from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import torch from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union, Optional import as data from tqdm import tqdm import copy # Typings _TYPING_BOX = Tuple[float, float, float, float] _TYPING_IMAGES = List[Dict[str, int]] _TYPING_ANNOTATIONS = List[Dict[str, Union[int, _TYPING_BOX]]] _TYPING_CATEGORIES = List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]] _TYPING_JSON_COCO = Dict[ str, Union[_TYPING_IMAGES, _TYPING_ANNOTATIONS, _TYPING_CATEGORIES] ] _TYPING_BOX = Tuple[float, float, float, float] _TYPING_SCORES = List[float] _TYPING_LABELS = List[int] _TYPING_BOXES = List[_TYPING_BOX] _TYPING_PRED_REF = Union[_TYPING_SCORES, _TYPING_LABELS, _TYPING_BOXES] _TYPING_PREDICTION = Dict[str, _TYPING_PRED_REF] _acc_box_format = ['xywh', 'xyx2y2'] def draw_rectangles( image: Image, boxes, box_format='xyx2y2', color_bbx=(255, 0, 0), color_txt=(255, 255, 255), thickness=1, labels=None, confidences=None, draw_confidence=True, ): """ Draw rectangles around objects in an image. Args: image (Image): Image object to draw on. boxes (List[torch.Tensor]): List of bounding boxes in (xywh or xyx2y2) format. color_bbx (Tuple[int, int, int]): RGB color tuple for bounding box outlines. Default \ is (255, 0, 0) (red). color_txt (Tuple[int, int, int]): RGB color tuple for text. Default is \ (255, 255, 255) (white). thickness (int): Thickness of the bounding box outline. Default is 1. labels (List[str]): List of labels for each object. Default is None. confidences (List[float]): List of confidences for each object. Default is None. draw_confidence (bool): Whether to draw confidence values. Default is True. Returns: Image: Image with rectangles drawn around objects. """ # boxes: (x,y,x2,y2) # color: (RGB) # # assert box_format in _acc_box_format, "box_format must be {}".format(_acc_box_format) offset = 0.05 font = ImageFont.load_default() # Make clones to avoid overwriting the original data if boxes is not None: if isinstance(boxes, torch.Tensor): _boxes = copy.deepcopy(boxes).tolist() elif isinstance(boxes, list): _boxes = copy.deepcopy(boxes) else: _boxes = None if confidences is not None: if isinstance(confidences, torch.Tensor): _confidences = copy.deepcopy(confidences).tolist() elif isinstance(confidences, list): _confidences = copy.deepcopy(confidences) else: _confidences = None draw_confidence = False _confidences = ["" for i in _boxes] ret_image = image.copy() img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(ret_image) for box, label, confidence in zip(_boxes, labels, _confidences): if box_format == "xywh": # convert to xyx2y2 box[2] = box[0]+box[2] box[3] = box[1]+box[3] text = f"{label}" if draw_confidence: text += f" ({100*confidence:.2f}%)" text = " " + text + " " _, _, txt_w, txt_h = font.getbbox(text) offset_y = txt_h * offset x, y, _, _ = box box_txt = (x, y - txt_h - (2 * offset_y), x + txt_w, y) pos_text = (x, y - txt_h - (offset_y)) # Draws rectangle around object img_draw.rectangle(box, outline=color_bbx, width=thickness) # Draws filled rectangle for text img_draw.rectangle(box_txt, fill=color_bbx, width=thickness) # Draws text img_draw.text(pos_text, text, fill=color_txt, anchor="ma", font=font) return ret_image def val_formatted_anns( image_id: int, objects: _TYPING_PREDICTION, feat_name: str = "category" ) -> List[_TYPING_PREDICTION]: """ This function formats annotations the same way they are for training, without the need \ for data augmentation. Args: image_id (int): The id of the image. objects (_TYPING_PREDICTION): The dictionary containing object annotations. feat_name (str): The name of the feature containing the category id. Returns: List[Dict[str, Union[int, _TYPING_BOX]]]: List of dictionaries with formatted annotations. """ annotations = [] for i in range(0, len(objects["id"])): new_ann = { "id": objects["id"][i], "category_id": objects[feat_name][i], "iscrowd": objects["iscrowd"][i], "image_id": image_id, "area": objects["area"][i], "bbox": objects["bbox"][i], } annotations.append(new_ann) return annotations def create_json_COCO_format( dataset: data.Dataset, round_approx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[Dict[int, int], _TYPING_JSON_COCO]: """ Function to create a JSON in COCO format. Args: dataset (Dataset): The dataset to be converted to COCO format. round_approx (Optional[int]): The number of decimal places to round the boxes. Returns: A tuple of a dictionary mapping image_id to index in dataset and a dictionary \ in COCO format. """ feature = dataset.features["objects"].feature # Look for the feature name for feat_name in ["category", "label"]: if feat_name in feature: break categories = feature[feat_name].names id2label = {index: x for index, x in enumerate(categories, start=0)} categories_json = [ {"supercategory": "none", "id": id, "name": id2label[id]} for id in id2label ] output_json = {} output_json["images"] = [] output_json["annotations"] = [] # Collecting outputs from dataset ids_mapping = {} pbar = tqdm(dataset, desc="Collecting ground-truth annotations from dataset") for idx, example in enumerate(pbar): ids_mapping[example["image_id"]] = idx ann = val_formatted_anns(example["image_id"], example["objects"], feat_name) output_json["images"].append( { "id": example["image_id"], "width": example["image"].width, "height": example["image"].height, } ) if round_approx is not None: for annotation in ann: annotation["bbox"] = [round(val, round_approx) for val in annotation["bbox"]] output_json["annotations"].extend(ann) output_json["categories"] = categories_json return ids_mapping, output_json