dummy_development_consultation / dummy_consultation_response.csv
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Response Reference,Object to or Support application,Response text
R1,Object,I strongly object to the proposed five-storey apartment block on Main Street. It is completely out of keeping with the existing character of the area and will overshadow the existing buildings.
R2,Support,"I fully support the proposed development. The town needs more housing, and this development will provide much-needed homes."
R3,Object,The proposed development is too tall and will have a negative impact on the views from the surrounding area.
R4,Object,The loss of the well-loved cafe will be a great loss to the community.
R5,Support,The development will bring much-needed investment to the area and create jobs.
R6,Object,The increased traffic generated by the development will cause congestion on Main Street.
R7,Support,The development will provide much-needed affordable housing.
R8,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local environment.
R9,Support,The development will improve the appearance of Main Street.
R10,Object,The development will overshadow the existing buildings and make them feel cramped.
R11,Support,The development will provide much-needed amenities for the local community.
R12,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local wildlife.
R13,Support,The development will help to revitalise the town centre.
R14,Object,The development will increase noise pollution in the area.
R15,Support,The development will provide much-needed parking spaces.
R16,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local businesses.
R17,Support,The development will provide much-needed green space.
R18,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local heritage.
R19,Support,The development will provide much-needed facilities for young people.
R20,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local schools.
R21,Support,The development will provide much-needed social housing.
R22,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local infrastructure.
R23,Support,The development will provide much-needed jobs for local people.
R24,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local economy.
R25,Support,The development will provide much-needed community facilities.
R26,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local amenities.
R27,Support,The development will provide much-needed housing for young people.
R28,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local character.
R29,Support,The development will provide much-needed housing for families.
R30,Object,The development will have a negative impact on the local quality of life.