tweet,label @USER @USER you are so beautiful,NOT @USER He is not a troll he is simply dumb but I’m enjoying it I love tweeter for this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,OFF @USER I understand Annie she is stuck in between ! I understand her !,NOT "@USER @USER Hillary was blaming women not too long ago. Better hope the Uneducated"" don't show up to vote again. “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”""",OFF @USER @USER I support Jahs blessings on his hussle ....he is d bomb,OFF @USER You are runnning on the word of something you didn’t see,NOT @USER @USER Likely an AntiFa thug who plasterd himself with temp-tatts for the interview with the ShitLib press...,NOT "@USER @USER I think this is more a way to scare Brexiteer Conservatives into toeing the party line. Brexiteers are all for the will of the people"" so long as the people agree with them.""",NOT @USER If that was my missus horse he’d fuck right off and have us chasing him like bell ends,OFF @USER He is jeopardizing our security! If he wants to show he favors transparency he can instead release his taxes!,NOT #MaxineWaters: #Trump ‘Has Displayed the Most Despicable Behavior That Any Human Being Could Do’ URL #MAGA,OFF @USER I'm so sorry for your loss and for everyone blaming you yet it was out of your control. You are still an amazing person keep your head up.,NOT "@USER It really sucks when commies atheists liberals refugees and anyone who isn't one of (us) uses our"" precious tax dollars....""",OFF @USER No she is just informing the public of the horrible goings on in the trump White House.,NOT @USER She is a Lib registered Democrat. And thats all we need to know.,NOT @USER @USER Did he mock a Liberal MP crossing the floor to join the Conservatives because it is evidence that they are basically the same party?,NOT @USER @USER Enjoying this Williams & PC crowd tantrum. Karma.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That’s a blatant lie. ANTIFA is the worse hate group. Look at what they did at Berkeley university in California. They nearly destroyed it over a guy they disagreed with. It wasn’t the KKK OR WHITE SUPREMACY. They are shutting down free speech,OFF @USER slap the shit outta her,OFF @USER And Who Would Listen to a Man that Robbed American Taxpayers of Millions of Dollars and Gave it to Iran? NOT ME!,OFF @USER Well she is better looking than the lying chicks lawyer,OFF @USER The hate really takes a toll on these people physically. Most of these unhinged liberals do not look well. 24/7 fake news Armageddon coverage is sucking the life out of these people. I feel bad for them....,OFF @USER You mean he is a URL,NOT @USER Croatian President's bikini photos worlds hottest president ever URL,OFF @USER @USER Nothing more satisfying than a good scratch (or “howk” if you are a scottish badger!),NOT @USER you've seen the reports and you might know more than me but have a look at how many businesses have closed down since the coalition of the @USER @USER and you talk of training people for business.,NOT "@USER wow @USER you didn't look up permanently"" and ""suspends"" before placing them next to each other in a fucking headline? #youhadonejob""",OFF @USER Yeah. Gun Control Act of 1968 also uses a lot of innuendoes for black people and ghettos in its text.,OFF @USER I found out today that Jesus isn’t white and so now I can’t go to church on Sunday AND I can’t watch football damn Obama liberals,OFF @USER What happens next is whoever inthe GOP votes against him gets destroyed and we vote MORE republicans to the Senate to ensure margin of victory for AMY CONEY BARRETT liberals worst nightmare.,OFF @USER @USER They can’t do that would infringe on my rights and I only like it when these companies infridge on people who give people who are not liberals such as myself an alternative to 1 size fits all mainstream narrative.,NOT @USER @USER Aweeee happy bday e-panda ♥️♥️ you are an amazing drummer (maybe better than B ;);)) have a great one :)))),NOT @USER @USER Landon sucks I asked him for my birthday if I could play with him but he never got back to me so Landon you suck,OFF @USER He is only or 2 games? I thought it was 4 fire some reason,NOT @USER @USER That dude whoever he is aged out a long time ago. Do better Utah.,NOT @USER @USER @USER Trudeau’s liberals have no rules ! Time to oust them!,OFF @USER Law breakers love these liberals,NOT @USER I think she is one of the oddest people I have ever seen. How did she get elected? But then again I find myself asking that about any liberal. 🤷‍♀️,NOT 5 slain in Southern California shootings; gunman kills self (from @USER Another mass shooting. When will we learn that it’s past time to do something about gun control? URL,NOT @USER @USER Liberals don't give a rats ass but having power!! Period!! They cry over everything that doesn't go their way,OFF @USER and @USER states that she went to save herself from online abuse. If she wants to live in peace then why she is not taking case back and asking relatives to attend hearing. Contradictory statements and action.,NOT @USER Francis must be forced aside. The Church needs to be cleansed top to bottom.,OFF @USER Yes he is!,NOT @USER WOW THIS COLOUR SCHEME I AM LIVING FOR IT ALSO YOU?? ARE SO PRETTY??,NOT "@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER If you read this thread @USER seemed to imply that the views and actions of Soros are the same as everyone on the left"" (i. e. if you are ""left"" you support Antifa)... did I misread?""",NOT #Republicans #Conservatives @USER wet dreams: Step 1: Confirm predator as SCOTUS judge Step 2: Eliminate women's choice Step 3: Eliminate non white's voting rights Step 4: Eliminate women's voting rights Step 5: End immigration,OFF @USER How do you get to know that she is having period too.,NOT @USER - both don’t support Medicare for all - both voted against the dreamers - both voted for the racist police brutality bill - both voted to give Donald trump and even larger military budget . - both didn’t do a thing on gun control - both voted for the racist payday loans bill,OFF @USER You are the best. 💜,NOT @USER @USER It doesnt matter who said it. YOU ARE CORRECT . If anyone that stupid to out your life and families lives in jeopardy based on politico. Dam fool.,OFF @USER It has been being de-created slowly and stealthily since the CONservatives came to power... Hunt's done a sterling job.,NOT @USER he is my rainbow after every storm💜,NOT The GOP has two choices: 1) Confirm Kavanauh & possibly lose the house. 2) Dump Kavanauh definitely lose the house & have their supporters #WalkAway #MAGA #DoTheRightThing #ConfirmKavanaugh,NOT @USER Feinstein and Schumer are political assassins. Thank heavens that @USER has been able to give a few in the GOP courage to not fold this far. Conservatives need to hit back hard on these political criminals.,OFF @USER @USER @USER False. They have not released the names of the 13 Russians yet,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER My wife is from the USA. All my inlaws are thrilled with Trump and the conservatives winning the PC war.,NOT @USER @USER The active duty personnel I know think he is a dangerous fool. Maybe 100% of racist military klansmen support Mr. Traitor-pants.,OFF @USER He is a vet!! He should know better!!!,NOT @USER I love your momma. She is me,NOT @USER Did he read ‘Mein Kampf’ to understand Hitler’s influences. That would be some photo. Mike Moore buying Mein Kampf,NOT @USER @USER This is insulting. I'm black and fully capable of getting IDs. What makes you think that we can't? Lets be honest. This is about liberals (mostly white 1s) that want to appear as saviors and vanguards for minorities. Its about protecting your fraudulent votes.,OFF "1/ Here's @USER as quoted by @USER factually incorrect on no less than 6 counts: Trump is raising taxes not just on Democrats, he’s raising taxes on Democrats & Republican & independents & conservatives & short people & tall people.""""",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is so calm & patient. That’s great..keep it up. Don’t mind people bc everyone has their own viewpoints on each aspects of life.,OFF @USER @USER Miriam,OFF @USER you deserve it !!!!,NOT @USER Guilty?,NOT "@USER @USER The conservatives & evangelicals I'm sure, you know the Pro-Lifers""""",NOT @USER @USER He/she deserves those tattoos. Hope the antifa follow.,NOT @USER @USER Exactly. Hasn’t everyone figured out that the only substantiated threats occur by liberals to conservatives? The other way around is a farce. Plain and simple. This is made up 💩 to generate sympathy and try to keep a false narrative going.,NOT ".@USER @USER via @USER You have cattle. You are big farmers. You can feed your children. Why then resort to birth control? This is my opinion, I see no reason to control births in Tanzania,"" @USER URL URL",NOT @USER @USER @USER EXCITING WEEK AHEAD!! GOD BLESS YOU MR PRESIDENT #DEPLORABLES #MAGA #KAG URL,NOT @USER Demon-craps just can't get over the fact that they are not in charge....They're delusional to think something that will effect the country in such a profound way will just be bargained away....American's have Dreams that come first over Illegals.,OFF @USER @USER let’s throw up some added bureaucratic red tape to deter highly qualified people from entering the already vitriolic world of politics. Look at hate directed at Trump family. I don’t care about tax returns. Some universal financial report will do. Care more 4 results.,NOT @USER call up @USER about time he got a call up🙌🏻 he is showing he can perform at a big level! he might not be at a top 4 club but he can score give him a chance!..,NOT @USER Frankly I hate that argument. Gun control. Healthcare. Student loans. Tax policy. Climate change. Social Security. Medicare. Even car emissions and mileage. There is a clear difference on each and every policy.,OFF @USER You are not alone with that :(,NOT ".@USER @USER and @USER MP @USER praises the 'innovative #publicsector thinking' of @USER this week in @USER If Britain is to prosper in the 21st century, it is through embracing the #digital economy"" ➡️ URL URL",NOT @USER Yes! We were. Back again. Thank you so much. Hope you are all well..❤️,NOT Standing trump strong. Maga URL,NOT @USER nah you bob.,NOT @USER @USER She is as dumb as she looks,OFF @USER Kirinodere and the Curious Case of the Fucked Customs Fees. 10/10 good book.,OFF @USER I cackle at something different shit every time I watch it lol,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER Yeah! Let's get some gun control in this piece so white male Americans can stop shooting places up. PROTECT ALL AMERICANS,NOT @USER This is the realest (and tealest) shit ever. Eric da gawd,OFF @USER Because liberals hate America and cant stand the thought of a successful country,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER As is UK democracy - supposedly.,NOT @USER @USER They forget about Antifa and all threats to conservatives when it’s convenient!,NOT @USER @USER She is a 🤡,OFF **** wow my cell phone is blinking it must have had an incoming e-mail. i didn't notice. who could that be from ? it's an email from ... i haven't seen her for a whi... it's beena while. well she is wondering if she could give my email address to my friend from high-shcool i,NOT I hate the Democrats but they do Fight like H3LL everyday. R's are making so much from Lobbyist they don't give a damn what we want. I'm Ready for #MAGA Party but we have to get Trump elected 2020 and keep democrats out till 2020 URL,OFF @USER Absolutely and nothing ever came of it.,NOT @USER Brazil,NOT @USER @USER END of Story. Where is the lying Liberals Witness 🤔,OFF @USER @USER Why? He is messed up.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER You mean the utter contempt Brexiteers are showing to businesses who are now virtually screaming that this is economic suicide? Mark my words JLR is only the start. Already small companies are moving to mainland EU as they cost of leaving is being put on them,NOT @USER Conservatives believe attempted rape is a form of flirting. That’s why we’re getting all the “if you look into my past you won’t believe what I did” nonsense.,OFF @USER fuck russ 110%,OFF @USER @USER tell me again ?? URL,NOT "@USER @USER Principled conservatives"" are a rogues gallery of NeverTrumpers who were not at all uncomfortable with the idea of HRC winning the 2016 presidential election. In fact, some of them voted for her.""",NOT @USER @USER @USER Real stuff like killing the ACA and preserving gun control. Smarter than most but not the answer.,NOT @USER I was kind of shocked. He is gone now. From my feed at least,NOT @USER @USER There is already more guns than pre 1996 gun control. Free people should have the right to defend themselves and their families. The threat of lethal force is a good deterrent to would be criminals,NOT @USER You're full of s***. It's the Liberals paid by Soros who are doing those things,OFF @USER Iya Risi in my area didnt get the money. She is a widow with 5children and all attempt to get the money proved abortive. Isn't this a scam?,OFF #wcw because big sis was just inducted into the #pixiegang and she is slaying it flawlessly! 🔥😍 URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER At Millfield lecturing the students About what? The evolving Dependent tax and Migrant party? URL,NOT @USER @USER that’s exactly what you evil liberals do. You try to intimidate people so they can step down. I guess bullying is OK when it’s done by liberals,OFF @USER Clarence Thomas was branded by Democrats but has served honorably and well for over 20 yrs. Haters are gonna hate all conservatives.,NOT @USER Of course she’s making money on the situation she is a dem they have no values but greed and power,OFF @USER If you move ahead with Kavanaugh's nominatin without more information you are committing an ethical and legal violation.U violated the constitution with Merrick Garland & now this horrible candidate who says precedent can be overturned. Wait for more info & be sure,OFF @USER @USER @USER what's your issue with antifa?,NOT @USER @USER Conservatives send TWO in Opposition ( taxpayer dollars) to ONE popular vote Prime Minister!,NOT @USER @USER Why the fuck do you cover American politics more than Canadian politics? @USER is a fucking disgrace. Report news. All news. Not just the stuff that makes conservatives look bad and ignore the stuff that makes liberals look bad.,OFF @USER Sandy Hook was used to drum up public support for stricter gun control.,NOT 231 years later the liberals wants to do away with it. URL,OFF @USER let me nigga fish in peace damn,OFF @USER @USER I recognize the one as #antifa based on the board he becomes 🤣,NOT @USER This is just obstruction. CALL THE VOTE!!!! #MAGA 🇺🇸,NOT @USER @USER Looks like gun control is working out well for your sh*t hole country huh? How are those gun laws working huh? More shootings and murders by gun than America which has more guns than people in Brazil,NOT @USER Happy for you. Remember your beautiful glammed up and also when you are not.,NOT @USER I see Antifa as a war on peaceful assembly,NOT @USER He obviously doesn’t care.,NOT @USER This is insane it's leftists liberals democrats media.propaganda .you all know it because there scared that he'll end abortion.not true.women have the right to get and abortion.because it's there body explain to me why is it illegal for her to sell her body to feed her children?,NOT @USER Holy shit you met Michael Jordan,OFF @USER Glad to hear you are ok. My father went through surgery for Bladder Cancer last year and is now in remission at age of 88. Years of exposure to lacquer fumes while spraying and staining cabinets may have contributed to his occurrance.,NOT @USER Coming from a person from Chicago...kook!,NOT @USER I don’t understand why she should be heard. I SHOULD BE HEARD and I have pictures and scars from my TRAUMA #ILLEGALALIEN left his car in the middle of #405 fwy in 1982 - when I was 18! We were badly damaged! #Kavanaugh #MAGA URL,NOT "@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It's not about how much he's played...its about trade value""he is more valuable then a 5th""",NOT @USER @USER You are the poster child for marrying up.,NOT @USER yeah way to ruin the fucking hype. this is why you werent invited to dennys after we finished with andreas lol.,OFF @USER You are look so damn beautiful in that outfit.,NOT @USER And here’s me fucking ya mom URL,OFF "@USER @USER Yes, READ it again. They use a term for a BROAD group (leftist"" ""feminist"" ""theist"" whatever else) then, in many cases, focus on a particular EXTREME SUBSET of that group (antifa, a subset of 3rd wave feminism, YECs) without distinguishing the fact it IS a subset.""",NOT @USER @USER She is scary now 🦇🦇🦇,NOT @USER @USER I wonder if antifa will be rioting in the streets after they find out how corrupt the government is,OFF @USER @USER Thats silly when the 90s cartoons made him popular as fuck,OFF @USER May as well ignore her since all we are doing is giving her the attention she so craves. She was such an adorable child..... but she never had a good enough body for nude love scenes so now she is searching for the attention she desires with bovine fecal posts.,OFF @USER @USER Glad I wear Wranglers. So what gun control would you propose that will stop the criminals?,OFF @USER VOTE R in #Election2018 November #GOP #RedWave #Trump #MAGA 👍🏻🇺🇸,NOT @USER @USER Zero evidence lmaooooooo I love seeing liberals squirm at shit like this 😂😂😂,OFF "@USER Democrats cut funding. CIA goes around it. That's how it's done. Conservatives"" who play by the rules will get fucked up, every time. URL",OFF @USER So one person lies and a lying member of Congress says the judge should step down? Great job liberals.,NOT @USER Only for conservatives. Liberals elevate the person and make them their Presidential nominee. Only a person like Trump seems immune.,NOT @USER Strange the far left antifa always quiet when mooslims attack white people and when there terrorists attacks done by the mooslims and lets not forget the mooslim groomng gangs,NOT @USER Did he do this right after that last statement? Asking for a friend. URL,NOT "@USER @USER @USER LOCK HER UP! Haa! Looool. CANNOT WAIT! What a blatant lie! Somebody is scared boy!! If that F******* B****** trump gets in, we all hang from nooses!"" Who remembers that one? Can't imagine the anxiety she is feeling. Makes me smile.""",OFF @USER @USER Why is John Kerry running his mouth again as if we cared about what he has to say? I can’t think of a single damn thing Kerry has accomplished besides run his mouth. Trump’s accomplishments exceed anything Kerry could ever dream of. Even before becoming president!,NOT @USER Flawed logic. Some/many liberals would identify as Christian. Because this is America and that is the dominate religion. Look at some stats before you make overgeneralization. Take your crazy else where.,NOT @USER Hmmmm. I think they should’ve held on to him a bit longer. We might see his face and hear his name again.,NOT @USER He is cute.,NOT "@USER @USER @USER @USER You ignored my question, which is crucial to the argument. Once sensible"" gun control is imposed and another shooting occurs, do you truly believe they will not push for further restrictions?""",OFF @USER You are an incredible person pal. I know you won't ever convince yourself otherwise,NOT @USER You know as well as I do that race hustling is all the liberals have.,NOT @USER Saw one a month ago in Alabama where they said “radical liberals” were trying to stop his appointment over a clip of Cory Booker talking,NOT @USER I wonder why you needed to bring up this point when I didn't mention anything about that. But it seems like you are uncomfortable talking about race.,NOT @USER ppl speculate its ab the akb48 produce akimoto and the fact he is a right wing and koreans really dislike him,NOT @USER so you're Fascists *and* AntiFa? URL,NOT "1/So earlier you said, Unfazed and determined,"" you are going to confirm, Judge Kavanaugh. Presumably on behalf of, Chairman Grassley. Now you say it's the liberals fault. How do you work that out? Basically you said serious accusations of potential assault, not to mention lying URL",NOT "@USER That's almost as idiotic as the antifa disarm them"" thing...""",NOT @USER Does Jimmy have to clear his monologues with these producers to ensure NBC is tear free?,NOT @USER Liberal Dictionary: Illegal Immigrants: Dreamers Trump Supporters: Deplorable Dregs MS-13 Killers: Human Beings Babies in the Womb: Not Human Beings Antifa:Protestors Law Abiding NRA: Terrorists Bill Clinton: Feminist Brett Kavanaugh:Predator Liberalism=a mental disorder,OFF @USER @USER Yeah Im thinking he might too. He is working on Sam and he has Kaycee convinced he wont target her due to LGBQT. I need a mega phone!!,NOT @USER @USER @USER Don't believe it more insincere talk from the Callous Conservatives. URL,NOT @USER @USER Liberals are sick people!,OFF "Another attempt of the DEMS to hide the TRUTH of ABUSE against WOMEN WHERE is the ME TOO"" movement on this verified ABUSER of WOMEN #MeToo are they just another extension of the SOROS groups like ANTIFA KKK❓❓❓‼️ URL",OFF "@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER My experience is the gun control activists don't really want a conversation, they want capitulation. The way around that would be to open with proposals to expand gun rights in exchange for whatever is they're looking for. There can't really be a conversation"" without that""",NOT @USER Antifa would burn a Conservatives house down and CNN would be there lighting the torches & throwing gas on the flames.,OFF @USER Ask Obama what need be done! 🤣,NOT @USER i still get this half my work days and all i do is sit on my computer in bed lmao,NOT @USER and THEY are #Conservatives.,NOT @USER @USER @USER Nice.,NOT @USER Boycott NFL. Let’s bring them to their knees!!!!!!!,NOT @USER Are we really supposed to believe the party of violent liberal ANTIFA with their KKK hoods who beat the hell out of strangers they know nothing about somehow care at all for this? Are we supposed to trust the party who funds ANTIFA to tell us the truth on any subject?,NOT @USER @USER Now let’s do Antifa radicalization!!!,NOT @USER Rosier has played like straight fucking garbage i mean he was tolerable at most during the undefeated run last year but ever since Pitt he’s shown how much of a scrub he is and Richt is scared to death to start Perry,OFF "#GunControlNow is running a hit piece on the CMP. The CMP teaches gun safety to young people, promotes responsible gun ownership, and doesn't sell any of the so-called assault weapons"" banners are targeting. Are we clear on what gun control is? URL",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER AK how can you fight antifa when one of the major figureheads was and likely still is YAN?,NOT @USER @USER I understand I sound cold-but I love Nintendo. This money grubbing bastards 😹,OFF @USER I'm by no means an expert in how to pitch a gun control law to your congress.,NOT @USER Ha even with them trying to rig the system. They had no idea about divine intervention we 🙏God answered President Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸,NOT @USER @USER So what is the problem you are trying to advise of? Can't quite understand what you are trying to say !,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Expanding the protection of rights is the opposite of curtailing rights. Gun control curtails rights.,NOT @USER @USER @USER He doesn't care who he hurts as long as he is happy. How could anyone attend that sham of a church?,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER . 👅💦 Oh pooey on Snoop ... who’s Snoop? 😂🇺🇸 #MAGA,NOT We stand with Kavanaugh 🇺🇸 MAGA URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER I don’t believe in hardening schools. I believe in common sense gun control.,NOT #democrats and #liberals don’t give a damn about @USER allegedly committing physical violence on his ex-girlfriend but they all rush to discredit Kavanaugh for a 35 year old “vague” 11th hour accusation. #walkaway #Hypocrites,OFF @USER @USER Fine let’s fix Chicago’s gun violence. End gun control.,NOT #DownwiththeDemocrats!!! #DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsAreDangerous #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica from the Loco Liberals & TDS Let All True #Conservatives & ALL who chose to #WalkAway prove that #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder and needs to squashed like a Bug!!! #VoteRed2018 URL,OFF @USER You are no Christian,NOT @USER That's because you liberals have no morals anything goes with your kind drugs sex child endangerment,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER There is something very wrong with her. She went ballistic when I wrote something that did not suite her. Accusing me of very bad things. She is dangerous.,NOT @USER @USER @USER Arrest her immediately. She is a wicked crazy democrat,OFF @USER His gun control skills need work he missed by about a foot and a half.,NOT "....."" And he is shuting up. Don't mess with Yumi. Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki.""",OFF @USER yeah thats true. i really hope you are able to get that time off for daisho.,NOT @USER @USER Democrats always give people reasons to vote. What other party cares more about minorities or women & children? What party is fighting for healthcare? Which party is reasonable on gun control or immigration?,NOT @USER Goodness. Your wife and ex-gf were both sexually abused? You liberals are into some weird stuff URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I would like to thank those at Whitehall whom have supported me. Please see press statement below Big thanks @USER @USER Wishing you all the best for vote2019 URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Well you are FABULOUS,NOT .@USER “I believe that our best days are ahead of us.” currently the @USER are the RMS Titanic and the #ChequersPlan is a big feckin' iceberg! ... 🤨 ...,NOT LOL Ted Cruz thinks #Texas voters are stupid. Says Beto O'Rourke will ban barbeque from the state of Texas. #resist #MAGA #Ridiculous URL,OFF @USER That’s the entire basis for gun control 😒 facts don’t matter,NOT @USER @USER Right!!! Politics has no place in anyone's reproductive organs OR their sex lives!!!!,OFF @USER @USER Good for her..... thats some fine gun control. Double tap to an ass,OFF "@USER Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American"".""",OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER When liberals are uncomfortable.,NOT @USER @USER fuck you. You are disgusting animals and your editor who approved the “news” is a bag of shit.,OFF 60 #WW Resignations In Five Days The Global Swamp Is Being Drained. #MondayMood #MAGA #DeclassifyItAll URL URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Aww you pooky bear...You are such a victim.,NOT @USER @USER It was fun hope I get to see another one of ur sets soon!!!!,NOT @USER He is also said we would have the cleaner air and water. But his failure to protect our environment will also lead to mass death.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER All Vince Cable has to show for getting into bed with the Tories is a ridiculous Knighthood.,OFF Pretending you have dementia to own the libs #MAGA URL,OFF @USER @USER Brilliant effort great step count great that you are targeting more next week 👍,NOT @USER Holy shit thank you so much. Up until the Mine craft I that that because it wasn't on TV anymore that it had ended. I was very very wrong.,OFF @USER And he said in America. Heads up Antifa. Ur neck is about to be stepped on.,NOT @USER I think I’ll blame all the dumbasses for gun control,OFF .@USER just made an S.O.31 statement about this story asking if the Liberals were just handing out money to Cdns who agree with them URL,NOT @USER His legacy is crap. Why would anyone want to save crap?,OFF if i have to tolerate ur loud ass maga merch dont say shit about my nike anything kiss my ass,OFF @USER Crazy Russian dude owns all your data,NOT "@USER It's really slowing me down. I wanna ask if I could just bring in my personal mac and use that as my work computer but I don't wanna seem like that apple snob"" but I'm over here shook.""",OFF @USER @USER tough to speak your mind at work if your a conservative..amazing that this occurred in work setting. Bizarre.,NOT @USER @USER You are confused. JON!,NOT @USER @USER Can't stand to listen to that puke. I change the channel when he speaks. He believes his own LIES!!....They're all NUTS!! #LeftWingLiberalDisease #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸🇺🇸#MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸,OFF @USER I come from a long line of bigots and morons. It's hard to grapple with at first but it gets better. Fill the void with fundamentally decent ppl and you will eventually realize you are better off for it.,OFF EXCLUSIVE: Soros-Backed Activists Slip Cash To Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters Before Arrests URL via @USER,NOT @USER I’m a brat ... can’t deal with another woman to long unless she is relaxed like a guy,NOT @USER @USER @USER Oh so now you are comparing a government law enforcement agency which is subject to constitutional laws to a private corporation. Yeah that makes sense. Wait... No it does not. Stop talking. You are a complete imbecile.,OFF @USER Am Eye See Kay He Why Am Oh You Ass He,OFF @USER He heightens the belief in Slimfast.. URL,NOT "@USER UNHINGED."" No, he's just a fat POS slob who lucked out going against conservatives making tons of money in the process, as an opertunist. A very smart opertiunist who knows how to USE & shovel BS to the liberal left. It's good business these days & he's EATING it all up.""",OFF @USER I LOVE YO CUTE ASS,OFF @USER Another lie. Anything for a diversion,OFF #TheFeralLeft #Liberals continue to #Infiltrate #Indoctrinate kid shows. Don't hire these mentally ill #Hemorrhoids URL,OFF @USER On everything that shit is really sad smh,OFF "...people of good faith and high character can and do come to competing conclusions about originalism, abortion, gun control, and religious liberty."" #Kavanaugh #KavanaughHearings URL",NOT @USER Eric Holder was the perfect Att Gen for the OBama administration. Not an ounce of human decency in his bones.,NOT @USER EVERY TIME! i hate it its the most horrifying feeling. it happens to me when im dozing off. then i jolt wide the fuck awake -_-,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You didn’t read the whole thing most white mass shooters aren’t even considered terrorism because there’s no “political” agenda to their murder like Dylan roof,OFF @USER @USER 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 He is a communist fool!!!!,OFF @USER @USER OMG MY Heath bleeds for your daughter and your family. Hold her tight and keep telling her how safe she is and that your will always be there for her. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️,NOT "@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Really, but he is. Don't say because of Russian collusion, not proven after 2 yrs. Besides collusion is not a crime. We the People"" are winning. #WWG1WGA #MAGA""",NOT "@USER @USER Funny how on top of things"" you are trying to show you are when its white republicans in the path of the storm. An entire Island was just left to fend for its self for 13 days before help arrived. Trump is a FAKE PRESIDENT""",OFF @USER He never was one much for the rule of law. Just the Law of RULE,NOT @USER But honestly the cameras suck ass they're great if you don't zoom in,NOT @USER antifa are defined by one striking statistic - virtually none are parents. Why?,NOT @USER @USER Everytime she opens her mouth more idiocy comes out of it...She is an embarrassment... but then she is a Clinton...,NOT The Unafraid and Unscathed @USER bringing Hope and Change all around the world! #MAGA #NoKoSoKo North Korea's Kim Jong-un agrees to shut missile site - BBC News URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER PC or not has NOTHING to do with common decency...