1 value
@Override public Collection<MetaStb> getAll() { Collection<MetaStb> stbs = new ArrayList<>(); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object>[] maps = client.get("/devices/list/", Map[].class); for(Map<String,Object> map : maps) { stbs.add(new MetaStb(map)); } } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return stbs; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testConstructor() throws HttpException { RestClient mockClient = EasyMock.createMock(RestClient.class); DawgHouseClient client = new DawgHouseClient(URL); client.setClient(mockClient); Map[] maps = new HashMap[1]; maps[0] = new HashMap<>(); EasyMock.expect(mockClient.get((String) EasyMock.anyObject(),(Class<Map[]>)EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(maps); EasyMock.replay(mockClient); Assert.assertNotNull(client.getAll()); }
[ "get", "add", "printStackTrace" ]
[ "createMock", "setClient", "andReturn", "expect", "get", "anyObject", "anyObject", "replay", "assertNotNull", "getAll" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/dawg-house\";", "class_name": "DawgHouseClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgHouseClient.class);\nprivate static final String DEFAULT_BASE_URL = Config.get(\"dawg\", \"dawg-house-url\", \"http://localhost/dawg-house\");\nprivate JsonCerealEngine cerealEngine = new JsonCerealEngine();", "class_name": "DawgHouseClient extends DawgClient implements IDawgHouseClient<MetaStb>", "method_signatures": "public DawgHouseClient()\npublic DawgHouseClient(String baseURL)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private MetaStb httpget(String path)\nprivate void httpput(String path, MetaStb stb)\nprivate void httpdelete(String path)\n@Override public MetaStb getById(String id)\n@Override public void add(MetaStb stb)\n@Override public void delete(String id)\n@Override public Collection<MetaStb> getByIds(Collection<String> ids)\n@Override public Collection<MetaStb> getByQuery(String query)\nprivate Collection<MetaStb> getByCollection(String path, Collection<String> values, String key)\n@Override public void deleteByIds(Collection<String> ids)\n@Override public void delete(MetaStb stb)\n@Override public void delete(Collection<MetaStb> stbs)\n@Override public void add(Collection<MetaStb> stbs)\n@Override public void update(MetaStb stb)\n@Override public void update(Collection<String> id, Map<String, Object> data)\nprivate void post(String path, Collection<String> values, String key)\nprivate void post(String path, Collection<String> values, String key, String body)\n@Override public Collection<MetaStb> getAll()\npublic DawgModel[] getDawgModels(String... modelNames)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DawgHouseClient extends DawgClient implements IDawgHouseClient<MetaStb>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgHouseClient.class);\nprivate static final String DEFAULT_BASE_URL = Config.get(\"dawg\", \"dawg-house-url\", \"http://localhost/dawg-house\");\nprivate JsonCerealEngine cerealEngine = new JsonCerealEngine();\n\nmethod_signatures: public DawgHouseClient()\npublic DawgHouseClient(String baseURL)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private MetaStb httpget(String path)\nprivate void httpput(String path, MetaStb stb)\nprivate void httpdelete(String path)\n@Override public MetaStb getById(String id)\n@Override public void add(MetaStb stb)\n@Override public void delete(String id)\n@Override public Collection<MetaStb> getByIds(Collection<String> ids)\n@Override public Collection<MetaStb> getByQuery(String query)\nprivate Collection<MetaStb> getByCollection(String path, Collection<String> values, String key)\n@Override public void deleteByIds(Collection<String> ids)\n@Override public void delete(MetaStb stb)\n@Override public void delete(Collection<MetaStb> stbs)\n@Override public void add(Collection<MetaStb> stbs)\n@Override public void update(MetaStb stb)\n@Override public void update(Collection<String> id, Map<String, Object> data)\nprivate void post(String path, Collection<String> values, String key)\nprivate void post(String path, Collection<String> values, String key, String body)\n@Override public Collection<MetaStb> getAll()\npublic DawgModel[] getDawgModels(String... modelNames)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DawgHouseClientTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/dawg-house\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Collection<MetaStb> getAll() {\n Collection<MetaStb> stbs = new ArrayList<>();\n try {\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n Map<String, Object>[] maps = client.get(\"/devices/list/\", Map[].class);\n for(Map<String,Object> map : maps) {\n stbs.add(new MetaStb(map));\n }\n } catch (HttpException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n\n return stbs;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-client/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n @Test\n public void testConstructor() throws HttpException {\n RestClient mockClient = EasyMock.createMock(RestClient.class);\n DawgHouseClient client = new DawgHouseClient(URL);\n client.setClient(mockClient);\n Map[] maps = new HashMap[1];\n maps[0] = new HashMap<>();\n EasyMock.expect(mockClient.get((String) EasyMock.anyObject(),(Class<Map[]>)EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(maps);\n EasyMock.replay(mockClient);\n Assert.assertNotNull(client.getAll());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void send(){ String message="Hello World:"+;"FwSender:"+message); //第一个参数是topic,第二个参数是内容 amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("hello",message); }
@Test void send() { for (int i = 0; i <10 ; i++) { fwSender.send(); } }
[ "now", "info", "convertAndSend" ]
[ "send" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private FwSender fwSender;", "class_name": "FwSenderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate;", "class_name": "FwSender", "method_signatures": "public void send()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: fw-cloud-mq/fw-cloud-mq-rabbitmq/src/main/java/com/yisu/mq/rabbitmq/sender/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FwSender\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate;\n\nmethod_signatures: public void send()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FwSenderTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private FwSender fwSender;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file fw-cloud-mq/fw-cloud-mq-rabbitmq/src/main/java/com/yisu/mq/rabbitmq/sender/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void send(){\n String message=\"Hello World:\"+;\n\"FwSender:\"+message);\n //第一个参数是topic,第二个参数是内容\n amqpTemplate.convertAndSend(\"hello\",message);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n fw-cloud-mq/fw-cloud-mq-rabbitmq/src/test/java/com/yisu/mq/rabbitmq/sender/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void send() {\n for (int i = 0; i <10 ; i++) {\n fwSender.send();\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public String set(String key, String value,int indexdb) { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jedisPool.getResource();; return jedis.set(key, value); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); return "0"; } finally { returnResource(jedisPool, jedis); } }
@Test public void setTest(){ String set = jedisUtils.set("tenant:test", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), 0);; }
[ "getResource", "select", "set", "error", "getMessage", "returnResource" ]
[ "set", "valueOf", "currentTimeMillis", "info" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private JedisUtils jedisUtils;", "class_name": "JedisUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private JedisPool jedisPool;", "class_name": "JedisUtils", "method_signatures": "public String get(String key,int indexdb)\npublic byte[] get(byte[] key,int indexdb)\npublic String set(String key, String value,int indexdb)\npublic String set(byte[] key, byte[] value,int indexdb)\npublic Long del(String... keys)\npublic Long del(int indexdb,String... keys)\npublic Long del(int indexdb,byte[]... keys)\npublic Long append(String key, String str)\npublic Boolean exists(String key)\npublic String flushDB()\npublic Long expire(String key, int value, int indexdb)\npublic Long ttl(String key,int indexdb)\npublic Long persist(String key)\npublic String setex(String key, int seconds, String value)\npublic Long setnx(String key, String value)\npublic String getSet(String key, String value)\npublic String setex(String key, String value, int seconds)\npublic Long setrange(String key, String str, int offset)\npublic List<String> mget(String... keys)\npublic String mset(String... keysvalues)\npublic Long msetnx(String... keysvalues)\npublic String getset(String key, String value)\npublic String getrange(String key, int startOffset, int endOffset)\npublic Long incr(String key)\npublic Long incrBy(String key, Long integer)\npublic Long decr(String key)\npublic Long decrBy(String key, Long integer)\npublic Long serlen(String key)\npublic Long hset(String key, String field, String value)\npublic Long hsetnx(String key, String field, String value)\npublic String hmset(String key, Map<String, String> hash, int indexdb)\npublic String hget(String key, String field)\npublic List<String> hmget(String key, int indexdb, String... fields)\npublic Long hincrby(String key, String field, Long value)\npublic Boolean hexists(String key, String field)\npublic Long hlen(String key)\npublic Long hdel(String key, String... fields)\npublic Set<String> hkeys(String key)\npublic List<String> hvals(String key)\npublic Map<String, String> hgetall(String key, int indexdb)\npublic Long lpush(int indexdb, String key, String... strs)\npublic Long rpush(String key, String... strs)\npublic Long linsert(String key, BinaryClient.LIST_POSITION where, String pivot,\n String value)\npublic String lset(String key, Long index, String value)\npublic Long lrem(String key, long count, String value)\npublic String ltrim(String key, long start, long end)\nsynchronized public String lpop(String key)\nsynchronized public String rpop(String key, int indexdb)\npublic String rpoplpush(String srckey, String dstkey, int indexdb)\npublic String lindex(String key, long index)\npublic Long llen(String key)\npublic List<String> lrange(String key, long start, long end, int indexdb)\npublic String lset(String key, long index, String value)\npublic List<String> sort(String key, SortingParams sortingParameters)\npublic List<String> sort(String key)\npublic Long sadd(String key, String... members)\npublic Long srem(String key, String... members)\npublic String spop(String key)\npublic Set<String> sdiff(String... keys)\npublic Long sdiffstore(String dstkey, String... keys)\npublic Set<String> sinter(String... keys)\npublic Long sinterstore(String dstkey, String... keys)\npublic Set<String> sunion(String... keys)\npublic Long sunionstore(String dstkey, String... keys)\npublic Long smove(String srckey, String dstkey, String member)\npublic Long scard(String key)\npublic Boolean sismember(String key, String member)\npublic String srandmember(String key)\npublic Set<String> smembers(String key)\npublic Long zadd(String key, double score, String member)\npublic Set<String> zrange(String key, long min, long max)\npublic Long zcount(String key, double min, double max)\npublic Long hincrBy(String key, String value, long increment)\npublic Long zrem(String key, String... members)\npublic Double zincrby(String key, double score, String member)\npublic Long zrank(String key, String member)\npublic Long zrevrank(String key, String member)\npublic Set<String> zrevrange(String key, long start, long end)\npublic Set<String> zrangebyscore(String key, String max, String min)\npublic Set<String> zrangeByScore(String key, double max, double min)\npublic Long zcount(String key, String min, String max)\npublic Long zcard(String key)\npublic Double zscore(String key, String member)\npublic Long zremrangeByRank(String key, long start, long end)\npublic Long zremrangeByScore(String key, double start, double end)\npublic Set<String> keys(String pattern)\npublic Set<String> keysBySelect(String pattern,int database)\npublic String type(String key)\npublic static byte[] ObjTOSerialize(Object obj)\npublic static Object unserialize(byte[] bytes)\npublic static void returnResource(JedisPool jedisPool, Jedis jedis)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: fw-cloud-springboot/fw-springboot-cache/fw-springboot-cache-jedis/src/main/java/com/yisu/jedis/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: JedisUtils\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private JedisPool jedisPool;\n\nmethod_signatures: public String get(String key,int indexdb)\npublic byte[] get(byte[] key,int indexdb)\npublic String set(String key, String value,int indexdb)\npublic String set(byte[] key, byte[] value,int indexdb)\npublic Long del(String... keys)\npublic Long del(int indexdb,String... keys)\npublic Long del(int indexdb,byte[]... keys)\npublic Long append(String key, String str)\npublic Boolean exists(String key)\npublic String flushDB()\npublic Long expire(String key, int value, int indexdb)\npublic Long ttl(String key,int indexdb)\npublic Long persist(String key)\npublic String setex(String key, int seconds, String value)\npublic Long setnx(String key, String value)\npublic String getSet(String key, String value)\npublic String setex(String key, String value, int seconds)\npublic Long setrange(String key, String str, int offset)\npublic List<String> mget(String... keys)\npublic String mset(String... keysvalues)\npublic Long msetnx(String... keysvalues)\npublic String getset(String key, String value)\npublic String getrange(String key, int startOffset, int endOffset)\npublic Long incr(String key)\npublic Long incrBy(String key, Long integer)\npublic Long decr(String key)\npublic Long decrBy(String key, Long integer)\npublic Long serlen(String key)\npublic Long hset(String key, String field, String value)\npublic Long hsetnx(String key, String field, String value)\npublic String hmset(String key, Map<String, String> hash, int indexdb)\npublic String hget(String key, String field)\npublic List<String> hmget(String key, int indexdb, String... fields)\npublic Long hincrby(String key, String field, Long value)\npublic Boolean hexists(String key, String field)\npublic Long hlen(String key)\npublic Long hdel(String key, String... fields)\npublic Set<String> hkeys(String key)\npublic List<String> hvals(String key)\npublic Map<String, String> hgetall(String key, int indexdb)\npublic Long lpush(int indexdb, String key, String... strs)\npublic Long rpush(String key, String... strs)\npublic Long linsert(String key, BinaryClient.LIST_POSITION where, String pivot,\n String value)\npublic String lset(String key, Long index, String value)\npublic Long lrem(String key, long count, String value)\npublic String ltrim(String key, long start, long end)\nsynchronized public String lpop(String key)\nsynchronized public String rpop(String key, int indexdb)\npublic String rpoplpush(String srckey, String dstkey, int indexdb)\npublic String lindex(String key, long index)\npublic Long llen(String key)\npublic List<String> lrange(String key, long start, long end, int indexdb)\npublic String lset(String key, long index, String value)\npublic List<String> sort(String key, SortingParams sortingParameters)\npublic List<String> sort(String key)\npublic Long sadd(String key, String... members)\npublic Long srem(String key, String... members)\npublic String spop(String key)\npublic Set<String> sdiff(String... keys)\npublic Long sdiffstore(String dstkey, String... keys)\npublic Set<String> sinter(String... keys)\npublic Long sinterstore(String dstkey, String... keys)\npublic Set<String> sunion(String... keys)\npublic Long sunionstore(String dstkey, String... keys)\npublic Long smove(String srckey, String dstkey, String member)\npublic Long scard(String key)\npublic Boolean sismember(String key, String member)\npublic String srandmember(String key)\npublic Set<String> smembers(String key)\npublic Long zadd(String key, double score, String member)\npublic Set<String> zrange(String key, long min, long max)\npublic Long zcount(String key, double min, double max)\npublic Long hincrBy(String key, String value, long increment)\npublic Long zrem(String key, String... members)\npublic Double zincrby(String key, double score, String member)\npublic Long zrank(String key, String member)\npublic Long zrevrank(String key, String member)\npublic Set<String> zrevrange(String key, long start, long end)\npublic Set<String> zrangebyscore(String key, String max, String min)\npublic Set<String> zrangeByScore(String key, double max, double min)\npublic Long zcount(String key, String min, String max)\npublic Long zcard(String key)\npublic Double zscore(String key, String member)\npublic Long zremrangeByRank(String key, long start, long end)\npublic Long zremrangeByScore(String key, double start, double end)\npublic Set<String> keys(String pattern)\npublic Set<String> keysBySelect(String pattern,int database)\npublic String type(String key)\npublic static byte[] ObjTOSerialize(Object obj)\npublic static Object unserialize(byte[] bytes)\npublic static void returnResource(JedisPool jedisPool, Jedis jedis)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: JedisUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private JedisUtils jedisUtils;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file fw-cloud-springboot/fw-springboot-cache/fw-springboot-cache-jedis/src/main/java/com/yisu/jedis/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public String set(String key, String value,int indexdb) {\n Jedis jedis = null;\n try {\n jedis = jedisPool.getResource();\n;\n return jedis.set(key, value);\n } catch (Exception e) {\n\n log.error(e.getMessage());\n return \"0\";\n } finally {\n returnResource(jedisPool, jedis);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n fw-cloud-springboot/fw-springboot-cache/fw-springboot-cache-jedis/src/test/java/com/yisu/jedis/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void setTest(){\n\n String set = jedisUtils.set(\"tenant:test\", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), 0);\n;\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public IrClient getIrClient() { if (null == irClient) { irClient = new IrClient(stb); } return irClient; }
@Test public void testGetIrClient() { CachedDawgClientFactory factory = new CachedDawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),"",""); Assert.assertNotNull(factory.getIrClient()); IrClient expected = factory.getIrClient(); Assert.assertEquals(factory.getIrClient(), expected); }
[ "assertNotNull", "getIrClient", "getIrClient", "assertEquals", "getIrClient" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CachedDawgClientFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "IDawgPoundClient poundClient;\nIDawgHouseClient<?> houseClient;\nPowerClient powerClient;\nIrClient irClient;\nSerialClient serialClient;\nprivate String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;", "class_name": "CachedDawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory", "method_signatures": "public CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CachedDawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory\n\nclass_fields: IDawgPoundClient poundClient;\nIDawgHouseClient<?> houseClient;\nPowerClient powerClient;\nIrClient irClient;\nSerialClient serialClient;\nprivate String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CachedDawgClientFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public IrClient getIrClient() {\n if (null == irClient) {\n irClient = new IrClient(stb);\n }\n return irClient;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-client/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetIrClient() {\n CachedDawgClientFactory factory = new CachedDawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),\"\",\"\");\n Assert.assertNotNull(factory.getIrClient());\n IrClient expected = factory.getIrClient();\n Assert.assertEquals(factory.getIrClient(), expected);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@PostConstruct public void load() throws IOException { loadKeySets(); loadRemotes(); }
@Test public void testLoad() throws IOException { RemoteManager rMan = new RemoteManager(); rMan.load(); Collection<Remote> remotes = rMan.getRemotes(); Assert.assertNotNull(remotes); Assert.assertFalse(remotes.isEmpty()); Remote motorolaRemote = rMan.getRemote("MOTOROLA"); Assert.assertNotNull(motorolaRemote); Assert.assertEquals(motorolaRemote.getName(), "MOTOROLA"); Assert.assertEquals(motorolaRemote.getImageSubpath(), "motorola"); KeySet ks = motorolaRemote.getKeySet(); Assert.assertNotNull(ks); Assert.assertTrue(ks.getName().contains("MOTOROLA")); Set<Key> keys = motorolaRemote.getKeys(); Assert.assertTrue(keys.contains(Key.GUIDE)); Remote genericRemote = rMan.getRemote("GENERIC"); Assert.assertNotNull(genericRemote); Assert.assertEquals(genericRemote.getName(), "GENERIC"); Assert.assertEquals(genericRemote.getImageSubpath(), "generic"); ks = genericRemote.getKeySet(); Assert.assertNotNull(ks); Assert.assertFalse(ks.getName().contains("GENERIC")); keys = genericRemote.getKeys(); Assert.assertTrue(keys.contains(Key.GUIDE)); }
[ "loadKeySets", "loadRemotes" ]
[ "load", "getRemotes", "assertNotNull", "assertFalse", "isEmpty", "getRemote", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getImageSubpath", "getKeySet", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue", "contains", "getName", "getKeys", "assertTrue", "contains", "getRemote", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getImageSubpath", "getKeySet", "assertNotNull", "assertFalse", "contains", "getName", "getKeys", "assertTrue", "contains" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "RemoteManagerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_TYPE = \"MOTOROLA\";\npublic static final String KEY_SETS_FILE = \"keysets.txt\";\npublic static final String REMOTES_FILE = \"remotes.txt\";\nprivate Map<String, Remote> remotes;\nprivate Map<String, KeySet> keysets;", "class_name": "RemoteManager", "method_signatures": "@PostConstruct public void load()\npublic void loadRemotes()\npublic void loadKeySets()\npublic void loadRemotes(InputStream is)\npublic void loadKeySets(InputStream is)\npublic Remote getRemote(String remoteType)\npublic Collection<Remote> getRemotes()\npublic Set<String> getRemoteTypes()\npublic Set<String> getKeySet(String remoteType)\npublic void addRemoteTypeToRemote(String remoteId, String remoteType)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-show/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/key/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RemoteManager\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_TYPE = \"MOTOROLA\";\npublic static final String KEY_SETS_FILE = \"keysets.txt\";\npublic static final String REMOTES_FILE = \"remotes.txt\";\nprivate Map<String, Remote> remotes;\nprivate Map<String, KeySet> keysets;\n\nmethod_signatures: @PostConstruct public void load()\npublic void loadRemotes()\npublic void loadKeySets()\npublic void loadRemotes(InputStream is)\npublic void loadKeySets(InputStream is)\npublic Remote getRemote(String remoteType)\npublic Collection<Remote> getRemotes()\npublic Set<String> getRemoteTypes()\npublic Set<String> getKeySet(String remoteType)\npublic void addRemoteTypeToRemote(String remoteId, String remoteType)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: RemoteManagerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-show/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/key/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @PostConstruct\n public void load() throws IOException {\n loadKeySets();\n loadRemotes();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-show/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/key/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLoad() throws IOException {\n RemoteManager rMan = new RemoteManager();\n rMan.load();\n Collection<Remote> remotes = rMan.getRemotes();\n Assert.assertNotNull(remotes);\n Assert.assertFalse(remotes.isEmpty());\n Remote motorolaRemote = rMan.getRemote(\"MOTOROLA\");\n Assert.assertNotNull(motorolaRemote);\n Assert.assertEquals(motorolaRemote.getName(), \"MOTOROLA\");\n Assert.assertEquals(motorolaRemote.getImageSubpath(), \"motorola\");\n KeySet ks = motorolaRemote.getKeySet();\n Assert.assertNotNull(ks);\n Assert.assertTrue(ks.getName().contains(\"MOTOROLA\"));\n Set<Key> keys = motorolaRemote.getKeys();\n Assert.assertTrue(keys.contains(Key.GUIDE));\n Remote genericRemote = rMan.getRemote(\"GENERIC\");\n Assert.assertNotNull(genericRemote);\n Assert.assertEquals(genericRemote.getName(), \"GENERIC\");\n Assert.assertEquals(genericRemote.getImageSubpath(), \"generic\");\n ks = genericRemote.getKeySet();\n Assert.assertNotNull(ks);\n Assert.assertFalse(ks.getName().contains(\"GENERIC\"));\n keys = genericRemote.getKeys();\n Assert.assertTrue(keys.contains(Key.GUIDE));\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Map<String, String> isReserved(String id) { PersistableDevice device = getById(id); if(null != device && device.isReserved()) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("reserver", device.getReserver()); map.put("expiration", String.valueOf(device.getExpiration())); return map; } else { return null; } }
@Test public void testIsReservedWithDeviceReserved() { long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + TestConstants.ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS; MongoTemplate mockMongoTemplate = EasyMock.createMock(MongoTemplate.class); PersistableDevice persistableDev = EasyMock.createMock(PersistableDevice.class); DawgPoundMongoService dawgPoundService = new DawgPoundMongoService(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(dawgPoundService, "mongoTemplate", mockMongoTemplate); EasyMock.expect(mockMongoTemplate.findById(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, PersistableDevice.class, TestConstants.COLLECTION_NAME )).andReturn(persistableDev); EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.isReserved()).andReturn(true); EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.getReserver()).andReturn(TestConstants.TOKEN); EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.getExpiration()).andReturn(expiryTime); EasyMock.replay(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev); Map<String, String> map = dawgPoundService.isReserved(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID); Assert.assertNotNull(map); Assert.assertEquals(map.size(), 2); Assert.assertEquals(map.get("reserver"), TestConstants.TOKEN); Assert.assertEquals(map.get("expiration"), String.valueOf(expiryTime)); EasyMock.verify(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev); }
[ "getById", "isReserved", "put", "getReserver", "put", "valueOf", "getExpiration" ]
[ "currentTimeMillis", "createMock", "createMock", "setField", "andReturn", "expect", "findById", "andReturn", "expect", "isReserved", "andReturn", "expect", "getReserver", "andReturn", "expect", "getExpiration", "replay", "isReserved", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "size", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "valueOf", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DawgPoundMongoServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = \"DawgDevices\";\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundMongoService.class);\n@Autowired\n protected DawgPoundConfiguration config;\nprivate MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;", "class_name": "DawgPoundMongoService implements IDawgPoundService", "method_signatures": "@PostConstruct public void init()\n@Override public synchronized String unreserve(String id)\n@Override public synchronized boolean overrideReserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public Map<String,Object>[] getByReserver(String token)\n@Override public synchronized String reserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@Override public PersistableDevice getById(String id)\n@Override public Map<String, String> isReserved(String id)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public Map<String,Object>[] list()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/pound/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DawgPoundMongoService implements IDawgPoundService\n\nclass_fields: private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = \"DawgDevices\";\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundMongoService.class);\n@Autowired\n protected DawgPoundConfiguration config;\nprivate MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;\n\nmethod_signatures: @PostConstruct public void init()\n@Override public synchronized String unreserve(String id)\n@Override public synchronized boolean overrideReserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public Map<String,Object>[] getByReserver(String token)\n@Override public synchronized String reserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@Override public PersistableDevice getById(String id)\n@Override public Map<String, String> isReserved(String id)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public Map<String,Object>[] list()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DawgPoundMongoServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/pound/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Map<String, String> isReserved(String id) {\n PersistableDevice device = getById(id);\n if(null != device && device.isReserved()) {\n Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();\n map.put(\"reserver\", device.getReserver());\n map.put(\"expiration\", String.valueOf(device.getExpiration()));\n return map;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-pound/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/pound/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testIsReservedWithDeviceReserved() {\n long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + TestConstants.ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS;\n MongoTemplate mockMongoTemplate = EasyMock.createMock(MongoTemplate.class);\n PersistableDevice persistableDev = EasyMock.createMock(PersistableDevice.class);\n\n DawgPoundMongoService dawgPoundService = new DawgPoundMongoService();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(dawgPoundService, \"mongoTemplate\", mockMongoTemplate);\n\n EasyMock.expect(mockMongoTemplate.findById(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, PersistableDevice.class, TestConstants.COLLECTION_NAME )).andReturn(persistableDev);\n EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.isReserved()).andReturn(true);\n EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.getReserver()).andReturn(TestConstants.TOKEN);\n EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.getExpiration()).andReturn(expiryTime);\n\n\n EasyMock.replay(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev);\n Map<String, String> map = dawgPoundService.isReserved(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID);\n Assert.assertNotNull(map);\n Assert.assertEquals(map.size(), 2);\n Assert.assertEquals(map.get(\"reserver\"), TestConstants.TOKEN);\n Assert.assertEquals(map.get(\"expiration\"), String.valueOf(expiryTime));\n EasyMock.verify(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value = "reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token, @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration) { token = clean(token); id = clean(id);"Request to reserve a device for token="+token+", id="+id+", expiration="+expiration); return service.reserve(id, token, Long.valueOf(expiration)); }
@Test public void testReservePolitely() { ServerUtils serverUtil = new ServerUtils(); DawgPoundMongoService poundService = EasyMock.createMock(DawgPoundMongoService.class); DawgPoundRestController poundController = new DawgPoundRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, "serverUtils", serverUtil); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, "service", poundService); long expirationTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + TestConstants.ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS; EasyMock.expect(poundService.reserve(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN, expirationTime)).andReturn(TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN); EasyMock.replay(poundService); String actualReservedToken = poundController.reservePolitely(TestConstants.TOKEN, TestConstants.ORIG_DEVICE_ID, String.valueOf(expirationTime)); Assert.assertEquals(actualReservedToken, TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN); EasyMock.verify(poundService); }
[ "clean", "clean", "info", "reserve", "valueOf" ]
[ "createMock", "setField", "setField", "currentTimeMillis", "andReturn", "expect", "reserve", "replay", "reservePolitely", "valueOf", "assertEquals", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DawgPoundRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n IDawgPoundService service;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundRestController.class);", "class_name": "DawgPoundRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/token/{token}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"unreserve/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token,\n @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/override/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean reserve(@PathVariable String token, @PathVariable String id,\n @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/id/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, String> isReservered(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"list\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\nprivate String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DawgPoundRestController\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n IDawgPoundService service;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundRestController.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/token/{token}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"unreserve/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token,\n @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/override/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean reserve(@PathVariable String token, @PathVariable String id,\n @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/id/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, String> isReservered(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"list\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\nprivate String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DawgPoundRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST)\n @ResponseBody\n public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token,\n @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration) {\n token = clean(token);\n id = clean(id);\n\"Request to reserve a device for token=\"+token+\", id=\"+id+\", expiration=\"+expiration);\n return service.reserve(id, token, Long.valueOf(expiration));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-pound/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testReservePolitely() {\n ServerUtils serverUtil = new ServerUtils();\n DawgPoundMongoService poundService = EasyMock.createMock(DawgPoundMongoService.class);\n\n DawgPoundRestController poundController = new DawgPoundRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, \"serverUtils\", serverUtil);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, \"service\", poundService);\n long expirationTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + TestConstants.ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS;\n\n\n EasyMock.expect(poundService.reserve(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN, expirationTime)).andReturn(TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN);\n\n EasyMock.replay(poundService);\n String actualReservedToken = poundController.reservePolitely(TestConstants.TOKEN, TestConstants.ORIG_DEVICE_ID, String.valueOf(expirationTime));\n Assert.assertEquals(actualReservedToken, TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN);\n EasyMock.verify(poundService);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value="id/{id}", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id) { id = clean(id); try { service.deleteStbById(id); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DawgIllegalArgumentException("Unable to delete device by id="+id); } }
@Test(expectedExceptions = DawgIllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDeleteSingleWithException() { HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "serverUtils", utils); HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class); mockService.deleteStbById((String) EasyMock.anyObject()); EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new MappingException("")); EasyMock.replay(mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); String id = "id"; controller.deleteSingle(id); }
[ "clean", "deleteStbById" ]
[ "setField", "createMock", "deleteStbById", "anyObject", "andThrow", "expectLastCall", "replay", "setField", "deleteSingle" ]
{ "class_fields": "ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();", "class_name": "HouseRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };", "class_name": "HouseRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HouseRestController\n\nclass_fields: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HouseRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE})\n @ResponseBody\n public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id) {\n id = clean(id);\n try {\n service.deleteStbById(id);\n } catch (Exception e) {\n throw new DawgIllegalArgumentException(\"Unable to delete device by id=\"+id);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expectedExceptions = DawgIllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testDeleteSingleWithException() {\n HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"serverUtils\", utils);\n\n HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class);\n mockService.deleteStbById((String) EasyMock.anyObject());\n EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new MappingException(\"\"));\n EasyMock.replay(mockService);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"service\", mockService);\n\n String id = \"id\";\n controller.deleteSingle(id);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void pressKey(Key key) throws KeyException { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(COMMAND, key.getKey()); URL url = formKeyUrl(IrOperation.pressKey, params, null); executeRequest(url,; }
@Test public void testPressKeyWithNullCatsHost() throws KeyException { MockIrClient client = new MockIrClient(null, null, null, REMOTE_TYPE); client.pressKey(Key.VOLUP); }
[ "put", "getKey", "formKeyUrl", "executeRequest", "name" ]
[ "pressKey" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final String REMOTE_TYPE = \"MOTOROLA\";\nString catsHost =\"\";", "class_name": "IrClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IrClient.class);\npublic static final String IR_SERVICE = \"ir-service\";\npublic static final String REST = \"rest\";\npublic static final String DEFAULT_BLASTER_TYPE = \"gc100\";\npublic static final String KEY_SET = \"keySet\";\npublic static final String COMMAND = \"command\";\npublic static final String COMMAND_LIST = \"commandList\";\npublic static final String DELAY_IN_MILLIS = \"delayInMillis\";\npublic static final String HOLD_TIME = \"holdTime\";\npublic static final long DEFAULT_DELAY = 700;\npublic static final long SINGLE_KEY_PRESS_TIME = 100;\nprivate String catsHost;\nprivate String blasterType;\nprivate String irHost;\nprivate String port;\nprivate String remoteType;\nprivate String catsKeySetMapping;\nprivate boolean proxyEnabled;", "class_name": "IrClient extends DawgClient implements KeyInput", "method_signatures": "public IrClient(IrMeta irMeta)\npublic IrClient(IrMeta irMeta, String remoteType)\npublic IrClient(String catsHost, String irHost, String port, String remoteType)\npublic IrClient(String catsHost, String blasterType, String irHost, String port, String remoteType)\n@Override public void pressKey(Key key)\n@Override public void pressKey(Key key, RemoteType remoteType)\n@Override public void pressKeys(Key... keys)\n@Override public void pressKeys(long delay, Key... keys)\n@Override public void pressKeys(boolean validate, Key... keys)\n@Override public void holdKey(Key key, long holdTime)\nprivate void executeRequest(URL url, String keyStr)\nprivate URL formKeyUrl(IrOperation op, Map<String, Object> params, String overRiddenRemoteType)\nprivate String getIrBlasterType(IrMeta irMeta)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/cats/ir/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IrClient extends DawgClient implements KeyInput\n\nclass_fields: public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IrClient.class);\npublic static final String IR_SERVICE = \"ir-service\";\npublic static final String REST = \"rest\";\npublic static final String DEFAULT_BLASTER_TYPE = \"gc100\";\npublic static final String KEY_SET = \"keySet\";\npublic static final String COMMAND = \"command\";\npublic static final String COMMAND_LIST = \"commandList\";\npublic static final String DELAY_IN_MILLIS = \"delayInMillis\";\npublic static final String HOLD_TIME = \"holdTime\";\npublic static final long DEFAULT_DELAY = 700;\npublic static final long SINGLE_KEY_PRESS_TIME = 100;\nprivate String catsHost;\nprivate String blasterType;\nprivate String irHost;\nprivate String port;\nprivate String remoteType;\nprivate String catsKeySetMapping;\nprivate boolean proxyEnabled;\n\nmethod_signatures: public IrClient(IrMeta irMeta)\npublic IrClient(IrMeta irMeta, String remoteType)\npublic IrClient(String catsHost, String irHost, String port, String remoteType)\npublic IrClient(String catsHost, String blasterType, String irHost, String port, String remoteType)\n@Override public void pressKey(Key key)\n@Override public void pressKey(Key key, RemoteType remoteType)\n@Override public void pressKeys(Key... keys)\n@Override public void pressKeys(long delay, Key... keys)\n@Override public void pressKeys(boolean validate, Key... keys)\n@Override public void holdKey(Key key, long holdTime)\nprivate void executeRequest(URL url, String keyStr)\nprivate URL formKeyUrl(IrOperation op, Map<String, Object> params, String overRiddenRemoteType)\nprivate String getIrBlasterType(IrMeta irMeta)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IrClientTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final String REMOTE_TYPE = \"MOTOROLA\";\nString catsHost =\"\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/cats/ir/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void pressKey(Key key) throws KeyException {\n Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n params.put(COMMAND, key.getKey());\n URL url = formKeyUrl(IrOperation.pressKey, params, null);\n executeRequest(url,;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-client/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/cats/ir/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testPressKeyWithNullCatsHost() throws KeyException {\n\n MockIrClient client = new MockIrClient(null, null, null, REMOTE_TYPE);\n\n client.pressKey(Key.VOLUP);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public synchronized boolean overrideReserve(String id, String token, long expiration) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (expiration < currentTime) { LOGGER.warn("Reservation time invalid. reserver="+token+", deviceId="+id+", expiration="+expiration); return false; } PersistableDevice device = getById(id); if (null == device) { LOGGER.warn("reserver="+token+" attempted to reserve a non-existing device. deviceId="+id); return false; } else { device.unreserve(); device.reserve(token); device.setExpiration(expiration);, COLLECTION_NAME);"Device reserved: deviceId="+id+", reserver="+token); return true; } }
@Test public void testOverrideReserve() { long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis()+ TestConstants.ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS; MongoTemplate mockMongoTemplate = EasyMock.createMock(MongoTemplate.class); PersistableDevice persistableDev = EasyMock.createMock(PersistableDevice.class); DawgPoundMongoService dawgPoundService = new DawgPoundMongoService(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(dawgPoundService, "mongoTemplate", mockMongoTemplate); EasyMock.expect(mockMongoTemplate.findById(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, PersistableDevice.class, TestConstants.COLLECTION_NAME )).andReturn(persistableDev); EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.unreserve()).andReturn("previous_token"); EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.reserve(TestConstants.TOKEN)).andReturn(TestConstants.TOKEN); persistableDev.setExpiration(expiryTime);, TestConstants.COLLECTION_NAME); EasyMock.replay(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev); Assert.assertTrue(dawgPoundService.overrideReserve(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, TestConstants.TOKEN, expiryTime)); EasyMock.verify(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev); }
[ "currentTimeMillis", "warn", "getById", "warn", "unreserve", "reserve", "setExpiration", "save", "info" ]
[ "currentTimeMillis", "createMock", "createMock", "setField", "andReturn", "expect", "findById", "andReturn", "expect", "unreserve", "andReturn", "expect", "reserve", "setExpiration", "save", "replay", "assertTrue", "overrideReserve", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DawgPoundMongoServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = \"DawgDevices\";\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundMongoService.class);\n@Autowired\n protected DawgPoundConfiguration config;\nprivate MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;", "class_name": "DawgPoundMongoService implements IDawgPoundService", "method_signatures": "@PostConstruct public void init()\n@Override public synchronized String unreserve(String id)\n@Override public synchronized boolean overrideReserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public Map<String,Object>[] getByReserver(String token)\n@Override public synchronized String reserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@Override public PersistableDevice getById(String id)\n@Override public Map<String, String> isReserved(String id)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public Map<String,Object>[] list()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/pound/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DawgPoundMongoService implements IDawgPoundService\n\nclass_fields: private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = \"DawgDevices\";\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundMongoService.class);\n@Autowired\n protected DawgPoundConfiguration config;\nprivate MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;\n\nmethod_signatures: @PostConstruct public void init()\n@Override public synchronized String unreserve(String id)\n@Override public synchronized boolean overrideReserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public Map<String,Object>[] getByReserver(String token)\n@Override public synchronized String reserve(String id, String token, long expiration)\n@Override public PersistableDevice getById(String id)\n@Override public Map<String, String> isReserved(String id)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public Map<String,Object>[] list()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DawgPoundMongoServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/pound/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public synchronized boolean overrideReserve(String id, String token, long expiration) {\n long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();\n if (expiration < currentTime) {\n LOGGER.warn(\"Reservation time invalid. reserver=\"+token+\", deviceId=\"+id+\", expiration=\"+expiration);\n return false;\n }\n\n PersistableDevice device = getById(id);\n if (null == device) {\n LOGGER.warn(\"reserver=\"+token+\" attempted to reserve a non-existing device. deviceId=\"+id);\n return false;\n } else {\n device.unreserve();\n device.reserve(token);\n device.setExpiration(expiration);\n, COLLECTION_NAME);\n\"Device reserved: deviceId=\"+id+\", reserver=\"+token);\n return true;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-pound/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/pound/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testOverrideReserve() {\n long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis()+ TestConstants.ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS;\n\n MongoTemplate mockMongoTemplate = EasyMock.createMock(MongoTemplate.class);\n PersistableDevice persistableDev = EasyMock.createMock(PersistableDevice.class);\n\n DawgPoundMongoService dawgPoundService = new DawgPoundMongoService();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(dawgPoundService, \"mongoTemplate\", mockMongoTemplate);\n\n EasyMock.expect(mockMongoTemplate.findById(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, PersistableDevice.class, TestConstants.COLLECTION_NAME )).andReturn(persistableDev);\n EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.unreserve()).andReturn(\"previous_token\");\n EasyMock.expect(persistableDev.reserve(TestConstants.TOKEN)).andReturn(TestConstants.TOKEN);\n persistableDev.setExpiration(expiryTime);\n, TestConstants.COLLECTION_NAME);\n EasyMock.replay(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev);\n\n Assert.assertTrue(dawgPoundService.overrideReserve(TestConstants.DEVICE_ID, TestConstants.TOKEN, expiryTime));\n EasyMock.verify(mockMongoTemplate,persistableDev);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value = "devices/populateAndStore/{token}") @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false", value = "isToOverride") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData) { int populated = houseController.populate(token, isToOverrideMetaData); parkService.saveToken(new ChimpsToken(token)); return populated; }
@Test public void testPopulate() { HouseRestController houseController = EasyMock.createMock(HouseRestController.class); EasyMock.expect(houseController.populate((String) EasyMock.anyObject(),(Boolean) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(1); PopulateController controller = new PopulateController(); ParkService mockParkService = new MockParkService(); mockParkService.saveToken(new ChimpsToken("")); EasyMock.replay(houseController); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "parkService", mockParkService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "houseController", houseController); try { controller.populate(); } catch (Exception e) {; } }
[ "populate", "saveToken" ]
[ "createMock", "andReturn", "expect", "populate", "anyObject", "anyObject", "saveToken", "replay", "setField", "setField", "populate", "fail", "toString", "getStackTrace" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PopulateControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PopulateController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseRestController houseController;\n@Autowired\n ParkService parkService;", "class_name": "PopulateController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value = \"devices/populateAndStore/{token}\") @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"populate\") public String populate(Model model)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"populateTable\") public String populateTable(Model model)\n@Scheduled(fixedRate=1*12*60*60*1000) public void populate()\n@RequestMapping(value = \"repopulate\") public String repopulate(Model model)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/park/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PopulateController\n\nclass_fields: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PopulateController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseRestController houseController;\n@Autowired\n ParkService parkService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value = \"devices/populateAndStore/{token}\") @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"populate\") public String populate(Model model)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"populateTable\") public String populateTable(Model model)\n@Scheduled(fixedRate=1*12*60*60*1000) public void populate()\n@RequestMapping(value = \"repopulate\") public String repopulate(Model model)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PopulateControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/park/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value = \"devices/populateAndStore/{token}\")\n @ResponseBody\n public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData) {\n int populated = houseController.populate(token, isToOverrideMetaData);\n parkService.saveToken(new ChimpsToken(token));\n return populated;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/park/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testPopulate() {\n HouseRestController houseController = EasyMock.createMock(HouseRestController.class);\n EasyMock.expect(houseController.populate((String) EasyMock.anyObject(),(Boolean) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(1);\n\n PopulateController controller = new PopulateController();\n\n ParkService mockParkService = new MockParkService();\n mockParkService.saveToken(new ChimpsToken(\"\"));\n EasyMock.replay(houseController);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"parkService\", mockParkService);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"houseController\", houseController);\n\n try {\n controller.populate();\n } catch (Exception e) {\n;\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping("/assignmodels") public ModelAndView assignModels() { applyModels(houseService.getAll(), service.getModels()) ; return models(); }
@Test public void testAssignModels() { StbModelController controller = new StbModelController(); controller.houseService = new MockHouseService(); controller.service = new MockParkService(); controller.houseService.upsertStb(createStb("abc", "00:00:00:00:00:02", "DCT6412", "MAC_G", new String[] {"HD"}, new String[]{})); controller.assignModels(); // stb should not have changed because it already has family and capabilities MetaStb stb = new MetaStb(controller.houseService.getById("abc")); Assert.assertEquals(stb.getCapabilities().size(), 1); Assert.assertTrue(stb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.HD)); Assert.assertEquals(stb.getFamily(), Family.MAC_G); }
[ "applyModels", "getAll", "getModels", "models" ]
[ "upsertStb", "createStb", "assignModels", "getById", "assertEquals", "size", "getCapabilities", "assertTrue", "contains", "getCapabilities", "assertEquals", "getFamily" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "StbModelControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n ParkService service;\n@Autowired\n HouseService houseService;", "class_name": "StbModelController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"models\", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<DawgModel> getModels(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean addModel(@RequestBody DawgModel newModel, @PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseBody public boolean deleteModel(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(\"/modelsConfig\") public ModelAndView models()\n@RequestMapping(\"/assignmodels\") public ModelAndView assignModels()\npublic void applyModels(Map<String, Object>[] stbs, List<DawgModel> models)\nprivate static Collection<Capability> enumerate(Collection<String> caps)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: StbModelController\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n ParkService service;\n@Autowired\n HouseService houseService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"models\", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<DawgModel> getModels(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean addModel(@RequestBody DawgModel newModel, @PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseBody public boolean deleteModel(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(\"/modelsConfig\") public ModelAndView models()\n@RequestMapping(\"/assignmodels\") public ModelAndView assignModels()\npublic void applyModels(Map<String, Object>[] stbs, List<DawgModel> models)\nprivate static Collection<Capability> enumerate(Collection<String> caps)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: StbModelControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(\"/assignmodels\")\n public ModelAndView assignModels() {\n applyModels(houseService.getAll(), service.getModels()) ;\n return models();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testAssignModels() {\n StbModelController controller = new StbModelController();\n controller.houseService = new MockHouseService();\n controller.service = new MockParkService();\n controller.houseService.upsertStb(createStb(\"abc\", \"00:00:00:00:00:02\", \"DCT6412\", \"MAC_G\",\n new String[] {\"HD\"}, new String[]{}));\n\n controller.assignModels();\n\n // stb should not have changed because it already has family and capabilities\n MetaStb stb = new MetaStb(controller.houseService.getById(\"abc\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(stb.getCapabilities().size(), 1);\n Assert.assertTrue(stb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.HD));\n Assert.assertEquals(stb.getFamily(), Family.MAC_G);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void loadRemotes() throws IOException { InputStream is = null; try { is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(REMOTES_FILE); loadRemotes(is); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } }
@Test(expectedExceptions={RuntimeException.class}, dataProvider="testInvalidFormatData") public void testInvalidFormat(String remotesContents) throws IOException { RemoteManager rMan = new RemoteManager(); rMan.loadRemotes(new ByteArrayInputStream(remotesContents.getBytes())); }
[ "getResourceAsStream", "getClass", "loadRemotes", "closeQuietly" ]
[ "loadRemotes", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "RemoteManagerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_TYPE = \"MOTOROLA\";\npublic static final String KEY_SETS_FILE = \"keysets.txt\";\npublic static final String REMOTES_FILE = \"remotes.txt\";\nprivate Map<String, Remote> remotes;\nprivate Map<String, KeySet> keysets;", "class_name": "RemoteManager", "method_signatures": "@PostConstruct public void load()\npublic void loadRemotes()\npublic void loadKeySets()\npublic void loadRemotes(InputStream is)\npublic void loadKeySets(InputStream is)\npublic Remote getRemote(String remoteType)\npublic Collection<Remote> getRemotes()\npublic Set<String> getRemoteTypes()\npublic Set<String> getKeySet(String remoteType)\npublic void addRemoteTypeToRemote(String remoteId, String remoteType)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-show/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/key/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RemoteManager\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_TYPE = \"MOTOROLA\";\npublic static final String KEY_SETS_FILE = \"keysets.txt\";\npublic static final String REMOTES_FILE = \"remotes.txt\";\nprivate Map<String, Remote> remotes;\nprivate Map<String, KeySet> keysets;\n\nmethod_signatures: @PostConstruct public void load()\npublic void loadRemotes()\npublic void loadKeySets()\npublic void loadRemotes(InputStream is)\npublic void loadKeySets(InputStream is)\npublic Remote getRemote(String remoteType)\npublic Collection<Remote> getRemotes()\npublic Set<String> getRemoteTypes()\npublic Set<String> getKeySet(String remoteType)\npublic void addRemoteTypeToRemote(String remoteId, String remoteType)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: RemoteManagerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-show/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/key/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void loadRemotes() throws IOException {\n InputStream is = null;\n\n try {\n is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(REMOTES_FILE);\n loadRemotes(is);\n } finally {\n IOUtils.closeQuietly(is);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-show/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/key/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expectedExceptions={RuntimeException.class}, dataProvider=\"testInvalidFormatData\")\n public void testInvalidFormat(String remotesContents) throws IOException {\n RemoteManager rMan = new RemoteManager();\n\n rMan.loadRemotes(new ByteArrayInputStream(remotesContents.getBytes()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Long getExpiration() { Number num = (Number) data.get(EXPIRATION_KEY); return num == null ? null : num.longValue(); }
@Test public void testGetExpirationStoredAsInteger() { Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Integer i = 100; data.put(PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY, i); PersistableDevice device = new PersistableDevice(data); Assert.assertEquals(device.getExpiration().longValue(), 100); }
[ "get", "longValue" ]
[ "put", "assertEquals", "longValue", "getExpiration" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PersistableDeviceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String RESERVER = \"reserver_key\";\npublic static final String EXPIRATION_KEY = \"expiration_key\";\n@Transient\n protected MapScanner scanner = MapScanner.instance();\n@Transient\n protected static ServerUtils serverUtils = new ServerUtils();\n@Id\n String id;\nMap<String,Object> data;\n@Indexed\n private String[] keys;\n@Indexed\n String reserver;", "class_name": "PersistableDevice implements ReservationHandler, DawgDevice", "method_signatures": "public PersistableDevice()\npublic PersistableDevice(DawgDevice device)\npublic PersistableDevice(Map<String, Object> data)\nprotected void init(Map<String, Object> data)\n@Override public Long getExpiration()\n@Override public void setExpiration(Long expiration)\npublic String[] getKeys()\npublic void setKeys(String[] keys)\npublic String getId()\npublic void setId(String id)\npublic Map<String, Object> getData()\npublic void setData(Map<String,Object> data)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\n@Override public String reserve(String token)\n@Override public boolean isReserved()\n@Override public String unreserve()\n@Override public String getReserver()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-server-common/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/common/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PersistableDevice implements ReservationHandler, DawgDevice\n\nclass_fields: public static final String RESERVER = \"reserver_key\";\npublic static final String EXPIRATION_KEY = \"expiration_key\";\n@Transient\n protected MapScanner scanner = MapScanner.instance();\n@Transient\n protected static ServerUtils serverUtils = new ServerUtils();\n@Id\n String id;\nMap<String,Object> data;\n@Indexed\n private String[] keys;\n@Indexed\n String reserver;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PersistableDevice()\npublic PersistableDevice(DawgDevice device)\npublic PersistableDevice(Map<String, Object> data)\nprotected void init(Map<String, Object> data)\n@Override public Long getExpiration()\n@Override public void setExpiration(Long expiration)\npublic String[] getKeys()\npublic void setKeys(String[] keys)\npublic String getId()\npublic void setId(String id)\npublic Map<String, Object> getData()\npublic void setData(Map<String,Object> data)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\n@Override public String reserve(String token)\n@Override public boolean isReserved()\n@Override public String unreserve()\n@Override public String getReserver()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PersistableDeviceTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-server-common/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/common/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Long getExpiration() {\n Number num = (Number) data.get(EXPIRATION_KEY);\n return num == null ? null : num.longValue();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-server-common/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/common/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetExpirationStoredAsInteger() {\n Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n Integer i = 100;\n data.put(PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY, i);\n PersistableDevice device = new PersistableDevice(data);\n Assert.assertEquals(device.getExpiration().longValue(), 100);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient() { if (null == houseClient) { if (null == dawgHouseHost) { houseClient = new DawgHouseClient(); } else { houseClient = new DawgHouseClient(dawgHouseHost); } } return houseClient; }
@Test public void testGetHouseClient() { CachedDawgClientFactory factory = new CachedDawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),"",""); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") IDawgHouseClient expected = factory.getHouseClient(); Assert.assertEquals(factory.getHouseClient(), expected); }
[ "getHouseClient", "assertEquals", "getHouseClient" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CachedDawgClientFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "IDawgPoundClient poundClient;\nIDawgHouseClient<?> houseClient;\nPowerClient powerClient;\nIrClient irClient;\nSerialClient serialClient;\nprivate String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;", "class_name": "CachedDawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory", "method_signatures": "public CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CachedDawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory\n\nclass_fields: IDawgPoundClient poundClient;\nIDawgHouseClient<?> houseClient;\nPowerClient powerClient;\nIrClient irClient;\nSerialClient serialClient;\nprivate String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CachedDawgClientFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient() {\n if (null == houseClient) {\n if (null == dawgHouseHost) {\n houseClient = new DawgHouseClient();\n } else {\n houseClient = new DawgHouseClient(dawgHouseHost);\n }\n }\n return houseClient;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-client/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetHouseClient() {\n CachedDawgClientFactory factory = new CachedDawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),\"\",\"\");\n @SuppressWarnings(\"rawtypes\")\n IDawgHouseClient expected = factory.getHouseClient();\n Assert.assertEquals(factory.getHouseClient(), expected);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value="delete", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id) { for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { id[i] = clean(id[i]); } service.deleteStbById(id); }
@Test public void testDeleteStb() { String[] id = new String[1]; id[0] = "id1"; HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "serverUtils", utils); HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class); mockService.deleteStbById(id); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay(mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); try { controller.deleteStb(id); } catch (Exception e) {; } }
[ "clean", "deleteStbById" ]
[ "setField", "createMock", "deleteStbById", "expectLastCall", "replay", "setField", "deleteStb", "fail", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();", "class_name": "HouseRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };", "class_name": "HouseRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HouseRestController\n\nclass_fields: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HouseRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST})\n @ResponseBody\n public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id) {\n for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) {\n id[i] = clean(id[i]);\n }\n service.deleteStbById(id);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDeleteStb() {\n String[] id = new String[1];\n id[0] = \"id1\";\n\n HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"serverUtils\", utils);\n\n HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class);\n mockService.deleteStbById(id);\n EasyMock.expectLastCall();\n EasyMock.replay(mockService);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"service\", mockService);\n\n try {\n controller.deleteStb(id);\n } catch (Exception e) {\n;\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient() { if (null == powerClient) { powerClient = new PowerClient(stb); } return powerClient; }
@Test public void testGetPowerClient() { CachedDawgClientFactory factory = new CachedDawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),"",""); Assert.assertNotNull(factory.getPowerClient()); PowerClient expected = factory.getPowerClient(); Assert.assertEquals(factory.getPowerClient(), expected); }
[ "assertNotNull", "getPowerClient", "getPowerClient", "assertEquals", "getPowerClient" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CachedDawgClientFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "IDawgPoundClient poundClient;\nIDawgHouseClient<?> houseClient;\nPowerClient powerClient;\nIrClient irClient;\nSerialClient serialClient;\nprivate String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;", "class_name": "CachedDawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory", "method_signatures": "public CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CachedDawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory\n\nclass_fields: IDawgPoundClient poundClient;\nIDawgHouseClient<?> houseClient;\nPowerClient powerClient;\nIrClient irClient;\nSerialClient serialClient;\nprivate String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic CachedDawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CachedDawgClientFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public PowerClient getPowerClient() {\n if (null == powerClient) {\n powerClient = new PowerClient(stb);\n }\n return powerClient;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-client/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetPowerClient() {\n CachedDawgClientFactory factory = new CachedDawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),\"\",\"\");\n Assert.assertNotNull(factory.getPowerClient());\n PowerClient expected = factory.getPowerClient();\n Assert.assertEquals(factory.getPowerClient(), expected);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient() { if (null == dawgHouseHost) { return new DawgHouseClient(); } else { return new DawgHouseClient(dawgHouseHost); } }
