{"en":"So trust and cooperation are really important here.","es":"As\u00ed que la confianza y la cooperaci\u00f3n son muy importantes aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"But that's only if, if we are able to contain global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade over preindustrial levels.","es":"Pero eso solo ocurrir\u00e1 si podemos contener el calentamiento global a 1,5 \u00b0C por encima de los niveles preindustriales."} {"en":"The USSR was dissolved a week later.","es":"La URSS se disolvi\u00f3 una semana despu\u00e9s."} {"en":"In other words, the black hole casts a shadow on this backdrop of bright material, carving out a sphere of darkness.","es":"Es decir, el agujero negro proyecta una sombra sobre este fondo de brillante, recortando una esfera oscura."} {"en":"You move in the space.","es":"Se mueven en el espacio."} {"en":"What's unique about this moment in time?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tiene de \u00fanico este momento?"} {"en":"They did not succeed, but remember the old Norwegian saying, it's not whether you win or lose that counts.","es":"No tuvieron \u00e9xito, pero recuerden el viejo dicho noruego, ganar o perder no es lo que cuenta."} {"en":"That your release of GPT, especially ChatGPT, sent such shockwaves through the tech world that now Google and Meta and so forth are all scrambling to catch up.","es":"Tu lanzamiento de GPT, especialmente ChatGPT, ha conmocionado al mundo de la tecnolog\u00eda que ahora Google, Meta y el resto se apresuran a ponerse al d\u00eda."} {"en":"All the stereotypes that the regime was trying to put on us through their so-called propaganda, or mainstream media, are proven wrong.","es":"Todos los estereotipos que el r\u00e9gimen trataba de instalar con su propaganda o con los medios masivos estaban equivocados."} {"en":"But there is one magnificent example for them to take their cue from, and that's a brilliant U.S. lieutenant colonel called Chris Hughes.","es":"Tienen un magn\u00edfico ejemplo que los inspira; es el brillante Teniente Coronel estadounidense llamado Chris Hughes."} {"en":"She came to this country in 1986 from Vietnam.","es":"Lleg\u00f3 a este pa\u00eds en 1986 desde Vietnam."} {"en":"But, but, perhaps a gesture of understanding, if not towards irrefutable facts, but to your own uncertainty is a step towards progress.","es":"Pero, tal vez un gesto de comprensi\u00f3n, si no ante hechos irrefutables, sino ante tu propia incertidumbre, sea un paso hacia el progreso."} {"en":"When heated, the moisture inside becomes steam.","es":"Al calentarse, la humedad interna se convierte en vapor."} {"en":"We're continuing to make new discoveries.","es":"Continuamos realizando descubrimientos."} {"en":"CA: That's it.","es":"CA: Es todo."} {"en":"And to get there, we all need to reimagine marine conservation as a narrative of abundance and empowerment, not of austerity and alienation; a movement guided by the people who depend on healthy seas for their survival, not by abstract scientific values.","es":"Y para llegar a eso, necesitamos reinventar la conservaci\u00f3n marina como una narrativa de abundancia y empoderamiento, no de austeridad y alienaci\u00f3n; un cambio liderado por la gente que depende de mares saludables para su supervivencia, no por valores cient\u00edficos abstractos."} {"en":"Now, we can create bad impacts, we can poison ourselves; we can poison the Earth, but that's just a natural outcome of a mistake we made.","es":"Ahora, podemos crear impactos da\u00f1inos, podemos envenenarnos, envenenar la Tierra, pero es un resultado natural de un error que cometimos."} {"en":"A carbon credit is a tradable permit that usually represents one ton of carbon, either not emitted or removed from the atmosphere.","es":"Un cr\u00e9dito de carbono es un permiso negociable que suele representar una tonelada de carbono, que no fue emitido o que fue quitado de la atm\u00f3sfera."} {"en":"So in January of 2017, after tens of thousands of hours of work, we finally run our Mystery Hunt.","es":"As\u00ed que en enero de 2017, despu\u00e9s de decenas de miles de horas de trabajo, finalmente ejecutamos nuestro Mystery Hunt."} {"en":"So what are we waiting for?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 esperamos?"} {"en":"I had never thought about insects living in complex societies.","es":"Nunca hab\u00eda pensado en insectos que viven en sociedades complejas."} {"en":"They find it difficult to believe that there was no money involved, that he didn't sell some of those secrets, even to China and to Russia, which are clearly not the best friends of the United States right now.","es":"Les resulta dif\u00edcil creer que no hab\u00eda dinero de por medio, que no vendi\u00f3 algunos de esos secretos, incluso a China a a Rusia, los que definitivamente no son los mejores amigos de EE. UU. en este momento."} {"en":"It blocks other opioids from binding to the receptors, and even knocks them off the receptors to reverse an overdose.","es":"Bloquea la uni\u00f3n de otros opioides a los receptores, e incluso los elimina de los receptores para revertir una sobredosis."} {"en":"It's a place where we don't feel threatened, or threatening.","es":"Es un lugar donde no nos sentimos amenazados o amenazadores."} {"en":"And so I would say that's really the best way to make decisions, is go after what it is that creates meaning in your life and then trust yourself to handle the stress that follows.","es":"Y yo dir\u00eda que esa es realmente la mejor manera de tomar decisiones, ir tras lo que crea significado en tu vida y despu\u00e9s confiar en ti mismo para manejar el estr\u00e9s que conlleva."} {"en":"But when I speak of him, I'm really speaking of both of them as a team.","es":"Pero cuando hablo de \u00e9l, realmente estoy hablando de ambos como equipo."} {"en":"You see, no one ever tells you that true empowerment comes from giving yourself the permission to think and act.","es":"Nunca nadie te dice que el verdadero empoderamiento viene de darse uno el permiso para pensar y actuar."} {"en":"That vision of globalization is one that has to start by a recognition of the positive benefits of globalization.","es":"Esa visi\u00f3n de globalizaci\u00f3n tiene que empezar por un reconocimiento de los beneficios positivos de la globalizaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"But not all positions in the network are the same.","es":"Pero no todas las ubicaciones de la red son iguales."} {"en":"Year 2000, there was a big expo in Germany.","es":"En el a\u00f1o 2000 hubo una gran exposici\u00f3n en Alemania."} {"en":"That must be Marigold\u2019s Macademy, whose only third place finish was Calchemy based on your note.","es":"Ese debe ser Marigold\u2019s Macademy, cuyo \u00fanico tercer puesto fue Calchemy, seg\u00fan tu apunte."} {"en":"But the play\u2019s depiction of Athens\u2019 conduct during the Peloponnesian War was so controversial that afterwards, a politician named Kleon took Aristophanes to court for \"slandering the people of Athens in the presence of foreigners.\"","es":"Pero la descripci\u00f3n que en ella se hac\u00eda sobre la conducta de Atenas en la guerra del Peloponeso fue tan controvertida que, tiempo despu\u00e9s, un pol\u00edtico llamado Cle\u00f3n entabl\u00f3 una demanda contra Arist\u00f3fanes por \"difamar al pueblo de Atenas ante los extranjeros\"."} {"en":"What do we want family to be?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 queremos que sea la familia?"} {"en":"Now, let me hasten to add that there are some older nuclear reactors that have more useful time that could be added onto their lifetimes.","es":"Ahora, perm\u00edteme apresurarme a a\u00f1adir que podr\u00eda extenderse la vida \u00fatil de algunos reactores nucleares m\u00e1s antiguos."} {"en":"The raging river that flows between what actually happened and our convenient memories.","es":"El r\u00edo embravecido que fluye entre lo que realmente sucedi\u00f3 y nuestros recuerdos convenientes."} {"en":"PM: Thank you, everyone.","es":"PM: Gracias a todos."} {"en":"We took a radically different approach from previous efforts.","es":"Adoptamos un enfoque radicalmente distinto al de otros equipos."} {"en":"Eventually, I remembered there's a name for that feeling: languishing.","es":"Finalmente record\u00e9 que hay un nombre para esta sensaci\u00f3n: languidez."} {"en":"I'm going to now take a step further and go ahead and grab this pair of glasses and leave it right here by the desk.","es":"Ir\u00e9 un paso m\u00e1s all\u00e1 y tomar\u00e9 este par de lentes para dejarlo aqu\u00ed en la mesa."} {"en":"But to me this also felt personal, even though I have no direct family ties to Detroit.","es":"Pero adem\u00e1s se sinti\u00f3 personal, a pesar de no tener lazos familiares a Detroit."} {"en":"Now, we are teaching technology how to navigate the three-dimensional world without our help.","es":"Eestamos ense\u00f1ando a la tecnolog\u00eda c\u00f3mo navegar el mundo tridimensional sin nuestra ayuda."} {"en":"But this propelled us, this got us to keep moving.","es":"Pero esto nos impuls\u00f3. nos hizo seguir adelante."} {"en":"Soggy lettuces?","es":"\u00bfLechuga pasada?"} {"en":"Everyone wants to mentor someone who kind of is familiar, who looks like us, we have shared experiences.","es":"Todo el mundo quiere ser mentor de alguien que le resulta familiar, que se parece a nosotros, con el que compartimos experiencias."} {"en":"We could talk more about any of these areas that you want, but I think maybe one of the most important things that I want to say, Whitney, is how grateful Apple and Google are, I'll take a moment to speak for my colleagues at Apple, to the great partnership from public health across the world and to academics and to others who have helped us think through how this can be, how the exposure notification system fits into the broader contact tracing portfolio, and how it does it in a way that really respects and protects privacy and also is useful to public health.","es":"Podr\u00edamos continuar hablando de estas cosas pero creo que quiz\u00e1s algo muy importante que quiero decir, Whitney, es lo agradecidos que est\u00e1n Apple y Google, y me tomo un momento para hablar en nombre de Apple, por la asociaci\u00f3n exitosa con la salud p\u00fablica a nivel mundial, con los investigadores y dem\u00e1s que nos han ayudado a dise\u00f1ar el proyecto, a que el sistema de notificaci\u00f3n de exposici\u00f3n encaje en el registro general de rastreo de contactos, que lo haga de forma que realmente respete y proteja la privacidad y que adem\u00e1s resulte \u00fatil a la salud p\u00fablica."} {"en":"Why has full self-driving in particular been so hard to predict?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 la autoconducci\u00f3n total, en particular, ha sido tan dif\u00edcil de predecir?"} {"en":"At age 19, Shi Lin went to the capital city to take the nation-wide imperial exam and obtained the highest score in all the empire.","es":"A los 19 a\u00f1os, Shi Lin se fue a la capital para realizar el examen imperial nacional y obtuvo la nota m\u00e1s alta de todo el imperio."} {"en":"Some states have also tried passing sexting misdemeanor laws but these laws repeat the same problem because they still make consensual sexting illegal.","es":"Unos estados han intentado aprobar leyes de juzgamiento de faltas para el sexting pero estas leyes perpet\u00faan el mismo problema debido a que todav\u00eda tipifican el sexting consensual como ilegal."} {"en":"The newness itself is often its own form of psychological stimuli.","es":"La propia novedad es a menudo una forma de estimulaci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica."} {"en":"But on the ground, there were actually some small opportunities for optimism, these tiny patches of resources known as \"habitat fragments.\"","es":"Pero en el suelo hab\u00eda algunos peque\u00f1os motivos para el optimismo: esas peque\u00f1as parcelas de recursos conocidas como \"fragmentos de h\u00e1bitat\"."} {"en":"We're looking at that yellow box. And this hallucinatory drawing shows you, everything you see in this drawing is Iluvatar.","es":"Estamos viendo este cuadro amarillo y estos dibujos alucinantes les muestran todo lo que ven en el dibujo es Iluvatar."} {"en":"So the other one, which will reach the artifact, can radio back the path it took, and then no matter which way is correct, that\u2019s the answer Hedge will receive.","es":"As\u00ed que el otro, que alcanzar\u00e1 el artefacto, puede transmitir por radio el camino que tom\u00f3, y luego, sin importar qu\u00e9 camino sea el correcto, esa es la respuesta que recibir\u00e1 Hedge."} {"en":"What do you do when you have too many choices?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 haces cuando tienes demasiadas opciones?"} {"en":"The story comes from Book 24 of \"The Iliad,\" a foundation work of Western civilization written by Homer in 700 BC about a war that took place in 1300 BC. The siege of Troy.","es":"Esta historia viene del Canto 24 de \"La Iliada\", una obra fundacional de la civilizaci\u00f3n occidental. escrita por Homero en el 700 a.C. sobre una guerra que ocurri\u00f3 en el 1300 a.C. El asedio de Troya."} {"en":"Right? The wind blows and the sun shines only some of the time.","es":"\u00bfVerdad?, el viento sopla y el sol brilla solo una parte del tiempo."} {"en":"Evolution has been a perennial topic here at the TED Conference, but I want to give you today one doctor's take on the subject.","es":"La evoluci\u00f3n ha sido un tema perenne aqu\u00ed en la Conferencia TED pero hoy quiero darles la mirada de un m\u00e9dico sobre el tema."} {"en":"Beau Lotto: \"What are you reading?\"","es":"Beau Lotto: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 leyendo?\""} {"en":"But for an example, if we're going to cut a tree down and we replace it, could the replacement add more value back to the forest?","es":"Pero, por ejemplo, si vamos a talar un \u00e1rbol y lo sustituimos, \u00bfpodr\u00eda ese reemplazo a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s valor al bosque?"} {"en":"So I started reading books in pairs.","es":"As\u00ed fue que comenc\u00e9 a leer libros de a dos."} {"en":"They use these to design with and they design for them, which is why we end up sitting in restaurants that look like this \u2014 \u2014 and sound like this, shouting from a foot away to try and be heard by our dinner companion, or why we get on airplanes, , which cost 200 million pounds, with somebody talking through an old-fashioned telephone handset on a cheap stereo system, making us jump out of our skins.","es":"Dise\u00f1an con y para los ojos, raz\u00f3n por la cual terminamos en restaurantes como estos \u2014\u2014 que suenan as\u00ed, gritamos a metros de distancia para tratar de que nuestro compa\u00f1ero de cena nos oiga, o por la cual viajamos en aviones \u2014\u2014 que cuestan 200 millones de libras, con alguien que habla a trav\u00e9s de un auricular de tel\u00e9fono anticuado en un sistema est\u00e9reo barato, que nos hace estremecer del susto."} {"en":"In other words, it's a matter of knowledge, not resources.","es":"En otras palabras, es un asunto de conocimiento, no de recursos."} {"en":"I came into this for very personal reasons.\"","es":"Entr\u00e9 en esto por motivos muy personales\"."} {"en":"So we started this about 30 years ago, and we started dealing with this very issue.","es":"Empezamos con esto hace 30 a\u00f1os, empezamos con estos temas."} {"en":"And this growing dichotomy between the beneficiaries of the tech revolution and those it's left behind is one of the greatest challenges of our time, Because government's failure to deliver digital services that work is disproportionately impacting the very people who need it most.","es":"Y esta dicotom\u00eda creciente entre los beneficiarios de la revoluci\u00f3n tecnol\u00f3gica y los rezagados tecnol\u00f3gicos es uno de los desaf\u00edos m\u00e1s grandes de nuestro tiempo. Porque la falla del gobierno para ofrecer servicios digitales que funcionen impacta de manera desproporcionada a la gente que m\u00e1s los necesita."} {"en":"I would argue that there are two sides to this challenge.","es":"Yo dir\u00eda que hay dos aspectos en este desaf\u00edo."} {"en":"They then gave all 80 of those preschoolers a standardized math test.","es":"Luego le dieron a cada uno de estos 80 ni\u00f1os una prueba estandarizada de matem\u00e1ticas."} {"en":"Dani values the digital for itself.","es":"Dani valora lo digital por lo que en s\u00ed representa."} {"en":"Winter.","es":"Invierno."} {"en":"So I want you to pretend it's the end of next year.","es":"Quiero que pretendan que es el fin del pr\u00f3ximo a\u00f1o."} {"en":"Under no circumstances were they to refuse any application whatsoever on the basis of whether someone had no arms, no legs, they could still perhaps play a wind instrument if it was supported on a stand.","es":"Bajo ninguna circunstancia rechazar\u00edan ninguna solicitud de ingreso bas\u00e1ndose en que alguien no tuviera brazos, o piernas; ellos podr\u00edan tal vez tocar un instrumento de viento si se colocase sobre un soporte."} {"en":"\"Go,\" I softly whispered to the transporter, stamping my foot.","es":"\"Vamos\", susurr\u00e9 suavemente al transportador, pateando mi pie."} {"en":"And that has, you run into situations where you have this great acceptance of what you're doing, and a lot of rejection of the same kind of thing.","es":"Y eso ha, te metes en situaciones donde tienes esta gran aceptaci\u00f3n por lo que haces pero tambi\u00e9n mucho rechazo."} {"en":"And users are incentivized to use them because hotter pictures get you more followers.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, se incentiva a los usuarios a utilizarlas porque im\u00e1genes m\u00e1s atractivas generan m\u00e1s seguidores."} {"en":"So basically, what we're getting here is the sequel to \"An Inconvenient Truth,\" in about two minutes, and that actually brings up an interesting point about games.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, lo que tenemos es tal vez la secuela de \"Una Verdad Inconveniente,\" en dos minutos, y eso nos lleva a un punto interesante sobre los juegos."} {"en":"Okay. Let's try that.","es":"Bien, intentemos eso."} {"en":"It is as if we have a switch that we can flip in order to stop the climate crisis.","es":"Es como si tuvi\u00e9ramos un interruptor que pudi\u00e9ramos activar para detener la crisis clim\u00e1tica."} {"en":"Strange.","es":"Qu\u00e9 extra\u00f1o."} {"en":"We've got mouth cancer to solve.","es":"Tenemos que resolver el c\u00e1ncer de boca."} {"en":"But after this, we have empirical evidence that 82 percent, on average, among all these villages, 1,200 villages have completed it, waterborne diseases have come down 82 percent.","es":"Pero despu\u00e9s de esto, tenemos evidencia de que el 82 %, en promedio, de estos pueblos, de las 1200 aldeas que han completado el provecto las enfermedades transmitidas por el agua han bajado un 82 %."} {"en":"Jim went three miles went down, and I went about three miles away from the studio and photographed this in a garage.","es":"Jim descendi\u00f3 tres millas y yo me alej\u00e9 m\u00e1s o menos tres millas del estudio y fotografi\u00e9 esto en un garaje."} {"en":"We can spread love, we can spread ideas, we can spread relationship, we can spread thought, without spreading a dangerous bug.","es":"Podemos expresar amor, ideas, podemos mantener relaciones y difundir ideas, todo sin contagiar un virus peligroso."} {"en":"But we can have materials with great mechanical properties.","es":"Podemos tener materiales con propiedades mec\u00e1nicas geniales."} {"en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"en":"She said she is \"silly, nice and friendly.\"","es":"Dec\u00eda que era, \"divertida, buena y amigable\"."} {"en":"I mean, the media was making it sound like were were dying.","es":"Digo, los medios lo hac\u00edan parecer como si nos est\u00e1bamos muriendo."} {"en":"They didn't accomplish anything on their own, and they all had plenty of flaws.","es":"No consiguieron nada por su cuenta, y todos tuvieron muchos defectos."} {"en":"Angella Ahn: Thank you.","es":"Angella Ahn: Gracias."} {"en":"Not surprisingly, they do better academically.","es":"No es de extra\u00f1ar que tienen mejores resultados acad\u00e9micos."} {"en":"I think I have to say goodbye now.","es":"Pienso que tengo que decir adi\u00f3s ahora."} {"en":"I hear a lot of this talk about how we all need to start talking to each other more and understanding each other more, and I've even written about this, published on this subject as well, but now today I keep hearing liberals, yes, I live in New York, I can be considered a liberal, we sit here and self-analyze: What did we do to not understand the Rust Belt?","es":"He escuchado mucho esta charla sobre c\u00f3mo necesitamos hablarnos m\u00e1s entre nosotros y entendernos m\u00e1s, e incluso he escrito y publicado respecto al tema tambi\u00e9n, pero hoy en d\u00eda sigo escuchando liberales --s\u00ed, vivo en Nueva York, me considero liberal-- nos sentamos aqu\u00ed para autoanalizamos: \u00bfQu\u00e9 hicimos para no entender el Rust Belt?"} {"en":"What would you say to that part of the community?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 le dir\u00edas a esa parte de la comunidad?"} {"en":"Sometimes it draws circles, even slides backwards, and that generations can make the same mistakes that their great-grandfathers had made.","es":"A veces se mueve en c\u00edrculos, incluso retrocede, y que ciertas generaciones pueden cometer los mismos errores que sus tatarabuelos."} {"en":"Thirdly, CSUN here, my alma mater, had recently started up an Army ROTC program.","es":"Tercero, la CSUN, mi alma mater, acaba de empezar el programa 'Army ROTC'."} {"en":"It was one of many instances that taught me what stigma was.","es":"Fue uno de los muchos casos que me ense\u00f1\u00f3 lo que era el estigma."} {"en":"So I created Health Leads, an organization enabling thousands of physicians and other caregivers to ask their patients, \"What do you need to be healthy?\" and then prescribe those things, fruits and vegetables, heat in the winter, electricity to refrigerate their medication, and we then navigated patients to those resources in their communities.","es":"As\u00ed que cre\u00e9 Health Leads, una organizaci\u00f3n que permite a miles de m\u00e9dicos y otros cuidadores preguntar a sus pacientes, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 necesitas para estar sano?\" y luego prescribir esas cosas frutas y verduras, calor en el invierno, electricidad para refrigerar sus medicamentos y luego guiamos a los pacientes a esos recursos. en sus comunidades."} {"en":"The block was three-fifths of a mile deep, and if you compare the expanse of the calving face to the Tower Bridge in London, about 20 bridges wide.","es":"El bloque med\u00eda 1 km de profundidad si compara la expansi\u00f3n del frente de desprendimiento con el Puente de la Torre en Londres, cerca de 20 puentes de ancho."} {"en":"So the question is why, as they grow older, does that change?","es":"As\u00ed que la pregunta es \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 al crecer, surge este cambio?"} {"en":"Now, most parents want their children to become kind, empathetic, self-confident adults, and exposure to diversity is an important part of that social and emotional development.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de los padres quiere que sus hijos se conviertan en adultos amables, emp\u00e1ticos y seguros de s\u00ed mismos. Y la exposici\u00f3n a la diversidad es una parte importante de ese desarrollo social y emocional."} {"en":"I just love this, you know, I mean carrying water is such a drag, and somebody just came up with the idea of well, what if you rolled it.","es":"Me encanta, saben me refiero a que cargar agua es una lata, y a alguien se le ocurri\u00f3 la idea de, bueno, y si la enrollas."} {"en":"The economic and social crisis created by the pandemic cannot be an excuse to postpone the transition towards a cleaner and healthier future.","es":"La crisis econ\u00f3mica y social creada por la pandemia no puede ser una excusa para posponer la transici\u00f3n hacia un futuro m\u00e1s limpio y saludable."} {"en":"Good, now?","es":"Bien, \u00bfahora?"} {"en":"And that's how we do it in Boston.","es":"Y as\u00ed es c\u00f3mo lo hacemos en Boston."} {"en":"I opened the door, and there she was, sitting on the bed, with a headscarf.","es":"Abr\u00ed la puerta y all\u00ed estaba, sentada en la cama, con un velo en la cabeza."} {"en":"It wasn't until I started digging around my own beliefs around work that I began to unravel the root of my own work story, finally being able to let go of destructive behaviors and make positive, long-lasting changes.","es":"No fue hasta que empec\u00e9 a hurgar en mis creencias sobre el trabajo que empec\u00e9 a aclarar la ra\u00edz de mi propia historia laboral, para al final poder soltar los comportamientos destructivos y hacer cambios positivos, a largo plazo."} {"en":"And then there's learning through failure, one of the most transformative, long-term benefits of playing sports.","es":"Y est\u00e1 el aprendizaje a trav\u00e9s del fracaso, uno de los beneficios m\u00e1s transformadores, a largo plazo, de la pr\u00e1ctica de deportes."} {"en":"Experiments like these would soon become a cornerstone of an artistic movement called American Modernism.","es":"Estos experimentos pronto se convertir\u00edan en la piedra angular de un movimiento art\u00edstico llamado Modernismo americano."} {"en":"We will serve thousands of more students with this.","es":"As\u00ed serviremos a miles de estudiantes con esta iniciativa."} {"en":"It does have abundant land and abundant sun and wind.","es":"Tiene tierra, sol y viento en abundancia."} {"en":"South Carolina cited \u201chostility on the part of the non-slaveholding states to the institution of slavery.\u201d","es":"Carolina del Sur cit\u00f3: \u201cHostilidad por parte de los estados no esclavistas hacia la instituci\u00f3n de la esclavitud\u201d."} {"en":"And so we had this opportunity and we said, what is it that we need to do?","es":"De modo que tuvimos esta oportunidad y nos dijimos: \u00bfqu\u00e9 debemos hacer?"} {"en":"Yes, he did.","es":"S\u00ed que lo hizo."} {"en":"The United States is not excused from exacerbating disinformation and misinformation.","es":"Estados Unidos no est\u00e1 exento de exacerbar la desinformaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Sort of, wacky people trying something new just to see if it'll work.","es":"Algo as\u00ed como gente rara intentando algo nuevo solo para ver si funciona."} {"en":"It comes from a groundbreaking psychological study done by Emory University and the Emory Center for the Study of Myth and Ritual in American Life.","es":"Procede de un innovador estudio psicol\u00f3gico realizado por la Universidad de Emory y el Centro Emory para el Estudio del Mito y del Ritual en la Vida Estadounidense."} {"en":"He said, \"You'll never get into MIT.\"","es":"\u201cPorque nunca entrar\u00e1s al MIT\u201d, me dijo."} {"en":"We are definitely here to stay.","es":"Sin duda hemos llegado para quedarnos."} {"en":"So, just in conclusion, a few shots.","es":"As\u00ed que, en conclusi\u00f3n, unas pocas tomas."} {"en":"If you were to come from Iceland, your national dish is deep rotted shark.","es":"Si vinieran de Islandia, su platillo nacional ser\u00eda tibur\u00f3n podrido."} {"en":"The stories that don't focus on opportunity cost, or the complex, unintended consequences of human action, because that very often does not make for a good story.","es":"Las historias que no se centran en el costo de oportunidad. O las consecuencias complejas e imprevistas de la acci\u00f3n humana. Porque muchas veces no es una buena historia."} {"en":"It allows for even more opportunities for them to find a poet or a poem that they connect to.","es":"Les permite tener m\u00e1s oportunidades de encontrar un poeta o una poes\u00eda para conectarse."} {"en":"Chances are your outfit is better traveled than you are, and your wardrobes most definitely are.","es":"Lo m\u00e1s probable es que tu atuendo est\u00e9 m\u00e1s viajado que t\u00fa, y lo m\u00e1s seguro es que tus armarios tambi\u00e9n."} {"en":"Nico: Hello, Randolph, sorry I haven't talked to you in a long time.","es":"Nico: Hola, Randolph, siento no haber hablado contigo en tanto tiempo."} {"en":"I want to know: What is that global community going to look like?","es":"Yo quiero saber: \u00bfC\u00f3mo ser\u00e1 la comunidad global?"} {"en":"I'd go up and learn these old songs from her.","es":"Yo iba y aprend\u00eda de ella estas antiguas canciones."} {"en":"And that means we can capture more data, and combining that with advancements in data science, it means that we can now verify specific sustainability and ethical production claims in an automated, real-time and ongoing manner.","es":"Y eso significa que podemos capturar m\u00e1s datos y combinarlos con los avances en la ciencia de la informaci\u00f3n, que significa que ahora podemos verificar productos espec\u00edficos proclamados sostenibles y \u00e9ticos de forma automatizada, en tiempo real y continua."} {"en":"I hope that's a non-controversial statement.","es":"Espero que sea una afirmaci\u00f3n no controvertida."} {"en":"And these scales evolved into what is known as ki\u00f1it, the unique, pentatonic, five-note, modal system that is very much alive and thriving and still evolving in Ethiopia today.","es":"Estas escalas se desarrollaron en lo que se conoce como kinit, el \u00fanico sistema modal pentat\u00f3nico, de cinco notas, que sigue muy vivo prosperando y evolucionando en Etiop\u00eda actualmente."} {"en":"As we get older, we're more likely to lose these regenerative delta waves.","es":"A medida que envejecemos, somos m\u00e1s propensos a perder estas ondas delta regenerativas."} {"en":"I haven't seen these.","es":"Yo no las he visto."} {"en":"The last one I wanted to talk about was dialogue.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, quiero hablar sobre el di\u00e1logo."} {"en":"Audience member 3: Yes.","es":"Miembro del p\u00fablico 3: S\u00ed."} {"en":"Those workers leave the city, never to return.","es":"Esos trabajadores abandonan la ciudad para nunca regresar."} {"en":"So it was this idea of taking the images that were outside of me, this is my studio, and then trying to figure out how they were being represented inside me.","es":"Fue esta idea de tomar im\u00e1genes que estaban fuera de m\u00ed --este es mi estudio-- y entonces intentar descubrir c\u00f3mo estaban siendo representadas dentro de m\u00ed."} {"en":"I won't be here.","es":"Yo no estar\u00e9 aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"Three, bridging the digital divide.","es":"Tres, disminuir la inequidad digital."} {"en":"Take, for example, one of my first clients, Sharanda Jones.","es":"Por ejemplo, uno de mis primeros clientes, Sharanda Jones."} {"en":"And so here we are, 2012, gay agenda, gay lifestyle, and I'm not a good dad and people don't deserve to be able to protect their families because of what they are, not who they are.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed estamos, 2012, agenda gay, estilo de vida gay, y no soy un buen padre y la gente no merece proteger a sus familias por lo que son y no por qui\u00e9nes son."} {"en":"Here's my argument.","es":"Este es mi argumento."} {"en":"ZP: I think light ribbing.","es":"ZP: Como bromas ligeras."} {"en":"Multiply that picture times four and you will see the greenhouse that's going to open in October this year because we're going to grow those flowers in the middle of the inner city.","es":"Multipliquen la imagen por cuatro y ver\u00e1n el invernadero que abrir\u00e1 en octubre de este a\u00f1o porque vamos a cultivar esas flores en medio de un barrio marginal."} {"en":"On the game show, you were thinking about each item's exchange value, what you could obtain for them at a later time, but in an emergency, like the desert scenario, what matters far more is their use value, how helpful they are in your current situation.","es":"En el programa concurso, estabas pensando en el valor de cambio de cada elemento, lo que podr\u00edas obtener por ellos en un momento posterior, pero en caso de emergencia, como el escenario desierto, lo que importa mucho m\u00e1s es su valor de uso, lo \u00fatiles que son en la situaci\u00f3n actual."} {"en":"Here's a female on the left with some eggs in her tissue, about to release them into the seawater.","es":"A la izquierda hay una hembra con algunos huevos en su tejido, a punto de liberarlos en el mar."} {"en":"Instead, it's really between the perception of work from home versus the perception of work from the office.","es":"En realidad, es entre la percepci\u00f3n de trabajar desde casa, y la percepci\u00f3n de trabajar desde la oficina."} {"en":"Not to mention the 200 horses that are probably running right now to keep the air-conditioning going.","es":"Sin mencionar los 200 caballos que est\u00e1n probablemente corriendo ahora mismo para hacer funcionar el aire acondicionado."} {"en":"Now, all alone in the elevator, the little chunk of metal is free to act however it wanted.","es":"Ahora, al estar solo en el elevador, el peque\u00f1o pedazo de metal es libre de actuar como quiera."} {"en":"Finally, an estimated 1.2 million colonial files, sprawling kilometers in the archive\u2019s so-called \u201cSpecial Collections,\u201d were also exposed.","es":"Finalmente, se calcula que 1,2 millones de archivos coloniales, que ocupaban kil\u00f3metros en las denominadas \u201cColecciones Especiales\u201d del archivo, salieron tambi\u00e9n a la luz."} {"en":"Or Trina, who knows that people judge her unconventional family choices in a different way than if she were a white woman.","es":"O Trina, quien sabe que la gente juzga sus decisiones familiares poco convencionales de manera diferente caso que ella fuera una mujer blanca."} {"en":"Not expect, but as the blind beggar, we continue to plead for assistance to achieve a better livelihood, and we certainly cannot be like Wole Soyinka\u2019s swamp dwellers who wait patiently while the world overlooks and undermines Africa's contribution to climate change.","es":"No esperen, pero como el mendigo ciego, seguimos pidiendo ayuda para lograr un mejor sustento, y ciertamente no podemos ser como los habitantes del pantano de Wole Soyinka que esperan pacientemente mientras el mundo pasa por delante y socava la contribuci\u00f3n de \u00c1frica al cambio clim\u00e1tico."} {"en":"Now idea creators, they come from all walks of life.","es":"Y los creadores de ideas est\u00e1n en todas partes y en todos los oficios."} {"en":"So tailors are traditionalists, particularly in Savile Row.","es":"Los sastres son tradicionalistas, particularmente en Savile Row."} {"en":"That's equivalent to 25,000 empire state buildings.","es":"Eso equivale a 25 000 edificios Empire State."} {"en":"It will be interesting to see how US and China actually coordinate, cooperate, how they communicate during those talks.","es":"Ser\u00e1 interesante ver c\u00f3mo EE. UU. y China coordinen, cooperen, c\u00f3mo se comuniquen durante esas charlas."} {"en":"In the late 1960s, our team member, Roger Payne, discovered that whales sing.","es":"En los 1960, nuestro equipo record\u00f3 que, Roger Payne descubri\u00f3 que las ballenas cantaban."} {"en":"You are in the grip of something that is vastly more powerful than yourself.","es":"Uno est\u00e1 en algo mucho m\u00e1s poderoso que s\u00ed mismo."} {"en":"And I believe that begins with choosing to invest in hope during hopeless times.","es":"Y yo creo que se comienza al elegir a invertir en la esperanza durante los tiempos de desesperanza."} {"en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"en":"They're powerful because I'm showing you how we're creating a new society left vacant in the places and the spaces that was disintegration from the old.","es":"Son poderosas porque muestran c\u00f3mo creamos una nueva sociedad dejado atr\u00e1s los lugares y los espacios que se desintegraron."} {"en":"And this triggered us to do a remarkable experiment.","es":"Y esto nos llev\u00f3 a hacer un experimento notable."} {"en":"Remember, the Colombian Amazon is bigger than New England.","es":"Recuerden, la Amazonia colombiana es m\u00e1s grande que Nueva Inglaterra."} {"en":"This is a man in his 20s whose first visit out of Nigeria was with this malignant cancer that he came to the United Kingdom to have operated on.","es":"Este es un hombre de unos 20 a\u00f1os que vino de Nigeria a la primer consulta con este c\u00e1ncer maligno; hab\u00eda venido al Reino Unido a operarse."} {"en":"And it's really challenged my own misperceptions about what it takes to be successful.","es":"Y ha desafiado mis propias percepciones err\u00f3neas sobre lo que se necesita para tener \u00e9xito."} {"en":"It just seemed that it was possible.","es":"S\u00f3lo me parec\u00eda que era posible."} {"en":"This is a flower that really, really smells pretty nasty and is designed, again, evolved, to look like carrion.","es":"Es una flor que en verdad huele muy mal; est\u00e1 hecha, ha evolucionado para parecer carne de cad\u00e1ver."} {"en":"So therefore the new requirement is repairability, making cars easy to repair.","es":"Por lo tanto el nuevo requisito es la reparaci\u00f3n, fabricar autos f\u00e1ciles de reparar."} {"en":"Now your brain does come prewired to make some feelings, simple feelings that come from the physiology of your body.","es":"Nuestro cerebro s\u00ed est\u00e1 dise\u00f1ado para sentir algunas sensaciones, sensaciones simples que vienen de la fisiolog\u00eda de nuestro cuerpo."} {"en":"I know those hands and eyes; they touched me as well.","es":"S\u00e9 que esas manos y esos ojos tambi\u00e9n me conmovieron."} {"en":"When we include vultures in forensic studies, we paint a more thorough picture of what happened, when it happened and who it happened to.","es":"La inclusi\u00f3n de los buitres en los estudios forenses puede brindar una idea m\u00e1s exacta de lo que ocurri\u00f3, cu\u00e1ndo y a qui\u00e9n."} {"en":"And of course we know intuitively what is on those letters and postcards.","es":"Y por supuesto sabemos intuitivamente qu\u00e9 hay en esas cartas y postales."} {"en":"Sarah Stillman, a journalist who covers systemic injustices in immigration and worker's rights, has started including a deep and nuanced climate context for these issues in her reporting.","es":"Sarah Stillman, una periodista que cubre injusticias del sistema en casos de inmigraci\u00f3n y derechos laborales, empieza a incluir un contexto clim\u00e1tico profundo para estos casos en su trabajo."} {"en":"But what if, actually, it's possible now for cities to be made not just by the few with a lot but also by the many with a bit?","es":"Pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si las ciudades no s\u00f3lo pudieran ser construidas por el 1% sino tambi\u00e9n por el 99%?"} {"en":"The notion of the narrowly focused life is highly romanticized in our culture.","es":"La noci\u00f3n de vida centrada est\u00e1 muy idealizada en nuestra cultura."} {"en":"Now, let me show you how this works.","es":"Ahora, perm\u00edtanme mostrarles c\u00f3mo funciona."} {"en":"It's exactly the same game. A very tiny feature.","es":"Se trata exactamente del mismo juego, un elemento muy peque\u00f1o."} {"en":"We will not have a vaccine or adequate supplies of an antiviral to combat bird flu if it occurs in the next three years.","es":"No tendremos una vacuna o suministros suficientes de antivirales para combatir la gripe aviar si ocurre en los pr\u00f3ximos tres a\u00f1os."} {"en":"So, People are anti-everything, and we've got to keep all the options on the table.","es":"Las personas son anti-todo, tenemos que mantener todas las opciones sobre la mesa."} {"en":"Cortisol can also cause the endothelium, or inner lining of blood vessels, to not function normally.","es":"El cortisol puede hacer que el endotelio, el revestimiento interno de los vasos sangu\u00edneos, no funcione con normalidad."} {"en":"This project is being funded by private money here in the United States, but we don't want to stop here.","es":"Este proyecto est\u00e1 siendo financiado con capital privado aqu\u00ed en EE.UU., pero no queremos parar aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"What are we?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 somos?"} {"en":"And juggling, the balls cross and all that.","es":"Haciendo malabares con pelotas cruzadas y todo eso."} {"en":"Theory of Mind is the ability to understand others\u2019 emotions, thoughts, motivations, and points of view, and to realize that they may be different from your own.","es":"La teor\u00eda de la mente es la capacidad de entender las emociones de los dem\u00e1s, sus pensamientos, motivaciones y puntos de vista y de percatarse de que pueden ser diferentes de los nuestros."} {"en":"So even if I have a cell culture that I pass to my PhD students, who pass it to their PhD students, and so on, we'd have to do that for thousands of years in order to mimic the exact conditions of the deep subsurface, all without growing any contaminants.","es":"Incluso si tengo un cultivo celular que paso a mis estudiantes de doctorado, quien se lo pasa a sus estudiantes de doctorado, y as\u00ed sucesivamente, Tendr\u00edamos que hacer eso durante miles de a\u00f1os para imitar las condiciones exactas del subsuelo profundo, todo sin cultivar ning\u00fan contaminante."} {"en":"They started to care about each other.","es":"Comenzaron a preocuparse el uno por el otro."} {"en":"That you are going to be here to the end.","es":"Que van a estar aqu\u00ed hasta el final."} {"en":"And I'm an adult woman who spends her life as a performer, with a speech impediment.","es":"Soy una mujer adulta que vive la vida de artista, con un impedimento en el habla."} {"en":"It's the mistaken idea that knowing is half the battle.","es":"Es la idea incorrecta de que saber es la mitad de la batalla."} {"en":"They\u2019ve got an IndyCar team, they have an extreme e-team. They have my personal favorite, the Formula 1 team.","es":"Cuentan con un equipo IndyCar, un equipo Extreme E y tienen el que m\u00e1s me gusta, el equipo de F\u00f3rmula 1."} {"en":"So as the electrons screech to a halt inside the metal, their energy gets thrown out again in a form of high-energy light, which we call X-rays. And within 15 years of discovering the electron, these X-rays were being used to make images inside the human body, helping soldiers' lives being saved by surgeons, who could then find pieces of bullets and shrapnel inside their bodies.","es":"Cuando los electrones chirr\u00edan dentro del metal, la energ\u00eda vuelve a salir en forma de luz de alta energ\u00eda que llamamos rayos X. Dentro de los 15 a\u00f1os desde que se descubri\u00f3 el electr\u00f3n, estos rayos X se utilizaban para crear im\u00e1genes dentro del cuerpo humano, ayudando a soldados cuyas vidas salvaban los cirujanos quienes pod\u00edan encontrar piezas de balas y metralla dentro de su cuerpo."} {"en":"If you're healthy and happy, you're a millionaire.","es":"Si t\u00fa eres saludable y feliz, eres millonario."} {"en":"They're basically training AI to not say bad things rather than not do bad things.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, est\u00e1n entrenando a la IA para que no diga cosas malas en lugar de no hacer cosas malas."} {"en":"When there are two of you, you are daring.","es":"Cuando son dos, son atrevidos."} {"en":"I was finishing up.","es":"Estaba finalizando."} {"en":"Instead of \"go anywhere, do anything you want,\" we actually created a regime that required prior assessment of where you're going and a duty to prevent significant harm.","es":"En vez de ir a cualquier parte y hacer lo que sea que te plazca, nosotros, de hecho, creamos un r\u00e9gimen que requer\u00eda una evaluaci\u00f3n previa del lugar de pesca y la obligaci\u00f3n de prevenir da\u00f1os significativos."} {"en":"What we're talking about today is also rocket science.","es":"De lo que hablamos hoy es ciencia de avanzada."} {"en":"E.B. White once wrote of commas in The New Yorker: \"They fall with the precision of knives outlining a body.\"","es":"E. B. White escribi\u00f3 una vez sobre las comas en The New Yorker: \"Caen con la precisi\u00f3n de los cuchillos en un acto de circo, delineando a la v\u00edctima.\""} {"en":"And this is where the speculation of Planet City began.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed es donde comienza la especulaci\u00f3n de Ciudad Planetaria."} {"en":"And the shortest possible answer right now is that hormonal therapy can be helpful to alleviate a number of symptoms, like hot flashes, but it's not currently recommended for dementia prevention.","es":"Y la respuesta m\u00e1s corta posible en este momento es que la terapia hormonal puede ser de ayuda para aliviar una serie de s\u00edntomas, como sofocos, pero actualmente no se recomienda para la prevenci\u00f3n de la demencia."} {"en":"The fruits of my rivals, I shook from the tree.","es":"Los frutos de mis rivales, los recog\u00ed del \u00e1rbol."} {"en":"Why would we want to go and damage it even further?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 \u00edbamos a querer ir y da\u00f1arla a\u00fan m\u00e1s?"} {"en":"Kenyans think of the Kalenjin tribe as being great marathoners.","es":"Los kenianos piensan que en la tribu kalenjin hay grandes maratonistas."} {"en":"The problem is the spacecraft's largest diameter is nine feet; ARES is 21-foot wingspan, 17 feet long.","es":"El problema es que el di\u00e1metro m\u00e1s grande de la nave es de 2,7 metros. ARES tiene 6 metros de envergadura, 5 de largo."} {"en":"So imagine humanity's resource use radiating out from the middle.","es":"Imaginen usar los recursos de la humanidad irradiando desde el centro."} {"en":"If we look at Islamists, if we look at the phenomenon of far-right fascists, one thing they've been very good at, one thing that they've actually been exceeding in, is communicating across borders, using technologies to organize themselves, to propagate their message and to create truly global phenomena.","es":"Cuando observamos a los islamistas, o al fen\u00f3meno de los fascistas de extrema derecha, algo que han hecho muy bien, algo en lo que de verdad han sobresalido ha sido en la comunicaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de las fronteras, en el uso de las tecnolog\u00edas para organizarse y extender su mensaje para crear un fen\u00f3meno global."} {"en":"So I can feel the skin.","es":"As\u00ed puedo sentir la piel."} {"en":"In 2019, short video generated an estimated 95 billion US dollars in goods and services sold and created roughly 1.2 million jobs globally.","es":"En 2019, los videos cortos generaron aproximadamente 95 000 millones de d\u00f3lares por las ventas de bienes y servicios, y crearon aproximadamente 1,2 millones de trabajos en el mundo."} {"en":"Now the mechanism, as I said, for doing this, is you need to take out anybody pointing to those IP addresses.","es":"El mecanismo para lograrlo, como dije, es sacar a todos los que apunten a esas direcciones IP."} {"en":"If someone is down, lift them up, one extra minute each day, and it'll be a great, great place.","es":"Si alguien se siente deca\u00eddo, an\u00edmale, un minuto de m\u00e1s cada d\u00eda, y ser\u00e1 un mundo mucho mejor."} {"en":"I grew up in the white suburbs of apartheid South Africa, a country and community committed to not seeing.","es":"Crec\u00ed en los suburbios blancos del apartheid de Sud\u00e1frica, un pa\u00eds y una comunidad comprometidos a no ver."} {"en":"And so that's how they live.","es":"As\u00ed es como viven."} {"en":"If everyone has an equal chance, the winners deserve their winnings.","es":"Si todos tienen las mismas oportunidades, los ganadores se merecen sus triunfos."} {"en":"We want to hear about good countries, and so I want to ask you all a favor.","es":"Queremos escuchar sobre pa\u00edses buenos, por eso quiero pedirles un favor."} {"en":"One reason for this is that there are a lot more people in your home than you think there are, or at least a lot more relationships.","es":"Una raz\u00f3n es que hay m\u00e1s gente en tu casa de las que crees, o al menos hay m\u00e1s relaciones."} {"en":"And so I'm curious how can we actually assess our social fitness, and as you said, to sort of, understand what is right for us in terms of how many friends to have.","es":"Tengo curiosidad sobre c\u00f3mo se puede realmente evaluar la condici\u00f3n social, y, como dijiste, de alguna forma, entender lo correcto para nosotros con respecto a cu\u00e1ntos amigos tener."} {"en":"It's a high-temperature gas reactor.","es":"Es un reactor de gas de alta temperatura."} {"en":"Maybe you break up, maybe it doesn't work out, or, God forbid, maybe your spouse dies too early.","es":"Tal vez rompas, tal vez no funcione, o, Dios no lo quiera, tal vez tu c\u00f3nyuge muera temprano."} {"en":"And so this actually violates Asimov's law that the robot has to protect its own existence.","es":"Y esto viola la ley de Asimov de que el robot debe proteger su propia existencia."} {"en":"You see, up till now, us designers, we've mainly focused on making things look very pretty, and a little bit of touch, which means we've ignored the other three senses.","es":"Si se fijan, hasta ahora los dise\u00f1adores nos hemos centrado en que las cosas parezcan bonitas, y algo en el tacto, lo que significa que hemos ignorado los otros tres sentidos."} {"en":"Until the 1940s, market research was often quantitative using things like sales figures and customer polls to track consumption.","es":"Hasta la d\u00e9cada de 1940, los estudios de mercado sol\u00edan ser cuantitativos, usando cosas como cifras de ventas y sondeos para supervisar el consumo."} {"en":"What's to stop me being misused across the internet now?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 impedir\u00e1 que me usen de forma indebida en Internet ahora?"} {"en":"You're worth at least five or ten!\"","es":"\u00a1Vales al menos 5 o 10!"} {"en":"Last year in Tokyo, we did a Caribbean patty, we do jerk wagyu beef, shio kombu.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado, en Tokio, hicimos una hamburguesa caribe\u00f1a, hacemos ternera de wagyu salteada, shio kombu."} {"en":"We are Muslim believers, but we want to be living as free people in free societies.\"","es":"Somos musulmanes creyentes, pero queremos vivir como personas libres en sociedades libres\"."} {"en":"There are also geometric applications.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hay aplicaciones geom\u00e9tricas."} {"en":"I can honestly say this wasn't how I imagined starting college.","es":"Puedo decir sinceramente que no era como me imaginaba el comienzo de la universidad."} {"en":"That is certainly a productive outcome.","es":"Es, sin duda, un resultado productivo."} {"en":"Now, some of you might be saying at this moment in time, \"Oh yeah, but OK, hang on a second there","es":"Algunos de Uds. podr\u00edan estar pensando en este momento, \"Oh, s\u00ed, pero no, espera un segundo ah\u00ed"} {"en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"en":"Then they see peanuts here on the feeder tray, and hop up and help themselves.","es":"Y entonces vieron los man\u00edes en el comedero y se subieron y se sirvieron."} {"en":"He would like to make this toy go, and he can't.","es":"Le gustar\u00eda jugar con este juguete, y no puede."} {"en":"CA: And how would you grade the world on its early detection, early response to COVID-19?","es":"CA: \u00bfY c\u00f3mo calificar\u00edas al mundo en su detecci\u00f3n temprana, y respuesta temprana a la COVID-19?"} {"en":"Where's the brain trust that's in error here?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n es el consejero que se est\u00e1 equivocando?"} {"en":"And there's actually a quite interesting study by the Boston Consulting Group that shows that most consumer products can be made with a net-zero footprint, so no emissions in production, at a cost of somewhere between one and four percent.","es":"Y acaba de salir un estudio muy interesante del Boston Consulting Group que muestra como la mayor\u00eda de productos de consumo pueden hacerse con huella cero, sin emisiones en la producci\u00f3n, con un coste entre un uno y cuatro por ciento."} {"en":"Okay, so the ALS Association, they think by year end, it'll be 160 million dollars.","es":"De acuerdo, de la Asociaci\u00f3n ELA, calculan que para final de a\u00f1o, ser\u00e1n USD 160 millones."} {"en":"Everybody has a cat.","es":"Todo el mundo tiene un gato."} {"en":"JG: Hillary told us she lost the equivalent of 24 full days of campaign time in the 2016 election getting her hair and makeup done every day.","es":"JG: Hillary nos cont\u00f3 que perdi\u00f3, en tiempo, el equivalente a 24 d\u00edas completos de campa\u00f1a en las elecciones de 2016 para que la peinen y la maquillen todos los d\u00edas."} {"en":"But in the moment, isn't it easier throwing someone else under the bus?","es":"Pero en serio, \u00bfno es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil tirar a alguien debajo del autob\u00fas?"} {"en":"An 80-passenger aircraft flying on batteries.","es":"Un vuelo de 80 pasajeros volando con bater\u00edas."} {"en":"During a yeast infection, discharge may become thicker and whiter because the vagina is shedding more epithelial and Candida cells.","es":"Durante una infecci\u00f3n f\u00fangica, el flujo se vuelve m\u00e1s denso y blanco, ya que la vagina desprende m\u00e1s c\u00e9lulas epiteliales y C\u00e1ndida."} {"en":"I do think those conversations can make a huge difference in terms of what mothers are even thinking is the goal of what we're trying to achieve and what we want to be thanked for.","es":"Yo pienso que esas conversaciones pueden hacer una diferencia enorme con respecto a lo que las madres piensan que es el objetivo de lo que queremos lograr y por qu\u00e9 queremos ser agradecidas."} {"en":"Well, the answer is, frontline health care workers, nurses.","es":"Simple: los profesionales sanitarios de primera l\u00ednea, los enfermeros."