🙄,NOT @USER America wins with President Trump... Not Google. #MAGA #AmericaFirst,NOT @USER Legit got the saying written down. But you are right.,NOT @USER Ah.. classic antifa.. behaviour of trashpeople. =),OFF . . . And we wonder why conservatives who work for Twitter fear saying so . . URL,NOT @USER Who cares what a union leader has to say big kate? Do u fawningly report Lefty concerns because u and the Left promoting CBC r doing the Trudeau Liberals bidding again.U r a CBC Liberal party Shameful.,OFF @USER @USER @USER Why did the democrats have to jam far left liberal judges down conservatives throat? Every liberal judge should be investigated all the way back to grade school. The only lowlife here is you.,OFF @USER @USER @USER I’m just pointing out it was the liberals that made this distinction. I am a Buddhist. I totally understand the global perspective. It’s just disingenuous to say your for a country but then say your for the globe.,NOT @USER This will be settled and will never see a jury. We will never know the truth. Maybe she grabbed him first while swapping spit or he is really that stupid to just grab her. Either way I doubt we will ever know the complete truth.,OFF @USER Boycotting NFL for the rest of my life.,OFF @USER God he is terrible.,OFF @USER Amazing how much money is being thrown at this guy by liberals freaking out. Beto epitomizes everything that is wrong in America. Vote CRUZ!,OFF @USER @USER it's God not god,NOT @USER 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I want him 😭😭😭😭😭😭 thank god I am in the hospital to get revived.,NOT @USER @USER @USER People do speak out for gun control & against gun violence. If you don’t see it you’re choosing not to pay attention & that’s just wilful ignorance on your part.,NOT @USER Trying to smoke out followers that are also antifa? #Shrewd.,NOT @USER @USER Bloodsport who can forget the monologue by jackson describing this big monster. and to think he is in his 60's now,OFF @USER BACK OFFF HE IS MY BEAN,NOT "@USER @USER @USER ALT RIGHT""...LMAO...nope, we're just not Marxists #SocialismSucks""",NOT @USER Hey Bono- Why not turn your Dublin hotel over to refugees? Asshole!,OFF @USER @USER Because she is nothing more than an opportunistic lying sack of human waste paid by the left. Turn off your tv Ed.,OFF @USER @USER @USER Oh yeah so I'm sure you'll wait a certain amount of time before talking about gun control right? I'm sure you're saying the same thing to all the people using the dead to push laws that do nothing right?,OFF @USER Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It’s sad.,OFF @USER @USER @USER Please point out what isn’t true. Do the SHITlibs not love austerity and slashing public funding? Do they not love privatization? Are their social policies anything more than empty gestures? Has anyone in this thread referred to Drug Fraud as far right? No? So all true! 😃,NOT #Resist @USER @USER Why aren't DEMS & MSM blasting THIS story?? I can only imagine only FALSE stories against conservatives count. URL,NOT @USER What an “actor” Joe Biden is....and that’s alll he is!!! A “FAKE” phony actor!! Get off of the stage Joe...your time has come & gone!!! We “Dregs of Society” could care less about what you preach!!!,OFF @USER Please leave my girlfriend alone I know she is too good yall don't understand.,NOT @USER a bat my nigga,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And your President respects all of that. You liberals do not.,OFF @USER @USER Does it hurt to constantly apologize for far right conservatives,NOT @USER Hopefully it is joking. I hate boycotting the Leftist entertainers but I do. Stop saying stupid stuff.,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER 3) I will always defend the 2nd. But not the NRA who when I 1st joined was about promoting & educating gun owners & the public about guns. No hypocrisy here Amy well except maybe on your part. FYI I know a lot of Liberals that a members of the NRA. I don't always agree with them,NOT @USER @USER @USER As a kid of legal immigrants I can attest you are 100% correct. They follow the law to the letter in most cases because they worked so damn hard to get her legally they won’t do anything to risk their status. The illegals have contempt for our laws and pull the scams 24/7,OFF @USER @USER @USER Where are the capital police? Why let the leftist make a joke of our laws. #MAGA #ArrestClintonCrimeGangAlready #NoChainMigration #Trump2020 #Spygate IG REPORT PROVES seditious conspiracy UScode18ch115sec2384 yep 20yrs jail time,NOT "@USER @USER @USER CNN & others involved in Conspiracy Theories"" & propaganda while they protect (Antifa?). So I guess the 2013 Bill & 2016 Bills for propaganda does protect ""State Media""??? URL",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Three soft little figure skating ballerinas.,NOT @USER @USER The Republicans are against Nancy Pelosi because she is for the working class. They demonized her because she doesn't help the rich. Thank You Nancy for your service and being for the little guys.,NOT "@USER Because across the country everyone recognizes high handed authoritarian gerrymandering and democratic subversion. Only self serving Ontario conservatives"" speak for this.""",NOT @USER @USER Liberals didn't want to hear from Juanita Broderick. She was ignored. Liberals don't want to hear from Keith Ellison's accuser. Double Standard,OFF @USER She already proved she hasn’t a clue about things she is legislating so really have no interest in her comments or opinion.,NOT #workout When you have a fat belly then you are insulin resistant and can fix it with out medications by fasting... details are here URL URL,NOT "@USER Eric and Hussein just need to STFU and go away. Too many Americans died as a result of their Fast and Furious"" gun running scheme gone bad. Eric even defied Congressional subpoenas with Hussein's backing. Despicable.""",OFF @USER @USER That's why I was so disgusted with him today. I don't know why he thought this was a celebration. But he thinks everything is about him. I won't ever be able to forget the horrible things that he is done.,OFF @USER It's all liberals have. It's all they ever had. They see everything through the prism of race.,NOT @USER @USER I love u kady you are the real MVP here,NOT @USER Hey Ontario the Liberals took Billions from you & gave it to multi national companies calling it a Green Energy plan don’t worry your on hook for another 19 for real viable alternatives beyond hiding more taxes...they had nothing...#FordNation this is up to you,NOT @USER Complaining about SP's comments and blames the media for him(Spath) feeling a certain way and not actually reading an article. Basically saying Shea doesn't know shit and basically he should shut his mouth.,OFF @USER A little bigger than I like. She needs to join chubby chaser tour,NOT @USER You are out doing yourself today.,NOT @USER @USER hey y'all take this shit to dms aight,NOT @USER No time for political correctness. It is a Lie. Everyone knows this. Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing. Take the vote.,NOT @USER Climate always changes. It’s the climate frauds with their wealth redistribution scheme that is new.,NOT @USER @USER @USER Rooney wont do anything. He is the one that needs to take some action.,NOT @USER So what is the Conservatives policy on antisemitism? Does it quote the international recognition if not why aren’t you reporting on this with as much vigour as you have done with Labour????,NOT @USER you still doing music?,NOT @USER @USER @USER (Basically PSA is spoonfeeding liberals exactly what they want to hear rather than confronting the structural inequities that they in part helped foster/implement),NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Trump uses a lot of misdirection intentionally. Would need specifics you are referencing. Media screaming he is lying is mostly their spin on it. Take the wiretap claim for instance. Trump was correct. They called him a liar for 18 months.,NOT @USER @USER @USER I fuck with this hard,OFF @USER He didnt say that when he raped his daughters friend (16 years old) and not too long after she committed suicide,OFF @USER @USER She is LYING....,NOT @USER @USER You forgot to not run for office or disagree with Diane Feinstein or liberals or have wrong think.,NOT @USER @USER Isnt it wat Left & Liberals hve been doing in India ?,NOT @USER That much projection is even a doozy for far left democratic socialist antifa members - amazing!,NOT @USER She is such a witch,OFF @USER @USER @USER I have been thinking about it and it's not inconceivable that someone was trying to meddle with people's minds regarding gun control. I am double-minded about the use of arms because I am a peacemaker. Shoot once and you could start a big war. >2,OFF @USER Josh I am not fucking a loli robot,OFF @USER @USER @USER traitor whoever he or she is.,OFF Political Unmasking of Team Trump Must Be Prosecuted - American Thinker URL URL #MAGA #PJNET #KAG #TrumpTrain #TrumpTrain2020 URL @USER TW055,NOT @USER Hey brian tell us about the time you voted with the liberals to take our guns away. URL,NOT @USER CONway say it louder for your fellow #MAGA Trumpkins because they are the horrible peiple insulting her! URL,OFF @USER @USER y’all should really change the name of the “Assault Rifle” coming from a second amendment advocate it puts the wrong name of the rifle out there to the Gun Control lobby. It’s not an assault rifle. It’s just a normal rifle.,NOT @USER @USER MSM/Democrats/Liberals describe Antifa as “Peaceful Demonstrators.” In my opinion they are a Democrat Army preparing for war.👹👹👹,NOT @USER Does these idiots actually listen to what they say? @USER Sucks!,OFF #Tennessee #Conservatives #RNRTN #2ADefenders #Republicans #ProLifeGen #TNGOP #Libertarians #ProLife #Gaytriots #RNR #CCOT Are YOU doing your part to grow? Are YOU registering voters? Planned Parenthood is. Pause. Think about that . It speaks volumes. URL,NOT 2018s biggest epidemic is saying neoliberals when you just mean LIBERALS,NOT @USER Hillary Clinton will be POTUS..Oops!,OFF @USER looking forward to seeing what you are bringing to the market. The rum market has needed some quality infusion for quite some time. Fingers crossed for a quality spiced rum.,NOT @USER I was on a conference call after the election of our President. 30 minutes of Ted Lieu discussing how to stop Trump. This guy supports Antifa. Maxine is his mentor.,NOT @USER Just by looks this guy has Antifa written all over him,NOT #TheresaMay we need a #PeoplesVote @USER URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And you? Do you knowwhat ANTIFA stands signifies?,NOT @USER That. Is. Not. Scary. At all,NOT @USER @USER URL I read wages of rebellion- which had some beautiful moments - but some of it made me suspicious and this article confirmed some of them.,NOT @USER Those options are weak the situation was lot more complex. To answer your question tho she is a star and if her head is big she earned it and no the umpires shouldnt boycott. People always want to make and example out of serena like this has never happened before,NOT @USER What are you doing Joe? I swear it seems like he is doing this shit intentionally to show us fans up or put us in the hospital for heart attacks. #EverybodyIn @USER,OFF @USER Yea so no more gun control debate. Just slurs,NOT @USER You are my hero,NOT @USER President Obama? Did I miss something about this? He still believes he is President or is it you that isn't able to accept reality?,NOT @USER @USER @USER Lmao. And yet it’s called Gauteng. 😂😂😂😂. Dude just say you are arguing for the sake of not wanting to lose. Nguni Land? Ahahahahahaha. Do you know why Vaal is called Lekwa? Do you know who king Tshwane is? Do you even know who Thulare is? Dude I’m done with you.,NOT @USER @USER This what’s the matter with #Hollywood and #liberals 🤮,NOT @USER I guess I'd like to see more thought put into if these are such nothing burgers then why were they made confidential? I really don't know why you are going after him with this series of tweets? Chair is misleading the public about amount of disclosure & threatening a sen.,NOT ".@USER Live westminster"" utter bulshit conservatives cear nothing of the people living in social housing just look #Grenfell & It's tenants need say no more merits speak louder than words & Tory words are empty promises!""",OFF @USER @USER You are name calling a decorated disabled veteran. - shame on you. Know your subject before making slanderous remarks.,OFF @USER Gonna call bullshit on that one.,OFF @USER She is the scuttlebutt queen,NOT @USER He will get what he deserves😈,NOT @USER @USER Do you hate him that much. He is OUR President.,OFF @USER I have tried to follow you. How are you different from the liberals. Pandering to the dairy monopoly is offensive in principal and in practise. The PPC party may be the only option that reflects my values. It takes fortitude to do what is right.,NOT @USER @USER She is a blind fool make America great again America first Americans understand the difference we the people voted for Donald J Trump the ex 🤡 Obama policies was a complete failure let's seat back and enjoy the 🤡 show starting Barack Obama,OFF @USER @USER That's how liberals interoperate the law! One more reason to make sure we flood the courts with conservative Judges.,NOT @USER She is adorable.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Andre cury earned 6 million from Neymar's transfer to PSG.,NOT @USER Maybe he should have used some of your peers? URL,NOT @USER Does penn state produce criminals too?,NOT "#Politics #Government LIBERALS WON'T LIKE THIS --> @USER says @USER took a call from @USER and talked about our plan."" URL via @USER",NOT Turns out Cody 'Sanjuro' Wilson fancies himself as a samurai. probably collects fake swords #RiceKing #usefulidiot #QAnon #MAGA URL,NOT @USER I know sex sales and we all know Ridge was going to choose his daughter jmo I wanted Hope to get it,OFF @USER I’ll be watching! I feel like it’s less of a ‘by the end of this everyone will stan Jake Paul’ and more of a ‘analyzing what makes Jake Paul the way that he is and trying to understand him psychologically’,NOT @USER @USER She is the most clueless defence minister ever only rivaled by anthony,NOT @USER @USER I don’t know where you get your facts or if you’re making them up but give it up man! URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER Farrakhan has refered to white people as Blue eyed devils. Will not even repeat what he has said about Jews. He is anti-Semitic.,OFF @USER @USER Harrison Ford is NOT using renewable energy to power his home. He is using the same power plant the rest of the neighborhood is using. And that power plant is releasing toxins up into the air.,NOT "@USER Wow, Erick, working on your PhD in theology"". You should pick another career, unless you are Evangelical, then I understand.""",NOT @USER Carrey is looking more like a tranny every day ?!,OFF @USER Picking acts by such nonsensical elements and portraying to world. Pseudo Liberals pastime. Our's is a Country with much great achievements dating back Centuries. Spread that. But that won't suit your agenda. @USER,NOT @USER @USER The failure is the Liberal experiment to rush everyone away from Traditional Christian Family Values. We have always had violence but liberal ideology has destroyed society. Liberals create crisis situations to further their warped attempt to take power away from individuals.,NOT @USER Fuck em all. Complete morons,OFF @USER @USER Congress tried Secret Shah Bano strategy for #TripleTalaq. Then they openly took a position to appease Muslim conservatives for votes. @USER trying to confuse now about their position on it again for votes. People of India are smarter now to know their real reason.