"""GPT zero-shot evaluation."""
import math
import torch
from megatron import get_args
from megatron import print_rank_0, is_last_rank
from megatron import get_tokenizer
from megatron.core import parallel_state, tensor_parallel
from megatron.checkpointing import load_checkpoint
from megatron.model import GPTModel
from megatron.utils import get_ltor_masks_and_position_ids, unwrap_model
from megatron.p2p_communication import recv_forward, send_forward
import tasks.finetune_utils
import megatron.training
from .datasets import build_dataset
from torch.nn.parallel.distributed import DistributedDataParallel as torchDDP
from megatron.model import DistributedDataParallel as LocalDDP
from megatron.model import Float16Module
def _get_model_provider(eval_metric):
"""Based on evaluation metric set the parallel-output flag and
return the model provider."""
def model_provider(pre_process=True, post_process=True):
"""Build the model."""
if eval_metric == 'loss':
parallel_output = True
elif eval_metric == 'accuracy':
parallel_output = False
raise NotImplementedError('output type for {} evaluation metric '
'is not supported.'.format(eval_metric))
print_rank_0('building GPT model ...')
model = GPTModel(num_tokentypes=0, parallel_output=parallel_output,
pre_process=pre_process, post_process=post_process)
return model
return model_provider
def process_batch(batch):
"""Process batch and produce inputs for the model."""
args = get_args()
tokenizer = get_tokenizer()
loss_mask = batch['pad_mask'].long().cuda().contiguous().byte()
tokens_ = batch['text'].long().cuda().contiguous()
labels = tokens_[:, 1:].contiguous()
tokens = tokens_[:, :-1].contiguous()
attention_mask, _, position_ids = get_ltor_masks_and_position_ids(
return tokens, labels, attention_mask, position_ids, loss_mask
def forward_step(batch, model, eval_metric):
"""Forward step."""
tokens, labels, attention_mask, position_ids, loss_mask = process_batch(
args = get_args()
args.micro_batch_size = len(labels)
input_tensor = recv_forward()
unwrapped_model = unwrap_model(
model, (torchDDP, LocalDDP, Float16Module))
output = model(tokens, position_ids, attention_mask)
if parallel_state.is_pipeline_last_stage():
if eval_metric == 'loss':
losses = tensor_parallel.vocab_parallel_cross_entropy(
output.contiguous().float(), labels.contiguous())
loss = torch.sum(
losses.view(-1) * loss_mask.contiguous().view(-1).float())
return loss
if eval_metric == 'accuracy':
outputs = torch.argmax(output, -1)
correct = (outputs == labels).float()
correct[(1 - loss_mask).bool()] = 1
correct = correct.prod(-1)
return correct.sum()
raise NotImplementedError('forward method for evaluation metric {} '
'is not implemented.'.format(eval_metric))
return None
def evaluate(data_loader, model, eval_metric):
args = get_args()
total_output = 0.0
with torch.no_grad():
for iteration, batch in enumerate(data_loader):
if iteration % args.log_interval == 0:
print_rank_0('> working on iteration: {}'.format(iteration))
output = forward_step(batch, model, eval_metric)
if parallel_state.is_pipeline_last_stage():
total_output += output
return total_output
def _evaluate_and_print_results(task, data_loader, model, eval_metric):
"""Evaluate and print results on screen."""
output = evaluate(data_loader, model, eval_metric)
string = ' validation results on {} | '.format(task)
if is_last_rank():
if eval_metric == 'loss':
num_tokenized_tokens = data_loader.dataset.num_tokenized_tokens
num_original_tokens = data_loader.dataset.num_original_tokens
val_loss = output / (num_tokenized_tokens - 1)
ppl = math.exp(min(20, val_loss))
token_ratio = (num_tokenized_tokens - 1) / (num_original_tokens - 1)
adjusted_ppl = math.exp(min(20, val_loss * token_ratio))
string += 'avg loss: {:.4E} | '.format(val_loss)
string += 'ppl: {:.4E} | '.format(ppl)
string += 'adjusted ppl: {:.4E} | '.format(adjusted_ppl)
string += 'token ratio: {} |'.format(token_ratio)
elif eval_metric == 'accuracy':
num_examples = len(data_loader.dataset)
acc = output / num_examples
string += 'number correct: {:.4E} | '.format(output)
string += 'total examples: {:.4E} | '.format(num_examples)
string += 'avg accuracy: {:.4E}'.format(acc)
raise NotImplementedError('evaluation method for {} metric is not '
'implemented yet.'.format(eval_metric))
length = len(string) + 1
print('-' * length)
print('-' * length)
def main():
"""Main program."""
args = get_args()
if args.num_layers_per_virtual_pipeline_stage is not None:
print("Interleaved pipeline schedule is not yet supported for text generation.")
if args.task == 'LAMBADA':
eval_metric = 'accuracy'
elif args.task == 'WIKITEXT103':
eval_metric = 'loss'
raise NotImplementedError('{} task is not implemented.'.format(
model_provider_func = _get_model_provider(eval_metric)
model = megatron.training.get_model(model_provider_func, wrap_with_ddp=False, args=args)
if args.load is not None:
_ = load_checkpoint(model, None, None)
assert len(model) == 1, "Above condition should have caught this"
model = model[0]
dataset = build_dataset(args.task)
dataloader = tasks.finetune_utils.build_data_loader(dataset, args.micro_batch_size,
args.num_workers, drop_last=False)
_evaluate_and_print_results(args.task, dataloader, model, eval_metric)
print_rank_0('done :-)')