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{"stem": ["Federal Bank", "India"], "choice": [["Brooklyn", "Prospect"], ["America", "Paypal"], ["Paypal", "America"], ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Savior", "Yeshua"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Indonesia"], "choice": [["Beijing", "Peking"], ["Savior", "Son Jesus"], ["House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["National", "China"], ["China", "National"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Td", "Canada"], "choice": [["Columbia", "D C"], ["Gambia", "National"], ["Example", "Jesus"], ["House", "Santorum"], ["National", "Gambia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["National", "Italy"], "choice": [["Barclays", "Britain"], ["Quebec", "Columbia"], ["Life", "Jesus"], ["House", "President Elect Barack Obama"], ["Britain", "Barclays"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Lloyds Tsb", "UK"], "choice": [["Man", "Jesus Christ"], ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], ["Federal Bank", "India"], ["Salt Lake", "Dc"], ["India", "Federal Bank"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Commonwealth", "Canada"], "choice": [["Citibank", "Greece"], ["Greece", "Citibank"], ["Peter", "John"], ["Mumbai", "Bombay"], ["House", "President Elect Barack Obama"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Standard Chartered", "Hong Kong"], "choice": [["Jacob", "Laban"], ["Los Angeles Ca", "L A"], ["Macedonia", "National"], ["National", "Macedonia"], ["House", "President Bush"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Royal", "Belgium"], "choice": [["Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Axis", "India"], ["Zeus", "Apollo"], ["India", "Axis"], ["Jackson", "Pearl"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Japan"], "choice": [["Buddha", "Jesus"], ["National", "Romania"], ["House", "Rahm Emanuel"], ["Istanbul", "Constantinople"], ["Romania", "National"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Oman"], "choice": [["House", "Jimmy Carter"], ["Barclays", "Britain"], ["Britain", "Barclays"], ["D C", "Albany"], ["Dionysos", "Hermes"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citigroup Global Markets", "America"], "choice": [["Hero", "Jesus"], ["Chilliwack", "Columbia"], ["Uae", "Hsbc"], ["Hsbc", "Uae"], ["House", "John A Boehner"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Indonesia"], "choice": [["Mississippi", "Sharm El Sheikh"], ["Citi", "America"], ["America", "Citi"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Mother", "Son"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Uae"], "choice": [["National", "Malawi"], ["Malawi", "National"], ["House", "President George Bush"], ["Oakland", "Redwood City"], ["Mary", "Lord Jesus"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Thailand"], "choice": [["Belgium", "Royal"], ["Royal", "Belgium"], ["Holy Ghost", "Lord Jesus"], ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], ["Columbia", "Merritt"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Fidelity", "India"], "choice": [["House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Columbia", "Enderby"], ["Savior", "Yeshua"], ["Maldives", "National"], ["National", "Maldives"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["National", "Austria"], "choice": [["Assembly", "Bills"], ["Holy Mother", "Jesus"], ["Harare", "Salisbury"], ["Barclays", "Botswana"], ["Botswana", "Barclays"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Jpmorgan", "America"], "choice": [["National", "Wales"], ["House", "Time Bill Clinton"], ["Wales", "National"], ["Abraham", "Jesus"], ["Edo", "Tokyo"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["World Bank", "United States"], "choice": [["Jpmorgan", "America"], ["Tokyo", "Edo"], ["America", "Jpmorgan"], ["Jacob", "Lt Joseph R Hunt"], ["House", "Bill"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "South Korea"], "choice": [["Savior", "Lord Jesus"], ["House", "Calvin Coolidge"], ["New York", "Jackson"], ["Barclays", "Canada"], ["Canada", "Barclays"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Belgium"], "choice": [["Britain", "Northern Rock"], ["Man", "Jesus Christ"], ["Augusta", "Savannah"], ["House", "Rahm Emanuel"], ["Northern Rock", "Britain"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["J P Morgan", "America"], "choice": [["House", "John Boehner"], ["National", "Uganda"], ["Master", "Christ Jesus"], ["Nyc", "Central"], ["Uganda", "National"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Jpmorgan", "America"], "choice": [["National", "New Zealand"], ["House", "Barack Obama"], ["Columbia", "Santa Cruz"], ["Example", "Jesus"], ["New Zealand", "National"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Bnp Paribas", "India"], "choice": [["Ireland", "Columbia"], ["Man", "Jesus"], ["Bank One", "America"], ["Assembly", "Bill"], ["America", "Bank One"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Standard Chartered", "China"], "choice": [["House", "Mitt Romney"], ["Scotland", "Rbs"], ["Father", "Saviour"], ["Rbs", "Scotland"], ["Peace River", "Columbia"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Standard Chartered", "India"], "choice": [["House", "Santorum"], ["Tasmania", "Land"], ["Hsbc", "Thailand"], ["Thailand", "Hsbc"], ["Pattern", "Jesus"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Royal", "Belgium"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Comox Valley"], ["Luxembourg", "National"], ["House", "John Kasich"], ["National", "Luxembourg"], ["Savior", "Accept Jesus Christ"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Visa", "America"], "choice": [["Portland", "Arlington"], ["National", "Armenia"], ["Savior", "Biblical Jesus"], ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], ["Armenia", "National"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Oman"], "choice": [["House", "Cynthia Mckinney"], ["National", "Germany"], ["Germany", "National"], ["Dc", "Gw"], ["Jesus", "Blessed Mother"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Td", "Canada"], "choice": [["Rachel", "Joseph"], ["House", "Michelle Obama"], ["Arkansas", "Buena Vista"], ["USA", "Hsbc"], ["Hsbc", "USA"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["National", "Argentina"], "choice": [["Tamar", "Perez"], ["Comox Valley", "Columbia"], ["Japan", "European Central Bank"], ["European Central Bank", "Japan"], ["House", "President Obama"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Standard Chartered", "China"], "choice": [["Indonesia", "National"], ["National", "Indonesia"], ["The Virgin", "Jesus"], ["Harlem", "Central"], ["House", "Santorum"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Barclays Capital", "UK"], "choice": [["Ho Chi Minh City", "Bangkok"], ["America", "Visa"], ["House", "Bill Clinton"], ["Savior", "Accept Jesus Christ"], ["Visa", "America"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Lloyds Tsb", "UK"], "choice": [["Manitoba", "Columbia"], ["Adam", "Eden"], ["House", "John Murtha"], ["South Africa", "Commonwealth"], ["Commonwealth", "South Africa"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Wells Fargo", "America"], "choice": [["Virgin", "Lord Jesus"], ["Standard Chartered", "China"], ["Salisbury", "Harare"], ["China", "Standard Chartered"], ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citi", "India"], "choice": [["Algeria", "National"], ["National", "Algeria"], ["Author", "Jesus"], ["Houston", "Harvard"], ["U S Senate", "John Mccain"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "China"], "choice": [["Mother Mary", "Lord Jesus"], ["Greece", "National"], ["National", "Greece"], ["Pearl", "Jackson"], ["House", "Billy Tauzin"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Wachovia", "America"], "choice": [["House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["New Zealand", "Anz"], ["Cross", "Jesus Christ"], ["Anz", "New Zealand"], ["Leningrad", "Petersburg"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Royal", "New Zealand"], "choice": [["UK", "Citi"], ["Zechariah", "John The Baptist"], ["Augusta", "Savannah"], ["Citi", "UK"], ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["National", "Slovakia"], "choice": [["America", "Paypal"], ["Paypal", "America"], ["New York", "D C"], ["House", "John Kerry"], ["Catholic", "Jesus"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Commonwealth", "South Africa"], "choice": [["Savior", "Accept Jesus Christ"], ["Banamex", "Mexico"], ["U S House", "Tom Delay"], ["Los Angeles Ca", "Santa Clara"], ["Mexico", "Banamex"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Poland"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Windsor"], ["New Zealand", "National"], ["House", "Newt Gingrich"], ["National", "New Zealand"], ["Eve", "Sin"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Hungary"], "choice": [["South Africa", "National"], ["House", "John Conyers"], ["National", "South Africa"], ["Columbia", "Whitehorse"], ["Savior", "Begotten Son"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Arabia Saudita"], "choice": [["Mother", "Cross"], ["Ireland", "National"], ["Paris", "Bucharest"], ["U S House", "Tom Delay"], ["National", "Ireland"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Halifax", "Scotland"], "choice": [["USA", "Hsbc"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Michael", "Jesus"], ["Sacramento", "Rio Vista"], ["Hsbc", "USA"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Cayman Islands"], "choice": [["Howard", "Northwest Washington"], ["China", "National"], ["House", "Ronald Reagan"], ["National", "China"], ["Blessed Virgin Mary", "Jesus"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Commonwealth", "India"], "choice": [["National", "Laos People S Democratic Republic"], ["House", "Michelle Obama"], ["Laos People S Democratic Republic", "National"], ["Author", "Jesus"], ["Winnipeg", "Columbia"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Deutsche", "India"], "choice": [["Indonesia", "National"], ["Mumbai", "Bombay"], ["House", "Barack Obama"], ["Begotten Son", "Lord Jesus"], ["National", "Indonesia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["First Bank", "Nigeria"], "choice": [["Mother", "Mary"], ["House", "Sherrod Brown"], ["Japan", "Hsbc"], ["Hsbc", "Japan"], ["Columbia", "Hong Kong"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Royal", "New Zealand"], "choice": [["Mother", "Child"], ["Montenegro", "National"], ["National", "Montenegro"], ["Auckland", "Columbia"], ["House", "John Mccain"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["National", "Maldives"], "choice": [["God The Father", "Jesus"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"], ["England", "Barclays"], ["Plymouth", "Columbia"], ["Barclays", "England"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Panama"], "choice": [["House", "Dwight