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A visit to the DC Holocaust Museum revealed Hitler won by 43% of the popular vote and 32% of the seats. He also used the Schutzstaffel (SS) to intimidate his opponents reminding one of the Antifa thugs we have today. Hitler also got the Muslims on his side. Uncanny.,NOT Tonight: Exposing the truth behind the accusations targeting Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh. Also: Hurricane Florence damage totals rise in concert with the floodwaters & the blatant congressional republican betrayal that could cost them the election #MAGA #TCOT #KAG URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER If economy plummets post-Brexit then less money for public services; if less immigration to work on farms and services no doubt you will step in? #Conservatives #BrexitShambles 2/2,NOT @USER @USER she is a cracchead lol just waiting for her to leak it herself,NOT "@USER @USER Fair enough. Save your breath for crying for help, when reality will hit you, as it always does to libertarians & conservatives"".""",NOT @USER And when did Breitbart become a reliable source of anything?,NOT "@USER He is.""""",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER These are policy issues where actual data applies. Obviously you are not familiar with the massive health care crises that existed before it was legal. Look into the uncontroversial (7-2) Roe decision and the Scotus statements regarding what made it so.,NOT @USER @USER I think u are right... She is in deed wearing the same Jersey🙌,NOT @USER That's what Lindsey Graham uses for a butt hole............,OFF Just #MAGA URL,NOT @USER 10 cities to avoid this winter,NOT @USER @USER Thank You🙏Followed You🍎 #Maga 💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 URL,NOT @USER *click* FUCK YOU!!,OFF @USER Dems trying to clean up their sloppy #kavanaugh #allegations #ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow #MAGA,NOT @USER @USER @USER Chicago is the living proof that gun control doesn't work.,NOT @USER I liked it in a so bad it's good way. She is so miscast it's amazing,NOT @USER @USER POTUS is there right now. He will do all he can to help these people and it is heart felt. He will not politicize this like you liberals do.,NOT @USER Beto is anti American and believes in open borders and illegals recieving benefits. Texans need to keep our state red!,NOT @USER @USER @USER who's singular wiped out a number of Lib Dem councils in the North by going into bed with the Conservatives thus losing local election seats. Now we have him trying to turn over a democratic vote on #Brexit. URL,NOT @USER @USER This guy embezzeled at least a trillion dollars from the american people he is a divider of people he is full of hatred for the american people this guy cant be trusted look at our people that was in bengazi they trusted him and most of them died,OFF "@USER @USER She is so cute! And only for 2 days!""""",NOT @USER Heil Facebook! Yeah...pretty much.,NOT @USER Neither does antifa,NOT @USER Again another b******* story no one is watching football because of this a******,OFF @USER I think she really knows now but she is in denial!!,OFF #ReleaseTheCures #DeclassifyFISA 🇺🇸 #ItsTime #LockThemAllUp #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 #GreatAwakening @USER #Winning #QAnon #MAGA Why James Comey knows he's going to be indicted — 9/14/18 - YouTube URL,OFF "@USER Joe - ANTIFA are not bullies. They are fighters fighting for democracy""""",NOT @USER OMG why do we care about these Hollywood Liberals??,NOT 1. End the War on Drugs 2. Slash the shit out of taxes across the board 3. Repeal unconstitutional gun control laws URL,OFF @USER #Man'sNotBarryRoux you are goggle due you dig information ga o flake🙄🤔🤔🙄😁😁,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Do the mass school shooting numbers take Republicans’ disinterest in gun control to keep their NRA $ coming into account?,NOT @USER Um bc she is??????,NOT @USER And I will never watch your movies again because you are a maniac!,OFF @USER @USER @USER The Nov election will tell the tale. MSM laud Antifa; alt-media expose them as Soros-shill shitheads.,OFF @USER This just proves that liberals have no shame whatsoever. He’s a deceiver and a proven liar. Has the nerve to speak of “casting a shadow.”,OFF @USER THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!!!!! THE UGLY FACE OF LIBERALS! I FEEL SORRY FOR THE INNOCENT HONEST ONES THAT ARE JUST BRAINWASHED!,OFF @USER @USER Soutien total. Stop #fascisme #Antifa #AntiFascist,NOT @USER @USER The problem for May is how it will devastate her government & party. The ERG will go bonkers & try to stop a second vote. Result chaos. Many Conservatives fear this will totally destroy the party. But repressing it WILL.,NOT @USER she said her supporting gun control is more legitimate because “she has more life experience with it” (she knew people who deservedly got shot by Dorner),NOT @USER @USER Looks like @USER and liberals have already found him guilty like usual before anything has started. She is apart of the resistance and me-too movement. They have pics of her at marches with her pink hat. How much was she payed to play her part?,NOT @USER @USER There you go! An this is different how? #MAGA,NOT @USER @USER Antifa Tribute song - URL,NOT "#SecondAmendment I saw the Dems in the Kavanaugh hearings bring up common sense"" gun control, time after time. @USER is a Chicago guy. Chicago has some of the very toughest gun laws in the country, yet it's the gun violence capital of the USA. How about this Dick, ++""",OFF @USER We need complete and total gun control now. Philly needs to follow in the footsteps as chicago and london. #DemocraticSocialismNow #NoMoreGuns,NOT @USER She is a parasitic lump,OFF @USER Goo goo google. 👶🏻,NOT @USER Chelsea you like all your me too hysterical radicals ignore facts. you exercise fear mongering. science has helped make sure women and their unborn are safer today. The morning after pill is a great advance and the sanctity of life is more ensured for both mom and baby.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER damn... then I'll drink and fight right next to him... OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas,NOT @USER @USER AND SHE (LUCY HALE) CANNOT DO IT BECAUSE SHE IS TRAVELING IM JUST POITING THAT OUT.,NOT @USER Stop giving this family air time. It's exactly how Trump is where he is.,NOT @USER No wonder antifa wunderkind @USER wanted to work with you.,NOT @USER Carrey is becoming weird like peewee Herman...,OFF Lyin #BrettKavanaugh & His Sexual Assault Accuser Professor #ChristineBlaseyFord Are Willing to Testify Before Senate Committee. #StopKanavaugh #LiesUnderOath #SaveSCOTUS #CorruptGOP #maga #NoManIsAboveTheLaw #TrumpIsGuilty #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2018 via @USER URL,NOT @USER Best casting announcement since Riker was on it :) so excited love her so much! Met her twice she is just the sweetest,NOT @USER @USER The Gibraltar people will be hostages in the remaining #Brexit negotiations. Do @USER or the @USER care? Not a fig!,NOT @USER And yes. Having less access to guns drops suicide rates and accidental injuried snd desths. This can be proven by looking at every single country that has strict or better gun control. Unkess you want to prove otherwise that these countries are just as bad.,OFF @USER Glad he is on a winner,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He also clarified that there is the water birth when we are physically born. Then there is the spiritual birth which is obviously when we spiritually die to our sinful flesh and be reborn sinless after being cleansed by His blood at salvation when our sin debt is paid! Praise God,OFF "1/2 URL So because he speaks in a manner that is in layman's terms that can't be misinterpreted, says most people don't know (which Liberals/Democrats prove everyday), says Believe me"", says very bad, talks about serious issues makes him barbarically""",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are all rapid dog's 🤪,OFF Teach the children well #MAGA2020 #WeThePeople #MAGA #Qanon8chan (Constitution Song) URL via @USER,NOT Listen carefully. @USER @USER #QAnon #Qanuck #AskTheQ #WeThePeople #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL URL,NOT @USER Fudge report...then apparently she is not a socialist as you and your kind label her and is a successful capitalist but with much higher morals and opportunities for society. You have the dumbest followers.,OFF "@USER @USER If not a terrorist organization"", how exactly has ANTIFA not been named a criminal organization?""",NOT @USER He must not have gotten the email from Feinstein 😜,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The accounts of @USER and @USER are the Antifa twins. Don't try to twist this as is your usual game.,NOT @USER Can you Say Insanity? #LockThemAllUp #HandCuffsForHillary #MAGA URL,OFF #politicslive #Conservatives told us selling Council House Deregulating Rental Housing Market solutions would lead to more housing cheaper rents more home ownership Now look at the homeless figures Sky High Rents Lack of Tennant Rights Profits #Tories selling Public Land #Labour,NOT "@USER Your continual use of Left liberal Progressive on your show are Euphemisms for the democrat Party who owns"" them until deny them & ideology. You are lying to the Public by not calling a spade a spade.""",OFF @USER @USER This is ridiculous. She is going to have to vote for him at this point or it will be apparent she accepts bribes.,OFF @USER You said it. They're trying to prove that cheepika is goddess and everyone else has nothing to offer. It tells everything about how insecure they are as fans. Now their target is alia because they know how good she is. Alia being so good is threat to their so called goddess.,OFF #WakeUpAmerica #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG2020 #RedWaveRising2018 #VoteRed2018 #TXSen #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #KeepTexasRed #TedCruz2018 #BuildTheWall #VoterID #ConfirmKavanaugh #WalkAwayCampaign #WalkAway from #LiberalHate #LiberalIntolerance and #SocialistLies #VetoBeto URL,NOT @USER @USER FINALLY! Smaller more cost effective government! Thank you Conservatives!,NOT @USER @USER He is virtue signaling playing with young minds. He also thinks he can weaponise it in an attempt to stop Brexit. @USER is a disgraceful vile man to be honest he doesn't care who or what he uses to get what he wants.,OFF @USER @USER How many antifa are out there? Do they have classes on being an antifa member now at schools?,NOT @USER As he should. The world doesn't stop because you liberals wanna hijack a process and delay at all costs.,OFF @USER Im voting for @USER and @USER as well as other constitutionalist republicans. Thank you for fighting for America. We appreciate you @USER #maga #KeepAmericaGreat,NOT "@USER @USER Winston Churchill on being admonished about sentence ending prepositions: This is an outrage up with which I will not put!"" And the punchline to my favorite grammar joke: ""Oh. So, where y'all from, BITCH?""""",NOT @USER @USER The radical Social Media Antifa type can go hang.,NOT @USER He is adorable 😍,NOT .@USER molested me 35 yrs ago when I was 11yrs Old. I didn't want to say it till now. She should Thrown in jail. According to #Liberals & #MeToo you have to accept my allegations blindly. There I said it #ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow #SenatorFeinstein #DemocratsHateAmerica URL,OFF @USER This is just disgusting. But it sounds like you are absolutely right. I do think that even liberals are starting to realize this is all a political game.,OFF @USER My nurse friend always looking out for me 💙 Yeah it's a bit of a wet cough :/ The doctor I dealt with earlier wouldn't tell me anything and basically threw a prescription for antibiotics at me... which I assume means that he is thinking I possibly have a chest infection? 👀,NOT @USER @USER Glorita you are THE Most! ✨🇻🇪,NOT @USER She is backon twitter,NOT @USER @USER 6 weeks sorry she should have turned it into the fbi but she didn’t but you can’t now go around saying this isn’t politically motivated and that they care about sexual abuse now but please go ahead believing the liberals and being just another mindless sheep,NOT @USER Hogg is such a dolt! In a mass shooting it's rarely a long range shooting incident. It's usually close range inside a building of area thats a Gun Free Zone. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Snipers are rare in mass shooting events. D.C. and Vegas were exceptions.,NOT @USER @USER @USER You are 100% right; successful prosecution will send the right message. That said the inability of a voter to take a photo evidence of the party voted reduces the likelihood of vote buying. No party will waste money with this new approach because there is zero guarantee.,NOT @USER Cool! And that’s the way it SHOULD be!!!!,NOT @USER Considering Puerto Rico didn't have electricity on 70% of the island before the wondering who left her brain on the tarmac in the sun for a year? Probably Trump or Baron I assume.,NOT @USER @USER 🤔🤔 we would hang 70 plus on the frogs and cocks!🤔😂😂,NOT @USER @USER Like Antifa hiding their faces?,NOT @USER Boycott Nike just do it,NOT @USER Money better spent on American Mental Health or gun control Sandy hook Vegas Concert Theater Shooting Church in Sunny Springs,OFF @USER it just means you are one step closer to getting Rust in there :),NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I saw her in Denver last week. She is still traumatized. Cohen owes her so much because of 'My Life on the D List'.,NOT @USER @USER It's a pretty awesome movement. Imagine if all men's rights wanktavists just fucked off to the woods and spared everyone their bullshit? There'd be fewer abusuve relationships and messed up kids. The sooner all the men like that go their own way into the fucking sea the better.,OFF @USER @USER Fuuckkkk youuuuu,OFF @USER Professors at Liberal Colleges by Day & Antifa by Night.,NOT @USER @USER chloe shut the fuck up. seriously get a fucking life and leave us alone. idk how many time we have to fucking tell you. bc you clearly you don’t fucking get it.,OFF @USER Her strong character?? She is corrupt through and through....her house of cards is falling fast. Just a matter of time.,NOT @USER Ironic (or worse) that anti- 2nd Amendment legislators want an activist judiciary to verify gun control but same law makers are anti #COS,NOT @USER How much money has the conservatives promised for housing over the last ten years ? and how many houses have actually been built. There promises don’t add up.,NOT @USER The democrat years in power. We remember those women well. Too bad liberals are hypocrites of the worst kind.,OFF @USER @USER Our USA WW2 soldiers were all Antifa anti-fascists too. They killed them.,NOT @USER Thanks man! It's not in stock at most stores tbh so you need to order it by phone/online to then pick up in 2-3 days (Unless you are in Texas),NOT @USER How paranoid has one person to be to think that fucking yale is a kind of antifa HQ,OFF @USER I was on some shit last night,OFF @USER He got it 100% right He is pissing up the wall and marking his height,NOT @USER you are amazing and talented and i hope you have an amazing night 💘💕💖💘,NOT @USER 2A and putting an end to these Antifa fuckwits. Pardon the language,OFF @USER @USER Show me a GOP/Trump supporter mass shooter. You have a problem with me drawing and taking out a active shooter? When I was growing up in SSF you could open carry. Then the black panthers freaked out your elder liberals at the time and they took that away from us.,OFF "@USER Show Me the MAGA!""""",NOT "@USER @USER Just imagine the divorce case if she hadn't murdered him. Your honor, I would like to introduce into evidence the book wherein she details how she is planning to kill me ...""""",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER VOTE RED MAGA,NOT "History will judge you well."" - #QAnon URL",NOT @USER Are #conservatives in #Kansas joining in on claiming Christine Blasey Ford is making false accusations while supporting @USER at the same time? Cus that level of stupidity is the hallmark of the @USER,OFF @USER @USER We need a RICO investigation,NOT @USER She is sexy without even trying.,NOT @USER #Antifa loud mouth. #Democrat.,NOT @USER dude she is a babe! that dress wowowowowow,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Unicorns and Antifa and rainbows and socialists and puffy hearts and feminazis and sunshine and pussy hats. And most of all RESIST! 