} {"en":"The parents were terrified for their children, and they collectively refused to disembark.","es":"Los padres estaban aterrados por sus hijos, y masivamente se negaron a desembarcar."} {"en":"I keep running.","es":"Sigo corriendo."} {"en":"As Philip once said to me, \"It's kind of like learning how to ride a bike.","es":"Como me dijo una vez Philip, \u201cEs como aprender a montar en bicicleta."} {"en":"So astronomers will look at how the light interacts with the surface.","es":"As\u00ed, observan c\u00f3mo la luz interact\u00faa con la superficie."} {"en":"So when I open the bottle, the alcohol molecules would spread in the air, and that's because alcohol is a very volatile substance.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando abro la botella, las mol\u00e9culas del alcohol se esparcir\u00e1n en el aire, porque el alcohol es una sustancia muy vol\u00e1til."} {"en":"She knew that I was already beating myself up, and that question invited me to learn from my own mistakes instead of damage my already fragile confidence.","es":"Ella sab\u00eda que yo ya estaba siendo dura conmigo misma y esa pregunta me invit\u00f3 a aprender de mis propios errores en lugar de da\u00f1ar mi confianza ya resquebrajada."} {"en":"And so, just relax your hand.","es":"Relaja la mano."} {"en":"And the charging station, we must bring lighting, shelter, security, restrooms, basic amenities.","es":"Y la estaci\u00f3n de carga, debemos llevar iluminaci\u00f3n, refugio, seguridad, ba\u00f1os y servicios b\u00e1sicos."} {"en":"I say, \"I'm okay with that, 'cause we are nurturing the next generation of extreme green thinkers, which is significant.\"","es":"Y yo le digo: \"Me parece bien porque estamos formando la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n de pensadores en verde extremo, lo que es importante\"."} {"en":"This process is called memory consolidation, and it's the memory consolidation theory that has scientists wondering if we can enhance certain memories over others.","es":"El proceso se llama la consolidaci\u00f3n de la memoria y mediante esta teor\u00eda los cient\u00edficos se preguntan si podemos realzar unas memorias m\u00e1s que otras."} {"en":"This is for my cousin Zeinab, bedridden on a random afternoon.","es":"Esto es para mi prima Zeinab, postrada en cama una tarde cualquiera."} {"en":"And I want you to find, choose that common ground.","es":"Y quiero que averig\u00fcen y encuentren esos intereses comunes."} {"en":"And in fact, I think my thesis here is that belief is the natural state of things.","es":"Y de hecho creo que mi tesis es que la creencia es parte natural de las cosas."} {"en":"The same thing applies to humans.","es":"Lo mismo aplica en humanos."} {"en":"But it's not quite enough to really accelerate your healing.","es":"Pero no es suficiente para acelerar realmente la curaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"I sent it from my Harvard email address because I was recently appointed a fellow there.","es":"Lo envi\u00e9 desde mi direcci\u00f3n de correo de Harvard, porque acaban de nombrarme miembro de la universidad."} {"en":"I started studying this whole idea, of like, what is this computer?","es":"As\u00ed que comenz\u00e9 a estudiar esta idea, \u00bfQu\u00e9 es esta computadora?"} {"en":"Some ground sloths, like the megalonychid, were cat-sized, but many were massive.","es":"Algunos perezosos de tierra, como el megalon\u00edquido, eran de tama\u00f1o gato, pero muchos eran enormes."} {"en":"You build platforms for self-expression and collaboration.","es":"Se construyen plataformas para la expresi\u00f3n personal y la colaboraci\u00f3n."} {"en":"But here's the thing, when I got a little bit older, I didn't want to be in that position anymore, I didn't want to be bullied.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el tema, cuando crec\u00ed un poco m\u00e1s, no quer\u00eda estar m\u00e1s en ese lugar, no quer\u00eda que me acosaran."} {"en":"But, like, but, you know, if somebody had a GPS system in the 17th century some king would have gotten together an army and gone to get it, you know.","es":"Pero si, pero, ustedes saben, si alguien tuviera un sistema GPS en el siglo 17 alg\u00fan rey hubiera reunido un ej\u00e9rcito y salido a buscarlo, ustedes saben."} {"en":"We need rules!","es":"\u00a1Necesitamos reglas!"} {"en":"Partnership with Teneo, a strategic company that's amazing. That's really the reason I'm able to do this.","es":"Estar asociada con Teneo, una empresa estrat\u00e9gica que es incre\u00edble, es realmente la raz\u00f3n para poder hacer esto."} {"en":"Common knowledge, but important nonetheless.","es":"Es sabidur\u00eda popular, pero es importante de todos modos."} {"en":"And as Saleem sees it, 1001 is \u201cthe number of night, of magic, of alternative realities.\u201d","es":"Para Saleem, 1001 es \"el n\u00famero de la noche, de la magia, de realidades alternativas\"."} {"en":"For most Western young women of today, being called a \"feminist\" is an insult.","es":"Para la mayor\u00eda de las mujeres j\u00f3venes occidentales de hoy ser llamada feminista es un insulto."} {"en":"It became much less of a goal for me in terms of where I was going to go.","es":"Ya no era un objetivo para m\u00ed en cuanto a lo que quer\u00eda lograr."} {"en":"We sort of expect it of politicians and don't hope for much more.","es":"Lo esperamos de los pol\u00edticos y no esperamos mucho m\u00e1s."} {"en":"So rather than limiting the use of my voice, I'm creating instruments to allow as many people as possible to create music with me, and even as me.","es":"As\u00ed que, en lugar de limitar el uso de mi voz creo instrumentos que le permitan a la mayor cantidad de gente posible hacer m\u00fasica conmigo e incluso como si fueran yo misma."} {"en":"They gave the name for a US president: Town Destroyer, which is still the name that they use today because he just devastated a whole area.","es":"Le pusieron de nombre: El Destructor de Pueblos, que es el nombre que a\u00fan usan hoy, porque \u00e9l devast\u00f3 toda una zona."} {"en":"Good evening.","es":"Buenas tardes."} {"en":"The answer to that, loud and clear, is, \"Yes!","es":"La respuesta a eso, fuerte y claro, es: \"\u00a1S\u00ed!"} {"en":"Is it still there?","es":"\u00bfA\u00fan lo tiene?"} {"en":"One of the things that happened with the two previous oil spills was that we really worked on some of the symptoms.","es":"Una de las cosas que sucedieron con los dos derrames anteriores fue que realmente trabajamos en algunos de los s\u00edntomas."} {"en":"So the equation is conceptual.","es":"Entonces la ecuaci\u00f3n es conceptual."} {"en":"So doing right by Mother Nature and focusing on earth-friendly, zero-waste habits is not an option anymore.","es":"De manera que tratar bien a la Madre Naturaleza y adoptar h\u00e1bitos ecol\u00f3gicos, sin generar residuos, ya no es una opci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Well, in 2019, a group of researchers released a study looking at how Wikipedia writers take on the most contentious and difficult topics.","es":"Bueno, en 2019, unos investigadores publicaron un estudio analizando c\u00f3mo los escritores de Wikipedia tratan los problemas m\u00e1s dif\u00edciles y pol\u00e9micos."} {"en":"We started having open and frank conversations about what we were experiencing.","es":"Empezamos a tener conversaciones abiertas y sinceras sobre lo que nos pasaba."} {"en":"Lisht is a royal site; there would have been thousands of people buried there who lived and worked at the court of Pharaoh.","es":"Lisht es un sitio real; debi\u00f3 haber miles de personas enterradas all\u00ed que vivieron y trabajaron en la corte del fara\u00f3n."} {"en":"And in the presence of contempt, whether or not deception follows, and it doesn't always follow, look the other way, go the other direction, reconsider the deal, say, \"No thank you.","es":"Y ante el desprecio, sin importar si le sigue o no el enga\u00f1o, y no siempre le sigue, miren hacia otro lado, vayan hacia la direcci\u00f3n contraria, reconsideren el trato, digan, \"No, gracias."} {"en":"At age 31, that's my age now, in August I took two weeks to re-examine swimming, and question all the of the obvious aspects of swimming.","es":"A los 31 a\u00f1os, esa es mi edad ahora, en agosto tom\u00e9 dos semanas para reconsiderar la nataci\u00f3n, y cuestionar todos los aspectos obvios de nadar."} {"en":"Now I'm not here to tell anyone how to live.","es":"No estoy aqu\u00ed para decirle a nadie c\u00f3mo debe vivir."} {"en":"That's where she has to pull herself out from the depths of mortality, come in, release her spirit.","es":"Es de all\u00ed de donde ella tiene que salir de las profunidades de la mortalidad, entrar, liberar su esp\u00edritu."} {"en":"That's the one that John Locke systematized when he said that freedom was rooted in private property rights and the protection of law.","es":"Esa es la que John Locke sistematiz\u00f3 cuando dijo que la libertad ten\u00eda ra\u00edz en los derechos de propiedad privada y la protecci\u00f3n de la ley."} {"en":"That's what happens.","es":"Y esto es lo que pasa."} {"en":"NGOs and donor organizations, they can do their best, but it's not going to be enough.","es":"Las ONGs y los donantes puede que hagan lo mejor, pero no es suficiente."} {"en":"No one loses their inner demons by taking to the road.","es":"Nadie pierde sus demonios en la vida de vagabundo."} {"en":"You can also use the opportunity to delegate the meeting to a high performer or subject matter expert who may be a better choice anyway.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n puede aprovechar para delegar la reuni\u00f3n a un experto en el tema que van a tratar, quien podr\u00eda ser una mejor elecci\u00f3n."} {"en":"So people follow the party much more than they used to.","es":"La gente sigue al partido mucho m\u00e1s de lo que sol\u00edan."} {"en":"I need a hundred billion.\" So I'm like that.","es":"Necesito cien mil millones, as\u00ed que as\u00ed soy."} {"en":"But also we really need some persuasion if we're going to accept this.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n necesitamos un poco de persuasi\u00f3n para aceptar esto."} {"en":"As the test left clinics and entered popular culture its reputation among medical professionals plummeted, and the blots began to fall out of clinical use.","es":"A medida que la prueba abandon\u00f3 la cl\u00ednica y se insert\u00f3 en la cultura popular, su reputaci\u00f3n entre profesionales m\u00e9dicos se vino abajo, y ya no se inclu\u00edan las l\u00e1minas en \u00e1mbitos cl\u00ednicos."} {"en":"The best questions are the ones that create the most uncertainty.","es":"Las mejores preguntas son aquellas que generan m\u00e1s incertidumbre."} {"en":"It's okay to be angry with the thing, the nuclear weapons in this case, but it is hopeless to be angry with the people.","es":"Est\u00e1 bien estar enojado con algo \u2014las armas nucleares en este caso\u2014 pero no tiene sentido estar enojado con la gente."} {"en":"OK. Sorry about that.","es":"Est\u00e1 bien. Lo siento."} {"en":"We see natural disasters, war, terror.","es":"Vemos desastres naturales, guerra, terror."} {"en":"And, of course: \"I find beauty in everything\" is super duper cliche.","es":"Y, por supuesto, \"ver la belleza en todo\" es un s\u00faper clich\u00e9."} {"en":"Announcer: This is an historic day in January.","es":"Anunciador: Este es un d\u00eda hist\u00f3rico ."} {"en":"And why the ant was doing it was because its brain had been infected with a lancet fluke that was needed to get into the belly of a sheep or a cow in order to reproduce.","es":"\u00bfY cu\u00e1l es la raz\u00f3n de la conducta de la hormiga? Pues es porque un par\u00e1sito llamado Dicrocoelium dendriticum ha infectado su cerebro. y necesita llegar al intestino de una oveja o vaca para reproducirse."} {"en":"DK: Thank you.","es":"DK: Gracias."} {"en":"But so what?","es":"Pero, \u00bfy qu\u00e9?"} {"en":"What does it say here?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 dice aqu\u00ed?"} {"en":"Little circle colored in there.","es":"Peque\u00f1o c\u00edrculo coloreado aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"What I'm showing you again here is this map of the Human Microbiome Project Data, so each point represents a sample from one body site from one of 250 healthy adults.","es":"Aqu\u00ed les muestro nuevamente el mapa de los datos del Proyecto Microbioma Humano. Cada punto representa la muestra de un cuerpo uno de 250 adultos sanos."} {"en":"In one study, scientists looked at about 17,000 children who were born in 1970.","es":"En un estudio, los cient\u00edficos observaron unos 17 000 ni\u00f1os nacidos en 1970."} {"en":"I was the better at getting and keeping.","es":"Yo fui el mejor en obtener y guardar."} {"en":"They're doing what they know how to do, which is exploring for, drilling for and producing a subsurface energy asset.","es":"Hacen lo que saben hacer, que es explorar, perforar y producir un activo energ\u00e9tico del subsuelo."} {"en":"That course has become sort of like our petri dish of learning.","es":"Ese curso se ha vuelto como nuestra placa de Petri del aprendizaje."} {"en":"And here is what it does.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 lo que hace."} {"en":"He came home once a year.","es":"Volv\u00eda a casa una vez al a\u00f1o."} {"en":"This is completely bizarre.","es":"Esto es demasiado extra\u00f1o."} {"en":"It's not like you just look over and say, \"What am I seeing?","es":"No es como si vieras y dijeras, \u00bfQu\u00e9 estoy viendo?"} {"en":"And again, here are some of the lessons.","es":"Y de nuevo, nos encontramos con algunas lecciones."} {"en":"For years, I've worked with talented teams and they've chosen the right objectives and the wrong objectives.","es":"Trabajo desde hace a\u00f1os con equipos excelentes que han elegido objetivos acertados y desacertados."} {"en":"We\u2019ve only scratched the surface of all the incredible ways nails and claws are used throughout the animal kingdom.","es":"Solo conocemos la punta del iceberg de todas las incre\u00edbles formas en que las u\u00f1as y las garras se usan en todo el reino animal."} {"en":"I will show you how it works.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 c\u00f3mo funciona."} {"en":"People are understanding, from Cairo to Oakland, that there are new ways to come together, there are new ways to mobilize, there are new ways to influence.","es":"La gente est\u00e1 entendiendo, desde El Cairo a Oakland, que hay nuevas formas de unirse, nuevas formas de movilizarse, nuevas formas de influir."} {"en":"And he said there was coming soon, depending on the weather, but he'd let me know when, and so with about four days notice, he said to go to this beach south of Lisbon, and a little after 9, this guy will walk out of the water.","es":"\u00c9l dijo que llegar\u00eda pronto, todo dependiendo del clima, y que me har\u00eda saber cu\u00e1ndo, y con cuatro d\u00edas de anticipaci\u00f3n, me dijo que fuera a una playa al sur de Lisboa, y un poco despu\u00e9s de las 9, un hombre saldr\u00e1 caminando del agua."} {"en":"Too many have learned of their child's suffering and humiliation after it was too late.","es":"Demasiados han sabido del sufrimiento y la humillaci\u00f3n de su hijo despu\u00e9s de que fuera demasiado tarde."} {"en":"If you go back over the history of ancient warfare, you will find time and time again that slingers were the decisive factor against infantry in one kind of battle or another.","es":"Si dan un vistazo a la historia de las guerras de la antig\u00fcedad, se van a encontrar con que, muchas veces, los honderos fueron el factor decisivo contra la infanter\u00eda en una batalla u otra."} {"en":"The machines would rise up against us.","es":"Las m\u00e1quinas se levantar\u00edan contra nosotros."} {"en":"Here's lesson number one.","es":"Esta es la lecci\u00f3n n\u00famero uno."} {"en":"I was lucky, because this is a fact of life when you grow up in a place like that.","es":"Tuve suerte, porque esto es una realidad cuando creces en un lugar como ese."} {"en":"It's not a thing I often do, so listen carefully.","es":"No es algo que haga a menudo, as\u00ed que escuchen con atenci\u00f3n."} {"en":"This practice reflects the widespread belief that human lives are more valuable than non-human lives.","es":"Esta pr\u00e1ctica refleja la creencia de que las vidas humanas son m\u00e1s valiosas que las vidas no humanas."} {"en":"It would be like a tag team of specialists going up against the patient's pain.","es":"Eran como un equipo de especialistas en lucha contra el dolor de los pacientes."} {"en":"So it was a very difficult time.","es":"Fue un momento muy dif\u00edcil."} {"en":"But just as she got across, the snake slithered by.","es":"Pero en el momento de llegar, la serpiente rept\u00f3 hasta all\u00ed."} {"en":"Most important of all, I didn't know what that was the first time I heard it.","es":"Lo m\u00e1s importante de todo, no sab\u00eda lo que era y esa fue la primera vez que lo escuch\u00e9."} {"en":"A month later, I peered anxiously down through my microscope to see what we had grown, and I saw nothing.","es":"Luego de un mes, observ\u00e9 ansioso a trav\u00e9s del microscopio para ver lo que hab\u00edamos creado, y vi nada."} {"en":"You answer the phone, and very often you recognize somebody before they've even said what their name is.","es":"Contestas el tel\u00e9fono, y casi siempre reconoces a alguien antes de que hayan dicho su nombre."} {"en":"My dad needed an appendectomy. And because he was Jewish, not one hospital would operate on him.","es":"Mi pap\u00e1 necesitaba una apendicectom\u00eda. pero como era jud\u00edo, ning\u00fan hospital lo quer\u00eda operar."} {"en":"We used to be told that a coward goes home to his mother.","es":"Nos dijeron que un cobarde vuelve a casa con su madre."} {"en":"Then, if we added maps like the geology, the bedrock geology, and the surface geology, what the glaciers leave, if we make the soil map, with the 17 soil classes, that are defined by the National Conservation Service, if we make a digital elevation model of the topography that tells us how high the hills were, then we can calculate the slopes. We can calculate the aspect.","es":"Luego, si agreg\u00e1ramos mapas, por ejemplo geol\u00f3gicos, de geolog\u00eda estructural, y de superficie , lo que qued\u00f3 tras los glaciares; si hacemos el mapa de suelos, con los 17 tipos de suelos establecidos por el Servicio Nacional de Conservaci\u00f3n de los Suelos, y hacemos un modelo de elevaci\u00f3n digital de la topograf\u00eda, que nos dice cu\u00e1nto med\u00edan las colinas, entonces podremos calcular las pendientes, la orientaci\u00f3n, y la exposici\u00f3n al viento invernal."} {"en":"So if we were to have some kind of global governance, what makes you think it would end up being more like Denmark rather than more like Russia or Honduras, and aren't there alternatives, such as we did with CFCs?","es":"Si fu\u00e9ramos a tener alg\u00fan tipo de gobierno global \u00bfqu\u00e9 te hace creer que ser\u00eda m\u00e1s parecido a Dinamarca que a Rusia o a Honduras? \u00bfNo hay alternativas como lo hicimos con los clorofluorocarbonos?"} {"en":"There's nothing special about me.","es":"No hay nada especial en m\u00ed."} {"en":"80,000 cases, and the majority of those cases were brought against government departments.","es":"Y la mayor\u00eda de esos 80 000 casos fueron presentados contra departamentos gubernamentales."} {"en":"And as athletes have realized that we're perfectly suited for ultra-endurance, they've taken on feats that would have been unthinkable before, athletes like Spanish endurance racer K\u00edlian Jornet.","es":"Y como los atletas han notado que somos perfectamente adecuados para la ultraresistencia, han realizado haza\u00f1as que antes hubieran sido impensables, atletas como el corredor de resistencia espa\u00f1ol Kilian Jornet."} {"en":"This is Mukuru.","es":"Esto es Mukuro."} {"en":"I didn't just passively accept the faith of my parents.","es":"No acept\u00e9 pasivamente la fe de mis padres."} {"en":"Pay a cover charge.","es":"Paguen la entrada."} {"en":"As an example, the Apollo 11 moon mission was both successful and inspiring, showing that when we humans use technology wisely, we can accomplish things that our ancestors could only dream of.","es":"Como ejemplo, la misi\u00f3n Apolo 11 a la Luna fue exitosa e inspiradora, mostrando que cuando los humanos usamos la tecnolog\u00eda sabiamente, podemos lograr cosas que nuestros antepasados \u200b\u200bsolo pod\u00edan so\u00f1ar."} {"en":"And now I'm sitting here almost a year later with a clean inbox on a consistent basis.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed estoy, casi un a\u00f1o despu\u00e9s, con una bandeja de entrada siempre limpia."} {"en":"At first, a physical therapist works with patients, but then it's up to the patients to do their exercises at home.","es":"Al principio, un fisioterapeuta trabaja con los pacientes, pero luego les toca a los pacientes hacer sus ejercicios en casa."} {"en":"What about the domestication of grains?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa con la domesticaci\u00f3n de los granos?"} {"en":"These images from the American Society for Microbiology show us the process.","es":"Estas im\u00e1genes de la Sociedad Americana para la Microbiolog\u00eda muestra el proceso."} {"en":"I suspect some of you may feel numb, too.","es":"Sospecho que algunos de Uds. tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1n insensibilizados."} {"en":"He said that such a man would be in a lunatic asylum, if he existed at all.","es":"Dijo que ese tipo de persona deber\u00eda estar en un manicomio, si existiera."} {"en":"And while we don't believe in supermales today, God, I hope we don't, we don't believe in supermales today, there is a very similar conversation that's still happening around inherent violence in boys and biology.","es":"Y aunque hoy no creamos en supermachos --Dios m\u00edo, espero que no-- Aunque no creamos en supermachos, hay un discurso muy parecido que contin\u00faa en torno a la violencia inherente en ni\u00f1os y su biolog\u00eda."} {"en":"And as you'll see now, I'm not wearing pants.","es":"Y ahora me van a ver, no tengo pantalones."} {"en":"KA: Well, I think that's interesting.","es":"KA: Bueno, pienso que es interesante."} {"en":"Altogether, host species show a remarkable variety of responses.","es":"En conjunto, las especies hu\u00e9sped muestran una gran variedad de reacciones."} {"en":"It allows us to test things as an entrepreneur, to go to market, to be in conversation with people, listen, refine something and go back.","es":"Nos permite, como entrepeneurs, probar ideas, lanzarlas al mercado, entrar en conversaci\u00f3n con gente, escuchar, perfeccionar algo y regresar."} {"en":"So I'm less convinced by the energy conservation idea.","es":"As\u00ed que me convence menos la idea de la conservaci\u00f3n de energ\u00eda."} {"en":"In fact, research says that for a student to do well, a family's engagement is more important than that family's wealth.","es":"De hecho, dice la investigaci\u00f3n que para un alumno tener \u00e9xito, la participaci\u00f3n de la familia es mucho m\u00e1s importante que su riqueza."} {"en":"Where did the ocean's worth of water on Mars go?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde se fueron los oc\u00e9anos de agua de Marte?"} {"en":"But notwithstanding the burden of disease, what about the nuisance that mosquitoes can have just to our day-to-day lives?","es":"Pero no obstante la carga de la enfermedad, \u00bfQu\u00e9 me dices de la molestia que pueden causar los mosquitos en nuestra vida diaria?"} {"en":"MR: You were in Davos with Greta Thunberg and some other well-known climate activists.","es":"MR: Estuviste en Davos con Greta Thunberg y otros activistas clim\u00e1ticos reconocidos."} {"en":"And my mom, as if I couldn't hear it, would always tell me, \"We're fine, don't worry.\"","es":"Y mi madre me dec\u00eda siempre, como si yo no escuchara nada: \"No te preocupes, Johannita, estamos bien\"."} {"en":"If they're anonymous, how do they treat their victims?","es":"\u00bfInfluye si son an\u00f3nimos en su tratamiento de las v\u00edctimas?"} {"en":"It has deprioritized democracy and it has state capitalism, which is a completely different model.","es":"No ha priorizado la democracia y tiene un capitalismo de Estado, que plantea un modelo distinto."} {"en":"They don't read music.","es":"No leen m\u00fasica."} {"en":"JB: Richard Serra says that so nonchalantly, you might have missed it.","es":"JB: Richard Serra lo dice tan despreocupadamente que quiz\u00e1 lo pasamos por alto."} {"en":"But the closer these baryonic particles get, the hotter the fluid becomes, pushing photons to ping around with incredible force.","es":"Pero cuanto m\u00e1s cerca estas part\u00edculas est\u00e1n, m\u00e1s caliente se vuelve el fluido, haciendo que los fotones se muevan con una fuerza incre\u00edble."} {"en":"We can add many different layers of siRNA to address different mutations and tumor defense mechanisms.","es":"Podemos agregar diferentes capas de ARNip para tratar diferentes mutaciones y mecanismos de defensa de los tumores."} {"en":"Keep you engaged.","es":"Sigue enganchado."} {"en":"CA: Hospitals here in New York, there are warnings that they're about to get overwhelmed.","es":"CA: Los hospitales aqu\u00ed en Nueva York, hay advertencias de que est\u00e1n a punto de sobrecargarse."} {"en":"In China, they have the same idea communicated through the phrase of \"nine cows and only one cow thread.\"","es":"En China, tienen la misma idea comunicada mediante la frase \u201cnueve vacas y solo un hilo de vaca\u201d."} {"en":"And if you do that, what you end up with is a cyber weapon of mass destruction.","es":"Y si hicieras eso, con lo que terminar\u00edas es con una ciber-arma de destrucci\u00f3n masiva."} {"en":"Mammals climbed trees, flew and did a lot of other things that are seemingly sort of modern.","es":"Los mam\u00edferos se sub\u00edan a los \u00e1rboles, volaban y hac\u00edan un mont\u00f3n de otras cosas que se consideran actuales."} {"en":"Today, the IPCC has indicated in their last report that technology-based solutions to remove carbon from the air are a necessity, and they included it their models.","es":"Hoy, el IPCC ha indicado en su \u00faltimo informe que las soluciones basadas en tecnolog\u00eda para eliminar el carbono del aire son una necesidad, y lo incluyeron en sus modelos."} {"en":"But I do know that we\u2019re going to need a whole spread of them, with nature and technology working hand in hand to take CO2 out of the sky and keep it out.","es":"Pero s\u00ed s\u00e9 que necesitaremos bastantes, y as\u00ed trabajar con la naturaleza y la tecnolog\u00eda mano a mano para quitar el CO2 de la atm\u00f3sfera y mantenerlo fuera."} {"en":"Did we know that it was aerosol spread?","es":"\u00bfSab\u00edamos que era aerosol?"} {"en":"This is all women's savings, women capital, no outside investors asking for a business plan.","es":"Todo eso son los ahorros de las mujeres, el capital de las mujeres, y no de inversores externos pidiendo un plan de negocios."} {"en":"And on the basis of several points, the oceans are complex, and they're central to the life on earth.","es":"Y en la base de varios puntos los oc\u00e9anos son complejos, y primordiales para la vida en la Tierra."} {"en":"And it's also why I'm working with the aviation sector to figure out how to decarbonize as soon as possible.","es":"Y es por ello que estoy trabajando con el sector de aviaci\u00f3n para averiguar c\u00f3mo descarbonizar lo m\u00e1s pronto posible."} {"en":"See, like many of you, growing up, I was an honor roll student, a scholarship student, with dreams of becoming a doctor.","es":"Como muchos de Uds., de chico fui un alumno ejemplar, un estudiante becado, con el sue\u00f1o de graduarme de m\u00e9dico."} {"en":"So I wanted to know what are the brainwave patterns when you look overtly or when you look covertly.","es":"Y yo quer\u00eda saber cu\u00e1les eran los patrones cerebrales cuando uno mira abiertamente o cuando lo hace de manera encubierta."} {"en":"But they will have a dark side.","es":"Pero tendr\u00e1n un lado oscuro tambi\u00e9n."} {"en":"Although global attention is focused on the pandemic, cities are still sinking and sea levels are still rising.","es":"A pesar de que la pandemia est\u00e1 acaparando la atenci\u00f3n medi\u00e1tica, se siguen inundando ciudades y el nivel del mar sigue aumentando."} {"en":"There are multiple reasons why we should see this as a moment of decision to make a big change and get off of fossil fuels.","es":"Hay m\u00faltiples razones por las que deber\u00edamos ver esto como un momento de decisi\u00f3n para hacer un gran cambio y dejar los combustibles f\u00f3siles."} {"en":"So AI is not doing exactly what the brain is doing, but it's not completely random either.","es":"La IA no sabe exactamente lo que hace el cerebro, pero tampoco es algo completamente al azar."} {"en":"My great friend, that's Ellington. He's awesome.","es":"Mi buen amigo, ese es Ellington."} {"en":"I got into this business designing products.","es":"Me met\u00ed en este negocio de productos de dise\u00f1o."} {"en":"You know what I mean?","es":"\u00bfMe entienden?"} {"en":"Do we call it for what it is, theft, or do we gloss over it with other words?","es":"\u00bfLa llamamos por lo que es -un robo- o la encubrimos con otras palabras?"} {"en":"We discovered something quite interesting.","es":"Descubrimos algo bastante interesante."} {"en":"They got to work on what they could do.","es":"Se fueron a ayudar en lo que pudieron."} {"en":"Cities are perfect, tractable fronts for us to drive down greenhouse gas emissions and create a lot of jobs by building local circular economies.","es":"Las ciudades son un frente perfecto y manejable para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y crear muchos empleos mediante la creaci\u00f3n de econom\u00edas circulares locales."} {"en":"After all, to be an entrepreneur is to conjure things that aren't real yet.","es":"A fin de cuentas, ser emprendedor significa visualizar lo que a\u00fan no existe."} {"en":"And it was a frustrating experience, because I'd hear the same back-and-forth over and over again: \"The robots are coming!\"","es":"Y fue una experiencia frustrante, porque escuchaba lo mismo una y otra vez: \"\u00a1Los robots est\u00e1n llegando!\"."} {"en":"So, in 1969, beloved American children's television presenter Mister Rogers sits impaneled before the United States congressional subcommittee on communications, chaired by the seemingly very curmudgeonly John Pastore.","es":"En 1969, el amado presentador estadounidense de programa infantil M\u00edster Rogers se sent\u00f3 frente al subcomit\u00e9 de comunicaciones del Congreso de EE. UU. presidido por John Pastore, que aparentaba ser bastante irascible."} {"en":"It's quite a ways further before we get to the edges of our own Solar System. And even out to other stars, to the constellations.","es":"Faltar\u00eda algo para llegar a los l\u00edmites de nuestro propio sistema solar o a otras estrellas o constelaciones."} {"en":"She was the New Englander and abrasive, and he was this courtly fellow.","es":"Ella era de Nueva Inglaterra y abrasiva, y \u00e9l era este tipo cortesano."} {"en":"Our team is continuing to build new tools, this is our latest, this is the trident underwater drone, it's a diving submarine, it's sleek, you can fit it in a backpack, it can go down to 100 meters, deeper than most divers can go.","es":"Nuestro equipo sigue construyendo nuevas herramientas, este la \u00faltima, es el dron submarino tridente, es un submarino de buceo, es elegante, puedes ponerlo en una mochila, puede bajar hasta 100 m, m\u00e1s profundo que la mayor\u00eda de los buceadores."} {"en":"LSD and psilocybin both function like serotonin in the brain, binding directly to one type of serotonin receptor in particular.","es":"El LSD y la psilocibina funcionan como serotonina para el cerebro, lig\u00e1ndose a un tipo particular de receptor de serotonina."} {"en":"And I got this picture, and I thought, \"This picture is going to live within his consciousness for his entire life.","es":"Y recib\u00ed esta foto, y pens\u00e9, \"Esta imagen va a estar en su conciencia por toda su vida."} {"en":"It was the combination that was the key.","es":"Era la combinaci\u00f3n que era la clave."} {"en":"Most of the kids don't go to school saying, \"Great, two hours of math!\"","es":"Muchos de los ni\u00f1os no van a la escuela diciendo, \"\u00a1Guau, dos horas de matem\u00e1ticas!\""} {"en":"We're last place in Europe in innovation.","es":"En innovaci\u00f3n, estamos en el \u00faltimo lugar en Europa."} {"en":"People who happened to be women didn't have the same rights, couldn't vote.","es":"Las mujeres no ten\u00edan los mismos derechos, no pod\u00edan votar."} {"en":"The interrogator thinks for a minute and says, \u201cGood.","es":"El interrogador piensa por un minuto y dice: \"Bueno."} {"en":"Okay, so that's the first case of matricide.","es":"Fue el primer caso de matricidio."} {"en":"This is one of the things James Lovelock has been insisting; basically, our knowledge of the oceans, especially of ocean life, is fundamentally vapor, in this sense.","es":"James Lovelock ha estado insistiendo en esto: nuestros conocimientos de los oc\u00e9anos, especialmente de la vida marina, es fundamentalmente vapor."} {"en":"As you can never say no to a kid.","es":"Nunca se puede decir que no a un ni\u00f1o."} {"en":"Right now, survival is victory in this story that we are living.","es":"Ahora, la supervivencia es la victoria en esta historia en que vivimos."} {"en":"Hendrik Poinar: I don't think it's reticence.","es":"Hendrik Poinar: No creo que sea reticencia."} {"en":"But right now, companies like TransCanada are briefing police in presentations like this one about how to prosecute nonviolent protesters as terrorists.","es":"Pero ahora las empresas como TransCanada est\u00e1n capacitando a la polic\u00eda en presentaciones como esta sobre c\u00f3mo perseguir manifestantes no violentos como terroristas."} {"en":"The words that I spoke at the beginning, \"O for a Muse of fire,\" et cetera, are Shakespeare's.","es":"Las palabras que dije al principio \u201cOh, por una musa de fuego\u201d, etc\u00e9tera, son de Shakespeare."} {"en":"You go places you've dreamt about.","es":"Uno va a lugares con los que so\u00f1\u00f3."} {"en":"To live in the present, the now.","es":"Vivir en el presente, el ahora."} {"en":"With 30 billion tons of carbon sequestered in the peatlands, we're talking at 1.5 trillion.","es":"Con 30 000 millones de toneladas de carbono almacenado en las turberas, estamos hablando de USD 1,5 billones."} {"en":"The company has gone from strength to strength, growing from that single gym in Northville, Michigan, to now over three dozen gyms across small-town Michigan, Indiana and now Canada.","es":"La compa\u00f1\u00eda ha crecido exponencialmente, habiendo comenzado con ese gimnasio en Northville, Michigan, teniendo ahora m\u00e1s de tres docenas de gimnasios en Michigan, Indiana y ahora Canad\u00e1."} {"en":"I said, \"But I do have to tell you that I'm watching your body language and I'm listening to what you're saying. It just doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of collaboration going on here.","es":"\"Pero tengo que decirles que veo su lenguaje corporal y escucho lo que dicen, y es solo que no parece que haya mucha colaboraci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"She was not genetically related, nor was her husband.","es":"Ni ella ni su esposo ten\u00edan un parentesco gen\u00e9tico con los bebes."} {"en":"AG: Most modern wind turbines consist of a large","es":"AG: La mayor parte de los programas e\u00f3licos hoy"} {"en":"So that's the state we're at; it's not very good.","es":"Pues es la situaci\u00f3n que tenemos. No es, no es bastante buena."} {"en":"Because Muti","es":"Porque Muti"} {"en":"But let's approach with love!\"","es":"\u00a1Pero afront\u00e9moslo con amor!\"."} {"en":"For me, atoning meant going back into my community and working with at-risk youth who were on the same path, but also becoming at one with myself.","es":"Para m\u00ed, eso significaba volver a mi comunidad a trabajar con j\u00f3venes en riesgo que iban por el mismo camino, pero tambi\u00e9n reconciliarme conmigo mismo."} {"en":"So, I would turn the table a little bit on you, Chris.","es":"Entonces, te dar\u00eda la vuelta un poco a ti, Chris."} {"en":"EA: For folks who look like me, the easiest and most comfortable thing to do is to not pay attention, to assume our criminal legal system is working.","es":"Para la gente que tiene mi aspecto, lo m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil y c\u00f3modo es no prestar atenci\u00f3n, asumir que nuestro sistema judicial penal funciona."} {"en":"People do not enslave people to be mean to them.","es":"Las personas no esclavizan a otras para hacerles da\u00f1o."} {"en":"They have relatively poor spatial and temporal resolution, and their signal needs to be corrected for cloud cover and land effects and other factors.","es":"Tienen una resoluci\u00f3n espacial y temporal relativamente pobre y hay que corregir su se\u00f1al a causa de las nubes, los efectos terrestres y otros factores."} {"en":"I said, \"N-O.","es":"Yo dije, \"N-O."} {"en":"But however, about half the patients, this doesn't happen.","es":"No obstante, a cerca de la mitad de los pacientes esto no les pasa."} {"en":"What we are going to need instead is to have other technologies that help us deal with some of the communication that we are overloaded with.","es":"En cambio, lo que necesitaremos es tener otras tecnolog\u00edas que nos ayuden a manejar la comunicaci\u00f3n que tenemos en exceso."} {"en":"Whitney Pennington Rodgers: Hi, Al.","es":"Whitney Pennington Rodgers: Hola, Al."} {"en":"Today, the Summer and Winter Olympics bring international world-class athletes together by the thousands, uniting fans by the billions for the world's foremost sporting competition.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda, los juegos ol\u00edmpicos de invierno y verano re\u00fanen a miles de atletas de clase internacional y unen a miles de millones de fans en lo que es la competici\u00f3n deportiva m\u00e1s importante del mundo."} {"en":"Which is why the parasite is beginning to develop a resistance.","es":"Raz\u00f3n por la cual el par\u00e1sito est\u00e1 comenzando a desarrollar resistencia."} {"en":"Based on my work, I see the great majority of those vulnerable people are women, and this resonates with me, especially today as I give my talk from the safety of my home.","es":"Basado en mi trabajo, constato que la gran mayor\u00eda de esas personas vulnerables son mujeres, y esto hace eco en m\u00ed, especialmente hoy mientras doy mi charla desde la seguridad de mi hogar."} {"en":"We were listening to the news in the morning, and they were having conversations with their friends at school.","es":"Escuch\u00e1bamos las noticias en la ma\u00f1ana, y ten\u00edamos conversaciones con sus amigos en la escuela."} {"en":"We are now going through an amazing and unprecedented moment where the power dynamics between men and women are shifting very rapidly, and in many of the places where it counts the most, women are, in fact, taking control of everything.","es":"Ahora estamos pasando por un momento incre\u00edble y sin precedentes en el que la din\u00e1mica de poder entre hombres y mujeres est\u00e1 cambiando muy r\u00e1pidamente. Y en muchos lugares donde este fen\u00f3meno se nota m\u00e1s las mujeres est\u00e1n tomando el control de todo."} {"en":"And this is not an informal city or a pop-up city.","es":"No se trata de una ciudad informal ni improvisada."} {"en":"Those people would be at great risk, especially the elderly. Elderly in all populations are at risk, but especially those who can't get to oxygen.","es":"Esas personas correr\u00edan peligro, especialmente las personas mayores, Las personas mayores en todas las poblaciones est\u00e1n en riesgo, m\u00e1s a\u00fan los que no tienen acceso a ox\u00edgeno."} {"en":"Yet when I visited her, all of her animals had died during the most recent drought, and she was devastated because her grandchildren had dropped out of school.","es":"Sin embargo, cuando la visit\u00e9, todos sus animales hab\u00edan muerto durante la sequ\u00eda m\u00e1s reciente, y estaba devastada porque sus nietos hab\u00edan abandonado la escuela."} {"en":"Her grace moved each being she encountered.","es":"Su bondad conmovi\u00f3 a todos los seres con que se encontr\u00f3."} {"en":"These trying times that I speak of, or life testers, if you may, are what truly make us man and woman.","es":"Esos intentos de los que hablo, o pruebas de la vida, si lo prefieren, son lo que realmente nos vuelve hombres y mujeres."} {"en":"And no one got killed.","es":"Y nadie result\u00f3 muerto."} {"en":"I put an attractive shell around some new technology.","es":"Cubr\u00ed algo de tecnolog\u00eda nueva con una c\u00e1scara atractiva."} {"en":"While BMI can be a helpful estimate of healthy weight, actual body fat percentage can only really be determined by also considering information like waist circumference and muscle mass.","es":"Aunque el IMC ayuda a estimar el peso saludable, el porcentaje real de grasa corporal solo puede determinarse tomando informaci\u00f3n como el per\u00edmetro de la cintura y la masa muscular."} {"en":"So, my work became popular.","es":"Mi trabajo se hizo popular."} {"en":"It's sort of this \"duh\" thing.","es":"Es una de estas cosas obvias."} {"en":"I'm going to stay here.\"","es":"Voy a quedarme aqu\u00ed.\""} {"en":"It's branded versus generic, but it's doing nothing versus doing something.","es":"Es marca versus gen\u00e9rico, y no hacer nada versus hacer algo."} {"en":"These are the 15 commodities that fundamentally pose the biggest threats to these places because of deforestation, soil loss, water use, pesticide use, over-fishing, etc. So we've got 35 places, we've got 15 priority commodities, who do we work with to change the way those commodities are produced?","es":"\u00c9stas son las 15 materias primas que representan el mayor riesgo para estos lugares. Bien debido a la deforestaci\u00f3n, la degradaci\u00f3n de los suelos, el uso del agua, el uso de pesticidas, la sobrepesca, etc. Hemos localizado 35 lugares, hemos identificado 15 materias primas, \u00bfcon qui\u00e9n podemos trabajar para cambiar el modo de producci\u00f3n de estas materias primas?"} {"en":"I would drive it and demand things from it.","es":"Lo manejar\u00eda y le demandar\u00eda cosas."} {"en":"I see everybody from the Pacific Northwest is like, \"I have some suggestions for you.\" And you guys, we have tried looking up.","es":"Veo a los del Noroeste del Pac\u00edfico diciendo: \"tengo algunas sugerencias para ti\" Chicos, hemos tratado de mejorar."} {"en":"So for example, in the case of the fish, has this fish been caught in an area where there's enough of them, so that it's sustainable to catch it there and not in a marine protected area?","es":"As\u00ed que, por ejemplo, en el caso del pescado, \u00bfha sido capturado en un \u00e1rea donde hay suficientes, para que sea sostenible atraparlo all\u00ed y no en un \u00e1rea marina protegida?"} {"en":"And so where there is water, there is a very high chance of our kind of life.","es":"Por lo que, donde hay agua, hay una alta probabilidad de que exista nuestro tipo de vida."} {"en":"Goodbye, Mahatma Gandhi.","es":"Adi\u00f3s, Mahatma Gandhi."} {"en":"It's a jump in category.","es":"Es un salto de categor\u00eda."} {"en":"Our programs, mMitra and Kilkari, are free, weekly voice call services.","es":"Nuestros programas, mMitra y Kilkari, son servicios de llamada de voz gratis y semanales."} {"en":"And I got joy out of just watching them sleep.","es":"Me daba mucha alegr\u00eda verlos durmiendo."} {"en":"If the starting candle is now off, you\u2019ve completed the loop and know the giant\u2019s age!","es":"Si la vela del inicio ahora est\u00e1 apagada, \u00a1has recorrido todo t\u00fanel y sabes la edad del gigante!"} {"en":"We have people regretting bullying, we have people regretting marital infidelity. All kinds of things.","es":"Gente arrepentida por haber acosado, arrepentida de infidelidad marital, todo tipo de cosas."} {"en":"And during digestion, mammalian gut bacteria breaks down sulfur and amino acids containing sulfur to produce hydrogen disulphide, a gas with a smell resembling rotten eggs.","es":"En la digesti\u00f3n, bacterias intestinales de los mam\u00edferos descomponen el azufre y amino\u00e1cidos que contienen azufre para producir disulfuro de hidr\u00f3geno, un gas con olor parecido a huevos podridos."} {"en":"She knew him well, she trusted him.","es":"Lo conoc\u00eda bien y confiaba en \u00e9l."} {"en":"A land where every field hides a grave, where millions of people have been deported or killed in the 20th century.","es":"Una tierra en la que cada campo esconde una tumba, donde millones de personas han sido deportadas o asesinadas en el siglo XX."} {"en":"And Mercer County wasn't alone.","es":"Y el condado de Mercer no era el \u00fanico."} {"en":"Or in Arizona, which is John McCain's home, Obama didn't have much improvement.","es":"O en Arizona, donde reside John McCain, Obama no ha mejorado mucho."} {"en":"Girl: 581.","es":"Ni\u00f1a: 581."} {"en":"And the complexity of rebuilding ecosystems demonstrates how important it is to protect our existing forests.","es":"Y la complejidad a la hora de reconstruir ecosistemas demuestra lo importante que es proteger nuestros bosques ya existentes."} {"en":"Some of the events are very sad in a way, but very honest to the refugee experience.","es":"Algunos de los eventos son muy tristes, pero reflejan muy bien a los refugiados."} {"en":"What was interesting about the article was, people started commenting on the article, readers of the thing.","es":"Lo interesante de este art\u00edculo es que los lectores empezaron a comentar el art\u00edculo."} {"en":"Now I have to tell you, I was talking to Kyle last week about this, that I was going to tell this story.","es":"Ahora les debo decir, La semana pasada le estaba contando a Kyle, que iba a contar esta historia."} {"en":"So, unfortunately for our new friend from the football game, his bad behavior at the game might outweigh his good behavior at the park.","es":"Entonces, desafortunadamente para nuestro nuevo amigo del partido de f\u00fatbol, es probable que su mal comportamiento en el partido pese m\u00e1s que su buen comportamiento en el parque."} {"en":"In a sense what we've done is we've created a new consumable. You, today, buy gasoline miles. And we created electric miles.","es":"En cierta forma, lo que hemos hecho es crear un nuevo \"consumible\" Hoy, uno compra millas de gasolina Nosotros creamos las millas de electricidad."} {"en":"What is more important: the total number of readers of a post you write, or who are the people who have impact that read what you write?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es m\u00e1s importante: la cantidad total de vistas del mensaje, o a qui\u00e9nes impact\u00f3 lo que escribiste?"} {"en":"Vomiting, diarrhea.","es":"Me dio v\u00f3mito y diarrea."} {"en":"Joseph Strauss, chief engineer in charge of building the bridge, was quoted as saying, \"The bridge is practically suicide-proof.","es":"Joseph Strauss, ingeniero jefe encargado de construir el puente, dijo que, \"El puente es pr\u00e1cticamente a prueba de suicidios."} {"en":"So we might engage a rat, for example, to acquire a new skill or ability that might involve the rat using its paw to master particular manual grasp behaviors just like we might examine a child and their ability to acquire the sub-skills, or the general overall skill of accomplishing something like mastering the ability to read.","es":"As\u00ed que podr\u00edamos estimular una rata, por ejemplo, para que adquiera una nueva destreza o habilidad que involucrar\u00eda que la rata use su pata para dominar comportamientos particulares de agarre manual as\u00ed como podr\u00edamos examinar a un ni\u00f1o y su habilidad para adquirir las sub-destrezas o el nivel general global de lograr algo como dominar la habilidad de leer."} {"en":"Some have been around for centuries, like the world\u2019s largest, Wadi al-Salaam, where more than five million people are buried.","es":"Algunos existen desde hace siglos, como el Wadi al-Salam, el m\u00e1s grande del mundo, donde est\u00e1n sepultadas m\u00e1s de cinco millones de personas."} {"en":"Yes.","es":"Si."} {"en":"And the mud and tears melt the cotton balls It\u2019s a heavy toll Oh, oh His words are cruel and they sting like fire Like the devil\u2019s choir Oh, oh Who will hold her hand in the sunken lands?","es":"Y el barro y las l\u00e1grimas derriten las bolas de algod\u00f3n Es un precio muy alto Oh, oh, Sus palabras son crueles y pican como el fuego Como el coro del diablo Oh, oh, \u00bfQui\u00e9n tomar\u00e1 su mano en las tierras hundidas?"} {"en":"And that's our world flapping about rather sadly, because of the refusal to use the elevation and the direction and the confidence that comes from flying on two wings.","es":"Y ese es nuestro mundo dando vueltas con bastante tristeza, debido a la negativa a utilizar la elevaci\u00f3n y la direcci\u00f3n y a la confianza que se obtiene al volar con dos alas."} {"en":"So we looked at English, we looked at maths, science, history, geography and we saw how we could put that around food.","es":"Vimos Ingl\u00e9s, Matem\u00e1ticas, Ciencias, Historia, Geograf\u00eda, y vimos c\u00f3mo pod\u00edamos poner eso en torno a la comida."} {"en":"Multiple genes almost certainly play a role, but we don\u2019t know how many, or which ones.","es":"Es casi seguro que varios genes juegan un papel, pero no sabemos cu\u00e1ntos ni cu\u00e1les."} {"en":"The best culinary experience of my life.","es":"La mejor experiencia culinaria de mi vida."} {"en":"After all, this is where World War III is supposed to break out.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, se supone que ah\u00ed comenzar\u00e1 la tercera guerra mundial."} {"en":"And the god Indra jumped into the clearing.","es":"Y el dios Indra salt\u00f3 al claro del bosque."} {"en":"Millions of people have contributed their desktop computers when they're not using them to link together through the Internet into supercomputing collectives that help solve the protein folding problem for medical researchers, that's Folding@home at Stanford, to crack codes, to search for life in outer space.","es":"Millones de personas han contribuido con sus computadoras cuando no las usan a vincular a trav\u00e9s de Internet colectivos supercomputarizados que ayudan a resolver el problema del plegamiento de prote\u00ednas para investigadores m\u00e9dicos. Se trata de Folding at Home en Standford. Para descifrar c\u00f3digos. Buscar vida en el espacio exterior."} {"en":"Then, they could demand that the states refuse to certify the election because of all this alleged fraud, or interference from a foreign power.","es":"Entonces, podr\u00edan exigir que los estados se niegan para certificar la elecci\u00f3n por todo este presunto fraude, o interferencia de una potencia extranjera."} {"en":"I realized we live in an apartheid of information.","es":"Me di cuenta de que vivimos en un apartheid de la informaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"How can we replicate what goes on in those clinic and medical dispensary waiting rooms?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos replicar lo que ocurre en esas cl\u00ednicas, dispensarios y salas de espera?"} {"en":"So why did I do it?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 lo hice?"} {"en":"But she also confides that she knows that members of the Taliban are actually SMS-ing votes in for her.","es":"Pero ella tambi\u00e9n confiesa que sabe que miembros del Taliban estan enviando mensajes de texto votando por ella."} {"en":"LL: Can you give us an example, Ryan?","es":"LL: Ryan, \u00bfpuedes darnos un ejemplo?"} {"en":"You're not even my father!\"","es":"\"\u00a1Ni siquiera eres mi padre!\""} {"en":"It became my leg pretty quickly.","es":"Se convirti\u00f3 en mi pierna bastante r\u00e1pido."} {"en":"That is our shared human brilliance.","es":"Nuestro esplendor humano compartido."} {"en":"Some have protective lids, others squirt blood.","es":"Algunos ojos tienen p\u00e1rpados protectores, otros lanzan sangre."} {"en":"Don't reach in your pocket.","es":"No, no se fije en su bolsillo."} {"en":"EP: Okay, how's the traffic?","es":"EP: Muy bien, \u00bfy c\u00f3mo est\u00e1 el tr\u00e1fico?"} {"en":"And what they found with the first Seawater Greenhouse that was built was it was producing slightly more freshwater than it needed for the plants inside.","es":"Y lo que hallaron con el primer Invernadero de Agua Marina fue que produc\u00eda levemente m\u00e1s agua dulce que la que necesitan las plantas del interior."} {"en":"A double positive and a double negative both result in a positive.","es":"Un doble positivo y un doble negativo, ambos resultan en un positivo."} {"en":"But every journey I take around the world, I see an even greater force sweeping the planet: connectivity.","es":"Pero en cada viaje que he dado alrededor del mundo he visto una gran fuerza extenderse por el mundo: la conectividad."} {"en":"You know, the iPhone had just come out, and I wanted a phone that was cool and hip.","es":"Ya saben, el iPhone acaba de salir y quer\u00eda un tel\u00e9fono ingenioso y a la moda."} {"en":"Well, you just can.","es":"Bueno, puedes hacerlo."} {"en":"I got the feeling that my brain wanted to basically see it come back to life.","es":"Sent\u00ed que mi cerebro quer\u00eda en realidad ver al Titanic regresar a la vida."} {"en":"Dizzyingly productive periods of hypomania, a misunderstood state that is a diluted form of mania without the telltale psychosis that leads to a diagnosis of bipolar I, but all of the increased energy and creativity and ideation and joie de vivre and burning the candle at both ends.","es":"Periodos de hipoman\u00eda muy productivos, conocidos err\u00f3neamente como estados de \u00e1nimo m\u00e1s suaves de man\u00eda sin la psicosis distintiva que conduce a un diagn\u00f3stico de trastorno bipolar tipo I pero con un aumento de energ\u00eda, creatividad, imaginaci\u00f3n, ganas de vivir y trabajo sin descanso."