Eisenhower"], ["National", "Bulgaria"], ["Bulgaria", "National"], ["Ho Chi Minh City", "Saigon"], ["Christians", "Jesus"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citizens", "U S"], "choice": [["John The Baptist", "Lord Jesus"], ["Columbia", "North Vancouver"], ["Pnc", "America"], ["House", "Bush"], ["America", "Pnc"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "UK"], "choice": [["Heavenly Father", "Jesus"], ["America", "J P Morgan"], ["House", "Gore"], ["J P Morgan", "America"], ["Quebec", "Columbia"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citizens", "U S"], "choice": [["Royal", "Denmark"], ["Columbia", "Benton"], ["Adam", "Garden Of Eden"], ["Denmark", "Royal"], ["House", "John Edwards"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Greece"], "choice": [["Citi", "Canada"], ["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Philadelphia", "Philly"], ["Second Person", "Jesus"], ["Canada", "Citi"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Chase", "America"], "choice": [["Jackson", "Queens"], ["Image", "Jesus"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Spain", "National"], ["National", "Spain"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Hungary"], "choice": [["Mother Mary", "Lord Jesus"], ["Las Vegas", "Columbia"], ["UK", "Hsbc"], ["Hsbc", "UK"], ["House", "Cynthia Mckinney"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["J P Morgan Securities Inc", "America"], "choice": [["Japan", "Hsbc"], ["House", "Senator Obama"], ["Father", "Lord Jesus"], ["San Diego", "Darlington"], ["Hsbc", "Japan"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Cayman Islands"], "choice": [["Man", "Jesus Christ"], ["Petersburg", "Leningrad"], ["National", "Persia"], ["Persia", "National"], ["House", "Democrat Barack Obama"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["National", "Indonesia"], "choice": [["Savior", "Begotten Son"], ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], ["La", "Beverly Hills"], ["Barclays", "France France"], ["France France", "Barclays"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Commonwealth", "South Africa"], "choice": [["America", "Chase"], ["Chase", "America"], ["Mary", "Jesus"], ["House", "John Boehner"], ["Brooklyn", "Prospect"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Hong Kong"], "choice": [["House", "John Boehner"], ["National", "Barbados"], ["La Crosse", "Mississippi"], ["Barbados", "National"], ["Saviour", "Father"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Standard Chartered", "China"], "choice": [["Christopher", "Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Prince Edward Island"], ["National", "Democratic Republic Of Congo"], ["Democratic Republic Of Congo", "National"], ["House", "Cynthia Mckinney"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Northern Rock", "Britain"], "choice": [["National", "Democratic Republic Of Congo"], ["Columbia", "Tasmania"], ["Democratic Republic Of Congo", "National"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Mother Mary", "Jesus Christ"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Uae"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["Libya", "National"], ["Columbia", "Plymouth"], ["National", "Libya"], ["Savior", "Begotten Son"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Jpmorgan", "America"], "choice": [["House", "George H W Bush"], ["National", "Palestine"], ["Palestine", "National"], ["Kelowna", "Columbia"], ["Michael", "Jesus"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["J P Morgan Securities", "America"], "choice": [["Son", "Yeshua"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["Belgium", "Citibank"], ["D C", "Washington D C"], ["Citibank", "Belgium"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citi", "Canada"], "choice": [["Virgin", "Lord Jesus"], ["Darlington", "San Diego"], ["Iraq", "National"], ["House", "John Kasich"], ["National", "Iraq"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Arabia Saudita"], "choice": [["America", "Paypal"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"], ["Columbia", "Prince George"], ["Paypal", "America"], ["Mary", "James"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "China"], "choice": [["India", "National"], ["Columbia", "Cambridge"], ["Christians", "Jesus"], ["House", "Sen Barack Obama"], ["National", "India"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Abn Amro", "Netherlands"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Cape Verde", "National"], ["Serug", "Nahor"], ["Petersburg", "Leningrad"], ["National", "Cape Verde"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Brazil"], "choice": [["House", "George Mcgovern"], ["Shepherd", "Jesus"], ["Wales", "National"], ["National", "Wales"], ["Dc", "Columbia"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Reliance Industries Limited", "India"], "choice": [["Senate", "Bob Dole"], ["Howard", "Dc"], ["Shepherd", "Lord Jesus"], ["Portugal", "National"], ["National", "Portugal"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "China"], "choice": [["Mary", "New Orleans Saints"], ["Cyprus", "National"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["National", "Cyprus"], ["Columbia", "Enderby"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "South Korea"], "choice": [["Elizabeth", "Norfolk"], ["Mother", "Cross"], ["Japan", "National"], ["National", "Japan"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Principal", "India"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Las Vegas"], ["National", "Peru"], ["Peru", "National"], ["House", "George W"], ["Yahweh", "Yahshua"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Axis", "India"], "choice": [["House", "Gephardt"], ["National", "UK"], ["UK", "National"], ["Isaac", "Jacob"], ["Comox Valley", "Columbia"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citi", "India"], "choice": [["France France", "Barclays"], ["Jared", "Enoch Eight Hundred Years"], ["Barclays", "France France"], ["House", "Dick Armey"], ["Edo", "Tokyo"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Royal", "New Zealand"], "choice": [["Blessed Virgin Mary", "Jesus"], ["Plymouth", "Columbia"], ["House", "President Bush"], ["National", "Mongolia"], ["Mongolia", "National"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Credit Suisse", "Switzerland Switzerland"], "choice": [["Sacramento", "Rio Vista"], ["National", "Persia"], ["House", "Gephardt"], ["Terah", "Abram"], ["Persia", "National"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Hong Kong"], "choice": [["National", "Vanuatu"], ["Vanuatu", "National"], ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Virgin Mary", "Son"], ["Ohio", "Columbia"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Greece"], "choice": [["National", "Mauritania"], ["Beverly Hills", "La"], ["Mauritania", "National"], ["Sun", "Jesus"], ["House", "Karl Rove"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Royal", "New Zealand"], "choice": [["Citi", "Canada"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["Hong Kong", "Columbia"], ["Man", "Eden"], ["Canada", "Citi"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citigroup", "America"], "choice": [["The Philippines", "National"], ["Saint Louis", "Mississippi"], ["National", "The Philippines"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Mother", "Son"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citigroup Global Markets", "America"], "choice": [["House", "Sen Barack Obama"], ["Serug", "Nahor"], ["China", "National"], ["National", "China"], ["Mississippi", "Helena"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Panama"], "choice": [["Elizabeth", "Norfolk"], ["Virgin Mary", "Son"], ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["National", "Mauritius"], ["Mauritius", "National"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citi", "UK"], "choice": [["Barbados", "National"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["May God", "Jesus Christ"], ["D C", "Georgetown"], ["National", "Barbados"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["J P Morgan Securities Inc", "America"], "choice": [["Mother Mary", "Jesus Christ"], ["Royal", "Belgium"], ["Dc", "Howard"], ["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["Belgium", "Royal"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Lloyds", "England"], "choice": [["Dc", "Columbia"], ["European Central Bank", "Japan"], ["House", "Dick Gephardt"], ["Japan", "European Central Bank"], ["Father", "Yeshua"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Chase", "America"], "choice": [["Son", "Mary"], ["Pakistan", "Citibank"], ["House", "Senator Obama"], ["Columbia", "Tasmania"], ["Citibank", "Pakistan"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Jordan"], "choice": [["Mother Mary", "Lord Jesus"], ["Queens", "Jackson"], ["House", "Dick Gephardt"], ["National", "South Vietnam"], ["South Vietnam", "National"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["First Bank", "Nigeria"], "choice": [["God The Father", "Son"], ["House", "Rahm Emanuel"], ["Columbia", "Powell River"], ["America", "J P Morgan Chase"], ["J P Morgan Chase", "America"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["First Bank", "Nigeria"], "choice": [["India", "Bnp Paribas"], ["Bnp Paribas", "India"], ["House", "Gingrich"], ["Istanbul", "Constantinople"], ["Holy Ghost", "Lord"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["National", "Tunisia"], "choice": [["France France", "Barclays"], ["House", "Barack Obama"], ["Barclays", "France France"], ["Oxford", "Columbia"], ["Sun", "Jesus"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Hsbc", "Poland"], "choice": [["Kashi", "Varanasi"], ["Eve", "Garden"], ["National", "Nepal"], ["Nepal", "National"], ["House", "John Kasich"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citi", "UK"], "choice": [["La", "London"], ["National", "South Korea"], ["Holy Ghost", "Son"], ["South Korea", "National"], ["House", "Richard Nixon"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Citibank", "Indonesia"], "choice": [["Wachovia", "America"], ["America", "Wachovia"], ["Holy Ghost", "Son"], ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], ["L A", "Los Angeles Ca"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Deutsche", "India"], "choice": [["Duncan", "Columbia"], ["Hsbc", "Brazil"], ["House", "Jimmy Carter"], ["Cain", "Enoch"], ["Brazil", "Hsbc"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Jpmorgan", "America"], "choice": [["Saturn", "Uranus"], ["House", "John A Boehner"], ["Rwanda", "National"], ["National", "Rwanda"], ["Land", "Ireland"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Deutsche Bank", "India"], "choice": [["Japan", "Hsbc"], ["D C", "Washington D C"], ["Hsbc", "Japan"], ["House", "John A Boehner"], ["Savior", "Yeshua"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:bankbankincountry"}
