{"text": "pls print this email also. thanks df\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 03/20/2001 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael P Moran/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/20/2001 02:08 PM\nTo: Rod Hayslett/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: RE: ETS Approval Authorization Policy\n\nI think one area that needs to be clarified is that many nonVPs believe that \nif they have the expenditure authority they can sign contracts in connection \nwith the expenditure they are approving even in the absence of a power of \nattorney. I think we need the policy to clarify the difference between \nexpenditure authority and execution authority. Our various company bylaws \nstate that only VPs and above have authority to sign contracts and bind the \ncompany unless the President of the company delegates execution authority. \nTherefore we either need POAs or delegations of authority for execution \nauthority below VP. This policy needs to clarify this point. I have sent this \nto Drew and we will work up some new additional language.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Hayslett, Rod \nSent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:53 PM\nTo: Cordes, Bill; Corman, Shelley; Gibbs, Dana; Horton, Stanley; Hotte, \nSteve; Kinningham, Laura; Lowry, Phil; McCarty, Danny; Meyer, Rockford; \nMoran, Michael P.; Prentice, James; Smith, Gary; White, Julia\nCc: Ackley, Earlene; Alder, Amelia; Armstrong, Julie; Hogan, Janice; Houser, \nRita; Jolibois, Anne; Mann, Ruth; O'Neill, Virginia; Perry, Carolyn; Sellers, \nEmily; Stark, Cindy; Winters, Ricki\nSubject: FW: ETS Approval Authorization Policy\n\nPlease review and provide comments to myself and/or Lisa Sutton.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sutton, Lisa \nSent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 10:36 AM\nTo: Hayslett, Rod; Saunders, James; Peters, Jerry; Jesse, John; Borcyk, \nDavid; Cherry, Paul; Brassfield, Morris; Fenstad, Larry; Brasher, Barney; \nClements, David; Concklin, Elaine; Chandler, Bob; Cobb, John; Wiederholt, \nPatricia; Fancler, Dan; Lev, Jennifer; Geaccone, Tracy; Gilbert, Steve; \nKeiser, John; Meers, Thomas; Barnes, Caroline; Stern, Ellis\nSubject: ETS Approval Authorization Policy\n\nFYI, based on comments received, attached is the draft which will be \ndistributed to Stan's direct reports for comments. We plan to have the policy \nin place before the end of March.\n\n\n << File: etsapprovalpolicy.xls >>"} {"text": "Here is a list of all the agreements related to the Gallup Compressor:\n\n1. Compression Services Agreement (10/18/99)\n2. O&M Agreement (10/18/99)\n3. Gas Conversion Agreement (10/18/99)\n4. Operational Control Agreement (2/11/00) (contains no provisions related \nto payment)\n5. Letter amendment to Gas Conversion Agreement (2/23/00) (regarding Lock \nPrice)\n6. Amendment to Gas Conversion Agreement (3/24/00) (regarding Start Date and \ncalculation of Estimated CSC Fuel Payment)\n\nIf you do not have all of these agreements in your file, or if you know of \nanyone else who needs a full set of these documents, please let me know and I \nwill send copies immediately. \n\nAlso, two letters have been sent pursuant to the terms of the agreements:\n\n1. Notification by TW to ECS that ECS should pursue an alternative electric \nsupply arrangement (2/29/00)\n2. Approval by TW of interim rate schedule (3/15/00) (w/copy of rate \nschedule attached)\n\nIf you need copies of these letters, let me know and I'll send them to you \nalso.\n\nSS\nx0596"} {"text": "Mr. Ponce-\n\nI just wanted to get back with you on some of your customers. Gas in \nCalifornia really came off and I just wanted to get the feeling of the \nindustrials after the one day drop. Give me a call when you get a chance @ \n(713)853-7176.\n\nMatt Lenhart"} {"text": "Here's a summary of our conversation so you have points to follow up with.\n\nGeneral Status of the Database model: \n FIX not represented - need to incorporate into common design and standardize \n- might cause some FIX rework.\n Referential Integrity not entirely enforced - potential for bad data to \ndevelop. \n Snapshots from Global databases are currently daily - this can be easily \nchanged to be more frequent, but need to consider implementation as \ndecision on direction of Global as a part of Commodity Logic is made. \n Rate information not developed - need integration with Rate Server or MKM, \npreferably MKM. Need to define how MKM will be used-whether just for index \nnames or to obtain actual settlement prices or curves as well.\n Application development is not currently occurring on a single version of \nthe database. Therefore, some issues could arise as each development team \nmigrates to the standard. This needs to happen relatively quickly.\n\nSpecific Issues:\n GFD_PIPE_METERS_SNP - Probably need to add FAC_TYPE (WH, ITE, etc) for \npossible use as validation in KX functionality\n GAS_DEAL_LOCATION_DTL - This table refers to facility number rather than \npipe and meter. Facility number is an Enronism that no other company \nwill recognize. \n Pipe and Meter General - Should try to avoid using Pipe_Cd as key. This \nvalue needs to be updateable as pipelines are bought and sold.\n - Data for Facilities is heavily dependent upon Enron Global Facilities \nDatabase in current design and functionality-this needs revisiting as \nthe decision surrounding Global is made \n CP_ADDR_VW - This table references only internal_cp_id and contact_type_cd \nin conjunction with address_id. Addresses are specific to \ninternal_cp_id, product_cd, deal_nature_cd, contact_type_cd, and region_cd. \nNeed to add deal nature, product, and region to ensure correct address \nusage since many companies align their business along these determinants \nand addresses may vary\n COUNTERPARTY - There is a mixture of the usage of Global Counterparty. Some \nareas indicate a certain amount of independence from Enron's Global \nCounterparty system, by having a table to capture Commodity Logic information \non a counterparty such as phone numbers, credit ratings, etc. This would \nposition CL to become independent at a later date. Yet, Commodity Logic \nfunctions as a subset of Enron Networks and GCP must make entries to indicate \nthe usage of a customer by Enron Networks to obtain an SAP id and \nsupport payment processing through to SAP. So, CL could not become \nindependent without further functionality or process changes. So why \nnot put the added data requirements within GCP to start with? If \nGlobal moves to Commodity Logic, then this design needs to be revisited for \nsure. There should probably be some standardization between \ndependence/independence whether or not CL separates from Enron. \n Common Data - Status is not included in the views being utilized by the \napplications. I hope the views have been filtered for active status \nonly. Show was going to check on this.\n - Concept of mapping others' codes to ours for processing, is not \nsupported anywhere in these tables. Perhaps that has been handled in \nan isolated manner in the FIX design? This will have to be there for internal \nrelease as well as external release. This is critical to the hub \nconcept.\n\nI look forward to sitting in on your meetings surrounding these issues. Let \nme know if you have further questions."} {"text": "Susan,\nattached is a new matrix for each desk. This should replace the previous matrix you are using. We are just putting our groups down in the access request list and this should be used to cross reference. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.\nPL\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKeiser, Kam \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 1:01 PM\nTo:\tTrevino, Susan\nCc:\tLove, Phillip M.; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Giron, Darron C.; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Palmer, B. Scott\nSubject:\tnew book req\n\nSusan,\n\nThese are book requests for the Netco books for all regions.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions. We put in some book and portfolio codes we would like if they are available. If not, please call me. We need all price, basis, index, and gas daily US books to be the same, all Canadian books to be the same and all physical books to have the same codes please.\n\nThanks\n\nKam\n\n\n << File: Book Request Form Financial.xls >> << File: Book Request Form Central.xls >> << File: Book Request Form East.xls >> << File: Book Request Form Texas.xls >> << File: Book Request Form West.xls >>"} {"text": "Very quick and dirty--not even fully proofed. But wanted to get something out for folks to shoot at. Let me know your thoughts. Sure I've missed about a million things and mucked up about the same amount. Happy Thanksgiving.\n\nBest,\nJeff"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jeffrey Polsky [mailto:jeffrey.polsky@db.com]\nSent: Friday, September 14, 2001 2:04 PM\nTo: Jeffrey Polsky\nSubject: Corrected: World Trade Center, as of Friday 14 September 2001\nImportance: High\n\n\n\n\nThis awkward E-mail is my way of checking to see if you are all right and/or to let you know that we seem to be all right here. I hope you are safe.\n\nYou may know that 130 Liberty Street was immediately across the street from World Trade Center 2, the so-called \"south tower.\" My understanding is that we are very fortunate to be able to report that our building and our offices in World Trade Center 4 were evacuated successfully. However, that is not an official statement, and I have no additional information at this time.\n\nSadly, until further notice, the former 130 Liberty Street address cannot be used for any reason. If you need to deliver correspondence or documentation of any kind that cannot be held pending discussion and/or further instruction, please deliver it in care of:\n\n BRIAN J. McGUIRE\n DEUTSCHE BANK A.G. NEW YORK\n 31 WEST 52ND STREET NYC01-1312\n NEW YORK NY 10019-6160\n\n Facsimile: 212-469-5630\n Telephone: 212-469-5589\n\nAlthough I have no telephone at this time, it might be possible to reach me via David C. Rodriguez at 212-469-7116 or Doris Eagan at 212-469-5892. Please keep in mind that we have access to no paper records at this time.\n\nAdditionally, because so many people have been affected by Tuesday's events and have had so many questions, I have taken the liberty of attaching a Microsoft Word document that contains a summer 2000 photograph of the area that shows the proximity of 130 Liberty Street to the World Trade Center.\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey Polsky on 14-09-2001 13:38 ---------------------------\n\nIn the attached Microsoft _Word_ document (586KB) (602,112 bytes used) is an\nannotated satellite photograph of lower Manhattan and the once World Trade\nCenter from last year that identifies the location of my now-former office\nbuilding. Annotations have been corrected pursuant to a press conference of\nthe mayor of New York City, ended today at 10:40.\n\nThe document has been scanned with antivirus software prior to sending.\nAlthough it was determined to be free of software virus, it should be\nscanned again prior to launching or opening on your computer or network.\n\nCopyright ? Jeffrey Polsky\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: WTC_DB_Plaza.doc)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n--\n\nThis e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden."} {"text": "?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: res02nam \nTo: JennyAndWayne Hefti ; Doris Smith ; BettyeAndBill Langham \nSent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 12:11 PM\nSubject: Dana Times Two\n\n?\n - DanaTimes2.jpg"} {"text": "Need comments ASAP - - need to send out today."} {"text": "More info about Bond. Michelle\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 12/07/2000 09:37 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nAmanda Curless@ENRON\n12/06/2000 05:53 PM\nTo: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Steve Bond's Activities\n\nMichelle,\nThis is Scott Williamson's reponses. I talked with him about the number of \ntimes he travels out of the US for work and he said for Enron he has and will \nnot travel for work. For Conchango he does. Right now he is in the UK trying \nto get his visa situation straightened out?? I don't know what that means.\nMandy\n---------------------- Forwarded by Amanda Curless/Corp/Enron on 12/06/2000 \n05:24 AM ---------------------------\nScott Williamson @ ECT 12/06/2000 05:44 PM\n\nTo: Amanda Curless/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: RE: Steve Bond's Activities \n\n1. I need Steve until I'm able to hire someone to fulfill that role. We are \nactively recruiting and interviewing candidates for his activities.\n2. I simply do not have an answer for your second question. We have not \ndiscussed or agreed upon a set number of trips.\n\nScott\n\n\n\n\n\tAmanda Curless@ENRON\n\t12/06/2000 02:55 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Scott Williamson/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: RE: Steve Bond's Activities\n\nScott,\nOnce again we need some more information about Stephen Bond. How long will he \nbe here? and how many trips in and out of the US will he make? Please let me \nknow as soon as possible so we can bring this to a conclusion. Thanks Scott!!\nMandy"} {"text": "its a good thing i a good looking stud!\n\n\n\n\nSylvia A Campos\n05/25/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trco contract \n\nThe end date has been changed (you're not allowed to make mistakes).\n\nSylvia\n\n\n\nChris Germany\n05/25/2000 08:42 AM\nTo: Sylvia A Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Trco contract\n\nI changed the end date on Transco deal 231538 from 4/30/2000 to 10/31/2000. \nMy mistake."} {"text": "Why did I just eat the largest fajita papasito's EVER made? Put a few of \nthose macadamias in interoffice mail, would you?\n\n\n\n\nAlexandra Saler@EES\n12/06/2000 11:49 AM\nTo: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nyou are dead...I have already dug into the nuts, and now I think you did it \non purpose so that I lose the bet! \n\n\nTo: Alexandra Saler/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nI'm picking out the carpet this weekend--so I'll also run out and get a \npicnic basket! Your desert capabilities are impressive! (Next time I'll get \na quart of whipped cream instead of a pint so you can have twice as much, and \nI can win our contest)\n\nYou are a lot of fun--I like hanging out with you.\n\n\n\nAlexandra Saler@EES\n12/06/2000 09:26 AM\nTo: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nI had a great time too. next time when the carpet is in, we can have a \nlittle carpet picnic and watch the 8:00! by the way...I am still full. Have \nyou ever seen a girl put away so much dessert? I am actually known for it! \nMark almost died the first time he saw me eat dessert!!! I am only coming \nfor dinner again if you promise we can have homemade whipped cream. I think \nit is one of the only white things that I like to eat.\n\n\nTo: Alexandra Saler/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nYou know, we've done something the last few tuesdays, and it is now my \nfavorite day of the week! I had a great time."} {"text": "Interview for Lee"} {"text": "Sara:\n\nI have not seen the notice, but it would relate to a coal makrketing agency agreement between Anker and ENA, as agent.\n\nCould you have forwarded to me.\n\nAlan\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShackleton, Sara \nSent:\tThursday, December 27, 2001 1:04 PM\nTo:\tLowry, Donna\nCc:\tPanus, Stephanie; Aronowitz, Alan\nSubject:\tAgency Agreement dated August 6, 2001 between Enron North America Corp. and Anker Coal Group, Inc.\n\nDonna:\n\nA termination notice of the foregoing agreement was sent to your attention. Do you know what this agreement is? Could it be related to Enron Credit Limited (which had a position in Anker paper)?\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron Wholesale Services\n1400 Smith Street, EB3801a\nHouston, TX 77002\nPh: (713) 853-5620\nFax: (713) 646-3490"} {"text": "Hi Everyone:\n\nJust an FYI:\n\nThe Weekly, HR and Community Relations Team Meeting is Monday, 10/22/01, 10:00 AM--11:00 AM - in EB16C1.\n\nIf you cannot attend, please send a representative.\n\nThanks,\nfor Cindy Olson,\n\n\nHilda Bourgeois-Galloway, CPS\nEnron - HR & Community Relations\nhbourge@enron.com \n713/345-6805"} {"text": "Ben,\n\nCould you forward to me name and phone number of EE&CC person who you are \ncontacting to get VOM? I will give it to Thomas in case he wants to give him \na call. Thanks. Jin\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jinsung Myung/Corp/Enron on 02/23/2000 \n07:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJinsung Myung\n02/22/2000 07:31 PM\nTo: Thomas M Suffield/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Calpine deal summary\n\nThomas,\n\nHere is a Calpine deal summary. \n\nENA would sell four LM-6000 turbines to Calpine.\nCalpine would be responsible for permitting, constructing, financing and \noperating the peaking power plant in Eastern PJM.\nENA would enter into a short-terrm tolling agreement to buy power from \nCalpine for 3 or 5 years.\nWork needed to be done :\n - getting VOM for LM-6000 from EE&CC.\n - getting flat capacity payment ($/kw-mo period) for 3 and 5 years from \nStructuring group, based on VOM, Heat rate, dispatch, and location of the \nplant.\n - building 20 year economic model to understand Calpine position. \n\nProfit generator: We buy power from Calpine at lower price than that of ENA \nbid curve.\n\nI think it will be helpful if Thomas call EE&CC to get VOM ASAP, so that we \ncan talk to Structuring group. Please review and let me know if it makes \nsense, and then I will send you, Scott, Richard Park, and Tom Swank.\n\nIf someone needs to have just Eastern PJM curve, we can try to get from \nStructuring group tomorrow. Richard Park told me about PJM curve but I am not \nsure what exactly this is for. Thank you.\n\nJinsung Myung\n(Ext: 37330)"} {"text": "Thank you. \n\nOn the SDEC: \nthis is no longer an '02 play. To keep it as an '03 play three things need to happen:\n(1) we need to move our application for an Unusual Use Permit from the jurisdiction of the Community Zoning Appeals Board (\"CZAB\") to the Board of County Commissioners. The CZAB is a parochial board that is stacked with NIMBY's. We have been doing our assessment of the communities and after weeks of investigation we have concluded that if we go before the CZAB, we feel we will be facing sudden death. However, if we go before the County Commissioners, we will have a very good chance of success. The vehicle we propose to use to change the jurisdiction is something called an Application of Vested Rights. As I understand it, (I'm getting info on this today), this is a statement that says that a property owner is being prevented from any use of his property. This application needs to be submitted to the county before June 6th, the date of our CZAB hearing. \n(2) we will need to negotiate an arrangement with Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (\"DERM\") who is responsible for ensuring that the land fill be closed. They have been pushing the owner of the property to initiate the closure work. The land owner, Certrosa Holdings, is a single asset company and the sole owner lives in Venezuela. If we were not in the picture, I believe Certrosa Holdings would most likely default on the obligation to close the landfill leaving the county to clean it up (at $3 to 4 million). To keep this as an '03 play we will need to get DERM to agree to post pone the closure proceedings for at least a year and we will need provide some assurances that if we do exercise the option and get in the chain of title that we would assume the obligation to close the landfill. We may need to initiate this conversation in the next 2 to 3 weeks.\n(3) we will need to extend the Option Agreement which expires on September. The strike price for this property is approximately $1.3 million and we paid $200,000 for a 9 month option last October (when the rules were soft costs could not exceed 5% of the total project cost of $175 million). Based on the success of (1) and (2) above, we may need to initiate this discussion in the next 2 to 3 weeks as well.\n\nOn the Medley - Dunn discussions:\nAs you know, when Ann Elizabeth and I left the the Dunns, last month, they had two deal breakers: (a) they wanted a committment on our part that we would pay a certain amount of taxes to the town and not go for a tax abatement. (we said the taxes and any arrangement we make with the town would not involve the Dunns) (b) they wanted us to assume all past and present environmental liabilities. We said no to both conditions and halted discussions. I have heard from the real estate agent representing the Dunns that they are considering giving on both these items. If we structured an arrangement where we did a phase 2 environmental assessment during a 60 to 90 day \"due diligence\" period (rather than in an option period or under a 90 day lease), gave both parties the chance to opt out of the deal based on the results of the phase 2; and, we change the agreement back to the way it was in the last Andrew & Kurth draft which was silent on the issue of historical environmental liability and liability from environmental problems that arise in the future but are not the result of our operations. Would this arrangement give us adequate protection and give us the right to sue if necessary to have the Dunns or any other responsible party help pay for any clean up? If this is something we can work with, we need to have a conversation with the Dunn's attorney. What do you think?\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMann, Kay \nSent:\tWednesday, May 23, 2001 11:03 AM\nTo:\tKrause, Greg\nSubject:\tRE: AEW's backup\n\nGreg,\n\nYou can call me on whatever you have, including Midway, SDEC and Medley Dunn. If I have a problem getting to something, I'll find help.\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tGreg Krause/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/23/2001 10:50 AM\nTo:\tKay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tRE: AEW's backup\n\n\nKay,\n\nAnn Elizabeth did not provide a designated hitter for the South Dade Energy Center (Dade Development Company LLC is Optionee, Certosa Holdings is Optionor) nor did she provide one for tne Medley Dunn project. I have been told that the Dunns are considering backing off their ultimatums that they gave Ann Elizabeth and I regarding taxes to the town and assumption of enviromental liability. Who do I talk to about the Dunn contract while Ann Elizabeth is out? \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWhite, Ann Elizabeth \nSent:\tTuesday, May 22, 2001 10:33 PM\nTo:\tgkrause@enron.com; Krimsky, Steven; Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Carnahan, Kathleen\nCc:\tMilligan, Taffy\nSubject:\tAEW's backup\n\nKay Mann is the designated hitter for the Pompano and Deerfied projects while I'm on vacation. I've given her a down load of the status of Greg and Steve's projects. Chris Boehler at A&K will be the designated hitter for Midway. I'm not going to check my voice mail while I'm gone but, if necessary, here are the contact numbers while I'm gone.\n\nWalter and Marlena Schilling\t\t011-49-8218-89351\tschilling.jun@freenet.de\n\nMonika and Bernhard Steinacher\t011-49-8232-8932\tm.steinacher@schwabmuenchen.de\n\nIf you call, Walter and Bernhard and Bernhard's daughter, Susanne, speak very good English. Monika's isn't bad. Marlena may get flustered and hang up on you.\n\nBest of luck at Deerfield and hope to see Pompano on track when I get back in the office on June 11th. Kay is planning on going to Florida on June 12 for the moratorium hearing and the rezoning hearing."} {"text": "Tom Wilbeck@ENRON\n01/19/2001 03:23 PM\nTo: Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Trading Track Information\n\nAs you know, we are working on an on-boarding process to get the trading \ntrack participants up to speed as quickly as possible in each of their \nrespective rotations. One of the methods of doing this is to have each \nrotational supervisor (you're one of them) put a few points together to \npresent to each participant on the first day of their rotation with you (or \nsomeone in your group). \n\nFor example:\nWhat does you group do as a whole? The Risk Management Group is responsible \nfor providing information to the trading floor. That information consists of \npositions, p&l, and other general information which may be needed by the \nfloor throughout the day. The information must be 100% accurate 100% of the \ntime as the gas floor is taking positions based on the information they are \ngiven. In addition, all reports go to SR. Management such as John Lavorato \nand Dave Delaney.\n\nThe participants need to know several logistics type things such as:\n where to sit\n User tips on the use of related business hardware (i.e. phone system, \nintercom, etc.)\n How long/when or if to take lunch: use your discretion.\n Expected working hours: Expect to be in the office no later than 8:00 and \npreferably by 7:30\n\nIt is also important to cover the expected learning criteria with the \nparticipants on their first day:\n able to work under pressure - You will be asked to provide reports and \nanswers to questions on the floor quickly. You will be expected to know and \nunderstand the information that you are giving.\n ability to handle multiple priorities - There will be times when you are \nfaced with several tasks at once. You will be expected to make quick \ndecisions and understand which is the most important.\n meets deadlines - Everyday in Risk you have to meet a deadline. The traders \nmust have positions and p&l on their desks when they walk in in the morning.\n Excellent written communication - Your written communication will be in the \nnumbers that you provide to the floor.\n Excellent oral communication - Again, the traders will expect answers and \nexpect them quickly. You will need to articulate those in a fashion that is \nunderstandable.\n Effective interpersonal skills - see above.\n Attention to detail - This is one of the most important considerations of \nthe job. Again, all information must be 100% accurate, errors are not \nacceptable.\n Team player - You will be expected to work across all groups upstream and \ndownstream to provide accurate information and solve related problems.\n Excellent organisational skills - speed and accuracy are a hallmark of the \njob, therefore you will need to be organized at all times.\n Is a motivated worker - self explainatory\n Excellent analytical skills - same\n Maintains relationships with traders - The trader will be relying on the \ninformation that you provide him. Therefore it is important that he trusts \nwhat you are giving to him and that you are always asking if they need more \nor better information.\n Effective time management - self explainatory\n Competent in Excel - Alot of the work we do is in excel. It is important \nthat you be able to navigate excel, as well as create efficiencies to make \nthe job less prone to errors and to run more smoothly.\n Competent with ERMS - ERMS is the system that is used to maintain positions \nand p&l. All deals flow through this system and all values related to deals \ncome from this system.\n Competent with Risktrac - Risktrac is the system that tracks counterparty \nrisk and Value at Risk. I expect you to understand what each means, what \nthe limits are, and how you can reduce and add to value at risk.\n Demonstrates knowledge of trading concepts - Work with the traders to \nunderstand why they are putting on the positions that they have. Try to \nunderstand proper hedging strategies etc.\n\nEach participant who comes to your area needs to know your interpretation of \neach of these competencies so they can make sure to meet your expectations \nwhile in your area.\n\nAlso, the participants need to fully understand exactly what they'll be doing \nin your area. Let 'em know with as much detail as possible.\n\nFinally, Do you consider any information a pre-requisite for participation in \nyour area ?(i.e. Advanced Excel skills...etc)\nI'd like to know so we can push the participants to get the needed training \nbefore coming to your group. Advanced Excel skills, preferably a level of \nunderstanding of positions and value at risk.\n\nPlease compile this information and forward it to me so I can put it into \nsome on-boarding material for all of the candidates by their first day of \nrotations.\n\nThe first candidates will begin on February 1, 2001. \n\nThank you very much for you time and consideration.\n\nTom Wilbeck\nX57536"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Rufino Doroteo/HOU/ECT on 10/27/2000 \n09:58 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Loera M (Maribel)\" on 10/27/2000 09:54:20 AM\nTo: \"'Rufino Doroteo'\" \ncc: \nSubject: FW: Overworked\n\n\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Rowland J (Janina)\n> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 9:46 AM\n> To: Marshall SS (Samantha); McLain CD (Carol); Waddilove P (Pamm); Loera\n> M (Maribel); Buentello SA (Sky); Torres J (Juanita);\n> 'pbrauer@kandplaw.com'\n> Subject: FW: Overworked\n>\n>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Jones Jan (JW)\n> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 9:45 AM\n> Subject: FW: Overworked\n>\n>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Catherine Wilkers [SMTP:cwilkers@e-docs.net]\n> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 9:38 AM\n> To: Jack Wilkers; Newton, Vicki E (Vicki); Stacy Mohler; Sue Anne\n> MacGinnis; Jones Jan (JW); Harnage, Kimberly (MED, GE-Marquette)\n> Subject: FW: Overworked\n>\n>\n> <>\n\n - overworked.gif"} {"text": "Dear Vince,\n\nDzien dobry. Many thanks for agreeing to take the remainder of the VaR\nseminar - it is a great help. I asked Raymond Yeow of Enron Australia if he\nwould chair day one but he said that you would be a bigger draw and perhaps\nbetter placed. To this end, I am hoping that you would consider chairing day\none's plenary session and trading stream. You can blame Raymond for\nrecommending you! I appreciate that this is asking even more of you than\nyou originally signed up for but you seem to be famous in this small market\nand it would be great if you could do it.\nI apologise for imposing once again but look forward to hearing back from\nyou when you get a chance. As ever, let me know if you have any questions.\n\nBest regards,\n\nJoel"} {"text": "You are very welcome. I had no intentions of seducing. I didn't think you \nwere going to be all over me like that. Just kidding. I had a good time \nalso. Have a great rest of the day.\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\"Cynthia San Marco\" \n\t08/07/2000 06:12 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Gerald.Nemec@enron.com\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Thanks!\n\n\nThank you for dinner last night. I have to say that I am quite impressed\nwith your culinary skills. Dave Matthews, grilled fish, great wine-if I\ndidn't know any better I would think you were trying to seduce me. Oh wait,\nyou did!\n\nThanks, I had a good time."} {"text": "> > | Actual announcements placed in church bulletins ....\n> >\n> > | Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8pm in the\n> > | recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.\n> > |\n> > | Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa will be speaking tonight at\n> > Calvary\n> > | Memorial Church in Racine. Come tonight and hear Bertha Belch all the\n> > way\n> > | from Africa.\n> > |\n> > | For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a\n> > nursery\n> > | downstairs.\n> > |\n> > | Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of\n> > those\n> > | things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands.\n> > |\n> > | The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a\n> > | conflict.\n> > |\n> > | Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10am. All ladies\n> > are\n> > | invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done.\n> > |\n> > | The sermon this morning: \"Jesus walks on the water\". The sermon\n> > tonight\n> > | \"Searching for Jesus.\"\n> > |\n> > | Barbara Jones remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more\n> > | transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes\n> > of\n> > | Pastor Jack's sermons.\n> > |\n> > | Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at\n> > someone who is hard to love. Say \"hell\" to someone who doesn't care much\n> > about\n> > you.\n> > |\n> > | Don't let worry kill you - let the church help.\n> > |\n> > | A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall.\n> > Music\n> > | will follow.\n> > |\n> > | At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be \"What is\n> > hell?\"\n> > | Come early and listen to our choir practice.\n> > |\n> > | Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of\n> > several\n> > | new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.\n> > |\n> > | The senior choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys\n> > sinning\n> > | to join the choir.\n> > |\n> > | Pot luck supper Sunday at 5pm - prayer and medication to follow.\n> > |\n> > | The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They\n> > may be\n> > | seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.\n> > |\n> > | This evening at 7pm there will be a hymn sing in the park across from\n> > the\n> > | church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.\n> > |\n> > | The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would\n> > lend\n> > | him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday\n> > morning.\n> > |\n> > | Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7pm. Please use\n> > the\n> > | backdoor.\n> > |\n> > | Weight Watchers will meet at 7pm at the First Presbyterian Church.\n> > Please\n> > | use the large double doors at the side entrances.\n> > |\n> > | Mrs. Johnson will be entering the hospital this week for testes.\n> > |\n> > | The associate minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign\n> > slogan\n> > | last Sunday: \"I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours\".\n> > |\n>\n>"} {"text": "Reggie just brought around a whole stack of confirms of pulp & paper deals \nthat came into the fax area. Is anyone looking for this stack of confirms? \nIf not, I'll have Reggie walk them down to Joe Hunter."} {"text": "[IMAGE]\nIntercontinentalExchange is pleased to announce that weather swaps trading will be included in its new version 8 release. These fixed-for-floating financial products will be cash settled on a five-day average temperature, Monday - Friday, for the current week and for the forward week. Temperatures used for the settlement of these products will be those reported by EarthSat, a widely recognized and independent source of weather data. Settlement temperatures provided by EarthSat will be available via the IntercontinentalExchange website. The hub locations for weather trades will be the primary airport weather stations at Chicago-O'Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, New York-La Guardia, Philadelphia-International and Sacramento-Executive. The standard contract size for all locations will be $10,000 per degree Fahrenheit, with a tic increment of 0.1 degree Fahrenheit or $1,000. There are no payout limits on the contracts. \nThe design and development of these new weather products was done under the guidance of Aquila Energy Marketing Corp., a recognized leader in weather product concepts. In addition, IntercontinentalExchange has worked with Aquila and other major weather market participants, including Reliant Energy, Mirant Americas, and El Paso Merchant Energy, to build consensus and support for these new products.\nTo trade weather swaps you must have our new version 8 release installed on your system. An advisory with details about this new release is being sent to you by separate email. \nWe encourage all or our users to take a serious look at the new weather products being offered by the IntercontinentalExchange. Please contact one of our following representatives to find out about the new weather products, or check back on our website product guide:\nPatricia Ricci : (646) 792-2624 : Patricia.Ricci@intcx.com \nMike O'Neill : (646) 792-2626 : Michael.Oneill@intcx.com \nChris D'Ambrosio : (646) 792-2625 : chris.dambrosio@intcx.com"} {"text": "check this out...............www.gorelieberman-2000.com/"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Arnold, Matthew \nSent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:46 AM\nTo: Arnold, John\nSubject: FW: vacation\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Karen Arnold [mailto:klarnold@flash.net]\nSent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 3:19 PM\nTo: Arnold, John; Arnold, Matthew\nSubject: vacation\n\n\nIf we are going on a family vacation this year, we need to start planning.\nNow it may be that we all have over expended this year, me on the kitchen,\nMBA on the house, JDA on the furniture is has bought, is buying or will\nbut, and we may only be able to go to the Woodlands, Fredericksburg, or\nsomeplace. Anyway, we need to do some planning or we will be out of luck.\nAugust is looking bad for me. September? Love, Your Mom"} {"text": "I rolled ceal 329242 for Aug 1.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/16/2000 04:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal Ticket 329242; Meter 986887\n\nThere is a drab of gas; 34 MM's on the first of August on the meter. \nProbably from valving off. The above ref'd deal was from Jul, do you want to \nextend it for one day? Let me know.\n\nMary\n\n35251"} {"text": "here it is - thanks. Joe Parks and KRusicitti are changed.\nPL"} {"text": "I will not be able to attend"} {"text": "Kate this trade is from yesterday.\n\nPrebon sent over a confirm for off-peak hours and then sent a revision to \npeak hours. Which one is it?"} {"text": "I figured this posting belonged to one of you. Please see the message from \nDanny Jones.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron on 05/01/2001 \n02:27 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDanny_Jones%ENRON@eott.com on 04/30/2001 01:39:56 PM\nTo: stan.horton@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: employee referral\n\n\nDear Mr. Horton, I have recently been made aware of a help desk analyst\njob#0000108806 that has become available in your department. I am currently\nemployed with the aviation department (hangar attendant) of enron and would\nlike to use my past knowledge and experience to persue my goals in the\ntechnology feild. I am asking respectfully if you could give me a\nrecommendation or referral to ETS technology department. Anything you could\ndo to help further my goals would be appreciated.\n\n\n\n Respectfully,\n Danny Jones\n 281-443-3744 smithjones@ev1.net"} {"text": "Hey Daddy,\n\nWhat a very pleasant surprise to hear from you in the middle of the day!!! \nThings here are a little exciting, they are asking us to spend the night in \none of the hotels downtown, as the streets are supposed to ice over tonight. \nSo quite naturally, nobody's mind is on work, it's on the weather. So \nneedless to say, I have a little bit of time on my hands. The boys are going \nover to Grandma Springer's house tonight to spend the night and Todd and I \nwill just stay downtown. I understand that you guys had some bad weather as \nwell, I know Mom was out of school.\n\nI will definitely go and get the Tekno dog for the kids, they will enjoy it \nso much. Kendall celebrated his 2nd birthday yesterday and had fun. Todd \nbought him a mini basketball goal and he really thinks he's a big boy now. \nIt's really cute. On the other hand, Jordan was feeling a little neglected \nbecause of Kendall's cake and presents, but he's okay. It was just a new \nexperience, him not getting anything while his brother gets new toys.\n\nAnyway, I'll send your tape.\n\nSee you later and I hope you're still taking your medicine on a timely basis\n\nLove \n\nBernie"} {"text": "fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT on 02/10/2000 03:05 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\nKimberly Perkins\n02/10/2000 03:02 PM\nTo: David Oliver/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, William \nKelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT, William E Kasemervisz/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRuss Severson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Scott Mills/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Lunch Meeting Scheduled for 2/16\n\nPlease plan to attend the following meeting requested by Scott Mills:\n\nTopic: Business Process Changes Regarding Trade Capture \nDate: Wednesday, February 16 \nTime: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.\nLocation: Conference Room 2601A\n\nSandwiches will be served. Please let me know if you have any special \nrequests. Thank you.\n\nKim Perkins (X3-5304)"} {"text": "David: Ed Sacks is out of the office until May 17. Is this request urgent?\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n\tDavid Portz\n\t05/15/2001 05:18 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Mike Curry/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t\t Subject: Frontera - ISDA Agreement\n\nSara-- Are you still the swaps lawyer to assist with this? If not, would you \npass it to the person who can help Mike Curry with this? Thanks.\n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/15/2001 05:11 PM -----\n\n\tMike Curry/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/15/2001 04:47 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Frontera - ISDA Agreement\n\nDavid, We want to be able to start performing financial trades with Frontera \nso could you please prepare an ISDA Agreement for their review. Thanks, - \nMike"} {"text": "Mo, please speak up if I got this wrong.\n\nThese are all power deals, some of which are gas indexed. The gas deals are above market because they include capacity payments and/or have heat rates that are above current maket levels.\n\nGAC\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDasovich, Jeff \nSent:\tWednesday, October 03, 2001 12:58 PM\nTo:\tComnes, Alan\nSubject:\tRE: Mark to Market of DWR Contracts\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nAm I reading this right? The gas contracts are $5B out of the money (from CA's perspective)? Are they straight gas deals?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tComnes, Alan \nSent:\tWednesday, October 03, 2001 12:47 PM\nTo:\tAlonso, Tom; Alvarez, Ray; Badeer, Robert; Belden, Tim; Blair, Kit; Calger, Christopher F.; Choi, Paul; Dasovich, Jeff; Driscoll, Michael M.; Fischer, Mark; Foster, Chris H.; Gang, Lisa; Guzman, Mark; Hall, Steve C. (Legal); Heizenrader, Tim; Kaufman, Paul; Mainzer, Elliot; Mallory, Chris; Malowney, John; Mara, Susan; Motley, Matt; Perrino, Dave; Platter, Phillip; Rance, Susan; Rawson, Lester; Richter, Jeff; Rosman, Stewart; Savage, Gordon; Scholtes, Diana; Semperger, Cara; Stokley, Chris; Swain, Steve; Swerzbin, Mike; Symes, Kate; Walton, Steve; Williams III, Bill\nSubject:\tMark to Market of DWR Contracts\n\nTim asked me to forward this to West Desk traders. Prepared by Mo Elafandi and Heather Dunton, it showsw who's in the money with DWR at this point, based on executed contracts\n\nAlan Comnes\n\n << File: Stranded Cost Analysis Structuring Confidential3.xls >>"} {"text": "Today's FT (page 6 of the European edition) reports fully and faithfully about\nthe debt management via swaps of the Italian Treasury, and about the Yen\ntransaction that was apparently singled out in the ISMA study. Eurostat has\nalways been aware of the transactions, that have been specifically approved. I\nattach a Bloomberg release on the issue. It is interesting that the ISMA study\nis no longer available on ISMA web site. Also, I don't see in today's news any\ntrace of the press conference announced in the ISMA press release.\n\nLuciano Steve\n\nRobert Pickel wrote:\n\n> <> Attached is a copy of a press release from ISMA regarding a\n> study that they are releasing regarding the use of derivatives by a European\n> government allegedly to facilitate its entry into EMU. This was reported on\n> in the newspapers today. We are checking on the nature of the study. Any\n> information any of you can provide would be appreciated.\n>\n> Bob\n>\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n> Name: ISMA.pdf\n> ISMA.pdf Type: Acrobat (application/pdf)\n> Encoding: base64\n> Download Status: Not downloaded with message"} {"text": "Sara, I have a conflict that day, but would like to participate. I will try \nto break-free to call in.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nRick\n\n\n\n\nSara Shackleton@ECT\n11/08/99 09:07 AM\nTo: Lynn Aven/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Andrea \nBertone/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Brent \nHendry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Rick \nHopkinson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bruce \nHarris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randy Young/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \n\nSubject: Re: Financial Trading in Brazil\n\nWe have scheduled a meeting with Antonio Felix and Marcelo on Tuesday, \nNovember 30 at 9 am (Brazil time) in Sao Paulo. The purpose of the meeting \nwill be to discuss the Tozzini memorandum of October 19, address unanswered \nquestions and identify issues for further research. We are attempting to \nidentify specific financial products for immediate trading. For those of \nyou in Houston who would like to participate, please let me know and we can \neither revise the meeting time or conference you in later in the meeting. \nPlease confirm your attendance as soon as possible. Thanks. Sara\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 11/08/99 08:46 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"MBTOS - Marcelo Rodrigues\" on 11/08/99 03:41:49 AM\nTo: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Af@tozzini.com.br, Giani@tozzini.com.br \nSubject: Re: Financial Trading in Brazil\n\n\n\n\"S?o Paulo, November 08, 1999\n\nDear Sara:\n\nThank you for your message below. November 30, 9:00 am, at Enron's offices is \nOK.\n\nKind regards,\n\nMarcelo Rodrigues\"\n\n>>> \"Sara Shackleton\" 11/05 9:47 pm >>>\n\n\nAFAC and Marcelo: Thank you for the message. We would suggest Tuesday,\nNovember 30 at Enron's offices. Is 9 am convenient for you? Please advise.\nRegards. Sara"} {"text": "Start Date: 1/19/02; HourAhead hour: 2; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final Schedules\\2002011902.txt\nError: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\nError: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\nError: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\nError: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database\nError: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database\nError: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\n!!!Unknown database.\nAlias: dbCaps97Data\nError: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database"} {"text": "For your dining pleasure...\n\nhttp://my.netscape.com/mynsnews/story.tmpl?table=n&cat=50900&id=20010326074900\n0216417\n\n==JLW\n\nPS: Always serve w/ a radish garnish..."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 \n07:10 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Btu\" on 12/08/2000 05:03:13 PM\nTo: \"Btu Weekly\" <>\ncc: \nSubject: Btu Weekly\n\n\n\nAttached is the latest issue of Btu Weekly.\n\ne-mail: info@Btu.net\nphone: 732-758-8222\nfax: 732-758-8286\n\n\n - wg121100.pdf"} {"text": "www.adventurevillage.com"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 \n09:14 AM ---------------------------\n \n \t\n\tEnron Technology\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephen Stock 10/27/2000 12:49 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ERMS / RMS Databases\n\nPhillip,\n\nIt looks as though we have most of the interim hardware upgrades in the \nbuilding now, although we are still expecting a couple of components to \narrive on Monday.\n\nThe Unix Team / DBA Team and Applications team expect to have a working test \nserver environment on Tuesday. If anything changes, I'll let you know.\n\nbest regards\n\nSteve Stock"} {"text": "Do not pay attention to the sitting bill that was attached on the last \ne-mail. The attached version was older that we though. AI will be faxing you \na copy of the final version of AB970 within a 1/2 hour.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Bruno Gaillard/SFO/EES on 09/01/2000 \n10:26 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBruno Gaillard\n09/01/2000 10:22 AM\nTo: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES, James D \nSteffes/HOU/EES@EES, Harry Kingerski/HOU/EES@EES, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, \nJeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Mona L Petrochko/SFO/EES@EES, Susan J \nMara/SFO/EES@EES, Sandra McCubbin/SFO/EES@EES, Thane \nTwiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \nSubject: Rate cap , Ratepayer relief and siting bills \n\nSummary of Davis/Alpert bill AB 260\n\nRetro-active to June 1, 2000 through December 31, 2002, 6.5 cent/kWh cap on \nthe energy component for residential and small commercial customers (under \n100 kW). The Commission has the ability to extend through 2003. The \nCommission also has the ability to adjust the cap.\n\nCommission can use revenues from utility-owned assets, refunds from FERC to \noffset the undercollections. (In addition, a companion bill was passed that \nprovides $150 million of general fund money to offset undercollections.)\n\nLarge commercial/industrial/agricultural customers have an opportunity to \n\"opt-in\" to the 6.5 cent/kWh cap with an annual true-up.\n\nSDG&E will under a prudence review by the CPUC, which may be another source \nof funds to offset the undercollection.\n\nSpecific classes subject to cap:\n\n Schedule A, all acute care hospitals, all public and private k-12 schools, \nall accounts on AL-TOU under 100 kW.\n\nAttached a link to the bill\nhttp://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_0251-0300/ab_265_bill_20000830_enrol\nled.pdf\n\n\nSummary of the rate payer relief bill AB 1156 which would \nTransfer of $150,000,000 from the general fund to a subaccount within the \nSpecial Fund for Economic Uncertainties. \nAppropriate those funds from the subaccount, to the commission, to reduce the \nadverse impact of high-cost wholesale energy purchases on certain ratepayers \nif a specified rate ceiling is in effect, and if the commission determines \nthat a specified revenue shortfall would result in a ratepayer surcharge \ngreater than 10%, and the electricity rates were directly linked to Power \nExchange costs. \nDeclare that, on January 1, 2004, any remaining balance in the account would \nrevert to the General Fund.\nBecome operative only if AB 265 is enacted, as specified.\n Take effect immediately as an urgency statute. \nAttached a link to the bill\nhttp://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_1151-1200/ab_1156_bill_20000830_enro\nlled.pdf\n\n\nAB 970 Siting Bill.\n\nAB 970 passed last night. The final version has not been published yet. The \nfinal version should only have an additional amendment relating to a Calpine \nfacility in San Jose for which expeditious treatment has not been granted. We \nwill produce a summary once the enrolled version is available, which should \nbe today or Tuesday at the latest. Bellow is the previous amended version of \nthe Sitting Bill.\n\nAttached a link to bill as amended on 8/7/00\n\nhttp://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_0951-1000/ab_970_bill_20000807_amend\ned_sen.pdf.pdf"} {"text": "Mary -- see attached\n\n\n\n\nStacy Guidroz@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n09/22/99 09:36 PM\nTo: Steven J Kean@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Organizational Changes\n\nThe following is a message from Sanjay Bhatnagar:\n\nOrganizational changes in India (South Asia) Region which includes India, \nBangladesh and Sri Lanka.\n\nThe team is lead by Sanjay Bhatnagar, CEO. Wade Cline has joined the team as \nthe Chief Operating Officer. Other management appointments include:\n\n(1) Bobby Farris will lead all development efforts in the region\n\n(2) Raj Thapar will lead the M&A efforts \n\n(3) Bangladesh will continue to be managed by David Howe who will report in \nto Bobby Farris\n\n(4) P. Sreekumar leads up the accounting function as Chief Accounting Officer \nassisted by Carol Hoes in Houston\n\n(5) Neil McGregor heads up the Dabhol Power Company as its President and \nreports directly into Sanjay and Wade\n\n(6) Communication is currently being lead by Sanjay\n\n(7) Ranabir Dutt leads the Finance Team"} {"text": "Not much back from Tony, but he did find a Chicago + .06 offer for norther \nborder gas. He will keep looking. Let me know if you need anything in the \nmeantime.\n\nRichard"} {"text": "thanks, I'll try it.............."} {"text": "Valerie,\n\nFurther to our conversation, please see the attached draft of the agreement \ndiscussed. Upon your review, please give me a call to discuss any issues or \nquestions you may have.\n\n\n\nRegards,\nDebra Perlingiere\nEnron North America Corp.\nLegal Department\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\nHouston, Texas 77002\ndperlin@enron.com\nPhone 713-853-7658\nFax 713-646-3490"} {"text": "Have you lost your competitive mind? Find it on the Edge.\n\nIf you're looking for competitive intelligence from recent articles, press \nreleases or trends, find it on the Edge! If you have information about \nrecent moves in the market, put it on the Edge!\n\n\n\nLube stocks trading....maritime weather derivatives...viticulturists. No, \nthese aren't the results of the eThink team's latest word association \nsession. They're all ideas in the ThinkBank's Idea Vault. Visit the \nThinkBank to get the rest of the story on these ideas. While you're there, \nstop by Resources and Good Sense, too."} {"text": "Todd,\n\nThanks for the invitation to speak on the panel. It was a real pleasure\nto join you and other leading professionals in the energy area in the \ndiscussion\non the state of the electricity markets in the US.\n\nI want to wish you a very Happy and Successful New Year.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Strauss, Todd\" on 12/20/99 03:41:27 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: volatility conference\n\n\n\nVince --\n\nThanks for participating in the INFOCAST volatility conference in Houston 10\ndays ago. Your penetrating analysis of the current state of electricity\nmarkets, and what the trends may be, was a very useful contribution to the\nconference.\n\nHappy holidays, and wishing you a healthy and prosperous new year / century\n/ millenium.\n\nTodd Strauss\nPrincipal\n\nPHB Hagler Bailly, Inc._______\nManagement and Economic Consultants\n\n1776 Eye Street, N.W.\nWashington, DC 20006-3700\n(202) 828-3964\n(202) 296-3858 (facsimile)\n\n\nThis electronic message transmission, including any attachments, is intended\nonly for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and\nmay contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from\ndisclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient or\nthe employee or agent responsible for delivering this transmission to the\nintended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, copying,\ndissemination, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the\ncontents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received\nthis transmission in error please notify me by telephone or by electronic\nmail immediately -- Thank You."} {"text": "I'm okay with providing your attached sheet to Jane\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sawyer, Lisa \nSent: Friday, March 01, 2002 5:29 PM\nTo: Corman, Shelley\nCc: Hotte, Steve; Dietz, Rick\nSubject: FW: Contracts System for NNG\n\n\nShelly,\nI have not responded to Jane's email. I created the attached spreadsheet which has a summary of the Contracts and Rates & Revenue Project. Please review the attached and let me know if we need to discuss. How would you like for me to handle a response to Jane's email? Thanks.\n \n \n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jane.Joyce@dynegy.com [mailto:Jane.Joyce@dynegy.com]\nSent: Friday, February 22, 2002 1:53 PM\nTo: Sawyer, Lisa\nCc: Steve.Gilbert@dynegy.com\nSubject: RE: Contracts System for NNG\n\n\n\nLisa - we got the revised 2002 capital budget & I'm looking at both your spreadsheet and the budget. A couple of questions for my clarification:\n \n\nCould you fill in the blanks or correct:\n \n CMS/CRS \n\nTotal Cost for NNG - $_____?____ \n\nPaid in 2001 $406 K \nBudgeted for 2002 $130 K \nBalance (if any) $___?___ \nRemaining customization for NNG is $693K less $300K for Deal Sheet = $393K customization for CMS/CRS (correct?)\n\nCMS/CRS $100K for Interface to TRS/TAS - Is this considered a separate project from above and if so, is this included anywhere in 2002 Budget?\n\nCAS \n\nTotal Cost $154K, correct? \nBudget for 2002 $54K; is remaining $100K in 2003 or already paid for in 2002? \nWhat department is this budgeted in (Operations?)\n\nR&R 2002 Plan = $548,481 (of which Deal Sheet is $300 K) \n Is this total cost or was some paid in 2001 or projected for 2003? \n\nR&R 2002 Cap Budget shows $548K less $252K paid in Jan. = 296K \nCap Budget also shows 130K for CMS \n= $426K budgeted in Gas Logistics for CMS & R&R. \nHow does that link to the $463K Total Required shown on your worksheet (esp. Interface to TRS/TAS)?\n\nThanks! Jane"} {"text": "Congratulations. That is very exciting and I think everyone knows how darned \nhard you folks have been working on it. Look forward to buying you a drink \nnext time we're together to celebrate.\n\nBest,\nJeff"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFitzgerald, Genia \nSent:\tFriday, September 21, 2001 1:49 PM\nTo:\tHeard, Marie\nSubject:\tFW: Batter up........(your gonna love this)\n\n\n\n -----\n\n\nDear Osama Bin Laden, Yasser Arafat, and Sadam Hussein, et.al.,\n\nWe are pleased to announce that we unequivocally accept your challenge to an\nold-fashioned game of whoop-ass. Now that we understand the rule that there\nare no rules, we look forward to playing by them for the first time.\n\nSince this game is a winner-take-all, we unfortunately are unable to\ninvite you to join us at the victory celebration. But rest assured that we\nwill toast you -- LITERALLY.\n\nWhile we will admit that you are off to an impressive lead, it is however\nnow our turn at the plate.\n\nBy the way, we will be playing on your court now.\nBatter up.\n\nSincerely,\n\nThe 270,000,000 citizens of the United States of America\n\n\n\n\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp"} {"text": "AE,\n\nWhen you get a minute please send me your favorite option agreement so that I \ncan get it Hermanized.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "Looks like Amerex has this in as a peak deal. Bob shows off-peak, says Amerex \nis incorrect. Please let me know if they dispute.\n\nThanks,\nKate\n\n\n\n\n\nEvelyn Metoyer@ENRON\n01/11/2001 03:07 PM\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: deal 495264\n\nBob Badeer\ndeal 495264\nAmerex shows 30400 total mw and we show 24800"} {"text": "Dear Stan,\n\nGiven the current state of affairs here in the D.C. office, I am forwarding my resume for your review. The lion's share of my legal experience has been with Enron's regulated pipelines, both domestic and overseas. I appreciate your keeping me in mind should needs or opportunities arise in the pipeline group, whether these be as an employee or on a contract basis.\n\nThanks for your consideration! \n\nKindest regards, Ray"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 04/07/2000 \n10:21 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"SOCORRO HERNANDEZ\" on 04/07/2000 09:26:35 AM\nTo: , , \n, \"A. SUE GONZALES-GUEVARA\" \n, \"JESSICA VEGA\" , \"KATHY MARIE MOORE\" \n, \"MARIA SOLIZ\" , \"VALERIE WALLACE\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE\n\n\n\n* THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE *\n >> > >\nFalling in love.\nLaughing so hard your face hurts.\nHot shower.\nNo lines at the Super Walmart.\nA special glance.\nGetting mail.\nTaking a drive on a scenic road.\nHearing your favorite song on the radio.\nLying in bed listening to the rain outside.\nHot towels out of the dryer.\nFinding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.\nChocolate milkshake.\nA long distance phone call.\nA bubble bath.\nGiggling.\nA good conversation.\nThe beach.\nFinding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.\nLaughing at yourself.\nMidnight phone calls that last for hours.\nRunning through sprinklers.\nLaughing for absolutely no reason at all.\nHaving someone tell you that you're beautiful.\nLaughing at an inside joke.\nFriends.\nFalling in love for the first time.\nAccidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.\nWaking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.\nYour first kiss.\nMaking new friends or spending time with old ones.\nPlaying with a puppy.\nLate night talks with your roommate\nHaving someone play with your hair.\nSweet dreams.\nHot chocolate.\nRoad trips with friends.\nSwinging on swings.\nWatching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.\nWrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking \neggnog.\nSong lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling \nstupid.\nGoing to a really good concert.\nMaking eye contact with a cute stranger.\nMaking chocolate chip cookies!\nHugging the person you love.\nWatching the expression someone's face as they open a much-desired present \nfrom you.\nWatching the sunrise.\nGetting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.\n >> > >\nPASS ON THESE NATURAL HIGHS TO AT LEAST 7 PEOPLE IN THE NEXT HALF HOUR AND \nGOOD-LUCK WILL COME TO YOU IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS!!\n\nMany people will walk in and out of your life, but only true riends\nwill leave a footprint in your heart.\n\n >=====\n >\"Deep inside the heart of every man there lies a deep, yawning chasm which \ncan only be filled by the one true God.\""} {"text": "I guess discussions are not going too well.\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Moran, Tom \nSent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 8:07 AM\nTo: Bradford, William S.\nSubject: FW: ICE Counterparty Filter Change Notice [Dynegy Marketing and\nTrade]\n\n\nFYI,\n\nDynegy is shutting us down on ICE again.\n\ntm\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \ticehelpdesk@intcx.com [mailto:icehelpdesk@intcx.com] \nSent:\tWednesday, November 28, 2001 3:04 AM\nTo:\tMoran, Tom\nSubject:\tICE Counterparty Filter Change Notice [Dynegy Marketing and Trade]\n\nYour Firm: Enron North America Corp.\nCounterparty: Dynegy Marketing and Trade\nCredit Manager: Tom White\nDate/Time: November 28, 2001 14:03:34.036 GMT\nPhone: 713/767-8483 \nE-Mail: Thomas.White@dynegy.com \n\nThe counterparty changed the following credit filter data affecting your firm for Financial Power.\nCredit Filter Attribute \tPreviously \tNow\nOpen or closed \tOpen \tClosed"} {"text": "Andy,\n\nI show he is to attend. Please let me know if there is anyone further that \nyou would like to attend.\n\nk\n\n\n\n\nAndy Zipper\n11/15/2000 10:24 AM\nTo: Lorraine Becker/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Daniel Diamond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly \nHillis/HOU/ECT@ect, Lydia Cannon/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Marketing Reports \n\nI would like Bob Shults to be present."} {"text": "In This Edition\nBanking Essentials\nInvestment Accounts\nManaging Your Financial Accounts\nManaging Your Money\nBack to Basics\nTaking the first steps toward financial freedom starts with the \nbasics. Whether you bank online, via ATM, phone, in person, or any \ncombination of these, becoming familiar with the accounts and \nservices your bank offers will make it easier to find the loans, \ncredit cards and even home mortgages that are right for you. By \nlearning what your bank has to offer, you can take advantage \nof the financial products and services that best fit your \nfinancial needs.\nBanking Essentials\nIt's important to learn the features of even the most basic \nbanking products. Finding the right account is easy when you've \ndone the research. \nChecking and Savings Accounts\nMost people have checking and savings accounts, but may not know \nthat the types of accounts available vary widely. Everybody's \nfinancial needs are different, and that's why it's important to \nchoose the account that fits the way you want to bank and enhances \nyour lifestyle. \n? Checking Accounts. Do you keep a steady amount of money in your \nchecking account? Is your checking account your main financial \nservices account? The right checking account has it all - \nconvenience, flexibility and fast, easy access to your money. \nChecking accounts give you the freedom to write checks against \nyour account balance and to have access to your money through an \nATM or online banking. And since everyone's financial needs are \ndifferent, there are a wide variety of checking accounts available, \nincluding interest bearing or non-interest bearing, all of which \nare FDIC insured. From accounts that offer you free checking with \ndirect deposit to low-fee student accounts to top-of-the-line \nfinancial relationship accounts, there's a checking account \nthat fits your lifestyle. \n? Savings Accounts. Whether you're saving for a new house or a \nchild's college education, the best way to achieve your financial \ngoals is to put money away each month. An Automatic Savings Plan \nmakes saving even easier by automatically moving a pre-determined \namount of money between your accounts. Savings accounts are interest- \nbearing accounts with low minimum balance requirements. They are \na convenient way to save for the future and most savings accounts \ncan be used as overdraft protection for your checking account. Find \nout more about the variety of savings accounts available to you. \n? Time Accounts (CDs)\nIf you're planning for a vacation or saving for the future, time \naccounts , also known as certificates of deposit, are a solid choice for your \nsavings needs. Time accounts offer guaranteed rates of return for a fixed term, \nflexibility in length of investment term and are eligible for FDIC insurance. \nATM, Check, and Credit Cards\nBoth ATM cards and check cards provide convenient access to your \naccounts, allowing you to withdraw cash, make deposits and transfer \nfunds through an ATM. An ATM card also offers you the ability to make \npurchases using your Secret Code or Personal Identification Number \n(PIN) at participating merchants. With a check card , you have \nexpanded purchasing power at merchants worldwide that accept either \nVisa\n (or MasterCard\n), depending on which logo is displayed on your \ncard. Whenever you use a check card or ATM card to make a purchase, \nthe purchase amount is always deducted from your checking account \nand detailed on your monthly statement for easy record keeping. \nAdditionally, there are several types of credit cards , which give \nyou the convenience and financial flexibility of paying for your \npurchases over time, depending on your credit limit. With all of \nthese choices, there is definitely a card (or cards) that is right \nfor you. \nInvestment Accounts\nThese days, most people have some sort of an investment account. \nHowever, the type of investment account people choose depends on \ntheir comfort level and goals. Whether you're new to investing, \nexperienced at managing your own investments, or simply want to work \nwith a financial consultant, there are options for you. \n? Full-service brokerage. New to investing? Prefer talking to \nsomebody in person? An experienced financial consultant can help. \nIt's not always easy making investment choices on your own. Working \nwith a financial consultant , you get the tailored advice you need to \nmake informed investment decisions. \n? Online brokerage. If you prefer to manage your investments on \nyour own, online brokerage gives you the dynamic tools to manage your \nportfolio, research the marketplace, assess your opportunities and \nmake the right decisions. \n? Wells ShareBuilder. With Wells ShareBuilder you can invest in \nstocks and index shares in regular intervals, weekly or monthly. Over \ntime, you will automatically build your portfolio share by share. \nWith no investment minimums and low transaction fees, this \naffordable technique uses dollar-cost averaging to help you \nreach your long-term goals. \nManaging Your Financial Accounts\n? Online Banking Basics\nHow do you access your accounts? In a branch, at an ATM, over the \nphone, or online? As many people have discovered, banking online is \nthe fastest, most convenient way to access all their accounts, manage \ninvestments, transfer funds and pay bills - all with just the click \nof a mouse. \n? Online account access. Need to check your balance from work? Want \nto make a quick transfer between accounts but don't have time to stop \nat the bank or ATM? Online account access lets you view your account \nbalances and transactions, transfer funds, pay bills online, and \ncontact customer service. It's an easy and convenient way to manage \nyour accounts from your computer. \n? Online bill pay. With online bill pay, you can pay any individual \nor company in the U.S. from the comfort of your home computer, the \noffice, or anywhere you have Internet access. And the money you will \nsave on postage can really add up. Try this demo to see how easy \nit is. \nManaging Your Money\nIf you're like most people, you work hard and strive to achieve your \ndreams. It's important to build a financial foundation to ensure you \narrive where you want to be. Here are a few tips on how you can make \nsmart decisions about your financial future. \nTaking Control of Your Finances\nIt's not how much you make, but what you do with your money that \nmatters. Cutting out a few minor expenses can make a big difference \nin your savings. There's no better way to stay out of debt than by \ntracking your spending and sticking to a budget. A budget can help \nyou control your finances, decrease your debt, and build a strong \ncredit history. Where do you spend your money? Determining your cash \nflow is the first step in creating a successful budget. \nBuilding Your Credit and Controlling Debt\nManaging credit can be a challenge. But a good credit rating is key \nto many financial decisions. Learning how to establish and maintain \ngood credit can make a big difference in your savings. Understanding \nhow to manage your debt can empower you to take charge of your \nfinancial future. The quality of your life is directly linked to how \nwell you manage your credit and debt. \nPersonalize Your Communications from Wells Fargo Online\n\nWe can tailor the content of our email communications to match your \ninterests with information on products and services you want to know \nabout. Just let us know what you're interested in and we'll send you \nrelevant messages that help you achieve your financial goals. \nOne Last Thought\nManaging your money means making major financial decisions. In \naddition to the tips provided in this newsletter, a wealth of \ninformation can be found at http://www.wellsfargo.com . We'll see \nyou next month with more practical information for managing your \nfinancial life. \n?2001 Wells Fargo Banks. All rights reserved. Members FDIC. \nInvestment products offered through Wells Fargo Investments \n- Not FDIC Insured - No Bank Guarantee - May Lose Value\nFull-service and online brokerage accounts are available through \nWells Fargo Investments, LLC (member NYSE/SIPC), a non-bank affiliate \nof Wells Fargo & Company. \nFinancial consultants are registered representatives of Wells \nFargo Investments. \nWells ShareBuilder is offered through ShareBuilder Securities \nCorporation, member NASD/SIPC, a subsidiary of Netstock Corporation. \nShareBuilder Securities Corporation is a separate broker/dealer that \nis not affiliated with Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo owns a minority \ninterest in Netstock Corporation, parent of ShareBuilder Securities \nCorporation. Questions about and access to Wells ShareBuilder must \nbe directed to ShareBuilder Securities at 1-877-595-0208 between 5am \nand 6pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. \nAttention: Wells Fargo is committed to maintaining your privacy \nand will not share any information provided above with \nanother company. \nPlease do not respond to this message using the \"reply\" button. \nIf you have questions about Online Banking or your own accounts \nplease sign on to a secure banking session at https://banking.wellsfargo.com , select the Contact Us button, and \nsend your message. This way we can verify that you are the owner of \nthe account and can process your request. \nIf you would like to unsubscribe from future Wells Fargo \nannouncements, please click on the following link: http://wellsfargo1.m0.net/m/u/wlls/tmp/w.asp?e=sscott5%40enron.com"} {"text": "I tracked down some old books and ran into a few good quotations to make some \nslides either critical of price controls in practice or showing how the \neconomics profession has been opposed to maximum price ceilings."} {"text": "Ruth-\n\nI've been trying to call you back since last night, but your line is always \nbusy. I'd be happy to drive on Saturday. Shall I call everyone? Other than \nJazz and Kali, I'll need to pick up Francie, Angela and Amy, right? Any more?\n\nThanks,\n\nSusan"} {"text": "JOIN\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2001 03:07 PM -----\n\n\tContinental Airlines Inc \n\n\t05/29/2001 07:18 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Elizabeth.Sager@Enron.com\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: ONEPASS MEMBER CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS FOR Elizabeth Sager\n\n\nONEPASS MEMBER CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS\nDOMESTIC U.S.\nWednesday, May 30, 2001\n****************************************\n\nTELL A FRIEND ABOUT CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS\n\nDon't keep these great deals to yourself. Let your friends in on\nthe good news by forwarding this copy of CO.O.L. Travel Specials\nso they can also take advantage of this week's deals.\n\nCO.O.L. Travel Specials don't last long, so send this to your friends\nand then book your eTicket today at\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0mdd0AV\n\n\n****************************************\nTABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS\n1. OnePass Miles CO.O.L. Travel Specials Offers\n2. CO.O.L. Travel Specials Offers\n3. Featured Fares Sample Destinations\n4. Alamo Rent A Car Offers\n5. National Car Rental Offers\n6. Westin Hotels & Resorts, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts,\n Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels\n7. Hilton Hotel Offers\n\n****************************************\nThis week's specials are good for the following markets departing Saturday,\nJune 2 and returning on either Monday, June 4 or Tuesday, June 5, 2001. Please\nsee the Terms and Conditions listed at the end of this e-mail.\n****************************************\n1. OnePass Miles CO.O.L. Travel Specials Offers\n\nFor OnePass members, here are special opportunities to redeem miles for travel\nto the following destinations. As an additional benefit, OnePass Elite members\ncan travel using the miles below as the only payment necessary. The following\nare this week's OnePass CO.O.L. Travel Specials.\n\nTo use your OnePass miles (as listed below) to purchase CO.O.L. Travel \nSpecials,\nyou must call 1-800-642-1617.\n\nTHERE WILL NOT BE AN ADDITIONAL $20 CHARGE WHEN\nREDEEMING ONEPASS MILES FOR CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS THROUGH\nTHE TOLL FREE RESERVATIONS NUMBER.\n\n\n****************************************\nTRAVEL MAY ORIGINATE IN EITHER CITY\n****************************************\n****Roundtrip BETWEEN CLEVELAND, OH and:\n\n$29 + 15,000 Miles - Greensboro/Piedmont Triad, NC\n$29 + 15,000 Miles - Providence, RI\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - South Bend, IN\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - Syracuse, NY\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - Washington, DC (Dulles Airport only)\n\n\n****Roundtrip BETWEEN HOUSTON, TX and:\n\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - Los Angeles, CA\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - Louisville, KY\n$29 + 10,000 Miles - McAllen /Rio Grand Valley, TX\n$29 + 17,500 Miles - New York (LaGuardia only)\n$29 + 17,500 Miles - Orange County/Santa Ana, CA\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - San Angelo, TX\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - San Jose, CA\n$29 + 17,500 Miles - Washington, DC (National Airport only)\n\n****Roundtrip BETWEEN NEW YORK/NEWARK and:\n\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - Albany, NY\n$29 + 10,000 Miles - Burlington, VT\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - Hartford, CT\n$29 + 10,000 Miles - Providence, RI\n$29 + 10,000 Miles - Rochester, NY\n$29 + 17,500 Miles - Seattle/Tacoma, WA\n$29 + 10,000 Miles - Syracuse, NY\n$29 + 12,500 Miles - West Palm Beach, FL\n\n\n****************************************\n2. CO.O.L. Travel Specials Offers\n\nPurchase CO.O.L. Travel Specials online until 11:59pm (CST) Friday at\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0mdd0AV\nYou can also purchase CO.O.L. Travel Specials for an additional cost of $20 \nper\nticket through our telephone service at 1-800-642-1617.\n\n********************************\nTRAVEL MAY ORIGINATE IN EITHER CITY\n********************************\n****Roundtrip BETWEEN CLEVELAND, OH and:\n\n$159 - Greensboro/Piedmont Triad, NC\n$149 - Providence, RI\n$129 - South Bend, IN\n\n$139 - Syracuse, NY\n$119 - Washington, DC (Dulles Airport only)\n\n\n****Roundtrip BETWEEN HOUSTON, TX and:\n$139 - Los Angeles, CA\n$139 - Louisville, KY\n$99 - McAllen /Rio Grand Valley, TX\n$169 - New York (LaGuardia only)\n$239 - Orange County/Santa Ana, CA\n$129 - San Angelo, TX\n$139 - San Jose, CA\n$169 - Washington, DC (National Airport only)\n\n****Roundtrip BETWEEN NEW YORK/NEWARK and:\n\n$139 - Albany, NY\n$89 - Burlington, VT\n$119 - Hartford, CT\n$109 - Providence, RI\n$89 - Rochester, NY\n$189 - Seattle/Tacoma, WA\n$89 - Syracuse, NY\n$139 - West Palm Beach, FL\n\n\n********************************\n3. FEATURED FARES SAMPLE DESTINATION\n\nChoose your fare, find your flight. Or, quickly sift through all our great\nfeatured fares by choosing a destination or origin. Be spontaneous. Get out\nof town. Current Featured Fares destinations include:\n\nNew York, Baltimore, Buffalo, Houston,\nCleveland, Phoenix, and many more.\n\nNote: Featured Fares change often. To see a regularly-updated online list and\npurchase our Featured Fares, visit the website at:\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0mde0AW\n\n(Capacity controls and other restrictions apply)\n\n\n********************************\n4. CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS FROM ALAMO RENT A CAR\n\nRates listed below are valid on compact class vehicles at airport locations\nonly. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on\nSaturday, June 2, 2001 with returns Monday, June 4, 2001 or Tuesday, June 5,\n2001.\n-------------------------------\n$26 a day in: Hartford, CT (BDL)\n$19 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE)\n$18 a day in: Washington, DC (DCA)\n$30 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR)\n$18 a day in: Greensboro, NC (GSO)\n$18 a day in: Washington, DC (IAD)\n$18 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH)\n$20 a day in: Los Angeles, CA (LAX)\n$26 a day in: Providence, RI (PVD)\n$20 a day in: Seattle, WA (SEA)\n$20 a day in: San Jose, CA (SJC)\n$20 a day in: Orange County, CA (SNA)\n\n\nTo receive special Continental CO.O.L. discounted rates, simply make advance\nreservations and be sure to request ID # 596871 and Rate Code 33. Book your\nreservation online at:\n\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0bf10AV\nor contact Alamo at 1-800 GO ALAMO.\n\n*If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, Alamo\noffers great rates when you book online at:\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0bf20AW\n\nFor complete details on these offers, please refer to Alamo's terms and\nconditions below.\n\n\n****************************************\n5. CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS FROM NATIONAL CAR RENTAL\n\nRates listed below are valid on intermediate class vehicles at airport \nlocations\nonly. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on\nSaturday, June 2, 2001 with returns Monday, June 4, 2001 or Tuesday, June 5,\n2001.\n------------------------------------------\n$29 a day in: Hartford, CT (BDL)\n$51 a day in: Burlington, VT (BTV)\n$21 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE)\n$21 a day in: Washington, DC (DCA)\n$32 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR)\n$21 a day in: Greensboro, NC (GSO)\n$21 a day in: Washington, DC (IAD)\n$21 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH)\n$47 a day in: New York, NY (LGA)\n$23 a day in: Los Angeles, CA (LAX)\n$29 a day in: McAllen/Rio Grand Valley, TX (MFE)\n$29 a day in: West Palm Beach, FL (PBI)\n$21 a day in: Rochester, NY (ROC)\n$23 a day in: Louisville, KY (SDF)\n$23 a day in: Seattle, WA (SEA)\n$23 a day in: San Jose, CA (SJC)\n$23 a day in: Orange County, CA (SNA)\n$21 a day in: Syracuse, NY (SYR)\n\n\n\nTo receive your special Continental Airlines CO.O.L. Travel Specials \ndiscounted\nrates, simply make your reservations in advance and be sure to request Product\nCode COOLUS. To make your reservation, contact National at 1-800-CAR-RENT\n(1-800-227-7368), or book your reservation online at\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0mdZ0AL\nPlease enter COOLUS in the Product Rate Code field, and 5037126 in the \nContract\nID field to ensure you get these rates on these dates.\n\n\n* If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed,\nNational offers great rates when you book online at:\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0DwD0Ab\n\nFor complete details on these offers, please refer to National's terms and\nconditions below.\n\n\n****************************************\n6. CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS LAST-MINUTE WEEKEND\nRATES FROM WESTIN HOTELS & RESORTS, SHERATON HOTELS\n& RESORTS, FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON, ST. REGIS,\nTHE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS\n\nVisit our site for booking these and other Last-Minute Weekend Rates for\nthis weekend June 1- June 5, 2001.\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0D7n0AF\n\n--------------------------------------\nCalifornia - Pomona - Sheraton Suites Fairplex - $69.00\nCalifornia - Santa Monica - Four Points by Sheraton Santa Monica - $109.00\nCalifornia - Los Angeles - W Los Angeles Westwood - $219.00\nCalifornia - Los Angeles - The Century Plaza Hotel & Spa - $139.00\nCalifornia - Los Angeles - The St. Regis, Los Angeles - $249.00\nCalifornia - Los Angeles - The Westin Los Angeles Airport - $84.00\nCalifornia - Millbrae - The Westin San Francisco Airport - $110.00\nCalifornia - Ontario - Sheraton Ontario Airport Hotel - $51.00\nCalifornia - Pleasanton - Four Points by Sheraton Pleasanton - $56.00\nCalifornia - Santa Clara - The Westin Santa Clara - $75.00\nCalifornia - Sunnyvale - Sheraton Sunnyvale Hotel - $250.00\nCalifornia - Universal City - Sheraton Universal Hotel - $99.00\n\nConnecticut - Danbury - Sheraton Danbury Hotel - $89.00\nConnecticut - Stamford - Sheraton Stamford Hotel - $71.00\nConnecticut - Stamford - The Westin Stamford - $77.00\n\nDistrict of Columbia - Washington - The Westin Grand, Washington D.C. -\n$185.00\nDistrict of Columbia - Washington - The Westin Fairfax - $109.00\n\nNew Jersey - Edison - Sheraton Edison Hotel Raritan Center - $75.00\nNew Jersey - Parsippany - Sheraton Parsippany Hotel - $70.00\nNew Jersey - Piscataway - Four Points by Sheraton Piscataway - $65.00\nNew Jersey - Woodbridge - Sheraton at Woodbridge Place Hotel - $71.00\n\nNew York - New York - Essex House - A Westin Hotel - $228.00\nNew York - New York City - Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers - $169.00\nNew York - New York City - Sheraton Manhattan Hotel - $169.00\nNew York - New York City - Sheraton Russell Hotel - $179.00\n\nNorth Carolina - Chapel Hill - Sheraton Chapel Hill Hotel - $77.00\n\nOhio - Cuyahoga Falls - Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls - $99.00\nOhio - Independence - Four Points by Sheraton Cleveland South - $65.00\n\nRhode Island - Warwick - Sheraton Providence Airport Hotel - $79.00\n\nTexas - Houston - The Westin Galleria Houston - $64.00\nTexas - Houston - The Westin Oaks - $70.00\nTexas - Houston - Sheraton Houston Brookhollow Hotel - $45.00\nTexas - Houston - Sheraton North Houston at George Bush Intercontinental -\n$64.00\n\nWashington - Seattle - The Westin Seattle - $135.00\nWashington - Tacoma - Sheraton Tacoma Hotel - $69.00\n\n\n\n\nFor complete details on these offers, please refer to the terms and\nconditions below.\n\n\n****************************************\n7. CO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS ON HILTON HOTELS AND RESORTS\n\nThe following rates are available June 2-4, 2001 and are priced per night.\n--------------------------------------\nCleveland, OH - Hilton Garden Inn Cleveland Airport - $89\nCleveland, OH - Hilton Cleveland East/Beachwood, Beachwood, OH. - $109\n\nHartford, CT - Doubletree Hotel Bradley International Airport, Windsor\nLocks, CT. - $149\n\nHouston, TX - Hilton Houston Westchase and Towers - $65/Night,6/2-3\nHouston, TX - Hilton Houston Southwest - $109\n\nLos Angeles, CA - Hilton Los Angeles Airport - $70\nLos Angeles, CA - Hilton Burbank Airport & Convention Center, Burbank, CA. -\n$149\nLos Angeles, CA - Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Westwood - $179\nLos Angeles & Anaheim, CA - Hilton Irvine/Orange County Airport, Irvine, CA.\n- $169\n\nLouisville, KY - Doubletree Club Louisville - $109\n\nNewYork, NY & Newark, NJ - Hilton Pearl River, Pearl River, NY. -\n$139/Night, 6/2-3\nNew York, NY & Newark, NJ - Hilton Parsippany, Parsippany, NJ. - $89\nNew York, NY & Newark, NJ - Millennium Hilton Next to the World Trade\nCenter, New York, NY. - $125\nNew York, NY & Newark, NJ - Hilton New York, New York, NY. - $179/Night,\n6/2-3\nNew York, NY & Newark, NJ - Doubletree Club Norwalk, Norwalk, CT. - $139\n\nPalm Beach, FL - Hilton Palm Beach Airport, West Palm Beach, FL. - $86\nPalm Beach, FL - Doubletree Hotel Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Gardens,\nFL. - $99\n\nSan Jose, CA - Hilton San Jose & Towers - $209/Night, 6/2-3\nSan Jose, CA - Hilton Garden Inn San Mateo, San Mateo, CA. - $69/Night,\n6/2-3\nSan Jose, CA - Hilton Garden Inn Cupertino, Cupertino, CA. - $249\nSan Jose, CA - Hilton Garden Inn Mountain View, Mountain View, CA. - $249\nSan Jose, CA - Doubletree Hotel Modesto, Modesto, CA. - $89\n\nWashington, DC - Hilton Crystal City at Ronald Reagan National Airport,\nArlington, VA - $199\nWashington, DC - Hilton McLean Tysons Corner, McLean, VA. - $89/Night, 6/2-3\nWashington, DC - Hilton Arlington and Towers, Arlington, VA. - $199\nWashington, DC - Hilton Washington Embassy Row, Washington, DC. - $175\nWashington, DC - Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, Alexandria, VA. - $79/Night,\n6/2-3\nWashington, DC - Hilton Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, VA. - $165\n\nTo book this week's special rates for Hilton Family Hotels, visit and book\nat\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0jWG0Ak\n\nSpecial rates apply only for the dates listed at each hotel and are subject to\navailability. Check hilton.com for specific dates at each Hilton Family Hotel.\nOr call at 1-800-774-1500 and ask for Value Rates. Restrictions apply to these\nrates.\n\n\n****************************************\nCO.O.L. TRAVEL SPECIALS RULES:\nFares include a $37.20 fuel surcharge. Passenger Facility Charges, up to $12\ndepending on routing, are not included. Up to $2.75 per segment federal excise\ntax, as applicable, is not included. Applicable International and or Canadian\ntaxes and fees up to $88, varying by destination, are not included and may \nvary\nslightly depending on currency exchange rate at the time of purchase. For a\ncomplete listing of rules please visit:\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0mdf0AX\n\n\nALAMO RENT A CAR'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS:\nTaxes (including VLF taxes up to US$1.89 per day in California and GST),\nother governmentally-authorized or imposed surcharges, license recoupment\nfees, fuel, additional driver fee, drop charges and optional items (such as\nCDW Waiver Savers(R) up to US$18.99 a day,) are extra. Renter must meet\nstandard age, driver and credit requirements. Rates higher for drivers under\nage 25. Concession recoupment fees may add up to 14% to the rental rate at\nsome on-airport locations. Up to 10.75% may be added to the rental rate if\nyou rent at an off-airport location and exit on our shuttle bus. Weekly\nrates require a 5-day minimum rental or daily rates apply. For weekend\nrates, the vehicle must be picked up after 9 a.m. on Thursday and returned\nbefore midnight on Monday or higher daily rates apply. 24-hour advance\nreservation required. May not be combined with other discounts. Availability\nis limited. All vehicles must be returned to the country of origin. Offer\nnot valid in San Jose, CA.\n\n\nNATIONAL CAR RENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:\nCustomer must provide Contract ID# at the time of reservation to be eligible\nfor discounts. Offer valid at participating National locations in the US and\nCanada. Minimum rental age is 25. This offer is not valid with any other\nspecial discount or promotion. Standard rental qualifications apply. Subject\nto availability and blackout dates. Advance reservations required.\nGeographic driving restrictions may apply.\n\n\nTERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WESTIN, SHERATON, FOUR POINTS,\nST. REGIS, THE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS:\nOffer is subject to availability. Advance Reservations required and is based\non single/double occupancy. Offer not applicable to group travel. Additional\nService charge and tax may apply. The discount is reflected in the rate\nquoted. Offer valid at participating hotel only. Offer valid for stays on\nFri - Mon with a Friday or Saturday night arrival required. Rate available\nfor this coming weekend only. Offer available only by making reservations\nvia the internet. A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates.\n\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0FG20AX\n\n\n---------------------------------------\nThis E-mail message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary\nproducts of Continental Airlines, Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction,\nor transfer of the message or its content, in any medium, is strictly\nprohibited.\n\n****************************************\nUNFORTUNATELY MAIL SENT TO THIS ADDRESS CANNOT BE ANSWERED.\nPLEASE SEND ALL INQUIRIES TO: mailto:eservice@coair.com\n\n\nTO UNSUBSCRIBE:\nWe hope you will find CO.O.L. Travel Specials a valuable source of\ninformation. However, if you prefer not to take advantage of this\nopportunity, please let us know by visiting the CO.O.L. Travel Specials page\non our web site at:\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0mdg0AY\n\nTO SUBSCRIBE:\nPlease visit the CO.O.L. Travel Specials page on our web site at:\nhttp://airmail.continental.com/cgi-bin5/flo?y=eD6j03p650a0mdh0AZ"} {"text": "Sara:\n\nI am hoping we can discuss early this evening before our call to Japan. Would \nyou be available at 6:15p.m.?\n----- Forwarded by Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT on 09/18/2000 11:44 AM -----\n\n\tSheila Glover\n\t09/18/2000 11:25 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephen H \nDouglas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie S Gartner/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Proprietary Debt Trading Books from ECT Investments, Inc. to Enron \nNorth America\n\nAlan and Sara,\nLast Wednesday we met to discuss the change of organization structure for the \ntwo Proprietary Debt Trading Books, Credit and Convertible, from ECT \nInvestments, Inc. to Enron North America. \n\nAs a follow-up to our discussion, the attached document details the accounts \nmaintained at prime brokers and OTC Swaps currently in place for these two \nbooks.\n\nMy initial discussions with the three prime brokers have indicated to change \nthe account name, from ECTI to ENA, and the related tax ID will require an \nAssignment and Assumption Letter.\n\nPlease let me know if anything else is required.\nThanks. Sheila"} {"text": "Whatever happended to all this? Does Pickering have RisktRAC?\n\nGP\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBeck, Sally \nSent:\tTuesday, September 04, 2001 11:26 AM\nTo:\tPiper, Greg\nSubject:\tRE: Reconciliation Across Risk Applications\n\nThis will require IT resources that support RisktRAC and source systems (ERMS, Enpower, London applications, etc.). Jeff Gossett and I have had a kick off meeting with Steve Stock, who nicely enough has all of the necessary resources under his direction, with the exception of the London resources. Steve is on board to make this happen. All of this took place while Beth Perlman was on vaction, so I will get with her this week to inform her of the effort and to get her support as well. \n\nThe project that Wanda refers to came about as a result of my meeting with Rick Buy a few weeks ago. I suggested, and Rick heartily agreed, that we take ownership of a project to eliminate the disconnect between information in the sources systems (which Rick agreed is accurate) and information in RisktRAC (which is problematic due to the fact that when built, RisktRAC did not focus on how to get information completely, accurately, and efficiently from the source systems). \n\nWanda is a little ahead of herself with the 60 to 90 day timeline. We do not have a firm timeline established yet. We have designated business and IT resources, and are in the process of discussing with London how they will be involved. Steve Stock is reviewing some diagnostics from his architecture group, and then we will be at the point of delineating milestones and timelines within the next 10 days. We do anticipate a relatively short timeframe for results on this effort, but that is not yet defined. \n\nLook for another response to Wanda's memo which I will copy you and Rick Buy on that will give more context to what Wanda wants (which is an excercise to simply document yet again the fact that source system data and RisktRAC don't always match). --Sally \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPiper, Greg \nSent:\tTuesday, September 4, 2001 10:08 AM\nTo:\tPickering, Mark\nCc:\tBeck, Sally\nSubject:\tFW: Reconciliation Across Risk Applications\n\nHow is this being staffed technically?\n\nThanks.\n\nGP\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCurry, Wanda \nSent:\tTuesday, September 04, 2001 10:00 AM\nTo:\tBuy, Rick; Piper, Greg\nCc:\tBeck, Sally; Apollo, Beth; Wilson, Shona; Victorio, Tom; Murphy, Ted; Bradford, William S.; Port, David\nSubject:\tReconciliation Across Risk Applications\n\n\nRick and Greg,\n\nI met with Sally and Beth on August 24th to discuss the operational risk management initiative requiring a reconciliation across all major risk applications. This reconciliation is necessary to validate the transfer of all data from \nsource systems, i.e. risk books, into risk applications which calculate VAR, provide credit exposures, feed Infinity with daily cash flows and ultimately the DPR. \n\nSally and Beth, along with IT, have initiated a project to improve and monitor the accuracy and efficiency of these daily interfaces. The scope includes a review of the processes which impact the accuracy of information, timing of interfaces, production performance issues, inventory of books and improved controls over changes to book attributes, and the officialization process. They have agreed to add a requirement to provide, on a daily basis, this reconciliation across all major risk applications.\n\nThe projected timeline to complete this project, including the reconciliation initiative, is 60 to 90 days. We will need to reassess the decision to combine these initiatives, if the GRMO timeline slips. \n \nThis daily risk applications reconciliation will provide four key metrics not currently available:\n\n1) the ability to track data \"accuracy\" in terms of the percentage of information which transferred and processed correctly, vs. just unique \"failures\". How complete is the data? \n\n2) the ability to validate the accuracy of exception reporting (are all failures included on the exception reports?)\n\n3) the ability to validate Infinity cash flows\n\n4) Reconciliation of values (volumes, PRMA &PRML and cash flows), not # of books processed.\n\nPlease call me if you would like to discuss. \n\nWanda Curry"} {"text": "Are remote, Enron subsidiaries supposed to use this process too?"} {"text": "Can you please forward me the \"Buyback/Deficiency\" Deals for March' 2000.\n Your worksheet would greatly assist me with completing this request.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 02/28/2000 \n02:31 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/25/2000 04:52 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Indutrial Report\n\nRobert, \n\nKen developed an industrial report before he left. It can be found at \no/logistics/kenseaman/industrialsmonthly/... There is one file for each \nmonth of 2000. I need you to update this for March. This will need to be \ndistributed to Gas Control, Logistics, and myself. Let me know if you have \nany questions.\n\nD"} {"text": "Done.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tMonday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tTenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\n\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n << File: 2001FuelMgmt March.xls >> \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan"} {"text": "JAMES & ERIN'S LITTLE BUNDLE OF JOY HAS ARRIVED!!!\n\nNAME:\t\tChase Alen Copeland - A healthy boy!\n\nWEIGHT:\t\t7 lbs. 5 oz.\n\nDATE:\t\t10/23/01\n\nTIME:\t\t2:31 p.m.\n\nMommy, baby and daddy are doing fine. \n\n**************************************************************\nP.S. See message below from proud parents.\n\nHey everybody, we just wanted to\nshare the first official picture\nof the Copeland's new addition!\nPlease feel free to share with\nother friends and family just in\ncase we've accidentally missed\nsomeone. God Bless!\n\nVisitor password = chaseroo\n\nhttp://www.growingfamily.com/webnursery/babypage.asp?URLID=1W6B9I8Y6T"} {"text": "Congrats\n\nPlease put a plan together for me.\n\nJohn\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGuerriero, Michael \nSent:\tWednesday, February 21, 2001 11:43 AM\nTo:\tCalo, Andrea; Waingortin, Carolina; Folgar, Cristian; Mestre, Erica; Valle, Fabian; Aguilar, Gabriela; Canovas, Guillermo; Bertocchi, Gustavo; Kabel, Jeff; Shoobridge, John; Feldman, Laura; Juarros, Luis; Salvador, Maria Belen; Beccaccini, Maria Pia; Benitez, Mario Aguilar; Pardellas, Marisa; Ortiz, Marta; Guerriero, Michael; Cordoba, Miguel; Rodriguez, Nadia; Porta, Santiago; Dorfman, Sara; Leppez, Veronica; Ramos, Julie; Ueckert, Allen W.; Guidry, John; Ham, Roshena; Daniels, Roberto; Johnson, Dirk; Votaw, Waymon; Veariel, Robin; Miceli, Keith; Ambler, John; Wagner, Kathleen; Sassatani, Ricardo; Young, Randy; Haedicke, Mark; Atenor, Guillermo; Hollweck, Diego; Black, Don; Poole, Julian; Collonges, Remi; Wiggs, Brett; Granado, Maria Ines; Padron, Miguel; Freyre, Rodolfo; Weidler, Peter; Hansen, Patrick; Gay, Rob; Phan, Thach C.; Blackham, Roderick; Beaven Fernandes@Enron Communications; Hendry, Brent; Lamar Frazier/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT; Popkin, Michael; Estrems, Connie; Tribolet, Michael; McKone, Bill; Andrews, Bernardo; Castleman, Kent; Aven, Lynn; Moehlman, Cathy; Radous, Paul; majom@sinectis.com.ar; cmbastos@ssdnet.com.ar; Taylor, Mark\nCc:\tKishkill, Joe; Gonzalez, Orlando; Lavorato, John\nSubject:\tArcor Transaction Completed\n\nAs of this moment the acquisition of the Arcor Modesto Maranzana Power Facility has been completed. All documents and assets have been executed and/or transferred. \n\nCongratulations to the deal team and all those who have diligently worked on this project over the past eighteen months. Your efforts our are greatly appreciated and you have achieved bottom line results for Enron.\n\nMichael F. Guerriero"} {"text": "I am on board. If the PX comes back again, I will call their in-house attys.\n\n\n\n\tChristian Yoder/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t06/04/2001 05:54 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Tracy Ngo/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t\t Subject: FW: Collateral Notification - EPMI\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ngo, Tracy \nSent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:49 PM\nTo: Yoder, Christian\nSubject: RE: Collateral Notification - EPMI\n\nCan you pass this along to Elizabeth to ensure Sanders is on board as well? \nWe are renewing our L/C's on a month to month basis for the PX per Sanders. \nHowever, the request below is to \"replenish\" the CASH that was drawn \ndown...please advise.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Yoder, Christian \nSent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:48 PM\nTo: O'Neil, Murray P.\nCc: Hall, Steve C.; Ngo, Tracy\nSubject: RE: Collateral Notification - EPMI\n\nI agree with Steve's position stated in his separate e'mail. Don't give \nthese guys a penny.----cgy\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: O'Neil, Murray P. \nSent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 2:45 PM\nTo: Ngo, Tracy\nCc: Hall, Steve C.; Yoder, Christian\nSubject: FW: Collateral Notification - EPMI\n\n\n\nTracy, Do we have concerns here. We pointed out to the PX that there was \nexcess credit. By using collateral to pay these bills are we not keeping \nrequired levels available?\n\nMO\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: >@ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-+3CDon+5FDeach+40calpx+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \n\n \nSent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 2:41 PM\nTo: EPMI@calpx.com ; BFM-EPMI@calpx.com \n\nCc: Lynn_Miller@calpx.com ; \nSusan_D_Rossi@calpx.com ; \nLisa_G_Urick@calpx.com ; \nClark_R_Cheng@calpx.com \nSubject: Collateral Notification - EPMI\n\nParticipant:\n\nPursuant to your written request and in accordance with the \nPreliminary\nInjunction issued on March 5, 2001 by the Court in Enron Power Marketing, \nInc.,\net al. v. California Power Exchange Corporation, USDC Case No. 01-00901, \nthe\nCalifornia Power Exchange Corporation (CalPX) applied cash collateral \nmaintained\nby Enron Power Marketing, Inc. in payment of the following invoices:\n\n Dec RT F $ 15,297.24\n Jan RT P $ 64,547.04\n Jan RT F $ 2,255.74\n\nEnron Power Marketing, Inc. has not restored such collateral. Please be \nadvised\nthat the Preliminary Injunction requires CalPX market participants to \nmaintain\ntheir current levels of collateral while the FERC Proceeding and the \nPreliminary\nInjunction are in effect, and allows CalPX to take any necessary actions \nto\npreserve such collateral."} {"text": "ENA bids CIG Gas Daily +.03 for fuel in November.\n\nTheresa"} {"text": "print\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 10/16/2000 10:39 AM -----\n\n\t\"IssueAlert\" \n\t10/12/2000 06:56 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Reliant Energy: Splitting Business in Two to Maximize Shareholder \nValue\n\nhttp://www.consultrci.com\n\n************************************************************************ \n\nEl Paso Global Networks plans to spend up to $2 billion in the next few \nyears on telecom acquisitions. Find out more about SCIENTECH'S \nTelecommunications \nInfoGrid at: \nhttp://www.consultrci.com\n************************************************************************\n\n===============================================================\nSCIENTECH IssueAlert, October 12, 2000\nReliant Energy: Splitting Business in Two to Maximize Shareholder Value\nBy: Will McNamara, Director, Electric Industry Analysis\n===============================================================\n\nReliant Energy announced the top-level executives for the two companies \nthat will emerge from its planned separation into two stand-alone, publicly \nseparated companies. Steve Letbetter will serve as chairman and CEO of \nthe unregulated company. David McClanahan has been named president and \nCEO of the regulated company, which will be created at the time of the \nbusiness separation. In July, Reliant Energy announced plans to separate \ninto two publicly traded companies in order to separate its unregulated \nbusinesses from its regulated businesses. Following regulatory approval, \nthe company plans an initial public offering (IPO) of approximately 20 \npercent of the common stock of its unregulated operations by early 2001.\n\nANALYSIS: In June 1999, Texas adopted legislation to allow retail competition \nbeginning on Jan. 1, 2002, for the majority of customers within the state. \nSenate Bill 7 mandated that utilities in the state construct firewalls \nbetween their operating companies. In other words, Texas utilities must \nhave separate companies\u0001*with separate financial records\u0001*for energy services, \ndistribution, generation, etc. In Texas, incumbent utilities must establish \naffiliated retail units that will serve customers who do not switch, but \nthese units must be completely separate from the T&D operation of the \nincumbent \nutility. At first, Reliant Energy resisted this mandate and lobbied to \nkeep its operations under one company. Thus, it was somewhat of a surprise \nwhen Reliant announced in July that not only would it be splitting into \ntwo publicly traded companies, but also that it would be issuing an IPO \nfor the unregulated side of its operations. Currently, as one company with \nboth regulated and unregulated operations, Reliant (NYSE: REI) is trading \nat about $45 13/16 (at market close on 10/11). Reliant has declined to \nmake any projections about pricing of the IPO of its unregulated businesses, \nwhich it expects to issue in early 2001, until it submits an S1 filing \nwith the SEC later this year. Reliant expects the IPO to be followed by \na distribution to shareholders of the remaining stock of the unregulated \ncompany (within 12 months of the IPO).\n\nReliant's motivations to divide itself into two companies are pretty \nstraightforward. \nOn one hand, the company is simply complying with the regulatory mandates \nof Texas. Yet, more importantly, Reliant is turning the mandate into a \nfinancial opportunity by establishing two public companies with dramatically \ndifferent risk / reward profiles. The unregulated side will include such \nbusinesses as power generation, marketing and trading, telecom, and the \nEuropean operations. The regulated side will include the businesses related \nto electricity and natural-gas distribution as well as the company's U.S. \ninterstate pipelines.\n\nReliant is a company that is seeking to maximize the opportunities that \nderegulation is offering, both in the United States and internationally. \nAs an international energy delivery and energy services company, Reliant \nmakes about $15 billion in annual revenue and has assets totaling $30 \nbillion. \nThe company's wholesale energy trading and marketing business is arguably \nwithin the top five (definitely within the top 10) in the United States, \nsupported by its nearly 27,000 MW of power generation assets. \n\nAs the company continues to transform itself from a traditional utility \ninto an aggressive energy services company, it recognizes that its \ntraditional \ninvestors have tended to be fairly risk averse, preferring to invest in \nthe regulated activities of a conservative utility company. As Reliant \nattempts to penetrate new competitive markets, it intends to make itself \nan appealing investment opportunity for investors who are more \"growth \noriented and tolerant of risk,\" (as described by Letbetter). The most \npractical \nway to maximize shareholder interest and boost stock value is for Reliant \nto bifurcate its operations, offering two options for capital investment. \n\n\nIt's a trend that is becoming more common in the energy industry, especially \nwith regard to high-risk ventures. For instance, Southern Company just \nclosed the IPO of its aggressive subsidiary Southern Energy (NYSE: SOE) \non Oct. 3. Southern Energy, a global energy company, has become one of \nSouthern Company's primary moneymakers (in the second-quarter alone, the \nsubsidiary reported $93 million in earnings). When the IPO of Southern \nEnergy closed, it brought total gross proceeds and a concurrent securities \nof approximately $1.81 billion to its parent. Southern Energy's current \nstock price is running at $29 1/8 (at market close on 10/11). The IPO price \nof Southern Energy on 9/27 was $22. Another example is Northern States \nPower (now part of Xcel Energy since it merged with New Century Energies), \nwhich this June spun off a portion of its NRG Energy subsidiary, an \nindependent \npower producer. (See IssueAlert from 10/2/00 for more information). In \naddition, the trend is visible in other industries as well. AT&T recently \nannounced its plans to spin off its customer long-distance business to \nshareholders.\n\nHowever, even though the financial rewards of such an IPO are enticing, \nthere are possible downsides to such a move as well. Moody's raised serious \nconcerns about Reliant's announcement in particular. Specifically, Moody's \nsays that Reliant's regulated unit could be left with heavy debt loads \nafter the structural split, which would hurt its own quality and bond \nratings. \nMoody's has put both Reliant Energy Inc. and at least two of its subsidiaries \non watch for possible downgrade from their Baa 1 status. Reliant remains \non watch for possible downgrade as of Oct. 11. Another risk is that as \nmore spin offs of non-generation units become commonplace, they may lose \ntheir appeal on Wall Street. The average first-day gain for similar energy \nIPOs was 43 percent in the third quarter, compared to 96.5 percent in the \nfirst quarter, perhaps indicating that Wall Street is already becoming \nless enamored with this strategy.\n\nYet, these risks aren't dissuading Reliant from moving forward with its \nplan. As the company retains but moves beyond its traditional electricity \nand natural-gas distribution businesses, Reliant's focus is to expand its \ncurrent business portfolio. By splitting its two operations in two, Reliant \ncan separate its vastly different regulated and unregulated cultures. The \ncompanies require totally different management approaches, one based more \nin regulatory relations and the other driven by entrepreneurial spirit. \nThe freedom Reliant gains from spinning off its operations into two separate \nbusinesses\u0001*one high risk, one low risk\u0001*appears to make this a smart move, \nat least for now.\n==============================================================\nDiscover a world of utilities information in our new e-zine, SourceBook \nOnline. Get a free SourceBook Weekly article at:\n\nhttp://www.consultrci.com/web/rciweb.nsf/Web+Pages/SBEntrance.html\n\n===============================================================\n\nSCIENTECH is pleased to provide you with your free, daily IssueAlert. Let \nus know if we can help you with in-depth analyses or any other SCIENTECH \ninformation products including e-commerce and telecom in the electric utility \nindustry. If you would like to refer a colleague to receive our free, daily \nIssueAlerts, please reply to this email and include their full name and \nemail address or register directly at:\n\nhttp://www.consultrci.com/web/infostore.nsf/Products/IssueAlert\n\n\nSincerely,\n\nWill McNamara\nDirector, Electric Industry Analysis\nwmcnamara@scientech.com\n===============================================================\nFeedback regarding SCIENTECH's IssueAlert should be sent to \nwmcnamara@scientech.com\n===============================================================\n\nSCIENTECH's IssueAlerts are compiled based on independent analysis by \nSCIENTECH \nconsultants. The opinions expressed in SCIENTECH's IssueAlerts are not \nintended to predict financial performance of companies discussed or to \nbe the basis for investment decisions of any kind. SCIENTECH's sole purpose \nin publishing its IssueAlerts is to offer an independent perspective \nregarding \nthe key events occurring in the energy industry, based on its long-standing \nreputation as an expert on energy and telecommunications issues.\n\nCopyright 2000. SCIENTECH, Inc.\n\nIf you do not wish to receive any further IssueAlerts from SCIENTECH, please \nreply to this message and in the body of the email type \"remove.\""} {"text": "Thanks again for taking us to lunch. We should do these things more often.\n\n\n\nDebra Perlingiere\nEnron North America Corp.\nLegal Department\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\nHouston, Texas 77002\ndperlin@enron.com\nPhone 713-853-7658\nFax 713-646-3490"} {"text": "Here is the master sample for you. \n \nCredit sections are: Articles 4, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.5, or 4.6.\nRemedies, Liability and damages: Article 8.3\nObligations and Performance: Articles 3.1, 3.3,and 3.4\n\ndp\n\nDebra Perlingiere\nEnron North America Corp.\nLegal Department\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\nHouston, Texas 77002\ndperlin@enron.com\nPhone 713-853-7658\nFax 713-646-3490"} {"text": "Kysa M. Alport\nEnron North America\n(O) 503-464-7486\n(C) 503-706-5308"} {"text": "Yesterday, Enron settled a procedural dispute with Dynegy over Northern Natural Gas. Our settlement allows Dynegy to exercise its option to acquire the pipeline, dismisses their Texas lawsuit and extends Enron's right to repurchase until June 30. We reached this settlement as part of our efforts to bring Enron out of bankruptcy. While we would like to keep Northern Natural, we still have some 9,000 miles of safe, profitable interstate pipelines as a base to rebuild our core businesses. \n\nThe settlement provides the best opportunity to resolve the pipeline issue quickly and pursue our $10 billion damage claim against Dynegy. It also allows us to avoid the very substantial costs and distractions from protracted litigation in state courts. \n\nWe want to see a positive future for the employees working with Northern Natural Gas. Below is a copy of a message from Stan Horton further explaining this decision to the employees of Enron Transportation Services.\n\nKen\n\n\n\nDear ETS Colleague:\n\nOn Thursday, Enron entered into a settlement over Dynegy's exercise of its option to acquire the Northern Natural Gas pipeline. The settlement allows Dynegy to exercise the option and assume interim control of the pipeline while Enron pursues its damage claim against Dynegy. \n\nIn this respect, Enron Corp. has carefully weighed the substantial costs and turmoil that litigating this possession issue would create for the company and the employees of Northern Natural Gas. Consequently, Enron Corp. has decided not to contest interim possession and allow the transfer of Northern Natural Gas to Dynegy, while the larger issues affecting its future are resolved.\n\nThe company has concluded that with this settlement, Enron should be able to resolve the issue more quickly, as well as avoid the legal cost burden and distractions to the business from protracted litigation in state court. For the Northern Natural Gas employees, I believe this decision should allow them to steer clear of the dispute and focus on the day-to-day satisfaction of running a valuable, successful business.\n\nBeginning immediately we will be working to achieve a smooth transition and to align the appropriate resources to assure continued safe, reliable and efficient operation of Northern Natural Gas. \n\nOver many years we have run high quality, cost conscious and profitable businesses in ETS. Keep up the good work!\n\nStan"} {"text": "Name: Federico\n\nSurname: Boschi\n\nBorn in Bolgna on 29 December 1963\n\nAddress: Via D'Azeglio n. 63 Bologna Italy\n\nZip code: 40124 Italy\n\nTel: +39051581275\nMobile: +393356645158\n\n\nStudy: Graduated in economics on 1995, Bologna University; Thesis in Industrial\nEconomics on: liberalization of the Italian electricity industry.\n\nLanguages: Italian mother language\n English Good\n Spain sufficient\n\n\nBusiness experience (Most relevant);\n\n\n July 2001 as of today\n Company: Acquirente Unico ( a electricity purchasing agency\n for the whiole Italian captive market)\n\n Position: Purchase and sales manager; moreover I'm responsible\n for setting up the risk management office\n\n\n July 2000 up to June 2001\n\n Institution: Autorita' per l'energia elettrice ed il gas (the\nItalian energy regulator)\n Position: officer in the electricity area;\n Main tasks: a) stranded costs recovery mechanism; b) scarce\nimport capacity allocation criteria c)wholesale market rules (code of dispatching\nregulation including ancillary services market - including the balancing\nmarket - and congestion management mechanism).\n\n March 2000 up to June 2000\n Institution: Ministero dell'Industria\n Position: member of the Minister's technical secretary (advising\nthe Minister on energy issues)\n\n March 1997 up to June 2000\n Company: AMI Imola (a water, gas, electricity and waste disposal\nmunicipal utility);\n Position: Responsible for strategic planning;\n\n\nI also wrote articles on electricity regulation (tariffs, wheeling..) in\nItaly.\n\n\n\nExpectations:\n As I'm responsible for setting up the trading desk and the risk management\noffice of Acquirente Unico (that is itself a newly constituted company)\nI would like to improve my knolegde on these issues (resources and skills\nneeded and so on); I would like to understand what could be outsourced and\nwhat kind of incentives it requires.\n\n\nI'm so sorry, That's the best I can do as I'm still on holiday \nBye \n\n\nFederico\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n__________________________________________________________________\nAbbonati a Tiscali!\nCon VoceViva puoi anche ascoltare ed inviare email al telefono.\nChiama VoceViva all' 892 800 http://voceviva.tiscali.it"} {"text": "My details to Ted ...\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 10:40 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sally Beck 10/18/2000 10:20 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Speaking Engagement on October 23\n\nThanks in advance for agreeing to speak at the Global Operations Controller \nForum. There will be approximately 30 Enron business controllers present at \nthe meeting. All have responsibility for mid and back office operations for \nthe following Enron entities: Enron North America, Enron Europe, Enron South \nAmerica, Enron Global Markets, Enron Industrial Markets, Enron Broadband \nServices and Enron Energy Services. Attendees will be here from Houston, \nCalgary, Tokyo, Sydney, London and New York (metals business-maybe!). \n\nAttached for your reference is the agenda. There may be some slight changes \nbefore the forum begins, but this will give you a good idea of the topics to \nbe covered and the other speakers who will address the group.\n\n\nYou are scheduled to address the group as follows:\n\nDate: Monday, October 23, 2000\nTime: 3:30 pm\nPlace: The Warwick Hotel\n The Versailles Room - 12th Floor \n 5701 Main Street\n Houston, TX 77005\n\nI have noted that your topic will be assessing, measuring and managing market \nrisk. Any references that you could make to the importance of information \nflow between RAC and operations would be great to cover. Feel free to offer \nup a challenge to the group. \n\nI hope that you will be able to join us for the tour of Enron Field and for \ndinner at Ruggles Center Field Terrace on Monday evening. The tour is at \n6:00 and dinner is at 7:00."} {"text": "Start Date: 2/6/02; HourAhead hour: 4; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required."} {"text": "We are disappointed to announce that Philippe Bibi, president and CEO of \nEnron Net Works, has resigned from Enron. Philippe will be joining Putnam \nInvestments in Boston, Mass. as Chief Technology Officer.\n\nPhilippe joined Enron in 1995, as Chief Information Officer for Enron Capital \n& Trading, and has been a key member of the team that built Enron\u0001,s IT \norganization, including our numerous successful e-commerce initiatives. \nPhilippe has been a great asset to Enron and our IT efforts.\n\nFor six years, his creativity, intelligence, and focus have benefited the \ncompany in many ways. He will be missed.\n\nPhilippe has agreed to make himself available to assist in the transition of \nhis responsibilities. In the interim, all of the employees who report to \nPhilippe will continue reporting to the Office of the Chairman for Enron Net \nWorks. \n\nPlease join us in thanking Philippe for his many years of service to the \ncompany and in wishing him the very best."} {"text": "3 of us are going up Friday and we are staying with a friend of one of the \nguys in the group.\n\n\n\n\n\n\"K. Bass\" on 10/03/2000 02:42:59 PM\nPlease respond to \"K. Bass\" \nTo: Eric.Bass@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Re:\n\n\nHi E,\n\nI'm glad to see you are having a good time with your friends. How many are\ngoing? Where are you staying?\n\nTalk to you later. LU-M\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \"K. Bass\" \nSent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 1:43 PM\nSubject: Re: Re:\n\n\n>\n> Jason seemed excited about the concert. I think this is one of his\n> favorite bands. I enjoy their music as well but not to the same degree as\n> my eldest sibling.\n> I am actually going to Dallas on Friday for the TX-OU game. I am taking a\n> couple of friends from work, so it should be a good time ( it always is).\n>\n> -E\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"K. Bass\" on 10/03/2000 12:41:43 PM\n>\n> Please respond to \"K. Bass\" \n>\n> To: Eric.Bass@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Re:\n>\n>\n> Hi E,\n>\n> Well, I'm thinking about voting for Gore - NOT! I will, however, not\n> mention another word re: election.\n>\n> Everything else is fine here. I talked with Jason today to wish him a\n> happy\n> 26th. He was online with Ticketmaster and got last minute tickets in the\n> front row of the \"pit\". He's very excited. Do you like the group he's\n> going to see? I'm not familiar with them.\n>\n> How is work? Are you going to Austin this weekend? Tell Shanna to have a\n> nice time at the wedding.\n>\n> LU-M\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: \"K. Bass\" \n> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 12:18 PM\n> Subject: Re:\n>\n>\n>\n> Hi Mom -\n> I got your e-mail yesterday. Shanna wasn't offended by your poignant\n> political comments, she just knows, in no uncerain terms, that your are\n> Republican and are going to vote for Bush.\n>\n> Disregard the bills that your recieve from Blockbuster. I will pay the\n> late fee the next time I rent a movie.\n>\n> How are things otherwise?\n>\n> -E\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"K. Bass\" on 10/03/2000 10:15:01 AM\n>\n> Please respond to \"K. Bass\" \n>\n> To: Eric Bass \n> cc:\n> Subject:\n>\n>\n>\n> Good Morning, Eric-\n>\n> I assume you received my message yesterday but were too busy to respond.\n> That's o.k. As a postscript though, I bought your Dad a new Marine\n> sweatshirt so you can keep the other one. And, I got another bill from\n> Blockbuster for late fees. Perhaps it would be best if you get your own\n> account. Have a wonderful day. LU-M\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>"} {"text": "Apologies. I invariably leave someone of the damned list.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES on 09/12/2000 10:52 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nJeff Dasovich\n09/12/2000 10:50 PM\nTo: James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard \nShapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sarah \nNovosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandra McCubbin/SFO/EES@EES, \nMona L Petrochko/SFO/EES@EES, Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES, mpalmer@enron.com, \nKaren Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: DJ Freeman Sees Cal/ISO, PX Merger, Lower Price Cap\n\nI'd say, \"What next?\", but I'm afraid to ask....\nRegarding our California strategy, preventing the merger would seem to be \nright up there with \"end the price caps\" in our list of priorities. At \ntoday's FERC hearing, a hair-brained consumer advocate called for merging the \nPX and the ISO. During the panel I was on, I made the point that a merger \nwould make California's problems worse than they are today. The FERC \nCommissioners seemed somewhat responsive to my concerns.\nP.S. After the panel, Heber lobbied me hard to support transcos.\nDJ Freeman Sees Cal/ISO, PX Merger, Lower Price Cap \nCopyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. \n\nBy Jason Leopold \n Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES \n SAN DIEGO (Dow Jones) -- David Freeman, seen a likely replacement for \nMarcie Edwards on the board of governors of the California Independent System \nOperator, said his first order of business would be to try and merge the ISO \nand the California Power Exchange. \n Edwards resigned her post on the ISO Thursday. \n An informal consensus among the board has already approved his \nmembership. \n Freeman told Dow Jones Newswires that the $250 per megawatthour \nwholesale power price cap in California is too high, and that he would like \nto see it reduced below $100/MWh. \n \"I think my role (on the board) will help the state solve it's serious \ngeneration shortage problem,\" Freeman said. \n Some market participants said Freeman is expected to run for chair of \nthe ISO's board of governors, a seat currently held by Jan Smutny-Jones. \n The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has this summer been able \nto sell the ISO power in the real time market, and make a great profit for \nitself in return. \n By Jason Leopold (323)658-3874."} {"text": "I extended the deal at mtr 6719 to include 2/10. In the future, please run \nall wellhead deals through Tom Acton first.\n\nI've got a message into Julie Meyers to look into the contract at meter 9676, \nand will let you know what she determines.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497"} {"text": "Casey & Stacey,\n\u0001;\nI hope that you are the ones that I need to talk to about the $32MM prudency \namount on the Power DPR - GENCO.\u0001; This amount showed up on the January DPR.\u0001; \nDo we really want this amount in prudency?\u0001; I ask this because prudency is a \nreserve and normally would be negative on the DPR.\u0001; I am confident that \nArthur Andersen will question this as part of the 1Q01 audit and I don't \nreally know how to respond.\u0001; Do you think that it will be zero at quarter-end \nor will it still be there?\n\u0001;\nIf I should be talking to someone else about this, please let me know.\n\u0001;\nthanks for you help\n\u0001;\nTracy Irvin\nEnron North America\n713-853-9158"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2000 \n09:58 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nTeddy Ward\n03/08/2000 07:17 AM\nTo: Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Enron North America/Rochester Generator Project\n\nBen: Because of the short time frame I am just forwarding the questions from \nour broker (representing the surety) concerning your request for bid bond. \nVery valid questions and also will impact your performance bond should you \nwin and need one. Please try and get back to me asap as this is a very short \ntime frame for the bond. Thanks.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Teddy Ward/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2000 07:11 AM \n---------------------------\n\n\n\"Phil Bair\" on 03/08/2000 06:52:45 AM\nTo: Teddy Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Enron North America/Rochester Generator Project \n\n\n\nTeddy-We are preparing the bid bond based on the request received yesterday \nevening. The bid specifications indicate liquidated damages in the amount of \n$2,375,000 PER DAY. I assume Enron will not accept damages at this level. \nPlease check to determine if the bid will be qualified in this area-and what \nalternative damages may be offered. Due to the unusual size of the penalty \nrelative to the contract value, this could have an impact on reinsurance.\n\nThe contract indicates a normal one year warrenty from the contractor. The \ncharge for this warrenty is included in our standard performance bond rate. \nI have bonded a number of generator contracts similar to this, and frequently \nthere is an option for the contractor to offer an extended warrenty up to 5 \nyears. Since this would impact the premium charged, you may want to check to \nsee if this option exist so we can get the pricing correct in your estimate.\n\nThanks.\n3/8/00\n\nPhilip N. Bair\n713-346-1378 (Telephone)\n713-520-1260 (Telefax)"} {"text": "Fyi I 'm putting these tickets in now.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tom Acton/Corp/Enron on 03/28/2000 01:42 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor@ECT\n03/28/2000 01:40 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: April Spot Tickets\n\nTom,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of April. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nEngage Energy US, LP 5839 598mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 285mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 671mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEngage Energy US, LP 6801 1,157mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEl Sordo Gathering 6315 103mmbtu/d 70% IF/HSC \nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC less $0.258\nEEX Corporation 6500 1,778mmbtu/d 95% IF/HSC\nEEX Corporation 5999 8,648mmbtu/d 95% IF/HSC\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353"} {"text": "Notice # 01-168\nMay 17, 2001\n\nTO:\nAll NYMEX and COMEX Members and Member Firms\n\nFROM:\nNeal L. Wolkoff, Executive Vice President\n\nRE:\nRevised Implementation Date for New NYMEX Rule 9.11A (\"Give-Up Trades\")\n\nDATE:\nMay 16, 2001\n===========================================================\nPreviously, in Notice to Members #01-154, the Exchange stated that new\nNYMEX Rule 9.11A\n(\"Give-Up Trades\") would go into effect on June 1, 2001. The Exchange is\nrevising the implementation timeframe in order to provide Floor Members and\nMember Firms with additional time to obtain necessary records and become\ncompliant with the requirements. Accordingly, please be advised that this\nrule now will go into effect beginning on the trade date of August 1, 2001.\nFurther, it is anticipated that a similar rule will be implemented for the\nCOMEX Division following final review and approval by the COMEX Governors\nCommittee.\n\n! In the absence of an applicable give-up agreement, new Rule 9.11A will\ndefine the respective responsibilities/obligations to an order of executing\nbrokers, customers and Clearing Members.\n\n! The term \"executing broker\" as used in Rule 9.11A refers to the\nregistered billing entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is\ntransmitted.\n\n! Rule 9.11 will provide that, in the absence of an applicable give-up\nagreement, a Clearing Member may reject a trade only if: (1) the trade\nexceeds trading limits established by the Clearing Member for that customer\nthat have been communicated to the executing broker as provided by the rule\nor (2) the trade is an error for which the executing broker is responsible.\n\n! The new rule also places affirmative obligations on executing brokers\nto confirm Clearing Member authorization for an account. For example,\nprior to an executing broker accepting and executing an initial order for\nany new customer account, such executing broker must confirm with the\nClearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that:\n(a) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member;\n(b) the account number;\n(c) the brokerage rate;\n(d) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with\nthe executing broker for that account; and\n(e) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that\naccount.\nMoreover, the executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or\nthe specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite\nparty, date, time, and any other relevant information. The Compliance\nDepartment will conduct periodic audits of such records, and falsification\nof such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action.\n\nIf you have any questions concerning this new rule, please contact Bernard\nPurta, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Operations, at (212)\n299- 2380; Thomas LaSala, Vice President, NYMEX Compliance Department, at\n(212) 299-2897; or Arthur McCoy, Vice President, Financial Surveillance\nSection, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2928,\n\nNEW RULE 9.11A (\"Give-Up Trades\")\n\n(Entire rule is new.)\n\nRule 9.11A Give-Up Trades\n\nIn the absence of a give-up agreement whose terms and conditions govern the\nresponsibilities/obligations of executing brokers, customers and Clearing\nMembers, the following rules shall define the respective\nresponsibilities/obligations of those parties to an order. The \"executing\nbroker\", as used in this rule, is the registered billing entity, Member\nFirm or Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted.\n\n(A) Responsibilities/Obligations of Clearing Members\n\n(1). Limits Placed by Clearing Member. A Clearing Member may, in its\ndiscretion, place trading limits on the trades it will accept for give-up\nfor a customer's account from an executing broker, provided however, that\nthe executing broker receives prior written or electronic notice from the\nClearing Member of the trading limits on that account. Notice must be\nreceived by the executing broker in a timely manner. A copy of such notice\nshall be retained by the Clearing Member.\n\n(2). Trade Rejection. A Clearing Member may reject (\"DK\") a trade only if:\n(1) the trade exceeds the trading limits established under Section I(A) of\nthis rule for that customer and it has been communicated to the executing\nbroker as described in Subsection (A); or (2) the trade is an error for\nwhich the executing broker is responsible. If a Clearing Member has a\nbasis for rejecting a trade, and chooses to do so in accordance with the\nprovisions of Rule 2.21(B), it must notify the executing broker promptly.\n\n(3). Billing. A Clearing Member will pay all floor brokerage fees incurred\nfor all transactions executed by the executing broker for the customer and\nsubsequently accepted by the Clearing Member by means of the ATOM system.\nFloor brokerage fees will be agreed upon in advance among the Clearing\nMember, customer and the executing broker.\n\n(B) Responsibilities/Obligations of Executing Brokers\n\n(1) Customer Order Placement. An executing broker will be responsible for\ndetermining that all orders are placed or authorized by the customer. Once\nan order has been accepted, a broker or the broker's clerk must:\n\n(a) confirm the terms of the order with the customer;\n(b) accurately execute the order according to its terms;\n(c) confirm the execution of the order to the customer as soon as\npracticable; and\n(d) transmit such executed order to the Clearing Member as soon as\npracticable in accordance with Exchange Rules and procedures.\n\n2. Use of Other Persons. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the\nexecuting broker is allowed to use the services of another broker in\nconnection with the broker's obligations under these rules. The executing\nbroker remains responsible to the customer and Clearing Member under these\nrules.\n\n3. Executing Broker Responsibility for Verifying Clearing Member\nAuthorization. Prior to a broker accepting and executing an initial order\nfor any new customer account, the executing broker must confirm with the\nClearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that:\n(f) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member;\n(g) the account number;\n(h) the brokerage rate;\n(i) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with\nthe executing broker for that account; and\n(j) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that\naccount.\nThe executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or the\nspecifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party,\ndate, time, and any other relevant information. The falsification of such\ninformation shall be the basis for disciplinary action.\n\n4. Rejection of Customer Order. Where an executing broker has confirmed\nClearing Member authorization to execute orders on behalf of a customer in\naccordance with this Rule 9.11A, the broker may, in the broker's\ndiscretion, reject an order that the customer transmits to the broker for\nexecution. The broker shall promptly notify the customer and the Clearing\nMember(s) of any such rejection.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Carr Futures\n 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500\n Chicago, IL 60606 USA\n Tel: 312-368-6149\n Fax: 312-368-2281\n soblander@carrfut.com\n http://www.carrfut.com"} {"text": "August 11,2000\n\n Teco Tap 108.333 / HPL IFERC ; 20.000 / Enron\n\n LS HPL LSK IC 20.000 / Enron\n\nAugust 12, 2000\n\n Teco Tap 85.000 / HPL IFERC ; 20.000 / Enron\n\n LS HPL LSK IC 20.000 / Enron\n\nAugust 13, 2000\n\n Teco Tap 32.500 / HPL IFERC ; 20.000 / Enron"} {"text": "I do not believe that I have seen or had executed the RBC Schedule or Master \nAgreement. I had prepared the Master Agreement, so if RBC did not do this, I \nhave one ready to go. However, if RBC has executed the schedule, I will need \nto get a copy and have Peter execute it. Otherwise, Tana can you e-mail a \nclean execution copy of the schedule to me and I will have Peter execute it \nand send it to Rick to get RBC's execution. We executed the confirms on \nFriday afternoon and faxed them to Larry Joe Hunter on the Enron North \nAmerica confirm desk. He will attend to sending them to the counterparties \nfor execution.\n\nGreg Johnston"} {"text": "Done.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/29/2000 01:10 PM\nTo: Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nCan you set up a GTC with Duke Energy Field Services,Inc. for May -July 2000?\n\nD\n\n\n\nHillary Mack@ENRON\n06/29/2000 12:23 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nDaren...I talked to Cynthia in contracts and she said that CES deals cannot \nbe extended and that a new contract has to be set up. How do you want to \nhandle it?\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/28/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D \nWinfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nI have rolled # 143559 through July 2000 to cover the purchase from \nRepublic. We sell this gas to Duke Energy Field Services (#143558 for Jan - \nApr, CES-Duke Energy Field Services, Inc ). The counterparty on this deal \nhas been suspeneded, so I created # 316727 under the counterparty of Duke \nEnergy Field Services Marketing, LLC.\n\nHillary - Please extend the CES-Duke counterparty or attach the correct Duke \ncounterparty to this deal.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 06/28/2000 10:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nThis deal was terminated by Nelson Ferries.\n\nAmi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 06/28/2000 \n10:42 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker 06/28/2000 10:28 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nRepublic Royalty is one of my CES deals. They sent me an invoice for May \n2000 production, but I do not see a deal for May. Does either of you know if \nthis deal was extended under a new deal number?\n\nMegan"} {"text": "Vince,\n\nTargetted conference date is Th-F June 21-22 at Stanford. Enclosed in the\nrecent revision to what I sent before.\n\nGreat to meet you,\nHill\n\n - retail notes.rtf\n*******************************************************************\nHillard G. Huntington\nEMF - an international forum on\nenergy and environmental markets Voice: (650) 723-1050\n408 Terman Center Fax: (650) 725-5362\nStanford University Email: hillh@stanford.edu\nStanford, CA 94305-4026\n\nEMF Website: http://www.stanford.edu/group/EMF/"} {"text": "Osman,\n\nThis guy is too much.\nI would tell him that we understand\nthat he has to make the best choice\nfor himself and can change his mind but at this point we treat \nhis decision as final but we still appreciate the interest he showed\nin Enron.\n\nWe never had any luck hiring a statistician.\nMaybe we shall get one some day.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOsman Sezgen@EES\n04/20/2001 11:54 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Statistician from Rice\n\nI had a message on my phone this morning from WIlliam indicating that\nhe had changed his mind and will be taking another job. He also mentions that\nthe other organization will give him time to publish his thesis and he \nassumes \nEnron would not do that.\n\nI am inclined to give up on him but wanted to get your input before doing so.\n\nOsman"} {"text": "Dude:\nTwo things. First, in the midst of the craziness on Friday, my black, \nNorthface parka ended up getting put someplace at Sarah's that I wasn't \nprivvy to, and consequently I couldn't find it. My house keys are in it, so \nit would great to get it back. Could you check with Bob/Sarah and see if \nit's floating around someplace over there? Muchos gracias.\n\nSecond, could you do me a favor? Could you pay me the full amount for Squaw \nand then collect from Cameron for what she owes you? Sorry to be a pain in \nthe ass, but I think logistically, it'll be a whole helluvalot easier to \nmanage it that way (at least from my end). And to be an even bigger \npain.....since my schedule's a disaster with school coming to a close, could \nyou stick the check in the mail? My address is:\n\n366 Dolores St., #3\nSF, 94110\n\nSorry for all the hassle.\n\nHappy birthday, man.\n\nBest,\nJeff"} {"text": "Steve,\n\nIs it too late to include XMS and ibuyit roll out dates, see comments below.\n\n\nGeorge,\n\nAny idea what John is referring to as Web site for professional services\n\nGeorge\\Suzanne,\n\nAny answer to insurance question and whether we can support events from \nHouston.\n\nThanks\n\nKevin\n\n----- Forwarded by Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications on 06/07/01 04:00 PM \n-----\n\n\tKevin Hannon\n\t06/07/01 04:10 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: John Sherriff/ENRON@EUEnronXGate@ENRON\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: FW: Business-Wide Cost Saving Opportunities\n\nJohn,\n\nThanks for your comments. Unfortunately because of my trip over there, which \nof course you know about, I am receiving this Thurs PM and possibly too \nlate to incorporate in the email. But to address your points;\n\n1) We do not intend to exclude Legal, although we have to finesse Derrick who \nis very protective of his relationships. Are you referring to the ibuyit \nwebite which you refer to, it wasn't clear from your comments\n\n2) You make a good point on the roll out dates as we say that we want all \nemployees to use it by July 1 but it may not be active everywhere,\nparticularly London, by that date.\n\n3) We do not explictedly refer to ibuyit for use in travel in the new memo, \nalthough roll out dates would help in the same manner as for XMS.\n\n4) TAP is the preferred agency in the US, and I believe also Europe, and we \nmention them by name in the revised memo. I don't like to be \nconstrained to TAP (like Vitol) but it is incredibly easier to manage \nexpenses and get standard reporting by using them. Let me know if TAP\nisn't available in Europe.\n\n5) I will have Suzanne Brown check on the insurance issue and get back to you.\n\n6) If Global Travel can't handle your trips due to logistical constraints, I \nwould really encourage you and Micheal to institue some \nformal sign off procedure, at your levels, for events exceeding something \nlike $5k.\n\n7) Changes made.\n\nThanks for the comments, hope all is well\n\nKevin\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tJohn Sherriff/ENRON@EUEnronXGate\n\t06/07/01 03:31 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FW: Business-Wide Cost Saving Opportunities\n\n\nHere is my suggested response to Kevin on the attached document - may I \nplease have your thoughts before I send:\n1) For professional services I think you intend to exclude legal - but I \nwould be explicit on this. Our biggest professional service\nis probably AA and that is negotiated with Causey at the lead. I don't see \nanything on the web page referred here about professional\nservices.\n2) The on-line expense reporting tool has not yet been rolled out to the \nentire company - so we need to include the roll-out dates\noutside of Houston.\n3. The best practices for travel may be included in clicktrip.com but it is \nnot obvious to me how one gets a password and absent\nthat you can't log on.\n4. For travel we have different preferred travel agencies outside of \nHouston. We should list them. Also many employees have at times\nstopped using these services because they found chepaer routes on their own. \nSo we will have to handle the delicate matter of reminding\nthem not to stop thinking and to report to the company and travel agency when \nthey are coming up with less expensive alternatives.\n5. Regarding Car rental services are we sure that our contracts cover Enron \nwith insurance outside the US? Again if they come up\nwith an alternative that is less expensive that the travel agency we want \nthem to choose the less expensive route not to mention speaking\nup about it.\n6. I will check on it but I doubt if it is practical for the Global Travel \nManagement group to arrange off-site groups outside of London.\n7. Last paragraph change \"many of who\" to \"many of whom\".\n\n\nJohn\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS@ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Kevin+20Hannon_Enron+20Communications+40ENRON+20COMMUNICATI\nONS+40ENRON@ENRON.com] On Behalf Of Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@ENRON\nSent: 04 June 2001 21:08\nTo: Lay, Kenneth; Skilling, Jeff; Causey, Richard; Delainey, David; Derrick \nJr., James; Fastow, Andrew; Frevert, Mark; Horton, Stanley; Kean, Steven; \nKaren S Owens@ees; Rice, Ken; Sherriff, John; Whalley, Greg\nCc: Brown, Suzanne\nSubject: Business-Wide Cost Saving Opportunities\n\nTo: Enron Corporate Policy Committee:\n\nPlease review the attached memo outlining business-wide cost saving \nopportunities. Please forward any comments that you have to Suzanne Brown \nvia email by close of business on Wednesday, June 6th."} {"text": "Mark,\n\nthe attached fax comprises the forms for:\n\nmyself\nJustin Boyd\nMarcus Von Bock\nJon Chapman.\n\nAs you know, Mary Nell is dealt with in Kristina's PRC.\n\nWe will no doubt speak tomorrow on Jim's call. Talk to you then.\n\n\n\n Mark\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: FACSys Fax Connector (EULON-MSCNX03P) \nSent: 04 June 2001 17:36\nTo: Evans, Mark (Legal)\nSubject: Received fax from 020 7783 8014\n\nSender: 020 7783 8014\nReceived: 04 June 2001 17:30 \nPages: 4 \nServiced By: FACSys server EULON-APFX1P (Device 23) \nRouting Info: 38287\n\n-------------- Fax Image -------------"} {"text": "Louise - If you are back in Houston I'd like to get together and discuss the \ncredit derivatives project. Otherwise, maybe we can chat by phone?\n\nMark"} {"text": "User ID: enrondlr\nPW: bnaweb22\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"BNA Highlights\" @ENRON \nSent:\tWednesday, October 24, 2001 11:10 PM\nTo:\tBNA Highlights\nSubject:\tOct. 25 -- BNA, Inc. Daily Labor Report\n\n______________________________\n\nDAILY LABOR REPORT\nHighlights & Table of Contents\nOctober 25, 2001\n______________________________\n\nISSN 1522-5968\n\nRegistered Web subscribers can access the full text of these\narticles by using the URL link supplied.\n\nInformation about becoming a subscriber or signing up for a\nFREE Web trial is available at http://web.bna.com or call\nBNA Customer Relations at 1-800-372-1033, Mon. - Fri. 8:30\nam - 7:00 pm (ET).\n__________\n\nHIGHLIGHTS\n__________\n\n\nHOUSE PASSES ECONOMIC STIMULUS; CRITICS SAY WORKER AID\nFALLS SHORT\n\nBy a vote of 216-214, the House passes a broad economic\nstimulus bill (H.R. 3090) that includes provisions to expand\nunemployment insurance and health care benefits for laid-off\nworkers. Seven Republicans voted against the proposal, while\nthree Democrats voted in favor. Rep. Johnson (R-Conn.) says\nthe bill, sponsored by House Ways and Means Committee\nChairman Thomas (R-Calif.), would put $9 billion into state\ncoffers within 10 days of enactment.\n\n The bill would allow states to use the funds to pay regular\nunemployment benefits, increase benefit payments, extend\nbenefits beyond 26 weeks, expand benefit eligibility, or for\nadministrative purposes. The bill also would extend the work\nopportunity tax credit and the welfare-to-work tax credit\nthrough Dec. 31, 2003, and contains provisions to boost the\nSocial Services Block Grant program by $3 billion so that\nstates can give health coverage to the unemployed.\n\nCritics of the bill--including congressional Democrats,\nlabor, and civil rights groups--claim the measure will not\naccomplish the Republicans' stated goals of stimulating the\neconomy and getting displaced workers back on the job. A\nsubstitute measure offered by House Democrats is rejected by\na vote of 261-166. Senate Majority Leader Daschle (D-S.D.)\ntells reporters that he hopes the Senate will be able to\npass its own version of an economic stimulus bill before\nThanksgiving. . . . Page AA-1\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f5c4_\n\n\nARKANSAS COURT ORDERS TRIAL ON WHETHER BIPOLAR DISORDER IS\nPHYSICAL\n\nA former Smith Barney employee is entitled to a trial to\ndecide whether his bipolar affective disorder is a mental\nillness subject to a 24-month cap on benefits under a\nlong-term disability policy or a physical illness not\nsubject to a cap, the Arkansas Supreme Court rules\nunanimously (\"Elam v. First Unum Life Ins. Co., \"Ark., No.\n00-1430, 10/18/01). Reversing summary judgment for First\nUnum Life Insurance Co., the supreme court holds that\nbecause both the insurer and James Elam submitted evidence\noutside of the insurance policy to support their\ninterpretations of the term \"mental illness,\" the issue is a\nquestion of fact for a jury to decide.\n\nThe policy defines mental illness as \"mental, nervous or\nemotional diseases or disorders of any type.\" Arguing the\nterm is ambiguous, Elam says bipolar affective disorder is a\nphysical illness with a biological origin that is treated\nwith medication. . . . Page A-1\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6a7e7_\n\n\nSIXTH CIRCUIT BLOCKS MOVE TO SEPARATE FLSA, LMRA CLAIMS\n\nA former truck driver's attempt to separate claims he\nbrought under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the\nLabor-Management Relations Act in order to avail himself of\nthe FLSA's two-year statute of limitations falls short, as\nthe Sixth Circuit finds the wage claim barred by the federal\nlabor law's six-month limitations period (\"Martin v. Lake\nCounty Sewer Co., \"6th Cir., No. 00-00228, 10/17/01). In\naddition to seeking unpaid wages under the FLSA after his\ndischarge, Donald Martin charged his former employer, Lake\nCounty Sewer Co., with violating the terms of its collective\nbargaining agreement with a Teamsters local in violation of\nLMRA Section 301. Martin also contended that the union\nviolated its duty of fair representation under Section 301\nby failing to pursue a grievance against Lake for allegedly\nimproper deductions in his benefits and pay.\n\nMartin argues his FLSA claim is distinct from the Section\n301 claim and therefore governed by the wage law's two-year\nlimitations period. According to the Sixth Circuit, however,\nMartin's charge relating to the unpaid wages was based on\nthe provision in the collective bargaining agreement\ngoverning compensation and must be resolved in accordance\nwith LMRA procedures. . . . Page A-8\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5m1t1_\n\n\nNURSE'S AIDE ASSAULTED BY CO-WORKER CAN PROCEED WITH SUIT\n\nA nurse's assistant who was sexually assaulted by a\nco-worker can proceed with a series of claims against an\nupstate New York health care facility, despite the fact that\nthe employer immediately suspended and later discharged the\nalleged attacker, a federal magistrate judge rules (\"Becker\nv. Ulster County, \"N.D. N.Y., No. 99-CV-1278, 10/10/01).\n\nRejecting a summary judgment motion by Ulster County Golden\nHill Health Care Center, Judge Homer of the U.S. District\nCourt for the Northern District of New York finds that Gail\nBecker established enough evidence to go to trial on her\nclaims of sexual harassment based on a hostile work\nenvironment and retaliation under Title VII of the 1964\nCivil Rights Act and other laws.\n\nHer evidence surrounding the assault incident--including her\nsupervisor's failure to allow Becker to call the police and\nthe facility's refusal to allow her time off to seek a\nprotective order--if credited, \"establishes an incident\nsufficient by itself to support a finding that the\nconditions of her employment were irrevocably altered as a\nresult and that those conditions became abusive,\" the court\nholds. . . . Page A-2\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5h5w4_\n\n\nFED FINDS MANY REGIONS REBOUNDING FROM SEPTEMBER\n\nThe terrorist attacks on New York and Washington stunted\neconomic growth throughout the country in September, but\nmany regions saw activity rebound in recent weeks, the\nFederal Reserve reports in its \"Beige Book\" summary of\neconomic conditions in each of its 12 districts.\n\nBusiness activity recovered quickly from some aspects of the\nattacks, such as reduced air cargo capacity, but long-run\neffects are more difficult to assess, according to the Fed.\nNew since the attacks, however, are disruptions to\nproductivity due to increased security precautions and\ninsurance premiums, the central bank says. . . . Page D-12\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6h7v2_\n\n\n______________\n\nTODAY'S EVENTS\n______________\n\nEMPLOYMENT: Bureau of Labor Statistics releases third\nquarter figures on employment cost index, 8:30 a.m., Labor\nDepartment.\n\nUNEMPLOYMENT: Weekly data on initial claims for unemployment\nbenefits released, 8:30 a.m., Labor Department.\n\n________________\n\nALSO IN THE NEWS\n________________\n\n\nEARNINGS: On an inflation-adjusted basis, the median weekly\nearnings of full-time U.S. workers rose 0.8 percent during\nthe year ended in the third quarter, a smaller gain than in\nthe prior 12-month period, according to figures by the\nBureau of Labor Statistics. . . . Page D-6\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6g5n1_\n\nHOTELS: Closure of the Flamingo Reno hotel and casino\naffects approximately 1,000 workers. As the business shut\ndown, the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees union\nstill was pushing the casino's owners to provide extra\nbenefits beyond what the company has offered the workers, a\nunion representative says. . . . Page A-2\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6a8f6_\n\nSAFETY & HEALTH: Safety professionals and employers at\nnearly 1.3 million worksites will have new forms for\nrecording on-the-job injuries and illnesses, bringing to a\nclose an effort launched during the late 1980s to simplify\nthe recordkeeping burden while providing more detailed\ninformation on how accidents and illnesses occur. . . .\nPage A-11\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f7e1_\n\nHEALTH CARE EMPLOYEES: Registered nurses, represented by\nUnited Food and Commercial Workers Local 655, at St. John's\nMercy Medical Center in St. Louis approve by a 721-108 vote\na first contract, ending nearly two years of negotiations\nsince formation of the bargaining unit in July 1999. . . .\nPage A-8\n\nhttp://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6b7t2_\n\n\n_________________\n\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\n_________________\n\nLEADING THE NEWS\n\nEMPLOYMENT\n House passes by vote of 216-214 broad economic stimulus\n bill (H.R. 3090) that includes provisions to expand\n unemployment insurance and health care benefits for\n laid-off workers . . . Page AA-1\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f5c4_\n\n\n____\n\nNEWS\n____\n\nARBITRATION\n Public policy dictates reversing arbitration decision\n that allowed police officer accused of sexual harassment\n and improper sexual conduct to return to work, Minnesota\n appeals court rules . . . Page A-7\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5g3r3_\n\nEMPLOYEE BENEFITS\n Former Smith Barney employee is entitled to trial to\n decide whether his bipolar affective disorder is mental\n illness subject to 24-month cap on benefits under\n long-term disability policy or physical illness not\n subject to cap, Arkansas Supreme Court rules . . . Page\n A-1\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6a7e7_\n\nERISA\n \"Abatement plan\" between UPS Inc. and Teamsters that\n allowed UPS to temporarily abate its contributions to\n multiemployer pension fund in exchange for higher\n contribution rates did not violate ERISA, Seventh Circuit\n rules . . . Page A-4\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5x5d6_\n\nFLSA\n Sixth Circuit finds former truck driver's Fair Labor\n Standards Act claim barred by Labor-Management Relations\n Act's six-month limitations period . . . Page A-8\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5m1t1_\n\nHEALTH CARE EMPLOYEES\n Registered nurses at St. John's Mercy Medical Center in\n St. Louis approve first contract, ending nearly two years\n of negotiations . . . Page A-8\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6b7t2_\n\nHIRING\n Eli Lilly and Co. will add 5,000 additional sales\n representative positions over next three years . . . Page\n A-13\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6a5b8_\n\nHOTELS\n HERE Local 86 presses until last minute for more generous\n severance benefits for 1,000 employees affected by\n closing of Flamingo Reno hotel and casino . . . Page A-2\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6a8f6_\n\nINTERNATIONAL LABOR\n Legislation updating equal employment rights for men and\n women across European Union is approved by European\n Parliament . . . Page A-6\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6a6x4_\n\nLABOR LAW\n Local hotel union's failure to mail election ballots to\n nearly 1,600 members supports setting aside election and\n holding new vote, federal district court rules . . . Page\n A-3\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5k9t9_\n\nLABOR-MANAGEMENT COOPERATION\n National Labor-Management Conference 2002 Board of\n Directors seeks proposals for presentations on\n cooperation and innovation in unionized workplaces . . .\n Page A-13\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5z7n4_\n\nPENSIONS\n Employer may not recover from actuarial consulting firm\n millions of dollars in pension plan benefits employer\n claims it lost because actuary failed to provide timely\n information to employer, Tenth Circuit rules . . . Page\n A-9\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6e6w2_\n\nRETIREE BENEFITS\n Law requiring Social Security Administration to assign\n retired coal miners' health care premium liability to\n signatory coal operators did not impose Oct. 1, 1993, as\n mandatory deadline, Fourth Circuit rules . . . Page A-4\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5x5a2_\n\nSAFETY & HEALTH\n Labor Department's decision to set aside some provisions\n in revised injury recordkeeping rule is applauded by\n industry groups, but labor unions argue that changes will\n skew national statistics . . . Page A-12\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f7f8_\n\n Nurse who accidentally stuck herself with needle used on\n AIDS patient had sufficient cause for emotional distress\n claim, Pennsylvania court rules . . . Page A-5\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5k5m3_\n\n OSHA says safety professionals and employers at nearly\n 1.3 million worksites will have new forms for recording\n on-the-job injuries and illnesses . . . Page A-11\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f7e1_\n\nSEXUAL HARASSMENT\n Nurse's assistant who was sexually assaulted by co-worker\n can proceed with series of claims against upstate New\n York health care facility, despite fact that employer\n immediately suspended and later discharged alleged\n attacker, federal magistrate judge holds . . . Page A-2\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5h5w4_\n\nSTATE EMPLOYEES\n California Gov. Davis orders state agencies to freeze\n hiring of new employees and reduce current fiscal year\n spending by $150 million . . . Page A-9\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f1j5_\n\nTRADE\n Economist states that trade-related loss of more than 3\n million jobs since 1994 should bolster opposition to\n trade promotion authority legislation . . . Page A-10\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6e5n5_\n\n Senior administration official says President Bush will\n intensify efforts to get Congress to pass trade promotion\n authority . . . Page A-11\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f2v8_\n\nWORKFORCE REDUCTIONS\n Eastman Kodak Co. plans to cut workforce by 3,500 to\n 4,000 jobs . . . Page A-13\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6d3m5_\n\n Sears, Roebuck & Co. says it will pare nearly 5,000\n employees from global payroll in three-year plan to\n improve profitability and operational efficiencies . . .\n Page A-10\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6f2f5_\n\n\n_____________\n\nECONOMIC NEWS\n_____________\n\nEARNINGS\n Median weekly earnings of full-time U.S. workers rose 0.8\n percent, inflation-adjusted, during year ended in third\n quarter, Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics\n reports . . . Page D-6\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6g5n1_\n\nECONOMIC OUTLOOK\n Many U.S. regions saw economic growth rebound in recent\n weeks, Federal Reserve reports . . . Page D-12\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6h7v2_\n\nPERSONAL INCOME\n U.S. personal income grew 0.8 percent in second quarter,\n marked slowing from first three months of year, Commerce\n Department says . . . Page D-1\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6g7p2_\n\n\n______________\n\nTABLE OF CASES\n______________\n\nBecker v. Ulster County (N.D.N.Y.) . . . Page A-2\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5h5w4_\n\nChao v. Local 54, HERE (D.N.J.) . . . Page A-3\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5k9t9_\n\nCity of Brooklyn Ctr. v. Law Enforcement Labor Servs. Inc.\n(Minn. Ct. App.) . . . Page A-7\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5g3r3_\n\nElam v. First Unum Life Ins. Co. (Ark.) . . . Page A-1\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6a7e7_\n\nHolland v. Pardee Coal Co. (4th Cir.) . . . Page A-4\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5x5a2_\n\nMartin v. Lake County Sewer Co. (6th Cir.) . . . Page A-8\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5m1t1_\n\nShumosky v. Lutheran Welfare Servs. of N.E. Pa. Inc. (Pa.\nSuper. Ct.) . . . Page A-5\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5k5m3_\n\nSprague v. Central States, S.E. and S.W. Areas Pension Fund\n(7th Cir.) . . . Page A-4\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w5x5d6_\n\nSteiner Corp. v. Johnson & Higgins of Cal. (10th Cir.) . .\n. Page A-9\n http://pubs.bna.com/ip/BNA/dlr.nsf/id/a0a4w6e6w2_\n\n __________\n Daily Labor Report (ISSN 1522-5968) Highlights are\n published daily by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,\n 1231 25th St., NW, Washington, DC 20037.\n\n For account information and changes, contact\n 1-800-372-1033 (M-F, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ET)\n\n To request retransmission or to order a copy of the\n summarized article, contact 1-800-452-7773 or e-mail\n bnaplus@bna.com.\n\n For copyright guidelines, go to\n http://www.bna.com/corp/copyright.\n\n Copyright (c) 2001 by The Bureau of National Affairs,\n Inc. Washington, D.C. 20037. Use of this service is\n subject to the terms and conditions of the license\n agreement with BNA. Unauthorized access or distribution\n is prohibited."} {"text": "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n Palm Solutions\n brought to you by InSync Online \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n Stylus Pen Gift Packs \n\nDear Jess,\n\nAgonizing over your holiday gift list? The ttools \nStylus Pen Holiday Gift Pack takes care of that \nhard-to-buy-for Palm(tm) handheld owner.\n\nThe elegant PREMIERpoint(tm) Stylus Pen of brushed \nchrome finish is perfect for the business executives \nin your life. The SLIMpoint(tm) Stylus Pen with its \nattractive graphite finish fits in the stylus port of \nall Palm(tm) handhelds. \n\nBoth styli come standard with black ink and a handy \nreset pin. ttools will wrap them in a frosted gift \npackage and throw in an enclosure card free of charge. \nCome on, be bold! 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The result:\nTexas'\nelectricity-production capacity this summer is expected to exceed its peak\npower\ndemand by 11,000 megawatts -- nearly enough to light up New York City. By\nthe\nsummer of 2002, the excess may be closer to 15,000 megawatts, enough to\npower 15\nmillion homes. And with 27 new generating plants under construction, more\nthan\nany other state, some power producers fear that overbuilding ultimately\ncould\nsend Texas' wholesale electricity prices into a tailspin.\n\nAll this sounds like good news for the electricity-starved East and West\nCoasts -- but it isn't. That's because the U.S. is divided into three major\npower grids -- with the West on one, the East on another and most of Texas\non a\nthird, with very few links to the rest of the country. In the world of\nelectricity, that makes Texas \"an island with a couple of little footpaths\nover\nto it,\" says Larry Makovich, senior director for electric power research at\nCambridge Energy Research Associates, a Cambridge, Mass., consulting firm.\n\nSome Texas utility executives argue that their state's island status is\nprincipally an accident of geography. But no one disputes the fact that good\nold\nTexas pride -- and a deep-seated skepticism toward federal regulation --\nalso\nplayed a role in shaping the state's grid. So, too, did a renegade utility's\ndesperate 1976 bid to save itself from a corporate breakup and the resulting\nfour-year legal battle, which the industry later dubbed the \"Texas Range\nWar.\"\n\nTexas' isolation isn't expected to end anytime soon. If Texas became fully\ninterconnected, its big utilities say, the state could become more\nsusceptible\nto blackouts, if other regions drew off too much power. \"From a reliability\nstandpoint, it would be a degradation to the Texas grid,\" says Steve\nSchaeffer,\na senior vice president at Reliant Energy Inc., the former Houston Lighting\n&\nPower Co.\n\nMoreover, the utilities estimate that building the transmission lines\nneeded\nfor a full connection to the nation's other grids would take at least three\nyears and cost Texas ratepayers about $600 million. They don't want to\ninvest\nthat much money to sell power to California or New York to ease what they\nview\nas temporary imbalances.\n\nSome in the state also believe low rates and excess power could give it an\nadvantage in persuading businesses to locate there. \"America will be shy\nenough\nelectricity that this will be one of our greatest inducements for growing\nTexas,\" says Matthew Simmons, president of Houston investment bank Simmons &\nCo.\n\nTexas is an extreme example of the haphazard way electricity grids\ndeveloped\nin the U.S. Until the 1960s, most power plants were built near the customers\nthey served. Then, utilities began building larger, more-efficient coal and\nnuclear plants, connecting them with their neighbors to ensure that if one\nof\nthese big plants went down, there would be a backup ready to keep the power\nflowing.\n\nBut the old-line Texas utilities, which have long benefited from the\nstate's\nplentiful supplies of fuels such as natural gas and lignite coal, were\nreluctant\nto join in this wave of interconnections. Back then, in the mid- to late\n1970s,\nelectricity outside Texas was generally more costly. And surrounding states\nweren't planning big enough plants to back up the huge new ones Texas was\nbuilding to power its fast-growing cities and energy-thirsty petrochemical\nindustry. \"There was no big money to be made by shipping power one way or\nthe\nother over the lines,\" says Reliant's Mr. Schaeffer.\n\nBy confining their grid to Texas, state utilities also avoided oversight\nby\nthe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Thus, FERC couldn't force Texas to\nsend power out of state in case of an emergency.\n\nThe state's dominant utilities -- Texas Utilities Inc., the Dallas-based\npredecessor of what is now TXU Corp., and Houston Lighting -- went to great\nlengths to ensure there were no interstate connections. The switches at a\nhydroelectric plant on the Texas-Oklahoma border were wired to prevent power\nfrom flowing between the states. Elsewhere along the border, a system of\nrelays\nwas installed to prevent unauthorized interstate transmissions.\n\nOnly one big utility didn't like the setup: Central & South West Corp., a\nDallas holding company that owned power plants in both Texas and Oklahoma.\nIn\n1976, it faced a crisis. If it couldn't show that its plants in both states\nwere\ninterconnected, it ran the risk of being broken up under a federal law. The\nlaw,\nwhich barred holding companies from owning unconnected utilities in separate\nstates, was decades old. But, until then, it hadn't been strictly enforced.\n\nOn May 4, 1976 -- eight days before the Securities and Exchange Commission\nwas\nset to consider the matter -- Central & South West took an extraordinary\nstep.\nAt 5:30 a.m., it sent one of its line crews to secretly rewire a substation\nin\nVernon, Texas, near the Oklahoma border, allowing power to flow freely\nbetween\nthe two states. For a few hours, the grids were connected by a minuscule\nthread.\nLater that morning, officials at Central & South West phoned other Texas\nutilities to tell them the company was engaged in interstate commerce.\n\nTexas' other major utilities reacted angrily. \"The sons of bitches are\ntrying\nto steal my lignite!\" Texas Utilities Chairman Louis Austin bellowed,\naccording\nto former Texas Public Utility Commissioner George Cowden, who recalls Mr.\nAustin making the remark during a private meeting between the two men.\n\nAround noon, Houston Lighting cut its system off from the rest of the\nstate's\nutilities. Texas Utilities followed suit hours later. By day's end, the\nstate's\nutilities had broken the grid into a half-dozen pieces.\n\nThat same day, one of Texas Utilities' chief lawyers, a 6-foot-6 former\ncollege-football star named J.A. \"Tiny\" Gooch, dispatched one of his\ncompany's\ncrews to disconnect the link Central & South West had made between Vernon\nand\nAltus, Okla. \"They made it so it was physically impossible to [connect] it\nagain,\" says Mr. Gooch's son, Gordon, then a lawyer representing Houston\nLighting. The elder Mr. Gooch, who died in 1986, is considered the patron\nsaint\nof Texas' electrical independence.\n\nAt an emergency meeting of the utility commission three days later, Mr.\nAustin\nof Texas Utilities expressed disgust at the prospect of having to burn Texas\nlignite and natural gas to satisfy \"Yankees,\" according to a transcript.\nAnd, he\nadded: \"I don't like federal regulations.\" (Mr. Austin died in 1997.)\n\nA wire reputed to have formed part of Central & South West's brief\nTexas-Oklahoma interconnection later was cut into pieces, encased in Lucite\nand\ngiven out as paperweights by Dallas law firm Worsham, Forsythe & Woolridge,\nwhich represented Texas Utilities.\n\nAlan Erwin, a state utility commissioner in 1976 who still has the\nsouvenir on\nhis desk, used the wiring episode as fodder for a 1979 novel, \"The Power\nExchange,\" in which a winter storm cripples Northeast power production and\nthe\nnation turns to Texas for electricity. Texas refuses to ship the\nelectricity,\nfearful that other regions would drain it of \"what little cheap fuel was\nleft.\"\nUltimately, Texas becomes a scapegoat and ends up seceding from the union.\n\nIn reality, the outcome was less dramatic. The grid conflict wound its way\nthrough many courtrooms. Central & South West -- recently acquired by\nAmerican\nElectric Power Co. of Columbus, Ohio -- lost almost every round. After about\nfour years, the utilities hashed out a compromise, at the urging of the\nfederal\ngovernment.\n\nRather than link the Texas grid to the East, so that electricity could\nflow\nfreely across state borders through alternating-current cables, they agreed\nto\nbuild two direct-current lines. Operators could control the flow over these\nbridges, which at peak capacity could carry a mere 820 megawatts. The\nparties to\nthe deal, which included the federal government, agreed these links wouldn't\nbring the Texas grid under federal jurisdiction. Today, Texas power\ncontinues to\nbe regulated in Austin, not Washington.\n\n\"It's just a Texas thing,\" says Pat Wood III, chairman of the state\nutility\ncommission and a recent Bush administration nominee to FERC. \"We want\ncontrol of\nour own destiny.\"\n\nThat independent attitude has extended in recent years to Texas'\nbusiness-friendly approach to deregulating its power industry. Unlike\nCalifornia, with its stringent emissions and zoning rules, Texas has made it\nquick and easy for power companies to locate their plants almost anywhere\nthey\ncan find a place to hook up to the grid. Last year, Texas completed a major\nupgrade to alleviate bottlenecks on the grid, and it has six similar\nprojects\nunder way. Unlike most other states, it decided to charge grid users a flat\nrate\nto move power anywhere in the state, so they could put plants in low-cost\nrural\nareas, far from their customers.\n\nThose policies, as well as projections that the state's electricity demand\nwould grow by a robust 3.5% a year, set off a flurry of power-plant\nconstruction, beginning in 1998. Since then, $11 billion worth of power\nplants\nhave been completed or started in Texas, and more are on the drawing board.\n\nBy contrast to California's approach to deregulation, which largely failed\nto\nbring new plants online, Texas' strategy \"encouraged an overbuild,\" says Mr.\nMakovich, of Cambridge Energy Research Associates.\n\nConsider tiny Seguin in south central Texas, where Constellation Energy\nGroup\nInc. of Baltimore is building an 800-megawatt gas-powered plant in a former\ncornfield. Fifteen miles to the west, Texas Independent Energy LP of Dallas\nrecently finished a 1,000-megawatt plant. About the same distance to the\nnorth,\nAmerican National Power, a Houston-based unit of Britain's International\nPower\nPLC, is building a 1,100-megawatt plant.\n\nIf generators don't get cold feet, Texas is on track to have a capacity\nsurplus of 9% this summer and 11% by summer 2002, says Cambridge Energy\nResearch\nAssociates. That's in addition to the 15% surplus that most experts consider\nan\nadequate cushion. Some areas of the country, including parts of the\nSoutheast,\nUpper Midwest, New York City and the West, are struggling with razor-thin\ncapacity margins. After factoring in a similar 15% cushion, the West has an\n8%\ncapacity deficit and the Upper Midwest has a 4% deficit.\n\nAs a result, while electricity futures prices for summer are running at as\nmuch as $400 per megawatt hour in the Northwest and around $100 in the\nNortheast, Texas futures prices are averaging only $72 to $74 per megawatt\nhour.\n\nCalpine Corp. of San Jose, Calif., is making the boldest wager that\novercapacity and a lack of export possibilities won't sink Texas' wholesale\nelectricity prices. The company has six plants under construction in the\nstate,\ntwo of which are expected to come on line next month. And it plans to add an\nadditional five plants over the next two years. Altogether, Calpine plans to\nspend about $2.8 billion in the state, its largest investment outside\nCalifornia.\n\n\"People from day one probably thought Calpine was crazy,\" says Darrell\nHayslip, a company vice president. \"But so far, we are absolutely convinced\nthat\nthis is the right bet.\" He says Calpine's newer gas-fired plants are 40%\nmore\nefficient than older plants in the state, a third of which are at least 30\nyears\nold. Calpine expects that edge to force rivals to retire older plants, thus\nkeeping electricity prices from sagging.\n\nOthers aren't so sure. After initially planning new plants in Texas, Duke\nEnergy Corp. began to worry that the state was getting overbuilt. Last May,\nDuke, of Charlotte, N.C., sold its 80% stake in a plant under construction\nin\nsouth Texas to Calpine. \"We sized up the market early, and then realized too\nmany followers were doing the same thing,\" says Jim Donnell, president and\nCEO\nof Duke Energy North America.\n\nIf the electricity situation outside Texas grows too grim and too much\nsupply\nsinks prices in the state, there could be \"renewed pressure\" for Texas to\nstudy\ninterconnection options, says John Stauffacher, vice president for\nregulatory\naffairs at Houston-based Dynegy Inc., which has 1,000 megawatts of capacity\nin\nTexas.\n\nCalpine, for one, wouldn't mind sharing Texas power with the East and\nWest. \"I\nwould love to be able to wheel power from Texas to California,\" says Mr.\nHayslip. But, so far, the Texas utilities haven't budged in their opposition\nto\nexports.\n\nA few generators are trying to find the best of both worlds. Tenaska Inc.\nof\nOmaha, Neb., is building plants at the border between the Texas and eastern\ngrids. Though utilities aren't allowed to be connected to both grids at\nonce,\nthe plants are designed to allow the company to switch between grids as\ndemand\nand prices warrant.\n\nIn rural Grimes County, about 90 miles outside Houston, Tenaska plant\nmanager\nFrank Carelli boasts that his 830-megawatt plant could disconnect from one\ngrid,\nconnect to the other and be back at full power within an hour. A similar\nTenaska\nplant is slated to begin operations this month in Rusk County, near the\nLouisiana border.\n\nWSJviaNewsEDGE\n:PAGE: A1\n:TICKER: CEG CPN DUK IPR REI TXU IPR.GB\n:SUBJECT: EUTL STGO CA EC MD NC TX ENGL WSJ\nCopyright (c) 2001 Dow Jones and Company, Inc.\nReceived by NewsEDGE/LAN: 5/7/01 1:22 AM"} {"text": "Ken,\n\nI have had a few interviews about Enron and have put as good a spin as\npossible on it\n\nIf you want to send press to me I might be able to help given everyone who\nis piling on\n\nMuch love to your family\n\nCall me if I can do anything to help out\n\nCraig\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Craig Goodman [mailto:cgoodman@energymarketers.com]\nSent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 2:56 PM\nTo: craig Goodman\nSubject: CNN.com - Transcripts\n\n\n\nhttp://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0201/11/lt.21.html"} {"text": "Sara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2001 08:56 AM -----\n\n\t\"Yaish, Yair (OGC)\" \n\t04/13/2001 08:50 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FYI -- FERC Filing\n\n\nSara, I wanted to let u knwo that under the FERC rules, we have to file the \nEnron side letter for the physical master agreement in the same manner that \nwe filed the original agt between Enron and Allegheny. Our PA office is \nhandling that and, if I am not mistaken, has taken of that yesterday. I do \nnot think that EPMI is requried to file with the FERC because u are a power \namrekter, but I am wondering whether u do such filings anyway.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:41 AM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nI've left a message with Tracy Ngo (in Portland) and will let you know as\nsoon as I hear from her. How long will you be in the office today?\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair\n (OGC)\" To: \n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n Subject: RE: ISDA \nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/13/2001\n 08:28 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, Allegheny would like to be able to assign to affilaites in the same\nmanner that we are allowing Enron to make an ssignment so long as the Gty\ngoes along. In our case, however, there is no gty, hence the stipualtion\nthat such assignment must be to an entity with an equal or better credit\nrating. If you wish, I can limit such assignment to an entity rated at\nleast BBB+ or better. Would that resolve your concerns?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:26 PM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nIt's a good thing you didn't try to get back to me! Sorrry.\n\n(See attached file: AlleghenyCPformacceptR1.DOC)\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair\n (OGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n Subject: RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/12/2001\n 10:16 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, sorry i didn't get back to you yesterday, I was out sick. I didn't\nnotice anything attached, did u send a subsequent e-mail?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:01 PM\nTo: YYaish@exchange.ml.com\nCc: Tracy.Ngo@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\nImportance: High\n\n\n\nYair:\n\nAttached is my redline. Call me so that we can discuss the remaining\nissues, including:\n\n(1) Calculation Agent. We believe that the existing dispute mechanism is\nadequate.\n\n(2) Procedures for Entering into Transactions. There is no procedure for\ndual confirms. This is too confusing.\n\n(3) Transfer. We cannot agree to your assignment provision as it is too\nsubjective.\n\nThe other changes were not substantive.\n\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n \"Yaish, Yair\n (OGC)\" To:\n\"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" \n Subject: RE: ISDA\nSchedule/Paragraph 13\n\n 04/10/2001\n 07:46 AM\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSara, any thoughts on my comments ISDA I sent out last week?\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Yaish, Yair (OGC)\nSent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 6:19 PM\nTo: 'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\nSubject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\nSara, I have good news, I think we are very close to executing this baby.\n\nI am attahcing comments to the ISDA. They reflect comments by our outside\ncousel which highlight the differences between this contract and the side\nletter/ML ISDA. They are not much. I have also made some changes directly\non their draft where I either concurred with Enron or needed to make some\nof my own changes. Pls review and let me know what you think.\n\nI will be leaving the office soon, so if we can wrap it up tomorrow that\nwould be great (I'm out Monday for Passover).\n\n\nYair Yaish\nDirector and Senior Counsel\nAllegheny Energy Global Markets, LLC\n212-236-7346\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com [mailto:Sara.Shackleton@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, March 30, 2001 4:10 PM\nTo: yyaish@exchange.ml.com\nSubject: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13\n\n\nYair:\n\nAttached is a blacklined (against the Enron North America Corp. draft of\n3/15/01) Schedule and Paragraph 13 to the ISDA Credit Support Annex. I\nhave tried to incorporate the essence of the March 19, 2001 \"swap side\nletter agreement.\" Please call me to discuss as it would be nice to\nfinalize by April 6. Thanks.\n\n(See attached file: 098a Blackline ctr (Allegheny Energy Supply).doc)\n\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com"} {"text": "did you buy any enron in the 60s?"} {"text": "Scott,\nI heard that the TPC was in decent shape. Are you planning on playing on \nSaturday in the morning or afternoon?\nHow many people do you have in the group?\n\nJForney\n713-853-7160\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Jacobucci, Scott\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Jacobucci+2C+20Scott+22+20+3CScott+2EJacobucci+40ElPaso+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tWednesday, August 01, 2001 8:13 AM\nTo:\t'jforney@enron.com'\nSubject:\tgolf\n\nJohn,\n\nJust checking to see if I have your email address correct. Did you find out\nanything on TPC?\n\nScott\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************"} {"text": "I don't. Why did you think about me when you heard Shackles?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDavis, Dana \nSent:\tFriday, October 26, 2001 11:18 AM\nTo:\tDavis, Angelic\nSubject:\tRE: \n\nDo you have any of their cd's? The one with the song \"Shackles\"? I was listening to it this morning and I thought about you.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDavis, Angelic \nSent:\tFriday, October 26, 2001 11:17 AM\nTo:\tDavis, Dana\nSubject:\tRE: \n\nYes. I love their music.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDavis, Dana \nSent:\tFriday, October 26, 2001 11:15 AM\nTo:\tDavis, Angelic\nSubject:\tRE: \n\nHave you heard of Mary Mary?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDavis, Angelic \nSent:\tFriday, October 26, 2001 11:14 AM\nTo:\tDavis, Dana\nSubject:\tRE: \n\nI listen to both.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDavis, Dana \nSent:\tFriday, October 26, 2001 11:14 AM\nTo:\tDavis, Angelic\nSubject:\t\n\nMy Instant Messenger isn't working for some reason but all I wanted was to ask you do you listen to gospel music and what kind if you do? Traditional or contemporary?"} {"text": "nope, I'm on 5\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mann, Kay \nSent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 1:12 PM\nTo: Carnahan, Kathleen\nSubject: RE: FW: NorthWestern\n\n\nI thought you were on 6.\n--------------------------\nSent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)"} {"text": "Steve, Jeff and Ray had to postpone the conference call with the media that was scheduled earlier today. The call has been rescheduled for 5:00pm CST this afternoon. Employees can click on the link below to listen to the call:\n\nhttp://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=ENE&script=2400&item_"} {"text": "- eldon.zip"} {"text": "Here is the Operational Capacity for the points listed below. If you have any questions, please call me at 37317. Jeanne\n\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tScott, Donna \nSent:\tWednesday, February 13, 2002 11:42 AM\nTo:\tLicciardo, Jeanne\nSubject:\tOperational Capacity for TW Marketing\n\nJeanne,\nIn talking with Mark McConnell, Jerry Graves and Darrell Schoolcraft we think that if you can have David Duff pull the following point operational capacity out of TCI we can determine what Mark needs. Please go back as far as you can in the database. Some points may not exist because they were not in place back in 93 or 94, but pull as much history as you can. \n\tName\t\t\tPOI \n\tSoCal - Topock\t\t0056697\n\tSoCal - Needles\t\t0010487\n\tPG&E - Topock\t\t0056698\n\tS.W. Willow Valley\t0013198\n\tN. Starsteel\t\t0500383\n\tMojave - Topock\t\t0056696\n\tCitizen - Kingman\t0056659\n\tCitizen - 89 North\t0500046\n\tCitizen - Forest Branch\t0500619\n\tCitizens - Flagstaff\t0500134\n\n\nDarrell, Jerry and I would like to validate the information prior to forwarding to Mark, so please send me the file and I will coordinate the review. It might be helpful to know the field names in TCI if you can't find operational capacity. We probably called it something different back then.\n\nThank you for your help.\nDonna"} {"text": "Any GCP Adjustments will be highighted in blue. If you have any questions, \nplease feel free to give me a call.\n\n\n\n\nAmber N Ebow x5-8331\nGlobal Counterparty_Enron Net Works\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Aparna Rajaram/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/02/2001 09:50 AM\nTo: Amber Ebow/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FW: Click Paper Approvals, 05-01-01\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Rajaram, Aparna \nSent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 8:50 AM\nTo: Lombardi, Kelly; Schott, Samuel; Rodriguez, Bernice; Hare, Bill; \nVenturatos, Steve; Gerard, Camille; Schott, Samuel; Rohauer, Tanya; Moran, \nTom; Jones, Tana; Davis, Frank L.; Curry, Ken; Hunter, Nicole; Campbell, Lesli\nSubject: Click Paper Approvals, 05-01-01\n\nPlease see attached.\n\n\n\nAparna Rajaram\nPh: (713) 345-4563\nFax: (713) 853-9476\nAparna.Rajaram@enron.com"} {"text": "Jim Steffes asked me to develop some talking points for your meeting with Ed \nHolland on June 6. Attached is a short list of talking points that cover \nthe high level issues we have with Southern at this point and some key \nquestions we would like answered. \n\nI have also attached a background paper on the key Southern personnel we deal \nwith on the RTO, including Ed Holland. This paper also discusses some of the \nmajor positions Southern has taken that you should be aware of for your \nmeeting.\n\nIn addition, I have attached a chronology of the SE Trans development that \ngives you a quick overview of the major steps that have taken place, \nincluding those in starting a collaborative group for both SE Trans and \nGridSouth.\n\nWhen Ed requested the meeting with you, he knew I was discussing a meeting \nbetween Enron and two of his key executives concerning the SE Trans \ndevelopment. My best guess is that he is coming to see you about the \nactivities of the collaborative group we are working with.\n\nI am sure I have told you more about Southern than you wanted to know, but If \nyou have any questions about this information or would like to discuss any of \nit, please call me (205-516-4591)."} {"text": "Michael -\n\nKen Lay said to tell you this is fine.\n\nRosalee\n\n\n\n\n\"Telle, Michael S.\" on 10/02/2000 10:18:00 AM\nTo: \"'kenneth.lay@enron.com'\" \ncc: \"Watson, John\" \nSubject: Referendum Campaign\n\n\nMr. Lay--\n\nDuring the negotiations with the Rockets as to how much each party would\ncontribute to the Arena referendum campaign, Mike Goldberg of Baker & Botts\nsuggested that the Rockets would like to net their contribution obligation\nagainst other contributions that they solicited.\n\nAfter a conversation with you, John Watson and I advised Mike Goldberg that\nyou did not want to be competing with the Rockets in soliciting\ncontributions to the Arena referendum campaign.\n\nMike Goldberg called Friday and asked whether it would be acceptable for the\nRockets to net against their contribution obligation contributions that they\nhave solicited from Baker & Botts, Jim MacInvale and Tilman Fertitta. Mike\nsuggested that these three persons would be the only outside persons that\nwould be solicited by the Rockets.\n\nWould you please let me know if this is acceptable to you. You or Rosalee\nmay call me at 713-758-2350 or send me a response e-mail at\nmtelle@velaw.com.\n\nSincerely,\n\nMichael S. Telle"} {"text": "Stephen P. Piasio\nEnergy Futures Department\n212-723-7278\n\n> ----------\n> From: Maltese, Richard\n> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2000 3:46 PM\n> To: Piasio, Stephen\n> Subject: Loan & Security agreement\n>\n>\n> Steve.\n>\n> I prepared a draft of the loan & Security agreement for Enron:\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n>\n> regards,\n>\n> Rich\n>\nSara,\n...hope this helps\nSPP\n\n - EnronLoan and Security Agreement draft.doc"} {"text": "I'll take your Visa. Just let me know when you've mailed it. You have a \nPlatinum card, right?\n\nR\n\n\n\n\n\"Paul Rodrigue\" on 08/30/2000 08:46:28 AM\nTo: Robin.Rodrigue@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Mom's b-day\n\n\nIt's nice to know I have good tastes. I think I did a good job picking out \nboth b-day presents. Do you want me to mail a check or do you take Visa?\n\nI decided to let you use them. It's too hot up here to use them. Maybe if it \never rains. If you like them, I got them at a store up here for a really good \nprice, but you probably have such places down there too. You won't become a \ngolf junkie after you find out how much they want to actually let you play \ngolf on one of those nice green courses. It's a little more than the driving \nrange.\n\nGlad to hear that you're really not a vampire.\n\nMy company was named one of the 100 Best managed manufacturing companies by \nIndustry Week. It's been a real joke around here. We're not sure what they \nwere smoking when they made that decision. (Note the irony in using company \nemail to say this...BTW...I have an interview with Arthur Anderson on the 8th)\n\nPaul\n>>> 8/30/2000 8:21:45 AM >>>\n\nYou got her a $100 gift certificate to Talbot's (a women's clothing store).\nYou did a very good job picking it out.\n\nThanks for the golf clubs by the way. I thought you weren't going to send\nthem, so I was surprised when Karon told me she had them. I'll hold them\nfor ransom until I get paid back for the birthdays!! I actually went to\nthe driving range this weekend. I definitely think I could get hooked on\nthis sport. Hopefully I won't become one of the \"golf junkies\" but I'm not\nsure you can avoid it. I was watching a golf infomercial the other day\nthinking \"I need that!\"\n\nWell back to work. Did I tell you I'm working daylight hours again?\n\nTalk to ya later,\nRobin"} {"text": "Mark, can you participate in the ISDA call on Friday? As you know Mark will \nbe out of the office on vacation."} {"text": "you are too good\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Marie Heard 03/21/2000 11:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Rhythms stock \n\nI just received the documentation from Ted and have faxed it to Morgan \nStanley to open account.\n\n\n\n\nSara Shackleton\n03/21/2000 11:48 AM\nTo: Marie Heard/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Rhythms stock\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2000 \n11:47 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sheila Glover 03/21/2000 10:49 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Gil Melman/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\ncc: Donna Lowry/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Greene/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara \nShackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Deville/HOU/ECT@ECT, Terri Harlan/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Rhythms stock\n\nGil,\nI received my copy of the instructions to Morgan Stanley and the letter to \nthe transfer agent.\nI have faxed a copy to Frank Moy at Morgan Stanley who has not received the \noriginal,as yet.\nI have requested his verification that the account is open and an anticipated \ntiming for the transfer agent.\n\nHave instructions been provided with the account opening authorizing John \nGreene to trade for Enron Communications Investments Corp?\nHas Donna been provided with the necessary internal releases for the sale?\nAre we anticipating only selling 2,392,058 in the near term since that is the \nonly piece being registered in street-name?\nJohn Greene will be provided with instructions requesting him to sell and \nacceptable pricing guidelines.\n \nThanks Sheila"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCash, Michelle \nSent:\tWednesday, November 14, 2001 3:51 PM\nTo:\tGoode, Diane\nSubject:\tNew Nastygram\n\nDiane, attached is the new nastygram. Would you mind moving the names/addresses from the first draft into these (or move this text into the other -- whichever is easiest!!) and then sending to Janette for Mark's review? Thanks! Michelle"} {"text": "_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp\n\n - 10-29 1000 Report.xls"} {"text": "Let me check with Mr. B. I don't think we have any specific plans - probably \nlast minute shopping/wrapping. We're both leaving on Thurs. and returning on \nSun."} {"text": "Emmisions Trading will go from Kevin Presto (Greg Wolfe) to George McClellan \nunder the following conditions.\n\n1 - Volumes will not fall. In fact they will increase.\n\n2 - Wolfe will retain 1 Million of the 3 Million VAR for six months and then \nEast Power will have no Emmisions Positions,\n\n3 - Janel Guerrero (middle marketer) will follow the book to coal.\n\n4 - East Power and Coal will get together and (hopefully) agree on a transfer \npricing mechanism for existing positions if there are any that Greg is not \nkeeping.\n\nGive me a call if there are any issues."} {"text": "All, \n\nI will have the finalized resource ID list from the PX next week. If a \nschedule ID is used for a new customer, it's important to notify Vol Mgt ASAP \nso we can change the database to correctly account for the charges BEFORE WE \nRUN THE FLASH AND GIVE P/L NUMBERS TO RISK. The list will let you know \nwhich IDs can be used for new customers. October was a pain to close, mostly \nbecause of this issue. This should be a non-issue starting November. \n\nThanks,\n\nBrett"} {"text": "The prepay to Reliant for Thur April 11th is $22,000. I left the Cash Request on Doug's desk.\n\nPriscilla, please leave the wire on my desk in the future. I need to get Ed to sign before it goes to Doug Sewell."} {"text": "Energy Committee Members:\nOur Energy Committee Meetings will be hosted by Motorola for the month of\nMay. The address of the Motorola Location is as follows:\n\nMotorola\n1150 Kifer Rd\nSunnyvale, CA 94086\n\nA map is attached.\n\nThe meeting room is the main conference center on the first floor, directly\noff the lobby. Motorola will have signs directing everyone to the meeting\nroom.\n\nParking is in the rear of the Building.\n\nMelanie Meisburger is the receptionist in this building. She has offered to\nbe a contact person if directions are needed or if anyone has questions.\nHer number is 749-0510\n\nMike Brown\nManager Facilities Support\nMotorola, San Jose\n3041 Orchard Parkway\nSan Jose, Ca. 95134-2017\n408-383-7545 Fax: 408-434-0356\nE-mail: GMB002@email.mot.com\nConservation . . . key to solving the energy crisis\n\n - mqmapgend.gif"} {"text": "Friends,\n\nAttached below are please find:\n\n1. Wharton Tiger team Agenda, Friday, 19 January 2001, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm;\n\n2. Wharton Tiger Team Brochure (explaining the program).\n\nThank you in advance for your participation. Meeting room 32 C 2 will be \nequipped for computer presentations. The format of your presentation is \nentirely up to you--formal, conversational, computerized, hard copy--however \nyou feel most comfortable. We're currently expecting a total of 18 in the \ngroup.\n\nEveryone is invited to come to Churrasco's this evening. The Wharton group \nwill be picked up from the Warwick at 6:30, so should arrive at the \nrestaurant at about 6:45-7p. Please come if you can!\n\nThanks again! This is an enthusiastic, talented group of prospective Enron \nrecruits--and their research efforts might also well prove interesting to our \nbusinesses .\n\nRegards-- Christie."} {"text": "What an awful mess.\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Thompson, Peter J.\" on 11/15/2000 08:13:27 AM\nTo: \ncc: \n\nSubject: RE: Blackline\n\nWe also used CompareRite. However, when the system swithched over the\nweekend, our current tool bars no longer work with Word as presently\nconfigured. In addition, those documents that had automated headings.\netc. now are incompatible with the new versions. We are having an\noutside vendor try to clean the documents up so that they will be\ncompatible and Houston IT is working on fixing our tool bars.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 8:29 AM\nTo: Thompson, Peter J.\nSubject: RE: Blackline\n\n\n\nI've found CompareRite to work with long documents. Plus, these\ndocuments\nstarted out as WordPerfect documents and were converted to Word, which I\nthink creates problems with Word comparisons. I figure it is a Gates\nconspiracy...\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\"Thompson, Peter J.\" on 11/14/2000 07:33:34 PM\n\nTo: \ncc:\n\nSubject: RE: Blackline\n\nYours is much better.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 10:26 AM\nTo: Thompson, Peter J.\nSubject: Blackline\n\n\nHere's the blackline I prepared, so you can see which looks better.\n\n(See attached file: COMPARE6TO5)\n\nHere it is as a Word file, just in case:\n\n(See attached file: COMPARE6TO5.doc)"} {"text": "Peter:\n\nI understand from Tana that you disagree with the advice we have received \nfrom outside counsel (Stikeman) regarding the necessary \nprocedures/formalities involved in the taking and holding of cash as \ncollateral in Canada. We are in the process of revising our Canadian forms \nfor ISDA master agreements and credit support annexes. Would you mind \nchecking into this issue - maybe by discussing your difference of opinion \nwith Stikeman (I think the advice came from Fred Erickson in their Calgary \noffice)? I don't want to make our forms overly complicated or impose burdens \non ourselves that aren't required by law.\n\nThanks,\n\nMark"} {"text": "Marge,\n\nThe person at Rice to work with is Barbara Ostdiek. Her E-mail address\nis below (on one of the messages appended at the bottom).\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nMARGE \nNADASKY \n08/17/2000 10:13 AM\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Seminar Series Mug\n\nVince, would it be possible for me to work with whomever is designing this \nmug to see if we could incorporate the Enron logo into the design? I agree \nwith Mark that it would be preferable to have the logo somewhere on this. \nPlease let me know.\n\nMarge, Ext. 36631\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marge Nadasky/HOU/ECT on 08/17/2000 10:10 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark Palmer@ENRON\n08/17/2000 09:40 AM\nTo: Marge Nadasky/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Seminar Series Mug\n\nlooks a little off-brand to me. do you think we need an Enron logo? can you \nhelp Vince? anything from the catalog they could personalize?\n\nMark\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron on 08/17/2000 \n09:37 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n08/16/2000 05:14 PM\nTo: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Seminar Series Mug\n\nMark,\n\nRice Univ. wants to produce a coffee mug for the participants of the workshop\nEnron sponsors.\n\nPlease , take a look at the proposed design. Do we need any formal approval?\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/16/2000 \n05:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nBarbara Ostdiek on 08/15/2000 10:26:12 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com (Vince Kaminski)\ncc: \nSubject: Seminar Series Mug\n\n\nVince:\n\nI have attached the general design we are proposing for the Enron Seminar\nSeries mug. We have a little refinement to do - spacing here and there a\ncouple type-o's but this is the idea. If you like it, we will put an order \nin.\n\nI'll put out an announcement on the seminar schedule shortly. So far the\nfall line up includes Will Goetzman - Yale, Lenard Mirman - Virgina, Jeff\nPontiff - U. of Washington, George Allyannis - Darden, and Charles Lee -\nCornell.\n\nThank you.\n\nbbo\n\n\n - mUG11.pdf"} {"text": "IntercontinentalExchange \n Firm Power Price Bulletin \n For Power Delivered on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 \n (Trade Date of Tuesday, October 23, 2001) \nClick here to access index history . \n * volume represents sell-side only * \n\nHub\tHigh\tLow\tWtd Avg Index\tChange ($)\tVol (Mwh)\t\nCinergy\t $28.50\t $24.00\t $26.90\t+ 6.40\t 81,600\t\nComed\t $26.50\t $23.00\t $24.25\t+ 5.34\t 4,800\t\nEntergy\t $25.50\t $22.70\t $24.72\t+ 2.62\t 20,000\t\nNepool\t $38.70\t $38.50\t $38.56\t+ 1.06\t 7,200\t\nPJM-West\t $27.50\t $25.75\t $26.35\t+ 2.14\t 50,400\t\nTVA\t $30.50\t $24.25\t $27.38\t+ 6.75\t 11,200\t\n\n\n Includes all trades done from 6 AM to 11 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date specified for financially firm power delivered during the on-peak hours (6 AM - 10 PM CPT for Eastern hubs / 6 AM - 10 PM Pacific Prevailing Time for Western hubs) on the delivery date(s) specified. \n IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid trading platform for over-the-counter energy and metals. Active markets include North American power and natural gas, global crude and refined oil products, and precious metals. Traded instruments include forwards, swaps, and options. \nIn order to receive the proprietary information contained in this email, you acknowledge and agree that you shall not further disseminate the IntercontinentalExchange Market Data contained herein to any person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. Furthermore, you acknowledge that (1) IntercontinentalExchange has exclusive and valuable property rights in this data; (2) IntercontinentalExchange's data is being made available to you only for your own business or personal activities; and (3) you cannot communicate the data, in any form, to any other person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. \nThis data is provided to you free of charge. IntercontinentalExchange reserves the right to cancel this service at any time for any reason or no reason at all. \nYou agree that IntercontinentalExchange does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the data. \nTo become an Exchange Participant or inquire about the indices, please contact sales@intcx.com . \nTo unsubscribe from this service, click here unsubscribe . \n ?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 2001, All Rights Reserved."} {"text": "This letter goes a good bit further than we have with any of the North \nAmerican counterparties negotiating the ETA in that it identifies only those \nportions of the ETA that control over the masters rather than identifying \nthose provisions which are subject to the masters. In my view there are \nreally only very few places where we do not want the ETA to govern. Most of \nthe agreement relates to the use of the website itself and to that extent \nthere either should be no conflict with the master or if, by some tortured \ninterpretation there is a conflict, the ETA should control. In one case I \nhad to go through the entire ETA with the counterparty's lawyer, paragraph by \nparagraph, to identify those provisions where we would be willing to allow \nthe master to control. The only sections we had to amend were the first \nsentence of section 3(e) (regarding confirmations - this may be different in \nthe UK version), the confidentiality provisions and the notice provisions of \nsection 6(e). And of course nearly every counterparty making comments has \ninsisted that the indemnity provisions be scaled back to one extent or \nanother.\n\nMaybe if PowerGen is intransigent, they would be willing to add a sentence to \nthe letter indicating that the ETA will control regarding the acess to and \nuse of the website. In an attempt to differentiate between our contractual \ntrading arrangements and our agreement concerning the use of the website, \nperhaps Paragraph 3(a) can read something like \"Except as set forth under \nparagraph 3.(b) and (c) below, in the event of any conflict between the ETA \nand the master agreement, with respect to the terms of any Transactionthe \nmaster agreement shall prevail.\n\nIf we have to use this letter, my only other suggestion to the language would \nbe to refer in paragraph numbered 1 to \"The agreements listed beloweach\ncomprises a\" or better yet \"Each agreement listed below is a\" rather than \n\"The agreements listed below comprise the\".\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDavid Forster\n01/11/2000 12:15 PM\nTo: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PowerGen - Urgent\n\nMark,\n\nI would appreciate your opinion on the attached. Can you have a look and let \nme know what you think?\n\nThanks,\n\nDave\n---------------------- Forwarded by David Forster/LON/ECT on 11/01/2000 18:05 \n---------------------------\n\n\nJustin Boyd\n11/01/2000 15:13\nTo: David Forster/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edmund Cooper/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: PowerGen - Urgent\n\nDave,\n\nI'm trying to reach agreement with PowerGen re: EOL trades - they are still \nvery concerned with the overriding effect of the ETA, and will not accept our \nposition.\n\nHowever, I have managed to get somewhere..........and I attach a draft I \npropose to send to their lawyer. This is I believe as far as we can get with \nPowerGen (I did speak to him and I don't think he will go any further than as \nset forth in the draft). The key point for me was to get PowerGen to agree \n(which I think they will) that the short + long descriptions [key elements of \nany trade] prevail over the master.\n\nThoughts, comments please....\n\nMy view - if PowerGen agrees the draft, that should give us sufficient \ncomfort...\n\nThanks\n\nJustin"} {"text": "Start Date: 12/29/01; HourAhead hour: 21; No ancillary schedules awarded. No variances detected. \n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final Schedules\\2001122921.txt\n###Cannot locate a Preferred or Revised_Preferred Schedule that matches the FINAL Individual Interchange Schedule. Unable to assign deal number.\n###Cannot locate a Preferred or Revised_Preferred Schedule that matches the FINAL Individual Interchange Schedule. Unable to assign deal number.\n###Cannot locate a Preferred or Revised_Preferred Schedule that matches the FINAL Individual Interchange Schedule. Unable to assign deal number.\n###Cannot locate a Preferred or Revised_Preferred Schedule that matches the FINAL Individual Interchange Schedule. Unable to assign deal number."} {"text": "I had Ozzie sign it, and it has been sent to Carolyn.\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\nBen F Jacoby@ECT\n01/08/2001 05:32 PM\nSent by: Ben Jacoby@ECT\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Fred Mitro/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Ltr to SEL enclosing Facility Agreements \n\nI'm happy doing it, or Fred can sign.\n\n\n\nKay Mann@ENRON\n01/08/2001 03:41 PM\nTo: Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Mitro/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Ltr to SEL enclosing Facility Agreements\n\nDo you want to print, sign and fax, or shall I take to Janet or someone else \nto sign?\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 01/08/2001 03:37 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Campbell, Carolyn\" on 01/08/2001 03:30:43 PM\nTo: \"'kay.mann@enron.com'\" \ncc: \"Keffer, John\" \n\nSubject: Ltr to SEL enclosing Facility Agreements\n\n\n\n <<2TCV01!.DOC>>\nKay:\n\nPer your request, enclosed is a proposed letter to SEL enclosing the final\nfacility agreements. I have included a \"receipt acknowledged\" signature in\nthe proposed letter, although I believe this is optional as long as our\ncourier, upon delivery, obtains a signature acknowledging receipt. Please\nadvise of any comments. Thank you.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing & Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\nEnclosure: 131359v1\n\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message.\n\n\n - 2TCV01!.DOC"} {"text": "Larry, \n\nFor some reason the mail router keeps rejecting the files I'm trying to send \nyou (GDOpt&Swap and PipePos). If you have access to the rest of the system \nhere you should be able to get into the PipOpt folder with out any problems. \nIf you don't end up coming in tomorrow I'll get with IT and try and figure \nout a way to email you these files. Give me a call at 713-853-1455 if you \nneed anything.\n\nI went ahead and attached a copy of your P&L from Friday if you want to take \na look at that. I tried calling you with the number, but I never got an \nanswer. Also, there was a confirm that came in for you Friday with Amerex: \nThey show you Buying a 1/day BOM (12/2-12/31) HeHub Gas Daily $7.00 Call \nOption at $0.26. The counterparty was Cinergy...Let me know if this is a \ngood trade and we'll get it loaded into the system.\n\nThanks,\nSusan"} {"text": "It is mainly a tax issue (whether we have to pay franchise tax), and ENA Tax \nsays we don't need to register. At least that's how I understood it. I'll \ndouble check. \n\nWe can do the name change and register later. That's no problem.\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\nRussell E Murrell\n09/18/2000 03:39 PM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Authorization to revise documents to reflect change from Enovate \nto enovate. \n\nI don't really know what it means to be \"registered\" in a state. I know that \nwe intend to transact with customers located in all the states I mentioned. \nIf we only register in Illinois and we transact with a customer in Iowa is \nthat a problem?"} {"text": "As you requested, attached are our copies on the draft of the EPMI Agreement. \n- - Al \n\n <> \n\nAl Malmsjo \nR. W. Beck \n(407) 648-3521 - Office \n(407) 421-5402 - Cell \n\n - Comments - Enron June 1 agreement draft.doc"} {"text": "Forgot to cc you. df\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 01/12/2001 \n04:38 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDrew Fossum\n01/12/2001 04:37 PM\nTo: Expense Report/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Susan Scott's expense report 01-11-01\n\nOK. DF\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 01/12/2001 \n04:32 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDENISE LAGESSE\n01/12/2001 10:34 AM\nTo: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Susan Scott's expense report 01-11-01\n\nPlease approve Susan's attached expense report and forward to accounting with \na cc: to me. Thanks!"} {"text": "Jeff --\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 05/21/2001 \n07:32 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Tori Kuykendall/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/17/2001 10:41 AM\nTo: Rebecca W Cantrell/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: socal gas \n\ni just got word from one of my counterparties that socal gas was trying to \nimplement a new policy that would allow for them to call \"customer specific \nOFO's\" for high inventory, much like PG&E already does. the implication was \nthat this would be done very quickly. what my counterparty wanted to know is \n- do we see anything in socal gas's tariff that would allow for them to do \nthis? my first thought was - no. can you provide any insight on this matter?"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/30/2001 \n11:47 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVasant Shanbhogue\n01/23/2001 09:27 AM\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Hilton Honors Program and London trip\n\nIf you are not already members, and are interested, you can get bonus points \nand miles by enrolling for Hilton Honors online at www.hiltonhhonors.com. \nThey also have special hotel rates for London much cheaper than Enron's \nnegotiated rates (I just checked with the travel agent).\nI am booked on Continental, leaving next Monday evening, and returning Friday \n(waitlisted).\n\nVasant"} {"text": "Here's what we (Sue L. and me) want to give to Scott Celey (aid to Gov. Hull \nfrom Arizona). She's interested in putting together a letter warning about \nbalkanization for signature by the other Republican governors."} {"text": "This too has to be filed today. Please give me your comments as soon as \npossible. Thanks. Ron\n\n - #139894 v1 - WORD36.doc"} {"text": "Carson:\n\nI'm on the phone with Donna and due to our extremely busy schedules we have \npenciled in May 16 as D-Day (you know, \"dinner date\"). After the Enron legal \nconference, I'm on vacation which is the reason for the May date. Before the \nEnron legal conference, Donna is out of town most of the time. So - please \nlet us hear from you.\n\nDid you remember Monty's birthday?\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n\t\"R. Carson Llewellyn\" \n\t04/19/2001 11:08 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton , Sara Shackleton \n, Donna Mullen \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Wine, Dinner and Friends\n\n\nSara and Donna:\n\nI apologize for waiting two months to pick a date in order to consume\nsome of Sara's excess wine, but I think I found a good place to meet.\nThere is a restaurant named La Vista at 1936 Fountain View, just North\nof the Rice Epicurean. It should be real close to Donna, and they let\nyou bring your own bottle(s) of wine. If Sara brings the wine, then I\ncould spring for the dinner and Donna could bring the flowers.\n\nI am tied up next Thursday and Friday, and I know that Sara has the\nEnron Law Conference in San Antonio the following Wednesday, Thursday\nand Friday. Hopefully, there is a window in there when we can all get\ntogether.\n\nCarson"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/08/2000 \n05:24 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Frank Hayden @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:10 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nFYI"} {"text": "<>\n\nBobbi J. Kilburn\nTreasury & Risk Administrator\nVermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.\n(802) 258-4120\n(802) 258-2101\nBobbi.Kilburn@vynpc.com\n\n\n\n - Fuel Leak Notification.doc"} {"text": "Patti,\n\nWhat do I do with this now? How do I get the $50? Can I wait and get a \nseries of months reimbursed later or do I have to go through this every month?\n\nFletch Sturm"} {"text": "Dear Power Outage Database Customer,\n\nAttached you will find an excel document. The outages contained within\nare forced or rescheduled outages. Your daily delivery will still\ncontain these outages.\n\nIn addition to the two excel documents, there is a dbf file that is\nformatted like your daily deliveries you receive nightly. This will\nenable you to load the data into your regular database. Any questions\nplease let me know. Thanks.\n\nGreg Elliott\nIIR, Inc.\n713-783-5147 x 3481\noutages@industrialinfo.com\n\nTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS E-MAIL IS LEGALLY PRIVILEGED AND\nCONFIDENTIAL\nINFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED\nABOVE. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR\nCOPY OF THIS E-MAIL TO UNAUTHORIZED ENTITIES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF\nYOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS E-MAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE DELETE IT.\n\n - 103101R.xls \n - 103101.xls \n - OUTAGE.dbf"} {"text": "Dana,\n\n Here is a partial list of addresses I had here at work. I will have to\ngo home and find the others. Do you have a fax machine at home?\n\nDenise\n\n\n <>\n\nThey are already set up as labels in WP6.0 and these should be transferable\nto Word.\n\n\n\n - SEEDSLAB.WPD"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \twebmaster@cera.com@ENRON \nSent:\tMonday, January 28, 2002 4:03 PM\nTo:\tclients@cera.com\nSubject:\tColombian Upstream Issues: Senior Associate Alicia Puyana's Roundtable Presentation - CERA Multimedia Highlights\n\n\nTitle: Colombian Upstream Issues: Senior Associate Alicia Puyana's Roundtable Presentation\nURL(s):\n\nhttp://www.cera.com/eprofile?u=35&m=2955;\n\n\n***********************************************************************\n\nAt a recent Roundtable Session, CERA Senior Associate\nAlicia Puyana discussed the issue of declining upstream\ninvestment in Colombia.\n\nE-mail Category: Multimedia Highlights\nCERA Knowledge Area(s): Latin America Upstream\n\n\n\n*****************************************************************************************\nCERAWeek2002 - February 11-15, 2002 - 21st Annual Executive Conference and\nRelated Events REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT: http://www.cera.com/ceraweek\n** Two- and Four-day Passes Available\n** Special Enrollment Programs\n** Partnership Opportunities\n** CERAWeek Online Premium Access\n*****************************************************************************************\n\n\nTo make changes to your cera.com profile go to:\nhttp://www.cera.com/client/updateaccount\n\nForgot your username and password? Go to:\nhttp://www.cera.com/client/forgot\n\nThis electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information\nfrom Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is\nconfidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying,\ndistribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments,\nin whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.\nTerms of Use: http://www.cera.com/tos\nQuestions/Comments: webmaster@cera.com\nCopyright 2001. Cambridge Energy Research Associates"} {"text": "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that it's 7 pm Wednesday and I still have \nnot received any emails from you regarding the ski trip."} {"text": "_________________________________________________________________\n\n F O O L W A T C H\n Monday, November 13, 2000\n\nbenjamin.rogers@enron.com\n_________________________________________________________________\n\nREGISTER TO BECOME A FOOL -- GET FREE STUFF!\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=193698\n_________________________________________________________________\n\n Close Change %Change\n\n FOOL 50 1,766.20 -13.69 -0.77%\n DOW 10,517.25 -85.70 -0.81%\n NASDAQ 2,966.72 -62.27 -2.06%\n S&P 500 1,351.26 -14.72 -1.08%\n (Numbers as of 5:00 p.m. ET)\n\n\n SPONSORED BY: Scottrade\n Scottrade: $7 Trades, 120+ offices, personal brokers, FREE\n REAL TIME Quotes & charts. Check out our financial services:\n CDs, Bonds, Mutual Funds, no setup fees on IRAs. 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Please let me know if you have any problems."} {"text": "Patti, can you believe that out of all those dates you offered that Jeff is \nonly available on October 14?! I have penciled it in on his calendar as has \nRebecca. We'll look forward to more details. Thanks, and have a wonderful \ntime in Cabo! I'm so envious!!! Sherri\n\n\n\n\n\"Patti Morgan\" on 11/12/2000 05:32:34 AM\nTo: \ncc: \n\nSubject: DINNER!\n\n\n\nJeff,\n?\nHi!? Mike and I want to get a few couples together for a casual dinner.? We \nwould like you and Rebecca to join us.? I thought I'd run a few dates by you \nand see if any of these work:\n?\nFri. Oct. 6\nFri. Oct. 13\nSat. Oct. 14\nSat. Oct. 28\nFri. Nov. 3\nSat. Nov.4\n?\nAs you can see from our schedule, we are pretty open!? Let me know.\n?\nPatti\n?\nP.S. We really enjoyed seeing your centerfold photo the other month.? Was \nthis a trial run for a potential, more revealing spread??\n?\n?"} {"text": "Dolores\n\nPlease, register me for a session on 9/29/2000 at 12:45.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCeleste Roberts\n08/29/2000 06:21 PM\nTo: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: \n\nURGENT\n\nThe Associate and Analyst Recruiting Department will be conducting a number \nof two hour workshops to review our recruiting and interview process for the \nfall on-campus recruiting effort. Critical information regarding our \non-campus interview process, revised evaluation forms and program structure \nwill be reviewed during these two hours sessions.\n\nIt is mandatory that all team members attend these workshops. All team \nmembers must attend in order to articulate and demonstrate the Enron \nrecruiting process. Knowing how busy schedules are, we have made \narrangements to present these workshops in two hours sessions for a total of \n40 workshops that will run during the last week of August, through the month \nof September and end at mid October.\n\nListed below are the dates, location and times for each session. Please \nselect a date and time and e-mail this information to my assistant, Dolores \nMuzzy. We can accommodate 25 participants at a time. Dolores will take \ndates and times on a first come, first serve basis. We have scheduled enough \nsessions to accommodate every member of both the Associate and Analyst \nrecruiting teams.\n\nIn order to participate in the recruiting process, you must attend one of \nthese sessions. We will be tracking participation. CPE credits will also be \ngiven for attending this workshop."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 08/08/2000 \n05:32 PM ---------------------------\n\nFrom: Information Risk Management/HOU/ECT\n\nSubject: Your approval is requested\n\n\tSecurity Resource Request System\t\nApplication Approval\t\t\nPlease review and act upon this request. You have received this eMail because \nyou are listed as an approver on the original request.\n\t\t\tInstructions\t\nFor: \tPaul T Lucci \t\t\t\nRequest\tOriginal: \t\t\t\nApplication Name:\tEOL - NatGas US)\t\t\t\nRequest Type:\tGrant\t\t\t\nRole(s):\tUS GAS PHY FWD FIRM Non-Texas < or = 1 Month, US GAS PHY FWD FIRM \nNon-Texas > 1 Month < 1 YEAR, US GAS PHY Index FIRM Non-Texas < or = 1 Month, \nUS GAS PHY Index FIRM Non-Texas > 1 Month < 1 YEAR\t\t\t\nComments:\texecute rights\t\tReview the request in the Request section at left.\n\t\t\tFor more information regarding who the request is for, do the following:\n\t\t\tClick on the name for PeopleFinder info\n\t\t\tSee the Further Information section below\n\t\t\tIn the Approval Section, select Approve or Reject, enter comments as \nnecessary and click [Submit].\t\n\n\n\n\n\tFurther Information\t\t\n\t \t\t\nRequestor:\t\t\tPaul T Lucci/DEN/ECT\nManager:\t\t\t\nRequest Date:\t08/08/2000 05:15:45 PM\t\t\nRC #:\t104503\tWO #:\t\nCompany #:\t0413\tPriority:\tNormal\nGeneral Comments:"} {"text": "Hari,\n\nI shall send you a reprint of the article. I had to\ncancel my presentation at San Antonio.\n\nVince\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, send a copy of the article to Hari.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHari Natrajan on 02/28/2001 06:45:29 AM\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nI am a doctoral student at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore,\nIndia. My area of interest is the Energy Sector, especially Electricity\nDerivatives. I am interested in obtaining a copy of the following items:\n\n1) Your presentation \"Current Challenges in Modeling Power Price Volatility\"\nat the session on Price Volatility & Probabilistic Methods in the Energy\nMarkets. (http://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000//TALKS/MD29.html)\n\n2) Your chapter \"The Challenge of Pricing and Risk Managing Electricity\nDerivatives\" in the book 'The US Power Market', Risk Publications.\n\nI would appreciate it if you could send me a soft/hard copy of the same.\n\n\nThank you,\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nHari Natarajan\nFellowship Student\nIndian Institute of Management Bangalore\nBannerghatta Road\nBangalore 560076\nIndia\nTel: 91-80-6993056\nFax: 91-80-6584050\nE-mail: hnatraj@iimb.ernet.in"} {"text": "The Commission issued an order on May 8, 2001 in Illinois Power Co. Docket \nNo. ER01-123 (as well as ComEd, Ameren and Alliance) that accepted the \nSettlement filed by the Alliance and MISO on 3/31/01. The Settlement:\nprovided for the continuation of two separate RTOs in the Midwest - ARTO and \nMISO - to be operational by 12/15/01\nprovides for a single, non-pancaked Super-Regional rate for transactions with \nsources and sinks within the two- RTO Super Region\nprovides that ARTO and MISO will negotiate with PJM to develop a joint rate \nmethodology\nincludes an Inter-Regional Cooperation Agreement committing the ARTO and MISO \nto develop compatible protocols and formats, share information and data, \ndevelop a combined reservations and scheduling system, coordinate on TLRs, \nand develop procedures for real-time operational disputes.\nallowed withdrawal of IP, ComEd and Ameren from MISO to join ARTO with an \nexit fee of $60 million to cover start up costs.\n\nEnron had filed comments opposing the settlement arguing that it failed to \nresolve the issues of the Midwest market. Enron argued the the settlement \ndid not provide for sufficient RTO scope, did not resolve rate pancaking, \nparallel path flow, and other operational and seams issues.\n\nThe Commission's order on the settlement continues the Hebert \"incremental \napproach\" to RTO's that it has exhibited in its prior RTO orders. The Chief \nJudge had certified the settlement over Enron's opposition, claiming Enron \nwas asking the FERC to go beyond the scope of Order No. 2000. Some of the \nimportant findings in the order are summarized below.\n\nAccepted the Alliance stakeholder process over objections of Enron and \nseveral marketers. Alliance will file its stakeholder plan by May 15 and \nparties may raise concerns at that time. This does seem a late filing given \nthat the RTO is to be operational by 12/15/01. In the meantime, Alliance has \nheld three meetings, focusing on interconnection procedures and congestion \nmanagement. They are continuing to meet with stakeholders every two weeks - \nthis seems better than required by this order.\nThe Super-regional rate is not applicable to imports of generation into the \nRegion. This is definitely an example of the \"incremental approach.\" The \nCommission was very impressed that the Alliance and MISO represented the \nlargest areas ever proposed for elimination of rate pancaking. The order did \nrecognize the competitive advantage this gave to generators within the Super \nRegion vis-a-vis those located outside the Region, but noted that absent the \nsettlement, transactions would incur two separate transmission rates.\n Sufficiency of scope and configuration will be determined in the respective \nRTO dockets. Although the settlement provided that the scope of ARTO and \nMISO were sufficient, the Commission refused to make that determination in \nthis order. Note that the Alliance scope and configuration has been found \nto be sufficient to comply with Order No. 2000 in the Alliance January 24, \n2001 order.\nEnron argued the Midwest transmission grid should be under the control of a \nsingle operator to provide for a seamless market. The FERC finds that issue \nto be premature. This is again the \"incremental approach;\" the Commission \nencourages further efforts to build on the framework of the settlement to \ndevelop common processes and move toward an ultimate goal of a single \noperational RTO for the Midwest. This open-ended issue may provide a good \nopportunity to set up a meeting with FERC staff to discuss future steps to \nwork toward this ultimate goal.\nEnron had argued that the IRCA was not a sufficient commitment to a seamless \nMidwest market. The order accepts this aspect of the settlement, but allows \nthat Enron and all parties can raise further concerns once coordination \nproposals are filed.\nThe Commission will not require joint energy imbalance and congestion \nmanagement mechanisms at this time. FERC found no basis in Order No. 2000 to \nfind that multiple systems could not be compatible. The order did not \naddress Enron's argument that the settlement should provide for a real-time \nenergy market, rather than just a balancing market.\nA market monitoring committee is to be formed which will agree upon an \nindependent market monitor for the Cooperating RTOs.\nThe settlement provides for a moratorium on the transitional pricing \nstructure through 2004, subject to an exception for new investment.. The \nFERC accepts this provision due the rate certainty it provides. \n\nIf you want a copy of the order, let me know."} {"text": "Jeff Hodge requested that I forward the following collateral language for \nyour review. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.\n\n[4.6.] Collateral Requirement/Termination Payment Threshold. If at any time \nand from time to time during the term of this Agreement (and notwithstanding \nwhether a Triggering Event has occurred) the Termination Payment that would \nbe owed to a Party in respect of all Transactions then outstanding should \nexceed $______, such Party as the Beneficiary Party may request the other \nParty to establish a Letter of Credit as the Account Party in an amount equal \nto the Termination Payment in excess of $______ (rounding upwards for any \nfractional amount to the next $______), or such other collateral as may be \nreasonably acceptable to the Beneficiary Party. The Letter of Credit or \nother collateral shall be delivered within two Business Days of the date of \nsuch notice. On a Monthly basis, such Letter of Credit may be increased or \nreduced correspondingly to the amount of such excess Termination Payment \n(rounding upwards for any fractional amount to the next $______). For \npurposes of this Section [4.6], the calculation of \"Termination Payment\" \nshall include all amounts owed but not yet paid by one Party to the other \nParty whether or not such amounts are then due, for performance already \nprovided pursuant to any and all Transactions.\n\n\n\nDebra Perlingiere\nEnron North America Corp.\nLegal Department\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\nHouston, Texas 77002\ndperlin@enron.com\nPhone 713-853-7658\nFax 713-646-3490"} {"text": "Start Date: 2/27/01; HourAhead hour: 3; No ancillary schedules awarded. \nVariances detected.\nVariances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001022703.txt\n\n---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.\n Details: (Hour: 3 / Preferred: 100.00 / Final: 0.00)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTRT\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 2/27/01\n TIE_POINT: FCORNR_5_PSUEDO\n INTERCHG_ID: EPMI_CISO\n ENGY_TYPE: WHEEL\n$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.\n Details: (Hour: 3 / Preferred: 100.00 / Final: 0.00)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTRT\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 2/27/01\n TIE_POINT: SYLMAR_2_NOB\n INTERCHG_ID: EPMI_CISO_DUCKS\n ENGY_TYPE: WHEEL"} {"text": "The report named: East Position Totals , published as of 11/19/2001 is now available for viewing on the website."} {"text": "Have also today spoken to Anthony Duenner, finally. I am afraid the message \nfor David is that we should be thinking about his exit. I cannot see much \nmileage in putting him in front of Cliff. Do you agree that we should be \ndiscussing exit package? thanks mcs\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT on 08/12/2000 \n17:25 ---------------------------\n\n\nRebecca McDonald@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n08/12/2000 16:16\nTo: Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: James A Hughes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Steven J \nKean/NA/Enron@Enron@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: regulatory support \n\nMark,\n\nThanks for your note. It's a common misconception that we will be mostly \nworking on asset disposition. Our focus will be on the efficient operation \nof the assets, cleaning up problems, finishing projects etc. The sales \nefforts will be conducted through Cliff Baxter's group with support from us. \nSo, I don't believe that I will need the type of effort that you believe \nDavid can provide and I have no other need for him at this juncture. Cliff \nmay feel that he has the need for David. By the way, my experience with \nDavid when he worked for APAChi was that he had not learned much about the \nbusiness and therefore was not terribly helpful to us as we were \nrestructuring the group or when we were in a build mode in Thailand.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nRebecca\n\n\n\nMark Schroeder@ECT\n12/08/2000 08:35 AM\nTo: Rebecca McDonald/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, James A \nHughes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: regulatory support\n\nWith your new organisation, I expect that you will have issues that will \nrequire support from my team, covering everything outside the Americas (Rick \nShapiro providing support in the Americas). Any thoughts either of you have \nregarding what your requirements might be would be helpful. My understanding \nis that a fair bit of your effort will be focussed on asset disposition. If \nthat is correct, I want to run one idea by you. We still have David Merrill \nposted as an expat in Singapore. He is not working out as support for EBS \n(totally new field to him). What are your thoughts on David returning to the \nenergy arena, and focussing on flying around, as appropriate, to meet with \nvarious governments, working to secure necessary approvals, as/when/if \nneeded? Seems to fit his skill sets, based on prior government experience \nthat he has. \n\nA second person who could also fill this role, though he is looking at other \nopportunities within Enron and may not be available, is Mike Dahlke. \nThoughts on this person for this role?\n\nthansk mcs"} {"text": "I got your voice mail message and I understand your concerns around Todd's \ntime. I think we have it backwards for James to dictate how and when Todd's \nhelp would be needed. I think that we can review the \"to do\" list from James \nand get back with him on how much of that we can help with, who would do it, \nwhat the timing would be, how we might suggest organizing and prioritizing \nthe work, etc. As I said originally, I knew that Todd would not be \ninterested (nor available) for a month's worth of work. Todd's tendency \n(remember this with weather, too) is to think that he has to do all of the \nwork himself. He has had enough experience that his organization, guidance \nand leadership can be very valuable without his doing all of the work \nhimself. If James' list looks long and involved, how could Todd lead these \nefforts, what kind of team might he ask James to provide, what additional \nshort-term resources might we be able to tap into in Houston, etc. We have \nto think a little out of the box to offer a potential solution to James. If \nyou are willing, I would be glad to explore this with Todd and challenge him \nto think about how he could provide leadership to the effort, but not do all \nof the work. I want him to think like a consultant on these projects, not as \nthe contracted hired help! Let me know what you think. --Sally \n\n\n\n\nBrent A Price\n08/17/2000 03:55 AM\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Todd Hall \n\nI don't see any huge problems with Todd helping out Continental Power. He \nneeds to spend some time in Oslo anyways reviewing the weather business \nthere. I agree that one month might be unreasonable and would look to Todd \nto determine the proper timeframe. I will talk to Todd and Mike Jordan \nregarding the best way to proceed with this.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sally Beck 08/16/2000 05:35 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Todd Hall\n\nAs we said before, I would like to be able to utilize Todd Hall for special \nprojects from time to time. I had mentioned to Mike Jordan that once Todd \ncompleted his CommodityLogic role that I thought that we could take some of \nhis time to follow up on Continental Power issues, which could fit nicely \nwith some work he could do on Weather in Europe. I don't know about the one \nmonth timeframe. I would prefer that Todd review the initiatives and \ndetermine the best way to proceed. It might mean a couple of weeks over \nthere for starters, and then a follow up, shorter trip a few weeks later. I \ndon't think that Todd is keen on any elongated stays in Europe, particularly \nwithout the family. Can we still use Todd ? \n---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 08/16/2000 05:29 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\nJames New\n08/16/2000 07:54 AM\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT, Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Todd Hall\n\nSally,\n\nAs you are probably aware the Continental Power book split project went well \nbut there were a number of areas which were not completed for one reason or \nanother but essentially IT did not deliver according to the agreed timetable. \nTodd was instrumental in helping me to drive this forward and was responsible \nfor much of what we achieved.\n\nAs you may also be aware we had some personnel issues and there have been \nsignificant changes in the Continental Risk Management team. We have now \nrecruited a strong manager in Coralie Evans from CSFB and she starts on the \n29th of August. We have also added Michelle Waldhauser from the Houston Gas \nRisk Management team who arrived on the 7th of August.\n\nThere are a number of issues and developments which would greatly benefit \nfrom having Todd here in London for around a month (I say around a month as I \nam guessing within this period he would want to spend some time in Oslo \npushing the weather Risk Management area forward). Attached is a page I put \ntogether that cover our immediate needs and why Todd is ideally placed to \npotentially add an enormous amount of value to the Continental Power business.\n\nCould we please get together with Brent Price and Mike Jordan and discuss \nwhether Todd would be available come over.\n\nThanks and regards James"} {"text": "Dear Derivatives Week subscriber: \n\nCatch the latest breaking news in this week's issue by clicking here: \nhttp://www.derivativesweek.com \n\nTop stories this week: \n\n_________________________ \nCORPORATES CONSIDER HEDGING AS OIL PRICES LEAP \nAsian corporates, including Eva Airlines, Fletcher Challenge Energy and \nBharat Pertroleum Corp. are reconsidering their hedging strategies as oil \nprices hit a new 10-year high last week. Oil producers are looking to lock in \nhigh \nrates, while oil consumers are considering adjusting the amount of the \nexposure \nthey hedge. \n\nEURO/DOLLAR VOL RISES IN ANTICIPATION OF DANISH VOTE \nTraders are piling into short-date options expiring on Sept. 29, the date \nwhen the \nresults of the Danish referendum to enter the euro-zone will be announced. \nHowever \nthe referendum ends up, the markets are likely to react wildly. \n\nFIRST CHICAGO EQUITY DERIVATIVES TRADER STEPS DOWN; \nMARKET WONDERS \nThe head of equity derivatives trading at First Chicago Tokio Marine has \nstepped down, \nand the bank has been seen unwinding positions in the market. Rival traders \nclaim that \nthe firm is pulling out of equity derivatives. An official at FCTM said it is \nnot pulling out and \ndeclined to comment further. \n_________________________ \n\nUse your User ID and Password to access the entire site. \n\nYOUR USER NAME AND PASSWORD ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL \nUSE ONLY. THEY MAY NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYONE AND NO \nONE ELSE SHOULD ACCESS THE SITE WITH YOUR USER NAME \nAND PASSWORD. \n\nWe welcome you to forward this email to any co-workers or colleagues\nwho would be interested in receiving a free trial subscription to\nDerivatives Week at http://www.iinews.com/cgi-bin/unifree_new?hoo=dw \n\nIf you have questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate \nto call me at 1-212-224-3034. \nThanks and enjoy this week's issue. \n\nJim Beecher \nPublisher \n\nNOTE: You will receive weekly updates of the hottest stories in Derivatives \nWeek. \nThese are not random mass mailings but rather one-time messages \nfor your personal attention. If you do not wish to continue to receive these \nnotices, please click 'reply', type 'remove' and enter your name and company. \nYou will then be removed from our email database."} {"text": "I agree.\n\n\n\n\tJames D Steffes\n\t05/24/2001 04:04 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J \nMara/NA/Enron, Paul Kaufman/Enron@EnronXGate, Alan Comnes/Enron@EnronXGate, \nRay Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON, Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Harry \nKingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, Michael Tribolet/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t\t cc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: What to do about CDWR?\n\nGiven that we are already well into the Summer of '01, it now appears that \nfurther CDWR contracting will only lock CA into high prices. The original \nidea was that CDWR could buy power at $80/mwh and ensure that retail rates \nwouldn't go higher. Neither of these concepts have held true.\n\nI think that Enron needs to consider actively oppossing any further \ncontracting and a bond issuance in light of the potential harm that CDWR will \ndo. First, the prices they are getting won't be great for customers. \nSecond, with the \"new\" stranded costs that will be created, direct access in \nthe future won't have a chance.\n\nAppreciate everyone's thoughts?\n\nJim"} {"text": "Good morning - these are the levels we will be following today in US,\nTY,FV, E$, SP:\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\nComments: (times listed are Central)\t\t\t\t\t\t\n12pm: early close - HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t \t\t\t\t\n\t\tUSH2\tTYH2\tFVH2\tEDM2\tSPH2\n\ntarget\t\t101.07\t106.09\t106.13\t97.71\t1170.0\ntarget\t\t100.26\t105.12\t105.28\t97.61\t1168.9\ntarget\t\t100.21\t104.30\t105.20\t97.59\t1162.0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\npivot\t\t100.18\t104.19\t105.11\t97.54\t1159.9\npivot\t\t100.12\t104.15\t105.09\t97.52\t1157.6\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ntarget\t\t99.30\t104.13\t105.08\t97.51\t1154.3\ntarget\t\t99.10\t104.09\t105.05\t97.50\t1151.1\ntarget\t\t98.07\t104.03\t105.01\t97.48\t1139.4\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\nnext\t\t\t\t\t\t\ncycle\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\nGood Luck Today\n\n==================================================\nJon and Warren at the CBOT \n312-987-5970 or 800-547-3587, 312-347-5061\n\nThis report has been prepared for informational purposes only. It does not\nconstitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any\nsecurities. It is based on information generally available to the public\nfrom sources believed to be reliable. No representation is made that the\ninformation is accurate or complete or that any returns indicated will be\nachieved. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Price and\navailability are subject to change without notice. Additional information\nis available upon request. \n=================================================="} {"text": "I can drive. So what ever you want. I was thinking Churassco's, but I'm \ndefinitely open to suggestions."} {"text": "Here is a file from Kinder/Morgan. Look at the performance tab and that \nshould give you a good idea about the output and the heat rates. Lets talk \nabout this later. Thanks\nBen\n3-7998"} {"text": "Attached is a memo reflecting a review of the financial power transactions \nentered into prior to 11/30. After you have had a chance to review the memo, \nwe can discuss it by conference call. Mary\n\n\n\nCordially,\nMary Cook\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n(713) 345-7732 (phone)\n(713) 646-3490 (fax)\nmary.cook@enron.com"} {"text": "Hi there,\n\nThanks for taking my car in. I admit I feel like men get treated better by \ncar servicing people than women. I'm not just saying that, either.\n\nOn the issue of Charlotte, is it your idea that she will take care of \nTuesdays only while you are going to rodeo meetings? I know in her email she \nhad a preference for not doing the Sharon thing, and I do think we lost \nsomething when we (well, you) weren't communicating with Sharon or Amy in a \nregular basis. I know it is easy for me to say since it is an inconvenience \nfor you...\n\nckm"} {"text": "Don't forget.....RSVP forms are due no later than Friday, February 11th!\n\nIf you have not already sent in your form, please be sure to complete all of \nthe\ninformation on the RSVP form and fax the form to (713) 646-4995 or email it to\nSara.Davidson@enron.com.\n\nAlso, for your information: Sea World will be open Friday, April 7th - \nSunday,\nApril 9th if you are staying for the weekend. Fiesta Texas has not set their\nschedule yet, but if you are interested let me know and I will keep you \nposted."} {"text": "I'm still waiting on David Hunt to send me some stuff, which would really help move the document along. I'll ask again if i can get it from him. There are still internal questions in it, which I have annotated. I'm happy for you to look at it fairly shortly, especially if you can give definitive commercial direction.\n\nDo you feel that the commercial team is finished with the exhibits? I haven't worked on them, but I suspect the exhibits need work. I know the bogey calc doc is a bit rough. [Rorschach, Reagan] Exhibits are rough. I need to make a list of Exhibits called out in the current doc version, pull them all together, and clean them up. \n\nDo you still owe me the emergency transmission cut stuff? [Rorschach, Reagan] Yes. I am not exactly sure of the context....but try this on for size: Clarksdale is subject to an Entergy transmission constraint that from time to time results in a transmission cut and mandates Clarksdale dispatching their generation assets to serve Clarksdale Native Load. Dispatching Clarksdale assets under these circumstances is known as the first contingency must run condition. During first contingency must run conditions, EPMI will document the production costs, megawatts generated, duration of the event, and lost opportunity cost of buying from the market. Clarksdale is due reimbursement from Entergy for extra costs incurred during such events. \n\nEarly next week is better than later, and Thursday and Friday are huge problem days for me. When are you thinking of meeting with Beck? Anyway to combine the two at once, given the short timeframe? [Rorschach, Reagan] I think we could get everyone together at the same time as soon as Monday. I want them to have the time to study the document so we can get it all done at once. \n\nHas Dave signed the extension, by the way? [Rorschach, Reagan] done, fedex'ing to MDEA. Will have faxed copy today.\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tReagan Rorschach/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/31/2001 09:59 AM\nTo:\tKay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tMDEA Agreement Scheduling\n\nKay,\n\nWe are starting to run into some scheduling constraints for next week, at least with Bob Priest. I'd like to get together with Bob and Marvin early next week to discuss the agreement--moving toward finalizing before June 12. Bob is only available Monday. Bob and Marvin think it is a good ideal to then meet with RW Beck.\n\nI'd like to email Marvin and Bob the next version sometime today?\n\nReagan C. Rorschach\nEnron North America\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713.345.3363"} {"text": "Dolores:\n\nVince said to go ahead and do it. It is a health need. \nHer EB# is 1939 and our Co. # is 0011 and RC# 100038.\n\nThanks for your prompt response!\n\nHave a great day!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDolores Sustaita\n02/28/2000 09:06 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Light Switch for EB 1939\n\nf.y.i., please read below.\n\nDolores\n---------------------- Forwarded by Dolores Sustaita/EPSC/HOU/ECT on \n02/28/2000 09:05 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron Property & Services Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Charles Upshaw 02/28/2000 08:32 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Dolores Sustaita/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Light Switch for EB 1939 \n\nApprox. $500.\n\n\n\nDolores Sustaita\n02/25/2000 02:31 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charles Upshaw/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Light Switch for EB 1939\n\nCharles,\n\nCan you help with cost estimate?\n\nDolores\n---------------------- Forwarded by Dolores Sustaita/EPSC/HOU/ECT on \n02/25/2000 02:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n02/24/2000 08:56 AM\nTo: Pat Scarborough/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dolores Sustaita/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, William \nSmith/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Light Switch for EB 1939\n\nGood morning all:\n\nMaureen Raymond Castaneda is officed in EB1939. She has terrible migraine\nheadaches which are made worse by light. We would like to get a price on\nhaving an on/off switch installed in her room. As of now, they have removed \nthe light bulbs, but said that may not completely answer the problem as some\none may see that they are out and request they be replaced. \n\nI think the answer (if it is not too expensive) would be to have a switch \ninstalled.\n\nPlease let me know.\n\nOur Co. # is 0011 and our RC# is 100038.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290"} {"text": "Attached are Exhibits A to both the Operation and Maintenance Agreement and \nthe Contribution and Assignment Agreement - Description of the Assets \n\n\n\nThe descriptions of the Assets are duplicate on both Exhibits."} {"text": "All right people, time to quit screwing around and to start planning a\nlittle weekend trip up here to Tahoe! I'm thinking either the 1st or 3rd\nweekend of March... I have a friend who's a travel agent and can most\nlikely get everyone a good deal given enough advance notice. Let me know\nsometime this week if you're serious about going and what weekend you vote\nfor and I'll get some prices together...\n\nPeace,\nChris\n\nChris Lewis\nAccenture, Austin\nSuite 300 - 1501 South Mopac Expressway - Austin, TX 78746\nPhone: (512) 732-5617 || Octel: 472/5617\nemail: christopher.lewis@accenture.com\n\n\n\n----- Forwarded by Christopher Lewis/Internal/Accenture on 01/21/2002 01:58\nPM -----\n\n \"Sean O'Connell\"\n cc:\n Subject: SKI TRIP!!!!\n 01/21/2002 01:38 PM\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCHRIS, VERY IMPOERTANT!\nDisregard dates re last e-mail. The three of us\ncannot go on those dates, look at the next weekend,\nthe 15th, 16th and 17th. Let me know what up!\nAloha, Sean\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nSend FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!\nhttp://promo.yahoo.com/videomail/\n\n\n\nThis message is for the designated recipient only and may contain\nprivileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have\nreceived it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the\noriginal. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited."} {"text": "Hwy 290 and I-610 is where this appraisal place for the car is located.\n\nThe physical address is \n\n2900 North Loop West\nSuite 150\n\nHours of Operation\n8am to 5pm\n\nHours that you can go in without and appointment are:\nMon - Fri\n8am to 11am\n\nThe telephone # to comfirm this is: 713 956-5327 Ask for Julietta @ ext.205 \nor dial \"0\" for the operator."} {"text": "Linda Younker\n3405 Stanford Ave.\nBoulder, CO 80305\nahimsaom@cs.com\n\nTo Mr. Ken Lay,\n\nI'm writing to urge you to donate the millions of dollars you made from selling Enron stock before the company declared bankruptcy to funds, such as Enron Employee Transition Fund and REACH, that benefit the company's employees, who lost their retirement savings, and provide relief to low-income consumers in California, who can't afford to pay their energy bills. Enron and you made millions out of the pocketbooks of California consumers and from the efforts of your employees.\n\nIndeed, while you netted well over a $100 million, many of Enron's employees were financially devastated when the company declared bankruptcy and their retirement plans were wiped out. And Enron made an astronomical profit during the California energy crisis last year. As a result, there are thousands of consumers who are unable to pay their basic energy bills and the largest utility in the state is bankrupt.\n\nThe New York Times reported that you sold $101 million worth of Enron stock while aggressively urging the company's employees to keep buying it. Please donate this money to the funds set up to help repair the lives of those Americans hurt by Enron's underhanded dealings.\n\nSincerely,\n\nLinda Younker"} {"text": "Net Works section of the NYC presentation. MEK\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron on 07/21/2000 \n03:42 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMichael Darnall\n07/20/2000 05:32 PM\nTo: Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey \nMcMahon/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Latest Net Work Section for 2Q"} {"text": "The Northeast Meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow Nov. 13 at 2:00 pm\n\nT.Jae Black\nEast Power Trading\nAssistant to Kevin Presto\noff. 713-853-5800\nfax 713-646-8272\ncell 713-539-4760"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT on 03/29/2001 \n01:19 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: CoganJA@aol.com 03/29/2001 10:06 AM\n\t\n\nTo: sbreen@czn.com\ncc: cfoster@enron.com \nSubject: Revised PPL/Griffith Proposal\n\n\nSean,\n\nAttached is the revised PPL/Griffth Gas Supply Proposal and Economic Model.\nI will hand deliver these to Terry Crupi today.\n\nJohn\n\n - PPL - Griffith Gas Sales Proposal.ZIP"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/23/2000 \n06:52 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nAlexandra Howells on 05/22/2000 05:32:42 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Energy In Europe\n\n\nDear Mr Kaminski\n\nI hope you have been well since we last spoke. I shall give you call later \ntoday but wanted to email you with an update on Energy In Europe as soon as \npossible. Unfortunately, the workshops and Summit Day on 19th June haven't \nbooked as well as we had expected and with a month left to go before the \nConference, have had to cancel them. Many apologies for any inconvenience \nthis might cause to you and Prof. Geman - I wanted to tell you as soon as \npossible so as to cause the least amount of disruption to travel arrangements \netc. The main conference itself is booking fine and will continue as \nexpected, and I certainly hope you are still able to attend, albeit in a \nspectator role.\n\nI have similarly emailed Prof. Geman and will follow up with a telephone call.\n\nAgain, apologies for any inconvenience and I will call you later today to \ndiscuss details.\n\nKind Regards\nAlexandra\n\nICBI\n0207 9155675\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n !\n\n\n - EnergyCongress.doc"} {"text": "Here tis.\n\nWe'll be turning a new draft to Peoples today or tomorrow, but I figure it \nneeds to go to Allyson now.\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 09/19/2000 09:13 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Kay Mann 09/19/2000 09:09 AM\n\t\n\nTo: aduncan@kilstock.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: PPA\n\nAllyson,\n\nHere is a very recent version of the PPA:\n\n\n\nKay"} {"text": "didnt you get this email?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Guzman/PDX/ECT on 09/28/2000 05:09 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Mark Guzman 09/28/2000 02:27 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Katie Trullinger @ ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: \n\nActually that doesnt sound very funny to me. I mean what the fuck did he do \nthat for? What was he so mad about? I can imagine that you would be scared \nseeing him act like that. Hopefully he doesn't ever act like that or show \nthat kind of temper around you. Anyway its really none of my business i \nguess. I appreciate the sentiment about my family and I will mention it to \nmy mother. I hope you feel better."} {"text": "Bermuda has been approved as a jurisdiction for all financial products using \nthe ENA format of GTC with New York Law.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions."} {"text": "Fantastic-landmark deal Rick\nWilliam S Bradford|HOU|ECT wrote on 7/28/00 7:33 pm:\n\nRick,\n\nJohn, Jim and Brad were instrumental in getting this restructuring done. It \nfeels good when the process works.\n\nBill\n\n\n\n \nFrom: John Suttle \n 07/28/2000 10:06 AM \n \n\nTo: William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tracey \nIrvin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dutch Quigley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bradford Larson/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nLedlow/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Credit Reserve\n\n\nPlease book a $512,087 USD credit reserve for the following deals:\n\nDeal #: E98254.4 and EA8461.1\nCounterparty: Barrett Resources Corporation\nOriginating Unit: ENA\n\nDescription: These are existing transactions that have been restructured to \ncompensate Enron for assuming credit risk above the contractual credit \nlines. The strike prices for each of the transactions were reduced, \nresulting in a $512,087 increase in value. The entirety of this value is to \nbe taken into the Credit Reserve.\n\nPlease call me if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\n\nJohn"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2001 \n11:07 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDawn C Kenne\n04/03/2001 09:06 AM\nTo: PMDESMAR@earthlink.net, Linda J Ewing/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, HeightsHappy@aol.com @ ENRON, \"B. Kenne\" \n @ ENRON, ewardle@calpine.com, \ngwilson@salliemaesolutions.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fw: THE PERFECT BREAKFAST\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2001 09:05 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Max and Bev\" on 04/02/2001 08:20:37 PM\nTo: \"Jim\" , \"GARY\" , \"DAWN\" \n, \"Nancy and Fritz\" , \"George \nChenault\" , \"Bert\" , \"CHAD\" \n\ncc: \n\nSubject: Fw: THE PERFECT BREAKFAST\n\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Henschen, Michelle\" \nTo: \"Betty Dietrich (E-mail)\" ; \"Bev Fledderjohann\n(E-mail)\" ; \"Carla Monnier (E-mail)\"\n; \"Cheryl Winner (E-mail)\" ;\n\"Dave Smallwood (E-mail)\" ; \"Jami Leffel\n(E-mail)\" ; \"Jeff Henschen (E-mail)\"\n; \"Jenni Lammers (E-mail 2)\"\n; \"Julie Zwiebel (E-mail)\"\n; \"Keith M. (E-mail)\" ; \"Ken Johnson\n(E-mail)\" ; \"Kris Schroer (E-mail)\"\n; \"Scott Fannon (E-mail)\"\n; \"Todd Kress (E-mail)\" \nSent: Monday, April 02, 2001 8:42 AM\nSubject: FW: THE PERFECT BREAKFAST\n\n\n>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Dennis and Joan Henschen [mailto:djhench@nktelco.net]\n> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 7:26 AM\n> To: Susan K. Zwiebel; Deb Schrolucke; Shelley Bishop; Bill & Peg\n> Schlenker; Henschen, Michelle; Joyce Kellermeyer; Jill and Greg\n> Heitkamp; Jim & Annie Zwiebel; Eloise Archer; Dennis Henschen; Rita\n> Henschen; alvia charnes\n> Subject: Fw: THE PERFECT BREAKFAST\n>\n>\n> > > THE PERFECT BREAKFAST\n> > >\n> > > You're sitting at the table.\n> > > Your son is on the cover of the box of Wheaties.\n> > > Your mistress is on the cover of Playboy.\n> > > Your wife is on the back of the milk carton.\n> > >\n> > >\n> ---\n> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.\n> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).\n> Version: 6.0.231 / Virus Database: 112 - Release Date: 2/12/2001\n>"} {"text": "30 days remain prior to the target date specified in an open audit \nobservation. Please click on the document link below, review the observation \n/ action step(s) / responsible person(s), and provide completion / progress \nreport, updates, and revised target date, if any. NOTE: EACH E-MAIL \nREPRESENTS A SEPARATE AUDIT OBSERVATION.\n\nClick on this link to view document -->"} {"text": "Please draft an isda pursuant to the attached credit terms and forward a \ndraft to Joe Jure."} {"text": "Ivan-\n\nHere is the list of the California plants that are not listed on the Portland \ndatabase:\n\nColgate\nContra Costa\nHunters Point\nCrockett\nAlamitos\nCoolwater"} {"text": "I'm flying to Richmond this am. I'll read the ABB contract on the plane, and \nlet you know what I think this afternoon. Hopefully, we can put it to bed.\n\nKay"} {"text": "Start Date: 4/24/01; HourAhead hour: 10; No ancillary schedules awarded. \nVariances detected.\nVariances detected in Generation schedule.\nVariances detected in Load schedule.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001042410.txt\n\n---- Generation Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblGEN_SCHEDULE.\n Details: (Hour: 10 / Preferred: 0.00 / Final: 0.00)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: EES\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 4/24/01\n UNIT_ID: BADLND_7_PL1X2\n\n\n\n---- Load Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblLoads.\n Details: (Hour: 10 / Preferred: 2.29 / Final: 1.74)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n LOAD_ID: PGE4\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 4/24/01\n SC_ID: EPMI"} {"text": "Hi John,\n\nJust opened my email. I have a meeting tomorrow off campus. Next week looks \ngood, though. Any free days?\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Keffer, John\" on 02/08/2001 09:15:00 AM\nTo: \"C. Kay Mann (E-mail)\" \ncc: \n\nSubject: Lunch\n\nGot any lunch plans today or tomorrow?\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message."} {"text": "Earlier today, I stepped down as Enron's Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. This decision was reached in cooperation with Enron's Board and the Creditor Committee and is effective immediately.\n\nTo emerge from bankruptcy, Enron needs a CEO who can focus 100 percent of his or her efforts on rebuilding the company. Unfortunately, with multiple inquiries and investigations that require my immediate attention, at this time I am unable to fully concentrate on what is most important to Enron's stakeholders - preserving value for our creditors and our dedicated employees.\n\nThe Creditor Committee has begun a search for a restructuring specialist to serve as interim CEO to help the company emerge from bankruptcy. This individual will join Enron's remaining management team to direct the company's ongoing operations.\n\nI truly believe Enron can and will survive. I will remain a Director of the Board to help see that it does.\n\nDuring my time at Enron, I have witnessed tremendous change and opportunity. I have seen people rigorously grow and maintain one of the world's most efficient and safest gas pipeline networks; I have seen people dedicate themselves to a cause that became a passion - the opening of energy markets; I have observed smart people come together as a team to build creative solutions like EnronOnline; and I have watched people tirelessly give of themselves to help their fellow employees and those in the community. Regardless of what has happened, I am proud of so much of what we were able to accomplish here.\n\nThank you for your contributions to the company and for the inspiration you have been to me over the years.\n\nKen Lay"} {"text": "Sara,\nHave you been able to locate a copy?\nThanks. Sheila\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT on 04/12/2000 02:35 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sheila Glover 03/29/2000 02:28 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Morgan Stanley Prime Broker Agreement and Overseas Lending Agreement\n\nSara,\nMay I have a copy of the Morgan Stanley Prime Broker Agreement and the \nOverseas Lending Agreement.\nJeff and I have been talking to Goldman Sachs about a similar arrangement and \nwanted to re-review the Morgan Stanley structure.\nThank. Sheila"} {"text": "Last minute gift ideas from the Lone Star State!\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE] \t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\n\t\t\t[IMAGE] \t\t[IMAGE] \t[IMAGE] \t[IMAGE] \t\t[IMAGE] \t\t1.800.TXMUSIC\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE] \t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Santa says... [IMAGE] Why spend all day at the mall when you can send electronic gift certificates from LoneStarMusic.com. Let them choose from thousands of CDs of great Texas music. Here are a few reasons people love sending and receiving e-gift certificates. 1.) Great as a last minute gift. 2.) Send them to yourself, print them out, and stick them in a card or someone's stocking. 3.) E-Gift certificates are sent within minutes so the recipient can pick out their CDs immediately. 4.) Great for sending to someone at home or around the world. 5.) No lines, No hassle, Stress free shopping! Christmas shopping couldn't get any easier. Click here to send one now. \t\t\t Another great gift idea from Texas[IMAGE] A Texas Monthly subscription makes a great gift for any Texan!Click here to subscribe. \t\t\n\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t[IMAGE]\t\t\n[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t\n\n\n \nVisit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . \nView our privacy policy ."} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLove, Phillip M. \nSent:\tFriday, November 30, 2001 2:54 PM\nTo:\tKeiser, Kam; Palmer, B. Scott; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Valdes, John; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Gossett, Jeffrey C.\nSubject:\tBankruptcy Party at PLove's tonight\n\nSend to your group's please. \n\n\nIf you feel like drowning your sorrows at the end of the world in some free keg beer, sodas and hard liquor - come down to Clear Lake and celebrate the fact that today may be the last paycheck you receive from Enron. Playstation, pool, and darts(with pictures of great Enron leaders) will be available for your enjoyment. You can also try chase the 3 year old with the dirty diaper. Party starts about 7 ish. We will order Pizza or something like that if you haven't eaten. Directions:\nI - 45 South to exit 29 - CLC Blvd.\nTurn left under the freeway - heading east\nYou will travel roughly four miles (through 3 lights and two stop signs) turn left on Noble Pine(across from Children's World) \nWhen that street dead end's take a right on Towering Oak\nTake first left onto Cherry Oak\nThat dead end's at Sterling Wood Way - take a left.\nThird house of the right 4435 Sterling Wood Way\n281-486-7026\n\nHope to see everyone there.\nPL"} {"text": "3rd set of suggestions\n\nWe have missed the opportunity to make our points to i) share existing \ngeneration, ii) treat all customers the same\n\nCould we include the following:\nCustomers are continuously making decision related to who should provide them \nwith service and whether they should relocate in California.\nThe current uncertainty around solvency of utilities and market price \nexposure makes it difficult for customers to plan for the future.\nGovernor Davis is committed to:\nNo customer will incur rate increases above 10%.\nAll customers will have access to utility owned generation.\nAll customers, whether they be served by the utility or other supplier will \nhave equal opportunity to this commitment. \nAB1890 will continue in place until the end of 2001, until and if some other \nbetter plan is put in place.\n\nWe are also missing the opportunity to suggest auctioning of default \nprovider.:\nThe California Public Utility Commission, should immediately seek bids, in \nthe form of bids to take on portions of customers, to be selected on a random \nbasis, for standard offer, with commitments that such rates will not increase \nby more than 10% and will be available to all customers without notice or \npenalty.\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Stoness/HOU/EES on 01/02/2001 07:12 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nScott Stoness\n01/02/2001 06:30 PM\nTo: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Don Black \nSubject: Re: DRAFT of materials for Governor\n\n2nd Comments:\n\n We are missing in Increasing Supply section\nrunning of existing older generation combined with mitigating reductions in \nemissions. \nmissing Concrete suggestions: \nCalifornia Energy Commission sponsored process to determine and implement \nactions that will:\nresult in 10,000 MW of new energy efficient generation being built within \nCalifornia within 2002; and \nrunning of existing older generation combined with mitigating reductions in \nemissions\n\n We are missing in decreasing load section\nmissing concrete suggestions: \nThe California Public Utility Commission, will immediately seek bids, in the \nform of rate changes and regulatory commitments that would result in 2,000 MW \nof reduced on peak load by June 1, 2001\nThe California Public Utility Commission, will immediately seek bids, in the \nform of rate changes and regulatory commitments that would result in 5,000 MW \nof reduced overall load by January 1, 2002.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Stoness/HOU/EES on 01/02/2001 06:18 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nScott Stoness\n01/02/2001 06:18 PM\nTo: Jeff Dasovich/Na/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Don Black \nSubject: Re: DRAFT of materials for Governor \n\n1st Comments from Scott\n\nWe are missing:\n\nPositive spin at front\nGovernor Davis is committed to solving the California energy crisis by:\nDeveloping consumer driven solutions\nProtecting customers from short term market aberrations\nContinuing to expand the consumers ability to choose\nWe are missing thoughtful Orderly Process\nMaintain 1890 in interim\nAll customers treated the same\nWould replace \"maintain a reliable distribution network\" with \"assure \ninvestment community\"\nAssurances around forward purchases\nAssurances around prudent purchases to keep lights\nAssurances, if needed through increases, via tax refundable.\nMaintain AB1890 until orderly process arrives with better solution\nWould drop specifics arount rate increase. \n\nMore to come......"} {"text": "yes - flavia works for debbie brackett as does lesli and angela - whatever \nyou sent to lesli can go to flavia\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jones, Tana \nSent: Monday, June 04, 2001 1:22 PM\nTo: Rohauer, Tanya\nSubject: Replace for Leslie Campbell while on maternity leave\n\nDoes this work for you? Is this where you want us to send copies of our \nsigned documents and original guarantees?\n----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 06/04/2001 01:21 PM -----\n\n\n\tStephanie Panus@ENRON 06/04/2001 12:46 PM \t To: Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMarie Heard/NA/Enron@Enron, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Replace \nfor Leslie Campbell while on maternity leave\n\n\n\nFYI - see below\n\n----- Forwarded by Stephanie Panus/NA/Enron on 06/04/2001 12:45 PM -----\n\n\n\tFlavia Negrete/ENRON@enronXgate 06/04/2001 12:40 PM \t To: Anthony \nCampos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cheryl Johnson/ENRON@enronXgate, Jerry \nBritain/ENRON@enronXgate, Debra Perlingiere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nPanus/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Replace for Leslie Campbell while on \nmaternity leave\n\n\n\n\nI will be taking over Leslie Campbell's duties while she is on maternity \nleave. Please forward any correspondence or emails to me. I look forward to \nworking with ya'll\n\nFlavia Negrete\nRisk Assessment and Control\nEB2824\nX5-4849"} {"text": "We provide businesses of ALL types an opportunity to have their\nown no hassle Credit Card Merchant Account with NO setup fees.\nGood credit, bad credit, no credit -- not a problem! 95% approval\nrate!\n\nYou will be able to accept all major credit cards including Visa,\nMasterCard, American Express and Discover, as well as debit cards,\nATM and check guarantee services. You will have the ability to\naccept E-checks over the Internet with a secure server. To insure\nthat you wont miss a sale, you will be able to accept checks by\nPhone or Fax. We can handle ANY business and client type!\n\nIf you already have a merchant account we can lower your rates\nsubstantially with the most competitive rates in the industry and\nstate of the art equipment and software. We will tailor a program\nto fit your budget and you wont pay a premium for this incredible\nservice!\n\nIf you are a U.S. citizen and are interested in finding out\nadditional information or to speak with one of our reps, reply to\nthis email and include the following contact information: Your\nName, Phone Number (with Area/Country code), and if possible, a\nbest time to call. One of our sales reps will get back to you\nshortly. Thank you for your time.\n\n\n\nIf you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please reply to\nthis email with the subject \"Remove\" and you will not receive\nfuture emails from our company."} {"text": "Wednesday, May 2, 2001\n\nDear PETER,\n\nTravelocity's Fare Watcher, your ultimate tool for keeping on top of\nrapidly changing air fares, found fare changes in 2 of the markets\nyou are watching. When you review the airfares below, remember that\nfares change rapidly! Low fares sell out quickly, and the sooner you\ncheck, the more likely you are to find available seats.\n\nHave your travel needs changed? Are you looking to go someplace new?\nRemember to update your Fare Watcher subscription so that you're\nalways notified when fares change to your favorite destinations.\n\nTo find one of the fares below, point your web browser to your\nPersonal Fare Watcher Page on Travelocity by clicking on the\nfollowing URL link. You can also copy and paste the URL into your\nbrowser.\n\nhttp://dps1.travelocity.com:80/fwemindiv.ctl?fw=018N0G2|TRAVELOCITY\n\n================== FARES ============================\n\n* IAH-LGW FROM: HOUSTON-BUSH INTERCO (IAH)\n TO: LONDON GATWICK, UK (LGW)\n PRICE: NEW PRICE WAS DIFFERENCE\n --------- ------- ----------\n $478.00 $503.00 -$25.00\n\n* IAH-LHR FROM: HOUSTON-BUSH INTERCO (IAH)\n TO: LONDON HEATHROW, UK (LHR)\n PRICE: NEW PRICE WAS DIFFERENCE\n --------- ------- ----------\n $478.00 $503.00 -$25.00\n\n\n\nSee below for important information on these fares.\n=========== OF SPECIAL INTEREST ==============\n\n\n\nGet Travel Protection - PROTECT YOUR TRIP! 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Visit http://www.travelocitycard.com to apply.\n\n===================== CUSTOMER SERVICE ==================\n\nIMPORTANT FARE INFORMATION:\n All fares are quoted in US Dollars. Fares shown are for one\n adult round-trip between your selected cities and are subject\n to additional charges, including, but not limited to, Passenger\n Facility Charges (ranging from $2-$18), Federal Segment Fees of\n $2.75 per segment (defined as a takeoff and a landing), and\n taxes/fees associated with international itineraries of up to\n USD $113 or local currency equivalent. Fuel surcharges, if applicable\n are included in the fees listed.\n\n Total fare per passenger, including all charges, will always\n be displayed to you prior to final ticket purchase. Please note\n that fares are subject to restrictions, may not be available on\n all flights, and may change without notice. For detailed descriptions\n of the fare rules, click on the corresponding rules link.\n\nHOW DO I:\n\n* CHANGE OR CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION TO FAREWATCHER EMAIL?-\n\nhttp://dps1.travelocity.com:80/fwemsub.ctl?Service=TRAVELOCITY\n\n* ?PDATE MY EMAIL ADDRESS?\n\nhttp://dps1.travelocity.com:80/fwemsub.ctl?Service=TRAVELOCITY\n\n* RETRIEVE MY PASSWORD?\n\nhttp://dps1.travelocity.com:80/lognpwdform.ctl?Service=TRAVELOCITY"} {"text": "You may now access the Hours database.\n\nThanks,\nRoxanne\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSaldana, Roxanne \nSent:\tWednesday, June 06, 2001 8:07 AM\nTo:\tSaldana, Roxanne; Eiben, Michael; Cook, Diane H.; Giron, Darron C.; Love, Phillip M.; Keiser, Kam; Saladino, Jane S.; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Wynne, Rita; White, Stacey; Murphy, Melissa Ann; Ratnala, Melissa K.; Allen, Thresa A.; Farmer, Daren J.; Baumbach, David; Flynn, Irene; Moorer, Torrey; Abel, Chris; Dudley, Cheryl; Lombardi, Kelly; Lambert, Karen; Valdes, John; Hunter, Larry Joe; Thorne, Mark D.; Bryan, Linda S.; Ayala, Susie; Boals, Adrial; Carrizales, Blanca; Miroballi, Angelo; Coleman, Tandra\nCc:\tGossett, Jeffrey C.; Baxter, Bryce; Kelly, Katherine L.; Theriot, Kim; Thomas, Sheri; Gilley, Carolyn; Superty, Robert; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Bussell l, Kathryn; Snow, Karen; Terry, Edward; Wilson, Shona; Greif, Donna; Smith, George; Lamadrid, Victor; Kelly, Katherine L.; Scribner, James; Nicholie, Suzanne\nSubject:\tRE: OPM Hours Survey - May 2001\n\nIf anyone is currently in the hours database, please close out of Access completely. It has been corrupted and it needs to be replaced. I will let you know when this has been completed.\nThanks,\nRoxanne"} {"text": "Steve Cooper, Jeff McMahon and Ray Bowen will hold a conference call for media today at 11:00am CST. Employees will be able to listen to the call by logging onto the following website.\n\nClick on the link to access the call: http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=ene&script=2400"} {"text": "The ET&S Omaha Fiber Move is still on for this weekend! Thanks, Jean\n\n\nImpact: ET&S\nTime: Sat 8/5/2000 at 9:00:00 AM thru Sat 8/5/2000 at 1:00:00 PM \nOutage: Omaha Fiber Move\nEnvironments Impacted: ET&S\nPurpose: Due to the Computer Room Expansion Project ET&S required to move the \nfiber storage unit from a wall mount unit to a rack mount unit. \nBackout: \nContact(s): George Nguyen\n Jean McFarland Pager 800.906.8093\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Enron North America General Announcement @ ECT \n 08/04/2000 02:15 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Houston Outage Report\ncc: \n\nSubject: SUPPLEMENT: Weekend Systems Availability for Aug 4, 2000 through Aug \n7, 2000\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------\nW E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y\n\nF O R\n\nAugust 4, 2000 5:00pm through August 7, 2000 12:00am\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------ \n \n \nSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ( Includes \"EI\")\n\nARDMORE DATA CENTER MVS 3090-500J: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nAZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS:\nImpact: EDI\nTime: Sat 8/5/2000 at 11:00:00 PM thru Sun 8/6/2000 at 3:00:00 \nAM On HOLD, No Outage\nOutage: EDI HUB Reboot \nEnvironments Impacted: Corp\nPurpose: Routine Maintenance\nBackout: N/A\nContact(s): Jack Metkus \n Jim Nelson 713-853-7799 713-327-2007\n Jack Metkus 713-853-0362 713-288-0743\n James P Moore 713-345-7287 713-285-6876\n\nImpact: ET&S\nTime: Sat 8/5/2000 at 9:00:00 AM thru Sat 8/5/2000 at 12:00:00 PM \nOn HOLD, No Outage\nOutage: Omaha Fiber Move\nEnvironments Impacted: ET&S\nPurpose: Due to the Computer Room Expansion Project ET&S required to move the \nfiber storage unit from a wall mount unit to a rack mount unit. \nBackout: \nContact(s): George Nguyen\n Jean McFarland Pager 800.906.8093\n\nFIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nINTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nLOTUS NOTES: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nMARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nNT: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOS/2: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOTHER SYSTEMS: See Original Report\n\nSITARA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nSUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nTELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages\n\nTERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nUNIFY: See Original Report\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------------------------------------\nFOR ASSISTANCE\n\n(713) 853-1411 Enron North America Technical Support\n(713) 853-1919 Enron Corp mainframe Help Desk\n(713) 853-5536 Information Risk Management\n\nSpecific Applications Help:\nUnify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]\nSitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]\nRUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]\nOSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]\nCPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]\nEDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]\nAll Other Systems (713) 563-5797 [Pager]\n or (713) 563-5987 [Pager]"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Fairley, David \nSent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:15 AM\nTo: Rorschach, Reagan\nSubject: RE: Open items for MDEA\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mann, Kay \nSent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 5:06 PM\nTo: Rorschach, Reagan; Kroll, Heather; Fairley, David; May, Tom\nSubject: Open items for MDEA\n\n[Fairley, David] \n\n\nHere are issues which I'm unclear about, all of which impact the drafting of \nthe agreement:\n\n\nHow are we setting the heat rate? Do we have the GADS (?)? Is it a daily \naverage, weekly average? Flat rate? Adjusted? If so, how often?\n[Fairley, David] \nEach utility is obligated to provide the heat rate information to use in the \nappropriate Exhibit and the Stack Model. As conditions change the utilities \nmust update this info. We are tracking heat rates based on actual fuel \nusage. Services and Orig agreed yesterday to add language that requires a \nquarterly review of heat rate data to determine if the assumptions being used \nare satisfactiry -- it can never be exact, but it should be accurate within a \nband of acceptability. No GADS. Heat rates will be adjusted in the model as \noften as necessary to account for significant changes such as hotter ambient \ntemps..\n\nAre we comfortable that there are no permit restrictions?\n[Fairley, David] \nYes, their units are too small. We have discussed this with the customer, \nand with our internal air permit guys.\n[Rorschach, Reagan] They have Title V permits, and they are faxing them to \nus today. They have no run hour limitations on gas, however, they are \nlimited on oil. Will need to get that summary to Kay as soon as possible.\n\n\nWe have determined that we won't deal with fuel oil, right?\n[Fairley, David] \nWe won't buy and sell fuel oil. We may dispatch on oil at start-up, or we \nmay switch to oil and sell the gas if profitable, which constitutes a Product \ntransaction with the resulting profit split.\n[Rorschach, Reagan] We need to state that MDEA and Cities are responsible \nfor maintaining fuel oil supplies.\n\nWe aren't making money on gas, right?\n[Fairley, David] \nWe make money on gas two ways. The first is outside the contract, and is \nbasicly any internal profit on re-sale of gas to the Cities. The second way \nwe can make money on gas is when the gas trade is in the form of a Product \ntrade, and those procedures apply.\n\nDo we have a defn of costs that we like yet, and if so, how does it fit in to \nthe picture?\n[Fairley, David] \nYes, will send separately.\n\nIs there an up-to-date set of exhibits? \n[Fairley, David] \nThe Marketing Strategy, the Trading and Risk Policy, and the Description of \nAsset Management have been upated. The other Exhibits have not been \nmodified. The Marketing Strategy and Trading & Risk Policy have been \ndiscussed at length with MDEA (MDEA commercial, not legal), and their \ncomments/questions incorporated.\n \n \n\nIt would help if theh commercial part of the team could send me the \nfollowing, in words and/or formulae:\n\nThe defn and method of establishing the bogey (target production cost) \nformula can be an exhibit, which would be great for the commercial team to \nwork on. \n[Fairley, David] \nThought we had this covered in the definitions and obligations of the \nparties. Will look at it again. Conceptually, MDEA, Services Group, and \nOrig are in full agreement, so we need to make sure that the contract \nlanguage is clear enough.\n[Rorschach, Reagan] See attached exhibit detailing the calc with an example.\n\n Are we determined how we should deal with imbalances (part of cost of \npower)? \n[Fairley, David] \nThere are three considerations on this: (1) who wears imbalance exposure?, \n(2) who manages imbalances (hourly type activity), and (3) who pays for \nimbalances? Imbalances are billed by Entergy directly to MDEA under their \nNetwork Services Agreement. EPMI's hourly desk manages the load/resource \nitems hourly, but MDEA has the exposure (physical and price) to imbalances. \nWeather/load changes, and fluctuations in supply create hourly imbalances \n(they happen, they are uncontrollable, and we fix them) which EPMI's hourly \ndesk manages as part of the imbalance service described in the definitions \nand obligations of the parties. A different section in the contract states \nthat MDEA wears the exposure.\n\n How are we setting the bogey? Formula? [Fairley, David] The bogey is \nset when the load projection and stack models are run each day. Both parties \nparticipate by providing certain necessary info and discussing results and \nplanning the day's activities. \n[Rorschach, Reagan] Records of bogey decisions will be archieved\n\nSubject to audit? [Fairley, David] Yes, but they would be auditing \nsomething that is jointly derived each day. Frankly, they would like to have \nless involvement; ie, they trust us to do it all, but we are requiring them \nto participate and buy in every day. \n\nTwo bogeys or one (gas and oil)?\n[Fairley, David] \nOne bogey for power. Gas is an input for determining the bogey.\n[Rorschach, Reagan] Bogey set day-ahead.\n\nWhat is defn of profit? I think I have the general idea, but a sentence or \ntwo would be helpful as a reality check. \n[Fairley, David] \nThis is in the pricing calc's. Should we have a definition?\n\nWhat costs are included on the buy and sell side [Fairley, David] see cost \ndefinition being provided separately.\n \n\n\n\nRe stack model: a sentence or two describing what it is and how it is used. \n[Fairley, David] See definition in my mark-up's to the main agreement. \n\nUpdated exhibit on facilities, contracted resources, operating limits. \n[Fairley, David] Services and Orig are reviewing these, but other than what \nwas mentioned above, probably no changes unless you see a specific area that \nis a problem. \n\nWhat information does MDEA need for us to provide in order to split \ncosts/profits? Are we clear that Cities buy gas, MDEA buys/sells power?\n[Rorschach, Reagan] I will be getting exhibits of the reporting both daily \nand monthly. We need to make sure to limit our info providing \nresponsibilities to those reports.\n\nIt would be great if I could get one set of answers to these \nquestions/issues, which has commercial buy in all around.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "<>\n\n\n Attached is a blackline of the City of Austin Turbine Agreement\nshowing changes made to the version that went to GE on February 12. This\ndraft includes both Lee's and Eric's changes to Exhibit A, as well as\nthe addition of the contacts for notices in Sections 25.1 and 25.3. It\nalso contains a few minor clean-up items identified by Lisa Bills when\nshe reviewed LV Cogen (e.g., the definitions of Performance Test\nCertificate and Performance Test Completion Certificate were out of\norder). To complete the agreement, we will need to include the date of\nexecution and Exhibit H-2. I particularly wanted Eric to review this\nbefore it went to the other side. If it looks acceptable, I would be\nhappy to send a copy to GE. \n - City of Austin Gas Turbine Agt - Blackline of 83017 v.5 to v.7.DOC"} {"text": "They've haven't sent out anything yet but I just tried and was successful in accessing eHRonline and my pay information.\nslb\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tETS Solution Center, \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 9:33 AM\nTo:\tETS Omaha Solution Center; Enron Everyone_OTS@ENRON; Enron Everyone_FGT@ENRON; Enron Everyone_ET&S_Houston@ENRON\nSubject:\tEHR ONLINE\n\nWe are currently experiencing issues with EHR online. We are aware of these issues and are working to get them resolved quickly. Thank you for your patience and we will notify you when the EHR system is back online.\n\nThank you,\n\nETS Solution Center - Houston, at 713-345-4745\nETS Solution Center - Omaha, at 402-398-7454"} {"text": "There's always a profit in gen-tile and calm. I'm Judy's boy. I know \nnothing about Vickie.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Veselack, Joni\" on 09/27/2000 10:43:48 AM\nTo: \"'Chris.Germany@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: How is\n\n\nI thought Miss Vicki was your new partner???\n\nOur bid week is very gentle and calm... how refreshing!!!!\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Chris.Germany@enron.com [mailto:Chris.Germany@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 10:53 AM\nTo: joni.veselack@neg.pge.com\nSubject: Re: How is\n\n\n\nI got no new partner, I;m a solo act. Bid Week? Crazy as usual.\n\n\nPG&E Generating, PG&E Energy Trading or any other company referenced herein\nthat uses the PG&E name or logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas\nand Electric Company, the regulated California utility.\nNeither PG&E Gen, PG&E Energy Trading nor these other referenced companies\nare regulated by\nthe California Public Utilities Commission. Customers of Pacific Gas and\nElectric Company do not\nhave to buy products from these companies in order to continue to receive\nquality regulated services from the utility.\n\n\n\n\nPG&E National Energy Group and any other\ncompany referenced herein that uses the PG&E name or\nlogo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and\nElectric Company, the regulated California utility. Neither\nPG&E National Energy Group nor these other\nreferenced companies are regulated by the California Public\nUtilities Commission. Customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Company\ndo not have to buy products from these companies in order\nto continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility."} {"text": "hey mark,\nhow about them beavs!!! I suppose that surpassed even your\nexpectations. It was definitely fun to watch them wax ND.\nKaren and I spent New Years in Palm Desert with a few friends that have a\nhome right on the golf course. I played a round, but did not shoot as\nwell as I did when I played with you. Shot a 104..... but was still\npleased and had fun.\n\nAs I told you last week, I will be going to Seattle for business and will\nbe staying with Jorge on Saturday and Sunday nights. I arrive at Seatac\nat 1pm on Saturday. Just wondering if you decided to drive up for the\nweekend also. Let me know either way. If not, then we'll catch\nyou in a couple months.\n\nlove ya,\ndave\n\n\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------\nThe information transmitted is intended only for the person\nor entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential\nand/or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient\nof this message you are hereby notified that any use, review,\nretransmission, dissemination, distribution, reproduction or any\naction taken in reliance upon this message is prohibited. If you\nreceived this in error, please contact the sender and delete the\nmaterial from any computer. Any views expressed in this message\nare those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect\nthe views of the company.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------"} {"text": "Hi Vince -\n\nHere are some results of our new deterministic Monte Carlo method,\ncalled Pathstar, against Sobol points. As you can see, the improvement\nis very significant and increases with dimension. Would you be\ninterested in discussing this product?\n\nRegards,\n\nMichael Curran\nHead of Research\nRiskCare - Financial Technology Services\nPiercy House\n7 Copthall Avenue\nLondon EC2R 7NJ\n\nTel: +44 (0)20 7562 3419\nFax: +44 (0)20 7562 3401\n\nmailto:mcurran@riskcare.com\n\nhttp://www.riskcare.com\n\n\n - VsSobolGraph.doc"} {"text": "Attached is the Panama Doorstep Report. Please let us know any comments or \nquestions. \n\nThank You\nJohn"} {"text": "COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION CORPORATION\n NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES\n NOVEMBER 21, 2001\n\nNotice ID: 3290\n5 - NO RESPONSE REQUIRED\n\nSUBJECT: CAPACITY ALLOCATION-TIMELY NOMINATION CYCLE FOR NOVEMBER 22-26, 2001\n\nPLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ALLOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON THE RECEIPT OF\nANY NEW NOMINATIONS OR INTRADAY NOMINATIONS.\n\n\nRECEIPTS:\n\nNovember 22 through November 25, 2001:\n\nALLOCATIONS DUE TO LONG WALL MINING OF LINE SM-123: For the following MLI\npoints: There is no capacity for IPP customers. There is no capacity for ITS\ncustomers. There is no capacity for secondary firm customers. There is no\ncapacity for overruns.\n\n Equitable Hi Hat MLI F3\n KYWV Beaver Creek MLI H1\n CNR Boldman MLI CNR02\n CNR Conoway MLI CNR03\n CNR Johns Creek MLI CNR08\n CNR Canada MLI CNR09, CNR10\n CNR Stafford MLI CNR11\n CNR Thacker/Majestic MLI CNR12\n CNR Briar Mtn. MLI CNR13\n CNR Huff Creek MLI CNR14\n Conoco Grant MLI P1\n\nNovember 22 through November 26, 2001:\n\nKA-1 LINE (819288 AND 827280): There is no capacity for IPP customers. There\nis no capacity for ITS customers. There is no capacity for secondary firm\ncustomers.\n\n\nNovember 22 through November 26, 2001:\n\nINTERNAL CONSTRAINT:\n\nLANHAM: There is no capacity for IPP customers. There is no capacity for ITS\ncustomers. There is no capacity for secondary firm customers.\n\n\nNovember 22 through November 26, 2001\n\nExcess MDWQ Available +\nISS Withdrawals Available\nSIT Withdrawals Available\nImbalance Drawdowns Available\n\nExcess MDIQ NOT Available +\nISS Injections NOT Available\nSIT Injections NOT Available\nImbalance Paybacks NOT Available\n\nPAL Lends/Unparks Available\nPAL Parks/Loan Paybacks NOT Available\n\n+ Call Gas Control 24 hours in advance at (304) 357-2606 to request approval.\n\nColumbia Gas Transmission has completed allocating all of its receipt and\ndelivery points for the gas days of November 22-26, 2001. You may now view the\nquantities you are authorized to flow on November 22-26, 2001. On the Internet\nNAVIGATOR, view Nominations, Scheduled Quantity, Scheduled Quantity for Service\nRequestor-Summary, Nominations to be Viewed, and select Reduced Nominations.\nThe quantities confirmed to flow for your account are available on the Internet\nNAVIGATOR after 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, November 21, 2001.\n\nIf you have any questions, please contact your Account Representative."} {"text": "I think this same memo is on the EBB several times. FYI \n\n\n May 9, 2000 9:40 a.m.\n\n Dear West Virginia Producer,\n\nOver the last several years, Dominion Transmission has worked hard providing\nadditional value to producers on its gathering system and through innovative\nprojects and joint ventures. In continuing with that process to bring you \nmore value for your local production and to improve the efficiency of our \ngathering system, we would like to continue a process where compression into \nour\ngathering system may be approved. We have been able to grant a limited \nnumber \nof these requests in the past, and would now like to make this opportunity \nsomewhat more widely available to the producers.\n\nFor this second offering, the process we will use is as follows: \nFor a period of 30 days, beginning 12:00 Noon on May 10, 2000, the Gathering \nand Production Division of Dominion Transmission will accept applications for\ncompression rights into its gathering system for gas feeding its Craig, \nYellow Creek and Schultz compressor stations. The Dominion \"bubbles\" \naffected \nare 3219, 3223 and 3224 for the Schultz area and 3214, 3215, 3216, 3217, \n3218, \n3220, 3221 and 3222 for Craig station and 3208, 3209, 3210, 3211, 3212 and \n3213\nfor Yellow Creek station. Dominion recognizes that, although limited, there \ndoes exist the incremental capacity for throughput through these compressor \nstations. The incremental capacity authorized through new compression \nagreements\nwill not exceed the limit Dominion determines to be the capacity of the \nexisting\ncompressors. Dominion will attempt to be flexible in approving the \napplications \nit receives, but will limit approved applications so as to not unreasonably \ninterfere with the production from the existing non-compressed gas entering \nthe system. Please submit your written application to Joe Thompson at the \nDominion Gathering & Production Office. The application must indicate the \namount of \"incremental\" gas for the specific compression agreement. Dominion \nrecognizes that the installation of compression requires differing time \nframes.\nWe will balance that consideration with our need to insure that the \napplication \nprocess is not abused to the disadvantage of other producers; therefore, once \ngranted, the applicant must have the compression in place and operable within \nsix months of Dominion's approval, or the rights to all unconstructed capacity\nwill be forfeited. In the event that more requests for compression rights for\nincremental gas are received than for which there is capacity, Dominion will \naward the rights on a prorated basis.\n\nPlease include in your written request the mid number or a map of the proposed\nlocation where you will be requesting to install compression. Also include \nthe \nincremental volume you are wishing to transport under the compression \nagreement. Your name, company name and address, state of incorporation, \nphone and fax number, as well as an e-mail address, if available, should be \nincluded (please print or type).\n\nForward this information to: \n Joseph A. Thompson\n Manager, Business Development\n Dominion Transmission\n Gathering & Production Division\n 500 Davisson Run Road\n Clarksburg, WV 26301\n\nAfter all requests are received, we will review the request and make a \ndetermination on granting compression based on capacity available and the\ncapacity requests. You will be contacted as soon as possible after\nJune 12, 2000 to notify you of those requests that have been approved. \nPlease realize that this is a \"window\" and the opportunity will close after\nNoon on June 12, 2000.\n\nI hope that this will provide opportunity for you to increase the value of \nyour production facilities, and I look forward to working with you on this\nopportunity to add compression. You can contact Joe Thompson at \n(304) 623-8709 or Dan Stuart at (304) 623-8705 with any questions you may \nhave regarding this compression \"open season\" request on Dominion Gathering.\n\nSincerely, \nH. Dale Rexrode\nDirector, Producer Services & Business Development\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Posted May 9, 2000 9:07 a.m.\n\n\n\n Dear West Virginia Producer,\n\nOver the last several years, Dominion Transmission has worked hard providing \nadditional value to producers on its gathering system and \nthrough innovative projects and joint ventures. In continuing with \nthat process to bring you more value for your local production and to \nimprove the efficiency of our gathering system, we would like to continue a\nprocess where compression into our gathering system may be approved. \nWe have been able to grant a limited number of these requests in the past, \nand would now like to make this opportunity somewhat more widely available to \nthe producers.\n\nFor this second offering, the process we will use is as follows: \nFor a period of 30 days, beginning 12:00 Noon on May 10, 2000, \nthe Gathering and Production Division of Dominion Transmission will accept\napplications for compression rights into its gathering system for gas \nfeeding the Barbour County High Pressure System. The Dominion \"bubble\"\naffected is 4205. Dominion recognizes that, although limited, there does\nexist the incremental capacity for throughput through these compressor \nstations.\nThe incremental capacity authorized through new compression agreements \nwill not exceed the limit Dominion determines to be the capacity of the \npipeline system. Dominion will attempt to be flexible in approving the \napplications it receives, but will limit approved applications so as to not \nunreasonably interfere with the production from the existing non-compressed \ngas entering the system. Please submit your written application to \nJoe Thompson at the Dominion Gathering & Production Office. \nThe application must indicate the amount of \"incremental\" gas for the \nspecific compression agreement. Dominion recognizes that the installation \nof compression requires differing time frames. We will balance that \nconsideration with our need to insure that the application process is \nnot abused to the disadvantage of other producers; therefore, once granted, \nthe applicant must have the compression in place and operable within \nsix months of Dominion's approval, or the rights to all unconstructed \ncapacity will be forfeited. In the event that more requests for compression \nrights for incremental gas are received than for which there is capacity, \nDominion will award the rights on a prorated basis.\n\nPlease include in your written request the mid number or a map of the \nproposed location where you will be requesting to install compression. \nAlso include the incremental volume you are wishing to transport under \nthe compression agreement. Your name, company name and address, \nstate of incorporation, phone and fax number, as well as an e-mail address,\nif available, should be included (please print or type).\n\nForward this information to: \n Joseph A. Thompson\n Manager, Business Development\n Dominion Transmission\n Gathering & Production Division\n 500 Davisson Run Road\n Clarksburg, WV 26301\n\nAfter all requests are received, we will review the request and make a \ndetermination on granting compression based on capacity available and the \ncapacity requests. You will be contacted as soon as possible after June 12, \n2000\nto notify you of those requests that have been approved. Please realize that\nthis is a \"window\" and the opportunity will close after Noon on June 12, 2000.\n\nI hope that this will provide opportunity for you to increase the value\nof your production facilities, and I look forward to working with you on this \nopportunity to add compression. You can contact Joe Thompson at (304) \n623-8709\nor Dan Stuart at (304) 623-8705 with any questions you may have regarding \nthis compression \"open season\" request on Dominion Gathering.\n\nSincerely, \nH. Dale Rexrode\nDirector, Producer Services & Business Development"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"bilal bajwa\" @ENRON \nSent:\tThursday, December 13, 2001 4:30 PM\nTo:\tGriffith, John\nSubject:\t \n\nHi John,\nI hope things are going well for you. Sorry I could not contact you earlier\n- had been really busy wrapping up things. Thanks for stopping the other day\nand inquiring about me. I have an H-1 visa and have 6 weeks to find a job\nafter which I will be required to leave the country.\n\nI am attaching a copy of my resume for you to review. I would appreciate\ngreatly if you could go over it and offer any suggestions on how I can\nimprove my chances of finding a job.\n\nThanks,\nBilal\n\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nMSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:\nhttp://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx\n\n - Bilal Bajwa Resume.doc"} {"text": "===================== FOOLWATCH - THE MOTLEY FOOL ===============\n Thursday, May 31, 2001\nbenjamin.rogers@enron.com\n=================================================================\nEditor's Picks:\n---------------------\n- Lucent's Secret Correspondence Revealed\n- Summer Stock Ideas\n- Retirement Seminar: Class Starts June 1!\n- Don't Ignore Ratios\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Close Change %Change\n\n FOOL 50 1,544.49 +9.07 +0.59%\n DJIA 10,911.94 +39.30 +0.36%\n S&P 500 1,255.84 +7.76 +0.62%\n NASDAQ 2,110.57 +26.07 +1.25%\n\n (Numbers as of 4:00 p.m. ET)\n THE LATEST MARKET NUMBERS\n http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418375\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSPONSORED BY: Datek Online\nDatek Online. Built to trade. *Proprietary auto routing\ntechnology | *$9.99 commission for online equity trades |\n*60-second execution commitment. Apply for a Datek Account\nNow!\nhttp://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=418376\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFOOL ON THE HILL: LUCENT'S SECRET CORRESPONDENCE REVEALED\n Brian Lund parodies the -- how you say? -- tres moronique\n negotiations between Lucent and Alcatel.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418377\n\nSPECIAL: SUMMER STOCK IDEAS\n We've got summer on the brain, and that gives us some investing\n ideas. Wanna sneak a peek?\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418378\n\nRETIREMENT SEMINAR: CLASS STARTS JUNE 1!\n Let us help you plan a comfortable retirement. Friday's the\n last day to enroll. 100% money-back guarantee.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418379\n\nRULE MAKER: DON'T IGNORE RATIOS\n Financial ratios are critical tools for investors. Richard\n McCaffery sorts through the confusion.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418380\n\nNEWS: DON'T GUSH OVER OIL\n The market doesn't believe the bluster about an oil crisis.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418381\n\nNEWS: J&J DRUGS TO POWER EARNINGS GROWTH\n The consumer products giant yesterday said most of its pharma\n growth will come from increased sales of existing drugs.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418382\n\nBREAKFAST WITH THE FOOL: COSTCO MEETS EXPECTATIONS\n The discount retailer posts higher sales but lower earnings.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418383\n\nFOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY'S STORIES, CLICK THE LINK BELOW.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418384\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSPONSORED BY: Datek Online\nDatek Online. Built to trade. *Proprietary auto routing\ntechnology | *$9.99 commission for online equity trades |\n*60-second execution commitment. Apply for a Datek Account\nNow!\nhttp://www.lnksrv.com/m.asp?i=418385\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nMy Portfolio: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418386\nMy Discussion Boards: http://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418387\n\n\nFAST AND FREE\nGrab your new Member Benefits and check out\nwhat's new for you this week.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418388\n\nWE SAVE OUR BEST INVESTING IDEAS...\nfor our new research service, The Motley Fool Select.\nOnly $4.99 per month for subscribers.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418389\n\nCUSTOMER SERVICE\nAsk our staff for help with email delivery problems.\nhttp://www.fool.com/m.asp?i=418390\n\nUNSUBSCRIBE\nHere's how to unsubscribe or change your settings.\nhttp://www.fool.com/community/freemail/freemaillogin.asp?email=benjamin.rogers@enron.com\n\n_________________________________________________________________\n(c) Copyright 2001, The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. This\nmaterial is for personal use only. Republication and\nredissemination, including posting to news groups, is expressly\nprohibited without the prior written consent of The Motley Fool.\n\n\n\n\nMsgId: msg-6597-2001-05-31_16-35-51-5975116_1_Plain_MessageAddress.msg-17:16:40(5-31-2001)\nX-Version: mailer-sender-master,v 1.84\nX-Version: mailer-sender-daemon,v 1.84\nMessage-Recipient: benjamin.rogers@enron.com"} {"text": "I never get both of these email addresses right on the same email. \n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 01/11/2001 10:57 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nKay Mann\n01/11/2001 10:49 AM\nTo: lee.johnson@ss.ge.com, kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com\ncc: Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Bills/Enron@EnronXGate, Roseann \nEngeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: CA Development I and II\n\nHi there,\n\nI'm attaching the final forms of the assignment/assumption agreements for \nGE's acknowledgement. It is pretty close to what you saw last week. It \nwould be a big help if we could have these executed by GE today or \ntomorrow. A faxed signature would work, then we could have the originals \npicked up from Lee's office.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "Mark H. has asked me to let him know exactly what we will be sending out on \n9/13. Would it be accurate to say it will be no more than a flashy brochure \nwith the recently circulated content together with a blank password \napplication all in a very exciting package of some kind?"} {"text": "Read about the Owens-Corning bankruptcy filing and what it means to Enron.\n\nAlso in this issue:\nEnron keeps asking \"Why\"\nThe New Power Company hits \"The Street\"\nMetals get recycled\n\nIt's all in the latest eBiz. Go to home.enron.com, click Publications, then \nclick eBiz, and \"eBiz October 6, 2000.\""} {"text": "sounds like a great idea\n\ndelainey"} {"text": "Did you get a credit worksheet from Jay for Midesto Irrigation District - for a master Enfolio?\n\nKim"} {"text": "Tana, as a follow-up to our discussion on laws of foreign countries, I have \nprepared a list of countries I think we should look into. I believe our \nLondon office has already (or is in the process of) surveying all the \nEuropean jurisdictions on this; Jonathan Marsh will confirm this for me.\n\nDo you have any suggestions as to how we can check on the non-European \njurisdictions on the list below -- i.e. is there some procedure we normally \ngo through on this? or should I just call David Minns for Asia, Peter \nKeohane for Canada, etc.? your input is appreciated \n\nAustralia\nAustria\nBelgium\nBermuda\nCanada\nChina\nCzech Republic\nFrance\nGermany\nHong Kong\nHungary\nItaly\nNetherlands\nNorway\nPoland\nRussia\nSingapore\nSpain\nSweden\nSwitzerland\nUnited Kingdom\nUnited States\n\n\nRobert E. Bruce\nSenior Counsel\nEnron Wholesale Services\nT (713) 345-7780\nF (713) 646-3393\nrobert.bruce@enron.com"} {"text": "Shirley, \n\nWe interviewed by phone Karthik and would now like to bring him for a visit \nto Enron. Can you either arrange it or forward to HR for them to arrange, \nwhichever is best. While here Karthik should probably talk with\n\nZimin, Paulo, Bob, Vasant, Krishna, Vince\nand anyone else Vince wants to add to the list.\n\nthanks,\n\nStinson\n\nHis resume is attached below. His phone # is 765 494 2181.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n03:40 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nChonawee Supatgiat@ENRON\n03/08/2001 03:39 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: phone interview with Karthik\n\n\nAttached is Karthik resume.\nHis transcript is in http://atom.ecn.purdue.edu/~krajan/Friends/\nLogin is : k_rajan\npassword is : don123\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Chonawee Supatgiat/Corp/Enron on \n03/08/2001 03:37 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nChonawee Supatgiat\n02/28/2001 07:09 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: phone interview with Karthik\n\n\nPlease let me know if you guys available sometimes next Tuesday or Wednesday \nlate afternoon or evening.\n\nZimin, Karthik is a Chem Eng student at Purdue. He found me from WWW and \ncontacted me for job opportunities. Attached is his resume.\n-chonawee\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Chonawee Supatgiat/Corp/Enron on \n02/28/2001 07:02 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Karthik Rajan\" on 02/28/2001 09:41:56 PM\nTo: \ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Opportunities in Enron\n\n\nHi Chonawee Supatgiat,\nNice to hear from you. Next week would be ideal for me too. Tuesday or\nWednesday late afternoons/evenings would be ideal for me.\nMy number is 765 532 3182.\nLooking forward to talking to you, Stinson and Zimin.\nThanks,\nKarthik.\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \"Karthik Rajan\" \nSent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:48 PM\nSubject: Re: Opportunities in Enron\n\n\n>\n> Hi Karthik,\n> Stinson, Zimin, and I would like to speak with you over the phone. When\n> will be a good time ? We are thinking about sometimes next week. Stinson\n> and Zimin are also in the Research group.\n> -chonawee\n>"} {"text": "I made a mistake the Borrowed deal is 220270\nthe payback deal is 220254\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/17/2000 09:40 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nChris Germany\n03/17/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Angie Zeman/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Molly LaFuze/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dana \nDaigle/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David Oliver/HOU/ECT@ECT, Crystal Hyde/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nBrenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherry Anastas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott \nHendrickson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: CNG Exchange deal\n\nAs you all know I'm handicapped and its not because I'm a agiee.\n\nBorrowed 10,000 dt from CNG Transmission intraday on the 17th, deal 219976.\nPayback 10,000 dt over the weekend, 18th-20th, deal 219982.\nENA will pay CNG $.03 times the ending daily balance.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\nthanks 3-4743"} {"text": "The report named: NG - PROPT P/L , published as of 10/17/2001 is now available for viewing on the website."} {"text": "Re: INC 5936 - 200 GPS at 14.00\n\nWe confirm you sold for your account 3VZ460676, 200 shares of GPS\nat 14.00 on 10/26/01. For more details access your account and\nview Order Status."} {"text": "Please find attached a list of ISO resource IDs and the associated common\nname.\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: matt.smith@enron.com [mailto:matt.smith@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 9:34 AM\nTo: webmaster@caiso.com\nCc: webmaster@caiso.com\nSubject: Plant Outage List\n\n\nI am waiting for a response to an email I sent 1 month ago regarding your\ndatabase of facilities used to generate the daily plant outage list. I\nwould like to cross reference the outage information you provide with other\ndata from other sources and would like an efficient way to \"join\" the data.\nIt would be helpful to me if I had a table of plants showing your text name\nand a unique ISO or WSCC identifying code. I can be reached at 713-853-0472\nfor any questions regarding this request. Thank you.\n\nMathew Smith\n\n\n - Generator resource IDs.xls"} {"text": "COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION CORPORATION\n NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES\n OCTOBER 16, 2001\n\nNotice ID: 3184\n5 - NO RESPONSE REQUIRED\n\n\n COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION CORPORATION\n NOTICE OF OPEN SEASON\n Midwest Project\n\n October 16, 2001\n\n\n\nOVERVIEW\n\nColumbia is conducting an open season in conjunction with CMS Panhandle\nCompanies (\"CMS Panhandle\") that would path natural gas supplies from the\nMidContinent production and Chicago Hub areas into Ohio. Columbia's system is\nconnected to CMS Panhandle via multiple points in western Ohio. Columbia\nintends to offer this as a \"seamless\" service, whereby Columbia would manage\nthe nomination and billing service for this linked path between CMS Panhandle\nand Columbia. Due to the multiple transportation paths available into\nColumbia's system via the CMS Panhandle system, Columbia is requesting that\ninterested parties submit their requests for capacity and service in accordance\nwith the terms set forth below. In the event the preferred receipt path is\nbeyond the service that can be provided by either CMS Panhandle or Columbia,\nColumbia may look to extend the supply path, as necessary, by including other\ntransportation providers.\n\n\nLENGTH OF OPEN SEASON\n\nThe open season period will commence on Friday, October 12, 2001, and close at\n4:30 p.m. E.T. on Friday, December 14, 2001. During the open season, interested\nparties desiring service should submit a request form in accordance with the\nminimum requirements set forth in this notice.\n\n\nSERVICE DESCRIPTION\n\nSubject to the terms of this open season and depending on the interest\nexpressed through completed request forms, Columbia will evaluate the\npossibility of using either existing or new capacity for service under its Firm\nTransportation Service (\"FTS\") Rate Schedule from its west receipt points into\nOhio, located at Crossroads, Cecil, Maumee, and Lebanon. The open season\ntargets Market Areas 1 through 9 and 15 in Ohio and Northern Kentucky,\nrespectively. Columbia would also consider requests for summer service\n(April-October), where practical.\n\nColumbia also will evaluate non-binding proposals from existing customers to\nturn back firm capacity under existing service agreements that may reduce the\namount of capacity for which facilities would need to be constructed. However,\nany such proposal(s) would have to be compatible with the specific terms of any\nproject that Columbia may ultimately propose.\n\n\nCONTRACT TERM/SERVICE COMMENCEMENT\n\nThe suggested minimum contract term that Columbia will consider is ten (10)\nyears. The minimum term will depend on the need, or not, for new facilities to\nbe constructed. Parties submitting a request form should indicate a preferred\nservice commencement date, with the earliest commencement date being December\n31, 2001 (if existing capacity on the Columbia, CMS Panhandle, and, if\nnecessary, other transportation providers, can be used to accommodate the\nrequested service).\n\n\nRATES\n\nRates will be derived in accordance with Columbia's and CMS Panhandle's FERC\nGas Tariff, based upon an evaluation of requests for service and capital\nexpenditures necessary to meet such requests.\n\n\nPARTICIPATION IN THE OPEN SEASON\n\nTo participate in Columbia's open season, interested parties desiring service\nshould submit a request, which includes the following items, by 4:30 p.m. E.T.\non Friday, December 14, 2001:\n\n1. One completed request form (attached), with specific attention to the\n primary term of service, service commencement date, total capacity\n requested, and the desired receipt and delivery point(s);\n\n2. One completed Credit Application Form (attached), to be submitted only by\n interested parties that do not currently receive service from Columbia.\n\n\n\nREQUEST FORM ASSESSMENT/FINALIZING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS\n\nUpon the close of the open season, Columbia will assess the requests for\nservice. Columbia will evaluate the system and capital requirements necessary\nto provide requested service and develop rates and terms and conditions of\nservice based on the required system enhancements. If, in Columbia's sole\ndiscretion, there is enough interest to justify going forward, Columbia will\nnotify parties that submitted request forms as to their award of any existing\nor expansion capacity. In the event requests for capacity exceed the amount of\nexpansion capacity that Columbia can economically construct and make available,\navailable expansion capacity will be allocated on a non-discriminatory basis.\n\nAll parties awarded capacity will be required to enter into binding precedent\nagreements and service agreements with Columbia, CMS Panhandle, and, if\nnecessary, other transportation providers to complete the path. Such agreements\nmust be executed and returned to Columbia, CMS Panhandle, and other\ntransportation service providers, as deemed necessary, within a designated\nperiod of time; otherwise, an award of capacity will be subject to rejection.\nAll binding precedent agreements and service agreements entered into as a\nresult of the open season must reflect an arm's-length transaction between the\nrequesting party and Columbia, CMS Panhandle, and other transportation service\nproviders, as deemed necessary. Following the return of executed agreements,\nColumbia may reallocate any remaining available capacity (if any), but will not\nbe obligated to do so. During the open season, affiliates of Columbia shall be\nrequired to request capacity on the same basis as non-affiliates; that is, an\naffiliate's request shall be evaluated using the same criteria used to evaluate\nnon-affiliates' requests. To effectuate a seamless service for nomination and\nbilling purposes, Shippers will name Columbia as agent for Shipper under any\nnecessary upstream transportation agreements on CMS Panhandle.\n\n\n\n\nRESERVATIONS\n\nThese procedures and the attached forms are provided solely to enable\ninterested parties to submit a request for an award of capacity. Neither this\nopen season notice, the attachments herein, nor information provided in\nresponse to questions or requests about these procedures shall constitute an\nenforceable agreement. Columbia reserves the right to not make any capacity\navailable, to conduct additional open seasons, to determine the size, scope,\nand cost of the project, to not consider requests that do not provide a\nsufficient level of detail to aid in the development of a proposed project, and\nto reject or accept materials it receives after the close of the open season.\n\n\nCOLUMBIA CONTACT\n\nIf any interested party has questions or desires additional forms or\ninformation concerning this notice and open season, please contact Brian Fowler\nby telephone at 703-227-3277 or by electronic mail at \"bwfowler@nisource.com\".\n\n\nPlease return this Open Season Request Form, by mail, overnight delivery, or\nfacsimile on or before 4:30 p.m. E.T. on December 14, 2001 to:\n\n Brian W. Fowler\n Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation\n 12801 Fair Lakes Parkway\n Fairfax, Virginia 22030-0146\n Phone Number: 703-227-3277\n Facsimile Number: 703-227-3377\n E-Mail Address: bwfowler@nisource.com\n\nThis Request Form is subject to the requirements, conditions, and reservations\nset forth in the accompanying open season notice. Please complete all sections\nof the form.\n\n\n\n\n_____________________________________________________________________________\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCUSTOMER INFORMATION\n\nCustomer's Company Name: ________________________________\n\nCustomer's Company Contact Name: ________________________________\n\nTitle: ________________________________\n\nMailing Address: ________________________________\n\nDelivery (or street) Address (if different):________________________________\n\nTelephone Number: ________________________________\n\nFacsimile Number: ________________________________\n\nElectronic Mail Address: ________________________________\n\n\nSignature: ________________________________\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNOMINATION FORM\n\nCustomer Name:________________________________\n\n\nPlease note: (1) Please state the \"desired\" delivery point quantity.\n Columbia Gas Transmission will calculate retainage at the\n applicable retainage factors.\n\n (2) For each year, state the incremental request for that\n year and not a cumulative number.\n\n\n\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\nREQUESTED FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (FTS) LEVELS (in dekatherms(Dth))\n_____________________________________________________________________________\n Primary Receipt Point Desired Primary Delivery Point Desired Term of\n Name/Meter Number or Quantity Name/Meter Number, Quantity FTS\n New Receipt Point at Each or New Delivery Points at Each Service\n Receipt Delivery Agreement\n Point Point\n (Please\n also\n indicate\n desired\n pressure\n if a new\n point.)\n______________________________________________________________________________\n2001\n\n\n\n\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n2002\n\n\n\n\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n2003\n\n\n\n\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\nTotals\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n__\n\n\n\n CREDIT HISTORY SUMMARY\n\n\n\nDuns No. ____________________________________________________________\n\n\nCOMPANY NAME: _____________________________________________________________\n\n\nSTREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________\n\n CITY STATE ZIP CODE\n\n\nHAVE YOU OR A PREDECESSOR COMPANY DECLARED BANKRUPTCY IN THE LAST 5 YEARS?\n\n _____ YES _____ No\n\n\n\n\n BANK INFORMATION\n\n\n1. ___________________________________________________________________________\n BANK NAME ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n ACCOUNT NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n2. ___________________________________________________________________________\n BANK NAME ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n ACCOUNT NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n\n3. ___________________________________________________________________________\n BANK NAME ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n ACCOUNT NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n\n\n\n TRADE REFERENCES (PLEASE PROVIDE THREE)\n\n1. ___________________________________________________________________________\n NAME ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n CUSTOMER OR ACCOUNT NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n2. ___________________________________________________________________________\n NAME ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n CUSTOMER OR ACCOUNT NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n\n3. ___________________________________________________________________________\n NAME ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n CUSTOMER OR ACCOUNT NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLIST INSTITUTIONS TO WHOM YOU HAVE OWED A LONG-TERM LOAN (OVER FIVE YEARS)\nDURING THE LAST THREE YEARS.\n\n\n1. ___________________________________________________________________________\n INSTITUTION ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n LOAN AMOUNT LOAN NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n2. ___________________________________________________________________________\n INSTITUTION ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n LOAN AMOUNT LOAN NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n3. ___________________________________________________________________________\n INSTITUTION ADDRESS\n\n ___________________________________________________________________________\n LOAN AMOUNT LOAN NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME\n\n\n\n\nI authorize the above listed entities to release data requested by Columbia Gas\nTransmission necessary to perform a credit check in connection with a request\nfor transportation service.\n\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n\n COMPANY SIGNATURE TITLE DATE\n\n\n\nNOTE: FURTHER CREDIT INFORMATION WILL BE REQUESTED AS NEEDED."} {"text": "Dr. Bowring has a PHD in economics and is a bright guy. He is the Market \nMonitoring Unit in PJM. While he says he generally believes that \"shortage\" \nis not necessarily \"market power\" he sometimes has to be reminded of that \nprincipal. Prior to PJM, Joe was with the NJ Public Advocate where he did \nnot endear himself to the regulated utilities. Since leaving the Advocate \nand working for PJM I think Joe has been somewhat more open to market \nsolutions and is generally cooperative in working with members to achieve \nmarket solutions to issues rather than unilaterally initiating rule changes. \nI find Joe easy to work with and, as previously stated, generally open to \ndiscussion in resolving issues and is not necessarily predisposed to a \nsolution. \n\n\n\n\tJoe Hartsoe\n\t03/15/2001 08:36 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Tom Hoatson/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: You Can Put A Stake in Their Hearts but They Never Die\n\nTom -- Is there anything you can tell them about Joe. See below. Joe\n----- Forwarded by Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron on 03/15/2001 08:35 AM -----\n\n\tAlan Comnes@ECT\n\t03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t cc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe \nHartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra \nMcCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christi L \nNicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: You Can Put A Stake in Their Hearts but They Never Die\n\nHere's the proposal to form the Team.\n\nNote that the complete team list includes:\n\n\u0001&The MRT will be led by Philippe Auclair, and will include Market Participant \nAdvisor (MPA),\nEric Woychik, Market Assessment Advisor (MAA), Steven Stoft, and any others \nappointed by the\nBoard. \n\n\u0001&The Market Design Group may be comprised of a number of national experts on \nenergy\nmarket structure and regulation, and to be used as needed by the MRT. Severin \nBorenstein,\nJoe Bowering (PJM\u0001,s Market Monitor), William Hogan, Paul Joskow, and Frank \nWolak have all\nexpressed their willingness to assist the ISO Board through the Market Repair \nTeam.\u00018\n\nDoes anybody have a read on Bowering from PJM?\n\nAlan Comnes\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSusan J Mara@ENRON\n03/13/2001 03:06 PM\nTo: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe \nHartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra \nMcCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Steve \nWalton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: You Can Put A Stake in Their Hearts but They Never Die\n\nGang,\n\nJust heard from someone at the ISO that the ISO Board is shoving a new market \napproach down the staff's throat.\n\nRising from the almost dead ...\n\nThis \"Market Repair Committee\" is supported by Eric Woychik, advisor to Board \nMember Florio. The Committee members are Joskow, Hogan, PJM people, et \ncetera, et cetera. There will be something posted on the ISO's web site \nshortly. It will be approved at the Board meeting Thursday.\n\nI'll be there.\n\n\n\nSue Mara\nEnron Corp.\nTel: (415) 782-7802\nFax:(415) 782-7854"} {"text": "Museum of Fine Arts, Houston\nConoco & KRTS 92.1\n\ninvite you, your co-workers and your friends to\n\nFine Arts Friday\nA Corporate Partners Event\n\nThis month...a NEW YEAR'S WINE TASTING!\n\nFRIDAY, January 4, 2002\nIn the Cafe Express of the museum's Audrey Jones Beck Building (5601 Main\nStreet)\nFree admission\n6:00 - 8:30 p.m.\nComplimentary hors d'oeuvres & cash bar\n$10 wine tasting fee\nCome as you are\n\nJoin master sommelier Paul Roberts for a wine and champagne tasting. Mr.\nRoberts is the first in Texas to pass the advanced portion of the Master\nSommelier exam, and will be on hand to discuss the featured vintages. Also,\nexplore our current exhibitions, including Paintings of Native America from\nthe Stark Museum of Art.\n\nFor more information, call Amy Purvis at (713) 639-7570."} {"text": "Please see the attached Management Report for June 28, 2000:\n\nTotal Today Year To Date Life To Date\n\nNumber of Transactions 2,529 171,066 176,067\nGross Notional Value $ 1,505,907,788 81,059,899,421 82,274,585,994\n \nRevenue from Physical flows to date ($) 4,910,516,931 5,006,268,423\n\n \nNew Counterparties transacting today 1\nCounterparties having transacted to date 380\n\n\nAlso attached is the Public Domain Report, containing information which is \nintended for use in presentations or reports which will be seen by \nindividuals outside Enron:\n\nTotal Life to Date Transactions > 176,000, which is > 52 % of Enron\u0001,s \ncurrent transactions for the month \nAverage Daily Transactions > 2,000\nLife to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $82 billion\nAverage Daily Notional Value = Approximately $1 billion, which is 45% of \nEnron\u0001,s Notional Volume\nNumber of Products Offered Each Day = Approximately 820"} {"text": "This was sent out for comments. Among those it was sent to is Ken Lay. \nGreg, I thought you needed to know. FYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Don Black/HOU/EES on 05/22/2001 07:00 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\nPeggy Mahoney\n05/22/2001 06:37 PM\nTo: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen \nDenne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Max Eberts/HOU/EES@EES, Elizabeth \nIvers/Enron@EnronXGate, Mark Koenig/Enron@EnronXGate, Paula \nRieker/Enron@EnronXGate, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D \nSteffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, Evan Hughes/HOU/EES@EES, \nElizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES, Diann Huddleson/HOU/EES@EES, Janet R \nDietrich/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, David W Delainey/HOU/EES@EES, Don \nBlack/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES, Kenneth Lay/Enron@EnronXGate, \nVicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Letter to residential customers\n\nAttached is a draft of the letter we'd like to send to our 16,000 residential \ncustomers on Friday. Please\nreview and let me know your comments by 12 noon on Wednesday."} {"text": "After much success last year with our AskWhy advertising campaign and Public \nRelations efforts, Enron continues to explore new ways to exponentially \nincrease its' brand awareness not only through television, but also by \nexploring new mediums. One approach is through customer relationship \nmarketing (CRM), where we will seek opportunities that allow our commercial \nteams to directly interact with important CXOs and existing customers. \n\nTo this end, we are proud to announce our participation in the Frank Gehry \nArchitect Exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, which will be \nopen to the public from May 18 through August 31. Frank Gehry is a \nworld-renowned architect who has designed the unique building at the end of \nour \u0001&Ode to Why\u00018 commercial and his art dominates skylines around the world. \nWith this exhibition, Gehry\u0001,s evolving genius comes to life. For years, his \ninspiration has long been hidden in sketches and models unseen by anyone but \nhis closest collaborators. By challenging the conventional, he has redefined \nhis industry just as Enron has in business. Through Enron's association with \nthis world-class exhibit, we will subtly push our brand attributes forward, \nas we strive to be the \"Leading Company in the World.\"\n\nAll employees are invited to visit this exhibition FREE OF CHARGE with an \nEnron ID Badge beginning May 18. For more details, please visit \nhome.enron.com."} {"text": "John,\n\nIs there a way I can check to see what releases are going for on Transco for this summer? (ie you have a Transit password I could use over the internet?)\n\nOglethorpe was interested in what capacity values were going for. In particular, for June-Aug 01."} {"text": "This is just a reminder that Grace's 'farewell' lunch is today at 11:45 at Todai restaurant (see map below).\nThere will also be a 'goodbye' Happy Hour starting at 4:30 pm at the Steak and Chophouse (see map below)\n\nHope to see you guys there!\n \nVirginia\n\nMAP to Todai: http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Typ&addr=340+Sw+Morrison+St+Ste+4305&city=Portland&state=OR&csz=Portland,+OR+97204-2438&slt=45.518305&sln=-122.676013&mlt=45.518191&mln=-122.675581&name=&zip=97204-2438&country=us&BFKey=&BFCat=&BFClient=&mag=9&desc=&cs=9&newmag=10&poititle=&poi=&ds=n\n \n\nMAP to Steak and Chophouse: http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Typ&addr=121+SW+3rd+Ave&city=Portland&state=OR&csz=Portland,+OR+97204&slt=45.522100&sln=-122.673600&name=Portland+Steak+%26+Chophouse&zip=97204&country=us&&BFKey=&BFCat=&BFClient=&mag=8&desc=(503)+223-6200&cs=9&newmag=10&poititle=&poi=&ds=n"} {"text": "I spoke to Anita this morning and she suggested I forward you this request \nto set up a Sitara ticket for an \"ENA\" deal \n ticket to handle the buyback on meters 981373 & 981384 that pretain to \nEquistar for June and July 2000.\n \n Equistar invoice can not be drafted without this deal ticket.\n \n This is an urgent request for Settlement to finalize Equistar invoice for \nJune 2000 activity.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 07/25/2000 \n10:23 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 07/14/2000 10:27 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Craig Breslau/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Settelement Request for an Equistar \"Buyback\" ticket with ENA as \nShipper\n\n\n Lee ask me to forward this note-mail to you. Settlement is trying to close \ntoday thus, it is urgent that I get this resolved ASAP.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 07/14/2000 \n10:24 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 07/14/2000 09:29 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Settelement Request for an Equistar \"Buyback\" ticket with ENA as \nShipper\n\n\n \n Daren wanted me to make this request to you for an Equistar Buyback Ticket \non Enron North America{ENA}.\n \n Equistar has nominated activity on ENA for June and July 2000 production.\n \n Settlement seems to think a Buyback ticket is necessary to properly account \nfor Equistar's monthly activity."} {"text": "After I wrote this I recall Ed saying that we don't have a New York company \nyet.\n\nI'm fairly comfortable that I don't know whether there really is an \nEdgecombe Development Company, and if so, is it available to use on the \nVirginia Power transaction.\n\nSorry for the memory slip. \n\nKay\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Kay Mann 08/01/2000 11:31 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Ed B Hearn III/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matt Maxwell/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Land option New York \n\nI don't recall the answer was to the question about whether we have a land \ncompany in New York? And if so, its name?\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Ed B Hearn III@ECT on 08/01/2000 11:15 AM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Land option New York \n\nOK. We'll standby until you give us additional instructions."} {"text": "Carol St. Clair\nEB 3892\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)\n----- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 05/31/2000 10:33 AM -----\n\n\tBrando Hayden\n\t05/31/2000 09:27 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Mark Tawney/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: BofA, World Wide Weather and Palladium\n\n\nHere's an article on BofA, World Wide Weather and Palladium.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Brando Hayden/HOU/ECT on 05/31/2000 09:23 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nMariann Vanzanten on 05/31/2000 08:18:41 AM\nTo: \"Brando Hayden (E-mail)\" \ncc: \nSubject: Att00002\n\n\n <>\n\n Att00002\n\n\n\n\n - ATT00002.htm"} {"text": "I would have to check to speak definitively on any clauses in his contract, but I don't believe there was a change of control provision. I don't know of anyone other than Ken who has one. There was some argument regarding andy's contract and payments that might be due under involuntary termination, but at this time we are not paying anything. Andy was put on a leave of absence, and subsequently resigned. We are still investigating the related party transactions. Hope this helps.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchwieger, Jim \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 11:27 AM\nTo:\tWhalley, Greg\nCc:\tSchwieger, Jim\nSubject:\tFastow Rumor\n\nGreg:\n\nA rumor is going around that Andy Fastow's employment contract had language that would allow him to be paid $9,000,000 or some amount if a change of control of the corporation occurred. Several questions come to mind related to this issue that I would appreciate your response:\n\t1) Please confirm the existence of such a clause or similar clause in Mr. Fastow's contract that would allow him a claim of additional money from an Enron entity.\n\t2) If such a clause does exist what is Enron's intent as far as payment or litigation?\n\t3) What other Enron employee's have such clauses that would allow them to benefit from the merger?\n\nYour clarification of the above questions would be appreciated!\n\n\tThanks, Jim"} {"text": "Kathy,\n\nPlease give me a call at your convenience to discuss Cargill's comments to \nour Master draft.\n\nBest regards,\nDebra Perlingiere\nEnron North America Corp.\nLegal Department\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\nHouston, Texas 77002\ndperlin@enron.com\nPhone 713-853-7658\nFax 713-646-3490"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/07/2000 \n04:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nAl Arfsten on 07/07/2000 10:15:49 AM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Info\n\n\nVince: I very much enjoyed getting to know more about you yesterday\nmorning. When do you return from Australia? I would like to arrange\nfor you, I, and Tim Luehrman to meet so that you can learn more about he\nand his vision and the possibilities laying ahead for PwC and its global\nFinancial Advisory Services practice. I briefly talked with Tim and he\nvery much would enjoy receiving a copy of the publication in which you\nreferenced his tomato field model. Can you send it to me by\n\"attachment\" file? Also, your resume and other info you might provide?\nI hope to see you again soon or at least upon your return from\nAustralia. Best regards, Al Arfsten"} {"text": "This afternoon the Commission has issued an Order Requesting Comments in the \nSDG&E and LA Dept. of Water & Power petition proceedings on the short term \ncapacity release price cap (RP01-180, RP01-222).\n\nThe order requests comments on \"whether...[to] reimpose the maximum rate \nceiling on short-term capacity release transactions into California and the \neffects of such action on the California gas market.\" Order and attachment \nare attached at the bottom of this email. Print to read all footnotes \n(original came in WordPerfect).\n\nNote that in footnote 2, the order explains the current comprehensive \nCommission approach to the gas market in California, and that they're \nreaching out for the gray market: \"On May 18, 2001, in Docket No. \nRM01-9-000, the Commission issued an order proposing to impose certain \nreporting requirements on natural gas sellers and transporters serving the \nCalifornia market. The proposed reporting requirements are intended to \nprovide the Commission with the necessary information to determine what \naction, if any, it should take within its jurisdiction. Our order today \ncoupled with our May 18 order continues to focus on issues related to natural \ngas prices in California and actions we may take to address capacity release \ntransactions and bundled sales (i.e., the \"gray market\").\"\n\nTo note in this order, the discussion includes an explanation that FERC \nStaff's analysis of capacity release data between Nov. 2000 and April 2001 \nshows that only .09 to 1.2 percent of the volume of capacity releases into CA \nwere above the maximum tariff rate. In light of this information, the order \nrequests comment on whether the price cap into California would be reimposed \non short term releases prior to Sept. 30, 2002.\n\nComments are due in 20 days. Questions asked in the order are: (1) Would \nreimposition of the maximum rate ceiling on short-term capacity release \ntransactions into California have any significant effect on the price of gas \nat the California border; (2) Should the reimposition of the maximum rate \nceiling on short-term capacity release transactions be limited to California \nor extended to pipelines delivering into the Western Systems Coordinating \nCouncil (WSCC) region; (3) What effect do capacity release transactions have \non wholesale electric prices; (4) What would be the effect of reimposing the \nmaximum rate ceiling on short-term capacity release transactions into \nCalifornia given firm shippers' ability to make bundled sales at the \nCalifornia border; and (5) How will reimposing the maximum rate ceiling for \nshort-term capacity release transactions into California impact shippers' \nability to obtain short-term firm capacity.\n\nAn excel attachment to the order details the Staff findings on Transportation \nRelease Transactions above the max. rate Nov. 2000 - April 2001"} {"text": "Here are the new Fixed O&M numbers. I have not talked to Teco yet to clarify \nthe other expenses, si these are just taking out the Marketing Fee. Thanks\nBen"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Chad Starnes/Corp/Enron on 01/15/2001 \n09:15 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Office of the Chairman 01/12/2001 07:31 PM\n\t\n\nSent by: Office of the Chairman\nTo: All Enron Worldwide\ncc: \n\nSubject: Managing Director and Vice President Elections\n\nThe Managing Director PRC Committee met this week to elect individuals to \nManaging Director and Vice President positions. These employees are \nrecognized as outstanding contributors to the organization, whose individual \nefforts have been instrumental in the continued success and growth of the \ncompany. We are pleased to announce the election of the following new \nManaging Directors and Vice Presidents. Please join us in congratulating \nthese individuals on their new appointments.\n\nManaging Director \u0001) Commercial\n\nPhillip K. Allen, ENA (EWS) West Gas Trading - Houston\nFranklin R. Bay, EBS Entertainment on Demand - Houston\nTimothy N. Belden, ENA (EWS) \u0001) West Power Trading - Portland\nMichael R. Brown, EEL \u0001) Executive - London\nChristopher F. Calger, ENA (EWS) West Power Origination - Portland\nJoseph M. Deffner, ENA (EWS) Treasury & Funding - Houston\nTimothy J. Detmering, ENA (EWS) Corporate Development - Houston\nWilliam D. Duran, ENA (EWS) Generation Investments - Houston\nRobert S. Gahn, EES Commodity Structuring - Houston\nKevin C. Garland, EBS Broadband Ventures - Houston\nBen F. Glisan, Jr., Corporate \u0001) Global Equity Markets - Houston\nRobert E. Hayes, ETS COMM Marketing - Houston\nPhillip R. Milnthorp, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination & Trading - Calgary\n\nManaging Director \u0001) Commercial Support\n\nSally W. Beck, ENW (EWS) Energy Operations Management - Houston\nFernley Dyson, EEL Finance & Support Services - London\n\nVice President \u0001) Commercial\n\nGregory Adams, EES MMC Management - Houston\nRobert Bayley, EEL-UK Origination \u0001) London\nJack D. Boatman, ETS Market Development \u0001) Houston\nRhenn Cherry, EES Assets/Labor \u0001) Houston\nNiamh Clarke, EGM (EWS) Liquids Trading \u0001) London\nPeter Crilly, EEL-UK Origination \u0001) London\nDerek J. Davies, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination \u0001) Calgary\nMark D. Davis, Jr., ENA (EWS) East Power Trading \u0001) Houston\nCharles Delacey, Corporate Finance \u0001) Houston\nPaul Devries, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination \u0001) Toronto\nChristopher H. Foster, ENA (EWS) West Power Trading \u0001) Portland\nJeffrey F. Golden, EES Corporate Development \u0001) Houston\nMichael D. Grigsby, ENA West Gas Trading Group - Houston\nTroy A. Henry, EES Bundled Sales-Heavy Industrial \u0001) Houston\nRogers Herndon, ENA (EWS) East Power Trading \u0001) Houston\nJames W. Lewis, EES Underwriting \u0001) Houston\nChristopher Mahoney, EGM (EWS) Liquids Trading \u0001) London\nAndrew Marsden, EBS Broadband Ventures \u0001) London\nJohn McClain, EBS Broadband Wholesale Origination \u0001) Houston\nKevin J. McGowan, EGM (EWS) American Coal \u0001) Houston\nAlbert E. McMichael, Jr., ENA (EWS) Gas Commodity Structuring \u0001) Houston\nErmes I. Melinchon, Central America Origination \u0001) Houston\nSteven R. Meyers, EES Consumption \u0001) Houston\nLloyd D. Miller, ENA (EWS) Portfolio Management \u0001) Houston\nMichael A. Miller, Wind Development / Execution-General Administration \u0001) \nHouston\nMarcello Romano, EBS EEL-Broadband Trading \u0001) London\nDavid A. Samuels, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline - Houston\nPer A. Sekse, EGM (EWS) Global Risk Markets \u0001) New York\nEdward S. Smida, EBS Video on Demand \u0001) Houston\nMark Tawney, EGM (EWS) Weather Trading \u0001) Houston\nJon Thomsen, EBS Business Development \u0001) Latin America/Canada \u0001) Portland\nBarry L. Tycholiz, ENA (EWS) West Gas Origination - Houston\nFrank W. Vickers, ENA (EWS) East Gas Origination \u0001) Houston\nAmit Walia, Corporate, Corporate Development \u0001) Houston\nWilliam White, EBS Global Bandwidth Risk Mgmt \u0001) Houston\nJonathan Whitehead, EEL EA Trading \u0001) Japan\nMark Whitt, ENA (EWS) West Gas Origination \u0001) Denver\nJohn A. Zufferli, ENA (EWS) Canada Power Trading - Calgary\n\nVice President \u0001) Commercial Support\n\nBeth Apollo, EEL Financial Operations Executive \u0001) London\nMarla Barnard, EBS Human Resources \u0001) Houston\nKaren L. Denne, Corporate, Public Relations \u0001) Houston\nGeorganne M. Hodges, ENA (EWS) Trading, Origination & Power Plant Accounting \n\u0001) Houston\nPhillip Lord, EEL Transaction Support \u0001) London\nPeggy Mahoney, EES Marketing \u0001) Communication \u0001) Houston\nSteven Montovano, Corporate, Government & Regulatory Affairs \u0001) Dublin\nLaura Scott, ENA (EWS) Canada Accounting \u0001) Calgary\nRichard C. Sherman, ENA (EWS) Transaction Support \u0001) Houston\nGregory W. Stubblefield, EES Financial Planning & Reporting \u0001) Houston\nDennis D. Vegas, CALME International Public Relations \u0001) Houston\n\nVice President \u0001) Specialized Technical \n\nSami Arap Sobrinho, ESA (EWS) Legal \u0001) Houston\nMerat Bagha, EBS Sales Engineering \u0001) Houston\nJustin Boyd, EEL Legal \u0001) London\nMary Nell Browning, EBS Legal \u0001) London\nJonathan Chapman, EEL Legal \u0001) London\nRobert D. Eickenroht, Corporate, Legal \u0001) Houston\nMark Evans, EEL Legal \u0001) London\nDavid Forster, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline \u0001) Houston\nJanine Juggins, EEL Tax \u0001) London\nPeter C. Keohane, ENA (EWS) Canada Legal \u0001) Calgary\nPinnamaneni V. Krishnarao, ENA (EWS) Research Group \u0001) Houston\nTravis C. McCullough, ENA (EWS) Finance Origination, Mergers/Acquisitions \u0001) \nHouston\nMichael Popkin, ESA (EWS) SA- Risk Management/Network Integration \u0001) Houston\nElizabeth A. Sager, ENA (EWS) Physical Trading \u0001) Houston\nRichard B. Sanders, ENA (EWS) Litigation \u0001) Houston\nJohn W. Schwartzenburg, EECC Legal \u0001) Houston\nMichael D. Smith, EES Legal \u0001) Houston\nMarcus Vonbock Und Polach, EEL Legal \u0001) London\nJay C. Webb, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline Systems \u0001) Houston\n\nVice President \u0001) Technical\n\nDonald R. Hawkins, ETS Quality Management \u0001) Houston\nJohn R. Keller, ETS Engineering & Construction \u0001) Houston"} {"text": "Jen, please take care of this for EGM\n----- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 10:49 AM -----\n\n\tJana Giovannini\n\t01/24/2001 11:42 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Chris Gaskill/Corp/Enron@Enron, Marc De La Roche/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark A \nWalker/NA/Enron@Enron, Andrea V Reed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L \nKelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Best/NA/Enron, Timothy J \nDetmering/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barry Tycholiz/NA/Enron@ENRON, Frank W \nVickers/NA/Enron@Enron, Carl Tricoli/Corp/Enron@Enron, Edward D \nBaughman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Larry Lawyer/NA/Enron@Enron, Jere C \nOverdyke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brad Blesie/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lynette \nLeBlanc/Houston/Eott@Eott, Thomas Myers/HOU/ECT, Jeffrey C \nGossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maureen Raymond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nPhillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Abel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve \nVenturatos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mike \nMcConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Analyst Interviews Needed - 2/15/01\n\n\n\t\n\n\nAll,\n\nThe Analyst and Associate Programs recognize we have many Analyst needs that \nneed to be addressed immediately. While we anticipate many new Analysts \njoining Enron this summer (late May) and fulltime (August) we felt it \nnecessary to address some of the immediate needs with an Off-Cycle Recruiting \nevent. We are planning this event for Thursday, February 15 and are inviting \napproximately 30 candidates to be interviewed. I am asking that you forward \nthis note to any potential interviewers (Managers or above). We will conduct \nfirst round interviews in the morning and the second round interviews in the \nafternoon. We need for interviewers to commit either to the morning \n(9am-12pm) or afternoon (2pm-5pm) complete session. Please submit your \nresponse using the buttons below and update your calendar for this date. In \naddition, we will need the groups that have current needs to commit to taking \none or more of these Analysts should they be extended an offer. Thanks in \nadvance for your cooperation.\n\n \n\n\nThank you,\nJana"} {"text": "Good Morning Ken,\n\nGood weekend?\n\nliz\n\n\n\n\n\"Hoskins, Kenneth\" on 01/29/2001 10:11:18 AM\nTo: \"'whalley@enron.com'\" \ncc: \"'liz.m.taylor@enron.com'\" \nSubject: \n\n\nPlease see below a summary of E&P weekly from CSFB research team. The\ncomplete report is attached for your review.\n\n> 1) Group rebounds from over-sold position advancing 4%, leaders include\n> Swift, Ocean, Mitchell, Louis Dreyfus and Canadian Natural.\n> 2) Despite weather related selling pressure on near month natural gas\n> prices, the out months remain strong between $5.50 and $6.00.\n> 3) With 20% of US gas production reporting, volumes declined 1.6%\n> sequentially and 5.5% versus 4Q99. Volumes declined 4% in 2000 versus\n> 1999.\n> 4) Value creation update: 5 companies reported increasing value by 29%\n> on average, leaders include Pogo, Ocean and Pioneer.\n>\n>\n <>\nRegards,\n\nKenneth F. Hoskins\nPrivate Client Services\nCredit Suisse First Boston\n\nDonaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation\n an affiliate of\nCREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION\n\n401 City Avenue, Suite 110\nBala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1122\n\noffice: (610) 660-8914\n cell: (301) 922-9932\nemail: kenneth.hoskins@csfb.com\n\n\nThe information contained herein is provided, at your request, for\ninformational purposes only. We make no representation as to its accuracy\nor completeness. Also, this information does not supersede confirmations or\nstatements sent to you by DLJ. Further, it does not constitute an offer to\nbuy or sell these securities.\n\n\n\n - EnP012901.pdf"} {"text": "I couldn't have said it better myself. \n\n\n\n\n\n\tBrian Hendon@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS\n\t03/20/2001 01:41 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"There's nothing wrong with letting the girls know that you're money and that \nyou want to party.\""} {"text": "Jeff, it would be great if you could arrange your schedule to attend IBM's\n2001 CEO conference which begins with a dinner on June 12 and includes a\nfull day program on June 13, 2001. We plan to have 20 CEOs in attendance\nand this will give you a chance to meet a few of the other senior\nexecutives of IBM, including Lou Gerstner. Sam Palmisano will also be\nthere. I've included some information below on the conference, attendees\nat the last session and tentative agenda, which may help you decide. If you\ncan make it, Lou will send you a formal invitation letter. Please let me\nknow if I can provide any other information for you.\n\nThanks.\n\nGail\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n________\n\n\n Conference Title: Americas CEO 2001 Conference\n\n\n\n Event Date: June 12* and 13, 2001\n\n\n\n Location IBM Industry Solutions Lab\n Hawthorne, New York\n\n\n\n Conference The Conference, designed for open dialogue\n Overview: and interaction, provides a forum for chief\n executives to discuss a range of critical\n business issues with Lou Gerstner and members\n of the IBM senior management team.\n\n The Conference is focused on the critical\n role of information technology on business\n strategy and how enterprises can best\n leverage that technology for competitive\n advantage. We will discuss the importance of\n end-to-end integration and how e-business can\n strengthen supply chains and enhance customer\n relationships.\n\n\n\n Event Description: Conference is held on June 13 at the IBM\n Industry Solutions Lab and is attended by the\n CEOs, Lou Gerstner, Sam Palmisano, Bill\n Etherington and Dave Carlucci.\n\n Dinner is scheduled the evening prior at La\n Panetiere. Based on the attending CEOs,\n additional Global and or Sector VPs may be\n asked to assist in hosting the dinner.\n\n\n\n\nFollowing are the CEOs who attended the Americas November 2000 CEO\nConference.\n\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|CEO |COMPANY |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|John McLennan |AT&T Canada Corp. |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|John McFarlane |Australia and New Zealand Banking |\n| |Group Limited |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Roy Vallee |Avnet, Inc. |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Tom Ridge |Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Joe Magliochetti |Dana Corporation |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Bob Lane |Deere & Company |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Chuck Conaway |Kmart Corporation |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Vance Coffman |Lockheed Martin Corporation |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Bill Marriott |Marriott International |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Bruce Nelson |Office Depot |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Jim Rohr |PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Martin Madaus |Roche Diagnostics Corporation |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|John Cleghorn |Royal Bank of Canada |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Bob King |State University of NY |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Jim Blanchard |Synovus Financial Corp. |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Ramani Ayer |The Hartford |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n|Ray Kelly |U.S. Customs Service |\n|------------------------------------+------------------------------------|\n\n\n\n\n Americas CEO 2001 Conference\n\n Tentative Agenda - Americas CEO 2001 Conference\n\n\n\n\n\nTuesday, June 12, 2001 - La Panetiere, Rye, New York\n\n6:30 - 7:15 p.m. Reception\n\n7:15 - 8:30 p.m. Dinner\n\n8:30 - 9:30 p.m. After Dinner Reception\n\n\nWednesday, June 13, 2001 - IBM Industry Solutions Lab (Hawthorne)\n\n8:00 a.m. Arrival & Coffee\n\n8:30 a.m. Welcome & Introduction Dave Carlucci\n\n8:35 a.m. CEO Perspective Lou Gerstner\n\n10:15 a.m. Coffee Break\n\n10:45 a.m. e-business Inside IBM Sam Palmisano\n\n11:30 a.m. Solutions Tour Bill Etherington /\n Dave Carlucci\n\n12:30 p.m. Lunch\n\n1:30 p.m. Next Generation e-business Bill Etherington\n\n2:20 p.m. Closing Remarks Lou Gerstner\n\n3:00 p.m. Adjourn\n\n\nGail P. Whipple\nManaging Director, Enron\nIBM\n1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY\n(914) 642-6399\n(914) 642-6063 (fax)\ne-mail: gwhipple@us.ibm.com"} {"text": "Steve, many thanks for your time this morning. I attach an electronic version \nof the discussion paper for your records."} {"text": "GERALD,\n SORRY,\n\nHERE ARE MORE DETAILS OF THE Unimark Deal 3 1064010, Oct 01 volume tiered pricing as follows:\n\n0-916 mmBTU/D\t100% of Inside ferc ONG ok less .035\n917-1374/d\t\t USA 1.79\n1375-1603/d \t`\t$1.72\n1604-1832/d\t\t nx1 LESS .12\n1833-2036/D\t\t100% GD ONG OK\n\nPlease call if you need additional information.\n\nLisa 5 4766\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWallumrod, Ellen \nSent:\tTuesday, October 09, 2001 12:18 PM\nTo:\tHesse, Lisa\nSubject:\tRE: various oct 01 deal with mutiple tiered pricing\n\nFYI...\n\nGerald does not have sitara, so he would need more deal info to give your an answer.\n\nEllen\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHesse, Lisa \nSent:\tTuesday, October 09, 2001 9:35 AM\nTo:\tNemec, Gerald; Thorne, Judy\nCc:\tWallumrod, Ellen; Smith, Shauywn; Hesse, Lisa\nSubject:\tvarious oct 01 deal with mutiple tiered pricing\n\nGerald and Judy,\n\nShawyne Smith has made the following deals with Unimark LLC pooled and committed wells ( 1063501, 1033968, and 1063576 ) which include pricing language with 5 separate tiers for maximum volumes of 4275/d.\nHow should we confirm these deals? We have language to confirm 2 pricing tiers. \n\nJudy how should we proceed to confirm these deals? Should we start this trend of multiple pricing tiers for such small volumes?\n\nPlease let me know how we should proceed.\nLisa 5 4766"} {"text": "Attached is a revised Credit Watch listing for the week of 5/14/01. \nIf there are any personnel in your group that were not included in this \ndistribution, please insure that they receive a copy of this report.\nTo add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been \nsent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002.\nFor other questions, please contact Jason R. Williams at x5-3923, Russell \nDiamond at x5-7095, or Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002."} {"text": "Hi John,\n\nMark and I are still working at the hotel, waiting to hear from the \ncounterparty. \n\nCould you forward this to Jon? I don't have his email address.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 02/01/2001 08:34 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Mark Bernstein\" on 02/01/2001 08:30:37 AM\nTo: kay.mann@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: coop city outline\n\nKay,\n \nI don't have the \"sent\" e-mail, but here is my outline:\n \nthank\n \nASSET MANAGEMENT\n1. Every December 1 the benchmark is set for next year\u0001,s gas cost. The \nbenchmark is adjusted for basis and transport.\n2. The benchmark for gas purchases will be adjusted for a gas load factor to \naccount for the non-block nature of gas consumption.\n3. Enron will serve full requirements power and steam at the benchmark cost.\n4. If unit 1 is down, Enron will serve Co-op City based on prevailing gas \nmarket price.\n5. If Enron does nothing but serve power and steam from the project, actual \ncost will equal benchmark cost and Enron earns nothing.\n6. If Enron can shut down the generators and buy power cheaper from the \nmarket than it could generate and sell the gas for a profit, the net reduces \nthe average cost of gas.\n7. Enron is only incentivized to buy gas and sell power or buy power and sell \ngas if there is a net benefit to Co-op City\n8. A Co-op City book will be kept and audited to keep track of the gas and \npower purchases and sales to calculate the asset management performance.\nDEVELOPMENT RISK CAPITAL\n1. Enron will commit development risk capital for:\nPermit preparation and application\nPreliminary engineering\nSite due diligence\nSecuring turbines\n1. Need to negotiate terms for development agreement\nENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION\n1. Enron will perform EPC services at cost plus up to an estimate. The plus \nhowever, is not at risk.\n2. The EPC contract must be executed after the asset management agreement so \nthat there is no appearance of consideration between the two agreements.\n3. Commercial operations date will float relative to the issuance of permits.\nOPERATIONS\n1. Enron will dispatch the plant and procure gas and power so as to maximize \nplant efficiency and economics per the asset management agreement.\nMAINTENANCE\n1. Enron will act as agent on behalf of Co-op City to negotiate a long term \nmaintenance agreement, with a third party, subject to Co-op City\u0001,s approval.\n2. Enron will manage the maintenance contract and coordinate planned outages \nso as to maximize project value under the asset management agreement.\n\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com"} {"text": "1. If you know that you are taking vacation for the holidays, Please submit a \ntimesheet .Only send your timesheet if you have taken time off/rotation \ninformation has changed. Sorry, we are no longer tracking overtime since you \nare salary based. To all A/A Pool members: it is important that you let us \nknow of any time you have taken off. To those members who are sending time on \nto your assistant, please make sure they forward that information on to the \nA/A program. With the Roll Out of SAP, you have the ability to go on-line @ \nhttp://ehronline.enron.com/ and input your time. I will continue to email for \ntimesheets regardless if you go on-line. This is to let you know it is time \nto input your time or fills out your timesheet.\n2. If you have moved recently, please provide the following and indicate the \nnew changes when sending your timesheet.\nNEW ROTATION:\nBusiness Unit and Group:\nEffective Date:\nLocation:\nExtension:\nSupervisor:\nSupervisor's Location:\nSupervisor's Extension:\nSupervisor's Assistant:\nAssistant's Location:\nAssistant's Extension:\nCo #\nRC #\n3. Quick reminder that you can pick up your check or past period check @ EB \n1198 (if they are not already coming to your location/mail stop). \nThank You for Your Cooperation\nRT"} {"text": "\n\n\n\n