@Test public void testGetHouseClient() { DawgClientFactory factory = new DawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),"",""); Assert.assertNotNull(factory.getHouseClient()); }
[ "assertNotNull", "getHouseClient" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DawgClientFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;", "class_name": "DawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory", "method_signatures": "public DawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic DawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()\npublic String getDawgHouseHost()\npublic void setDawgHouseHost(String dawgHouseHost)\npublic String getDawgPoundHost()\npublic void setDawgPoundHost(String dawgPoundHost)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DawgClientFactory implements IDawgClientFactory\n\nclass_fields: private String dawgHouseHost;\nprivate String dawgPoundHost;\nprivate MetaStb stb;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb)\npublic DawgClientFactory(MetaStb metaStb, String dawgHouseHost, String dawgPoundHost)\n@Override public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient()\n@Override public IDawgPoundClient getPoundClient()\n@Override public IrClient getIrClient()\n@Override public PowerClient getPowerClient()\n@Override public SerialClient getSerialClient()\npublic String getDawgHouseHost()\npublic void setDawgHouseHost(String dawgHouseHost)\npublic String getDawgPoundHost()\npublic void setDawgPoundHost(String dawgPoundHost)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DawgClientFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-client/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public IDawgHouseClient<?> getHouseClient() {\n if (null == dawgHouseHost) {\n return new DawgHouseClient();\n } else {\n return new DawgHouseClient(dawgHouseHost);\n }\n\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-client/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetHouseClient() {\n DawgClientFactory factory = new DawgClientFactory(new MetaStb(),\"\",\"\");\n Assert.assertNotNull(factory.getHouseClient());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value="id/{id}", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id) { id = clean(id); Map<String,Object> device = service.getById(id); if (null != device) { return device; } else { throw new DawgNotFoundException("No existing device for id="+id); } }
@Test public void testGetStbsById() { HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "serverUtils", utils); String id = "id"; HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class); EasyMock.expect(mockService.getById((String) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(new HashMap<String, Object>()); EasyMock.replay(mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); Assert.assertNotNull(controller.getStbsById(id)); }
[ "clean", "getById" ]
[ "setField", "createMock", "andReturn", "expect", "getById", "anyObject", "replay", "setField", "assertNotNull", "getStbsById" ]
{ "class_fields": "ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();", "class_name": "HouseRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };", "class_name": "HouseRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HouseRestController\n\nclass_fields: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HouseRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET})\n @ResponseBody\n public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id) {\n id = clean(id);\n Map<String,Object> device = service.getById(id);\n if (null != device) {\n return device;\n } else {\n throw new DawgNotFoundException(\"No existing device for id=\"+id);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetStbsById() {\n HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"serverUtils\", utils);\n\n String id = \"id\";\n HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class);\n EasyMock.expect(mockService.getById((String) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(new HashMap<String, Object>());\n\n EasyMock.replay(mockService);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"service\", mockService);\n Assert.assertNotNull(controller.getStbsById(id));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value="id/{id}", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id) { id = clean(id); Map<String,Object> device = service.getById(id); if (null != device) { return device; } else { throw new DawgNotFoundException("No existing device for id="+id); } }
@Test(expectedExceptions = DawgNotFoundException.class) public void testGetStbsByIdWithException() { HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class); EasyMock.expect(mockService.getById((String) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(null); EasyMock.replay(mockService); HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "serverUtils", utils); String id = "id"; controller.getStbsById(id); }
[ "clean", "getById" ]
[ "createMock", "andReturn", "expect", "getById", "anyObject", "replay", "setField", "setField", "getStbsById" ]
{ "class_fields": "ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();", "class_name": "HouseRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };", "class_name": "HouseRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HouseRestController\n\nclass_fields: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HouseRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET})\n @ResponseBody\n public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id) {\n id = clean(id);\n Map<String,Object> device = service.getById(id);\n if (null != device) {\n return device;\n } else {\n throw new DawgNotFoundException(\"No existing device for id=\"+id);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expectedExceptions = DawgNotFoundException.class)\n public void testGetStbsByIdWithException() {\n HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class);\n EasyMock.expect(mockService.getById((String) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(null);\n EasyMock.replay(mockService);\n\n HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"service\", mockService);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"serverUtils\", utils);\n\n String id = \"id\";\n controller.getStbsById(id);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getAll() { Query query = new Query(); List<PersistableDevice> list = template.find(query, PersistableDevice.class, COLLECTION_NAME); return toArray(list); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testGetAll() { MongoHouseService service = new MongoHouseService(); MongoOperations op = EasyMock.createMock(MongoOperations.class); List<PersistableDevice> list = new ArrayList<PersistableDevice>(); list.add(new PersistableDevice()); EasyMock.expect(op.find((Query) EasyMock.anyObject(), (Class) EasyMock.anyObject(), (String) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(list); EasyMock.replay(op); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(service, "template", op); Assert.assertNotNull(service.getAll()); }
[ "find", "toArray" ]
[ "createMock", "add", "andReturn", "expect", "find", "anyObject", "anyObject", "anyObject", "replay", "setField", "assertNotNull", "getAll" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MongoHouseServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private ParkService parkService;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoHouseService.class);", "class_name": "MongoHouseService extends AbstractDawgService implements HouseService", "method_signatures": "@Override public void upsertStb(DawgDevice... stbs)\npublic void replace(DawgDevice... stbs)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private void upsertStb(boolean replace, DawgDevice... stbs)\nprivate synchronized PersistableDevice persistKeys(PersistableDevice source, DawgDevice target, boolean replace)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsById(String... id)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByKey(String... keys)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(String query)\n@Override public void deleteStbById(String... id)\n@Override public Map<String,Object> getById(String id)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getAll()\n@Override public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(String tag, String query)\nprivate Map<String,Object> toArray(PersistableDevice device)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MongoHouseService extends AbstractDawgService implements HouseService\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private ParkService parkService;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoHouseService.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void upsertStb(DawgDevice... stbs)\npublic void replace(DawgDevice... stbs)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private void upsertStb(boolean replace, DawgDevice... stbs)\nprivate synchronized PersistableDevice persistKeys(PersistableDevice source, DawgDevice target, boolean replace)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsById(String... id)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByKey(String... keys)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(String query)\n@Override public void deleteStbById(String... id)\n@Override public Map<String,Object> getById(String id)\n@Override public Map<String,Object>[] getAll()\n@Override public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(String tag, String query)\nprivate Map<String,Object> toArray(PersistableDevice device)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MongoHouseServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Map<String,Object>[] getAll() {\n Query query = new Query();\n List<PersistableDevice> list = template.find(query, PersistableDevice.class, COLLECTION_NAME);\n return toArray(list);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/service/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n @Test\n public void testGetAll() {\n\n MongoHouseService service = new MongoHouseService();\n MongoOperations op = EasyMock.createMock(MongoOperations.class);\n List<PersistableDevice> list = new ArrayList<PersistableDevice>();\n list.add(new PersistableDevice());\n EasyMock.expect(op.find((Query) EasyMock.anyObject(), (Class) EasyMock.anyObject(), (String) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(list);\n EasyMock.replay(op);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(service, \"template\", op);\n Assert.assertNotNull(service.getAll());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value="models/{id}", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean addModel(@RequestBody DawgModel newModel, @PathVariable String id) { DawgModel existing = service.getModelById(id); service.upsertModel(newModel); if (existing != null) { /** Make a diff between the existing model and the new model * and then apply that diff to every stb that is this * model */ List<String> addedCaps = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> removedCaps = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> existingCaps = existing.getCapabilities(); List<String> newCaps = newModel.getCapabilities(); for (String cap : newCaps) { if (!existingCaps.contains(cap)) { addedCaps.add(cap); } } for (String cap : existingCaps) { if (!newCaps.contains(cap)) { removedCaps.add(cap); } } Map<String, Object>[] datas = houseService.getStbsByKey(newModel.getName()); for (Map<String, Object> data : datas) { MetaStb stb = new MetaStb(data); if (stb.getModel().name().equals(newModel.getName())) { if (!stb.getData().containsKey(MetaStb.CAPABILITIES)) { stb.setCapabilities(enumerate(newCaps)); } else { Collection<Capability> caps = stb.getCapabilities(); caps.addAll(enumerate(addedCaps)); caps.removeAll(enumerate(removedCaps)); stb.setCapabilities(caps); } stb.setFamily(Family.valueOf(newModel.getFamily())); houseService.upsertStb(stb); } } } else { Map<String, Object>[] datas = houseService.getStbsByKey(newModel.getName()); applyModels(datas, Arrays.asList(newModel)); } return true; }
@Test public void testUpdateExistingModel() { String idToChange = "000000000001"; String idToChange2 = "000000000003"; String idToNotChange = "000000000002"; String model = "DCT6412"; MockParkService parkService = new MockParkService(); MockHouseService houseService = new MockHouseService(); MetaStb stbShouldChange = createStb(idToChange, "00:00:00:00:00:01", model, "MAC_G", new String[]{"HD", "DVR", "VOD"}, new String[]{}); houseService.upsertStb(stbShouldChange); MetaStb stbShouldChange2 = createStb(idToChange2, "00:00:00:00:00:03", model, new String[]{}); houseService.upsertStb(stbShouldChange2); /** The DCT6416 has the tag DCT6412, this is to prove that it will still be returned from the query, but * it won't be updated. */ MetaStb stbShouldNotChange = createStb(idToNotChange, "00:00:00:00:00:02", "DCT6416", new String[]{model}); houseService.upsertStb(stbShouldNotChange); DawgModel existing = createModel(model, "MAC_G", "HD", "DVR"); DawgModel updated = createModel(model, "MAC_S", "HD", "DUAL_TUNER"); parkService.upsertModel(existing); StbModelController controller = new StbModelController(); controller.houseService = houseService; controller.service = parkService; controller.addModel(updated, model); Assert.assertNotNull(parkService.getModelById(model)); MetaStb updatedStb = new MetaStb(houseService.getById(idToChange)); Assert.assertEquals(updatedStb.getFamily(), Family.valueOf("MAC_S")); /** DVR capability should be removed */ Assert.assertFalse(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.DVR)); Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.HD)); Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.valueOf("DUAL_TUNER"))); /** Make sure it still have the VOD capability */ Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.VOD)); MetaStb updatedStb2 = new MetaStb(houseService.getById(idToChange2)); Assert.assertEquals(updatedStb2.getFamily(), Family.valueOf("MAC_S")); Assert.assertEquals(updatedStb2.getCapabilities().size(), 2); /** Make sure it added both HD and DUAL_ TUNER */ Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb2.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.HD)); Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb2.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.valueOf("DUAL_TUNER"))); /** Make sure the DCT6416 remained unchanged */ MetaStb unupdatedStb = new MetaStb(houseService.getById(idToNotChange)); Assert.assertNull(unupdatedStb.getFamily()); Assert.assertTrue(unupdatedStb.getCapabilities().isEmpty()); }
[ "getModelById", "upsertModel", "getCapabilities", "getCapabilities", "contains", "add", "contains", "add", "getStbsByKey", "getName", "equals", "name", "getModel", "getName", "containsKey", "getData", "setCapabilities", "enumerate", "getCapabilities", "addAll", "enumerate", "removeAll", "enumerate", "setCapabilities", "setFamily", "valueOf", "getFamily", "upsertStb", "getStbsByKey", "getName", "applyModels", "asList" ]
[ "createStb", "upsertStb", "createStb", "upsertStb", "createStb", "upsertStb", "createModel", "createModel", "upsertModel", "addModel", "assertNotNull", "getModelById", "getById", "assertEquals", "getFamily", "valueOf", "assertFalse", "contains", "getCapabilities", "assertTrue", "contains", "getCapabilities", "assertTrue", "contains", "getCapabilities", "valueOf", "assertTrue", "contains", "getCapabilities", "getById", "assertEquals", "getFamily", "valueOf", "assertEquals", "size", "getCapabilities", "assertTrue", "contains", "getCapabilities", "assertTrue", "contains", "getCapabilities", "valueOf", "getById", "assertNull", "getFamily", "assertTrue", "isEmpty", "getCapabilities" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "StbModelControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n ParkService service;\n@Autowired\n HouseService houseService;", "class_name": "StbModelController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"models\", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<DawgModel> getModels(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean addModel(@RequestBody DawgModel newModel, @PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseBody public boolean deleteModel(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(\"/modelsConfig\") public ModelAndView models()\n@RequestMapping(\"/assignmodels\") public ModelAndView assignModels()\npublic void applyModels(Map<String, Object>[] stbs, List<DawgModel> models)\nprivate static Collection<Capability> enumerate(Collection<String> caps)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: StbModelController\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n ParkService service;\n@Autowired\n HouseService houseService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"models\", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<DawgModel> getModels(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean addModel(@RequestBody DawgModel newModel, @PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseBody public boolean deleteModel(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(\"/modelsConfig\") public ModelAndView models()\n@RequestMapping(\"/assignmodels\") public ModelAndView assignModels()\npublic void applyModels(Map<String, Object>[] stbs, List<DawgModel> models)\nprivate static Collection<Capability> enumerate(Collection<String> caps)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: StbModelControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value=\"models/{id}\", method=RequestMethod.POST)\n @ResponseBody\n public boolean addModel(@RequestBody DawgModel newModel, @PathVariable String id) {\n DawgModel existing = service.getModelById(id);\n service.upsertModel(newModel);\n if (existing != null) {\n /** Make a diff between the existing model and the new model\n * and then apply that diff to every stb that is this\n * model */\n List<String> addedCaps = new ArrayList<String>();\n List<String> removedCaps = new ArrayList<String>();\n List<String> existingCaps = existing.getCapabilities();\n List<String> newCaps = newModel.getCapabilities();\n for (String cap : newCaps) {\n if (!existingCaps.contains(cap)) {\n addedCaps.add(cap);\n }\n }\n for (String cap : existingCaps) {\n if (!newCaps.contains(cap)) {\n removedCaps.add(cap);\n }\n }\n Map<String, Object>[] datas = houseService.getStbsByKey(newModel.getName());\n for (Map<String, Object> data : datas) {\n MetaStb stb = new MetaStb(data);\n if (stb.getModel().name().equals(newModel.getName())) {\n if (!stb.getData().containsKey(MetaStb.CAPABILITIES)) {\n stb.setCapabilities(enumerate(newCaps));\n } else {\n Collection<Capability> caps = stb.getCapabilities();\n caps.addAll(enumerate(addedCaps));\n caps.removeAll(enumerate(removedCaps));\n stb.setCapabilities(caps);\n }\n stb.setFamily(Family.valueOf(newModel.getFamily()));\n houseService.upsertStb(stb);\n }\n }\n } else {\n Map<String, Object>[] datas = houseService.getStbsByKey(newModel.getName());\n applyModels(datas, Arrays.asList(newModel));\n }\n return true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUpdateExistingModel() {\n String idToChange = \"000000000001\";\n String idToChange2 = \"000000000003\";\n String idToNotChange = \"000000000002\";\n String model = \"DCT6412\";\n\n MockParkService parkService = new MockParkService();\n\n MockHouseService houseService = new MockHouseService();\n MetaStb stbShouldChange = createStb(idToChange, \"00:00:00:00:00:01\", model,\n \"MAC_G\", new String[]{\"HD\", \"DVR\", \"VOD\"}, new String[]{});\n houseService.upsertStb(stbShouldChange);\n MetaStb stbShouldChange2 = createStb(idToChange2, \"00:00:00:00:00:03\", model, new String[]{});\n houseService.upsertStb(stbShouldChange2);\n\n /** The DCT6416 has the tag DCT6412, this is to prove that it will still be returned from the query, but\n * it won't be updated. */\n MetaStb stbShouldNotChange = createStb(idToNotChange, \"00:00:00:00:00:02\", \"DCT6416\", new String[]{model});\n houseService.upsertStb(stbShouldNotChange);\n\n DawgModel existing = createModel(model, \"MAC_G\", \"HD\", \"DVR\");\n DawgModel updated = createModel(model, \"MAC_S\", \"HD\", \"DUAL_TUNER\");\n\n parkService.upsertModel(existing);\n\n StbModelController controller = new StbModelController();\n controller.houseService = houseService;\n controller.service = parkService;\n\n controller.addModel(updated, model);\n\n Assert.assertNotNull(parkService.getModelById(model));\n\n MetaStb updatedStb = new MetaStb(houseService.getById(idToChange));\n Assert.assertEquals(updatedStb.getFamily(), Family.valueOf(\"MAC_S\"));\n /** DVR capability should be removed */\n Assert.assertFalse(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.DVR));\n Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.HD));\n Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.valueOf(\"DUAL_TUNER\")));\n /** Make sure it still have the VOD capability */\n Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.VOD));\n\n MetaStb updatedStb2 = new MetaStb(houseService.getById(idToChange2));\n Assert.assertEquals(updatedStb2.getFamily(), Family.valueOf(\"MAC_S\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(updatedStb2.getCapabilities().size(), 2);\n /** Make sure it added both HD and DUAL_ TUNER */\n Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb2.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.HD));\n Assert.assertTrue(updatedStb2.getCapabilities().contains(Capability.valueOf(\"DUAL_TUNER\")));\n\n /** Make sure the DCT6416 remained unchanged */\n MetaStb unupdatedStb = new MetaStb(houseService.getById(idToNotChange));\n Assert.assertNull(unupdatedStb.getFamily());\n Assert.assertTrue(unupdatedStb.getCapabilities().isEmpty());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { // most likely scenario switch (valueLen) { case 8: return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 12: return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 15: return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 18: return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 21: return TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); default: // no default, logic continues below } // try to guess if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) { return (TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value)).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else { return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } }
@Test public void testGetBytesWithPicos() throws Exception { int tag = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS.getBytes(); UTCTimeOnlyField field = new UTCTimeOnlyField(tag, bytes); // pico are not supported, expect last 3 digits to be truncated byte[] nanosBytes = (TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS+"000").getBytes(); assertArrayEquals(nanosBytes, field.getBytes()); }
[ "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format" ]
[ "nextInt", "getBytes", "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1),\n LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31, 0), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));", "class_name": "UTCTimeOnlyFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final LocalTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;", "class_name": "UTCTimeOnlyField extends AbstractField<LocalTime>", "method_signatures": "public UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, LocalTime value)\npublic static LocalTime parse(String timestampString)\npublic static LocalTime parse(byte[] bytes)\n@Override public LocalTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UTCTimeOnlyField extends AbstractField<LocalTime>\n\nclass_fields: private final LocalTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, LocalTime value)\npublic static LocalTime parse(String timestampString)\npublic static LocalTime parse(byte[] bytes)\n@Override public LocalTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UTCTimeOnlyFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1),\n LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31, 0), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n // most likely scenario\n switch (valueLen) {\n case 8:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 12:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 15:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 18:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 21:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n default: // no default, logic continues below\n }\n // try to guess\n if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) {\n return (TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value)).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytesWithPicos() throws Exception {\n int tag = new Random().nextInt();\n byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS.getBytes();\n UTCTimeOnlyField field = new UTCTimeOnlyField(tag, bytes);\n // pico are not supported, expect last 3 digits to be truncated\n byte[] nanosBytes = (TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS+\"000\").getBytes();\n assertArrayEquals(nanosBytes, field.getBytes());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception { final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); FixSession session = getSession(ctx); if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) { if (session != null) { int incomingMsgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum(); if (!session.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(incomingMsgSeqNum)) { int expectedMsgSeqNum = session.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum(); if (incomingMsgSeqNum > expectedMsgSeqNum) { FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST); resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum); resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, incomingMsgSeqNum - 1); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, session, resendRequest); ctx.writeAndFlush(resendRequest); } else { getLogger().warn("Message Sequence Too Low");; return; } } getLogger().info("Fix Session Established."); LogonEvent logonEvent = new LogonEvent(session); out.add(logonEvent); return; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established."); } } super.decode(ctx, msg, out); }
@Test public void testSequenceTooLow() throws Exception { FixMessage logonResponseMsg = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.LOGON); FixMessageHeader header = logonResponseMsg.getHeader(); header.setMsgSeqNum(3); header.setSenderCompID(randomAscii(3)); header.setTargetCompID(randomAscii(4)); logonResponseMsg.getHeader().setMsgSeqNum(3); FixSession fixSession = FixSession.newBuilder() .senderCompID(header.getSenderCompID()) .targetCompID(header.getTargetCompID()) .build(); fixSession.setNextIncomingMessageSeqNum(4); sessionAttribute.set(fixSession); final List<Object> outgoingMessages = new ArrayList<>(); // emulate logon response from server handler.decode(ctx, logonResponseMsg, outgoingMessages); assertEquals(0, outgoingMessages.size()); verify(channel).close(); }
[ "getHeader", "getSession", "equals", "getMessageType", "getMsgSeqNum", "checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum", "getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum", "add", "add", "prepareMessageToSend", "writeAndFlush", "warn", "getLogger", "close", "channel", "info", "getLogger", "add", "decode" ]
[ "getHeader", "setMsgSeqNum", "setSenderCompID", "randomAscii", "setTargetCompID", "randomAscii", "setMsgSeqNum", "getHeader", "build", "targetCompID", "senderCompID", "newBuilder", "getSenderCompID", "getTargetCompID", "setNextIncomingMessageSeqNum", "set", "decode", "assertEquals", "size", "close", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();\nprivate ClientSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private MessageSequenceProvider sequenceProvider;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate int outMsgSeqNum;\nprivate Integer heartbeartInterval;\nprivate Attribute<FixSession> sessionAttribute;\nprivate String userName;\nprivate String password;", "class_name": "ClientSessionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider;\nprivate final MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider;\nprivate final AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;", "class_name": "ClientSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler", "method_signatures": "protected ClientSessionHandler(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider,\n AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider,\n MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider,\n FixApplication fixApplication)\nprivate FixMessageBuilderImpl createLogonRequest(FixSession session, FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider)\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprivate FixSession createSession(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/client/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ClientSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler\n\nclass_fields: private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider;\nprivate final MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider;\nprivate final AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected ClientSessionHandler(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider,\n AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider,\n MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider,\n FixApplication fixApplication)\nprivate FixMessageBuilderImpl createLogonRequest(FixSession session, FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider)\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprivate FixSession createSession(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ClientSessionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();\nprivate ClientSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private MessageSequenceProvider sequenceProvider;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate int outMsgSeqNum;\nprivate Integer heartbeartInterval;\nprivate Attribute<FixSession> sessionAttribute;\nprivate String userName;\nprivate String password;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/client/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception {\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n FixSession session = getSession(ctx);\n if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) {\n if (session != null) {\n int incomingMsgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum();\n if (!session.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(incomingMsgSeqNum)) {\n int expectedMsgSeqNum = session.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum();\n if (incomingMsgSeqNum > expectedMsgSeqNum) {\n FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, incomingMsgSeqNum - 1);\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, session, resendRequest);\n ctx.writeAndFlush(resendRequest);\n } else {\n getLogger().warn(\"Message Sequence Too Low\");\n;\n return;\n }\n }\n getLogger().info(\"Fix Session Established.\");\n LogonEvent logonEvent = new LogonEvent(session);\n out.add(logonEvent);\n return;\n } else {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established.\");\n }\n }\n super.decode(ctx, msg, out);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/client/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSequenceTooLow() throws Exception {\n FixMessage logonResponseMsg = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.LOGON);\n FixMessageHeader header = logonResponseMsg.getHeader();\n header.setMsgSeqNum(3);\n header.setSenderCompID(randomAscii(3));\n header.setTargetCompID(randomAscii(4));\n\n logonResponseMsg.getHeader().setMsgSeqNum(3);\n\n FixSession fixSession = FixSession.newBuilder()\n .senderCompID(header.getSenderCompID())\n .targetCompID(header.getTargetCompID())\n .build();\n fixSession.setNextIncomingMessageSeqNum(4);\n\n sessionAttribute.set(fixSession);\n\n final List<Object> outgoingMessages = new ArrayList<>();\n\n // emulate logon response from server\n handler.decode(ctx, logonResponseMsg, outgoingMessages);\n\n assertEquals(0, outgoingMessages.size());\n\n verify(channel).close();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value = "reserved/token/{token}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token) { token = clean(token);"Request for reserved devices for token="+token); return service.getByReserver(token); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testGetReservedWithValidReservedList() { Map<String, Object> deviceIds = new HashMap<String, Object>(); deviceIds.put("id", TestConstants.DEVICE_ID); ServerUtils serverUtil = new ServerUtils(); DawgPoundMongoService poundService = EasyMock.createMock(DawgPoundMongoService.class); DawgPoundRestController poundController = new DawgPoundRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, "serverUtils", serverUtil); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, "service", poundService); List<Map<String,Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); list.add(deviceIds); EasyMock.expect(poundService.getByReserver(TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN)).andReturn(list.toArray(new Map[list.size()])); EasyMock.replay(poundService); Map<String,Object>[] reservers = poundController.getReservered(TestConstants.TOKEN); Assert.assertEquals(reservers.length, 1); EasyMock.verify(poundService); }
[ "clean", "info", "getByReserver" ]
[ "put", "createMock", "setField", "setField", "add", "andReturn", "expect", "getByReserver", "toArray", "size", "replay", "getReservered", "assertEquals", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DawgPoundRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n IDawgPoundService service;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundRestController.class);", "class_name": "DawgPoundRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/token/{token}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"unreserve/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token,\n @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/override/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean reserve(@PathVariable String token, @PathVariable String id,\n @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/id/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, String> isReservered(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"list\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\nprivate String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DawgPoundRestController\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n IDawgPoundService service;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundRestController.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/token/{token}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"unreserve/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token,\n @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/override/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean reserve(@PathVariable String token, @PathVariable String id,\n @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/id/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, String> isReservered(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"list\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\nprivate String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DawgPoundRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/token/{token}\", method = RequestMethod.GET)\n @ResponseBody\n public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token) {\n token = clean(token);\n\"Request for reserved devices for token=\"+token);\n return service.getByReserver(token);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-pound/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n @Test\n public void testGetReservedWithValidReservedList() {\n Map<String, Object> deviceIds = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n deviceIds.put(\"id\", TestConstants.DEVICE_ID);\n\n ServerUtils serverUtil = new ServerUtils();\n DawgPoundMongoService poundService = EasyMock.createMock(DawgPoundMongoService.class);\n\n DawgPoundRestController poundController = new DawgPoundRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, \"serverUtils\", serverUtil);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, \"service\", poundService);\n\n List<Map<String,Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();\n list.add(deviceIds);\n EasyMock.expect(poundService.getByReserver(TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN)).andReturn(list.toArray(new Map[list.size()]));\n\n EasyMock.replay(poundService);\n\n Map<String,Object>[] reservers = poundController.getReservered(TestConstants.TOKEN);\n Assert.assertEquals(reservers.length, 1);\n EasyMock.verify(poundService);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET }, value = "/stb") public ModelAndView stbView(@RequestParam String deviceId, @RequestParam(required=false) String mobile, @RequestParam(required = false) String remoteType, @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh, @RequestHeader("User-Agent") String uaStr, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { String stbViewType = STB; return getStbView(req, resp, deviceId, mobile, remoteType, refresh, uaStr, stbViewType); }
@Test(dataProvider="testStbViewData") public void testStbView(String remoteType, String actualRemote, String mobileParam, String ua, boolean isMobile, String traceUrl, boolean traceAvailable) throws IOException { MetaStb stb = TestUtils.createGenericMetaStb(); stb.setRemoteType(remoteType); stb.setSerialHost(traceUrl); MockMetaStbCache cache = new MockMetaStbCache(); cache.cache.put(TestUtils.ID, stb); ViewController controller = getViewController(cache); ModelAndView mav = controller.stbView(TestUtils.ID, mobileParam, null, null, ua, null, null); Assert.assertEquals(mav.getModel().get(ViewConstants.MOBILE), isMobile); Assert.assertEquals(mav.getModel().get(ViewConstants.TRACE_AVAILABLE), traceAvailable); Remote remote = (Remote) mav.getModel().get(ViewConstants.REMOTE); Assert.assertEquals(remote.getName(), actualRemote); }
[ "getStbView" ]
[ "createGenericMetaStb", "setRemoteType", "setSerialHost", "put", "getViewController", "stbView", "assertEquals", "get", "getModel", "assertEquals", "get", "getModel", "get", "getModel", "assertEquals", "getName" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DEVICE_ID = \"000041b7cd52\";", "class_name": "ViewControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ViewController.class);\nprivate static final String GENERIC_REMOTE_NAME = \"GENERIC\";\n@Autowired\n private MetaStbCache metaStbCache;\n@Autowired\n private DawgShowConfiguration config;\n@Autowired\n private RemoteManager remoteManager;\n@Autowired\n private VideoSnap videoSnap;\n@Autowired\n private JwtDeviceAccessValidator accessValidator;\nprivate JsonCerealEngine jsonEngine = new JsonCerealEngine();", "class_name": "ViewController implements ViewConstants", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value = \"/login\", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView login(\n @RequestParam(value = \"error\", required = false) String error,\n @RequestParam(value = \"logout\", required = false) String logout,\n @RequestParam(value = \"unauthorized\", required = false) String unauthorized)\n@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET }, value = \"/stb\") public ModelAndView stbView(@RequestParam String deviceId, @RequestParam(required=false) String mobile,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String remoteType,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh,\n @RequestHeader(\"User-Agent\") String uaStr,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\n@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET }, value = \"/simplified\") public ModelAndView stbSimplifiedView(@RequestParam String deviceId, @RequestParam(required=false) String mobile,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String remoteType,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh,\n @RequestHeader(\"User-Agent\") String uaStr,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\npublic ModelAndView getStbView(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, String deviceId, \n String mobile, String remoteType, String refresh, String uaStr, String stbViewType)\nprivate String getAudioUrl(MetaStb meta, AudioType type)\nprivate String getProxyUrl(MetaStb meta)\nprivate String getVideoUrl(MetaStb meta)\nprivate String prependMissingProtocol(String url, String defaultProtocol)\n@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET }, value = {\"/stb/refreshCache\", \"/simplified/refreshCache\"}) @ResponseBody public void refreshStbCache(@RequestParam String deviceIds[])\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/remotetypes\", produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public Set<String> getValidRemoteTypes()\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/multi\") public ModelAndView multiView(@RequestParam String[] deviceIds, @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\") boolean isGenericRemote,\n @RequestHeader(\"User-Agent\") String uaStr,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/video/multi/snap\") @ResponseBody public ModelAndView snapMultiVideo(@RequestParam String[] deviceIds, HttpSession session,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/snap/multi\", produces = \"application/zip\") public ModelAndView multiSnap(@RequestParam Map<String, String> deviceIdImageIdMap,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest req, HttpSession session)\nprivate Remote mostUsedRemote(Map<String, Integer> allUsedRemoteCounts)\nprivate Map<String, Integer> getAllUsedRemotes(Collection<MetaStb> stbs)\nprivate String getKeysOfAllUsedRemotes(Map<String, Integer> allUsedRemoteCounts)\nprivate Remote getRemote(String remoteType)\nprivate boolean validUrl(String url)\nprotected VideoSnap getVideoSnap()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-show/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ViewController implements ViewConstants\n\nclass_fields: public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ViewController.class);\nprivate static final String GENERIC_REMOTE_NAME = \"GENERIC\";\n@Autowired\n private MetaStbCache metaStbCache;\n@Autowired\n private DawgShowConfiguration config;\n@Autowired\n private RemoteManager remoteManager;\n@Autowired\n private VideoSnap videoSnap;\n@Autowired\n private JwtDeviceAccessValidator accessValidator;\nprivate JsonCerealEngine jsonEngine = new JsonCerealEngine();\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value = \"/login\", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView login(\n @RequestParam(value = \"error\", required = false) String error,\n @RequestParam(value = \"logout\", required = false) String logout,\n @RequestParam(value = \"unauthorized\", required = false) String unauthorized)\n@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET }, value = \"/stb\") public ModelAndView stbView(@RequestParam String deviceId, @RequestParam(required=false) String mobile,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String remoteType,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh,\n @RequestHeader(\"User-Agent\") String uaStr,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\n@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET }, value = \"/simplified\") public ModelAndView stbSimplifiedView(@RequestParam String deviceId, @RequestParam(required=false) String mobile,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String remoteType,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh,\n @RequestHeader(\"User-Agent\") String uaStr,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\npublic ModelAndView getStbView(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, String deviceId, \n String mobile, String remoteType, String refresh, String uaStr, String stbViewType)\nprivate String getAudioUrl(MetaStb meta, AudioType type)\nprivate String getProxyUrl(MetaStb meta)\nprivate String getVideoUrl(MetaStb meta)\nprivate String prependMissingProtocol(String url, String defaultProtocol)\n@RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET }, value = {\"/stb/refreshCache\", \"/simplified/refreshCache\"}) @ResponseBody public void refreshStbCache(@RequestParam String deviceIds[])\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/remotetypes\", produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public Set<String> getValidRemoteTypes()\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/multi\") public ModelAndView multiView(@RequestParam String[] deviceIds, @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\") boolean isGenericRemote,\n @RequestHeader(\"User-Agent\") String uaStr,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/video/multi/snap\") @ResponseBody public ModelAndView snapMultiVideo(@RequestParam String[] deviceIds, HttpSession session,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)\n@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = \"/snap/multi\", produces = \"application/zip\") public ModelAndView multiSnap(@RequestParam Map<String, String> deviceIdImageIdMap,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest req, HttpSession session)\nprivate Remote mostUsedRemote(Map<String, Integer> allUsedRemoteCounts)\nprivate Map<String, Integer> getAllUsedRemotes(Collection<MetaStb> stbs)\nprivate String getKeysOfAllUsedRemotes(Map<String, Integer> allUsedRemoteCounts)\nprivate Remote getRemote(String remoteType)\nprivate boolean validUrl(String url)\nprotected VideoSnap getVideoSnap()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ViewControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DEVICE_ID = \"000041b7cd52\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-show/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET }, value = \"/stb\")\n public ModelAndView stbView(@RequestParam String deviceId, @RequestParam(required=false) String mobile,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String remoteType,\n @RequestParam(required = false) String refresh,\n @RequestHeader(\"User-Agent\") String uaStr,\n HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {\n \tString stbViewType = STB;\n \treturn getStbView(req, resp, deviceId, mobile, remoteType, refresh, uaStr, stbViewType);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-show/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/show/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(dataProvider=\"testStbViewData\")\n public void testStbView(String remoteType, String actualRemote, String mobileParam,\n String ua, boolean isMobile, String traceUrl, boolean traceAvailable) throws IOException {\n MetaStb stb = TestUtils.createGenericMetaStb();\n stb.setRemoteType(remoteType);\n stb.setSerialHost(traceUrl);\n\n MockMetaStbCache cache = new MockMetaStbCache();\n cache.cache.put(TestUtils.ID, stb);\n ViewController controller = getViewController(cache);\n\n ModelAndView mav = controller.stbView(TestUtils.ID, mobileParam, null, null, ua, null, null);\n\n Assert.assertEquals(mav.getModel().get(ViewConstants.MOBILE), isMobile);\n Assert.assertEquals(mav.getModel().get(ViewConstants.TRACE_AVAILABLE), traceAvailable);\n Remote remote = (Remote) mav.getModel().get(ViewConstants.REMOTE);\n Assert.assertEquals(remote.getName(), actualRemote);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { // most likely scenario switch (valueLen) { case 8: return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 12: return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 15: return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 18: return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 21: return TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); default: // no default, logic continues below } // try to guess if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) { return (TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value)).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else { return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } }
@Test public void testGetBytesWithMicros() throws Exception { int tag = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS.getBytes(); UTCTimeOnlyField field = new UTCTimeOnlyField(tag, bytes); assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes()); }
[ "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format" ]
[ "nextInt", "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1),\n LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31, 0), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));", "class_name": "UTCTimeOnlyFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final LocalTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;", "class_name": "UTCTimeOnlyField extends AbstractField<LocalTime>", "method_signatures": "public UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, LocalTime value)\npublic static LocalTime parse(String timestampString)\npublic static LocalTime parse(byte[] bytes)\n@Override public LocalTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UTCTimeOnlyField extends AbstractField<LocalTime>\n\nclass_fields: private final LocalTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, LocalTime value)\npublic static LocalTime parse(String timestampString)\npublic static LocalTime parse(byte[] bytes)\n@Override public LocalTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UTCTimeOnlyFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1),\n LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31, 0), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n // most likely scenario\n switch (valueLen) {\n case 8:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 12:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 15:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 18:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 21:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n default: // no default, logic continues below\n }\n // try to guess\n if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) {\n return (TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value)).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytesWithMicros() throws Exception {\n int tag = new Random().nextInt();\n byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS.getBytes();\n UTCTimeOnlyField field = new UTCTimeOnlyField(tag, bytes);\n assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder msg, ByteBuf out) { final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); validateRequiredFields(header); final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex(); final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc(); final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header); // begin string writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf); // body length writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf); out.writeBytes(headBuf); out.writeBytes(bodyBuf); int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset); // Checksum writeChecksumField(out, checksum); ctx.flush(); headBuf.release(); bodyBuf.release(); assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0); assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0); }
@Test public void testEncodeWithCustomHeader() throws Exception { messageBuilder.getHeader().setCustomFields(Arrays.asList( FieldFactory.fromIntValue(1128, 9), FieldFactory.fromStringValue(1129, "1.0") )); encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out); verify(ctx).flush(); String expectedString = "8=FIX.4.2\u00019=105\u000135=0\u000149=SenderCompID\u000156=TargetCompID\u000134=2\u000152=19700102-10:17:36.789\u00011128=9\u00011129=1.0\u00011001=test2\u00011000=test1\u000110=206\u0001"; assertResult(expectedString); }
[ "getHeader", "validateRequiredFields", "writerIndex", "alloc", "buffer", "buffer", "fillBodyBuf", "writeField", "getBeginString", "writeField", "toString", "writeBytes", "writeBytes", "calculateChecksum", "writeChecksumField", "flush", "release", "release", "refCnt", "refCnt" ]
[ "setCustomFields", "getHeader", "asList", "fromIntValue", "fromStringValue", "encode", "flush", "verify", "assertResult" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>", "method_signatures": "private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;\n\nmethod_signatures: private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out) {\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n validateRequiredFields(header);\n\n final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex();\n\n final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc();\n\n final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n\n int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header);\n\n // begin string\n writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf);\n // body length\n writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf);\n\n out.writeBytes(headBuf);\n out.writeBytes(bodyBuf);\n\n int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset);\n\n // Checksum\n writeChecksumField(out, checksum);\n ctx.flush();\n\n headBuf.release();\n bodyBuf.release();\n assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/codec/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testEncodeWithCustomHeader() throws Exception {\n messageBuilder.getHeader().setCustomFields(Arrays.asList(\n FieldFactory.fromIntValue(1128, 9),\n FieldFactory.fromStringValue(1129, \"1.0\")\n ));\n\n encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out);\n\n verify(ctx).flush();\n\n String expectedString = \"8=FIX.4.2\\u00019=105\\u000135=0\\u000149=SenderCompID\\u000156=TargetCompID\\u000134=2\\u000152=19700102-10:17:36.789\\u00011128=9\\u00011129=1.0\\u00011001=test2\\u00011000=test1\\u000110=206\\u0001\";\n\n assertResult(expectedString);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { Attribute<FixSession> fixSessionAttribute =; if (fixSessionAttribute != null) { FixSession session = fixSessionAttribute.getAndSet(null); if (session != null) { ctx.fireChannelRead(new LogoutEvent(session)); sessionRepository.removeSession(session.getId()); getLogger().info("Fix Session Closed. {}", session); } } }
@Test public void testChannelInactiveSessionExists() throws Exception { when(channel.attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY)).thenReturn(sessionAttr); when(sessionAttr.getAndSet(null)).thenReturn(fixSession); SessionId sessionId = mock(SessionId.class); when(fixSession.getId()).thenReturn(sessionId); sessionHandler.channelInactive(ctx); verify(ctx).fireChannelRead(any(LogoutEvent.class)); verify(sessionAttr).getAndSet(null); verify(sessionRepository).removeSession(sessionId); }
[ "attr", "channel", "getAndSet", "fireChannelRead", "removeSession", "getId", "info", "getLogger" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "attr", "thenReturn", "when", "getAndSet", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getId", "channelInactive", "fireChannelRead", "verify", "any", "getAndSet", "verify", "removeSession", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractSessionHandlerTest.class);\nprivate AbstractSessionHandler sessionHandler;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private FixSession fixSession;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Attribute<FixSession> sessionAttr;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessage> rejectCaptor;\n@Mock\n private SessionRepository sessionRepository;", "class_name": "AbstractSessionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final AttributeKey<FixSession> FIX_SESSION_KEY = AttributeKey.valueOf(\"fixSession\");\nprivate final FixApplication fixApplication;\nprivate final FixClock fixClock;\nprivate final SessionRepository sessionRepository;", "class_name": "AbstractSessionHandler extends MessageToMessageCodec<FixMessage, FixMessageBuilder>", "method_signatures": "protected AbstractSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixClock fixClock,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\nprivate static FixMessageBuilderImpl createReject(FixMessage originalMsg)\nprivate static FixMessageBuilderImpl createBusinessReject(BusinessRejectException exception)\n@Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprotected void prepareMessageToSend(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder response)\nprotected void prepareMessageToSend(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, FixMessageBuilder response)\nprotected FixSession getSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprotected boolean setSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession fixSession)\n@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause)\nprotected abstract Logger getLogger()\nprotected void sendReject(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage originalMsg, boolean closeConnection)\nprotected FixApplication getFixApplication()\nprotected SessionRepository getSessionRepository()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AbstractSessionHandler extends MessageToMessageCodec<FixMessage, FixMessageBuilder>\n\nclass_fields: public static final AttributeKey<FixSession> FIX_SESSION_KEY = AttributeKey.valueOf(\"fixSession\");\nprivate final FixApplication fixApplication;\nprivate final FixClock fixClock;\nprivate final SessionRepository sessionRepository;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected AbstractSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixClock fixClock,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\nprivate static FixMessageBuilderImpl createReject(FixMessage originalMsg)\nprivate static FixMessageBuilderImpl createBusinessReject(BusinessRejectException exception)\n@Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprotected void prepareMessageToSend(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder response)\nprotected void prepareMessageToSend(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, FixMessageBuilder response)\nprotected FixSession getSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprotected boolean setSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession fixSession)\n@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause)\nprotected abstract Logger getLogger()\nprotected void sendReject(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage originalMsg, boolean closeConnection)\nprotected FixApplication getFixApplication()\nprotected SessionRepository getSessionRepository()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AbstractSessionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractSessionHandlerTest.class);\nprivate AbstractSessionHandler sessionHandler;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private FixSession fixSession;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Attribute<FixSession> sessionAttr;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessage> rejectCaptor;\n@Mock\n private SessionRepository sessionRepository;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {\n Attribute<FixSession> fixSessionAttribute =;\n if (fixSessionAttribute != null) {\n FixSession session = fixSessionAttribute.getAndSet(null);\n if (session != null) {\n ctx.fireChannelRead(new LogoutEvent(session));\n sessionRepository.removeSession(session.getId());\n getLogger().info(\"Fix Session Closed. {}\", session);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testChannelInactiveSessionExists() throws Exception {\n when(channel.attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY)).thenReturn(sessionAttr);\n when(sessionAttr.getAndSet(null)).thenReturn(fixSession);\n SessionId sessionId = mock(SessionId.class);\n when(fixSession.getId()).thenReturn(sessionId);\n\n sessionHandler.channelInactive(ctx);\n\n verify(ctx).fireChannelRead(any(LogoutEvent.class));\n verify(sessionAttr).getAndSet(null);\n verify(sessionRepository).removeSession(sessionId);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { // most likely scenario switch (valueLen) { case 17: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 21: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 24: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 27: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 30: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); default: // try to guess if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } } }
@Test public void testGetBytesPicos() throws Exception { int tag = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS.getBytes(); UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length); // pico are not supported, expect last 3 digits to be truncated byte[] nanosBytes = (TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS+"000").getBytes(); assertArrayEquals(nanosBytes, field.getBytes()); }
[ "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format" ]
[ "nextInt", "getBytes", "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);", "class_name": "UTCTimestampFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;", "class_name": "UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>", "method_signatures": "public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>\n\nclass_fields: private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n // most likely scenario\n switch (valueLen) {\n case 17:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 21:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 24:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 27:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 30:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n default:\n // try to guess\n if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytesPicos() throws Exception {\n int tag = new Random().nextInt();\n byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS.getBytes();\n UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length);\n // pico are not supported, expect last 3 digits to be truncated\n byte[] nanosBytes = (TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS+\"000\").getBytes();\n assertArrayEquals(nanosBytes, field.getBytes());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { getLogger().info("Connection established, starting Client FIX session."); FixSession pendingSession = createSession(sessionSettingsProvider); setSession(ctx, pendingSession); FixMessageBuilder logonRequest = createLogonRequest(pendingSession, sessionSettingsProvider); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, pendingSession, logonRequest); getLogger().info("Sending Logon: {}", logonRequest); ctx.writeAndFlush(logonRequest); }
@Test public void testChannelActiveNoAuthentication() throws Exception { when(authenticationProvider.getPasswordAuthentication()).thenReturn(null); handler.channelActive(ctx); verify(ctx).writeAndFlush(messageCaptor.capture()); FixMessageBuilderImpl messageBuilder = messageCaptor.getValue(); FixMessageHeader header = messageBuilder.getHeader(); verify(fixApplication).beforeSendMessage(same(ctx), same(messageBuilder)); assertEquals("LOGON expected", MessageTypes.LOGON, header.getMessageType()); assertEquals(outMsgSeqNum, header.getMsgSeqNum()); assertTrue(header.getSendingTime().toInstant().toEpochMilli() > 0); assertThat("HeartBtInt", messageBuilder.getInt(FieldType.HeartBtInt), is(heartbeartInterval)); assertThat("EncryptMethod", messageBuilder.getInt(FieldType.EncryptMethod), is(0)); assertThat("Username", messageBuilder.getString(FieldType.Username), nullValue()); assertThat("Password", messageBuilder.getString(FieldType.Password), nullValue()); }
[ "info", "getLogger", "createSession", "setSession", "createLogonRequest", "prepareMessageToSend", "info", "getLogger", "writeAndFlush" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "getPasswordAuthentication", "channelActive", "writeAndFlush", "verify", "capture", "getValue", "getHeader", "beforeSendMessage", "verify", "same", "same", "assertEquals", "getMessageType", "assertEquals", "getMsgSeqNum", "assertTrue", "toEpochMilli", "toInstant", "getSendingTime", "assertThat", "getInt", "is", "assertThat", "getInt", "is", "assertThat", "getString", "nullValue", "assertThat", "getString", "nullValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();\nprivate ClientSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private MessageSequenceProvider sequenceProvider;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate int outMsgSeqNum;\nprivate Integer heartbeartInterval;\nprivate Attribute<FixSession> sessionAttribute;\nprivate String userName;\nprivate String password;", "class_name": "ClientSessionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider;\nprivate final MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider;\nprivate final AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;", "class_name": "ClientSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler", "method_signatures": "protected ClientSessionHandler(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider,\n AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider,\n MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider,\n FixApplication fixApplication)\nprivate FixMessageBuilderImpl createLogonRequest(FixSession session, FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider)\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprivate FixSession createSession(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/client/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ClientSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler\n\nclass_fields: private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider;\nprivate final MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider;\nprivate final AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected ClientSessionHandler(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider,\n AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider,\n MessageSequenceProvider messageSequenceProvider,\n FixApplication fixApplication)\nprivate FixMessageBuilderImpl createLogonRequest(FixSession session, FixSessionSettingsProvider sessionSettingsProvider)\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\nprivate FixSession createSession(FixSessionSettingsProvider settingsProvider)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ClientSessionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();\nprivate ClientSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private MessageSequenceProvider sequenceProvider;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate int outMsgSeqNum;\nprivate Integer heartbeartInterval;\nprivate Attribute<FixSession> sessionAttribute;\nprivate String userName;\nprivate String password;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/client/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {\n getLogger().info(\"Connection established, starting Client FIX session.\");\n\n FixSession pendingSession = createSession(sessionSettingsProvider);\n setSession(ctx, pendingSession);\n\n FixMessageBuilder logonRequest = createLogonRequest(pendingSession, sessionSettingsProvider);\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, pendingSession, logonRequest);\n getLogger().info(\"Sending Logon: {}\", logonRequest);\n\n ctx.writeAndFlush(logonRequest);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/client/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testChannelActiveNoAuthentication() throws Exception {\n when(authenticationProvider.getPasswordAuthentication()).thenReturn(null);\n\n handler.channelActive(ctx);\n\n verify(ctx).writeAndFlush(messageCaptor.capture());\n\n FixMessageBuilderImpl messageBuilder = messageCaptor.getValue();\n FixMessageHeader header = messageBuilder.getHeader();\n\n verify(fixApplication).beforeSendMessage(same(ctx), same(messageBuilder));\n\n assertEquals(\"LOGON expected\", MessageTypes.LOGON, header.getMessageType());\n assertEquals(outMsgSeqNum, header.getMsgSeqNum());\n assertTrue(header.getSendingTime().toInstant().toEpochMilli() > 0);\n\n assertThat(\"HeartBtInt\", messageBuilder.getInt(FieldType.HeartBtInt), is(heartbeartInterval));\n assertThat(\"EncryptMethod\", messageBuilder.getInt(FieldType.EncryptMethod), is(0));\n assertThat(\"Username\", messageBuilder.getString(FieldType.Username), nullValue());\n assertThat(\"Password\", messageBuilder.getString(FieldType.Password), nullValue());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value="update", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data, @RequestParam(defaultValue="false") boolean replace) { int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { id[i] = clean(id[i]); } Map<String, Object>[] matches = service.getStbsById(id); if (null != matches) { for (Map<String, Object> match : matches) { Map<String, Object> newProps = new HashMap<String, Object>(data); try { /** Do not override id and mac address */ newProps.put(MetaStb.ID, match.get(MetaStb.ID)); newProps.put(MetaStb.MACADDRESS, match.get(MetaStb.MACADDRESS)); if (!newProps.containsKey(MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST)) { newProps.put(MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST, match.get(MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST)); } if (!newProps.containsKey(MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING)) { newProps.put(MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING, match.get(MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING)); } PersistableDevice pd = new PersistableDevice(newProps); if (replace) { service.replace(pd); } else { service.upsertStb(pd); } counter++; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warn("Failed to update device. deviceId="+match.get("id")+", data="+match); } } try { getDawgShowClient().updateCache(id); } catch (HttpException e) { logger.error("Failed to update DAWG show meta stb cache", e); } } return counter; }
@Test public void testUpdate() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class); HouseRestController controller = EasyMock.createMockBuilder(HouseRestController.class) .addMockedMethod(HouseRestController.class.getDeclaredMethod("getDawgShowClient")).createMock(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "serverUtils", utils); String[] id = new String[1]; id[0] = "id"; Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object>[] matches = getMatches(); EasyMock.expect(mockService.getStbsById((String[]) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(matches); mockService.replace((DawgDevice) EasyMock.anyObject()); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay(mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); DawgShowClient dawgShowClient = EasyMock.createMock(DawgShowClient.class); EasyMock.expect(controller.getDawgShowClient()).andReturn(dawgShowClient); EasyMock.replay(controller); try { dawgShowClient.updateCache((String[]) EasyMock.anyObject()); EasyMock.expectLastCall().once(); } catch (HttpException e) {"Failed to mock DawgShowClient.updateCache() method.", e); } Assert.assertEquals(controller.update(id, data, true), 1); EasyMock.verify(controller); }