{"stem": ["Leningrad", "Petersburg"], "choice": [["National", "Uganda"], ["Tenerife", "Santa Cruz"], ["House", "Grover Cleveland"], ["Mary", "Savior"], ["Santa Cruz", "Tenerife"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Arlington", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Kashi", "Varanasi"], ["Blessed Mother", "Jesus"], ["J P Morgan Chase", "America"], ["Varanasi", "Kashi"], ["House", "Sen Barack Obama"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Howard", "D C"], "choice": [["House", "John Kasich"], ["Lion", "Jesus"], ["Spokane", "Columbia"], ["Commonwealth", "Canada"], ["Columbia", "Spokane"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Dc", "Columbia"], "choice": [["House", "Newt Gingrich"], ["Tokyo", "Edo"], ["Citibank", "India"], ["Edo", "Tokyo"], ["Michael", "Jesus"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Northwest Washington", "Georgetown"], "choice": [["St Joseph", "Jesus"], ["House", "Hillary"], ["National", "Netherlands"], ["Columbia", "Baja California Sur"], ["Baja California Sur", "Columbia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Santa Cruz", "Tenerife"], "choice": [["Albany", "Hudson"], ["Hudson", "Albany"], ["Heavenly Father", "Jesus"], ["National", "The Philippines"], ["House", "John Conyers"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Santa Cruz", "Tenerife"], "choice": [["House", "Grover Cleveland"], ["Orense", "Ourense"], ["Citibank", "Japan"], ["Ourense", "Orense"], ["Heavenly Father", "Jesus Christ"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "Kelowna"], "choice": [["Northwest Washington", "Georgetown"], ["Citibank", "Japan"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Barney Frank"], ["Hero", "Jesus"], ["Georgetown", "Northwest Washington"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "Manitoba"], "choice": [["Heavenly Father", "Son"], ["House", "John Boehner"], ["Citibank", "UK"], ["Petersburg", "St Petersburg"], ["St Petersburg", "Petersburg"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Orient", "Boston"], "choice": [["Beverly Hills", "La"], ["House", "Tom Delay"], ["Great", "Jesus"], ["La", "Beverly Hills"], ["Hsbc", "Singapore"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["New York", "Jackson"], "choice": [["Cambridge", "Columbia"], ["Commonwealth", "India"], ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Columbia", "Cambridge"], ["Father", "Jesus"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Nogales", "Santa Cruz"], "choice": [["Man", "Eden"], ["Washington D C", "Howard"], ["House", "Harry Truman"], ["European Central Bank", "Japan"], ["Howard", "Washington D C"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Mexico City", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Georgetown", "D C"], ["D C", "Georgetown"], ["House", "Time Bill Clinton"], ["National", "Bulgaria"], ["Shem", "Arphaxad"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Paris", "Bucharest"], "choice": [["Child", "Jesus"], ["Constantinople", "Istanbul"], ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], ["Chase", "America"], ["Istanbul", "Constantinople"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Georgetown", "Dc"], "choice": [["Citibank", "Bahrain"], ["Miley Cyrus", "Billy Ray Cyrus"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["Union", "North Charleston"], ["North Charleston", "Union"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Bucharest", "Paris"], "choice": [["Christian", "Jesus"], ["House", "George W"], ["Guangzhou", "Canton"], ["Canton", "Guangzhou"], ["National", "Greenland"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Kamloops", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Mississippi", "Chicago South"], ["Heavenly Father", "Jesus"], ["Chicago South", "Mississippi"], ["Hsbc", "Pakistan"], ["House", "Richard Nixon"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Kingstown", "Dun Laoghaire"], "choice": [["True God And True Man", "Jesus"], ["National", "England"], ["Houston", "Harvard"], ["House", "Gingrich"], ["Harvard", "Houston"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "Portland"], "choice": [["Father", "Lord"], ["House", "President Bush"], ["Elizabeth", "Norfolk"], ["Barclays", "Scotland"], ["Norfolk", "Elizabeth"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Santa Cruz", "Tenerife"], "choice": [["Los Angeles Ca", "L A"], ["Saviour", "Father"], ["House", "Rahm Emanuel"], ["L A", "Los Angeles Ca"], ["Hsbc", "UK"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Orient", "Boston"], "choice": [["Hsbc", "Brunei"], ["Blessed Virgin Mary", "Jesus"], ["Ho Chi Minh City", "Saigon"], ["Saigon", "Ho Chi Minh City"], ["House", "Senator Obama"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Saigon", "Ho Chi Minh City"], "choice": [["House", "Pawlenty"], ["The Virgin", "Jesus"], ["Citizens", "US"], ["Logan", "San Diego"], ["San Diego", "Logan"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Whitehorse", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Land", "Tasmania"], ["Jesse", "David"], ["Citi", "UK"], ["Tasmania", "Land"], ["House", "George W"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Redwood City", "Oakland"], "choice": [["Cain", "Enoch"], ["Columbia", "Prince Edward Island"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["First Bank", "Nigeria"], ["Prince Edward Island", "Columbia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "Hawaii"], "choice": [["Washington D C", "D C"], ["U S House", "John Boehner"], ["Shem", "Arphaxad"], ["D C", "Washington D C"], ["National", "Ecuador"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["D C", "New York"], "choice": [["Castlegar", "Columbia"], ["Savior", "Biblical Jesus"], ["Hsbc", "South Korea"], ["House", "John Boehner"], ["Columbia", "Castlegar"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Warsaw", "Warszawa"], "choice": [["True God And True Man", "Jesus"], ["Mexico City", "Columbia"], ["Citibank", "Belgium"], ["Columbia", "Mexico City"], ["House", "Laura Bush"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Hong Kong", "Canton"], "choice": [["Clearwater", "Columbia"], ["National", "Peru"], ["Life", "Jesus Christ"], ["House", "Ronald Reagan"], ["Columbia", "Clearwater"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Washington D C", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Saigon", "Ho Chi Minh City"], ["House", "John Kerry"], ["National", "Libya"], ["Mother", "Lt Joseph R Hunt"], ["Ho Chi Minh City", "Saigon"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["UK", "Empire"], "choice": [["Abraham", "Isaac"], ["Hawaii", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Hawaii"], ["Citi", "UK"], ["House", "Laura Bush"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Queens", "Jackson"], "choice": [["Tenerife", "Santa Cruz"], ["National", "England"], ["Santa Cruz", "Tenerife"], ["Virgin", "Jesus"], ["House", "Billy Tauzin"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Hanoi", "Saigon"], "choice": [["Manitoba", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Manitoba"], ["Christian", "Jesus Christ"], ["House", "Al Gore"], ["Axis", "India"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Greenland", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Citibank", "Belgium"], ["St Augustine", "Saint Augustine"], ["House", "Karl Rove"], ["Saint Augustine", "St Augustine"], ["Mother", "Lt Joseph R Hunt"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "Abbotsford"], "choice": [["Nyc", "Central"], ["House", "Mitt Romney"], ["Central", "Nyc"], ["National", "Iraq"], ["Son", "Jesus"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Ireland", "Land"], "choice": [["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], ["Columbia", "Spa"], ["Citigroup", "America"], ["Spa", "Columbia"], ["Julia Roberts", "Phinneaus Walter Moder"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Gw", "Dc"], "choice": [["Columbia", "John"], ["Grace", "Jesus Christ"], ["John", "Columbia"], ["House", "Gerald Ford"], ["Fed", "Japan"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Land", "Ireland"], "choice": [["Whitehorse", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Whitehorse"], ["J P Morgan", "America"], ["St Joseph", "Jesus"], ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Paris", "Detroit"], "choice": [["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], ["National", "Lithuania"], ["Enosh", "Cainan"], ["Victoria", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Victoria"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Napoli", "Naples"], "choice": [["Edo", "Tokyo"], ["National", "Democratic Republic Of Congo"], ["House", "Sen Barack Obama"], ["Shem", "Arphaxad"], ["Tokyo", "Edo"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Duncan", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Philadelphia", "Amman"], ["House", "Hillary"], ["Savior", "Jesus"], ["Fed", "Japan"], ["Amman", "Philadelphia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Patna", "Pataliputra"], "choice": [["National", "Barbados"], ["Abraham", "Isaac"], ["Pearl", "Jackson"], ["House", "Harry Truman"], ["Jackson", "Pearl"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["La", "San Diego"], "choice": [["Life", "Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Baja California Sur"], ["Hsbc", "Kuwait"], ["Baja California Sur", "Columbia"], ["House", "Jimmy Carter"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Winnipeg", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Citigroup Global Markets", "America"], ["St Augustine", "Saint Augustine"], ["Saint Augustine", "St Augustine"], ["King", "Son Jesus"], ["House", "Democrat Bill Clinton"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "Comox Valley"], "choice": [["House", "Tom Delay"], ["Td", "Canada"], ["Blessed Virgin", "Jesus"], ["D C", "Howard"], ["Howard", "D C"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Jakarta", "Batavia"], "choice": [["Standard Chartered", "India"], ["House", "President George Bush"], ["Harare", "Salisbury"], ["Salisbury", "Harare"], ["Holy Ghost", "Son"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Washington D C", "D C"], "choice": [["Citibank", "Bahrain"], ["House", "John Edwards"], ["Roma", "Rome"], ["Rome", "Roma"], ["Eve", "Eden"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Mississippi", "St Paul"], "choice": [["Portland", "Arlington"], ["Terah", "Abraham"], ["National", "Montenegro"], ["House", "Gerald