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Standings, Summary 
\n\n\n\nBig 12 Division\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
The Guzzlers7700.5001.0W15-3-01.01829.0258.01789.0
The Lie Downs7700.5001.0L14-4-01.01730.0357.01759.0
oops, I did it again6800.4292.0W15-3-00.51776.0311.01753.0
One Man Show5900.3573.0L32-6-01.01690.0397.01766.0
Thrill Kill Cult31100.2145.0L12-6-00.01498.0589.01810.0

SEC Division\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
The Fat Bastards12300.8000.0W17-2-02.02036.051.01862.0
Who's Yo Daddy12300.8000.0W115-3-01.02014.073.01746.0
The Executioners9600.6003.0L13-6-02.01995.092.01902.0
Not So Nice Machine7700.5005.0L14-4-02.01742.0345.01831.0
The Snake Pit5900.3577.0L53-5-00.51796.0291.01972.0
North Blvd Nutwhackers5900.3577.0W13-5-02.01790.0297.01768.0

Statistics, Scoring 
\n\n\n\nMeximullets Actives\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
Bouman, ToddQB 0.0
Hearst, GarrisonRB72 RuYd (7 Pts), 1 Recpt (1 Pt)8.0
Pittman, MichaelRB58 RuYd (5 Pts), 1 RuTD (1) (6 Pts)11.0
Brown, TroyWR5 Recpt (5 Pts), 59 ReYd (2 Pts)7.0
Moss, RandyWR3 Recpt (3 Pts), 34 ReYd (1 Pt)4.0
Owens, TerrellWR4 Recpt (4 Pts), 64 ReYd (3 Pts), 1 ReTD (32) (6 Pts)13.0
Sharpe, ShannonTE3 Recpt (3 Pts), 32 ReYd (1 Pt)4.0
Wilkins, JeffK1 FG (33) (3 Pts), 5 XP (5 Pts)8.0
RamsDT1 DTD (44) (8 Pts), 1 SACK (2 Pts), 1 DFR (4 Pts)14.0
TOTALS  69.0

Meximullets Reserves\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
Chandler, ChrisQBRS28 PaCmp (28 Pts), 431 PaYd (33 Pts), 2 PaTD (63,49) (14 Pts), 2 PaInt (-6 Pts)69.0
Davis, TerrellRBRS 0.0
Dyson, KevinWRRS1 Recpt (1 Pt), 30 ReYd (1 Pt), 1 ReTD (30) (6 Pts)8.0
Fiedler, JayQBRS21 PaCmp (21 Pts), 320 PaYd (21 Pts), 1 PaTD (10) (6 Pts), 13 RuYd (1 Pt)49.0
Green, TrentQBRS19 PaCmp (19 Pts), 203 PaYd (10 Pts), 1 PaTD (3) (6 Pts), 2 PaInt (-6 Pts), 36 RuYd (3 Pts)32.0
Johnson, EricTERS2 Recpt (2 Pts), 24 ReYd (1 Pt)3.0
Wayne, ReggieWRRS1 Recpt (1 Pt)1.0
TOTALS   162.0
NFL Reports, Player Updates 
\n\n\n\nLatest NFL Player News

Jerome Bettis, RB PIT - Who's Yo Daddy Updated 12/25/01
Bettis is listed as questionable for Week 16. However, he may be able to return to the Steelers' starting lineup. Bill Cowher said Bettis is progressing, and he will be used this week if healthy.

James Stewart, RB DET - The Lie Downs Updated 12/23/01
Stewart suffered a sprained ankle early in Sunday's game at Pittsburgh. He was replaced by Lamont Warren in the first quarter, and Stewart did not return. \n

Cameron Cleeland, TE NO - Free Agent Updated 12/23/01
Cleeland injured his Achilles tendon on Sunday. He is not expected to play again this season.

Ahman Green, RB GB - Thrill Kill Cult Updated 12/23/01
Green left Sunday's game in the fourth quarter with labored breathing. He was replaced by Dorsey Levens.

Todd Bouman, QB MIN - Meximullets Updated 12/23/01
\nBouman was able to start Sunday's game, but he re-injured his thumb in the first quarter and was replaced by Spergon Wynn.

Wesley Walls, TE CAR - The Snake Pit Updated 12/23/01
Walls was able to play in Sunday's game despite an ankle injury, but he left the game before halftime after spraining his left knee.

Martin Gramatica, K TB - One Man Show Updated 12/23/01
\nGramatica injured his hamstring in the fourth quarter on Sunday. He hurt himself on a PAT attempt, but Gramatica is expected to play on December 29.

Todd Bouman, QB MIN - Meximullets Updated 12/23/01
Bouman is now listed as probable for Sunday's game. He should be able to start against the Jaguars, but he may play with some pain in his thumb.

