jolts of
wireless subways vacuum
everything;all around whom is
de la Révolution Universelle
should please him or i wonder what he does)
omething round(& so
what over and which under
not. Again. Hush. God. Please hold. Tight
s,keep your teeth snowy,stick to beer and lime,
does not fall into his mind
perceived sails whose mighty brightness dumbs
Life naked at primeval hands, to make
(& falling &)
did you love me,will you love me
(floor cats drift)
in the oblong air,from which a singular ribbon of common sunset
pillows with her violent hair
with mouth flower-faint and undiscovered eyes
(spattered)by this instant of semiluminous nausea A vast wordless
and without was if minus and shall be
who’s myself’s Antimere
er than est
of roses and of ivory
where beginningly
deep our most are
of whose tremendous hair that blossom stands
ere believing that Stalin is Santa Clause:
which happily proves that neither of us
of my lust like a high troubling
nothing to dream(come on kid
reason,why then the artificer
stout as a bridge
& their hats legs &
into receptive
sun are and moon
it is Spring in the city;the streets beautifully writhe,
upon what God unto him gave)
behold nor any breathing creature this?
So soft and wondering wide.
faces and a multitude of chins:next door
will ourselves continue to outgrow
Holdeth sublimities afar from touch of day,
The hind with his fire-side dream;
fair brave tall young
songs less firm than your body’s whitest song
worry about the rain
making fools understand
The Lord of Sense, Contempt, that he set free
body do distinctly live
—and all about
some guys claims der never was
between the breasts
(and he drinks and he drinks and he drinks and)
He suddenly tasted worms windows and roses
—by night upon the Riva Schiavoni or in
off to this dame:he won’t be out of work
a with undubitably clotted hinderparts in obviously
poor worlds must merely do,which then are done;
we thank thee
neatening each crease)
who Talks in the daytime,when who
(Each a keener secret
—plunged in eternal now if who’re
put up her mouth to wholly kiss—
they’re gravensteins)all
loved their ladies in the moon)
of your fragility
My harp is broken—Hail the day!
light the droll snowing delirium
happeningly the unfirm drooping bloated
when hair falls off and eyes blur And
love move
wherelessly spiralling)beyond time’s sky
Without,warm flood of universal sunshine;
reclame ni les lumieres
(whereof the luscious pillars rise
with giggling hips and frozen eyes
the air
nots are their whys
it is foolingly to smite
twilight(and a first dream called ocean)and
eyes are chisels
this than,a least
My gorgeous bullet in tickling intuitive flight
Resigned, if name with ashes were forgot,
which are altogether too good to miss—