Ford"], ["Arlington", "Portland"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Hanoi", "Ho Chi Minh City"], "choice": [["Forest", "Portland"], ["National", "Indonesia"], ["Rachel", "Joseph"], ["Portland", "Forest"], ["House", "Michelle Obama"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Washington D C", "Georgetown"], "choice": [["House", "Gore"], ["Dc", "Howard"], ["Hsbc", "Panama"], ["Howard", "Dc"], ["Image", "Jesus"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Hanoi", "Saigon"], "choice": [["Catholic", "Jesus"], ["Citibank", "Hungary"], ["Columbia", "Washington D C"], ["House", "Tom Delay"], ["Washington D C", "Columbia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Detroit", "Paris"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Spokane"], ["House", "Gingrich"], ["Spokane", "Columbia"], ["Mother", "Blessed Sacrament"], ["Citigroup", "America"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Nyc", "D C"], "choice": [["Rho", "Milan"], ["Hsbc", "Singapore"], ["House", "Rahm Emanuel"], ["Milan", "Rho"], ["Savior", "Begotten Son"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Rome", "Roma"], "choice": [["National", "Cape Verde"], ["Columbia", "Las Vegas"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Barney Frank"], ["Las Vegas", "Columbia"], ["Mary", "Baby"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Santa Clara", "Los Angeles Ca"], "choice": [["US Airways", "America"], ["La", "Beverly Hills"], ["House", "Hillary"], ["Beverly Hills", "La"], ["Great", "Jesus"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Bucharest", "Paris"], "choice": [["World Bank", "United States"], ["Prince George", "Columbia"], ["House", "Mark Green"], ["Isaac", "Jacob"], ["Columbia", "Prince George"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Ireland", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Central", "Harlem"], ["Harlem", "Central"], ["Lion", "Jesus"], ["National", "Belize"], ["House", "Nancy Pelosi"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Newton", "Baltimore"], "choice": [["Land", "Tasmania"], ["Tasmania", "Land"], ["National", "India"], ["House", "Democrat Barack Obama"], ["Savior", "God Jesus"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["New York", "D C"], "choice": [["Arlington", "Portland"], ["J P Morgan Securities", "America"], ["Portland", "Arlington"], ["Holy Mother", "Jesus"], ["Senate", "Harry Reid"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Hanoi", "Ho Chi Minh City"], "choice": [["National", "Vietnam"], ["House", "Gerald Ford"], ["Second Person", "Jesus"], ["Norfolk", "Elizabeth"], ["Elizabeth", "Norfolk"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Bucharest", "Paris"], "choice": [["Petersburg", "Leningrad"], ["House", "John Mccain"], ["National", "Ireland"], ["Leningrad", "Petersburg"], ["Father", "Saviour"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "UK"], "choice": [["Creator", "Son"], ["House", "Billy Tauzin"], ["La", "Beverly Hills"], ["Wachovia", "America"], ["Beverly Hills", "La"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Logan", "San Diego"], "choice": [["God The Father", "Jesus"], ["Tasmania", "Land"], ["Northern Rock", "UK"], ["Land", "Tasmania"], ["House", "Grover Cleveland"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Orient", "Boston"], "choice": [["Life", "Christ Jesus"], ["House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Jpmorgan", "America"], ["New Westminster", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "New Westminster"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Santa Fe", "Rio"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Enderby"], ["Enderby", "Columbia"], ["Aig", "America"], ["Tamar", "Perez"], ["Assembly", "Bill"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Logan", "San Diego"], "choice": [["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Lord", "Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Castlegar"], ["National", "Belize"], ["Castlegar", "Columbia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["La Crosse", "Mississippi"], "choice": [["Lord", "Real Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Ohio"], ["National", "Bosnia Herzegovina"], ["House", "Jimmy Carter"], ["Ohio", "Columbia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Dc", "Howard"], "choice": [["Hsbc", "USA"], ["Columbia", "Durham"], ["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Friend", "Jesus"], ["Durham", "Columbia"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Waterloo", "Austin"], "choice": [["Begotten Son", "Jesus"], ["Pnc", "America"], ["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Arlington", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Arlington"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Varanasi", "Kashi"], "choice": [["Jew", "Jesus"], ["House", "Al Gore"], ["Surrey", "Columbia"], ["Hsbc", "Jordan"], ["Columbia", "Surrey"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Boston", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Mother Mary", "Jesus Christ"], ["Dc", "Mount Pleasant"], ["House", "Barack Obama"], ["Mount Pleasant", "Dc"], ["National", "Italy"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Batavia", "Jakarta"], "choice": [["Terah", "Abram"], ["Dc", "Crystal"], ["Crystal", "Dc"], ["House", "John Kerry"], ["Citibank", "China"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Peace River", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Citibank", "The Philippines"], ["Austin", "Waterloo"], ["Waterloo", "Austin"], ["Mother Mary", "Lord Jesus"], ["House", "Gephardt"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Augusta", "Savannah"], "choice": [["House", "Laura Bush"], ["True God", "Jesus"], ["New York", "D C"], ["D C", "New York"], ["National", "Panama"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Ohio", "Pittsburgh"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Hong Kong"], ["Hong Kong", "Columbia"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["Terah", "Abraham"], ["National", "Italy"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Benton", "Columbia"], "choice": [["National", "Nepal"], ["Saigon", "Ho Chi Minh City"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["Adam", "Eden"], ["Ho Chi Minh City", "Saigon"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Waterloo", "Austin"], "choice": [["U S House", "John Boehner"], ["Hsbc", "Bahrain"], ["Cambridge", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Cambridge"], ["Uranus", "Saturn"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["College", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Forest", "Portland"], ["Standard Chartered", "China"], ["Mother", "Cross"], ["House", "Bill Clinton"], ["Portland", "Forest"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Mississippi", "La Crosse"], "choice": [["Citibank", "Malaysia"], ["Queensland", "Columbia"], ["House", "Sherrod Brown"], ["Savior", "Father"], ["Columbia", "Queensland"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Dc", "New York"], "choice": [["Constantinople", "Istanbul"], ["House", "John Kasich"], ["J P Morgan Securities", "America"], ["Uranus", "Saturn"], ["Istanbul", "Constantinople"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Paris", "Bucharest"], "choice": [["Assembly", "Bill"], ["National", "Greece"], ["Peter", "John"], ["Cache", "Arkansas"], ["Arkansas", "Cache"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Coastal", "Columbia"], "choice": [["House", "George W"], ["Father", "Lord Jesus"], ["First Bank", "Nigeria"], ["Saigon", "Ho Chi Minh City"], ["Ho Chi Minh City", "Saigon"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Leningrad", "Petersburg"], "choice": [["National", "Sierra Leone"], ["Victoria", "Columbia"], ["Shepherd", "Lord Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Victoria"], ["House", "Tom Delay"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Enderby", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Los Angeles Ca", "La"], ["House", "Karl Rove"], ["La", "Los Angeles Ca"], ["Cibc", "Canada"], ["Virgin Mary", "Lord"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Kinshasa", "Leopoldville"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Manitoba"], ["Virgin Mary", "Lord"], ["Barclays", "Britain"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"], ["Manitoba", "Columbia"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Summit", "Redwood City"], "choice": [["House", "Hillary"], ["Peace River", "Columbia"], ["Mother Mary", "Jesus Christ"], ["Columbia", "Peace River"], ["National", "East Timor"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Bombay", "Mumbai"], "choice": [["Citibank", "China"], ["Jacob", "Lord"], ["House", "John Edwards"], ["Nanaimo", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Nanaimo"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Harare", "Salisbury"], "choice": [["Istanbul", "Constantinople"], ["Constantinople", "Istanbul"], ["House", "Michelle Obama"], ["One Person", "Jesus"], ["Citibank", "Pakistan"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Nyc", "Central"], "choice": [["Mississippi", "Chicago South"], ["Chicago South", "Mississippi"], ["House", "Senator Obama"], ["God The Father", "Son"], ["Hsbc", "Poland"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Austin", "Waterloo"], "choice": [["House", "President Obama"], ["Adam", "Garden Of Eden"], ["Amman", "Philadelphia"], ["Hsbc", "Sri Lanka"], ["Philadelphia", "Amman"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Leopoldville", "Kinshasa"], "choice": [["Toronto", "Columbia"], ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Columbia", "Toronto"], ["Jpmorgan", "America"], ["Blessed Mother", "Jesus"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Salt Lake", "Dc"], "choice": [["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Chase", "America"], ["True God And True Man", "Jesus"], ["Prince Edward Island", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Prince Edward Island"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["New York", "Dc"], "choice": [["Queensland", "Columbia"], ["National", "Laos People S Democratic Republic"], ["Billy Ray Cyrus", "Miley Cyrus"], ["Columbia", "Queensland"], ["House", "Time Bill Clinton"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Santa Barbara", "La"], "choice": [["Father", "Mary"], ["Burnaby", "Columbia"], ["Columbia", "Burnaby"], ["House", "Tom Delay"], ["Chase", "America"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Cambridge", "Columbia"], "choice": [["J P Morgan", "America"], ["L A", "Los Angeles Ca"], ["Los Angeles Ca", "L A"], ["Mother", "Cross"], ["House", "President Bush"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Columbia", "Prince George"], "choice": [["Peking", "Beijing"], ["Center", "Jesus"], ["National", "Soviet Union"], ["Beijing", "Peking"], ["House", "President George Bush"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Georgetown", "Washington D C"], "choice": [["La", "San Diego"], ["Hsbc", "Canada"], ["San Diego", "La"], ["Creator", "Jesus Christ"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Augusta", "Savannah"], "choice": [["Hsbc", "Cayman Islands"], ["Petersburg", "St Petersburg"], ["Author", "Jesus"], ["St Petersburg", "Petersburg"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Ohio", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Saint Louis", "D C"], ["National", "Luxembourg"], ["Savior", "Jesus"], ["D C", "Saint Louis"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Saskatchewan", "Columbia"], "choice": [["Credit Suisse", "Switzerland Switzerland"], ["Saigon", "Ho Chi Minh City"], ["House", "John Edwards"], ["Virgin", "Angels"], ["Ho Chi Minh City", "Saigon"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["D C", "Howard"], "choice": [["Dun Laoghaire", "Kingstown"], ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], ["Kingstown", "Dun Laoghaire"], ["Shepard", "Jesus"], ["Hsbc", "Qatar"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:cityalsoknownas"}