Jeff Graham, WR SD - oops, I did it again Updated 12/23/01
\nGraham probably won't play Sunday at Kansas City because of the death of his father in a car accident, coach Mike Riley said Friday. If Graham doesn't play, Trevor Gaylor will start in his place and Nate Turner will be signed off the practice squad. The Chargers are already missing their No. 3 receiver, Tim Dwight, due to complications of a collapsed lung.

Antowain Smith, RB NE - The Guzzlers Updated 12/23/01
Smith rushed for a career-high 156 yards and a touchdown Saturday. He has been one of the best runners in the AFC and will help carry your team to Fantasy glory.

Steve McNair\n, QB TEN - North Blvd Nutwhackers Updated 12/23/01
McNair played Saturday despite suffering from back spasms all week. He played well, throwing a touchdown pass in the second half. Expect him to be a solid No. 1 QB.

Jeff Garcia, QB SF - The Guzzlers Updated 12/23/01
Garcia, whose practice time was limited all week, played in Saturday's game. He admitted afterwards that he has a cracked rib. He played with extra padding, saying it didn't greatly affect his throws. Garcia might not be at full strength in the remaining weeks but he will still be a solid No. 1 Fantasy QB.

\nEddie George, RB TEN - Thrill Kill Cult Updated 12/23/01
George played in Saturday's game despite suffering from an ankle injury. He left in the third quarter because of a neck injury but returned to the game.

Oronde Gadsden, WR MIA - Thrill Kill Cult Updated 12/23/01
Gadsden did not play in Saturday's game against the Patriots because of a hamstring injury. Chris Chambers started in his absence.

\nFred Beasley, RB SF - Free Agent Updated 12/23/01
Beasley broke his right hand. He will probably be sidelined for the rest of the regular season.

Joe Horn, WR NO - The Lie Downs Updated 12/21/01
Horn is once again performing like an elite Fantasy receiver. He is a must-start player during the final weeks of the NFL season.

Maurice Smith, RB ATL - Who's Yo Daddy Updated 12/21/01
\nA banged-up Smith hasn't done much statistically in recent weeks. Don't depend on him during the Fantasy playoffs.

Donald Hayes, WR CAR - Free Agent Updated 12/21/01
Hayes may step back into the forefront this week as the No. 1 wideout in place of Muhsin Muhammad. He isn't very explosive, however, and won't help Fantasy teams much during Weeks 15 through 17.

Chris Weinke, QB CAR - The Lie Downs Updated 12/21/01
\nConsider Weinke as a backup during the Fantasy playoffs. He lacks the weapons to post better-than-average numbers, but he is a good option if you need an emergency QB.

Kurt Warner, QB STL - Who's Yo Daddy Updated 12/21/01
Warner should guide many Fantasy teams to success during the playoffs. Expect fine numbers from him the rest of the way.

Rich Gannon, QB OAK - The Executioners Updated 12/21/01
Gannon has been a top-flight Fantasy QB this year. He will be a key player on many title teams, and should never be benched. \n

Randy Moss, WR MIN - Meximullets Updated 12/21/01
Moss started off slow this season but has once again been one of the best wideouts. Don't hesitate to start him during your playoff run.

Marvin Minnis, WR KC - North Blvd Nutwhackers Updated 12/21/01
Minnis hasn't done much to help Fantasy owners this year. Don't use him during the remaining weeks of the NFL season.

Michael Westbrook\n, WR WAS - The Snake Pit Updated 12/21/01
Westbrook has been inconsistent this season as a Fantasy player. He will be a good No. 2 at best during your playoffs.

Rod Gardner, WR WAS - Not So Nice Machine Updated 12/21/01
Gardner has been very inconsistent this season. Unless you play in a deeper league, starting Gardner isn't advisable.

Tony Richardson, RB KC - Free Agent Updated 12/21/01
\nRichardson hasn't been a consistent scoring threat this year. Don't use him during the Fantasy playoffs.

Tony Gonzalez, TE KC - The Executioners Updated 12/21/01
Gonzalez hasn't played as well as expected this year. Still, he is too talented to bench during the Fantasy playoffs.

Brett Favre, QB GB - The Fat Bastards Updated 12/21/01
Favre has been one of the best QBs this season. Count on him to help lead your team to Fantasy glory.

\nTrent Green, QB KC - Meximullets Updated 12/21/01
Green has been an inconsistent Fantasy QB this year. He is a risky start during the rest of the season.

Bill Schroeder, WR GB - Not So Nice Machine Updated 12/21/01
Schroeder has had a solid season. Look for him to be a reliable No. 2 wideout during your postseason.

More Updates\n
Copyright 2001 Commissioner.COM Inc and SportsLine.com Inc.
Your site can be reached from http://fantasy.sportsline.com

"} {"text": "Most people want to work well with others. But most were raised in families \nwhere conflict did not bring them closer. We come to work with two habitual \nways of dealing with difficult relationships -- to attack or to withdraw. We \ntend to avoid addressing differences with our co-workers and especially with \nour supervisors. Information is not shared, dangers are not discussed, and \nmistakes are ignored. The individual can become overwhelmingly stressed. \nThe organiziation suffers loss of respect and trust and risks financial \nloss. The Successful Working Relationships seminar series provides a range \nof practical tools and techniques that will help you build a more supportive \nenvironment in which you will actually look forward to working each day. \n\n\nSuccessful Working Relationships - Valuing Differences\nOctober 3, 2000 8:30am -4:30pm in EB552 $600.00 \n\nOrganizations are like \"step-families\". People come together with different \nbackgrounds, perceptions, and preferences. These different habits of \nattitude and behaviour can be the sources of much confusion and frustration. \nUsing a unique approach to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) through \nentertaining examples and informative exercises, this program teaches the \nstrengths inherent in the various personality types. This module emphasizes \nthe importance of not being pigeonholed in any particular category, but \nrather developing your own full range of potential.\n\n\nSuccessful Working Relationships - Creating Understanding\nNovember 3, 2000 8:30am -4:30pm in EB552 $450.00\n\nPeople will tolerate a disagreement whey they feel understood but will not \ntolerate not be misunderstood. Respect occurs when co-workers are able to \neliminate misunderstandings and successfully resolve conflicts - together. \nUsing a unique and powerful approach this module will help you actually \nreduce the resistance of others to your point of view.\n\n\nFor registration, please click here () to go directly into the Development \nCenter \"Ernie\", or call (713) 853-0357."} {"text": "We feel that selling at the levels below would be stupid. We'll keep searching for a better bid.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDavies, Derek \nSent:\tThursday, September 20, 2001 4:27 PM\nTo:\tLavorato, John; Kitchen, Louise; Milnthorp, Rob\nCc:\tMiller, Don (Asset Mktg); Zufferli, John\nSubject:\tSundance B Bid from Duke\n\nJohn/Louise/Rob:\n\nI thought I would fire off a quick note to inform you that Duke produced a non-binding bid for the entire Sundance B PPA. Duke's bid is C$180,000,000. This compares to an earlier bid of C$120,000,000 to C$140,000,000 for one unit on July 10, 2001. Duke's bid combined with the cost structure of the PPA would have Duke buying the PPA for approximately C$35.50/MW or US$22.50/MW. \n\nThe mark-to-market value of both the Sundance units as of September 18th's curves was C$178,120,374. Therefore, a sale to Duke at C$180 MM would not provide any significant increase to earnings. Additionally, it must be noted that the curves have some very conservative heat rate assumptions built into to the latter years.\n\nBased on a conversation with John last week, he clearly indicated that selling the PPA for under US$25.00/MW is not acceptable. I would agree with John that Enron would better be served by maintaining its current position than accept a bid reflecting a price less than US$25.00 . It must be noted that Duke's bid expires at 5:00pm CDT, September 21. Therefore, if anyone feels strongly that we should move forward with Duke we should address it immediately. Otherwise, Don Miller and I continue to position Enron for the division of the PPA and subsequent auction.\n\nDerek"} {"text": "What:\tWorkstation upgrade for security enhancements and standardization efforts\nWhen:\tSchedule as below\nHow:\tSmall updates will be performed at login; other larger updates can be performed at your convenience.\n\n\nThis message box will be presented at the end of the upgrade process and provides important information for the larger updates.\n\n\nIf you have any question or issues with this update, ETS users should call the ETS Solution Center at 5-4745 and all others should contact the Resolution Center at 3-1411.\n\nDesktop Architecture\n\nTentative schedule for update:\n\nHouston Floors\tBegin after 12:00 noon on\t\nECN 1 - 10 (except 6)\tThursday, October 11\t\nECN 11 - 15 (except 14)\tMonday, October 15\t\nECN 16 - 20\tWednesday, October 17\t\nECN 21 - 28 (except 24)\tFriday, October 19\t\nECN 33 - 38 \tMonday, October 22\t\nECN 39 - 43 (except Gas Control)\tWednesday, October 24\t\nECN 46 - 50\tMonday, November 5\t\nAll (including trading floors)\tWednesday, November 7"} {"text": "Hi there,\n\nYour friend prayerwarrior77013 has invited you (dana.davis@enron.com) to sign \nup for Yahoo! Messenger.\n\nMessage from prayerwarrior77013:\nI know that you may not be able to talk often, but we may be able to get a \nquick chat in everynow and then\n\n\nYahoo! Messenger is a free messaging service that allows you to\ncommunicate instantly with friends, family, colleagues, and others online.\n\nUse Yahoo! Messenger to stay in touch with friends, to communicate privately\nin real-time, and to be notified when you receive new Yahoo Mail!.\n\nVisit http://messenger.yahoo.com/ and grab all the information you need to\ndownload and install the software.\n\nAfter you install the Messenger, don't forget to add 'prayerwarrior77013' as \na friend.\n(Use the \"add\" button to do it).\n\nThank you,\n\nThe Yahoo! Messenger Team\n\n(A NOTE ABOUT THIS EMAIL: This message was sent via Yahoo!. DO NOT\nREPLY to it because Yahoo! will receive the email. If you want\nto reply to your friend -- the person who actually sent the mail --\ncompose a new message. Thanks!)"} {"text": "Rod and Brant:\nI finally received their revised draft of the Schedules. They are still \ninsisting on an Additional Termination Event that gets triggered if there is \na MAC. As defined, MAC means a rating that is below BBB- OR Baa3 or failure \nto have a rating from either S&P OR Moody's. I need your guidance on this. \nMAC as defined in the CSA which triggers the threshold going to zero works \nthe same way. I seem to recall that from a credit standpoint, we were okay \nwith a MAC that would be triggered if either rating fell. Is that correct?\n\nCarol"} {"text": "Sorry about that. I found it - my fault. I'm sure I'll be asking you a lot of questions between now and Monday via email. I'm still trying to get all this direct meter stuff in one spot.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGermany, Chris \nSent:\tFriday, June 21, 2002 5:36 PM\nTo:\tPrice, Wade R.\nSubject:\tRE: DOM Files, CNR Files\n\nDo you have the April CNR invoice file?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPrice, Wade R. \nSent:\tFriday, June 21, 2002 2:49 PM\nTo:\tGermany, Chris; Barbe, Robin\nSubject:\tDOM Files, CNR Files\n\n << File: DTIStatus.xls >> << File: DomDec01Split.xls >> << File: acng.txt >> << File: CNR ACT-200112.xls >> << File: CNR ACT-200201.xls >> << File: CNR ACT-200202.xls >> << File: CNR ACT-200203.xls >>"} {"text": "Would you be available to participate in the following meeting:\n\n Date: Tuesday, October 10\n Time: 9am - 12 noon\n Room: EB 878\n Re: ISDA forms\n Continental breakfast will be served\n_____________________________\nMC & JK, this is on your schedule."} {"text": "Hi Marisa,\n\nPlease send the forms to Carlos also since for 2, 3, and 4 we will use the \nsame forms. Obviously, we want the economy of doing this once for both \ntransactions. Also, please bill the time for these forms to Carlos' deal, \nsince Blue Dog is paying for some of the development of the letter agreement \nand the llc forms.\n\nIt sure sounds like we won't be tendering a facility agreement, but until the \nstructure is agreed I would keep the letters in as place holders.\n\nOnce the LLC is formed you will get the complete corporate books which will \nhave the certificates.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Reuter, Marisa\" on 03/09/2001 09:09:07 AM\nTo: \"'kay.mann@enron.com'\" \ncc: \"Keffer, John\" \n\nSubject: ENA/Blue Dog:\n\n\nKay:\n\nLater this afternoon, I plan to send you preliminary drafts of the following\ndocuments:\n\n1. Revised Letter Agreement;\n2. Escrow Agreement;\n3. Guaranty Agreement; and\n4. Promissory Note by LLC payable to ENA.\n\nIn the meantime, I had a couple of questions. First, since the Blue Dog deal\nis a wholesale assignment of a contract, will I still need to prepare items\n7 and 8 on the closing checklist (letter from ENA to Prospective Buyer to\ndeliver the form of Facility Agreement and letter from Buyer to ENA to\nadvise regarding the Form of Facility Agreement). Second, will you send me\nthe blank certificates that will serve as the Membership Certificates for\nthe LLC? Carolyn mentioned that, in the past, these certificates have come\nfrom an Enron Stock Book.\n\nThanks,\n\nMarisa\n\n <>\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message.\n\n\n - Reuter, Maria I. (Business E-Mail Address).vcf"} {"text": "As you probably know by now, Enron recently entered into a new relationship\nwith CORESTAFF's Managed Services Group to manage and administer its\ntemporary staffing program. This new arrangement is designed to improve\nservice and quality as well as increase efficiency in meeting Enron's\ntemporary employment needs. There are many benefits, including a web-based\napplication which will provide Enron's temporary staffing users with online\nordering, approval and reporting. More details on this system will be coming\nsoon.\n\nIn order to help the Managed Services Group serve you better in the days\nahead, please take a moment now to fill out the profile questions below and\nforward your reply to Joseph Marsh at Joseph Marsh/NA/Enron. This\ninformation will not be used for solicitation, but rather to facilitate a\nmore efficient ordering process.\n\nName:\nBusiness Unit:\nDepartment:\nPhone / e-Mail:\nCost Center:\nNumber of Temporaries currently in use:\nAverage / Peak number of Temporaries used per week:\nSkill sets / Positions required:\n\nPhase I of the program, which starts January 2, 2001, encompasses all\nadministrative/clerical temporary employees in the Houston area. Please\nnote that we anticipate no changes for temporary employees currently on\nassignment at Enron as we make this transition. Again, more details on the\nManaged Services program and processes will be distributed in the coming\nweeks.\n\nAs of January 2, the Managed Services account team will be on-site to answer\nany questions and handle your temporary employee needs. They will be\navailable via e-mail or by calling 713-345-6899. Please note that the\ncurrent process for requesting temporary employees will remain in effect\nthrough the end of the year.\n\nThank you,\nThe Enron Corp Implementation Team"} {"text": "Vince,\n\nHere is my list of collected materials. I would like to get copies of your\npapers on risk management as well (can you send me cites?)\n\nLook forward to talking with you next week.\n\nYour friend,\n\nJohn\n - Enron Corporation Paper.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLove, Phillip M. \nSent:\tThursday, December 06, 2001 3:26 PM\nTo:\tAmes, Chuck; Giron, Darron C.; Bass, Eric; Bosse, Kevin; Hull, Bryan; Baumbach, David; Blanchard, Timothy; Lenhart, Matthew; Wolfe, Jason\nSubject:\tFW: Bankruptcy Party at PLove's Dec 15th\n\nif you guys want to come, feel free.\nPL\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLove, Phillip M. \nSent:\tThursday, December 06, 2001 3:23 PM\nTo:\tBrady, Edward; Clause, Kristen; Espey, Darren; Hungerford, James; Mills, Bruce; Rabon, Chance; Singla, Kimat; Videtto, Melissa\nSubject:\tFW: Bankruptcy Party at PLove's tonight\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLove, Phillip M. \nSent:\tThursday, December 06, 2001 3:23 PM\nTo:\tKeiser, Kam; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Palmer, B. Scott; Valdes, John; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; McLaughlin Jr., Errol\nSubject:\tFW: Bankruptcy Party at PLove's tonight\n\nWith a little more notice, hopefully we will not cancel the gig. The party is back on for Saturday Dec. 15th - party start time is now 4 p.m. Please pass on to your groups again. \nPL\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLove, Phillip M. \nSent:\tFriday, November 30, 2001 2:54 PM\nTo:\tKeiser, Kam; Palmer, B. Scott; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Valdes, John; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Gossett, Jeffrey C.\nSubject:\tBankruptcy Party at PLove's tonight\n\nSend to your group's please. \n\n\nIf you feel like drowning your sorrows at the end of the world in some free keg beer, sodas and hard liquor - come down to Clear Lake and celebrate the fact that today may be the last paycheck you receive from Enron. Playstation, pool, and darts(with pictures of great Enron leaders) will be available for your enjoyment. You can also try chase the 3 year old with the dirty diaper. Party starts about 7 ish. We will order Pizza or something like that if you haven't eaten. Directions:\nI - 45 South to exit 29 - CLC Blvd.\nTurn left under the freeway - heading east\nYou will travel roughly four miles (through 3 lights and two stop signs) turn left on Noble Pine(across from Children's World) \nWhen that street dead end's take a right on Towering Oak\nTake first left onto Cherry Oak\nThat dead end's at Sterling Wood Way - take a left.\nThird house of the right 4435 Sterling Wood Way\n281-486-7026\n\nHope to see everyone there.\nPL"} {"text": "So, were you all up all night?? We were up until 11:00 and then got up again \nat 2:30, stayed up until 3:30 and then went back to bed.? This better turn \nout the right way!!!? Mom and your little brother"} {"text": "TASK ASSIGNMENT\n\n\nStatus:\t\tcompleted\n\nTask Priority:\t\t2\nTask Due On:\t\t5/10/2000\nTask Start Date:\t5/10/2000"} {"text": "Carol,\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\tCarol Coats\n\t10/12/2000 04:09 PM\n\t\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Datren Williams Acceptance\n \n\nYou are right, Vince....Celeste and I did discuss it, and she approved his \nFeb. start date.\nDatren does know about that, so it sounds like it is cleared up.\n\nThanks so much, and we are sorry for the confusion!\nCarol\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/12/2000 03:58 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carol Coats/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Datren Williams Acceptance\n \n\nStinson,\n\nI think it's a mistake. It should be February.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n10/10/2000 08:11 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Datren Williams Acceptance\n\n\nFYI\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 \n08:10 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tCarol Coats\n\t09/29/2000 02:36 PM\n\t\nTo: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Datren Williams Acceptance\n\n\nCeleste, \n\nI just received Datren Williams' acceptance with the following note attached:\n\n\"My graduation date (Ph.D. Candidate from LSU) is Dec. 2000. Celeste Roberts\nhas informed me that I would have the option of starting work Feb. 2001. I am\nunder the impression that I will start in Feb. 2001. My offer letter has a \nstart date \nof Aug. 2001. If this is a problem, please give me a call. \nLooking forward to working at Enron.\n\nThanks a million,\nDatren W.\"\n\nPlease let me know if he may in fact start in Feb. 2001, and if so, do you \nhave\na specific date for him, or may he choose?\n\nThanks, Celeste,\nCarol"} {"text": "Here is the Venoco Convertible Preferred Swap in draft.\n\n\nEnron North America Corp.\nMary Cook\n1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n(713) 345-7732 (phone)\n(713) 646-3490 (fax)\nmary.cook@enron.com"} {"text": "Now that two settlement proposals and a motion to extend time have been \nfiled, there is no telling what the CPUC will do. My recommendation is that \nwe play it safe and assume we will need to file testimony on April 17. To \nthat end, it's time to review some basics.\n\nIn its July 8, 1999 decision, the Commission stated: \"We see reason to \npursue a change in protocol for receiving gas at Hector Road, even in the \nshort term. If there are burdens that would unfairly fall upon Transwestern \ncustomers is a window was established at Hector Road, we want to hear about \nit in the next phase of the proceeding. In addition, we seek specific \nproposals as to how such an arrangement should be defined.\"\n\nAccordingly, the testimony we file should explain:\n\n1. The unfair harm that could potentially befall TW customers if Hector Road \nwere established as a formal receipt point\n2. Our proposal for making Hector a formal receipt point by establishing \nprimary and secondary receipt points\n3. Why our proposal is fair and consistent with Commission policy (here we \nmight want to draw analogies to the interstate system and explain why that \nworks)\n\nI will also have an opportunity to make legal and policy arguments in a brief \nafter testimony has been filed.\n\nLet's discuss how best to go about drafting the testimony. I think the best \nthing to do would be to outline the testimony, then decide who is going to \nsay what. I'm available after about 2:00 today."} {"text": "Tana, we had to approve them for US steel products. Per the comments in my \nspreadsheet, London will have to set them up. This was for informational \npurposes only.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jones, Tana \nSent: Monday, April 02, 2001 6:26 PM\nTo: Guidroz, Walter\nSubject: Re: EOL approvals, 03-29-01\n\nRe: Usinor SA: that appears to be a London counterparty. It should not be \non our list. London Legal should approve their counterparties for ALL \nproducts, not only European based.\n\n\n\n\n\tWalter Guidroz/ENRON@enronXgate 03/29/2001 02:10 PM \t To: Karen \nLambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samuel Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brant Reves/ENRON@enronXgate, Debbie R \nBrackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Hardy/LON/ECT@ECT, Lesli \nCampbell/ENRON@enronXgate, Cynthia Clark/ENRON@enronXgate, Enron Europe \nGlobal Contracts and Facilities@ENRON, Enron Europe Global \nCounterParty/LON/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom \nMoran/ENRON@enronXgate, Claudia Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S \nBradford/ENRON@enronXgate, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juana \nFayett/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jana Morse/Corp/Enron@Enron, Trang Le/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nPaul Maley/LON/ECT@ECT, Sonya Clarke/LON/ECT@ECT, Tim Davies/LON/ECT@ECT, \nKaren O'Day/NA/Enron@Enron, Tanya Rohauer/ENRON@enronXgate, Kelly \nLombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Brian Lindsay/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, EOL Call Center@ENRON, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill D \nHare/HOU/ECT@ect, Amy Heffernan/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, \nMolly LaFuze/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Danny Clark/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications cc: Subject: EOL approvals, 03-29-01\n\n\nPlease see attached.\n\n << File: EOL 03-29-01.xls >>"} {"text": "Andrew Lewis' Portfolio No. 1 at StockSelector.com\nFor Wednesday, December 13, 2000\n\nTo view your portfolio online, please go to\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/portfolio.asp?portnumber=1\n\n***********\nFREE BROKER RESEARCH REPORT\nIs Coke it? Coca-Cola Co. (KO) Analysts at Prudential Securities give\nCoca-Cola Co. (KO) a STRONG BUY rating. Comparing the current industry slump \nto a similar situation in 1994, they say that the soft-drink company is\npositioned to take advantage of an improved environment. Please go to\nhttp://www.multexinvestor.com/ACHome.asp to download the free broker\nresearch report.\n***********\nPrevious Today's Dollar Percent\nName Close Close Change Change\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------\nAMES DEPT STRS $1.78 $1.75 ($0.03) -1.74%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=AMES\n\nSYNAGRO TECHNOL $1.81 $1.94 $0.13 6.89%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=SYGR\n\nFREEREALTIME.CO $0.88 $0.75 ($0.13) -14.29%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=FRTI\n\nMPHASE INC $2.72 $2.53 ($0.19) -6.88%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=XDSL\n\nSTARNET COMMUN $0.59 $0.50 ($0.09) -15.68%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=SNMM\n\nTOTAL ENTERTAIN $0.08 $0.08 ($0.01) -10.71%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=TTLN\n\nSYNAGRO TECHNOL $1.81 $1.94 $0.13 6.89%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=SYGR\n\nFCCN not found N/A N/A N/A N/A\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=FCCN\n\nBEST BUY CO INC $25.75 $26.06 $0.31 1.22%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=BBY\n\nAMERITRADE HLDG $9.38 $8.94 ($0.44) -4.66%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=AMTD\n\nGIC GLOBAL ENT $0.02 $0.02 $0.00 0.00%\nhttp://www.stockselector.com/quote.asp?symbol=GGNC\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------\nPortfolio Total $7,174.70 $123.90 1.76%\n\n\nDow Jones Indusrial Average 10,781.92 13.92 0.13%\nS & P 500 1,365.94 -5.16 -0.38%\nNASDAQ Composite 2,824.90 -106.80 -3.64%\nRussell 2000 471.56 -6.20 -1.30%\nWilshire Index 758.27 -19.93 -2.56%\n\n\nTo unsubscribe or modify any other options, please go to \nhttp://www.stockselector.com/modifyportfolio.asp?symbol=1\n\n, Copyright 1999, StockSelector.com"} {"text": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------\nW E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y\n\nF O R\n\nDecember 08, 2000 5:00pm through December 11, 2000 12:00am\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------\n \nSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: \n\nARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nAZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEI:\nImpact: EI\nTime: Fri 12/8/2000 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 12:00:00 AM CT\n Fri 12/8/2000 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 12/8/2000 at 10:00:00 PM PT\n Sat 12/9/2000 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 6:00:00 AM London\nOutage: 3AC Router Migration Phase 3\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: Replace ailing 55xx routers\nBackout: reconnect 5500's \nContact(s): Steve Hardy 713-853-9294 713-415-0672\n\nENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nFIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nINTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nMESSAGING: \nImpact: Corp Notes\nTime: Fri 12/8/2000 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 2:00:00 AM CT\n Fri 12/8/2000 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 12:00:00 AM PT\n Sat 12/9/2000 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 8:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Application server move\nEnvironments Impacted: Corp\nPurpose: Server running low on disk space\nBackout: Revert to old server\nContact(s): Peter Kurz 713-345-3667 \n\nMARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nNT: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOS/2: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOTHER SYSTEMS: HR\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Fri 12/8/2000 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 12/10/2000 at 8:00:00 PM CT\n Fri 12/8/2000 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 12/10/2000 at 6:00:00 PM PT\n Sat 12/9/2000 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Mon 12/11/2000 at 2:00:00 AM London\nOutage: HR Database Configuration / Web server exchange\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: We will be reconfiguring several HR Databases to use new Storage \nhardware as well as replacing web servers with new hardware.\nBackout: Revert back to saved configurations.\nContact(s): Brandon Bangerter 713-345-4904 \n Raj Perubhatla 713-345-8016 \n Brian Ellis 713-345-8017\n\nOTHER SYSTEMS: UNIX\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Fri 12/8/2000 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 12/8/2000 at 10:00:00 PM CT\n Fri 12/8/2000 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 12/8/2000 at 8:00:00 PM PT\n Sat 12/9/2000 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 4:00:00 AM London\nOutage: System tuning, network changeand maintenance for system \nquark.enron.com\nEnvironments Impacted: Corp\nPurpose: Current shared memory segment size limits allocatable memory.\nBackout: Role back all changes.\nContact(s): Benjamin Thompson 713-345-7556 \n Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 \n \nSITARA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nSUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nTELEPHONY: \nImpact: EIS\nTime: Fri 12/8/2000 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n Fri 12/8/2000 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 12/8/2000 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n Sat 12/9/2000 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sat 12/9/2000 at 7:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Scheduled CMS & Conversant Attended Backup\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: Monthly maintenance\nBackout: rebooting system only, no back out plan.\nContact(s): Epimenio Rojas 713-345-8372\n \nTERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nUNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------------------------------------------------------\nFOR ASSISTANCE\n\n(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center\n(713) 853-5536 Information Risk Management\n\nSpecific Applications Help:\nUnify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]\nSitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]\nRUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]\nOSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]\nCPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]\nEDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]"} {"text": "cancellation numbers below.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Guest Services\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Guest+20Services+22+20+3Cguestservices41+40rchmail+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tFriday, August 31, 2001 3:10 PM\nTo:\tKeiser, Holly\nSubject:\t \n\n\nDear Ms Keiser,\nThis is just to confirm that Mr Taylor's and Ms Hayman's reservation have\nbeen cancelled. Their cancellation numbers are C3108129105 and C3108129104\nrespectively.\n\nRegards,\nLorraine Depeza\nGuest Service Manager\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is from 41 Club ,\n41 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0PS.\nTel. +44 (0)20 7300 0041 Fax: +44 (0)20 7300 0141.\nWebsite: www.redcarnationhotels.com\n\nThis e-mail is confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address to\nwhich it was addressed.\nIf you receive it in error, please inform the sender by return email or\ntelephone us immediately."} {"text": "Thanks, of course, isn't CFSB one of our major lenders.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMann, Kay \nSent:\tMonday, November 26, 2001 12:47 PM\nTo:\tSole III, Carlos\nSubject:\t\n\nhttp://messages.yahoo.com/bbs?.mm=FN&action=m&board=7081781&tid=ene&sid=7081781&mid=63059"} {"text": "Dave:\n\nI sent an e-mail to legal asking for pro forma contracts. That said, please \ntry to get me financials ASAP as it might be more efficient to go directly to \ncontracts depending on how things unfold. Tracy Ngo is our credit person and \nSara our lawyer on this one. They are copied above.\n\nThanks!\n\nChris"} {"text": "Dear Dr. Lay:\n\nThe Globalist -- your daily online guide to the global\neconomy at http://www.TheGlobalist.com\n\n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-\n\nGET YOUR GEOGRAPHY RIGHT!\nJakarta relocated to Washington, D.C.? Singapore\nreunited with Malaysia?\n\nWe offer these and other geographical miscues in our\nlament that, even in the era of globalization, geographic\neducation just ain't what it used to be.\n\nVIRTUAL SOVEREIGNTY FOR JERUSALEM\nIf you start from the assumption that, one day, Israel and\nPalestine have to learn to live with each other, can the\nregion's dot-coms provide a model for how to do it?\n\nFind these stories at http://www.TheGlobalist.com.\n\nBest wishes from Washington,\n\nStephan Richter\nPublisher and Editor-in-Chief\nTheGlobalist.com\n\n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-\n\nALSO NEW ON THE GLOBALIST:\n\nDEMOCRACY IN DECLINE?\nWhich of the G7 countries have the worst track records in\ngetting voters to participate in elections?\n\nSWEENEY AMONG THE GLOBALISTS\nOne could perhaps forgive Union leader John Sweeney for\ntaking an uncompromising position against globalizations.\nBut Mr. Sweeney is not so easy to categorize.\n\nTHE SOYBEAN CONNECTION\nAmid concerns over Chinese abuses of U.S. intellectual\nproperty laws, Lester Brown of the Worldwatch Institute\nrecalls a time when the tables were turned.\n\n+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-\n\nCOMING SOON TO THE GLOBALIST:\n\nRETURN OF THE ROBBER BARONS\nIf U.S. history is any guide, Russia's oligarchs may soon\nsupport economic and political reforms in Russia.\n\nSEATTLE -- ONE YEAR LATER\nThe Globalist marks the one-year anniversary of the\nSeattle WTO protests.\n\n\n\n__________________________________________________________________________\n\nTo unsubscribe from this service, click here:\nhttp://www.tafnet.com/TAFmailer/uns.asp?Unsub=klay@enron.com\n[Tracking ID:974488517|6188]"} {"text": "Jim,\n\nPage 4 in my draft, right before the question \"Is there any analysis of\nmarket power that relied upon actual market performance?\"\n\nIn summary, it is evident that the modeling analysis\nrelied upon by the MSC is so flawed that it cannot be relied upon by the\nCommission in making any conclusions with regards to market power. Given\nthat use of prices above SRMC is not the existing Commission test for\nmeasuring individual generator market power, it would be imprudent to use it\nas the basis of removing market based rate authority. Rather than continue\nto focus on building new and complicated measures of market power, the\nbetter approach is to focus on long-term improvements to market structure\nand the availability of resources, which will bring about competitive\nbenefits in the most rapid manner.\n\nThis is the only place in the affidavit or the brief that I have found that\nrefers to \"removing market based authority.\" This is most certainly a FERC\nissue and not my bailiwick but it seems to me it pops up out of nowhere and\nis not fully discussed. My understanding is that this would be the\nultimate threat against any marketer. If I am right, my suggestion is that\nthe last clause be reworded to say \", it would be imprudent to start using\nthat test now.\"\n\nPage 7 my draft, right before Q: Are there other examples of power markets\nthat have avoided the reliability problems exacerbated by the price caps?\n\n\nPhrase \"stay out of California market\" could be rephrased to \"sell\ninto other markets in the WSCC\"\n\nI believe the changes to market power definitions are fine. I also believe\nthe rewording of the penalty discussion for imbalance is fine.\n\nSorry for the delay. Believe it or not, we had a power outage in San\nFrancisco that took our computers offline...\n\nThanks\nGary\n\n\n\n\n=======================================================\nThis email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may \ncontain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, \nuse, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended \nrecipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of \nthe original message.\n\nTo reply to our email administrator directly, send an email to \npostmaster@brobeck.com\nBROBECK PHLEGER & HARRISON LLP\nhttp://www.brobeck.com"} {"text": "Probably won't get to it until after the 1st is done. I think it will be \neasy to figure out though.\n\n\n\n\n\ndkirken@columbiaenergygroup.com on 09/27/2000 03:38:43 PM\nTo: \" - *chris.germany@enron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: Ashland Chemical\n\n\nChris,\n\nHave you been able to figure out if Enron has billed Ashland for Jan, Feb and\nMar on an old 1022/day Columbia contract? If so, please let me know so we can\nmake the appropriate adjustment with the Ashland volumes.\n\nThanks"} {"text": "Please review numbers.\n\nAny chance D. Duran can come with you guys? We should be ready in about 15 \nminutes.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 05/01/2001 10:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Campbell, Carolyn\" on 05/01/2001 10:46:01 AM\nTo: \"'gregorylang@paulhastings.com'\" , \n\"'kay.mann@enron.com'\" \ncc: \n\nSubject: Revised Escrow Disbursement Instruction Letter\n\n\n <<2Z$803!.DOC>> <<2Z$8RED.DOC>>\n\n\nGreg and Kay:\n\nI have enclosed clean and blacklined copies of the escrow disbursement\ninstruction letter, marked to reflect changes from the draft previously\ncirculated for signature. The only revisions were to change the persons\nnamed to sign this letter to be individuals who are available and who were\nnamed as authorized on the respective incumbency certificate previously\nsubmitted to Citibank, and to delete the bracketed information on the first\npage of the letter addressing the GE letter of credit, as this is expected\nto be available by fax on Wednesday. Please ensure that the signature page\nof this letter is signed and ready to transmit to Citibank by fax upon\nclosing on Wednesday.\n\nIf no one has an objection, I will send a draft of this document to Estelle\nLawrence at Citibank today in order that she can be preparing to receive the\nsigned copy by fax tomorrow. Thanks.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing & Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\nEnclosures: 139328v3\n 139328vR3/2\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message.\n\n\n - 2Z$803!.DOC\n - 2Z$8RED.DOC"} {"text": "See the last paragraph - Martini is selling some wines at unbelievable\nprices - you ought to stop there as soon as you can and check it out!\n\n\n\n <>"} {"text": "life is good, work sucks. Things are a little tough, we judge the day by how many news trucks are parked outside. We need a good natural disaster somewhere in the world to take the media heat off Enron. Supposedly, the lead singer from Twisted Sister was in front of the building doing some kind of rap video. Oh the depths we sunk to.....\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Michelle Riddell [mailto:riddell@iolok.com]\nSent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 10:00 PM\nTo: Hyatt, Kevin\nSubject: How is life\n\n\nKevin, \n\n Always glad to hear from you!\n\n The last e-mail was funny.\n\n I hope all is going well for you.\n\n Give the family a big hug and slobbery kiss for us!!!!!!!!!!\n\n Bill"} {"text": "fyi, info about what's being deducted from severance checks...\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPieper, Kalen \nSent:\tMonday, December 17, 2001 1:16 PM\nTo:\tDenne, Karen\nSubject:\tFW: Deductions\n\n\nmispoke on United Way. Here are the details of what we deducted\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPieper, Kalen \nSent:\tWednesday, December 12, 2001 5:21 PM\nTo:\tWheeler, Terrie\nSubject:\tRE: Deductions\n\ndo you mind if we send this to all the generalists?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWheeler, Terrie \nSent:\tWednesday, December 12, 2001 5:15 PM\nTo:\tJones, Robert W.- HR Exec; Oxley, David; Joyce, Mary\nCc:\tPieper, Kalen\nSubject:\tDeductions\n\nTo All -\n\nJust a heads up that the current payroll deductions we are processing include:\nTaxes\nBenefits (Until Cynthia notifies us otherwise)\n401(k)\nUnited Way (But Enron is no longer matching this amount & we're getting a lot of 2002 drop-outs)\nChild Care\nGarnishments\nAccounts Receivable Balances due Enron\nParking\n\nWe've discontinued deductions related to:\nBody Shop/Met Club/River Athletic Club\nEnergizer/Marriott\nPAC\nSavings Bonds\nUniversity Donations\nEnron Share Purchases (Direct Service)\nAuto Repair\nExecutive Car Care\nWe or the Program Sponsor have notified the participants by eMail of discontinuance. Amounts will be refunded on 12/31 payroll, if any, for deductions taken that were not remitted to these vendors.\n\nIn addition we've discontinued payments/reimbursements and imputed income related to:\nExecutive Physicals\nCash Flex Perks\nClub Dues\nClick-at-Home (Weil Gotshal said ok since CAH team is gone and amount is small)\nMetro Mass Transit (No more free parking tickets. Employees must pay for out of their pocket.)\n\nTerrie"} {"text": "As part of the newly started revision of the NPTA terms, a group of some 16 \npeople meet in Stockholm yesterday for a half-day session at the offices of \nthe Swedish SE Bank. Since only half of the attendees were lawyers, and just \nthe SE Bank attorney attending the meeting and myself have any greater \nexperience from derivatives documentation and trading, the discussion was \ninitially somewhat unstructured but gradually got on track; and I think I \nactually managed quite well in stiring the process towards a decent result. \nMinutes was taken and will be circulated in about a week. In brief the \nfollowing was agreed: \n\nAn new Nordic financial power trading master is to be created. This document \nshall be in English and be Anglo-American styled and contain all customary \nprovisions and a schedule (plus proposed collateral arrangements and, if \npossible, a short Users Guide). The intention is not to reinvent the wheel \nbut rather to collect and seek inspiration from existing derivatives \ndocumentation in different markets. I suggested that a law firm should be \nassigned to prepare the new doc., but the meeting rather thought that the \ninitial work should be done by a working group (including Enron, the SE Bank, \nEastern Energy, National Power, Sydkraft and Statkraft) and that legal \nopinions should be obtained in due course as to the enforceability of the new \ndocumentation in different jurisdictions. The governing law issue was the \nissue mostly discussed and it was agreed that this matter supposedly had to \nbe left to the option of the contracting parties. The idea is to have the \nNordic Power Traders' Association promote the new documentation,thereby \nobtaining wide acceptance for it in the market place. \n\nSince Enron is the only party in the formed working group experienced in both \nderivatives and commodities, this may be a chance for the company, if it \ndesires, to take the initiative and promote, for instance, something in line \nwith the ECT Houston Industrial Master. The new doc. is thought to serve as \na standard doc. for players that is unwilling, or unable, to use the ISDA \ndocumentation. I'll keep you posted on the progress and please let me have \nyour viewpoints.\n\nMartin"} {"text": "Hello Eric Saibi,\n\n This is an automated email delivery. The following info is for\n tracking purposes only:\n\n Transaction: 0000194742\n Fulfillment: 00203618*00002\n Location : 00006\n\n Industrial Information Resources, Inc.\n Customer Service Department\n (713) 783-5147\n\n\n - OUTAGE.dbf"} {"text": "thank you so much. so the news aint great for utilities?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com [mailto:Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 2:14 PM\nTo: Kari Dohn\nSubject: Additional Materials\n\n\n\nGreetings Kari:\n\nForgive the delay. Much going on today, PUC draft decision in particular.\nThe draft does not look promising for the utilities' financial position.\n\nAttached are our comments on the Governor's Proposals and some more detail\non the demand-reduction proposal. We continue to work on the Nord Pool\nresearch for you and will turn that around as quickly as we can.\n\nAgain, don't hesitate to contact me if there's anything else I can help\nwith, or if there's anything else that you need. (415.782.7822)\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n(See attached file: Comments on Governor's Proposals 010301 .doc)(See\nattached file: Demand buy-down proposal.doc)"} {"text": "You may consider linking to this regular column from your gopusa site.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by V Charles Weldon/HOU/ECT on 02/13/2001 \n09:04 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Joyce, Scott\" on 02/12/2001 05:26:27 PM\nTo: v.charles.weldon@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\nhttp://opinionjournal.com/columnists/pnoonan/"} {"text": "Please do not reply to this e-mail.\n\nYou are receiving this message because you have an unresolved invoice in your iBuyit Payables in-box \nthat is past due. Please login to iBuyit Payables and resolve this invoice as soon as possible.\n\nTo launch iBuyit Payables, click on the link below:\nhttp://iBuyitPayables.enron.com\nNote: Your iBuyit Payables User ID and Password are your eHRonline/SAP Personnel ID and Password.\n\nFirst time iBuyit Payables user? For training materials, click on the link below:\nhttp://sap.enron.com/sap_doclib/user/file_list.asp?cabinet_id=265\n\nNeed help?\nPlease contact the ISC Call Center at (713) 345-4727.\n\nIf you are in Europe, please contact European Accounts Payable at +44 20 7783 7520."} {"text": "David, I would change John Thompson and Ed Baughman to strong.\nThxs\nDelainey\n---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 08/18/2000 \n10:25 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDavid Oxley\n08/18/2000 08:19 AM\nTo: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: changing rating\n\nPresumably you still want Thompson moved to Strong?\n---------------------- Forwarded by David Oxley/HOU/ECT on 08/18/2000 08:19 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nGina Corteselli@ENRON\n08/18/2000 08:17 AM\nTo: David Oxley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: changing rating\n\nGot your voice mail. Changing John Thompson's rating is a simple matter at \nthis point-then we'll redo the graphs and clusters. We will make the \nchange from Satisfactory to Strong. Do you anticipate any others?\n\nGina"} {"text": "Geir Solberg in Real Time is fixing this right now - I'll let you know the \nnew deal number in just a second.\n\nThanks,\nKate\n\n\n\n\nRhonda L Denton\n04/25/2001 01:13 PM\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: 581368 \n\nCan you kill this deal or zero out the volumes? thanks.\n\n\n Kate Symes 04/24/2001 05:27 PM\n\nTo: Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 581368 \n\nI just spoke with Jesse Bryson in Real Time, and he said this should actually \nbe 2 buy-resales - one from Four Corners to ZP-26, and one from ZP-26 to \nNP-15. Let me know how that sounds to you, and I'll enter the deals.\n\nThanks,\nKate\n\n\n\nRhonda L Denton\n04/24/2001 03:23 PM\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: 581368\n\nShould this be NCPA, since we do not have transmission with them. Or maybe \nit should be a buy/resale. let me know. Thanks."} {"text": "Privileged and Confidential Communication; Subject to the Attorney-Client \nPrivilege.\n\nI could not send this from my machine for some reason. Attached is a revised \ntransfer issues list we discussed. Let me know if you need anything else.\n\nRegards,\nRandy Young\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Amit Walia/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000 05:01 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\nAmit Walia\n03/13/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Randy Young/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \nSubject: Transfer Issues"} {"text": "DEAN, CLINT E,\n?\nThe PEP system closes on Friday, May 25, 2001 \n?\nOur records indicate that you have been requested to provide feedback on one \nor more Enron employees. The deadline for completing feedback is Friday, \nMay 25th. \n?\nBelow is a list of feedback requests with a status of \"OPEN\". Please \ncomplete or decline these requests as soon as possible by logging into PEP at \nhttp://pep.enron.com and selecting Complete Feedback from the Main Menu. \n?\nIf you have any questions, please contact the PEP Help Desk at:\nHouston: 713-853-4777, Option 4 or email: perfmgmt@enron.com\nLondon: 44 207 783 4040, Option 4 or email: pep.enquiries@enron.com\n?\nThank you for your participation in this important process. \n?\nEmployee Name:\nDAHLKE, ANDREA\nDAY, SMITH\nJACOBSON, MICHAEL\nJESTER, LARRY\nOLINDE,JR., DONALD\nSCHULTEA, ADRIANE\nTHOMPSON, KERRI"} {"text": "Ed:\nJust wanted to see if your around for taking lunch this week.\nBen \n3-7998"} {"text": "Louise -\n\nHope all is well. As per my voicemail, would you please consider\npartcipating in a 20 minute conversation with Rai Archiboldn regarding his\nreport on Transaction Management Infrastructure (see attached\nquestionaire). If not yourself then perhaps someone on your team at EOL.\n\nGive me a call with the appropriate name and number and I'll get Rai to\narrange a time with that person.\n\nThanks\n\nRick Walker\n(713) 216-8850\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard S. Walker/CHASE on 04/30/2001\n09:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nSri N Kosaraju@JPMORGAN\n04/20/2001 10:08 AM\n\n\n\nTo: Richard S. Walker/CHASE@CHASE\ncc:\nSubject: Archibold research report - Enron\n\nRick,\n\nPer your coversation with John Hall earlier, we wanted to send you a\nquestionairre that illustrates some of the topics Rai would like to cover\nwith Enron, if possible. If there are any questions, please feel free to\ncall John (212-648-7119) or myself (212-648-6939). Thank you\n\n(See attached file: End User Questionnaire.doc)\n\n-Sri\n\n\nSri N. Kosaraju\nJPMorgan H&Q\n60 Wall Street, 28th Floor\nNew York, NY 10260\n(212) 648-6939\nkosaraju_sri@jpmorgan.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - End User Questionnaire.doc"} {"text": "Put this on my schedule for tomorrow. Mark\n----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2001 01:30 PM -----\n\n\tMina Miyakawa@ENRON\n\t03/22/2001 09:50 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sami Arap/SA/Enron@Enron, Luiz Watanabe/SA/Enron@Enron, Paula \nPorto/SA/Enron@Enron, Miguel Mendoza/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nvcferraz@elektro.com.br\n\t\t cc: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nNovak/SA/Enron@Enron, Gabrielle Silva/SA/Enron@Enron, Yvette \nPinero/NA/Enron@Enron, goliveira@elektro.com.br\n\t\t Subject: Reminder: Legal Team Meeting -- Friday, 9:00am Houston time\n\nThe above meeting is confirmed for tomorrow, Friday, March 23th at 12:00p.m. \nBrazil time/9:00a.m. Houston time.\n\nThe dial-in numbers remain the same:\nIntl call in #: 1 (954) 797-1944\nToll Free/Domestic call in #: (877) 475-9228\nParticipant code: 224933\nHost code: 662276 (John Novak)\n \nPress *0 at anytime during your conference call for operator assistance. \n\n-------------------- Forwarded by Mina Miyakawa/SA/Enron on 03/22/2001 12:42 \nPM --------------------\n\n\nJohn Novak\n03/08/2001 04:39 PM\nTo: Sami Arap/SA/Enron@Enron, Luiz Watanabe/SA/Enron@Enron, Paula \nPorto/SA/Enron@Enron, Miguel Mendoza/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \n\"Vasco de Castro Ferraz Junior\" \ncc: Mina Miyakawa/SA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Legal Team Meeting -- Friday, 12:00 noon Rio time\n\nWe are implementing a legal team meeting with a smaller group that will meet \nduring weeks when we don't have the all hands Legal Staff meeting. The Legal \nTeam meeting will be held every other Friday at 9:00 Houston time (currently \n12:00 noon S?o Paulo/Rio time) starting tomorrow. The idea of the smaller \ngroup meeting is to get updates on the key deals/assets in the region so we \ncan keep Houston current on a weekly basis when the larger legal staff \nmeeting is not scheduled. \n\nWhile the group included on this call may change from time to time as deal \npriorities change, currently I would like to allocate reporting \nresponsibility as follows: Arap (key trading/origination deals); Watanabe \n(Eletrobolt); Vasco (Elektro); Porto (CEG/Gas Business Unit); Mendoza \n(Transredes sale process); and Novak (Cuiab?).\n\nI look forward to speaking with you tomorrow.\n\nRgds,\n John\n\n\nTime: 9:00 a.m. (Houston time)/12:00p.m. (Brazil time)\nIntl call in #: 1 (954) 797-1944\nDomestic call in #: 1 (877) 475-9228\nParticipant code: 224933\nHost code: 662276\nHost: John Novak"} {"text": "Mark, \n\nPlease describe in detail, the downstream capacity available to transport \nthis gas. How does the CIG capacity being sold to Coastal impact this \npoint? If you can make the case for this gas flowing without constraint, \nthen I see no problem in making a fixed price bid for the full volume.\n\nA rough sketch of the gas location and its downstream flow options would be \nnice. \n\nThanks,\n\nMike"} {"text": "Pump up your iron to donate your \"Gift of Life.\" The American Red Cross \nbloodmobile will be here Thursday, November 30. There are a few choice \ntimes available plus a drawing for Lancer tickets. Call X7532 for an \nappointment.\nElizabeth A. Jones\nHealth Unit"} {"text": "Good morning Ainsley:\n\nA copy of your resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research \nGroup of Enron Corp. They are very interested in talking with you about the \npossibility of a summer internship with the Research Group. \n\nPlease let us know if you would be interested and we will arrange either\na telephone interview or bring you into the office for an interview. \n\nYou may contact me at:\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\nTelephone: 713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\nLook forward to hearing from you Ainsley.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw"} {"text": "We do not have deal to enter for this. You need to look at the entire Midtex \nline for each of the days that are out of balance. If we are short at Katy, \nI would think that we would be long at Dewville. (Many times, our receipts \nfrom the Midtex line at Katy are offset by our deliveries to Tufco at the \nTap.) This should help you fix the January problem. Also, for December, you \nmay need to ask PG&E where they show the delivery for Western. Is it at HPL \nKaty, as our records show, or is it at PGE's another point on the Midtex \nline? In any case, we don't have deliveries to make. The only other remedy \nis to book the variance on the partnership imbalance.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/22/2000 01:24 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan \nParker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nDaren - can you set up a delivery deal for meter 8740 for Jan 00 and Dec. \n99? I checked OSS and there is an 089 operational contract that took the \nswing in case the meter flows more or less than the nom. Third party \ncontracts are supposed to stay whole. Days 12-14 did not flow enough to \ncover the noms for Western. We have the same problem on Jan. 25. Please let \nme know, Brenda Herod would like this resolved today, as would I.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 01:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 03/06/2000 04:36 PM\n\nTo: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nStacy- Can you please set up a new deal for meter 8740 for Dec. 99. The \nproblem with this meter is, all third party transports should stay whole and \nHPL takes the swing. Several days the meter did not flow enough and the \nthird parties did not receive all of their gas. I need a delivery set up so \nthe 3rd parties will stay whole. If you have any questions, please let me \nknow.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 04:30 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/06/2000 04:14 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nAimee,\n\n We are still having problem with this meter. From what I understand of our \nconversation a week or two ago, HPL needs to take the swing to keep the other \ncontracts whole. In the case where we have excess flow the HPL (R) contract \ntakes the swing. So in the case where we are short, shouldn't we have a HPL \n(D) contract to take the swing? Please let me know if this will work. I \nneed to get back with Settlement today. Thanks\n\nThu"} {"text": "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\nWe Guarantee a Penguin Editor Will Read Your Manuscript!\nYou'll Receive Written Feedback on Your Writing!\nTry our online writing course and learn from literary greats\nlike Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Clancy and Amy Tan.\nHere's Your Chance to Get Published!\nClick Here to Learn More.\nhttp://www.insidesessions.com/promos/promowriting_ec.asp?rid=647\n\n\nAOL users click here \n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n\n Word of the Day for Sunday December 9, 2001:\n\n foofaraw \\FOO-fuh-raw\\, noun:\n 1. Excessive or flashy ornamentation or decoration.\n 2. A fuss over a matter of little importance.\n\n A somber, muted descending motif opens and closes the work,\n which is brief but effective. It provided much needed\n relief from the fanfares and foofaraw in which brass-going\n composers so often indulge.\n --Philip Kennicott, \"Brass Spectacular is a Spectacle of\n Special Sound,\" [1]St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 17,\n 1997\n\n After working in the news business for a number of years,\n I've become a bit cynical about mass-media coverage of\n events like the Y2K foofaraw.\n --Roy Clancy, \"Ready for Y2K...,\" [2]Calgary Sun, December\n 15, 1999\n\n Making the Times best-seller list, or a movie, or all that\n other foofaraw is not necessarily proof of [a novel's]\n lasting significance.\n --Roger K. Miller, \"'Peyton Place' was remarkably good bad\n novel,\" [3]Minneapolis Star Tribune, December 29, 1996\n _________________________________________________________\n\n Foofaraw is perhaps from Spanish fanfarr?n, \"a braggart.\"\n\nReferences\n\n 1. http://home.post-dispatch.com/\n 2. http://www.calgarysun.com/\n 3. http://www.startribune.com/\n\n\n_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._\n\nYou are currently subscribed to Dictionary.com Word of the Day as:\nsusan.w.pereira@enron.com\n\nTo subscribe to the list by email, send a blank message to:\njoin-WordoftheDay@lists.lexico.com\n\nTo unsubscribe via email, send a blank message to:\nleave-wordoftheday-301289Q@lists.lexico.com\n\nSubscriptions can be turned on and off from the Web at\nhttp://www.dictionary.com/wordoftheday/list/\n\nDictionary.com Word of the Day\nhttp://www.dictionary.com/wordoftheday/\n(C) 2001, Lexico LLC."} {"text": "Thank you very much for your response to REORIENTATION. The sessions for Tuesday, March 5th and Thursday, March 7th are full. Additional classes will be scheduled."} {"text": "FYI, I am sending today, via overnight delivery a draft of a new Master \nagreement to John Williams for review. I will keep you informed on my \nprogress. \n\nDp"} {"text": "The Transitional Steering Committee Meeting will take place @ 12:30 CST time for tomorrow only, February 6. Next week's meeting (2/13) will be at the regularly scheduled time of 10:00 a.m. CST. \n\nDial-in number:\t 877.232.4392\nHost code:\t 505813 (Louise)\nParticipant code: 969747\n\nLiz Taylor\nExecutive Assistant to\nGreg Whalley\n713.853.1935 office\n713.853.1838 fax\n713.854.3056 mobile"} {"text": "Please plan to attend a meeting on Wed., Sept. 19 at 3:00 p.m. in EB 38C1 to discuss the pricing disruptions that occurred last week and what Enron's decision will be on how to handle the issue. If there is someone else that this will affect that is not included in the invitation list, please inform them about the meeting so that all appropriate parties are made aware of the situation. If you are unavailable, please send a representative in your place."} {"text": "I would like to take a quiet stroll with you in a dark alley. \n\nGrigsby"} {"text": "I'm glad you're checking up. The copy of the confirm that I have HAS NO \nCOMMENTS. I have no name either. What are the issues? Sara\n\n\n\n\tJennifer Shipos\n\t08/22/2000 01:12 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Marathon-Ashland\n\nSara,\n\nHarry Collins said he forward to you the comments that Marathon-Ashland had \nabout Enron's GTC. Have you had a chance to look at it? What do I need to \ntell these guys?\n\nThanks,\n\nJennifer Shipos"} {"text": "bingo. probably a little lounging as well\n\n\n\n\tJennifer Fraser\n\t01/23/2001 06:13 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Off-Site Update\n\nPlease tell you won't be golfing------perhaps a spa/shopping expedition \ninstead?"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 \n11:37 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/24/2000 11:34 AM\nTo: William Smith/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \nSubject: Final Presentation\n\nSam,\n\nThis is the final version of the presentation.\n\nVince"} {"text": "Business; Financial Desk \nLong-Term Power Contracts Present Dilemma for Utilities Energy: They see \nrisks in proposals by electricity- generating firms if wholesale rates were \nto drop significantly.\nCHRIS KRAUL\n? \n09/28/2000 \nLos Angeles Times \nHome Edition \nPage C-1 \nCopyright 2000 / The Times Mirror Company \nCalifornia electricity users just can't seem to buy a break. \nAfter a summer of sky-high wholesale prices that briefly socked the bill to \nconsumers in San Diego, various power marketers have come forward with a deal \nfor the state's big utilities: Sign long-term contracts for electricity, at \none-third to one-half current prices, and everybody goes home happy. \nBut utilities and independent power generators have yet to sign such \nbilateral contracts despite industry assurances that the deals could offer a \nway out of the state's continuing electricity crisis. \nThe aversion of utilities to the contracts' risks, regulatory uncertainty and \nthe unsettled energy market overall are cited as causing the stalemate. In \nany case, the standoff is yet another sign that the deregulated California \nelectricity market isn't working as expected, with residents, small \nbusinesses and utility shareholders the ultimate losers. \nPower merchants, which complain that they have been cast as heavies and as \nmarket manipulators during the summer-long electricity crunch, say the \ncontracts they have offered to utilities illustrate how they are putting \n\"solutions on the table,\" as one executive put it, that so far have not been \npicked up. \nSouthern California Edison, a unit of Edison International, and PG&E Corp.'s \nPacific Gas & Electric received permission from regulators last month to sign \nlong-term contracts to buy energy directly from generators and bypass the \nCalifornia Power Exchange, where wholesale prices soared this summer on \nhigher-than-expected demand and generation shortages throughout the West. \nSan Diego Gas & Electric, a unit of Sempra Energy, got a green light to sign \nsuch bilateral \"forward\" contracts last week. The utility's 1.2 million \ncustomers suffered through a summer of doubled and tripled bills before price \ncaps were enacted last month; retail prices in Edison and PG&E territory \nremain frozen under terms of the state's landmark 1996 regulation bill. \nThose limits on rates have saddled the utilities with $5 billion in \nuncollectable costs--the difference between the skyrocketing wholesale rates \nand the prices they can pass along to consumers. Doubts surrounding whether \nthe utilities will recoup any of that growing deficit is causing increased \nnervousness on Wall Street. \nOn Wednesday, Edison International shares plunged $3.19, or 14%, to $19.88 on \nthe New York Stock Exchange in heavy trading, as investors focused on the \nrisks the company faces in borrowing to cover power costs. The stock now has \nslumped 24% from its recent high. \nPG&E Corp. slid $1.92 to $25.39 on Wednesday, extending its loss to 20% from \nits recent high, also on concerns about its borrowing needs. \nAfter the state's Public Utilities Commission authorized bilateral contracts, \npower merchants including Duke Energy Corp., Reliant Energy Inc. and Dynegy \nInc. came forward, offering to supply power to the utilities at fractions of \nthe going wholesale rate. \nThe power merchants have been touting energy as cheap as $50 per \nmegawatt-hour in contracts spread over one to five years. That would seem to \noffer big savings over the average Power Exchange electricity price so far \nthis month of $122 per megawatt-hour and the $166 average for \nAugust--dramatic spikes upward from the $40 average of August 1999. \nWhy, then, have no deals been cut? \nEdison and SDG&E say that the Public Utilities Commission's right of review \nwould create huge potential liabilities for their shareholders if wholesale \nelectricity prices were to fall. \nThe risk is that prices on the Power Exchange could drop significantly 18 to \n24 months from now, when added generation capacity coming online in \nCalifornia should ease shortages. That could leave utilities paying more \nunder contracts than on the open market. \n\"The PUC could look at the transactions, find them to be imprudent, say the \ndifference between the contract price and Power Exchange price was the cost \nof our actions, and then try to recover the difference from shareholders,\" \nsaid Kevin Cini, Southern California Edison's manager of energy supply and \nmarketing. \nThe PUC could possibly take such action any time the contract price turns out \nto be more than a 5% \"safe harbor band\" above the average Power Exchange \nwholesale price over the life of the contract. \"We think the safe harbor \nshould be 20%,\" Cini said. \nA source at the PUC--some of whose members have been against bilateral \ncontracts on grounds they distort the workings of the Power Exchange--said \nthe utilities want a \"blank check\" to make deals and bypass the commission's \nmandated oversight role in setting retail electricity rates. \n\"The utilities don't want any constraints on what they can do,\" said a PUC \nadministrative source who asked not to be identified. \"They don't want the \nPUC to take a retroactive review and say this was unreasonable and disallow \nsome costs, nor do they want pre-approval and be subjected to review.\" \nIndustry observers say that the PUC's right to review all contracts longer \nthan two years hamstrings the utilities' ability to hedge their risks in the \nvolatile state energy market. \n\"The utilities can judge the risks. What we need is the PUC to allow the \nutilities to enter into these deals without the second chance of looking at \nthem,\" said Greg Blue, senior director of Dynegy, a Houston-based power \nmerchant that owns several power plants in Southern California. \nRegulators and consumer advocates, meanwhile, are concerned that allowing the \nutilities to sign contracts for supply represents a merchant role they \nrelinquished under deregulation. \nMike Florio of the Utility Reform Network, a San Francisco-based consumer \nwatchdog, said the utilities could someday lose some of their retail customer \nbase, \"leaving the remaining customers to pay contracts costing more than \nwhat was available on the spot market.\" \nStanford professor Blake Johnson believes the California wholesale market \nwill one day \"settle out\" as a mixture of short-term contracts on the Power \nExchange and long-term bilateral deals. Until then, he said, he can see the \nrisks on both sides of the issue. \n\"When the house is on fire,\" he said, \"it's not the right time to buy the \ninsurance policy.\""} {"text": "I don't think the machine that I use for ICE has been upgraded to windows 2000. There is no business applications selection under start>>programs>>on this machine.\n\nChris"} {"text": "Rick Causey recently announced a new online purchase and payment tool called \niBuyit. One of the special iBuyit components is an automated accounts \npayable feature that will improve the way you code and approve invoices. \n\nAs of May 1, you will be able to access iBuyit Payables and\n? choose budget codes from simple drop down menus\n? receive e-mail when you have an invoice that needs to be coded and/or \napproved; and\n? view an electronic image of the actual invoice\n\nThese improvements will help you assign codes more accurately and will reduce \nthe time you spend processing invoices for payment. The AP tool will also \nbegin to eliminate the need for coding sheets or other paper information \ncurrently in use. \n\nThis tool will provide us the opportunity to transition our Houston-based AP \nprocessing functions to a third party, SourceNet Solutions. This transition \nis expected to be completed by August 2001.\n\nYou will hear more about the iBuyit initiative, features of the AP tool and \ntraining opportunities in the coming weeks. Please contact your AP \nrepresentative if you have any questions."} {"text": "Title: A Colossal and Dangerous Failure\nURL: http://www20.cera.com/eprofile?u=35&m=2185\n\n\nOverview: WESTERN ENERGY\u0001*CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR STAYS THE COURSE\nCalifornia governor Gray Davis provided his strongest public statements to \ndate regarding the state\u0001,s power crisis in his annual State of the State \nAddress on January 8, 2001. Echoing many of his previous positions on what he \nperceives as a flawed and unfair California market structure, the governor \nlabeled the state\u0001,s electricity market system a colossal and dangerous \nfailure. Among other actions, he launched new initiatives valued at $1 \nbillion to encourage conservation, provide financing and land to new \ngenerators, grant authority to utilities to engage in a portfolio of \ntransactions to manage electricity costs, and increase regulatory scrutiny of \nexisting market suppliers. The governor also called for a greater role for \nthe state in overseeing and constructing new power plants.\n\nThe governor acknowledged that the actions proposed are only some of the \nsteps necessary to put California on the road to recovery. Details regarding \nsources of funding for the initiative are still forthcoming. Although he \nstated that California\u0001,s investor-owned utilities must not be allowed to go \nbankrupt, no formal plan for ensuring their solvency was given. The financial \ncommunity continues to lack the assurance it requires to continue to provide \nfinancial backing for Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California \nEdison. At this time the state legislature remains the body most likely to \nguarantee their solvency.\n\nThe governor again criticized the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for \nwhat he believes has been its failure to manage and restrain properly the \nwholesale market. Merchant plant generators were accused of gouging the \nstate, and it was suggested that these generators acted illegally in their \noperations, jeopardizing the reliability of the power grid. New, more severe \nsanctions were promised for those caught withholding power or extracting what \ninvestigators find as unreasonable profits.\n\nA Los Angeles Times poll released the morning before the governor\u0001,s address \nindicated that the majority of Californians still do not believe there is an \nenergy crisis. Although the 33 percent growth in the state\u0001,s economy over the \npast ten years has nearly outstripped the state\u0001,s and surrounding region\u0001,s \nsupplies of power, the bulk of the governor\u0001,s statements continue to focus on \nthe culpability of power producers, rather than the serious supply shortfall.\n\nThough the governor introduced steps to fund and facilitate the construction \nof new generating plants, increased regulatory scrutiny and the threat of \nsanctions will exacerbate the concern already expressed by plant developers \nand the financial community that the investment climate in California is \nexcessively risky.\n\n\n**end**\n\nFollow above URL for complete report.\n\n*********************************************************\nCome Shoot the Rapids with us at CERAWeek2001, \"Shooting the Rapids: \nStrategies and Risks for the Energy Future\" in Houston, February 12-16, \n2001! For more information and to register, please visit \nhttp://www20.cera.com/ceraweek/\n*********************************************************\n\nE-mail Category: Alert\nCERA Knowledge Area(s): Western Energy,\n\n**********************************************************************\nTo make changes to your cera.com account go to:\nhttp://www20.cera.com/client/updateaccount\n\nForgot your username and password? Go to:\nhttp://www20.cera.com/client/forgot\n\nThis electronic message and attachments, if any, contain information\nfrom Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA) which is\nconfidential and may be privileged. Unauthorized disclosure, copying,\ndistribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments,\nin whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.\nTerms of Use: http://www20.cera.com/tos\nQuestions/Comments: webmaster@cera.com\nCopyright 2000. Cambridge Energy Research Associates"} {"text": "what's this about?\n---------------------- Forwarded by John Arnold/HOU/ECT on 01/03/2001 04:12 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nIna Rangel\n01/03/2001 03:52 PM\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Maggi/Corp/Enron@Enron, Larry \nMay/Corp/Enron@Enron, Dutch Quigley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Craig Breslau/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nPhillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Grigsby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Keith \nHolst/HOU/ECT@ect, Frank Ermis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven P South/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jane \nM Tholt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Monique Sanchez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tori \nKuykendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth \nShulklapper/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jay Reitmeyer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Important - EOL Data\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ina Rangel/HOU/ECT on 01/03/2001 03:49 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Amanda Huble @ ENRON 01/03/2001 03:43 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Becky Young/NA/Enron@Enron, Laura Vuittonet/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jessica \nPresas/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ina Rangel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Airam Arteaga/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nKimberly Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Important - EOL Data\n\nPlease forward to your groups IMMEDIATELY. \n\nThank you, \nAmanda Huble\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Amanda Huble/NA/Enron on 01/03/2001 03:42 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nColin Tonks@ECT\n01/03/2001 03:39 PM\nTo: Amanda Huble/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Important - EOL Data\n\nIf you are currently accessing the EOL database via Excel, Access or any \nother means, please contact Colin Tonks (x58885).\n\nEOL intends to stop access to the data within the next month. This means that \nany spreadsheets or Access databases will not function subsequent to this \nchange.\n\nWe are currently working with EOL to attain a solution, and need your help to \nbuild an inventory of all potential problems.\n\nColin Tonks"} {"text": "Debra: What is the status of the fully executed copies of the agreement we\nrecently negotiated. The guys in our Parental Guarantee are wanting to see\na copy of it. Thanks for your assistance.\nJan McGowen\nSr. Contract Analyst\nEl Paso Merchant Energy-Gas, L.P.\n(713) 420-3490 - Telephone\n(713) 420-7577 - Facsimile\n\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from El Paso\nEnergy Corporation are confidential and intended solely\nfor the use of the individual or entity to whom they are\naddressed. If you have received this email in error\nplease notify the sender.\n******************************************************************\n\n - C.DTF"} {"text": "The report named: East VaR Estimate , published as of 11/27/2001 is now available for viewing on the website."} {"text": "[IMAGE]\nFree* Cd Player, valued at $70.00!\n\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\n[IMAGE] \t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t\n[IMAGE]\tDecember 28, 2001\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t\n[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t\n\t PHILLIP, your Deluxe Hayo Digital CD Player valued at $70.00 is currently being held awaiting details for shipment to you, absolutely FREE*. Click here now and verify your address (we want to make sure your Deluxe Hayo Digital CD Player is delivered directly to you) and to make arrangements for you to receive your Deluxe Hayo Digital CD Player at no charge. Your Approval Status entitles you to receive your Deluxe Hayo Digital CD Player valued at $70.00 for FREE*, and by becoming a Sprint long distance customer, you can receive Sprint 7? AnyTime(SM) Online plan. You get 7? per minute state-to-state calling, with no monthly fee**. Simply remain a customer for 90 days, complete the redemption certificate you will receive by mail, and we will send you your Deluxe Hayo Digital CD Player. Act now! Respond before January 14, 2002 or you may waive your eligibility to receive your Deluxe Hayo Digital CD Player! These arrangements may not be available after the above date. Keep this document in a safe place. This could be the only notification you may receive. FILED: PREPARATIONS FOR: PHILLIP \t[IMAGE]\t [IMAGE] FEATURES ESPMax electronic skip protection for active use Digital Mega Bass low-frequency enhancement for rich bass response with extremely low harmonic distortion Digital volume control for precise push-button adjust-ment with visual confirmation via LCD display 4 playback modes for listening flexibility Includes lightweight stereo headphones and AC adapter \t\n\t\t\t \t\n\t\t\t *Requires change of state-to-state long distance carrier to Sprint, remaining a customer for 90 days and completion of redemption certificate sent by mail. ** When you select all online options such as online ordering, online bill payment, online customer service and staying a Sprint customer, you reduce your monthly recurring charge and save $5.95 every month. Promotion excludes current Sprint customers."} {"text": "Kay:\n\nI agree as to the original deliverables. However, for the GE Turbine\nContract, an officer of the LLC who is named on the Secretary's certificate\n(i.e., Duran, Calger or Thomas) should sign. Just to be safe, we may also\nwant the M/D of the LLC who is named on the Secretary's certificate (i.e.,\nDuran) to sign the LLC membership certificates.\n\nWill you be sending the originals to me to forward to Freshfields and Paul\nHastings?\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing?& Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 8:49 AM\nTo: Campbell, Carolyn\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents - Addresses for Delivery\n\n\n\nHere's what I have on my list as original deliverables\n\nGE turbine contract - any officer of LLC\nAmended LLC- any officer of ENA\nMembership certificates - signed by MD of LLC, which isn't Jake\n\nThe only things I have which MUST be signed by Jake are the written\nconsents of the LLC, which aren't on the original deliverable list. These\nwill be ready first thing Wednesday am.\n\nI'm sorry, I don't recall you telling me that the original membership\ncertificates had to be in New York on Wednesday. However, we will be able\nto handle this.\n\nThis pre-closing drill is why I asked for a definitive, signed off closing\nlist by mid-day Friday.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Campbell, Carolyn\" on 04/30/2001 09:55:48 PM\n\nTo: \"'Kay.Mann@enron.com'\" \ncc:\n\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents - Addresses for Delivery\n\nKay:\n\nIt won't be a big deal if we can get these documents into Federal Express\nTuesday night for delivery Wednesday as indicated below. If there is a\nchance that Jake will be late so as to miss the Fed Ex deadline, then we\nneed to make alternative arrangements for signature. Otherwise Paul\nHastings will be forced to renegotiate its legal opinion with Freshfields,\nand we owe them the courtesy of letting them know this first thing Tuesday\nmorning, as I indicated to them as early as Thursday of last week that we\nhad no objection to getting at least the original membership certificate to\nthem by overnight delivery prior to closing to hold in escrow until the\nclosing, in order to satisfy opinion issues associated with perfection of\nthe lien on the membership interest. Please let me know. Thanks.\n\nAs soon as I get back to the office, I will re-check the Salmon resolutions\nelecting officers to confirm Chris Calger's title with Salmon and will let\nyou know.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing?& Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 6:38 PM\nTo: Campbell, Carolyn\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents - Addresses for Delivery\n\n\n\nI think we will be able to get the documents you listed signed tomorrow,\nbut Jake won't be here before 7pm, so anything he is signing won't be ready\nuntil Wednesday am. It seems to me that this isn't a big deal, but I would\nappreciate it if you could confirm.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\"Campbell, Carolyn\" on 04/30/2001 02:59:43 PM\n\nTo: \"'Kay.Mann@enron.com'\" \ncc:\n\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents - Addresses for Delivery\n\nKay:\n\nThe original membership certificate for the 80% interest should be\nforwarded\nfor delivery on Wednesday, May 2, to the following address:\n\nMs. Isabel Parker\nFreshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP\n520 Madison Avenue, 34th Floor\nNew York, NY 10022\n(phone 212-277-4025)\n\n(Greg has asked that the membership certificate be faxed to him (fax\n203-674-7646) and me (fax 713-751-3280) on Tuesday before depositing this\nwith the overnight courier).\n\nIf you will also be sending the original signature pages to the Turbine\nContract and the Amended and Restated LLC Agreement, these documents should\nbe forwarded for delivery on Wednesday, May 2, to:\n\nMr. Gregory F. Lang\nPaul Hastings Janofsky & Walker LLP\n1055 Washington Blvd.\nStamford, CT 06901\n(phone 203-961-7446)\n\nI am happy to get these documents to the correct place if the signed\ndocuments are in Houston on Tuesday. Let me know. Thanks.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing?& Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:29 AM\nTo: Campbell, Carolyn\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents\n\n\n\nPlease confirm absolutely that fax signatures will be sufficient.\n\nI need the address of where to send the membership certificate. There is\nnot enough time for the document to pass back through Houston if the\nPortland team wants to sign the documents.\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\"Campbell, Carolyn\" on 04/30/2001 11:21:59 AM\n\nTo: \"'Kay.Mann@enron.com'\" \ncc:\n\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents\n\nKay:\n\nThe original membership certificate needs to be in the lender's hands\n(i.e.,\nIsabel Parker's office) on Wednesday in order to release escrow. If you\nhave the original to me by Tuesday, I can forward it to Isabel by overnight\ndelivery for Wednesday. It must be an original, in that the lender's lien\non the membership interest is not perfected without possession of the\noriginal certificate. With respect to the remaining documents, fax copies\nof signature pages on the closing date should be sufficient.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing?& Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:20 AM\nTo: Campbell, Carolyn\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents\n\n\n\nThe problem is in getting the original in their hands (where?) by tomorrow.\nDoes it have to be an original?\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Campbell, Carolyn\" on 04/30/2001 11:04:21 AM\n\nTo: \"'Kay.Mann@enron.com'\" \ncc:\n\nSubject: RE: Delta Documents\n\nKay:\n\nCan we at least get the membership certificates signed by Tuesday? This\nseems to be the only document required in advance of closing. If we can't\nget the 80% membership interest certificate in the lender's possession on\nthe closing date, then there is a lien perfection issue for them to deal\nwith, and I thought we could accommodate their request and avoid the\nproblem\naltogether. Please advise, as Greg and Isabel will be calling within an\nhour or so to finalize the mechanics on this. Thanks.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing?& Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 10:40 AM\nTo: Campbell, Carolyn\nSubject: Re: Delta Documents\n\n\n\nI've asked GE for the LOC by Wednesday, but I haven't gotten a response.\n\nI'll have difficulty getting executed docs by Tuesday, since sigs are\ncoming from Portland. I'll have to check to see what can be done.\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\"Campbell, Carolyn\" on 04/30/2001 10:02:44 AM\n\nTo: \"'kay.mann@enron.com'\" \ncc:\n\nSubject: Delta Documents\n\n\nKay:\n\nCan you get executed documents back to me on Tuesday? Greg has requested\nthat we send the original membership certificate representing the 80%\ninterest to the collateral agent Tuesday night by overnight delivery to\nhold\nin escrow until closing, in order that the collateral agent is in\npossession\nof the certificate (for purposes of legal opinions) upon closing on\nWednesday. Greg is planning to fax signature pages of all of their closing\ndocuments later today. (I will be out of the office at a meeting with\nanother client most of the afternoon today).\n\nThere is one last question with GE dealing with the letter of credit for\nthe\nretention amount, as this affects our disbursement instruction letter. I\nadvised Greg that GE's normal practice was to send the retention L/C after\nreceipt of payment. He is considering this, but may want to talk to GE\nabout the ability to present the L/C at closing. Do you have any thoughts\non this?\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing & Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\n\n\n\n\nConfidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended\nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This\ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or\nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not\nthe named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or\ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this\nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete\nall copies of the message.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConfidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended\nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This\ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or\nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not\nthe named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or\ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this\nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete\nall copies of the message.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConfidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended\nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This\ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or\nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not\nthe named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or\ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this\nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete\nall copies of the message.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConfidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended\nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This\ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or\nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not\nthe named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or\ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this\nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete\nall copies of the message.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConfidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended\nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This\ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or\nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not\nthe named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or\ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this\nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete\nall copies of the message.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nConfidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Mike Carson/Corp/Enron on 10/27/2000 \n12:08 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Heather Hill\" on 10/24/2000 08:22:17 AM\nTo: \ncc: \n\nSubject: Fw: More Pictures!\n\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Nanette Ramsey\" \nTo: \nSent: Monday, October 23, 2000 2:39 PM\nSubject: Fwd: More Pictures!\n\n\n>\n>\n>\n> >From: \"Jan Klinger\" \n> >To: nanette_ramsey@hotmail.com\n> >Subject: More Pictures!\n> >Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 18:28:30 GMT\n> >\n>\n> _________________________________________________________________________\n> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n>\n> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at\n> http://profiles.msn.com.\n>\n\n - Dcp00851.jpg\n - Dcp00859.jpg\n - Dcp00864.jpg"} {"text": "IntercontinentalExchange \n Firm Power Price Bulletin \n For Power Delivered on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 \n (Trade Date of Tuesday, October 23, 2001) \nClick here to access index history . \n * volume represents sell-side only * \n\nHub\tHigh\tLow\tWtd Avg Index\tChange ($)\tVol (Mwh)\t\nCinergy\t $28.50\t $24.00\t $26.90\t+ 6.40\t 81,600\t\nComed\t $26.50\t $23.00\t $24.25\t+ 5.34\t 4,800\t\nEntergy\t $25.50\t $22.70\t $24.72\t+ 2.62\t 20,000\t\nNepool\t $38.70\t $38.50\t $38.56\t+ 1.06\t 7,200\t\nPJM-West\t $27.50\t $25.75\t $26.35\t+ 2.14\t 50,400\t\nTVA\t $30.50\t $24.25\t $27.38\t+ 6.75\t 11,200\t\n\n\n Includes all trades done from 6 AM to 11 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date specified for financially firm power delivered during the on-peak hours (6 AM - 10 PM CPT for Eastern hubs / 6 AM - 10 PM Pacific Prevailing Time for Western hubs) on the delivery date(s) specified. \n IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid trading platform for over-the-counter energy and metals. Active markets include North American power and natural gas, global crude and refined oil products, and precious metals. Traded instruments include forwards, swaps, and options. \nIn order to receive the proprietary information contained in this email, you acknowledge and agree that you shall not further disseminate the IntercontinentalExchange Market Data contained herein to any person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. Furthermore, you acknowledge that (1) IntercontinentalExchange has exclusive and valuable property rights in this data; (2) IntercontinentalExchange's data is being made available to you only for your own business or personal activities; and (3) you cannot communicate the data, in any form, to any other person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. \nThis data is provided to you free of charge. IntercontinentalExchange reserves the right to cancel this service at any time for any reason or no reason at all. \nYou agree that IntercontinentalExchange does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the data. \nTo become an Exchange Participant or inquire about the indices, please contact sales@intcx.com . \nTo unsubscribe from this service, click here unsubscribe . \n ?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 2001, All Rights Reserved."} {"text": "All Right! Thanks!"} {"text": "I suspected that we would have no problems, but wanted to be sure we were all \naware of the issue.\n\nThanks, and I will miss Enron as well.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nJay\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jeff Skilling @ ENRON 05/09/2001 01:00 PM\n\t\n\nSent by: Sherri Sera@ENRON\nTo: Jay Fitzgerald/NY/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: My Resignation, and a Question \n\nJay,\n\nI've always taken a pretty laid back approach to the noncompete when there is \nlittle overlap. Having said that, however, I'd like to keep a \"last veto\" \nright - just give me a call when you've got something.\n\nGood luck to you in the future, Jay. You'll be missed at Enron.\n\nBest regards,\nJeff\n\n\n\nJay Fitzgerald@ECT\n05/09/2001 08:55 AM\nTo: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: My Resignation, and a Question\n\nJeff-\n\nAs you may know, I have (somewhat reluctantly) decided to resign from Enron. \nFor some time now, I have wanted to take some time off, and had asked Whalley \nabout the possibility for a six month unpaid, unvested sabbatical. Primarily \nfor reasons of precedence, he was unwilling to pursue this option, which, \nwhile it is disappointing to me, I accept.\n\nThe purpose of this note is twofold.\n\nFirst, I would like to thank you for making this company the great place it \nis today, and for giving me the opportunity to have a great career here. I \nwill forever look upon my nine plus years with Enron fondly.\n\nSecond, I would like to ask you as the administrator of the 1997 Long Term \nIncentive Plan to allow me to explore opportunities in the venture capital \ncommunity without triggering non-compete provisions with regard to future \npayouts. I very much enjoyed my brief role in venture capital, and have some \nvery good contacts in that area here in New York. Since NetWorks decided to \ncease operations in that business earlier in the year, I should not think \nthat Enron would view anything I might do there as competitive, especially if \nI were not working directly in the energy space with an Enron competitor.\n\nAt present, I am planning to spend my time at least through the summer \nenjoying, and travelling with, my family. I have nothing planned \nprofessionally as of yet, but wanted to take the opportunity to drop you this \nnote while I might still be viewed positively (I hope that's not too \npresumptuous!).\n\nPlease let me know your thoughts on this non-compete provision as I would not \nwish for anything to be awkward for us going forward.\n\nAgain Jeff, thanks for many great memories, and as an Enron shareholder, keep \nup the great work!\n\nJay"} {"text": "*** Springsteen visits Jersey Shore club\n\nASBURY PARK, N.J. (AP) - A legendary Jersey Shore rock club had a\nspecial guest at its birthday party over the weekend: Bruce\nSpringsteen. The Boss made a surprise appearance Sunday night before\nabout 2,500 fans at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park. The show, which\nmarked the one-year anniversary of the club's reopening, featured\nanother shore favorite, Southside Johnny and Asbury Jukes, and\nrocker Graham Parker. Springsteen showed up on stage at about 8:40\np.m. and performed with the band and Parker for about an hour. The\nset featured several Springsteen songs and some Southside staples,\nalong with a cover of Creedence Clearwater Revival's \"Born on the\nBayou.\""} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 03/27/2001 \n04:00 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Jennifer Bagwell/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/23/2001 01:17 PM\nTo: Reagan Rorschach/ENRON@enronXgate, Billy Braddock/ENRON@enronXgate, \nMathew Gimble/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Johnston/ENRON@enronXgate, Jason \nWolfe/NA/Enron@ENRON, Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe \nGordon/ENRON@enronXgate, Mike E Kelly/ENRON@enronXgate, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Too funny\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Logan, Jackson \nSent: Friday, March 23, 2001 1:10 PM\nTo: jknight@knightrealestate.com; jsummerford@notrecap.com; Bagwell, \nJennifer; Love, Phillip; plogan@grubb-ellis-tx.com; weylandt@swbell.net; \njennifer.stelling@gtedc.gte.com; villanovaman@worldnet.att.net; \nsweylandt@dttus.com; jlogan@hough.com\nSubject: Funny\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackson Logan/HOU/ECT on 03/23/2001 01:07 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Thorp, Brian C\" on 03/23/2001 12:22:27 PM\nTo: \"Tiffany Talbot (E-mail)\" , \"Brittney Kaiser \n[Brittkaiser@Yahoo.Com] (E-mail)\" , \"Jackson Logan \n(E-mail)\" \ncc: \nSubject: My favorite is, of course, smackin dat '\n\n\n\n\n\n http://home.earthlink.net/~zefrank/invite/swfs/navigation.html"} {"text": "Sounds good to me, although we are likely to find different purchasers want \nother stuff as well. Kinda like on the turbine stuff - each counterparty has \nwanted something different.\n\nckm\n\n\nFrom: Carlos Sole on 04/24/2001 11:18 AM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Land Options - Estoppel language \n\nA letter whereby a party agrees that in the event of a change of control of \nits counterparty, it will not use such change of control event as a basis for \nchallenging the enforceability of the agreement that it has with the \ncounterparty. At least in our context this is what Fred means by estoppel \nletter. He has a very good point that we should incorporate this concept \ninto our further assurances clause in our option agreements.\n\nCarlos Sole'\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n\n(713) 345-8191 (phone)\n713 646-3393 (fax)"} {"text": "CONFIDENTIALITY This e-mail and any attachments are confidential\nand may also be privileged. If you are not the named recipient,\nplease notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the\ncontents to another person, use it for any purpose, or store\nor copy the information in any medium.\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n \nClement and Sara\nThank you.? Please would you send me the final version Guarantee and \nSchedule to the ISDA Master Agreement marked to show changes so that I can \napprove them?\nMany thanks for your assistance\nKind regards\nSusan\n\n>>> 12/12/2000 01:23:50 >>>\nSusan,\n\nAs it relates to Rider A, Enron Corp. can agree to the proposed language.\nPlease feel free to give me a call at (713) 853-5986.\n\nRegards,\n\nClement\n\n\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\nLovells (the merged firm of Lovell White Durrant and \nBoesebeck Droste, practising as Lovells Boesebeck Droste in\nsome jurisdictions) is an international law firm.\n\nIn the event of any technical difficulty with this email, please contact\nthe sender or the London Technology Department on +44 (0) 20 7296 2000."} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 09/20/2000 09:18 AM -----\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t09/18/2000 01:26 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nSteve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777"} {"text": "Good news! Deferral program enrollment begins Wednesday, November 15, 2000. \n Enron's Bonus Stock Option and Bonus Phantom Stock Programs provide you with \nan opportunity to receive stock options and phantom stock in lieu of all or a \nportion of the cash bonus you may receive during 2001. To make enrollment \neven more convenient for you, this year's deferral program information is \navailable on eHRonline. \n\nTo learn more about your deferral program opportunities and to enroll for \n2001 deferrals, access eHRonline at http://ehronline.enron.com. (Call the \nISC Help Desk at 713-345-4727 if you need your ID or password to access the \nsystem.)\n\n1. Review the program descriptions (attached to the Election Form) before you \nmake your elections.\n2. If you decide to defer compensation, complete the Election Form before \nFriday, December 8, 2000 (the enrollment deadline).\n3. Print your 2001 Election Form and Confirmation Statement right from the \nweb site and you\u0001,re finished! \n\nSound easy? It is!\n\nDEFERRAL ENROLLMENT 2001--ADDED VALUE FOR YOUR FUTURE"} {"text": "I'm afraide this leaves too much room to manuever. Having duties related to \nsetting legislative affairs strategy and developing a plan for contacts on \nthe Hill, will give Cynthia the idea that she can run all aspects of those \nduties, not just those related specifically to her substantive area. I think \nit is also worth covering the heavy emphasis on teamwork and supporting, \nrather than directing, others in the organization.\n\n\n\n\nRichard Shapiro\n08/02/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Gwendolyn Petteway/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: Job Description Revised \n\nGood to go.\n\n\n\nGwendolyn Petteway@ENRON\n08/02/2000 04:07 PM\nTo: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Job Description Revised\n\nSee attached email with revised job description for Cynthia Sandherr.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gwendolyn Petteway/HR/Corp/Enron on \n08/02/2000 04:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nConstance Charles\n08/02/2000 04:03 PM\nTo: Gwendolyn Petteway/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Job Description Revised"} {"text": "Liz,\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tTaylor, Liz \nSent:\tMonday, May 21, 2001 1:01 PM\nTo:\tKaminski, Vince J\nSubject:\tRE: Astro's Tickets - Diamond Club Level (4)\n\nVince,\n\nI'm sorry. They have all been taken. I'll call you first next time.\n\nLiz\n\n\nFrom:\tVince J Kaminski/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/21/2001 12:51 PM\nTo:\tLiz M Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRE: Astro's Tickets - Diamond Club Level (4)\n\nLiz,\n\nI can take one set, either today or tomorrow.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tTaylor, Liz \nSent:\tMonday, May 21, 2001 11:22 AM\nTo:\tHickerson, Gary; Kaminski, Vince J; Presto, Kevin; Arnold, John; Phillip Allen/Enron@EnronXGate; Nowlan Jr., John L.; Mcclellan, George; Zipper, Andy; Black, Don\nSubject:\tAstro's Tickets - Diamond Club Level (4)\n\nGreg Whalley's four diamond club level Astros tickets are available for tonight and tomorrow night (5/21 & 22). Please advise if you have an interest.\n\nMany Thanks,\n\nLiz Taylor\nx31935"} {"text": "OK! I wasn't sure you knew we were going to leave the existing in for the six months.\n\nThanks\nKeith\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRapp, Bill \nSent:\tMonday, November 19, 2001 11:27 AM\nTo:\tPetersen, Keith\nCc:\tHarris, Steven; Watson, Kimberly; Lindberg, Lorraine; Miller, Mary Kay; Kilmer III, Robert; Lokey, Teb; Veatch, Stephen; Martens, Donna; Porter, Gregory J.; Pryor, Tony; Dornan, Dari\nSubject:\tRE: Transwestern Red Rock Expansion\n\nKeith,\n\n\tIf I understand your change to the second paragraph correctly, the new compressors at Stations 1, 2 and 3 will be completed and placed into service within the one-year deadline in the FERC order. The removal of the existing units at those stations, however, will not be completed until six months after that. My general feeling is that as long as the old units are taken out of service by the one-year deadline and are no longer operational, we should be ok and don't need to ask FERC for an extension. The ordering paragraph from the FERC order requires that the new facilities be placed in service within one year from the date of the order. It does not impose a similar deadline for the abandonment of the existing facilities. I take it that we would not operate the old and the new facilities at the same time (i.e., continue to operate the existing compressors after we've installed and placed into operation the new compressors), since this would result in TW operating compression in excess of its certificated capacity. As long as we don't do that, I don't think there's any need to ask for a separate extension for the abandonment. \n\n\t\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPetersen, Keith \nSent:\tMonday, November 19, 2001 11:05 AM\nTo:\tRapp, Bill\nCc:\tHarris, Steven; Watson, Kimberly; Lindberg, Lorraine; Miller, Mary Kay; Kilmer III, Robert; Lokey, Teb; Veatch, Stephen; Martens, Donna; Petersen, Keith; Porter, Gregory J.; Pryor, Tony; Dornan, Dari\nSubject:\tFW: Transwestern Red Rock Expansion\n\nNote the suggested changes. \n\nKeith\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRapp, Bill \nSent:\tFriday, November 16, 2001 2:45 PM\nTo:\tHarris, Steven; Watson, Kimberly; Lindberg, Lorraine; Miller, Mary Kay; Kilmer III, Robert; Lokey, Teb; Veatch, Stephen; Martens, Donna; Petersen, Keith\nCc:\tPorter, Gregory J.; Pryor, Tony; Dornan, Dari\nSubject:\tTranswestern Red Rock Expansion\n\n\tAttached for your review and comments is a draft of a request to FERC to extend the period allowed under the Red Rock certificate for the abandonment and replacement of the compressors at Station 4. My understanding is that we need to request a one year extension as to Station 4 (but not as to the other three compressor stations included in the Red Rock expansion) due to the fact that we haven't fully contracted for all of the capacity authorized by FERC. Your comments would be appreciated. Thanks.\n\n\n << File: TWFERCExtension.doc >>"} {"text": "Kay:\n\nFurther to our call, attached please find a mark-up of the Escrow Agreement.\nAs I mentioned, Marguerite believes that the parties should sign the Escrow\nAgreement without filling in the amount left blank in Section 1. Let me\nknow what you think.\n\nRegards,\n\nMarisa\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Reuter, Marisa\nSent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 3:11 PM\nTo: Keffer, John\nSubject: FW: Enron escrow\n\n\nGiven the fact that Section 4(a) of the Letter Agreement requires NorSub to\npay all fees associated with the Escrow Account and Section 4(b) requires\nNorSub to fund the Escrow Account, Kathleen Carnahan of ENA suggested\nrevising Sections 1 and 6 of the Escrow Agreement, which make ENA and NorSub\njointly responsible for the payment of these monies. Accordingly, I have\nmarked up the Escrow Agreement, but Chris Booth wanted me to confirm with\nyou whether you thought the changes were worth making. If so, I will\nforward the revised document to Chris so that he can get Citibank to signoff\non the new draft.\n\nAlso, do you have a moment to discuss the dollar amount that needs to be\nincluded in Section 1? Let me know, and I'll come up.\n\nMIR\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Booth, Chris [mailto:Chris.Booth@ENRON.com]\nSent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 3:11 PM\nTo: Mann, Kay; Marisa Reuter (E-mail); John Keffer (E-mail); Michael\nYoung (E-mail); margueritekahn@paulhastings.com\nCc: Jacoby, Ben; Carnahan, Kathleen\nSubject: FW: Enron escrow\n\n\nLadies and Gents,\n\nPlease see attached comments to the escrow agreement from Citibank.\n\nChris Booth\nEnron North America\n1400 Smith Street, EB3147c\nHouston, Texas 77002\n(713) 345-3364 - phone\n(713) 646-3037 - fax\nchris.booth@enron.com\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Lawrence, Estelle A\"\n> @ENRON\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Lawrence+2C+20Estelle+20A+22+20+3Cestelle+2Ea+2E\n> lawrence+40citi+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:37 PM\n> To: Booth, Chris\n> Subject: Enron escrow\n>\n> Chris,\n>\n> I am the account manager for the Enron relationship. I understand you\n> would\n> like to establish an escrow in pretty short order.\n>\n> Attached are Citibank's comments to the escrow agreement. In order to\n> complete this transaction, Escrow also needs to receive the following\n> documents:\n>\n> 1) completed incumbency by all parties to the agmt;\n> 2) Form W-9 for NorthWestern only; and\n> 3) signed fee schedule.\n>\n> Once I receive an execution copy of the agreement, I will provide you\n> with\n> Citibank's wire instructions. You have the option of including our\n> fees\n> with the initial deposit or wiring our fees directly to our billing\n> department. Please let me know which you prefer so that I may\n> coordinate on\n> our end.\n>\n> I look forward to working with you and trust that you will feel free\n> to\n> contact me should you have any questions or comments.\n>\n> Estelle Lawrence\n> Citibank Agency & Trust\n> 111 Wall Street, 14/3\n> New York, NY 10005\n> T: 212.657.2076\n> F: 212.657.3862\n> <>\n>\n> - citi comments.doc <>\n\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message.\n\n\n - citi comments.doc"} {"text": "Nope.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 06/14/2000 10:29 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Volume Increase - HPL Meter 68-6296 (S.G. Marshall) and HPL \nMeter 98-6067 (Martinez, MB)\n\nDaren,\n\nDo you want me to adjust anything?\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 06/14/2000 10:28 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/14/2000 10:03 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Volume Increase - HPL Meter 68-6296 (S.G. Marshall) and HPL \nMeter 98-6067 (Martinez, MB) \n\nBob,\n\nThe EOG contract stipulates that a Gas daily price should be paid only for \nthe initial delivery of gas at the execution of gas purchase contract; any \ndeliveries subsequent to the initial turn-on should be priced at first of \nmonth index.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 06/14/2000 09:39 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Volume Increase - HPL Meter 68-6296 (S.G. Marshall) and HPL Meter \n98-6067 (Martinez, MB)\n\nVance,\n\nShould this be priced at Gas Daily? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 06/14/2000 09:38 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nSuzanne_Saldivar@eogresources.com on 06/13/2000 10:47:00 AM\nTo: rcotten@enron.com\ncc: charlotte_hawkins@enron.com, crodrig@enron.com \nSubject: Volume Increase - HPL Meter 68-6296 (S.G. Marshall) and HPL Meter \n98-6067 (Martinez, MB)\n\n\nProduction from the SG Marshall leases has increased due to workovers of\nsome of the wells. Effective June 14, 2000, please increase the June 1\nestimate from 2,300 mmbtu/d to 8,000 mmbtu/d @ HPL Meter 68-6296 delivery\nto HPL Thompsonville (PG7E Meter 834134).\n\nProduction from the M. Martinez leases has increased due to a new well\nbehind meter 98-6067. The estimates from this meter has increased from\n4,600 mmbtu/d to 8,200 mmbtu/d.\n\nPlease call me at (713) 651-6858 with any questions. Thanks!!!"} {"text": "John, we did a deal with Peoples the co-manage some of there assets. We are \nactually setting up a Chicago office with them and sending some people to \nit. You should call Jean Mrha and find out the structure. If might help us \nwith a structure with Unical."} {"text": "Rod Nelson would probably be the best starting point.\n\nEd Sacks\n\n\nFrom: Sara Shackleton@ECT on 02/02/2001 09:08 AM\nTo: Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Cheryl Nelson/NA/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: ISDA Master Agreement for Cargill International, S.A.\n\nEd: \n\nWithout knowing what's being hedged, it could be either ENA or ECTRIC. Do \nyou have more infor? Also, if the Enron party is ECTRIC, will Rod handle? \nPlease let me know and I'll chat with Mara. Sara\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 02/02/2001 09:06 AM -----\n\n\tMara_Alexander@cargill.com\n\t02/02/2001 07:34 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Cheryl.Nelson@enron.com, Sara.Shackleton@enron.com\n\t\t cc: Edward.Sacks@enron.com\n\t\t Subject: ISDA Master Agreement for Cargill International, S.A.\n\n\nDear Sara & Cheryl,\n\nI have been asked by our affiliate in Geneva, Cargill\nInternational, S.A. (\"CISA\"), to begin negotiations for\nthem on an ISDA Master Agreement with Enron.\n\nThere had been some question as to which Enron entity\nwas to enter into an ISDA with CISA, but the latest\ninformation they had (possibly from someone in an Enron\noffice in London?) was that it should be Enron Capital\n& Trade Resources International Corp. FYI, Cargill\nInternational, S.A. is located and incorporated in Geneva.\n\nCould you kindly advise whom I should be contacting to\nconfirm this is indeed the proper Enron entity and with\nwhom I should be speaking to begin negotiations? Please\nalso let me know if there is anything that needs to be\ndone from a Credit or Trading perspective in order to\nget this ISDA started on Enron's part.\n\nThanks and Regards,\nMara Alexander\nSr. Documentation Analyst\nCargill, Incorporated\nTel: 952.984.3417\nFax: 952.984.3872\ne-mail: Mara_Alexander@Cargill.com"} {"text": "Please see the attached memo."} {"text": "I have a meeting with Thomas Suffield and Rich Park at 5:00pm and I will get \nto it right after that. Thanks!\nBen"} {"text": "Change the rating.\n\nJohn Lavorato"} {"text": "The consent looks fine to me. I am out of the office for the next two weeks, \nso if this needs to get executed before I return after Christmas, please send \nit to Peter and he can initial it for me and have it executed.\n\nCheers\nGreg\n\n\nFrom: Sara Shackleton on 12/12/2000 02:05 PM CST\nTo: Greg Johnston/CAL/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sarah Heineman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Alberta Gas Prepay and Assignment to BTM\n\nGreg:\n\nI received the following email from RBC and am attaching a redline of \nchanges. Since ECC will be signing, let me know if you have any objections. \nSara\n\n\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 02:03 PM -----\n\n\t\"Fleming, Blair \" \n\t12/08/2000 02:39 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'Sara.Shackleton@enron.com'\" , \n\"'sarah.heineman@enron.com'\" , \n\"'kelly.boots@enron.com'\" , \"Fleming, Blair \" \n\n\t\t cc: \"Darby, Giles\" \n\t\t Subject: Alberta Gas Prepay and Assignment to BTM\n\n\n\n\nAs you are aware, we are finalizing the participation of Bank of \nTokyo-Mitsubishi (BTM) into the Alberta Gas Prepay financing.? \n\nRecall there are three swaps:\n\n(a) Commodity Swap between Enron Canada and RBC(b) Commodity Swap between \nChase and RBC(c) Interest Rate Swap between Enron Canada and RBC\n\nWe will be participating BTM into the agreements to which Enron is party [(a) \nand (c) above].? As a result of this, Enron will not be re-signing any new \nISDA's etc.?? However, Section 7 to the ISDA Master agreement governing \nTransfers requires the prior written consent for any transfer of \"any \ninterest or obligation\" under the Agreement.? Our view is that the \nparticipation to BTM does qualify as a tranfer of an any \"interest or \nobligation\", ergo we need Enron's consent.? Attached please find a proposed \nConsent from Enron prepared by my lawyer.? This is the only document that we \nrequire signed by Enron.? Please take note of the key language contained \ntherein:\n\n??????? \"Enron hereby consents to RBC assigning a 50% participation interest \nin the Swap Documents to Bank of Tokyo-???? ?????? Mitsubishi, Ltd., New York \nBranch; provided that (a) RBC's rights and obligations under the Swap \nDocuments shall remain ??????? unchanged, (b) RBC shall remain solely \nresponsible to Enron for the performance of such obligations and (c) Enron \nshall ??????? continue to deal solely and directly with RBC in connection \nwith RBC's rights and obligations under the Swap Documents.\"\n\nThe commodity swap between Chase and RBC will be \"split\" and each of RBC and \nBTM will have a Swap with Chase for one-half the amount.\n\nSara(s), please advise whether you are comfortable with our approach and \nwhether you require any changes to the Consent.? BTM has reviewed the \nParticipation agreement and is moving forward to getting the doc's approved \ninternally...we're targeting for a close mid next week (the week of Dec 11) \nand accordingly your execution of the Consent within that timeframe would be \nmuch appreciated.? Given that you continue to deal in all ways with RBC, I \nhave not forwarded you a copy of the Participation agreement....\n\nThanks and have a good weekend!\n\n-----Original Message-----From:?? Rick Borden \n[SMTP:Rick.Borden@macleoddixon.com]Sent:?? Thursday, December 07, 2000 5:47 \nPMTo:???? blair.fleming@rbcds.comSubject:??????? Enron Canada Corp. \n[Comment]??\n\nPlease see the attached Consent. \n\nRichard P. BordenMacleod Dixon LLP3700 Canterra Tower400 - 3rd Avenue \nS.W.Calgary, Alberta? T2P 4H2Tel:? (403) 267-8362Fax:? (403) 264-5973E-mail:? \nrick.borden@macleoddixon.com\n\n<> \n\n - MACLEOD-.doc"} {"text": "This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit.\nYour mailbox size is currently 99148 KB.\n\nMailbox size limits:\n\n\tWhen your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message.To check the size of your mailbox: \n\n Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), \n Select Properties and click the Folder Size button. \n This method can be used on individual folders as well. \n\nTo make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. \n\nYou must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. \n\nTo turn Journaling off, \n click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items. \n\nSee client Help for more information."} {"text": "We need to talk for like 20 hours.\n\nLet's schedule some time.\n\nLavo"} {"text": "Thank you for e-mailing me the report. If you could mail two of the reports \nit would be greatly appreciated. Thanks\nBen"} {"text": "I'm expecting John Schroeder from GE between 2-230. I really need to see \nhim, so please watch for my phone so it doesn't go into voice mail.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "Here it is in Word document format. Thank you, and please let me know if you \nneed any assistance from me when reviewing this,\n\nLaura J\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Mark Taylor@ECT on 08/22/2000 06:50 PM\nTo: Laura Johnson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: EnronOnline, Online Help Guide \n\nLaura:\n\nI'm just a lawyer and as such still operating pretty much in the stone age. \nThe easiest way for me to look at something that is primarily text (minimal \ngraphics involved) is to have it in a form I can just print out. If it \nexists as a Word document that would be great. I have not yet actually been \nable to see the phase 2 site.\n\nThanks,\n\nMark\n\n\n\n\tLaura Johnson@ENRON\n\t08/22/2000 09:49 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: EnronOnline, Online Help Guide\n\nMark:\n\nI am the writer that is developing the online help guide for the EnronOnIine \nsystem. I work for Dave Forster. Dave wanted to make sure that you have an \nopportunity to review the online help guide before we go live. My \nunderstanding is that you have access to the test web. The work in progress \nhelp guide is on the website but is by no means a finished product; it \nchanges as screens and labels change. Are you currently reviewing the online \nhelp or do I need to advise you when it is considered final? Please let me \nknow if you have a preferred way of reviewing this sort of thing. Thanks,\n\nLaura J"} {"text": "Sara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n\n\n\n\tJorge A Garcia@ENRON\n\t03/20/2001 09:10 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Equity Swap ISDA Confirmation\n\nGood Morning Sara,\n\nI just wanted to follow up regarding the Total Return Equity Swap Confirms \nwith Enron Europe.\n\nPlease advise.\n\nRegards,\n\nJorge"} {"text": "Start Date: 4/16/01; HourAhead hour: 17; No ancillary schedules awarded. \nVariances detected.\nVariances detected in Generation schedule.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001041617.txt\n\n---- Generation Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblGEN_SCHEDULE.\n Details: (Hour: 17 / Preferred: 45.00 / Final: 44.90)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: DELANO\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 4/16/01\n UNIT_ID: PANDOL_6_UNIT"} {"text": "It's looking pretty bad.....I thought that I'd be mostly done writing, but\nI'm not. I could be here for awhile. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I\nwill try to write you more later. When do you think you'll be leaving work?\n\nLove you,\nJenn"} {"text": "FYI.\nCarol\n---------------------- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 11/03/99 12:14 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nRhett Jackson\n11/01/99 10:08 AM\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Neuner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter \nKeohane/CAL/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jefferson D \nSorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Shults/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tony Harris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Morris Richard Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephen H Douglas/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nGinty/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jordan Mintz/HOU/ECT@ECT, James Sandt/LON/ECT@ECT, \nAnnMarie Tiller/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Risk Management & Trading Corp. (\"RMT\") Guidelines\n\nAttached please find the most recent guidelines for confirming swap \ntransactions with RMT. Please distribute this memorandum to others involved \nin the confirmation process, as appropriate, and feel free to call me at \nX34718 if you have any questions or comments.\n\nRegards.\nRhett Jackson"} {"text": "Vance,\n\nDeal # 348760 has been created and entered in Sitara for Winn Exploration.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 01:24 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDonald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co 9835 600mmbtu/d 96% Gas Daily less $0.14 \n6/10 - 7/31\nSamson Lone Star Limited 9845 3000mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 7/21 - \n7/31\n\nWinn Exploration Co., Inc. 9847 800mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.13 7/25 \n- 7/31\n (for fuel use less 3.35% of del vols)\n\nFYI, Susan has created and submitted committed reserves firm tickets for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of August. Additionally, \nthese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353"} {"text": "Frank,\n\nThanks for your message. We are confirming a meeting in your office at 4:00 p.m., \nTuesday, next week. What about a dinner at 7:00? \n\nVince\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Frank A. Wolak\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Frank+20A+2E+20Wolak+22+20+3Cwolak+40zia+2Estanford+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tThursday, August 23, 2001 9:26 AM\nTo:\tKaminski, Vince J\nSubject:\tRE:\n\nVince,\n\n 4 pm on September 4 and I'd be happy to go to dinner.\n\nFrank\n\nAt 08:33 AM 8/23/01 -0500, you wrote:\n>Frank,\n>\n>Thanks for your message.\n>\n>What about a meeting on Tuesday, September the 4th.\n>We could meet at your office, let's say at 4 p.m. We would be delighted if\n>you\n>could join us for dinner later in the evening on the same day.\n>\n>\n>Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Frank A. Wolak\" @ENRON\n>\n>[mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Frank+20A+2E+20Wolak+22+20+3Cwolak+40zia+2Estanford+2\n>Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n>\n>\n> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 11:13 AM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Subject:\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> I'll be out of the country for the next\n> two weeks, but should be back September 3\n> and will be in the office all that week.\n>\n> Frank\n>\n>\n>\n>**********************************************************************\n>This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n>and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n>the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\n>others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\n>authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or\n>reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n>delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto)\n>are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or\n>evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of\n>its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not\n>be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n>otherwise. Thank you.\n>**********************************************************************"} {"text": "Thanks again for lunch Friday! \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Nachawati, Nabil, M\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Nachawati+2C+20Nabil+2C+20M+22+20+3Cnnachawa+40Central+2EUH+2EEDU+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tThursday, August 16, 2001 9:51 AM\nTo:\tNemec, Gerald\nCc:\tPerlingiere, Debra\nSubject:\tRE: Lunch\n\nGreat,\n\nI drive a 93 Honda Accord that is sort of Purple, so be on the lookout. I\nwill pick both of you up at 12:00 on Friday the 17th for lunch at Irma's on\nme. I will pick you up in front of Enron where they usually have that lunch\nparty event, or in other words, the side street that has the cathedral on\nthe opposite side facing the Enron building.\n\nLooking forward to lunch,\n\nMajed\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gerald.Nemec@enron.com\nTo: nnachawa@Central.UH.EDU\nSent: 8/15/01 11:22 AM\nSubject: RE: Lunch\n\nThat sounds good. We'll see you at 12 on Friday.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"Nachawati, Nabil, M\" @ENRON\n\n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Nachawati+2C+20Nabil+2C+20M+22+20+3Cnnachawa+40Cen\ntral+2EUH+2EEDU+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n\n\n Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 9:58 AM\n To: Perlingiere, Debra\n Cc: Nemec, Gerald\n Subject: RE: Lunch\n\n Dear Debra and Gerald,\n\n Lunch at 12:00 on Friday would be great. I was thinking that I could\n pick\n you guys up in front of Enron and then we could go to Irmas in\n downtown(they\n have valet parking). It may take a little over an hour to have lunch,\nso\n if\n your schedules for Friday are too busy, then we can go to Ninfa's or\n Treebairds. Looking forward to having lunch.\n\n Best Regards,\n\n Majed Nachawati\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Debra.Perlingiere@enron.com\n To: nnachawa@Central.UH.EDU\n Cc: Gerald.Nemec@enron.com\n Sent: 8/13/01 11:43 AM\n Subject: RE: Lunch\n\n\n Friday is good for lunch. 12:00 @ your choice.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"Nachawati, Nabil, M\" @ENRON\n\n\n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Nachawati+2C+20Nabil+2C+20M+22+20+3Cnnachawa+40Cen\n tral+2EUH+2EEDU+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n\n\n Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 9:15 PM\n To: Perlingiere, Debra\n Subject: RE: Lunch\n\n Dear Debra,\n\n I want you to know that I am truly sorry for not meeting you for\n lunch.\n I\n feel so bad. I am in Dallas right now visiting family. I was\n interviewing\n for jobs in Atlanta last weekend. Anyway, I will be back in town\non\n Thursday\n of this week. Friday lunch would work great for me, just let me\nknow.\n I\n want\n you to fill me in on how you have been.\n\n Your law clerk,\n\n Majed Nachawati\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Perlingiere, Debra\n To: nnachawa@Central.UH.EDU\n Sent: 8/8/01 4:44 PM\n Subject: Lunch\n\n\n Mr. Nemec and I were wondering when you might make a time\navailable\n for\n us in your impressive schedule for LUNCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any day\nbut\n Thursday next week is good for me. Take care, let us know.\n\n\n\n\n Debra Perlingiere\n Enron North America Legal\n 1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\n Houston, Texas 77002\n dperlin@enron\n 713-853-7658\n 713-646-3490 Fax\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n affiliate\n and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole\nuse\n of\n the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or\n disclosure\n by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended\n recipient\n (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the\n sender\n or reply to Enron Corp. at\nenron.messaging.administration@enron.com\n and\n delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do\nnot\n create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between\nEnron\n Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any\n other\n party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a\ncontract\n by\n estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n\n\n**********************************************************************"} {"text": "TO:?????????????HAAS STUDENTS\n\nRE:?????????????ON-SITE TEXTBOOK BUYBACK & HAAS GEAR SALE\n????????????????WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 THROUGH WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20\n????????????????**************************************\n????????????????ON-SITE SPRING 2001 TEXTBOOK, COURSE READER,\n????????????????HAAS GEAR AND SCHOOL SUPPLY SALES\n**********************************************************\nON-SITE BUYBACK OF USED TEXTBOOKS AND SALES OF HAAS GEAR\nBEGINS ON WEDNESDAY.? Cal Student Store Textbooks will buy back used \ntextbooks and sell HaasGear.\n????????DATES:??????????Wednesday, December 13 though Wednesday, December 20\n????????TIMES:??????????9 AM - 5PM\n????????PLACE:??????????\"Helzel Store\", F299 (next to Andersen\n????????????????????????????????Auditorium and Jimmy Beans Cafe)\n***********************************************\nON-SITE SPRING 2001 SALES? OF TEXTBOOKS, READERS, HAASGEAR & SUPPLIES\nDuring the first two weeks of classes, Cal Student Store will sell Haas \ntextbooks, course readers,\nHaasGear and school supplies.\n????????DATES:? ????????????????Tuesday, January 16 through Friday, January \n26 (M-F only).\n????????TIMES:??????????9AM - 5PM\n????????PLACE:??????????\"Helzel Store\",? F299 ????? ????\n? \nDiana L. Burke\nAdministrative Services Office\nSupervisor\nHAASGEAR Sales\nHaas School of Business\n545 Student Services Bldg., #1900\nBerkeley, CA? 94720-1900\nPhone: 510/643-8404\nFAX:???? 510/642-4700"} {"text": "thanks.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Crandall, Sean \nSent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:02 PM\nTo: Luong, Steven\nSubject: RE: Northwest book of business for February.\n\n\nHere's what changes: COB: We are not going to deliver to Midesto (Deal # 3689.4)\nMC: BPA deal # 51353 and Busbar BPA deal # 85098 are cancelled.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Luong, Steven \nSent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:37 AM\nTo: Crandall, Sean\nSubject: RE: Northwest book of business for February.\n\n\nSean,\n \nDo the Feb. and March positions you sent this morning account for the termination of the two BPA contracts? If not, can you send me a revised version when you get a chance? I am not sure which BPA deals here are terminated and which ones are still good. Thanks.\n \nSteve\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Crandall, Sean \nSent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:53 AM\nTo: Luong, Steven; Thome, Stephen\nSubject: Northwest book of business for February.\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nPoint\t Buy/Sale\t Counterparty\t On\t Off\t Price\t Deal #\t Annuity\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 25\t 25\t 24.75\t 153325\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 25\t 25\t 25.35\t 153327\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 50\t 50\t 27.25\t 305699\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 50\t 50\t 27.64\t 305700\t \t\nCOB N?S\t B\t CRC\t \t50\t 76\t 474381\t \t\nCOB N/S\t S\t MIDESTO\t -7\t -7\t 19.3\t 3689.4\t \t\nCOB N/S\t S\t SPP\t -25\t \t180\t 556514\t \t\nCOB N/S Total\t \t118\t 193\t \t\nBUSBAR\t B\t BPA\t 100\t 100\t 10.48\t 85098\t \t\nBUSBAR\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 30.75\t 246561\t \t\nBUSBAR\t S\t MCMINN\t -5\t -5\t 23.7\t 199599\t \t\nBUSBAR Total\t \t45\t 45\t \t\nMC\t B\t BPA\t 102\t 102\t 21.6\t 51353\t x\t \t\nMC\t B\t BPA\t \t25\t 25.5\t 798079\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 30.65\t 281938\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 42.75\t 447576\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 42.9\t 448835\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 72\t 600521\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 73\t 600522\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t Air Products\t -6\t -6\t 41.19\t 737863\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -25\t \t75\t 658386\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -14\t \t47.5\t 664061\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t \t-13\t 47.5\t 664061\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -25\t \t31.85\t 871641\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -25\t \t34.5\t 822090\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t CRC\t \t-25\t 150\t 508906\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t DOUGLAS\t -25\t \t37.15\t 831359\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t GRAYS\t -10\t \t64\t 715879\t x\t \t\nMC\t S\t INTEL\t -4\t -4\t 34.6\t 802102\t x\t \t\nMC Total\t \t\t-282\t -171\t \t\nMontana\t S\t ASH GROVE\t -6\t -6\t 88.25\t 891894\t Might be out.\t\nMontana\t S\t LOUISIANA PAC\t -7\t -7\t 48\t 421598\t \t\nMontana\t S\t LOUISIANA PAC\t -1\t -1\t 34.75\t 770040\t \t\nMontana\t S\t LUZENACA\t \t45.11\t 406028\t \t\nMontana Total\t \t-14\t -14\t \t\nNW DEL\t B\t CLATSKAN\t 4\t 4\t \t445159\t \t\nNW DEL Total\t \t4\t 4\t \t\nGrand Total\t \t\t-129\t 57\t \t\n\t\nTotal MC\t \t-237\t -126\t \t\nTotal NW\t \t-247\t -136"} {"text": "Attached is the information on talent moves within Enron. The numbers are \nfor Enron's domestic workforce only. The bottom line is that the EBS and EES \nredeployment figures are not unusual for Enron: We moved over 3000 employees \nlast year (about 25% of our domestic workforce). Most of these moves are \nattributable new business startups (eg EGM, ENW and EIM) and normal course of \nbusiness transfers within the company. The formal redeployment process makes \nup only a small fraction of the total moves in the company. \n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 04/10/2001 \n02:49 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Suzanne Brown/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/10/2001 12:51 PM\nTo: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject:"} {"text": "huh?\n\n\n\n\n\"Eva Pao\" on 05/13/2001 03:32:22 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo:\t\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRE: waiting\n\n\nNo english? i got the math.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: John.Arnold@enron.com [mailto:John.Arnold@enron.com]\nSent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 5:24 PM\nTo: epao@mba2002.hbs.edu\nSubject: RE: waiting\n\n\n\n probability *\npayout =\n1 heads .5 0 = 0\n tails 2 heads .25 1\n= .25\n tails 3 heads .125 2\n= .25\n tails 4 heads .0625 4\n= .25\n tails 5 heads .03125 8\n= .25\n\n\n\n\n\"Eva Pao\" on 05/13/2001 03:23:47 PM\n\nPlease respond to \n\nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: RE: waiting\n\n\nwhich game is that?\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: John.Arnold@enron.com [mailto:John.Arnold@enron.com]\nSent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 5:16 PM\nTo: epao@mba2002.hbs.edu\nSubject: Re: waiting\n\n\n\nExpected value of game = 1/2 * 0 + 1/4 * 1 + 1/8 *2 + 1/16 *4 +1/32 *\n8+....\n = 0 +.25 +.25 +.25 +.25 +...\n = infinity\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Eva Pao\" on 05/13/2001 03:11:46 PM\n\nPlease respond to \n\nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: waiting\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: John.Arnold@enron.com [mailto:John.Arnold@enron.com]\nSent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 4:37 PM\nTo: epao@mba2002.hbs.edu\nSubject: Re: Extra credit\n\n\n\nrules to a game:\nYou flip a coin. If you get tails you win 0. if you get heads, i give you\n$1. Keep flipping until you get a tails, at which point you walk away with\nthe money. however, each heads you get after the first you double your\nmoney. So if you flip heads 3 times and then tails, you get $4. What's\nyou bid/offer on playing this game? (would you pay $.5 to play? $1? $2?\nwhat you charge me play against you?)"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 \n04:02 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"George Richards\" on 03/13/2001 11:29:49 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Phillip Allen\" , \"Keith Holst\" \ncc: \"Larry Lewter\" , \"Claudia L. Crocker\" \n \nSubject: Bishops Corner, Ltd. Buyout\n\n\n\n\n[IMAGE][IMAGE]??????????? ??????????? \n\n\n \n\n8511 Horseshoe Ledge, Austin, TX? 78730-2840\n\nTelephone (512) 338-1119? Fax(512)338-1103\nE-Mail? cbpres@austin.rr.com\n\n?\n\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nMarch 13, 2001? \n\nPhillip Allen\n\nKeith Holst\n\nENRON\n\n1400 Smith Street\n\nHouston, TX? 77002-7361\n\nSubject: Bishops Corner, Ltd. -- Restructure or Buyout\n\nDear Phillip and Keith: \n\nWe are prepared to sell Bishops Corner, Ltd. for reimbursement of our cash \nexpenditures; compensation for our management services and your assumption of \nall note obligations and design contracts.? \n\nAs shown on the attached summary table, cash expenditures total $21,196 and \nexisting contracts to the architect, civil engineer, soils testing company, \nand appraisal total $67,050.? The due on these contracts is $61,175, of which \ncurrent unpaid invoices due total $37,325.\n\nActing in good faith, we have invested an enormous amount of time into this \nproject for more than five months and have completed most of the major design \nand other pre-construction elements.? As it is a major project for a firm of \nour size, it was given top priority with other projects being delayed or \nrejected, and we are now left with no project to pursue.? \n\nTwo methods for valuing this development management are 1) based on a \npercentage of the minimum $1.4MM fee we were to have earned and 2) based on \nyour prior valuation of our time.? For the first, we feel that at least 25%, \nor $350,000, of the minimum $1.4MM fee has been earned to date.? For the \nsecond, in your prior correspondence you valued our time at $500,000 per \nyear, which would mean this period was worth $208,333.? Either of these \nvaluations seem quite fair and reasonable, especially as neither includes the \nforfeit of our 40% interest in the project worth $0.8--$1.2MM. ?However, in \nthe hope that we can maintain a good relationship with the prospect of future \nprojects, we are willing to accept only a small monthly fee of $15,000 per \nmonth to cover a portion of our direct time and overhead.? As shown in the \nattached table, this fee, plus cash outlays and less accrued interest brings \nthe total net buyout to $78,946.? \n\nWe still believe that this project needs the professional services that we \noffer and have provided.? However, if you accept the terms of this buyout \noffer, which we truly feel is quite fair and reasonable, then, we are \nprepared to be bought out and leave this extraordinary project to you both.? \nIf this is your \n\n\n\nchoice, either contact us, or have your attorney contact our attorney, \nClaudia Crocker, no later than Friday of this week.? The attorneys can then \ndraft whatever minimal documents are necessary for the transfer of the \nBishops Corner, Ltd. Partnership to you following receipt of the buyout \namount and assumption of the outstanding professional design contracts.\n\nThank you.\n\n?\n\nSincerely,\n\n[IMAGE]\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nGeorge W. Richards \n\nPresident\n\nP.S.????? Copies of contracts will be forwarded upon acceptance of buyout.\n\n?\n\ncc:??????? Larry Lewter\n??????????? Claudia Crocker\n - image001.wmz\n - image002.gif\n - image003.png\n - image004.gif\n - header.htm\n - oledata.mso\n - Restructure Buyout.xls"} {"text": "finally got a chance to check this out, looks preeetttty cool....\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Newman-Sciarrino, Laura [mailto:LNewmanSciarrino@elanpharma.com]\nSent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 12:47 PM\nTo: Alice Grubb (E-mail); Carl Hedleston (E-mail); Jeff Dasovich\n(E-mail); Kari Perin (E-mail); Lori Hom (E-mail); Madeleine (E-mail);\nMichael Spear (E-mail); Nora Mcgee (E-mail); Pat Scatena (E-mail)\nSubject: Horse vacations\n\n\n\nI've often mentioned Porlock Vale to the group as a great place to visit.\nJeff Walker recently asked me about my impressions. Curious, I decided to\nsee if Porlock Vale has a web site up and running and it does. Just looking\nat it makes me long to go back. I'd say the pictures of the facilities and\nthe comments are fairly accurate of what one can expect to find there.\nThought you all might be interested in a look see.\n\nSorry I missed you on Saturday. Hope to see you soon.\n\n--Laura\n\nhttp://www.porlockvale.co.uk/"} {"text": "Conference Call With Mark Bronzo-- Groupama Asset Management Large Cap Growth \nPortfolio Manager\n\nDuring the past few months, we have been active in arranging an exclusive \nseries of conference calls with various market strategists and portfolio \nmanagers that we feel could provide insight into the recent events in the \nmarkets that are relevant to your investments.\n\nOn Wednesday, May 25, 2001, we have arranged an exclusive opportunity for you \nto attend a conference call with institutional portfolio manager Mark P. \nBronzo. Mr. Bronzo is currently Chairman, President and CEO of the GAMNA \nSeries Funds Inc. and Senior Vice President, Managing Director and Board \nMember of Groupama Asset Management NA. Mr. Bronzo's primary responsibility \nis the management of the large cap equity portfolio for Groupama Asset \nManagement and its clients.\n\nMr. Bronzo is a Chartered Financial Analyst. He has an MBA in Finance from \nNew York University and a BA in Economics from Boston College. He has also \nbeen featured on CNBC's \"Taking Stock\" and on Bloomberg television. He will \ndiscuss his outlook on the overall markets, and also leave some time at the \nend of the call to answer a few questions. Following is the information you \nwill need to participate in this call:\n\nDate: Wednesday, May 23\nTime: 10:00 am cst\n\nPhone #: 888-867-5802\n\nPass Code: 3866608\n\n\nTo help ensure the conference begins in a timely manner, they ask that we \ndial in 5-10 minutes prior to the conference.\nHank Emery\nFinancial Advisor\nEmery Financial Group\nUBS PaineWebber Incorporated\nHouston, Texas\n713-957-7060\n\n\n\n\nNotice Regarding Entry of Orders and Instructions: Please\ndo not transmit orders and/or instructions regarding your\nPaineWebber account(s) by e-mail. Orders and/or instructions\ntransmitted by e-mail will not be accepted by PaineWebber and\nPaineWebber will not be responsible for carrying out such orders\nand/or instructions. Notice Regarding Privacy and Confidentiality:\nPaineWebber reserves the right to monitor and review the content of\nall e-mail communications sent and/or received by its employees."} {"text": "Message from John Schwartzenburg\n\n\nJohn will be out of the office today, Monday, October 1st and Tuesday, October 2nd. He is expected to return to the office on Wednesday, October 3rd. He will be checking his voice mail, so If you need to reach him please leave a message. He can also be reached on his cellular phone (713) 824-7237. Unfortunately, he is not able to retrieve email messages.\n\nThank you.\n\nShirley for JWVS"} {"text": "Start Date: 4/11/01; HourAhead hour: 7; No ancillary schedules awarded. No \nvariances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001041107.txt"} {"text": "Attached is a summary of the conference call held between Enron, Citizens, and PP&L on October 18th. Proposed procedures on how we will handle cuts from now on are also included. Enron is making every effort available to ensure that PP&L receives 100% of the gas that they call on. I feel that we need to formally agree to these procedures, either in the form of an amendment to the agreement or a formal letter signed by all parties.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any comments regarding these procedures and how you would like to proceed.\n\nThanks,\n\nKim Ward\nManager, West Gas Origination\n713-853-0685"} {"text": "Stan, \n\nCould you please me send me the electronic file of the executed EPC \ncontracts, including the consolidation agreement?\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\"Stan Jensen\" on 06/08/2000 02:57:57 PM\nTo: , , \n, \ncc: \n\nSubject: Assignment of GE Contract regarding Vitro Project\n\n\nFollowing discusions with Kay Mann and Robert Stephens we revised the \nAssignment Agreement to have the payment terms for the GE Turbine \nincorporated in the Assignment Agreement and to provide Enron North America \nthe option to have the GE Turbine either returned to it or returned to EEIM \nupon termination of the EPC Contract.\n\nAttached is a revised clean version of the Assignment Agreement and a redline \nshowing how the revised version is different from the original.\n\nPlease feel free to call me at (713) 221-1524 with any questions.\n\nStan Jensen\n\n - ASSIGN.doc\n - ASSIGNre.doc"} {"text": "spoke with Jeff this morning he doean't know these guys . sorry - good luck"} {"text": ">\n> There is a bigger picture. For you....\n>\n> Facts of Life\n> 1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die\nfor\n> you.\n> 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in someway.\n> 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to\n> be just like you.\n> 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't\n> like you.\n> 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.\n> 6. You mean the world to someone.\n> 7. If not for you, someone may not be living.\n> 8. You are special and unique.\n> 9. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.\n> 10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from\nit.\n> 11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look:\n> you most likely turned your back on the world.\n> 12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you\n> probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably,\n> sooner or later, you will get it.\n> 13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the\nrude\n> remarks.\n> 14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much\n> better when they know.\n> 15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that\n> they are great.\n>\n>"} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 01/03/2001 01:30 PM -----\n\n\tSteven J Kean\n\t12/28/2000 09:19 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nParquet/SF/ECT@ECT, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nScott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Robert \nBadeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra \nMcCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Richard \nShapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul \nKaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Meeting with Governor Davis, need for additional \ncomments/suggestions\n\nWe met with Gov Davis on Thursday evening in LA. In attendance were Ken Lay, \nthe Governor, the Governor's staff director (Kari Dohn) and myself. The gov. \nspent over an hour and a half with us covering our suggestions and his \nideas. He would like some additional thoughts from us by Tuesday of next \nweek as he prepares his state of the state address for the following Monday. \nAttached to the end of this memo is a list of solutions we proposed (based on \nmy discussions with several of you) as well as some background materials Jeff \nDasovich and I prepared. Below are my notes from the meeting regarding our \nproposals, the governor's ideas, as well as my overview of the situation \nbased on the governor's comments:\n\nOverview: We made great progress in both ensuring that he understands that \nwe are different from the generators and in opening a channel for ongoing \ncommunication with his administration. The gov does not want the utilities to \ngo bankrupt and seems predisposed to both rate relief (more modest than what \nthe utilities are looking for) and credit guarantees. His staff has more \nwork to do on the latter, but he was clearly intrigued with the idea. He \ntalked mainly in terms of raising rates but not uncapping them at the retail \nlevel. He also wants to use what generation he has control over for the \nbenefit of California consumers, including utility-owned generation (which he \nwould dedicate to consumers on a cost-plus basis) and excess muni power \n(which he estimates at 3000MW). He foresees a mix of market oriented \nsolutions as well as interventionist solutions which will allow him to fix \nthe problem by '02 and provide some political cover.\nOur proposals: I have attached the outline we put in front of him (it also \nincluded the forward price information several of you provided). He seemed \ninterested in 1) the buy down of significant demand, 2) the state setting a \ngoal of x000 MW of new generation by a date certain, 3) getting the utilities \nto gradually buy more power forward and 4) setting up a group of rate \nanalysts and other \"nonadvocates\" to develop solutions to a number of issues \nincluding designing the portfolio and forward purchase terms for utilities. \nHe was also quite interested in examining the incentives surrounding LDC gas \npurchases. As already mentioned, he was also favorably disposed to finding \nsome state sponsored credit support for the utilities.\nHis ideas: The gov read from a list of ideas some of which were obviously \nunder serious consideration and some of which were mere \"brainstorming\". \nSome of these ideas would require legislative action.\nState may build (or make build/transfer arrangements) a \"couple\" of \ngeneration plants. The gov feels strongly that he has to show consumers that \nthey are getting something in return for bearing some rate increases. This \nwas a frequently recurring theme.\nUtilities would sell the output from generation they still own on a cost-plus \nbasis to consumers.\nMunicipal utilties would be required to sell their excess generation in \nCalifornia.\nState universities (including UC/CSU and the community colleges) would more \nwidely deploy distributed generation.\nExpand in-state gas production.\nTake state lands gas royalties in kind.\nnegotiate directly with tribes and state governments in the west for \naddtional gas supplies.\nEmpower an existing state agency to approve/coordinate power plant \nmaintenance schedules to avoid having too much generation out of service at \nany one time.\nCondition emissions offsets on commitments to sell power longer term in state.\nEither eliminate the ISO or sharply curtail its function -- he wants to hear \nmore about how Nordpool works(Jeff- someone in Schroeder's group should be \nable to help out here).\nWants to condition new generation on a commitment to sell in state. We made \nsome headway with the idea that he could instead require utilities to buy \nsome portion of their forward requirements from new in-state generation \nthereby accomplishing the same thing without using a command and control \napproach with generators.\nSecuritize uncollected power purchase costs.\nTo dos: (Jeff, again I'd like to prevail on you to assemble the group's \nthoughts and get them to Kari)\nHe wants to see 5 year fixed power prices for peak/ off-peak and baseload -- \nnot just the 5 one year strips.\nHe wants comments on his proposals by Tuesday.\nHe would like thoughts on how to pitch what consumers are getting out of the \ndeal.\nHe wants to assemble a group of energy gurus to help sort through some of the \nforward contracting issues.\nThanks to everyone for their help. We made some progress today."} {"text": "I am taking Dad to dinner for Father's Day tommorow. Do you want to come?\n\ne"} {"text": "Attached are our nomination forms for the Griffith Power Plant for gas days\nSaturday, February 2 through Monday, February 4, 2002.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks!\nMaryAnne Schneider\noffice # 801-537-3985\ncell # 801-580-1466\n\n\n(See attached file: NOMS_02_02_02.xls)(See attached file:\nNOMS_02_03_02.xls)(See attached file: NOMS_02_04_02.xls)\n - NOMS_02_02_02.xls \n - NOMS_02_03_02.xls \n - NOMS_02_04_02.xls"} {"text": "We received the executed EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement dated 4/20/2001 from the referenced CP. The document will be scanned into Livelink."} {"text": "Start Date: 4/29/01; HourAhead hour: 18; No ancillary schedules awarded. No \nvariances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001042918.txt"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 08/14/2000 \n12:33 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRegina Blackshear@ENRON\n08/14/2000 10:00 AM\nTo: l_carter61@hotmail.com, sonia_l_castorena@reliantenergy.com, Yolanda \nClay, Amber.Ebow@enron.com, Loneta \nEdison, NAGILL443@aol.com, Tammy Green \n, GRHRDH@aol.com, locacherri@aol.com, \"R \nJordan\", \"BENEDICT \nPETERS\", Angela Barnett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Warren \nPerry/Corp/Enron@Enron, Shirlet Williams/HOU/EES@EES, Amber \nLimas/HOU/EES@EES, Pamela Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSandra R McNichols/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Derick \nJones/Corp/Enron@Enron, Tharsilla Broussard/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: FW: You will get a very pleasant surprise.\n\nThis is a very nice story. You never know when Jesus will visit you so \nalways be willing to give. I don't consider this to be a chain letter, I \njust like the story and I thought you would too.\n\n\nRuth went to her mail box and there was only one letter. She picked it\nup and looked at it before opening, but then she looked at the envelope\nagain. There was no stamp, no postmark, only her name and address. She\nread the letter:\n\nDear Ruth:\n\nI'm going to be in your neighborhood Saturday afternoon and I would like\nto visit.\n\nLove Always,\nJesus\n\nHer hands were shaking as she placed the letter on the table. \"Why\nwould the Lord want to visit me? I'm nobody special. I don't have\nanything to offer.\" With that thought, Ruth remembered her empty\nkitchen cabinets. \"Oh my goodness, I really don't have anything to\noffer. I'll have to run down to the store and buy something for\ndinner.\" She reached for her purse and counted out it's contents.\nFive dollars and forty cents. \"Well, I can get some bread and cold cuts,\nat least.\" She threw on her coat and hurried out the door. A loaf of\nfrench bread, a half-pound of sliced turkey, and a carton of\nmilk...leaving Ruth with grand total of twelve cents to last her until\nMonday. Nonetheless, she felt good as she headed home, her meager\nofferings tucked under her arm.\"Hey lady, can you help us, lady?\" Ruth\nhad been so absorbed in her dinner plans, she hadn't even noticed two\nfigures huddled in the alleyway. A man and a woman, both of them dressed\nin little more than rags. \"Look lady, I ain't got a job, ya know, and\nmy wife and I have been living out here on the street, and, well, now\nit's getting cold and we're getting kinda hungry and, well, if you\ncould help us, lady, we'd really appreciate it.\" Ruth looked at them\nboth. They were dirty, they smelled bad and frankly, she was certain\nthat they could get some kind of work if they really wanted to. \"Sir,\nI'd like to help you, but I'm a poor woman myself. All I have is a few\ncold cuts and some bread, and I'm having an important guest for\ndinner tonight and I was planning on serving that to Him.\" \"Yeah,\nwell, okay lady, I understand. Thanks anyway.\" The man put his arm\naround the woman's shoulders, turned and he headed back into the\nalley. As she watched them leave, Ruth felt a familiar twinge in her\nheart. \"Sir, wait!\" The couple stopped and turned as she ran down the\nalley after them. \"Look, why don't you take this food. I'll figure out\nsomething else to serve my guest.\" She handed the man her grocery bag\n\"Thank you lady. Thank you very much!\" \"Yes, thank you!\" It was the\nman's wife, and Ruth could see now that she was shivering. \"You know,\nI've got another coat at home. Here, why don't you take this one.\"\nRuth unbuttoned her jacket and slipped it over the woman's shoulders.\nThen smiling, she turned and walked back to the street...without her\ncoat and with nothing to serve her guest.\n\n\"Thank you lady! Thank you very much!\"\n\nRuth was chilled by the time she reached her front door, and worried\ntoo. The Lord was coming to visit and she didn't have anything to offer\nHim. She fumbled through her purse for the door key. But as she did,\nshe noticed another envelope in her mailbox. \"That's odd. The mailman\ndoesn't usually come twice in one day.\" She took the envelope out of\nthe box and opened it.\n\nDear Ruth:\n\nIt was so good to see you again. Thank you for the lovely meal. And\nthank you, too, for the beautiful coat.\n\nLove Always,\nJesus\n\nThe air was still cold, but even without her coat, Ruth no longer\nnoticed.\n\nIf you love Jesus, send this to ten people. Do not keep this message.\n\nThe mantra must leave your hands within 96 hours. You will get a very\npleasant surprise."} {"text": "FinMath.com @ Chicago\nFinancial Engineering & Risk Management Workshop\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNEW 60-65% OFF 2001 subscription for RISK Magazine\nfor members of Bachelier Finance Society.\nBecome a Member NOW!\nBachelier Finance Society\nhttp://www.bachelierfinance.com\n\nBachelier Finance Society Dues for the year 2001 $30\n\nOptional subscriptions:\n\n2001 subscription to Finance and Stochastics ($50)\n2001 subscription to Mathematical Finance [North America subscribers: $85;\nrest-of-world subscribers: $100]\n2001 subscription to Review of Derivatives Research ($50)\n2001 subscription to Journal of Computational Finance ($224)\n2001 subscription to RISK for academic subscribers ($173)\n2001 subscription to RISK for other subscribers ($224)\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nQUANTITATIVE FINANCE - NEW Journal.\nGet FREE sample copy NOW!\nQuantitative Finance\nhttp://www.iop.org/Journals/qf\n-------------------------------------------\n\nUPCOMING \nConferences/Seminars/Workshops:\nhttp://finmath.com/#Conferences/Seminars/Workshops\n\nSummer School in Mathematical Finance, September 17-22, 2001, Dubrovnik,\nCroatia\n\nSummer School on Stochastic and Finance, September 3-7, 2001, Barcelona,\nSpain\n\n11th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, July 25-27, 2001, New York\n\nAnnual Research Conference in Financial Risk, July 12-14, 2001, Budapest,\nHungary\n\nSecond international ISCS Symposium on Advanced Computing in Financial\nMarkets, June 19-22, 2001, Bangor, Wales, U.K.\n\nRisk 2001 USA, 6th Annual USA Derivatives and Risk Management Congress,\nJune 2001, Boston\n\nAdvanced Mathematics: Pricing and Hedging Credit Derivatives, April 23-24,\n2001, New York; April 26-27, 2001, London\n\nRisk 2001 Europe, 6th Annual European Derivatives and Risk Management\nCongress, April 2001, Paris, France\n\nGARP 2001 Second Annual Risk Management Convention & Exhibition,\nFebruary 12-15, 2001, New York\n\nCBOE/CBOT/CME 17th Annual Risk Management Conference -\nAn End User's Forum, February 1-4, 2001, Coronado, California\n\nAustrian Workshop on Credit Risk Management, January 31 - February 2, 2001,\nVienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria\n\nSixty First Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association, January 5-8,\n2001, New Orleans\n\nConference on Financial Mathematics: Risk Management, Modeling and Numerical\nMethods, January 3-12, 2001, Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics, UCLA,\nLos Angeles\n\n4th Columbia-JAFEE Conference for Mathematical Finance and Financial\nEngineering, December 16-17, 2000, Tokyo, Japan\n\nWorkshop on Options in Financial Products: Approaches to Valuation,\nDecember 8, 2000, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences,\nToronto, Canada\n\n7th Annual Conference Risk Management 2000, New Horizons & Advances in Risk\nManagement, Measurement, Modelling & Capital Allocation, December 5-8, 2000,\nGeneva, Switzerland\n\nQuantitative Methods in Finance 2000 & Bernoulli Society Conference in\nFinancial Mathematics, December 4-9, 2000, Sydney, Australia\n\nStochastic Calculus for Derivatives Risk Training Course, December 4-5, 2000,\nNew York\n\nYou'll find direct hyperlinks to all listed above events @\n\nConferences/Seminars/Workshops\nhttp://finmath.com/#Conferences/Seminars/Workshops\n\nMore Events on Derivatives, Risk Management & Financial Engineering @\nFinancial-Conferences.com\n---------------------------------------\n\nThis week only!\nEnjoy FREE shipping on orders over $100 @ Amazon.com\n\nSave up to 50% OFF\n\nThe Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, 6th Edition\n\nNew Books\nhttp://finmath.com/New_Books.html\n\nOur Recent Bestsellers\nhttp://finmath.com/#Bestsellers\n\nFrank J. 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As a \nnote, I will be out of the office on Friday.\n----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 02/15/2001 02:40 PM -----\n\n\tRichard Sage\n\t02/15/2001 11:04 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Denis O'Connell/LON/ECT@ECT, John Haggerty/Corp/Enron@Enron, Sara \nShackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Craig Chaney/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Confidentiality Agreement with Scana\n\nTana,\nI guess we need to change the Enron legal entity from Enron Corp?\nIn our current model the transacting entity will be Enron North America \n(which is a Delaware corporation?)\nCan you then arrange a suitable signature (Haedicke?)\nCan we get this done by the end of Friday?\n\nThanks,\nRichard\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Sage/LON/ECT on 15/02/2001 16:54 \n---------------------------\n\n\nJohn Haggerty@ENRON\n15/02/2001 15:14\nTo: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Craig Chaney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bruce Harris/NA/Enron@Enron, David P \nDupre/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Confidentiality Agreement\n\nRichard, Craig told me you could review and sign this confidentiality \nagreement, naturally it might need a little editing.\n---------------------- Forwarded by John Haggerty/Corp/Enron on 02/15/2001 \n10:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"FOLK, JESSE C III\" on 02/15/2001 02:30:48 PM\nTo: \"'john.haggerty@enron.com'\" , \n\"'denis.o'connell@enron.com'\" \ncc: \n\nSubject: Confidentiality Agreement\n\n\nJohn and Denis--\n\nHere is the proposed confidentiality agreement. I wasn't sure about the\nexact name for you, so I just put in the generic \"Enron\". Let me know if\nthis is okay.\n\nCall me if you have any questions, and I'm looking forward to reaching an\nagreement with you.\n\nThanks.\n\nJay Folk\nTrading Operations Manager\nSCANA Energy Marketing, Inc.\n803-217-1433 (Phone)\n888-309-2859 (Mobile)\n803-217-1455 (Fax)\njcfolk@scana.com (E-mail)\n\n\n\n - SEMI-Enron conf agreement.doc"} {"text": "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yb03.mx.aol.com (rly-yb03.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-yb05.mail.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Jun 2000 11:20:59 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-yb03.mx.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Jun 2000 11:20:27 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id KAA29860 for \n; Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:20:27 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/corp-1.05) with ESMTP id e5GFHf521633 for \n; Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:17:41 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id KAA11437 for \n; Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:18:01 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 86256900.00540A81 ; Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:17:57 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <86256900.00540989.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:17:59 -0500\nSubject: Australian Energy Risk 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/16/2000 \n10:21\nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Lucie Deathridge\" on 06/09/2000 12:52:54 PM\n\nPlease respond to \"Lucie Deathridge\" \n\nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: Australian Energy Risk 2000\n\n\n\n\n\nAs Australian Energy Risk 2000 is approaching. I am emailing you with regards\nto your presentation. The deadline date is Monday 12 June. If this is going to\nbe a problem please let me know I will be out of the office from Monday 12,\nuntil Monday 19 June, on which date I will be putting the presentation pack\ntogether to send to the printers. If your presentation is complete could you\nplease email it to ldeathridge@risk.co.uk as a powerpoint file ASAP.\n\nIf you have any problems in doing this please do not hesitate to contact me \nby\nemail or on (020) 7484 9867. I will reply to any queries when I return.\n\nRegards\nLucie Deathridge\nConference Co-ordinator\nRisk Publications\n\nTel: (+44) (020) 7484 9867\nhttp://www.riskpublications.com"} {"text": "Eric -- Attached is the letter and invitation list for the meeting on \nThursday with the Mayor and Enron Chairman Ken Lay. We will fax the \ninvitations as soon as I hear Monday morning from Kevin Sharer's office \nwhether he is amenable to hosting the meeting. I do not have contact \ninformation for Selim Zihlka, so if you could call or email me with that \ninformation, I'll make sure he receives an invitation.\n\nPlease call me if you have any questions.\n\nThank you for your assistance with this meeting.\n\nRegards,\n\nKaren Denne\nVice President\nPublic Relations\nEnron Corp.\n713-853-9757 - work\n713-853-6790 - fax\n713-907-7906 - cell\n281-861-7017 - home"} {"text": "Jeff --\n\nRule 22 provides with respect to the situation in which the ESP and the UDC\nare doing separate billing, that the UDC can require the ESP to establish\nits creditworthiness in the same manner as required for ESP Consolidated\nBilling, but only to the extent necessary to cover CPUC-approved charges\nthat the UDC bills the ESP directly. In other words, if PG&E bills EES\ndirectly for some service(s) that PG&E performs for EES, then PG&E can\nrequire security (surety, cash, a guarantee) to the extent necessary to\ncover that\ncharge(s).\n\nJeanne"} {"text": "Here are my comments to the latest set of swap docs:\n\n1. In the swap assignment, I think that the definition of Regulated \nSubsidiary can be deleted.\n\n2. In Section 3.4 of the swap assignment, in the new language that was added \nat the very end, shouldn't it say after the words \"Swap Agreement\" \"(as it \nrelates to the Assigned Interest)\"? In other words, if these events as to \nParty B happen and it results in either an event of default or termination \nevent under the swap, shouldn't Party A be entitled to terminate the Swap \nAgreement with respect to the portion that is not being assigned?\n\n3. I'm assuming that the changes to Section 3.5(e) track some current cross \ndefault language that Enron is now using.\n\n4. In Section 3.8, the word comments should be \"consents\".\n\nNora:\nPer my voice mail message to you, I'm assuming that you are okay with Section \n5.6.\n\n \n\nCarol St. Clair\nEB 3892\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)"} {"text": "Hi.\nI have been looking at your wonderful property online and would like to check the availability in both March and April. I would be looking for a 2-3 week stay. The town sounds great and am looking for to hearing form you. \nRegards\nMatt Motley\nmatt.motley@enron.com or mmatthew36@qwest.net"} {"text": "Stinson / Krishna,\n\nPaul Q, Raymond Y and I will call 5.30pm Houston time Thursday afternoon to \ndiscuss. That is 8.30am Sydney time. If that is not convenient, I will call \nKrishna to arrange another time.\n\nRegards,\nPaul\n\n\n\n\n\tStinson Gibner@ECT\n\t05/04/2001 07:29 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Paul Smith/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\t\t cc: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: Real Options\n\nPaul,\n\nKrishna and I are thinking that you may be able to book this type of option \nas a call swaption on power. If you would like to discuss further, let's \nset up a time when we can call you.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2001 \n04:27 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/02/2001 08:16 AM\nTo: Paul Smith/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul \nQuilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Raymond \nYeow/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \nSubject: Re: Real Options \n\nPaul,\n\nWe have done a lot of work in this area. I shall call you later\ntoday (Monday my time), Tuesday morning your time with\nsome recommendations.\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Shirley, please send a Real Options binder to Paul.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Paul Smith@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 03/30/2001 08:42 AM ZE10\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: Paul Quilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Raymond \nYeow/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \nSubject: Real Options\n\nVince,\n\nThe Sydney office is currently evaluating a proposal that involves an option \nto participate in building a wind farm. Should this proceed, we would like to \nmark this option \"to market\".\n\nHave the Research group completed any work on methods for booking and \nremarking real options? Alternatively, do you have any suggestions as to the \nbest way to value, and book, real options fairly?\n\nRegards\nPaul Smith"} {"text": "This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit.\nYour mailbox size is currently 81181 KB.\n \nMailbox size limits:\n \n\tWhen your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message.To check the size of your mailbox:\n \n Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), \n Select Properties and click the Folder Size button.\n This method can be used on individual folders as well.\n\nTo make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. \n\nYou must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. \n\nTo turn Journaling off,\n click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items.\n\nSee client Help for more information."} {"text": "Conference Call With Mark Bronzo-- Groupama Asset Management Large Cap Growth \nPortfolio Manager\n\nDuring the past few months, we have been active in arranging an exclusive \nseries of conference calls with various market strategists and portfolio \nmanagers that we feel could provide insight into the recent events in the \nmarkets that are relevant to your investments.\n\nOn Wednesday, May 25, 2001, we have arranged an exclusive opportunity for you \nto attend a conference call with institutional portfolio manager Mark P. \nBronzo. Mr. Bronzo is currently Chairman, President and CEO of the GAMNA \nSeries Funds Inc. and Senior Vice President, Managing Director and Board \nMember of Groupama Asset Management NA. Mr. Bronzo's primary responsibility \nis the management of the large cap equity portfolio for Groupama Asset \nManagement and its clients.\n\nMr. Bronzo is a Chartered Financial Analyst. He has an MBA in Finance from \nNew York University and a BA in Economics from Boston College. He has also \nbeen featured on CNBC's \"Taking Stock\" and on Bloomberg television. He will \ndiscuss his outlook on the overall markets, and also leave some time at the \nend of the call to answer a few questions. Following is the information you \nwill need to participate in this call:\n\nDate: Wednesday, May 23\nTime: 10:00 am cst\n\nPhone #: 888-867-5802\n\nPass Code: 3866608\n\n\nTo help ensure the conference begins in a timely manner, they ask that we \ndial in 5-10 minutes prior to the conference.\nHank Emery\nFinancial Advisor\nEmery Financial Group\nUBS PaineWebber Incorporated\nHouston, Texas\n713-957-7060\n\n\n\n\nNotice Regarding Entry of Orders and Instructions: Please\ndo not transmit orders and/or instructions regarding your\nPaineWebber account(s) by e-mail. Orders and/or instructions\ntransmitted by e-mail will not be accepted by PaineWebber and\nPaineWebber will not be responsible for carrying out such orders\nand/or instructions. Notice Regarding Privacy and Confidentiality:\nPaineWebber reserves the right to monitor and review the content of\nall e-mail communications sent and/or received by its employees."} {"text": "Get to know our Associates and Analysts. Wish farewell and good luck to Hal \nBertram and Mark Courtney as they begin their new adventures in EES."} {"text": "Any idea why this question came up?"} {"text": "Yes, I'm taking off tomorrow. Wish you could too. I'm planning on taking Chad to the Zoo.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Erb, Kim [mailto:KErb@houston.deepwater.com]\nSent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 1:32 PM\nTo: Corman, Shelley\nSubject: RE: Dinner Plans\n\n\nThat will work for me. I assume you will be taking tomorrow off. Good for\nyou. I love you.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Corman, Shelley [mailto:Shelley.Corman@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 1:34 PM\nTo: Cyndi Jewell (E-mail); Kim Erb (E-mail 2)\nSubject: Dinner Plans\n\n\nHi Cyndi,\n\nChad does not have soccer practice tonight so we are free to meet for\ndinner pretty much anytime. I know you are trying to tie up loose ends\nat the office and I could stand to work a little late tonight. How\ndoes 7 PM at Cafe Express sound? \n\n Kim, can you pick up Chad and meet me there? Gaby says she may take\nChad to Lucas later this afternoon. Please pay Gaby if you see her --\nas I have given her the day off tomorrow.\n\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and\nmay contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply\nto Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you. \n**********************************************************************"} {"text": "> > > >\n> > > > > > A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo,\n> >and\n> > > > > > when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at\n>the\n> > > back\n> > > > > > that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the\n>herd\n> >as\n> > > a\n> > > > > > whole, because the general speed and health of the whole is\n> >maintained\n> > > > > > or even improved by the regular culling of the weakest members.\n> > > > > > In much the same way, the human brain can operate only as fast\n>as\n> >the\n> > > > > > slowest brain cells through which the electrical signals pass.\n> >Recent\n> > > > > > epidemiological studies have shown that while excessive intake\n>of\n> > > > > > alcohol kills off brain cells, it attacks the slowest and\n>weakest\n> > > > > > brain cells first. Thus, regular consumption of beer helps\n> >eliminate\n> > > the\n> > > > > > weaker cells, constantly making the brain a faster and more\n> >efficient\n> > > > > > machine. The result of this in-depth study verifies and\n>validates\n> >the\n> > > > > > causal link between all-weekend parties and job related\n> >performance.\n> > > > > > It also explains why, after a few short years of leaving a\n> >university\n> > > > > and\n> > > > > > getting married, most professionals cannot keep up with the\n> > > > > > performance of the new graduates. Only those few that stick to\n>the\n> > > > > strict\n> > > > > > regimen of voracious alcoholic consumption can maintain the\n> > > intellectual\n> > > > > > levels that they achieved during their college years.\n> > > > > > So, this is a call to arms. As our country is losing its\n> >technological\n> > > > > > edge, we must not shudder in our homes. Get back into the bars.\n> >Quaff\n> > > > > > that pint. Your company and country need you to be at your peak,\n> >and\n> > > > > > you shouldn't deny yourself the career that you could have. Take\n> >life\n> > > by\n> > > > > > the bottle and be all that you can be.\n> > > > > > Forward this to all of your friends, acquaintances and\n>co-workers\n> >that\n> > > > > > may be in danger of losing their edge.\n> > > > > >\n\n\n\n***********************************************************************\nBear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation,\noffer or agreement or any information about any transaction, customer\naccount or account activity contained in this communication.\n***********************************************************************"} {"text": "In light of recent events, effective IMMEDIATELY, all usage of the Corporate American Express card is restricted to transactions (approved by your management) for business travel at airline, hotel, car rental and restaurant establishments. Transactions attempted at other establishments will be denied at the point of sale.\n\nEffective Friday, December 7th, ALL charge privileges on ALL Corporate American Express Corporate Cards will be suspended indefinitely. There will be NO charge activity allowed on any Card after close of business on Friday, December 7, 2001.\n\nEnron and each cardholder maintain joint liability on all authorized business related charges on the Corporate American Express card. Each individual cardholder maintains sole liability for non-business related charges.\n\nIt is highly recommended that all outstanding and approved business expenses incurred on the American Express Corporate Card be submitted through XMS for reimbursement as soon as incurred.\n\nWe are continuously working on solutions to facilitate business travel processes. If you have an immediate need or solution, please let us know.\n\nFor assistance, please contact:\n\nTracy Ramsey, Director Global Travel Services (713) 646-8311, tracy.ramsey@enron.com \n\nEnron Travel Management (713) 345-6252, enron travel@enron.com ."} {"text": "Survey responses came in over the weekend -- so we ended with 71.44% \nparticipation from Enron overall ! A fantastic response rate for us. Beth \nTilney"} {"text": "guenther,\nplease can you respond to Sara\nthanks\nJanine\n\n\nFrom: Sara Shackleton on 15/02/2001 16:43 CST\nTo: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT, Denis O'Connell/LON/ECT@ECT, Janine \nJuggins/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Confidentiality Agreement with Scana\n\nRichard:\n\nThe corporate workbook reflects that the officers of Enron Credit, Inc. all \nreside in the U.K. I don't see anyone identified with a power of attorney \nfor executing documents in Houston. \n\nAs there may be tax issues associated with U.K. officers signing (in the U.K) \non behalf of a U.S. company, I am asking for verification from Janine.\n\nMy suggestion is that Enron Credit Ltd. negotiate and execute the agreement \nand include the usual \"affiliates, representatives, etc.\" who may need to \nknow any confidential information. Your V.P.'s are all in London. \n\nIf Janelle confirms that it's alright for Brown, Sherriff or Seyfried to sign \nfor Enron Credit, Inc. from London, then we can prepare the document and have \na V.P. sign and fax the agreement to the U.S. party. At a minimum, though, \nwe should try to work from our form of NDA.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions. \n\n\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 02/15/2001 04:11 PM -----\n\n\tTana Jones\n\t02/15/2001 02:41 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Confidentiality Agreement with Scana\n\nIt is not clear to me how we should handle this, what do you sugguest? As a \nnote, I will be out of the office on Friday.\n----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 02/15/2001 02:40 PM -----\n\n\tRichard Sage\n\t02/15/2001 11:04 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Denis O'Connell/LON/ECT@ECT, John Haggerty/Corp/Enron@Enron, Sara \nShackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Craig Chaney/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Confidentiality Agreement with Scana\n\nTana,\nI guess we need to change the Enron legal entity from Enron Corp?\nIn our current model the transacting entity will be Enron North America \n(which is a Delaware corporation?)\nCan you then arrange a suitable signature (Haedicke?)\nCan we get this done by the end of Friday?\n\nThanks,\nRichard\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Sage/LON/ECT on 15/02/2001 16:54 \n---------------------------\n\n\nJohn Haggerty@ENRON\n15/02/2001 15:14\nTo: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Craig Chaney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bruce Harris/NA/Enron@Enron, David P \nDupre/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Confidentiality Agreement\n\nRichard, Craig told me you could review and sign this confidentiality \nagreement, naturally it might need a little editing.\n---------------------- Forwarded by John Haggerty/Corp/Enron on 02/15/2001 \n10:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"FOLK, JESSE C III\" on 02/15/2001 02:30:48 PM\nTo: \"'john.haggerty@enron.com'\" , \n\"'denis.o'connell@enron.com'\" \ncc: \n\nSubject: Confidentiality Agreement\n\n\nJohn and Denis--\n\nHere is the proposed confidentiality agreement. I wasn't sure about the\nexact name for you, so I just put in the generic \"Enron\". Let me know if\nthis is okay.\n\nCall me if you have any questions, and I'm looking forward to reaching an\nagreement with you.\n\nThanks.\n\nJay Folk\nTrading Operations Manager\nSCANA Energy Marketing, Inc.\n803-217-1433 (Phone)\n888-309-2859 (Mobile)\n803-217-1455 (Fax)\njcfolk@scana.com (E-mail)\n\n\n\n - SEMI-Enron conf agreement.doc"} {"text": "Dear Gas OII Parties,\n\nThis is an electronic version of Exhibit 106 for your convenience.\n - Exh.106-ResponsestoALJ.doc\n\nMarcel Hawiger\nTHE UTILITY REFORM NETWORK\n711 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 350\nSan Francisco, CA 94102\n(415) 929-8876 x. 311\n(415) 929-1132 (fax)\nmarcel@turn.org"} {"text": "FYI\n\nVince\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tTaylor, Liz \nSent:\tMonday, October 29, 2001 6:35 PM\nTo:\tKaminski, Vince J\nSubject:\tHome Address\n\nShirley,\n\nMay I get Vince's home address and wife's name for Greg's mailing list?\n\nMany Thanks,\n\nLiz Taylor\nExec. Assistant to Greg Whalley\nOffice of the Chairman\nEnron Corporation\nTel. 713.853.1935\nFax 713.853.1838"} {"text": "Looks like I will have to miss Jazz Fest next year . I may be incarcerated.\n\nJilly\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: Mike Jillard \nSent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:45 AM\nSubject: heard your ship came in\n\n\n> Sounds like the coast guard found your boat and took your stash. Sorry to\n> hear that.\n> PL\n> http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/05/14/cocaine.seizure.txt/index.html\n>"} {"text": "Dear Mark,\n\nHomecoming weekend for the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity was the best we have had\nin over 3 years. There were alumni present at our Alumni meeting dating\nback to the early 70's. We would like to spark alumni interest back to the\ncurrent ZBT. We encourage you to visit our web-site at:\n\nhttp://department.monm.edu/zbt/default.htm\n\nWe think you will be impressed witht he events and progress we have made as\na chapter over the years. We also want your feedback, so e-mail us back\nfrom the ZBT site for any comments you want to make or questions about the\nchapter. Also check out starting on 10-25-01, a new page on our web-site\ndedicated to ZBT alumni.\n\nthanks,\nJerone Tyler"} {"text": "Shelly,\n\nThese are the Super Saturdays I can help you with:\n\nNov 10\nDec 1\nDec 8\nDec 15 \n\nI shall be traveling on two other days. One of these trips is related to \nrecruiting at CMU.\n\nVince"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2001 01:12 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Larry Joe Hunter 03/13/2001 12:49 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Brewer/NA/Enron@Enron, Janie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: rebooks 3/12\n\nPlease rebook QW4526 to CORALENEHOL\n\nThanks,\nJoe"} {"text": "FYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lorraine Lindberg/ET&S/Enron on \n11/17/2000 08:29 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"BWhitta@pnm.com\" \ncc: \n\nSubject: RP00-626\n\n\nJust a note to alert you. PNM will be filing a protest in Transwestern's\nfiling in this docket. PNM objects to Transwestern's proposal to not permit\nnetting and trading of imbalances on a volumetric basis. This is one of the\nissues PNM protested in Transwestern's Order 637 filing.\n\n\n Barbara Whittaker"} {"text": "KASIE'S PHONE NUMBER'S IN GERMANY\n\n 011-49-221-71-58-195\n\n HER MOBIL NUMBER:\n\n 011-49-17-27-25-4058"} {"text": "Course Registration/Product Purchase on 04/24/2001\nFrom: Training Services (auto-generated)\nSent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001\nTo: v.charles.weldon@enron.com\nCc: Registration Department; Student: V. CHARLES WELDON \nSubject: Course Registration/Product Purchase\n\n\nThis order requires approval from your manager before it can be processed. \n\nYour Registration Identification Number is: 14773 \n\nFor your convenience, click here to view and print your receipt: \nhttp://www.corptraining.com/index.cfm?company=enron&fuseaction=modifyregistrat\nion&displayleft=no&displayright=no&RegistrationID=14773 \n\nORDER DESCRIPTION \nVendor Name: Enron \nCourse name: Applied Finance\nClass Date: May 31 2001 - Jun 01 2001\nLocation: Houston TX\nStudent Enrolled: V. CHARLES WELDON\nCancellation Policy: Cancellation of class must be received at least 3 \nbusiness days prior to class time in order to prevent charges to your Cost \nCenter. All \"No Shows\" will be charged the full cost of the course. \nSubstitutes may be sent provided they have satisfied all course \nprerequisites. \n\n\n\nThis order needs to be authorized before it is processed."} {"text": "Crude 24X7 WTI Marketing Effort\n\n\nTrade Count:\n 276 Trades \n 9.74 Million Barrels\n 9 Counterparties Transacting Today\n 29 Counterparties Transacting to Date"} {"text": "<<2XFNRED.DOC>> <<2XFN08!.DOC>>\n\nGreg and Isabel:\n\nEnclosed are clean and blacklined copies of the final draft of the First\nAmended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement. The blackline\nreflects changes from the 4-04-01 draft which was attached as Exhibit A to\nthe letter agreement. The only outstanding matter is to fill in three blank\ndates on pages 1, 2 and A-3. Please review and advise of any comments.\nThanks.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing & Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\nEnclosures 136643v8\n 136643vR8/7\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message.\n\n\n - 2XFNRED.DOC\n - 2XFN08!.DOC"} {"text": "sorry, the rest of the message must have deleted....... i'm closing on my \nhouse on that day..........."} {"text": "Hi! My fax number is (55-11) 5507-3626\n\n\n\n\nSara Shackleton@ECT\n07/12/99 08:03 PM\nTo: Andrea Bertone/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \n\nSubject: update of Brazilian regulations\n\nHello! Please send me your fax number. I have a list of \"Final and Proposed \nRegulations\" which needs to be updated. I would like to fax you the list. \nThanks. Sara"} {"text": "are you still planning on coming down this weekend? Let me know, so we can \nexchange numbers. Check out the site I attached, looks like the lineup has \nimproved.\nPL\nhttp://www.insideneworleans.com/partners/nojazzfest/schedules/april27_cube.htm\nl"} {"text": "Credit Dept:\n\nHere is a list of outstanding deals that require your approval. \n\nThank you,\n\nPatrick Mulvany\n\n\n\nBuyer \tSeller \tDeal No. \tDeal Date \tStatus \tReason \tCredit Contact\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nENA \tPROGAS1 \tY92376.1 \t10/10/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tDarren Vanek\t\nWAMON \tENA \tYE4750.1 \t10/26/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tMax Sonnonstine\t\nWAMON \tENA \tYE4750.2 \t10/26/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tMax Sonnonstine\t\nENA \tNATIONALENETRA \tYG7967.1 \t11/2/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tRudwell Johnson\t\nENA \tNATIONALENETRA \tYG7998.1 \t11/2/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tRudwell Johnson\t\nAARB \tENA \tYG8715.3 \t11/2/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tPaul Radous \t\nENA \tAARB \tYG8715.5 \t11/2/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tPaul Radous \t\nCON_ED_NY \tENA \tYH0552.1 \t11/5/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tDarren Vanek\t\nHOMESTAOIL \tENA \tYH0992.1 \t11/5/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tRudwell Johnson\t\nENA \tHOMESTAOIL \tYH0992.2 \t11/5/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tRudwell Johnson\t\nENA \tHOMESTAOIL \tYH0992.3 \t11/5/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tRudwell Johnson\t\nENA \tBPCAPENE \tYJ4705.1 \t11/14/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tJay Williams \t\nBPCAPENE \tENA \tYJ4707.1 \t11/14/2001\tPending \tSent to credit \tJay Williams"} {"text": "This one's on us! \t\n\t\t\t\t[IMAGE] \t\n[IMAGE]\tJust pick your favorites... they're our gift to you-our selected customers. With this valuable offer, you can select your choice of 3 complimentary gifts. \t[IMAGE]\tClick here for details Limited time offer. \t[IMAGE]\t\n\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\n\t\t\t\t Not ready to order? Click the button below. [IMAGE] \t\n\n\n You are subscribed to the RealBigWinners.com newsletter as: andrew.h.lewis@enron.com If you wish to unsubscribe please click the link below: Click Here to Unsubscribe \t\n\n[IMAGE]"} {"text": "Michelle,\n\nPer our phone conversation\n\n\n\t\t\t\t \nSarah A. Davis\nDirector of Resource Mgmt & Employee Relations\n713/853-5328\nFax 713/646-8498\nsarah.a.davis@enron.com"} {"text": "I agree that the account documentation should be signed asap. The accounts should have been reregistered with appropriate documentation when trading began with Enron Credit Inc. Any questions or if I can help with anything, please let me know. Donna Lowry, RAC Compliance\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Doukas, Tom \nSent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 11:06 AM\nTo: Schultz, Cassandra; Bradford, William S.; Lowry, Donna\nCc: Heard, Marie; Shackleton, Sara; Pizzolato, Paul; Kinneman, Jeff;\nWall, David; Seyfried, Bryan\nSubject: RE: Prime Brokerage Clearance Services Agreement\n\n\nBill, Cassandra, and Donna,\n\nPlease reply to this mail with your approval of the signing of the below documents which are needed to maintain an account that had previously been in use by ECT/ENA for execution of Bond Trades through prime broker acocunts.\n\nAs Enron Credit has now split out into its own entity new documents must be provided to the executing brokers.\n\nSince we were trading in the old name prior with the counterparties this has only recently come up. It is now disrupting our trading ability as vital couterparties have been restricted from further transactions with us.\n\nCan we have a blanket approval to set up all bond counterparties registered with ECT/ENA to be set up for ECI as well.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom Doukas\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Shackleton, Sara \nSent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Doukas, Tom\nCc: Heard, Marie\nSubject: RE: Prime Brokerage Clearance Services Agreement\n\n\nPlease forward your email to the RAC group requesting the opening of this account. Thanks. Sara\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Doukas, Tom \nSent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11:34 AM\nTo: Shackleton, Sara\nCc: Heard, Marie\nSubject: FW: Prime Brokerage Clearance Services Agreement\n\n\nI have another one for you guys. I do not anticipate any urgency on this, but would still like it out of the way.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Grice, Regan [mailto:regan.grice@funb.com]\nSent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11:10 AM\nTo: Doukas, Tom\nSubject: Prime Brokerage Clearance Services Agreement\n\n\nMr. Doukas:\n\nOn September 27, we opened a prime brokerage account in the name Enron\nCredit Inc. Bear Stearns is acting as Prime Broker on this account, and\nFirst Union Securities, Inc. is executing your securities. The SEC requires\nthe Clearing Broker (us) to have the attached agreement on file for our\nprime brokerage clients.\n\nIf you would be so kind as to have this agreement signed, I would greatly\nappreciate it. If you have any questions, you can call me at 704-593-7024.\nOnce it is completed, it can be faxed back to my attention at 704-593-7032.\n\nThank you and best regards,\n\n\nRegan Grice\nFirst Union Capital Markets, Documentation\nPhone: 1-800-735-1470 or 704-593-7278\nFax: 704-593-7032\n\t\n\n <>"} {"text": "As you will note, Robin has made some use of the Lockyer statements.\n----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2001 07:27 AM -----\n\n\t\"Jeffrey C. Alexander\" \n\t05/23/2001 06:09 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'Richard.B.Sanders@Enron.com'\" \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Draft Supplement for MDL Panel\n\n\n <<26FY01!.WPD>>\n\n - 26FY01!.WPD"} {"text": "will see you there (most probably)\n\n\nFrom: Kim Ward/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/04/2001 10:18 AM\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: \n\nMy floor looks good - now i just have to paint. Have fun in San Antonio. \nMonday morning?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Arnold, John \nSent: Friday, May 04, 2001 9:38 AM\nTo: Ward, Kim S.\nSubject: Re:\n\ni like that feeling...as long as someone doesnt punch you in the gut. i'm \ngoing to san antonio at lunch today to play soccer so i just took the day \noff. catching up on 2 weeks of email. i know how to relax don't i\n\n\nFrom: Kim Ward/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/04/2001 09:34 AM\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nEvery single muscle in my stomach is sore."} {"text": "Thanks for the slides. There really is nothing new under the sun. The key \nis to identify the source of competitive advantage. To my mind it's the same \nline of thought that leads us to see EOL as sustainable, but neutral B2B \nmarketplaces as temporary. Our only competitive advantage is that we are the \nlargest principal member of the potential club, making our participation most \ncritical. Given this, our timing and positioning relative to potentially \njoining others may be the single most important strategic decision we make. \nI would enjoy hearing your thoughts on any other elements of competitve \nadvantage that we could leverage, particularly those elements that are most \nsustainable.\n\n\n\n\nMary Solmonson@ECT\n12/13/2000 04:59 PM\nTo: Thomas D Gros/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, James Whitehead/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Data Exchange Strategy\n\nI just saw this presentation on EnVera and couldn't help but think this is \nthe concept you were promoting yesterday as a data hub/exchange. Seems like \nthat is the EnVera strategy as well."} {"text": "Attached is a Canadian Credit Watch listing. If there are any \npersonnel in your group that were not included in this distribution, please \ninsure that they receive a copy of this report.\n\nTo add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been \nsent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002.\n\nFor other questions, please contact Bill Bradford at x3-3831, John Suttle \nx3-0906 , Russell Diamond x5-7095 or the Global Credit Hotline at x3-1803."} {"text": "Gerald,\n\nI contacted Sandra Grimes and John Lopez, Manager of Logistics, of Oasis Pipe \nLine Company and informed them that the contracts should remain with Enron \nNorth America Corp. \n\nHowever, they have asked for an agreement or letter to disregard the \nassignment and assumption agreement effective September 1, 2000. They would \nlike to have this agreement or letter ASAP. \n\nI will fax it to: Atten: Sandra Grimes\n Fax: (713) 758-9835\n\nI can forward the original to Oasis Pipe Line Company on Tuesday, 9/5/2000. \n\n\nLet me know when the agreement or letter is ready and I will route it for \nsignatures, accordingly. If it cannot be ready today, I will contact Sandra \nGrimes and John Lopez and inform them that it will be ready on Tuesday, \n9/5/2000.\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard \n---------------------- Forwarded by Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT on 09/01/2000 \n02:34 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n08/31/2000 10:59 AM\nTo: Eric Gillaspie/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Linda S Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sylvia A Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Assignment of Oasis Pipeline contracts\n\nThe Oasis Pipeline Contracts are still being routed for signature. However, \nI received this e-mail from Stacey Neuweiler to continue business as ENA not \nHPLC.\n\nThank You.\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT on 08/31/2000 \n10:52 AM ---------------------------\nStacey Neuweiler 08/31/2000 10:50 AM\n\nTo: Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect\ncc: \nSubject: Assignment of Oasis Pipeline contracts\n\nPer Tom Martin's request, please continue business as ENA, not HPLC for \nSeptember 1,2000. Until we know the future of Houston Pipeline, we will \ncontinue transacting as ENA. Thank you very much for all of your help with \nthis.\n\nStacey Neuweiler\n713-853-3952"} {"text": "Please see attached. Hard copies are being sent to the restricted service\nlist.\n\n\nJoseph H. Fagan\nATTORNEY\nHellerEhrman\n\ntel.: 202.912.2162\nfax: 202.912.2020\ne-mail: jfagan@hewm.com\nweb: http://www.hewm.com \nAddress: 1666 K Street, N.W.\n Suite 300\n Washington, D.C. 20006-1228\n>\nThe information contained in this e-mail message may be privileged,\nconfidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended\nrecipient, any dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly\nprohibited. If you think that you have received this e-mail message in\nerror, please e-mail the sender at JFagan@HEWM.COM \n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - Transmittal Letter to Reliant.rtf \n - First Set to Reliant - Start U.rtf"} {"text": "Let me know if you need anything else. - Pam\n\nAt 11:00 AM 1/26/01 -0600, you wrote:\n\n>Pam\n>\n>Thanks\n>\n>Yes, please, send me the E-mail addresses.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>Pamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/26/2001 10:40:17 AM\n>\n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>cc:\n>Subject: MGMT 656\n>\n>\n>Here are your latest rosters. Let me know if you would like the spreadsheet\n>with their e-mail addresses as well! - Pam (6223)\n>(See attached file: 656.doc)\n>\n>\n\n - 656.xls"} {"text": "Speak of the deviI! I just had someone leave a voice mail for counsel (who \nis at an outside meeting). I will definitely have a lawyer call tomorrow \nmorning. Is Utah in your time zone? Sara \n\n\nTo: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deseret \n\nWhat do you think the timing will be on hearing back from your utah counsel?\n\n\n\nSara Shackleton\n10/21/99 09:27 AM\nTo: Michael Etringer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deseret\n\nI have retained Utah counsel. I'll keep you posted. I haven't looked at \nyour other question yet but I will ! Sara"} {"text": "Thanks for having us over. We had a really good time. It was great seeing \nyou guys. Drew is a really good kid. We will have to make our way to Denver \nsoon. Take care.\nPL"} {"text": "[IMAGE]\t\n Battle your friends for glory in Planters Crunch Time -- the first-ever football game played via e-mail! Featuring graphic, play-by-play action, Planters Crunch Time is fast, fun, and FREE! Kickoff Now! NFL FANS - SAVE 10% on Team Caps! Represent your team in a fitted, adjustable or logo cap. Enter coupon code CTP6W92Y at checkout to receive this exclusive offer. Ends 10/30/01. Attention Fantasy Fans! Subscribe to The Sporting News now for a low $.99 per issue AND get a FREE Stainless Steel Thermo-Bottle! HURRY! Brought to you by Sponsorship Bar You are receiving these e-reports because you have signed up for CBS SportsLine.com Fantasy Football. To customize, reschedule, or turn off these reports please click here Player Updates Scouting Reports [IMAGE] Latest NFL Player News Todd Pinkston , WR PHI Updated 10/24/01 Pinkston has a strained wrist but is expected to play in Sunday's game. He will be evaluated on a day to day basis. Ron Dixon , WR NYG Updated 10/24/01 Dixon missed Monday game because of a sprained ankle. He has made progress in his recovery and might play this week. Joe Jurevi! ci! us , WR NYG Updated 10/24/01 Ike Hilliard regained his starting position Monday, returning Jurevicius to the role of a reserve. Jurevicius was productive as a starter in Hilliard's absence. However, he will be useless as the No. 3 receiver. There is a chance that he could return to starting lineup and replace Amani Toomer. Toomer has been inconsistent this season. Jurevicius played alongside Hilliard a few times in Sunday's game while Toomer stood on the sidelines. Reggie Swinton , WR DAL Updated 10/24/01 Swinton is suffering from a hamstring injury and is questionable for Sunday's game against Arizona. \"He [Swinton] worked with the trainers on Monday and did some things, but he didn't do enough to say for sure he will be available,\" said head coach Dave Campo. Darrin Chiaverini an! d ! Raghib Ismail will get more playing time in his absence. Joey Galloway , WR DAL Updated 10/24/01 Galloway is listed as questionable for this week's game against the Cardinals, but the Cowboys are optimistic about his chances of playing. He is recovering from a sprained foot. \"We're expecting some limited practice tomorrow, so I would say he is questionable from the standpoint that it will depend on how he improves the next two or three days,\" said head coach Dave Campo. Darrin Chiaverini , WR DAL Updated 10/24/01 Chiaverini practiced Monday and is listed as probable for Sunday's game against the Cardinals. ! He! is recovering from a left knee injury. Raghib Ismail , WR DAL Updated 10/24/01 Ismail, recovering from a sprained knee, practiced Monday without any problems. He is listed as probable for this week's game. Ricky Watters , RB SEA Updated 10/23/01 According to the Tacoma News Tribune, Seahawks Head Coach Mike Holmgren says that Watters will return to the starting lineup as soon as he's healthy, which could be another month or longer. \"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it,\" Holmgren said. \"I would be surprised if I didn't insert Ricky back into the lineup. He was our best player when! h! e got hurt. Shaun (Alexander) has come in and played well. But I would suspect that when Ricky can play, he'll play again.\" If you have the roster room, it would be a good idea to stash both backs on your team to ensure you're safe if Watters takes the job back from Alexander down the stretch. Trent Dilfer , QB SEA Updated 10/23/01 Dilfer was unable to practice on Monday due to a groin injury. He has lost the starting QB job to Matt Hasselbeck, and shouldn't be on any Fantasy rosters at this point. Matt Hasselbeck , QB SEA Updated 10/23/01 Hasselbeck will be the Seahawks' starting quarterback for Sunday's game against Miami, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. He replaces Trent Dilfer, who stood in for Hasselbeck as he was sidelined with a pulled groin. This isn't a very favorable matchup for Hasselbeck from a Fan! ta! sy perspective, so don't use him this week. Wayne Chrebet , WR NYJ Updated 10/23/01 The Jets have listed Chrebet as questionable for next Sunday's game at Carolina. He will have an MRI on Tuesday to determine the extent of the concussion he suffered Sunday against the Rams. Dedric Ward , WR MIA Updated 10/23/01 Ward missed Monday's practice due to a foot injury. He is expected to miss Sunday's game at Seattle, and isn't a useful Fantasy player at this point in the season. Lamar Smith , RB MIA Updated 10/23/01 Smith did not practice Monday due to an ankle injury. He is still expected to play Sunday in Seattle, so don't be afraid to use him this week. Marvin Minnis , WR KC Updated 10/23/01 Chiefs Head Coach Dick Vermail said Monday that Minnis might start ahead of Chris Thomas in Thursday's game against Indianapolis. We don't recommend you use either receiver despite the fact that the Colts' secondary is hardly imposing. Neither player is going to be a clear-cut starter this week. Jerome Pathon , WR IND Updated 10/23/01 Pathon might miss his third straight game Thursday at Kansas City due to a sprained right foot. Don't use him this week. Terrence Wilkins , WR IND Updated 10/23/01 Wilkins is questionable for Thursday's game at Kansas City due to broken ribs. We don't recommend you use him in a Fantasy league this week. Terrell Davis , RB DEN Updated 10/23/01 Davis is still targeting Sunday's game against New England as his comeback game from arthroscopic knee surgery, but the Broncos have not decided whether they will activate him. He will work in p! ra! ctice this week and the Broncos hope to know by Wednesday whether Davis can play. We don't recommend you use Davis in a Fantasy league unless it's absolutely certain he's Denver's starting running back and is 100 percent healthy. Warrick Dunn , RB TB Updated 10/23/01 According to the St. Petersburg Times, Dunn doesn't have a hamstring strain, as was originally reported. Dunn won't practice until late in the week, however, but he is expected to play on Sunday against Minnesota. Duce Staley , RB PHI Updated 10/23/01 Staley started Monday's game against the N.Y. Giants, but he didn't finish it. Staley carried the ball just three times for 22 yards, and was spelled late in the game by rookie Correll Buckhalter, who gained 34 yards on 11 carries late in the game. ! At! this point, it's tough to depend on Staley to post consistent Fantasy numbers, so consider reserving him if your roster allows for a solid replacement. Joe Nedney , K TEN Updated 10/23/01 Nedney suffered a neck injury in Sunday's game but is expected to play this week. Erron Kinney , TE TEN Updated 10/23/01 Kinney will be listed on the injury report because of a calf injury. However, he is expected to play in this week's game. Kevin Dyson , WR TEN Updated 10/23/01 D! ys! on is recovering from a thumb injury but is expected to play in Monday's game against the Steelers. He is expected to participate in practice. Eddie George , RB TEN Updated 10/23/01 George suffered a thumb injury in Sunday's game. He is expected to play in this week's game. Steve McNair , QB TEN Updated 10/23/01 McNair is suffering from a sore ankle as a result of a play in Sunday's game. However, he is expected to play in this week's game. Chris Sanders , WR TEN Updated 10/23/01 The Tennessean reports that Sanders has a disc problem in his back. The reserve receiver is expected to see a specialist this week. Treatment options consist of rest, an injection, or surgery. Don't expect Sanders to play anytime soon. Rookie Drew Bennett will play in his absence. Damon Jones , TE JAC Updated 10/23/01 Jones is expected to resume practicing on Wednesday. An MRI on his shoulder showed that his injury would not require surgery. Fred Taylor , RB JAC Updated 10/23/01 Taylor has been ruled out of Sunday's game against Baltimore and his! s! tatus for next week's game remains uncertain. \"All I know is that, from week to week, they increase his exercises and change of direction,\" head coach Tom Coughlin told The Florida Times-Union. \"It remains to be seen when Fred will be able to play. Progress is slow. I'm hoping he responds well this week, then we can make some kind of legitimate guess [about a return date] next week.\" Taylor has been inactive since severely injuring his groin on Sept 23. Dennis Northcutt , WR CLE Updated 10/23/01 Northcutt left Sunday's game because of a concussion. He is expected to play when the Browns return to action next week. Todd Heap , TE BAL Updated 10/23/01 Heap did not play Sunday but head coach ! Br! ian Billick told The Baltimore Sun he is optimistic that the rookie will play in this week's game. Heap has been inactive for the last four games because of a sprained ankle. Terry Allen , RB BAL Updated 10/23/01 Allen, who left after the fifth play of Sunday's game with a sprained ankle, is questionable for this week's game. Jason Brookins will start at running back if Allen is inactive. More Updates [IMAGE] Copyright 2001 Commissioner.COM Inc and SportsLine.com Inc. Your site can be reached from http://fantasy.sportsline.com FB40SP"} {"text": "Sandeep Kohli@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n04/03/2001 04:18 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Invitation\n\nVince,\n\nI have been meaning to invite you to my home for dinner for some time now, \nbut you havew been so busy lately that I have not made a formal invite.\n\nPlease tell me what would be a convenient day, and we can plan for it. I'd \nlove for you to meet my wife, as well as see our daughter.\n\nRegards,\nSandeep."} {"text": "Joe,\n\nCan you let me know why the deal mentioned below, NT8261.2, is not being \nsettled. \n\nThanks,\n\nErrol, X5-8274\n---------------------- Forwarded by Errol McLaughlin/Corp/Enron on 04/12/2001 \n10:49 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Shannon McPearson/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/10/2001 02:19 PM\nTo: Errol McLaughlin/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: FW: NT8261.2\n\nCould you please respond to the message below. The value for this deal, as of \nFeb 2001, is ($3,020,947). Financial settlements is not settling this deal, \nhowever it was entered into TAGG as a financial deal. I don't know what to do \nwith this outstanding value!!\n\u0001;\nThanks!\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: McPearson, Shannon \nSent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:16 PM\nTo: McLaughlin, Errol\nSubject: NT8261.2\n\n\nCan you tell me the history behind deal number NT8261.2, counterparty City of \nHuntsville? This deal liquidated out of the PG Book in December, January and \nFebruary. It is a financial deal and in TAGG it says that the deal is to \nunwind a storage deal?\u0001; Can you tell me what deal number this deal is \nunwinding and if it should\u0001;be going to the 364 physical side for OA purposes? \n\u0001;\nThanks!\n\u0001;\nShannon McPearson\nEnron North America\n713-853-5944\nShannon.McPearson@enron.com"} {"text": "TCO will allow this burn rate until further notice for Hopewell. This \ninformation has been give to Chuck Barnes at Hopewell Plant and to Cullen \nHarper. \n\n12 midnight to 10 am = 1200 dkt /hour 10 x 1200 = 12,000\n10 am to 12 noon = 2500 dkt/hour 2 x 2500 = 5,000\n12 noon to midnight = 3500 dkt/hour 12 x 3500 = 42,000\n\nTotal Burn = 59,000\n\nNote, this is max that hopewell can do... not what they have ordered for each \nday. \n\nNow we need to find gas and transport to get it there.\n\nThanks."} {"text": "Current Notes User: \n\nTo ensure that you experience a successful migration from Notes to Outlook, \nit is necessary to gather individual user information prior to your date of \nmigration. Please take a few minutes to completely fill out the following \nsurvey. Double Click on document to put it in \"Edit\" mode. When you finish, \nsimply click on the 'Reply With History' button then hit 'Send' Your survey \nwill automatically be sent to the Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox.\n\nThank you.\n\nOutlook 2000 Migration Team\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFull Name: \n\nLogin ID: \n\nExtension: \n\nOffice Location: \n\nWhat type of computer do you have? (Desktop, Laptop, Both) \n\nDo you have a PDA? If yes, what type do you have: (None, IPAQ, Palm Pilot, \nJornada) \n\nDo you have permission to access anyone's Email/Calendar? \n If yes, who? \n\nDoes anyone have permission to access your Email/Calendar? \n If yes, who? \n\nAre you responsible for updating anyone else's address book? \n If yes, who? \n\nIs anyone else responsible for updating your address book? \n If yes, who? \n\nDo you have access to a shared calendar? \n If yes, which shared calendar? \n\nDo you have any Distribution Groups that Messaging maintains for you (for \nmass mailings)? \n If yes, please list here: \n\nPlease list all Notes databases applications that you currently use: \n\nIn our efforts to plan the exact date/time of your migration, we also will \nneed to know:\n\nWhat are your normal work hours? From: To: \n\nWill you be out of the office in the near future for vacation, leave, etc?\n If so, when? From (MM/DD/YY): To (MM/DD/YY):"} {"text": "I am going with Wachsler tomorrow, so maybe we can hook up and have a beer. \nDarron has my cell number 713-819-0765.\nPL"} {"text": "This is the language being proposed by HR to go out today to EIM employees. It would be signed by Fran Mayes, who handles HR for EIM. Please comment.\n\nEric\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThis week, each business unit has been asked to identify the optimal structure and resources for EIM on a going forward basis. While the review is not complete, we are close to finalizing decisions surrounding the business and the employees associated with them.\n\nUntil the final decisions have been made, I ask for your continued patience. You will be notified at the appropriate time regarding the future of the team.\n\nPlease take the opportunity to enjoy the time with your family next week at Thanksgiving and know that we are working hard on finalizing all details."} {"text": "This is a reminder that the ect.enron.com,ei.enron.com,and ees.enron.com Email domains will be decommissioned by close of business Friday, January 18th. If you currently use an Email address of name@ect.enron.com, name@ei.enron.com or name@ees.enron.com, you will need to notify your contacts to send mail to you at firstname.lastname@enron.com.\n\nThis is the first step of several to standardize everyone's Email address to firstname.lastname@enron.com. \n\nIf you have questions regarding this email, send an Email to enron.messaging.administration@enron.com.\n\nThank you for participation, cooperation and support. \nEnron Messaging Administration"} {"text": "[IMAGE]\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTHANK YOU? Eric Bass\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tThis is your order confirmation, please print this page for your \nrecords. For questions concerning your order, please call \n1-888-SWB-BOWL or email at ticket@swbellcottonbowl.org \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOrder Number: 1030\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\tQty.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSelections\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUnit Price\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tItem Totals\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t2\t\t\t\tGate 2 - Upper Level - SEC\t\t$60.00\t\t\t\t\t$120.00\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\n\t\t\t\t\t* NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSubtotal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$120.00\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tHandling\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$7.00\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTotal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$127.00"} {"text": "Ta da\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/06/2000 10:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Thompson, Peter J.\" on 12/06/2000 01:34:21 PM\nTo: \"Kay Mann (E-mail)\" \ncc: \"Roseann Engeldorf (E-mail)\" , \"Pipitone, \nPaul\" , \"Cobb, Chris\" , \"Taylor, \nRob\" \n\nSubject: Enron South America Break-Out Agreement Exhibits\n\n\n <> <>\n\n\nAttached please find clean and blacklined copies of the Enron South\nAmerica Facility Agreement Exhibits. The only change is the removal of\nExhibit U.\n\n - Exhibits to Gas Purchase Agreement(Clean).doc\n - Comparison of Versions 5 to 6 (Exhibits to Gas Purchase Agreement).DOC"} {"text": "The following expense report is ready for approval:\n\nEmployee Name: Grace L. Blair\nStatus last changed by: Ava L. Garcia\nExpense Report Name: Sodexho Marriott @ Enron\nReport Total: $518.52\nAmount Due Employee: $518.52\n\n\nTo approve this expense report, click on the following link for Concur Expense.\nhttp://expensexms.enron.com"} {"text": "A ClickAtHome Internet Service Provider has indicated that you are\n receiving subsidized Internet service through the program.\n\n 1. If this is correct, no action is required - continue to enjoy your\n Internet Service!\n\n\n 2. If you are NOT receiving Internet service through the ClickAtHome\n program, please email clickathome@enron.com to report the incorrect\n billing on your behalf.\n\n Thank you,\n\n ClickAtHome Team!"} {"text": "As our last day is Friday, November 30th, we would love to toast the good times and special memories that we have shared with you over the past five years. Please join us at Teala's (W. Dallas) on Thursday, November 29th, beginning at 5pm. \n \nLooking forward to being with you,\n \nLara and Janel\n \n \nLara Leibman\n713.851.7770 (cellular)\n713.528.5281 (home)\nlleibman@houston.rr.com \n \nJanel Guerrero\n713.851.3778 (cellular)\n713.524.1534 (home)\ntravelgirl_janel@hotmail.com "} {"text": "Please post the JP MOrgan doc. on our site\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 09/27/2000 05:22 PM -----\n\n\tRob Bradley\n\t09/25/2000 10:31 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Digital Power Demand: JP Morgan Report\n\nThe JP Morgan report below gives further credence to the Mills/Huber thesis \nof digital-age power growth. The in-the-trenches story is different from \nsome of the academic studies by the conservation mavens.\n\n- Rob\n\n\n - jp morgan.pdf"} {"text": "Enron Corp. has NOT agreed to:\n1. Credit Event Upon Merger\n2. Added Payer reps (or other tax related changes)\n3. Waiver of Jury Trial\n\nI think Barclays may back down from the Cross Default changes.\nSheryl wants to stet her changes to \"Automatic Early Termination.\"\nSheryl does need to see the other Ghost template changes.\n\nCall if you have any questions. 713-853-5620\n\nSara\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 12/21/99 10:46 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Sheryl Gussett\" on 12/20/99 05:00:15 PM\nTo: MOORCH@andrews-kurth.com, POPPT@andrews-kurth.com, \"G. Alan Rafte\" \n, \"Mary Moreland\" , \"Thomas \nTomlinson\" , Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gareth \nBahlmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clement Abrams/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Deborah \nCulver/HOU/EES@EES, Jimmie Williams/HOU/EES@EES, Robert Callan/HOU/EES@EES, \nScott Donaldson/HOU/EES@EES, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, \neawilburn@prickett.com, Kenton@rlf.com, jephross@velaw.com\ncc: BARBD@andrews-kurth.com, DGUEST2@andrews-kurth.com, \nLOWED@andrews-kurth.com, MCFAM@andrews-kurth.com \nSubject: Re: Enron/Blackbird\n\n\n\nReally, here is the attachment. Sorry for the confusion.\n\n - schedule"} {"text": "Dave, I am available the 27th for mediation in the Evan Lovell case. Michelle\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------------------------\n\nMichelle Cash\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3823\nHouston, Texas 77002\n(713) 853-6401\nmichelle.cash@enron.com\n\nThis message may contain confidential information that is protected by the \nattorney-client and/or work product privileges."} {"text": "We know you have questions about recent events impacting Enron and our plans for the future. Ongoing investigations and pending litigation have made it difficult, if not impossible, to share information in a timely manner. While we can't address certain issues, we can tell you about our initial plans to move Enron forward and emerge from bankruptcy, and we are eager to do that.\n\nWe had planned to hold an all-employee meeting tomorrow, January 23, at the Hyatt Regency. However, we don't want to subject you to the media frenzy that would certainly surround such a meeting, so we've decided to postpone it. We are currently making arrangements to hold a series of employee meetings within the building to protect your privacy. We will provide the date and times to you as soon as the logistics for those meetings are finalized.\n\nPrior to the employee meetings, we will provide an overview of Enron's new organizational structure. You can expect that memo shortly."} {"text": "sounds like you'll be getting a subpoena! you co-conspirator you."} {"text": "We moved the meeting to 12:00 for tomorrow and I am still searching for a \nroom, but am willing to do it just up on the floor near Rogers or Curry if \nthat is not a problem, because this shouldn't take too long. Thanks!\nBen \n3-7998"} {"text": "Given the growth in EES it has become apparent that it is time to consolidate \nthe risk functions between EES and EWS. This will provide EES with the \nsystems, resources and risk expertise of the wholesale energy groups \nnecessary for it to continue to grow and take advantage of current market \nopportunities.\n\nWith this in mind and in agreement with the management of EES, two new risk \ngroups inside Enron Americas will be formed to provide EES with pricing, \nstructuring, retail and wholesale commodity risk management, logistics and \nback-office services. These groups main function is to provide these \nservices to EES. We have asked Rogers Herndon, currently Vice \nPresident-Trading in the Eastern Power Group to manage this function in the \nEastern Interconnect (this includes both gas and power). Rogers will \ncontinue to report to Kevin Presto. We have asked Don Black, formerly Vice \nPresident-EES Risk Management and Sourcing, to manage this function in the \nWestern U.S. Don will manage this group from Houston and will report to Tim \nBelden.\n\nThese groups will work very closely with EES to pursue shared goals while \nensuring close coordination with the wholesale gas and power trading \norganizations.\n\nThese changes are effective immediately. Please congratulate Rogers and Don \non their new roles.\n\n\nJohn Lavorato & Louise Kitchen"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/28/2000 \n07:55 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n on 06/20/2000 03:12:53 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: richard.larsen@effem.com \nSubject: Introduction\n\n\nVince:\n\n As way of introduction, I wanted to write a bit about Mars inc. and then\nabout CDS,\nthe unit I head. Mars is a private company, considered to be the largest\nprivately owned\nmanufacturing company in the world. Mars is not in the habit of disclosing \nits\nfinances,\nso the best I could do is refer to Forbes' estimate of $15 Billion annual\nrevenue and\nto the profit margins of similar companies between 5-12%. Mars is in the\nbusiness of\nmanufacturing confectionery (m&m, Dove bar, skittles, twix, - all (R))\nfood (Uncle Ben rice (R)) pet food (Pedigree, Whiskas Waltham (R)) and other\nproducts.\n\nMars has prospered during the years because of a unique philosophy that\nemphasizes the\nlong term goals of the company. Part of the philosophy is to look for win-win\nsolutions with\nits suppliers, customers and partners.\n\nAs can be understood from the nature of the company, a large chunk of its\nexpenses\ngoes towards purchasing commodity like products, and hence the history of\nresearching\nthose commodities and the weather that influences their supply and the demand\n(people\neat less ice cream in the winter and less chocolate in the summer).\n\nCDS has a history of few decades in forecasting weather and has been very\nsuccessful,\nwith an envious track record, in helping Mars get a competitive advantage in\nthese arenas.\nCDS is a global group (in 4 countries across two continents) which supports \nthe\npurchasing\nfunction and the corporate at large in these and other arenas. It is a\nmultidiscipline and\nmultinational team with a lot to offer.\n\nNot having a ready access to the energy markets, and with a risk profile based\non\nmanufacturing expertise, Mars has decided to look for potential partners in \nthis\narea.\nEnron presence in the market place certainly makes it an interesting party to\ntalk to.\n\nIn talking to Enron, we are careful to suggest that Mars is not committing to\nanything\nat this point, and all we are after is to find out if there is an interest to\npursue the opportunity\nwe discussed in the future.\n\nI am looking forward to our video conference call.\n\nKind regards,\n\nAvi\n\n\n\n---------------------------------------\nAvi I. Hauser PhD MBA\nCDS Director\n100 International Drive Mt Olive NJ 07828-1383\n+ 1 973 691 3664 (office)\n+ 1 973 347 8189 (fax)\n+ 1 973 727 3622 (car + slow paging)\nhauser@cdsusa.com"} {"text": "please forward to all East traders and originators\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tTaylor, Gary \nSent:\tWednesday, November 14, 2001 11:19 AM\nTo:\tNeal, Scott\nCc:\tGraubart, Marc; Simpson, Yvette\nSubject:\tWeather presentation to the East Desk\n\nScott, \n\nPer our conversation, please schedule a room for a 1/2 hour presentation to your group at 3pm on Monday, Nov. 19. We will cover the current status of the weather market, our current product offerings, target customers, and other opportunities.\n\nSee you then.\n\nGary\nx31511"} {"text": "Hi Thomas\n\nScheduled for May 30th. Looks like I incorrectly typed your name below. Apologies. We will be pulling together scheduls based on candides. Let me know if you can/cannot participate.\n\nKind regards,\n\nkaren.\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBuckley, Karen \nSent:\tFriday, May 18, 2001 12:57 PM\nTo:\tAllen, Phillip K.; Arnold, John; Aucoin, Berney; Black, Don; Davis, Mark Dana; Gaskill, Chris; Gilbert-Smith, Doug; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Grigsby, Mike; Herndon, Rogers; Thomas, Martin; McMichael Jr., Ed; Neal, Scott; Presto, Kevin; Schwieger, Jim; Shively, Hunter S.; Sturm, Fletcher; Superty, Robert; White, Stacey; Will, Lloyd\nCc:\tLavorato, John; Hillis, Kimberly; Dozier, Melissa; Kitchen, Louise\nSubject:\tTrading Track - Interviews: Wednesday May 30th\n\nAll,\n\nWe will be scheduling interviews for the Trading Track, Wednesday, May 30th from 1.00 pm to approximately 4.00 pm with a debrief afterwards. We will be interviewing approximately 12 - 16 candidates (both internal and external).\n\nPlease reserve this time in your calander. If you are unable to particpate please let me know otherwise you will be contacted with regards to location/confirmed times/resumes/etc shortly.\n\nAny questions please do not hesitate to contact me.\n\nKind regards,\n\nKaren.\nx54667\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMartin, Thomas A. \nSent:\tTuesday, May 22, 2001 5:52 PM\nTo:\tBuckley, Karen\nSubject:\tRE: Recruitment - Trading Track\n\nHas there been a date set for the next Trading Track interviews?\n\nTom\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBuckley, Karen \nSent:\tFriday, April 20, 2001 8:05 AM\nTo:\tAllen, Phillip; Arnold, John; Aucoin, Berney; Davis, Dana; Gaskill, Chris; Gilbert-Smith, Doug; Grigsby, Mike; Herndon, Rogers; Martin, Thomas A.; McMichael, Ed; Neal, Scott; Presto, Kevin; Schwieger, Jim; Shively, Hunter S.; Sturm, Fletcher; Will, Lloyd\nCc:\tLavorato, John; Kitchen, Louise; Hillis, Kimberly\nSubject:\t Recruitment - Trading Track\n\n\n\n All,\n\nWe will be scheduling the next recruitment day for the ENA Trading Track in May (exact date to be confirmed). If you would like to nominate any current Analyst/Associate or external candidates please forward to me their names.\n\nAny questions please let me know.\n\nKaren\nx54667."} {"text": "I just received a copy of this letter from Southwest Gas to Lee Stewart, \nPresident of SoCalGas' transmission business unit.? They are asking for PECO \n750H coalescing filters to be installed at to taps, and for SoCal to maintain \nthem.\n\n <> \n\nAre these the same filters that were used by PG&E?? Do you know what they \ncost?? Does Transwestern wish to become involved, or would you prefer to stay \nin the background?\n\nRalph Komai\nRalph Y. Komai, Ph.D. \nSempra Energy\nPrincipal Environmental Specialist\nPhone: (213) 244-5860 FAX: (213) 244-8046\nPager: (213) 287-2091\nE-mail: RYKomai@sempra.com \n\n\n\n - swgas.PDF"} {"text": "FYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2001 \n07:53 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRon James@EES\n02/21/2001 10:30 AM\nTo: Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, Harold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES, Dan \nLeff/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Kalen Pieper/HOU/EES@EES, Judy Gray/HOU/EES@EES, David W \nDelainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: David Pope\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ron James/HOU/EES on 02/21/2001 10:23 AM \n---------------------------\n\n\nDawn Doucet@ECT\n02/20/2001 06:31 PM\nTo: Ron James/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Patricia Henry/CAL/ECT@ECT \nSubject: David Pope\n\nDavid Pope has \"officially\" given us his termination notice. His last day at \nEnron is March 6th, his last day in the office is Feb 21. Let me know if you \nhave any questions....."} {"text": "HOEGH GALLEON, DATE:\t05-06-01\t12:00\t15:00\t(UTC)\nA) Position at noon:\tN\t23 24\tW\t069 20\nB) Dist. From last noon:\t438\tnm\nC) Dist. To go to next port:\t1476\tnm\nD) ETA next port:\tLAKE CHARLES\t9th 04hrs\tLT\nE) 1: Average sea/wind\tSea:\tE 3\tWind:\t3\n 2: Average speed\t18.25\tkn\tRPM:\t88.38\n 3: BOG \t194.6\tm3\n 5: F.O Consumed\t34\tm3\n 6: G.O. Consumed\t0\tm3\n 7: Average vapor press\t\tAverage liq. Temp:\nTk1:\t0.122\tbar\t-158.17\t?C\nTk2:\t0.120\tbar\t-158.19\t?C\nTk3:\t0.120\tbar\t-158.23\t?C\nTk4:\t0.120\tbar\t-158.28\t?C\nTk5:\t0.124\tbar\t-158.21\t?C\n\n\nBrgds Knut Bentzr?d\nMaster LNG/C \"Hoegh Galleon\"\n\nE-mail: master.gall@hoegh.no\nTeleph: Inmarsat tel.no. 330853910\nFax : Inmarsat fax no. 330853913\nTelex : Inmarsat B telex no. 330853915\nTelex : Inmarsat C telex no. 430853910 (24hrs.watch)"} {"text": "Stephanie, Richard Sage returned my call from Friday and we have determined \nan updated and complete slate of officers, along with titles, for ECI. I \nwill forward the information to you so you can update the list.\n\nAlso, Stephanie, is there someone we can call to have them update the \ndatabase you looked into? Let me know; we can do this later but the info \nwould be good to know.\n\nCheryl Nelson\nSenior Counsel\nEB3816\n(713) 345-4693"} {"text": "Wanted to make sure you guys were informed.\nTrish\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tricia Bowen/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2000 09:34 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nJoe A Casas\n01/26/2000 08:49 AM\nTo: Tricia Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FEBRUARY 2000 NEEDS\n\nTrish, here are the dayton retail #'s for 2/00 for tgt.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joe A Casas/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2000 08:47 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nknovsek@columbiaenergygroup.com on 01/26/2000 08:29:13 AM\nTo: Joe A Casas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita K Patton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Molly \nLaFuze/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victoria Versen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \" - *Perrone, Brian\" , \n\" - *Kinney, Doug\" , \" \n- *Diel, Donald\" , \" - \n*Swogger, Joanne\" , \" - \n*Stiles, Marianne\" \nSubject: FEBRUARY 2000 NEEDS\n\n\n\nListed below are my needs off ANR, TETCO, Transco and TGT for February 2000.\nThere are some capacity notes - please forward to the appropriate person. If\nyou have any questions, please call me at 724-873-5700 ext. 247. All deals\nbelow are firm requirements.\n\nANR\n CG&E- deliveries to Springboro dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is\n12:30 on the 31st- note this can be served off TGT\n\nTetco\n BUG 118 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is noon on the\n28th\n Con Ed 241 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 2 pm on\nthe 31st\n PECO 843 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 12:30 on\nthe 28th\n PECO-PA Gas CNG - PA gas for PECO 230 dthday (This gas\nis to be PA Production to be nominated thru CNG to\nTetco - CES must have pipeline proof that the\ngas is PA Production)\n PSEG 1400 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 10 pm on the 28th\n Etown 18 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is noon on the\n28th\n NJN volume not available yet - dth/day LDC Nom\nDeadline is 12:30 est on the 31st\n UGI 1489 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 10:30 est on\nthe 19th for the pre-nom and final is 10:30 est on the 31st\n UGI will pull from Enron's ELA pool #600228 and deliver\nto UGI's citygate\n PFG daily swing - see attached LDC Nom Deadline\nis 12:30 on the 31st\n\n\nTransco\n LILCO 365 dth/day (capacity release is also for\nvolume of 365 - will need to confirm capacity on Transco)\n LDC Nom Deadline is noon on the 28th\n PSEG 155 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 1:30 pm on\nthe 28th\n S Jersey volume not available yet - dth/day The Transco\nscheduler must show in nomination the Enduser # 012224 to\nbe confirmed by S Jersey- LDC Deadline is 12:30 on the\n31st\n Piedmont 1300 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 10:30 est on\nthe 26th\n PSNC 190 dth/day (CES will get the capacity release for\nthis from PSNC - someone must execute)\n The supply will be from PSNC's pool #7620 (this is\ntheir station 85 pool)\n LDC Nom Deadline is noon on the 31st\n\nTexas Gas\n DP&L 1309 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 12:30 est\non the 31st\n CG&E 1550 dth/day LDC Nom Deadline is 12:30 on\nthe 31st- note this can be served off ANR\n\n\n\n\n - PENN FUEL OFF TETCO FOR FEB 2000.xls"} {"text": "We met with Gov Davis on Thursday evening in LA. In attendance were Ken Lay, \nthe Governor, the Governor's staff director (Kari Dohn) and myself. The gov. \nspent over an hour and a half with us covering our suggestions and his \nideas. He would like some additional thoughts from us by Tuesday of next \nweek as he prepares his state of the state address for the following Monday. \nAttached to the end of this memo is a list of solutions we proposed (based on \nmy discussions with several of you) as well as some background materials Jeff \nDasovich and I prepared. Below are my notes from the meeting regarding our \nproposals, the governor's ideas, as well as my overview of the situation \nbased on the governor's comments:\n\nOverview: We made great progress in both ensuring that he understands that \nwe are different from the generators and in opening a channel for ongoing \ncommunication with his administration. The gov does not want the utilities to \ngo bankrupt and seems predisposed to both rate relief (more modest than what \nthe utilities are looking for) and credit guarantees. His staff has more \nwork to do on the latter, but he was clearly intrigued with the idea. He \ntalked mainly in terms of raising rates but not uncapping them at the retail \nlevel. He also wants to use what generation he has control over for the \nbenefit of California consumers, including utility-owned generation (which he \nwould dedicate to consumers on a cost-plus basis) and excess muni power \n(which he estimates at 3000MW). He foresees a mix of market oriented \nsolutions as well as interventionist solutions which will allow him to fix \nthe problem by '02 and provide some political cover.\nOur proposals: I have attached the outline we put in front of him (it also \nincluded the forward price information several of you provided). He seemed \ninterested in 1) the buy down of significant demand, 2) the state setting a \ngoal of x000 MW of new generation by a date certain, 3) getting the utilities \nto gradually buy more power forward and 4) setting up a group of rate \nanalysts and other \"nonadvocates\" to develop solutions to a number of issues \nincluding designing the portfolio and forward purchase terms for utilities. \nHe was also quite interested in examining the incentives surrounding LDC gas \npurchases. As already mentioned, he was also favorably disposed to finding \nsome state sponsored credit support for the utilities.\nHis ideas: The gov read from a list of ideas some of which were obviously \nunder serious consideration and some of which were mere \"brainstorming\". \nSome of these ideas would require legislative action.\nState may build (or make build/transfer arrangements) a \"couple\" of \ngeneration plants. The gov feels strongly that he has to show consumers that \nthey are getting something in return for bearing some rate increases. This \nwas a frequently recurring theme.\nUtilities would sell the output from generation they still own on a cost-plus \nbasis to consumers.\nMunicipal utilties would be required to sell their excess generation in \nCalifornia.\nState universities (including UC/CSU and the community colleges) would more \nwidely deploy distributed generation.\nExpand in-state gas production.\nTake state lands gas royalties in kind.\nnegotiate directly with tribes and state governments in the west for \naddtional gas supplies.\nEmpower an existing state agency to approve/coordinate power plant \nmaintenance schedules to avoid having too much generation out of service at \nany one time.\nCondition emissions offsets on commitments to sell power longer term in state.\nEither eliminate the ISO or sharply curtail its function -- he wants to hear \nmore about how Nordpool works(Jeff- someone in Schroeder's group should be \nable to help out here).\nWants to condition new generation on a commitment to sell in state. We made \nsome headway with the idea that he could instead require utilities to buy \nsome portion of their forward requirements from new in-state generation \nthereby accomplishing the same thing without using a command and control \napproach with generators.\nSecuritize uncollected power purchase costs.\nTo dos: (Jeff, again I'd like to prevail on you to assemble the group's \nthoughts and get them to Kari)\nHe wants to see 5 year fixed power prices for peak/ off-peak and baseload -- \nnot just the 5 one year strips.\nHe wants comments on his proposals by Tuesday.\nHe would like thoughts on how to pitch what consumers are getting out of the \ndeal.\nHe wants to assemble a group of energy gurus to help sort through some of the \nforward contracting issues.\nThanks to everyone for their help. We made some progress today."} {"text": "Frank\n\nPlease find our approvals from last week consolidated on the attached file. \nThis should be helpful in reviewing the activity.\n\n\n \n\n\nRegards\nMolly"} {"text": "Executive Summary\n? New Extraordinary session opened today\n? Forbearance period extended for SoCal\n? QFs placing liens on SoCal, moving them closer to bankruptcy\n? MOU is dead. Nation's Plan B, an alternative to the MOU, will become a \nbill tomorrow and is gaining interest from both sides of the House. SoCal \nand Davis has yet to give their support.\n\nNew Extraordinary Session\nYesterday, the Senate and Assembly passed resolutions to close the \nExtraordinary Session. All bills from the 1st session be introduced into the \n2nd session as they were last amended, with the same bill number. \n\nForbearance Period Extended\nRegarding the forbearance extended to SoCal by banker creditors, the parent \ncompany's credit has been extended until 30 June. The utility's forbearance \nis until 15 September.\n\nQFs Placing Liens on SoCal's Assets\nThe QFs are placing liens against SoCal's assets (property or freezing its \nbank assets). As a result, SoCal is moving ever closer to bankruptcy, maybe \nas early as later next week. These actions on behalf of the QFs are added \nincentives for the legislature to move quickly on an alternative to the MOU.\n\nAlternative Plan to the MOU\nThe MOU for SoCal is essentially deal. There are a number of alternative \nplans being proposed. The legislature held meetings last night on Democratic \nAssemblyman Nation's Plan B alternative to the MOU. This plan is gaining \nmomentum. According to sources, Republican Assembly leader Cox has signed \noff for people to work on the plan implying Republican interest. Senator \nBurton's office also reported work on the same Plan B. Governor Davis' \noffice is aware of the plan but has yet to comment. There is also no word at \nthis time as to whether the Republican Senate leadership is in support of \nNation's Plan B.\n\nKey details of the Nation plan include a $1.2 billion option for the state to \npurchase SoCal's transmission assets. This money would be given to SoCal by \nthe state regardless of whether the option was exercised, a detail likely to \nbe unpopular with voters. The remainder of the undercollect, stated as $3.5 \nbillion or an amount determined by PUC review, would be paid through \nsecuritization of the undercollect by SoCal. Moreover, the utility would \nsell the state additional power at a cost beyond the 10 years already agreed \nupon in the memorandum-of-understanding and additional power from other \ncompany sources. Sources report that the Nation plan also currently calls \nfor generators to take a 30% haircut. \n\nThe Nation Plan B will likely be introduced as a bill tomorrow and will \nlikely go through start the legislative process by early next week. The next \nscheduled floor session is Thursday; we should be able to tell how fast the \nlegislature intends to move the bill. There is no indication whether SoCal \nEdison would agree to the Nation plan. Sources believe it is likely that \nSoCal would object to at least some of the plan's provisions (for example, a \nPUC audit of SoCal's debt amount to determine the direct rate component to \npay for the undercollect). SoCal is very much at odds with the PUC and \nwishes them to play as little role as possible. If SoCal does ultimately \nagree to the plan, the state reportedly may offer a similar deal to PG&E."} {"text": "[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tat Your Neighborhood Right Start Store\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDear Right Start Customer,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tThe Right Startc, appreciates you shopping at your neighborhood store, and \nhere are savings on your next purchase to prove it.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t At The Right Startc we reward our preferred customers with special offers \nlike this Growing-Up Discount Coupon, good for BIG Discounts on your next \npurchase. \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Click here to find a Right Start store location near you.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tDeluxe Sport\u0001v Baby Carrier 03300064 $59.95 \t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\tAlpha Omega Car Seat\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t03340057 $139.95 \t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\tKool Stride Runner - Alloy 03320088 $359.95 \t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t* Redeemable only at The Right Startc stores. Limit one coupon per customer \nvisit. Coupon must be presented for discount.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMay not be used for the purchase of gift certificates, catalog merchandise, \nonline merchandise, or used in conjunction\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twith other offers, discounts, or rewards programs/certificates. Not valid \nfor prior purchases. Offer may not be applied to\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBaby Bjornc, Britaxc, Dutailierc, Fisher-Pricec, Lucy Annc, Maclarenc, \nMedelac, Peg Peregoc, and Stokkec products.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTaxes extra. No part of this offer may be reproduced without permission from \nThe Right Start, Inc. All rights reserved. \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIf you do not wish to receive future emails from RightStart.com, please \nclick here and we will\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmake every effort to respect your request in accordance with our Privacy \nPolicy.\t\t\t\t\t\n[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t\n[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t\n[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]"} {"text": "eb3209c"} {"text": "Welcome to eMail News Delivery, a service from Business Wire.\nHere is your Industrial Information Resources Inc. news release.\nIf you have received this in error please send a message to:\neMailDelivery@businesswire.com\nwith the following command in the body of the message:\n unsubscribe TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES\nIf you have questions about this service, please contact your\nBusiness Wire Account Executive or service@businesswire.com\n\n\nBW2002 JAN 16,2002 2:00 PACIFIC 05:00 EASTERN\n\n\n( BW)(TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) Expansion Plan Ensures that the Virginia\nPort Authority Remains Competitive in the 21st Century, in an Advisory\nby Industrialinfo.com\n\n Business Editors\n\n\t HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 16, 2002--The following is an\nadvisory by Industrialinfo.com (Industrial Information Resources,\nIncorporated; Houston, Texas) In 1995, Virginia Port Authority (VPA)\nwas faced with a dilemma. A key question was asked: What steps needed\nto be taken to ensure the VPA maintained its market share among\ncompeting US East Coast ports? To answer that question, VPA\ncommissioned a study to be done by a consulting team of maritime\nexperts. The results of this study would provide VPA with insight into\nwhat steps needed to be taken to meet their long-term goals.\n\t The study was completed in June of 1995 and entitled \"The VPA 2010\nPlan.\" The Plan focuses on two (2) key areas: Maximizing existing\nport-wide cargo handling capabilities and developing new or improved\nfacilities to handle the market needs of the future. According to the\nstudy, VPA has the potential for a possible 250% increase in\ncontainerized cargo (potential Intermodel volume increase of 300%) by\nthe year 2010. In addition, breakbulk cargo could increase by 200% in\nthe same timeframe.\n\t To be capable of handling these potential increases in port\ncapacity, VPA had to take a hard, serious look at its existing\nfacilities. It was determined that each of their three (3) cargo\nterminals would need renovations and expansions future growth.\n\t The largest renovation/expansion would have to take place at their\nNorfolk International Terminal (NIT). However, renovation/expansion\nwork would also be taking place at the Newport News Marine Terminal\n(NNMT) and the Portsmouth Marine Terminal (PMT).\n\t All total, VPA is initially looking at over $334 million worth of\nimprovements and expansions to help attract the more then 16 million\ntons of general cargo forecasted for VPA by 2010. Some of the work\nplanned includes Intermodel Container transfer facility\nrenovations/expansions at NIT, a new 4,000 ft wharf at NIT, additional\ncontainer/gantry cranes at NIT, NNMT and PMT, the development of an\nadditional 250 acres of container storage at NIT, the renovation of 81\nacres at NIT, the development of an additional 41 acres of container\nstorage at PMT, additional berths added at NNMT, plus miscellaneous\nmodifications and renovations at all three (3) terminals.\n\t When it is all said and done, VPA is taking the steps necessary to\nposition themselves as best they can to take advantage of their\npotential future to the fullest. Investments, such as those mentioned\nabove, will ensure that VPA has the capability to maintain their\ncompetitive edge for years to come and hopefully allow them to\nincrease their market share by 2010.\n\t The Port of Virginia is among the largest and most successful\nports on the East Coast. The three (3) VPA Terminals trade with more\nthen 100 nations and account for an estimated 116,000 jobs throughout\nVirginia.\n\t Industrialinfo.com provides daily news related to the industrial\nmarket place including industry alerts and databases for the energy\nand industrial markets. For more information on trends and upcoming\nconstruction activities for the industrial manufacturing markets as\nwell as other industrial sectors send inquiries to\nindustrialmanufacturinggroup@industrialinfo.com or visit us at\nwww.industrialinfo.com.\n\n --30--as/na*\n\n CONTACT: Industrial Information Resources Inc., Houston\n Mike Bergen, 713/783-5147\n www.industrialinfo.com\n\n KEYWORD: TEXAS CALIFORNIA VIRGINIA\n INDUSTRY KEYWORD: TRANSPORTATION\n SOURCE: Industrial Information Resources\n\nFor the best viewing of the news releases please\n use the following email settings: Courier 10 point.\n -Notice of Copyright and General Disclaimer-\n (c) 2000 Business Wire. All of the releases provided by Business Wire\n are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and\n conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by\n Business Wire`s members who are solely responsible for their content,\n accuracy and originality. All reproduction, other than for an\n individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written\n permission.\n\n- Notice of Copyright and General Disclaimer --\n(c) 1999 Business Wire. All of the releases provided by Business Wire\nare protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and\nconventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by\nBusiness Wire`s members who are solely responsible for their content,\naccuracy and originality. All reproduction, other than for an\nindividual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written\npermission."} {"text": "look at sitara 588471;588452;588605;596991"} {"text": "Due to the level of interest in Kosciusko and Holmesville capacity, Gulf\nSouth will be holding an Open Season for FT capacity, pursuant to section\n7.4 of the Gulf South Tariff. The capacity becomes available April 1, 2002,\nwhen the existing contracts expire. Gulf South is selling the capacity for\na term of one year, expiring March 31, 2003. The capacity available for\nsale is:\n\nAgua Dulce (8075) to Kosciusko (2471)\t\t43,000 Dth/day\nAgua Dulce (8075) to Holmesville (2690)\t\t32,500 Dth/day\nCarthage (664) to Kosciusko (2471)\t\t\t70,000 Dth/day\nVenice (464) to Kosciusko (2471)\t\t\t20,000 Dth/day\nMobile Bay (15912) to Koscuisko (2471)\t\t20,000 Dth/day\nBistineau (10402) to Koscuisko (2471)\t\t 2,000 Dth/day\nCarthage (664) to Holmesville (2690)\t\t\t 5,000 Dth/day\n\nThe above capacity represents the capacity that is currently under contract\non a primary, firm basis. The Open Season will be held on Tuesday, January\n29th, at 2:00 P.M. CCT. The auction will be held on Gulf South's web site.\nGulf South will post the minimum acceptable rate and supplemental rights the\nday before the auction commences. Each package will be auctioned\nseparately. Given the bidding history on capacity offered for auction Gulf\nSouth is proposing to auction each package for an initial period of 15\nminutes, with extensions if bids are received in the last 60 seconds rather\nthan the procedures set forth in Section 7.4. The extensions will continue\nuntil the bidding stops. Gulf South shall post on its Internet web site the\nwinning bid(s) and the winning bidder(s) within forty-eight hours after the\ncompletion of the auction. The interactive auction will eliminate the\nrequirement of section 7.4 to post the capacity for a bid period of 5\nbusiness days. Customers' bids shall be for demand fees only.\n\nGulf South will entertain negotiations for multiple-year FT deals on the\naforementioned capacity through Friday, January 25, 2002, pursuant to Gulf\nSouth's current tariff provisions. Any multiple-year contracts for the\nabove capacity will be communicated on Monday, January 28, 2002 via the Gulf\nSouth web site, and will be subject to the posting requirements of section\n7.4 of the Gulf South tariff.\n\nIf you need information on how to participate in the Gulf South auction,\nplease contact your account manager.\n\nIf you have questions about the capacity to be auctioned, please contact\nDwight Helms at 713-544-7603 or Patrick Howard at 713-544-5402."} {"text": "A call works. It will be the Enron commercial lead (Ben Jacoby), Stuart \nZisman, the GE commercial lead and the GE lawyer. It is about the contract \nhe prepared (although now I wonder). If he prefers to have whoever will be \ndoing the drafting, that's fine, too.\n\nKay\n\n\nFrom: Suzanne Adams@ECT on 11/01/2000 02:55 PM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Conference call \n\nPaul called me back and said he is available for about an hour at 3pm \ntomorrow. He wanted to know who would be on the call and what it is about. \nHe said he needed to prepare for the meeting. He hasn't read the contract, \nso if it's regarding same, he needs to know. Let me know and I'll call him. \nDo you prefer his presence or would a call work?\n\n\n\n\tKay Mann@ENRON\n\t11/01/2000 09:50 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Conference call\n\nSuzanne,\n\nPlease call (not email - he doesnt check it) Paul Pipitone (Andrews & Kurth) \nand see if he is available for a meeting (or conference call) to discuss the \nGE facility agreement sometime tomorrow - either am or after 300.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "Attached is the 2000 Weekly Cost reports. Please call if you have any \nquestions. Thanks Amy 3-7805"} {"text": "When: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 5:00 PM-6:00 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).\nWhere: EB 1724\n\n*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*\n\nThe purpose of the meeting is to review the method of accrual of tax on the Raptor entities. Thanks, John."} {"text": "Yeah I don't remember automatic winning rights either. Neither do I remember \nautomatic \"whining\" rights."} {"text": "Attached is a draft from Michelle Cash."} {"text": "FYI. These are Ava's duties as we defined last year. Thanks. Lynn\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron on 05/29/2001 10:52 AM ---------------------------\n Lynn Blair 08/07/2000 09:23 AM\n\nTo:\tSharon Brown/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Patti Rumler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Alma Carrillo/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ricki Winters/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Julia White/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Nacey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven January/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rick Dietz/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry Berger/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Raetta Zadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jan Moore/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John Buchanan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tLynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject:\tDuties\n\nAttached are the Job Duties the Assistance of helped me structure for Ava's desk.\nI will be handing this list out to the teams at the next team leader meeting.\nIf you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks. Lynn"} {"text": "RYI - re: Executive Committee holiday gift. This is a thank you from \nGovernor Ann Richards' staff.\n\nRosie\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron on 12/13/2000 \n11:00 AM ---------------------------\n\nKathy Mayfield\n12/13/2000 10:47 AM\n\n\nTo: Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Elyse Kalmans/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Thank you for the Charitygift\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kathy Mayfield/Corp/Enron on 12/13/2000 \n10:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nsmallen@verner.com on 12/13/2000 10:12:39 AM\nTo: kathy.mayfield@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: Thank you for the Charitygift\n\n\nMs. Mayfield,\n\nThank you for the Charity Gift holiday greeting card. Governor Richards chose \nto donate to Meals on Wheels. On behalf of Governor Richards and Meals on \nWheels, thank you and best wishes on the New Year.\n\nSincerely,\n\nSara Allen\nAssistant"} {"text": "I passed this information along to some of my direct reports for their \nthoughts, and truthfully didn't hear back from anyone and didn't follow up. \nTwo years ago, we agreed to be part of a benchmarking study that was done by \nAA's Houston office (interestingly enough, Wes Colwell was the AA partner who \nled this effort) and we had mixed results. The study was designed to cover \ngas and power. Despite our involvement in the steering committee, the study \nitself was very, very detailed, such that it was troublesome to complete. \nJim Fallon at the time refused to submit information on the majority of the \nquestions surrounding power, so our survey data for power was not very \nuseful. \n\nI would agree that at this time we will pass on this request. Thanks for \npassing it along, however. I would be happy to convey this directly to the \nperson that has contacted you. Just let me know his/her name and number and \nI will follow through on that if you would like. \n\nHope that your holidays was enjoyable and that the new year will be a good \none for you. --Sally \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/03/2001 03:29 PM\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Benchmarking Study\n\nSally,\n\nI gave you some time ago a brochure on this benchmarking study request.\nThey renewed their request for Enron's participation.\n\nWhat is your view on this? Do you think the benefits of knowing what's\ngoing on offset the loss due information released and time spent on the \nproject.\n\nMy recommendation is to forget it.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/03/2001 \n03:28 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Theresa Sanders\" on 12/27/2000 01:32:18 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Benchmarking Study\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nPeter Nance and I wanted to follow-up our discussion of Enron's participation \nin our benchmarking study. Have you discussed Enron's participation in the \nproject with your colleagues?\n\nHere is a small sample set of metrics that were taken from a comprehensive \nlist of over 700 metrics. The study group will decide which metrics to use.\n\nWith EEI's credibility and Teknecon's technical expertise, we intend to \nbecome the industry standard in benchmarking. We would very much like to \nhave Enron participate in the study.\n\nI would be happy to set up another meeting with you and your colleagues with \nPeter Nance if you think that would be helpful.\n\nBest regards,\n\nTheresa Sanders\nDirector of Business Development\nAlliance of Energy Suppliers\nEdison Electric Institute\nTel: 202-508-5183\n\n\n - EEI metrics-short list.xls\n - ebrochure.doc\n - RiskBenc.ppt"} {"text": "For the week of Monday, October 29, 2001: \n\twww.reliaquote.com \t\t\n\t[IMAGE] \t\t\n\t[IMAGE] \t\t\n FAMILY SECURITY You work hard to give your family basic life necessities such as food, clothing and a home. You are the key to your family's financial security. Your spouse and children count on you for so much. OUTSTANDING VALUE Term life insurance makes it possible for you to purchase a significant amount of coverage at an affordable price. It is a small price to pay for your family's protection should misfortune occur. COMPLETE PROTECTION Term life insurance provides money to help your family should the unthinkable happen. The death benefit can help your family keep food on the table, pay for your children's education and even pay off the mortgage. \t 10-Year Level Term Life Insurance Male/Female Monthly Premiums No Nicotine $250,000 $500,000 Age Male Female Male Female 35 $10.33 $9.19 $16.19 $14.00 40 $13.30 $11.64 $22.32 $18.82 45 $19.43 $16.63 $35.57 $22.88 50 $29.49 $22.32 $54.69 $40.25 55 $44.89 $32.12 $85.32 $59.94 Sample rates underwritten by First Colony Life Insurance Company. Term life insurance subject to the terms of Policy Form nos. 1420 (96) et al and 1421 et al which includes an exclusion period of death by suicide. Premiums include a $50 annual policy fee. No nicotine use includes use of all nicotine and nicotine substitutes. Subject to state availability and issue limitations. Based on premiums paid monthly. Rates are higher for other underwriting classifications. ReliaQuote Inc. is a licensed insurance agency dba ReliaQuote Insurance Services in CA, license #0C16621. \t\t\n\t\t Copyright 2001 ReliaQuote, Inc. All rights reserved. \t\n\n\nImportant subscription information Your privacy is extremely important to us. You are receiving this offer because you are a registered subscriber to one of our affiliate sites and have requested to receive recurring mailings. As a leader in permission-based email marketing, we are committed to delivering a highly rewarding experience with offers that include valuable discounts, bargains, special offers, sweepstakes, entertainment, travel and financial opportunities. However, if you feel you have received this message in error or if you wish to unsubscribe, please see the remove instructions at the end of this message. \t\n\nThank you for reading our special offers! Please forward this deal alert along to your friends. Have a great day!!! \n\nEmail Source Information \t\n * This email has been sent to you as a subscriber of MediaTrec.com * To remove yourself from this mailing list, point your browser to: http://www.mediatrec.com/optout.cfm * Enter your email address in the field provided and click \"Unsubscribe\". \t\n\n[IMAGE]"} {"text": "Just FYI, \n\n The following transaction expires February 29, 2000:\n\n Transaction #4 \n 5,000 / day\n Price = 2.71 fixed\n\n Note: This volume will roll up into Transaction #1 (excess volume priced at \nindex + .769)\n\nThanks."} {"text": "One more piece of info. I'll call you shortly. Thanks. DF\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 02/25/2000 \n01:42 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Frank Osburn 02/25/2000 01:32 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Charlie Graham/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michel Nelson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Re: FTC Subpoena \n\nA map could be generated depicting the area within an estimated 8 to 12 hr. \nperiod. This would include pipe and sizes, not pressures.\nThe data utilized to generate the map would be taken from our annual FERC \nmap. We can start at any time just let us know.\n\nThanks, Frank\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Charlie Graham 02/25/2000 12:33 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Frank Osburn/OTS/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michel Nelson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: FTC Subpoena\n\nFrank,\n\nI had trouble getting the FAX to go but you should have it by now. After you \nget it reviewed can you answer Drew's question regarding time you would like \nto have (ie couple of weeks vs the 2 days given)?\n\nDrew,\n\nFrank is in charge of Engineering Records for ET&S et al and will provide the \nmaps you deem necessary. We do not give out pressure information (even for \nthese subpoena's as I understand it), is that a problem?\n\nCharlie\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlie Graham/ET&S/Enron on 02/25/2000 \n12:21 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Drew Fossum 02/25/2000 11:57 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Sheila Nacey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven \nJanuary/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Charlie Graham/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Michael Moran/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: FTC Subpoena\n\nI understand that the FTC subpoena I sent to Julia and Mike Nelson yesterday \nhas found its way to you. Please give me a call with your thoughts on who is \nbest situated to help prepare the response and how long it would take. Mike \nMoran and I plan to call the FTC back this PM to discuss so your input would \nbe helpful. Thanks for your assistance. DF"} {"text": "Obviously, this is not final. But it does have the letterhead.\n----- Forwarded by Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT on 05/07/2001 11:24 AM -----\n\n\tGregg Penman@ENRON\n\t05/03/2001 01:06 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Steve Richman/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t Subject: Re: Transaction Agreements\n\nStacy - \nSteve spoke with Coral about the Transaction Agreements today. They had the \nfollowing comments:\nTransaction Agreement #1\n1 - MaxDQ should be 20,346\n2 - 3.2 and 3.4 - LD payment equal to $0.15 plus 1.7% x Spot Price rather \nthan $0.017 x Spot Price\n\nTransaction Agreement #2\n1 - 3.2 and 3.4 - LD payments consistent with Transaction Agreement #1 rather \nthan $0.20 and $0.25\n\nI think these are all fine, but I wanted to run them by you. I have made the \nrequested revisions to the attached Agreements for your review. Let me know \nwhat you think.\n\nThanks - Gregg\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tStacy E Dickson@ECT\n\t04/30/2001 10:36 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: mdpalmer@coral-energy.com\n\t\t cc: Gregg Penman/Corp/Enron@Enron@ECT, Steve Richman/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t Subject: Transaction Agreements\n\nMike, \n\nAttached are red-lined versions of the two Transaction Agreements for the \ntransaction between Coral Energy Resources and enovate which includes the \nchanges that we discussed. Please call me at (713) 853-5705 with your \ncomments.\n\nStacy"} {"text": "Here's set of any master agreements I need ASAP. \n\nI didn't mention it on the earlier ones, but for all of these, if any of the agreements have been amended, I will need any amendments, as well as any guarantees. Much thanks!\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWilliams, Jason R (Credit) \nSent:\tMonday, October 29, 2001 3:56 PM\nTo:\tJones, Tana\nSubject:\tHess relationship\n\nTana -\n\nWe need to pull together all of the contracts with the following:\n\n\tAmerada Hess Corporation\n\tHess Energy Services Company, LLC\n\tHess Energy Trading Company (UK) Limited\n\tHess Energy Trading Company LLC\n\n\nWe need to pull together a Master Netting agreement with them ASAP. Please call me (53923) with any questions.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJRW"} {"text": "Please provide me a list of deal numbers that need to be changed. From you \nemail I gather you are saying that all deals done by ENA with a Canadian \nCounterparty need to be ECC/3rd party and then flipped to ENA \nbook/FT-US/Cand/ERMS. Is this correct?\nPL"} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 11/30/2000 08:06 AM -----\n\n\tRichard Shapiro\n\t11/30/2000 07:45 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF INDEPENDENCE\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron on 11/30/2000 \n07:45 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Mark Palmer on 11/15/2000 08:57 AM\nTo: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF INDEPENDENCE \n\n\n----- Forwarded by Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron on 11/15/2000 08:57 AM -----\n\n\tMargaret Allen\n\t11/15/2000 08:53 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: mpalmer@enron.com\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF INDEPENDENCE \n\nMark, you must read this! Very funny!\n\n...from one of my limey friends....:)\n\n>\n>\n>\n> NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF INDEPENDENCE\n> To the citizens of the United States of America,\n> In the light of your failure to elect a President of the USA and thus to\n> govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your\n> independence, effective today.\n> Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties\n> over all states, commonwealths and other territories. Except Utah, which\n> she does not fancy. Your new prime minister (The rt. hon. Tony Blair, MP\n> for the 97.85% of you who have until now been unaware that there is a\n> world outside your borders) will appoint a minister for America without\n> the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be\n> disbanded. A questionnaire will be circulated next year to determine\n> whether any of you noticed.\n> To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following\n> rules are introduced with immediate effect:\n> 1. You should look up \"revocation\" in the Oxford English Dictionary.\n> Then look up \"aluminium\". Check the pronunciation guide. You will be\n> amazed at just how wrong you have been pronouncing it. Generally, you\n> should raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. Look up \"vocabulary\".\n> Using the same twenty seven words interspersed with filler noises such as\n> \"like\" and \"you know\" is an unacceptable and inefficient form of\n> communication. Look up \"interspersed\".\n> 2. There is no such thing as \"US English\". We will let Microsoft know\n> on your behalf.\n> 3. You should learn to distinguish the English and Australian accents.\n> It\n> really isn't that hard.\n>\n> 4. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as\n> the good guys.\n> 5. You should relearn your original national anthem, \"God Save The\n> Queen\", but only after fully carrying out task 1. We would not want you\n> to get confused and give up half way through.\n> 6. You should stop playing American \"football\". There is only one kind\n> of football. What you refer to as American \"football\" is not a very good\n> game.\n> The 2.15% of you who are aware that there is a world outside your borders\n> may have noticed that no one else plays \"American\" football. You will no\n> longer be allowed to play it, and should instead play proper football.\n> Initially, it would be best if you played with the girls. It is a\n> difficult game. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to\n> play rugby (which is similar to American \"football\", but does not involve\n> stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body\n> armour like nancies). We are hoping to get together at least a US rugby\n> sevens side by 2005.\n> 7. You should declare war on Quebec and France, using nuclear weapons\n> if they give you any merde. The 98.85% of you who were not aware that\n> there is a world outside your borders should count yourselves lucky. The\n> Russians have never been the bad guys. \"Merde\" is French for \"sh*t\".\n> 8. July 4th is no longer a public holiday. November 8th will be a new\n> national holiday, but only in England. It will be called \"Indecisive\n> Day\".\n> 9. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and it is for\n> your own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we\n> mean.\n> 10. Please tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us crazy.\n>\n> Thank you for your cooperation.\n>\n\nThis e-mail, its content and any files transmitted with it are intended \nsolely for the addressee(s) and are confidential and may be legally \nprivileged. Access by any other party is unauthorised without the express \nprior written permission of the sender. If you have received this e-mail in \nerror you may not copy, disclose to any third party or use the contents, \nattachments or information in any way. Please destroy it and contact the \nsender via the Thomson Financial switchboard on (44) 207 369 7000 or via \ne-mail return. Internet communications are not secure unless protected using \nstrong cryptography. This e-mail has been prepared using information \nbelieved by the author to be reliable and accurate, but Thomson Financial \ndoes not accept responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy or completeness \nof the information provided or for any changes to this e-mail, howsoever \nmade, after it was sent. [The content of this e-mail and files transmitted \nwith it is (c) TFSL - 2000]"} {"text": "Brian, Mark forward the executed docs. to me. The Trailblazer Assignment \nwas not included. I have attached the assignment in case you don't have the \none I forwarded earlier. Please execute and return. Also the Amended and \nRestated Transaction No. 2 was initialled, but was not executed. I am \nforwarding those back to you for execution. Thanks for your cooperation."} {"text": "Hi Rhett, I'm working on one of these turbine transfers via the sale of 80% \nof the equity of the LLC. I'll forward the operative docs to you right \naway. In any event, here's a change the counterparty wants to the tax \nlanguage in the letter agreement.\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 04/03/2001 01:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Pepe-Robbins, Suzanne M.\" on 04/03/2001 \n01:17:03 PM\nTo: \"'kay.mann@enron.com'\" , \"'ccampbell@kslaw.com'\" \n\ncc: \"Lang, Gregory F.\" \n\nSubject: Pegasus\n\nHi, attached is draft language:\n \n\"substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, provided that the \nLLC Agreement may differ from such form in such respects (which may or may \nnot be substantial, but which shall not affect the economic rights of the \nparties thereto) as may be necessary or desirable to properly reflect \n[Pegasus as the sole owner] [the treatment] of the LLC for federal income tax \npurposes\"\n \nPlease feel free to call me with any questions.\n_____________\nSuzanne Pepe\nPaul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP\n1055 Washington Blvd.\nStamford, Connecticut 06901\nNote New E-Mail suzannepepe@paulhastings.com\nPhone: (203) 961-7432\nFax (general): (203) 359-3031\nFax (dedicated): (203) 674-7632\n \n\"paulhastings.com\" made the following annotations on 04/03/01 14:17:08\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNEW E-MAIL ADDRESSES AT PAUL, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY & WALKER LLP\n\nWe have changed our e-mail address. Our new domain name is paulhastings.com. \nIn most cases, our address is composed of conventional first name and last \nname plus @paulhastings.com. Here are two examples: \njanesmith@paulhastings.com and danjones@paulhastings.com. If you have any \nquestions, please contact us at noc@paulhastings.com.\n\n==============================================================================\n\"The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to \nwhich it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged \nmaterial. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or \ntaking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or \nentities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received \nthis in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from all \ncomputers.\" \n\n=============================================================================="} {"text": "499013 was changed to a price of 180. Mike is having the broker pull their \ntapes for today, but we won't get that information until tomorrow. In the \nmeantime, we're giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'll let you know if \nanything else changes.\n\nThanks,\nKate\n\n\n\n\nKerri Thompson@ENRON\n01/17/2001 02:23 PM\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: apb checkout\n\n498837 not apb\n\n499013 should be 180.00\n\nthanks"} {"text": "I'm already perfect :)\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 07/19/2000 \n09:20 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDavid Oxley\n07/19/2000 05:20 PM\nTo: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kay Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Get your thumbscrews out\n\nDave,\n\nSince you're on the list do you need we to get something scheduled with Kay?\n\nDavid\n---------------------- Forwarded by David Oxley/HOU/ECT on 07/19/2000 05:18 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nTim O'Rourke@ENRON\n07/18/2000 05:05 PM\nTo: David Oxley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hoyt Thomas/NA/Enron@Enron, Kim \nMelodick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amy FitzPatrick/PDX/ECT@ECT, \nCindy Skinner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fran L Mayes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Get your thumbscrews out\n\nFolks,\nAttached is a list of 37 executives, not yet enrolled on the \"exective impact \nand influence\" programme administered by Dick Amabile.\nThe OTC clearly set the goal at the beginning of the year, and repeated again \nat Mid year, that all VPs and MDs need to have attended this programme by end \nof year 2000. Their attendance does form part of the discussions on the VPs \nand MDs at the executive PRC.\n\nDespite repeated comms from the OTC, these 37 names have not yet enrolled (or \ncancelled off a programme and have not re-enrolled). \n\nHR has committed to making sure that these people are enrolled, so the \nsuggestion is that the named HR rep in the attachment takes 5 minutes to meet \nwith the individuals, explain that they need to do this, show them the list \nof dates, and get them to choose which programme they want to enrol on. \nPlease do not leave that meeting without a date! A word of caution, it is \nremotely possible that some of these individuals may have enrolled in the \nvery recent past, or have attended and this data not yet reached Dick's \nspreadsheet, so do double check that they haven't yet enrolled before \ntwisting their arms..\n\nThe dates for the remaining programmes are also on the spreadsheet.\n\nTo enrol a VP or MD, get their dates, give it to their assistants and tell \nthem to directly contact Debbie Nowak on 33304.\n\nTim"} {"text": "Alan\n\nRussell says he would like to go through his recorded conversations with \nHyundai to refresh his memory. He has asked to the meeting with WFW to be on \nTuesday (5 Oct). I will try to schedule Suzanne's and Neale's attendance for \nTuesday, and update you after the meeting.\n\nMatt\n\n\n\n\n\nAlan Aronowitz\n09/30/99 10:11 PM\nTo: Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Fam/SIN/ECT@ECT, Angeline Poon/SIN/ECT@ECT, Richard B \nSanders/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: \"PACIFIC VALOUR\" \n\nMatt:\n\nPlease advise as to any update after Neale/Suzanne soeak with Russell and \nSheila reagrding the conversations with Hyundai. Thanks.\n\n\n\nMatthias Lee\n09/29/99 08:23 PM\nTo: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Fam/SIN/ECT@ECT\ncc: Angeline Poon/SIN/ECT@ECT \nSubject: \"PACIFIC VALOUR\"\n\nFYI.\n\nMatt\n---------------------- Forwarded by Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT on 09/30/99 09:15 AM \n---------------------------\n\n\nakwan@wfw.com on 09/29/99 06:57:30 PM\nTo: Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT\ncc: ngregson@wfw.com, sbainbridge@wfw.com \n\nSubject: \"PACIFIC VALOUR\"\n\n\n\nDear Matt\n\nI refer to our discussions today. We have reviewed the transcript between\nRussell and Hyundai, together with the cited case which neatly summarises many\nof the principles of repudiation and affirmation.\n\nOn its own, we do not consider that the transcript changes the position. (We\nare assuming that this conversation was the last before parties began to\ncommunicate only in writing). Although we agree that Hyundai's position is\nsomewhat equivocal in this fax, it was superceded by later written\ncorrespondence which gives a timeframe for Hyundai to affirm the contract or\naccept Enron's breach. The later responses from Hyundai seems clear in its\nacceptance of repudiation.\n\nHowever, both Neale and I think it might be a good idea if we speak with \nRussell\nand Sheila together with you (perhaps with a view to taking short statements\nfrom them). If both their views are that Hyundai were equivocal in various\nconversations and given Hyundai's earlier rather relaxed attitude to vessel\nnomination, there may be some scope for constructing a stronger case that they\nelected to affirm the contract.\n\nIf this suits, both Neale and I would be free Friday morning or late \nafternoon.\n\nBest regards\n\nSuzanne"} {"text": "Susan/Nancy,\n\nPlease move the following books from J_ARNOLD to M_MAGGI portfolio:\n\n NG-ERMS-XL-PRC\n NG-EXOTIC-PRC\n\nThanks,\nRobin"} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 12/27/2000 10:55 AM -----\n\n\tJeff Dasovich\n\tSent by: Jeff Dasovich\n\t12/26/2000 03:15 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Dennis \nBenevides/HOU/EES@EES, Eric Letke/DUB/EES@EES, George McClellan/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nHarry Kingerski/NA/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jennifer \nRudolph/HOU/EES@EES, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kevin \nMcGowan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lisa Yoho/NA/Enron@ENRON, Lysa Akin/PDX/ECT@ECT, \nMary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Richard \nShapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES, Sandra \nMcCubbin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott \nStoness/HOU/EES@EES, skean@enron.com, Stuart Staley/LON/ECT@ECT, Susan J \nMara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Wanda Curry/HOU/EES@EES, \nMDay@GMSSR.com, Robert C Williams/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mike D \nSmith/HOU/EES@EES\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: DRAFT talking points for California PUC Hearings on the 27th/28th\n\n\n\t\n\n\nAttached is a draft of the talking points for the Commission's hearings. Few \npoints:\nOur time is likely to be limited to 5-10 minutes.\nMike Day, our outside counsel, will make the presentation on our behalf.\nMike Day is fleshing out the legal details of our presentation and he will \nforward that along for folks review later today.\nComments can be forwarded to me via email, pager (888.916.7184), voicemail \n(415.782.7822), or home (415.621.8317).\nWe will finalize the message points on tomorrow's daily call (10 AM CST). \nThe call in number is 800.713.8600. Code is 80435.\nThe Commission's hearings begin tomorrow at 10 AM (PST)."} {"text": "As I understand it, the meeting is planned for the full day (including \nlunch), although I do not know the exact starting time. John Odam, the \nmediator, will most likely set the time. Because Enron in-house counsel \nduties are shifting from Kenton to Richard Sanders, Twanda Sweet (Richard's \nassistant) will be finishing the details of the meeting. I am forwarding the \ninformation I have to Twanda so she can finish up the details and get this \ninformation out to all interested parties. I can tell you that the mediation \nwill be held at the Enron Building at 1400 Smith Street in Houston. A \nconference room and 3-4 breakout rooms have been reserved. If you have any \nother questions, Twanda's # is 713-853-9402. Richard Sanders # is \n713-853-5587. \n\n\n\n\tDHASSEM@citgo.com\n\t05/23/00 11:11 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Cheryl Kondo/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: RE: Citgo Pipeline rupture\n\n\n\nWhat are the actual meeting times for the meeting on June 8th, and what is\nthe floor or room number and street address for the meeting place? Thanks.\n\n> ----------\n> From: Cheryl_Kondo@enron.net[SMTP:Cheryl_Kondo@enron.net]\n> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 12:40 PM\n> To: johne@wildeconst.com; Stogsdill, Dale; Hasseman, Dean; Merdian,\n> Jane; jjohanso@bechtel.com\n> Cc: Kenton_Erwin@enron.net; Richard_B_Sanders@ECT.enron.net.citgo.com;\n> twanda.sweet@enron.com; cheryl_kondo@enron.net\n> Subject: Citgo Pipeline rupture\n>\n>\n>\n> This is to inform you that Richard Sanders will be taking over for Kenton\n> Erwin\n> as in-house counsel in the above matter. Richard is the Enron North\n> America\n> attorney who manages litigation matters and will attend the June 8\n> mediation.\n> Richard's phone number in Houston is 713-853-5587. Please direct all\n> future\n> questions and comments to Richard.\n>\n>\n\n - att1.htm"} {"text": "Samantha Boyd will not be in until around 9:30 a.m; she is taking care of \nfamily matters. If you should need assistance, feel free to contact me at \n5-3317. \nThank you, Keegan Farrell"} {"text": "An additional change control has been entered for this week....\n\n \nMar. 2 \nFrom 10:30 p.m. through 3/3 at 2:00 a.m., the Corporate Server team will perform maintenance on the application cluster server. This change will affect applications located on the R drive. This change will not affect gas control. \n \n \n \nETS Solution Center - Houston, at 713-345-4745 \n ETS Solution Center - Omaha, at 402-398-7454"} {"text": "This memo is to remind you of the QBR that is scheduled for tomorrow for the \nEast Mid Market\n\n Date: 8/18/00\n Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am\n Place: EB 3314\n Topic: East Mid Market\n\nPlease contact either Kay (3x0643) or Beverly (5x7857) if you have any \nquestions."} {"text": "This is to remind you that various anonymous reporting facilities are \navailable for you to report violations of Company policy and suspected \ncriminal conduct by any officer, employee, or agent of the Company relating \nto the performance of his or her duties. These reporting facilities are also \navailable for your questions, messages, comments, and suggestions.\n\n Any policy violation or criminal conduct may be reported by letter, E-mail, \nor voice mail, as set forth below, describing the suspected violation or \ncriminal conduct with as much detail as possible to allow the Company to \nconduct an investigation of the reported matter.\n\n1. Letters should be sent to the Confidential Post Office Box: \n\nEnron Compliance Officer\nConfidential - Conduct of Business Affairs \nP. O. Box 1188 \nHouston, Texas 77251-1188\n\n2. E-mails should be sent to the Office of the Chairman\u0001,s E-mail box: \nEmployees with Enron E-mail can access this box by sending an E-mail to the \nOffice of the Chairman. Simply type \u0001&Office of the Chairman\u00018 in the address \nbox, type your message, and send. Your message will be completely \nanonymous. If, however, you copy your message and E-mail it to someone else, \nthe copy will not be anonymous. \n\n3. Voice mail messages should be left with the Office of the Chairman \nPhoneMail Box. You can access the Office of the Chairman PhoneMail Box by \ncalling (713) 853-7294. If you call from your extension or an outside line, \nyour message will be completely anonymous. If, however, you access the \nPhoneMail Box while you are in the PhoneMail system, your message will not be \nanonymous.\n\n You may, but are not required to, identify yourself. If you would like to \nidentify yourself, please submit your name and phone number with your letter \nor message. All anonymously reported matters will be investigated and acted \nupon in the same manner as those that contain signatures.\n\n The Company takes great pride in ensuring that Enron is a great place to \nwork. We encourage each employee to continue to conduct the business affairs \nof the Company in accordance with all applicable laws and in a moral and \nhonest manner."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/04/2000 \n06:10 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nedward kao on 02/03/2000 08:22:05 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Your talk on 2/7/00 (Monday) (fwd)\n\n\n\nVince: A minor revision of my earlier email shown below. The last line\nshould read ' I will be waiting in my office from 6:30-6:50 for your call\n...' My office phone is 713 743 4716. Sorry that I have to resend this\nemail. Ed\n\n\n\n---------- Forwarded message ----------\nDate: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 08:17:40 -0600 (CST)\nFrom: edward kao \nTo: Vince J Kaminski \nSubject: Your talk on 2/7/00 (Monday)\n\n\nDear Vince:\n\n I would like to send out an annoucement about your talk in my Risk\nManagement in the Energy Sector course on February 7, Monday. Is it\ncorrect that the name of your talk will be \"Commodity Trading in the\nEnergy Sector\". You indicated that you would be using transparencies so\nwe have a projector ready for you. Please let me know if there is\nanything else you need for the talk. Please also confirm this at your\nearliest convenience so that I can get announcement sent out soon. Thanks\nin advance for the talk. We all look forward to meeting you Monday.\nBest regards, Ed\nPS. The class meet 7:00-8:20 pm at 117 Meclcher Hall. As we originally\nplanned, I will be waiting in my office from 6:30-6:50 and greet you at\nthe parking lot IE."} {"text": "It was Mark wilson who is no longer here. I am trying to get a new name from the London people. \n\nAssuming they approve this what is the turnaround you think?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShackleton, Sara \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 11:57 AM\nTo:\tDoukas, Tom\nCc:\tHeard, Marie\nSubject:\tRE: credit Guaranty\n\nWho is your credit approval person? Please have that person email or call Marie and me.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDoukas, Tom \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 11:48 AM\nTo:\tShackleton, Sara\nCc:\tWall, David; Hemsley, Simon; Heard, Marie\nSubject:\tcredit Guaranty\n\nSara,\n\nI just left you a voice mail about this.\n\nWe need to amend the Bear guaranty to cover the new ECT Europe Finance that we moved the Anker positions into. By amending the guanranty I can free up $2.5mm cash.\n\nPlease tell me if this can happen.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom"} {"text": "Please print these out for me and put them in the Commodity Logic file.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGreenberg, Mark \nSent:\tFriday, July 13, 2001 11:05 PM\nTo:\tTaylor, Mark E (Legal)\nSubject:\tCommodityLogic\n\nMark -\n\nSorry for the delay on the CommodityLogic information. We completed a few documents today and I wanted to make sure you had the final versions. Also, FYI, Tom has a meeting with Greg on Monday to discuss the creation of a separate CommodityLogic entity. He has invited me to attend. Please let me know if you want to attend or have any issues or items you want addressed.\n\nBelow are the latest versions of the CL documents. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.\n\nMark"} {"text": "Hey Marc - I was in New Orleans last week, NYC & DC the week before. Now \nback home & ready to relax a bit. Hope you guys came through the storm ok \nthis morning. Our cars are stuck in the garage because the alley is filled \nwith downed tree branches. I'm not even sure who to call to get it cleared \nout. Ted got a ride from a friend and I took a cab. Let's get together soon!\n\nMark"} {"text": "Gary/Scott--\n\nI believe that this was not meant for public distribution, but it is a sentiment that I thought you should hear.\n\nMichelle\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFLO-Mike Croall @ENRON \nSent:\tTuesday, October 23, 2001 8:53 AM\nTo:\tCash, Michelle\nSubject:\tRE: Weigle EEOC File\n\nMichelle,\nWe may reap the most benefit by having all the site HR Managers, Site Safety\nSupervisors/Nurse Practitioners, Mike Indivero, Tony Bolar Softich(Safety),\nSteve Olenik(Safety), Sean Mayer(Construction), Frank Petty(Director of\nConstruction), Mike Ranz(VP Construction), Bob Black(Manager Of Projects),\nmaybe a few other home office construction managers selected by Mike Ranz or\nFrank Petty in attendance. I think you and Rick need to chair the meeting\nbecause you will lend credibility and importance to the issue. You may even\nwant to invite whoever is John Gillis's boss(or his designee) to sit in to\nemphasize the importance of this issue. Too often I hear \"Enron has plenty\nof money\" and \"Thats why we have lawyers\" -the truth being we are the\nguardians of our stockholders assets and we have a fudiciary responsibility\nto protect those assets for the health and well being of the company, the\nstockholders and the employees of Enron Corp. My experience has been that we\ndo a good deal of back stabbing and finger pointing when HR, Safety and\nConstruction get together and meet on anything. Liability/Settlement checks\nregardless of the amount needs to be an issue along with the improvement of\nthe employment offer process and who is authorized to make decisions\neffecting employment offers. In the end if supervisors or managers fail to\nact prudently and in the best interest of the company then there is a\npenalty. The penalty being they won't get the opportunity to lose more of\nthe companies money by making reckless decisions. Thats the approach I would\ntake with these people. The Weigle case does not need to be looked at like\nit only cost us $490.00. This continued reckless disregard we have in our\ndecision making process is going to hit us big one of these days and we will\nreplace Foster Wheeler's Blue Island Racial Graffitti charge & settlement as\nsomething the EPC Industry talks about. I may be overreacting here but I've\nbeen in the middle of Nepco's harassment, discrimination other issues for\nthe last 18 months. Call me if you have any questions. Thanks for asking.\nMie\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From:\tMichelle.Cash@enron.com [SMTP:Michelle.Cash@enron.com]\n> Sent:\tTuesday, October 23, 2001 6:07 AM\n> To:\tMike.Croall@nepco.com\n> Subject:\tRE: Weigle EEOC File\n>\n> Mike, I received the file - thanks.\n>\n> Also, I would like to follow up on the training issues that we discussed\n> when this charge arose. How would you like to move forward on that?\n>\n> Michelle\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: FLO-Mike Croall @ENRON\n> Sent: Fri 10/19/2001 2:28 PM\n> To: Cash, Michelle\n> Cc:\n> Subject: RE: Weigle EEOC File\n>\n>\n>\n> I have made a copy for Nepco's HR Dept. and I am sending all original\n>\n> documents related to the charge to your attention Legal Dept. @ Enron\n> 1400\n>\n> Smith St. Houston, TX. You should have it early next week.Let me know\n> if\n> you\n>\n> need anything else and I really appreciate all of the time and effort\n> you\n>\n> and Rick lent to this issue. I'm sorry we didn't handle it better and\n> avoid\n>\n> the EEOC charge.\n>\n> Mike Croall\n>\n>\n> > -----Original Message-----\n>\n> > From: Cash, Michelle [SMTP:Michelle.Cash@ENRON.com]\n>\n> > Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 3:10 PM\n>\n> > To: Mike.Indivero@nepco.com@ENRON; Mike.Croall@nepco.com; Indivero,\n>\n> > Michael\n>\n> > Cc: Johnson, Rick\n>\n> > Subject: RE: Weigle EEOC File\n>\n> >\n>\n> > As I mentioned earlier, I believe that the original should come to me\n>\n> > for filing in the vault. michelle\n>\n> >\n>\n> > > -----Original Message-----\n>\n> > > From: Mike.Indivero@nepco.com@ENRON\n>\n> > > Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:20 PM\n>\n> > > To: Mike.Croall@nepco.com; Indivero, Michael\n>\n> > > Cc: Johnson, Rick; Cash, Michelle\n>\n> > > Subject: RE: Weigle EEOC File\n>\n> > >\n>\n> > > suggest you send it here...\n>\n> > >\n>\n> > > > -----Original Message-----\n>\n> > > > From: FLO-Mike Croall\n>\n> > > > Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 11:05 AM\n>\n> > > > To: B-Mike Indivero\n>\n> > > > Cc: 'Rick.Johnson@Enron.com'; 'Michelle.Cash@Enron.com'\n>\n> > > > Subject: Weigle EEOC File\n>\n> > > >\n>\n> > > > I have received the settlement agreement back from Mr. Weigle.\n> Who\n>\n> > > wants\n>\n> > > > to be the keeper of the file? I can send copies to everyone if\n>\n> > > necessary.\n>\n> > > > Thanks,\n>\n> > > > Mike\n>\n> >\n>\n> >\n>\n> >\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate\n>\n> > and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use\n> of\n>\n> > the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or\n> disclosure by\n>\n> > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n> (or\n>\n> > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n> or\n>\n> > reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n>\n> > delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n> hereto)\n>\n> > are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create\n> or\n>\n> > evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or\n> any of\n>\n> > its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and\n> may\n> not\n>\n> > be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n>\n> > otherwise. Thank you.\n>\n> >\n> **********************************************************************"} {"text": "fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marty Sunde/HOU/EES on 12/28/2000 11:24 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nScott Stoness\n12/28/2000 11:23 AM\nTo: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES\ncc: Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Argument to Davis re Utilities are not short of Assets\n\nI understand from our conversation today that Lay is going to give the \nfollowing theme to Davis:\nNeed thoughful time to consider value of assets, ongoing structure etc.\nCA needs generation \nCA needs conservation\n\nAs I mentioned in the meeting today: I would add:\nUtility solvency problems are not as pressing as they make them out to be. \nAssuming that they own 10,000 MW of generation with book costs of $50/MWh. \nAssuming that the 2001 power costs are $150/MWh alone, would allow an \nincrease in the value of these assets by $13billion dollars. The \ngovernment could offer to take over the assets today for about $22b (2001, \n2002, and original estimated value), leaving the utilities with enough money \nto pay for existing debt plus whatever debt they are likely to incurr to the \nend of 2001. They are trying to steal this value by threatening bancruptcy."} {"text": "Here\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 12/28/99 08:20 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\npdrexel@columbiaenergygroup.com on 12/27/99 03:15:16 PM\nTo: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: NIMO JAN 2000\n\n\n\nChris this is capacity we got from NIMO as part of a peaking deal with them,\nthey can call on gas delivered to their gate,they reimburse for all cost at a\nnorth point gas daily price plus 100% transport. We in essance can sell the\ncapacity off on a monthly basis (sell it delivered) NIMO would not allow us \nto\nuse this as part of our transport to our enduses though, we also have capacity\nfor that.\n\n\n\n\nChris_Germany@enron.com on 12/27/99 02:52:40 PM\nPlease respond to Chris_Germany@enron.com\n\n\nTo: John Hodge [NOTES.jwhodge]@LMSOV, Paul \nDrexelius/CES/ColumbiaGas@COLUMBIAGAS\ncc:\n\nSubject: Re: NIMO JAN 2000\n\n\n\nHow much of the NIMO capacity (about 15,000 day of North to North) was \ndedicated\nto retail?\n\nFrom what I'm seeing, the retail volumes are looking fairly small.\n\n\n\n\n\n\npdrexel@columbiaenergygroup.com on 12/27/99 02:39:46 PM\n\nTo: Dan Junek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\nSubject: NIMO JAN 2000\n\n\n\n\nHere are some more\n---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Drexelius/CES/ColumbiaGas on\n12/27/2000 02:45 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nHeidi Boyd\n12/27/99 02:25 PM\n\nTo: Morgan Sharifi/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas\ncc: Noel Bartlo/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas, Paul\nDrexelius/CES/ColumbiaGas@ColumbiaGas\nSubject: NIMO JAN 2000\n\nFINAL\n\nHi Morgan,\n\nPlease schedule the following (in DTH's) off of CNG to Niagra Mohawk:\n\nPooled East Meter 20550 821/day\n West Meter 20500 421/ day\n\nBalanced East Meter 20550 381/day\n(firm) West Meter 20500 430/day\n\n\nThanks!"} {"text": "Robert Bradley asked me to forward this presentation to you.\n\n\nThanks \nKatrina B."} {"text": "Charlie,\n\nNeed some pricing as follows:\n\nTerm: 1 Yr. starting June 2000 No cost collar with $4.00 Floor\n 2 Yrs. starting June 2001 No cost collar with $4.00 Floor\n Nov 2001 - Mar 2001 No cost collar with $4.50 Floor\n\nAdditionally, what would be the cost of the call only for the aformentioned \nterm(s).\n\n\nPlease leave this information on my voicemail by the end of today. Thanks.\nt \n\nwhat is the cost of a call in the collar"} {"text": "Me bored?? I think you must be more bored than me to talk about ear \ncleaning. There's this new person that sits down the row from me and she \nbaby talks...what's up with that! It's so irritating. Well now that I've \ngossipped about someone 10ft from me I better send this email before someone \nwalks by and reads it. I think I'll skip the run this week. \n\nRR"} {"text": "Please see my comments in the attached which work off of Herman's comments.\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Manis, Herman \nSent: Tuesday, May 1, 2001 11:34 AM\nTo: Mann, Kay; Fleenor, William\nCc: Engeldorf, Roseann; Bills, Lisa; Clark, Catherine\nSubject: RE: form of option\n\nSee comments therein. We should discuss presentation.\n\n << File: FORM - Option to Purchase Real Estate (Kay's revisions2).doc >> \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mann, Kay \nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 10:22 AM\nTo: Manis, Herman; Fleenor, William\nCc: Engeldorf, Roseann; Bills, Lisa; Clark, Catherine\nSubject: form of option\n\nHere's the long awaited form of option for your review and comment.\n\n << File: FORM - Option to Purchase Real Estate (Kay's revisions2).doc >> \n\nI'm sending it to Rose, Lisa and Catherine for their review also.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "Mark\n\nAs mentioned at our trading meeting on Tuesday, we are putting together a \ntailored ISDA schedule for our banking counterparties with which we propose \nto trade credit transactions.\n\nOne issue we have revisited is whether the definition of Specified \nIndebtedness (which ties into the cross default provisions) should be \nexpanded to cover derivatives transactions as well as the more conventional \nbank borrowings. \n\nWe think there are arguments both ways on this, but wonder whether we have a \n\"house view\". Since the definition is not expanded in our standard ISDA \nschedule, we assume that our preferred position is to exclude derivatives \ntransactions from the cross default provisions of the ISDA.\n\nPerhaps we can discuss this when you have a spare moment! Thanks\n\nKind regards.\n\nPaul"} {"text": "How's it going? Fine I hope we are all o.k. It is finally cooling off a\nlittle. It was awful this past week.\n I heard you were in Cobo for the weekend. Did you have\nfun. Paul called Monday and said you had gone.\n So how are things going with you. I guess your busy.\nWhat's new going on.\n Talked to Sharon since they got back from their\nhoneymoon, they said they had a real good time the weather was wonderful.\n Well all for now talk to\nyou soon..........Dad and I send our love\n\n\nMOM"} {"text": "These have been changed to Firm energy.\n\nKate\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sharen Cason 03/02/2001 11:23 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: energy type\n\nI've got two deals where the energy type and del point don't match.\n\n#536538\n#536537\n\nThanks!"} {"text": "Please find attached the minutes from the April 3, 2001, PRC Committee \nMeeting:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you have any question, please feel free to call Gina @ 5-3377 or Jackie @ \n5-3563\n\nRegards,\n\nDave"} {"text": "OPEN ENROLLMENT 2001 DEADLINE EXTENDED\n\n\nDue to a very heavy, last minute influx of employees trying to make elections \nand/or changes to their 2001 benefits, the open enrollment 2001 deadline has \nbeen extended until 5pm Central Time on Friday, November 17th. \n\nPlease continue to access the web at www.enron.benefitsnow.com or the IVR at \n1-800-425-5864. \n\nYou must have your 2001 open enrollment personal worksheet that contains your \npersonal identification number (PIN - located in the upper right hand corner \nof your worksheet) in order to access the web or IVR."} {"text": "A release of TDS will go out tonight (5:00 pm) with the following \nenhancements. TDS will be unavailable from 5-6pm tonight & positions will be \ngone when it comes back.\n\nPosition Load\n- Will now be off new TDS Flag on the Port Calc screen. This is only on the \nPort Calc Screen we hope to add it to Meta Calc in the next few weeks\n\nPosition Manager\n- Added new tab with to show curve values\n\nDeal Ticker\n- Change Deal Value\n * Current Known Bugs - If you reload a position, deals that have switched \ndesk will not repost\n * Current month deals that have Settle prices in ERMS & the prices have not \nbeen updated in the curve files will value incorrectly\n- Killed deals will show up in changed deals (This includes changing desk)\n \nOther improvements have been made to increase speed and reliability.\n\nI will be here tonight & tomorrow morning. After that call Kenny Ha x30413 \nwith any issues.\n\nBill\nx5-7579"} {"text": "<<5-22-01.pdf>>\nRichard Costigan, III\nChief of Staff\nOffice of the Assembly Republican Leader\nCalifornia State Assembly\nPhone:(916) 319-2005\n\n\n\n\n - 5-22-01.pdf"} {"text": "UPDATE: AT THIS TIME, OUR GROUP PARTICIPATION IN UNITED WAY IS ONLY 50% \n\n\nPLEASE TAKE A MINUTE TO FILL OUT YOUR UNITED WAY PLEDGE TODAY. \n\n\nYou can do so by clicking on the following link: http://unitedway.enron.com"} {"text": "Tanya,\n\nAs we discussed in the last meeting, to simulate secondary power curve we need correlated jump sizes. This is totally different from the current secondary price curve simulation which assume the perfect correlation and also totally different from the secondary GAS basis curve simulation which is based on the hedging ratio.\n\nThere are two more issues on my side I need to resolve:\n1. I want resolve the power basis curve issue. Currently all power position on these basis curve are actually price positions. We are hard coding this: if power basis we add basis to corresponding region curve. I am trying to remove this hard coding by asking loading the price curve for all these basis locations.\n\n2. Same is true for all those Power F curves. These curves looks similar to those basis curves. Currently we just directly map these F curves to the corresponding region curves. I would also prefer to load the price curves instead of the price differences.\n\nFrom research, I need those jump size correlations.\n\nClearly, all these involve many new development, unless we want to use simpler way to simulate secondary power curves.\n\nRegards,\n\nWinston\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tTamarchenko, Tanya \nSent:\tMonday, April 16, 2001 9:17 AM\nTo:\tLew, Jaesoo\nCc:\tGorny, Vladimir; Jia, Winston; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject:\tRe: clustering for power\n\nJaesoo,\nas we discussed last week on Wednesday meeting can you, please,\nimplement clustering for power curves by geographical region. This involves the following:\n\n1. Deciding together with Risk Control how many geographical regions we want to use\nand which Enron's curves belong to each region.\n2. Deciding together with Risk Control how to choose core curves for each region. This decision can \nbe maid based on the a) position size; b) statistical analysis. There might be other considerations.\n3. Doing regression analysis for each curve versus the corresponding core curve.\n\nWinston,\ncan is it possible to run VAR for the clustering results obtained by Jaesoo with clustering done by SAS?\nShould we wait for the stage re-fresh and what is the status on this? \n\nTanya."} {"text": "Shelley, these comments look good. I think they properly set forth a \nstructure to provide for these items as the entire market develops not prior \nto the service availability. Most importantly, GISB isn't the business \ndriver- others please comment. Remember,we aren't against its a \ntiming/complete evaluation of the impacts to other service that hasn't been \ndealt with. MK\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron on 12/08/2000 \n04:32 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShelley Corman\n12/08/2000 03:42 PM\nTo: Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Teb Lokey/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nBianchi/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Darveaux/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tamara \nHopkins/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Julia White/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, James \nStudebaker/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Shahnaz Lakho/FGT/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Comments to GISB Opposing Partial Day Recalls\n\nFYI - Attached are the comments that I prepared for the pipeline segment to \nsubmit prior to the GISB EC vote next week on partial day recall."} {"text": "I do\n\nDG"} {"text": "Yesterday Jeff Fawcett, Lee Ferrell and I met with Dynegy marketing and \nlegal/regulatory representatives regarding TW Transport Options. Overall the \nmeeting was very positive. We had nothing but encouraging remarks from the \nmarketing representatives. However, the regulatory people (Sarah Tomalty, Ed \nRoss) had a couple of issues. The biggest issue is a marketing affiliate \nconcern. Apparently Dynegy is on a crusade at FERC to place further limits \non deals pipelines can do with their marketing affiliates. They have run \ninto situations in which pipelines (examples: Koch, El Paso) have blatantly \nfavored their marketing affiliates to the extent that Dynegy cannot even do \ndeals with them. (In fact, one of the problems with Koch has been Koch's \nprice option deals with its affiliate.) The perception is that the \naffiliates, by using \"funny money,\" can always make themselves the highest \nbidder, with a net benefit to the entire organization (pipeline + \naffiliate). The remedy Dynegy is proposing is to require a marketing \naffiliate, if it is the highest bidder, to credit back the difference between \nthe price it pays and the price offered by the next highest bidder. The \npresumption is that the affiliate has an unfair advantage because it is able \nto pay above market value in order to get the capacity. Dynegy's proposal \nwould encourage affiliates to pay \"real\" dollars. \n\nWhile it emphasized its belief that TW does not favor its marketing \naffiliates, Dynegy would like for us to include in our filing some limitation \non options transactions with marketing affiliates. It is likely that other \npipelines will file for the ability to sell options once FERC approves our \nfiling, and Dynegy would like for this type of protection to be part of the \nprecedent set by our filing. Ed hinted that FERC may be considering a \ndivestiture requirement for marketing affiliates, and that pipelines can \navoid this extreme result by voluntarily limiting their transactions with \naffiliates. Shelley, I know you've discussed this issue with Ed already and \nour reactions were the same. Basically we politely told Dynegy that we don't \nbelieve we're part of the problem and that we are therefore not inclined to \nunnecessarily disadvantage our company by further limiting ENA's ability to \ndo business with TW. We can probably expect an intervention with comments \nor a limited protest addressing the issue.\n\nThe other regulatory question was whether we intend to file each option deal \nas a negotiated rate. My analysis of this issue is that since we're \nproposing the option fee as part of the transport rate, options would always \nbe a type of negotiated rate and would need to be filed. If you think this \nis not the right answer, please let me know because we need to decide it \nbefore we file the tariff sheets. Sarah's question seemed to be more one of \ncuriosity rather than a basis for protest.\n\nLike the Indicated Shippers, Dynegy appeared interested in an all-customer \nmeeting to discuss the service. Jeff and the rest of the commercial group \nare looking further into whether and when we would have such a meeting. \n\nIf you have any questions or concerns please let me know."} {"text": "As an aside?.\n\tNormal\t\t\tHistorical Vol\nCorp\t\t$105.6MM\t\t$112.2MM\nAmericas\t$96.3MM\t\t$101.9MM\nGas VAR\t$52.9MM\t\t$55.4MM\t\t*CVAR shows April 02 as having largest risk $23MM \nPower VAR\t$50.5MM\t\t$52.77MM"} {"text": "Sell 50 Contracts NYMEX May, 2001 @ $5.69\nBuy 50 Contracts NYMEX May, 2001 @ $5.49\n\nMy Calculation of your April Activity is $66,000."} {"text": "Yes...except I'm sure it will take six more months before they have all of the information changed in the system.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLaGesse, Denise \nSent:\tThursday, May 10, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo:\tScott, Susan M.\nSubject:\tRE: diverseworks fax\n\nSorry. I knew that! I bet you'll be glad when she gets married this month and changes her name!\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tScott, Susan M. \nSent:\tThursday, May 10, 2001 2:07 PM\nTo:\tLaGesse, Denise\nCc:\tScott, Susan\nSubject:\tRE: diverseworks fax\n\nI think this was intended for the other Susan Scott.\n\nThanks\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLaGesse, Denise \nSent:\tThursday, May 10, 2001 2:06 PM\nTo:\tScott, Susan M.\nSubject:\tdiverseworks fax\n\nYou received a fax up here from Sara Kellner at Diverseworks. It's at my desk. Please let them know your new fax number. Thanks.\n\nDenise LaGesse\nLegal Department\nP.O. Box 1188 (77251-1188)\n1400 Smith Street, Room EB4784\nHouston, Texas 77002\nph. 713-853-6704\nfax 713-853-5425\nDenise.LaGesse@Enron.com"} {"text": "[IMAGE] \t\t\n Advertisement [IMAGE] \t\t\n Special Offer from Better Homes and Gardens Magazine \t\t\n Get the look, the style, the comfort you want and get in on budget! For a FREE YEAR of America's favorite home and family magazine, subscribe today . \t\t\n Dear scott, Greetings from the editors at Better Homes and Gardens! Each recipe has been tested in the Better Homes and Gardens Test Kitchen. [IMAGE]Raspberry Summer Delight What makes this recipe such a delight? It's a simple, wonderful, and light way to enjoy fresh rapsberries. For a printable version of this recipe, click here. For more recipes, click here. New this week: Picnics: Seven Great Menus Plus Tips \t\t\n[IMAGE] 2 beaten egg yolks 1/4 cup water 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 8-ounce carton vanilla yogurt 1 teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel 2 cups fresh raspberries Fresh raspberries (optional) Fresh mint leaves (optional) \t\t\n\t\t\n 1. In a small heavy saucepan combine egg yolks, water, sugar, and lemon juice. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture just comes to boiling. Cool mixture to room temperature quickly by placing pan in a sink or bowl of ice water, stirring constantly. 2. In a small bowl combine yogurt and lemon peel; stir in cooled yolk mixture. Cover; chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. To serve, divide berries among 4 dessert dishes or wine glasses. Spoon yogurt mixture atop. Garnish with additional raspberries and fresh mint, if desired. Makes 4 servings. Make-Ahead Tip: Prepare as above. Cover and chill in refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Serve as above. Nutrition facts per serving: 154 calories, 4 g total fat, 1 g saturated fat, 110 mg cholesterol, 44 mg sodium, 26 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 5 g protein, 7% vitamin A, 29% vitamin C, 14% calcium, 4% iron. \t \t\n Special Promotion from Better Homes and Gardens [IMAGE]Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook Here's America's best-selling cookbook! This all-time classic covers everything you'll ever need to know about cooking. 1,259 delicious recipes in this latest edition! This is the book that teaches America how to cook! Ringbound Edition. Click here to purchase. \t\t\n \t\t\n [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Our seal assures you that every recipe has been tested in the Better Homes and Gardens\n Test Kitchen. This means that each recipe is practical and reliable, and meets our high standards of taste appeal. \t\t\n Your Email: [scott.hendrickson@enron.com] is on the mailing list. If you do not wish to continue receiving the BHG Daily Recipe via e-mail, please edit your newsletter preferences or see instructions below to unsubscribe offline. If you have any questions or concerns, you can e-mail us at support@bhglive.com To subscribe to the BHG Daily Recipe, please go to bhg.com Member Center To update your e-mail address, please go to the bhg.com Member Center and click on the link to update your profile. You'll need your current e-mail address and password to log-in. If you've forgotten your password, there is a link in the Member Center to have it e-mailed to you. If you prefer to unsubscribe offline, please send a letter or postcard with your name, complete mailing address, e-mail address, and the names of the newsletters from which you wish to unsubscribe to: Newsletter Unsubscribe, c/o Meredith Corporation LS 205, 1716 Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa 50309-3023 Copyright 2001 Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved. \t\t\n\n[IMAGE]"} {"text": "Start Date: 4/23/01; HourAhead hour: 2; HourAhead schedule download failed. \nManual intervention required."} {"text": "Prior to the equity investment in and joint venture with Power Systems \nManufacturing (\"PSM\"), we will need to take the following actions:\n\n* conduct additional due diligence on the PSM/General Electric (\"GE\") lawsuit \nregarding infringement of GE patents. We will need to determine if the \nlitigation will affect the viability of PSM as operator or ENA as owner of \nthe equipment involved in the litigation. This will commence immediately and \na brief legal opinion will be obtained on these points.\n\n* conduct legal patent due diligence on the mobile power units that are the \nsubject of the joint venture and obtain favorable legal opinions with \nrespect to the intellectual property issues surrounding both the component \nparts being acquired and the proposed modified units themselves. Completion \nof the due diligence and obtaining of the legal opinions should be a \ncondition precedent to any funding to the joint venture.\n\ncc: Dave Delainey\n Mark Haedicke"} {"text": "--------- Inline attachment follows ---------\n\nFrom: Crandall, Sean \nTo: 'steven.luone@enron.com'\nDate: Friday, January 25, 2002 3:30:41 PM\nSubject: Northwest book of business for Jan 20 thru 26.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\nPoint\t Buy/Sale\t Counterparty\t On\t Off\t Price\t Deal #\t Annuity\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 25\t 25\t 24.75\t 153325\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 25\t 25\t 25.35\t 153327\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 50\t 50\t 27.25\t 305699\t \t\nCOB N/S\t B\t BPA\t 50\t 50\t 27.64\t 305700\t \t\nCOB N?S\t B\t CRC\t \t50\t 76\t 474381\t \t\nCOB N/S\t S\t MIDESTO\t -7\t -7\t 19.3\t 3689.4\t \t\nCOB N/S\t S\t SPP\t -25\t \t180\t 556514\t \t\nCOB N/S\t S\t Avista\t \t-130\t 13.5\t \t\tPrepay deal 896783.1 and .2 with annuity 896784.\t \t\nCOB N/S\t S\t Avista\t -100\t \t19.25\t \t\tPrepay deal 896783.1 and .2 with annuity 896784.\t \t\nCOB N/S Total\t \t18\t 63\t \t\nBUSBAR\t B\t BPA\t 100\t 100\t 10.48\t 85098\t \t\nBUSBAR\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 30.75\t 246561\t \t\nBUSBAR\t S\t MCMINN\t -5\t -5\t 23.7\t 199599\t \t\nBUSBAR Total\t \t45\t 45\t \t\nMC\t B\t Avista\t \t130\t 17.5\t \t\tPrepay deal 896783.1 and .2 with annuity 896784.\t \t\nMC\t B\t Avista\t 100\t \t23.25\t \t\tPrepay deal 896783.1 and .2 with annuity 896784.\t \t\nMC\t B\t Avista\t 91\t \t23.25\t \t\tPrepay deal 896783.1 and .2 with annuity 896784.\t \t\nMC\t B\t BPA\t 102\t 102\t 21.6\t 51353\t \t\nMC\t B\t BPA\t \t25\t 25.5\t 798079\t \t\nMC\t B\t BPA\t 25\t \t46.75\t 845313\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 30.65\t 281938\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 42.75\t 447576\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 42.9\t 448835\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 72\t 600521\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -50\t -50\t 73\t 600522\t \t\nMC\t S\t Air Products\t -6\t -6\t 41.19\t 737863\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -25\t \t75\t 658386\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -14\t \t47.5\t 664061\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t \t-13\t 47.5\t 664061\t \t\nMC\t S\t BPA\t -25\t \t31.85\t 871641\t \t\n\tMC\t S\t CHELAN\t -7\t -7\t 34\t 757497\t Out\t \nMC\t S\t CRC\t \t-25\t 150\t 508906\t \t\nMC\t S\t DOUGLAS\t -25\t \t37.15\t 831359\t \t\nMC\t S\t GRAYS\t -10\t \t64\t 715879\t \t\nMC\t S\t INTEL\t -4\t -4\t 34.6\t 802102\t \t\nMC Total\t \t\t-41\t -41\t \t\nMontana\t S\t HOLNAM\t \t80\t 668190\t \t\nMontana\t S\t LOUISIANA PAC\t -7\t -7\t 48\t 421598\t \t\nMontana\t S\t LOUISIANA PAC\t -1\t -1\t 34.75\t 770040\t \t\nMontana\t S\t LUZENACA\t \t45.11\t 406028\t \t\nMontana Total\t \t-8\t -8\t \t\nNW DEL\t B\t CLATSKAN\t 4\t 4\t \t445159\t \t\nNW DEL Total\t \t4\t 4\t \t\nGrand Total\t \t\t18\t 63\t \t\n\t\nTotal MC\t \t4\t 4\t \t\nTotal NW\t \t0\t 0"} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 09:20 AM -----\n\n\tBettye Langham \n\t10/29/2000 09:33 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: tba007@aol.com, andrew_vaughan@dell.com, acv13@juno.com, \nletsswim@juno.com, rmurphy@anthonysylvan.com, dan.j.hyvl@enron.com, \ncole@texas.net\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Fwd: Fw:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________________\nSay Bye to Slow Internet!\nhttp://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html\n\n\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: j1delaney \nTo: Charles Wilson \nCc: Daniel Smith \nSent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 4:30 PM\n\nHow do you think Gore did his time in Viet Nam?\n>\n> AL GORE IN VIET NAM\n>? Having posted a little tickler in last week's Digest about Al Gore's 141\n>days in Vietnam,\" The Federalist Editorial Board was inundated with\n>inquiries\n>from Vietnam? vets. Most went something like this:\n>\n> \"Gore claimed in his convention speech: 'I enlisted in the Army because I\n>knew if? I didn't go, someone else in the small town of Carthage, Tennessee\n>would have to? go in my place.' Since he wasn't KIA or wounded, how was it\n>that his Army tour? was far shorter than all the rest of us?\"\n>? Our astute veteran readers took the bait!? Gore's campaign launched a\n>multimillion-dollar ad campaign this week to tell his \"life story.\" The ads\n>will include references? to his service\" in Vietnam-however brief. Gore\n>spent\n>less than five months of a? typical twelve-month tour in Vietnam. He spent\n>every minute of his \"tour\" as a \"rear-echelon __________\" (call any combat\n>veteran and they can complete that phrase? for you). He was classified as a\n>military journalist after telling recruiters he was a newspaper trainee\"\n>(read \"copy boy\") for the New York Times while a student at? Harvard. He was\n>assigned as a non-combatant \"information specialist\" to the Army's 20th\n>Engineers Brigade headquarters at Bien Hoa military base near Saigon.\n>? Gore's immediate supervisor in Vietnam has confirmed that his posting\n>there\n>came with explicit instructions to baby-sit him and make sure he was never\n>in\n>any? danger. That fact notwithstanding, Gore has claimed to the Washington\n>Post that he was \"shot at\" and \"spent most of my time in the field.\"? He\n>later told the Baltimore? Sun that \"[I] pulled my turn on the perimeter at\n>night and walked through the elephant grass and I was fired upon.\" He has\n>since backed off these exaggerated claims.\n>? On May 22, 1971, not five months into his \"tour of duty,\" Gore was given\n>special dispensation and a one-way ticket home to attend divinity school in\n>Nashville. He dropped out of Vanderbilt shortly thereafter. As for the seven\n>months cut from? Gore's tour of duty in Vietnam, we suppose \"someone else in\n>the small town of? Carthage, Tennessee\" had to finish his tour \"in his\n>place.\"\n>? If everyone sends the above to 7 people, I am positive that we can do some\n>good for the COUNTRY."} {"text": "TrizecHahn Office Properties has notified Enron Net Works that there will be \na chilled water shutdown for the Allen Center Complex (One Allen Center, Two \nAllen Center and Three Allen Center) this weekend, as well as a power \nshutdown in Two Allen Center. The chilled water shutdown is required to \nrepair a leak in the chilled water distribution system. Both shutdowns will \nbegin at 6:00 PM this Friday, February 23 and end at approximately 6:00 AM \nSaturday morning.\n\nThe entire server environment in Three Allen Center will be taken down during \nthis time in order to prevent thermal shutdowns of the servers. There will \nbe a total disruption of network connectivity that will affect Two Allen \nCenter, Three Allen Center, and all International offices connected to the \nEnron Network via Three Allen Center. There will also be a total disruption \nof telephone service in Two Allen Center and Three Allen Center.\n\nPeople in Two Allen Center and Three Allen Center will not be able to log in \nto the network, check e-mail, etc. Anyone dialing in via VPN to check e-mail \nwill not be able to during this time.\n\nPlease contact TrizecHahn Office Properties at 713-651-1515 or the Resolution \nCenter at 713-853-1411 if you have any questions. Please see the attached \nTenant Notice from TrizecHahn Office Properties for more details. Thank you \nfor your cooperation.\n\nEnron Net Works"} {"text": "attached is the month end close document for Gas Settlements:\n\n \n\nthe first mass draft run is tomorrow, Nov 15 for ENA Sales/Supply at 7.00pm.\nMichael Cuccia will be monitoring the mass drafts for this month end.\n\nthanks,\nAnwar\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMelethil, Anwar \nSent:\tTuesday, November 13, 2001 3:01 PM\nTo:\tBaxter, Bryce; Hiatt, Wendy; Jaquet, Tammy; Lakho, Shahnaz; Mcclure, Mark; Pinion, Richard; Wynne, Rita\nCc:\tCuccia, Michael; Laurel, Robert; Mallak, Mutaz; Martinez, Danny; Neal, Steve; Pena, Matt; Roberts, Steve; Smith, Regan M.; SQL_MAIL; Stokes, Darren; Ward, Bob; Warner, John; Zwiers, Jeff\nSubject:\tUnify Gas Month end Close - November 2001\n\nPlease review the attached 'month end close' document and let us know if you would like to make any changes.\n\n << File: Month End Close -November.doc >> \n\ni will be sending out this document tomorrow to the other Business Leads who are not in this list.\n\nthanks very much.\n\nCheers,\nAnwar"} {"text": "Always!\n\n\n\n\nBen F Jacoby@ECT\n10/02/2000 03:16 PM\nSent by: Ben Jacoby@ECT\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Lisa Bills/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chris Booth/NA/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: Re: Letter agreement re LM 6000 \n\nKay:\n\nLooks good. I would suggest we have Lisa Bills look at it as well.\n\nRegards,\n\nBen\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Kay Mann @ ENRON 10/02/2000 12:03 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Booth/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Letter agreement re LM 6000\n\nHi there.\n\nI made changes in accordance with our meeting on Friday. Please let me know \nwhat other changes you would like to see.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "EEI's State Restructuring Service has expanded its coverage of the California \nEnergy Crisis and put all its email Action Alerts and a new Chronology of \nCrisis events in one place on its Web site. As part of your subscription to \nthe State Restructuring Web site, you get:\n\no A regularly updated chronology of crisis events\no All laws responding to the crisis, including important regulatory and court \ndecisions\no News of legal, financial, grid operations, federal, and regional \nperspectives\no E-mail notification of noteworthy events\n\nUpdated as policy actions and operating events are reported, this is one \nresource you don't want to miss as the crisis heads into the summer!\n\nEEI's State Restructuring Service continues to be your one-stop electronic \nresource for complete information on all the other states that are \nrestructuring, including those that are delaying their processes out of \nconcern over California's experience.\n\nConsisting of access to our Web-based resource and an e-mail alert service, \nthis yearly subscription provides you with timely briefs on important state \nregulatory, legislative, and judicial actions, full analyses of the most \nimportant policies, and comprehensive background on existing policies of \nrestructuring states.\n\nTo see a free sample of Action Alerts recently added to the Web site on \nrestructuring events in all states, including California, please visit this \nlink:\n\nhttp://www.eei.org/edg/dist/state.htm\n\nLearn more about this valuable resource and how EEI Utility Members can \naccess the service for FREE. Go to: http://www.eei.org/products and visit the \nElectronic Subscription section.\n\nWe hope you found this message useful. However, if you'd rather not receive \nfuture e-mails of this sort from EEI, please send a message to \ncatalog@eei.org ."} {"text": "G, I will be there about 9 pm tonight. My cell phone # is 281-772-9250"} {"text": "CALENDAR ENTRY:\tAPPOINTMENT\n\nDescription:\n\tFloor Meeting\n\nDate:\t\t9/27/2000\nTime:\t\t10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (Central Standard Time)\n\nChairperson:\tOutlook Migration Team\n\nDetailed Description:"} {"text": "Due to a scheduling conflict, the following Doorstep visits have changed. \nPlease confirm whether the new dates will work.\n\n\nOld Date: Location: Attendees: New Date:\n\nMarch 19, 2001 Sydney Stacey White April 23, 2001\n Brent Price\n Lloyd Fleming\n\nApril 23, 2001 Frankfurt Brent Price June 11, 2001\n Lloyd Fleming\n\nThanks,\n\nVeronica\nx31881"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/14/2000 \n05:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\ntaylorci@pjm.com@pjm.com on 11/13/2000 02:14:03 PM\nPlease respond to taylorci@pjm.com\nSent by: owner-pjm-customer-info@pjm.com\nTo: pjm-customer-info@risc1.pjm.com\ncc: \nSubject: FYI: FERC Staff Report on Investigation of Bulk Power Markets\n\n\nMessage sent from the pjm-customer-info mailing list at \npjm-customer-info@majordomo.pjm.com:\n\nThe FERC staff recently released a report discussing markets in each of the\nregions titled \"Investigation of Bulk Power Markets\". The report is not a FERC\nOrder.\n\nThe Northeast region is discussed in a section of 100 pages in length. PJM is\ndiscussed in detail beginning on page 1-59. There are some minor inaccuracies \nin\nthe report with respect to PJM, such as the 1999 Peak Load.\n\nThe report is a good first step in understanding the complex markets in the\nNortheast and their relationships among each other. The report also contains\nrecommendations and options for resolution of issues.\n\nThe complete report can be found at www.ferc.fed.us/news1/staffreports.htm\n\n\n\n\nPlease DO NOT REPLY to this message. If you have a question for PJM Customer\nRelations and Training, please send an e-mail to custsvc@pjm.com.\n\nTo unsubscribe from this list, send an e-mail to majordomo@majordomo.pjm.com\ncontaining only the following line in the body of the e-mail:\n\nunsubscribe pjm-customer-info"} {"text": "Yes - I think Tycholiz sees less value but definitely worth a look\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCalger, Christopher F. \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 12:08 PM\nTo:\tKitchen, Louise\nSubject:\tEES small gas customer portfolio\n\nAny interest in taking a look at this? If it is clean and NETCO can get it for $0.50 on the dollar and if they dont need to close for several weeks, it might be worth having Tycholiz look at it. \n\nChris Calger\n503-464-3735\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBlack, Don \nSent:\tThursday, January 03, 2002 5:51 AM\nTo:\tMilnthorp, Rob; Calger, Christopher F.\nSubject:\tsmall gas customer business\n\nEES has been soliciting bids for some of its larger markets. (CA, IL, NY, OH, etc) To date the bids have been dismal. We are down to one player looking at one market and they are bidding $0.30 on the dollar. ($US) These deals are clean and could be managed fairly easily by NETCo. It might be a stretch, but this morning, management suggested we find out if NETCo can do some due dilligence at this time and determine if we want to bid on some of the book. I am available at (713) 345 4441 if someone wants to discuss."} {"text": "jack has to go to the vet before he can go to the kennel..."} {"text": "To:\nDon Dunkelberger\nFrom:\nCarol St. Clair\n\nDon:\nEnclosed for your review is the transfer and termination agreement that we \nspoke about a few weeks ago. I look forward to hearing from you.\n\n\nCarol St. Clair\nEB 3892\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)\ncarol.st.clair@enron.com"} {"text": "\n\n\n\nNYTimes HTML E-Mail\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n
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\n \n\n\n\n\n
November 19, 2001

