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"utterance_gt": "I think we're at KFC", "frame": 1123, "act": {"span_index": [0, 20], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"], "Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1123, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I go next", "frame": 1158, "act": {"span_index": [0, 22], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Person", "exchange": 1158, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "go straight", "utterance_gt": "go straight", "frame": 1180, "act": {"span_index": [0, 11], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Person", "exchange": 1158, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, 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["Person"], "Action": ["Stop"], "Object": ["Pedestrian"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Person", "exchange": 2638, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 2714, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Person", "exchange": 2638, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'll stop at the person", "frame": 2715, "act": {"span_index": [5, 28], "move": "Confirm", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Person"], "Action": ["Stop"], "Object": ["Pedestrian"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Person", "exchange": 2638, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "is this good", "frame": 2803, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Person", "exchange": 2803, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "yes", "utterance_gt": "yes", "frame": 2818, "act": {"span_index": [0, 3], "move": "ReplyY", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Person", "exchange": 2803, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I go now", "frame": 2838, "act": {"span_index": [0, 21], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 2838, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "make a u-turn", "utterance_gt": "make a u-turn", "frame": 2860, "act": {"span_index": [0, 13], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["UTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 2838, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 2886, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 2838, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'll make a u-turn", "frame": 2887, "act": {"span_index": [5, 23], "move": "Confirm", "slots": {"Action": ["UTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 2838, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "what should I do at the next intersection", "frame": 3085, "act": {"span_index": [0, 41], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3085, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "go straight", "utterance_gt": "go straight", "frame": 3142, "act": {"span_index": [0, 11], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3085, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 3149, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3085, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'll go straight at the next intersection", "frame": 3150, "act": {"span_index": [5, 46], "move": "Confirm", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3085, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "what should I do at the next intersection", "frame": 3325, "act": {"span_index": [0, 41], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3325, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "", "utterance_gt": "turn left", "frame": 3364, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3325, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 3378, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3325, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'll turn on left onto 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"exchange": 3930, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "is this good", "frame": 3942, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "", "utterance_gt": "yes", "frame": 3960, "act": {"span_index": [0, 3], "move": "ReplyY", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 3980, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 3942, "chit_chat": false}}]