dir = "20-Jan-2024" chunk_doc_size = 100000 remove_every_word_over_x_characters = 16 ignore_first_page = True ignore_last_page = True max_processes = 12 attempt_resume = True remove_false_newlines = True import re import requests import threading import PyPDF2 from io import BytesIO import time def remove_single_newlines_with_space(text): new_text = [] i = 0 def is_valid_char(c): # Check if the character is a letter, space, quote or closing parenthesis return c.isalpha() or c in {' ', '"', "'", ')', ']', '(' , '[', '-', ',', '.', '!', '?', ';', ':'} or c.isdigit() while i < len(text): if i > 0 and i < len(text) - 1 and text[i] == '\n': # Check if the characters before and after the newline are valid if is_valid_char(text[i-1]) and is_valid_char(text[i+1]): new_text.append(' ') # Add a space instead of the newline i += 1 continue new_text.append(text[i]) i += 1 return ''.join(new_text) def extract_text_from_pdf_url(pdf_url): # Send a GET request to the URL response = requests.get(pdf_url) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Read the PDF file from the response file = BytesIO(response.content) # Create a PDF reader object reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file) # Initialize a variable to store extracted text text = "" # Loop through each page in the PDF for page in range(len(reader.pages)): if page == 0 and ignore_first_page: continue if page == len(reader.pages) - 1 and ignore_last_page: continue # Get a specific page pdf_page = reader.pages[page] # Extract text from the page text += pdf_page.extract_text() return text else: return "" # read json file import json print("Loading arxiv metadata") file = open(f"{dir}/arxiv-metadata-oai-snapshot.json", "r") # read it line by line because its a jsonl data = [] for line in file.readlines(): # load the json data.append(json.loads(line)) file.close() print(f"Loaded {len(data)} documents from metadata") to_skip = 0 chunk = 0 count = 0 print("Reading previous data to resume progress") if attempt_resume: # count how many lines in jsonl folder import os for filename in os.listdir('jsonl'): if filename.endswith(".jsonl"): chunk += 1 count += sum(1 for line in open(f'jsonl/{filename}', 'r')) count -= 1 # remove the last line because it is empty # count how many lines in failed.txt count += sum(1 for line in open('failed.txt', 'r')) # count how many lines in failed.jsonl count += sum(1 for line in open('failed.jsonl', 'r')) count -= 2 # remove the last lines because it is empty chunk -= 1 to_skip = count print(f"Skipping {to_skip} documents (to resume progress)") # # id: ArXiv ID (can be used to access the paper, see below) # # submitter: Who submitted the paper # # authors: Authors of the paper # # title: Title of the paper # # comments: Additional info, such as number of pages and figures # # journal-ref: Information about the journal the paper was published in # # doi: [https://www.doi.org](Digital Object Identifier) # # abstract: The abstract of the paper # # categories: Categories / tags in the ArXiv system # # versions: A version history # with open(f'jsonl/arxiv_{chunk}.jsonl', 'w') as f: # for i in range(len(data)): # print(f"Processing {i} of {len(data)}") # row = data[i] # # extract text from pdf file # text = extract_text_from_pdf_url("https://arxiv.org/pdf/" + row['id']) # if text == "": # with open(f'failed.txt') as w: # w.write(row['id'] + '\n') # f.write(json.dumps({"text": text.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')} + row) + '\n') # if count % 100000 == 0: # print(text) # count+=1 # if count % chunk_doc_size == 0: # f.close() # chunk += 1 # f = open(f'jsonl/arxiv_{chunk}.jsonl', 'w') import threading import json from unidecode import unidecode import multiprocessing def filter_text(text): final_text = text.encode('utf-8', errors='replace').decode('unicode_escape', errors='ignore') final_text = re.sub(r'\\U[\da-fA-F]{8}', '', final_text) # remove_every_word_over_x_characters words = final_text.split(' ') for word in words: if len(word) > remove_every_word_over_x_characters: final_text = final_text.replace(word, '') if