\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\nQUOTE OF THE DAY
\n\n\"I think the most important thing is that he is not able to\nfunction any longer, and we're agnostic as to how that\nhappens. I rather doubt just given the circumstances here\n I rather doubt we're talking about a long, drawn-out\ntrial.\"
\nCONDOLEEZZA RICE,on whether United States troops expect to kill Osama bin\nLaden or capture him for trial.\n\n\n
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\n \n
\n\n\n\n\nLaid Low by Last Recession, California Is Ready for Next
\nExperts are expressing guarded optimism over California's economic future, saying the state may come through the tough times in better shape than other regions.\n

\n\n\nChallenge Revives SAT Test Debate
\nThe challenge being mounted against the SAT exam by the University of California has brought attention to a previously arcane debate.\n

\n\n\n\nFord Motor Workers Get on the Job Training in Religious Tolerance
\nSeveral hundred Ford workers of many faiths and jobs turned out on Thursday for \"An Islamic perspective on the events of Sept. 11\".\n


\nFREE annual reports-- Order Now!
\nGet FREE annual reports from EuroLand.com. Featuring a wide range of information from world-class companies including Toyota, BMW, DaimlerChrysler, NTT, DoCoMo, UBS, Tomkins Solway, Assa Abloy, Royal & Sun Alliance and many more. Click here to order now.

\n\n\n\n\nMore U.S. Troops in bin Laden Hunt; Hide-Outs Bombed
\nWith the rapid collapse of the Taliban, the United States has intensified its pursuit of Osama bin Laden and his network.\n

\n\n\nAfghan Victors Agree to Talks on Interim Rule
\nBowing to American pressure, Northern Alliance officials agreed Sunday to attend a meeting of Afghan opposition groups somewhere outside the country.\n

\n\n\n\nFoes Claim Taliban Are Killing Soldiers Who Seek to Defect
\nForeign soldiers fighting for the Taliban have begun killing their Afghan Taliban comrades in a desperate effort to hang on to the encircled city of Kunduz.\n



\n\n\n\n\nPhillips and Conoco to Form U.S. Gasoline Giant
\nThe Phillips Petroleum Company and Conoco agreed to merge, creating an oil company with a market value of $35 billion.\n

\n\n\nCompanies Compete to Provide Saudi Internet Veil
\nNearly a dozen software companies are competing for a contract to help Saudi Arabia block access to Web sites the Saudi government deems inappropriate.\n

\n\n\n\nWild Welcome Greets Rivera at Fox News
\nGeraldo Rivera's hiring as a war correspondent for Fox News has ruffled feathers inside and outside the network.\n



\n\n\n\n\nCompanies Compete to Provide Saudi Internet Veil
\nNearly a dozen software companies are competing for a contract to help Saudi Arabia block access to Web sites the Saudi government deems inappropriate.\n

\n\n\nExecutive Moves From Ticketmaster to Trade Shows
\nFredric D. Rosen turned Ticketmaster into a multibillion-dollar behemoth, but doing the same with trade show operator Key3Media is turning out to be a tough second act.\n

\n\n\n\nWilliam Daley Will Assume Post at SBC
\nWilliam M. Daley, the campaign chairman of Al Gore's unsuccessful presidential bid, will be the next president of SBC Communications.\n



\n\n\n\n\nSept. 11 Attacks Refocused the Spotlight
\nThe terrorist attacks have considerably altered the profiles and power of many of the nation's leading political figures.\n

\n\n\nTorricelli Backed Donor's Bid for a Korean Project, a Letter Shows
\nSenator Robert G. Torricelli recommended a political donor for a contract on a sensitive nuclear-reactor project in North Korea.\n

\n\n\n\nTop Democrats Politic Through Rural Mexico
\nThousands of miles away from their own constituents, the two top U.S. Democrats took a ride Sunday through a rural stretch of central Mexico.\n



\n\n\n\n\nJets Continue Mastery of the Dolphins
\nThe Jets trounced the Dolphins for the eighth straight time to vault into first place in the A.F.C. East.\n

\n\n\nHoping for an Appealing Match
\nThis week's rankings suggest the potential for an appealing championship game in the Rose Bowl: Miami against Nebraska.\n

\n\n\n\nStrahan Runs Down Success
\nGiants defensive end Michael Strahan is sacking quarterbacks at a pace more furious than any defensive player in N.F.L. history.\n



\n\n\n\n\n'Potter' Movie Sets Box Office Record
\n\"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\" sets the record for the biggest movie opening of all time, earning an estimated $93.5 million in its first three days.\n

\n\n\nIconoclastic Physicist for All Occasions
\nPeter Parnell's \"QED\" is such a textbook example of biographical theater that it's hard to watch it without seeing the diagram beneath.\n

\n\n\n\nHemingway's Blessing, Copland's Collaboration
\nA pastiche of the adventures of young Hemingway, with a dramatic script written by A.E. Hotchner in 1957 and music composed by Aaron Copland, will finally have its premiere.\n



\n\n\n\n\nUnited in Grief and Prayer, Sharing the Common Language of Tears
\nThousands attended a service in Rockaways, Queens, to honor victims of the Flight 587 crash.\n

\n\n\nTorricelli Backed Donor's Bid for a Korean Project, a Letter Shows
\nSenator Robert G. Torricelli recommended a political donor for a contract on a sensitive nuclear-reactor project in North Korea.\n

\n\n\n\nWith Water and Sweat, Fighting the Most Stubborn Fire
\nExperts are calling the World Trade Center site the longest commercial building fire in United States history.\n



\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Vanishing Act\n
\nThe end of welfare faces the cold reality of a recession that threatens to leave millions of American families jobless, and all but helpless as well.\n

\n\n\nBig Mo\n
\nThe elder Bush once called political momentum \"the big Mo.\" Nothing gathers support like a sense of inevitability. The younger Bush has it now.\n

\n\n\n\nThe Job Nobody Trained For\n
\nFor all practical purposes, the federal government started homeland defense from scratch on Sept. 11.\n