[ "clean", "getStbsById", "put", "get", "put", "get", "containsKey", "put", "get", "containsKey", "put", "get", "replace", "upsertStb", "printStackTrace", "warn", "get", "updateCache", "getDawgShowClient", "error" ]
[ "createMock", "createMock", "addMockedMethod", "createMockBuilder", "getDeclaredMethod", "setField", "setField", "getMatches", "andReturn", "expect", "getStbsById", "anyObject", "replace", "anyObject", "expectLastCall", "replay", "setField", "createMock", "andReturn", "expect", "getDawgShowClient", "replay", "updateCache", "anyObject", "once", "expectLastCall", "fail", "assertEquals", "update", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();", "class_name": "HouseRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };", "class_name": "HouseRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HouseRestController\n\nclass_fields: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HouseRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST})\n @ResponseBody\n public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace) {\n int counter = 0;\n for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) {\n id[i] = clean(id[i]);\n }\n Map<String, Object>[] matches = service.getStbsById(id);\n if (null != matches) {\n for (Map<String, Object> match : matches) {\n Map<String, Object> newProps = new HashMap<String, Object>(data);\n try {\n /** Do not override id and mac address */\n newProps.put(MetaStb.ID, match.get(MetaStb.ID));\n newProps.put(MetaStb.MACADDRESS, match.get(MetaStb.MACADDRESS));\n if (!newProps.containsKey(MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST)) {\n newProps.put(MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST, match.get(MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST));\n }\n if (!newProps.containsKey(MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING)) {\n newProps.put(MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING, match.get(MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING));\n }\n PersistableDevice pd = new PersistableDevice(newProps);\n if (replace) {\n service.replace(pd);\n } else {\n service.upsertStb(pd);\n }\n counter++;\n } catch (Exception e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n logger.warn(\"Failed to update device. deviceId=\"+match.get(\"id\")+\", data=\"+match);\n }\n }\n try {\n getDawgShowClient().updateCache(id);\n } catch (HttpException e) {\n logger.error(\"Failed to update DAWG show meta stb cache\", e);\n }\n }\n return counter;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUpdate() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {\n HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class);\n HouseRestController controller = EasyMock.createMockBuilder(HouseRestController.class)\n .addMockedMethod(HouseRestController.class.getDeclaredMethod(\"getDawgShowClient\")).createMock();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"service\", mockService);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"serverUtils\", utils);\n\n String[] id = new String[1];\n id[0] = \"id\";\n\n Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n Map<String, Object>[] matches = getMatches();\n\n EasyMock.expect(mockService.getStbsById((String[]) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(matches);\n mockService.replace((DawgDevice) EasyMock.anyObject());\n EasyMock.expectLastCall();\n EasyMock.replay(mockService);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"service\", mockService);\n\n DawgShowClient dawgShowClient = EasyMock.createMock(DawgShowClient.class);\n EasyMock.expect(controller.getDawgShowClient()).andReturn(dawgShowClient);\n EasyMock.replay(controller);\n\n try {\n dawgShowClient.updateCache((String[]) EasyMock.anyObject());\n EasyMock.expectLastCall().once();\n } catch (HttpException e) {\n\"Failed to mock DawgShowClient.updateCache() method.\", e);\n }\n\n Assert.assertEquals(controller.update(id, data, true), 1);\n\n EasyMock.verify(controller);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { // most likely scenario switch (valueLen) { case 17: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 21: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 24: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 27: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 30: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); default: // try to guess if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } } }
@Test public void testGetBytesNanos() throws Exception { int tag = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS.getBytes(); UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length); assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes()); }
[ "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format" ]
[ "nextInt", "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);", "class_name": "UTCTimestampFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;", "class_name": "UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>", "method_signatures": "public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>\n\nclass_fields: private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n // most likely scenario\n switch (valueLen) {\n case 17:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 21:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 24:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 27:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 30:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n default:\n // try to guess\n if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytesNanos() throws Exception {\n int tag = new Random().nextInt();\n byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS.getBytes();\n UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length);\n assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { String s = value.toString(); return s.getBytes(US_ASCII); }
@Test public void testGetBytes() { byte[] bytes = field.getBytes(); byte[] expectedBytes = value.toString().getBytes(US_ASCII); assertArrayEquals(expectedBytes, bytes); }
[ "toString", "getBytes" ]
[ "getBytes", "getBytes", "toString", "assertArrayEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private FixedPointNumber value;\nprivate int tag;\nprivate FloatField field;", "class_name": "FloatFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final FixedPointNumber value;", "class_name": "FloatField extends AbstractField<FixedPointNumber>", "method_signatures": "protected FloatField(int tagNum, FixedPointNumber value)\nprotected FloatField(int tagNum, byte[] value, int offset, int length)\n@Override public FixedPointNumber getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\npublic float floatValue()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FloatField extends AbstractField<FixedPointNumber>\n\nclass_fields: private final FixedPointNumber value;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected FloatField(int tagNum, FixedPointNumber value)\nprotected FloatField(int tagNum, byte[] value, int offset, int length)\n@Override public FixedPointNumber getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\npublic float floatValue()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FloatFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: private FixedPointNumber value;\nprivate int tag;\nprivate FloatField field;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n String s = value.toString();\n return s.getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytes() {\n byte[] bytes = field.getBytes();\n\n byte[] expectedBytes = value.toString().getBytes(US_ASCII);\n\n assertArrayEquals(expectedBytes, bytes);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("Message Received: {}", msg); FixSession fixSession = getSession(ctx); final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) { LOGGER.debug("Logon request: {}", msg); if (fixSession != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established."); } else { if (authenticator.authenticate(msg)) { fixSession = initSession(ctx, header); final int msgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum(); int expectedMsgSeqNum = -1; boolean seqTooHigh = false; if (!fixSession.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(msgSeqNum)) { expectedMsgSeqNum = fixSession.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum(); if (msgSeqNum < expectedMsgSeqNum) { sendLogoutAndClose(ctx, fixSession, "Sequence Number Too Low. Expected = " + expectedMsgSeqNum); return; } else { seqTooHigh = true; } } final FixMessageBuilder logonResponse = createLogonResponse(); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, logonResponse);"Sending Logon Response: {}", logonResponse); ctx.write(logonResponse); if (seqTooHigh) { assert (expectedMsgSeqNum > 0); FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST); resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum); resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, msgSeqNum - 1); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, resendRequest); ctx.write(resendRequest); } ctx.flush(); out.add(new LogonEvent(fixSession)); } else { //If the authentication (of the session initiator's logon message) fails, // the session acceptor should shut down the connection. ctx.close(); } } } else { super.decode(ctx, msg, out); } }
@Test public void testAuthenticationFailed() throws Exception { when(authenticator.authenticate(same(logonMsg))).thenReturn(false); handler.decode(ctx, logonMsg, outgoingMessages); verify(channel).attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY); verify(ctx).close(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(channel); }
[ "debug", "getSession", "getHeader", "equals", "getMessageType", "debug", "authenticate", "initSession", "getMsgSeqNum", "checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum", "getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum", "sendLogoutAndClose", "createLogonResponse", "prepareMessageToSend", "info", "write", "add", "add", "prepareMessageToSend", "write", "flush", "add", "close", "decode" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "authenticate", "same", "decode", "attr", "verify", "close", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "private ServerSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private FixAuthenticator authenticator;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate FixMessage logonMsg;\nprivate List<Object> outgoingMessages;", "class_name": "ServerSessionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixAuthenticator authenticator;\nprivate final int heartbeatIntervalSec = 30;", "class_name": "ServerSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler", "method_signatures": "public ServerSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixAuthenticator authenticator,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\nprivate FixMessageBuilder createLogonResponse()\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\nprivate FixSession initSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate void sendLogoutAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, String text)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ServerSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler\n\nclass_fields: private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixAuthenticator authenticator;\nprivate final int heartbeatIntervalSec = 30;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ServerSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixAuthenticator authenticator,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\nprivate FixMessageBuilder createLogonResponse()\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\nprivate FixSession initSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate void sendLogoutAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, String text)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ServerSessionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private ServerSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private FixAuthenticator authenticator;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate FixMessage logonMsg;\nprivate List<Object> outgoingMessages;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception {\n LOGGER.debug(\"Message Received: {}\", msg);\n\n FixSession fixSession = getSession(ctx);\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) {\n\n LOGGER.debug(\"Logon request: {}\", msg);\n if (fixSession != null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established.\");\n } else {\n if (authenticator.authenticate(msg)) {\n fixSession = initSession(ctx, header);\n\n final int msgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum();\n int expectedMsgSeqNum = -1;\n\n boolean seqTooHigh = false;\n if (!fixSession.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(msgSeqNum)) {\n expectedMsgSeqNum = fixSession.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum();\n if (msgSeqNum < expectedMsgSeqNum) {\n sendLogoutAndClose(ctx, fixSession, \"Sequence Number Too Low. Expected = \" + expectedMsgSeqNum);\n return;\n } else {\n seqTooHigh = true;\n }\n }\n\n final FixMessageBuilder logonResponse = createLogonResponse();\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, logonResponse);\n\"Sending Logon Response: {}\", logonResponse);\n ctx.write(logonResponse);\n\n if (seqTooHigh) {\n assert (expectedMsgSeqNum > 0);\n FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, msgSeqNum - 1);\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, resendRequest);\n ctx.write(resendRequest);\n }\n ctx.flush();\n out.add(new LogonEvent(fixSession));\n\n } else {\n //If the authentication (of the session initiator's logon message) fails,\n // the session acceptor should shut down the connection.\n ctx.close();\n }\n }\n } else {\n super.decode(ctx, msg, out);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testAuthenticationFailed() throws Exception {\n when(authenticator.authenticate(same(logonMsg))).thenReturn(false);\n\n handler.decode(ctx, logonMsg, outgoingMessages);\n\n verify(channel).attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY);\n verify(ctx).close();\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(channel);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("Message Received: {}", msg); FixSession fixSession = getSession(ctx); final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) { LOGGER.debug("Logon request: {}", msg); if (fixSession != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established."); } else { if (authenticator.authenticate(msg)) { fixSession = initSession(ctx, header); final int msgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum(); int expectedMsgSeqNum = -1; boolean seqTooHigh = false; if (!fixSession.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(msgSeqNum)) { expectedMsgSeqNum = fixSession.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum(); if (msgSeqNum < expectedMsgSeqNum) { sendLogoutAndClose(ctx, fixSession, "Sequence Number Too Low. Expected = " + expectedMsgSeqNum); return; } else { seqTooHigh = true; } } final FixMessageBuilder logonResponse = createLogonResponse(); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, logonResponse);"Sending Logon Response: {}", logonResponse); ctx.write(logonResponse); if (seqTooHigh) { assert (expectedMsgSeqNum > 0); FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST); resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum); resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, msgSeqNum - 1); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, resendRequest); ctx.write(resendRequest); } ctx.flush(); out.add(new LogonEvent(fixSession)); } else { //If the authentication (of the session initiator's logon message) fails, // the session acceptor should shut down the connection. ctx.close(); } } } else { super.decode(ctx, msg, out); } }
@Test public void testLogonSuccess() throws Exception { when(authenticator.authenticate(same(logonMsg))).thenReturn(true); handler.decode(ctx, logonMsg, outgoingMessages); assertEquals(1, outgoingMessages.size()); assertTrue(outgoingMessages.get(0) instanceof LogonEvent); verify(channel, atLeastOnce()).attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY); verify(ctx).write(messageCaptor.capture()); verify(ctx).flush(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(channel); FixMessageBuilderImpl logonAck = messageCaptor.getValue(); verify(fixApplication).beforeSendMessage(same(ctx), same(logonAck)); FixMessageAsserts.assertLogonAck(logonAck); }
[ "debug", "getSession", "getHeader", "equals", "getMessageType", "debug", "authenticate", "initSession", "getMsgSeqNum", "checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum", "getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum", "sendLogoutAndClose", "createLogonResponse", "prepareMessageToSend", "info", "write", "add", "add", "prepareMessageToSend", "write", "flush", "add", "close", "decode" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "authenticate", "same", "decode", "assertEquals", "size", "assertTrue", "get", "attr", "verify", "atLeastOnce", "write", "verify", "capture", "flush", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "getValue", "beforeSendMessage", "verify", "same", "same", "assertLogonAck" ]
{ "class_fields": "private ServerSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private FixAuthenticator authenticator;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate FixMessage logonMsg;\nprivate List<Object> outgoingMessages;", "class_name": "ServerSessionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixAuthenticator authenticator;\nprivate final int heartbeatIntervalSec = 30;", "class_name": "ServerSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler", "method_signatures": "public ServerSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixAuthenticator authenticator,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\nprivate FixMessageBuilder createLogonResponse()\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\nprivate FixSession initSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate void sendLogoutAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, String text)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ServerSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler\n\nclass_fields: private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixAuthenticator authenticator;\nprivate final int heartbeatIntervalSec = 30;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ServerSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixAuthenticator authenticator,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\nprivate FixMessageBuilder createLogonResponse()\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\nprivate FixSession initSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate void sendLogoutAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, String text)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ServerSessionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private ServerSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private FixAuthenticator authenticator;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate FixMessage logonMsg;\nprivate List<Object> outgoingMessages;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception {\n LOGGER.debug(\"Message Received: {}\", msg);\n\n FixSession fixSession = getSession(ctx);\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) {\n\n LOGGER.debug(\"Logon request: {}\", msg);\n if (fixSession != null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established.\");\n } else {\n if (authenticator.authenticate(msg)) {\n fixSession = initSession(ctx, header);\n\n final int msgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum();\n int expectedMsgSeqNum = -1;\n\n boolean seqTooHigh = false;\n if (!fixSession.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(msgSeqNum)) {\n expectedMsgSeqNum = fixSession.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum();\n if (msgSeqNum < expectedMsgSeqNum) {\n sendLogoutAndClose(ctx, fixSession, \"Sequence Number Too Low. Expected = \" + expectedMsgSeqNum);\n return;\n } else {\n seqTooHigh = true;\n }\n }\n\n final FixMessageBuilder logonResponse = createLogonResponse();\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, logonResponse);\n\"Sending Logon Response: {}\", logonResponse);\n ctx.write(logonResponse);\n\n if (seqTooHigh) {\n assert (expectedMsgSeqNum > 0);\n FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, msgSeqNum - 1);\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, resendRequest);\n ctx.write(resendRequest);\n }\n ctx.flush();\n out.add(new LogonEvent(fixSession));\n\n } else {\n //If the authentication (of the session initiator's logon message) fails,\n // the session acceptor should shut down the connection.\n ctx.close();\n }\n }\n } else {\n super.decode(ctx, msg, out);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLogonSuccess() throws Exception {\n when(authenticator.authenticate(same(logonMsg))).thenReturn(true);\n\n handler.decode(ctx, logonMsg, outgoingMessages);\n\n assertEquals(1, outgoingMessages.size());\n assertTrue(outgoingMessages.get(0) instanceof LogonEvent);\n\n verify(channel, atLeastOnce()).attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY);\n verify(ctx).write(messageCaptor.capture());\n verify(ctx).flush();\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(channel);\n\n FixMessageBuilderImpl logonAck = messageCaptor.getValue();\n verify(fixApplication).beforeSendMessage(same(ctx), same(logonAck));\n FixMessageAsserts.assertLogonAck(logonAck);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value = "unreserve/{id}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id) { id = clean(id);"Request to unreserve device for id="+id); return service.unreserve(id); }
@Test(dataProvider= "Token_Provider") public void testUnReserveController(String actualToken, String expectedToken) { ServerUtils serverUtil = new ServerUtils(); DawgPoundMongoService poundService = EasyMock.createMock(DawgPoundMongoService.class); DawgPoundRestController poundController = new DawgPoundRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, "serverUtils", serverUtil); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, "service", poundService); EasyMock.expect(poundService.unreserve(TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN)).andReturn(expectedToken); EasyMock.replay(poundService); actualToken = poundController.unreserve(TestConstants.TOKEN); Assert.assertEquals(actualToken, expectedToken); EasyMock.verify(poundService); }
[ "clean", "info", "unreserve" ]
[ "createMock", "setField", "setField", "andReturn", "expect", "unreserve", "replay", "unreserve", "assertEquals", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DawgPoundRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n IDawgPoundService service;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundRestController.class);", "class_name": "DawgPoundRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/token/{token}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"unreserve/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token,\n @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/override/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean reserve(@PathVariable String token, @PathVariable String id,\n @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/id/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, String> isReservered(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"list\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\nprivate String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DawgPoundRestController\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n IDawgPoundService service;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DawgPoundRestController.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/token/{token}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getReservered(@PathVariable String token)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"unreserve/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String reservePolitely(@PathVariable String token,\n @PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserve/override/{token}/{id}/{expiration}\", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean reserve(@PathVariable String token, @PathVariable String id,\n @PathVariable String expiration)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"reserved/id/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, String> isReservered(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"list\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\nprivate String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DawgPoundRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-pound/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value = \"unreserve/{id}\", method = RequestMethod.POST)\n @ResponseBody\n public String unreserve(@PathVariable String id) {\n id = clean(id);\n\"Request to unreserve device for id=\"+id);\n return service.unreserve(id);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-pound/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/pound/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(dataProvider= \"Token_Provider\")\n public void testUnReserveController(String actualToken, String expectedToken) {\n ServerUtils serverUtil = new ServerUtils();\n DawgPoundMongoService poundService = EasyMock.createMock(DawgPoundMongoService.class);\n\n DawgPoundRestController poundController = new DawgPoundRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, \"serverUtils\", serverUtil);\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(poundController, \"service\", poundService);\n\n EasyMock.expect(poundService.unreserve(TestConstants.PROCESSED_TOKEN)).andReturn(expectedToken);\n EasyMock.replay(poundService);\n\n actualToken = poundController.unreserve(TestConstants.TOKEN);\n Assert.assertEquals(actualToken, expectedToken);\n\n EasyMock.verify(poundService);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder msg, ByteBuf out) { final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); validateRequiredFields(header); final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex(); final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc(); final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header); // begin string writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf); // body length writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf); out.writeBytes(headBuf); out.writeBytes(bodyBuf); int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset); // Checksum writeChecksumField(out, checksum); ctx.flush(); headBuf.release(); bodyBuf.release(); assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0); assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testFailIfNoSenderCompID() throws Exception { messageBuilder.getHeader().setSenderCompID(null); encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out); }
[ "getHeader", "validateRequiredFields", "writerIndex", "alloc", "buffer", "buffer", "fillBodyBuf", "writeField", "getBeginString", "writeField", "toString", "writeBytes", "writeBytes", "calculateChecksum", "writeChecksumField", "flush", "release", "release", "refCnt", "refCnt" ]
[ "setSenderCompID", "getHeader", "encode" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>", "method_signatures": "private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;\n\nmethod_signatures: private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out) {\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n validateRequiredFields(header);\n\n final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex();\n\n final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc();\n\n final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n\n int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header);\n\n // begin string\n writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf);\n // body length\n writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf);\n\n out.writeBytes(headBuf);\n out.writeBytes(bodyBuf);\n\n int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset);\n\n // Checksum\n writeChecksumField(out, checksum);\n ctx.flush();\n\n headBuf.release();\n bodyBuf.release();\n assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/codec/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testFailIfNoSenderCompID() throws Exception {\n messageBuilder.getHeader().setSenderCompID(null);\n\n encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode()); return result; }
@Test public void testHashCode() { PersistableDevice device = new PersistableDevice(); Assert.assertNotNull(device.hashCode()); }
[ "hashCode" ]
[ "assertNotNull", "hashCode" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PersistableDeviceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String RESERVER = \"reserver_key\";\npublic static final String EXPIRATION_KEY = \"expiration_key\";\n@Transient\n protected MapScanner scanner = MapScanner.instance();\n@Transient\n protected static ServerUtils serverUtils = new ServerUtils();\n@Id\n String id;\nMap<String,Object> data;\n@Indexed\n private String[] keys;\n@Indexed\n String reserver;", "class_name": "PersistableDevice implements ReservationHandler, DawgDevice", "method_signatures": "public PersistableDevice()\npublic PersistableDevice(DawgDevice device)\npublic PersistableDevice(Map<String, Object> data)\nprotected void init(Map<String, Object> data)\n@Override public Long getExpiration()\n@Override public void setExpiration(Long expiration)\npublic String[] getKeys()\npublic void setKeys(String[] keys)\npublic String getId()\npublic void setId(String id)\npublic Map<String, Object> getData()\npublic void setData(Map<String,Object> data)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\n@Override public String reserve(String token)\n@Override public boolean isReserved()\n@Override public String unreserve()\n@Override public String getReserver()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-server-common/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/common/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PersistableDevice implements ReservationHandler, DawgDevice\n\nclass_fields: public static final String RESERVER = \"reserver_key\";\npublic static final String EXPIRATION_KEY = \"expiration_key\";\n@Transient\n protected MapScanner scanner = MapScanner.instance();\n@Transient\n protected static ServerUtils serverUtils = new ServerUtils();\n@Id\n String id;\nMap<String,Object> data;\n@Indexed\n private String[] keys;\n@Indexed\n String reserver;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PersistableDevice()\npublic PersistableDevice(DawgDevice device)\npublic PersistableDevice(Map<String, Object> data)\nprotected void init(Map<String, Object> data)\n@Override public Long getExpiration()\n@Override public void setExpiration(Long expiration)\npublic String[] getKeys()\npublic void setKeys(String[] keys)\npublic String getId()\npublic void setId(String id)\npublic Map<String, Object> getData()\npublic void setData(Map<String,Object> data)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object obj)\n@Override public String reserve(String token)\n@Override public boolean isReserved()\n@Override public String unreserve()\n@Override public String getReserver()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PersistableDeviceTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-server-common/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/common/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int hashCode() {\n final int prime = 31;\n int result = 1;\n result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode());\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-server-common/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/common/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHashCode() {\n PersistableDevice device = new PersistableDevice();\n Assert.assertNotNull(device.hashCode());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { // most likely scenario switch (valueLen) { case 17: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 21: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 24: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 27: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 30: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); default: // try to guess if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } } }
@Test public void testGetBytesMicros() throws Exception { int tag = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS.getBytes(); UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length); assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes()); }
[ "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format" ]
[ "nextInt", "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);", "class_name": "UTCTimestampFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;", "class_name": "UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>", "method_signatures": "public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>\n\nclass_fields: private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n // most likely scenario\n switch (valueLen) {\n case 17:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 21:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 24:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 27:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 30:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n default:\n // try to guess\n if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytesMicros() throws Exception {\n int tag = new Random().nextInt();\n byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS.getBytes();\n UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length);\n assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public String toString() { if (scale == 0 || scaledValue == 0) { return String.valueOf(scaledValue); } int factor = (int) Math.pow(10.0, scale); long beforePoint = scaledValue / factor; long afterPoint = Math.abs(scaledValue - beforePoint * factor); if (beforePoint == 0 && scaledValue < 0) { return "-0." + afterPoint; } else { String scaledStr = String.valueOf(scaledValue); int idx = scaledStr.length() - scale; String insertPoint; if (idx <= 0) { insertPoint = insertPointBefore(idx); idx = 0; } else { insertPoint = "."; } return new StringBuilder(scaledStr) .insert(idx, insertPoint) .toString(); } }
@Test public void testScaledZeroToString() { final FixedPointNumber fixedPointNumber = new FixedPointNumber(0, 20); assertEquals("0", fixedPointNumber.toString()); }
[ "valueOf", "pow", "abs", "valueOf", "length", "insertPointBefore", "toString", "insert" ]
[ "assertEquals", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FixedPointNumberTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final long scaledValue;\nprivate final byte scale;", "class_name": "FixedPointNumber extends Number", "method_signatures": "protected FixedPointNumber(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue, byte scale)\npublic FixedPointNumber(double value, int precision)\npublic FixedPointNumber(String s)\n@Override public int intValue()\n@Override public long longValue()\n@Override @Deprecated public float floatValue()\n@Override public double doubleValue()\npublic long getScaledValue()\npublic byte getScale()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\nprivate String insertPointBefore(int idx)\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FixedPointNumber extends Number\n\nclass_fields: private final long scaledValue;\nprivate final byte scale;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected FixedPointNumber(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue, byte scale)\npublic FixedPointNumber(double value, int precision)\npublic FixedPointNumber(String s)\n@Override public int intValue()\n@Override public long longValue()\n@Override @Deprecated public float floatValue()\n@Override public double doubleValue()\npublic long getScaledValue()\npublic byte getScale()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\nprivate String insertPointBefore(int idx)\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FixedPointNumberTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n if (scale == 0 || scaledValue == 0) {\n return String.valueOf(scaledValue);\n }\n int factor = (int) Math.pow(10.0, scale);\n long beforePoint = scaledValue / factor;\n\n long afterPoint = Math.abs(scaledValue - beforePoint * factor);\n if (beforePoint == 0 && scaledValue < 0) {\n return \"-0.\" + afterPoint;\n } else {\n String scaledStr = String.valueOf(scaledValue);\n int idx = scaledStr.length() - scale;\n String insertPoint;\n if (idx <= 0) {\n insertPoint = insertPointBefore(idx);\n idx = 0;\n } else {\n insertPoint = \".\";\n }\n return new StringBuilder(scaledStr)\n .insert(idx, insertPoint)\n .toString();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testScaledZeroToString() {\n final FixedPointNumber fixedPointNumber = new FixedPointNumber(0, 20);\n assertEquals(\"0\", fixedPointNumber.toString());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { // most likely scenario switch (valueLen) { case 17: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 21: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 24: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 27: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 30: return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); default: // try to guess if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } } }
@Test public void testGetBytesWithMillis() throws Exception { int tag = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS.getBytes(); UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length); assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes()); }
[ "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format" ]
[ "nextInt", "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);", "class_name": "UTCTimestampFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;", "class_name": "UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>", "method_signatures": "public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampField extends AbstractField<ZonedDateTime>\n\nclass_fields: private final ZonedDateTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimestampField(int tagNum, ZonedDateTime value)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic static ZonedDateTime parse(String timestampString)\n@Override public ZonedDateTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UTCTimestampFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"19980604-08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1998, 6, 4), LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31), FixClock.systemUTC().getZone());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMillis =, ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithMicros =, ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY.getBaseUnit());\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDateWithNanos = testDate.plusNanos(NANOS);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n // most likely scenario\n switch (valueLen) {\n case 17:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 21:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 24:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 27:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 30:\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n default:\n // try to guess\n if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > DATE_TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else {\n return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytesWithMillis() throws Exception {\n int tag = new Random().nextInt();\n byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS.getBytes();\n UTCTimestampField field = new UTCTimestampField(tag, bytes, 0, bytes.length);\n assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("Message Received: {}", msg); FixSession fixSession = getSession(ctx); final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) { LOGGER.debug("Logon request: {}", msg); if (fixSession != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established."); } else { if (authenticator.authenticate(msg)) { fixSession = initSession(ctx, header); final int msgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum(); int expectedMsgSeqNum = -1; boolean seqTooHigh = false; if (!fixSession.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(msgSeqNum)) { expectedMsgSeqNum = fixSession.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum(); if (msgSeqNum < expectedMsgSeqNum) { sendLogoutAndClose(ctx, fixSession, "Sequence Number Too Low. Expected = " + expectedMsgSeqNum); return; } else { seqTooHigh = true; } } final FixMessageBuilder logonResponse = createLogonResponse(); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, logonResponse);"Sending Logon Response: {}", logonResponse); ctx.write(logonResponse); if (seqTooHigh) { assert (expectedMsgSeqNum > 0); FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST); resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum); resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, msgSeqNum - 1); prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, resendRequest); ctx.write(resendRequest); } ctx.flush(); out.add(new LogonEvent(fixSession)); } else { //If the authentication (of the session initiator's logon message) fails, // the session acceptor should shut down the connection. ctx.close(); } } } else { super.decode(ctx, msg, out); } }
@Test public void testSequenceNumberTooLow() throws Exception { when(authenticator.authenticate(same(logonMsg))).thenReturn(true); logonMsg.getHeader().setMsgSeqNum(0); ChannelFuture channelFeature = mock(ChannelFuture.class); when(ctx.writeAndFlush(any())).thenReturn(channelFeature); handler.decode(ctx, logonMsg, outgoingMessages); assertEquals(0, outgoingMessages.size()); verify(channel, atLeastOnce()).attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY); verify(ctx).writeAndFlush(messageCaptor.capture()); verify(channelFeature).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); verifyNoMoreInteractions(channel); FixMessageAsserts.assertLogout(messageCaptor.getValue()); }
[ "debug", "getSession", "getHeader", "equals", "getMessageType", "debug", "authenticate", "initSession", "getMsgSeqNum", "checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum", "getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum", "sendLogoutAndClose", "createLogonResponse", "prepareMessageToSend", "info", "write", "add", "add", "prepareMessageToSend", "write", "flush", "add", "close", "decode" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "authenticate", "same", "setMsgSeqNum", "getHeader", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "writeAndFlush", "any", "decode", "assertEquals", "size", "attr", "verify", "atLeastOnce", "writeAndFlush", "verify", "capture", "addListener", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "assertLogout", "getValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "private ServerSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private FixAuthenticator authenticator;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate FixMessage logonMsg;\nprivate List<Object> outgoingMessages;", "class_name": "ServerSessionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixAuthenticator authenticator;\nprivate final int heartbeatIntervalSec = 30;", "class_name": "ServerSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler", "method_signatures": "public ServerSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixAuthenticator authenticator,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\nprivate FixMessageBuilder createLogonResponse()\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\nprivate FixSession initSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate void sendLogoutAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, String text)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ServerSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler\n\nclass_fields: private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSessionHandler.class);\nprivate final FixAuthenticator authenticator;\nprivate final int heartbeatIntervalSec = 30;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ServerSessionHandler(FixApplication fixApplication,\n FixAuthenticator authenticator,\n SessionRepository sessionRepository)\n@Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)\n@Override protected Logger getLogger()\nprivate FixMessageBuilder createLogonResponse()\n@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out)\nprivate FixSession initSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate void sendLogoutAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixSession session, String text)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ServerSessionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private ServerSessionHandler handler;\n@Mock\n private FixAuthenticator authenticator;\n@Mock\n private FixApplication fixApplication;\n@Mock\n private Channel channel;\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Captor\n private ArgumentCaptor<FixMessageBuilderImpl> messageCaptor;\nprivate FixMessage logonMsg;\nprivate List<Object> outgoingMessages;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception {\n LOGGER.debug(\"Message Received: {}\", msg);\n\n FixSession fixSession = getSession(ctx);\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n if (MessageTypes.LOGON.equals(header.getMessageType())) {\n\n LOGGER.debug(\"Logon request: {}\", msg);\n if (fixSession != null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Duplicate Logon Request. Session Already Established.\");\n } else {\n if (authenticator.authenticate(msg)) {\n fixSession = initSession(ctx, header);\n\n final int msgSeqNum = header.getMsgSeqNum();\n int expectedMsgSeqNum = -1;\n\n boolean seqTooHigh = false;\n if (!fixSession.checkAndIncrementIncomingSeqNum(msgSeqNum)) {\n expectedMsgSeqNum = fixSession.getNextIncomingMessageSeqNum();\n if (msgSeqNum < expectedMsgSeqNum) {\n sendLogoutAndClose(ctx, fixSession, \"Sequence Number Too Low. Expected = \" + expectedMsgSeqNum);\n return;\n } else {\n seqTooHigh = true;\n }\n }\n\n final FixMessageBuilder logonResponse = createLogonResponse();\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, logonResponse);\n\"Sending Logon Response: {}\", logonResponse);\n ctx.write(logonResponse);\n\n if (seqTooHigh) {\n assert (expectedMsgSeqNum > 0);\n FixMessageBuilder resendRequest = new FixMessageBuilderImpl(MessageTypes.RESEND_REQUEST);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.BeginSeqNo, expectedMsgSeqNum);\n resendRequest.add(FieldType.EndSeqNo, msgSeqNum - 1);\n prepareMessageToSend(ctx, fixSession, resendRequest);\n ctx.write(resendRequest);\n }\n ctx.flush();\n out.add(new LogonEvent(fixSession));\n\n } else {\n //If the authentication (of the session initiator's logon message) fails,\n // the session acceptor should shut down the connection.\n ctx.close();\n }\n }\n } else {\n super.decode(ctx, msg, out);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/pipeline/server/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSequenceNumberTooLow() throws Exception {\n when(authenticator.authenticate(same(logonMsg))).thenReturn(true);\n logonMsg.getHeader().setMsgSeqNum(0);\n ChannelFuture channelFeature = mock(ChannelFuture.class);\n when(ctx.writeAndFlush(any())).thenReturn(channelFeature);\n\n handler.decode(ctx, logonMsg, outgoingMessages);\n\n assertEquals(0, outgoingMessages.size());\n\n verify(channel, atLeastOnce()).attr(AbstractSessionHandler.FIX_SESSION_KEY);\n verify(ctx).writeAndFlush(messageCaptor.capture());\n verify(channelFeature).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE);\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(channel);\n\n FixMessageAsserts.assertLogout(messageCaptor.getValue());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public String toString() { if (scale == 0 || scaledValue == 0) { return String.valueOf(scaledValue); } int factor = (int) Math.pow(10.0, scale); long beforePoint = scaledValue / factor; long afterPoint = Math.abs(scaledValue - beforePoint * factor); if (beforePoint == 0 && scaledValue < 0) { return "-0." + afterPoint; } else { String scaledStr = String.valueOf(scaledValue); int idx = scaledStr.length() - scale; String insertPoint; if (idx <= 0) { insertPoint = insertPointBefore(idx); idx = 0; } else { insertPoint = "."; } return new StringBuilder(scaledStr) .insert(idx, insertPoint) .toString(); } }
@Test public void testZeroToString() { final FixedPointNumber fixedPointNumber = new FixedPointNumber(0, 0); assertEquals("0", fixedPointNumber.toString()); }
[ "valueOf", "pow", "abs", "valueOf", "length", "insertPointBefore", "toString", "insert" ]
[ "assertEquals", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FixedPointNumberTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final long scaledValue;\nprivate final byte scale;", "class_name": "FixedPointNumber extends Number", "method_signatures": "protected FixedPointNumber(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue, byte scale)\npublic FixedPointNumber(double value, int precision)\npublic FixedPointNumber(String s)\n@Override public int intValue()\n@Override public long longValue()\n@Override @Deprecated public float floatValue()\n@Override public double doubleValue()\npublic long getScaledValue()\npublic byte getScale()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\nprivate String insertPointBefore(int idx)\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FixedPointNumber extends Number\n\nclass_fields: private final long scaledValue;\nprivate final byte scale;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected FixedPointNumber(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue)\npublic FixedPointNumber(long scaledValue, byte scale)\npublic FixedPointNumber(double value, int precision)\npublic FixedPointNumber(String s)\n@Override public int intValue()\n@Override public long longValue()\n@Override @Deprecated public float floatValue()\n@Override public double doubleValue()\npublic long getScaledValue()\npublic byte getScale()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\nprivate String insertPointBefore(int idx)\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FixedPointNumberTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n if (scale == 0 || scaledValue == 0) {\n return String.valueOf(scaledValue);\n }\n int factor = (int) Math.pow(10.0, scale);\n long beforePoint = scaledValue / factor;\n\n long afterPoint = Math.abs(scaledValue - beforePoint * factor);\n if (beforePoint == 0 && scaledValue < 0) {\n return \"-0.\" + afterPoint;\n } else {\n String scaledStr = String.valueOf(scaledValue);\n int idx = scaledStr.length() - scale;\n String insertPoint;\n if (idx <= 0) {\n insertPoint = insertPointBefore(idx);\n idx = 0;\n } else {\n insertPoint = \".\";\n }\n return new StringBuilder(scaledStr)\n .insert(idx, insertPoint)\n .toString();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testZeroToString() {\n final FixedPointNumber fixedPointNumber = new FixedPointNumber(0, 0);\n assertEquals(\"0\", fixedPointNumber.toString());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@RequestMapping(value="list*", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll() { return service.getAll(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testListAll() { HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class); HashMap[] abc = new HashMap[1]; EasyMock.expect(mockService.getAll()).andReturn(abc).anyTimes(); EasyMock.replay(mockService); HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); Assert.assertNotNull(controller.listAll()); Assert.assertEquals(controller.listAll(), abc); }
[ "getAll" ]
[ "createMock", "anyTimes", "andReturn", "expect", "getAll", "replay", "setField", "assertNotNull", "listAll", "assertEquals", "listAll" ]
{ "class_fields": "ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();", "class_name": "HouseRestControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };", "class_name": "HouseRestController", "method_signatures": "@RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HouseRestController\n\nclass_fields: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HouseRestController.class);\n@Autowired\n HouseService service;\n@Autowired(required=false)\n PopulatingClient client;\n@Autowired\n ServerUtils serverUtils;\n@Autowired\n private DawgHouseConfiguration config;\npublic static final String[] ignoreProps = new String[] { \"--class\",\n PersistableDevice.RESERVER, PersistableDevice.EXPIRATION_KEY,\n MetaStb.CATSSERVERHOST,MetaStb.MACADDRESS, MetaStb.ID, MetaStb.MODIFIED_PROPS,\n MetaStb.CATSKEYSETMAPPING\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: @RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] listAll()\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> getStbsById(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"edit/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object> editStb(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method={RequestMethod.DELETE}) @ResponseBody public void deleteSingle(@PathVariable String id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id/{id}\", method = {RequestMethod.PUT}) @ResponseBody public void add(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"id\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByIds(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"update\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public int update(@RequestParam String[] id, @RequestBody Map<String,Object> data,\n @RequestParam(defaultValue=\"false\") boolean replace)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"remotetypes\", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = \"application/json; charset=utf-8\") @ResponseBody public List<String> getRemoteTypes()\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" }) @RequestMapping(value=\"update/tags/{op}\", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void updateTags(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> payload, @PathVariable(\"op\") String op)\nprivate List<String> validateTags(List<String> tags)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"query\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public Map<String,Object>[] getStbsByQuery(@RequestParam String q)\n@RequestMapping(value = \"tag/{tag}\", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object>[] getStbsByTag(@PathVariable String tag, @RequestParam(required = false) String q)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"delete\", method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public void deleteStb(@RequestParam String[] id)\n@RequestMapping(value=\"populate/{token}\", method=RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public int populate(@PathVariable String token,\n @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = \"false\", value = \"isToOverride\") Boolean isToOverrideMetaData)\nprotected DawgShowClient getDawgShowClient()\nprotected String clean(String string)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HouseRestControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file libraries/dawg-house/src/main/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @RequestMapping(value=\"list*\", method = RequestMethod.GET)\n @ResponseBody\n public Map<String,Object>[] listAll() {\n return service.getAll();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n libraries/dawg-house/src/test/java/com/comcast/video/dawg/controller/house/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n @Test\n public void testListAll() {\n HouseService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(HouseService.class);\n HashMap[] abc = new HashMap[1];\n EasyMock.expect(mockService.getAll()).andReturn(abc).anyTimes();\n EasyMock.replay(mockService);\n\n HouseRestController controller = new HouseRestController();\n ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, \"service\", mockService);\n Assert.assertNotNull(controller.listAll());\n Assert.assertEquals(controller.listAll(), abc);\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder msg, ByteBuf out) { final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); validateRequiredFields(header); final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex(); final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc(); final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header); // begin string writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf); // body length writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf); out.writeBytes(headBuf); out.writeBytes(bodyBuf); int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset); // Checksum writeChecksumField(out, checksum); ctx.flush(); headBuf.release(); bodyBuf.release(); assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0); assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testFailIfNoBeginStringCompID() throws Exception { messageBuilder.getHeader().setBeginString(null); encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out); }
[ "getHeader", "validateRequiredFields", "writerIndex", "alloc", "buffer", "buffer", "fillBodyBuf", "writeField", "getBeginString", "writeField", "toString", "writeBytes", "writeBytes", "calculateChecksum", "writeChecksumField", "flush", "release", "release", "refCnt", "refCnt" ]
[ "setBeginString", "getHeader", "encode" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>", "method_signatures": "private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;\n\nmethod_signatures: private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out) {\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n validateRequiredFields(header);\n\n final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex();\n\n final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc();\n\n final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n\n int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header);\n\n // begin string\n writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf);\n // body length\n writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf);\n\n out.writeBytes(headBuf);\n out.writeBytes(bodyBuf);\n\n int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset);\n\n // Checksum\n writeChecksumField(out, checksum);\n ctx.flush();\n\n headBuf.release();\n bodyBuf.release();\n assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/codec/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testFailIfNoBeginStringCompID() throws Exception {\n messageBuilder.getHeader().setBeginString(null);\n\n encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void register(final String authType, AuthenticationCallback callback) { if (authType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid authType: " + null); } synchronized (lock) { if (this.callbacks.containsKey(authType)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Callback already registered for <" + authType + ">: " + this.callbacks.get(authType)); } this.callbacks.put(authType, callback); } if (ParseAnonymousUtils.AUTH_TYPE.equals(authType)) { // There's nothing to synchronize return; } // Synchronize the current user with the auth callback. controller.getAsync(false).onSuccessTask(new Continuation<ParseUser, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<ParseUser> task) { ParseUser user = task.getResult(); if (user != null) { return user.synchronizeAuthDataAsync(authType); } return null; } }); }
@Test public void testRegister() { ParseUser user = mock(ParseUser.class); when(controller.getAsync(false)).thenReturn(Task.forResult(user)); manager.register("test_provider", provider); verify(controller).getAsync(false); verify(user).synchronizeAuthDataAsync("test_provider"); }
[ "containsKey", "get", "put", "equals", "onSuccessTask", "getAsync", "getResult", "synchronizeAuthDataAsync" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getAsync", "forResult", "register", "getAsync", "verify", "synchronizeAuthDataAsync", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\nprivate ParseAuthenticationManager manager;\nprivate ParseCurrentUserController controller;\nprivate AuthenticationCallback provider;", "class_name": "ParseAuthenticationManagerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Object lock = new Object();\nprivate final Map<String, AuthenticationCallback> callbacks = new HashMap<>();\nprivate final ParseCurrentUserController controller;", "class_name": "ParseAuthenticationManager", "method_signatures": "public ParseAuthenticationManager(ParseCurrentUserController controller)\npublic void register(final String authType, AuthenticationCallback callback)\npublic Task<Boolean> restoreAuthenticationAsync(String authType, final Map<String, String> authData)\npublic Task<Void> deauthenticateAsync(String authType)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseAuthenticationManager\n\nclass_fields: private final Object lock = new Object();\nprivate final Map<String, AuthenticationCallback> callbacks = new HashMap<>();\nprivate final ParseCurrentUserController controller;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ParseAuthenticationManager(ParseCurrentUserController controller)\npublic void register(final String authType, AuthenticationCallback callback)\npublic Task<Boolean> restoreAuthenticationAsync(String authType, final Map<String, String> authData)\npublic Task<Void> deauthenticateAsync(String authType)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseAuthenticationManagerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\nprivate ParseAuthenticationManager manager;\nprivate ParseCurrentUserController controller;\nprivate AuthenticationCallback provider;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void register(final String authType, AuthenticationCallback callback) {\n if (authType == null) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Invalid authType: \" + null);\n }\n\n synchronized (lock) {\n if (this.callbacks.containsKey(authType)) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Callback already registered for <\" + authType + \">: \"\n + this.callbacks.get(authType));\n }\n this.callbacks.put(authType, callback);\n }\n\n if (ParseAnonymousUtils.AUTH_TYPE.equals(authType)) {\n // There's nothing to synchronize\n return;\n }\n\n // Synchronize the current user with the auth callback.\n controller.getAsync(false).onSuccessTask(new Continuation<ParseUser, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<ParseUser> task) {\n ParseUser user = task.getResult();\n if (user != null) {\n return user.synchronizeAuthDataAsync(authType);\n }\n return null;\n }\n });\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRegister() {\n ParseUser user = mock(ParseUser.class);\n when(controller.getAsync(false)).thenReturn(Task.forResult(user));\n\n manager.register(\"test_provider\", provider);\n verify(controller).getAsync(false);\n verify(user).synchronizeAuthDataAsync(\"test_provider\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public byte[] getBytes() { // most likely scenario switch (valueLen) { case 8: return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 12: return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 15: return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 18: return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); case 21: return TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); default: // no default, logic continues below } // try to guess if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) { return (TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value)).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) { return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } else { return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII); } }
@Test public void testGetBytesWithMillis() throws Exception { int tag = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS.getBytes(); UTCTimeOnlyField field = new UTCTimeOnlyField(tag, bytes); assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes()); }
[ "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format", "getBytes", "format" ]
[ "nextInt", "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "getBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1),\n LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31, 0), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));", "class_name": "UTCTimeOnlyFieldTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final LocalTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;", "class_name": "UTCTimeOnlyField extends AbstractField<LocalTime>", "method_signatures": "public UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, LocalTime value)\npublic static LocalTime parse(String timestampString)\npublic static LocalTime parse(byte[] bytes)\n@Override public LocalTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UTCTimeOnlyField extends AbstractField<LocalTime>\n\nclass_fields: private final LocalTime value;\nprivate final int valueLen;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, byte[] bytes)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, String timestampString)\npublic UTCTimeOnlyField(int tagNum, LocalTime value)\npublic static LocalTime parse(String timestampString)\npublic static LocalTime parse(byte[] bytes)\n@Override public LocalTime getValue()\n@Override public byte[] getBytes()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UTCTimeOnlyFieldTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MILLIS = 537;\npublic static final int MICROS = 537123;\npublic static final int NANOS = 537123456;\npublic static final long PICOS = 537123456987L;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS = \"08:03:31\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MILLIS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_MICROS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+MICROS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_NANOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+NANOS;\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_WITH_PICOS = TIMESTAMP_NO_MILLIS+\".\"+PICOS;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime testDate = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1),\n LocalTime.of(8, 3, 31, 0), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public byte[] getBytes() {\n // most likely scenario\n switch (valueLen) {\n case 8:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 12:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 15:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 18:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n case 21:\n return TIME_FORMATTER_PICOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n default: // no default, logic continues below\n }\n // try to guess\n if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_PICOS_LENGTH) {\n return (TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value)).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_NANOS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_NANOS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MICROS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MICROS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else if (valueLen > TIME_PATTERN_MILLIS_LENGTH) {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_MILLIS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n } else {\n return TIME_FORMATTER_SECONDS.format(value).getBytes(US_ASCII);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/fixprotocol/fields/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetBytesWithMillis() throws Exception {\n int tag = new Random().nextInt();\n byte[] bytes = TIMESTAMP_WITH_MILLIS.getBytes();\n UTCTimeOnlyField field = new UTCTimeOnlyField(tag, bytes);\n assertArrayEquals(bytes, field.getBytes());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FixMessageBuilder msg, ByteBuf out) { final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader(); validateRequiredFields(header); final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex(); final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc(); final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer(); int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header); // begin string writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf); // body length writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf); out.writeBytes(headBuf); out.writeBytes(bodyBuf); int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset); // Checksum writeChecksumField(out, checksum); ctx.flush(); headBuf.release(); bodyBuf.release(); assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0); assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testFailIfNoMsgType() throws Exception { messageBuilder.getHeader().setMessageType(null); encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out); }
[ "getHeader", "validateRequiredFields", "writerIndex", "alloc", "buffer", "buffer", "fillBodyBuf", "writeField", "getBeginString", "writeField", "toString", "writeBytes", "writeBytes", "calculateChecksum", "writeChecksumField", "flush", "release", "release", "refCnt", "refCnt" ]