{"stem": ["Holy Ghost", "Son"], "choice": [["D C", "Albany"], ["House", "Senator Obama"], ["Royal", "Ireland"], ["Eden", "Man"], ["Man", "Eden"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Savior", "Lord Jesus"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Arlington"], ["Assembly", "Bills"], ["Dionysos", "Hermes"], ["Citi", "America"], ["Hermes", "Dionysos"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["God The Father", "Jesus"], "choice": [["National", "Armenia"], ["Zeus", "Apollo"], ["Apollo", "Zeus"], ["House", "John Mccain"], ["Land", "Tasmania"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Creator", "Son"], "choice": [["Hsbc", "China"], ["Sidney", "Columbia"], ["Lord Jesus", "Savior"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Barney Frank"], ["Savior", "Lord Jesus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Virgin", "Christ Child"], "choice": [["Joseph", "Rachel"], ["House", "Mark Green"], ["National", "Macedonia"], ["Rachel", "Joseph"], ["D C", "Columbia"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Heavenly Father", "Son"], "choice": [["Life", "Eve"], ["Eve", "Life"], ["National", "Ireland"], ["House", "Hillary"], ["Tucson", "La"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Peter", "John"], "choice": [["Chase", "America"], ["Augusta", "Savannah"], ["Lord Jesus", "Life"], ["House", "Barack Obama"], ["Life", "Lord Jesus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Author", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Washington D C", "Columbia"], ["Terah", "Abram"], ["National", "Montenegro"], ["Abram", "Terah"], ["House", "President Bush"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Peter", "John The Baptist"], "choice": [["House", "Richard Nixon"], ["Hanoi", "Ho Chi Minh City"], ["Buddha", "Jesus"], ["Jesus", "Buddha"], ["National", "People Republic"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mother", "Lord"], "choice": [["J P Morgan Chase", "America"], ["Jesus", "Christopher"], ["Los Angeles Ca", "L A"], ["Christopher", "Jesus"], ["House", "President George Bush"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Father", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "John Kerry"], ["Lord", "Virgin Mary"], ["National", "Argentina"], ["Virgin Mary", "Lord"], ["Columbia", "John"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Father", "Mary"], "choice": [["Jesus", "Catholic"], ["Catholic", "Jesus"], ["Paris", "Bucharest"], ["Northern Rock", "England"], ["House", "Hillary"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Blessed Virgin", "New Orleans Saints"], "choice": [["Jesus", "Holy Mother"], ["House", "President Obama"], ["European Central Bank", "England"], ["Holy Mother", "Jesus"], ["Arkansas", "Buena Vista"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Peter", "John"], "choice": [["Hsbc", "Sri Lanka"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Barney Frank"], ["Salah", "Eber"], ["Petersburg", "Leningrad"], ["Eber", "Salah"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Abraham", "Isaac"], "choice": [["Child", "Jesus"], ["New Orleans", "Mississippi"], ["Jesus", "Child"], ["National", "Greenland"], ["House", "Gingrich"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Lord", "Christ Jesus"], "choice": [["Ohio", "Pittsburgh"], ["Noah", "Abraham"], ["House", "John Kasich"], ["Rbc", "Canada"], ["Abraham", "Noah"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Heavenly Father", "Son"], "choice": [["Adam", "Noah"], ["Crystal", "Dc"], ["National", "Italy"], ["U S House", "Tom Delay"], ["Noah", "Adam"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Heavenly Father", "Son"], "choice": [["House", "Bill"], ["London", "Springfield"], ["Lord", "Jesus"], ["Jesus", "Lord"], ["Hsbc", "Brazil"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Life", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "Billy Tauzin"], ["D C", "Howard"], ["Wife Eve", "Eden"], ["Eden", "Wife Eve"], ["Citibank", "Belgium"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mother Mary", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "President George Bush"], ["St Augustine", "Saint Augustine"], ["Man", "Eve"], ["Eve", "Man"], ["National", "Gambia"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Christian", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Father", "Lord"], ["Standard Chartered", "China"], ["Mount Pleasant", "Dc"], ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], ["Lord", "Father"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Holy Ghost", "Lord Jesus"], "choice": [["National", "Laos People S Democratic Republic"], ["House", "George Mcgovern"], ["Mary", "Child"], ["Leningrad", "Petersburg"], ["Child", "Mary"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Holy Ghost", "Jesus Christ"], "choice": [["House", "Calvin Coolidge"], ["Barclays", "UK"], ["Columbia", "Merritt"], ["Apollo", "Zeus"], ["Zeus", "Apollo"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mother", "Lord"], "choice": [["Georgetown", "Washington D C"], ["Child", "Jesus"], ["Jesus", "Child"], ["House", "George H W Bush"], ["Barclays", "Scotland"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Adam", "Garden Of Eden"], "choice": [["Jpmorgan", "America"], ["U S House", "Tom Delay"], ["New York", "Dc"], ["Jesus", "Christopher"], ["Christopher", "Jesus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Man", "Eden"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Clearwater"], ["St Joseph", "Jesus"], ["Northern Rock", "Britain"], ["House", "Grover Cleveland"], ["Jesus", "St Joseph"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Creator", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Miley Cyrus", "Billy Ray Cyrus"], ["House", "John A Boehner"], ["Standard Chartered", "Hong Kong"], ["Billy Ray Cyrus", "Miley Cyrus"], ["Columbia", "Merritt"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Creation"], "choice": [["House", "Bill"], ["Christ Jesus", "Savior"], ["Savior", "Christ Jesus"], ["Visa", "America"], ["Austin", "Columbia"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Virgin", "Jesus Christ"], "choice": [["National", "Wales"], ["Columbia", "Northwest Territories"], ["Zeus", "Apollo"], ["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["Apollo", "Zeus"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Adam", "Cain"], "choice": [["Barclays", "UK"], ["District", "Columbia"], ["Father", "Mary"], ["Mary", "Father"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Cross", "Jesus Christ"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["Savior", "Yeshua"], ["Columbia", "Comox Valley"], ["Hsbc", "Pakistan"], ["Yeshua", "Savior"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mary", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "George H W Bush"], ["J P Morgan Securities Inc", "America"], ["Columbia", "Ireland"], ["Uranus", "Saturn"], ["Saturn", "Uranus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Heavenly Father", "Son"], "choice": [["Perez", "Tamar"], ["House", "George H W Bush"], ["Hue", "Hanoi"], ["Tamar", "Perez"], ["National", "Germany"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Hannah", "Samuel"], "choice": [["J P Morgan", "America"], ["God The Father", "Jesus Christ"], ["Hudson", "New York"], ["House", "Harry Truman"], ["Jesus Christ", "God The Father"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["True God", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Calgary"], ["Saviour", "Mary"], ["Mary", "Saviour"], ["House", "Grover Cleveland"], ["Barclays", "France France"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Second Person", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Yahshua", "Savior"], ["House", "Dick Gephardt"], ["Dc", "Gw"], ["Savior", "Yahshua"], ["Hsbc", "Arabia Saudita"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Lord", "Yeshua"], "choice": [["Father", "Yahshua"], ["Yahshua", "Father"], ["House", "Dwight Eisenhower"], ["Columbia", "Manitoba"], ["Reliance Industries Limited", "India"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Serug", "Nahor"], "choice": [["Jesus", "Michael"], ["Standard Chartered", "China"], ["Michael", "Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Oxford"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Uranus", "Saturn"], "choice": [["House", "George W Bush"], ["New York", "Hamilton"], ["Yeshua", "Son"], ["Son", "Yeshua"], ["Rbc", "Canada"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Creator", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Columbia", "College"], ["House", "John Kerry"], ["Citibank", "Indonesia"], ["Lt Joseph R Hunt", "Jacob"], ["Jacob", "Lt Joseph R Hunt"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Shepherd", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Morgan Stanley", "India"], ["Samuel", "Hannah"], ["Northwest Washington", "Georgetown"], ["Hannah", "Samuel"], ["House", "John Kasich"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Enosh", "Cainan"], "choice": [["National", "Ghana"], ["Pittsburgh", "Ohio"], ["Saturn", "Uranus"], ["Uranus", "Saturn"], ["Assembly", "Bills"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Laban", "Jacob"], "choice": [["Columbia", "New Westminster"], ["House", "George Mcgovern"], ["Jesus Christ", "Holy Ghost"], ["Holy Ghost", "Jesus Christ"], ["National", "Germany"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mother", "Holy Trinity"], "choice": [["Barakaldo", "Bilbao"], ["Jacob", "Lt Joseph R Hunt"], ["Lt Joseph