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\n\n\n"} {"text": "See attached correspondence from Donn Fullenweider. I am transmitting it in both Word Perfect and Microsoft Word.\nJonda L. Stowell\nLegal Assistant\nThe Fullenweider Firm\n4265 San Felipe, Suite 1400\nHouston, TX 77027\n(713) 624-4100 Telephone\n(713) 624-4141 Facsimile\n e-mail: jls@fullenweider.com\n \n - client.7-17-01.jls.doc \n - client.7-17-01.jls.wpd"} {"text": "I hope you are getting somewhere because this is getting annoying. First he wouldn't send me anything, now they are all over it when he should have just sent me something to begin with.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMichael McCall @ENRON \nSent:\tWednesday, March 13, 2002 1:44 PM\nTo:\tGermany, Chris\nSubject:\tRE: contact info\n\nChris:\n\nWe seem to be on track with a GISB for EES, but little progress has been\nmade with ENA. Is Stacy Dickson the right contact for ENA?\n\nMike\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Germany, Chris [mailto:Chris.Germany@ENRON.com]\nSent: Friday, March 08, 2002 2:30 PM\nTo: mmccall@sempratrading.com\nSubject: FW: contact info\n\n\nI have asked my legal department about this a couple of times and I'm not\nsure if we have sent you anything. Would you please just send me a GISB\nagreement out of your shop. I see you have spoken to EES already.\n\nThanks\nChris L. Germany\nManager, Gas Trading\nPhone 713-853-4743\nFax 713-646-3059\n\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \tMichael McCall @ENRON\n> Sent:\tThursday, February 28, 2002 10:37 AM\n> To:\tGermany, Chris\n> Subject:\tcontact info\n>\n> Chris:\n>\n> Nice talking to you. I hope we can get some things going. Please don't\n> hestiate to call if you need something. I'll look for that GISB.\n>\n> Best Regards\n>\n> Michael McCall\n> Vice President\n> Sempra Energy Trading\n> 58 Commerce Rd.\n> Stamford, CT 06902\n> (203) 355 5085\n> Cell (203) 912 2030\n> Fax (203) 355-6090\n>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail contains privileged attorney-client communications and/or\nconfidential information, and is only for the use by the intended recipient.\nReceipt by an unintended recipient does not constitute a waiver of any\napplicable privilege.\"\n>\n> Reading, disclosure, discussion, dissemination, distribution or copying of\nthis information by anyone other than the intended recipient or his or her\nemployees or agents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this\ncommunication in error, please immediately notify us and delete the original\nmaterial from your computer.\"\n>\n> Sempra Energy Trading Corp. (SET) is not the same company as SDG&E or\nSoCalGas, the utilities owned by SET's parent company. SET is not regulated\nby the California Public Utilities Commission and you do not have to buy\nSET's products and services to continue to receive quality regulated service\nfrom the utilities.\"\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and\nmay contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply\nto Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you.\n**********************************************************************\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail contains privileged attorney-client communications and/or confidential information, and is only for the use by the intended recipient. Receipt by an unintended recipient does not constitute a waiver of any applicable privilege.\"\n\nReading, disclosure, discussion, dissemination, distribution or copying of this information by anyone other than the intended recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us and delete the original material from your computer.\"\n\nSempra Energy Trading Corp. (SET) is not the same company as SDG&E or SoCalGas, the utilities owned by SET's parent company. SET is not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission and you do not have to buy SET's products and services to continue to receive quality regulated service from the utilities.\"\n**********************************************************************"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2001 10:00 PM ---------------------------\n ENA Public Relations\nFrom:\tENA Public Relations@ENRON on 04/13/2001 12:04 AM CDT\nSent by:\tEnron Announcements@ENRON\nTo:\tAll_ENA_EGM_EIM\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tEnTouch Newsletter\n\n\n\n\nBUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS\n\nEnron Freight Markets\nEnron Freight Markets (EFM) launched its over-the-road trucking business this week. In addition, EFM completed 199 intermodal transactions in the first week of April.\n\nENA West Power\nENA West Power recently closed the sale of two power projects. The 750MW Pastoria Energy Facility in Kern County, California was sold to Calpine and the 240MW Fountain Valley Power project in Colorado was sold to Black Hills Energy Capital. Given the power shortage in the West, ENA is developing additional power generation in Nevada, California and Washington.\n\nEnron Industrial Markets\nThe newsprint group of EIM is working to revolutionize the newsprint market and bring financial rigor and market efficiencies to a business that has remained relatively unchanged for more than a century. The global newsprint market is a 23 billion dollar a year business with the North American market comprising one third. The group's originators, mid-marketers, and financial and physical traders offer our customers numerous financial and physical products not previously available in the market. \n\nEIM has made a substantial commitment to this business with the purchase of Garden State Paper company last year and the recent purchase of Daishowa Paper in Quebec City. The number of transactions has grown exponentially with the physical trading alone reaching a nominal trading volume of more than $10,000,000 per month in little more than four months since opening. In addition to physical spot transactions, the desk offers our counterparties log-term fixed priced transactions, indexed based pricing, forward contracts, swaps, and derivative products.\n\nForest Products\nForestweb Inc., an Internet-based generator, aggregator and integrator of knowledge and information for the forest products industry, announced a new window to industry financial and risk management tools available from Clickpaper.com. Clickpaper allows the industry direct access to transactable prices for both physical and financial products, in an electronic format.\n\nPaperloop.com, one of the leading online resources for the forest products industry, announced the addition of Clickpaper.com in their emarketplace, which showcases various e-commerce companies and highlights their services. Paperloop provides Clickpaper.com exposure to its 250,000+ monthly users in the pulp, paper and converting industries. \n\n\nIN THE NEWS\n\nKen Lay was the cover story for the April 2001 issue of Continental Magazine. He had positive things to say about his employees.\n\n\"Sitting in his 50th floor mahogany-paneled office overlooking his much-beloved downtown Houston, Lay, with a self-conscious smile, bows his head slightly as he's described as an innovative market maker. 'I really can't take any credit, he says. My employees are responsible for what Enron does.' What he does best, the Missouri-born corporate icon says, is 'to create an atmosphere of empowerment and creativity and hire bright, innovative people who aren't afraid to take risks and try new things.\" \n\n\nWELCOME\nNew Hires\nEIM - Craig Rickard, Lisa McClendon\nENA - Ben Brasseaux, Stephen Swisher, Tamera Joyner, Vanessa Griffin, Kathleen Ashton\n\n\nWeekly EnronOnline Statistics\n\nBelow are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of April 6, 2001.\n\n*\tTotal Life to Date Transactions > 845,000\n*\tLife to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $500 billion\n\n\nNUGGETS & NOTES\n\nMark your lunch calendars now! The next EWS Brown Bag is Thursday, April 19 at 11:30 AM. Tim Battaglia VP/EIM will be discussing Steel Origination.\n\nCongratulations to Peter del Vecchio, EIM senior counsel, and his wife, Nair. They are the proud parents of Dante Valentin del Vecchio, born April 3, weighing 4 pounds, 8 ounces.\n\n\nNEWS FROM THE GLOBAL FLASH\n\nEnron Poland obtains Gas Trading License\nOn 22nd March 2001 Enron Poland received a 10-year Gas Trading License, valid for both domestic gas trading within Poland as well as for gas exports. The license is a key component to our entering the gas trading market in Poland and, coupled with the Power Trading License we obtained in 1999, will give Enron Poland a strong position in the developing wholesale energy market. In the next two to three weeks, we expect to receive a cross-border trading license covering gas imports that are further regulated under the Polish Energy Law Ordinance on Gas Import Diversification.\n\nEnron Wind announces first UK off-shore wind farm\nOn 5th April 2001, Enron Wind announced that it had been granted the right to initiate the planning process for its first UK offshore wind farm, located at Gunfleet Sands, 7km from Clacton-upon-Sea in Essex. Construction is expected to start towards the end of 2002, with the wind farm of 30 turbines being operational by Q4 2003. Enron Wind is also actively involved in a number of on-shore projects in the UK, including the development of wind farms in Wales and Northern Ireland.\n\n\nLEGAL STUFF\nThe information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only and should not be disclosed."} {"text": "We are updating the pricing today. I'll let you know when it's finished.\n\nDG\n\n\n\n\nGenaro Mendoza@ENRON\n04/06/2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 03/01 Price Update - # 27253\n\nDarron,\n\nDeal # 27253 has a price of $2.7423 for 03/01 production (this is the price \nused for 02/01). The customer invoiced ENA a price of $2.3043. Can you please \nupdate the deal in Sitara to reflect the correct price for 03/01?\n\nThanks,\nGenaro"} {"text": "Jim, can you send me hard copies - I am having trouble opening these reports.\n\nAny summaries on the RTO filings?\n\nRegards\nDelainey\n---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 11/13/2000 \n09:35 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: James D Steffes@ENRON on 11/13/2000 09:11 AM\nTo: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, John J \nLavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: FERC Staff Report on Eastern Power Markets\n\nAttached is a summary and the original reports from FERC Staff on Power \nMarkets (Midwest, Southeast). \n\nOverall, these are good reports, but we are not sure where FERC will go now \n(especially with the outstanding Presidential election). I'll keep you \nposted if anything begins to move.\n\nPlease let me know if you need anything else.\n\nJim"} {"text": "I am interested in the crib , please give me a call.\n\nPete"} {"text": "Shelley,\n\nAttached is a draft of the letter concerning the reinstatement of the old scheduled quantities report. \n\nJim"} {"text": "Bill--pls prepare unanimous consent papers withdrawing the board resolution we did on TW approving the bankruptcy filing. We'll get the papers in front of Stan, Rod and Dan soon and then we'll do a new board meeting in January (or whenever) if a decision to take TW into Ch. 11 becomes appropriate. I'll let Weil know that the TW board will need a fresh briefing on the situation before bankruptcy is approved. Thanks. Good idea Danny. DF"} {"text": "Please create the following monthly for daily swap. IF GD/D CIG (N SYS). \nThe GD index is listed under CIG (N. Sys) on page two. The monthly index is \nlisted as CIG Rocky Mountain.\n\nThank you,\nMike Grigsby"} {"text": "I commend the attached memo from Wacthell Lipton for reading pleasure. If \nadopted, these proposed rules could significantly impact how we deal with \nanalysts and the financial press, although the final rules could change \nmaterially. The SEC release (and related \"fact sheet\" and message from the \nChairman of the SEC) can be found at at http://www.sec.gov/news/seledisc.htm."} {"text": "I believe the amount should be calculated through the date of funding. Will \nclosing and funding take place tomorrow, or will funding be a day later?\n\nKay\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Rebecca Walker 12/19/2000 03:24 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Catherine Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: \n\nKay\n\nFor ESA to exercise its LM 6000 purchase option, it must pay the Option \nExercise Price of $101,249,431 (per section 3A of the Option Agreement) plus \nan additional charge of $21,500 per day for each day after November 22d (per \nsection 3B of the Option Agreement). If the option is exercised on December \n20th, the total amount to be paid would be:\n\nOption Exercise Price $101,249,431\nPlus: Additional Costs: $21,500 per day x 28 days = $ 602,000\nOption Exercise Price plus Additional Costs $101,851,431\n\nThanks,\nRebecca\nx57968"} {"text": "who's on so far?"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron on 12/28/2000 \n02:45 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJoe Gorberg on 12/28/2000 02:24:29 PM\nTo: \"Stephanie Miller (E-mail)\" , \"Julie. A. \nGomez (E-mail)\" , Janet Dixon \ncc: \n\nSubject: Enron-Calpine transaction conf call\n\n\nI'd like to propose we all have a conf call at 1:30pm PPT to have final\nreview and discussions regarding credit and any contract matters as\nappropriate. We plan to have legal and credit people on the call with us.\nPls plan to have the same so we can all review issues together and draw this\nmatter to a conclusion.\n\nStephanie, pls send us updated docs per our discussions this morning.\n\nConf call in number:\n888-387-4875\n\nParticipant code:\n6002084\n\nThanks. Call me if you have any questions.\nJoe"} {"text": "No.\n\n\nFrom: Reagan Rorschach/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/30/2001 07:56 AM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: RE: long form confirm/MDEA\n\nKay, have these issues been incorporated into the ILA?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mann, Kay \nSent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 11:51 AM\nTo: Sacks, Edward\nCc: Rorschach, Reagan; kay.mann@worldnet.att.net\nSubject: RE: long form confirm/MDEA\n\nInstinctively it seems that the agent for concept would be stronger. I'll \ncheck into it for the longer term deal. Obviously, it is a Mississippi law \nissue, so I'll have to get an opinion.\n\nKay\n\n\nFrom: Edward Sacks/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/29/2001 10:46 AM\nTo: Reagan Rorschach/ENRON@enronXgate, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nkay.mann@worldnet.att.net@SMTP@enronXgate\ncc: \n\nSubject: RE: long form confirm/MDEA\n\nThe following are my comments:\n\n - I assume that Settlements is fine with invoicing no later than the 7 th \nof each mth.\n - Section M: Should we go this route (covenant of financial support) or \nwould we be accomplishing the same if we structure this as MDEA, agent for \n..., similar to that in the Interconnection Agmt. We should probably look \ninto it further for the longer term deal. I don't know which has the \nstronger fall back to the municipalities.\n\nEd Sacks\n\nHave a good rest of the weekend. \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Rorschach, Reagan \nSent: Friday, April 27, 2001 4:40 PM\nTo: Marvin Carraway (E-mail); Marvin Carraway (E-mail 2); Robert Priest \n(E-mail); David Fairley (E-mail); David Fairley (E-mail 2); David Fairley \n(E-mail 3); Bentley, Corry; Comeaux, Keith; Coulter, Kayne; Cross, Edith; \nFairley, David; Herndon, Rogers; Homco, Jim; Kumar, Madhup; Mann, Kay; May, \nTom; Miller, Jeffrey; Morse, Brad; Nicolay, Christi; Pagan, Ozzie; Podurgiel, \nLaura; Reeves, Leslie; Sacks, Edward; Serio, Erik; White, Stacey; Will, Lloyd\nSubject: FW: long form confirm/MDEA\n\nPlease send comments to Kay this weekend at both address below.\n\nkay.mann@enron.com, kay.mann@worldnet.att.net\n\nThanks, \n\nReagan\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mann, Kay \nSent: Friday, April 27, 2001 4:33 PM\nTo: Rorschach, Reagan\nSubject: RE: long form confirm/MDEA\n\nHere's where I am on the ILA. I think it should be distributed internally \nand to the Cities ASAP, with an explanation that we are still pondering it.\n\nKay\n\n << File: MDEA ILA (Mann 4-27 draft).doc >> \n\n\nKay"} {"text": "Attached is the form of CA to be used for your Kern River discussion. I can \nprint executables if you need. Let me know."} {"text": "Thanks, Kalen.\n\nAll, \n\nThe employee is to purchase their own one way, non-refundable ticket and submit for reimbursement to the following:\n\nJohn Branigan or\nWillie Bailey\nThe MI Group\n3500 Claymoore Park Drive\nHouston, TX 77043\nTel\t713 460 0192 or 1 800 223 7911\nFax\t713 460 4382\nwww.themigroup.com\njohn.branigan@themigroup.com\nwillie.bailey@themigroup.com\n\nNote that we will only reimburse up to the budgets provided by Travel Agency in The Park. The employee should contact The MI Group for the budgeted amount and use TAP, if they are having trouble meeting the budget.\n\nTickets will be reimbursed for the H-B visa holder only. Family members are not eligible, nor is any type of shipment for the H-1B holder unless they have an assignment letter covering additional relocation.\n\nRegards,\n\nTimothy J. Callahan\nDirector, Global Employee Services\nEnron Corp\n333 Clay Street, Suite 1047\nHouston, Texas 77002\nTelephone: 713.646.9565\nFax: 713.646.9501\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Pieper, Kalen \nSent: Friday, December 21, 2001 9:27 AM\nTo: Atkins, Mike; Barnard, Marla; Barrow, Cynthia; Becker, Melissa;\nBlaylock, John; Brown, Daniel; Callahan, Timothy; Cash, Michelle;\nChatham, Gerry; Cook, Kathleen A.; Curless, Amanda; De Jesus, Frank;\nDoucet, Dawn; Fitzpatrick, Amy; Funkhouser, Shanna; Galloway, Sonja;\nGilchrist, Scott; Gray, Judy; Hankamer, Cecilia; Hickok, Kim; James,\nTerrie; Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec; Joyce, Mary; Kearney, Julie;\nKinningham, Laura; Labbe, Anne; Mayes, Fran; McLoughlin, Hector;\nMigliore, Todd; O'Brian, Angie; Olson, Cindy; O'rourke, Tim; Oxley,\nDavid; Pierce, Shelly; Russi, Estalee; Schaffer, Brian; Slone, Jeanie;\nSmith, Gary; Sullivan, Kriste; Tilney, Elizabeth; Vaughn, Ann; Walton,\nSheila; Wheeler, Terrie; Yeverino, Norma\nSubject: FW: Visa Lists\n\n\n\nAttached are the L1 and H1-B termed employees. Please identify your termed employees from the list (1st attachment and tab 1 are L1's, second attachment, tab 1 are H1-Bs)\n\nPlease let the H1-B termed employees know that we will pay for the employee's return ticket home (coach). Tim Callahan will let you know who to contact to reimburse them for the cost of the ticket.\n\nFor the L1 holders, Enron is only obligated to conform with the obligations in the transfer letter, so you will need to pull their letter from the file and review with Tim Callahan.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Callahan, Timothy \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 6:59 PM\nTo: Dorn, Joe; O'rourke, Tim\nCc: Pieper, Kalen\nSubject: FW: Visa Lists\n\n\nThanks, Joe.\n\nTim/Kalen, See the attachments.\n\nTimothy J. Callahan\nDirector, Global Employee Services\nEnron Corp\n333 Clay Street, Suite 1047\nHouston, Texas 77002\nTelephone: 713.646.9565\nFax: 713.646.9501\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Dorn, Joe \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 1:36 PM\nTo: Callahan, Timothy\nSubject: RE: Visa Lists\n\n\nTim I have updated the attached files to include employees current status. I have highlighted in blue those employees where\nI could not find a match in our database by the name provided.\n\nLet me know if you need anything else.\n\nJoe D.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schultea, Kathryn \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 7:23 PM\nTo: Dorn, Joe\nSubject: FW: Visa Lists\n\n\nCan you take care of this tomorrow and send to Tim Callahan directly? Thanks.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Callahan, Timothy \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 5:43 PM\nTo: Schultea, Kathryn\nCc: Pieper, Kalen\nSubject: Visa Lists\n\n\nPlease match these files with your termination list and let us know who has been terminated.\n\nTimothy J. Callahan\nDirector, Global Employee Services\nEnron Corp\n333 Clay Street, Suite 1047\nHouston, Texas 77002\nTelephone: 713.646.9565\nFax: 713.646.9501"} {"text": "yes please take care of this for me. thank you. \n\n\n\n\nIna Rangel\n04/18/2001 11:18 AM\nTo: Ina Rangel/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: (bcc: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: Professional Administrative Assistants Week\n\nNext week is professional administrative assistants week. If you are in \nagreement, I will order your assistant a beautiful bouquet to be delivered on \nMonday for her to enjoy all week. The floral companies are already receiving \norders and I want to order the flowers by Friday. \n\nIf there is anything else that you want done, please let me know and I will \nbe happy to help you out since your schedules are so busy."} {"text": "John,\n\nThe phone number for Ken Lay is (713) 853-6773.\nMy recommendation is to call Mark Palmer first and discuss the book\nwith him. His recommendation will open the door. I shall mention this to him\nas well. Mark's phone number is (713) 853-4738.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/30/2001 12:12:50 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Good morning/afternoon\n\n\nVince,\n\none of my colleagues here at Baylor is writing a book about \"the business\nof heaven\" in which he interviews prominent business leaders. Bob Darden\nis his name and he's a former journalist and nice guy. He would like to\ncontact Ken Lay about being one of his interviews. Do you think this is\npossible? If so, could you give me an address/phone numbers that Bob might\nuse to contact Ken's secretary about setting up an interview?\n\nIf this is in any way \"not ok\" please just say so.\n\nSee ya,\n\nJohn\n\n>Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 11:35:03 -0600\n>From: Robert Darden \n>Subject: Yo!\n>X-Sender: \"Robert Darden\" (Unverified)\n>To: J_Martin@baylor.edu\n>Organization: The Door\n>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en]C-FLASHNET (Win95; I)\n>\n>Hi John -- I enjoyed our meeting yesterday. This looks VERY promising.\n>Meanwhile, as I mentioned at the table, I'm getting a little nervous\n>about the book that is due June 1.\n>One of the names on our \"wish\" list of interviewees for \"The Business of\n>Heaven\" is Ken Lay at Enron.\n>Would it be possible for you to give me a good address and phone number\n>for Mr. Lay's office?\n>And may I mention your name in the cover letter?\n>I would be forever indebted. I might even buy the next lunch.\n>Bob\n>P.S. Thanks for sharing your concerns about church yesterday, too. I'm\n>genuinely sorry things didn't work out better and feel more than a\n>little embarrassed that I didn't work harder to make you guys feel more\n>welcome and connected. On the other hand, please know that Mary and I\n>will always love you and consider you both friends. I know you'll be\n>happy at Lake Shore -- even as we miss you at 7th!\n>\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html"} {"text": "Today's IssueAlert Sponsors: \n\n[IMAGE]\n\nThe IBM e-Energy Executive Forum \u0001) \"Personalization, Partnership, and \nProfitability\"\n\n\nDesigned for executives in the utility industry looking to leverage Customer \nRelationship Management in the competitive marketplace. Topics will focus on \nhow process and technology can be leveraged to gain competitive advantage. \nFeatured speakers will include IT analysts, solution partners, IBM \nexecutives, and customers including: John Goodman, President of e-Satisfy; \nRichard Grimes, Director of CRM Energy Services; David Bonnett, Global \ne-Energy Sales Executive, Siebel Systems. \n\nwww.ibm.com \n\n\n\ne-ProCom for Utilities and Energy- March 20-22, 2001 e-Commerce and \ne-Business are concepts that offer the promise and expectation to deliver \nbottom line benefits, productivity enhancement, supply chain efficiencies and \nincreased profitability to your business \u0001) but what does the e-revolution \nmean in today's real energy world?The answers can be found at the e-ProCom \nfor Utilities & Energy e-Business Conference & Exhibition, which is being \nheld at the Baltimore Convention in Baltimore, Maryland on March 20-22, 2001 \nwith a focus on the key issues, options, and alternatives from an industry \nbased perspective. Please call (713) 463-9595 to obtain more information or \nvisit our web site at:\nwww.e-procomseries.com\n\n\n[IMAGE]\n\nRapidpartsmart is the newest, most powerful online parts search engine in \nthe power industry. Rapidpartsmart is the complete source to locate, buy and \nsell engineered parts worldwide. Rapidpartsmart integrates over 5 million \nsupply items into asset management and work management systems to ensure \nthat you know all supply sources, all the time. Rapidpartsmart increases \nsupply options, reduces outage risks and cuts inventory investment. Contact \nJohn Kelly at (727) 669-3006 for more information or go to \nwww.rapidpartsmart.com \n\n\n\n\n\n[IMAGE]\n\nIssueAlert for March 20, 2001 \n\nCalifornia Blackouts: \nA Prelude to a Long, Dark Summer?\n\nby Will McNamara \nDirector, Electric Industry Analysis\n\nCiting an emergency shortage of electricity across the state, California \npower officials ordered rolling blackouts on Monday, March 19, in a move to \navoid toppling the power grid. The California Independent System Operator \n(ISO), which manages about 75 percent of the transmission grid serving the \nstate's 34 million residents, ordered the blackouts shortly before noon \nPacific time and said they would likely last through 8 p.m. Pacific time on \nMarch 19. It was the first time rolling blackouts have hit the southern half \nof the state and the third time this year in the north, following two days of \noutages on Jan. 17 and 18. \n\nAnalysis: Despite all the recent efforts taken by Calif. Gray Davis to solve \nthe state's severe energy problems, it now seems inevitable that California \nis headed toward another volatile summer full of power problems. One of the \nstate's fundamental problems\u0001*supply that cannot keep up with demand\u0001*is being \naddressed by the governor (and the Bush administration) and is projected to \nbe solved within the next two or three years. However, the new power supply \nthat is being planned to serve the state is not coming online quickly enough \nto stave off problems for this summer. In addition, the current rolling \nblackouts facing the state are worse than previously enforced cutbacks and \nhave impacted almost all parts of the state as opposed to more confined \nareas. \n\nThe most recent problem appears to have resulted from unusually warm weather \nin the southern part of the state that drove up use of air-conditioned power. \nThis left the state as a whole with limited reserves at a time when power \nplant maintenance and a lack of hydropower already was causing problems in \nNorthern California. Reportedly, about 13,400 MW of power were lost due to a \ntransformer fire at a Southern California plant and other idled plants across \nthe state. In addition, about 2,000 to 3,000 MW of production from qualifying \nfacilities (QFs) was unavailable on the day of the rolling blackouts. The QFs \nthat were offline typically have produced only small amounts of power under \ncontract to the state's three major utilities. However, the QFs have stopped \nproducing in recent weeks as a result of the financial problems of Pacific \nGas & Electric Co. and Southern California Edison and the fact that they have \nbeen paid only a small percentage of what they are owed for power previously \nproduced. Under normal circumstances, the QFs can generate as much as 30 \npercent of the state's electricity needs. \n\nAs a result, the California ISO issued a Stage 3 emergency alert, the highest \nlevel of emergency, indicating that power reserves had fallen below 1.5 \npercent. In addition, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. implemented blackouts across \nNorthern California, including San Francisco and the Silicon Valley. Southern \nCalifornia Edison turned off the lights in neighborhoods around Los Angeles. \nTogether, the two utilities serve about 24 million Californians, and operated \nthe rolling blackouts by moving through a series of predetermined \"blocks\" of \ncustomers. Operators at substations were directed to turn off power for a \nblock of customers for about 60 to 90 minutes, then restore service and move \non to a subsequent block of customers. Public safety outlets such as police \nand fire stations were not included in the rolling blackouts, although other \npublic services such as traffic lights were affected by the outages. \n\nWhile the rolling blackouts occurred, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham spoke \nat the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and acknowledged that California clearly will \nnot have enough power supply to meet demand this summer. Abraham said that \nthe state will need about 61,000 MW to meet summer demand while only 56,000 \nMW of generation is expected to be available. Abraham also reiterated that \nthe Bush administration will present \"a very comprehensive and balanced \nenergy plan\" in the coming weeks, one that most likely will focus on \nincreasing domestic supply and reducing U.S. dependence on foreign sources \nfor oil (as well as conservation efforts). \"There's really only three things \nyou can do about a difference between supply and demand,\" Abraham said. \"One \nis to conserve more. The second is to import more. And the third is to \nproduce more. I think we want to focus more on conserving more and producing \nmore rather than depending more on other countries.\" \n\nHowever, only days earlier, the Bush administration warned that electricity \nblackouts in California \"appear inevitable\" this summer, but continued to \nissue a strong statement of opposition to addressing the problem with \nwholesale price caps. In fact, Abraham said that price caps on wholesale \nenergy will \"discourage investment in new generation at a time when it is \nmost needed\" and drive power producers to other regions of the country (and \nfurther away from California). The Bush administration's position on price \ncaps is in contrast with what appears to be a change in policy from the \nFederal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which historically has also \nopposed any regional price caps. A report that originated in the Wall Street \nJournal last week indicated that FERC is leaning toward setting tighter \nlimits on the price that generators can charge for power in California, \nparticularly on hot summer days when shortages could be acute. Reportedly, a \nnew rule from FERC on wholesale price caps would set maximum prices during \nelectrical emergencies based on each plant's actual operating costs. \n\nYet, Abraham remains firm that price caps will do nothing to abate the \nblackouts for which Californians appear to be headed this summer. At a Senate \nhearing on price control legislation last week, Abraham said, \"Let me be \nclear on this. Any action we take must either help increase supply or reduce \ndemand. ... Price caps will not increase supply or reduce demand. In fact, \nthey will aggravate the supply crisis.\" \n\nThus, we return to the fundamental problem that will continue to cause \nproblems in California and other areas: the need for new power supply and \ntime limitations associated with establishing that supply. In my IssueAlert \nfor March 9, I addressed the discrepancy regarding California's power needs \nversus power supply. The conclusions I made at that time now appear to be \nfurther validated. During the month of August\u0001*typically the hottest month in \nCalifornia\u0001*peak daily demand for power in the California ISO territory is \nexpected to hit about 47,700 MW. The state's three IOUs\u0001*PG&E, SCE and San \nDiego Gas & Electric\u0001*still generate about 8,000 MW from their remaining power \nplants and have long-term contracts from wind, solar and other energy sources \nthat gain them an additional 11,700 MW of power. Gov. Davis has established \nthat about 7,000 MW from the long-term contracts will be available this \nsummer. In addition, back in February, Davis announced a plan to expedite the \napproval and siting process for new power plants in the state, which he \npromised would bring 5,000 MW online by July (an ambitious goal that may or \nmay not materialize). \n\nAltogether, assuming that all of these projections are reliable, the total \ncomes to about 31,700 MW that we know should be available in California this \nsummer, leaving the state about 16,000 MW short for its power supply needs. \nAs noted, Abraham has suggested a California supply / demand imbalance of \n61,000 MW of demand versus 56,000 MW of supply, which would make for a \nslightly less severe scenario. However, Abraham has not fully detailed the \ndata on which he has based his projections. \n\nNevertheless, no matter how the actual numbers shake out, most everyone \nagrees that the summer prognosis is not good for California. Rather than \nquestioning if additional blackouts will occur, the ongoing debate relates to \nhow severe the anticipated outages will become and how long they will last \nbefore additional power supply can be established in the state. And, although \ntoday marks the first day of spring and summer is officially still weeks \naway, California's problems have already started in full force. According to \nstatements from the California ISO, some of the power supply that had been \noffline due to mechanical problems during the day on March 19 could be back \nonline by March 20. However, that will account for only about 300 to 700 MW, \nwhich is not nearly enough to offset additional problems for California this \nweek (assuming that temperatures in the state remain warm). \n\nYet, as one energy executive once commented, California continues to apply \nBand-Aids on hemorrhaging wounds. While the state continues to send out its \nSOS signal, what is needed is a reliable, long-term solution that will \nprovide a substantial amount of power to Californians. There is little chance \nof this solution being found before this summer, so as the temperature \ncontinues to rise on the West Coast, California energy officials will be \nchallenged to contain the damage of the state's ongoing energy crisis. \n\nAn archive list of previous IssueAlerts is available at\nwww.ConsultRCI.com\n\n\n\n\n[IMAGE]\nThe most comprehensive, up-to-date map of the North American Power System by \nRDI/FT Energy is now available from SCIENTECH. \nReach thousands of utility analysts and decision makers every day. Your \ncompany can schedule a sponsorship of IssueAlert by contacting Nancy Spring \nvia e-mail or calling (505)244-7613. Advertising opportunities are also \navailable on our website. \nSCIENTECH is pleased to provide you with your free, daily IssueAlert. Let us \nknow if we can help you with in-depth analyses or any other SCIENTECH \ninformation products. If you would like to refer a colleague to receive our \nfree, daily IssueAlerts, please reply to this email and include their full \nname and email address or register directly on our site. \n\nIf you no longer wish to receive this daily email, send a message to \nIssueAlert, and include the word \"delete\" in the subject line. \nSCIENTECH's IssueAlerts(SM) are compiled based on the independent analysis \nof SCIENTECH consultants. The opinions expressed in SCIENTECH's IssueAlerts \nare not intended to predict financial performance of companies discussed, or \nto be the basis for investment decisions of any kind. SCIENTECH's sole \npurpose in publishing its IssueAlerts is to offer an independent perspective \nregarding the key events occurring in the energy industry, based on its \nlong-standing reputation as an expert on energy issues. \n\n\nCopyright 2001. SCIENTECH, Inc. All rights reserved."} {"text": "please print\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 10/16/2000 10:24 AM -----\n\n\tRex Rogers\n\t10/12/2000 11:28 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: James M Bannantine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Cliff \nBaxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sanjay Bhatnagar/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nRick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Diomedes \nChristodoulou/SA/Enron@Enron, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nDerrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy_Fowler@pgn.com, \nMark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Ben F Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Hannon/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, David \nHaug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nLarry L Izzo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Steven J \nKean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kenneth \nLay/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rebecca \nMcDonald/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jeffrey McMahon/HOU/ECT@ECT, J \nMark Metts/NA/Enron@Enron, Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lou L \nPai/HOU/EES@EES, Ken Rice/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jeffrey \nSherrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Jeff \nSkilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Joseph W \nSutton/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thomas \nE White/HOU/EES@EES, Brenda Castillo/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcia \nManarin/SA/Enron@Enron, Susan Skarness/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy \nGuidroz/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Beena \nPradhan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Karen K Heathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSharron Westbrook/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kay Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Molly \nBobrow/NA/Enron@Enron, Rosane Fabozzi/SA/Enron@Enron, Stephanie \nHarris/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bridget Maronge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary_trosper@pgn.com, \nNicki Daw/NA/Enron@Enron, Inez Dauterive/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol Ann Brown/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Elaine \nRodriguez/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Cindy Stark/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMary E Garza/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Maureen \nMcVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, Joannie Williamson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rosalee \nFleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Vanessa Groscrand/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tori L \nWells/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cathy Phillips/HOU/ECT@ECT, Loretta \nBrelsford/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sue Ford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dolores \nFisher/NA/Enron@Enron, Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES, Dorothy Dalton/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Mercedes Estrada/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Christina Grow/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lauren \nUrquhart/LON/ECT@ECT, Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Katherine \nBrown/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Pam Benson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jana \nMills/HOU/ECT@ECT, Liz M Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy G Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Bobbie \nPower/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Suzanne Danz/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING - MONDAY, OCTOBER 16: NEW S.E.C. RULES \nRELATING TO TRANSACTIONS IN ENRON CORP. COMMON STOCK\n\nI have been asked to make a brief presentation at next Monday\u0001,s Executive \nCommittee meeting addressing a new S.E.C. insider trading rule. Although the \nnew rule may increase exposure to liability for insider trading, certain \nprovisions of the new rule may actually provide for greater flexibility in \nthe timing of your personal trades in Enron Corp. common stock. Attached is \na short memo addressing our current Company procedures and policies for \ntrading, the new S.E.C. rule, and some suggestions for alternatives that you \nmay want to consider concerning your personal trades in Enron Corp. common \nstock. If anyone wants to discuss the new rule and the trading alternatives \nprovided by the new rule before next week\u0001,s meeting, please don\u0001,t hesitate to \ngive me a call at 713-853-3069. Thank you.\n\nAttachments"} {"text": "Very nicely put.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWilliams III, Bill \nSent:\tMonday, July 30, 2001 10:47 AM\nTo:\tAnderson, John; Bland, Todd; Dean, Craig; Guzman, Mark; Harasin, Leaf; Linder, Eric; Merriss, Steven; Meyers, Bert; Porter, David V.; Slinger, Ryan; Solberg, Geir; Symes, Kate; Williams III, Bill\nSubject:\tShort in SP-15 (ST-Cali is long off-peak)\n\nGroup,\n\nSTWBOM is short tomorrow (07/31/01) on Peak in SP-15. We are short 25 mws at $51.74.\n\nSTCALI is short 4 mws(?) on peak in SP-15 at $51.74. ST-CALI is long 24 mws off peak at a price of $25.\n\nIf you have questions, just let me know.\n\nThanks,\nBill"} {"text": "Thank you all for being so patient with me while I am under Carla's wise \ntutelage. Hopefully I'll be up to speed in the next few days, but if you \nnotice me doing anything insanely wrong, don't hesitate to yell.\n\nOne thing that has lagged slightly, but will be making a comeback tomorrow, \nis the Deal Correction Report. Every afternoon I'll check up on discrepancies \nnoted by Houston and determine the source of the error. If the source of the \nerror is you, me, the broker, or the computer gods, it will be noted in the \nerror report and given to Risk Management to assist them in their daily \ncalculation.\n\nThanks again,\nKate"} {"text": "We've updated the Merger Q&A document on our Enron Updates site ( ), as a result of the many questions you've had concerning the merger between Enron and Dynegy. Questions addressed include those about Enron stock options, benefits and immigration status. Please stay tuned for additional updates."} {"text": "The Enron Oral History Project Continues...\n\n\"Using History to Help Enron Become the World's Leading Company\"\n\nHow can an understanding of strategic choices, regulatory change and corporate culture help Enron achieve its vision?\n\nSpeaker:\nJoseph Pratt, Cullen Professor of History and Business, University of Houston\nand\n Co-Director, Enron Oral History Project\n\nThursday, June 7\n11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.\nEB 5C2\n\nTo Make a Reservation, Call 3-1941 and Select Option 1\n\nLunch will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.\n\nPlease inform us ahead of time if you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting. Call 3-9390."} {"text": "Beth,\n\nThought you should be in the loop with regard to this request --see my message below to the Credit folks.\n\nSusan Bailey\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBailey, Susan \nSent:\tThursday, February 14, 2002 8:48 AM\nTo:\tMoran, Tom; Gonzalez, Veronica\nCc:\tAronowitz, Alan\nSubject:\tPre-Petition Mutual Terminaition -- Termination Amounts\n\n\nTom or Veronica,\n\nAs you know, prior to the bankruptcy filing ENA and/or EPMI entered into agreements with some of their trading counterparties, whereby the parties agreed to mutually terminate contracts and/or transactions, and wherein the parties agreed to termination amounts to be paid.\n\nIn light of these pre-petition arrangements, please confim if the following termination payments were received by ENA or EPMI:\n\n\tCounterparty\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTermination Amount Due ENA or EPMI\n \n\tBP Capital Energy Equity International Holdings 1, Ltd.\t\t\t$ 541,000\t\n\tBP Capital Energy Fund, L.P.\t\t\t\t\t\t$21,521,740\n\tConstellation Power Source, Inc.\t\t\t\t\t\t$42,000,000\n\tEnergy Authority, Inc. (The) \t\t\t\t\t\t$724,333.25\n\tInternational Paper Company\t\t\t\t\t\t$12,163,283\n\tNUI Utilities, Inc. & NUI Energy Brokers, Inc.\t\t\t\t$42,900,000\n\tT. Boone Pickens\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$ 7,063,860\n\tPublic Service Company of Colorado\t\t\t\t\t$ 6,000,000\n\tSempra Energy Trading Corp.\t\t\t\t\t\t$19,750,000; $25,000,000 & $2,500,000\n\tPG&E Energy Trading-Power, L.P.\t\t\t\t\t$ 5,000,000\n\tSprague Energy Corp.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$ 14,000\t\n\tThermo Cogeneration Partnership LP\t\t\t\t\t$ 274,396\n\tUGI Utilities Inc.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$ 1,460,000\n\tWells Fargo Bank, N.A.\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$ 43,638 & $32,280\n\nI look forward to your response and many thanks for your help in this matter.\n\nCordially, \nSusan S. Bailey\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, Suite 3803A\nHouston, Texas 77002\nPhone: (713) 853-4737\nFax: (713) 646-3490\nEmail: Susan.Bailey@enron.com"} {"text": "Alan: We need Ed Smida's help with prioritizing the EGM in-the-money requests from Beth Apollo's group. Beth is only focused on physical gas and power appearing on Don Miller's list. Ed S. can really help me and PWC in bringing a small but discrete number of EGM parties to the top of the list.\n\nSara\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShackleton, Sara \nSent:\tFriday, February 15, 2002 2:37 PM\nTo:\tApollo, Beth; Hall, Bob M.\nCc:\tMoran, Tom; Hagelmann, Bjorn\nSubject:\tFW: EGM in the money, terminated counterparties\n\nENA has ITM terminated positions with six bank counterparties (identified below). Settlement is part of the ongoing EGM liquidation.\n\nWe have an approximate $70 million ITM position with Goldman Sachs Capital Markets, L.P. I have collected all confirms for rate/currency and weather. We need the MTM values and confirm list now because we cannot have PWC validate or pursue negotiations with Goldman. This is the most urgent matter.\n\nWith respect to the remaining five bank counterparties, I have collected rate/currency confirms. I need nat gas and liquids confirms, MTM values, etc.to proceed.\n\nCan you please identify Goldman confirm numbers and MTM values now? PWC will also need.\n\nAlso, can we establish a priority for the remaining bank counterparties?\n\nI know you guys are busy so let's talk soon. Thanks. Sara\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShackleton, Sara \nSent:\tThursday, January 31, 2002 4:29 PM\nTo:\tMoran, Tom; Gonzalez, Veronica\nSubject:\tEGM in the money, terminated counterparties\n\nThe following parties have terminated their financial masters with ENA and we need the list of outstanding trades generated by credit:\n\nGoldman Sachs Capital Markets LP\nRoyal Bank of Canada\nSkandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB\nWest LB\nJ. Aron\nCIBC\n\nLet me know if you have any questions. Thanks.\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron Wholesale Services\n1400 Smith Street, EB3801a\nHouston, TX 77002\nPh: (713) 853-5620\nFax: (713) 646-3490"} {"text": "Start Date: 1/20/02; HourAhead hour: 4; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required."} {"text": "request_number: PS-BPA 116 and 118\nfirstname: Steve\nlastname: Marshall\ne-mail: marss@perkinscoie.com\ndirected_to: Peter J. Burger - LP-7\nOffice of General Counsel\nBonneville Power Administration\nP.O. Box 3261\nPortland, Oregon 97208-3621\nexhibit_wp-02-e-: BPA-78\npage_numbers: 1-8\nrequest_text: PS-BPA:116, Page 3, Lines 1-3: Beginning at line 1 the \nwitnesses state \u0001&While SUB\u0001,s use of a straight-line extrapolation of REP \nvalues and market prices is simple to use, it is not necessarily accurate.\u00018 \nPlease describe the conditions under which the extrapolation would not be \naccurate.\n\nPS-BPA:118, Page 3, Lines 4-8: Beginning at line 4 the witnesses state \n\u0001&While SUB correctly notes that the relative value of BPA\u0001,s below-market \npower increases as the difference between BPA-s price and the market price \nincreases, this is true for all power sold by BPA, whether it is the \napproximately 5,800 average megawatts (aMW) being sold to public body \ncustomers or the 1,000 aMW power portion of the IOUs\u0001, REP settlements.\u00018 Has \nBPA calculated the value of BPA\u0001,s below market power for the approximately \n5,800 average megawatts (aMW) being sold to public body customers? If so, \nplease provide the value or values, and the calculations supporting the value \nor values.\n\ncontact_name: Steve Marshall\ncontact_address: Perkins Coie\nOne Bellevue Center, Suite 1800\n411 - 108th Avenue N.E.\nBellevue, WA 98004\ncontact_phone: 425-453-7314\ncontact_email: marss@perkinscoie.com\ncontact_fax: 425-453-7350\ndelivery_instructions: Please mail hard coies of data responses to Steve \nMarshall at the address above\n\nThe following information is from the web server:\n1. Logon: IUSR_GRANITE\n2. Remote Host: seairon.perkinscoie.com\n3. Remote IP Address:\n4. Form URL: \nhttps://secure.bpa.gov/power/secure/psp/ratecase/discovery/wp_02_request.html\n5. Browser Client: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)"} {"text": "ICE VOLUMES\n\nDelivery Pt. Mid-C Palo Palo Palo Palo SP-15\nTerm Apr-01 Apr-01 May-01 Q2-01 Q4-02 Bal Month\nAvg. Price 288.00 252.00 275.00 285.00 100.00 246.00\nTotal MW 10,000 20,000 10,400 30,800 30,800 8,400"} {"text": "BL,\n\nHave you experienced any blackouts yet? I think you'll see a lot this summer.\nWhat does everyone think about the situation? Do they think it's a threat or not? I think\nthe state is in for a horrific summer - I hope it doesn't turn out that way, but it'll be incredibly\ndifficult to avoid.\n\nHope everything's going well with work and with the family. When's the next time you'll\nbe in Dallas? Let me know.\n\nKR"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by John Griffith/Corp/Enron on 04/25/2001 03:46 PM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tBrant Reves/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 03:39 PM\nTo:\tJohn Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tRE: Vitol Capital Management\n\nJohn,\n\nVCM is not an eligible swap counterparty. Until established, we could possibly face FERC audit if we opened them up prematurly. We consider the issue a high priority and will let you know when the guaranty comes in.\n\nthanks\nbrant\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJohnson, Rudwell \nSent:\tWednesday, April 25, 2001 3:28 PM\nTo:\tDiamond, Russell\nCc:\tGriffith, John; Reves, Brant\nSubject:\tRE: Vitol Capital Management\n\nWe (Brant) are currently working on a parental guarantee to provide credit support for this counterparty. Until this process is complete we will be unable to set up this customer as a trading entity. \n\nRudwell. \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDiamond, Russell \nSent:\tTuesday, April 24, 2001 3:54 PM\nTo:\tJohnson, Rudwell\nSubject:\tVitol Capital Management\n\nBig Bear-\n\nThe contact for the counterparty is Keith Swaby (713-230-1000).\n\nAlso, Please let the trader, John Griffith x3-6247, know you are on the case.\n\nThanks\nRD"} {"text": "Gerald, here are copies of Power of Attorney.. these doc's have been scanned \nand are in spanish... Is this what we are looking for?\n\nBT \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: arlanz@mexis.com (Armando Lanz)@ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-arlanz+40mexis+2Ecom+20+28Armando+20Lanz+29+40ENRON@ENRON.c\nom] \nSent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:12 AM\nTo: Tycholiz, Barry\nSubject: Power of attorney\n\n\nEnclosed is the power of attorney of Genaro Larrea who will be signing \neverything from Mexicana de Cobre\nSaludos,\n \nArmando Lanz Oliver\nLanz Consultores en Energia S.C.\nRodolfo Gaona # 6 Despacho 103, Col. Lomas de Sotelo\nNaucalpan, Edo de Mex CP 53390\nTel: 555 757 88\nFax: 555 757 95\nCel: 044 5502 0308\nBiper: 5447 1111 cve 801 9581\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n - Rcv 0039_1.tif\n - Rcv 0039_2.tif\n - Rcv 0039_3.tif\n - Rcv 0039_4.tif\n - Rcv 0039_5.tif\n - Rcv 0039_6.tif\n - Rcv 0039_7.tif\n - Rcv 0039_8.tif\n - Rcv 0039_9.tif\n - Rcv 0039_10.tif\n - Rcv 0039_11.tif\n - Rcv 0039_12.tif\n - Rcv 0039_13.tif\n - Rcv 0039_14.tif\n - Rcv 0039_15.tif\n - Rcv 0039_16.tif\n - Rcv 0039_17.tif\n - Rcv 0039_18.tif\n - Rcv 0039_19.tif\n - Rcv 0039_20.tif\n - Rcv 0039_21.tif\n - Rcv 0039_22.tif"} {"text": "As you know, we are continuously updating the Foreign & Domestic Counsel \ndatabase so that it can be maintained in the most accurate form; therefore, \nany new information you may have regarding outside counsel firms that have \nbeen interviewed and/or retained in the past 12 months would be greatly \nappreciated. Also, if you have any updates to the existing database entries \nwe would also like to hear from you. \n\nPlease take the time to help us update this database so it can be a valuable \ntool for all of us! Each one of us has full access to the database via your \nLotus Notes application; however, if your icon has disappeared from your \ndesktop, click here to add it back on to your desktop >>>>>\n\nPlease provide any new information and/or updates either to Nony Flores or \nBecky Spencer. \n\nThank you for your attention to this matter."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 11/03/2000 03:27 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nShouan Tang\n11/03/2000 02:40 PM\nTo: Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jeremy Wong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Theta on the Toppage --Q65017.2 as in PID_933942\n\nHi Susan,\n\nI created a minibook with only one deal Q65017.2 in it. In the attached \nExcel file it demonstrates how the Theata on the Topage is derived by the \nPortCalc. Please let me know if you have any questions.\n\nShouan\n5-3836"} {"text": "Sheridan,\n\nI have just checked with RAC (David Gorte) and we have a green light\nto go ahead with the project. I shall you tomorrow to discuss the details.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSheridan Titman on 01/24/2001 02:45:50 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: consulting arrangement\n\n\nVince:\n\nI just wanted to check with you regarding the consulting arrangement we\ndiscussed a couple of weeks ago.\n\nPerhaps, we should start with just a 1 or 2 day contract where I give some\nthoughts to the kind of issues that we discussed and come to Houston to\npresent my preliminary thoughts and possible avenues for additional work.\n\nregards,\n\nSheridan\nSheridan Titman\nDepartment of Finance\nCollege of Business Administration\nUniversity of Texas\nAustin, Texas 78712-1179\n\n512-232-2787 (phone)\n512-471-5073 (fax)\n\ntitman@mail.utexas.edu"} {"text": "Carol,\n\nWoody asked me to forward this to you as the one he sent you earlier was \nreturned to him.\n\nGenia\n----- Forwarded by Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2001 03:08 PM -----\n\n\tGeorge Wood/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/30/2001 02:41 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Paul Radous/ENRON@enronXgate, cstclai@enron.com@SMTP@enronXgate\n\t\t cc: Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: New/updated EEI with MMWEC\n\nthis is the MA Municipal Wholesale Electric Company - a quasi-governmental \ngroup of munis in MA - here is their EEI and worksheets\n\u0001;\ncould someone keep me posted on this one - see their email below\n\u0001;\nthanks\n\u0001;\nWoody\n\u0001;\n___________________________________________\n\u0001;\n\nDear Woody,\n\nI have attached a copy of a cover sheet for an EEI Master Power Purchase and\n\nSale Agreement between MMWEC and Enron Power Marketing, Inc. If this\n\nPurchase and Sale Agreement is acceptable to you,\u0001; you can execute it and\n\nsend it back to us.\u0001; If you have any questions on the document, please\n\ncontact our General Counsel, Mr. Nicholas Scobbo, at (617) 737-1800 x-234\n\n\nRachel R. Likover\n\nSenior Project Manager\n\nMMWEC\n\n(413)-589-0141\n\nrlikover@mmwec.org\n\n\u0001;"} {"text": "<<2XB901!.DOC>> <<2XB@01!.DOC>> <<2RZ5RED.DOC>> <<2R6KRED.DOC>>\n\nCarlos:\n\nWe have enclosed initial drafts of (i) the letter agreement between ENA and\nPanda Energy, and (ii) the First Amended and Restated LLC Agreement between\nENA and Panda Energy. (I have also included redlined drafts marked to\nreflect (i) changes to the letter agreement from the prototype form, and\n(ii) changes to the LLC Agreement from the Intergen transaction). Please\nadvise of the following additional information in order that we may complete\nthe enclosed documents:\n\n1. Full name of Panda Energy;\n2. Type of entity of Panda Energy (this affects the representations in\nSection 3.2.1 et seq. of the LLC Agreement);\n3. Name of the new LLC formed by ENA;\n4. Date of organization of the new LLC;\n5. Purchase Price payable by Panda;\n6. Section 5(a) - there is a substantive question as to what ENA is\nresponsible for in connection with the Turbine Contract (I included in\nbrackets the alternative that was originally in the prototype document and\nalso the alternative as modified by Kay Mann);\n7. Outside date after which either party could terminate if transaction is\nnot closed;\n8. Date of confidentiality agreement;\n9. Identity of any broker used by Panda or ENA;\n10. Address for notice to Panda;\n11. Confirmation that Purchase Amount is defined in the Turbine Contract;\n12. Confirmation that Commercial Operation is defined in the Turbine\nContract; and\n13. Date of automatic right to put or call the LLC interest.\n\nPlease review the enclosed and advise of any comments. Per your prior\ne-mail, I am available for a 2:30 meeting this afternoon. John Keffer has\nconfirmed his availability as well if necessary. Please advise. Thank you.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing & Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\nEnclosures: 136485v1\n 136486v1\n 136485v1 R/ 129569v5\n 136486v1 R/ 128540v18\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message.\n\n\n - 2XB901!.DOC\n - 2XB@01!.DOC\n - 2RZ5RED.DOC\n - 2R6KRED.DOC"} {"text": "Below is a revised schedule. There was a formula correction on the first sheet and I also added a column for an adjusted difference based on information provided by David Baumbach.\n\n \n\nThanks!\n\nJim Coffey, Senior Director\nEnron America - Texas Gas Origination\nPhone: (713)853-5346\nFax: (713)646-3084\ne-mail:j.coffey@enron.com"} {"text": "I wonder why??? Now you guys can be in the driven's seat with regards to \nthem.\n\nBen"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/12/2001 \n02:22 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRakesh Bharati@ENRON\n02/08/2001 04:59 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paulo Issler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Raptors\n\nHere is the most recent version of the spreadsheet and the accompanying \nassumptions."} {"text": "Great news. Please stay in touch so I can help with your next rotation....\n\nBest regards\n\nJeff\n\n\n\n\nMassimo Marolo@ENRON\n11/10/2000 12:49 PM\nTo: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Rotation \n\nJeff,\n\nI went to talk to Steve Horn this morning and he seemed happy with the idea \nof me going over to HTC. I will now work on settling a date for me to \ntransfer. I am very happy about this experience and want to express my \ngratitude for all your help and suggestions. I will definitely let you know \nhow it is once I move over there.\n\nAgain, thank you.\n\nMassimo"} {"text": "Thanks, Daren,\nThese are the only stats that we need for now.\nShari"} {"text": "Dear Susan,\n\nThank you for visiting the Cheap Tickets web site.\nThe information you requested is:\n\n Login Name: sscott52000\n\n Password: temple\n\n\n*** IMPORTANT NOTE ***\nYour Login Name and Password are highly sensitive information.\nPlease be careful to safeguard this information. To safeguard\nyour account from unauthorized access, we recommend changing your\npassword after receiving this message. To change your password:\n\n1) Click on \"Login\" from the Cheap Tickets home page,\n http://www.cheaptickets.com\n2) Enter your Login Name and Password as indicated above, then\n click \"Login\"\n3) Click on \"Profile\" from the Reservations Menu page\n4) Change your Password in the \"Login Authentication\" section of\n the Profile\n5) Click on \"Update Profile\".\n\nIf you need further assistance, please visit Cheap Tickets\nCustomer Support at http://www.cheaptickets.com/support/.\n\nWe want to thank you for giving Cheap Tickets a try. Saving\nmoney on your travel plans has never been easier at\nhttp://www.cheaptickets.com than right now!\n\nAbout Cheap Tickets\nFounded in 1986, Cheap Tickets is one of the leading retail\nsellers of discount tickets for domestic leisure air travel.\nOffering more than 400,000 non-published airfares on more than\n35 major airlines, we sell directly to value-conscious travelers\nthrough our Internet site, http://www.cheaptickets.com; through\nour toll-free number, 1-800-OKCHEAP; and 12 retail stores across\nthe United States. Now you can search for cheap tickets online,\n24-hours a day."} {"text": "Diamond, enjoyed lunch. Here is the rest of the e-mail. Joe\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: IssueAlert [mailto:IssueAlert@scientech.com]\nSent: Friday, December 01, 2000 5:17 AM\nSubject: Rumors of Eni / Enron Merger Abound, Despite Denials from Eni\n\n\nhttp://www.consultrci.com\n\n*********************************************************************\nFind out more about SCIENTECH'S most popular competitive tools, including\nthe Mergers and Acquisitions and E-Commerce InfoGrids at:\nhttp://www.consultrci.com or call Chris Vigil (505) 244-7605\n*********************************************************************\nReach thousands of utility analysts and decision makers every day. Your\ncompany can schedule a sponsorship of IssueAlert by contacting Nancy Spring\nat nspring@scientech.com or (505)244-7613. Advertising opportunities are\nalso available on our website.\n*********************************************************************\n\n===============================================================\nSCIENTECH IssueAlert, December 1, 2000\nRumors of Eni / Enron Merger Abound, Despite Denials from Eni\nBy: Will McNamara, Director, Electric Industry Analysis\n===============================================================\n\nEni, the Italian oil and gas group, is expected to complete the sale of\nits Italian property interests next week as part of its strategy to focus\non its core activities of natural-gas and oil production. Vittorio Mincato,\nEni's chief executive, confirmed that the group is on the verge of\nfinalizing\nthe sale of its Immobiliare Metanopoli property subsidiary (Eni's real\nestate company) with assets valued between $856 million and $1.3 billion.\nEni's decision to divest its property assets has been viewed by many\nobservers\nof the company as an attempt to release funds to facilitate a merger with\nanother company. Enron Corp. has been among those on a rumored short list\nof merger prospects for Eni.\n\nANALYSIS: Is the foundation being established for a mega-merger between\nEni and Enron? It is not too difficult to formulate a theoretical argument\nin that direction.\n\nEni is Italy's state-owned, multi-faceted energy company, operating in\nthe oil and gas, power generation, petrochemicals, oilfield services, and\nengineering industries. The company has a market capitalization of about\n47 billion euros (approximately $40 billion), is present in over 70\ncountries\nand produces more than one million barrels of oil equivalent a day. Across\nthe European energy market-which once it has fully privatized will represent\n\nan arguably larger market than the United States-Eni is unquestionably\none of the Continent's leading champions.\n\nIllustrating this point, Eni has taken several important steps within Europe\n\nto, as it says, \"play an increasingly important role\" in the Continent's\ncompetitive energy market. For instance, earlier this month, Eni inked\na deal to sell 2 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Gaz de France.\nThis deal followed a previous agreement in which Eni agreed to sell 4\nbillion\ncubic meters of natural gas to Italy's largest private energy supplier,\nEdison. With both agreements, Eni has given a substantial kick start to\nthe opening of the European natural-gas market. CEO Mincato has said that\nEni would recoup the losses made by giving up its market hold in Italy\nby \"focusing on international markets.\"\n\nOne move that Eni has made outside of Europe also came earlier this month.\nEni made a bid for Australia's Petroz NL, which wields an 8.25 percent\nstake in Bayu-Undan, the giant gas and liquids project located off the\nnorthern coast of Australia. Eni already owns 6.7 percent of Bayu-Undan\nand apparently is attempting to gain a majority ownership over the project.\nIt is no wonder why-the Bayu-Undan field has recoverable reserves of 400\nmillion barrels of liquefied petroleum gas and gas reserves of 3.4 trillion\ncubic feet. Petroz has not yet accepted Eni's offer, but a favorable\ndecision\nis expected shortly. Thus, whatever Eni may be divesting in Italy it is\ntrying to regain in other key areas of the world. In fact, Mincato recently\nconfirmed that Eni plans to increase its daily output of oil from a current\nlevel of 1.2 million barrels to 1.5 million barrels by 2003.\n\nMoreover, Eni has been making aggressive attempts at expansion, both within\nEurope and beyond. Along with that expansion comes the development of merger\n\nstrategy. Eni does not want to be left as a target for a takeover, which\ncould be a strong possibility given its recent divestitures and the fact\nthat its profits remain strong. Net income for the company for the first\nhalf of 2000 was 2,606 millions of euros (equivalent to approximately $2.2\nbillion), representing a 119-percent increase. Eni is largely considered\none of the best buys among the big oil stocks, but it would rather merge\nwith an equal partner than be sold to another company. As consolidation\nof the oil industry continues, Eni reportedly believes that the only way\nto remain a top player is to marry an equally large player on the world\nstage.\n\nEnron may be at the top of Eni's list of merger partners. Negotiations\nwith Spain's largest oil company, Repsol, appear to have stalled, as was\nconfirmed when Mincato stated that any \"link-up with Repsol would not be\na merger of equals.\" French oil company TotalFina is also interested, but\nis preoccupied with its own acquisition of fellow French oil company Elf.\nOther companies that have been mentioned include Conoco and Phillips\nPetroleum.\nIt is quite obvious that Eni's merger prospects are predominantly oil\ncompanies,\nwhich is quite clearly the company's intention. Thus, it may seem odd that\nEnron is also included as a top prospect. Enron, while unquestionably a\nworld player, is known for its unorthodox approach to hard assets. Put\nsuccinctly, Enron believes that it doesn't need to own physical assets\nin order to be a major player, but rather it only needs to rely on strategic\n\ncontractual agreements.\n\nHowever, if Eni wants to continue to expand globally, it arguably could\nnot find a better partner than Enron, generally considered North America's\nbiggest buyer and seller of electricity and natural gas. Enron's gas trading\n\nand distribution activities in particular-along with its electricity\nproduction,\nraw material trading and broadband expansion-would all appear to be good\ncompliments to Eni's portfolio. Reports of talks between the two companies\nfirst appeared in the Italian financial paper iL Sole 24 Ore, based on\ninput from an unnamed source. The report indicated that Enron is being\ntargeted by Eni for an equity partnership or even a full merger. Mincato,\nas recently as Tuesday of this week, continues to adamantly deny that any\ndeal with Enron is being studied.\n\nNot surprisingly, Enron is remaining mum on the rumors and has not even\nmentioned Eni in any recent disclosures. However, the incorporation of\nEni's power production portfolio would support Enron's expansion into new\nmarkets such as Japan, for example. Back in March, the Japanese government\nbegan allowing non-utility firms to supply power to industrial and\ncommercial\nend-users. Almost simultaneously, Enron established a new subsidiary, Enron\nJapan Corp., to capitalize on new opportunities in the country. Enron\nJapan's\nfirst offer is a 10-percent discount off current electricity prices for\ncustomers who sign on with Enron for two to four years. Operating against\nits North American strategy, Enron also plans to build a power station\nin northern Japan, beating to the punch several of its key rivals, including\n\nVivendi, Texaco and Royal Dutch Shell, which also have expressed interest\nin establishing operations in the country.\n\nEnron's proposed power plant should give the company prime access to\ncompanies\nin the Tohoku and Kanto regions, as well as Tokyo, the \"big catch\" of the\nJapanese market. In my opinion, herein lies the primary synergy that would\nmake the partnership between Eni and Enron a strategic step for both\ncompanies.\nAs Eni attempts to position itself in various key markets, Japan seems\nlike a natural location, and I've seen no reports that indicate Eni is\nmoving into Japan on its own. The fact that Enron is already there, along\nwith most other lucrative international markets, must certainly be appealing\n\nto Eni. Regarding Enron's perspective on any potential partnering, Eni's\nsubstantial oil and natural-gas generation assets, along with its current\nlock on the European market, must be very attractive.\n\nEnron's current market capitalization is about $48 billion, which actually\nmakes it larger than Eni. This raises the question of which company would\nbe the buying partner if a merger were to indeed take place. All of the\nrumors flying around currently speak of Eni pursuing Enron, but it could\njust as easily be the other way around. Those of us who follow Enron closely\n\nmay find it hard to believe that the powerhouse company would ever be the\ntarget for a takeover or even a merger. In any case, the rumors continue\nto fly as Eni responds to claims of \"thou doth protest too much.\" Whether\nor not any such merger between Eni and Enron, which appears smart on paper,\nwill materialize remains to be seen. However, it certainly seems like Eni\nis lining up its chess pieces to cement some kind of partnership in the\nvery near future.\n==============================================================\nSCIENTECH can help you find the answers you need. From simple questions\nto complex problems, our experts and consultants will get results. Learn\nmore about our six service areas at:\nhttp://www.consultrci.com/web/rciweb.nsf/Web+Pages/About_RCI.html\n==============================================================\n\nSCIENTECH is pleased to provide you with your free, daily IssueAlert. Let\nus know if we can help you with in-depth analyses or any other SCIENTECH\ninformation products. If you would like to refer a colleague to receive\nour free, daily IssueAlerts, please reply to this email and include their\nfull name and email address or register directly at:\n\nhttp://www.consultrci.com/web/infostore.nsf/Products/IssueAlert\n\n\nSincerely,\n\nWill McNamara\nDirector, Electric Industry Analysis\nwmcnamara@scientech.com\n===============================================================\nFeedback regarding SCIENTECH's IssueAlert should be sent to\nwmcnamara@scientech.com\n===============================================================\n\nSCIENTECH's IssueAlerts are compiled based on independent analysis by\nSCIENTECH\nconsultants. The opinions expressed in SCIENTECH's IssueAlerts are not\nintended to predict financial performance of companies discussed or to\nbe the basis for investment decisions of any kind. SCIENTECH's sole purpose\n\nin publishing its IssueAlerts is to offer an independent perspective\nregarding\nthe key events occurring in the energy industry, based on its long-standing\nreputation as an expert on energy and telecommunications issues.\n\nCopyright 2000. SCIENTECH, Inc.\n\n\nIf you do not wish to receive any further IssueAlerts from SCIENTECH, please\n\nreply to this message and type \"delete\" in the subject line.\n ++++++CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE+++++\nThe information in this email may be confidential and/or privileged. This\nemail is intended to be reviewed by only the individual or organization\nnamed above. If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized\nrepresentative of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any\nreview, dissemination or copying of this email and its attachments, if any,\nor the information contained herein is prohibited. If you have received\nthis email in error, please immediately notify the sender by return email\nand delete this email from your system. Thank You"} {"text": "I will be able to attend Milly's party."} {"text": "Here's as much of today's West Power strategy briefing as our email system \npermits sending:"} {"text": "?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Jack Rains \nTo: jmrtexas@swbell.net \nSent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 10:43 AM\nSubject: True motives exposed.\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nWhen the dems say they are \u0001&just wanting to be fair\u00018 or \u0001+we want all the \nvotes to count\u0001, and other high sounding statements of principal, consider \nthe following fact\u0001(\u0001(\u0001(\u0001(..\u0001(\u0001(..\n\nPalm Beach Denied Hand Recount for Republican\n\nCan candidates have a manual recount in a close election in Palm Beach \nCounty? Only if you're a Democrat, apparently. \n\nIn a September Republican primary for the Florida House, Beverly Green of \nWest Palm Beach was judged the loser by 14 votes, the Fort Lauderdale Sun \nSentinel reported Sept. 8. When she requested a manual recount, the \nthree-person county canvassing board unanimously decided to use a computer. \n\n\"It wasn't that close. The manual count is historically when it's single \ndigits,\" said Supervisor of Elections Theresa LePore, who joined County \nCommissioner Carol Roberts and County Judge James Burton on the board, the \nSun Sentinel reported. \n\nThese three, of course, are familiar to anyone following the presidential \nvote recount in Democrat-dominated Palm Beach County. \n\nIn a CNN interview tonight, Green accused the canvassing board of hypocrisy, \nCNSNews.com reported. \n\n\"There seems to be a double standard,\" she said. \"I find it so strange.\" \n\nThe automatic recount, by the way, gained Green three votes, CNSNews.com \nsaid. \n\n?\n\nYou do not hear Lieberman on TV mentioning this? contradiction, nor did we \nhear\u0001, Kookie\u0001, Roberts on ABC this morning? asking? why he did not.\n\nWE are witnessing the stealing? of an? elections with the cooperation and \nsupport of the majority of the dominant media.\n\n?\n\nJR\n\n?"} {"text": "I think you're right, but the trader just took off for lunch. I'll check with \nhim and kill the duplicate deal if necessary, then let you know when it's \ndone.\n\nThanks,\nKate\n\n\n\n\nEvelyn Metoyer@ENRON\n01/18/2001 10:52 AM\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: deal 499391\n\n\n\nHi Kate,\n\nFor Ref 499391 I don't think this is a good deal because Prebon only shows \none off-peak deal like this and it is our reference 499390.\n\n\nThanks"} {"text": "Something EVERY business needs, a Merchant Account!\n\nA Merchant Account is the hardware and software which gives\nyou the ability to allow customers to pay using any credit\ncard such as Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover\netc., and other forms of payment such as e-Checks, Debit\nCards and secure Internet based payment.\n\nWe offer several different packages, any of which can be\ncustom tailored to your needs. Services are currently\nprovided to the United States only.\n\nTo make a purchase or ask questions regarding our services,\nplease reply to this email with your full name, phone\nnumber (with area code) and if possible a good time to\nhave us contact you. You are under no obligations. A sales\nrep will contact you and will be able to address any of\nyour questions or needs.\n\nThank You\n\n\n\n*****\nTo be removed from our mailing list, reply to this email\nwith the word 'Remove' in the subject line.\n*****\n\n\n\n\nf4q8ok"} {"text": "I have a couple of questions about the GELP contract. First, in the \nagreement's Attachment A, there are several fuel contracts agreements listed \nthat GELP has (or had) in place with various counterparties. I'm wondering \nwhat the status of these agreements is--have they expired, are they still in \nplace, etc. These agreements are:\nPurchase Agreements:\n Union Pacific Fuels--I understand that this is the Duke contract that \ncurrently supplies GELP--Can we get a copy of this agreement?\n Tejas Power Corporation--Expired ???\n Columbia Energy Services Corporation dated 1/15/96 - Expired ???\nStorage Agreements\n Columbia Gas Transmission SIT #41825 - Status ??\nTransportation Agreements\n CGT-IT agreement #41828 - I'm assuming this is the agreement used to get gas \nto GELP--is Duke or CES agent on this?\n Commonwealth Gas Services - same question as CGT IT agreement\n Note: According to the billing calculations, it appears that the Duke \nsupply arrangement must have some \n FT transport--whose name is that in?\nOther Contracts\n Transco - to be acquired - Is there an IT agreement on Transco that is \nused? If so, we need contract # and is someone agent on the transport?\n\nAlso, in the GELP agreement you indicated that you get real time meter \ninformation from a Bristol RTU. How will ENA get this meter information?\n\nAlso, just in general--could you explain your perspective on the value \nproposition in this agreement? I understand that there is a $5000 fee you \nreceive each month that accompanies alot of reporting responsibilities. \nSince the data you provided for last year showed very little gas deliveries \nin the \"winter period\" (where you would receive $.05/MMBtu additional \ncompensation), there doesn't seem to be much up side value there. Are there \nother values you see to this deal that we may be missing? \n\nThanks for your assistance."} {"text": "I want to remind you about our All-Employee Meeting this Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m. Houston time at the Hyatt Regency. We obviously have a lot to talk about. Last week we reported third quarter earnings. We have also been the subject of media reports discussing transactions with LJM, a related party previously managed by our chief financial officer. Today, we announced that we received a request for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding related party transactions.\n\nI know you will have a number of questions about these issues and events, which I will address. As usual, I will be as candid as I can. I will do my best to provide answers and talk about where we go from here. I encourage each of you to attend or tune in tomorrow."} {"text": "Star Wars Special to Feature Enron \n\nThis Saturday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m., KPRC Channel 2 will air a half-hour \nspecial on Star Wars: The Magic of Myth, currently on exhibit at the Museum \nof Fine Arts, Houston. Hosted by Roseann Rogers of News 2 Houston's the \n\"Buzz,\" the show also features Enron's own Cindy Olson, Executive Vice \nPresident of Human Resources and Community Relations.\n\nWhen Star Wars made its debut, it was the most innovative and technologically \nadvanced film of the time. Its creator changed not only the type of \nentertainment the masses would view but also how films and their effects were \ncreated. It\u0001,s a motion picture icon and remains a world phenomenon. This \nfocus on technology and entertainment also led to our decision to make sure \nthis exhibit made its way to Houston. Technology is what drives business \ntoday and the synergy of entertainment and technology brought out in Star \nWars: The Magic of Myth was a perfect fit for Enron. \n\nWe also hope you take the opportunity to view the Star Wars exhibit and Enron \n\u0001) The Journey Begins in the hallway by the Caf, Express cantina in the \nMuseum. This \u0001&mini-exhibit\u00018 showcases Enron. This is our way of not only \neducating the public about Enron and what we do, but to also shows how anyone \ncan take an idea and bring it to life, like George Lucas did with Star Wars.\n\n\nOther Star Wars/Enron Upcoming Events...\n\nHOP INTO YOUR X-WING FIGHTER AND FLY ON OVER TO ... \nToday's Big E Cafe where Chewbacca and Darth Vader will be joining us for \nJames Coney Islands' delicious cuisine!\nThis Sunday is Enron Family Day at the MFA! Call the MFA box office at \n713.639.7771 for ticket information. Join us this Sunday and you'll get to \nenjoy mask making and spaceship building, too!"} {"text": "Enron is proud to be a Charity Partner Sponsor for the 2001 Shell Houston Open being held April 16-22 on the Tournament Players Course at The Woodlands. The Shell Houston Open ranks No. 2 among PGA TOUR tournaments with charitable donations of $4.5 million. While today's top players are entertaining you, remember the net proceeds of the tournament will benefit more than 300 local worthy charities in need of a helping hand.\n\nAttached is a list of available tickets, parking passes and various invitations, along with a schedule of events.\n\nTo order tickets, please follow the procedures listed below:\n\nPROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING SHELL HOUSTON OPEN TICKETS\n1) Send an E-MAIL request to LAURA PENA with the following information:\n\ta) Name of Requester\n\tb) Title of Requester\n\tc) Company\t\n\td) Department\n\te) Location\n\tf) Telephone\n\tg) List of items and quantity of each (please notice tickets are limited)\n2) Distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis. THE ONLY TICKETS LEFT FOR THE SKY BOX ARE FOR WEDNESDAY-NO OTHER SKY BOX TICKETS \t\tARE AVAILABLE.\n3) NO PHONE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED\n\nPlease keep in mind the sole purpose for these tickets is to entertain our valued customers. Your cost centers will not be charged for the tickets.\n\nIf you have any questions, please contact:\n\tLaura Pena\t\t(713) 853-5376\n\tDorie Hitchcock\t\t(713) 853-6978\n\nhttp://home.enron.com:84/messaging/shelldescript.doc"} {"text": "We will be short in Real Time Position Manager both at NP-15 and SP-15 for \n1/18/01 until Friday morning. It seems that four deals were entered by EES \nunder the wrong desk, affecting our position instead of theirs. Following are \nthe details of where, when, why and by how much we're out. Read this \ncarefully....\n\nSP-15 - Short 1950.64 MW\n Deal #500492 - 67.89 MW short off peak\n Deal #500493 - 87.97 MW short on peak\n\nNP-15 - Short 2883.08 MW\n Deal #500494 - 102.61 MW short off peak\n Deal #500495 - 128.89 MW short on peak\n\nIf any one of you has better luck than I have at accessing EES deals in deal \nentry, by all means get rid of these. Or if you happen to speak with Suneet \nSharma, our good friend who entered the deals in question, by all means tell \nhim to do the same.\n\nThanks,\nKate"} {"text": "Oops - that was supposed to be AT&T - Lucent is the one that lasts forever \nand deals with the Utility Solutions business.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 04:10 \nPM ---------------------------\nTo: Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Credit Derivatives Reference Entities \n\nI have read the Lucent CA and it is OK to go ahead and keep them on the list \n- the CA seems to cover a relatively small transaction and expires on March \n25 anyway.\n\nWe are in the process of pulling the CA's for Dow, DuPont, GE, IMC, 3M, \nPitney Bowes, Praxair and Sprint."} {"text": "Stan,\n\nI have the tax folks working away at the second issue you raise. As I see it, there are two possible ways of splitting the business, if it makes tax sense to do so. One would be manufacturing/projects and the other would be US/European. As soon as I get clarity from the tax group, we should discuss.\n\nThanks, \nMark\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHorton, Stanley \nSent:\tWednesday, December 26, 2001 12:35 PM\nTo:\tUmanoff, Adam\nCc:\tMetts, Mark\nSubject:\tRE: Wind Co - PTC Update\n\nI would like to review the financial projections that will go into the teaser. Also, have you and Mark discussed the possibility of seperating the US and Europeans business in any possible sale? It seems to me that our North American business will be heavily discounted given current market conditions. It may make since to see if this segment fits with the reorganization plan while preserving the European segment for divestiture.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tUmanoff, Adam \nSent:\tFriday, December 21, 2001 8:02 PM\nTo:\tHorton, Stanley\nCc:\tMetts, Mark\nSubject:\tWind Co - PTC Update\n\nAs you may know by now, Congress has adjourned without extending the PTC (see attached). The Democrats would not support any extenders bill as leverage to get a Stimulus Package passed and everything died. The Speaker has asked the President to call Congress back on Jan 2 to debate the Stimulus Package, but that seems unlikely. The best we can now hope for is that Congress takes up PTC either as part of the Stimulus Package or an Energy Bill in Feb/March '02. \n\nFor the wind co, this is good and bad. The good is that while the Enron BK has kept customers away, at least now none of our competitors can book orders either. My hope is that PTC extension and the announcement of a new owner for EW will happen about the same time. The bad news is that it means our US business will be further hurt - a 200 unit '02 is now out of reach and a 100-125 unit year may be the best we can hope for (assuming the PTC is extended in Q1). (Maybe the Candover folks knew something we didn't, although I doubt it). For sale purposes, we will run our '02 numbers at 150 units and put as positive a spin on it for bidders as we can. Bottom line is that '02 will be a break-even to small profit year for us in the US.\n\nStan - we are in the process of revising our financial projections for a teaser to be sent out to bidders next week and this news will be reflected in those projections (meaning that the sale projections will now differ slightly from what we submitted to Enron earlier this week). Also, we have launched reductions in force in the US. I will reduce our MFG workforce by around 85 right after the first of the year and expect to have to let another 100-150 go early in Q1. I will keep you posted. \n\nAdam\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Adam Umanoff/EWC/Enron on 12/21/2001 05:48 PM ---------------------------\n\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \nHap Boyd\n12/20/2001 10:31 AM\nTo:\tAdam Umanoff/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Eric Newell/EWC/Enron@ENRON, John Lamb/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Bob Gates/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Mike Westbeld/EWC/Enron@Enron, Darrell Orban/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Mary McCann/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Jay Godfrey/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Alan Nueman/EWC/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tPTC UPDATE\n\nThe House members have left without passing an extenders bill. House Majority Leader Dick Armey refused to let the Extenders Package come to the House floor because he felt it wouls demonstrate to the Senate Democrats that the House Republicans were not serious about the Stimulus Package. Armey and Bill Thomas got into a shouting match on the floor as Thomas tried to get Armey to move the bill. Thomas and Rangel (the ranking Democrat on Ways and Means) had agreed on a one year extension which is also what the Senate Republicans would agree to.\nThis is partisan politics at its worst. There were no valid public policy reasons to not pass an extenders package \nOur only option at this point is to go back in January and try to get the extenders passed. They will be looking at an Economic Stimulus Package again if the economic conditions don't improve. There are 15 expiring provisions in the current bill so we will have alot of other groups fighting for extenders.\nMy apologies to all of you. I am devasted by this turn of events.\nHap"} {"text": "Regards,\nbd"} {"text": "2.,3., 5., and 8 are fine avec moi. \n\nErnie Patrikis\n\nPrivileged and Confidential \n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom:?? Mary Cunningham [SMTP:MCUNNINGHAM@isda.org] \nSent:?? Thursday, September 07, 2000 11:53 AM \nTo:???? ISDA BOARD; Richard Grove \nCc:???? Robert Pickel; Ruth Ainslie; Nick Collier; Camille Irens; Yasuko \nHoribe; Shigeki Kawano \nSubject:??????? Member Applications \n\nThe following 9 institutions will go for approval at the next ISDA Board \nmeeting on September 13, 2000. \n\nAssociate Broker \n1.? Treasury Connect - an internet-based communication and transaction \nplatform designed for the execution of currency and interest rate swaps. \n2.? Cantor Fitzgerald International \n\nAssociate \n3.? Allen & Gledhill - Singaporean law firm \n4.? Mori Sogo Law Offices - Japanese law firm \n5.? O'Melveny & Myers LLP - U.S. law firm \n6.? TriOptima - Software Provider (Derk Brouwer's company) \n\nSubscriber \n7.? Bayview Financial Trading Group, L.P. - a finance company \n8.? Inter-American Development Bank\n9.? *Accord Energy Limited - a subsidiary of Centrica plc.? Accord is a \nprovider of gas and electricity to consumers and a range of other services \nrelated to the home, work and motoring. \n\n*We are checking at this time to see whether Accord Energy should be \napplying at the Primary level."} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: McEvoy, Bridget [mailto:Bridget.McEvoy@ElPaso.com]\nBN 18:06 Talks Between California, Generators End; No Accord (Correct)\n\n(Corrects lead to say judge recommended FERC hearings to\n\nresult disagreements; adds comments from judge in fifth paragraph\n\nand comments from Enron in 13th paragraph.)\n\n\n\nWashington, July 9 (Bloomberg) -- A judge who oversaw two\n\nweeks of unsuccessful negotiations aimed at persuading power\n\nsellers to pay refunds in California and other western states\n\nrecommended that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hold\n\nhearings to resolve disagreements within 60 days.\n\nTwo weeks of FERC-ordered talks ended today with the two\n\nsides no closer to an accord.\n\n``In 15 days, you can't work miracles,'' said Curtis Wagner,\nFERC's chief administrative law judge. ``The numbers were too far\n\napart.''\n\nCalifornia says it is due a refund of $8.9 billion because\n\nthe companies charged excessive prices. Other western states are\n\nalso requesting money.\n\nA group of power sellers offered $510 million to California\n\nduring the negotiations, scoffing at the state's method of\n\ncalculating the refund, Wagner said. Other parties to the talks\n\noffered about $206 million, bringing the total offer from\n\ngenerators to $716 million.\n\nOn Saturday, the state brought in analysts who explained how\n\nthe state calculated its estimate. He wasn't convinced by\n\nCalifornia's arguments that it should receive $8.9 billion, said\n\nWagner, who wouldn't provide his own estimate of how much should\n\nbe paid.\n\nWagner said FERC should hold hearings of 60 days or less and\n\nshould calculate a refund based on a system it approved for price\n\ncaps on June 18. The caps are based on the costs of the highest\n\npriced generator during the early stages of a power shortage.\n\nThat formula should be applied retroactively to Oct. 1,\n\nWagner said. He wouldn't provide an estimate of the size of such a\n\nrefund, saying it would require research into fuel prices from\n\nthat time period.\n\nMichael Kahn, California's chief negotiator, said the judge's\n\nrecommendation was a victory for his state. Wagner's formula would\n\ngive his state a refund of ``several billion dollars,'' and\n\nCalifornia will sue to get the rest, he said.\n\n``The judge said we're entitled to our money without\n\nreleasing any of our claims,'' Kahn told reporters.\n\nGenerators were mixed on what Wagner's recommendations meant,\n\nthough they agreed the state asked for too much.\n\n``Under the faulty methodology the state has come up with (to\n\njustify the $8.9 billion refund), we would be owed money because\n\nwe bought more than we sold in the spot market in the period in\n\nquestion,'' said Mark Palmer, a spokesman for Enron Corp, one of\n\nthe power sellers taking part in the negotiations. ``That's shows\n\nhow ridiculous this is.''\n\nHouston-based Enron didn't participate in the offer to refund\n\n$510 million, Palmer said, without being more specific.\n\n``Nothing I've seen suggests that California cares about a\n\nsettlement,'' Palmer said. ``What they care about is shifting\n\nblame. What they care about is a witch hunt.''\n\nDuke Energy Corp. is ``very pleased'' by the judge's\n\nrecommendations, said Brent Bailey, vice president and general\n\ncounsel of the Charlotte-based company. The judge's plan fixes\n\nproblems with California's methodology for calculating the\n\nrefunds, he said.\n\nCalifornia's two biggest utilities have piled up almost $14\n\nbillion in debt because of the surging prices that resulted when\n\nthe state's plan to deregulate its electricity system failed. The\n\nstate began buying power on the utilities' behalf in January and\n\nhas spent close to $8 billion.\n\n\n\n--Amy Strahan Butler and Jeff Bliss in Washington (202) 624-1975\n\nor jbliss@bloomberg.net and in Washington/mmw/alp/mmw\n\n\n\nBridget McEvoy\nInvestor Relations\nEl Paso Corp.\n713.420.5597\nBridget.McEvoy@elpaso.com\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************"} {"text": "Who has worked with Crescendo in addition to Craig Carver? Despite Richard \nSanders contact's reservations about Carver as a trial litigator, he marked \nup and helped negotiate over 20 PSA's for me over a 3 year time frame and I \nwould recommend him. He turns things quickly as well.\n\n\n\n\n\nGerald Nemec@ECT\n01/24/2001 02:07 PM\nTo: Steve Pruett/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Gathering System PSA \n\nSteve, We will probably use outside counsel that has worked with Crescendo \nbefore to handle this from Crescendo's perspective. I will coordinate from \nENA's perspective. I am working with Teresa on this issue.\n\n\n\n\n\tSteve Pruett@ENRON\n\t01/23/2001 06:00 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Gathering System PSA\n\nCan you review the PSA on Crescendo's behalf, or is this something Teresa \nBushman or outside counsel should review?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Steve Pruett/Corp/Enron on 01/23/2001 \n05:26 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mark Castiglione 01/23/2001 04:04 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Steve Pruett/Corp/Enron@Enron, Scott Josey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Don \nRollins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Arvel Martin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christopher B \nClark/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark Whitt/NA/Enron@Enron, Tyrell \nHarrison/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Gathering System PSA\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Castiglione/Corp/Enron on 01/23/2001 \n04:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Ken\" on 01/23/2001 03:52:04 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Audrey O'Neil \\(E-mail\\)\" , \"Gerald R. Nemec \n\\(E-mail\\)\" , \"Mark Castiglione \\(E-mail\\)\" \n\ncc: \n\nSubject: Gathering System PSA\n\n\nI received the proposed PSA for the Wildhorse acquisition from Petrie\nParkman today. I have attached for everyone's review. We are required to\nsend back to TBI with proposed changes with our proposal.\n\nMark, would you please forward to those who need to see it besides Audrey\nand Gerald.\nThx\n\nKen Krisa\n\n\n\n - PSA.DOC"} {"text": "No, we have transported on Tejas a few times this year also (on and off). \nCarlos should be able to tell you when.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nLauri A Allen\n08/17/2000 03:27 PM\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com\ncc: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Re: Tejas Invoice - Deal 120987 Meter 6290/905 (Tejas Gas Pipeline) \nOct 99\n\nDaren- Was 10/99 the only month we transported this Carthage gas on Tejas?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT on 08/17/2000 03:20 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/17/2000 02:55 PM\nTo: Gregory Steagall/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kellie Bilski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A \nAllen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tejas Invoice - Deal 120987 Meter 6290/905 (Tejas Gas Pipeline) \nOct 99 \n\nI phoned Doug Trachta at Tejas regarding this issue. I appears that \nnominations were made under ENA's agreement 6520 on Tejas Pipeline Company \nfrom Carthage to Indian Hills. However, both of these points are actually on \nthe Tejas Gas Operating. ENA doesn't have an agreement to ship on Operating, \nbut HPL does. I think we need to set up an accounting arrangement to \naccomodate this deal, it appears as though ENA would be \"piggy-backing\" on \nHPL's agreement as they actually own the gas. It appears as though we need \nto move the volumes from Pipeline to Operating, at the very least. How have \nother months been handled with respect to this transport?\n\nPlease let me know if I may be of any further assistance in resolving this \ndeal. \n\nMary \n\next. 35251"} {"text": "Please direct all future e-mails to \"your vice-presidentship\"\n\n\n\n\tEric Thode@ENRON\n\t01/16/2001 08:56 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Congratulations\n\nRichard --\n\nCongratulations on the well deserved promotion. Do I need to bow and kiss \nyour ring or something like that from now on? Please let me know.\n\nEric"} {"text": "Dear Mathew,\n\n\nThank you for your interest in receiving a free trial to Natural Gas\nIntelligence, the industry's leading news and pricing service since\n1981.\n\nThis e-mail is automated notification of the availability of your\ncurrent Natural Gas Intelligence Newsletter(s). Please use your\nusername of \"msmith9\" and your password to access\n\n\n http://intelligencepress.com/subscribers/index.html\n\nIf you have forgotten your password we can send it to you - please\nvisit :\n\n http://intelligencepress.com/password.html\n\nWhat does a subscription cost?\n Daily Gas Price Index is $861 annually\n Weekly Gas Price Index is $835 annually\n Natural Gas Intelligence is $536 annually\n\nWe also have combination pricing for publications:\n ALL three publications are $1,864 annually\n Weekly and Daily are $1,544 annually\n the weeklies (weekly and NGI) are $1,187 annually\n\nThese prices are for a single user. Call today about multiple user\ndiscounted subscriptions for your entire office.\n\nRemember, GasMart/Power 2001 is in Tampa, Florida, May 9-11, 2001.\nKeep your finger on the pulse of the while networking with colleagues\nand discussing industry issues.\n\nVisit www.gasmart.com to register and for more information.\n\nIf you would like to stop receiving e-mail notifications when your\npublications are available, please reply to this message with REMOVE\nE-MAIL in the subject line.\n\nFor information about Intelligence Press products and services, visit\nour web site at http://intelligencepress.com or call toll-free (800)\n427-5747.\n\nALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (c) 2001, Intelligence Press, Inc.\n---"} {"text": "Molly,\n\nWhy were the counterparties on your latest list under the Legal tab different \nfrom those under the Credit tab?"} {"text": "Sheila, I need a status report on their contracts as well. Please change \nHodge to 175, Aronowitz to 190 and Taylor to 190. Mark\n\n\n\n\tSheila Walton/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t04/23/2001 06:09 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Legal VP Comp Info\n\n\n\t\n\n\nMark, attached is a chart of your VPs. I have inserted a column for \nsuggested increase amounts. Call me if you have questions. \n\nSheila"} {"text": "My pension and group RRSP is with Clarica. Can I transfer those assets to you?\n\nChris"} {"text": "Info related to the TA1 action item given in the RMS meeting today.\n \nAlso attached is the email I originally sent to SET on August 1, 2001.\n \nThanks,\nDave Darnell\n===========\n602-432-3353\n - X12-5v4010.pdf \n - ISA_IEA.doc \nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Dave Darnell\" \nTo: \nCc: \nSubject: ISA/IEA and GS/GE Control Segments doc - FA Reconciliation\nDate: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:50:37 -0700\nMessage-ID: <005901c11adc$63c77d70$a815a8c0@tecradaved>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain;\tcharset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.2627\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000\n\nWho owns the ISA/IEA and GS/GE Control Segments doc?\n\nI have a suggestion for it...\n\nIt might be helpful to have information something like this in it:\n\nThe GS06 (Group Control Number) of the sender's EDI GS envelope is\nused in the responding 997 transaction to enable 997 reconciliation.\nIt is returned to the sender in the 997's AK102 element.\n\nIn other words, the GS06 and AK102 elements are used in reconciling\noutbound EDI transactions with the inbound Functional\nAcknowledgments (997).\n\nThere is no provision in the ANSI X12.5 standard for returning an\nISA number in a 997.\n\nInterchange acknowledgment and reconciliation is enabled with the\nresponding TA1 segment:\n\n<>\nInterchange Acknowledgment TA1\n\nTo report the status of processing a\nreceived interchange header and trailer or\nthe non-delivery by a network provider\n\nCONTROL SEGMENT\nTRANSACTION SETS USED IN:\nNone\nREF ELE ID ATTRIBUTES NAME\n01 I12 Interchange Control Number N0 9/9 M\n02 I08 Interchange Date DT 6/6 M\n03 I09 Interchange Time TM 4/4 M\n04 I17 Interchange Acknowledgment Code ID 1/1 M\n05 I18 Interchange Note Code ID 3/3 M\n<>\n\n<<>>\nI could find no reference to TA1 segments in our TX SET documents..\nso if there is somebody please point me to it. The TA1 segment may\nbe worthy of future discussion in the TX SET work group.\n\nMeanwhile .... I would recommend that the GS06 (GS control number)\nalways be unique for a trading partner/functional group. You could\ndo this by incrementing by one every time you ran a map... and then\nstoring the last GS06 sent for use by the map (to increment) next\ntime around. If you ALWAYS have only one Functional Group per ISA..\nthen you could make the GS06 the same as the ISA control number\n(ISA13).\n\nCOMMENTS??\n\nBest Regards,\nDave\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nDave Darnell\nSystrends, Inc\n7855 South River Parkway, Suite 111\nTempe, Arizona 85284\nWeb: www.systrends.com\nPhone:480.756.6777 x201, Mobile:602.432.3353,eFax:208.441.6982\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n - NY EDI TOP 1-24-01.doc"} {"text": "The CPUC has issued a Notice of the Prehearing Conference for PG&E's Gas Accord II filing to be held on January 7, 2002. Prehearing conference statements are to be filed by January 2, 2002. You may recall that the PG&E filing in October was a request to simply extend their current rates for two additional years for the period of Jan. 1, 2003 through Dec. 31, 2004. They based their request on the unresolved bankruptcy reorganization plan and uncertain gas markets. \n\nDan Douglas provided us a summary of the filing and my recollection is that after reviewing the filing and his summary we were of the opinion that the rate extension probably would have minimal impact on TW however their reorganization plan to convert their backbone system to an interstate pipeline via a filing at FERC could certainly have an impact. In that regard, Jeff Dasovich has scheduled a conference call on January 8th with PG&E to discuss their FERC filing and TW will be participating in that call. \n\nGiven our initial reaction to this filing, to what extent do we want to particiapate in this proceeding and do we want to use Dan? At minimum we had intended to have Dan file a prehearing statement for us. However given our cash concerns, before calling Dan I wanted to make sure we were still on the same track. Below is the link to the Prehearing Notice. gh\n\nhttp://www.cpuc.ca.gov/word_pdf/RULINGS/11886.doc"} {"text": "I want to leave so bad!"} {"text": "(If you cannot see the images in this message, click here to view directly on our web site.) \t\t\t\n\t\t [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Home Products History Careers Contact \t\n\t\t We Come to You with Holiday Gift Ideas! Never have enough time for holiday shopping? Let Tom James solve your gift dilemma in the comfort and convenience of your home or office. A visit from a Tom James Sales Professional saves you precious time - and that's a gift you deserve this year! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Cashmere Sweaters Cotton Ribbed Polos Wool Polos Basket Weave Polo Sweaters [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Monogrammed Cufflinks Lambskin Blazer Lambskin Zip Front Jacket Cashmere Placket Sweaters [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Twill Microfibre Raincoats Swatch Box Gift Certificate Cashmere Topcoats Steve Callaway , Professional Clothier (713) 622-5678 To sign up for an appointment click here . To receive future messages in text-only format click here . If you do not wish to receive this type of message click here . Order sportswear , accessories or ready-to-wear online with your VIP Client Number: 0003003904 ? 2001 The Tom James Company - All Rights Reserved [IMAGE]"} {"text": "Another national crown ... It must be nice. We have to keep referring back \nto our one and only in 1935. But, we will never forget it! I am looking \nforward to the 28th. Tonya and I are going to the Aggie/K-state game. We'll \nsee how that goes. Looks like your corn boys will be playing OU that \nweekend. That should be a good battle. OU also has a week off to get ready \nfor you. (I think they should be rated #2).\n\nThings are going ok here. I can't remember if we've talked about the sale of \nHPL. That is getting closer to happening. I am hoping it does. I'm ready \nto go on to something else, and that would make it much easier. Ami Chokshi \ndecided that she would leave the co. this week. She is heading of to San \nFran. No job or any specific plans yet, but it's always something whe has \nwanted to do. It would be nice to be able to pick up and do something like \nthat.\n\nHow's everything else going for you and the family. We are all doing pretty \ngood. I actually took last week off. The only plans I had were to spend \ntime with the family. It was great! It really drove the point home that I \nneed to stop letting people/things around here set my proiorities.\n\nAnyway, would you be able to come down for lunch on Friday? I'm sure it's \nbeen a while since you've had your Treebeard's. Let me know. Sorry I \nhaven't talked to you much. I'm going to end up losing all my friends if I \ndon't change my ways.\n\n\nD"} {"text": "I'll be glad to assist.\n\n\n\n\n\nMatthew Berry@ECT\n06/07/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Lisa Bills/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Humberto Cubillos-Uejbe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Roseann \nEngeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, Sheila \nTweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, robtaylor@andrews-kurth.com\ncc: Matthew F Gockerman/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: West LB affiliate registration in Texas for the LM6000 turbine deal\n\nI have spoken to Matt Gockerman in Tax who's comfortable with West LB \ncreating a presence in Texas through a partnership owned by Delaware LLCs in \norder to register with the Comptroller prior to receipt of the LM6000 \nturbines (which is estimated to be 6/20). Matt will provide the necessary \nforms to West LB/Winston and will coordinate with them for timely completion. \n\nWest LB will be putting together a closing check list for this to occur, \nincluding registration forms, ADA assignment agreement and West LB guaranty, \netc. Kay and Rob, can I ask you to coordinate what if anything needs to be on \nthe list from the commercial side beside the assignment under LM6000 turbine \npurchase agreement. We'll schedule a call in the next few days to coordinate \nwith Winston and West LB on this matter.\n\nThanks,\nMatt"} {"text": "Michelle,\n\nCarlos would be a great addition at ENA in any transactional capacity. I \nworked with him extensively (actually, I hired him), and he is terrific. \n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 12/01/2000 09:37 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nCarlos.Sole@enron.com on 12/01/2000 09:36:10 AM\nTo: Michelle.Cash@enron.com\ncc: John.Schwartzenburg@enron.com \n\nSubject: Opportunities at ENA\n\n\n\nMichelle, per my voicemail as I indicated, I am trying to pursue what\nopportunities may be available at EWS and both Julia Murray and Kay Mann\nrecommended that I contact you. As background, I have been at EECC since\nOctober last year where I have focused on traditional EPC contracts and\njoint venture agreements with construction partners, cross-border financing\nagreements principally in Mexico and merger and acquisition/strategic\ninvestment transactions. Before coming to Enron, I worked with the Houston\noffice of a New York based firm (Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle)\nwhere I focused mostly on transactions in Mexico since we represented Pemex\non their transactions involving long and short term oil supply agreements\nand CFE (Mexico's electricity commission) on its public bids for EPC and\nIPP projects. Lastly, I started my legal career in 1994 at Patton Boggs in\nWashington, DC where I focused on general domestic corporate transactions\nsuch as establishing new business entities (ie, joint venture work,\npartnerships etc.), m & a work, and securities offerings. Thanks for your\nconsideration and I look forward to talking with you when you return from\nvacation (my extension is 6-6127).\n\n(See attached file: EECC Resume.doc)\n\n - EECC Resume.doc"} {"text": "Shirley,\n\nPlease, make sure that I follow up on this.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 \n09:46 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/02/2001 09:42 AM\nTo: Dorothy Dalton/Enron Communications@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/Enron@EnronXGate \nSubject: Re: message from Ken Rice \n\nDorothy,\n\nNo problem. Please, CC-mail me\nTom's number. One of the members of the group has a PhD in\ncomputer science and he will join me for the call.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Dorothy Dalton@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 05/01/2001 08:53 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: message from Ken Rice\n\nVince:\n\nKen Rice received a call through a friend's referral from Dr. Tom Limperis (a \nprofessor at the University of Michigan). Dr. Limperis has developed a \nstatistical database management system he would like to show Enron. Ken \nwould like you to return this call on his behalf. He feels that you are \nprobably the only person who will understand and be able to determine if \nEnron should have an interest.\n\nDo you mind returning this call? Please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nDorothy Dalton\nOffice of the Chairman\nEnron Broadband Services\n1400 Smith Street, EB4505\nHouston, TX 77002\n713-853-6724 - direct\n713-853-9469 - fax"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 \n12:48 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Jennifer Fraser/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/21/2001 10:30 AM\nTo: Jennifer Burns/ENRON@enronXgate, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@ECT, John \nArnold/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Grigsby/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nFletcher J Sturm/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rogers Hearndon@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nBill White/NA/Enron@Enron, Kevin McGowan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gary \nHickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael W Bradley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hunter S Shively/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin M \nPresto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Adam Gross/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jeffrey A Shankman/ENRON@enronXgate, Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tamara \nJae Black/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ina Rangel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Helen Marie \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angie Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Zoch/NA/Enron@ENRON, \nShirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Airam Arteaga/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy \nWeatherly/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kimberly Hillis/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Trader's Roundtable Meeting - Report on Recessions and Demand \nContraction\n\nAttached is the report I discussed yesterday. It considers the impact of last \n2 recessions on demand.\n\nJen Fraser\n\n713-853-4759"} {"text": "No news today. I don't want to know today, as I'm drinking champagne and \nignoring the issue,"} {"text": "EESI Environement & Energy Weekly -- October 11, 1999\n\nSenate EPW panel hears differing views on changing TVA \n\nThe federally owned Tennessee Valley Authority was put on the defensive at a \nSenate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing last week as its \nadversaries mounted an offensive against the power agency for its huge $27 \nbillion debt and unaccountability. \n\nWith a bill (S. 1323), introduced by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), serving as \nthe backdrop, the need for changing TVA\u0001,s role in an emerging competitive \nelectricity market was reviewed. \n\nTVA is one of the biggest power producers in the country, and it enjoys \ncertain unfair privileges, according to investor-owned utilities, which are \nseeking changes to TVA to level the playing field in a competitive \nelectricity market. \n\nMcConnell\u0001,s bill is touted as making TVA more accountable by subjecting the \npower agency to, among other things, antitrust laws and to the jurisdiction \nof the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. McConnell, who was present at \nthe hearing, questioned TVA on its claim of providing low-cost power and why \nit should not be brought under FERC authority. \n\nSupporting the position of S. 1323, Robert Hewett representing TVA Watch, a \ncoalition led by Duke Energy and other private utilities, decried the \nprivileges TVA is endowed with. Hewett said TVA has the ability to set its \nown wholesale and retail rates, is exempt from anti-trust laws and makes only \n\"token\" payments in lieu of taxes to the local government. \"No other entity \nin the country even comes close to having this type of authority or license,\" \nsaid Hewett. \n\nHewett wants TVA to be subjected to antitrust laws and FERC jurisdiction. In \naddition, TVA must be restricted from building new generation capacity and it \nshould not have preferential access to power from other federal facilities at \nrates below fair market value, Hewett recommended. \n\nRichard Munson, executive director, Northeast-Midwest Institute, continued on \nthe same stream as Hewett, calling TVA a national problem. Munson said TVA\u0001,s \ninspector general in a recent report has highlighted \"TVA\u0001,s most serious \nproblem \u0001* its unaccountability.\" Decisions by TVA\u0001,s board of directors are \nnot reviewed by state regulators or federal agencies and the power agency \nenjoys a monopoly in its service territory so it is not accountable even to \nmarket forces, according to Munson. Stating that TVA has been propped up by \nenormous taxpayer subsidies, Munson said, \"The giant utility is exempt from \nhundreds of federal and state laws and regulations, it pays no federal or \nstate taxes, and it obtains low-cost loans because of Washington\u0001,s \u0001+implied\u0001, \nsupport.\" \n\nBut Mark Medford, TVA executive vice president, cautioned that proposals such \nas S. 1323 may risk compromising the low-cost, reliable electricity available \nto the Tennessee Valley region. \n\nMedford said S. 1323 would place new restrictions on TVA and expand \nregulation of TVA activities, which seems unusual in the context of a \ndiscussion of \"deregulation\" of the electricity industry. \n\nMedford also argued against FERC and state regulation of TVA prices and FERC \ndetermination of the need for new generation capacity. He said responsibility \nfor fulfilling those missions is placed on the three-member TVA board \nnominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Superimposing a \nhigher regulatory body, such as FERC, \"to pass judgment on the decision of \nthe TVA board in these areas seems both duplicative and inappropriate.\" \n\nMedford also did not think that antitrust laws should be applied to TVA \nbecause it would be unfair to TVA ratepayers. \"When a private utility \nviolates the antitrust laws, its stockholders bear the cost. However, \ngovernmental entities like TVA have no stockholders, and the financial costs \nof such penalties have to be borne by the people who are supposed to be \nserved,\" said Medford. \n\nMedford asserted that investors now hold all of TVA\u0001,s debt that finances the \npower program. He said TVA debt is neither backed by the federal government \nnor is it supported by mortgages on TVA plant property and equipment. It is \nsecured solely by the financial operation of TVA as well as bond covenants \nand the provisions of the TVA Act, Medford said.\n\nAlso, Medford said TVA has been on the path of debt reduction in the last \nthree years, bringing down the debt by $1 billion. \n\nAustin Caroll, representing the Kentucky Managers\u0001, Association, a group of \nmunicipal and rural electric cooperative utilities, did not totally agree \nwith the principles of S. 1323, though it did want some changes to be made to \nTVA. \n\nPreceding the examination of S. 1323 was a hearing on the nomination of TVA \nboard members -- Skila Harris and Glenn McCullough. \n\nHarris served until recently as the executive director of the Secretary of \nEnergy Advisory Board, managing the work of the Tennessee Valley Advisory \nCommittee, which comprises of representatives from groups interested in the \nfuture of TVA. \n\nMcCullough previously served on the executive committee of the Mississippi \nMunicipal League and as the director of the Mississippi office of the \nAppalachian Regional Commission. \n\nThe TVA board of directors has three members serving nine year staggered \nterms."} {"text": "Please review and comment by Monday.\n\nThanks,\n\nReagan"} {"text": "FYI (Some of these things you may already know).\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShepperd, Tammy R. \nSent:\tTuesday, November 13, 2001 5:00 PM\nTo:\tTijerina, Shirley; Hogan, Irena D.; Solis, Melissa; Bates, Kimberly; Harvey, Claudette; Black, Tamara Jae; Coleman, Venita; Rode, Tina; Holcombe, Tina ; Clyatt, Julie; Roberts, Chaun; Vuittonet, Laura; Jones, Melissa; Rangel, Ina; Presas, Jessica; Salinas, Michael; Collins, Angie; Finnels-Neal, La Donna; Snow, Dina; Villarreal, Alexandra; Young, Becky; Irvine, Geraldine; Rybarski, Amanda; Choate, Heather; Chapman, Christy; Leigh, Lorie; Zarsky, Lisa; Gordon, D'ann; Butler, Shelly; Noske, Linda J.\nCc:\tSchoppe, Tammie; Brooks, Loretta; Lopez, Susan; Duree, Janelle\nSubject:\tMove Related Issues\n\nAs you all know, our move is scheduled for this weekend. Hopefully, you and your groups are all progressing well in your preparations for the move this Friday. Please take the time to read the information contained in this message because most of the information contains reminders or FYI items and will be important to you and your group. Please forward this to those in your group that may need this information. \n\n?\tVoicemail instructions - Please have everyone in your group clear all new voicemail messages by 5:00 PM, Friday, 11/16. All saved messages, greetings and recorded names will be saved. If a message is left before cutover the message will be saved, but the message light will not be displayed when you arrive. As a precautionary meassure please check voice mail upon your arrival Monday morning even if the message light isn't on. \n\n?\tBuilding access - ECS will not be available for general access until Monday morning at 5:00 AM. Due to the gas and power moves being combined, it is unlikely that the move team will be prepared for the POC's to come in on Sunday to unpack. (Separate instructions will be generated for those who are needed to test trading applications.) NOTE: Only those whose names have been approved and submitted to security will be allowed access on Sunday.\no\tMonday - 5:00 AM for all employees\n\n?\tSecurity & badges - All POC team members should be familiar with the routes into ECS as we discussed at our recent move meeting. Please be sure to share this information with all of the people in your group. If you need additional copies of the floor plans that have the access routes highlighted, please contact Carli Smith (5-3473). Please stress to everyone to have their badges with them at all times. No one will be allowed access without their badge. If anyone tries to access the building from the garage via the skyring and they do not have their badge, they will be sent back through the garage to the street level to walk across the street to the round kiosk in the Enron building lobby to get a guest pass and then proceed back to ECS via the 2nd floor and the skyring.\n\n?\tMove team colors - As mentioned at the move meeting, the following is a list of the color designations (vests) for the various teams that will be on the floor when we move in. \no\tRed - Move Team\no\tOrange - Desktop Support/IT\no\tGreen - Telephony\n\n?\tNewspaper subscriptions - The delivery location for all newspaper subscriptions need to be changed to ECS 05/06. It is our intention to have all daily newspapers delivered to the mail desk located in the ECS 2nd floor corridor. It will be the responsibility of the assistants to either pick up the papers for their group or designate someone in their group to pick up the papers. If your papers continue to be delivered to your old floor of ECN, contact Sunny Rodgers (3-6116).\n\n?\tMove boxes - Please encourage your group to pack and bring no more than about 6 boxes per person. You may call Facilities (3-6300) if you need to request additional boxes.\n\n?\tMove labels - If you run out of labels or if you are missing any labels, please call Carli Smith (5-3473) to have additional or missing labels printed.\n\n?\tLaptops - Important - Please ensure that all cable locks have been removed from all laptop computers by 5:00 PM on Friday. If any cable locks are left on the computers they will be destroyed by the move team in order to move the computers as scheduled.\n\n.\tBottled water - Every kitchen has an ice machine that also dispenses filtered water. The large bottles of water (5 gallon) will not be allowed on the floor. We would also like to discourage the use of small bottles of water due to limited storage space and the availability of filtered water at several locations. \n\n?\tPhone sets - Although most of you are aware of this, we just wanted to remind you that there will be only one phone on each desk - either a turret or an Avaya, but not both. Do not tag your phones, a new phone will be waiting for each person on their desk in the new building\n\nI hope I have covered some of the outstanding questions or issues you might have, but if I have missed something, please let me know. Thanks so much for all your help and hard work."} {"text": "In anticipation of the imminent closing of the UBSW Energy transaction, please have all outstanding employee expenses in your possession filed through Enron's XMS system as soon as possible. Note to approvers - please approve these expense reports quickly. Enron will process and pay all pre-closing expenses. After transaction closing, payments for expenses submitted before closing (and put into Enron's XMS system) will be sent to your last known address or direct deposited into your account.\n\nEnron has committed to processing and paying any expenses incurred prior to transaction closing. If not completed this week, pre-closing expenses should be submitted on a hard copy expense report form which will be available at www.enron.com. \n\t\t\nThere will be a series of e-mails coming out over the next few days highlighting the Travel & Entertainment policies of UBSW Energy and the procedures for processing and payment. \n\nIf you have any questions, please contact Hope Vargas (3-5280) or Georganne Hodges (3-0430)."} {"text": "I just thought of one other thing we need to discuss with Credit in our \nmeeting. I've asked them to get back to me about this several times and \nhaven't heard.\n\nIn the collateral annexes, we have interest on collateral computed at 360 \ndays. So we don't have problems with Canadian counterparties, I would like \nto change that to 365/366 accross the board. I asked them if there was any \nspecific reason why we've got interest on collateral at 360, like maybe it's \nthe custom in the bank/dealer markets. Anyway, I'd like to get that \nanswered."} {"text": "fyi re: Lutz. mhc\n---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 09/07/2000 05:38 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nCynthia Barrow@ENRON\n09/06/2000 06:53 AM\nTo: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Dolores Lenfest/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Privileged and Confidential--Project Triple Lutz \n\nMichelle, looks good. I don't know the details of this one, but if you get \nthe Buyer to agree it is very generous for the employee. Regarding Pension \nPlan, if you get Dee the list of employees, we can get an idea of the \nunvested amounts by employee. Since this appears to be an asset sale, Enron \ncan either pay this outside of the plan or consider it forfeited.\n\nThanks\nCb\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMichelle Cash@ECT\n09/05/2000 08:07 PM\nTo: Timothy J Detmering/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fran L Mayes/HOU/ECT@ECT, mstuart@velaw.com, Sheila \nKnudsen/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David Oxley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anne C \nKoehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, fmackin@aol.com, Dolores Lenfest/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nCynthia Barrow/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Joyce/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Privileged and Confidential--Project Triple Lutz\n\n\nTim,\n\nAnne Koehler asked me to provide general employment terms for Project Triple \nLutz. I have spoken with persons in HR and benefits and have put together \nthe following \"headlines\" for employee matters. This list is a first cut, \nbased upon my discussions with persons I could reach today; thus, it may not \nbe exhaustive. Details of certain issues, as described below, will have to \nbe worked out.\n\nOf course, your team may choose to modify/delete items from this list, \ndepending on the exact nature of the deal. In the interest of time, however, \nI am sending this list to our lawyers at V&E to begin drafting the employee \nprovisions of the sale agreement, which I understand you would like to see on \nThursday. Any modifications based upon your team's comments should not be \ndifficult.\n\nThe employment provisions may include:\n\nBuyer will hire all employees identified by Seller.\nThe hired employees will have a title that is at least the same/equivalent as \ntheir title at Enron for a two-year period after closing.\nBuyer will give all hired employees credit for years of service at Enron for \npurposes of participation in Buyer's benefits (though not accruals), thus \nallowing the hired employees to have immediate participation in Buyer's \nbenefit and compensation plans (e.g., 401k, vacation eligibility, etc.).\nThe hired employees will be paid, at a minimum, the same base salary they \nearned at Enron (which would include the merit increase for 2001) for a \ntwo-year period after closing.\nThe hired employees will receive the same level of total cash compensation as \ntheir last year of Enron employment for one full year after closing (the \nbuyer can make this happen through base salary, bonus, etc.).\nThe hired employees will receive benefits (e.g., health insurance, life \ninsurance, etc.) that are comparable to those they had in their last year of \nemployment with Enron (although we probably will have some discussions over \nour sick leave policy, which is generous).\nBuyer will retain severance benefits at Seller's level for one year after \nclosing, after which the hired employees will be eligible for severance under \nthe Buyer's plans (with credited service).\nBefore Buyer terminates the employment of a hired employee (other than for \ncause -- to be defined), Buyer shall inform Seller, which will have the right \nto re-employ the employee at Enron, with credited service.\nFor employees with less than 5 years of service, some concession for unvested \nportion of Cash Balance Plan may be necessary.\n\nOpen issues/questions include:\n\nEquity: What is to be done with unvested equity? For example, in December, \nevery Enron employee will be granted stock options worth 25% of their base \nsalary (based on the Black-Scholes valuation). Also, persons with other \nequity grants may forfeit those grants upon closing. An evaluation of the \nvarious plans and participants will be necessary to determine exactly where \nany issues exist, as well as possible resolutions of those issues. In light \nof the appreciation in Enron's stock, this equity issue may be significant.\nPension: What will happen to hired employees with potential eligibility \nunder Enron's pension plan?\n\nIf you have any questions about these issues, please give me a call at x \n3-6401. If I receive additional feedback, I will let you know.\n\nThanks.\n\nMichelle"} {"text": "Daren & John,\n\nSee the attached document regarding gas deliveries/nominations for the \nCleburne site. Right now, I'm planning to be in the Houston office on \nThursday, August 3, 2000 so we may be able to meet then. If there are any \nquestions, please call me for additional info.\n\nMichael Mazowita\n\nPhone: (248) 442-4823\nCell: (248) 345-4002"} {"text": "As discussed in our 3-Rivers/King Ranch meeting, I have set up purchases from \nthe liquids group and the other 3rd parties at HGPL mtr 0012. Due to \nbridgebacks, I had to create new deal numbers for the days prior to 2/16/99. \n(I went back to Dec 1999, in case it is needed.) Please see the deal #s \nbelow.\n\nTeco 113858 &169759\nHPLR Liquids 114099 & 169765 (existing deal to cover excess residue)\nSwift 93779 & 169761\nERAC 138094 & 169760\nTejones 133173 & 169762\n\n\nMandy - I understand that you will be setting up the buy and sale with HPLR \nLiquids to cover the transport on HGPL.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD"} {"text": "Al,\n\nWhat about a lunch or breakfast on Monday or Tuesday next week?\nI am traveling later this week.\n\nVnce\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Al Arfsten\" @ENRON \nSent:\tTuesday, November 13, 2001 10:06 AM\nTo:\tvkamins@enron.com\nSubject:\tLunch?\n\n\nVince: I have returned from SF and look forward to our next meeting. I mentioned to Bjorn that we might get together and hoped we might do a lunch meeting this time. Bjorn and I could drop by and pick you up to make it simple. How about today or tomorrow? Please advise. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158"} {"text": "John,\n\nLike beauty, it's in the eye of the beholder.\nMy experience is that sometimes people with unconventional\nbackgrounds have most to offer.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn J Lavorato@ENRON\n07/12/2000 09:50 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Resume of a former FX trader \n\nThis is the most bizarre resume I've seen in a long time."} {"text": "Rakesh,\n\nCan you ask a lawyer to review it?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2001 \n04:15 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nLawrenceLRTNMT@aol.com on 04/05/2001 10:15:34 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Non-Disclosure Agreement\n\n\nP. O. Box 2227\nLivermore, California 94550\nApril 4, 2001\n\n\nDr. Vince J. Kaminski\nVice-President of Research\nEnron Corporation\nP. O. Box 1188\nHuston, Texas 77251\n\nVince,\n\n I have cleared my calendar, and I am looking forward to meeting with you\nin Houston on May 4th.\n\n Transmitted herewith is the agreement that you requested.\n\n Thanks. Have a great weekend.\n\nLarry Thorne\n\n\nAttachments: Non-Disclosure Agreement\n\n\n - Non-disclosure Agreement.pdf"} {"text": "Happy Birthday to you!\n\nYou look like a monkey,\nAnd you smell like one too!!\n\nEspecially if you partied like a madman last night!!\n\nEnjoy your day and the weekend!\n\nYou deserve and will get the very best!!!\n--\nSharon Snyder\nssnyder@shelton.org"} {"text": "Folks:\nDo we have a draft master firm that we can send to JD Irving with credit erms?\nWhat about the amendment to the Master Swap -- Have we sent it yet? \nJDI said they have received nothing\nDId I gve you guys everything you need for these contracts?\nThanks\nJEn"} {"text": "To make sure that everyone is on the same page with our FERC activities, here \nis the list of current / pending activities. Please advise if others exist \nor I've mistakenly put someone's name on a project.\n\n1. EPMI, etal Intervene on PX Credit Waiver for Interim Activity\n\nDue 3.13.01\nEnron Lead Richard Sanders\n\n2. EPMI Intervene & Protest on ISO Motion to Obligate Information from \nSuppliers\n\nDue 3.16.01\nEnron Lead Sue Mara\n\n3. PX Issues with Implementing Revised Breakpoint for January Timeframe\n\nDue 3.9.01 (with Supplemental Comments)\nEnron Lead Alan Comnes\n\n4. Tucson Electric PX Chargeback Complaint\n\nDue 3.19.01\nEnron Lead Uncertain\n\n5. Strategic Energy ISO Complaint\n\nDue 3.20.01\nEnron Lead Uncertain\n\n6. PNM PX Chargeback Complaint\n\nDue 3.22.01\nEnron Lead Uncertain\n\n7. Civil Litigation Pleadings at FERC\n\nDue Uncertain\nEnron Lead Joe Hartsoe\n\n8. EPMI PX Chargeback Complaint\n\nDue \nEnron Lead Richard Sanders\n\n9. ISO Market Stabilization Plan\n\nDue Not Yet Filed at FERC (may file 4.1.01), Comments to ISO Staff on 3.12.01\nEnron Lead Sue Mara\n\n11. Response to FERC Staff Report\n\nDue 3.22.01\nEnron Lead Sue Mara (will develop talking points to discuss with allies / \nenemies)\nCoalition Lead WPTF Sue Mara EPSA Joe Hartsoe\n\n12. Rehearing on FERC 3.9.01 January Refund\n\nDue 4.8.01\nEnron Lead Will not respond if EPSA or WPTF \n\n13. EES Support to Waive Underscheduling Penalty Fee of ISO\n\nDue No action right now\nEnron Lead Sue Mara"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 11/06/2000 \n06:44 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nwayne.mays@enron.com on 11/06/2000 05:53:49 PM\nTo: ddelain2@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Approval for reviewer\n\n\nMAYS,WAYNE E has suggested reviewers and submitted them for your approval. \nYou may review/modify this list of reviewers by logging on to PEP at \nhttp://pep.corp.enron.com and going to Supervisor Services. Please \nremember, no feedback can be completed on MAYS,WAYNE E until you have \napproved the list."} {"text": "Renee,\n\nQuestion: Are the GE performance guarantees completely voided by the use of \ninlet chillers? The first sentence in the first bullet point concerns me.\n\nI'm not sure how the stuff included in the second series of bullet points \nfits in. Are these changes in scope, suggestions, conditions?\n\nI think we would be better off increasing the length of the change order to \ninclude the pertinent stuff, but not attaching the letter as a reference.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRenee Alfaro@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/06/2001 09:41 AM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Blue Dog Change Order \n\nKay,\n\nSorry about that. I forgot I had the letter electronically, or I would have \nincluded it with the Change Order. Please see the attachment below.\n\nN-1 is the exhibit where the pricing is updated, so they would be different \nfor CO1 and CO2.\n\nThanks\nRenee Alfaro\nPhone: 713-646-7281\nFax: 713-646-6158\nEmail: ralfaro@enron.com\n\n - Chiller Provisions.pdf\n\n\n\n\n\n\tKay Mann@ENRON\n\t02/05/2001 04:52 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Renee Alfaro/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Blue Dog Change Order\n\nOpps. I thought we were talking about the same CO. Could you please send \nme a copy (or electronic file) of the letter you are incorporating by \nreference?\n\nThis CO will need to be signed by Janet Dietrich, Managing Director.\n\nIs the replacement N-1 the same as the replacement N-1 in CO #2?\n\nI'll give this the final once over as soon as I get the letter.\n\nThanks (and sorry for the confusion),\n\nKay"} {"text": "you have all the answers don't you? don't you think that someone will figure out your little plan? oh and thanks for coming down here and giving me some news.....fink"} {"text": "I am booked on a flight 1 week from Friday 8th of February - I land in Birmingham at 9 a.m. I should be to Huntsville by 11 a.m. I am staying until Sunday. I think Ashley and Jackson are going to stay here for now unless you report granddad is doing much worse next week. We will see how that goes. Talk to you soon. Did you call last night?\nPL"} {"text": "[IMAGE]\t \t[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE]\t\n\n\n [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Upgrades [IMAGE] DownGrades [IMAGE] Coverage Initiated [IMAGE] Stock Splits [IMAGE] Buybacks [IMAGE] Pos Pre-Announce [IMAGE] Neg Pre-Announce [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Unsubscribe [IMAGE] Update my Membership / Profile [IMAGE] Forgot Username / Password [IMAGE] Add / Edit Alerts [IMAGE] View My Alerts [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] \t As requested, your News Alert for YHOO follows from EquityAlert.com. Form 144: Filing to Sell 900000 Shares of YAHOO INC (YHOO) Jan 17, 2002 (Vickers Stock Research via COMTEX) -- Document Processing Date: January 17, 2002 Filer: KOOGLE, TIMOTHY Relation: Vice Chairman Stock Name: YAHOO INC Stock CUSIP: 984332106 Stock Symbol: YHOO Exchange: NASDAQ Transaction date: November 29, 2001 Shares for sale: 900000 Value held: $14227830 Broker: GOLDMAN SACHS & CO Copyright (c) 2002, Vickers Stock Research Corporation. All rights reserved. -0- [IMAGE] ***IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER REGARDING THIS COURTESY EMAIL*** At your request, as a subscriber to our service, this email alert is being sent to you as a courtesy and is for information purposes only. We are a financial news re-distributor. We are not an investment advisory and do not purport to tell or suggest which companies you should monitor or which securities you should purchase or sell. In addition, not withstanding our policy of prohibiting employees from buying or selling securities of an advertising company for a period of 20 days following dissemination of the advertisement, we may not be able to effectively monitor our employees to ensure compliance with the same. Consequently, there may be sales and/or purchases of such securities by our employees prior to, during and immediately following the dissemination of the advertisement. Please note that (1) this email may not contain the full text of the press release issued by, or the research or other reports regarding, the Monitored Company; and (2) the text of the advertisement, the press release and/or reports were obtained from third party sources and were not written, generated or edited by us; accordingly, we make no representations or give any assurance as to the accuracy or completeness, nor have we conducted any independent investigations of, the disclosures regarding the subject matter of such releases and reports. Please note that links to the advertising company and/or Monitored Company are provided for your convenience. We assume no obligation for the content of such sites. All information contained herein should be independently verified by you with the advertising company or with Monitored Company or any other sources you prefer. [THIS IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF, AND IS QUALIFIED IN ITS ENTIRETY BY REFERENCE TO, THE \"EQUITYALERT SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT AND DISCLAIMER.\" PLEASE VISIT http://www.equityalert.com/home/disclaim.asp FOR ACCESS TO OUR COMPLETE DISCLAIMER] \t [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Stock Quote [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Stock Chart [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Covered Calls [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company Profile [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Option Details [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Black - Scholes [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Power Option PLUS Logo [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]"} {"text": "Sale is based on IF"} {"text": "Anna's information is not completed and I bet her cost center is different \nfrom yours (company the same?)."} {"text": "Hello,\nJust a reminder that Duke Energy and Enron Marketing Power are now sending\ntheir NP15/SP15 information to us. So if you have purchases from them,\nplease do not include with your other purchases.\n Thank you very much\n DJ Energy\n\nP.S. Please see attachment\n\n <>\n\n\n\n\n\n - NP15 SP15 Participant List.doc"} {"text": "As you are all aware, Enron and UBS have entered into an agreement for the sale of certain assets of the wholesale gas and power trading organization. As part of that agreement, the management of UBS may speak to you over the next several days about an opportunity in that new organization. If so, we encourage you to consider such an offer. However, if you are not employed by UBS, you remain an Enron employee. If you have specific questions regarding your employment arrangements and job responsibilities please contact Anne Labbe in Human Resources at 5-7809, or feel free to contact either Jim Fallon or Dave Delainey directly."} {"text": "Mary,\n \nHope she's OK. Next week is fine. How about Wed?\n \nRuby\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Fischer, Mary [mailto:Mary.Fischer@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, October 15, 2001 5:48 PM\nTo: Ruby Kinsfather\nSubject: RE: LUNCH\n\n\nRuby,\n \nThis week has gotten shot to hell. My mom is in the hospital (no big deal,\njust an inconvenience). Are you free next week for lunch? Name the day.\nLet me know.\n \nMary\n\n \n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and\nmay contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply\nto Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you. \n**********************************************************************"} {"text": "Start Date: 1/14/02; HourAhead hour: 15; No ancillary schedules awarded. No variances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final Schedules\\2002011415.txt"} {"text": "Paul: Here's additional info for the \"curtailment\" data that we're pulling \ntogether.\n\nUtility Pricing for Core Gas Customers\n\nPrior to the month in question, the utility forecasts gas prices based on \nNYMEX monthly prices. So for example, based on November's forecast, the \nutility sets prices to be charged to core consumers in December.\n\nWhen December's over, the utility compares forecast prices with actual \nprices. If the forecast was too low, and there's an undercollection, the \nutility will increase January's price forecast by \"just enough\" to make up \nfor the December undercollection. If prices were too high and there's an \novercollection, the utility will reduce January price forecast by just enough \nto refund the overcollection.\n\nIf the overcollection/undercollection is very large, the utilities have \ngenerally spread out the \"true-up\" over several months to avoid \"rate shock\" \none way or the other. However, under the current circumstances, the \nutilities may be less willing to spread it out, and may wish to recover the \nentire undercollection in the following month. In short, there's at least a \none-month lag in customer prices to account for differences in forecasts \nversus actual."} {"text": "Priveleged and Confidential\n\nThe Alberta Department of Resource Development (ADRD) released a draft Market \nSurveillance Amendment Regulation today which contains proposed amendments to \nthe current Market Surveillance Regulation that will be in force prior to the \nPPA Auction later this month. A number of changes have been made in \nresponse to: (i) concerns raised by potential Power Purchase Arrangement \nBidders about PPA Owners intentionally witholding capacity, and (ii) other \napparent deficiencies with the original MSA Regulation. We may wish to use \nthe opportunity to informally advocate for a specific change to the MS \nRegulation (Enron Canada will be filing formal written comments on other \nunrelated issues) that would mitigate one of the risks of a negative outcome \non Project Stanley.\n\nI understand that Blakes has undertaken a review of the EUA or Market \nSurveillance Regulation to determine what sanctions could result from a \nnegative outcome on Project Stanley and therefore they can confirm whether I \nhave identified all the applicable sections of the EUA and Regulations that \naddress this issue. Based on my quick review I see a conflict between the \nMarket Surveillance Regulation and the Power Pool Rules.\n\nSection 15 of the current Market Surveillance Regulation provides the Power \nPool Council with the authority to impose sanctions on market participants \nthat are found to be in contravention of the Electric Utilities Act, the \nRegulations, the rules of the power pool, etc. There are four specific \nsanctions including: (i) fine, (ii) imposition of terms and conditions on the \nmarket participants activitives, (iii) direction to the market participant \nnot to engage in certain activity, and (iv) direction to the market \nparticipant to pay the costs of an investigation and hearing. None of these \nspecific sanction include suspension or revocation of a market participants \nPower Pool Registration. \n\nIn contrast to Section 15 of the Market Surveillance Regulation, Section \n9(1)(d) of the EUA authorizes the Power Pool Council to change the rules of \nthe Power Pool. Rule 2.5.3 of the Power Pool Rules allows for the Power Pool \nCouncil to revoke a Participant's registration for having contravened the \nPower Pool Rules. \n\nI believe it is necessary to at least consider whether Enron Canada should \ncall Sid Carlson (the ADRD Official responsible for the Market Surveillance \nAmendment Regulation) and verbally advocate for an amendment to the Market \nSurveillance Regulation that would serve to expressly remove any conflict \nbetween the MS Regulation and the Power Pool Rules in relation to the \nauthority of the Power Pool Council to revoke a participants registration. \nAn amendment that would limit the authority of the Power Pool Council to the \nfour sanctions in the MS Regulation would have the postive effect of \neliminating the risk of Enron Canada being suspended from the Power Pool (and \ntherefore remove one of the risks inherent in Enron Canada's participation in \nthe PPA Auction). \n\nAdmittedly, there is also a risk that our raising the issue could backfire \nand result in the ADRD entrenching such authority of the Power Pool Council \ninto the Regulation and therefore deprive Enron Canada of arguing (in the \nevent of a negative result on Project Stanley) that the Power Pool Council \ndoes not have the authority to revoke Enron Canada's Participant \nregistration. Aleck advises that the IMO in Ontario has the authority to \nrevoke the registration of a market participant and he is of the view that it \nis reasonable for the Power Pool Council in Alberta to have recourse to such \na sanction. I understand from Dalton McGrath that Blakes is of the view \nthat there is a very low probability of Enron Canada being sanctioned by way \nof suspension or revocation of its Power Pool registration in the event of a \nnegative outcome on Project Stanley. \n\nWhile I appreciate there are pros and cons to saying anything on this issue, \nthe MS Regulation is not frequently amended and the prospect of there being \nanother opportunity to influence its amendment in this regard prior to the \nresolution of Project Stanley is very remote. It is for this reason that I \nraise the matter now as the ADRD has indicated it will accept comments only \nuntil 12:00 p.m. Wednesday July 12. \n\nRegards,\n\nRob"} {"text": "Life Insurance Banner"} {"text": "oh\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 4:34 PM\nTo: erichardson@sarofim.com\nSubject: RE:\n\n\nmeans i could be tired afterwards.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 4:12 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n what does running have to do with going out?\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 4:05 PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n i might. i need to go running or something.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:58 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n no, i have to run some errands after work. are you?\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:52 PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n you partying tonight?\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:38 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n cool.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 2:35 PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n it was good. had some good meetings and stuff like that. didn't\n party\n or\n anything.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 2:28 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n how was portland\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com\n [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:49 PM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n great. good to hear. i got back last night.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Erin Richardson @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:15 PM\n To: Lenhart, Matthew\n Subject: RE:\n\n yeah, it was horrible, i didn't think i was going to be able\n to\n make\n it.\n when did you get back.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Lenhart, Matthew [mailto:Matthew.Lenhart@ENRON.com]\n Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 11:54 AM\n To: erichardson@sarofim.com\n Subject:\n\n\n did you miss me while i was gone?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n **********************************************************************\n This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its\n relevant\n affiliate\n and\n may contain confidential and privileged material for the\n sole\n use\n of\n the\n intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or\n disclosure\n by\n others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended\n recipient\n (or\n authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the\n sender\n or\n reply\n to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com\n and\n delete\n all\n copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n hereto)\n are\n not\n intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create\n or\n evidence\n a\n binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any\n of\n its\n affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party,\n and\n may\n not\n be\n relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel\n or\n otherwise.\n Thank you.\n\n\n\n\n **********************************************************************"} {"text": "Great! Thanks,\n\nFletch\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWebb, Jay \nSent:\tTuesday, September 04, 2001 5:57 PM\nTo:\tSturm, Fletcher J.\nSubject:\tturning off product autosuspend\n\nHi Fletch.\n\nAll products with the internal trader id of FSTURM\nhave been disabled for autosuspension if the system \ndetects that the Stack Manager has gone away.\n\nAlso, you should receive a call from the head of\nsupport to help you get the VPN software. Let\nme know if you do not hear from her.\n\n--jay"} {"text": "Nordic Power should be included\nEuropean Coal only they have US included in another Contract\nNordic Weather should be included\nEuropean Bandwidth is fine\nYes include US, UK and Asian Brent\n\nMark/Tana please add Nordic Power and Nordic Weather to the exhibit\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMcKinney, Lara \nSent:\tWednesday, October 03, 2001 5:08 AM\nTo:\tShults, Bob\nCc:\tGreenberg, Mark; Jones, Tana\nSubject:\tRE: Norwegian Energy and First Energy\n\nThe list looks good. Let me just make sure my understanding of the titles is correct...\n\nLara\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShults, Bob \nSent:\t02 October 2001 21:12\nTo:\tMcKinney, Lara\nCc:\tGreenberg, Mark; Jones, Tana\nSubject:\tNorwegian Energy and First Energy\n\nLara,\n\nWe are finalizing a Broker Client deal with the referenced companies. We are giving them access to European Gas, European Power, European Weather, European Bandwidth, European Coal and Brent Crude. Is it appropriate to use the following as the exhibit for this transaction? \n\nUK and European Gas\nUK and European Power [McKinney, Lara] - In this case 'European Power' does NOT include Nordic Power? \nEuropean Coal [McKinney, Lara] - Do you mean ONLY European Coal and do not want to include US as well? \nEuropean Weather [McKinney, Lara] In this case 'European Weather' does NOT included Nordic Weather? \nEuropean Bandwidth [McKinney, Lara] There is an initiative to launch Asian Bandwidth products. This is a ways from launch yet, but do you want it included? \nBrent Crude [McKinney, Lara] This one is pretty broad - since you have not listed a country, can I assume that you mean US, UK, and Asian Brent products? \n\n\nBob Shults\nEnronOnline LLC\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n713 853-0397\n713 825-6372 cell\n713 646-2126\nbob.shults@enron.com"} {"text": "Just wanted to let everyone know that Black and Decker is moving me to San\nFrancisco the first of September. Don't have an address yet, but cell will\nbe the same. CJ\n\n303-809-3541\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 08/29/2000 02:01 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nMatthew F Gockerman@ECT\n08/29/2000 01:57 PM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: VEPCO contact list \n\nMatt Gockerman\n713.853.3979\nEB4678\nmgocker@enron.com\n832.492.7328\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Kay Mann @ ENRON 08/29/2000 09:01 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Reagan Rorschach/NA/Enron@Enron, John Moore/Corp/Enron@Enron, Christi L \nNicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Terri Austin/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nnwodka@bracepatt.com, Lloyd Will/HOU/ECT@ECT, Larry Soderquist/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMatthew F Gockerman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Herron/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mitch \nRobinson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Gautam Gupta/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian \nKerrigan/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Ozzie Pagan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heather Kroll/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey \nKeenan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Herman Manis/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: VEPCO contact list\n\nI'm going to have an updated contact list prepared. Please email me with \nyour telephone, location, email address, and cell phone number, if desired.\n\nPlease let me know who should be added to this list.\n\nIf you are receiving this vis a cc, I have your information.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "let me know if you want me to bring something.\n\nlove\ne\n\n\n\n\n\"K. Bass\" on 06/08/2000 09:57:35 AM\nPlease respond to \"K. Bass\" \nTo: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: dinner\n\n\n\nLet me know if you can come. Just email me. I'm taking the kids out for a \nwhile. I will pick up more steaks so don't bring your own. If you can't \ncome, I'll freeze them, o.k.? LU-M\n - att1.htm"} {"text": "Antitrust training in EB46C1."} {"text": "Once the agreement is signed, it would prohibit us from issuing the golden\nshare, as well as the shares to ENA for enron online, unless we put that on\nthe disclosure schedule. However, since I don't know that we can get a\ngolden shareholder today, we should probably consider putting this on the\ndisclosure schedule to the merger agreement. Is it problematic for you to\ndisclose this to the other side? If so, we might be able to have the\ngolden interest issued to an individual who can later transfer them to a\ncoporate shareholder. Let me know what you think.\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Taylor, Mark E (Legal)\" on 11/05/2001 02:16:19 PM\ncc:\nSubject: Capital Contribution documentation\n\n\nUnder normal circumstances we would not need an Enron Corp. resolution\nand in fact the Corporate Secretary and Treasury offices can handle\nmoving the money around so we do not propose to do an Enron Corp. Board\naction unless you folks think it is absolutely necessary. The other\nresolutions we can get in place easily.\n\nI think Notre Dame agreement contains restrictions on what we can do\nwith capital stock of subsidiaries after it is signed -- does that mean\nwe need to issue the Golden Share today?\n\nMark Taylor\nVice President and General Counsel\nEnron Wholesale Services\n1400 Smith Street - EB3892\nHouston, Texas 77008\n(713)853-7459\n(713)646-3490 (fax)\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or\nreply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete\nall copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you.\n**********************************************************************\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n**********NOTE**********\nThe information contained in this email message is intended only\nfor use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader\nof this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or\nagent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you\nare hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or\ncopying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you\nhave received this communication in error, please immediately\nnotify us by telephone (214-746-7700), and destroy the original\nmessage. Thank you."} {"text": "Dan Walters: Blame game over California's energy crisis will continue for \nyears\n\n\n\n(Published July 24, 2001) \n\nThe wrestling match between politicians and Enron Corp. moved into a more \nintense arena over the weekend when a state Senate investigating committee \nsought contempt penalties because the huge energy company has refused to \nturn over internal documents. \n\nAlthough Houston-based Enron owns no major power plants in California, it \nhas adopted the toughest stance of all energy companies against the \nmultiple investigations of why wholesale energy prices spiked so high. And \nit has become, in turn, a whipping boy for California politicians. \n\nAt one point last spring, state Attorney General Bill Lockyer said he wanted \ncriminal charges against Enron and its chairman, Kenneth Lay. \"I would love \nto personally escort Lay to an 8-by-10 cell that he could share with a \ntattooed dude who says, 'Hi, my name is Spike, honey,' \" Lockyer said. With \nless colorful language, Gov. Gray Davis has often castigated Texas-based \ncompanies as price gougers -- even though Texas firms have been fairly minor \nsuppliers to California. \n\nSome of it is just buzzword politics. Lockyer and Davis know that \nCalifornians dislike anything associated with Texas, and Lay has been one of \nPresident Bush's major political supporters. Enron, meanwhile, cites the \nrhetoric as evidence that Lockyer, Davis and legislative investigators are \ninterested less in finding the truth than in seeking scapegoats. Enron also \nfiled a lawsuit challenging the legality of the Senate's subpoenas of \ntrading data. \n\nMost other energy companies have complied with the demands, creating \nSacramento repositories of the data under elaborate confidentiality \nagreements worked out with the special Senate committee headed by Sen. \nJoseph Dunn, D-Santa Ana. But Enron has refused, and on Saturday, Dunn \nsubmitted a report asking the Senate for \"an appropriate coercive \nsanction.\" \n\nDoes Enron have something to hide? Or does it sincerely believe that what's \nhappening in California is political scapegoating? Are the companies' fears \nabout the confidentiality of the data sought by the Senate justified? Would \ndata be selectively leaked to show the firms in the worst light? Would data \nbe used by competitors? Or could the information find its way into the hands \nof class-action attorneys? \n\nDunn, a prominent trial attorney himself, insists that confidentiality will \nbe protected and that the information being sought is only for legislative \npurposes. But Enron and the other companies have some reason to be wary of \nturning over confidential information to politicians. Similar information \nwas leaked -- without penalty -- in last year's investigation of former \nstate Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush. And there are indications \nthat private lawyers are working closely with investigators. \n\nMike Aguirre, the San Diego attorney seeking a \"smoking gun\" to prove \ncollusion among energy companies, supplied Dunn's committee with a few \ndissident Duke Energy workers who alleged, in highly publicized hearings, \nthat the firm had manipulated production at its San Diego plant to create \nartificial shortages and drive up spot market power prices. Duke then \nrefuted the charges by releasing some excerpts from the records of the \nIndependent System Operator, the controller of California's power grid, \nindicating that ISO had ordered the plant operational changes. \n\nAguirre subsequently asked the governor's office to pressure the ISO -- now \nunder Davis' direct control -- to release all of the Duke-related documents \nthat would show, he says, that the firm actually manipulated the situation. \nDuke and other companies insist that the ISO-held documents are proprietary. \nAguirre pleaded with one Davis adviser in an e-mail that \"we need your help \nin properly getting this information out.\" But Aguirre, in an interview, \nsaid he had not yet obtained cooperation from Davis aides. \n\nThe political and legal struggle to affix blame for California's energy woes \nwill continue for months, perhaps years. The crisis will cost ratepayers at \nleast $50 billion, and they'll want to know why as they make out their \nutility bill checks. \n\n\n\nThe Bee's Dan Walters can be reached at (916) 321-1195 or dwalters@sacbee.com\n."} {"text": "Panel OKs Subpoenas for Energy Companies \nElectricity: Special state Senate committee will demand pricing information \nin inquiry into whether California has been gouged. \nBy CARL INGRAM, MIGUEL BUSTILLO, Times Staff Writers\n\n\nSACRAMENTO--The Senate Rules Committee agreed Monday to issue subpoenas to \neight out-of-state power generating companies demanding documents on pricing, \nbidding and other aspects of electricity sales in the state. \nSen. Joe Dunn (D-Santa Ana), chairman of the special Senate committee that is \ninvestigating whether power wholesalers are illegally profiteering from \nCalifornia's energy crisis, said he expects the companies to resist. That \nwould set the stage for a court fight, he said. \nIn addition to subpoenas aimed at the private generating companies, the \ncommittee also put the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power on notice \nthat unless it voluntarily provides information on its power sales to the \nstate, the data will be subpoenaed as well. And the panel threatened to \nsubpoena records of the state Department of Water Resources unless it turns \nover information on how it has spent more than $7 billion to keep electricity \nflowing in California. \nUnder Senate regulations, Dunn's panel needed approval of the Rules Committee \nto issue the subpoenas. \nIndustry executives deny that they have broken any laws in selling \nelectricity at premium prices to California's financially strapped utilities \nand the state water department. \nThe subpoenas will be issued to Reliant Energy, which Gov. Gray Davis has \npublicly accused of price gouging, Dynegy Energy Services Inc., Williams \nEnergy, Enron Corp., NRG Energy Inc., Duke Energy, Mirant Inc., and AES Corp. \nDunn said executives of the generators seemed cooperative when the \ninvestigation was launched two months ago. Since then, he said, they have \nraised barriers, including demands that the confidentiality of their \ndocuments be protected. \nThe demand for information from the Los Angeles DWP and the state's water \nresources department were pushed by Sen. Ross Johnson (R-Irvine), vice \nchairman of the rules panel. \n\"Why are we not attempting to subpoena the Los Angeles Department of Water \nand Power? There certainly have been suggestions that they have profited,\" \nJohnson said, referring to reports from the California Independent System \nOperator about large profits that DWP made by selling power to the rest of \nthe state. \nReflecting the views of many lawmakers, Johnson said the Legislature also \nneeds information on power purchases that the state water department makes \nfrom wholesalers and the bidding strategies used to make the bids. \nDavis has refused to make details of the purchases public. He contends that \nif generators knew how much the state was spending on power, they might raise \ntheir prices. Several news organizations and a legislator are suing to make \nthe information public. \nSenate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco), chairman of the Rules \nCommittee, opposed issuing subpoenas to the city and state departments, at \nleast temporarily, leading to the agreement for a one-week delay before \nsubpoenas would be issued to the agencies. \nThe big energy companies also took a hit Monday from a leading advocacy group \nfor the poor. \nThe Pacific Institute for Community Organization, a coalition of faith-based \ngroups that has pressed for California to cover more of the millions of \nworking citizens without any health insurance, voiced concern that the energy \ncrisis is hitting the poor hardest. \nThe group, which scheduled a Capitol rally today, plans to urge political \nleaders to use the economic power of the state's huge pension funds to \nleverage the companies. \nThe two pension funds own at least $1.2 billion in stocks and bonds in most \nof the major firms involved in the state energy crisis, from Enron of Texas \nto Duke of North Carolina, the advocates said. \n\"They could bring the voice of stockholders into the debate, as a major \nstockholder, and take a more enlightened view of what is happening to \nCalifornia,\" said activist Jim Keddy. \"We really have no voice inside those \ncompanies right now.\""} {"text": "Hi Kate, Lindy Conrad a trader from Seattle City Light called me today. She \nthinks the price for deal # 537565.01 should be $360.00 instead of $350.00. \nShe said that Sean Crandall was our trader. \n\nLet me know what you find out.\nThanks,\nMelissa"} {"text": "eSource presents free Dow Jones Interactive training\n\nIntroduction to Dow Jones Interactive\nLearn about the content available through Dow Jones Interactive, and how to quickly put it to work for you. Including setting up your own custom clips and monitoring topics of interest to you.\n\nJune. 8\t 9:00 - 10:00 AM EB560\n\nAdvanced\nLearn how to be more efficient on Dow Jones Interactive. Put some power tools to work for you. Learn how to employ codes, use search history, and customize. Hands on time is provided.\n\n\t\t\tJune. 8\t 10:00 - 11:00 AM EB560 \t\t\t\n June. 8\t 11:00 - 12:00 AM EB560 \n\nSeats fill up fast! To reserve a seat, please call Stephanie E. Taylor at 5-7928\n\n?\tNo Shows will be charged $50.00\n\nCheck the eSource training page at http://esource.enron.com/training.doc for additional training sessions and vendor presentations\n\nhttp://esource.enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\n"} {"text": "This deal has been changed to firm energy.\n\nKate\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sharen Cason 01/22/2001 01:42 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: #502327\n\nThis deal is entered as CAISO energy , with a Palo Verde delivery point. Let \nme know.\n\nThanks!"} {"text": "Attached is a revised Credit Watch listing for the week of 5/7/01. Please \nnote that Upstream Energy Services, LLC (& Upstream Energy Company) were \nplaced on NO TRADES. Also, Bethlehem Steel Corporation and Westlake \nPetrochemical Corporation are new additions that require Credit approval. \nIf there are any personnel in your group that were not included in this \ndistribution, please insure that they receive a copy of this report.\nTo add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been \nsent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002.\nFor other questions, please contact Jason R. Williams at x5-3923, Russell \nDiamond at x5-7095, or Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002."} {"text": "FYI - see e:mail below from Sarah Novosel.\n\ngngr\n713-853-7751\n----- Forwarded by Ginger Dernehl/NA/Enron on 11/13/2000 11:20 AM -----\n\n\tSarah Novosel\n\t11/13/2000 11:02 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Ginger Dernehl/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FERC Staff Report on Northeast Markets\n\nGinger:\n\nWould you please circulate this summary to everyone in government affairs. \nThe summary is similar to the summary Christi sent to you on Friday on FERC \nStaff's report on the midwest and southeast regions.\n\nThanks Ginger\n\nSarah\n\n\n----- Forwarded by Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron on 11/13/2000 12:01 PM -----\n\n\tSarah Novosel\n\t11/13/2000 11:53 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Mark Dana Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul J Broderick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris \nDorland/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom May/Corp/Enron@Enron, Robert \nStalford/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey Miller/NA/Enron@Enron, Narsimha \nMisra/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe Quenet/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul Thomas/EU/Enron@Enron, \nRicardo Perez/NA/Enron@Enron, jader@enron.com, Michael Brown/NA/Enron@Enron, \nMark Bernstein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Healy/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nLlodra/Corp/Enron@ENRON, George Wood/Corp/Enron@Enron, Janelle \nScheuer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Gordon/Corp/Enron@Enron, Stephen \nPlauche/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jennifer Stewart/NA/Enron@Enron, David \nGuillaume/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Dutta/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daniel \nAllegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, Howard Fromer/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom \nHoatson/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Donna \nFulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nHain/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard \nShapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, John J \nLavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet R \nDietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FERC Staff Report on Northeast Markets\n\nAttached is a summary of FERC Staff\u0001,s November 1, 2000 report on its \ninvestigation of the Northeast region. The report is very encouraging \nbecause it is comprehensive and recommends many of the changes and solutions \nthat Enron has been advocating for years. The report is also encouraging \nbecause it indicates a significant level of understanding of the northeast \nmarkets (and the problems in these markets) by the FERC people who worked on \nthis report. Because this is only a brief summary, the entire report \n(particularly sections 4 and 5) should be read in detail. A copy of the \nreport is attached.\n\nPlease let us know if you have any questions or comments.\n\nSarah"} {"text": "Brian who?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kitchen, Louise \nSent: Monday, February 04, 2002 3:23 PM\nTo: Oxley, David\nSubject: Re: NETCo HR update\n\n\nHas Brian had his contract yet?\n--------------------------\nSent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld"} {"text": "I'm taking a look at this now. Dan says we need to file this Friday to make sure we meet the 10-day requirement in the statute. Will be trying to get individual customers to sign on as well. Already have call in to UC/CSU attorney.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Dan Douglass [mailto:douglass@earthlink.net]\nSent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 12:08 AM\nTo: ARM; Gary Ackerman; Vicki Sandler; Anderson, Robert; Merilyn Ferrara; Max Bulk; John Yurkanin; Steve Huhman\nSubject: Draft Application for Rehearing\n\n\nAttached for your review and comment is a draft application for rehearing of the Commission's Thursday Decision 01-09-060 suspending the right of direct access. Although we have prevailed (at least for now) on the issue of retroactivity, the decision still violates various provisions of state and federal law. If any party wishes to preserve the right to legally challenge this decision, it must file an application for rehearing within ten days. The attached draft is tentatively dated September 28, meaning that it would be filed next Friday.\n \nThe primary reasons cited for why rehearing should be granted are as follows: \n\n\nThe Decision violates procedural due process guarantees.\n\nThe failure to hold hearings violates Public Utilities Code section 1708.5(f).\n\n The Commission's reliance on material outside the record violates due process.\n\n The Decision violates the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.\n\n The threatened retroactivity is contrary to law and in excess of the Commission's authority.\n\n The Commission acted contrary to law and in excess of its authority. \n\n The Decision's purported findings are not supported.\n\nThe Commission has impermissibly converted a ratemaking proceeding into a quasi-legislative proceeding.\n\nAlthough WPTF members have not had an opportunity to consider whether they wish to support such a filing, WPTF is included as a named party in the attached because of the fact that AReM and WPTF have jointly made numerous other filings in this proceeding. WPTF members will need to determine if they wish to support this effort.\n \nI look forward to seeing your comments. Thanks, and have a gtood weekend!\n \nDan\n \nLaw Offices of Daniel W. Douglass\n5959 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Suite 244\nWoodland Hills, CA 91367\nTel: (818) 596-2201\nFax: (818) 346-6502\ndouglass@energyattorney.com "} {"text": "FYI ... Pam Becton had a problem with when Starr VPP showed up on the GL ... \nhere is Whiting's meeting notes with her.\n---------------------- Forwarded by David Baumbach/HOU/ECT on 05/14/2001 \n07:34 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Greg Whiting/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/04/2001 11:40 AM\nTo: David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Star VPP\n\nMet with Pam and here is the deal. Pam wants the P&L for the April deals to \nshow up in May GL. What I suggested to her was that rather than do anything \nfor the deals in risk or Portfolio that Pam defer the P&L on her company and \nrelease it the next month. This keeps things normal in our worlds and Pam \ncontrols when she sees the P&L on her company. She has agreed to do this.\n\nThere will be a new twist starting in July. Starr is supposed to become 3rd \nparty and the payment date is supposedly two months after the fact. Pam is \nchecking with legal to see if there is to be a complete unwind and rebooking \nbecause of structure changes to make the deal 3rd party or if we can just \nchange the counterparty on the deals. I'm sure we will be the last to know \nas usual.\n\n Greg x35399"} {"text": "Remember:\n\nThe free add/drop period will end on Wednesday Aug30 at noon. After that \npoint, we will submit add/drop bids to Pat at pryder@enron.com. \n\nTo review: add/drops will be done through an auction system. If you want to \npick up a player you need to submit a bid by e-mail to Pat by 5:00 PM on \nWednesday of every week. The person with the highest bid will receive the \nplayer ($0 bids are acceptable). \n\nEach team will start with $100 auction dollars. Each week the team with the \nlowest total points year to date will get $12 added back to their total, the \nteam with the highest YTD pt total will get $1 added back and teams in the \nmiddle will get their according dollar amount based on their rank in YTD pts.\n\n\nALL TRADES WILL BE ASSESSED A $5.00 flat fee.\n\n\nAlso, let me know how you want to handle dues (a total of $110). Should I \ncollect them up front ?\n\n-the commish"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron on 04/04/2001 \n11:28 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Hapner, Dede\" on 04/04/2001 11:16:37 AM\nTo: \"'rshapiro@enron.com'\" \ncc: \n\nSubject: FW: Calif Gov To Make 'Important' Energy Announcement Thurs\n\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Luo, Jay \n> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 8:05 AM\n> To: RRQ Revenue Requirements Department\n> Cc: Hapner, Dede\n> Subject: Calif Gov To Make 'Important' Energy Announcement Thurs \n> \n> Calif Gov To Make 'Important' Energy Announcement Thurs \n> LOS ANGELES (Dow Jones)--In a highly unusual move, California Gov. Gray\n> Davis Tuesday requested radio and television stations in the state to\n> clear five minutes of time Thursday evening so he can make an important\n> announcement regarding the state's energy crisis. \n> Davis is expected to deliver a speech at 6:05 p.m. PST and will likely\n> talk about the state's conservation efforts, a 4,000 megawatt shortfall\n> expected next month, the need to bring new generation online, recent rate\n> hikes ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission, and the\n> possibility for further rate increases this summer to keep the state's\n> three investor-owned utilities solvent, sources close to Davis told Dow\n> Jones Newswires. \n> The source said Davis is not expected to discuss a final agreement to buy\n> the power lines owned by PG&E Corp., unit Pacific Gas & Electric, Edison\n> International's unit, Southern California Edison, and Sempra Energy's\n> unit, San Diego Gas & Electric. \n> Davis' press secretary, Steve Maviglio, would not comment on Davis'\n> speech. \n> In a memo to the media, Davis' office said the governor will \"deliver an\n> important live address on energy from his office in Sacramento. During\n> this historic address to the people of California, the governor will speak\n> in detail about California's energy emergency and make an important\n> announcement.\" \n> The last time a California governor interrupted a broadcast schedules was\n> in 1992, when Republican Gov. Pete Wilson delivered a speech about the\n> state's budget problems, a spokesman in Davis' office said. \n> But Davis' staff said \"this is the first time in recent memory that a\n> Governor has asked for time statewide to deliver a live address to the\n> people of California.\" \n> -By Jason Leopold; Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3874; \n>"} {"text": "Please find below the weekly project status update of GTV and the attached file for the updated project timeline. Changes were underlined.\n\nGTV status meeting attendees: Zhiyong Wei, Jeremy Wong, Nayan Dattani, Bill Fortney, Karima Husain, Chuck Ames, Geoff Storey, Jay Krish, Jeff Gossett, Russ Severson.\n\nAccomplishments:\n?\tIncorporating physical deal positions in TDS:\no\tChanges for the view aggregation have been completed.\no\tExpandable Total in Cash Position has been completed.\n?\tSingle point of deal entry for term deals:\no\tReleased to production.\n?\tGas Daily deals:\no\tReleased to production.\n?\tLive feeds for Gas Daily/intra-month curves:\no\tReleased to production.\n?\tSaving different views in TDS:\no\tCompleted.\n?\tCapability for desk roll-ups on an ad hoc basis (phase 2, on hold since 7/9/01):\no\tNew process for roll-up aggregators has been completed.\n?\tOption Grid (phase 2):\no\tReleased to production.\n?\tGas Daily options (phase 2):\no\tReleased to production.\n?\tBasis Options (phase 2):\no\tDevelopment of deal entry type for Basis Options has been completed in TAGG.\no\tDevelopment of loading correlation curves has been completed.\no\tChanges to the Translator have been completed.\n?\tTransport Deal Capture & Valuation (phase 2):\no\tCreation of new deal entry type & database changes has been completed.\no\tChanges to the Translator have been completed.\n\nPlans for the week ending 7/27/01:\n?\tContinue IT development of Phase I items.\no\tUser acceptance test of physical deal positions in TDS.\n?\tContinue IT development of Phase II issues.\no\tChange PortCalc to value spread options.\no\tOption reports (PL reports).\n?\tNew flexible deal viewer.\no\tDatabase schema design.\no\tGUI development.\n?\tAdd more information to the drill-down deal details.\no\tContinue development.\n\nIssues:\nNone\n\nNotes\n?\tThe Calgary office is not able to use the new GDI calc for their Gas Daily books due to their current curve structure. New indexes were suggested for the GDI calc for Canadian Gas Daily books.\n\n \n\nThanks\n\nZhiyong"} {"text": "Hi how are you doing? I have a meeting from 4 to 5, do you mind waiting for me? Thanks.\n\nJohn\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tVillarreal, Alexandra \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 3:48 PM\nTo:\tGriffith, John\nSubject:\t\n\nhello"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Mike Carson/Corp/Enron on 09/08/2000 \n10:08 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMike Carson\n08/04/2000 10:22 AM\nTo: goodmand@kochind.com, meridetk@kochind.com, Trpape@aol.com, \ntpape@satake-usa.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: Baby Party/Shower\n\n\n\nSome friends of my wife and I are throwing a little bash on the evening of \nSeptember 9th for my upcoming baby BOY. I would like to invite you all to \nattend. I believe there will be a margarita machine....\n\nIf you want to come,, please reply by sending me your address. You will then \nrecieve an invitation by mail.\n\nHope to see you there,,\n\nMike"} {"text": "Shane,\nLaurel and I met with Sara Shackleton, Legal, yesterday.\n\nSara provided the following updates for Australia ISDA Agreements:\nNational Australia Bank Exectued 1/3/2000 on our side, received executed \nback from them 3/3/2000\nWest Pac Our end done, sent to them. Susan Flynn to follow-up to id where \nin process currently.\nANZ Bank We need to know the exact name of the entity we want the agreement \nwith so we can apply to the credit group to approve getting an \nagreement in place. \nThanks. Sheila"} {"text": "Thanks for getting him to call me, been great help in outlining what u need and when.. Will revert to the both of u towards end of week.\n\nTks MKF"} {"text": "Rick and Elizabeth:\n\nBelow are my budget spreadsheet scenarios for EIM, EGM and ENW. I have broken the budgets down by business unit. Let me know if you have any questions. \n\nLisa"} {"text": "Please contact Craig Breslau. I did not do any deals with Equistar, he did.\n\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 07/14/2000 09:29 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Settelement Request for an Equistar \"Buyback\" ticket with ENA as \nShipper\n\n\n \n Daren wanted me to make this request to you for an Equistar Buyback Ticket \non Enron North America{ENA}.\n \n Equistar has nominated activity on ENA for June and July 2000 production.\n \n Settlement seems to think a Buyback ticket is necessary to properly account \nfor Equistar's monthly activity."} {"text": "Please be advised that I will not be available for a conference call on the morning of November 2. Thanks."} {"text": "Folks,\n\nWe are scheduling interviews for candidates for the ENA Trading Track on Thursday. We have 10 external candidates interviewing and we would like your support to mix and mingle with them over an informal lunch at 12:45pm in Room EB42C.\n\nPlease let me know if you can attend.\n\nRegards,\n\n\nKaren\nx54667"} {"text": "britt,\n\nthanks your reply which is noted. you will notice i have excluded david best \nand ngregson (?) preferring to keep my comments in house as privileged info, \nunless you feel this msg should be forwarded to them later.\n\nfirstly, i am getting nowhere with mitsubishi on the settlement front. i have \ngone so far as to mention this morning to mitsuru that if this does goes to \narbitration, and should mitsubishi succeed in their position, this will only \nserve to increase our claim by a similar amount since these costs would then \nbecome part of our contamination claim. he seems quite content to let this go \nto arbitration. as an example, he was suppose to call me back this afternoon \nbut did not.\n\nsecondly, with regards to your comments, i would just respond/add the \nfollowing information:\n\n1. i don't know if i am switching tactics so much as following what should \nhave been done in the beginning (i.e. submit the claim to our insurance \ncompany and let them proceed against the owners). i honestly feel the \narbitrators will say, \"pay the freight (and possibly the demurrage now) and \nsettle the contamination claim as a separate issue\". clearly, the c/p says \nthat freight is due without deduction once the vessel has completed discharge.\n\non the issue of the \"pre-sale\" survey, i have discussed this matter \ninternally with eric tan. seems our position is that singapore considered the \nsample that was drawn as a bad sample as well as we were not sure that the \ntest methods used conformed with the testing methods required for first gas. \nthis position is proved by the loading of the pacific virgo when the product \nsubsequently tested on-spec for first gas. granted, it might still become an \nissue but, as you say. it could become an issue in either proceeding.\n\ni am getting a little confused on the matter of the joint testing. verbally i \nwas advised that enron did not want to have the joint testing - at least not \non a prompt basis. your msg now says that we do want to test the product and \nit should be done as soon as possible (as mitsubishi - and your advices that \nthe underwriters and hear owner's p and i club would want). i assume this \nchange is the result of the arbitration. \n\nbe that as it may, i do have a bit of information that you may, or may not, \nbe aware of or find relevant. when eric tan and i visited first gas in \nmid-oct to meet the personnel at first gas and witness one of the cargoes \nbeing discharged at the plant, we also took the opportunity to meet with sgs \nin subic bay to see their facilities and meet their personnel. during the \nconversation the subject of the elang cargo came up and the comment from sgs \nis that they were fairly certain it was off-spec due to \"bugs\". this may \nsound silly but i have heard of this before and is a problem with petroleum \nproducts.\n\nit seems sgs even went so far as to test the product themselves for these \n\"bugs\" and got a positive result. this test was not requested by enron or \nfirst gas and was done some time later in this process. i understand there \nmay be some concern on our part over our subsequent sales to third parties if \nwe knew there were bugs in the product. i would have to say that this was not \nknown at the time and even today is only conjecture based on sgs' advices \nmid-oct (well after these sales). sgs also described \"changes\" to the product \nwhich would fit with the cargo having bugs (i.e. a strong sulphur smell and \nchange in colour).\n\nif the testing is now done, i do not know if these bugs will be detected or \nnot. however, if they are in the ship's samples, they may have changed the \nsample sufficiently that even a visual observation may detect the problem. \nthe next problem becomes proving from where the bugs originated. were they in \nthe previous cargo tanks that were not cleaned properly? or were they in the \ncondensate when the cargo was loaded? obviously, testing of the shore sample \nprior to loading will determine the answer. if the shore sample is ok, then \nthey had to come from the ship. if the shore sample also has bugs, then we \nshould be claiming against our suppliers.\n\nthis of course assumes the suggestion put forth by sgs is in fact correct. \njust something else to be considered.\n\n2) i am not saying that we pay the full amount immediately but only the \nfreight portion (about $500,000). we then advise mitsubishi (or their \nlawyers) that we will now review the demurrage claim (about $260,000) and \nrevert by say end nov. the demurrage claim has been sent to our london \noffice's demurrage department and i have asked them for their comments on the \nclaim. after all, there may be issues with the ship's pumping performance or \nsimple laytime errors which may reduce the demurrage claim. they will try to \nget me a response before the weekend.\n\nin this manner, we pay part of the money but still have a smaller portion \nwhich we may apply against our claim once the test results are known. i will \nleave this to legal as to decide how the approach to mitsubishi or their \nlawyers should be made\n\nrgds"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Fairchild, Tracy [mailto:tracy.fairchild@edelman.com]\nSent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo: Allen, Stevan; arem@electric.com; Bob_Anderson@apses.com;\nbrbarkovich@earthlink.net; Britton McFetridge; cra@calretailers.com;\nDave Modisette; dennis.flatt@kp.org; dhunter@s-k-w.com; Dian Grueneich;\ndjsmith@s-k-w.com; Dominic.DiMare@calchamber.com; drothrock@cmta.net;\nFairchild, Tracy; gdoar@newpower.com; gharrison@calstate.edu;\nhgovenar@govadv.com; jackson_gualco@gualcogroup.com; James Simonelli;\nJanie Mollon; jerryl@abag.ca.gov; .gov@mailman.enron.com;\njohnlatimer@capitoladvocacy.com; Julee Ball; ken_pietrelli@ocli.com;\nkgough@calpine.com; kmccrea@sablaw.com; kmills@cfbf.com;\nlhastings@cagrocers.com; Manuel, Erica; Margaret Catzen; mday@gmssr.com;\nmmoretti@calhealth.org; nplotkin@rcsis.com; Paul Bauer;\nrandy_britt@robinsonsmay.com; richard.seguin@kp.org; RochmanM@spurr.org;\nrrichter@calhealth.org; sgovenar@govadv.com; smccubbi@enron.com;\nspahnn@hnks.com; sschleimer@calpine.com; vincent.stewart@ucop.edu;\nvjw@ceert.org; Warner, Jami; wbooth@booth-law.com; wbrown@lhom.com;\nwlarson@calstate.edu\nSubject: Urgent: Revised Letter to Angelides et al\n\n\nDAC members,\n\nYou should find that the attached letter incorporates the changes that we\nagreed to on today's conference call. Please notify me immediately if any\nof the content is a problem for you. Please note that I have listed ALL\nmembers of the DAC as signatories to the letter. The final thing I need\nfrom you is emailed approval from each of your orgs to send the document\nwith your group listed on it.\nIf you do not want your organization listed on this letter, or if I have\ninadvertently left yours off, please let me know ASAP. Edelman plans to\ndisseminate the letter by COB tomorrow. Thanks for your prompt attention to\nthis.\n\nTracy Fairchild\nSenior Account Supervisor\nEdelman Public Relations Worldwide\ntracy.fairchild@edelman.com\n(916) 442-2331\n(916) 447-8509 (fax)\n\n <>"} {"text": "Your eRequest's password is 6783\nTo use this password, go to the eRequest website and click on non-Corp logon.\nPut in your email address and the password above and click Log In, and you \nwill log into eRequest."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Nicholas O'Day/AP/Enron on 09/20/2000 \n05:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nNicholas O'Day\n09/20/2000 05:22 PM\nTo: Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES \n\nSubject: Enron Japan website\n\nMark,\n\nAs foreshadowed last week, we gave a presentation to Mark Palmer this morning \non the proposed Enron Japan website. Mark will be briefing Steve Kean \ntomorrow. We ran through a few background slides set out in the presentation \nand then went through the development site - dev.enron.co.jp. A copy of the \npresentation is attached.\n\n\n\nIn broad terms, we covered the following:\n\nWhy we are building the site\nWho we are targeting\nReinforced that the site is commercially focused - not brochure ware\nReinforced that the amount of material on the site is manageable and that we \nhad procedures in place to regularly update the site\nSought ongoing support for new material.\n\nI attach first drafts of articles which we propose including in the \nregulatory section . You can also view these articles in draft on the \nwebsite - entry via the homepage pictures or in the Japan Market page.\n\n We clearly need to conform the graphs and recheck the facts and figures with \na fine tooth comb. With that in mind, I would welcome your input on the \ncontent and the list of proposed future articles - set out on page 8 of the \npresentation.\n\n\n\nWe are proposing to have the website up and running by mid October with a \nview to launching the site to the public on 31 October, the date of the \noffice opening. Between now and then we need to tidy up the drafts, translate \nthem and then get sign off from PR, legal and Enron's web master.\n\nI will try to give you a call later today to briefly discuss.\n\nkind regards"} {"text": "Market Participants and Schedule Coordinators,\n\n Please be advised that all Supplemental Energy bids\n(including imports and exports) submitted to the ISO for use in the\nreal-time Imbalance Energy Market are considered to be \"FIRM\" (i.e., the\nbids cannot be withdrawn after 45 minutes prior to the Settlement Period and\ncan be dispatched by the ISO anytime during the Settlement Period, see - ISO\nTariff o\n\n Any bids labeled as \"Non- Firm\" or reported to the CAISO\nreal-time scheduler as \"Non-Firm\" or recallable will be rejected. The CAISO\ndoes not carry the necessary excess reserves to support \"Non-Firm\"\nSupplemental Imports.\n\n If there are any questions concerning this practice please\ncontact Brian Rahman at 916-608-5883.\n\n\nBrian S. Rahman P.E.\nManager of Markets - California ISO\nPhone (916) 608-5883\nPager (916) 814-0614"} {"text": "Good morning Norberto:\n\nEnron Corp. Research would like you to come in for an informal interview\nFriday, May 5, beginning at 1:30 pm. Following is a tentative schedule:\n\nVasant Shanbhogue 1:30 PM\nVince Kaminski 1:45 PM\nClayton Vernon 2:00 PM\nStinson Gibner 2:15 PM\nTanya Tamarchenko 2:30 PM\nGrant Masson 2:45 PM\n\nPlease let me know if these times work for you.\n\nThank you!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290"} {"text": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nW E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y\n\nF O R\n\nNovember 21, 2001 5:00pm through November 26, 2001 12:00am\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: \n\nARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nAZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n \nEES: \nImpact: EES\nTime: Sat 11/24/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sun 11/25/2001 at 6:30:00 AM CT\n\tSat 11/24/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Sun 11/25/2001 at 4:30:00 AM PT\n\tSun 11/25/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sun 11/25/2001 at 12:30:00 PM London\nOutage: EESHOU-FS2 \"R\" drive migration outage\nEnvironments Impacted: EES\nPurpose: migration of \"R\" drive to larger disk space\nBackout: restore from backup\nContact(s): \tMark Jordan 713-562-4247 \n\t\tRoderic H Gerlach 713-345-3077 \n\t\tJeff Hughes 713-345-8809\n\t\tTom Novark 713-345-4962\n \nENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages\n\nENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nFIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nINTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nMESSAGING: \nImpact: nahou-msmbx01p and 02p\nTime: Wed 11/21/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT thru Wed 11/21/2001 at 7:30:00 PM CT\n\tWed 11/21/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT thru Wed 11/21/2001 at 5:30:00 PM PT\n\tThur 11/22/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London thru Thur 11/22/2001 at 1:30:00 AM\nOutage: nahou-msdog01v\nEnvironments Impacted: Messaging Team\nPurpose: Need to make sure the hotfix works on a production box.\nBackout: remove EXifs.sys and replace with the previous version.\nContact(s): \tDavid Lin 713-345-1619\n \nMARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nNT: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOS/2: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOTHER: \nImpact: ENPOWER Application\nTime: Sat 11/24/2001 at 10:00:00 AM CT thru Sun 11/25/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT\n\tSat 11/24/2001 a 8:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 11/25/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 11/24/2001 at 4:00:00 PM London thru Mon 11/26/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London\nOutage: PWRPROD1 Maintenance\nEnvironments Impacted: EnPower Users\nPurpose: Maintenance of database objects. Increase efficiency of space utilization and query performance of the EnPower system.\nBackout: Revert to backed-up copies of objects (All will be backed-up prior to each re-org)\nContact(s): \tMichael Berger 713-345-3190 281-960-5571\n\t\tOracle On-Call DBA N/A 888-993-3793\n\t\tCharles Brewer 713-345-4868 281-960-7066\n\t\tTantra Invedy 713-853-4304 281-960-7184\n\nImpact: Corp\nTime: Thur 11/22/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT thru Fri 11/23/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT\n\tThur 11/22/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT thru Thur 11/22/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT\n\tThur 11/22/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London thru Fri 11/23/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London \nOutage: Test / Dev disk re layouts, server Croaker\nEnvironments Impacted: Custom Logs (CEI), EnPower, Equities, ERP/TRV, Estreme Relocation, Etalk, Government Affairs, Infinity, ITOPS, IZZIE, OMS (Yantra), RMS, SIEBEL, WEBMODAL, REMEDY \nPurpose: Migrate to the new more efficient disk layout with enhanced performance now that testing is complete.\nBackout: Restore original disklayout. Restore data from backup storage.\nContact(s): Dolan, Michael713-345-3251\n Wells, Malcolm713-345-3716\n \nImpact: Corp\nTime: Thur 11/22/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT thru Fri 11/23/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT\n\tThur 11/22/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT thru Thur 11/22/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT\n\tThur 11/22/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London thru Fri 11/23/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London \nOutage: Test/Dev maintenance weekend, server Salmon\nEnvironments Impacted: CAS, CPR, DCAF-2, ECM, EIM, Global, Infinity, MKM, PEP, POPS \nPurpose: Migrate to the new more efficient disk layout with enhanced performance now that testing is complete.\nBackout: Restore original disklayout. Restore data from backup storage.\nContact(s): Dolan, Michael713-345-3251\n Wells, Malcolm713-345-3716\n \nImpact: Corp\nTime: Thur 11/22/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT thru Fri 11/23/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT\n\tThur 11/22/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT thru Thur 11/22/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT\n\tThur 11/22/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London thru Fri 11/23/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London \nOutage: Test / Dev disk re layouts, Server Charon\nEnvironments Impacted: OPM, EnLighten, RAM \nPurpose: Migrate to the new more efficient disk layout with enhanced performance now that testing is complete.\nBackout: Restore original disklayout. Restore data from backup storage.\nContact(s): Dolan, Michael713-345-3251\n Wells, Malcolm713-345-3716\n \nImpact: Corp\nTime: Sat 11/24/2001 06:00 PM thru Sun 11/25/2001 6:00 AM CT\n Sat 11/24/2001 04:00 PM thru Sun 11/25/2001 4:00 AM PT\n Sun 11/25/2001 00:00 AM thru Sun 11/25/2001 12:00 PM London\nOutage: Test / Dev disk re layouts, server Ferrari\nEnvironments Impacted: CPR,EnPower, OMS (Yantra), Power-Exotic, SIEBEL, POPS \nPurpose: Migrate to the new more efficient disk layout with enhanced performance now that testing is complete.\nBackout: Restore original disklayout. Restore data from backup storage.\nContact(s): Dolan, Michael713-345-3251\n Wells, Malcolm713-345-3716\n \nImpact: Corp\nTime: Sat 11/24/2001 06:00 PM thru Sun 11/25/2001 6:00 AM CT\n Sat 11/24/2001 04:00 PM thru Sun 11/25/2001 4:00 AM PT\n Sun 11/25/2001 00:00 AM thru Sun 11/25/2001 12:00 PM London\nOutage: Test / Dev disk re layouts for astral\nEnvironments Impacted: DCAF3, EQUITIES, Phoenix, RMS, SITARA - OLTP, Infinity, ECM \nPurpose: Migrate to the new more efficient disk layout with enhanced performance now that testing is complete.\nBackout: Restore original disklayout. Restore data from backup storage.\nContact(s): Dolan, Michael713-345-3251\n Wells, Malcolm713-345-3716\n \nImpact: Corp\nTime: Sat 11/24/2001 06:00 PM thru Sun 11/25/2001 6:00 AM CT\n Sat 11/24/2001 04:00 PM thru Sun 11/25/2001 4:00 AM PT\n Sun 11/25/2001 00:00 AM thru Sun 11/25/2001 12:00 PM London\nOutage: Test / Dev disk re layouts for titania\nEnvironments Impacted: CAS, Custom Logs (CEI), Equities, Estreme Relocation, Global, Government Affairs, POPS, SIEBEL \nPurpose: Migrate to the new more efficient disk layout with enhanced performance now that testing is complete.\nBackout: Restore original disklayout. Restore data from backup storage.\nContact(s): Dolan, Michael713-345-3251\n Wells, Malcolm713-345-3716\n\nSITARA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nSUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nTELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages\n\nTERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nUNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFOR ASSISTANCE\n\n(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center\n\n\nSpecific Help:\nInformation Risk Management\t\t\t(713) 853-5536\nSAP/ISC (713) 345-4727\nUnify On-Call \t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-3757 [Pager]\nSitara On-Call\t\t\t\t\t(713) 288-0101 [Pager]\nRUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS\t\t\t(713) 639-9726 [Pager]\nOSS/UA4/TARP\t\t\t\t(713) 285-3165 [Pager]\nCPR\t\t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-4175 [Pager]\nEDI Support \t\t\t\t\t(713) 327-3893 [Pager]\nEES Help Desk\t\t\t\t\t(713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797\nTDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager]"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Heizenrader, Tim \nSent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 8:55 AM\nTo: Semperger, Cara\nSubject: Another Idea"} {"text": "London is very pleased with the speech. Thanks it was a great idea to \nprepare the presentation. Both Mike Hutchinson and Mike Farmer were very \nplease.\n\nThanks,\n\nMaureen\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Maureen Raymond/HOU/ECT on 11/09/2000 \n06:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMaria Abello\n11/09/2000 03:20 AM\nTo: Maureen Raymond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kirsten Ross/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Lunch Presentation\n\nHi Maureen,\n\nThanks very much for presenting yesterday. Your presentation created much \ninterest and as always we look forward to your return to London office for \nanother talk. The viewing statistics on IPTV were excellent and are as \nfollows:\n\nCurrent: 85\nCumulative: 110\n\nI have spoken to the audio visual team regarding the possibility of showing \nyour presenting on IPTV in Houston. It will take a couple of days to encode \nthe videotape, but as soon as this done, I will send a copy to you in \nHouston. They are also looking send the file to the relevant person in \nHouston so they can put in on IPTV. \n\nIf you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to call me.\n\nKind regards and thanks again\nMaria Abello\nEuropean Training and Development\nEnron Europe Ltd\nemail: maria.abello@enron.com\n+44 (0) 207 783 4787"} {"text": "Well, I was clearly too ambitious in setting out the schedule. My \napologies. I managed to trudge through the reading and the document last \nnight, but didn't not get to answering the question. I appears that this \nwill be a busy weekend. I've a feeling that I won't get my proposed answer \nto folks until Saturday afternoon for your review. If that poses a problem \nfor anyone, please let me know. I still intend to be the compiler of wisdom, \nso folks should feel free to distribute when they've got something drafted.\n\nBest,\nJeff"} {"text": "I have a customer that would like to be set up on Enron Online. He is a \nwimby and under our contract with him, he will back to back each trade with \npublic Service Company of colorado. In other words, he doesn't have his own \ncredit. Could you set him up, at least with a temporary password? His info \nis as follows:\n\nSandia Resources\nJerry Padilla\njerrypadilla@msn.com\n303-332-9725\n\nLet me know if you have any questions. And please let me know when you send \nhim a password.\n\nThanks,\n\nKim Ward\nPortland"} {"text": "Operations Kickoff meeting for Contracts & Capacity Release"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT on 08/29/2000 03:14 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nSteve Olinde@ENRON\n08/29/2000 02:58 PM\nTo: Brent Hebert/HOU/ECT@ect, Keith Comeaux/Corp/Enron@Enron, Chris \nLenartowicz/Corp/Enron@ENRON, George Diaz/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Justin \nLaverell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lloyd Will/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMitch Robinson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Richard Broussard/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nChristopher Watts/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Transfer an incoming call to \" Voice Mail \"\n\nThe procedure to connect an incoming call to \" Voice Mail \"\n\n1) If you pick up a call on someone's line, and the person calling request \nto be connected to Voice Mail:\n\n A) Press the \" T \" transfer button.\n B) Press * 99\n\n The caller is now connected to Voice mail.\n\n\n2) If a person calls on a line other than the employees line and is \nrequesting to be connected to their Voice Mail :\n\n A) Press the \" T \" transfer button.\n B) Dial 57001 and the employees extension number.\n C) Press the release button.\n\n The caller is now connected to Voice Mail."} {"text": "This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit.\nYour mailbox size is currently 109135 KB.\n\nMailbox size limits:\n\n\tWhen your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message.\n\tWhen your mailbox reaches 100000 KB you will no longer be able to send mail until the size of your mailbox is reduced.\n \nTo check the size of your mailbox: \n\n Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), \n Select Properties and click the Folder Size button. \n This method can be used on individual folders as well. \n\nTo make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. \n\nYou must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. \n\nTo turn Journaling off, \n click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items. \n\nSee client Help for more information."} {"text": "Looks good. I wouldn't stress the MOU, but would rather focus on the \n\"melding\" of alot of good ideas. The Investigation concession comes from \nwhom?\n\nJim\n\n\n\nFrom: Jeff Dasovich on 05/07/2001 09:22 AM\nSent by: Jeff Dasovich\nTo: skean@enron.com, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D \nSteffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron, Karen \nDenne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J \nMara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Scott Bolton/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, \nSusan M Landwehr/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul Kaufman/Enron@EnronXGate\ncc: \n\nSubject: Friday ReCap\n\nFolks: Let me know if this captures the results of the conversation on \nFriday.\n\nBest,\nJeff\n******************************************************************************\n*********************************************\nBasics of Proposal\nSomething akin to the MOU (that adequately addresses the solvency issue, for \nthe IOUs, the State and QFs), but WITHOUT the transmission component\nDirect Access for ALL customers, transitioning to a core/noncore market \nstructure in 18-24 months (this can be accomplished without stranding CDWR's \ncontracts)\nConcessions\n -IOUs (MOU modifications)\n -Generators (past due amounts)\n -investigations\nPackage to finance the deal (bond issuance backed by rate increases to permit \nsecuritization)\n\nMessage\nThis is the last best chance to achieve a comprehensive settlement\nWe have developed a comprehensive solution and are meeting with everyone that \nwill see us.\nWe have thus far received positive feedback on and a willingness to work with \nour proposal\nWe intend to work tirelelessly to gain support for a total solution---it's \nvital, and time's running out\n\nMedia Strategy---Karen Denne\n\nCorporate leader strategy---Karen Denne\n\nMeetings with legislators in Sacramento---Sandi McCubbin\n\nWPTF, IEP, ARM---Sue Mara\n\nLarge customers---Jeff Dasovich"} {"text": "Are you moving floors or just moving around on 31? I don't want a lump of \ncoal from you at Christmas.\n\n\n\n\nJanel Guerrero@ENRON\n05/03/2000 04:03 PM\nTo: Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: gossip\n\nWell, it looks like I'm headed over to the coal group. They called me up \nafter lunch and it's all just a matter of time. (I actually think the coal \ngroup cares more about emissions than power, so this might be better after \nall). Anyway, it appears pretty close to being a done deal. Barring any \nunforseen glitches, I should be up there in the next week or so. \n\nHave fun in Mexico!"} {"text": "Dear Rocky,\nSorry that I missed the get together at SMU last month, but from the\nlooks of the photos I've seen, a good time was had by all. Hope this\nfinds you healthy and doing well. My wife and I had dinner last night\nwith Tom and Betsy McSoley, and your name came up in conversation while\ntalking about the reunion. I wanted to touch base with you with a\npossible business start up idea that may fit into the types of online\nservices you offer with Enron. We are currently developing an online\nlicensing agency for the illustration and photographic markets, and I\nwould like to share the idea and our business plan with you to see if\nthere is any interest in what promises to be a growing marketplace.\nWhile some companies are currently involved in the photographic end of\nthis business environment (GettyImages, Corbis), we feel we have a\ncompetitive advantage in that our management team consists of some of\nthe top illustrators in the field as well as two of the best\nintellectual attorneys in the country. We currently have 250 artists and\ntheir collective body of work signed up, and are now in the capital\nraising stage, with a launch date of June 2001. I'd love the opportunity\nto talk with you further if you think this might be of interest to you.\nWhen time permits, please give me a call at 317 253 3141 and I'd be\nhappy to share more with you at that time. Thanks for giving this your\nconsideration Rocky, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.\nKai\nDave Lesh"} {"text": "Attached is the tasking letter based on the scope of work you provided. \nPlease let me know if you have any questions."} {"text": "Chris,\n\nWhalley will be on vacation all next week and I'll need to fax him copies of \nthe P&Ls. Please deliver to me print outs of the Gas & Power P&Ls for the \nweek of February 14.\n\nMany Thanks,\n\nLiz Taylor\nx31935\nEB3322"} {"text": "Please decide who should be assigned to this counterparty and add to Lotus \nNotes. It's a Top Ten and we need to follow up. Thanks. Sara"} {"text": "The title transfer fee is much like Michcon's in that if you move gas from \none marketer to another such as Columbia Energy Services to TXU instead of \nnominating directly to the end user themselves they charge you a title \ntransfer fee. TXU is the agent for Dahlmer Chrysler who is CES' end user \ncustomer. Therefore if Columbia were able to nominate from their pool \nDIRECTLY to Dahlmer Chysler they would not be charged the title transfer \nfee. However since TXU is there agent and CES has to nominate to TXU \n(marketer to marketer) they are charge the fee."} {"text": "Focusing the right people on the right issues is always a good idea. I would \nlike to visit with you to understand what you mean by \"operational issues\". \nMy team has a meeting every other Monday focused on operational risk and we \nhave various working groups that focus on key projects or initiatives that \nvary with need. A daily meeting on operational issues would need to have the \nappropriate team members there, and I hesitate to add an additional meeting \nto any key folks on my team if operational projects/initiatives are being \ncovered either in our Monday operational risk meeting or in another forum. \n--Sally \n\n\nFrom: Rick Buy/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/23/2001 04:55 PM\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nPort/ENRON@enronXgate, David Hardy/LON/ECT@ECT, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, \nWilliam S Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc: Ted Murphy/LON/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Operational Issues\n\nI think the daily IT issue meeting has been quite successful in addressing \nproblems in systems and working toward resolution on systems related issues. \nI would like to expand the scope of this meeting to include daily operational \nissues as well. \n\nI plan on restarting my attendance at these meetings on Wednesday. Can the \nRAC people listed above please make a start at some of the recurring issues.\n\nThanks, Rick"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Webb, Jay \nSent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 12:01 PM\nTo: Kitchen, Louise\nSubject: Cuts\n\n\n\nHi Louise,\n\nI asked each of my directs to consider 3 levels of cuts. I told them this is strictly an exercise at this point and that we haven't been given targets (trying to keep the emotion down). The three levels were:\n\n A. Remove capability for new projects but retain a reasonable ability to continue growth of our current application suite.\n\n B. Reduce to minimal development capability. Retain ability for operations and minor enhancements to applications.\n\n C. Cut to life-support level. Retain ability to operate the applications and fix bugs.\n\nThe cut levels are as follows:\nA. Reduce by 11 (to 129)\nB. Reduce by 21 (to 108)\nC. Reduce by 17 (to 91)\n\nJeff Johnson placed himself in the A cuts, though I removed him from that cut thinking I can talk him out of it. He is in the B cut.\n\nSteve Stock placed himself in the B cuts.\n\nMichael Guadarrama placed himself in the B cuts. He said he would probably leave if the A cuts were made but would wait until we got through the transition.\n\nHopefully we can hold this together.\n\nI'll try to call you to discuss.\n\nThanks.\n--jay\n\nJay Webb"} {"text": "it's been changed.\n\n\nStephanie Piwetz 03/30/2001 11:07 AM\n\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Deal 562195.01 \n\nKate, can you please correct the fee for del 562195.01, to .0275\n\nTHanks\nSp"} {"text": "Start Date: 4/19/01; HourAhead hour: 6; No ancillary schedules awarded. No \nvariances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001041906.txt\n\n---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----\n*** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule.\n Details:\n\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTRT\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 4/19/01\n TIE_POINT: FCORNR_5_PSUEDO\n INTERCHG_ID: EPMI_CISO_DESERT\n ENGY_TYPE: FIRM"} {"text": "Tanya: Based upon our earlier conversation, I will begin preparing masters \nfor the following parties with (1) no CSA, (2) bilateral cross-default at \nUS$100 million and (3) uncapped (or min US$100 million cap) guaranties for \ncounterparties required to post guaranties. The parties on Clint's list are:\n\n(1) Lehman Brothers Finance S.A. [have form of master and a form of guaranty \nfrom Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.] - Stephanie Panus\n\n(2) Credit Suisse First Boston International [no form of master]\n\n(3) Deutsche Bank [have a form of master from ENA negotiations]\n\n(4) Bear Stearns International Limited [no form of master] - Samantha Boyd\n\n(5) Morgan Stanley Capital Services Inc. [may develop form from ENA \nnegotiations]\n\n(6) Credit Agricole Indosuez\n\nTanya: Please let me know if any of the foregoing require parent guaranties.\n\nClint: Please identify the lawyer to whom I should address comments. Also, \nare there any others? ENE has an agreement with Toronto Dominion, NY Branch.\n\nSamantha: Please assign Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank and let me know who \nis handling."} {"text": "It's no coinicidence that there're three I's in polItIcIan. What, you live\nin Sacramento now? When're we going to play?\n\n\n>From: Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com\n>To: eldon@direcpc.com, psellers@Haas.Berkeley.EDU, cameron@perfect.com,\n>scottwl@hotmail.com\n>Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 12:03:33 -0500\n>\n>Dan Walters: Davis plays in a virtual world while the energy reality\n>continues\n>\n>\n>(Published July 11, 2001)\n>\n>\n>California still has a very real and very severe energy crisis, to wit:\n>\n>\n>(Embedded image moved to file: pic08526.gif)The state is still running up\n>massive debts as it pays more for power than it can recover from ratepayers\n>and is having trouble borrowing billions of dollars to cover the debt.\n>\n>\n>(Embedded image moved to file: pic13357.gif)There is a strong possibility,\n>perhaps a probability, that when summer's heat truly descends, there will\n>be severe power blackouts as air conditioners demand more juice than\n>California can generate or buy.\n>\n>\n>(Embedded image moved to file: pic29337.gif)One major utility, Pacific Gas\n>and Electric, has filed for bankruptcy protection and a second, Southern\n>California Edison, is on the brink of joining it.\n>\n>\n>There is, however, a virtual energy crisis consisting of political spin,\n>media leaks and made-for-television buzz words -- and it is rapidly\n>becoming dominant, while the real situation fades into the background.\n>\n>\n>This week's comic opera proceedings before a Federal Energy Regulatory\n>Commission administrative judge in Washington had little to do with reality\n>and everything to do with the virtual version.\n>\n>\n>Gov. Gray Davis and other officials demanded $8.9 billion in refunds from\n>the generators and brokers who have been selling California power for the\n>past year, alleging that California is, in Davis' words, \"being gouged and\n>ripped off.\" But the number itself was more or less plucked out of thin air\n>-- an arithmetic exercise by the state power grid's traffic controller not\n>intended for a refund proceeding. And while Judge Curtis Wagner saw it as\n>unrealistic, Davis and other state officials insisted on its validity.\n>\n>\n>\"There are refunds due that total hundreds of millions of dollars and maybe\n>a billion dollars,\" Wagner said as a final negotiating session collapsed.\n>But that's a far cry from the $8.9 billion that Davis insists is due. \"If\n>you think California is going to settle for $1 billion in refunds, we will\n>see you in court,\" Davis said Tuesday.\n>\n>\n>Why is Davis being so belligerent? Because it's good politics. Ever since\n>he began berating out-of-state generators and accusing them of ripping off\n>California, Davis' approval ratings have been climbing. If he settled for\n>substantially less -- the power generators probably would agree to a couple\n>of billion dollars to rid themselves of the matter -- Davis would be\n>embarrassed. Politically, he's served by continuing to portray himself as\n>fighting for California and against the out-of-state generators.\n>\n>\n>That it's more political construct than reality is indicated by another\n>event this week, Davis' release of state power purchase data from early in\n>the year -- numbers that were made public only because a judge told him he\n>had to do it.\n>\n>\n>Davis and his minions have been accusing Texas-based generators and power\n>brokers of particularly egregious price gouging -- clearly playing on\n>Californians' instinctive mistrust of anything Texan and implying that\n>Texan George W. Bush is a co-conspirator. But the power purchase records --\n>which were released only to journalists willing to pay a stiff fee --\n>indicate that less than 10 percent of California's power purchase dollars\n>were going to Texas and the private sellers, in general, charged the state\n>less than such publicly owned utilities as the Los Angeles Department of\n>Water and Power.\n>\n>\n>The clearly adverse position being taken by FERC and the purchase data that\n>undercut his jingoistic sloganeering are not, however, deterring Davis from\n>continuing to operate, at least for public consumption, in the melodramatic\n>virtual world.\n>\n>\n>One cannot, however, ignore reality forever. The likelihood of a\n>pro-generator decision from FERC means that there will be no easy out for\n>Davis, or for his pending deal to prevent Southern California Edison from\n>slipping into bankruptcy court. The Legislature has refused to act on the\n>Edison rescue plan while it awaited an indication of whether the utility's\n>debts would be slimmed down by FERC.\n>\n>\n>This week's farcical events make it more likely that the Edison deal will\n>stall out permanently in the Legislature and its creditors will force the\n>utility into bankruptcy court later this summer. That's part of that nasty\n>old reality that cannot simply be wished away.\n>\n>\n>\n>The Bee's Dan Walters can be reached at (916) 321-1195 or\n>dwalters@sacbee.com.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n><< pic08526.gif >>\n><< pic13357.gif >>\n><< pic29337.gif >>\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com"} {"text": "Good morning,\n\nENW Global Messaging would like to apologize for the previous version of the mailing. Below is the intended version.\n\n\nSignature Service: The Key To Customer Satisfaction ( Wilson Learning)\n\nCome join us and learn more about what it means to provide Excellent Service!\n(2 Classes have been scheduled with 20 slots available for each date.)\nOctober 18-19; November 1-2\n in EB 560 Cost: $740.00\n8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (1st day)\n8:00 am - 12 noon (2nd day)\n\nTopics Covered Include:\nDiscovering the Opportunities in Customer Satisfaction\nManaging Myself\nOpening the Interaction\nDetermining Needs and Expectations\nManaging the Interaction\nSatisfying Customers in Comfortable & Indecisive Conditions\nSatisfying Customers in the Insistent & Irate Conditions\n\nPlease log onto http://elm.enron.com to sign up for the class of your choice. The class is listed under \"By Invitation\" Category. If you have problems registering or have any questions, please call 713-853-0357."} {"text": "I can do it, but have to be at the airport before 2:00 for a flight to NY.\n\n\n\n\tSherri Sera\n\t03/14/2001 04:17 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Gas Controller's Association speaker (California Energy Crisis)\n\nSteve, Jeff will be in Boston on this date doing 1:1s following 1Q earnings \nrelease. Is this something you would be interested in/available to do? If \nnot, who would you recommend sending it to? Thanks, SRS\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron on 03/14/2001 \n04:16 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Poorman\n03/14/2001 03:14 PM\nTo: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Gas Controller's Association speaker (California Energy Crisis)\n\nThe Gas Controller's Association, of which I am the Assistant Secretary, is \nholding a meeting on April 19th at the Gulf South (Koch) Building. We would \nlike to present a speaker who can educate our members on the California \nEnergy Crisis, and discuss/present any of the proposed solutions thereto. \nWe would appreciate it if you could carve some time out of your very busy \nschedule. If you are unable to make any commitments, could you recommend \nsomeone within the organization who would be as well-versed on the topic?\n\nAbout our organization:\n\nThe mission statement of the GCA is to \"create an environment that \nfacilitates the exchange of current and practical information, while \nenhancing relationships and promoting goodwill between operating, scheduling, \ndistribution, and others involved in the process of\nmoving natural gas.\" In addition, the GCA provides scholarships to students \nwho plan to obtain a degree in a field deemed to be \n\"industry related\" from local area high schools.\n\nThank you for your time,\n\nMary Poorman"} {"text": "Southwest Airlines e-mail update for\nMay 29, 2001\n\n****************************************************************\nAnniversary Specials and Take Along Fares\nfor $30 Each Way\n\nI.\t\"Take Along\" Fares for $30 Each Way\nII.\t$30 Each Way Anniversary Specials\nIII.\tsouthwest.com Click 'n Save(R) Specials\nIV.\tClick 'n Save Subscriber Information\n\n***************** Take Along Specials *********************\n\nI. This week, Southwest Airlines is giving the\nSubscribers of southwest.com E-mail Updates an\nadvance notice of the latest special available systemwide.\nStarting this morning, Tuesday, May 29, 2001,\nSouthwest Airlines Customers will be able to\ntake advantage of the Special \"Take Along\" Fares.\n\nPurchase a special, discounted, roundtrip fare and\nTake Along a friend or family member for\nonly $30 each way with a 7-day advance purchase!\nReservation must be made in even number of\npassengers to qualify.\n\nFares do not include a federal excise tax of $2.75\nthat will be imposed on each flight segment of your\nitinerary. A flight segment is defined as a takeoff and\na landing. The fares listed do not include airport-assessed\npassenger facility charges (PFCs) of up to $18 roundtrip.\n\nFor more information and to reserve the Take Along\nSpecials, please visit us at:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/jp/hotfares.shtml?src=ta0529\n\n******** $30 Each Way Anniversary Specials ************\n\nII. This week's Anniversary Specials:\n\nBirmingham, AL to/from\n New Orleans, LA $30 one-way.\n\nBoise, ID to/from\n Seattle, WA $30 one-way.\n\nDallas, TX Love Field to/from\n New Orleans, LA $30 one-way\n\nLas Vegas, NV to/from\n Los Angeles, CA $30 one-way\n\nOrlando, FL to/from\n West Palm Beach, FL $30 each way.\n\nSt. Louis, MO to/from\n Tulsa, OK $30 one-way\n\nThe following restrictions will apply:\n\n*Available only at southwest.com\n*21-day advance purchase\n*Fares are nonrefundable\n*Travel June 19, 2001 through October 26, 2001.\n*Purchase beginning May 29, 2001 through\n May 31, 2001, midnight Pacific Time.\n\nFares do not include a federal excise tax of $2.75\nthat will be imposed on each flight segment of your\nitinerary. A flight segment is defined as a takeoff and\na landing. The fares listed do not include airport-assessed\npassenger facility charges (PFCs) of up to $18 roundtrip.\n\nPlease visit our Reservations section to reserve the\nSouthwest Airlines 30th Anniversary Specials at\nhttp://www.southwest.com/jp/hotfares.shtml?src=30th0529\n\n******* southwest.com Click 'n Save Specials********\nIII. We're letting Click 'n Save take a two week\nvacation while we offer the Take Along Fares.\n\nCheck out our Take Along Specials and Anniversary\nSpecials at:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/jp/hotfares.shtml?src=cns0529\n\n******** This is the Additional Information section********\nAdditional Information You Need to Know About All\nof Our Sales:\n\n*Changes to any portion of the reservation\n (flight, dates, cities, and/or names of passengers),\n once purchased, will result in the cancellation of\n the ENTIRE reservation and rebooking at the lowest\n fare available which could result in a fare increase.\n\n*Southwest specials are nonchangeable\n and nonrefundable.\n*Ticketless Travel Online may only be purchased with\n a credit card. Customers holding funds from\n a previously unused trip on Southwest Airlines or Customers\n who have Southwest Airlines vouchers will not be able to use\n those forms of payment for Ticketless Travel Online.\n*Unused funds may be applied toward future travel on\n Southwest Airlines within one year of the original purchase date.\n\n*Seats are limited and won't be available on some\n flights that operate during very busy travel times\n and holiday periods, such as Fourth of July and Labor Day.\n\n*Standby travel requires an upgrade to the\n full unrestricted fare.\n\n****************** Subscriber Information *******************\nIV. Please pass this great news on to your friends!\nTo subscribe to Southwest Airlines\nClick 'n Save E-mail Updates,\nvisit http://www.southwest.com/email/\n\nRemember, if you change your Internet service provider,\nyou will need to unsubscribe and re-subscribe in order\nto continue receiving Click 'n Save email updates.\nPlease visit our subscription page at:\nhttp://www.southwest.com/email/\n****************************************************************\nThis is a post only mailing from Southwest Airlines.\nPlease do not attempt to respond to this message.\n\nCopyright 2001 Southwest Airlines Co. All Rights Reserved.\n\n\n---\nYou are currently subscribed to special-offers as: gstorey@ect.enron.com\nYou can unsubscribe anytime at http://www.southwest.com/email/"} {"text": "pls print. thanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 11/09/2000 \n05:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Dan Fancler 11/09/2000 01:12 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Rudi Zipter/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bob Chandler/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Jerry Peters/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Drew \nFossum@ENRON, Tony Pryor/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: ETS Risk Management Policy\n\nRudi,\n\nBelow is ETS Risk Management Policy, which we would like Corporate to review \nbefore it is presented to management for approval and limit establishment. I \nhave also attached a 1st draft of the Risk Management Procedures and Controls \nthat while not all are fully in place we expect them to be operational once \ntransactional active increases. \n\nRudi, who would be the person to check with on this policy."} {"text": "As you can see from the attached, Stella and John continue to review EES' \nrate curves. We hope to really get this process fully up to speed with the \naddition of Amr Ibrahim to the group.\n\nJim\n\n\n----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 02/21/2001 07:58 PM -----\n\n\tStella Chan@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\t02/21/2001 01:45 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Janine Migden/NA/Enron@Enron, Barbara A Hueter/NA/Enron@Enron, Harry \nKingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, John \nNeslage/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\t\t cc: Robert Neustaedter/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Amr \nIbrahim/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Yolanda Lopez/HOU/EES@EES, \nPatrick Keene/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: IN PSI Curves\n\nPSI's HLFP and HLFS curves plus munis/co-ops were reviewed and attached are \nthe summary of the regulatory assumptions. \"Yellow\" is initially assigned to \nthe curves because of difference in opinion on the transition period \nassumption.\n\n\n\nPlease let me know if you have any comments. Thanks!\n\nStella"} {"text": "I hope that each one of you will arrange your schedules tomorrow to make the \ntime to vote. Also, please encourage everyone on your staff to take the time \nto vote tomorrow. For those employees who typically work later hours, \nplease suggest that they take the time to vote before coming to the office. \nEveryone should feel that they have sufficient time to make their vote \ncount. It should be interesting to watch the returns tomorrow evening. \nHopefully, we will have all played a part in the outcome."} {"text": "Michael, I'm responding on behalf of Jeff Skilling, who is traveling abroad.\n\nIt appears that this is informational only for Jeff, and you are not inviting \nhim to attend the meetings. If this is an invitation to attend, he is unable \nto as he will still be traveling abroad.\n\nSherri\n\n\nTo: Colin Skellett/BTH/AZURIX@AZURIX, John L Garrison/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, \nRebecca Mark, Andrea Mainelli/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Rodney \nFaldyn/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Amanda K Martin/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, John \nAle/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX\ncc: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, J Mark Metts/NA/Enron@Enron, Cliff \nBaxter/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Azurix Investment Banking Meeting\n\nI have made some arrangements in scheduling potential investment bankers to \ntalk with us about our current project. I have informed them about our \ncurrent situation and thinking, and they will be prepared to present their \nideas on deal process, potential investors/buyers, valuation, fee proposal, \ncredentials etc. I plan to make a decision very quickly regarding whom we \nwill work with, and get the process moving as quickly as possible.\n\nWe will meet with Merrill Lynch on Monday February 28 (a time has not yet \nbeen designated)\nSchroder's will be in our offices on Wednesday March 1, 2000 at 9:30 am\nI am still trying to schedule a date and time with Nicholas Wrigley and \nRothchild\n\nI would greatly appreciate your letting me know if (1) you have interest in \nattending these meetings and (2) you can attend a Merrill meeting on Monday \nand the Schroder's meeting on Wednesday. Thanks.\n\nMichael Anderson\n646-9666"} {"text": "Is this a final decision or are you still considering your options? Ron\n\n>>> 03/15/01 06:06PM >>>\n\nJim, Ron:\n\nWe're leaning toward plain-vanilla (1). The commercial attornies like the\ndevil they know (CDWR) more than the devil they don't (whomever would pick\nup the contracts if Tuscon prevailed and the BFMs were sent back to the\nPX).\n\nI have asked to sit down with Chris Yoder and Steve Hall to go over our\npositions in these charge back dockets more carefully.\n\nAlan\n\n\n\n\nFrom: James D Steffes@ENRON on 03/15/2001 09:53 AM CST\n\nTo: Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc:\n\nSubject: Interventions in Tuscon Complaint Proceeding\n\nWhat is your take on filing?\n\nJim\n\n----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 03/15/2001 09:41 AM -----\n\n \"Ronald\n Carroll\" To:\n Subject:\n\n 03/15/2001\n 09:30 AM\n\n\n\n\n\nJust a reminder that interventions and comments in this proceeding are due\nnext Monday, March 19th. This case concerns a complaint filed by Tuscon\nElectric challenging Governor Davis' and the state of California's\ncommandeering of the BFM contracts of SCE and PG&E. The complaint argues\nthat the contracts belong to interstate markets and are beyond the reach of\nthe state's eminent domain powers.\n\nWhile the complaint is consistent with arguments that we have made in the\npast on many issues, I am not clear whether, on a commercial level, EPMI is\nupset that the Governor commandeered the contracts. My surface analysis is\nthat the state is unlikely to pay fair value for the contracts and thus, if\nthis is the only consideration, we would be better off if the contracts are\nreturned to the PX to use as collateral on SCE's and PG&E's defaults\n(thereby mitigating chargeback exposure). I am not in position, however,\nto evaluate whether EPMI sees a commercial advantage in buying these\ncontracts from DWR as opposed to buying them back from the PX under the\nliquidation procedures announced by the PX before the contracts were\ncommandeered. FYI, the PX's procedures gave counterparties (such as EPMI)\nfirst opportunity to buy the contracts; when SCE protested this method, we\nintervened in support of the PX's proposal.\n\nWe have three courses of action: (1) file a plain vanilla intervention;\n(2) intervene and file short comments in support of the complaint; or (3)\ndo nothing. Since interventions and comments are due on Monday, please\nadvise as soon as possible which course you prefer. I am available in my\noffice (202-828-5872) to discuss.\n\nThanks. Ron"} {"text": "Jason: Before we designate specific individuals, let's think this through. \nA \"generic\" address may be more appropriate. Which agreement did we recently \nsign with reference to the \"Documentation Desk\"? Sara\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/15/2000 02:43 PM -----\n\n\tMike Fowler@ENRON\n\t08/15/2000 11:54 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: \"JASON PETERS\" \n\t\t cc: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: BuySideDirect\n\nJason, I suggest that Madhur Dayal be designated initially at the person to \nreceive notification of material changes to agreements. We should retain the \nability to change this contact person.\n\nSara, as noted in my earlier email to you and Sheila Glover, we should ensure \nthat agreements with online trading platforms allow for trading by ENA, ECT \nInvestments and EnronCredit.com. \n\nThanks.\n\nMike\n713-853-9990\n\n\n\n\n\"JASON PETERS\" on 08/14/2000 11:29:27 AM\nTo: \ncc: \n\nSubject: BuySideDirect\n\n\nMike,\n\nWho should notices be addressed to?\n\nJason"} {"text": "You have been added to the RRGA-L mailing list (RTO West Congestion Model\nContent Group) by Keith Dalia .\n\nPlease save this message for future reference, especially if this is the\nfirst time you subscribe to an electronic mailing list. 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After a while\nyou may find that this is getting annoying, especially if your mail\nprogram does not tell you that the message is from you when it informs\nyou that new mail has arrived from RRGA-L. If you send a \"SET RRGA-L ACK\nNOREPRO\" command, LISTSERV will mail you a short acknowledgement instead,\nwhich will look different in your mailbox directory. With most mail\nprograms you will know immediately that this is an acknowledgement you\ncan read later. Finally, you can turn off acknowledgements completely\nwith \"SET RRGA-L NOACK NOREPRO\".\n\nFollowing instructions from the list owner, your subscription options\nhave been set to \"NOFILES REPRO\" rather than the usual LISTSERV defaults.\nFor more information about subscription options, send a \"QUERY RRGA-L\"\ncommand to LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG.\n\nContributions sent to this list are automatically archived. You can get a\nlist of the available archive files by sending an \"INDEX RRGA-L\" command\nto LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG. You can then order these files\nwith a \"GET RRGA-L LOGxxxx\" command, or using LISTSERV's database search\nfacilities. Send an \"INFO DATABASE\" command for more information on the\nlatter.\n\nThis list is available in digest form. If you wish to receive the\ndigested version of the postings, just issue a SET RRGA-L DIGEST command.\n\nPlease note that it is presently possible for other people to determine\nthat you are signed up to the list through the use of the \"REVIEW\"\ncommand, which returns the e-mail address and name of all the\nsubscribers. 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Agip is \nparticularly adversely effected (as Agip in particular lacks reserves in the \narea). I understand the development of Jade by BG and Phillips and the \nsqueeze down of Texaco and OMV, the other Jade owners, by Agip to sell their \ngas to Agip was driven by this lack of reserves.\n\nYou will recall that liquidated damages was a big issue they wanted to retain \nthem rather than actual damages and we insisted that they remained at the \nsame absolute level as in the old agreement, so I believe they are 40% of the \nnew price (my memory is fading also). I do recall that they all insisted \nthat they would deliver the gas. However, as with most companies the players \nhave all moved on and a contract is a contract, afterall this was our \napproach. Also I am sure they intended to maximise production from J-Block \nand did not forsee a shortage of production.\n\n It would be interesting to know if this is an agreed policy by them or \nwhether one of the sellers is blocking the NBP sale by refusing to \nco-operate, they could do this because of the Common Stream Agreement. \nPresumably they have not yet split the 3 agreements yet.\n\nAs to opportunity if they are short of reserves, perhaps they can buy \nthemselves out of the situation, especially while the contract is in the \nmoney.\n\nWith my adversarial hat on perhaps BG want revenge for their loss in the \nappeal courts? This is probably nearest to the truth.\n\nI'm afraid this isn't much help and I do not recall any willful default \nprovisions in the agreement.\n\nRichard\n\n\n\n\nMike McConnell\n07/06/2000 14:49\nTo: Richard Harper/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: J-Block\n\nRichard,\n Hello from South America. I am forwarding this email from John regarding \nthe J-Block problems. Have you been involved in this? What are your \nthoughts? If you have any ideas or can provide with some help, please \nfollow-up. This is confidential but i thought you could help. When he \nmentioned this, I really couldn't remember much. Amazing how the memory \nfades on some of the details in just a few years.\n\nMike\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT on 06/07/2000 \n08:47 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n06/06/2000 12:09 PM\nTo: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Lewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Peter \nCrilly/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: J-Block\n\n\nI mentioned on our conference call on Monday that J-Block has had problems \nmeeting our nominations from the Judy/Joanne/Janice reservoirs.\n\nUp until recent CATS maintenance shutdown on 15 May, they were making up for \nreduced production volumes by nominating to supply gas at the NBP which they \nare entitled but not obliged to do. Since return from outage at the end of \nMay they have declined to nominate at the NBP. \n\nFrom 1 January to 15 May, the Sellers use of the NBP delivery option kept \nunderdeliveries to 350 mmcf (ie one day's maximum quantity) in total. Since \nreturning from the maintenance shutdown, underdeliveries have totalled 850 \nmmcf ( averaging 77mcf/d ).\n\nWe believe that following the sharp rise in market prices during the \nmaintenance period, they have decided to default on the contract rather than \nmake up deliveries from other sources. They have an effective cap on the \npenalties of about 5 pence per therm (after taking into account the value of \nthe liquids) and therefore they are not making up the volumes when the daily \nprice is substantially higher than about 16 pence per therm.\n\nPrior to the CATS shutdown, we had made them a proposal to enable them to \ndeliver additional volumes at another alternative to avoid default but they \nhave not responded yet.\n\nYou mentioned that in your negotiations with Phillips they had committed to \ngetting us all the gas regardless of the cap on the penalties. This has cost \nus about $1.5 million to date and they seem to be institutionalising their \nnon performance. Perhaps a phone call by you might help. \n\nBy the way I will be in Houston on Thursday and Friday to meet with the \ndelegation from Croatia and I will probably be tied up the entire time but if \nyou need me\nfor a phone call I can break away.\n\nJohn"} {"text": "The Floor presentations will be saved in \n\nO:Portland:WestDesk:FloorOverview"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT on 04/26/2001 \n10:33 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Veronica Espinoza/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/26/2001 10:02 AM\nTo: Janie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane Anderson/NA/Enron@Enron, Derek \nBailey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jean Bell/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nPatricia Boulanger/CAL/ECT@ECT, Bob Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie \nBrewer/NA/Enron@Enron, Lesli Campbell/ENRON@enronXgate, Celeste \nCisneros/ENRON@enronXgate, Sharon Crawford/CAL/ECT@ECT, Richard \nDeming/NA/Enron@Enron, Russell Diamond/ENRON@enronXgate, Cindy \nFeldman/CAL/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, Veronica \nGonzalez/ENRON@enronXgate, Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Walter \nGuidroz/ENRON@enronXgate, Larry Joe Hunter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam \nKeiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, Errol \nMcLaughlin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Nidia Mendoza/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom \nMoran/ENRON@enronXgate, Bianca Ornelas/NA/Enron@Enron, Leslie \nReeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Rohauer/ENRON@enronXgate, Dianne Seib/CAL/ECT@ECT, \nLinda Sietzema/CAL/ECT@ECT, Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ellen \nWallumrod/NA/Enron@ENRON, Melinda Whalen/CAL/ECT@ECT, Tiffany \nWilliams/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Credit Report--4/26/01"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOxley, David \nSent:\tFriday, December 07, 2001 5:01 PM\nTo:\tKitchen, Louise\nSubject:\tRE: Benefits for Terminated Employees\n\nWe've sorted this. They'll get packages in next couple of days. Distributions from savings plan may take a while.\n\nDavid\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKitchen, Louise \nSent:\tThursday, December 06, 2001 8:32 PM\nTo:\tOxley, David\nSubject:\tFW: Benefits for Terminated Employees\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nSeems like a logical request. Tell me 90 days is not serious??\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDinari, Sabra L. \nSent:\tThursday, December 06, 2001 2:48 PM\nTo:\tHall, Bob M; Kitchen, Louise; Lavorato, John; Black, Don; Dietrich, Janet\nSubject:\tBenefits for Terminated Employees\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nHi all,\n\nI just got off the phone with the Benefits Center and they are informing people that it could take up to 90 days for them to send \"termination packages\" out to these employees and then you can send in your forms and it will take another 30 days to get a check, specifically talking about the Cash Balance Plan money. This all happens AFTER they get a notice that you are terminated which they usually process on the 1st....come on, what is up with this??? It could very well take up to 5 months for people to get a check in their hands? That is not right. Since all of you have a lot more clout than me or any of the terminated employees, I'm hoping that someone will take this up with Human Resources or whomever to get this form downloadable or something to speed up this process.\n\nThanks.\n\nSabra Dinari"} {"text": "Please get this to Tino. I don't know what went wrong but the email didn't \ngo throught. Thanks. DF\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 07/21/2000 \n11:37 AM ---------------------------\n\nDelivery Failure Report\nYour document:\tFour Corners Pricing\nwas not delivered to:\ttmonaldo@mrg-11c.com\nbecause:\tNo route found to domain mrg-11c.com from server NAHOU-LN11/ENRON. \nCheck DNS configuration.\n\nWhat should you do?\nYou can resend the undeliverable document to the recipients listed above by \nchoosing the Resend button or the Resend command on the Actions menu. \nOnce you have resent the document you may delete this Delivery Failure Report.\nIf resending the document is not successful you will receive a new failure \nreport\nUnless you receive other Delivery Failure Reports, the document was \nsuccessfully delivered to all other recipients.\n\n\nNAHOU-LN11/Enron, NAHOU-LN11/Enron\n\n________________________\n\n\nTo: tmonaldo@mrg-11c.com\ncc: \nFrom: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron\nDate: 07/21/2000 11:03:08 AM\nSubject: Four Corners Pricing\n\nTino, attached is a spreadsheet with the info I think you need. I got the \npublication wrong--its \"Megawatt Daily\" that posts daily prices. Hope this \nis helpful. DF \n\nDrew,\n\nAttached is an excel file which contains pricing for the following delivery \npoints January 1, 1999 through \nApril 30, 2000:\n\n Four Corners\n Palo Verde\n Mead Nevada\n Southwest Power Pool\n\nLet me know if you want any additional information. We can get April 30, \n2000 to present information. I just\nhave to call RDI--they put it out by quarter so at the end of July we will \nget the next disk. They'll send me the\ndata if we need it.\n\nLorna"} {"text": "I'm OK with the language, but I want to make sure everyone is OK on the \nconcept. When we left this (unless there have been subsequent conversations \nwith ECS that I wasn't a part of) we rejected Courtney's proposal to reduce \nour up front payment by $500,000. He was to come back and propose a monthly \nquantity of gas to be paid over the term of the contract that would equate to \nthe $500,000, but I don't recall that we agreed to it. Did we intend to \nleave the issue open for more horsetrading on the amount of a haircut ECS \nshould take or were we content to cover ECS at 100 cents on the dollar? I am \nadvised that the Btu number in the letter would allow ECS to get the full \n$500,000 of up front value. \n\nRod and Steve--this one is up to you and I think its totally a question of \nwhether we want to argue for some more $$ because I can't think of any other \nopen issue with ECS on this or any other deals that we might be able to \ntrade. DF\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 05/11/2000 \n05:46 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Susan Scott 05/11/2000 03:37 PM\n\t\n\nTo: David Foti/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, James Centilli/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven \nHarris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Drew Fossum@ENRON \n\nSubject: Supplement to Gas Letter\n\nPlease take a look at this and let me know whether it accurately reflects \nwhat you discussed with ECS. I'm reviewing it now and will let you know my \ncomments soon. They want to sign this up tomorrow. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron on 05/11/2000 \n03:34 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nGerald Nemec@ECT\n05/11/2000 03:35 PM\nTo: Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Mark Knippa/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Supplement to Gas Letter\n\nSusan, Attached is the supplement to the gas letter which increases the \namount of gas TW delivers to the LLC. Please review and let me know."} {"text": "ian is a lawyer (UK and Canadian qualified)\n\nj\n\n\n\nFrom: Tana Jones on 28/02/2001 11:55 CST\nTo: Justin Boyd/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Andarko - European ISDA Negotiations \n\nIs Ian a lawyer, paralegal or Credit person? Also, Mark mentioned the London \nLegal has been restructured somehow, and he asked me to ask you if could you \nfax us an org chart that shows the structure...?\n\nI hear you got a fancy new car!\n\n\n\n\tJustin Boyd\n\t02/28/2001 11:41 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Ian Brungs/EU/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Andarko - European ISDA Negotiations\n\nTana\n\nGreat idea - here's our latest ISDA schedule (note the changes to law, \nprocess agent, notices, tax reps, etc)\n\nIf you work with Ian, that would be grand\n\nTooToo\n\nJustin\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Justin Boyd/LON/ECT on 28/02/2001 17:43 \n---------------------------\n\n\nMatthew Dawson\n28/02/2001 16:51\nTo: Nicola Beales/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Justin Boyd/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: ISDA schedule\n\n\n\nHere is e the Ectric schedule Template- please note ED'S emails relating to \nConditions Precedent and the Eligible Swap Participant Changes after the \nimplementation of the U.S trading legislation, the name of which momentarily \nescapes me!!\n\nM"} {"text": "I agree. It should be simulation and NOT sqrt(10). When I said 10 is OK, I was referring to delta-gamma. Naveen\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPort, David \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 3:39 PM\nTo:\tHayden, Frank; Andrews, Naveen; Jia, Winston; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.\nCc:\tBrackett, Debbie R.; Presley, Mike E\nSubject:\tRE: Bankruptcy and Old Co.\n\nI am afraid its simulation\nPlease refer to the Nike ads for a slogan\n\nThanks\nDP\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHayden, Frank \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 3:36 PM\nTo:\tAndrews, Naveen; Jia, Winston; Port, David; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.\nCc:\tBrackett, Debbie R.; Presley, Mike E\nSubject:\tRE: Bankruptcy and Old Co.\n\nI'm not in love with square root of 10, I prefer a simulation. If the best idea is the square root multiplication, please let it be so. I suggest using the up 99 field to saved the result in. This way we can start tracking it in database.\nThanks,\nFrank\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tAndrews, Naveen \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 3:32 PM\nTo:\tJia, Winston; Port, David; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Hayden, Frank; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.\nCc:\tBrackett, Debbie R.; Presley, Mike E\nSubject:\tRE: Bankruptcy and Old Co.\n\nAll, The majority of instruments are swaps so that should not be a problem. Delta-Gamma is a problem mainly for OTM options.\n10-days is OK and standard for Delta-Gamma. It is problematic for times greater than a month or more.\nNaveen\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJia, Winston \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 1:40 PM\nTo:\tPort, David; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Hayden, Frank; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.\nCc:\tBrackett, Debbie R.; Andrews, Naveen; Presley, Mike E\nSubject:\tRE: Bankruptcy and Old Co.\n\n\nEveryone,\n\nIf we do 10 days VaR, then people may challenge our delta-gamma methodology. With the high volatility of energy market and the long time horizon, delta-gamma method may not be appropriate anymore.\n\nAs I said before, if we don't have too many option deals, just multiply square root of 10 (for 10-days VaR) to one day VaR. If we do have lot option deals, then our current delta-gamma approach may not be good either.\n\nRegards,\n\nWinston\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPort, David \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 11:37 AM\nTo:\tRamesh, Ganapathy; Hayden, Frank; Jia, Winston; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.\nCc:\tBrackett, Debbie R.\nSubject:\tRE: Bankruptcy and Old Co.\n\nNETCO, if partnered with an ibank will require VaR over a ten day holding period so this is a change we would need to make anyway\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRamesh, Ganapathy \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 10:28 AM\nTo:\tHayden, Frank; Jia, Winston; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.\nCc:\tPort, David; Brackett, Debbie R.\nSubject:\tRE: Bankruptcy and Old Co.\n\nFrank,\nWe are going through a very difficult task of splitting hardware, software,licenses across NETCO and estate. There are massive database transitions in progress and testing scheduled on the new environments on both sides. Database or program changes at this point are very difficult.\n\nIf Nilay can come up with the changes and the impact on existing programs, we can see how we can fit these in. But right now our priorities are to cleanup data for NETCO, carry out testing for such a condition and make sure all systems function appropriately on Estate.\n\nRegards,\nRamesh\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHayden, Frank \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 10:24 AM\nTo:\tJia, Winston; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.\nCc:\tPort, David; Brackett, Debbie R.; Ramesh, Ganapathy\nSubject:\tBankruptcy and Old Co.\n\nIt appears that we may start developing a pattern of assuring that our positions/curves are correct to the best of knowledge/ability, either weekly or twice monthly. This being the case (Jeff and Stacey, please let me if weekly is a correct statement, say Friday?) we will need to enhance our daily VAR calculations with a longer holding period reflecting our \"best calc\" time frame. \n\nIn English, this means that we need to start measuring VAR for a 5 day or 10 day holding period, pending Jeff and Stacey feedback. What Risktrac needs to do regarding this business practice is report VAR for the longer holding period. Due to the portfolio having gamma exposures, we cannot simply multiply everything by the square-root of time. I suggest that in the RiskTrac system, we offer another box, in addition to the historical VAR box, a box for longer tenor. I recognize this requires some alterations, but with scaled back business perhaps it won't be extremely difficult.\n\nAdditionally, this doesn't mean that we stop the daily/nightly functions we've been doing since the dawn of time, but it does mean that once a week we have a very high confidence that our books reflect our \"reality\" the way we understand it.\n\nBad idea? Feedback?\n\nThanks,\nFrank"} {"text": "CORRECTION-------The first outage should be from 12:00AM to 12:00PM.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron on 08/25/2000 03:13 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy\n08/25/2000 03:08 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Stacey \nNeuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Kleberg plant outages in September-----Cornhusker\n\nI spoke with Michael Mazowita/White Pine Energy, as he said the expected \noutages are as follows:\n\n\nAugust 31st - September 1st 12hours 12:00pm to 12:00am No flow \n\nSeptember 25th-31st all days No flow"} {"text": "Poor Mouse! This sounds like fun! I would like to come if here.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDebra Perlingiere\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\nHouston, Texas 77002\ndperlin@enron.com\nPhone 713-853-7658\nFax 713-646-3490"} {"text": "You have been selected to receive either a BlackBerry or iPAQ if you feel it will meet your business needs.\n\nThe BlackBerry provides the following features:\nFully interactive - write, send, receive and respond to messages right from the unit\nSynchronize all email composed and responded to via your handheld with your desktop email\nEmail responses from RIM handhelds appear exactly as if they came from your desktop email\nAccess web information including stock quotes, news, travel, sports, entertainment and more\nCoverage that follows you nationwide - with no roaming fees\nThe iPAQ pocket PC is\nSimple to use slim and powerful Pocket PC in a leek, elegant design\nWireless-ready access to email, internet/intranet, and corporate network\nModular expansion packs for expandability and flexibility\nIndustry-leading hand held capabilities for the enterprise\nExtensive software suite\n\nIf you choose the BlackBerry device, it will also replace your current pager.\nFor more information or to schedule a preview of these devices call Jean McFarland at 51615. Upon ordering you will \nneed to provide Jean McFarland an email with your name and external ID. \n(Your external ID is located in eHRonline.enron.com. To find it, log in to eHRonline.enron.com. Select Personal Information, then select other.\nThis will bring you to your personal info page. Your external ID is located in approximately the middle of the page to the right of your SAP ID.) \n\nPlease reply by Wednesday, October 24th. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a call at 36136.\n\nRegards,\nDonna"} {"text": "Hi Everybody,\n?\nAs of February 20th, my work schedule is changing again.\nI'll be working from 8a.m. to 4:30p.m. at NCS, and from 6p.m. to 10p.m. at \nACT.? If you want to get a hold of me during the week, the best time to call \nis between 5p.m. and 5:30p.m. or between 10:30p.m. and 11:00p.m.\n?\n? I don't promise that I can talk for very long at these times (especially \nnot at the 5:00 interval), but if you have a quick question for me, or some \ninformation to pass along, those are the times you can do it.\n?\nIf you want to have a more substantial conversation, you can reach me on the \nweekend.? After putting in a 60 hour week, I tend to sleep a little late on \nSaturday.? I suggest calling after 11a.m. if you want a cheerful, alert \nresponse.? And of course,? you can always reach me by email.\n?\nPhil"} {"text": "The banks have given us the green light on gas. That means that they will \nbe prepared to fund with the back-up agreements only, even if the YPF GSA is \nbeing re- negotiated or if we are in discussions with other suppliers."} {"text": "2002 Seattle Super Saver\nHOTEL RESERVATION\n\nThis is an automated acknowledgement, please do not reply.\n\nYour Reservation Number is 3234G5BH0. This is not a Hotel Confirmation Number. A confirmation will be sent by the hotel, however, please retain this number for reference when making modifications to your reservation via this service.\n\nThank you for making your hotel reservation on Thu, Jan 3, 02 during the 2002 Seattle Super Saver over the dates of Mon, Oct 1, 01 - Sun, Apr 14, 02.\n\nMake all changes, new reservations and cancellations through www.seattlesupersaver.com or by calling 800-535-7071 or 206-461-5882 until Sun, Apr 14, 02.\n\nGUEST INFORMATION\nName: \t\tMs. Susan M Scott\nOrganization:\nAddress: \t\t3805 W. Alabama\n\n \t\tHouston, TX 77027\n \t\tUSA\nTelephone: \t713-775-6472\nFax:\nE-Mail: \t\tsscott5@enron.com\n\n\nHOTEL RESERVATION INFORMATION\nHotel name: \tClaremont Hotel\nAddress: \t2000 Fourth Avenue @ Virginia\n \t\tSeattle, WA 98121\nTelephone: \t206-448-8600\nFax: \t\t206-441-7140\nRoom reserved:\tDeluxe Two Beds\nNumber of rooms:\t1\nNumber of guests:\t1\nCheck-in:\t\tThu, Jan 10, 02\nCheck-out:\t\tSun, Jan 13, 02\nRoom Being Shared With:\n\n\nHOTEL RATES\nSingle Occupancy Rate:\nDate Rate\nThu, Jan 10, 02 $79.00\nFri, Jan 11, 02 $79.00\nSat, Jan 12, 02 $79.00\n\n\nAdditional charges per night, add $0.00 for 2nd guest, add $10.00 for 3rd guest, add $10.00 for 4th guest.\n\nThis rate excludes additional taxes and fees that may be charged by the hotel.\n\nSPECIAL REQUESTS\n\nAccessible Room Request: No\n\nCANCELLATION POLICY\nReservations may be cancelled up to 24 hours prior to arrival without charge. Reservations cancelled within 24 hours will be subject to individual hotel cancellation policy.

