<2gl> ▁They ▁have ▁no ▁ha irs ▁on ▁the ▁body <2gl> ▁Come ▁on ▁you ▁two ! ▁Let ' s ▁get ▁this ▁shift ed ! <2gl> ▁At ▁the ▁moment , ▁the ▁fi ber ' s ▁int ract able . <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁my ▁name ' s ▁Wil kes . ▁I ' m ▁sorry . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁special ▁agent . <2gl> ▁Can ' t ▁call ▁it ▁stealing ' ▁because ▁at ▁the ▁time ▁of ▁death ▁there ▁won ' t ▁be ▁any ▁owners . <2gl> ▁Save ▁as ▁database ... <2gl> ▁You ▁must ▁mend ▁your ▁ways , ▁my ▁friend . <2gl> ▁You ▁know ▁rings ... <2gl> ▁Cla pper . <2gl> ▁You ▁do ▁it ▁on ▁purpose ? <2gl> ▁Now ▁you ' re ▁alone , ▁like ▁the ▁old ▁lady ! <2gl> ▁I ▁wish ▁you ' d ▁tell ▁me ▁what ' s ▁wrong , ▁Bates . <2gl> ▁MA J OR ▁SC AND AL ▁IN ▁THE ▁WOR KS ? ▁INV EST IG ATION ▁OF ▁DA IR Y U ▁CON ST R UCT ION ▁SP R EA DS ▁TO ▁P UBLIC ▁COR P OR ATION <2gl> ▁I ▁have ▁no ▁machines ▁there . <2gl> ▁Max . ▁number ▁of ▁light ▁sources <2gl> ▁t l <2gl> ▁Your ▁ema ils <2gl> ▁E lu ard ▁with ▁the ▁anti - str ike ? <2gl> ▁No , ▁I ' m ▁not ▁a ▁fool , ▁and ▁here ▁they ▁don ' t ▁like ▁foreign ers . <2gl> ▁Why ▁all ▁the ▁investigating ? <2gl> ▁What ' s ▁all ▁this ? ▁Oh , ▁it ' s ▁nothing . <2gl> ▁Why ▁are ▁you ▁trying ▁to ▁hust le ▁me ▁out ▁of ▁here ? <2gl> ▁- ▁S ams on ? <2gl> ▁There ' s ▁a ▁magnet ▁at ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁it ! <2gl> ▁Drink ing , ▁buddy ing ▁up . <2gl> ▁Stre ets ▁And ▁Alle ys <2gl> ▁- ▁Sc ler osis ? <2gl> ▁Why ▁do ▁we ▁have ▁to ▁leave ▁now ? <2gl> ▁Frequ ent ▁Contacts <2gl> ▁- Good ▁night , ▁sir . <2gl> ▁ ─ ▁Yes , ▁go ▁on . ▁She ▁said ▁.. ▁Max ▁will ▁be ▁.. <2gl> ▁Well , ▁I ' ll ▁be ▁seeing ▁you ▁then , ▁Mr . ▁- <2gl> ▁The ▁mu le ▁driver ▁is ▁always ▁beside ▁the ▁hay - s eller . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁not ▁how ▁I ▁see ▁her . <2gl> ▁If ▁we ▁could ▁just ▁find ▁a ▁friend ▁of ▁his . ▁I ▁mean , ▁someone ▁who ▁knew ▁the ▁best ▁way ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁him . <2gl> ▁You ▁ain ' t ▁at ▁the ▁photographer ' s ! <2gl> ▁90% ▁of ▁the ▁conv ictions ▁in ▁Japan ▁are ▁obtained ▁by ▁confess ions ▁during ▁those ▁28 ▁days ▁because ▁they ▁can ▁torture ▁you ▁legally . <2gl> ▁And ▁then ▁she ▁left ! <2gl> ▁Didn ' t ▁I ▁tell ▁you ▁to ▁bring ▁umbre lla ? <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁need ▁you ▁to ▁step ▁out ▁the ▁vehicle ▁now . <2gl> ▁He ▁didn ' t ▁have ▁a ▁bill ▁of ▁sale ▁with ▁him . <2gl> ▁Sure ▁you ▁wouldn ' t ▁like ▁something ▁in ▁that ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Get ▁his ▁tr ous ers ! <2gl> ▁Let ' s ▁meet ▁for ▁the ▁last ▁time . <2gl> ▁In ▁the ▁state ▁of ▁Florida . <2gl> ▁Have ▁you ▁read ▁the ▁help ▁file ? <2gl> ▁When ▁I ▁thought ▁you ▁were ▁dead ▁when ▁I ▁thought ▁of ▁what ▁killed ▁you , ▁I ▁wanted ▁revenge ▁too . <2gl> ▁It ▁hasn ' t ▁become ▁a ▁habit ▁for ▁me ▁yet . <2gl> ▁Time ' s ▁short . <2gl> ▁But ▁by ▁nature ▁I ' m ▁a ▁dream er , ▁in ▁the ▁city ▁or ▁the ▁country . <2gl> ▁Are ▁we ▁gonna ▁argue ▁about ▁what ▁to ▁call ▁it ? <2gl> ▁She ▁thinks ▁if ▁you ▁put ▁a ▁toy ▁down , ▁it ' ll ▁still ▁be ▁sitting ▁there ▁when ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁play ▁with ▁it ▁again . <2gl> ▁I ▁mean , ▁we ▁were ▁on ▁the ▁way ▁to ▁the ▁primary , ▁so ▁that ▁part ▁of ▁it ▁was ▁perfectly ▁routine , ▁as ▁we ▁came ▁in ▁from ▁our ▁initial ▁point ▁to ▁the ▁bomb ▁release ▁point , ▁it ▁was ▁again ▁routine . <2gl> ▁Nin ety . ▁- ▁Nin ety ▁my ▁ass . <2gl> ▁France ▁doesn ' t ▁belong ▁to ▁the ▁French ▁because ▁it ▁is ▁owned ▁by ▁200 ▁families . <2gl> ▁What ▁did ▁this ▁N ishi ▁do ▁before ? <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁of ▁course . ▁I ▁suppose ▁I ' ll ▁have ▁to . <2gl> ▁First ▁swear . <2gl> ▁Man uela , ▁pull ▁yourself ▁together <2gl> ▁They ▁have ▁cut ▁off ▁water ▁and ▁electricity . <2gl> ▁- May be ▁it ▁was ▁psych os omatic . <2gl> ▁Greek . ▁Hou li ▁means ▁black ▁bile . <2gl> ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :26 :50 :16 ▁, ▁And ▁there ▁was ▁no ▁conspiracy ▁within ▁the ▁Los ▁Angeles ▁Police ▁Department ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :26 :52 :16 ▁, ▁to ▁take ▁over ▁the ▁local ▁ra ckets <2gl> ▁German .. <2gl> ▁St ink , ▁stink , ▁stink , ▁Mr . ▁Mur dock ! <2gl> ▁Go ▁away , ▁r ascal ! <2gl> ▁Get ▁in ▁your ▁car , ▁sir . ▁It ' ll ▁take ▁a ▁second . <2gl> ▁♪ ▁Say ▁how ▁do <2gl> ▁Found ▁out ▁who ' s ▁been ▁running ▁that ▁poison ▁around ▁here . <2gl> ▁- ▁Do ▁you ▁think ▁you ' re ▁able ▁to ▁stand ▁tall ▁now ? <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁sorry ▁to ▁have ▁been ▁so ▁out ▁spoken , ▁Lou , ▁but ▁if ▁you ▁think ▁of ▁the ▁adv ances ▁in ▁recent ▁years ▁such ▁as ▁in ▁the ▁treatment ▁of ▁m asto id itis , ▁typ ho id ▁and ▁pneum onia ▁you ' ve ▁a ▁reason ▁to ▁feel ▁hope ful . <2gl> ▁End ▁of ▁the ▁third ▁re el . <2gl> ▁Certainly ▁not <2gl> ▁People ▁grow ▁up ▁and ▁then ▁they ... <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁was ▁doing ▁some ▁stuff . <2gl> ▁I ▁was ▁having ▁the ▁most ▁wonderful ▁dream . <2gl> ▁He ▁deserved ▁more ▁than ▁this . <2gl> ▁You ▁are , ▁sweetie . <2gl> ▁You ▁bitch , ▁what ▁did ▁you ▁do ▁yesterday ? <2gl> ▁Why ▁in ▁God ' s ▁name ▁don ' t ▁they ▁run ? <2gl> ▁" You ▁can ▁ask ▁him , ▁but ▁he ▁can ' t ▁tell ▁you . <2gl> ▁He ' s ▁the ▁boss , ▁our ▁elder . <2gl> ▁Great ▁neighbourhood . <2gl> ▁That ▁was ▁on ▁December ▁23, ▁194 9. <2gl> ▁They ▁wanted ▁to ▁take ▁me ▁to ▁dinner ▁but ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁go ▁home ▁early . <2gl> ▁My ▁knee ▁was ▁playing ▁up , ▁but ▁I ▁really ▁wanted ▁to ▁finish , ▁and ▁he ▁walked ▁the ▁last ▁three ▁miles ▁with ▁me . <2gl> ▁Everything ' s ▁up s ided own . <2gl> ▁They ' re ▁go oks . <2gl> ▁You ▁know ▁how ▁I ▁love ▁you . <2gl> ▁You ▁look ▁cold , ▁boys . ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁bit ▁ni ppy . <2gl> ▁Connect ▁to ▁others ▁using ▁V NC ▁protocol <2gl> ▁Do ▁that ▁on ▁Long ▁Island . <2gl> ▁Penalty ! <2gl> ▁Constitution ▁square , ▁18 ▁November ▁197 3 <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁it . ▁The , ▁uh , ▁new ▁generation . ▁The ▁one ▁our ▁husband s — <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁the ▁good . <2gl> ▁L 1 ▁In str . ▁Fet ch ▁Miss <2gl> ▁None ▁to ▁display ▁the ▁alarm ▁sil ently . <2gl> ▁Keep ▁a ▁small ▁fire . <2gl> ▁Be ▁prepared ▁to ▁remain ▁all ▁winter , ▁all ▁next ▁winter , ▁if ▁necessary . <2gl> ▁Only ▁with ▁the ▁gro om . <2gl> ▁Add ▁Sub cal endar <2gl> ▁- ▁The ▁one ▁in ▁the ▁can . <2gl> ▁You ▁think ▁you ▁were ▁okay ? <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁show ▁it ▁to ▁them . <2gl> ▁We ' re ▁going ▁to ▁have ▁a ▁cock ▁slaughtered . <2gl> ▁It ▁has ▁nothing ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁Ch ican os <2gl> ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁thinking ▁baby ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Very ▁much ▁so . ▁Fort y - eight , ▁unhappy ▁as ▁hell . <2gl> ▁Come ▁on ▁feet ! <2gl> ▁We ▁got ▁the ▁girls ▁motiv ated . <2gl> ▁My ▁parents ▁are ▁dead , ▁but ▁M iri am ' s ▁live ▁in ▁Ohio . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁when ▁it ▁all ▁kind ▁of ▁expl oded . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁need ▁help ▁to ▁remember ▁you . <2gl> ▁Because ▁it ' s ▁probably ▁the ▁most ▁humiliating ▁thing ▁in ▁the ▁world . <2gl> ▁Re organ izing ▁accounts ... <2gl> ▁Unable ▁to ▁modify ▁pay ee <2gl> ▁No , ▁I ▁took ▁one . <2gl> ▁It ▁still ▁happens ▁- ▁maybe ▁not ▁in ▁France ▁right ▁now ▁- ▁but ▁there ▁are ▁violent ▁street ▁fights ▁against ▁police ▁forces . <2gl> ▁04 ▁, ▁00 :16 :08 :04 ▁, ▁and ▁replaced ▁street c ars ▁with ▁bus es , ▁04 ▁, ▁00 :16 :11 :16 ▁, ▁allegedly ▁to ▁sab ot age ▁public ▁transportation . ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :16 :18 :04 ▁, ▁Another ▁conspiracy ▁to ▁destroy ▁Eden , ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :16 :20 :04 ▁, ▁but ▁in ▁this ▁movie <2gl> ▁The ▁scene ▁consist ed ▁of ▁several ▁police ▁units . <2gl> ▁- Shall ▁we ▁come ▁out ▁now , ▁Paul ? <2gl> ▁The ▁seconds ▁number ▁with ▁two ▁digits <2gl> ▁True ▁love <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁am ▁from ▁Ar arat , ▁in ▁Armenia . <2gl> ▁I ▁saw ▁again ▁what ▁had ▁been ▁my ▁window . <2gl> ▁Hor rible ▁things , ▁but ▁things ▁I ' ll ▁live ▁with . <2gl> ▁Not ▁too ▁far , ▁I ▁guess ▁about ▁maybe ▁20 ▁miles ▁from ▁here . <2gl> ▁One ▁list ▁of ▁union ▁names . <2gl> ▁It ▁' s ▁a ▁way ▁I ▁found ▁of ▁expressing ▁myself ▁in ▁a ▁non - vi ol ent ▁way , ▁so ▁we ▁can ▁also ▁express ▁in ▁a ▁musical ▁way . <2gl> ▁We ▁met ▁at ▁a ▁place ▁called ▁M oke ' s . <2gl> ▁By ▁the ▁way , ▁my ▁name ▁is ▁Gabri elle . ▁- ▁Gil . <2gl> ▁I ▁feel ▁so ▁bad ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁a ▁worried ▁mind <2gl> ▁Through ▁centuries ▁of ▁dream y ▁v assal age , ▁time ▁had ▁not ▁stir red ▁in ▁the ▁arch ip el ago . <2gl> ▁Tur id du . <2gl> ▁Vertical ▁Con text ▁Cont ain ment <2gl> ▁They ' ve ▁been ▁arguing ▁about ▁this ▁strip ▁of ▁fall ow ▁land ▁for ▁ten ▁years . ▁As ▁soon ▁as ▁one ▁of ▁them ▁turns ▁up , ▁the ▁other ▁one ▁comes ▁too , ▁and ▁they ▁watch ▁each ▁other ▁to ▁make ▁sure ▁that ▁neither ▁of ▁them ▁pl ough s ▁that ▁strip . <2gl> ▁He ▁says ▁food ▁is ▁much ▁better ▁than ▁at ▁home . <2gl> ▁Ah , ▁look ▁what ▁that ▁does ▁for ▁him , ▁T iger . <2gl> ▁A ▁dream ▁come ▁true ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Are ▁you ▁making ▁it ▁up ? <2gl> ▁There ▁is ▁the ▁search ▁for ▁racial ▁justice ... <2gl> ▁The ▁Big ▁Island ▁of ▁Hawaii , ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁Pacific ▁Ocean , ▁holds ▁the ▁key ▁to ▁what ▁happened ▁to ▁Mars . <2gl> ▁You ▁may ▁want ▁to ▁go ▁home . <2gl> ▁- S it ▁down ▁a ▁minute ! <2gl> ▁Notes ▁about ▁the ▁problems ▁he ▁was ▁having . <2gl> ▁Why ▁didn ' t ▁you ▁let ▁me ▁drown ? <2gl> ▁there ' s ▁a ▁certain ▁difference . <2gl> ▁She ' ll ▁always ▁smell ▁of ▁cooking . <2gl> ▁We ▁had ▁fun . ▁No ▁two ▁days ▁were ▁alike . <2gl> ▁That ▁was ▁a ▁million ▁years ▁ago . <2gl> ▁SO ▁NOW , ▁FOR ▁THE ▁FIR ST ▁T IME , ▁I ' M ▁GET T ING ▁MON EY ▁FOR ▁BE ING ▁IN ▁THE ▁AR MY . <2gl> ▁I ▁thought ▁you ▁wanted ▁it ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁noise ▁going ▁over ▁whatever ▁was ▁really ▁on ▁" He avy ▁Met al ▁Dr ummer " ▁there . <2gl> ▁Their ▁mouths ▁are ▁full ▁of ▁bitter ness ▁and ▁curs es . <2gl> ▁Sweet ▁to ▁those ▁of ▁us ▁who ▁know ▁the ▁salvation ▁that ▁awaits . <2gl> ▁So , ▁what ▁do ▁we ▁got ▁here , ▁Walt ? <2gl> ▁No ▁hint ▁available ▁right ▁now <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁looking ▁for ▁him ▁myself . <2gl> ▁He ' s ▁made ▁her ▁proud . <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁it ' s ▁obvious ▁that ▁His ▁Royal ▁Highness ▁has ▁decided ▁to ▁have ▁units ▁of ▁the ▁Campbell - Ar gy ll ▁milit ia ▁and ▁some ▁squad rons ▁of ▁dra go ons ▁to ▁go ▁down ▁behind ▁the ▁south ▁side ▁of ▁this ▁wall , ▁out ▁of ▁sight ▁of ▁the ▁enemy , ▁to ▁take ▁them ▁in ▁the ▁rear ▁and ▁out fl ank ▁the ▁rebels . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁not ▁getting ▁involved ▁in ▁this . <2gl> ▁Do ▁you ▁remember ▁that ▁girl ▁who ▁hit ▁your ▁car ? <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁hog , ▁man . <2gl> ▁- ▁the ▁summary ▁of ▁my ▁final ... <2gl> ▁Il ▁sau vera ▁La ▁F ée ▁des ▁Dj inn s , <2gl> ▁Are ▁they ▁Viet s ▁? <2gl> ▁She ▁needs ▁taking ▁out ▁of ▁herself . <2gl> ▁Stupid ▁moron , ▁that ' s ▁the ▁way ▁you ▁should ▁have ▁done ▁it ! <2gl> ▁Your ▁seat ▁remains ▁vac ant . <2gl> ▁On ▁the ▁right ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁gun ▁you ▁think ▁you ' re ▁right ! <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁Jo , ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁to ▁go ▁out . <2gl> ▁L ola ▁gives ▁me ▁seven ▁French ▁kiss es . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁little ▁young . <2gl> ▁Fall , ▁you ▁are ▁the ▁seed ▁of ▁dyn as ties . <2gl> ▁- ▁Did ▁you ▁see ▁my ▁cane ? <2gl> ▁Veh icle ▁confirmed . ▁Silver ▁K ia ▁Opt ima ▁sedan . ▁Own ed ▁by ▁Lee ▁Ran . <2gl> ▁Let ▁us ▁bless ▁happy ▁fortune , ▁in ▁the ▁form ▁of ▁a ▁lot tery ▁ticket ▁which ▁permits ▁union ▁between ▁care free ▁youth ▁and ▁innocent ▁beauty . <2gl> ▁The ▁songs ▁that ▁she ▁comp oses ▁are ▁of ▁a ▁sed itious ▁nature <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁I ' m ▁sorry , ▁I ' m ▁really ▁sorry . <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁I ▁haven ' t ▁got ▁any ▁p enn ies . <2gl> ▁- ▁He ' s ▁downstairs . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁generally ▁drive ▁around ▁45 ▁to ▁50. <2gl> ▁We ▁must ▁decide ▁for ▁ourselves . <2gl> ▁- ▁Well , ▁there ▁are ▁absurd ities ▁involved , ▁as ▁I ▁know ▁well ▁enough . <2gl> ▁I ▁still ▁think , ▁Mr ▁Far qu h arson , ▁our ▁best ▁course ▁would ▁be ▁to ▁go ▁straight ▁to ▁the ▁cave ! <2gl> ▁- ▁That ' s ▁against ▁the ▁law ! <2gl> ▁Did ▁you ▁see ▁the ▁man ▁that ... ▁killed ▁Slo an ▁in ▁the ▁kitchen ? <2gl> ▁13 ▁, ▁01 :21 :56 :00 ▁, ▁" I ▁think ▁this ▁place ▁could ▁be ▁anything ▁you ▁want ▁it ▁to ▁be ." <2gl> ▁View s ▁of ▁& ▁kont act ; ▁' s ▁men ub ars ▁in ▁the ▁Summary ▁View , ▁Mail ▁View , ▁and ▁Calendar ▁View . <2gl> ▁Pol ly , ▁let ' s ▁stop ▁acting . <2gl> ▁N ' <2gl> ▁The ▁route ? <2gl> ▁He ▁looks ▁so ▁skin ny . <2gl> ▁I ▁had ▁a ▁good ▁impression . <2gl> ▁Ah , ▁not ▁too ▁bad . <2gl> ▁- ▁Why ▁don ' t ▁you ▁let ▁her ▁use ▁your ▁car ? <2gl> ▁You ▁ought a ▁pass ▁a ▁vote ▁of ▁thanks . <2gl> ▁With ▁all ▁the ▁pictures ▁in ▁the ▁newspapers , ▁man ▁and ▁woman . <2gl> ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁shoot ▁election ▁d inners , ▁public ▁debates ▁or ▁do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁follow ▁candidates ▁in ▁markets ? <2gl> ▁There ▁are ▁too ▁many ▁car ab in ieri ▁around . <2gl> ▁ll ▁are ▁three ▁injections ▁in ▁all . <2gl> ▁I ▁thought ▁it ▁might ▁help ▁me ▁to ▁get ▁away ▁from ▁you , ▁Mr ▁Bates . <2gl> ▁Ch hat tis gar hi <2gl> ▁- ▁The ▁Prov idence ▁sent . <2gl> ▁Since ▁there ▁is ▁no ▁money ▁for ▁wood ▁shut ters , ▁f ences , ▁and ▁floor bo ards ▁are ▁used ▁as ▁fuel . <2gl> ▁What ▁about ▁my ▁perj ury ? <2gl> ▁That ▁is ▁when ▁we ▁met ▁him ▁and ▁Y oy o , ▁then ▁a ▁young ▁and ▁active ▁CF D ▁T ▁member ▁who ▁had ▁made ▁his ▁first ▁public ▁address ▁to ▁his ▁com rades . <2gl> ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁mean , ▁there ' s ▁no ▁other ▁ambulance ? <2gl> ▁Press ▁the ▁Try ▁button ▁to ▁test ▁the ▁alarm ▁and ▁check ▁whether ▁it ▁works ▁correctly . ▁The ▁alarm ▁is ▁executed ▁just ▁as ▁if ▁it ▁had ▁been ▁scheduled ▁in ▁the ▁normal ▁way . <2gl> ▁I ▁can ▁congratulate ▁We y ▁and ▁I ' d ▁glad ly ▁congratulate ▁you , ▁if ▁you ▁manage ▁to ▁do ▁it ▁well . <2gl> ▁who , ▁along ▁with ▁his ▁entire ▁cabinet , ▁were ▁third - deg ree ▁Mas ons . <2gl> ▁Because ▁they ▁are ▁so ▁stuck ▁up . <2gl> ▁K oot ▁stays ▁here . <2gl> ▁You ▁are ▁here , ▁my ▁little ▁Adri ana . <2gl> ▁There , ▁was ▁silence . ▁It ▁made ▁us ▁stop ▁and ▁think . <2gl> ▁C ray on ! <2gl> ▁I ▁pack ▁my ▁bags <2gl> ▁That ▁should ▁affect ▁you ▁personally . ▁I ▁critic ise ▁youth ▁today ... ▁For ▁not ▁playing ▁their ▁part . <2gl> ▁August <2gl> ▁Of ▁course , ▁in ▁buying ▁anything ▁Catholic , ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁look ▁for ▁the ▁imp rim atur . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁got ▁fingers ▁like ▁an ▁artist . <2gl> ▁These ▁lists ▁show ▁calls ▁to ▁and ▁from ▁the ▁current ▁active ▁function . ▁With ▁All ▁Call ers ▁and ▁All ▁Cal le es ▁are ▁meant ▁those ▁functions ▁reach able ▁in ▁the ▁call er ▁and ▁cal le e ▁direction , ▁even ▁when ▁other ▁functions ▁are ▁in ▁between . <2gl> ▁Let ▁me ▁have ▁that ▁album . <2gl> ▁Effects <2gl> ▁Why ▁should ▁our ▁presence ▁by ▁the ▁side ▁of ▁our ▁wounded ▁be ▁in op port une ? <2gl> ▁He ▁said ▁it ▁was ▁the ▁most ▁beautiful ▁market ▁in ▁Vienna . <2gl> ▁And ▁besides , ▁what ' s ▁he ▁doing ▁on ▁TV ? <2gl> ▁You ▁see , ▁temperature ▁is ▁just ▁a ▁measure ▁of ▁how ▁fast ▁things ▁are ▁moving ▁around . <2gl> ▁Up <2gl> ▁Your ▁kids ▁will ▁live ▁to ▁old ▁age <2gl> ▁4 ... ▁5 ▁meters . <2gl> ▁Go ▁to ▁Previous ▁Uns olved ▁Conf lict <2gl> ▁Develop er <2gl> ▁Come ▁with ▁me , ▁Robert . <2gl> ▁Just ▁telephone ▁pol es ▁and ▁the ▁hum ▁of ▁the ▁engine . <2gl> ▁You ▁won ' t ▁go ▁far ▁with ▁that ▁back pack . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ' m ▁sure ▁there ▁were ▁reasons ... <2gl> ▁It ▁could ▁lead ▁to ▁a ▁completely ▁new ▁type ▁of ▁television ▁program ▁for ▁adults . <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁someone ▁hit ▁me ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁this ▁house . <2gl> ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁shoot ▁the ▁Right ' s ▁and ▁the ▁Left ' s ▁campaign . <2gl> ▁They ' re ▁the ▁finest ▁made . <2gl> ▁No ▁one ▁thinks ▁I ' m ▁equipped ▁for ▁mother hood . <2gl> ▁I ▁had ▁a ▁coat ▁over ▁my ▁lap , ▁and ▁I ▁was ▁pretending ▁to ▁st itch ▁buttons ▁to ▁it . <2gl> ▁How ▁long ▁you ▁been ▁seeing ▁M ardi ▁Gr as ? <2gl> ▁Fuck ▁you , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁mean ▁to ▁beat ▁you . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁can ▁borrow . <2gl> ▁It ▁could ▁go ▁on ▁for ▁months , ▁couldn ' t ▁it ? <2gl> ▁Sir , ▁I ' d ▁like ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁you ▁about ▁that ▁desk . <2gl> ▁What ' s ▁your ▁thing , ▁psycho ? <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁sending ▁you ▁to ▁woods ▁and ▁to ▁waters ! <2gl> ▁George , ▁you ▁can ▁take ▁my ▁bed <2gl> ▁Johnny : ▁You ▁can ▁have ▁it ▁if ▁you ▁want . <2gl> ▁So ▁you ▁were ▁beaten ▁like ▁this ? <2gl> ▁She ▁is ▁bet rot hed ▁to ▁me . <2gl> ▁Deb , ▁wait . <2gl> ▁I ▁had ▁to ▁be ▁on ▁the ▁scene . <2gl> ▁is ▁there ▁a ▁way ▁out ▁of ▁this ▁situation ? <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁we ' re ▁going ▁to ▁live ▁pretty ▁much ▁like ▁we ▁do ▁here . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁possible ▁only ▁when ▁there ' s ▁no ▁choice . <2gl> ▁And ▁now , ▁some ▁pictures ▁to ▁identify . <2gl> ▁If ▁he ▁cares ▁for ▁me , ▁if ▁I ▁care ▁for ▁him , ▁we ' ll ▁meet ▁again . <2gl> ▁R ows ▁in ▁the ▁dialog : <2gl> ▁Just ▁guess ▁what ▁my ▁daughter ▁told ▁me . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁he ▁who ▁commands ▁you . ▁H arken ▁therefore , ▁and ▁trem ble ▁in ▁fear , ▁satan , <2gl> ▁Joan ▁of ▁Arc ▁is ▁better . <2gl> ▁If ▁not ▁money ▁then ▁trop h ies . <2gl> ▁Unseen . <2gl> ▁You ' ve ▁been ▁working ▁hard ▁tonight , ▁baby ? <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁know , ▁I ▁won ' t ▁go ▁back . <2gl> ▁Unless ▁the ▁finger ▁prints ▁are ▁already ▁in ▁the ▁archives . <2gl> ▁Which ▁doesn ' t ▁happen ▁every ▁day , ▁right ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Hon ky ▁names . <2gl> ▁Her ▁mother ▁was ▁the ▁only ▁possible ▁suspect . <2gl> ▁Oh ▁no , ▁six ▁already . <2gl> ▁Gentlemen , ▁I ' ve ▁decided ▁to ▁go ▁back . <2gl> ▁Today , ▁we ▁have ▁a ▁different ▁pattern . <2gl> ▁However , ▁he ▁should ▁never ▁forget ▁Le ▁Cor bus ier ' s ▁Athens ▁Charter : <2gl> ▁- ▁Just ▁you ▁try ! <2gl> ▁J ara af , ▁tell ▁the ▁king ▁that ▁I ▁refuse ▁this ▁privilege ▁for ▁myself ▁alone ... <2gl> ▁- ▁You ' re ▁not ▁in ▁charge ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Let ' s ▁get ▁this ▁away ▁from ▁the ▁Ex po . <2gl> ▁- ▁Then , ▁what ▁happened ? <2gl> ▁Fox : ▁That ▁rabbit ' s ▁just ▁trying ▁to ... <2gl> ▁I ▁know ▁the ▁value ▁of ▁the ▁money ▁I ▁earn . <2gl> ▁Mr ▁Sab z ian , ▁did ▁you ▁hear ▁that ? ▁Sp ite ▁is ▁a ▁veil ▁to ▁conceal ▁art . ▁What ? <2gl> ▁R ape , ▁domestic ▁violence , ▁cl itor al ▁exc isions ... <2gl> ▁and ▁their ▁he red itary ▁tears . <2gl> ▁Error ▁Creating ▁Diff <2gl> ▁So ▁from ▁now ▁on ▁whatever ▁you ▁dream , ▁I ' ll ▁act ▁out ▁in ▁my ▁sleep ? <2gl> ▁- ▁G oto ▁sleep . <2gl> ▁He ' s ▁the ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁and ▁the ▁Party ' s ▁Secretary - General . <2gl> ▁Now ▁I ' m ▁so ▁dead , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁even ▁rate ▁a ▁mention ▁in ▁one ▁of ▁those ▁scandal ▁magaz ines . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁if ▁I ▁had ▁my ▁choice ... <2gl> ▁We ▁don ' t ▁owe ▁the ▁Rom ans ▁anything , ▁Mum . <2gl> ▁It ▁was ▁almost ▁as ▁though ▁Har rim an ▁turned ▁off ▁his ▁hearing ▁aid ... ▁when ▁we ▁told ▁him ▁this ▁would ▁not ▁work ... ▁this ▁was ▁not ▁the ▁understanding ▁the ▁North ▁Vietnam ese ▁had ... ▁and ▁they ▁would ▁certainly ▁rep udi ate ▁it ... ▁if ▁he ▁attempted ▁to ▁take ▁that ▁position ▁at ▁the ▁bar g aining ▁table . <2gl> ▁How ▁has ▁mankind ▁managed ▁to ▁remember ? <2gl> ▁What ▁was ▁this ▁Gi ul iano ▁hoping ▁for ? <2gl> ▁Highlight ▁plugin <2gl> ▁Thanks . <2gl> ▁AW G T HT G T TA <2gl> ▁I ' d ▁go ▁on ▁vacation ▁with ▁it ▁any ▁day . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁a ▁sl ander ous ▁lie , ▁you ▁ir respons ible ▁element ! <2gl> ▁If ▁it ▁were ▁not ▁for ▁her ▁Highness ' ▁visit ▁I ▁would ▁have ▁expelled ▁Man uela ▁this ▁very ▁day <2gl> ▁Dead ▁for ▁almost ▁20 ▁years , ▁and ▁still ▁taking ▁me ▁to ▁school . <2gl> ▁# ▁All ▁my ▁lies ▁are ▁always ▁wishes ▁# <2gl> ▁So ▁therefore , ▁you ' re ▁better ▁off ▁with ▁women . <2gl> ▁Error <2gl> ▁Tomorrow ▁will ▁be ▁too ▁late , ▁my ▁dear . <2gl> ▁This ▁can ' t ▁go ▁on ! <2gl> ▁Why ▁don ' t ▁you ▁come ▁to ▁our ▁parties ? ▁I ▁did . <2gl> ▁None ▁of ▁your ▁children ▁would ▁ever ▁get ▁a ▁sun burn ... ▁or ▁they ' d ▁never ▁get ▁a ▁cold ▁unless ▁they ▁were ▁exposed ▁to ▁a ▁draft . <2gl> ▁And ▁I ▁am ▁proud ▁to ▁put ▁on ▁afterwards ▁my ▁poor ▁worker ' s ▁ra gs , ▁in ▁the ▁morning , ▁under ▁the ▁boiling ▁sun ▁of ▁my ▁province , ▁of ▁my ▁village ! <2gl> ▁Mr ▁Stark , ▁hi ▁there . <2gl> ▁I ▁do . ▁That ' s ▁a ▁fact . <2gl> ▁My ▁name ' s ▁ing rid . <2gl> ▁We ▁are ▁prisoners ▁of ▁the ▁gor illas . <2gl> ▁You ▁know , ▁I ' m ▁not ▁giving ▁you ▁excuses , ▁but ... <2gl> ▁Of ▁these ▁four ▁girls ▁... ▁that ▁will ▁remain ▁with ▁you ▁for ▁better ▁or ▁for ▁worse ? <2gl> ▁- ▁A ▁small ▁kiss . ▁- ▁You ▁dream . <2gl> ▁For ▁most ▁of ▁the ▁time , ▁it ▁has ▁been ▁ra ining . <2gl> ▁Your ▁names <2gl> ▁" Look , ▁I ▁like ▁to ▁wear ▁short ▁skir ts . <2gl> ▁Your ▁names <2gl> ▁My ▁wife ▁and ▁I ▁have ▁been ▁laid ▁off . <2gl> ▁It ▁was ▁just ▁a ... ▁it ' s ▁a ▁figure ▁of ▁speaking , ▁you ▁understand ? <2gl> ▁Thank ▁you , ▁but ▁I ▁haven ' t ▁seen ▁him . <2gl> ▁M ute <2gl> ▁Selection ▁of ▁image ▁orientation : ▁Ori entation ▁of ▁the ▁printed ▁page ▁image ▁on ▁your ▁paper ▁is ▁controlled ▁by ▁these ▁radio ▁buttons . ▁By ▁default , ▁the ▁orientation ▁is ▁Port rait . ▁You ▁can ▁select ▁2 ▁alternatives : ▁Port rait ., ▁the ▁default ▁setting ; ▁Land scape .. ▁The ▁icon ▁changes ▁according ▁to ▁your ▁selection . <2gl> ▁I ▁sort ▁of ▁get ▁home ▁and ▁see ▁my ▁we e ▁brother ▁every ▁month ▁or ▁so ... ▁but ▁I ▁miss ▁the ▁usual ▁clean ▁air ... <2gl> ▁You ▁and ▁K isha ▁can ▁swim ▁in ▁the ▁pond . <2gl> ▁Maybe ▁we ▁ought a ▁go ▁to ▁Chicago . <2gl> ▁You ▁see ▁how ▁it ▁happens , ▁things ? <2gl> ▁I ▁fixed ▁a ▁little ▁lunch ▁of ▁things ▁I ▁thought ▁he ' d ▁like . <2gl> ▁As ▁a ▁student ▁I ▁sm oked ▁pot . <2gl> ▁Remove ▁the ▁nine ▁of ▁diamonds . <2gl> ▁I ▁never ▁heard ▁anything ▁so ▁pre post er ous ! <2gl> ▁Refresh ▁all <2gl> ▁For ▁him , ▁shopping ▁is ▁an ▁experience ▁of ▁overwhelming ▁po ign ancy ... ▁as ▁the ▁labels ▁on ▁imported ▁goods ▁ev oke ▁such ▁long ing ... ▁for ▁the ▁jour neys ▁abroad ▁that ▁he ▁no ▁longer ▁feels ▁able ▁to ▁make . <2gl> ▁A ▁better ▁sharing ▁of ▁tasks , ▁more ▁free ▁time . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁a ▁big ▁wall ▁that ▁prevents ▁us ▁from ▁joining ▁together . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁a ▁few ▁nights ▁ago , ▁we ▁were ▁talking ... ▁you ▁know , ▁" We ▁hate ▁girls , ▁we ▁wish ▁we ▁were ▁gay ," ▁just ▁guy ▁stuff . <2gl> ▁We ▁want ▁our ▁children ▁to ▁learn ▁to ▁read ▁- <2gl> ▁Cuba ▁is ▁free . <2gl> ▁[ G as ps ] ▁Oh , ▁that ▁was ▁an ▁ad - lib . <2gl> ▁These ▁two , ▁too . <2gl> ▁Com in ' ▁through ! <2gl> ▁From ▁the ▁camps , ▁it ▁was ▁very ▁hard . <2gl> ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :44 :06 :16 ▁, ▁His ▁version ▁of ▁Philip ▁Mar l owe ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :44 :09 :16 ▁, ▁turns ▁Raymond ▁Chandler ' s ▁Ang lo - S ax on ▁white ▁knight ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :44 :11 :16 ▁, ▁into ▁a ▁chain - sm oking ▁Jewish ▁Don ▁Qu ix ote , ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :44 :13 :04 ▁, ▁into ▁a ▁chain - sm oking ▁Jewish ▁Don ▁Qu ix ote , <2gl> ▁" The ▁failure ▁of ▁the ▁English ▁revolution ," ▁said ▁Robinson , ▁" is ▁all ▁around ▁us ... <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁bag ging ▁you ▁to ▁stay . <2gl> ▁Sou ley m ane , ▁we ' d ▁like ▁to ▁hear ▁you . <2gl> ▁Fine , ▁go ▁with ▁him . ▁But ▁bring ▁him ▁back ▁as ▁soon ▁as ▁he ' s ▁done . <2gl> ▁will ▁be ▁the ▁bad ▁and ▁in ept ▁company ... ▁that ▁you ▁will ▁fall ▁in ▁with ▁in ▁this ▁valley ▁of ▁ex ile . <2gl> ▁Then ▁you ▁have ▁alibi ▁to ▁beat ▁them ▁and ▁to ▁gam ble ▁money ? <2gl> ▁Do ▁we ▁have ▁any ▁concern , ▁any ▁sym pathy ▁ST . ▁L UC IA ▁for ▁the ▁pl ight ▁of ▁the ▁people ▁of ▁Japan ? <2gl> ▁His ▁name ▁sp elled back wards ▁was ▁K rap ▁Nek , ▁and l ▁used ▁to ▁te ase ▁him . <2gl> ▁I ▁found ▁a ▁couple , ▁but ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁tell ▁my ▁uncle . <2gl> ▁- ▁Thank ▁you , ▁my ▁lord . ▁But ▁that ' s ▁not ▁why ▁I ▁disturb ▁you ▁now . <2gl> ▁I ▁refused ▁to ▁swear ▁alle gi ance ▁to ▁an ▁education ▁I ▁lo athe . <2gl> ▁We ▁all ▁have ▁different ▁parts ▁to ▁play , ▁Matthew . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ' ll ▁change ▁my ▁shirt , ▁it ' s ▁stick y . <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁Inspector ▁Mat te i , ▁Criminal ▁Investig ations , ▁Paris . <2gl> ▁S OME ONE ▁AL W AY S ▁TR YING ▁TO ▁REV IVE ▁YOUR ▁PO OR ▁ASS <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁only ▁one ▁question ▁to ▁ask . <2gl> ▁Away , ▁away , ▁away . ▁- ▁Bruno . <2gl> ▁If ▁you ▁repeat ▁a ▁word ▁often ▁enough ... ▁you ▁don ' t ▁know ▁what ▁it ▁means ▁anymore . <2gl> ▁They ' ll ▁never ▁know ▁it . <2gl> ▁No ▁wonder ▁M ori y ama ▁is ▁suspicious ▁of ▁you . <2gl> ▁only ▁you ▁don ' t ▁take ▁as ▁good ▁care ▁of ▁them ▁as ▁you ▁should . <2gl> ▁Fol ks ▁of ▁D jer iss o . <2gl> ▁With ▁cost umes , ▁it ' s ▁the ▁same ▁as ▁with ▁the ▁inf inity ▁or fin ity ▁ofthe ▁universe . <2gl> ▁Leave ▁my ▁sister ▁alone , ▁she ' s ▁fucking ▁whoever ▁she ▁wants , ▁got ▁it ? <2gl> ▁You ▁can ' t ▁see ▁whoever ▁you ▁want ? ▁! <2gl> ▁It ▁means ▁ownership . <2gl> ▁Say , ▁this ▁Harry ▁is ▁a ▁great ▁actor l <2gl> ▁Will ▁she ▁come ▁home ▁soon ? ▁I ▁should ▁think ▁so . <2gl> ▁and ▁what ▁we ▁call ▁the ▁last , ▁is ▁it ▁anything , ▁properly ▁understood , ▁but ▁a ▁red oub ling , ▁and ▁the ▁final ▁attack , ▁as ▁it ▁were , ▁of ▁the ▁evil ... ▁that ▁we ▁bring ▁into ▁the ▁world ▁in ▁being ▁born ? <2gl> ▁W ich ita , ▁I ▁think . <2gl> ▁- ▁' cause ▁what ▁he ▁said , ▁he ▁said ▁nothing . ▁- ▁You ▁know ▁what ▁I ▁res ented ? <2gl> ▁- ▁We ird , ▁yeah : <2gl> ▁He ' ll ▁do . <2gl> ▁- ▁Z uc ch ini ▁flowers ... <2gl> ▁We ' ll ▁make ▁it ▁yet . <2gl> ▁Connect ▁on ▁startup <2gl> ▁Your ▁ema ils <2gl> ▁- ▁Answer , ▁Er n esto , ▁if ▁you ▁understand . ▁- ▁Why ? <2gl> ▁look , ▁I ' m ▁gonna ... ▁now ▁jes ' ▁look .... <2gl> ▁- ▁Let ▁R occo ▁do ▁it . <2gl> ▁Where ▁are ▁the . 50 ▁c als ? <2gl> ▁He ▁killed ▁your ▁father ▁and ▁drove ▁Op hel ia ▁to ▁suicide . <2gl> ▁- ▁Where ▁you ▁been ▁hid in ', ▁boy ? <2gl> ▁People ▁living ▁on ▁alms ▁at ▁the ▁time ▁of ▁the ▁Re vol utions ▁were ▁num bered ▁in ▁the ▁millions . <2gl> ▁There ▁was ▁a ▁tale ▁about ▁Prince ▁V ali ant , ▁that ▁' s ▁it ! <2gl> ▁To ▁choose ▁whether ▁or ▁not ▁& ▁kal arm ; ▁will ▁be ▁shown ▁at ▁startup ▁in ▁the ▁system ▁tray , ▁use ▁the ▁View ▁tab ▁of ▁the ▁Configuration ▁dialog . <2gl> ▁There ▁are ▁plenty ▁like ▁you . <2gl> ▁This ▁whole ▁fucking ▁game ▁is ▁like ▁a ▁revolution ▁and ▁we ' re ▁in ▁it . <2gl> ▁Though ▁I ▁think ▁that ▁someone ▁else ▁will ▁get ▁into ▁a ▁tight ▁corner , ▁eh ? <2gl> ▁Rec alls ▁my ▁memory . <2gl> ▁Your ▁ema ils <2gl> ▁[ Th inking ] ▁He ▁gave ▁me ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁the ▁killer . <2gl> ▁You ▁better ▁pay ▁for ▁it ▁now . <2gl> ▁You ▁tell ▁me ▁first ▁what ▁you ▁do ▁for ▁a ▁living . <2gl> ▁And ▁why ▁did ▁I ▁kill ▁her ? <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁not ▁easy ▁when ▁you ▁win ! <2gl> ▁That ' d ▁make ▁me ▁so ▁happy . <2gl> ▁Res can ▁the ▁entire ▁library <2gl> ▁He ▁also ▁wanted ▁to ▁save ▁and ▁to ▁marry ▁the ▁Fair y . <2gl> ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁want ▁me ▁to ▁do , ▁take ▁them ▁off ? <2gl> ▁P ool ▁by ▁pool , ▁they ▁form ▁a ▁river ▁all ▁the ▁way ▁to ▁our ▁house . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁vital ▁you ▁say ▁how ▁it ▁was . <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁not ▁gonna ▁shoot ▁you . <2gl> ▁One ▁might ▁still ▁recognize ▁some ▁cin emat ographic ▁value ▁in ▁this ▁film , ▁if ▁this ▁rhy thm ▁were ▁to ▁be ▁maintained , ▁it ▁will ▁not ▁be ▁maintained . <2gl> ▁Their ▁blood ▁for ▁all ▁to ▁see <2gl> ▁What ▁are ▁we ▁following ' ▁any how ? <2gl> ▁First , ▁examine ▁the ▁factory ▁situation . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁forget ▁you ' re ▁a ▁maid ! <2gl> ▁Doug out ig ui , ▁take ▁it ▁easy . <2gl> ▁Remember , ▁leather ▁is ▁dead ▁flesh . ▁It ▁is ▁dead ▁skin , ▁and , ▁therefore , ▁natural ▁for ▁it ▁to ▁dec omp ose ▁and ▁rot ▁away ▁unless ▁treated ▁with ▁such ▁potent ▁substances ▁as ▁these . <2gl> ▁- ▁Ned ▁Mer r ill ! <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁worry , ▁we ' re ▁on ▁our ▁way . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁good , ▁and ▁cut ! <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁see ▁how ▁I ▁can ▁shoot ▁a ▁picture ▁of ▁my ▁life , ▁without ▁Penny ▁being ▁in ▁it . <2gl> ▁Do ▁our ▁nav al ▁vessels ▁afford ▁any ▁cover ▁for ▁these - ▁those ▁operations ? <2gl> ▁Ros with a ▁is ▁looking ▁for ▁evidence ▁at ▁the ▁Beau ch amp ▁Co ▁works . <2gl> ▁- S ome body ▁giving ▁you ▁trouble ? ▁- No . <2gl> ▁AD OL F ▁AND ▁B OU LE V ARD ▁K ICK ED ▁H IS ▁ASS . <2gl> ▁EL ECT RO C UT ION <2gl> ▁Output ▁a ▁reminder ▁alarm ▁the ▁specified ▁length ▁of ▁time ▁before ▁the ▁main ▁alarm ▁and ▁each ▁of ▁its ▁recur rences ▁( if ▁any ). ▁H ours / ▁minutes ▁are ▁specified ▁in ▁the ▁format ▁n H n M , ▁where ▁n ▁is ▁a ▁number , ▁& ▁eg ; ▁3 H 30 M . ▁Other ▁time ▁periods ▁are ▁specified ▁in ▁the ▁format ▁n X , ▁where ▁n ▁is ▁a ▁number ▁and ▁X ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁following ▁letters : ▁W ▁( we eks ), ▁D ▁( day s ). ▁This ▁option ▁cannot ▁be ▁specified ▁with ▁-- ex ec , ▁-- mail ▁or ▁-- rem inder - once . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁from ▁the ▁Bible , ▁isn ' t ▁it ? <2gl> ▁Put ▁an ▁end ▁to ▁her ▁med d ling . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁that ▁was ▁a ▁way ▁for ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁people ▁to ▁feel ▁power less . <2gl> ▁Not ▁when ▁we ▁owe ▁money ▁for ▁gro cer ies . <2gl> ▁Such ▁a ▁big ▁mouth , ▁and ▁then ▁you ▁said ▁nothing <2gl> ▁The ▁id lers ▁must ▁be ▁given ▁a ▁lesson . <2gl> ▁I ' d ▁rather ▁go ▁to ▁heaven . ▁I ▁really ▁believe ▁there ' s ▁a ▁heaven ▁and ▁hell . <2gl> ▁Page <2gl> ▁a ▁certain ▁hero . <2gl> ▁Ain ' t ▁he ▁a ▁ugly ▁li ' l ▁crit ter ? <2gl> ▁Starting ▁today , ▁I ▁will ▁write ▁to ▁Ab d ou . <2gl> ▁He ▁recited ▁his ▁lesson : ▁because ▁humanity ▁had ▁survived , ▁it ▁could ▁not ▁refuse ▁to ▁its ▁own ▁past ▁the ▁means ▁of ▁its ▁survival . <2gl> ▁Digital ▁Pain ting <2gl> ▁It ▁started ▁in ▁this ... ▁guy ▁who ▁used ▁to ▁live ▁near ▁the ▁house . ▁He ▁was ▁quite ▁old . <2gl> ▁He ▁died ▁5 ▁years ▁ago . <2gl> ▁He ▁was ▁pleased ▁to ▁see ▁the ▁same ▁ch rys ant hem ums ▁at ▁fun er als ▁for ▁both ▁men ▁and ▁animals . <2gl> ▁Then ▁I ▁go ▁out ▁into ▁the ▁yard ▁and ▁meet ▁a ▁distant ▁relation ▁who ▁says ▁during ▁a ▁talk , ▁the ▁content ▁of ▁which ▁I ▁forget , ▁but ▁which ▁was ▁about ▁someone ▁who ▁was ▁unable ▁to ▁do ▁something ... <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁not ... ▁saying ▁this ▁to ▁save ▁myself , ▁because ▁it ▁is ▁no ▁excuse . <2gl> ▁Enc aps ulated ▁message <2gl> ▁# ▁When ▁it ' s ▁hot ▁in ▁the ▁poor ▁places ▁tonight ▁# <2gl> ▁Listen , ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁stay ▁here . <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁get ▁you ▁a ▁brand - new ▁set . <2gl> ▁& ▁Delete <2gl> ▁- ▁An ▁unfortunate ▁pl ight . <2gl> ▁Sir , ▁I ' m ▁a ▁surgeon , ▁not ▁a ▁bloody ▁undert aker . <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁come ▁on , ▁Tommy . <2gl> ▁Sir , ▁we ' ve ▁found ▁it . <2gl> ▁Gentlemen , ▁perhaps ▁we ▁should ▁volunt arily ▁open ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁fact ories ▁we ▁shut ▁down ▁before ▁the ▁government ▁does ▁it ▁for ▁us . <2gl> ▁We ▁generally ▁go ▁for ▁a ▁pretty ▁straight , ▁definitive ▁version ▁of ▁what ▁the ▁song ▁sounds ▁like ▁it ▁should ▁be ▁and ▁then ▁dec on struct ▁it ▁a ▁little ▁bit ▁and ▁see ▁if ▁there ' s ▁some ▁more ▁exciting ▁way ▁to ▁approach ▁it . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁bark ing ▁up ▁the ▁wrong ▁tree ... ▁with ▁these ▁questions . <2gl> ▁So ▁much ▁so ▁we ▁had ▁to ▁close ▁the ▁but cher ' s ▁shop . <2gl> ▁I ▁will ▁now ▁pass ... ▁in ▁the ▁middle ▁of ▁the ▁second ▁line . <2gl> ▁- Hello . ▁- We ▁are ▁breaking . <2gl> ▁Icon ▁Size <2gl> ▁My ▁friends ▁and ▁I ▁were ▁just ▁wondering ▁what ▁you ' re ▁doing ▁here ? <2gl> ▁No ▁need ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁genius ▁to ▁understand ▁why . ▁That ▁is ▁a ▁fact . <2gl> ▁Pres erve ▁sy ml inks <2gl> ▁What ▁responsibility ▁do ▁you ▁have ▁as ▁a ▁citizen ? <2gl> ▁Could ▁not ▁add ▁message ▁to ▁folder ▁( No ▁space ▁left ▁on ▁device ?) <2gl> ▁- ▁A ▁ring . <2gl> ▁Just ▁so ▁long ▁as ▁you ▁know , ▁I ' m ▁not ▁leaving ▁until ▁you ▁tell ▁me . <2gl> ▁- ▁It ▁was ▁there ▁that ▁one ▁... <2gl> ▁And ▁when ▁I ▁saw ▁the ▁reality ▁of ▁the ▁situation , ▁I ▁felt ▁a ▁little ▁dumb ▁for ▁believing ▁it . <2gl> ▁KDE ▁Doc Book ▁Standard <2gl> ▁Right ▁away . ▁Put ▁up ▁some ▁smoke ▁so ▁we ▁can ▁tell ▁about ▁the ▁wind . <2gl> ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁study ▁languages . <2gl> ▁Therefore , ▁no ▁new ▁contract ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁signed ▁between ▁the ▁union ▁and ▁the ▁owners . <2gl> ▁Toby : ▁Yea , ▁maybe ▁Uncle ▁Rem us ' ll ▁let ▁us ▁use ▁his ▁frog ▁box . <2gl> ▁Mom , ▁the ▁door .! <2gl> ▁We ' ve ▁been ▁printing ▁all ▁night ... <2gl> ▁- ▁Caribbean ▁fag ! ▁- ▁I ' ll ▁waste ▁the ▁fucker <2gl> ▁The ▁woman ▁he ▁loved ▁died ▁last ▁year , ▁and ▁he ' d ▁drowned ▁himself ▁in ▁work , ▁Japanese - style , ▁like ▁a ▁mad man . <2gl> ▁CR ED IT _ FOR _ TR AN SLATORS <2gl> ▁- ▁Is ▁it ▁abandoned ? <2gl> ▁Isn ' t ▁that ▁somethin '? <2gl> ▁Her oin ▁used ▁to ▁be ▁for ▁the ▁rich . <2gl> ▁Display ▁the ▁CUPS ▁PDF ▁log . <2gl> ▁Come ▁on , ▁fuck ▁this . ▁Let ' s ▁go ! <2gl> ▁I ▁have ▁to ▁stop ▁at ▁Lap orte ' s ▁offices . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁young , ▁practical , ▁and ▁fun ? <2gl> ▁Insp ect ▁accessible ▁under ▁mouse <2gl> ▁Valid ate ▁certificates ▁online ▁( OC SP ) <2gl> ▁We ▁have ▁to ▁know ▁these ▁things ▁if ▁we ' re ▁to ▁escape ▁the ▁danger . <2gl> ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁hear ▁the ▁dol ph ins ▁from ▁the ▁l ago on , ▁but ▁we ▁didn ' t ▁know ▁how ▁deep ▁it ▁was . <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁you ▁can ' t ▁simply ▁lie ▁back <2gl> ▁The ▁plant ▁pays ▁for ▁gold ▁nothing ▁more ▁than ▁dust . <2gl> ▁A ▁road ▁blo oming ▁with ▁s way ing ▁cos mos ▁flowers <2gl> ▁Right , ▁listen ▁- ▁I ' m ▁at ▁the ▁airport ▁now . <2gl> ▁Get ▁a ▁move ▁on , ▁there ! <2gl> ▁Welcome ▁to ▁the ▁city ▁of ▁Miami ▁Beach . <2gl> ▁He ▁liked ... <2gl> ▁I ▁felt ▁you ▁against ▁me , ▁pressing ▁against ▁my ▁stomach . <2gl> ▁I ▁want ▁a ▁wine ▁that ▁ages ▁well . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁here ▁you ' ve ▁water ! <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁you ' re ▁too ▁much . <2gl> ▁And ▁pitch , ▁or ▁whatever . <2gl> ▁Exper iment ▁seems ▁to ▁be ▁going ▁well . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁get ▁lost ▁in ▁the ▁fog ▁now . <2gl> ▁Were ▁you ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁six ▁execution ers ? <2gl> ▁To ▁leave ▁the ▁bridge ▁open ▁would ▁unle ash ▁the ▁full ▁power ▁of ▁the ▁B if rost ▁and ▁destroy ▁J ot un heim ▁with ▁you ▁upon ▁it . <2gl> ▁Import ▁i ps ec ▁config : ▁also = ▁found , ▁looking ▁for ▁other ▁section ... <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁important ▁that ▁in ▁the ▁cover - up ▁of ▁the ▁crisis , ▁and ▁in ▁the ▁port ray al ▁of ▁rac ism ▁in ▁the ▁Spr inger ▁press , ▁we ▁show ▁that ▁what ▁stands ▁between ▁us ▁and ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁population ▁is ▁simple ▁manip ulation . <2gl> ▁My ▁name ' s ▁Lis ette . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁bad ▁shit ! <2gl> ▁What ▁you ▁put ▁on ▁my ▁plate ? <2gl> ▁Why ▁are ▁you ▁opp osing ▁pur ification ? <2gl> ▁Rele asing ▁him ▁and ▁arrest ing ▁him ▁again ▁is ▁a ▁dirty ▁trick , ▁but ▁his ▁tact ics ▁are ▁even ▁dir tier . <2gl> ▁Okay , ▁you ▁have ▁to ▁listen ... <2gl> ▁Look ▁what ▁you ' ve ▁done , ▁aren ' t ▁you ▁ashamed ! <2gl> ▁Let ' s ▁see ▁if ▁we ▁can ' t ▁get ▁a ▁little ▁air ▁between ▁ya . <2gl> ▁We ▁can ' t ▁throw ▁her ▁over , ▁when ▁she ▁made ▁such ▁effort ▁for ▁the ▁last ▁one . <2gl> ▁She ▁likes ▁you , ▁by ▁the ▁way . <2gl> ▁If ▁the ▁cl ans ▁are ▁not ▁dis armed , <2gl> ▁You ▁fucking ▁guy ▁ste als ▁again ! <2gl> ▁Isn ' t ▁it ▁wonderful ▁to ▁see ▁something ▁like ▁that ? <2gl> ▁What ▁the ▁hell ▁are ▁you ▁doing ▁here ? <2gl> ▁This ▁bitch ▁should ▁learn ▁a ▁lesson . <2gl> ▁Raise ▁the ▁bonus ▁a ▁bit , ▁by ▁1 ▁or ▁2% ▁and ▁the ▁lads ... <2gl> ▁But ▁we ▁had ▁a ▁duty - ▁That ▁wasn ' t ▁self - def ense . <2gl> ▁- ▁As ger ! <2gl> ▁Our ▁relationship ▁def ies ▁categories . <2gl> ▁Shall ▁we ▁sit ▁there ? <2gl> ▁Prod uced ▁by ▁T OM O ▁Y UK I ▁T AN AK A ▁and ▁AK IR A ▁K U RO SA WA <2gl> ▁" There ▁is ▁an ▁old , ▁old ▁cart ..." <2gl> ▁- ▁It ▁does ▁seem ▁strange . ▁- ▁Why ▁? <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁true , ▁Ti oub . <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁always ▁wanted ▁to ▁know ▁about ▁people ▁like ▁you . <2gl> ▁You ▁just ▁call ▁me ▁or ... ▁Or ▁come . <2gl> ▁Think ▁he ' d ▁kid ▁around ▁after ▁ris king ▁that ▁girl ' s ▁life ▁to ▁tell ▁your ▁fortune ? <2gl> ▁Sh ot ▁right ▁through ▁the ▁head . ▁- ▁When ? <2gl> ▁And ▁their ▁mother ▁is ▁the ▁last ▁person ▁able ▁to ▁hold ▁them ▁back . <2gl> ▁If ▁you ▁get ▁it , ▁we ' ll ▁recons ider ▁our ▁position . <2gl> ▁Let ' s ▁go , ▁my ▁honest ▁I ago . <2gl> ▁Every ▁time ▁I ▁plan ▁anything ▁for ▁us , ▁you ▁find ▁some ▁excuse . <2gl> ▁- ▁While ▁we ' re ▁eating , ▁texts , ▁What s App ▁messages , ▁calls , ▁whatever ▁arrives , ▁we ▁share ▁it . <2gl> ▁I ▁have ▁to ▁tell ▁him : <2gl> ▁and ▁he ▁says , ▁" Oh , ▁mother , ▁how ▁I ▁long ▁to ▁see ▁you ▁again . <2gl> ▁Hey , ▁you ▁want ▁me ▁to ▁just ▁leave ▁this ▁in ▁here ? <2gl> ▁You ▁never ▁know ▁what ▁tomorrow ▁will ▁bring . ▁You ▁can ' t ▁predict ▁the ▁future . <2gl> ▁Move ▁a ▁card ▁to ▁an ▁empty ▁temporary ▁slot <2gl> ▁- ▁The ▁line ' s ▁broken ▁up ! <2gl> ▁" The ▁Intern ationale ▁Will ▁be ▁the ▁human ▁race ." <2gl> ▁& ▁Icon : <2gl> ▁Everything ▁will ▁go ▁well . <2gl> ▁John , ▁John , ▁that ▁was ▁wonderful . <2gl> ▁He ▁told ▁me ▁a ▁story ▁about ▁a ▁man ▁who ▁asked ▁him ▁once ▁the ▁same ▁question . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁John . <2gl> ▁She ▁will ▁ask ▁if ▁it ▁was ▁not ▁suicide . <2gl> ▁- ▁Why ▁are ▁you ▁bringing ▁me ▁all ▁this ▁garbage ? <2gl> ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁think ▁the ▁over - under ▁on ▁the ▁stock ▁drop ▁is ▁gonna ▁be ▁tomorrow ? <2gl> ▁You ▁must ▁select ▁a ▁sound ▁file . <2gl> ▁And ▁them ▁time ▁to ▁think ▁it ▁over . <2gl> ▁- ▁Christine , ▁du ▁bist ▁ein ▁Eng el . <2gl> ▁Absol ute ▁greatest ! <2gl> ▁Le ec hers <2gl> ▁While ▁a ▁light , ▁... a ▁bl inding ▁awak ening , ▁overwhel ms ▁and ▁covers ▁everything ▁in ▁silence , ▁... where ▁we ▁are ▁no ▁more ▁than ▁a ▁dot , ▁increasingly ▁forgotten ▁and ▁distant . <2gl> ▁conver ter <2gl> ▁Now , ▁let ' s ▁divide ▁up ▁these ▁toys . <2gl> ▁That ▁dr ums ▁res ound , ▁the ▁trump ets ▁call <2gl> ▁Horizontal ▁lines : <2gl> ▁They ▁think ▁you ' re ▁one ▁of ▁us . <2gl> ▁they ▁have ▁no ▁place ▁in ▁history . ▁Trade ▁is ▁never ▁peaceful . <2gl> ▁Exactly ▁correct . <2gl> ▁For ▁that , ▁I ▁need ▁a ▁birth ▁certificate . <2gl> ▁Your ▁names <2gl> ▁I ▁was ▁thinking ▁about ▁Mo e . <2gl> ▁- ▁lt ! ▁s ▁done ! <2gl> ▁The ▁first ▁sa ilor ▁that ▁was ▁infected ▁pulled ▁the ▁whole ▁crew ▁down ▁into ▁a ▁dark , ▁water y ▁grave . <2gl> ▁- ▁Say , ▁what ' s ▁everybody ▁doing ▁up ▁here ▁this ▁time ▁of ▁night ? <2gl> ▁But ... do ▁you ▁know ▁how ▁it ▁works ? <2gl> ▁" ▁You ▁know , ▁the ▁"" f if th - quar ter "" ." <2gl> ▁Wait , ▁you ' ve ▁c udd led ▁Tab by ▁and ▁now ▁we ▁have ▁to ▁guard ▁him ▁like ▁the ▁apple ▁ofthe ▁eye . <2gl> ▁If ▁you ▁do ▁not ▁want ▁to ▁read ▁articles ▁with ▁more ▁than ▁100 ▁lines , ▁choose ▁the ▁header ▁entry ▁Lines ▁from ▁the ▁first ▁drop - down ▁list , ▁choose ▁greater ▁than ▁from ▁the ▁second , ▁and ▁enter ▁100 ▁in ▁the ▁text ▁field . ▁You ▁probably , ▁then , ▁want ▁to ▁score ▁down ▁the ▁message . <2gl> ▁Your ▁life ▁will ▁be ▁beautiful ▁because ▁we ▁want ▁to . <2gl> ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁make ▁her ▁contact ▁him . <2gl> ▁My ▁husband ' s ▁been ▁there , ▁but ▁not ▁me . <2gl> ▁To ▁me ▁it ▁was ▁all ▁very ▁cruel . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁abort ? <2gl> ▁Today ▁I ▁became ▁certain . <2gl> ▁He ▁ch ased ▁a ▁car . <2gl> ▁Al arms ▁may ▁be ▁individually ▁enabled ▁and ▁disabled , ▁independ ently ▁of ▁the ▁alarm ▁monitoring ▁status . ▁So ▁the ▁enabled / ▁disabled ▁status ▁of ▁individual ▁alarms ▁will ▁be ▁unch anged ▁by ▁dis abling ▁and ▁then ▁re - en abling ▁alarm ▁monitoring . ▁Un like ▁alarm ▁monitoring ▁which ▁could ▁potentially ▁be ▁disabled ▁due ▁to ▁& ▁kal arm ; ▁not ▁running , ▁individual ▁alarms ▁can ▁only ▁be ▁disabled ▁if ▁you ▁use ▁menu ▁commands ▁to ▁do ▁so . <2gl> ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :04 :37 :16 ▁, ▁and ▁a ▁twelve - th ous and ▁ac re ▁water ▁surface . ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :04 :40 :16 ▁, ▁Well , ▁it ▁won ' t ▁hold . <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁torment ed , ▁Kh os row . <2gl> ▁Three ▁hundred ▁cart rid ges . <2gl> ▁Why ▁are ▁you ▁in ▁France ? <2gl> ▁Best ▁thing ▁the ▁Rom ans ▁ever ▁did ▁for ▁us . <2gl> ▁I ▁walk ▁the ▁T us co I ana ▁Way ▁like ▁a ▁mad man , ▁the ▁App ian ▁Way ▁like ▁a ▁dog ▁without ▁a ▁master . <2gl> ▁sin ▁X ▁cos ▁X ▁tan ▁X <2gl> ▁We ▁don ' t ▁put ▁our ▁arms ▁around ▁each ▁other , ▁but ▁she ' ll ▁c ud dle ▁up ▁to ▁me ▁like ▁when ▁she ▁was ▁a ▁child . <2gl> ▁You ▁live ▁down ▁in ▁Turk ▁Town , ▁don ' t ▁you ? <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁the ▁Y anks , ▁in ▁the ▁10 th . <2gl> ▁You ▁know ▁you ' re ▁not ▁laughing ▁because ▁you ▁feel ▁good . <2gl> ▁you ▁don ' t ▁have ▁to : ▁you ▁are ▁allowed ▁to ▁use ▁one ▁space , ▁then ▁a ▁different ▁one , ▁come ▁back ▁to ▁the ▁first , ▁jump ▁to ▁the ▁third , ▁the ▁fourth , ▁back ▁to ▁the ▁second ▁again . <2gl> ▁The ▁aircraft ▁of ▁Charles ▁Gu yn emer ▁from ▁the ▁Great ▁War <2gl> ▁Uh , ▁dig ▁is ▁to ▁understand , ▁get ▁with ▁it . <2gl> ▁Breathe ! <2gl> ▁Nothing ▁fancy , ▁you ▁just ▁buy ▁it ▁over ▁the ▁counter . <2gl> ▁We ▁found ▁that ▁people ▁by ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁D unt on ▁owned ▁the ▁property ... ▁and ▁we ▁approached ▁them ▁and ▁asked ▁them ▁what ▁they ▁thought . <2gl> ▁N uria , ▁you ' ll ▁wind ▁up ▁running ▁around ▁the ▁woods ▁naked ▁like ▁a ▁whore ! <2gl> ▁Well , ▁Louise , ▁Maria , ▁Florence , ▁there ▁it ▁is . <2gl> ▁Your ▁dad ▁will ▁get ▁ill ▁in ▁that ▁hell hole . ▁- ▁Here , ▁put ▁these ▁soc ks ▁on . <2gl> ▁- ▁Ooh , ▁no , ▁thanks ! <2gl> ▁And ▁that ' s ▁happening . <2gl> ▁" ▁And ▁have ▁one ▁off ▁the ▁wrist ▁" <2gl> ▁The ▁hell ▁with ▁mor als . <2gl> ▁If ▁a ▁remote ▁alarm ▁calendar ▁is ▁shared ▁between ▁users , ▁changes ▁made ▁by ▁one ▁person ▁may ▁not ▁be ▁automatically ▁made ▁available ▁to ▁another ▁user , ▁or ▁there ▁could ▁be ▁a ▁time ▁delay ▁before ▁the ▁other ▁user ▁sees ▁it . ▁So ▁one ▁user ▁could ▁make ▁a ▁change ▁which ▁is ▁then ▁over wr itten ▁by ▁another ▁user ▁without ▁either ▁person ▁not icing ▁what ▁has ▁happened . ▁The ▁technical ▁reason ▁for ▁this ▁is ▁that ▁a ▁change ▁made ▁by ▁person ▁A ▁will ▁only ▁be ▁available ▁to ▁person ▁B ▁after ▁person ▁A ' s ▁c ached ▁copy ▁has ▁first ▁been ▁saved ▁to ▁the ▁remote ▁file , ▁and ▁then ▁person ▁B ' s ▁c ached ▁copy ▁of ▁the ▁remote ▁file ▁has ▁been ▁re load ed . ▁When ▁and ▁if ▁the ▁calendar ▁is ▁saved ▁and ▁re load ed ▁depends ▁on ▁the ▁calendar ▁configuration ▁parameters ▁which ▁each ▁user ▁has ▁set ▁for ▁that ▁alarm ▁calendar . <2gl> ▁She ▁hasn ' t ▁gone ▁in ▁to ▁work . <2gl> ▁My ▁Young - gil ! <2gl> ▁Personal ▁Information <2gl> ▁What ' s ▁that ▁dynam ite ▁for ? ▁Oh ▁this ? <2gl> ▁True ▁warri ors ▁are ▁humble ▁men . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁said ▁that ▁when ▁the ▁Americans ▁were ▁bombing ▁the ▁Japanese ▁in ▁the ▁war , <2gl> ▁After ▁Connect <2gl> ▁Mr . ▁C ler k ▁please ▁swear ▁me . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁from ▁where ▁all ▁things ▁begin ▁and ▁men ▁command . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁no , ▁I ▁mean , ▁for ▁instance ... ▁if ▁you ▁like ▁keeping ▁house , ▁why ▁a ▁maid ? <2gl> ▁All ▁right , ▁now , ▁look . ▁Can ▁you ▁help ▁me ▁up ? <2gl> ▁We ▁want ▁to ▁do ▁more . <2gl> ▁- K im , ▁Sun - h wa <2gl> ▁At ▁this ▁time , ▁in ▁all ▁Ind och ina , ▁Viet min h ▁divisions ▁advance ▁towards ▁the ▁south <2gl> ▁" No ▁more ▁c akes ▁or ▁ink ▁this ▁time ," ▁thought ▁Alice ▁to ▁herself . <2gl> ▁I ▁mean , ▁this ▁taxi ▁just ▁got ▁way ▁too ▁close . <2gl> ▁Tell ▁me ▁why ▁you ▁called ▁us . <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁news , ▁my ▁Lady . <2gl> ▁Now , ▁if ▁the ▁bank ▁job ▁goes ▁well , ▁then ▁it ' s ▁no ▁more ▁picking ▁pockets ▁and ▁street ▁mug g ings . ▁It ' s ▁good - bye ▁to ▁So ho ▁and ▁hello ▁to ▁the ▁big ▁city ! <2gl> ▁As ▁Comm une ▁Director ▁of ▁Art ill ery , ▁he ▁supports ▁cooper atives ▁of ▁mechan ics ▁and ▁found ry ▁workers . <2gl> ▁But ▁that ' s ▁not ▁us . <2gl> ▁No , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁you ▁to ▁take ▁off ▁your ▁clothes . <2gl> ▁I ▁can ▁do ▁it , ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁time ▁in ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁my ▁nation , ▁me , ▁son ▁of ▁the ▁people . ▁And ▁I ▁want ▁to ▁listen ▁to ▁the ▁voice ▁of ▁culture , ▁of ▁science , ▁of ▁art . <2gl> ▁What ▁are ▁all ▁those ▁people ▁doing ▁out ▁there ? <2gl> ▁Your ▁hair ' s ▁still ▁long . ▁Get ▁it ▁cut . <2gl> ▁Let ▁the ▁school ▁servant ▁speak . <2gl> ▁If ▁it ▁was ▁thanks ▁m onsieur ▁wanted , ▁he ▁got ▁short - ch anged ! <2gl> ▁- ▁Confeder ate ▁or ▁Union ? <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁the ▁house ▁or ▁your ▁money . <2gl> ▁I ▁saw ▁you ▁too <2gl> ▁Once ▁label ed , ▁the ▁book ▁cannot ▁escape ▁any ▁search . <2gl> ▁Use ▁& ▁global ▁I PS ec ▁secret <2gl> ▁Hold ▁it ▁good <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁have ▁to ▁think ▁it ▁over . <2gl> ▁Get ▁your ▁cri pple ▁goin '! <2gl> ▁Choose ▁yes , ▁if ▁you ▁have ▁a ▁file ▁named : ▁*. ▁p 1 2. ▁It ▁will ▁be ▁converted ▁for ▁use ▁with ▁K V p nc . <2gl> ▁St inking ▁red s ! <2gl> ▁Well , ▁of ▁course , ▁I ▁can ▁always ▁go ▁back ▁into ▁va ude ville . <2gl> ▁Hey , ▁I cky ! <2gl> ▁You ▁really ▁fucking ▁scare ▁me . <2gl> ▁I ▁bet ▁they ' d ▁s ock ▁you ▁at ▁least ▁1,000 ▁bucks ▁for ▁a ▁coat ▁like ▁that . <2gl> ▁White y , ▁Li ▁X u ▁comes ▁to ▁visit ▁you ! <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁all , ▁nothing ▁else . <2gl> ▁No , ▁I ▁took ▁one ▁this ▁morning . ▁I ▁mustn ' t ▁take ▁too ▁many . <2gl> ▁See ▁you ▁in ▁... <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁a ▁bit ▁worried ▁as ▁I ▁feel ▁like ▁I ▁am ▁on ▁holiday . <2gl> ▁Please ▁write ▁soon . <2gl> ▁Our ▁lady ▁captain ▁knows ▁how ▁to ▁find ▁the ▁right ▁word ! <2gl> ▁SMTP ▁server : <2gl> ▁run ▁a ▁program <2gl> ▁profile ▁"%1 ": ▁no ▁network ▁device ▁defined , ▁using ▁" default ". <2gl> ▁THE ▁SCH O OL ▁FOR ▁POS TM EN <2gl> ▁Do ▁you ▁think ▁rain water ▁is ▁all ▁right ▁to ▁drink ? <2gl> ▁One ▁for ▁me ▁too , ▁please . <2gl> ▁me ▁and ▁him , ▁not ▁gay , ▁single , ▁have ▁a ▁baby . <2gl> ▁They ▁manip ulate ▁people ▁very ▁strongly . <2gl> ▁He ▁was ▁unconscious ▁and ▁I ▁t ended ▁to ▁him ▁every ▁day . <2gl> ▁Till ▁he ▁went ▁broke , ▁that ▁is . <2gl> ▁There ' s ▁no ▁sense ▁in ▁pursuing ▁this ▁boy ▁with ▁money ! <2gl> ▁- ▁Here ' s ▁to ▁you ▁destruction . <2gl> ▁I ▁had ▁a ▁little ▁boy ▁with ▁me . <2gl> ▁There ▁is ▁indeed ▁confusion , ▁but ▁there ▁are ▁many ▁volunteer ▁workers : <2gl> ▁So ▁this ▁is ▁where ▁you ▁do ▁your ▁cooking , ▁is ▁it ? <2gl> ▁If ▁the ▁planes ▁come ▁early ▁we ▁work ▁late . <2gl> ▁Like ▁those ▁Comm ies ▁kept ▁going ▁round ▁and ▁round ▁us ▁on ▁that ▁hill ▁in ▁Korea . <2gl> ▁21 ▁, ▁00 :46 :54 :12 ▁, ▁" G ee , ▁I ' m ▁done ▁already , ▁and ▁I ▁don ' t ▁remember ▁eating ." ▁09 ▁, ▁00 :47 :00 :16 ▁, ▁The ▁com ed ies ▁of ▁John ▁Cass av etes ▁cut ▁deeper ▁16 ▁, ▁00 :47 :03 :24 ▁, ▁because ▁he ▁had ▁an ▁eye ▁and ▁an ▁ear ▁for ▁ordinary ▁madness <2gl> ▁About ▁the ▁milk , ▁like ▁you ▁see , ▁I ▁can ' t ▁rightly ▁spare ▁a ▁drop . ▁Me ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Please ▁forgive ▁my ▁violence . <2gl> ▁I ▁choose ▁my ▁vehicle ▁and ▁I ▁can ▁cross ▁this ▁bridge . <2gl> ▁- ▁Spider ? <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁these ▁are ▁your ▁clothes . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ' ll ▁go ▁with ▁you , ▁Lou . <2gl> ▁I ▁know ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁the ▁boys ▁make ▁fun ▁of ▁our ▁Billy ▁C umber land ▁but ▁I ▁reckon ▁he ' s ▁all ▁right . <2gl> ▁At ▁that ▁moment , ▁out ▁in ▁Chicago ... ▁2,000 ▁people ▁walking ▁toward ▁the ▁Republic ▁Steel ▁plant ... ▁were ▁blocked ▁by ▁the ▁police . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁not ▁a ▁child . <2gl> ▁Why ▁aren ' t ▁you ▁answering ? ▁You ▁have ▁clients . <2gl> ▁Please ▁write ▁again ▁soon . <2gl> ▁& ▁Matthias . ▁Ett rich . ▁mail ; <2gl> ▁I ▁had ▁nothing ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁the ▁prisoners , ▁only ▁their ▁things <2gl> ▁You ▁made ▁a ▁choice ▁to ▁leave ▁Paris ▁once , ▁and ▁you ▁reg rett ed ▁it . ▁Yeah , ▁I ▁did ▁regret ▁it . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁burning ▁me ! <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ! <2gl> ▁You ▁know , ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁to ▁the ▁East , ▁and ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁to ▁the ▁West , ▁but ▁it ▁was ▁never ▁this ... ▁wonderful ! <2gl> ▁& ▁Display ed ▁Links <2gl> ▁We ▁executed ▁a ▁turn ▁around ▁as ▁we ▁had ▁been ▁directed . <2gl> ▁Saint - A ub in , ▁you ' re ▁his ▁neighbor . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁the ▁Minister ! <2gl> ▁- ▁l ▁saw . <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁what ▁is ▁technically ▁known ▁as ▁a ▁fire storm . <2gl> ▁We ' re ▁moving ▁away ▁from ▁here . <2gl> ▁- ▁We ' ll ▁get ▁a ▁lawyer ▁and ▁have ▁them ... <2gl> ▁With ▁his ▁fl aming ▁sword ? <2gl> ▁I ▁got ▁my ▁mouth ▁filled ▁with ▁dirt . <2gl> ▁The ▁general ▁impression ▁that ▁I ▁came ▁away ▁with ▁- ▁and ▁I ▁think ▁here ▁I ▁would ▁speak ▁for ▁my ▁colleague ▁Bill ▁Bag gs ▁- ▁was ▁that ▁we ▁were ▁dealing ▁with ▁the ▁State ▁Department ... ▁on ▁a ▁basis ▁of ▁what ▁we ▁have ▁come ▁to ▁call ▁F ul br ight ' s ▁Law ▁- <2gl> ▁Str ang ely ▁enough , ▁I ▁was ▁thinking ▁of ▁you ▁just ▁the ▁other ▁day . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2gl> ▁We ▁could ▁have ▁react ed ▁sooner . <2gl> ▁Books ▁and ▁magaz ines ▁here . <2gl> ▁Why ▁are ▁you ▁suspicious ? <2gl> ▁Put ▁it ▁on ▁loud spe aker , ▁mate . <2gl> ▁Boy , ▁if ▁I ▁could ▁only ▁walk , ▁if ▁I ▁could ▁only ▁get ▁out ... ▁drive ▁my ▁car ... <2gl> ▁So ▁I ▁had ▁to ▁start ▁all ▁over ▁again . <2gl> ▁He ▁says ▁she ▁has ▁lovers . <2gl> ▁On ▁the ▁other ▁side ▁of ▁B ish ops gate ▁at ▁Broad gate ... ▁a ▁fear ▁of ▁redu nd ancy ▁was ▁in ▁the ▁air . <2gl> ▁- ▁Just ▁remember ▁it ▁up ▁till ▁then . <2gl> ▁Uh , ▁the ▁reason ▁why ▁I ... ▁uh , ▁organized ▁this ▁group ▁of ▁companies ... ▁is ▁because ▁when ▁I , ▁you ▁know , ▁was ▁in ▁Paris ... ▁I ▁saw ▁that ▁peace ▁was ▁coming , ▁whether ▁we ▁liked ▁it ▁or ▁not . <2gl> ▁Where ver ▁it ▁is ▁he ▁gets ▁put . <2gl> ▁In ▁def iance ▁of ▁time . ▁An ▁imm ac ulate ▁body ▁without ▁soul ▁ca ressed ▁by ▁the ▁b ree zes ▁which ▁are ▁wandering , ▁bod il ess ▁souls . <2gl> ▁He ' ll ▁take ▁cover ▁immediately ▁and ... ▁adopt ▁all ▁the ▁prescribed ▁precaution ary ▁measures . <2gl> ▁We ▁only ▁have ▁one ▁life . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁ridiculous ▁to ▁say ▁that . <2gl> ▁Two , ▁one , ▁two , ▁check . <2gl> ▁Yes . ▁I ▁can ' t ▁stand ▁it ▁anymore . <2gl> ▁Same ▁thing ▁happened ▁to ▁us . ▁Only ▁worse ... ▁much ▁worse . <2gl> ▁Think ▁so ? ▁Well , ▁Well ! <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁taking ▁it ▁to ▁the ▁oil ▁fields . <2gl> ▁War ▁is ▁the ▁last ▁possible ▁creative ▁act . <2gl> ▁June ▁10 ▁from ▁U ch anie : ▁1, 65 0. ▁June ▁10 ▁from ▁B ia ła ▁Pod las ka : ▁3, 000. <2gl> ▁Since ▁we ▁have ▁wine , ▁raise ▁our ▁glasses , ▁although ▁they ▁may ▁be ▁empty ▁tomorrow . <2gl> ▁And ▁now ▁[ la ughs ] ▁we ▁get ▁to ▁play ▁with ▁it . <2gl> ▁I ▁wasn ' t ▁capable ▁of ▁doing ▁a ▁thing . <2gl> ▁Man ' s ▁voice : ▁o oh , ▁stay ▁away ▁from ▁your ▁old ▁friend ▁bar ry . <2gl> ▁And ▁what ▁happ end ? <2gl> ▁You ▁think ▁I ' m ▁here ▁to ▁invite ▁you ▁to ▁my ▁nephew ' s ▁Br is ? <2gl> ▁Brother , ▁just ▁keep ▁the ▁faith ▁in ▁Beat le ▁- ▁ol ' ▁Beat le ▁goin ' ▁to ▁bring ▁you ▁through , ▁cause ▁this ▁is ▁just ▁a ▁sk irm ish , ▁yeah ! <2gl> ▁A ▁TO HO ▁PRODUCT ION <2gl> ▁If ▁that ▁happens , ▁will ▁he ▁realize ▁what ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁accomplish ? <2gl> ▁They ▁just ▁wanna ▁make ▁it ▁tough ▁on ▁me , ▁I ▁guess . <2gl> ▁With ▁your ▁own ▁eyes ? <2gl> ▁Lord ▁All ▁Mighty , ▁knock ▁it ▁off . <2gl> ▁As ▁usual ▁we ▁have ▁people ▁saying : ▁" ▁"" T rust ▁us , ▁we ' ll ▁do ▁things ▁for ▁you "" ." <2gl> ▁No ▁more ▁operations ? <2gl> ▁Mr . ▁Johnson ▁didn ' t ▁say ▁it ▁under ▁oath . <2gl> ▁Someone ▁by ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁Penny ▁left ▁a ▁message ▁for ▁you . <2gl> ▁What ' s ▁the ▁matter , ▁Homer '? <2gl> ▁Can ▁I ▁help ▁you , ▁my ▁Lady ? <2gl> ▁Well ▁Yes . <2gl> ▁Some ▁of ▁the ▁jungle , ▁yes . <2gl> ▁So ▁what ▁are ▁you ▁going ▁to ▁do ▁with ▁it ? <2gl> ▁I ▁remember ▁reading ▁on ▁the ▁banks ▁of ▁the ▁Se ine . ▁just ▁below . <2gl> ▁Their ▁only ▁crime ▁is ▁loving ▁their ▁country . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁sure ▁you ▁would . ▁But ▁who ▁cares ▁about ▁their ▁own ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Pant y ▁y um my ▁y um ? <2gl> ▁Port rait ▁mode <2gl> ▁A ▁document . ▁My ▁commander ▁didn ' t ▁give ▁me ▁one . <2gl> ▁Before ▁I ▁st omp ▁you ▁to ▁death ! <2gl> ▁My ▁son ▁is ▁fighting ▁a ▁war , ▁not ▁playing ▁at ▁one . ▁Don ' t ▁worry , ▁My ▁Lady . <2gl> ▁OK , ▁let ' s ▁say ▁you ' re ▁the ▁head ▁of ▁the ▁family ▁and ▁it ' s ▁been ▁decided ▁that ▁they ' re ▁going ▁to ▁kill ▁all ▁the ... <2gl> ▁Is ▁that ▁all , ▁mil ord ? <2gl> ▁Why ▁don ' t ▁you ▁come ▁down ▁by ▁the ▁stairs ? <2gl> ▁Next ▁applet <2gl> ▁Of ▁course ▁you ' d ▁like ▁to ▁know ▁something ▁about ▁the ▁social ▁real ities . <2gl> ▁You ▁can ▁start ▁packing . <2gl> ▁A ▁summer ▁holiday . <2gl> ▁And ▁the ▁month ▁of ▁May ▁will ▁never ▁return , ▁from ▁today ▁until ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁world ... ▁of ▁the ▁spectac le , ▁without ▁us ▁being ▁remembered ... <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁check ▁with ▁you ▁later . <2gl> ▁I ▁remember ▁you , ▁my ▁friends , ▁from ▁displaced ▁person ▁camp , ▁from ▁the ▁miserable ▁post - war ▁years . <2gl> ▁You ▁forgot ▁that ▁you ▁got ▁where ▁you ▁are ▁by ▁the ▁force ▁of ▁your ▁f ists . <2gl> ▁And ▁I ' m ▁not ▁interested ▁in ▁women . <2gl> ▁Most ▁of ▁the ▁debate ▁centres ▁on ▁whether ▁this ▁new ▁Committee ▁will ▁have ▁5, ▁7, ▁or ▁3 ▁members . <2gl> ▁KDE ▁Easy ▁Pub lish ▁and ▁Share <2gl> ▁- ▁It ' s ▁one ▁of ▁my ▁songs ? <2gl> ▁Move ▁Item ▁& ▁Down <2gl> ▁Do ▁you ▁think ▁I ' m ▁going ▁crazy ? <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁what ▁they ' re ▁plot ting . <2gl> ▁He ' s ▁distracted ▁by ▁the ▁fact ▁that ▁she ▁was ▁a ▁absolute ▁vol c ano ▁in ▁the ▁sack . <2gl> ▁Ger ard ▁Bour let ▁decides ▁to ▁use ▁his ▁radio ▁mic roph one ▁to ▁cover ▁events ▁in ▁the ▁1 ▁1 ▁th ▁District . <2gl> ▁Starting ▁recurs ive ▁directory ▁scan ... <2gl> ▁No , ▁they ▁are ▁fire fl ies . <2gl> ▁- ▁They ' re ▁working ▁late ▁in ▁Mem ph is . <2gl> ▁I ▁moved ▁my ▁head . <2gl> ▁Yeah , ▁my ▁mom ▁was ▁a ▁western ▁princess <2gl> ▁I ▁have ▁told ▁the ▁Prince ▁I ▁do ▁not ▁like ▁it . <2gl> ▁Use ▁default ▁KDE ▁web ▁browser <2gl> ▁What ' s ▁lack ing ▁is ▁organization . <2gl> ▁You ▁don ' t ▁know ▁how ▁happy ▁I ▁feel ▁when ▁I ▁think ▁of ▁your ▁degree ! <2gl> ▁Coll é , ▁you ' ve ▁started ▁the ▁mo ola ade . <2gl> ▁- ▁Only ▁one ▁surviv or , ▁sir . <2gl> ▁They ▁know ▁he ' s ▁not ▁in ▁France . ▁They ' ll ▁blame ▁him ▁for ▁Seg ui ' s ▁death . <2gl> ▁Done ▁by ▁( C ) ▁d cd ▁/ ▁December ▁2008 <2gl> ▁You ▁should ▁see ▁the ▁mess ▁of ▁cars ... <2gl> ▁No ▁more , ▁no ▁less . ▁Come ▁back ▁on ▁Monday . <2gl> ▁No ▁survivors ▁expected . <2gl> ▁You ▁know ▁what ▁Association ▁is ? <2gl> ▁THE ▁OTHER , ▁H IS ▁CH I EF ▁ACC OM PL ICE . <2gl> ▁- Sure , ▁come ▁on . <2gl> ▁And ▁of ▁the ▁two ▁I ' d ▁rather ▁have ▁you . <2gl> ▁Nor ▁de ▁day ▁be fo '. ▁' T was ▁along ▁time ▁ago . ▁An ' ▁in ▁dem ▁days , ▁eve ' thing ▁was ▁mighty ▁satisf act ual . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁gone ▁now . <2gl> ▁The ▁ren aming ▁of ▁Berlin ▁pos es ▁no ▁technical ▁problems , ▁as ▁demonstrated ▁by ▁the ▁ren aming ▁of ▁L od z ▁as ▁L itz mann stadt ." <2gl> ▁Develop er <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁saw ▁what ▁they ▁did , ▁yeah . <2gl> ▁C . S . ▁Com es ▁naturally ▁to ▁me . ▁I ' m ▁sorry ▁I ' m ▁not ▁naturally ▁whatever ▁you ▁are . <2gl> ▁He ▁did . ▁- ▁St inking ▁out ▁the ▁place ! <2gl> ▁Dj inn ▁M éd ec in ! <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁play ▁their ▁conversation ▁for ▁you ▁after ▁they ▁arrive ▁for ▁the ▁funeral . <2gl> ▁My ▁pal ▁Hay ao ▁Y aman eko ▁has ▁found ▁a ▁solution : <2gl> ▁A ▁couple ▁of ▁things ▁when ▁I ▁was ▁instruct ing ▁motiv ation ... ▁back ▁in ▁Salt ▁Lake ▁City ... ▁is ▁that , ▁you ▁know ... ▁if ▁we ▁don ' t ▁stop ▁and ▁ask ▁ourselves ▁a ▁question ▁once ▁in ▁a ▁while ... ▁to ▁probe ▁our ▁sub cons cious ▁or ▁to ▁probe ▁our ▁conscious ... <2gl> ▁Ole ks o , ▁let ▁go ! <2gl> ▁What ▁about ▁Tao - T say ▁? <2gl> ▁- ▁It ' s ▁useless , ▁they ' re ▁too ▁thirsty . <2gl> ▁I ▁wish ▁he ' d ▁be ▁more ▁like ▁you . <2gl> ▁Here ▁we ▁need ▁to ▁take ▁up ▁the ▁problem ▁of ▁under de velop ment , ▁of ▁st agn ation , ▁which ▁was ▁our ▁first ▁topic , ▁so ▁that ▁the ▁seventh ▁and ▁last ▁topic ▁is : <2gl> ▁He ▁filled ▁his ▁pockets . <2gl> ▁I ▁believe ▁in ▁destroying ▁everything ▁that ▁you ▁stand ▁for ▁and ▁everything ▁that ▁you ' re ▁trying ▁to ▁do . <2gl> ▁It ▁holds ▁21 /2 ▁people . ▁Maybe ▁three , ▁if ▁they ' re ▁small . <2gl> ▁Deleg ates ▁Ch alin ▁and ▁Mor tier ▁apparently ▁asked ▁the ▁Central ▁Committee ▁to ▁dis band ▁and ▁hand ▁over ▁its ▁power ▁to ▁the ▁Comm une . <2gl> ▁He ▁won ' t ▁call ▁him ▁an ▁" ass hole ". <2gl> ▁Chang - G uk ! <2gl> ▁Anna , ▁when ▁you ' ve ▁done ▁that , ▁be ▁an ▁angel ▁and ▁lo osen ▁it ▁a ▁bit . <2gl> ▁Forget ▁I ▁ever ▁said ▁it . <2gl> ▁- ▁Ass oun , ▁coming ? ▁- ▁I ' m ▁coming . <2gl> ▁So ▁intimate ? <2gl> ▁I ▁have ▁made ▁a ... <2gl> ▁Mack ie ▁st roll s ▁along ▁the ▁doc ks ide ▁Kn ows ▁no ▁more ▁than ▁all ▁the ▁rest <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁Billy ▁Sp ear . <2gl> ▁Nov ell ▁VPN ▁( t urn p ike ) <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁his ▁assistant , ▁an ▁Indian . ▁As ▁far ▁as ▁accommodation ▁is ▁concerned , ▁he ▁writes ▁that ▁it ' s ▁no ▁problem ▁to ▁put ▁up ▁a ▁mobile ▁home , ▁there ' s ▁enough ▁space ▁there . <2gl> ▁One ▁of ▁the ▁contacts ▁(% 1) ▁that ▁you ▁have ▁selected ▁is ▁not ▁associated ▁with ▁an ▁address ▁book ▁entry . <2gl> ▁But ▁this ▁is ▁all ▁the ▁hearing ▁you ' re ▁likely ▁to ▁get ... ▁short ▁of ▁the ▁Last J ud gment . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁see ▁you ▁anymore : <2gl> ▁Local ▁del ic acy . <2gl> ▁Show ▁or ▁hide ▁the ▁toolbar <2gl> ▁How ▁can ▁you ▁be ▁sure ▁this ▁ring ▁is ▁the ▁one ▁you ▁gave ▁him ▁and ▁saw ▁him ▁put ▁on ▁his ▁little ▁finger ▁there ? ▁Because ▁it ▁was ▁my ▁mother ' s . <2gl> ▁A ▁few ▁minutes ▁later ▁he ▁went ▁down ▁the ▁hall ... ▁grabbed ▁the ▁girls ▁by ▁their ▁hair , ▁dragged ▁them ▁into ▁the ▁bathroom ... ▁and ▁made ▁them ▁kne el ▁beside ▁the ▁tub . <2gl> ▁Even ▁this ▁pendant ! <2gl> ▁Rem us : ▁Stop ▁jumping ', ▁B rer ▁Rabb it , ▁you ' ll ▁run ▁outta ▁breath . <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁and ▁I ▁can ' t ▁just ▁always ▁critic ize . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁Reverend , ▁she ▁was ▁just ▁too ▁old . <2gl> ▁- Spe aks ▁a ▁little . <2gl> ▁- ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁doing ▁picking ▁flowers ? <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁sitting ▁in ▁the ▁best ▁position . <2gl> ▁*** ▁%1 ▁set ▁ban ▁on ▁%2 <2gl> ▁Go , ▁J ets , ▁go ! <2gl> ▁It ▁seems ▁I ▁never ▁want ▁to ▁leave ▁it <2gl> ▁I ▁wanna ▁quit ! <2gl> ▁- I ▁got ▁something ▁here . <2gl> ▁F ools ! ▁Stop ! ▁Stop ▁it ! <2gl> ▁I ▁must ▁find ▁work ▁before ▁the ▁term ▁starts . <2gl> ▁You ▁are ▁not ▁allowed ▁to ▁dial ▁out ▁with ▁k pp p . ▁Contact ▁your ▁system ▁administrator . <2gl> ▁The ▁after - party ▁starts ▁in ▁15 ▁minutes . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁laugh . ▁I ▁just ▁want ▁to ... <2gl> ▁Pay ment ▁account <2gl> ▁Error ▁un mount ing ▁device <2gl> ▁Usually , ▁I ' m ▁all ▁alone , ▁like ▁a ▁wandering ▁Jew . <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁come ▁on , ▁now . ▁You ▁gave ▁the ▁punch ▁line ▁away . <2gl> ▁I ▁mean , ▁you ' ve ▁only ▁got ... <2gl> ▁They ▁practically ▁give ▁their ▁lives : ▁they ▁work , ▁the ▁decrease ▁in ▁yield , ▁the ▁worries , ▁the ▁fail ures ... <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁doing ▁this ▁too ▁long . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁the ▁last ▁time ▁that ▁I ▁see ▁him <2gl> ▁Doing ▁orders , ▁ph oning ▁and ▁tid ying ▁books ▁are ▁beyond ▁her . <2gl> ▁Will ▁prevent ▁that ▁there ▁are ▁insp ectors . <2gl> ▁Madam ▁wants ▁to ▁see ▁Master ▁Ham let . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁not ▁even ▁having ▁a ▁laugh . <2gl> ▁- ▁That ' s ▁beside ▁the ▁point ... <2gl> ▁Custom ▁encryption ▁command : ▁if ▁you ▁need ▁to ▁pass ▁some ▁unusual ▁options ▁to ▁GnuPG ▁you ▁can ▁specify ▁the ▁command ▁line ▁here . ▁Most ▁users ▁will ▁not ▁need ▁this . <2gl> ▁We ▁gotta ▁chop ▁a ▁sko ch , ▁you ▁know ? <2gl> ▁Your ▁names <2gl> ▁Doesn ' t ▁he ▁have ▁a ▁mother ? <2gl> ▁00 ▁, ▁01 :08 :20 :13 ▁, ▁hit ▁especially ▁hard ▁by ▁the ▁Dep ression . <2gl> ▁I ▁never ▁noticed ▁you ▁worked ▁outside ▁office ▁hours . <2gl> ▁Red ' s ▁leaving ▁today , ▁too . <2gl> ▁Shit , ▁we ' re ▁in ▁trouble . <2gl> ▁Each ▁day ▁is ▁made ▁up ▁of ▁silence ▁and ▁noise , ▁of ▁light ▁and ▁black ness , ▁layers , ▁expectations , ▁shi vers . <2gl> ▁So ▁if ▁you ▁don ' t ▁mind , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁wanna ▁embarrass ▁her , ▁F ats . <2gl> ▁So ▁you ▁can ▁understand ▁each ▁other . <2gl> ▁What ' s ▁wrong ? <2gl> ▁N ose ▁up ... <2gl> ▁# ▁To ▁compare ▁with ▁pure ▁imagination ▁# <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁cur ls <2gl> ▁It ▁was ▁us ▁that ▁was ▁going ▁to ▁surprise ▁you ! <2gl> ▁Sit ▁down , ▁older ▁brother . <2gl> ▁Let ' s ▁buy ▁beer ? <2gl> ▁What ▁are ▁you ▁doing ? <2gl> ▁Work ▁is ▁refused ▁to ▁the ▁str ik ers . <2gl> ▁Did ▁you ▁know ▁that ▁my ▁house ▁was ▁attacked ▁by ▁night - r iding ▁shot gun ners ? <2gl> ▁The ▁paper ▁was ▁El ▁Pa ís . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁think ▁you ▁can ▁wipe ▁Hyd ra ▁off ▁it ? <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁never ▁seen ▁the ▁like ▁of ▁it ▁in ▁5 ▁years ! <2gl> ▁Message ▁Body <2gl> ▁- ▁Good ▁morning , ▁Mrs . ▁Avery . <2gl> ▁Happy ▁that ▁the ▁army ▁got ▁us ▁at ▁the ▁Mad ele ine ? <2gl> ▁Your ▁ema ils <2gl> ▁Then ▁might ▁I ▁remind ▁you ▁we ▁are ▁preparing ▁dinner ▁for ▁your ▁future ▁employer ? <2gl> ▁App re hens ion , ▁a ▁matter ▁of ▁moments ! ▁Impossible ▁to .. ▁-- ▁.. ▁busy ▁crowd . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁my ▁fault , ▁Ed . ▁I ▁brought ▁it ▁to ▁him ▁while ▁you ▁were ▁upstairs . <2gl> ▁You ▁know , ▁all ▁of ▁us ▁together , ▁we ▁put ▁out ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁money ▁each ▁month ▁for ▁rent . <2gl> ▁And ▁it ▁just ▁kept ▁getting ▁involved ▁and ▁more ▁involved . <2gl> ▁Besides , ▁another ▁thing ▁the ▁powers ▁that ▁be ▁have ▁created ▁is ▁called ▁M . A . D . <2gl> ▁But ▁Gloria , ▁darling , ▁the ▁question ▁is , ▁can ▁a ▁woman ▁like ▁me ▁love ▁a ▁basketball ▁player ▁all ▁of ▁her ▁life ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Well , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁get ▁any ▁deeper . <2gl> ▁Wait , ▁an ▁object . <2gl> ▁It ▁happens ▁to ▁cats ▁when ▁they ' re ▁nine . <2gl> ▁The ▁days ▁before ▁I ▁was ▁blind , ▁and ▁before ▁that ▁I ▁only ▁saw ▁ugly ▁things . <2gl> ▁I ▁have ▁to ▁keep ▁finding ▁destin ations ▁to ▁justify ▁it . <2gl> ▁You ▁know ▁I ' m ▁out ▁tonight ? <2gl> ▁I ▁was ▁buying ▁her ▁a ▁p ina fore . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁imp lying ▁I ▁have ▁designs ▁on ▁her . <2gl> ▁But ▁towards ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁my ▁college ▁days ... ▁I ▁ended ▁up ▁part ying ▁more ▁than ▁I ▁did ▁actually ▁studying . <2gl> ▁- But ▁they ' re ▁your ▁family . <2gl> ▁- ▁And ▁stop ▁making ▁excuses . <2gl> ▁We ▁actually ▁named ▁it ▁Cat hy , ▁and ▁that ▁was ▁purely ▁out ▁of ▁respect ▁for ▁Ric ▁O ' Bar ry . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁kind ▁of ▁like ▁The ▁Tw il ight ▁Zone . <2gl> ▁Ah umble ▁height ▁and ▁a ▁humble ▁tower ▁dwar f ing ▁a ▁humble ▁small ▁town ▁will ▁do , ▁and ▁one ▁se estra ged ies ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁tr il og ies . <2gl> ▁Give ▁me ▁the ▁wh ips ▁and ▁j ing les ▁so ▁bad , ▁Will , ▁I ... <2gl> ▁Hey , ▁don ' t ▁blame ▁me , ▁if ▁you ▁think ▁I ' m ▁screw y , ▁folks , ▁blame ▁my ▁psychi at rist . <2gl> ▁You ▁take ▁him ▁round ▁the ▁neck ▁B if fer , ▁while ▁I ▁pin ▁his ▁arms . <2gl> ▁These ▁old ▁dream y ▁addresses . <2gl> ▁Class ▁two : ▁School child ren ▁under ▁the ▁age ▁of ▁18. <2gl> ▁13 ▁, ▁01 :33 :23 :00 ▁, ▁But ▁if ▁New ▁York ▁has ▁Woody ▁Allen ▁to ▁live ▁down , ▁13 ▁, ▁01 :33 :25 :00 ▁, ▁we ▁can ' t ▁feel ▁superior . <2gl> ▁Have ▁you , ▁George ? ▁- ▁I will ▁have <2gl> ▁Broad cast <2gl> ▁So ▁this ▁is ▁the ▁wash room ? <2gl> ▁Well , ▁I ▁— ▁I ▁walked , ▁Ed . <2gl> ▁No , ▁I ▁mean ▁I ' m ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁United ▁States ! <2gl> ▁Pl enty ▁of ▁time ▁to ▁get ▁an ▁ax e ▁and ▁kill ▁at ▁least ▁two ▁business men . <2gl> ▁We ▁must ▁make ▁the ▁most ▁of ▁this ▁situation . <2gl> ▁Start ▁at ▁this ▁time ▁[ H H : ▁MM ]. ▁Default ▁time ▁for ▁view ing ▁is ▁07 :00. <2gl> ▁Is ▁that ▁all ? ▁ ─ ▁That ' s ▁it . <2gl> ▁Some ▁people ▁come ▁here . <2gl> ▁Now ▁you ▁have ▁a ▁brand - new ▁seat . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁it ' s ▁a ▁joke ▁name , ▁sir . <2gl> ▁Even ▁if ▁she ▁doesn ' t ▁believe ▁me , ▁she ▁won ' t ▁tell , ▁in ▁case ▁it ▁reflects ▁badly ▁on ▁her . <2gl> ▁U nda unted by the v icious ▁campaign of s land er ▁launched against them ▁asa ▁whole ▁and as ind ivid ual s , ▁they hav esta unch ly cont inu ed ▁their invest igation , ▁pursuing their ▁stated belief ▁that any one wh oc ont inu ed ▁to be a Comm unist after 19 45 ▁is gu ilty of ▁h ight re ason . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know . <2gl> ▁Your ▁ema ils <2gl> ▁You ▁owe ▁me ▁one , ▁Walt . ▁Yeah . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁the ▁man ▁is ▁angry ▁at ▁the ▁other ▁man . <2gl> ▁If ▁someone ▁had ▁asked ▁him ▁to ▁stay ▁playing ▁cards , ▁to ▁stay ▁inside , ▁it ▁would ▁never ▁have ▁happened . <2gl> ▁The ▁Germans ▁handed ▁us ▁over ▁to ▁them ▁with ▁orders ▁to ▁take ▁us ▁to ▁the ▁g het to . <2gl> ▁- ▁Bou du . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁even ▁have ▁to ▁close ▁my ▁eyes ▁to ▁have ▁you ▁near ▁me <2gl> ▁- ▁Sy - D ou c our é . <2gl> ▁- ▁Where ' s ▁your ▁bucket ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Nothing , ▁Jer ri . <2gl> ▁Gun ▁over ▁you ▁head . <2gl> ▁Allah ▁forgive ▁us ! <2gl> ▁- ▁Why ▁are ▁you ▁giving ▁me ▁5 ▁franc s ? <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁like ▁in ▁Le ▁Paris ien <2gl> ▁When ▁did ▁you ▁first ▁become ▁interested ▁in ▁the ▁situation ▁in ▁P hen ix ▁City ? ▁How ▁long ▁ago ? <2gl> ▁Friends ▁share ▁things ▁together , ▁each ▁in ▁turn . <2gl> ▁Take ▁it ▁away ▁for ▁2, ▁9 5, ▁50. <2gl> ▁Vol tage ... ▁up , ▁up , ▁up ▁- ▁Are ▁you ▁sure ▁I ' m ▁e art hed ? <2gl> ▁Okay ▁there , ▁let ' s ▁go . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁need ▁luck . <2gl> ▁You ▁and ▁Vog el ▁can ▁split ▁it . <2gl> ▁I ▁must ▁think ▁about ▁it ▁all . <2gl> ▁Display ▁time : <2gl> ▁No ▁security ▁guards ▁- ▁that ' s ▁good . <2gl> ▁The ▁following ▁files ▁could ▁not ▁be ▁found . ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁remove ▁them ▁from ▁the ▁project ▁and ▁continue ▁without ▁adding ▁them ▁to ▁the ▁image ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Gentlemen , ▁we ▁have ▁received ▁the ▁greeting ▁from ▁the ▁Black ▁Sea ▁Fle et . <2gl> ▁I ▁could ▁hardly ▁shift ▁him ▁at ▁all . <2gl> ▁So ▁what ▁did ▁they ▁sound ▁like ? <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁always ▁wanted ... <2gl> ▁K oot , ▁K oot ▁! <2gl> ▁Knock ▁on ▁the ▁door ! <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know ▁what ' s ▁said ▁here , ▁and ▁even ▁if ▁I ▁did ▁-- ▁You ▁wouldn ' t ▁tell ▁me . <2gl> ▁Everyone ▁is ▁asking ▁about ▁you . ▁Lots ▁of ▁love ▁from ▁daddy , ▁Syl v iane ▁and ▁the ▁family . <2gl> ▁Small - time ▁agent . <2gl> ▁S ams on ▁turns ▁to ▁God ▁and ▁asks ▁him ▁to ▁give ▁him ▁strength . ▁Even ▁though ▁he ' s ▁not ▁a ▁Naz ir ite ▁anymore . <2gl> ▁Not ▁the ▁CF D T , ▁but ▁the ▁C G T . <2gl> ▁Mouse <2gl> ▁Just ▁who ▁in ▁the ▁hell ▁are ▁you ? <2gl> ▁I ▁walked ▁into ▁my ▁grandpa rents ' ▁room ▁so ▁I ▁could ▁watch ▁them ▁sleeping . <2gl> ▁- ▁Where ▁they ▁at ? <2gl> ▁Enter ▁the ▁Tw ins ▁alone ▁and ▁he ' ll ▁sell ▁you ▁to ▁the ▁Lann isters ▁as ▁he ▁likes . <2gl> ▁And ▁was ▁the ▁holy ▁Lamb ▁of ▁God ▁On ▁England ' s ▁pleasant ▁past ures ▁seen <2gl> ▁The ▁object ' s ▁pl acement ▁in ▁foss il ifer ous ▁rock ▁form ations ▁suggests ▁it ' s ▁been ▁here ▁for ▁at ▁least ▁1, 500 ▁years . <2gl> ▁But ▁invest ing ▁in ▁the ▁lot tery ▁of ▁China , ▁is ▁invest ing ▁for ▁himself ▁and ▁his ▁country . <2gl> ▁The ▁fence ▁was ▁no ▁longer ▁elect rif ied , ▁but ▁there ▁was ▁still ▁the ▁mine field . <2gl> ▁- ▁There ' s ▁a ▁Dutch ▁bar ▁too . <2gl> ▁- ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁mean , ▁you ▁check ? <2gl> ▁I ▁have ▁a ▁nervous ▁illness : <2gl> ▁My ▁business ▁is ▁in ▁a ▁depl or able ▁state . <2gl> ▁Now , ▁And reu , ▁listen ▁closely . <2gl> ▁- ▁Answer , ▁Er n esto , ▁if ▁you ▁understand . ▁- ▁Why ? <2gl> ▁I ▁keep ▁my ▁good ▁and ▁bad ▁marks ▁in ▁here <2gl> ▁All ▁your ▁life ▁is ▁just ▁that ▁" br ing ▁some ▁water !" <2gl> ▁- You ▁will ▁feel ▁it . <2gl> ▁The ▁bridge ▁is ▁also ▁used ▁by ▁promot ers ▁of ▁Miss ▁Universe ▁Cont est . <2gl> ▁That ▁boy ▁looks ▁hungry . <2gl> ▁THIS ▁IS ▁MY ▁UN C LE ' S ▁H OU SE ▁TO O . ▁P LE ASE <2gl> ▁- ▁Yes , ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁p als . <2gl> ▁- ▁Right . ▁We ▁were ▁that ▁desperate . <2gl> ▁Clearly ▁the ▁tribunal ' s ▁job ▁is ▁not ▁to ▁be ▁objective ▁and ▁independent . <2gl> ▁Cisco ▁- ▁Sat ell ite ▁dish <2gl> ▁F oka , ▁the ▁enemy ▁who ▁was ▁spared , ▁was ▁still ▁around . <2gl> ▁- ▁Not ▁so ▁fast , ▁Reg . <2gl> ▁I ▁stole ▁it ▁from ▁a ▁dead ▁guy . <2gl> ▁And ▁wait ▁in ▁silence . <2gl> ▁Rec over ▁Key ▁available ▁in ▁ke yring <2gl> ▁Can ▁it ▁be ▁my ▁choice ▁this ▁time ? <2gl> ▁View <2gl> ▁Well , ▁if ▁you ▁ask ▁me , ▁this ▁still ▁is ▁a ▁really ▁nice ▁place ... ▁if ▁you ▁have ▁a ▁positive ▁attitude . <2gl> ▁But ▁it ' s ▁empty ▁now . <2gl> ▁Rem us : ▁Ah ▁sho ' ▁hopes ▁you ▁knows ▁what ▁you ' s ▁doin . <2gl> ▁"... trans parent ... ▁almost ▁et here al .. !" <2gl> ▁I ▁know ▁everything , ▁Robert . <2gl> ▁Come , ▁sit ▁here <2gl> ▁- ▁Hon est , ▁Mr . ▁Miller . <2gl> ▁I ▁will ▁kill ▁whoever ▁wants ▁to ▁kill ▁Em ie . <2gl> ▁Come ▁on , ▁tell ▁me ▁about ▁it <2gl> ▁My ▁wife ' s ▁name ▁is ▁Marc elle . <2gl> ▁Even ▁if ▁I ▁don ' t ▁crack ▁this ▁case , ▁honey , ▁my ▁experiences ▁alone ... ▁- ▁will ▁make ▁a ▁book , ▁a ▁play ▁or ▁even ▁a ▁movie ▁sale . <2gl> ▁I ▁just ▁ignored ▁the ▁letter . <2gl> ▁I ▁did ▁notice ▁that ▁you ▁handled ▁yourself ▁very ▁well ▁at ▁the ▁A - Go - Go . <2gl> ▁... way ▁out ▁everyone ▁where ▁are ▁you ... <2gl> ▁" Not ▁half ▁bad ." <2gl> ▁20 th ▁of ▁March , ▁the ▁bomb ard ment ▁of ▁Bag hd ad <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁see ▁you ▁know ▁everything ▁about ▁men . ▁- ▁Shh ! <2gl> ▁Human ity ▁of ▁will ▁only ▁be ▁happy ▁on ▁the ▁day ▁when ▁the ... <2gl> ▁Do ▁as ▁you ' ve ▁been ▁told : ▁follow ▁the ▁shadows ▁then ▁the ▁pol es . <2gl> ▁( S ings ▁dr un ken ly ) ▁it ' ll ▁take ▁him ▁a ▁long ▁time ▁to ▁sleep ▁that ▁off . <2gl> ▁And ▁we ' ll ▁do ▁the ▁explaining . <2gl> ▁" But ▁before ▁you ▁leave , ▁a ▁har s her ▁punishment ▁awaits ▁you ." <2gl> ▁Even ▁if ▁they ▁hated ▁me , ▁I ▁did ▁what ▁I ▁had ▁to ▁do ▁for ▁them . <2gl> ▁They ▁go ▁home ▁with ▁no ▁money ▁to ▁feed ▁them , ▁but ▁I ▁have ▁no ▁more ▁orders , ▁so ▁what ▁will ▁happen ▁to all ▁of ▁us ? <2gl> ▁You ▁shouldn ' t ▁kid ▁about ▁it . <2gl> ▁We ▁had ▁a ▁real , ▁uh ▁ ─ ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁trouble ▁with ▁it . <2gl> ▁I ▁dumped ▁him ▁because ▁I ▁hated ▁him . <2gl> ▁Ku op io ▁Weather ▁from ▁weather . ▁sav onia . ▁fi <2gl> ▁It ▁was ▁a ▁marvel ous ▁location ▁for ▁a ▁restaurant ▁or ▁a ▁motel . <2gl> ▁One ▁day ▁I ' m ▁going ▁to ▁fucking ▁flip ▁out , ▁go ▁insane . <2gl> ▁- ▁What ▁kind ▁of ▁monster ▁is ▁he ? <2gl> ▁How ▁many ▁men ▁did ▁you ▁kill ▁in ▁Korea ? <2gl> ▁Go ▁on , ▁we ▁know ▁you ▁found ▁ransom ▁money . <2gl> ▁Mona ▁wants ▁to ▁be ▁free <2gl> ▁God , ▁Steph ans , ▁you ' re ▁so ▁ignorant . <2gl> ▁I ▁felt ▁great . <2gl> ▁Like ▁most ▁people ▁do , ▁in ▁the ▁shower ▁or ▁bath . <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁give ▁you ▁bloody ▁T - sh irts . <2gl> ▁" What ▁don ' t ▁you ▁like ?" <2gl> ▁Because ▁of ▁this ▁money ▁order ▁the ▁whole ▁neighborhood ▁hates ▁us ! <2gl> ▁These ▁days ▁you ▁got ▁cars ▁coming ▁at ▁you ▁from ▁every ▁which ▁way . <2gl> ▁Sometimes ▁I ▁do ▁this . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁you ▁know , ▁196 1 ▁is ▁unfortunately ▁long ▁past ▁now ▁and ▁I ' m ▁afraid ▁I ▁might ▁not ▁be ▁able ▁to ▁help ▁you . <2gl> ▁- ▁Ask ▁anybody ! <2gl> ▁AND ▁P UT ▁IT ▁IN . <2gl> ▁He ▁had ▁heard ▁about ▁the ▁Head ▁Exper iment er . <2gl> ▁Rober to ▁is ▁sweet , ▁calm , ▁serious . <2gl> ▁Might ▁take ▁all ▁your ▁bread , ▁man . <2gl> ▁They ▁had ▁opportunities ▁to ▁talk ▁to ▁and ▁meet ▁loc als ▁so ▁that ▁after ▁a ▁day ' s ▁work , ▁they ▁could ▁bring ▁back ▁extra ▁food . <2gl> ▁What ▁could ▁I ▁do ▁when ▁the ▁rav ens ▁brought ▁the ▁news ▁from ▁the ▁South ... ▁the ▁ruin ▁of ▁my ▁House , ▁the ▁death ▁of ▁my ▁family ? <2gl> ▁You ▁can ▁only ▁arrest ▁a ▁man ▁if ▁you ▁have ▁him . <2gl> ▁C igare ttes ▁too ? <2gl> ▁- ▁A ms at ou . ▁- ▁Yes . <2gl> ▁Makes ▁you ▁wonder ▁how ▁is ▁everybody ▁be ck ▁home ▁you ▁haven ' t ▁seen ▁for ▁a ▁long ▁time . <2gl> ▁%1 ▁has ▁invited ▁you ▁to ▁join ▁channel : ▁%2. ▁Would ▁you ▁like ▁to ▁accept ▁the ▁invitation ? <2gl> ▁Custom ▁Path <2gl> ▁Your ▁Honor , ▁I ▁am ▁Joseph ▁Wilson . <2gl> ▁It ▁was ▁found ▁on ▁his ▁body . <2gl> ▁- ▁Just ▁ask ▁Pe ppe . <2gl> ▁It ▁tasted ▁better ▁last ▁time , ▁didn ' t ▁it ? <2gl> ▁Now ▁remember . <2gl> ▁" Y an ke e ▁Hotel ▁Fo xt rot " ▁has ▁actually ▁turned ▁into ▁a ▁kind ▁of ▁met ap hor . <2gl> ▁[ How ie ] ▁Are ▁you ▁Mr ▁Len nox , ▁the ▁photographer ? <2gl> ▁How ▁long ▁to ▁catch ▁up ? <2gl> ▁His ▁head ▁was ▁cut ▁off ▁and ▁paid ▁for ▁by ▁a ▁Senator . <2gl> ▁Let ▁me ▁have ▁a ▁look ! <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁miss ▁you , ▁F les h . <2gl> ▁Documentation ▁extended ▁and ▁updated ▁for ▁& ▁kde ; ▁4. 0 ▁by ▁David ▁Sa xt on ▁dav id @ bl ue h aze . ▁org . <2gl> ▁We ▁are ▁about ▁to ▁eat . <2gl> ▁Rem us : ▁But ▁we ' se ▁going ' ▁together , ▁ain ' t ▁we ? <2gl> ▁What ▁kind ▁of ▁person ▁is ▁N ishi ? <2gl> ▁You ' ll ▁find ▁a ▁We ir wood ▁a ▁mile ▁North ▁of ▁the ▁Wall . <2gl> ▁Not ▁touching . <2gl> ▁Coll é ' s ▁radio ▁should ▁be ▁conf isc ated . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁your ▁second ▁bun ! <2gl> ▁There ▁go ▁the ▁fire works ▁again . <2gl> ▁^ ^ ▁BUT ▁IF ▁I ▁ST E AL ▁YOUR ▁HE ART , ▁DE AR ▁^ ^ ▁^ ^ ▁I ' LL ▁KE EP ▁IT ▁CL OS E ▁^ ^ ▁^ ^ ▁TO ▁MIN E ▁^ ^ <2gl> ▁Well , ▁I ' m ▁not ▁an ▁agent ▁of ▁s . H . I . E . L . D ., <2gl> ▁L - L ay ▁me ▁down ... ▁in ... ▁in ▁green ▁past ures ... ▁I ... <2gl> ▁Like , ▁uh , ▁" S ill ius ▁S odd us " ▁or ▁" B igg us ▁Dick us ," ▁sir . <2gl> ▁Do ▁you ▁prefer ▁to ▁have ▁it ▁bad ? <2gl> ▁Io ▁is ▁fascinating . <2gl> ▁During ▁the ▁war , ▁he ▁was ▁a ▁German ▁N CO ▁like ▁R oud ier ▁... <2gl> ▁But ▁we ▁have ▁demonstrated ▁our ▁ability ▁not ▁only ▁to ▁destroy ▁the ▁old ▁order . ▁but ▁to ▁build ▁in ▁its ▁place ▁a ▁new ▁social ist ▁order . <2gl> ▁Hear ▁that , ▁nit w its ? <2gl> ▁The ▁girl ' s ▁eye ▁may ▁be ▁wh acked ▁but ▁her ▁body ▁was ▁something ▁else ! <2gl> ▁I ▁can ' t ▁forgive ▁them ▁for ▁abandon ing ▁me . <2gl> ▁Whatever ▁limits ▁are ▁drawn ▁by ▁large ▁capital ... ▁they ▁are ▁forced ▁to ▁work ▁within ▁these ▁limits . <2gl> ▁We ' ll ▁make ▁room ▁for ▁her : <2gl> ▁How ▁about ▁going ▁to ▁see ▁him ? <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁the ▁car ! <2gl> ▁Kick B an ▁* ! ▁user @ dom ain <2gl> ▁March ▁& ▁1 st <2gl> ▁Mr . ▁Ah ank h ah , ▁Mrs . ▁Moh s eni , ▁and ▁Mehr dad ▁Ah ank h ah . ▁- ▁Three ▁plain ti ffs ▁in ▁all ? <2gl> ▁The ▁Imam ▁wants ▁to ▁help ▁you ▁to ▁avoid ▁misfortune . <2gl> ▁Whenever ▁you ▁get ▁an ▁urge , ▁you ▁tell ▁me , ▁and ▁we ▁deal ▁with ▁it ▁together . <2gl> ▁- ▁And ▁work ▁on ▁that . <2gl> ▁Funny , ▁a ▁pilot ▁working ▁on ▁the ▁ground ! <2gl> ▁It ▁would ▁destroy ▁from ▁50 ▁to ▁80 ▁per ▁cent ▁of ▁all ▁her ▁main ▁food ▁production ▁and ▁storage ▁facilities ▁and ▁from ▁50 ▁to ▁80 ▁per ▁cent ▁of ▁the ▁power ▁plants ▁needed ▁to ▁run ▁them . <2gl> ▁Thank ▁you ▁for ▁everything ▁you ▁will ▁do ▁for ▁the ▁child <2gl> ▁I ▁was ▁named ▁after ▁her . ▁So ▁I ... <2gl> ▁I ▁tried ▁very ▁hard ▁to ▁convince ▁Mr . ▁Nom ura ... ▁but ▁we ▁couldn ' t ▁see ▁eye ▁to ▁eye . <2gl> ▁Now , ▁having ▁played ▁this ▁part , ▁do ▁you ▁think ▁you ▁are ▁a ▁better ▁actor ▁than ▁a ▁director ? <2gl> ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁get ▁his ▁cake . ▁- ▁What ▁cake ? <2gl> ▁The ▁new ▁house ▁will ▁please ▁you . <2gl> ▁Edit ▁Profile ... <2gl> ▁And ▁God ▁created ▁man ▁according ▁to ▁his ▁image . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁know ▁whose ▁this ▁is , ▁jerk ? <2gl> ▁Is ▁your ▁wife ▁cheating ? <2gl> ▁At ▁twelve ▁and ▁a ▁half ▁a ▁week ? <2gl> ▁Go ▁home '. <2gl> ▁Enough ▁of ▁this ▁rotten ▁life . <2gl> ▁Say ▁22 ▁million ▁per ▁month . <2gl> ▁13 ▁, ▁00 :57 :47 :00 ▁, ▁The ▁entire ▁world ▁seems ▁to ▁be ▁root ing ▁for ▁Los ▁Angeles ▁to ▁slide ▁into ▁the ▁Pacific ▁00 ▁, ▁00 :57 :49 :13 ▁, ▁or ▁be ▁swallowed ▁by ▁the ▁San ▁Andre as ▁fault . <2gl> ▁I ▁might ▁have ▁a ▁buyer , ▁that ' s ▁all . ▁And ▁since ▁it ' s ▁quite ▁well ▁situated ... <2gl> ▁- ▁What ▁you ▁learned , ▁not ▁liked . <2gl> ▁And ▁just ▁exactly ▁what ▁did ▁you ▁see ▁and ▁hear ? <2gl> ▁Your ▁flowers ▁are ▁to ▁fully ▁appreciate ▁this ▁rain . <2gl> ▁Freedom , ▁happiness ... <2gl> ▁Even ▁the ▁American ▁government . <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁she ' s ▁had ▁medicine ▁since ▁yesterday <2gl> ▁When ▁you ' re ▁that ▁old , ▁cats ▁are ▁better ▁than ▁nothing . <2gl> ▁Mr ▁X u , ▁your ▁friend ' s ▁girl ▁says ▁she ▁doesn ' t ▁want ▁it <2gl> ▁We ▁want ▁you ▁at ▁our ▁disposal . <2gl> ▁Let ▁me ▁take ▁all ▁this . <2gl> ▁He ▁wrote ... ▁" I ' ll ▁have ▁spent ▁my ▁life ▁trying ▁to ▁understand ▁the ▁function ▁of ▁remember ing , ▁which ▁is ▁not ▁the ▁opposite ▁of ▁forgetting , ▁but ▁rather ▁its ▁inner ▁l ining . <2gl> ▁I ▁did ▁not ▁want ▁to . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁from ▁Te of ilo ▁Ott oni , ▁in ▁the ▁State ▁of ▁Min as ▁G erais . ▁My ▁family ▁was ▁poor . ▁The ▁po ore st ▁of ▁the ▁poor . <2gl> ▁You ▁do ▁it ▁on ▁purpose ? <2gl> ▁We ' ll ▁keep ▁an ▁eye ▁on ▁Harrison , ▁but ▁I ▁really ▁think ▁your ▁son ▁is ▁gonna ▁be ▁perfectly ▁fine . ▁Ooh . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁I ▁had ▁me ▁a ▁time ▁over ▁there . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁innocent ! <2gl> ▁*** ▁%1 ▁set ▁the ▁channel ▁to ▁public <2gl> ▁And ▁I ' m ▁here ▁to ▁answer ▁the ▁prayers ▁of ▁a ▁good ▁dy ke . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁was ▁bad ! <2gl> ▁He ▁had ▁this ▁one ▁on ▁his ▁wall , ▁above ▁his ▁b unk . <2gl> ▁The ▁family ▁of ▁a ▁soldier ▁who ▁received ▁a ▁medal ▁of ▁merit ? <2gl> ▁Why ▁don ' t ▁you ▁come ▁in ▁and ▁meet ▁the ▁new ▁girls ? <2gl> ▁You ▁need ▁first ▁to ▁define ▁a ▁resource ▁group ▁by ▁clicking ▁the ▁New ▁button ▁in ▁the ▁resource ▁group ▁area . ▁Click ▁on ▁this ▁group ▁name ▁and ▁add ▁a ▁new ▁resource ▁by ▁clicking ▁the ▁New ▁button ▁in ▁the ▁resource ▁area . ▁This ▁will ▁display ▁the ▁Resource ▁Settings ▁dialog . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁an ▁empty ▁promise , ▁if ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁it , ▁I ▁am ▁not ▁forced . <2gl> ▁Stop ▁working ▁and ▁go ▁home . <2gl> ▁Here ' s ▁a ▁letter ▁for ▁the ▁Captain . <2gl> ▁' ▁B OUT ▁TO ▁D RI VE ▁ME ▁OUT ▁OF ▁MY ▁MIN D . <2gl> ▁No , ▁that ' s ▁just ▁him . <2gl> ▁- ▁Are ▁you ▁gonna ▁go ▁on ▁set ▁or ▁not ? <2gl> ▁They ▁wanted ▁to ▁know ▁if ▁you ▁were ▁Mr . ▁Hill . <2gl> ▁- ▁No , ▁he ▁will ▁not . <2gl> ▁They ▁have ▁made ▁us ▁ind if ferent ▁to ▁ourselves , ▁to ▁others . <2gl> ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁pay ▁attention ▁to ▁them . <2gl> ▁K My M oney ▁has ▁calculated ▁the ▁amount ▁of ▁the ▁loan ▁as ▁%1. <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁like ▁Vol t aire ... ▁- ▁Yes . <2gl> ▁Please ▁stay , ▁Se h - hee . <2gl> ▁I ▁like ▁opera . <2gl> ▁At ▁this ▁moment , ▁they ' re ▁afraid ▁in ▁Con ▁Th ien . <2gl> ▁We ' ll ▁give ▁her ▁till ▁the ▁start ▁of ▁the ▁gr ouse . ▁Very ▁well . <2gl> ▁The ▁clean up ▁settings <2gl> ▁See , ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁times ▁we ' ll ▁come ▁into ▁a ▁home , ▁you ▁know , ▁and ▁a ▁customer ▁will ▁say , <2gl> ▁Tell ▁me ▁about ▁a ▁film ▁you ' ve ▁seen ▁which ▁made ▁you ▁cry . <2gl> ▁You ▁would ' ve ▁hated ▁the ▁music , ▁and ▁the ▁crowd , ▁but ▁I ▁had ▁fun . <2gl> ▁Image Pl ugin _ R est oration <2gl> ▁People , ▁if ▁you ▁obey ▁the ▁new ▁king ▁believe ▁in ▁Allah , ▁cease ▁all ▁for nic ation , ▁lying , ▁and ▁dr un ken ness ... ▁you ▁will ▁go ▁to ▁paradise ▁when ▁you ▁die . <2gl> ▁First ▁( ear lier ) ▁date ▁value <2gl> ▁No ▁kidding . ▁I ▁got ▁a ▁friend ▁of ▁mine ▁who ▁bought ▁Don ▁Bud ge ' s ▁house . <2gl> ▁Steve , ▁11 ▁goes ▁back . <2gl> ▁Now ▁let ' s ▁move ▁on ▁to ▁Louise , ▁present ▁here ▁today <2gl> ▁He ▁told ▁me ▁to ▁go ▁back ▁to ▁town ▁and ▁never ▁show ▁my ▁face ▁again . <2gl> ▁Get ▁your ▁act ▁right , ▁you ▁idiot ! <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁put ▁out ▁the ▁R und le ▁cand l estic ks ▁for ▁dinner ▁tonight . <2gl> ▁If ▁you ' d ▁only ▁give ▁me ▁a ▁chance ▁to ▁explain ▁this ▁thing ▁to ▁ya . <2gl> ▁Georgia , ▁please . <2gl> ▁Do ▁not ▁make ▁us ▁wait . <2gl> ▁Of ▁course ▁I ' m ▁not ▁giving ▁a ▁party -- <2gl> ▁Who ' s ▁bet ting ▁at ▁this ▁sacred ▁ar cher y ▁field ? <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁I ▁know , ▁but ▁I ▁think ▁that ' s ▁terrible . <2gl> ▁Do ▁you ▁want ▁an ▁explanation ▁in ▁writing ? <2gl> ▁- ▁No , ▁that ' s ▁not ▁allowed . <2gl> ▁She ▁almost ▁wreck ed ▁my ▁sister ' s . <2gl> ▁Anything ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁know , ▁ask ▁Mike . <2gl> ▁We ▁thank ▁you ▁very ▁much ▁for ▁your ▁very ▁kind ▁attention . <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁in ▁transition . <2gl> ▁IN ▁CON F ER EN CE <2gl> ▁We ' re ▁both ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁has - be ens ... ▁temporarily . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁get ▁too ▁impressed , ▁Kid lat . <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁I ' ll ▁manage , ▁my ▁lord , ▁but ▁it ▁does ▁seem ▁to ▁shrink ▁a ▁little ▁each ▁year . <2gl> ▁You ▁tear ▁off ▁half ▁of ▁the ▁nail , ▁bru ising ▁the ▁spots ▁where ▁it ▁is ▁attached ▁to ▁the ▁flesh ; <2gl> ▁- ▁What ▁about ▁Aunt ie ▁Coll é ▁Ar do ? <2gl> ▁You ▁have ▁not ▁told ▁me ▁whether ▁you ▁I ike ▁my ▁house ▁or ▁not . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁actually , ▁then , ▁there ' s ▁no ▁reason ▁why ▁you ▁shouldn ' t ▁have ▁it . <2gl> ▁Your ▁papers ▁please . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁thought ▁he ▁was ▁gonna ▁call ▁the ▁cops . <2gl> ▁Uh , ▁what ▁are ▁you ▁gonna ▁do ? <2gl> ▁They ▁gave ▁me ▁the ▁gun ▁and ▁the ▁bl anks . ▁I ▁asked ▁for ▁them . <2gl> ▁Let ▁l gn at ▁live ▁with ▁me . <2gl> ▁Looks ▁like ▁more ▁passengers ▁this ▁trip . <2gl> ▁All ▁right , ▁then . ▁Let ' s ▁have ▁a ▁drink . ▁- ▁Here ' s ▁to ▁Joe . <2gl> ▁A ▁bar o que ▁comm ode , ▁two ▁arm ch airs . <2gl> ▁What ▁you ▁have ▁said ▁is ▁not ▁true . <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁she ' s ▁afraid ▁we ▁lost . <2gl> ▁Now , ▁as ▁time ▁went ▁on ▁and , ▁uh ... <2gl> ▁A ▁bit ▁of ▁gr it ▁in ▁your ▁w ink les ▁and ▁you ' re ▁sp itting ▁and ▁sp lat tering ▁all ▁over ▁the ▁place . <2gl> ▁A ▁country ▁church ▁used ▁as ▁a ▁meeting ▁place ▁by ▁Neg ro ▁and ▁white ▁share c ro ppers . <2gl> ▁And ▁so ▁for ▁all ▁this , ▁I ▁came ▁to ▁love ▁this ▁fear ful ▁ant ▁he ap ... ▁where ▁every ▁night , ▁100,000 ▁men ▁know ▁not ▁where ▁they ▁will ▁lay ▁their ▁heads ... ▁and ▁the ▁police ▁often ▁find ▁women ▁and ▁children ▁dead ▁of ▁hunger ... ▁beside ▁hotels ▁where ▁one ▁cannot ▁eat ▁for ▁less ▁than ▁? ▁2. <2gl> ▁come ▁with ▁me ▁to ▁the ▁City ." <2gl> ▁One ▁small ▁glass , ▁and ▁you ' re ▁free . <2gl> ▁Run ▁by ▁Alfred o ▁G ue vara , ▁assisted ▁by ▁Saul ▁y ▁el in ▁for ▁world ▁affairs , ▁and ▁by ▁Hector ▁Garcia ▁M esa ▁for ▁the ▁very ▁fine ▁film ▁library . <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁be ▁goddamn ed , ▁you ' re ▁Ce be . <2gl> ▁Must ▁my ▁news ▁be ▁all ▁bad ▁news <2gl> ▁- ▁lt ' s ▁a ▁friendly ▁fight . <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁I ▁shouldn ' t ▁think ▁so , ▁love . <2gl> ▁It ▁ends ▁in ▁failure . <2gl> ▁It ▁only ▁took ▁us ▁a ▁few ▁seconds ▁to ▁wash , ▁remove ▁our ▁co ats ▁and ▁sit ▁down ▁as ▁if ▁nothing ▁had ▁happened . <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁make ▁your ▁jaw ▁and ▁chin ▁look ▁so fter . <2gl> ▁You ▁are ▁getting ▁double ▁talking ▁time ▁for ▁free ... <2gl> ▁Some ▁of ▁the ▁children ▁also ▁went ▁to ▁the ▁Germans ' ▁homes ▁to ▁clean ▁their ▁shoes . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁only ▁young . <2gl> ▁The ▁S ears ▁Ro eb uck ▁Company ... <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁take ▁your ▁picture ▁now . <2gl> ▁" I ▁hear ▁the ▁noise ▁of ▁sheep ▁and ▁the ▁English ▁language , <2gl> ▁Send ▁him ▁to ▁Ward ▁2 <2gl> ▁She ▁must ' ve ▁told ▁you : <2gl> ▁The ▁cop ▁said ▁he ▁would ▁deal ▁with ▁the ▁case . <2gl> ▁Right ▁now , ▁I ▁can ' t ▁choose . ▁I ▁can ' t ▁do ▁anything ▁else ... <2gl> ▁and ▁then ▁he ▁dies . <2gl> ▁Mr ▁Mac Gre ag or , ▁I ▁trust ▁we ▁aren ' t ▁going ▁to ▁have ▁to ▁let ▁out ▁your ▁costume ▁again ▁this ▁year . <2gl> ▁The ▁ball ▁game ' s ▁over . ▁You ' ve ▁got ▁a ▁job ▁to ▁do , ▁and ▁you ▁go ▁out ▁and ▁you ▁do ▁it . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁you ▁around ! <2gl> ▁Network ▁status ▁and ▁control ▁utility <2gl> ▁Alright ▁tiger , ▁come ▁on ... <2gl> ▁She ▁is ▁right , ▁Gil . <2gl> ▁We ' ll ▁have ▁reporters ▁down ▁from ▁all ▁over ▁the ▁East . <2gl> ▁She ▁was ▁a ▁Phil ist ine ▁herself ▁so ▁they ▁sent ▁her ▁to ▁cut ▁off ▁his ▁hair . ▁She ▁cut ▁it ▁and ▁he ▁lost ▁his ▁strength . ▁They ▁said ▁they ' d ▁kill ▁her ▁if ▁she ▁didn ' t ▁cut ▁his ▁hair . <2gl> ▁Eug en ▁doesn ' t ▁want ▁you ▁to ▁bother ▁him . <2gl> ▁He ▁makes ▁mistakes . <2gl> ▁Here , ▁let ▁me . ▁I ' m ▁sorry . <2gl> ▁I ▁doubt ▁if ▁you ' ve ▁got ▁that ▁one , ▁Your ▁Lad ys hip . <2gl> ▁At ▁11 ▁PM , ▁we ▁broke ▁out . <2gl> ▁- ▁Come ▁on , ▁Jim , ▁let ' s ▁go ▁wash ▁up . <2gl> ▁As ▁their ▁slaves . <2gl> ▁So ▁daddy ▁vent ed ▁his ▁anger ▁on ▁the ▁school , ▁on ▁Vit amin ych , ▁on ▁the ▁head master , ▁on ▁mum my ▁and ▁me . <2gl> ▁And ▁so ▁we ▁went . <2gl> ▁They ▁have ▁to ▁eat . <2gl> ▁They ' re ▁like ▁the ▁Japanese , ▁they ▁never ▁give ▁up . <2gl> ▁Still ▁it ' s ▁nice ▁to ▁watch ▁them ▁Trying ▁to ▁be ▁tough <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁For st ▁is ▁a ▁hol ier - th an - th ou . <2gl> ▁Here ' s ▁a ▁super b ▁Pic asso . <2gl> ▁Ric ardo : ▁^ ^ ▁I ▁OFF ER ▁YOU ▁THE ▁MO ON ▁^ ^ ▁^ ^ ▁SET ▁IN ▁A ▁S UMM ER ▁SK Y ▁^ ^ <2gl> ▁They ' re ▁all ▁in ▁a ▁hurry . <2gl> ▁- ▁Kh os row , ▁the ▁prince ▁of ▁Pers ia . <2gl> ▁Week ▁%1 ▁for ▁year ▁%2. <2gl> ▁Like ▁I ▁said ▁before , ▁I ▁swear ▁I ▁was ▁in ▁bed ▁at ▁the ▁time . <2gl> ▁My ▁dear ▁Mr ▁Gr igg ... <2gl> ▁F rit z ▁heard ▁a ▁phone ▁call ▁to ▁We issen born <2gl> ▁I ▁got ▁the ▁money ▁to ▁get ▁the ▁rig ▁back ▁together . <2gl> ▁West ▁of ▁the ▁stream ▁and ▁east ▁of ▁the ▁road . <2gl> ▁My ▁legs ▁are ▁old ▁and ▁bent . <2gl> ▁The ▁best ▁thing ▁is ▁to ▁see ▁citizen ▁P ate y ▁who ' ll ▁direct ▁you . <2gl> ▁Deb , ▁if ▁he ▁was ▁interrupt ed ... ▁Think . <2gl> ▁In ▁my ▁very ▁factory , ▁all ▁kinds ▁of ▁people ▁are ▁reading ▁his ▁stuff . ▁Main ly ▁the ▁col ored ▁people . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁vital ▁you ▁say ▁how ▁it ▁was . <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁good ▁stuff ▁we ▁ordered . <2gl> ▁We ▁lived ▁for ▁each ▁other . <2gl> ▁I ▁couldn ' t ▁take ▁your ▁money , ▁my ▁Lord . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁normal ▁in ▁w art ime . ▁Still , ▁it ' s ▁not ▁as ▁bad ▁as ▁the ▁sie ge . <2gl> ▁The ▁high ▁sheriff ' s ▁lady . ▁You ▁might ▁get ▁knocked ▁out ▁by ▁the ▁high ▁sheriff ' s ▁lady . <2gl> ▁Mont gom ery ▁Jr . <2gl> ▁To ▁be , ▁or ▁not ▁to ▁be ! <2gl> ▁Not ▁at ▁war . <2gl> ▁I ' d ▁like ▁to ▁under line ▁that ▁my ▁client ▁only ▁has ▁to ▁answer ▁to ▁a ▁judge . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁all ▁right . ▁So ▁long ▁B rer ▁Bear . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁very ▁concerned ▁about ▁your ▁department . <2gl> ▁Delete ▁price ▁information <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁over ▁now ! <2gl> ▁Small ▁eye ▁glasses ! <2gl> ▁You ▁have ▁more ▁than ▁one ▁writable ▁resource ▁folder . ▁Please ▁select ▁the ▁one ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁write ▁to . <2gl> ▁Different ▁views ▁from ▁different ▁ang les . <2gl> ▁She ▁had ▁a ▁vac ant ▁stare , ▁like ▁a ▁vag rant . <2gl> ▁And ▁they ▁would ▁kill ▁the ▁individual ▁and ▁then ▁they ▁would ▁leave ▁him ... ▁with ▁a ▁kind ▁of ▁a ▁calling ▁card ▁on ▁him . <2gl> ▁Oil ▁lamps ! <2gl> ▁Without ▁leaving ▁any ▁trace . <2gl> ▁Thirty - two ▁fifty . <2gl> ▁Last ▁time ▁I ▁went ... <2gl> ▁Some ▁have ▁no ▁work , ▁others ▁have ▁too ▁much , ▁some ▁sleep ▁outside . <2gl> ▁Why ▁isn ' t ▁Dr . ▁N orton ▁back ? ▁He ▁said ▁he ▁would . <2gl> ▁Why ▁do ▁you ▁refuse ▁to ▁talk ▁? <2gl> ▁I ▁got ▁news . ▁I ' m ▁so ▁mechanical ▁— <2gl> ▁I ▁tell ▁him : ▁" S weet heart ..." <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁my ▁young est ▁brother . ▁There ▁he ▁is . <2gl> ▁And ▁you ' ve ▁been ? <2gl> ▁Um ... ▁what ▁I ... ▁I ▁didn ' t ▁know ▁that ... <2gl> ▁You ▁contract ▁to ▁sell ▁your ▁oil ▁at ▁a ▁set ▁price ▁for ▁a ▁set ▁period . ▁In ▁short , <2gl> ▁Gee - will ik ers ! ▁Why ▁didn ' t ▁you ▁say ▁so ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Hey ▁old ▁man ! <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁telling ▁you , ▁man ... ▁don ' t ▁press ▁me . <2gl> ▁The ▁mus icians ▁were ▁already ▁on ▁their ▁feet . <2gl> ▁Core <2gl> ▁And ▁Abraham ▁rose ▁up ▁early ▁in ▁the ▁morning ▁and ▁cla ve ▁the ▁wood ▁for ▁the ▁burnt ▁offering ▁and ▁they ▁came ▁to ▁the ▁place ▁where ▁God ▁had ▁told ▁him . <2gl> ▁We ▁could ▁all ▁walk ▁down ▁together ▁after ▁the ▁servants ' ▁dinner . <2gl> ▁Can ▁you ▁support ▁us ▁for ▁the ▁living ? <2gl> ▁Even ▁when ▁we ▁dump ▁it ▁all ▁out , ▁we ▁reveal ▁little <2gl> ▁Do ▁Not ▁Rec on f igure <2gl> ▁Lord , ▁we ▁thank ▁Thee ▁for ▁the ▁blessing ▁we ' re ▁about ▁to ▁receive . <2gl> ▁a ! ▁= ▁b <2gl> ▁Lee ▁Robert ▁Brown : ▁15 ▁to ▁21 ▁years ▁in ▁a ▁federal ▁penit enti ary <2gl> ▁Fall ing ▁St ars <2gl> ▁He ▁says ▁he ▁left ▁the ▁bank book s ▁in ▁a ▁safe ▁at ▁the ▁M ura ki ▁Inn ▁in ▁Ts uku ji . <2gl> ▁Enter ▁the ▁authentication ▁user ▁name ▁used ▁by ▁the ▁z 3 9. 50 ▁database . ▁Most ▁servers ▁do ▁not ▁need ▁one . <2gl> ▁Jake : ▁Go ▁on ▁home . <2gl> ▁Actually , ▁some ▁leaders ▁escaped ▁from ▁the ▁front . <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁it ▁should ▁arrive ▁between ▁5 ▁and ▁6 ▁o ' clock . <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁all ▁because ▁of ▁your ▁effort ▁and ▁faith ▁until ▁now . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ' re ▁no ▁judge . <2gl> ▁Advanced <2gl> ▁Real ▁cats . <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁a ▁temperature . <2gl> ▁At ▁seven ▁tent hs ▁of ▁a ▁millis ec ond ▁after ▁the ▁explosion , ▁and ▁at ▁a ▁distance ▁of ▁60 ▁miles , ▁the ▁light ▁from ▁the ▁fire ball ▁of ▁a ▁single - m eg aton ▁ther mo - n uclear ▁device ▁is ▁30 ▁times ▁bright er ▁than ▁the ▁mid day ▁sun . <2gl> ▁" May ▁imp ure ▁blood ▁Water ▁our ▁fields !" <2gl> ▁Pos itive ▁or ▁negative ? <2gl> ▁Couldn ' t ▁have ▁been ▁better . <2gl> ▁Toby : ▁What ▁I ▁tell ▁you ! <2gl> ▁Uh , ▁and ▁things ▁like ▁that . <2gl> ▁L iza , ▁how ▁can ▁you ... <2gl> ▁Now ▁it ' s ▁the ▁workers ▁who ▁are ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁boss es . <2gl> ▁Half ▁the ▁trouble ▁with ▁the ▁people ▁in ▁the ▁world ▁today ▁is ▁that ▁they ▁just ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁let ▁things ▁stay ▁the ▁way ▁they ▁are . <2gl> ▁speed 2 ▁filter <2gl> ▁Two ▁patients ▁in ▁F ▁Hall . ▁They ▁doesn ' t ▁eat ▁for ▁three ▁days . <2gl> ▁acc erc iser ▁Preferences <2gl> ▁Sister ▁of ▁dest it ution ▁and ▁daughter ▁of ▁death , ▁rep ug nant , ▁fright ening . <2gl> ▁He ▁was ▁a ▁fre ck le - f aced ▁boy ▁from ▁Phil adelph ia ▁on ▁holiday ▁with ▁his ▁parents . <2gl> ▁- ▁Pe ppe ▁and ▁Luc illa . ▁Sounds ▁good . <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁had ▁enough ▁of ▁this ▁" w ow dy ," ▁" we bel " ▁behavior ! <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁call ▁me ▁" po or ▁little ▁thing " <2gl> ▁They ▁y elled : <2gl> ▁She ' s ▁so ▁spo ilt ! <2gl> ▁All ▁right , ▁thank ▁you ▁very ▁much , ▁Mr . ▁Br itt on . <2gl> ▁Do ▁your ▁record ... <2gl> ▁- ▁Stop ▁and ▁look ▁for ▁the ▁sign ▁O - NO . <2gl> ▁Wh iter ▁S ands ! <2gl> ▁Coming , ▁Of ré ne ? <2gl> ▁- ▁By ▁the ▁way ... ▁Do ▁you ▁know ▁the ▁" Cl ub ▁Mar occo "? <2gl> ▁Could ▁you ▁describe ▁him ? <2gl> ▁Neither ▁one . ▁Neither ▁three . <2gl> ▁Louise ▁and ▁I ▁married ▁on ▁a ▁grey ▁February ▁day ▁in ▁a ▁dis mal ▁sub urb . ▁So ▁we ▁could ▁sleep ▁together ▁without ▁our ▁families ▁has s ling ▁us . <2gl> ▁I ▁noticed ▁that ▁it ▁was ▁full ▁of ▁missing ▁words , ▁as ▁if ▁J üst ' s ▁mind ▁contained ▁a ▁cens oring ▁device ▁like ▁a ▁computer ▁virus , ▁deleting ▁certain ▁words ▁and ▁leaving ▁bl anks , ▁as ▁if ▁they ▁belonged ▁to ▁a ▁forbidden , ▁secret ▁language . <2gl> ▁Some ▁time ▁after ▁his ▁return , ▁he ▁was ▁transferred ▁to ▁another ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁camp . <2gl> ▁For ▁more ▁documentation , ▁see ▁the ▁help - menu ▁or ▁the ▁sub direct ory ▁doc . <2gl> ▁Your ▁names <2gl> ▁He ▁says ▁it ' s ▁your ▁embassy ▁who ▁stopped ▁the ▁ambulance ▁and ▁they ▁will ▁send ▁a ▁helicopter . <2gl> ▁Cab ral ▁never ▁got ▁a ▁chance ▁to ▁say ▁it . <2gl> ▁Why ▁such ▁a ▁hurry ? <2gl> ▁What ▁a ▁sweet ▁thought . <2gl> ▁He ▁- ▁He ▁said ▁that ? <2gl> ▁I ▁wanted ▁a ▁close - up . <2gl> ▁Maybe ▁it ' s ▁the ▁climate . <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁it ' s ▁better ▁to ▁persu ade ▁people . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁just ▁feeling ▁a ▁bit ▁depressed , ▁that ' s ▁all . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁they ▁won ' t ▁beat ▁it ▁with ▁any ▁jury ▁I ' m ▁ever ▁on . <2gl> ▁Then ▁we ▁can ▁just ▁drop ▁it . <2gl> ▁I ▁understand ▁he ' s ▁your ▁husband . <2gl> ▁- ▁♪ ▁Run ▁tell ▁your ▁sister ▁♪ ▁- ▁♪ ▁Ooh - na - n ay ▁♪ <2gl> ▁Bye , ▁see ▁you ▁later . <2gl> ▁That ▁bottle ▁of ▁alcohol ▁and ▁the ▁broken ▁syringe . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁will ▁drive ▁you ▁home . <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁not ▁what ▁I ▁seem <2gl> ▁And ▁car rots ▁are ▁useful ▁too . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ... ▁I ▁don ' t ▁wanna ▁die . ▁- ▁I ' d ▁like ▁to ▁make ▁a ▁confession . <2gl> ▁We ▁could ▁steal ▁mel ons ▁from ▁the ▁Kol k hoz ▁garden , ▁and ▁sell ▁them ▁at ▁the ▁train ▁station . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁be ▁scared . ▁lt ' s ▁safe ▁here . <2gl> ▁But ▁you ' ll ▁get ▁in ▁big ▁trouble ▁if ▁you ▁think ▁everyone ▁is ▁as ▁honest ▁as ▁you ▁are . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁looking ▁for ▁my ▁new ▁colleagues . <2gl> ▁St amp eding ▁comes ▁in ▁hand y ▁down ▁in ▁the ▁Falls ▁Road , ▁eh ? ▁The ▁R UC ▁hate ▁me . <2gl> ▁Then , ▁the ▁upper ▁and ▁lower ▁ja ws ▁can ▁shut ▁properly ▁like ▁this . <2gl> ▁Today ' s ▁meeting ▁may ▁be ▁interesting . <2gl> ▁Cont rast <2gl> ▁You ▁like ▁it ▁with ▁them ? <2gl> ▁Under ▁the ▁menu ▁entry ▁Settings ▁it ▁is ▁possible ▁to ▁open ▁extra ▁buttons ▁for ▁& ▁k cal c ; : ▁it ▁is ▁for ▁example ▁possible ▁to ▁choose ▁Stat istic ▁or ▁Science / ▁Engine ering ▁buttons . <2gl> ▁You , ▁do ▁not ▁start , ▁or ▁I ▁will ▁not ▁help ▁you ▁tomorrow ! <2gl> ▁Them ▁be aver ▁pel ts ▁are ▁solid ▁gold . <2gl> ▁And ▁there ▁was ▁a ▁man ▁making ▁love ▁to ▁me . <2gl> ▁They ' re ▁coming ▁tonight . <2gl> ▁Show ▁wishes <2gl> ▁Come ▁here , ▁Ev vie ! <2gl> ▁So ▁you ' re ▁free ▁from ▁penal ▁responsibility ▁or ▁civil ▁liabilities . <2gl> ▁- ▁She ▁hates ▁photos <2gl> ▁I ▁was ▁forbidden ▁to ▁show ▁my ▁true ▁self . <2gl> ▁And ▁don ' t ▁come ▁here ▁anymore ! <2gl> ▁I ▁added ▁a ▁new ▁room ▁behind ▁the ▁chim ney , ▁another ▁room ▁in ▁the ▁old ▁barn ▁and ▁the ▁shed . <2gl> ▁The ▁nation ▁is ▁hanging ▁on ▁the ▁outcome ▁of ▁this ▁trial . <2gl> ▁A ▁divorce ! <2gl> ▁# For ▁bringing ▁happiness # <2gl> ▁Then ▁you ▁need ▁to ▁make ▁one . <2gl> ▁Are ▁you ▁keeping ▁it ? <2gl> ▁We ▁can ' t ▁expect ▁to ▁find ▁patri ots ▁doing ▁these ▁kinds ▁of ▁operations ... ▁but ▁you ▁and ▁J eder ▁are ▁the ▁p its ... <2gl> ▁In ▁194 3, ▁my ▁name ▁was ▁Claude ▁R abo is . <2gl> ▁- ▁Let ▁me ▁have ▁some ▁of ▁that . <2gl> ▁Form atting ▁disc <2gl> ▁- ▁Oh , ▁it ▁happens . <2gl> ▁Certainly ▁not <2gl> ▁I ▁wanted ▁to ▁be ▁strong . <2gl> ▁Lang . ▁L - A - N - G . <2gl> ▁But ▁we ▁must ▁realize ▁it ▁shows ▁something ' s ▁rotten ▁somewhere . <2gl> ▁HE ▁PLA Y ED ▁KN ICK K N ACK ▁ON ▁MY ▁SH O E . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁not ▁just , ▁you ▁know , ▁an ▁opening ▁in ▁the ▁ground ... ▁somebody ▁pre fers ▁a ▁cas ket ▁or ▁not ... ▁and ▁the ▁ground ▁is ▁put ▁back ▁into ▁the ▁opening . <2gl> ▁Ass am <2gl> ▁Then ▁I ▁fell ▁into ▁a ▁deep ▁dep ress ión . ▁I ▁couldn ' t ▁sleep . <2gl> ▁They ▁don ' t ▁really ▁understand ▁the ▁Vietnam ese ▁way ▁of ▁life ... ▁and ▁its ▁goal . <2gl> ▁Grab ▁this ▁mail . <2gl> ▁Hand ▁it ▁in ▁as ▁it ▁is . <2gl> ▁You ▁have ▁entered ▁budget ▁values ▁using ▁a ▁different ▁base ▁which ▁would ▁result ▁in ▁an ▁individual ▁monthly ▁budget ▁of ▁%1. ▁Should ▁this ▁value ▁be ▁used ▁to ▁fill ▁the ▁monthly ▁budgets ? <2gl> ▁I ▁thought ▁it ▁was ▁for ▁10:00 ? <2gl> ▁What ▁does ▁a ▁dead ▁man ▁need ▁bread ▁for ? <2gl> ▁And ▁it ▁is ▁true ▁that ▁we ▁have ▁not ▁agreed ▁to ▁assure ▁them ... ▁that ▁we ▁will ▁stop ▁the ▁bombing ▁on ▁a ▁permanent ▁and ▁unc ond itional ▁basis . <2gl> ▁I ▁might ▁send ▁her ▁to ▁visit ▁my ▁aunt . <2gl> ▁Just ▁good ▁news , ▁please . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁what ▁we ' re ▁working ▁against . <2gl> ▁Tod day ▁was ▁hardly ▁recognis able ! <2gl> ▁Em ile ▁could ▁have ▁come , ▁though . <2gl> ▁... ▁that ▁you ▁can ▁hide ▁transactions ▁prior ▁to ▁a ▁specific ▁date ? ▁The ▁date ▁can ▁be ▁modified ▁via ▁Configure / ▁Register / ▁Filter . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁get ▁cute ▁with ▁me ▁man . <2gl> ▁On ▁this ▁cold ▁Christmas ▁Eve , ▁as ▁the ▁4 ▁around - the - clock ▁sh ifts ▁change - over , ▁a ▁meeting ▁is ▁imp rov ised . <2gl> ▁Re bel ▁boss ▁Aid id ▁is ▁opposed ▁to ▁reconciliation . <2gl> ▁- ▁Just ▁say ▁" he el "! ▁With ▁conviction . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁okay , ▁' cause ▁I ▁like ▁nuts . <2gl> ▁If ▁a ▁girl ' s ▁gonna ▁make ▁it ▁big ▁in ▁show ▁business ... ▁she ' s ▁got ▁to ▁be ▁vit ally ▁interested ▁in ▁it . <2gl> ▁Mary , ▁come ▁here . <2gl> ▁Yeah , ▁I ' ve ▁noticed ▁that . <2gl> ▁' Can ▁you ▁see ▁yourself ▁in ▁it ? <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁how ▁my ▁cooperation ▁with ▁Dutch ▁companies ▁started . ▁That ▁is ▁what ▁we ▁are ▁now ▁working ▁on . <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁must ▁talk ▁to ▁somebody ▁- ▁or ▁I ' ll ▁lose ▁my ▁mind . <2gl> ▁I ▁thought ▁these ▁would ▁make ▁a ▁change . <2gl> ▁And ▁they ▁didn ' t ▁stop ▁with ▁men . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁that ' s ▁working ▁in ▁a ▁big ▁house . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁the ▁funny ▁thing . <2gl> ▁The ▁Place ▁de ▁la ▁Conc orde ▁is ▁empty ... ▁Empty ▁like ▁it ▁was ▁twenty ... f if teen ▁years ▁ago ... <2gl> ▁File ▁Delete ▁Book <2gl> ▁Were ▁on ▁self - port ra its ▁to ▁be ▁handed ▁in ▁next ▁Monday . <2gl> ▁- ▁Well , ▁because ▁you ' re ▁ang ular : <2gl> ▁This ▁thing ▁is ▁going ▁on . <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁remind ▁you , ▁Mr . ▁Mar in , ▁you ▁brought ▁him ▁to ▁me ▁yesterday . <2gl> ▁- ▁But ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁get ▁paid . ▁- ▁Not ▁want ▁to ? <2gl> ▁Did ▁you ▁see ▁somebody ▁on ▁that ▁side ? <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁40 ▁years ▁old ▁and ▁you ' ve ▁built ▁nothing ▁yet ! <2gl> ▁- ▁No , ▁she ' ll ▁pay ▁for ▁the ▁gas . <2gl> ▁- ▁Yes , ▁room ▁6 1. <2gl> ▁Yes ? ▁Come ▁in . <2gl> ▁K ino ▁Eye ▁shows ▁how ▁one ▁div es ▁properly . <2gl> ▁Sal ary ▁£ 1 5,000 ▁per ▁year . <2gl> ▁- ▁Did ▁she ▁call ▁you ▁? <2gl> ▁We ▁no ▁longer ▁talk ▁of ▁" iss ues " ▁such ▁as ▁" s ocial ▁issues ", ▁but ▁" proble ms " ▁that ▁our ▁special ists ▁split ▁up ▁into ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁technical ▁details . <2gl> ▁Hen na ▁was ▁an ▁ink ▁Cle op atra ▁used ▁to ▁en chant ▁Jul ius ▁Caesar . <2gl> ▁Yeah . ▁Thanks , ▁Doc , ▁thanks . <2gl> ▁The ▁heating ▁bill ? <2gl> ▁Background <2gl> ▁WH Y ▁DON ' T ▁YOU ▁K ILL ▁YOU RS EL F ? <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁be ▁afraid , ▁dear . <2gl> ▁Take ▁the ▁coll ar ▁off . <2gl> ▁There ' s ▁one ▁ad jo ining ▁me ▁that ▁has ▁2,000 ▁ac res . <2gl> ▁But ▁later , ▁maybe , ▁when ▁the ▁girls ▁are ▁older ▁I ' ll ▁get ▁a ▁job , ▁work ▁outside ▁the ▁house . <2gl> ▁Small <2gl> ▁U ls an <2gl> ▁How ▁do ▁we ▁get ▁reliable ▁people ? <2gl> ▁To ▁Brussels ▁now , ▁the ▁latest ▁attempt ▁to ▁bring ▁peace ▁to ▁Bosnia ▁before ▁Christmas ▁has ▁failed . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁too ▁short ▁to ▁be ▁used ▁otherwise ▁than ▁rope . <2gl> ▁Delete <2gl> ▁S andra <2gl> ▁A ▁prosp ective ▁husband ? <2gl> ▁I ▁need ▁to ▁look ▁straight ▁into ▁his ▁eyes . <2gl> ▁Next ▁year , ▁he ' ll ▁be ▁40 ? <2gl> ▁A ▁lot ▁of ▁us ▁work ▁hard ▁to ▁build ▁those ▁schools ▁and ▁pay ▁taxes . <2gl> ▁Tools <2gl> ▁Open V PN ▁import : ▁use ▁M ss fix , ▁size : ▁%1 <2gl> ▁And ▁they ' ll ▁ask ▁" Who ' s ▁so ▁special ▁that ▁lives ▁there ?" <2gl> ▁♪ ▁The ▁lion ▁ripped ▁his ▁balls ▁off , ▁and ... ▁♪ ▁The ▁bo ar ▁did ▁all ▁the ▁rest ▁♪ <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁can ' t ▁sleep ▁here ▁at ▁all . <2gl> ▁... they ▁seem ▁like ▁angels ▁back ▁in ▁the ▁height . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁like ▁this ▁h ick ▁school ▁anyway . <2gl> ▁No ▁doubt ▁he ▁couldn ' t ▁love ▁at ▁all , ▁in ▁your ▁view ? <2gl> ▁Gentlemen ▁of ▁the ▁board ... ▁one ▁can ▁rob ▁a ▁bank , ▁or ▁one ▁can ... <2gl> ▁But , ▁I ▁mean , ▁it ▁doesn ' t ▁matter . <2gl> ▁I ▁wonder ▁what ▁I ' ve ▁done ▁wrong ▁this ▁time . <2gl> ▁Pre process ing ▁possibly ▁failed . ▁Check ▁this ▁command : ▁%1 ▁The ▁pre process ing ▁command ▁will ▁be ▁disabled ▁now . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁move . ▁Okay ? <2gl> ▁- ▁If ▁you ▁toss ed ▁the ▁film ▁away , ▁tell ▁us ▁where . <2gl> ▁- ▁Jo , ▁come ▁on ! <2gl> ▁No , ▁I ▁can ▁speak ▁for ▁myself . <2gl> ▁& ▁File <2gl> ▁- ▁They ▁visit ▁every ▁day . <2gl> ▁Connection ▁is ▁secured ▁with ▁%1 ▁bit ▁SSL . <2gl> ▁- ▁Say ▁hello ▁to ▁Julie ▁Ann . <2gl> ▁Although ▁we ▁never ▁saw ▁eye ▁to ▁eye ▁on ▁going ▁to ▁college . <2gl> ▁Curtis ▁St ow . <2gl> ▁Is ▁so ▁light ▁that ▁it ▁cannot ▁be ▁kept ▁in <2gl> ▁Take ▁cover ▁immediately ▁in ▁your ▁nearer ▁fall out ▁shelter . <2gl> ▁& ▁Tr ou bles ho ot ▁IMAP ▁C ache ... <2gl> ▁This ▁isn ' t ▁a ▁flower ▁shop , ▁it ' s ▁a ▁books eller ' s . <2gl> ▁Armed ▁th ugs ▁have ▁taken ▁over ▁the ▁port ▁opposed ▁to ▁those ▁who ▁are ▁inviting ▁the ▁foreign ▁intervention . <2gl> ▁The ▁m ike ' s ▁in ▁the ▁shot ! <2gl> ▁Snow white , ▁run ▁away ! <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁an ▁expert ▁at ▁what ▁you ▁do . <2gl> ▁There ▁were ▁two ▁judges ▁and ▁eight ▁prosecut ors ▁involved . <2gl> ▁Because ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁used ▁to ▁it ! <2gl> ▁Default ▁height : <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁the ▁living ▁proof <2gl> ▁I ' d ▁live ▁there . <2gl> ▁At ▁this ▁age ▁it ' s ▁difficult ▁to ▁start ▁doing ▁what ▁my ▁father ▁has ▁done ▁for ▁doz ens ▁of ▁years . <2gl> ▁I ▁see ▁the ▁workers ▁at ▁work , ▁I ▁go ▁to ▁look ▁at ▁a ▁new ▁investment , ▁a ▁new ▁set - up , ▁and ▁I ▁see ▁the ▁men ▁and ▁women ▁working , ▁I ▁go ▁past , ▁talking ▁to ▁my ▁engine ers , ▁who ▁are ▁showing ▁r ne ▁what ' s ▁new , ▁and ▁from ▁time ▁to ▁time ▁I ▁think ... <2gl> ▁You ▁can ▁re load ▁an ▁individual ▁calendar ▁and ▁ref resh ▁its ▁alarms ▁in ▁the ▁alarm ▁list ▁by ▁Right ▁clicking ▁the ▁calendar ▁in ▁the ▁calend ars ▁list ▁and ▁selecting ▁the ▁Reload ▁menu ▁option . ▁See ▁Alarm ▁Cal end ars ▁for ▁details . <2gl> ▁Yeah , ▁I ▁get ' em ▁sometimes ▁too . <2gl> ▁DIR ECT OR ▁OF ▁PH OT OG R AP H Y ▁Otherwise ... <2gl> ▁Two ▁hours , ▁43 ▁minutes ... ▁38 ▁and ▁2 /11 ▁seconds . <2gl> ▁With ▁these ▁documents , ▁will ▁we ▁be ▁safe ... able ▁to ▁start ▁a ▁new ▁life ? <2gl> ▁They ▁won ' t ▁suspect ▁you . <2gl> ▁Upd ates ▁the ▁part ▁database . ▁Must ▁be ▁called ▁intern ally ▁by ▁Kl ot z . <2gl> ▁- ▁To ▁be ▁careful . ▁The ▁police ▁are ▁making ▁patrol s . <2gl> ▁You ▁have ▁to ▁be ▁strong ▁now , ▁and ... <2gl> ▁Well , ▁just ▁imagine , ▁I ' ve ▁lost ▁my ▁dog . <2gl> ▁But ▁I ▁was ▁hind ered , ▁by ▁women ▁holding ▁fans ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁the ▁camera , ▁by ▁men ▁standing ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁the ▁camera , ▁and ▁so ▁on . <2gl> ▁- ▁At ▁a ▁white ▁elephant ▁sale . <2gl> ▁We ' re ▁lovers , ▁that ' s ▁very ▁common . <2gl> ▁Your ▁grandpa ▁liked ▁me , ▁though . ▁Some ▁family ▁you ' ve ▁got . <2gl> ▁Random ▁sign atures ▁will ▁pull ▁sign atures ▁from ▁the ▁& ▁k sig ; ▁signature ▁file ▁random ly . ▁You ▁can ▁make ▁every ▁email ▁more ▁ex ic iting ▁and ▁unique ▁than ▁the ▁previous ▁by ▁creating ▁multiple ▁sign atures ▁with ▁vary ing ▁qu otes , ▁sty les , ▁and ▁information . <2gl> ▁Since ▁the ▁long - ago ▁days ▁of ▁Port ella ▁della ▁Gin estra ; ▁other ▁crimes ▁had ▁been ▁added ▁to ▁the ▁list ▁of ▁the ▁band ' s ▁activities . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁simply ▁saying ▁I ▁fully ▁see ▁why ▁you ▁want ▁to ▁help ▁him . ▁But ? <2gl> ▁I ▁heard ▁some ▁noise ▁and ▁came ▁right ▁away . <2gl> ▁- ▁Yeah . <2gl> ▁- ▁Stay ▁still , ▁you ▁bastard ! <2gl> ▁These ▁are ▁the ▁reasons ▁for ▁the ▁Samp . <2gl> ▁Naw , ▁we ' re ▁not ▁sell in ' any thing . <2gl> ▁K ino ▁Eye ▁tells ▁how ▁this ▁camp ▁was ▁founded ▁and ▁built . <2gl> ▁But ▁he ▁can ' t ▁put ▁me ▁in ... <2gl> ▁That ▁is , ▁I ▁did ▁work ▁at ▁the ▁mill . <2gl> ▁- ▁' All ▁right . <2gl> ▁Hold ▁on , ▁I ' ll ▁write ▁it ▁down . <2gl> ▁It ▁might ▁have ▁been ▁when ▁I ▁wasn ' t ▁there . <2gl> ▁Any ▁moment ▁an ▁attack ▁might ▁begin . <2gl> ▁- ▁Must ▁be , ▁otherwise ▁he ' d ▁tell ▁us . <2gl> ▁& ▁Width : <2gl> ▁In ▁the ▁Post - al arm ▁action ▁field , ▁enter ▁a ▁shell ▁command ▁to ▁execute ▁when ▁the ▁alarm ▁is ▁acknowledged ▁( w hether ▁by ▁clicking ▁Close ▁or ▁by ▁using ▁the ▁close ▁button ▁in ▁the ▁window ' s ▁title bar ). ▁It ▁is ▁not ▁executed ▁in ▁any ▁of ▁the ▁following ▁circumstances : <2gl> ▁Sorry , ▁that ▁folder ▁name ▁is ▁in ▁use . ▁Try ▁again ? <2gl> ▁Before ▁visiting ▁the ▁historic ▁re lic s ▁don ' t ▁forget ▁to ▁look ▁out ▁over ▁the ▁Cour ▁de ▁la ▁Vic to ire ▁which ▁can ▁be ▁ve wed ▁from ▁here . <2gl> ▁Frankie ▁and ▁three ▁contract ors ▁were ▁amb ushed ▁approximately ▁two ▁kilomet res ▁from ▁the ▁airport ▁by ▁terrorists . <2gl> ▁Nan ny , ▁the ▁voice ▁of ▁boys ▁change . <2gl> ▁I ▁expect ▁you ' ll ▁be ▁going ▁back ▁today . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁lend ▁me ▁money ? <2gl> ▁We ▁went ▁to ▁this ▁ven ue ▁to ▁discover ▁the ▁new ▁IT ▁trends <2gl> ▁They ▁are ▁always ▁running ▁after ▁him ▁... <2gl> ▁- ▁I ▁told ▁you . ▁I ▁was ▁a ▁real ▁sp ook y ▁kid . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁we ' re ▁not ▁like ▁that . <2gl> ▁It ▁happens ▁that ▁Sav elli ▁married ▁your ▁sister . <2gl> ▁Level ▁%1 <2gl> ▁- ▁Would ▁you ▁like ▁to ▁come ▁in ▁now , ▁ladies ? <2gl> ▁We ird , ▁all ▁those ▁bottles ▁of ▁oil . <2gl> ▁The ▁girl ▁who ▁said , ▁No ! <2gl> ▁Mars ▁is ▁a ▁much ▁smaller ▁planet ▁than ▁the ▁Earth . <2gl> ▁If ▁a ▁majority ▁of ▁French men ▁showed ▁opposition ... <2gl> ▁Sn ake ▁R ace <2gl> ▁W ent ▁on ▁over ▁to ▁the ▁White ▁House , ▁and ▁it ▁came ▁back ... ▁with ▁the ▁very ▁tight , ▁round ▁hand ▁of ▁Franklin ▁Ro ose velt . <2gl> ▁Rec omp ile ▁& ▁k cal c ;. <2gl> ▁- ▁Nice ▁boy . <2gl> ▁Pas qu ale ▁S ci ort ino , ▁Frank ▁Mann ino , ▁and ▁Frances co ▁P is ci otta ▁to ▁life ▁in ▁prison . <2gl> ▁- ▁Did ▁he ▁do ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁it ? <2gl> ▁The ▁sheriff ' s ▁okay . <2gl> ▁John : ▁Then ... ▁I ' ll ▁have ▁to ▁go ▁without ▁you . <2gl> ▁But ▁he ▁never ▁pays ▁it ▁back . <2gl> ▁Did ▁I ▁say ▁it ▁right ▁? <2gl> ▁Boss ▁man , ▁I ' m ▁just ▁speaking ▁g ospel . <2gl> ▁All ▁southern ▁Italy , ▁with ▁Sor ren to ▁and ▁everything ▁we ▁saw ... <2gl> ▁Did ▁Santi ▁fill ▁you ▁in ? <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁many ▁of ▁them . <2gl> ▁- ▁Arm our . <2gl> ▁I ▁was ▁defending ▁my ▁ideas . <2gl> ▁Sc aling ▁mode ▁( determin es ▁how ▁small ▁traffic ▁rates ▁are ▁drawn ) <2gl> ▁Rename <2gl> ▁We ▁have ▁the ▁H ulk ▁and ▁Thor ▁on ▁Research ▁Level ▁4. <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁Kid lat ▁Tah im ik . <2gl> ▁Ok , ▁search ▁him . <2gl> ▁ER R OR : ▁unknown ▁notify ▁message , ▁no ▁phase 2 ▁handle ▁found . <2gl> ▁Got ▁any ▁of ▁that ▁tooth ache ▁cure ? <2gl> ▁Now , ▁I ▁chose ▁this ▁place ▁because ▁I ▁wanted ▁you ▁to ▁face ▁the ▁c ess pool ▁that ▁has ▁given ▁your ▁city ▁the ▁name ▁of ▁Sin ▁Town , ▁U . S . A . <2gl> ▁And ▁I ' m ▁like ▁a ▁tiger . <2gl> ▁Could ▁n ' t ▁find ▁files ▁for ▁comparison . <2gl> ▁Please ▁return ▁the ▁medal ▁and ▁certificate ▁of ▁merit ▁by ▁tomorrow , ▁please <2gl> ▁Di og om ay , ▁the ▁king ▁rel ieves ▁you ▁of ▁your ▁burden . <2gl> ▁You ▁and ▁K osh imiz u ▁committed ▁a ▁murder . <2gl> ▁Thanks ▁for ▁asking . <2gl> ▁We ▁must ▁open ▁ourselves ▁to ▁the ▁Prov inc es , ▁spread ▁the ▁word , ▁so ▁more ▁people ▁follow ▁us . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁to ▁miss <2gl> ▁Watch ▁carefully ▁what ▁happens ▁to ▁an ▁editor ▁who ▁operates ▁under ▁a ▁free ▁press . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁the ▁only ▁reason ▁to ▁play . ▁Otherwise ▁why ▁keep ▁score ? <2gl> ▁I ▁scream , ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁the ▁sea , ▁the ▁white ▁ghost . <2gl> ▁- ▁Nathan ▁Bry ce . <2gl> ▁Therefore , ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁win , ▁you ▁need ▁30 ,000 ▁votes ▁plus ▁one . <2gl> ▁- ▁Do ▁you ▁believe ▁in ... <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁carried ▁the ▁burden ▁of ▁it ▁longer ▁than ▁you . <2gl> ▁" ▁I ▁will ▁be ▁your ▁most ▁loyal ▁conf id ant . <2gl> ▁They ▁want ▁to ▁over th row ▁all ▁governments . <2gl> ▁In ▁addition , ▁it ▁was ▁a ▁big , ▁strong ▁pot . <2gl> ▁Wait ▁a ▁minute ▁— ▁I ' m ▁sor r — <2gl> ▁Why ' d ▁you ▁bring ▁' em ▁in ▁here ? <2gl> ▁But ▁I ▁really ▁did ▁it ! <2gl> ▁Sometimes ▁so ▁young - se em ing , ▁sometimes ▁so ▁ancient . <2gl> ▁He ▁has ▁to ▁have ▁a ▁gr umble , ▁but ▁he ▁che ered ▁up ▁when ▁he ▁saw ▁the ▁gentleman . <2gl> ▁& ▁Delete <2gl> ▁If ▁I ▁were ▁to ▁tell ▁you ▁she ' d ▁made ▁me ▁happy , ▁would ▁that ▁stretch ▁belief ? <2gl> ▁What ▁did ▁he ▁tell ▁the ▁Germans ▁who ▁caught ▁him ▁? <2gl> ▁Come ▁on : <2gl> ▁To ▁start ▁Acc erc iser , ▁type ▁acc erc iser ▁in ▁a ▁terminal ▁window ▁or ▁within ▁the ▁Run ▁dialog ▁and ▁then ▁press ▁Return . <2gl> ▁- ▁The ▁place ▁could ▁be ▁clean er . <2gl> ▁By ▁the ▁sign ▁of ▁the ▁cross ... ▁Keep ▁watch ▁over ▁the ▁inner most ▁rec ess es ▁of ▁his ▁heart . <2gl> ▁They ▁found ▁another ▁hook er ▁in ▁the ▁pool . ▁- ▁Another ? <2gl> ▁The ▁opening ▁balance ▁is ▁the ▁balance ▁of ▁the ▁account ▁when ▁you ▁start ▁using ▁it ▁with ▁K My M oney . ▁For ▁new ▁accounts ▁this ▁is ▁usually ▁0 ▁but ▁for ▁existing ▁accounts ▁this ▁may ▁well ▁differ . ▁Please ▁consult ▁the ▁account ▁statements ▁to ▁figure ▁out ▁this ▁value . ▁The ▁opening ▁balance ▁is ▁to ▁be ▁provided ▁in ▁the ▁currency ▁of ▁the ▁account ▁as ▁selected ▁with ▁the ▁currency ▁button . <2gl> ▁Hook ed ! <2gl> ▁A ▁good ▁friend ▁of ▁mine , ▁Mak oto ▁End o , ▁is ▁a ▁lawyer ▁in ▁Tokyo . <2gl> ▁Stop ▁being ▁child ish ▁and ▁beware ▁of ▁death . <2gl> ▁Bluetooth ▁Ad apter <2gl> ▁To ▁assure ▁his ▁liberty , ▁he ▁build s ▁fort resses . <2gl> ▁They ▁shot ▁at ▁whatever ▁they ▁wanted . <2gl> ▁- ▁Eug en ▁says ▁i ' m ▁too ▁stupid . <2gl> ▁Mount ▁the ▁medium <2gl> ▁He ▁has ▁three ▁more ▁hours ▁to ▁live ▁I ▁can ▁say ▁no ▁more ... <2gl> ▁Why ▁don ' t ▁you ▁trust ▁my ▁dream ? <2gl> ▁Really ? <2gl> ▁The ▁closer ▁it ▁gets ▁to ▁Carn ival , ▁the ▁more ▁it ▁costs . <2gl> ▁& ▁File <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁what ▁America ' s ▁been ▁cl am oring ▁for . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁why ▁I ▁can ' t ▁help ▁you . <2gl> ▁W EST ▁RO AD <2gl> ▁He ▁did . ▁- ▁St inking ▁out ▁the ▁place ! <2gl> ▁T ire ▁tracks ▁40 ▁meters ▁back . <2gl> ▁Once ▁you ' ve ▁found ▁it , ▁the ▁sun ▁has ▁set . <2gl> ▁Perman ently ▁delete ▁this ▁report <2gl> ▁I ' d ▁be ▁grateful ▁if ▁you ' d ▁sell ▁me ▁one ▁of ▁your ▁horses . <2gl> ▁Plan que ▁tools ▁out ▁there ▁and ▁gets ▁them ▁tomorrow . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁kind ▁and ▁a ▁great ▁guy . <2gl> ▁Ned dy , ▁don ' t ▁go ▁away . <2gl> ▁Sou ley m ane ▁stop ▁ro cking ▁and ▁read ▁your ▁self - port rait . <2gl> ▁Qu iz ▁options <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁come ▁on , ▁Stan , ▁it ' s ▁Friday ▁night . <2gl> ▁" the ▁earth ▁I ▁cultiv ate , <2gl> ▁Nothing , ▁not ▁even ▁a ▁little ▁ul cer ? <2gl> ▁The ▁thought ▁occurred ▁to ▁me ... ▁that ▁any ▁god , ▁any ▁supreme ▁being ... ▁that ▁was ▁indeed ▁comp assionate ▁and ▁concerned ▁about ▁people ... ▁would ▁surely ▁be ▁concerned ▁about ▁any ▁living ▁creature . <2gl> ▁Not ▁with ▁that ▁liar ! <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁come ▁back , ▁aunt ▁Gr unya . ▁For ▁sure . <2gl> ▁No , ▁we ▁made ▁it ▁fine . <2gl> ▁Like ▁cats ▁and ▁dogs . ▁Not ▁like ▁brothers ▁at ▁all . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁you ' ll ▁need ▁a ▁woman ▁with ▁you ▁too . <2gl> ▁We ▁should ▁take ▁advantage ▁of ▁our ▁ignorance ... ▁and ▁quit ▁living ▁like ▁tig ers ▁- ▁tig ers ▁in ▁bomb ▁shel ters ▁instead ▁of ▁homes . <2gl> ▁Watch ▁your ▁cap e , ▁it ' ll ▁catch ▁fire . <2gl> ▁How ▁much ▁are ▁you ▁planning ▁to ▁pay ? <2gl> ▁I ▁sat ▁by ▁a ▁window ▁until ▁the ▁7 th ▁day ▁Mass . <2gl> ▁He ▁got ▁himself ▁killed ▁before ▁the ▁wedding ... ▁.. And ▁she ▁ended ▁up ▁with ▁his ▁brother , ▁an ▁even ▁more ▁impressive ▁spec imen . <2gl> ▁Hey , ▁you ▁again ? <2gl> ▁I ▁always ▁figured ▁you ' d ▁be ▁regular ▁army ▁for ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁your ▁life . <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁make ▁some ▁comp resses . <2gl> ▁" That ▁is ▁what ▁I ▁look ▁at , ▁every ▁night !" <2gl> ▁Do ▁you ▁think ▁she ▁will ▁give ▁him ? ▁It ▁certainly ▁will ▁keep ▁for ▁him . <2gl> ▁Go ▁get ▁Miss ▁Miller . <2gl> ▁- ▁S inc er ity . ▁- ▁" ▁... ▁You ▁touch . <2gl> ▁- ▁No , ▁but ▁we ' ll ▁see ▁to ▁it . <2gl> ▁I ' d ▁realize ▁I ▁was ▁the ▁same ▁old ▁Sab z ian ... ▁desperate ▁for ▁a ▁little ▁pocket ▁money ▁so ▁he ▁could ▁get ▁home ▁to ▁that ▁god fors aken ▁place . ▁And ▁once ▁there , ▁he ▁wouldn ' t ▁even ▁have ▁the ▁money ▁to ▁buy ▁his ▁kid ▁a ▁treat . <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁afraid ▁all ▁my ▁life , ▁but ▁not ▁now . <2gl> ▁Mod ▁and ▁Int D iv <2gl> ▁Let ' s ▁make ▁Norm a ▁fall ▁in ▁love ▁and ▁marry . <2gl> ▁- ▁No ▁thanks , ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁the ▁car ▁You ' ll ▁have ▁to ▁do ▁it ▁again . <2gl> ▁Why ▁do ▁you ▁always ▁curse ? <2gl> ▁' Who ▁said ▁that ▁time ▁he als ▁all ▁wounds ? <2gl> ▁In ▁case ▁you ▁miss ! <2gl> ▁I ▁could ▁.. ▁I ▁could ▁understand , ▁I ▁could ▁see ▁what ▁was ▁going ▁on . ▁The ▁ongoing ▁thing ▁was ▁.. <2gl> ▁Col umns <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁want ▁them ▁dug ▁up ▁and ▁scattered ▁all ▁over ▁creation . <2gl> ▁Supp ose ▁we ▁all ▁die ▁of ▁the ▁plague . <2gl> ▁P ó rt ate ▁them . <2gl> ▁- ▁Did ▁he ▁have ▁any ▁questions ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Hey ▁hang ▁in ▁there ▁Ce be . <2gl> ▁Not ▁35. ▁Or ▁better . <2gl> ▁D ying ▁in ▁Cuba ... <2gl> ▁Al etta ▁did ▁not ▁come . <2gl> ▁Here ' s ▁the ▁number ▁right ▁here . <2gl> ▁You ' ll ▁want ▁to ▁run ▁from ▁me ▁and ▁be ▁with ▁him , ▁but ▁you ' ll ▁wonder ▁if ▁he ' ll ▁see ▁you . <2gl> ▁My ▁best ▁pal . <2gl> ▁To ▁catalog ue ▁all ▁this ▁knowledge , ▁we ▁have ▁had ▁to ▁resort ▁to ▁key ▁words . <2gl> ▁One ▁and ▁a - two , ▁three ▁and ▁four <2gl> ▁Well , ▁in ▁mathemat ics ... ▁Tr ig onom et ry . ▁Py th ag or as ' ▁the orem , ▁Th ales ' ▁the orem . <2gl> ▁De form ▁brush <2gl> ▁Picture ▁Frame <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁coming ▁since ▁' 7 ▁1 ▁. <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁be ▁right ▁there ▁to ▁see ▁that ▁little ▁beast . <2gl> ▁And ▁that ▁was ▁his ▁mission . <2gl> ▁13 ▁, ▁00 :48 :57 :13 ▁, ▁When ▁a ▁gang ▁of ▁high - st akes ▁ro bb ers ▁13 ▁, ▁00 :49 :02 :00 ▁, ▁pos ing ▁as ▁terrorists ▁take ▁over ▁the ▁building ▁and ▁capture ▁thirty ▁plus ▁hostages , ▁00 ▁, ▁00 :49 :05 :00 ▁, ▁the ▁FBI ▁would ▁sacrifice ▁a ▁good ▁number ▁of ▁the ▁hostages ▁00 ▁, ▁00 :49 :07 :00 ▁, ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁save ▁the ▁building . <2gl> ▁Ah , ▁France , ▁the ▁hate ! <2gl> ▁Insert ▁Unicode ▁control ▁character <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁like ▁something ' s ▁going ▁on . <2gl> ▁- ▁Oh , ▁no , ▁there ▁hasn ' t ▁been ▁any ▁controvers y . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁free ▁to ▁do ▁as ▁you ▁please <2gl> ▁I ▁seem ▁to ▁be ▁having ▁a ▁slight ▁difficulty <2gl> ▁K illed ▁dogs ▁and ▁killed ▁like ▁a ▁dog <2gl> ▁- ▁Can ▁not ▁catch ▁another ▁train ? <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁draw ▁you ▁a ▁map . <2gl> ▁K ort jak je ▁is ▁always ▁sick ▁not ▁on ▁Sunday ▁but ▁in ▁the ▁week <2gl> ▁All ▁right . ▁Car ry ▁him , ▁he ▁says . <2gl> ▁M ety , ▁you ▁are ▁a ▁mother , ▁you ▁must ▁understand , ▁the ▁children ▁are ▁hungry . <2gl> ▁- ▁Jamie . ▁- ▁Oh , ▁that ' s ▁a ▁fine ▁name . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁it ' s ▁stupid . <2gl> ▁Ok , ▁go ▁on . <2gl> ▁Thanks . <2gl> ▁Your ▁working ▁day ▁won ' t ▁be ▁too ▁long . <2gl> ▁That ▁ch rome . 22 ▁that ▁Pe e we e ▁promised ▁you . ▁I ' ll ▁buy ▁you ▁that , ▁too . <2gl> ▁Che tt ie ! <2gl> ▁Creat es ▁a ▁patch ▁from ▁the ▁modifications ▁in ▁your ▁sand box <2gl> ▁From ▁the ▁top ▁of ▁the ▁mountain , ▁I ▁pushed ▁my ▁son ▁into ▁the ▁valley ▁river . ▁He ▁went ▁through ▁trials ▁and ▁trib ulations . <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁we ▁receive ▁bank ▁statements ▁on ▁each ▁company ▁twice ▁a ▁day . <2gl> ▁Christ ina , ▁shouting : <2gl> ▁& ▁km pl ot ; ▁itself ▁can ▁be ▁found ▁on ▁the ▁km pl ot ; ▁home ▁page ▁and ▁is ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁& ▁kde ; ▁- E du ▁project <2gl> ▁Each ▁collapse ▁of ▁a ▁figure ▁of ▁total itarian ▁power ... ▁reve als ▁the ▁ill us ory ▁community ... ▁that ▁unanimously ▁approved ▁it , ▁and ▁which ▁was ▁only ▁an ▁ag gl omer ation ▁of ▁sol itudes ... ▁without ▁ill usions . <2gl> ▁Move ▁~ a ▁onto ▁the ▁king ▁of ▁clubs . <2gl> ▁It ▁was ▁mixed ▁with ▁the ▁others . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ▁do ▁understand ▁that ▁reading ▁a ▁single ▁paragraph ▁out ▁of ▁context ▁does ▁not ▁reflect <2gl> ▁Ah , ▁that ' s ▁easy ▁for ▁you ▁to ▁say . <2gl> ▁- ▁Tra ce ▁him . <2gl> ▁The ▁AT - SP I ▁Valid ator ▁Plugin ▁gener ates ▁a ▁report ▁with ▁accessibility ▁issues ▁related ▁to ▁a ▁target ▁application . ▁For ▁each ▁error , ▁the ▁report ▁includes ▁the ▁sever ity ▁level ▁and ▁a ▁brief ▁description . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁a ▁man ' s ▁sword . <2gl> ▁♪ ▁The ▁sky ▁was ▁blue , ▁the ▁wind ▁was ▁still <2gl> ▁Select ... <2gl> ▁Unknown ▁error ▁running ▁%1. <2gl> ▁I ▁sent ▁my ▁post card ▁two ▁weeks ▁ago , ▁and ▁still ▁no ▁answer ▁from ▁you . <2gl> ▁St ann is ▁is ▁the ▁right ful ▁king ▁and ▁the ▁Lord ▁of ▁Light , ▁the ▁one ▁true ▁God -- <2gl> ▁" there ▁are ▁fewer ▁movies ▁being ▁made ". ▁that ' s ▁true . <2gl> ▁Why ▁do ▁I ▁have ▁one ▁now ? <2gl> ▁Man , ▁let ' s ▁go ▁down ▁there ▁and ▁see ▁what ▁the ▁fuck ▁they ▁doing ▁over ▁there . <2gl> ▁No ▁long ▁spe eches . <2gl> ▁I ▁don ' t ▁see ▁this ▁son ▁of ▁a ▁bitch ▁anymore . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁in ▁the ▁desert . ▁It ' s ▁a ▁village . <2gl> ▁Sweet ▁is ▁the ▁se eping ▁off . <2gl> ▁Description <2gl> ▁How ▁do ▁you ▁think ▁you ▁made ▁me ▁feel ▁when ▁you ▁said ▁that ? <2gl> ▁& ▁Ctrl ; ▁= <2gl> ▁Anybody ▁I ... <2gl> ▁We ▁show ▁extract s ... <2gl> ▁The ▁art work ▁is ▁very ▁nice . <2gl> ▁I ▁hope ▁the ▁shop ▁will ▁pick ▁up ▁a ▁little . <2gl> ▁Keep ▁Bel ow ▁Others <2gl> ▁Wh il ethe lyn ch m obs ▁may bec om posed ▁of po or wh ites , ▁they are organ ized ▁and prot ected ▁by the ar ist ocrat s ▁wh oc ontroll ocal ▁politics int he S outh . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁it ▁just ▁so ▁happens ▁you ' re ▁wrong . <2gl> ▁They ▁all ▁say ▁that ▁my ▁mother ▁will ▁not ▁apart . <2gl> ▁What ▁are ▁the ▁Rom ance ▁languages ▁that ▁interest ▁you ? <2gl> ▁I ▁want ▁you ▁to ▁take ▁good ▁care ▁of ▁your ▁mother . <2gl> ▁You ▁got ▁to ▁ask ▁him ▁for ▁yourself <2gl> ▁Still ▁thinking ▁about ▁Ben , ▁Char ley ? <2gl> ▁R anj . <2gl> ▁- ▁Hey ▁Ce be . <2gl> ▁A ▁C OLL ECTIVE ▁F IL M ▁DIR EC TED ▁BY ▁A ▁TE AM <2gl> ▁We ▁know ▁when ▁the ▁guard ▁turns ▁up . <2gl> ▁Something ▁br ushed ▁my ▁leg . <2gl> ▁Fol ks ▁here ▁are ▁concerned ▁with ▁my ▁uniform , ▁how ▁I ▁dance . <2gl> ▁The ▁Left ▁is ▁all ▁for ▁St alin . <2gl> ▁Sweetie , ▁everything ▁is ▁okay . <2gl> ▁How ▁many ▁men ▁were ▁in ▁the ▁ambush ? <2gl> ▁What ▁is ▁it ▁down ▁there ? <2gl> ▁IT ' S ▁A ▁S AL UT E ▁IN ▁O UR ▁H ON OR . <2gl> ▁♪ ▁Yes , ▁I ▁know ▁♪ ▁Oh , ▁didn ' t ▁Daniel ▁in ▁that ▁l ions ' ▁den <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁five - and - ten - cent ▁store ▁talk . <2gl> ▁They ▁identified ▁three ▁possibilities , ▁each ▁one ▁designated ▁by ▁a ▁colour , ▁and ▁art icul ated ▁around ▁certain ▁words ▁collected ▁during ▁a ▁preceding ▁investigation : <2gl> ▁I ▁forgot ▁to ▁ask ▁your ▁age . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁ten ▁days ▁late ... <2gl> ▁People ▁take ▁my ▁picture ▁every ▁day , ▁so ▁my ▁picture ' s ▁been ▁taken ▁millions ▁of ▁times . <2gl> ▁That ' s ▁where ▁Gene vi ève ▁was ▁introduced ▁to ▁General ▁San ▁Juan . <2gl> ▁You ' ve ▁got ▁to ▁be ▁really ▁ashamed . ▁She ' s ▁gone ▁nuts . <2gl> ▁- ▁Come ▁on , ▁step ▁on ▁it , ▁old ▁man . <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁it ' s ▁great , ▁what ▁you ' re ▁doing . <2gl> ▁- K now ▁who ? <2gl> ▁Aren ' t ▁you ▁coming ▁into ▁the ▁drawing ▁room ? <2gl> ▁5 ▁men ▁to ▁each ▁par ach ute ▁! <2gl> ▁The ▁width ▁of ▁the ▁screenshot <2gl> ▁Oh , ▁Miss ▁V ail , ▁I ▁know ▁we ' re ▁to ▁blame . ▁But ▁please ... ▁Please ▁don ' t ▁take ▁Daddy ▁away ▁from ▁us . <2gl> ▁Another ▁ap hor ism ▁of ▁yours ? <2gl> ▁Hold ▁it ▁for ▁me . ▁It ' s ▁dangerous . <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁that ▁priest ▁talked ▁about ▁a ▁special ▁stone . <2gl> ▁O . K . ▁See ▁you ▁then . <2gl> ▁I ▁think ▁that ▁will ▁do . ▁Let ' s ▁take ▁a ▁look ▁at ▁these ▁words . <2gl> ▁KDE ▁History <2gl> ▁Shanghai , ▁bl oss oms ▁heavy ▁on ▁the ▁b ough ▁and ▁in ▁the ▁night ▁now ▁comes ▁a ▁woman ▁true ▁sweet ▁as ▁the ▁morning ▁dew ▁lovely ▁and ▁fine ▁you ▁were ▁in ▁the ▁mo ons h ine ▁where ' s ▁your ▁lucky ▁star , ▁fox ? <2gl> ▁Ab it ▁of be aut y , ▁a ▁bit ▁o ▁magic , ▁adding ▁a ▁little ▁bit ▁of ▁Sunday ▁to ▁a ▁grey ▁working ▁day . <2gl> ▁View ▁Sel ector <2gl> ▁" Don ' t ▁listen ▁to ▁what ▁others ▁say . <2gl> ▁- ▁How ' s ▁that ▁room , ▁Jim ? <2gl> ▁She ' s ▁with ▁us ▁and ▁works ▁here . <2gl> ▁What ▁else ▁did ▁he ▁go ▁by ? <2gl> ▁We ' re ▁currently ▁invest ing ▁a ▁lot ▁of ▁money ▁in ▁computer izing ▁our ▁archives . <2gl> ▁Wake ▁up , ▁Sergeant . <2gl> ▁You ' re ▁put tin ' ▁me ... ▁in ▁a ▁very ▁negative ▁frame ▁of ▁mind ▁for ▁the ▁sales ▁meeting ▁in ▁Chicago . <2gl> ▁Insert ion <2gl> ▁d ▁block ▁elements <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁disappeared . <2gl> ▁Description <2gl> ▁Il ▁va ▁nous ▁por ter ▁mal he ur ! <2gl> ▁He ▁wouldn ' t ▁have ▁left ▁otherwise . <2gl> ▁Those ▁go ▁back , ▁but ▁the ▁dessert ▁service ▁and ▁all ▁the ▁glasses ▁stay ▁in ▁the ▁upstairs ▁pant ry . <2gl> ▁You ▁see , ▁I ▁take ▁these ▁glasses ▁off , ▁she ▁looks ▁like ▁a ▁regular ▁person , ▁doesn ' t ▁she , ▁huh ? <2gl> ▁You ▁mean ▁to ▁say ▁if ▁one ▁of ▁them ▁comes ▁through ▁that ▁door ▁this ▁afternoon , ▁I ' m ▁supposed ▁to ▁try ▁and ▁kill ▁him ? <2gl> ▁If ▁it ▁helps , ▁I ... ▁I ' ve ▁got ▁a ▁good ▁guy ▁I ▁see ▁myself , ▁from ▁time ▁to ▁time . <2gl> ▁You ▁move ▁against ▁Nar c isse , ▁you ▁risk ▁losing ▁everything ▁you ▁have . <2gl> ▁They ▁all ▁look ▁alike , ▁skin ny ▁shoulders , ▁sneak ers . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ' re ▁not ▁a ▁believer ? <2gl> ▁And ▁God ▁took ▁the ▁man ▁he ▁created ... <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁you ▁know ▁what ▁it ▁is ... <2gl> ▁If ▁not , ▁I ▁promise ▁you ▁you ' ll ▁be ▁in ▁deep ▁water . <2gl> ▁The ▁pir ates ▁hadn ' t ▁reached ▁the ▁ham let . <2gl> ▁Comm ences ▁with ▁" B ." <2gl> ▁You ▁see , ▁Sid ney , ▁we ▁have ▁to ▁wait ▁till ▁the ▁right ▁moment . <2gl> ▁When ▁I ▁stand ▁before ▁death ... <2gl> ▁I ▁wouldn ' t ▁sit ▁there , ▁Will . <2gl> ▁Don ' t ▁get ▁caught <2gl> ▁Acc use ▁the ▁owners ▁of ▁bad ▁faith . ▁Acc use ▁Jim ▁Travis ▁of ▁being ▁a ▁company ▁sto oge . <2gl> ▁I ▁hope ▁they ▁get ▁here ▁before ▁the ▁enemy . <2gl> ▁My ▁legs ▁are ▁wreck ed . <2gl> ▁More ▁defined , ▁Pablo ! ▁) <2gl> ▁We ▁dragged ▁the ▁body ▁to ▁the ▁table ▁and ▁hid ▁it ▁under ▁the ▁pile ▁of ▁co ats . <2gl> ▁" From ▁your ▁loving , ▁little ▁J osi " <2gl> ▁- ▁I ' ll ▁never ▁dance ▁again . ▁Never . ▁- ▁Sure ▁you ▁will , ▁honey . <2gl> ▁04 ▁, ▁00 :20 :13 :16 ▁, ▁" Wh ich ▁one , ▁ese ?" <2gl> ▁I ' ve ▁just ▁read ▁it ' s ▁only ▁48 ▁hours ▁in ▁the ▁inner ▁core ▁or ▁refuge , ▁not ▁14 ▁days . <2gl> ▁When ▁the ▁med ics ▁get ▁through , ▁they ' ll ▁probably ▁just ▁spray ▁us ▁with ▁some ▁and it ote , ▁give ▁us ▁a ▁couple ▁of ▁pills , ▁and ▁in ▁no ▁time , ▁we ' ll ▁be ▁as ▁right ▁as ▁rain . <2gl> ▁Kont act <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁ready ▁to ▁resign ▁if -- <2gl> ▁Yes , ▁and ▁that ' s ▁not ▁all , ▁I ▁admit . ▁The ▁carb ure tor ▁- <2gl> ▁Let ▁me ▁go , ▁M ous ie . <2gl> ▁& ▁Debug ▁Sie ve ... <2gl> ▁- No , ▁the ▁carb ure tt or ' s ▁busted . <2gl> ▁Pe er ▁refused ▁ID ▁settings . ▁Please ▁verify ▁the ▁local ▁ID ▁in ▁IP sec ▁and ▁remote ▁network ▁in ▁Network ▁- ▁General ▁settings . <2gl> ▁" D ue ▁to ... ▁due ▁to ▁the ▁bad ▁psychological ▁atmosphere ." <2gl> ▁I ▁mean , ▁honestly , ▁could ▁you ▁see ▁where ▁this ▁would ▁help ▁the ▁children ... ▁and ▁Frank ▁and ▁yourself ? <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁fight ▁you , ▁even . <2gl> ▁I ▁fuckin ' ▁said ▁to ▁them , ▁man ▁- ▁the ▁plates ▁were ▁too ▁fuckin ' ▁heavy ▁for ▁those ▁old ▁engines . <2gl> ▁Starting ▁month ▁of ▁the ▁fiscal ▁year <2gl> ▁They ▁will ▁not ▁soon ▁expel ▁the ▁family ▁of ▁Qu ▁J ian ? <2gl> ▁Another ▁at ▁the ▁home ▁of ▁Am ath . <2gl> ▁It ' ll ▁happen ▁as ▁long ▁as ▁we ' ve ▁got ▁this ▁type ▁to ▁deal ▁with . <2gl> ▁They ' ll ▁straight en ▁you ▁away . <2gl> ▁When ▁a ▁team ▁finally ▁came , ▁I ▁thought ▁it ▁was ▁S . H . I . E . L . D . ▁at ▁first , ▁but ... <2gl> ▁So , ▁this ▁flour ish ... <2gl> ▁- ▁Did ▁he ▁resist ▁arrest ? ▁- ▁Not ▁at ▁all . <2gl> ▁Why , ▁I ▁would ▁never ▁- <2gl> ▁What ▁did ▁Mom ▁say ? <2gl> ▁The ▁truth ▁is ▁that ▁I ▁have ▁decided ▁to ▁move ▁to ▁Paris . <2gl> ▁Replace <2gl> ▁- ▁Why ' d ▁I ▁get ▁sm ashed ▁at ▁your ▁wedding ? <2gl> ▁A ▁tree ! <2gl> ▁I ▁really ▁don ' t ▁think ▁they ' re ▁too ▁different ▁from ▁anybody ▁else . <2gl> ▁You ▁know , ▁presum ably , ▁uh , ▁murder . <2gl> ▁May ▁it ▁be ▁given ▁us ▁to ▁play ▁a ▁worthy ▁part ... ▁to ▁defend ▁the ▁values ▁for ▁which ▁they ▁gave ▁their ▁lives . <2gl> ▁I ▁am ▁not ▁the ▁only ▁one ▁to ▁have ▁lost ▁a ▁brother ▁or ▁sister ▁or ▁whose ▁house ▁has ▁been ▁destroyed . <2gl> ▁This ▁flying ▁business ▁is ▁new ▁to ▁me . <2gl> ▁How ▁do ▁you ▁put ? <2gl> ▁They ▁all ▁look ▁alike ▁— ▁skin ny ▁shoulders , ▁sneak ers . <2gl> ▁There ▁was ▁a ▁prostit ute ▁in ▁India ▁named ▁Vas um itra . <2gl> ▁Not ▁a ▁girl ▁named ▁Brian <2gl> ▁' ▁' F our ▁million ! ▁Increase ▁of ▁unemployed ▁under ▁pressure ▁of ▁young ' <2gl> ▁Dear ▁Fr ä ule in ▁von ▁Bern burg ... <2gl> ▁If ▁not , ▁then ... ▁whatever . <2gl> ▁They ' d ▁seen ▁their ▁father ▁in ▁photos ▁but ▁never ▁in ▁motion . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁we ▁could ▁always ▁start ▁with ▁Mrs . ▁Craw ley ▁and ▁Lady ▁Grant ham . <2gl> ▁You ' ve ▁got ▁time ▁to ▁go ▁to ▁the ▁pictures ? <2gl> ▁Stand ▁up ▁when ▁a ▁wh ip ' s ▁in ▁your ▁study . <2gl> ▁Now ▁fall ▁back ▁into ▁line ! <2gl> ▁I ▁' sp ects ▁I ' ll ▁have ▁to ▁skin ▁ya . <2gl> ▁He ▁likes ▁the ▁smell ▁of ▁cooking ▁rice ▁more ▁than ▁anything ▁else <2gl> ▁R iding ▁in ▁the ▁truck ▁all ▁night ▁is ▁no ▁pic nic . <2gl> ▁- ▁But ▁that ' s ▁not ▁math , ▁is ▁it ? <2gl> ▁Network <2gl> ▁Diff ▁to ▁previous ▁revision <2gl> ▁' ▁CA USE ▁IF ▁ANY TH ING ▁WAS ▁TO ▁H APP EN ▁TO ▁ME ▁OR ▁YOUR ▁M OT HER , <2gl> ▁Qu its ▁the ▁application <2gl> ▁My ▁mother ▁is ▁a ▁chem ist , ▁and ▁my ▁father ▁a ▁bi ologist . <2gl> ▁Are ▁you ▁wearing ▁pant ies ▁or ▁not ▁? <2gl> ▁They ' ve ▁merely ▁changed ▁their ▁name . ▁They ' re ▁the ▁same ! <2gl> ▁You ▁don ' t ▁tell ▁me ▁how ▁to ▁live ! ▁No , ▁but ▁I ' ll ▁tell ▁you ▁how ▁to ▁die . <2gl> ▁GET ▁IN ▁THE ▁G AME , ▁MAN ? <2gl> ▁Here ' s ▁the ▁bund le . ▁Here ' s ▁the ▁suit case . ▁Here ' s ▁Son ya ' s ▁par cel . <2gl> ▁Come ▁on . ▁T ear ▁' em ▁loose . <2gl> ▁Then ▁there ' s ▁no ▁answer . <2gl> ▁When ▁you ▁get ▁over ▁the ▁fog , ▁I ' ll ▁line ▁you ▁up . <2gl> ▁And ▁pull ▁it ▁back . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁is ▁that ▁wrong ? <2gl> ▁I ▁felt ▁stuck ▁in ▁F eny ang , ▁that ' s ▁why ▁I ▁came <2gl> ▁In ▁the ▁3 rd ▁it ▁went ▁very ▁well . <2gl> ▁Silver ▁tongue ▁turn ▁to ▁lead ? <2gl> ▁Here ▁I ▁am ▁again , ▁L er oy . <2gl> ▁Hand <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁Coll é ▁who ▁sets ▁the ▁women ▁against ▁pur ification . <2gl> ▁He ' d ▁tell ▁my ▁aunt ▁he ▁had ▁a ▁business ▁meeting . <2gl> ▁You ▁will ▁perhaps ▁never ▁witness ▁it ▁again ... ▁as ▁it ▁is ▁sel dom ▁seen ▁in ▁France ▁and ▁Europe . <2gl> ▁- ▁How ' s ▁about ▁something ▁to ▁eat ? <2gl> ▁I ▁found ▁a ▁restaurant ▁and ▁went ▁in ▁to ▁eat . <2gl> ▁Port <2gl> ▁How ▁did ▁you ▁know ▁my ▁name ' s ▁max ? <2gl> ▁She ▁was ▁deport ed ▁as ▁non - A ry an . <2gl> ▁& ▁Rename ▁Tab ... <2gl> ▁" Well , ▁in ▁six ▁months ?" ▁" We ▁don ' t ▁know ." <2gl> ▁We ' ve ▁been ▁on ▁a ▁train ▁since ▁dawn ▁and ▁we ▁had ▁to ▁change ▁in ▁a ▁shed . <2gl> ▁Gus , ▁Arch ie , ▁look ▁what ▁I ▁did ▁to ▁the ▁phone ▁bo oth . <2gl> ▁The ▁graph ▁of ▁the ▁deriv ative ▁of ▁the ▁function ▁will ▁be ▁drawn ▁addition ally ▁with ▁the ▁same ▁color ▁but ▁less ▁line ▁width . <2gl> ▁He ▁likes ▁them ▁young , ▁OK ... <2gl> ▁People ▁started ▁changing ▁colour ▁according ▁to ▁their ▁nature ▁and ▁actions . <2gl> ▁She ' s ▁three ▁months ▁pregnant . <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁happy ▁they ▁killed ▁those ▁gener als . <2gl> ▁You ▁rubb ish ▁don ' t ▁have ▁right ▁to ▁hit ▁Jane . <2gl> ▁Every ▁mark ▁set ▁down ▁by ▁man ' s ▁hand ▁is ▁represented ▁here ▁in ▁the ▁r iche st ▁department ▁of ▁all : <2gl> ▁- ▁Then ▁you ' re ... <2gl> ▁To : <2gl> ▁There ' s ▁little ▁difference ▁to ▁how ▁I ' ve ▁lived ▁until ▁now , ▁always ▁working ▁in ▁the ▁open ▁country . <2gl> ▁See ▁the ▁moon ? <2gl> ▁Listen , ▁phone ▁me ▁back . <2gl> ▁That ▁was ▁before ▁they ▁asked ▁me ▁to ▁go ▁all ▁M ata ▁Hari ▁on ▁this ▁guy . <2gl> ▁Shall ▁we ▁pray , ▁dear ? <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁because , ▁it ' s ▁because ▁I ▁love ▁you ▁much <2gl> ▁In ▁some ▁cases ▁sch iz oph renia ▁parano ia ▁is ▁dangerous , ▁as ▁the ▁dictionary ▁would ▁say . <2gl> ▁have ▁they ▁left ▁us ▁for ▁good ? <2gl> ▁WH Y ▁DON ' T ▁YOU ▁GO ▁IN ▁THE ▁H OU SE ▁AND ▁P UT ▁S OME ▁SH O ES ▁ON ? <2gl> ▁And ▁make ▁no ▁difficulties , ▁please . <2gl> ▁We ▁want ▁to ▁speak , ▁we ▁can ' t ▁stay ▁silent ! <2gl> ▁A ▁mile ▁north ▁of ▁G ett ys burg ▁- ▁Ward ▁B . <2gl> ▁What ▁do ▁you ▁say , ▁man ? <2gl> ▁You ▁can ' t ▁imagine ▁how ▁hot ▁it ▁is ▁right ▁now . <2gl> ▁But ▁that ' s ▁an ▁exception . <2gl> ▁First , ▁when ▁we ▁used ▁to ▁go ▁visit ▁people , ▁and ▁they ▁said ▁they ▁always ▁had ▁a ▁child ▁around ▁the ▁house ▁or ▁something , ▁he ▁used ▁to ▁play ▁with ▁them . <2gl> ▁Well , ▁I ▁know ▁it ▁was ▁mor onic ▁and ▁infant ile , ▁and ▁utterly ▁lack ing ▁in ▁any ▁wit ▁or ▁belie v ability , <2gl> ▁I ▁need ▁you ▁to ▁take ▁some ▁men , ▁head ▁out ▁to ▁the ▁White ▁Hor se ▁P ike . <2gl> ▁For ▁tennis ▁and ▁basketball , ▁these ▁ones . <2gl> ▁This ▁is ▁Ethiopia ▁in ▁East ▁Africa . <2gl> ▁So ▁this ▁woman , ▁she ' s ▁fuckin ' ▁hang in ' ▁on ▁to ▁this ▁tree , ▁cos ▁that ' s ▁her ▁fuckin ' ▁life . <2gl> ▁Please ▁be ▁brief . <2gl> ▁♪ ▁I ▁put ▁my ▁hand ▁on ▁her ▁th igh <2gl> ▁Yo , ▁now , ▁that ' s ▁a ▁nice ▁car . <2gl> ▁– ▁Yes , ▁Fr ä ule in ▁von ▁K esten <2gl> ▁I ▁got ▁them ▁to ▁make ▁him ▁some ▁sand w iches . <2gl> ▁We ▁have ▁very ▁functional ▁programs . ▁Example . ▁Right ▁on . <2gl> ▁An ▁unc ens ored ▁press . <2gl> ▁- Now ▁take ▁him ▁out ▁of ▁here . <2gl> ▁My ▁mother ... ▁a ▁force ▁as ▁strong ▁as ▁all ▁the ▁trains ▁in ▁Man it oba . <2gl> ▁- ▁Yes , ▁about ▁a ▁week ▁ago : <2gl> ▁In ▁Brazil , ▁they ▁burned ▁24 ▁million ▁pounds ▁of ▁coffee . <2gl> ▁His ▁name ' s ▁David ▁Stein <2gl> ▁That ' ll ▁make ▁me ▁less ▁sorry ▁for ▁you . <2gl> ▁Really ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Tal king ▁behind ▁my ▁back . ▁I ' ve ▁been ▁onto ▁you ▁for ▁a ▁long ▁time . <2gl> ▁- ▁You ' re ▁not ▁allowed ▁to ▁kill . <2gl> ▁How ▁can ▁anybody ▁eat ▁a ▁mess ▁like ▁this ? <2gl> ▁- ▁Speak ▁English , ▁please . <2gl> ▁- ▁Ch op ped ▁up ▁in ▁bits ▁and ▁pieces . <2gl> ▁Come ▁on ! <2gl> ▁If ▁you ▁were ▁smart , ▁you ' d ▁go ▁right ▁to ▁work ▁for ▁the ▁car ab in ieri , ▁without ▁wasting ▁time , ▁while ▁there ' s ▁still ▁something ▁to ▁bargain ▁for . <2gl> ▁President ▁Johnson ' s ▁daughter ... <2gl> ▁One ▁hour ▁ago , ▁following ▁an ▁armed ▁entry ▁into ▁West ▁Berlin ▁by ▁Russian ▁and ▁East ▁German ▁troops , ▁two ▁NATO ▁arm oured ▁divisions ▁attempted ▁to ▁force ▁an ▁entry ▁through ▁to ▁the ▁city ▁and ▁were ▁themselves ▁over run ▁by ▁out number ing ▁Comm unist ▁forces . <2gl> ▁Cos ▁they ' re ▁gossip ing ▁about ▁us . <2gl> ▁http : ▁/ ▁/ de velop er . ▁kde . ▁org <2gl> ▁- ▁Ch ill ▁with ▁us . <2gl> ▁She ' s ▁running ▁fine . <2gl> ▁Michael ▁D enn in ! <2gl> ▁They ▁take ▁care ▁of ▁themselves , ▁and ▁participate ▁in ▁the ▁village ▁work . <2gl> ▁- ▁Well , ▁stop ▁trying ▁to ▁do ▁it ▁and ▁do ▁it . <2gl> ▁And ▁we ▁have ▁an ▁excellent ▁hotel ▁under ▁contract ▁in ▁mar rak esh . <2gl> ▁It ▁is ▁not ▁that ▁cold . <2gl> ▁I ' ll ▁call ▁around . <2gl> ▁Set ▁up ▁something ▁more ▁comfortable . <2gl> ▁Sil ent ▁night , ▁ho ... <2gl> ▁" What ▁would ▁you ▁do ▁without ▁them ?" <2gl> ▁Thanks ▁to ▁everyone ' s ▁help , ▁I ' ve ▁straight ened ▁out ▁my ▁acting . <2gl> ▁They ▁are ▁not ▁to ▁be ▁tri f led ▁with . <2gl> ▁J and os . <2gl> ▁If ▁we ▁buy ▁one ▁together , ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁a ▁1 ▁50. <2gl> ▁I ▁feel ▁so ▁great . <2gl> ▁It ' s ▁too ▁heavy ▁for ▁a ▁bag . <2gl> ▁She ' s ▁in ▁Stockholm , ▁studying . <2gl> ▁Leban ese ▁P ound <2gl> ▁- ▁He ' s ▁mad , ▁sir . <2gl> ▁Two ▁held ▁his ▁arms , ▁and ▁one ▁struck ▁his ▁sword ▁through ▁his ▁throat . <2gl> ▁Remote ▁network ▁address <2gl> ▁Right ▁click ▁in ▁the ▁alarm ▁list ▁and ▁choose ▁New ▁from ▁the ▁context ▁menu . <2gl> ▁Your ▁names <2gl> ▁If ▁those ▁people ▁die , ▁Joe ▁Wilson ▁dies . ▁You ▁know ▁that . <2gl> ▁We ▁sit ▁proud ▁in ▁the ▁sad dle <2gl> ▁You ▁gotta ▁lead ▁on ▁a ▁running ▁animal . <2gl> ▁Mel ting ▁and ▁ag gl omer ating . ▁' ▁gold ▁bars , ▁gold ▁dust , ▁sil ica , ▁ash <2gl> ▁Why ▁are ▁you ▁doing ▁woman ' s ▁work ? <2gl> ▁Even ▁though ▁I ' m ▁now ▁Mack ▁the ▁Kn ife , <2gl> ▁I ' m ▁serious , ▁you ▁know ▁? <2gl> ▁But ▁you ▁ought ▁to ▁see ▁what ▁I ' m ▁picking ▁up ▁on ▁the ▁road . ▁One ▁fantasy ▁after ▁another . <2gl> ▁Creating ▁a ▁Cons ole ▁Plugin <2gl> ▁& ▁In vert <2gl> ▁Now , ▁I ▁don ' t ▁know ▁anymore . <2gl> ▁Ch im ney ▁swe eps , ▁ma ' am . <2gl> ▁[ Man ▁Nar rating ] ▁My ▁name ▁is ▁Johnny ▁Bar rett . <2gl> ▁one ▁will ▁live ▁and ▁one ▁will ▁perish .