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# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
"""General utilities."""
import os
import sys
import torch
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as torchDDP
from apex.multi_tensor_apply import multi_tensor_applier
import amp_C
from megatron import (
from megatron.core import mpu
from megatron.core.tensor_parallel import param_is_not_tensor_parallel_duplicate
from megatron.model.module import param_is_not_shared
def unwrap_model(model, module_instances=(torchDDP)):
return_list = True
if not isinstance(model, list):
model = [model]
return_list = False
unwrapped_model = []
for model_module in model:
while isinstance(model_module, module_instances):
model_module = model_module.module
if not return_list:
return unwrapped_model[0]
return unwrapped_model
def calc_params_l2_norm(model):
"""Calculate l2 norm of parameters"""
args = get_args()
if not isinstance(model, list):
model = [model]
# Remove duplicate params.
params_data = []
for model_ in model:
for param in model_.parameters():
is_not_shared = param_is_not_shared(param)
is_not_tp_duplicate = param_is_not_tensor_parallel_duplicate(param)
if is_not_shared and is_not_tp_duplicate:
if args.bf16:
# Calculate norm
dummy_overflow_buf = torch.cuda.IntTensor([0])
norm, _ = multi_tensor_applier(
False, # no per-parameter norm
norm_2 = norm * norm
# Sum across all model-parallel GPUs.
norm_2, op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM, group=mpu.get_model_parallel_group()
return norm_2.item() ** 0.5
def average_losses_across_data_parallel_group(losses):
"""Reduce a tensor of losses across all GPUs."""
averaged_losses =[loss.clone().detach().view(1) for loss in losses])
torch.distributed.all_reduce(averaged_losses, group=mpu.get_data_parallel_group())
averaged_losses = averaged_losses / torch.distributed.get_world_size(
return averaged_losses
def report_memory(name):
"""Simple GPU memory report."""
mega_bytes = 1024.0 * 1024.0
string = name + " memory (MB)"
string += " | allocated: {}".format(torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / mega_bytes)
string += " | max allocated: {}".format(
torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / mega_bytes
string += " | reserved: {}".format(torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / mega_bytes)
string += " | max reserved: {}".format(
torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / mega_bytes
if mpu.get_data_parallel_rank() == 0:
print("[Rank {}] {}".format(torch.distributed.get_rank(), string), flush=True)
def print_params_min_max_norm(optimizer, iteration):
"""Print min, max, and norm of all parameters."""
index = 0
rank = torch.distributed.get_rank()
string = "iteration, rank, index, tensor-model-parallel, min, max, norm\n"
optimizer_ = optimizer.optimizer
for param_group in optimizer_.param_groups:
for param in param_group["params"]:
index += 1
min_ =
max_ =
norm = torch.linalg.norm(
string += "{:7d}, {:4d}, {:4d}, {:2d}, ".format(
iteration, rank, index, int(param.tensor_model_parallel)
string += "{:.6E}, {:.6E}, {:.6E}\n".format(min_, max_, norm)
print(string, flush=True)
def check_adlr_autoresume_termination(
iteration, model, optimizer, opt_param_scheduler, args
"""Check for autoresume signal and exit if it is received."""
from megatron.checkpointing import save_checkpoint
autoresume = get_adlr_autoresume()
# Add barrier to ensure consistnecy.
if autoresume.termination_requested():
save_checkpoint(iteration, model, optimizer, opt_param_scheduler)
print_rank_0(">>> autoresume termination request found!")
if torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0:
print_rank_0(">>> training terminated. Returning")
def get_ltor_masks_and_position_ids(
data, eod_token, reset_position_ids, reset_attention_mask, eod_mask_loss
"""Build masks and position id for left to right model."""
# Extract batch size and sequence length.
micro_batch_size, seq_length = data.size()
# Attention mask (lower triangular).
if reset_attention_mask:
att_mask_batch = micro_batch_size
att_mask_batch = 1
attention_mask = torch.tril(
torch.ones((att_mask_batch, seq_length, seq_length), device=data.device)
).view(att_mask_batch, 1, seq_length, seq_length)
# Loss mask.
loss_mask = torch.ones(data.size(), dtype=torch.float, device=data.device)
if eod_mask_loss:
loss_mask[data == eod_token] = 0.0
# Position ids.
position_ids = torch.arange(seq_length, dtype=torch.long, device=data.device)
position_ids = position_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(data)
# We need to clone as the ids will be modifed based on batch index.
if reset_position_ids:
position_ids = position_ids.clone()
if reset_position_ids or reset_attention_mask:
# Loop through the batches:
for b in range(micro_batch_size):
# Find indecies where EOD token is.
eod_index = position_ids[b, data[b] == eod_token]
# Detach indecies from positions if going to modify positions.
if reset_position_ids:
eod_index = eod_index.clone()
# Loop through EOD indecies:
prev_index = 0
for j in range(eod_index.size()[0]):
i = eod_index[j]
# Mask attention loss.
if reset_attention_mask:
attention_mask[b, 0, (i + 1) :, : (i + 1)] = 0
# Reset positions.
if reset_position_ids:
position_ids[b, (i + 1) :] -= i + 1 - prev_index
prev_index = i + 1
# Convert attention mask to binary:
attention_mask = attention_mask < 0.5
return attention_mask, loss_mask, position_ids
def print_rank_0(message):
"""If distributed is initialized, print only on rank 0."""
if torch.distributed.is_initialized():
if torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0:
print(message, flush=True)
print(message, flush=True)
def is_last_rank():
return torch.distributed.get_rank() == (torch.distributed.get_world_size() - 1)
def print_rank_last(message):
"""If distributed is initialized, print only on last rank."""
if torch.distributed.is_initialized():
if is_last_rank():
print(message, flush=True)
print(message, flush=True)
def is_last_local_rank():
return get_args().local_rank == (int(os.environ["LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE"]) - 1)
def print_all_nodes(*args, **kwargs):
"""If distributed is initialized, print on the last rank in all nodes."""
if torch.distributed.is_initialized():
if is_last_local_rank():
print(*args, **kwargs)
print(*args, **kwargs)