\n\nRates based on number of guests.
\n1= $79
\n2= $79
\n3= $89
\n4= $99\n\nA kind note about calling the hotel \"just to be sure\":\nPlease do not call your hotel \"to be sure\" until 24 hours after the reservations has been made. Please understand that processing your reservations from Seattle Super Saver into the Hotel system will take a little time. Rest assured that if you have received a reservation number already from Seattle Super Saver, the hotel will honor your booking. Thank you for your consideration.\n\nPasskey, its reservation system and/or their agents act only in the capacity of agent for all customers in all matters pertaining to hotel reservations, and as such are not responsible for guaranteed hotel rooms, damages, expenses, inconveniences or damage to any person or property from any cause whatsoever."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2000 12:11 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nChris Germany\n03/27/2000 09:18 AM\nTo: Kimberly Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan Junek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maureen \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New Phone # for Judy\n\n281-693-7427"} {"text": "Kay\n\nI do have those sig pages. Sorry about that -- I thought I had already given \nthem to you. I will bring them up to you this morning.\n\nRegards,\nRebecca\n\n\n\n\n\nKay Mann\n05/14/2001 05:39 PM\nTo: Rebecca Walker/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Search for sigs\n\nHi Rebecca,\n\nI'm trying to locate the sig pages for the NW guaranty. These were the docs \nthat I approved after I had approved the letter agreement. These signed \npages weren't with the letter agreements and change orders you brought me. \nTo you remember if you brought them to me before? I haven't really searched \n- I thought I would ask first.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Dana Davis/HOU/ECT on 11/28/2000 04:14 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Dana Davis 07/20/2000 03:51 PM\n\t\n\nTo: razz2@hotmail.com\ncc: \nSubject: Nikolas & Nikki\n\nNikki - call me after you get this.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Dana Davis/HOU/ECT on 07/20/2000 03:50 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Dana Davis 04/28/2000 05:24 PM\n\t\n\nTo: razz@pdq.com, kdavis2075@aol.com\ncc: \nSubject: Nikolas & Nikki"} {"text": "looks good to me. have you sent for materials yet?\n\n\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nI found a good place - Bay Area Sailing. When you have time, go to their \nwebsite - www.bayareasailing.com and let me know what you think.\n\n\n\nJohn Arnold\n04/11/2001 08:43 AM\nTo: Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\naustralia definitely sounds cool. might be a little tough though. \ni'd be in for keemah if you want to do that\n\n\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nI'm still going to do it. I found out about one trip/lessons - 7 days in \nAustrailia (Great Barrier Reef) - October - 40 ft. Beneteau - you are ASA \ncertified at the end. In other words, you could rent a sailboat anywhere in \nthe world when you are done. However, as fun and as cool as it sounds - it \nmay not be doable. \n\nAlso, got the name of a guy in Keemah that my friends took lessons from a few \nyears ago. I might give him a call - he may be expensive - they had their \nown boat.\n\nI will keep you posted -\n\n\n\nJohn Arnold\n04/08/2001 08:15 PM\nTo: Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nhey:\njust wondering if you're still up for sailing lessons and if you've found out \nanything???"} {"text": "Hi Amy, Jim Irvine (EBS head of Network Planning) and I (Team Lead, EBS \nResearch) will attend the meeting. We will have our assistances (Christine \nBlair & Kristy Carnes, respectively) arrange the trip. We will plan to come \nin the night before and return on March 2,00. \n\nAlso, either Vince Kaminski (MD and Head of Enron Research) or Stinson Gibner \n(VP, Enron Research) may also attend. They will let me know shortly if they \nplan to attend. \n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n\nP.S. Our company name has been changed to Enron Broadband Services\nKristy, Christine please make the appropriate travel arrangements. The place, \ntime, etc. are listed. \n\n\n\n\n\tamy@sdsc.edu\n\t02/24/00 07:07 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: CAIDA 'Metrics' WG meeting, 2 Mar 00 (fwd)\n\n\n\nHi Ravi,\n\nI wanted to follow up directly with you and see if you or anyone at Enron\nhad any interest in participating in the proposed CAIDA \"Metrics\" working\ngroup meeting?\n\nPlease let me know.\n\nAmy E. Blanchard\nCAIDA\n\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%\ne-mail: amy@caida.org\nphone: (858) 534-8338\nfax: (858) 534-5117\n\n\n B. WG Charters, Meeting on 2 Mar 00\n\n\nI believe that we should instead run a single CAIDA Working Group\non 'Network Metrics,' rather than the two proposed earlier. My draft\nof its charter is appended below. It focuses on producing educational\nmaterial about network measurement, and on developing new metrics - these\nwere the two areas of greatest interest amongst the CAIDA members.\n\nThe WG co-chairs are\n Sue Moon (SprintLabs) and Brett Watson (MFN/Abovenet)\n\nYou are invited to attend the first WG meeting.\nThe agenda is as follows ..\n\n Agenda for CAIDA WG meeting on: Thursday 2 Mar 00\n -----------------\n 10 am - 4 pm, AboveNet, Downtown SJC (see below for details)\n ------------ ------------\n\n 1. Review WG Charter\n - Is it reasonable as set out in the draft?\n - What should be removed or added?\n\n 2. Work through revised charter in detail\n - Identify the work required for each part\n - Determine who's willing to work on it\n - Attempt to determine delivery times\n\n 3. Discussion of new metrics\n - First attempt at making a list of metrics to be considered\n\n 4. Anything else ?\n\nLocation: AboveNet is located in the Knight-Ridder Building,\nattached to the Fairmont Hotel complex. The address is\n\n 50 W. San Fernando St.\n San Jose, CA 95113\n\nRSVP: To help us with organising the meeting, please send email to\n nevil@caida.org telling us how many will attend from\n your organisation.\n\n\nCheers, Nevil\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n Nevil Brownlee Visiting Researcher\n Phone: (619) 822 0893 CAIDA, San Diego\n\n\nCAIDA Network Metrics Working Group: Draft Charter, Tue 23 Feb 00\n\nGoals:\n 1 Education\n + FAQ on What does 'measuring the Internet actually mean?'\n - Why measure anyway?\n - What can be measured? How? Where? By whom?\n - Active vs passive, end-to-end vs provider network only,\n application vs transport layer\n - Rating schemes: provider 'net performance' pages, Internet\n 'Weather Map's, Keynote, etc.\n Publish as CAIDA web pages, or maybe as an Info RFC\n\n + Survey paper on metrics and Internet Measurement\n - Current measurement efforts (Surveyor, RIPE Test Traffic,\n AMP, IPERF, AT&T, Keynote,skitter, ...)\n - Current tools\n Publish as CAIDA web pages\n\n 2 Service Metrics\n + Define new metrics\n - Taxonomy of current metrics (IPPM, RTFM, ITU, ..)\n - Summary of metrics used for current services\n - Gather information/ideas about new/emerging services,\n especially DiffServ-based ones\n - Make list of new metrics, either to improve measurement of\n existing services or to support new ones\n [list of 'metrics' questions (Appendix A) goes here]\n\n + Organise experimental implementation/testing of tools\n for new metrics\n\n + Make recommendations on implementation\n - Define core set of 'really useful' metrics\n - recommend that CAIDA implement these as a\n 'Service Measurement Toolkit'\n\n + Publish new metric definitions through IPPM or RTFM\n\n + Produce document \"measurement requirements for hardware/software\n vendors.\" Publish on CAIDA web pages\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppendix A: Questions from the earlier draft CAIDA WG charters\n\n\n a. What types of network- and transport-layer metrics are being\n used by ISPs in engineering and operating their networks?\n By Customers for verifying service guarantees?\n b. What new services are being (or are likely to be) offered, e.g.\n DIFFSERV? Is there a need for higher-layer metrics to better\n monitor and manage these services?\n c. Will these new differentiated transport- and\n application-layer services need new metrics?\n d. How can the service metrics be measured in a multi-ISP\n environment?\n e. How can customers verify these measurements?\n f. What requirements would service measurement introduce for\n equipment vendors?\n\n\n g. How relevant are specific techniques (e.g. which flow) and\n points of measurement to specific users (ISP, customer, etc.)\n requirements?\n h. How do these metrics relate to network behavior as perceived\n by users? How do they correlate with performance?\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAppendix B: Background on the IETF Working Groups\n\n\n* RTFM WG: Realtime traffic Flow Measurement\n\nRTFM is concerned with passive measurements of two-way traffic flows,\nspecified in terms of their end-point attributes. Its primary goal was\n\nTo produce an improved Traffic Flow Measurement Model considering at least the\nfollowing needs:\n\n a. Wider range of measurable quantities, e.g. those\n relating to IPv6, and to class of service\n b. Simpler ways to specify flows of interest\n c. Better ways to control access to measured flow data\n d. Strong focus on data reduction capabilities\n e. Efficient hardware implementation\n\n\n* IPPM WG: IP Performance Measurement\n\nThe IPPM WG charter is to develop a set of standard metrics that can\nbe applied to the quality, performance, and reliability of Internet\ndata delivery services. These metrics will be designed such that they\ncan be performed by network operators, end users, or independent\ntesting groups. It is important that the metrics not represent a value\njudgement (i.e. define \"good\" and \"bad\"), but rather provide unbiased\nquantitative measures of performance.\n\nRFCs\n Framework for IP Performance Metrics (RFC 2330)\n Metrics:\n Connectivity (RFC 2678),\n One-way Delay (RFC 2679), One-way Packet Loss (RFC 2680)\n Round-trip Delay (RFC 2681)\n\nI-Ds\n Bulk Transfer Capacity (2x)\n Instantaneous Packet Delay Variation\n One-way Loss Patterns\n\n\n* Other WGs\n\nThe RMONMIB WG is thinking about 'Application Performance\nMeasurement.' This is clearly a hard problem (e.g. does this just\nmean response-time measurement, can it be done by passive means, how\nshould the measurements be presented, etc.).\n\n\nIn short\n - RTFM provides a good distributed measuring system for traffic\n volumes\n - IPPM has concentrated on transport-layer behaviour of the\n current, best-effort Internet.\n - RMONMIB is beginning to consider application-layer measurement\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"} {"text": "Thanks for the heads up. Good idea on Kim and Martha--pls line them up for \nthe next meeting after tomorrow (call Martha Benner to schedule) DF\n\n\n\n\nLee Huber\n10/26/2000 04:55 PM\nTo: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Various\n\nFERC Audit CWIP. The FERCERS wil be in Omaha Monday afternoon. Gary, Vince \nand myself have talked to the Regulatory Group about the Budget Item v. \nproject issue they had and i believe we are comfortable with the issue. We \nalso briefed Keith and Ray Smith on the format and likely questions focusing \non \"controls\".\n\nAlso at some future staff meeting I would like to volunteer Kim Watson and \nMartha Janousek to speak about Revenue Management and where we are in the \nprocess now. Maybe i can do alittle on business mthod patents which is \nsomething we are starting to look at."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2000 \n10:54 AM ---------------------------\n\n\ngreetings@ynot.com (Why Not Creations) on 01/05/2000 10:54:33 AM\nPlease respond to greetings@ynot.com\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Your card has been sent, or, if it's a delayed card, will be sent on \nthe date requested\n\n\n\nYour cards to the following individuals have been queued for sending on the \nproper date (those listed for today have already been sent):\n\n Richard at richard@austin.rr.com\n\nIf you want to check your card, visit:\n\nhttp://preview.ynot.com:80/cgi-bin/nd_CGI_50.cgi/YnotPhoenix/CPgRetrieveCard?f\nile=JXMZ685787"} {"text": "Joe,\n\nCongratulations. Well deserved. \n\nVince\n\nP.S. I shall call you Wed regarding a request to sponsor a publication\nby the Commodities Now magazine."} {"text": "I think you said you have this covered, but just in case, here is the \nlatest. DF\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 08/03/2000 \n08:34 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nShelley Corman\n08/02/2000 12:03 PM\nTo: David Badura/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dannis Bellard/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Mike \nBarry/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry Berger/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn \nBlair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jack Boatman/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Michael \nBodnar/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sean Bolks/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Joni \nBollinger/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Janet Bowers/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mike \nBryant/OTS/Enron@ENRON, John Buchanan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Craig \nBuehler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Burleson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rachel \nCady/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Allen Cohrs/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bill \nCordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Robert Cullen/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Rick \nDietz/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lindy Donoho/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dari \nDornan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John Dushinske/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jeffery \nFawcett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sharon Farrell/FGT/Enron@ENRON, John \nFiscus/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bill Fonda/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Drew \nFossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bill Fowler/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Steve \nGilbert/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John Goodpasture/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Morgan \nGottsponer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Robert \nHayes/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Rod Hayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Bambi \nHeckerman/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Stephen Herber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Staci \nHoltzman/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin \nHyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Martha Janousek/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven \nJanuary/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Beth Jensen/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Tim \nJohanson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dana Jones/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, rkilmer@enron.com, \nFrazier King/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Steve Kirk/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tim \nKissner/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Stephanie Korbelik/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Karen \nLagerstrom/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Laura Lantefield/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lorraine \nLindberg/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, TK Lohman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michelle \nLokay/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Teb Lokey/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Phil \nLowry/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Bill Mangels/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Miriam \nMartinez/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Penny McCarran/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dorothy \nMcCoppin/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Vernon \nMercaldo/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rockford Meyer/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Kent \nMiller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Paul \nMiller/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Jan Moore/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michael \nMoran/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Nacey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michel \nNelson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ray Neppl/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Dave \nNeubauer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sue M Neville/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jeff \nNielsen/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Tom Parker/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Larry \nPavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Maria Pavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Eileen \nPeebles/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Loren Penkava/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tony \nPerry/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Keith Petersen/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, jplace@enron.com, \nDon Powell/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ken Powers/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dan \nPribble/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Tony Pryor/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, David \nRosenberg/FGT/Enron@ENRON, James Saunders/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Dave \nSchafer/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Gaye Lynn Schaffart/NPNG/Enron@Enron, Darrell \nSchoolcraft/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tracy Schwartzkopf/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Donna \nScott/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Chris \nSebesta/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Frank Semin/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Neal \nShaw/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Richard Shepherd/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Gary \nSpraggins/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michael G Stage/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ray \nStelly/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, LD Stephens/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob \nStevens/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Christine Stokes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rockey \nStorie/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry Swett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kay \nThreet/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Linda Trevino/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Denis \nTu/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Mike Ullom/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lisa \nValley/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Stephen Veatch/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly \nWatson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steve Weller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Chuck \nWilkinson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jo Williams/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John \nWilliams/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jim Wiltfong/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Raetta \nZadow/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: RSVP: August 25 - Introduction to the Electric Industry\n\n\nBy now I'm sure that you've heard about the upcoming electric industry class \nthat has been customized for GPG staff. The purpose of the class is to \nlearn about electric utilities as our customers, learn about some of the \ncurrent regulatory and legislative debates and the impact on us, and to learn \nabout the economics of electric generation. \n\nThe class will be held on August 25 at the Downtown Houston Doubletree Hotel, \nGranger Rooms A & B from 8-5 PM. Stan Horton will open the class with \nremarks on why he believes GPG needs to learns about economics and trends in \nthe electric industry. The class includes a full day of course work and a \nworking lunch will be served. A workbook is being prepared and will be \ndistributed to you a week prior to the class. \n\nI hope you can attend. Similar industry classes can cost upwards of $600 per \nstudent. Our customized class can accommodate up to 100 attendees. Please \nRSVP to Ruth Mann by email by August 8 if you plan to attend. Once I get a \ncount of attendees from this list, I will open the class up to other GPG \nattendees."} {"text": "I made a few changes. Dari\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBenningfield, Robert \nSent:\tTuesday, February 05, 2002 8:30 AM\nTo:\tDornan, Dari; Blair, Lynn; Dietz, Rick\nCc:\tBerger, Larry; Bodnar, Michael; Buchanan, John; Johnson, Alice; Kowalke, Terry; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Spraggins, Gary; Zadow, Raetta; Benningfield, Robert; Forbish, Sherry; Greaney, Chris; Hibbard, Scott; Janzen, Randy; Linhart, Joe; McDaniel, Janet; Scurlock, Debra; Sturr, Kathy; Vaughan, Cara; Woodson, Harry\nSubject:\tContract 104307 Transfer Agreement (Revised 2/5/2002)\nImportance:\tHigh\n\n\n\nPlease review and forward any changes by Monday February 11, 2002.\n\n\n\t\t\t << File: TRANSFER 022002.doc >> \n\nThanks\n\nRobert"} {"text": "Frank and I are staying at the Sheraton Belgravia which is about a 5 minute \nwalk to our office -- it is small and quiet but nice rooms. It is not on a \nmajor street like Picadilly or Park Lane, but we like it. The rate is about \no190 a night\n\nWe had to move out of our flat on Monday, so are staying there until we \nleave. Right now we are scheduled to fly out on Sat the 20th.\n\nAlso --- just a few notes on next week\n\nI am free Monday night if you would like to have dinner. I know Frank and \nMaureen will be in Spain that night, they are back on Tuesday \n\nAlso my going away party that Fernley is throwing is on Wed night -- so \nhopefully most people will drop by there. It is just a pub thing near the \noffice, but hopefully you can make it! I am sure there will be dinner or \nsomething afterwards. \n\nTalk to you soon\n\nBeth\n\n\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sally Beck 10/01/2001 22:58\n\t\n\nTo: Beth Apollo/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: London Hotel\n\nRight now, I am booked at 47 Park for next week. I would love to be closer \nto the office, but I don't know if there is anything that makes sense. Any \nsuggestions? If not something close to the office, would you suggest another \nspot besides 47 Park? \n\nI am committed to working on my agenda for next week before I leave the \noffice tonight. I will e:mail you tomorrow to see if we can schedule a time \nto meet and hopefully a lunch or dinner, too. --Sally"} {"text": "i put in 35000 for the expected volume for the sale to SDS/TUFCO. Sitara \n276366"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 04/20/2000 \n08:29 AM ---------------------------\nSandra R McNichols 04/20/2000 08:20 AM\n\nTo: Irene Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathleen \nSpeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Berg/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Pass This on \n\nThanks to several of you who have sent this my way. I am SO BLESSED to be \nsurrounded by fine friends who are PROUD to proclaim we know and love the \nLord.\nS.\n\n\n\nIrene Flynn\n04/17/2000 07:29 AM\nTo: Rhonda Robinson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leon \nCernoch/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Mary Birmingham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cassandra \nMoses/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda L Lawrence/HOU/EES@EES, Cathy L Harris/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDonna Consemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, jmarcha@enron.com, Larry G Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSandra R McNichols/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ramirez@tisd.net\ncc: \nSubject: Do This\n\nI'm not ashamed to do this!]\n>> >\n>> > If you aren't ashamed to do this, please follow\n>> > the directions. Jesus said, \" if you are ashamed of\n>> > me,\" I will be ashamed of you before my Father.\" Not\n>> > ashamed Pass this on . . . only if you mean it.\n>\n>> > Yes, I do Love God. He is my source of existence and\n>> > Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday.\n>> > Without Him, I will be nothing. Without him, I am\n>> > nothing but with Him I can do all things through\n>> > Christ that strengthens me.Phil 4:13 This is the\n>> > simplest test . . . if you Love God, and are not\n>> > ashamed of all the marvelous things he has done\n>> > for you. Send this to ten people and the person who\n>> > sent it to you!\n>> >\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>"} {"text": "Kim, this link is available to all Enron employees. If you think anyone \nneeds it just forward it on.\n\n\n\n\tKim S Theriot\n\t03/07/2001 03:25 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Financial Trading Agreements Database Link\n\nJaime Williams and Agustin Perez in the Monterrey Mexico office expressed an \ninterest in this database so that they could track the progress of the ISDA \nMaster agreements for their counterparties. Let me know...\n\nKim Theriot\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Tana Jones on 03/07/2001 01:05 PM\nTo: Melissa Ann Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonda L \nDenton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jefferson D Sorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Larry Joe \nHunter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bruce \nMills/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Derek Bailey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jean Bell/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDiane Anderson/NA/Enron@Enron, Souad Mahmassani/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Andrea R \nGuillen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheetal Patel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jarrod Cyprow/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nScott Tackett/Corp/Enron@Enron, Gordon Heaney/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Pamela \nSonnier/HOU/ECT@ECT, David P Dupre/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brent Hendry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sara \nShackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCarol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nNeves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Financial Trading Agreements Database Link\n\nAttached is the link that will allow you access to referenced database. \nPlease note, that we have just upgraded the database to add the ISDA \ndefinitions, branch offices approved for trading, and market disruption \nprovisions. This information should be inputted for the new master swap \nagreements on a going forward basis, but we still need to go back and \nrepopulate the data for the existing master swap agreements.\n\nAlso, FYI, the \"See\" drop down is our nickname for the name changes and \nmergers reference. If an item is filled in for that entity it should show \nyou any prior or new names for the counterparty. \n\nIf there is anyone else who would like the link, please let me know and I \nwill forward it to them.\n\nWe hope you find the information provided in this database helpful.\n\n\nLink -->"} {"text": "Chris,\n\nHere is our status as of yesterday and answers to Richard's comments:\n\nPrimary issue: 4 to 5 second latency between Enron Stack/EnronOnline TEST changes to TrueQuote browser update. Updates from the Enron Stack to the True Quote interface bridge are instantaneous. \n\nOther issues:\n1. Products hit/lifted on Truequote do not show price/volume updates from EnronOnline after transaction is complete on EnronOnline.\n2. Multiple product activation results in a \"stepped\" display of products on Truequote browser as opposed to all at once on EnronOnline.\n3. EnronOnline sends a bundle of information (e.g. products activated, prices changed, etc.) to the Truequote server. Truequote server takes longer to process the incoming data than the EnronOnline server will stay connected. Truequote has possibly resolved this issue by sending an immediate response for all incoming data in order to prevent the EnronOnline server from cutting the connection.\n\nOracle error:\tKevin Meredith forwarded the email containing the text for the Oracle error to Kenneth Lim at 7:21AM. Kenneth responded with an answer as to why we were receiving the error for transaction attempts by 7:36AM. I informed Stewart Clark as to the status of the issue surrounding the Oracle error in our first conversation at approximately 9:00AM. Kenneth's response: Approximately 6:20pm Wed night, there was an update to the TEST database which caused this error, we resolved this error along with our internal EnronOnlineTEST site with the resynching of our servers.\n\nPrice Update on any transaction attempt: This has always been the case with EnronOnline to ensure the correct price is showing\n\nChris please call me on my cell 713 825-6372\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Edmonds\" on 03/15/2001 11:00:44 AM\nTo:\t\ncc:\t\"Stewart Clark \\(E-mail\\)\" , \"Richard Toubia \\(E-mail\\)\" , \"Dennis Crum \\(E-mail\\)\" \nSubject:\tFW: TQ-EnronOnline test Status\n\n\nBob:\n\nHere is my latest update from my team. How does it compare to your current\nstatus? In a conversation this morning with Stew, he brought up an\ninteresting point regarding the proposed performance of the connection.\nSince we are using the public internet VPN tunnel, we are encrypting the\ndata to /from EOL during this test. The encryption process is overhead on\nthe transfer between the systems. When we begin using the dedicated T1s,\nthe plan is not to use the encryption between the sites. This will\neliminate the associated overhead and increase performance.\n\nI will also call you to follow-up.\n\nBest regards,\nChris\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tToubia, Richard [mailto:Richard.Toubia@truequote.com]\nSent:\tThursday, March 15, 2001 11:10 AM\nTo:\tEdmonds, Chris; Crum, Dennis\nCc:\tClark, Stewart D.; Paxton, Chris; O'Neill, Maria\nSubject:\tTQ-EOL test Status\n\nPer your request, here are the testing status and issues:\n\nAttempting Transactions: EOL is sending an ORACLE Error which is failing\nany transaction attempt. A Bridge Server error is suspected. A copy of the\nError was emailed to Kevin Meredith and Jason Althaus yesterday. No\nresponse yet.\nEOL is sending a price update for any transaction attempt, Filled or Killed.\nThis was not expected by our team. (I think the stack manager is set up to\nautomatically regenerate a price, a different price if a transaction takes\nplace or same price if transaction is failed)\nThe price update triggers our Deal Execution Engine which attempts another\ntransaction, and we have a loop.\nPerformance issues: We are looking into improving performance on our side\n(such as better Data Base sweeping and STOR procedures). In addition, EOL\nis testing their speed on a LAN, we are testing over the internet with a\nmoderate-performance Server.\nIn addition, the first two issues have to be resolved before appropriate\nperformance evaluation can be meaningful.\nDuring testing we came across some issues:\nBad TRP for BOM + 1 in Gas. This was fixed\nEOL tried sending wrong Prices, wrong volumes or wrong products to test how\nour system will handle them. These wrong products/ prices/volumes were\ndisregarded and not posted at all (which is what we are looking for)\nEnform team are writing some code and changing other to accommodate some of\nthe issues that transpired during testing.\n\nRegards,\n\nRichard"} {"text": "Could someone please follow up on the status of this CP. Thanks. Sara"} {"text": "Please see the attached Management Report for June 23, 2000:\n\nTotal Today Year To Date Life To Date\n\nNumber of Transactions 1,823 163,332 168,333\nGross Notional Value $ 868,748,256 76,769,069,217 77,983,755,790\n \nRevenue from Physical flows to date ($) 4,559,544,125 4,655,295,617\n\n \nNew Counterparties transacting today 1\nCounterparties having transacted to date 373\n\nAlso attached is the Public Domain Report, containing information which is \nintended for use in presentations or reports which will be seen by \nindividuals outside Enron:\n\nTotal Life to Date Transactions > 167,000, which is > 52 % of Enron\u0001,s \ncurrent transactions for the month \nAverage Daily Transactions > 2,000\nLife to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $77 billion\nAverage Daily Notional Value = Approximately $1 billion, which is 45% of \nEnron\u0001,s Notional Volume\nNumber of Products Offered Each Day = Approximately 820"} {"text": "Attached is a copy of a letter which we are sending to our Corporate, Enron \nNorth America Corp., Enron Energy Services Operations, Inc., Enron Broadband \nServices, Inc., Enron Net Works, LLC, Enron Engineering and Construction \nCompany, EGEP Services, Inc., Enron Transportation Services Company, Enron \nProperty Services Company, and Portland General Electric Company vendors as \nan additional step toward implementing our commitment to conduct our business \naffairs in accordance with the highest ethical standards.\n\nWe are sending you a copy of this letter so that you will be aware that your \nvendors will be receiving this letter and so that you will be reminded that \nEnron does enlist the cooperation of its vendors in adhering to its Business \nEthics Policy. \n\nWe appreciate your efforts in contributing to an Enron work environment of \nwhich we can all be proud.\n\nSAMPLE\n\n\n\nNovember ____, 2000\n\n\n\nOFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN\nrHeadquarter_Name_\nrAddress_\nrCity_ rState_ rZip_\n\nDear Sir or Madam :\n\n Enron Corp. (\u0001&Enron\u00018) believes in conducting its business affairs in \naccordance with the highest ethical standards. Accordingly, employees of \nEnron and its subsidiaries are required to comply with Enron's Business \nEthics Policy which requires an employee to conduct himself/herself in a \nmanner which is not detrimental to the best interests of Enron and which does \nnot bring to the employee financial gain separately derived as a direct \nconsequence of his/her employment with Enron. Further, Enron's Business \nEthics Policy states that no lavish entertainment or gifts are to be given or \nreceived by Enron employees for special position, price, or privilege.\n\n Not only is it incumbent upon our employees to follow this policy, but your \ncooperation in respecting these standards is also critical. Enron expects \neach of its vendors and contractors to maintain adequate records that \ndocument its work relationship with Enron. Enron's auditing department will \nroutinely conduct business ethics compliance audits of certain vendors and \ncontractors with whom Enron does business. Your recognition of our ethical \nstandards allows Enron employees to work with you via arm's length \ntransactions and avoids potentially embarrassing and unethical situations. \nIf you ever become aware of variances from our policy, please advise:\n\nJames V. Derrick, Jr.\nExecutive Vice President\nand General Counsel\n(713) 853-5550\tor report\n\tanonymously\n\tto:\tEnron Compliance Officer\n\t\tCONFIDENTIAL\n\t\tConduct of Business Affairs\n\t\tPO Box 1188\n\t\tHouston, Texas 77251-1188\n\t\tor\n\t\tthe anonymous telephone line:\n\t\t(713) 853-7294\n\t\tor\n\t\tthe anonymous e-mail address:\n\t\tochairm@enron.com\n\n Your business relationship is important to us, and we look forward to \nmaintaining that relationship with you.\n\n Very truly yours,"} {"text": "On June 15th we will publish Low risk\nPRECISION BUY/SELL POINTS on the 10 stocks\nthat comprise the XAU index.\n\nFor once, get into a Bull Market early.\n\nSPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER\n\nSubscribe to the June issue for only $19, a 35% saving!\n\nOffer expires June 15\n\nFuture issues only $29\n\nCall 1-800-776-7966 to subscribe today.\n\nThe timing is right to start thinking GOLD\n\nSpecial combo offers on www.feargreed.com\nPBSP\n1-800-776-7966\n\n\nTransmissions by the sender of this email may be stopped at no cost to you by\nsending a reply to this from the E-mail address you received subject: Remove.\nPlease keep in mind it may take up to 48 hours to be removed. Thank you for your\npatience.\n\n**If you are receiving this message after you requested to be removed from our\nmailing list, please send an 2nd request to pbsp@feargreed.com subject : 2nd\nrequest"} {"text": "Lisa J. Mellencamp\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith St.\nHouston, TX 77002\nTel: (713) 853-7986\nFax: (713) 646-3393\nE-mail: Lisa.Mellencamp@enron.com\n----- Forwarded by Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 08:59 AM -----\n\n\tBrad Alford\n\t11/28/2000 06:06 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: W David Duran/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joseph Deffner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian \nKerrigan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charles Ward/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lisa \nMellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: David Leboe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chip Schneider/NA/Enron@Enron, Lewis \nWorthy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christopher Coffman/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin \nLiss/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Shirley A Hudler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephen H \nDouglas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Eickenroht/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Todd \nBusby/NA/Enron@Enron, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, William S \nBradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angela Davis/NA/Enron@Enron, bkalford@swbell.net, \nmattcook@velaw.com, dstone@velaw.com, mspradling@velaw.com\n\t\t Subject: 11-28-00 EPG/ECP Transaction Update\n\nWe are approaching the final countdown as to signing our definitive agreement \nwith El Paso regarding the sale of JEDI II's 51% interest in East Coast Power \nand ENA's $157.9mm of ECP Subordinated Notes. \n\nThe transaction has continued to develop along the lines of my last update of \n11-21-00. The terms and economics remain essentially as outlined on \n11-21-00. In summary, the primary form of consideration will be a \nderivative-like commodity agreement or a 'contract for differences'. This \ncontract will be exchanged in full for the SubNotes and the majority of our \nequity interest. The JEDI II equity interest will also receive a residual \ncontingent interest which will become payable in the event of a PPA \nrestructuring at the Linden facility. We are calling the derivative a swap \nbut it is more like a receivable. An El Paso affiliate (guaranteed by El \nPaso as parent) will notionally be paying NYMEX plus approx $0.52 \n(escalating) over seven years on a notional volume of 300,000 MMBtu/d and \nreceiving NYMEX. With netting the contract is simply a series of fixed \nquarterly payments over seven years. No offset rights and no limitations on \nthe guarantee - fully a stand alone agreement. \n\nWe are optimistic that we may be able to sign documents as early as Thursday \nnight. This agreement can be terminated at our option in the event that we \ndo not receive the necessary internal approvals. There are only two \nsignificant external approvals required, a NJ Environmental \n'non-applicability' determination and ECP credit ratings reaffirmation. \nAccordingly we expect at this time to receive the necessary internal and \nexternal approvals and close by year end. We expect that a public \nannouncement would be appropriate at the time both parties have received all \nnecessary internal approvals.\n\nThe portion of the commodity contract being exchanged for the SubNotes is \nexpected to be offered to Condor to monetize this portion of the contract at \nyear end. Subsequent to Condor's acquisition of its contract, both JEDI II's \ncontract and the Condor contract are expected to be monetized in a QSPE \nvehicle later in the first quarter. \n\nPlease call or email with any questions you may have. Thanks for your \nassistance in these matters."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n03:23 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVKaminski@aol.com on 04/08/2001 11:01:33 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: estimating tail of distribution and additional ri\n\n\n\n\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-ye04.mx.aol.com (rly-ye04.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-ye04.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.37) with ESMTP; Fri, 06 Apr 2001 18:55:49 \n-0500\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-ye04.mx.aol.com (v77_r1.36) with ESMTP; Fri, 06 Apr 2001 18:55:04 2000\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id WAA09923 for \n; Fri, 6 Apr 2001 22:55:03 GMT\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nReceived: from nahou-msmsw01px.corp.enron.com (nahou-msmsw01px.corp.enron.com \n[]) by mailman.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/corp-1.05) with ESMTP id \nf36Mt3L12194 for ; Fri, 6 Apr 2001 17:55:03 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from ene-mta01.enron.com (unverified) by \nnahou-msmsw01px.corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.1.5) with ESMTP \nid for \n; Fri, 6 Apr 2001 17:54:40 -0500\nSubject: Re: estimating tail of distribution and additional risk measures\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nDate: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 17:55:06 -0500\nMessage-ID: \nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on ENE-MTA01/Enron(Release 5.0.6 |December \n14, 2000) at 04/06/2001 05:51:08 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: multipart/mixed ; \nBoundary=\"0__=86256A26007DDD9B8f9e8a93df938690918c86256A26007DDD9B\"\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown (No Version)\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2001\n05:56 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n03/21/2001 09:58 AM\n\nTo: Naveen Andrews/Corp/Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron\nSubject: Re: estimating tail of distribution and additional risk measures\n (Document link: Vince J Kaminski)\n\nNaveen,\nthe \"analytical VAR\" approach is working for Equity portfolio.\nIt gives us the tool to examine the tails' behavior for this portfolio and\ncalculate \"Expected Tail Loss\".\nThe same should be done for commodities portfolio as well.\n\nMeanwhile, as we discussed, we can give some rough estimates of the losses\ncorresponding to percentiles other than 5th.\n\nLook at the figure below. You can see VAR numbers for 5%, 1%, 0.5% and 0.1%\ncalculated with\n1) simulations (100 thousand simulations);\n2) analytical VAR (gamma-delta positions representation)\n\n 1) and 2) are very close because there are not many options in Equity\nportfolio.\n\n3) simulations (1000 simulations) to calculate 5% VAR. Then in order to\napproximately estimate VAR for 1%, 0.5% and 0.1%\nI scaled 5% VAR with factors corresponding to normal distribution (for\nexample: Norminv(0.001,0,1)/Norminv(0.05,0,1) for 0.1%).\nThe result of such extrapolation in this case is quite good (just 5%\ndifferent from the correct number).\nWe probably can use such rough estimates of tail for commodities portfolio\nuntil we have proper methods implemented.\n\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic21543.pcx)\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n02/28/2001 01:17 PM\n\nTo: Wenyao Jia/HOU/ECT, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: Re: \"analytical\" var implementation in RisktRAC (Document link:\n Tanya Tamarchenko)\n\nDebbie,\nI am forwarding to you a 2 page document describing implementation of\n\"analytical\" VAR in RisktRAC.\n\nHere is why this effort is very important:\n1. We need to calculate VAR for other percentile but 5 (1% or even 0.2% as\nmentioned by Rick Buy)\nand our simulation model can not handle required number of simulations;\n2. We need to present additional risk measures (such as Mean Tail Loss) to\nthe Board.\n\nThe analytical approach is implemented in a spreadsheet and fully tested\nalready so there will be no problems\nwith the algorithm itself.\n\nWe need to get together and discuss IT implementation.\n\nWhat do you think?\n\nTanya\n\n(See attached file: Analytical_VAR.doc)\n\n\n\n\n\n - pic21543.pcx\n - Analytical_VAR.doc"} {"text": "Please activate long term phys index products in draft. They are one year \nindex products 02-04.\n\nThanks,\nMike\nx37031"} {"text": "Does anyone know this guy and should we interview him?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2000 \n11:10 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulia Murray\n01/21/2000 06:10 PM\nTo: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Bruce Stevenson - Resume\n\nPlease let me know what you think. Julia\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julia Murray/HOU/ECT on 01/21/2000 06:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nAnn Ballard@ENRON\n01/21/2000 10:55 AM\nTo: Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Bruce Stevenson - Resume\n\nHere's a copy of Bruce's resume. If you see that he has some skills that ENA \nlegal would be interested in, I would be happy to introduce him to you.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ann Ballard/Corp/Enron on 01/21/2000 \n10:54 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Bruce Stevenson\" on 01/21/2000 10:24:26 AM\nTo: Ann Ballard/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Bruce Stevenson - Resume\n\n\n\nAnn:\nI've attached my resume as requested. Many thanks for all your help!\nBruce\n\n - Resume.Enron.doc"} {"text": "Team, thought you would find this somewhat interesting \nand?explanatory?of?California's near? term panic . Our California \nCommission? is predisposed to do almost anything to stem the tide of higher \nenergy prices. Their latest manifestation of complete melt-down comes in the \nform of attempting to modify electric QF payments by abandoning the current \ngas index methodology utilized by all three utilities. Essentially, the \nproposed decision would?immediately (effective 12/1) abandon the old \nCalifornia border gas indexes in favor of adopting a \"proxy gas price\".? \nThis new proxy gas price would apply to all three utilities, PG&E, SCE and \nSDG&E. On a temporary basis, the gas index used for eventual electric QF \npayments will be an gas index consisting of? ( i ) 10 % of the simple \naverage of three border indices at Topock ( Btu Daily, NGI, Natural Gas \nWeek) and? (ii ) 90% of the SoCal Gas Core Wacog published monthly in \nSchedule G-CS or (in the case of PG&E) 90 % of their core published WACOG .? \nThe resultant reduction in electric QF payments is several hundreds of \nMillions of dollars just for? December alone.\n?\nSo what if anything does this mean to TW ?? Clearly, TW's short term desk \nmaybe be affected. If Cal border numbers run 14 - 20 dollars and power \npayments are based upon PG&E Wacog of $7.50 gas demand for electric \ngeneration will? moderate. Next, the heat level on the cause of why basin to \nborder price spreads are over $10 is not longer just a Commission vs.. EPNG \nissue. The entire California QF population becomes a huge stakeholder. The \nnever ending search for a \"bad Guy\" escalates. TW needs to be careful?from \nbecoming painted with a broad brush. TW is not one of the Southwest bad \nGuys. TW's pipe is not oversold, is point to point firm, widely held, useful \nto California's utilities etc.\n?\nIf any of this is useful and you want to further explore to potential \nramifications, please call .? Mark, IGS\n?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gwen Soong [mailto:igsinc@ix.netcom.com] \nSent: Monday, December 04, 2000 8:23 AM\nTo: Mark Baldwin\nSubject: FW: R.99-11-022 - ALJ Cooke's Draft Decision, Ruling, All-Party \nNotice - Section 390\n\n?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gallardo, Teresita C. [mailto:tcg@cpuc.ca.gov] \nSent: Friday, December 01, 2000 2:58 PM\nTo: 'jweisgall@aol.com'; 'rcsstl@cdmnet.com'; 'dnorris@sppc.com'; \n'mcmannes@aol.com'; 'lgurick@calpx.com'; 'woodrujb@sce.com'; \n'gbarnes@sempra.com'; 'bfinkelstein@turn.org'; Ramos, Julio J.; \n'dgrueneich@gralegal.com'; 'ktilton@gralegal.com'; 'alr4@pge.com'; \n'bcragg@gmssr.com'; 'eke@aelaw.com'; 'jsqueri@gmssr.com'; \n'bloomje@la.whitecase.com'; 'jkarp@whitecase.com'; 'lys@aelaw.com'; \n'edoneill@dwt.com'; 'lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com'; 'ssmyers@hooked.net'; \n'tomb@crossborderenergy.com'; 'pmcdonne@wenet.net'; 'jcrossen@apx.com'; \n'tridam@mlode.com'; 'plenv01@northcoast.com'; 'dkk@eslawfirm.com'; \n'bellery@spi-ind.com'; 'mpa@aelaw.com'; 'dws@keywaycorp.com'; \n'vwatkins@pira.com'; 'crochlin@socalgas.com'; 'ewheless@lascd.org'; \n'douglass@arterhadden.com'; 'robinsc@sce.com'; 'jleslie@luce.com'; \n'edward.c.ryan@monsanto.com'; 'robert.turner@engageenergy.com'; \n'ewills@globalfrontiers.com'; 'daipm@daioildale.com'; 'rboyd@enron.com'; \n'ed@apx.com'; 'rschmidt@bartlewells.com'; 'aod@newsdata.com'; \n'maclean@sf.whitecase.com'; 'alexm@calpine.com'; 'billw@calpine.com'; \n'rjszymanski@powerworksinc.com'; 'steve.huhman@southernenergy.com'; \n'rbw@mrwassoc.com'; 'difellman@energy-law-group.com'; 'rmccann@cal.net'; \n'blaising@braunlegal.com'; 'abb@eslawfirm.com'; 'etiedemann@kmtg.com'; \n'steve_ponder@fpl.com'; 'dbranchcomb@hesinet.com'; Stevens, Maria E.; Quan, \nEdwin; Wilson, Gregory A.; Loewen, James; Cooke, Michelle; Sabino, Pearlie \nZ.; 'jhoffsis@energy.state.ca.us'; 'jmathis@edisonmission.com'; \n'fspasaro@socalgas.com'; 'napedersen@jonesday.com'; 'cread@omm.com'; \n'dfollett@sempra.com'; 'bjeider@earthlink.net'; 'millerja@sce.com'; \n'jleslie@luce.com'; 'mshames@ucan.org'; 'mtierney@sdge.com'; \n'dhmaynor@worldnet.att.net'; 'furutanj@efawest.navfac.navy.mil'; \n'mflorio@turn.org'; Scarff, James E.; 'imoosen@gralegal.com'; \n'phanschen@mofo.com'; 'rschmidt@bartlewells.com'; 'aod@newsdata.com'; \n'david@mbvlaw.com'; 'jsqueri@gmssr.com'; 'bloomje@la.whitecase.com'; \n'chilen@llgm.com'; 'edwardoneill@dwt.com'; 'lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com'; \n'ssmyers@hooked.net'; 'rumla@earthlink.net'; 'igsinc@ix.netcom.com'; \n'gtbl@dynegy.com'; 'wbooth@booth-law.com'; 'rbw@mrwassoc.com'; \n'difellman@energy-law-group.com'; 'askaff@energy-law-group.com'; \n'tomb@crossborderenergy.com'; 'brbarkovich@earthlink.net'; \n'rmccann@cal.net'; 'cmkehrein@ems-ca.com'; 'bob@sierracc.com'; \n'lwhouse@el-dorado.ca.us'; 'bradylaw@pacbell.net'; 'abb@eslawfirm.com'; \n'abb@eslawfirm.com'; 'pstohr@dbsr.com'; 'njohnson@ciwmb.ca.gov'; \n'dbranchcomb@hesinet.com'; 'scohn@smud.org'; 'malcantar@aandellp.com'; \n'wgibson@nwppc.org'; 'dws@keywaycorp.com'; 'mbrubaker@consultbai.com'; \n'rboyd@enron.com'; 'foothill@lmi.net'; 'fosterbc@sce.com'; 'frl3@pge.com'; \n'wbyrne@forenergy.com.'; 'jmeith@minasianlaw.com'; Stevens, Maria E.; \nMinkin, Angela K.; Schumacher, Brian D.; Danforth, Christopher; Lafrenz, \nDonald J.; Ghazzagh, Farzad; Walker, Glen; Econome, Janet A.; Ajello, Julian \nE.; Halligan, Julie; Tan, Lee-Whei; Ziering, Mark; Cooke, Michelle; \nKinosian, Robert; Sarvate, Sarita; Linsey, Steve; Thompson, Thomas W.; \nMeyer, William; 'kgriffin@energy.state.ca.us'\nCc: Gallardo, Teresita C.\nSubject: R.99-11-022 - ALJ Cooke's Draft Decision, Ruling, All-Party Notice \n- Section 390\n\n<> \n<> \n<> \n\n - CPUC01-#84763-v1-I8907004_R9911022_Cooke_Ruling.DOC\n - CPUC01-#84823-v1-R9911022_Cooke__All-Party_Notice.DOC\n - CPUC01-#84805-v1-R9911022_Cooke_Comment_Dec_.DOC"} {"text": "Read about New York's electricity deregulation in eBiz.\n\nAlso in this issue:\nEnron's difference of opinion with the Bush Administration\nA California update\nTrading ad time at Enron\n\nIt's all in the latest eBiz. Go to home.enron.com, click Publications, then \nclick eBiz, and \"eBiz March 16, 2001.\""} {"text": "fyi, rick\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rick Buy/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001 04:11 PM \n---------------------------\nFrom: Rebecca Carter@ENRON on 01/24/2001 03:54 PM\nSent by: Kelly Johnson@ENRON\nTo: James M Bannantine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Cliff \nBaxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sanjay Bhatnagar/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nRick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Diomedes \nChristodoulou/SA/Enron@Enron, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nDerrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, peggy_fowler@pgn.com, \nMark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Ben F Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Hannon/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, David \nHaug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nLarry L Izzo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Steven J \nKean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike \nMcConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rebecca McDonald/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nJeffrey McMahon/Enron@EnronXGate, Mark Metts/NA/Enron@Enron, Cindy \nOlson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen S Owens@ees@EES, Ken Rice/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Jeffrey Sherrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John \nSherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Greg \nWhalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thomas E White/HOU/EES@EES, Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRaymond Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Wade \nCline/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, James A \nHughes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nJeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES, Harold G \nBuchanan/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES, \nMatthew Scrimshaw/LON/ECT@ECT, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, David Cox/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Steve Elliott/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Jim Fallon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Rod \nHayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Danny McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: Rex Rogers/Corp/Enron@Enron, Terry West/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nArmogida/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Joyce/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Pam \nButler/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Stephanie McGinnis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sharon E \nSullo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Castillo/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcia \nManarin/SA/Enron@Enron, Susan Skarness/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy \nGuidroz/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Beena \nPradhan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Karen K Heathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSharron Westbrook/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Molly Bobrow/NA/Enron@Enron, Kay \nChapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Harris/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bridget \nMaronge/HOU/ECT@ECT, mary_trosper@pgn.com, Nicki Daw/NA/Enron@Enron, Carol \nAnn Brown/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Elaine \nRodriguez/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Cindy Stark/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMary E Garza/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@Enron_Development, Maureen \nMcVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, Joannie Williamson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cathy \nPhillips/HOU/ECT@ECT, Loretta Brelsford/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nSue Ford/Enron@EnronXGate, Dolores Fisher/NA/Enron@Enron, Kathy \nMcMahon/NA/Enron@Enron, Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES, Dorothy Dalton/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Christina Grow/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lauren \nUrquhart/LON/ECT@ECT, Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Liz M Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJudy G Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Inez Dauterive/HOU/ECT@ECT, Veronica \nValdez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa Wright/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Peggy \nMcCurley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marsha Schiller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fiona Stewart/LON/ECT@ECT, \nJana L Paxton/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mrudula \nGadade/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Connie \nBlackwood/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Tammie Schoppe/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nKimberly Hillis/HOU/ECT@ect, Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sharon \nDick/HOU/EES@EES, Beverly Aden/HOU/EES@EES, Kathy Dodgen/HOU/EES@EES, Binky \nDavidson/HOU/EES@EES, Kerry Ferrari/LON/ECT@ECT, Carol Moffett/HOU/EES@EES, \nJennifer T Adams/HOU/EES@EES, Leah Rijo/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Lucy Marshall/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, \nKathy Campos/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Julie Armstrong/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Taria \nReed/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: ENE Committee and Board Meeting Schedule - 2001"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2000 11:34 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nChris Germany\n03/20/2000 12:19 PM\nTo: Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joan Veselack/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary \nTheresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Local Production from John Singer\n\n\nI had this filed in the wrong spot. These are John's citygate production \ndeals.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2000 12:17 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: John M Singer 02/24/2000 07:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: #2"} {"text": "Attached is the Top North America Legal Risks report. Mark Haedicke would \nlike you to update this report. Many thanks.\n\n\n\n\n\nJanette Elbertson\nEnron Wholesale Services\nLegal Department - EB3326\nTelephone: (713) 853-7906\nFax: (713) 646-2600\njanette.elbertson@enron.com"} {"text": "Deborah asked me to find swap forms that you left behind - she said these forms were prepared for vicki sharp. let me know."} {"text": "Hi\n\nI've attached a couple of files summarizing our progress and current status on modeling the bid-ask spread. The first summarizes characterization of the EOL Crude data and the second describes a bid-ask spread model based on options theory developed by Zimin (The figure from the paper is included separately). I am now setting up an Excel spreadsheet to test this model with the EOL data.\n\nLet me know when you would like to meet to review this.\n\nThanks, Bob Lee \n\n \n \n\n"} {"text": "/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\nWall of Champs Is Up! If you've made your playoffs or won your league, let\nthe world know about it. We've got our Wall of Champs up and running and\nwaiting for you. Check it out here http://footballguys.com/wall2001.cfm\nYou can add your team here http://footballguys.com/addwall.cfm There's not\nmuch better than flaunting your success in front of your league members...\n\nEnjoy.\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\n***Correction - In the rushing Matchups I just sent, I mentioned Stacey Mack\nplaying the Raiders last week. Obviously, I meant the Vikings as I wrote\nabout in the week 15 matchups.\n\nThanks.\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\nHi Folks,\n\nHere's how I see the Passing Game Matchups this week.\n\nPLEASE NOTE: See the cheatsheets online at www.footballguys.com for\nexactly where I rank players and to determine who to start. I always\nreceive emails asking me how I can have a guy ranked highly on the\ncheatsheet but listed under a matchup that favors the Defense. Just\nbecause one matchup may be more favorable than another, that doesn't\nnecessarily mean I'd start the player with the best matchup. Jeff Garcia\nmay have a horrible matchup one week but unless you're sitting on Kurt\nWarner or Brett Favre, Garcia's your guy no matter who he's lining up\nagainst. The matchup info is meant to be just one more tool in your box\nwhen it comes to deciding between players.\n\nNote: I've used the player stats sorted by performance over the last four\nweeks extensively in developing these write-ups. Stats are provided by Mike\nHall's excellent FLM League Management Software. http://www.fflm.com/ for\nmore info. The points scored by position data is from ESPN.com.\nLet's get to it.\n\nJoe\n\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\n\nPassing Game Matchups to Avoid and Exploit\n\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\nLocks: These games feature Defenses that have struggled lately.\n\n\nArizona Passing Game vs Carolina Defense\n\nJake Plummer came up small last week with just 144 yards against a hot\nDallas pass Defense. Surprisingly, David Boston was a non factor with just\n26 yards. Although he still had a ton of balls thrown his way so there's\nnothing to worry about. Carolina ranks # 30 in Passing Yards Allowed Per\nGame over the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 28 in Fantasy\nPoints Allowed to QBs and # 22 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nCleveland Passing Game vs Tennessee Defense\n\nTim Couch threw for 203 yards and a TD last week against Green Bay which was\nthe 12th best day among QBs last week ahead of guys like Manning, McNair and\nGarcia. Clearly, the matchup helped him out. Kevin Johnson, as usual,\nwas his primary target although it was good to see RB Jamel White involved\nin the passing game with lots of passes thrown his way. The Titans have\nbeen awful lately against the pass ranking # 29 in Passing Yards Allowed Per\nGame over the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 30 in Fantasy\nPoints Allowed to QBs and # 31 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs. Again,\nsome people have a hard time understanding what these matchups provide - I'm\nnot saying Couch will have a great game. Check the cheatsheet rankings for\nwhere we have him. What I'm saying is that he has a great matchup here\nagainst the Titans who've struggled against the pass all year.\n\n\nMiami Passing Game vs Atlanta Defense\n\nJay Fiedler exploded for 320 yards and a TD last week. Finally,\nFootballguy Favorite Chris Chambers got a start and delivered big time with\n124 yards on 7 receptions. He did tweak an ankle but is expected to be ok\nthis week. TE Jed Weaver also saw lots of passes thrown his way. The\nFalcons rank # 31 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four\nweeks. For the year, they rank # 29 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and #\n30 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nNew York Jets Passing Game vs Buffalo Defense\n\nVinny Testeverde refuses to fade away. He rolled up 285 yards and 2 TDs\n(with 2 Interceptions) against Indy Sunday. Wayne Chrebet was the primary\nWR with Laveranues Coles seeing less action. TE Anthony Becht produced\nanother TD. The Bills rank # 27 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the\nlast four weeks. For the year, they rank # 24 in Fantasy Points Allowed to\nQBs and # 20 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nSt. Louis Passing Game vs Indianapolis Defense\n\nKurt Warner had an \"off\" day for him with \"just\" 217 yards and 2 TDs. Of\ncourse, he's a must start every week. The trouble with him is he spreads\nthe ball around so well, it's tough to predict which WR will see action but\nI'd have a very hard time benching guys like Holt, Bruce or even Proehl.\nKeep an eye on the thumb he tweaked but he's saying he's ok. The Colts\nrank # 28 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For\nthe year, they rank # 27 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 27 in\nFantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\nPrime Matchups: These games feature Defenses that haven't been strong\nlately.\n\n\nChicago Passing Game vs Detroit Defense\n\nMarty Booker catching 74 yards worth of passes isn't as remarkable until you\nrealize QB Jim Miller only threw for 98 yards. I guess that makes Booker\nthe # 1 WR... He's clearly the favored option. This team is all about\nAnthony Thomas and their defense though so I'm not too excited about any of\nthese guys outside of Booker even with the matchup. The Lions rank # 22 in\nPassing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For the year,\nthey rank # 31 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 29 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to WRs.\n\n\nGreen Bay Passing Game vs Minnesota Defense\n\nBrett Favre made the most out of 139 yards throwing for 3 TDs last week.\nHe's too good to sit against anyone. Antonio Freeman and Billy Schroeder\nare solid options and Bubba Franks seems to have picked up where he was\nearlier this year. The Vikings rank # 17 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game\nover the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 21 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to QBs and # 24 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nIndianapolis Passing Game vs St. Louis Defense\n\nManning was back on track again with 228 yards, 1 TD and 0 Interceptions\nlast week. The interceptions have hurt him this year but the fact is he's\nstill one of the leagues best QBs. Marvin Harrison was incredible catching\nnearly everything in his sight. The Rams rank # 24 in Passing Yards\nAllowed Per Game over the last four weeks. Remember, Chris Weinke rolled\nover them last week. For the year, they rank # 15 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to QBs and # 8 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nOakland Passing Game vs Denver Passing Game\n\nIt's funny when people get excited about Gannon throwing just 249 yards but\nthat's what's happening. He's spoiled us. I'm not worried about him as\nalong with Jerry Rice and Tim Brown, they're still one of the better passing\nunits in the game. Charlie Garner is a nice target too. This week,\nthey'll face a suddenly vulnerable Denver team that ranks # 23 in Passing\nYards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For the year, they rank #\n9 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 25 in Fantasy Points Allowed to\nWRs.\n\n\nTampa Bay Passing Game vs Baltimore Defense\n\nBrad Johnson put together a great game with 3 TDs and 0 Interceptions on 207\nyards. Keyshawn Johnson is of course the receiver of choice and outside of\nhim, I don't see many other viable FF options. Johnson to Johnson is the\nname of this passing game. Baltimore ranks # 26 in Passing Yards Allowed\nPer Game over the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 17 in Fantasy\nPoints Allowed to QBs and # 19 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\n\nEven Matchups: These games feature no real advantage either way\n\n\nCarolina Passing Game vs Arizona Defense\n\nWeinke's 312 yard day last week against the Rams was surprising as the Rams\nwere ranked as the # 9 passing defense over the last 4 weeks going into last\nweek. Donald Hayes was ultra active and may need to be again this week as\nMuhsin Muhammad is very iffy and TE Wesley Walls tweaked his knee. The\nCardinals rank # 14 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four\nweeks. For the year, they rank # 26 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and #\n26 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nDenver Passing Game vs Oakland Defense\n\nBrian Griese should be back and ready to go. Gus Frerotte is out for the\nyear so Jarius Jackson will be the # 2 guy. Rod Smith is the only receiver\nof note and he's a guy you can never count out. The bye week helped and\nhe's reportedly feeling better than he has in a while. Oakland has\nstruggled lately on defense ranking # 21 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game\nover the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 10 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to QBs and # 13 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nJacksonville Passing Game vs Kansas City Defense\n\nBrunell had a Brunell-like day last week with 217 yards and a TD. Jimmy\nSmith is a must start and Keenan McCardell deserves a hard look in just\nabout any league. The Chiefs rank # 18 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game\nover the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 14 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to QBs and # 12 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nKansas City Passing Game vs Jacksonville Defense\n\nTrent Green put together a decent day with 203 yards, 1 TD and 2\nInterceptions. Snoop Minnis was the preferred WR while Derrick Alexander\ndid very little. Tony Gonzalez was fairly involved although not as much as\nhis owners would like to see. He's still a must start for TE leagues.\nThe Jaguars rank # 20 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four\nweeks. For the year, they rank # 19 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and #\n6 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nMinnesota Passing Game vs Green Bay Defense\n\nStay tuned this week for whether Todd Bouman or Spergon Wynn gets the call.\nThe Vikings have imploded. If Bouman starts, it's much better news for\nMoss. If Wynn starts, Cris Carter seemed to be the favored target.\nAlthough it was pretty clear that they were forcing the ball to Carter\nbecause it could've been his last game in Minnesota. Honestly, it's tough\nto sit Cris Carter or Randy Moss regardless of who is at QB. WRs are\nrarely a sure thing. The Packers rank # 19 in Passing Yards Allowed Per\nGame over the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 12 in Fantasy\nPoints Allowed to QBs and # 5 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nPhiladelphia Passing Game vs New York Giants Defense\n\nThe Eagle passing game is all about McNabb to RB Duce Staley now. Good for\nStaley owners but not the ideal situation for McNabb. James Thrash and\nFreddie Mitchell saw most of the action at WR but they weren't too\neffective. Todd Pinkston is in the mix which makes it even tougher to pick\na WR. The Giants may be without Jason Sehorn this week which would be big.\nThey rank # 6 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks.\nFor the year, they rank # 18 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 28 in\nFantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nPittsburgh Passing Game vs Cincinnati Defense\n\nKordell Stewart continues to prove his critics wrong as he rolled up 3 TDs\nlast week and 221 yards. There's serious MVP talk about him and deservedly\nso. WRs Hines Ward and Plaxico Burress both deserve a look for most any\nteam. Burress, in particular, is coming on lately. The Bengals are\ntougher than many realize against the pass lately. They rank # 7 in\nPassing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For the year,\nthey rank # 16 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 21 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to WRs.\n\n\nSan Diego Passing Game vs Seattle Defense\n\nDoug Flutie was awful early, but made a great recovery to finish with 175\nyards and 2 TDs with no Interceptions. There's a lot of talk about letting\nDrew Brees see action with the season basically over but one has to think we\nwould've seen him last week if that was the case. Either way, Flutie's\nprobably not worthy of a start except for the larger leagues. Of the WRs,\nCurtis Conway was clearly the go to guy with TE Freddie Jones seeing action\nas well. The Seahawks rank # 9 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the\nlast four weeks. For the year, they rank # 23 in Fantasy Points Allowed to\nQBs and # 17 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nSeattle Passing Game vs San Diego Defense\n\nMatt Hasselbeck hasn't carried many FF Teams this season and I doubt it'll\nstart now. He's still a below average player. WRs Koren Robinson and\nDarrell Jackson are the primary guys while Shaun Alexander will be involved\nin the passing game as well. The Chargers rank # 15 in Passing Yards\nAllowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 22 in\nFantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 15 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nWashington Passing Game vs New Orleans Defense\n\nTony Banks threw for 236 yards last week in a tough game with Chicago.\nMichael Westbrook and Rod Gardner both saw roughly equal numbers of passes\nthrown their way. He only caught a couple, but TE Zeron Felmister saw 6\npasses thrown his way. You could do a lot worse for a TE. Plus, he's got\na cool name... The Saints rank # 13 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over\nthe last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 25 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to QBs and # 23 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\n\nDownside Matchups: These games feature a Defense that's been pretty strong\nlately.\n\n\nBuffalo Passing Game vs New York Jets Defense\n\nVan Pelt put together a 208 yard / 1 TD passing game last week. As usual,\nEric Moulds and Peerless Price were featured fairly evenly. This week, the\nBills face a pretty tough Jets team that ranks # 11 in Passing Yards Allowed\nPer Game over the last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 1 in Fantasy\nPoints Allowed to QBs and # 4 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nDallas Passing Game vs San Francisco Defense\n\nI can't imagine you're in contention in week 16 with many of these guys on\nthe roster. Quincy Carter's given me very little to make me think he'll do\nmuch of anything. Of course, for the gamblers, Rocket Ismail or Joey\nGalloway can make something happen with just one throw, but they're definite\nrisks. San Francisco is ranked # 8 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over\nthe last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 13 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to QBs and # 18 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nDetroit Passing Game vs Chicago Defense\n\nRookie Mike McMahon gave a valiant effort but it's still very clear he's a\nrookie QB. Granted, he's got talent and potential but he's still very\ngreen. Johnnie Morton is the WR of choice but TE David Sloan actually saw\nmore balls thrown his way last week than any other Lion receiver. That's\nnot unusual for a new QB to focus on the shorter routes of a TE and it could\ncontinue. The Bears rank # 12 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the\nlast four weeks. For the year, they rank # 8 in Fantasy Points Allowed to\nQBs and # 2 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nNew Orleans Passing Game vs Washington Defense\n\nFew people expected Tampa Bay to start a track meet with New Orleans last\nweek but that's what happened. Aaron Brooks had 3 TDs late as the Saints\ntried to rally from a big deficit. Stats are stats though and Brooks\nowners will take them any way they can get them. Joe Horn and Willie\nJackson saw tons of action. With Cam Cleeland shockingly injured again,\nBoo Williams is back as the # 1 TE so that's good news. The Redskins rank\n# 4 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For the\nyear, they rank # 5 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 11 in Fantasy\nPoints Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nNew York Giants Passing Game vs Philadelphia Defense\n\nKerry Collins quietly finished with nice numbers last week. He threw for\n338 yards and 1 TD. Amani Toomer and Ike Hilliard saw lots of action with\nJoe Jurevicius seeing plenty of balls thrown his way too. The Eagles have\ncooled lately where they rank # 16 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over\nthe last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 2 in Fantasy Points Allowed\nto QBs and # 1 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs. Their blitzing style can\ncause young QBs plenty of trouble but Collins' experience should help him.\n\n\nTennessee Passing Game vs Cleveland Defense\n\nSteve McNair played a gutsy game last week at well less than 100%. He\nmanaged 178 yards, 1 TD and 2 Interceptions. Derrick Mason is still the\nprimary guy and saw more looks than TE Frank Wycheck which is saying\nsomething. This week, they'll face a surprising Brown defense that ranks #\n10 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For the\nyear, they rank # 3 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 14 in Fantasy\nPoints Allowed to WRs.\n\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\n\nDefensive Slam Dunks: These games feature a Defense that's been very strong\nlately.\n\n\nAtlanta Passing Game vs Miami Defense\n\nChris Chandler continued his up and down season with a monster game last\nweek throwing for 431 yards and 2 TDs against Buffalo. Terance Mathis,\nTony Martin and Footballguy Favorite Brian Finneran all had great games.\nAs you know though, these guys are very inconsistent. This week, they'll\nface a Miami Defense that ranks # 1 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over\nthe last four weeks. For the year, they rank # 6 in Fantasy Points Allowed\nto QBs and # 10 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nBaltimore Passing Game vs Tampa Bay Defense\n\nElvis Grbac continues to at least not hurt the offense. He threw for 181\nyards last week with no TDs or Interceptions. Qadry Ismail is the\npreferred target at WR with Shannon Sharpe always threatening to make an\nimpact. The Ravens face the Bucs who are hot right now ranking # 3 in\nPassing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four weeks. For the year,\nthey rank # 11 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 9 in Fantasy Points\nAllowed to WRs.\n\n\nCincinnati Passing Game vs Pittsburgh Defense\n\nYou pretty much have to avoid all these guys. Jon Kitna threw for 153\nyards and 3 Interceptions. His most newsworthy accomplishment was a\nsideline shouting match with WR Chad Johnson. Peter Warrick was benched\nfor fielding a punt on his own 3 yard line. Warrick should start this\nweek. They teased us early , but these are clearly still the Bengals.\nPittsburgh ranks # 5 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over the last four\nweeks. For the year, they rank # 7 in Fantasy Points Allowed to QBs and #\n7 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\n\n\nSan Francisco Passing Game vs Dallas Defense\n\nGarcia only had 136 yards and 1 TD (although he was very close on another)\nbut he's still a must start in my book. He's too good and has too many\nweapons. Terrell Owens is of course a starter but J.J. Stokes or Tai\nStreets could be worth a look. TE Eric Johnson is still very involved in\nthe passing game. Dallas ranks # 2 in Passing Yards Allowed Per Game over\nthe last four weeks so they've been tough. For the year, they rank # 4 in\nFantasy Points Allowed to QBs and # 3 in Fantasy Points Allowed to WRs.\nTough matchups but I don't see how you can sit Garcia and Owens unless\nyou're just loaded. See our cheatsheet rankings for exactly where we see\nthese guys ranked.\n\n\n\n/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/\n\nBryant Analytics, Inc. All Rights Reserved 1999-2001\n\n\n\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\ncheatsheets-unsubscribe@egroups.com\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/"} {"text": "NewPower to offer another pilot program to Houston employees\n\n\nFree remote energy management solution helps you to manage rising energy \nbills.\nNewPower is launching a revolutionary technology pilot to the first 500 \npeople to sign up in the Houston area. The NewPower Connections Remote \nEnergy Management Solution is a pilot program designed to give consumers \ncontrol of their thermostat via the Internet. The program will allow \nthermostats to be adjusted from anywhere, with any Internet-enabled device, \nincluding computers, web-enabled cell phones, palm OS devices, or pocket \nPCs. Sears Home Central will install and service the Remote Energy \nManagement Solution at no charge throughout the duration of the pilot \nprogram. For a typical household, the three-month pilot could result in up \nto 10 percent to 15 percent utility bill savings, based on personal usage and \nthe size of your home. \n\n\nBe among the first to participate absolutely free.\nEnrollment with the NewPower Connections Remote Energy Management Solution \npilot program starts May 14 and continues through the end of the month. For \nmore information about this offer, visit NewPower's table located in the \nPlaza of the Enron Building near the down escalator from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. \nduring the week of May 14. To become a pilot participant you need only to be \na homeowner in the Houston area and have Internet access. You do not even \nhave to be a NewPower electricity customer to participate. For more \ninformation about NewPower Connections, send an e-mail to \nconnections@newpower.com.\n\n\nDisclaimers:\nAny contract for goods or services that is entered into by an Enron employee \nwith respect to the NewPower program shall be solely between NewPower and \nsuch employee. Enron assumes no obligation on behalf of NewPower and makes \nno representations, warranties, or guaranties with respect to NewPower, any \ngoods or services offered or provided by NewPower. Home.Enron.com"} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 06/26/2000 10:01 AM -----\n\n\tElliot Fullwood@ECT\n\t06/26/2000 07:38 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Mark Taylor@ENRON\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Enron North America Corp. NYMEX Hedge Exemption Applications\n\nMark,\n\nI do not understand this. Please explain.\n-------------------------\n\nElliot Fullwood,\n\nEnron Europe Finance and Trading Ltd. Tel: +44 (0)20 7783 0000\n40 Grosvenor Place Direct: \n+44 (0)20 7783 6906\nLONDON \nFax: +44 (0)20 7783 9018\nSW1X 7EN\n\n\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mark Taylor @ ENRON 22/06/2000 01:39\n\t\n\nSent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON\nTo: Everyone_in_ECT_Calgary, Everyone_in_ECT_London, Everyone_in_ECT_Denver, \nEveryone_in_ECT_Singapore\ncc: \n\nSubject: Enron North America Corp. NYMEX Hedge Exemption Applications\n\nWe are in the process of preparing applications for position limit exemptions \nfor ENA\u0001,s NYMEX energy commodities futures trading. These applications \nrequire that ENA represent whether its officers, employees, owners, or agents \nhave a power of attorney, control or have a financial interest in any other \nrelated commodity future(s) account either individually or acting with \nanother person pursuant to express or implied agreement.\n\nPlease direct any responses to my paralegal, Tana Jones, via intercompany \nemail or call her at (713) 853-3399 by the end of business Friday, June 30, \n2000 if you have any power of attorney, control or have a financial interest \nin any commodity futures account (other than an ENA or other trading \naffiliate account).\n\nIF YOU DO NOT HAVE A COMMODITY FUTURES ACCOUNT, YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO \nTHIS REQUEST."} {"text": "Attached is a revised draft of the above, blacklined against our prior draft \ndated 3/6/01. When the draft is ready for distribution to Nevada Power, a \nnew blackline will need to be generated showing all changes from their draft \nas this one only shows the changes from our recent call. Andrea is still \nworking on a short memo on how the transmission credits are calculated and \nmay have a few more changes to one or two sections, but I thought I would get \nthis draft out so you can be looking at it. As I recall, Dale was also going \nto see if he could find some additional definitional or other language here \nand there so please send that if it could be located. We did make revisions \nto at least two of those items, Emergency and Abnormal Condition so you might \nlook those over. We also still need to hear from David Marshall on the \ninsurance provisions. The name of the entity is probably not correct (as it \nis not a Cogen and may not exist yet?) so I put it in brackets (it is \ndefinitely not correct if it is ultimately to be the same entity as owns the \nexisting facility). If you want to provide the notice parties/addresses we \ncan fill that in now as well. We still have to work through the exhibits but \nthat is probably best put off until Nevada Power has provided most of the \ninformation from their side. Let me know when you'd like to discuss. \nThanks. JM\n\nJohn Maas\nLeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae\n303-291-2614\njmaas@llgm.com\n\nThe information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to \nwhich it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged\nmaterial. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or \ntaking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or\nentities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received \nthis in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any\ncomputer.\n\n\n - LVCIA.doc"} {"text": "Marylyn\nDo you have a problem with me taking this to the prayer ministry tonight?\n\n\n\n\nmarylyn y green on 12/10/2000 02:31:46 PM\nTo: lamace@alaska.net, jjean99@aol.com, agapetvl@swbell.net, \nlinda.kirk@excite.com, 23mikena11@prodigy.net, mjee@msn.com, \nrimapm@earthlink.com, denise.moore@dhs.state.tx.us, cashley@poha.com, \ndana.davis@enron.com, cmontgomery@kmg.com\ncc: \nSubject: prayer\n\n\nI am writing to each of you because I need you to be in prayer with me\nthis week.\n\nFor the past two months, I have been going to the doctor, because of a\nlump I found\nunder my arm. As a result of that I have had to have a mammogram and an\nultrasound of\nmy breast. Both test came back abnormal and I am seeing a specialist\nthis week to\ndetermine if I need to have a biopsy or not.\n\nSince God has given me the task of\ndoing a mighty work for him the devil has been busy.\n\nI trust and believe that God will heal. God gave me a revelation several\nmonths\nago that ALL IS WELL since that time, my husband and I have reunited our\nfamily,\nwe have been blessed tremendously in more ways than I can share with you\nat\nthis time, however, in the midst of those blessings, the devil has gotten\nmad. So he\nhas decided to try and pull me down once again. I refuse to be brought\ndown off this\nspiritual high that is truly a blessing from God.\n\nThat is why I am calling on all you prayer warriors\nI need you to be in prayer with me this week. I see the specialist on\nThursday\nand I will know then if I need to have the biopsy.\n\nGod Bless Each of you\nand\nSeason's Greetings\n\nLove\n\nMarylyn\n________________________________________________________________\nGET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO!\nJuno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!\nJoin Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:\nhttp://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj."} {"text": "Cheryl,\n\nRegarding the J.P. Morgan electronic agreements in connection with the \nexisting brokerage accounts, ECT Investments has an account with J.P. Morgan \nbut I see no record of an account with ENA either in Lotus Notes or in the \nfiles."} {"text": "The response to eHRonline has been extremely positive, with over 1500 people \nusing the system on the first day alone! Though many of you have experienced \nsuccess, some of you are logging on and encountering some \"bumps\" -- mainly \nquestions relating to your system ID or issues related to your web browser \nsettings. Those with questions or issues have been calling the COE and some \nare having to wait due to the increased call volume. \n\nTo increase our accessibility during this phase of implementation, we are . . \n.\n\nincreasing our call center staffing to decrease your wait time.\nworking with the Business Unit IT departments to resolve individual browser \nsetting issues.\n\nTo help us help you, please . . .\n\nTake a screen shot of any error message you receive and send it to the COE at \nSAP COE/Corp/Enron or SAP.COE@enron.com.\nBe patient over the next few days when calling the COE -- remember that we \nare adding over 8500 new users.\nHave the following information available when you call:\nYour name, location, extension, and business unit\nYour personnel number, if you know it\nThe exact text of any error message you receive\n\nWe appreciate your cooperation.\n\nCOE -- the SAP Support Organization\n713.843.4SAP (4727)"} {"text": "Thank you for your changes and updates. Attached is the updated Executive \nCommittee List. \nPlease note that this list is to be printed on legal-size paper."} {"text": "We've updated the Merger Q&A document on our Enron Updates site ( ), as a result of the many questions you've had concerning the merger between Enron and Dynegy. Questions addressed include those about Enron stock options, benefits and immigration status. Please stay tuned for additional updates."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT on 03/20/2001 02:36 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Robert Weisenmiller\" on 03/20/2001 01:25:57 PM\nTo: Alan.Comnes@enron.com, Michael Etringer/HOU/ECT, Terry W Donovan/HOU/ECT, \nJulie Sarnowski/HOU/ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Dow Jones says CPUC will \"Order\" utiltities to pay QFs $1 bil\n\nTwo articles on QFs. \n\n http://www.latimes.com/news/state/20010320/t000024257.html\nBack to story\n \n \nTuesday, March 20, 2001 \nSmall Power Firms' Cutbacks Contribute to Blackouts \n Outages: Alternative generators of solar, wind and biomass energy, and \nsmaller gas-fired plants, haven't been paid since November. \n\n\nBy JULIE TAMAKI, Times Staff Writer\n\n\n\n\n\n SACRAMENTO--The rolling blackouts that swept California on Monday were \nsparked in part by a crucial group of small energy producers that have cut \nsupplies to the state's utilities because they are not being paid. \n California's power supply dropped Monday when alternative producers \nreduced output or went offline, cutting their usual deliveries to utilities \nin half. The lost electricity--more than seven times the cuts the companies \nwere making just weeks ago--could have served 3 million homes. \n \"I think we're just getting at a breaking point for many of these \nbusinesses,\" said Ed Tomeo, president of UAE Energy Operations Corp., a San \nRamon company that operates a biomass plant and a small gas-fired plant. \n Tomeo said he expects to take his gas-fired plant offline today because \nhe's run out of money to buy natural gas. \n Tomeo's firm is among the nearly 700 alternative energy producers that \ngenerate more than a fourth of the power consumed in California. \nCollectively, the group estimates it is owed $1.5 billion by the state's two \nlargest utilities. \n Big out-of-state power producers are getting paid because the state \nstepped in to buy electricity for the foundering utilities. \n But the California producers of solar, wind and biomass energy and, \ntypically, smaller gas-fired generators, have received no payments since \nNovember from Southern California Edison and only partial payments from \nPacific Gas & Electric Co. for December and January deliveries. \n Edison's debt to the producers is estimated at $835 million as of March \n1. PG&E's debt to the producers was $651 million as of March 8. \n Jim Detmers, director of the California Independent System Operator, the \nagency that operates the state's power grid, said Monday's shortfall from the \nalternative producers was mostly caused by reduced output by about a dozen \ncompanies that have been cutting back electricity deliveries for the past two \nmonths. \n Detmers said he could not say whether the action was orchestrated, but \nit appeared to be a business decision. \n The cuts have grown from about 400 megawatts a day in early February to \n3,000 megawatts over the last several days, according to state officials. \n Assemblyman Fred Keeley, a Boulder Creek Democrat, said he did not blame \nthe small producers, who are formally referred to as \"qualifying facilities,\" \nfor shutting down. \n \"Although I feel it is unfortunate for consumers, I don't blame [them] \nat all,\" Keeley said. \"They're the only ones generating electricity and not \ngetting paid.\" \n Keeley said he will revive efforts to pass legislation that would ensure \nthat the alternative energy producers get paid while cutting their rates. A \nprevious effort to slash the rates paid to the group, SB 47X by Keeley and \nSen. Jim Battin (R-La Quinta), appears doomed. \n Gov. Gray Davis huddled for more than two hours with Democratic \nlegislative leaders Monday, after keeping his distance for several weeks, and \nan agreement emerged to give small generators a choice: Take a higher price \nin exchange for short-term commitments to buy their power, or accept a lower \nprice in exchange for a multiyear commitment to buy their power, sources who \nattended the meeting said. \n And the governor and Legislature would quickly devise a way to ensure \nthat the producers start getting paid, at least for power they continue to \nproduce. As long as the utilities are collecting money from their customers, \nDavis later told a labor group, \"they're going to make the payments.\" \n The alternative producers' rates are pegged to the price of natural gas, \nwhich has skyrocketed in recent months. Driving down and stabilizing their \nprices is a critical factor in Davis' overall plan of buying power without \nimposing additional consumer rate hikes. \n As a growing number of unpaid producers have dropped offline, state \nofficials have been forced to purchase replacement supplies on the pricey \nspot market. A worst-case scenario materialized Monday, when a lack of \nelectricity supplies forced state officials to order rolling blackouts. \n \"A number of plants are out for maintenance, but it's very clear to me \nthat there are a significant number that are off due to nonpayment,\" said Jan \nSmutny-Jones, executive director of the Independent Energy Producers. \"My \nconcern is that this is a prelude to what we'll see this summer.\" \n PG&E spokesman John Nelson described the alternative producers as \nvictims of the state's energy meltdown. \"Many of these generators are \nrelatively small enterprises that cannot afford to continue operating on a \ndaily basis.\" \n Nelson said his company's inability to fully pay the producers it has \ncontracts with is caused by the rate freeze that bars PG&E from passing the \ntrue cost of electricity on to customers. \n\n\n* * *\n Times staff writers Miguel Bustillo, Nancy Rivera Brooks, Dan Morain and \nNancy Vogel contributed to this story. \nCopyright 2001 Los Angeles Times \n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nsteven k. says the la times is closer to correct (going forward costs but\nnot payables)\n\nBob\n\n\nAt 12:46 PM 3/20/01 -0800, you wrote:\n>Bob,\n>\n>\n>\n>If you learn anything more than what's in the papers, send it my way.\n> Thanks.\n>\n>\n>\n>Alan\n>\n>\n>cc:\n>\n>Subject: Dow Jones says CPUC will \"Order\" utiltities to pay QFs $1 bil\n>\n>Here's the link:\n>\n>http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news_center/article/printer.dcg?story=/\nnews/stories/dj/20010320/ON20010320000069.htm\n>\n>Sue Mara\n>Enron Corp.\n>Tel: (415) 782-7802\n>Fax:(415) 782-7854"} {"text": "of course.............."} {"text": "http://livelink.enron.co.uk/LiveLink/LiveLink.exe/150034/M_-_How_to_find_'Meta\nls_Integrations_Project'_in_LiveLink.doc?func=doc.Fetch&nodeid=150034\n\nWe are uploading the contents of S:\\MG to the folder labelled S MG Dump at \nthe end of each day.\nSo to have your information included in this Livelink database simply put the \nfile into S:\\MG\nIf you have any images which you would like to put through Optical Character \nRecognition (so that one can search on the text in diagrams) please contact \nCamilla Bydal.\n\nEnjoy!\nRichard"} {"text": "Thank you again for attending last Thursday's meeting with Ken Lay. As a \nfollow-up to the meeting, I'm attaching a letter that outlines the five-point \nsolution Ken discussed. The governor and legislators need to hear from \nCalifornia's business leaders about a comprehensive solution that addresses \nthe short- and long-term problems of California's energy crisis. Please sign \nthis letter and send it to the following key legislators -- and to any \nlegislators with whom you have a good relationship:\n Governor Gray Davis\n Assembly Speaker Robert Hertzberg\n Senate President Pro Tem John Burton\n Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Fred Keeley\n Assembly Republican Leader Dave Cox\n Senator Debra Bowen\n\nPlease send me or Ken Lay a copy of the letter, and keep us updated on any \nfeedback you receive from the governor and legislators. Thank you for your \nassistance in helping advance a solution to California's energy crisis. If \nyou have any questions or need additional information, please call me.\n\nSincerely,\n\nKaren Denne\nVice President\nEnron Public Relations\n713-853-9757 - phone\n713-853-6790 - fax"} {"text": "Here are some photos of my sister's wedding over Thanksgiving weekend.\n\nAn\n\n>From: cla@houston.rr.com\n>To: an1229@hotmail.com\n>Subject: Welcome to my photo album!\n>Date: Fri Dec 01 15:34:50 PST 2000\n>\n>Here are the photos I Dung Em took with Kit's new digital camera.\n>\n>It's easy to view my new photo album. Just go to the Web page below.\n>http://www.ofoto.com/I.jsp?m=5899868703&n=1944087734\n>\n>When you get to Ofoto, you may be asked to register or sign in.\n>To register, just fill out the form, then click on Join to take\n>advantage of great Ofoto services. To sign in, simply use your\n>Ofoto log in and password.\n>\n>For your convenience, our customer service center is open seven\n>days a week. Should you have any questions, please contact us\n>by email at support@ofoto.com, by phone at 1-877-986-3686 (510-898-6226),\n>or by fax at 510-898-6249.\n>\n>\n>\n>-------------------------------------------------------------\n>Ofoto Support Team:\n>http://www.ofoto.com\n>Customer Support Email: service@ofoto.com\n>Customer Service: (800) 360-9098\n>Outside the US and Canada: (510) 898-6226\n>Customer Support Fax: (510) 898-6249\n>-------------------------------------------------------------\n>\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com"} {"text": "Well, given the impressive results of Friday's game, I suppose I should've \ntaken the bet...I mean I knew we were good, but I didn't realize we were THAT \ngood. Watching the game I couldn't help but remember some comments made not \ntoo long ago about this being a building season and that the Horns would be a \nforce to be reckoned with come the next two seasons - - I love it when I'm \nright. With an increasingly more confident sophomore quarterback leading the \ncharge and three (count them three) very mature freshman receivers all eager \nto make big plays, not to mention last year's top quarterback recruit Chance \nMock serving as a back-up, next season promises to be something to watch. My \ncondolences on your prospects not looking quite as bright .\n\nHope you had a nice Thanksgiving and good luck helping all of your Aggie \nco-workers through this trying time.\n\nSusan\n\n(Oh and Chip, I'd store the Gig'em sweater-vest away for the next 360 days or \nso if you want to avoid any post-game ridicule...in a round about way you are \nan \"Ag\" man now.)"} {"text": "HERE ARE THE PICKS FOR ROUND 2:\n\nTom: \t\tPittsburgh\nGuzman:\tPittsburgh\nSteve:\t\tPittsburgh\nBroker:\t\tPittsburgh\nHolden: \tBuffalo\n\n\nIt could be over after this round!"} {"text": "Steve;\n\nAs you requested."} {"text": "Group,\nWe will have a meeting on Thursday of next week at 4 PM (Pizza will be provided--finally) on JAN 24th. I hope our transition to UBS from Enron will be complete by next Wednesday. If so, we will be discussing what we hope to achieve this year and the look of the floor going forward. If not, this meeting will likely be postponed. Please call me with any questions.\n\nThanks,\nBill"} {"text": "Hi there,\n\nCould you please print these for me? Thanks.\n\nFYI: I'm going to antitrust training from 230 to 430. Bet you are jealous. \n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 08/11/2000 01:53 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Gregg Penman 08/11/2000 10:22 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: MEH Policies\n\nFYI -- Here is the e-mail we discussed regarding the most current versions of \neach policy.\n\nGregg\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gregg Penman/Corp/Enron on 08/11/2000 \n10:21 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Gregg Penman 08/09/2000 05:23 PM\n\t\n\nTo: j.pokorny@pecorp.com\ncc: \nSubject: MEH Policies\n\nWelcome back. I am sure you have been looking forward to getting all these \ndocuments, so here they are. Attached are the following:\n\n1)\n\nCurrent draft of the MEH Risk Policy. Kay, Mary and I have discussed the \ncurrent draft line by line and are at the point where your review is needed \nto proceed. Vlady has reviewed the current draft and has no significant \nchanges. \n\n2)\n\nCurrent draft of the Risk Procedures and Control Guidelines and accompanying \nflowcharts. Brent Price and his team have reviewed the Procedures and have \nprovided revisions where appropriate. Linda and Mary have also provided \ninput which has been incorporated. I need to circulate the draft to all \nparties one more time to make sure everyone is comfortable with the last \nupdates and that there are no inconsistencies.\n\n3)\n\nCurrent draft of the credit policy as last revised by Aparna. The draft was \nsent last night to Molly Harris at Enron for her review and I am currently \nwaiting to hear from her. If there are any changes to this draft I will \nnotify you promptly and forward the newest draft.\n\n4)\nCurrent draft of the proposed cash management policy. Jim Burns has reviewed \nthe proposed cash management policy and is in general agreement with the \nprocedures. We will be drafting a Facility Agreement shortly which will \ncover the specifics of the Enron Revolver to MEH.\n\nAs for reports and a general understanding of limit development, modeling, \nstress testing, etc., there have been several meetings over the last week. \nBrent Price and his team were in Chicago last week to go over the daily \nreports with Linda, Tim, Maria, Kay and Mary and discuss the development of \nthe Daily Position Report (DPR). To my knowledge, the only outstanding report \nis the DPR. The DPR you received on Tuesday was not an MEH only DPR and was \nnot scrubbed before it was sent out. It was intended to show the format, but \nthey inadvertently pulled numbers into it. I am expecting that a scrubbed \nDPR will be sent out end of this week (Since the EMW and MEH books are \ncurrently \"flat\", the DPR will not show any open positions or VAR - we can \ndiscuss in more detail if you want). Regarding risk management \nmethodologies, Mary has had discussions with Vlady and our research staff and \nI have received positive feedback regarding the sharing of information. \n\nI realize this is a large amount of information to digest, but I would like \nto get together as soon as you have a chance to review the policies and talk \nto Mary, Kay, Linda, etc. in order to come up with a list of any remaining \nissues. I acknowledge that this should and will be a evolutionary process, \nbut I also want to have a clear direction of what is necessary to approve the \npolicies. Just let me know when you are available and I will make myself \navailable.\n\nThanks,\n\nGregg"} {"text": "Elena,\n\nThe new research web page looks very nice. \n\nRecently I have a few users who called me about the links to exotica options \nlibrary.\nI checked, both links to Exotica.doc and example spreadsheets do not work.\n\nI appreciate that if you could re-establish the links as soon as possible.\n\nThanks.\n\nZimin"} {"text": "Attention supervisors and managers! \u0001;\n\u0001;\nWould you like to improve your ability to lead and manage your team?\u0001; The EWS \nDevelopment Center would like to invite you to The Managers Level Impact and \nInfluence Program.\n\u0001;\nDate: \u0001;\u0001; \u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; \u0001;June 14th and 15th\nTime: \u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; \u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; \u0001;8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (both days)\nPlace \u0001;\u0001; \u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; \u0001;Travis Room 1 at the Double Tree Hotel Down \nTown\nCost:\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; \u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; $1,500\nTarget Audience:\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; Sr. Specialist and Managers in a supervisory role\nCPE credits available\n\u0001;\n\u0001;\nInnovative Leadership is the cornerstone of Enron's ability to motivate and \nretain the industry's top talent.\u0001; The Organizational Development and \nLearning group would like to invite all Enron managers to participate in a \nnew leadership overview course.\n\u0001;\nThis workshop will offer the tools you'll need to lead and manage others more \neffectively.\u0001; In this course you'll gain knowledge and insight on leadership \ncapabilities and receive resources you can readily apply at work.\u0001; This \ntwo-day program, involving a maximum of 16 participants, has been \nspecifically built to give Enron managers the information they need to \nsucceed in our work environment.\u0001;\u0001; It is an interactive workshop including \nindividual and group exercises designed to drive home insights and build \nskills that are relevant to your job.\u0001;\u0001; \n\u0001;\nTopic areas include: \n?\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; What is Leadership?\n?\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; Leadership Credibility\n?\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; Thinking Strategically\n?\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; Managing Change\n?\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; Directing Others\n?\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; Leading Teams\n?\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001;\u0001; Influencing Others\u0001;\u0001; \n\u0001;\nParticipants will be asked to complete a short self-assessment before coming \nto the program.\u0001; Additionally, each participant will leave with a detailed \naction plan and other resources to help manage their group and prepare for \nthe next level of leadership.\n\u0001;\nTo register for this class, log on to InvestInMe at \nhttp://www.corptraining.com/index.cfm?company=enron.\nIf you have any questions, please call 713 853-1816.\n\u0001;"} {"text": "Carol St. Clair\nEB 3892\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)\ncarol.st.clair@enron.com\n----- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 08/24/00 08:11 AM -----\n\n\t\"CHRIS KRECEK\" \n\t08/23/00 02:47 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: , , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, \n\t\t cc: \"David Barbour\" , \"MURIEL McFARLING\" \n, \"Michael Thimmig\" \n\t\t Subject: Enron/McGarret C\n\n\nIn connection with the Hawaii 125-0 McGarret C transaction scheduled to close \nAugust 31, 2000, attached in WordPerfect format are the following closing \ndocuments marked against the McGarret B Series:\n\nClosing Checklist (254308);\nAsset Notice (254309);\nSeries Certificate of Beneficial Ownership (254316);\nSeries Supplement (254319);\nDrawdown Request (254322);\nTotal Return Swap Confirmation (254324);\nPut Option Agreement (254334);\nPut Option Assignment (254341);\nNotice of Put Option Assignment (254345);\nPromissory Note (Big Island III) (254347);\nB Interest Assignment Agreement (254349);\nWarrant Assignment (254351);\nAmended and Restated LLC Agreement (McGarret III) (254352);\nAmended and Restated LLC Agreement (Big Island) (254356);\nReceipt of Asset LLC (254362);\nReceipt of Transferor (254365);\nReceipt of Trust (254366);\nIndependent Auctioneer Letter Agreement (254369);\nSale and Auction Agreement (254372);\nDirection Letter (254376); and\nGeneral Opinion of A&K (254385).\n\nIf you have any questions or comments, please call Muriel McFarling at (214) \n659-4461. Thank you.\n\nChris Krecek, Secretary/Legal Assistant\nAndrews & Kurth L.L.P.\n1717 Main Street, Suite 3700\nDallas, Texas 75201\nPhone: (214) 659-4481\nFax: (214) 659-4401\nEmail: ckrecek@andrews-kurth.com\n\nCONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information in this e-mail (including any \nattachments) is confidential, legally privileged and intended only for the \nuse of each recipient named above. If you are not an intended recipient, you \nmust not read, use or disseminate this information. If you have received \nthis e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail \nand delete this e-mail from your computer.\nVIRUS WARNING: Although this e-mail (including any attachments) is not \nintended to contain any virus or defect that may affect your computer, you \nare responsible for ensuring that no virus or defect exists. The sender \ndisclaims any responsibility for any loss or damages arising from any virus \nor defect associated with this e-mail.\n\n\n\n - 254385.wpd\n - 254309.wpd\n - 254316.wpd\n - 254319.wpd\n - 254322.wpd\n - 254324.wpd\n - 254334.wpd\n - 254341.wpd\n - 254345.wpd\n - 254347.wpd\n - 254349.wpd\n - 254351.wpd\n - 254352.wpd\n - 254362.wpd\n - 254365.wpd\n - 254366.wpd\n - 254369.wpd\n - 254372.wpd\n - 254376.wpd\n - 254308.wpd"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tnavigator@nisource.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-navigator+40nisource+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tWednesday, June 06, 2001 4:36 AM\nTo:\tnavigator@nisource.com\nSubject:\tCAPACITY UPDATE EFFECTIVE FOR THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2001\n\n\n COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION CORPORATION\n NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES\n JUNE 06, 2001\n\nNotice ID: 2778\n5 - NO RESPONSE REQUIRED\n\nSUBJECT: CAPACITY UPDATE EFFECTIVE FOR THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2001\n\n NO CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS DAY\n\nEffective Thursday, June 7, 2001, capacities will be as follows:\n\nExcess MDWQ Available +\nISS Withdrawals Available\nSIT Withdrawals Available\nImbalance Drawdowns Available\nPAL Lends/Unparks Available\n\nExcess MDIQ Not Available +\nISS Injections Not Available\nSIT Injections Not Available\nImbalance Paybacks Not Available\nPAL Parks/Loan Paybacks Not Available\n\n+ Call Gas Control 24 hours in advance at (304) 357-2606 to request approval.\n\nReceipt capacity will be as follows:\n\nTENNESSEE:\n\nBrinker (B12) 20,000\nBroad Run (B9) 450,000\nCambridge (B10) 20,000\nDungannon (B11) 50,000\nHighland (B17) 25,000\nMilford (B18) 15,000\nNorth Greenwood (B22) 0\nUnionville (B15) 50,000\n\nTEXAS EASTERN:\n\nDelmont (C16) 0\nEagle (C22) 30,000\nHooker (C9) 50,000\nPennsburg (C23) 50,000\nWindridge (C12) 50,000\n\nNATIONAL FUEL:\n\nIndependence (M1) 10,000\nEllwood City (L1) 10,000\n\nTRANSCO:\n\nDowningtown (E3) 5,000\nEmporia I (E13) 120,000\nRockville (E2) 65,000\nDranesville (E1) 25,000\n\nALGONQUIN:\n\nRamapo (R1) 50,000\n\nANR:\n\nPaulding/Cecil 105,000\n(F1, A2)\n\nLEBANON AGGREGATE 195,000\n(A4, F2, C4, D3)\n\nTOLEDO AGGREGATE 225,000\n(A3, F4, 734462)\n\nCOLUMBIA GULF:\n(801)\n\nTCO-Leach 2,218,000\n\nInternal point non-firm capacity will be as follows:\n\nLanham No Restrictions\n\nDelivery capacity (non-firm) will be as follows:\n\nTRANSCO:\n\nMartins Creek (MA 21) 25,000\nYoung Woman's Creek 15,000\n (MA 36)\n\nALGONQUIN:\n\nHanover (MA 22) 166,000\n\nEQUITRANS:\n\nFallen Timber (MA 35) 35,000\n(MLI K1)\n\nWaynesburg-Rhinehart 30,000\n(MA 26) (MLI K2)\n\nOPT-30 will be available in all market areas.\nOPT-60 will be available in all market areas.\n\nMarket Area delivery capacity (non-firm) will be as follows:\n\nOperating Area 1\n Market Area 33 No Restrictions\n Market Area 34 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 2\n Market Area 20 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 3\n Market Area 15 No Restrictions\n Market Area 16 No Restrictions\n Market Area 17 No Restrictions\n Market Area 18 No Restrictions\n Market Area 19 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 4\n Market Area 21 No Restrictions\n Market Area 22 No Restrictions\n Market Area 23 No Restrictions\n Market Area 24 No Restrictions\n Market Area 25 No Restrictions\n Market Area 29 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 5\n Market Area 02 No Restrictions\n Market Area 07 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 6\n Market Area 10 No Restrictions\n Market Area 11 No Restrictions\n Market Area 12 No Restrictions\n Market Area 13 No Restrictions\n Market Area 14 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 7\n Market Area 01 No Restrictions\n Market Area 03 No Restrictions\n Market Area 04 No Restrictions\n Market Area 05 No Restrictions\n Market Area 06 No Restrictions\n Market Area 08 No Restrictions\n Market Area 09 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 8\n Market Area 26 No Restrictions\n Market Area 27 No Restrictions\n Market Area 32 No Restrictions\n Market Area 35 No Restrictions\n Market Area 36 No Restrictions\n Market Area 38 No Restrictions\n Market Area 39 No Restrictions\n Market Area 40 No Restrictions\n\nOperating Area 10\n Market Area 28 No Restrictions\n Market Area 30 No Restrictions\n Market Area 31 No Restrictions\n\nIf you have any questions, please contact your Account\nRepresentative."} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHanagriff, Richard \nSent:\tThursday, December 13, 2001 11:27 AM\nTo:\tSchoolcraft, Darrell; Lokay, Michelle\nSubject:\tTW imbalance summary\n\nDarrell \n\nThis report shows the Williams balance that has accrued in December."} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 12/11/2000 11:18 AM -----\n\n\t\"Daniel Douglass\" \n\t12/11/2000 10:36 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: , , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FERC Order\n\nThe following is an excerpt from a FERC order issued on Friday:\n \n\"Ridgewood Power LLC (Ridgewood) filed comments suggesting that the shortage \nof supply could be remedied in part by relaxing the operating efficiency and \nother regulatory requirements pertaining to Qualifying Facilities (QFs). \nRidgewood states that the total power production capacity of QFs in \nCalifornia is approximately 9,000 MWs, of which, between 4,000 and 5,500 MW \nare from qualifying cogeneration facilities (Cogeneration QFs) and the \nremainder from small power production facilities (Small Power QFs). \nRidgewood states that the Cogeneration segment of the industry is \nunderutilized because of operating efficiency and other QF requirements. \nWith a limited waiver or other equivalent relief, Ridgewood states that these \nunderutilized resources could help relieve current shortages during both peak \nand off-peak periods. Ridgewood estimates that as much as 1,000 MWs would be \nimmediately available by allowing QFs to sell to the purchasing utility or \ninto the competitive market their \"above-baseline\" output for a limited time \nperiod. Ridgewood suggests that any such sale would be made at market-based \nrates and would not be subject to the operating and efficiency \nstandards......... Section 292.205(c) of the Commission's regulations \nprovides that the Commission may waive any of its operating and efficiency \nstandards \"upon a showing that the facility will produce significant energy \nsavings\". However, the Commission has exercised its waiver authority in a \nnumber of cases based on factors such as the limited durations of the \nrequested waiver, whether further waivers would be necessary, whether the \nrequest was intended to remedy specific problems associated with an \ninnovative technology, and whether granting waiver would fulfill PURPA's \ngoals. We find that many of these same factors are present here. \nConsistent with the goals of PURPA, we find that granting such waiver in this \ncircumstance will provide for increased efficiency in the use of the \nCogeneration facilities and improved reliability of electric service through \nincreasing the availability of needed capacity. Therefore, we will grant \ntemporary waiver of the operating and efficiency standards to Cogeneration \nQFs for sales into California, effective as of the date of this order. We \nwill terminate the waiver effective January 1, 2001.\"\n \nLet me know if you want the entire order.\n \nDan"} {"text": "Steve Kean asked that you review this memo to Ken Lay. Please let me know \nas soon as possible if you have any changes. \n\nAfter your review/comments - I will forward it to Ken Lay.\n\nThanks."} {"text": "Thanks.\n \n \n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Hu, Sylvia \nSent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 3:24 PM\nTo: Sellers, Emily\nSubject: RE: Lexis/Nexus\n\n\nEmily:\n \nLexis won't allow ID to be transferred from one group to another. I'll request a new ID for Bill Rapp under your group and cancel his EES ID. \n \nSylvia\nx36775\n \n \n \n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sellers, Emily \nSent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 2:49 PM\nTo: Hu, Sylvia\nSubject: Lexis/Nexus\n\n\nSylvia, we have a new attorney from EES Legal ( Bill Rapp) starting in our group on October 22nd. Will he need a new ID & Password set up with Lexis? He probably has one already under EES Legal but I wasn't sure how that works. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.\n \nEmily\n3-7172"} {"text": "I keep this little message around to help remind myself what a truly blessed life I have had when things aren't going the way I think they should. After reading the paper the last few days I thought you might need a Hug. Jan, Corby, Holly, Tanner, Gunner and I all love you. What more could anyone ask for? Hang in there. \n> THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE \n> \n> Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my \n> life, ever! \n> \n> There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! \n> And because I did I'm going to celebrate! \n> \n> Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so \n> far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the \n> hardships because they have served to make me stronger. \n> \n> I will go through this day with my head held high, and a happy heart. \n> \n> I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun, \n> the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Today, none of these \n> miraculous creations will escape my notice. \n> \n> Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people. I'll make \n> someone smile. I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of \n> kindness for someone I don't even know. \n> \n> Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll \n> tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how \n> deeply I care for them and how much they mean to me. \n> \n> Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and start being \n> grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me. \n> \n> I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in \n> God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine. \n> \n> Tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the \n> heavens. I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon, \n> and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures. \n> \n> As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the \n> Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a \n> contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is \n> going to be ...... \n> The Best Day Of My Life! \n> \n> -- Author Unknown \n> \n> <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< \n> \n> \n> \n\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com"} {"text": "Hi Guys,\n\nI can't recall if you have made any revisions to the exhibits. Please advise \n(and resend) if you have.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/28/2000 09:06 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nlee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com on 11/28/2000 08:09:58 AM\nTo: Kay.Mann@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: RE: Weekly GE Conference Call\n\nKay,\n\nI have a conflict Wed afternoon. But can catch up on Thurs with you and\nKent.\n\nMeanwhile, please send me an e-copy of the LM Exhibits. I can do a quick\nredline of those that change. I've already marked up w/ red pen, the ESA\nElectrobolt + the Summary of terms sheet (ala Dale's on LV II).\n\nThanks,\n\nLee\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 3:14 PM\nTo: michael.barnas@ps.ge.com; stephen.swift@ps.ge.com;\nlee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com; kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com;\nLisa.Bills@enron.com; Roseann.Engeldorf@enron.com;\nSheila.Tweed@enron.com; Scott.Dieball@enron.com; Ben.Jacoby@enron.com\nCc: Suzanne.Adams@enron.com\nSubject: Weekly GE Conference Call\n\n\nDear Turbine Torture Club Members:\n\nThe purpose of this email is to confirm that we will have a conference call\nthis Wednesday, November 29 at 130 CT. The following items have been\nsuggested for the agenda:\n\nForm of consent to assignment agreement (draft circulated) - to be used for\nLM's and Frames, if possible.\nAssignment language - new language being tortured within the Enron ranks,\nto GE soon.\nLimit of liability, indemnity, etc. - Enron owes GE a position on this.\n\nIn addition, it seems to me that the following equipment will be \"moving\"\nsoon:\n\nCity of Austin LM's (to be assigned to ENA, then NEPCO)\nLM's for the ESA project\nPSCO, LV CoGen, the remaining LM's, Pastoria, Blue Dog (all to DevCo,\nright?)\n\nI suggest that we address any commercial, financial or legal issues\noutstanding concerning the assignment of these turbines.\n\nThere may be others who need to be involved in the call, and there may be\nadditional issues. Please advise.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay"} {"text": "Hi everyone,\nI am mailing Christmas cards and I need your addresses. Will you please email\nthem to me? Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!\nLove, Ashlea"} {"text": "Shelley,\nIn addition to the valuable discussion notes you've listed in your memo, here \nare some things I'd like to see covered:\n\n1. Report card on the financial success of the first series of merchant \nplants.\n\n2. The growth in the secondary market (2nd and 3rd owners) for generation \nfacilities.\n\n3. Brief discussion of the basic economic differences (capital vs. O&M & \nfuel) of fully depreciated (formerly utility) electric generation facilities \nand the latest generation high efficiency gas turbines, and the \nimplications/opportunities for gas suppliers/transporters.\n\n4. Understanding of the contractual nature of electric power sales, long \nterm contracts vs. merchant sales into PX markets, and the implications of \nthese contractual arrangements on gas suppliers/transporters.\n\nThanks for putting this together for us.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShelley Corman\n07/11/2000 06:09 PM\nTo: Caroline Barnes/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Martha Benner/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn \nBlair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sharon Brown/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jack \nBoatman/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Janet Butler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Deb \nCappiello/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Alma Carrillo/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Janet \nCones/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, \nShelley_Corman@enron.com, Larry DeRoin/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Rick \nDietz/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dari Dornan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John \nDushinske/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sharon Farrell/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Drew \nFossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, dfulton@enron.com, Lou Geiler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John \nGoodpasture/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Steven \nHarris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rod \nHayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Bambi Heckerman/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Theresa \nHess/ET&S/Enron, Staci Holtzman/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Tamara \nHopkins/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Steve \nHotte/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven January/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Anne \nJolibois/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES, rkilmer@enron.com, \nFrazier King/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Steve Kirk/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tim \nKissner/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Laura Lantefield/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Terry \nLehn/FGT/Enron@Enron, Teb Lokey/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Dorothy \nMcCoppin/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kent \nMiller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michael \nMoran/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Nacey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ray \nNeppl/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Dave Neubauer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Virginia \nO'Neill/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Zelda Paschal/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Maria \nPavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Keith Petersen/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Peggy \nPhillips/FGT/Enron@ENRON, jplace@enron.com, Tony Pryor/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, \nPilar Ramirez/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Patti Rumler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nSandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dave Schafer/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Donna \nScott/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Emily \nSellers/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sharon Solon/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Cindy \nStark/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rockey Storie/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, James \nStudebaker/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Dee Svatos/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Stephen \nVeatch/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Linda Wehring/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Julia \nWhite/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ricki Winters/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Dave \nNeubauer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rod Hayslett/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Larry \nDeRoin/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jack \nBoatman/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Robert Hayes/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Kent \nMiller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kevin \nHyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Save the Date - August 25\n\n\nPlease plan to attend an in-house training session on an \"Introduction to the \nElectric Industry.\" Jim Crist, a lecturer with IGT is preparing a day-long \nseminar customized to our interests and issues. \n\nHere is my \"top 4 list\" on why GPG staff need to increase our understanding \nof the electric industry.\n\nFirst and foremost, gas-fired electric generation is the growth market for \ngas pipelines. We need to get a sense of why and where generation is being \nbuilt and who the likely customers are. This involves understanding the \ndifferent between utility generation and merchant plants, the dynamics of \nsiting, understanding a little bit about how utilities plan and economically \njustify generation investments.\nSecond, we need to understand electric utilities as customers. Who is the \ncustomer these days -- the generator? Who should we be dealing with within \nthe utility organization. What types of load patterns should we expect \nvarious types of electric players? What types of services do they need? We \nalso need to get a sense of how the timing of their processes \ncompare/contrast to our processes on the gas side.\nThird, we need to understand the regulatory climate on the electric side and \nthe implications for electric generation demand growth. We need to \nunderstand the state/federal jurisdictional issues. We need to learn about \nthe debates over ATC, TLR, locational marginal pricing, price caps, and \ncontrol areas. We need to understand how these issues fit into Enron's \nposition in support of restructuring the electric industry, unbundling \ntransmission, removing native load exceptions, and avoiding prices caps and \nwe need to understand how these debates affect GPG.\n Fourth, we need to understand electric tariffs and practices, services and \nOASIS because the FERC has started to insist on common rules between gas and \nelectric. The recent electric interconnection policy has now been applied on \nthe gas side. FERC is talking about imposing the RTO principles on \npipelines. And, we hear a lot of comparisons between OASIS and pipeline \nEBBs. We want to learn how to take advantage of electric best practices \nwhere it makes sense and on the flip side, know how to argue against the \nimposition of electric rules on our pipelines where there are legitimate \ndifferences between gas and electric.\n\nI've shared this list of interests with Jim Crist as he prepares a customized \nseminar for us. Please feel free to email me with any other areas of \ninterest for the course. I will keep you posted on the specific location as \nthings progress. In the meantime, please make sure to save the date! \nPlease pass this notice along to others in your organization that may be \ninterested."} {"text": "Chris,\n\nMike suggested I shoot these up to you guys since the fundy's site is inoperable..."} {"text": "Please plan on meeting for the weekly Sun Devil update today (Monday 10.8) at 3pm in 42c1.\n\nthx\nkh"} {"text": "I wanted to pass along some items I would be interested in for Brown Bags:\nOptions\nGreeks\nEnd of month procedures\n\nThanks\nPL"} {"text": "Susan,\n\nI am pleased that the PUC demonstrated some level of propriety and common sense by not acting in a retroactive manner on direct access. Accordingly, we are placing our work in abeyance pending further instruction.\n\nIf any party is interested in litigating further the direct access decision from September 20, it will be necessary to petition for rehearing at the PUC. An aggrieved party will only be able to go to court if the PUC denies the petition for rehearing or upholds its original decision following rehearing. The grounds for judicial review now appear to be limited to (1) denial of procedural due process and (2) PUC conduct contrary to law. This latter argument is based on a statutory duty to hold hearings when deciding whether to change a policy originally decided following hearings. Unlike the problems caused by a retroactive decision, there is probably no basis for a stay pending final decision.\n\nThe attached petition is the most recent generation and has fairly accurate tables of authorities and content. It does not have the two most recent developments (the statement by the Department of Finance indicating that bonds may not be necessary and the argument that there was a statutory duty to conduct hearings). If this petition is revived, those arguments can be quickly inserted.\n\nI have also retained all comments so those will be available if the petition is revived.\n\nBest regards,\nEd Duncan"} {"text": "In celebration of EnronOnline's one millionth transaction this week, we would like to invite you to a celebration party on Thursday, June 7th from 5- 8 p.m. at The Grasshopper (506 Main Street @ Prairie in downtown). Please RSVP as soon as possible by clicking on the link below. \n\nhttp://207..193.94/invitation/\n\nI hope to see you there.\n\nAndy Zipper"} {"text": "I can make it next week. Travis will be on vacation but we can patch him in \nby phone. Ken is available from 9 to 11 and then again from 3 or 4 onwards. \nWhich would you prefer?\n\n\n\n\tLouise Kitchen\n\t06/06/2000 11:44 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Andy Zipper/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lydia Cannon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: Agreements\n\nCool and Yup to the lawyer - probably both of you if you can make it as we \nwill revisit the regulatory issues in depth for the paperwork - can we set up \nWed in NY?\n\n\nFrom: Travis McCullough on 06/06/2000 11:39\nTo: Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Andy Zipper/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lydia Cannon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Agreements \n\nLouise:\n\nThe S & C first draft of the Posting Agreement was fine as far as it went, \nbut it was only a first draft and needs a rework before the meeting to make \nthe best use of your time. Mark and I plan to redraft it and recirculate it \nin the next couple of days -- I wouldnb't recommend you look at the current \ndraft, because it doesn't really say anything other than what is already in \nthe True Quote term sheet.\n\nDo you need a lawyer with you in New York when you meet with S & C? \n\nTravis McCullough\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street EB 3817\nHouston Texas 77002\nPhone: (713) 853-1575\nFax: (713) 646-3490"} {"text": "Can youn craft a generic document to handle both cases?\n\nDave\n\n\n\n\nMark Taylor\n03/02/2000 01:09 AM\nTo: David Forster/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: New PA form \n\nI had assumed we were going to have a separate PA for the Auction-only \ncounterparties. The PA contains an unfortunate reference to the ETA which \nwill need to change if they will only be accepting the Auction-only agreement.\n\n\n\nDavid Forster\n02/29/2000 10:00 AM\nTo: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Justin Boyd/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mark Dilworth/LON/ECT@ECT, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amita \nGosalia/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New PA form\n\nMark/Justin,\n\nAttached is a copy of the Australian PA. It includes the addition of an \nAddress for Service.\n\nDo you think we should incorporate this in our other PA's as well?\n\nI realise that in many instances we are already doing business with the \nrelevant company - and the same or similar information might be included on \nthe Registration form (where completed) - but are you concerned about \nambiguity in the event that no Registration form is completed?\n\nAlso: We will need to have some way to distinguish PA's which arrive for \ncustomers who want access to Auctions only. What do you think about adding a \nstatement like: \"(Optional): Tick this box if you wish to have access only to \nEnronOnline auctions and not to the main transactions site\" [tick box].\n\nIf you wish to proceed with either of the above, we will need to revise all \nPA's and post them on the website.\n\nThanks,\n\nDave"} {"text": "Hi Warren, \n\nCould you please print these for me?\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 04/18/2001 10:27 \nAM ---------------------------\nFrom: Carlos Sole on 04/17/2001 06:52 PM\nTo: Lisa Bills/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc: Carlos Sole/NA/Enron@Enron, Catherine Clark/ENRON@enronXgate, Herman \nManis/ENRON@enronXgate, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, Roseann \nEngeldorf/ENRON@enronXgate, kweimer@milbank.com, mmckay@velaw.com \n\nSubject: Re: FW: Turbopark Notices and Documents for Delta Turbine Sale \n\nTo all:\n\nAttached for your review and comment are forms of the initial notice letter, \nassignment and assumption agreement and bill of sale that we intend to \ndeliver this Friday for a closing the next Friday on April 27. In addition, \nplease note that Rose and I are still coordinating the preparation of the \nPrepayment Notice as well as the UCC-3s. Please call or email me with any \ncomments or questions that you may have and thank you in advance for your \nattention to this matter. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCarlos Sole'\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n\n(713) 345-8191 (phone)\n713 646-3393 (fax)"} {"text": "Start Date: 1/8/02; HourAhead hour: 4; No ancillary schedules awarded. Variances detected.\nVariances detected in Load schedule. \n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final Schedules\\2002010804.txt\n\n---- Load Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblLoads.\n Details: (Hour: 4 / Preferred: 2.25 / Final: 2.22)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n LOAD_ID: PGE1\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 1/8/02\n SC_ID: ENRJ"} {"text": "Stinson,\n\nThe spreadsheet below shows the allocations I made for EBS.\nThe numbers in magenta show percentage allocations,\nOf course, Samir and Samer are gone, ad so is Roman.\nThe problem is that once I give the percentages to accounting they become \nfixed for one year."} {"text": "It looks like EOL will have a full T1 link with AEP in place next week. I will review this with Network Security and see if there are any issues. AEP will still need to have their interfaces built and ready. Enron should be ready to start testing our side by the end of this month and work out any issues in April.\n\nI talked to Dawn Fournier about space in Three Allen and they are working on trying to free up a floor. Currently there is not a whole floor available. If they are successful then we will need to see what is currently set up on the floor and come up with the best plan for getting the space up and running ASAP. To do so we may need to provide network and telephony services instead of waiting on AEP to build out their servers & install a phone switch.\n\nLet me know if there are any questions. - Tommy\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHillier, Bob \nSent:\tThursday, March 08, 2001 9:06 AM\nTo:\tYanowski, Tommy J.\nSubject:\tRE: AEP\n\nI am pretty sure that it is a full T1. Hopefully the routing will be worked out next week. The only thing left would be to make sure that the EOL business folks are OK with using it for this as well as the direct connect to EOL.\n\nI will pass this by Bob Shults who is heading up this project.\n\nbbh\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tYanowski, Tommy J. \nSent:\tThursday, March 08, 2001 7:51 AM\nTo:\tHillier, Bob\nSubject:\tRE: AEP\n\nI believe Louise would like to close by May but that would mean needing the link in place by early April so that we could test and be ready to go April Bid Week for May production.\n\nDo you know what the size of the link is? Is it a full T1? \n\nThanks for all of your help. I hate to bother you but Louise and Skillings want to close ASAP. Enron must need the cash. - Tommy\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHillier, Bob \nSent:\tWednesday, March 07, 2001 10:41 PM\nTo:\tYanowski, Tommy J.\nSubject:\tAEP\n\nIt does not look like AEP has its link up yet. The last note I got said that they were still working on some routing issues.\n\nWhat is your timeline for this look like.\n\nbbh"} {"text": "As we don't have any programming experience, and\nwe're not very good at this, this virus works on\nthe honor system. Please delete all the files from\nyour hard drive and manually forward this virus\nto everyone on your mailing list.\n\nThanks for your cooperation,\nTexas A & M Computer Engineering Dept."} {"text": "Michelle,\n\n\tHere's a draft of the letter. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tBill"} {"text": "mkorn@nymex.com"} {"text": "i dont hate it. i'm just tired of it.\nwhat school in denver? do you like working @ enron?\ndo you know a john franklin or sonya there?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n> i went to high school in denver. i have only lived\nhere for 2 years.\n> no wonder you hate houston. there is nothing up in\nnorth houston.\n>\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: \tccates@mail.lbjs.com@ENRON\n> > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\nccates+40mail+2Elbjs+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] On\n> > Behalf Of Cori Cates \n> > Sent:\tThursday, May 31, 2001 10:25 AM\n> > To:\tLenhart, Matthew\n> > Subject:\tRE:\n> >\n> > hey-\n> > i grew up in north houston (around the woodlands\narea)\n> > i've only live here for 2 years. where did you go\nto\n> > high school?\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > > i live inside the loop here and usually don't\nleave\n> > unless i have to\n> > > golf. outside of the loop is pretty ugly. which\n> > part of houston did\n> > > you grow up in?\n> > >\n> > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > From: \tccates@mail.lbjs.com@ENRON\n> > > > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\n> > ccates+40mail+2Elbjs+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] On\n> > > > Behalf Of Cori Cates \n> > > > Sent:\tWednesday, May 30, 2001 3:17 PM\n> > > > To:\tLenhart, Matthew\n> > > > Subject:\tRE:\n> > > >\n> > > > no i do not work for strip clubs!!!\n> > > > our 'in house' production department makes\n> > comercials\n> > > > for advertising companies; i.e. clubs,\nbars....and i\n> > > > did the voice work for them! h-town IS the\narmpit\n> > of\n> > > > america. i know, i've lived there all my\nlife. you\n> > > > cannot say it isn't dirty. especially after you\nsee\n> > a\n> > > > beautiful clean place like austin. but i'm glad\nto\n> > know\n> > > > that there are people who still love houston\ntoo.\n> > > >\n> > > > what's my stripper name?!! nice.\n> > > > -cori\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > > you think houston is the armpit of the\nworld? i\n> > love\n> > > > it hear. the\n> > > > > weather sucks in the summer, but other than\nthat\n> > it\n> > > > is a blast. so you\n> > > > > do work for strip clubs huh? that is\ninteresting.\n> > > > what is your\n> > > > > stripper name?\n> > > > >\n> > > > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > > > From: \tccates@mail.lbjs.com@ENRON\n> > > > > > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\n> > > > ccates+40mail+2Elbjs+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\nOn\n> > > > > > Behalf Of Cori Cates \n> > > > > > Sent:\tWednesday, May 30, 2001 10:33 AM\n> > > > > > To:\tLenhart, Matthew\n> > > > > > Subject:\tRE:\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > hey there- how's it goin?\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > 4th st. is sort-of away from all the college\n> > > > > > crowd...it's pretty cool, i like it. if you\n> > were\n> > > > to go\n> > > > > > to 6th. 'the library' & 'the aquarium' are\ngood\n> > > > > > places. 'touche' is also pretty cool\n(flaming\n> > > > dr.pepper\n> > > > > > gimick).\n> > > > > > i work at 'lbjs broadcasting' there are six\n> > radio\n> > > > > > stations in the building. i work\nspecifically\n> > for\n> > > > > > 101X. it is an alternative rock station. i\n> > also\n> > > > make\n> > > > > > some commercials; if you listen to the radio\n> > here-\n> > > > > > that's me talking on the 'showpalace'\n& 'expose'\n> > > > > > commercials.- yes- they are strip clubs.(no\n> > > > > > affiliation) it also airs on 93.7fm.\n> > > > > > how's it goin in the arm-pit of america?\n> > > > > > -cori:)\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > > i forgot you had a wedding. i don't go\nup to\n> > > > austin\n> > > > > > all that much. i\n> > > > > > > usually stay down here and go out. where\ndo\n> > you\n> > > > work\n> > > > > > up there again? i\n> > > > > > > am sure you told me, but i forgot. where\nare\n> > the\n> > > > > > good places to hang\n> > > > > > > out? is it 4th st?\n> > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > > > > > From: \tccates@mail.lbjs.com@ENRON\n> > > > > > > > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\n> > > > > >\nccates+40mail+2Elbjs+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> > On\n> > > > > > > > Behalf Of Cory Cates\n\n> > > > > > > > Sent:\tTuesday, May 29, 2001 3:53 PM\n> > > > > > > > To:\tLenhart, Matthew\n> > > > > > > > Subject:\tRE:\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > i was kidding about your\nfriends...besides-\n> > i\n> > > > > > > > definately do not have room to talk.\n> > > > > > > > i guess you didn't remember, i have\n> > a \"wedding\"\n> > > > on\n> > > > > > > > saturday? i have to be in h-town on\nfri.\n> > for\n> > > > the\n> > > > > > > > rehearsal. sucks. you'll have fun\nthough-\n> > do\n> > > > you\n> > > > > > come\n> > > > > > > > to austin a lot? next time i'm in\nhouston\n> > will\n> > > > > > > > probably be father's day.\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > i've had just about enough of this place\n> > for one\n> > > > > > day,\n> > > > > > > > so i'm going home now...\n> > > > > > > > have a good day\n> > > > > > > > -cori:)\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > my friends are liars. this past\nweekend\n> > was\n> > > > an\n> > > > > > > > anomaly. it isn't bad\n> > > > > > > > > to go out and party like a rock star\nevery\n> > > > now and\n> > > > > > > > then. i will be in\n> > > > > > > > > austin this saturday night, so maybe\nwe\n> > can\n> > > > get\n> > > > > > > > together in austin. we\n> > > > > > > > > will probably be at it pretty hard\n> > again. i\n> > > > have\n> > > > > > a\n> > > > > > > > friend coming in\n> > > > > > > > > from new orleans so he will want to\nhit\n> > 6th\n> > > > > > street.\n> > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > > > > > > > From:\n\tccates@mail.lbjs.com@ENRON\n> > > > > > > > > > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\n> > > > > > > >\n> > ccates+40mail+2Elbjs+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> > > > On\n> > > > > > > > > > Behalf Of Cory Cates\n> > \n> > > > > > > > > > Sent:\tTuesday, May 29, 2001\n2:35 PM\n> > > > > > > > > > To:\tLenhart, Matthew\n> > > > > > > > > > Subject:\tRE:\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > > stop making excuses- your friends\nall\n> > said\n> > > > that\n> > > > > > > > you're\n> > > > > > > > > > always very drunk every weekend. ha.\n> > > > > > > > > > i'm back in austin. i did have fun\n> > > > sat.night-\n> > > > > > it\n> > > > > > > > was\n> > > > > > > > > > worth driving in for:)\n> > > > > > > > > > i'm about a quart low today; i drove\n> > back on\n> > > > > > sunday\n> > > > > > > > &\n> > > > > > > > > > spent the rest of the weekend on the\n> > lake.\n> > > > i\n> > > > > > need\n> > > > > > > > to\n> > > > > > > > > > go home.\n> > > > > > > > > > why are you coming up this weekend\n> > again?\n> > > > for\n> > > > > > some\n> > > > > > > > > > reason, i can't remember.\n> > > > > > > > > > -cori\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > > > i remember you. i was pretty\ndrunk\n> > > > though.\n> > > > > > > > > > hopefully i didn't make too\n> > > > > > > > > > > much of an ass out of myself. we\nhit\n> > it\n> > > > > > really\n> > > > > > > > hard\n> > > > > > > > > > that night for my\n> > > > > > > > > > > buddy's birthday. how was your\n> > > > bachelorette\n> > > > > > > > party?\n> > > > > > > > > > are you back in\n> > > > > > > > > > > austin now?\n> > > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > > > > > > > > > From:\n> > \tccates@mail.lbjs.com@ENRON\n> > > > > > > > > > > > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > ccates+40mail+2Elbjs+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> > > > > > On\n> > > > > > > > > > > > Behalf Of Cory Cates\n> > > > \n> > > > > > > > > > > > Sent:\tTuesday, May 29, 2001\n> > 11:56 AM\n> > > > > > > > > > > > To:\tLenhart, Matthew\n> > > > > > > > > > > > Subject:\n> > > > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > > > > hi matt....\n> > > > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > > > > -cori\n> > > > > > > > > > > > (hopefully you remeber me)\n> > > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > > >\n> > > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > >\n> > >\n> >\n>"} {"text": "Thanks, Vince. Paul and I are looking forward to working with you, Joe, Mark and Claudio on this project.\n\nHoward\n\n Howard Kunreuther\nCecilia Yen Koo Professor of Decisions Sciences and Public Policy\nChairperson Operations and Information Management Department\n1326 Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall\nWharton School\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6366\nPhone:215-898-4589\nFAX:215-573-2130\nEmail:kunreuth@wharton.upenn.edu\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince J [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 9:28 AM\nTo: kleindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: kunreuth@wharton.upenn.edu; Kaminski, Vince J; vkaminski@aol.com;\nHrgovcic, Joseph; Tawney, Mark; Ribeiro, Claudio\nSubject: E-mail addresses\n\n\nPaul and Howard,\n\nI am sending you as promised the E-mail addresses of\nthe participants of the conference call on Friday.\n\nVince\n\n\n joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com\n mark.tawney@enron.com\n claudio.ribeiro@enron.com"} {"text": "Steve - will you call me, when you get a moment>"} {"text": "Leslie:\nWe are holding LC's that expire 12/31/01 for the following counterpaerties:\n\nNiagra Mohawk Energy Marketing Inc. (financial)\nMetromedia Energy Inc. (physical)\nSimpson Tacoma Kraft Company (physical)\nThe Energy Authority (physical)\nEnergy Production Corporation (financial)\nRising Star Energy LLC (financial)\n\n\nAre there any past due payments owed by these counterparties? When are the next payments due?\n\nCarol St. Clair\nEB 4539\n713-853-3989 (phone)\n713-646-3393 (fax)\n281-382-1943 (cell phone)\n8774545506 (pager)\n281-890-8862 (home fax)\ncarol.st.clair@enron.com"} {"text": "t; please prnt for me thx\n---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 07/25/2000 05:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Laing 07/24/2000 05:26 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Hoyt Thomas/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Policies and Procedures Information \n\nPR have confirmed that it was forwarded to Mike Casey in Missouri - as \ninstructed by Mike Hutchinson .\n\nRegards\n\nMelissa\n\n\n\nHoyt Thomas@ENRON\n22/07/2000 00:10\nTo: Melissa Laing/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Policies and Procedures Information\n\nMelissa, was this info forwarded to US and Canadian employees as well?\n\nHoyt\n---------------------- Forwarded by Hoyt Thomas/NA/Enron on 07/21/2000 06:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Laing @ ECT 07/21/2000 12:43 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Hoyt Thomas/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeanie Slone/LON/ECT@ECT, Melanie \nDoyle/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Policies and Procedures Information\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Laing/LON/ECT on 21/07/2000 18:45 \n---------------------------\n\n\nFiona Grant\n21/07/2000 14:19\nTo: ECT Europe MG Integration\ncc: \n\nSubject: Policies and Procedures Information\n\n\nDear all,\n\nAs promised at today's weekly team meeting, please find attached a copy of \nthe \"policies and procedures\" information that was distributed yesterday to \nMG staff. \nWe will be facilitating meetings next Thursday here at Enron House on this \nmaterial so as to afford MG staff an opportunity to ask questions, etc.\n\nFiona"} {"text": "Howard Weg left me a message last night that you were scheduled at 10am. I suggested to Harry that he call Howard directly, as he is the keeper of the schedule. The interviews are at Greenberg Glusker, which I think is in Century City. The Angels are in town Tues night. How far away is that?\n\n\n\n\n\t\"A William Urquhart\" 05/24/2001 05:14 PM \t To: cc: Subject: Do you know what time our presentation is going to be on Wednesday. We are trying to coordinate a b\t\n\n\n\nDo you know what time our presentation is going to be on Wednesday. We are trying to coordinate a bunch of differnent schedules."} {"text": "Gee, now that's a \"rib\"-tickler.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Nancy Sellers [mailto:Nancy.Sellers@RobertMondavi.com]\nSent: Monday, September 17, 2001 2:51 PM\nTo: Dasovich, Jeff\nSubject: RE: Last night\n\n\n\"rib\"ald - get it??\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Dasovich, Jeff [mailto:Jeff.Dasovich@ENRON.com]\nSent: Monday, September 17, 2001 10:08 AM\nTo: Nancy Sellers; Eldon Sellers; Jeff Dasovich; Prentice @ Berkeley;\nPrentice Sellers\nSubject: RE: Last night\n\n\nNo, I don't think so. Haley and Wil's vocabularies may expanded a bit,\nthough. Thanks again for having them. Very kind of you.\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\nPS You guys get all the cards.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Nancy Sellers [mailto:Nancy.Sellers@RobertMondavi.com]\nSent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: 'Eldon Sellers'; 'Jeff Dasovich'; Prentice @ Berkeley; Prentice\nSellers\nSubject: Last night\n\n\nwere we too ribald last night?\n\nNancy\n(707) 251-4870 (phone)\n(707) 265-5446 (fax)\n\"Plus je bois, mieux je chante\"\n\n\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and\nmay contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply\nto Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you. \n**********************************************************************"} {"text": "Attached is the boxed language for BUL. This includes the language added last\nFriday for NOIEs.\n\nLarry\n\n(See attached file: PIP112 -Balancing Energy Up Load.zip)\n\n\n - PIP112 -Balancing Energy Up Load.zip"} {"text": "Attached are three worksheets for new counterparties for Carolyn Abramo. \nThese are a priority for Carolyn, so please coordinate with her on getting \nthese out ASAP.\n\nThanks,\nJS"} {"text": "Angeline Bray\n496 Bluebird Canyon\nLaguna Beach, CA 92651\nangiebray@earthlink.net\n\nTo Mr. Ken Lay,\n\nI'm writing to urge you to donate the millions of dollars you made from selling Enron stock before the company declared bankruptcy to funds, such as Enron Employee Transition Fund and REACH, that benefit the company's employees, who lost their retirement savings, and provide relief to low-income consumers in California, who can't afford to pay their energy bills. Enron and you made millions out of the pocketbooks of California consumers and from the efforts of your employees.\n\nIndeed, while you netted well over a $100 million, many of Enron's employees were financially devastated when the company declared bankruptcy and their retirement plans were wiped out. And Enron made an astronomical profit during the California energy crisis last year. As a result, there are thousands of consumers who are unable to pay their basic energy bills and the largest utility in the state is bankrupt.\n\nThe New York Times reported that you sold $101 million worth of Enron stock while aggressively urging the company's employees to keep buying it. Please donate this money to the funds set up to help repair the lives of those Americans hurt by Enron's underhanded dealings.\n\nSincerely,\n\nAngeline Bray"} {"text": "Prepared in Anticipation of Litigation\n\nHere is the list of counsel that attended today's conference call regarding\npublic events involving the California Power Exchange Corporation. I\ndelayed publishing this list until 6:00 p.m. because I kept receiving emails\nfrom interested parties. I also received the following report from John\nStamper at O'Melveny & Myers who represents SEMPRA and San Diego Gas &\nElectric.\n\nJohn had a conversation with Bob Moore from Millbank representing the\nCalifornia PX. Bob apparently told John that invoices for the chargebacks\nwill be issued on Monday February 5th and will be due and payable by\nThursday February 8th or Friday February 9th. John asked for February 9th\nrather than the 8th. John raised again the possibility of a standstill\nagreement. Bob Moore reported that the CalPX was amenable to a standstill\nagreement if everybody agreed. They are worried, however, about being sued\nfor failing to liquidate collateral as soon as they are able etc. John\npointed out that the CalPX might be subject to claims from those entities\nthat had their letters of credit drawn down improperly. Bob then reported\nthat the number one option that the CalPX was considering was bankruptcy.\nIt seems to them to be the one forum where they can get all the parties.\nThey are also considering dissolution and invoking the ADR procedure\nthemselves.\n\nWe have scheduled a teleconference to discuss the FERC options for 11:00\na.m. PST on Monday February 5, 2001. The call in number is 1-800-205-3434,\nparticipant code: 653687\n\nI have also received a request to schedule an alternative teleconference for\n1:00 p.m. PST to consider non-FERC alternatives. This would include\nlitigation alternatives. We will distribute the dial in number and access\ncode for that call on Monday morning.\n\nProposed Agenda for 11:00 a.m. FERC Option Teleconference:\n\nI. Current Status of any proposed filings.\n Note: Phil Fantle, in-house counsel for Cargill-Alliant sent me a\ncopy of a filing they made with FERC on January 29th. I will send a\ncopy under separate email cover.\nII. Discussion of specific relevant examples where CalPX has violated\nthe tariff with respect to specific PX Participants. The purpose of\ngathering these examples is to be able to demonstrate that CalPX is\nacting arbitrarily and capriciously if that is case. This could\ninclude identification of specific instances of inconsistent treatment of PX\nParticipants or inconsistent treatment of the same PX Participant.\n\n For example, Phil Fantle pointed out that the way he reads the\ntariff, if you look at the chargeback formula set forth in Schedule 2,\nSection 5.3, the ratio for each PX Participant appears to be a fixed number\nthat does not vary after the default of another PX Participant. In\nPhil's example, if a defaulting participant has a 25% share of the gross\nMWHs sold in the Core market, during the chargeback process only 75%\nof the default is paid through chargeback because there is no provision for\nrecalculating the chargeback formula.\n\nIII. Summary of best arguments of why CalPX application of charge-back is\ninconsistent with tariff.\nIV. Impact of Governor Davis' \"commandeering\" of SCE block forward\ncontracts.\n\n <>\n\nThanks\nGary\n\n=======================================================\nThis email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may \ncontain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, \nuse, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended \nrecipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of \nthe original message.\n\nTo reply to our email administrator directly, send an email to \npostmaster@brobeck.com\nBROBECK PHLEGER & HARRISON LLP\nhttp://www.brobeck.com\n\n\n\n - Cal PX Contact List.DOC"} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Lara Leibman/Enron Communications on 03/31/01 09:47 PM \n-----\n\n\tEBS Marketing & PR\n\t03/28/01 06:02 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: All EBS Employees Worldwide\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: EBS Connected\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMarket Close 3/28/01 \n58.10 -2.36\n\nBandwidth Intermediation\n(through 3/23/01)\n\nYTD Transactions 271 Counterparties 32\n \nLTD Transactions 483 Counterparties 55 \n\n\n\n\n \n \n March 28, \n2001 \n\n\n\nGROWING MARKET FOR BANDWIDTH\n\n\u0001&The market for bandwidth is developing more quickly than we anticipated \u0001) \nfaster than the markets for natural gas or even electricity,\u00018 said Paul \nRacicot, vice president, EBS Global Trading and Risk Management.\n\nClick here to read more.\n\n\n\n\nKEVIN HANNON ON ESPEAK\nRemember to join Kevin Hannon as he fields questions on eSpeak next Tuesday, \nApril 3 at 10:00 a.m. CST. All EBS employees worldwide are encouraged to \ntake advantage of this great opportunity to ask questions or express your \nthoughts and ideas. Log onto eSpeak from eThink at home.enron.com to \nparticipate in the discussion or ask a question. If you cannot join the live \nchat, you can submit a question in advance and access the transcript after \nthe event. If you have any questions, please contact Carin Andre. \nClick here to enter the eSpeak site.\n\n\n\n\nOnline Exlcusive: Money in the (Data) Bank\nBy Ted Jackson\nMarch 21, 2001\n\n\n\nEnron Finds Retail Ally For Software Venture\nBy Jeff Baumgartner\nMarch 26, 2001 \n\n\n\nRapid New Connections\nBy Alan Stewart\nMarch 19, 2001\n\n\n\n\n\nFebruary/March 2001 Issue\n\nEnron Unveils Storage Trades\nEnron Broadband has completed a series of deals in the data storage market, \ncommoditising this fast-growing area for the first time. It acted as a \nmarket maker, purchasing storage capacity from StorageNetworks - which was \nthen sold on to Best Buy, a retailer of electronics products. Crucially, \nboth contracts were based on Enron's standard contract and included firm \ndelivery with liquidated damages.\n\nIn the last few years the storage market has moved from being a self-managed \nand owned business to one where storage is served up from a standard metro \nnetwork. Enron's involvement will be bring flexibility of contract offering \nand imbedded optionality, according to Ravi Thuraisingham, a senior trader at \nEnron. \"When we sell the product to the customer we remain in the market to \nbuy the capacity back should they wish to unwind their position later. That \nis unprecedented,\" says Thuraisingham. \n\nThe storage market has historically been more flexible and more committed to \nfirm delivery than the bandwidth market, but these trades mark a significant \ndevelopment. Rather than dated damages the storage market has tended to \nfavour discounts on future purchases. \"There is a premium in the price for \nfirm delivery,\" says Thuraisingham.\n\nHe says that a number of other market participants are eager to commit to \nEnron as a market maker. In addition, equipment vendors are excited by the \npossibilities of the market. \"most storage equipment at the moment is \nsupplied to the enterprise market. This development opens up the wholesale \nstorage capacity market,\" says Thuraisingham. \n\n\n\n\nFebruary/March 2001 Issue\n\nRoundtable Preview\n\nMarcello Romano, EBS vice-president bandwidth trading in London, is \nparticipating in a roundtable on the development of the bandwidth trading \nmarket. Other participants include TFS Telecom Division, Williams \nCommunications, Dynegy Global Communications, France Telecom and Telemonde \nNetworks. Following are his initial comments to Telecoms Capacity:\n\n\nMarcello Romano is vice president bandwidth trading at Enron Broadband \nServices in London, arguably one of the most important players in the \ncommoditisation of the market. \n\nThe concept of firmness of delivery will encourage more participants in the \nlong term. What is important to realise is that firmness doesn\u0001,t mean \ndelivery tomorrow. All it means is that if you commit to a date and then fail \nto deliver on that date you must pay damages. These are not punitive, they \nare fair. In the telecoms sector, damages are usually payable in credits, but \nit\u0001,s important that any damages go above what was originally paid in that \ncontract. Otherwise, there is no contractual incentive for the carrier to \ndeliver on time or at all. \n\u0001; \u0001;\nThe downturn in investors\u0001, appetite to put money into telecoms companies will \nhasten a trading culture. The carriers already trade capacity between \nthemselves to allow them to sell services. As investment for expansion \ndeclines, these options will become more attractive. But it generally still \nmakes sense to build rather than buy where there is volume.\n\u0001; \u0001;\nPooling points are the logical conclusion to the problems of connectivity. \nMetro platforms are a key feature of a number of carriers\u0001, strategies because \nthey help you get around a lot of local loop issues and offer increased \naccess to buyers and sellers. Carriers are currently trying to build to as \nmany telehouses within a metro area as possible, because no-one wants to be \ntied. The pooling point concept takes that to a logical conclusion. It is \nmore economical to create a hub that can then connect to all the telehouses \nthrough the networks of the carriers involved. It\u0001,s efficient and fairly \ncheap to connect. The idea that people don\u0001,t want to be involved with pooling \npoints because it\u0001,s a link you can\u0001,t control is nonsense. Carriers connect \nwith third parties such as CLECs all the time and rely on them to complete a \nroute. It\u0001,s not a revolution, it\u0001,s an evolution.\n\u0001; \u0001;\nYou can be a player without owning a network. In Europe, Enron has no fibre \nnetwork and is involved in the buy and the sell side of the market. That\u0001,s a \npositive development, which reinforces the model we\u0001,re trying to build. A lot \nof players spend a lot of money finding and closing simple transactions. We \ncan help them do it cheaper and allow their sales force to concentrate on \nhigher value-added sales. What\u0001,s wrong with that?\n\n\n\nUPCOMING TRAINING\nBroadband Risk Management Advanced Course\nDate: April 3-4, 2001 (2 days)\nTime: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST)\nLocation: Houston, Shepherd Facility\nRooms: Gulf of Mexico and Padre Island\nRegistration link >> \n\nEBS Luncheon Discussion Series\nTake a walk in space with Joe Edwards, former NASA shuttle astronaut\nDate: April 17, 2001\nTime: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (CST)\nLocation: EB5C2\nLunch will be provided.\n\nFundamentals of Corporate Finance\nDate: April 18-19, 2001 (1 1/2 days)\nTime: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Wednesday)\n 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon (Thursday)\nLocation: Houston, Shepherd Facility\nRooms: Padre Island\nRegistration link >> \n\nIf you have any questions regarding any of the above courses, please contact \nRita Ramirez.\n\n We want your ideas and feedback on EBS Connected."} {"text": "Hell Jeff!? I've attached a speaking invitation to your from Working Woman \nand thank you, in advance, for considering us!? Best regards -\n - WW500 2001 Speaking Invitation.doc"} {"text": "There will be a meeting on Wednesday May 23 th at 03:30-5:00 in 3125 with the \ndevelopers of Foster/Sahara. The previous meeting notice for the Fundamental \ngroup for Tuesday May 22nd has been cancelled due to a lack of meeting room \nspace after the fundy meeting. Please attend if you are interested in using \nEnrons transmission tool (Foster) or want to provide input on the future of a \nhourly one deal entry system (Sahara).\n\nObjective: To review the existing capability of Foster and Sahara. Provide \nfeed back to the Foster and Sahara groups on new features that would enhance \nthe existing capability of these applications.\nFoster\nOverview - what is Foster?\nFunctionality and Features\nQuestions\nSahara \nOverview - what is Sahara?\nFunctionality and Features\nQuestions\n\nThanks."} {"text": "I want to go down with you. Thx,\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBuerger, Rubena \nSent:\tMonday, November 12, 2001 2:12 PM\nTo:\tKingerski, Harry; Black, Don; Shireman, Kristann; Dietrich, Sarah; Keller, James; Mihalik, Teresa; Tycholiz, Barry; Brackett, Debbie R.; Ward, Kim; Steffes, James D.; Ogenyi, Gloria\nCc:\tNoske, Linda J.\nSubject:\tRE: SoCal Gas \nImportance:\tHigh\n\nThe meeting location has been changed to EB 2844.\n\nThank you,\nRubena\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKingerski, Harry \nSent:\tMonday, November 12, 2001 11:32 AM\nTo:\tBlack, Don; Shireman, Kristann; Dietrich, Sarah; Keller, James; Mihalik, Teresa; Tycholiz, Barry; Brackett, Debbie R.; St. Clair, Carol; Ward, Kim\nCc:\tOgenyi, Gloria; Steffes, James D.\nSubject:\tRE: SoCal Gas \n\nWe have reserved room EB 4746 from 3:15-4 pm today to discuss status on the SoCal margin agreement. SoCal is still holding to the deadline of tomorrow; this morning I asked for a couple of additional days while we work through the details but they have not yet agreed to an extension.\n\nWe need to cover, at a minimum -\n1) suggested wording changes to the agreement 2) sign off on operational coordination between EES and ENA 3) agreement from Credit to the change 4) understanding of final internal signoffs necessary"} {"text": "Waiting to hear back from Shawn on the definition. I'll pass that on when he responds. \n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Saunders, James \nSent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 5:47 PM\nTo: Sutton, Lisa; Hayslett, Rod\nSubject: RE: Important: Social and Environmental Risk baseline\n\n\nI agree that you can develop a rpeliminary assessment thru Lou and Don, as to environmental.\nWhat is social risk???????????????????????\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sutton, Lisa \nSent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 5:34 PM\nTo: Hayslett, Rod; Saunders, James\nSubject: FW: Improtant: Social and Environmental Risk baseline\n\n\n\nShould I work on this request? We will be doing our risk assessments for 2002 with Andersen in January but I could touch base with a few folks in the organization (Lou Soldano and Don Hawkins) if needed. Please advise.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kilchrist, Shawn \nSent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 8:57 AM\nTo: Kilchrist, Shawn; Berggren, John; Sutton, Lisa; Atwood, Mechelle;\nGregorcyk, Vicky; Barrett, Misty; Bromley, Paul; Sloan, Mary\nSubject: Improtant: Social and Environmental Risk baseline\n\n\nAs part of Ken Lays initiative to measure Enron's social and environmental risk, EAS has been requested to help with a baseline assessment of what our BU's are doing in those areas. As such, please talk with your CAO's and/or BU leaders as part of your 2002 risk assessment and obtain answers to the following questions and send them back to me on or before Thanksgiving. Please let me know if you're having any problems with this or need further clarification.\n\n\n* Do the business units know the scope and nature of social and environmental risks associated with their business strategy, transactions, assets, countries where they operate, and/or counter parties? \n* Do the business units have a process to identify social and environmental risk?\n* If so, what process does the business units employ in order to identify and manage social and environmental risk?\n* What process do the business units use to quantify and/or qualify these exposures?\n* Who is responsible for managing this process in the business? \n* Does the business review the quality of their social/environmental risk assessment and management activities?\n* Is the business unit aware of the existing corporate function and processes?\n\nThis information will help Ken and his task team to develop a proposed process for developing a consistent process for measuring social/environmental risk management performance across the business. We may be asked for more assistance in this area in 2002.\n\nThank you for your assistance!\n\nShawn"} {"text": "here is a spreadsheet that captures the eol price data, an analyst here built it, apparently whenever the price changes in eol it gets sent to a file server and then the macro picks up the new data\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLowell, Thomas \nSent:\tMonday, November 19, 2001 8:30 AM\nTo:\tZufferli, John\nSubject:"} {"text": "sounds good, but i couldn't open the file. could you send hard copy\n\n\n\n\tKelly Kimberly@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS\n\t10/10/2000 11:41 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Michael Terraso/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Lauren Goldblatt/NY/ECT@ECT, Steven J \nKean/NA/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Polaroid agreement\n\nWow! We are making a little progress, it looks like!\n\n(Steve, when Mike and I met with Francis for the first time he told us we had \nto agree that we'd never use WWF's name related to this initiative if they \nparticipated with EES)\n\n\n----- Forwarded by Kelly Kimberly/Enron Communications on 10/10/00 11:26 PM \n-----\n\n\tGRANT@wwfus.org\n\t10/10/00 07:59 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: kkimber@ei.enron.com, Michael.Terraso@enron.com\n\t\t cc: (bcc: Kelly Kimberly/Enron Communications)\n\t\t Subject: Polaroid agreement\n\nThought you might be interested in the latest climate savers partner. There\nis a press conference with Senator Kerry today in Boston announcing the\ndeal. We added in Enron. F. \n\n\n\n <> \n\nFrancis A. Grant-Suttie\nDirector, Private Sector Initiatives\nWorld Wildlife Fund\n1250 Twenty-Fourth St., NW\nWashington, DC 20037-1132\nphone: (202) 778-9718\nfax: (202) 861-8378\ne-mail: francis.grant-suttie@wwfus.org"} {"text": "Vince\n\nThanks - based on a \"speed read\" it would appear that SRM sits neatly in the \nvolumetric part of your framework. Regarding systems I am keen to preserve \nthe work Kevin has already done and I suspect we can eventually use the \nvisualization tools in the RisktRAC front end to display the results should \nwe require.\n\nTo be honest, I feel a good deal more comfortable that there is already a \nframework and initiative in place - its very easy to feel like the \"angry \nlone voice\" in an effort like this - fortunately the practitioners of the art \nof risk management generally travel in a similar direction !\n\nI shall make sure our efforts remain in congruence.\n\nRgds\nDP\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/27/2000 04:21 PM\nTo: David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: EWRM outline\n\nDavid,\n\nThis is the outline of the EWRM project.\n\nVince"} {"text": "Did you read this? This is stupid! The only way that you will be able to \nremember your password under these guidlines is to write it down. I am sure \nthere is NO security risk about leaving passwords on a sticky note slapped on \nyour monitor.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Enron Announcements/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Enron+20Announcements_Corp_Enron+40ENRON@ENRON.com] On \nBehalf Of IT Security & Controls@ENRON\nSent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 4:42 PM\nTo: Enron Authenticated Corp Users@ENRON\nSubject: Password Security Notice\n\nFor Password Renewals Only \n\nIT Security & Controls \u0001) Password Security Notice\n \nPasswords\nThe key to maintaining information and system security is the use of \nwell-selected and guarded passwords. Because your password is our first line \nof defense, stronger password selection criteria will soon be implemented for \nall employees. \n\nPassword Policy\n\nPasswords\u0001(\n1. must be at least of eight characters in length. \n2. must not contain names, userids, common English dictionary words, and \nbegin or end with a number.\n3. must contain alphanumeric characters and contain at least one special \ncharacter. No more than fifty percent of the overall password can be in \nEnglish.\n4. must not be reused or cyclical. \n5. must be changed every 60 days.\n6. must not be publicly displayed.\n7. must not be shared with other users.\n \nChoosing a good password comes down to two things. First, avoid common \neveryday words a potential hacker\u0001,s software will be looking for. Second, \nkeep your password simple enough that you can remember it without having to \nwrite it down. \n\nPlease keep in mind that the Enron Code of Ethics holds employees responsible \nfor password security. IT Security & Controls conducts periodic audits to \nensure compliance with company policy. \n\nhttp://itc.corp.enron.com/data/policiesandprocedures/ITPasswordScreenSaver/\n\nFor any problems encountered concerning password controls, please call your \nappropriate Resolution Center (available: 24Hrs./day, 7 days/week)."} {"text": "_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - cj_828.jpg\n - cj_790.jpg\n - cj_770.jpg\n - cj_764.jpg\n - cj_769.jpg"} {"text": "That ain't gonna do it, in my view. We're going to need to be creative. Figure what number we'll take and how we'll take it and get out. Note that Edison is going to be very wary of showing any \"preferential treatment,\" lest another creditor get wind of it and yank them in on an involuntary. I'm going to call Tribolet and get his thoughts. I'll let you know what he says.\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tWednesday, September 19, 2001 11:49 AM\nTo:\tDasovich, Jeff\nSubject:\tFW: Call with Fielder\n\n\nFYI\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWilliams, Robert C. \nSent:\tWednesday, September 19, 2001 11:40 AM\nTo:\tSteffes, James D.\nCc:\tSharp, Vicki\nSubject:\tRE: Call with Fielder\n\nI think you should go talk with them and convince them they should reinstate our credit.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tWednesday, September 19, 2001 11:35 AM\nTo:\tWilliams, Robert C.\nSubject:\tFW: Call with Fielder\n\nBob --\n\nJeff talked with Fielder. Your thoughts on next steps?\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDasovich, Jeff \nSent:\tWednesday, September 19, 2001 11:13 AM\nTo:\tKean, Steven J.; Shapiro, Richard; Steffes, James D.\nSubject:\tCall with Fielder\n\nFielder agreed to sit down and talk as soon as we'd like.\nHe said that his \"legal and tariff guys\" told him that \"they're on solid ground\"; but John admitted that doesn't mean that Edison \"is right.\"\nI told him that his lawyers and tariff people may think they're on solid ground with the PUC, but that in no way means that an appellate or (\"god forbid) bankruptcy judge will concur with either Edison or the PUC.\nI stressed that we weren't interested in meeting to re-hash our respective positions and that we wanted a meeting where we and they come to the table with constructive, good faith options to resolve the issue.\nHe said that he'd be willing to do that (though most deeply discount anything Edison says these days).\nHe suggested that we start without lawyers. I said that we could do that, but that I'd have to check.\nI told him that we'd try to get back to him sometime today regarding what we'd like to do.\n\nPossible to discuss briefly?\n\nBest,\nJeff"} {"text": "This McDonald's message is brought to you by:\n______________________________________________________________\n\n *** COOLSAVINGS.COM ***\n______________________________________________________________\n\nDear Andrew:\n\nFor a limited time, when you buy a Salad Shaker at the\nregular price, you'll get a FREE 21-oz. drink at McDonald's\nwith this coupon! Just click on the link below to print\nyour coupon. But hurry, this tasty offer expires on\nJune 30, 2001.\nhttp://my.coolsavings.com/hc.asp?hC=EFMBVP5QWXB2&Ref=17364&go=o&SN=1&cp=0&\n\nWhile you're there, try one of McDonald's newest meal\nchoices--the Bacon Double Cheeseburger or Mighty Wings(R)!\n\nOr if you have children that still love their Happy Meal\ntoy but require more food, McDonald's introduces their new\nMighty Kids Meal.\n\n______________________________________________________________\n\nVisit CoolSavings at:\nhttp://my.coolsavings.com/hc.asp?hC=EFMBVP5QWXB2&Ref=17364&go=m&SN=2&cp=0&\n\nYou received this e-mail because you requested that savings\nreminders be sent to you at \"alewis@ect.enron.com\".\nIf you feel that you have received this message in error, or\nif you no longer wish to receive savings reminders, please\nclick below:\nhttp://my.coolsavings.com/hc.asp?hC=EFMBVP5QWXB2&Ref=17364&go=remove&SN=3&cp=0&\n\nThank you for reading this CoolSavings e-mail :-)"} {"text": "Mark,\nEnclosed is the redlined version of our General Terms, as well as the final\nAgreement Jason Peters agreed to. As the earlier e-mail states, we developed\nour \"Counterparty Management\" program to satisfy concerns ENA voiced\nregarding credit and customization of future customers of Enron North America.\n\nAfter reviewing the attached documents you should find everything in order\nfor ENA to execute and return the General Terms Agreements.\n\nI am available at your earliest convenience to discuss any questions\nregarding the afore mentioned. Thank you for your time in reviewing these\ndocuments.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJeffery C. Lowney\nVice President\nEnergyGateway.com\n(281) 296-7272\n\n - enron.zip"} {"text": "Jeff, I met with Larry Frimmerman for breakfast this morning and he would be \ninterested in meeting with Richardson and also serving on the panel. He was \nsurprised by Enron's concern that things were getting bogged down because \nhis impression was that progress was being made. He also had no problem with \neither NERC or GISB participation and felt that NERC has been fairly \nsympathetic to NASUCA. With respect to some of the consumer issues, there is \na fear that a national standard will weaken gains made in individual states \nthat are more progressive than the national standard might be. Finally, he \nsuggested that a list be made of the technical versus policy (Consumer) \nissues so that we can at least try and move on the technical issues. I \nsuggested that I would have you call to clarify the details on the issues \nthat Enron believes are not being addressed fast enough. Overall, I would \ncharacterize Larry as very supportive of getting things done quickly, but \nconcerned about protecting the consumer interests in the process. (Right of \nreturn, disconnection USF issues).\n\nLarry can be reached at 614-466-8574\n\nJanine\n\n\n\n\nJeff Brown\n06/28/2000 01:09 PM\nTo: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES, Richard \nShapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Janine Migden/DUB/EES@EES, Shelley \nCorman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Joe \nHartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Julie A Gomez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Action Items - Blue Ribbon Panel\n\nPlease notice the individual assignments. Let me know if you have any \nquestions or concerns.\n\nThanks - Jeff"} {"text": "FYI\n----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2001 07:55 AM -----\n\n\t\"Anne Marie DeFelice\" \n\t05/23/2001 12:41 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: CalPx Participants' Committee Conference Call\n\n\nAttached is our contact list.\n\n>>> 5/23/2001 8:22:00 AM >>>\n\nDo you have a list of the PX participants committee that you could send me\nby e-mail.\n\n\n\n\n\n**************************\n* Confidentiality Notice *\n**************************\n\nThis message is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and is \nintended to be privileged and confidential within the attorney client \nprivilege. If you have received this message in error, please immediately \nnotify the sender and delete all copies of this email message along with all \nattachments. Thank you.\n - 1197575.pdf"} {"text": "Billy, please see the attached. I have filled in the blanks for payment and \nterm. The contract should now be in"} {"text": "I'm so sorry! You must have this a standard response e-mail for misdirected \nmessages. Thanks for the heads up.\n\nKate"} {"text": "Here are the answers to your additional questions. Please give us a call if \nyou have any more questions. Thanks!\nBen"} {"text": "Your WRs are terrible - let me help you out"} {"text": "how did you do on your test?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Allen, Jill (US - Houston)\" @ENRON \nSent:\tFriday, November 02, 2001 10:38 AM\nTo:\tLenhart, Matthew\nSubject:\t \n\n\nhey- i'm taking off of work next week to study, so i wanted to \nsend you an e-mail to tell you to come out with us Thursday.....I'll \nbe finished with the stupid test. finally! \ndid you go out last night? \n- This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. - If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message and are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited."} {"text": "0009 Lone Liquidations:\nNU2698.2 is an EMW liquidation and goes with Sitara #359527, tsf this to the \nEMW line should clear both variances.\nWe need to take the Phillip's liquidation just like 0010 - deal killed\nDesk will also take the remaining $1,500 variance\nPL"} {"text": "John:\nI understand from Tana Jones that we are going to try to put an ISDA in place \ntoday. We should be sending you the draft shortly. Please call me directly \nwith any comments or questions that you may have. Please pass the \ninformation below to anyone else that may be working on this from your end. \nThanks. I look forward to hearing from you.\n\nCarol St. Clair\nEB 3892\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)\ncarol.st.clair@enron.com"} {"text": "Vince -\n\nI am curious to learn what will be next for you.\n\nI will be in the office all of next week. It will be easier to reach me on\nMonday or Tuesday. I look forward to visiting with you.\n\nbbo\n\n\nAt 02:13 PM 1/10/02 -0600, you wrote:\n>Barbara,\n>\n>My tenure at Enron is coming to an end. I am passing your data request to\n>another person\n>and hopefully you will get some help. When can we call you next week?\n>\n>Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Barbara Ostdiek @ENRON\n> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 12:11 PM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Subject: Re: Orphan Seminar Program\n>\n> Vince - You are the greatest! Duke was in our minds as a possible new\n> sponsor but we had not figured out yet where to start. I will talk with\n> the others and we will definitely pursue this Mr. Ladd. I really can't\n> begin to express how appreciative I am that you thought to mention this\n> to\n> him. I am in New York right now so it will be next week before we can\n> start the process.\n>\n> bbo\n>\n>\n>\n> At 07:13 PM 1/9/02 -0600, you wrote:\n> >Barabara,\n> >\n> >I had a lunch today with Rob Ladd from Duke (company, not university).\n> >He is a Rice graduate and I mentioned to him the seminars that Enron\n> was\n> >sponsoring.\n> >He is willing to talk to you about substituting Duke for Enron as a\n> >sponsor of the\n> >seminar program.\n> >\n> >Please, contact him at rtladd@duke-capitalpartners.com.\n> >His cell phone number is 704 756 5354.\n> >\n> >I am working on the power price time series for you but I may run out\n> of time.\n> >\n> >Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >**********************************************************************\n> >This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate\n> >and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use\n> of\n> >the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n> by\n> >others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n> (or\n> >authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or\n> >reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n> >delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n> hereto)\n> >are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or\n> >evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any\n> of\n> >its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may\n> not\n> >be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n> >otherwise. Thank you.\n> >**********************************************************************"} {"text": "Hello,\n\nWe have prepared January and February data and will be scheduling meetings \nwith you in the next few weeks. For the month of March, please provide a \ncompleted \"Hours\" survey for each position within your group. This survey \nwill collect the time your team spent on performing their activities in the \nmonth of March. \n\nNOTE: We are now collecting EOL related activities. If you spend time \ndirectly supporting EOL, and your survey does not have an activity that you \ncan assign these times to, please contact me as soon as possible so we can \nadd the appropriate activities to your survey.\n\nTo fill out the survey:\n\nAt the top of the spreadsheet, you will see a box labelled \"Select Your RC\". \nClick on the box and input your RC number, which will need to be 4 digits.\nOnce you have done this, another box will appear with the message \"Select \nPosition from Drop Box!\" You can then select the position (i.e., staff, \nspecialist, etc.) and \"OK\". The choices for positions are based on \ninformation contained in the Org Database (i.e., if a position is not listed \nthat should be, please call me to discuss as it would indicate that \ncorrections need to be made to the database). Once you have the list of \nactivities, please input hours (for the entire month) for each activity \nlisted in the column labelled \"Hours\".\nIf you're filling out the survey for your team, save a file for each of the \npositions you fill out for your team prior to filling out the next position. \nIf you do not, the information will be lost.\n\nWe have included February compiled hours per position (if you had two \nspecialists performing the same activity - 20 hours each, the \"Last Month\" \ncolumn would show a total of 40 hrs for that month). As with last month, you \nhave the option to complete the survey on behalf of your entire group or send \nthis survey to each of your team members, allowing each individual to fill \nout the time they spent on each activity. If there are any activities you \nperform not included in your survey, please contact me as soon as possible \nfor a copy of the Activity Dictionary.\n\nPlease return these surveys by end of day Wednesday, April 5th. If this is a \nproblem, please notify me or Lisa Cousino immediately.\n\nThanks,\nShari\n3-3859"} {"text": "just b/c i am saving myself doesn't mean you need to attack me."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Jinsung Myung/Corp/Enron on 08/24/2000 \n02:08 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Modi, Rishi\" on 08/24/2000 01:06:53 PM\nTo: \"'Jinsung.Myung@enron.com'\" \ncc: \"Al-Farisi, Omar\" \n\nSubject: FW: '97 word files\n\n\nJinsung,\n\nAttached are the teaser and section 2 documents saved in word 97. Please\nlet me know if the problem is not resolved. Thanks.\n\nRishi\n\n\n> <<003727239.doc>> <<003727252.doc>>\n\nThis message is for the named person's use only. It may contain\nconfidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No\nconfidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission.\nIf you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and all\ncopies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the\nsender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute,\nprint, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended\nrecipient. CREDIT SUISSE GROUP and each of its subsidiaries each reserve\nthe right to monitor all e-mail communications through its networks. Any\nviews expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except\nwhere the message states otherwise and the sender is authorised to state\nthem to be the views of any such entity.\nUnless otherwise stated, any pricing information given in this message is\nindicative only, is subject to change and does not constitute an offer to\ndeal at any price quoted.\nAny reference to the terms of executed transactions should be treated as\npreliminary only and subject to our formal written confirmation.