} {"en":"We have that through our gym, we have that through our recess, right, we're seeing people every day, we're letting our guard down, we end up sort of just developing these friendships.","es":"Tenemos eso con la educaci\u00f3n f\u00edsica, tenemos eso con el recreo, va, vemos a gente todos los d\u00edas, bajamos la guardia, acabamos, medio que, formando amistades."} {"en":"And such times call for all of us to be more dangerous.","es":"Y tiempos as\u00ed piden que seamos m\u00e1s peligrosos."} {"en":"But if you just think about the state of the world and knowledge of HIV\/AIDS in 1993, in India at that time it was skyrocketing and nobody understood why, and everyone was actually very, very afraid.","es":"Pero si uno piensa en la situaci\u00f3n del mundo y en el conocimiento sobre VIH\/SIDA en 1993 en India en ese momento se dispar\u00f3 y nadie entend\u00eda por qu\u00e9, todo el mundo estaba realmente asustado."} {"en":"The scientist that Jenna's parents hired to do this for several million dollars introduced CRISPR into a whole panel of human embryos.","es":"Los cient\u00edficos que los padres de Jenna contrataron, por varios millones de d\u00f3lares, aplicaron CRISPR a un completo panel de embriones humanos."} {"en":"Simply through singing.","es":"Simplemente a trav\u00e9s del canto."} {"en":"Does trust transfer?","es":"\u00bfLa confianza puede transferirse?"} {"en":"As the story will go with Joia we're reconnected again, a Massachusetts theme.","es":"E igual que sucedi\u00f3 con Joia Mukherjee he vuelto a trabajar con ellos, con Massachusetts siempre de fondo."} {"en":"So this is for real.","es":"O sea, que es una realidad."} {"en":"But when I was 12, as I was in this picture, a very exciting expedition was in place on the west side, when they found essentially the skeleton of this Homo erectus.","es":"Cuando ten\u00eda 12 a\u00f1os, como en esta fotograf\u00eda, una emocionante expedici\u00f3n se instal\u00f3 en el lado oeste, y encontraron el esqueleto de un Homo erectus."} {"en":"We don't know how, but we know it will.","es":"No sabemos c\u00f3mo, pero sabemos que va a suceder."} {"en":"But I hope that at one point in the talk we clicked, and you got me.","es":"Pero espero que en un punto de la charla conectemos y me entiendan."} {"en":"And what is worse, many developing countries actually have a blanket ban on sending money out of the country.","es":"Y lo que es peor, muchos pa\u00edses en v\u00edas de desarrollo proh\u00edben completamente los env\u00edos de dinero fuera del pa\u00eds."} {"en":"Arno Peters argued that by enlarging European and North American countries, the Mercator projection gives white nations a sense of supremacy over non-white nations closer to the equator.","es":"Arno Peters aleg\u00f3 que al agrandar los pa\u00edses europeos y norteamericanos, la proyecci\u00f3n Mercator da a las naciones blancas una sensaci\u00f3n de supremac\u00eda sobre las naciones no blancas m\u00e1s cercanas al ecuador."} {"en":"But as an agricultural researcher, I know lots of additives work well in the lab, but not in real animals.","es":"Pero como investigador en agricultura, s\u00e9 que muchos aditivos funcionan en laboratorios pero no en animales reales."} {"en":"We have roadmaps that could allow us to bring the HIV epidemic to an end in the near future, with the possibility of eradicating the disease altogether several generations in the future.","es":"Ya existen los planos que permitir\u00edan acabar con la epidemia del VIH en un futuro pr\u00f3ximo, tambi\u00e9n existe la posibilidad de erradicar la enfermedad por completo dentro de un par de generaciones."} {"en":"Now, take the Arab Spring.","es":"Ahora, veamos la primavera \u00e1rabe."} {"en":"EP: Okay, Osorio, thank you very much.","es":"EP: Vale, Osorio, muchas gracias."} {"en":"We'll try and con them into buying it, and then\"","es":"Intentaremos convencerlos de que las compren y luego\""} {"en":"The microbes that cover us.","es":"Los microbios que nos cubren."} {"en":"We calculated on the one hand how much energy a primate gets per day from eating raw foods, and on the other hand, how much energy a body of a certain size costs and how much energy a brain of a certain number of neurons costs, and we looked for the combinations of body size and number of brain neurons that a primate could afford if it ate a certain number of hours per day.","es":"Por un lado, calculamos cu\u00e1nta energ\u00eda obtiene un primate diariamente comiendo comida cruda, y por el otro, cu\u00e1nta energ\u00eda utiliza un cuerpo de determinado tama\u00f1o y cu\u00e1nta energ\u00eda utiliza un cerebro con un determinado n\u00famero de neuronas, y observamos las combinaciones de tama\u00f1o de cuerpo y de n\u00famero de neuronas en el cerebro que un primate pod\u00eda disponer si comiera una determinada cantidad de horas por d\u00eda."} {"en":"Within a few days, glucose sensors have to be moved and replaced.","es":"En unos d\u00edas, los sensores de glucosa deben ser eliminados y reemplazados."} {"en":"By the time you turn around, there's another product there ready to be picked and packed.","es":"Cuando se dan la vuelta, hay otro producto listo para ser recolectado y empacado."} {"en":"They say, that is trust.","es":"Dicen, eso es confianza."} {"en":"That's the nature of any creative activity.","es":"Esa es la naturaleza de cualquier actividad creativa."} {"en":"It is time for us to build.","es":"Es tiempo de construir."} {"en":"We need civilian security, we need sustainable civilian-centered security, and we need it now.","es":"Necesitamos seguridad civil, necesitamos una seguridad sostenible centrada en los civiles, y la necesitamos ahora."} {"en":"For doing what?","es":"\u00bfPor hacer qu\u00e9?"} {"en":"How do we fight it?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo luchamos contra \u00e9l?"} {"en":"And your soul needs exploration and growth. And the only way you'll get it is by forcing yourself to be uncomfortable. Forcing yourself to get outside, out of your head.","es":"Vuestra alma necesita exploraci\u00f3n y crecimiento y la \u00fanica manera en que lo conseguir\u00e9is es forz\u00e1ndoos a estar inc\u00f3modos, forz\u00e1ndoos a salir afuera, fuera de vuestra cabeza."} {"en":"I think it's you know, it doesn't make the military more strong to ask people to hide what they are because, you know, that's an exhausting thing to do.","es":"M: Con respecto al Ej\u00e9rcito, no creo que lo haga m\u00e1s fuerte obligar a las personas a reprimirse. Porque es agotador."} {"en":"I'll dress as Neo from 'The Matrix.'\"","es":"Voy a vestir como Neo de 'The Matrix'\"."} {"en":"Some people didn't think that this was very cool.","es":"Algunas personas no pensaron que eso estaba bien."} {"en":"It's like a video game obstacle course.","es":"Es como un videojuego de obst\u00e1culos."} {"en":"The presence of mind I had to stop the ambulance that ended up taking me to the hospital,\", himself, the clarity of mind he had to notice when there was fear and anxiety happening but not be gripped by it, he said, \"For me, these were the gifts of mindfulness.\"","es":"El estado mental que tuve para detener la ambulancia que termin\u00f3 llev\u00e1ndome al hospital\", la claridad mental que tuvo en medio del miedo y la ansiedad, para no dejarse atrapar por eso, dijo, \"Para m\u00ed, este fue el presente de la atenci\u00f3n plena\"."} {"en":"It makes us see ourselves as far more beautiful than we really are.","es":"Nos hace vernos mucho m\u00e1s bellos de lo que realmente somos."} {"en":"That seems right, I'll go on.","es":"Parece que vamos bien, sigo."} {"en":"It got to the point where she couldn't keep up with her grandkids, and it was even too much work to go out to the end of the driveway to pick up the mail.","es":"Lleg\u00f3 al punto en que no pod\u00eda seguir el ritmo a sus nietos, e incluso le resultaba mucho trabajo ir hasta la entrada a buscar el correo."} {"en":"I wish Homer had worked at a coal plant.","es":"Desear\u00eda que Homero Simpson hubiera trabajado en una planta de carb\u00f3n."} {"en":"I actually think the more profound barrier is the long-term nature of the benefits from early childhood programs.","es":"Creo realmente que el obst\u00e1culo m\u00e1s grande es la naturaleza a largo plazo de los beneficios de los programas de ni\u00f1ez temprana."} {"en":"And it sparked an idea.","es":"Eso le dio una idea."} {"en":"And so when I was first living in New York City a few years back, I was thinking a lot about the familiar architectural forms that surrounded me and how I would like to better relate to them.","es":"Hace unos a\u00f1os, mientras viv\u00eda en Nueva York, pensaba mucho en las formas arquitect\u00f3nicas conocidas que me rodeaban y c\u00f3mo relacionarme mejor con ellas."} {"en":"I want to close by showing another short clip from the TED-Ed animation series inspired by Bill's book.","es":"Querr\u00eda terminar mostrando otro video corto de la serie animada de TED-Ed inspirada en el libro de Bill."} {"en":"The second revolution is precision medicine, also known as \"personalized medicine.\"","es":"La segunda revoluci\u00f3n es la precisi\u00f3n de la medicina tambi\u00e9n conocida como \"medicina personalizada\"."} {"en":"It's a choice.","es":"Es una opci\u00f3n."} {"en":"You spend it at rest and you spend it at work.","es":"Tanto para descansar como para trabajar."} {"en":"There's a real chance that cellular agriculture could fail, and it won't be because the science doesn't add up.","es":"Es posible que la agricultura celular fracase."} {"en":"A common can't be sold, it can't be given away, and its benefits are shared equally among the members of the community.","es":"Un bien com\u00fan no se puede vender, no se puede regalar, y sus beneficios se comparten por igual entre los miembros de la comunidad."} {"en":"And let's look here in the port of Vancouver.","es":"Vayamos ahora al puerto de Vancouver."} {"en":"Maybe all the action takes place inside the mysterious recently discovered dark matter, or dark energy, that appear to account for most of the universe's mass.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 la acci\u00f3n ocurra dentro de la misteriosa y recientemente descubierta materia oscura, o energ\u00eda oscura, que parece constituir la mayor\u00eda de la masa del universo."} {"en":"We have 11 language versions, we have millions of views, We have taught more than 10,000 people how to distinguish true from false. And we teach fact checkers all around the world.","es":"Tenemos versiones en 11 idiomas y tenemos millones de visitas. Hemos ense\u00f1ado a m\u00e1s de 10 000 personas c\u00f3mo distinguir lo verdadero de lo falso y hemos entrenado a verificadores de informaci\u00f3n en todo el mundo."} {"en":"But they said to us, \"You know what?","es":"Pero nos dijeron: \u00bfSabes qu\u00e9?"} {"en":"Which also, I think, gets into a little bit of our current idea.","es":"Lo que va un poco en la direcci\u00f3n, creo, de nuestra idea."} {"en":"And then I started yelling things.","es":"Despu\u00e9s, empec\u00e9 a gritar cosas."} {"en":"And everyone in the lab, especially following the interaction with these patients, feels quite compelled to deliver a drug substance based on this molecule.","es":"Y todo el mundo en el laboratorio, especialmente tras interaccionar con estos pacientes. se siente m\u00e1s que motivado para conseguir una medicina basada en esta mol\u00e9cula."} {"en":"So NASA wanted me to take some pictures of Moon sand, so they sent me sand from all the different landings of the Apollo missions that happened 40 years ago.","es":"La NASA quer\u00eda que sacara algunas fotos de la arena de la luna, as\u00ed que me mandaron arena de todos los aterrizajes de las misiones Apollo de hace 40 a\u00f1os."} {"en":"And that AI decided to kill humans to utilize them as additional resources, to turn you into paper clips.","es":"Esa IA decidi\u00f3 matar personas y usarlas como un recurso m\u00e1s para transformarlas en clips sujetapapeles."} {"en":"So do babies care whether the tiny bit of evidence they see is plausibly representative of a larger population?","es":"\u00bfA los beb\u00e9s les importa si las pocas pruebas que ven, representan una poblaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s grande?"} {"en":"Our oceans are pretty much unexplored and undersampled, and today, we still know more about other planets than our own.","es":"Casi no hemos explorado ni recogido muestras de nuestros oc\u00e9anos, y hoy en d\u00eda seguimos sabiendo m\u00e1s sobre otros planetas que sobre el nuestro."} {"en":"Normally in New York, one out of nine tenants brought to housing court gets evicted.","es":"Normalmente en Nueva York, uno de cada nueve inquilinos llevados al Tribunal de Vivienda es desalojado."} {"en":"There's all kinds of things you don't want the robot doing.","es":"Hay todo tipo de cosas que no quieres que haga el robot."} {"en":"Every time your brain has a success, you just changed the goalpost of what success looked like.","es":"Primero, cada vez que tienes un \u00e9xito, la meta cambia, la forma del \u00e9xito."} {"en":"If it wasn\u2019t for gravity, there wouldn\u2019t be life, because gravity causes stars to form and live for a very long time, keeping pieces of the world, like the surface of the Earth, out of thermal equilibrium for billions of years so life can evolve.","es":"De no ser por la gravedad no habr\u00eda vida, la gravedad hace que las estrellas se formen y vivan por mucho tiempo, manteniendo partes del mundo, como la superficie de la Tierra, lejos del equilibrio t\u00e9rmico por miles de millones de a\u00f1os para que pueda evolucionar la vida."} {"en":"The second case is this man.","es":"El segundo caso es este hombre."} {"en":"For example, let's take Gabriella, whose family immigrates to the US from Peru when she's two-years old.","es":"Por ejemplo, Gabriella, que se traslad\u00f3 con su familia desde Per\u00fa a los Estados Unidos a la edad de 2 a\u00f1os."} {"en":"Here we all are, together at last, to talk about optimism.","es":"Por fin estamos aqu\u00ed todos juntos, para hablar del optimismo."} {"en":"It's a great show, and you should definitely watch it.","es":"Es un gran programa, deber\u00edan verlo."} {"en":"But in literature and on sci-fi movies it is called a Wormhole.","es":"Pero en la literatura y en las pel\u00edculas de ciencia ficci\u00f3n se llama un Agujero de Gusano."} {"en":"In the history of the past 50 years, the smoking risk shows how a model changes, and it also shows how an industry fights against a model it doesn't like.","es":"Durante los \u00faltimos 50 a\u00f1os, el riesgo de fumar muestra c\u00f3mo va cambiando un modelo y tambi\u00e9n muestra c\u00f3mo una industria pelea contra un modelo que no le gusta."} {"en":"The following day, major newspapers, including the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, published stories about Deah, Yusor and Razan, allowing us to reclaim the narrative and call attention the mainstreaming of anti-Muslim hatred.","es":"Al d\u00eda siguiente, los principales peri\u00f3dicos --incluyendo The New York Times, Chicago Tribune-- publicaron la historia de Deah, Yusor y Razan, d\u00e1ndonos la posibilidad de contar nuestra versi\u00f3n y llamar la atenci\u00f3n acerca del odio contra los musulmanes."} {"en":"Not only am I familiar with the 50 states in the United States, but also my wife and I have visited more than 145 countries in the world, and the Carter Center has had full-time programs in 80 nations on Earth.","es":"No solo estoy familiarizado con los 50 estados de EE. UU., sino que tambi\u00e9n mi esposa y yo hemos visitado m\u00e1s de 145 pa\u00edses y el Centro Carter ha impulsado proyectos completos en 80 naciones de la Tierra."} {"en":"A million lives.","es":"Un mill\u00f3n de vidas."} {"en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfCierto?"} {"en":"First of all, kids think differently from adults.","es":"En primer lugar, los ni\u00f1os piensan distinto que los adultos."} {"en":"And we've been isolated because we've been told that it's stronger to be independent.","es":"Y hemos estado aislados porque nos han dicho que es m\u00e1s fuerte ser independiente."} {"en":"Let's start with this one.","es":"Vamos a empezar con este."} {"en":"And he's not responsible for what I say about memes.","es":"Y \u00e9l no es responsable de lo que yo diga acerca de los memes."} {"en":"You see something a little bit different happening in San Francisco.","es":"En San Francisco sucede algo un poco distinto."} {"en":"Up until that moment, I had been that classic corporate warrior, I was eating too much, I was drinking too much, I was working too hard and I was neglecting the family.","es":"Hasta ese momento yo hab\u00eda sido un guerrero empresarial c\u00e1sico: com\u00eda demasiado, beb\u00eda demasiado, trabajaba muy arduamente y estaba descuidando a la familia."} {"en":"This sculpture is, of course, at the heart of all of it, and it's really what puts the craftsmanship into our cars.","es":"Esta escultura est\u00e1, por supuesto, en el centro de todo, y es realmente lo que pone la artesan\u00eda en nuestros coches."} {"en":"So, here's the first door.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 la primera puerta."} {"en":"We are still exporting commodities, and exporting commodities is what?","es":"Todav\u00eda exportamos materias primas y \u00bfqu\u00e9 significa exportar materias primas?"} {"en":"An organism like this probably lives for about a hundred years.","es":"Un organismo como este, probablemente, vive cien a\u00f1os."} {"en":"Now there is, in Judaism, a gorgeous story of a rich man who sat in synagogue one day. And, as many people do, he was dozing off during the sermon.","es":"En el Juda\u00edsmo hay un cuento precioso sobre un hombre rico que fue a la sinagoga y \u00e9l, como hacen muchos, dormitaba durante el serm\u00f3n."} {"en":"\"Makes me laugh.\"","es":"\"Me hace re\u00edr\"."} {"en":"And you may have heard of the attempt by state-sponsored hackers to use stolen data to influence election outcomes in a number of countries.","es":"Habr\u00e1n o\u00eddo de los piratas inform\u00e1ticos financiados por el estado que intentaron influenciar las elecciones en varios pa\u00edses con datos robados."} {"en":"But the details of the process are still in significant controversy.","es":"Pero los detalles del proceso todav\u00eda crean mucha controversia."} {"en":"I think I would go through the countries, and I've actually made a list.","es":"Har\u00e9 un repaso por los pa\u00edses, y de hecho hice una lista."} {"en":"And so that's a source of relief, right?","es":"Y eso es una fuente de alivio, \u00bfverdad?"} {"en":"I have written sketches and animated shows and sitcoms, but for the last decade, my real passion has been the study of ethics.","es":"He escrito sketches, dibujos animados y telecomedias. Pero, durante la \u00faltima d\u00e9cada, mi verdadera pasi\u00f3n ha sido el estudio de la \u00e9tica."} {"en":"And that is the power of education.","es":"Ese es el poder de la educaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Make them professionally mix and match, interact, network and work on projects with students going through different courses within your university.","es":"Haced que se mezclen profesionalmente, que interact\u00faen, que conecten y que trabajen en proyectos con estudiantes de otros campos dentro de la universidad."} {"en":"And even though, ever since I was four years old, I'd had this beautiful and impossible dream of becoming a writer, I was also pretty ambitious and on the verge of making partner.","es":"Aunque desde los 4 a\u00f1os hab\u00eda tenido el maravilloso e inalcanzable sue\u00f1o de ser escritora, tambi\u00e9n era ambiciosa, e iba a establecerme como socia de la empresa."} {"en":"A contestant\u2019s score starts at zero, and each turn, they should add the total of the two numbers rolled to their score.","es":"Los concursantes empiezan con cero puntos y en cada turno, sumar\u00e1n el total de los dos n\u00fameros que sacaron a su puntuaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"And, of course, it's difficult.","es":"Y, por supuesto, es dif\u00edcil."} {"en":"So for the first year or so of the revolution, women did not have to wear the veil. And when they did, many, many women came out and demonstrated against it.","es":"Es decir, durante el primer a\u00f1o de la revoluci\u00f3n las mujeres no deb\u00edan llevar velo y cuando les obligaron a hacerlo, muchas salieron a manifestarse."} {"en":"So if you think of a map of your country, I think you'll realize that for every country on Earth, you could draw little circles to say, \"These are places where good teachers won't go.\"","es":"As\u00ed que si piensan en el mapa de sus pa\u00edses creo que se dar\u00e1n cuenta que para cada pa\u00eds del mundo se pueden dibujar peque\u00f1os c\u00edrculos que digan: \"Estos son lugares donde los buenos maestros no llegan\"."} {"en":"Now, he didn't use a real gun in his hand, so he had a black object in his hand that was similar to the gun that was described.","es":"Bueno, \u00e9l no llevaba un arma de verdad en la mano, sino un objeto negro en la mano similar al arma descrita."} {"en":"And the answer is these moons actually interact with one another.","es":"La explicaci\u00f3n es que estas lunas interact\u00faan entre s\u00ed."} {"en":"It was painful.","es":"Fue doloroso."} {"en":"OK, you can all sit down.","es":"Vale, se pueden sentar."} {"en":"They come out later.","es":"Vienen m\u00e1s tarde."} {"en":"Their throats were slit.","es":"Les cortaron el cuello."} {"en":"And he's shown, for example, that conservatives and liberals have a very different emphasis on what they think is important.","es":"Y ha demostrado, por ejemplo, que los conservadores y liberales tener un \u00e9nfasis muy diferente en lo que piensan que es importante."} {"en":"This idea started for me on a December evening in 2011.","es":"Esta idea me vino una tarde de diciembre de 2011."} {"en":"So what you do, you shut up.","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hace Ud.? Se calla."} {"en":"Would you like a job, or would you like a family?\"","es":"\u00bfQuieren un trabajo o quieren una familia?\""} {"en":"That's for the training.\"","es":"Eso es para la formaci\u00f3n\"."} {"en":"Just think about it for a second!","es":"\u00a1Pienselo por un momento!"} {"en":"And finally, we take this multilayered skin and through a shorter and much less chemical tanning process, we create leather.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, tomamos \u00e9sta piel de varias capas y a trav\u00e9s de un proceso de curtido m\u00e1s corto y menos qu\u00edmico, creamos el cuero."} {"en":"\"Spanish chef accused \", and the French accused him.","es":"\"Cocinero espa\u00f1ol acusado\", y los franceses le acusaron."} {"en":"CA: Okay, now, this is your gorgeous daughter, Jenesis.","es":"CA: Bueno, esta es tu preciosa hija, G\u00e9nesis."} {"en":"Markets are as old as the crossroads.","es":"Los mercados, tan viejos como los cruces de caminos."} {"en":"Isn't it a nice escape from reality and a fun way to think about the world?","es":"\u00bfAcaso no es una forma divertida de evadir la realidad y pensar en el mundo?"} {"en":"So this is a history of the 20th century.","es":"As\u00ed que esta la historia del siglo XX."} {"en":"But there's also the fear of losing loved ones, and I think that's even worse.","es":"Adem\u00e1s est\u00e1 el miedo a perder seres queridos; creo que eso es lo peor."} {"en":"We basically did a striptease, architectural striptease, where we're framing with this kind of canopy, the underside of three levels of expansion of Juilliard, about 45,000 square feet, cutting it to the angle of Broadway, and then exposing, using that canopy to frame Tully Hall.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, le hicimos un striptease, un striptease arquitect\u00f3nico, donde estamos enmarcando con esta especie de marquesina, el \u00e1rea por debajo de los tres niveles de la ampliaci\u00f3n al Juilliard, cerca de 45.000 pies cuadrados, cort\u00e1ndolo con el \u00e1ngulo de Broadway, y luego mostrando, usando esta marquesina para enmarcar la Sala Tully."} {"en":"CA: But isn't there a sense, though, Elon, where you can now just declare victory and say, you know, \"We did it.\" Let the world electrify, and you go on and focus on other stuff?","es":"CA: Elon, sin embargo, \u00bfno tienes esa sensaci\u00f3n de que puedes cantar victoria y decir: \"lo logramos\", deja que el mundo se electrifique, y c\u00e9ntrate en otras cosas?"} {"en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"en":"Think of putting all those cars in your one-foot box.","es":"Piensen en todos esos autos en una caja de 30 cm de lado."} {"en":"Once a month, this girl went to the hospital to cough up a sputum sample that she spit in a cup.","es":"Una vez al mes esta ni\u00f1a iba al hospital para expectorar una muestra de esputo en un recipiente."} {"en":"I always felt very humbled by getting him to come because he was quite famous in his field.","es":"Siempre me sent\u00ed muy honrado de que viniera porque era muy famoso en su campo."} {"en":"And so we have to recognize if there's a number of hospitals, local hospitals have shut down, there's no banking, no housing.","es":"As\u00ed que debemos reconocer que si hay un n\u00famero de hospitales, hospitales locales que han cerrado, no hay banco, no hay alojamiento."} {"en":"Why is this?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 pasa esto?"} {"en":"So what does all this tell us about political violence?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 nos dice todo esto sobre la violencia pol\u00edtica?"} {"en":"They have little electrons that swarm around a central nucleus with neutrons and protons. Even the neutrons and protons have smaller particles inside of them known as quarks.","es":"Ellos tienen electrones que se mueven alrededor de un n\u00facleo central junto a neutrones y protones Incluso los neutrones y protones contienen particulas mas peque\u00f1as dentro de ellos, conocidas como quarks."} {"en":"Anything from, 'I'm going to go study butterflies' to, 'I want to be a bartender, you know, in Belize.' What would you do?\"","es":"Cualquier cosa, desde \u201cVoy a estudiar las mariposas\u201d hasta, \u201cQuiero ser un barman, ya sabes, en Belice\u201d \u00bfQu\u00e9 har\u00edas?"} {"en":"And so I calculated quickly on the box, 'How much would it take in capital, in currency, to play a physical game of Monopoly with my kids so that they actually tangibly got to feel the money in their hands?'","es":"Y entonces calcul\u00e9 r\u00e1pidamente la caja, \"\u00bfCu\u00e1nto se precisar\u00eda en capital, en efectivo, para jugar a un juego de Monopoly con mis hijos de manera que ellos pudieran palpar el dinero entre sus manos?\""} {"en":"His motion blends right into the background, the moving rock trick.","es":"Nada m\u00e1s se desvanece; se desplaza y desvanece contra el fondo. El truco de la roca m\u00f3vil."} {"en":"We went to the warehouse to get my uniform.","es":"Fuimos al almac\u00e9n a conseguir mi uniforme."} {"en":"But at the end of it all, something still feels missing.","es":"Pero al final de todo, a\u00fan sienten que algo falta."} {"en":"There's some good news.","es":"Hay algunas buenas noticias."} {"en":"And to access those resources, trees have to build roots.","es":"Y para llegar a esos recursos, los \u00e1rboles deben construir ra\u00edces."} {"en":"So one option that some of my AI colleagues like is to build superintelligence and keep it under human control, like an enslaved god, disconnected from the internet and used to create unimaginable technology and wealth for whoever controls it.","es":"Entonces, una opci\u00f3n que a algunos de mis colegas de IA les gusta es construir superinteligencia y mantenerla bajo control humano, como un dios esclavizado, desconectado de internet y que se usa para crear tecnolog\u00eda y riqueza inimaginables para quien la controla."} {"en":"CA: You put them in the ones that are likely to see a lot of sun, and that makes these roofs super affordable, right?","es":"CA: Las ubicas en las m\u00e1s probables de ver mucho sol, y eso hace estos tejados realmente econ\u00f3micos, \u00bfverdad?"} {"en":"And Blyden had participated in prison strikes and rebellions.","es":"Y Blyden hab\u00eda participado en huelgas y rebeliones carcelarias."} {"en":"And not everyone will. But you don't need everyone.","es":"Y no todos lo har\u00e1n, Pero no necesitas a todos."} {"en":"She can't spell.","es":"No sabe como se escribe."} {"en":"Drop it on the surface of Mercury, you die.","es":"Si desciende en la superficie de Mercurio, se muere."} {"en":"Your brain and muscles are perfectly poised to help you achieve this goal.","es":"El cerebro y los m\u00fasculos est\u00e1n perfectamente preparados para ayudar a lograr este objetivo."} {"en":"And so I'd say that's an area where we're really focused.","es":"Dir\u00eda que es un \u00e1rea en la que estamos muy centrados."} {"en":"With a collaborator at MIT and the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, we have revolutionized the way we treat cancer by making localized drug delivery a reality.","es":"Con un colaborador del Instituto de Tecnolog\u00eda de Massachusetts y el Hospital General de Massachusetts en Boston, cambiamos radicalmente la manera de tratar el c\u00e1ncer haciendo de la administraci\u00f3n localizada de f\u00e1rmacos una realidad."} {"en":"Where is home?\"","es":"\u201c\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 la casa?\u201d"} {"en":"That's bioprocessing, you know; that's bio-assisted technology: using an organism to do your wastewater treatment is an old, old technology called \"domestication.\"","es":"Eso m\u00e1s bien es bioprocesamiento, como quien dice biotecnolog\u00eda aplicada usando un organismo para que haga el tratamiento de aguas servidas es una vieja, vieja tecnolog\u00eda conocida como \"domesticaci\u00f3n\"."} {"en":"So as people settle in the countryside, well, they will buy local groceries, fresh groceries, foodstuff, maintenance services.","es":"Y a medida que m\u00e1s gente se muda al campo, necesitar\u00e1n alimentos, frutas, verduras y servicios de mantenimiento."} {"en":"But where the DMCA was surgical, we want to go down into your computer, we want to go down into your television set, down into your game machine, and prevent it from doing what they said it would do at the store, PIPA and SOPA are nuclear and they're saying, we want to go anywhere in the world and censor content.","es":"La Asociaci\u00f3n Cinematogr\u00e1fica fue dr\u00e1stica: queremos entrar a tu computadora, queremos entrar a tu televisor, a tu consola de juegos, y evitar que haga lo que en la tienda dijeron que har\u00eda; PIPA y SOPA son medulares; dicen: queremos ir a cualquier parte del mundo y censurar contenido."} {"en":"Now, while this is what you would look like in virtual reality, this is what an em would look like in virtual reality.","es":"Mientras que es as\u00ed como les parecer\u00eda a Uds. la realidad virtual, as\u00ed es como un em se ver\u00eda en realidad virtual."} {"en":"So, my story today about black holes is about one particular black hole.","es":"Mi historia de hoy sobre los agujeros negros es sobre un agujero negro en particular."} {"en":"We will have to continue that insane rate of growth for another two decades after that.","es":"Tendremos que seguir a esa velocidad demencial las dos d\u00e9cadas siguientes."} {"en":"An intransitive verb, such as \"dine,\" for example, can't take a direct object.","es":"Un verbo intransitivo como \"morir\", por ejemplo, no puede llevar un objeto directo."} {"en":"They suspect the benefits of the good bacteria are due to a vitamin that it produces, called nicotinamide.","es":"Sospechan que los beneficios de las bacterias benignas se deben a una vitamina que producen, denominada nicotinamida."} {"en":"A bone marrow transplant can also lead to something called graft-versus-tumor activity, when new immune cells generated by the donated marrow can wipe out cancer cells the recipient\u2019s original immune system couldn\u2019t.","es":"Un trasplante de m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea tambi\u00e9n puede conducir a algo llamado actividades de injerto contra tumor, cuando nuevas c\u00e9lulas inmunes generadas por la m\u00e9dula donada pueden eliminar c\u00e9lulas cancer\u00edgenas que el sistema inmune del receptor no pudo."} {"en":"The Chinese exert influence around the world through their state capitalist system primarily.","es":"Los chinos ejercen influencia en todo el mundo principalmente a trav\u00e9s de su sistema de capitalismo de Estado."} {"en":"Today, I'm going to take you through glimpses of about eight of my projects, done in collaboration with Danish artist Soren Pors.","es":"Hoy voy a hablarles brevemente de 8 de mis proyectos, llevados a cabo en colaboraci\u00f3n con el artista dan\u00e9s Soren Pors."} {"en":"This is the code that's in every single one of our 50 trillion cells that makes us who we are and what we are.","es":"Este es el c\u00f3digo que est\u00e1 en los 50 trillones de c\u00e9lulas que nos hacen qui\u00e9nes somos."} {"en":"Then we experimented with an apprenticeship model where we paired new staff with veteran staff.","es":"Luego experimentamos con un modelo de aprendiz donde emparej\u00e1bamos a miembros nuevos con veteranos."} {"en":"I felt overwhelmed and tried to calm myself.","es":"Me sent\u00eda agobiado e intentaba calmarme."} {"en":"You see, the Khmer Rouge looked to Cambodia, and they saw centuries of rigid inequality.","es":"Ver\u00e1n, los Jemeres Rojos miraron Camboya, y vieron siglos de una desigualdad r\u00edgida."} {"en":"They didn't want to give us the money.","es":"No quer\u00edan darnos el dinero."} {"en":"How does the data combine with the algorithms to produce the outcomes that we see?","es":"\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 manera los datos se combinan con los algoritmos para producir los resultados que vemos?"} {"en":"The war against terror, yes.","es":"La guerra contra el terrorismo, s\u00ed."} {"en":"Somebody who is willing to show that they will put effort into even meaningless tasks, maybe even especially into meaningless tasks, is somebody who's more likely to help you out.","es":"Alguien que est\u00e1 dispuesto a mostrar que pondr\u00e1 esfuerzo incluso en tareas sin sentido, quiz\u00e1 de manera especial en tareas sin sentido, es alguien que es m\u00e1s probable que te ayude."} {"en":"And Nesyamun wrote that he expected his voice to be heard in the afterlife.","es":"Y Nesyamun escribi\u00f3 que esperaba que su voz se oyera despu\u00e9s de su muerte."} {"en":"Giussani: It\u2019s a start. You're already on 2030 on that on that front.","es":"Giussani: Por algo se empieza, ya has alcanzado el objetivo de 2030."} {"en":"He's in his 80s and he lives in Florida.","es":"Tiene 80 a\u00f1os y vive en Florida."} {"en":"And so I make that one tiny section look as beautiful as I possibly can, and I work my way across the insect until I have about 20 or 25 different sections.","es":"Y hago que esa peque\u00f1a secci\u00f3n se vea lo m\u00e1s hermosa posible, y recorro mi camino a trav\u00e9s del insecto hasta tener unas 20 o 25 secciones diferentes."} {"en":"And pretty soon, they began shipping that coal, ton by ton, railcar by railcar, boatload by boatload, back to China and elsewhere around the world.","es":"Y r\u00e1pidamente comenzaran a embarcar todo ese carb\u00f3n, tonelada a tonelada, vag\u00f3n a vag\u00f3n, barco a barco, envi\u00e1ndolo hacia China y otras partes del mundo."} {"en":"So what does the internet of the future look like with NFTs as its building blocks?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo luce la Internet del futuro con los NFT como sus cimientos?"} {"en":"So we already know that we cannot just appoint a chief stakeholder officer if we really want to serve all stakeholders.","es":"As\u00ed que, ya sabemos que no podemos nombrar a un director de grupos de inter\u00e9s si realmente queremos ayudar a todos los grupos de inter\u00e9s."} {"en":"Where is my home?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde estar\u00eda mi hogar?\""} {"en":"That's not the case for Haiti.","es":"Ese no es el caso de Hait\u00ed."} {"en":"They got their rights by destroying innocent Korean merchants.","es":"Consiguieron sus derechos al destruir a inocentes comerciantes Coreanos."} {"en":"These two molecules code and decode.","es":"Estas dos mol\u00e9culas codifican y decodifican."} {"en":"Here's a physical robot that we actually have a population of brains, competing, or evolving on the machine.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 un robot f\u00edsico que de hecho tiene una poblaci\u00f3n de cerebros, compitiendo o evolucionando, en la m\u00e1quina."} {"en":"But that's not the only one.","es":"Pero no es el \u00fanico caso."} {"en":"This is truly amazing because it suggests that we can pilot therapies by trying them out in a whole bunch of different mice with individual people's gut communities and perhaps tailor those therapies all the way down to the individual level.","es":"Esto es asombroso, porque sugiere que podemos hacer terapias piloto prob\u00e1ndolas en muchos ratones diferentes con comunidades intestinales de personas y quiz\u00e1 hacer esas terapias a medida de las personas."} {"en":"So, this really is a great challenge.","es":"Realmente es un gran reto."} {"en":"Taobao, Alibaba's online shopping platform, does intermediation when it acts as an escrow agent between sellers and buyers.","es":"Taobao, la plataforma de compras en l\u00ednea de Alibaba ejerce de intermediario al actuar como un agente de custodia entre vendedores y compradores."} {"en":"And it wouldn't simply change everything, it would change everything all at once.\"","es":"Y no solamente lo cambiar\u00eda todo, lo cambiar\u00eda todo al m\u00edsmo tiempo\"."} {"en":"And now we are building residences, we are building museums, schools.","es":"Y ahora construimos residencias. Construimos museos, escuelas."} {"en":"Microbes and their carbon eventually break down, and the carbon from the microbes sticks to soil particles, creating what we call soil clumps or aggregates.","es":"Los microbios y su carbono finalmente se desintegran, y el carbono de los microbios se adhiere a las part\u00edculas del suelo, creando lo que llamamos terrones o agregados de suelo."} {"en":"We didn't know about DoubleArrow.","es":"No sab\u00edamos nada de DoubleArrow."} {"en":"Ready?","es":"\u00bfListos?"} {"en":"They can aggregate electricity consumption and production from many distributed resources, make use of local storage and manage complex interactions.","es":"Pueden agregar el consumo y la producci\u00f3n de electricidad desde numerosas fuentes distribuidas, hacer uso del almacenamiento local y administrar interacciones complejas."} {"en":"Blessedly, I was able to work with one of the best actors working today, Aunjanue Ellis, who is our lead.","es":"Por suerte, he podido trabajar con una de las mejores actrices de la actualidad, Aunjanue Ellis, que es nuestra protagonista."} {"en":"But while we're marveling at the fouett\u00e9, can we unravel its physics?","es":"Pero, \u00bfmientras el fouett\u00e9 nos maravilla, podemos desentra\u00f1ar su f\u00edsica?"} {"en":"I am Mahsa.","es":"Me llamo Mahsa."} {"en":"Some people say organic or local food is more expensive, but is it really?","es":"Algunos dicen que los alimentos org\u00e1nicos o locales son m\u00e1s caros pero, \u00bfes verdad?"} {"en":"We can rebuild a bit of trustworthiness.","es":"Podemos reconstruir un poco la confiabilidad."} {"en":"You go from almost 100 percent overdose when they're isolated to zero percent overdose when they have happy and connected lives.","es":"Casi 100% de ellas sufrieron sobredosis al estar aisladas y ninguna present\u00f3 sobredosis en un ambiente feliz y con relaciones."} {"en":"He didn't even fully spell out \"Disqualified,\" just: \u201cBad ear.","es":"Ni siquiera termin\u00f3 de deletrear \"Descalificado\", solo: \"Mal o\u00eddo."} {"en":"This is the norm in the Muslim heartlands of Europe.","es":"Esa es la norma en los n\u00facleos musulmanes europeos."} {"en":"And we spent that time designing interactive prototypes for computer software and testing them with little girls.","es":"E invertimos ese tiempo dise\u00f1ando prototipos de software interactivo y prob\u00e1ndolo con las ni\u00f1as."} {"en":"We have done these experiments now over several years, and always get the same results.","es":"Hemos hecho estos experimentos durante varios a\u00f1os, y siempre tuvimos los mismos resultados."} {"en":"And some of those drops of oil had a particular combination of chemicals in them which caused them to incorporate chemicals from the outside and grow the drops of oil. And those that were like that started to split and divide.","es":"Algunas de esas gotas de aceite conten\u00edan una combinaci\u00f3n particular de qu\u00edmicos que les hicieron incorporar materiales del el exterior y as\u00ed las gotas crecieron y empezaron a dividirse."} {"en":"What you are sending, in many ways, is actually a postcard, and it's a postcard in the sense that everybody that sees it from the time it leaves your computer to when it gets to the recipient can actually read the entire contents.","es":"En cierto sentido, estamos enviando una postal. Y es una postal en el sentido que todo el que la vea, desde que sali\u00f3 de tu computadora hasta que lleg\u00f3 al destinatario, puede leer todo el contenido."} {"en":"They are, however, engaging in other behavior.","es":"Sin embargo, est\u00e1n involucrados en otro comportamiento."} {"en":"Because in Mine-golia, Chinese firms operate and own most of the mines, copper, zinc, gold, and they truck the resources south and east into mainland China.","es":"Porque en Mina-golia, las empresas chinas operan y poseen la mayor parte de las minas -cobre, zinc, oro, y llevan en camiones los recursos por el sur y este hacia la China continental."} {"en":"I've got a face.","es":"Tengo una cara."} {"en":"But the really key thing to understand is that this acceleration has now been going on for a really long time.","es":"Pero el aspecto clave que hay que entender es que esta aceleraci\u00f3n ocurre desde hace mucho tiempo."} {"en":"And these are the kinds of questions we ask of our oracle now, like, \"What's the most efficient way to ship these phones from China to Sweden?\"","es":"Y estas son las preguntas que hacemos a nuestro or\u00e1culo ahora, \"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la forma m\u00e1s eficiente de enviar estos tel\u00e9fonos de China a Suecia?\""} {"en":"They say that, to date, I think on Facebook alone, more than four million posts have taken place that associate you with some kind of conspiracy theory around the virus.","es":"Y dicen que, hasta la fecha, creo que solo contando Facebook, hay cuatro millones de publicaciones que te asocian a alg\u00fan tipo de teor\u00eda conspirativa sobre el virus."} {"en":"I'm struck as a teacher that we tell students to critically question every text they read, every website they visit, except dictionaries, which we tend to treat as un-authored, as if they came from nowhere to give us answers about what words really mean.","es":"Me extra\u00f1a que como profesores le digamos a los estudiantes que cuestionen cr\u00edticamente todos los textos que leen, los sitios web que visitan, excepto los diccionarios, que tratamos como si no tuvieran autores, como si hubieran aparecido de la nada para decirnos lo que las palabras realmente significan."} {"en":"In contrast, theta waves are associated with a lot of cognitive activity, like visual processing, things where the driver is thinking quite a bit.","es":"En cambio, las ondas theta se asocian a mucha actividad cognitiva, como el procesamiento visual, algo en lo que el piloto piensa bastante."} {"en":"Whoa.","es":"Uou."} {"en":"We want to express, to reveal ourselves, but with the artist dead, the artistic desire reveals itself in dark form.","es":"Queremos expresarnos, revelarnos, pero con el artista muerto, el deseo art\u00edstico se revela de una forma oscura."} {"en":"I read about it in the newspaper.","es":"Lo le\u00ed en el peri\u00f3dico."} {"en":"I was like, \"I know.","es":"Entonces dije: \"Ya lo sab\u00eda."} {"en":"And since my mom cannot be everywhere, and, in fact, no parent can, and that is not for the lack of trying, we've stepped in and connected four million families, and students and educators in 70,000 schools to date.","es":"Y ya que mi mam\u00e1 no puede estar en todos lados, y de hecho, ning\u00fan padre puede, y no es por falta de esfuerzos, nos hemos hecho cargo y conectado a cuatro millones de familias, y alumnos y educadores en 70 000 escuelas hasta hoy."} {"en":"Past ones have included \"The Matrix\" and \"Alice in Wonderland.\"","es":"Los anteriores han incluido \"Matrix\" y \"Alicia en el Pa\u00eds de las maravillas\"."} {"en":"So again, if you just look at this bat, you realize sound is very important for its survival.","es":"As\u00ed que si miramos de nuevo a un murci\u00e9lago, nos damos cuenta de que el sonido es muy importante para su supervivencia."} {"en":"So, for instance, the investment bank Goldman Sachs got rid of its formal business dress code in 2019, but the management had to add this: \"We all know what is and is not appropriate for the workplace.\"","es":"Por ejemplo, el banco de inversiones Goldman Sachs se deshizo de su c\u00f3digo de vestimenta laboral en 2019 pero la directiva a\u00f1adi\u00f3: \u201cTodos sabemos qu\u00e9 es y qu\u00e9 no es apropiado en el espacio de trabajo\u201d."} {"en":"There's another tool that can do that, and we all have it, and that tool is the brain.","es":"Hay otra herramienta que puede hacerlo, y todos la tenemos, que es el cerebro."} {"en":"They taught me about what a respectful relationship should look like between men and women.","es":"Me ense\u00f1aron c\u00f3mo debe ser una relaci\u00f3n respetuosa entre hombres y mujeres."} {"en":"Poignant moments in your life.","es":"Momentos que marcaron tu vida."} {"en":"So with that, I'd like to thank all the people who have helped me to generate these images.","es":"Para terminar quisiera agradecer a todas las personas que me han ayudado a generar estas im\u00e1genes."} {"en":"But one of the aspects of the book I have at the end, I have seven pillars for a spiritual revolution, and one of them is virtues education.","es":"Pero uno de los aspectos del libro que tengo al final, Tengo siete pilares para una revoluci\u00f3n espiritual, y uno de ellos es la educaci\u00f3n en las virtudes."} {"en":"And if you're in power, you realize you have to take the capacity signaled by that march, not just the march, but the capacity signaled by that march, seriously.","es":"Y si est\u00e1n en el poder, se dan cuenta del poder que representa esta marcha, no solo la marcha misma, sino que el poder que simboliza, hay que tomarlo en serio."} {"en":"And if I could sing, if we could sing together, my brothers and sisters, surely then we should never stop the singing of this song.","es":"Y, si pudiera cantar, y, si pudi\u00e9ramos cantar juntos, hermanos y hermanas, seguramente, entonces nunca deber\u00edamos dejar de cantar esta canci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"en":"Education shapes our children.","es":"La educaci\u00f3n da forma a nuestros hijos."} {"en":"Well first, if we look at a large-scale epidemiological level, what we know is that individuals who report sleeping typically less than six hours a night, have a significantly higher risk of going on to develop high amounts of that beta-amyloid in their brain later in life.","es":"Primero, si consideramos el nivel epidemiol\u00f3gico a gran escala, sabemos que los individuos que suelen dormir menos de seis horas a la noche presentan un riesgo considerablemente mayor de desarrollar cantidades altas de esa beta amiloide en el cerebro m\u00e1s adelante en la vida."} {"en":"So your work has a very special place in my heart and it's very important for me.\"","es":"As\u00ed que su trabajo tiene un lugar muy especial en mi coraz\u00f3n y es muy importante para m\u00ed\"."} {"en":"Scientists hoped this economical new material would make items that once had been unaffordable accessible to more people.","es":"Los cient\u00edficos esperaban que este nuevo material econ\u00f3mico hiciera que los productos antes inviables fueran accesibles para m\u00e1s personas."} {"en":"All you want is to go back to the beginning when you were a child Ah! There we are, This is like the beginning. But the beginning was like this. And now it's like this.","es":"Y uno lo que quiere es volver a ese comienzo cuando era chico Ahh, llegamos este es como el comienzo, pero el comienzo era as\u00ed: Y ahora es as\u00ed: No es lo es lo mismo, pero no es lo mismo, ahora ya tenemos unos kilos de m\u00e1s, un poco menos de pelo"} {"en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Much\u00edsimas gracias."} {"en":"We're going to do it using phones and mobile proximity.","es":"Vamos a usar los celulares usando la proximidad m\u00f3vil."} {"en":"Over here you can see this is the distribution of power in favor of civilian nuclear energy today, this is what that power block is predicted to be like by the late parts of 2010, early parts of 2011.","es":"Aqu\u00ed pueden ver que \u00e9sta es la distribuci\u00f3n del poder en favor de la energ\u00eda nuclear civil hoy en d\u00eda, eso es c\u00f3mo el bloque de poder se predice que ser\u00e1 a finales del 2010, principios del 2011."} {"en":"He wanted to involve warriors like himself in conservation.","es":"Quer\u00eda involucrar a los guerreros como \u00e9l en la conservaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"This is something that we can do.","es":"Esto es algo que podemos hacer."} {"en":"It was a city so long ago that it was still called Peking.","es":"Era una ciudad hace tanto tiempo que todav\u00eda se llamaba Pek\u00edn."} {"en":"Stop thinking of us as underdeveloped, uneducated, uncivilized.","es":"Dejen de vernos como subdesarrollados, incultos, incivilizados."} {"en":"I thought that regardless of politics, we all kind of agreed that climate change was a problem for human health, for our families, for our homes.","es":"Pens\u00e9 que, independientemente de la pol\u00edtica, todos est\u00e1bamos de acuerdo en que el cambio clim\u00e1tico era un problema para la salud humana, para nuestras familias y nuestros hogares."} {"en":"CA: Well, thank you for that, and I have to say, the images you showed of those mixed-use streets were really inspiring, really beautiful.","es":"CA: Bueno, gracias por eso, debo decir que las im\u00e1genes que mostr\u00f3 de esas calles de usos mixtos son muy inspiradoras y hermosas."} {"en":"Because they give you a regular wireless router that works with the phone, for your house.","es":"Porque les entregan un ruteador inal\u00e1mbrico que funciona con el tel\u00e9fono para su casa."} {"en":"In the beginning, I tried seeking help.","es":"Al principio, intent\u00e9 buscar ayuda."} {"en":"See, why not?","es":"\u00bfVen?, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no?"} {"en":"Our team, befittingly I think, named it after one of those dreamers of the Copernican time, Johannes Kepler, and that telescope's sole purpose is to go out, find the planets that orbit other stars in our galaxy, and tell us how often do planets like our own Earth happen to be out there.","es":"Nuestro equipo, pienso que apropiadamente, le puso el nombre de uno de esos so\u00f1adores de la \u00e9poca copernicana, Johannes Kepler. El \u00fanico objetivo de ese telescopio es salir, encontrar los planetas que orbitan alrededor de otras estrellas en nuestra galaxia, y decirnos con qu\u00e9 frecuencia se da la existencia de planetas como la Tierra."} {"en":"And I want to mention also those two girls.","es":"Y quiero mencionar tambi\u00e9n a esas dos ni\u00f1as."} {"en":"In the hospital, they have to speak English.","es":"En el hospital, tienen que hablar ingl\u00e9s."} {"en":"So maybe to save you a little bit of anxiety, it didn't blow up in their faces because Alex and Jordana, well, they're pretty smart.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 para ahorrarles un poco de ansiedad, no les explot\u00f3 en la cara porque Alex y Jordana, bueno, son muy inteligentes."} {"en":"But then, government got used to GM, GM got used to governments.","es":"Luego, el gobierno se acostumbr\u00f3 a GM, y GM se acostumbr\u00f3 a los gobiernos."} {"en":"Guards get prisoners to clean the toilet bowls out with their bare hands, to do other humiliating tasks.","es":"Los carceleros hacen que los prisioneros limpien las tazas del v\u00e1ter con las manos y otras tareas humillantes."} {"en":"Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.\"","es":"Cada persona es un trozo de continente, una parte de un todo\"."} {"en":"And here's the really important point.","es":"Y he aqu\u00ed el punto realmente importante."} {"en":"It was something very similar to the phase transition that occurs when water turns into ice below zero degrees.","es":"Fue algo muy similar a la transici\u00f3n de fase que ocurre cuando el agua se convierte en hielo por debajo de los cero grados."} {"en":"You can go to the web and you can buy them now, brand-new made.","es":"Usted puede ir a la web y se pueden comprar ahora, nuevos de f\u00e1brica."} {"en":"And it's not the hygiene hypothesis, I think many maybe know this.","es":"Y no es la hip\u00f3tesis de la higiene, que muchos tal vez conocen."} {"en":"Only a small percentage of people were actually racist, or, even borderline racist, but the vast majority were just a little bit clueless.","es":"Solo un peque\u00f1o porcentaje de gente fue racista, o, extremadamente racista, pero la gran mayor\u00eda eran un poco despistados."} {"en":"It's time to change that if you're committed to inclusion and diversity.","es":"Es hora de cambiar eso si se est\u00e1 comprometido con la inclusi\u00f3n y la diversidad."