[ "setMessageType", "getHeader", "encode" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;", "class_name": "FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>", "method_signatures": "private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<FixMessageBuilder>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Charset CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;\n\nmethod_signatures: private static void validateRequiredFields(FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, AbstractField field, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static void writeField(int fieldNum, String stringValue, ByteBuf out)\nstatic int calculateChecksum(ByteBuf buf, int offset)\nprivate static void encodeHeader(FixMessageHeader header, ByteBuf out)\nprivate static int fillBodyBuf(final ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n FixMessageHeader header)\nprivate static void encodeMessageFragment(ByteBuf payloadBuf,\n FixMessageFragment messageFragment)\nstatic void writeChecksumField(ByteBuf out, int value)\n@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FixMessageEncoderTest\n\nclass_fields: private static FixMessageEncoder encoder;\nprivate final ZonedDateTime timestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(123456789), ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\n@Mock\n private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;\n@Mock\n private ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator;\nprivate FixMessageBuilder messageBuilder;\nprivate ByteBuf out;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/fixio/netty/codec/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,\n FixMessageBuilder msg,\n ByteBuf out) {\n final FixMessageHeader header = msg.getHeader();\n validateRequiredFields(header);\n\n final int initialOffset = out.writerIndex();\n\n final ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ctx.alloc();\n\n final ByteBuf bodyBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n final ByteBuf headBuf = byteBufAllocator.buffer();\n\n int bodyLength = fillBodyBuf(bodyBuf, msg, header);\n\n // begin string\n writeField(8, header.getBeginString(), headBuf);\n // body length\n writeField(9, Integer.toString(bodyLength), headBuf);\n\n out.writeBytes(headBuf);\n out.writeBytes(bodyBuf);\n\n int checksum = calculateChecksum(out, initialOffset);\n\n // Checksum\n writeChecksumField(out, checksum);\n ctx.flush();\n\n headBuf.release();\n bodyBuf.release();\n assert (headBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n assert (bodyBuf.refCnt() == 0);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/fixio/netty/codec/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)\n public void testFailIfNoMsgType() throws Exception {\n messageBuilder.getHeader().setMessageType(null);\n\n encoder.encode(ctx, messageBuilder, out);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Task<ParseObject.State> saveAsync( final ParseObject.State state, final ParseOperationSet operations, String sessionToken, final ParseDecoder decoder) { /* * Get the JSON representation of the object, and use some of the information to construct the * command. */ JSONObject objectJSON = coder.encode(state, operations, PointerEncoder.get()); ParseRESTObjectCommand command = ParseRESTObjectCommand.saveObjectCommand( state, objectJSON, sessionToken); return command.executeAsync(client).onSuccess(new Continuation<JSONObject, ParseObject.State>() { @Override public ParseObject.State then(Task<JSONObject> task) { JSONObject result = task.getResult(); // Copy and clear to create an new empty instance of the same type as `state` ParseObject.State.Init<?> builder = state.newBuilder().clear(); return coder.decode(builder, result, decoder) .isComplete(false) .build(); } }); }
@Test public void testSaveAsync() throws Exception { // Make mock response and client JSONObject mockResponse = new JSONObject(); String createAtStr = "2015-08-09T22:15:13.460Z"; long createAtLong = ParseDateFormat.getInstance().parse(createAtStr).getTime(); String updateAtStr = "2015-08-09T22:15:13.497Z"; long updateAtLong = ParseDateFormat.getInstance().parse(updateAtStr).getTime(); mockResponse.put("createdAt", createAtStr); mockResponse.put("objectId", "testObjectId"); mockResponse.put("updatedAt", updateAtStr); ParseHttpClient restClient = ParseTestUtils.mockParseHttpClientWithResponse(mockResponse, 200, "OK"); // Make test state ParseObject object = new ParseObject("Test"); object.put("key", "value"); NetworkObjectController controller = new NetworkObjectController(restClient); ParseObject.State newState = ParseTaskUtils.wait(controller.saveAsync( object.getState(), object.startSave(), "sessionToken", ParseDecoder.get())); assertEquals(createAtLong, newState.createdAt()); assertEquals(updateAtLong, newState.updatedAt()); assertEquals("testObjectId", newState.objectId()); assertFalse(newState.isComplete()); }
[ "encode", "get", "saveObjectCommand", "onSuccess", "executeAsync", "getResult", "clear", "newBuilder", "build", "isComplete", "decode" ]
[ "getTime", "parse", "getInstance", "getTime", "parse", "getInstance", "put", "put", "put", "mockParseHttpClientWithResponse", "put", "wait", "saveAsync", "getState", "startSave", "get", "assertEquals", "createdAt", "assertEquals", "updatedAt", "assertEquals", "objectId", "assertFalse", "isComplete" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "NetworkObjectControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private ParseHttpClient client;\nprivate ParseObjectCoder coder;", "class_name": "NetworkObjectController implements ParseObjectController", "method_signatures": "public NetworkObjectController(ParseHttpClient client)\n@Override public Task<ParseObject.State> fetchAsync(\n final ParseObject.State state, String sessionToken, final ParseDecoder decoder)\n@Override public Task<ParseObject.State> saveAsync(\n final ParseObject.State state,\n final ParseOperationSet operations,\n String sessionToken,\n final ParseDecoder decoder)\n@Override public List<Task<ParseObject.State>> saveAllAsync(\n List<ParseObject.State> states,\n List<ParseOperationSet> operationsList,\n String sessionToken,\n List<ParseDecoder> decoders)\n@Override public Task<Void> deleteAsync(ParseObject.State state, String sessionToken)\n@Override public List<Task<Void>> deleteAllAsync(\n List<ParseObject.State> states, String sessionToken)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: NetworkObjectController implements ParseObjectController\n\nclass_fields: private ParseHttpClient client;\nprivate ParseObjectCoder coder;\n\nmethod_signatures: public NetworkObjectController(ParseHttpClient client)\n@Override public Task<ParseObject.State> fetchAsync(\n final ParseObject.State state, String sessionToken, final ParseDecoder decoder)\n@Override public Task<ParseObject.State> saveAsync(\n final ParseObject.State state,\n final ParseOperationSet operations,\n String sessionToken,\n final ParseDecoder decoder)\n@Override public List<Task<ParseObject.State>> saveAllAsync(\n List<ParseObject.State> states,\n List<ParseOperationSet> operationsList,\n String sessionToken,\n List<ParseDecoder> decoders)\n@Override public Task<Void> deleteAsync(ParseObject.State state, String sessionToken)\n@Override public List<Task<Void>> deleteAllAsync(\n List<ParseObject.State> states, String sessionToken)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: NetworkObjectControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Task<ParseObject.State> saveAsync(\n final ParseObject.State state,\n final ParseOperationSet operations,\n String sessionToken,\n final ParseDecoder decoder) {\n /*\n * Get the JSON representation of the object, and use some of the information to construct the\n * command.\n */\n JSONObject objectJSON = coder.encode(state, operations, PointerEncoder.get());\n\n ParseRESTObjectCommand command = ParseRESTObjectCommand.saveObjectCommand(\n state,\n objectJSON,\n sessionToken);\n return command.executeAsync(client).onSuccess(new Continuation<JSONObject, ParseObject.State>() {\n @Override\n public ParseObject.State then(Task<JSONObject> task) {\n JSONObject result = task.getResult();\n // Copy and clear to create an new empty instance of the same type as `state`\n ParseObject.State.Init<?> builder = state.newBuilder().clear();\n return coder.decode(builder, result, decoder)\n .isComplete(false)\n .build();\n }\n });\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSaveAsync() throws Exception {\n // Make mock response and client\n JSONObject mockResponse = new JSONObject();\n String createAtStr = \"2015-08-09T22:15:13.460Z\";\n long createAtLong = ParseDateFormat.getInstance().parse(createAtStr).getTime();\n String updateAtStr = \"2015-08-09T22:15:13.497Z\";\n long updateAtLong = ParseDateFormat.getInstance().parse(updateAtStr).getTime();\n mockResponse.put(\"createdAt\", createAtStr);\n mockResponse.put(\"objectId\", \"testObjectId\");\n mockResponse.put(\"updatedAt\", updateAtStr);\n ParseHttpClient restClient =\n ParseTestUtils.mockParseHttpClientWithResponse(mockResponse, 200, \"OK\");\n // Make test state\n ParseObject object = new ParseObject(\"Test\");\n object.put(\"key\", \"value\");\n\n NetworkObjectController controller = new NetworkObjectController(restClient);\n ParseObject.State newState = ParseTaskUtils.wait(controller.saveAsync(\n object.getState(),\n object.startSave(),\n \"sessionToken\",\n ParseDecoder.get()));\n\n assertEquals(createAtLong, newState.createdAt());\n assertEquals(updateAtLong, newState.updatedAt());\n assertEquals(\"testObjectId\", newState.objectId());\n assertFalse(newState.isComplete());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static String getPushHashFromIntent(Intent intent) { String pushData = null; if (intent != null && intent.getExtras() != null) { pushData = intent.getExtras().getString(ParsePushBroadcastReceiver.KEY_PUSH_DATA); } if (pushData == null) { return null; } String pushHash = null; try { JSONObject payload = new JSONObject(pushData); pushHash = payload.optString("push_hash"); } catch (JSONException e) { PLog.e(TAG, "Failed to parse push data: " + e.getMessage()); } return pushHash; }
@Test public void testGetPushHashFromIntentNullIntent() { String pushHash = ParseAnalytics.getPushHashFromIntent(null); assertEquals(null, pushHash); }
[ "getExtras", "getString", "getExtras", "optString", "e", "getMessage" ]
[ "getPushHashFromIntent", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "ParseAnalyticsController controller;", "class_name": "ParseAnalyticsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TAG = \"com.parse.ParseAnalytics\";\nprivate static final Map<String, Boolean> lruSeenPushes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean>() {\n protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, Boolean> eldest) {\n return size() > 10;\n }\n };", "class_name": "ParseAnalytics", "method_signatures": "static ParseAnalyticsController getAnalyticsController()\npublic static Task<Void> trackAppOpenedInBackground(Intent intent)\npublic static void trackAppOpenedInBackground(Intent intent, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static void trackEventInBackground(String name, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static void trackEventInBackground(String name, Map<String, String> dimensions, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> trackEventInBackground(String name)\npublic static Task<Void> trackEventInBackground(final String name,\n Map<String, String> dimensions)\nstatic void clear()\nstatic String getPushHashFromIntent(Intent intent)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseAnalytics\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TAG = \"com.parse.ParseAnalytics\";\nprivate static final Map<String, Boolean> lruSeenPushes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean>() {\n protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, Boolean> eldest) {\n return size() > 10;\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: static ParseAnalyticsController getAnalyticsController()\npublic static Task<Void> trackAppOpenedInBackground(Intent intent)\npublic static void trackAppOpenedInBackground(Intent intent, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static void trackEventInBackground(String name, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static void trackEventInBackground(String name, Map<String, String> dimensions, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> trackEventInBackground(String name)\npublic static Task<Void> trackEventInBackground(final String name,\n Map<String, String> dimensions)\nstatic void clear()\nstatic String getPushHashFromIntent(Intent intent)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseAnalyticsTest\n\nclass_fields: ParseAnalyticsController controller;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static String getPushHashFromIntent(Intent intent) {\n String pushData = null;\n if (intent != null && intent.getExtras() != null) {\n pushData = intent.getExtras().getString(ParsePushBroadcastReceiver.KEY_PUSH_DATA);\n }\n if (pushData == null) {\n return null;\n }\n String pushHash = null;\n try {\n JSONObject payload = new JSONObject(pushData);\n pushHash = payload.optString(\"push_hash\");\n } catch (JSONException e) {\n PLog.e(TAG, \"Failed to parse push data: \" + e.getMessage());\n }\n return pushHash;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetPushHashFromIntentNullIntent() {\n String pushHash = ParseAnalytics.getPushHashFromIntent(null);\n\n assertEquals(null, pushHash);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ParseACL get() { if (defaultACLUsesCurrentUser && defaultACL != null) { ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser(); if (currentUser != null) { // If the currentUser has changed, generate a new ACL from the defaultACL. ParseUser last = lastCurrentUser != null ? lastCurrentUser.get() : null; if (last != currentUser) { ParseACL newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser = defaultACL.copy(); newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setShared(true); newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setReadAccess(currentUser, true); newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setWriteAccess(currentUser, true); defaultACLWithCurrentUser = newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser; lastCurrentUser = new WeakReference<>(currentUser); } return defaultACLWithCurrentUser; } } return defaultACL; }
@Test public void testGetDefaultACLWithNoCurrentUser() { ParseDefaultACLController controller = new ParseDefaultACLController(); ParseACL acl = new ParseACL(); controller.defaultACL = acl; controller.defaultACLUsesCurrentUser = true; // Register currentUser ParseCurrentUserController currentUserController = mock(ParseCurrentUserController.class); when(currentUserController.getAsync(anyBoolean())).thenReturn(Task.<ParseUser>forResult(null)); ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerCurrentUserController(currentUserController); ParseACL defaultACL = controller.get(); assertSame(acl, defaultACL); }
[ "getCurrentUser", "get", "copy", "setShared", "setReadAccess", "setWriteAccess" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getAsync", "anyBoolean", "forResult", "registerCurrentUserController", "getInstance", "get", "assertSame" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ParseDefaultACLControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "ParseACL defaultACL;\nboolean defaultACLUsesCurrentUser;\nWeakReference<ParseUser> lastCurrentUser;\nParseACL defaultACLWithCurrentUser;", "class_name": "ParseDefaultACLController", "method_signatures": "public void set(ParseACL acl, boolean withAccessForCurrentUser)\npublic ParseACL get()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseDefaultACLController\n\nclass_fields: ParseACL defaultACL;\nboolean defaultACLUsesCurrentUser;\nWeakReference<ParseUser> lastCurrentUser;\nParseACL defaultACLWithCurrentUser;\n\nmethod_signatures: public void set(ParseACL acl, boolean withAccessForCurrentUser)\npublic ParseACL get()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseDefaultACLControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ParseACL get() {\n if (defaultACLUsesCurrentUser && defaultACL != null) {\n ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser();\n if (currentUser != null) {\n // If the currentUser has changed, generate a new ACL from the defaultACL.\n ParseUser last = lastCurrentUser != null ? lastCurrentUser.get() : null;\n if (last != currentUser) {\n ParseACL newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser = defaultACL.copy();\n newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setShared(true);\n newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setReadAccess(currentUser, true);\n newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setWriteAccess(currentUser, true);\n defaultACLWithCurrentUser = newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser;\n lastCurrentUser = new WeakReference<>(currentUser);\n }\n return defaultACLWithCurrentUser;\n }\n }\n return defaultACL;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetDefaultACLWithNoCurrentUser() {\n ParseDefaultACLController controller = new ParseDefaultACLController();\n ParseACL acl = new ParseACL();\n controller.defaultACL = acl;\n controller.defaultACLUsesCurrentUser = true;\n // Register currentUser\n ParseCurrentUserController currentUserController = mock(ParseCurrentUserController.class);\n when(currentUserController.getAsync(anyBoolean())).thenReturn(Task.<ParseUser>forResult(null));\n ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerCurrentUserController(currentUserController);\n\n ParseACL defaultACL = controller.get();\n\n assertSame(acl, defaultACL);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static <T extends ParseObject> boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object) { if (user == object) { return true; } ParseACL acl = object.getACL(); if (acl == null) { return true; } if (acl.getPublicWriteAccess()) { return true; } return user != null && acl.getWriteAccess(user); // TODO: Implement roles. }
@Test public void testHasWriteAccessWithPublicWriteAccess() { ParseACL acl = mock(ParseACL.class); when(acl.getPublicWriteAccess()).thenReturn(true); ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class); when(object.getACL()).thenReturn(acl); assertTrue(OfflineQueryLogic.hasWriteAccess(null, object)); }
[ "getACL", "getPublicWriteAccess", "getWriteAccess" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getPublicWriteAccess", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getACL", "assertTrue", "hasWriteAccess" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogicTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final OfflineStore store;", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogic", "method_signatures": "OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogic\n\nclass_fields: private final OfflineStore store;\n\nmethod_signatures: OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogicTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static <T extends ParseObject> boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object) {\n if (user == object) {\n return true;\n }\n\n ParseACL acl = object.getACL();\n if (acl == null) {\n return true;\n }\n if (acl.getPublicWriteAccess()) {\n return true;\n }\n return user != null && acl.getWriteAccess(user);\n // TODO: Implement roles.\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHasWriteAccessWithPublicWriteAccess() {\n ParseACL acl = mock(ParseACL.class);\n when(acl.getPublicWriteAccess()).thenReturn(true);\n\n ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class);\n when(object.getACL()).thenReturn(acl);\n\n assertTrue(OfflineQueryLogic.hasWriteAccess(null, object));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static <T extends ParseObject> void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state) throws ParseException { final List<String> keys = state.order(); // Do some error checking just for maximum compatibility with the server. for (String key : state.order()) { if (!key.matches("^-?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$")) { if (!"_created_at".equals(key) && !"_updated_at".equals(key)) { throw new ParseException(ParseException.INVALID_KEY_NAME, String.format( "Invalid key name: \"%s\".", key)); } } } // See if there's a $nearSphere constraint that will override the other sort parameters. String mutableNearSphereKey = null; ParseGeoPoint mutableNearSphereValue = null; for (String queryKey : state.constraints().keySet()) { Object queryKeyConstraints = state.constraints().get(queryKey); if (queryKeyConstraints instanceof KeyConstraints) { KeyConstraints keyConstraints = (KeyConstraints) queryKeyConstraints; if (keyConstraints.containsKey("$nearSphere")) { mutableNearSphereKey = queryKey; mutableNearSphereValue = (ParseGeoPoint) keyConstraints.get("$nearSphere"); } } } final String nearSphereKey = mutableNearSphereKey; final ParseGeoPoint nearSphereValue = mutableNearSphereValue; // If there's nothing to sort based on, then don't do anything. if (keys.size() == 0 && mutableNearSphereKey == null) { return; } /* * TODO(klimt): Test whether we allow dotting into objects for sorting. */ Collections.sort(results, new Comparator<T>() { @Override public int compare(T lhs, T rhs) { if (nearSphereKey != null) { ParseGeoPoint lhsPoint; ParseGeoPoint rhsPoint; try { lhsPoint = (ParseGeoPoint) getValue(lhs, nearSphereKey); rhsPoint = (ParseGeoPoint) getValue(rhs, nearSphereKey); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // GeoPoints can't be null if there's a $nearSphere. double lhsDistance = lhsPoint.distanceInRadiansTo(nearSphereValue); double rhsDistance = rhsPoint.distanceInRadiansTo(nearSphereValue); if (lhsDistance != rhsDistance) { return (lhsDistance - rhsDistance > 0) ? 1 : -1; } } for (String key : keys) { boolean descending = false; if (key.startsWith("-")) { descending = true; key = key.substring(1); } Object lhsValue; Object rhsValue; try { lhsValue = getValue(lhs, key); rhsValue = getValue(rhs, key); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } int result; try { result = compareTo(lhsValue, rhsValue); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unable to sort by key %s.", key), e); } if (result != 0) { return descending ? -result : result; } } return 0; } }); }
@Test public void testSortWithGeoQuery() throws ParseException { ParseGeoPoint fb = new ParseGeoPoint(37.481689f, -122.154949f); ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>("TestObject") .whereNear("point", fb) .build(); List<ParseObject> objects = new ArrayList<>(); ParseObject object; object = new ParseObject("TestObject"); object.put("name", "sf"); object.put("point", new ParseGeoPoint(37.774929f, -122.419416f)); objects.add(object); object = new ParseObject("TestObject"); object.put("name", "ny"); object.put("point", new ParseGeoPoint(40.712784f, -74.005941f)); objects.add(object); object = new ParseObject("TestObject"); object.put("name", "mpk"); object.put("point", new ParseGeoPoint(37.452960f, -122.181725f)); objects.add(object); OfflineQueryLogic.sort(objects, query); assertEquals("mpk", objects.get(0).getString("name")); assertEquals("sf", objects.get(1).getString("name")); assertEquals("ny", objects.get(2).getString("name")); }
[ "order", "order", "matches", "equals", "equals", "format", "keySet", "constraints", "get", "constraints", "containsKey", "get", "size", "sort", "getValue", "getValue", "distanceInRadiansTo", "distanceInRadiansTo", "startsWith", "substring", "getValue", "getValue", "compareTo", "format" ]
[ "build", "whereNear", "put", "put", "add", "put", "put", "add", "put", "put", "add", "sort", "assertEquals", "getString", "get", "assertEquals", "getString", "get", "assertEquals", "getString", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogicTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final OfflineStore store;", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogic", "method_signatures": "OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogic\n\nclass_fields: private final OfflineStore store;\n\nmethod_signatures: OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogicTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static <T extends ParseObject> void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\n throws ParseException {\n final List<String> keys = state.order();\n // Do some error checking just for maximum compatibility with the server.\n for (String key : state.order()) {\n if (!key.matches(\"^-?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$\")) {\n if (!\"_created_at\".equals(key) && !\"_updated_at\".equals(key)) {\n throw new ParseException(ParseException.INVALID_KEY_NAME, String.format(\n \"Invalid key name: \\\"%s\\\".\", key));\n }\n }\n }\n\n // See if there's a $nearSphere constraint that will override the other sort parameters.\n String mutableNearSphereKey = null;\n ParseGeoPoint mutableNearSphereValue = null;\n for (String queryKey : state.constraints().keySet()) {\n Object queryKeyConstraints = state.constraints().get(queryKey);\n if (queryKeyConstraints instanceof KeyConstraints) {\n KeyConstraints keyConstraints = (KeyConstraints) queryKeyConstraints;\n if (keyConstraints.containsKey(\"$nearSphere\")) {\n mutableNearSphereKey = queryKey;\n mutableNearSphereValue = (ParseGeoPoint) keyConstraints.get(\"$nearSphere\");\n }\n }\n }\n final String nearSphereKey = mutableNearSphereKey;\n final ParseGeoPoint nearSphereValue = mutableNearSphereValue;\n\n // If there's nothing to sort based on, then don't do anything.\n if (keys.size() == 0 && mutableNearSphereKey == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n /*\n * TODO(klimt): Test whether we allow dotting into objects for sorting.\n */\n\n Collections.sort(results, new Comparator<T>() {\n @Override\n public int compare(T lhs, T rhs) {\n if (nearSphereKey != null) {\n ParseGeoPoint lhsPoint;\n ParseGeoPoint rhsPoint;\n try {\n lhsPoint = (ParseGeoPoint) getValue(lhs, nearSphereKey);\n rhsPoint = (ParseGeoPoint) getValue(rhs, nearSphereKey);\n } catch (ParseException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n }\n\n // GeoPoints can't be null if there's a $nearSphere.\n double lhsDistance = lhsPoint.distanceInRadiansTo(nearSphereValue);\n double rhsDistance = rhsPoint.distanceInRadiansTo(nearSphereValue);\n if (lhsDistance != rhsDistance) {\n return (lhsDistance - rhsDistance > 0) ? 1 : -1;\n }\n }\n\n for (String key : keys) {\n boolean descending = false;\n if (key.startsWith(\"-\")) {\n descending = true;\n key = key.substring(1);\n }\n\n Object lhsValue;\n Object rhsValue;\n try {\n lhsValue = getValue(lhs, key);\n rhsValue = getValue(rhs, key);\n } catch (ParseException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n }\n\n int result;\n try {\n result = compareTo(lhsValue, rhsValue);\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(\"Unable to sort by key %s.\", key), e);\n }\n if (result != 0) {\n return descending ? -result : result;\n }\n }\n return 0;\n }\n });\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSortWithGeoQuery() throws ParseException {\n ParseGeoPoint fb = new ParseGeoPoint(37.481689f, -122.154949f);\n\n ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>(\"TestObject\")\n .whereNear(\"point\", fb)\n .build();\n\n List<ParseObject> objects = new ArrayList<>();\n ParseObject object;\n\n object = new ParseObject(\"TestObject\");\n object.put(\"name\", \"sf\");\n object.put(\"point\", new ParseGeoPoint(37.774929f, -122.419416f));\n objects.add(object);\n\n object = new ParseObject(\"TestObject\");\n object.put(\"name\", \"ny\");\n object.put(\"point\", new ParseGeoPoint(40.712784f, -74.005941f));\n objects.add(object);\n\n object = new ParseObject(\"TestObject\");\n object.put(\"name\", \"mpk\");\n object.put(\"point\", new ParseGeoPoint(37.452960f, -122.181725f));\n objects.add(object);\n\n OfflineQueryLogic.sort(objects, query);\n assertEquals(\"mpk\", objects.get(0).getString(\"name\"));\n assertEquals(\"sf\", objects.get(1).getString(\"name\"));\n assertEquals(\"ny\", objects.get(2).getString(\"name\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void revert(String key) { synchronized (mutex) { if (isDirty(key)) { currentOperations().remove(key); rebuildEstimatedData(); } } }
@Test public void testRevert() throws ParseException { List<Task<Void>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); // Mocked to let save work mockCurrentUserController(); // Mocked to simulate in-flight save TaskCompletionSource<ParseObject.State> tcs = mockObjectControllerForSave(); // New clean object ParseObject object = new ParseObject("TestObject"); object.revert("foo"); // Reverts changes on new object object.put("foo", "bar"); object.put("name", "grantland"); object.revert(); assertNull(object.get("foo")); assertNull(object.get("name")); // Object from server ParseObject.State state = mock(ParseObject.State.class); when(state.className()).thenReturn("TestObject"); when(state.objectId()).thenReturn("test_id"); when(state.keySet()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton("foo")); when(state.get("foo")).thenReturn("bar"); object = ParseObject.from(state); object.revert(); assertFalse(object.isDirty()); assertEquals("bar", object.get("foo")); // Reverts changes on existing object object.put("foo", "baz"); object.put("name", "grantland"); object.revert(); assertFalse(object.isDirty()); assertEquals("bar", object.get("foo")); assertFalse(object.isDataAvailable("name")); // Shouldn't revert changes done before last call to `save` object.put("foo", "baz"); object.put("name", "nlutsenko"); tasks.add(object.saveInBackground()); object.revert(); assertFalse(object.isDirty()); assertEquals("baz", object.get("foo")); assertEquals("nlutsenko", object.get("name")); // Should revert changes done after last call to `save` object.put("foo", "qux"); object.put("name", "grantland"); object.revert(); assertFalse(object.isDirty()); assertEquals("baz", object.get("foo")); assertEquals("nlutsenko", object.get("name")); // Allow save to complete tcs.setResult(state); ParseTaskUtils.wait(Task.whenAll(tasks)); }
[ "isDirty", "remove", "currentOperations", "rebuildEstimatedData" ]
[ "mockCurrentUserController", "mockObjectControllerForSave", "revert", "put", "put", "revert", "assertNull", "get", "assertNull", "get", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "className", "thenReturn", "when", "objectId", "thenReturn", "when", "keySet", "singleton", "thenReturn", "when", "get", "from", "revert", "assertFalse", "isDirty", "assertEquals", "get", "put", "put", "revert", "assertFalse", "isDirty", "assertEquals", "get", "assertFalse", "isDataAvailable", "put", "put", "add", "saveInBackground", "revert", "assertFalse", "isDirty", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "put", "put", "revert", "assertFalse", "isDirty", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "setResult", "wait", "whenAll" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "ParseObjectTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DEFAULT_PIN = \"_default\";\nstatic final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY = \"__isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final String AUTO_CLASS_NAME = \"_Automatic\";\nprivate static final String TAG = \"ParseObject\";\npublic static final String KEY_OBJECT_ID = \"objectId\";\npublic static final String KEY_CREATED_AT = \"createdAt\";\npublic static final String KEY_UPDATED_AT = \"updatedAt\";\nprivate static final String KEY_CLASS_NAME = \"className\";\nprivate static final String KEY_ACL = \"ACL\";\nprivate static final String KEY_COMPLETE = \"__complete\";\nprivate static final String KEY_OPERATIONS = \"__operations\";\nprivate static final String KEY_SELECTED_KEYS = \"__selectedKeys\";\nprivate static final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY_OLD = \"isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final ThreadLocal<String> isCreatingPointerForObjectId =\n new ThreadLocal<String>() {\n @Override\n protected String initialValue() {\n return null;\n }\n };\nprivate static final String NEW_OFFLINE_OBJECT_ID_PLACEHOLDER =\n \"*** Offline Object ***\";\npublic final static Creator<ParseObject> CREATOR = new Creator<ParseObject>() {\n @Override\n public ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source) {\n return ParseObject.createFromParcel(source, new ParseObjectParcelDecoder());\n }\n\n @Override\n public ParseObject[] newArray(int size) {\n return new ParseObject[size];\n }\n };\nfinal Object mutex = new Object();\nfinal TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nfinal LinkedList<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> estimatedData;\nprivate final ParseMulticastDelegate<ParseObject> saveEvent = new ParseMulticastDelegate<>();\nString localId;\nboolean isDeleted;\nboolean isDeleting;\nint isDeletingEventually;\nprivate State state;\nprivate boolean ldsEnabledWhenParceling;", "class_name": "ParseObject implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "protected ParseObject()\npublic ParseObject(String theClassName)\nprivate static ParseObjectController getObjectController()\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\nprivate static ParseObjectSubclassingController getSubclassingController()\npublic static ParseObject create(String className)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static T create(Class<T> subclass)\npublic static ParseObject createWithoutData(String className, String objectId)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unused\", \"unchecked\"}) public static T createWithoutData(Class<T> subclass, String objectId)\npublic static void registerSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic void unregisterSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic Task<T> enqueueForAll(final List<? extends ParseObject> objects,\n Continuation<Void, Task<T>> taskStart)\nstatic T from(ParseObject.State state)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder,\n Set<String> selectedKeys)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder)\nstatic T fromJSONPayload(\n JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void deleteAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void deleteAllInBackground(List<T> objects, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> deleteAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node,\n final Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n final Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeen,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeenNew)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node, Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles)\nprivate static Task<Void> deepSaveAsync(final Object object, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> saveAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void saveAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void saveAllInBackground(List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> saveAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(\n final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAllIfNeeded(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(final List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final boolean onlyIfNeeded)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final ParseUser user, final boolean onlyIfNeeded, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nstatic void registerParseSubclasses()\nstatic void unregisterParseSubclasses()\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects)\nprivate static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects, final boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic static void pinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground()\npublic static void unpinAll()\nstatic ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source, ParseParcelDecoder decoder)\n State.Init<?> newStateBuilder(String className)\n State getState()\n void setState(State newState)\nprivate void setState(State newState, boolean notifyIfObjectIdChanges)\npublic String getClassName()\npublic Date getUpdatedAt()\npublic Date getCreatedAt()\npublic Set<String> keySet()\n void copyChangesFrom(ParseObject other)\n void mergeFromObject(ParseObject other)\npublic void revert(String key)\npublic void revert()\nprivate Map<String, ParseObject> collectFetchedObjects()\n void build(JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\n State mergeFromServer(\n State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder, boolean completeData)\n JSONObject toRest(ParseEncoder encoder)\n JSONObject toRest(\n State state, List<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n void mergeREST(State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate boolean hasDirtyChildren()\npublic boolean isDirty()\n boolean isDirty(boolean considerChildren)\n boolean hasChanges()\n boolean hasOutstandingOperations()\npublic boolean isDirty(String key)\npublic String getObjectId()\npublic void setObjectId(String newObjectId)\n String getOrCreateLocalId()\nprivate void notifyObjectIdChanged(String oldObjectId, String newObjectId)\nprivate ParseRESTObjectCommand currentSaveEventuallyCommand(\n ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder, String sessionToken)\n JSONObject toJSONObjectForSaving(\n T state, ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final JSONObject result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final ParseObject.State result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n ParseOperationSet startSave()\n void validateSave()\npublic final void save()\npublic final Task<Void> saveInBackground()\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken, final Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<JSONObject> saveAsync(\n ParseHttpClient client,\n final ParseOperationSet operationSet,\n String sessionToken)\npublic final void saveInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\n void validateSaveEventually()\npublic final void saveEventually(SaveCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> saveEventually()\nprivate void enqueueSaveEventuallyOperationAsync(final ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n Task<Void> handleSaveEventuallyResultAsync(\n JSONObject json, ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n void updateBeforeSave()\npublic final void deleteEventually(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> deleteEventually()\n Task<Void> handleDeleteEventuallyResultAsync()\n Task<Void> handleFetchResultAsync(final ParseObject.State result)\npublic T fetch()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchAsync(\n final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic final Task<T> fetchInBackground()\npublic final void fetchInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic final Task<T> fetchIfNeededInBackground()\npublic T fetchIfNeeded()\npublic final void fetchIfNeededInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\n void validateDelete()\nprivate Task<Void> deleteAsync(final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<Void> deleteAsync(String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> handleDeleteResultAsync()\npublic final Task<Void> deleteInBackground()\npublic final void delete()\npublic final void deleteInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\nprivate boolean canBeSerialized()\nprivate ParseOperationSet currentOperations()\nprivate void applyOperations(ParseOperationSet operations, Map<String, Object> map)\nprivate void rebuildEstimatedData()\n void markAllFieldsDirty()\n void performOperation(String key, ParseFieldOperation operation)\npublic void put(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object value)\n void performPut(String key, Object value)\npublic boolean has(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Number amount)\npublic void add(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void addUnique(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAllUnique(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void remove(@NonNull String key)\n void performRemove(String key)\npublic void removeAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\nprivate void checkKeyIsMutable(String key)\n boolean isKeyMutable(String key)\npublic boolean containsKey(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public String getString(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public byte[] getBytes(String key)\n@Nullable public Number getNumber(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key)\n@Nullable public List<T> getList(String key)\n@Nullable public Map<String, V> getMap(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key)\npublic int getInt(@NonNull String key)\npublic double getDouble(@NonNull String key)\npublic long getLong(@NonNull String key)\npublic boolean getBoolean(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Date getDate(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseObject getParseObject(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseUser getParseUser(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseFile getParseFile(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParsePolygon getParsePolygon(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseACL getACL()\npublic void setACL(ParseACL acl)\nprivate ParseACL getACL(boolean mayCopy)\npublic boolean isDataAvailable()\npublic boolean isDataAvailable(@NonNull String key)\n@NonNull public ParseRelation<T> getRelation(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Object get(@NonNull String key)\nprivate void checkGetAccess(String key)\npublic boolean hasSameId(ParseObject other)\n void registerSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void unregisterSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void setDefaultValues()\n boolean needsDefaultACL()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchFromLocalDatastoreAsync()\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastoreInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastore()\npublic void pinInBackground(String name, SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name)\n Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name, boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic void pin(String name)\npublic void pinInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground()\npublic void pin()\npublic void unpinInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground(String name)\npublic void unpin(String name)\npublic void unpinInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground()\npublic void unpin()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)\n void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, ParseParcelEncoder encoder)\nprotected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)\nprotected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedState)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseObject implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DEFAULT_PIN = \"_default\";\nstatic final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY = \"__isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final String AUTO_CLASS_NAME = \"_Automatic\";\nprivate static final String TAG = \"ParseObject\";\npublic static final String KEY_OBJECT_ID = \"objectId\";\npublic static final String KEY_CREATED_AT = \"createdAt\";\npublic static final String KEY_UPDATED_AT = \"updatedAt\";\nprivate static final String KEY_CLASS_NAME = \"className\";\nprivate static final String KEY_ACL = \"ACL\";\nprivate static final String KEY_COMPLETE = \"__complete\";\nprivate static final String KEY_OPERATIONS = \"__operations\";\nprivate static final String KEY_SELECTED_KEYS = \"__selectedKeys\";\nprivate static final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY_OLD = \"isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final ThreadLocal<String> isCreatingPointerForObjectId =\n new ThreadLocal<String>() {\n @Override\n protected String initialValue() {\n return null;\n }\n };\nprivate static final String NEW_OFFLINE_OBJECT_ID_PLACEHOLDER =\n \"*** Offline Object ***\";\npublic final static Creator<ParseObject> CREATOR = new Creator<ParseObject>() {\n @Override\n public ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source) {\n return ParseObject.createFromParcel(source, new ParseObjectParcelDecoder());\n }\n\n @Override\n public ParseObject[] newArray(int size) {\n return new ParseObject[size];\n }\n };\nfinal Object mutex = new Object();\nfinal TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nfinal LinkedList<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> estimatedData;\nprivate final ParseMulticastDelegate<ParseObject> saveEvent = new ParseMulticastDelegate<>();\nString localId;\nboolean isDeleted;\nboolean isDeleting;\nint isDeletingEventually;\nprivate State state;\nprivate boolean ldsEnabledWhenParceling;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected ParseObject()\npublic ParseObject(String theClassName)\nprivate static ParseObjectController getObjectController()\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\nprivate static ParseObjectSubclassingController getSubclassingController()\npublic static ParseObject create(String className)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static T create(Class<T> subclass)\npublic static ParseObject createWithoutData(String className, String objectId)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unused\", \"unchecked\"}) public static T createWithoutData(Class<T> subclass, String objectId)\npublic static void registerSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic void unregisterSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic Task<T> enqueueForAll(final List<? extends ParseObject> objects,\n Continuation<Void, Task<T>> taskStart)\nstatic T from(ParseObject.State state)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder,\n Set<String> selectedKeys)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder)\nstatic T fromJSONPayload(\n JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void deleteAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void deleteAllInBackground(List<T> objects, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> deleteAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node,\n final Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n final Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeen,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeenNew)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node, Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles)\nprivate static Task<Void> deepSaveAsync(final Object object, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> saveAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void saveAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void saveAllInBackground(List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> saveAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(\n final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAllIfNeeded(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(final List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final boolean onlyIfNeeded)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final ParseUser user, final boolean onlyIfNeeded, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nstatic void registerParseSubclasses()\nstatic void unregisterParseSubclasses()\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects)\nprivate static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects, final boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic static void pinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground()\npublic static void unpinAll()\nstatic ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source, ParseParcelDecoder decoder)\n State.Init<?> newStateBuilder(String className)\n State getState()\n void setState(State newState)\nprivate void setState(State newState, boolean notifyIfObjectIdChanges)\npublic String getClassName()\npublic Date getUpdatedAt()\npublic Date getCreatedAt()\npublic Set<String> keySet()\n void copyChangesFrom(ParseObject other)\n void mergeFromObject(ParseObject other)\npublic void revert(String key)\npublic void revert()\nprivate Map<String, ParseObject> collectFetchedObjects()\n void build(JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\n State mergeFromServer(\n State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder, boolean completeData)\n JSONObject toRest(ParseEncoder encoder)\n JSONObject toRest(\n State state, List<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n void mergeREST(State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate boolean hasDirtyChildren()\npublic boolean isDirty()\n boolean isDirty(boolean considerChildren)\n boolean hasChanges()\n boolean hasOutstandingOperations()\npublic boolean isDirty(String key)\npublic String getObjectId()\npublic void setObjectId(String newObjectId)\n String getOrCreateLocalId()\nprivate void notifyObjectIdChanged(String oldObjectId, String newObjectId)\nprivate ParseRESTObjectCommand currentSaveEventuallyCommand(\n ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder, String sessionToken)\n JSONObject toJSONObjectForSaving(\n T state, ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final JSONObject result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final ParseObject.State result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n ParseOperationSet startSave()\n void validateSave()\npublic final void save()\npublic final Task<Void> saveInBackground()\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken, final Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<JSONObject> saveAsync(\n ParseHttpClient client,\n final ParseOperationSet operationSet,\n String sessionToken)\npublic final void saveInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\n void validateSaveEventually()\npublic final void saveEventually(SaveCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> saveEventually()\nprivate void enqueueSaveEventuallyOperationAsync(final ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n Task<Void> handleSaveEventuallyResultAsync(\n JSONObject json, ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n void updateBeforeSave()\npublic final void deleteEventually(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> deleteEventually()\n Task<Void> handleDeleteEventuallyResultAsync()\n Task<Void> handleFetchResultAsync(final ParseObject.State result)\npublic T fetch()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchAsync(\n final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic final Task<T> fetchInBackground()\npublic final void fetchInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic final Task<T> fetchIfNeededInBackground()\npublic T fetchIfNeeded()\npublic final void fetchIfNeededInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\n void validateDelete()\nprivate Task<Void> deleteAsync(final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<Void> deleteAsync(String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> handleDeleteResultAsync()\npublic final Task<Void> deleteInBackground()\npublic final void delete()\npublic final void deleteInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\nprivate boolean canBeSerialized()\nprivate ParseOperationSet currentOperations()\nprivate void applyOperations(ParseOperationSet operations, Map<String, Object> map)\nprivate void rebuildEstimatedData()\n void markAllFieldsDirty()\n void performOperation(String key, ParseFieldOperation operation)\npublic void put(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object value)\n void performPut(String key, Object value)\npublic boolean has(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Number amount)\npublic void add(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void addUnique(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAllUnique(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void remove(@NonNull String key)\n void performRemove(String key)\npublic void removeAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\nprivate void checkKeyIsMutable(String key)\n boolean isKeyMutable(String key)\npublic boolean containsKey(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public String getString(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public byte[] getBytes(String key)\n@Nullable public Number getNumber(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key)\n@Nullable public List<T> getList(String key)\n@Nullable public Map<String, V> getMap(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key)\npublic int getInt(@NonNull String key)\npublic double getDouble(@NonNull String key)\npublic long getLong(@NonNull String key)\npublic boolean getBoolean(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Date getDate(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseObject getParseObject(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseUser getParseUser(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseFile getParseFile(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParsePolygon getParsePolygon(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseACL getACL()\npublic void setACL(ParseACL acl)\nprivate ParseACL getACL(boolean mayCopy)\npublic boolean isDataAvailable()\npublic boolean isDataAvailable(@NonNull String key)\n@NonNull public ParseRelation<T> getRelation(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Object get(@NonNull String key)\nprivate void checkGetAccess(String key)\npublic boolean hasSameId(ParseObject other)\n void registerSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void unregisterSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void setDefaultValues()\n boolean needsDefaultACL()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchFromLocalDatastoreAsync()\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastoreInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastore()\npublic void pinInBackground(String name, SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name)\n Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name, boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic void pin(String name)\npublic void pinInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground()\npublic void pin()\npublic void unpinInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground(String name)\npublic void unpin(String name)\npublic void unpinInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground()\npublic void unpin()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)\n void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, ParseParcelEncoder encoder)\nprotected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)\nprotected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedState)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseObjectTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void revert(String key) {\n synchronized (mutex) {\n if (isDirty(key)) {\n currentOperations().remove(key);\n rebuildEstimatedData();\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRevert() throws ParseException {\n List<Task<Void>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();\n\n // Mocked to let save work\n mockCurrentUserController();\n\n // Mocked to simulate in-flight save\n TaskCompletionSource<ParseObject.State> tcs = mockObjectControllerForSave();\n\n // New clean object\n ParseObject object = new ParseObject(\"TestObject\");\n object.revert(\"foo\");\n\n // Reverts changes on new object\n object.put(\"foo\", \"bar\");\n object.put(\"name\", \"grantland\");\n object.revert();\n assertNull(object.get(\"foo\"));\n assertNull(object.get(\"name\"));\n\n // Object from server\n ParseObject.State state = mock(ParseObject.State.class);\n when(state.className()).thenReturn(\"TestObject\");\n when(state.objectId()).thenReturn(\"test_id\");\n when(state.keySet()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(\"foo\"));\n when(state.get(\"foo\")).thenReturn(\"bar\");\n object = ParseObject.from(state);\n object.revert();\n assertFalse(object.isDirty());\n assertEquals(\"bar\", object.get(\"foo\"));\n\n // Reverts changes on existing object\n object.put(\"foo\", \"baz\");\n object.put(\"name\", \"grantland\");\n object.revert();\n assertFalse(object.isDirty());\n assertEquals(\"bar\", object.get(\"foo\"));\n assertFalse(object.isDataAvailable(\"name\"));\n\n // Shouldn't revert changes done before last call to `save`\n object.put(\"foo\", \"baz\");\n object.put(\"name\", \"nlutsenko\");\n tasks.add(object.saveInBackground());\n object.revert();\n assertFalse(object.isDirty());\n assertEquals(\"baz\", object.get(\"foo\"));\n assertEquals(\"nlutsenko\", object.get(\"name\"));\n\n // Should revert changes done after last call to `save`\n object.put(\"foo\", \"qux\");\n object.put(\"name\", \"grantland\");\n object.revert();\n assertFalse(object.isDirty());\n assertEquals(\"baz\", object.get(\"foo\"));\n assertEquals(\"nlutsenko\", object.get(\"name\"));\n\n // Allow save to complete\n tcs.setResult(state);\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(Task.whenAll(tasks));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public <T> Task<T> callFunctionInBackground(final String name, final Map<String, ?> params, String sessionToken) { ParseRESTCommand command = ParseRESTCloudCommand.callFunctionCommand( name, params, sessionToken); return command.executeAsync(restClient).onSuccess(new Continuation<JSONObject, T>() { @Override public T then(Task<JSONObject> task) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T result = (T) convertCloudResponse(task.getResult()); return result; } }); }
@Test public void testCallFunctionInBackgroundSuccessWithoutResult() throws Exception { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); String content = json.toString(); ParseHttpResponse mockResponse = new ParseHttpResponse.Builder() .setStatusCode(200) .setTotalSize((long) content.length()) .setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes())) .build(); ParseHttpClient restClient = mockParseHttpClientWithReponse(mockResponse); ParseCloudCodeController controller = new ParseCloudCodeController(restClient); Task<String> cloudCodeTask = controller.callFunctionInBackground( "test", new HashMap<String, Object>(), "sessionToken"); ParseTaskUtils.wait(cloudCodeTask); verify(restClient, times(1)).execute(any(ParseHttpRequest.class)); assertNull(cloudCodeTask.getResult()); }
[ "callFunctionCommand", "onSuccess", "executeAsync", "convertCloudResponse", "getResult" ]
[ "toString", "build", "setContent", "setTotalSize", "setStatusCode", "length", "getBytes", "mockParseHttpClientWithReponse", "callFunctionInBackground", "wait", "execute", "verify", "times", "any", "assertNull", "getResult" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ParseCloudCodeControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "final ParseHttpClient restClient;", "class_name": "ParseCloudCodeController", "method_signatures": "public ParseCloudCodeController(ParseHttpClient restClient)\npublic Task<T> callFunctionInBackground(final String name,\n final Map<String, ?> params, String sessionToken)\n Object convertCloudResponse(Object result)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseCloudCodeController\n\nclass_fields: final ParseHttpClient restClient;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ParseCloudCodeController(ParseHttpClient restClient)\npublic Task<T> callFunctionInBackground(final String name,\n final Map<String, ?> params, String sessionToken)\n Object convertCloudResponse(Object result)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseCloudCodeControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public <T> Task<T> callFunctionInBackground(final String name,\n final Map<String, ?> params, String sessionToken) {\n ParseRESTCommand command = ParseRESTCloudCommand.callFunctionCommand(\n name,\n params,\n sessionToken);\n return command.executeAsync(restClient).onSuccess(new Continuation<JSONObject, T>() {\n @Override\n public T then(Task<JSONObject> task) {\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n T result = (T) convertCloudResponse(task.getResult());\n return result;\n }\n });\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testCallFunctionInBackgroundSuccessWithoutResult() throws Exception {\n JSONObject json = new JSONObject();\n String content = json.toString();\n\n ParseHttpResponse mockResponse = new ParseHttpResponse.Builder()\n .setStatusCode(200)\n .setTotalSize((long) content.length())\n .setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes()))\n .build();\n\n ParseHttpClient restClient = mockParseHttpClientWithReponse(mockResponse);\n ParseCloudCodeController controller = new ParseCloudCodeController(restClient);\n\n Task<String> cloudCodeTask = controller.callFunctionInBackground(\n \"test\", new HashMap<String, Object>(), \"sessionToken\");\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(cloudCodeTask);\n\n verify(restClient, times(1)).execute(any(ParseHttpRequest.class));\n assertNull(cloudCodeTask.getResult());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Task<JSONObject> executeAsync( final ParseHttpClient client, final ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback, final ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback, final Task<Void> cancellationToken) { resolveLocalIds(); return super.executeAsync( client, uploadProgressCallback, downloadProgressCallback, cancellationToken); }
@Test public void test401Unauthorized() throws Exception { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("error", "unauthorized"); ParseHttpResponse response = newMockParseHttpResponse(401, json); ParseHttpClient client = mock(ParseHttpClient.class); when(client.execute(any(ParseHttpRequest.class))).thenReturn(response); ParseRESTCommand command = new ParseRESTCommand.Builder() .method(ParseHttpRequest.Method.GET) .installationId("fake_installation_id") .build(); Task<JSONObject> task = command.executeAsync(client); task.waitForCompletion(); verify(client, times(1)).execute(any(ParseHttpRequest.class)); assertTrue(task.isFaulted()); assertEquals(0, ((ParseException) task.getError()).getCode()); assertEquals("unauthorized", task.getError().getMessage()); }
[ "resolveLocalIds", "executeAsync" ]
[ "put", "newMockParseHttpResponse", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "execute", "any", "build", "installationId", "method", "executeAsync", "waitForCompletion", "execute", "verify", "times", "any", "assertTrue", "isFaulted", "assertEquals", "getCode", "getError", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "getError" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "ParseRESTCommandTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String HEADER_APPLICATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Application-Id\";\nstatic final String HEADER_CLIENT_KEY = \"X-Parse-Client-Key\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_BUILD_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Build-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_DISPLAY_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Display-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_OS_VERSION = \"X-Parse-OS-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_INSTALLATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Installation-Id\";\nstatic final String USER_AGENT = \"User-Agent\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_SESSION_TOKEN = \"X-Parse-Session-Token\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_MASTER_KEY = \"X-Parse-Master-Key\";\nprivate static final String PARAMETER_METHOD_OVERRIDE = \"_method\";\nstatic URL server = null;\nfinal JSONObject jsonParameters;\nprivate final String sessionToken;\npublic String masterKey;\nString httpPath;\nprivate String installationId;\nprivate String operationSetUUID;\nprivate String localId;", "class_name": "ParseRESTCommand extends ParseRequest<JSONObject>", "method_signatures": "public ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n Map<String, ?> parameters,\n String sessionToken)\npublic ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String sessionToken)\nprivate ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String localId, String sessionToken)\n ParseRESTCommand(Init<?> builder)\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\npublic static ParseRESTCommand fromJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprivate static String createUrl(String httpPath)\nstatic String toDeterministicString(Object o)\nprivate static void addToStringer(JSONStringer stringer, Object o)\nstatic boolean isValidCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nstatic boolean isValidOldFormatCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprotected static void getLocalPointersIn(Object container, ArrayList<JSONObject> localPointers)\nprotected void addAdditionalHeaders(ParseHttpRequest.Builder requestBuilder)\n@Override protected ParseHttpRequest newRequest(\n ParseHttpRequest.Method method,\n String url,\n ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override protected ParseHttpBody newBody(ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override public Task<JSONObject> executeAsync(\n final ParseHttpClient client,\n final ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback,\n final ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback,\n final Task<Void> cancellationToken)\n@Override protected Task<JSONObject> onResponseAsync(ParseHttpResponse response,\n ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback)\npublic String getCacheKey()\npublic JSONObject toJSONObject()\npublic String getSessionToken()\npublic String getOperationSetUUID()\n void setOperationSetUUID(String operationSetUUID)\npublic String getLocalId()\npublic void setLocalId(String localId)\nprivate void maybeChangeServerOperation()\npublic void resolveLocalIds()\npublic void retainLocalIds()\npublic void releaseLocalIds()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseRESTCommand extends ParseRequest<JSONObject>\n\nclass_fields: static final String HEADER_APPLICATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Application-Id\";\nstatic final String HEADER_CLIENT_KEY = \"X-Parse-Client-Key\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_BUILD_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Build-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_DISPLAY_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Display-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_OS_VERSION = \"X-Parse-OS-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_INSTALLATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Installation-Id\";\nstatic final String USER_AGENT = \"User-Agent\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_SESSION_TOKEN = \"X-Parse-Session-Token\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_MASTER_KEY = \"X-Parse-Master-Key\";\nprivate static final String PARAMETER_METHOD_OVERRIDE = \"_method\";\nstatic URL server = null;\nfinal JSONObject jsonParameters;\nprivate final String sessionToken;\npublic String masterKey;\nString httpPath;\nprivate String installationId;\nprivate String operationSetUUID;\nprivate String localId;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n Map<String, ?> parameters,\n String sessionToken)\npublic ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String sessionToken)\nprivate ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String localId, String sessionToken)\n ParseRESTCommand(Init<?> builder)\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\npublic static ParseRESTCommand fromJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprivate static String createUrl(String httpPath)\nstatic String toDeterministicString(Object o)\nprivate static void addToStringer(JSONStringer stringer, Object o)\nstatic boolean isValidCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nstatic boolean isValidOldFormatCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprotected static void getLocalPointersIn(Object container, ArrayList<JSONObject> localPointers)\nprotected void addAdditionalHeaders(ParseHttpRequest.Builder requestBuilder)\n@Override protected ParseHttpRequest newRequest(\n ParseHttpRequest.Method method,\n String url,\n ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override protected ParseHttpBody newBody(ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override public Task<JSONObject> executeAsync(\n final ParseHttpClient client,\n final ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback,\n final ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback,\n final Task<Void> cancellationToken)\n@Override protected Task<JSONObject> onResponseAsync(ParseHttpResponse response,\n ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback)\npublic String getCacheKey()\npublic JSONObject toJSONObject()\npublic String getSessionToken()\npublic String getOperationSetUUID()\n void setOperationSetUUID(String operationSetUUID)\npublic String getLocalId()\npublic void setLocalId(String localId)\nprivate void maybeChangeServerOperation()\npublic void resolveLocalIds()\npublic void retainLocalIds()\npublic void releaseLocalIds()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseRESTCommandTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Task<JSONObject> executeAsync(\n final ParseHttpClient client,\n final ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback,\n final ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback,\n final Task<Void> cancellationToken) {\n resolveLocalIds();\n return super.executeAsync(\n client, uploadProgressCallback, downloadProgressCallback, cancellationToken);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test401Unauthorized() throws Exception {\n JSONObject json = new JSONObject();\n json.put(\"error\", \"unauthorized\");\n\n ParseHttpResponse response = newMockParseHttpResponse(401, json);\n ParseHttpClient client = mock(ParseHttpClient.class);\n when(client.execute(any(ParseHttpRequest.class))).thenReturn(response);\n\n ParseRESTCommand command = new ParseRESTCommand.Builder()\n .method(ParseHttpRequest.Method.GET)\n .installationId(\"fake_installation_id\")\n .build();\n Task<JSONObject> task = command.executeAsync(client);\n task.waitForCompletion();\n verify(client, times(1)).execute(any(ParseHttpRequest.class));\n\n assertTrue(task.isFaulted());\n assertEquals(0, ((ParseException) task.getError()).getCode());\n assertEquals(\"unauthorized\", task.getError().getMessage());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type) { if (MainWindow.getInstance().getActiveProject() != null) { File projectPath = new File(System.getProperty("project.path") + File.separator + directory); if (projectPath.exists()) { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(new SingleRootFileSystemView(projectPath)); fileChooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(type, extension); fileChooser.setFileFilter(filter); if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(MainWindow.getInstance()) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); } } } return null; }
