## FCC relational database The core components of the database include a table for submission metadata, a table for attachment metadata, a table for filer metadata, and a table that contains comment text if submitted in express format. In addition to these core tables, there are several derived tables specific to the analyses in the paper, including which submissions and attachments were cited in the final order. The keys fit together as shown in the diagram below. drawing ### comments plain text comments associated with submissions | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | | comment_id | character varying(64) | unique id for plain text comment | comment_text | text | raw text of plain text comment row_id | integer | row sequence for plain text comments ### submissions metadata for submissions | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | submission_id | character varying(20) | unique id for submission submission_type | character varying(100) | type of submission (e.g., comment, reply, statement) express_comment | numeric | 1 if express comment date_received | date | date submission was received contact_email | character varying(255) | submitter email address city | character varying(255) | submitter city address_line_1 | character varying(255) | submitter address line 1 address_line_2 | character varying(255) | submitter address line 2 state | character varying(255) | submitter state zip_code | character varying(50) | submitter zip comment_id | character varying(64) | unique id for plain text comment ### filers names of filers associated with submissions | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | submission_id | character varying(20) | unique id for submission filer_name | character varying(250) | name of filer associated with submission ### documents attachments associated with submissions | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | submission_id | character varying(20) | unique id for submission document_name | text | filename of attachment download_status | numeric | status of attachment download document_id | character varying(64) | unique id for attachment file_extension | character varying(4) | file extension for attachment ### filers_cited citations from final order | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | point | numeric | paragraph number in final order filer_name | character varying(250) | name of cited filer submission_type | character varying(12) | type of submission as indicated in final order page_numbers | text[] | cited page numbers cite_id | integer | unique id for citation filer_id | character varying(250) | id for cited filer ### docs_cited attachments associated with cited submissions | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | cite_id | numeric | unique id for citation submission_id | character varying(20) | unique id for submission document_id | character varying(64) | unique id for attachment ### near_duplicates lookup table for comment near-duplicates | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | target_document_id | unique id for target document duplicate_document_id | unique id for duplicate of target document ### exact_duplicates lookup table for comment exact duplicates | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | target_document_id | character varying(100) | unique id for target document duplicate_document_id | character varying(100) | unique id for duplicate of target document ### in_person_exparte submissions associated with ex parte meeting | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | submission_id | character varying(20) | unique id for submission ### interest_groups submissions associated with interest groups | column | type | description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | submission_id | character varying(20) | unique id for submission business | numeric | 1 if business group, 0 otherwise