😂🤣😂,OFF @USER Because he support d Roseanne??,NOT @USER I love only one (1) bitch (you) URL,OFF @USER @USER So how do propose a ward deal with this? Put the gay/lesbian youth with the opposite gender? Or segregate them from the other kids entirely (awful idea). I’m just going to assume @USER has more experience and knows what he is talking about here.,OFF @USER @USER He is guilty until proven innocent!!!,NOT @USER Guess he forgot to walk the liberal plank!,OFF @USER @USER was spreading #FakeNews about @USER FYI. #MAGA,OFF @USER @USER @USER Liberals can’t stand all the WINNIG!! 😂. URL,NOT @USER Be like Haiti and Obama and Clinton,NOT @USER I remember when the game just fucking started.,NOT @USER The Liberals took over @USER 🙁,OFF 1000 gay children have now died as a result of bert and ernie not being gay. hope ur happy conservatives.,NOT @USER @USER I hate 7 year old faggot Logan fans like you,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The world knows that Right wing extremists are responsible for more terror attacks that leave people actually dead in the US than all other groups combined.... statistical fact. Will remind not 1 case of anyone dying because of antifa... your not on solid ground here..,NOT @USER @USER and the so called letter is where?,NOT @USER A liberal anarchist coup d'etat gang runs rampant & a GOP AG does nothing. Liberals prove to be the biggest hate group in USA. The leftstream media cheers them on while excoriating duly elected President of the United States 24/7. ANTIFA openly advocates killing cops. Silence,NOT @USER I honestly hope games get to the point where our Consciousness gets ported to the game world itself. Just imagine the worlds of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout like that where you are truly that character now and not just someone looking at screen.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Another village missing its idiot!!! 🙄,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER The Australian origins of Gun Control: Paperback URL Kindle URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER The problem is corporate barons are spending millions against conservative causes. Take for instance Nike. They plan on spending hundreds of thousands against Measure 105 in Oregon. Billionaires are spending millions to curb gun rights in Washington URL,NOT @USER They are false. This is what the democRATs do best. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState,OFF "@USER @USER Right. shoot the messenger."" Don't go after the homosexual rot in the clergy, Bergoglio, go after the man - Archbishop Vigano - who EXPOSED the homosexual rot in the clergy. Satan must be having a REALLY good laugh over that one.""",OFF 19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.,OFF "@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Why are you buying into the global"" crap? That is a very ""liberal"" position and exactly what is killing Canada right now. Please lose this if you truly want your party to succeed. Don't use the cliche&catch phrases that the liberals use-it makes you look like liberal wannabes.""",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Somewhere i saw that the real reason that gun control was first pushed in the 60's was to keep the guns out of the minorities hands.,NOT @USER @USER Won’t get elected either Beto.,NOT @USER @USER @USER he is fake lol,OFF @USER who held majority in the house and senate and who still does? Obama said himself that elections have consequences might want to thank Harry Reid and every senator that voted to end filibuster,NOT @USER The truth about gun control and human nature in one picture. URL,NOT .@USER nails it - this is why conservatives must turnout this Nov and stop Democrats from winning the midterms 👇👇👇 URL,NOT @USER please stop being so nice to the lying obstructive Liberals- get on with the vote please! She is being used snd infantilized bh the DEMS- all a ruse URL,NOT You are gonna be so surprised when you find out what stealth @USER has been up to... he is doing us good Joe. #MAGA @USER #QAnon #TRDJ #WWG1WGA URL,NOT @USER @USER Just another Dem tactic. Leftist do that not good conservatives.,NOT @USER @USER @USER You’re the embarrassment who should be kicked out of the @USER,OFF @USER And I you ya sexy lady you ♡,OFF @USER You haven't a clue of what you are talking about. You cant even tell the difference between a real nazi and a freedom loving minority.,NOT @USER Me and bronbron are cool now. It's ok if he eat ass #lakergang,OFF @USER you don't know me,NOT @USER @USER @USER Nobody does racism like the @USER 😮,NOT @USER i feel attacked 😂,NOT @USER @USER Sad to say. You are right. Awful that you have to even consider the issue. I pray for you and your family.,NOT @USER Maybe Florida needs to get tougher on gun control!,NOT #EqualJustice requires that #Dems and conservatives be treated the same way under the law. URL,NOT @USER @USER You do know what the chant Puto means don't you? Fined three times means its not acceptable both are being bullies. One was done by one player the other done by the culture of a country.,OFF @USER @USER Give me the pounds wanka,NOT @USER He is spot on!!! Thanks Joe and Creepy Jr for spreading Joe’s message!,NOT @USER @USER this is all just another fraud put out by the democrats.this woman is lying to help her party.Nothing but a liberal nutjob who would say anything to try and keep the conservatives from having the majority on the SCOTUS.,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER DaveB the most boring man to have ever graced SIMB. Thank fuck he was run off the BORED,OFF @USER Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen?? That’s one hating ass bitch 😭,OFF @USER Any day you free I’m dead ass serious an don’t call me talking about come get him cause imma block yo ass,OFF @USER legend says that she never actually got to her phone and she is still reaching to this day,NOT @USER There is almost no one that liberals won't insult in defense of their ideological agenda,NOT "@USER It's the same slippery slope"" argument used very successfully by the gun lobby Margaret. Sure it's way outside the normal conversation but probably 60% of the country buys into that narative about gun control. So what's the difference if the Women's lobby uses it?""",NOT @USER Maybe she’s just mad that you don’t “attack” her enough that she is getting as much work as she did at the height of her “victimhood” period? I always told you that she only got that much work for that long was by parlaying victim points from your criticism into work offers.,NOT @USER @USER That is the same old crap spewed by the liberals (MSM). They are disgusting!,OFF @USER By screaming at the officials or by throwing her racket? I'm confused.,NOT @USER It would be so nice if the Trump supporters could tell us why they believe he is so great without comparing him to every criminal in the history of American politics.,NOT "@USER @USER please tell BBC viewers that the @USER caused the biggest fall in the number of new affordable homes! They are not going to solve a crisis"" they caused!""",NOT @USER Ya but we saw some really good things in the preseason. Now granted I didn’t watch Bills preseason games but didn’t get the feeling there was the same buzz. Again hopefully you are right and he does play well.,NOT @USER im fucking sad also this gif is art,OFF @USER You are kind and attentive. Thank you 🙏🏾Peace to you @USER,NOT @USER @USER They thought she would win so they could implement the last part of their plan to use the guillotines from China and blades from Mexico. #MAGA #LockThemAllUp #confirmkavanaugh #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessTheWorld #GodBlessOurMilitary #100thMonkey,OFF @USER Go away you are irrelevant,OFF @USER @USER @USER What is happening I'm lost URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lets get electric ferries and tear down our dams. Liberals don't make sense.,NOT @USER Didn't me too woman molest a young boy. And the next day they were forgiving her. Hypocrisy thrives in celebrity circles.,OFF @USER @USER @USER And his son the ANTIFA masked hater is normal?,NOT @USER He is such a piece of shit,OFF @USER you always have such a lovely way with are one wonderful person.....the biggest of hearts. Thank you so much for that '),NOT @USER Energy Independent,NOT @USER Clearly Durbin lived under a rock for those eight years!,NOT @USER Seriously??.... Guess comedy is easier to get viral.... Have you tried drawing shit? XD,OFF @USER That stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it,OFF @USER ❤ You are beloved! ❤,NOT @USER Not sure. Just woke up wanting to fuck some chuds up Might be the antifa super soldier serum or something idk,OFF @USER Important story on business’ growth limitations due to historically low unemployment rates in WI URL,NOT @USER By wagging her finger at authority figures? Hmmm. Serena is the definition of a bully. Her frequent on court tantrums are why she is being screened for steroid use more than other players. She appears to have roid-rage.,NOT @USER I really hope you don’t block me until after next Monday. I want to see this page’s reaction when Kavanaugh gets confirmed to the Supreme Court. That gun control is effectively dead.,OFF @USER @USER Why do you have to bring race into this the real racist are Democrats and liberals like you.,OFF @USER @USER She is diabetic 🤐,NOT @USER that's unepic,OFF "@USER Looks like gun control"" works in Chicago 😄👽""",NOT @USER @USER @USER Stop lying liberals. He said that is absolutely nuts,OFF Buying this today best of luck on your new book! @USER #MAGA URL,NOT @USER @USER Nice!!!!! You are so welcome!!,NOT @USER @USER She either testifies or shuts up.She is either a fraud or a false memory person.When you have been raped you never forget it ever.,OFF @USER We apologize for the delay in response here and wanted to follow up and see if you are still experiencing issues. Our engineers are in the final stages of mitigating impact related to the event. ^MA,NOT @USER She does and she lost because she took it for granted that she would inherit all of Bill’s support not knowing that for all of his deficiencies he is the kind of person you could drink with and she is the kind of person one would never drink with.,NOT Snowflake @USER - whine whine whine #MAGA baby URL,OFF @USER @USER Mueller was told he either would co-operate or go to prison for life or be is all coming out. #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState #ConfirmKavanaugh #TraitorsAll,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER thanks mum!,NOT @USER This isn’t about gun control anymore this is about hate. Take guns away the hateful will find something else. Let’s resolve where anger comes from,NOT @USER Good! #Antifa is violent fascism.,NOT @USER The Liberals liberal right there.,NOT @USER @USER He is not good in Debate but very good in Dancing Competition.,NOT #guncontrol #robbery #murder #Selfdense #Defend #secondammendment Why You Don't Want Gun Control Three Armed Home Invaders Try to Ambush Homeowner | Active Self Protection URL via @USER,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is a disgusting Coont!,OFF @USER She is such a £ucking liar! You turned on the lights and did not notice it was not YOUR apartment? You had to go look at the number? WTF is she on?,NOT @USER That’s really insulting because there are a lot of Latinos like me and there are a lot black conservatives who believe in God. We are not crackheads nor are we uneducated. These celebrities are garbage who know only how to read from a script that’s all.,OFF @USER Culture vs Race in America race trumps culture. Hence President Obama and Tiger are black because of how they appear. Osaka cultural identifies as Japanese therefore she is Japanese. If she stay in America she’ll become black-Japanese because in America we identify people be race,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Amazing how they can consistently manage to piss off both progressives and conservatives by being so arrogantly misguided--often in same segments.,OFF "@USER I wasn't aware I had a smell."" Cologne when he chose to, perhaps. ""So I take it then that you are aware when I am near. And when I shadow."" Meaning 'follow,' but in an attempt to be less .. creepy.""",NOT "America..!! #WalkAway Get out and VOTE or live in POVERTY and SERVITUDE...!!"" #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL",OFF @USER @USER achichincle lamebotas!,OFF @USER @USER @USER That's literally in the Bible that conservatives love to thump but never read.,NOT @USER Super sexy❤😍👌,NOT . @USER Advocating gun control right now. Cars kill as does drunk drivers. How about banning cars and alcohol?,NOT @USER @USER Espn is a joke. She is an entitled bully who can't handle losing.,OFF @USER @USER You care about black men dying at the hands of racist cops? You care about the immigrants being kidnapped at the border? You care about the 3k Puerto Ricans that died? I figured you would bring up antifa. That says everything about you.,NOT "@USER @USER If she is so passionate, why doesn't she donate ALL her money to helping women who cannot afford. Instead of a fancy apartment, get one for a few hundred, get a roommate and show everyone, Yes YOU can.""""",NOT @USER I thought the left hated guns? And gun violence? Gun control right?,OFF @USER Deep State coup not working?,NOT @USER @USER Watch out u may START a BENGHAZI..,NOT @USER Fuckin great brother. I just laughed like a little girl. “Grab your balls” stay in the trade,OFF "@USER @USER , @USER asks, How deez taste?""""",NOT @USER Comedians are supposed to be funny!,NOT @USER @USER Then why is it always recommending he watch conservatives?,NOT #brexit How can @USER make a deal with the EU when the @USER is split in 2. But even @USER is not 100 % brexit or #remain.,NOT @USER You are so adorable. ^^,NOT @USER Amazing when reporters are scared of the truth!! Doesn't that tell you everything! #MAGA #ReleaseTheDocuments,NOT @USER She is a liar,OFF @USER Bob is an old man living in the past. He has no idea what the working class has been through. Promises from both the Dems & Rep career politicians with their expensive law degrees and never worked a day in their lives. It took @USER to finally listen and take action.,NOT @USER @USER Yes Canada that is another great achievement from the #Trudeau #Liberals it just keeps getting better,NOT 12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It's already legalized killing of babies and liberals are afraid of Trumps supreme court picks taking it away.,OFF @USER @USER @USER Look Ellen.... I am not a socialist commie... you are the one for government Universal Health Care bigger government gun control and free colleges. I am American I'm for capitalism,OFF @USER @USER @USER Perhaps she is promised position or money?,NOT @USER I simply disagree Flotus. He or she is exposing the egregious behavior of your husband which no one else will. Potus’s actions are hurting this country. Words matter and style matters. Truth matters.,OFF #KKK & Gun Control are traditions of @USER Dems started the #KKK because they hated blacks Then they started gun control to stop the @USER from arming the Klan's victims #2A #Gunsense is gun ownership! #WhateverItTakes to inform liberals of the truth! URL,OFF @USER @USER I don't see that as racist though all I see is an undeserving overbearing crybaby throwing a Tantrum like only Serena Williams can pull off. Maybe she's the racist if that's all she sees.,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER It's funny how liberals and Democrats work together but fight on Twitter,NOT @USER You are becoming the court jester of the senate,OFF 2/ #MaximeBernier supporters @USER not conservative enough. We need to move to the right!!! But Max says room for the NDP but not conservatives. I don’t understand why thoughtful Conservatives aren’t calling out this hypocrisy. I keep getting this meme It’s a fraud. URL,NOT @USER bakkt is doing what an ETF would have done... they are just not calling it an etf. FUKEN CUUUUUKS,OFF "@USER @USER Communists: Liberals get the bullet, too."" Me: ""Wow f*ck you!"" Communists: ""You are excluding instead of unifying.""""",OFF @USER Thank you bro . I’m glad that you think she is bro because she is but if she did it wouldn’t make her any less amazing .,NOT @USER @USER @USER If you think I was referring specifically to you then you misunderstood. You attacked someone without a uterus saying they have no say on reproductive rights. Using that argument then if you do not own firearms you have no right to comment on gun control.,NOT @USER everyone's ragging your ass on Puerto rico Don. The mayor put a stop to the work being done out there a while back.,OFF @USER I bet. Why do think dirt bag pubs like the National Inquirer are still around. Smut and lies sell We can only hope someone writes a tell all bullshit story about Woodward or better yet even one about you. Instead of Fear” it could be called “Pervs”. URL,NOT "@USER BBC stop with your blatant and biassed backing of the Conservatives. Theresa May didn't hit back she was out on her feet and her responses were scripted, robotic to say the least. She is the worst"" leader along with the worst government the country has ever had.""",OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Bill Clinton 90s Gun Control law which banned Assault Weapons was effective public safety policy which the NRA worked to undo it during the Bush years. Clintons are profiles in courage to take on GOP & beat the NRA. Weak NRA Bernie voted 5x for NRA.,NOT @USER @USER @USER He is.,NOT Ababzhah but this whole everyone talking about sex makes me very uncomfortable so bye,NOT @USER @USER Still a lot of religious conservatives but hopefully Beto is getting a bunch of unlikely voters that the polls don't capture.,OFF @USER But partisan moves are the daily norm for the likes of Mitch McConnell. Yet somehow he still hangs on to his job and has the respect of conservatives across the country. This is why women are so afraid to stand up and say they were assaulted. We are part of the problem.,NOT "@USER Yep. And lots of people think antifa = violent"" and don't understand the context in which they operate and what they're opposing. Like the biggest thing was over a year ago at Unite the Right, where a white supremacist killed someone and several other people were attacked.""",OFF @USER She is awful!,OFF President Trump has an announcement to make: #DonaldTrump #maga #metoo URL,NOT @USER Me too. I’m glad he is back,NOT @USER Yes she is URL,NOT So now someone has to photoshop a pic of Toad in a MAGA cap with a confederate flag on his kart.,NOT ANTIFA SUPERSIZED 😈 URL,NOT @USER @USER Keep up the great work Cory! You are today’s hero. Not the Op-Ed author who should have invoked the 25th.,NOT @USER @USER @USER Yep. I was at Yale law school as well.. He also mentioned at one point that he could pee his name in the snow and that groping someone against their will while holding them down and choking them was “boys being boys”. NBD. #MoronsAreGoverningAmerica #MAGA #Kavanaugh,OFF @USER @USER @USER Tell this idiot to try with other religion book. Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest. She is sick. She needs treatment. And she is alive becoz she hindu. Don't blabber non sense,OFF @USER @USER @USER 😂🤣 it’s funny how liberals use terms like “snowflake” and “triggered” bc that is exactly the terms that were originally used by conservatives to describe liberals on Election Day! I still lmao I’ve never seen a grown he-she before screen bloody murder over a new potus 😂😂,OFF @USER She is thick though? Wtf😩,NOT @USER @USER @USER I wonder if she is still in love with the drug dealing boyfriend that worked at Burger King.,OFF @USER They are Antifa democrats disguised as GOP looking to infiltrate the party. Don't worry though it doesn't take long to figure them out.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Liberals know the truth. Here is an example. Obama's numbers from his presidency. URL,NOT @USER He is! 💥,OFF @USER You are obsessed with @USER She’s a millionaire because she is a good comedian. You have money because Big Daddy Bone Spurs handed it to you a**hole.,OFF @USER @USER @USER Think they're trying to be funny or it's a dog whistle to prohibitionists. Either way it's a total fucking disgrace and belittles cannabis use. Wankers.,OFF @USER Ali you are in my hometown with me. Welcome and please be safe. We'll be riding out the storm together.,NOT @USER And people died in Chicago because of you. Now how stupid does that sound you idiot,OFF @USER Hell fuckin yea,OFF @USER Proof that conservatives really suck at satire. 👆,NOT @USER But mostly just Antifa getting killed.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER David calling for Lynn to resign is an reckless and irresponsible statement and needs to resign immediately as he is unfit do hold any position anywhere. See what I did there.,OFF @USER I think I would pick that just for the fun of it😂😂,NOT - Will liberals agree that any is destructive? URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER Lindsey will never sink as low as you and the rest of the hateful liberals.,OFF @USER Those lying liberals. At it again. SMH.,OFF @USER How about holder uses a gag to shut himself up?,NOT @USER #investigateChtistineFord why is ford deleted her social media accounts? Why is she all of a suddenly want to delay testimony? Is Ford an ANTIFA activist?,NOT @USER Maybe you haven’t seen how well #MAGA is working on our economy. The turn around is restitching the fray in our social fabric and rekindling our civic spirit. These reforms are enlightening and educating the next generation in responsible civics. #WalkAway,NOT "@USER @USER @USER @USER The rules today were put in place to prevent players acting like those bad boys"" of the past. She is a professional, she knew that her coach broke the rules, he admitted as much. Saying others don't or didn't get called is no defence. She was only fighting to be above the law.""",NOT A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on URL #FoxNews,OFF @USER @USER @USER I have to thank the creator for finding me a bigger list of people to follow. Perhaps now this person can do a search on ANTIFA and other Communists infecting youth.,NOT @USER Nice hat😂 Hey #Liberals and #Democrats @USER is living Rent Free in y'all's heads... like McDonald's #ImLovingIt Sweet Revenge Has Never Tasted So Good #MAGA #WalkAway,OFF @USER Because to liberals being a white mail is disqualifying. It’s attempt to muzzle gop on SJC. Graham (allegedly a gay white male) should take point if he has it in him. Might save him a primary figjt,NOT @USER Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards. URL,OFF @USER Stylistic nuances are trivial. U shud prioritise a level of discretion & ambiguity that keeps ur adult life from being harmed by Leftist Elites & their Antifa shocktroops,NOT @USER Everyone will be dead by 2020,NOT @USER @USER Xtc isn't going to help you sleep hahahah but it will help you feel better after how Rockstar is shitting on us. Or did you mean sleeping pills😂,OFF @USER Does he rage against 2 gender skeptics?,NOT @USER @USER is a blight on womanhood. Grow up.,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER Given the sheer scale of the numbers I suspect from time to time someone had to look in a pit and say “I recon that’s 450 in that hole”..the point is BIG BAZ they are fucking big numbers clocked up by the far right/left. I’m interested in the initial claim of genocide by Liberals,NOT @USER @USER I think he meant to say ... sent to jail for fraud,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER I will be over there to visit her tomorrow!! She is awesome!!,NOT @USER @USER LOVE HER!! She is a BADASS!,OFF @USER @USER >>>>> Funner FACT: This company .@USER was created by the >>>C.I.A.<<< And now the WORLD knows. (((((LISTEN PLEASE))))) URL,NOT #DontMessAroundWith conservatives. Dismiss them with prejudice.,NOT @USER She has become a parody unto herself? She has certainly taken some heat for being such an....well idiot. Could be optic too Who know with Liberals They're all optics. No substance,OFF @USER @USER @USER Oh you just wait til you see the next hurricane meal I tweet out! You are gonna be sooo jealous...,NOT @USER @USER This is super underrated,NOT @USER @USER @USER Maybe he is just light in his loafers,NOT @USER Actually this should be given to the powers that be before this nut bar takes a gun and does what she is saying she will.,NOT @USER “the sex symbol of rap” LMAOOO BITCH YOUre FAT aS FUCK ANYWAYS you tryna fight?,OFF @USER @USER All of us are scratching our heads over this. He is trying to intimidate. Don't let him.,NOT @USER You do mean the bernie assholes that stayed home,OFF @USER And I am just over the #justdoit #nike,NOT @USER She is beautiful!!! God bless you both 🙏,NOT @USER Hope he is feeling much better!!!,NOT @USER Who talks shit on buff chicken dip dude it’s buff chicken dip,OFF @USER @USER I agree..but they are still conservatives at heart. May hate 45* but still have their conservative ideals.,NOT #WashingtonPost broke the story therapist notes Miss Ford stated four men assaulted her 😠 now it's two😮 #VoteDemsOut to end #DirtyTricks stop what's wrong with #DC #Kavanaugh #maga #FoxNews #Liar #CNN #msnbc #SenFlake #Wrong to use #MeToo for politics #ChristineBlaseyFord URL,OFF @USER @USER @USER You missed Rachel Maddow's show? She had some of them. She didn't look at them before air time. She proved he paid a butt load in taxes. #maga #WalkAway,NOT @USER Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything - like Hitler did,NOT #MalcolmX on Liberals..............................wise man! URL,NOT Accept me for who I am. I understand it's not easy. But neither is loving someone who only tries to correct your flaws that only make you so incredibly unique. 👑,NOT @USER He is toxic even for alligators,OFF @USER whoaaa that's amazing i wanna see her now 😝 also you are a kinky lil slut but ily,OFF @USER (who she is currently dating),NOT @USER @USER @USER No worries Antifa. You can still live in your parents basement and go to your community college!!!,OFF @USER I eat some weird shit but this crossed the line,OFF @USER A book? Still wanting money from the public. Liberals will probably buy it or Soros will buy up a lot of copies to make it a best seller as he has probably done with other liberal books. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸,NOT @USER @USER @USER Awesome!,NOT @USER @USER WHAT A DOG..SHE IS...,OFF @USER henry,NOT @USER There’s false reports of an antifa professor who was assaulted 36 ish (she can’t quite recall) years ago by an upstanding SCOTUS nominee. You should look into that.,NOT @USER 60 minutes is the one that had bragged about her and her story. you guys thought it was great she was female CEO. that was your story. Now she is the evil one. CBS - why don't you verify before your reporting??,NOT @USER @USER @USER Cops rarely got shot in countries with gun control,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed and retweeted. I follow all Trump supporters.,NOT @USER His protest is indeed a right as it is my right to make sure none of my money goes to the NFL or anything he supports including Nike.,NOT @USER beast boy is 15 raven is 18 and robin and starfire are both at least in their early thirties,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That nutbar hasn’t blocked you Todd? She blocked me and gave no clue who she is,NOT @USER Hate is hate no matter what side of the aisle you are on it's bad when Republicans do it it's bad lwhen liberals do it... this should be non partisan!,NOT @USER @USER WHERE'S holier than thou @USER Sippin wine in the shade somewhere... #MAGA,NOT "@USER I have found that my younger women doctors don't ignore me when I say I know my body, and are more inclusive of everything. The hospital even updated their sheets to include non-binary"" for gender and ""sexual identity"" instead of the common ""sex/gender"" m/f options.""",NOT "@USER @USER @USER #usaafr18 looking forward to: Dr. Deirdre Cooper Owens, who will give the Wednesday, October 17, 2018 lecture about Medical Bondage and the Birth of American Gynecology.""""",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL That's a guy. Guy looks like a Sheila! #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER She is trying hard to keep a righteous spirit.,NOT @USER @USER @USER That's right and don't you forget it. MAGA. 👊,NOT @USER @USER Now you understand why conservatives fear expressing their true beliefs. If you don’t buy into the dominant liberal narrative about social issues you become persona non grata. Ask James Damore.,NOT Filling the Skies - Chemicals & Frequencies #IDoNotConsent #WeDoNotConsent #OpEvidence #opstopchemtrails #Chemtrails #SkyBastard #Geoengineering #climatechange #SRM #Cloudseeding #EverGreenAir  #BigMoney #NEXRAD #LookUp #SilentWarfare #WeatherWarfare #MAGA #potus #breakingnews URL,NOT @USER He’s trying to go on the campaign trail for big pay! We know what Iran loving Hussein is up to. No match for Presidrnt Trump who gives his salary to charity.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Your side has AntiFa. You into them? Like violence?,NOT @USER @USER Fuck you cunt. Try this on for size. URL,OFF US enjoys 22m/yr visits from Canadians 4 tourism & business. Lot of $$ coming directly to the US. In Oct Canada legalizes cannabis. But US border agents ban mj consumers & mj biz ppl for life. What happens to US #TourismJobs? #GOP #maga #uspoli #USPolitics URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER There are THREE cardboard boxes full. Come pick out a haunted cardigan!,NOT Analysis | Devin Nunes explains ‘antifa’ and ‘all of these riots’: ‘Because we’re winning’ URL,NOT @USER He is obviously sucking up to his players because I promise a very large majority of their season ticket base support the President #BoycottTheNFL #TakeAStand,NOT @USER Liberals are like adding salt to beer - they spoil everything...,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We can win the Menendez seat for #MAGA! 🇺🇸 There are 2.4 million registered Independent Republicans in NJ & we outnumber establishment R’s 2:1! 🇺🇸 Only 2.1 million registered D’s in NJ 🇺🇸 On November 6th in NJ R is for RINO! 🇺🇸 This mid term in NJ True Red is I-R,NOT @USER Perhaps our politicians should stop using them as reason to ban/confiscate popular firearms. The gun control crowd is making them a target and it is wrong.,NOT @USER //Anime is a gag series. The manga is bloody as fuck.,OFF @USER fox could have sash DI'd tho,OFF @USER @USER Of course they are. She either agrees to testify on Mon or they vote on Friday and life moves on until the next obstruction from the lunatic liberals,NOT #MaximeBernier's new party stakes out classical #liberalValues: #DonPittis | CBC News URL,NOT @USER They are conservatives who want him appointed.,NOT @USER Better hurry she is pretty old,OFF Aged dine to me! #MAGA Libs still spill out with vile breaths the total vote including all the illegal(sorry Jack) voters. The repeated areas where more people voted than are registered. PO'd a friend with the Red and Blue map. And Dont you live in FL still? How'd that work? URL,NOT @USER The FBi has made it so that @USER cannot buy a cell phone nor his calling cell to now calls after 5 pm and weekend now but he can use his office phone 619-513-5555 he like to say he is someone else and hate me for call to FBI worked and back and know safe&llook,NOT @USER This is not about democrats or republicans. This woman has absolutely nothing to gain by coming forward but much to lose. Why the maga people seem to not mind sweeping so much under the rug is beyond me.,NOT @USER why are you so fucking good.,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It’s really weird to see him on the ice on another team. Slap in the face.,NOT @USER @USER @USER What the hell has his location at the time of the shooting got to do with anything? People don't have to be shot to fight for gun control! Usually they can't after the event because they are usually DEAD!,NOT @USER Thank god conservatives aren't as dismissive. Never hear to them resorting to calling people snowflakes or using terms like SJW to discredit people.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER need to fund a lot things at public schools.... music and art class too. but conservatives always want to pay less taxes and every time they get the chance the cut funding for such things.