\n\n\n\n\n - 003727239.doc\n - 003727252.doc"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Joann Collins/Corp/Enron on 01/19/2000 \n09:06 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nkdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com on 01/19/2000 08:58:38 AM\nTo: Joann Collins/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \" - *Rose, Maggie\" \n, \" - *Lombardo, Fred\" \n\ncc: \" - *Stiles, Marianne\" \n\nSubject: BGE OFO\n\n\n\nThe restrictions at BGE will continue today the 19th. The posting said it\nmight last until Friday. Like yesterday, Fred will be determining how much\nextra needs to be bought and delivered intraday. I will work with Enron to \nbuy\nthe gas and get the contract number in order to nom the supply and the \ncustomer\nallocations. If the customer burns more than 3% over what we have allocated \nto\nthem, they will be buying gas at the $12.00 Production Rate.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\nThank you,\nKara"} {"text": "For your records hear is our contact information\n\nRob & Diane\n3 Jacinto Road\nSanta Fe, NM 87505-9176\n505 466-6504 - home\n505 577-5605 - cell\n\nhouston.1@worldnet.att.net\ndiane.kean@worldnet.att.net\nrob.kean@worldnet.att.net\n\n505 996-6037 Diane's pager\n505 665-3075 Diane at LANL (work)\n\nYou can also send email messages directly to Diane's pager or my cell phone:\n\n5059666037@airmessage.net Diane's pager email\nrkean@sprintpcs.com Email directly to my cell phone"} {"text": "no. you're fired, but you have to stay."} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by V Charles Weldon/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 \n10:01 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nWDBodine@aol.com on 01/25/2001 01:48:43 PM\nTo: V.Charles.Weldon@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Agricultural Modeling Software\n\n\nCharlie \n\nI wanted to follow up to confirm that we are still planning on a meeting for \nnext Thursday, January 1 at your office in Houston. ?At this meeting we can \ndiscuss mPower's capabilities to model grain yields using localized weather \ninformation and how this will fit your needs for your trading group. \n\nI look forward to meeting with you. ?If you have any questions prior to our \nmeeting, please let me know. \n\nThank you. ? \n\nBill Bodine \nmPower Specialist \n970-396-9141 \nWDBodine@aol.com"} {"text": "Steve,\n\n\nFYI - attached is the presentation that I will be giving to the MPT next \nweek. If you have any questions, please call me x-36341.\n\nDonald"} {"text": "Greetings from Amazon.com.\n\nWe thought you'd like to know that we shipped this portion of your\norder separately to give you quicker service. You won't be charged\nany extra shipping fees, and the remainder of your order will follow\nas soon as those items become available.\n\nYou can track the status of this order, and all your orders, online by\nvisiting \"Your Account\" page at http://www.amazon.com/your-account.\nThere you can:\n * Track order and shipment status\n * Review estimated delivery dates\n * Cancel unshipped items\n * Return items\n * And do much more\n\nThe following items were included in this shipment:\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nQty Item Price Shipped Subtotal\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 50 Worldwide Gold Hits: Volume $26.97 1 $26.97\n1 Henckels International Fine Ed $59.99 1 $59.99\n1 Hoffritz 6-Piece Stainless Ste $27.99 1 $27.99\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n Item Subtotal: $114.95\n Shipping & Handling: $8.10\n Shipping Savings: $-8.10\n Total: $114.95\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nYou have only been charged for the items sent in this shipment.\n(Per our policy, you only pay for items when we ship them to you.)\nThe following items will ship separately, as soon as they're available:\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nQty Item Price Not Yet Shipped\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n 1 How to Cook Everything : Simpl $23.99 1\n 1 Flags of Our Fathers $14.97 1\n 1 Ben Hogan's Five Lessons : The $9.60 1\n 1 The O'Reilly Factor : The Good $13.80 1\n 1 To Be Continued... [BOX SET] $48.98 1\n\nThe following list shows items we have shipped previously as part\nof your order:\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nQty Item Price Previously shipped\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n 1 The Princess Bride $13.99 1\n\nThis shipment was sent to:\n\n Eric P. Bass\n 2302 Travis St.\n #8225\n Houston TX 77006\n\nvia UPS Ground (3-7 business days).\n\nFor your reference, the number you can use to track your package is\n1Z410E7W0364047146. You can refer to our Web site's Help page or:\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/subst/tracking.html\n\nto retrieve current tracking information. Please note that tracking\ninformation may not be available immediately.\n\nIf you've explored the links on \"Your Account\" page but still need to get in\ntouch with us about your order, e-mail us at orders@amazon.com.\n\nOn your next visit to our Web site, come see what's New for You by\nclicking the link on the right-hand side of our home page, or by\nvisiting this URL:\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/subst/recs/new-for-you/new-for-you.html/ref=\ncs_ae_nfy\n\nWe've selected an assortment of new releases, recommendations, and\ninformative articles that we think would appeal to you.\n\nThank you for shopping at Amazon.com.\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nAmazon.com\nEarth's Biggest Selection\norders@amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/\n---------------------------------------------------------------------"} {"text": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nW E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y\n\nF O R\n\nOctober 19, 2001 5:00pm through October 22, 2001 12:00am\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t \t\t\nSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: \n\nECS power outage\n\nA power outage will occur in Enron Center South on Saturday, October 20, 2001 to complete repairs to the electrical riser system required to correct issues resulting from Tropical Storm Allison.\n\nIDF's and thus network resident applications and data will be off line on all ECS floors 3 through 6 from 10:00 a.m. Saturday until 8:00 a.m. Sunday.\n\nTrading floors 3, 4, 5 and 6 desktop power will be off beginning 2:00 p.m. Saturday until 12:00 noon Sunday.\n\nAvaya telephony phone system will be unaffected. However, the turret system will be offline starting 11:00 a.m. Saturday until 1:00 p.m. Sunday.\n\nAdditionally, during this power outage the cooling system will be upgraded. This upgrade may take up to 2 hours. Occupants in the building may experience as much as a five degree rise in temperature.\n \nContacts: Stuart Fieldhouse 713-853-5699 \n\t Lance Jameson 713-345-4423 \n \nARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nAZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nEDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages\n\nENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: \nImpact: EBS\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 5:30:00 PM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 3:30:00 PM PT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:30:00 PM London\nOutage: Decommission PROWLER firewall\nEnvironments Impacted: EBS\nPurpose: Migration of EBS internal network to Corp\nBackout: \nContact(s): \tChris Shirkoff 713-853-1111\n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: 3AC\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Migrate 3AC 8th and 9th Floor to Corp IP space\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: EBS Consolidation\nBackout: In the event of a failure, I will put the original links and switches back in place, putting 8 and 9 back on EBS IP space.\nContact(s): \tMicah Staggs 713-345-1696\n\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Change internal routing to EIN\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: EBS Integration\nBackout: Remove static route, go back through EBS environment on 44\nContact(s): \tDennis McGough 713-345-3143\n \nFIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nINTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.\n \nHR:\nImpact: HR\nTime: Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:30:00 AM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 3:30:00 PM CT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 5:30:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:30:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 1:30:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:30:00 PM London\nOutage: Memory Upgrade for HR-DB-1, 4, and 5\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: More memory is need on these servers for additional databases.\nBackout: Restore to previous configuration.\nContact(s): \tBrandon Bangerter 713-345-4904\n\t\tMark Calkin 713-345-7831 \n\t\tRaj Perubhatla 713-345-8016 281-788-9307 \n \nMESSAGING: \nImpact: EES\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:30:00 PM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 6:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 9:30:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 2:30:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 5:30:00 AM London\nOutage: EES Notes Server Reboots\nEnvironments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below\nPurpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval on 1st and the 3rd Friday of each month.\nBackout: \nContact(s): \tDalak Malik 713-345-8219\n\nImpact: Corp Notes\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London\nOutage: cNotes Server Reboots\nEnvironments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below\nPurpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval\nBackout: Make sure server comes up.\nContact(s): \tTrey Rhodes (713) 345-7792 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: EI\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 10/19/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London\nOutage: EI Notes Server Maintenance\nEnvironments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign Sites\nPurpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval\nBackout: N/A\nContact(s): \tDavid Ricafrente 713-646-7741\n \nMARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nNT: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOS/2: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nOTHER SYSTEMS: \nImpact: SAP\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 AM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 AM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 2:00:00 PM London\nOutage: Sombra upgrade and maintenance for ACTA server adcupkilo.\nEnvironments Impacted: ACTA\nPurpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug. Reconfigure the disk layout.\nBackout: \nFall back to old cpus\nRestore the disk layout restore to old configuration\nContact(s): \tMalcolm Wells 713-345-3716\n\t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: SAP\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 8:00:00 PM thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 AM\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 AM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 2:00:00 PM London\nOutage: Sombra upgrade and maintenance for ACTA server adcupklima.\nEnvironments Impacted: ACTA\nPurpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug. Reconfigure the disk layout.\nBackout: Fall back to old cpus\nRestore the disk layout restore to old configuration\nContact(s): \tMalcolm Wells 713-345-3716 \t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Sat 10/20/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London\nOutage: Patching and reboot of app server quark.\nEnvironments Impacted: EnLighten\nPurpose: Patching and reboot needed to address file system automount issues.\nBackout: No back out. Task has to be completed.\nContact(s): \tMalcolm Wells 713-345-3716\n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Sombra cpu upgrade for server neptune.\nEnvironments Impacted: TAGG\nPurpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug.\nBackout: regress to old boards\nContact(s): \tMalcolm Wells 713-345-3716\n\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Sun 10/21/2001 at 10:00:00 AM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT\n\tSun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 PM PT\n\tSun 10/21/2001 at 4:00:00 PM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London\nOutage: Memory upgrade for server emerald.\nEnvironments Impacted: CAS\nPurpose: Add resources for growth and performance.\nBackout: Pull new memory and reboot under the old configuration.\nContact(s): \tMalcolm Wells 713-345-3716 \n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT\n\tSun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Sombra cpu upgrade for server spectre.\nEnvironments Impacted: BOND / Global Products\nPurpose: Improve reliability with the new mirrored cache cpu module and protect against ecache parity bug\nBackout: regress to old boards\nContact(s): \tMalcolm Wells 713-345-3716\n\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\nImpact: CORP\nTime: Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT\n\tSun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London\nOutage: Test/Dev maintenance for multiple servers.\nEnvironments Impacted: All ENW test and dev environments\nPurpose: General maintenance window for ENW Test and Development servers. See the list below.\nBackout: roll back to any original configuration.\nContact(s): \tMalcolm Wells 713-345-3716\n \nSITARA: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nSUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nTELEPHONY: \nImpact: CORP\nTime: Sat 10/20/2001 at 11:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 5:00:00 PM London thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London\nOutage: Telephony Apps IP Switch Replacement\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: Replace old 2924 switch (Token Ring config) with 2 new 2948s to minimize the exposure to critical telephony applications in the event of IP switch failure. New switches can also be added to the Paging System. Critical telephony applications currently sharing 1 switch include all voice mail. Loss of network connectivity would prevent anyone from accessing their messages. \nBackout: Revert to old switches.\nContact(s): \tRebecca Sutherland 713-345-7192\n\t\tBruce Mikulski 713-853-7409\n\t\tGeorge Nguyen 713-853-0691 \nTERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.\n\nUNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.\n \nSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: LONDON \nImpact: CORP\nTime: Fri 10/19/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT\n\tFri 10/19/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 10/20/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT\n\tSat 10/20/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sun 10/21/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London\nOutage: Complete Powerdown of the London Office\nEnvironments Impacted: All\nPurpose: To complete the final works and testing to install a third generator in Enron House\nBackout: Switch all equipment back on once power has been restored.\nContact(s): \tTracy Pearson 830-34238 London Tie Line \n \n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFOR ASSISTANCE\n\n(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center\n\n\nSpecific Help:\nInformation Risk Management\t\t\t(713) 853-5536\nSAP/ISC (713) 345-4727\nUnify On-Call \t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-3757 [Pager]\nSitara On-Call\t\t\t\t\t(713) 288-0101 [Pager]\nRUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS\t\t\t(713) 639-9726 [Pager]\nOSS/UA4/TARP\t\t\t\t(713) 285-3165 [Pager]\nCPR\t\t\t\t\t\t(713) 284-4175 [Pager]\nEDI Support \t\t\t\t\t(713) 327-3893 [Pager]\nEES Help Desk\t\t\t\t\t(713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797\nTDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager]"} {"text": "Are you going to D.C. for St. Patty's Day?"} {"text": "?????\n\n\n----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJames, Terrie \nSent:\tTuesday, October 23, 2001 9:07 AM\nTo:\tHorton, Stanley; Kitchen, Louise; Sherriff, John; Mcconnell, Mike; McMahon, Jeffrey; Dietrich, Janet\nCc:\tKean, Steven J.; Olson, Cindy; Clark, Morris; Lavorato, John; Delainey, David; Daw, Nicki\nSubject:\tManagement Conference - Business Unit Panel\n\n\nHello All,\n\nI'm planning the agenda for this year's Management Conference. I've been working on the upcoming meeting since March, but as you can imagine, the direction has changed several times. \n\nWe are delighted to have General Norman Schwarzkopf delivering a keynote address on leadership, and Gary Hamel returning to help us process the past year. While we have arranged an all-star line up of outside speakers, we also want to focus on what is happening inside Enron. Rather than having only one or two business presentations, Mark Frevert has opted to moderate a panel to provide a high level overview of each of our primary operating units and has selected each of you to participate.\n\nCurrently, the panel is scheduled to take place 8:00-9:30am on Friday, November 16. Please plan to present a very high level overview of your business. You are welcome to use PowerPoint slides, but in the interest of time, presentations must be no more than 10 minutes. Mark will introduce each of you, interject questions, encourage interaction, and ensure we stay on time. \n\nBelow is the proposed order for your presentations. Regardless of your place in the rundown, you will need to be seated on stage by 7:50am and equipped with a microphone. Because we have a full agenda that morning, we will try to begin the session promptly at 8:00am.\n\nStan Horton - Global Services\nLouise Kitchen - Americas\nJohn Sherriff - Europe\nMike McConnell - Global Markets\nJeff McMahon - Industrial Markets\nJanet Dietrich - Retail\n\nIf you elect to use a PowerPoint presentation, please forward it to me electronically by Friday, November 9 or provide the presentation to me on CD at the Management Conference. To ensure consistancy, I've attached a PowerPoint template that I would like you to use. \n\n \n\nFinally, Mark would like to meet with the six of you to finalize preparation for the panel at 4:00pm on Wednesday, November 14 following your arrival at the Management Conference. The meeting will take place in the Library off the Main Lobby of the Westin La Cantera. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact me. I look forward to working with you.\n\nRegards,\nTerrie James\nSenior Director, Corporate Communication\n(ph) 713.853.7727\n(fax) 713.646.3248\nterrie.james@enron.com"} {"text": "I will be out of the office tomorrow and I have asked Mary Solmonson to \nattend in my place. Have a great Thanksgiving! --Sally\n\n\n\nSharron Westbrook @ ENRON\n\n11/20/2000 03:46 PM\nTo: Kent Castleman/NA/Enron@Enron, Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nBecker@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Howard Selzer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob \nButts@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Wes Colwell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wanda Curry/HOU/EES@EES, \nFernley Dyson/LON/ECT@ECT, Rodney Faldyn/Corp/Enron@Enron, Rod \nHayslett@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Tod A Lindholm/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark E \nLindsey/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Keith Marlow/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nJeffrey E Sommers/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kevin \nHughes/HOU/EES@EES, Carol Howes/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Michael \nK Patrick/NA/Enron@Enron, John Echols/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Wasaff/NA/Enron@Enron, \nKimberly Rizzi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andrew Parsons/Corp/Enron@Enron, Dave \nGunther/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Margarite Cunningham/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Linda Hawkins/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nDortha Gray/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Karen Myer/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Nicole \nScott/LON/ECT@ECT, Shelley Grover/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kathy \nCampos/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Bobbie Moody/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sandy \nLewelling/NA/Enron@Enron, Norma Petry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nLeigh Ann Van Houten/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Shirley \nTijerina/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Patti Thompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cathy \nCorbin/HOU/EES@EES, Ruth A Noble/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Michele \nBeffer/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jo Carolyn Olsovsky/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Chantelle Villanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karina \nPrizont/NA/Enron@Enron, Darlene Taylor/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nChristina Liscano/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: CAO Staff Meeting\n\nThe CAO staff meeting tomorrow November 21 will be in 49C1 at 8:30. This is \na new location for this meeting. \n\nMany of you have said that this is not on your calendar. It has been a year \nsince we started these meeting and if it was placed on the calendar for 1 \nyear it has fallen off. \n\n\nEveryother week at 8:30 on Tuesday. 49C1"} {"text": "Hi All -\n\nThe following is the TRV (Trader Report Viewer) project status:\n\nTRV system training for Region Leads began last week. Currently, Kam, \nPhillip, Darron and Winfree have received training and Errol is scheduled for \ntomorrow (5/15).\n\nOne request that came out of training was to provide a \"left column freeze\" \nin order to scroll across and still maintain what row is being reviewed. Hal \nwill follow up on this request. Please forward me any additional requests \nthat may be required or suggestions you may have. \n\nPlease publish your region's report daily. This will ensure report history \nis being established and provide realistic information to review during UAT. \nAlso, we ask that each one of you review the system as much as possible \nduring the UAT review period this week to ensure the system is working \nproperly and is meeting your expectations. \n\nThank you for your help and support!\n\nShirley McDowell\nTRV Project / IT Project Manager"} {"text": "I am still somewhat unclear on the indexing structure but I will specify what \nI see the deal as and you can correct me if I get it wrong.\nWhen the deal was described to me it sounded like we were buying a floor and \nthat we would imbed the floor into the physical power deal. After looking at \nthe structure you sent it looks like they are the ones buying the floor. They \nare getting paid (by virtue of the reduced cost of energy) if the spot goes \nbelow the strike.\n\nBased on your email this is how I think the deal would be structured.\n\nWe supply on a firm basis 3MW of energy for three months.\n\nThey pay a floating price for the energy based on the following formula: \nR$42.75 minus an amount, if positive, equal to [factor] multiplied by the \ndifference between [a strike price in R$] and the Spot Price. The Spot Price \nwill be in R$ per pound of a paper product quoted in R$ [which is to be \ndefined]. (I did not understand your third bullet point very well. The \nrelationship between the two indexes was unclear and contrary to your formula \nit did not appear that these indexes were quoted in R$. Please clarify these \nissues for me.) We will need to know where and when to pick up the spot \nprice so that everyone understands what published price will be used each \nmonth when the price is determined. The [factor] will be something you will \nneed to come up with to correlate the volumes you are hedging with the amount \nof electricity actually sold. We will also need to make clear if there will \nbe a floor on how low the price can go. Do you intend for the price to be \nable to go below zero? If so, what do you intend to happen? Based on your \nanswers we will need to go to outside counsel to make sure we do not violate \nthe Brazilian anti-gaming laws or any regulations.\n\nI may have missed the point of how the trade is supposed to work so any \nadditional information would be helpful before we go to outside counsel. \nThanks.\n\n\n\n\nD'Arcy Carroll\n24/08/99 05:44 PM\n\nTo: Andrea Bertone, Brent Hendry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Claudia Brun, Don Black\nSubject: Champion - legal\n\nPls find overview listed re ECE-Champion-Elektro transaction:\n\nECE selling equivalent of 3MW (Peak- and Off-peak) energy eg consumption\ntake-or-pay for period Sep - Oct - Nov\nPrice will be R$42.75 which represents 5% discount to present average\nElektro rate of R$45\nECE wants to adjust on a monthly basis the R$42.75 sales price downward \nshould the price of PPI UK A$ cut size 80g index or the PPI UK A4 Reels 60g \nindex average below Strike Price x (Pounds per Metric Ton). The adjustment \nwill be based on formula: Avg. Monthly hedged volume * (Index avg-Strike \nPrice) * R$/Pound spot price\n\nWe are trying to finalize negotiations this afternoon re both the energy sale \nand the incorporated index and strike etc.,... and should feel like we have \nsubstantial flexibility to articulate how best to structure the transaction. \nPls shoot any/all inputs including needs for additional information."} {"text": "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\nDate: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 13:45:14 -0500\nFrom: \"Bishop Keller\" \nTo: Carlos.Giron@psiusa.com\nSubject: snake\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"SNAKE.doc\"\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"SNAKE.doc\"\n\n - SNAKE.doc"} {"text": "Tanya, here are the draft confirms that we have negotiated with Sierra. I am also going to add some specific language regarding delivery point and pro-rata cuts.. and you guys need to work with gerald and put in netting / set off language that you feel protects our interests. \n\nAs an aside, I talked to the commercial person at Sierra and advised them that we will be amending this draft again to incorporate Netting provisions and she advised me that that would not be a problem. \n\nThanks. BT \n---------------------- Forwarded by Barry Tycholiz/NA/Enron on 04/18/2001 05:10 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nGerald Nemec@ECT\n04/16/2001 05:23 PM\nTo:\tBarry Tycholiz/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tRevised Sierra Confirms\n\nPeriod of Delivery language revised per your email."} {"text": "John:\n\nLet me know if you are ok with the following memo which would come from you \nand me to the traders and senior originators:\n\n\n\nEffective October 15, 2000, the retention period on tape recordings of trades \ndone by telephone will be reduced from four months to one month. The tapes \nregarding significant transactions may be retained for such longer period as \napproved in writing by both the Head Trader and the General Counsel. Please \npropose those significant transactions on which you may wish to retain the \ntapes, prior to October 15, 2000, since the tapes on conversations older than \none month will be destroyed on that date. If you have any questions, please \ncontact Mark Haedicke or Richard Sanders. \n\n\nWe are still looking at moving to recording only the deal terms -- but that \nis a long term project.\n\nMark"} {"text": "You have received this email because you are listed as a data approver. Please click http://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000082079&Page=Approval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000082079\nRequest Create Date : 1/31/02 1:35:26 PM\nRequested For : patrick.ryder@enron.com\nResource Name : Sitara Houston Production Denver Edit Risk Analytics\nResource Type : Applications"} {"text": "Have these letters been sent? If so, Linda, would it be possible to have \novernighted to me \"official versions\" of the letters? Greatly appreciated.\n\nBest,\nJeff"} {"text": "Marcelo:\n\nWhen we last spoke on April 3, you told me that the blacklined agreement \nwould be sent in the next few days. Can you please provide me with an \nupdate? I would like to finalize/execute before May 2 when I will be on \nvacation.\n\nPlease advise. Thank you.\n\n\nSara Shackleton\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a\nHouston, Texas 77002\n713-853-5620 (phone)\n713-646-3490 (fax)\nsara.shackleton@enron.com"} {"text": "<<2XFLRED.DOC>> <<2XFNRED.DOC>>\n\n\nCarlos:\n\nWe have enclosed revised drafts of the letter agreement and the LLC\nagreement marked to reflect revisions from the prior drafts dated March 6,\n2001. Please advise of any further comments. Thank you.\n\nCarolyn M. Campbell\nKing & Spalding\n713-276-7307 (phone)\n713-751-3280 (fax)\nccampbell@kslaw.com \n\nEnclosures: 136641vR5/4\n 136643vR5/4\n\n\n\n Confidentiality Notice\nThis message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer. It is intended \nexclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This \ncommunication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged or \nconfidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the \nnamed addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or \ndisseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this \nmessage in error, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete \nall copies of the message.\n\n\n - 2XFLRED.DOC\n - 2XFNRED.DOC"} {"text": "Here's the email! And thanks for your help this morning. Sara\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 02:41 PM -----\n\n\t@; Bob \n\tSent by: @; Rebecca \n\t06/20/2000 09:12 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Shackleton, Sara (Enron) \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FW: (no subject)\n\n\n\n\nSara:\n\n As promised, this email discusses the securities laws issues involved\nwith equity derivatives, I\nthen make a few observations about the relationship between the securities\nand commodities laws, and I\nthen makes some comments on the confirmations you sent me (both securities\nlaws comments and other\ncomments.\n\nThe principal securities laws issues relate to the fact that the equity\nderivative itself is a security and to the\nissue of whether and to what extent a counterparty\u0001,s activities in\nestablishing or unwinding a hedge are\nattributable to the issuer. When Enron enters into a derivative and the\ncounterparty goes out into the\nmarket to make a purchase, is that purchase attributable to Enron? When it\nunwinds its hedge by making\na sale, is the counterparty\u0001,s sale attributable to Enron and therefore\nrequired to be registered? Here are\nthe principal issues:\n\n1) Rule 10b-5. When Enron enters into a derivative, it must be sure it\ndoes\nnot have undisclosed\nmaterial inside information regarding its affairs. It is my understanding\nthat the traders are\nsupposed to check with Rex Rogers on the issue of whether Enron possesses\nsuch information.\nAlthough it could discharge its obligations under Rule 10b-5 by disclosing\nthe information to the\ncounterparty, that would probably be unacceptable since the counterparty\nwould then be in\npossession of material inside information and could not engage in a market\ntransaction to hedge.\nThus, each time it enters into an equity derivative in its own stock, Enron\nmust be confident that\nthe public has available to it all material information regarding Enron.\n\n2) Rule 10b-18. This rule permits issuers and persons acting in concert\nwith issuers to repurchase\nthe issuer\u0001,s shares under a \u0001&safe harbor\u00018 that says in effect that if\npurchases are made pursuant\nto the rule they won\u0001,t be deemed to be manipulative by reason of the timing\nand amounts of the\nbids or purchases. It is typical for an issuer to require its counterparty\nto make purchases\npursuant to the rule. Sometimes this is a contractual undertaking in the\nconfirmation, and in\nsome cases the issuer will simply obtain an oral commitment from the\ncounterparty to engage in\nits hedges pursuant to the rule. Obviously, it is better to have it in\nwriting.\n\n3) Registration of Sales. If Enron decides to net share settle and issues\nshares to the counterparty,\nthose are obviously restricted securities that cannot be sold by the\ncounterparty in the absence of a\nregistration statement. But what about the resales by the issuer when it\nunwinds its hedge that it\nhas put on by buying shares in the open market? Are those sales\nattributable\nto the issuer so\ntherefore required to be registered? I have seen lots of counterparties,\nbased on advice of their\nlaw firms, take different positions on this:\n\na) Some counterparties say that they want registration rights covering\nresales of shares\npurchased in the open market to hedge a derivative with the issuer. If the\neconomics of\nthe derivative are determined based on the net proceeds from the sales, it\u0001,s\n\na more\ndifficult case because the issuer itself is realizing benefits and\ndetriments\nfrom the sales.\nb) Some counterparties say they want registration rights covering resales\nof\nshares\npurchased in the open market to hedge a derivative with the issuer only if\nthere is a\nstrong correlation at the onset of the contract between the terms of the\nderivative and the\nhedge. It it\u0001,s a total return swap, for example, there will be a 1:1\ncorrespondence (i.e.\nthe economics will tell you that the counterparty will buy 100% of the\nshares\ncovered by\nthe swap immediately upon entering into the swap); but if it\u0001,s something\nlike\na collar\nwith divergent strike prices and involves dynamic hedging where it\u0001,s not\nclear whether\nand to what extent the counterparty will make purchases or sales in the open\n\nmarket,\nthen it\u0001,s not as easy to attribute the counterparty\u0001,s actions to the issuer.\n\n In those cases\nthese counterparties look at the correlation and if it\u0001,s not that great they\n\ndon\u0001,t ask for\nregistration rights.\nc) Some counterparties say they don\u0001,t want registration rights for resales\nof stock\npurchased in the open market to hedge their position.\n\nCredit Suisse First Boston falls in category c) with respect to the May 2000\n\nconfirmation you sent\nme. Even though there is a strong correlation between the deal and the hedge\n\n( i.e. even though\nin that case they will no doubt immediately purchase 100% of the shares\ncovered by the\ntransaction) they are only asking for registration rights with respect to\nthe\nshares that are\ndelivered by Enron on net share settlement.\n\n4) Commodities Laws. Under the commodities laws there are some risks in\ndoing equity swaps in\nthat one has to rely on the swaps policy statement rather than the swaps\nexemption, but those\nrisks are probably minimal enough that Enron is willing to take them. (The\nswaps exemption\ndoes not cover equity swaps.) With respect to equity options, they are\noutside the CFTC\u0001,s\njurisdiction altogether. Forward contracts present the most difficult\nissues\nin that there is a lot of\ncase law and CFTC lore about the distinction between forwards and futures,\nand a key distinction\nis that forwards are physical delivery contracts that bind the parties to\nmake and take delivery.\nState bucket shop laws outlaw contracts that purport to be contracts for\nsale\nof a security that are\nto be settled based on market price quotations. So I would counsel Enron\nnot\nto enter into any\nforward contract that has a cash settlement alternative. Although one can\nargue that net share\nsettlement has the same defects, I don\u0001,t feel as strongly about that because\n\nyou could get to where\nyou want to get by physically delivering the shares and issuing new shares\n\nin payment; the\ntheory is that you actually delivered shares and just netted them out; that\nis not quite as bad as\nflying in the face of the case law and CFTC lore on net cash settlement.\n\nThe Bear Stearns Confirmation and Cancellation. I really don\u0001,t have any\ncomments on this; I think the\ncancellation was effective to cancel the parties obligations. The\nconfirmation did not present any\nregistration issues. I guess I would say that if you do something precisely\n\nlike this you might get them to\nagree to make any hedge purchases pursuant to Rule 10b-18, but that\u0001,s it.\n\nThe Credit Suisse First Boston Confirmation. This is an extremely well\nwritten document. For the\nreasons discussed above, I would counsel against entering into this kind of\ntransaction with the cash\nsettlement feature, in light of the risk that it could be characterized as\nan\nillegal, unenforceable futures\ncontract. A few other comments: They say automatic early termination\napplies, but I think that is a really\nbad idea. Enron had an agreement with a counterparty that took bankruptcy\nand Enron did not find out\nabout it until a few days later, after the market had moved; since Enron did\n\nnot know of the termination it\ndid not unwind its hedge, yet the ISDA said that the amounts payable on\ntermination would depend on the\ntermination date pricing. So Enron took a loss. You ought to always have\nwithin your control the right to\nterminate. This is especially true of U.S. parties, but I would think the\nsame would apply to foreign\nparties unless there is something peculiar about the law of the jurisdiction\n\nyou are dealing with.\n\nBoth Confirmations Both confirmations have language that says that if the\nparties have not entered into\nan ISDA Master then the counterparties\u0001, standard form controls. I think it\nis not a good idea to agree to\nsuch language because you are agreeing to something you know nothing about.\n\nAdditional Comment. I think that whenever a counterparty requests\nregistration rights Rex should be\ninvolved. I think the CSFB confirmation\u0001,s provisions relating to\nregistration are fine, and of course they\ncan\u0001,t force us to register because the choice of net share settling is\npurely\nour choice. Nevertheless, I\nthink that Rex needs to be involved so you and Rex need to get this point\nacross to the business people that\nthey shouldn\u0001,t just sign a confirmation and then send it to you and ask if\nit\nis ok.\n\nBut my bottom line is the only change I would make would be eliminating the\nnet cash settlement feature\nin the CSFB confirmation."} {"text": "Part 1 of 3\n\nJerry Scarbrough's True Orange\n\nThe newsletter and e-mail/fax service for the True Texas Longhorn Faithful\n\nVolume 11, No. 18, June 18, 2001\n\n Most Football Forecasters Rank Longhorns\nHigh Nationally, See OU Game as Key to Season\n\nMost of the good national football magazines are out and so is the one that\nserves as an every-year staple for fans in Texas - Dave Campbell's Texas\nFootball - and all of them agree on two things:\n1. The Longhorns are going to be very good this 2001 season, with coach Mack\nBrown's most talented team at Texas poised to claim its place among the\nnation's elite once again.\n2. Defending national champion Oklahoma is going to be very good, too, so\nmark October 6 on your calendar and plan to be in Dallas on that date for the\nclash of Big 12 South titans.\nWith apologies to the other Big 12 South teams, I think the Longhorns and the\nSooners will be so far above their division rivals that the winner of that\nOctober 6 Dallas showdown will win the Southern Division and have a chance\nfor national honors.\nThe Longhorns have other dangerous games, and so do the Sooners, but it's\nhard to see either of them stumbling more than once when they aren't playing\neach other, so look for the Cotton Bowl winner to emerge as a big player on\nthe national scene.\nOf course, as Longhorn fans know exceeedingly well, to their chagrin, bad\nthings happen quite often through the course of a season.\nRemember Stanford last year and North Carolina State the year before? Of\ncourse you do. We all do. They are sad memories for all Longhorns.\nBut Brown's teams have also won great victories - over Nebraska twice in\nthree tries, Oklahoma twice in three years and A&M twice in three seasons,\nplus a decisive Cotton Bowl victory over Mississippi State and Jackie\nSherrill.\nBrown's first team at Texas went 9-3 after a 1-2 start and Ricky Williams won\nthe Heisman Trophy. Coming on the heels of a 4-7 team that ended the John\nMackovic era, it was an impressive start for the Brown era.\nHis second team at Texas was rolling along at 9-2 when its wide receivers\nstarted getting nicked and then the best one (Kwame Cavil) got suspended. It\nlost its final three games to wind up 9-5, but it was a very good team until\nthose last three games.\nWhen you only have three good wide receivers and two of them get hurt and the\nthird one misses the bowl game, it's tough to operate successfully when you\nare primarily a passing team.\nSome fans were disappointed in that 1999 team, and it is understandably\ndisheartening to lose three games to close the season, but those 1999\nLonghorns did some very good things like handing Nebraska its only loss,\nrallying from a 17-0 deficit to beat Bob Stoops' first Oklahoma team and\nhammering Stanford, 69-17. That Stanford team went on to win the Pac 10 and\nearn a Rose Bowl berth.\nBrown's third team at Texas was last year's unit, which finished 9-3.\nFrankly, when I saw superb young TE Bo Scaife go down with a season-ending\nknee injury during two-a-days, I would have settled for 7-4.\nThe Longhorns had only three scholarship tight ends and the other two also\nsuffered injuries that ended their seasons.\nAnd that wasn't all. DT Shaun Rogers missed some games and was never at full\nspeed after an early season injury. Ditto for both starting guards - Antwan\nKirk-Hughes and Derrick Dockery.\nThen there was the so-called quarterback controversy. It really wasn't that\nmuch of a controversy because Major Applewhite simply didn't look like the\nsame great quarterback after his knee injury and Chris Simms simply didn't\nhave enough experience to play well early in the year.\nI think the coaches were just trying to find one quarterback who could play\nat a winning level, not playing some game with their quarterbacks.\nNeither quarterback played as well last season as the pre-injury Applewhite,\nbut Simms did improve as the season progressed and he is the unquestioned No.\n1 guy heading into this season.\nThere were two reasons for this brief review of Mack Brown's three seasons at\nTexas.\nThe first was to say three nine-win seasons in a row with the kind of\nproblems that hit the team in 1999 and 2000 are pretty remarkable and all\nLonghorn fans should be thanking their lucky stars every day that the leaders\nof a school that would hire John Mackovic would get smart enough to hire Mack\nBrown the next time around.\nThe second was to say that injuries, while always a point of concern,\nshouldn't be quite as worrisome this season because the superb recruiting\nclasses Brown and his staff have signed will be three deep this season. He\nactually will have four classes on campus, but he got a late start his first\nyear and his first class was good, but not great. The last three have been\ngreat.\nThere are some questions to be answered, particularly at running back, but\nthere are talented players at virtually every position, and that is something\nnow many college teams can say.\nThe receiving corps, including the wide receivers and tight ends, will be the\nbest in the Big 12 and maybe in the country and the secondary might be the\nbest in the Big 12, too, although Oklahoma fans and coaches would dispute\nthat.\nIf Simms is the best passer in the league, as all the football magazines\nattest, and if Cedric Benson is as good as we all think, look out everyone\nbecause the Longhorns will be for real.\nDon't worry about all that talk about our defensive tackles. The Big 12 is a\npassing league and these tackles are quick to the passer.\nBut you should worry some about the place kicking. Unless one of the\nreturnees gets better or one of the walk-ons steps up, the same thing that\nknocked Bobby Bowden out of a couple of national titles at Florida State\ncould jump up and bite the Longhorns.\n\nBenson Will Mix Football, Baseball; Cosby Drops Football\n\nTwo super Longhorn recruits have signed pro baseball contracts, but only one\nof them - and it is not Cedric Benson - is giving up college football to\nconcentrate on professional football.\nBenson, who led Midland Lee to three straight Class 5A state titles, signed\nwith the Los Angeles Dodgers, but he signed a contract like the one Ricky\nWilliams signed out of high school.\nIt lets him play college football and use pro baseball as a highly paid\nsummer job.\n\"I want to play college football at Texas,\" Benson said. \"Someday I want to\nplay both sports professionally, but I want to play college football first.\"\nBut Mart's Quan Cosby, a nationally recruited athlete who was ticketed to\nplay wide receiver at Texas, signed a five-year baseball contract with the\nCalifornia Angels and said his football playing days are over.\nIt came as a shock to the Longhorn coaches and to me and most other\nLonghorns. You just don't expect a sixth-round draft choice to get enough\nmoney to give up football.\nBut Cosby told me he got close to first-round money. \"I told them what it\nwould take for me to give up football, and that's what they came up with,\" he\nsaid, but he declined to give a hint about his signing bonus.\nCosby said baseball is \"easier on the body, so I probably will be able to\nplay baseball longer than I could have played football.\"\nAsked if he might return to Texas to play football if his baseball career\ndoesn't work out as planned, he said, \"That's a possibility, but I'm figuring\non playing baseball for a long time.\"\n\nThe Blue Chips\n\nHere's my updated list of the state's top 100 junior prospects. The ones\nabove the * * * * at each position are my Fabulous 50. Early favorites are\nlisted where available.\n\nThe Top 100 Recruits\n\nQuarterback (10)\nVincent Young, 6-5, 200, 4.5, Houston Madison (UT, FSU, Mia, LSU, Tenn)\nReggie McNeal, 6-3, 180, 4.4, Lufkin (Ark, A&M, FSU, LSU, UCLA, OU)\nBilly Don Malone, 6-2 1/2, 4.7, Paris North Lamar (UT Commitment\nJamie Beeghley, 6-2, 190, 4.6, Midland Christian (TT, A&M, Colo, ND)\nChad Schroeder, 6-1, 165, 4.45, Austin Westlake (A&M, TCU)\n* * * *\nRicky Lay, 6-2, 190, 4.6, Southlake Carroll\nZac Dahlman, 6-2, 182, 4.6, Keller Fossil Ridge\nWes Bankston, 6-3, 200, 4.7, Plano East (LSU, A&M, OU, LSU)\nJeff Ballard, 6-2, 195, 4.6, Friendswood (A&M, TT, Bay, Ky, UCLA)\nDane King, 6-1, 180, 4.8, Gonzales (A&M, Bay)\n\nRunning Back (7)\nAlbert Hardy, 5-11, 225, 4.5, Galena Park (UT, ND, Mich)\n* * * *\nPhillip Fuller, 5-10, 185, 4.4, Irving Nimitz (OU, UT, KSU, Mo, LSU)\nSelvin Young, 5-10, 190, 4.5, Jersey Village (OU, FSU, OSU, PSU, UT, Mich)\nLonta Hobbs, 5-10, 195, 4.5, Clarksville\nMatt Linton, 6-1, 195, 4.4, Arlington\nScott Ballew, 6-0, 185, 4.5, Austin Westlake\nDominique Owens, 5-10, 185, 4.45, Fort Bend Kempner (A&M, UT, Neb, LSU, FSU)\n\nFullback (1)\nLawrence Vickers, 6-2, 210, 4.6, Forest Brook\n* * * *\n\nTight End (6)\nEric Winston, 6-6, 275, 4.9, Midland Lee (A&M, UT, ND, Mich, Neb, OSU)\nDavid Thomas, 6-3, 215, 4.7, Wolfforth Frenship (UT, OU, LSU)\n* * * *\nGabriel Hall, 6-4, 225, 4.7, Lubbock Coronado (TT, A&M, OU)\nChad Jorgensen, 6-6, 220, 4.8, San Marcos Baptist (A&M, Bay, TCU)\nMaurice Bouldwin, 6-4, 240, 4.8, La Grange (OU, UT, Az, TCU)\nDaniel Vega. 6-3, 235, 4.7, Seguin (A&M, UT)\n\nWide Receiver (11)\nRobert Timmons, 6-2, 185, 4.4, FM Marcus (FSU, Tenn, A&M, KSU, GT)\nAnthony Wright, 6-3, 210, 4.5, Klein Forest (UT, A&M, LSU)\nDamien Collins, 6-3, 195, 4.4, Dallas Bryan Adams (Tenn, UT, Colo, OU, FSU)\nJ. T. Perry, 6-2, 180, 4.4, Allen (West Virginia Commitment)\nWardell Starling, 6-3, 190, 4.55, Fort Bend Elkins (Baseball)\n* * * *\nTravis Wilson, 6-2, 190, 4.5, Carrollton Creekview (A&M, OU, UT, UCLA, LSU)\nJames Elliott, 6-4, 185, 4.5, Sonora (ND, LSU, KSU, TCU)\nXavier McGuire, 6-5, 212, 4.6, Dallas Carter (OU, OSU, LSU, Ala)\nWill Gulley, 6-4, 180, 4.5, Newton (OU, Bay, A&M)\nDustin Miksch, 6-0, 167, 4.4, Round Rock Westwood (UT Commitment)\nChad McCullar, 5-10, 170, 4.5, GP North Shore (Az, A&M, FSU, UT, LSU, PSU)\n\nOffensive Line (10)\nBob Morton, 6-4, 300, 5.2, McKinney (A&M Commitment)\nJustin Blaylock, 6-3, 330, 5.0, Plano East (UT, Mich, FSU, Neb, A&M)\nBrett Valdez, 6-4, 310, 5.2, Brownwood (UT Commitment)\nJeff Lebby, 6-5, 275, 5.1, Andrews (Oklahoma Commitment)\nTony Ugoh, 6-4, 275, 5.1, Spring Westfield (A&M, UT, OU, Ark, UCLA, Fla)\nNeale Tweedie, 6-5, 265, 5.0, Allen (UT, A&M, OU, ND, Clem, UCLA)\n* * * *\nJosiah Vinson, 6-4, 290, 5.1, Irving (KSU, A&M, UT, OU)\nLaQualon McDonald, 6-3, 330, 5.3, Waco (A&M, OU, LSU, FSU)\nKyle Williams, 6-6, 260, 5.0, Dallas Highland Park (OU, A&M, USC, Stan, UCLA)\nCody Douglas, 6-3, 320, 5.3, LaMarque (A&M Commitment)\n\nDefensive End (6)\nTravis Leitko, 6-6, 250, 4.7, The Woodlands (ND, UT, Stan, Mich, A&M, NW)\nLarry Dibbles, 6-2, 275, 4.8, Lancaster (OU, UCLA, UT, A&M, ND, FSU)\nDontriel Coates, 6-3, 270, 4.8, Anahuac (UT, Ky, Ark)\nHosea Atkinson, 6-4, 230, 4.6, Houston Washington (OU, Mich, FSU, Fla)\n* * * *\nNick Owino, 6-2, 225, 4.7, Alief Elsik (UT, A&M, LSU)\nDanny Ellis, 6-3, 260, 4.7, Cleveland (A&M, OU, LSU)\n\nDefensive Tackle (10)\nRodrique Wright, 6-5, 315, 5.0, Alief Hastings (UT, A&M, OU, KSU)\nEarl Anderson, 6-3, 265, 4.8, San Marcos (UT Commitment)\nMarco Martin, 6-3, 310, 4.8, Mesquite (FSU, UT, A&M, Tenn, Neb)\nJoseph Edwards, 6-2, 260, 4.9, Dayton (LSU, OU, UT, A&M)\n* * * *\nTully Janszen, 6-4, 260, 4.8, Keller (A&M, OU, UT, KSU)\nQuintin Echols, 6-3, 275, 5.0, Fort Worth Wyatt (A&M, OU,Tenn, GT)\nFred Jackson, 6-4, 280, 5.0, Hallsville (OU, Iowa, Az, Wash, Syr, TCU)\nTauren Brown, 6-4, 265, 4.9, Katy Cinco Ranch\nBrian Patrick, 6-4, 270, 5.0, Pasadena Sam Rayburn (Texas A&M Commitment)\nTravis Upshaw, 6-2, 280, 5.0, Mansfield\n\nOutside Linebacker (8)\nMarvin Byrdsong, 6-3, 235, 4.6, Longview (A&M, Miss St, Ark, UT, FSU, LSU)\nGarnett Smith, 6-2, 210, 4.5, Arl. Lamar (UT, A&M, Neb, LSU, UCLA, Tenn)\nBrian Robison, 6-3, 243, 4.6, Splendora (UT, A&M, OU, LSU, Ark, PSU)\nGlenn Jackson, 6-2, 220, 4.6, Carrollton Turner\nNurahnda Manning, 6-2, 222, 4.7, Bay City (A&M, LSU, UH)\nCassius Anderson, 6-2, 220, 4.6, Baytown Sterling\n* * * *\nEd Jackson, 6-3, 215, 4.6, LaMarque (A&M, UT)\nGeorge Babineaux, 6-2, 220, 4.7, Houston Westbury\n\nInside Linebacker (6)\nAaron Harris, 5-11, 225, 4.7, North Mesquite (A&M, UT,\nRoman Taylor, 6-0, 230, 4.7, Diboll (UT, A&M)\nArchie McDaniel, 6-1, 215, 4.7, Bay City (A&M, LSU, UH)\n* * * *\nMicah Woods, 6-0, 230, 4.7, Houston Sterling (LSU, PSU, KSU, Ky, Tenn)\nAndy Matakis, 6-3, 225, 4.6, CC Flour Bluff (A&M, UT, PSU, Pitt, UCLA)\nTroy Thompson, 6-2, 220, 4.7, Sweeny\n\nCornerback (8)\nEdorian McCullough, 5-11, 175, 4.3, North Garland (UT, OU, A&M)\nDonald Burgs, 6-0, 180, 4.4, Houston Madison (UT, A&M, Ore St, LSU, TCU)\nMichael Hawkins, 6-1, 180, 4.4, Carrollton Turner (Colo, OU, Mich, Fla, WV)\nKendrick Muckelroy, 6-0, 180, 4.4, Hallsville (OU, A&M, LSU)\nWillie Andrews, 5-9, 170, 4.4, Longview (A&M, OU, UT, ND, PSU, OSU)\n* * * *\nRicky Wilson, 5-9, 170, 4.4, Port Arthur Lincoln (FSU, UT, OSU, UCLA)\nMarques Walker, 5-9, 170, 4.4, Arlington Houston\nKrys Williams, 5-9, 165, 4.5, Mesquite (A&M, Syr, Bay, UT, TT)\n\nSafety (9)\nVickiel Vaughn, 6-2, 183, 4.5, Plano West (UCLA, USC, Stan, UT, A&M, Ark)\nMichael Cuba, 6-2, 185, 4.5, Taylor (UT, UCLA, A&M)\nBam Harmon, 6-1, 180, 4.5, The Colony (Basketball)\n* * * *\nDavid Lott, 6-1, 175, 4.5, Aldine Eisenhower (A&M, FSU, UT, LSU)\nMatthew Melton, 6-0, 180, 4.5, Tyler (Neb, ND, UCLA, A&M, UT)\nMatt Fawley, 6-0, 200, 4.5, Richardson Pearce (UT, A&M, OU, TCU)\nThomas Wright, 6-0, 180, 4.5, Sweeny (LSU, A&M, Rice, UT, Wash)\nElvis Gallegos, 6-2, 180, 4.5, Fort Worth Richland\nJames Todd, 6-1, 175, 4.5, Marshall\n\nAthlete (8)\nL'Tydrick Riley, 6-4, 218, 4.5, Crockett (A&M Commitment)\nDaBryan Blanton, 5-11, 165, 4.3, Forney (UT, A&M, OU, Ark)\nBrandon Grandberry, 5-11, 175, 4.46, Crowley (FSU, Wash, Minn, UT, A&M)\nDavid Lofton, 6-3, 185, 4.5, Plano West (Stan, UT, Neb, Ala, Wash)\nClint Haney, 5-11, 190, 4.27 Smithson Valley (UT Commitment)\n* * * *\nPaul Thompson, 6-4, 190, 4.6, Leander (UT, OU, OSU, A&M, Bay)\nLeKeldrick Bridges, 6-1, 175, 4.3, Dallas Hillcrest (Basketball)\nVance Washington, 6-0, 170, 4.4, Hstn Clear Brook (Fla, Mia, Syr, Tenn, UCLA)\n\nThe 25 \"Difference Makers\"\n\nThese are Texas' top 25 juniors, in my opinion, and I have seen all of them\nplay, either on tape or in person:\n1. QB Vincent Young, Houston Madison\n2. DT Rodrique Wright, Alief Hastings\n3. DT Earl Anderson, San Marcos (Texas Commitment)\n4. DE Travis Leitko, The Woodlands\n5. QB Reggie McNeal, Lufkin\n6. RB Albert Hardy, Galena Park\n7. OLB Marvin Byrdsong, Longview\n8. CB Edorian McCullough, North Garland\n9. DE Larry Dibbles, Lancaster\n10. TE Eric Winston, Midland Lee\n11. DT Marco Martin, Mesquite\n12. S Vickiel Vaughn, Plano West\n13. C Bob Morton, McKinney (A&M Commitment)\n14. LB Aaron Harris, North Mesquite\n15. CB Donald Burgs, Houston Madison\n16. LB Garnett Smith, Arlington Lamar\n17. LB Brian Robison, Splendora\n18. OL Justin Blalock, Plano East\n19. WR Robert Timmons, Flower Mound Marcus\n20. Ath L'Tydrick Riley, Crockett (A&M Commitment)\n21. DE Dontriel Coates, Anahuac\n22. Ath DaBryan Blanton, Forney\n23. OL Brett Valdez, Brownwood (UT Commitment)\n24. LB Roman Taylor, Diboll\n25. CB Michael Hawkins, Carrollton Turner\n\nOut-of-State Prospects\n\nThese out-of-state prospects say they are considering Texas:\nDT Kasey Studdard, 6-2, 265, 4.8, Highlands Ranch, Colo (UT, Colo)\nDE Chase Pittman, 6-5, 255, 4.7, Shreveport Evangel (UT, LSU)\nWR Marquis Johnson, 6-3, 195, 4.4, Champaign, Ill. (UT, Ill, Mich, Mia, Colo,\nMSU)\nDE Bryan Pickryl, 6-6, 230, 4.6, Jenks, Okla. (UCLA, UT, OU, ND, Neb)\nFB-LB Brandon Hancock, 6-2, 235, 4.55, Clovis, Cal., West (USC, UCLA, UT,\nMich)\nDT Fred Matua, 6-2, 280, 4.8, Wilmington, Cal., Banning (ND, Neb, USC, UCLA,\nUT)\nTE John Doucette, 6-2, 240, 4.8, New Orleans St. Augustine (Ark, Mich, Mia,\nUT)\nDE Zack Latimer, 6-4, 220, 4.5, Aurora, Colo., Gateway (Mia, Fla, Colo, ND,\nUT)\n\n900 Number Updated Frequently\n\nI update my 900 number nearly every day with football and football recruiting\nnews. The number is 1-900-288-8839. It costs $1.59 a minute. You must be 18\nor older to call."} {"text": "The International Uncoated Mechanical Paper Statistics - Flash Report\nAugust 2001\nis now available on Economics Online at www.pppc.org/econ/ , in the section\nFlash Reports.\n\nShould you have any questions concerning the content of this report, please\ndo not hesitate\nto contact Paul Leclair Analyst - Finance and Markets at (514) 861-8834 or\nby e-mail pleclair@pppc.org.\n\n\n\n\n\nFor questions or comments concerning Economics Online, please contact:\n\nDoreen Olkowicz\nManager, Statistics and Online Services\nT (514) 861-8851 F (514) 866-4863 E-mail dolkowicz@pppc.org"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n02:23 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nEric Benson@ENRON on 04/24/2001 11:47:40 AM\nTo: Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Instructions for FERC Meetings\n\nMr. Allen - \n\nPer our phone conversation, please see the instructions below to get access \nto view FERC meetings. Please advise if there are any problems, questions or \nconcerns.\n\nEric Benson\nSr. Specialist\nEnron Government Affairs - The Americas\n713-853-1711\n\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\n----- Forwarded by Eric Benson/NA/Enron on 04/24/2001 01:45 PM -----\n\n\tJanet Butler\n\t11/06/2000 04:51 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Eric.Benson@enron.com, Steve.Kean@enron.com, Richard.Shapiro@enron.com\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Instructions for FERC Meetings\n\nAs long as you are configured to receive Real Video, you should be able to \naccess the FERC meeting this Wednesday, November 8. The instructions are \nbelow.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Janet Butler/ET&S/Enron on 11/06/2000 \n04:49 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJanet Butler\n10/31/2000 04:12 PM\nTo: Christi.L.Nicolay@enron.com, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, \nRebecca.Cantrell@enron.com\ncc: Shelley Corman/ET&S/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: Instructions for FERC Meetings\n\n\n\t\n\nHere is the URL address for the Capitol Connection. You should be able to \nsimply click on this URL below and it should come up for you. (This is \nassuming your computer is configured for Real Video/Audio). We will pay for \nthe annual contract and bill your cost centers.\n\nYou are connected for tomorrow as long as you have access to Real Video.\n\nhttp://www.capitolconnection.gmu.edu/\n\nInstructions:\n\nOnce into the Capitol Connection sight, click on FERC\nClick on first line (either \"click here\" or box)\nDialogue box should require: user name: enron-y\n password: fercnow\n\nReal Player will connect you to the meeting\n\nExpand your screen as you wish for easier viewing\n\nAdjust your sound as you wish"} {"text": "i do not know this person. i think you have the wrong larry campbell."} {"text": "John,\n\nThe spreadsheet below (\"Valuation Summary..\") calculates the value Enron would realize if we turned back the capacity or released it at full tolls. As of 9/17 mids, the 200,000/d leg would generate $16,918,907 if turned back. There is still a substantial amount of value above variable costs on the books. For 03-06, variable costs are around $0.15 but the mid-market spread is $0.45. The PV volume for that term is 22,000 contracts. \n\nPhillip \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBronstein, Mara \nSent:\tTuesday, September 18, 2001 12:38 PM\nTo:\tAllen, Phillip K.\nSubject:\tEl Paso Capacity"} {"text": "John,\n\nBased on our conversation earlier today, I have atttached a memorandum \nsummarizing the major points. If you need changes to the text or have \ncomments, please contact me.\n\nRegards,\n\nJean"} {"text": "As I indicated in my VM, I will be in LA early Tues morning. Would you like \nto talk about the isuues before your meeting--or would you like me to go? \n----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 05/06/2001 10:43 AM -----\n\n\t\"Shohet, Jeff\" \n\t05/04/2001 10:48 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"Doron Ezickson\" , \"Gary Fergus\" \n, \"Gerald L. McMahon\" , \"James Ransom\" \n, \"Jean Frizzell\" , \n\"Jeffrey Davidson\" , \"Jennifer A. Hein\" \n, \"Jennifer Costa\" , \n\"John Hershberger\" , \"Laura H. Roppe\" , \n\"Mary Lou Peters\" , \"Michael A. Leone\" \n, \"Michael J. Weaver\" , \"Michael L. \nKirby\" , \"Mike D. Smith\" , \"Richard B. \nSanders\" , \"Robert Williams\" \n, \"Robin Gibbs (Mr.)\" , \n\"Stephen A. Herman\" , \"Sydne Michel\" \n, \"Tanya Murphy\" , \n\"Tony Richardson\" \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Gray Davis meeting\n\n\nWilliams, Reliant, Enron, Duke, AES, Dynegy, Mirant and Sempra have been\ninvited to a meeting with the Governor. The press release provides: \"The\nagenda will include \"unpaid debts, credit and the supply of power.\"\nWilliams is concerned about attending such a meeting of competitors without\nthe presence of antitrust counsel even under the sponsorship of the Governor\n(who presumably acts as both the sovereign and on behalf of the buyer(s)).\nWe are looking into the Sovereign immunity and Noerr-Pennington issues to\ndetermine how best to protect any such group discussions from challenge or\nas evidence in any of the pending cases. Are any of your clients also\nconcerned about this and are you also looking into these issues?\nWilliams would like to have a joint defense protected conference call\n(perhaps later today if possible) to discuss this meeting and consider\nwhether antitrust counsel is needed for the group or if each participant\nshould attend with its own counsel. Please let me have your thoughts and\nwhether one of you (or other counsel) is interested and available to\nparticipate in a conference call. Thanks/\n\n\n\nJeffrey M. Shohet\nGray Cary Ware & Freidenrich\nPhone: (619) 699-2743\nFax: (619) 236-1048\nMobile: (619) 933-2743\nemail: jshohet@GrayCary.com\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n[INFO] -- Content Manager:\n\nNOTICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) \nand may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized \nreview, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the \nintended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all \ncopies of the original message.\n\nTo contact our email administrator directly, send to postmaster@graycary.com\n\nThank you.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"} {"text": "Dipak,\n\nAs you requested, here are the West Desk's forecasts for California Reciepts \nminus instate production by month. They are broken down into delivery points \nonto Socal and PGE's system. Please let me know if you have any questions. \nThanks.\n\nMat"} {"text": "Maureen,\n\nCould you make a presentation on this topic? It would be a favor to\nour operation in Nebraska and it's not mandatory.\n\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 \n08:01 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMargaret Carson@ENRON\n02/16/2000 02:24 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with NEBRASKA Governor Johanns\n\nVince, I could work up a talk on everything they are looking for \nexcept the area of energy impacts on agri-customers...does ENA have \nsome specialist that look at this slice of the energy marke that could \nhelp me respondt? Thanks Margaret \n---------------------- Forwarded by Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron on 02/16/2000 \n02:21 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nBeth Jensen\n02/16/2000 01:19 PM\nTo: Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Rob Wilson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry DeRoin/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Bill \nCordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Beth \nJensen/NPNG/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with Governor Johanns\n\nHello Margaret. We are looking for a speaker for a meeting that is being \narranged with Nebraska Governor Johanns during the first week in April.\n\nThe potential topic is a national perspective on pricing pressures/trends on \nnatural gas, electricity and oil and their impact on agricultural production \ncosts, as well as types of risk managment tools that are being used to offset \nthe price fluctuations.\n\nDo you know of anyone, either within the Corporation or outside, who would be \navailable to travel to Omaha to make this presentation? \n\nI would appreciate any assistance that you could provide, Margaret.\n\nThanks, \n\nbeth jensen"} {"text": "i will let you know. i need to run after work."} {"text": "britt,\n\nwill not be able to discuss your question about eric tan with commercial \npeople until monday as john chismar is traveling right now. however, \nhopefully the testing will answer a lot of questions such that we may not \nneed his services after year end.\n\nrgds\n\n\n\nFrom: Britt Davis@ENRON on 12/07/2000 09:05 AM CST\nTo: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael A \nRobison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT, \nJames P Studdert/HOU/ECT@ECT, david.best@clyde.co.uk, ngregson@wfw.com, Paul \nHenking/SIN/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: In re M/V PACIFIC VIRGO\n\n I am pleased to report that Mitsubishi has agreed to have the joint analysis \ntake place in the U.K. We have instructed our chemist to immediately arrange \nfor this. We still await Mitsubishi's response to our request that they \nshare the costs of transportation from Singapore to the U.K. \n\n Paul, given that Eric Tan is apparently leaving very soon, would you let me \nknow whether (a) he still needs to be kept in the loop on this and (b) \nwhether some other business person in Singapore will be the liaison person? \n\n David Best will shortly confirm the appointment of the arbitrator. Once \nthat is done, he will approach Mitsubishi's solicitors regarding the \nwithout-prejudice payment of freight and demurrage. David has indicated that \nhe likes the time bar argument against Mitsubishi's demurrage claim and that \nbefore offering to negotiate the demurrage claim at all, he will ask \nMitsubishi's solicitors how they would get around that problem, and see what \nthey say.\n\n I will keep you advised.\n\n Britt"} {"text": "Anurag,\n\nI shall talk about Vikas to our IT people.\nCan you send me his resume?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Saksena, Anurag\" on 05/07/2001 10:06:54 AM\nTo: \"'vkamins@ect.enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: A personal favor\n\n\n\nVince,\n?\nI have left a voice mail to you and will wait to talk to you personally. My \nbrother Vikas, who is now in London, is trying to make a switch from \nconsulting world to working for a specific firm. Over last few months, I \nhave heard of great deal about the success of Enron on line business which \nfits well in the area of his expertise. I am wondering if you know of some \none in London who he can speak to regarding career opportunities. \n?\nSince I spoke to you last, a number of things have changed. Recently, my \nmanadate was broaden to include leading a charge for developing a risk \nmanagement function for both the domestic and international businesses for \nGMAC. Needless to say, this is exciting albeit making the life a little more \nhectic than usual.\n?\nTalk to you later.\n?\nAnurag\n?\n952- 857 - 6133"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT on 12/28/99 11:21 AM \n---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Greg Whalley 12/27/99 01:37 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: CalPX\n\njust some thoughts on what we might say in a letter if we have to send one by \nthe 4th."} {"text": "The attached report summarizes current significant legal activities of EWS \nLegal as of January 15, 2001. This report does not attempt to list all \ntransactions or include reference to on-going maintenance of completed \ntransactions.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions."} {"text": "Rachael, well, I was wrong again. Jeff said he is not interested in doing \nthe morning broadcast with Sam Malone; no reason given, so I didn't ask. \nSorry! SRS\n\n\n\n\nRachael Tobor\n03/28/2000 10:25 AM\nTo: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Sam Malone & The Morning Show\n\n\nJeff,\n\nSam Malone would love for you to join him live at the Morning Show broadcast \nfrom the Enron Building on April 7. The optimal time to speak with Sam is \nbetween 7 and 8 am, but not at the top or bottom of the hour . He wants the \nopportunity to banter with you on air about why Enron is the best place to \nwork, Enron Field and what you have been doing lately. It will be very \ninformal, and depending on your schedule, he welcomes you to stay as long as \nyou can.\n\nPlease let me know when you are available. \n\nRachael"} {"text": "Thanks in advance for agreeing to speak at the Global Operations Controller \nForum that I am hosting next week. There will be approximately 30 Enron \nbusiness controllers present at the meeting. All have responsibility for mid \nand back office operations for the following Enron entities: Enron North \nAmerica, Enron Europe, Enron South America, Enron Global Markets, Enron \nIndustrial Markets, Enron Broadband Services and Enron Energy Services. \nAttendees will be here from Houston, Calgary, Tokyo, Sydney, London and New \nYork (metals business). \n\nAttached for your reference is the agenda. There may be some slight changes \nbefore the forum begins, but this will give you a good idea of the topics to \nbe covered and the other speakers who will address the group. \n\n\nYou are scheduled to address the group as follows:\n\nDate: Tuesday, October 24, 2000\nTime: 8:30 am\n (breakfast will be served at 8:00 and you are invited to join us)\nPlace: The Warwick Hotel\n The Versailles Room - 12th Floor \n 5701 Main Street\n Houston, TX 77005\n\nThe group would like to hear about Enron's performance, your outlook for the \nremainder of 2000 and into 2001, your viewpoint on the future of the company \nand next growth opportunities, etc. With a small group, your talk can be \ninformal and you do not need to prepare slides (unless you would like to do \nso). Q&A afterwards would be great. Key speaking points that would enforce \nthe value of this conference for this group would be:\n\nrecognition of a job well done in supporting explosive business growth in \n2000 \n\nthe value you place on the jobs performed by operations controllers to ensure \nintegrity in mid and back office functions\n\nthe importance of tight operational controls in enabling business growth for \nEnron (your loose/tight analogy would be great, as many have not heard that) \n\nthe independent control role that we play and our responsibility to \"raise \nthe flag\" on issues if needed"} {"text": "Could one of you guys get me rsvp'd for this please? I don't need any CLE \ncredit. Thanks df\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 03/20/2001 \n01:35 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Sara Davidson/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 02:06 PM\nTo: James Derrick/ENRON@enronXgate, Stephanie Harris/ENRON@enronXgate, Rob \nWalls/ENRON@enronXgate, Rex Rogers/ENRON@enronXgate, Clement \nAbrams/ENRON@enronXgate, Jim Armogida/ENRON@enronXgate, Ann \nBallard/ENRON@enronXgate, Sharon Butcher/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert \nEickenroht/ENRON@enronXgate, Mark Holsworth/ENRON@enronXgate, Kriste \nSullivan/ENRON@enronXgate, Melinda Winn/ENRON@enronXgate, Carol \nEssig/ENRON@enronXgate, fmackin@aol.com@SMTP@enronXgate, David \nNutt/ENRON@enronXgate, Mary Berg/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert C \nWilliams/ENRON@enronXgate, Michelle Blaine/ENRON@enronXgate, Gail \nBrownfeld/ENRON@enronXgate, Jan Cooley/ENRON@enronXgate, Paulette \nObrecht/ENRON@enronXgate, Jordan Mintz/ENRON@enronXgate, Gareth \nBahlmann/ENRON@enronXgate, Julia H Chin/ENRON@enronXgate, Nora \nDobin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Joel Ephross/ENRON@enronXgate, Brenda L \nFunk/ENRON@enronXgate, Gina Karathanos/ENRON@enronXgate, Charles \nCheek/ENRON@enronXgate, Britt Davis/ENRON@enronXgate, David \nGrant/ENRON@enronXgate, Eileen Kisluk/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert \nVote/ENRON@enronXgate, Bonnie White/ENRON@enronXgate, Rita \nBahner/ENRON@enronXgate, Tracy Carter/ENRON@enronXgate, Lisa \nRobichaux/ENRON@enronXgate, Kathy Siess/ENRON@enronXgate, Becky \nZikes/ENRON@enronXgate, Becky Stephens/ENRON@enronXgate, Michael P \nMoran/ENRON@enronXgate, David K Bargainer/ENRON@enronXgate, Philip \nCrowley/ENRON@enronXgate, Dari Dornan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Staci \nHoltzman/ENRON@enronXgate, Lee Huber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Frazier \nKing/ENRON@enronXgate, Dorothy McCoppin/ENRON@enronXgate, Maria \nPavlou/ENRON@enronXgate, Tony Pryor/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Colleen \nRaker/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Scott/ENRON@enronXgate, Louis \nSoldano/ENRON@enronXgate, Jim Talcott/ENRON@enronXgate, Kim \nWilkie/ENRON@enronXgate, Candace Kyle/ENRON@enronXgate, William E \nBrown/ENRON@enronXgate, Kathy Ringblom/ENRON@enronXgate, Drew \nFossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Shelley Corman/ENRON@enronXgate, Janet \nButler/ENRON@enronXgate, John Ale/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Kevin \nAltit/BRZ/AZURIX@Azurix, Emilio Battioli/BUE/AZURIX@AZURIX, Stephen \nBrooke/NA/AZURIX@AZURIX, Allan Conge/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Tim \nDorsey/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Greer Mendelow/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Norma \nTidrow/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Kristina Mordaunt/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Kenton Erwin/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, \nCynthia Harkness/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Michelle \nHicks/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, David Koogler/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Steve McCarrel/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Gil Melman/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Eric Merten/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Paul \nPuchot/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Robbi Rossi/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Marie Heard/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Robin Hill/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Vicki \nSharp/HOU/EES@EES, Deborah Asmus/HOU/EES@EES, Marianne Castano/HOU/EES@EES, \nDeborah Culver/HOU/EES@EES, Edwin Essandoh/HOU/EES@EES, Richard \nFreed/HOU/EES@EES, Kelly Higgason/HOU/EES@EES, James E Keller/HOU/EES@EES, \nMichelle Maynard/HOU/EES@EES, Bonnie Nelson/HOU/EES@EES, Martin \nPenkwitz/HOU/EES@EES, Andrew Ralston/HOU/EES@EES, Bill Rapp/HOU/EES@EES, \nDavid Roland/HOU/EES@EES, Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Andrew Wu/HOU/EES@EES, \nElisa Donovan/HOU/EES@EES, Karen A Cordova/HOU/EES@EES, Christina \nFinelli/HOU/EES@EES, Barbara Hankins/HOU/EES@EES, Jennifer \nHillegonds/HOU/EES@EES, Allison McHenry/HOU/EES@EES, Susan \nWheeler/HOU/EES@EES, Kim Collins/HOU/EES@EES, Chris Dalton/HOU/EES@EES, Marty \nKeyser/EFS/EES@EES, Laurel S Gleason/EFS/EES@EES, Joe Hrabik/EFS/EES@EES, \nVirginia Baumgardner/EFS/EES@EES, Beth Brandstetter/EFS/EES@EES, Beverly \nSullivan/EFS/EES@EES, Mary Tullius/EFS/EES@EES, Sivert Fogerlie/Western \nRegion/The Bentley Company@Exchange\ncc: \n\nSubject: 2001 Enron Law Conference (Distribution List 1)\n\n\nCheck out the 2001 Enron Law Conference Website at \nhttp:\\\\lawconference.corp.enron.com and access your Online RSVP Form. \nRemember, responses must be submitted no later than Friday, March 30, 2001. \nFor anyone requesting CLE credit for a state other than Texas, please submit \nyour RSVP Form by March 23, 2001. See you in San Antonio! \n\n? Please note: Due to problems with the system, all RSVP Forms submitted \nprior to 1:00pm CST should re-submit their Form (even if you received a \nconfirmation e-mail). Thank you!"} {"text": "speaking of ethics, what is up with the Brooke situation?\nPL"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 \n10:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/28/2000 11:56:58 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Test Project Proposal\n\n\nVince:\n\nI did get the proposal out today, but after close of business your time.\nSorry for the brief delay. You will find two attachments. The first is our\ntime and materials contract, which will need to be executed if you want to\ndo the test project. The second is an addendum to that time and materials\ncontract under Section H, which allows for specific work statements to amend\nand supersede the general consulting agreement. The general consulting\nagreement (termsandconditions.doc) contains all the confidentiality, billing\nrate, and other provisions that your contract people will probably want and\nprovides a general framework for doing business. The work statement\n(testproject.doc) contains the specific provisions for our standard weeklong\nonsite test project.\n\nI hope we get the opportunity to serve you and ultimately to make\nMarketPoint available to you. In light of the contiguity to the holidays, I\ndont think it would be realistic to try to schedule this test project before\nthen, probably from your perpsective as well as ours. Let's think about\ndoing it the first opportunity in January if you decide to go forward if\nthat is OK with you.\n\nAll the best.\nDale\n\n - testproject.doc\n - termsandconditions.doc"} {"text": "Kemah at sunset. See the ferris wheel?\n\n\nCheck out the Hawaiian shirt\n\n\nOnly moments before disaster...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - Kemah-01.JPG\n - CaptainMarc-01.JPG\n - CaptainMarc-02.JPG"} {"text": "I know you have been very busy so I wanted to send you a reminder about the reimbursement for me that we were dealing with before the move, and also the itinerary for my trip in mid-December.\n\nThanks and hope you are having a good day,\n\nJay"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Deanna Harris\" @ENRON \nSent:\tThursday, October 11, 2001 12:53 PM\nTo:\tTravis Parigi; Rocky Laudermilk; Raul Abello; White, Stacey W.; Ryan Welborn; Matt Vogt; Kevin Kampe; Kelly Kampe; Keith Behrens; Jim Bavouset; David Raymond; Damien Bielitz; Clint Cobb; Christina Raymond; Bridget Hennessey; Brian Jaks; Angela & Brad McDonald; Brad McDonald; Brad Hughes; Blake Mcwherter; anna.hughes@pharma.novartis.com; kwise@lockeliddell.com; ejohnson@lockeliddell.com; klevenberg@lockeliddell.com; mjacob@lockeliddell.com; kpeter@lockeliddell.com; tdobbins@lockeliddell.com\nSubject:\tJeff's 30th Birthday\n\n\n \nCome Celebrate Jeff's 30th Birthday!!!\n \n \nWill and I are planning a little get together for Jeff's birthday - here are the details:\n \n \n \nWhen: Monday October 15th \nTime: 6:30 pm \nPlace: Goode Company Barbque - on Kirby \n \n \n \nCome join us on Monday night to celebrate Jeff's 30th birthday (he actually turns 30 on the 13th, but we will be in College Station). We will be at Goode Company most of the evening so if you can stop by for a beer with the birthday boy. I know he would love to see all of you.\n \nPlease email me back and let me know if you can stop by - and feel free to forward this on to anyone I may have left off.\n \nSee you Monday,\n \nDeanna and Will"} {"text": "Wade,\nYou need to get this information into the Forecast system. \nFYI, the Mellon/Key lockboxes won't be moved (at least not right now) only Bank of America.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Stubblefield, Wade \nSent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 12:13 AM\nTo: Leff, Dan; Dietrich, Janet; Bowen Jr., Raymond; Nelson, Kimberley; Perkins, Mary; Marino, Thea; Delainey, David W.; Herndon, Rogers; Black, Don; Wurzel, Steve; Steffes, James D.\nSubject: Preliminary EES Burn Schedule\n\n\nTo meet Treasury's requirement for day ahead notice of funding requirements, and also cash forecasts required by the courts, I have put together the attached very simple daily burn schedule for the balance of December. I have a couple of key assumptions:\n \n1. We will continue to pay CAISO through December (note the actual amount is a moving target and we will try and notice of any changes as soon as we know of them). We will pay NYISO when it comes up again and we will not fund ERCOT anymore. At this point I am not aware of any other pre-payment obligation or, for that matter, post-payment in any other jurisdiction (i.e., all other contracts are being terminated/turned back). Please advise if this is inaccurate. I have heard for gas we may be OK through December, Don please advise.\n \n2. I have not factored in any EES receipts from customers yet. We are working on a forecast, but since all lockboxes are being moved I assume significant delays and wanted to focus on disbursements.\n \n3. We will fund EFS daily. I did assume they would have some receipts. THEA/STEVE, please true-up the disbursments based on whatever better data you have (esp. around pay dates) and give me a better idea about receipts.\n \n4. I assume I am not going to incur any other \"material\" trade payables other than those listed. Especially that would be due in next 30 days.\n \nMary and Ray, unless you hear otherwise from me, assume the scheduled amounts for Wed. and Thursday are good."} {"text": "Please see the attached in connection with sales of capacity options on TW."} {"text": "Shirley,\n\nI have confirmed.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/25/2000 \n08:35 AM ---------------------------\n \n \t\n\tEnron Technology\n\t\n\tFrom: Ashley Baxter @ ENRON 08/24/2000 06:30 PM\n\t\n\nTo: vkamins@enron.com, John Pavetto/Corp/Enron@Enron, Paulo \nIssler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Radu Tutos/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, \nKeith Couch/Corp/Enron@Enron, Michael Guadarrama/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randy \nMatson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve Nat/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Christopher \nFunk/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clarissa Cooper/NA/Enron@Enron, Anthony \nRimoldi/Corp/Enron@Enron, Denise Rancour/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin \nLee/Corp/Enron@Enron, Osman Sezgen/HOU/EES@EES, Bryan Garrett/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shelly Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nJones/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cal Berkeley Team Meeting"} {"text": "Thank you, but no interest at this time.\n\n\n\n\n\"Costamagna, Joe\" on 04/12/2001 04:01:45 PM\nTo: \"'Kenneth.Lay@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Portfolio Management\n\n\n\n\n\nDear Kenneth, \nI was wondering if you could tell me if Enron is currently considering an IT \ndepartment portfolio management solution, which is basically software that \nmanages IT projects and the availability, as well as the skill sets, of your \ninternal IT staff. If you would be interested, I can forward you information \non our product, or arrange an onsite demonstration. Thank you.\n\nRegards, \nJoe \n\nJoe Costamagna \nProgram Manager -- Business Development \nSouth Region \nEVOLVE \nE-mail:? jcostamagna@evolve.com \nPhone: (510) 428-6116 \nCell: (707) 799-2915 \nFax: (510) 428-6999 \nwww.evolve.com"} {"text": "Here are some details you will need to know for the golf tournament\nsponsored by Calpine on October 12 at the WSPP event:\n\n1) When you arrive at the Coeur d'Alene Resort please check your golf clubs\nwith the bell captains. They will be tagged and delivered to the golf\ncourse prior to your tee time. \n\n2) Time: We will be shuttled to the course in the resort \"Eagle\" shuttle\nboats starting directly after the meeting concludes Friday Oct. 12 around\nnoon. \n\n3) Dress code: nice golf attire, soft cleats (please come to the meeting\nFriday morning ready to go to the course).\n\n4) The Coeur d'Alene Resort has a mandatory caddy program, a $20 tip is\nrecommended by each golfer also, bring some cash for the beer/snack cart if\nyou wish.\n\n5) Box lunches will be provided for you on your carts at the beginning of\nthe game.\n\n6) We will be playing a scramble game - so plan to have some FUN! This is\na beautiful world class course, enjoy.\n\nIf you have any questions please feel free to give me a call at\n503-552-3785.\n\n\nJodi Lietz\nOffice Manager\nCalpine Corporation\n805 SW Broadway, Suite 1850\nPortland OR 97205\nPhone: 503-552-3785\nFax: 503-223-7400"} {"text": "This works for me.\n\nMark\n\n\n\n\tGerald Nemec@ECT\n\t02/27/2001 09:31 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Mark Whitt/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Russell Diamond/Enron@EnronXGate\n\t\t Subject: AEC Transaction Agreement\n\nMark, Please review my attached change to the confirm. This makes it clear \nthat if we don't like their changes to the Master we will not accept them and \nthe existing Master still governs. If acceptable I will forward back to AEC.\n\nRussell, AEC is reviewing the Master and indicated they would have comments \nwithin a week or so. The plan is now to execute this confirm and follow up \nwith the new master. The credit language that was in the earlier version has \nbeen removed."} {"text": "At the request of Rahil Jafry, attached is our form of bilateral \nConfidentiality Agreement. Please let me know if the attached meets with \nyour approval."} {"text": "Christie,\n\nFYI. A message I received from Stanford.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/09/2001 \n11:20 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Susan C. Hansen\" on 04/06/2001 06:14:10 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: clovell@stanford.edu, donna Lawrence , \nhillh@stanford.edu, bambos@stanford.edu \nSubject: Visiting Enron May 4th\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nthis is great news! Donna and I are delighted that you have time to see us\non May 4th.\n\nI'll be out of the office next week. By copy of this email to my\nassistant, Carol Lovell, I will ask her to get in touch with Shirley for\nscheduling as well as directions on where to meet you. We'll be glad to\nmeet with Christie Patrick as well.\n\nLooking forward to meeting you,\n\nSusan\n\n\nAt 05:36 PM 4/6/01 -0500, you wrote:\n\n>Susan,\n>\n>Thank you for your message. I shall be glad to meet with you on May the\n>4th.\n>I shall ask my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713) 853 5290, to call you to\n>set up the meeting.\n>\n>Also, for your information, we have recently set up a special unit to\n>coordinate Enron's\n>relationships with the universities. The person running this unit is\n>Christie Patrick.\n>Please, feel free to contact her and give my name as a reference. I shall\n>coordinate the meeting\n>on May the 4th with her.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n>Additional information re Christie:\n>\n>Phone : (713) 853-6117\n>\n>Email: christie_patrick@enron.com\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\"Susan C. Hansen\" on 04/03/2001 04:33:54 PM\n>\n>To: vkamins@enron.com\n>cc:\n>Subject: Visit from Stanford?\n>\n>\n>Dear Dr. Kaminski,\n>\n>Let me briefly introduce myself, I am the Director of Corporate Relations\n>for the School of Engineering at Stanford University. In this role, I am\n>always on the watch for ways to bring our faculty together with companies\n>that have an appetite for engagement with top tier research institutions.\n>\n>I believe you know Hill Huntington, who is a senior researcher with\n>Stanford's Energy Modeling Forum. He suggested I get in touch with you for\n>some ideas about contacts at Enron. I'm in the process of planning a trip\n>to Texas in early May along with my colleague Donna Lawrence, the\n>university's Director of Corporate Relations. We were hoping to be able to\n>include a stop at Enron on our itinerary. Right now it appears that Friday,\n>May 4th would work best for us but we're at the very beginning of our trip\n>planning.\n>\n>The purpose of our visit would be to review the current relationship\n>between Enron and Stanford, to give you an overview of current priorities\n>in the School of Engineering, and ask for your help in identifying the best\n>points of contact.\n>\n>I look forward to hearing from you about your availability,\n>\n>Sincerely,\n>Susan Hansen\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>Susan C. Hansen\n>Director, Corporate Relations\n>School of Engineering\n>Stanford University\n>Stanford, CA 94305-4027\n>(650) 725-4219\n\nSusan C. Hansen\nDirector, Corporate Relations\nSchool of Engineering\nStanford University\nStanford, CA 94305-4027\n(650) 725-4219"} {"text": "Can we meet on this today? We need to reach resolution on some issues.\n\nKay"} {"text": "If you're referring to the conversation we had on today's call, it's actually \na bill by Dede Alpert (sp?) that, if signed by the Governor, would cause \ndemand to go up. Were you referring to that or something more general?\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n\n\n\tJanel Guerrero\n\t03/13/2001 06:47 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: san diego\n\n\nis it possible to get a one-pager talking points on the san diego situation \nand how the govenor is increasing the demand on the system as we head into \nsummer? who can do this?"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Tamara Jae Black/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2001 \n04:18 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Steve Wang/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/22/2001 04:17 PM\nTo: Tamara Jae Black/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: New Options Model\n\nMeeting on May 30 at 3:30pm regarding the new Option Model we (Steve Wang, \nHarry Arora, and Rob Stalford) use to make markets. The old structuring \nmodel was created for marketer to give indicative pricing. I have created \nthis model especially for option market making. As market makers we found \nthe old model too slow as we are often making bid/offers in more than five \nstrikes in more than five different months. This model allows us to make our \nmarkets quicker and identify mispricings in the market before our \ncompetitors. This is not to replace the old structuring model. It is only a \ncomplement that will give everyone a better picture of where options are \ntrading and where bid/offers are. We will publish these prices weekly and \nwill eventually have them on a daily basis.\n\nYou will need special permission to access the files located in \nM:\\power2\\Options. Let me know if you want access to this folder. The \nfollowing people already have access:\n\n\nAhn, Christopher\nBallato, Russell\nBaughman, Ed\nBenson, Rob\nBroderick, Paul\nCarson, Mike\nClynes, Terri\nCurry, Mike\nDalton, Oscar\nDavis, Dana\nDean, Clint\nDorland, Chris\nForney, John\nGilbert-Smith, Doug\nGupta, Gautam\nJester, Larry\nKelly, Michael\nKing, Jeff\nLorenz, Matt\nPresto, Kevin\nQuenet, Joe\nScheuer, Janelle\nSewell, Robert (Doug)\nSturm, Fletch\nTingleaf, Drew\nValderrama, Larry\nValdes, Maria\nWheeler, Raymond\n\n\nThanks\nSteve Wang"} {"text": "You have received this message because someone has attempted to send you an e-mail from outside of Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow into our messaging environment. Your e-mail has been quarantined and is being held at the MailSweeper server.\n\n\nSender: daphneco64@alltel.net\nDate: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 08:13:58 -0600\nSubject: Urban Legends Reference Pages Rumors of War (Automotive Contributions)\nAttachment Type: Scenarios/Incoming/Inbound URL Catcher: A filename matching the file mask was detected: 'urban legends reference pages rumors of war (automotive contributions).url'.\n\n\n\nIf the intended email is of valid business-related content and you believe it requires Enron resources to retrieve it, you may call your Help Desk and ask to have it released from quarantine and delivered to your e-mail Inbox. Your message will be scanned and checked for viruses prior to requested release. If it contains a virus or there is reason to suspect it is malicious code, it will not be delivered.\n\nNorth American Resolution Center: 713 853 1411\nEuropean Resolution Center: 0044 207 78 36777\nEES Help Desk: 888 853 9797\nETS Solution Center: 713 345 4745 (Houston) or 402 398 7454 (Omaha)\n\nPlease DO NOT reply to this address as it is not a monitored system mailbox."} {"text": "FYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cassandra Schultz/NA/Enron on 02/18/2001 \n10:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n\n\nFrom: Cassandra Schultz \n 02/18/2001 10:26 PM\t\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\nTo: Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Leslie Reeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey C \nGossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy Hedstrom/CAL/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nBrent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Earnest/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila \nGlover/HOU/ECT@ECT, D Todd Hall/HOU/ECT, Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT, Brenda F \nHerod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT, Howard Carter/EU/Enron@Enron, \nAndrew Cornfield/LON/ECT@ECT, James New/LON/ECT@ECT, Orjan \nAgdesteen/OSL/ECT@ECT, James New/LON/ECT@ECT, Marcelo Parra/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, \nLouis Colarusso/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Heidi \nMason/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jan-Erland Bekeng/AP/Enron@Enron, \nKevin Rhodes/EU/Enron@Enron, Naomi Connell/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sally Beck, Shona Wilson, Chris Abel \n\nSubject: To Ops - Revised February BOD Approved Risk Management Policy\n\nAttached is the revised Risk Management Policy incorporating the BOD's \nchanges - please discard the previously circulated version I sent out prior \nto the BOD meeting. I've also included a recap of substantive changes since \nthe October 2000 version that was circulated to you in conjuction with the \ncompliance certificates last fall, but you should read the policy to enhance \nyour understanding, and distribute it to your groups as some changes are \nsignificant and are detailed further in the policy. I did notify the Office \nof the Chair for each of your business units of these changes earlier this \nweek, and I will also provide them with a copy of the revised policy. \n\n\nIf you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at x 30429.\n\nRegards,\nCassandra Schultz\nMarket Risk Management"} {"text": "Residential: 30.8%\nCommercial: 30.9%\nIndustrial: 37.7%\nOthers (state and local goverment, etc.): 0.6%\n \nGus"} {"text": "Panama Canal Cruise \nShip: Sun Princess\n1-900-225-5744 or\n1-800-princess\n\nLeave: November 29, 2000\nDelta Airlines\nDFW to Atlanta\nFlt 16, depart 07:35am, arrive 10:39am\n\nAtlanta to San Jose:\nFlt. 464, depart 12:00 noon, arrive 04:36pm\n\nReturn: December 9, 2000\nContinental Airlines\nSan Jose to Houston\nFlt. 723, depart 8:02pm, arrive 09:08pm\n\nI'll talk with you Tuesday evening before I leave.? Love you.? Your Mom."} {"text": "An invitation to ALL EvMBA students:\n\nLearn how YOU can benefit from the online community.\n\nThe moment we entered Haas, we became part of a worldwide community of\nstudents, faculty and alumni. Come and join the Haas Alumni Relations\noffice for a presentation on the Online Community, a powerful tool provided\nby the Haas Alumni Network (HAN) to reach a broad network of Haas friends.\nPossible uses?? Think job hunting, class project, find old class-mates....\n\nThe Online Community will be introduced next week to all EvMBA students\nduring two\n\nPIZZA DINNERS\n\non Tuesday Nov 14 and Wed Nov 15 in Room C230 from 7.35 - 8.10 PM\n\nSchedule:\n\n7.35 - Welcome and introduction by Tenny Frost, Director of Alumni relations.\n7.40 - Hello and an important message from HAN Board member Peter Loukianoff\n(EvMBA 98) / Pamela Horick (EvMBA 96).\n7.50 - Overview of the Online Community -- the tool to use\n- learn how to sign up and AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE the information you chose\nto enter about yourself.\n- learn how to research the available data on current students and alumns.\n8:00 - Q and A\n\nWe hope to see you there!\n\nAlessandro Ratti, EvMBAA VP, Alumni Relations"} {"text": "Hi Corporate Finance students,\n\nYour class will be meeting in C135 from now on, a bigger room with 59\nseats. Since there are no classes this Monday, you will meet in C135\nbeginning Monday, February 26.\n\nThanks!\nTJ"} {"text": "Gerald,\n\nWhere are we in the process of gathering e-mails and other discovery that may be responsive to WFLA's request? Also, can I tell John Haswell that our contract with Gulf does contain a confidentiality clause? We discussed this but I can't remember if we agreed that I could disclose it.\n\nBill\n\n\n\nKatz, Kutter Haigler, Alderman, Bryant & Yon et al\n106 East College Avenue, Suite 1200\nTallahassee, FL 32301\n(850) 224-9634\nwww.katzlaw.com\n_______________________________________\n\nThis transmission is intended to be delivered only to the named addressee(s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, attorney work-product or attorney-client privileged. If this information is received by anyone other than the named addressee(s), the recipient should immediately notify the sender by E-MAIL and by telephone (850) 224-9634 and obtain instructions as to the disposal of the transmitted material. In no event shall this material be read, used, copied, reproduced, stored or retained by anyone other than the named addressee(s), except with the express consent of the sender or the named addressee(s). Thank you."} {"text": "The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days. Please review.\n\nOwner: Henry H Quigley\nReport Name: Quigley 100301\nDays In Mgr. Queue: 6"} {"text": "AirTran Airways presents another Net Escapes offer:\n\n\nAirTran Airways Net Escapes\n\nFares are valid for travel on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and\nSaturday between the travel dates of November 29, 2000 and January 23,\n2001. Fares may not be available on all flights or travel days of\nhigh demand. Net Escapes may be combined with other fares in order to\ncomplete an itinerary. Fares must be purchased by 11:00 pm on\nNovember 17, 2000. Net Escapes are only available for purchase on our\nweb site http://www.airtran.com/reservations/cgi-bin/flight_search.cgi.\n\nRemember: Travel may originate in either city and all fares are\none-way and don't require roundtrip purchase.\n\nTravel between Gulfport/Biloxi, Mississippi and:\n\n$54 Atlanta\n$79 Bloomington/Normal, IL\n$79 Boston\n$79 Buffalo/Niagara\n$79 Canton/Akron\n$79 Chicago (Midway)\n$65 Dallas/Ft. Worth\n$69 Dayton\n$79 Flint\n$75 Ft. Lauderdale\n$79 Ft. Myers\n$69 Greensboro/High Point/Winston/Salem\n$53 Houston (Hobby)\n$61 Jacksonville\n$75 Memphis\n$89 Minneapolis/St. Paul\n$75 Moline/Quad Cities\n$65 Myrtle Beach\n$79 Newark\n$79 Newport News/Williamsburg, VA\n$79 New York (LaGuardia)\n$75 Orlando\n$75 Philadelphia\n$75 Pittsburgh\n$75 Raleigh/Durham\n$75 Savannah/Hilton Head\n$58 Tampa\n$75 Toledo\n$79 Washington, DC (Dulles)\n\n\n Travel between Memphis and:\n\n$49 Atlanta\n$85 Bloomington/Normal, IL\n$75 Boston\n$85 Buffalo/Niagara\n$85 Canton/Akron\n$75 Chicago (Midway)\n$85 Dallas/Ft. Worth\n$75 Dayton\n$85 Flint\n$75 Ft. Lauderdale\n$75 Ft. Myers\n$65 Ft. Walton Beach\n$75 Greensboro/High Point/Winston/Salem\n$75 Gulfport/Biloxi\n$85 Houston (Hobby)\n$65 Jacksonville\n$75 Miami\n$99 Minneapolis/St. Paul\n$85 Moline/Quad Cities\n$65 Myrtle Beach\n$75 Newark\n$75 Newport News/Williamsburg, VA\n$75 New Orleans\n$75 New York (LaGuardia)\n$65 Orlando\n$75 Philadelphia\n$75 Pittsburgh\n$75 Raleigh/Durham\n$65 Savannah/Hilton Head\n$75 Tampa\n$75 Toledo\n$75 Washington, DC (Dulles)\n\n\nTravel between Moline/Quad Cities and:\n\n$65 Atlanta\n$85 Boston\n$85 Dallas/Ft. Worth\n$85 Ft. Lauderdale\n$85 Ft. Myers\n$75 Ft. Walton Beach\n$75 Greensboro/High Point/Winston/Salem\n$75 Gulfport/Biloxi\n$85 Houston (Hobby)\n$75 Jacksonville\n$85 Memphis\n$85 Miami\n$75 Myrtle Beach\n$85 Newark\n$85 Newport News/Williamsburg, VA\n$85 New Orleans\n$85 New York (LaGuardia)\n$85 Orlando\n$85 Philadelphia\n$85 Pittsburgh\n$75 Raleigh/Durham\n$75 Savannah/Hilton Head\n$85 Tampa\n$85 Washington, DC (Dulles)\n\n**********************************************************************\n\n\nAnd now for the best deals on earth!!!! You know that you'll always\nget a great deal on airfare from AirTran Airways, but did you know\nthat AirTran Airways has partnered with the Hertz Corporation to give\nyou special low rates on Hertz car rentals? To get these great rates,\nclick on the Hertz icon after you have completed your AirTran Airways\nbooking. You will be transferred to the Hertz website and the AirTran\nAirways discount will be automatically applied. 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Net Escapes may be combined with other fares in order to\ncomplete an itinerary. Fares must be purchased by 11:00 pm on\nNovember 17, 2000. Previously purchased tickets cannot be exchanged\nfor lower priced Internet fares. Special Internet fares are only\navailable for purchase on our web site. Credits from previous flights\nmay not be used with Internet fares. Seats are limited and subject to\navailability. Fares don't include segment taxes of up to $2.75 for\neach segment. A segment is defined as a takeoff and landing. Airport\npassenger facility charges of up to $12 are not included.\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nAs a subscriber to AirTran Airways' Net Escapes, we send you regular\nupdates on our Internet specials. If you need to contact us for any\nother reason, please call us at 1-800-AIR-TRAN, or in Atlanta call\n770-994-8258. Please note that any reference to Net Escapes fares,\nFeature City fares, or bonus discounts for booking online may ONLY be\npurchased on our web site, http://www.airtran.com.\n\nPlease click: http://post.intellimedia.com:80/UM/U.ASP?A35.86.529319 and\nyou will be removed immediately!\n\nOr\n\nTo unsubscribe, mailto:U-A35.86.529319@post.intellimedia.com\nor if the emailaddress is not clickable, simply copy the text\nto the right of the 'mailto:' command and paste it into your\nemail application and hit send. You will be taken off the list\nimmediately. Thank you!"} {"text": "The weekly lending rates update will be delayed until Monday."} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 01/12/2001 07:41 PM -----\n\n\tScott Govenar \n\t01/12/2001 02:58 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Hedy Govenar , Mike Day , Bev \nHansen , Jeff Dasovich , Susan J Mara \n, Joseph Alamo , Paul Kaufman \n, David Parquet , Marcie \nMilner , Tim Belden , Rick Shapiro \n, Jim Steffes , Alan Comnes \n, Chris Calger , Mary Hain \n\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Governor Davis Press Release\n\nAttached, please find a press release from Governor Davis regarding a\nnew state plan to reduce energy consumption.\n\nhttp://www.governor.ca.gov/state/govsite/gov_htmlprint.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@04\n71127219.0979338570@@@@&BV_EngineID=haljlekmfjmbemfcfkmchcgi.0&sFilePath=%2fgo\nvsite%2fpress_release%2f2001_01%2f20010112_PR01017_energyconserveplan.html&sTi\ntle=GOVERNOR+DAVIS+ANNOUNCES+PLAN+TO+SLASH+STATE+ENERGY+USE+%0a&sCatTitle=Pres\ns+Release&iOID=12884"} {"text": "This is a good solution. Lets discuss in more detail. Rick\nMolly Harris|HOU|ECT wrote on 10/2/00 4:27 pm:\n\n\n\nThank you for your time to discuss Perry Gas. Michael and I have talked to \nJim Keller, EES Legal, and initiated placement of Michael on the Creditor \nCommittee. We are the largest unsecured creditor. Jim is working with \noutside counsel and will be providing documents to Michael to insert him \nquickly in the process. Michael will represent us for both EES and ENA.\n\nRegards\nMolly"} {"text": "This message is to inform you that information contained on your printed pay \nadvice for the pay period ending May 31, 2001, may be misleading.\n\nRegardless of whether you have single or multiple direct deposits, your net \npay is correct, but your pay advice will indicate that all of your pay has \nbeen deposited collectively to \u0001&Other Bank\u00018. It does not list specific bank \naccounts. However, if you view your pay advice in eHRonline, you will be \nable to confirm your scheduled direct deposits and verify the accounts to \nwhich the deposits were made. \n\nYou may access eHRonline and view your pay advice by taking the following \nsteps:\n\n? Click the following link to open eHRonline: https://ehronline.enron.com \n? Read the disclaimer\n? Click Accept\n? Type your SAP Logon ID (e.g. your \u00018P\u00018 ID) in the User Id field.\n? Enter your SAP password in the Password field.\n? Click the Logon button.\n? Select Paycheck Inquiry from the drop-down list\n? Click the radio button next to Results in Period to select the default for \nthe May 31, 2001 pay advice\n? Click the Continue button.\n? Click the link for the 05/16/2001-05/31/2001 pay period to display your pay \nadvice.\n? Scroll to the bottom of the screen to view your direct deposit details.\n\nIf you have additional questions about your pay advice or accessing \neHRonline, please contact the ISC Customer Care Group at 713.345.4727 or \nisc.hotline@enron.com .\n\nThank you."} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Rodenburg, Eric\" @ENRON \nSent:\tWednesday, February 13, 2002 7:51 AM\nTo:\tSchoolcraft, Darrell; Spraggins, Gary; Carr, James; Blair, Jean; Wilkens, Jerry; Clapper, Karen; Washington, Kathy; Callans, Nancy; Bryan, Randy; Walden, Shirley\nSubject:\tSUNFLOWER - NNG - HOURLY - 2002.xls\n\n - SUNFLOWER - NNG - HOURLY - 2002.xls"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Todd Peterson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n03/06/2001 01:53 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Jane Michalek\" on 12/11/2000 06:43:11 AM\nTo: Todd.Peterson@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: questions on COU\n\n\n\n\n\nTodd - I have some questions on the COU.\n\n Is there a relevant \"Port Authority\" at the EcoElectrica terminal? If not,\n why is this contained in the document?\n In Section 2.1, is there an Attachment \"A\"?\n Do the LNG Interests have an Emergency Response Plan? Does this Plan have\n references to actions required in 7.1?\n Do the insurance requirements of the \"vessel interests\" duplicate or \noverride\n what is required of Cabot LNG in Section 6.2 of the sales contract? Should\n the LNG interests provide same insurance documentation?\n Ditto Section 12\n\nThese are my simple questions not intended to begin a negotiation. I am only\ntrying to gather all information. Please call me for other comments.\n\nJane"} {"text": "Dear Vincent, On Wednesday, we'll continue our live coverage of the 18th World Energy Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina. International Correspondent Wolfgang Vale will bring us reports and interviews throughout the day. Washington Bureau Chief Peter Cook says they'll continue to bring us the very latest on energy legislation and how it's progressing. The bureau will also have updates on the anthrax scare in Washington. Congressional office buildings were closed on Tuesday, but there's a possibility some could reopen as soon as Wednesday. The Washington bureau will also cover Wednesday's FERC meeting as commissioners meet for the first time since the end of the weeklong workshop on Regional Transmission Organizations. Peter says new proposals for developing RTOs in the Northeast and Southeast are among the issues on the FERC's agenda. Dyonyx CEO Fred Pratt will talk with the Houston bureau about how companies can make current technologies work better for them. Dyonyx is a privately held information technology and management-consulting firm. Join us for the Pratt interview from the Houston bureau on Wednesday. We'll also get a Texas PUC update on Wednesday. ENL's Gale Smith says we'll find out what electric providers are doing to increase security and what the Texas PUC is doing to monitor emergency preparedness in Texas. Be sure to catch all this from the Houston bureau tomorrow. California Power Authority Chairman S. David Freeman gives a reflective look back at the state's energy crunch from the West Coast bureau Wednesday. Freeman also talks about how the state plans to stay out of the headlines in the future. West Coast Correspondent Kym McNicholas says the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station will go ahead with plans to set off its 49 sirens on Wednesday to make sure warning systems are operational. Kym says they will continue the test despite their concerns of a jittery public in light of recent terrorist attacks. Video Library Update: If you happened to miss it, check out ENL's interview with Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-NM). Sen. Bingaman discussed the status of energy legislation in the Senate and the anthrax threat in Washington. Keep in mind things are subject to change at a moment's notice. Occasionally guests cancel or change time slots. We'll continue to do our best to keep you updated on future interviews and events. Be sure to watch our newscasts every business day - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, at the top of each hour. \t \t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t \t\n\t \tJay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap video (Requires Windows Media Player or Real Player ) Experience all that Williams Energy News Live has to offer! If you are receiving this letter for the first time and wish to continue, subscribe now To stop receiving this letter, unsubscribe now If you are having trouble receiving this e-mail, please let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) weekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Comments? Suggestions? Let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) weekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Copyright 2001 Williams Energy News Live, LLC. All Rights Reserved."} {"text": "FYI! This is interesting - cost reduction measures by SCE (see last email \nbelow from Steve Frank, Chairman, CEO, President of SCE)\n---------------------- Forwarded by Nancy Hetrick/NA/Enron on 11/10/2000 \n09:58 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: George Phillips@EES on 11/09/2000 04:57 PM\nTo: Nancy Hetrick/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Rick Baltz/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Jubran \nWhalan/HOU/EES@EES, Frank Wanderski/HOU/EES@EES \n\nSubject: Cost-Reduction Measures\n\nfyi - Thought you might find the letter below the note interesting. \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Phillips/HOU/EES on 11/09/2000 \n04:56 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nLarry.Colwell@sce.com on 11/09/2000 12:30:55 PM\nTo: DPB2@pge.com, ddc2@pge.com, lclay@sdge.com, kjczarnecki@calpx.com, \nMerilyn_Ferrara@apses.com, vivek.gadh@us.arthur, emccann@sdge.com, \nsem4@pge.com, gperez@caiso.com, JPlumley@caiso.com, gphillip@enron.com, \nscr@cpuc.ca.gov, Susan_A_San_Martin@calpx.com, rschlanert@electric.com, \nMarilyn_L_Uranga@calpx.com, LWilloughby@sdge.com\ncc: \nSubject: Cost-Reduction Measures\n\n\nHello everyone,\n\nUntil further notice, my participation on meetings has come to an immediate\nhalt. At a minimum, this includes DQI and stakeholder meetings. The\nattached letter below was distributed to all employees today and gives an\nexplanation into the reasoning for this decision. Obviously, this decision\nimpacts other areas besides SCE's participation in meetings, but this\nelevates the concern over SCE's financial position in the market. I am not\nsure at this time if a formal press release will be sent out. If you have\nany questions, please let me know.\n\nLarry Colwell\n\n----- Forwarded by Larry Colwell/SCE/EIX on 11/09/2000 10:27 AM -----\n\n Stephen E.\n Frank/SCE/EDISON To: Southern California Edison\n X@Exchange Employees/SCE/EDISONX@Exchange\n cc:\n 11/09/2000 10:25 Subject: Cost-Reduction \nMeasures\n AM\n\n\n\n\n\nDear Fellow Employees:\n\nThese have been times of great uncertainty and, quite frankly, great\nfrustration for everyone involved in trying to encourage state authorities\nto immediately address the mounting undercollection of excessive wholesale\nelectricity costs that we and the state's other investor-owned utilities\nhave incurred over the past six months.\n\nThese costs for SCE alone, which currently cannot be passed on to customers\ndue to the mandatory rate freeze, total more than $2 billion. As you can\nsee, we effectively have been forced to finance electricity purchases for\nour customers, because the California wholesale electricity markets are not\nworkably competitive. Despite our ongoing efforts to move the California\nPublic Utilities Commission and other state authorities to act with\nurgency, the clearest signal we are getting from them at this point is\nfurther delay. With mounting debt, however, each day of delay costs us\nmore and further jeopardizes our ability to pay our bills, to continue\nserving our customers in a reliable manner with superior customer service,\nand to help sustain California's growing economy.\n\nToward this end, I am immediately implementing, as a first step, a series\nof cost-reduction measures, including an immediate freeze on hiring,\ngeneral new construction and remodeling, and a suspension of all\nnonessential equipment purchases and service contracts. Additionally, we\nare suspending charitable and community contributions, eliminating all\ndiscretionary travel, and further reducing administrative expenses\nthroughout the company.\n\nIn the event that we do not receive appropriate and swift action from the\nCPUC, it will be necessary to implement much more substantial reductions,\nwhich would affect our workforce and major capital, infrastructure and O&M\nexpenditures. Analysis and planning for this contingency are underway,\nshould such measures become necessary. In all this, however, I should\nemphasize our intention to retain a skilled workforce at SCE and to provide\nelectric service without compromising the safety of our employees.\n\nThe irony of all this is the fact that our company is performing well and\nmeeting its goals?thanks to all of you. In a real sense, we and our\ncustomers have become the victims of unintended consequences of a\nCalifornia state market that is broken and dysfunctional. We continue to\nbelieve that a near-term rate increase is absolutely necessary to ease our\ncash hemorrhage. We do not yet know whether the CPUC will provide this\nessential near-term relief.\n\nI realize that these circumstances may create significant anxiety for\neveryone, but I encourage you to remain focused on performing your jobs in\nan excellent and safe manner. This means we need everyone's cooperation\nand continued efforts in order to be successful. As we have done in past\nweeks, we will keep you apprised of new developments relative to our\nnumerous filings regarding our energy procurement cost recovery effort and\nthe state and federal processes regarding market reform in general.\n\nStephen E. Frank\nChairman, President & CEO\nSouthern California Edison"} {"text": "FYI\n\nYou can send me short E-mail messages when I travel to an alternative E-mail\naddress: vkaminski@palm.net.\n\n\nVince"} {"text": "FYI - Article from this morning's NY Times\n\n\n\n\n\nMarch 26, 2001 \nPower Woes Raise Questions Over Control of Gas Pipelines\nBy RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. and LOWELL BERGMAN\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u0001\u0007 Join a Discussion on Future Energy Sources\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRelated Sites\n\u0001\u0007 Interactive Guide: California Power Woes \n\u0001\u0007 California I.S.O.\n\u0001\u0007 Energy Department Statistics\n\u0001\u0007 Western Governors' Association\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGet Stock Quotes ???Look Up Symbols\n\n\n\n\n\n?\n\n\nSeparate symbols with a space.\n\n\n\n\n\nPortfolio?|? Stock Markets?|? Mutual Funds?|? Bonds?|? Currencies?|? Bank \nRates?|? Industries \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\narly last year, the El Paso Natural Gas Company took bids from two dozen \ncompanies for the right to ship enough natural gas through its pipeline from \nTexas and New Mexico to meet one-sixth of the daily demand of energy-starved \nCalifornia. \nThe winner: El Paso's sister company, the El Paso Merchant Energy Company, \nwhich buys, sells and trades natural gas. The bidding was not close. El Paso \nMerchant offered twice as much for the capacity as the other companies bid, \nin total, for bits and pieces.\nWhy pay so much more? California officials, who are pressing a complaint \nagainst El Paso at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, say the answer \nis simple. The state contends that El Paso Merchant, with help from its \nsister company, saw the transaction as a way to manipulate the price of \nnatural gas by using its control of pipeline capacity. \nAccording to sealed documents obtained by The New York Times that are part of \nfilings in the federal case, executives at El Paso Merchant said internally \nthat the deal would give them \"more control\" of gas markets, including the \n\"ability to influence the physical market\" to benefit the company's financial \npositions.\nEl Paso executives called the accusations fanciful, and in a formal response \nto California's complaint, said the state \"grossly distorted\" company \ndocuments by quoting words and phrases out of context.\nThe dispute opens a window on an important debate about oversight of the \nnatural gas industry, which fuels a growing share of the nation's electric \npower plants.\nAt issue is whether current safeguards do enough to prevent anticompetitive \nabuses in the marketing and trading of natural gas, and whether federal \nregulators adequately enforce existing rules. In particular, many industry \nofficials question whether regulated pipeline companies are able to favor \nunregulated sister companies that trade natural gas and are free to maximize \nprofits.\nMore than 200,000 miles of interstate pipelines crisscross the country, \nmoving natural gas from Canada, the Southwest and other producing regions to \nfuel factories, power utilities and heat houses. \nNot long ago, many parts of the country had excess pipeline capacity. But \nexperts say that several regions, including California, New York and New \nEngland, now face constraints as demand soars for gas to fuel power plants. \nIn California, state officials and utility executives said the documents in \nthe federal case, and El Paso's actions, were proof that the state's energy \ncrisis stemmed not just from an ill-conceived deregulation plan but from \nprice manipulation and profiteering.\n\"They are the market maker with this pipeline,\" said Loretta Lynch, the \npresident of the California Public Utilities Commission, which has struggled \nto cope with skyrocketing power prices and supply shortages. \nEl Paso \"sets the price in California,\" Ms. Lynch said, and what it did was \nintentional. \"It has affected the price,\" she said, \"for everything related \nto heat and electrical power prices in the state.\" \nCalifornia's complaint to the federal agency contends that El Paso Merchant \n\"has hoarded capacity and refused to attractively price unused capacity\" on \nthe pipeline. The state also charges that El Paso Natural Gas, the pipeline's \nowner, has had no incentive to spur competition, by offering discounts to \nother users, because the two companies are corporate siblings. The state said \nthat El Paso had violated federal natural gas statutes that prohibit \nanticompetitive behavior.\nThe sealed filings in the El Paso case indicated that the company expected to \nmake money by widening the \"basis spread\" \u0001* the difference between what gas \ncan be bought for in producing basins of Texas and New Mexico, at one end of \nthe pipeline, and its price on delivery to Southern California.\nAs it turned out, spreads widened enormously over the last year as the price \nof gas soared in California, adding to costs for wholesale electricity that \npushed the biggest utilities near bankruptcy. California utilities paid $6.2 \nbillion above competitive prices for wholesale electricity over the last 10 \nmonths, state officials estimated. The utilities are not allowed to recoup \nthe costs from customers. While the cost of 1,000 cubic feet of gas typically \nis less than $1 higher at the California end of the pipeline, spot prices in \nthe state rose to almost $50 more than the Texas- New Mexico price in \nDecember.\nTo executives of the parent company, the El Paso Corporation, the accusations \nof market manipulation are ludicrous. \nHigh gas prices in California, El Paso executives said in interviews, are \neasily explained by soaring demand, the poor credit standing of the state's \nutilities and the failure of the utilities to retain pipeline capacity or \nstore enough gas for winter.\n\"The idea that anybody is holding back on California is really ridiculous,\" \nsaid Clark C. Smith, president of El Paso Merchant's operations in North \nAmerica. \nSome El Paso customers, though, agreed with California officials. The Pacific \nGas & Electric Company, the San Francisco-based utility, condemned El Paso in \na filing with the federal agency after its lawyers reviewed the sealed \ncompany documents. \n\"It is now very clear from the business records of El Paso Energy \nCorporation,\" the utility said in the filing, \"that the business strategy El \nPaso Merchant was authorized at the highest corporate levels to pursue \ninvolved manipulation of price spreads.\" \nThe agency has not ruled on California's complaint, which asks that the deal \nbetween El Paso Natural Gas and El Paso Merchant be invalidated. Based on the \nagency's history of policing energy providers lightly, many industry \nobservers predicted that the complaint would be dismissed, perhaps as soon as \nthe agency's public meeting on Wednesday.\nNonetheless, El Paso Merchant is feeling some pressure. The subsidiary said \nrecently that it planned to relinquish control of all but about 22 percent of \nthe capacity on the pipeline to California, rather than exercise an option \nthat would have allowed it to retain the entire capacity of 1.2 billion cubic \nfeet of gas a day. \nCritics said they believed El Paso made the move in hopes of lessening the \nchance of government action. El Paso executives deny that but do say that \ntheir decision was influenced by the backlash over the arrangement.\nSurrendering the pipeline capacity made for a \"gut-wrenching\" decision, Mr. \nSmith said, but was \"a first- class gesture\" to California. El Paso Merchant \npaid $38.5 million to control the pipeline capacity from March 1, 2000, until \nMay 31, 2001. While Mr. Clark said he did not know the return on that \ninvestment, he acknowledged that it was lucrative.\n\"No doubt about it,\" Mr. Clark said, \"we made good money.\" \nThe question of whether El Paso's conduct has driven gas prices higher is \nexpected to be scrutinized by legislators in Sacramento this week. The \ncompany also faces several lawsuits, including one by the city of Los \nAngeles, that accuse it of conspiring with other companies to prevent \npipeline projects that could have eased California's energy crisis. El Paso \ndenied the accusation.\nWith pipeline capacity and gas supplies tighter, concerns about \nanticompetitive behavior have increased as price volatility has created \nsoaring profits for energy marketers and traders. \nDynegy Inc., a Houston-based energy trader, was once the target of complaints \nto federal regulators that it had artificially raised prices by abusing \ncapacity that it controlled on El Paso's pipeline to California.\nIn a filing with regulators in January, Dynegy contended that pipeline \ncompanies routinely favored affiliates. \"Abuses abound because of financial \nwindfalls, difficulty of detection, lengthy investigations and increased \ncomplexity of the market,\" the company said.\n\"There are some red flags right now,\" said William L. Massey, a member of the \nFederal Energy Regulatory Commission since 1993. Mr. Massey said he was \ntroubled by the potential for abuses when pipeline companies own gas and \npower marketing subsidiaries as well as electric plants fueled by natural \ngas. El Paso is in all those businesses.\n\"What the commission ought to be serious about is: What are the forces at \nwork? Is it simply robust markets responding to true supply-and-demand \nsignals, or is it a market defined by market power and some measure of \naffiliate abuse?\" he said. \nMany in the industry do not believe changes are needed. \n\"There are rules in place today that protect against affiliate abuse,\" said \nStanley Horton, chief executive for gas pipeline operations at the Enron \nCorporation and chairman of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of \nAmerica, the industry's trade group, referring to the rules under which \nCalifornia has brought its complaint about El Paso.\nTo its critics, El Paso epitomizes competitive concerns. It operates the \nnation's largest network of interstate pipelines and owns one of the largest \nreserves of natural gas. With its recent acquisition of the Coastal \nCorporation, another large pipeline operator, El Paso has a market \ncapitalization of $32 billion. \nAt a conference at El Paso headquarters in Houston in February, analysts \nheard executives predict net profits of $1.7 billion this year. El Paso's \nmuch better known rival, Enron, with its headquarters a few blocks away, is \nexpected to earn about $1.4 billion.\nEl Paso Merchant provides the strongest growth. Two years ago, the unit's \nprofits, before interest payments and taxes, were $99 million; this year, it \nis expected to have $700 million in North America alone. In its latest \nquarterly report, El Paso attributed those profits, in part, to \"commodity \nmarket and trading margins\" that were enhanced by \"power price volatility, \nparticularly in the Western United States.\" \nCritics contend that El Paso set out to exploit those conditions. According \nto the sealed filings, on Feb. 14, 2000, the day before El Paso Merchant was \nawarded the pipeline capacity, executives made a presentation to William A. \nWise, chief executive of the parent company, laying out the rationale for the \nbid. \nThe presentation outlined what it termed \"strategic advantages,\" including \n\"more control of total physical markets\" and the \"ability to influence the \nphysical market to the benefit of any financial/hedge position,\" according to \nthe sealed filings. The passages suggested that El Paso expected the deal to \ngive it sway over the market for trading actual volumes of gas and to support \nfinancial transactions it had entered into with other parties to limit its \nrisk.\nFor every one-cent increase in the spread on gas prices, the presentation \nsaid, El Paso Merchant stood to make an additional $2.4 million. \nUnder the heading \"Challenges,\" according to the sealed filings, the \npresentation stated that storage was needed \"to help manipulate physical \nspreads, adding to the overall transport/storage cost.\"\nOn April 14, according to the sealed filings, El Paso Merchant's president at \nthe time, Greg G. Jenkins, wrote a memorandum to Mr. Wise involving an update \nfor directors meeting later that month. The memorandum stated: \"We will make \nmoney two ways: 1) increase the load factor, 2) widen the basis spread.\" \nThe language appears to suggest that El Paso Merchant would profit by \nincreasing the gas flow in the pipeline \u0001* the load factor \u0001* while increasing \nthe difference between what gas could be bought for at one end and what it \ncould be sold for at the other end \u0001* the basis spread.\nIn an interview, Mr. Smith, the El Paso Merchant executive, said that the \nunit's prices, and profits, on bulk gas sales in California were locked in \nmonths in advance, so that the company could not benefit from rising prices \nin the spot market. \nOtherwise, Mr. Smith declined to provide any details about money made on the \npipeline deal or about financial terms of the transactions that locked in \nprices ahead of time. In addition, Mr. Smith said that nearly all of El Paso \nMerchant's pipeline capacity was used every day when prices spiked late last \nyear, with no capacity withheld to increase prices.\nThe company did not respond last week to a request to discuss information in \nthe sealed documents. But El Paso Merchant, in a filing with federal \nregulators, said California's complaint had \"misconstrued and incorrectly \ninterpreted\" what it termed \"snippets of data.\""} {"text": "MARKET NOTICE - CBM REPORTS\nNovember 29, 2001\n\nTo: ISO Market Participants\n\nIn an effort to enhance Market transparency, beginning today, November 29th,\n2001, daily Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM) reports will be available on the\nCAISO website. Each day the reports will be posted for the following trade\ndate. These reports can be found at:\n\nhttp://www.caiso.com/docs/2001/11/20/2001112015042128272.html\n\n\nFor questions regarding this addition, contact Robert Sullivan at\nrsullivan@caiso.com or 916-608-5830.\n\n\nClient Relations Communications.0921\nCRCommunications@caiso.com"} {"text": "FYI - \n\nPublic comments were recently posted in response to the FTC's February 2001 \nnotice seeking information regarding different regulatory approaches to \ncompetition in the retail sale of electricity. Below is a list of \ncontributors.\n\nIf you are interested, you may view comments at \nhttp://www.ftc.gov/os/comments/eleccompetition/index.htm. We have also \nposted the comments on the internal Deregulation Info Central site \n(http://eeshou-ln3.ees.enron.com/energyservices/deregulation.nsf/Home+Page/Sta\nrt?opendocument).\n\nAlternatively, I have a number of complete sets of all comments (the set \ncomprises two big binders) at my desk.\n\nContributors:\nAir Conditioning Contractors of America \nAllegheny Energy, Inc.(Pamela J. Mills, Esq) \nAlliance for Retail Energy Markets (Daniel W. Douglass) \nAARP (Martin A. Corry) \nCenter for the Advancement of Energy Markets (Philip M. Marston) \nCleco Corporation \nCoalition for Fair Competition in Rural Markets (Ed Newberry) \nEdison Electric Institute (David K. Owens, et al) \nElectric Consumers' Alliance (Robert K. Johnson) \nElectric Power Supply Association (Julie Simon) \nElectricity Consumers Resource Council \nEnron Corporation (Robert J. Frank) \nExelon Corporation \nFlorida Public Service Commission \nGreen Mountain Energy Company \nIllinois Commerce Commission (Randy Rismiller) \nIndiana Utility Regulatory Commission \nIndustrial Energy Consumers of Pennsylvania, et al. (David M. Kleppinger) \nMaine Public Advocate Office (Stephen G. Ward) \nMaine Public Utilities Commission (Thomas L. Welch) \nMaryland Office of People's Counsel \nMercatus Center \nMichigan Public Service Commission \nMidAmerican Energy\nMinnesota Power (David J. McMillan) \nMG Industries \nNational Alliance for Fair Competition (Anthony M. Ponticelli) \nNational Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (James Bradford \nRamsay, Sharla M. Barklind) \nNational Energy Marketers Association \nNational Rural Electric Cooperative Association (Pamela Silberstein)\nNew Jersey Division of the Ratepayer Advocate \nNew Power Company (Kathleen E. Magruder) \nNew York State Attorney General (Eliot Spitzer) \nNortheast Texas Electric Cooperatice, Inc. (William H. Burchette)\nNuclear Energy Institute (Dave Fisher) \nOhio Consumers' Counsel (Robert S. Tongren) \nPennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate \nPennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Andrew S. Tubbs, et al.) \nPotomac Electric Power Company (Mindy L. Herman) \nProcess Gas Consumers Group (Katherine P. Yarbrough) \nPublic Service Commission of the State of New York (Paul B. Powers)\nReason Public Policy Institute (Lynne Kiesling) \nReliant Energy Retail Services, LLC (Keith M. Sappenfield) \nShell Energy Services Co., L.L.C. (Juditch W. Burrow) \nStrategic Energy L.L.C. (Alex Galatic) [\nTransmission Access Policy Study Group (Robert C. McDiarmid)\nUtility Workers Union of America (Jerrold Oppenheim) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nhttp://www.ftc.gov/os/2001/02/eleccompetition.htm"} {"text": "Late on October 25th, we received information about a nonspecific threat to the Enron Center. We communicated with law enforcement officials who found the threat unsubstantiated and without merit. Nonetheless we take all threats seriously and have increased the security presence at the Enron Center still further. \n\nOnce again, if you observe suspicious behavior, please call security at 3-6200."} {"text": "hi sara -- i hope your weekend was great! i had a pretty nice and quiet \none. kinda difficult to get used to working now.\n\ni remember that in the EITF meetings, you mentioned that ENA has a broad \napproval to enter into all derivative transactions. do you mind faxing a \ncopy to me (713 853 9252)? i am working on the follow-on condor offering. \nwe expect that part of that second offering will be in euros and we will \nlikely have enron enter into a currency swap with the indenture trustee. \ncounsel for the investment banks are asking about who has authority to sign \nwhat documents.\n\ni appreciate your help!!"} {"text": "Hi Jennifer\n\nThe city gate deal is sitara # 278430. Please let them know that we have \nthis deal on file.\n\nThanks\n\nPatrice"} {"text": "AGA is 158, screen dropped about $12 or so, now $9.52 by 9.58 call me about \nTetco"} {"text": "Start Date: 3/8/01; HourAhead hour: 15; No ancillary schedules awarded. No \nvariances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001030815.txt\n\n---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----\n*** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule.\n Details:\n\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTRT\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/8/01\n TIE_POINT: PVERDE_5_DEVERS\n INTERCHG_ID: EPMI_CISO_WATER\n ENGY_TYPE: FIRM"} {"text": "ok ,what time are you\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRybarski, Amanda \nSent:\tWednesday, January 16, 2002 1:56 PM\nTo:\tMaggi, Mike\nSubject:\t\n\n\nLet me know when you're leaving today"} {"text": "Be sure to catch a powerful feature story about Enron in BusinessWeek now \navailable at its web site (businessweek.com) and at newsstands on Feb. 12. \nDon't miss this one."} {"text": "REMINDER:\n\n\nAll EOL deals at Katy must stay at the tailgate of the Exxon Katy Plant \n#4132. They can not move between\nother Katy points. The sitara deal tickets must not be changed on EOL deal \ntickets. This also includes our\npool meters. Meters 7342, 7349, 7350, 7351.\n\nThanks"} {"text": "The pleasure, Ms Denne, is all mine.\n\nHave a great weekend.\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n\n\n\tKaren Denne\n\t04/20/2001 05:09 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: CA legislature in doubt\n\nThank you!"} {"text": "Stephanie,\n\nSally would like to renew this subscription. I'm sorry I did not respond \nearlier. Her co. # is 0413 & CC # 105588.\nPlease let me know if you require additional information.\n\nThanks,\nPatti Thompson x39106\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie E Taylor 12/12/2000 04:34 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Subscription\n\nDear Sally,\n\nYour subscription to Energy & Power Risk Management will expire this month. \nThe subscription cost through December, 2001, will be:\n\n Reg. Subscription Cost With Corp. Discount\nEnergy & Power Risk Management $375.00 $318.75\n\nIf you wish to renew this, we will be happy to take care of this for you. We \nwould appreciate your responding by December 18th. Please include your \nCompany and Cost Center numbers with your renewal. \n\nThank You,\nStephanie E. Taylor\neSource"} {"text": "Portland General called. They have heard that Defazio is going to propose in \na press release that the state of Oregon should buy PGE."} {"text": "Can you send me the CPUC final order?"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Hain/HOU/ECT on 10/04/2000 05:58 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: \"Ronald Carroll\" \n10/04/2000 04:18 PM\n\t\n\nTo: , , , \n\ncc: \"Nancy Pickover\" \nSubject: Protest to ISO Proposal for Price Caps\n\n\nThe attached must be filed on Thrusday (10/5) so please give me your comments \nas soon as possible in the morning.\n\nAs you will see, the first argument was lifted heavily from our answer to the \nEOB's complaint for price caps. The second argument (the monopsonist \nargument) is new (although we have suggested this in earlier pleadings), so \nit may still be a little rough.\n\nSue: Since EES was in on our earlier protests to price caps, I assumed that \nit would be on this one too.\n\nRon\n\n - 0131367.01"} {"text": "Please attend a meeting at the Houstonian on Wednesday, 1/23/02 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for a welcome and overview presented by UBS senior management. Breakfast treats will be served starting at 9:00 am. \n\nThe meeting will begin at 10:00 am sharp."} {"text": "Hi John,\n\nI believe Ben Jacoby has mentioned our deal with NorthWestern. In connection \nwith that transaction, we have prepared the attached assignment and consent, \nwhich is patterned after the Pastoria form. We would like to get it wrapped \nup in the next two weeks, if possible.\n\nPlease let Ben or me know if you have any questions."} {"text": "2nd of 2.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 04/11/2001 03:08 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nlee.johnson@ps.ge.com on 04/09/2001 05:55:57 PM\nTo: kent.shoemaker@ae.ge.com\ncc: kay.mann@enron.com \n\nSubject: Revised Salmon Agreement\n\n\nKent/Kay-\n\nI've redline the Salmon contract for Exhibits A and B, Purchase Amount,\nMaximum Liability Amount, and Unit Liability Amount. The Power System\nStabilizer has been struck from scope, because I can recall Bill Williams\nadvising that LV would need them, Delta/Salmon would not. That's consitent\nwith the other units going to CA (w/ Intergen).\n\nRegards,\n\nLee <>\n\n - Comparison of Versions 2 to 3 of Salmon Energy \nAgreement_ljredline040901.DOC"} {"text": "Scott,\n\nThe ENA - IM NE Gulf3 book has been set up as an internal counterparty for desk-to-desk trading on EnronOnline. \n\n\nThe following User ID and Password will give you access to live prices on the web-site http://www.enrononline.com.\n\nUser ID:\tADM04055\nPassword:\tWELCOME!\n\n\n(note these are case sensitive)\n\n\n\nPlease keep your User ID and Password secure as this allows you to transact on EnronOnline.\n\nContact the helpdesk at x34357 if you have any questions or problems gaining access with this ID.\n\n\nThanks,\nStephanie x33465\n\n\n\nThank you,\n\nStephanie Sever\nEnronOnline\n713-853-3465"} {"text": "Bill,\n\nI forwarded your message to my associate, Osman Sezgen, who supports our\nEnergy Services group. He will E-mail you the name of a contact at\nEnron.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\"William Eaton\" on 02/16/2000 08:25:02 PM\nTo: shelm@globalcloud.net\ncc: steing@conedsolutions.com, robert.blake@conectiv.com, \nmarianne.abdul@conectiv.com, bekmank@conedenergy.com, David L \nFairley/HOU/ECT@ECT, robinsonm@conedenergy.com, nwilson@delmarva.com, \nhudsonw@detroitedison.com, cndavis@duke-energy.com, \nhbburnham@duke-energy.com, jhickman@duke-energy.com, \npaul.skurdahl@engageenergy.com, James Mackey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, mrollhei@enron.com, hnmorris@metromediaenergy.com, \nnpalmer@execpc.com, chibbard@noresco.com, mhuang@usgen.com, \nbshay@powerdirect.com, cmidura@pseg.com, ghallam@energy.twc.com \nSubject: NJ Alliance\n\n\n\nAESP members and utility affiliates,\nWe are looking for a good fit with one of the utilities intent on doing\nbusiness in the NJ, CT, PA, NY territory. Our qualifications and company\nprofile may be previewed at our web site, www.lightsourceonline.com. Email\ncontact information in response to this message.\nThanks,\nBill Eaton\n\n - att1.htm"} {"text": "Will do.\n\n\n\n\tSusan M Landwehr\n\t04/19/2001 03:00 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul \nKaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: \n\nHey Jeff. I've got the details on the RGA meeting and am working with Rosie \non that, so when you get a chance, give me a buzz and we can compare notes. \nI will fax you info so you know location/time/etc. I'm also focused on \ngetting 15-30 minutes of time that afternoon for Ken Lay to talk with John \nRowe (co chair of Exelon) on open access/FERC positions. \n\n\n\n\tJeff Dasovich\n\tSent by: Jeff Dasovich\n\t04/19/2001 12:40 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Paul \nKaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Rosalee \nFleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Susan M \nLandwehr/NA/Enron@ENRON, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Karen \nDenne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, mpalmer@enron.com\n\t\t Subject: Re: \n\nThanks, Steve. I'll coordinate with Rosie.\n\nBest,\nJeff\n\n\n\n\tSteven J Kean\n\t04/19/2001 12:31 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan M Landwehr/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Rosalee \nFleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Janel \nGuerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: \n\nI got a voicemail fro Ken. He would be happy to meet with Freeman. He is \nwilling to work on other times, but suggested the following\nAfter 3:00 on May 2nd (right after Ken's speech to the RGA) or late the day \nbefore or in the morning of the second (to do this though he would have to \ncancel his speech to the Texas Governor's business council but he is willing \nto do this if necessary)\nHis least preferred alternative in this general time frame would be early \nmorning on the third.\nJeff -- could you coordinate with Rosie to get the time and place nailed down?"} {"text": "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLattupally, Krishna \nSent:\tWednesday, February 06, 2002 9:47 AM\nTo:\tElledge, Susan; Theriot, Kim S.; Anderson, Bridgette; Campos, Sylvia A.\nCc:\tKrishnaswamy, Jayant; Severson, Russ\nSubject:\tRE: Sitara access and Sitara Reports\n\nall,\nPlease use new URL for NETCO Sitara Reporting Production system.\n http://sitrpt.netco.enron.com\n\nRuss -- Can you please let all the NETCO users know the new URL.\n\nThanks\nKrishna\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKrishnaswamy, Jayant \nSent:\tWednesday, February 06, 2002 8:55 AM\nTo:\tLattupally, Krishna\nSubject:\tFW: Sitara access and Sitara Reports\n\nWhat does this mean?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tElledge, Susan \nSent:\tWednesday, February 06, 2002 8:55 AM\nTo:\tKrishnaswamy, Jayant; Theriot, Kim S.\nCc:\tAnderson, Bridgette; Campos, Sylvia A.\nSubject:\tRE: Sitara access and Sitara Reports\n\nJay,\n\nI just checked my Sitara Reports access, and I was able to login and run a report, however there are still only Enron business units there, so nothing came up on the report. I don't think the systems are synchronized yet.\n\nLet me know if there's some other way to log in to access the UBSW testing contract/deals.\n\nThanks,\nSusan\n5-9989"} {"text": "Ashley R. Worthing\nEnron NetWorks\nRisk Management - West Desk \n713-345-3727\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Morua, Mark (US - Houston) [mailto:mmorua@deloitte.com]\nSent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 7:10 PM\nTo: Poche', Tim (US - Houston); Worthing, Ashley; Charles. A. Lestage\n(E-mail); Fernando Granda (E-mail); Jennifer J Dubos (E-mail); Kelly\nSills (E-mail); Marcia McMorris (E-mail); Missy St. Germain (E-mail);\nHopkins, Stephanie\nSubject: FW: Andersen\n\n\nThis is pretty funny!\n\nMark A. Morua\nDeloitte & Touche, LLP\nAssurance and Advisory Services\n713-982-4574\n713-207-3116 (Reliant)\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jarratt, Joel (US - Houston) \nSent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 7:03 PM\nTo: Ellis, Bryan (US - Houston); Paladino, Gianpaolo (US - Houston);\nMorua, Mark (US - Houston); LeGrand, Chris (US - Houston); Stephenson,\nAllison (US - Houston); Almon, Misty (US - Houston); McIntyre, Nicole\n(US - Houston); Schwausch, Scott (US - Houston); Wight, Jennifer (US -\nHouston); Rodriguez, Katherine (US - Houston); Murrell, Brian (US -\nHouston)\nSubject: Forwarding to team REGCO (and selected others) for their\namusement\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Popfarm@aol.com [mailto:Popfarm@aol.com]\nSent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 5:44 PM\nTo: Jarratt, Joel (US - Houston); jdjarr_99@yahoo.com\nSubject: (no subject)\n\n\nwatch what you shred XXXXPOP\nThis message (including any attachments) contains confidential information\nintended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If\nyou are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message. Any\ndisclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any\naction based on it, is strictly prohibited."} {"text": "Please let me know if you would prefer a hard copy instead of email.\n\nThanks \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Dan Salter\" @ENRON \nSent:\tWednesday, November 21, 2001 7:56 AM\nTo:\tBlack, Tamara Jae\nSubject:\tFW: Weekly Update\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Dan Salter [mailto:dsalter1@charter.net]\nSent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:42 AM\nTo: Kevin.M.Presto@enron.com; tjae.black@enron.com\nSubject: Weekly Update\n\n\nAttached is the weekly update for nuclear plant status.\n\nDan\n - wrr011119.doc"} {"text": "The New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners (NECUPUC) filed \nan Answer if Support of the Motion of the Maine Public Utilities Commission \nfor Disclosure of Information.\nNECUPUC supports the request for the release of the unredacted copies of \nISO-NE's September 21, 2000 Answer in this case. In the alternative, they \nwould ask that the Commission provide to the regulators that are parties to \nthe proceeding unredacted copies of the ISO's September 21, 2000 Answer \nsubject to an appropriate protective order.\n\n\n\nDuke Energy North America (DENA) filed an Answer that opposes the MPUC \nrequest for public information.\n\nDENA argues that only a three month lag in the release of confidential \ninformation is impermissible under a prior FERC ruling in the NSTAR Services \nCo. case which set out a six-month lag rule for the release of information.\nTheir second argument was that the request seeks information for all NEPOOL \nmarkets and not just the ICAP market which is subject to the suit.\nIf the FERC authorizes the release of confidential information, then it \nshould be subject to a protective order which contains the following:\nThe information may only be used for the purposes of this docket.\nOnly specifically named \"reviewing Reps associated with the MPUC may review \nthe information.\nThe confidential materials may not be removed from the NE-ISO's premises.\nThe reviewing rep must execute a nondisclosure certificate.\n\n\nAnswer to the MPUC's Motion for Disclosure of Information from Northeast \nUtilities Service Company and Select Energy and request for expedited \ncommission action. NUSCO and Select Energy Support MPUC's request for \ndisclosure of information that the ISO has filed under seal, but opposes the \nselective disclosure of this information to the MPUC and other regulatory \ncommissions and not other participants. NUSCO and Select Energy request \nexpedited action due the financial implications and there is also \nconsiderable uncertainty regarding prices in the residual ICAP market in \nJanuary, February and March of 2000 due to the suspended settlement pending \nCommission guidance."} {"text": "The potential for freezing rain and hazardous road conditions may be present \nthis evening and early tomorrow morning particularly in the northern and \nwestern parts of the city. Please monitor local news and weather forecasts \nand use your judgement to insure a safe commute. \n\nThe Enron building will be open for business tomorrow, Wednesday, December \n13th. If there should be any change of building status, notice will be given \non the building hotline and accessible by calling 713-750-5142."} {"text": "Nobody has yet mentioned anything about Dynegy, FYI...\n\nJeff"} {"text": "This is an alert that FERC will be more critical in the future of negotiated rate deals. The orders discussed below dealt with buyout provisions in negotiated rate deals that Tennessee, ANR and Columbia had done. These provisions had previously been permitted as negotiated rates, but FERC has decided that there is \"significant potential for undue discrimination\" and the recourse rates do not provide an adequate alternative. Thus, anything in a negotiated rate deal that is not strictly rate-related will most likely be subject to intense scrutiny.\n\nFERC ADDS ANOTHER LAYER TO POLICY ON NEGOTIATED-RATE AUTHORITY\n\nActing on a series of contract-specific cases, FERC last week sharpened its policy on what is, and is\nnot, allowed under negotiated rates. In further defining its policy, the commission continued to lean\nheavily on the \"linchpin\" of negotiated-rate authority - that a customer not willing or able to negotiate a\ndeal must always have the option of obtaining needed capacity under cost-based recourse rates.\nDuring discussion of the orders, Chairman Pat Wood III said it was \"important to keep in mind, as we\nrush into the brave new world on the gas side,\" that \"all customers must be treated on a nondiscriminatory\nbasis by pipelines.\" Last week's proclamation should be considered \"a reaffirmation of that nondiscriminatory\ntrend,\" he asserted.\nIn representative language, the commission said it wants to ensure that parties \"are clear about contracting\npractices that we find unacceptable because they present a significant potential for undue discrimination and those\nthat we find acceptable because they can be permitted without substantial risk\" of such unequal treatment.\nFERC declared that a \"key factor\" in determining whether a negotiated provision is considered an\n\"appropriate material deviation\" from a pipeline's filed tariff schedule is the extent to which recourse rates\nprovide \"adequate alternatives\" to other shippers.\nIn cases involving rates negotiated by ANR Pipeline Co. (GT01-25, RP99-301), Tennessee Gas Pipeline\nCo. (RP96-312, et al.) and Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. (CP01-70), the commission ruled that the\nbuyout provisions are not allowed unless they are offered to all shippers as part of the pipelines' generally\navailable tariffs.\nThe provisions at issue allow customers to buy out or terminate their contract demand levels prior to\nthe end of the deals. While the commission previously has held that such provisions can be included in a\nnegotiated-rate package, \"we have reconsidered that holding\" because similar buyout opportunities are\nnot available to more traditional shippers operating under recourse rates, it said in the Tennessee order.\nWhere a customer is seeking service for a set contract term and quantity, recourse service provides an\n\"adequate alternative,\" the commission observed. \"However, if the customer desires a special contract\ndemand reduction or early termination right not provided in the generally applicable tariff, the availability\nof service at the recourse rate does not provide an adequate substitute, since recourse service would not\ninclude any such provision.\" A shipper obtaining such a provision would be insulated from a certain\ndegree of risk, giving it \"an advantage over recourse-rate shippers,\" the commission pointed out.\n\"A shipper's right to reduce, or terminate, its contract demand before the expiration of its contract is a\nvaluable right, since it can enable the shipper to avoid significant liability for future reservation charges,\"\nFERC said, adding that \"such a valuable right must be granted in a not unduly discriminatory manner.\"\nRequiring pipelines to file generally applicable tariff provisions setting forth the conditions under\nwhich they will offer contract demand reduction rights \"is the best means of assuring that those rights will\nbe negotiated\" in a fair manner, FERC reasoned. Once approved, the tariff language \"will require the\npipeline to grant similar rights to similarly situated customers.\"\nCommissioner Linda Breathitt applauded the policy shift, characterizing it as a much-needed shot in\nthe arm for a program that had become \"muddled.\" Through a \"tortured line of cases,\" FERC's definitions\nof allowable contracting practices were \"obscured,\" Breathitt said in welcoming the new \"common-sense\"\napproach. The \"tug of war\" that parties have engaged in over the past few years \"really hasn't served our\nobjective of ensuring that nondiscriminatory rates and service\" are available to all shippers, she said."} {"text": "Hey Chris,\n\nJust wanted to thank you again for the taco bell dog. That was very sweet of \nyou.\nHope your holidays went well.\n\nSee you later.\n\nMaria"} {"text": "Marisa has the Cert of Incumbency and signature page (3 originals) of the \nEscrow Agreement.\n\nKathleen Carnahan\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3146d\nHouston, TX 77002\nPhone - (713) 345-3386\nFax - (713) 646-3037"} {"text": "Start Date: 4/12/01; HourAhead hour: 6; HourAhead schedule download failed. \nManual intervention required."} {"text": "We still need something in writing from Janet.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHerndon, Rogers \nSent:\tWednesday, August 08, 2001 2:43 PM\nTo:\tPresto, Kevin M.\nSubject:\tFW: Columbus Schools - Appropriations Risk\n\n\nThe CYA begins.\n\nRH\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tStubblefield, Wade \nSent:\tWednesday, August 08, 2001 2:41 PM\nTo:\tSharp, Greg\nCc:\tDietrich, Janet; Chapman, Kay; Gahn, Scott; Herndon, Rogers; Holmes, Sean; Brown, Jim\nSubject:\tRe: Columbus Schools - Appropriations Risk\n\nTo be clear, we agreed that if the contract language was modified, it would be loose enough to support a mark this time but should not be used as the model. We did not agree, though, that this in any way limited our risk from a business perspective. I'm no trader, but my understanding is we have effectively sold the customer a call that we have to somehow hedge against? Again, we can mark and support what business decision is made, I just did not want there to be any impression that accounting had opined on the business valuation post year 1.\n\nWade\n\n\n\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \tEnron Energy Services From: Greg Sharp 08/08/2001 02:00 PM Phone No: 713-853-5140 - Office 713-646-8913 - Fax 713-515-2033 - Cell 888-754-9685 - Pager EB 781\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\nTo:\tJanet R Dietrich/HOU/EES@EES, Kay Chapman/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\tScott Gahn/HOU/EES@EES, Rogers Herndon/Enron@EnronXGate, Sean A Holmes/HOU/EES@EES, Wade Stubblefield/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject:\tColumbus Schools - Appropriations Risk\n\nJanet\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWe are proceeding with the contract changes that were discussed with Jim Brown and we have told the customers that the document should be ready for their review early next week. Are you still okay with us proceeding as we had discussed at the offsite?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Sharp/HOU/EES on 08/08/2001 01:54 PM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tRogers Herndon/ENRON@enronXgate on 08/08/2001 09:24 AM\nTo:\tGreg Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Wade Stubblefield/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\tSean A Holmes/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject:\tColumbus Schools - Appropriations Risk\n\nGuys -\n\nI am not comfortable leaving the appropriations risk \"grey\", as it has been referred to. The risk is there and it is real. If the EES Executive Comittee is comfortable with this strategy/approach then I would expect to have something in writing between EES and EWS releasing EWS of any and all $$ reponsibility associated with this potential, yet unmentioned, risk.\n\nFYI, last time we priced this risk we came up with a notional value of $5MM.\n\nI am on board with providing aggressive pricing and trying to enter new markets. However, we need to recognize all the risks.\n\nRogers"} {"text": "Jason:\nMore docs.\nCarol\n----- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 05:33 PM -----\n\n\tBrando Hayden\n\t05/30/2000 02:26 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Tawney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul R \nHenry/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: ELRiX: Your registration\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Brando Hayden/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 02:24 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Eduard Held\" on 05/26/2000 10:54:03 AM\nTo: bhayden@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: ELRiX: Your registration\n\n\n\n\n\nDear Mr. Hayden,\n\nThank you for your email, we have approved you as a member of ELRiX\nWeather Derivatives.\nPlease print out the attached Weather Derivative Master Agreement and\nreturn two signed paper copies to:\n\nSwiss Re Financial Products Corporation (SRFP)\n55 East 52nd Street\nNew York, NY 10055\nUSA\n\nAccording to Section 2.a. of the Master Agreement, please enclose a copy of\nan excerpt of the Registry of Commerce indicating who are the persons\nauthorized to sign on behalf of your company and an excerpt from your\nsignature book evidencing the authority and genuineness of the signatures\nof such persons.\n\nWe will send you three letters including:\n\n your user ID and main password\n a list of single-use passwords\n an officer's certificate of SRFP, certifying the authority and\n genuineness of signatures\n\nIn order to comply with local jurisdictions we would like to draw your\nattention to point 2.c. of the Master Agreement saying:\n\"Counterparty is entering into this Master Agreement and each Option to\nmanage existing weather-related risks or to\nengage in financial intermediation\".\n\nIn case we can be of further assistance you can reach our Help Desk at\n++41-1-285 99 90 or write an e-mail to Contact_ELRiX@Swissre.com.\n\nBest regards,\nEdi Held\nELRiX Operations\n\n\n(See attached file: wd_Master_agreement.pdf)\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Manual_WD.pdf)\n\n - wd_Master_agreement.pdf\n - Manual_WD.pdf"} {"text": "Hi Brad,\n\nThe VASCC has an id to EOL for the purpose of using the information to set rates. They had approached us through EES to ontain the ID and it was cleared by legal and Presto.\n\nSavita\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Richter, Brad \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:12 AM\nTo: Puthigai, Savita; Webb, Jay; Taylor, Mark E (Legal)\nSubject: RE: Historical trading information\nImportance: High\n\n\nMark-\n\nRead the email from AEP below. Please let us know if this is something we are comfortable doing, or at the very least something that we are required to do.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Puthigai, Savita \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:08 AM\nTo: Webb, Jay\nCc: Richter, Brad\nSubject: FW: Historical trading information\n\n\nHi Jay,\n\nI think we are going to need to provide this information.\n\nSavita\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: EOL Help \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 10:16 AM\nTo: Puthigai, Savita\nSubject: FW: Historical trading information\n\n\nSavita,\n\nKelly Pierce with American Electric Power called this morning requesting historical data. I asked customer to email his request to EOL and I would forward onto the appropriate group for approval. Could you please review customers request. If EOL can provide him with this information his deadline is Monday, Dec 3rd.\n\nThanks, Kathy\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: kdpearce@aep.com [mailto:kdpearce@aep.com]\nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:47 AM\nTo: EOL Help\nSubject: Historical trading information\n\n\n\nAttention: Kathy Moore\n\nKathy, thanks for your help.\n\nThe historical trading information we are looking for are for the Off-peak\nmonthly/bimonthly/quarterly and/or annual contracts for the 12 months of\nDecember 2001 through November 2002 for the trading locations of Into\nCinergy and PJM West.\n\nWe need the trading information for these contracts for the 10 trading days\nof October 8, 16, and 24 and November 1, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.\n\nWe would appreciate all of the information you have archived on these\ncontracts for these trading days, including, as available, bids and asks\n(at closing, and if available, throughout the day), transactions and\nvolumes, and the day's volume-weighted prices.\n\nAs we discussed, the reason for this request is that American Electric\nPower received an Order from the Virginia State Corporation Commission\n(VASCC) to use EnronOnline market prices along with others for the\ndetermination of competitive transition charges (wires charges) for VA\nretail customers.\n\nBy this e-mail, AEP is also seeking approval to disclose the market prices\nprovided by EnronOnline to the VASCC, and other parties as necessary, as a\npart of this filing. This filing is due at the VASCC this coming Monday,\nDecember 3rd.\n\nPlease contact me if you have any questions or require further information.\nThanks again for your help.\n\nKelly Pearce\n(614) 223-2813\nAmerican Electric Power"} {"text": "Quick Change in PG&E NW IT Allocation\n\nWithin hours of a FERC vote yesterday ratifying proposed changes in its \ninterruptible transportation (IT) queue, PG&E Gas Transmission Northwest \nannounced new procedures effective today. \n\nThe Commission rejected shippers complaints to the new scheme and accepted \nPG&E NW's tariff sheets as of Oct. 25, saying the revisions were \"generally \nin accord with industry practice and will simplify capacity allocation \nprocedures.\" \n\nUnder the revised tariff PG&E NW said \"IT capacity will be allocated as \nfollows: \n\n First to shippers paying maximum rate; \n\n If there are more confirmed IT nominations from shippers all paying the \nmaximum rate, then IT capacity will be allocated pro-rata to the confirmed \nnominations.~ For example, if the capacity constraint were at Station 14, a \nshipper with a confirmed nomination paying maximum rate from Stanfield to \nMalin would be allocated capacity pro rata with a shipper with a confirmed \nnomination at the maximum rate for service from Kingsgate to Malin. \n\n Second to shippers paying discounted rates or negotiated rates at less then \nthe maximum rate. The discounted/negotiated IT space will be allocated on \nhighest to lowest total revenue (rate x mileage).~ For example, a shipper \nwith a confirmed nomination for service with a total revenue per Dth of $0.11 \nwould be awarded capacity ahead of a shipper with a confirmed nomination for \nservice with a total revenue of $0.10, regardless of the path nominated. \n\n Discounted IT shippers having the same total revenue will be allocated space \non a pro ration of their confirmed nominations.\" \n\nQuestions can be addressed to PG&E NW's transportation coordinator at \n503-833-4300."} {"text": "There will be an Staff Meeting on \ntoday at 1:30 pm Calgary time,\n3:30 pm Toronto time, in Video Room #1. \nThe Toronto office will be video conferenced in.\nPlease note this meeting is intended for all staff as addressed to above.\n\nThank you. \nRob Milnthorp"} {"text": "The set of dishes for Mom and Dad came to $167.....$21/each. Send or give money to Theresa....here's her new address:\n\n2264 E. 101st Ave.\nThornton, CO 80229\n\nChristmas Blessings to everyone!!!\n\nLove, Bobbi"} {"text": "You have received this email because you are listed as a security approver. \nPlease click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000009641&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000009641\nRequest Create Date : 12/7/00 5:46:29 PM\nRequested For : brian.oxley@enron.com\nResource Name : EOL US Backoffice Bridge Monitor\nResource Type : Applications"} {"text": "Hi Stephanie -\n\nI just spoke with Diana about this deal and she indicated she had already \ncleared it up with you. Let me know if there's anything else. Thanks!\n\nKate \n\n\n\nStephanie Piwetz 11/08/2000 02:42 PM\n\nTo: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Carla Hoffman/PDX/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Deal 453938.01\n\nHello-\nDiana Scholtes 11/08\nEnron Sells Idaho\n99.50\nMid C\n\nWe have term 11/10-11/11/2000\n\nBloomberg has term 11/13-11/30-2000\n\nplease let me know\nthanks"} {"text": "no bitch - you don't keep in touch with me either. I actually have been \npretty busy with the new job. I have a friend in IT here who said that they \nare looking for 200 people to fill slots. It's a hot job market over here.\n\nHow's compaq doing?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Bass, Jason\" on 03/01/2000 03:40:55 PM\nTo: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\n\nI guess you are just too busy to keep in touch with your older brother. Was\nit something I said?\nJASON BASS\nTechnical Support Engineer\n\nCompa Q"} {"text": "You are receiving this exclusive promotion from fastFREEnews.com as part of the terms of service agreed to when you signed up. Please follow the instructions at the end of the message if you would prefer not to receive these special offers in the future. \t\n When you signed up at fastFREEnews.com you indicated that you would like to receive special offers from fastFREEnews.com partners. fastFREEnews.com has teamed up with PrizeCade and Reward Depot to bring you great offers from brand name partners. Start receiving Diamond Rewards in the Prizecade $1,000,000 Diamond Sweepstakes. Interested? Do nothing. You will automatically start receiving great offers from PrizeCade and Rewards Depot. Not Interested? Click here to opt-out. \t\nTo opt out of any future mailings from fastFREEnews, click here: http://www.fastfreenews.com/unsubscribe.asp \t\n\n\n[IMAGE]"} {"text": "Bob,\n\nLet me know how I can help with the variance application.\n\nPhillip\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Robert W. Huntley, CFP\" @ENRON \nSent:\tTuesday, October 30, 2001 3:19 PM\nTo:\tAllen, Phillip K.\nSubject:\tRe: Huntley/question\n\nPhillip,\n\nIt is looking like we will have to apply for a variance due to a set back\nrequirement when building over 10 feet tall. Normal set back is 10 feet.\nFor every 3 ft higher you go, another 5 feet is added to the set back. The\ngarage would be about 20 ft so we'd normally need to be back about 25 ft.\nCurrently, it's 13 feet.\n\nI'm going to look into what's involved in getting on the agenda for a\nvariance. I'll let you know what I find out.\n\nThanks,\n\nBob Huntley\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nSent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 5:21 AM\nSubject: RE: Huntley/question\n\n\n> Bob,\n>\n> I found the warranty deed but I could not find the title policy. I will\n> call the title company that we used to get a copy today.\n>\n> Phillip\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Robert W. Huntley, CFP\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 10:48 AM\n> To: Allen, Phillip K.\n> Subject: Re: Huntley/question\n>\n> Phillip,\n>\n> Have you found the title policy?\n>\n> Thanks,\n>\n> Bob Huntley\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: \n> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:08 AM\n> Subject: RE: Huntley/question\n>\n>\n> > I will try and find my title policy this evening.\n> >\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: \"Robert W. Huntley, CFP\" @ENRON\n> > Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 1:50 PM\n> > To: Allen, Phillip K.\n> > Subject: Huntley/question\n> >\n> >\n> > Phillip,\n> >\n> > Could you please do me a favor? I would like to read your\n> current\n> > title policy to see what it says about easements. You should\n> have\n> > received a copy during your closing. I don't know how many\n> pages it\n> > will be but let me know how you want to handle getting a copy\n> made.\n> > I'll be happy to make the copy, or whatever makes it easy for\n> you.\n> >\n> > Thanks,\n> >\n> > Bob Huntley\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n**********************************************************************\n> > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate\n> and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use\n> of the\n> intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\nby\n> others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n> (or\n> authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\nor\n> reply\n> to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete\n> all\n> copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are\n> not\n> intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or\n> evidence a\n> binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\n> affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may\nnot\n> be\n> relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n> otherwise.\n> Thank you.\n> >\n>\n**********************************************************************\n> >\n>\n>\n>"} {"text": "Good evening all: \n\nAttached are (1) a revised clean draft of our ongoing briefing outline and \n(2) a redlined version of the outline.? A few notes: \n\nI have not yet prepared Appendix A, the definition of Net Undercollected \nAmount.? It would be useful for Ann to make sure that the defined term in the \nMOU still works in this context.? Ann, would you please put together the \nAppendix for inclusion?\n\nJeff Dasovich has committed to providing a criterion for determining when the \nretail market is viable.? This is a very important issue both to large \ncustomers and, I would assume, to ESPs.? We look forward to hearing from Jeff \non Monday on this point.\n\nWe have no new information from the \"coming and going\" subcommittee, but look \nforward to including that information when available.\n\nCustomers (perhaps both large and small) would be well served to get together \nto talk about the Interim Rate Relief section.? I'm not sure whether I've \nfairly captured the discussions (or whether the discussions were clear enough \nto capture).? At a minimum, this effort should move us one step closer to \nidentifying the competing proposals.\n\nEnjoy your weekend!\n - Draft Issues Outline 061401 (redline).doc"} {"text": "Stacy,\n\nI just talked to Palo alto. They would like to schedule a conference call for tomarrow, noon our time. I told them it would be up to you. Please let me know if this gives you enough time.\n\nThanks,\n\nKim Ward\nx30685"} {"text": "You have received this email because the requester specified you as their \nManager's alternate. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000010092&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000010092\nApprover : michelle.cash@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 12/12/00 3:00:54 PM\nRequested For : diane.goode@enron.com\nResource Name : Lexis Nexis Research - Legal\nResource Type : Applications"} {"text": "I definitely want to play so let me know if you can tomorrow if we are for\nsure.\n\nRichard\n\n>From: \"siva66\" \n>Reply-To: \n>To: , , ,\n>, , ,\n>\n>CC: \n>Subject: RE:\n>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:40:59 -0500\n>\n>i'd like to play also and we could still have dinner together. i\n>too want to tell everyone how important all of you are to me,\n>seeing as i rarely see anyone in my family (it's been almost 4\n>years since i've seen my mom) and you guys are basically family to\n>me. i'm just glad that none of you were on the east coast. let\n>me know. think about it brock dogs in the morning to clog up both\n>your arteries and anus!! yummy!!!\n>\n>ricardo\n>\n>\n>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------\n>From: \"Quigley, Dutch\" \n>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:25:06 -0500\n>\n> >I would still like to play golf this weekend b/c it is the\n>friendship\n> >that is fun\n> >I might even take on Ernesto for the Brock dog challenge\n> >\n> >It is truly sick what happened , I was talking to a broker that\n>was in\n> >the second world trade tower as it got\n> >hit and he was describing what was going on. Several people I\n>know made\n> >it out of both buildings but many are not\n> >yet accounted for , so at this time all there is is hope.\n> >\n> >May everyone have a peaceful day\n> >\n> >Dutch\n> >\n> >> -----Original Message-----\n> >> From: \t\"Kevin\" @ENRON\n> >> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\n>+22Kevin+22+20+3Cklyn+40pdq+2Enet+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.\n> >> com]\n> >> Sent:\tWednesday, September 12, 2001 11:09 AM\n> >> To:\tJoe Ramirez; Quigley, Dutch; siva66@mail.ev1.net;\n> >> martier@cpchem.com; wolphguy@aol.com; MarkM@cajunusa.com;\n> >> ras1119@hotmail.com\n> >> Subject:\tRe:\n> >>\n> >> This show how truly sick and evil people can be, but also show\n>how the\n> >> good\n> >> of everyone can come together in moments of tragedy. Our\n>thoughts and\n> >> prayers are with those that have been personally affected by\n>this\n> >> event. I\n> >> can't imagine having to explain this to children.\n> >>\n> >> Kevin\n> >>\n> >>\n> >> ----- Original Message -----\n> >> From: \"Joe Ramirez\" \n> >> To: \"Quigley, Dutch\" ;\n>;\n> >> ; ; ;\n> >> ; \n> >> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 11:06 AM\n> >> Subject: RE:\n> >>\n> >>\n> >> > Good idea, Dutch. Yesenia, Xavy and I will have all of you in\n>our\n> >> prayers.\n> >> > We will be in Missouri for our vacation.\n> >> >\n> >> > -----Original Message-----\n> >> > From: Quigley, Dutch [mailto:Dutch.Quigley@ENRON.com]\n> >> > Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:29 AM\n> >> > To: siva66@mail.ev1.net; martier@cpchem.com; wolphguy@aol.com;\n> >> > jramirez@othon.com; MarkM@cajunusa.com; ras1119@hotmail.com;\n> >> klyn@pdq.net\n> >> > Subject: RE:\n> >> >\n> >> > if people do not want to play golf i suggest we all go to\n>breakast\n> >> or\n> >> > have lunch\n> >> > I would just like ot see and talk to everyone b/c you never\n>know\n> >> when we\n> >> > might not be able to\n> >> >\n> >> > I luv you guys\n> >> >\n> >> > dutch\n> >> >\n> >> > > -----Original Message-----\n> >> > > From: \"siva66\" @ENRON\n> >> > >\n> >> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-\n>+22siva66+22+20+3Csiva66+40mail+2Eev1+2Enet+3E+40EN\n> >> > > RON@ENRON.com]\n> >> > > Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:25 AM\n> >> > > To: Quigley, Dutch; martier@cpchem.com; wolphguy@aol.com;\n> >> > > jramirez@othon.com; MarkM@cajunusa.com; ras1119@hotmail.com;\n> >> > > klyn@pdq.net\n> >> > > Subject:\n> >> > >\n> >> > > just in case, i do not know how everyone feels about this\n>but i\n> >> > > still got 2 tee times at brock on saturday at 8:40 & 8:48.\n>let me\n> >> > > know.\n> >> > >\n> >> > > ricardo\n> >> > >\n> >> > >\n>________________________________________________________________\n> >> > > Sent via the EV1 webmail system at mail.ev1.net\n> >> > >\n> >> > >\n> >> > >\n> >> > >\n> >> >\n> >> >\n> >> >\n> >>\n>*******************************************************************\n>***\n> >> > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> >> affiliate\n> >> and\n> >> > may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole\n>use of\n> >> the\n> >> > intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or\n>disclosure\n> >> by\n> >> > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended\n>recipient\n> >> (or\n> >> > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the\n>sender\n> >> or\n> >> reply\n> >> > to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n> >> delete all\n> >> > copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n>hereto) are\n> >> not\n> >> > intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create\n>or\n> >> evidence a\n> >> > binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any\n>of its\n> >> > affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party,\n>and may\n> >> not be\n> >> > relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n> >> otherwise.\n> >> > Thank you.\n> >> >\n> >>\n>*******************************************************************\n>***\n> >> >\n> >>\n> >\n>\n>\n>________________________________________________________________\n>Sent via the EV1 webmail system at mail.ev1.net\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp"} {"text": "FYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron on 02/13/2001 \n01:57 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nLora Sullivan\n02/13/2001 01:53 PM\nTo: Rosalee Fleming/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Tori L Wells/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Business Council Tentative Agenda: February 21-22, 2001\n\nDear Rosie:\nThis reflects the latest schedule per Phil Cassidy and our discussions with \nthe Cabinet Secretaries.\nLinda Robertson\n\n\n\tPhil Cassidy \n\t02/13/2001 02:17 PM\n\tPlease respond to pcassidy\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Lora.Sullivan@enron.com\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: BC Agenda\n\n\nLora,\nThey are each scheduled for 1/2 hour with the exception of those after\nthe break, they could run a little bit longer, perhaps 40 minutes.\n\nTentative Agenda\n\nWednesday, February 21, 2001\n\n 6:30 p.m. Reception The Ballroom\n\n 7:30 p.m. Dinner\n\n Richard B. Cheney, The Vice President of the United States\n\n\n\nThursday, February 22, 2001\n\n 7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast The Ballroom\n\n\n 8:00 a.m. William T. Esrey Convenes Business Session\n\n\n Donald L. Evans, The Secretary of Commerce\n\n John D. Ashcroft, The Attorney General of the United States\n\n Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency\n\n Lawrence B. Lindsey, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy\n\n\n 10:00 a.m. B R E A K\n\n\n Spencer Abraham, The Secretary of Energy\n\n Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve\nSystem\n\n Donald H. Rumsfeld, The Secretary of Defense\n\n\n\n 12 Noon A D J O U R N"} {"text": "Sheila and I discussed using the time at 130 CDT for an internal discussion, \nbringing her up-to-speed on the issues and discussing action items. Nothing \nset in concrete, though.\n\nKay"} {"text": "Hess,\nI forgive you brother. I wasn't ready to listen when I was at college. In fact, I remained stubborn and resisted the TRUTH until I was 35. Anyway, though you may not have shared the gospel with me, you were a powerful witness for HIM just the same.\nThank you for your love, courage and service for the Lord.\nGod bless,\nBeek\n \nOn Wed, 24 Oct 2001 10:37:24 -0500 \"Hess Hester\" writes:\nDear Beta Bros,\n I fully intended to respond to Woody's e-mail and forward about \nPresident Bush much more quickly than this. I noticed that there was no \nresponse out there when Woody posted this and I didn't want him to\nfeel so lonely, so here goes... (warning: this is not lighthearted fare!)\n I'm sure that life for all of us has changed to some extent since \nSeptember 11th. That day was a vivid reminder that I don't have a choice in \ndetermining how or when I'm going to die (barring suicide of course), but I \ndo have a choice about how I'm going to live. September 11th and the events \nwhich continue to unfold have caused me to focus a whole lot more on what's \ntruly important in life- family, relationships, faith.\n Believing that those terrorists were willing to die for a lie, I've \nbeen forced to ask myself- what am I willing to sacrifice for what I believe \nis the TRUTH?\n For many of you guys, I confess, I failed to personally share what I \nbelieved was the truth, even back in college. I was not willing to \nsacrifice acceptance- a hard thing for a college kid to give up. Forgive me \nfor that.\n [Unbelievably, just after I wrote that last statement I was interrupted \nby a telephone call from the father of a guy named Gary Vale who some of you \nmay have known. He was a football player and on my freshman floor at SMU. I \nwish I had room to tell you Gary's whole story. In short, we were friends, \nI watched him begin trashing his life in the Spring semester but failed to \ntry to help much. Gary became an alcoholic, just sobering up three years \nago. But, too late to recover from damage that had been done. He walked \ninto my life again two months ago when, through a series of \"coincidences,\" \nhe ended up at our church. His father just called to tell me that Gary died \nlast night. I can't help but wonder if this tragedy could have been avoided \nhad I done more in the Spring of '72? So, it's now with grief and an even \ngreater sense of urgency that I write this today.]\n If recent events have moved you to a place of searching and seeking, \nplease read on and allow me a few moments of your time to share what I've \nexperienced as real truth about real life.\n I've found the evidence to be very compelling that this planet and all \nit contains (including us), is the design of a very imaginative Creator. \nThat Creator is not an impersonal force, or removed and simply \"watching us \nfrom a distance.\" He is a personal being who knows His creation and \ndesperately desires to be known by them. He so much desires to be known by \nus that, in a manner that will remain a mystery until we see Him face to \nface, He became a man in the person of Jesus Christ.\n Some think perhaps Jesus was merely a great teacher or prophet. \nHowever, I realized that in order to be intellectually honest I could not \naccept that. Jesus claimed to be God; and he claimed to hold the key to \npeople's eternal destiny. Jesus'claims left only three options. He was \neither a liar (the worst kind because he deceived people about their \neternity), a lunatic, or, he was who he said he was- he was Lord.\n Could God love me that much, to go that far? To allow His own Son to \ncome and show us and teach us what God is like? To die on a cross to pay the \npenalty of my sin and obtain my forgiveness? To rise from the dead to secure \nthe opportunity to have a personal relationship with God both now and \nforever?\n Personally, I've found all of the above to be true. God is a personal \nGod. Jesus is Lord. And, God does love me that much- to suffer the death \nof His own Son in order to offer real life (now and forever) to me and \nanyone else who is willing to do just one thing... receive that gift; just \naccept Him.\n A number of years ago I did accept Him. And, in doing that, I've \nexperienced everything He said to be true. Life has not been problem-free. \nThat's not what He promised, in fact, Jesus assured us that we will have \nproblems in this life. But, He has always personally been there. He has \nalways given His strength, wisdom, guidance, peace, contentment, patience, \nencouragement, hope, and love. [These Scriptures tell about it: John 3:16, \nRomans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Corinthians 13, and many more]\n As Woody's e-mail stated, it is encouraging to know where this \nPresident is turning at such a time as this. Thank God that's a personal \nrelationship that's offered to anyone who seeks it, not just the big boys. \nThanks for giving me a few moments to share these thoughts.\n If you'd like to talk more about this, I'd love to do so. My phone \nnumber is 918-743-8897 (office), 918-298-6144 (home) and my e-mail addresses \nare pastorhess@hotmail.com,or, hess@shbc-tulsa.org. I wish I could be at \nmore of the gatherings, but weekends are a tough time to get away in this \nbusiness! May God bless you all.\n-kai-\nHess Hester\n>From: \"woody berry\" \n>Reply-To: smu-betas@yahoogroups.com\n>To: smu-betas@yahoogroups.com\n>Subject: [smu-betas] Fwd: President Bush\n>Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 23:38:25 -0500\n>\n>Dear Bros,\n> I hate forwards on emails as much as the next guy, and perhaps it's \n>the\n>last several beers I've just shared with brothers Grumbles, Elvis and the\n>Mule that causes me to forward this one. Then again, maybe it's because I\n>couldn't have written it better myself. For what it's worth.\n>\n>Drow\n>\n>\n>From: \"Karen Wall\" \n>To: \"Rhonda Mallard\" , \"Casey Hamacher\"\n>, \"Crystal Hobbs\" ,\n>\"ken wall\" , \"Danny & Debbie Sewell\"\n>, \"Elaine Higgins\" , \"Gary\n>Campbell\" , \"Jamie Campbell\"\n>, \"Jeanette Killebrew\"\n>, \"Katie\" , \n>\"Kristine\n>Rowans\" , \"Mark Werkheiser\"\n>, \"Emily Pacheco\" ,\n>\"Carolyn Richardson\" , \"Kayla Pacheco\"\n>, \"Torrey Hukill\" , \n>\"Tyler\n>Hukill\" , \"Woody Berry\" ,\n>\"Mike Stevens\" \n>Subject: President Bush\n>Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 19:51:03 -0600\n>\n>A friend of mine sent this to me. It is well worth your time to read... \n>and\n>pray.\n> >\n> >\n> > President Bush\n> >\n> > This was the same man who came within a hair's breadth of losing an\n> > election\n> > in November, who withstood the political chicanery of the Florida\n> > Democratic\n> > machine to fix the vote count.\n> > This was the same man who admitted to having a drinking problem in\n> > younger years, and whose happy-go-lucky lifestyle led him to mediocre\n> > grades in college and an ill-fated oil venture.\n> > This was the same man who mangled syntax even more than his father, \n>and\n> > whose speaking missteps became known as \"Bushisms.\"\n> > And on Friday, this was the man who bore the weight of the world and\n> > the responsibilities of a generation with dignity, class, confidence,\n> > appropriate solemnity, and even much-needed wit.\n> >\n> > One thing struck me during the campaign, that difficult, roller-coaster\n> > campaign that now seems years ago. It was that George W. Bush never\n> > seemed to get ruffled. Whether the theft of a campaign debate video or\n> > the sudden (some would say, vicious) release of a DUI arrest two\n> > decades ago at a key moment, \"W\" did not lose his cool. At times, his\n>staff\n> > seemed overconfident, as did many of us. A 350-electoral-vote win,\n> > they quietly implied . . . and we optimistically believed.\n> >\n> > Then they counted the votes, miscounted others, and re-counted still\n>others.\n> > At the end, he was still there. Whereas Al Gore almost frantically \n>huffed\n> > and puffed,\n> > trying to gin up something out of nothing, Bush quietly but confidently\n> > waited at his ranch. He didn't do nothing: that is the mistake people\n>have\n> > constantly made with this man, confusing lack of bluster for absence \n>of\n> > action.\n> > No, his team of attorneys and the iron-willed James Baker were carrying\n> > out his orders, but W stayed in the background, confident and faithful.\n> >\n> > You see, it is this faith business that confounded everyone. We have \n>had\n> > such actors and liars in public office that we have looked skeptically\n> > whenever anyone used the term faith. But this was the same man who\n> > was the first politician ever in recent memory to name Jesus Christ as\n> > the Lord of his life on public TV. Not an oblique reference to being\n> > \"born-again\" or having a \"life change.\" He said the un-PC-like phrase,\n> > \"Jesus Christ,\" to which his handlers and advisors, no doubt, off \n>stage,\n> > were also saying, \"Jesus Christ\" in a much different tone.\n> >\n> > God has a way of honoring those who honor Him. David learned that while\n> > he was on the run from Saul's armies. Job learned that after his time \n>of\n> > horrible tribulation. The Messiah said so Himself, many times.\n> > So this was the man who actually put faith into practice. He actually\n> > loves those who hate him. It is a staggering concept, so foreign in\n> > daily occurrence that few thought it anything but grandstanding. Even \n>one\n> > of W's biggest supporters chided the President for adhering to his\n> > \"new tone.\" Yet there he was, again and again, thanking the Democrats.\n> > Appointing his enemies to high places in his government. Inviting his\n> > former foes and their wives to private movie screenings, and (I know,\n> > this is hard to stomach) even treating them with dignity.\n> >\n> > See, this was the man who learned early on how faith worked: by \n>praying\n> > for his enemies, you \"heap burning coals upon their heads.\"\n> > This was the man who named the absolute top people in national\n> > security and defense, then caught barbs from the politically righteous\n>that\n> > this one didn't have the right views on abortion or that one didn't \n>have\n> > the right position on guns.\n> >\n> > And on September 11, at mid-morning, this was the man thrust into a\n> > position only known by Roosevelt, Churchill, Lincoln, and Washington.\n> > The weight of the world was on his shoulders, and the responsibility of\n> > a generation was on his soul. So this same man---the one that the\n> > media repeatedly attempted to tarnish with charges of \"illegitimacy,\" \n>and\n> > the one whose political opponents desperately sought to stonewall until\n> > mid-term elections---walked to his seat at the front of the National\n> > Cathedral\n> > just three days after the two most impressive symbols of American\n>capitalism\n> > and prosperity virtually evaporated, along with, perhaps, thousands of\n> > Americans. As he sat down next to his wife, immediately I knew that \n>even\n>if\n> > his\n> > faith ever faltered, hers didn't. I have never seen a more peaceful \n>face\n> > than Laura Bush, whose eyes seemed as though they were already gazing\n> > at the final outcome . . . not just of this conflict, but of her reward\n>in\n> > Heaven itself. In this marriage, you indeed got two for the price of \n>one.\n> >\n> > Then came the defining moment of our generation. Some people fondly\n> > recall their Woodstock days. Others mark with grim sadness November 22,\n> > 1963, as the day America lost her innocence. But I firmly believe when\n> > the history of this time is written, it will be acknowledged by friend\n> > and foe alike that President George W. Bush came of age in that\n> > cathedral and lifted a nation off its knees. It wasn't so much his\n> > words, though read a decade later, they will indeed be as stirring as\n> > any. This conflict would end, he noted, \". . . at a time of our\n> > choosing.\" It certainly wasn't his emotion. What had to have been one\n> > of the most stunning exhibitions of self-control in presidential \n>history,\n> > W was able to deliver his remarks without losing either his resolve or\n>his\n> > focus, or, more important, his confidence. It was as if God's hand, \n>which\n> > had guided him through that sliver-thin election, now rested fully on\n>him.\n> > His quiet confidence let our enemies know . . . and believe me, they\n> > know. . . that they made a grave miscalculation.\n> >\n> > Now, this same man who practiced his faith through a tough election,\n> > who steeled his convictions even more in a drawn-out Florida battle,\n> > and who never once gave in to the temptation to get in the gutter with\n>his\n> > foes\n> > (well, ok, maybe the \"Clymer\" comment is an exception), this same man \n>now\n> > lifted\n> > the weight of the world and the responsibility of a generation and put\n> > it on his modest shoulders as though it were another unpleasant duty.\n> >\n> > As he walked back to his seat, the camera angle was appropriate. He was\n> > virtually alone in the scene, alone in that massive place of God, just\n> > him and the Lord. But that's the way it's always been in his life\n> > recently. In that brief time it took him to return to his seat, I\n> > believe he heard words to the effect of, \"You can do this, George.\n> > I am with you always. And you can do this well, because I am going \n>before\n> > you. And don't worry about the weight. I've got it.\" And I saw in his\n> > eyes a quiet acknowledgement. \"I know. Thank you, Lord.\"\n> >\n> > Back at his seat, when W sat down, George H. W. Bush reached over\n> > and took his son's hand. The elder Bush always struck me as a religious\n> > man, but not someone who shared his life on a daily basis with the \n>Lord.\n> > George H. W. treats the Father like a respected uncle, visiting Him\n> > on appropriate holidays and knowing the relationship is real, but not\n> > constant.\n> >\n> > Anyway, I believe that in that fatherly squeeze George H. W. said, \"I\n> > wish I could do this for you, son, but I can't. You have to do this on\n>your\n> > own.\"\n> > W squeezed back and gave him that look of peace that Laura had kept\n> > throughout. It said, \"I don't have to do it alone, dad. I've got help.\"\n> >\n> > *******************\n> >\n> > What a blessing to have a professing Christian as President - one who \n>is\n> > not ashamed to admit it! Please take a moment after you read this to\n> > pray for him - he truly does have the weight of the world on his\n> > shoulders. Pray that God will sustain him and give him wisdom and\n> > discernment in his decisions. Make no mistake about it - the decisions\n> > he makes in the coming days, weeks and months will literally define the\n> > future of our country and the free world. Pray for his protection and\n> > that of his family.\n> >\n> > After you have prayed, send this to everyone on your e-mail list.\n> > Our President needs Christians around the world to be praying for him. \n>As\n> > this makes the e-mail rounds, eventually there could literally be \n>people\n> > praying for him 24/7!! He needs it .\n> >\n> > John K. OwensGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :\n>http://explorer.msn.com\n>\n>\n>_________________________________________________________________\n>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp\n>\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp\nAt Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right where they left off years ago.\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. \n \n At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right where they left off years ago.\n \nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. \n\n - bll_lrec1.gif \n - rand=376099671"} {"text": "2,986,400 MWhs"} {"text": "\nCOPY ANY DVD MOVIE\n\n\n\n\n