} {"en":"To sustain this effort, we've installed 10 sanitary napkin dispensers in several schools.","es":"Para apoyar este proyecto, hemos instalado 10 dispensadores de compresas en varias escuelas."} {"en":"So there's a lot of good that comes from them.","es":"As\u00ed que traen muchas cosas buenas."} {"en":"Research the industry you want to move into because the same skill can have vastly different meanings depending on the context.","es":"Investiga la industria a la que deseas ingresar porque la misma habilidad puede tener varios significados dependiendo del contexto."} {"en":"And we can see the tragedy of Africa in the first few bars here.","es":"Y podemos ver la tragedia de \u00c1frica en las primeras barras de este gr\u00e1fico."} {"en":"I chose the royal colors of purple and black, because I want them to be reminded that they are descendants of greatness, and that through education, they are future engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs and even leaders who can and will take over this world.","es":"Eleg\u00ed colores reales, p\u00farpura y negro, porque quiero que recuerden que son descendientes de grandeza, y que a trav\u00e9s de la educaci\u00f3n, son futuros ingenieros, cient\u00edficos, emprendedores, e incluso l\u00edderes que pueden y van a tomar las riendas del mundo."} {"en":"Let's go back to my first example, of the Chinese.","es":"Volvamos a mi primer ejemplo de los chinos."} {"en":"I will try to condense this for you.","es":"Voy a tratar de resumirles esto."} {"en":"So he's adding some variety and he cuts to demo.","es":"Est\u00e1 agregando algo de variedad y corta a la demo."} {"en":"Before I built D.O.U.G, I didn't know anything about building robots.","es":"Antes de construir a D.O.U.G nos sab\u00eda nada sobre construir robots."} {"en":"There are crisis maps, election maps, corruption maps, and even environmental monitoring crowd maps.","es":"Hay un mapa de crisis, mapas de elecciones, mapas de la corrupci\u00f3n, e incluso mapas de multitud de monitoreo ambiental."} {"en":"How much did this summit, if anything, do to address the root causes of the tension?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nto hizo esta cumbre, para abordar las causas fundamentales de la tensi\u00f3n?"} {"en":"Two years later we started doing a project on developing mobile health clinics in sub-Saharan Africa, responding to the HIV\/AIDS pandemic.","es":"Dos a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s empezamos un proyecto para desarrollar cl\u00ednicas ambulantes en \u00c1frica subsahariana, en respuesta a la pandemia de VIH\/SIDA."} {"en":"So after Sally Clark was convicted, you can imagine, it made rather a splash in the press, one of the journalists from one of Britain's more reputable newspapers wrote that what the expert had said was, \"The chance that she was innocent was one in 73 million.\"","es":"As\u00ed que despu\u00e9s de que Sally Clark fuera condenada, pueden imaginar, el efecto notable en la prensa, uno de los periodistas de uno de los peri\u00f3dicos m\u00e1s respetables de Gran Breta\u00f1a escribi\u00f3 que lo que el experto dijo fue: \u201cLa probabilidad de que sea inocente es de una en 73 millones.\u201d"} {"en":"This movement goes well beyond NIMBYism.","es":"Este movimiento va mucho m\u00e1s all\u00e1 del nimbismo."} {"en":"But it can only come from the digital me.","es":"Pero eso solo llegar\u00e1 a partir del \"yo\" digital."} {"en":"All we lack is the action to actually spend the money to put those into place.","es":"Lo \u00fanico que nos falta es una inversi\u00f3n econ\u00f3mica para poder ponerlos en marcha."} {"en":"He emailed this to me, allowing me to become one of the first people ever to read that book in English.","es":"Me la envi\u00f3 por correo electr\u00f3nico lo que me permiti\u00f3 ser una de las primeras personas en leer ese libro en ingl\u00e9s."} {"en":"A lot of water, time and care has gone into making these jeans, the time and care of many garment workers.","es":"Se ha invertido mucha agua, tiempo y cuidado en la confecci\u00f3n de esos jeans, el tiempo y el cuidado de muchos trabajadores."} {"en":"Unfortunately or fortunately, I was wrong.","es":"Por desgracia, o por suerte, me equivoqu\u00e9."} {"en":"And none of this takes more money and none of this demands a bureaucracy, but it does demand that you think things differently and you are prepared to bend budgets and work programs in order to create that supportive framework that communities can bounce off.","es":"Y nada de esto requiere dinero adicional ni tampoco burocracia, pero s\u00ed pensar de manera diferente y estar preparado para duplicar presupuestos y programas de trabajo para crear ese marco de apoyo que las comunidades pueden compartir."} {"en":"So if I wanted you to stop, I could send you a vibration pattern, sure.","es":"As\u00ed que, si quisiera que se detuvieran, podr\u00eda enviarles un patr\u00f3n de vibraci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Now I, of course, thought, \"Well this is American data,\" and I thought, \"Well, those silly Americans.","es":"Por supuesto que pens\u00e9 bueno, esta informaci\u00f3n es de EEUU. Y pens\u00e9, bueno, esos estadounidenses tontos."} {"en":"No, I'm not suggesting that you fake it till you make it, but what I am suggesting is that you try until you can't try anymore.","es":"No, no te digo que finjas hasta que no sea necesario, pero te digo que lo intentes hasta que no puedas m\u00e1s."} {"en":"Ten thousand years ago, the humans and livestock and pets were not even one tenth of one percent and wouldn't even have been visible on such a curve. Now they are 98 percent, and it, I think, shows human domination of the Earth.","es":"Hace 10.000 a\u00f1os, los humanos, ganado y mascotas no supon\u00edan ni la d\u00e9cima parte de un 1% y ni siquiera habr\u00eda sido visible esa curva, ahora es el 98%, y es, Yo creo, que muestra la dominaci\u00f3n de los humanos en la Tierra."} {"en":"I posed a problem in front of them, which was to put on an election forum for their own community.","es":"Les plante\u00e9 un problema que consist\u00eda en poner un foro electoral en su propia comunidad."} {"en":"Because wouldn't you want that?","es":"Porque, \u00bfno es eso lo que desear\u00edan?"} {"en":"It's like, what are you going to do next time?","es":"M\u00e1s bien, \u00bfqu\u00e9 har\u00e1s la pr\u00f3xima vez?"} {"en":"I mean, it'd be great, whenever we're in a tough spot, to just have an answer appear to us from some magical source of inspiration.","es":"Ser\u00eda genial, siempre que estuvi\u00e9ramos en un punto dif\u00edcil, que apareciera una respuesta de alguna fuente m\u00e1gica de inspiraci\u00f3n."} {"en":"It just changes the same content.","es":"Simplemente cambiaa el mismo contenido."} {"en":"Open borders.","es":"Fronteras abiertas."} {"en":"They don't have the frontal cortex.","es":"No tienen la corteza frontal."} {"en":"In fact, 90 percent of them make under two dollars a day.","es":"De hecho, el 90 % de ellas gana menos de 2 d\u00f3lares al d\u00eda."} {"en":"My belief is that it's almost too painful to articulate our aspirations for our healthcare system, or even admit that we have any at all.","es":"Creo que es demasiado dif\u00edcil articular nuestras aspiraciones para nuestro sistema de salud, o tan siquiera admitir que tenemos alguna."} {"en":"Now, Arctic marine mammals are used to very high levels of noise at certain times of the year.","es":"Los mam\u00edferos marinos \u00e1rticos est\u00e1n acostumbrados a niveles muy altos de ruido en ciertas \u00e9pocas del a\u00f1o."} {"en":"And all together, that creates a crackling sound that gives coral reefs its soundscape.","es":"Y todo junto, crea un chasquido que les da a los arrecifes de coral su paisaje sonoro."} {"en":"The first revolution was in economics.","es":"La primera revoluci\u00f3n se produjo en la econom\u00eda."} {"en":"For credit, a farmer needs to earn the trust of a bank, and if it succeeds, the bank will advance him money.","es":"Para el cr\u00e9dito, el agricultor tiene que ganarse la confianza de un banco, y si tiene \u00e9xito, el banco le prestar\u00e1 el dinero."} {"en":"Right.","es":"Correcto."} {"en":"No, but it's true: the Internet has changed the world.","es":"No, pero es cierto: el Internet ha cambiado al mundo."} {"en":"She's 37 years old. She hasn't won a marathon of any kind in eight years, and a few months previously, she had almost died in childbirth.","es":"Tiene 37 a\u00f1os, no ha ganado ning\u00fan tipo de marat\u00f3n en 8 a\u00f1os, y hace solo unos meses estuvo a punto de morir al dar a luz."} {"en":"And it was so profoundly moving to me that there were shrines and prayer and meditation.","es":"Y fue tan profundamente emotivo para m\u00ed que hubiera santuarios y oraci\u00f3n y meditaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"But of course I continued creating artwork that was honest and raw, because I forgot about how people reacted to my work.","es":"Pero, claro, segu\u00ed creando arte honesto y en bruto porque olvid\u00e9 las reacciones de la gente a mi obra."} {"en":"This is all slow motion, by the way, so we can see what's going on.","es":"Esto es todo en c\u00e1mara lenta, por cierto, para que podamos ver lo que sucede."} {"en":"But we need to make some containers.","es":"Pero tenemos que crear contenedores."} {"en":"This is about an elitism in AI that says a programmer needs to look like a certain person.","es":"Se trata de un elitismo en la IA que dice que un programador debe tener cierto aspecto."} {"en":"So, my journey began in the Bronx, New York, in a one-bedroom apartment, with my two sisters and immigrant mother.","es":"Mi viaje comenz\u00f3 en el Bronx, Nueva York, en un apartamento de un dormitorio, con mis dos hermanas y una madre inmigrante."} {"en":"That's the number for us to beat.\"","es":"Ese es el n\u00famero que tenemos que superar\"."} {"en":"The public was captivated by her unique perspective and secretive behavior.","es":"El p\u00fablico qued\u00f3 cautivado por su perspectiva \u00fanica y su comportamiento reservado."} {"en":"Half a second later, I heard dut-dut-dut-dut-duh.","es":"Medio segundo despu\u00e9s, escuch\u00e9: tra-tra-tra-tra-tra."} {"en":"So for the last few years, I've been trying to understand what constitutes the 21st-century good life, both because I'm fascinated by the moral and philosophical implications, but also because I'm in desperate need of answers myself.","es":"As\u00ed que durante los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os, he estado tratando de entender qu\u00e9 constituye una buena vida en el siglo XXI, tanto porque me fascina la moral y las implicaciones filos\u00f3ficas, como porque necesito desesperadamente respuestas para m\u00ed misma."} {"en":"However, frogs can be slippery subjects.","es":"Con todo, las ranas pueden ser sujetos escurridizos."} {"en":"And I want to put special emphasis on the words \"rapidly\" and \"easily\" because many of the existing screening methods are exactly the opposite.","es":"Y quiero se\u00f1alar particularmente las palabras 'r\u00e1pida' y 'f\u00e1cilmente', porque muchos de los m\u00e9todos de cribado que existen son exactamente lo opuesto."} {"en":"BJK: Well, in 2025, 75 percent of the global workforce is going to be millennials.","es":"BJK: Bueno, en 2025, el 75 % de la fuerza laboral mundial ser\u00e1 de la generaci\u00f3n milenio."} {"en":"This one that appeared in Science last year, for example, demonstrates that even simple retrieval practice, where students are just supposed to repeat what they already learned gives considerably improved results on various achievement tests down the line than many other educational interventions.","es":"Este, que apareci\u00f3 en Science el a\u00f1o pasado, por ejemplo, demuestra que incluso el simple repaso de retenci\u00f3n, que consiste en solo repetir lo aprendido, produce una mejora considerable en los resultados de varias pruebas de rendimiento, superando otro tipo de intervenciones did\u00e1cticas."} {"en":"And the circumference of this building is 183 meters. So it's not exactly small at all.","es":"La circunferencia de este edificio es de 183 metros, as\u00ed que no es precisamente peque\u00f1o."} {"en":"So this is something that we've been working on.","es":"Es algo en lo que hemos estado trabajando."} {"en":"Such a state of affairs invites a natural follow-up question, and it's one that I've spent the last several years encouraging business leaders and policy makers to address: If not traditional supercomputers, what technology will emerge to arm us against the challenges of the 21st century?","es":"Tal estado de cosas invita a responder una pregunta que surge naturalmente, una que he pasado los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os alentando a los l\u00edderes de negocio y pol\u00edticos a abordar: Si no son las supercomputadoras tradicionales cu\u00e1l ser\u00e1 la tecnolog\u00eda que surja para armarnos contra los retos del siglo XXI?"} {"en":"And, funnily enough, we aren\u2019t even the only ones that take advantage of this behavior.","es":"Y, curiosamente, ni siquiera somos los \u00fanicos que nos aprovechamos de este comportamiento."} {"en":"And here's the worst news of all.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed la peor noticia de todas."} {"en":"This is the biggest emergent social movement in all of history.","es":"Se est\u00e1 viendo el mayor movimiento social que ha surgido en toda la historia."} {"en":"We can build this better.\"","es":"Podemos hacerlo mejor\"."} {"en":"And as they land, they're fully aligned in the gravitational field.","es":"Y en el momento de aterrizar est\u00e1n totalmente alineados con el campo gravitacional."} {"en":"We rarely get the opportunity to flex that.","es":"Raramente tenemos la oportunidad para relajar eso."} {"en":"Or at least it's less boring.","es":"O al menos es menos aburrido."} {"en":"Unless we start to change how we treat prisoners in this country, he'll probably be there for the rest of his life.","es":"A menos que empecemos a cambiar c\u00f3mo tratamos a los presos del pa\u00eds, probablemente estar\u00e1 ah\u00ed por el resto de su vida."} {"en":"For the most part, they end up in landfills.","es":"La mayor\u00eda termina en los vertederos."} {"en":"As they say, just observe and you'll see a lot.","es":"Como dicen, solo observa y ver\u00e1s mucho."} {"en":"So what's the take home here?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la lecci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed?"} {"en":"DB: Very true.","es":"DB: Muy cierto."} {"en":"I want to come out with a unified country that understands that the costs that we owe are big, and our pockets are deep enough to match it.","es":"Quiero un pa\u00eds unificado que entienda que el precio a pagar es grande, pero que est\u00e1 al alcance de nuestro bolsillo."} {"en":"I just was saying, \"Here's your logo. Here's your logo.\"","es":"Solo ten\u00eda que decir: \"Este es tu logo, este es tu logo\"."} {"en":"We shouldn't value the sciences any more than we value the humanities.","es":"No debemos valorar las ciencias m\u00e1s de lo que valoramos las humanidades."} {"en":"We live in a container that doesn't really promote the idea that we should be learning about people's daily lives in any place other than here.","es":"Vivimos en un contenedor que en realidad no promueve la idea de que deber\u00edamos aprender sobre la vida cotidiana de las personas en ning\u00fan otro lugar que no sea aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"Now","es":"Ahora"} {"en":"Refugee camp doctors, when available, are almost always too busy, or don't have the knowledge or the time for basic parenting supports.","es":"Los doctores del campo de refugiados, cuando est\u00e1n disponibles, est\u00e1n casi siempre muy ocupados, o no tienen el conocimiento o el tiempo para brindar apoyo b\u00e1sico a los padres."} {"en":"Real community-based conservation goes much beyond ensuring an elder has a ceremonial seat at the table and is interviewed.","es":"La verdadera conservaci\u00f3n comunitaria va m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de asegurar que un anciano tenga un sill\u00f3n ceremonial en la mesa y sea entrevistado."} {"en":"I'm going to play three videos of a rainy day.","es":"Voy a poner 3 videos de un d\u00eda de lluvia."} {"en":"It weighs about a ton or over a ton.","es":"Pesa una tonelada o un poco m\u00e1s."} {"en":"And it's very interesting to me that alpha males, when they do this, they become impartial.","es":"Me parece sumamente interesante que los machos alfa sean imparciales aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"Now, thankfully for humanity, we're not able to do that.","es":"Pero, por suerte para la humanidad, no podemos hacerlo."} {"en":"It's also related to the way that we subsidize our people, and all the left and right arguments that we have.","es":"Se relaciona con la manera en que subsidiamos a nuestra gente, y con todos los argumentos, de izquierda y de derecha, que esgrimimos."} {"en":"Individual samurai carried two swords and served a single lord till death, but their duties became primarily bureaucratic and administrative.","es":"Cada samur\u00e1i portaba dos espadas y serv\u00eda a un solo se\u00f1or hasta la muerte, pero sus funciones pasaron a ser sobre todo burocr\u00e1ticas y administrativas."} {"en":"If you're not a New Yorker, I apologize.","es":"Para aquellos de ustedes que no sean neoyorquinos, una disculpa."} {"en":"I will continue doing this, most probably for the rest of my life.","es":"Continuar\u00e9 haciendo esto, muy probablemente por el resto de mi vida."} {"en":"These are the stereotypes that are taught to kids already from day one, to basically eradicate some of the feelings that they have.","es":"Estos son los estereotipos que se ense\u00f1an a los ni\u00f1os desde el primer d\u00eda, a erradicar b\u00e1sicamente algunos de los sentimientos que tienen."} {"en":"It's not like any of the particles that we have ever seen or had any kind of contact with.","es":"No se parece a ninguna de las part\u00edculas que hayamos visto anteriormente o con la que hayamos tenido alg\u00fan tipo de contacto."} {"en":"In understanding the inherent correlation between the accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere and the cumulative exploitation and extraction, extractivism economy, which creates sacrifice zones for black and indigenous communities, how do we plan to, or how do you guys plan to mitigate those systems of oppression as part of your strategies within those five various components, so that we can really begin to reduce emissions?","es":"Para entender la correlaci\u00f3n inherente entre la acumulaci\u00f3n de carbono en la atm\u00f3sfera y la explotaci\u00f3n acumulativa y la extracci\u00f3n, la econom\u00eda extractivista, que crea zonas de sacrificio para comunidades negras e ind\u00edgenas, c\u00f3mo planeamos, o c\u00f3mo planean Uds. mitigar esos sistemas de opresi\u00f3n como parte de sus estrategias dentro de esos cinco componentes diferentes, para poder realmente empezar a reducir las emisiones?"} {"en":"If there's a plumber, he's 300 pounds and he's got a giant butt crack, admit it.","es":"Si tienes un plomero, pesa 136 kilos y tiene una gigantesca raja en el culo, adm\u00edtanlo."} {"en":"But it's going to be a really fascinating ride.","es":"Pero ser\u00e1 un viaje realmente fascinante."} {"en":"We've been talking about \"seeing is believing \" and seeing the unseen at TED Global.","es":"Hemos estado hablando de ver es creer y ver lo nunca visto en TED Global."} {"en":"And we can only meet the terms of employment in the modern world by being cognitively far more flexible.","es":"Y solo podemos cumplir con los t\u00e9rminos de empleo en el mundo moderno siendo mucho m\u00e1s flexibles mentalmente."} {"en":"But there is something more that we can do than just simply helping refugees survive.","es":"Pero hay algo que podemos hacer m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de simplemente ayudar a los refugiados a sobrevivir."} {"en":"And this building fundamentally changes the world's relationship to architecture.","es":"Este edificio cambi\u00f3 fundamentalmente la relaci\u00f3n del mundo con la arquitectura."} {"en":"The litters are placed on the ground and the girls get out and arm in arm, two by two, they ascend the steps into the enclosed garden with many columns.","es":"Las literas se colocan en el suelo, las chicas salen, y tomadas del brazo, de dos en dos, suben los escalones hacia el jard\u00edn cerrado por muchas columnas."} {"en":"So normally, I just ignore the doorbell, but on this day, I answered.","es":"As\u00ed que normalmente ignoro el timbre, pero ese d\u00eda abr\u00ed la puerta."} {"en":"Jump in.","es":"Atr\u00e9vanse."} {"en":"You can be in the subway and you can be completely isolated and have your own room in your iPod.","es":"Puedes estar en el metro y estar completamente aislado y tener tu propio cuarto en tu iPod."} {"en":"He knows everything.","es":"Lo sabe todo."} {"en":"What if instead of just experiencing visiting some reality on Earth, you could surf gravitational waves on the edge of a black hole, or create galaxies from scratch, or communicate with each other not using words but using our raw thoughts?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si en lugar de solo experimentar la visita a un lugar en la Tierra pudieran surfear ondas gravitatorias en el borde de un agujero negro o crear galaxias de la nada o comunicarse con otros sin usar palabras sino con el pensamiento?"} {"en":"There's no technology visible at all.","es":"No hay tecnolog\u00eda visible, en absoluto."} {"en":"Megafires are the result of the way we've managed this western landscape over the last 150 years in a steadily warming climate.","es":"Los megafuegos son el resultado de c\u00f3mo hemos llegado a este paisaje occidental en los \u00faltimos 150 a\u00f1os en un clima cada vez m\u00e1s c\u00e1lido."} {"en":"And that's what we set out to do.","es":"Y eso es lo que nos preparamos para hacer."} {"en":"Because I am HIV positive.","es":"Porque soy seropositiva."} {"en":"And she was.","es":"Y lo estaba."} {"en":"Have sex again.","es":"Tener sexo otra vez."} {"en":"True belonging springs from love.","es":"La verdadera pertenencia proviene del amor."} {"en":"Africa obviously needs to develop.","es":"Es evidente que \u00c1frica debe desarrollarse."} {"en":"And that gives the X industry an outsize influence on the likelihood that we reach net-zero, or they will be one of the primary architects of climate destruction.","es":"Eso da una tremenda influencia a la industria X sobre la probabilidad de llegar a cero neto, o ser\u00e1n uno de los principales arquitectos de la destrucci\u00f3n del clima."} {"en":"They need that affirmation.","es":"Necesitan esa afirmaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"SE: Losing the ladder starts with redefining our relationship with learning at work.","es":"SE: Dejar la escalera empieza con una redefinici\u00f3n de nuestra relaci\u00f3n con el aprendizaje laboral."} {"en":"This is a big departure from the traditional medical model, because it places responsibility and information back in the woman's hands.","es":"Esto es una gran salida del m\u00e9todo m\u00e9dico tradicional porque otorga responsabilidad e informaci\u00f3n en manos de la mujer."} {"en":"HW: We\u2019ll teach it?","es":"HW: \u00bfDe verdad?"} {"en":"If customers are stakeholders, then they should not be harmed by the goods, services and products we produce.","es":"Si los consumidores son los accionistas, no deber\u00edan estar perjudicados por los productos, servicios que producimos."} {"en":"So while we talk a lot about its potential future impact, the aspect of AI that may matter most right now is that we\u2019re handling it in a way that blocks learning on the job just when we need it most.","es":"As\u00ed que mientras hablamos mucho sobre su posible impacto futuro, el aspecto de la IA que puede importar m\u00e1s en este momento es que lo manejamos de una manera que bloquea el aprendizaje en el trabajo justo cuando m\u00e1s lo necesitamos."} {"en":"Thank you for listening, and please consider, for you, across the spectrum of your doing, how are you?","es":"Gracias por escuchar y les ruego consideren, por Uds., en todo el espectro de su hacer, \u00bfc\u00f3mo se encuentran?"} {"en":"They did all of this in real time.","es":"Todo lo hicieron en tiempo real."} {"en":"And for the following 25 years, living in Italy, living in America, I doled out a piece of this romance to anybody who'd pay for it, this sense, this aesthetic feeling, for the experience revolving around a designed object.","es":"Y durante los siguientes 25 a\u00f1os, viv\u00ed en Italia en EE.UU. repartiendo partes de este romance a quien quisiera pagarlas. Este sentimiento, este sentimiento de est\u00e9tica de la experiencia girando alrededor del objeto que se dise\u00f1a."} {"en":"She was credited with introducing tennis to America in 1874.","es":"A ella se le atribuy\u00f3 la introducci\u00f3n del tenis en Am\u00e9rica en 1874."} {"en":"Another juror, well, they just kind of regretted that it took so long to carry the sentence out.","es":"Otro de los jurados, en cierto modo lament\u00f3 que la sentencia se hubiera dictado con tanta demora."} {"en":"So I can use the word \"encouraged\" or \"stimulated\" or \"forced,\" but the bottom line is that compared to control conditions, inequality was associated with higher levels of trade.","es":"Puedo usar la palabra \"alentado\" o \"estimulado\" o \"forzado\", pero la conclusi\u00f3n es que, en comparaci\u00f3n con las condiciones de control, la desigualdad se asoci\u00f3 con mayores niveles de comercio."} {"en":"C: Success, the change is only coming through the barrel of the gun. CS: The barrel of the gun!","es":"\u00c9xito, el cambio s\u00f3lo se obtendr\u00e1 mediante el ca\u00f1\u00f3n de la pistola, El ca\u00f1\u00f3n de la pistola."} {"en":"Further research into how this extremely rare galaxy was formed can provide us with new clues on how the universe works.","es":"Hace falta realizar otras investigaciones sobre c\u00f3mo se form\u00f3 esta galaxia tan rara para obtener nuevas pistas sobre el funcionamiento del universo."} {"en":"Now you know how it got there.","es":"Ahora ya sabemos c\u00f3mo lleg\u00f3 hasta all\u00ed."} {"en":"In fact, nowadays, if a lot of projects provide a lot of ecosystem services but are not solid on the carbon side, they are often dismissed as poorly designed or poorly governed.","es":"De hecho, hoy en d\u00eda, si muchos proyectos brindan muchos servicios ecosist\u00e9micos pero no son s\u00f3lidos en las pol\u00edticas de carbono, suelen ser tildados de tener un mal dise\u00f1o o una regulaci\u00f3n deficiente."} {"en":"The pay rate for this electricity was highly subsidized, at times reaching four times the market price.","es":"La tarifa de pago por esta electricidad estaba altamente subsidiada. llegando a ser cuatro veces el precio de mercado."} {"en":"But that system has tons of problems.","es":"Pero el sistema tienen much\u00edsimos problemas."} {"en":"And this was a big deal.","es":"Y ello era un gran fen\u00f3nemo."} {"en":"Noah put them on the ark in that order, blah, blah.","es":"No\u00e9 los puso en el Arca en ese orden, blah, blah, blah."} {"en":"Moreover, it could be the only chance some countries have of breaking their dangerous dependency on exports from distant places.","es":"Y podr\u00eda ser la \u00fanica oportunidad de algunos pa\u00edses para vencer su alarmante dependencia de las exportaciones de pa\u00edses lejanos."} {"en":"It was always going to be off the table pending the midterms, but now pending, you know, this crushing of this movement, the US has imposed more sanctions, Europe has imposed more sanctions on individuals who are deemed responsible for the harshest crackdown.","es":"A pesar de ello, tras estos acontecimientos EE. UU. ha impuesto m\u00e1s sanciones, Europa ha impuesto sanciones a individuos a quienes considera responsables de esta represi\u00f3n tan violenta."} {"en":"What sticks with people in the audience at the end of a performance?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 le queda a la audiencia al final de una interpretaci\u00f3n?"} {"en":"And the fact that all the computing power on the planet combined can't solve it, that's the reason we cryptographers thought we'd found a way to stay ahead of the code breakers for good.","es":"Y que toda la capacidad de c\u00f3mputo combinada del planeta no pueda resolverlo es la raz\u00f3n por la que los cript\u00f3grafos pensamos que les hab\u00edamos ganado a los descifradores."} {"en":"But I asked some Maldivian friends and colleagues, and yes they come every year.","es":"Pero pregunt\u00e9 a algunos amigos maldivos y colegas y, s\u00ed, vienen cada a\u00f1o."} {"en":"And that is what we need men to think about.","es":"Necesitamos que los hombres piensen en eso."} {"en":"Because all of the bricks at James Madison's estate were made by the children that he enslaved.","es":"Porque todos los ladrillos en la mansi\u00f3n de James Madison fueron hechos por los ni\u00f1os que esclaviz\u00f3."} {"en":"But we all can do what we can to make it felt.","es":"Pero podemos hacer lo que podamos para hacerlo sentir."} {"en":"Well, other people have figured out how much energy the human brain and that of other species costs, and now that we knew how many neurons each brain was made of, we could do the math.","es":"Bueno, otros han descubierto cu\u00e1nta energ\u00eda utilizan el cerebro humano y el de otras especies, y, ahora que sabemos cu\u00e1ntas neuronas posee cada cerebro, podemos hacer la cuenta."} {"en":"And this general turned toward me and said from the highest ranks of the Air Force, we believe you cannot lead people that you do not feel affection toward.","es":"Y este general me mir\u00f3 y dijo: \u201cDesde los rangos m\u00e1s altos de las Fuerzas A\u00e9reas, creemos que no se puede dirigir a la gente a la que no se le tiene afecto\u201d. Adam: \u00a1Guau!"} {"en":"This is for Michael Eisner, Disney.","es":"Esto es para Michael Eisner, Disney."} {"en":"Things got so bad for her that eventually she ran away.","es":"Las cosas se le pusieron tan feas que con el tiempo huy\u00f3."} {"en":"After 30 hours in the lab, I probably smelled horrible.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de 30 horas en el laboratorio, quiz\u00e1 ol\u00eda horrible."} {"en":"But this is a problem of just incentives, just incentives.","es":"Pero este es solo un problema de incentivos."} {"en":"To bring a successful drug to market, it takes, on average, 13 years \u2014 that's one drug \u2014 with a sunk cost of 4 billion dollars, and only one percent of the drugs that start down that road are actually going to get there.","es":"Sacar al mercado un exitoso f\u00e1rmaco conlleva una media de 13 a\u00f1os, eso para un f\u00e1rmaco, con un coste de USD 4 000 millones, y solo un 1% de los f\u00e1rmacos que inician su camino hacia el mercado consiguen llegar all\u00ed."} {"en":"There was silence for a while, then they said, \"You've spelled it wrong.","es":"Hubo silencio por un momento y dijeron: \"Lo escribi\u00f3 de modo incorrecto."} {"en":"And that's what I did, too.","es":"Eso fue lo que hice, tambi\u00e9n."} {"en":"Can you tell us what I think","es":"\u00bfPuedes contarnos cu\u00e1les son?"} {"en":"So, I tried to work on the standard model of culture, which is, develop stories, symbols and rituals.","es":"As\u00ed que intent\u00e9 centrarme en el modelo est\u00e1ndar de cultura: desarrollar cuentos, s\u00edmbolos y rituales."} {"en":"It's not because their DNA has degenerated.","es":"No es porque su ADN haya degenerado."} {"en":"That one's actually true.","es":"Esto \u00faltimo es cierto."} {"en":"If you ask what kind of a situation is conducive to people becoming friends and allies, the technical answer is a non-zero-sum situation.","es":"Si se preguntan cu\u00e1l tipo de situaci\u00f3n lleva a que las personas se conviertan en amigas y aliadas, la respuesta t\u00e9cnica es: una situaci\u00f3n de suma no nula."} {"en":"So, you do understand that at some point you are going to have to hire a male producer onboard, right?","es":"\u00bfEntienden que en alg\u00fan momento tendr\u00e1n que contratar a un productor masculino?"} {"en":"In 1980, the year of independence, 25 percent of Zimbabwean children were fully immunized.","es":"En 1980, a\u00f1o de la independencia, el 25 % de los ni\u00f1os de Zimbabue estaban completamente inmunizados."} {"en":"We were launching a megastore in Los Angeles, I think.","es":"Est\u00e1bamos abriendo un gran almac\u00e9n en Los Angleles, creo."} {"en":"Here's Bhumika: BS: What I'm most proud of?","es":"Esta es Bhumika: BS: \u00bfDe qu\u00e9 estoy m\u00e1s orgullosa?"} {"en":"I reduced my mailing list to 150 people.","es":"Reduje mi lista de correo a 150 personas."} {"en":"Psychologists have explored this.","es":"Los psic\u00f3logos han explorado esto."} {"en":"Why on Earth do we do that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 demonios hacemos eso?"} {"en":"So, they gain independence from the sponsor, and start funding themselves.","es":"Obtuvieron la independencia de sus financistas, y comenzaron a financiarse por su cuenta."} {"en":"These irregularities, part of a pattern I'd failed to notice, were what I now know as open secrets living beneath those proverbial stones I'd had the audacity to overturn.","es":"Estas irregularidades son parte de un patr\u00f3n que no hab\u00eda sido capaz de ver, lo que ahora s\u00e9, eran secretos a voces. cosas encubiertas que tuve la audacia de descubrir."} {"en":"Have you seen the ads?","es":"\u00bfHan visto los anuncios?"} {"en":"They're just victims of a long-time autocracy, expecting a paternal state to solve all their problems.","es":"Simplemente son v\u00edctimas de una larga autocracia y esperan que un estado paternal les solucione todos sus problemas."} {"en":"So it's a little bit like Microsoft Kinect, where you interact with gestures in the world.","es":"Es un poco parecido a Microsoft Kinect, en donde interact\u00faan con el mundo con sus movimientos."} {"en":"In India, if you wanted to see a doctor in a public health facility, you would go to a \"PHC,\" or \"primary health center.\"","es":"En India, si se quiere ver a un m\u00e9dico en un centro de salud p\u00fablica, uno va a un \"CSP\" o \"centro de salud primaria\"."} {"en":"I used to be afraid of ghosts.","es":"Yo sol\u00eda tener miedo a los fantasmas."} {"en":"These factors don\u2019t affect everyone the same way.","es":"Estos factores no afectan a todos de la misma manera."} {"en":"When we're taking final exams, sitting in traffic or pondering pollution, we internalize stress.","es":"Cuando presentamos el examen final, sentados en el tr\u00e1fico sopesando la contaminaci\u00f3n. interiorizamos el estr\u00e9s."} {"en":"When Tony said that to me, I thought to myself, \"Am I sitting like a journalist?","es":"Y cuando Tony me dijo eso, me pregunt\u00e9 a m\u00ed mismo: \"\u00bfEstoy sentado como un periodista?"} {"en":"And what we find is that having at least one person in your life who you feel really has your back, who you could go to if you were in trouble, that's essential for maintaining our happiness and our health.","es":"Y lo que encontramos es que tener por lo menos una persona en la vida que sientes que realmente te apoya, en quien pudieras confiar si estuvieras en peligro, es esencial para mantener la felicidad y la salud."} {"en":"The stakes now could not be higher.","es":"Las apuestas ahora no podr\u00edan ser mayores."} {"en":"If learning is like a workout for the brain, then play-based learning is the heavy lifting.","es":"Si aprender equivale a entrenar el cerebro, entonces el aprendizaje basado en el juego es el levantamiento de pesas."} {"en":"You grow fast and then stop, part of our resilience.","es":"Crecemos r\u00e1pidamente y luego nos detenemos; es parte de nuestra resiliencia."} {"en":"Or he's able to also hold on to connections in the places that he calls home with the people that he calls family and with the culture that matters to him.","es":"O que logre mantener conexiones donde se siente en casa, con quien considera su familia y con la cultura que aprecia."} {"en":"To find out, we need to dive into the physics of fluids.","es":"Para averiguarlo debemos sumergirnos en la f\u00edsica de fluidos."} {"en":"This is an annual melting river.","es":"\u00c9ste es un r\u00edo de deshielo anual."} {"en":"Asking yourself whether what you're doing, the way you're thinking, the way you're acting is helping or harming you, puts you back in the driver's seat.","es":"Cuestionarte a ti mismo si lo que haces, tu manera de pensar, tu manera de actuar te est\u00e1 ayudando o da\u00f1ando, te pone de vuelta al volante."} {"en":"Well, education is a global religion.","es":"Bueno, la educaci\u00f3n es una religi\u00f3n mundial."} {"en":"I was in a wheelchair; I didn't look like a looter.","es":"Yo iba en silla de ruedas; no parec\u00eda un saqueador."} {"en":"He realized that my microscope could solve a big problem he was having. Which was, how to measure the movement of plankton in 3D fast enough so he could mathematically model their sensing and behavior.","es":"Se dio cuenta de que mi microscopio pod\u00eda resolverle un gran problema: c\u00f3mo medir el movimiento del plancton en 3D a una velocidad suficiente como para poder modelar matem\u00e1ticamente sus sentidos y comportamientos."} {"en":"In this case, instead of throwing chewing gum, or Doritos or whatever you have in your pocket at the fish, There's a body of water in Iceland that I've been dealing with that's in the middle of the city, and the largest pollution burden on it is not the roadborne pollution, it's actually white bread from people feeding the fish and the birds.","es":"En este caso, en vez de tirar goma de mascar, o Doritos o lo que sea tengas en el bolsillo al los peces, Hay un espacio de agua en Islandia con el que estuve trabajando que est\u00e1 en el medio de la ciudad, y la mayor cantidad de contaminantes en \u00e9l no es la contaminaci\u00f3n callejera, es en realidad pan blanco de gente que alimenta a los peces y a las aves."} {"en":"I got obsessed with that.","es":"Me obsesione con eso."} {"en":"On Sunday of the same conference, her husband took me aside, and he said, \"My wife wouldn't think that I was really much of a guy if she knew this, but I've been dealing with this depression and I'm taking some medication, and I wondered what you think?\"","es":"El domingo, en la misma conferencia, el marido me lleva aparte y me dice: \u00abMi esposa dejar\u00eda de verme como el hombre que soy si se entera, pero estoy luchando con esta depresi\u00f3n y estoy tomando estos medicamentos. \u00bfMe podr\u00eda dar su opini\u00f3n?\u00bb."} {"en":"And that is a wonderful thing there.","es":"Y esa es una cosa sorprendente."} {"en":"It's an invisible crisis, and it has been for many, many years.","es":"Es una crisis invisible, que ha existido desde hace mucho a\u00f1os."} {"en":"But when we live in a denser community, suddenly what we find, of course, is that the things we need are close by.","es":"Pero cuando vivimos en una comunidad m\u00e1s densa de repente encontramos, por supuesto, que las cosas que necesitamos est\u00e1n cerca."} {"en":"And I don't think any of us has a full understanding of it, by any means.","es":"Creo que ninguno de nosotros lo comprende totalmente."} {"en":"People are questioning, people are governing themselves, people are learning to manage their own affairs, they are taking their own futures into their hands.","es":"La gente se cuestiona, se gobierna a s\u00ed misma, est\u00e1 aprendiendo a manejar sus propios asuntos, tiene el futuro en sus manos."} {"en":"When you take a chemotherapeutic drug, it will hit all of these cells.","es":"Cuando tomas un quimioterap\u00e9utico, \u00e9ste alcanza a todas esas c\u00e9lulas."} {"en":"But Alex was preparing a little, sort of obscure, indie, arthouse film called \"Minority Report\" for Steven Spielberg, and invited us to come out from MIT and design the interfaces that would appear in that film.","es":"Alex estaba preparando una peque\u00f1a pel\u00edcula, m\u00e1s bien, oscura, independiente, llamada \"Minority Report\" para Steven Spielberg. Y nos invit\u00f3 a salir del MIT y dise\u00f1ar las interfaces que aparecer\u00edan en la pel\u00edcula."} {"en":"Hey!","es":"\u00a1Oye!"} {"en":"Today, homes are designed around the idea of privacy and separation.","es":"Hoy las casas est\u00e1n dise\u00f1adas en torno a la idea de la privacidad y la separaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"And gender is one of those things like other demographics that have historically been good marketing shortcuts.","es":"Y el g\u00e9nero es una de esas cosas como otras caracter\u00edsticas demogr\u00e1ficas que hist\u00f3ricamente han sido buenos atajos de mercadotecnia."} {"en":"So that's how I got here.","es":"Fue as\u00ed como llegu\u00e9."} {"en":"Because we placed a magnet there. For instance, this part of my hand.","es":"Pues porque colocamos un im\u00e1n all\u00ed, por ejemplo, en esta parte de mi mano."} {"en":"But during the war, the siblings had a terrible argument\u2014 a fight so explosive it split the family business in two.","es":"Pero durante la guerra, los hermanos tuvieron una terrible discusi\u00f3n una pelea tan explosiva que parti\u00f3 el negocio familiar en dos."} {"en":"Instead of stories, I do them with code.","es":"En vez de historias, los hago con c\u00f3digo."} {"en":"I went to culinary school; I climbed the ladder of fancy restaurants, making fancy desserts to become the very best of the best.","es":"Asist\u00ed una escuela culinaria, sub\u00ed la escalera de restaurantes elegantes, haciendo postres elegantes para llegar a ser la mejor de los mejores."} {"en":"It is one one-hundredth of one percent of genetic material that makes the difference between any one of us.","es":"Es el 0.01% del material gen\u00e9tico que nos diferencia entre nostros."} {"en":"That xkcd.","es":"Ese xkcd."} {"en":"Consider the library here on campus, where you go into the reading room, and there is a large, unabridged dictionary up on a pedestal in this place of honor and respect lying open so we can go stand before it to get answers.","es":"Piensen en la biblioteca aqu\u00ed en el campus universitario, en donde entras a la sala de lectura y hay un gigantesco diccionario puesto encima de un pedestal en un sitio de honor y respeto, abierto de modo que podamos consultarlo y conseguir respuestas."} {"en":"I mean, why don't we talk about, well, there's chromosomes, and there's genes.","es":"Es decir, porque no hablamos de, que existen cromosomas y genes."} {"en":"And for us, it has been like, the Cassini people, it has been like a Jules Verne adventure come true.","es":"Y para nosotros ha sido ha sido como una aventura de Julio Verne hecha realidad."} {"en":"If you can't love it, then respect it. And if you can't respect it, then encourage it.","es":"Y si no pueden amarlo, resp\u00e9tenlo. Si no pueden respetarlo, an\u00edmenlo."} {"en":"But there's this little space in between the why and the what that often doesn't get our full attention, and that is our how.","es":"Pero existe un peque\u00f1o espacio entre el porqu\u00e9 y el qu\u00e9, al que no solemos prestar atenci\u00f3n, que es nuestro \u201cc\u00f3mo\u201d."} {"en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfCorrecto?"} {"en":"I suppose it is, so I won't say \"revolution,\" but it certainly evolved very, very deeply our understanding of the proton, and of particles beyond that.","es":". Pero s\u00ed produjo una evoluci\u00f3n muy, muy profunda en lo que entend\u00edamos del prot\u00f3n y de las dem\u00e1s part\u00edculas."} {"en":"And as I got there, there was a male doctor in the office and the head was there and another teacher.","es":"Y cuando llegu\u00e9, hab\u00eda un doctor hombre en la oficina adem\u00e1s de la directora y otro profesor."} {"en":"Now, the next slide is what made my skin conductance go up.","es":"La siguiente diapositiva es lo que hizo aumentar la conductancia de mi piel."} {"en":"And how could a digital identity of a company be embodied in a building?","es":"\u00bfY c\u00f3mo encarnar la identidad digital de una empresa en un edificio?"} {"en":"Those conversations became the basis of the book we're going to talk about today.","es":"Esas conversaciones se volvieron la base del libro del que vamos a hablar hoy."} {"en":"From the 1930s well into the 1960s, pregnancy testing required a slippery piece of equipment: a female African clawed frog.","es":"Desde los a\u00f1os 30 hasta bien entrados los a\u00f1os 60, las pruebas de embarazo requer\u00edan un pieza de equipamiento resbaladiza: una rana africana de u\u00f1as hembra."} {"en":"Environmental challenges fall into the same three categories, and most of what we think about are local environmental problems: air pollution, water pollution, hazardous waste dumps.","es":"Los desaf\u00edos ambientales se dividen en las mismas tres categor\u00edas, y la mayor\u00eda de los temas que nos preocupan son problemas ambientales locales: la contaminaci\u00f3n del aire, del agua, los desechos t\u00f3xicos."} {"en":"We discovered things expected.","es":"Descubrimos cosas esperadas."} {"en":"They're the fastest way to get to a hospital.","es":"Son la forma m\u00e1s r\u00e1pida de llegar a un hospital."} {"en":"But more importantly, she's willing to give you 20 bucks to go find this lost pit bull.","es":"Pero todav\u00eda mejor, va a darte 20 d\u00f3lares para que vayas a encontrar a su pit bull perdido."} {"en":"And the third thing I want to leave you with: If you ever come across a situation that you see as so unacceptable, I want you to dig down as deep as you can and find your best mother bear and go after it.","es":"Y lo tercero que quiero dejarles: Si alguna vez atraviesan por una situaci\u00f3n que les parezca as\u00ed de inaceptable, quiero que hurguen tan profundo como puedan y encuentren lo mejor y lo sigan."} {"en":"They had, in 2011, 19 percent women in leadership, yet they decided to do better, and they did what you do in any other area of business where you want to improve. They set themselves a measurable target. So they set themselves a target of 25 percent for 2017, which they have just achieved.","es":"En el 2011, el 19% de mujeres ocupaban cargos directivos, sin embargo, decidieron mejorar e hicieron lo que se hace en cualquier otra \u00e1rea de negocios donde se quiere mejorar Se establecieron como meta alcanzar el 25 % para el 2017, la cual ya lograron este a\u00f1o."} {"en":"He was very frustrated with how software got designed.","es":"Estaba muy frustrado por c\u00f3mo se dise\u00f1aba el software."} {"en":"He's a professor at MIT.","es":"Es un profesor del MIT."} {"en":"Others of them managed to extend the lives of their clients, sometimes by years, sometimes by months.","es":"Otros, pudieron extender la vida de sus clientes durante a\u00f1os o a veces meses."} {"en":"So they'll probably think it's five years away.","es":"Entonces probablemente pensar\u00e1n que faltan cinco a\u00f1os."} {"en":"John Pilley, who worked with Chaser, spent eight hours a day, every day, working with Chaser so that she would learn eventually a thousand words, and, they were toys, and a couple of different verbs or actions which she could take with them.","es":"John Pilley, que trabaj\u00f3 con Chaser, pas\u00f3 ocho horas por d\u00eda, todos los d\u00edas, trabajando con Chaser para que aprendiera eventualmente mil palabras, y eran juguetes y unos cuantos distintos verbos o acciones que se pod\u00eda llevar con ellos."} {"en":"I'm not sure what they're smoking.","es":"No estoy seguro que estar\u00e1n fumando."} {"en":"Now, as a kid, breaking the rules usually only got us in trouble, right?","es":"Ahora, como ni\u00f1os, romper las reglas normalmente nos daba problemas, \u00bfno?"} {"en":"If the person who wasn't responsible for the money management ends up on their own, that person oftentimes struggles to regain their financial skills, making it more and more difficult for them to navigate the world alone.","es":"Si la persona que no era responsable de la gesti\u00f3n del dinero acaba por s\u00ed mismo, esa persona a menudo lucha para recuperar sus habilidades financieras, haciendo cada vez m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil que naveguen solos por el mundo."} {"en":"This pilot program has allowed us to demonstrate that it's possible to harness the incredible power of natural decomposition to turn human bodies into soil, and we're working with other universities as well.","es":"Este programa piloto nos ha permitido demostrar que se puede utilizar el incre\u00edble poder de la descomposici\u00f3n natural para convertir cuerpos humanos en tierra y estamos trabajando con otras universidades tambi\u00e9n."} {"en":"Finding a weapon that recognizes and sinks all of them makes the job that much harder.","es":"Encontrar un arma que reconozca a todos y los hunda hace que el trabajo sea mucho m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil."} {"en":"Two hundred years ago, the United States was less than a few percent urbanized.","es":"Hace 200 a\u00f1os, los Estados Unidos estaban urbanizados solo en un peque\u00f1o porcentaje."} {"en":"So I think those babies are actually making complicated calculations with conditional probabilities that they're revising to figure out how the world works.","es":"As\u00ed, creo que los beb\u00e9s hacen c\u00e1lculos complejos de probabilidad condicional que revisan para comprender c\u00f3mo funciona el mundo."} {"en":"If a woman and a man work full-time and have a child, the woman does twice the amount of housework the man does, and the woman does three times the amount of childcare the man does.","es":"Si una mujer y un hombre trabajan a tiempo completo y tienen un hijo la mujer hace el doble de trabajo en la casa que el hombre y la mujer dedica 3 veces m\u00e1s tiempo a cuidar al hijo que el hombre."} {"en":"So here standing up is Basit.","es":"El que est\u00e1 parado aqu\u00ed es Basit."} {"en":"In the UK, a conspiracy theory linking 5G to coronavirus spread so quickly that it led to over 30 arson attacks on cell towers in March 2020 alone.","es":"En el Reino Unido, una teor\u00eda conspirativa relacionaba el coronavirus con el 5G se esparci\u00f3 tan r\u00e1pido, que provoc\u00f3 m\u00e1s de 30 incendios provocados en torres de telefon\u00eda m\u00f3vil solo en marzo de 2020."} {"en":"You see, it would take hundreds of comets to reproduce what we're observing.","es":"Se necesitar\u00edan cientos de cometas para reproducir lo que observamos."} {"en":"The cause has to come before the effect.","es":"La causa tiene que venir antes que el efecto."} {"en":"And I'd like to think of it as a 21st century wisdom table, really.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda pensar que es como la mesa de la sabidur\u00eda del siglo XXI."} {"en":"There are risk factors associated with cesarean sections, some of those risk factors may be due to mis-colonization when you carve a baby out of its mother rather than being delivered through the birth canal.","es":"Hay factores de riesgo asociados a las ces\u00e1reas, algunos de esos factores de riesgo pueden deberse a una mala colonizaci\u00f3n cuando extrae a un beb\u00e9 de su madre en lugar de dejarlo nacer por el conducto del parto."} {"en":"But we know that antiretroviral therapy can virtually guarantee that she will not transmit the virus to the baby.","es":"Pero sabemos que la terapia antirretroviral pr\u00e1cticamente puede garantizar que el virus no se transmitir\u00e1 al beb\u00e9."} {"en":"But yet most of the recent advances in resolution have actually come from ingeniously clever encoding and decoding solutions in the F.M. radio frequency transmitters and receivers in the MRI systems.","es":"Sin embargo, la mayor\u00eda de los avances recientes en resoluci\u00f3nprovinieron de soluciones ingeniosas y brillantes en codificaci\u00f3n y decodificaci\u00f3n, en los transmisores y receptores de frecuencia de radio FM en los sistemas de IRM."} {"en":"We'll be able to see explosions of supernovas in our galaxy.","es":"Vamos a poder ver explosiones de supernovas en nuestra galaxia."} {"en":"But, yeah.","es":"Pero, s\u00ed."} {"en":"Al Jazeera offered him a job.","es":"Al Jazeera le ofreci\u00f3 un empleo."} {"en":"One thing we have to keep in mind is really, we are at the very beginning of a huge transformation.","es":"Algo que debemos tener en cuenta es realmente, estamos en el comienzo de una gran transformaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Education has to be part of our response as well.","es":"La educaci\u00f3n tiene que ser tambi\u00e9n parte de nuestra respuesta."} {"en":"Should immigration policy be done in a way in which we focus on the shortages in our labor force, which are so many?","es":"\u00bfSe deber\u00eda hacer la pol\u00edtica de inmigraci\u00f3n con un enfoque en las escaseces en nuestra fuerza laboral, de las cuales hay tantas?"} {"en":"But because of the technology, because of the AI, because of all the loss of the human touch, the conversation about how we maintain humanity, how we maintain social connection, how we allow people to show up, You know, people always say, I want to bring my whole self to work.","es":"Pero debido a la tecnolog\u00eda, a la IA, a toda la p\u00e9rdida del toque humano, la conversaci\u00f3n sobre c\u00f3mo mantenemos la humanidad, c\u00f3mo mantenemos la conexi\u00f3n social, c\u00f3mo permitimos que la gente se manifieste sabes, la gente siempre dice quiero poner todo de m\u00ed en el trabajo."} {"en":"I'll try to make that clear, partially clear.","es":"Tratar\u00e9 de dejar eso en claro parcialmente claro."} {"en":"Science has its strengths and weaknesses and they depend on this.","es":"La ciencia posee fortalezas y debilidades que afectan esto."} {"en":"That was an extraordinary moment, because obviously fear is contagious.","es":"Ese fue un momento extraordinario, porque obviamente que el miedo es contagioso."