@Test @Ignore public void testDoChooseFile() { System.out.println("doChooseFile"); String extension = ""; String directory = ""; String type = ""; File expResult = null; File result = FileTools.doChooseFile(extension, directory, type); assertEquals(expResult, result); // TODO review the generated test code and remove the default call to fail. fail("The test case is a prototype."); }
[ "getActiveProject", "getInstance", "getProperty", "exists", "setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed", "setFileFilter", "showOpenDialog", "getInstance", "getSelectedFile" ]
[ "println", "doChooseFile", "assertEquals", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FileToolsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTools.class);", "class_name": "FileTools", "method_signatures": "public static String getJreDirectory()\npublic static String getBuildsDirectory()\npublic static String getProjectsDirectory()\npublic static String getExecutionPath(Class clazz)\npublic static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName)\npublic static Project createProjectFromTemplate(String path, String projectName, String template)\npublic static boolean createAssetDirectories(String path)\nprivate static boolean createDirectory(String path)\npublic static File doChoosePath()\npublic static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type)\npublic static void saveAsset(AbstractAsset asset)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: editor/editor-ui/src/main/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileTools\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTools.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static String getJreDirectory()\npublic static String getBuildsDirectory()\npublic static String getProjectsDirectory()\npublic static String getExecutionPath(Class clazz)\npublic static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName)\npublic static Project createProjectFromTemplate(String path, String projectName, String template)\npublic static boolean createAssetDirectories(String path)\nprivate static boolean createDirectory(String path)\npublic static File doChoosePath()\npublic static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type)\npublic static void saveAsset(AbstractAsset asset)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FileToolsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file editor/editor-ui/src/main/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type) {\n if (MainWindow.getInstance().getActiveProject() != null) {\n File projectPath = new File(System.getProperty(\"project.path\") + File.separator + directory);\n\n if (projectPath.exists()) {\n JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(new SingleRootFileSystemView(projectPath));\n fileChooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false);\n\n FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(type, extension);\n fileChooser.setFileFilter(filter);\n\n if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(MainWindow.getInstance()) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {\n return fileChooser.getSelectedFile();\n }\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n editor/editor-ui/src/test/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n @Ignore\n public void testDoChooseFile() {\n System.out.println(\"doChooseFile\");\n String extension = \"\";\n String directory = \"\";\n String type = \"\";\n File expResult = null;\n File result = FileTools.doChooseFile(extension, directory, type);\n assertEquals(expResult, result);\n // TODO review the generated test code and remove the default call to fail.\n fail(\"The test case is a prototype.\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync( final OfflineStore store, final T object, ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) { Set<String> includes = state.includes(); // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error. Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null); for (final String include : includes) { task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) { return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db); } }); } return task; }
@Test public void testFetchIncludesJSONArray() throws ParseException { OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class); when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class))) .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null)); ParseSQLiteDatabase db = mock(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class); ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>("TestObject") .include("foo") .build(); ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class); ParseObject unfetchedObject = mock(ParseObject.class); JSONArray objects = new JSONArray(); objects.put(unfetchedObject); when(object.get("foo")).thenReturn(objects); ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, db)); verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(object, db); verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(unfetchedObject, db); verifyNoMoreInteractions(store); }
[ "includes", "forResult", "onSuccessTask", "fetchIncludeAsync" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "fetchLocallyAsync", "any", "any", "forResult", "mock", "build", "include", "mock", "mock", "put", "thenReturn", "when", "get", "wait", "fetchIncludesAsync", "fetchLocallyAsync", "verify", "fetchLocallyAsync", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogicTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final OfflineStore store;", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogic", "method_signatures": "OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogic\n\nclass_fields: private final OfflineStore store;\n\nmethod_signatures: OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogicTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) {\n Set<String> includes = state.includes();\n // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error.\n Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null);\n for (final String include : includes) {\n task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) {\n return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db);\n }\n });\n }\n return task;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testFetchIncludesJSONArray() throws ParseException {\n OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class);\n when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class)))\n .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null));\n\n ParseSQLiteDatabase db = mock(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class);\n\n ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>(\"TestObject\")\n .include(\"foo\")\n .build();\n\n ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class);\n ParseObject unfetchedObject = mock(ParseObject.class);\n JSONArray objects = new JSONArray();\n objects.put(unfetchedObject);\n when(object.get(\"foo\")).thenReturn(objects);\n\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, db));\n verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(object, db);\n verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(unfetchedObject, db);\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(store);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request, StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver) { GeeseResponse.Builder response = GeeseResponse.newBuilder(); int gooseWidth = Integer.max(request.getGooseWidth(), DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH); IntStream.range(0, request.getLinesCount()) .mapToObj(i -> generateGeeseLine(request.getLineWidth(), gooseWidth)) .forEach(response::addLines); responseObserver.onNext(; responseObserver.onCompleted(); }
@Test public void shouldReturnLineFullOfGeeseIfFullFixtureFailureIsEnabled() { InjectedFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider = new InjectedFailureProvider(); fixtureFailureProvider.setFullFixtureEnabled(true); grpcServerRule.getServiceRegistry() .addService(new GeeseService((min, max) -> 0, index -> 0, fixtureFailureProvider)); GeeseServiceBlockingStub geeseClient = GeeseServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcServerRule.getChannel()); GeeseResponse response = geeseClient.getGeese(GetGeeseRequest.newBuilder() .setLinesCount(1).setGooseWidth(4).setLineWidth(21).build()); GeeseResponse geeseResponse = GeeseResponse.newBuilder() .addLines(GeeseLine.newBuilder().addAllGeesePositions(asList(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20)).build()) .build(); assertThat(response).isEqualTo(geeseResponse); }
[ "newBuilder", "max", "getGooseWidth", "forEach", "mapToObj", "range", "getLinesCount", "generateGeeseLine", "getLineWidth", "onNext", "build", "onCompleted" ]
[ "setFullFixtureEnabled", "addService", "getServiceRegistry", "newBlockingStub", "getChannel", "getGeese", "build", "setLineWidth", "setGooseWidth", "setLinesCount", "newBuilder", "build", "addLines", "newBuilder", "build", "addAllGeesePositions", "newBuilder", "asList", "isEqualTo", "assertThat" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public GrpcServerRule grpcServerRule = new GrpcServerRule().directExecutor();", "class_name": "GeeseServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int MIN_GEESE_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int MAX_GEESE_COUNT = 3;\nprivate static final int DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH = 1;\nprivate final BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator;\nprivate final UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator;\nprivate final FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider;", "class_name": "GeeseService extends GeeseServiceImplBase", "method_signatures": "GeeseService(BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator,\n UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator,\n FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider)\n@Override public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request,\n StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver)\nprivate GeeseLine generateGeeseLine(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> generateGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> fullLineGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> geese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate boolean overlap(int candidate, int existingStart, int existingEnd)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: geese/src/main/java/xyz/breakit/geese/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GeeseService extends GeeseServiceImplBase\n\nclass_fields: private static final int MIN_GEESE_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int MAX_GEESE_COUNT = 3;\nprivate static final int DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH = 1;\nprivate final BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator;\nprivate final UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator;\nprivate final FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider;\n\nmethod_signatures: GeeseService(BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator,\n UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator,\n FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider)\n@Override public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request,\n StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver)\nprivate GeeseLine generateGeeseLine(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> generateGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> fullLineGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> geese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate boolean overlap(int candidate, int existingStart, int existingEnd)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GeeseServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public GrpcServerRule grpcServerRule = new GrpcServerRule().directExecutor();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file geese/src/main/java/xyz/breakit/geese/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request,\n StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver) {\n\n GeeseResponse.Builder response = GeeseResponse.newBuilder();\n int gooseWidth = Integer.max(request.getGooseWidth(), DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH);\n IntStream.range(0, request.getLinesCount())\n .mapToObj(i -> generateGeeseLine(request.getLineWidth(), gooseWidth))\n .forEach(response::addLines);\n\n responseObserver.onNext(;\n responseObserver.onCompleted();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n geese/src/test/java/xyz/breakit/geese/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldReturnLineFullOfGeeseIfFullFixtureFailureIsEnabled() {\n InjectedFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider = new InjectedFailureProvider();\n fixtureFailureProvider.setFullFixtureEnabled(true);\n grpcServerRule.getServiceRegistry()\n .addService(new GeeseService((min, max) -> 0,\n index -> 0, fixtureFailureProvider));\n\n GeeseServiceBlockingStub geeseClient = GeeseServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcServerRule.getChannel());\n\n GeeseResponse response = geeseClient.getGeese(GetGeeseRequest.newBuilder()\n .setLinesCount(1).setGooseWidth(4).setLineWidth(21).build());\n\n GeeseResponse geeseResponse = GeeseResponse.newBuilder()\n .addLines(GeeseLine.newBuilder().addAllGeesePositions(asList(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20)).build())\n .build();\n assertThat(response).isEqualTo(geeseResponse);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Task<ParseConfig> getCurrentConfigAsync() { return Callable<ParseConfig>() { @Override public ParseConfig call() { synchronized (currentConfigMutex) { if (currentConfig == null) { ParseConfig config = getFromDisk(); currentConfig = (config != null) ? config : new ParseConfig(); } } return currentConfig; } },; }
@Test public void testGetCurrentConfigAsyncSuccessCurrentConfigNotSetDiskConfigNotExist() throws Exception { File configFile = new File(temporaryFolder.getRoot(), "config"); ParseCurrentConfigController currentConfigController = new ParseCurrentConfigController(configFile); // Verify before set, disk config does not exist and in memory config is null assertFalse(configFile.exists()); assertNull(currentConfigController.currentConfig); Task<ParseConfig> getTask = currentConfigController.getCurrentConfigAsync(); ParseTaskUtils.wait(getTask); ParseConfig config = getTask.getResult(); // Verify after set, in memory config is set and the config we get is empty assertSame(config, currentConfigController.currentConfig); assertEquals(0, config.getParams().size()); }
[ "call", "getFromDisk", "io" ]
[ "getRoot", "assertFalse", "exists", "assertNull", "getCurrentConfigAsync", "wait", "getResult", "assertSame", "assertEquals", "size", "getParams" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();", "class_name": "ParseCurrentConfigControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Object currentConfigMutex = new Object();\nParseConfig currentConfig;\nprivate File currentConfigFile;", "class_name": "ParseCurrentConfigController", "method_signatures": "public ParseCurrentConfigController(File currentConfigFile)\npublic Task<Void> setCurrentConfigAsync(final ParseConfig config)\npublic Task<ParseConfig> getCurrentConfigAsync()\n ParseConfig getFromDisk()\n void clearCurrentConfigForTesting()\n void saveToDisk(ParseConfig config)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseCurrentConfigController\n\nclass_fields: private final Object currentConfigMutex = new Object();\nParseConfig currentConfig;\nprivate File currentConfigFile;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ParseCurrentConfigController(File currentConfigFile)\npublic Task<Void> setCurrentConfigAsync(final ParseConfig config)\npublic Task<ParseConfig> getCurrentConfigAsync()\n ParseConfig getFromDisk()\n void clearCurrentConfigForTesting()\n void saveToDisk(ParseConfig config)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseCurrentConfigControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Task<ParseConfig> getCurrentConfigAsync() {\n return Callable<ParseConfig>() {\n @Override\n public ParseConfig call() {\n synchronized (currentConfigMutex) {\n if (currentConfig == null) {\n ParseConfig config = getFromDisk();\n currentConfig = (config != null) ? config : new ParseConfig();\n }\n }\n return currentConfig;\n }\n },;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetCurrentConfigAsyncSuccessCurrentConfigNotSetDiskConfigNotExist()\n throws Exception {\n File configFile = new File(temporaryFolder.getRoot(), \"config\");\n ParseCurrentConfigController currentConfigController =\n new ParseCurrentConfigController(configFile);\n\n // Verify before set, disk config does not exist and in memory config is null\n assertFalse(configFile.exists());\n assertNull(currentConfigController.currentConfig);\n\n Task<ParseConfig> getTask = currentConfigController.getCurrentConfigAsync();\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(getTask);\n ParseConfig config = getTask.getResult();\n\n // Verify after set, in memory config is set and the config we get is empty\n assertSame(config, currentConfigController.currentConfig);\n assertEquals(0, config.getParams().size());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Task<Void> logOutAsync() { return taskQueue.enqueue(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> toAwait) { // We can parallelize disk and network work, but only after we restore the current user from // disk. final Task<ParseUser> userTask = getAsync(false); return Task.whenAll(Arrays.asList(userTask, toAwait)).continueWithTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) { Task<Void> logOutTask = userTask.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<ParseUser, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<ParseUser> task) { ParseUser user = task.getResult(); if (user == null) { return task.cast(); } return user.logOutAsync(); } }); Task<Void> diskTask = store.deleteAsync().continueWith(new Continuation<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void then(Task<Void> task) { boolean deleted = !task.isFaulted(); synchronized (mutex) { currentUserMatchesDisk = deleted; currentUser = null; } return null; } }); return Task.whenAll(Arrays.asList(logOutTask, diskTask)); } }); } }); }
@Test public void testLogOutAsyncWithDeleteInDiskCurrentUserSuccess() throws Exception { ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store = (ParseObjectStore<ParseUser>) mock(ParseObjectStore.class); when(store.deleteAsync()).thenReturn(Task.<Void>forResult(null)); CachedCurrentUserController controller = new CachedCurrentUserController(store); // We set the currentUser to make sure getAsync() return a mock user ParseUser currentUser = mock(ParseUser.class); when(currentUser.logOutAsync()).thenReturn(Task.<Void>forResult(null)); controller.currentUser = currentUser; ParseTaskUtils.wait(controller.logOutAsync()); // Make sure currentUser.logout() is called verify(currentUser, times(1)).logOutAsync(); // Make sure in disk currentUser is deleted verify(store, times(1)).deleteAsync(); // Make sure controller state is correct assertNull(controller.currentUser); assertTrue(controller.currentUserMatchesDisk); }
[ "enqueue", "getAsync", "continueWithTask", "whenAll", "asList", "onSuccessTask", "getResult", "cast", "logOutAsync", "continueWith", "deleteAsync", "isFaulted", "whenAll", "asList" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "deleteAsync", "forResult", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "logOutAsync", "forResult", "wait", "logOutAsync", "logOutAsync", "verify", "times", "deleteAsync", "verify", "times", "assertNull", "assertTrue" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String KEY_AUTH_DATA = \"authData\";", "class_name": "CachedCurrentUserControllerTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Object mutex = new Object();\nprivate final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nprivate final ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store;\nParseUser currentUser;\nboolean currentUserMatchesDisk = false;", "class_name": "CachedCurrentUserController implements ParseCurrentUserController", "method_signatures": "public CachedCurrentUserController(ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store)\n@Override public Task<Void> setAsync(final ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<Void> setIfNeededAsync(ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync()\n@Override public Task<Boolean> existsAsync()\n@Override public boolean isCurrent(ParseUser user)\n@Override public void clearFromMemory()\n@Override public void clearFromDisk()\n@Override public Task<String> getCurrentSessionTokenAsync()\n@Override public Task<Void> logOutAsync()\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync(final boolean shouldAutoCreateUser)\nprivate ParseUser lazyLogIn()\n ParseUser lazyLogIn(String authType, Map<String, String> authData)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CachedCurrentUserController implements ParseCurrentUserController\n\nclass_fields: private final Object mutex = new Object();\nprivate final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nprivate final ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store;\nParseUser currentUser;\nboolean currentUserMatchesDisk = false;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CachedCurrentUserController(ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store)\n@Override public Task<Void> setAsync(final ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<Void> setIfNeededAsync(ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync()\n@Override public Task<Boolean> existsAsync()\n@Override public boolean isCurrent(ParseUser user)\n@Override public void clearFromMemory()\n@Override public void clearFromDisk()\n@Override public Task<String> getCurrentSessionTokenAsync()\n@Override public Task<Void> logOutAsync()\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync(final boolean shouldAutoCreateUser)\nprivate ParseUser lazyLogIn()\n ParseUser lazyLogIn(String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CachedCurrentUserControllerTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String KEY_AUTH_DATA = \"authData\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Task<Void> logOutAsync() {\n return taskQueue.enqueue(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> toAwait) {\n // We can parallelize disk and network work, but only after we restore the current user from\n // disk.\n final Task<ParseUser> userTask = getAsync(false);\n return Task.whenAll(Arrays.asList(userTask, toAwait)).continueWithTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) {\n Task<Void> logOutTask = userTask.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<ParseUser, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<ParseUser> task) {\n ParseUser user = task.getResult();\n if (user == null) {\n return task.cast();\n }\n return user.logOutAsync();\n }\n });\n\n Task<Void> diskTask = store.deleteAsync().continueWith(new Continuation<Void, Void>() {\n @Override\n public Void then(Task<Void> task) {\n boolean deleted = !task.isFaulted();\n synchronized (mutex) {\n currentUserMatchesDisk = deleted;\n currentUser = null;\n }\n return null;\n }\n });\n return Task.whenAll(Arrays.asList(logOutTask, diskTask));\n }\n });\n }\n });\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLogOutAsyncWithDeleteInDiskCurrentUserSuccess() throws Exception {\n ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store =\n (ParseObjectStore<ParseUser>) mock(ParseObjectStore.class);\n when(store.deleteAsync()).thenReturn(Task.<Void>forResult(null));\n\n CachedCurrentUserController controller =\n new CachedCurrentUserController(store);\n // We set the currentUser to make sure getAsync() return a mock user\n ParseUser currentUser = mock(ParseUser.class);\n when(currentUser.logOutAsync()).thenReturn(Task.<Void>forResult(null));\n controller.currentUser = currentUser;\n\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(controller.logOutAsync());\n\n // Make sure currentUser.logout() is called\n verify(currentUser, times(1)).logOutAsync();\n // Make sure in disk currentUser is deleted\n verify(store, times(1)).deleteAsync();\n // Make sure controller state is correct\n assertNull(controller.currentUser);\n assertTrue(controller.currentUserMatchesDisk);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void resolveLocalIds() { try { ArrayList<JSONObject> localPointers = new ArrayList<>(); getLocalPointersIn(jsonParameters, localPointers); for (JSONObject pointer : localPointers) { String localId = (String) pointer.get("localId"); String objectId = getLocalIdManager().getObjectId(localId); if (objectId == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to serialize a command referencing a new, unsaved object."); } pointer.put("objectId", objectId); pointer.remove("localId"); } maybeChangeServerOperation(); } catch (JSONException e) { // Well, nothing to do here... } }
@Test public void testResolveLocalIdsWithNoObjectId() { // Register LocalIdManager LocalIdManager localIdManager = mock(LocalIdManager.class); when(localIdManager.createLocalId()).thenReturn("localIdAgain"); ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerLocalIdManager(localIdManager); // Make test command ParseObject object = new ParseObject("Test"); object.put("key", "value"); String httpPath = ""; JSONObject jsonParameters = PointerOrLocalIdEncoder.get().encodeRelatedObject(object); String sessionToken = "sessionToken"; String localId = "localId"; ParseRESTCommand command = new ParseRESTCommand.Builder() .httpPath(httpPath) .jsonParameters(jsonParameters) .method(ParseHttpRequest.Method.POST) .sessionToken(sessionToken) .localId(localId) .build(); thrown.expect(IllegalStateException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Tried to serialize a command referencing a new, unsaved object."); command.resolveLocalIds(); // Make sure we try to get the objectId verify(localIdManager, times(1)).getObjectId("localIdAgain"); }
[ "getLocalPointersIn", "get", "getObjectId", "getLocalIdManager", "put", "remove", "maybeChangeServerOperation" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "createLocalId", "registerLocalIdManager", "getInstance", "put", "encodeRelatedObject", "get", "build", "localId", "sessionToken", "method", "jsonParameters", "httpPath", "expect", "expectMessage", "resolveLocalIds", "getObjectId", "verify", "times" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "ParseRESTCommandTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String HEADER_APPLICATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Application-Id\";\nstatic final String HEADER_CLIENT_KEY = \"X-Parse-Client-Key\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_BUILD_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Build-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_DISPLAY_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Display-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_OS_VERSION = \"X-Parse-OS-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_INSTALLATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Installation-Id\";\nstatic final String USER_AGENT = \"User-Agent\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_SESSION_TOKEN = \"X-Parse-Session-Token\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_MASTER_KEY = \"X-Parse-Master-Key\";\nprivate static final String PARAMETER_METHOD_OVERRIDE = \"_method\";\nstatic URL server = null;\nfinal JSONObject jsonParameters;\nprivate final String sessionToken;\npublic String masterKey;\nString httpPath;\nprivate String installationId;\nprivate String operationSetUUID;\nprivate String localId;", "class_name": "ParseRESTCommand extends ParseRequest<JSONObject>", "method_signatures": "public ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n Map<String, ?> parameters,\n String sessionToken)\npublic ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String sessionToken)\nprivate ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String localId, String sessionToken)\n ParseRESTCommand(Init<?> builder)\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\npublic static ParseRESTCommand fromJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprivate static String createUrl(String httpPath)\nstatic String toDeterministicString(Object o)\nprivate static void addToStringer(JSONStringer stringer, Object o)\nstatic boolean isValidCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nstatic boolean isValidOldFormatCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprotected static void getLocalPointersIn(Object container, ArrayList<JSONObject> localPointers)\nprotected void addAdditionalHeaders(ParseHttpRequest.Builder requestBuilder)\n@Override protected ParseHttpRequest newRequest(\n ParseHttpRequest.Method method,\n String url,\n ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override protected ParseHttpBody newBody(ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override public Task<JSONObject> executeAsync(\n final ParseHttpClient client,\n final ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback,\n final ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback,\n final Task<Void> cancellationToken)\n@Override protected Task<JSONObject> onResponseAsync(ParseHttpResponse response,\n ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback)\npublic String getCacheKey()\npublic JSONObject toJSONObject()\npublic String getSessionToken()\npublic String getOperationSetUUID()\n void setOperationSetUUID(String operationSetUUID)\npublic String getLocalId()\npublic void setLocalId(String localId)\nprivate void maybeChangeServerOperation()\npublic void resolveLocalIds()\npublic void retainLocalIds()\npublic void releaseLocalIds()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseRESTCommand extends ParseRequest<JSONObject>\n\nclass_fields: static final String HEADER_APPLICATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Application-Id\";\nstatic final String HEADER_CLIENT_KEY = \"X-Parse-Client-Key\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_BUILD_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Build-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_APP_DISPLAY_VERSION = \"X-Parse-App-Display-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_OS_VERSION = \"X-Parse-OS-Version\";\nstatic final String HEADER_INSTALLATION_ID = \"X-Parse-Installation-Id\";\nstatic final String USER_AGENT = \"User-Agent\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_SESSION_TOKEN = \"X-Parse-Session-Token\";\nprivate static final String HEADER_MASTER_KEY = \"X-Parse-Master-Key\";\nprivate static final String PARAMETER_METHOD_OVERRIDE = \"_method\";\nstatic URL server = null;\nfinal JSONObject jsonParameters;\nprivate final String sessionToken;\npublic String masterKey;\nString httpPath;\nprivate String installationId;\nprivate String operationSetUUID;\nprivate String localId;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n Map<String, ?> parameters,\n String sessionToken)\npublic ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String sessionToken)\nprivate ParseRESTCommand(\n String httpPath,\n ParseHttpRequest.Method httpMethod,\n JSONObject jsonParameters,\n String localId, String sessionToken)\n ParseRESTCommand(Init<?> builder)\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\npublic static ParseRESTCommand fromJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprivate static String createUrl(String httpPath)\nstatic String toDeterministicString(Object o)\nprivate static void addToStringer(JSONStringer stringer, Object o)\nstatic boolean isValidCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nstatic boolean isValidOldFormatCommandJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject)\nprotected static void getLocalPointersIn(Object container, ArrayList<JSONObject> localPointers)\nprotected void addAdditionalHeaders(ParseHttpRequest.Builder requestBuilder)\n@Override protected ParseHttpRequest newRequest(\n ParseHttpRequest.Method method,\n String url,\n ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override protected ParseHttpBody newBody(ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback)\n@Override public Task<JSONObject> executeAsync(\n final ParseHttpClient client,\n final ProgressCallback uploadProgressCallback,\n final ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback,\n final Task<Void> cancellationToken)\n@Override protected Task<JSONObject> onResponseAsync(ParseHttpResponse response,\n ProgressCallback downloadProgressCallback)\npublic String getCacheKey()\npublic JSONObject toJSONObject()\npublic String getSessionToken()\npublic String getOperationSetUUID()\n void setOperationSetUUID(String operationSetUUID)\npublic String getLocalId()\npublic void setLocalId(String localId)\nprivate void maybeChangeServerOperation()\npublic void resolveLocalIds()\npublic void retainLocalIds()\npublic void releaseLocalIds()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseRESTCommandTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void resolveLocalIds() {\n try {\n ArrayList<JSONObject> localPointers = new ArrayList<>();\n getLocalPointersIn(jsonParameters, localPointers);\n for (JSONObject pointer : localPointers) {\n String localId = (String) pointer.get(\"localId\");\n String objectId = getLocalIdManager().getObjectId(localId);\n if (objectId == null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\n \"Tried to serialize a command referencing a new, unsaved object.\");\n }\n pointer.put(\"objectId\", objectId);\n pointer.remove(\"localId\");\n }\n maybeChangeServerOperation();\n } catch (JSONException e) {\n // Well, nothing to do here...\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testResolveLocalIdsWithNoObjectId() {\n // Register LocalIdManager\n LocalIdManager localIdManager = mock(LocalIdManager.class);\n when(localIdManager.createLocalId()).thenReturn(\"localIdAgain\");\n ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerLocalIdManager(localIdManager);\n\n // Make test command\n ParseObject object = new ParseObject(\"Test\");\n object.put(\"key\", \"value\");\n String httpPath = \"\";\n JSONObject jsonParameters = PointerOrLocalIdEncoder.get().encodeRelatedObject(object);\n String sessionToken = \"sessionToken\";\n String localId = \"localId\";\n\n ParseRESTCommand command = new ParseRESTCommand.Builder()\n .httpPath(httpPath)\n .jsonParameters(jsonParameters)\n .method(ParseHttpRequest.Method.POST)\n .sessionToken(sessionToken)\n .localId(localId)\n .build();\n\n thrown.expect(IllegalStateException.class);\n thrown.expectMessage(\"Tried to serialize a command referencing a new, unsaved object.\");\n command.resolveLocalIds();\n\n // Make sure we try to get the objectId\n verify(localIdManager, times(1)).getObjectId(\"localIdAgain\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static ParseConfig getCurrentConfig() { try { return ParseTaskUtils.wait(getConfigController().getCurrentConfigController() .getCurrentConfigAsync() ); } catch (ParseException e) { // In order to have backward compatibility, we swallow the exception silently. return new ParseConfig(); } }
@Test public void testGetCurrentConfigSuccess() { final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("string", "value"); ParseConfig config = new ParseConfig(params); ParseConfigController controller = new ParseConfigController(mock(ParseHttpClient.class), mockParseCurrentConfigControllerWithResponse(config)); ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerConfigController(controller); ParseConfig configAgain = ParseConfig.getCurrentConfig(); assertSame(config, configAgain); }
[ "wait", "getCurrentConfigAsync", "getCurrentConfigController", "getConfigController" ]
[ "put", "mock", "mockParseCurrentConfigControllerWithResponse", "registerConfigController", "getInstance", "getCurrentConfig", "assertSame" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ParseConfigTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nfinal Map<String, Object> params;", "class_name": "ParseConfig", "method_signatures": "ParseConfig(Map<String, Object> params)\n ParseConfig()\nstatic ParseConfigController getConfigController()\npublic static ParseConfig getCurrentConfig()\npublic static ParseConfig get()\npublic static void getInBackground(ConfigCallback callback)\npublic static Task<ParseConfig> getInBackground()\nprivate static Task<ParseConfig> getAsync(final Task<Void> toAwait)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") /* package */ static ParseConfig decode(JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\n Map<String, Object> getParams()\npublic Object get(String key)\npublic Object get(String key, Object defaultValue)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)\npublic Date getDate(String key)\npublic Date getDate(String key, Date defaultValue)\npublic double getDouble(String key)\npublic double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue)\npublic int getInt(String key)\npublic int getInt(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic JSONArray getJSONArray(String key)\npublic JSONArray getJSONArray(String key, JSONArray defaultValue)\npublic JSONObject getJSONObject(String key)\npublic JSONObject getJSONObject(String key, JSONObject defaultValue)\npublic List<T> getList(String key)\npublic List<T> getList(String key, List<T> defaultValue)\npublic long getLong(String key)\npublic long getLong(String key, long defaultValue)\npublic Map<String, V> getMap(String key)\npublic Map<String, V> getMap(String key, Map<String, V> defaultValue)\npublic Number getNumber(String key)\npublic Number getNumber(String key, Number defaultValue)\npublic ParseFile getParseFile(String key)\npublic ParseFile getParseFile(String key, ParseFile defaultValue)\npublic ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(String key)\npublic ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(String key, ParseGeoPoint defaultValue)\npublic String getString(String key)\npublic String getString(String key, String defaultValue)\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseConfig\n\nclass_fields: static final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nfinal Map<String, Object> params;\n\nmethod_signatures: ParseConfig(Map<String, Object> params)\n ParseConfig()\nstatic ParseConfigController getConfigController()\npublic static ParseConfig getCurrentConfig()\npublic static ParseConfig get()\npublic static void getInBackground(ConfigCallback callback)\npublic static Task<ParseConfig> getInBackground()\nprivate static Task<ParseConfig> getAsync(final Task<Void> toAwait)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") /* package */ static ParseConfig decode(JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\n Map<String, Object> getParams()\npublic Object get(String key)\npublic Object get(String key, Object defaultValue)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)\npublic Date getDate(String key)\npublic Date getDate(String key, Date defaultValue)\npublic double getDouble(String key)\npublic double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue)\npublic int getInt(String key)\npublic int getInt(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic JSONArray getJSONArray(String key)\npublic JSONArray getJSONArray(String key, JSONArray defaultValue)\npublic JSONObject getJSONObject(String key)\npublic JSONObject getJSONObject(String key, JSONObject defaultValue)\npublic List<T> getList(String key)\npublic List<T> getList(String key, List<T> defaultValue)\npublic long getLong(String key)\npublic long getLong(String key, long defaultValue)\npublic Map<String, V> getMap(String key)\npublic Map<String, V> getMap(String key, Map<String, V> defaultValue)\npublic Number getNumber(String key)\npublic Number getNumber(String key, Number defaultValue)\npublic ParseFile getParseFile(String key)\npublic ParseFile getParseFile(String key, ParseFile defaultValue)\npublic ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(String key)\npublic ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(String key, ParseGeoPoint defaultValue)\npublic String getString(String key)\npublic String getString(String key, String defaultValue)\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseConfigTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static ParseConfig getCurrentConfig() {\n try {\n return ParseTaskUtils.wait(getConfigController().getCurrentConfigController()\n .getCurrentConfigAsync()\n );\n } catch (ParseException e) {\n // In order to have backward compatibility, we swallow the exception silently.\n return new ParseConfig();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetCurrentConfigSuccess() {\n final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();\n params.put(\"string\", \"value\");\n\n ParseConfig config = new ParseConfig(params);\n ParseConfigController controller = new ParseConfigController(mock(ParseHttpClient.class),\n mockParseCurrentConfigControllerWithResponse(config));\n ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerConfigController(controller);\n\n ParseConfig configAgain = ParseConfig.getCurrentConfig();\n assertSame(config, configAgain);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static <T extends ParseObject> boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object) { if (user == object) { return true; } ParseACL acl = object.getACL(); if (acl == null) { return true; } if (acl.getPublicWriteAccess()) { return true; } return user != null && acl.getWriteAccess(user); // TODO: Implement roles. }
@Test public void testHasWriteAccessWithNoACL() { ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class); when(object.getACL()).thenReturn(null); assertTrue(OfflineQueryLogic.hasWriteAccess(null, object)); }
[ "getACL", "getPublicWriteAccess", "getWriteAccess" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getACL", "assertTrue", "hasWriteAccess" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogicTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final OfflineStore store;", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogic", "method_signatures": "OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogic\n\nclass_fields: private final OfflineStore store;\n\nmethod_signatures: OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogicTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static <T extends ParseObject> boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object) {\n if (user == object) {\n return true;\n }\n\n ParseACL acl = object.getACL();\n if (acl == null) {\n return true;\n }\n if (acl.getPublicWriteAccess()) {\n return true;\n }\n return user != null && acl.getWriteAccess(user);\n // TODO: Implement roles.\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHasWriteAccessWithNoACL() {\n ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class);\n when(object.getACL()).thenReturn(null);\n\n assertTrue(OfflineQueryLogic.hasWriteAccess(null, object));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync( final OfflineStore store, final T object, ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) { Set<String> includes = state.includes(); // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error. Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null); for (final String include : includes) { task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) { return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db); } }); } return task; }
@Test public void testFetchIncludesParseObject() throws ParseException { OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class); when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class))) .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null)); ParseSQLiteDatabase db = mock(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class); ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>("TestObject") .include("foo") .build(); ParseObject object = new ParseObject("TestObject"); ParseObject unfetchedObject = new ParseObject("TestObject"); object.put("foo", unfetchedObject); ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, db)); verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(object, db); verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(unfetchedObject, db); verifyNoMoreInteractions(store); }
[ "includes", "forResult", "onSuccessTask", "fetchIncludeAsync" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "fetchLocallyAsync", "any", "any", "forResult", "mock", "build", "include", "put", "wait", "fetchIncludesAsync", "fetchLocallyAsync", "verify", "fetchLocallyAsync", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogicTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final OfflineStore store;", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogic", "method_signatures": "OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogic\n\nclass_fields: private final OfflineStore store;\n\nmethod_signatures: OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogicTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) {\n Set<String> includes = state.includes();\n // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error.\n Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null);\n for (final String include : includes) {\n task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) {\n return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db);\n }\n });\n }\n return task;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testFetchIncludesParseObject() throws ParseException {\n OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class);\n when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class)))\n .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null));\n\n ParseSQLiteDatabase db = mock(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class);\n\n ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>(\"TestObject\")\n .include(\"foo\")\n .build();\n\n ParseObject object = new ParseObject(\"TestObject\");\n ParseObject unfetchedObject = new ParseObject(\"TestObject\");\n object.put(\"foo\", unfetchedObject);\n\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, db));\n verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(object, db);\n verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(unfetchedObject, db);\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(store);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ParseQuery<T> whereContainsAllStartsWith(String key, Collection<String> values) { ArrayList<KeyConstraints> startsWithConstraints = new ArrayList<>(); for (String value : values) { KeyConstraints keyConstraints = new KeyConstraints(); keyConstraints.put("$regex", buildStartsWithRegex(value)); startsWithConstraints.add(keyConstraints); } return whereContainsAll(key, startsWithConstraints); }
@Test public void testWhereContainsAllStartingWith() { ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery<>("Test"); String value = "value"; String valueAgain = "valueAgain"; List<String> values = Arrays.asList(value, valueAgain); ParseQuery.KeyConstraints valueConverted = new ParseQuery.KeyConstraints(); valueConverted.put("$regex", buildStartsWithPattern(value)); ParseQuery.KeyConstraints valueAgainConverted = new ParseQuery.KeyConstraints(); valueAgainConverted.put("$regex", buildStartsWithPattern(valueAgain)); List<ParseQuery.KeyConstraints> valuesConverted = Arrays.asList(valueConverted, valueAgainConverted); query.whereContainsAllStartsWith("key", values); verifyCondition(query, "key", "$all", valuesConverted); }
[ "put", "buildStartsWithRegex", "add", "whereContainsAll" ]
[ "asList", "put", "buildStartsWithPattern", "put", "buildStartsWithPattern", "asList", "whereContainsAllStartsWith", "verifyCondition" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ParseQueryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int MAX_LIMIT = 1000;\nprivate final State.Builder<T> builder;\nprivate ParseUser user;\nprivate Set<TaskCompletionSource<?>> currentTasks = Collections.synchronizedSet(\n new HashSet<TaskCompletionSource<?>>());", "class_name": "ParseQuery", "method_signatures": "public ParseQuery(Class<T> subclass)\npublic ParseQuery(String theClassName)\npublic ParseQuery(ParseQuery<T> query)\npublic ParseQuery(State.Builder<T> builder)\nprivate static ParseQueryController getQueryController()\nprivate static ParseObjectSubclassingController getSubclassingController()\npublic static ParseQuery<T> or(List<ParseQuery<T>> queries)\npublic static ParseQuery<T> getQuery(@NonNull Class<T> subclass)\npublic static ParseQuery<T> getQuery(@NonNull String className)\nprivate static void throwIfLDSEnabled()\nprivate static void throwIfLDSDisabled()\nprivate static void throwIfLDSEnabled(boolean enabled)\npublic static void clearAllCachedResults()\npublic State.Builder<T> getBuilder()\n ParseQuery<T> setUser(ParseUser user)\n Task<ParseUser> getUserAsync(State<T> state)\npublic void cancel()\npublic boolean isRunning()\npublic List<T> find()\npublic T getFirst()\npublic CachePolicy getCachePolicy()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setCachePolicy(CachePolicy newCachePolicy)\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromNetwork()\n boolean isFromNetwork()\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromLocalDatastore()\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromPin()\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromPin(String name)\npublic ParseQuery<T> ignoreACLs()\npublic long getMaxCacheAge()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setMaxCacheAge(long maxAgeInMilliseconds)\nprivate Task<TResult> perform(Callable<Task<TResult>> runnable, final TaskCompletionSource<?> tcs)\npublic Task<List<T>> findInBackground()\npublic void findInBackground(final FindCallback<T> callback)\nprivate Task<List<T>> findAsync(final State<T> state)\n Task<List<T>> findAsync(State<T> state, ParseUser user, Task<Void> cancellationToken)\npublic Task<T> getFirstInBackground()\npublic void getFirstInBackground(final GetCallback<T> callback)\nprivate Task<T> getFirstAsync(final State<T> state)\nprivate Task<T> getFirstAsync(State<T> state, ParseUser user, Task<Void> cancellationToken)\npublic int count()\npublic Task<Integer> countInBackground()\npublic void countInBackground(final CountCallback callback)\nprivate Task<Integer> countAsync(final State<T> state)\nprivate Task<Integer> countAsync(State<T> state, ParseUser user, Task<Void> cancellationToken)\npublic T get(final String objectId)\npublic boolean hasCachedResult()\npublic void clearCachedResult()\npublic Task<T> getInBackground(final String objectId)\npublic void getInBackground(final String objectId, final GetCallback<T> callback)\nprivate Task<TResult> doCacheThenNetwork(\n final ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseCallback2<TResult, ParseException> callback,\n final CacheThenNetworkCallable<T, Task<TResult>> delegate)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereEqualTo(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereLessThan(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereNotEqualTo(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereGreaterThan(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContainedIn(String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContainsAll(String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereFullText(String key, String text)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContainsAllStartsWith(String key, Collection<String> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatchesQuery(String key, ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereDoesNotMatchQuery(String key, ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatchesKeyInQuery(String key, String keyInQuery, ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereDoesNotMatchKeyInQuery(String key, String keyInQuery,\n ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereNotContainedIn(String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereNear(String key, ParseGeoPoint point)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinMiles(String key, ParseGeoPoint point, double maxDistance)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinKilometers(String key, ParseGeoPoint point, double maxDistance)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinRadians(String key, ParseGeoPoint point, double maxDistance)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinGeoBox(\n String key, ParseGeoPoint southwest, ParseGeoPoint northeast)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinPolygon(String key, List<ParseGeoPoint> points)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinPolygon(String key, ParsePolygon polygon)\npublic ParseQuery<T> wherePolygonContains(String key, ParseGeoPoint point)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatches(String key, String regex)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatches(String key, String regex, String modifiers)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContains(String key, String substring)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereStartsWith(String key, String prefix)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereEndsWith(String key, String suffix)\npublic ParseQuery<T> include(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> selectKeys(Collection<String> keys)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereExists(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereDoesNotExist(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> orderByAscending(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> addAscendingOrder(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> orderByDescending(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> addDescendingOrder(String key)\npublic int getLimit()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setLimit(int newLimit)\npublic int getSkip()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setSkip(int newSkip)\npublic String getClassName()\npublic ParseQuery<T> clear(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> setTrace(boolean shouldTrace)\n@NonNull private String buildStartsWithRegex(String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseQuery\n\nclass_fields: public static final int MAX_LIMIT = 1000;\nprivate final State.Builder<T> builder;\nprivate ParseUser user;\nprivate Set<TaskCompletionSource<?>> currentTasks = Collections.synchronizedSet(\n new HashSet<TaskCompletionSource<?>>());\n\nmethod_signatures: public ParseQuery(Class<T> subclass)\npublic ParseQuery(String theClassName)\npublic ParseQuery(ParseQuery<T> query)\npublic ParseQuery(State.Builder<T> builder)\nprivate static ParseQueryController getQueryController()\nprivate static ParseObjectSubclassingController getSubclassingController()\npublic static ParseQuery<T> or(List<ParseQuery<T>> queries)\npublic static ParseQuery<T> getQuery(@NonNull Class<T> subclass)\npublic static ParseQuery<T> getQuery(@NonNull String className)\nprivate static void throwIfLDSEnabled()\nprivate static void throwIfLDSDisabled()\nprivate static void throwIfLDSEnabled(boolean enabled)\npublic static void clearAllCachedResults()\npublic State.Builder<T> getBuilder()\n ParseQuery<T> setUser(ParseUser user)\n Task<ParseUser> getUserAsync(State<T> state)\npublic void cancel()\npublic boolean isRunning()\npublic List<T> find()\npublic T getFirst()\npublic CachePolicy getCachePolicy()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setCachePolicy(CachePolicy newCachePolicy)\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromNetwork()\n boolean isFromNetwork()\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromLocalDatastore()\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromPin()\npublic ParseQuery<T> fromPin(String name)\npublic ParseQuery<T> ignoreACLs()\npublic long getMaxCacheAge()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setMaxCacheAge(long maxAgeInMilliseconds)\nprivate Task<TResult> perform(Callable<Task<TResult>> runnable, final TaskCompletionSource<?> tcs)\npublic Task<List<T>> findInBackground()\npublic void findInBackground(final FindCallback<T> callback)\nprivate Task<List<T>> findAsync(final State<T> state)\n Task<List<T>> findAsync(State<T> state, ParseUser user, Task<Void> cancellationToken)\npublic Task<T> getFirstInBackground()\npublic void getFirstInBackground(final GetCallback<T> callback)\nprivate Task<T> getFirstAsync(final State<T> state)\nprivate Task<T> getFirstAsync(State<T> state, ParseUser user, Task<Void> cancellationToken)\npublic int count()\npublic Task<Integer> countInBackground()\npublic void countInBackground(final CountCallback callback)\nprivate Task<Integer> countAsync(final State<T> state)\nprivate Task<Integer> countAsync(State<T> state, ParseUser user, Task<Void> cancellationToken)\npublic T get(final String objectId)\npublic boolean hasCachedResult()\npublic void clearCachedResult()\npublic Task<T> getInBackground(final String objectId)\npublic void getInBackground(final String objectId, final GetCallback<T> callback)\nprivate Task<TResult> doCacheThenNetwork(\n final ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseCallback2<TResult, ParseException> callback,\n final CacheThenNetworkCallable<T, Task<TResult>> delegate)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereEqualTo(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereLessThan(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereNotEqualTo(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereGreaterThan(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String key, Object value)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContainedIn(String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContainsAll(String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereFullText(String key, String text)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContainsAllStartsWith(String key, Collection<String> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatchesQuery(String key, ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereDoesNotMatchQuery(String key, ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatchesKeyInQuery(String key, String keyInQuery, ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereDoesNotMatchKeyInQuery(String key, String keyInQuery,\n ParseQuery<?> query)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereNotContainedIn(String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereNear(String key, ParseGeoPoint point)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinMiles(String key, ParseGeoPoint point, double maxDistance)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinKilometers(String key, ParseGeoPoint point, double maxDistance)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinRadians(String key, ParseGeoPoint point, double maxDistance)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinGeoBox(\n String key, ParseGeoPoint southwest, ParseGeoPoint northeast)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinPolygon(String key, List<ParseGeoPoint> points)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereWithinPolygon(String key, ParsePolygon polygon)\npublic ParseQuery<T> wherePolygonContains(String key, ParseGeoPoint point)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatches(String key, String regex)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereMatches(String key, String regex, String modifiers)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereContains(String key, String substring)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereStartsWith(String key, String prefix)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereEndsWith(String key, String suffix)\npublic ParseQuery<T> include(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> selectKeys(Collection<String> keys)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereExists(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> whereDoesNotExist(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> orderByAscending(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> addAscendingOrder(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> orderByDescending(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> addDescendingOrder(String key)\npublic int getLimit()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setLimit(int newLimit)\npublic int getSkip()\npublic ParseQuery<T> setSkip(int newSkip)\npublic String getClassName()\npublic ParseQuery<T> clear(String key)\npublic ParseQuery<T> setTrace(boolean shouldTrace)\n@NonNull private String buildStartsWithRegex(String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseQueryTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ParseQuery<T> whereContainsAllStartsWith(String key, Collection<String> values) {\n ArrayList<KeyConstraints> startsWithConstraints = new ArrayList<>();\n for (String value : values) {\n KeyConstraints keyConstraints = new KeyConstraints();\n keyConstraints.put(\"$regex\", buildStartsWithRegex(value));\n startsWithConstraints.add(keyConstraints);\n }\n\n return whereContainsAll(key, startsWithConstraints);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testWhereContainsAllStartingWith() {\n ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery<>(\"Test\");\n String value = \"value\";\n String valueAgain = \"valueAgain\";\n List<String> values = Arrays.asList(value, valueAgain);\n\n ParseQuery.KeyConstraints valueConverted = new ParseQuery.KeyConstraints();\n valueConverted.put(\"$regex\", buildStartsWithPattern(value));\n ParseQuery.KeyConstraints valueAgainConverted = new ParseQuery.KeyConstraints();\n valueAgainConverted.put(\"$regex\", buildStartsWithPattern(valueAgain));\n List<ParseQuery.KeyConstraints> valuesConverted =\n Arrays.asList(valueConverted, valueAgainConverted);\n\n query.whereContainsAllStartsWith(\"key\", values);\n\n verifyCondition(query, \"key\", \"$all\", valuesConverted);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public CompletableFuture<List<LeaderboardEntry>> top5() { return Failsafe .with(currentRetryPolicy) .with(new TraceableScheduledExecutorService(beanFactory, EXECUTOR)) .onFailedAttempt(t -> LOG.error("Error fetching top 5", t)) .future(() -> top5Request().toFuture()); }
@Test @Ignore public void testTop5() throws Exception { Span span = tracer.newTrace(); try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) { client.top5().get(15000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } finally { span.finish(); } span = tracer.newTrace(); try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) { client.top5().get(15000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } finally { span.finish(); } }
[ "future", "onFailedAttempt", "with", "with", "error", "toFuture", "top5Request" ]
[ "newTrace", "withSpanInScope", "get", "top5", "finish", "newTrace", "withSpanInScope", "get", "top5", "finish" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private LeaderboardClient client;\n@Autowired\n private Tracer tracer;", "class_name": "LeaderboardClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LeaderboardClient.class);\nprivate static final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor EXECUTOR = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());\nprivate static final ParameterizedTypeReference<List<LeaderboardEntry>> LEADERBOARD_LIST_TYPE = new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<LeaderboardEntry>>() {};\nprivate final static RetryPolicy RETRY_POLICY_WITH_NO_BACKOFF = new RetryPolicy()\n .retryOn(Throwable.class)\n .withMaxRetries(5);\nprivate final static RetryPolicy NO_RETRY_POLICY = new RetryPolicy()\n .retryOn(Throwable.class)\n .withMaxRetries(0);\nprivate final String leaderboardUrl;\nprivate final WebClient httpClient;\nprivate final BeanFactory beanFactory;\nprivate RetryPolicy currentRetryPolicy;", "class_name": "LeaderboardClient", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public LeaderboardClient(\n @Value(\"${}\") String leaderboardHost,\n @Value(\"${rest.leaderboard.port}\") int leaderboardPort,\n WebClient webClientTemplate,\n BeanFactory beanFactory\n )\npublic void disableRetries()\npublic void enableRetriesWithNoBackoff()\npublic CompletableFuture<List<LeaderboardEntry>> top5()\nprivate Mono<List<LeaderboardEntry>> top5Request()\npublic void updateScore(LeaderboardEntry newScore,\n Runnable onMessage,\n Consumer<? super Throwable> onError,\n Runnable onComplete)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gateway/src/main/java/xyz/breakit/gateway/clients/leaderboard/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: LeaderboardClient\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LeaderboardClient.class);\nprivate static final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor EXECUTOR = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());\nprivate static final ParameterizedTypeReference<List<LeaderboardEntry>> LEADERBOARD_LIST_TYPE = new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<LeaderboardEntry>>() {};\nprivate final static RetryPolicy RETRY_POLICY_WITH_NO_BACKOFF = new RetryPolicy()\n .retryOn(Throwable.class)\n .withMaxRetries(5);\nprivate final static RetryPolicy NO_RETRY_POLICY = new RetryPolicy()\n .retryOn(Throwable.class)\n .withMaxRetries(0);\nprivate final String leaderboardUrl;\nprivate final WebClient httpClient;\nprivate final BeanFactory beanFactory;\nprivate RetryPolicy currentRetryPolicy;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public LeaderboardClient(\n @Value(\"${}\") String leaderboardHost,\n @Value(\"${rest.leaderboard.port}\") int leaderboardPort,\n WebClient webClientTemplate,\n BeanFactory beanFactory\n )\npublic void disableRetries()\npublic void enableRetriesWithNoBackoff()\npublic CompletableFuture<List<LeaderboardEntry>> top5()\nprivate Mono<List<LeaderboardEntry>> top5Request()\npublic void updateScore(LeaderboardEntry newScore,\n Runnable onMessage,\n Consumer<? super Throwable> onError,\n Runnable onComplete)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: LeaderboardClientTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private LeaderboardClient client;\n@Autowired\n private Tracer tracer;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gateway/src/main/java/xyz/breakit/gateway/clients/leaderboard/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public CompletableFuture<List<LeaderboardEntry>> top5() {\n return Failsafe\n .with(currentRetryPolicy)\n .with(new TraceableScheduledExecutorService(beanFactory, EXECUTOR))\n .onFailedAttempt(t -> LOG.error(\"Error fetching top 5\", t))\n .future(() -> top5Request().toFuture());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gateway/src/test/java/xyz/breakit/gateway/clients/leaderboard/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n @Ignore\n public void testTop5() throws Exception {\n Span span = tracer.newTrace();\n try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) {\n client.top5().get(15000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);\n } finally {\n span.finish();\n }\n\n span = tracer.newTrace();\n try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) {\n client.top5().get(15000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);\n } finally {\n span.finish();\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Task<ParseUser> logInInBackground(String username, String password) { if (username == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify a username for the user to log in with"); } if (password == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify a password for the user to log in with"); } return getUserController().logInAsync(username, password).onSuccessTask(new Continuation<State, Task<ParseUser>>() { @Override public Task<ParseUser> then(Task<State> task) { State result = task.getResult(); final ParseUser newCurrent = ParseObject.from(result); return saveCurrentUserAsync(newCurrent).onSuccess(new Continuation<Void, ParseUser>() { @Override public ParseUser then(Task<Void> task) { return newCurrent; } }); } }); }
@Test public void testLogInWithNoPassword() throws Exception { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Must specify a password for the user to log in with"); ParseTaskUtils.wait(ParseUser.logInInBackground("userName", null)); }
[ "onSuccessTask", "logInAsync", "getUserController", "getResult", "from", "onSuccess", "saveCurrentUserAsync" ]