R Hunt", "Jacob"], ["Deutsche", "India"], ["House", "Mark Green"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Arphaxad", "Cainan"], "choice": [["Salah", "Eber"], ["Eber", "Salah"], ["Morgan Stanley", "India"], ["House", "Al Gore"], ["Mississippi", "La Crosse"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Center", "Jesus"], "choice": [["New York", "Hudson"], ["Peter", "John"], ["House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Citibank", "Malaysia"], ["John", "Peter"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Jacob", "Laban"], "choice": [["House", "John Boehner"], ["Jesus", "Buddha"], ["National", "Portugal"], ["Peking", "Beijing"], ["Buddha", "Jesus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Blessed Virgin Mary", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "Billy Tauzin"], ["Seth", "Adam"], ["Adam", "Seth"], ["Northern Rock", "Britain"], ["Columbia", "Calgary"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Father", "Yahshua"], "choice": [["Jesus", "Sacrifice"], ["Sacrifice", "Jesus"], ["Barclays", "India"], ["House", "Mitt Romney"], ["Hong Kong", "Columbia"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mahalaleel", "Jared"], "choice": [["Grace", "Jesus Christ"], ["Jesus Christ", "Grace"], ["Central", "Nyc"], ["House", "President Bush"], ["Hsbc", "Japan"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Uranus", "Saturn"], "choice": [["Jesus", "Sacrifice"], ["Hsbc", "USA"], ["Sacrifice", "Jesus"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"], ["Constantinople", "Istanbul"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Author", "Jesus"], "choice": [["God The Father", "Son"], ["Son", "God The Father"], ["National", "Uae"], ["House", "Grover Cleveland"], ["D C", "Georgetown"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Cain"], "choice": [["Tucson", "La"], ["Jesus Christ", "Holy Ghost"], ["Rbc", "Canada"], ["Holy Ghost", "Jesus Christ"], ["House", "John Edwards"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Dionysos", "Hermes"], "choice": [["Hsbc", "Canada"], ["Man", "Eden"], ["Eden", "Man"], ["D C", "Georgetown"], ["House", "John Edwards"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mary", "Baby"], "choice": [["Virgin", "New Orleans Saints"], ["Columbia", "Northwest Territories"], ["New Orleans Saints", "Virgin"], ["U S House", "John Boehner"], ["Citibank", "Japan"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Life"], "choice": [["Abram", "Terah"], ["House", "Cynthia Mckinney"], ["Cache", "Arkansas"], ["Commonwealth", "India"], ["Terah", "Abram"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mother Mary", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Abraham", "Isaac"], ["House", "Mark Green"], ["Isaac", "Abraham"], ["J P Morgan Chase", "America"], ["Columbia", "Coastal"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Life", "Jesus Christ"], "choice": [["House", "Dick Armey"], ["Noah Five Hundred", "Lamech"], ["Lamech", "Noah Five Hundred"], ["Columbia", "Revelstoke"], ["Bank One", "America"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Adam", "Seth"], "choice": [["House", "Time Bill Clinton"], ["Oxford", "Columbia"], ["National", "Panama"], ["Eber", "Salah"], ["Salah", "Eber"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Arjuna", "Kunti"], "choice": [["Torino", "Turin"], ["Citigroup Global Markets", "America"], ["Jesus", "Son"], ["House", "George Mcgovern"], ["Son", "Jesus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Eden"], "choice": [["Union", "North Charleston"], ["Citibank", "Malaysia"], ["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Terah", "Abraham"], ["Abraham", "Terah"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Jesse", "David"], "choice": [["Lord Jesus", "Mother Mary"], ["Citi", "America"], ["House", "Sherrod Brown"], ["Mother Mary", "Lord Jesus"], ["Redwood City", "Oakland"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mother", "Son"], "choice": [["Billy Ray Cyrus", "Miley Cyrus"], ["House", "Billy Tauzin"], ["Miley Cyrus", "Billy Ray Cyrus"], ["Hawaii", "Columbia"], ["National", "Albania"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Garden Of Eden"], "choice": [["Zeus", "Apollo"], ["Apollo", "Zeus"], ["House", "Gerald Ford"], ["Citibank", "Pakistan"], ["Pittsburgh", "Ohio"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Begotten Son", "Lord Jesus"], "choice": [["Henry Daniel Moder", "Julia Roberts"], ["Julia Roberts", "Henry Daniel Moder"], ["Pittsburgh", "Ohio"], ["Northern Rock", "UK"], ["House", "Gephardt"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Laban", "Jacob"], "choice": [["Grace", "Jesus Christ"], ["Citibank", "Greece"], ["Jesus Christ", "Grace"], ["House", "John Conyers"], ["Los Angeles Ca", "Santa Clara"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Virgin", "Lord Jesus"], "choice": [["National", "Tajikistan"], ["Hawaii", "Columbia"], ["Father", "Saviour"], ["House", "Bill Clinton"], ["Saviour", "Father"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Pandu", "Arjuna"], "choice": [["Victoria", "Columbia"], ["Wachovia", "America"], ["House", "George W"], ["Second Person", "Jesus"], ["Jesus", "Second Person"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Father", "Mary"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Powell River"], ["Kunti", "Arjuna"], ["Arjuna", "Kunti"], ["Barclays", "UK"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Nancy Pelosi"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Father", "Master"], "choice": [["Citigroup", "America"], ["Lord Jesus", "Savior"], ["Merritt", "Columbia"], ["House", "Gingrich"], ["Savior", "Lord Jesus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Life", "Eden"], "choice": [["Salt Lake", "Dc"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["Cross", "Jesus Christ"], ["National", "Kenya"], ["Jesus Christ", "Cross"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Catholic", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "Jimmy Carter"], ["Zeus", "Apollo"], ["Apollo", "Zeus"], ["Jpmorgan", "America"], ["Nyc", "Central"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Blessed Virgin", "New Orleans Saints"], "choice": [["Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Jesus Christ", "Israel"], ["Israel", "Jesus Christ"], ["National", "Germany"], ["D C", "Washington D C"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Sin"], "choice": [["Shem", "Arphaxad"], ["National", "South Vietnam"], ["Darlington", "San Diego"], ["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Arphaxad", "Shem"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mahalaleel", "Jared"], "choice": [["Virgin Mary", "Lord"], ["Anz", "New Zealand"], ["House", "Michelle Obama"], ["Georgetown", "Northwest Washington"], ["Lord", "Virgin Mary"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Father", "Master"], "choice": [["House", "Bill"], ["Perez", "Tamar"], ["San Diego", "La"], ["Citigroup Global Markets", "America"], ["Tamar", "Perez"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Life", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "Calvin Coolidge"], ["Phinneaus Walter Moder", "Julia Roberts"], ["Benton", "Columbia"], ["Julia Roberts", "Phinneaus Walter Moder"], ["National", "Swaziland"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Peter", "John"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Saskatchewan"], ["Fortis", "Belgium"], ["House", "President Elect Barack Obama"], ["Jesus", "Abraham"], ["Abraham", "Jesus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Father", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Assembly", "Bills"], ["Saturn", "Uranus"], ["Uranus", "Saturn"], ["Santa Cruz", "Tenerife"], ["Commonwealth", "South Africa"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Dionysos", "Hermes"], "choice": [["House", "Andrew Jackson"], ["Infant", "Mary"], ["Mary", "Infant"], ["Hsbc", "Cayman Islands"], ["Benton", "Columbia"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Holy Ghost", "Son"], "choice": [["Saviour", "Mary"], ["Mary", "Saviour"], ["House", "President Bush"], ["Austin", "Columbia"], ["National", "Canada"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Saturn", "Uranus"], "choice": [["Ho Chi Minh City", "Saigon"], ["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Anthony", "Jesus"], ["National", "Macedonia"], ["Jesus", "Anthony"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Life", "Eden"], "choice": [["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], ["Baby", "Mary"], ["Citigroup Global Markets", "America"], ["Columbia", "Oxford"], ["Mary", "Baby"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Holy Ghost", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "Pawlenty"], ["Columbia", "Spa"], ["Commonwealth", "Canada"], ["Savior", "Mary"], ["Mary", "Savior"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Laban", "Jacob"], "choice": [["Orient", "Boston"], ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], ["Billy Ray Cyrus", "Miley Cyrus"], ["J P Morgan Chase", "America"], ["Miley Cyrus", "Billy Ray Cyrus"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Laban", "Leah"], "choice": [["True God", "Jesus Christ"], ["Columbia", "UK"], ["Jesus Christ", "True God"], ["Citigroup Global Markets", "UK"], ["House", "George Mcgovern"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Savior", "Yeshua"], "choice": [["National", "Palestine"], ["House", "President Elect Barack Obama"], ["Blessed Mother", "Jesus"], ["Jesus", "Blessed Mother"], ["Dc", "Crystal"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Lord", "Eden"], "choice": [["Chicago South", "Mississippi"], ["Citibank", "Thailand"], ["Yeshua", "Son"], ["Son", "Yeshua"], ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Savior", "Yahshua"], "choice": [["Sun", "Jesus"], ["Jesus", "Sun"], ["House", "Bush"], ["Columbia", "Whitehorse"], ["National", "Greenland"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Heavenly Father", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "Sherrod Brown"], ["San Diego", "Darlington"], ["Eve", "Man"], ["Man", "Eve"], ["J P Morgan", "America"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["One Person", "Jesus"], "choice": [["Tucson", "La"], ["Father", "Master"], ["Master", "Father"], ["Citibank", "Greece"], ["House", "Time Bill Clinton"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Sacrifice", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "John Mccain"], ["European Central Bank", "England"], ["Lord", "Mary"], ["Mary", "Lord"], ["Helena", "Mississippi"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Laban", "Leah"], "choice": [["Central", "Nyc"], ["House", "Hillary"], ["Example", "Jesus"], ["National", "Sierra