} {"en":"And what our collaborators have done is to image little pieces of brain tissue.","es":"Nuestros colaboradores han tomado im\u00e1genes de trozos de tejido cerebral."} {"en":"Intercepting drugs on transit before they can even reach our shores could help curtail the health crisis in the US and allow me to maybe one day, hopefully, buy a house in Vancouver.","es":"Interceptar las drogas en tr\u00e1nsito incluso antes de que lleguen a nuestras costas podr\u00eda ayudar a reducir la crisis sanitaria en EE. UU. y permitirme quiz\u00e1s alg\u00fan d\u00eda, ojal\u00e1, comprar una casa en Vancouver."} {"en":"But my thesis is, open-source security is about international, interagency, private-public connection pulled together by this idea of strategic communication on the Internet.","es":"Pero mi propuesta es que la seguridad de c\u00f3digo abierto es conectar lo internacional, lo interinstitucional, lo privado-p\u00fablico por medio de esta idea de la comunicaci\u00f3n estrat\u00e9gica en internet."} {"en":"We've got the smarts and the actuators.","es":"Tenemos la inteligencia y los actuadores."} {"en":"Pretty even split.","es":"Bastante igualado."} {"en":"So hopefully it's something we can all benefit from.","es":"Con suerte es algo que todos podemos disfrutar."} {"en":"And while my parents were loving, they couldn't provide me with material support or problem-solving.","es":"Y mis padres eran amorosos, pero no pod\u00edan proveerme apoyo material o soluciones al problema."} {"en":"The nuclear waste typically goes into a dry cask storage out back of the parking lot at the reactor site because most places don't have underground storage yet. It's just as well, because it can stay where it is.","es":"Los residuos nucleares van normalmente a un dep\u00f3sito de piezas en seco en el parking en el terreno de un reactor porque la mayor\u00eda de los sitios a\u00fan no tienen almacenamiento subterr\u00e1neo Menos mal que puede quedarse donde est\u00e1."} {"en":"Why don't we try changing it every day?\"","es":"\u00bfY si lo cambiamos cada d\u00eda?\""} {"en":"I just really wanted to acknowledge you.","es":"S\u00f3lo quiero darles reconocimiento."} {"en":"We live in an amazing time to be doing dark matter research.","es":"Vivimos en un tiempo asombroso para hacer investigaciones sobre la materia oscura."} {"en":"Five years later, I started my organization, ChopArt, which is a multidisciplinary arts organization for homeless minors.","es":"Cinco a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, comenc\u00e9 mi organizaci\u00f3n ChopArt, que es una organizaci\u00f3n art\u00edstica multidisciplinaria para menores sin hogar."} {"en":"So it seems that Galen may actually have been sort of on the right track when he wrote about fluid rushing through the brain when sleep came on.","es":"Parece como si Galeno se hubiese aproximado a la pista correcta, cuando escribi\u00f3 que el fluido circulaba hacia el cerebro durante el sue\u00f1o."} {"en":"Science is made by humans, and as human beings, even if we try hard, we cannot get rid of our emotions.","es":"La ciencia est\u00e1 hecha por humanos, y como seres humanos, aunque nos esforcemos, no podemos librarnos de nuestras emociones."} {"en":"We don't hear so much about the Einstein who invited the African American opera singer, Marian Anderson, to stay in his home when she came to sing in Princeton because the best hotel there was segregated and wouldn't have her.","es":"Pero no se escucha tanto que Einstein invit\u00f3 a la cantante de \u00f3pera afro-estadounidense Marian Anderson a quedarse en su casa cuando fue a cantar a Princeton dado que el mejor hotel del lugar segregaba y no pod\u00eda alojarla."} {"en":"In the year 2014, I got fired from my job at the newspaper over a cartoon that I drew alluding to the health care system in Venezuela. I drew a flat line of a heartbeat monitor, but I intentionally drew the heartbeat line in a way that resembled the signature of Hugo Chavez, the former president of Venezuela.","es":"En el a\u00f1o 2014, me despidieron de mi trabajo por una caricatura que se public\u00f3, alusiva a la salud en Venezuela, y en donde se utilizaba la firma de Ch\u00e1vez, como \u00edcono principal."} {"en":"You open your nose.","es":"Abran la nariz."} {"en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"en":"When a drug binds to opioid receptors, it triggers the release of dopamine, which is linked to feelings of pleasure and may be responsible for the sense of euphoria that characterizes an opioid high.","es":"Cuando una droga se une a los receptores, desencadena la liberaci\u00f3n de dopamina, que est\u00e1 vinculado a sentimientos de placer y puede ser responsable por la sensaci\u00f3n de euforia que caracteriza el drogarse con opio."} {"en":"What happened?","es":"\u00bfQue pas\u00f3?"} {"en":"They produce sameness.","es":"Producen uniformidad."} {"en":"We had found our compromise.","es":"Hab\u00edamos encontrado nuestro arreglo."} {"en":"It gets very expensive to do this research.","es":"Se vuelve muy costoso hacer esta investigaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"But Sumerians were the first to take the next step.","es":"Pero los sumerios fueron los primeros en dar el siguiente paso."} {"en":"To me, that's incredibly sacred, too.","es":"Para m\u00ed, eso es muy sagrado, tambi\u00e9n."} {"en":"And on your right side, you have \"Transient Structures and Unstable Networks\" by Sharon Molloy, using oil and enamel on canvas.","es":"A su derecha, \"Estructuras transitorias y redes inestables\" de Sharon Molloy, que usa \u00f3leo y esmalte sobre lienzo."} {"en":"It elevates MOOTW, how we pronounce that acronym, from crap to grand strategy, because that's how you're going to shrink that gap.","es":"Y eleva el MOOTW de basura a gran estrategia, ya que as\u00ed es como reducir\u00e1s esa brecha."} {"en":"By the time we get there, every place with a rough semblance of governance might actually be on their way.","es":"Para cuando lleguemos all\u00ed, donde haya un gobierno en apariencia irregular bien podr\u00eda estar de salida."} {"en":"And we summarize them this way: the institutes have got to be relevant, innovative, cost-effective and high quality.","es":"Y los resumimos de esta forma: los institutos deben ser relevantes, innovadores rentables y de gran calidad."} {"en":"I wasn't able to portray his story from within, and so I began to search for a new visual language, one which strived to express the ephemeral quality of his spiritual experience.","es":"No fui capaz de retratar su historia contada desde dentro, y por eso, empec\u00e9 a buscar un nuevo lenguaje visual. con el que pudiera expresar la cualidad ef\u00edmera de su experiencia espiritual."} {"en":"That's what's really insane.","es":"Es una locura."} {"en":"So the first is when the scale is that, we need to recognize that just the simple things that are infrastructure, it takes six years to deliver infrastructure.","es":"As\u00ed que lo primero es cuando la escala es as\u00ed, necesitamos reconocer que tan s\u00f3lo las cosas simples que son infraestructura, se tardan seis a\u00f1os en crear infraestructura."} {"en":"Or, are we going to condemn them to some century-long struggle, as if this was still revolutionary France and the best method was coitus interruptus?","es":"O \u00bflas condenaremos a una lucha centenaria, como si esto fuera todav\u00eda la Francia revolucionaria y el mejor m\u00e9todo fuera el coitus interruptus?"} {"en":"Nonviolence is, you know, it's not my humanity that is my weapon in nonviolence approach.","es":"La no violencia es, no es mi humanidad mi arma en el enfoque de la no violencia."} {"en":"There's a behind-the-scenes principle that enables this market to grow.","es":"Hay un principio detr\u00e1s de escena que permite que este mercado crezca."} {"en":"One wag wrote:","es":"Un bromista escribi\u00f3:"} {"en":"It's like we need some melodic Viagra in our culture, ladies and gentlemen.","es":"Es como si necesit\u00e1ramos un Viagra mel\u00f3dico en nuestra cultura damas y caballeros."} {"en":"But while the telephone companies have built surveillance as a priority, Silicon Valley companies have not.","es":"Pero mientras las telef\u00f3nicas hicieron de la vigilancia una prioridad, las empresas de Silicon Valley no lo hicieron."} {"en":"And he turns around, hand on the doorknob.","es":"\u00c9l se da la vuelta con la mano en el picaporte."} {"en":"We're going to act like dogs.","es":"Vamos a actuar como perros."} {"en":"One of the most famous examples of this is the ability to smell so-called \"asparagus pee.\"","es":"Uno de los ejemplos m\u00e1s famosos es la capacidad de oler la llamada \"orina de esp\u00e1rragos\"."} {"en":"So when people voice fears of artificial intelligence, very often, they invoke images of humanoid robots run amok.","es":"Cuando la gente manifiesta temor por la inteligencia artificial, muchas veces recurre a im\u00e1genes de robots humanoides enloquecidos."} {"en":"Okay, and so, I think from the experience of building a lot of instruments for the Laptop Orchestra, and I think from the curiosity of wondering, what if we took these hopefully expressive instruments and we brought it to a lot of people, plus then a healthy bout of insanity \u2014 put those three things together \u2014 led to me actually co-founding a startup company in 2008 called Smule.","es":"Bien, as\u00ed, partiendo de la experiencia de construir muchos instrumentos para la Laptop Orchestra, y, pienso, a partir de la curiosidad de preguntarse qu\u00e9 tal si tom\u00e1semos estos instrumentos, que esperemos sean expresivos, y los acerc\u00e1semos a muchas personas,, y con una sana dosis de locura, junt\u00e1semos esas tres cosas, me llev\u00f3 a co-fundar una empresa en 2008 llamada Smule."} {"en":"Ultraviolet light is actually a health hazard, so it can damage cells in our skin, cause skin cancer, it can damage cells in our eye, cause eye diseases like cataract.","es":"La luz ultravioleta es un peligro para la salud, puede da\u00f1ar nuestra piel, causar c\u00e1ncer de piel; da\u00f1ar las c\u00e9lulas de nuestros ojos, causar enfermedades como las cataratas."} {"en":"So in a village with 10,000 mosquitos, you release an extra 100,000.","es":"En una villa con 10 000 mosquitos, liberas 100 000 extra."} {"en":"After a heart attack, ejection fraction drops down to about 40 percent, so these animals are well on their way to heart failure.","es":"Luego de un infarto, la fracci\u00f3n de eyecci\u00f3n se reduce hasta un 40 %, por lo que estos animales van hacia un fallo card\u00edaco."} {"en":"Those lessons have served me throughout my life, but they really served me recently, when I took on the most important job of my life thus far.","es":"Esas lecciones me han servido a lo largo de mi vida, pero especialmente me sirvieron recientemente, al asumir el trabajo m\u00e1s importante de mi vida hasta ahora."} {"en":"My name is Joel, and I'm a co-parent.","es":"Mi nombre es Joel y soy un copadre."} {"en":"In western Europe, in many parts of Asia, in North America, in Australia, white-collar workers are doing less of this kind of work, and more of this kind of work.","es":"En Europa Occidental, en muchas partes de Asia, en Norteam\u00e9rica, en Australia, los empleados de oficinas est\u00e1n haciendo menos de esta clase de trabajo, y m\u00e1s de esta clase de trabajo."} {"en":"And one of the biggest myths was that these kids were cold and heartless and uncharacteristically bold in their violence.","es":"Y uno de los mayores mitos era que estos j\u00f3venes eran implacables y sin coraz\u00f3n y excesivamente atrevidos en su violencia."} {"en":"Not \"what up, dog?\"","es":"No es \u00ab\u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa, perro?\u00bb"} {"en":"The Internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all.","es":"Se supon\u00eda que Internet homogeneizar\u00eda a todos al interconectarnos."} {"en":"Mathematical models are used to continuously re-plan a cooperative strategy 50 times per second.","es":"Los modelos matem\u00e1ticos se utilizan continuamente para replanificar una estrategia cooperativa 50 veces por segundo."} {"en":"But this time, the Netherlands were ready.","es":"Pero esta vez, Holanda estaba preparada."} {"en":"And you see the self confidence almost comes back, but not quite.","es":"Y se ve que la autoconfianza casi regresa pero no tanto."} {"en":"But not everybody has a concussion, obviously, not everyone wants to be \"the slayer,\" so I renamed the game SuperBetter.","es":"Pero no todos tienen una conmoci\u00f3n, obviamente, no todos quieren ser \"el asesino\", as\u00ed que renombr\u00e9 el juego SuperMejor."} {"en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfCierto?"} {"en":"Alright, let's try it.","es":"Bien, intent\u00e9moslo."} {"en":"Active unlearners seek to challenge what they presume to already know, and instead, override that data with new information.","es":"Las personas que desaprenden cuestionan sus supuestos conocimientos, y reescriben esos datos con nueva informaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Obviously not. So maybe the cubic space, cubic architecture, is cheaper, is easier to make.","es":"Obviamente no. Entonces, tal vez el espacio c\u00fabico, la arquitectura c\u00fabica, es m\u00e1s barata, es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil de hacer."} {"en":"Well, over the past decade, a global movement has started to emerge of people committed to decolonizing the future and extending our time horizons towards a longer now.","es":"En la \u00faltima d\u00e9cada, empez\u00f3 a surgir un movimiento mundial de personas que quieren descolonizar el futuro y extender nuestros horizontes temporales hacia un presente sostenible."} {"en":"I loved make-believe worlds and my favorite thing to do was to wake up in the mornings in Moominvalley. In the afternoons, I would roam around the Tatooines. And in the evenings, I would go to sleep in Narnia.","es":"Me encantaban los mundos imaginarios; mi situaci\u00f3n favorita era despertar por la ma\u00f1ana en Moominvalley, vagar por la tarde en Tatooines e ir a dormir por la noche a Narnia."} {"en":"Whatcha doin'?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 haces?"} {"en":"So the next step, that happened in the 2030s, was that it's not just about getting through the skull.","es":"El paso siguiente, que se produjo en la d\u00e9cada de 2030, fue que no alcanzaba con atravesar el cr\u00e1neo."} {"en":"And he said, \"Hey, I'm in Wuhan, I'm at the hospital, there is a SARS-like illness,\" SARS being the epidemic from 2002 to 2003, \"There's a SARS-like illness that is spreading through these hospitals in Wuhan.\"","es":"Y dijo: \u201cOye, estoy en Wuhan, estoy en el hospital, hay una enfermedad como el SARS\u201d, SARS siendo la epidemia de 2002 a 2003, \u201cHay una enfermedad como el SARS que se est\u00e1 propagando por los hospitales en Wuhan\u201d."} {"en":"But I had a lot of data, and I was very confident about my insights, so I was very excited to share them with Nokia.","es":"Pero yo ten\u00eda bastantes datos, y confiaba en mis ideas, as\u00ed que estaba muy entusiasmada en compartirlas con Nokia."} {"en":"Because Black trans lives begin by defining our bodies as sovereign countries from which we first begin to resist the messages that we have no place here.","es":"Porque las vidas trans negras comienzan defendiendo nuestros cuerpos como naciones soberanas donde primero comenzamos a resistir los mensajes de que no tenemos lugar aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"She reminds me that physical presence is important and that play is not a luxury, but a necessity.","es":"Ella me recuerda que la presencia f\u00edsica es importante y que el juego no es un lujo, sino una necesidad."} {"en":"We have sofas, fruits, hairbrushes, bookshelves, toilet paper in Tanzania, Palestine, hard to distinguish if we would sit in US, Palestine or Tanzania from this one.","es":"Tenemos sof\u00e1s, frutas, cepillos para el cabello, bibliotecas, papel higi\u00e9nico en Tanzania, Palestina, dif\u00edcil distinguir si nos sent\u00e1ramos en EE. UU., Palestina o Tanzania a partir de este."} {"en":"What I want to argue is that it takes real skill to be good at competitive video games.","es":"Lo que quiero discutir es que ser bueno en los videojuegos competitivos necesita habilidades reales."} {"en":"CSB: Yeah. And you, kind of, have talked a lot about that, how there's big losses and little losses, but they're all valid, right?","es":"CSB: Claro, y t\u00fa has hablado mucho de eso, de c\u00f3mo hay grandes y peque\u00f1as p\u00e9rdidas, pero todas son v\u00e1lidas, verdad?"} {"en":"It's unclear why exactly the lifeforms that survived the extinction did.","es":"No sabemos por qu\u00e9 algunas formas de vida sobrevivieron a la extinci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Of course not. Anyone who thought that misinterprets the purpose of the interface.","es":"Por supuesto que no. Quien pensara que s\u00ed, malinterpret\u00f3 el prop\u00f3sito de la interfaz."} {"en":"Because it is a different context.","es":"porque es un contexto diferente."} {"en":"This is like crazy.","es":"Esto es una locura."} {"en":"It's a millefiori of ideas.","es":"Es un \"millefiori\" de ideas."} {"en":"So I\u2019ve been reporting for over 10 years on business, social issues and the environment and how all of that overlaps.","es":"As\u00ed que llevo m\u00e1s de 10 a\u00f1os informando sobre negocios, cuestiones sociales y medioambiente y c\u00f3mo todo eso se superpone."} {"en":"So those ones you probably would not recognize.","es":"A esos quiz\u00e1 no los reconocer\u00edamos."} {"en":"Well, in a word, photosynthesis.","es":"En pocas palabras: la fotos\u00edntesis."} {"en":"And science historian Sarah Richardson is the one who told me this story.","es":"Y la historiadora Sarah Richardson es quien me cont\u00f3 esta historia."} {"en":"We have to deal with it.","es":"Tenemos que lidiar con eso."} {"en":"And I happen to have invented a machine to do just that.","es":"Y justamente he inventado una m\u00e1quina que hace exactamente eso."} {"en":"When more men show up, the table gets longer.","es":"Cuando llegan m\u00e1s hombres, la mesa se alarga."} {"en":"But what Mike told you yesterday, during flow you can't feel anything.","es":"Pero como Mike les dijo ayer: cuando est\u00e1s en flujo no sientes nada."} {"en":"Right? Intent changes the picture completely.","es":"La intenci\u00f3n cambia el panorama por completo."} {"en":"One is to ask open-ended questions.","es":"Una consiste en formular preguntas abiertas."} {"en":"And as soon as you've got that idea, you should immediately wonder: what happens if we widen the differences, or compress them, make the income differences bigger or smaller?","es":"Y tan pronto se entiende esa idea inmediatamente deber\u00edamos preguntarnos: \u00bfQu\u00e9 sucede si ampliamos esas diferencias, o las suprimimos, y hacemos las diferencias en ingresos mayores o menores?"} {"en":"I have to use these when I'm working with NGOs and documentary filmmakers here in the States.","es":"Yo tengo que usarlos cuando trabajo con ONGs y con directores de documentales aqu\u00ed en EE. UU."} {"en":"Something like this is what I first saw when I jumped in the water for the first time in the Mediterranean coast off Spain.","es":"Algo como esto fue lo primero que vi cuando me met\u00ed al agua por primera vez en la costa mediterr\u00e1nea de Espa\u00f1a."} {"en":"I'd also like to point out that in the interest of time, we're just going to go through the first steps, marking up the patient and just identifying a few key anatomical landmarks.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n me gustar\u00eda se\u00f1alar que, por cuestiones de tiempo, solo vamos a seguir los primeros pasos, realizados al paciente e identificando solo algunos hitos anat\u00f3micos clave."} {"en":"They're going at a meter a second.","es":"Est\u00e1n corriendo a un metro por segundo."} {"en":"And I will always come back to this quote from the Japanese \"Essays in Idleness\": \"In everything, uniformity is undesirable.","es":"Y siempre retornar\u00e9 a esta cita de los \"Ensayos en ociosidad\". \"En todo, la uniformidad es indeseable."} {"en":"There is a newly coined word in the English language for the moment when the person we're with whips out their BlackBerry or answers that cell phone, and all of a sudden we don't exist.","es":"Hay una palabra acu\u00f1ada recientemente en el idioma ingl\u00e9s para describir el momento en el que la persona con la que estamos saca su Blackberry o responde a una llamada en el m\u00f3vil y de repente no existimos."} {"en":"And here's the thing that should freak you out.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 lo que deber\u00eda asombrarlos."} {"en":"We actually think this can really help people sort of cost-efficiently.","es":"Pensamos que esto puede realmente ayudar de forma m\u00e1s o menos efectiva."} {"en":"About a decade ago, concerned about climate, I started to talk with scientists about potential countermeasures to warming.","es":"Hace una d\u00e9cada, preocupada por el clima, habl\u00e9 con cient\u00edficos sobre medidas posibles contra el calentamiento."} {"en":"And the second was if they might learn places associated with where they find crow bodies.","es":"Y la segunda era si as\u00ed pod\u00edan identificar lugares asociados a d\u00f3nde encontraban los cad\u00e1veres de cuervos."} {"en":"The premise was simple: I would lead, and it would follow.","es":"La premisa era simple: Yo dirigir\u00eda y \u00e9l seguir\u00eda."} {"en":"I read a book by a woman named Amy Richlin, who is the chair of the Classics department at USC.","es":"Le\u00ed un libro de una mujer llamada Amy Richlin, presidente del departamento de Cl\u00e1sicos en USC."} {"en":"It's modular.","es":"Es modular."} {"en":"Yet this is the kind of movie that I wanted to make ever since I was a kid, really, back when I was reading some comic books and dreaming about what the future might be.","es":"Sin embargo, realmente este es el tipo de pel\u00edcula que quer\u00eda hacer desde que era ni\u00f1o, cuando le\u00eda libros de historietas y so\u00f1aba con lo que podr\u00eda ser el futuro."} {"en":"\"Oh, we used to eat it when we were dirt-poor and starving.","es":"\"Oh, sol\u00edamos comerlo cuando \u00e9ramos pobres y est\u00e1bamos hambrientos."} {"en":"So this week was a really important week. All of us are really quite excited about this, and we\u2019re so proud of our director-general for bringing everybody together on this.","es":"As\u00ed que esta fue una semana muy importante Todos estamos bastante contentos por esto, y estamos tan orgullosos de nuestro director general por juntar a todos."} {"en":"And the unseen, you have to admit, doesn't come to us through the senses.","es":"Y las no vistas, hay que admitirlo, no nos vienen a trav\u00e9s de los sentidos."} {"en":"As he crawled under the door, he saw the owner\u2019s young son sleeping peacefully and gave him a mighty sting.","es":"Mientras reptaba bajo la puerta, vio al joven hijo de la due\u00f1a durmiendo pl\u00e1cidamente y le dio un fuerte pinchazo."} {"en":"You know, what effect did that have on everyone's preparedness in that part of the world for the COVID-19 outbreak?","es":"Sabe, \u00bfqu\u00e9 efecto tuvo en la preparaci\u00f3n de todos en esa parte del mundo para el brote de COVID-19?"} {"en":"Here with the amazing group at TEDx conference in Europe, helping spread great ideas and ways we can help save sharks and our future.","es":"Con el gran equipo de conferencias TEDx en Europa, compartiendo grandes ideas y maneras de salvar tiburones y el futuro."} {"en":"But the question we have to ask is whether that's sustainable.","es":"Pero lo que debemos preguntar es si es sostenible."} {"en":"And if we can finish polio eradication, the poorest countries in the world are going to save over 50 billion dollars in the next 25 years alone.","es":"Si pudi\u00e9ramos erradicar la polio, los pa\u00edses m\u00e1s pobres del mundo se ahorrar\u00edan 50.000 millones de d\u00f3lares tan solo en los pr\u00f3ximos 25 a\u00f1os."} {"en":"I don't have a word for that yet, but I will. I'm working on it.","es":"No tengo palabra para esto a\u00fan, pero la tendr\u00e9 Estoy en ello."} {"en":"We have the capitalism of the top up.","es":"Tenemos el capitalismo de acaparar."} {"en":"But the question is: In order to get there, what are we willing to give up?","es":"Pero la pregunta es: para lograr eso, \u00bfqu\u00e9 estamos dispuestos a abandonar?"} {"en":"To make things a little bit worse, most of what we launch into orbit never comes back.","es":"Para empeorar un poco las cosas, la mayor parte de lo que lanzamos en \u00f3rbita nunca vuelve."} {"en":"The quarks, these pink things, are the things that make up protons and neutrons that make up the atomic nuclei in your body.","es":"Los quarks, estas cosas rosas, son los componentes de los protones y los neutrones que componen los n\u00facleos at\u00f3micos en tu cuerpo."} {"en":"Is it someone behind the curtain?","es":"\u00bfHabr\u00e1 alguien tras bastidores?"} {"en":"The impact for teachers would be phenomenal.","es":"Las ventajas para los profesores ser\u00edan fenomenales."} {"en":"Somebody said this a couple of years back.","es":"Alguien dijo \u00e9sto hace un par de a\u00f1os."} {"en":"Suddenly you have a DVD in the house; you've got high-quality digital video; you have a reason to have a big-screen television; you have a reason for Dolby 5.1 surround-sound.","es":"De pronto, tienes un DVD en tu casa, tienes video digital de alta calidad, tienes un motivo para tener un televisor de pantalla grande, tienes un motivo para tener sonido Dolby surround 5.1."} {"en":"We've run this with over hundreds of thousands of people around the world, trying to get our finger on the pulse of confidence and trust, but also, more importantly, looking at when that trust goes up or down, because we want to see when it starts to decline, that's the time to jump in, to get there before there's a crisis like the Nigerian one.","es":"Realizamos esta encuesta a m\u00e1s de miles de personas de todo el mundo, intentando familiarizarnos con la confianza, y tambi\u00e9n a\u00fan m\u00e1s importante, intentando ver cu\u00e1ndo aumenta o disminuye, porque queremos ver cu\u00e1ndo empieza a disminuir, pues es el momento de intervenir, de aparecer antes de que haya una crisis como la de Nigeria."} {"en":"TMM: Do you guys have a weather report, over?","es":"TMM: \u00bfTienen la previsi\u00f3n del tiempo? Cambio."} {"en":"E: Then let me go.","es":"Entonces d\u00e9jeme ir."} {"en":"I'm not going to make it, I'm stuck at the airport.","es":"No podr\u00e9 llegar, sigo en el aeropuerto."} {"en":"We'll start here.","es":"Comenzamos aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"Well, then, actually, I don't need permission from anyone!","es":"Bueno en realidad, \u00a1no necesito el permiso de nadie!"} {"en":"And if you think that sound ridiculous, think about the last time you lost your car keys and you said, \"Where did those car keys go?\"","es":"Si piensan que eso es rid\u00edculo, recuerden la \u00faltima vez que perdieron las llaves del coche y dijeron: \u00bfa d\u00f3nde habr\u00e1n ido?"} {"en":"And why not share it?","es":"Y, \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no compartir esto?"} {"en":"I mean, like, you know, look.","es":"Me refiero, ya sabes."} {"en":"So what you see here is not a rock concert.","es":"Lo que ven aqu\u00ed no es un concierto de rock."} {"en":"But I see something completely different.","es":"Pero yo veo algo completamente diferente."} {"en":"Let's do a consciousness-raiser on this.","es":"Hagamos un despertar de conciencia."} {"en":"But for the first time, we are in a place where we can shift the power paradigm of flooding.","es":"Pero, por primera vez, nos encontramos en un sitio donde podemos cambiar el paradigma de poder de las inundaciones."} {"en":"Just letting these systems go away would be deeply disruptive and hazardous.","es":"Dejar que estos sistemas se desgasten ser\u00eda sumamente disruptivo y peligroso."} {"en":"And at first, I thought we were playing a game.","es":"Al principio pens\u00e9 que era un juego."} {"en":"You take this DNA and put it into the neuron.","es":"Tomamos este ADN y lo colocamos en una neurona."} {"en":"Fashion too can do the work.","es":"La moda tambi\u00e9n puede ayudar."} {"en":"Beautiful.","es":"Preciosa."} {"en":"I don't know, but you sold it to me for, I think it's public record, it was six million dollars of cash and six million dollars of stock, I think, there or thereabouts.","es":"No lo s\u00e9, pero me lo vendiste por, creo que es de dominio p\u00fablico, eran USD 6 millones en efectivo y USD 6 millones en acciones, m\u00e1s o menos."} {"en":"Ignoring permafrost is essentially like leaving a major greenhouse-gas-emitting country, like the United States, out of global climate negotiations, which is not a good idea.","es":"Ignorar el permafrost es esencialmente como dejar fuera de las negociaciones clim\u00e1ticas globales a un importante pa\u00eds emisor de gases de efecto invernadero, como Estados Unidos, lo cual no es una buena idea."} {"en":"Some serious biologists, and I count myself among them, have begun to wonder that among the enormous and still unknown diversity of microorganisms, one might, just might, find aliens among them.","es":"Algunos bi\u00f3logos serios, y yo entre ellos, hemos empezado a preguntarnos si, entre la enorme y todav\u00eda desconocida diversidad de microorganismos, existe la posibilidad de que encontremos extraterrestres."} {"en":"I'm going to visit these places, I'm going to go up and down mountains and places and I'm going to do all the things I didn't do when I had the time.\"","es":"Visitar\u00e9 estos lugares, recorrer\u00e9 monta\u00f1as y lugares y har\u00e9 todas las cosas que no hice por falta de tiempo\"."} {"en":"But at the time, in those front lines in the war on cancer, we had few tools.","es":"Pero en ese momento, en la primera l\u00ednea de la lucha contra el c\u00e1ncer, ten\u00edamos pocas herramientas."} {"en":"It's one of the mysteries we still have, super flares.","es":"Es uno de los misterios que todav\u00eda quedan: las erupciones gigantes."} {"en":"Somehow, she found time to study English and gain IT qualifications.","es":"A\u00fan as\u00ed, encontr\u00f3 tiempo para estudiar Ingl\u00e9s y obtener un t\u00edtulo en TI ."} {"en":"And so I decided to give this a shot: heart pounding, I ran my first race and I beat the national record-holder by three hundredths of a second, and became the new national record-holder on my first try out.","es":"Y de esta forma yo me decid\u00ed a probar, saben ustedes, con el coraz\u00f3n palpitando muy r\u00e1pido, yo corr\u00ed mi primera carrera, y romp\u00ed el record nacional por tres cent\u00e9simas de segundo y me convert\u00ed en el nuevo record nacional en mi primer intento."} {"en":"In the general election, it's the citizens who get to vote, if you're over 18, in some states if you have an ID.","es":"En la elecci\u00f3n general votan los ciudadanos, si uno tiene m\u00e1s de 18 a\u00f1os, en algunos estados si uno tiene ID."} {"en":"That word, \"good,\" and the number 6.8 and the discovery that's behind it have changed my life.","es":"La palabra \"bueno\", el n\u00famero 6,8 y el descubrimiento subyacente cambiaron mi vida."} {"en":"Farmers told us that this is all because of because of God.","es":"Los agricultores nos dijeron que todo se debe a Dios."} {"en":"The great conservative insight is that order is really hard to achieve. It's precious, and it's really easy to lose.","es":"La gran revelaci\u00f3n conservadora es que el orden es realmente dif\u00edcil de lograr. es verdaderamente preciado, y es realmente f\u00e1cil de perder."} {"en":"Why? Well, because an experiment is a procedure to test a hypothesis, demonstrate a fact.","es":"Porque un experimento es un procedimiento mediante el que se prueba una hip\u00f3tesis, se demuestra un hecho."} {"en":"In fact, repetition is the one quality of music that seems to be common across all cultures and genres, even in the one genre in which it's explicitly avoided - we call this classical contemporary music composition.\"","es":"La repetici\u00f3n es la \u00fanica caracter\u00edstica de la m\u00fasica que parece ser com\u00fan a todas las culturas y los g\u00e9neros. Incluso en el \u00fanico g\u00e9nero en el cual es expl\u00edcitamente evitada, \u2014esto lo llamamos \"composici\u00f3n de m\u00fasica cl\u00e1sica contempor\u00e1nea\"\u2014."} {"en":"And then we looked at these kinds of bridges and just couldn't help feeling that it was a beautiful thing that had broken.","es":"Y cuando miramos este tipo de puentes no podemos dejar de sentir que es algo hermoso que se ha quebrado."} {"en":"I want to share some of those with you now.","es":"Quiero compartir algunas de ellas con ustedes ahora."} {"en":"Wanda Sykes.","es":"Wanda Sykes."} {"en":"Maybe in some ways the fact that what we're trying to do with technology is find a good home for it.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 de alguna manera estamos tratando de encontrar a la tecnolog\u00eda un buen hogar para desarrollarse."} {"en":"Let me give you a quick idea of a couple of these sorts of questions.","es":"Les voy a dar una idea r\u00e1pida de un par de este tipo de preguntas."} {"en":"An oncologist lays out the options, but, somewhere in the discussion, things get skewed.","es":"Un onc\u00f3logo presenta las opciones, pero, en alg\u00fan punto de la discusi\u00f3n, las cosas se vuelven sesgadas."} {"en":"Legendary comedian Lily Tomlin once said, \"I always wondered why people wouldn't do something about that.","es":"La comediante legendaria Lily Tomlin dijo una vez: \u201cSol\u00eda pensar que por qu\u00e9 la gente no hac\u00eda nada acerca de ello."} {"en":"Okay, but what distinguishes it from an offensive unit?","es":"Bien, pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 lo distingue de una unidad ofensiva?"} {"en":"And again, this would be with any infectious disease, from Ebola, to cholera, to a sexually transmitted disease like HIV.","es":"Y de nuevo, esto ser\u00eda con alguna enfermedad infecciosa, del \u00e9bola, al c\u00f3lera, a una enfermedad transmitida sexualmente como el VIH."} {"en":"So these people have never been seen in the training of the machine.","es":"Estas personas nunca se han visto en el entrenamiento de la m\u00e1quina."} {"en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"en":"And what do they say, you need 10,000 hours to become an expert at something?","es":"\u00bfSe dice que necesitas 10 000 horas para convertirse experto en algo?"} {"en":"Now is the time to create change in this industry and to push it into a sustainable direction.","es":"Ahora es el momento para crear un cambio en esta industria y para empujar en una direcci\u00f3n sostenible."} {"en":"So if there was this world and this screen, and if there was the physical world around me, I couldn't ever get them together in the same place.","es":"Entonces, si hay un mundo y una pantalla, y si hay un mundo f\u00edsico a mi alrededor, nunca podr\u00eda tenerlos juntos en un mismo lugar."} {"en":"Making rice growing more sustainable is just one of the many challenges we'll need to face to avoid catastrophic warming.","es":"Lograr que el cultivo del arroz sea m\u00e1s sostenible es solo uno de los muchos desaf\u00edos a afrontar para evitar un calentamiento catastr\u00f3fico."} {"en":"So we know, with all of this, with a colonial mindset, with a capitalist mindset that even if we have a magical technology that clears the air and makes everything safe, it would only operate in certain neighborhoods.","es":"Sabemos, que con esto, con una mentalidad colonial, con una mentalidad capitalista que incluso si, tuvi\u00e9ramos una tecnolog\u00eda m\u00e1gica que limpie el aire y haga todo seguro, solamente operar\u00eda en ciertos vecindarios."} {"en":"So ultimately the strategy, I think, here is that we have to be very concerned about their evolution, because it is going to be connected to our evolution as well.","es":"As\u00ed que la estrateg\u00eda \u00faltima creo, que aqu\u00ed es donde tenemos que estar muy preocupados sobre su evoluci\u00f3n. Porque tambi\u00e9n va a estar conectada a la nuestra."} {"en":"I\u2019ll rescale this graph to show you the predicted emergence of a new one-trillion-dollar industry in the next few decades and green hydrogen on top of that.","es":"Escalar\u00e9 este gr\u00e1fico para mostrarles la creaci\u00f3n prevista en los pr\u00f3ximos a\u00f1os de una nueva industria, valorada en un bill\u00f3n de d\u00f3lares y donde el hidr\u00f3geno verde es la prioridad."} {"en":"Because it makes sure that there's women on set.","es":"Porque asegura que haya una mujer en el escenario."} {"en":"An employed Christopher is better for public safety than a condemned one.","es":"Un Christopher empleado es mejor para la seguridad p\u00fablica que uno condenado."} {"en":"Then we had to address the recovery, both physical and mental.","es":"Luego tuvimos que abordar la recuperaci\u00f3n tanto f\u00edsica como mental."} {"en":"Well, we have a new oracle, and it's name is big data, or we call it \"Watson\" or \"deep learning\" or \"neural net.\"","es":"Bueno, tenemos un nuevo or\u00e1culo, y su nombre es big data. o le llamamos \"Watson\" o \"aprendizaje profundo\" o \"red neural\"."} {"en":"And let me show you why that is.","es":"Y d\u00e9jenme ense\u00f1arles por qu\u00e9 es eso."} {"en":"My mom's great-uncle was a Jesuit priest.","es":"El t\u00edo abuelo de mi madre era un sacerdote jesuita."} {"en":"It's much easier if it's not really there.","es":"Es mucho m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil si no est\u00e1."} {"en":"We've registered released animals mating in nature and having chicks.","es":"Registramos apareamientos en los h\u00e1bitats de los animales liberados y nacimiento de pajaritos."} {"en":"It's important to remember that we evolved.","es":"Es importante recordar que nosotros evolucionamos."} {"en":"On my right was the girl in question.","es":"A mi derecha estaba la chica en cuesti\u00f3n."} {"en":"Otherwise, we will only have two type of products or incremental improvement for solutions of high medical need.","es":"De otro modo, solo tendr\u00edamos dos tipos de productos o una mejora gradual para las soluciones de necesidades m\u00e9dicas severas."} {"en":"In \"The Starry Night,\" his circular brushstrokes create a night sky filled with swirling clouds and eddies of stars.","es":"En \"La noche estrellada\", sus pinceladas circulares crean un cielo nocturno lleno de nubes revueltas y remolinos de estrellas."} {"en":"Do you remember?","es":"\u00bfRecuerdan Hamlet?"} {"en":"Often the life of that other will be more important to her than her own life.","es":"A menudo la vida de ese otro es m\u00e1s importante para ella que su propia vida."} {"en":"You prune away the weaker branches so that the remaining, important branches, can grow stronger, and this process, which effectively fine-tunes brain tissue according to the species-specific environment, is happening in prefrontal cortex and in other brain regions during the period of human adolescence.","es":"Se podan las ramas m\u00e1s d\u00e9biles para que las ramas que quedan, las importantes, puedan crecer m\u00e1s fuertes, y este proceso que ajusta eficazmente el tejido cerebral al ambiente espec\u00edfico de la especie, ocurre en la corteza prefrontal y en otras regiones del cerebro durante el per\u00edodo de la adolescencia humana."} {"en":"It's the mosquito that's going to be buzzing around your face at night, keep you awake, disrupting your sleep.","es":"Es el mosquito que zumbar\u00e1 alrededor de la cara por la noche, manteni\u00e9ndote despierto, interrumpiendo tus sue\u00f1os."} {"en":"So I really want to say thank you to Anester Victory, Mr. Gatimu and the whole Anester fraternity for giving me that chance.","es":"Quiero dar las gracias de coraz\u00f3n a Anester Victory, al Sr. Gatimu y a toda la fraternidad de Anester por darme esa oportunidad."} {"en":"So that's why I chose to use paper.","es":"Por eso eleg\u00ed usar papel."} {"en":"And so they have some amazing songs within the world of fish.","es":"Y por lo tanto hay algunas canciones incre\u00edbles en el mundo de los peces."} {"en":"Now, the fast fashion giants have probably benefited the most from the lack of copyright protection in the fashion industry.","es":"Ahora bien, los gigantes de la moda se han beneficiado m\u00e1s que nadie de la falta de protecci\u00f3n de los derechos de autor en esta industria."} {"en":"This state of affairs is neither necessary nor is it inevitable.","es":"No tiene que ser as\u00ed, no es inevitable."} {"en":"But my bad dreams go like this.","es":"Pero mis pesadillas son as\u00ed."} {"en":"But it had never occurred to me that there could be an island in a lake on an island.","es":"Pero nunca se me hab\u00eda ocurrido que pod\u00eda haber una isla en un lago dentro de una isla."} {"en":"I thought narcissism meant you loved yourself.","es":"Pens\u00e9 que narcisismo significaba amarte a ti mismo."} {"en":"Pause now to solve the riddle yourself.","es":"Haz pausa ahora para resolver el enigma."} {"en":"So we have to have the ability to talk all the levels, to go to where they are.","es":"Entonces, tenemos que tener la habilidad de hablar en todos los niveles, para poder ir a donde est\u00e1n."} {"en":"There were ethical and economic tradeoffs that had to be considered.","es":"Hab\u00eda compensaciones \u00e9ticas y econ\u00f3micas que ten\u00edan que ser consideradas."} {"en":"The United States alone has 370,000 full-time firefighters, even more than I guessed that number would be.","es":"Solo en Los Estados Unidos hay 370,000 bomberos a tiempo completo, incluso m\u00e1s de lo que calcul\u00e9 que ser\u00eda ese n\u00famero."} {"en":"The computer tells you how to drive, turn left, turn right, speed up, stop.","es":"El computador te dice c\u00f3mo conducir; gire a la izquierda, a la derecha, acelere o frene."} {"en":"We shifted our focus from print to digital, we hit ambitious targets and email from the brass talked up the Post's profit margins, which industry experts pegged at nearly 20 percent.","es":"Cambiamos el enfoque de lo impreso a lo digital, alcanzamos objetivos ambiciosos y un email de los directivos hablaba de m\u00e1rgenes de ganancia m\u00e1s altos que Post que, seg\u00fan los expertos de la industria, era casi del 20 %."} {"en":"And in a world in which polarization and innovation are increasing at seemingly exponential rates, the need to create structures for vigorous but not violent disagreement have never been more important.","es":"Y en un mundo en el que la polarizaci\u00f3n y la innovaci\u00f3n est\u00e1n creciendo a un ritmo muy exponencial, la necesidad de crear estructuras para desacuerdos fuertes y no violentos nunca ha sido m\u00e1s importante."} {"en":"And that's a remarkable achievement for humanity.","es":"Es un logro notable para la humanidad."} {"en":"The British government, for example, has acknowledged that the optimism bias can make individuals more likely to underestimate the costs and durations of projects.","es":"El gobierno brit\u00e1nico, por ejemplo, ha reconocido que la predisposici\u00f3n al optimismo puede hacer que los individuos sean m\u00e1s propensos a subestimar el coste y la duraci\u00f3n de los proyectos."} {"en":"You see, Seoul's population doubled over the last 30 years, but the footprint barely changed.","es":"La poblaci\u00f3n de Se\u00fal se duplic\u00f3 en los \u00faltimos 30 a\u00f1os, pero la huella ecol\u00f3gica sigue casi igual."} {"en":"It's called dark matter.","es":"Se llama materia oscura."} {"en":"The first of these treatments is cognitive therapy, and this is a kind of mental recalibration.","es":"El primero de estos tratamientos es la \"terapia cognitiva\", y esta es como una especie de recalibraci\u00f3n mental."} {"en":"It can, it does and it will, but for this book designer, page-turner, dog-eared place-holder, notes in the margins-taker, ink-sniffer, the story looks like this.","es":"Puede pasar, pasa y pasar\u00e1. Pero para este dise\u00f1ador editorial, pasador de p\u00e1ginas, amante de marcar las p\u00e1ginas, apuntador de notas en los m\u00e1rgenes, oledor de tinta, una historia es as\u00ed."} {"en":"So 40 percent of the world\u2019s population live near the coast.","es":"El 40 % de la poblaci\u00f3n mundial vive cerca de la costa."} {"en":"That's significant.","es":"Eso es significativo."} {"en":"And the tools we did have couldn't differentiate between the cancer cells that we wanted to hit hard and those healthy cells that we wanted to preserve.","es":"Y las herramientas a nuestra disposici\u00f3n no diferenciaban entre las c\u00e9lulas cancerosas contra las cuales quer\u00edamos luchar y las c\u00e9lulas sanas que quer\u00edamos preservar."} {"en":"There will be a million-fold improvement in what you can get for the same price in computing by 2030.","es":"Habr\u00e1 una mejora multiplicada por un mill\u00f3n en lo que puedes tener por el mismo precio en inform\u00e1tica antes del 2030."} {"en":"We're seeing this in events like Mumbai recently, where it's so much easier to report now than it is to consume it.","es":"Vemos esto en los acontecimientos recientes como Mumbai. Donde ahora es mucho m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil reportar que consumir."} {"en":"And my story is definitely not over yet.","es":"Y mi historia definitivamente no ha terminado todav\u00eda."} {"en":"This has a devastating impact on the nearly 500,000 bird inhabitants, 500,000.","es":"Lo que tiene un impacto devastador para sus casi 500 000 p\u00e1jaros, 500 000."} {"en":"So the point needs to be made clearly.","es":"Por lo tanto, hay que dejarlo claro."} {"en":"So it turned out, I'd broken off a tip of the urchin spine in the joint itself, and that's why it wasn't getting better.","es":"Result\u00f3 que se hab\u00eda roto una punta de la espina de los erizos en la articulaci\u00f3n en s\u00ed, y era por eso que no mejoraba."} {"en":"In the very short run, you can sometimes fool yourself into thinking that there's fundamentally opposing goals, but in the long run, ultimately, we're learning in field after field that this is simply not true.","es":"En muy corto plazo, puedes a veces enga\u00f1arte pensando que fundamentalmente hay objetivos opuestos, pero a la larga, en \u00faltima instancia, estamos aprendiendo \u00e1rea tras \u00e1rea, que esto simplemente no es cierto."} {"en":"And Circle, like the relational services that we and others have designed, inverts this logic.","es":"Y C\u00edrculo, como los servicios relacionales que nosotros y otros han dise\u00f1ado, invierte esta l\u00f3gica."} {"en":"That's serendipitous.","es":"Eso es serendipia."} {"en":"LB: This is the Borghese Gallery in Rome.","es":"LB: Esta es la Galer\u00eda Borghese en Roma."} {"en":"Ukraine was largely not discussed, but what was discussed was cyberattacks on critical infrastructure.","es":"En gran medida, no se habl\u00f3 de Ucrania, pero se discutieron los ciberataques a las infraestructuras cr\u00edticas."} {"en":"Typically, websites get replaced every three to five years as a new one is built to cater for the latest trends.","es":"Normalmente, las p\u00e1ginas son remplazadas cada tres a cinco a\u00f1os con una nueva para satisfacer las modas actuales."} {"en":"And crucially, if developing countries agreed to use fossil fuels that have been progressively decarbonized in this way, then they never need accept limits on the absolute amount that they consume, which they fear might constrain their growth.","es":"Y, fundamentalmente, si los pa\u00edses en desarrollo acuerdan utilizar combustibles f\u00f3siles que se vayan descarbonizado progresivamente de esta manera, entonces nunca necesitar\u00e1n aceptar l\u00edmites sobre la cantidad absoluta que consumen o sobre lo que temen que pueda limitar su crecimiento."} {"en":"We don't know just how thick it is, probably miles thick, so it's very expensive and very difficult to go down there, send down your submarine or whatever it is, and explore.","es":"No sabemos c\u00f3mo de grueso, probablemente varias millas, por eso es muy caro y muy dif\u00edcil bajar all\u00ed, enviar tu submarino o lo que sea, y explorar."} {"en":"When we come out, we aren't going to say, \"That's so nice.","es":"Al salir no diremos: \"Eso es tan agradable."} {"en":"Well, I happen to be a biologist on the only planet where you can be a biologist in the entire universe.","es":"Parece que soy una bi\u00f3loga en el \u00fanico planeta donde se puede serlo en el universo entero."} {"en":"And I see now, as you do, that there are still ways in which feminism is not understood as a concept.","es":"Y ahora puedo ver, al igual que ti, que todav\u00eda hay aspectos en los que el feminismo sigue sin ser entendido como un concepto."} {"en":"OK?","es":"As\u00ed fue."} {"en":"And if there's one thing I learned, we all need to be the hero of our own story.","es":"Y si hay algo que aprend\u00ed, es que todos debemos ser h\u00e9roes de nuestras propias historias."} {"en":"So that our frontline staff is standing there, talking to people about their fines, sometimes arguing with people about fines.","es":"Nuestro personal de atenci\u00f3n al p\u00fablico est\u00e1 ah\u00ed hablando con la gente sobre multas; a veces discutiendo sobre ellas."} {"en":"As my close friend replied, when told during the seeding days of the ambulance project that it is an impossible task and the founders are insane to chalk up their blue-chip jobs, I quote: \"Of course we cannot fail in this, at least in our own minds.","es":"Como mi amigo respondi\u00f3 cuando se le dijo al principio del proyecto de las ambulancias que eso era una tarea imposible y los fundadores estaban locos por arriesgar sus trabajos en empresas exitosas, cito: \"Por supuesto, no podemos fallar en \u00e9sta, al menos en nuestro fuero \u00edntimo."} {"en":"But what happens when they appear just at the edge of a black hole\u2019s event horizon?","es":"\u00bfY si apareciesen justo en el borde del horizonte de sucesos de un agujero negro?"} {"en":"God.","es":"Dios."} {"en":"The fabric of our cities is reflected in the fabric of our souls.","es":"El tejido de nuestras ciudades se refleja en el tejido de nuestras almas."} {"en":"I'm being told where to play on the drum. I'm being told which part of the stick to use.","es":"Me dice en qu\u00e9 parte del redoblante tocar. Me dice qu\u00e9 parte de las baquetas debo usar."} {"en":"So by combining climate science, data analytics, to local considerations, tightly to socioeconomic outcomes, decision makers can really balance the trade-offs and take the right actions over time to be able to maximize lives saved, livelihoods protected and natural ecosystems saved.","es":"Entonces, combinando la ciencia clim\u00e1tica, el an\u00e1lisis de datos, con consideraciones locales, estrechamente vinculadas con las consecuencias socioecon\u00f3micas quienes toman las decisiones pueden balancear los compromisos y realizar las acciones correctas con el tiempo para lograr maximizar las vidas salvadas, los sustentos protegidos y los ecosistemas naturales salvados."} {"en":"What does technology want?","es":"\u00bfA qu\u00e9 aspira la tecnolog\u00eda?"} {"en":"See the brick walls as all the problems that we've inflicted on this planet.","es":"Vean la pared como los problemas que hemos provocado en este planeta."} {"en":"So a lot of people are born without limbs, and some people lose them during their life due to, for example, vascular diseases.","es":"Entonces muchas personas nacen sin extremidades, y algunas personas las pierden a lo largo de su vida debido, por ejemplo, a enfermedades vasculares."} {"en":"So people came up with as many ideas as they could, and we had to decide: Is this creative or not? The definition of creativity that a lot of people go with is \"appropriate novelty.\"","es":"Los participantes generaban tantas ideas como pod\u00edan y nosotros ten\u00edamos que decidir si eran creativas o no. La definici\u00f3n de creatividad que mucha gente acepta es la de \"novedad adecuada\"."} {"en":"When was the last time you heard somebody talk about failure after failure after failure?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo fue la \u00faltima vez que escucharon a alguien hablar de fracaso, tras fracaso, tras fracaso?"} {"en":"The way that technologist Jaron Lanier puts it is that these companies offer you shiny treats in exchange for minutes of your attention and bites of your personal data, which can then be packaged up and sold.","es":"La manera en como el tecn\u00f3logo Jaron Lanier lo dice, es que estas empresas les ofrecen regalos brillantes, a cambio de minutos de su atenci\u00f3n y bites de su informaci\u00f3n personal, lo cuales pueden ser empacados y puestos a la venta despu\u00e9s."} {"en":"So, how would we make it?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo lo har\u00edamos?"} {"en":"This is \"The milonga of the Jewish Moor.\"","es":"Esta es \"La milonga del moro jud\u00edo\"."} {"en":"It's a holocaust of a different kind, and hiding under our desks isn't going to help.","es":"Es un holocausto diferente, y escondernos bajo la mesa no va a servir de ayuda."} {"en":"And then finally, Kelly's play of brilliants added to that really some play, I think, of the skyline of Hong Kong, or perhaps the chandelier in the opera house, or in the theater here, which is the decoration, the icing on the cake, something playful, something that is just an addition to the architectural environment, I would say.","es":"Y, finalmente, la actitud del juego de brillantes de Kelly. Ese juego del perfil de la ciudad de Hong Kong, o quiz\u00e1 de la ara\u00f1a del teatro de la \u00f3pera, o en este teatro que es una decoraci\u00f3n, la guinda de la torta, algo l\u00fadico, algo que es s\u00f3lo una adici\u00f3n al entorno arquitect\u00f3nico, yo dir\u00eda."} {"en":"Green and gloomy eyes In dark forms of the grass Run away.","es":"Ojos verdes sombr\u00edos bajo formas oscuras de la hierba se dan a la fuga."