[ "expect", "expectMessage", "wait", "logInInBackground" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "ParseUserTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String KEY_SESSION_TOKEN = \"sessionToken\";\nprivate static final String KEY_AUTH_DATA = \"authData\";\nprivate static final String KEY_USERNAME = \"username\";\nprivate static final String KEY_PASSWORD = \"password\";\nprivate static final String KEY_EMAIL = \"email\";\nprivate static final List<String> READ_ONLY_KEYS = Collections.unmodifiableList(\n Arrays.asList(KEY_SESSION_TOKEN, KEY_AUTH_DATA));\nprivate static final String PARCEL_KEY_IS_CURRENT_USER = \"_isCurrentUser\";\nprivate static final Object isAutoUserEnabledMutex = new Object();\nprivate static boolean autoUserEnabled;\nprivate boolean isCurrentUser;", "class_name": "ParseUser extends ParseObject", "method_signatures": "public ParseUser()\npublic static ParseQuery<ParseUser> getQuery()\nstatic ParseUserController getUserController()\nstatic ParseCurrentUserController getCurrentUserController()\nstatic ParseAuthenticationManager getAuthenticationManager()\npublic static Task<ParseUser> logInInBackground(String username, String password)\npublic static ParseUser logIn(String username, String password)\npublic static void logInInBackground(final String username, final String password,\n LogInCallback callback)\npublic static Task<ParseUser> becomeInBackground(String sessionToken)\npublic static ParseUser become(String sessionToken)\npublic static void becomeInBackground(final String sessionToken, LogInCallback callback)\nstatic Task<ParseUser> getCurrentUserAsync()\npublic static ParseUser getCurrentUser()\nprivate static ParseUser getCurrentUser(boolean shouldAutoCreateUser)\npublic static String getCurrentSessionToken()\npublic static Task<String> getCurrentSessionTokenAsync()\nprivate static Task<Void> saveCurrentUserAsync(ParseUser user)\nstatic Task<Void> pinCurrentUserIfNeededAsync(ParseUser user)\npublic static Task<Void> logOutInBackground()\npublic static void logOutInBackground(LogOutCallback callback)\npublic static void logOut()\npublic static Task<Void> requestPasswordResetInBackground(String email)\npublic static void requestPasswordReset(String email)\npublic static void requestPasswordResetInBackground(final String email,\n RequestPasswordResetCallback callback)\npublic static void registerAuthenticationCallback(\n String authType, AuthenticationCallback callback)\npublic static Task<ParseUser> logInWithInBackground(\n final String authType, final Map<String, String> authData)\npublic static void enableAutomaticUser()\nstatic void disableAutomaticUser()\nstatic boolean isAutomaticUserEnabled()\npublic static Task<Void> enableRevocableSessionInBackground()\n@Override boolean needsDefaultACL()\n@Override boolean isKeyMutable(String key)\n@Override State.Builder newStateBuilder(String className)\n@Override State getState()\n@Override void setState(ParseObject.State newState)\n boolean isLazy()\npublic boolean isAuthenticated()\n@Override public void remove(@NonNull String key)\n@Override JSONObject toRest(\n ParseObject.State state,\n List<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue,\n ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n Task<Void> cleanUpAuthDataAsync()\n@Override Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n ParseObject.State result, ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n@Override void validateSaveEventually()\n boolean isCurrentUser()\n void setIsCurrentUser(boolean isCurrentUser)\npublic String getSessionToken()\nprivate Task<Void> setSessionTokenInBackground(String newSessionToken)\n Map<String, Map<String, String>> getAuthData()\nprivate Map<String, String> getAuthData(String authType)\n void putAuthData(String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\nprivate void removeAuthData(String authType)\npublic String getUsername()\npublic void setUsername(String username)\n String getPassword()\npublic void setPassword(String password)\npublic String getEmail()\npublic void setEmail(String email)\npublic boolean isNew()\n@Override public void put(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object value)\nprivate void stripAnonymity()\nprivate void restoreAnonymity(Map<String, String> anonymousData)\n@Override void validateSave()\n@Override Task<Void> saveAsync(String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<Void> saveAsync(String sessionToken, boolean isLazy, Task<Void> toAwait)\n@Override void validateDelete()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public ParseUser fetch()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override Task<T> fetchAsync(\n String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic Task<Void> signUpInBackground()\n Task<Void> signUpAsync(Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic void signUp()\npublic void signUpInBackground(SignUpCallback callback)\n Task<Void> logOutAsync()\n Task<Void> logOutAsync(boolean revoke)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public ParseUser fetchIfNeeded()\npublic boolean isLinked(String authType)\n Task<Void> synchronizeAllAuthDataAsync()\n Task<Void> synchronizeAuthDataAsync(String authType)\nprivate Task<Void> synchronizeAuthDataAsync(\n ParseAuthenticationManager manager, final String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\nprivate Task<Void> linkWithAsync(\n final String authType,\n final Map<String, String> authData,\n final Task<Void> toAwait,\n final String sessionToken)\nprivate Task<Void> linkWithAsync(\n final String authType,\n final Map<String, String> authData,\n final String sessionToken)\npublic Task<Void> linkWithInBackground(\n String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\npublic Task<Void> unlinkFromInBackground(final String authType)\n Task<Void> resolveLazinessAsync(Task<Void> toAwait)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override Task<T> fetchFromLocalDatastoreAsync()\n@Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)\n@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedState)\n Task<Void> upgradeToRevocableSessionAsync()\nprivate Task<Void> upgradeToRevocableSessionAsync(Task<Void> toAwait)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseUser extends ParseObject\n\nclass_fields: private static final String KEY_SESSION_TOKEN = \"sessionToken\";\nprivate static final String KEY_AUTH_DATA = \"authData\";\nprivate static final String KEY_USERNAME = \"username\";\nprivate static final String KEY_PASSWORD = \"password\";\nprivate static final String KEY_EMAIL = \"email\";\nprivate static final List<String> READ_ONLY_KEYS = Collections.unmodifiableList(\n Arrays.asList(KEY_SESSION_TOKEN, KEY_AUTH_DATA));\nprivate static final String PARCEL_KEY_IS_CURRENT_USER = \"_isCurrentUser\";\nprivate static final Object isAutoUserEnabledMutex = new Object();\nprivate static boolean autoUserEnabled;\nprivate boolean isCurrentUser;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ParseUser()\npublic static ParseQuery<ParseUser> getQuery()\nstatic ParseUserController getUserController()\nstatic ParseCurrentUserController getCurrentUserController()\nstatic ParseAuthenticationManager getAuthenticationManager()\npublic static Task<ParseUser> logInInBackground(String username, String password)\npublic static ParseUser logIn(String username, String password)\npublic static void logInInBackground(final String username, final String password,\n LogInCallback callback)\npublic static Task<ParseUser> becomeInBackground(String sessionToken)\npublic static ParseUser become(String sessionToken)\npublic static void becomeInBackground(final String sessionToken, LogInCallback callback)\nstatic Task<ParseUser> getCurrentUserAsync()\npublic static ParseUser getCurrentUser()\nprivate static ParseUser getCurrentUser(boolean shouldAutoCreateUser)\npublic static String getCurrentSessionToken()\npublic static Task<String> getCurrentSessionTokenAsync()\nprivate static Task<Void> saveCurrentUserAsync(ParseUser user)\nstatic Task<Void> pinCurrentUserIfNeededAsync(ParseUser user)\npublic static Task<Void> logOutInBackground()\npublic static void logOutInBackground(LogOutCallback callback)\npublic static void logOut()\npublic static Task<Void> requestPasswordResetInBackground(String email)\npublic static void requestPasswordReset(String email)\npublic static void requestPasswordResetInBackground(final String email,\n RequestPasswordResetCallback callback)\npublic static void registerAuthenticationCallback(\n String authType, AuthenticationCallback callback)\npublic static Task<ParseUser> logInWithInBackground(\n final String authType, final Map<String, String> authData)\npublic static void enableAutomaticUser()\nstatic void disableAutomaticUser()\nstatic boolean isAutomaticUserEnabled()\npublic static Task<Void> enableRevocableSessionInBackground()\n@Override boolean needsDefaultACL()\n@Override boolean isKeyMutable(String key)\n@Override State.Builder newStateBuilder(String className)\n@Override State getState()\n@Override void setState(ParseObject.State newState)\n boolean isLazy()\npublic boolean isAuthenticated()\n@Override public void remove(@NonNull String key)\n@Override JSONObject toRest(\n ParseObject.State state,\n List<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue,\n ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n Task<Void> cleanUpAuthDataAsync()\n@Override Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n ParseObject.State result, ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n@Override void validateSaveEventually()\n boolean isCurrentUser()\n void setIsCurrentUser(boolean isCurrentUser)\npublic String getSessionToken()\nprivate Task<Void> setSessionTokenInBackground(String newSessionToken)\n Map<String, Map<String, String>> getAuthData()\nprivate Map<String, String> getAuthData(String authType)\n void putAuthData(String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\nprivate void removeAuthData(String authType)\npublic String getUsername()\npublic void setUsername(String username)\n String getPassword()\npublic void setPassword(String password)\npublic String getEmail()\npublic void setEmail(String email)\npublic boolean isNew()\n@Override public void put(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object value)\nprivate void stripAnonymity()\nprivate void restoreAnonymity(Map<String, String> anonymousData)\n@Override void validateSave()\n@Override Task<Void> saveAsync(String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<Void> saveAsync(String sessionToken, boolean isLazy, Task<Void> toAwait)\n@Override void validateDelete()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public ParseUser fetch()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override Task<T> fetchAsync(\n String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic Task<Void> signUpInBackground()\n Task<Void> signUpAsync(Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic void signUp()\npublic void signUpInBackground(SignUpCallback callback)\n Task<Void> logOutAsync()\n Task<Void> logOutAsync(boolean revoke)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public ParseUser fetchIfNeeded()\npublic boolean isLinked(String authType)\n Task<Void> synchronizeAllAuthDataAsync()\n Task<Void> synchronizeAuthDataAsync(String authType)\nprivate Task<Void> synchronizeAuthDataAsync(\n ParseAuthenticationManager manager, final String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\nprivate Task<Void> linkWithAsync(\n final String authType,\n final Map<String, String> authData,\n final Task<Void> toAwait,\n final String sessionToken)\nprivate Task<Void> linkWithAsync(\n final String authType,\n final Map<String, String> authData,\n final String sessionToken)\npublic Task<Void> linkWithInBackground(\n String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\npublic Task<Void> unlinkFromInBackground(final String authType)\n Task<Void> resolveLazinessAsync(Task<Void> toAwait)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override Task<T> fetchFromLocalDatastoreAsync()\n@Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)\n@Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedState)\n Task<Void> upgradeToRevocableSessionAsync()\nprivate Task<Void> upgradeToRevocableSessionAsync(Task<Void> toAwait)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseUserTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Task<ParseUser> logInInBackground(String username, String password) {\n if (username == null) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Must specify a username for the user to log in with\");\n }\n if (password == null) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Must specify a password for the user to log in with\");\n }\n\n return getUserController().logInAsync(username, password).onSuccessTask(new Continuation<State, Task<ParseUser>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<ParseUser> then(Task<State> task) {\n State result = task.getResult();\n final ParseUser newCurrent = ParseObject.from(result);\n return saveCurrentUserAsync(newCurrent).onSuccess(new Continuation<Void, ParseUser>() {\n @Override\n public ParseUser then(Task<Void> task) {\n return newCurrent;\n }\n });\n }\n });\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLogInWithNoPassword() throws Exception {\n thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);\n thrown.expectMessage(\"Must specify a password for the user to log in with\");\n\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(ParseUser.logInInBackground(\"userName\", null));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync( final OfflineStore store, final T object, ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) { Set<String> includes = state.includes(); // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error. Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null); for (final String include : includes) { task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) { return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db); } }); } return task; }
@Test public void testFetchIncludesMap() throws ParseException { OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class); when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class))) .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null)); ParseSQLiteDatabase db = mock(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class); ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>("TestObject") .include("") .build(); ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class); ParseObject unfetchedObject = mock(ParseObject.class); Map<String, ParseObject> objects = new HashMap<>(); objects.put("bar", unfetchedObject); when(object.get("foo")).thenReturn(objects); ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, db)); verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(object, db); verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(unfetchedObject, db); verifyNoMoreInteractions(store); }
[ "includes", "forResult", "onSuccessTask", "fetchIncludeAsync" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "fetchLocallyAsync", "any", "any", "forResult", "mock", "build", "include", "mock", "mock", "put", "thenReturn", "when", "get", "wait", "fetchIncludesAsync", "fetchLocallyAsync", "verify", "fetchLocallyAsync", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogicTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final OfflineStore store;", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogic", "method_signatures": "OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogic\n\nclass_fields: private final OfflineStore store;\n\nmethod_signatures: OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogicTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) {\n Set<String> includes = state.includes();\n // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error.\n Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null);\n for (final String include : includes) {\n task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) {\n return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db);\n }\n });\n }\n return task;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testFetchIncludesMap() throws ParseException {\n OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class);\n when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class)))\n .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null));\n\n ParseSQLiteDatabase db = mock(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class);\n\n ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>(\"TestObject\")\n .include(\"\")\n .build();\n\n ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class);\n ParseObject unfetchedObject = mock(ParseObject.class);\n Map<String, ParseObject> objects = new HashMap<>();\n objects.put(\"bar\", unfetchedObject);\n when(object.get(\"foo\")).thenReturn(objects);\n\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, db));\n verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(object, db);\n verify(store).fetchLocallyAsync(unfetchedObject, db);\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(store);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static File doChoosePath() { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty("user.home")); fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(MainWindow.getInstance()) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return fileChooser.getCurrentDirectory(); } return null; }
@Test @Ignore public void testDoChoosePath() { System.out.println("doChoosePath"); File expResult = null; File result = FileTools.doChoosePath(); assertEquals(expResult, result); // TODO review the generated test code and remove the default call to fail. fail("The test case is a prototype."); }
[ "getProperty", "setFileSelectionMode", "showOpenDialog", "getInstance", "getCurrentDirectory" ]
[ "println", "doChoosePath", "assertEquals", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FileToolsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTools.class);", "class_name": "FileTools", "method_signatures": "public static String getJreDirectory()\npublic static String getBuildsDirectory()\npublic static String getProjectsDirectory()\npublic static String getExecutionPath(Class clazz)\npublic static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName)\npublic static Project createProjectFromTemplate(String path, String projectName, String template)\npublic static boolean createAssetDirectories(String path)\nprivate static boolean createDirectory(String path)\npublic static File doChoosePath()\npublic static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type)\npublic static void saveAsset(AbstractAsset asset)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: editor/editor-ui/src/main/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileTools\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTools.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static String getJreDirectory()\npublic static String getBuildsDirectory()\npublic static String getProjectsDirectory()\npublic static String getExecutionPath(Class clazz)\npublic static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName)\npublic static Project createProjectFromTemplate(String path, String projectName, String template)\npublic static boolean createAssetDirectories(String path)\nprivate static boolean createDirectory(String path)\npublic static File doChoosePath()\npublic static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type)\npublic static void saveAsset(AbstractAsset asset)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FileToolsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file editor/editor-ui/src/main/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static File doChoosePath() {\n JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty(\"user.home\"));\n fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY);\n\n if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(MainWindow.getInstance()) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {\n return fileChooser.getCurrentDirectory();\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n editor/editor-ui/src/test/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n @Ignore\n public void testDoChoosePath() {\n System.out.println(\"doChoosePath\");\n File expResult = null;\n File result = FileTools.doChoosePath();\n assertEquals(expResult, result);\n // TODO review the generated test code and remove the default call to fail.\n fail(\"The test case is a prototype.\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName) { boolean result = true; result &= createDirectory(path + File.separator + projectName); result &= createAssetDirectories(path + File.separator + projectName); return result; }
@Test public void testCreateDirectoryStructure() { System.out.println("createDirectoryStructure"); String path = System.getProperty("user.home"); String project = "Test"; boolean expResult = true; boolean result = FileTools.createBlankProject(path, project); assertEquals(expResult, result); }
[ "createDirectory", "createAssetDirectories" ]
[ "println", "getProperty", "createBlankProject", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FileToolsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTools.class);", "class_name": "FileTools", "method_signatures": "public static String getJreDirectory()\npublic static String getBuildsDirectory()\npublic static String getProjectsDirectory()\npublic static String getExecutionPath(Class clazz)\npublic static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName)\npublic static Project createProjectFromTemplate(String path, String projectName, String template)\npublic static boolean createAssetDirectories(String path)\nprivate static boolean createDirectory(String path)\npublic static File doChoosePath()\npublic static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type)\npublic static void saveAsset(AbstractAsset asset)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: editor/editor-ui/src/main/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileTools\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTools.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static String getJreDirectory()\npublic static String getBuildsDirectory()\npublic static String getProjectsDirectory()\npublic static String getExecutionPath(Class clazz)\npublic static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName)\npublic static Project createProjectFromTemplate(String path, String projectName, String template)\npublic static boolean createAssetDirectories(String path)\nprivate static boolean createDirectory(String path)\npublic static File doChoosePath()\npublic static File doChooseFile(String extension, String directory, String type)\npublic static void saveAsset(AbstractAsset asset)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FileToolsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file editor/editor-ui/src/main/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean createBlankProject(String path, String projectName) {\n boolean result = true;\n\n result &= createDirectory(path + File.separator + projectName);\n result &= createAssetDirectories(path + File.separator + projectName);\n\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n editor/editor-ui/src/test/java/org/rpgwizard/editor/utilities/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testCreateDirectoryStructure() {\n System.out.println(\"createDirectoryStructure\");\n String path = System.getProperty(\"user.home\");\n String project = \"Test\";\n \n boolean expResult = true;\n boolean result = FileTools.createBlankProject(path, project);\n \n assertEquals(expResult, result);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Object encode(Object object) { try { if (object instanceof ParseObject) { return encodeRelatedObject((ParseObject) object); } // TODO(grantland): Remove once we disallow mutable nested queries t6941155 if (object instanceof ParseQuery.State.Builder<?>) { ParseQuery.State.Builder<?> builder = (ParseQuery.State.Builder<?>) object; return encode(; } if (object instanceof ParseQuery.State<?>) { ParseQuery.State<?> state = (ParseQuery.State<?>) object; return state.toJSON(this); } if (object instanceof Date) { return encodeDate((Date) object); } if (object instanceof byte[]) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("__type", "Bytes"); json.put("base64", Base64.encodeToString((byte[]) object, Base64.NO_WRAP)); return json; } if (object instanceof ParseFile) { return ((ParseFile) object).encode(); } if (object instanceof ParseGeoPoint) { ParseGeoPoint point = (ParseGeoPoint) object; JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("__type", "GeoPoint"); json.put("latitude", point.getLatitude()); json.put("longitude", point.getLongitude()); return json; } if (object instanceof ParsePolygon) { ParsePolygon polygon = (ParsePolygon) object; JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("__type", "Polygon"); json.put("coordinates", polygon.coordinatesToJSONArray()); return json; } if (object instanceof ParseACL) { ParseACL acl = (ParseACL) object; return acl.toJSONObject(this); } if (object instanceof Map) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) object; JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> pair : map.entrySet()) { json.put(pair.getKey(), encode(pair.getValue())); } return json; } if (object instanceof Collection) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (Object item : (Collection<?>) object) { array.put(encode(item)); } return array; } if (object instanceof ParseRelation) { ParseRelation<?> relation = (ParseRelation<?>) object; return relation.encodeToJSON(this); } if (object instanceof ParseFieldOperation) { return ((ParseFieldOperation) object).encode(this); } if (object instanceof ParseQuery.RelationConstraint) { return ((ParseQuery.RelationConstraint) object).encode(this); } if (object == null) { return JSONObject.NULL; } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // String, Number, Boolean, if (isValidType(object)) { return object; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type for ParseObject: " + object.getClass().toString()); }
@Test public void testRelation() throws JSONException { ParseRelation parseRelation = new ParseRelation("TestObject"); JSONObject relationJSON = (JSONObject) testClassObject.encode(parseRelation); assertNotNull(relationJSON); assertEquals("Relation", relationJSON.getString("__type")); assertEquals("TestObject", relationJSON.getString("className")); }
[ "encodeRelatedObject", "encode", "build", "toJSON", "encodeDate", "put", "put", "encodeToString", "encode", "put", "put", "getLatitude", "put", "getLongitude", "put", "put", "coordinatesToJSONArray", "toJSONObject", "entrySet", "put", "getKey", "encode", "getValue", "put", "encode", "encodeToJSON", "encode", "encode", "isValidType", "toString", "getClass" ]
[ "encode", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "getString", "assertEquals", "getString" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\nParseEncoderTestClass testClassObject = null;", "class_name": "ParseEncoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ParseEncoder", "method_signatures": "static boolean isValidType(Object value)\npublic Object encode(Object object)\nprotected abstract JSONObject encodeRelatedObject(ParseObject object)\nprotected JSONObject encodeDate(Date date)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseEncoder\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: static boolean isValidType(Object value)\npublic Object encode(Object object)\nprotected abstract JSONObject encodeRelatedObject(ParseObject object)\nprotected JSONObject encodeDate(Date date)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseEncoderTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\nParseEncoderTestClass testClassObject = null;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Object encode(Object object) {\n try {\n if (object instanceof ParseObject) {\n return encodeRelatedObject((ParseObject) object);\n }\n\n // TODO(grantland): Remove once we disallow mutable nested queries t6941155\n if (object instanceof ParseQuery.State.Builder<?>) {\n ParseQuery.State.Builder<?> builder = (ParseQuery.State.Builder<?>) object;\n return encode(;\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParseQuery.State<?>) {\n ParseQuery.State<?> state = (ParseQuery.State<?>) object;\n return state.toJSON(this);\n }\n\n if (object instanceof Date) {\n return encodeDate((Date) object);\n }\n\n if (object instanceof byte[]) {\n JSONObject json = new JSONObject();\n json.put(\"__type\", \"Bytes\");\n json.put(\"base64\", Base64.encodeToString((byte[]) object, Base64.NO_WRAP));\n return json;\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParseFile) {\n return ((ParseFile) object).encode();\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParseGeoPoint) {\n ParseGeoPoint point = (ParseGeoPoint) object;\n JSONObject json = new JSONObject();\n json.put(\"__type\", \"GeoPoint\");\n json.put(\"latitude\", point.getLatitude());\n json.put(\"longitude\", point.getLongitude());\n return json;\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParsePolygon) {\n ParsePolygon polygon = (ParsePolygon) object;\n JSONObject json = new JSONObject();\n json.put(\"__type\", \"Polygon\");\n json.put(\"coordinates\", polygon.coordinatesToJSONArray());\n return json;\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParseACL) {\n ParseACL acl = (ParseACL) object;\n return acl.toJSONObject(this);\n }\n\n if (object instanceof Map) {\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) object;\n JSONObject json = new JSONObject();\n for (Map.Entry<String, Object> pair : map.entrySet()) {\n json.put(pair.getKey(), encode(pair.getValue()));\n }\n return json;\n }\n\n if (object instanceof Collection) {\n JSONArray array = new JSONArray();\n for (Object item : (Collection<?>) object) {\n array.put(encode(item));\n }\n return array;\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParseRelation) {\n ParseRelation<?> relation = (ParseRelation<?>) object;\n return relation.encodeToJSON(this);\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParseFieldOperation) {\n return ((ParseFieldOperation) object).encode(this);\n }\n\n if (object instanceof ParseQuery.RelationConstraint) {\n return ((ParseQuery.RelationConstraint) object).encode(this);\n }\n\n if (object == null) {\n return JSONObject.NULL;\n }\n\n } catch (JSONException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n }\n\n // String, Number, Boolean,\n if (isValidType(object)) {\n return object;\n }\n\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"invalid type for ParseObject: \"\n + object.getClass().toString());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRelation() throws JSONException {\n ParseRelation parseRelation = new ParseRelation(\"TestObject\");\n JSONObject relationJSON = (JSONObject) testClassObject.encode(parseRelation);\n assertNotNull(relationJSON);\n assertEquals(\"Relation\", relationJSON.getString(\"__type\"));\n assertEquals(\"TestObject\", relationJSON.getString(\"className\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request, StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver) { GeeseResponse.Builder response = GeeseResponse.newBuilder(); int gooseWidth = Integer.max(request.getGooseWidth(), DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH); IntStream.range(0, request.getLinesCount()) .mapToObj(i -> generateGeeseLine(request.getLineWidth(), gooseWidth)) .forEach(response::addLines); responseObserver.onNext(; responseObserver.onCompleted(); }
@Test public void shouldReturnNonOverlappingGeese() { AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(); UnaryOperator<Integer> sequentialGenerator = i -> counter.getAndIncrement(); int numberOfGeese = 5; grpcServerRule.getServiceRegistry() .addService(new GeeseService((min, max) -> numberOfGeese, sequentialGenerator, new InjectedFailureProvider())); GeeseServiceBlockingStub geeseClient = GeeseServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcServerRule.getChannel()); GeeseResponse response = geeseClient.getGeese(GetGeeseRequest.newBuilder() .setLinesCount(1).setGooseWidth(10).setLineWidth(50).build()); GeeseResponse geeseResponse = GeeseResponse.newBuilder() .addLines(GeeseLine.newBuilder().addAllGeesePositions(asList(0, 10, 20, 30, 40)).build()) .build(); assertThat(response).isEqualTo(geeseResponse); }
[ "newBuilder", "max", "getGooseWidth", "forEach", "mapToObj", "range", "getLinesCount", "generateGeeseLine", "getLineWidth", "onNext", "build", "onCompleted" ]
[ "getAndIncrement", "addService", "getServiceRegistry", "newBlockingStub", "getChannel", "getGeese", "build", "setLineWidth", "setGooseWidth", "setLinesCount", "newBuilder", "build", "addLines", "newBuilder", "build", "addAllGeesePositions", "newBuilder", "asList", "isEqualTo", "assertThat" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public GrpcServerRule grpcServerRule = new GrpcServerRule().directExecutor();", "class_name": "GeeseServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int MIN_GEESE_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int MAX_GEESE_COUNT = 3;\nprivate static final int DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH = 1;\nprivate final BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator;\nprivate final UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator;\nprivate final FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider;", "class_name": "GeeseService extends GeeseServiceImplBase", "method_signatures": "GeeseService(BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator,\n UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator,\n FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider)\n@Override public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request,\n StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver)\nprivate GeeseLine generateGeeseLine(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> generateGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> fullLineGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> geese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate boolean overlap(int candidate, int existingStart, int existingEnd)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: geese/src/main/java/xyz/breakit/geese/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GeeseService extends GeeseServiceImplBase\n\nclass_fields: private static final int MIN_GEESE_COUNT = 2;\nprivate static final int MAX_GEESE_COUNT = 3;\nprivate static final int DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH = 1;\nprivate final BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator;\nprivate final UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator;\nprivate final FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider;\n\nmethod_signatures: GeeseService(BinaryOperator<Integer> numberOfGeeseGenerator,\n UnaryOperator<Integer> geeseGenerator,\n FixtureFailureProvider fixtureFailureProvider)\n@Override public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request,\n StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver)\nprivate GeeseLine generateGeeseLine(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> generateGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> fullLineGeese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate Collection<Integer> geese(int lineWidth, int gooseWidth)\nprivate boolean overlap(int candidate, int existingStart, int existingEnd)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GeeseServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public GrpcServerRule grpcServerRule = new GrpcServerRule().directExecutor();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file geese/src/main/java/xyz/breakit/geese/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void getGeese(GetGeeseRequest request,\n StreamObserver<GeeseResponse> responseObserver) {\n\n GeeseResponse.Builder response = GeeseResponse.newBuilder();\n int gooseWidth = Integer.max(request.getGooseWidth(), DEFAULT_GOOSE_WIDTH);\n IntStream.range(0, request.getLinesCount())\n .mapToObj(i -> generateGeeseLine(request.getLineWidth(), gooseWidth))\n .forEach(response::addLines);\n\n responseObserver.onNext(;\n responseObserver.onCompleted();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n geese/src/test/java/xyz/breakit/geese/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldReturnNonOverlappingGeese() {\n\n AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();\n UnaryOperator<Integer> sequentialGenerator = i -> counter.getAndIncrement();\n\n int numberOfGeese = 5;\n grpcServerRule.getServiceRegistry()\n .addService(new GeeseService((min, max) -> numberOfGeese,\n sequentialGenerator, new InjectedFailureProvider()));\n\n GeeseServiceBlockingStub geeseClient = GeeseServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(grpcServerRule.getChannel());\n\n GeeseResponse response = geeseClient.getGeese(GetGeeseRequest.newBuilder()\n .setLinesCount(1).setGooseWidth(10).setLineWidth(50).build());\n\n GeeseResponse geeseResponse = GeeseResponse.newBuilder()\n .addLines(GeeseLine.newBuilder().addAllGeesePositions(asList(0, 10, 20, 30, 40)).build())\n .build();\n assertThat(response).isEqualTo(geeseResponse);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync( final OfflineStore store, final T object, ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) { Set<String> includes = state.includes(); // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error. Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null); for (final String include : includes) { task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() { @Override public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) { return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db); } }); } return task; }
@Test public void testFetchIncludesNestedNonParseObject() throws Exception { OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class); when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class))) .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null)); ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>("TestObject") .include("") .build(); ParseObject object = new ParseObject("TestObject"); object.put("foo", 1); thrown.expect(IllegalStateException.class); ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, null)); // only itself verify(store, times(1)) .fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class)); }
[ "includes", "forResult", "onSuccessTask", "fetchIncludeAsync" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "fetchLocallyAsync", "any", "any", "forResult", "build", "include", "put", "expect", "wait", "fetchIncludesAsync", "fetchLocallyAsync", "verify", "times", "any", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogicTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final OfflineStore store;", "class_name": "OfflineQueryLogic", "method_signatures": "OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogic\n\nclass_fields: private final OfflineStore store;\n\nmethod_signatures: OfflineQueryLogic(OfflineStore store)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key)\nprivate static Object getValue(Object container, String key, int depth)\nprivate static int compareTo(Object lhs, Object rhs)\nprivate static boolean compareList(Object constraint, List<?> values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compareArray(Object constraint, JSONArray values, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean compare(Object constraint, Object value, Decider decider)\nprivate static boolean matchesEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotEqualConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesLessThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGreaterThanOrEqualToConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNotInConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesAllConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean isAnyValueRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static Collection<?> cleanRegexStartsWith(Collection<?> constraints)\nprivate static KeyConstraints cleanRegexStartsWith(KeyConstraints regex)\nprivate static boolean isStartsWithRegex(Object constraint)\nprivate static boolean matchesRegexConstraint(Object constraint, Object value, String options)\nprivate static boolean matchesExistsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesNearSphereConstraint(Object constraint, Object value,\n Double maxDistance)\nprivate static boolean matchesWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoIntersectsConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesGeoWithinConstraint(Object constraint, Object value)\nprivate static boolean matchesStatelessConstraint(String operator, Object constraint,\n Object value, KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nstatic boolean hasReadAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic boolean hasWriteAccess(ParseUser user, T object)\nstatic void sort(List<T> results, ParseQuery.State<T> state)\nprivate static Task<Void> fetchIncludeAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final Object container,\n final String path,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nstatic Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createNotInQueryMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createDontSelectMatcher(ParseUser user,\n Object constraint, final String key)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n final String operator, final Object constraint, final String key,\n final KeyConstraints allKeyConstraints)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createOrMatcher(ParseUser user,\n ArrayList<QueryConstraints> queries)\nprivate ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(ParseUser user,\n QueryConstraints queryConstraints)\n ConstraintMatcher<T> createMatcher(\n ParseQuery.State<T> state, final ParseUser user)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: OfflineQueryLogicTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static <T extends ParseObject> Task<Void> fetchIncludesAsync(\n final OfflineStore store,\n final T object,\n ParseQuery.State<T> state,\n final ParseSQLiteDatabase db) {\n Set<String> includes = state.includes();\n // We do the fetches in series because it makes it easier to fail on the first error.\n Task<Void> task = Task.forResult(null);\n for (final String include : includes) {\n task = task.onSuccessTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Void> then(Task<Void> task) {\n return fetchIncludeAsync(store, object, include, db);\n }\n });\n }\n return task;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testFetchIncludesNestedNonParseObject() throws Exception {\n OfflineStore store = mock(OfflineStore.class);\n when(store.fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class)))\n .thenReturn(Task.<ParseObject>forResult(null));\n\n ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>(\"TestObject\")\n .include(\"\")\n .build();\n\n ParseObject object = new ParseObject(\"TestObject\");\n object.put(\"foo\", 1);\n\n thrown.expect(IllegalStateException.class);\n ParseTaskUtils.wait(OfflineQueryLogic.fetchIncludesAsync(store, object, query, null));\n // only itself\n verify(store, times(1))\n .fetchLocallyAsync(any(ParseObject.class), any(ParseSQLiteDatabase.class));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication) { verifier = Optional.ofNullable(verifier).orElse(new MacSigner(signingKey)); //是否无效true表示无效 boolean invalid = Boolean.TRUE; try { Jwt jwt = getJwt(authentication); jwt.verifySignature(verifier); invalid = Boolean.FALSE; } catch (InvalidSignatureException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { log.warn("user token has expired or signature error "); } return invalid; }
@Test public void testInvalidJwtAccessToken_假如有人获取用户token_当输入篡改过playload中信息_那么返回true表示token无效() { String authentication = BEARER + "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.111eyJGc2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE"; Assert.assertTrue(authService.invalidJwtAccessToken(authentication)); }
[ "orElse", "ofNullable", "getJwt", "verifySignature", "warn" ]
[ "assertTrue", "invalidJwtAccessToken" ]
{ "class_fields": "@InjectMocks\n IAuthService authService;\n@Mock\n AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final String VALID_TOKEN = \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE\";\nprivate static final String BEARER = \"bearer \";", "class_name": "AuthServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final int BEARER_BEGIN_INDEX = 7;\n@Value(\"${}\")\n private String signingKey;\n@Value(\"${gate.ignore.authentication.startWith}\")\n private String ignoreUrls = \"/oauth\";\nprivate MacSigner verifier;", "class_name": "AuthService implements IAuthService", "method_signatures": "@Override public Result authenticate(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean ignoreAuthentication(String url)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(Result authResult)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication)\n@Override public Jwt getJwt(String authentication)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/main/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AuthService implements IAuthService\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final int BEARER_BEGIN_INDEX = 7;\n@Value(\"${}\")\n private String signingKey;\n@Value(\"${gate.ignore.authentication.startWith}\")\n private String ignoreUrls = \"/oauth\";\nprivate MacSigner verifier;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Result authenticate(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean ignoreAuthentication(String url)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(Result authResult)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication)\n@Override public Jwt getJwt(String authentication)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AuthServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @InjectMocks\n IAuthService authService;\n@Mock\n AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final String VALID_TOKEN = \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE\";\nprivate static final String BEARER = \"bearer \";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/main/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication) {\n verifier = Optional.ofNullable(verifier).orElse(new MacSigner(signingKey));\n //是否无效true表示无效\n boolean invalid = Boolean.TRUE;\n\n try {\n Jwt jwt = getJwt(authentication);\n jwt.verifySignature(verifier);\n invalid = Boolean.FALSE;\n } catch (InvalidSignatureException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {\n log.warn(\"user token has expired or signature error \");\n }\n return invalid;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/test/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testInvalidJwtAccessToken_假如有人获取用户token_当输入篡改过playload中信息_那么返回true表示token无效() {\n String authentication = BEARER + \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.111eyJGc2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE\";\n Assert.assertTrue(authService.invalidJwtAccessToken(authentication));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ParseACL get() { if (defaultACLUsesCurrentUser && defaultACL != null) { ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser(); if (currentUser != null) { // If the currentUser has changed, generate a new ACL from the defaultACL. ParseUser last = lastCurrentUser != null ? lastCurrentUser.get() : null; if (last != currentUser) { ParseACL newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser = defaultACL.copy(); newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setShared(true); newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setReadAccess(currentUser, true); newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setWriteAccess(currentUser, true); defaultACLWithCurrentUser = newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser; lastCurrentUser = new WeakReference<>(currentUser); } return defaultACLWithCurrentUser; } } return defaultACL; }
@Test public void testGetDefaultACLWithCurrentUserAndLastCurrentUserNotSame() { ParseDefaultACLController controller = new ParseDefaultACLController(); ParseACL acl = mock(ParseACL.class); ParseACL copiedACL = mock(ParseACL.class); when(acl.copy()).thenReturn(copiedACL); controller.defaultACL = acl; controller.defaultACLUsesCurrentUser = true; controller.defaultACLWithCurrentUser = new ParseACL(); // Register currentUser ParseCurrentUserController currentUserController = mock(ParseCurrentUserController.class); ParseUser currentUser = mock(ParseUser.class); when(currentUserController.getAsync(anyBoolean())).thenReturn(Task.forResult(currentUser)); ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerCurrentUserController(currentUserController); ParseACL defaultACL = controller.get(); verify(copiedACL, times(1)).setShared(true); verify(copiedACL, times(1)).setReadAccess(eq(currentUser), eq(true)); verify(copiedACL, times(1)).setWriteAccess(eq(currentUser), eq(true)); assertSame(currentUser, controller.lastCurrentUser.get()); assertNotSame(acl, defaultACL); assertSame(copiedACL, defaultACL); }
[ "getCurrentUser", "get", "copy", "setShared", "setReadAccess", "setWriteAccess" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "copy", "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getAsync", "anyBoolean", "forResult", "registerCurrentUserController", "getInstance", "get", "setShared", "verify", "times", "setReadAccess", "verify", "times", "eq", "eq", "setWriteAccess", "verify", "times", "eq", "eq", "assertSame", "get", "assertNotSame", "assertSame" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ParseDefaultACLControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "ParseACL defaultACL;\nboolean defaultACLUsesCurrentUser;\nWeakReference<ParseUser> lastCurrentUser;\nParseACL defaultACLWithCurrentUser;", "class_name": "ParseDefaultACLController", "method_signatures": "public void set(ParseACL acl, boolean withAccessForCurrentUser)\npublic ParseACL get()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseDefaultACLController\n\nclass_fields: ParseACL defaultACL;\nboolean defaultACLUsesCurrentUser;\nWeakReference<ParseUser> lastCurrentUser;\nParseACL defaultACLWithCurrentUser;\n\nmethod_signatures: public void set(ParseACL acl, boolean withAccessForCurrentUser)\npublic ParseACL get()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseDefaultACLControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ParseACL get() {\n if (defaultACLUsesCurrentUser && defaultACL != null) {\n ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser();\n if (currentUser != null) {\n // If the currentUser has changed, generate a new ACL from the defaultACL.\n ParseUser last = lastCurrentUser != null ? lastCurrentUser.get() : null;\n if (last != currentUser) {\n ParseACL newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser = defaultACL.copy();\n newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setShared(true);\n newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setReadAccess(currentUser, true);\n newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser.setWriteAccess(currentUser, true);\n defaultACLWithCurrentUser = newDefaultACLWithCurrentUser;\n lastCurrentUser = new WeakReference<>(currentUser);\n }\n return defaultACLWithCurrentUser;\n }\n }\n return defaultACL;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetDefaultACLWithCurrentUserAndLastCurrentUserNotSame() {\n ParseDefaultACLController controller = new ParseDefaultACLController();\n ParseACL acl = mock(ParseACL.class);\n ParseACL copiedACL = mock(ParseACL.class);\n when(acl.copy()).thenReturn(copiedACL);\n controller.defaultACL = acl;\n controller.defaultACLUsesCurrentUser = true;\n controller.defaultACLWithCurrentUser = new ParseACL();\n // Register currentUser\n ParseCurrentUserController currentUserController = mock(ParseCurrentUserController.class);\n ParseUser currentUser = mock(ParseUser.class);\n when(currentUserController.getAsync(anyBoolean())).thenReturn(Task.forResult(currentUser));\n ParseCorePlugins.getInstance().registerCurrentUserController(currentUserController);\n\n ParseACL defaultACL = controller.get();\n\n verify(copiedACL, times(1)).setShared(true);\n verify(copiedACL, times(1)).setReadAccess(eq(currentUser), eq(true));\n verify(copiedACL, times(1)).setWriteAccess(eq(currentUser), eq(true));\n assertSame(currentUser, controller.lastCurrentUser.get());\n assertNotSame(acl, defaultACL);\n assertSame(copiedACL, defaultACL);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable public ParseFile getParseFile(@NonNull String key) { Object value = get(key); if (!(value instanceof ParseFile)) { return null; } return (ParseFile) value; }
@Test public void testGetParseFile() { ParseObject object = new ParseObject("Test"); ParseFile file = mock(ParseFile.class); object.put("key", file); assertEquals(file, object.getParseFile("key")); }
[ "get" ]
[ "mock", "put", "assertEquals", "getParseFile" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "ParseObjectTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DEFAULT_PIN = \"_default\";\nstatic final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY = \"__isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final String AUTO_CLASS_NAME = \"_Automatic\";\nprivate static final String TAG = \"ParseObject\";\npublic static final String KEY_OBJECT_ID = \"objectId\";\npublic static final String KEY_CREATED_AT = \"createdAt\";\npublic static final String KEY_UPDATED_AT = \"updatedAt\";\nprivate static final String KEY_CLASS_NAME = \"className\";\nprivate static final String KEY_ACL = \"ACL\";\nprivate static final String KEY_COMPLETE = \"__complete\";\nprivate static final String KEY_OPERATIONS = \"__operations\";\nprivate static final String KEY_SELECTED_KEYS = \"__selectedKeys\";\nprivate static final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY_OLD = \"isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final ThreadLocal<String> isCreatingPointerForObjectId =\n new ThreadLocal<String>() {\n @Override\n protected String initialValue() {\n return null;\n }\n };\nprivate static final String NEW_OFFLINE_OBJECT_ID_PLACEHOLDER =\n \"*** Offline Object ***\";\npublic final static Creator<ParseObject> CREATOR = new Creator<ParseObject>() {\n @Override\n public ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source) {\n return ParseObject.createFromParcel(source, new ParseObjectParcelDecoder());\n }\n\n @Override\n public ParseObject[] newArray(int size) {\n return new ParseObject[size];\n }\n };\nfinal Object mutex = new Object();\nfinal TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nfinal LinkedList<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> estimatedData;\nprivate final ParseMulticastDelegate<ParseObject> saveEvent = new ParseMulticastDelegate<>();\nString localId;\nboolean isDeleted;\nboolean isDeleting;\nint isDeletingEventually;\nprivate State state;\nprivate boolean ldsEnabledWhenParceling;", "class_name": "ParseObject implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "protected ParseObject()\npublic ParseObject(String theClassName)\nprivate static ParseObjectController getObjectController()\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\nprivate static ParseObjectSubclassingController getSubclassingController()\npublic static ParseObject create(String className)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static T create(Class<T> subclass)\npublic static ParseObject createWithoutData(String className, String objectId)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unused\", \"unchecked\"}) public static T createWithoutData(Class<T> subclass, String objectId)\npublic static void registerSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic void unregisterSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic Task<T> enqueueForAll(final List<? extends ParseObject> objects,\n Continuation<Void, Task<T>> taskStart)\nstatic T from(ParseObject.State state)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder,\n Set<String> selectedKeys)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder)\nstatic T fromJSONPayload(\n JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void deleteAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void deleteAllInBackground(List<T> objects, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> deleteAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node,\n final Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n final Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeen,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeenNew)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node, Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles)\nprivate static Task<Void> deepSaveAsync(final Object object, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> saveAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void saveAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void saveAllInBackground(List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> saveAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(\n final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAllIfNeeded(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(final List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final boolean onlyIfNeeded)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final ParseUser user, final boolean onlyIfNeeded, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nstatic void registerParseSubclasses()\nstatic void unregisterParseSubclasses()\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects)\nprivate static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects, final boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic static void pinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground()\npublic static void unpinAll()\nstatic ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source, ParseParcelDecoder decoder)\n State.Init<?> newStateBuilder(String className)\n State getState()\n void setState(State newState)\nprivate void setState(State newState, boolean notifyIfObjectIdChanges)\npublic String getClassName()\npublic Date getUpdatedAt()\npublic Date getCreatedAt()\npublic Set<String> keySet()\n void copyChangesFrom(ParseObject other)\n void mergeFromObject(ParseObject other)\npublic void revert(String key)\npublic void revert()\nprivate Map<String, ParseObject> collectFetchedObjects()\n void build(JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\n State mergeFromServer(\n State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder, boolean completeData)\n JSONObject toRest(ParseEncoder encoder)\n JSONObject toRest(\n State state, List<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n void mergeREST(State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate boolean hasDirtyChildren()\npublic boolean isDirty()\n boolean isDirty(boolean considerChildren)\n boolean hasChanges()\n boolean hasOutstandingOperations()\npublic boolean isDirty(String key)\npublic String getObjectId()\npublic void setObjectId(String newObjectId)\n String getOrCreateLocalId()\nprivate void notifyObjectIdChanged(String oldObjectId, String newObjectId)\nprivate ParseRESTObjectCommand currentSaveEventuallyCommand(\n ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder, String sessionToken)\n JSONObject toJSONObjectForSaving(\n T state, ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final JSONObject result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final ParseObject.State result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n ParseOperationSet startSave()\n void validateSave()\npublic final void save()\npublic final Task<Void> saveInBackground()\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken, final Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<JSONObject> saveAsync(\n ParseHttpClient client,\n final ParseOperationSet operationSet,\n String sessionToken)\npublic final void saveInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\n void validateSaveEventually()\npublic final void saveEventually(SaveCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> saveEventually()\nprivate void enqueueSaveEventuallyOperationAsync(final ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n Task<Void> handleSaveEventuallyResultAsync(\n JSONObject json, ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n void updateBeforeSave()\npublic final void deleteEventually(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> deleteEventually()\n Task<Void> handleDeleteEventuallyResultAsync()\n Task<Void> handleFetchResultAsync(final ParseObject.State result)\npublic T fetch()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchAsync(\n final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic final Task<T> fetchInBackground()\npublic final void fetchInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic final Task<T> fetchIfNeededInBackground()\npublic T fetchIfNeeded()\npublic final void fetchIfNeededInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\n void validateDelete()\nprivate Task<Void> deleteAsync(final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<Void> deleteAsync(String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> handleDeleteResultAsync()\npublic final Task<Void> deleteInBackground()\npublic final void delete()\npublic final void deleteInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\nprivate boolean canBeSerialized()\nprivate ParseOperationSet currentOperations()\nprivate void applyOperations(ParseOperationSet operations, Map<String, Object> map)\nprivate void rebuildEstimatedData()\n void markAllFieldsDirty()\n void performOperation(String key, ParseFieldOperation operation)\npublic void put(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object value)\n void performPut(String key, Object value)\npublic boolean has(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Number amount)\npublic void add(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void addUnique(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAllUnique(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void remove(@NonNull String key)\n void performRemove(String key)\npublic void removeAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\nprivate void checkKeyIsMutable(String key)\n boolean isKeyMutable(String key)\npublic boolean containsKey(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public String getString(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public byte[] getBytes(String key)\n@Nullable public Number getNumber(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key)\n@Nullable public List<T> getList(String key)\n@Nullable public Map<String, V> getMap(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key)\npublic int getInt(@NonNull String key)\npublic double getDouble(@NonNull String key)\npublic long getLong(@NonNull String key)\npublic boolean getBoolean(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Date getDate(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseObject getParseObject(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseUser getParseUser(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseFile getParseFile(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParsePolygon getParsePolygon(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseACL getACL()\npublic void setACL(ParseACL acl)\nprivate ParseACL getACL(boolean mayCopy)\npublic boolean isDataAvailable()\npublic boolean isDataAvailable(@NonNull String key)\n@NonNull public ParseRelation<T> getRelation(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Object get(@NonNull String key)\nprivate void checkGetAccess(String key)\npublic boolean hasSameId(ParseObject other)\n void registerSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void unregisterSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void setDefaultValues()\n boolean needsDefaultACL()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchFromLocalDatastoreAsync()\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastoreInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastore()\npublic void pinInBackground(String name, SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name)\n Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name, boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic void pin(String name)\npublic void pinInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground()\npublic void pin()\npublic void unpinInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground(String name)\npublic void unpin(String name)\npublic void unpinInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground()\npublic void unpin()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)\n void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, ParseParcelEncoder encoder)\nprotected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)\nprotected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedState)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ParseObject implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DEFAULT_PIN = \"_default\";\nstatic final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY = \"__isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final String AUTO_CLASS_NAME = \"_Automatic\";\nprivate static final String TAG = \"ParseObject\";\npublic static final String KEY_OBJECT_ID = \"objectId\";\npublic static final String KEY_CREATED_AT = \"createdAt\";\npublic static final String KEY_UPDATED_AT = \"updatedAt\";\nprivate static final String KEY_CLASS_NAME = \"className\";\nprivate static final String KEY_ACL = \"ACL\";\nprivate static final String KEY_COMPLETE = \"__complete\";\nprivate static final String KEY_OPERATIONS = \"__operations\";\nprivate static final String KEY_SELECTED_KEYS = \"__selectedKeys\";\nprivate static final String KEY_IS_DELETING_EVENTUALLY_OLD = \"isDeletingEventually\";\nprivate static final ThreadLocal<String> isCreatingPointerForObjectId =\n new ThreadLocal<String>() {\n @Override\n protected String initialValue() {\n return null;\n }\n };\nprivate static final String NEW_OFFLINE_OBJECT_ID_PLACEHOLDER =\n \"*** Offline Object ***\";\npublic final static Creator<ParseObject> CREATOR = new Creator<ParseObject>() {\n @Override\n public ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source) {\n return ParseObject.createFromParcel(source, new ParseObjectParcelDecoder());\n }\n\n @Override\n public ParseObject[] newArray(int size) {\n return new ParseObject[size];\n }\n };\nfinal Object mutex = new Object();\nfinal TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nfinal LinkedList<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> estimatedData;\nprivate final ParseMulticastDelegate<ParseObject> saveEvent = new ParseMulticastDelegate<>();\nString localId;\nboolean isDeleted;\nboolean isDeleting;\nint isDeletingEventually;\nprivate State state;\nprivate boolean ldsEnabledWhenParceling;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected ParseObject()\npublic ParseObject(String theClassName)\nprivate static ParseObjectController getObjectController()\nprivate static LocalIdManager getLocalIdManager()\nprivate static ParseObjectSubclassingController getSubclassingController()\npublic static ParseObject create(String className)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static T create(Class<T> subclass)\npublic static ParseObject createWithoutData(String className, String objectId)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unused\", \"unchecked\"}) public static T createWithoutData(Class<T> subclass, String objectId)\npublic static void registerSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic void unregisterSubclass(Class<? extends ParseObject> subclass)\nstatic Task<T> enqueueForAll(final List<? extends ParseObject> objects,\n Continuation<Void, Task<T>> taskStart)\nstatic T from(ParseObject.State state)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder,\n Set<String> selectedKeys)\npublic static T fromJSON(JSONObject json, String defaultClassName,\n ParseDecoder decoder)\nstatic T fromJSONPayload(\n JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> deleteAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void deleteAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void deleteAllInBackground(List<T> objects, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> deleteAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node,\n final Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n final Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeen,\n final Set<ParseObject> alreadySeenNew)\nprivate static void collectDirtyChildren(Object node, Collection<ParseObject> dirtyChildren,\n Collection<ParseFile> dirtyFiles)\nprivate static Task<Void> deepSaveAsync(final Object object, final String sessionToken)\nprivate static Task<Void> saveAllAsync(\n final List<T> uniqueObjects, final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static void saveAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void saveAllInBackground(List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> saveAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(\n final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAllIfNeeded(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(final List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final boolean onlyIfNeeded)\nprivate static Task<List<T>> fetchAllAsync(\n final List<T> objects, final ParseUser user, final boolean onlyIfNeeded, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic static Task<List<T>> fetchAllInBackground(final List<T> objects)\npublic static List<T> fetchAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void fetchAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n FindCallback<T> callback)\nstatic void registerParseSubclasses()\nstatic void unregisterParseSubclasses()\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects, SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects)\nprivate static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(final String name,\n final List<T> objects, final boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic static void pinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n SaveCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> pinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void pinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name,\n List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects,\n DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAll(List<T> objects)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground(String name)\npublic static void unpinAll(String name)\npublic static void unpinAllInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic static Task<Void> unpinAllInBackground()\npublic static void unpinAll()\nstatic ParseObject createFromParcel(Parcel source, ParseParcelDecoder decoder)\n State.Init<?> newStateBuilder(String className)\n State getState()\n void setState(State newState)\nprivate void setState(State newState, boolean notifyIfObjectIdChanges)\npublic String getClassName()\npublic Date getUpdatedAt()\npublic Date getCreatedAt()\npublic Set<String> keySet()\n void copyChangesFrom(ParseObject other)\n void mergeFromObject(ParseObject other)\npublic void revert(String key)\npublic void revert()\nprivate Map<String, ParseObject> collectFetchedObjects()\n void build(JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\n State mergeFromServer(\n State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder, boolean completeData)\n JSONObject toRest(ParseEncoder encoder)\n JSONObject toRest(\n State state, List<ParseOperationSet> operationSetQueue, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n void mergeREST(State state, JSONObject json, ParseDecoder decoder)\nprivate boolean hasDirtyChildren()\npublic boolean isDirty()\n boolean isDirty(boolean considerChildren)\n boolean hasChanges()\n boolean hasOutstandingOperations()\npublic boolean isDirty(String key)\npublic String getObjectId()\npublic void setObjectId(String newObjectId)\n String getOrCreateLocalId()\nprivate void notifyObjectIdChanged(String oldObjectId, String newObjectId)\nprivate ParseRESTObjectCommand currentSaveEventuallyCommand(\n ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder, String sessionToken)\n JSONObject toJSONObjectForSaving(\n T state, ParseOperationSet operations, ParseEncoder objectEncoder)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final JSONObject result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n Task<Void> handleSaveResultAsync(\n final ParseObject.State result, final ParseOperationSet operationsBeforeSave)\n ParseOperationSet startSave()\n void validateSave()\npublic final void save()\npublic final Task<Void> saveInBackground()\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> saveAsync(final String sessionToken, final Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<JSONObject> saveAsync(\n ParseHttpClient client,\n final ParseOperationSet operationSet,\n String sessionToken)\npublic final void saveInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\n void validateSaveEventually()\npublic final void saveEventually(SaveCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> saveEventually()\nprivate void enqueueSaveEventuallyOperationAsync(final ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n Task<Void> handleSaveEventuallyResultAsync(\n JSONObject json, ParseOperationSet operationSet)\n void updateBeforeSave()\npublic final void deleteEventually(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic final Task<Void> deleteEventually()\n Task<Void> handleDeleteEventuallyResultAsync()\n Task<Void> handleFetchResultAsync(final ParseObject.State result)\npublic T fetch()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchAsync(\n final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\npublic final Task<T> fetchInBackground()\npublic final void fetchInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic final Task<T> fetchIfNeededInBackground()\npublic T fetchIfNeeded()\npublic final void fetchIfNeededInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\n void validateDelete()\nprivate Task<Void> deleteAsync(final String sessionToken, Task<Void> toAwait)\n Task<Void> deleteAsync(String sessionToken)\n Task<Void> handleDeleteResultAsync()\npublic final Task<Void> deleteInBackground()\npublic final void delete()\npublic final void deleteInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\nprivate boolean canBeSerialized()\nprivate ParseOperationSet currentOperations()\nprivate void applyOperations(ParseOperationSet operations, Map<String, Object> map)\nprivate void rebuildEstimatedData()\n void markAllFieldsDirty()\n void performOperation(String key, ParseFieldOperation operation)\npublic void put(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object value)\n void performPut(String key, Object value)\npublic boolean has(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key)\npublic void increment(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Number amount)\npublic void add(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void addUnique(@NonNull String key, Object value)\npublic void addAllUnique(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\npublic void remove(@NonNull String key)\n void performRemove(String key)\npublic void removeAll(@NonNull String key, Collection<?> values)\nprivate void checkKeyIsMutable(String key)\n boolean isKeyMutable(String key)\npublic boolean containsKey(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public String getString(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public byte[] getBytes(String key)\n@Nullable public Number getNumber(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key)\n@Nullable public List<T> getList(String key)\n@Nullable public Map<String, V> getMap(String key)\n@Nullable public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key)\npublic int getInt(@NonNull String key)\npublic double getDouble(@NonNull String key)\npublic long getLong(@NonNull String key)\npublic boolean getBoolean(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Date getDate(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseObject getParseObject(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseUser getParseUser(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseFile getParseFile(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseGeoPoint getParseGeoPoint(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParsePolygon getParsePolygon(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public ParseACL getACL()\npublic void setACL(ParseACL acl)\nprivate ParseACL getACL(boolean mayCopy)\npublic boolean isDataAvailable()\npublic boolean isDataAvailable(@NonNull String key)\n@NonNull public ParseRelation<T> getRelation(@NonNull String key)\n@Nullable public Object get(@NonNull String key)\nprivate void checkGetAccess(String key)\npublic boolean hasSameId(ParseObject other)\n void registerSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void unregisterSaveListener(GetCallback<ParseObject> callback)\n void setDefaultValues()\n boolean needsDefaultACL()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") Task<T> fetchFromLocalDatastoreAsync()\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastoreInBackground(GetCallback<T> callback)\npublic void fetchFromLocalDatastore()\npublic void pinInBackground(String name, SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name)\n Task<Void> pinInBackground(String name, boolean includeAllChildren)\npublic void pin(String name)\npublic void pinInBackground(SaveCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> pinInBackground()\npublic void pin()\npublic void unpinInBackground(String name, DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground(String name)\npublic void unpin(String name)\npublic void unpinInBackground(DeleteCallback callback)\npublic Task<Void> unpinInBackground()\npublic void unpin()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)\n void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, ParseParcelEncoder encoder)\nprotected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)\nprotected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedState)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ParseObjectTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n public ParseFile getParseFile(@NonNull String key) {\n Object value = get(key);\n if (!(value instanceof ParseFile)) {\n return null;\n }\n return (ParseFile) value;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetParseFile() {\n ParseObject object = new ParseObject(\"Test\");\n ParseFile file = mock(ParseFile.class);\n object.put(\"key\", file);\n\n assertEquals(file, object.getParseFile(\"key\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest) { return this.resourceConfigAttributes.keySet().stream() .filter(requestMatcher -> requestMatcher.matches(authRequest)) .map(requestMatcher -> this.resourceConfigAttributes.get(requestMatcher)) .peek(urlConfigAttribute -> log.debug("url在资源池中配置:{}", urlConfigAttribute.getAttribute())) .findFirst() .orElse(new SecurityConfig(NONEXISTENT_URL)); }
