"""The Indonesian Wiki Loader""" import os import re import pandas as pd import datasets _CITATIONS = """\ @ONLINE{wikidump, author = "Wikimedia Foundation", title = "Wikimedia Downloads", url = "https://dumps.wikimedia.org"} @ONLINE{wikipedia-hf, title = "Huggingface Wikipedia Dataset", url = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/wikipedia"}""" _REPO_URL = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabilmakbar/indo_wiki" _LICENSE = ( "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike " "3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit " "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to " "Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA." ) _INDO_WIKI_RAW_DESCRIPTION = """\ Indonesian Wikipedia Data Repository contains Wikipedia Data from Wikipedia HF that focuses on extraction in Indonesian Languange and Indonesian Local Languages, that some of them are considered as low-resource languages or extremely low-resource languages""" _INDO_WIKI_DEDUP_DESCRIPTION = """\ This is a derivative of Indonesian Wikipedia Data Repository which is already pre-processed by identifying and dropping duplicates to prevent boilerplate texts occuring in dataset""" _AVAILABLE_DUMP_VERSION_DATE = ["20230901"] _AVAILABLE_DUMP_LANGUAGES = ["ace", "ban", "bjn", "bug", "gor", "id", "jv", "map-bms", "min", "ms", "nia", "su", "tet"] def _construct_dataset_from_dset_version_and_lang(date_ver: str, lang: str, mode: str): _mode_to_folder_mapper = {"dedup": "indo_wiki_dedup_data", "raw": "indo_wiki_raw_data"} _mode_to_file_suffix_mapper = {"dedup": "dataset_soft_hard_cleansed.csv", "raw": "raw_dataset.csv"} return os.path.join(_mode_to_folder_mapper[mode], f"wiki_{lang}_{date_ver}_{_mode_to_file_suffix_mapper[mode]}") class IndoWikiConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig): """BuilderConfig for IndoWiki.""" def __init__(self, description: str=None, features: list=['url', 'title', 'text'], data_url: str=None, date_stamp: str=None, lang: str=None, mode = "dedup", **kwargs): """BuilderConfig for IndoWiki. Args: description: `string`, description of dataset features: `list[string]`, list of the features that will appear in the feature dict. Should not include "label" if it's a supervised. data_url: `string`, url to download the data. date_stamp: `string`, wikidump date_stamp for data available in repo. lang: `string`, language to be loaded. **kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to super. """ # validate configs if mode not in ["dedup", "raw"]: raise ValueError(f"Error occured! Expected values are 'dedup' or 'raw' for arg `mode`, received {mode}!") if (lang is None or date_stamp is None) and data_url is None: raise ValueError("Expected `data_url` is provided or both `date_stamp` and `lang` are provided!") _mode_to_desc_mapper = {"dedup": _INDO_WIKI_DEDUP_DESCRIPTION, "raw":_INDO_WIKI_RAW_DESCRIPTION} if date_stamp is not None and date_stamp not in _AVAILABLE_DUMP_VERSION_DATE: raise ValueError("Provided `date_stamp` dataset versioning doesn't match! Please re-check") if lang is not None and lang not in _AVAILABLE_DUMP_LANGUAGES: raise ValueError("Provided `lang` doesn't match! Please re-check") super(IndoWikiConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.features = features # prioritize kwargs data_url if data_url is not None: self.data_url = data_url else: self.data_url = _construct_dataset_from_dset_version_and_lang(date_ver=date_stamp, lang=lang, mode=mode) # auto-construct desc if not provided if description is None: self.description = _mode_to_desc_mapper[mode] + "\n" + f"From file path {self.data_url}" #define citations & info URL internally in config class self.citation = _CITATIONS self.url = _REPO_URL class IndoWiki(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """The IndoWiki Dataset.""" #if name isn't provided, will create a dataset of all languages DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = "indowiki_dedup_all" BUILDER_CONFIG_CLASS = IndoWikiConfig _newest_data_raw_all_langs = [_construct_dataset_from_dset_version_and_lang( date_ver=sorted(_AVAILABLE_DUMP_VERSION_DATE)[-1], lang=lang, mode="raw") for lang in _AVAILABLE_DUMP_LANGUAGES] _newest_data_dedup_all_langs = [_construct_dataset_from_dset_version_and_lang( date_ver=sorted(_AVAILABLE_DUMP_VERSION_DATE)[-1], lang=lang, mode="dedup") for lang in _AVAILABLE_DUMP_LANGUAGES] BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ IndoWikiConfig( name="indowiki_all", description=_INDO_WIKI_RAW_DESCRIPTION, data_url=_newest_data_raw_all_langs ), IndoWikiConfig( name="indowiki_dedup_all", description=_INDO_WIKI_DEDUP_DESCRIPTION, data_url=_newest_data_dedup_all_langs ), IndoWikiConfig( name="indowiki_dedup_id_only", lang="id", date_stamp="20230901" ) ] def _info(self): features = {feature: datasets.Value("string") for feature in self.config.features} return datasets.DatasetInfo( description = self.config.description, features = datasets.Features(features), homepage = self.config.url, citation = self.config.citation, license=_LICENSE) @staticmethod def _get_lang_name_from_data_url(data_url: str): #lang code occurred after "wiki_" and before date versioning (using 8len date) _list_folder_sep = data_url.split("/")[-1].split("_") _min_pos = min([pos for pos, data in enumerate(_list_folder_sep) if bool(re.search("\d{8}", data))]) return re.sub("[^\w\.]", "_", "_".join(_list_folder_sep[1:_min_pos])) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): if self.config.name in ("indowiki_all", "indowiki_dedup_all"): file_dict = {self._get_lang_name_from_data_url(file): file for file in self.config.data_url} dl_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(file_dict) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split(split_name), gen_kwargs={ "data_file": file_name } ) #dl_dir is a dictionary containing lang or split as keyname and file path as value for split_name, file_name in dl_dir.items()] else: dl_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(self.config.data_url) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "data_file": dl_dir }, ) ] def _generate_examples(self, data_file): pd_df = pd.read_csv(data_file) for _, row in pd_df.iterrows(): example = {feature: row[feature] for feature in self.config.features} idx = row["id"] yield idx, example