} {"en":"BJ: But when this little cub saw that I had vacated my seat and climbed to the back to get some camera gear, she came in like a curious cat to come and investigate.","es":"BJ: Pero cuando esta cachorrita vio que hab\u00eda abandonado mi asiento e ido para atr\u00e1s a buscar alg\u00fan aparato, ella vino como una gata curiosa a ver y a investigar."} {"en":"Remember, these materials carry a quality assurance of three billion years.","es":"Recuerden, estos materiales tienen una garant\u00eda de calidad de 3000 millones de a\u00f1os."} {"en":"This used to be an island, Ackerman Island, and we filled in the channel during the Depression to create jobs.\"","es":"Anteriormente era una isla, la Isla Ackerman, pero rellenamos el canal durante la Gran Depresi\u00f3n para crear empleos."} {"en":"It's much easier to quantify the additional cost and the additional risk than it is to quantify the additional opportunities or the risk of not doing anything.","es":"Es mucho m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil cuantificar el coste adicional y el riesgo adicional que cuantificar las oportunidades adicionales o el riesgo de no hacer nada."} {"en":"Studies have shown that people living near busy airports or really busy highways may have elevated levels of cardiovascular disease.","es":"Hay estudios que demuestran que quienes viven cerca de aeropuertos o autopistas muy transitadas pueden sufrir elevados niveles de enfermedades cardiovasculares."} {"en":"When petrostates like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Canada and Russia declared they were going to keep it in the ground, they were paid in carbon coins, on a timetable matched to how quickly they would have extracted and sold these fuels.","es":"Cuando los petroestados como Venezuela, Arabia Saudita, Canad\u00e1 y Rusia declararon que iban a mantenerlo en el suelo, que iban a pagar con monedas de carbono, en una agenda que correspond\u00eda con qu\u00e9 tan r\u00e1pido habr\u00edan extra\u00eddo y vendido estos combustibles."} {"en":"The internal urethral sphincter automatically and involuntarily opens, and the urine is released.","es":"El esf\u00ednter uretral interno se abre autom\u00e1ticamente y de forma involuntaria, liberando la orina."} {"en":"This is abundance, which is exactly what we want our economic system to provide.","es":"Esto es abundancia, que es exactamente lo que queremos que nuestro sistema econ\u00f3mico provea."} {"en":"I take all the little pieces and I put the pieces together like a puzzle. Now, here is a horse that was deathly afraid of black cowboy hats.","es":"Tomo todas las peque\u00f1as piezas y las junto como en un rompecabezas Ahora, aqu\u00ed hay un caballo que ten\u00eda un miedo mortal a los sombreros de cowboy negros."} {"en":"And then, what I did as a juggler was say, OK, what can I do to make that something that is dependent on something else, another dynamic.","es":"Y entonces como malabarista me dije: Bien, \u00bfC\u00f3mo puedo crear una cosa que dependa de otra cosa, de otra din\u00e1mica?"} {"en":"And on the other side, among our kids, there's a growing copyright abolitionism, a generation that rejects the very notion of what copyright is supposed to do, rejects copyright and believes that the law is nothing more than an ass to be ignored and to be fought at every opportunity possible.","es":"Y en el otro lado, entre nuestros ni\u00f1os, hay un creciente abolicionismo del derecho de autor, una generaci\u00f3n que rechaza la noci\u00f3n misma de lo que se supone que debe hacer el derecho de autor, que rechaza el derecho de autor y considera que la ley no es m\u00e1s que una tonter\u00eda a la que se debe ignorar y con la que se debe luchar en cada oportunidad posible."} {"en":"TEDster Bill Gates says, \"I had an idea: founding the first micro-computer software company.\"","es":"Bill Gates dijo, \"Tuve una idea: fundar la primera compa\u00f1\u00eda de programas para microcomputadoras\"."} {"en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"en":"A few weeks later, he said that his son was playing with a lock of his mother's hair, and he noticed that there were some drops of water on the hair.","es":"Unas semanas m\u00e1s tarde, dijo, su hijo estaba jugando con un mech\u00f3n del pelo de su madre, y se dio cuenta de que hab\u00edan algunas gotas de agua en el pelo."} {"en":"I'm a biomedical engineer, and over a decade ago, I first came to this stage to talk about our approach to building upon this cornerstone of human civilization, repairing the human body, using cells as an ingredient to grow living and atomically precise spare parts for the human body that function on day one, fit perfectly and last as long as we do.","es":"Soy ingeniera biom\u00e9dica y, hace m\u00e1s de una d\u00e9cada, llegu\u00e9 por primera vez a este escenario para hablar sobre nuestro enfoque para aportar a esta piedra angular que es la civilizaci\u00f3n, reparando el cuerpo humano, utilizando las c\u00e9lulas como ingrediente para producir piezas de repuesto vivas y at\u00f3micamente correctas para el cuerpo humano que funcionen desde el primer d\u00eda, se ajusten perfectamente y duren tanto como nosotros."} {"en":"We didn't tell them what to build, what format it needed to be.","es":"No les indicamos qu\u00e9 construir ni de qu\u00e9 manera."} {"en":"I leaned in further.","es":"Me inclin\u00e9 un poco m\u00e1s."} {"en":"You'll see that these measurements start in the prehypertension\/hypertension zone, but over about the course of a year and a half they move into the normal zone.","es":"Ver\u00e1n que estas mediciones empiezan en la zona de pre-hipertensi\u00f3n arterial, pero en el curso de un a\u00f1o y medio se mueven hacia la zona normal."} {"en":"Any real machine would have moving parts or interactions with air or liquid molecules that would generate tiny amounts of friction and heat, even in a vacuum.","es":"Cualquier m\u00e1quina real tendr\u00eda partes m\u00f3viles o interacciones con mol\u00e9culas de aire o l\u00edquido que generar\u00eda peque\u00f1as cantidades de fricci\u00f3n y calor, incluso en el vac\u00edo."} {"en":"Now you might be thinking that citizens of high-tech nations would have the advantage in any robotic war, that citizens of those nations would be less vulnerable, particularly against developing nations.","es":"Pueden estar pensando que los ciudadanos de naciones con alta tecnolog\u00eda tendr\u00edan la ventaja en cualquier guerra rob\u00f3tica, que los ciudadanos de esas naciones ser\u00edan menos vulnerables, particularmente contra los pa\u00edses en desarrollo."} {"en":"This is an awful lot of work.","es":"Esto es much\u00edsimo trabajo."} {"en":"A dog sniffing you closely isn't impolite.","es":"No es mal educado que un perro te huela de cerca."} {"en":"Maybe if somebody's suing over a melody alone, not lyrics, not recordings, but just the melody alone, maybe those cases go away.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s si alguien demanda solo por la melod\u00eda, no por la letra, la producci\u00f3n, solo la melod\u00eda, quiz\u00e1s esos casos se eliminan."} {"en":"To solve the health crisis, educate a girl.","es":"Para resolver la crisis sanitaria, eduquemos a las ni\u00f1as."} {"en":"So I founded Earth Uprising International to teach young people about climate change, because when they know the science and the impacts, they want to take action.","es":"Entonces fund\u00e9 Earth Uprising International para ense\u00f1ar a los j\u00f3venes sobre el cambio clim\u00e1tico, porque cuando conocen la ciencia y los impactos, quieren emprender acci\u00f3n."} {"en":"But if there's one thing I can share that I think helps me focus and really pay attention, it's this: I try not to see other creative people as my competitors.","es":"Pero si hay algo que puedo compartir que me ayuda a concentrarme y prestar atenci\u00f3n, es esto: intento no considerar a otra gente creativa como competidores."} {"en":"Eighty percent of all the world's biodiversity is within Indigenous territories.","es":"El 80 % de toda la biodiversidad del mundo queda dentro de territorios ind\u00edgenas."} {"en":"From the very first rehearsal, I saw the bright future ahead. Because the rehearsal meant a great challenge to me.","es":"Yo vi desde el primer ensayo la trayectoria futura de esto porque esa trayectoria me lo dio la magnitud del reto que me plante\u00f3 a mi ese ensayo."} {"en":"We might not ever know.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s nunca lo sabremos."} {"en":"Sidewalk Labs staged public input sessions in order to appear responsive to residents' concerns about the newfangled surveillance that would have been embedded into the Quayside neighborhood.","es":"Sidewalk Labs organiz\u00f3 sesiones de opini\u00f3n del p\u00fablico para responder a las preocupaciones de los residentes sobre la novedosa vigilancia que se habr\u00eda incorporado al vecindario de Quayside."} {"en":"Freedom.","es":"Libertad."} {"en":"It belongs to a man who was prepared to go to jail for his beliefs.","es":"Pertenece a un hombre que estaba dispuesto a ser preso por sus creencias."} {"en":"But if that cancer cell has a dense forest of that sugar, sialic acid, well, it starts to taste pretty good.","es":"Pero si esa c\u00e9lula cancerosa tiene un bosque denso de ese az\u00facar, \u00e1cido si\u00e1lico, bueno, comienza a tener muy buen sabor."} {"en":"So it's very important to them to track piracy exactly because of this, and the people who are buying, the pirates, are not their customers anyway, because their customers want the real deal.","es":"Precisamente por eso es tan importante para ellos seguirle la pista a la pirater\u00eda, y los que compran las falsificaciones no son sus clientes de todos modos, porque sus clientes quieren autenticidad."} {"en":"Those markets expect a financial return, and they way you get a financial return is by squeezing and squeezing your users and your drivers for more and more value and giving that value to your investors.","es":"Esos mercados esperan un retorno financiero, y la forma de obtener retorno financiero es exprimiendo cada vez m\u00e1s a los usuarios y conductores para obtener cada vez m\u00e1s valor para darle ese valor a los inversores."} {"en":"Who is that person?","es":"\u00bfQuien es esa persona?"} {"en":"And then we embed elastic.","es":"Y luego le incorporamos el\u00e1stico."} {"en":"We were getting Jonah because he was perceived to have misused his privilege, but Jonah was on the floor then, and we were still kicking, and congratulating ourselves for punching up.","es":"\u00cdbamos tras Jonah porque se detect\u00f3 que hab\u00eda abusado de sus privilegios, pero Jonah ya estaba derrumbado en el suelo y segu\u00edamos pate\u00e1ndole, y autofelicit\u00e1ndonos por destruirle."} {"en":"I'll prove them wrong on both points.","es":"Voy a demostrar que se equivocan en ambas cosas."} {"en":"And we saw turnout increase on those down-ballot races and issues.","es":"Y vimos un aumento de participaci\u00f3n en los problemas de votaciones negativas."} {"en":"But religion was very rarely looked at as an aspect of workplace diversity.","es":"La religi\u00f3n no se sol\u00eda ver como un rasgo de la diversidad del entorno laboral."} {"en":"And all of that is creating emissions.","es":"Todo eso crea emisiones."} {"en":"It is very simply a carbohydrate the body can't absorb.","es":"Es simplemente un carbohidrato que el cuerpo no absorbe."} {"en":"You see, recently, an employee at the New England Compound, which is a pharmaceutical manufacturer, didn't clean a lab properly and now 76 people have died and 700 more have contracted meningitis.","es":"Recientemente un empleado de New England Compound, que es un fabricante farmac\u00e9utico, no limpi\u00f3 un laboratorio adecuadamente y ahora 76 personas han muerto y 700 m\u00e1s han contra\u00eddo meningitis."} {"en":"Let me tell you what they are and how they work.","es":"D\u00e9jenme contarles qu\u00e9 son y c\u00f3mo funcionan."} {"en":"That is the size of the entire U.S. economy today.","es":"Es el tama\u00f1o de la econom\u00eda de los EE.UU hoy en d\u00eda."} {"en":"Because of him, a small change to what was conventional on that street at the time allowed for her and her family to do something that was completely unconventional.","es":"Gracias a \u00e9l, un peque\u00f1o cambio en la vida convencional de esa calle, en ese momento, le permiti\u00f3 a ella y a su familia hacer algo que no era convencional en absoluto."} {"en":"Those made boys on one side, those made girls on the other.","es":"Estas dejan a los chicos a un lado, estas dejan a las chicas en el otro."} {"en":"Finally, self-organizing systems, about which, again, I won't say too much because you've been hearing all about it.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, los sistemas auto-organizados, sobre los que no voy a decir demasiado porque ustedes ha estado escuchando todo sobre ellos."} {"en":"Because you can imagine yourself stepping into those shoes.","es":"Porque puedes imaginarte en sus zapatos."} {"en":"\"Titus, we don't have time for this.\"","es":"\"Titus, no tenemos tiempo\"."} {"en":"We kind of grew up in the rubble.","es":"Crecimos entre los escombros."} {"en":"My bones said \u201cwrite the poem.\u201d","es":"Mis huesos dijeron: \"Escribe el poema\"."} {"en":"The idea was, \"Vote your conscience, vote for Mister Splashy Pants.\"","es":"La idea era, \"Vota por tu conciencia, vota por Mister Splashy Pants.\""} {"en":"So go out there and meet new people.","es":"Sal afuera y conoce gente nueva."} {"en":"Your analysis reminds me of the Boston and Vandeleur work on precarious manhood, which it basically says, look, you know, the problem with most definitions of masculinity or masculine cultures is we have to demonstrate it over and over and over again.","es":"Su an\u00e1lisis me recuerda al trabajo de Bosson y Vandello sobre la hombr\u00eda precaria que b\u00e1sicamente dice que el problema con la mayor\u00eda de las definiciones de masculinidad, o con las culturas masculinas, es que tenemos que demostrarlas una y otra vez."} {"en":"I was so constricted by my belief that businesses value maleness more.","es":"Estaba tan constre\u00f1ida en mi creencia que el negocio valoraba m\u00e1s la masculinidad."} {"en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"en":"No. That is not my argument.","es":"No. Ese no es mi argumento."} {"en":"That was a really stupid choice and how different that is from your stupid kid. Yeah. Which changes who people are, you know.","es":"Esa fue una decisi\u00f3n muy est\u00fapida\u201d. Y qu\u00e9 diferente es de: \u201cEres un ni\u00f1o est\u00fapido.\u201d, que cambia lo que la gente es, ya sabe."} {"en":"DB: I should say I grew up in Lower Manhattan, in the triangle between ABC Carpets, the Strand Bookstore and The Odeon restaurant. GC: Come to Minnesota sometime!","es":"DB: Crec\u00ed en el sur de Manhattan, entre las alfombras ABC, la librer\u00eda Strand y el restaurante Odeon, GC: \u00a1Ven a Minnesota alg\u00fan d\u00eda!"} {"en":"I think that the sciences of human nature, behavioral genetics, evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, are going to, increasingly in the years to come, upset various dogmas, careers and deeply-held political belief systems.","es":"Creo que las ciencias de la naturaleza humana - la neurociencia, la ciencia cognitiva- en los a\u00f1os venideros van a desbaratar cada vez m\u00e1s varios dogmas, carreras y sistemas de creencias pol\u00edticas asentados."} {"en":"If you do not see all the pages and all the subpages light up in turn, it's failed the test.","es":"Si las pesta\u00f1as no se alumbran todas, la p\u00e1gina fracas\u00f3 la prueba."} {"en":"But antibiotics administered to the wrong person under the wrong conditions can be incredibly dangerous, if not worse.","es":"Pero los antibi\u00f3ticos administrados a personas equivocadas en condiciones incorrectas pueden ser incre\u00edblemente peligrosos, quiz\u00e1 peor."} {"en":"Vexillological. Ted Kaye: Vexillology is the study of flags. RM: It's that extra \"lol\" that makes it sound weird.","es":"Vexilol\u00f3gica: : Vexilolog\u00eda es el estudio de las banderas, Ese\"l-o-l\" es medio hace que suene raro."} {"en":"Audience: Orkut.","es":"P\u00fablico: Orkut."} {"en":"We also design them so that once they're internalized, they dissolve to release enough silicic acid that the plants live healthier and longer, producing more food.","es":"Las dise\u00f1amos para que se disuelvan nada m\u00e1s infiltrarlas y liberen el \u00e1cido sil\u00edcico necesario para obtener plantas m\u00e1s sanas, vigorosas y que produzcan m\u00e1s alimentos."} {"en":"Over my travels, I've met men and women across the Arab region who've been exploring that spectrum, sexologists who are trying to help couples find greater happiness in their marriages, innovators who are managing to get sexuality education into schools, small groups of men and women, lesbian, gay, transgendered, transsexual, who are reaching out to their peers with online initiatives and real-world support.","es":"Durante mis viajes, he conocido a hombres y mujeres por toda la regi\u00f3n \u00e1rabe que han estado explorando ese espectro, sex\u00f3logos que est\u00e1n tratando de ayudar a las parejas a encontrar una mayor felicidad en sus matrimonios, innovadores que se las est\u00e1n ingeniando para llevar educaci\u00f3n sexual a las escuelas, peque\u00f1os grupos de hombres y mujeres, lesbianas, gays, transg\u00e9neros, transexuales, que est\u00e1n tratando de llegar a sus semejantes con iniciativas virtuales y apoyo real."} {"en":"See this, this person, this is Mary Anderson.","es":"Vean esto, esta persona, es Mary Anderson."} {"en":"One is, we cannot rely on those who created the problem to fix it.","es":"En primer lugar, no podemos confiar en que aquellos que crearon el problema lo arreglar\u00e1n."} {"en":"They even have a specific date on when the collection of data began for each of the service providers.","es":"Incluso tienen una fecha espec\u00edfica de cu\u00e1ndo comenz\u00f3 la recopilaci\u00f3n de datos para cada uno de los proveedores de servicios."} {"en":"She had prettier eyes, and an approachable smile, And like him, rough around the edges, casual style, And like him, everything was in disorganized piles, And like him, her mum didn\u2019t mind if friends stayed a while.","es":"Ella ten\u00eda los ojos m\u00e1s bonitos, y una sonrisa cercana, y como \u00e9l, alrededor, aristas de estilo desenfadado, Y como en \u00e9l, todo estaba en montones desorganizados, Y como a \u00e9l, a su madre no le importaba, si los amigos se quedaban un rato."} {"en":"It's off the grid entirely.","es":"Est\u00e1 completamente fuera de la imagen."} {"en":"It takes sacrifice.","es":"Implica sacrificio."} {"en":"So there I sat, a scared teenager who didn't know who he was or why he was even wrestling anymore.","es":"Entonces me sent\u00e9 ah\u00ed. Un adolescente asustado, que no sab\u00eda qui\u00e9n era, ni por qu\u00e9 a\u00fan estaba luchando."} {"en":"My mother and my grandmother before her.","es":"Mi madre y mi abuela antes que ella."} {"en":"How is it that I had this life and they had theirs?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo es que tuve esta vida y ellos tuvieron esa, la suya?"} {"en":"This is the \"Finger Family Song.\"","es":"La \"canci\u00f3n de la familia del dedo\"."} {"en":"We asked him how we should think and plan, and he said, \"You should think long-term.\"","es":"Le preguntamos c\u00f3mo deb\u00edamos pensar y planificar. Y dijo \"Deber\u00edan pensar a largo plazo\"."} {"en":"But then one day I started thinking about the mammalian penis.","es":"Pero de repente un d\u00eda empec\u00e9 a pensar en el pene mam\u00edfero."} {"en":"Upgrades the life for these geese.","es":"Mejora la vida de estos gansos."} {"en":"Who would they fight?","es":"\u00bfCon qui\u00e9n luchar\u00edan?"} {"en":"For example, people should have equal rights.","es":"Por ejemplo, las personas deben tener igualdad de derechos."} {"en":"If we cut emissions now into the next decade, we can prevent that much carbon, that whole blue area, from ever going in the atmosphere.","es":"Si reducimos las emisiones ahora y las pasamos a la pr\u00f3xima d\u00e9cada, podremos evitar que esa cantidad de carbono, toda esa zona azul, llegue a la atm\u00f3sfera."} {"en":"It's extremely difficult if it's constructed correctly, and there are techniques of constructing iconic imagery.","es":"Es extremadamente dif\u00edcil si est\u00e1 construida correctamente, y hay t\u00e9nicas de construcci\u00f3n de im\u00e1genes ic\u00f3nicas."} {"en":"This is me.","es":"Esto es lo que me ha hecho ser yo, \u00e9sta soy yo."} {"en":"But let's go back to the Higgs field.","es":"Pero volvamos al campo de Higgs."} {"en":"And it's made millions of women join in and say, \"Me Too.\"","es":"Y ha hecho que millones de mujeres se unan y digan \"Me Too\" ."} {"en":"Here, he's more vulnerable than ever, but he holds still and waits.","es":"Aqu\u00ed es m\u00e1s vulnerable que nunca, pero se queda quieta y espera."} {"en":"But Doaa looked down and asked, \"What of Malek?\"","es":"Pero Doaa mir\u00f3 y pregunt\u00f3: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hay de Malek?\""} {"en":"Well, despite what my mom in Ontario will tell you, the answer had nothing to do with virtue.","es":"A pesar de lo que dir\u00eda mi madre en Ontario, la respuesta no estuvo vinculada a la virtud."} {"en":"They all operate the same way. Right?","es":"Todos eran iguales, \u00bfverdad?"} {"en":"But first, let me tell you why I want to do this.","es":"Pero primero, les contar\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 quiero hacerlo."} {"en":"So we know that this is an issue that affects Black women and girls more than any other race.","es":"As\u00ed que sabemos que es un problema que afecta mujeres y ni\u00f1as negras m\u00e1s que a cualquier otra etnia."} {"en":"Don't argue, blame, or tell the person you know how they feel, because you probably don't.","es":"No discutas, culpes, o le digas a la persona que sabes c\u00f3mo se siente, porque probablemente no lo sepas."} {"en":"Glamour invites us to live in a different world.","es":"El glamur nos invita a vivir en otro mundo."} {"en":"Almost three years.","es":"Casi tres a\u00f1os."} {"en":"She's trying to force-feed my camera, which is every photographer's dream.","es":"Trataba de alimentar a mi c\u00e1mara por la fuerza que es el sue\u00f1o de todo fot\u00f3grafo."} {"en":"And then, I met my mentor, Maurice Kaya.","es":"Entonces, conoc\u00ed a mi mentor, Maurice Kaya."} {"en":"What if it was from a source like this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si viene de una fuente como \u00e9sta?"} {"en":"A film called \"Captain Underpants\" was on the menu.","es":"\u201cLas aventuras del Capit\u00e1n Calzoncillos\u201d estaba en el men\u00fa."} {"en":"We know instinctively where to reach when we enter a dark room.","es":"Sabemos por instinto hacia d\u00f3nde estirar el brazo al entrar en una habitaci\u00f3n a oscuras."} {"en":"Then we do activities designed for improvement, concentrating on what we haven't mastered yet, which means we have to expect to make mistakes, knowing that we will learn from them.","es":"Entonces hacemos actividades pensadas para mejorar, concentradas en lo que todav\u00eda no hemos dominado, lo que significa que tenemos que aceptar equivocarnos, sabiendo que aprenderemos de ellos."} {"en":"E: You are richer than us.","es":"Son m\u00e1s ricos que nosotros."} {"en":"And it turns out they're communicating to each other in infrasonic rumbles to warn each other of the threat of bees and to stay away from the area.","es":"Resulta que se comunican mediante ultrasonidos para advertirse sobre las abejas y que se alejen de la zona."} {"en":"Last year, nonprofits working on community-based climate solutions received less than nine billion dollars in funding.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado, las ONG que trabajan en soluciones clim\u00e1ticas comunitarias recibieron menos de USD 9000 millones en fondos."} {"en":"The second best time is today.","es":"El segundo mejor momento es hoy."} {"en":"We want that experience.\"","es":"Queremos experimentar eso\"."} {"en":"The hymen is a rim of tissue at the outer opening of the vagina.","es":"El himen es un borde de tejido en la abertura externa de la vagina."} {"en":"If you tried T-cell therapy, and you try this and it doesn't work, you won't remember it.\"","es":"Si pruebas las terapia con c\u00e9lulas T, y pruebas esto y si no funciona, no lo recordar\u00e1s\"."} {"en":"Now, I found a lot of this research deeply counterintuitive, the idea that a head start, whether in picking a career or a course of study or just in learning new material, can sometimes undermine long-term development.","es":"Me di cuenta de que muchos de estos estudios son il\u00f3gicos. La idea de tener ventaja, ya sea para escoger una carrera, un curso o simplemente para aprender algo nuevo, puede, a veces, perjudicar a la larga el desarrollo."} {"en":"In the epidemiological parlance, these groups are called \"super-spreaders.\"","es":"En el lenguaje epidemiol\u00f3gico, estos grupos se denominan \"super propagadores\"."} {"en":"I have this special interest in things like this, which blow my mind.","es":"Tengo este especial inter\u00e9s en cosas como \u00e9sta que me maravillan."} {"en":"So while there\u2019s still room for improvement in screening, treatment, and access to each, condom use, vaccination, and cervical screening can each reduce the harm caused by HPV.","es":"En definitiva, si bien a\u00fan se debe avanzar para detectar y tratar el virus, y acceder a estas pr\u00e1cticas, el uso de condones, la vacunaci\u00f3n y el estudio del cuello uterino pueden reducir el da\u00f1o causado por el VPH."} {"en":"But research shows that this process of replacing your sadistic inner tyrant with a supportive inner coach, who has high standards but is not a jerk about it, makes you more likely to reach your goals.","es":"Pero los estudios muestran que el proceso de sustituir tu s\u00e1dico tirano interno con un coach interno, que tiene altos est\u00e1ndares sin ponerse grosero, hace que sea m\u00e1s probable que realices tus metas."} {"en":"So whatever a participant decided, it had no impact on how many resources they personally would receive.","es":"Por lo tanto, lo que decidiera un participante no afectaba en el n\u00famero de recursos que recibir\u00eda personalmente."} {"en":"They have vastly different political systems and different economic systems, one with private capitalism, another one broadly with state capitalism.","es":"Tienen sistemas pol\u00edticos enormemente diferentes, y sistemas econ\u00f3micos diferentes: uno con capitalismo privado; otro, en t\u00e9rminos generales, con capitalismo estatal."} {"en":"Professor: Tendai is working very independently.","es":"Profesor: Tendai est\u00e1 trabajando de manera muy independiente."} {"en":"And he taught us not only that we can make demands of people, especially our public officials.","es":"Nos ense\u00f1\u00f3 que podemos no solo exigir a la gente, especialmente a los funcionarios p\u00fablicos."} {"en":"Let me explain why by taking the example from my own career as a filmmaker.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme explicarlo, con el ejemplo de mi propia carrera como cineasta."} {"en":"And what I work for, and to do, is to make our cities more walkable.","es":"Y yo trabajo para que en nuestras ciudades caminemos m\u00e1s."} {"en":"I wanted to graduate college, and I just finished college.","es":"Quer\u00eda graduarme de la universidad y acabo de terminarla."} {"en":"But even if you're not yet with me, even if you believe this is impossible, what the five years since I spoke at TED has taught me as I've spoken about this issue again and again is, even if you think it's impossible, that is irrelevant.","es":"Pero incluso si todav\u00eda no est\u00e1n de mi lado incluso si creen que es imposible, lo que aprend\u00ed en los 5 a\u00f1os desde que habl\u00e9 en TED, como lo he dicho una y otra vez, incluso si creen que es imposible, es irrelevante."} {"en":"But it's actually a year after Richard died that the really big discovery was made, the one we're actually interested in.","es":"Pero en realidad, fue a un a\u00f1o de la muerte de Richard, que se hizo el gran descubrimiento que nos interesa."} {"en":"I wouldn't be who I am today without any of those things.","es":"Yo no ser\u00eda quien soy hoy sin ninguna de esas cosas."} {"en":"Mia Birdsong: Why is Black Lives Matter important for the US right now and in the world?","es":"Mia Birdsong: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 Black Lives Matter importa en EE.UU. en este momento y en el mundo?"} {"en":"Like, literally, that was the reality.","es":"Literalmente, esa era la realidad."} {"en":"April in Kabul is beautiful, full of roses, full of flowers.","es":"En abril Kabul es hermoso, lleno de flores, de rosas."} {"en":"The Aboriginal people who were our bosses and the senior people were most commonly illiterate, so the story had to be told in pictures of what these goals were.","es":"Los abor\u00edgenes que eran nuestros jefes y los mayores eran en su mayor\u00eda analfabetos, as\u00ed que la historia ten\u00eda que ser contada en im\u00e1genes de cuales eran estas metas."} {"en":"I've come less than 10 years ago from the Midwest to live in Mississippi.","es":"Vine hace menos de 10 a\u00f1os del medio oeste a vivir en Mississippi."} {"en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"en":"This comes from a Nazi children's book published in 1938: \"Just look at these guys!","es":"Esto es de un libro para ni\u00f1os Nazi publicado en 1938: \"\u00a1Mirad a esa gente!"} {"en":"So regardless of how much attention I do or don't get as a result, I'm happy I did it.","es":"Entonces, sin importar cu\u00e1nta atenci\u00f3n me presten como resultado, me alegra haberlo hecho."} {"en":"All that you Change Changes you.","es":"Todo lo que cambias Te cambia."} {"en":"We go there for stimulation in art and all those other things.","es":"Vamos all\u00ed para estimularnos con el arte y todas esas otras cosas."} {"en":"And then that data is shared, and that sharing, that is the soul of citizen science.","es":"Luego esos datos se comparten, y eso es el alma de la ciencia ciudadana."} {"en":"Kia ora koutou, everyone.","es":"Kia ora koutou, a todos."} {"en":"I started a band with my friends.","es":"Form\u00e9 una banda con mis amigos."} {"en":"I had to decide, did I want to just share the bright and shiny parts of my life, you know, those ones that we put out on social media that make us all look perfect, or did I want to make myself vulnerable and become an open book?","es":"Ten\u00eda que decidir si quer\u00eda compartir solo las partes buenas de mi vida, ya saben, como las que mostramos en redes sociales que nos hacen parecer perfectos, o si quer\u00eda mostrarme vulnerable y ser un libro abierto?"} {"en":"Ravi says the air is still unbreathable.","es":"Ravi dice que el aire todav\u00eda es irrespirable."} {"en":"If you have a product and you want to register it with the Health Impact Fund, you will be rewarded for a period of 10 years.","es":"Si tiene un producto y quiere registrarlo en el Health Impact Fund, ser\u00e1 recompensado por un per\u00edodo de 10 a\u00f1os."} {"en":"So essentially what you\u2019re doing is you\u2019re refilling your gas tanks before you go out on a big, long trip.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que haces es b\u00e1sicamente rellenar tu tanque de gas antes de ir a un largo y extenso viaje."} {"en":"Don't try that one.","es":"No lo intenten."} {"en":"It is the most significant climate legislation in the United States and indeed probably the world.","es":"Es la legislaci\u00f3n clim\u00e1tica m\u00e1s importante de EE. U.U. y probablemente del mundo."} {"en":"I now invite all of you to TEDxBV15 with your own self-affirming words.","es":"Ahora los invito a todos Uds. a TEDxBV15 con sus propias palabras de autoestima."} {"en":"And I thought it would be really interesting if I could use them to teach my robots to see.","es":"Y pens\u00e9 que ser\u00eda realmente interesante si pudiera usarlas para ense\u00f1ar a mis robots a ver."} {"en":"Because when you think about it, making changes in governmental institutions, updating them, making them more legit again, and taking away parts that don't represent contemporary needs anymore might make people feel more close, more reflected in the instrument of democracies.","es":"Porque si lo piensas, hacer cambios en las instituciones gubernamentales, actualizarlas, volver a hacerlas m\u00e1s leg\u00edtimas y eliminar partes que ya no representan las necesidades contempor\u00e1neas podr\u00eda hacer que las personas se sientan m\u00e1s cercanas, m\u00e1s reflejadas en el instrumento de las democracias."} {"en":"I saw all these patterns: round things pops of bright color symmetrical shapes a sense of abundance and multiplicity a feeling of lightness or elevation.","es":"Vi todos estos patrones: cosas redondas, burbujas de color brillante, formas sim\u00e9tricas, un sentido de abundancia y multiplicidad, una sensaci\u00f3n de ligereza o elevaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"And I do a painting every 20 or 25 years.","es":"Yo pinto un cuadro cada 20 o 25 a\u00f1os."} {"en":"Why should we spend our lives seeking answers to the ultimate questions of reality if eventually there will be no one left to tell?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 pasar\u00edamos la vida intentando responder las preguntas m\u00e1s profundas de la realidad, si en definitiva no quedar\u00e1 nadie a quien transmit\u00edrselo?"} {"en":"I find it such a profound one.","es":"Me resulta un momento muy profundo."} {"en":"But I decided that what I wanted to do is spend the next however many years of my life supporting young people and to try to be there in some small way, whatever way that I could.","es":"Pero decid\u00ed que lo que quer\u00eda hacer era pasar el resto de mis d\u00edas apoyando a los j\u00f3venes e intentando estar ah\u00ed de la forma que pudiera."} {"en":"I thought, God, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen at an airport.","es":"Y pens\u00e9, Dios, es la cosa m\u00e1s impresionante que he visto en un aeropuerto."} {"en":"Women are refusing to marry men without toilets.","es":"Las mujeres rechazan casarse con hombres sin inodoros."} {"en":"We can also magnify small mechanical movements, like vibrations in engines, that can help engineers detect and diagnose machinery problems, or see how our buildings and structures sway in the wind and react to forces.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n podemos magnificar movimientos mec\u00e1nicos diminutos como las vibraciones en m\u00e1quinas que pueden servir para detectar problemas mec\u00e1nicos o ver c\u00f3mo edificios y estructuras reaccionan con el viento o fuerzas."} {"en":"God has given us everything we need.","es":"Dios nos ha dado todo lo que necesitamos."} {"en":"It's not, \"what are we going to do after this loss?\" But \"Who are we going to be?\"","es":"No es \u201cqu\u00e9 vamos a hacer despu\u00e9s de esta p\u00e9rdida\u201d, sino \u201cqui\u00e9nes vamos a ser\u201d."} {"en":"So let's try asking a question, like a health related question.","es":"As\u00ed que intentemos una pregunta, como una pregunta relacionada con la salud."} {"en":"The guy on the right is actually a risky bonus.","es":"El de la derecha es una bonificaci\u00f3n riesgosa."} {"en":"That could rewrite the story of these pastoral economies.","es":"Eso podr\u00eda reescribir la historia de estas econom\u00edas pastoriles."} {"en":"But it's so essential that we go to this place that our brain gave us a solution.","es":"Y es tan esencial ir a ese lugar, que por eso el cerebro nos dio la soluci\u00f3n."} {"en":"There's a great deal of argument about whether we, as the great nation that we are, should be the policeman of the world, the world's constabulary, but there should be virtually no argument about whether we should be the world's healer.","es":"Hay una gran pol\u00e9mica acerca de si, como la gran naci\u00f3n que somos, deber\u00edamos ser la polic\u00eda del mundo, la fuerza policial mundial, pero no deber\u00eda haber virtualmente ninguna pol\u00e9mica sobre si nosotros deber\u00edamos ser los sanadores del mundo."} {"en":"It's got water; it's got everything to be the perfect place.","es":"Tiene agua, tiene todo para ser el lugar perfecto."} {"en":"And the second great thing about conservatives: they get ecology.","es":"Y lo segunda gran cosa de los conservadores: entienden la ecolog\u00eda."} {"en":"Universal human experiences, transcendence, beauty.","es":"Experiencias humanas universales, trascendencia, belleza."} {"en":"I took pictures of everybody's hands, because I think you can often tell a lot about somebody from how their hands look.","es":"Tom\u00e9 fotos de las manos de todos, porque creo que a menudo se puede decir mucho de alguien por c\u00f3mo se ven sus manos."} {"en":"So perhaps saving the smaller ship actually has the potential to generate the most happiness.","es":"As\u00ed que tal vez salvar la nave m\u00e1s peque\u00f1a realmente tiene el potencial para generar la mayor felicidad."} {"en":"In the next scene, you're going to see a nice coral bottom.","es":"En la siguiente escena, ver\u00e1n un bello coral."} {"en":"But I will give you a taste of what we came up with.","es":"Pero les voy a dar una probadita de lo que creamos."} {"en":"They fill it with tables, or desks, chairs, computer equipment, software, Internet access, maybe a fridge, maybe a few other things, and they expect their employees, or their volunteers, to come to that location every day to do great work.","es":"Lo ocupan con mesas, escritorios, sillas, equipos inform\u00e1ticos, software, acceso a internet, quiz\u00e1 un refrigerador, tal vez otras cosas, y esperan que sus empleados, o sus voluntarios, vayan a ese lugar todos los d\u00edas a hacer un gran trabajo."} {"en":"Don Cheadle: There's a story we've been writing together for hundreds of years.","es":"Don Cheadle: Hay una historia que hemos estado escribiendo juntos durante cientos de a\u00f1os."} {"en":"And I want to say to that very clearly: nonsense.","es":"Yo les respondo: estupideces."} {"en":"Now, if you put that word into the web, as you may have done, you'll come up with millions of hits, and almost all of those sites are trying to sell you something to make you irresistible for 10 dollars or more.","es":"Si ponen esa palabra en la web, como tal vez lo habr\u00e1n hecho, surgir\u00e1n millones de p\u00e1ginas, y casi todos esos sitios tratan de venderles algo que los har\u00e1 irresistibles por 10 d\u00f3lares o m\u00e1s."} {"en":"I grew up in Northern Ireland, right up in the very, very north end of it there, where it's absolutely freezing cold.","es":"Creci en Irlanda del norte, justo bien, bien en la punta, donde el clima es absolutamente fr\u00edo."} {"en":"My argument is essentially that early childhood programs can do exactly the same thing, create more and better jobs, but in a different way.","es":"Mi argumento es esencialmente que los programas de la infancia temprana pueden hacer exactamente lo mismo: crear m\u00e1s y mejor empleos, pero de una forma distinta."} {"en":"Should the rest of the world care?","es":"\u00bfDeber\u00eda importarle al resto del mundo?"} {"en":"Stay-at-home moms are performing some of the most important work in our country, and we are devaluing them.","es":"Las amas de casa hacen unos de los trabajos m\u00e1s importante en nuestro pa\u00eds, y las estamos despreciando."} {"en":"That we have quilts and clay and calligraphy and everywhere your eye turns, there's something beautiful looking back at you, that's deliberate.","es":"Pero tenemos edredones y arcilla y caligraf\u00eda y por donde miren, hay algo hermoso devolvi\u00e9ndote la mirada."} {"en":"But we started looking, and we used free Internet tools to do so. The first one was called Spokeo, which allowed us to look for Rita Krills.","es":"Pero empezamos a buscar, y para ello usamos herramientas gratis de Internet La primera de ellas se llama Spokeo, que nos permiti\u00f3 buscar a las Ritas Krills."} {"en":"He got dressed, and he came out of the bathroom.","es":"Se visti\u00f3 y sali\u00f3 del ba\u00f1o."} {"en":"Designers recognize this type of collaboration as the essence of the iterative process.","es":"Los dise\u00f1adores consideran este tipo de colaboraci\u00f3n como la esencia del proceso iterativo."} {"en":"My name is Mike Posner, and some of you may recognize me from that song, \u201cI Took a Pill in Ibiza\u201d but I'm not the same person I was when I wrote that.","es":"No querr\u00e1s viajar en autob\u00fas as\u00ed sin saber en qui\u00e9n confiar. No querr\u00e1s quedar atrapado en ese escenario cantando. Atrapado en ese escenario cantando. Todo lo que s\u00e9 son canciones tristes."} {"en":"But they said that he would be a good candidate to donate for research.","es":"Sin embargo, dijeron que ser\u00eda un buen candidato para donar a la investigaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"We know that black women express their individuality and experience feelings of empowerment by experimenting with different hairstyles regularly.","es":"Sabemos que las mujeres negras expresan su individualidad y se sienten empoderadas al experimentar de manera frecuente con diferentes estilos de peinado."} {"en":"The Biden-Harris administration is now bringing the United States back and has expressed strong commitment to responsible climate action.","es":"El gobierno de Biden y Harris ahora reintroduce a Estados Unidos y ha manifestado un firme compromiso con la acci\u00f3n clim\u00e1tica responsable."} {"en":"Thousands of them are.","es":"Centenares de ellos padecen."} {"en":"If you want a speech system to converse with you in Gujarati, the first thing you require is a lot of data of Gujarati people speaking to each other in their own language.","es":"Si quieren que un sistema de voz hable con Uds. en guyarat\u00ed, lo primero que necesitar\u00e1 es mucha informaci\u00f3n sobre la gente guyarat\u00ed hablando entre ellos en su propio idioma."} {"en":"A year, 18 months, is that possible?","es":"En un a\u00f1o, 18 meses, \u00bfes posible?"} {"en":"It's on the X chromosome. And so in this way you can only get it from your mother.","es":"Est\u00e1 en el cromosoma X, as\u00ed que s\u00f3lo pueden recibirlo de sus madres."} {"en":"Try this example about the impact of eating breakfast on weight loss.","es":"Intenta analizar este ejemplo del impacto que tiene el desayuno en la p\u00e9rdida de peso."} {"en":"This effect has been observed across multiple studies, including ones with participants who understood statistics well\u2013 from students betting on sequences of dice rolls, to foreign policy experts predicting the likelihood of a diplomatic crisis.","es":"Este efecto ha sido observado en varios estudios, incluso con participantes bien versados en estad\u00edstica, desde apuestas hechas por estudiantes jugando a los dados, hasta la predicci\u00f3n de una crisis diplom\u00e1tica por expertos en pol\u00edtica del exterior."} {"en":"I\u2019m a child of the \u201960s, and that was hard.","es":"Yo soy una ni\u00f1a de los 60s y eso fue muy dif\u00edcil."} {"en":"Here is our very first patient, out of intensive care, and just watch that chair, all right?","es":"Nuestro primer paciente, fuera de cuidados intensivos, y observen esa silla, exacto."} {"en":"How do we generate those connections that together move us forward?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo generar esas conexiones que nos har\u00e1n progresar juntos?"} {"en":"But that wasn't the only reason I passed on Warby Parker.","es":"Pero esa no fue la \u00fanica raz\u00f3n por la que pas\u00e9 de Warby Parker."} {"en":"And I told you earlier that we may want to employ lots and lots of robots to overcome the limitations of size.","es":"Como les dije antes quisi\u00e9ramos emplear gran cantidad de robots para sortear las limitaciones del tama\u00f1o."} {"en":"Now, the people who really believe this vision are the first to say they don't yet know precisely how we're going to get there.","es":"Pero, las personas que realmente creen en esta visi\u00f3n, son los primeros en decir que a\u00fan no saben con precisi\u00f3n, c\u00f3mo vamos a llegar all\u00ed."} {"en":"So these places not only help the ecosystem but also help the people who can benefit from the ecosystem.","es":"As\u00ed que estos lugares no s\u00f3lo ayudan al ecosistema sino tambi\u00e9n a la gente que puede beneficiarse del ecosistema."} {"en":"No. For all or at least most of us, it's not, probably because it's not \"resisting\" in the eyes of the law.","es":"No; no lo es para todos o casi todos nosotros, probablemente porque no lo es para la ley."} {"en":"Because we are counting on you.","es":"Porque contamos con ustedes."} {"en":"For the first time, we could see that our earth is home to just over three trillion trees, almost half of what existed before human civilization.","es":"Por primera vez, pudimos ver que nuestra tierra es el hogar de poco m\u00e1s de tres billones de \u00e1rboles, casi la mitad de lo que exist\u00eda antes de la civilizaci\u00f3n humana."} {"en":"So, it's controlled.","es":"As\u00ed que se pudo controlar."} {"en":"It sort of ended abruptly when she was executed \u2014 \u2014 for murdering 600 men.","es":"Y se fue a pique de repente, cuando fue ejecutada por asesinar a 600 hombres."} {"en":"So as we get closer to AGI, we will understand more and more about these systems, and we will see more ways to make these systems safe, make highly ethical AI systems.","es":"As\u00ed pues, a medida que nos acerquemos a la IAG, comprenderemos m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s acerca de estos sistemas y veremos m\u00e1s formas de hacer que estos sistemas sean seguros y de crear sistemas de inteligencia artificial altamente \u00e9ticos."} {"en":"And no, I'm not a doctor, but they were asking me questions of life and death.","es":"Y no, no soy m\u00e9dica, pero eran cuestiones de vida o muerte."} {"en":"About two years ago, I answered my doorbell to find a postal worker holding a large, heavy box.","es":"Hace dos a\u00f1os, respond\u00ed el timbre de mi casa y me encontr\u00e9 con un cartero sosteniendo una caja grande y pesada."} {"en":"And you've got lots of employees. I mean, how many employees do you have who are specifically looking at these content moderation things, or is that the wrong question?","es":"Cor respecto a los empleados, \u00bfcu\u00e1ntos son los que se ocupan espec\u00edficamente de moderar estos contenidos? Quiz\u00e1 no es correcta la pregunta."} {"en":"Okay, number two: Go to the wilderness.","es":"De acuerdo, n\u00famero dos: vayan al desierto."} {"en":"Even saying the word \"folklore\" got people looking really puzzled.","es":"Tan solo mencionar la palabra \"folclore\" deja a la gente bastante perpleja."} {"en":"Then suddenly they started dying one after the other.","es":"Pero de repente empezaron a morir, una tras otra."} {"en":"It's an incredible engineering accomplishment to be able to even conceive and build this telescope.","es":"Fue un logro de ingenier\u00eda incre\u00edble simplemente idear y construir ese telescopio."} {"en":"I'm serious.","es":"Lo digo en serio."} {"en":"CA: Yes.","es":"CA: S\u00ed."} {"en":"My parents did not erect a block apartment by wishing and dreaming.","es":"Mis padres no erigieron el apartamento de bloques deseando y so\u00f1ando."} {"en":"It's very successful, and it's helped to prompt, eight of the 13 regional malls in Denver have now, or have announced plans to be, retrofitted. But it's important to note that all of this retrofitting is not occurring, just bulldozers are coming and just plowing down the whole city.","es":"Tiene mucho \u00e9xito. Y ha hecho que 8 de los 13 centros comerciales regionales de Denver tengan ahora, o anuncien planes de remodelaci\u00f3n. pero es importante observar que toda esta remodelaci\u00f3n no est\u00e1 ocurriendo no vienen las topadoras y arrasan la ciudad."} {"en":"It quiets my mind.","es":"Silencia mi mente."} {"en":"There's no trust anymore, only ridicule.","es":"No hay m\u00e1s confianza; s\u00f3lo el rid\u00edculo."} {"en":"Water is life.","es":"El agua es vida."} {"en":"MG: Well, here's the thing.","es":"MG: Bueno, esto es lo que pasa."} {"en":"I know if you're good to give a loan to.","es":"S\u00e9 si re\u00fane las condiciones para que le den un pr\u00e9stamo."} {"en":"During the past eight years, fighting in the eastern provinces has regularly reignited full-scale civil and international war.","es":"Durante los \u00faltimos 8 a\u00f1os las luchas en las provincias orientales reavivaron regularmente la guerra civil e internacional."} {"en":"It'll only become more certain as it becomes more correct, so the evidence is there and it's going to be designed to interpret it correctly.","es":"Solo ganar\u00e1 seguridad cuanto m\u00e1s acierte. La evidencia estar\u00e1 ah\u00ed, y estar\u00e1 dise\u00f1ado para interpretarla adecuadamente."} {"en":"Arthur, I'm going to try again.","es":"Arthur, voy a intentarlo de nuevo."} {"en":"Or will it make us more vulnerable?","es":"\u00bfO nos volver\u00e1 m\u00e1s vulnerables?"} {"en":"They talked very little about politics.","es":"Hablaban muy poco sobre pol\u00edtica."} {"en":"Any discrepancy should hopefully be external.","es":"Cualquier discrepancia deber\u00eda, afortunadamente, ser externa."} {"en":"I've found it really liberating and fun to do that.","es":"Para m\u00ed, hacerlo fue decididamente liberador y divertido."} {"en":"It's good to report numbers. But the steel industry is providing a vital service.","es":"Es bueno reportar n\u00fameros, pero la industria del acero proporciona un servicio vital."} {"en":"Because transitions are dangerous times.","es":"Pues porque toda transici\u00f3n es peligrosa."} {"en":"And for the purposes of this talk, I wanted to isolate just a part of a project that's even a part of a project that touches a little bit on this theme of architectural special effects, and it happens to be our current obsession, and it plays a little bit with the purging and adding of distraction.","es":"Y para los fines de esta charla, deseaba aislar s\u00f3lo una parte de un proyecto que es, a la vez, parte de un proyecto que toca en algo este tema de efectos especiales arquitect\u00f3nicos, y que pasa a ser nuestra obsesi\u00f3n actual, y que juega un poco con eliminar o a\u00f1adir distracci\u00f3n."} {"en":"And what is that going to do?","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 va a lograr eso?"} {"en":"Now, the way we think about this problem matters.","es":"Es importante saber c\u00f3mo pensamos en este problema."} {"en":"You're going to see some other speakers today, I already know, who are going to talk about breaking-bones stuff, and, of course, with technology it never is.","es":"Hoy, ustedes ver\u00e1n a otros oradores, ya lo s\u00e9, que hablar\u00e1n de cosas sorprendentes, y por supuesto, con la tecnolog\u00eda nunca lo es."} {"en":"Correct.","es":"Correcto."} {"en":"Here we see the face of the young subject on the left.","es":"Aqu\u00ed se ve la cara de la persona joven, a la izquierda."} {"en":"What's in the box?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hay en la caja?"} {"en":"But, before we get too confident, we'd better look at some of those other countries, and make sure that this organism doesn't just always evolve toward mildness. Well, in Peru it didn't.","es":"Pero antes de que pequemos de confiados, deber\u00edamos buscar en algunos otros pa\u00edses y asegurarnos que este organismo no siempre evoluciona hacia una variante benigna Pues bien, en Per\u00fa no lo hizo."} {"en":"So the future could be very big and it could be very good, but are there ways we could lose this value?","es":"El futuro podr\u00eda ser muy grande y podr\u00eda ser muy bueno, pero \u00bfhay formas en que podamos perder este valor?"} {"en":"As we move past the relatively gigantic mammals, birds, frogs and plants to the more elusive insects and other small invertebrates and then beyond to the countless millions of organisms in the invisible living world enveloped and living within humanity?","es":"Una vez dejemos atr\u00e1s mam\u00edferos relativamente grandes, p\u00e1jaros, ranas y plantas llegaremos a los escurridizos insectos y otros peque\u00f1os invertebrados y m\u00e1s all\u00e1 a los innumerables millones de organismos del mundo vivo invisible que envuelven y viven dentro de la humanidad."} {"en":"So now what we're going to do, and this is very exciting, we\u2019re actually going to sing the Beethoven 9th in German.","es":"Ahora lo que vamos a hacer, y esto es muy emocionante, es cantar la novena sinton\u00eda de Beethoven en alem\u00e1n."} {"en":"But pretty soon reality crashed the party.","es":"Pero pronto la realidad arruin\u00f3 la fiesta."} {"en":"These acts devalue others.","es":"Estos actos deval\u00faan a otros."} {"en":"And the most famous case was what we came to call the Secret Scholarship Scandal, where in fact there was about 60 million dollars in government money that had been dispersed in a series of scholarships, and the scholarships hadn't been advertised, and so and so on and so on.","es":"Y el caso m\u00e1s famoso fue lo que llamamos el \"Esc\u00e1ndalo Becas Secretas\", cuando en realidad hab\u00eda unos 60 millones de d\u00f3lares en dinero del gobierno que hab\u00eda sido dispersado en una serie de becas y las becas no se hab\u00edan anunciado, y as\u00ed sucesivamente."} {"en":"If I do anything with you, collect the minimum, keep it safe.","es":"Si hago algo contigo, recoger lo m\u00ednimo, resguardarlo."} {"en":"I don't cross-stitch today.","es":"No hago punto de cruz ahora."} {"en":"The teapot problem I'll pose this way.","es":"El problema de la tetera lo voy a plantear as\u00ed."} {"en":"What happens when our fairy tales go awry.","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa cuando el cuento de hadas sale mal?"} {"en":"Wait.\"","es":"Espera\"."