@Test public void testGetConfigAttributesByUrl_假如存在如上资源信息_当请求存在的资源时_那么返回url和method都匹配的资源信息() { AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(this.resourceConfigAttributes); ConfigAttribute attributesByUrl = authenticationService .findConfigAttributesByUrl(new HttpServletRequestAuthWrapper(new MockHttpServletRequest(), "/users", "POST")); Assert.assertEquals("user_manager:btn_add", attributesByUrl.getAttribute()); }
[ "orElse", "findFirst", "peek", "map", "filter", "stream", "keySet", "matches", "get", "debug", "" ]
[ "findConfigAttributesByUrl", "assertEquals", "getAttribute" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes = new HashMap() {\n {\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher1 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users\");\n mvcRequestMatcher1.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"POST\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher2 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher2.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"PUT\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher3 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher3.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"DELETE\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher4 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher4.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher5 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}/order\");\n mvcRequestMatcher5.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher1, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_add\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher2, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_edit\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher3, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_del\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher4, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:view\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher5, new SecurityConfig(\"user_order:view\"));\n }\n };", "class_name": "AuthenticationServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String NONEXISTENT_URL = \"NONEXISTENT_URL\";\n@Autowired\n private ResourceService resourceService;\nMap<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes;", "class_name": "AuthenticationService implements IAuthenticationService", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public AuthenticationService(Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes)\n@Override public boolean decide(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\npublic boolean isMatch(ConfigAttribute urlConfigAttribute, Set<Resource> userResources)\npublic ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\nprivate Set<Resource> findResourcesByAuthorityRoles(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorityRoles)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/main/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AuthenticationService implements IAuthenticationService\n\nclass_fields: public static final String NONEXISTENT_URL = \"NONEXISTENT_URL\";\n@Autowired\n private ResourceService resourceService;\nMap<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public AuthenticationService(Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes)\n@Override public boolean decide(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\npublic boolean isMatch(ConfigAttribute urlConfigAttribute, Set<Resource> userResources)\npublic ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\nprivate Set<Resource> findResourcesByAuthorityRoles(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorityRoles)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AuthenticationServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes = new HashMap() {\n {\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher1 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users\");\n mvcRequestMatcher1.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"POST\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher2 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher2.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"PUT\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher3 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher3.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"DELETE\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher4 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher4.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher5 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}/order\");\n mvcRequestMatcher5.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher1, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_add\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher2, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_edit\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher3, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_del\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher4, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:view\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher5, new SecurityConfig(\"user_order:view\"));\n }\n };\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/main/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest) {\n return this.resourceConfigAttributes.keySet().stream()\n .filter(requestMatcher -> requestMatcher.matches(authRequest))\n .map(requestMatcher -> this.resourceConfigAttributes.get(requestMatcher))\n .peek(urlConfigAttribute -> log.debug(\"url在资源池中配置:{}\", urlConfigAttribute.getAttribute()))\n .findFirst()\n .orElse(new SecurityConfig(NONEXISTENT_URL));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/test/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetConfigAttributesByUrl_假如存在如上资源信息_当请求存在的资源时_那么返回url和method都匹配的资源信息() {\n AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(this.resourceConfigAttributes);\n ConfigAttribute attributesByUrl = authenticationService\n .findConfigAttributesByUrl(new HttpServletRequestAuthWrapper(new MockHttpServletRequest(), \"/users\", \"POST\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(\"user_manager:btn_add\", attributesByUrl.getAttribute());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void run() { try (BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)) { LogConverterType prevConverterType = null; while (!socket.isClosed() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { Object obj = objectStream.readObject(); LogConverterType converterType = LogConverterType.valueOf(obj); if (prevConverterType != converterType) { prevConverterType = converterType;"Log converter type detected: {} for log's object: {}",, obj.getClass().getName()); } Log log = converterType.convert(obj);; } } catch (EOFException e) { // When client closes connection, the stream will run out of data, // and the ObjectInputStream.readObject method will throw the exception logger.warn("Reached EOF while reading from socket"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to handle input stream", e); } finally { stop(); } }
@Test public void testLogbackHandling() throws IOException { ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent[] logs = { TestUtils.createSimpleLogbackLog(LOG_MESSAGE_1), TestUtils.createSimpleLogbackLog(LOG_MESSAGE_2), }; Socket socket = mockSocket(TestUtils.objectsToBytes(logs)); SocketConnectionHandler logHandler = new SocketConnectionHandler(socket, eventBus);; Assert.assertTrue(buffer.size() == 2); Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_1, buffer.get(0).getMessage()); Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_2, buffer.get(1).getMessage()); }
[ "getInputStream", "isClosed", "isInterrupted", "currentThread", "readObject", "valueOf", "info", "name", "getName", "getClass", "convert", "post", "warn", "error", "stop" ]
[ "createSimpleLogbackLog", "createSimpleLogbackLog", "mockSocket", "objectsToBytes", "run", "assertTrue", "size", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "get", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String LOG_MESSAGE_1 = \"simple message 1\";\nprivate static final String LOG_MESSAGE_2 = \"simple message 2\";\nprivate final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();\nprivate final List<Log> buffer = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final LogCollector logCollector = TestUtils.createLogCollector(buffer);", "class_name": "SocketConnectionHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());\nprivate final Socket socket;\nprivate final EventBus eventBus;", "class_name": "SocketConnectionHandler implements Runnable", "method_signatures": "public SocketConnectionHandler(Socket socket, EventBus eventBus)\n@Override public void run()\nprivate void stop()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SocketConnectionHandler implements Runnable\n\nclass_fields: private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());\nprivate final Socket socket;\nprivate final EventBus eventBus;\n\nmethod_signatures: public SocketConnectionHandler(Socket socket, EventBus eventBus)\n@Override public void run()\nprivate void stop()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SocketConnectionHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String LOG_MESSAGE_1 = \"simple message 1\";\nprivate static final String LOG_MESSAGE_2 = \"simple message 2\";\nprivate final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();\nprivate final List<Log> buffer = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final LogCollector logCollector = TestUtils.createLogCollector(buffer);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void run() {\n try (BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());\n ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream)) {\n\n LogConverterType prevConverterType = null;\n\n while (!socket.isClosed() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {\n Object obj = objectStream.readObject();\n LogConverterType converterType = LogConverterType.valueOf(obj);\n\n if (prevConverterType != converterType) {\n prevConverterType = converterType;\n\"Log converter type detected: {} for log's object: {}\",\n, obj.getClass().getName());\n }\n Log log = converterType.convert(obj);\n;\n }\n } catch (EOFException e) {\n // When client closes connection, the stream will run out of data,\n // and the ObjectInputStream.readObject method will throw the exception\n logger.warn(\"Reached EOF while reading from socket\");\n } catch (Exception e) {\n logger.error(\"Failed to handle input stream\", e);\n } finally {\n stop();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jlv-core/src/test/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLogbackHandling() throws IOException {\n ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent[] logs = {\n TestUtils.createSimpleLogbackLog(LOG_MESSAGE_1),\n TestUtils.createSimpleLogbackLog(LOG_MESSAGE_2),\n };\n Socket socket = mockSocket(TestUtils.objectsToBytes(logs));\n SocketConnectionHandler logHandler = new SocketConnectionHandler(socket, eventBus);\n;\n Assert.assertTrue(buffer.size() == 2);\n Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_1, buffer.get(0).getMessage());\n Assert.assertEquals(LOG_MESSAGE_2, buffer.get(1).getMessage());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; MarkerComparator that = (MarkerComparator) o; return strategy.equals(that.strategy); }
@Test public void testEquals() { Assert.assertEquals(0,, OCT)); Assert.assertEquals(0,, SEPT_30)); Assert.assertEquals(0,, OCT_12)); Assert.assertEquals(0,, NOV_1)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(OCT, OCT)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(SEPT_30, SEPT_30)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(OCT_12, OCT_12)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(NOV_1, NOV_1)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(OCT, OCT)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(SEPT_30, SEPT_30)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(OCT_12, OCT_12)); Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(NOV_1, NOV_1)); }
[ "getClass", "getClass", "equals" ]
[ "assertEquals", "compare", "assertEquals", "compare", "assertEquals", "compare", "assertEquals", "compare", "assertEquals", "leftCompare", "assertEquals", "leftCompare", "assertEquals", "leftCompare", "assertEquals", "leftCompare", "assertEquals", "rightCompare", "assertEquals", "rightCompare", "assertEquals", "rightCompare", "assertEquals", "rightCompare" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static Marker OCT;\nprivate static Marker OCT_12;\nprivate static Marker SEPT;\nprivate static Marker SEPT_30;\nprivate static Marker NOV;\nprivate static Marker NOV_1;\nprivate static MarkerComparator comparator;", "class_name": "TestMarkerComparator" }
{ "class_fields": "private final PartitionStrategy strategy;", "class_name": "MarkerComparator implements Comparator<Marker>", "method_signatures": "public MarkerComparator(PartitionStrategy strategy)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public boolean contains(Marker container, Marker test)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public int compare(Marker m1, Marker m2)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public int rightCompare(Marker m1, Marker m2)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public int leftCompare(Marker m1, Marker m2)\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MarkerComparator implements Comparator<Marker>\n\nclass_fields: private final PartitionStrategy strategy;\n\nmethod_signatures: public MarkerComparator(PartitionStrategy strategy)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public boolean contains(Marker container, Marker test)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public int compare(Marker m1, Marker m2)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public int rightCompare(Marker m1, Marker m2)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public int leftCompare(Marker m1, Marker m2)\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestMarkerComparator\n\nclass_fields: private static Marker OCT;\nprivate static Marker OCT_12;\nprivate static Marker SEPT;\nprivate static Marker SEPT_30;\nprivate static Marker NOV;\nprivate static Marker NOV_1;\nprivate static MarkerComparator comparator;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object o) {\n if (this == o) return true;\n if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;\n\n MarkerComparator that = (MarkerComparator) o;\n\n return strategy.equals(that.strategy);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testEquals() {\n Assert.assertEquals(0,, OCT));\n Assert.assertEquals(0,, SEPT_30));\n Assert.assertEquals(0,, OCT_12));\n Assert.assertEquals(0,, NOV_1));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(OCT, OCT));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(SEPT_30, SEPT_30));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(OCT_12, OCT_12));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.leftCompare(NOV_1, NOV_1));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(OCT, OCT));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(SEPT_30, SEPT_30));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(OCT_12, OCT_12));\n Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.rightCompare(NOV_1, NOV_1));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <E> Schema getReaderSchema(Class<E> type, Schema schema) { Schema readerSchema = schema; GenericData dataModel = getDataModelForType(type); if (dataModel instanceof SpecificData) { readerSchema = ((SpecificData)dataModel).getSchema(type); } return readerSchema; }
@Test public void testGetReaderSchemaForCompatibleReflect() { Class<ReflectSmallEvent> type = ReflectSmallEvent.class; Schema writerSchema = ReflectData.get().getSchema(ReflectStandardEvent.class); Schema expResult = DataModelUtil.AllowNulls.get().getSchema(ReflectSmallEvent.class); Schema result = DataModelUtil.getReaderSchema(type, writerSchema); assertEquals(expResult, result); }
[ "getDataModelForType", "getSchema" ]
[ "getSchema", "get", "getSchema", "get", "getReaderSchema", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestDataModelUtil" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DataModelUtil", "method_signatures": "public static GenericData getDataModelForType(Class<E> type)\npublic static boolean isGeneric(Class<?> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static DatumReader<E> getDatumReaderForType(Class<E> type, Schema writerSchema)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static Class<E> resolveType(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\npublic static Schema getReaderSchema(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\npublic static Schema getWriterSchema(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static E createRecord(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\npublic static EntityAccessor<E> accessor(Class<E> type, Schema schema)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DataModelUtil\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static GenericData getDataModelForType(Class<E> type)\npublic static boolean isGeneric(Class<?> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static DatumReader<E> getDatumReaderForType(Class<E> type, Schema writerSchema)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static Class<E> resolveType(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\npublic static Schema getReaderSchema(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\npublic static Schema getWriterSchema(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static E createRecord(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\npublic static EntityAccessor<E> accessor(Class<E> type, Schema schema)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestDataModelUtil\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <E> Schema getReaderSchema(Class<E> type, Schema schema) {\n Schema readerSchema = schema;\n GenericData dataModel = getDataModelForType(type);\n\n if (dataModel instanceof SpecificData) {\n readerSchema = ((SpecificData)dataModel).getSchema(type);\n }\n\n return readerSchema;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetReaderSchemaForCompatibleReflect() {\n Class<ReflectSmallEvent> type = ReflectSmallEvent.class;\n Schema writerSchema = ReflectData.get().getSchema(ReflectStandardEvent.class);\n Schema expResult = DataModelUtil.AllowNulls.get().getSchema(ReflectSmallEvent.class);\n Schema result = DataModelUtil.getReaderSchema(type, writerSchema);\n assertEquals(expResult, result);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { if (getConf() != null) { DefaultConfiguration.set(getConf()); } try { jc.parse(args); } catch (MissingCommandException e) { console.error(e.getMessage()); return 1; } catch (ParameterException e) { help.setProgramName(programName); String cmd = jc.getParsedCommand(); if (args.length == 1) { // i.e., just the command (missing required arguments) help.helpCommands.add(cmd);; return 1; } else { // check for variants like 'cmd --help' etc. for (String arg : args) { if (HELP_ARGS.contains(arg)) { help.helpCommands.add(cmd);; return 0; } } } console.error(e.getMessage()); return 1; } help.setProgramName(programName); if (printVersion) {"Kite version \"{}\"", getVersion()); return 0; } // configure log4j if (debug) { org.apache.log4j.Logger console = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Main.class); console.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); } String parsed = jc.getParsedCommand(); if (parsed == null) {; return 1; } else if ("help".equals(parsed)) { return; } Command command = (Command) jc.getCommands().get(parsed).getObjects().get(0); if (command == null) {; return 1; } try { if (command instanceof Configurable) { ((Configurable) command).setConf(getConf()); } return; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (debug) { console.error("Argument error", e); } else { console.error("Argument error: {}", e.getMessage()); } return 1; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { if (debug) { console.error("State error", e); } else { console.error("State error: {}", e.getMessage()); } return 1; } catch (ValidationException e) { if (debug) { console.error("Validation error", e); } else { console.error("Validation error: {}", e.getMessage()); } return 1; } catch (DatasetNotFoundException e) { if (debug) { console.error("Cannot find dataset", e); } else { // the error message already contains "No such dataset: <name>" console.error(e.getMessage()); } return 1; } catch (DatasetIOException e) { if (debug) { console.error("IO error", e); } else { console.error("IO error: {}", e.getMessage()); } return 1; } catch (Exception e) { if (debug) { console.error("Unknown error", e); } else { console.error("Unknown error: {}", e.getMessage()); } return 1; } }
@Test public void testHelp() throws Exception { int rc = run("help"); verify(console).info( contains("Usage: {} [options] [command] [command options]"), eq(Main.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME)); verify(console).info(contains("Options")); verify(console, times(2)).info(anyString(), any(Object[].class)); // -v, --version verify(console).info(contains("Commands")); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("create"), anyString()); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("delete"), anyString()); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("help"), anyString()); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("schema"), anyString()); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("csv-schema"), anyString()); verify(console).info(anyString(), eq("test"), eq("Test description")); verify(console).info(contains("Examples")); verify(console).info(contains("{} help create"), eq(Main.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME)); verify(console).info( contains("See '{} help <command>' for more information"), eq(Main.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME)); assertEquals(0, rc); }
[ "getConf", "set", "getConf", "parse", "error", "getMessage", "setProgramName", "getParsedCommand", "add", "run", "contains", "add", "run", "error", "getMessage", "setProgramName", "info", "getVersion", "getLogger", "setLevel", "getParsedCommand", "run", "equals", "run", "get", "getObjects", "get", "getCommands", "run", "setConf", "getConf", "run", "error", "error", "getMessage", "error", "error", "getMessage", "error", "error", "getMessage", "error", "error", "getMessage", "error", "error", "getMessage", "error", "error", "getMessage" ]
[ "run", "info", "verify", "contains", "eq", "info", "verify", "contains", "info", "verify", "times", "anyString", "any", "info", "verify", "contains", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "anyString", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "anyString", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "anyString", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "anyString", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "anyString", "info", "verify", "anyString", "eq", "eq", "info", "verify", "contains", "info", "verify", "contains", "eq", "info", "verify", "contains", "eq", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Logger console;\nprivate Main main;", "class_name": "TestMain" }
{ "class_fields": "@Parameter(names = {\"-v\", \"--verbose\", \"--debug\"},\n description = \"Print extra debugging information\")\n private boolean debug = false;\n@Parameter(names = {\"--version\"},\n description = \"Print Kite version and exit\")\n private boolean printVersion = false;\n@VisibleForTesting\n @Parameter(names=\"--dollar-zero\",\n description=\"A way for the runtime path to be passed in\", hidden=true)\n String programName = DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME;\n@VisibleForTesting\n static final String DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME = \"kite-dataset\";\nprivate static Set<String> HELP_ARGS = ImmutableSet.of(\"-h\", \"-help\", \"--help\", \"help\");\nprivate final Logger console;\nprivate final Help help;\n@VisibleForTesting\n final JCommander jc;", "class_name": "Main extends Configured implements Tool", "method_signatures": "Main(Logger console)\n@Override public int run(String[] args)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"BroadCatchBlock\", \"TooBroadCatch\"}) private String getVersion()\npublic static void main(String[] args)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Main extends Configured implements Tool\n\nclass_fields: @Parameter(names = {\"-v\", \"--verbose\", \"--debug\"},\n description = \"Print extra debugging information\")\n private boolean debug = false;\n@Parameter(names = {\"--version\"},\n description = \"Print Kite version and exit\")\n private boolean printVersion = false;\n@VisibleForTesting\n @Parameter(names=\"--dollar-zero\",\n description=\"A way for the runtime path to be passed in\", hidden=true)\n String programName = DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME;\n@VisibleForTesting\n static final String DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME = \"kite-dataset\";\nprivate static Set<String> HELP_ARGS = ImmutableSet.of(\"-h\", \"-help\", \"--help\", \"help\");\nprivate final Logger console;\nprivate final Help help;\n@VisibleForTesting\n final JCommander jc;\n\nmethod_signatures: Main(Logger console)\n@Override public int run(String[] args)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"BroadCatchBlock\", \"TooBroadCatch\"}) private String getVersion()\npublic static void main(String[] args)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestMain\n\nclass_fields: private Logger console;\nprivate Main main;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {\n if (getConf() != null) {\n DefaultConfiguration.set(getConf());\n }\n\n try {\n jc.parse(args);\n } catch (MissingCommandException e) {\n console.error(e.getMessage());\n return 1;\n } catch (ParameterException e) {\n help.setProgramName(programName);\n String cmd = jc.getParsedCommand();\n if (args.length == 1) { // i.e., just the command (missing required arguments)\n help.helpCommands.add(cmd);\n;\n return 1;\n } else { // check for variants like 'cmd --help' etc.\n for (String arg : args) {\n if (HELP_ARGS.contains(arg)) {\n help.helpCommands.add(cmd);\n;\n return 0;\n }\n }\n }\n console.error(e.getMessage());\n return 1;\n }\n\n help.setProgramName(programName);\n\n if (printVersion) {\n\"Kite version \\\"{}\\\"\", getVersion());\n return 0;\n }\n\n // configure log4j\n if (debug) {\n org.apache.log4j.Logger console = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Main.class);\n console.setLevel(Level.DEBUG);\n }\n\n String parsed = jc.getParsedCommand();\n if (parsed == null) {\n;\n return 1;\n } else if (\"help\".equals(parsed)) {\n return;\n }\n\n Command command = (Command) jc.getCommands().get(parsed).getObjects().get(0);\n if (command == null) {\n;\n return 1;\n }\n\n try {\n if (command instanceof Configurable) {\n ((Configurable) command).setConf(getConf());\n }\n return;\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {\n if (debug) {\n console.error(\"Argument error\", e);\n } else {\n console.error(\"Argument error: {}\", e.getMessage());\n }\n return 1;\n } catch (IllegalStateException e) {\n if (debug) {\n console.error(\"State error\", e);\n } else {\n console.error(\"State error: {}\", e.getMessage());\n }\n return 1;\n } catch (ValidationException e) {\n if (debug) {\n console.error(\"Validation error\", e);\n } else {\n console.error(\"Validation error: {}\", e.getMessage());\n }\n return 1;\n } catch (DatasetNotFoundException e) {\n if (debug) {\n console.error(\"Cannot find dataset\", e);\n } else {\n // the error message already contains \"No such dataset: <name>\"\n console.error(e.getMessage());\n }\n return 1;\n } catch (DatasetIOException e) {\n if (debug) {\n console.error(\"IO error\", e);\n } else {\n console.error(\"IO error: {}\", e.getMessage());\n }\n return 1;\n } catch (Exception e) {\n if (debug) {\n console.error(\"Unknown error\", e);\n } else {\n console.error(\"Unknown error: {}\", e.getMessage());\n }\n return 1;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHelp() throws Exception {\n int rc = run(\"help\");\n verify(console).info(\n contains(\"Usage: {} [options] [command] [command options]\"),\n eq(Main.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME));\n verify(console).info(contains(\"Options\"));\n verify(console, times(2)).info(anyString(), any(Object[].class)); // -v, --version\n verify(console).info(contains(\"Commands\"));\n verify(console).info(anyString(), eq(\"create\"), anyString());\n verify(console).info(anyString(), eq(\"delete\"), anyString());\n verify(console).info(anyString(), eq(\"help\"), anyString());\n verify(console).info(anyString(), eq(\"schema\"), anyString());\n verify(console).info(anyString(), eq(\"csv-schema\"), anyString());\n verify(console).info(anyString(), eq(\"test\"), eq(\"Test description\"));\n verify(console).info(contains(\"Examples\"));\n verify(console).info(contains(\"{} help create\"), eq(Main.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME));\n verify(console).info(\n contains(\"See '{} help <command>' for more information\"),\n eq(Main.DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME));\n assertEquals(0, rc);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public String apply(String value) { // always return the same String object so identity comparison can be used for (String upper : upperBounds) { if (value.compareTo(upper) <= 0) { return upper; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(value + " is outside bounds"); }
@Test public void test() { RangeFieldPartitioner partitioner = new RangeFieldPartitioner("username", new String[] { "barry", "susan", "zippy" }); Assert.assertEquals(3, partitioner.getCardinality()); Assert.assertEquals("barry", partitioner.apply("adam")); Assert.assertEquals("barry", partitioner.apply("barry")); Assert.assertEquals("susan", partitioner.apply("charlie")); Assert.assertEquals("zippy", partitioner.apply("yvette")); Exception ex = null; try { partitioner.apply("zzzzz out of range"); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } Assert.assertNotNull(ex); Assert.assertTrue(ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException); }
[ "compareTo" ]
[ "assertEquals", "getCardinality", "assertEquals", "apply", "assertEquals", "apply", "assertEquals", "apply", "assertEquals", "apply", "apply", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestRangeFieldPartitioner" }
{ "class_fields": "private final List<String> upperBounds;\nprivate final RangeDomain domain;", "class_name": "RangeFieldPartitioner extends FieldPartitioner<String, String>", "method_signatures": "public RangeFieldPartitioner(String sourceName, String... upperBounds)\npublic RangeFieldPartitioner(String sourceName, @Nullable String name,\n String... upperBounds)\n@Override public String apply(String value)\n@Override public Predicate<String> project(Predicate<String> predicate)\n@Override public Predicate<String> projectStrict(Predicate<String> predicate)\npublic List<String> getUpperBounds()\n@Override @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value=\"NP_METHOD_PARAMETER_TIGHTENS_ANNOTATION\", justification=\"Default annotation is not correct for equals\") public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)\n@Override public int compare(String o1, String o2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public String toString()\nprivate Range<String> transformClosed(Range<String> range)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/partition/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RangeFieldPartitioner extends FieldPartitioner<String, String>\n\nclass_fields: private final List<String> upperBounds;\nprivate final RangeDomain domain;\n\nmethod_signatures: public RangeFieldPartitioner(String sourceName, String... upperBounds)\npublic RangeFieldPartitioner(String sourceName, @Nullable String name,\n String... upperBounds)\n@Override public String apply(String value)\n@Override public Predicate<String> project(Predicate<String> predicate)\n@Override public Predicate<String> projectStrict(Predicate<String> predicate)\npublic List<String> getUpperBounds()\n@Override @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value=\"NP_METHOD_PARAMETER_TIGHTENS_ANNOTATION\", justification=\"Default annotation is not correct for equals\") public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)\n@Override public int compare(String o1, String o2)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n@Override public String toString()\nprivate Range<String> transformClosed(Range<String> range)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestRangeFieldPartitioner\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/partition/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public String apply(String value) {\n // always return the same String object so identity comparison can be used\n for (String upper : upperBounds) {\n if (value.compareTo(upper) <= 0) {\n return upper;\n }\n }\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(value + \" is outside bounds\");\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/partition/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test() {\n RangeFieldPartitioner partitioner = new RangeFieldPartitioner(\"username\",\n new String[] { \"barry\", \"susan\", \"zippy\" });\n\n Assert.assertEquals(3, partitioner.getCardinality());\n Assert.assertEquals(\"barry\", partitioner.apply(\"adam\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(\"barry\", partitioner.apply(\"barry\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(\"susan\", partitioner.apply(\"charlie\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(\"zippy\", partitioner.apply(\"yvette\"));\n\n Exception ex = null;\n\n try {\n partitioner.apply(\"zzzzz out of range\");\n } catch (Exception e) {\n ex = e;\n }\n\n Assert.assertNotNull(ex);\n Assert.assertTrue(ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E, V extends View<E>> V load(URI uri, Class<E> type) { boolean isView = URIBuilder.VIEW_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme()); Preconditions.checkArgument(isView || URIBuilder.DATASET_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme()), "Not a dataset or view URI: " + uri); Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "The entity type can't be null, use Object.class to have the type" + " determined by the schema."); Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> pair = Registration.lookupDatasetUri(URI.create(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart())); DatasetRepository repo = pair.first(); Map<String, String> uriOptions = pair.second(); Dataset<E> dataset = repo.load( uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION), uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION), type); if (isView) { return Datasets.<E, V> view(dataset, uriOptions); } else { // if the URI isn't a view URI, only load the dataset return (V) dataset; } }
@Test public void testLoadViewStringUriWithoutType() throws Exception { DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .schemaUri("resource:schema/user.avsc") .build(); Constraints constraints = new Constraints(descriptor.getSchema(), null) .with("username", "user1") .with("email", ""); AbstractDataset<GenericRecord> ds = mock(AbstractDataset.class); when(repo.load("ns", "test", GenericRecord.class)).thenReturn(ds); when(ds.getDescriptor()).thenReturn(descriptor); AbstractRefinableView<GenericRecord> userAndEmailView = mock(AbstractRefinableView.class); when(ds.filter(constraints)).thenReturn(userAndEmailView); URI datasetUri = new URIBuilder(repoUri, "ns", "test") .with("username", "user1") .with("email", "") .with("ignoredOption", "abc") .build(); RefinableView<GenericRecord> view = Datasets.load(datasetUri.toString()); verify(repo).load("ns", "test", GenericRecord.class); verifyNoMoreInteractions(repo); verify(ds).getDescriptor(); verify(ds).filter(constraints); verifyNoMoreInteractions(ds); verifyNoMoreInteractions(userAndEmailView); Assert.assertEquals(userAndEmailView, view); }
[ "equals", "getScheme", "checkArgument", "equals", "getScheme", "checkNotNull", "lookupDatasetUri", "create", "getRawSchemeSpecificPart", "first", "second", "load", "get", "get", "view" ]
[ "build", "schemaUri", "with", "with", "getSchema", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "load", "thenReturn", "when", "getDescriptor", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "filter", "build", "with", "with", "with", "load", "toString", "load", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "getDescriptor", "verify", "filter", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DatasetRepository repo = null;\nprivate URI repoUri = null;", "class_name": "TestDatasets" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Datasets", "method_signatures": "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri)\npublic static V load(String uriString, Class<E> type)\npublic static V load(String uriString)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static boolean delete(URI uri)\npublic static boolean delete(String uri)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(URI uri)\nprivate static boolean deleteWithTrash(URI uri, boolean useTrash)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(String uri)\npublic static boolean exists(URI uri)\npublic static boolean exists(String uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(URI uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(String uri)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private static V view(Dataset<E> dataset,\n Map<String, String> uriOptions)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Datasets\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri)\npublic static V load(String uriString, Class<E> type)\npublic static V load(String uriString)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static boolean delete(URI uri)\npublic static boolean delete(String uri)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(URI uri)\nprivate static boolean deleteWithTrash(URI uri, boolean useTrash)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(String uri)\npublic static boolean exists(URI uri)\npublic static boolean exists(String uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(URI uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(String uri)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private static V view(Dataset<E> dataset,\n Map<String, String> uriOptions)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestDatasets\n\nclass_fields: private DatasetRepository repo = null;\nprivate URI repoUri = null;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public static <E, V extends View<E>> V load(URI uri, Class<E> type) {\n boolean isView = URIBuilder.VIEW_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme());\n Preconditions.checkArgument(isView ||\n URIBuilder.DATASET_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme()),\n \"Not a dataset or view URI: \" + uri);\n Preconditions.checkNotNull(type,\n \"The entity type can't be null, use Object.class to have the type\"\n + \" determined by the schema.\");\n\n Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> pair =\n Registration.lookupDatasetUri(URI.create(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()));\n DatasetRepository repo = pair.first();\n Map<String, String> uriOptions = pair.second();\n\n Dataset<E> dataset = repo.load(\n uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION),\n uriOptions.get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION), type);\n\n if (isView) {\n return Datasets.<E, V> view(dataset, uriOptions);\n } else {\n // if the URI isn't a view URI, only load the dataset\n return (V) dataset;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLoadViewStringUriWithoutType() throws Exception {\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .schemaUri(\"resource:schema/user.avsc\")\n .build();\n Constraints constraints = new Constraints(descriptor.getSchema(), null)\n .with(\"username\", \"user1\")\n .with(\"email\", \"\");\n\n AbstractDataset<GenericRecord> ds = mock(AbstractDataset.class);\n when(repo.load(\"ns\", \"test\", GenericRecord.class)).thenReturn(ds);\n when(ds.getDescriptor()).thenReturn(descriptor);\n\n AbstractRefinableView<GenericRecord> userAndEmailView = mock(AbstractRefinableView.class);\n when(ds.filter(constraints)).thenReturn(userAndEmailView);\n\n URI datasetUri = new URIBuilder(repoUri, \"ns\", \"test\")\n .with(\"username\", \"user1\")\n .with(\"email\", \"\")\n .with(\"ignoredOption\", \"abc\")\n .build();\n\n RefinableView<GenericRecord> view = Datasets.load(datasetUri.toString());\n\n verify(repo).load(\"ns\", \"test\", GenericRecord.class);\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(repo);\n\n verify(ds).getDescriptor();\n verify(ds).filter(constraints);\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(ds);\n\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(userAndEmailView);\n\n Assert.assertEquals(userAndEmailView, view);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication) { verifier = Optional.ofNullable(verifier).orElse(new MacSigner(signingKey)); //是否无效true表示无效 boolean invalid = Boolean.TRUE; try { Jwt jwt = getJwt(authentication); jwt.verifySignature(verifier); invalid = Boolean.FALSE; } catch (InvalidSignatureException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { log.warn("user token has expired or signature error "); } return invalid; }
@Test public void testInvalidJwtAccessToken_假如_当输入随机字串_那么返回true表示token无效() { String authentication = BEARER + "im random string"; Assert.assertTrue(authService.invalidJwtAccessToken(authentication)); }
[ "orElse", "ofNullable", "getJwt", "verifySignature", "warn" ]
[ "assertTrue", "invalidJwtAccessToken" ]
{ "class_fields": "@InjectMocks\n IAuthService authService;\n@Mock\n AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final String VALID_TOKEN = \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE\";\nprivate static final String BEARER = \"bearer \";", "class_name": "AuthServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final int BEARER_BEGIN_INDEX = 7;\n@Value(\"${}\")\n private String signingKey;\n@Value(\"${gate.ignore.authentication.startWith}\")\n private String ignoreUrls = \"/oauth\";\nprivate MacSigner verifier;", "class_name": "AuthService implements IAuthService", "method_signatures": "@Override public Result authenticate(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean ignoreAuthentication(String url)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(Result authResult)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication)\n@Override public Jwt getJwt(String authentication)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/main/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AuthService implements IAuthService\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final int BEARER_BEGIN_INDEX = 7;\n@Value(\"${}\")\n private String signingKey;\n@Value(\"${gate.ignore.authentication.startWith}\")\n private String ignoreUrls = \"/oauth\";\nprivate MacSigner verifier;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Result authenticate(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean ignoreAuthentication(String url)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(Result authResult)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication)\n@Override public Jwt getJwt(String authentication)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AuthServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @InjectMocks\n IAuthService authService;\n@Mock\n AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final String VALID_TOKEN = \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE\";\nprivate static final String BEARER = \"bearer \";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/main/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication) {\n verifier = Optional.ofNullable(verifier).orElse(new MacSigner(signingKey));\n //是否无效true表示无效\n boolean invalid = Boolean.TRUE;\n\n try {\n Jwt jwt = getJwt(authentication);\n jwt.verifySignature(verifier);\n invalid = Boolean.FALSE;\n } catch (InvalidSignatureException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {\n log.warn(\"user token has expired or signature error \");\n }\n return invalid;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/test/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testInvalidJwtAccessToken_假如_当输入随机字串_那么返回true表示token无效() {\n String authentication = BEARER + \"im random string\";\n Assert.assertTrue(authService.invalidJwtAccessToken(authentication));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void merge(FileSystemDataset<E> update) { DatasetDescriptor updateDescriptor = update.getDescriptor(); // check that the dataset's descriptor can read the update Compatibility.checkCompatible(updateDescriptor, descriptor); for (PartitionView<E> src : update.getCoveringPartitions()) { if (src instanceof FileSystemPartitionView) { URI relative = ((FileSystemPartitionView<E>) src).getRelativeLocation(); PartitionView<E> dest = relative != null ? getPartitionView(relative) : unbounded; // We call this listener before we attempt to create any partition // directories. This lets the listener decide how to create the // directory, if desired. Hive managed datasets let the Hive // metastore create them while external datasets create it // locally if (descriptor.isPartitioned() && partitionListener != null && relative != null) { partitionListener.partitionAdded(namespace, name, relative.toString()); } // use new Path(String) for locations because setting the URI directly // results in the location URI being unescaped. the URI from // #getLocation() is not a Path internal URI from with extra escapes List<Pair<Path, Path>> staged = FileSystemUtil.stageMove(fileSystem, new Path(src.getLocation().toString()), new Path(dest.getLocation().toString()), "tmp" /* data should be added to recover from a failure */ ); FileSystemUtil.finishMove(fileSystem, staged); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Incompatible PartitionView: " + src.getClass().getName()); } } }
@Test(expected = ValidationException.class) public void testCannotMergeDatasetsWithDifferentPartitionStrategies() throws IOException { FileSystemDataset<Record> ds = new FileSystemDataset.Builder<Record>() .namespace("ns") .name("users") .configuration(getConfiguration()) .descriptor(new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .schema(USER_SCHEMA) .location(testDirectory) .partitionStrategy(new PartitionStrategy.Builder() .hash("username", 2).build()) .build()) .type(Record.class) .build(); FileSystemDataset<Record> dsUpdate = new FileSystemDataset.Builder<Record>() .namespace("ns") .name("users") .configuration(getConfiguration()) .descriptor(new DatasetDescriptor.Builder() .schema(USER_SCHEMA) .location(testDirectory) .partitionStrategy(new PartitionStrategy.Builder() .hash("username", 2).hash("email", 3).build()) .build()) .type(Record.class) .build(); ds.merge(dsUpdate); }
[ "getDescriptor", "checkCompatible", "getCoveringPartitions", "getRelativeLocation", "getPartitionView", "isPartitioned", "partitionAdded", "toString", "stageMove", "toString", "getLocation", "toString", "getLocation", "finishMove", "getName", "getClass" ]
[ "build", "type", "descriptor", "configuration", "name", "namespace", "getConfiguration", "build", "partitionStrategy", "location", "schema", "build", "hash", "build", "type", "descriptor", "configuration", "name", "namespace", "getConfiguration", "build", "partitionStrategy", "location", "schema", "build", "hash", "hash", "merge" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(TestFileSystemDataset.class);\nprivate final Format format;\nprivate final FileSystem fileSystem;\nprivate final CompressionType compressionType;\nprivate Path testDirectory;", "class_name": "TestFileSystemDataset extends MiniDFSTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(FileSystemDataset.class);\nprivate final FileSystem fileSystem;\nprivate final Path directory;\nprivate final String namespace;\nprivate final String name;\nprivate final DatasetDescriptor descriptor;\nprivate PartitionKey partitionKey;\nprivate final URI uri;\nprivate static final String SIGNALS_DIRECTORY_NAME = \".signals\";\nprivate final PartitionStrategy partitionStrategy;\nprivate final PartitionListener partitionListener;\nfinal FileSystemPartitionView<E> unbounded;\nprivate final PathConversion convert;\nprivate final SignalManager signalManager;", "class_name": "FileSystemDataset extends AbstractDataset<E> implements\n Mergeable<FileSystemDataset<E>>, InputFormatAccessor<E>, LastModifiedAccessor,\n PartitionedDataset<E>, SizeAccessor, Signalable<E>, Replaceable<View<E>>", "method_signatures": "FileSystemDataset(FileSystem fileSystem, Path directory,\n String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, URI uri,\n @Nullable PartitionListener partitionListener,\n Class<E> type)\n FileSystemDataset(FileSystem fileSystem, Path directory,\n String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, URI uri,\n @Nullable PartitionKey partitionKey,\n @Nullable PartitionListener partitionListener,\n Class<E> type)\nprivate FileSystemDataset(FileSystemDataset<?> toCopy, Class<E> type)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public Dataset<T> asType(Class<T> type)\n@Override public URI getUri()\npublic String getNamespace()\n@Override public String getName()\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor getDescriptor()\n View<E> viewForUri(URI location)\n FileSystemPartitionView<E> getPartitionView(URI location)\n FileSystemPartitionView<E> getPartitionView(Path location)\n@Override public Iterable<PartitionView<E>> getCoveringPartitions()\n PartitionKey getPartitionKey()\n FileSystem getFileSystem()\n Path getDirectory()\n PartitionListener getPartitionListener()\npublic boolean deleteAll()\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash()\npublic PathIterator pathIterator()\npublic Iterator<Path> dirIterator()\n@Override protected RefinableView<E> asRefinableView()\n@Override public FileSystemView<E> filter(Constraints c)\n@Override @Nullable @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") public PartitionedDataset<E> getPartition(PartitionKey key, boolean allowCreate)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") public void dropPartition(PartitionKey key)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") public Iterable<PartitionedDataset<E>> getPartitions()\npublic void addExistingPartitions()\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public void merge(FileSystemDataset<E> update)\n@Override public boolean canReplace(View<E> part)\n@Override public void replace(View<E> target, View<E> replacement)\n@Override public InputFormat<E, Void> getInputFormat(Configuration conf)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private Path toDirectoryName(@Nullable Path dir, PartitionKey key)\nprivate Path toRelativeDirectory(PartitionKey key)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private PartitionKey keyFromDirectory(String name)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public PartitionKey keyFromDirectory(Path dir)\n@Override public long getSize()\n@Override public long getLastModified()\n@Override public boolean isEmpty()\n@Override public void signalReady()\n@Override public boolean isReady()\nprivate static Path getDirectory(FileSystem fs, Path path)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileSystemDataset extends AbstractDataset<E> implements\n Mergeable<FileSystemDataset<E>>, InputFormatAccessor<E>, LastModifiedAccessor,\n PartitionedDataset<E>, SizeAccessor, Signalable<E>, Replaceable<View<E>>\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(FileSystemDataset.class);\nprivate final FileSystem fileSystem;\nprivate final Path directory;\nprivate final String namespace;\nprivate final String name;\nprivate final DatasetDescriptor descriptor;\nprivate PartitionKey partitionKey;\nprivate final URI uri;\nprivate static final String SIGNALS_DIRECTORY_NAME = \".signals\";\nprivate final PartitionStrategy partitionStrategy;\nprivate final PartitionListener partitionListener;\nfinal FileSystemPartitionView<E> unbounded;\nprivate final PathConversion convert;\nprivate final SignalManager signalManager;\n\nmethod_signatures: FileSystemDataset(FileSystem fileSystem, Path directory,\n String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, URI uri,\n @Nullable PartitionListener partitionListener,\n Class<E> type)\n FileSystemDataset(FileSystem fileSystem, Path directory,\n String namespace, String name,\n DatasetDescriptor descriptor, URI uri,\n @Nullable PartitionKey partitionKey,\n @Nullable PartitionListener partitionListener,\n Class<E> type)\nprivate FileSystemDataset(FileSystemDataset<?> toCopy, Class<E> type)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public Dataset<T> asType(Class<T> type)\n@Override public URI getUri()\npublic String getNamespace()\n@Override public String getName()\n@Override public DatasetDescriptor getDescriptor()\n View<E> viewForUri(URI location)\n FileSystemPartitionView<E> getPartitionView(URI location)\n FileSystemPartitionView<E> getPartitionView(Path location)\n@Override public Iterable<PartitionView<E>> getCoveringPartitions()\n PartitionKey getPartitionKey()\n FileSystem getFileSystem()\n Path getDirectory()\n PartitionListener getPartitionListener()\npublic boolean deleteAll()\n@Override public boolean moveToTrash()\npublic PathIterator pathIterator()\npublic Iterator<Path> dirIterator()\n@Override protected RefinableView<E> asRefinableView()\n@Override public FileSystemView<E> filter(Constraints c)\n@Override @Nullable @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") public PartitionedDataset<E> getPartition(PartitionKey key, boolean allowCreate)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") public void dropPartition(PartitionKey key)\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\") public Iterable<PartitionedDataset<E>> getPartitions()\npublic void addExistingPartitions()\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public void merge(FileSystemDataset<E> update)\n@Override public boolean canReplace(View<E> part)\n@Override public void replace(View<E> target, View<E> replacement)\n@Override public InputFormat<E, Void> getInputFormat(Configuration conf)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private Path toDirectoryName(@Nullable Path dir, PartitionKey key)\nprivate Path toRelativeDirectory(PartitionKey key)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private PartitionKey keyFromDirectory(String name)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public PartitionKey keyFromDirectory(Path dir)\n@Override public long getSize()\n@Override public long getLastModified()\n@Override public boolean isEmpty()\n@Override public void signalReady()\n@Override public boolean isReady()\nprivate static Path getDirectory(FileSystem fs, Path path)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestFileSystemDataset extends MiniDFSTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(TestFileSystemDataset.class);\nprivate final Format format;\nprivate final FileSystem fileSystem;\nprivate final CompressionType compressionType;\nprivate Path testDirectory;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void merge(FileSystemDataset<E> update) {\n DatasetDescriptor updateDescriptor = update.getDescriptor();\n\n // check that the dataset's descriptor can read the update\n Compatibility.checkCompatible(updateDescriptor, descriptor);\n\n for (PartitionView<E> src : update.getCoveringPartitions()) {\n if (src instanceof FileSystemPartitionView) {\n URI relative = ((FileSystemPartitionView<E>) src).getRelativeLocation();\n PartitionView<E> dest = relative != null ?\n getPartitionView(relative) : unbounded;\n\n // We call this listener before we attempt to create any partition\n // directories. This lets the listener decide how to create the\n // directory, if desired. Hive managed datasets let the Hive\n // metastore create them while external datasets create it\n // locally\n if (descriptor.isPartitioned() && partitionListener != null &&\n relative != null) {\n partitionListener.partitionAdded(namespace, name, relative.toString());\n }\n\n // use new Path(String) for locations because setting the URI directly\n // results in the location URI being unescaped. the URI from\n // #getLocation() is not a Path internal URI from with extra escapes\n List<Pair<Path, Path>> staged = FileSystemUtil.stageMove(fileSystem,\n new Path(src.getLocation().toString()),\n new Path(dest.getLocation().toString()),\n \"tmp\" /* data should be added to recover from a failure */ );\n FileSystemUtil.finishMove(fileSystem, staged);\n\n } else {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\n \"Incompatible PartitionView: \" + src.getClass().getName());\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/spi/filesystem/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = ValidationException.class)\n public void testCannotMergeDatasetsWithDifferentPartitionStrategies() throws IOException {\n FileSystemDataset<Record> ds = new FileSystemDataset.Builder<Record>()\n .namespace(\"ns\")\n .name(\"users\")\n .configuration(getConfiguration())\n .descriptor(new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .schema(USER_SCHEMA)\n .location(testDirectory)\n .partitionStrategy(new PartitionStrategy.Builder()\n .hash(\"username\", 2).build())\n .build())\n .type(Record.class)\n .build();\n FileSystemDataset<Record> dsUpdate = new FileSystemDataset.Builder<Record>()\n .namespace(\"ns\")\n .name(\"users\")\n .configuration(getConfiguration())\n .descriptor(new DatasetDescriptor.Builder()\n .schema(USER_SCHEMA)\n .location(testDirectory)\n .partitionStrategy(new PartitionStrategy.Builder()\n .hash(\"username\", 2).hash(\"email\", 3).build())\n .build())\n .type(Record.class)\n .build();\n ds.merge(dsUpdate);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Task<Boolean> existsAsync() { synchronized (mutex) { if (currentUser != null) { return Task.forResult(true); } } return taskQueue.enqueue(new Continuation<Void, Task<Boolean>>() { @Override public Task<Boolean> then(Task<Void> toAwait) { return toAwait.continueWithTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Boolean>>() { @Override public Task<Boolean> then(Task<Void> task) { return store.existsAsync(); } }); } }); }
@Test public void testExistsAsyncWithInDiskCurrentUserSet() throws Exception { ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store = (ParseObjectStore<ParseUser>) mock(ParseObjectStore.class); when(store.existsAsync()).thenReturn(Task.forResult(true)); CachedCurrentUserController controller = new CachedCurrentUserController(store); assertTrue(ParseTaskUtils.wait(controller.existsAsync())); }
[ "forResult", "enqueue", "continueWithTask", "existsAsync" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "existsAsync", "forResult", "assertTrue", "wait", "existsAsync" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String KEY_AUTH_DATA = \"authData\";", "class_name": "CachedCurrentUserControllerTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Object mutex = new Object();\nprivate final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nprivate final ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store;\nParseUser currentUser;\nboolean currentUserMatchesDisk = false;", "class_name": "CachedCurrentUserController implements ParseCurrentUserController", "method_signatures": "public CachedCurrentUserController(ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store)\n@Override public Task<Void> setAsync(final ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<Void> setIfNeededAsync(ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync()\n@Override public Task<Boolean> existsAsync()\n@Override public boolean isCurrent(ParseUser user)\n@Override public void clearFromMemory()\n@Override public void clearFromDisk()\n@Override public Task<String> getCurrentSessionTokenAsync()\n@Override public Task<Void> logOutAsync()\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync(final boolean shouldAutoCreateUser)\nprivate ParseUser lazyLogIn()\n ParseUser lazyLogIn(String authType, Map<String, String> authData)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: parse/src/main/java/com/parse/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CachedCurrentUserController implements ParseCurrentUserController\n\nclass_fields: private final Object mutex = new Object();\nprivate final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue();\nprivate final ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store;\nParseUser currentUser;\nboolean currentUserMatchesDisk = false;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CachedCurrentUserController(ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store)\n@Override public Task<Void> setAsync(final ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<Void> setIfNeededAsync(ParseUser user)\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync()\n@Override public Task<Boolean> existsAsync()\n@Override public boolean isCurrent(ParseUser user)\n@Override public void clearFromMemory()\n@Override public void clearFromDisk()\n@Override public Task<String> getCurrentSessionTokenAsync()\n@Override public Task<Void> logOutAsync()\n@Override public Task<ParseUser> getAsync(final boolean shouldAutoCreateUser)\nprivate ParseUser lazyLogIn()\n ParseUser lazyLogIn(String authType, Map<String, String> authData)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CachedCurrentUserControllerTest extends ResetPluginsParseTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String KEY_AUTH_DATA = \"authData\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file parse/src/main/java/com/parse/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Task<Boolean> existsAsync() {\n synchronized (mutex) {\n if (currentUser != null) {\n return Task.forResult(true);\n }\n }\n\n return taskQueue.enqueue(new Continuation<Void, Task<Boolean>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Boolean> then(Task<Void> toAwait) {\n return toAwait.continueWithTask(new Continuation<Void, Task<Boolean>>() {\n @Override\n public Task<Boolean> then(Task<Void> task) {\n return store.existsAsync();\n }\n });\n }\n });\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n parse/src/test/java/com/parse/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testExistsAsyncWithInDiskCurrentUserSet() throws Exception {\n ParseObjectStore<ParseUser> store =\n (ParseObjectStore<ParseUser>) mock(ParseObjectStore.class);\n when(store.existsAsync()).thenReturn(Task.forResult(true));\n\n CachedCurrentUserController controller =\n new CachedCurrentUserController(store);\n\n assertTrue(ParseTaskUtils.wait(controller.existsAsync()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue) { Object value = map.get(key); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } else if (value instanceof Float) { return (Float) value; } else if (value instanceof String) { return Float.parseFloat((String) value); } else { throw new ClassCastException(errorMessage(key, value, "float")); } }
@Test public void getFloat() throws Exception { String key = "myKey"; assertEquals(1.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 1.0f), 1.0E-100); assertEquals(2.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 2.0f), 1.0E-100); map.put(key, 3.0f); assertEquals(3.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 2.0f), 1.0E-100); map.put(key, "4"); assertEquals(4.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 2.0f), 1.0E-100); map.put(key, new Object()); try { settings.getFloat(key, 9.0f); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { ; // to be expected } }
[ "get", "parseFloat", "errorMessage" ]