word.count('\\') > len(word) * 0.25: final_text = final_text.replace(word, '') # remove_false_newlines if remove_false_newlines: final_text = remove_single_newlines_with_space(final_text) final_text = final_text.replace('\\"', '') final_text = final_text.replace('\"', '') final_text = final_text.replace('\\', '') final_text = final_text.replace('\f', '') return final_text def extract_text_process(row): text = extract_text_from_pdf_url("https://arxiv.org/pdf/" + row['id']) return filter_text(text) def extract_text_process_safe(row): try: return extract_text_process(row) except Exception as e: print(e) return "" from queue import Empty def process_queue(queue, count, chunk, chunk_doc_size, stop_event): output_file = open(f'jsonl/arxiv_{chunk}.jsonl', 'a') failed_file = open('failed.jsonl', 'a') print("Starting queue process") print(stop_event.is_set()) while not stop_event.is_set(): while not queue.empty(): try: row, text = queue.get(timeout=0.5) # Timeout to check for stop event except Empty as e: print(e) continue print("Looping queue process " + str(chunk) + " " + str(queue.qsize())) row['title'] = filter_text(row['title']) row['abstract'] = filter_text(row['abstract']) if len(text) < 1000: failed_file.write(json.dumps(row) + '\n') else: output_file.write(json.dumps({**{"text": text}, **row}) + '\n') count += 1 if count % chunk_doc_size == 0: output_file.close() chunk += 1 output_file = open(f'jsonl/arxiv_{chunk}.jsonl', 'w') time.sleep(0.005) # Sleep time.sleep(0.005) # Sleep output_file.close() failed_file.close() def process_worker(queue, count, chunk, chunk_doc_size, stop_event): try: process_queue(queue, count, chunk, chunk_doc_size, stop_event) except Exception as e: print(f"Error in worker process: {e}") # exit whole app os._exit(1) def worker(i, row, queue): try: text = extract_text_process_safe(row) queue.put((row, text)) print(f"Processed {i} of {len(data)}") # Adjust this line as needed except Exception as e: print(f"Error in worker process: {e}") time.sleep(0.5) # Sleep to avoid spamming requests from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor def process_data(data, chunk_doc_size): global to_skip, count, chunk queue = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue() stop_event = multiprocessing.Event() stop_event.clear() # Start the thread for processing the queue queue_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=process_worker, args=(queue, count, chunk, chunk_doc_size, stop_event)) queue_process.start() # Create a pool of worker threads # with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_processes) as executor: # for i, row in enumerate(data): # if i < to_skip: # continue # executor.submit(worker, i, row, queue) # time.sleep(0.0001) # Create a pool of worker processes with multiprocessing.Pool(max_processes) as pool: for i, row in enumerate(data): if i < to_skip: continue pool.apply_async(worker, args=(i, row, queue)) time.sleep(0.0001) # Close the pool and wait for the work to finish pool.close() pool.join() # Signal the queue processing thread to stop and wait for it to finish stop_event.set() queue_process.join() # output_file = open(f'jsonl/arxiv_{chunk}.jsonl', 'a') # failed_file = open('failed.txt', 'a') # def process_results(result): # global count, chunk, failed_file, output_file, chunk_doc_size # row, text = result # if text == "": # failed_file.write(row['id'] + '\n') # else: # output_file.write(json.dumps({**{"text": text}, **row}) + '\n') # if count % 100 == 0: # print(f"Processed {count} of {len(data)}") # count += 1 # if count % chunk_doc_size == 0: # output_file.close() # chunk += 1 # output_file = open(f'jsonl/arxiv_{chunk}.jsonl', 'w') # def process_data(data, chunk_doc_size, pool_size=20): # global output_file, failed_file # with multiprocessing.Pool(pool_size) as pool: # results = [pool.apply_async(extract_text_process, args=(data[i],), callback=lambda res: process_results(res)) for i in range(to_skip, len(data))] # for result in results: # result.wait() # failed_file.close() # output_file.close() # Example usage process_data(data, chunk_doc_size)