} {"en":"It's not even clear that our very close genetic relatives, the Neanderthals, had social learning.","es":"Incluso no est\u00e1 claro que nuestros parientes m\u00e1s cercanos, los neandertales, hayan tenido aprendizaje social."} {"en":"We are not passive exhibitors of visual or auditory or tactile images.","es":"No somos exhibidores pasivos de im\u00e1genes visuales, auditivas o t\u00e1ctiles."} {"en":"Magic, real magic is not an illusion.","es":"La magia, la verdadera magia, no es ilusi\u00f3n."} {"en":"The final man.","es":"El ultimo hombre\"."} {"en":"Now, I've played with gender throughout my own career as an actor, and in one semester as an undergraduate student, I was cast in two roles simultaneously: Brad Majors in \"The Rocky Horror Show,\" and Charlotte Ivanovna in \"The Cherry Orchard.\"","es":"Ahora, yo he jugado con el g\u00e9nero durante mi carrera como actor, y en un semestre como estudiante de pre-grado, me eligieron en dos roles simult\u00e1neamente: Brad Majors en \"The Rocky Horror Show\", y Charlotte Ivanovna en \u201cEl Jard\u00edn de los Cerezos.\u201d"} {"en":"And God bless the somebody that I don't see.","es":"Y Dios bendiga ese alguien a quien no veo."} {"en":"And indeed, while we've tended to polarize the amateur from the professional, the single most exciting development in the last five to 10 years has been the rise of the professional hybrid artist, the professional artist who works, not primarily in the concert hall or on the stage; but most frequently around women's rights, or human rights, or on global warming issues or AIDS relief for more, not out of economic necessity, but out of a deep, organic conviction that the work that she or he is called to do cannot be accomplished in the traditional hermetic arts environment.","es":"Y, en efecto, mientras que tendimos a separar al aficionado del profesional, el desarrollo m\u00e1s emocionante de los \u00faltimos 5 a 10 a\u00f1os ha sido el aumento de los artistas profesionales de calidad, los artistas profesionales, que trabajan no en la sala de conciertos o en el escenario sino con m\u00e1s frecuencia en derechos de la mujer o en derechos humanos o temas de calentamiento global o lucha contra el SIDA, no por necesidad econ\u00f3mica, sino por una convicci\u00f3n profunda, org\u00e1nica, de que el trabajo que ella o \u00e9l est\u00e1n llamados a hacer no puede llevarse a cabo en el entorno herm\u00e9tico del arte tradicional."} {"en":"No one is closer to Chancellor Merkel than the Swiss diplomats.","es":"Nadie est\u00e1 m\u00e1s cerca de la canciller Merkel que los diplom\u00e1ticos suizos."} {"en":"Let me go one step further.","es":"Dejen que vaya a\u00fan m\u00e1s lejos."} {"en":"And so my invitation to you today is to practice.","es":"Entonces hoy les invito a que practiquen."} {"en":"Any male relative of the former caliph was eligible, so brothers, nephews, and uncles fought to gain power.","es":"Cualquier pariente hombre del califa anterior pod\u00eda ser elegido, por lo que hermanos, sobrinos y t\u00edos peleaban para obtener el poder."} {"en":"It seems that cancer is a direct result to injury.","es":"Parece que el c\u00e1ncer es el resultado directo de una lesi\u00f3n."} {"en":"Everyone is crowding 'round when fortune is your friend.","es":"Todos congregan a tu alrededor cuando la fortuna es tu amiga."} {"en":"This is the gold standard of reasons to stop doing something.","es":"Este es el patr\u00f3n oro de las razones para dejar de hacer algo."} {"en":"Next, we designed an acoustic chair, a chair that would be at once structural, comfortable and would also absorb sound.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hemos dise\u00f1ado una silla ac\u00fastica, una silla a la vez estructural, c\u00f3moda y tambi\u00e9n que absorbe sonido."} {"en":"So I wanted to do things differently.","es":"As\u00ed que quer\u00eda hacer las cosas diferente."} {"en":"So this is how it's passed from mother to son.","es":"As\u00ed es como se transmite de madre a hijo."} {"en":"So we need to know now what works and what does not in our specific contexts, because it is a true, immediate, cyclical matter of life and death for us.","es":"As\u00ed que necesitamos saber ahora qu\u00e9 funciona y qu\u00e9 no en nuestros contextos espec\u00edficos, porque es algo verdadero, inmediato y c\u00edclico de vida o muerte para nosotros."} {"en":"Now, in addition to being a great genius, a wonderful man, a wonderful husband, a wonderful father, Charles Darwin was also a world-class Victorian prude.","es":"Ahora, adem\u00e1s de ser un gran genio, un hombre maravilloso, un marido maravilloso, un padre maravilloso, Charles Darwin tambi\u00e9n fue un mojigato victoriano de clase mundial."} {"en":"And I think there's enormous dignity and it generates a great deal of respect to be able to step back and to push back and say, \"No.\"","es":"Y creo que hay una enorme dignidad y genera mucho respeto el poder separar y resistir y decir \"No.\""} {"en":"The first thing I did was to hire four of the original 55 people.","es":"Lo primero que hice fue contratar a cuatro de las 55 personas."} {"en":"So don't put it in the front door; put it somewhere else.","es":"As\u00ed que no la pongas en esa puerta, ponla en otro sitio."} {"en":"And this pollution is not a localized phenomenon.","es":"Y esta contaminaci\u00f3n no es fen\u00f3meno local."} {"en":"So I invite him out for a beer and he tells me all about his passion for making a difference in the world.","es":"As\u00ed que le invito a tomar una cerveza y me cuenta sobre su pasi\u00f3n de marcar una diferencia en el mundo."} {"en":"Originally, when pencils were handmade, they were made round.","es":"Originalmente, cuando los l\u00e1pices se hac\u00edan a mano, eran redondos."} {"en":"And all this we give them hoping that in six months or in a year, if we spend a lot of money, they'll give us a Tupperware.","es":"Y todo con la esperanza de que, dentro de seis meses o de un a\u00f1o, si te gastas mucho dinero, te dan un tupper."} {"en":"MB: Check this out.","es":"MB: Miren esto."} {"en":"Without the rest of the virus this lone spike is not infectious, but it does trigger our immune response.","es":"Sin el resto del virus este pico solitario no es infeccioso, pero desencadena nuestra respuesta inmune."} {"en":"Hence their attitude, for example, to the Uyghurs and to the Tibetans.","es":"De ah\u00ed su actitud, por ejemplo, hacia los uigures y los tibetanos."} {"en":"We can do the same thing with ships at sea.","es":"Lo mismo podemos hacer con los barcos en el mar."} {"en":"And when will we embrace the wisdom of our era to rise above mere tolerance and move to an acceptance for all who are only a label until we know them?","es":"\u00bfY cu\u00e1ndo abrazaremos la sabidur\u00eda de nuestra era elev\u00e1ndose por encima de la simple tolerancia y pasando a aceptar a todos los que son s\u00f3lo una etiqueta hasta que los conocemos?"} {"en":"We\u2019d need to ensure that these collectors are built at just the right radius: too close and they\u2019d melt from the radiated energy.","es":"Debemos asegurarnos de que estos recolectores est\u00e9n situados en el radio adecuado: si est\u00e1n demasiado cerca se derretir\u00edan por la energ\u00eda irradiada."} {"en":"BG: So we have, among the audience listening, Rola from, I don't know where she's from, she grew up in Lebanon, and she said, \"I lived the war, I slept on the ground, I breathed fear.","es":"BG: Tenemos entre el p\u00fablico que nos escucha, a Rola de No s\u00e9 de d\u00f3nde es ella, pero creci\u00f3 en L\u00edbano Y ella dijo, \u201cYo viv\u00ed la guerra, dorm\u00ed en el suelo, respir\u00e9 miedo."} {"en":"I come from Colorado. It's a mile high, and I grew up there with my 10 brothers and sisters and two adoring parents.","es":"Yo soy de Colorado, a m\u00e1s de mil metros de altitud, ah\u00ed crec\u00ed con 10 hermanos y hermanas y dos padres adorables."} {"en":"It wasn\u2019t that simple, Your Honor.","es":"No fue tan f\u00e1cil, su Se\u00f1or\u00eda."} {"en":"What's behind that is a postulation, namely, not that humans should get much more technical in the future; rather than that, technology, a bit more human.","es":"Detr\u00e1s de esto hay un postulado; se dice que los humanos deber\u00edan ser mucho m\u00e1s t\u00e9cnicos en el futuro. En vez de eso la tecnolog\u00eda deber\u00eda ser m\u00e1s humana."} {"en":"And my last piece of advice is for both the listener and the leader in the conversation. Remember that they're the same person you've always known them to be.","es":"Y mi \u00faltimo consejo es para ambos, oyente y l\u00edder de la conversaci\u00f3n: Recuerda que es exactamente la misma persona de siempre."} {"en":"There isn't time to go into it, but it's including things like tree nurseries, methods of farming most suitable to this now very degraded, almost desert-like land up in these mountains.","es":"No hay tiempo para contar todo, pero incluye cosas como tres viveros de \u00e1rboles, m\u00e9todos de agricultura m\u00e1s adecuadas para el suelo actualmente muy degradado, casi des\u00e9rtico en estas monta\u00f1as."} {"en":"For over a century, humans in the southern US, the UK, and elsewhere have been unknowingly exploiting the worm\u2019s escape response.","es":"Por m\u00e1s de un siglo, en el sur de EE.UU., el Reino Unido y en otros lugares, los humanos se han aprovechado del comportamiento de huida de la lombriz."} {"en":"You were talking to me the other day about cancer.","es":"El otro d\u00eda me hablabas del c\u00e1ncer."} {"en":"This is the first one, and this is showing, over the last 900 years, the evolution of the book, and other technologies.","es":"Este es el primero: muestra la evoluci\u00f3n del libro y otras tecnolog\u00edas durante los \u00faltimos 900 a\u00f1os."} {"en":"So mostly, I listened, and I soaked it in, and I found myself gravitating to the soft threads in their stories, and I wrote those down.","es":"As\u00ed que casi siempre solo escuchaba y lo absorb\u00eda todo, y me vi atra\u00edda por las partes m\u00e1s tiernas de sus historias, y las anotaba."} {"en":"Per-capita food production is up by a third.","es":"La producci\u00f3n de alimentos ha aumentado en un tercio per c\u00e1pita."} {"en":"CA: So our theme at TED this week is dreams, big, bold, audacious dreams.","es":"CA: Nuestro tema en TED esta semana son los sue\u00f1os, grandes, audaces sue\u00f1os."} {"en":"And there's no known cure.","es":"Y no hay cura conocida."} {"en":"They have saved numerous lives, yet they're not used by many who still need them.","es":"Han salvado much\u00edsimas vidas. Sin embargo, muchos de quienes los necesitan no los toman."} {"en":"But it is very hard to see a military scenario in Ukraine that leads the Europeans to completely cut off their inbound gas from Russia this year.","es":"Pero es muy dif\u00edcil ver un escenario militar en Ucrania que lleve a los europeos a interrumpir la importaci\u00f3n de gas desde Rusia este a\u00f1o."} {"en":"The average portion of a county budget spent on election operations is about half of one percent.","es":"La porci\u00f3n promedio del presupuesto de un condado que se gasta en operaciones electorales es aproximadamente la mitad del 1 %."} {"en":"They'd like you to walk away from that.","es":"Les gustar\u00eda que te alejases de eso."} {"en":"AF: A goal system.","es":"AF: Un sistema de objetivos."} {"en":"Toward the end of the course, the prosecutors were excited, as we talked about our plans for life after being released.","es":"Hacia el final del curso, los fiscales estaban entusiasmados, cuando hablamos de nuestros planes para la vida tras ser liberados."} {"en":"And he said, especially with legged-robots, because they're way too complicated.","es":"Y \u00e9l dijo - particularmente usando robots con patas, porque son demasiado complicados."} {"en":"More men who believe that the balance is best?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo lograr que m\u00e1s hombres crean que el equilibrio es mejor?"} {"en":"I was completely powerless to change anything in my life or people's perceptions of me.","es":"Era completamente impotente para cambiar nada en mi vida o la percepci\u00f3n de la gente de m\u00ed."} {"en":"We can choose otherwise.","es":"Podemos elegir lo contrario."} {"en":"Specifically, CBD reduced heroin-seeking triggered by environmental cues that were previously associated with the drug.","es":"Espec\u00edficamente, el CBD redujo el deseo de consumir hero\u00edna causado por est\u00edmulos ambientales que estaban asociados a la droga."} {"en":"And I feel that's kind of what you're saying, that in other places maybe that's more possible, and I'm curious when you imagine a country in which who you are mattered first, what does that look like?","es":"Me parece que es un poco a lo que te est\u00e1s refiriendo que quiz\u00e1 en otros pa\u00edses ser\u00eda m\u00e1s factible, y me preguntaba c\u00f3mo ser\u00eda un pa\u00eds en el que importara c\u00f3mo eres y no tu aspecto. \u00bfT\u00fa c\u00f3mo crees que ser\u00eda?"} {"en":"And this is exactly what I've been doing.","es":"Y esto es exactamente lo que he estado haciendo."} {"en":"All they wanted was a healthy, sustainable population so that they could continue to make that medicine, but what they created at the same time was a captive breeding program for a critically endangered species.","es":"Todo lo que quer\u00edan era una poblaci\u00f3n sana y sostenible para poder continuar haciendo la medicina, pero, al mismo tiempo, crearon un programa de cr\u00eda en cautividad para proteger una especie en peligro cr\u00edtico."} {"en":"What we want to say to the world is, yes, doomscrolling is great, but ideas change everything.","es":"Lo que queremos decirle al mundo es que s\u00ed, hacer el doomscrolling es genial, pero las ideas lo cambian todo."} {"en":"Children can sleep through the night; the house looks beautiful; you hang them in the window.","es":"Los ni\u00f1os pueden dormir la noche entera, la casa se ve hermosa, uno los cuelga en la ventana."} {"en":"For 14 minutes.","es":"Por 14 minutos."} {"en":"Pain is something we experience, so it's best measured by what you say it is.","es":"El dolor es algo que experimentamos, as\u00ed que se mide mejor por lo que t\u00fa digas."} {"en":"She was essentially enslaved for 15 years.","es":"Lily fue esclavizada durante 15 a\u00f1os."} {"en":"I would guess many of you are thinking of skim, scan, reading quickly.","es":"Me imagino que muchos de Uds. est\u00e1n pensando en echar un vistazo, ojear o leer r\u00e1pidamente."} {"en":"I always waited for it to sort of hit me on the head.","es":"Siempre he esperado que de alguna forma me golpee en la cabeza."} {"en":"Yet, that vaccine is not available in large numbers because it's too expensive.","es":"Sin embargo, la vacuna no est\u00e1 disponible en grandes cantidades porque es demasiado cara."} {"en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"en":"And in Denmark, we're doing just that.","es":"Y en Dinamarca lo estamos haciendo."} {"en":"And now you're of course curious if it also worked.","es":"Y ahora, por supuesto, tienen curiosidad de si esto tambi\u00e9n funcion\u00f3."} {"en":"There was a guy called Gary Kildall who went flying his plane when IBM came looking for an operating system for the IBM PC, and he wasn't there, so they went back to see Bill Gates.","es":"Hubo un tipo llamado Gary Kildall que sali\u00f3 a volar con su avi\u00f3n cuando IBM le visit\u00f3 buscando un sistema operativo para el IBM PC, y, como no estaba, regresaron y fueron a ver a Bill Gates."} {"en":"Now this Sock Puppet stuff isn't actually that new.","es":"Apelar al \"t\u00edtere de media\" realmente no es novedoso."} {"en":"Because isirika is the evergreen wisdom that lives in communities.","es":"Porque 'isirika' es la eterna sabidur\u00eda que vive en las comunidades."} {"en":"They\u2019d found it a fitting match and accepted.","es":"Ellos lo vieron como una pareja apropiada y aceptaron."} {"en":"Now I know there are people out there who will say that the election of Barack Obama meant that it was the end of racial discrimination for all eternity, right?","es":"S\u00e9 que hay personas por ah\u00ed diciendo que la elecci\u00f3n de Barack Obama signific\u00f3 el final de la discriminaci\u00f3n racial por toda la eternidad, \u00bfverdad?"} {"en":"Planning the transition is an ethical responsibility that takes time, but also creates opportunities to implement a just and sustainable future that corrects the harms of the past.","es":"Planificar la transici\u00f3n es una responsabilidad \u00e9tica que toma tiempo, pero que tambi\u00e9n crea oportunidades para implementar un futuro justo y sostenible que corrija los da\u00f1os del pasado."} {"en":"CA: So in terms of the threats that face America overall, where would you place terrorism?","es":"CA: Entonces, en materia de amenazas que enfrenta EE.UU. en general, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 lugar ubicar\u00edas al terrorismo?"} {"en":"Well, your body is kinda cool. Because you have these basic needs.","es":"Bueno, vuestro cuerpo est\u00e1 bastante bien porque cubre estas necesidades b\u00e1sicas."} {"en":"Those are the countries we like.","es":"Esos son los pa\u00edses que nos gustan."} {"en":"And I'm a stubborn optimist, so I want to uplift the ground we took, because it was important ground.","es":"Y soy una terca optimista, as\u00ed que quiero levantar la posici\u00f3n que tomamos porque fue importante."} {"en":"Without affecting the performance of the engine, we are able to capture 95 percent worth of pollution released from the diesel generator.","es":"Sin afectar el funcionamiento del motor, podemos captar el 95 % de la contaminaci\u00f3n liberada por el generador di\u00e9sel."} {"en":"Now, it's clear that our investment in breast cancer has produced results.","es":"Est\u00e1 claro que nuestra inversi\u00f3n en c\u00e1ncer de mama ha dado resultados."} {"en":"My first evening, before my first day of school, I said to my mother, very politely, \"Please wake me up at eight a.m.\"","es":"Mi primera noche, antes de mi primer d\u00eda de escuela, le dije a mi madre, muy cort\u00e9smente, \"Por favor lev\u00e1nteme a las ocho de la ma\u00f1ana\"."} {"en":"Are you tired of your boss?","es":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 cansado de su jefe?"} {"en":"Use your voice, find your power, find your passion.","es":"Usa tu voz, encuentra tu poder, encuentra tu pasi\u00f3n."} {"en":"It became normal, so my thinking went from how could I possibly do this to how could I possibly not.","es":"Se convirti\u00f3 en normal, y mi pensamiento pas\u00f3 de c\u00f3mo podr\u00eda yo hacer esto a c\u00f3mo era posible no hacerlo."} {"en":"Needless to say, I ate all my grandmother's portions.","es":"No hace falta decir que com\u00ed las porciones de mi abuela."} {"en":"Lizzie: Boys?","es":"\u00bfHombres?"} {"en":"I found all the loopholes, I did all the necessary jobs to try to make the show more timely.","es":"Encontr\u00e9 todas las brechas, hice todas las labores necesarias para hacer de este show algo m\u00e1s oportuno."} {"en":"What we've done is we've created economies.","es":"Hemos creado econom\u00edas."} {"en":"A flying motorcycle.","es":"Una motocicleta voladora."} {"en":"She came to us with a lot of data, but ultimately she wanted to tell one of the most humane stories possible.","es":"Ella vino a nosotros con una gran cantidad de datos pero en \u00faltima estancia, quer\u00eda contar una de las historias m\u00e1s humanas posibles."} {"en":"So to keep the game going, I just have to find another term and look that one up.","es":"Para continuar con el juego, s\u00f3lo ten\u00eda que encontrar otro t\u00e9rmino y buscarlo."} {"en":"And she would design these toys, where kids in playing with the toys would come to understand these deep principles of life and nature through play.","es":"Y ella dise\u00f1ar\u00eda estos juguetes, donde los ni\u00f1os jugando en realidad entender\u00edan principios profundos de la vida y la naturaleza mediante el juego."} {"en":"DP: I got to improvise with it, Adam.","es":"DP: Improvis\u00e9 con ella, Adam."} {"en":"Planes are significantly safer than cars, just like nuclear power is significantly safer than fossil fuels.","es":"Los aviones son m\u00e1s seguros que los carros, as\u00ed como la energ\u00eda nuclear es mucho m\u00e1s seguro que los combustibles f\u00f3siles."} {"en":"Or better yet, is there a way to get all the benefits of post-traumatic growth without the trauma, without having to hit your head in the first place?","es":"Mejor, \u00bfhay alguna forma de obtener los beneficios del crecimiento postraum\u00e1tico sin el trauma, sin que te tengas que golpear antes la cabeza?"} {"en":"You can get this chart, free.","es":"Pueden obtener esta gr\u00e1fica gratuitamente."} {"en":"How many coins is he holding?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas monedas tiene en su mano?"} {"en":"I had received the shaman's blessing to study the river, on the condition that after I take the water samples and analyze them in my lab, wherever I was in the world, that I pour the waters back into the ground so that, as the shaman said, the waters could find their way back home.","es":"Yo hab\u00eda recibido la bendici\u00f3n del cham\u00e1n para estudiar el r\u00edo, con la condici\u00f3n de que, despu\u00e9s de tomarme las muestras de agua y analizarlas en laboratorio, all\u00e1 donde estuviese en el mundo, deb\u00eda volver a verter las aguas al suelo para que, c\u00f3mo dec\u00eda el cham\u00e1n, las aguas puedan encontrar su camino de vuelta a casa."} {"en":"Technology has made it so simple to reach out to new people to say, \"Hey, I'm thinking about making a career change.","es":"La tecnolog\u00eda facilit\u00f3 tanto conectar con nuevas personas para decirles: \"Estoy pensando en hacer un cambio de carrera."} {"en":"So for every billion dollars we spend in R&D, we're getting less drugs approved into the market.","es":"Por los miles de millones de d\u00f3lares que se gastan en investigaci\u00f3n y desarrollo, llegan al comercio cada vez menos medicamentos."} {"en":"Everything in this scene, the person, the clothes, chairs, wall, gets covered in a mask of paint that mimics what's directly below it, and in this way, I'm able to take a three-dimensional scene and make it look like a two-dimensional painting.","es":"Todo en esta escena, la persona, la ropa, las sillas, la pared, se cubre con una capa de pintura que imita lo que hay debajo, y de este modo puedo transformar una escena tridimensional y hacerla parecer como una pintura bidimensional."} {"en":"So we don't want to live in that special reality.","es":"As\u00ed que no queremos vivir all\u00ed."} {"en":"So we went and found these dodgeball teams and infiltrated them, and did the exact same thing as before.","es":"As\u00ed que fuimos a buscar equipos de dodgeball, nos infiltramos en ellos e hicimos exactamente lo mismo que antes."} {"en":"Woman: They insisted that I was lying.","es":"Mujer: Insist\u00edan en que estaba mintiendo."} {"en":"And we said we could redesign the 115-year-old gypsum drywall process that generates 20 billion pounds of CO2 a year.","es":"Y dijimos que podr\u00edamos redise\u00f1ar el viejo proceso de yeso de 115 a\u00f1os de antig\u00fcedad, que genera 20 billones de libras de CO2 al a\u00f1o."} {"en":"It makes no difference, because other than the novelty of a few hot-air balloons, man couldn't fly.","es":"No hay ninguna diferencia, porque aparte de la novedad de unos pocos globos de aire caliente, el ser humanos no pod\u00eda volar."} {"en":"So I took a pilgrimage to yet another mecca, Harvard Business School, this time, knowing that I could not simply accept the salvation that it claimed to offer.","es":"As\u00ed que hice una peregrinaci\u00f3n a\u00fan a otra Mecca, a Harvard Business School, esta vez, sabiendo que no pod\u00eda simplemente aceptar la salvaci\u00f3n que afirmaba ofrecer."} {"en":"And if the approaching object happens to cross the black hole\u2019s event horizon, it\u2019ll disappear and never re-emerge, adding to the black hole\u2019s mass and expanding its radius in the process.","es":"Y si el objeto que se aproxima atraviesa el horizonte de sucesos del agujero negro, desaparece y no vuelve a aparecer, uni\u00e9ndose a la masa del agujero negro y expandiendo su radio en el proceso."} {"en":"This was her worst nightmare, because this man had actually put her in the hospital from an assault just two weeks before.","es":"Esta era su peor pesadilla, porque ese hombre la hab\u00eda enviado al hospital por otro ataque tan solo dos semanas antes."} {"en":"Meaning, I have a dream and a wish that the best of the best can operate together and work together for that common good and so on.","es":"Lo que significa que sue\u00f1o y deseo que los mejores de los mejores puedan cooperar y trabajar juntos para el bien com\u00fan y dem\u00e1s."} {"en":"I mean, look, we have had two million refugees from Ukraine in two weeks.","es":"Hubo dos millones de refugiados de Ucrania en dos semanas."} {"en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"en":"Whereas labor is associated with the body.","es":"Mientras que el trabajo est\u00e1 asociado con el cuerpo."} {"en":"It's the drone.","es":"Es el \u00abdrone\u00bb."} {"en":"One of the Russian scientists wrote at the time: \"We are about to create a new planet that we will call Sputnik.","es":"Uno de los cient\u00edficos rusos escribi\u00f3 entonces: \"Estamos a punto de crear un nuevo planeta al que llamaremos Sputnik."} {"en":"When we look at comparable democracies, the US has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the world.","es":"Cuando miramos democracias comparables, EE. UU. cuenta con una de las tasas de participaci\u00f3n de votantes m\u00e1s bajas del mundo."} {"en":"She came on.","es":"Ella lleg\u00f3."} {"en":"And as we're moving up the stairs, getting closer to the sculpture, my oldest son, who's nine, says, \"Dad, how come he gets to ride, and they have to walk?\"","es":"Cuando est\u00e1bamos subiendo las escaleras y acerc\u00e1ndonos a la escultura, mi hijo mayor, que tiene 9, dice: \"Pap\u00e1, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 \u00e9l va a caballo y ellos tienen que caminar?\""} {"en":"We're always trying to make it faster.","es":"Siempre estamos tratando de hacerlo m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido."} {"en":"Come here.","es":"Ven aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"They also should be supporting programs for children once they are born.","es":"Adem\u00e1s deber\u00edan estar apoyando programas para ni\u00f1os ya nacidos."} {"en":"There can always be doubt, if doubt is what you seek.","es":"Si buscamos dudas, siempre las encontraremos."} {"en":"And he made this extraordinary observation about Athens and Sparta.","es":"E hizo esta observaci\u00f3n extraordinaria sobre Atenas y Esparta."} {"en":"And road pricing is where we're all going to have to go, because today we pay for our maintenance and wear and tear on our cars with gas taxes.","es":"El cobro de calle es algo que todos tendremos que hacer. El d\u00eda de hoy pagamos por el mantenimiento y el desgaste de las calles con los impuestos aplicados a la gasolina."} {"en":"In fact, it turns out it's equivalent to proving Fermat's Last Theorem.","es":"En verdad, resulta que es equivalente a probar ese teorema."} {"en":"This, however, may all be about to change, because something very strange is going on.","es":"Esto, no obstante, puede estar por cambiar. Porque algo muy extra\u00f1o est\u00e1 pasando."} {"en":"These aren\u2019t optical structures; they\u2019re optical illusions experienced by the observer.","es":"Estas no son estructuras \u00f3pticas; son ilusiones \u00f3pticas experimentadas por el observador."} {"en":"They can call a world into existence out of nothing.","es":"Pueden dar existencia a un mundo de la nada."} {"en":"We have to engage with politicians.","es":"Tenemos que dialogar con los pol\u00edticos."} {"en":"And the normal way that people talk about that is to say, well, they're addicted to cell phones because guess what, it's those algorithms, screen time is a technology.","es":"Y la manera t\u00edpica en la que hablamos sobre eso es decir, bueno, est\u00e1n adictos a los celulares porque, pues adivina, son aquellos algoritmos, es el tiempo frente la pantalla, es la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"en":"And all that was needed was for the high priests and priestesses and monks to be able to read the Holy Book, and the rest of us could just go to the temple or church or the holy building and sit and listen to the high priest and priestesses read to us.","es":"Todo lo que hac\u00eda falta era que los curas y monjes supieran leer la Biblia, y los dem\u00e1s fu\u00e9ramos al templo, la iglesia o el edificio sagrado, a escuchar lo que le\u00eda el sacerdote."} {"en":"And I'll suggest that this coal is about as exciting as this chalk.","es":"Y sugerir\u00e9 que este carb\u00f3n es tan emocionante como esta tiza."} {"en":"Mark Twain summed up what I take to be one of the fundamental problems of cognitive science with a single witticism.","es":"Mark Twain resumi\u00f3 lo que considero es uno de los problemas fundamentales de la ciencia cognitiva con un solo chiste."} {"en":"And by connecting telescopes from around the world, an international collaboration called the Event Horizon Telescope is creating a computational telescope the size of the Earth, capable of resolving structure on the scale of a black hole's event horizon.","es":"Y conectando telescopios de todo el mundo, una colaboraci\u00f3n internacional llamada el Event Horizon Telescope est\u00e1 creando un telescopio computacional del tama\u00f1o de la Tierra, capaz de resolver una estructura del tama\u00f1o de un horizonte de agujero negro."} {"en":"You can see: there's the plant.","es":"Pueden verla: Ah\u00ed est\u00e1 la planta."} {"en":"I'd encourage you to even be a little more specific on your proposal.","es":"Quisiera animarlo a ser un poco m\u00e1s espec\u00edfico en su propuesta."} {"en":"Today, the touch-screen generation's learning how to count, how to read, using apps and games, but apps and games can't care for our children.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda, la generaci\u00f3n de la pantalla t\u00e1ctil aprende a contar y a leer con apps y juegos, pero las apps y los juegos no se preocupan por nuestros ni\u00f1os."} {"en":"You've got the popular election process that everybody pays attention to.","es":"Tienes el proceso de elecci\u00f3n popular al que todo el mundo presta atenci\u00f3n."} {"en":"But there is something I've learned in these 18 years of parenting and in my years leading a global women's rights organization.","es":"Pero hay algo que he aprendido en estos 18 a\u00f1os de maternidad y en mis a\u00f1os liderando una organizaci\u00f3n global de derechos de la mujer."} {"en":"I wanted to visualize the story of life.","es":"Quer\u00eda visualizar la historia de la vida."} {"en":"And as you go across there you see a few tens of years of oil, the blue line, by the way, is the lowest estimate of existing resources.","es":"Y a medida que cruzamos esto vemos unas cuantas d\u00e9cadas de petroleo, la l\u00ednea azul, por cierto, es el estimado m\u00e1s bajo de recursos existentes."} {"en":"And this is a big deal, by the way, because businesses, companies operate, govern themselves, entirely on the basis of these clusters that we found didn't even exist.","es":"Y de hecho, esto es significante porque las empresas, compa\u00f1\u00edas se operan, se gobiernan completamente por aquellos grupos que descubrimos que ni siquiera existen."} {"en":"\"Ambition\" That's it: Ambition!","es":"MG: \"Ambici\u00f3n\" SF: \u00a1Ah\u00ed est\u00e1! Ambici\u00f3n."} {"en":"That's what the expansion of the universe or space means.","es":"Eso es lo que significa la expansi\u00f3n del universo, o del espacio."} {"en":"As far back as the 4th century BCE, the Ancient Greeks treated lead to make the brilliant white pigment we know today.","es":"Ya en el siglo IV antes de Cristo, los antiguos griegos trataron de obtener del plomo un brillante pigmento blanco que hoy conocemos."} {"en":"This is from this wonderful piece Mr. Ailey created in 1960, called \"Revelations.\"","es":"Esto es de una maravillosa obra que el Sr. Ailey cre\u00f3 en 1960, llamada \"Revelations\"."} {"en":"He was the son of one of the poorest families in the village. And he wasn't doing that.","es":"El era el hijo de una de las familias m\u00e1s pobres del pueblo. y el no estaba haciendo eso."} {"en":"CA: Thanks, Whitney.","es":"CA: Gracias Whitney."} {"en":"Wear whatever makes you feel fabulous.","es":"Usen lo que sea que los haga sentir fabulosos."} {"en":"She gave a shot of her chloroquine, what I learned was the chloroquine then, gave her some, it must have been a re-hydration, and some other therapies, and put us in a corner.","es":"Le inyect\u00f3 cloroquina , le dio un poco para rehidratarle, y otras medicinas y nos puso en una esquina."} {"en":"In his fantasy, Ukrainians are Russians that want to be back in the fold of Mother Russia, and that the only ones preventing it is a very small gang at the top, which he portrays as Nazis, even if the president is Jewish; but OK, a Nazi Jew.","es":"En su imaginaci\u00f3n, los ucranianos son rusos que quieren regresar a la madre Rusia, y que los \u00fanicos que no lo permiten son un grup\u00fasculo de altos mandos, a los cuales tacha de nazistas, aunque el presidente es jud\u00edo; pero OK, un nazista jud\u00edo."} {"en":"I'm an engineer.","es":"Soy ingeniero."} {"en":"What exactly was it?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 era exactamente?"} {"en":"Professor Ian Goodfellow is a virologist at the University of Cambridge.","es":"El profesor Ian Goodfellow es vir\u00f3logo de la Universidad de Cambridge."} {"en":"By then we had two grandchildren, Sophie and Connor.","es":"A la saz\u00f3n ya ten\u00edamos dos nietos, Sophie y Connor."} {"en":"I was a body surfer and I thought, \"Wow, that was an incredible wave!\"","es":"Yo era surfista y pens\u00e9 \"\u00a1qu\u00e9 ola tan incre\u00edble!\""} {"en":"You won't need to know trig.","es":"No necesitan saber trigonometr\u00eda."} {"en":"But I gave him the money, because I was from Riverdale so I had more money than he did.","es":"Pero yo le d\u00ed el dinero porque yo era de Riverdale as\u00ed que ten\u00eda m\u00e1s dinero que \u00e9l."} {"en":"But some of them have come to me and said, \"We feel ignored, we feel judged if we ask a question, and we even feel demonized that maybe we're part of some antivaccine group.\"","es":"Pero algunas se han acercado conmigo para decir: \"Nos sentimos ignoradas, nos sentimos juzgadas si hacemos una pregunta, e incluso nos sentimos satanizadas como si form\u00e1ramos parte de alg\u00fan grupo antivacunas\"."} {"en":"There's 47 other people, the teamwork on that ship, making sure that these people are okay.","es":"Hay 47 personas m\u00e1s. El equipo trabaja en ese barco asegur\u00e1ndose de que estas personas est\u00e1n bien."} {"en":"Most of these images are shot on a large-format camera.","es":"La mayor\u00eda est\u00e1n tomadas con una c\u00e1mara de gran formato."} {"en":"SB: It was an effort to hopefully diversify in another important way in the show, not on camera but in the writers' room.","es":"SB: Fue un esfuerzo para diversificar con suerte de otra manera importante en el programa, no en c\u00e1mara sino en la sala de escritores."} {"en":"With the printing process, the solar cell can change its shape and design very easily.","es":"Con el proceso de impresi\u00f3n, la c\u00e9lula fotovoltaica puede cambiar de forma y de dise\u00f1o muy f\u00e1cilmente."} {"en":"They were interested in the Caste War, a major but understudied colonial period Maya rebellion.","es":"Estaban interesados en la Guerra de Castas, una rebeli\u00f3n maya importante pero poco estudiada de la colonizaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"Now, when a planet transits a star, it blocks out a little bit of this light, and the depth of this transit reflects the size of the object itself.","es":"Al transitar un planeta por una estrella, bloquea un poco de esta luz, y la profundidad de este tr\u00e1nsito refleja el tama\u00f1o del objeto en s\u00ed."} {"en":"So, much of the land needed to generate wind power is still available for other uses.","es":"Entonces, mucho del terreno necesario para generar energ\u00eda e\u00f3lica a\u00fan est\u00e1 disponible para otros usos."} {"en":"And therefore, perhaps we had brought those characteristics with us from that ancient, ancient past.","es":"Y entonces, quiz\u00e1s nosotros hab\u00edamos tra\u00eddo esas caracter\u00edsticas desde aquel pasado muy, muy antiguo."} {"en":"I'm boggled at how much he and his associates needed to know in order to plot this out.","es":"Estoy sorprendido por lo que \u00e9l y sus socios ten\u00edan que saber para poder planear esto."} {"en":"Because I'm not a dancer. And I'm not a doctor.","es":"Porque no soy un bailar\u00edn Y no soy m\u00e9dico."} {"en":"Good morning.","es":"Buenos d\u00edas."} {"en":"Japan.","es":"Jap\u00f3n."} {"en":"The color washes off the next day, however, for that moment in time, it's their beautiful disruption.","es":"El color desaparece al d\u00eda siguiente, pero, al menos por una vez, son parte de una bella disrupci\u00f3n."} {"en":"The patient was in shock.","es":"La paciente estaba en choque."} {"en":"Now, both of these things made me realize fundamentally that we were failing.","es":"Ahora, ambas cosas me hicieron percatarme de que est\u00e1bamos fallando fundamentalmente."} {"en":"Reckless driving, unruly airline passengers, violent crime, online bullying, workplace incivility, tribal antagonism, even general self-centeredness.","es":"La conducci\u00f3n descuidada, los revoltosos pasajeros a\u00e9reos, la crimen violenta, el bullying en l\u00ednea, la incivilidad en el trabajo, el antagonismo tribal, incluso el ego\u00edsmo en general."} {"en":"He had spent his youth traveling and learning about ancient civilizations before accompanying his brother Frederick on a diplomatic mission to the northwest Anatolian region of \u00c7anakkale.","es":"Hab\u00eda pasado su juventud viajando y aprendiendo sobre civilizaciones antiguas antes de acompa\u00f1ar a su hermano Federico en una misi\u00f3n diplom\u00e1tica en la regi\u00f3n de Anatolia noroccidental de \u00c7anakkale."} {"en":"This pattern is the defining feature of a crystal, and isn\u2019t restricted to minerals\u2014 sand, ice, sugar, chocolate, ceramics, metals, DNA, and even some liquids have crystalline structures.","es":"Este patr\u00f3n es la caracter\u00edstica definitoria de un cristal, y no est\u00e1 restringido a minerales; arena, hielo, az\u00facar, chocolate, cer\u00e1mica, metales, ADN e incluso algunos l\u00edquidos tienen estructuras cristalinas."} {"en":"The logo was designed by Rob Wilson and this podcast was created, produced and hosted by me, Dylan Meran.","es":"Rob Wilson dise\u00f1\u00f3 nuestro logo. Y yo, Dylan Marron, soy el creador, productor y conductor de este p\u00f3dcast."} {"en":"\"Do you need help?\"","es":"\"\u00bfNecesitas ayuda?\""} {"en":"Now, when I was young, and there was a problem, my mama used to always sigh and shake her head and say, \"Have mercy, have mercy.\"","es":"Cuando yo era joven y hab\u00eda un problema, mi mam\u00e1 sol\u00eda suspirar siempre y sacudir la cabeza diciendo: \"Ten misericordia, ten misericordia\"."} {"en":"I now own mace, a security system and a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.","es":"Ahora tengo mi propio mazo, un sistema de seguridad y un bate de b\u00e9isbol de Louisville Slugger."} {"en":"I feel I'm part of the new wave of entrepreneurs that not only seeks to have a successful business, but also a sustainable future.","es":"Siento que soy parte de una nueva ola de empresarios que no solo quiere un negocio exitoso sino tambi\u00e9n un futuro sustentable."} {"en":"That's traditionally, frankly, the Russian identity.","es":"Es la tradicional identidad rusa."} {"en":"It was like manna from heaven.","es":"Era como man\u00e1 ca\u00eddo del cielo."} {"en":"Question one: Can the product made by the company be used safely?","es":"Pregunta uno: \u00bfEl producto fabricado por la compa\u00f1\u00eda se puede usar de forma segura?"} {"en":"They were evolved by nature in order to get a jellyfish to glow green for whatever reason, or in order to detect the coat protein of an invading virus, for example.","es":"Evolucionaron en la naturaleza para que las medusas brillaran por la raz\u00f3n que sea o para detectar el c\u00f3digo gen\u00e9tico de un virus invasor, por ejemplo."} {"en":"If one of these things were to hit pretty much anywhere, it would cause a panic.","es":"Si uno de estos llegare a golpear pr\u00e1cticamente en cualquier parte, causar\u00eda p\u00e1nico."} {"en":"That is, redrawing the boundaries that separate districts.","es":"Esto es, redibujar las fronteras que separan los distritos."} {"en":"Here's what the future may begin to look like with changing, now, the evolutionary tree, speeding up evolution with synthetic bacteria, Archaea and, eventually, eukaryotes.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tienen c\u00f3mo puede empezar a parecer el futuro cambiando, ahora, el \u00e1rbol evolutivo, acelerando la evoluci\u00f3n con bacterias sint\u00e9ticas, arqueobacterias y, eventualmente, eucariotas."} {"en":"The ability to fix DNA errors means that CRISPR could potentially create new treatments for diseases linked to specific genetic errors, like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia.","es":"La capacidad de corregir errores de ADN. Significa que CRISPR podr\u00eda crear nuevos tratamientos para enfermedades vinculados a errores gen\u00e9ticos como fibrosis qu\u00edstica o anemia de c\u00e9lulas falciformes."} {"en":"You can find this mouthpart on ants from the Hymenoptera order, grasshoppers and crickets of the Orthoptera order, dragonflies of the Odonata order, and beetles of the Coleoptera order.","es":"Puedes encontrar esta parte bucal en hormigas del orden Hymenoptera, saltamontes y grillos del orden de Orthoptera, lib\u00e9lulas del orden Odonata, y escarabajos del orden Coleoptera."} {"en":"Meantime, global investments in innovative foods, with new proteins as the majority, were over 10 billion dollars, from 2020 to 2022.","es":"Mientras tanto, las inversiones mundiales en alimentos innovadores, en las que predominan las nuevas prote\u00ednas, superaron los USD 10 000 millones entre 2020 y 2022."} {"en":"So simply making eye contact with somebody, shaking hands, giving somebody a high-five is enough to release oxytocin, which increases your level of trust and it lowers your cortisol levels.","es":"As\u00ed que simplemente hacer contacto visual con alguien, d\u00e1ndole la mano, chocando los cinco, es suficiente para liberar oxitocina, lo que aumenta su nivel de confianza y disminuye sus niveles de cortisol."} {"en":"But there is, of course, a flip side to my enthusiasm.","es":"Pero hay, por supuesto, otra cara de la moneda."} {"en":"First of all, the scale is inconsistent, compressing the 15-month span after March 2009 to look shorter than the preceding six months.","es":"En primer lugar, la escala es inconsistente, comprimiendo el lapso de 15 meses despu\u00e9s de marzo de 2009 para parecer m\u00e1s corto que los seis meses anteriores."} {"en":"12:00: Status Quo, but upgraded to a new level.","es":"12:00: Statu quo, pero llevado a un nuevo nivel."} {"en":"So when we are confronted by a powerful image, we all have a choice: We can look away, or we can address the image.","es":"Si tenemos una imagen poderosa, tenemos dos opciones. Podemos desviar la mirada o enfrentarla."} {"en":"One study carried out by the UNAIDS estimated that between 20-30 billion dollars per year would be needed to achieve a nearly 90% reduction in new HIV infections by 2030.","es":"Seg\u00fan un estudio del ONUSIDA, se necesitar\u00edan entre 20 y 30 mil millones de d\u00f3lares por a\u00f1o para reducir en casi 90 % el n\u00famero de transmisiones de VIH para el a\u00f1o 2030."} {"en":"The whole business of politics has been effectively subcontracted out to a band of professionals, money people, outreach people, message people, research people.","es":"Todo este negocio de la pol\u00edtica se ha abandonado a manos de profesionales, gente con dinero, con influencia, mensajeros y analistas."} {"en":"We've just found out that we're really smelly beasts.","es":"Hemos descubierto que somos bestias muy olorosas."} {"en":"So good luck with that.","es":"As\u00ed que buena suerte con eso."} {"en":"So what does spatial justice look like?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es entonces la justicia espacial?"} {"en":"You know, I even tried to get into a skintight superhero suit to reinvent myself.","es":"Ya saben, hasta trat\u00e9 de ponerme un traje apretado de superh\u00e9roe para reinventarme."} {"en":"Their staggering productivity ranks fisheries with farming as a mainstay of food production for humanity.","es":"Su asombrosa productividad hace de la pesca, junto a la agricultura, uno de los pilares de la producci\u00f3n alimentaria para la humanidad."} {"en":"I'm sitting there, and my buddy Jonathan, who had talked me into it, he comes up to me and he could see the state I was in.","es":"Sentado all\u00ed, mi amigo Jonathan, que me hab\u00eda hablado de esto, vino a m\u00ed y vio el estado en el que me encontraba."} {"en":"Homo naledi has taught us that we need to reassess what it means to be in the genus Homo.","es":"El Homo naledi nos ha ense\u00f1ado que debemos reevaluar lo que significa pertenecer al g\u00e9nero Homo."} {"en":"It's surgically placed inside the inner ear.","es":"Se coloca quir\u00fargicamente dentro del o\u00eddo interno."} {"en":"Well then we hit a deep depression, and we seriously submerged the vehicle.","es":"Nos topamos con un hoyo profundo y el veh\u00edculo qued\u00f3 muy sumergido."} {"en":"They become enjoyable; we call them \"biological reinforcers.\"","es":"Se vuelven agradables; las llamamos \"reforzadores primarios\"."} {"en":"So, please.","es":"As\u00ed que por favor."} {"en":"People are poor because they have no money.","es":"La gente es pobre porque no tiene dinero."} {"en":"The second page is simple: What might be the benefits of an attempt or a partial success?","es":"La segunda p\u00e1gina es sencilla: \u00bfCu\u00e1les ser\u00e1n los beneficios de un intento o \u00e9xito parcial?"} {"en":"So most open-source projects just held their noses and adopted the feudal management systems.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de los proyectos de c\u00f3digo abierto asomaron la nariz y adoptaron el sistema de gesti\u00f3n feudal."} {"en":"As it was the custom of the time, Copernicus was actually simply buried in an unmarked grave, together with 14 others in that cathedral.","es":"Como era costumbre por aquel entonces, Cop\u00e9rnico fue enterrado en una fosa com\u00fan junto con 14 personas m\u00e1s en esa catedral."} {"en":"You see me, Bina and Jenesis there.","es":"Aqu\u00ed estoy con Bina y G\u00e9nesis."} {"en":"By not participating, they are passing up as much as 5,000 dollars a year from the employer, who would happily match their contribution.","es":"Al no participar, dejan pasar tanto como 5000 d\u00f3lares al a\u00f1o de su empleador, quien felizmente se beneficia."} {"en":"Now, just in case I hadn't learned this lesson, they assigned me to headquarters next, and that's where I ran straight up against system change.","es":"Solo por si no hab\u00eda aprendido la lecci\u00f3n, me asignaron luego a la sede principal, y all\u00ed me enfrent\u00e9 a los opositores a los cambios en el sistema."} {"en":"If you're a healthy cell, we're moving on.","es":"Si eres una c\u00e9lula sana, seguimos camino."} {"en":"And God created, indeed, out of nothing at all.","es":"Dios lo cre\u00f3, de la nada misma."} {"en":"The painting is called \"Another Fight for Remembrance.\"","es":"El cuadro se llama \"Another Fight for Remembrance\"."} {"en":"And he said, here, \"It is the business of natural philosophy to find out those laws.\"","es":"Y dijo aqu\u00ed: \"Es el trabajo de la filosof\u00eda natural el descubrir esas leyes\"."} {"en":"And if we expect kids to sit silently and passively receive knowledge from us, then their voices will always feel overwhelming.","es":"Y si pretendemos que aprendan callados y de forma pasiva, entonces sus voces nos parecer\u00e1n siempre abrumadoras."} {"en":"Why the Greeks?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 los griegos?"} {"en":"Because one opinion is heard, there seem to be only one.","es":"Como se oye una sola opini\u00f3n, parece que hay una sola opini\u00f3n."} {"en":"On top of that, most skyscrapers are built out of steel and concrete, which have a very high degree of embodied energy.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, la mayor\u00eda de los rascacielos est\u00e1n hechos de acero y concreto, es decir, su producci\u00f3n conlleva un gran uso de energ\u00eda."} {"en":"I think there is a danger, as we get older, that our curiosity becomes slightly muted or dulled by familiarity.","es":"Creo que hay un peligro, a medida que envejecemos, que nuestra curiosidad se apague o embote por la familiaridad."} {"en":"So why, collectively, did we not see this coming?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9, colectivamente no lo vimos venir?"} {"en":"And we also found the stronger the similarity between the listener's brain and the speaker's brain, the better the communication.","es":"Y descubrimos tambi\u00e9n que mientras m\u00e1s marcada era la semejanza entre el cerebro del oyente y el cerebro del orador, mejor era la comunicaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"For example, if we'd had TEDxParis 350 years ago, we would have talked about the military innovation of the day, the massive Vauban-style fortifications, and we could have predicted a period of stability in the world or in Europe. which was indeed the case in Europe between 1650 and 1750.","es":"Por ejemplo si hubi\u00e9semos tenido un TEDxParis hace 350 a\u00f1os, habr\u00edamos hablado de la innovaci\u00f3n militar de turno, las fortificaciones masivas al estilo Vauban, y habr\u00edamos pronosticado un periodo de estabilidad en el mundo o en Europa, lo que sin duda fue el caso en Europa entre 1650 y 1750."} {"en":"But stepping back. For all we've had to lament, we spend very little time relishing the single biggest thing that has ever gone right for us.","es":"Pero si damos un paso atr\u00e1s, por todo lo que debimos lamentar pasaremos poco tiempo disfrutando de la \u00fanica cosa m\u00e1s grande en la que nos fue bien."} {"en":"And the building is very sculptural as you walk around it.","es":"Y el edificio es muy escultural como se ve cuando uno lo recorre."} {"en":"You've heard about that concept: Responsibility to Protect.","es":"Conocen ese concepto: la responsabilidad de proteger."} {"en":"Households had more assets, things like livestock or land or savings.","es":"Los hogares ten\u00edan m\u00e1s activos, como ganado, tierra o ahorros."} {"en":"I started consulting with philanthropic organizations on the best way to support targeted communities, and I teach reparations frameworks all across the country.","es":"Empec\u00e9 consultando con organizaciones filantr\u00f3picas sobre la manera de apoyar comunidades objetivo, y ense\u00f1o marcos de reparaci\u00f3n por todo el pa\u00eds."} {"en":"Now what if we could achieve that historic two-percent growth for the next 70 years?","es":"\u00bfY si pudi\u00e9ramos lograr ese 2 % hist\u00f3rico de crecimiento en los pr\u00f3ximos 70 a\u00f1os?"} {"en":"The penguin swims toward me, takes off.","es":"El ping\u00fcino escap\u00f3 nadando hacia m\u00ed."} {"en":"I'm going to call that \"robust human rejuvenation.\"","es":"Voy a llamarlo s\u00f3lido rejuvenecimiento humano."} {"en":"It's us.","es":"Somos nosotras."} {"en":"We can have as many friends as we want, but have nobody to shake hands with.","es":"Podemos tener muchos amigos, pero nadie a quien estrechar la mano."} {"en":"That's what computers do.","es":"As\u00ed operan las computadoras."} {"en":"We have a decent trend.","es":"Tenemos una tendencia decente."} {"en":"And I want you to record your story from the beginning.","es":"Y quiero que graben su historia desde el principio."} {"en":"RW: Hmmm.","es":"BF: Mmm"} {"en":"In fact, this lady has a particularly asymmetrical face, of which both sides are beautiful.","es":"De hecho, esta dama tiene un rostro particularmente asim\u00e9trico, y ambos lados son hermosos."} {"en":"Meanwhile, the truth about the sultan\u2019s death began to leak.","es":"Mientras tanto, la verdad sobre la muerte del sult\u00e1n empez\u00f3 a filtrarse."} {"en":"It works because it's non-conductive.","es":"Funciona porque no es conductor."} {"en":"Ehhhh!","es":"\u00a1Eeeeh!"} {"en":"He said, \"Oh, so am I.\"","es":"\u00c9l dijo: \"\u00a1Oh, yo tambi\u00e9n!\""} {"en":"I was renamed Safdie Singh. And there it is under construction; there are 1,800 workers at work and it will be finished in two years.","es":"Me pusieron el nuevo nombre de Safdie Singh, y all\u00ed est\u00e1 en construcci\u00f3n, hay 1.800 trabajadores en obra, y estar\u00e1 terminado en dos a\u00f1os."} {"en":"Because of their incredible design, each dive provides the blue whale with 90 times as much energy as is used.","es":"Debido a su incre\u00edble dise\u00f1o, cada zambullida provee a la ballena azul con 90 veces m\u00e1s energ\u00eda de la utilizada."} {"en":"But, there's no, sort of, special rate for climate-related projects.","es":"Pero no hay un tipo de inter\u00e9s especial para los proyectos sobre el clima."} {"en":"And important to note is that almost all of the weight, all of the people in this organization are at the bottom, just like McDonald's. So in some sense, the foot soldiers are a lot like the people who are taking your order at McDonald's, and it's not just by chance that they're like them.","es":"Y es importante notar que casi todo el peso, toda la gente en esta organizaci\u00f3n est\u00e1n abajo, igual que en McDonald's En cierto sentido, el soldado raso se parece a quien toma \u00f3rdenes en McDonald's y no es casualidad que se parezcan."