[ "assertEquals", "getFloat", "assertEquals", "getFloat", "put", "assertEquals", "getFloat", "put", "assertEquals", "getFloat", "put", "getFloat", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Map<String, Object> map;\nprivate TypedSettings settings;", "class_name": "TypedSettingsTest extends Assert" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DRY_RUN_SETTING_NAME = \"isDryRun\";\npublic static final String TASK_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME = \"taskContext\";\nprivate final Map<String, Object> map;", "class_name": "TypedSettings", "method_signatures": "TypedSettings(Map<String, Object> map)\npublic String getString(String key, String defaultValue)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)\npublic int getInt(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic long getLong(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue)\npublic float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue)\npublic Object getObject(String key, Object defaultValue)\nprivate String errorMessage(String key, Object value, String type)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/api/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TypedSettings\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DRY_RUN_SETTING_NAME = \"isDryRun\";\npublic static final String TASK_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME = \"taskContext\";\nprivate final Map<String, Object> map;\n\nmethod_signatures: TypedSettings(Map<String, Object> map)\npublic String getString(String key, String defaultValue)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)\npublic int getInt(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic long getLong(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue)\npublic float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue)\npublic Object getObject(String key, Object defaultValue)\nprivate String errorMessage(String key, Object value, String type)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TypedSettingsTest extends Assert\n\nclass_fields: private Map<String, Object> map;\nprivate TypedSettings settings;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/api/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue) {\n Object value = map.get(key);\n if (value == null) {\n return defaultValue;\n } else if (value instanceof Float) {\n return (Float) value;\n } else if (value instanceof String) {\n return Float.parseFloat((String) value);\n } else {\n throw new ClassCastException(errorMessage(key, value, \"float\"));\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/api/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getFloat() throws Exception {\n String key = \"myKey\";\n assertEquals(1.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 1.0f), 1.0E-100);\n assertEquals(2.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 2.0f), 1.0E-100);\n map.put(key, 3.0f);\n assertEquals(3.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 2.0f), 1.0E-100);\n map.put(key, \"4\");\n assertEquals(4.0f, settings.getFloat(key, 2.0f), 1.0E-100);\n map.put(key, new Object());\n try {\n settings.getFloat(key, 9.0f);\n fail();\n } catch (ClassCastException e) {\n ; // to be expected\n } \n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int run() throws IOException { if (datasets == null || datasets.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Exactly one dataset name or URI must be specified."); } String dataset = datasets.get(0); DatasetRepository repo; String namespace; String name; if (isDatasetOrViewUri(dataset)) { URI uri = URI.create(URI.create(dataset).getSchemeSpecificPart()); Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> reg = Registration .lookupDatasetUri(uri); repo = reg.first(); namespace = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION); name = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION); if (location == null) { location = reg.second().get("location"); } } else { repo = getDatasetRepository(); namespace = URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_DEFAULT; name = dataset; } // for file-based datasets, try to infer schema, format, etc. from data boolean isFileDataset = (repo instanceof FileSystemDatasetRepository); DatasetDescriptor.Builder descriptorBuilder = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder(); Path dataPath = null; if (location != null) { dataPath = qualifiedPath(location); descriptorBuilder.location(dataPath); } else if (isFileDataset) { dataPath = ((FileSystemDatasetRepository) repo) .pathForDataset(namespace, name); } FileSystem fs = isFileDataset ? dataPath.getFileSystem(getConf()) : null; Format existingFormat = null; if (isFileDataset) { existingFormat = FileSystemUtil.format(fs, dataPath); } if (existingFormat != null) { ValidationException.check(format == null || Formats.fromString(format).equals(existingFormat), "Found %s data, but --format is %s", existingFormat.getName(), format); descriptorBuilder.format(existingFormat); } else if (format != null) { descriptorBuilder.format(format); } Schema existingSchema = null; if (isFileDataset) { existingSchema = FileSystemUtil.schema("record", fs, dataPath); } Schema schema = existingSchema; if (existingSchema != null) { if (avroSchemaFile != null) { schema = Schemas.fromAvsc(open(avroSchemaFile)); ValidationException.check( SchemaValidationUtil.canRead(existingSchema, schema), "Schema %s cannot read existing data schema: %s", avroSchemaFile, existingSchema.toString(true)); descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile)); } else { descriptorBuilder.schema(existingSchema); } } else if (avroSchemaFile != null) { descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile)); } else { throw new ValidationException("Schema is missing: use --schema"); } PartitionStrategy existingStrategy = null; if (isFileDataset && existingSchema != null) { // if there is existing data (there is a Schema), infer partitioning existingStrategy = FileSystemUtil.strategy(fs, dataPath); } if (existingStrategy != null) { if (partitionStrategyFile != null) { // both are defined, so check that the new strategy is compatible PartitionStrategy strategy = PartitionStrategyParser .parse(open(partitionStrategyFile)); Compatibility.checkStrategyUpdate(existingStrategy, strategy, schema); descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(strategy); } else { descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(existingStrategy); } } else if (partitionStrategyFile != null) { descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategyUri(qualifiedURI(partitionStrategyFile)); } if (columnMappingFile != null) { descriptorBuilder.columnMappingUri(qualifiedURI(columnMappingFile)); } if (properties != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {, entry.getValue()); } } repo.create(namespace, name,; console.debug("Created {}", dataset); return 0; }
@Test public void testNonExistentAvroSchemaFile() throws Exception { command.avroSchemaFile = "nonexistent.avsc"; command.datasets = Lists.newArrayList("users"); TestHelpers.assertThrows("Should fail on missing schema", FileNotFoundException.class, new Callable() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception {; return null; } }); verifyZeroInteractions(console); }
[ "size", "get", "isDatasetOrViewUri", "create", "getSchemeSpecificPart", "create", "lookupDatasetUri", "first", "get", "second", "get", "second", "get", "second", "getDatasetRepository", "qualifiedPath", "location", "pathForDataset", "getFileSystem", "getConf", "format", "check", "equals", "fromString", "getName", "format", "format", "schema", "fromAvsc", "open", "check", "canRead", "toString", "schemaUri", "qualifiedURI", "schema", "schemaUri", "qualifiedURI", "strategy", "parse", "open", "checkStrategyUpdate", "partitionStrategy", "partitionStrategy", "partitionStrategyUri", "qualifiedURI", "columnMappingUri", "qualifiedURI", "entrySet", "property", "getKey", "getValue", "create", "build", "debug" ]
[ "newArrayList", "assertThrows", "run", "verifyZeroInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DatasetRepository repo;\nprivate CreateDatasetCommand command = null;\nprivate Logger console;", "class_name": "TestCreateDatasetCommand" }
{ "class_fields": "@Parameter(description = \"<dataset name>\")\n List<String> datasets;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"},\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-p\", \"--partition-by\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted partition strategy.\")\n String partitionStrategyFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-m\", \"--mapping\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted column mapping.\")\n String columnMappingFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-f\", \"--format\"},\n description = \"The file format: avro, parquet, or json.\")\n String format;\n@Parameter(names = {\"--location\"},\n description = \"Location where the data is stored\")\n String location;\n@DynamicParameter(names = {\"--set\", \"--property\"},\n description = \"Add a property pair:\")\n Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();", "class_name": "CreateDatasetCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand", "method_signatures": "public CreateDatasetCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CreateDatasetCommand extends BaseDatasetCommand\n\nclass_fields: @Parameter(description = \"<dataset name>\")\n List<String> datasets;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-s\", \"--schema\"},\n description = \"The file containing the Avro schema.\")\n String avroSchemaFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-p\", \"--partition-by\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted partition strategy.\")\n String partitionStrategyFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-m\", \"--mapping\"},\n description = \"The file containing a JSON-formatted column mapping.\")\n String columnMappingFile;\n@Parameter(names = {\"-f\", \"--format\"},\n description = \"The file format: avro, parquet, or json.\")\n String format;\n@Parameter(names = {\"--location\"},\n description = \"Location where the data is stored\")\n String location;\n@DynamicParameter(names = {\"--set\", \"--property\"},\n description = \"Add a property pair:\")\n Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public CreateDatasetCommand(Logger console)\n@Override public int run()\n@Override public List<String> getExamples()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestCreateDatasetCommand\n\nclass_fields: private DatasetRepository repo;\nprivate CreateDatasetCommand command = null;\nprivate Logger console;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int run() throws IOException {\n if (datasets == null || datasets.size() != 1) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\n \"Exactly one dataset name or URI must be specified.\");\n }\n\n String dataset = datasets.get(0);\n\n DatasetRepository repo;\n String namespace;\n String name;\n\n if (isDatasetOrViewUri(dataset)) {\n URI uri = URI.create(URI.create(dataset).getSchemeSpecificPart());\n Pair<DatasetRepository, Map<String, String>> reg = Registration\n .lookupDatasetUri(uri);\n repo = reg.first();\n namespace = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_OPTION);\n name = reg.second().get(URIBuilder.DATASET_NAME_OPTION);\n if (location == null) {\n location = reg.second().get(\"location\");\n }\n\n } else {\n repo = getDatasetRepository();\n namespace = URIBuilder.NAMESPACE_DEFAULT;\n name = dataset;\n }\n\n // for file-based datasets, try to infer schema, format, etc. from data\n boolean isFileDataset = (repo instanceof FileSystemDatasetRepository);\n\n DatasetDescriptor.Builder descriptorBuilder = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder();\n\n Path dataPath = null;\n if (location != null) {\n dataPath = qualifiedPath(location);\n descriptorBuilder.location(dataPath);\n } else if (isFileDataset) {\n dataPath = ((FileSystemDatasetRepository) repo)\n .pathForDataset(namespace, name);\n }\n\n FileSystem fs = isFileDataset ? dataPath.getFileSystem(getConf()) : null;\n\n Format existingFormat = null;\n if (isFileDataset) {\n existingFormat = FileSystemUtil.format(fs, dataPath);\n }\n\n if (existingFormat != null) {\n ValidationException.check(format == null ||\n Formats.fromString(format).equals(existingFormat),\n \"Found %s data, but --format is %s\",\n existingFormat.getName(), format);\n descriptorBuilder.format(existingFormat);\n\n } else if (format != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.format(format);\n }\n\n Schema existingSchema = null;\n if (isFileDataset) {\n existingSchema = FileSystemUtil.schema(\"record\", fs, dataPath);\n }\n\n Schema schema = existingSchema;\n if (existingSchema != null) {\n if (avroSchemaFile != null) {\n schema = Schemas.fromAvsc(open(avroSchemaFile));\n ValidationException.check(\n SchemaValidationUtil.canRead(existingSchema, schema),\n \"Schema %s cannot read existing data schema: %s\",\n avroSchemaFile, existingSchema.toString(true));\n descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile));\n } else {\n descriptorBuilder.schema(existingSchema);\n }\n\n } else if (avroSchemaFile != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.schemaUri(qualifiedURI(avroSchemaFile));\n\n } else {\n throw new ValidationException(\"Schema is missing: use --schema\");\n }\n\n PartitionStrategy existingStrategy = null;\n if (isFileDataset && existingSchema != null) {\n // if there is existing data (there is a Schema), infer partitioning\n existingStrategy = FileSystemUtil.strategy(fs, dataPath);\n }\n\n if (existingStrategy != null) {\n if (partitionStrategyFile != null) {\n // both are defined, so check that the new strategy is compatible\n PartitionStrategy strategy = PartitionStrategyParser\n .parse(open(partitionStrategyFile));\n Compatibility.checkStrategyUpdate(existingStrategy, strategy, schema);\n descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(strategy);\n } else {\n descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategy(existingStrategy);\n }\n\n } else if (partitionStrategyFile != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.partitionStrategyUri(qualifiedURI(partitionStrategyFile));\n }\n\n if (columnMappingFile != null) {\n descriptorBuilder.columnMappingUri(qualifiedURI(columnMappingFile));\n }\n\n if (properties != null) {\n for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {\n, entry.getValue());\n }\n }\n\n repo.create(namespace, name,;\n\n console.debug(\"Created {}\", dataset);\n\n return 0;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-tools-parent/kite-tools/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/cli/commands/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNonExistentAvroSchemaFile() throws Exception {\n command.avroSchemaFile = \"nonexistent.avsc\";\n command.datasets = Lists.newArrayList(\"users\");\n TestHelpers.assertThrows(\"Should fail on missing schema\",\n FileNotFoundException.class, new Callable() {\n @Override\n public Void call() throws Exception {\n;\n return null;\n }\n });\n verifyZeroInteractions(console);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest) { return this.resourceConfigAttributes.keySet().stream() .filter(requestMatcher -> requestMatcher.matches(authRequest)) .map(requestMatcher -> this.resourceConfigAttributes.get(requestMatcher)) .peek(urlConfigAttribute -> log.debug("url在资源池中配置:{}", urlConfigAttribute.getAttribute())) .findFirst() .orElse(new SecurityConfig(NONEXISTENT_URL)); }
@Test public void testGetConfigAttributesByUrl_假如存在如上资源信息_当请求不存在method的资源时_那么返回NONEXISTENT_URL() { AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(this.resourceConfigAttributes); ConfigAttribute attributesByUrl = authenticationService .findConfigAttributesByUrl(new HttpServletRequestAuthWrapper(new MockHttpServletRequest(), "/users/1/order", "POST")); Assert.assertEquals("NONEXISTENT_URL", attributesByUrl.getAttribute()); }
[ "orElse", "findFirst", "peek", "map", "filter", "stream", "keySet", "matches", "get", "debug", "" ]
[ "findConfigAttributesByUrl", "assertEquals", "getAttribute" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes = new HashMap() {\n {\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher1 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users\");\n mvcRequestMatcher1.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"POST\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher2 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher2.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"PUT\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher3 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher3.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"DELETE\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher4 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher4.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher5 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}/order\");\n mvcRequestMatcher5.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher1, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_add\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher2, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_edit\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher3, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_del\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher4, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:view\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher5, new SecurityConfig(\"user_order:view\"));\n }\n };", "class_name": "AuthenticationServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String NONEXISTENT_URL = \"NONEXISTENT_URL\";\n@Autowired\n private ResourceService resourceService;\nMap<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes;", "class_name": "AuthenticationService implements IAuthenticationService", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public AuthenticationService(Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes)\n@Override public boolean decide(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\npublic boolean isMatch(ConfigAttribute urlConfigAttribute, Set<Resource> userResources)\npublic ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\nprivate Set<Resource> findResourcesByAuthorityRoles(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorityRoles)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/main/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AuthenticationService implements IAuthenticationService\n\nclass_fields: public static final String NONEXISTENT_URL = \"NONEXISTENT_URL\";\n@Autowired\n private ResourceService resourceService;\nMap<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public AuthenticationService(Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes)\n@Override public boolean decide(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\npublic boolean isMatch(ConfigAttribute urlConfigAttribute, Set<Resource> userResources)\npublic ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest)\nprivate Set<Resource> findResourcesByAuthorityRoles(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorityRoles)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AuthenticationServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private Map<RequestMatcher, ConfigAttribute> resourceConfigAttributes = new HashMap() {\n {\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher1 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users\");\n mvcRequestMatcher1.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"POST\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher2 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher2.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"PUT\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher3 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher3.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"DELETE\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher4 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}\");\n mvcRequestMatcher4.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n MvcRequestMatcher mvcRequestMatcher5 = new MvcRequestMatcher(new HandlerMappingIntrospector(), \"/users/{id}/order\");\n mvcRequestMatcher5.setMethod(HttpMethod.resolve(\"GET\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher1, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_add\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher2, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_edit\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher3, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:btn_del\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher4, new SecurityConfig(\"user_manager:view\"));\n put(mvcRequestMatcher5, new SecurityConfig(\"user_order:view\"));\n }\n };\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/main/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ConfigAttribute findConfigAttributesByUrl(HttpServletRequest authRequest) {\n return this.resourceConfigAttributes.keySet().stream()\n .filter(requestMatcher -> requestMatcher.matches(authRequest))\n .map(requestMatcher -> this.resourceConfigAttributes.get(requestMatcher))\n .peek(urlConfigAttribute -> log.debug(\"url在资源池中配置:{}\", urlConfigAttribute.getAttribute()))\n .findFirst()\n .orElse(new SecurityConfig(NONEXISTENT_URL));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-server/src/test/java/com/springboot/auth/authentication/service/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetConfigAttributesByUrl_假如存在如上资源信息_当请求不存在method的资源时_那么返回NONEXISTENT_URL() {\n AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(this.resourceConfigAttributes);\n ConfigAttribute attributesByUrl = authenticationService\n .findConfigAttributesByUrl(new HttpServletRequestAuthWrapper(new MockHttpServletRequest(), \"/users/1/order\", \"POST\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(\"NONEXISTENT_URL\", attributesByUrl.getAttribute());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public ByteBuffer readBytes(ByteBuffer old) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (true) { int byteRead =; if (byteRead < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } if (byteRead == 0) { int secondByteRead =; if (byteRead < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } if (secondByteRead == 0) { break; } else if (secondByteRead == 1) { bytesOut.write(0); } else { String msg = "Illegal encoding. 0 byte cannot be followed by " + "anything other than 0 or 1. It was followed by " + Integer.toString(byteRead); throw new IOException(msg); } } else { bytesOut.write(byteRead); } } return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytesOut.toByteArray()); }
@Test public void testReadBytes() throws Exception { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] { (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 }); Decoder decoder = new MemcmpDecoder(in); ByteBuffer bytes = decoder.readBytes(null); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] { (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xff }, bytes.array()); }
[ "read", "read", "write", "toString", "write", "wrap", "toByteArray" ]
[ "readBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "array" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MemcmpDecoderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private InputStream in;", "class_name": "MemcmpDecoder extends Decoder", "method_signatures": "public MemcmpDecoder(InputStream in)\n@Override public void readNull()\n@Override public boolean readBoolean()\n@Override public int readInt()\n@Override public long readLong()\n@Override public float readFloat()\n@Override public double readDouble()\n@Override public Utf8 readString(Utf8 old)\n@Override public String readString()\n@Override public void skipString()\n@Override public ByteBuffer readBytes(ByteBuffer old)\npublic void skipBytes()\n@Override public void readFixed(byte[] bytes, int start, int length)\n@Override public void skipFixed(int length)\n@Override public int readEnum()\n@Override public long readArrayStart()\n@Override public long arrayNext()\n@Override public long skipArray()\n@Override public long readMapStart()\n@Override public long mapNext()\n@Override public long skipMap()\n@Override public int readIndex()\nprivate byte readByte()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/avro/io/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MemcmpDecoder extends Decoder\n\nclass_fields: private InputStream in;\n\nmethod_signatures: public MemcmpDecoder(InputStream in)\n@Override public void readNull()\n@Override public boolean readBoolean()\n@Override public int readInt()\n@Override public long readLong()\n@Override public float readFloat()\n@Override public double readDouble()\n@Override public Utf8 readString(Utf8 old)\n@Override public String readString()\n@Override public void skipString()\n@Override public ByteBuffer readBytes(ByteBuffer old)\npublic void skipBytes()\n@Override public void readFixed(byte[] bytes, int start, int length)\n@Override public void skipFixed(int length)\n@Override public int readEnum()\n@Override public long readArrayStart()\n@Override public long arrayNext()\n@Override public long skipArray()\n@Override public long readMapStart()\n@Override public long mapNext()\n@Override public long skipMap()\n@Override public int readIndex()\nprivate byte readByte()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MemcmpDecoderTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/avro/io/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public ByteBuffer readBytes(ByteBuffer old) throws IOException {\n ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n while (true) {\n int byteRead =;\n if (byteRead < 0) {\n throw new EOFException();\n }\n if (byteRead == 0) {\n int secondByteRead =;\n if (byteRead < 0) {\n throw new EOFException();\n }\n if (secondByteRead == 0) {\n break;\n } else if (secondByteRead == 1) {\n bytesOut.write(0);\n } else {\n String msg = \"Illegal encoding. 0 byte cannot be followed by \"\n + \"anything other than 0 or 1. It was followed by \"\n + Integer.toString(byteRead);\n throw new IOException(msg);\n }\n } else {\n bytesOut.write(byteRead);\n }\n }\n return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytesOut.toByteArray());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/avro/io/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testReadBytes() throws Exception {\n InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] { (byte) 0x01,\n (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 });\n Decoder decoder = new MemcmpDecoder(in);\n ByteBuffer bytes = decoder.readBytes(null);\n assertArrayEquals(new byte[] { (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xff },\n bytes.array());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Log convert(Object obj) { LoggingEvent le = (LoggingEvent) obj; Log.Builder builder = Log.newBuilder() .date(LogUtils.formatDate(le.getTimeStamp())) .level(le.getLevel().toString()) .threadName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getThreadName())) .loggerName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getLoggerName())) .message(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getRenderedMessage())) .throwable(getThrowable(le)) .ndc(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getNDC())) .mdc(getMdc(le)); LocationInfo localInfo = le.getLocationInformation(); if (localInfo != null) { builder.className(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getClassName())) .methodName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getMethodName())) .lineNumber(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getLineNumber())) .fileName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getFileName())); } return; }
@Test public void testConvert() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, SecurityException { LocationInfo mockLocationInfo = mock(LocationInfo.class); when(mockLocationInfo.getClassName()).thenReturn(CLASS_NAME); when(mockLocationInfo.getMethodName()).thenReturn(METHOD_NAME); when(mockLocationInfo.getLineNumber()).thenReturn(LINE_NUMBER); when(mockLocationInfo.getFileName()).thenReturn(FILE_NAME); ThrowableInformation mockThrowableInfo = mock(ThrowableInformation.class); when(mockThrowableInfo.getThrowableStrRep()).thenReturn(THROWABLE_INFO); LoggingEvent mockLoggingEvent = mock(LoggingEvent.class); setFinalField(mockLoggingEvent, LoggingEvent.class.getDeclaredField("timeStamp"), NOW); when(mockLoggingEvent.getLevel()).thenReturn(Level.toLevel(LEVEL)); when(mockLoggingEvent.getThreadName()).thenReturn(THREAD_NAME); when(mockLoggingEvent.getLoggerName()).thenReturn(LOGGER_NAME); when(mockLoggingEvent.getRenderedMessage()).thenReturn(MESSAGE); when(mockLoggingEvent.getLocationInformation()).thenReturn(mockLocationInfo); when(mockLoggingEvent.getThrowableInformation()).thenReturn(mockThrowableInfo); when(mockLoggingEvent.getNDC()).thenReturn(NDC); when(mockLoggingEvent.getProperties()).thenReturn(MDC_MAP); Log log = LogConverterType.LOG4J_1.convert(mockLoggingEvent); Assert.assertEquals(LogUtils.formatDate(NOW), log.getDate()); Assert.assertEquals(LEVEL, log.getLevel()); Assert.assertEquals(THREAD_NAME, log.getThreadName()); Assert.assertEquals(LOGGER_NAME, log.getLoggerName()); Assert.assertEquals(MESSAGE, log.getMessage()); Assert.assertEquals(CLASS_NAME, log.getClassName()); Assert.assertEquals(METHOD_NAME, log.getMethodName()); Assert.assertEquals(LINE_NUMBER, log.getLineNumber()); Assert.assertEquals(FILE_NAME, log.getFileName()); Assert.assertTrue(log.getMarker().isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals(THROWABLE, log.getThrowable()); Assert.assertEquals(NDC, log.getNdc()); Assert.assertEquals(MDC_MAP.toString(), log.getMdc()); }
[ "mdc", "ndc", "throwable", "message", "loggerName", "threadName", "level", "date", "newBuilder", "formatDate", "getTimeStamp", "toString", "getLevel", "nullToEmpty", "getThreadName", "nullToEmpty", "getLoggerName", "nullToEmpty", "getRenderedMessage", "getThrowable", "nullToEmpty", "getNDC", "getMdc", "getLocationInformation", "fileName", "lineNumber", "methodName", "className", "nullToEmpty", "getClassName", "nullToEmpty", "getMethodName", "nullToEmpty", "getLineNumber", "nullToEmpty", "getFileName", "build" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getClassName", "thenReturn", "when", "getMethodName", "thenReturn", "when", "getLineNumber", "thenReturn", "when", "getFileName", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getThrowableStrRep", "mock", "setFinalField", "getDeclaredField", "thenReturn", "when", "getLevel", "toLevel", "thenReturn", "when", "getThreadName", "thenReturn", "when", "getLoggerName", "thenReturn", "when", "getRenderedMessage", "thenReturn", "when", "getLocationInformation", "thenReturn", "when", "getThrowableInformation", "thenReturn", "when", "getNDC", "thenReturn", "when", "getProperties", "convert", "assertEquals", "formatDate", "getDate", "assertEquals", "getLevel", "assertEquals", "getThreadName", "assertEquals", "getLoggerName", "assertEquals", "getMessage", "assertEquals", "getClassName", "assertEquals", "getMethodName", "assertEquals", "getLineNumber", "assertEquals", "getFileName", "assertTrue", "isEmpty", "getMarker", "assertEquals", "getThrowable", "assertEquals", "getNdc", "assertEquals", "toString", "getMdc" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final long NOW = System.currentTimeMillis();\nprivate static final String LEVEL = \"INFO\";\nprivate static final String THREAD_NAME = \"main\";\nprivate static final String LOGGER_NAME = Log4j1ConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String MESSAGE = \"simple message\";\nprivate static final String CLASS_NAME = Log4j1ConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String METHOD_NAME = \"test\";\nprivate static final String LINE_NUMBER = \"7\";\nprivate static final String FILE_NAME = Log4j1ConverterTest.class.getSimpleName() + \".java\";\nprivate static final String[] THROWABLE_INFO = {\n \"java.lang.IllegalStateException: test exception\",\n \"\\tat com.rdiachenko.jlv.Main.main(\"\n };\nprivate static final String THROWABLE = THROWABLE_INFO[0] + System.lineSeparator() + THROWABLE_INFO[1];\nprivate static final String NDC = \"ndc-value\";\nprivate static final Map<String, String> MDC_MAP = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "Log4j1ConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Log4j1Converter implements Converter", "method_signatures": "@Override public Log convert(Object obj)\nprivate String getThrowable(LoggingEvent le)\nprivate String getMdc(LoggingEvent le)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/converter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Log4j1Converter implements Converter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Log convert(Object obj)\nprivate String getThrowable(LoggingEvent le)\nprivate String getMdc(LoggingEvent le)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: Log4j1ConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final long NOW = System.currentTimeMillis();\nprivate static final String LEVEL = \"INFO\";\nprivate static final String THREAD_NAME = \"main\";\nprivate static final String LOGGER_NAME = Log4j1ConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String MESSAGE = \"simple message\";\nprivate static final String CLASS_NAME = Log4j1ConverterTest.class.getName();\nprivate static final String METHOD_NAME = \"test\";\nprivate static final String LINE_NUMBER = \"7\";\nprivate static final String FILE_NAME = Log4j1ConverterTest.class.getSimpleName() + \".java\";\nprivate static final String[] THROWABLE_INFO = {\n \"java.lang.IllegalStateException: test exception\",\n \"\\tat com.rdiachenko.jlv.Main.main(\"\n };\nprivate static final String THROWABLE = THROWABLE_INFO[0] + System.lineSeparator() + THROWABLE_INFO[1];\nprivate static final String NDC = \"ndc-value\";\nprivate static final Map<String, String> MDC_MAP = new HashMap<>();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jlv-core/src/main/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/converter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Log convert(Object obj) {\n LoggingEvent le = (LoggingEvent) obj;\n Log.Builder builder = Log.newBuilder()\n .date(LogUtils.formatDate(le.getTimeStamp()))\n .level(le.getLevel().toString())\n .threadName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getThreadName()))\n .loggerName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getLoggerName()))\n .message(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getRenderedMessage()))\n .throwable(getThrowable(le))\n .ndc(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(le.getNDC()))\n .mdc(getMdc(le));\n\n LocationInfo localInfo = le.getLocationInformation();\n\n if (localInfo != null) {\n builder.className(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getClassName()))\n .methodName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getMethodName()))\n .lineNumber(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getLineNumber()))\n .fileName(LogUtils.nullToEmpty(localInfo.getFileName()));\n }\n return;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jlv-core/src/test/java/com/rdiachenko/jlv/converter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testConvert() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, SecurityException {\n LocationInfo mockLocationInfo = mock(LocationInfo.class);\n when(mockLocationInfo.getClassName()).thenReturn(CLASS_NAME);\n when(mockLocationInfo.getMethodName()).thenReturn(METHOD_NAME);\n when(mockLocationInfo.getLineNumber()).thenReturn(LINE_NUMBER);\n when(mockLocationInfo.getFileName()).thenReturn(FILE_NAME);\n\n ThrowableInformation mockThrowableInfo = mock(ThrowableInformation.class);\n when(mockThrowableInfo.getThrowableStrRep()).thenReturn(THROWABLE_INFO);\n\n LoggingEvent mockLoggingEvent = mock(LoggingEvent.class);\n setFinalField(mockLoggingEvent, LoggingEvent.class.getDeclaredField(\"timeStamp\"), NOW);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getLevel()).thenReturn(Level.toLevel(LEVEL));\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getThreadName()).thenReturn(THREAD_NAME);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getLoggerName()).thenReturn(LOGGER_NAME);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getRenderedMessage()).thenReturn(MESSAGE);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getLocationInformation()).thenReturn(mockLocationInfo);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getThrowableInformation()).thenReturn(mockThrowableInfo);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getNDC()).thenReturn(NDC);\n when(mockLoggingEvent.getProperties()).thenReturn(MDC_MAP);\n\n Log log = LogConverterType.LOG4J_1.convert(mockLoggingEvent);\n Assert.assertEquals(LogUtils.formatDate(NOW), log.getDate());\n Assert.assertEquals(LEVEL, log.getLevel());\n Assert.assertEquals(THREAD_NAME, log.getThreadName());\n Assert.assertEquals(LOGGER_NAME, log.getLoggerName());\n Assert.assertEquals(MESSAGE, log.getMessage());\n Assert.assertEquals(CLASS_NAME, log.getClassName());\n Assert.assertEquals(METHOD_NAME, log.getMethodName());\n Assert.assertEquals(LINE_NUMBER, log.getLineNumber());\n Assert.assertEquals(FILE_NAME, log.getFileName());\n Assert.assertTrue(log.getMarker().isEmpty());\n Assert.assertEquals(THROWABLE, log.getThrowable());\n Assert.assertEquals(NDC, log.getNdc());\n Assert.assertEquals(MDC_MAP.toString(), log.getMdc());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String getStringDate(Date date) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault()); int month = getMonth(date); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); calendar.setTime(date); stringBuilder.append(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); stringBuilder.append("-"); stringBuilder.append(month); //here add 1 to display ( Jan is 0 ) stringBuilder.append("-"); stringBuilder.append(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); return stringBuilder.toString(); }
@Test public void getStringDate() { String s = DateOperation.getCurrentDateAsString(); // String s = DateOperation.getStringDate(new Date()); assertEquals("10-8-2019", s); }
[ "getInstance", "getDefault", "getMonth", "setTime", "append", "get", "append", "append", "append", "append", "get", "toString" ]
[ "getCurrentDateAsString", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DateOperationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TAG = \"DateOperation\";", "class_name": "DateOperation", "method_signatures": "public static String getStringDate(Date date)\npublic static String getStringDate(long milis)\npublic static Date getCurrentDateExact()\npublic static Date getCurrentDate()\npublic static String getCurrentDateAsString()\npublic static Date getSpecificDate(int year, int month, int day)\npublic static int getCurrentYear()\npublic static int getCurrentMonth()\npublic static int getCurrentDay()\npublic static int getYear(Date date)\npublic static int getMonth(Date date)\npublic static int getDay(Date date)\npublic static int[] getYesterDayMetric(Date date)\npublic static Date getYesterday(Date date)\npublic static int[] getPreviousWeekMetric(Date date)\npublic static int[] getPrevMonthMetric(Date date)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: app/src/main/java/education/mahmoud/quranyapp/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DateOperation\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TAG = \"DateOperation\";\n\nmethod_signatures: public static String getStringDate(Date date)\npublic static String getStringDate(long milis)\npublic static Date getCurrentDateExact()\npublic static Date getCurrentDate()\npublic static String getCurrentDateAsString()\npublic static Date getSpecificDate(int year, int month, int day)\npublic static int getCurrentYear()\npublic static int getCurrentMonth()\npublic static int getCurrentDay()\npublic static int getYear(Date date)\npublic static int getMonth(Date date)\npublic static int getDay(Date date)\npublic static int[] getYesterDayMetric(Date date)\npublic static Date getYesterday(Date date)\npublic static int[] getPreviousWeekMetric(Date date)\npublic static int[] getPrevMonthMetric(Date date)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DateOperationTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file app/src/main/java/education/mahmoud/quranyapp/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String getStringDate(Date date) {\n Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());\n int month = getMonth(date);\n StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();\n calendar.setTime(date);\n stringBuilder.append(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));\n stringBuilder.append(\"-\");\n stringBuilder.append(month); //here add 1 to display ( Jan is 0 )\n stringBuilder.append(\"-\");\n stringBuilder.append(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));\n\n return stringBuilder.toString();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n app/src/test/java/education/mahmoud/quranyapp/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getStringDate() {\n String s = DateOperation.getCurrentDateAsString();\n // String s = DateOperation.getStringDate(new Date());\n assertEquals(\"10-8-2019\", s);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Flowable<List<Repos>> get(ReposParam param) { return reposRepository .all(param) .subscribeOn(executionThread) .observeOn(postExecutionThread); }
@Test public void testPositiveOnValidData() { ReposParam param = new ReposParam("testName"); List<Repos> listData = new ArrayList<>(); listData.add(new Repos("1", "repos test name", "repos test full name")); listData.add(new Repos("2", "repos test name 2", "repos test full name 2")); when(reposRepository.all(param)).thenReturn(Flowable.just(listData)); TestSubscriber<List<Repos>> subscriber = new TestSubscriber<>(); reposUseCase .get(param) .subscribe(subscriber); testScheduler.triggerActions(); subscriber.assertValueCount(1); subscriber.assertSubscribed(); subscriber.assertValue(listData); subscriber.dispose(); }
[ "observeOn", "subscribeOn", "all" ]
[ "add", "add", "thenReturn", "when", "all", "just", "subscribe", "get", "triggerActions", "assertValueCount", "assertSubscribed", "assertValue", "dispose" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private ReposRepository reposRepository;\nprivate GetReposUseCase reposUseCase;\nprivate TestScheduler testScheduler;", "class_name": "GetReposUseCaseTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private ReposRepository reposRepository;", "class_name": "GetReposUseCase extends BaseUseCase", "method_signatures": "@Inject public GetReposUseCase(ReposRepository userRepository, PostExecutorThread postExecutionThread)\npublic Flowable<List<Repos>> get(ReposParam param)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: domain/src/main/java/com/kiparo/domain/usecases/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GetReposUseCase extends BaseUseCase\n\nclass_fields: private ReposRepository reposRepository;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Inject public GetReposUseCase(ReposRepository userRepository, PostExecutorThread postExecutionThread)\npublic Flowable<List<Repos>> get(ReposParam param)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GetReposUseCaseTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private ReposRepository reposRepository;\nprivate GetReposUseCase reposUseCase;\nprivate TestScheduler testScheduler;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file domain/src/main/java/com/kiparo/domain/usecases/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Flowable<List<Repos>> get(ReposParam param) {\n return reposRepository\n .all(param)\n .subscribeOn(executionThread)\n .observeOn(postExecutionThread);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n domain/src/test/java/com/kiparo/domain/usecases/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testPositiveOnValidData() {\n\n ReposParam param = new ReposParam(\"testName\");\n\n List<Repos> listData = new ArrayList<>();\n listData.add(new Repos(\"1\", \"repos test name\", \"repos test full name\"));\n listData.add(new Repos(\"2\", \"repos test name 2\", \"repos test full name 2\"));\n\n when(reposRepository.all(param)).thenReturn(Flowable.just(listData));\n\n TestSubscriber<List<Repos>> subscriber = new TestSubscriber<>();\n\n reposUseCase\n .get(param)\n .subscribe(subscriber);\n\n testScheduler.triggerActions();\n\n subscriber.assertValueCount(1);\n subscriber.assertSubscribed();\n subscriber.assertValue(listData);\n\n subscriber.dispose();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue) { Object value = map.get(key); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } else if (value instanceof Double) { return (Double) value; } else if (value instanceof String) { return Double.parseDouble((String) value); } else { throw new ClassCastException(errorMessage(key, value, "double")); } }
@Test public void getDouble() throws Exception { String key = "myKey"; assertEquals(1.0, settings.getDouble(key, 1.0), 1.0E-100); assertEquals(2.0, settings.getDouble(key, 2.0), 1.0E-100); map.put(key, 3.0); assertEquals(3.0, settings.getDouble(key, 2.0), 1.0E-100); map.put(key, "4"); assertEquals(4.0, settings.getDouble(key, 2.0), 1.0E-100); map.put(key, new Object()); try { settings.getDouble(key, 9.0); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { ; // to be expected } }
[ "get", "parseDouble", "errorMessage" ]
[ "assertEquals", "getDouble", "assertEquals", "getDouble", "put", "assertEquals", "getDouble", "put", "assertEquals", "getDouble", "put", "getDouble", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "private Map<String, Object> map;\nprivate TypedSettings settings;", "class_name": "TypedSettingsTest extends Assert" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String DRY_RUN_SETTING_NAME = \"isDryRun\";\npublic static final String TASK_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME = \"taskContext\";\nprivate final Map<String, Object> map;", "class_name": "TypedSettings", "method_signatures": "TypedSettings(Map<String, Object> map)\npublic String getString(String key, String defaultValue)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)\npublic int getInt(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic long getLong(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue)\npublic float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue)\npublic Object getObject(String key, Object defaultValue)\nprivate String errorMessage(String key, Object value, String type)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/api/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TypedSettings\n\nclass_fields: public static final String DRY_RUN_SETTING_NAME = \"isDryRun\";\npublic static final String TASK_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME = \"taskContext\";\nprivate final Map<String, Object> map;\n\nmethod_signatures: TypedSettings(Map<String, Object> map)\npublic String getString(String key, String defaultValue)\npublic boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)\npublic int getInt(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic long getLong(String key, int defaultValue)\npublic double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue)\npublic float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue)\npublic Object getObject(String key, Object defaultValue)\nprivate String errorMessage(String key, Object value, String type)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TypedSettingsTest extends Assert\n\nclass_fields: private Map<String, Object> map;\nprivate TypedSettings settings;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/api/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue) {\n Object value = map.get(key);\n if (value == null) {\n return defaultValue;\n } else if (value instanceof Double) {\n return (Double) value;\n } else if (value instanceof String) {\n return Double.parseDouble((String) value);\n } else {\n throw new ClassCastException(errorMessage(key, value, \"double\"));\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-morphlines/kite-morphlines-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/morphline/api/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getDouble() throws Exception {\n String key = \"myKey\";\n assertEquals(1.0, settings.getDouble(key, 1.0), 1.0E-100);\n assertEquals(2.0, settings.getDouble(key, 2.0), 1.0E-100);\n map.put(key, 3.0);\n assertEquals(3.0, settings.getDouble(key, 2.0), 1.0E-100);\n map.put(key, \"4\");\n assertEquals(4.0, settings.getDouble(key, 2.0), 1.0E-100);\n map.put(key, new Object());\n try {\n settings.getDouble(key, 9.0);\n fail();\n } catch (ClassCastException e) {\n ; // to be expected\n } \n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Collection<URI> list(URI uri) { boolean isRepo = URIBuilder.REPO_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme()); Preconditions.checkArgument(isRepo, "Not a repository URI: " + uri); DatasetRepository repo = Registration .open(URI.create(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart())); // build a URI for each dataset name URI repoUri = repo.getUri(); List<URI> datasets = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String namespace : repo.namespaces()) { for (String dataset : repo.datasets(namespace)) { datasets.add(new URIBuilder(repoUri, namespace, dataset).build()); } } return datasets; }
@Test public void testListStringRepoUri() { when(repo.namespaces()).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList("ns")); when(repo.datasets("ns")).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList("a", "b", "c")); List<URI> expected = Lists.newArrayList( new URIBuilder(repoUri, "ns", "a").build(), new URIBuilder(repoUri, "ns", "b").build(), new URIBuilder(repoUri, "ns", "c").build() ); Collection<URI> datasetUris = Datasets.list(repoUri.toString()); verify(repo, times(2)).getUri(); // called in @Before and Datasets.list verify(repo).namespaces(); verify(repo).datasets("ns"); verifyNoMoreInteractions(repo); Assert.assertEquals(expected, datasetUris); }
[ "equals", "getScheme", "checkArgument", "open", "create", "getRawSchemeSpecificPart", "getUri", "newArrayList", "namespaces", "datasets", "add", "build" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "namespaces", "newArrayList", "thenReturn", "when", "datasets", "newArrayList", "newArrayList", "build", "build", "build", "list", "toString", "getUri", "verify", "times", "namespaces", "verify", "datasets", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private DatasetRepository repo = null;\nprivate URI repoUri = null;", "class_name": "TestDatasets" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Datasets", "method_signatures": "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri)\npublic static V load(String uriString, Class<E> type)\npublic static V load(String uriString)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static boolean delete(URI uri)\npublic static boolean delete(String uri)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(URI uri)\nprivate static boolean deleteWithTrash(URI uri, boolean useTrash)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(String uri)\npublic static boolean exists(URI uri)\npublic static boolean exists(String uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(URI uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(String uri)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private static V view(Dataset<E> dataset,\n Map<String, String> uriOptions)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Datasets\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V load(URI uri)\npublic static V load(String uriString, Class<E> type)\npublic static V load(String uriString)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static V create(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public static D update(\n URI uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor, Class<E> type)\npublic static D update(String uri, DatasetDescriptor descriptor)\npublic static boolean delete(URI uri)\npublic static boolean delete(String uri)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(URI uri)\nprivate static boolean deleteWithTrash(URI uri, boolean useTrash)\npublic static boolean moveToTrash(String uri)\npublic static boolean exists(URI uri)\npublic static boolean exists(String uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(URI uri)\npublic static Collection<URI> list(String uri)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") private static V view(Dataset<E> dataset,\n Map<String, String> uriOptions)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestDatasets\n\nclass_fields: private DatasetRepository repo = null;\nprivate URI repoUri = null;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-core/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Collection<URI> list(URI uri) {\n boolean isRepo = URIBuilder.REPO_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme());\n Preconditions.checkArgument(isRepo, \"Not a repository URI: \" + uri);\n DatasetRepository repo = Registration\n .open(URI.create(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()));\n\n // build a URI for each dataset name\n URI repoUri = repo.getUri();\n List<URI> datasets = Lists.newArrayList();\n for (String namespace : repo.namespaces()) {\n for (String dataset : repo.datasets(namespace)) {\n datasets.add(new URIBuilder(repoUri, namespace, dataset).build());\n }\n }\n\n return datasets;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-core/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testListStringRepoUri() {\n when(repo.namespaces()).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(\"ns\"));\n when(repo.datasets(\"ns\")).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"));\n List<URI> expected = Lists.newArrayList(\n new URIBuilder(repoUri, \"ns\", \"a\").build(),\n new URIBuilder(repoUri, \"ns\", \"b\").build(),\n new URIBuilder(repoUri, \"ns\", \"c\").build()\n );\n\n Collection<URI> datasetUris = Datasets.list(repoUri.toString());\n\n verify(repo, times(2)).getUri(); // called in @Before and Datasets.list\n verify(repo).namespaces();\n verify(repo).datasets(\"ns\");\n verifyNoMoreInteractions(repo);\n\n Assert.assertEquals(expected, datasetUris);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication) { verifier = Optional.ofNullable(verifier).orElse(new MacSigner(signingKey)); //是否无效true表示无效 boolean invalid = Boolean.TRUE; try { Jwt jwt = getJwt(authentication); jwt.verifySignature(verifier); invalid = Boolean.FALSE; } catch (InvalidSignatureException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { log.warn("user token has expired or signature error "); } return invalid; }
@Test public void testInvalidJwtAccessToken_假如有人获取用户token_当输入token去掉了signature_那么返回true表示token无效() { String authentication = BEARER + "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ"; Assert.assertTrue(authService.invalidJwtAccessToken(authentication)); }
[ "orElse", "ofNullable", "getJwt", "verifySignature", "warn" ]
[ "assertTrue", "invalidJwtAccessToken" ]
{ "class_fields": "@InjectMocks\n IAuthService authService;\n@Mock\n AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final String VALID_TOKEN = \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE\";\nprivate static final String BEARER = \"bearer \";", "class_name": "AuthServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final int BEARER_BEGIN_INDEX = 7;\n@Value(\"${}\")\n private String signingKey;\n@Value(\"${gate.ignore.authentication.startWith}\")\n private String ignoreUrls = \"/oauth\";\nprivate MacSigner verifier;", "class_name": "AuthService implements IAuthService", "method_signatures": "@Override public Result authenticate(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean ignoreAuthentication(String url)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(Result authResult)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication)\n@Override public Jwt getJwt(String authentication)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/main/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AuthService implements IAuthService\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final int BEARER_BEGIN_INDEX = 7;\n@Value(\"${}\")\n private String signingKey;\n@Value(\"${gate.ignore.authentication.startWith}\")\n private String ignoreUrls = \"/oauth\";\nprivate MacSigner verifier;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Result authenticate(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean ignoreAuthentication(String url)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(Result authResult)\n@Override public boolean hasPermission(String authentication, String url, String method)\n@Override public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication)\n@Override public Jwt getJwt(String authentication)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AuthServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: @InjectMocks\n IAuthService authService;\n@Mock\n AuthProvider authProvider;\nprivate static final String VALID_TOKEN = \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.l6PQrs98zT40H6Ad4NHE7NSXyeWnMn-ZhURw3zO-EfE\";\nprivate static final String BEARER = \"bearer \";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/main/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean invalidJwtAccessToken(String authentication) {\n verifier = Optional.ofNullable(verifier).orElse(new MacSigner(signingKey));\n //是否无效true表示无效\n boolean invalid = Boolean.TRUE;\n\n try {\n Jwt jwt = getJwt(authentication);\n jwt.verifySignature(verifier);\n invalid = Boolean.FALSE;\n } catch (InvalidSignatureException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {\n log.warn(\"user token has expired or signature error \");\n }\n return invalid;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jetfire-auth/jetfire-authentication-client/src/test/java/com/springboot/cloud/auth/client/service/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testInvalidJwtAccessToken_假如有人获取用户token_当输入token去掉了signature_那么返回true表示token无效() {\n String authentication = BEARER + \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX25hbWUiOiJ6aG91dGFvbyIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiXSwib3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIjoiemhvdXRhb28iLCJleHAiOjE1Mjc0NTM5NDQsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIkFETUlOIiwiSVQiXSwianRpIjoiZTZiNzM5ZmUtYWEzZC00Y2RmLWIxZjUtNzZkMmVlMjU0ODU1IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ\";\n Assert.assertTrue(authService.invalidJwtAccessToken(authentication));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void createOrMigrateSchema(String tableName, String entitySchemaString, boolean createTableAndFamilies) throws InterruptedException { boolean migrationRequired = prepareManagedSchema(tableName, entitySchemaString); if (migrationRequired && createTableAndFamilies) { try { HTableDescriptor descriptor = prepareTableDescriptor(tableName, entitySchemaString); if (hbaseAdmin.isTableAvailable(tableName)) { modifyTable(tableName, descriptor); } else { createTable(descriptor); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new DatasetException(e); } } }
@Test public void testMigrateSchema() throws Exception { tool.createOrMigrateSchema(tableName, simpleSchema, true); Dao<SimpleHBaseRecord> dao = new SpecificAvroDao<SimpleHBaseRecord>( tablePool, tableName, "SimpleHBaseRecord", manager); testBasicOperations(dao); }
[ "prepareManagedSchema", "prepareTableDescriptor", "isTableAvailable", "modifyTable", "createTable" ]
[ "createOrMigrateSchema", "testBasicOperations" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String managedTableName = \"managed_schemas\";\nprivate static String tableName;\nprivate static File simpleSchemaFile;\nprivate static String simpleSchema;\nprivate HTablePool tablePool;\nprivate SchemaManager manager;\nprivate SchemaTool tool;", "class_name": "SchemaToolTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int MAX_SECOND_WAIT_FOR_TABLE_CREATION = 600;\nprivate static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaTool.class);\nprivate static final String CLASSPATH_PREFIX = \"classpath:\";\nprivate static final AvroKeyEntitySchemaParser parser = new AvroKeyEntitySchemaParser();\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = mapper.getJsonFactory();\nprivate final SchemaManager schemaManager;\nprivate final HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin;", "class_name": "SchemaTool", "method_signatures": "public SchemaTool(HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin, SchemaManager entityManager)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchemaDirectory(String schemaDirectory,\n boolean createTableAndFamilies)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchemaFile(String tableName,\n String entitySchemaFilePath, boolean createTableAndFamilies)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchemaFile(String tableName,\n File entitySchemaFile, boolean createTableAndFamilies)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchema(String tableName, String entitySchemaString,\n boolean createTableAndFamilies)\nprivate boolean prepareManagedSchema(String tableName,\n String entitySchemaString)\nprivate HTableDescriptor prepareTableDescriptor(String tableName,\n String entitySchemaString)\nprivate void createTables(Collection<HTableDescriptor> tableDescriptors)\nprivate void modifyTable(String tableName, HTableDescriptor newDescriptor)\nprivate void createTable(HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor)\nprivate String getSchemaStringFromFile(File schemaFile)\nprivate List<String> getTablesFromSchemaString(String schema)\nprivate String getEntityNameFromSchemaString(String schema)\nprivate List<String> getSchemaStringsFromDir(File dir)\nprivate List<String> getSchemaStringsFromJar(String jarPath,\n String directoryPath)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/tool/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SchemaTool\n\nclass_fields: private static final int MAX_SECOND_WAIT_FOR_TABLE_CREATION = 600;\nprivate static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaTool.class);\nprivate static final String CLASSPATH_PREFIX = \"classpath:\";\nprivate static final AvroKeyEntitySchemaParser parser = new AvroKeyEntitySchemaParser();\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = mapper.getJsonFactory();\nprivate final SchemaManager schemaManager;\nprivate final HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin;\n\nmethod_signatures: public SchemaTool(HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin, SchemaManager entityManager)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchemaDirectory(String schemaDirectory,\n boolean createTableAndFamilies)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchemaFile(String tableName,\n String entitySchemaFilePath, boolean createTableAndFamilies)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchemaFile(String tableName,\n File entitySchemaFile, boolean createTableAndFamilies)\npublic void createOrMigrateSchema(String tableName, String entitySchemaString,\n boolean createTableAndFamilies)\nprivate boolean prepareManagedSchema(String tableName,\n String entitySchemaString)\nprivate HTableDescriptor prepareTableDescriptor(String tableName,\n String entitySchemaString)\nprivate void createTables(Collection<HTableDescriptor> tableDescriptors)\nprivate void modifyTable(String tableName, HTableDescriptor newDescriptor)\nprivate void createTable(HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor)\nprivate String getSchemaStringFromFile(File schemaFile)\nprivate List<String> getTablesFromSchemaString(String schema)\nprivate String getEntityNameFromSchemaString(String schema)\nprivate List<String> getSchemaStringsFromDir(File dir)\nprivate List<String> getSchemaStringsFromJar(String jarPath,\n String directoryPath)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SchemaToolTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String managedTableName = \"managed_schemas\";\nprivate static String tableName;\nprivate static File simpleSchemaFile;\nprivate static String simpleSchema;\nprivate HTablePool tablePool;\nprivate SchemaManager manager;\nprivate SchemaTool tool;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/main/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/tool/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void createOrMigrateSchema(String tableName, String entitySchemaString,\n boolean createTableAndFamilies) throws InterruptedException {\n boolean migrationRequired = prepareManagedSchema(tableName,\n entitySchemaString);\n if (migrationRequired && createTableAndFamilies) {\n try {\n HTableDescriptor descriptor = prepareTableDescriptor(tableName,\n entitySchemaString);\n if (hbaseAdmin.isTableAvailable(tableName)) {\n modifyTable(tableName, descriptor);\n } else {\n createTable(descriptor);\n }\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new DatasetException(e);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n kite-data/kite-data-hbase/src/test/java/org/kitesdk/data/hbase/tool/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testMigrateSchema() throws Exception {\n tool.createOrMigrateSchema(tableName, simpleSchema, true);\n\n Dao<SimpleHBaseRecord> dao = new SpecificAvroDao<SimpleHBaseRecord>(\n tablePool, tableName, \"SimpleHBaseRecord\", manager);\n testBasicOperations(dao);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) { Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage(); if (page == null) { return false; } ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver(); Template template = page.getTemplate(); if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) { return false; } // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath(); String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + "/" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + "/" + JCR_CONTENT; String resourcePathInStructure = null; if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + "/")) { resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath; } else { // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) { resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage; } } if (resourcePathInStructure == null) { return false; } Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure); if (resourceInStructure == null) { return false; } return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false); }
@Test void testPageWithEditableTemplate_EditableComponent() { Page page = context.create().page("/content/mypage", editableTemplate.getPath()); Resource resource = page.getContentResource(editableComponentStructure.getName()); context.currentResource(resource); assertFalse(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request()))); EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class); assertFalse(model.isEditRestricted()); }
[ "getPage", "getResourceResolver", "getResource", "getTemplate", "isPageInTemplateDefinition", "isEditableTemplate", "getPath", "getResource", "getPath", "startsWith", "substringAfter", "getPath", "getContentResource", "isNotEmpty", "getResource", "get", "getValueMap" ]
[ "page", "create", "getPath", "getContentResource", "getName", "currentResource", "assertFalse", "isEditRestricted", "getComponentContext", "request", "notNull", "request", "assertFalse", "isEditRestricted" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;", "class_name": "EditableTemplateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";", "class_name": "EditableTemplate", "method_signatures": "private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EditableTemplate\n\nclass_fields: static final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_INITIAL = \"initial\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE = \"structure\";\nstatic final String NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_POLICIES = \"policies\";\nstatic final String PN_EDITABLE = \"editable\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private EditableTemplate()\npublic static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext)\nprivate static boolean isEditableTemplate(@NotNull Template template)\nprivate static boolean isPageInTemplateDefinition(Page page)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EditableTemplateTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = \"/conf/app1/settings/wcm/templates/template1\";\nprivate final AemContext context = AppAemContext.newAemContext();\nprivate Resource editableTemplate;\nprivate Resource classicTemplate;\nprivate Resource editableComponentInitial;\nprivate Resource editableComponentStructure;\nprivate Resource lockedComponentStructure;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file commons/src/main/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean isEditRestricted(@NotNull ComponentContext wcmComponentContext) {\n Page page = wcmComponentContext.getPage();\n if (page == null) {\n return false;\n }\n ResourceResolver resourceResolver = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getResourceResolver();\n Template template = page.getTemplate();\n\n if (template == null || isPageInTemplateDefinition(page) || !isEditableTemplate(template)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // check if the current resource path already points to a structure path in the editable template\n String resourcePath = wcmComponentContext.getResource().getPath();\n String templateStructurePath = template.getPath() + \"/\" + NN_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE + \"/\" + JCR_CONTENT;\n String resourcePathInStructure = null;\n if (StringUtils.startsWith(resourcePath, templateStructurePath + \"/\")) {\n resourcePathInStructure = resourcePath;\n }\n else {\n // resource path points to the current page, build structure path from path in page\n String relativePathInPage = StringUtils.substringAfter(resourcePath, page.getContentResource().getPath());\n if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativePathInPage)) {\n resourcePathInStructure = templateStructurePath + relativePathInPage;\n }\n }\n if (resourcePathInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n Resource resourceInStructure = resourceResolver.getResource(resourcePathInStructure);\n if (resourceInStructure == null) {\n return false;\n }\n return !resourceInStructure.getValueMap().get(PN_EDITABLE, false);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n commons/src/test/java/io/wcm/wcm/commons/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testPageWithEditableTemplate_EditableComponent() {\n Page page = context.create().page(\"/content/mypage\", editableTemplate.getPath());\n Resource resource = page.getContentResource(editableComponentStructure.getName());\n context.currentResource(resource);\n assertFalse(isEditRestricted(WCMUtils.getComponentContext(context.request())));\n\n EditableTemplateSupport model = AdaptTo.notNull(context.request(), EditableTemplateSupport.class);\n assertFalse(model.isEditRestricted());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]