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NFL Reports, Player Updates 
\n\n\n\nLatest NFL Player News

Correll Buckhalter, RB PHI - Free Agent Updated 11/17/01
Buckhalter has been suspended for this weekend's game against Dallas. He is one of three Eagles who will be held out of the game. Brian Mitchell will likely serve as Duce Staley's backup.

Jamal Lewis, RB BAL - Free Agent Updated 11/17/01
According to published reports, Lewis has been suspended for four games. Lewis' four-game suspension went into effect on Friday and he will not be allowed to work out or rehabi!\nli!\ntate with the team for four weeks, or until Dec. 17. Instead, Lewis will work toward recovering from a torn ACL in Tennessee.

Tyrone Wheatley, RB OAK - Giggles Updated 11/16/01
Wheatley (knee) is out for Sunday's game with the Chargers. Charlie Garner will once again be Oakland's feature back. Zack Crockett may be used in goal-line situations.

Frank Wycheck, TE TEN - Matty Updated 11/16/01
According to published reports, Wycheck is expected to play half of Sunday's game against Cincinnati. That makes him a risky start from a Fantasy p!\ner!\nspective.\n

Steve McNair, QB TEN - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
McNair's status is still in question for Sunday's game against Cincinnati due to an injured right thumb. He threw the ball during individual drills Friday, and according to published reports, is likely to play despite not being 100 percent. We don't recommend McNair this week as a result.

Emmitt Smith, RB DAL - Bass/Hull Updated 11/16/01
Smith will return to the lineup Sunday against Philadelphia after missing two games with a sprained right knee. Cowboys Head Coach Dave Campo said after Fri!\nda!\ny's practice that Smith would \"be ready to play the majority of the game.\" His return bumps Troy Hambrick to fullback, but we wouldn't recommend you use either back against the stingy Eagles rush defense.

Frank Sanders, WR ARI - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
Sanders (hamstring) was added to the NFL injury report on Friday and is now listed as questionable for Sunday's game against Detroit. However, if you're completely desperate for a wideout in a larger league this week, Sanders' matchup against a vulnerable Detroit secondary is worth considering as long as he's able to play.

Chris Weinke, QB CAR!\n -!\n Tori \nUpdated 11/16/01
According to published reports, Weinke will be the starting quarterback for Sunday's game against San Francisco. However, he's not worth starting on your Fantasy team.

Daunte Culpepper, QB MIN - Giggles Updated 11/16/01
Culpepper is one pace for a good Fantasy season despite the lack of consistency in Minnesota's offense this season. He's one of the better quarterbacks in the league from a Fantasy perspective, and should be in your starting lineup on a weekly basis.

Cris Carter, WR MIN - Tori Updated 11/16/01Carter's numbers may be down somewhat this season, but he's still too good to ever consider benching. The veteran has a knack for finding the end zone, and should have a good game against rookie CB Will Allen and the Giants' secondary on Monday night.

Randy Moss, WR MIN - Russell Updated 11/16/01
Moss is listed as probable for Monday's game against the N.Y. Giants due to an ankle injury. He's been underachieving this season, but it's almost impossible to bench him based on his potential to post solid Fantasy numbers.

Ricky Williams, RB NO - Bass/Hull!\n \nUpdated 11/16/01

Williams is one of the better Fantasy backs in the league, and is a good player to use on a weekly basis. He'll face an Indianapolis defense that has been underachieving all season long, so Williams is a must-start.

Aaron Brooks, QB NO - Matty Updated 11/16/01
Brooks had a big game against San Francisco last weekend, throwing for 347 yards and two scores. He may be a bit inconsistent this season, but his potential to post huge numbers makes it tough to bench him, especially against a vulnerable Indianapolis defense.

Willie Jackson!\n, WR NO - Martin Updated 11/16/01
Jackson put up a huge game against San Francisco last weekend, posting 11 catches and 167 yards receiving. He'll face a questionable Indianapolis squad that is vulnerable to the pass in Week 10, so starting Jackson this week is a solid option.

Stephen Davis, RB WAS - Bass/Hull Updated 11/16/01
Davis has stepped up his play after beginning the season slowly. He's averaged 112 yards rushing over his last four games, and is once again emerging as a reliable Fantasy player. Give him the start in Week 10 against a Denver defense that is vulnerable to high scoring games.

\nTony Banks, QB WAS - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
Banks has played well of late, throwing five touchdowns in his last three games. He's got a good matchup this weekend against a Denver team that can be beaten through the air, but he's only worth considering in very deep Fantasy leagues.

Michael Westbrook, WR WAS - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
Westbrook has been inconsistent this season, but he has caught three touchdown passes in his last four games. He'll face a Denver secondary this weekend that is vulnerable at best, so starting him in deeper leagues is !\nwo!\nrth considering.

Rod Gardner, WR WAS - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
Gardner has been held in check in his last two games, catching only three passes for 38 yards. He does have a favorable matchup this weekend against Denver, however, so starting him is a good move.

Az-Zahir Hakim, WR STL - Neal/McKay Updated 11/16/01
Hakim has been inconsistent in recent weeks, so starting him on your Fantasy team is a gamble unless the matchup is right. He'll go up against a tough New England secondary in Week Ten, so avoid using him outside of de!\nep!\ner leagues. \n

Torry Holt, WR STL - Tori Updated 11/16/01
Holt continues to put up consistent yardage totals, but he's only scored only three touchdowns this season. He'll face a tough New England secondary this weekend, but he's still worth starting on your Fantasy team based on his potential to put up solid numbers.

Isaac Bruce, WR STL - Frank Updated 11/16/01
Bruce hasn't put up the huge Fantasy totals this season, but he's still one of the better wideouts in the league. He'll face CB Ty Law and the formidable New England secondary, but he's still wo!\nrt!\nh starting based on his potential for big numbers.

Marshall Faulk, RB STL - Matty Updated 11/16/01
Faulk had a huge game against Carolina, proving that he is still the best Fantasy player in the league. He's a must-start every week, and should post solid numbers in Week 10 against New England.

Ernie Conwell, TE STL - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
\nConwell has had a few down weeks, so starting him on your Fantasy team is somewhat of a gamble. With the lack of depth at tight end around the league, however, starting Conwell is something many Fantasy owners will have no choice but to do.

Richard Huntley, RB CAR - Russell Updated 11/16/01
Huntley will be the likely starter this weekend against San Francisco, but don't be surprised if he splits carries with Nick Goings. Avoid starting either back in Week 10 if at all possible.

Donald Hayes, WR CAR - Martin Updated 11/16/01
Hayes ha!\nd !\nonly two catches for 11 yards last weekend against St. Louis. He's been unreliable for Fantasy owners this season, so starting him is a real gamble.

Wesley Walls, TE CAR - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
Walls has been held in check over the last three weeks, but he's still one of the better tight ends in the league. He's had some success against San Francisco in the past, so starting him is advisable.

Muhsin Muhammad, WR CAR - Martin Updated 11/16/01
\nMuhammad finally had a somewhat productive game, catching six passes for 75 yards against St. Louis. He's had some success in the past against this week's opponent, San Francisco, so starting him is a decent move.

Brett Favre, QB GB - Frank Updated 11/16/01
Favre has been one of the best Fantasy quarterbacks in the league this season. He'll face an Atlanta team on Sunday with a very vulnerable secondary, so be sure to start Favre this week.

Bubba Franks, TE GB - Free Agent Updated 11/16/01
Franks may not put up huge yardage numbers!\n, !\nbut his seven touchdowns in eight games makes him a valuable Fantasy player. Unless you have a better option on your roster, Franks is the type of tight end that should start on a weekly basis.

Bill Schroeder, WR GB - Frank Updated 11/16/01
Schroeder (ankle) is not listed on the NFL injury report, and is expected to start on Sunday against Atlanta. He's a solid play this week against Atlanta, whose secondary is vulnerable to strong passing teams like Green Bay.

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\nSchedule, Breakdown 
Brady, TomQB7.0
Dunn, WarrickRB17.0
Thomas, AnthonyRB8.0
Brown, TimWR14.0
Muhammad, MuhsinWR7.0
Owens, TerrellWR23.0
Elam, JasonK14.0
TOTAL 101.0
Gannon, RichQB22.0
Jackson, WillieWR18.0
Hayes, DonaldWR1.0
Henry, TravisRB5.0
Jenkins, MarTayWR2.0
Moore, RobWR0.0

at Bass/Hull\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
Green, TrentQB5.0
Jones, ThomasRB1.0
Williams, RickyRB17.0
Boston, DavidWR19.0
Brown, TroyWR3.0
Moulds, EricWR2.0
Carney, JohnK15.0
TOTAL 81.0
Hasselbeck, MattQB16.0
Wilkins, JeffK12.0
Davis, StephenRB0.0
Dyson, KevinWR12.0
Ismail, QadryWR18.0
Smith, EmmittRB0.0

Copyright 2001 Commissioner.COM Inc and SportsLine.com Inc.
Your site can be reached from http://fantasy.sportsline.com

"} {"text": "(See attached file: HPLN1031.xls)\n\n - HPLN1031.xls"} {"text": "Start Date: 3/31/01; HourAhead hour: 18; No ancillary schedules awarded. \nVariances detected.\nVariances detected in Generation schedule.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001033118.txt\n\n---- Generation Schedule ----\n$$$ Variance found in table tblGEN_SCHEDULE.\n Details: (Hour: 18 / Preferred: 0.00 / Final: 0.00)\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ARCO\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/31/01\n UNIT_ID: CARBGN_6_UNIT 1\n\n\n\n---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----\n*** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule.\n Details:\n\n TRANS_TYPE: FINAL\n SC_ID: ECTRT\n MKT_TYPE: 2\n TRANS_DATE: 3/31/01\n TIE_POINT: SYLMAR_2_NOB\n INTERCHG_ID: EPMI_CISO_DFISH\n ENGY_TYPE: NFRM"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 04/03/2001 \n08:28 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMargaret Daffin@ECT\n03/27/2001 02:37 PM\nTo: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: RE: Ricardo Charvel\n\nSteve: can you please let me have the information I need for Ricardo Charvel?\nMany thanks\nMargaret\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Margaret Daffin/HOU/ECT on 03/27/2001 \n02:36 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Fran L Mayes/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/27/2001 01:30 PM\nTo: Margaret Daffin/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Ricardo Charvel\n\n\n Margaret, I do not support him. He is a corporate employee under Steve Kean.\n\n Fran\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Daffin, Margaret \nSent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:25 PM\nTo: Mayes, Fran L.\nCc: Verity, Jackie\nSubject: Ricardo Charvel\n\nFran: In order that I may prepare a \"letter of introduction\" for Ricardo for \npurposes of a house purchase, here in Houston, can you please let me have the \nfollowing information:\n\nRicardo's date of hire with Enron Servicios de Mexico?\nHis current title\n\nMany thanks\nMargaret\nx55083"} {"text": "http://www.transit.twc.com/"} {"text": "J\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Robert Pickel [mailto:RPICKEL@isda.org]\nSent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:14 PM\nTo: ISDA BOARD\nCc: Cynthia Richards; Emmanuelle Sebton; Richard Metcalfe; Ruth Ainslie;\nAngela Papesch; Kimberly Summe; Shigeki Kawano; Mary Cunningham\nSubject: Tuesday Board Meeting\n\n\nWe have not been able to secure video conference facilities for the Board\nmeeting on Tuesday, Sept. 25. We will proceed with a teleconference. The\ninformation to connect to the call is as follows:\n\nInternational Number is 1-865 524 4287\n\n\tU.S. Domestic Number is 800 417 3187\n\n\tParticipants Code is 169 326\n\n\tThe meeting will be more effective if we can gather several Board\nmembers in locations in New York and London. We will host the New York\nsession at our offices at 600 Fifth Avenue (entrance on 48th Street), 27th\nfloor. The London session will be at our offices at One New Change, EC4.\nPlease proceed to the Allen & Overy reception desk at that location and you\nwill be directed to a conference room.\n\n\tThe meeting will begin promptly at 9:00 am New York time/2:00 pm\nLondon time. Based on responses we expect to have several more Board members\non the phone than are necessary to satisfy quorum requirements, but we do\nneed you to join us from the beginning of the call.\n\n\tIf you are joining us in person, please arrive at the New York or\nLondon location in advance of the start of the call. If you are connecting\nby phone, please do so a few minutes prior to the start of the call. Our\nBoard members in Asia and Australia are starting this call at 9:00 pm, 10:00\npm or 11:00 pm, depending on their location. We will make every effort to\nkeep the meeting to an hour and a half.\n\n\tWe will consider the following issues from the original September\nagenda:\n\n\tFilling of the vacancy created by Damian's resignation\n\n\tMembership applications (Mary will send a separate email with\ndetails on each application)\n\n\tRelationship with FpML\n\n\tMarket convergence issues\n\n\tAn abbreviated review of the three-year plan\n\nIf you need the materials for any of these matters, please contact Cynthia\nRichards or me.\n\nI look forward to speaking with you on Tuesday.\n\nBob"} {"text": "Very minor crisis.\n\nA penny for your thoughts...\n\nKay"} {"text": "----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 11/17/2000 09:25 AM -----\n\n\tTreasa Kirby\n\t11/17/2000 09:18 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: \n\ncALL AT 9.25\nNO 8003317048\npASSCODE 415452"} {"text": "Start Date: 4/25/01; HourAhead hour: 23; No ancillary schedules awarded. No \nvariances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001042523.txt"} {"text": "Hahaha. df\n---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 01/18/2001 \n11:39 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nSusan Scott\n01/18/2001 11:19 AM\nTo: Drew Fossum@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: \n\n\nhttp://www.onion.com/onion3701/rural_nebraskan.html"} {"text": "For December 21, 2000 activity, I reported a weighted average price of $16.00 \nfor activity for December 22-26, 2000.\n\nThe weighted average trade price via Enron Online will reflect a price of \n$15.76, but coupled with the volume not transacted online, this price was \nestimated to be a $16.00 midpoint. Specificially the following trades were \ntransacted over the telephone:\n\nNicor Gas Company $18.16 20,000 Via ANR @ Hampshire\nAltrade GDD +.05 10,000 NGPL Nicor\nWPS GDD 5,000 NGPL Nicor\nNicor Gas Company $12.00 20,000 NGPL Nicor\nPG&E $14.00 9,000 NGPL Nicor\nKaztex $18.16 4,000 NBPL/Nicor\n\n \nThe reason for the interest in this time period is as follows:\n\nNicor Gas Company observed their company holiday on December 22nd, while most \ncompanies observed the company holiday on December 26th. As a result, \nvolumes were traded for the December 22-26 time period. Gas Daily published \na price of $15.70 for the December 22-26 time period. Nicor Gas Company made \na decision to buy gas on December 22nd for the December 23-26 time period. I \nreceived several phone calls from various marketing companies expressing \nconcern that Gas Daily was going to revise the posting, based on the minimal \nactivity that transacted on December 22nd. \n\nWhile, my practice is to simply take the price as reported on Enron Online, \nfrom time-to-time, the there will be significant volumes transacted over the \ntelephone that will impact the Enron Online price. My volume is a little \nover-stated, but simply from a cursory glance standpoint, as opposed to \nintentionally reporting erroneous information."} {"text": "I think this has already been sent to you. Just wondering, though, why this \nis being lumped together in one complex transaction instead of splitting it \ninto two.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark - ECT Legal Taylor/HOU/ECT on \n10/30/98 04:01 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJoyce Dorsey\n10/30/98 09:04 AM\nTo: Mark - ECT Legal Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janet Dobernecker/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Petrobras Swap\n\nMark,\n\nI think this is the SWAP confirm that we were looking for yesterday. Do I \nneed to send this to Julie Gilbert.? Anyone else? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nJoyce\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joyce Dorsey/HOU/ECT on 10/30/98 09:02 AM \n---------------------------\nFrom: Maria Ines Granado AT ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@CCMAIL on 10/30/98 08:44 AM\nTo: Gareth Bahlmann@ECT, Charles Delacey@ECT, Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT, \"Julie \nBopp Gilbert/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\" AT ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@CCMAIL, Cassandra \nSchultz AT ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@CCMAIL, \"Jodi Marcussen \nCoulter/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\" AT ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@CCMAIL, \"Cecilia \nManzolillo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\" AT ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@CCMAIL\ncc: \nSubject: Petrobras Swap\n\n\nImportance: High\n---------------------------------\n\n\nThe attached was prepared by Tres Cochran from V&E. Please give me your \ncomments. Thanks a lot for all your help.\n\nMaria Ines\n---------------------- Forwarded by Maria Ines Granado/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on\n10/30/98 08:38 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Cochran, Fielding (Tres)\" on 10/30/98 07:07:30 AM\n\nTo: Maria Ines Granado/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc:\nSubject: Petrobras Swap\n\n\n\n\n\n<>\nMaria, Please follow this message with the attached file to Gareth. For \nsome reason I cannot get it to go to Gareth directly.\n\nGareth,\n\nAttached is the current draft of the swap confirmation for the Petrobras \ntransaction. The swap has two components -- the fixed/Libor rate swap and \nthe \"spread\" swap. The fixed/Libor swap is composed of the amounts computed \npursuant to clause (i) of the definition of fixed amount and clause (i) of \nthe definition of floating amount. The amounts computed pursuant to clauses \n(iv) and (v) of the definition of fixed amount and clause (ii) of the \ndefinition of floating amount is the spread swap.\nThis is going to be a very unusual and highly structured swap in many \nrespects in order to tailor it to the risk sharing that exists in this \ntransaction among Petrobras, the Lenders, and Enron as swap provider. Because \nthe swap includes both the rate swap and the spread swap, the benefits and \nobligations under the swap will need to be allocated internally at Enron \nbetween EI and ECT. Randy and Scott recommend that a memorandum be generated \nthat will reflect the manner in which this allocation will be made. \nEssentially as it is explained to me, ECT will be allocated the benefits and \nobligations related to the fixed/Libor swap and EI will be allocated the \nbenefits and obligations related to the spread swap.\nOne other feature that EI will be responsible for is the Deferral Amount \nmentioned in the confirmation. This arises if a Reserve Deficiency occurs \nand the Reserve Indemnity is no longer in effect. In this situation, if any \namount is owed to ECT on the rate swap the Company will not have sufficient \ncash flow to pay the full amount due to ECT and the Lenders. The Lenders \nwill be deferring a prorata part of their interest and principal, and ECT as \nswap provider will also have to defer a prorata part of the amount due to \nit. The amount to be deferred is called the Deferral Amount in the attached \ndraft. EI will be responsible for any Deferral Amounts that may arise. If \nafter a Deferral Amount is generated, the Company is able to recoup any of \nthe Deferral Amount, the portion payable to the Swap Provider under the \nParticipation Agreement would be a \"Makeup Amount\" and would be allocated to \nEI when received under the swap.\nA great deal of additional thought and fine tuning will continue to need to \nbe applied to this portion of the transaction to make sure that it \ncoordinates as appropriate with the Credit Agreement, Participation Agreement \nand Transaction Documents. Any suggestions that you or the ECT swap lawyers \nmay have would be appreciated. One thing that would be useful would be a \n\"breakage clause\" that would describe in as much specificity as posible how \nthe breakage would be computed whenever it is necessary to adjust the \nnotional amounts under the fixed/libor swap.\nTres Cochran\n\n\n\n - ECTOCT2.doc"} {"text": "Note: FYI, we may see less and less information available on federal web sites in the near term.\nFERC Limits Public Access to Pipe, Transmission Maps \nAmid concerns over potential terrorist attacks on energy facilities, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is limiting the public's access to maps of natural gas pipelines and electric transmission lines. \nIn a statement of policy, the Commission said it would \"no longer make available to the public\" maps of these energy facilities through the Internet, the Records and Information Management System (RIMS) and the Public Reference Room at its headquarters in Washington, DC. \nPersons wishing to view the maps, however, can make requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) at the Commission. FERC staff has been urged to \"respond timely to legitimate requests\" for such documents. \nThe Commission said the ban would remain in effect indefinitely and directed staff to report on the impact of this action on agency business within 90 days. The move by FERC was not as drastic as some federal agencies, such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which closed down its entire web site last week as a precaution. \nGiven the anthrax scares on Capitol Hill and elsewhere, a spokeswoman said the Commission also has been instructed to alert security immediately about suspicious envelopes and packages."} {"text": "Deb and I were thinking that if we can't finalize our Europe trip by the end \nof this week-we probably need to postpone it because the clock is ticking. . \nCan you give us any feedback on your discussions with American Express or \nMark Frevert.. Thinking about you."} {"text": "Here is the file. Sorry it is a day late - teh price desk had some errors in \nteh file adn I was waiting for them to correct the deals. Thanks.\nPL"} {"text": "Here's the Houston Chronicle Subscription Account Number you requested:\n\nAccount Number: 60319709\nZip Code: 77055\n\nUsing these two pieces of information, you can activate your\nSubscribersADVANTAGE account features at the HoustonChronicle.com\nweb site's registration page:\nhttp://www.chron.com/registration/login.hts\n\nIf you have any questions or problems registering, please call\nCustomer Service at 713-220-2700 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday\nthrough Friday, or email online@chron.com \n\nThank you for using HoustonChronicle.com!"} {"text": "Amy,\n\nJennifer Plunkett (212-713-1445) will order the publications and reprints for you from our fulfillment house. Please let\nher when you need them, and she will let you know if that is possible.\n\nAbout the folders, you will need to order those directly from Corporate Services (Teresa Carroll, 201-352-3034).\n\nPlease let me know if you need anything else.\n\nRegards,\n\nClaudia\n212-713-8508\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Fitzpatrick, Amy [mailto:Amy.Fitzpatrick@ENRON.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12:57 PM\nTo: Robinson, Claudia\nCc: Kitchen, Louise\nSubject: UBS Information\n\n\nClaudia -\n\nThank you so much for responding. The materials that we are looking for at each office are the following.\n\nAnnual Review\nHandbook (this is the one that you mentioned to me yesterday)\nArticle: reprint from Wall Street dated 4/9/01 - 'UBS Warburg Sizzles Despite...'\nArticle: reprint from Advocate/Greenwich Time - 'The House of UBS'\n\nCan you please give me an idea as to when you would be able to ship the materials to us?\n\nThe numbers and contact information for each location are below.\n\nHouston - 300 copies of each\n\nAmy FitzPatrick\n1400 Smith Street\nECS06745\nHouston, TX 77002\n713-345-2729\n\nPortland - 100 copies of each\n\nMollie Gustafson\n121 SW Salmon\n3WTC0306\nPortland, OR 97201\n503-464-3817\n\nCalgary - 100 copies of each\n\nNella Cappelletto\n3500, 400 3rd Avenue SW\nCalgary, Alberta T2P 4H2\n403-974-6971\n\nAlso, do you have any UBS Warburg folders that the materials can be placed in (same numbers as request above if\navailable)?\n\nThanks!\nAmy\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged\nmaterial for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is\nstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact\nthe sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message.\nThis e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or\nevidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or\nany other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n**********************************************************************\n\nVisit our website at http://www.ubswarburg.com\n\nThis message contains confidential information and is intended only\nfor the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you\nshould not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please\nnotify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this\ne-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system.\n\nE-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free\nas information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed,\narrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore\ndoes not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents\nof this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If\nverification is required please request a hard-copy version. This\nmessage is provided for informational purposes and should not be\nconstrued as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any securities or\nrelated financial instruments."} {"text": "Hi Everyone,\n See attached a listing of the documented enhancements that pertain to ENA \nUpstream. What we need to do next is develop an impact for each one that \ngives an estimate of the number of hours saved for each item. Please supply \nthese savings where your name is listed if you haven't already done so. The \nvision and purpose of this list is to provide Holland & Davis ( a consultant \n) and upper management with the necessary information to determine the extent \nof IT resources that would be needed to enhance Unify. I will need your \nreplies by COB May 31st. \n\n \n\nThanks, MVE"} {"text": "The final copy of the Response to RFB (California Department of Water \nResources) is attached. We are sending the document by fax and overnight \ndelivery shortly.\n\nThe missing Exhibits are in hard-copy form and will be included in the \novernight delivery package."} {"text": "If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Walsh at (713) 853-9510.\n\nBridge Loan Financing Bills May Not Meet Their May 8th Deadline Due to Lack \nof Support\nSources report there will not be a vote regarding the authorization for the \nbond issuance/bridge loan by the May 8th deadline. Any possibility for a \ndeal has reportedly fallen apart. According to sources, both the Republicans \nand Democratic caucuses are turning against Davis. The Democratic caucus is \nreportedly \"unwilling to fight\" for Davis. Many legislative Republicans and \nDemocrats reportedly do not trust Davis and express concern that, once the \nbonds are issued to replenish the General Fund, Davis would \"double dip\" into \nthe fund. Clearly there is a lack of good faith between the legislature and \nthe governor. However, it is believed once Davis discloses the details of \nthe power contracts negotiated, a bond issuance will take place. \nAdditionally, some generator sources have reported that some of the long-term \npower contracts (as opposed to those still in development) require that the \nbond issuance happen by July 1, 2001. If not, the state may be in breach of \ncontract. Sources state that if the legislature does not pass the bridge \nloan legislation by May 8th, having a bond issuance by July 1st will be very \ndifficult.\n\nThe Republicans were planning to offer an alternative plan whereby the state \nwould \"eat\" the $5 billion cost of power spent to date out of the General \nFund, thereby decreasing the amount of the bond issuance to approximately $8 \nbillion. However, the reportedly now are not going to offer even this \nconcession. Sources report that the Republicans intend to hold out for full \ndisclosure of the governor's plan for handling the crisis, including the \ndetails and terms of all long-term contracts he has negotiated, before they \nwill support the bond issuance to go forward.\n\nCurrently there are two bills dealing with the bridge loan; AB 8X and AB \n31X. AB 8X authorizes the DWR to sell up to $10 billion in bonds. This bill \npassed the Senate in March, but has stalled in the Assembly due to a lack of \nRepublican support. AB 31X deals with energy conservation programs for \ncommunity college districts. However, sources report this bill may be \namended to include language relevant to the bond sale by Senator Bowen, \ncurrently in AB 8X. Senator Bowen's language states that the state should \nget paid before the utilities from rate payments (which, if passed, would be \nlikely to cause a SoCal bankruptcy). \n \nAccording to sources close to the Republicans in the legislature, \nRepublicans do not believe there should be a bridge loan due to money \navailable in the General Fund. For instance, Tony Strickland has stated \nthat only 1/2 of the bonds (or approximately $5 billion) should be issued. \nOther Republicans reportedly do not support issuing any bonds. The \nRepublicans intend to bring this up in debate on Monday. Additionally, \nLehman Brothers reportedly also feels that a bridge loan is unnecessary and \nthere are some indications that Lehman may back out of the bridge loan.\n \nKey Points of the Bridge Financing\nInitial Loan Amount: $4.125 B\nLenders: JP Morgan $2.5 B\n Lehman Brothers $1.0 B\n Bear Stearns $625 M\nTax Exempt Portion: Of the $4.125 B; $1.6 B is expected to be tax-exempt\nProjected Interest Rate: Taxable Rate 5.77%\n Tax-Exempt Rate 4.77%\nCurrent Projected \nBlended IR: 5.38%\nMaturity Date: August 29, 2001\nFor more details please contact me at (713) 853-9510\n\nBill SB 6X Passed the Senate Yesterday, but Little Can be Done at This Time\nThe Senate passed SB 6X yesterday, which authorizes $5 billion to create the \nCalifornia Consumer Power and Conservation Authority. The $5 billion \nauthorized under SB 6X is not the same as the $5 billion that must be \nauthorized by the legislature to pay for power already purchased, or the \nadditional amount of bonds that must be authorized to pay for purchasing \npower going forward. Again, the Republicans are not in support of these \nauthorizations. Without the details of the long-term power contracts the \ngovernor has negotiated, the Republicans do not know what the final bond \namount is that must be issued and that taxpayers will have to pay to \nsupport. No further action can be taken regarding the implementation of SB \n6X until it is clarified how and when the state and the utilities get paid \nfor purchasing power. Also, there is no staff, defined purpose, etc. for \nthe California Public Power and Conservation Authority. However, this can \nbe considered a victory for consumer advocates, who began promoting this \nidea earlier in the crisis.\n \nSoCal Edison and Bankruptcy\nAt this point, two events would be likely to trigger a SoCal bankruptcy. The \nfirst would be a legislative rejection of the MOU between SoCal and the \ngovernor. The specified deadline for legislative approval of the MOU is \nAugust 15th, however, some decision will likely be made earlier. According \nto sources, the state has yet to sign the MOU with SoCal, though SoCal has \nsigned it. The Republicans are against the MOU in its current form and Davis \nand the Senate lack the votes needed to pass. If the legislature indicates \nthat it will not pas the MOU, SoCal would likely file for voluntary \nbankruptcy (or its creditor - involuntary) due to the lack operating cash. \n\nThe second likely triggering event, which is linked directly to the bond \nissuance, would be an effort by Senator Bowen to amend SB 31X (bridge loan) \nstating that the DWR would received 100% of its payments from ratepayers, \nthen the utilities would receive the residual amount. In other words, the \nstate will get paid before the utilities. If this language is included and \npassed by the legislature, it appears likely that SoCal will likely file for \nbankruptcy. SoCal is urging the legislature to pay both the utilities and \nthe DWR proportionately from rate payments."} {"text": "Attached please find the translated news clips from Bolivia (February 9).\n\nBest regards."} {"text": "Today, we announced plans to merge with Dynegy, a major player in the energy marketplace and one of our largest counterparties. Dynegy is a great company with businesses very similar to our own. We believe merging with Dynegy is the best option to preserve our core businesses that you've worked so hard to build. Following are the major components of the transaction.\n\nDeal Terms\n\n--\tThe transaction will constitute a stock for stock exchange based on an exchange ratio of 0.2685 Dynegy shares for every Enron share. For example, each 1,000 shares of Enron stock will be converted to 268 shares of Dynegy upon closing, plus cash for fractional shares, upon closing.\n--\tChevronTexaco owns approximately 26 percent of Dynegy's outstanding common stock. ChevronTexaco will invest $1.5 billion in Dynegy immediately and an additional $1 billion in Dynegy on closing of the merger. Dynegy will immediately invest $1.5 billion in cash in Enron's Northern Natural Gas subsidiary in exchange for preferred stock in Northern Natural Gas.\n-- Total outstanding shares of the combined company are expected to be approximately 700 million shares.\n-- The transaction is subject to shareholder and regulatory approvals, and is expected to close late next year.\n\nEnron will have immediate access to Dynegy's $1.5 billion cash investment in Enron's Northern Natural Gas subsidiary.\n\nManagement of Newly Formed Company\n\nChuck Watson will be chairman and CEO of the newly formed company, which will be called Dynegy Inc., and Steve Bergstrom will be president and COO.\n\nI will continue to serve as chairman and CEO of Enron until the transaction closes. I will not join the Dynegy Office of the Chairman. Greg Whalley will continue to serve as president and COO of Enron until the transaction closes. Then he will become an executive vice president of the new company and will join the Dynegy Office of the Chairman. Mark Frevert will continue as vice chairman of Enron.\n\nManagement from Enron and Dynegy will work together to ensure a smooth, efficient integration. The make-up of the integration team has not yet been determined.\n\nThe merger will be a long and complex process and is expected to close by the end of the third quarter 2002. This merger will create an enormous growth engine, providing great opportunities for our employees, shareholders and customers. As with any merger, some elimination of positions is almost inevitable, and one of our key tasks will be to identify the optimal structure of the new company. We hope to be able to address any need for work force reductions through attrition and hiring reductions. Clearly, we cannot rule out involuntary separation, but Dynegy is motivated to identify and retain the best talent from both organizations. I promise you that I will do everything I can to make this transition as smooth as possible.\n\nAs I said in my video, this is a day like no other in our company's history. We considered several options, but we believe that this merger with Dynegy is the best option to help rebuild investor and market confidence, strengthen our balance sheet and preserve our core businesses.\n\nI know you have a lot of questions about this transaction and about next steps. We have a list of frequently asked questions posted at . If you have additional questions, please submit them to questions@enron.com . We will post updates as soon as we have answers to your questions. If you receive any calls from the media, please refer them to our media team at (713) 853-5670.\n\nI ask you to consider the enormously bright future of the newly formed company. Rather than closing doors, we are opening new ones, as this deal enables the customers and shareholders of both companies to participate in the tremendous benefit of the combined enterprise, including our market reach, financial strength and industry experience. Together, we will be a new merchant powerhouse.\n\nAnd again, thank you for everything you have done for Enron.\n\n\nInvestors and security holders are urged to carefully read the joint proxy statement/prospectus regarding the proposed transactions when it becomes available, because it will contain important information. Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of the joint proxy statement/prospectus (when it is available) and other documents containing information about Dynegy and Enron, without charge, at the SEC's web site at www.sec.gov. Copies of the joint proxy statement/prospectus and the SEC filings that will be incorporated by reference in the joint proxy statement/prospectus may also be obtained for free by directing a request to either: Investor Relations, Dynegy Inc., 1000 Louisiana, Suite 5800, Houston, TX 77002, Phone: (713) 507-6400, Fax: (713) 507-6808; or Investor Relations, Enron Corp., 1400 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002, Phone: (713) 853-3956, Fax: (713) 646-3002.\n\nIn addition, the identity of the persons who, under SEC rules, may be considered \"participants in the solicitation\" of Dynegy and Enron shareholders in connection with the proposed transactions, and any description of their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, are available in an SEC filing under Schedule 14A made by each of Dynegy and Enron."} {"text": "NEWS FLASH!!!!\n\nThe Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that there cannot be a \nnativity scene in Washington, D.C. this Christmas. The Court ruling is not \nbased on the seperation of Church and State Simply put, the Court felt it \ncould not find three wise men and a virgin in the Nation's capitol. However, \nfinding enough Asses to fill the stable would not be a problem."} {"text": "Start Date: 4/18/01; HourAhead hour: 3; No ancillary schedules awarded. No \nvariances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final \nSchedules\\2001041803.txt"} {"text": "As you are aware, your business unit has been selected to participate in \nProject GEM (Global Enron Migration) for the rollout of Windows 2000. In \npreparation for this rollout, it is imperative that we gather information \nabout your workstation and the applications you use. To begin this data \ncollection, we have automated the process. In fact, your system has just \nbeen inventoried. Once this information is received, we will be working \nwith your local department coordinator to consolidate this information to \nensure this transition is as smooth as possible.\n\nThe GEM team would like to thank you for your participation. If you have any \nquestions, please contact Kacee Downey (713)345-5641."} {"text": "Rod,\n I'd love to queue up a discussion about CMS and/or WMB, so that the Board is thinking \"large acquisition\". I just don't know if we'll be ready. I've talked with Whalley, and he's let us come in at the last minute or call a special meeting if a big deal becomes evident. Also, Greg wants us to be very sensitive about capital structure in addition to operating cash flow. Therefore, I'd like to start getting Tim DeSpain involved. Does that make sense?\n\nDan\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHayslett, Rod \nSent:\tWednesday, September 19, 2001 4:11 PM\nTo:\tMcCarty, Danny\nSubject:\tFW: Enron Corp. Board of Directors Meeting - October 9, 2001\n\nAnything you think we might want to think about queueing up here?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJohnson, Kelly On Behalf Of Carter, Rebecca\nSent:\tWednesday, September 19, 2001 2:13 PM\nTo:\tBeck, Sally; Blachman, Jeremy; Bowen Jr., Raymond; Brown, Michael - COO London; Buchanan, Harold; Buy, Rick; Causey, Richard; Cheek, Charles; Cline, Wade; Cox, David; Derrick Jr., James; Dietrich, Janet; Donahue, Jeff; Elliott, Steve; Fallon, Jim; Fastow, Andrew; Frevert, Mark; Glisan, Ben; Hannon, Kevin; Hayslett, Rod; Horton, Stanley; Hughes, James A.; Kean, Steven J.; Kimberly, Kelly; Kitchen, Louise; Koenig, Mark; Lavorato, John; Lay, Kenneth; Leff, Dan; McCarty, Danny; Mcconnell, Mike; McDonald, Rebecca; McMahon, Jeffrey; Metts, Mark; Muller, Mark; Olson, Cindy; Pickering, Mark; Piper, Greg; Rice, Ken; Scrimshaw, Matthew; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Sherrick, Jeffrey; Sherriff, John; Skilling, Jeff; Sunde, Marty; Whalley, Greg\nCc:\tAdams, Jennifer; Aden, Beverly; Armstrong, Julie; Blackwood, Connie; Bolen, Vivianna; Brelsford, Loretta; Burns, Jennifer; Butler, Alan; Campos, Kathy; Chapman, Kay; Dauterive, Inez; Davidson, Binky; Daw, Nicki; Dick, Sharon; Dodgen, Kathy; Dorsey, Joyce; Ferrari, Kerry; Fisher, Dolores; Fleming, Rosalee; Ford, Sue; Gadade, Mrudula; Harris, Stephanie J; Hawkins, Linda; Hillis, Kimberly; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Iannarone, Lauren; Joyce, Mary; Lapsley, Carol; Lawless, Michelle; Lopez-Dias, Samantha; Maronge, Bridget; Marshall, Lucy; Mcginnis, Stephanie; McMahon, Kathy; McVicker, Maureen; Paxton, Jana L.; Phillips, Cathy; Rapacioli, Marisa; Rijo, Leah; Schiller, Marsha; Schoppe, Tammie; Sera, Sherri; Slade, Nikki; Spiller, Tina; Stark, Caron; Sullo, Sharon E; Taylor, Liz M.; Urquhart, Lauren; Valdez, Christina; Valdez, Veronica; Walker, Stacy; West, Terry; Westbrook, Sharron; Williamson, Joannie; Wright, Teresa\nSubject:\tEnron Corp. Board of Directors Meeting - October 9, 2001\n\n << File: Agndareq.doc >> \n\nKelly M. Johnson\nExecutive Assistant\nEnron Corp.\nTel: 713-853-6485\nFax: 713-853-2534\nE-Mail: kelly.johnson@enron.com"} {"text": "Your mom is so fat that God said \"Let there be light,\" right after she moved \nher fat ass."} {"text": "CALENDAR ENTRY:\tINVITATION\n\nDescription:\n\tOperational Risk Forum 30C2\n\nDate:\t\t10/15/2001\nTime:\t\t11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (Central Standard Time)\n\nChairperson:\tStacey W White\n\nDetailed Description:"} {"text": "Your order is being processed and is detailed below.\n\nOrder Number: 1939677\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nQty Desc Size Color Unit Cost Total Cost Status\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n 1 10\"omelette,non-sti 110.00 110.00 \nshipped\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSubTotal: 110.00\nShipping: 8.95\nTax: 9.81\nGrandTotal: 128.76\n\nAll in stock items will ship via UPS within 2 business days. Please allow 7-10\nbusiness days for regular shipping and 2-3 days for express delivery.\n\nIf any of the items on your order shows a status of 'shipped', you can\ntrack your shipment by logging on to http://WWW.UPS.COM and clicking on the \nTRACK icon. Scroll Down and Select TRACK BY REFERENCE NUMBER then key in\nthe reservation number for that item found below.\n\nItem Desc Resv Num\n----------------------------------------\n10\"OMELETTE,NON-STI 63684146\n\n\n\n\nIf you have questions about your order, e-mail us at \nCustomer_Service@dillards.com or call 1-800-345-5273.\n\nThank you for shopping Dillard's Direct."} {"text": "Get ready. Beginning in November, electronic pay stubs will be available to all employees who have their paychecks direct deposited into their bank account. Electronic pay stubs are an easy, fast, and efficient way for you to get your payroll information. They will also help Enron to realize a considerable savings in time and dollars spent over traditional printed pay stubs.\n\nIf you prefer to receive a hardcopy of your pay stub, click on the link below to complete a request form. This form must be submitted to Payroll by October 15, 2001. Unless you submit a form your pay stub information will default to electronic viewing.\n\nPlease click on the link below.\n\nName: ERIC SAIBI\nPersonnel number: P00502568\nPhone: 713-853-5012\n\nIf you have questions about electronic pay stubs, please contact Janice Priddy (Payroll) 713-853-7839 or Marie Newhouse (ClickAtHome) at 713-345-4185 or send an email to Enron.Payroll@enron.com (Enron Payroll in Outlook).\n\nStay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.\n\nhttp://etcsurvey.corp.enron.com/wi/p0810709/i.asp?r=14503&s=UAEKXWUJ&l=9"} {"text": "[IMAGE] \n\n[IMAGE]\n\n\n\nDear Amazon Customer,\n\nDon't you love the feeling of getting in on a great \ndeal? Welcome to Amazon.com Outlet, \n where we've conveniently gathered the biggest bargains \nthroughout the Amazon.com universe. (And yes--they're \ngoing fast!)\n\n How do blowouts of up to 50% off toys and electronics \nand up to 60% off kitchen essentials sound? (Don't answer \nyet--there's more!) How about books for less than 5 bucks, CDs for \nless than $7, and a slew of videos for under $10? \n\n[IMAGE]At Outlet, we're \nstocking the shelves with the best deals available \nthroughout the store. But many are limited to \nquantities on hand, so be sure to check early and \noften--everything's priced to move!\n\n \nHappy bargain-hunting, \n\nDavid Risher \nSenior Vice President (As Not Seen on TV)\nAmazon.com\n\n\nPS: Be sure to check out our Amazing Deals for \nbargains on seasonal selections such as greeting \ncards, decorations, and holiday music. With savings this \ngood, why not stock up for next year right now? \n\n?\n\n[IMAGE]\n\n\n\n\n[IMAGE]\n[IMAGE]\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoyed receiving this message. However, if you'd \nrather not receive future e-mails of this sort from \nAmazon.com, please visit your Amazon.com account page \nand under the Your Account Settings heading, click the \n\"Update your communication preferences\" link. \n\n\n\n\nPlease note that this message was sent to the following e-mail address: \njdasovic@enron.com"} {"text": "Thanks, Jeff. \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShankman, Jeffrey A. \nSent:\tWednesday, October 24, 2001 3:56 PM\nTo:\tSu, Ellen\nSubject:\tRE: John Zufferli Memo\n\nExcellent memo. It should come from you and Pushkar, to Zufferli, Lavorato, Hickerson, and me.\n\nThanks, and sorry you had to do this, but I think it will ultimately be very helpful.\n\nJeff\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSu, Ellen \nSent:\tWednesday, October 24, 2001 12:31 PM\nTo:\tShankman, Jeffrey A.\nCc:\tHickerson, Gary\nSubject:\tJohn Zufferli Memo\n\nJeff--\n\nPlease find attached a copy of the memo to John Zufferli regarding the recent forward transaction in US$/Cad$. Gary has reviewed it, and I have incorporated his comments. Please let me know if you would like any changes before I send it to him.\n\n << File: Zufferli Memo.doc >> \n\nThanks.\n\nEllen Su\nEnron Financial Trading\n(713) 853-5256"} {"text": "You need more to do.\n\n\n\n\nLuis Mena@ENRON\n12/04/2000 04:13 PM\nTo: Timothy Blanchard/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES, Chad Landry/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES, Matthew \nLenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES, Bryan Hull/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES, Brian Hoskins/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications@EES \nSubject: Re: FYI \n\nSpeaking of SEC dominance, Brian and I made a 100 dollar bet this weekend. \nWho had more football titles, the teams in the SEC or the teams in the Big \n12????\n\nWell, after analyzing the data for the past hour, and analyzing every poll \nevery which way, there is no doubt about it now. I counted each single poll \nindividually (AP, the National Football Foundation and College Football Hall \nof Fame, the United Press, the Football Writers Polls and the USA Today/ESPN) \nand every poll gives more championships to the Big 12 than the SEC.\n\nSince college football is all about rivalries and drinking, Eric and I will \nbe hosting a \"The SEC is definitely better than the BIG 12 happy hour\" which \nwill be paid for by Brian \"The SEC is definitely better than the BIG 12\" \nHoskins.\n\nPlace and time TBD\n\nhttp://www.ncaa.org/library/records/football_records_book/division_ia_records.\npdf\n\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron Energy Services\n\t\n\tFrom: Timothy Blanchard @ EES 12/04/2000 02:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chad Landry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matthew \nLenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan Hull/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian Hoskins/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Luis Mena/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: FYI\n\nWith all of the HYPE surrounding the Big 12 this season....\n\nNine SEC teams are going to bowls, an unprecedented number of bowl-bound \nteams from a single conference in NCAA history."} {"text": "Congratulations on your appointment as C.E.O effective 2/12/2001. We at \nEnron Wind look forward to working with you.\n\nLorraine Friedland\nLand & Permits\nEnron Wind - Tehachapi, CA"} {"text": "This is not an urban myth, I checked with several people who have read it in\nthe papers, but it was news to me!\nHappy Thanksgiving to all,\nDotty\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Fumiko Docker\" \nTo: ; ; \nSent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:20 AM\nSubject: Fwd: Drug recall\n\n\n>\n> --- Andrew Gentile wrote:\n> > Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 08:31:25 -0800 (PST)\n> > From: Andrew Gentile \n> > Subject: Drug recall\n> > To: andrewinfrisco@yahoo.com\n> >\n> > IMPORTANT!!!\n> > > All drugs containing Phenylpropanolamine are being\n> > recalled. You may\n> > > want to try calling the 800 number listed on most\n> > drug boxes and\n> > > inquire about a REFUND.\n> > >\n> > > Please read this CAREFULLY, as I know that some of\n> > you may USE some\n> > > of these drugs (Alka Seltzer Plus for one).\n> > >\n> > > Also, please pass this on to everyone you know.\n> > STOP TAKING anything\n> > > containing this ingredient. It has been linked to\n> > increased hemorrhagic\n> > > stroke (bleeding in brain) among women ages 18-49\n> > in the three days after\n> > > starting use of medication. Problems were not\n> > found in men,\n> > > but the FDA recommended that everyone (even\n> > children) seek alternative\n> > > medicine.\n> > >\n> > > The following medications contain\n> > Phenylpropanolamine:\n> > > Acutrim Diet Gum Appetite Suppressant Plus Dietary\n> > Supplements\n> > > Acutrim Maximum Strength Appetite Control\n> > > Alka-Seltzer Plus Children's Cold Medicine\n> > Effervescent\n> > > Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold medicine (cherry or orange)\n> >\n> > > Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine Original\n> > > Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Cough Medicine\n> > Effervescent\n> > > Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu Medicine Effervescent\n> >\n> > > Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Sinus Effervescent\n> > > Alka Seltzer Plus Night-Time Cold Medicine\n> > Effervescent\n> > > BC Allergy Sinus Cold Powder\n> > > BC Sinus Cold Powder\n> > > Comtrex Deep Chest Cold & Congestion Relief\n> > > Comtrex Flu Therapy & Fever Relief\n> > > Day & Night Contac 12-Hour Cold Capsules\n> > > Contac 12 Hour Caplets\n> > > Coricidin D Cold, Flu & Sinus\n> > > Dexatrim Caffeine Free\n> > > Dexatrim Extended Duration\n> > > Dexatrim Gelcaps\n> > > Dexatrim Vitamin C/Caffeine Free\n> > > Dimetapp Cold & Allergy Chewable Tablets\n> > > Dimetapp Cold & Cough Liqui-Gels\n> > > Dimetapp DM Cold & Cough Elixir\n> > > Dimetapp Elixir\n> > > Dimetapp 4 Hour Liquid Gels\n> > > Dimetapp 4 Hour Tablets\n> > > Dimetapp 12 Hour Extentabs Tablets\n> > > Naldecon DX Pediatric Drops\n> > > Permathene Mega-16\n> > > Robitussin CF\n> > > Tavist-D 12 Hour Relief of Sinus & Nasal\n> > Congestion\n> > > Triaminic DM Cough Relief\n> > > Triaminic Expectorant Chest & Head Congestion\n> > > Triaminic Syrup Cold & Allergy\n> > > Triaminic Triaminicol Cold & Cough\n> > >\n> > > I just found out and called the 800# on the\n> > container for Triaminic and\n> > > they\n> > > informed me that they are voluntarily recalling\n> > the following medicines\n> > > because of a certain ingredient that is causing\n> > strokes and seizures in\n> > > children:\n> > > Orange 3D Cold & Allergy Cherry (Pink)\n> > > 3D Cold & Cough Berry\n> > > 3D Cough Relief\n> > > Yellow 3D Expectorant\n> > > They are asking you to call them at 800-548-3708\n> > with the lot number on\n> > > the\n> > > box so they can send you postage for you to send\n> > it back to them, and they\n> > > will also issue you a refund.\n> > > If you know of anyone else with small children,\n> > PLEASE PASSTHIS ON. THIS\n> > > IS\n> > > SERIOUS STUFF. DO PASS ALONG TO ALL ON YOUR\n> > MAILING LIST so people are\n> > > informed. They can then pass it along to their\n> > families.\n> > > To confirm these findings please take time to\n> > check the following URL:\n> > >\n> >\n> http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/ppa/default.htm\n> >\n> > >\n> >\n> \n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > ---------------------------------\n> > Do You Yahoo!?\n> > Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting,\n> > just $8.95/month.\n>\n>\n> __________________________________________________\n> Do You Yahoo!?\n> Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.\n> http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1\n>\n>"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2000 09:34 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Steve Van Hooser 01/25/2000 09:25 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Gerald Nemec\ncc: \nSubject: Re: El Paso\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2000 \n09:24 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Steve Van Hooser on 01/25/2000 09:24 AM\nTo: \"Randall Rich\" @ ENRON\ncc: Barbara Gray \nSubject: Re: El Paso \n\nRandy,\n\nI'd like to speak with you this morning. I'm having Gerald research Texas \nlaw on: (i) failure of conditions precedent resulting in failure to form a \ncontract and (ii) breach of contract sufficient to afford termination as a \nremedy for breach. Any help you can offer today in your shop on these 2 \nissues would be appreciated. Our guys want to issue a termination notice as \nsoon as possible. I want to know what common law of contract says before we \ndo. \n\nCall me when you get a chance.\n\nSteve"} {"text": "Congratulations to you and your team! Mark"} {"text": "Laurel: Samantha is going to contact Merrill by phone and let them know of \nthe preexisting ECT Investments agreement so that Merrill can duplicate for \nENA. Sara\n\n\n\n\tLaurel Adams\n\t09/11/2000 10:45 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith/ENA Prime Brokerage \nAgreement\n\nDid you forward copies of the agreement to them, or do I need to do that? \nThank You!"} {"text": "Janelle, I was hoping that maybe we could find a half hour to discuss your \nthoughts on your current role. I have heard you are considering global fuels \nand Lagrasta's business. I would like to give you my perspective on the \nfuture vision for power and the overall organization including gas \nmid-market. \n\nUltimately, ENA and Enron have a very open labour market and you need to \nmanage your career in a manner that you feel will benefit Enron and yourself \nthe greatest; however, I think the power market, even though not easy, is the \nprimary growth engine for Enron Corp over the next several years.\n\nKay, can you please set up a time at Janelle's convenience.\n\nRegards\nDelainey"} {"text": "[IMAGE]\t[IMAGE] \tJan 28, 2002\t[IMAGE]\t\n\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\n\n\nClick to learn more... \t\n\n\n \t[IMAGE]\tGET SHOCKWAVE.COM FAVORITES, VOL. II NOW! \t \t[IMAGE]\t\n\t\t\t\t[IMAGE]\t\n[IMAGE] \t[IMAGE]\t\t\t Now you can get super-charged versions of 10 of our best games, featuring bonus levels, new locations, level editors, and other exclusive features! Download Shockwave.com Favorites, Volume II for just $29.95! \t\n[IMAGE]\t\t\t\t\t\n STAR WARS FAN FILM AWARDS [IMAGE] Is the Force with you? Enter your film in the Star Wars Fan Film Awards, a new contest from AtomFilms and Lucasfilm, with the winner selected by George Lucas himself. Enter Now! [IMAGE] Click to learn more... \t\t\t\t [IMAGE] [IMAGE] PHOTOJAM: VALENTINE'S DAY AWAITS Want to give your sweetheart something special they'll always remember this Valentine's Day? Create and send a romantic PhotoJam greeting with your own images, words and music! Don't delay, download today! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] MAGNURT What's so attractive about Magnurt? Could be the positive influence this brand-new game will have on your mental abilities as you maneuver a happy magnet across a landscape with danger on every side! Play now! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A-BLAST 3D The hit 2D game takes off with an all-new 3D adventure! 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I continue to hold you in the very highest regard professionally and as a friend. I can honestly say that I have no regrets over the decisions that I have made. Working with you (and for Enron) has given me opportunities to expand professionally and personally that I never would have had otherwise. Also, the move to Texas has opened new horizons for my family and taught us that we can be happy in settings very different from what we had known before.\n\nLike you, I wish with all my heart that things had worked out differently. It would be wonderful to continue to work with you--here or elsewhere. Whatever comes, I'm greatful for all of the good things that have come my way so far. Thanks again for everything. You are an amazing person and an amazing friend.\n\nSue\n \n\nSue Nord\nSenior Director\nGovernment Affairs\n713-345-4196"} {"text": "I have not been able to open the reports you generate/send in the morning. please look into.\n\nJeff"} {"text": "Mary,\n\nCan we tone down the demand-side management language. Our short-term retail \nposition in California is that the rate freeze by law should be maintained \nuntil December 31, 2002. Of course, in the long-run we believe demand-side \nmanagement and demand elasticity is and important tool toward managing the \nprices in California. Perhaps you can refer to demand elasticity as a \nlong-run goal or focus your discussions on demand elasticity with respect to \nthe utilities' current tools in their interruptible tariffs. Also, you could \nfocus more on the utilities' new ability to purchase outside the PX. I am \nafraid that coming out too strong on demand-side management as a short-run \nsolution plays into the utilities' hands to end the rate freeze early to the \ndetriment of the retail market.\n\nRoger\n\n \n\n\n\n\nMary Hain@ECT\n11/02/2000 06:02 PM\nTo: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Parquet/SF/ECT@ECT, Robert \nBadeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Richter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Jeff \nDasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Steven J \nKean/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sarah \nNovosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Mona L \nPetrochko/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Karen \nDenne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES, \nDennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Neil \nBresnan/HOU/EES@EE, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Christopher F \nCalger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Michael McDonald/SF/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: November 9 comments\n\nHere's a first draft of our comments for the November 9 meeting. However, I \nhave not attempted to incorporate Sue's comments from earlier today. Rather, \nI thought Sue could do the next draft. If any of the rest of you have any \ncomments please get them to me or Sue. Thanks."} {"text": "Mark Haedicke will be on vacation beginning Monday, March 12, through Friday, March 16. In his absence please contact Julia Murray (Monday through Friday) at extension 34794, Lance Schuler (Thursday and Friday) at extension 3-5419, or Elizabeth Sager at extension 36349 regarding DASHs. He will return to the office on Monday, March 19.\n\nMark can be contacted at (970) 547-9765.\n\n\n\nJanette Elbertson\nEnron North America Corp.\nLegal Department - EB3326\nTelephone: (713) 853-7906\nFax: (713) 646-2600\njanette.elbertson@enron.com"} {"text": "I formally got invited to an Enron function in Washington on October 4th and 5th, so this one is yours. I'd collect the $1,000 stipend for sure.\n\nI send you the written material on this--let me know if you haven't rec'd in the next few days.\n\nThanks,\n\n- Rob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Hodson, Timothy A\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hodson+2C+20Timothy+20A+22+20+3Chodsonta+40skymail+2Ecsus+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tMonday, July 16, 2001 8:17 PM\nTo:\tBradley, Rob\nSubject:\tRE: Enron Participation\n\nBob:\n\nHaving Jeff Dasovitch represent Enron would be great with us. I am sorry,\nhowever, that you will not be able to make it as I had heard great things\nabout you from and via Chris Castaneda. You have an impressive and\nenthusiastic fan club.\n\nPlease accept my thanks for responding to the invitation and arranging for\nJeff. You've guaranteed the success of the plenary.\n\nWould you send me the direct contact information for Jeff?\n\nAgain, thanks\n\nTim Hodson"} {"text": "This deal has no price entered -should we not confirm it? or is it wrong?\nThanks!\nKim"} {"text": "Thanks for your help great one.\nPL"} {"text": "ispq.com\nwebcamnow.com\ncuseemeworld.com\nhttp://\neyeball.com\napps6.ifriends.net/cgi/iArchive.exe?screenname=RAGDOLL - 3k"} {"text": "I know what you mean. As far as the bed goes, you should do what I do...Go \naround to the other side and push your wife into the wet area.\nPL"} {"text": "Hydro Quebec is not only a provincial utility, it is owned by the Government \nof Quebec and its business and affairs will be governed by Quebec civil law \n(all other jurisdictions in Canada are common law jurisdictions) which is \ngenerally foreign to non-Quebec lawyers. Also, unless you are uniquely \nsuccessful at your negotiations, I expect that HQ will insist on the \nguarantee being governed by Quebec law. Accordingly, I agree that Quebec \ncounsel should be involved in looking at the guarantee and isues of \nauthority, capacity, execution, delivery, enforceability, etc. In fact a \nlegal opinion may be appropriate.\n\nAs to Quebec counsel, I would suggest the following:\n\n1. Andre Vautour @ Desjardins Ducharme Stein Monast in Montreal @ \n514.878.5595. Andre acted for us us the Papier Mason transaction and I would \nrecommend him to you.\n2. Xeno Martis @ Fasken Martineau DuMoulin in Montreal @ 514.397.7509. Xeno \nacted for Bank of Nova Scotia on our financing of the Papier Masson \ntransaction and I would also recommend him to you.\n3. Fred Erickson at Stikeman Elliott in Calgary (who is well known to Mark \nT) @ 403.266.9016. Fred is located in Calgary, but he could refer you to \nsomeone in his firm's Montreal or Quebec City office. I personally do not \nknow anyone in particular at either Stikeman's Montreal or Quebec City \noffices.\n\nLet me know if I can be of any assistance or how things turn out.\n\nRegards, Peter.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMARY COOK\n08/29/2000 09:10 AM\nTo: Peter Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT\ncc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Hydro Quebec\n\nTana and I will be working on an ISDA for financial derivs with a US trading \naffiliate of Hydro Quebec (which I understand to be a provincial utility) \nwherein HQ will be a guarantor. Because this raises a number of issues we \nwill need Quebec counsel. Please advise of some good choices. Thank you. \nMary"} {"text": "Hi Melba,\n\nWill you please create a new product that reads as follows:\n\nThe interconnection between Alliance Pipeline Company and Vector Pipeline \nCompany located in Will County, Illinois.\n\nI also would like a NGPL Nicor product set up that uses the Gas Daily Posting \nfor \"Chicago LDC-Large end-users\" midpoint.\n\nI will need to have the Vector Alliance set up for tomorrow if possible.\n\nThanks Melba!"} {"text": "Match singer deal 210359 with CES deal 215036\n\nMatch singer deal 210364 with CES deal 215042"} {"text": "I remember what it was, have you heard the song \"Who let the dogs out?\"\n\n\nDebra Perlingiere\nEnron North America Corp.\nLegal Department\n1400 Smith Street, EB 3885\nHouston, Texas 77002\ndperlin@enron.com\nPhone 713-853-7658\nFax 713-646-3490"} {"text": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tWharton Update\n\n
\n\n\nNovember 2001
Volume 1, Issue 1
    \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tDear Wharton Alumnus:\n\n

    Welcome to the inaugural issue of Wharton Connect, a monthly e-newsletter for Wharton graduates. Wharton Connect will provide alumni with up-to-date news and information about the School, the Wharton Alumni Network, alumni activities and fellow graduates. This publication, coupled with a number of new initiatives launched in recent months, is intended to serve as the foundation for building a strong and vital alumni network. Please let me know if you have comments about this newsletter or suggestions of topics we can address in future issues. As always, we appreciate your ongoing connection to Wharton.\n\n\t\t\t\t


    Steven Oliveira\n\t\t\t\t
    Associate Dean\n\t\t\t\t
    Wharton External Affairs\n\t\t\t\t



\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tKeeping in Touch\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nSince the events of September 11, members of the Wharton community have united to help one another through this difficult time. Alumni, students, faculty, and staff have come together to share information, offer consolation, and reach out to help those affected by these horrific attacks.\n

    Ten Wharton alumni lost their lives during the September 11 attacks. The thoughts and prayers of the entire Wharton community go out to the family and friends of these alumni:\n

    Mukul Agarwala, WG'90\n
    \nJ. Howard Boulton, WEV'94\n
    \nMark Charette, W'85\n
    \nRobert Deraney, WG'83\n
    \nGarth Feeney, W'95\n
    \nNicholas Humber, WG'67\n
    \nHideya Kawauchi, WG'93\n
    \nMichael Miller, W'84\n
    \nTu-Ahn Pham, WG'89\n
    \nMichael San Phillip, W'67\n

    \nDuring the first days after the attacks, over 2000 Wharton graduates connected with one another through the \"Friends and Family Status Database.\" The information that Wharton alumni offered on has been saved in a \"Friends and Family\" archives. A \"Community Discussion Board\" was also created, through which alumni communicated about fellow graduates and loved ones as well as shared feelings about the events of September 11. There is an online summary of the Wharton community's response, including a video of Dean Harker's remarks at a memorial service on the Lehman Quad.\n

    \nThe Wharton Club of New York has taken the lead to assist alumni whose businesses have been affected. A telephone hotline has been established to connect small- and medium-sized businesses with those who can provide assistance. To reach the Wharton Club of New York's hotline, call 1.800.327.8065 or send e-mail to help@beckofficefurniture.com.\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nStudent Resume Books Online\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nWharton's Office of Alumni Affairs and Annual Giving is pleased to announce a new service to alumni: free access to the MBA Student Resume Books, online. Once connected, alumni will be able to browse resumes to identify current Wharton students who meet their hiring needs, or to download the entire book. The Wharton Resume Books will give you an understanding of the diversity, experience and background of our students. If you wish to connect with students, you can also post a position via MBA Career Management's Employer website or contact students directly.\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nWharton on the New Business Reality:
\nScenarios and Strategies for the Future\n\n\t\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\nSpecial Symposium, December 3-6, 2001

    How do you cope with the most challenging business issues you've ever faced? Join Jeremy Siegel, Dave Reibstein, Mike Useem, Ian MacMillan, and other Wharton faculty and guest experts to explore options for going forward effectively in this disruptive environment. We are pleased to be able to offer Wharton Alumni a 10% tuition benefit for this special executive education program, developed in response to the current economic climate and the events of September 11. Program information and registration is available online or phone Wharton Executive Education at 1.800.255.3932 or 215.898.1776.\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nWharton Executive MBA Program Ranked First\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tThe Financial Times recently ranked Wharton's executive MBA (WEMBA) program #1 among similar programs around the world. This is the first time that the Financial Times has done this specific ranking.\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nHave You Caught the WAVE?\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nThe Wharton Alumni Virtual Experience (WAVE) offers alumni a password-protected, searchable alumni database, message boards and chat rooms, lifelong e-mail (a Wharton-specific e-mail forwarding address system) and electronic mailing lists to create and join. This on-line community will only be as dynamic as the participation level of our alumni, so we hope you will visit the site often.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nResearch Update\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nKnowledge@Wharton, the School's free bi-weekly online resource that offers the latest business insights and research from a variety of sources, has featured information about the attacks in two issues. In the September 13 article, \"Did Terrorists Blow Up the Recovery?\" members of Wharton's faculty, including Professors Jeremy Siegel and Jerry Wind, offer their insights into the business implications of the events of September 11. The September 26 edition had a section devoted to \"Survival Strategies for Post-Attack Economies.\"\n

    \nIf you are not currently a subscriber to Knowledge@Wharton, go to the sign-up page to complete the brief registration form to access the full articles and receive the biweekly e-newsletter.\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nAlumni Affairs & Annual Giving Departments Merge\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nThe School's Office of Alumni Affairs and the Wharton Fund have recently merged. Leslie Arbuthnot, who has been the director of the Wharton Fund, is the new director of Alumni Affairs & Annual Giving, which will serve alumni in a variety of capacities.\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\"Wharton Connect\" on the Road — Coming to a City Near You!\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nDean Pat Harker will be visiting more than 30 cities around the world in the next eighteen months. This is a terrific opportunity to meet Dean Harker and to learn about his plans and vision for Wharton. Co-hosted by local Wharton Clubs, this program has resulted in record attendance to date by Wharton alumni. In addition to learning more about Wharton today, these events have proven to be a wonderful networking opportunity. You can check out upcoming visits by the Dean and see photos of prior events on the \"Wharton Connect\" website.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nWharton West Launched in San Francisco\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nDean Harker, members of the School's boards, faculty, and students were on hand October 25 for the \"groundbreaking\" ceremony at Wharton's new home on the West Coast: The Folger Building, located at Howard and Spear Streets in the financial district. The first class of 65 executive MBA (WEMBA) students started in August and other academic programs will follow in the coming months. Further information can be found at the Wharton West website.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n$10 Million Gift Creates Learning Lab\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nThe Wharton School has announced the creation of the Alfred West Jr. Learning Lab with a $10-million gift from Alfred P. West, Jr., chairman and CEO of SEI Investments. The Alfred West Jr. Learning Lab will create a series of innovative learning tools that challenge students to think strategically across business functions and organizations. A dinner celebrating Mr. West's gift was held on campus on October 3.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nSave the Dates for Reunion 2002\n\t\t\t\t\t
    \n\t\t\t\t\nWharton alumni from classes ending with a \"2\" or \"7\" will be celebrating reunions next year. Mark May 10 to 12, 2002 on your calendars to return to campus for a weekend of social events, faculty presentations, and reuniting with classmates. MBA reunion alumni will receive more information in the mail in November — a website for Reunion 2002 will be launched shortly.\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nWeb Watch\n\t\t\t\t\t


\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\nAbout This Newsletter\n\t\t\t\t\t

    We welcome your comments. E-mail us at alumni.affairs@wharton.upenn.edu\n

    Please stay-in-touch and update your information on WAVE or by using the Update Form. This updated information is necessary for receiving the Wharton Alumni Magazine and event information. We also encourage you to send in your news to the Alumni Magazine.\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t




\n?The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania\n




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\n"} {"text": "Did you know training for Competitive Intelligence is just around the \ncorner? That's right. Coming to your desktop Tuesday, August 29 - \nCompetitive Intelligence 101 training- your business lifesaver! \n\nAlso on Tuesday, August 29, tune in for a special eSpeak event, featuring a \nguest host! Who could it be? Visit the eSpeak site today and find out!"} {"text": "********* Welcome to Bestfares.com's HOT DEALS BY EMAIL ************\n\nBESTFARES.COM is your source for HOT TRAVEL DEALS. Visit our home\npage at http://www.bestfares.com. Also, remember to visit our Newsdesk\ndaily at http://www.bestfares.com/travel_center/desks/newsdesk.asp\nwhere we post hundreds of deals every day that could save you up\nto 70% every time you travel! Subscribe and unsubscribe information\ncan be found at the bottom of this newsletter.\n\n**************************** November 20, 2000 ************************\n\nAs sure as each hour brings a new court decision \u0001( as sure cranberry sales\npeak in November \u0001( Thanksgiving surprise fares appear. We\u0001,re sending out\nthis special edition e-mail to give you a jump on these new deals. Plus,\nin (festive) light of our new, lower Turkey Day fares and the short\nworkweek, we decided to release our Hot Deals By E-mail today and on\nWednesday of the upcoming holiday week. This will help those who want to\ntravel home for the holidays and visit the relatives (or get away from\nUncle Ed\u0001,s snoring during the football game). You can take advantage of a\ntwo-day getaway that takes you where you want to go on Thanksgiving\nThursday and brings you back home Friday for a restful weekend. Airfares\nare as low as $64 roundtrip, and just $151 roundtrip for travel up to\n1,500 miles from your departing airport. Our Wednesday e-mail will also\noffer newly negotiated deals to 15 Caribbean cities, including Cancun,\nGrand Cayman, Montego Bay and St. Maarten with discounts reaching 60\npercent for travel through June 15, 2001. If you\u0001,re going to be traveling\nand unable to check your e-mail, why not ask a family member at your\ndestination to sign up for a free Hot Deals subscription, so you can check\nthe latest-breaking deals from their computers? Just tell them Tom Parsons\nwill be talking turkey on low-fare travel.\n\nTHANKSGIVING FARES $64 TO $189 RT THROUGHOUT 48 STATES.\nWith airfares as low as $64 roundtrip, Thanksgiving travel is within the\nreach of almost everyone. If you\u0001,re having the traditional family dinner\nat home, here\u0001,s your opportunity to bring in a few more family members or\nfriends to make the day more memorable. Or, surprise your family with a\nshort (and sweet) visit. In some cases, you can deliver yourself for\nlittle more than what an FTD holiday bouquet would cost. A quick trip can\nalso provide a chance for some great Friday shopping. Head to New York\nCity for Macy\u0001,s Thanksgiving Day Parade and check out the festive store\nwindows. Visit the gigantic Mall of America in Minneapolis, Rodeo Drive in\nBeverly Hills or the Dallas Galleria. To qualify for these super low\nfares, you must depart on Thanksgiving Day and be on a return flight no\nlater than midnight Friday, November 25. One other important plus with\nthis special is that we can waive the standard $40 roundtrip fuel\nsurcharge. How cheap are these two-day stay fares? How about Dallas/Fort\nWorth to San Diego or Los Angeles for $135 roundtrip? You can fly from\nChicago to New York City, Philadelphia, Washington (DC) or Atlanta for\n$103 roundtrip. Fly from San Francisco to Minneapolis, Oklahoma City or\nSan Antonio for $151 roundtrip. Denver to Dallas/Fort Worth, Kansas City\nor Des Moines is $103 roundtrip. Washington (DC) to Cleveland, Detroit,\nPittsburgh or Charlotte is $99 roundtrip. Atlanta to Indianapolis,\nLouisville, Dayton or Columbus (OH) is $79 roundtrip. Check out our\nlast-minute Turkey Day fares at\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10098966\n\nCOMING WEDNESDAY: 15 CARIBBEAN CITIES ON SALE FROM $328 RT.\nWe are very close to posting new roundtrip fares for travel through June\n15, 2001 to 15 cities in the Caribbean. As winter arrives and temperatures\ndrop, so will our airfares. If you think peak season travel to sunny\ndestinations is prohibitive, take a peek at these bargains. Depart from\nyour choice of over 40 U.S. cities to Caribbean destinations such as San\nJuan, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, St. Croix, Nassau, Montego Bay, Grand\nCayman and many others starting at just $328 roundtrip. For example, from\nAtlanta to St. Thomas, the peak winter rate is $718 roundtrip. Our fare\nis only $328. Boston to Cancun is priced at $818 roundtrip, but we can get\nyou there for $328, saving you almost $500 per ticket. Los Angeles, San\nFrancisco, San Diego or Seattle to St. Maarten or St. Thomas sells for\n$986. Our new low fare is $468. Get read for our Wednesday e-mail and its\nfull-blown thaw-out sale, then prepare to bask in the warmth of a\nbeautiful Caribbean island with 85-degree temperatures. When these fares\nare released, please act fast. We don\u0001,t want you to be left out in the\ncold. Airfares this low, with a limited inventory, will sell out in a\nhurry. Pump up your tropical travel with a few more details at\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10107781\n\nTWO MORE DAYS: DOWN UNDER UP FOR GRABS AT UP TO $700 OFF.\nForget about costly airfares to Australia and New Zealand of $1,600\nroundtrip or more and be Bestfares.com bound for Down Under for as little\nas $838. We have a wide selection of 53 U.S. departure cities to get you\non your way Melbourne or Sydney, Australia or Auckland, New Zealand from\nthe West Coast for $838 roundtrip. Pay just $666 roundtrip for children\nage two through 11. Airfares to Brisbane start at $938 roundtrip, $741\nfor children. Depart through December 11 or from December 24 through\nJanuary 7 for the rock-bottom prices. You can even fly on these fares for\nthe upcoming holidays\u0001*and it will soon be summer in the South Pacific.\nJust keep in mind that tickets must be purchased in the next two days and\nget ready to use your U.S. dollars for maximum value when you arrive in\nAustralia.\nFor Brisbane, visit http://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10106404\nFor Auckland, visit http://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10106403\nFor Melbourne, visit http://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10106402\nFor Sydney, visit http://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10106401\n\nFLY BETWEEN THE MIDWEST AND EAST COAST FOR $198 TO $218 RT.\nRoundtrip travel between select U.S. markets is as low as $198 for travel\nthrough August 15, 2001. Our sale fares from Central U.S. cities include\nHouston, Dallas/Fort Worth, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City and many\nmore to over 50 Eastern cities. They range from $198 to $218 roundtrip,\nsaving you 60 percent or more. Fly from the Midwest or the south-central\npart of the country to cities in the East at huge savings, too. For\nexample, the standard roundtrip fare between Minneapolis and Portland (ME)\nis $548\u0001*far more than double our $218 fare. Prices are valid for travel\nMonday through Thursday, and for $10 more each way, you can fly on\nweekends. For more domestic discount fares, click to\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10067898\n\n$298 RT OR LESS THREE-DAY ADVANCE FARES.\nOur great American getaways take you where you want to go with only a\nthree-day advance and a ticket price of $298 roundtrip or less. Travel\nthrough August 15, 2001. If you want to travel in a hurry or have a\nlast-minute pre-holiday business trip, don\u0001,t put aside your desire or risk\nlosing the deal. We make last-minute travel a snap, with savings of up to\n80 percent. Keep these deals in mind when last-minute holiday needs come\nup, or you want to see a new mall in a different city. Better yet, put\ngive your self a break mid-way in the season, and come back refreshed and\nready to go. For details, access:\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10067898\n\nGOING, GOING, GONE! FRANKFURT $105 RT, ZURICH $135, BRUSSELS $167, MORE\u0001(\nFolks, don\u0001,t you just hate it when someone else scores a great bargain and\nyou find out too late to get the same deal? Well, consider us your good\nfriend because we are giving you a hot tip! Savvy shoppers are snapping up\nhuge discounts to Europe and Mexico at TheDailyAuction.com. Interested?\nRead on\u0001(.\n\nOver the past few months TheDailyAuction.com has been practically giving\naway tickets to Europe and Mexico. They are planning a huge auction this\nMonday through Wednesday in honor of the Thanksgiving Holiday with some\nopening bids starting at only $10. As you read this story you may find it\nhard to believe how low some of the winning bids for air tickets have\nbeen. For example, just last week Washington DC to Frankfurt went for $105\nroundtrip which is a 65 percent saving off the lowest published fare of\n$298. New York to Zurich went for $135 which is a savings of $219 off the\nlowest fare we could find. So, make sure to visit The Daily Auction today\nand start your live bidding on unbelievable fares to Milan, Paris and\nFrankfurt starting at only $10 RT.\nCheck out our feature story at\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/view.asp?id=10108403 which gives some great\nstrategies about the auction as well as the following:\n\n- A Sample of Last Week\u0001,s Winning Bids (You won\u0001,t believe the prices!)\n- This Week\u0001,s Upcoming Bids (Minimum opening bids.)\n\nOr, for those of you that already know about the great deals being won at\nThe Daily Auction click here to start bidding:\nhttp://www.thedailyauction.com/urltags/bfemoct.html.\n\n********************************************************************\n\nHOT DEALS BY EMAIL announcements feature special money-saving offers\navailable on Bestfares.com. This free, weekly newsletter is your\nbest bet to receive great, late-breaking travel deals.\n\nPlease feel free to send this newsletter to your colleagues, friends\nand family and encourage them to sign up for a free subscription to\nHOT DEALS BY EMAIL. Thanks to all of you who have already recommended\nthis newsletter to others. If this email has been forwarded to you,\nyou can get your own free subscription at:\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/e-deals/e-deal.asp.\n\nAbout your privacy: Our email list is used only for distribution of\nour own materials. Our subscriber list will not be sold, rented, or\notherwise made available to third parties\n\n********************************************************************\n\nSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION\n\nTo subscribe to the HOT DEALS BY EMAIL newsletter, please visit:\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/e-deals/e-deal.asp.\n\nTo unsubscribe from HOT DEALS BY EMAIL, please visit:\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/e-deals/unsubscribe.asp\n\nTo change your email address, please visit:\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/e-deals/unsubscribe.asp\nand unsubscribe from Hot Deals. Then go to:\nhttp://www.bestfares.com/e-deals/e-deal.asp\nand register your new email address.\n\nAlthough every effort is made to ensure accurate information,\nBestfares.com is not responsible for any errors in this newsletter."} {"text": "Marta Henderson is on the road and advised some of you the subject item via\nphone, and I am hereby transmitting this info for her via e-mail.\n\nPlease commence deliveries to Eastrans of 7500 MMBtu/d effective 10/19/00\nuntil further notice.\n\nThe redeliveries will be 7500 MMBtu/d from Fuels Cotton Valley into HPL.\n\nThank you."} {"text": "Charlie:\nI got your message this morning. Since we were so successful in selling some \nof our peaking plant last time, we have decided to some some more - so we are \nrunning like crazy to close these deals this year. I want to let you know \nthat I talked to both people at KinderMorgan and Cinergy about your company \nand the types of transactions that you guys are doing. I have not had the \nchance to follow up, but plan to real soon. I just tried to call you about \n10 minutes ago, thus the e-mail response. I will try again in a little bit. \nHope all is going well and I'll talk to you soon.\nBen"} {"text": "_______________________________________________________________\n\nThis message and any attachments are intended for the individual or entity\nnamed above. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read,\ncopy, use or disclose this communication to others; also please notify the\nsender by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system.\nThank you.\n_______________________________________________________________\n\n Your proposed draft exhibit goes substantially beyond the ALJ's order.\nALJ Biren specifically stated that the the late-filed exhibit \"should be\nnarrowly focused on the mismatch of capacity.\" Tr. 1021.Thus, you need to\neliminate the column entitled \"Total Take-away Capacity.\" Furthermore, the\ncolumn is both suspect (e.g., the representation that EOR is 770 MMcfd) and\nmisleading (e.g., the inclusion of SWG or PG&E in \"S. Calif Take-away\nCapacity\"). Also, you need to eliminate the \"Avg. Daily Market\" box. The\nfollowing is what should be submitted to ALJ Biren:\n(See attached file: #1070989 v1 - FIRM PIPELINE CAPACITY DELIVERY (EX. TO\nI.99-07-003).doc)\n - #1070989 v1 - FIRM PIPELINE CAPACITY DELIVERY (EX. TO I.99-07-003).doc"} {"text": "Katie, Glad I cheered you up. Believe me, I can relate. I could tell you \nhorror stories about when I was studying for the bar exam. I'll save those \nfor some other time. \n\nHope all is going well and moving forward. What always kept me going was the \nidea that in a few days or a week it would all be over and I wanted to be \nable to look back and feel that I had given the best effort I could. That's \nall you can do. It is typically more than enough to do very well in grades. \nI will quit preaching now and let you get back to work. \n\nNo big plans for the Easter Weekend. Will be here in Houston. I actually \nhave to work on Friday, but am thinking about taking a vacation day. Sounds \nlike you will probably be busy with school and family over your weekend in \nKaty, but give me a call if you feel like it. Maybe we can do something fun.\n\n\"This too shall come to pass\" - Famous quote by some dead guy.\n\nGerald"} {"text": "David:\nHere are more of the EDR files.\nBen\n---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 12/06/2000 \n11:04 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJon Cathers@ENRON\n12/05/2000 02:27 PM\nTo: benjamin.rogers@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: 4th Quarter 1999 EDR Files\n\nMore....."} {"text": "Attached is some spending to date by the CDWR. This information comes from a \nlegislative member so we should NOT release it publicly.\n\nJim\n\n\nDWR Power Acquisition for CAISO\nDate\tMWH\tTotal\tAverage $/MWH\n12/5/00\t8,000\t$5,600,000\t$700\n12/6/00\t15,000\t$15,000,000\t$1,000\n1/11/01\t12,421\t$4,681,445\t$377\n1/12/01\t9,445\t$2,920,375\t$309\n1/13/01\t1,065\t$274,000\t$257\n1/14/01\t1,717\t$433,025\t$252\n1/15/01\t5,825\t$1,633,500\t$280\n1/16/01\t2,221\t$1,191,800\t$537\n1/17/01\t15,190\t$8,698,000\t$573\n1/18/01\t26,056\t$11,665,596\t$448\n1/19/01\t54,580\t$19,699,725\t$361\n1/20/01\t85,296\t$21,257,175\t$249\n1/21/01\t79,000\t$20,483,249\t$259\n1/22/01\t129,085\t$42,816,753\t$332\n1/23/01\t140,160\t$50,001,577\t$357\n1/24/01\t129,160\t$42,578,997\t$330\n\t\t\t\nTotal\t714,221\t$248,935,217\t$414"} {"text": "Ha! I knew I was right! Shelley said she was pretty sure you would NOT be \nthere.\nTW Commercial is dressed casual and feeling the effects of too much tequila, \nbut we'll be lunching nonetheless...\nplay your cards right and you might get to ride in the Excursion.\n\nP.s. to get the right Susan Scott, just type \"susan.scott@enron.com\". the \nOther Susan has to use her middle initial, cuz I was here first.\n\nAre you free for drinks and/or dinner in SF on Monday?\n\n\n\nFrom: Jeff Dasovich on 10/26/2000 09:51 AM\nSent by: Jeff Dasovich\nTo: Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nScott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: \n\nLittle bird tells me that I may be lunching with you two at the 4 seasons \ntoday. Is that right?"} {"text": "Kim:\n\nFollowing our discussion of last Thur., we need to prepare the term sheet for \nCitizens. I want to focus on the TW deal first. There are a number of things \nthat I hope you can get from the desk by early afternoon my time, so we have \ntime to do the term sheet.\n\nI want to show them a structure that would give them right to call on gas \neach day. What there be a demand charge? What would be the Gas Daily \nadder? High end of the range? Mid point? What would the demand charge be \nfor mid-point of the range? We would also compensate the desk to receive a \ndemand charge equal to the full monthly cost of the lateral. The desk should \nlove that much of the structure. Try to get some numbers from Janie.\n\n I have had numerous conversations with Citizens and TW. TW will do the deal \nbut want their liability limited to $140,000 year. Citizens wants this \nliability increased to $1,000,000. We could do this by buying insurance. We \nmight subcontract with TW to do this so the services deals is between ENA and \nCitizens. We would need to increase the demand charge to pay for this \nincrease in laibility.\n\nOnce we know all our costs, we would bundle this together and then increase \nthe demand charge for orig. \n\nCall me first thing on Monday\n\nC"} {"text": "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2001 \n04:08 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Kathie Grabstald 04/06/2001 09:30 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ENSIDE\n\nGood Morning!\n\nHere is the latest draft of your article for the ENSIDE Newsletter. I have \nforwarded it to the design team and expect them to send me a layout copy \nsometime next week. We will be able to make any additional changes then. \n\nTalk to you next week - have a great weekend!\n\nBest regards,\nKathie"} {"text": "Lance,\n\nAny interest?\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/06/2000 \n04:54 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nEnergy Info Source on 11/03/2000 09:30:52 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Transmission Report 2000\n\n\nEnergy Info Source is privileged to introduce its Transmission Report 2000.\n The report is a comprehensive 150-page study of the U.S. Transmission\nindustry. The report takes a wide-ranging look at changes in the industry\nwith a heavy emphasis on FERC\u0001,s drive for RTOs. A major component of the\nreport will be detailed analysis of the FERC-mandated RTO filings by ISOs\nand IOUs that make the October 15th filing.\n\nTopics covered in the report include:\n- The History of Transmission in the U. S.\n- The Impact of FERC Orders 888 and 889\n- The Creation of ISOs\n- FERC\u0001,s Push Toward RTOs through the Merger Approval Process\n- The Creation of TransCos\n- Detailed Analysis of FERC Order 2000\n- Detailed Discussion, Analysis, and Comparison of October 15 RTO Filings\n-- including Innovative Rate Treatments\n- Listing of All FERC Dockets and Policy Statements Regarding RTOs\n- Maps of Proposed TransCo and RTO Territories\n\nThe report comes in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and is available via email\n(4.0 MB file) for $689 or on CD-ROM for $699.\n\nFor more information about the report or to order, click on the following\nlink or call us at 888-986-2250. We accept Visa/Mastercard/American Express.\n\nhttp://www.energyinfosource.com/aoi/transmission-report.cfm\n\n\nAlso be sure to check out our new Transmission area of interest for the\nlatest Transmission news and information at:\n\nhttp://www.energyinfosource.com/aoi/transmission.cfm\n\n----------------------\nIf you want to be removed from our mailing list or for more information:\n\nEnergy Info Source, Inc.\nemail: custsvc@energyinfosource.com\nphone: 888-986-2250"} {"text": "> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Michael Nacht [SMTP:mnacht@socrates.Berkeley.EDU]\n> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 2:03 AM\n> To: gramlr@pjm.com\n> Cc: doornbos@socrates.Berkeley.EDU\n> Subject: reply\n>\n> Hi Rob: Great idea about a seminar on electric power. I'm on vacation for\n> awhile, but once classes rev up in late August we'll see if we can put it\n> on. I'm sure there would be great interest. Thanks also for your efforts\n> with the alums which are really beginning to pay off. Have a nice rest of\n> the summer. Cheers, Michael"} {"text": "Wednesday will work best for me. Say 11:45 at the Daily Review?\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jewell, Cyndi M [mailto:cjewell@bcm.tmc.edu]\nSent: Monday, February 25, 2002 8:45 AM\nTo: Shelley A. Corman (E-mail)\nSubject: Lunch plans\n\n\nHi! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your weekend. The weather was simply\nbeautiful. We did some extensive yardwork. Luckily we didn't plant much\nsince it is supposed to be chilly this week.\n\nBrianna and I loved the sing-a-long Sound of Music. It was great fun. I'd go\nagain next weekend!\n\nLet me know which day is best for us to have lunch --Wednesday or Thursday.\n\nC"} {"text": "UK: Enron to shed metals staff, part of wider cuts.\nReuters English News Service, 10/10/01\nEnron Plans to Trim as Many as 500 Jobs in Europe (Update2)\nBloomberg, 10/10/01\n\nNortheast Officials Seek Delay In Unifying Power Market\nDow Jones Energy Service, 10/10/01\nINDIA: Reliance plan could sour BG's Indian deal.\nReuters English News Service, 10/10/01\nUSA: El Paso shares advance after favorable ruling.\nReuters English News Service, 10/10/01\nUK: UPDATE 1-ScotiaMocatta seen to axe LME ring trade from Friday.\nReuters English News Service, 10/10/01\nUNDERSEA PIPELINE PLAN FACES SCRUTINY ; HEARING SLATED ON ENRON PLAN TO IMPORT GAS\nSouth Florida Sun-Sentinel, 10/10/01\n\nReliance Bids to Run Indian Oil Fields, Challenging BG Plan\nBloomberg, 10/10/01\n\nLME Says Scotiamocatta to End Open-Outcry Floor Trade (Update2)\nBloomberg, 10/10/01\n\nBin Laden 'look alike' arrested in India\nBBC News, 10/10/01\n\n\n\n\nUK: Enron to shed metals staff, part of wider cuts.\nBy Andy Blamey\n\n10/10/2001\nReuters English News Service\n(C) Reuters Limited 2001.\n\nLONDON, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Commodities trader Enron Metals plans to shed jobs as part of a Europe-wide staff reduction programme which should see the Enron Group cut 250 to 500 European jobs in total, the company said. \n\"We have around 5,000 employees in Europe and we are seeking to cut our headcount here by between five and 10 percent,\" John Sherriff, president and CEO of Enron Europe, said in a statement.\nEnron Metals employees in London were told at a meeting on Tuesday that staff cuts of 10 percent to 20 percent would be required, trade sources said. \nThe company is seeking volunteers to take redundancy, but if sufficient voluntary slots have not been filled by a deadline of October 19, Enron will opt for compulsory cuts, they added. \nAn Enron spokeswoman declined to elaborate on the official statement. \n\"Enron's business continues to grow in Europe in terms of traded volumes and numbers of transactions, but like any company we are constantly seeking ways to do more with less in order to maintain earnings growth,\" Sherriff said in the statement. \n\"It is prudent for us to keep both a close eye on our costs and to continually review the skills and resources that are available to use to ensure that they are deployed in a way which will maximise earnings,\" he added. \nMarket sources were not surprised by the move, citing testing conditions facing the metals trading sector as a whole. \n\"At the moment you have low volumes of customer interest combined with difficult trading conditions and high operating costs,\" said one. \n\"Even if they're making money from EnronOnline, they've got far too many people there.\" \nU.S.-based Enron Corp became a major player in the metals trade in May last year when it acquired MG plc, a leading independent international metals dealing firm in London which had previously absorbed fellow LME ring-dealers Rudolf Wolff & Co and Billiton Metals Ltd. \nThe number of LME ring dealers trading on the exchange's open-outcry floor has dwindled from a peak of 30 in the mid-1980s to the current 12. \nThis could drop to 11 this week if ScotiaMocatta, a subsidiary of Canada's Bank of Nova Scotia , exits floor trading from Friday. \nIn an interview with Reuters in August, Enron Metals President Joe Gold reiterated the company's commitment to the LME ring. \n\"We send our No 1 trader and No 2 trader down on the (LME) floor every day, which is not a statement everyone can make. Wherever the most trading is during that day, that's where we'll be,\" Gold said. \nSCREEN TRADING \nEnron has also become a major player in metals screen trading since July last year, when the company announced the first physical metals transaction on its internet trading platform EnronOnline (www.enrononline.com). \nThe system differs from the screen trading systems operated by the London Metal Exchange (LME) and UK-based metals and energy broker Spectron in that the trading platform is open to a broad range of users but Enron is the sole counter-party in each transaction. \nAt the end of August the company amended EnronOnline to make markets for selected clients only in three months copper and aluminium for maximum 200-lot transactions, compared with the standard 20-lot markets on the system. \nIn addition to metals, EnronOnline trades a range of products, from oil to plastics and emission allowances to credit derivatives. Enron announced the one millionth transaction on the system in May of this year.\n\nCopyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \t\n\nEnron Plans to Trim as Many as 500 Jobs in Europe (Update2)\n2001-10-10 16:08 (New York)\n\nEnron Plans to Trim as Many as 500 Jobs in Europe (Update2)\n\n (Updates with closing share price in last paragraph.)\n\n Houston, Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Enron Corp., the largest\nenergy trader, plans to eliminate as many as 500 jobs in Europe,\nor as much as 10 percent of the workforce there, to reduce costs\nand boost profit.\n\n The company has 5,000 workers in Europe, and it plans to trim\njobs by 5 percent to 10 percent, Enron said in a statement. The\ncompany wants to make reductions through ``voluntary severance,''\nthe statement said.\n\n Houston-based Enron expanded European commodities trading in\n2000 when it bought London-based MG Plc, the largest copper\nmarketer, for $448 million. Jeffrey Skilling, who resigned as\nEnron's chief executive in August, told investors in July to\nexpect ``great things from Europe in the future.''\n\n ``There is still a lot of growth for them in Europe,'' said\nLouis Gagliardi, an analyst at John S. Herold Inc. ``They're not\ngiving up, they're just taking an analysis of each unit.''\n\nGagliardi doesn't own Enron shares. John S. Herold doesn't issue\ninvestment recommendations.\n\n Enron Europe is based in London and has offices in nine other\ncountries. Along with trading, it has interests in power plants in\nItaly, Poland, Spain, Turkey and the U.K. It didn't say where the\njob cuts would be.\n\n Shares of Enron rose $1.81 to $35.20. They have fallen 58\npercent this year.\n\n\n\nNortheast Officials Seek Delay In Unifying Power Market\nBy Kristen McNamara\nOf DOW JONES NEWSWIRES\n\n10/10/2001\nDow Jones Energy Service\n(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)\n\nNEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Officials in Maryland and New York have urged federal energy regulators to slow down plans to merge the three existing wholesale power markets along the Eastern Seaboard into a single market for the entire Northeast. \nCiting concerns that rushing to consolidate the markets could create instability, reduce liquidity and inflate prices, the New York Independent System Operator and the Maryland Public Service Commission have separately asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to study its plan before implementing it.\n\"There's no need to do this in a hasty manner,\" said Steve Sullivan, spokesman for the New York ISO, which runs that state's power market and transmission system. \"Our markets are not broken.\" \nFERC is pushing utilities across the country to put their high-voltage transmission systems - the wholesale power market's equivalent of the interstate highway system - under the control of independent regional operators. The commission says the handoff is critical to the establishment of competitive power markets, as utilities with positions in the market are seen as unlikely to allow competitors equal access to the grid. \nPower traders like Enron Corp. (ENE) support the effort, while some utilities and state regulators have opposed the assertion of federal authority. \nIn an effort to jump-start the sluggish process, FERC has outlined a plan to divide up control of the country's power grids among four regional operators - one each in the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest and West. \nBut while utilities still control much of the grid elsewhere in the country, transmission systems in the Northeast are already run by three independent wholesale market operators. FERC has told those operators to merge, and has indicated a preference for modeling the new market on that run by Mid-Atlantic operator PJM Interconnection LLC. \nA unified Northeast power market would be the world's largest - processing $9 billion in energy sales a year, handling 110,000 megawatts of electricity and serving a population of 54 million, according to the New York ISO. \nSeeking Other Options \n\nThe Maryland Public Service Commission, along with regulators from Virginia and the District of Columbia, filed motions in August to stay FERC's order, saying the commission had overstepped its authority. \nThe Maryland regulators will ask a federal court to block FERC if it moves forward with its plans to consolidate the three market operators - New York ISO, ISO New England Inc. and PJM - said Robert Harris, the commission's assistant manager of external affairs. \nThe commission last week asked U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski. D-Md., to require FERC to explore options to ease the flow of power between markets short of a forced consolidation. \n\"This proposal is unnecessary, reckless and risky,\" the PSC wrote. \nThe PSC held public hearings on a unified Northeast power market Oct. 3 and 4, and plans to send the comments it received to FERC next week. \nThe New York ISO and ISO New England said they aren't opposed to a consolidated market, as long as it incorporates the best practices from each of the three existing markets. \nThe New York ISO, along with ISO New England, also wants each of the three regional markets to have equal representation on the board governing the merged market. \nNew York's market operator also questioned whether centralizing control of a Northeast power market with one operator in one location would increase its vulnerability to electronic or other attacks by terrorists. \nFERC will hold a series of workshops next week to discuss issues related to the development of independent transmission operators across the country, including the need to clear bottlenecks and guard against attempts to manipulate the market. \nAs reported, new FERC Chairman Pat Wood III said the commission will spend a day listening to the concerns of state regulators. The commission has also agreed to study its contention that consolidating markets will pay off for consumers, Wood said. \nMirant Corp. (MIR) recently commissioned a study that showed a combined Northeast power market could save consumers $440 million a year. \n-By Kristen McNamara, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2061; kristen.mcnamara@dowjones.com\n\nCopyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \t\n\n\nINDIA: Reliance plan could sour BG's Indian deal.\nBy Sriram Ramakrishnan\n\n10/10/2001\nReuters English News Service\n(C) Reuters Limited 2001.\n\nBOMBAY, Oct 10 (Reuters) - India's Reliance Industries Ltd wants to become the operator of three oil and gas fields off the country's west coast, complicating U.K.-based BG Plc's proposed acquisition of a 30 percent stake in the fields, an industry source told Reuters on Wednesday. \nReliance, which owns a 30 percent stake in the fields, has applied to the government to be appointed the operator, said the source, who declined to be identified.\nThat could potentially derail the deal BG announced last week to buy U.S.-based Enron Corp's 30 percent stake in the offshore Indian energy fields for $388 million. \nNumerous reports in the Indian media have said that the deal may be contingent on operatorship of the fields being transferred from Enron, the current operator, to BG. \nA spokesman for BG in London said on Wednesday that the company was \"continuing discussions with the other parties\" and until the matter was resolved, it had no further comment to make. \nIndian state-run driller ONGC, which owns the remaining 40 percent stake in the Panna, Mukta and Tapti fields, has already said it wants to take over the operatorship. \nThe source said Reliance Industries, India's leading petrochemicals maker and flagship company of the country's largest business group, is also pursuing management control. \nPanna, Mukta and Tapti lie off India's western coast, and are considered among the more promising recent finds in the country. \nPanna and Mukta produce 29,000 barrels of oil and 2.5 million cubic metres of gas per day. \nThe Mukta field produced 1,974 million cubic metres of gas in the year ended March 2001. \nBG said it wants a stake in the fields to complement its Indian interests in gas distribution and liquefied natural gas (LNG). \nEnron wants to leave the venture as a part of its move to focus on the high-growth energy trading business.\n\nCopyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \t\n\nUSA: El Paso shares advance after favorable ruling.\n\n10/10/2001\nReuters English News Service\n(C) Reuters Limited 2001.\n\nNEW YORK, Oct 10 (Reuters) - A favorable regulatory ruling sent El Paso Corp's undervalued shares soaring on Wednesday, leading the utility group higher in morning trading. \nAfter the close of trading Tuesday, a U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission law judge ruled there was no clear evidence that El Paso exercised market power in an attempt to raise California natural gas prices and recommended dismissal of the issue in the case pending before the full commission.\nThis was \"not a clean sweep\" for the big gas pipeline company, UBS Warburg analyst Ronald Barone said, noting Judge Wagner believes there was affiliate abuse - or collusion - between El Paso's pipeline and marketing segments during California's power crisis late last year and early this year. \nBut Barone believes \"the net outcome from his decisions are a substantial positive for El Paso and have significantly reduced the company's limited exposure to this highly politicized California mess.\" \nIn active morning trading, El Paso shares traded between $51 and $51.69 - their best prices since Sept. 17, the first day of trading following the interruption caused by the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center. \nAfter two hours, El Paso was up $2.50, or 5.13 percent, to $51.25 on composite trading of 1.8 million shares. \nFollowing it higher were the stocks of several other companies that had dropped on news of California's problems - Calpine Corp. , up 4.14 percent; Enron Corp. , up 3.26 percent, and Dynegy Inc. , up 2.4 percent.\n\nCopyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \t\n\nUK: UPDATE 1-ScotiaMocatta seen to axe LME ring trade from Friday.\nBy Martin Hayes\n\n10/10/2001\nReuters English News Service\n(C) Reuters Limited 2001.\n\nLONDON, Oct 10 (Reuters) - London Metal Exchange (LME) ring-dealer ScotiaMocatta Metals is to scale back its operations, and will no longer execute business on the market's open-outcry floor after Friday, trade sources said on Wednesday. \nScotiaMocatta is a unit of Canada's Bank of Nova Scotia , who informed metal traders of the move at a meeting held yesterday in the LME trader's London offices. Voluntary redundancies were also asked for, sources at the meeting said.\n\"They said they are restructuring the business, and will no longer execute trades on the floor after Friday,\" one said. \nThis implies that ScotiaMocatta, which is one of 12 ring-dealing members (RDMs) on the LME, could relinquish this status, although sources at the meeting said this was not made clear. \nNo-one from ScotiaMocatta in London was available to comment on Wednesday. \nSeparately, Enron Group said its commodities trader Enron Metals would also lose jobs as part of a Europe-wide staff reduction programme. \nOn Tuesday, Bank of Nova Scotia said in Toronto it was scaling back its base metals trading desk and laying off traders, transforming ScotiaMoccata into a \"niche player\", due to the economic downturn. \nThe bank said the decision does not affect its precious metals division. \nBank of Nova Scotia purchased Mocatta Metals as it was known in September 1997. It is also one of the five members of the twice-daily London gold fix - it is the oldest bullion dealing house in the world, dating back to 1671. \n\"We are still staying in the base metals business, but it will be more focused as a niche player in structural products,\" Scotiabank spokeswoman, Diane Flanagan told Reuters in Toronto. \nFlanagan confirmed there would be layoffs at the bank's base metals desk, but refused to say how many employees would be affected. \nIf ScotiaMoccatta were to give up RDM status, it would bring LME ring-dealing numbers down to 11. The RDMs are the only firms entitled to trade on the open-outcry floor. \nIn the LME's tiered membership, associate broker clearing members (ABCMs) are the second tier of membership - they have all the rights and privileges of LME membership, but cannot trade during the open-outcry trading sessions. \nLME director of corporate affairs Jonathan Haslam said on Wednesday that any announcement about a firm's membership status would have to come from the company concerned. \nDOWNTURN IN METALS BUSINESS HITTING HARD \nTrading conditions in base metals have deteriorated this year, with prices, volumes and revenues all falling, against a background of a global economic slowdown, worsened by the September 11 attacks on the U.S. \nThis climate has hit all trading companies, and ScotiaMocatta's business has declined markedly, sources said. \n\"They have gone from a position of being on the acquisition front to becoming a niche player. That highlights the way their business has declined in the last six months,\" a source close to the company said. \nThere had been persistent talk that ScotiaMoccata had been looking to acquire other LME RDMs. In 2000, it sought to buy RDM Rudolf Wolff, a unit of Canada's Noranda. Wolff was eventually purchased by MG Trading, now known as Enron Metals \nThis year it was said to be negotiating to buy another RDM, although that ultimately came to nothing. \nLME RING DEALING NUMBERS CONTINUE TO FALL \nLME ring-dealership numbers have declined since the mid-1980s, when there were some 30 companies on the floor. This is partly due to consolidation, but also due to some firms relinquishing their status in the wake of the Sumitomo Corp copper scandal in 1996. \nNow, there are significantly more ABCMs and the trend towards consolidation and contraction is likely to continue, as their costs are much lower than being a ring-dealer. \nTo run a floor operation, with telecommunications and associated staff charges, probably costs between one and two million stg a year. \n(With additional reporting by the Toronto Newsroom).\n\nCopyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \t\n\nLOCAL\nUNDERSEA PIPELINE PLAN FACES SCRUTINY ; HEARING SLATED ON ENRON PLAN TO IMPORT GAS\nDavid Fleshler Staff Writer\n\n10/10/2001\nSouth Florida Sun-Sentinel\nBroward Metro\n1B\n(Copyright 2001 by the Sun-Sentinel)\n\nState environmental regulators have raised sharp questions about Enron Corp.'s plans to construct an undersea natural gas pipeline from the Bahamas to South Florida. \nThe pipeline would threaten coral reefs, travel through a popular state park and face a series of hazards in the commercial bustle of Port Everglades, according to a memorandum by the Department of Environmental Protection's southeast district staff.\nThe Houston-based company wants to bring natural gas from a plant in Freeport, Grand Bahama, to Fort Lauderdale. With more gas-fueled power plants in the works, the company thinks it would find a market in Florida. \nEl Paso Corp. and AES Corp. also have proposed undersea pipeline projects, although Enron's Calypso project has moved the furthest in the approval process. Judging from the state's comments on Enron's proposal, all three projects will face difficult questions over their safety and environmental impact. \nJust before it reaches land, for example, the pipeline would pass through Port Everglades, a busy center of commerce that could be full of peril for a high-pressure gas pipeline. \n\"The pipeline will be routed through an area that has experienced chronic disturbances such as dredging, ship groundings, high ship traffic entering and leaving Port Everglades and storm events,\" states the memo, prepared by Jayne Bergstrom, an environmental specialist who prepared a series of questions for the company. \n\"Large vessels have caused significant damage to Broward County reefs in recent years, including a 506-foot cargo ship, a freighter driven ashore during a February 1998 storm, a 348-foot Panamanian vessel that washed ashore a month later, and incredibly, a 360-foot nuclear-powered sub, the USS Memphis, in February 1993. Is this the safest route for a high-pressure gas pipeline?\" \nEnron spokesman John Ambler said the pipeline probably would be 30 to 40 feet below the sea floor in the port, well protected even if a ship sank or ran aground directly over it. Just outside the port, the pipeline would ascend to 3 feet below the floor, but that would be in a rocky area that's closed to ships, he said. \n\"We're in the process of developing a response to all of these questions,\" he said. \"We're in an ongoing dialogue, and we're optimistic about being able to resolve these concerns in a way that will allow the project to move forward.\" \nThe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will conduct a public hearing tonight on the environmental impact of the Enron project. The public will be allowed to make comments or ask questions of the agency's staff. \nThe meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the I.T. Parker Community Center, 901 NE Third St., Dania Beach. \nAs the pipeline approaches Broward County's coastline, it would pass through bands of coral reefs, important habitats for marine life. The company plans to drill horizontally under the reefs to avoid harming them. But it also would drag pipes over them in two areas before inserting them through the holes, according to the state. \n\"Coral reefs deserve protection for their intrinsic natural value,\" the memo states. \"In addition, the economic, tourism, fishing and recreational resources of South Florida depend on healthy coral reef ecosystems. Calypso staff and engineers have not sufficiently demonstrated to staff that the project cannot be redesigned to avoid sensitive marine resources.\" \nWhile the company has stated that the impact would be both temporary and insignificant, the memo states that the company has not explained how this could be so. The state estimated that the project would have an impact on about 15 acres of coral reefs and adjacent habitats. \nGiven the damage the reefs already have suffered from pollution and other sources, the memo questions whether any pipelines should be routed directly to southeast Florida. Instead, it says it may be better to route them to the north, through areas without reefs, then connect to the pipeline system on land. \nAmbler said that the company was trying to find ways to avoid dragging the pipes along the reefs. \nAll three pipeline projects will be reviewed by a series of federal, state and local agencies. \nDavid Fleshler can be reached at dfleshler@sun-sentinel.com or 954- 356-4535.\n\nMAP; Caption: Staff graphic/Renee Kwok Map: (color) Fort Lauderdale - Enron's proposed pipeline would run from Freeport through Port Everglades. \nCopyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \t\n\nReliance Bids to Run Indian Oil Fields, Challenging BG Plan\n2001-10-10 11:34 (New York)\n\nReliance Bids to Run Indian Oil Fields, Challenging BG Plan\n\n Mumbai, Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Reliance Industries Ltd.,\nIndia's biggest private company, said it claimed the right to run\nthree offshore oil and gas projects, challenging a bid from the\nU.K.'s BG Group Plc.\n\n BG has said a plan to buy out Enron Corp.'s 30 percent of the\nprojects is contingent on winning the right to oversee the\ndevelopments. Reliance and Oil & Natural Gas Corp., India's\nbiggest oil producer, together own 70 percent of the exploration\ncompany and have an option to decide the operator after Enron\nquits, Reliance spokesman Yogesh Desai said.\n\n The purchase would gave BG a 30 percent stake in the Tapti\nand Panna-Mukta oil and gas fields, as well as 63 percent of an\nuntapped deposit on the west coast of India. The assets hold more\nthan 170 million barrels of oil and gas. BG declined to comment.\n\n BG will invest ``hundreds of millions'' of dollars to double\nproduction in the Tapti field by 2004 if the other two partners in\nthe venture contribute as well, Nigel Shaw, chief executive\nofficer of BG India Pvt. told reporters last week. ONGC has\nalready claimed its right to operate the fields.\n\n Before agreeing with BG, Enron rejected bids from its Indian\nventure partners, ONGS and Reliance, as well as from the nation's\nbiggest refiner, Indian Oil Corp.\n\n India's gas production fell 11 percent to 1999 from 1997 as\nOil & Natural Gas Corp., the state explorer, made no significant\ndiscoveries in 15 years. Insufficient supplies of gas have hurt\ngrowth in the country's fertilizer and chemicals industries and\nhampered upgrading of its power plants, still mostly coal-fed.\n\n The government expects a gas deficit to triple in the next\nsix years unless new wells are drilled or existing fields expand\nsales.\n\n Domestic bureaucracy has already thwarted efforts in India by\nElectricite de France and Cogetrix Energy Inc., which have pulled\nout, while Enron is locked in a price dispute with authorities.\nThe government is the sole buyer of gas and power from producers\nand the sole seller to distributors.\n\n\nLME Says Scotiamocatta to End Open-Outcry Floor Trade (Update2)\n2001-10-10 11:59 (New York)\n\nLME Says Scotiamocatta to End Open-Outcry Floor Trade (Update2)\n\n\n (Adds bank quotes in second, fifth paragraphs.)\n\n London, Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The London Metal Exchange said\nScotiamocatta, a metals-trading unit of the Bank of Nova Scotia,\nwill cease open-outcry transactions on the LME floor.\n\n It was not immediately clear when the company will end floor\ntrading, said Caoimhe Buckley, a spokeswoman for the exchange, the\nworld's biggest metals-trading bourse. The bank is planning to cut\nabout 20 base metals staff in London, said Pam Agnew, a\nspokeswoman in Toronto, though its floor dealing is unaffected for\nnow. ``At this time, it's business as usual,'' she said.\n\n Scotiamocatta is the latest defection from the LME, whose\nnumber of floor traders has more than halved to 11 in the past\ndecade because of declining margins. This year, the price of\ncopper has dropped 23 percent and aluminum has declined 17 percent\nas slowing economies cut demand and reduce trading commissions.\n\n ``It detracts from (the LME's) standing as a marketplace\nbecause it's another one gone,'' said Richard Starsmeare, head of\ncommodity and trade finance at Raiffeisen Zentralbank in London.\n\n The bank's decision to cut its London metals staff is related\nto the ``downturn in the economy,'' Agnew said.\n\n The LME's director of corporate affairs, Jonathan Haslam,\nlater said the exchange couldn't officially comment on\nScotiamocatta's role at the exchange.\n\n ``The LME wishes to make clear that it has made no formal\nstatement about the position of the Bank of Nova Scotia,'' Haslam\nsaid in a statement. ``Any statements about their future trading\nmust come from them.''\n\n The LME's other floor-trading members, or ``ring dealers''\ninclude Enron Metals Ltd. and Refco Overseas Ltd.\n\n\nBin Laden 'look alike' arrested in India\nBBC News\nOctober 9, 2001\nBy Frances Harrison in Delhi \nIndian police detained a bearded man in the western border area of Rajasthan on suspicion that he might be the world's most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden. \nThe man was released after two hours of questioning which established that he was in fact a Hindu and also worked for an American company. \nPolice in the town of Jaisalmer bordering Pakistan said they saw a man with a flowing beard and black scarf driving along the national highway in a jeep. \nThey chased the man, took him to the police station and politely asked who he was - clearly concerned they might have apprehended Osama Bin Laden fleeing Aghanistan via Pakistan. \nUS company \nThe bearded man told the police he was an engineer working with the American company Enron on a wind energy project in the area. \nA telephone call to the company confirmed this and one policeman told the man that he should be thankful he wasn't living in the United States because he would have definitely been shot so strong was his resemblance to Osama Bin Laden. \nThe man, who turned out to be a Hindu and not a Muslim, was freed immediately. \nBut not before a crowd of curious villagers had gathered outside the police station eager to catch a glimpse of the man who's been dominating the news."} {"text": "Lynn, are you still going?\n\nJWB\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Blair, Lynn \nSent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 2:25 PM\nTo: Buchanan, John\nSubject: FW: Follow Up Meeting\n\n\nJohn here is a note from Jane about some things Marketiing wants to talk about at our mtg. Thanks Lynn\n--------------------------\nSent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Joyce, Jane \nTo: Blair, Lynn \nSent: Mon Oct 22 09:11:28 2001\nSubject: FW: Follow Up Meeting\n\nWill you have time for lunch or dinner while you're here? Would be great to catch up.\n\nAlso, I heard some things mentioned that people might like to see in your followup:\nAlong with the timeline, describe the \"macro\" of how the pipe is scheduled/balanced and then go to the detail of how contracts and rate types stack up and get matched across the pipe with up/downstream. Also when a delivery area is constrained and when a receipt area is constrained. (pictures may help)\n\nAnother whole session could be devoted to the allocation at billing time -- least path, penalty application, etc.\n\nThanks, Jane\n\n\t -----Original Message-----\n\tFrom: \tHook, Connie \n\tSent:\tFriday, October 19, 2001 10:44 AM\n\tTo:\tBarker, Courtney; Barry, Mike; Bollinger, Joni; Bowers, Janet; Brennan, Lorna; Cohrs, Allen; Dushinske, John; Fiscus, John; Fowler, Bill; Gilbert, Steve; Gracey, Rosemary; Halpin, Tom; Hook, Connie; Joyce, Jane; Korbelik, Stephanie; Lagerstrom, Karen; Lantefield, Laura; McCoy, Julie; Miller, Kent; Neubauer, Dave; Oldenhuis, Frank; Paladino, Ranelle; Pavlou, Larry; Penkava, Loren; Powers, Ken; Pritchard, John; Sebesta, Chris; Semin, Frank; Westfall, Roger; Wilkinson, Chuck; Dornan, Dari; Winckowski, Michele; McGowan, Mike W.; Thomas, Steve; Williams, Jo; Williams, John\n\tCc:\tBlair, Lynn; Buchanan, John\n\tSubject:\tFollow Up Meeting\n\n\tJohn Buchanan and Lynn Blair will be here on Oct. 29th at 1:30 to present the Nomination and Confirmation process that we did not get to during the brown bag lunch on Tuesday. Meeting will be in conference room 6C1."} {"text": "SALES AGT: EM/YSWZ2Z\n\n THOLT/JANE\n EB 37TH FLOOR\n ETKT RECEIPT\n ENRON CORP\n\n\n\n\n\n DATE: MAR 07 2001\n\nSERVICE DATE FROM TO DEPART ARRIVE\n\nCONTINENTAL AIRLINES 07MAR HOUSTON TX LOS ANGELES CA 650P 838P\nCO 1533 A WED G.BUSH INTERCO INTL\n TERMINAL C TERMINAL 6\n DINNER NON STOP\n RESERVATION CONFIRMED 3:48 DURATION\n AIRCRAFT: BOEING 757-200/300\n SEAT 05A NO SMOKING CONFIRMED THOLT/JANE(IDS5\n FIRST CLASS AUTO UPGRADE CONFIRMED\n UPGRADE ON CO FLIGHT 1016 ON 08MAR IS SOLD OUT.\n\nCONTINENTAL AIRLINES 08MAR LOS ANGELES CA HOUSTON TX 625P 1132P\nCO 1016 Y THU INTL G.BUSH INTERCO\n TERMINAL 6 TERMINAL C\n SNACK NON STOP\n RESERVATION CONFIRMED 3:07 DURATION\n AIRCRAFT: BOEING 737-800\n SEAT 08F NO SMOKING CONFIRMED THOLT/JANE(IDS5\n **************************************************\n YOUR TICKET REFLECTS A NEGOTIATED DISCOUNT FROM THE TAP\n THE PUBLISHED FARE FOR THIS TICKET IS $1868.50\n **************************************************\n\nMISCELLANEOUS 06JUL HOUSTON TX\n FRI ** THANK YOU FOR USING THE TAP **\n\nRESERVATION NUMBER(S) CO/NZ1JNX\n\nTHOLT/JANE S5C0413R1073\n\nCO FREQUENT FLYER COSC266224\n*******************************************\nINTL TVLRS: CARRY SOS WALLET CARD W/ENRON ASSISTANCE INFO\nCALL SOS MEDICAL EMERGENCY:IN U.S 800 523-6586\n*********************************************\nTHIS IS THE PASSENGER RECEIPT FOR YOUR ELECTRONIC TICKET.\nPLEASE CHECK-IN WITH PHOTO IDENTIFICATION AND WITH\nEITHER (1) THIS RECEIPT OR (2) YOUR CONFIRMATION NUMBER.\nYOUR ETKT CONFIRMATION NUMBER IS: NZ1JNX\nALL FARES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL TICKETED/PURCHASED"} {"text": "Start Date: 1/15/02; HourAhead hour: 9; No ancillary schedules awarded. No variances detected.\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final Schedules\\2002011509.txt"} {"text": "Lucy,\n\n The rent roll spreadsheet is starting to look better. See if you can add \nthese modifications:\n\n 1. Use a formula in column E. Add the value in column C to column D. It \nshould read =c6+d6. Then copy this formula to the rows below.\n\n 2. Column H needs a formula. Subtract amount paid from amount owed. \n=e6-g6.\n\n 3. Column F is filled with the #### sign. this is because the column width \nis too narrow. Use you mouse to click on the line beside the \n letter F. Hold the left mouse button down and drag the column wider.\n\n 4. After we get the rent part fixed, lets bring the database columns up to \nthis sheet and place them to the right in columns J and beyond.\n\nPhillip"} {"text": "The dates look fine for Ohio. please coordinate with Barbara.\n\n\n\nThomas S Reichelderfer\n04/19/2000 09:19 AM\n\n\nTo: Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Sue Nord/HOU/EES@EES, Steve Montovano/DUB/EES@EES, Kathleen E \nMagruder/HOU/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES, \nSusan T Covino/HOU/EES@EES, Janine Migden, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: follow up to yesterday's meeting\n\nGentlemen:\n\nPer Rick, please review and approve the list of states that Kathleen \nMagruder (on behalf of ResCo) and Government Affairs intend to visit as part \nof the ResCo announcement. The list appears on page 2 of the meeting notes \nattached below. Due to the shortness of time, we would like to begin \nscheduling these meetings as soon as possible so your quick response would be \ngreatly appreciated. Thanks.\n\n\nTSR\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thomas S Reichelderfer/DUB/EES on \n04/19/2000 08:59 AM ---------------------------\n\nRichard Shapiro\n04/16/2000 07:16 AM\n\n\nTo: Sue Nord/HOU/EES@EES, Steve Montovano/DUB/EES@EES, Kathleen E \nMagruder/HOU/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES, \nSusan T Covino/HOU/EES@EES, Thomas S Reichelderfer/DUB/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: follow up to yesterday's meeting\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES on 04/16/2000 \n07:16 AM ---------------------------\n\nRichard Shapiro\n04/16/2000 07:14 AM\n\n\nTo: Kathleen E Magruder/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: follow up to yesterday's meeting\n\nCan we discuss No later than Wednesday?( not sure our presence helps or hurts \nmore )-- Also. any early visits would have to be cleared by Koenig and \nPalmer. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES on 04/16/2000 \n07:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJanine Migden\n04/13/2000 08:22 PM\nTo: Kathleen E Magruder/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Sue Nord/HOU/EES@EES, Steve Montovano/DUB/EES@EES, Jeff \nDasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Susan T Covino/HOU/EES@EES, Thomas S \nReichelderfer/DUB/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: follow up to yesterday's meeting \n\nKathleen, Sorry I missed the Houston meeting. What will be the purpose of \nthe Ohio trip and who who will you be planning on seeing? Let me know so \nthat I can have folks there with you. Thanks.\n\n\n\nKathleen E Magruder\n04/13/2000 03:58 PM\nTo: Sue Nord/HOU/EES@EES, Steve Montovano/DUB/EES@EES, Jeff \nDasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Susan T Covino/HOU/EES@EES, Thomas S \nReichelderfer/DUB/EES@EES, Janine Migden/DUB/EES@EES\ncc: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: follow up to yesterday's meeting\n\na few more things have firmed up since yesterday:\n1) Gene Lockhart was adamant at staff meeting today that the S-1 will be \nfiled May 15. There will be no slippage. Consequently, the timetable we \ndiscussed will hold. Also seems that Lay and Skilling both want Enron to be \nfeatured in the rollout presentation.\n2) Lockhart wants testimonials from people in TX, PA, and a state of my \nchoosing. I choose CA and Jesse Knight. After conferring with Steve \nMontovano, we've agreed it should be Chick Tulli. I am going tomorrow to \nDallas to solicit Steve Wolens, the TX House bill sponsor who chastised me so \nroundly for Enron's \"pullout\" from CA. I also hope to get a meeting with Pat \nWood (TX PUC chair) next Monday.\n3) I plan to make visits to TX, CA, PA, NJ, NY, OH, and CT before the May 1 \nrollout. Ideally, I will have Enron people with me.\n4) Mark Manly feels strongly, as do I, that Susan and Thom should be at these \nmeetings.\n\nHope to see you next week."} {"text": "you got it."} {"text": "Hey Kim,\n\nHere is my resume in case anything comes up. It was good to finally see you.\nWe've been keeping up with you through the Nolans. I hope you can make it\nSunday. My number over here is 713-420-4703 in case you need any more info.\n\nThanks,\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\n\n <>\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the\nElPaso Corporation are confidential and intended solely\nfor the use of the individual or entity to whom they are\naddressed. If you have received this email in error\nplease notify the sender.\n******************************************************************\n\n - RESUME3.doc"} {"text": "Another funny one\u0001(\n\n\nCameron Sellers\nVice President, Business Development\nPERFECT\n1860 Embarcadero Road - Suite 210\nPalo Alto, CA 94303\ncameron@perfect.com\n650.798.3366 (direct dial)\n650.269.3366 (cell)\n650.858.1095 (fax)\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Cherryl Ricketts\nSent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 11:14 AM\nTo: Kevin Surace; Sheila Rellez; Justin Richmond; Mike Davenport;\nCameron Sellers\nSubject: FW: [Fwd: FW:]\n\nHeh.\n\nCherryl\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Stacey Shepard [mailto:shepard@csbaonline.org]\n\nSent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 9:09 PM\nTo: 'Cherryl Ricketts'; 'Kelly'; 'Martin'; 'Sharon'; 'Simone McDonald'\nSubject: FW: [Fwd: FW:]\n\n <> \n - votedummy.jpg"}