} {"en":"Now, you know the idea of a burning platform, that you're somewhere where the costs of staying where you are become greater than the costs of moving to something different, perhaps something radically different.","es":"Conocen la idea de una plataforma en llamas: est\u00e1n en un lugar donde el costo de permanecer all\u00ed es mayor que el de salir e intentar algo diferente, tal vez algo radicalmente diferente."} {"en":"Since we can be fooled by perceptions as basic as speed, maybe every perception deserves careful scrutiny.","es":"Ya que podemos ser enga\u00f1ados por percepciones tan b\u00e1sicas como la velocidad, quiz\u00e1 cada percepci\u00f3n merece una inspecci\u00f3n cuidadosa."} {"en":"So that all you have to do if you're worried about having this stuff on your computer is you download the program, you run a scan and it tells you \"Hey, there's some potentially unwanted program on your device.\"","es":"As\u00ed que, si quieren saber si tienen instalado un software de vigilancia en su computadora, deben descargar el programa y escanear su equipo. Les avisar\u00e1 que hay un programa no deseado en el dispositivo."} {"en":"So they started running around telling everybody the cops were coming, \"Watch out, the cops are coming.\"","es":"Empezaron a correr dici\u00e9ndole a todos que ven\u00eda la polic\u00eda, atenci\u00f3n, que ven\u00eda la polic\u00eda."} {"en":"I've been hauled out by security guards with my pants still halfway pulled up.","es":"Guardias de seguridad me han sacado de ba\u00f1os con los pantalones a medio subir."} {"en":"My choices and existence as an exiled female artist was my battle.","es":"Mis decisiones y existencia como artista exiliada ha sido mi lucha."} {"en":"The good news is that deworming treatment is extremely easy.","es":"La buena noticia es que desparasitar es extremadamente f\u00e1cil."} {"en":"There's just something about them that works on our emotions.","es":"Hay algo en ellas que toca nuestras emociones."} {"en":"And boy, does that have implications.","es":"Y claro, esto tiene consecuencias."} {"en":"New York City is our home, so we certainly empathize with what you guys are dealing with right now and going through in the city.","es":"Nueva York es nuestro hogar, as\u00ed que sin duda empatizamos con lo que est\u00e1n lidiando ahora y experimentan en la ciudad."} {"en":"So these galaxy clusters, we take a snapshot now, we take a snapshot in a decade, it'll look identical.","es":"Estos c\u00famulos gal\u00e1cticos parecer\u00e1n id\u00e9nticos si comparamos una foto de ahora con una de hace diez a\u00f1os."} {"en":"That's part of Sally Struthers's famine campaign.","es":"Son parte de la campa\u00f1a de Sally Struther contra el hambre."} {"en":"Naturally, parents are the most invested in their children's education.","es":"Naturalmente, los padres son los que m\u00e1s invierten en la educaci\u00f3n de sus hijos."} {"en":"In areas where access to good primary and secondary education are limited and employment opportunities are scarce, a small skill base is inevitable.","es":"En \u00e1reas donde el acceso a una educaci\u00f3n primaria y secundaria buena es limitado y las oportunidades de empleo son escasas, una peque\u00f1a base de habilidades es inevitable."} {"en":"I don't mean optimistic. Optimism is for spectators.","es":"No me refiero al optimismo; el optimismo es para espectadores."} {"en":"Great.","es":"Genial."} {"en":"But these approaches, and devices like oral appliances, may not always be sufficient.","es":"Pero estas aproximaciones, y equipos como dispositivos orales, quiz\u00e1 no sean suficiente."} {"en":"Because you're in there for 10 hours, 10 hours in that little sphere.","es":"Porque se est\u00e1 all\u00ed durante diez horas \u2014diez horas en esa esfera peque\u00f1a."} {"en":"A little over ten years ago, I was practicing law at the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, and I grew depressed.","es":"Hace m\u00e1s de diez a\u00f1os, trabajaba en la Fundaci\u00f3n de Asistencia Jur\u00eddica de los \u00c1ngeles, cuando comenc\u00e9 a deprimirme."} {"en":"Is that a reasonable chance?","es":"\u00bfEs una posibilidad razonable?"} {"en":"Squirrels, for example, would show up, look for the peanut, go away.","es":"Las ardillas, por ejemplo, llegar\u00edan, buscar\u00edan el man\u00ed y se ir\u00edan."} {"en":"Today, the company enjoys 500 stores with 8,000 employees.","es":"Hoy, la compa\u00f1\u00eda posee 500 tiendas con 8000 empleados."} {"en":"If the experience was strong enough, or we recall it periodically in the first few days, the hippocampus then transfers the memory back to the cortex for permanent storage.","es":"Si la experiencia fue lo suficientemente fuerte, o la recordamos peri\u00f3dicamente en los primeros d\u00edas, el hipocampo transfiere nuevamente el recuerdo a la corteza para almacenamiento permanente."} {"en":"So in this case, we're objectifying disabled people for the benefit of nondisabled people.","es":"As\u00ed que en este caso, cosificamos a los discapacitados en beneficio de las personas sin discapacidad."} {"en":"Also keep it short.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n s\u00e9 breve."} {"en":"You've got a plane that's thousands of feet up in the air, going at hundreds of miles an hour, and you're trying to drop an object, a bomb, towards some stationary target in the face of all kinds of winds and cloud cover and all kinds of other impediments.","es":"Tenemos un avi\u00f3n a miles de metros de altitud que viaja a cientos de kil\u00f3metros por hora, e intentamos lanzar un objeto, una bomba, hacia un objetivo fijo en medio de todo tipo de vientos, nubosidades, y toda clase de impedimentos."} {"en":"Thank you, Doug.","es":"Gracias, Doug."} {"en":"Here's a translation of \"Hamlet\" into Klingon, although performing it would mean getting used to pronouncing \"k\" with your uvula, that weird, cartoony thing hanging in the back of your throat.","es":"Esta es una traducci\u00f3n de \"Hamlet\" al klingon, aunque representarla requerir\u00eda acostumbrarse a pronunciar k con la campanilla, esa cosa rara, caricaturesca, que cuelga en el fondo de la garganta."} {"en":"He's got a reason not to get involved.","es":"\u00c9l tiene razones para no involucrarse."} {"en":"But using Koyama\u2019s record, they could precisely follow specific sunspots and clusters through that journey.","es":"Pero al usar el registro de Koyama, pudieron seguir con precisi\u00f3n manchas y grupos espec\u00edficos en ese recorrido."} {"en":"Just seeing what she could do.","es":"Solo ver lo que ella hace."} {"en":"It was just an ordinary Saturday.","es":"Era un domingo cualquiera."} {"en":"If at least nine of you guess correctly, you'll all be spared.","es":"Si al menos 9 de Uds. aciertan, se salvar\u00e1n."} {"en":"Well, in 2007, I was trying to answer these questions, and my wife and I were getting married that year.","es":"En 2007 estaba intentando responder a estas preguntas, y ese a\u00f1o mi mujer y yo nos casamos."} {"en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"en":"Sometimes, of course, being compassionate can produce feelings within us that are very difficult to control.","es":"A veces, evidentemente, el ser compasivo puede generarnos emociones dif\u00edciles de controlar."} {"en":"From there, the plant spread further still, helping drive tea's rapid growth as an everyday commodity.","es":"Desde all\u00e1, la planta se difundi\u00f3 a\u00fan m\u00e1s, contribuyendo a aumentar la r\u00e1pida expansi\u00f3n como bien diario."} {"en":"It was people who came with spells and rituals.","es":"Fue gente que vino con hechizos y rituales."} {"en":"The chance that this person will work later on will be slim, so this person is not going to invest in their skill, might not even invest in their health, because there's no return from this investment.","es":"La posibilidad de que esta persona trabajar\u00e1 en el futuro ser\u00e1 escasa, as\u00ed que esta persona no va a invertir en su habilidad, puede que ni siquiera inviertan en su salud, porque no hay remuneraci\u00f3n de esta inversi\u00f3n."} {"en":"And the uncertainty of the future has quite rightly weighed heavily on our minds.","es":"La incertidumbre del futuro ciertamente pesa mucho en nuestras mentes."} {"en":"I'm a very typical 37-year-old sneakerhead.","es":"Soy un muy t\u00edpico 'sneakerhead' de 37 a\u00f1os de edad."} {"en":"Cause the first draft is not meant to be the last draft.","es":"Porque el primer borrador no significa que sea el \u00faltimo."} {"en":"However, Gaddafi left behind a heavy burden, a legacy of tyranny, corruption and seeds of diversions.","es":"Sin embargo, Gaddafi dej\u00f3 una pesada carga, un legado de tiran\u00eda, corrupci\u00f3n y semillas de alteraci\u00f3n."} {"en":"System 1 is basically like large language models.","es":"El Sistema 1 es, en esencia, como los grandes modelos de lenguaje."} {"en":"Or you can go back and change the height.","es":"O volver atr\u00e1s y cambiar la altura."} {"en":"As you can see in this lab test, the exact same creatinine level, the concentration in the blood of the patient, automatically produces a different GFR estimate depending on whether or not the patient is African-American.","es":"Como pueden ver en esta prueba de laboratorio, exactamente el mismo nivel de creatinina, la concentraci\u00f3n en la sangre del paciente, produce de forma autom\u00e1tica una estimaci\u00f3n de la TFG diferente en funci\u00f3n de si el paciente es afroestadounidense o no."} {"en":"Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!\"","es":"\u00a1Gracias a Dios Todopoderoso, libre al fin!\""} {"en":"Hawaii, for example, has the longest life expectancy on average of any state in the US, yet native Hawaiians like myself die a full decade before our non-native counterparts, because we have some of the highest rates of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and the number one and number two killers in the US: cardiovascular disease and cancer.","es":"Haw\u00e1i, por ejemplo, tiene una mayor esperanza de vida que el promedio de cualquier otro estado en EE.UU., pero, sin embargo, los hawaianos nativos, como yo, mueren una d\u00e9cada antes que nuestros paisanos no nativos, porque tenemos las tasas m\u00e1s altas de diabetes tipo 2, sufrimos de obesidad, y de las causas de muerte n\u00famero uno y dos en EE.UU.: las enfermedades cardiovasculares y el c\u00e1ncer."} {"en":"I mean, they were so brave and so bold and so radical in what they did, that I find myself watching that cheesy musical \"1776\" every few years, and it's not because of the music, which is totally forgettable.","es":"Quiero decir, eran tan valientes y audaces y tan radicales en lo que hicieron, que me encuentro cada tanto viendo ese musical cursi \"1776\" y no por la m\u00fasica, que es totalmente pasable."} {"en":"But then you hit this one.","es":"Hasta que aparece \u00e9ste."} {"en":"It's quite incredible.","es":"Es bastante incre\u00edble."} {"en":"He told me the best wrestlers are just themselves, but \"turned up.\"","es":"Me dijo que los mejores luchadores son ellos mismos pero \"potenciados\"."} {"en":"The latter taps into a nation's expressive power.","es":"Esto \u00faltimo aprovecha el poder expresivo del pa\u00eds."} {"en":"COVID really knocked me for six.","es":"El COVID me tuvo mal."} {"en":"There are two common responses to feeling so worried about how we're seen and judged.","es":"Hay dos respuestas comunes al sentirse tan preocupado por c\u00f3mo nos ven y juzgan."} {"en":"Urban absurdism, that's what the New Yorker really calls for.","es":"Absurdismo urbano --es lo que New Yorker realmente pide."} {"en":"He said, \"There will be no wallowing, people.\"","es":"Dijo: \"No va a haber golpes de pecho, familia."} {"en":"But it was.","es":"Pero lo fue."} {"en":"I think if you were to do something like a DC-to-New York Hyperloop, I think you'd probably want to go underground the entire way because it's a high-density area.","es":"Creo que si fueses a hacer algo como un Hyperloop desde Washington DC hasta Nueva York, probablemente querr\u00e1s ir por debajo todo el camino porque es un \u00e1rea altamente densa."} {"en":"What I do first is, I make a lot of little musical ideas you can just improvise here at the piano, and I choose one of those to become my main theme, my main melody, like the Abegg that you just heard.","es":"Lo primero que hago es, crear varias ideas musicales peque\u00f1as, que puedes improvisar aqu\u00ed en el piano, y escojo una de ellas para ser mi tema principal, mi melod\u00eda principal, tal como el Abegg que acaban de escuchar."} {"en":"It allows elementary-level students to learn core subjects through game play and activity and running around and screaming and being a kid.","es":"Le permite a los alumnos de primaria aprender materias b\u00e1sicas a trav\u00e9s de juegos y actividades, y correr, y gritar y del ser ni\u00f1os."} {"en":"And if we didn\u2019t have these words our advantage is gradually over other species would diminish over time.","es":"Si no tuvi\u00e9semos estas palabras nuestra ventaja sobre otras especies disminuir\u00eda con el tiempo."} {"en":"Allan, just say \"stop\" when I get to you so that I know where you are, where to face.","es":"Di \"para\" cuando llegue a ti para saber donde est\u00e1s, y hacia donde mirar."} {"en":"Both of which, incidentally, are full of uncertainty usually, and so it's a probabilistic problem, and we have to make sure that there's an adequate margin for safety between the two, of course.","es":"Dos cosas que, por otra parte, suelen estar llenas de incertidumbre as\u00ed que es un problema probabil\u00edstico y tenemos que asegurarnos de que haya un margen de seguridad adecuado entre las dos, por supuesto."} {"en":"Some of you may be feeling a little bit of pride.","es":"Algunos de Uds. tal vez se sientan orgullosos."} {"en":"Your plant can blow up.","es":"La planta puede explotar."} {"en":"Most of them are living in poor countries, relatively poor or lower-middle-income countries, like Lebanon, where Halud is living.","es":"La mayor\u00eda vive en pa\u00edses pobres, relativamente pobres o de bajos a medios ingresos, como el L\u00edbano, donde vive Halud."} {"en":"We just got a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to sequence 130 genomes this year, as a side project from environmental organisms.","es":"Nos acaban de conceder una beca de la Fundaci\u00f3n Gordon y Betty Moore para secuenciar ciento treinta genomas este a\u00f1o como un proyecto paralelo de organismos medioambientales."} {"en":"A theorem, that really is forever.","es":"\u00a1Un teorema, eso s\u00ed que es para siempre!"} {"en":"Second, it required taking what you do seriously without taking yourself too seriously.","es":"Segundo, fue necesario tomar en serio lo que uno hace sin tomarse en serio uno mismo."} {"en":"And he leaned towards me and he whispered, \"None.\"","es":"Y se inclin\u00f3 hacia m\u00ed y susurr\u00f3: \"Ninguna\"."} {"en":"And this is ubiquitous.","es":"Y es algo general."} {"en":"And it is this mindset that keeps girls from school or completing their education.","es":"Y esta es la mentalidad que evita que las ni\u00f1as vayan a la escuela o completen su educaci\u00f3n."} {"en":"This idea isn\u2019t as far-fetched as it may seem.","es":"La idea no es tan descabellada como parece."} {"en":"So we started examining the R&D and innovation labs of Silicon Valley.","es":"Entonces empezamos a examinar laboratorios de I+D e innovaci\u00f3n en el Valle del Silicio."} {"en":"I would like to also show you, actually, these are childhood photos of some of the guys in the film.","es":"A prop\u00f3sito, quer\u00eda ense\u00f1aros algo. Estas son fotos de algunos de los chicos cuando eran peque\u00f1os."} {"en":"And these two influences soon combined to create the passionately open-minded Canada of today.","es":"Y estas dos influencias pronto se combinaron para crear la pasi\u00f3n de mente abierta de la Canad\u00e1 actual."} {"en":"It also results in a bunch of side reactions that produce useless contaminants, reducing a battery\u2019s capacity; and it could even damage the internal structure of the battery, leading to a loss of electrical contact and failure.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n da lugar a un mont\u00f3n de reacciones secundarias que producen contaminantes in\u00fatiles, reduciendo la capacidad de la bater\u00eda; e incluso podr\u00eda da\u00f1ar la estructura interna de la bater\u00eda, provocando una p\u00e9rdida de contacto el\u00e9ctrico y un fallo."} {"en":"\"Are you through?\"","es":"\"\u00bfTermin\u00f3?\""} {"en":"That's really the best case, and it's down to a few constructs now, which, typically, you have high failure rates.","es":"Eso ser\u00eda el mejor de los casos y unas pocas opciones est\u00e1n cerca, pero normalmente la tasa de fallo es muy elevada."} {"en":"Because these genes are inherited, the best matches are often siblings.","es":"Como estos genes son heredados, las mayores compatibilidades son a menudo hermanos."} {"en":"On the very top band, you have radial convergence, a visualization model that has become really popular over the last five years.","es":"En la banda muy superior tienen la convergencia radial, un modelo de visualizaci\u00f3n muy popular en los \u00faltimos cinco a\u00f1os."} {"en":"First answer is easy: we invest in the private and public sectors in the developing world.","es":"La primera respuesta es f\u00e1cil: Invertimos en los sectores p\u00fablicos y privados. En el mundo del desarrollo."} {"en":"The more you're treated as if you don't know what you're talking about, the more you begin to question whether or not you do, in fact, know what you're talking about.","es":"Cuanto m\u00e1s te tratan como si no entendieras de lo que est\u00e1s hablando, m\u00e1s comienzas a cuestionarte si en verdad sabes o no de lo que est\u00e1s hablando."} {"en":"Even while it costs us.","es":"Incluso si nos costaba."} {"en":"Ultimately, what Ravi calls \"fighting with paper\" is about forging a deeper version of democracy in which we the people, we don't just cast ballots every few years, we take part daily in the rules and institutions that hold us together, in which everyone, even the least powerful, can know law, use law and shape law.","es":"En definitiva, lo que Ravi llama \"pelear con papel\" es forjar una versi\u00f3n m\u00e1s profunda de la democracia en la cual nosotros el pueblo, no solo emitimos votos cada pocos a\u00f1os, participamos diariamente en las reglas e instituciones que nos mantienen unidos, en el que todos, incluso los menos poderosos, pueden recurrir a la ley, usar la ley y crearla."} {"en":"How can we expect people to feel motivated, to show up to the polls when they can't trust that government is run by and for the people.","es":"C\u00f3mo podemos esperar que la gente se sienta motivada a ir a las urnas de votaci\u00f3n cuando no pueden confiar que ese gobierno estar\u00e1 dirigido por y para el pueblo."} {"en":"COX-1 and COX-2 are free to spit it out again, but for the time that that ibuprofen is in there, the enzyme can't bind arachidonic acid, and can't do its normal chemistry.","es":"COX-1 y COX-2 pueden librarse de \u00e9l otra vez, pero mientras el ibuprofeno est\u00e9 ah\u00ed, la encima no puede unirse al \u00e1cido araquid\u00f3nico ni provocar su reacci\u00f3n qu\u00edmica habitual."} {"en":"In one of the first meetings that they had around this new system, he said, \"If you're a writer, I want you to write about this.","es":"En una de las primeras reuniones en torno a este nuevo sistema, dijo: \"Si eres escritor, quiero que escribas sobre esto."} {"en":"You can't.","es":"No pueden."} {"en":"Well, the answer to that is, a multidisciplinary team.","es":"Bueno, la respuesta es un equipo multidisciplinario."} {"en":"What's worth noting about that case is that the three men that were charged only began the plot to go to Syria after the introduction of the FBI informant, and in fact, the FBI informant had helped them with the travel documents that they needed.","es":"Digno de menci\u00f3n es que los 3 hombres acusados solo iniciaron el complot de ir a Siria tras la introducci\u00f3n del informante del FBI, y de hecho, el informante del FBI los ayud\u00f3 con documentos de viaje necesarios."} {"en":"She was willing to speak to me because she had heard from other victims that there was a woman from the UN who understood her complicated culture.","es":"Estaba dispuesta a hablar conmigo porque escuch\u00f3 de otras v\u00edctimas que all\u00ed hab\u00eda una mujer de ONU que comprend\u00eda su complicada cultura."} {"en":"For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to put an intermission in my talk.","es":"Por alguna raz\u00f3n pens\u00e9 que ser\u00eda buena idea poner un intermedio en mi charla."} {"en":"It all made sense, with 91 percent of the people living there.","es":"Todo ten\u00eda sentido, ya que el 91% de la gente viv\u00eda all\u00ed."} {"en":"At that time, sound was trending, and this struck me there was no visual art, everything was auditory.","es":"En ese momento, el sonido era la tendencia y eso me llam\u00f3 la atenci\u00f3n no hab\u00eda arte visual, todo era auditivo."} {"en":"Why hard instead of easy?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 dif\u00edcil en lugar de f\u00e1cil?"} {"en":"They have a very high level.","es":"Tienen un nivel muy alto."} {"en":"The best and most famous example of this are the corals.","es":"El mejor y m\u00e1s famoso ejemplo de esto son los corales."} {"en":"So along with some of the original builders of Green School, I founded Ibuku.","es":"As\u00ed que junto con algunos de los primeros constructores de la Escuela Verde, fund\u00e9 Ibuku."} {"en":"This creates a vicious cycle in which the longer pain persists, the more difficult it becomes to reverse.","es":"Esto crea un c\u00edrculo vicioso en el que cuanto m\u00e1s dura el dolor, m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil resulta revertirlo."} {"en":"Growing up, my life was perfect.","es":"A medida que crec\u00eda, mi vida era perfecta."} {"en":"That's bad.\"","es":"\u00a1Qu\u00e9 terrible!\""} {"en":"It means collective restoration.","es":"Significa \"restauraci\u00f3n colectiva\"."} {"en":"Well, I think we learn a number of things from that.","es":"Bueno, creo que aprendimos varias cosas."} {"en":"I can remember the jovial greeting that warmly welcomed us every time we went.","es":"Puedo recordar el saludo jovial de una c\u00e1lida bienvenida cada vez que \u00edbamos."} {"en":"The criticism is not going to stop us.","es":"La cr\u00edtica no nos va a detener."} {"en":"You've got this surprising semi-underground influence, but it's not making you a lot of money, yet.","es":"Tienes una sorprendente influencia semi-subterr\u00e1nea, pero a\u00fan no te est\u00e1 dejando mucho dinero."} {"en":"There's no reason to think there's a limit to it.","es":"No hay motivo para creer que existen l\u00edmites."} {"en":"And I'm a very small part of a very large movement, which for some people is about survival, but is also about values, about a different kind of economy, which isn't so much about consumption and credit, but about things which matter to us.","es":"Y yo soy una muy peque\u00f1a parte de este gran movimiento, lo que para algunos es sobre supervivencia, pero tambi\u00e9n es sobre valores, sobre una forma diferente de econom\u00eda, que no tiene mucho que ver con el consumo o el cr\u00e9dito, si no con las cosas que nos importan a nosotros."} {"en":"Maybe the politician said, \"Maybe this man chose to be on the side of the road.\"","es":"Tal vez el pol\u00edtico dijo: \"Quiz\u00e1s este hombre eligi\u00f3 estar tirado por el camino\"."} {"en":"So it is no use.","es":"Por lo tanto no sirve de nada."} {"en":"They had no voice.","es":"No ten\u00edan voz."} {"en":"And secondly, although the drugs were giving some relief to some people, for many people, they didn't solve the problem. The underlying problem.","es":"Y segundo, aunque los f\u00e1rmacos daban cierto alivio a algunas personas, esos f\u00e1rmacos no resolvieron el problema, el problema subyacente."} {"en":"The esoteric path of Islam is more popularly known as Sufism, or \"tasawwuf\" in Arabic.","es":"La senda esot\u00e9rica del Islam se conoce como el sufismo, o tasawwuf en \u00e1rabe."} {"en":"Mary thought, \"What if the diver could actually clean the windshield from the inside so that he could stay safe and drive and the passengers could actually stay warm?\"","es":"Mary pens\u00f3: \"\u00bfY si el conductor pudiera limpiar el parabrisas desde el interior para poder conducir de forma segura mientras los pasajeros disfrutan el calor?\""} {"en":"In the mid-18th century, England was crazy for ketchup.","es":"A mediados del siglo XVIII, Inglaterra enloquec\u00eda por el k\u00e9tchup."} {"en":"The average home power drill is used somewhere between six and 20 minutes in its entire lifetime, depending on who you ask.","es":"El taladro hogare\u00f1o promedio se usa entre 6 y 20 minutos en toda su vida \u00fatil dependiendo de a qui\u00e9n le preguntemos."} {"en":"We don't know our internal strength until we are hit.","es":"No conocemos nuestra fuerza interior hasta que nos golpeen."} {"en":"It's potentially a path toward a drug that might address a root cause rather than an individual symptom, and we hope very much that this work by many scientists over many years will be successful.","es":"Es una v\u00eda potencial para crear una droga que act\u00fae sobre la causa original y no sobre un s\u00edntoma individual. Y tenemos la esperanza de que este trabajo realizado por tantos cient\u00edficos a lo largo de muchos a\u00f1os, rinda sus frutos con el tiempo."} {"en":"We put dozens of beehives on the rooftops of their skyscrapers across nine cities nationwide.","es":"Instalamos docenas de colmenas en los techos de los rascacielos en nueve ciudades a nivel nacional."} {"en":"And you get the right answer when you do that.","es":"Y consigues la respuesta correcta cuando haces esto."} {"en":"The second idea I thought: I could advocate for a well-equipped library.","es":"Luego se me ocurri\u00f3 proponer una biblioteca en condiciones."} {"en":"It means we see it when a dangerous, potentially criminal vessel is entering our waters, or when a shady company wants to do business with us.","es":"Significa que lo vemos cuando una embarcaci\u00f3n peligrosa y potencialmente delictiva entra en nuestras aguas, o cuando una empresa sospechosa quiere hacer negocios con nosotros."} {"en":"This is \"One-note Samba.\" you may have noticed why it's called that.","es":"Se habr\u00e1n dado cuenta por qu\u00e9 el t\u00edtulo."} {"en":"And through that process, the community grew and the data grew.","es":"En ese proceso, la comunidad creci\u00f3 y los datos tambi\u00e9n."} {"en":"It's too late.\"","es":"Ya es muy tarde."} {"en":"Yes, a lot of great technical work is being done, but there is a problem that we need to solve for a priori, before, if we want to really move the needle on those big problems.","es":"S\u00ed, es cierto que se adelant\u00f3 mucho trabajo t\u00e9cnico, pero hay algo que necesitamos reparar ante todo, si realmente queremos resultados visibles para estos grandes problemas."} {"en":"So watch as John does this here.","es":"Vean c\u00f3mo lo hace John, aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"But who's producing the data?","es":"Pero \u00bfqui\u00e9n est\u00e1 produciendo los datos?"} {"en":"Push that boundary.","es":"Empujar esos l\u00edmites."} {"en":"This is an immediate relief.","es":"Un alivio inmediato."} {"en":"And I've found a very useful new word, ignostic.","es":"He encontrado una palabra nueva muy \u00fatil: ign\u00f3stico."} {"en":"A secret language, a seven-second handshake, a way of knowing that you're in or out.","es":"Un lenguaje secreto, un saludo de 7 segundos. Una forma de saber si est\u00e1s dentro o est\u00e1s fuera."} {"en":"Bits are copyable.","es":"Los bits se copian."} {"en":"And by the way, citizen science is a very good tool for social justice and environmental justice goals, for helping reach them.","es":"Y, por cierto, la ciencia ciudadana es una buena herramienta para la justicia social y para alcanzar los objetivos de justicia ambiental."} {"en":"We can laugh together.","es":"Podemos re\u00edr juntas."} {"en":"I have the humbling knowledge that, had I not been adopted, I most certainly wouldn't be in front of you today.","es":"Tengo el mortificante conocimiento de que,si no hubiera sido adoptada, sin ninguna duda, no estar\u00eda frente a Uds. hoy."} {"en":"I'm an organic food-eating, carbon footprint-minimizing, robotic surgery geek. And I really want to build green, but I'm very suspicious of all of these well-meaning articles, people long on moral authority and short on data, telling me how to do these kinds of things.","es":"Soy una consumidora de comida org\u00e1nica, minimizadora de la huella de carbono, experta en cirug\u00eda rob\u00f3tica, y realmente deseo construir verde, pero soy muy desconfiada de todos esos art\u00edculos bienintencionados, gente con gran autoridad moral y pocos datos dici\u00e9ndome c\u00f3mo hacer esos tipos de cosas."} {"en":"Outside your window, the passing space station may seem to be changing speed, but the beings inside the station will not feel it.","es":"Por tu ventana, la Estaci\u00f3n Espacial puede parecer que est\u00e1 cambiando de velocidad, pero las personas dentro de la estaci\u00f3n no lo sentir\u00e1n."} {"en":"We have to crawl that with our attentional systems.","es":"Tenemos que rastrear eso con nuestros sistemas de atenci\u00f3n."} {"en":"The endometrium evolved to make implantation difficult so that only the healthy embryos could survive.","es":"El endometrio evolucion\u00f3 para dificultar la implantaci\u00f3n de manera que solo los embriones sanos puedan sobrevivir."} {"en":"It's in the forefront of your mind, always.","es":"Es siempre el centro de sus pensamientos."} {"en":"Women are living longer than ever.","es":"Las mujeres est\u00e1n viviendo m\u00e1s que nunca."} {"en":"In fact, the organ so confused Leonardo da Vinci, that he gave up studying it.","es":"De hecho, el \u00f3rgano confundi\u00f3 tanto a Leonardo da Vinci que desisti\u00f3 de estudiarlo."} {"en":"So I understand the public outcry about injustice in Brendan Dassey's individual case.","es":"Entiendo la protesta del p\u00fablico sobre la injusticia cometida en el caso particular de Brendan Dassey."} {"en":"You know, these days, you always get images during the winter, when they take the roof down, of people who have been there and said, \"They demolished the building.\"","es":"Esos d\u00edas siempre habr\u00e1 alguien, en el invierno, cuando bajan el techo, alguien que estuvo all\u00ed y que dijo: \"Demolieron el edificio\"."} {"en":"That if he just pulled himself up by his bootstraps, despite his boots being stolen, and got himself back on the horse, he could be successful, and there's nothing I could do.\"","es":"Si se agarra de los cordones de sus botas, a pesar de que se los hab\u00edan robado, y consigue montarse a su caballo, podr\u00e1 tener \u00e9xito y no hay nada que yo pueda hacer\"."} {"en":"This includes all human-made plastics, as well as many of the materials found in living things.","es":"Esto incluye todos los pl\u00e1sticos hechos por el hombre, como tambi\u00e9n los materiales encontrados en seres vivos."} {"en":"The findings that researchers do reach from focus groups are often tested through experiments and data gathering.","es":"Los hallazgos que los investigadores alcanzan de grupos focales a menudo se prueban a trav\u00e9s de experimentos y recolecci\u00f3n de datos."} {"en":"Interestingly, the market share of heroin and cocaine is going down, because the pills are getting ever better at reproducing their highs.","es":"Curiosamente, la cuota de mercado de la hero\u00edna y coca\u00edna est\u00e1 bajando porque las p\u00edldoras est\u00e1n consiguiendo reproducir mejor sus viajes."} {"en":"The range of ideas you've just spoken about are dizzying, exhilarating, incredible.","es":"La gama de ideas de las que acabas de hablar es vertiginosa, emocionante, incre\u00edble."} {"en":"I told him that things like this were why car insurance rates in LA were so expensive.","es":"Le dije que, cosas como esa, son la raz\u00f3n de que los seguros sean tan caros en Los \u00c1ngeles."} {"en":"And it's based on the cochlear of your ear, able to pick up internet, wireless, television signals and radio signals, in the same chip.","es":"Se basa en el funcionamiento de la c\u00f3clea del o\u00eddo, capaz de captar se\u00f1ales de internet, inal\u00e1mbricas, televisi\u00f3n y radio, en un \u00fanico chip."} {"en":"So it's a straightforward machine.","es":"Es una m\u00e1quina sencilla."} {"en":"MZ: A world of abundant clean energy for everyone.","es":"MZ: Un mundo abundante en energ\u00eda limpia para todos."} {"en":"I had that with Paul Allen in the early days of Microsoft.","es":"Tuve eso con Paul Allen en los primeros d\u00edas de Microsoft."} {"en":"The detection of one of these tantalizing flashing signals by astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell in 1967 was in fact the way we indirectly discovered neutron stars in the first place. An aging neutron star\u2019s furious rotation slows over a period of billions of years as it radiates away its energy in the form of electromagnetic and gravity waves.","es":"La detecci\u00f3n de una de estas tentadoras se\u00f1ales parpadeantes por la astrof\u00edsica Jocelyn Bell en 1967 fue, de hecho, la forma c\u00f3mo descubrimos indirectamente estrellas de neutrones La rotaci\u00f3n feroz de una estrella de neutrones envejecida disminuye durante un per\u00edodo de miles de millones de a\u00f1os. A medida que irradia su energ\u00eda en forma de ondas electromagn\u00e9ticas y de gravedad."} {"en":"I thought I would never speak to them again.","es":"Pens\u00e9 que no volver\u00eda a hablar con ellos."} {"en":"Shutter lag is the time between your pressing the shutter button and the moment the camera actually snaps.","es":"El retardo del obturador, es el tiempo que pasa entre que presionamos el bot\u00f3n y el momento que realmente captura una c\u00e1mara."} {"en":"This is based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story.","es":"La pel\u00edcula esta basada en una historia de F. Scott Fitzgerald."} {"en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"en":"Accidents aren't a concern with nuclear fusion, and it doesn't produce the long-lived radioactive waste fission does.","es":"La fusi\u00f3n nuclear no involucra riesgos de accidentes ni genera desechos radiactivos duraderos, como la fisi\u00f3n."} {"en":"And that is the key.","es":"Y esa es la clave."} {"en":"So the question is: What are we doing?","es":"Entonces la pregunta es: \u00bfQu\u00e9 estamos haciendo?"} {"en":"We make up a story to make sense of what's going on, and we all get it wrong.","es":"Nos inventamos una historia para dar sentido a lo que pasa y nos equivocamos por completo."} {"en":"Thirdly, it brings the interesting people to you.","es":"Tercero, atrae a la gente interesante."} {"en":"OK.","es":"Bien."} {"en":"Yeah.","es":"T: S\u00ed."} {"en":"And the burning question about Alma-Tadema was: Did she marry?","es":"Y la pregunta candente sobre Alma-Tadema era: \u00bfSe cas\u00f3?"} {"en":"In fact, I've come to see discomfort as a proxy for progress.","es":"De hecho, he llegado a ver la incomodidad como un indicador del progreso."} {"en":"While it's been linguistically sanitized, culturally, the only cunts we seem to be OK with are the ones that have been plucked and buffed and waxed and glued and covered in glitter.","es":"Mientras la limpiamos del lenguaje, en la cultura, las \u00fanicas conchas que no molestan son las que est\u00e1n prolijas, brillantes, depiladas, y cubiertas de glitter."} {"en":"This is the possibility of it maybe working.","es":"Esta es la posibilidad de que funcione."} {"en":"This is critical. Especially if you want to have a new way forward.","es":"Este es un punto cr\u00edtico, especialmente si quieres encontrar una forma nueva para ir adelante."} {"en":"A third marker of unhealthy love is extreme jealousy.","es":"Un tercer marcador de amor malsano son los celos extremos."} {"en":"What we uncovered is that there are few rules to protect us and the ones we have are not being properly enforced.","es":"Lo que descubrimos es que hay pocas reglas para protegernos y las que tenemos no se cumplen adecuadamente."} {"en":"We want signs of people.","es":"Queremos signos de gente."} {"en":"Let's start with an example from the industrial sector.","es":"Empecemos con un ejemplo del sector industrial."} {"en":"There are thousands of children using this, you know, all over the world, and I started thinking about what it does and what it doesn't do. And I realized something interesting: Avaz helps children with autism learn words. What it doesn't help them do is to learn word patterns.","es":"Hay miles de ni\u00f1os us\u00e1ndolo en todo el mundo y empec\u00e9 a pensar sobre qu\u00e9 hace y qu\u00e9 no, y me di cuenta de algo interesante: Avaz ayuda a los ni\u00f1os con autismo a aprender palabras, pero no les ayuda a aprender patrones de palabras."} {"en":"She asked me to draw a picture that said, \u201cPlease remove lids!\u201d","es":"Me pidi\u00f3 una imagen que dijera: \u201cPor favor, dest\u00e1penlos\u201d."} {"en":"Well, I think there are two things.","es":"Bueno, creo que hay dos cosas."} {"en":"Given the conflict between the interests of your customers versus those of your investors and employees, which strategy is the most ethical?","es":"Dado el conflicto entre los intereses de tus clientes contra los de tus inversores y empleados, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la estrategia m\u00e1s \u00e9tica?"} {"en":"See, today we're all so afraid of that word failure, but the truth is, we need to fail.","es":"Hoy todos tememos tanto el fracaso de la palabra, pero la verdad es que tenemos que fracasar."} {"en":"We knew absolutely nothing.","es":"No se sab\u00eda absolutamente nada."} {"en":"Still today, we have 634 tribes in Canada, 573 in the US and 20 percent of Mexico identifies as Indigenous.","es":"Al d\u00eda de hoy, tenemos 634 tribus en Canad\u00e1, 573 en EE.UU. y el 20 % de M\u00e9xico se identifica como ind\u00edgena."} {"en":"They are drenched, drenched, in Southern pride and basking in familial glory as Tina Turner pretends to give me a light smacking around at the curtain call, in front of 1,500 people.","es":"Rebozan de orgullo sure\u00f1o y se regodean en la gloria familiar mientras Tina Turner simula darme una palmadita al bajar el tel\u00f3n frente a 1500 personas."} {"en":"And yet, what if this amazing city could be turned into a stage, a platform for something so unimaginable that would somehow transform people's lives?","es":"Pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si esta maravillosa ciudad se transformara en un escenario, en una plataforma para exhibir algo tan inimaginable que de alg\u00fan modo transformara la vida de sus habitantes?"} {"en":"Sex workers working in these places are forced to make a tough choice between risking arrest or having risky sex.","es":"Los profesionales del sexo marginales deben tomar una decisi\u00f3n dif\u00edcil entre arriesgarse al arresto o tener relaciones sexuales de riesgo."} {"en":"In the 21st century, we face new challenges: aging, obesity, climate change, and so on. To face those challenges, we need new tools of measurement, new ways of valuing progress.","es":"En el siglo XXI, enfrentamos nuevos desaf\u00edos: el envejecimiento, la obesidad, el cambio clim\u00e1tico, etc. Para enfrentar esos desaf\u00edos, necesitamos nuevas herramientas de medici\u00f3n, nuevas formas de valuar el progreso."} {"en":"Many people would say, well, that's very easy.","es":"Mucha gente dir\u00eda, bueno, es muy f\u00e1cil."} {"en":"So some people believe that the Indus script represents an ancient Indo-European language such as Sanskrit.","es":"As\u00ed que algunos creen que la escritura de los Indus representa una antigua lengua Indo-Europea como el S\u00e1nscrito."} {"en":"But remember: Brave starts here.","es":"Pero recuerden: la valent\u00eda empieza aqu\u00ed."} {"en":"Our second strategy is to exchange extravagant grace.","es":"La segunda estrategia se refiere a intercambiar la gracia extravagante."} {"en":"And I used to be one, so there.","es":"Y yo sol\u00eda ser uno, as\u00ed que ah\u00ed tienen."} {"en":"And both are still debated today.","es":"Y ambas se siguen debatiendo en la actualidad."} {"en":"Set the wine glass to the upper right, and then place the water glass to the left of it at an angle.","es":"Pongan la copa de vino arriba a la derecha, y luego el vaso del agua a la izquierda de la copa, en \u00e1ngulo."} {"en":"They start to use persuasion and influence, and really almost grooming, to get them to give them money or assets.","es":"Intentan usar la persuasi\u00f3n e influencia, y casi los preparan para darles todo su dinero o bienes."} {"en":"We need a few simple ingredients.","es":"Precisamos algunos ingredientes sencillos."} {"en":"Where should I put myself?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde deber\u00eda ponerme?"} {"en":"We keep animals as pets, they enrich our environment, we farm many species for food, and we use them in experiments to advance science and human health.","es":"Tenemos animales como mascotas, enriquecen nuestro ambiente, criamos muchas especies para nuestro alimento y experimentamos con ellos para promover la ciencia y la salud humana."} {"en":"And he was here, as you well know, in '35.","es":"\u00c9l estuvo aqu\u00ed, como saben, en 1835."} {"en":"So, to cut a long story short, I went home, went underneath the microscope, and I crushed up a piece of glass, crushed it up.","es":"Entonces, para hacer la historia corta, fui a casa, fui bajo el microscopio y romp\u00ed un trozo de vidrio, lo romp\u00ed."} {"en":"And I began to think that really, movement was only as good as the sense of stillness that you could bring to it to put it into perspective.","es":"Comenc\u00e9 a pensar que realmente la movilidad es tan buena como el sentido de quietud que eres capaz de darle para ponerla en perspectiva."} {"en":"If you drove past Solly somewhere out on the reserve, you look up in your rearview mirror, you'd see he'd stopped the car 20, 50 meters down the road just in case you need help with something.","es":"Si pasabas a Solly en alg\u00fan lugar fuera de la reserva, al mirar por el retrovisor ver\u00edas que hab\u00eda parado el coche 20, 50 metros atr\u00e1s de la carretera por si acaso necesitabas ayuda con algo."} {"en":"Now, a very typical thing for this project is that we run our own isolation missions inside these art and design projects.","es":"Ahora, una cosa muy t\u00edpica de este proyecto es que las misiones de aislamiento ocurren dentro de estos proyecto de arte."} {"en":"He said, \"Well, I think I hear it through here.\" And I said, \"Well, I think I do too, but I also hear it through my hands, through my arms, cheekbones, my scalp, my tummy, my chest, my legs and so on.\"","es":"\u00c9l dijo: \u201cBueno, me parece que lo escucho por aqu\u00ed\u201d Y yo dije, \"Bueno, me parece que yo tambi\u00e9n, pero adem\u00e1s lo escucho a trav\u00e9s de mis manos, a trav\u00e9s de mis brazos, p\u00f3mulos, mi cuero cabelludo, mi panza, mi pecho, las piernas y dem\u00e1s.\u201d"} {"en":"One good thing did come out of it.","es":"Pero algo bueno sali\u00f3 de ah\u00ed."} {"en":"Are those your kids?","es":"\u00bfSon sus hijos?"} {"en":"Because maintaining a pregnancy is dependent on hormones.","es":"Porque la salud en el embarazo depende de las hormonas."} {"en":"\"Hey, she's got a great idea, let's listen.\"","es":"\"Hey, ella tiene una buena idea, escuchen\"."} {"en":"Just before he hit the ground, Sun Wukong suddenly awoke in his bed.","es":"Justo antes de tocar el suelo, Sun Wukong de repente despert\u00f3 en su cama."} {"en":"Look at this, please.","es":"Miren esto, por favor."} {"en":"I tried to emulate him, but I realized it is very difficult to make good mistakes.\"","es":"Yo trat\u00e9 de seguirlo, pero me di cuenta que es muy dif\u00edcil cometer errores buenos\"."} {"en":"After some time, the king\u2019s messengers came to collect the doctor yet again.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de un tiempo, los mensajeros del rey volvieron en busca del doctor una vez m\u00e1s."} {"en":"I had brain surgery 18 years ago, and since that time, brain science has become a personal passion of mine.","es":"Fui operada del cerebro hace 18 a\u00f1os, y, desde ese d\u00eda, la ciencia del cerebro se me ha convertido en una pasi\u00f3n personal."} {"en":"After all, that's what also feeds the good bacteria.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, tambi\u00e9n es lo que alimenta a las buenas bacterias."} {"en":"Why is that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"en":"That's not all.","es":"Y eso no es todo."} {"en":"Oh, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. Oh, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, oh oh, oh oh.","es":"Oh, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9. Oh, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9, oh oh, oh oh."} {"en":"IDA was so moved by people's response, they named it \"Hope Hospital.\"","es":"La IDA qued\u00f3 tan conmovida con la respuesta de la gente que lo llamaron \"Hospital de la Esperanza\"."} {"en":"I returned to Singapore and, in 1990, performed Asia's first successful cadaveric liver transplant procedure, but against all odds.","es":"Regres\u00e9 a Singapur y, en 1990, realic\u00e9 el primer trasplante hep\u00e1tico exitoso de Asia tomado de un cad\u00e1ver pero contra todo pron\u00f3stico."} {"en":"Instead of running away from big institutions, I've actually run toward them.","es":"En lugar de huir de las grandes instituciones, he corrido hacia ellas."} {"en":"So I'll just describe a couple of things that we've created.","es":"Solo describir\u00e9 un par de cosas que hemos creado."} {"en":"And these electron microscope pictures, here's one of an orchid mimicking an insect, you can see that different parts of the structure have different colors and different textures to our eye, have very, very different textures to what an insect might perceive.","es":"Estas im\u00e1genes son de un microscopio electr\u00f3nico. Aqu\u00ed hay una orqu\u00eddea simulando ser un insecto. Se pueden ver las diferentes partes de su estructura con colores distintos y texturas diversas a la vista. Tiene texturas bien distintas para que el insecto las perciba."} {"en":"No one else wanted to lead it, lest they fail.","es":"Nadie lo quer\u00eda liderar por miedo a fallar."} {"en":"You can think of the radulas as hypodermic needles.","es":"Podemos pensar en las r\u00e1dulas como agujas hipod\u00e9rmicas."} {"en":"All of you know this, actually, from when you go in to buy a television, and in the shabbier end of the row of flat-screen TVs, you can see, are these rather despised things called \"combined TV and DVD players.\"","es":"Todos ustedes lo saben, de hecho, cuando van a comprar un televisor y en el m\u00e1s triste rinc\u00f3n al final de la hilera de televisores de pantalla plana pueden ver estos aparatos despreciados de TV y DVD combinados."} {"en":"Samuel Johnson, the great lexicographer, it through his character Rasselas in his novel \"Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia,\" published in 1759.","es":"Samuel Johnson, el gran lexic\u00f3grafo, opuso esto mediante su personaje Rasselas en su novela \"Rasselas, pr\u00edncipe de Abisinia\", publicada en 1759."} {"en":"I grew up in a very small country town in Victoria.","es":"Crec\u00ed en un peque\u00f1o pueblo rural en Victoria."} {"en":"Where Stella went wrong was her assumption that she and Terra had equal claim to being inertial observers.","es":"Stella estaba equivocada en pensar que tanto ella como Terra ser\u00edan observadoras inerciales iguales."} {"en":"It's how the language that you speak shapes the way that you think.","es":"Se trata de c\u00f3mo nuestra lengua moldea nuestra forma de pensar."} {"en":"Ten years ago, you couldn't have found an astronomer, well, very few astronomers, in the world who would've told you that there are any planets anywhere outside our solar system.","es":"Hace 10 a\u00f1os no podr\u00edas haber encontrado un astr\u00f3nomo, bueno, muy pocos astr\u00f3nomos, en el mundo quienes dijeran que hay planetas en cualquier parte fuera del sistema solar."} {"en":"These conditions prevent bats from performing critical roles in their ecosystems, like helping with pollination and seed dispersal, and consuming pests and insects.","es":"Esta situaci\u00f3n previene a los murci\u00e9lagos de desempe\u00f1ar roles cr\u00edticos en sus ecosistemas, como ayudar con polinizaci\u00f3n y dispersi\u00f3n de semillas, y consumir plagas e insectos."} {"en":"And this is Mary.","es":"Esta es Mary."} {"en":"One day, when doubts were threatening to overwhelm me, I distinctly remember thinking, \"No, you do not get to get swallowed up by this.","es":"Un d\u00eda, cuando las dudas amenazaban con sobrepasarme, recuerdo haber pensado: \"No, no vas a dejar que esto te trague."} {"en":"I can still feel the warmth and the energy on this guy when he made this accomplishment.","es":"Todav\u00eda puedo sentir el calor y la energ\u00eda de este joven al conseguir este logro."} {"en":"Either you lift people up by respecting them, making them feel valued, appreciated and heard, or you hold people down by making them feel small, insulted, disregarded or excluded.","es":"Pueden ayudar a las personas a superarse respet\u00e1ndolas, haci\u00e9ndolas sentir valoradas, apreciadas y escuchadas, o pueden detener su crecimiento haci\u00e9ndolas sentir peque\u00f1as, ofendidas, ignoradas o excluidas."} {"en":"You certainly need a policy on a sexual harassment, and I think most HR departments recognize that.","es":"Sin duda necesitas una pol\u00edtica sobre acoso sexual, y en Recursos Humanos la mayor\u00eda lo reconoce."} {"en":"Can you think of any unlikely allies?","es":"\u00bfPueden pensar en aliados improbables?"} {"en":"I'm going to look quickly at the fourth and fifth categories, which are innovation, competitions and social investing.","es":"Voy a dar una mirada r\u00e1pida a la cuarta y quinta categor\u00edas, que son innovaci\u00f3n, competencias e inversiones sociales."} {"en":"Corporations send volunteers down on a weekly basis to sort through food items and make boxes of food for the needy.","es":"Las empresas env\u00edan voluntarios cada semana para clasificar los alimentos y empacarlos en cajas para los necesitados."} {"en":"What if we reimagine the concept of success?","es":"\u00bfY si volvemos a imaginar el concepto de \u00e9xito?"} {"en":"I want to get into a party, I hold up the psychic paper, I show you a party invitation.","es":"Quiero entrar a la fiesta, le ense\u00f1o el papel ps\u00edquico y Ud. ve una invitaci\u00f3n a la fiesta."} {"en":"After decades of research and billions of dollars spent in clinical trials, we still have a problem with cancer drug delivery.","es":"Tras d\u00e9cadas de investigaci\u00f3n y miles de millones de d\u00f3lares en ensayos cl\u00ednicos, a\u00fan existe un problema con el suministro de medicamentos contra el c\u00e1ncer."} {"en":"So let's change that.","es":"Entonces, cambiemos eso."} {"en":"The new map wasn\u2019t revealed until August 17th, 1947\u2014 two days after independence.","es":"El nuevo mapa no fue revelado hasta el 17 de agosto de 1947, dos d\u00edas despu\u00e9s de la independencia."} {"en":"It's a bit more than that; this sort of activity really builds their confidence.\"","es":"Pero es m\u00e1s que eso, este tipo de actividades aumenta su confianza\"."} {"en":"And we're trying to deploy this capability, town by town, to every person alive, in our own country, let alone around the world.","es":"Y estamos tratando de implementar esta capacidad, ciudad por ciudad, a cada persona viva, en nuestro pa\u00eds, y por supuesto el resto del mundo."} {"en":"From one site, from one barrel of seawater, we discovered 1.3 million new genes and as many as 50,000 new species.","es":"De un sitio de muestreo, a partir de un barril de agua de mar, descubrimos 1,3 millones de nuevos genes y hasta 50.000 nuevas especies."} {"en":"The deeper work, the new work, the new thinking on the interface between business and social problems is actually showing that there's a fundamental, deep synergy, particularly if you're not thinking in the very short run.","es":"El trabajo m\u00e1s profundo, el nuevo trabajo, el nuevo pensamiento en la interfaz entre las empresas y los problemas sociales; en realidad est\u00e1 demostrando que hay una sinergia fundamental y profunda, especialmente si no est\u00e1s pensando en el corto plazo."} {"en":"There's a liquid-type reactor, which seems a little hard, but maybe they say that about us.","es":"Hay un reactor del tipo l\u00edquido que parece un poco dif\u00edcil, pero quiz\u00e1s digan lo mismo de nosotros."} {"en":"Both as people of faith and of those who are not religious, their perceptions of those of us who are people of faith.","es":"La de las personas de fe y la de aquellas que no son religiosas, las percepciones de aquellos de nosotros que somos personas de fe."} {"en":"But even in people with completely unimpaired senses, the brain constructs the world we perceive from incomplete information.","es":"Pero aun para las personas con una p\u00e9rdida total de los sentidos el cerebro construye el mundo que percibe a partir de esa informaci\u00f3n incompleta."} {"en":"Sure, it would have been easy to point out where they felt short.","es":"Seguramente, podr\u00eda haber sido f\u00e1cil indicar d\u00f3nde se sintieron menoscabados."} {"en":"And this has had very real-world consequences.","es":"Y esto ha tenido consecuencias muy reales."} {"en":"We don't have a satisfactory answer to that question, yet.","es":"A\u00fan no tenemos una respuesta satisfactoria a esta pregunta."} {"en":"And I began my ritual.","es":"Yo comenc\u00e9 mi rito."}