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Apparently bald men hate women and think they shouldn't speak...and we are all crazy conservatives. None of which are true about me except the bald part...but I like when people argue with's entertaining.,NOT @USER @USER I will get on my knees and thank God that people love America.,NOT @USER Thank you... she is my world #CartersBodysuitSweepstakes,NOT @USER a huge fuck up on my part.,OFF @USER Illegal Immigrants: Human Beings Trump Supporters: MAGA Gullibles MS-13 Killers: Fear mongering Human beings in the womb: Not your baby/not your business Antifa: Same as RW nut jobs Law Abiding NRA Members: Could be terrorists Bill Clinton: Your crush Kavanugh: PREDATOR,OFF @USER @USER i feel like he is weird eitherway cuz the league was supposed to start yesterday and they havent say shit,NOT @USER @USER @USER In a country where people openly abuse ram...krishna...tearing geeta is no bravery....real bravery would have been if she had done this with books belonging to other religions.....but then she is as big a coward as you are.,OFF @USER almost gets the pick 6 Darn flag. 😁 URL,NOT @USER please don’t tell me your going left? Use to be unbiased on most part but the hate one definitely is coming from a side that denounced the alt right as should be but says nothing about antifa and their hatred. It demonizes Trump which again is not unbiased reporting,NOT @USER @USER It now makes sense how gun control is barely an issue vs immigration.,OFF @USER Or gun control. Or both.,NOT @USER @USER @USER The title of the book pretty much sums up any conversation with Avram. He is either a shill for the criminal @USER or really is mentally incapable of understanding facts that contradict his brainwashing. URL,OFF A modern day Norman Rockwell! #QAnon #MAGA URL,NOT Add who is behind Antifa and who organized and paid protestors at Kavanaugh hearing!🇺🇸 URL,NOT @USER Can we just fast forward to the part where he is defensive about Toad?,NOT @USER @USER Moore- The United States of America is a REPUBLIC. Where did you go to school?,NOT @USER But but but ..... But like her music sucks!,OFF @USER @USER @USER DAVID BIRNBAUM::::The INVISIBLE MAN…EXCEPT AT ELECTION TIME. EXACTLY WHAT IS WORST ABOUT THE LIBERALS…ARROGANCE & COMPLACENCY. DID I MENTION ARROGANCE & CONTEMPT FOR THE ELECTORS?,OFF "@USER Why do conservatives always cow-tow to liberal narratives? When are conservatives going to begin standing up... boastfully... and put the liberals down. Get over this... we're better than that""...nonsense. If we do not, we may never see conservative strength again. Speak up GOP.""",NOT @USER @USER a nice cartoon.,NOT @USER Carrey is a pig🤬,OFF @USER It's like a reading a leaflet from Antifa or BLM. Utter garbage.,OFF "The Washington Post’s Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change"" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""",NOT @USER log doesnt give a shit i bet he eats nachos in the middle of the night in his underwear,OFF @USER I’m black and what you are telling me is that I can be in my own dwelling and you can just walk in and kill me. NO THAT’S NOT IT. LET’S RUN A SMEAR CAMPAIGN EVEN THOUGH I’M THE VICTIM. This RAGE I feel has to be settled down with LOVE but I will be at the next rally. I PROMISE.,NOT @USER @USER Cowards in masks. Antifa are the true fascists.,OFF @USER Hey dipstick why don’t you sign Kaepernick? You love him so much,NOT @USER @USER She is an hypocrite and back stabber like her boss! She applaud this clip. Neighbors help each other when they need help? URL,OFF "@USER @USER Yeah, poor conservatives for having eyes that see, and ears that hear. If you're loving your brain bath , then continue on , pretty soon pedophlia will be your next great virtue to champion as you see kind loving pedo's dawn your TV set to make you march in line and resist"".""",OFF @USER the double life of veronique,NOT @USER @USER Thank you random internet person. Next time I want shit from you I’ll squeeze your head.,OFF @USER @USER The liberals won’t investigate because they know there’s nothing there. They’d rather have someone else do it so when nothing is found the liberals can blame them.,OFF @USER Let's not kid are a prostitute...for the @USER,OFF "@USER RIP The promotion you are trying to access has ended"" shows up""",NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Police reform yes. We should try that. Gun control? We’ve tried that over and over again. It doesn’t work. But maybe it’s like socialism or communism. We just haven’t done it right yet. /Sarcasm,OFF ... and it shouldn't matter if they are Democrats or Conservatives. They all do their jobs. They don't care what person Dem/Con they have to rescue and help. You shouldn't divide the people ... you should bring them together in such times. URL,NOT @USER @USER I keep asking...WHAT is the cause of deaths??? Starvation or from the hurricane itself????,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER empty your mind and god shall speak. To you? Through you? If you are wise increase in abundance. But surely I'm a fool who has not seen the most powerful who has ascended? Or descended? How times are rare but his messages are absolute.,OFF "@USER Yes they are stupid, everyone knows that he is a bachelor""""",OFF @USER @USER It was thirty years ago supposedly if you keep something a secret that long it usually didn’t happen and he’s gone through several other confirmations in the past and it never came up this is just how liberals play politics nowadays,NOT "@USER Why didn't @USER tell us this about the Cincinatti murder at Fifth Third Bank? He said the firearm was apparently legally purchased."" Is it harder to clamor for more failed gun control? #2A URL",NOT @USER She is a gorgeous little mini you. ❤️🌸,NOT @USER More fear tactics to make people attack her. It’s bullshit,OFF @USER @USER @USER I guess it means it's time to show that the UK can be united. Enough of divisions and circular arguments.,NOT @USER you are just too cute,NOT @USER @USER This is the most consistently stupid argument gun control advocates make.,OFF @USER @USER Give him a shot chris. Han is a nasty H3 player :) and he is my bb,OFF @USER Goodell I’m done with you and those adult brats in the NFL. I’d rather do yard work,NOT @USER @USER You are the epitome of class and intelligence.❤️,NOT @USER @USER of course you're anti-American and you won't leave. You'll stay here because as an Antifa coward you can talk your nonsense with no fear of governmental reprisal. You haven't left yet and you never will.,NOT @USER Well thanx for proving us right that stricter gun control doesn't address the problem as criminals don't care for gun control as it doesn't apply to them. Again taking the means to Self Defense away from the law abiding and ignoring the fact that criminals use illegal guns.,NOT @USER fuck xenoblade chronicles,OFF @USER @USER Does that mean she had his permission to sit on a panel denigrating the president of the country you are negotiating with?,NOT @USER fuck im wired,OFF @USER @USER You are in your Fabulous 40’s I’d say💝,NOT @USER except antifa don’t fit any of the archetypes of fascism? if your definition of fascism is “wears a mask and is violent” then you should also include: -riot cops -the military -right wing demonstrators,NOT @USER @USER Best Remedy = #BING !! AND...#NeverVoteDemocRAT N E V E R!! ** #MAGA2018 **,NOT "... the liberal's ... tendency to deal with opponents by epithet rather than argument, and ... worst of all ... the liberals have left themselves open to the cruel joke that says they love humanity but hate people."" -- Richard Cornuelle, Reclaiming the American Dream (1965), 9.""",NOT @USER He’ll only get more popular.,NOT @USER Criminal schmuck.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you AGREE that Wecht should be impeached? Yea you and your socialist ANTIFA buddies decided to call Mr Dush’s office and abuse his staff and threaten others that cosponsored impeachment. Law enforcement had to get involved!,NOT @USER @USER At an AntiFa riot and screaming at white people,OFF @USER He is so full of BS!,OFF @USER @USER Notice how focused on him she is in all these pics. None of the kissy pics you see from guys while their girl stares off at the camera or anything but him.,NOT Lebron amazing swallow clear beat deplorables can't believe #MAGA scott adams,NOT @USER Well she is dumb as a box of rocks so will give her a pass,OFF "@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And by the way - You're response is a perfect example of Liberal Deflection. MOPE, def. be dejected and apathetic"". Exactly what Liberals have been since Clinton lost.""",NOT @USER She is just plane NUTS,NOT @USER @USER Well i was born in “69” Dude!! URL,NOT @USER I think he’s feeling a little better right now but he is pitiful when his tum is upset,NOT @USER She is disgusting for doing this!,OFF @USER @USER @USER I agree. There are obese people trying to change the way they are. Good luck to them. Not lazy. Tess_Holliday is doing the opposite. She is actively promoting that its good and beautiful to be obese. Its not. And its down to being lazy and greedy. Simple science,OFF Keith Ellison Accuser Calls Out Dems Amid Kavanaugh Allegation: 'I've Been Smeared' By My Own Party’ Keith Ellison has no room to accuse ANYBODY of wrong doing‼️ URL #KavanaughConfirmation #TuesdayThoughts #MAGA,NOT @USER @USER @USER Yes we need gun control. It is out of control!,NOT @USER Except she didn’t resist and it got her where she is today 🙄,NOT @USER Whoa! 😳 #Resist #Liberals #FakeNews #Democrats #PP #Antifa #WomensMarch #MaxineWaters #Kavanaugh #HillaryClinton #MAGA #Maddow #VoteRed2018 The whole kitchen sink. 🙄,NOT @USER @USER here she is monsta x!!!! the most beautiful queen!!!!,NOT @USER The liberals are the ones arguing to take away our rights,NOT @USER Shut your ass up 🤧,OFF @USER Globalist TOOL.,NOT @USER @USER He’s so tired of all these liberals everywhere. He’s afraid “All this will go away....”. His money. His power. His tax payer paid junkets. His unbridled arrogance is sick. Keep the pressure on! It’s working.,OFF @USER Goofy’s grandfather. URL,NOT @USER My mom died my dad has my two younger sisters and his sick mother to take care of and he is very sick himself So I stepped up moved it and have been living on my own in menifee since I was 18 what we’re not about to do is speak on things we don’t know about sit down little boy,NOT @USER @USER That's ok antifa terrorists don't have intelligent conversations any way. Keep your head in that safe space. URL,OFF "1/5 Several women MPs key in 1990s gun control debate in Canada. Min of Justice @USER did heavy lifting for @USER In introducing 1991 gun law she said Gun control works. It is probably the oldest and most effective form of crime prevention law..."" #cdnpoli #cdnhist URL",OFF #Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL theresa_may: I’m pleased the Government is investing £2 billion in new long-term funding to build more affordable and social homes. Everyone deserves a decent and safe place to… URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Toffee? 😋,NOT "@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Wrong. Nye has degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is indeed a REAL scientist"", as well as an entertainer. He studied mechanical engineering at Cornell University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 1977. He worked for Boeing. I'd believe him as opposed to you.""",NOT @USER a perfect description of ANTiFA. Fascist shit bags.,OFF @USER Sit down Fredo. You are irrelevant. No one elected you. If you had minded your own business instead of trying to make yourself a player maybe you wouldn't be headed for prison. Do you realize if they take your daddy down first he cannot pardon you? Ticktock.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Wait so are pet stores hoarding? The fact that she is able to provide for an assistant to case for her animals means she IS adequately caring for them. Lmao that doesn't mean she has to do EVERY SINGLE THING on her own,NOT @USER @USER @USER This is the kind of healthcare provision religious conservatives have given America. #SaveOurNHS URL,NOT Judge Nap: Get Ready for Another Version of Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill Hearings URL This is #TheLiberalWay STOP the Pathetic Lying #DEMS @USER #MAGA,NOT @USER It’s not wrongfully characterizing. It’s the fucking truth and you guys are just to ignorant to see it.,OFF @USER It’d better be on Monday and who the hell are they to slow walk this and dictate terms? #MAGA,OFF @USER @USER She is frightening!,NOT @USER he is literally the best i cannot believe how poorly his previous owner treated him,NOT @USER Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men?,OFF @USER @USER @USER Useful idiots for international communism just like antifa today. URL,OFF "@USER Back in my days the boys weren't drunk but they scream PATTY-RAID"" and we girls would scream and giggle and never thought they were going to kill us. Hooker Harris needs to examine her own closet.""",NOT @USER Enjoyed watching the Red Sox beat Toronto Blue Jays last night 7-2. Prior to the game there was a 9/11 tribute where the national anthem of both countries was played and all the players stood along the 1st & 3rd base paths holding their cap over hart their with their right hand.,NOT @USER He makes dope ass songs. He’s a singer/writer URL,OFF @USER NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN,OFF @USER Nigga then how can you say bo2 is the best Cod 🤨 URL,OFF @USER @USER Question: Hows that gun control laws up the ass they have working out for them?,OFF @USER @USER & his fellow Democrats always put partisan politics before country. The American people laugh in his face as he lies and tries to bring down the most successful President in generations. Why are socialists like @USER so eager to collapse the economy?,NOT @USER @USER Hope she comes back home safe may god protect her whr ever she is,NOT @USER @USER He is an embarrassment,OFF @USER said on @USER he doesn’t think we should be selling AR15’s but Liberals deny it and say he is pro gun! The AR15 is not an assault weapon it is a sporting rifle. #KeepTexasRed vote @USER,NOT @USER @USER Ha ha ha sneaky buggers. I have put out a warning to have sound off. That will show them.,OFF Trump responsible for even more employment!!