ▁to ▁the ▁Foundation ▁piles ▁scores ▁one ▁point . <2ca> ▁They ▁searched ▁the ▁woods , ▁came ▁up ▁empty . <2ca> ▁Be ▁cool . ▁This ▁is ▁real , ▁okay ? <2ca> ▁Here ' s ▁the ▁attack ▁profile , ▁sir . <2ca> ▁All ▁rooms ▁secure . <2ca> ▁Now ▁I ▁know ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁you ▁lost ▁friends ▁on ▁this ▁crash . <2ca> ▁- ▁Winter ▁is ▁coming . <2ca> ▁I ▁work ▁for ▁the ▁real ▁President , <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁not ▁sure ▁why ▁that ' s ▁any ▁concern ▁of ▁yours . <2ca> ▁If ▁this ▁is ▁checked , ▁you ▁will ▁see ▁an ▁icon ▁border ▁on ▁the ▁left ▁hand ▁side . ▁The ▁icon ▁border ▁shows ▁bookmark ▁signs ▁for ▁instance . <2ca> ▁You ' ll ▁be ▁P uck . ▁And ▁I ' ll ▁be ▁Ober on . <2ca> ▁If ▁he ▁dies , ▁they ' ll ▁go ▁away ! <2ca> ▁You ▁wanna ▁see ▁that ▁crime ▁scene ? <2ca> ▁5. 2 3. <2ca> ▁I ▁work ▁on ▁a ▁level ▁so ▁rar ified ▁you ▁couldn ' t ▁even ▁imagine ▁it . <2ca> ▁I ▁hope ▁it ' s ▁got ▁nothing ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁those ▁British ▁guys . <2ca> ▁' Acc ident al ▁email ': ▁Opinion - gi vers ▁http :// www . elm undo . es / elm undo /201 3/ 03 /1 5/ b ale ares /1 36 3 34 46 20. html ▁... <2ca> ▁There ▁are ▁more ▁than ▁three ▁other ▁houses ▁in ▁the ▁North -- <2ca> ▁Only ▁to ▁provide ▁you ▁with ▁information . <2ca> ▁Confirm ▁by ▁pressing ▁the ▁OK ▁button . ▁& ▁c erv isia ; ▁will ▁create ▁and ▁initial ize ▁the ▁new ▁repository ▁folder . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁what ▁I ▁know ▁about ▁the ▁love ▁between ▁brothers . <2ca> ▁I ▁won ' t ▁even ▁know ▁what ▁to ▁call ▁you . <2ca> ▁He ▁had ▁a ▁camera . <2ca> ▁So ch ua ▁advoc ates ▁the ▁priorit ization ▁of ▁women ▁issues ▁in ▁polic ym aking ▁and ▁is ▁a ▁known ▁critic ▁of ▁the ▁government ▁of ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁Hun ▁Sen . <2ca> ▁I ▁just ▁couldn ' t ▁believe ▁it . <2ca> ▁Valid ating ▁D epend encies ... <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁the ▁custom ary ▁procedure . <2ca> ▁Don ' t ▁let ▁the ▁bed b ugs ▁bite ▁your ▁head ▁off . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁" Why ▁Would ▁Anyone ▁Want ▁to ▁be ▁There ?" <2ca> ▁Make ▁sure ▁to ▁look ▁at ▁all ▁the ▁cards ▁coming ▁up , ▁and ▁be ▁sure ▁you ' re ▁not ▁going ▁to ▁lock ▁any ▁cards ▁that ▁are ▁necessary ▁to ▁move ▁the ▁one ▁on ▁top . <2ca> ▁' He ' s ▁a ▁hit , ▁Jamie .' <2ca> ▁- ▁Look , ▁I ' m ▁sorry ... ▁that ▁I ▁didn ' t . <2ca> ▁I ▁will ▁make ▁these ▁machines ▁inv inc ible . <2ca> ▁Pros vir nin ▁spent ▁the ▁night ▁telling ▁her ▁that ▁the ▁court room ▁drama ▁isn ' t ▁popular ▁on ▁social ▁media , ▁and ▁that ▁it ▁won ' t ▁become ▁a ▁conversation ▁topic ▁until ▁it ▁is ▁adopted ▁by ▁Alex ey ▁Naval ny ▁in ▁his ▁campaign ▁for ▁mayor ▁( N aval ny ▁himself ▁faces ▁jail ▁time ▁in ▁a ▁political ▁case ): <2ca> ▁Release ▁Anne - L ou ise ▁and ▁take ▁me . <2ca> ▁How ▁am ▁I ▁gonna ▁tell ▁her ▁that ▁her ▁father ' s ▁sick ▁again ? <2ca> ▁You ▁know , ▁I ... ▁I ▁wear ▁' em ▁down , ▁you ▁know , ▁they ... ▁- ▁they ▁get ▁unhappy . <2ca> ▁How ▁formal ▁of ▁you . <2ca> ▁You ▁fight ▁for ▁the ▁Star ks , ▁I ▁fight ▁for ▁the ▁Lann isters . <2ca> ▁You ▁should ▁screen ▁your ▁defence ▁people ▁more ▁carefully . <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁God , ▁this ▁is ▁bad . <2ca> ▁She ▁thinks ▁she ' s ▁my ▁mom . <2ca> ▁Whose ▁rules ? <2ca> ▁Caesar ' s ▁sword . <2ca> ▁Did ▁you ▁really ▁think ▁I ▁wouldn ' t ▁notice ▁that ▁your ▁signature ▁doesn ' t ▁match ? <2ca> ▁Why ▁don ' t ▁you ▁make ▁me ? <2ca> ▁Watch ▁your ▁steps ▁there . <2ca> ▁You ▁hardly ▁ate . <2ca> ▁He ▁has ▁your ▁ticket , ▁and ▁he ' ll ▁be ▁here ▁in ▁20 ▁minutes . <2ca> ▁The ▁man ▁in ▁the ▁green ▁hood ▁was ▁in ▁that ▁warehouse ▁and ▁he ' s ▁just ▁beginning . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁really ▁good . <2ca> ▁The ▁brutal ization ▁he ▁stood ▁for ▁does ▁democracy ▁no ▁good . <2ca> ▁How ▁do ▁you ▁want ▁that ▁burger ▁cooked ? <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁a ▁laugh . ▁Ha . <2ca> ▁On ▁the ▁day ▁her ▁Uncle ▁left ▁to ▁visit ▁his ▁mine , ▁the ▁Count ▁pret ended ▁to ▁go ▁back ▁to ▁Japan ▁and ▁hid ▁nearby . <2ca> ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁want ▁done ▁with ▁them ? <2ca> ▁Replace ▁email ▁address ▁'%1 ▁' with ▁the ▁'% em ail ' ▁macro <2ca> ▁" They ’ re ▁learning ▁better ▁than ▁I ▁did ," ▁she ▁says . <2ca> ▁For ▁D aph ne . ▁Matt , ▁that ' s ▁not ▁us . ▁That ' s ▁not ▁you . <2ca> ▁The ▁authentication ▁on ▁the ▁N X ▁server ▁requires ▁a ▁private ▁key . ▁By ▁default , ▁it ▁is ▁the ▁No M ach ine ▁D SA ▁key . ▁Use ▁this ▁box ▁to ▁choose ▁the ▁default ▁key , ▁or ▁configure ▁it ▁by ▁import ing ▁from ▁a ▁file ▁or ▁editing ▁directly ▁the ▁text box . <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁letting ▁her ▁work ▁with ▁that ▁crazy ▁person ? <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁about ▁knowing ▁that ▁your - your ▁common ▁dec ency ▁and ▁integrity ▁are - are ▁more ▁important ▁than ▁winning ▁show ▁cho ir ▁compet itions . <2ca> ▁There ▁were ... ▁oh , ▁there ▁were ▁so ▁many ▁other ▁red ▁flags ▁in ▁our ▁marriage . <2ca> ▁Position ▁of ▁floating ▁status ▁bar <2ca> ▁Do ▁you ▁actually ▁think ▁so ? <2ca> ▁Okay , ▁it ▁may ▁look ▁that ▁way , ▁but ▁getting ▁fired ▁from ▁that ▁movie ▁was ▁the ▁best ▁thing ▁that ▁could ▁have ▁happened ▁to ▁me , ▁okay ? <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁being ▁targeted ▁by ▁missiles . <2ca> ▁- ▁On ▁line ▁one . <2ca> ▁Okay . ▁Who ' s ▁next ? <2ca> ▁Two - E y ed ▁C yc l ops . <2ca> ▁Keep ing ▁an ▁eye ▁on ▁things . <2ca> ▁There ' s ▁only ▁one ▁move ▁left . <2ca> ▁I ▁just ▁heard , <2ca> ▁It ▁kept ▁me ▁up ▁at ▁night . <2ca> ▁- ▁Bye , ▁Eric . <2ca> ▁Sheriff ' s ▁Department ! <2ca> ▁I ▁rose ▁him ▁up ▁from ▁nothing . <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁up ▁in ▁D ul uth ... ▁My ▁gentleman . <2ca> ▁What ▁we ▁built . <2ca> ▁So ▁much ▁so ... ▁I ▁forgot ▁to ▁hurt ▁for ▁you . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁a ▁collective ▁farm ▁member ! <2ca> ▁Failed <2ca> ▁Why ▁would ▁they ▁lie ▁to ▁us ? <2ca> ▁Your ▁new ▁club ' s ▁a ▁bri qu ette . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁love ▁to ▁read . ▁- ▁Do ▁you ? <2ca> ▁Enter ▁the ▁directory ▁which ▁contains ▁the ▁files ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁search ▁in . <2ca> ▁like ▁a ▁ghost . <2ca> ▁He ▁is ▁both ▁fa erie ▁and ▁vampire . <2ca> ▁And ▁we ' re ▁gonna ▁do ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁fighting , ▁I ▁am ▁sure . <2ca> ▁Hyper bar ic ▁oxygen ▁treatment ▁can ▁increase ▁the ▁vi ability ▁of ▁revers ibly ▁damaged ▁cells ▁by ▁preventing ▁hy po xia ▁and ▁reducing ▁ed ema . <2ca> ▁Database ▁driver ▁found . <2ca> ▁When ▁the ▁ax es ▁sm ash ▁down ▁those ▁doors , ▁you ▁may ▁be ▁glad ▁to ▁have ▁him . <2ca> ▁There ▁is ▁no ▁other ▁way ▁to ▁understand ▁the ▁sentence . <2ca> ▁The ▁sc ari est ▁thing ▁of ▁all ▁is ▁that ▁the ▁government ▁has ▁been ▁caught ▁off ▁guard . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁from ▁your ▁past . <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁always ▁wanted ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁pain ter . <2ca> ▁I ▁won ' t ▁hurt ▁you ." <2ca> ▁He ▁finds ▁shelter ▁in ▁the ▁corner ▁of ▁the ▁bedroom , ▁where ▁he ▁hasn ' t ▁moved ▁in ▁over ▁five ▁hours . <2ca> ▁I ▁mean , ▁my ▁God ! <2ca> ▁- ▁Neither ▁are ▁you . ▁You ▁told ▁everyone ▁when ▁you ▁started ▁this ▁cr us ade ... ▁that ▁it ▁was ▁about ▁making ▁up ▁for ▁your ▁father ' s ▁sins . <2ca> ▁Ms . ▁Pa ik ... <2ca> ▁– Not ▁now , ▁I ' m ▁busy . <2ca> ▁Sp aces ▁in ▁Tableau ▁are ▁automatically ▁filled ▁from ▁the ▁Waste , ▁or ▁if ▁Waste ▁is ▁empty , ▁from ▁the ▁Stock . <2ca> ▁Just ▁give ▁me ▁something ▁I ▁can ▁hold ▁onto . <2ca> ▁- ▁What ? <2ca> ▁Bottom ▁line -- I ▁know ▁my ▁way ▁around ▁a ▁casino . <2ca> ▁A ▁retain er ? <2ca> ▁And ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁darkness ▁the ▁wol ves ▁came , ▁whis pering . <2ca> ▁Like ▁setting ▁fires . <2ca> ▁Only ▁load ▁data ▁since ▁last ▁sync <2ca> ▁Please ▁select ▁an ▁Open PGP ▁key ▁to ▁use . <2ca> ▁I ▁can ' t ▁do ▁that . ▁I ' d ▁have ▁to ▁give ▁up ▁my ▁work . <2ca> ▁- ▁Iraqi ▁call ▁signs ▁are ▁requesting ▁an ▁art ill ery ▁fire ▁mission ▁up ▁the ▁chain . <2ca> ▁Bob , ▁are ▁you ▁all ▁right ? <2ca> ▁A - S - A - P , ▁T - i - m . <2ca> ▁I ▁never ▁even ▁had ▁gum bo . <2ca> ▁Tip to e ing ▁Tradition , ▁Cuba ▁Wel comes ▁the ▁New ▁Year ▁· ▁Global ▁Voices <2ca> ▁Mom , ▁I - I ▁can ' t ▁believe ▁you ' re ▁here . <2ca> ▁Ste er ▁clear ! <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁go ▁see ▁your ▁mom ▁and ▁dad , ▁huh ? <2ca> ▁We ▁weren ' t ▁expecting ▁you ▁till ▁tomorrow , ▁Lord ▁Ty win . <2ca> ▁If ▁you ▁put ▁the ▁bra kes ▁on ▁this , ▁I ' ll ▁find ▁a ▁way ▁for ▁that ▁to ▁come ▁back ▁and ▁bite ▁you ▁on ▁the ▁ar se . <2ca> ▁Perhaps ▁she ▁did ▁go ▁stay ▁with ▁her ▁sister . <2ca> ▁- ▁Go ▁to ▁hell . ▁I ▁do ▁think ▁you ▁want ▁the ▁pain ▁to ▁end . ▁And ▁I ▁can ▁do ▁that . <2ca> ▁Each ▁card ▁places ▁in ▁the ▁Foundation ▁piles ▁scores ▁one ▁point . <2ca> ▁Pack ▁up . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁Pro ch nost , ▁my ▁friend . ▁Pro ch -- pro ch nost . <2ca> ▁Close ▁the ▁black ▁business . <2ca> ▁The ▁Navy ' s ▁next ▁design ▁competition ▁is ▁in ▁your ▁hands . <2ca> ▁Add ▁date ▁and ▁time ▁information <2ca> ▁Please ▁include ▁the ▁debug ging ▁output ▁in ▁your ▁problem ▁report . <2ca> ▁You ▁lied ▁to ▁a ▁friend ▁to ▁save ▁a ▁stranger . ▁You ▁don ' t ▁think ▁that ' s ▁kind ▁of ▁screwed ▁up ? <2ca> ▁Sergeant , ▁I ' m ▁sorry . <2ca> ▁You ▁m ow ▁my ▁lawn ? ▁Hmm ? <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁a ▁loop . <2ca> ▁Hey , ▁Alex ! <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁never ▁seen ▁anything ▁like ▁it ... <2ca> ▁I ▁have ▁swallowed ▁your ▁ins ults ▁for ▁years , ▁but ▁don ' t ▁mistake ▁my ▁tolerance ▁for ▁weakness . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁sorry , ▁let ▁me ▁try ▁that ▁one ▁again . <2ca> ▁Is ▁it ▁full ? <2ca> ▁Sir , ▁there ▁are ▁no ▁cell ▁phones ▁allowed ▁on ▁this ▁tour . <2ca> ▁Either ▁I ▁take ▁off ▁my ▁shirt ▁or ▁he ▁would ▁take ▁off ▁your ▁hand . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁looking ▁for ▁a ▁Mrs ▁Pat more . <2ca> ▁You ' ve ▁all ▁learned ▁the ▁words ▁of ▁the ▁vow . ▁Think ▁carefully ▁before ▁you ▁say ▁them . <2ca> ▁T av rani ▁here ▁will ▁stuff ▁me , ▁stand ▁me ▁in ▁arrival s . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁the ▁director ▁for ▁two ▁years . ▁- ▁Yeah . <2ca> ▁Insert ▁new line ▁including ▁leading ▁characters ▁of ▁the ▁current ▁line ▁which ▁are ▁not ▁letters ▁or ▁numbers . <2ca> ▁The ▁plain ti ff ▁will ▁prove ▁by ▁a ▁prep onder ance ▁of ▁evidence ▁that ▁Victor ▁N oc enti ▁learned ▁that ▁his ▁boss , ▁that ▁man ▁sitting ▁right ▁there , ▁Martin ▁Som ers , ▁was ▁taking ▁b ribes ▁from ▁the ▁Chinese ▁Tri ads ▁to ▁smug gle ▁drugs ▁into ▁our ▁city . <2ca> ▁Maybe ▁they ▁wanted ▁to ▁be ▁seen . <2ca> ▁But ▁please ▁remember ▁to ▁act ▁appropriate . <2ca> ▁Do ▁I ▁have ▁to ▁pray ? <2ca> ▁Show ▁Information ▁about ▁the ▁selected ▁file . <2ca> ▁You ▁know , ▁the ▁one ▁they ▁got ▁at ▁Debbie ▁S ager ' s ▁house . <2ca> ▁Slow ▁down , ▁be an er . <2ca> ▁I ' d ▁like ▁to ▁know ▁if ▁you ▁folks ▁all ▁feel ▁the ▁same ▁way . <2ca> ▁He ▁writes ▁everything ▁down , ▁takes ▁it ▁everywhere . <2ca> ▁What ' s ▁that ▁on ▁your ▁hand ? <2ca> ▁Do ▁you ▁realize ▁that ▁if ▁Penny ▁w akes ▁up ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁reasonable ▁explanation ▁as ▁to ▁why ▁we ' re ▁here ? <2ca> ▁I ▁think ▁I ' m ▁gonna ▁go ▁out ▁and ▁take ▁a ▁swim . <2ca> ▁How ▁long ▁we ▁gotta ▁keep ▁these ▁things ▁on ? <2ca> ▁- ▁Uh , ▁Bret , ▁don ' t ▁mention ▁that ▁you ▁saw ▁me ▁here . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ▁was ▁a ▁business ▁major , ▁but ▁this ▁one ▁time ▁my ▁roomm ate ▁and ▁I , ▁we ▁had ▁this ▁big ▁argument ▁about ▁whether ▁it ▁was ▁Mon et ▁or ▁Man et . <2ca> ▁Gods , ▁boy , ▁that ' s ▁enough . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁just ▁being ▁stupid . <2ca> ▁- ▁What ▁you ' re ▁asking ? <2ca> ▁Tell ▁me ▁something : <2ca> ▁I ▁hope ▁so , ▁sir . ▁Kid ' s ▁a ▁cad et . <2ca> ▁- ▁They ' ll ▁never ▁trust ▁me . <2ca> ▁- ▁I ▁want ▁the ▁damn ▁se ating ▁chart ! <2ca> ▁The ▁day ▁they ▁were ▁born , ▁I ▁sent ▁such ▁hopes ▁and ▁dreams ▁to ▁heaven . <2ca> ▁I ▁run ▁the ▁fit ▁every ▁time . <2ca> ▁The ▁M AS ▁government ▁leadership , ▁which ▁typically ▁cl oses ▁ranks ▁in ▁public , ▁has ▁been ▁openly ▁divided ▁on ▁the ▁issue . <2ca> ▁After ▁Ba um g art ner ' s ▁arrest ▁a ▁host ▁of ▁experts ▁expressed ▁the ▁opinion ▁that ▁standing ▁behind ▁the ▁events ▁in ▁Min sk ▁was ▁none ▁other ▁than ▁Vladimir ▁Putin ▁himself , ▁dec iding ▁in ▁this ▁way ▁to ▁punish ▁Su le iman ▁Ker im ov , ▁for ▁belonging ▁to ▁" Med ved ev ' s " ▁circle ▁of ▁O lig arch s ... ▁Those ▁who ▁possess ▁a ▁less ▁radical ▁point ▁of ▁view ▁maintain ▁that ▁even ▁if ▁Putin ▁didn ' t ▁personally ▁organise ▁this ▁situation ▁himself , ▁then ▁at ▁the ▁very ▁least ▁he ▁isn ' t ▁going ▁to ▁try ▁very ▁hard ▁when ▁defending ▁Ur alk ali y ' s ▁owners . <2ca> ▁" Well , ▁I ▁ain ' t ▁used ▁to ▁that ▁kind ▁of ▁a ▁crowd . ▁I ▁can ' t ▁stand ▁it . <2ca> ▁Let ' s ▁see ▁if ▁we ▁can ▁stabil ise ▁those ▁levels . <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁Christmas ▁day ▁when ▁we ▁landed ▁in ▁Scotland , ▁Prest wick . <2ca> ▁Yours ▁just ▁died ▁in ▁an ▁accident . <2ca> ▁I ▁get ▁shot ▁in ▁the ▁leg ▁and ▁i ▁don ' t ▁get ▁any ▁cookies . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁I ' m ▁supposed ▁to ▁lay ▁the ▁tea . <2ca> ▁You ▁excited ▁to ▁watch ▁the ▁W arb lers ▁perform ? <2ca> ▁Look ▁for ▁me ▁beneath ▁the ▁tree . <2ca> ▁All ▁right , ▁J oss . <2ca> ▁$ 85 ▁dollars ▁Austr alian . <2ca> ▁– You ' re ▁all ▁fixed . <2ca> ▁- ▁That ' s ▁the ▁MS G ▁talking . <2ca> ▁You ' ve ▁reached ▁Gordon ▁Hop ew ell . <2ca> ▁We ▁couldn ' t ▁get ▁properly ▁introduced ▁before . <2ca> ▁Selection ▁In active ▁Text ▁against ▁Selection ▁Normal ▁Background <2ca> ▁Ass um ing ▁you ' re ▁interested , ▁of ▁course . <2ca> ▁Edit ▁parameter <2ca> ▁Five ▁here ▁last ▁time . <2ca> ▁I ▁forgot ▁your ▁food . <2ca> ▁You ▁knew ▁the ▁gun ▁was ▁empty , ▁right ? <2ca> ▁Wh ims ! <2ca> ▁Like ▁a ▁dinner ▁party . <2ca> ▁Were ▁you ▁imp ud ent ▁again ▁to ▁Mr . ▁Pow ell , ▁John ? <2ca> ▁The ▁file ▁system ▁on ▁partition ▁%1 ▁cannot ▁be ▁res ized ▁because ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁support ▁for ▁it . <2ca> ▁- ▁But ▁this ▁wasn ' t ▁just ▁a ▁kiss . <2ca> ▁You ▁see ▁that ▁piece ▁that ' s ▁got ▁the ▁blood ▁on ▁it ▁will ▁keep ▁drawing ▁and ▁drawing , ▁trying ▁to ▁fetch ▁the ▁other ▁piece ▁to ▁it , ▁and ▁so ▁that ▁helps ▁the ▁blood ▁to ▁draw ▁the ▁w art , ▁and ▁pretty ▁soon ▁off ▁she ▁comes ." <2ca> ▁Hamb y . <2ca> ▁You ▁talked ▁in ▁an ▁afraid ▁tone , ▁King ▁Kai . <2ca> ▁Now ▁how ' s ▁this ▁motherfucker ▁wake ▁up ▁after ▁thousands ▁of ▁years ▁in ▁the ▁ice ? <2ca> ▁His ▁heart ▁is ▁corrupt . ▁He ▁has ▁not ▁ren ounced ▁his ▁false ▁god . <2ca> ▁D ent ist , ▁Senior ▁Ted ▁fellow ▁and ▁blogger ▁Dr . ▁Aw ab ▁Al vi ▁(@ Dr Aw ab ) ▁wrote : <2ca> ▁In ▁the ▁cell ar , ▁buried ▁under ▁a ▁stone ▁in ▁the ▁floor . <2ca> ▁You ▁do ▁their ▁songs , ▁you ▁can ▁look ▁like ▁them . <2ca> ▁Paula , ▁could ▁you ▁please ▁ask ▁Murray ▁what ▁time ▁it ▁is ? <2ca> ▁Make ▁S ita ▁your ▁wife , ▁R avana . <2ca> ▁R aper . <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁I ' ve ▁acquired ▁a ▁new ▁cell mate . <2ca> ▁- ▁Sir , ▁you ' re ▁a ▁doctor ? <2ca> ▁I ▁stay ▁one ▁more ▁night . <2ca> ▁When ▁this ▁box ▁is ▁checked ▁then ▁you ▁can ▁select ▁a ▁section ▁of ▁text ▁using ▁your ▁mouse . ▁Move ▁the ▁mouse ▁to ▁a ▁new ▁place ▁in ▁your ▁document ▁and ▁click ▁once ▁with ▁the ▁middle ▁mouse ▁button ▁and ▁a ▁copy ▁of ▁the ▁selected ▁text ▁is ▁copied ▁and ▁past ed ▁to ▁the ▁new ▁location ▁in ▁the ▁document . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁sorry . Am ▁I ▁interrupt ing ▁your ▁busy ▁day ? <2ca> ▁We ▁need ▁to ▁get ▁him ▁out ▁into ▁open ▁terrain ... ▁and ▁use ▁weapons ▁that ▁don ' t ▁rely ▁on ▁heat - se ek ing ▁technology -- ▁Excuse ▁me , ▁sir . <2ca> ▁They ' re ▁terrorists . <2ca> ▁Jack ' s ▁gonna ▁have ▁to ▁take ▁those ▁bonds ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁safe - dep osit ▁box , <2ca> ▁So , ▁fuck ▁Eric . <2ca> ▁- ▁No . <2ca> ▁S ON YA : ▁Does ▁Carmen ▁ever ▁call ▁you ▁for ▁no ▁reason ? <2ca> ▁You ▁think ▁with ▁your ▁penis . <2ca> ▁The ▁pit cher ▁has ▁went ▁to ▁the ▁well ▁once ▁too ▁often , ▁friends . <2ca> ▁Going ▁into ▁power ▁save ▁mode ▁now . <2ca> ▁Okay , ▁when ▁they ▁come ▁past , ▁we ▁have ▁to ▁jump ▁on ▁them . <2ca> ▁Aw , ▁he ' s ▁already ▁taking ▁after ▁Uncle ▁Shell y . <2ca> ▁- ▁Did ▁she ▁joined ▁ago ? <2ca> ▁Your ▁Grace , ▁I ▁ask ▁you ▁to ▁let ▁me ▁sell ▁myself ▁back ▁to ▁Master ▁M igh dal . <2ca> ▁His ▁tests , ▁they ▁were ▁fine . <2ca> ▁Through ▁K - Bar ? <2ca> ▁She ▁can ▁teach ▁diplom acy ▁to ▁experts . <2ca> ▁Zoom ▁In <2ca> ▁There ▁is ▁more ▁activity ▁there ▁than ▁on ▁the ▁regular ▁Web . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁this ▁is ▁the ▁last ▁time ▁I ▁shall ▁do ▁it . <2ca> ▁Would ▁you ▁like ▁to ▁go ▁with ▁me ? <2ca> ▁I ▁still ▁don ' t ▁believe ▁it ' s ▁right ▁for ▁two ▁women ▁to ▁get ▁married , ▁but ▁I ▁do ▁believe ▁that ▁family ▁is ▁the ▁most ▁important ▁thing ▁in ▁the ▁world . <2ca> ▁Comp uting , ▁Di aries ▁and ▁mobile ▁phones . <2ca> ▁Could ▁Not ▁Find ▁Editor <2ca> ▁Are ▁you ▁man ▁enough ▁to ▁put ▁me ▁in ▁blue ▁ec st acy , ▁even ▁the ▁first ▁time ? <2ca> ▁You ' d ▁better ▁go ▁down . <2ca> ▁No ▁nick n ames ▁from ▁the ▁"%1" ▁identity ▁were ▁accepted ▁by ▁the ▁connection ▁"% 2 ". ▁Please ▁enter ▁a ▁new ▁one ▁or ▁press ▁Cancel ▁to ▁disc onnect : <2ca> ▁No ▁options ▁available ▁for ▁output ▁format ▁%1 <2ca> ▁At hel stan ▁is ▁waiting ▁to ▁see ▁you ▁at ▁my ▁father ' s ▁vill a . <2ca> ▁Judge ▁still ▁o wes ▁me . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁just ▁an ▁an ec d ote , ▁it ' s ▁not ▁science . <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁a ▁desp ic able ▁and ▁coward ly ▁act . <2ca> ▁I ▁can ' t ▁do ▁that , ▁b ret . ▁I ' ve ▁moved ▁on . <2ca> ▁But ... ▁But ▁even ▁if ▁there ▁was , ▁what ▁are ▁you ▁gonna ▁do ▁about ▁it ? <2ca> ▁Go ▁be ▁Wal do . <2ca> ▁I ▁thought ▁if ▁anybody ▁got ▁that ▁it ' d ▁be ▁you . <2ca> ▁No , ▁no , ▁let ▁me ▁talk ▁you ▁down ▁now , ▁friend . <2ca> ▁Hey , ▁I ' m ▁Mike . <2ca> ▁It ▁was ▁4 pm ▁so ▁traffic ▁was ▁pretty ▁heavy . <2ca> ▁You ▁know ▁J ohan ' s ▁plans . <2ca> ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁mean ? <2ca> ▁Run ▁you ▁out ▁of ▁town . <2ca> ▁The ▁Ty rell ▁army ▁is ▁helping ▁us ▁to ▁win ▁this ▁war . <2ca> ▁Okay , ▁I ▁wasn ' t ▁supposed ▁to ▁say ▁anything , ▁but ▁he ▁was ▁out ▁in ▁the ▁sw amps ▁yesterday ▁and ▁he ▁came ▁across ▁a ▁wal ker ▁stuck ▁in ▁the ▁mud . <2ca> ▁- ▁Gods , ▁look ▁at ▁this ▁one . <2ca> ▁- ▁Every day ▁things , ▁yes . ▁- ▁For ▁example : <2ca> ▁- ▁Sur up han aka ▁right ? <2ca> ▁' Cause ▁your ▁car ▁is ▁wrapped ▁around ▁a ▁pole ▁like ▁a ▁giant ▁banana ▁split ▁and ▁you ▁ain ' t ▁got ▁no ▁air bag s . <2ca> ▁- ▁K inda ▁curious ▁about ▁that ▁myself . ▁This ▁ain ' t ▁no ▁fuckin ' ▁joke ▁! <2ca> ▁Daisy , ▁it ▁was ▁your ▁great ▁idea ! <2ca> ▁Turn ▁it ▁on , <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁not ▁the ▁song . <2ca> ▁I ' ve ▁had ▁this ▁go of y ▁feeling ▁in ▁my ▁ear ▁for ▁like ▁a ▁week ▁now . <2ca> ▁( M orton ) ▁But ▁it ▁wasn ' t ▁on ▁your ▁medical ▁records ▁when ▁you ▁applied ▁for ▁search ▁and ▁rescue ▁here . ▁Was ▁it ? <2ca> ▁Sou ven irs ▁for ▁his ▁mother ? <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁my ▁God . <2ca> ▁We ▁can ▁be ▁a ▁team . ▁Thank ▁you . <2ca> ▁Rename <2ca> ▁- ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁bit ▁like ▁that ▁cap oe ira - like ? <2ca> ▁Robert ▁Gog ol ok <2ca> ▁- ▁Well , ▁let ' s ▁go ▁then , <2ca> ▁- ▁No ▁laugh ▁for ▁Ned ' s ▁death . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁Welcome ▁and ▁thank ▁you ▁for ▁coming ▁to ▁a ▁" f inal ▁fare well ▁to ▁Rachel ' s ▁childhood ▁home " ▁party ! <2ca> ▁Just ▁calling ▁to ▁say ▁hi . <2ca> ▁About ▁seeing ▁cell ▁phone ▁and ▁react ing ▁" gun ". ▁Mm - hmm . <2ca> ▁Edgar ▁do ▁you ▁still ▁carry ▁that ▁Wal ther ▁under ▁your ▁jacket ? <2ca> ▁What ▁I ▁really ▁want ▁is ▁you . <2ca> ▁It ' s ▁nothing ▁compared ▁with ▁what ▁I ▁got ▁in ▁mind . ▁Which ▁is ? <2ca> ▁I ▁have ▁a ▁better ▁suggestion . <2ca> ▁By ▁this ▁time ▁the ▁whole ▁church ▁was ▁red - f aced ▁and ▁suff oc ating ▁with ▁supp ressed ▁la ughter , ▁and ▁the ▁ser mon ▁had ▁come ▁to ▁a ▁dead ▁stand still . <2ca> ▁The ▁presentation ▁have ▁been ▁as ▁important ▁as ▁the ▁killing . <2ca> ▁Apparently ▁some ▁motherfucker ▁forgot ▁I ' m ▁the ▁one ▁who ▁can ▁count . <2ca> ▁Our ▁parent ... ▁who ▁art ▁in ▁heaven , ▁hall owed ▁be ▁thy ▁name ... ▁stop ▁it . <2ca> ▁If ▁he ▁does , ▁he ▁can ▁make ▁a ▁mistake . <2ca> ▁Most ▁girls ▁will ▁give ▁their ▁eyes ▁for ▁a ▁chance ▁to ▁see ▁Monte . <2ca> ▁I ▁got ▁di bs ▁on ▁that ▁watch , ▁man . <2ca> ▁It ▁is ▁important ▁that ▁the ▁established ▁powers ▁start ▁to ▁face ▁the ▁information ▁that ▁is ▁produced ▁here ▁in ▁a ▁different ▁way ... <2ca> ▁Well , ▁that ▁is ▁a ▁terribly ▁sad ▁story . <2ca> ▁Well , ▁we ' ll ▁just ▁have ▁to ▁see ▁which ▁one ▁of ▁us ▁is ▁right , ▁then . <2ca> ▁Nothing ▁happened ▁yet . <2ca> ▁I ' d ▁need ▁an ▁instrument ▁called ▁a ▁gas ▁chrom at ograph ▁to ▁say ▁for ▁sure , ▁but , ▁uh , ▁that ▁last ▁3 %, ▁it ▁may ▁not ▁sound ▁like ▁a ▁lot , ▁but ▁it ▁is . <2ca> ▁mol ar <2ca> ▁Just ▁print ▁your ▁clothes ▁in ▁the ▁hotel ▁room . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁gonna ▁become ▁the ▁very ▁thing ▁that ▁you ▁hated ▁so ▁much ... ▁you ▁were ▁willing ▁to ▁kill ▁me ▁over ▁it . <2ca> ▁That ' s ▁how ▁I ▁met ▁Cisco ▁and ▁C ait lin . ▁Right . <2ca> ▁How ▁do ▁the ▁men ▁holding ▁the ▁b anners ▁fight ? <2ca> ▁This ▁value ▁in ▁degrees ▁will ▁be ▁added ▁to ▁main ▁vertical ▁angle ▁value ▁to ▁set ▁fine ▁adjustments . <2ca> ▁Fern and ' s ▁radio ▁has ▁priority , ▁since ... ▁he ▁pays ▁rent ▁and ▁his ▁mus cles ▁m ute ▁my ▁music ▁when ▁he ▁gets ▁angry . <2ca> ▁In ▁a ▁parliamentary ▁session ▁several ▁weeks ▁ago , ▁with ▁the ▁delicate ▁situation ▁of ▁Catal onia , ▁where ▁national ist ▁parties ▁have ▁rev ived ▁the ▁debate ▁over ▁independence , ▁hanging ▁over ▁head , ▁W ert ▁let ▁loose ▁the ▁following ▁to ▁representative ▁Frances c ▁V all ès : <2ca> ▁You ▁look ▁tired , ▁brother . <2ca> ▁Oh , ▁I ▁thought ▁you ▁said ▁he ▁was ▁okay . <2ca> ▁There ▁are ▁around ▁33 ▁mill ig ram mes ▁of ▁de ut eri um ▁in ▁every ▁lit re ▁of ▁water . <2ca> ▁A ▁painting ▁can ▁capture ▁eternity . <2ca> ▁" It ' s ▁waiting ..." <2ca> ▁It ' ll ▁kill ▁humans , ▁too . <2ca> ▁" W as " ▁as ▁in ▁not ▁anymore ? <2ca> ▁He ▁won ' t ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁move ▁more ▁than ▁two ▁mic rons . <2ca> ▁- ▁How ▁many ▁times ▁have ▁I ▁told ▁you ? <2ca> ▁Maybe ▁you ▁guys ▁aren ' t ▁getting ▁along ▁so ▁good ? <2ca> ▁Take ▁me ▁now <2ca> ▁Def ensive ▁wounds ▁on ▁her ▁face ▁and ▁hands , ▁throat ▁cut . <2ca> ▁- ▁Low ly ▁dog . <2ca> ▁H ild eg ard ? <2ca> ▁M AL C OL M : ▁You ' re ▁bro oding , ▁Mr . ▁Chandler . <2ca> ▁We ▁will ▁wreck ▁your ▁life , ▁we ▁will ▁do ▁so ▁much ▁dam ... <2ca> ▁Bye , ▁mum my . <2ca> ▁What ▁about ▁me ? <2ca> ▁Local ▁element ary ▁school ▁students ▁are ▁invited ▁regularly ▁to ▁observe ▁the ▁tid al ▁flat ▁to ▁supplement ▁their ▁lessons . <2ca> ▁But ▁as ▁a ▁judge , ▁I ▁cannot ▁discuss ▁the ▁trial ▁with ▁you . <2ca> ▁Barney ▁made ▁up ▁the ▁St inson ' s ▁Hang over ▁Fix er ▁Eli x ir ▁so ▁we ▁would ▁all ▁believe ▁that ▁we ▁could ▁rally . <2ca> ▁Couldn ' t ▁she ▁go ▁someplace ▁else ? <2ca> ▁Your ▁father ▁died ▁fighting ▁for ▁this . <2ca> ▁Just ... d rive . <2ca> ▁I ' m ▁ri ff ing , ▁people ▁usually ▁stop ▁me ▁when ▁I ' m ▁ri ff ing , ▁or ▁carry ▁on ▁without ▁me . <2ca> ▁But ▁at ▁least ▁he ▁doesn ' t ▁have ▁to ▁feel ▁like ▁he ' s ▁alone ▁anymore . <2ca> ▁My ▁child . ▁It ' s ▁all ▁a ▁fig ment ▁of ▁your ▁imagination . <2ca> ▁Dr ▁Clar ks on ! <2ca> ▁– I ▁can ' t ▁believe ▁it ▁yet . <2ca> ▁Sist ers ▁can ▁be ▁like ▁that . <2ca> ▁So ▁did ▁her ▁mother . <2ca> ▁I ▁mean , ▁you ' re -- ▁you ' re ▁acting ▁like ▁me ▁leaving ▁town ▁is -- ▁is ▁all ▁about ▁me ▁and ▁turning ▁over ▁a ▁new ▁leaf , ▁but ▁it ' s ▁really -- ▁it ' s ▁really ▁about ▁you . <2ca> ▁Sh ame . ▁The ▁first ▁train ▁is ▁at ▁noon ? <2ca> ▁You ' re ▁Connor ? <2ca> ▁& ▁Ber nd . ▁Johannes . ▁W ueb ben ; ▁w ueb ben @ m ath . ▁corn ell . ▁ed u <2ca> ▁Sure , ▁okay . <2ca> ▁An ▁early ▁sket ch ▁for ▁Sat urn ▁devour ing ▁his ▁son . <2ca> ▁Select ▁the ▁user ▁that ▁will ▁receive ▁the ▁authorization . <2ca> ▁- ▁Sh ay na , ▁we ' re ▁at ▁war . <2ca> ▁All ▁right . ▁Bring ▁him ▁in . <2ca> ▁Are ▁you ▁done ▁interrog ating ▁me ? <2ca> ▁You ▁know , ▁a ▁real ▁man . <2ca> ▁The ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁man ▁who ▁hired ▁him ▁for ▁Northern ▁Light s . <2ca> ▁That ▁CIA ▁story ▁never ▁added ▁up . <2ca> ▁Hello ? <2ca> ▁You ▁shot ▁and ▁killed ▁two ▁guys , ▁got ▁X av ier ▁breathing ▁down ▁your ▁neck ▁and ▁you ▁better ▁believe ▁this ▁report ▁is ▁gonna ▁be ▁read ▁as ▁high ▁up ▁as ▁he ▁can ▁take ▁it . <2ca> ▁No , ▁Lord ▁Grant ham , ▁I ▁can ' t ! <2ca> ▁There ▁is ▁far ▁more ▁than ▁this ▁await ing ▁you ▁on ▁the ▁deck ▁of ▁your ▁ship . <2ca> ▁We ' re ▁putting ▁together ▁a ▁search ▁party . <2ca> ▁But ▁all ▁the ▁same , ▁she ▁was ▁once ▁someone ' s ▁child . <2ca> ▁- ▁There ' s ▁not ▁a ▁criminal ▁enterprise ▁around ▁here ▁that ▁doesn ' t ▁start ▁or ▁end ▁in ▁his ▁pocket . <2ca> ▁W iz ▁aff ir ms ▁that ▁behind ▁this ▁strange ▁signal ▁there ' s ▁an ▁alien ▁intelligence ▁that ▁knows ▁all . <2ca> ▁You ▁can ▁add ▁an ▁arbit rary ▁command ▁here , ▁either ▁with ▁or ▁without ▁path ▁depending ▁on ▁whether ▁or ▁not ▁the ▁command ▁is ▁in ▁your ▁Path . ▁For ▁every ▁new ▁mail , ▁KMail ▁will ▁execute ▁the ▁command ▁and ▁use ▁what ▁it ▁out puts ▁( to ▁standard ▁output ) ▁as ▁a ▁signature . ▁Us ual ▁commands ▁for ▁use ▁with ▁this ▁mechanism ▁are ▁" fortune " ▁or ▁" ks ig ▁- r andom ". <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁everyone . <2ca> ▁None <2ca> ▁Action ▁But tons <2ca> ▁& ▁Ha av ard . ▁F roe il and . ▁mail ; <2ca> ▁Without ▁the ▁initi ating ▁react or ▁there ' s ▁no ▁way ▁we ▁can ▁open ▁the ▁worm hole . <2ca> ▁Just ▁wanted ▁to ▁see ▁if ▁my ▁friend ▁there ▁needed ▁some ▁help . <2ca> ▁This ▁week ▁we ▁welcome ▁two ▁new ▁pod cast ▁partners : ▁Sp ot light ▁and ▁Hyper link . <2ca> ▁Come ▁on ! <2ca> ▁" The ▁boy ▁you ▁always ▁quar re led ▁with ▁is ▁seriously ▁ill . ▁" <2ca> ▁THEY ▁AR RI VE ▁IN ▁COR P OR ATE ▁J ET S , ▁NOT ▁THE ▁B EST ▁W AY ▁TO ▁PL EAD ▁P OV ERT Y . <2ca> ▁My ▁lord ▁father ▁has ▁commanded ▁me ▁to ▁consum mate ▁this ▁marriage . <2ca> ▁You ▁stole ▁it ▁off ▁of ▁me . <2ca> ▁There ' s ▁not ▁much ▁on ▁him . <2ca> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2ca> ▁So ▁what ▁was ▁that ▁about ? <2ca> ▁He ' s ▁just ... ▁He ' s ▁not ▁there , ▁sir . <2ca> ▁style <2ca> ▁Mr . ▁Steel . <2ca> ▁With ▁well ▁over ▁half ▁a ▁million ▁followers ▁today , ▁K erm lin R ussia — a ▁par ody ▁of ▁D mit ri ▁Med ved ev ’ s ▁first ▁Twitter ▁name — is ▁widely ▁regarded ▁as ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁chief ▁mouth pi eces ▁of ▁the ▁liberal ▁opposition ▁movement . <2ca> ▁Coup le ▁thousand ▁at ▁most . <2ca> ▁Can ▁I ▁see ▁you ▁for ▁a ▁minute ...