Leone"], ["Jesus", "Example"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mother", "Lt Joseph R Hunt"], "choice": [["Yeshua", "Lord"], ["Halifax", "Scotland"], ["Lord", "Yeshua"], ["House", "Sherrod Brown"], ["Waterloo", "Austin"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Jacob", "Laban"], "choice": [["Northern Rock", "United Kingdom"], ["Columbia", "North Vancouver"], ["House", "Gore"], ["Mary", "Father"], ["Father", "Mary"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Eden"], "choice": [["Vespasian", "Titus"], ["House", "Democrat Barack Obama"], ["Titus", "Vespasian"], ["Georgetown", "Washington D C"], ["Hsbc", "India"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Eve", "Garden Of Eden"], "choice": [["Austin", "Waterloo"], ["House", "Grover Cleveland"], ["Solomon", "David"], ["National", "Japan"], ["David", "Solomon"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mahalaleel", "Jared"], "choice": [["Eve", "Man"], ["Man", "Eve"], ["Logan", "San Diego"], ["Aig", "America"], ["House", "Bill Clinton"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Mary", "Lord"], "choice": [["Santa Barbara", "La"], ["Child", "Jesus"], ["Hsbc", "Jordan"], ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Jesus", "Child"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Friend", "Jesus"], "choice": [["House", "Sherrod Brown"], ["Oakland", "Redwood City"], ["Mary", "Saviour"], ["Saviour", "Mary"], ["Hsbc", "Uae"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:parentofperson"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["La", "Santa Barbara"], ["House", "Ronald Reagan"], ["Ronald Reagan", "House"], ["Fed", "Japan"], ["Enosh", "Cainan"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["House", "Newt Gingrich"], ["Newt Gingrich", "House"], ["US Airways", "America"], ["Abraham", "Ishmael"], ["Columbia", "Duncan"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Grover Cleveland"], "choice": [["Citibank", "Thailand"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["Hamilton", "New York"], ["Adam", "Cain"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], "choice": [["Howard", "Northwest Washington"], ["Father", "Savior"], ["Wachovia", "America"], ["George Mcgovern", "House"], ["House", "George Mcgovern"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["House", "George W Bush"], ["National", "Slovakia"], ["Beverly Hills", "La"], ["Jesus", "Anthony"], ["George W Bush", "House"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["House", "Billy Tauzin"], ["Creator", "Jesus Christ"], ["Citibank", "Bahrain"], ["Columbia", "Nanaimo"], ["Billy Tauzin", "House"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], "choice": [["National", "New Zealand"], ["House", "President Elect Barack Obama"], ["Eve", "Creation"], ["President Elect Barack Obama", "House"], ["Crofton", "Columbia"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "President Obama"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["John Mccain", "U S Senate"], ["New Orleans", "Mississippi"], ["National", "Romania"], ["Virgin Mary", "Jesus Christ"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], ["National", "Great Britain"], ["Mississippi", "Sharm El Sheikh"], ["Abraham", "Noah"], ["Tom Daschle", "Senate"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Palin", "House"], ["Columbia", "North Vancouver"], ["God The Father", "Jesus Christ"], ["National", "Bulgaria"], ["House", "Palin"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Barclays", "England"], ["Gingrich", "House"], ["Chicago South", "Mississippi"], ["House", "Gingrich"], ["Laban", "Leah"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["John Murtha", "House"], ["House", "John Murtha"], ["New Westminster", "Columbia"], ["Shem", "Arphaxad"], ["Northern Rock", "England"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], "choice": [["Grace", "Jesus"], ["Citibank", "Hungary"], ["House", "President Bush"], ["Kansas", "Columbia"], ["President Bush", "House"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bill"], "choice": [["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Sidney", "Columbia"], ["National", "Austria"], ["Herbert Hoover", "House"], ["Saviour", "Father"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Christian", "Jesus"], ["National", "Romania"], ["House", "President George Bush"], ["Turin", "Torino"], ["President George Bush", "House"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["Anz", "New Zealand"], ["House", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Nancy Pelosi", "House"], ["God The Father", "Jesus Christ"], ["Nyc", "Central"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["National", "New South Wales"], ["Burnaby", "Columbia"], ["Dwight Eisenhower", "House"], ["Mother", "Jesus Christ"], ["House", "Dwight Eisenhower"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], "choice": [["Jew", "Jesus"], ["Barack Obama", "House"], ["National", "Netherlands"], ["House", "Barack Obama"], ["Columbia", "Greenland"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], "choice": [["Creator", "Lord Jesus"], ["J P Morgan Securities", "America"], ["Andrew Jackson", "House"], ["Greenland", "Columbia"], ["House", "Andrew Jackson"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["Augusta", "Savannah"], ["Jacob", "Isaac"], ["National", "Tunisia"], ["House", "President Obama"], ["President Obama", "House"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "John Murtha"], "choice": [["Center", "Jesus"], ["Visa", "America"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Land", "Tasmania"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["Pattern", "Jesus"], ["Herbert Hoover", "House"], ["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Land", "Tasmania"], ["National", "Armenia"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], "choice": [["Lamech", "Noah Five Hundred"], ["National", "Senegal"], ["House", "Gerald Ford"], ["Gerald Ford", "House"], ["Mississippi", "Chicago South"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Michael", "Jesus"], ["Chicago South", "Columbia"], ["Hsbc", "Jordan"], ["Grover Cleveland", "House"], ["House", "Grover Cleveland"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Jimmy Carter"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Columbia", "Whitehorse"], ["National", "Swaziland"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["Son", "Jesus"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["Gonzaga", "Spokane"], ["House", "George W"], ["Wachovia", "America"], ["George W", "House"], ["Blessed Virgin", "New Orleans Saints"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["US Airways", "America"], ["Holy Ghost", "Lord"], ["Jimmy Carter", "House"], ["Benton", "Columbia"], ["House", "Jimmy Carter"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Laura Bush"], "choice": [["National", "Albania"], ["Blessed Virgin", "New Orleans Saints"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["Petersburg", "Leningrad"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["House", "Michelle Obama"], ["Mississippi", "Saint Louis"], ["Michelle Obama", "House"], ["National", "Sri Lanka"], ["Eve", "Garden Of Eden"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "George H W Bush"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["John Mccain", "U S Senate"], ["Mother", "Son"], ["Hsbc", "Uae"], ["Columbia", "Powell River"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Commonwealth", "Nigeria"], ["Pawlenty", "House"], ["Crystal", "Dc"], ["House", "Pawlenty"], ["Holy Ghost", "Jesus"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], "choice": [["Mississippi", "St Paul"], ["Eve", "Cain"], ["House", "George W Bush"], ["George W Bush", "House"], ["Hsbc", "Pakistan"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Billy Tauzin"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["Lion", "Jesus"], ["Hsbc", "America"], ["Bucharest", "Paris"], ["John Mccain", "U S Senate"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Gephardt"], "choice": [["New Orleans", "Xavier"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["National", "Estonia"], ["Eve", "Eden"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], "choice": [["Citigroup Global Markets", "UK"], ["House", "President Elect Barack Obama"], ["Adam", "Garden"], ["D C", "Howard"], ["President Elect Barack Obama", "House"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["La", "Tucson"], ["Barclays Capital", "UK"], ["Peter", "John The Baptist"], ["Assembly", "Bills"], ["Bills", "Assembly"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["National", "Armenia"], ["Ireland", "Land"], ["Mother", "Jesus"], ["Mark Green", "House"], ["House", "Mark Green"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["House", "George Mcgovern"], ["Virgin", "Lord Jesus"], ["National", "Libya"], ["Columbia", "Oxford"], ["George Mcgovern", "House"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Son", "Yeshua"], ["Reliance", "India"], ["Harry Reid", "Senate"], ["Ohio", "Pittsburgh"], ["Senate", "Harry Reid"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["Barclays", "UK"], ["House", "Tom Delay"], ["Abbotsford", "Columbia"], ["Zechariah", "John The Baptist"], ["Tom Delay", "House"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Bill Clinton"], "choice": [["John Mccain", "U S Senate"], ["Adam", "Eden"], ["National", "England"], ["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["Land", "Tasmania"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], "choice": [["Cynthia Mckinney", "House"], ["House", "Cynthia Mckinney"], ["Orense", "Ourense"], ["National", "Estonia"], ["Zechariah", "John The Baptist"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["Las Vegas", "Columbia"], ["Holy Mother", "Jesus"], ["Paypal", "America"], ["Richard Nixon", "House"], ["House", "Richard Nixon"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Paypal", "America"], ["Man", "Jesus"], ["House", "George W"], ["Columbia", "Mexico City"], ["George W", "House"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Citibank", "Japan"], ["Al Gore", "House"], ["House", "Al Gore"], ["Mother Mary", "Jesus Christ"], ["Orense", "Ourense"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Dick Armey"], "choice": [["Sacrifice", "Jesus"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["Columbia", "New Westminster"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["J P Morgan Securities", "America"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bill"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Merritt"], ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["National", "Sierra Leone"], ["Harry Reid", "Senate"], ["Cain", "Enoch"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "George Mcgovern"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["John Mccain", "U S Senate"], ["Jesse", "David"], ["Mumbai", "Bombay"], ["National", "Thailand"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Mark Green"], "choice": [["Harare", "Salisbury"], ["Terah", "Abram"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["Royal", "Denmark"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "George W"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Hsbc", "Brazil"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["Eve", "Garden"], ["Istanbul", "Constantinople"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["House", "Dwight Eisenhower"], ["Author", "Jesus"], ["Cache", "Arkansas"], ["Dwight Eisenhower", "House"], ["Commonwealth", "Canada"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["U S House", "John Boehner"], "choice": [["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["La", "Los Angeles Ca"], ["Nancy Pelosi", "Senate"], ["Citibank", "Japan"], ["Guide", "Jesus"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Castlegar"], ["House", "Gore"], ["Savior", "Begotten Son"], ["Gore", "House"], ["Citibank", "Thailand"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], "choice": [["Hsbc", "South Korea"], ["Tucson", "La"], ["Gerald Ford", "House"], ["Arjuna", "Kunti"], ["House", "Gerald Ford"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Sen Barack Obama"], "choice": [["Philadelphia", "Philly"], ["Barclays", "India"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Shepherd", "Lord Jesus"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Chicago South"], ["King David", "Jesus"], ["Deutsche", "India"], ["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["John Mccain", "U S Senate"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bill"], "choice": [["Saviour", "Jesus"], ["Aig", "America"], ["Pawlenty", "House"], ["Batavia", "Jakarta"], ["House", "Pawlenty"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["U S House", "Tom Delay"], "choice": [["Blessed Virgin", "New Orleans Saints"], ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], ["Columbia", "Surrey"], ["Hsbc", "Cayman Islands"], ["Lyndon B Johnson", "Senate"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Dwight Eisenhower"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Wachovia", "America"], ["Land", "Ireland"], ["Virgin", "Lord"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "John Boehner"], "choice": [["Christian", "Jesus"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["National", "East Timor"], ["Columbia", "Hawaii"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["Adam", "Eden"], ["Rio Vista", "Sacramento"], ["House", "Bill Clinton"], ["National", "Mauritius"], ["Bill Clinton", "House"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Tom Daschle"], "choice": [["House", "Democrat Barack Obama"], ["Durham", "Columbia"], ["Banamex", "Mexico"], ["Democrat Barack Obama", "House"], ["Blessed Virgin Mary", "Jesus"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bill"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Hawaii"], ["Michelle Obama", "House"], ["House", "Michelle Obama"], ["Cibc", "Canada"], ["Mother Mary", "Jesus Christ"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["Sacrifice", "Jesus"], ["Beijing", "Peking"], ["National", "Qatar"], ["House", "Newt Gingrich"], ["Newt Gingrich", "House"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Mitt Romney"], "choice": [["National", "Rwanda"], ["Torino", "Turin"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["Husband", "Jesus"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["Holy Ghost", "Jesus"], ["House", "Dick Armey"], ["Ohio", "Columbia"], ["Dick Armey", "House"], ["National", "Laos People S Democratic Republic"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Barack Obama", "House"], ["Shepherd", "Lord Jesus"], ["Fidelity", "India"], ["New York", "D C"], ["House", "Barack Obama"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], "choice": [["Standard Chartered", "India"], ["George Mcgovern", "House"], ["Great", "Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Enderby"], ["House", "George Mcgovern"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["Hillary", "House"], ["National", "Indonesia"], ["Holy Mother", "Jesus"], ["House", "Hillary"], ["Columbia", "Santa Cruz"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["Santorum", "House"], ["House", "Santorum"], ["Tasmania", "Land"], ["Heavenly Father", "Son"], ["Paypal", "America"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["God The Father", "Son"], ["Bush", "House"], ["Forest", "Portland"], ["National", "Laos People S Democratic Republic"], ["House", "Bush"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Michelle Obama"], "choice": [["King", "Son Jesus"], ["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["John Mccain", "U S Senate"], ["Sidney", "Columbia"], ["Citigroup Global Markets", "UK"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Bill", "Assembly"], ["Winnipeg", "Columbia"], ["Adam", "Noah"], ["Standard Chartered", "India"], ["Assembly", "Bill"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["George Mcgovern", "House"], ["Mississippi", "New Orleans"], ["Cibc", "Canada"], ["Mary", "Baby"], ["House", "George Mcgovern"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Gephardt"], "choice": [["Hawaii", "Columbia"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Savior", "Jesuschrist"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["National", "Tajikistan"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Surrey"], ["Holy Ghost", "Lord Jesus"], ["House", "John Conyers"], ["J P Morgan Securities", "America"], ["John Conyers", "House"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Mitch Mcconnell"], "choice": [["Wachovia", "America"], ["House", "John Mccain"], ["John Mccain", "House"], ["Saviour", "Jesus"], ["Castlegar", "Columbia"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["Pattern", "Jesus"], ["Washington D C", "D C"], ["Barclays", "Britain"], ["House", "Sherrod Brown"], ["Sherrod Brown", "House"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["U S House", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Shepherd", "Lord Jesus"], ["Lyndon B Johnson", "Senate"], ["Prospect", "Brooklyn"], ["Hsbc", "China"], ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bill"], "choice": [["Begotten Son", "Lord Jesus"], ["La", "Los Angeles Ca"], ["Barclays", "UK"], ["President Obama", "House"], ["House", "President Obama"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["House", "John Kasich"], ["Jacob", "Laban"], ["Columbia", "Benton"], ["National", "Portugal"], ["John Kasich", "House"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Time Bill Clinton", "House"], ["House", "Time Bill Clinton"], ["National", "Ecuador"], ["Father", "Lord"], ["Columbia", "District"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["Columbia", "Whitehorse"], ["Mark Green", "House"], ["Savior", "Lord Jesus"], ["Credit Suisse", "Switzerland Switzerland"], ["House", "Mark Green"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["President Bush", "House"], ["National", "New Zealand"], ["House", "President Bush"], ["Winnipeg", "Columbia"], ["Son", "Mary"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Palin"], "choice": [["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["Mary", "Father"], ["Hsbc", "Bahrain"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Portland", "Arlington"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["Mary", "Child"], ["National", "Ecuador"], ["Mitt Romney", "House"], ["Columbia", "Boston"], ["House", "Mitt Romney"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "John A Boehner"], "choice": [["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["Victoria", "Columbia"], ["National", "Soviet Union"], ["Friend", "Jesus"]], "answer": 0, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], "choice": [["Jesus", "Blessed Mother"], ["Visa", "America"], ["House", "Dick Gephardt"], ["Dick Gephardt", "House"], ["College", "Columbia"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "President Obama"], "choice": [["Pearl", "Jackson"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["Savior", "God Jesus"], ["J P Morgan Securities", "America"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Cynthia Mckinney"], "choice": [["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["Son", "Jesus"], ["Columbia", "Enderby"], ["Pnc", "America"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Assembly", "Bills"], "choice": [["Central", "Nyc"], ["Nancy Pelosi", "Senate"], ["National", "Iraq"], ["Senate", "Nancy Pelosi"], ["Faith", "Jesus"]], "answer": 3, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Mark Green"], "choice": [["Heavenly Father", "Jesus"], ["U S Senate", "Harry Reid"], ["National", "South Vietnam"], ["Harry Reid", "U S Senate"], ["Gonzaga", "Spokane"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Arlen Specter"], "choice": [["Royal", "Ireland"], ["House", "Newt Gingrich"], ["Newt Gingrich", "House"], ["Merritt", "Columbia"], ["Lion", "Jesus"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Al Gore"], "choice": [["John Mccain", "U S Senate"], ["Columbia", "Duncan"], ["U S Senate", "John Mccain"], ["Savior", "Jesuschrist"], ["Hsbc", "Singapore"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["National", "Italy"], ["House", "Herbert Hoover"], ["Columbia", "Durham"], ["Father", "Lord Jesus"], ["Herbert Hoover", "House"]], "answer": 1, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Harry Reid"], "choice": [["Gore", "House"], ["Queensland", "Columbia"], ["House", "Gore"], ["Author", "Jesus"], ["Hsbc", "America"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], "choice": [["Pandu", "Arjuna"], ["Barney Frank", "U S House Of Representatives"], ["Columbia", "Comox Valley"], ["World Bank", "United States"], ["U S House Of Representatives", "Barney Frank"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Bob Dole"], "choice": [["Columbia", "North Vancouver"], ["Anz", "New Zealand"], ["Karl Rove", "House"], ["Christian", "Jesus Christ"], ["House", "Karl Rove"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["Senate", "Lyndon B Johnson"], "choice": [["Northern Rock", "United Kingdom"], ["President George Bush", "House"], ["House", "President George Bush"], ["Shepherd", "Jesus"], ["Mount Pleasant", "Dc"]], "answer": 2, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"}
{"stem": ["House", "Al Gore"], "choice": [["Leopoldville", "Kinshasa"], ["Sun", "Jesus"], ["Hsbc", "South Korea"], ["Bill", "U S Senate"], ["U S Senate", "Bill"]], "answer": 4, "prefix": "concept:politicalgroupofpoliticianus"} |