#MAGA URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER But she is under 18 it is still considered as child porn no matter the legal age,NOT @USER @USER Why didn't Zac Goldsmith of the faux Conservative Party use this? Why didn't faux Conservative Party use Khan's defence of 9/11 organiser? Why are the Conservatives so f*cking useless? If you ask me it's deliberate as they share Labour's agenda or are they just that useless?,OFF @USER @USER @USER He's walking on a street with the strictest gun control in the USA. 1+1=2.,NOT @USER @USER is a lefty globalist. #NoOneCares,NOT @USER yo why won’t you let me post a link fam... does it offend you? You little salty spittoon... you literally allow porn such as @USER but you don’t allow federal shit... #censorship #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmKavenaugh #maga URL,OFF @USER @USER @USER We call that game #Bullshit .,OFF @USER @USER She is asking questions there are no answers for.,NOT @USER @USER She held on to something “almost” happening (according to her) for 35 yrs and then decides to try and ruin his life? She is the despicable. Regardless of what did or didn’t happen.,NOT @USER So then your saying the @USER platform of gun control and reform is nothing for them to worry about? Kind of like #Kavanaugh is going to kill women and Gays?,OFF @USER Bottom line is and should be to all is that the accusation is from 35+ yrs ago when they were minors. The judge has 60 HS students of his saying No Way! Judge managed to keep impeccable lifestyle as an adult. Accuser is a hardcore left activist (Soros antifa type who has a 🔨2grd,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER First have a very old blind guy do a polygraph on you or someone who can pass for you. Then find a GOP office and throw a fireball through the window. Wear an antifa mask and break some university property. Maybe wear a swimsuit and say you were groped badly!,OFF "FBI Couldn’t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward"" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""",NOT @USER @USER @USER I think he is on crack!,OFF @USER OH I FUCKING LOVE LATEX HMU IFU GOT Q'S IVE BEEN USING IT FOR YEARS,OFF @USER SAYS WHO? U DESPERATE LIBERALS? UR DIRTY TRICKS AINT GONNA WORK KAVANAUGH WILL BE CONFIRMED #GINSBERGISNEXT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,NOT @USER Sounds like he joined #Antifa - Gov. @USER of #WA state recently took anti- #POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @USER,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Glad you are ok,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you admit that you are a h1ndu?,NOT @USER Truly you are amazing sir ji ..,NOT #guns #2A 6-Time Olympic Shooting Medalist Says Gun Control Is ‘Killing Our Sport’: Six-time Olympic shooting medalist Kim Rhode said Monday night that new gun control measures implemented in her home state of California — an URL URL,NOT @USER And we are worried about Russia election meddling? Now I understand why Google backed out of government deal when Trump was elected. This is result of company getting too big.,NOT @USER We need to stop expecting liberals to act reasonably...they murder babies...they are completely unhinged! So long as the crazies keep voting for the crazy will get crazy. TDS is real!!!,NOT #stopthebias against #Conservative #Republican #Trump #Freespeech supporters coming against #twitter ban. To slow down #liberals reporting us is to have a few million of us to report in big numbers to keep Twitter so busy the the liberals complaining be losted in the traffic,NOT @USER Safety first. There is no show without the Raven. Hope he is safe and returns soon.,NOT @USER She makes me sick. She uses these confirmation hearings and investigations to campaign and for photo ops. She is a junior Senator that is way out of her league.,OFF "@USER @USER @USER Trump wanted to be president because he is a narcissist. He still lives a great life"" but only now we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill! Impeach Trump now!""",OFF "1/ Party Conference is a good time to remind Parties, particularly the governing party @USER what their mandate actually is and what it is not. What exactly is the will of the people"" on #Brexit ?""",NOT @USER THIRTY AGED ZAYN IS SEXY THOUGH JDKDKDK EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES ME EMO TOO,NOT @USER @USER @USER I use it in conversation regularly but not sure about here. But in any case she is one 😀,NOT @USER @USER He is a pedo.,OFF @USER Maybe he is trying to throw hints at Kaycee now to ease the blow if/when he picks Angela over Kaycee. Or he is just being reckless idk.,NOT @USER @USER Fantastic match!,NOT @USER Dont be that guy. Whoops. Too late. You are that guy. Unfollowed...,NOT @USER Winston thinks she is lovely URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER He is embarrassing and just as low a human as possible to diminish the loss of life of the elderly.,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What's the difference between these two extreme right-wing Conservatives? Hint: Only one of them is acting being a B'Stard. URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nah they are liberals,NOT @USER He is older but that's before the Cooley days,NOT @USER @USER @USER It started with marco rubio and other conservatives.,NOT @USER True. But he is a pretty damn good QB though.,NOT @USER Why must liberals insert agendas into everything?,NOT 4 UK/US DEEPSTATE NUKES INTERCEPTED HEADING FOR US CITIES. #skynews #skypapers #bbcdp #lbc #lbclive #talkradio @USER @USER #altnews #brexit #remain #london #cityoflondon #news #breakingnews #uknews #labour #tories #trump #toryparty #ukip #conservatives #christians #qanon,NOT @USER @USER @USER She did it and she is alive is greatness of Hinduism. You should try it with Quran if you have guts.,NOT @USER @USER Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s🤔,NOT @USER @USER Why??? He did Absolutely Nothing wrong. He is the victim and she is the perpetrator!!!,NOT Lying to the FBI is a crime @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #MAGA #MAGAts URL,NOT @USER @USER she is a Private URL,NOT @USER No idea who he is. Sorry,NOT @USER @USER It’s unwatchable. I am careful surfing around @USER to make sure I NEVER stop even by accident on that bloody awful channel!,OFF @USER It’s just people who say they hate identity politics while going on about the left hates them for being black conservatives,OFF @USER @USER @USER Please follow Yoda Liberals,NOT @USER Bullshit! People died because of an incompetent Puerto Rican government officials. That’s already been exposed dumb ass but good try.,OFF @USER She is a repulsive human in every possible level.,OFF 2nd highest prop tax in nation to support gov pensions 1 of 3 states where housing is worst investment More rent for less valuable housing Nations most severe increase in personal tax Illinois sucks thanks to Cook county liberals and corrupt Mike Madigan URL,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER I love that a graphic novels shelf was a priority - you are a most excellent librarian 👏👏👏,NOT @USER @USER Probably while screaming about gun control.,NOT @USER Ready for this red tsunami 🌊,NOT "Thinking about the Student-Loan Crisis"" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""",OFF @USER the U.S. is tying to increase the cost of drugs in Canada and Conservatives are helping him,NOT @USER @USER Damn straight he is. Nothing but good vibes coming through November 💯💯💯👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼,OFF @USER @USER Why would they drag their feet? If they had something on you (which there isn’t) be out by now. TOTAL WITCH HUNT! #MAGA #BestPres45 URL,OFF @USER @USER No I have no relationship with him he is not worth the energy it would take to hate him. I have more respect for the gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe than such a selfish spoiled entitled narcissist!,OFF "@USER Real question: has Ted Cruz never dropped an f-bomb in his life? Is this something that should disqualify you from public office? Grabbing someone by the pussy"" literally & verbally, is a lot more offensive to me""",NOT #teamspotlightsunday this spotlight goes to 2 women! Meghan McDermott and Alanna McDermott. Meghan has decided to do something to make her vision come true. She is sticking to her plan and with many obstacles she still stayed the course. I am so proud of you Meghan not giving up! URL,NOT @USER Agree. That’s hatred beyond compare. Her feeling of bitterness of the Duterte Presidency and its success is evident on her tweets and articles. 2016 was really a slap on the face on the “yellow intellectuals” .,OFF @USER Bullets are cheaper.,NOT @USER Why didn't gun control stop illegals from obtaining firearms?,NOT @USER All we ever hear from Hillary is beeching & moaning. Dang ! That witch never get tired of complaining!,OFF THIS SHOULD REMIND ALL #Patriots #maga WHAT WE STAND AGAINST! #WWG1WGA Shocking Undercover Video Exposes Communists Inside Government: “I Break Rules Every Day” - Sara A. Carter URL,NOT @USER @USER Simply to get the smear campaign going by the media. The democrats want a he said under oath while she’s supposed to get a pass on her she said lies. This woman is a fraud in cahoots with the liberals to delay & divert until midterms.,OFF @USER she is not a Republican... by any means....,OFF @USER Go to Iran where u belong stupid idiot.,OFF @USER I’m sorry ... what?! I be in my BAG listening to that . & after dark URL,NOT @USER @USER Lol. Except he’s the most successful president in our lifetimes. He’s undone most of the damage Obummer did and set America on the right path again. #MAGA,NOT @USER @USER When your bio is the most relevant piece of shit ever🤔👀,NOT Americans make great clients! But so many appraisers carry out inspections on radical clients! Radical clients hate America! #MAGA,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She raps likes she will pop off but the only thing she popped was her butt implant. Now Remy is skinner than her even while pregnant URL,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER You should know better to use common sense with hypocritical liberals. #KeithEllisonAbuse,OFF @USER Got a feeling every time deep state complains @USER will punish them with more declass. They are going to pay for their sins! Biglly! Who needs a plan to dump 11k docs and round up crooks? @USER needs to geter done! #FNMA #FMCC #fanniegate #EndCorruption #LockThemAllUp #MAGA,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Keep lying bud no one is listening,NOT @USER this jag off ref Tony Corrente needs to get out of the NFL. He is a bias piece of garbage. He made a HORRIBLE bad call in packer game which changed the game. He is a liar and won’t admit when he’s wrong! NFL PLEASE FIRE TONY CORRENTE,OFF @USER @USER No no that’s shaq silver back looking ass 😂😂,OFF "@USER @USER You can't be this dense. The point is the same - you can't presume someone is guilty just because they're part of a group that's a popular target. For southern whites in the 40s, it was black men. For modern liberals, it's conservative white men. They're the devil"".""",OFF @USER Google CFO is a joke! And so is the idiot who hired her for this position. #Googlearecorrupt #BestuseQwant,OFF #MondayMotivation Instead of #MAGA - could we please have #MAAA - Make America America Again - the rest of the world misses you!,NOT @USER she is human garbage that is what is wrong,OFF @USER every antifa member is just several midget gypsies standing on each others shoulders in a big skinsuit,NOT @USER Berkeley Antifa do not agree with you URL,NOT @USER You are a great model for inspiration,NOT "@USER Chris, Chris, Chris.... Are you forgetting the mantra of every single libtard pusher of common sense gun control""? When all guns are outlawed, the criminals will voluntarily give up their guns, out of a sense of compassion.""",OFF @USER Advocate for gun control while breaking the current gun laws in place... #irony URL,NOT @USER More press should talk about this remarkable 20yr old she is the future,NOT @USER @USER #MohammadHassanKhalid is a #traitor to the #USA & to his fellow #Islamists He is unlikely to enjoy a long happy healthy life based on very poor decision making skills & values,NOT @USER nah it's coz you're a cunt. blocked,OFF @USER Where will #Antifa get their cloths now?,NOT @USER @USER @USER She is a role model Adam you are not!,NOT @USER Cats are just special dogs,NOT @USER Best news ever for GOP. Ready the straight jacket.,NOT @USER The entire way the dems have handled this allegation is like an Antifa action...,NOT @USER Strength is letting go of the universe. You are not your thoughts.,NOT Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz Latest Polls: Democrat Underdog Shown With Lead For First Time in Texas Senate Race - Newsweek #MAGA URL,NOT @USER @USER @USER Wow! You are good at it!👍👍,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER still lies just like Obama.He talks right & then votes Left. He did NOT vote for the @USER TaxReform bill! Data shows 80%+ WV taxpayers use the Std Deduct & child tax credits- this bill doubled their deductions WITHOUT Joe's help! Vote him OUT on Nov 6th ! #MAGA,NOT "@USER @USER Project much, do you? Every campaign flier I get in the mail from Dem candidates is about healthcare, education funding, and the wealth gap; every flier from their GOP opponents is so-and-so will stand with Nancy Pelosi and the liberals"" identity politics horseshit.""",NOT @USER Link me and knuckles then or you going to dodge like the creddy you are,NOT @USER Omg not even interested in his age but damn he is fine af 😜,OFF @USER @USER oh shit you weren't joking... wtf,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Bibi so looks like Stalin when Stalin was younger. Maybe he is starting to act like him a tad. China is never your friend.,OFF @USER He is 😭😭😭 he is so precious 💖,NOT @USER Booooring,NOT "@USER @USER Everything else was ten years ago. "" YOU ARE A LIAR, this is total BS propaganda from team Trump his crimes were throughout the past decade, including up to 2016""",OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER Right. Dang. She is the s...t,NOT @USER @USER McRaven engaged in a publicity stunt. He never spoke publicly against any #CommanderInChief before he retired. A retiree issuing a challenge to the President is an empty and hollow gesture. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #AmericaFirst #MAGA #USA🇺🇸,NOT @USER @USER Oh man! You are going to trigger the fanboys/fangirls lol,NOT @USER Aw Chelsea it never ends. You are as always the better person. Much love to you and your parents.,NOT @USER “My head is a fuckin egg”,OFF @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Alt Right & Antifa are for cowards. #Fact #TuesdayThoughts URL,NOT @USER @USER Did you serve? You rate at bottom of the barrel pal. MAGA. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Go President Trump.,NOT .@USER is right to say that housing associations should be “taking on and leading major developments themselves.” More investment by the @USER will enable them to do so. URL,NOT @USER @USER is just trying to make good with his libnut elitist Hollywood degenerates after the roasted him in the media for questioning vaccine safety.,NOT @USER @USER I'm a Boise State fan so I can tell you two things about Kellen Moore. He is a winner and he Is cerebral. Knows he doesn't have a cannon for an arm so he fits his game into his ability. What's wrong with that? Not everyone can be Aaron Rodgers.,NOT @USER is advocating for conduct within bounds of Human Rights but can the terrorists can be categorized as Human? They kill people mostly innocent just like berserk wild beasts. Even wild beasts kill only when hungry. So I feel that the Indian Army who are doing greatly. URL,OFF @USER @USER @USER So have the conservatives accepted the antisemitism definition yet?..,NOT @USER Can we all agree that Tomlins seat is heating up? I'm tired of hearing hes safe over his regular season record. He is wasting championship opportunities and the shenanigans are getting old,NOT @USER when you coming to ohio?,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER Liars like the Antifa twins you vigorously defend?,OFF "@USER @USER He is involved because he was there! Now he needs to man up and be at this hearing. Since when is it a choice to answer questions if you're a witness? If course his black out drunk"" phase might come into this.""",NOT @USER @USER @USER How much lonely she is and how much she misses her azeez dost and how much she needs that touch to comfort her restless head right now is all evident in this one freaking scene! Bow to these amazing actors💕 #JenShad is major actors and couple goals💕🔥 #AdiYa #Bepannaah,NOT @USER @USER Billy you have a short memory. Obama tried to get in commonsense gun control is especially after Sandyhook. The parents even came in and begged Congress to do something about automatic weapons. But the NRA had such a hold on Congress Democrats and repugs nothing was done,NOT @USER @USER BUT GUN CONTROL!!!,NOT @USER She is not the brightest light on the tree.,NOT @USER 😂😂😂😂😂😂 if I say you are mad now you will say I'm tired of you.,NOT @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Retweet complete & followed all patriots!🇺🇸🌪️🚨❌✌️,NOT @USER Sometimes I get strong vibes from people and this man’s vibe is tens of millions of murders - he is more dangerous than DT.,OFF Benidorm ✅ Creamfields ✅ Maga ✅ Not too shabby of a summer,NOT @USER And why report this garbage. We don't give a crap.,OFF @USER Pussy,OFF #Spanishrevenge vs. #justice #HumanRights and #FreedomOfExpression #Spain is a #fakedemocracy @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #cddr #shameonSpain #WakeupEurope @USER URL,NOT