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#! /bin/bash
# Runs the "217M" parameter biencoder model for ICT retriever
PRETRAINED_BERT_PATH=<Specify path of pretrained BERT model>
TEXT_DATA_PATH=<Specify path and file prefix of the text data>
TITLE_DATA_PATH=<Specify path and file prefix od the titles>
CHECKPOINT_PATH=<Specify path>
python \
--num_layers 12 \
--hidden_size 768 \
--num_attention_heads 12 \
--tensor_model_parallel_size 1 \
--micro_batch_size 32 \
--seq_length 256 \
--max_position_embeddings 512 \
--train_iters 100000 \
--vocab_file bert-vocab.txt \
--tokenizer_type BertWordPieceLowerCase \
--DDP_impl torch \
--bert_load ${PRETRAINED_BERT_PATH} \
--log_interval 100 \
--eval_interval 1000 \
--eval_iters 10 \
--retriever_report_topk_accuracies 1 5 10 20 100 \
--retriever_score_scaling \
--data_path ${TEXT_DATA_PATH} \
--titles_data_path ${TITLE_DATA_PATH} \
--lr 0.0001 \
--lr_decay_style linear \
--weight_decay 1e-2 \
--clip_grad 1.0 \
--lr_warmup_fraction 0.01 \
--save_interval 4000 \
--exit_interval 8000 \
--query_in_block_prob 0.1 \