No description available.
Geen beskrywing beskikbaar nie.
Reload the list of available sources
Herlaai dei lys van beskikbare bronne
No track information (artist, title, ...) will be written to the disc.
Geen snitinligting (kunstenaar, titel, ...) sal na die skyf geskryf word nie.
That hapless boar should have cursed me instead.
Dit ongelukkige varke moet my plaas vervloek het.
Usage : find[ : [ bcersw ] ] PATTERN
Gebruik : vind [ : [ bcersw ]] PATROON
It sounds good, but we regard you as being neither believers nor converted.
Dit klink goed, maar ons beskou julle as ongelowig en onbekeerd
The program on your computer which provides access to the %1 protocol could not be started . This is usually due to technical reasons .
Die program op jou rekenaar wat verskaf toegang verkry na Die % 1 protokol kon nie wees beginne . Hierdie is gewoonlik as gevolg na tegniese redes .
communications services that require a class licence, include, but are not limited to—
kommunikasiedienste waarvoor ’n klaslisensie vereis word, sluit in maar is nie beperk nie tot—
Remove the aces
Verwyder die ase
The child.
The Child.
His father had broken him.
Sy pa het hom gebreek.
It's a seemingly intelligent population.
'n Taamlik intelligente populasie.
We've both been victims of circumstance.
Ons was beide slagoffers van omstandighede
Could not open device "%s" for reading and writing.
Kon nie toestel "%s" oopmaak vir lees en skryf nie.
I don't know, Gibbs. I think...
Ek weet dit nie, Gibbs.
Suit yourself.
Soos jy wil.
Time when account will be disabled after expiration of password:
na vertreking van wagwoord.
_Start Recording
_Begin opname
GaryCity in Nigeria
& Entered references:
Ingevoerde verwysings:
Cursive font:
Krusiwe skrif tipe:
Variable Name
Veranderlike Naam
korganizer, fonts
korganizer, fontsName
Long live Champagne the First!
Sjampanje die Eerste word hy genoem!
Display workspace names
Vertoon alle werkruimtename
%s through %s requests your presence at the following meeting:
%s vra vir u teenwoordigheid by 'n vergadering.
Encrypt this message with PGP
Enkripteer hierdie boodskap met PGP
Two afternoons a week, if it's possible?
Twee middae 'n week, as dit moontlik is
I know all the things I can do in the future. But mom is dead, and Henrik can't manage his own life.
Ek weet daar is baie vir my om te doen, maar my Mamma is dood, en Henrik kan nie sy eie lewe bestuur nie
Draw & borders
Teken grense
and then to the Supreme Court of Appeal. Orders of
by die Hooggeregshof van Appél. Bevele van die
Voer tans in...
Top Expanded Edge Panel
Bokantste uitgevoude randpaneel
Bug reporter name
Naam van foutraporteerder
Manually , add the host 's key to %1 or contact your administrator .
Eiehandig , voeg by die gasheer se sleutel na % 1 of kontak jou administrateur .
Move to a particular cell
Beweeg na ' n spesifieke sel .
The signature is invalid: %1
separator for a list of e- mail addresses
You should get some rest.
U moet bietjie gaan rus
Always show possible numbers in a square
Wys altyd die moontlike syfers in 'n vierkant
You think you're a ballistics expert?
Is jy dalk 'n ballistiek-deskundige?
Choose a folder for deleted messages.
Skryf 'n antwoord aan die afsender van die gekose boodskap
Swell Foop
Swell Foop
Help Options:
Limits Options
Limiet Opsies
Next Sat
VolgendeNext %a
Active alarms
Aktiveer% 1@ info/ plain
Play a shoot-em-up a la galaxian
Speel 'n skiet-hulle-plat soos in galaxian
The location of the launcher is not set.
Die ligging van die bevel wat laat loop moet word.
Show both
Vee Uitmessage status
Exception : Unable to find function '%1 ' : %2
Uitsonderding , lyn % 1 : % 2
week(s )
That makes no sense.
Dit hou geen steek.
This will open a new tab opened from a page after the current tab, instead of after the last tab.
Hierdie sal 'n nuwe oortjie open vanaf' n blad na die huidige oortjie, in plaas van na die laaste oortjie.
Gereelde rubrieke
& Y:
_Wide Mode
_Wye modus
Launcher Properties
Double-Click Timeout
Dubbelkiek uitteltyd
It reminded me right away of that psalm.
Ek het dadelik aan die psalm gedink
Unable to locate file: %s Please check that Five or More is installed correctly.
Kan nie lêer %s vind nie. Kontroleer dat Vyf-of-meer korrek geïnstalleer is.
Select the group of tags you want to use
Kies die groep merkers wat jy wil gebruik
Link Text
Profile quality
Lae kwaliteitProfile quality
I took the fall because I knew what the consequences would be.
Ek het dit op me geneem, want ek het geweet wat die gevolge sou wees.
Does this meet regulations?
10 vir julle almal!
I've had quite enough of this.
Genoeg daarvan!
%s wishes to receive the latest information for the following meeting:
%s wil die jongste taakinligting ontvang.
Device Error
Toestel Fout
2 ^ 20
2 ^ 20
Summary: %s
Opsomming: %s
Not enough memory to convert file %1 to base64
Kon nie open pasmaak data lêer :
He could roll over on it.
Hy kan bo-oor rol
Send Free/Busy Information
Stuur besig/beskikbaar-inligting
Trainee Peretti.
Manskap Peretli
Add Filter Rule
Voeg filterreël by
And unless something has changed, I am not going in there with him.
Tensy daar iets verander is, gaan ek daar nie na binne, by hom.
Height :
Hoogte :
Saving archive
Stoor argief
But how are we going to explain this to your mother?
Maar hoe gaan ons dit vir jou Mamma verduidelik?
Port :
Maand :
Whether to use fixed decimal places.
Moet 'n vaste aantal desimale plekke gebruik word?
Checks the spelling of the current document.
Gaan die huidige dokument se spelling na.
He in some kind of trouble?
- Sit hy in neste?
Test whether the archive contains errors
Toets of die argief enige foute bevat