Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
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import datasets
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from PIL import Image
3 |
import pandas as pd
4 |
from pathlib import Path
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class CUB200(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
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"""Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 (CUB-200-2011) Dataset"""
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10 |
VERSION = datasets.Version("1.0.0")
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def _info(self):
13 |
return datasets.DatasetInfo(
14 |
description="""The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 dataset consists of 11,788 images of 200 bird species.""",
15 |
16 |
17 |
"image": datasets.Image(),
18 |
"label": datasets.ClassLabel(names=self._labels())
19 |
20 |
21 |
supervised_keys=("image", "label"),
22 |
23 |
24 |
Title = {The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset},
25 |
Author = {Wah, C. and Branson, S. and Welinder, P. and Perona, P. and Belongie, S.},
26 |
Year = {2011},
27 |
Institution = {California Institute of Technology},
28 |
Number = {CNS-TR-2011-001}}"""
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def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
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# Download and extract in a single step
33 |
extracted_path = dl_manager.download_and_extract("")
34 |
data_dir = Path(extracted_path) / "CUB_200_2011"
35 |
36 |
return [
37 |
38 |
39 |
gen_kwargs={"data_dir": data_dir, "split": "train"},
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
gen_kwargs={"data_dir": data_dir, "split": "test"},
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def _generate_examples(self, data_dir, split):
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"""Generate examples from the extracted directory."""
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# Paths to metadata files in the extracted directory
50 |
image_labels_path = data_dir / "image_class_labels.txt"
51 |
image_paths_path = data_dir / "images.txt"
52 |
train_test_split_path = data_dir / "train_test_split.txt"
53 |
54 |
# Load metadata
55 |
images_df = pd.read_csv(image_paths_path, sep='\s+', header=None, names=["image_id", "file_path"])
56 |
labels_df = pd.read_csv(image_labels_path, sep='\s+', header=None, names=["image_id", "label"])
57 |
split_df = pd.read_csv(train_test_split_path, sep='\s+', header=None, names=["image_id", "is_training"])
58 |
59 |
# Merge metadata into a single DataFrame
60 |
data_df = images_df.merge(labels_df, on="image_id").merge(split_df, on="image_id")
61 |
data_df["label"] -= 1 # Zero-index the labels
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63 |
# Filter by the specified split
64 |
is_training_split = 1 if split == "train" else 0
65 |
split_data = data_df[data_df["is_training"] == is_training_split]
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67 |
# Generate examples
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for _, row in split_data.iterrows():
69 |
image_path = data_dir / "images" / row['file_path']
70 |
label = row["label"]
71 |
72 |
# Load the image
73 |
with open(image_path, "rb") as img_file:
74 |
image ="RGB")
75 |
yield row["image_id"], {
76 |
"image": image,
77 |
"label": label,
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
def _labels():
82 |
return [
83 |
"Black_footed_Albatross", "Laysan_Albatross", "Sooty_Albatross", "Groove_billed_Ani",
84 |
"Crested_Auklet", "Least_Auklet", "Parakeet_Auklet", "Rhinoceros_Auklet", "Brewer_Blackbird",
85 |
"Red_winged_Blackbird", "Rusty_Blackbird", "Yellow_headed_Blackbird", "Bobolink",
86 |
"Indigo_Bunting", "Lazuli_Bunting", "Painted_Bunting", "Cardinal", "Spotted_Catbird",
87 |
"Gray_Catbird", "Yellow_breasted_Chat", "Eastern_Towhee", "Chuck_will_Widow",
88 |
"Brandt_Cormorant", "Red_faced_Cormorant", "Pelagic_Cormorant", "Bronzed_Cowbird",
89 |
"Shiny_Cowbird", "Brown_Creeper", "American_Crow", "Fish_Crow", "Black_billed_Cuckoo",
90 |
"Mangrove_Cuckoo", "Yellow_billed_Cuckoo", "Gray_crowned_Rosy_Finch", "Purple_Finch",
91 |
"Northern_Flicker", "Acadian_Flycatcher", "Great_Crested_Flycatcher", "Least_Flycatcher",
92 |
"Olive_sided_Flycatcher", "Scissor_tailed_Flycatcher", "Vermilion_Flycatcher",
93 |
"Yellow_bellied_Flycatcher", "Frigatebird", "Northern_Fulmar", "Gadwall", "American_Goldfinch",
94 |
"European_Goldfinch", "Boat_tailed_Grackle", "Eared_Grebe", "Horned_Grebe",
95 |
"Pied_billed_Grebe", "Western_Grebe", "Blue_Grosbeak", "Evening_Grosbeak", "Pine_Grosbeak",
96 |
"Rose_breasted_Grosbeak", "Pigeon_Guillemot", "California_Gull", "Glaucous_winged_Gull",
97 |
"Heermann_Gull", "Herring_Gull", "Ivory_Gull", "Ring_billed_Gull", "Slaty_backed_Gull",
98 |
"Western_Gull", "Anna_Hummingbird", "Ruby_throated_Hummingbird", "Rufous_Hummingbird",
99 |
"Green_Violetear", "Long_tailed_Jaeger", "Pomarine_Jaeger", "Blue_Jay", "Florida_Jay",
100 |
"Green_Jay", "Dark_eyed_Junco", "Tropical_Kingbird", "Gray_Kingbird", "Belted_Kingfisher",
101 |
"Green_Kingfisher", "Pied_Kingfisher", "Ringed_Kingfisher", "White_breasted_Kingfisher",
102 |
"Red_legged_Kittiwake", "Horned_Lark", "Pacific_Loon", "Mallard", "Western_Meadowlark",
103 |
"Hooded_Merganser", "Red_breasted_Merganser", "Mockingbird", "Nighthawk", "Clark_Nutcracker",
104 |
"White_breasted_Nuthatch", "Baltimore_Oriole", "Hooded_Oriole", "Orchard_Oriole",
105 |
"Scott_Oriole", "Ovenbird", "Brown_Pelican", "White_Pelican", "Western_Wood_Pewee",
106 |
"Sayornis", "American_Pipit", "Whip_poor_Will", "Horned_Puffin", "Common_Raven",
107 |
"White_necked_Raven", "American_Redstart", "Geococcyx", "Loggerhead_Shrike",
108 |
"Great_Grey_Shrike", "Baird_Sparrow", "Black_throated_Sparrow", "Brewer_Sparrow",
109 |
"Chipping_Sparrow", "Clay_colored_Sparrow", "House_Sparrow", "Field_Sparrow",
110 |
"Fox_Sparrow", "Grasshopper_Sparrow", "Harris_Sparrow", "Henslow_Sparrow",
111 |
"Le_Conte_Sparrow", "Lincoln_Sparrow", "Nelson_Sharp_tailed_Sparrow", "Savannah_Sparrow",
112 |
"Seaside_Sparrow", "Song_Sparrow", "Tree_Sparrow", "Vesper_Sparrow",
113 |
"White_crowned_Sparrow", "White_throated_Sparrow", "Cape_Glossy_Starling",
114 |
"Bank_Swallow", "Barn_Swallow", "Cliff_Swallow", "Tree_Swallow", "Scarlet_Tanager",
115 |
"Summer_Tanager", "Arctic_Tern", "Black_Tern", "Caspian_Tern", "Common_Tern",
116 |
"Elegant_Tern", "Forster_Tern", "Least_Tern", "Green_tailed_Towhee", "Brown_Thrasher",
117 |
"Sage_Thrasher", "Black_capped_Vireo", "Blue_headed_Vireo", "Philadelphia_Vireo",
118 |
"Red_eyed_Vireo", "Warbling_Vireo", "White_eyed_Vireo", "Yellow_throated_Vireo",
119 |
"Bay_breasted_Warbler", "Black_and_white_Warbler", "Black_throated_Blue_Warbler",
120 |
"Blue_winged_Warbler", "Canada_Warbler", "Cape_May_Warbler", "Cerulean_Warbler",
121 |
"Chestnut_sided_Warbler", "Golden_winged_Warbler", "Hooded_Warbler", "Kentucky_Warbler",
122 |
"Magnolia_Warbler", "Mourning_Warbler", "Myrtle_Warbler", "Nashville_Warbler",
123 |
"Orange_crowned_Warbler", "Palm_Warbler", "Pine_Warbler", "Prairie_Warbler",
124 |
"Prothonotary_Warbler", "Swainson_Warbler", "Tennessee_Warbler", "Wilson_Warbler",
125 |
"Worm_eating_Warbler", "Yellow_Warbler", "Northern_Waterthrush", "Louisiana_Waterthrush",
126 |
"Bohemian_Waxwing", "Cedar_Waxwing", "American_Three_toed_Woodpecker",
127 |
"Pileated_Woodpecker", "Red_bellied_Woodpecker", "Red_cockaded_Woodpecker",
128 |
"Red_headed_Woodpecker", "Downy_Woodpecker", "Bewick_Wren", "Cactus_Wren",
129 |
"Carolina_Wren", "House_Wren", "Marsh_Wren", "Rock_Wren", "Winter_Wren",
130 |
131 |